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Page 1: Welcome, Welcome, Welcome - WordPress.com€¦ · ©Juliette Nolan Ltd 2013 Page 1 Welcome, Welcome, Welcome My friend, I am so excited for you as you set out on your journey of change.
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Welcome, Welcome, Welcome

My friend,

I am so excited for you as you set out on your journey of change. What a

courageous person you are! I understand that sometimes the process of changing

your life from the inside out can be a hard journey to undertake. You have

probably been trundling along in life, wondering why things are not working out the

way that you had planned.

Like many others, you might have filed away those amazing childhood dreams. I

imagine at some points it has all felt too hard, too unrealistic, completely

unattainable….. Trust me when I say, I have been there. It took hitting rock bottom

for me to discover where my strengths really lay. I have learned the hard way to

pay attention to my dreams, to nurture the seeds of desire and to correct my life

path so that I am truly living my life from my heart.

This is not a journey for the faint of heart. Change takes courage and strength.

Creating change takes imagination and tenacity. I have created this workbook as

a way of sharing the secrets that I have learned. It is my purpose in life to help

people to live a life that they are absolutely in love with. I want to help YOU (yes,

you!) to delve deep into your soul and find the treasures that lie within.

On my journey, I have discovered the joys of yoga and meditation, the medicine of

nature and the magic of the mind. They say that our thoughts shape our world and

I can testify that this is the truth. It is my hope that working through these

exercises will help you to shape your world for the better and to bring you joy and

strength as you create, day by day, the life of your dreams.

You may have tried some of these exercises before. Bear with me – they are

classics because done right, they work. When you are working through the

exercises, be kind and truthful with yourself. If you are feeling down in where you

are at, imagine that you are working through these exercises as your own best

friend. Be objective whilst at the same time, delving deep within your heart for

your answers. This is YOUR workbook. There are no right or wrong answers. If

you are struggling with a question, I suggest taking a break and allowing your

subconscious the chance to find a creative response. Keep going. Know that you

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are not alone. I also really want you to take ownership of this process. Colour in

your pages. Cut out pictures and stick them in. Use crazy coloured pens and

stickers. Make this workbook a journey of fun. This is YOUR time so step up and

claim it.

As a hypnotherapist and coach, I know that this process will be even more

effective if you reach out to a professional. I work from a practice in Dunedin, New

Zealand where I specialise in helping the women of the city to dream big and make

it happen. I also work with women via Skype and send out missives to the world

from my blog and via Youtube. I love reaching out to people just like you who

desire change in their lives and want to invest in the process. I understand what

it’s like to feel stuck and alone. I know that change can feel dangerous and

exciting. I would love you to feel that www.juliettenolan.com is a place where you

can feel inspired and nurtured as you proceed on this exciting journey.

Hypnotherapy is my passion as I have never come across any other method which

so speedily changes the way that we view the world. Hypnotherapy works by

using a deep state of relaxation to engage your imagination and open up your

subconscious to new possibilities and creative solutions to past problems. It can

create miraculous shifts in perception and behaviour. Keep popping to the website

to see what goodies are newly available. I am launching the book “Change Your

Life From the Inside Out” in a few weeks time. It meats out the worksheets here

and really drills down into self hypnosis. I will be sure to let you know when it is


My prescription is to read lots, drink your juice, move your body and be kind to

yourself. I am amazed at how the human mind can be so powerful. You are an

amazing person who has something unique to bring to your world.

Before you begin - find yourself with a comfy chair, a nice pen (or 6 if you are a

stationery addict like me!), some great music and a cup of something comforting

and warm. This is where the magic begins. Let’s get started,

Kind wishes

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Worksheet 1: The Big Why

Understanding WHY you are setting out on this journey of change is

essential for planting the seeds that will grow into motivation and will power.

Once you can establish WHY you want to change you will find yourself with a

firmer sense of direction. Business plans tell us to create a mission

statement, you are going to create your own Mission Statement.

Answer the following questions as openly and honestly as you can. Don’t

hold back, or worry about how it sounds. Focus instead on how it feels at

your core and connect with that.

