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WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p*...

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THE WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi e B ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*********l ^m) A *?e*****1emB gt^mf a**Vs?**i^*********r ^p^^K^tjpjgt^pmmmmk ^^^ TH YEAB—No. tt !Y, THURSDAY, MAMCH 17, I960 •v«rr Tkgrtetf ing Tomorrow On Slate Acceptance Refused SuMtted Deadline 1 1 Wring will he held tomor- , in the County Courthouet. Jt to consider the case of Democrats who art Malt Democratt' petitlona for ejiididitei were refuted by tee DAngelo, Town Clerk, fer, «twn thty w » trtaslt- 'h4 thi4p.*.* lifted th. «»•• 4:11 • » , wWU the Town Cm—lltta cai> wen only a half hew rier Court Jade* Walter S t f HI hts ordered Mr*. O'Aa- i nd Henry G. Milton, Catwty tUt.ppMt tomorrow la court <£w why the Candida* t M t be listed on tfca ballet who'alannai te Me cFifUlNwth tbu7cF i >Ue* lor mayar, and tfce .MforTtwaCamwil: First 4Jehi M. WarJ ofaM Howi- • ritaae; TMr4 Ward, RoWrt lajeaag of 143 Verneji terrace, roarth Ward, Koderlek ' 8. Hbt ef 1(24 JUhwtv avenue. • eMdMate'wai announced for tHrnt Ward. Both. Mr. CowJet Mr, McDonouffh pre»iou*ly hjea etndidatoa for Town a&V I Damerat* laid thty did not MrUtr because of "lack of of the exact time the I had to be.filed." r.'Wtrd, a four ytar rtaldtnt, KaUantry engineer.for Pub- fcntMmitt Linden plant A I4T England, to attended i • Waft Orange ana wai Mf fata lajiHwH hi , »lark CHy. H a « w AtraMtiy tMHuUM far the VaareaCal- «Mt*aeta tavwiriat gWattfeld Rat- Stutd and it a Arrt aid In- for the American Red tNai. He hit been active in the ftrk of the United Fund and the School PTA. Hiwrd •Ml the Held artillery durinf lerM War 2. Re tnd his wife have four chil- Ina: A son, David, 7 twin daugh- an, Mtryann and Linda, 6, and Metatr daughter, Kathy, 4. Mr. Cowles, i chemical engineer « E. R. SquiW> and Son In New InnUwick, ii currently industrial (PUaie turn to pace 2) Concert Soloist / J J j Westfleld Glee Club haa at- JJ* James McEvers, bau bari- ""». to i« ,ta soloist for the an- "" Jpnn concert April 30. The j a m will be a joint tffeirwrth ^clssolin Glee Club' of fcU and Mr. McEvers will «e soloist for the Plainfield pre- ""•tion April 22 and 28. l' McEvc " •>« performed in a, concert and night clubs, In ««t r i h l" P^ormed 52 dlffer- tt«P-' n aVi " B 8 PP«»"«» With "I ^ . Opera Co. « n d the Op- B m San Francisco, Cal., ' 111 ^" 8 Association, the etv !„ P , munds °Pe™tic So- l, Eng and, and the Opera 'Miniature in New .York. l Sk i 8 ;, Mr - McE "^ was a Wl.{? ' D S a " Fr »>«l«:<> Opera on a II •" au . ditions ard "PPeared Jnah. lonwida broadcast of tha aJi! r l « cx P cri ences include cnast "Piratic nlBfct clubs. Boro Council Adopts Budget 01 $361,085 MOUNTAIMSIM — A •umici- fi budfet of fl«l,0M for l»«a wat adopted Tuesday night fay the BnMifh Council. This it an in- eraaae of Ml,tlO over UW, AMhoufh no taiineraate it re- quired for municipal paryoeet, the mrerall taa wHI riM fcy t t point*, dae to school cotte, or about |T.»» per 1100 of assessed valua- tion, according to Hajror AMMri K. Hartuac. The auyer atated that althouch tneraatat are erident in almost every area of toraugb; operations, no ciuuifi in 4he loeal surpotc tai rate it nacataary due to an incrcaie an revenue aatfcipatad from aaureet other than real eatate and dae to an intreeet in tai bearinj property in tha boreu|h. The faor- ouaVs raUblat tod incraated by 11,700,000 «wrin( 1MI, In.additiM to proridlnf in- creaaea fat talariet (Tar ail depart- wamt*, Mia toefe* arorided a 11,400 incraaw in the Keeeue a«iuul aparapriatian, a M.tQO item for a revaluation aurvey ef roaidencee; a 1100 increase far, CivM' Dafenaa apyreawiationa; • M.4S0 ineraMt (or the free li- brary, ana a |l,»40 incnata in tto *uda»» for puUie vaUdtntt and grouBda, krinfinr that Hem to |»M y, ag rariteta aad oenditcting nrnwaa m •event af the saivantUea aad taaatrvateriee of The caaMtti awaidad a IS4.S80 contract to the N«w Jaraty Fire Equips*** Co. el Oiiiwitan, for a new MO tnHaa - pamper. Tjiia WH tha aacond leweet of live bids. The lawMt bidder failed te fulfill •M efMsleatieaa, €oun«llman Ly- man farrafln said. The cauncU will hold a hearing QsfMMKW004 efitMa GBMWM ATilt#i Ptufc alope, Outlook drive and Bayberry lane, , Gvil Defense Test March 26 PnbUcWliT "Operation Sprint," a civil de- fetua exerciM to he held Satur- day, March M, will require New Jersey's population to take cover for II minutes, the ttat* office of dvll defense disclosed yesterday, •Mtt test will tee the greateat mobilisation of auxiliary police- men since the beginning of mod- ern civil defense, Thomas S. Die- nan, acting atata director, laid yes- terday. "Our last public partici- pation exercise Deei 7 produced •potty results. The fact that It wat not a total success is attrib- uted to the lack of auxiliary police- men on duty; inclement weather conditions that disabled many tir- •nt and non-adherence .to CD si(- Mr. Oignan ttked that local civil defense directort make every ef- fcrt to activate all auxiliary po- licemen. According to a late sur- vey, tome 48,000 CD police are en- roiled In more than 600 municipal- ities. Mr. Dlgnan, in a recent di- rective, re-emphasised that ". . . willful violators of civil defenae regulitlona will be subject to ar- ras*" under the conditions of the disorderly conduct code. He said deapite the intensive public educa- tion program aimed tt teaching the meaaing of the two CD sig- nals, most people have failed to commit them to memory. "We will continue to indoctrinate this large segment of New Jersey residents and our 'get tough' policy is not to be misconstrued as a method to teach these people by fear. The 'comply or arrest' directive is in- tended only for those who pur- posely defy .authority in this and (Please turn to page 2) 29th WHS Spring Music Festival April 1, 2 The music department of the Westfield High School will pre- sent its 29th annual spring music festival April l a n d 2. Perform- ances will start at 8:30 p.m. in the high school auditorium. The musical event combines the efforts of nearly 400 students. Par- ticipating -will be the choir, girls chonis 1 and II, boys' glee club, the "Pwelve" and "Thirteen" and a trumpet quartet. Mrs. Janet Grimier Gleason is directing the program. Tickets are now on Mile anil all scats are reserved, ••V. MMCMKT 4QHMTONK lowUn Minister In Lenten Series Or. JogMWtoac T o Preach Tonight The Rev. Marraret Blair John- atone, OD, it the Ant woman ealn- iator to fco inchided la OM Lenten Famous Preacher eerie* sponsored yearly by the WoeMeld Council of Chuichei. Dr. Johnetone, who it minister of the Union Congrega- tional Ctmreh, OroUn, Maaa,, will preach this evening in tha Fh.t Congregational Charch. on Elmer •treat at I o'clock on the topic, •There'* No Unanswered Prayer." Dr, JohMtana received her kigh Itaoi education In Detralt, MWi. i In nnhwawlnf ruetdar'a pre- mm, Donald Jaa*aa, mlnieter of wait at Uw VetheeHat Church, hejtt N, Merahai at ana »r«he »u- preate awsselaaa af our day.; "Hi* work fer the organ itandt httide Cateii far the eelle, KreWer's far the ttaNa ai>d *a*hmanheA n i far tha ft»aa, At •!, Mamhal it it tha hotjht ef Me «a»aer. l>r forty raaraC*Me wNatea with the arahlem ef.,mte«rataUea in tha ntatt iajaMhif m alta the most intraetahio af masUal media." wat gndattad from AaWon Col- iege with an AB degree, and re- ceiMd her baehelor «f divinity de- gree from the University of Chi- cago federated School of Thcol- ogy. Arbion College in June 1»66 conferred on her an honorary de- gree of doctor of divinity, Her acadeewte epeeialiaation wat in aociolofy, psychology, then reli- gion and mental haaM (including elmkal training) and ratlg>ea and ttoarta. < • ^ ... •arliett aUtdles wera at the National Institute fei fee Blind, where he later Me*»e a Am.~.A •Mi_*tW llabl tMlaillll III* tan tanglala and-Antolne tUheulet. At It he wat Invited by Okgeut to enter ,hl* argan CMM at the. Parit Conttrvatolr*. There, In l » l l , M. Maichal gained the "Premier M t " for trgan pity- ing and improvisation, "Winning a special prite for counterpoint and fugue two, yaart later. AtVr as- tietlac Olgout at erganlat tk Satnt- Ananatk, M. Marehal waa ai- poMted onmnict at Saint Germain- dee-Prae in 1911, a pott ha rt- linquiahed •« years later when, in 1*41, he tueeeeded Joseph Bonnet at «aint-laitaaht, which houses the Aneat efgaa in. Park. , Between the two world wart, M. •emwasw ClraraV fn CMNrerlW.i waa atwalaaa in 1M7 and emV UMed Ihm «atll 1»4». Mx,' than developed ah cxperimentai pariah, tha Etaex Cariek in Umt County, N.Y., aarving there from IMS to I960. Some residents of WetUteld may remember her at the minister of tiie Old Stone Congregational Church in WilMoro, JUT., which wat part of the Eatei Parish. In 1850 ahe was called to the Union Parish of Groton Mid Wait Groton, Mat*,, where aha i» ttiil the paMor. Dr. Johmtahe haa won nation- wide fame at one of the leading in apirational writers of the day. Doiena osf her trticlca have ap- peared since 1947 in the "Read- er'e Digest," -ICoMier's," "Womin't Home Companion," "Better Hornet and Gardens," "This Week," "Pageant,'' "Look," "Your Life" •nd other popular magazinet. She has alao written two books, One called '^Create Your Own Tomor row" dealt with the problem* of (Please turn to page 2) Towl Campaign Lynn B. Tipson of 807 Wlnyah avenue and John A. Hoff of S32 Highland avenue announced today that they, have accepted co-chair- manahip of the mayoralty cam- paign of Burr A. Towl Jr. of 515 Bradford avenue. At the same time, Mr. Towl announced that Richard W. Davis of 731 Clark street is campaign co-ordlnalor. Among Westfield residents ac- tively supporting Mr. Towl'i can- didacy are: Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ackerman, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Aigotti, R. D. Britton, Mr. and Mrs. George R. Brownell, Mr. and Mrs. Alan A. Burch, Mr. and Mrs. Guy R. Byam, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Y. Claman, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Crawford. Also, Thomas Dcvcrell, Mr. and Mrs. W W n l H. Gordon, Mrs. Wil- liam B. Gundrum, Mrs. Jeanne Izatt, Chester M. Kellogg, Mr, and Mrs. Frank A.Ketcham, Mr. and .Mrs. Frederick W. - Montgomery, George Nubel, Mr. and Mrs. Vene E. Rinehart, Edward C. Roller, Mrs. Miriam T. Russell. Also, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dodd Slo- cum, Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Stier, Mr. and Mrs. A. Vandeweehe, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E, Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest S. Winter and Mrs. Frederick Zink.' 'Night in LOB Vegas 9 "A NigM in Las Vegas," the Y's Up dance,, will be held Satur- day nt the YMCA from 8 p.m. to midnight. .Music will be by the Bel Airs. Tickets for couples only will bo sold at the door. The cos- tume is dressy. "Gambling" and dancing will be featured. BUndFrenchOrganut'iRecUal Tue$day In Methodist Church CoMnittee Aadre awwahal «Mad organist fa^ W ejrUl yrt p itsf as) ietjr m tkk eaeintry, «tag rariteta aad di KofCCoMttnion Breakfast Sunday St. P.lrfck'. Day DiapMT, DMMC Set The l i a T ' S i T CoinkttniaH «(! i t l l , Knights of Columbui, will be held Sunday at 10 a.m. at.Wal- ly's, Scotch Plaint. Members of the council will attend tto S a.m. Mass at St Anne's Church, Gar- wood. The Rev. Joseph J. Jaremctuk, professor of ehemittry at Seten Hall Univenity, S"»th Orange, will be tto principal apaaker at the breakfast Harold Durant will be toattmaitor. Two active charter members of the council, which was founded in November 1»13, will be present They are tto Rt Rev. H. I. W»t- terson, patter of Holy Trinity Church, who has been chaplain of the organiiation since its found- ing, and A. J. Mdrenglio of Wett- neld. A chalice will be presented by the council to Father Jaremcsuk at a memorial to the Rev. John Nelligan, deceased pastor of St Bartholomew the Apostle Church of Scotch Plains, and other mem- bers who have died during the past year. Their names will be in- scribed on the chalice. A St Patrick's Day dinner and dance will be held today in the club house. Corned beef and cab- bage will be served between 8 and 9 p.m. and dancing will follow un- til 2 a.m. The Electronics Trio will provide the music. At a recent business meeting, Deputy Grand Knight John Spi- nale announced the council's 14th annual essay contest for seniors «t Holy Trinity High School. Three cash pr'izes and a plaque will be awarded to the winners at class night exercises in June. Tto project is a memorial to Paul Gott- ^ A N D * ! MARCHAL March*! developed Me career **>,* recita)iai He Ant visited the United Mates te give a aeries of recitals in the Cleveland Museum of (Art, presenting nearly the en- tire organ mutic of Bach. Since then tie ha* made nunrarout trans- continental American recital tour*. For IM. Varchal't Ant london re- cital, more than a quarter-century four, dietlnguithed honorary member* of the Organ Muetc So- ciety, Albert Routed, Jan Sibelius, Joseph Jongen and Vaughn Wll- lama, submitted themes on which he improvised in organ symphony in f out movements. Since tiien he hat been, except for the war yean, a frequent visitor'to Eng- land, He took part in the concert, given in the presence of Her Majesty Queen Elnabeth, the Queen 'Mother, inaugurating the organ In the Royal Festival Hall in London, and has been a regular lecltellat there- ever aincc. He broadcasts frequently for the British 'Broadcasting Corporation, and in 1853 visited Australia at the invitation of Ilia Australian Breadcaatmg Caamlseisn for • • - • • - vtaar <wMeh M u t M (Please turn to page 2) Griner to Head CAR Society John A. Griner, a junior in the W«stfield High School and son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Griner of 815 Boulevard, was installed as president of the Robert French So- ciety, Children of the American Revolution, at a recent meeting of the teen-age group. John was formerly treasurer and vice president of the society and is currently state chairman of con- servation. He is a member of the varsity football squad and the high school choir. As president, John will repre- sent the society at the state spring conference in Princeton, April 3 and the National CAR convention in Washington, D. C, April 23. Other officers elected for the coming year are: Elizabeth Green, vice president; Ann Heck, secre- tary; Diane Meierdicrck, treasur- er, and Priscllla Perry, chaplain. The officers were installed by Dean Vandcrbilt, past fllnte vice presi- dent. .,.,, Of Rwtftn To Speak March 99 Tto WeatSeld Committee fer Charter Itudy aaneaacad tedty that tt wlH apeMar a public meet- ing Taotdajr, March » Dean p. Willard Heekel, associate dean »f Rutgers Univenity School of Uw, tnd a well-known authority on charter study, will fee tha speaker. The wearing will to at ( i l l p.m. at Mt Tremont avenue,- the home af Mr. end Mrs. C. F. Wal- lace, tnembera of (to charter com- mittee. "We feel particularly pleated that Dean 'Heckel will to able te come to WepUUld tt this time," committee members atete. "Ha can answer any wiaitiOM resident* ef tto town wiM poet since to f l l chairman tt ih» Newark CkUtent otntnittee on Municipal Govern- ment whan Newark undertook, a charter aiady." Ha *HI apetk with «ret hand knowledge af charter review, and will disewi 1agai o.uestioni about tto Optional Municipal Charter Law <th« Faulkner Act). Dean Heckel profetsor ef eonttitationaJ law at Rutgers and served at chairman of the Mtyor'i Commission on Group ttelitioni in Newark. A graduate of Dartmouth Col- lege, the received his MA degree from Columbia University tnd hit M;B degree from the University of Newark U w School. He it a member of the American and Es> tea County Bar Associations. Commenting on the enthusiasm of WeiUteld resident* for tha an- nouncement that a Charter dfedy Committee it being formed, group members report that the Idea of an objective study of the local government by a charter cemmlt- tion of «v« local ciliaoM haa wide Plans Set For YM Meeting Dr. Bourns To Be Toaatmaster Robert J. Lincoln, 'chairman of the committee on arrangements for the Wettfleld YMCA'a 37th annual meeting, to be held Wednesday, March 30, made known today the program highlights to mark the occasion. Mateo F. Occena, a native of the Philippines, will be the principal speaker of the evening, as previ- ously announced. Mr. Occen* is presently serving in this country With the Ecumenical Commission of the United Presbyterian Church with offices in New York City. Dr. Edward G. Bourns again will serve as toastmaster for the occasion. Dr. Bourns is a trustee of the YMCA and a former presi dent of the board of directors, Frank A. Ketcham, president of the Y board, will preside at the business meeting for the election of directors to serve the three year term of 1960-63, tnd the election of Y members to serve the nom- inating committee for the year 1960. George R. Brownell, secretary, will read the minutes of the last annual meeting. The report of the treasurer will be given by Pe- ter A. Dughi. Dr. Frederick E. Christian, pastor of the Westfield Presbyterian Church, will give the invocation and benediction. Songs will be led by Donald Jensen, min- ister of music *t the First Meth- odist Church, accompanied by Al- bert Danker. ' Mr. Lincoln noted that several awards will be made in recogni- tion of outstanding service to the (Please turn to /page 2) JOHN CR1NER Charter Study Plans Public Meeting ^ajnu»^ i to«rMWa.waJ»fta< fording «rerr resident Tour op- portunities! (1) to place a refer- endum authorialng charter study on the November ballot tnd to work for ite adaption; (S) to tug- gett outlined and talented candi- date* for the live-member char- ter commission, and''to work for their election; (3) to assist in the nine-months public study of our local government to be undertaken by the charter commission, and (4) to take part eventually in the debates and dlacmslons preceding Uw public referendum on tile charter commission'* recommen- dation.." "We are convinced," a commit- tee apokennan concluded, "that the Faulkner Act which makes possible a local charter study, gives u* the greatest possible impetus to an 'of the people, by the people, for the people' effort. Under thin act Westfield may, through the effort* of its own citiiena, survey its municipal government to be sure it is effective for its particu- lar needs." Objections to PA JetportWillBc Topic of Meeting MOUNTAINSIDE —The argu mente against: the Fort of New York Authority's proposal to erect a jetport in Morris County will be presented by Charles Jacobus, a representative of the Speakers Bu- reau of the Jersey Jetport Site Association, at a meeting of the Sunny Slope Civic Council at the Dcerfield School Thursday 'at 8 p.m. In addition to the members of tho neighborhood • group, Mayor Albert Hartung, Councilmen Law- rence Curtise and Eugene Rau and members of the Penn Brook and Sherwood Forest civic organiza- tions have been invited to attend. It is expected that nearly 200 per- sons will be present. Mr. Jacobus is one of the more than 100 speakers recruited by the chairman of the speakers bureau, Edward C. Love, and the women's group of the .USA to present tho case of residents of Morris and adjoining counties against the Port Authority proposition. Daisy Bud Twig Carnival Saturday The annual "Fun-Fair Car- nival" of the Daisy Bud Twig of Muhlenborg Hospital will be held Saturday from 1 to 4 p.m. at Grant School. Featured this year will be fortuno-telling, movies, make- up, Kiinuis and prizes. Refresh- ments will be Bold. Nancy Moore is chairman of the event, proceeds of' which will go towards the club's hospital fund, Council Adopts '60 Town Budget . LAWRENCEh. FOITER Ordinance; Awards ContrMt A $tfiU,\99M municipal ha*V get for 1960 was adopted MaMlar night by the Town Council. Tail ia an increase ef I76.S77.1I e*ef 1»5». The budget shows no rita Ir the amount t<i be raited for tax- ation for municipal purptea*. • Providing there Is no rto* M the eounty tai, offlcialt tattawla tha 1»M tas rate at t i l * fat IIM aitaattd valuation fran laat tfJar't li.7l. Daring tha paelk atarlap «• tha haigat, John,A. Hat a f t t t Highland avenue mitalliM< tht necessity af nwiataiamw a "aar- pjas" In tha badget af. ***** Mayor H, Bmeraoa Thamaa t eH*>> agreed on tha latwirtt>ttta tt thlt Agare at- a ''MMfiat,* ataUag that "tame ITtMOt af thai t>rat* V#H yigaWV H v M i V •^BJBJBJI^BBj ^pB/ 1 *T B *w*v*T*lBBJ tha tax. It la net a •arptaa. Ika. Agure ef f t l l ^ i l Is tha.'ant- plut." . . . , Ma awintaiaed that tha waa a raaaenahle twain* whan tha atat ef the budget *at tuatlirll. |**» nance Chairman CeaneUatM lah> ert Bottorff defended MM I at needed for a "rainy day.". In ether buiintM tht pasted an ordinance business nnd advertltlng i A contract of %UJU»M tor etf iloting 100 feat of • brook la Hard- Ing and Coolidge ttrtote wat awarded to Pitcatelll Sewer aaj Construction Co. of Union. Tha Arm wat the lowest «f It MMwrt. •^V^T W^tejVj sv tt^B^gteVBl 4*amB7 jt^tVkv imtmfVt^V and Are departawnte were ajaat. - ed. They include: Peiiat eMaM*V 100 i lieutenant, K^tMi " " Purling, Foster Receive Posts , Tho appointments of R. Allen Durling and Lawrence G. Foster Ito head ite public relations pro- grams for 1960 wat announced today iby the United Fund of WU1Jd Mr. 'Durling, city editor of the Elizabeth Daily Journal, waa named Chairman of the public re- lations committee of the fund's board <H directors and become* a member of the board, if r, Foster, Militant direttor of,public rela- tions for Johnson ft Johnson, New Brunswick, will direct public re- lations during tho fund's annual appeal in the fall. The terms of bobh men are for one year. They have been associ- ated with the fund's public Tela- tions activities in previous yeans, Mr. Foster as editor and Mr. Dur- ling as contributing editor of the tabloid newspaper published by the fund and distributed at thd outset of the 1P57 and 1069 cam- paigns. Mr. Durling of 709 forest ave- nue has been a resident of West- Held for eight years, With hit wife he ownt (Mahogany House, gift shop and importing company, at 57 Elm street, He has been in newspaper and public relations work since 1931. He is tt former partner in Press Relations Organization, an adver- tising and public relations agency, and has 'been director of public relations lor the New Jersey Pa- trolmen's Benevolent Association, Union Junibr College and Olympic Park. Ho formerly owned trade magazines in the public safety field and haa <becn editor of weekly (Please turn to 2) Don Cossack Show Saturday The General Platoff Don Cossack Chorus arid Dancers will bo pre- sented by the Rotary Club of West- field for the benefit of its student fund Saturday at 8:15 p.m. at the Westfleld High School. There are a few reserved nnd balcony seats available, and if there are any left H.here will be sales nt the door. The few remaining tickets may be obtained from any one of the following places: Made In Amer- ica Store, 128 Elm street; Mayfalr Barber Shop, 102 Quimby street; Town Book Store, 255 East Broad street; Honry Townsend's, 241 NoHh avenuoj Roland G. Mnriunl, 100 Elm street; Kobert Treat Li- quors, 11C Quimby street, and II. L. Vance, 321 South avenue, Incerases annually fer ArM five year*. ' ', Fire chief, |8,4M| deputy chief, K.AOOj Captain, S4.1M; Iraawm 14,600, Ant yoar, with 1800 an* nual incrtMet for Artt Ave yenrt> The appointment or Prank t, Stewart of 62 Fair Hill drive at a apeclal policeman waa apatvtatV Peter Giordano of 41S Rahwa* avepue and Raymond AaAero of' 685 Fint street were afaabrM probationary Artmen. Tht coanct) voted a month's leave of abaenco with'pay te Fireman Robtrt Shiarla 'or medical retaons. Banner, Towl GOP Candidates Town Council Candidate. File Councilman William H. Biumer and Burr A. Towl Jr. remained the only candidates seeking the Re> publican nomination for mayor at the April 19 primary after Thurs- day's deadline for Aling. Filing as Republican candidate! for Town Council were: First Ward, A. Turncy Savage, Incum- bent; Second Ward, William H. Conner; Third Ward, Herbert R. . Welch Jr., incumbent, and Fourth Ward, James J. Kcfalonitis. Petitions were filed in behalf of the following candidates for the Republican County Committee: ' First Ward, District 1, Alan A. Burch of 522 Clark street and Ruth S. Rustin of 120 Nelson place; District 2, Douglas C. Schembs of 514 Coleman place and Irene T. Griffin of 404 West Dud- ley avenue; District 3, Everett C, Sherboume of 10 Sunnywood drive and Janet M. Davis of 731 Clark street; District 4, William F. Glimni of 570 Colonial avenue an<| Kttn 0. Mensching of 828 Cedar terrace; District 5, James G. Skin-, ner of 261 Orchard street and Flor. nee A., Schlerenbech of 264 Pros- pect street, and District 8, Richard B. Burns of 826 Kimbtll avenue-' and Diane K. Hefferman of 620 Raymond street. Second Ward, District 1, Har- (Please turn to page 2) In This Issue About T<mn With Sally », 10 Business Directory 22 Church News 28, 29 Classified 6, 7 Coming Events 25 Editorials 18 Garden 24 Obituaries _... 4 School News 23 Social 8-17 Sports 34, 88 , T h e a t r e * 8 2 Woman't Page «...
Page 1: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****

