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Welcome to Reception at Sudbury Primary School Please turn off mobile phones.

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Welcome to Reception Welcome to Reception at Sudbury Primary at Sudbury Primary School School Please turn off mobile Please turn off mobile phones phones
Page 1: Welcome to Reception at Sudbury Primary School Please turn off mobile phones.

Welcome to ReceptionWelcome to Receptionat Sudbury Primary Schoolat Sudbury Primary SchoolPlease turn off mobile Please turn off mobile


Welcome to ReceptionWelcome to Receptionat Sudbury Primary Schoolat Sudbury Primary SchoolPlease turn off mobile Please turn off mobile


Page 2: Welcome to Reception at Sudbury Primary School Please turn off mobile phones.

The Reception Class Teachers


• Buttercups Class: Mr. Roper – (Reception Year Leader)

• Honeybees Class: Mrs. Vithlani & Mrs. Towndrow

• Stars Class: Mrs. Fernandez• Sunflowers Class: Mrs. O’Connell

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Working together in harmony to develop

confident, well-educated learners with healthy minds

and bodies, who are independent, resilient,

motivated and committed to lifelong learning

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Creating harmony through:•RESPECT – Respecting diversity, showing tolerance and valuing individuals.•RESPONSIBILITY – Being accountable for and reflecting on one’s actions and decisions.•INTEGRITY – Being honest, trustworthy and courageous to do the right thing.•COMPASSION – Caring through our actions and words, tempered with fairness and justice for all.•HUMILITY – The courage to admit when one is wrong, admit when one does not know the answer, and recognise when one’s ideas are not always the best.

Schools are required to demonstrate how we tackle extremism and promote community cohesion. Our values are shared concepts amongst all religions, showing our children that although we are all different, we all share principles.We actively show children that all beliefs and cultures have equal value. •Each year we visit different places of worship (including our Year 3 Christmas assembly in St Andrew’s church) and encourage all children to attend.•We invite visitors from different faith groups to speak to the children about their beliefs.•International evening.•The countries project.•RE & collective worship lessons.•Flags We are a multi-faith school and love to learn and understand each others ideas and beliefs. We need your support in ensuring our children grow up learning to show respect to the beliefs of others.

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The School Rules At Sudbury Primary School we

expect all children to :1. Follow instructions immediately.2. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.3. Always use a quiet voice.4. Work hard and put your hand up if you

need attention.5. Call everyone by their correct name.6. Please tidy your workspace.


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Class DojoPositive Behaviours

School Values

Good Effort

Working Hard

On Task


Helping Others

Team Work


Good Playtime

Good Lunchtime

100% Attendance

Needs Work Behaviours School Values

Off Task


Talking out of turn

Not Following Instructions

Inadequate Work

Disruptive Behaviour

Assaulted Pupil


Racist Incident

Homophobic Incident

Damaged Property

Playtime Incident

Lunchtime Incident

No Homework

No P.E Kit

Rewards:20 points – sticker/certificate from class teacher40 points – sticker/certificate from Year Leader60 points – sticker from Deputy Head (Mrs Mistry)80 points – certificate from Deputy Head (Mrs Mistry)100 points – sticker/certificate from Headteacher (Ms Pandya) Sanctions:x3 in one day – send to a parallel class. x4 in one day – send to Year Leader. x5 in one day – send to Deputy Head.

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E.Y.F.S: Children learn through play linked to the seven Curriculum

areas of learning, The three Prime areas: • Personal Social and Emotional Development (PSED)• Communication and Language (C&L)• Physical Development (PD)The four Specific areas: • Literacy (L)• Mathematics (M)• Understanding the World (UW)• Expressive Arts and Design (EAD)

These 7 areas are met through indoor and outdoor play, where free choice is encouraged.

Outdoor play is encouraged during all weather conditions so please ensure your children are dressed appropriately. Please bring named Wellington Boots in in a plastic bag.

