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Tevet 4 5781/December 18th & 19th, 2020 Parshat Miketz WEEKDAY DAVENING December 20th– 25th Shacharit Sun, Fri 7, 8am Mon, Thurs, 6:20, 7:20am Tues, Wed 6:30, 7:30am Mincha/Maariv Sun 4:15pm Mincha Mon–Thurs 1:15pm Maariv Mon– Thurs 7:30pm December 25th Candle Lighng 4:16pm WEEKLY BRIEF Shabbat Schedule Candle Lighng 4:12pm Mincha/Maariv 4:15pm Shabbat Morning Sof Zman Kriyat Shma 9:35am Shacharit- Beit Midrash 7am Social Hall 8:30am Main Shul 9am Shabbat Groups 10:30am (Parking Lot) Shabbat Aſternoon Mincha- Main Sanctuary 4pm Talmud Shiur Terry Novetsky Between Mincha and Maariv Maariv- Main Sanctuary 5:05pm Shabbat Ends 5:13pm Parent Child Learning 6:15pm A Message from Rabbi Adler Chaveireinu HaYikarim, I hope everyone is healthy and successfully navigated the storm. If one reviews Sefer Bereishit, one noces a mixture of reality and dreams. On the one hand, we read that Yaakov was concerned with making a living ונתן לי לחם לאכול ובגד ללבוש .We read about the wars Avraham waged against his enemies. Yaakov engages in outsmarng his father-in-law, the poster boy for decepon and fraud. We learn about people who are supposedly friends but yet Avimelech makes life for Sara incredibly challenging. But yet, we read about Avraham’s dreams as the map of the Galut in Egypt unfolds. Yaakov dreamed about seeing angels from heaven coming up and down. At mes, these dreams and reality operate on a disnct path as separate and at mes, they intersect. The Gemara (Berachot 14A) states כל הלן שבעת ימים בלא חלום נקרא רע ,a reality without any dreams is a poor quality reality. Somemes, there are signs delivered in dreams and we don’t recognize the symbolism of גלותand גאולה. והם לא הכירו ו . ויכר יוסף את אחיוWhen Yosef’s brothers bow down to Yosef, he understood that that his brothers are fulfilling the dreams that he had and that the brothers thought that they were bowing down to the viceroy of Mitzrayim. We too oſten miss the signs of galut life and redempon symbols. But oſten, dreams allow us to recognize images that cannot actually occur in reality. Skinny cows swallowing fat cows while they remain skinny allow us to believe that HKBH will enable us to defeat the Greeks on Chanukah גיבורים ביד חלשים. רבים ביד מעטיםRav Kook said this is the reason Dovid HaMelech says בשוב ה׳ את שיבת. היינו כחול מיםAnd we survive today in Medinat Yisrael as dreamers as we interpret this dream as recognizing an independent naon with Torah in every corner and צה״לprotecng every cizen . So, keep on dreaming. Shabbat Shalom Yosef Adler
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Tevet 4 5781/December 18th & 19th, 2020 Parshat Miketz


December 20th– 25th

Shacharit Sun, Fri 7, 8am Mon, Thurs, 6:20, 7:20am Tues, Wed 6:30, 7:30am Mincha/Maariv Sun 4:15pm Mincha Mon–Thurs 1:15pm Maariv Mon– Thurs 7:30pm December 25th Candle Lighting 4:16pm

WEEKLY BRIEF Shabbat Schedule Candle Lighting 4:12pm Mincha/Maariv 4:15pm Shabbat Morning Sof Zman Kriyat Shma 9:35am Shacharit- Beit Midrash 7am Social Hall 8:30am Main Shul 9am Shabbat Groups 10:30am (Parking Lot) Shabbat Afternoon Mincha- Main Sanctuary 4pm Talmud Shiur Terry Novetsky Between Mincha and Maariv Maariv- Main Sanctuary 5:05pm Shabbat Ends 5:13pm Parent Child Learning 6:15pm