THE WESTFIELD LEADER*• ****ma*igmi e B ***i A a m h t t m i s B i ^ A ^ k t m m b i ^ ^ * ^ _ ^ _ _ ^ * . ^ ^ _ _ ^ _ ^ ^ p & B » ^ p * ^^^^Jt^^^^^ * • • • • • • • • • * » emmaettiemfeomaitoj a W f^*rt**i*********l m) A *?e*****1emB gt^mf a**Vs?**i *********r ^p^^K^tjpjgt^pmmmmk ^ ^ ^

TH YEAB—No. tt !Y, THURSDAY, MAMCH 17, I960 •v«rr Tkgrtetf

ing Tomorrow OnSlate AcceptanceRefused


1 1 Wring will he held tomor-, in the County Courthouet.

J t to consider the case ofDemocrats who art Malt

Democratt' petitlona forejiididitei were refuted bytee DAngelo, Town Clerk,fer, «twn thty w » trtaslt-

'h4t h i 4 p . * . *lifted th. «»••

4:11 • » , wWU theTown Cm—lltta cai>

wen only a half hew

rier Court Jade* WalterStf HI hts ordered Mr*. O'Aa-i nd Henry G. Milton, CatwtytUt.ppMt tomorrow la court

<£w why the Candida*t Mt be listed on tfca ballet

who'alannai te Mec F i f U l N w t htbu7cF

i >Ue* lor mayar, and tfce.MforTtwaCamwil : First

4 J e h i M. WarJ o faM Howi-• ritaae; TMr4 Ward, RoWrtlajeaag of 143 Verneji terrace,

roarth Ward, Koderlek ' 8.Hbt ef 1(24 JUhwtv avenue.• eMdMate'wai announced fortHrnt Ward. Both. Mr. CowJet

Mr, McDonouffh pre»iou*lyhjea etndidatoa for Town

a&VI Damerat* laid thty did notMrUtr because of "lack of

of the exact time theI had to be.filed."

r.'Wtrd, a four ytar rtaldtnt,KaUantry engineer.for Pub-

fcntMmitt Linden plant AI4T England, to attendedi • Waft Orange ana waiM f fata lajiHwH hi

, »lark CHy. H a « w AtraMtiytMHuUM far the VaareaCal- «Mt*aeta tavwiriat

g W a t t f e l d Rat-Stutd and it a Arrt aid In-

for the American RedtNai. He hit been active in theftrk of the United Fund and the

School PTA. H i w r d•Ml the Held artillery durinflerM War 2.Re tnd his wife have four chil-

Ina: A son, David, 7 twin daugh-an, Mtryann and Linda, 6, andMetatr daughter, Kathy, 4.

Mr. Cowles, i chemical engineer« E. R. SquiW> and Son In NewInnUwick, ii currently industrial

(PUaie turn to pace 2)

Concert Soloist/ J J j Westfleld Glee Club haa at-JJ* James McEvers, bau bari-""». to i« ,ta soloist for the an-"" Jpnn concert April 30. Thej a m will be a joint tffeirwrth

^clssolin Glee Club' offcU and Mr. McEvers will

«e soloist for the Plainfield pre-""•tion April 22 and 28.

l ' M c E v c " •>« performed ina, concert and night clubs, In

««t r i h l" P^ormed 52 dlffer-tt«P-' naVi"B 8PP«»"«» With"I ^ . Opera Co. «nd the Op-

B m San Francisco, Cal.,' 1 1 1 ^ " 8 Association, the

etv !„ P , m u n d s °Pe™tic So-l , Eng and, and the Opera'Miniature in New .York.


S k i 8 ; , Mr- M c E " ^ was aW l . { ? 'D S a " Fr»>«l«:<> Operaon a II •" a u . d i t i o n s a r d "PPearedJnah. l o n w i d a broadcast of tha

a J i ! r l « cxPcriences include

c n a s t "Piratic nlBfct clubs.

Boro CouncilAdopts Budget01 $361,085

MOUNTAIMSIM — A •umici-fi budfet of fl«l,0M for l»«awat adopted Tuesday night fay theBnMifh Council. This it an in-eraaae of Ml,tlO over UW,

AMhoufh no taiineraate it re-quired for municipal paryoeet, themrerall taa wHI riM fcy t t point*,dae to school cotte, or about|T.»» per 1100 of assessed valua-tion, according to Hajror AMMriK. Hartuac.

The auyer atated that althouchtneraatat are erident in almostevery area of toraugb; operations,no ciuuifi in 4he loeal surpotc tairate it nacataary due to an incrcaiean revenue aatfcipatad fromaaureet other than real eatate anddae to an intreeet in tai bearinjproperty in tha boreu|h. The faor-ouaVs raUblat tod incraated by11,700,000 «wrin( 1MI,

In.additiM to proridlnf in-creaaea fat talariet (Tar ail depart-wamt*, Mia toefe* arorided a11,400 incraaw in the Keeeuea«iuul aparapriatian, a M.tQOitem for a revaluation aurvey efroaidencee; a 1100 increase far,CivM' Dafenaa apyreawiationa; •M.4S0 ineraMt (or the free li-brary, ana a |l,»40 incnata intto *uda»» for puUie vaUdtnttand grouBda, krinfinr that Hem to| » M

y,ag rariteta aad oenditctingnrnwaa m •event af the

saivantUea aad taaatrvateriee of

The caaMtti awaidad a IS4.S80contract to the N«w Jaraty FireEquips*** Co. el Oiiiwitan, fora new MO tnHaa - pamper. TjiiaWH tha aacond leweet of live bids.The lawMt bidder failed te fulfill•M efMsleatieaa, €oun«llman Ly-man farrafln said.

The cauncU will hold a hearing

QsfMMKW004 efitMa G B M W M A T i l t # iPtufc alope, Outlook drive andBayberry lane, ,

Gvil DefenseTest March 26


"Operation Sprint," a civil de-fetua exerciM to he held Satur-day, March M, will require NewJersey's population to take coverfor II minutes, the ttat* office ofdvll defense disclosed yesterday,

•Mtt test will tee the greateatmobilisation of auxiliary police-men since the beginning of mod-ern civil defense, Thomas S. Die-nan, acting atata director, laid yes-terday. "Our last public partici-pation exercise Deei 7 produced•potty results. The fact that Itwat not a total success is attrib-uted to the lack of auxiliary police-men on duty; inclement weatherconditions that disabled many tir-•nt and non-adherence .to CD si(-

Mr. Oignan ttked that local civildefense directort make every ef-fcrt to activate all auxiliary po-licemen. According to a late sur-vey, tome 48,000 CD police are en-roiled In more than 600 municipal-ities. Mr. Dlgnan, in a recent di-rective, re-emphasised that ". . .willful violators of civil defenaeregulitlona will be subject to ar-ras*" under the conditions of thedisorderly conduct code. He saiddeapite the intensive public educa-tion program aimed tt teachingthe meaaing of the two CD sig-nals, most people have failed tocommit them to memory. "We willcontinue to indoctrinate this largesegment of New Jersey residentsand our 'get tough' policy is notto be misconstrued as a methodto teach these people by fear. The'comply or arrest' directive is in-tended only for those who pur-posely defy .authority in this and

(Please turn to page 2)

29th WHS SpringMusic Festival April 1, 2

The music department of theWestfield High School will pre-sent its 29th annual spring musicfestival April l a n d 2. Perform-ances will start at 8:30 p.m. in thehigh school auditorium.

