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Welcome to Modena Welcome to Modena A brief guide to the old City Centre Duomo Torre Ghirlandina e piazza Grande Unesco world heritage 1997

Welcometo Modena

Welcometo Modena

A briefguide to theold City Centre

DuomoTorre Ghirlandinae piazza Grande

Unescoworld heritage1997

Estense LibraryIt contains printed books, six-teenth century incunabula, andnumerous miniature codicesfrom the 14th to the 16thcenturies. The most pre-cious text is the famous BorsoD’Este Bible, a masterpiece ofFerrara illuminationwork (15th century).

Estense GalleryThis is among the mostimportant Italian collec-tions and reflects theEste family’s interest inpaintings and sculpture,but also archaeology andthe minor arts. Valuableitems include the marblebust of Francesco I d’Esteby Bernini, the portrait ofFrancesco I by Velasquez,Saint Anthony of Paduaby Cosmè Tura, theMadonna and child byCorreggio, a triptyque by

El Greco and a Crucifix by GuidoReni. The nucleus of Po valley paint-

ings from the fourteenth tothe eighteenth century isoutstanding.

Civic MuseumsThe ArchaeologicalEthnological CivicMuseum contains theearliest evidence of thepresence of human be-ings in the Modena area.Alongside materials fromthe Neolithic era, theCopper Age, the BronzeAge and the first half ofthe Iron Age, evidencemay be seen of Etruscan,Celtic and Gallic rule andof Roman Modena. Theethnological collec-tions include fabrics, or-naments, weapons andceramics from NewGuinea, from pre-Columbian Peru, fromSouth America, Africa

and Asia. In the Civic Art Museumpaintings, ceramics, musical instru-ments, scientific instruments andweapons document the transformationof the city from the Middle Ages to mod-ern times. The Count Gandini collectionof ancient fabrics is exquisite.

CathedralIts construction began in 1099 and theCathedral was consecrated by Pope

Lucio III in 1184. It is one of the greatestmasterpieces of the EuropeanRomanesque due both to Lanfranco’s ar-chitectural structure and to Wiligelmo’ssculptural work. Modifications to theoriginal project were carried out be-tween the 12th and 14th centuries by theCampionesi masters.The façade is divided into three sectionsthat correspond to the naves. Beneaththe rose-window (12th century) there isthe great door sculpted by Wiligelmo,who was also the author of the four stonepanels depicting storiesfrom the Book ofGenesis.On the South side thereis the Princes Door, awork by the so-calledMaestro of SanGeminiano and otherfollowers of Wiligelmo,and the Regia Door(about 1178) in redVeronese marble. Onthe northern side, onthe other hand, there isthe Pescheria Door, evi-dence of the influenceof Burgundy art.Inside the Cathedralone may see, for in-stance, the rood-screen with relief workby Anselmo da Campione (about 1160-1180 circa) and the terracotta nativityscene by Antonio Begarelli of Modena(1527). The crypt contains the tomb ofthe patron Saint Geminiano and theMadonna della pappa in painted terracot-ta by Guido Mazzoni (1480). TheGhirlandina Tower, which had already

been built up to thefifth floor in 1169, wasfinished in 1319 by theCampionesi masters.The tower, 87 metreshigh, has had civicfunctions from thestart. From the towerguards signalled theopening of the citygates and guarded thecoffers of the CityCouncil.

The creation ofAdam and Eveand the originalsin in one ofthe marbleslabs by

Wiligelmo de-picting storiesfrom the bookof Genesis.

The Museum Building

Cathedral of ModenaOpen every day 7:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.and 3:30 - 7:00 p.m.No visits are permitted during mass.Cathedral Museums:Open from Tuesday to Sunday9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.and 3:30 - 6.30 p.m.Closed on Mondays, Christmas day andEaster Sunday.Admission: € 3.00One price ticket: € 6.00 for admissionto: Civic Museums, Este Gallery andCathedral Museums.The ticket is validfor 2 days from date of issue.GGhhiirrllaannddiinnaa TToowweerrOpen from the first Sunday in April to thelast Sunday in October as well as duringthe public holidays in the same periodand 31st January: 9:30 a.m. - 12:30p.m. and 3:00 -7:00 p.m.; closed inAugust and on Easter SundayAdmission: € 1.00; combined with Town Hall: € 1.50