A Message from Rabbi Adler

Chaveireinu HaYikarim,

I hope everyone is healthy and successfully

navigated the storm. If one reviews Sefer

Bereishit, one notices a mixture of reality and

dreams. On the one hand, we read that Yaakov

was concerned with making a living ונתן לי לחם

We read about the wars Avraham waged against his לאכול ובגד ללבוש .

enemies. Yaakov engages in outsmarting his father-in-law, the poster boy

for deception and fraud. We learn about people who are supposedly

friends but yet Avimelech makes life for Sara incredibly challenging. But

yet, we read about Avraham’s dreams as the map of the Galut in Egypt

unfolds. Yaakov dreamed about seeing angels from heaven coming up

and down. At times, these dreams and reality operate on a distinct path

as separate and at times, they intersect. The Gemara (Berachot 14A)

states , כל הלן שבעת ימים בלא חלום נקרא רע a reality without any

dreams is a poor quality reality. Sometimes, there are signs delivered in

dreams and we don’t recognize the symbolism of גלות and .גאולה

When Yosef’s brothers bow down to ויכר יוסף את אחיו והם לא הכירו ו .

Yosef, he understood that that his brothers are fulfilling the dreams that

he had and that the brothers thought that they were bowing down to

the viceroy of Mitzrayim. We too often miss the signs of galut life and

redemption symbols. But often, dreams allow us to recognize images

that cannot actually occur in reality. Skinny cows swallowing fat cows

while they remain skinny allow us to believe that HKBH will enable us to

defeat the Greeks on Chanukah .רבים ביד מעטים גיבורים ביד חלשים

Rav Kook said this is the reason Dovid HaMelech says בשוב ה׳ את שיבת

And we survive today in Medinat Yisrael as dreamers as היינו כחול מים .

we interpret this dream as recognizing an independent nation with Torah

in every corner and צה״ל protecting every citizen . So, keep on


Shabbat Shalom

Yosef Adler

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RINAT ROUNDUP I hope you had a good week and enjoyable Chanukah, and did not have too much trouble from the snowstorm. As the weather gets colder, we are looking into the logistics of adding another indoor minyan. Please check the website

calendar to see any minyan updates. Our current weekly Shacharit minyanim are at 6:20am / 6:30am and 7:20am / 7:30am, the Mincha minyan is 1:15 pm and Maariv is at 7:30pm.

This Shabbat we will be having groups, outdoors, on the paved parking lot. After Shabbat we will be having parent child learning on Zoom followed by a raffle. Sunday morning at 9:30am, Rabbi Wiener will be giving his weekly Parsha shiur with the youth in grades 3-6. Adult Ed is bringing us a great weekend of online programming: Motzei Shabbat at 9:00pm Linda Levi, with the JDC, will bring two short films, Sunday morning is the Tenement Museum Tour (by reservation only), and Monday evening at 9:00pm Jennifer Rosner will be speaking on her book "The Yellow Bird Sings."

All the regular weekly shiurim and classes are taking place at their usual scheduled times. Please mark your calendars for the monthly blood drive, taking place December 29 at Rinat. As the calendar year comes to a close, if you have outstanding balances for the shul, please make payment. Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom, Bina

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Indoor Weekday Minyanim Shacharit Sunday, December 20th - 7am Beit Midrash/8am Main Sanctuary Monday, December 21st - 6:20am Main Sanctuary/7:20am Beit Midrash Tuesday, December 22nd- 6:30am Main Sanctuary/7:30am Beit Midrash Wednesday, December 23rd- 6:30am Main Sanctuary/7:30am Beit Midrash Thursday, December 24th- 6:20am Main Sanctuary/7:20am Beit Midrash Friday, December 25th - 7am Main Sanctuary/8am Beit Midrash Mincha/Maariv Sunday, December 20th - 4:15pm Main Sanctuary Mincha Monday, December 21st - Thursday, December 24th - 1:15pm Main Sanctuary Maariv Monday, December 21st - Thursday, December 24th- 7:30pm Main Sanctuary To register, go to https://www.rinat.org/weekdayminyan.