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Themes of the New Curriculum:Date Theme Buzz week

Autumn 1

(All About Me)

Healthy lifestyles*Black History

monthwill take place in


Mind, body and soul day

Autumn 2

(Festivals and Celebrations)

Back in time Back in time day

Spring 1(Toys and Games)

Environment and sustainability

Green day

Spring 2(Houses and

Homes/ London)

Countries Project* Science Day

Travelling week

Summer 1(Living Things)

Everyone a reader

Bookworms day

Summer 2(Journeys and


World of work/ achievement

Take one picture Art


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Assessment 2015-16• New National Curriculum 2014 - levels have been removed and are not being replaced.• Teachers will continue to track pupils’ progress and will report to parents during Parent’s

Evening on this.• As well as daily tracking, your child will be tested at three stages throughout the year, w/c

19th October 2015, 8th February 2016 and 13th June 2016.• Children will be assessed, using the National Curriculum, to find out whether they are

working at the standard expected for their age (Their Age Related Expectation - ARE)

• 3 assessment categories:- Emerging - your child is not currently attaining at the year group’s ARE and is working towards them.- Expectant - your child is currently attaining the year group’s ARE.- Exceeding – your child is currently attaining higher than the year group’s expectations.

• Year 2 and Year 6 will take the SATs as normal (Reading, Writing, Maths and Grammar) and will be given an assessment category at the end of the year.

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Things your child will need for school

• Red Book bags need to come to school EVERYDAY for guided reading books and to share letters with you. If you have a reply can you ensure it is given to your child instead of being left in the book bag as there is limited time for teachers to check every book bag and we want to give more responsibility to the children.

• Full school uniform including black sensible shoes. EVERYTHING SHOULD BE LABELLED!

• Labelled P.E kits need to come to school at the beginning of the year and they should stay at school, they will be used as a change of clothes and for PE and will be sent home when dirty.

• Please label your child’s book-bags, PE kits as well as whole school uniforms and ensure your children can recognise their own name.

• Velcro fastening shoes would be most appropriate as many children cannot do up their own laces.

• Your child will only need their red book bag. No additional bags are needed. Children should not bring in rucksacks. Named Water Bottles should not be put in book-bags.

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Support your child at home

• Reading – Reading is a key area this year in Reception. It is vital that you support your children at home. Guided reading books will be given out weekly on a Monday. We will run a workshop to show you ways to support your children at home. We will need a £5 deposit from everyone which will be returned when your child leaves the school. You should try to read daily with your child.

• Practise all the sounds and Reception high frequency words with your children. Every week your child will be given all the sounds and key words learnt that week at school. Please practise at home.

• Please encourage your children to write their names independently, using a capital letter and then lower case.

• Homework - We will inform you weekly about what children have been learning about in school so you can consolidate their learning at home.

• Please join a library with your child its free and they will have access to loads of books.

Try to speak to your child in English at home, alongside your home language to develop their understanding.

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We will be running workshops to help you to support your child at home.

These will include speaking & listening, phonics, guided reading and literacy and numeracy. Please read the newsletters for the dates.

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Healthy School

• Your children are given fruit and milk everyday at school, they do not need snacks in book-bags.

• Children are requested to bring in a bottle of water from home with their name on it.

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• All chocolate bars and chocolate products

• All crisps (except BAKED Crisps)

• Fizzy drinks

• Sugary Drinks (incl. Ribena, Fruit Shoots etc.)

• Cakes, muffins and pastries

• Cereal bars (except Go-Ahead Bars)


Please ensure children •Have a good breakfast before coming to school

•Make healthy food choices

•Bring a water bottle to school

•Exercise regularly

Making Healthy ChoicesOur delicious and healthy salad bar is available for everyone having a school meal. Please speak to your child about the benefits of choosing items from the salad bar at lunchtimes.Did you know…

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How you can help us!!!

• Please inform us about who will be collecting your child. If someone collects your child and they are not on the list that we have you will need to call the office and notify them.