What is the issue that you want to work on?

How long have you had this issue?

How does this issue make you feel?

How does this issue affect you every day?

When you think about this thing, where do you feel it in your body?

What would it be like to get rid of this issue?

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What would it feel like to be living free of this for good?

What would be different in your life if you didn’t have to feel this any more?

If this issue were history, what would you be free to do?

What benefits would this freedom bring to you?

What would give you satisfaction about making this change?

How could making this change benefit your loved ones?

Once you make this change, what doors do you hope will open for you?

Complete the following sentences:

I am ready to make this change because …..

Making this change will allow me to ……..

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If I don’t make this change I will feel …..

What do you feel is holding you back at the moment?

What else would need to happen for this change to stick?

Now using this information, begin to craft your mission statement. Begin


I, , have decided it is time to

because I want to

I know that making this change will

I am going to

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Worksheet Two: My Bold and Beautiful Vision

In this worksheet, you will begin to gather a vision of all the wonderful things

that you want to welcome into your life. This is the worksheet where you

DREAM BIG. This is a vision, not a shopping list. Don’t worry if your vision

seems huge and magnificent. This is a Dreaming exercise, not a planning


Find a quiet space to gather your thoughts. Try to think like a child and

imagine watching a movie of your dream life. Pay attention to the details

and be mindful of where in your body you feel excited about these images.

Now begin to gather images and words which sum up your vision. I am a big

fan of Google images and love to gather together pictures and create a

collage using Picasa. I then print out this collage and stick it in my journal. I

also have a credit card sized vision board which I carry with me.

You could also create a Pinterest board entitled My Bold and Beautiful Vision.

If you are stuck, brainstorm some words which sum up what you would like

to experience in your life. Don’t just focus on things, instead think about

experiences and feelings that you would like to bring into your life.

You can have hours of fun cutting up magazines and pasting them onto your

board. Get a big piece of card, or treat yourself to a collage frame.

If you are feeling really engaged, print off a picture of yourself to include, or

write some imaginary testimonials that people in the future will say about

you. Don’t hold back. Ignore any little voices that question your dream. You

can dream about whatever you would like. No wrong answers. Full marks all


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Stick a copy of your vision board here. If you made it on card, take a photo

and print it off. Having your vision board in lots of places helps your

subconscious to recall the vision and seek creative solutions more readily:

By the way…… Your vision is BEAUTIFUL!

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Worksheet Three: My Value Set

Step one: Jamming Your Value Set:

Below is a starter list of values and qualities, go crazy and circle all the ones

that resonate with you. Read the word and if you feel an excitement or a

resounding Yes coming from within then this is a Soul value. Slam your way

through this smorgasbord and then add on some more of your own. These

are the values that light you up and that are really important to You.

Word of caution: if you feel like you “should” value something but honestly, don’t tell anyone,

you really couldn’t give two hoots, then do yourself a favour and DO NOT circle it. It’s too

easy to ascribe to the values of others. Don’t do it. Be true to yourself. (But you knew that,


Joy Femininity Savvy Religion Calm

Abundance Sexiness Fierce Faith Organised

Authenticity Intimacy Wild Trust Sensuous

Integrity Connection Ordered Energetic Peaceful

Inspiring Loving Motivated Intuitive Graceful

Astute Fun Risk-taker Determined Self-loving

Mindful Positive Exciting Tolerant Adventurous

Honesty Enlightenment Artistic Focus Free

attentive supportive stable elegant Heart centred

Truth Spiritual Creative Simplicity Spirited

Strength Earthy Learning Kindness Efficient

Courage Environmental Movement Generosity wise

And there’s more……….

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Step Two: Tag Your Values

Look at the values that you have identified. It may be a long list. This is the

step where you filter them down and group them together. Could some of

your values be gathered together under one category? Try to group your

values thematically and give each group a label. Aim to condense your long

list into 5 categories.