CONDOLENCES Seth Peyser on the loss of his beloved father, Pincus Peyser, z”l. Shiva has concluded. He can be reached by cell at 570-977-3716. To send a card through NEROT, please contact Carrie Cooper at [email protected] May the Peyser family be comforted among the mourners of Tzion v'Yerushalayim.

WEEKLY BRIEF SPONSORSHIP Mitchell Esral, Talia, Etana, and Nurit in commemoration of the 9th yahrzeit of late wife and mother, Naomi Esral, a”h, נעמי בת הרב אלתר שמחה הלוי ואסתר on the 4th of Tevet, Shabbat, December 19th, 2020.

MAZAL TOV Rose & Noah Burstein on the engagement of their daughter, Lauren to Avi Faitelewicz. Tammy & Kenny Secemski on the birth of a granddaughter, born to Efrat & David Ferber.

LEARNING SPONSORSHIP 5th-11th of Tevet David Berger in memory of Isaiah Berger, z”l.

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Shabbat, December 18th, 10:30– 11:30am. Shabbat groups are back in the shul's "grand outdoor space." N/PK– 5th grade groups. Davening, Parsha, games, with prepackaged snacks to go! Each group will be limited to 10 children. All children will need to wear a mask. Sign up is mandatory. Go to www.rinat.org/youthgroups#. Motzei Shabbat, December 19th, 6:15pm. Parent/Child Learning is back, on Zoom! Enjoy a Parsha Kahoot and get entered into a raffle to win one of five Amazon gift cards. Families who come 8 or more times get a free pizza. Sponsored this week by Miriam & Josh Goldsmith, in commemoration of the 15th yahrzeit of their beloved grandmother/great grandmother, Pearl Kaufmann, z”l. May her neshama have an aliyah. To join, go to https://zoom.us/j/4653630025 password 8372795. To sponsor, go to https://www.rinat.org/form/Parent-Child-Learning-Sponsorship Sunday, December 20th, 9:30am, Parsha with Rabbi Wiener for 3rd-6th grade boys/girls https://zoom.us/j/3878128127.