The musical event combines theefforts of nearly 400 students. Par-ticipating -will be the choir, girlschonis 1 and II, boys' glee club,the "Pwelve" and "Thirteen" anda trumpet quartet. Mrs. JanetGrimier Gleason is directing theprogram.

Tickets are now on Mile anil allscats are reserved,

• • V . M M C M K T 4QHMTONK

lowUn MinisterIn Lenten Series

Or. JogMWtoac ToPreach Tonight

The Rev. Marraret Blair John-atone, OD, it the Ant woman ealn-iator to fco inchided la OM LentenFamous Preacher eerie* sponsoredyearly by the WoeMeld Councilof Chuichei. Dr. Johnetone, who itminister of the Union Congrega-tional Ctmreh, OroUn, Maaa,, willpreach this evening in tha Fh.tCongregational Charch. on Elmer•treat at I o'clock on the topic,•There'* No Unanswered Prayer."

Dr, JohMtana received her kighItaoi education In Detralt, MWi. i

In nnhwawlnf ruetdar'a pre-mm, Donald Jaa*aa, mlnieter ofwait at Uw VetheeHat Church,

hejtt N, Merahai at ana »r«he »u-preate awsselaaa af our day.; "Hi*work fer the organ itandt httideCateii far the eelle, KreWer'sfar the ttaNa ai>d *a*hmanheAnifar tha ft»aa, At • ! , Mamhal it ittha hotjht ef Me «a»aer. l>r fortyraaraC*Me wNatea with thearahlem ef.,mte«rataUea in thantatt iajaMhif m alta the mostintraetahio af masUal media."

wat gndattad from AaWon Col-iege with an AB degree, and re-ceiMd her baehelor «f divinity de-gree from the University of Chi-cago federated School of Thcol-ogy. Arbion College in June 1»66conferred on her an honorary de-gree of doctor of divinity, Heracadeewte epeeialiaation wat inaociolofy, psychology, then reli-gion and mental haaM (includingelmkal training) and ratlg>ea andttoarta. < • • ^

. . . •arliett aUtdleswera at the National Institute feifee Blind, where he later Me*»e a

Am.~.A •Mi_*tW llabl tMlaillll III*

tan tanglala and-AntolnetUheulet. At It he wat Invited by

Okgeut to enter ,hl* • arganCMM at the. Parit Conttrvatolr*.There, In l» l l , M. Maichal gainedthe "Premier M t " for trgan pity-ing and improvisation, "Winning aspecial prite for counterpoint andfugue two, yaart later. AtVr as-tietlac Olgout at erganlat tk Satnt-Ananatk, M. Marehal waa ai-poMted onmnict at Saint Germain-dee-Prae in 1911, a pott ha rt-linquiahed •« years later when, in1*41, he tueeeeded Joseph Bonnetat «aint-laitaaht, which housesthe Aneat efgaa in. Park. ,

Between the two world wart, M.

•emwasw ClraraV fn CMNrerlW.iwaa atwalaaa in 1M7 and emVUMed Ihm «atll 1»4». Mx,' thandeveloped ah cxperimentai pariah,tha Etaex Cariek in Umt County,N.Y., aarving there from IMS toI960. Some residents of WetUteldmay remember her at the ministerof tiie Old Stone CongregationalChurch in WilMoro, JUT., whichwat part of the Eatei Parish. In1850 ahe was called to the UnionParish of Groton Mid Wait Groton,Mat*,, where aha i» ttiil the paMor.

Dr. Johmtahe haa won nation-wide fame at one of the leading inapirational writers of the day.Doiena osf her trticlca have ap-peared since 1947 in the "Read-er'e Digest," -ICoMier's," "Womin'tHome Companion," "Better Hornetand Gardens," "This Week,""Pageant,'' "Look," "Your Life"•nd other popular magazinet. Shehas alao written two books, Onecalled ' Create Your Own Tomorrow" dealt with the problem* of

(Please turn to page 2)

Towl CampaignLynn B. Tipson of 807 Wlnyah

avenue and John A. Hoff of S32Highland avenue announced todaythat they, have accepted co-chair-manahip of the mayoralty cam-paign of Burr A. Towl Jr. of 515Bradford avenue. At the sametime, Mr. Towl announced thatRichard W. Davis of 731 Clarkstreet is campaign co-ordlnalor.

Among Westfield residents ac-tively supporting Mr. Towl'i can-didacy are: Mr. and Mrs. John A.Ackerman, Mr. and Mrs. RaymondJ. Aigotti, R. D. Britton, Mr. andMrs. George R. Brownell, Mr. andMrs. Alan A. Burch, Mr. and Mrs.Guy R. Byam, Mr. and Mrs. JamesH. Carson, Mr. and Mrs. ArnoldY. Claman, Mr. and Mrs. JamesR. Crawford.

Also, Thomas Dcvcrell, Mr. andMrs. W W n l H. Gordon, Mrs. Wil-liam B. Gundrum, Mrs. JeanneIzatt, Chester M. Kellogg, Mr, andMrs. Frank A.Ketcham, Mr. and.Mrs. Frederick W. - Montgomery,George Nubel, Mr. and Mrs. VeneE. Rinehart, Edward C. Roller,Mrs. Miriam T. Russell.

Also, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dodd Slo-cum, Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Stier,Mr. and Mrs. A. Vandeweehe, Mr.and Mrs. Robert E, Wilson, Mr.and Mrs. Ernest S. Winter andMrs. Frederick Zink.'

'Night in LOB Vegas9

"A NigM in Las Vegas," theY's Up dance,, will be held Satur-day nt the YMCA from 8 p.m. tomidnight. .Music will be by theBel Airs. Tickets for couples onlywill bo sold at the door. The cos-tume is dressy. "Gambling" anddancing will be featured.

BUndFrenchOrganut'iRecUalTue$day In Methodist Church CoMnittee

Aadre awwahal «Mad organistf a ^ W ejrUl y r t

pitsf as) ietjr m tkk eaeintry,«tag rariteta aad d i

KofCCoMttnionBreakfast Sunday

St. P.lrfck'. DayDiapMT, DMMC Set

The l i a T ' S i T CoinkttniaH

«(! i t l l , Knights of Columbui, willbe held Sunday at 10 a.m. at.Wal-ly's, Scotch Plaint. Members ofthe council will attend tto S a.m.Mass at S t Anne's Church, Gar-wood.

The Rev. Joseph J. Jaremctuk,professor of ehemittry at SetenHall Univenity, S"»th Orange,will be tto principal apaaker atthe breakfast Harold Durant willbe toattmaitor.

Two active charter members ofthe council, which was founded inNovember 1»13, will be presentThey are tto Rt Rev. H. I. W»t-terson, patter of Holy TrinityChurch, who has been chaplain ofthe organiiation since its found-ing, and A. J. Mdrenglio of Wett-neld.

A chalice will be presented bythe council to Father Jaremcsukat a memorial to the Rev. JohnNelligan, deceased pastor of S tBartholomew the Apostle Churchof Scotch Plains, and other mem-bers who have died during the pastyear. Their names will be in-scribed on the chalice.

A St Patrick's Day dinner anddance will be held today in theclub house. Corned beef and cab-bage will be served between 8 and9 p.m. and dancing will follow un-til 2 a.m. The Electronics Triowill provide the music.

At a recent business meeting,Deputy Grand Knight John Spi-nale announced the council's 14thannual essay contest for seniors«t Holy Trinity High School.Three cash pr'izes and a plaquewill be awarded to the winners atclass night exercises in June. Ttoproject is a memorial to Paul Gott-


March*! developed Me career **>,*recita)iai He Ant visited theUnited Mates te give a aeries ofrecitals in the Cleveland Museumof (Art, presenting nearly the en-tire organ mutic of Bach. Sincethen tie ha* made nunrarout trans-continental American recital tour*.For IM. Varchal't Ant london re-cital, more than a quarter-century

four, dietlnguithed honorarymember* of the Organ Muetc So-ciety, Albert Routed, Jan Sibelius,Joseph Jongen and Vaughn Wll-lama, submitted themes on which

he improvised in organ symphonyin f out movements. Since tiien hehat been, except for the waryean, a frequent visitor'to Eng-land, He took part in the concert,given in the presence of HerMajesty Queen Elnabeth, theQueen 'Mother, inaugurating theorgan In the Royal Festival Hallin London, and has been a regularlecltellat there- ever aincc. Hebroadcasts frequently for theBritish 'Broadcasting Corporation,and in 1853 visited Australia atthe invitation of Ilia AustralianBreadcaatmg Caamlseisn for

• • - • • - vtaar <wMeh M u t M

(Please turn to page 2)

Griner to HeadCAR Society

John A. Griner, a junior in theW«stfield High School and son ofMr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Griner of815 Boulevard, was installed aspresident of the Robert French So-ciety, Children of the AmericanRevolution, at a recent meeting ofthe teen-age group.

John was formerly treasurer andvice president of the society and iscurrently state chairman of con-servation. He is a member of thevarsity football squad and the highschool choir.

As president, John will repre-sent the society at the state springconference in Princeton, April 3and the National CAR conventionin Washington, D. C , April 23.

Other officers elected for thecoming year are: Elizabeth Green,vice president; Ann Heck, secre-tary; Diane Meierdicrck, treasur-er, and Priscllla Perry, chaplain.The officers were installed by DeanVandcrbilt, past fllnte vice presi-dent. . , . , ,

Of Rwtftn ToSpeak March 99

Tto WeatSeld Committee ferCharter Itudy aaneaacad tedtythat tt wlH apeMar a public meet-ing Taotdajr, March » Dean p.Willard Heekel, associate dean »fRutgers Univenity School of Uw,tnd a well-known authority oncharter study, will fee tha speaker.

The wearing will to at ( i l lp.m. at Mt Tremont avenue,- thehome af Mr. end Mrs. C. F. Wal-lace, tnembera of (to charter com-mittee.

"We feel particularly pleatedthat Dean 'Heckel will to able tecome to WepUUld tt this time,"committee members atete. "Ha cananswer any wiaitiOM resident* eftto town wiM poet since to f l lchairman tt ih» Newark CkUtent

otntnittee on Municipal Govern-ment whan Newark undertook, acharter aiady."

Ha *HI apetk with «ret handknowledge af charter review, andwill disewi 1agai o.uestioni abouttto Optional Municipal CharterLaw <th« Faulkner Act).

Dean Heckel • profetsor efeonttitationaJ law at Rutgers andserved at chairman of the Mtyor'iCommission on Group ttelitioniin Newark.

A graduate of Dartmouth Col-lege, the received his MA degreefrom Columbia University tnd hitM;B degree from the Universityof Newark Uw School. He it amember of the American and Es>tea County Bar Associations.

Commenting on the enthusiasmof WeiUteld resident* for tha an-nouncement that a Charter dfedyCommittee it being formed, groupmembers report that the Idea ofan objective study of the localgovernment by a charter cemmlt-tion of «v« local ciliaoM haa wide

Plans Set ForYM Meeting

Dr. Bourns ToBe Toaatmaster

Robert J. Lincoln, 'chairman ofthe committee on arrangements forthe Wettfleld YMCA'a 37th annualmeeting, to be held Wednesday,March 30, made known today theprogram highlights to mark theoccasion.