My 5 main values are:

1. _____________________________

2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________

4. _____________________________

5. _____________________________

Step Three: Distilling Your Values

Now start to connect your values to your three main components: body,

heart and soul.

What value does your body want to experience?_______________________

What value does your heart want to feel?______________________________

What value makes your soul sing?______________________________________

Step Four: Mantracise your core values

Turn your three core values in three mantras. Mantras are short sayings

which remind you what your values are. They may be existing proverbs or

you may want to come up with something original. Make the mantra 7 words

maximum for each core. Eg My heart value is Truth so my heart mantra is

“To thine own self be true” (thanks Mr Shakespeare)

My body mantra is:

My heart mantra is:

My soul mantra is:

Step Five: Visualise Your values

What symbol would represent your values? Find pictures of things that

represent your values to you. Print them off and stick them in:

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Worksheet Four: Finding My Metaphor

If you are working with me to create change using hypnosis, either in person

or via my book, you will have heard a lot about the importance of finding

your personal metaphor. A metaphor is a symbol or story which in some

way helps us to make sense of our own situation or journey.

Finding your metaphor is a very important way of connecting with your

subconscious because our subconscious, where all of our beliefs and identity

is located, thinks in pictures and stories and not in words. That is why there

has been an emphasis on finding images in this workbook so far.

Start racking your brain for stories that you have loved in the past. They

might be children’s stories or fairy tales that you have loved. They might be

TV or films that you keep coming back to. Perhaps you have an animal or a

landscape that you often dream about?

Answer the following questions and see if a pattern emerges:

My favourite story when I was a child was:

My favourite fairy tale is:

My favourite film story is:

I love watching ----------------- on TV because:

I love reading stories about ------------------------------- because:

Look at those stories and see if there is a common link. Are you drawn

towards quest metaphors when someone is in search of something and has

to overcome adversity to get the prize? Do you enjoy picaresque

metaphors where the main character is on a journey and learns a lot upon

the way? Do you like adversity stories about heroic efforts to overcome a

foe? Do you love transformation stories where something’s inner beauty is

revealed? Mesmerised by magic? Nutty about nature?

Understanding which stories your heart responds to can give you some

great ideas about how to develop your own self hypnosis script or have that

story integrated into your hypnotherapy sessions. A recurring theme means

that your subconscious is seeking out this lesson.

Try writing a story that resonates with you. Are you an animal? A princess?

A mighty warrior? A zen monk? An oak tree? Metaphors are intensely

personal so anything goes.

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You could create a storyboard for your metaphor or an illustration if words

are not your thing. Have a go. Think like a child and get creating:

My personal metaphor

In your metaphor, what was your happy ending?

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Worksheet 5: Releasing Myself

Part of every journey of change is about releasing the past and letting go of those

things that are stopping us from moving forward. This worksheet will make you dig

deep into those things that are currently blocking you from the life you are

dreaming about.

The process of releasing occurs on all three levels. You will have to physically let

go of things to clear the space for new and exciting changes to enter. You will

need to say goodbye to things from the past that are holding you back in your

heart and you will need to learn some lessons so that your soul is yearning to learn.

This is the phase of your change journey where we can come up against ourselves

as we face the reality of where we are at and how we are stopping ourselves from

stepping into our destiny. Take heart that whatever obstacles you identify, they

can be overcome. Being honest and identifying the barrier is the most important

step to getting over it.

Be brave. Be honest. Be kind to yourself.

What things are standing in the way of you and your dreams? Brainstorm as

many hurdles as possible.

Of these things, which ones are affecting you daily?

What would need to change for these things to no longer be a problem?

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Of these things, which 5 are the most immediately pressing?

Have you ever overcome these things in the past? Yes/no

How did you do this?

What help would you need to release these things?

Where could you source that help?

What things could you do for yourself that would start to remove these


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How can you use these skills and experiences to overcome these hurdles


If your best friend came to you with these five hurdles, what advice would

you give them?

If you were going to take just one step towards releasing these limits, what

would it be?

When can you do this? Get out your diary and write in what you will do

today to get started on the release process.