Daf Yomi, Sunday—Friday, 7:30am, Motzei Shabbat 6:30pm WhatsApp group https://chat.whatsapp.com/BTaIOz3RSdq7u79DF2A5E9 Mishna Yomit, Monday—Friday, 20 minutes before Shacharit, Sunday 7:50am. All are welcome to join in the Beit Midrash with social distancing and wearing masks. For those who prefer to join remotely the link is http://zoom.us/j/5132696991 Passcode: RinatUlpan Rabbi Wiener’s Daf Yomi, Monday-Thursday, 8pm. https://zoom.us/j/3878128127 Amud Yomi, Motzei Shabbat 9:30pm— https://zoom.us/j/4653630025 password 8372795. Motzei Shabbat, December 19th, 7pm– Beginner/intermediate Ulpan Class Series with Keren Ashram. 8 class series. To register, go to https://www.rinat.org/adult-education-ulpan-class#. Motzei Shabbat, December 19th, 9pm– JDC Film Night with Linda Levi. https://zoom.us/j/95591912618, Password 703474 Sunday, December 20th, 10am– Lower East Side Tenement Museum Virtual Tour. Registration is full. To be added to the waitlist, e-mail [email protected]. Monday, December 21st, 8pm– Rabbi Adler’s Gemara Shiur https://zoom.us/j/4066308747 Monday, December 21st, 8:15pm- Rabbi Avi Heller’s Getting Great at Gemara. For more details, go to https://tinyurl.com/y6cu7cod. To join, go to https://zoom.us/j/9386599293 Monday, December 21st, 9pm– Book Discussion with Jennifer Rosner, author of “The Yellow Bird Sings.” https://zoom.us/j/4653630025 password 8372795. Tuesday, December 22nd, 2pm- Leah Silver’s Siddur v'Sidra. Virtual class. To join the class, go to https://chat.whatsapp.com/IQqNOA4O5Kj1TQXMXmPXjR . Sponsored in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Leah’s mother, Hindel Bat Elyakim HaCohen, z"l. Wednesday, December 23rd, 12:15pm– Rabbi Adler’s Women’s Chumash Shiur https://zoom.us/j/4066308747 Wednesday, December 23rd, 8pm– Rabbi Adler’s Women’s Gemara Shiur https://zoom.us/j/4066308747 Thursday, December 24th, 8pm– Parshat Hashavua Shiur, Rabbi Tully Harcsztark. Sponsored by Rella Feldman & Curtiss Pulitzer and family in memory of Dr. Charles Feldman, z”l on his 9th yahrzeit. https://zoom.us/j/4653630025 password 8372795. Sunday, December 27th, 10am– Naomi Schacter and Raquel Ukeles from the National Library of Israel. “ What do Hannah Senesh, the Rambam, Franz Kafka and Mayy Ziadeh have in common? Introducing the National Library of Israel.” https://zoom.us/j/4653630025 password 8372795. Motzei Shabbat, January 2nd, 8:30pm– Eve Krakowski, “Maimonides and the Miqveh in Egypt.” https://zoom.us/j/4653630025 password 8372795. Sunday, January 3rd, 31st and February 15th, 9:30am– Rav Yoel Bin-Nun Shiur Series. https://zoom.us/j/4653630025 password 8372795. Sponsored by Shari & Bernie Stahl. Thursday, Jan 7th 7:30pm - Keren Ashram Advanced Ulpan Class Winter Semester – to register go to https://www.rinat.org/form/keren-ashram-winter-ulpan-series-advanced.html. Sunday, January 10th, 9:30am– Sandee Brawarsky, W. Daniel McDonald and Yaffy Newman. “Voices of our Community: Being Black and Modern Orthodox.” https://zoom.us/j/4653630025 password 8372795. Sunday, January 17th, 9:30am– David Olivestone. “Chazanut: Shul or Show” Sponsored by Joan Enker, Mati & Aaron Friedman, the Gitler Family, Rachel & Paul Glasser, Joseph & Sharon Penkower Kaplan and Suzie & Gerald Kirshenbaum. https://zoom.us/j/4653630025 password 8372795. Sunday, January 17th, 8pm– Book Discussion with Tikvah Wiener. Space is limited to 20 participants. To register, go to https://www.rinat.org/form/tikvah-wiener-book-discussion.html. For recordings of recent webinars/shiurim, go to.https://www.rinat.org/rinatwebinars#. To sponsor adult education programs, go to https://www.rinat.org/form/Adult-Education%20sponsorship.html


Please include in your tefilot IDF soldiers from the Rinat family currently serving in the IDF: Dael Bejar, Chana Brody, Lior Chasid, Shira Gelb, Meital Gitler, Eitan Klavan, Menachem Klavan, Leora Kohn, Zachary Kohn, Asher Krohn, Dovi Kwalbrun, Raanan Kwalbrun, Shevy Schwartz, Tzvi Silver, Asher Stein and Yael Zaretsky. Please email [email protected], to add a name to this list.

Acting As If: The Power of Pretending in Times https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z0oqFGvJOuKqIsFcMCn-

NEROT Feldenkrais lessons for posture, calm and wellness continue-note the new schedule. Mondays, 8-9pm, Tuesday– Friday, 11:30am-12:30pm. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5864270795?pwd=Z0VpaVRkaDNMTzFjeGEvVHltOTFBQT09 Classes are open for teens through seniors for improving posture, coordination and balance. Tuesday’s classes will take place in chairs. Other classes take place on the floor. Contact Joyce Bendavid by email for further information: [email protected].