Below: plateof Niobe’schildren

Estense Library Permanent Exhibitionof Illuminated Codes and PrintsOpen Monday-Saturday9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Closed on Sundays and public holidaysAdmission: free.Estense GalleryOpen Tuesday-Sunday 8.30 a.m. 7.30 p.m.Open on 31st January (Patron of Modena),Easter Sunday and Monday, 25th April, 1stMay and 26th December.Closed on Mondays, Christmas Day andNew Year's Day.Admission: € 4.00Civic MuseumsOpen Tuesday-Friday 9.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m.Saturdays, Sundays and holidays 10.00a.m. - 1.00 p.m. and 3.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m.(from 1st October to 31st May) and 4.00p.m. - 7.00 p.m. (from 1st June to 30thSeptember). Closed on Mondays, Decemberthe 25th and January the 1st.Admission € 4.00One price ticket: € 6.00 for admissionto: Civic Museums, Este Gallery andCathedral Museums. The ticket is validfor 2 days from date of issue.



Top: Francesco Iby Bernini. Left:Crocifissione(Crucifixion) byBianchi Ferrari.Right: Samurai armour.

Begun in 1634 following a design by theRoman architect Bartolomeo Avanzini,

the palace was the home of the Este courtfor more than two centuries. Today thebuilding is the site of the MilitaryAcademy.From the Court of Honour one climbs themajestic staircase to the arcade that leadsto the Apartment of the Princes, the PrivateApartment (site of the Academy Museum)and the State Apartment, where portraitsof the Este family and frescoes are dis-played. The most spectacular rooms arethe vast, elegant Hall of Honour and theeighteenth century Gold Cabinet, whereDuke Francesco IV is thought to havesigned the death sentence of Ciro Menotti,leader of theinsur rect ionmovement in1831.

Ducal PalaceThe Ducal Palace is open periodi-cally on Saturday and Sundaymornings with Italian speakingguided tours. Booking is requiredin advance. Info and booking:Tourist Information OfficeTel. +39 059 2032660. Groups:guided tours, in Italian or in otherlanguages, may be possible onthe weekend, if previously request-ed (min. 20 participants). Info andbooking for groups: Modenatur Tel.+39 059 220022. Admission: €6.00 per person (max. 40 partici-pants). Schools: please contactModenatur.Being the Ducal Palace ofModena the headquarters of theMilitary Academy, in exceptionalcases, guided tours might becancelled for internal reasons.

Town HallThe palace faces on to Piazza Grande

and incorporates “faced” medievalbuildings from the 17th century on-wards.The Secchia Rapita (Stolen Bucket) iskept in the building. According to tradi-tion, the Modenese took it from theBolognese in the battle of Zappolino in1325 (it became the emblem of civic val-ues and inspired the famous mock-hero-ic poem “The Stolen Bucket” byAlessandro Tassoni). Also worth visitingare the Sala del Fuoco (Fire Room) withfrescoes by Nicolò dell’Abate, created in1546 (depicting the battle of Modena in43 BC) and the eighteenth-century Saladel Vecchio Consiglio (Old CouncilRoom), whereone may seethe city elders’stalls and thebanner paintedby LudovicoLana in 1633as a thanksgiv-ing for the endof the plague.The ceilingpaintings areby Ercoledell’Abate andBa r t o l omeoSchedoni. Theeighteenth-century paintings of the Saladegli Arazzi (Tapestry Room) depict thepreparation and signature of theConstance Peace Treaty (1183), the“manifesto” of municipal indepen-dence.

Sala del fuoco, detail ofthe frescoes

Sala del Vecchio Consiglio

Sala degli arazziBelow:

the Town Hall overlookingPiazza Grande

Town HallOpen from Monday to Saturday9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Sundays and public holidays3:00 - 7:00 p.m. closed in August, on Easter Dayand Christmas Day. Admission: Sundays and publicholidays: € 1.00; combined withGhirlandina Tower: € 1.50 Freeon weekdays.Tourist information - IAT Tel. +39 059 2032660For school classes and groupsTel. +39 059 2032582Visiting hours subject to varia-tions in case of representationcommitments.Check by telephone suggested.

Cortile d’onore

Salottino d’oro

Scalone d’onore

Right:a military ceremony.

Left:a uniform kept inthe Academy’s

Historical Museum

Ducal Palace

1- Sant’Agostino Founded in 1338, it wasconverted in 1664 into the place of funeralrites of the dukes. It houses a Depositionfrom the Cross by Antonio Begarelli and aMadonna with Child by Tommaso daModena.

2- Santa Maria Pomposa Rebuilt in the18th century. It is the burial site of historianLudovico Antonio Muratori, who lived in thehouse next-door from 1716 to his death in1750.

3- San Barnaba Rebuilt in 1660, but onlycompleted later on. It houses eighteenth-century paintings and tapestries.