Mateo F. Occena, a native of thePhilippines, will be the principalspeaker of the evening, as previ-ously announced. Mr. Occen* ispresently serving in this countryWith the Ecumenical Commissionof the United Presbyterian Churchwith offices in New York City.

Dr. Edward G. Bourns againwill serve as toastmaster for theoccasion. Dr. Bourns is a trusteeof the YMCA and a former president of the board of directors,Frank A. Ketcham, president ofthe Y board, will preside at thebusiness meeting for the electionof directors to serve the three yearterm of 1960-63, tnd the electionof Y members to serve the nom-inating committee for the year1960.

George R. Brownell, secretary,will read the minutes of the lastannual meeting. The report ofthe treasurer will be given by Pe-ter A. Dughi. Dr. Frederick E.Christian, pastor of the WestfieldPresbyterian Church, will give theinvocation and benediction. Songswill be led by Donald Jensen, min-ister of music *t the First Meth-odist Church, accompanied by Al-bert Danker. '

Mr. Lincoln noted that severalawards will be made in recogni-tion of outstanding service to the

(Please turn to /page 2)


Charter StudyPlans

Public Meeting

^ajnu»^ito«rMWa.waJ»fta<fording «rerr resident Tour op-portunities! (1) to place a refer-endum authorialng charter studyon the November ballot tnd towork for ite adaption; (S) to tug-gett outlined and talented candi-date* for the live-member char-ter commission, and''to work fortheir election; (3) to assist in thenine-months public study of ourlocal government to be undertakenby the charter commission, and(4) to take part eventually in thedebates and dlacmslons precedingUw public referendum on tilecharter commission'* recommen-dation.."

"We are convinced," a commit-tee apokennan concluded, "thatthe Faulkner Act which makespossible a local charter study, givesu* the greatest possible impetusto an 'of the people, by the people,for the people' effort. Under thinact Westfield may, through theeffort* of its own citiiena, surveyits municipal government to besure it is effective for its particu-lar needs."

Objections to PAJetportWillBcTopic of Meeting

MOUNTAINSIDE —The argumente against: the Fort of NewYork Authority's proposal to erecta jetport in Morris County will bepresented by Charles Jacobus, arepresentative of the Speakers Bu-reau of the Jersey Jetport SiteAssociation, at a meeting of theSunny Slope Civic Council at theDcerfield School Thursday 'at 8p.m.

In addition to the members oftho neighborhood • group, MayorAlbert Hartung, Councilmen Law-rence Curtise and Eugene Rau andmembers of the Penn Brook andSherwood Forest civic organiza-tions have been invited to attend.It is expected that nearly 200 per-sons will be present.

Mr. Jacobus is one of the morethan 100 speakers recruited by thechairman of the speakers bureau,Edward C. Love, and the women'sgroup of the .USA to present thocase of residents of Morris andadjoining counties against thePort Authority proposition.

Daisy Bud TwigCarnival Saturday

The annual "Fun-Fair Car-nival" of the Daisy Bud Twigof Muhlenborg Hospital willbe held Saturday from 1 to4 p.m. at Grant School.

Featured this year will befortuno-telling, movies, make-up, Kiinuis and prizes. Refresh-ments will be Bold. NancyMoore is chairman of theevent, proceeds of' which willgo towards the club's hospitalfund,

Council Adopts'60 Town Budget


Ordinance;Awards ContrMt

A $tfiU,\99M municipal ha*Vget for 1960 was adopted MaMlarnight by the Town Council. Tailia an increase ef I76.S77.1I e*ef1»5». The budget shows no ritaIr the amount t<i be raited for tax-ation for municipal purptea*. •

Providing there Is no rto* M theeounty tai, offlcialt tattawla tha1»M tas rate at t i l * fat IIMaitaattd valuation fran laat tfJar'tli.7l.

Daring tha paelk atarlap «•tha haigat, John,A. Hat a f t t tHighland avenue mitalliM< thtnecessity af nwiataiamw a "aar-pjas" In tha badget af. *****Mayor H, Bmeraoa Thamaa teH*>>agreed on tha latwirtt>ttta ttthlt Agare at- a ''MMfiat,* ataUagthat "tame ITtMOt af thai t>rat*V # H y i g a W V Hv M i V • BJBJBJI BBj pB/1 *TB*w*v*T*lBBJ

tha tax. It la net a •arptaa. Ika.Agure ef f t l l ^ i l Is tha.'ant-plut." . . . ,

Ma awintaiaed that tha waa araaaenahle twain* whan tha atatef the budget *at tuatlirll. |**»nance Chairman CeaneUatM lah>ert Bottorff defended MM Iat needed for a "rainy day.".

In ether buiintM thtpasted an ordinancebusiness nnd advertltlng i

A contract of %UJU»M tor etfiloting 100 feat of • brook la Hard-Ing and Coolidge ttrtote watawarded to Pitcatelll Sewer aajConstruction Co. of Union. ThaArm wat the lowest «f It MMwrt.

• ^ V ^ T W^tejVj sv tt^B^gteVBl 4*amB7 jt tVkv imtmfVt^V

and Are departawnte were ajaat. -ed. They include: Peiiat eMaM*V100 i lieutenant, K^tMi " "

Purling, FosterReceive Posts ,

Tho appointments of R. AllenDurling and Lawrence G. FosterIto head ite public relations pro-grams for 1960 wat announcedtoday iby the United Fund ofW U 1 J d

Mr. 'Durling, city editor of theElizabeth Daily Journal, waanamed Chairman of the public re-lations committee of the fund'sboard <H directors and become* amember of the board, i f r, Foster,Militant direttor of,public rela-tions for Johnson ft Johnson, NewBrunswick, will direct public re-lations during tho fund's annualappeal in the fall.

The terms of bobh men are forone year. They have been associ-ated with the fund's public Tela-tions activities in previous yeans,Mr. Foster as editor and Mr. Dur-ling as contributing editor of thetabloid newspaper published bythe fund and distributed at thdoutset of the 1P57 and 1069 cam-paigns.

Mr. Durling of 709 forest ave-nue has been a resident of West-Held for eight years, With hit wifehe ownt (Mahogany House, giftshop and importing company, at57 Elm street,

He has been in newspaper andpublic relations work since 1931.He is tt former partner in PressRelations Organization, an adver-tising and public relations agency,and has 'been director of publicrelations lor the New Jersey Pa-trolmen's Benevolent Association,Union Junibr College and OlympicPark. Ho formerly owned trademagazines in the public safetyfield and haa <becn editor of weekly

(Please turn to 2)

Don CossackShow Saturday

The General Platoff Don CossackChorus arid Dancers will bo pre-sented by the Rotary Club of West-field for the benefit of its studentfund Saturday at 8:15 p.m. at theWestfleld High School.

There are a few reserved nndbalcony seats available, and ifthere are any left H.here will besales nt the door.

The few remaining tickets maybe obtained from any one of thefollowing places: Made In Amer-ica Store, 128 Elm street; MayfalrBarber Shop, 102 Quimby street;Town Book Store, 255 East Broadstreet; Honry Townsend's, 241NoHh avenuoj Roland G. Mnriunl,100 Elm street; Kobert Treat Li-quors, 11C Quimby street, and II.L. Vance, 321 South avenue,

Incerases annually fer ArMfive year*. ' ',

Fire chief, |8,4M| deputy chief,K.AOOj Captain, S4.1M; Iraawm14,600, Ant yoar, with 1800 an*nual incrtMet for Artt Ave yenrt>

The appointment or Prank t ,Stewart of 62 Fair Hill drive at aapeclal policeman waa apatvtatVPeter Giordano of 41S Rahwa*avepue and Raymond AaAero of'685 F int street were afaabrMprobationary Artmen. Tht coanct)voted a month's leave of abaencowith'pay te Fireman Robtrt Shiarla'or medical retaons.

Banner, TowlGOP Candidates

Town CouncilCandidate. File

Councilman William H. Biumerand Burr A. Towl Jr. remainedthe only candidates seeking the Re>publican nomination for mayor atthe April 19 primary after Thurs-day's deadline for Aling.

Filing as Republican candidate!for Town Council were: FirstWard, A. Turncy Savage, Incum-bent; Second Ward, William H.Conner; Third Ward, Herbert R. .Welch Jr., incumbent, and FourthWard, James J. Kcfalonitis.

Petitions were filed in behalf ofthe following candidates for theRepublican County Committee: '

First Ward, District 1, Alan A.Burch of 522 Clark street andRuth S. Rustin of 120 Nelsonplace; District 2, Douglas C.Schembs of 514 Coleman place andIrene T. Griffin of 404 West Dud-ley avenue; District 3, Everett C,Sherboume of 10 Sunnywood driveand Janet M. Davis of 731 Clarkstreet; District 4, William F.Glimni of 570 Colonial avenue an<|Kttn 0. Mensching of 828 Cedarterrace; District 5, James G. Skin-,ner of 261 Orchard street and Flor.nee A., Schlerenbech of 264 Pros-

pect street, and District 8, RichardB. Burns of 826 Kimbtll avenue-'and Diane K. Hefferman of 620Raymond street.

Second Ward, District 1, Har-

(Please turn to page 2 )

In This IssueAbout T<mn With

Sally », 10Business Directory 22Church News 28, 29Classified 6, 7Coming Events 25Editorials 18Garden 24Obituaries _... 4School News 23Social 8-17Sports 34, 88

, T h e a t r e * 8 2Woman't Page «...

Page 2: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****





« l Wart BreadI aad FrajMaa L. Cagnauola

tt l MriUahfagalhaea at U i

aad Dtftrict», * a aMdrffeaadwaa-

af 1HT BaWay


. ft* f*m hf lavtted *» tMa eat-

! %UM AN« ta Jttt-O. Ha h a COM-

111 maaitant «f Holy TrinHr dherch.a y rHa and kii wife *ava four tail-

aa*a»MN ia • » mil, Ualaa,Santa Onaga aad Waplainiid.

Mr, Plaiting jaiaad MM WlaatMth Daily Jouraal la 1»4« aa a-* ' ***.- - gk rii aaMgt Aa-lagtagaA « ! * *

WP}T M J M T * Mft^M»» • M J ' i ' W aTHiJT

adMat la tMt andfeHy «dMor laatI T J V I D^B. fVvgW Vja/vgejgggflgaja^m W^WJI ggjgaa^

•ra Unfceraity ia I t l l . H* It alawkar aC ta* firai BMhotfiatlAa tfcaltiaaa at tka VnHad rand

puMie relation* eoauaittae he we-caada Chattel F. KUey, aasbtantcKr editor of tka New T»rt Her-aid-TKMfM.

Mr. rattar Jetaad Jotasoa •Jatasaila 1M7 aftar nbta raart

a^atwate. Ha Md feat*rawtta #a» And fctt-

ajuMtsgaf tm cha rfawtrkfNM 1t4l and 1MI, n U ncaaM flight etitar. Ha kaa

laMttaa tadta aad tata*taim acriptaaa>d a a n t at dt aHktaa far aa-

HMfI k

laMwaahM.ba Ovmaaa

M. U

OMdlne dak of N«v York.and

(Mr. fMtor ««• gndMto* tnm

P«nn*ylnnU State Uniretwty inJ#48, h « l>e«n prwidect «f theP«nn M*M Club of —Jelftty an a m a n * <* tkc iMii-v««iHy'» Alumni CWMil. » • !• •pa*Wuon«r of Holy Trinity Omrchand Uvei «ilh his • * « , tka I»r-mer B!feh L. teller, and *oir fmlr«U**it M t«C Harrtow MORIM,

Ai tlw f »nd'« ca«K%B oakiknkUiMi* chaimaii he a«eeo«da W.Aihlejr burner.