ADULT EDUCATION WHATSAPP GROUPS Rabbi Adler’s WhatsApp shiur—on Raayanot HaTefilah— sign up at https://chat.whatsapp.com/EDRHwMguJckJOhqmVYtWZD Rabbi Wiener’s WhatsApp shiur—Pithy Parsha Perspectives— sign up at https://chat.whatsapp.com/K24ld8V26Ik2OzhFpNL2cN. Rabbi Wiener’s WhatsApp shiur– Sharpening Shemirat Shabbat- A short weekly audio snippet Practical advice on halachot to enhance our Shabbat observance. Posted once a week each Thursday. Sign up at https://bit.ly/3iVsuYm or send a WhatsApp request to 617-913-8145. You must have WhatsApp installed to join this group. To sponsor, go to https://www.rinat.org/form/rabbi-wieners-sharpening-shemirat-Shabbat Adult Education’s Upcoming Events Whatsapp group- https://chat.whatsapp.com/J1JESU6Uzje1AIos32Ic75

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Backyard Minyan Locator: In order to facilitate individuals looking to join a developing minyan, or for hosts looking for more participants, we're providing a roster of established minyanim in the neighborhood. These are private, independent minyanim that are not under the auspices of Rinat. As a service to the kehilla, we are sending out this roster. If you wish to add a minyan to the list, please send an email to [email protected]. If you're looking for more information about these minyanim, please be in touch with the minyan contact listed. Reminder that, as per RCBC guidelines, minyanim have begun and will observe all of the protocols outlined in previous Rinat communications. https://images.shulcloud.com/443/uploads/Gabbai/BackyardMinyanLocator.pdf. For a list of current backyard minyanim, go to https://www.rinat.org/backyardminyan

WEEKLY PUBLICATION To access this week’s Israel Report, go to https://tinyurl.com/y8va7rra. To access this week’s Linzer Report, go to https://library.yctorah.org/2020/12/covid-and-clothing/. To access this week’s San Weingard comic, go to https://tinyurl.com/y7fe6obb.

Mikvah Update Teaneck Mikvah Winter Hours The Teaneck Mikvah will open nightly at 7:00pm with the last appointment slot at 9:20pm. Mikvah usage is BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Walk-ins not accepted at this time. The appointment system closes daily at 5:30 pm for that night's appointments. All preparations must be done at home, including showering. For more information and to book an appointment, please visit teaneckmikvah.com. Keylim Mikvah Hours - Sunday Hours included With the guidance of medical professionals and the RCBC, the Teaneck Keylim Mikvah is open, for self service by APPOINTMENT ONLY, for the hours of 8:00-2:00 Monday through Friday and from 8:00-1:00 on Sunday. Please go to teaneckmikvah.com to book your appointment.

Rinat face masks on sale now for $10! To purchase your mask, go to https://www.rinat.org/form/nerot-mask-sale.html or visit the Rinat office.

Tuesday, December 29th, 1-7pm– Blood Drive at Congregation Rinat Yisrael. To schedule an appointment, go to www.nybc.org/donate and use Group Code 66985. Appointments preferred but walk-ins allowed if capacity permits.

YEAR END REMINDER With the end of the calendar year approaching, please consider reviewing your Rinat account for any open balances. Payments can be made by credit card or e-check at www.rinat.org, or by check. Please contact the office (via billing at [email protected] or by phone at (201) 837-2795, ext. 102) if you have any questions.

Do you have a son or daughter currently studying in Israel? Would they like to share their experience with a d’var torah? Please send submissions to [email protected].

Hakarat Hatov Nissan Clark, Douglas Dubitsky and Gail Novetsky, our minyan captains for helping to secure a healthy, safe environment for our congregants each Shabbat. When registering for Shabbat minyanim , please consider volunteering as a minyan captain. For additional information, e-mail [email protected]

AMA (Ask Me Anything) with Yoetzet Halacha Tova Warburg Sinensky Sunday, December 20th, 8:30– 9:15pm- Make a warm drink and join our community of women to hear what’s on everyone’s mind about Taharat Hamishpacha and adjacent areas of women’s physical and mental health. To join, go to https://zoom.us/j/4653630025, Password 8372795

If you have borrowed a Sefer from Rinat, please return it to the Beit Midrash.

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