4- San Giovanni Battista Built in 18thcentury. Inside is the Compianto sul Cristomorto in painted terracotta by GuidoMazzoni (1480).

5- Chiesa del Voto This church, de-signed by Cristoforo Malagola, was built inthanksgiving to the Madonna for the end ofthe plague in 1630.

6- San Domenico Built between 1708and 1735, it houses terracotta statues byAntonio Begarelli (circa 1544-46).

7- San Giorgio Designed by Court archi-tect and stage-designer Gaspare Vigarani inthe mid-seventeenth century. Inside arepaintings from the Baroque period.

8- San Vincenzo Begun in 1617 and re-stored in the early nineteenth century, thischurch is the Modenese pantheon of theEste family and contains the tombs of dukesand princes.

9- San Biagio This church rose in the ear-ly decades of the fourteenth century and wasaltered considerably in the seventeenth cen-tury. Inside are 17th century paintings andfrescoes.

10- San Pietro Annexed in the MiddleAges to a Benedictine abbey founded in966, it was rebuilt between 1476 and 1518.Inside the five-nave church are works byAntonio Begarelli, plaster frontals and paint-ings dating back to the 16th century.

11- San Bartolomeo This church wasdesigned for the Jesuits and begun in 1607(the facade: however, is eighteenth-century).It houses ornaments and paintings from the17th century.

12- San Francesco Begun in 1244 andrestored in the first half of the nineteenth-century, it houses thirteen terracotta statues(circa 1523) by Antonio Begarelli (represent-ing the Deposition from the Cross).


Legenda Sant'Agostino

Santa Maria Pomposa

San Barnaba

San Giovanni Battista

Chiesa del Voto

San Domenico

San Giorgio

San Vincenzo

San Biagio

San Pietro

San Bartolomeo

San Francesco

Duomo e torre Ghirlandina

Palazzo Comunale

Palazzo dei Musei

Palazzo Ducale

Palazzina dei Giardini

Foro Boario

There has always been a deep feel-ing between Modena and motor-

ing, the roots going back a long way.A land of motors where the passionfor mechanical engineering has along tradition and the legend ofspeed is an integral part of its cul-ture. Within a radius of only a fewkilometres there are various muse-ums and private collections dedicat-ed to motor vehicles.Ferrari GalleryMaranello (MO)Keepers of the Myth. Situated at ashort distance from the Ferrari fac-tory, the Ferrari Gallery is a largemuseum full of the history of the fa-mous red Ferrari of Maranello andtheir founder Enzo Ferrari. Stanguellini Museum ofHistoric Cars - ModenaFounded in 1996 by will ofFrancesco Stanguellini, son ofVittorio, founder of this company, itwas gradually enriched with presti-gious rare models expanding and en-hancing the collection with over thir-ty racing cars and coupé sports cars. Umberto Panini Museum ofVintage Cars AndMotorcycles - ModenaVarious models of vintage cars andmotorcycles are exhibited in thePanini collection, among which theprestigious Maserati collection. It ishoused at the Hombre farm that pro-duces Parmigiano Reggiano cheese.

Righini Private Colletion ofVintege Cars - Panzano (MO)The castle of Panzano houses manyfrom the most splendid vintage carsto the most exclusive models of thepresent day. Among the most fa-mous the Autoavio, the first car builtby Enzo Ferrari in 1940, the Chiribiriwhich beat the speed road racingrecord in 1915, Tazio Nuvolari’s AlfaRomeo 8C 1933, and the Cadillacthat belonged to Pope John XXIII.Recurring Motoring Events Modena Terra di Motori - April-May,Mille Miglia - May,Modena Cento Ore Classic - MayTourist informationTel. + 39 059 2032660e-mail: [email protected] Tel. + 39 059 220022e-mail: [email protected]

Modena Land of Motors Modena and its gastronomyModena is known worldwide as

synonymous with good food.An old-time record achieved in thename of genuineness, respect for tra-ditions and preservation of flavours.The ideal Modenese menu cannotbut open with the delicious dressedpork meats, first among all theModenese Ham. The place of hon-our among first courses goes to theTortellini, small pasta squares fold-ed over a filling of pork, ham andParmigiano Reggiano cheese. Forthe main course, Zampone, a mix-ture of minced pork meats, seasonedwith spices and made into a sausagewith the skin of the pig’s front leg.Not to be missed is the TraditionalBalsamic Vinegar of Modena,suave elixir which no other cuisinein the world can boast about. It is ob-tained from boiled grape must, agedby slow acetification derived fromnatural fermentation and progres-sive concentration through a verylong ageing period. A good por-tion of Parmigiano Reggianocheese must not be lacking ei-ther, perhaps cut into slivers witha few drops of traditional balsamicvinegar sprinkled on top. This lav-ish lunch will, of course, be ac-companied by a nice glass of

Lambrusco, a sparkling wine, rubyred in colour, and the ideal compan-ion for the local cuisine. And thenthere’s the fruit: the exquisiteVignola cherries. To round it alloff, there are many dessert speciali-ties to choose from: Bensone, a“home-made” cake, Zuppa inglese,similar to English trifle, andAmaretti. As digestive a glass ofNocino, a tasty liqueur obtainedfrom green walnuts.