How can you change your reactions/responses/ feelings to these hurdles?

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What story could you tell yourself about releasing these hurdles? Be

creative and come up with a metaphor for overcoming hurdles eg a

butterfly pushing through their cocoon and stretching their wings, a bird

taking its first flight, a daisy pushing towards the light in a concrete

environment. What story resonates with you?

Do you know of other people who have overcome this issue? How did they

do it?

How do you think you could forgive these things? Can you imagine a time

when you will have overcome this issue?

For each of your five issues, take a sheet of paper and write down

everything that comes to mind about it. Be as extreme as you can. Now

read your sheet of paper and look at it as if it was someone else. What do

you notice?

Complete this sentence:

To release myself from this fear, I need to

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Write a letter to yourself beginning

Dear ,

I know that you are struggling with . At the

moment you feel but when you have overcome

this hurdle, you will feel .

In the past, you have but you are

ready to move on because

Moving on is going to be difficult because

But when you have overcome this hurdle, you will be free to

So today, you should begin by and then the next day you


When it gets tough and you don’t feel that you are making progress you will

You know that you are making progress but sometimes change can feel

hard. I want you to know that you are a good person, a loving person. I know

this because

Lots of love

Read through this love letter to yourself and take comfort in your wisdom.

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Worksheet Six: My Happy Place (or Things That Make Me Feel Good)

On any journey of change it is important to connect with a place of respite. You

can get to that place of rest and relaxation in many ways. Knowing where and what

to do to relax and feel happy is vital on your journey. It’s like going on a road

journey and knowing where to stop for a rest en route.

Fill in the following boxes and then get out your diary and book in a reward stop


My Happiness Habits Note to self: Doing these twelve things makes me feel happy













My Emergency Tactics

If things get tough, I will do one of the following:






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My Happy Place

In my mind’s eye, my happy place looks like:

Feel free to fill this space with words, colours, images – whatever suits you!

I can reward myself for the things that I am achieving by:

Reward Time it takes:

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Worksheet Seven: My Glorious Playlist

Music is an incredible way to enhance and alter our mood. By using audio stimulation, we

can alter the frequency of our brain waves which can bring about physiological changes

too. It is well documented that listening to baroque music can enhance our learning, and we

have all let our hair down and danced like crazy to a track that always makes us feel happy.

Make music a strategic tool in your life toolkit. With access to music on our phones and

computers now, we are never far away from a 5 minute pick me up. This worksheet asks

you to compile a list of music that embodies and enhances mood. If you are feeling sad, you

have a choice. You can go with the flow and feel it even more deeply by listening to music

that moves you. This can have a very cathartic effect and release the pent up tears and

frustrations. It can also make us realise that sadness is part of a rich human experience.

Alternatively, if you are tired of feeling down and just want to shift your mood and focus,

there is no greater medicine than your favourite track, cranked up high and some crazy

dance moves to get the body moving.

Fill in the following table with as many songs as you like for each mood:

When I want to feel: I listen to:











Fired Up



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Worksheet Eight: Lessons I Have Learned

Sometimes it can be hard to face change because learning a whole new way of being feels

like too much of a challenge. However, you are already an amazing learner and you have

taken on new skills that are profoundly difficult, and yet now you don’t even have to think

about them. They come naturally, like walking and talking, reading and writing.

Make a list of all the things that you have learned over your life from the time that you

were born. Make sure that you put in the basics. The list has been started for you right

from the beginning.

1. I learnt to breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.

2. I learned to sleep at night and not whenever I felt like it.

3. I learned how to smile.

4. I learned how to eat solid foods.

5. I learned how to talk.

6. I learned how to crawl.

7. I learned how to walk.

8. I learned how to climb onto things.

9. I learned how to use my hands to pick up tools and use them.

10. I learned how to make sounds into language that others could understand.

























35. Keep going on a separate piece

of paper if you are on a roll and you have realised how amazing you are at learning to change…………

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Worksheet Nine: Set Your Target

You are now ready to really begin to drill down into what it is that you really want to

bring into your life. Setting an accurate target is like programming your inner sat nav

system – it will help you to identify the best and most efficient way to get there. Speed is

not the only consideration though. Remember that some of the best journeys are those

which build in experiences and rests on the way. You will set goals for your body, heart

and soul.