• In the morning children are dropped off at the inner gate and at the end of the day the children will be collected from their classrooms. Please could you form an orderly line outside your classroom.

• We would appreciate any resources that you could offer. For example; old magazines, paper, catalogues, shredded paper, etc.

• Boxes of tissues for those runny noses and winter colds.• You are most welcome to come and help in class in which

ever way you can. For example; story telling, multi-lingual parents and to spend one on one time with children.

• Please read all newsletters as these will tell you up to date information RE: assemblies, important dates, workshops times, parent’s evenings etc.

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Reception Fund• At Sudbury Primary we aspire to enrich

the curriculum with a variety of different resources and activities.

• In order to provide regular cooking and creative activities and to maintain an interesting and engaging environment we kindly ask that you could donate a sum of £30 for the year to our reception fund.

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There are a number of There are a number of waysways

we communicate with we communicate with youyou

There are a number of There are a number of waysways

we communicate with we communicate with youyou

•Via our monthly newsletterVia our monthly newsletter•Via email or Text messagingVia email or Text messaging•Teachers and senior staff are available for Teachers and senior staff are available for a brief chat in the mornings or a better time a brief chat in the mornings or a better time is at home time.is at home time.

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If you need to talk to us…

• Talk to your child’s class teacher in the afternoon and we will arrange a suitable time to discuss any matters.

• If it is something that needs to be sorted out urgently on that day. Please give your child’s teacher a note in the morning when your child arrives to school.

• There may be times when Senior Member of Staff will be present during any meetings that are held regarding your child. This is due to school protocol. We want to remind you that we are all here and happy to help!!!

• Parents Evening will be on

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250 Parents and 457 Pupils completed the questionnaire

Outstanding Good Room for Improvement Requires Attention

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250 Parents and 457 Pupils completed the questionnaire

Outstanding Good Room for Improvement Requires Attention

Let us and OFSTED know what you think about our school through:Parent View (Online questionnaire www.parentview.ofsted.gov.uk)Mrs Mistry’s Parents Surgeries (make an appointment at the school office)Kirkland Rowell survey (sent out to all parents/carers during the Spring/Summer term)

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School Development Plan Key Priorities

Leadership & Management Teaching Learning and Assessment

Embed the new National Curriculum, particularly focusing on Reading, Writing, Maths and Tackling Extremism

All teaching to a minimum of a ‘good’ standard by end of first term at the latest

Standards in Teaching, Learning & Assessment are minimum of ‘Good’ by end of first term.

Further improve the provisions for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Fully implement the Government’s Assessment without Levels agenda

Outcomes for Pupils Personal Development, Behaviour & Welfare

All pupils to make at least expected progress with a significant number making above expected progress.

Extend number of pupil leaders and the variety of areas in which pupils can lead and celebrate their achievements.

Consistent use of Dojo across the school with parental access through log-ins.

Roll out Peer Mediation throughout the school.

Continue with the programme of improvements in the learning environment across the school.

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Last Year’s Non-Uniform Contributions

We had 6 non-uniform days last year and raised a total of:£2133.79

These funds paid for:

The children to watch ‘The Return of Captain Grammaticus’ performed by Quantum Theatre performed

The children to watch ‘ ‘Wind in the Willows’ performed by Wizard Theatre

Subsidising year group educational visits where not enough voluntary contributions were collected to cover costs

This year, would like 3 theatre companies to be able to perform for the children. We can only do this if your child brings their £1 contribution on non-uniform day – Thank you for your support

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We really need your help so we can continue to have wonderful events like these….

Halloween Disco

International Evening

Summer Fayre

Christmas Fayre

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Our new websitewww.sudbury.brent.sch.uk

If parents/ carers wish to take photographs or recordings of school performances, the slip must be signed to guarantee you understand that you are legally responsible and these images will not be posted on social media sites such as….

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Any Questions