Events for gourmetsFor informationon the events and visits to Modeneseproducers of typical products (vinegarproducers, dairies, wine cellars, hamproducers) contact Tourist informationTel. + 39 059 2032660e-mail: [email protected] Tel. + 39 059 220022 e-mail: [email protected]

Modena Cento Ore ClassicMayThe international racing event forold-timer cars with starting and fin-ishing line in Modena.

Serate EstensiEstense EveningsJuneHistorical event, reminiscent of theEstense period in Modena, with fes-tivals, tournaments, street theatre,shows, dances and fashion parades.

Fiera antiquariaAntiques market in ModenaThe fourth Saturday of the month and thefollowing SundayThe largest antiques market ofEmilia-Romagna with 310 profes-sional Italian exhibitors.

Modena terra di motoriModena Land of MotorsApril-MayUltra-modern and vintage cars willbe exhibited in the charmingsquares and streets of the old citycentre of Modena.

MillemigliaMayThe famous vintage car race thatgoes through Modena and Ferraraattracting a solid crowd of fans. Theold-timer cars pass through Modenato then continue towards Brescia,the finishing line.

Events Grandezze & MeraviglieEstense Musical FestivalEnd September - mid-November The show presents music from theMiddle Ages to the 18th centurywith instruments of the era and of-ten stages new productions also re-lated to the Estense tradition.

Vie - Scena contemporaneaFestivalOctoberEleven days of worl and national pre-mières, productions, performancesand installations, examining variousfacets of today’s theatre.

Festival internazionaledelle Bande MilitariInternational Festival of military bandsJulyMusicians in uniform from all overthe world will animate parades, con-certs and great shows with manoeu-vres and carousels.

FestivalfilosofiaMid-September For three days Modena, Carpi andSassuolo stage meetings with greatleaders in contemporary thought,philosophical dinners, films, showsand exhibitions.

Useful numbersIAT - Tourist informationTel. + 39 059 2032660 - Fax +39 059 2032659e-mail: [email protected] - web http://turismo.comune.modena.it/Open Mondays 3.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m., Tuesday to Saturday 9.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. and 3.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m., Sundays and Holidays 9.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. Address: Piazza Grande 14 - 41100 Modena - ItalyModenatur - information and hotel bookings, restaurants, guided tours anditineraries in Modena and the provinceTel. + 39 059 220022 - Fax + 39 059 2032688e-mail: [email protected] - web http://www.modenatur.itOpen Mondays 2.30 p.m. - 6.30 p.m., Tuesday to Friday 9.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.,2.30 p.m. - 6.30 p.m. Address: Via Scudari 10 - 41100 Modena - ItalyItalian Railways information ............................................................ Tel. 892021Radio Taxi Modena .................................................................. Tel. 059 374242

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ARoman colony in 183 BC (Cicerodescribed the city as “most pros-

perous”), Modena was the theatre ofthe war between Decimus Brutusand Mark Antony (43 BC) whichmarked the rise of Ottavian and thebirth of the Second Triumvirate.Half destroyed during the 4th centu-ry, abandoned in the 5th and 6th cen-turies because of wars and floods,the city came back to life around thebishop’s palace. Under the Episcopalgovernment (8th-10th centuries) itenjoyed imperial privileges and wasable to enter into the sphere of influ-ence of the Lords of Canossa. After

the construction of the Cathedral,begun in 1099, and the first signs ofcity government, which led to mu-nicipal Modena, the city was gov-erned by the Este family and in 1598became their capital and saw theconstruction of the new ducal palace(1634). In 1796 French troops en-tered Modena and began a period ofrule that lasted, with alternatingepisodes, until 1814. As from thatyear the Austro-Estense dukesFrancesco IV and Francesco V gov-erned the state until 1859. With thefall of Estense sovereignty the citybecame part of the Kingdom of Italy.


Statuta MutineReformata, 1420-1485.Detail (Archiviostorico comunale)