Your body goal is what you want to do physically. This includes your brain goal. It might

be getting healthy, starting a business, changing jobs, learning a new skill. Your heart

goal is how you want to bring more love into your life. This is not just about

relationships. It is about bringing more of the things and experiences that you love into

your life. Your soul goal is about connecting with your deep purpose. This goal might be

that you want to feel more spiritually connected, or loving, or successful. Focusing on

the feelings that we want to experience will mould the experiences that we bring into

our lives.

Once you have set your goals, you will then reverse engineer and look honestly at

where you are. Give yourself a very firm timeframe that you can keep in mind for your

goal. Then consider what needs to happen between now and then for you to connect

with that destination. When you have identified what needs to happen, get out your

diary and enter these things in. Making them into an appointment with your desired

outcome means that you are far more likely to keep focused and make the small steps

in the right direction on a consistent basis that will lead to success.

Fill in the goal boxes below and spend time really imagining how those things will feel.

My Body Destination

By this date:

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My heart loves:

How often does it want to experience this?

My Soul yearns for:

And it would like to reach this state by………...

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I am here Be honest about where you are at right now

Body Heart Soul

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Plotting Your Course. Plot your actionable steps and give each a date for


I am here in my body I am here in my heart I am here in my soul

and I need to and I need to and I need to

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Worksheet Ten: My Universal Shopping List

What are all the things that you would like to welcome into your life? Don’t just

focus on physical items. Instead cast you gaze far and write down all the

experiences, relationships, connections, and feelings with which you would like to fill

your life. This is a universal shopping list and there are no limits. Dream your way

through this list. No budget, no holding back…….

Don’t worry too much about how those things will enter into your life. Trust that they will

and keep your eye out for opportunities that could fit the list.

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Worksheet Eleven: My Body Map

Connecting with how your body stores experiences and processes emotions is very

important. To connect with your intuition more fully you need to know where you feel it

in your body. To connect with your emotions deeply, you need to identify how those

emotions proceed through your body. Connecting with our body goes beyond the mind

and gives us a deeper understanding of the messages that our subconscious wants us

to heed. Understanding how your body reacts to various experiences can also help us

to identify what lessons our subconscious wants us to learn.

On the body map below start to chart where you feel emotions and instincts. Label

these and colour code them too, if you like. Now think about where you often

experience dis-ease in your body and circle this area. To find out more about how

these circled areas may be pointing to lessons for you, I would suggest exploring the

Chakra system. (A great book on this is Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss.)

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Worksheet 13: My Transformation Record

Use this tick chart to record every time you take a step towards one of your body heart soul goals. Buy some gold stars and set how many times you would like to do this thing in a month. You are the boss of your chart so if you think something is worthy of a tick then you give yourself one. This is a record of progress so don’t see it as an illustration of what you have not done. At the end of the month, you will analyse your performance and see how it can guide you for next month. Each target has several columns for different aspects of that goal. Eg Your heart goal might be to experience more love and you love yoga, nature, partner time, family time so put those headings in your strands boxes.
































Body Heart


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Worksheet Fourteen: My Monthly Review Sheet

At the end of every monthly period, depending on when you start your transformation, spend some quality time with yourself checking in on how your month has really gone. You will probably have been journaling the process too but this is your chance to get analytical and really drill down into your actions and experiences and learn the lessons so that you can move onwards.

When did I learn this?

Where was I at the start of this month?

Where am I now?

What have I learnt this month?

What were the skills that got me


What would I do differently?

Page 30: Welcome, Welcome, Welcome - WordPress.com€¦ · ©Juliette Nolan Ltd 2013 Page 1 Welcome, Welcome, Welcome My friend, I am so excited for you as you set out on your journey of change.

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Where am I going next?

How will I get there?

Body Heart Soul