Civil Defense<C«tM«*J fr«M *W* t)



wW. UanuMr to. CD aawiwal,

cm *U MUaMiMawfflte •>••

tlM TvMlOiM'W iffMl wiQ M M .

ia kiiawa aatka tatt will ga a*ar and *ar>.

awl actlritj will lartaw at 10:Ua.a>. wkaa tka CD Ah** flgnal la


lf«w tetk and FmMjrlTaala artdot participation Ia "Oparatiap' ing," but aatkoritlta ia tkaaa

ikboriag atataa will ccwwdinat*control traffic at nridg* and

tttnntl approach**.

trwaar. <ttal lad iOaytaa aafcactaaiai

t * It daayJac aiatarlal*aM. Aflar * • liajtiw

^ j k A ^


PlmiSetFor<Ca«UMiad tram aaga 1)

. tipmanUtlwa af tht majorrcai of Y youth artMtjr wlU ra-•w tha higUlgkU of tht program•r.Raunratloai for tha. dinnar

^tatlag, wkiea will atart at 7 p.*.,art curraatljr kMag raealvad In tkaT aflka. AtaociaUd with Mr. Lin-coln on tha annual matting cont-mtttaa ara Otorga %. Bachananand Thill* Swart SUff awmbaraaaalattng ara: fedward C. twan,Alatrt.E, <%rooa (rtatnratiMu);Ronald i, VaUh (program*; Cd.ward M. Horntr (arrangtmanta),and Kanaath *. Lgmn (pronoUank.

WogwmMiiiistef'.' (Contiwatd Irom peg* 1)avcrrdar llrtng—*aarkal rtlatiaaM,yyparenthood,—and givaa(tow to h dt i

f faK, ateIdftee onTIM other

a iaator at'tawraac* Academy iniraaM.

Tha aatvtea taia avaning ia thathird bi tfea I P M atritt and it willto pwatdwl <nr«r by th« R«T. URoywtanfatd, paaU* mt tha Itrat Con-gfafatlMial Chttreh in WcaMdd.

took la an aatoblograpty caHad"Whan God Say. 'Ko1 - and ran aaa three-fart amial.in tha "Woa«.an'a HOBM Companion'' fctfora ItafaUieation in 1M4. ;

fn addWan to aH h«r othardutlaa, Or. Johnatont ia alto a wtf aand atotatr. flht ia taanticd *o aconsulting tangincer, Joacph JahM-atona, and chay hav* tyro thildran:A daoghUr, • * » ia a traahaun atHoilint i^ollaga majoring In Malicand it an aeeonpliihad organitt,«arrllona«r and ainga in tha Hollina'College Choir; and a aQn who ia

r y a l o n a V/eMK.Ha wMI fee atettUd by the Re*.Oiral H. Auttin, aaaoriata minia-tet ot the <Pretbjrt«rian Chureh.The «haiml choir of tht Congre-rational Chwfeh, under the direc-tion of Kvelyn fllodio, wili providetfeertite.

K of C CoMMinion(Continued from part 1)

lick, council member who waa Kill-'ad in action with tha (Vary in thePacific in World War II.

Delegates elected to a ttate eon-


n t» »t mm- » wr wen. Paat Grand Knigiit

Tadg* aad Graad VJMfht

County CtawiMta M all <UttricUwaa indiratad. aftar th* 4aadlineflliag TMradJf fat 4h*Aa«f M

! ^ ^ ^ a £ '%;- ' -fiHaff Car <Pf» aaatt «a the

•traiMli. C o w i r ware: WilliamA.' Hehte a* «M »ay*eHT iaaoaad C*«aad 9,Mm of M« la«aatrail, iafcaajfcMta, and Arthurf»layw.afiS>aB%i»tk read.

O»V0eatatlvt «» «kt for t*r-ough OrapeH *aa ttawrt P. •««•-«a of ll«4 Ikat t eoairt,

riil f*f \ jfci ' «ep«MtattCounty CoaaialMM ware: FiratDlttrtrt, /aaaap V. •arrr MidgtfAj^kJ^h^^m M ^B*tgaMaw ^aaikawnasga^KaagiaiW f f f H 1* PtVTTi MW *M gCflHi

and flonaW #. JUaft awd «ertineDeBae.

Second MftriMt Vlnreat W«»-kala, Jaaat - Wiaward, Ro» Q.DanUk 4Mid. V h W iM. Daiticlt,inciaaheat '•:,.•'.,

Third Oiatrttt, Jah» Carry, In-•*ent, Vraate SartaMA, Uait

Ruoolpa aad Dork Ckattla.Four* Dkffw*. jMHWrt I .

XMH JL fla^BAHIatnBmhMtt• ^ • 1 ' ^**f ^•^*^PWa"jB**# ^a^w^aw»tt^eteat

W h T M k Edward «D. ttfMkAll

tncuasaeata, aj(d WUJIaai 0 . Hak-l«r and Cralta OeLaarentk .

W i * . * ; p : Deaiotratkunty<Siiawil fnwara:firat jDiaMei t a g w e 1. flauer-

born Jr. tmt Katamarlt %.. Mag-nolia • « • K f * Kaeriet, gUllSpagna:. - - . ' • , .

«iMnan of ElitaUth,,Utt you', •rther. fi«ltioa, "Afrii M o w n ? —ha*e a laatiaae SaWra»/1and eraaing perforihaaN|lday aad Friday, HuVnlin tka Hoir Trinity jStRaaditorium.

Tkirtv-aii woincn> . joiaod the "B

!f *• *< Th



• * %

B2!f *• *<• The "rianagaa la general ,tka. akow eaau>ittee,Un. Ethel Flym, iKWj Mja. rrVnet

h-a. pay after t«*Tia>:g|g» tayawa) . iTl

Place Your AdWhere You Get

b PROVES that criwrttamtiitf in THE LEADERat* MOM WIDELY READ and ACTED ON than in anymedium circulating in this area.



Putt Your Cfatffitd Advertisement of 25 WORDS (Aver-of 5 UNES) WHERE YOU WlU GET THESE RESULTS:

"Your ads are amazingly effective! The day fol-lowing the publication we had NUMEROUS CALLSof which one was more than acceptable!" — Mr, B,

"The items we wished to sell were sold within 5hours after many, many, calls arid the item wewished to purchase was found at our price, WE>ryERE AMAZED AND THRILLED WITH THE RESULTSOF OUR INVESTMENT/'—Mrs. T.



^ h

^:.vg; - - V- -

inmn AM low AW AM,

WHAT WILL YOUR NEW SUITLOOK LIKE?. . . traditional or continental, colorful or aut>dutid, add whteh of th«

many fabrics will you be choos- ( , . ,

ing? But whatever your prefer-

ence may be, you're sure to And

the auit of your choice at, John


We've enlisted the talents of

Botany, GGG, Stein Bloch. H.

Freeman and Michaels Stern to

bring you the finest fabrics,

fashioned with the artistry of

true craftsmartship. May we help

you make your selections n6w,

while our stock at styles and

sizes is at its best.

tttM MtittbAY AND FfclDAY

; TILL fl P.M.

' »"•»*. J I * i



AD 34

Page 3: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****

4 GOP CandidFile in Fanwood

•win, hravea ana1 warriors fromM triass in the Unami U o f -

•f Us WesMeM YMCA arefor pr im in th« photo

now being hcM OiroUfhL

tint, second and third prisesbt fiven in both the black and

and color categories, and iftribe member wins a priie, his

brave! will each be givenawards, Entries should

tuned in at the YM and will(•tainted i t the end of the con-

Winners will be .elected by Mr*.A. Burke Jr. of the West.

Iwder, Edward Green of theCourier-Mew* and Jean-

Tuner of the Elixabeth Daily

of the Comindw, Nav-Oaeida and Unami Bucks will

Uucted into the Unami Long-Thursday in the YM cudi-at 7:45 p.m. Tuesday theNation (including Colum-

end McKinley Schools) willDakota and Kickapoos bucks

Apache braves. Ail familiesfriends of Indian Guide* are

to attend.



- • «v^^^^^™ae«BissBBlBl»Bi

County CowuttceOn Aging HoldsFirst Meeting

The trat aMettag «f the UnfaaCoaaty Cawittat for tit* WhiteHouse Ceafenaee on Aging washeld Tuesday Booming at IMoaJunior College, Cranford, tarterthe county ckainaeasUa of Mra.Arthur 0. &ts«in af ° — r "

Dr. Keaaeta sfcKar, presidentof the eoUeg*. wdeeaaad tte eoas-e»itt*e aad aUreatef. the grata.M. David fcfcaafsi ef the «UUDivision of Aghtg^acted as eeasalt-ant for tha Meeting. Tae parpqesof the sessioa waa to complete thecounty orfaniiatioa and tafia tiestudy regarding prebleau of agingin four areas as prepared by aa-tional and *Ute guide*. '

The areas involved in tha survey


OP THE M?CMt AWUof THH aoaouuu

W HOlNTAINaiUSt>m It May Concern:

« In HcreJsy Ulven. that•:, IlOBBRT 1IANNAH O B E U T ' V 1 B R I t T O N , T t h l

of AsRrastncnt CommlMionerBlMrouiih of Mountainside, in

u:- wunly o( Union and State ofww Jerwr.-duiy appointed by theS** «»d Council of aaid UoroWhSJ"j J"c »"«*"»ment« Tor beneltM"»"«0 oy uroperty ownen In mill•m«sn by reuaon or tlie construc-JJf of stnlury «!wer«, hive riled;"" "Port, map'and aajremment.

therewith and Ha author-• J • / an orilinance therein namedH* jealunalpd. Said5* ""iHnaled. Said AwHlt to t•ffu ni!r" l m v e ascertain.* theJJJ» com ol mitterlaU, conatruc-

emit, eiiKineerlna, lecal ex-" » 1 "tlier incTientals and

I1*n"'' Incurred In the^ °? "' "Mld »»nlt»ry newer!°cal 'mprovernent, as author-T H 8,aJl1 ordinance, and havoJ5J "ie land* and premisesB °» and benefiting by the

ement to the amount that,"• b c c n anrclally benefited.""Pfovemente so aueaitd areM1^""."? b ' t h e followlnit

prmmv .''"'Rioted ordlnancfs:r?.i'itAN9E TO AUTHORIZES ' ^ T I I U O N OP A PAK-



0 ' SUCH Br?M? T H E i laSUANCB**•*».19B? »*ODted Novem-»3«B ^hl f,*ov.'L referred to was«t• BTroSph Ma}'«?.t»n<» Qosncll .of^tth is K,.«o Mountainside on06 In ,J' I'°,0', ana Is no«f on

* S7Jc? o f , t h e Borouerhr '""Pcction and

p e r B o n" I n t c r -the

Ney.WsryPee« 190.11)

FANWOOD—Throe Republicanincumbents and one other boroughofficial have Wad petitions'as can-didates ia the April 1» primary.

Carl P. WeWger of 145 Haroldavenue is aaeking hie second three-year term on tha Borough Coun-cil and Frank W. fitobinski Jr. of129 'North Martine avenue, mem-ber of the planning board, seeksnomination for the Borough Coun-cil to All the place of Justis J. Ag-noli, who has declined to run fora third term.

Albert I. Nichols, who has servedas, tax collector since laag, willseek re-election. George B. Drap-er of 104 North avenue, tax asses-sor .since 1047, will seek another

Lions Hear StoryOf Eye Bank

The .'Uons Club of Westfleldheard t in story of the Eye Bank/or Sight Reiteration Thursdaynight at the Mountainside Inn.

Albert H. WitgiMn introducedMrs. Tass Tinker, governor «f dil-trkt 8 of Zonta International,' awomen's service club, Of the blindin this country 30,000 who havecornea trouble can have theireight restored, she aaid, by trans-planting corneas from, lonon whohave agreed upon detAh to confersight restored, she said, by trans-to darkness.

A card ia carried toy the donorin case of accident, as action mustbe taken within 48 hours of deathand another card by the nearestof kin -who will see that action istaken promptly. Any doctor canremove the eyes, but only highlyskilled physicians can make tHetransplant; which is a highly -deli-cate operation. There are about200 such doctors spread aroundthe country, the speaker said.

"Last, year 45,000 signed up asfuture donors of their eyes upondeath, but this is no* newlyenough. Only- a little over 1,000eye* were available last year andof their total, about 20 per centcould not be used, as only 789cornea grafting operation, wereaccomplished. Three out of every100 were given the precious giftof sight, tu t 97 of each hundredwere condemned to wait, most ofthem,for some long distant year.Others will not live that long,"she .said'.

•Mrs. Tinker said there is no mu-tilation of the dead and when thecornea has been removed, the restof the eye is used for research. Agemakes no difference, surprising asit seems, nor sex of the donor, northe *61or of the skin.

John E. Nomtnik of the Croton-onJlud&On Lions Club told ot itsdrive' to get signatures resultsin more than 600 signed' pledgecards from this town of only6,000. 'Rebuffed again and again atSing Sing prison, he finally'got hisstory through to the warden whoallowed him to sign many of theinmates. .

Mr. Nommik said .where as only80 per cent of the corneas can beused, <96 per cent of the actualtransplants were successful and•full sight restored to the sightless.•Muhlenibcrjr and Overlook are lo-cal hospitals who are equipped tohandle these cases.

Any-member of the WesbfieldLions Chib may !be contacted orthe blind bank chairman, DouglasW. Field of 1026 Seward avenue.Joseph W. Freeman, president,conducted the meeting.,


Economic security and incomemaintenance, which has to do withthe fact chat today although onlyone in four persons «v«r 6S Is em-ployed, many retired ample couldbe effective workers in some con-structive effort in the communityand could aaia additional adequateincome task to the health andhappiaeu of their age group.

The second caUgory set up forstudy waa aeutis* ana aaelter inreaaact to areMtit facilities andfuture needs. Tats included co-op-erative and public housing; hous-ing designed spaciRcally for eld-erly— artead within their means,and the Apart on what has beendona in tha county in this work.

Health and medical care came Infor mention, involving medical'anddental c a n with iU problems offlnandng; nursing requirements,nutrition, special food problems,fcomeraaker services, end the set-ting of this service where riotavailable.

The fourth matter set up forsurvey was educational and wel-fare service with recommendationsinvolving them. This included mu-nicipal and courttjr activities as wellas recreational, educational andcivic participational opportunitiesexisting for aging citiaens.

"The White House Conferenceon Aging," said Mrs. Schwari quot-ing from one of the guides, "pro-vides for the formulation of recom-mendations for immediate actionin improving snd developing pro-grams to permit the country totake advantage of the experienceand skills' of the older people inthe population, to create conditionswhich will better enable them tomeet their needs and to furtherreaearch on aging."

Those who a n serving aasors or are on the countytee from Hie local area incliDr. A. Leon Ackerman, Mrs.BierHeM, Mr*. D. C. Davis, Mrs.E. G. Ecgmann, Mrs. Herbert Ger-nert, Mrs. E. L. Richer, Miss EdithUmbrecht, the Hon. Florence P.Dwyer, .Senator Robert C. Crane,Assemblyman Jamei M. McGowan,Assemblyman Nelson Stamler, As-semblywoman Mildred B. Hughesand Freeholder Mary C. Kenan..

Concert SeriesCampaign Now, The annual campaign lor sub-

scribers to next year's WestfleldCommunity Concert series is un-der way this week. Membershipsubscriptions are on sals at< asso-ciation headquarters located atAusten, 143 East Broad street

Ernest Carlson, president of the.association, stated that 4S0 mem-bers renewed .their subscription atFriday's concert and that addi-tional subscriptions have been re-ceived all week. While presentsubscribers have priority on re-newal, Mr. Carlson indicated thatthere is a normal turnover whichprovides a good opportunity fornew "members to join. Among theattractions scheduled for next sea-son are the Indianapolis SymphonyOrchestra and the Icelandic Chor-us of 86 male sinirers.

In additon to the four concertsin Westfleld, members are entitledto attend the four concert! inPlainneld and four in Summit. Thelocal association maintains a re-ciprocity arrangement with thePlainneld and Summit groups,

Mrs. Charles Wans of 643 Nor-man place is membership chair-man. Persons interested in sub-scribing should get in touch withheadquarters by tomorrow.

Brownie Troop VisitsService Center

Brownie Troop 508, McKinleySchool, with their leader, Mrs. Wil-liam J. Pavelka, paid a visit lastweek to Cancer Service Center ofthe Westfteld American Capcer So-ciety. ' . • '

While there.the girls donatedsalvage materiar they had collect-ed to the center. This is the ma-terial used in malcing all dressings.

Mr*. V, f. taut, aMtar earatj eaair-paaa, ao4 Mrs. C . « . rraakeaaacaSr., aicretWT. WWalrH tka firlaCar taeir efforts ia oatataiaai taaulvafe.

Thay aiao ayeke to the troopabout the activities of the centerant) tjae wor* tiket ia being done bytaUiroua. . •


fMben et aht PTA hoard efLiaeaia Seheei were elastai Tuea-dejr aight at. a- gaamt aaeetinf Inth«««|Mai. f ;

Mrs. C. O, Blatksaar* waa elect-ed hreeiasat, with.Mra. aarardHeUajai viea ataaMent Also elect-ed were Mra. WiiHam S, Cox, eec-ond vice araManti Mrs. K, D. Bos-ton, recording secretary; Mrs. M.B. lipnaannan, corresponding sec-retarr, and Richard. P. Davis,treasurer.. Mrs, Wilfred O. TatT, aresident,aiiiMMiaised that tliere will he aaim for fifth and sixth grade girlsaccompanied by their mothersMarcs 31 at 3:30 p.m. at the

Mrs.' H. W. Gerarde, librarychairman, announced that MO newbook* have been bought for theachool library wHh the proceedsfree* the hook sale, which tookplaee in November.

Kenneth Hafites, Journalist andplaywright, gave a humorous talkon "How Our Language Grew."Ha was introduced ejr Mrs. RoyCerrif en, prograia chairmen,

Mrs. Elnar Malmfaerg and Mrs.Donald Howard were hostessesduring the coffee hour followingthe talk.

Boro LibraryShows Increase

MOUNTAINSIDE — A meetingof the trustees of the Mountain-aide Pu*jl«: library Associationwaa held in the youth room atEcho/brook School Monday.

The (ibrarian'a monthly reportagain showed an increase in circ-ulation of books. A total of 5424for the month of February 1960 ascompared with 4414 for February19BB. Twenty new library cardswere Issued for this month. Onehundred fifteen new books wereadded to the collection, of which84 were gifts.

"This U 3fy God" by Woukand "Nehru: The Years of eVwer"were given to the library by theSunshine Ladies of the Mountain-side Union Chapel in memory ofHarry ttliwiae. Mrs. « • « gkiben,donated the book' "France, ATroubled Ally" in aumory ofHarry tiliwfee.

April 3-9 ia National CJhraryWeek and the library wild haveopen house Monday, April 4 (rasa7-» p.ca. and Wednesday frasa 8-6p.m. Tea -nd eof ee will ha nervedby the towteaa. The coasaunitya» a whole ia invited to attend.

Maw bookcase. f«f the libraryto hodd the preschool children'scollection w e n made by RichardJason, shop teacher, aad a groupef hie atudenta.

2 DemocratsFile in Fanwood

FANWOOD—J. William Flat-ley of 16S LaGrande avenue andRalph A. Queglia of 148 Coriellavenue last week tiled petitions forthe Democratic nomination for thetwo Borough Council Mate in theApril 19 primaries.

Mr. Flatlcy, his wife, Gloria, andtheir four daughters have residedat the LaGrande avenue addressfor the past eight years. He hasbeen employed in the advertisingdepartment ef the INaw York -WorldTelegram and 8un for ten years.

A graduate of Seton. Hall Uni-versity with a bachelor of sciencedegree in businesa adaUnlstration,Mr. Flatley also served in the Ma-rine Corps in World War II.

He Is a past president of theFanwood Democratic Club; a com-municant of St. Bartholomew theApostle Church and a member ofits Holy Name Society. He alsois a member of Waetaeld Council1711. Knights of Columbus.

Mr. Quaglia has been a UnionCounty resident since If M, movinghere from Hudson County. Hehas resided at the Coriell avenueaddress with his wife, Helen, andtheir two sons, for six yean. Heis a communicant of S i Bartholo-mew tha Apostl« Church, a mem-ber of the Holy Name Society anda member and former treasurer ofWestfleld Council ITU, Knights ofColumbus.

For the past 24 years Mr, Quag-lia has been associated with theJoseph Dixon Crucible Co, of Jer-sey City where he is general prod-uct manager.



' An Income tax form is like'alaundry list—either way you loafyour shirt..—Fred 'Allen








see the carpetgranted the

Good •-Housekeeping


ACIUUAN® rcu. T.M. of Tho riicmHtninil Corporation.

This exciting carpeting is your introduction toa gracious home , : .

Wonderful CarefreeLees Response

Luxurious deep pileSavoir Fnire by Lees

Fashionable Acrilindoby Callaway

$9.95$10.50;a:$10.95 ;i14.5011The Exciting

Cameo by Mohawk



• Free Parking on Our Own Let











M H i RSOViAl t TO I I . • . ,






Nift in


ANNOUNCES. ,' ' ' i • v •



Now Available

Early Applications Advisable

Series Rates (4 concerts)

Adults $7.00 Students *3.50


, Now through Friday, March 18

AUSTER'SEast Broad St.

or Telephone AD 2-8666

Page 4: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****


.*§SfI fee-the'

Caiaeai C Cut Onntv for

. . „ by hia widow,I n *argam* Campbell Joaca,and MM eoa, iteeaer W. Janet Jr.f Wishwfa. 'Service* and interment will be

Anange-Tuaeaiooaa, Ala.,tit. are by Gray's.

Mr*. Harry B. Vi«#aWrvfee. will be beta in CnWeaioiTev at K:SO p.*i. (or Mra.

OaroOiy M. Vlel, it, of 71» Carle-ten road wfce died yeeterday atiMtiUanberg Haefittel, PUinfleid,

j after suffering a stroke' me.

The Rev. Karl E. Wright of therat Methodist Church will offi-

ciate. Interment will be in Fair-view Ceatetery.

Dem in Perth Aaabey, the badlived there until aimriag her* 21yean ago. ab* wae the widow of j held at the Presbyterian ChurchHarryB. yi»i who died April IMS. Friday the ecoute voted te uae ae

0ha i. ounrived by a daughter, their gateway theme • ligMhoue.Mrs. William R, WiiUmm tit Glen At Colorado Springs this July, 5e>Rock, and four graadeena. 000 scout* and leader, will he en-

camped under and around gate-ways that each troop wil erect to

Scout TroopI Selects Gateway

At the third meeting of theWestfteld Jamboree' Scout troop


Chriet EpiKop.1 Caaiaxh,lotte.N.C, tor Herbert A.

| depict the area af the eenstryTrom which they come.

The acouta' lighthouse theme nay

worked out to


• mI the son


I Untie." EmbeUishntente willI elude .and from Jersey


ia queens, N.Y., he was [and •hell, that the hoys will take. . * J J i » £ f . ***?* A. with them as trading item, for C. O. PIAVtV

;:« College Worn To"*" Meet Wednesday

Koppers EmployesGet Awards

»«ciat«d with tire Atlantic (Mutual State,Iaaurance Co. 4Kf, New Vork. He T n , t r o o p neckerchief abohad lived tn Charlotte three yean, shown at the meeting which

Me i i Mrvfewdfty Us wife, be a multicolored plaid thaty Menraon Gtonear; • daugh- meniies with the ecoat uniform.

. Mela, ana • eon, Richard, The neckerchief will alao have anboth at home; and a aiater, Mrs. embroidered patch' with • light-,Earl 8. finery of Hlclcsvflle, N.Y. hoiite aa it. motif. The current affairs group of the

The troop also received its Jam- WestUeld College Woman'* Clubboree troop number which ia Troop will receive a report on construeT8. The encampment will be made | tion of arterial highway facilitiesa* Colorado Springs In regie* 11area, section SO. Applications were, . . _ . . .paaaed out for scouts that wished | at a:15 p.m. at the home ef Missto join the region 11 band that wUlbe formed for the jamboree.

at the Chi-An Chateau, Mountein-eide.

R. C. Bauer, divUion aafety en-gineer, preaented awMw* *•. Pa-trfcU Moran and M M La* *» JOyeara of no loat4hM awl^ejlsjJames Singley, BIrfHrd «yies,Louie Martin, Lytm Irenaithaltaand Kenneth CaldwW far 10 years,and Beawe Hayes tat #W fears.

F. L. Byrom, vice | rislfcelt andneral manager, onaMrtte -the

General Manager'e Safetr* A*ardto P. J. McPartlaM, J*M* (Ser-Intendent. The awaref It M» *vi-alon'a top aafety cthvllM Ma> lapresented te phuite that operateone million man-toura or 10 yearswithout disabling injury.

C. T. Dcnamore, area manager,presented a 20-year service pin teWUUam Johnaon.

CueaU induded J. p. McCann,J. D. Jones, R, C. Bauer, fro* theJMttsbnrgh, Pa., office j J, K. Wtlah,W. K, Cunnl»i*«m, J. V. Ferris,W. H. Carter. A. P, flenacal, F.M. Friti, William LiUenberg, C.A' Oroffof the WestteM plant;Owe* Browh, international repre-eantetiva of OCAW, and Fire ChiefMartin Barke of WeatBeld,

^ ^ ^ V r ^ t U gwa wish the

•toed.—Dorothy C.

aimilar to the one the aeouta will

Ruth P. Tubby. of 414 MlUaideavMiM. Clayton D, Peevey af thePort of iNaw York Autherit|-,willapart.

Aeeietant to the (Hrteter ef the


Vice PrwidetHWeaer ot «M Norwood

drive, foriaeriy vice preaMent, hatheea oacaed *y American Interna-tional VBdemrriten t^orporatim,Nmr Yore, to i l l the newly^reatee'•aaitiaa e< araaw vice praeldentof MM iatanuHieinal iMaraaek• m . Mr. Wahert e4ectto» by the•oevderDiM4Unerthe-e«rB«ra-UoH WM a«ne«a<a« hi New Yvrttoday *y K IA. G.flanto», •raei-

Mr. iWeber waa treaeartr tbe(•rperatieei freea *#fl. until.tw.man age, when be waa aeiected tebe vice praeident In charge af theonftniaatiaa'e World-Wide MtoMi-Mle ViaaMnce ipiwUiaa. Ia hit

Uto ha wiU'add to

•brt developmenttheMr.

bald at Valley Forge on the •end of April Sp.

NAVAL AVIATION Cadet JohnK. CUvetiad, aea ef Mr. aadMrs. Lerey A. CUveUad afSemmlt read, MeealV^-^

lefe ef

"Thanks, operator—-and may I suggestthat you keep your valuables in a safe

deposit box at



there's an.office in your community .

W E S T F I E L D • C R A N F O R D • G A R W O O D • S C O T C H P L A I N S • P L A I N F I E L Dmember federaj deposit insurance corporation -

Authority and the Tribate«ghBridge and Tonne) Authority inI9tt. He will go «n to review prog-raaa at the Thregs Naeh Bridge,the lower level of the George Wash,ington Bridge and the Vvrrama-Narrowe Bridge, three major rae-ommendatlbna of the etudy. Mem-bers of the group will have an ae>portwiity to ask question, of Mr.Peavey after hia talk •

Mf. Peavey joined the'Port Au-thority m 1»58 aa an eieeutivetrainee. Ih his preaent poet, ha iareaponelble for the administrativefunction, of his department, In-cluding, the handling of personnelmatters and budget preparationand control. A graduate of QueensCollege, Mr.. Peavey is currentlyattending MeW York UniversityGraduate School of Publie Admin-istration,

Mra. Alaon E. Woodruff Jr., pro-gram chairman for the group,echedaM tbia ivoattrUtton throughthe Port Authority Bpwkera Bu-

to HeldPublic Works

Bernard F. Murphy eftStT Sari.eeavread hae been appofaited super*inteadent of pnbtie werka, it waaannounced Monday nbjbt by. Tow*engineer Lindsay M. Collins. Theappointment it retroactive te Jan.

Mr. Murphy bad aervad aa act-ing auperiatendent since last Au-gust when William T. VenderWKretired. Hr t n appointed fora-man of the department in 1951.

A native of Hartford, tfonn., bemeved to Eliubeth in 1923. Agraduate of Tbomaa Jefferson HighSchool in Eliubeth, he attendedDrake Bnslncat College. He alaohas taken coursea In Rutgcra Uni-versity In landscape maintenanceand turf management. <

Re moved to WestlteM tn 1941.After serving three yean with theNavy Seabees in the South Pacificduring World War 2, he waa in thecontracting business. He belongsto the Men's Garden Club of West-Heid. He is married and has oneeughter.


A native New Yorker, Mr.,Wab.er hae been with the Aeaerieaa In-ternational orgMiutiM for nearlySO yean. Ha want f rasa Maw YorkUniversity into the accoanUng de-par»a**iit alf AW Cerpenti«ihe age af » . In 1M1 ha mm

M Mawua to ett h\ the«€ wff m iaaspMlsa hi the


Htmtytpmb Glm$

^ . will Uk«* • new hMMtcoMb pattern In tba* • • " • window of aome newi»ng«. (Many eeoka *<n, pou add|U«e in the oven and the patterned-U aemai aa a eamoufltge. ThS

la available in built-in «nni» fre« etanding range*.

Hanawfaau) AldW

5TIAC AlEirr FOUCe from•ha 2nd Airborne Bottle Group,501 it Infantry, ef the famed82nd Airborne Oiviiion makinga training paradrop to guardthe "loroeit Miitil* Facility lathe Free World" at iUditonoArtonol, t M

Giwn'i «Mt for tpring and mmBe^-natunlly! And HBftM

OKve M a ma«oaline-ininded green, low-fay and blended wtik

Wack. But Uvely! A volatile tone thafs aometime* hrawa,

tometiae» gray, alwayanetful. CMive adds another atyie, ^

meaning to the worldly new look of HSftM: tall, trim mA

completely natural tight down to the color itaelf. See it BrW

in -any mutations of fabric and pattern.

Open Mondayand FridayEveningsUntil?

MEN'S SHOP104 Qoimby St.



Page 5: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****

in^ bT Saiwvkor dfey « .«( Wa*UatM af , « • Cemwi

%Z?£*$l£k * ZTlfHai*'*1** ***** *"'


tt haa takaa.tat «h» <W<


t w * (tt

«MMr. Mortat Wlrr df ««•

tftat. awmr /«•»-*(* i f w 4 It

Litat canear•«mim«,,trM *

rkinitr. Thtttid ktlll (WSoyttrttt,

to the M»y*»ir Tall-

n* t W n r * to tfca Jioant t f any•tout imaMt to prieuM thorn.$ HMt group wiH alto trama.«t patients who haveno othtrMM of transportation to ' '

t £ 3 -" 'c» tnd doctort « • „with Mrs. Kotfcr,WOMW fcolonr to „ _

roupfMit. L. B. Paul,Wakt chairman, 411 Watt Dud-

; Mn. V. J. Boor, motorman, »16 KiajfcaU art-

Hi On. C, H. frtnktntjae*, we*atHy, 808 Knoltwood tcrract, and"- 'Han «. tei

i, 715 Forttt

WMttt t m r taaw, tart ManwatafMtr, .ftaKt atrritt •tntultent

i. It takaw con-

rlw/#«cli (t«4. ftMiv far In-«p*,>;«aokt feaat wtwa tba fall

• f «io burntr It wt4. t w a ,* Uw.apMr haiM), fry to parftt;-

- »-. »

'••vaHHaajaivaLV waj r v v t a i v i ava^an

, _ „ a« now rajafam attlpa tiatook to 4nd tha optimum tampan-in for aach (o*4. Par fcutanco; tt

ll|_99ailMiJatufO' vBtn cold ifitfravl*tnia a n aided to tha food in thtpan.' I t Mrarta tha cook that antforM tompontura will at main-

tkinwl tfvoo«hout *ht cookinfiqfeaa*.

A taM af all MMtratMM «aa-

attaa, "AaiNtw. Jtrttf .Xtoaamie****," ffftfatW by M M Dtfart-' " i f CowarrtMM aad Em-

'ta, MMtr

*«a». Btak |Mri.••/ «)» I t * jb taaaf* +,•W<Wi"a«» ttttaabalaajM • a * * * * * Wl/aX tat

/•VoaafaaaXaAtMaitih"*»w»tfi<r»«n.nii.ll m,

t»iar * t- - -


, • ta»

M i


1 J



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tor!0lfli ^aF ^ ^ • ' '






Bono^ , i % ^

» R0r naUvorlnl m i * . Com



Wm," *-*JaW


»«* Will

. Mtrt *rtW» MM topi ,



maiMlftMFMI* ; * • ~ i

UaV. 'aX'l

112. • • '

Hi fiiifiii!• 'aaillMiaaali1 BUTTIt ;'"$;#a^ Hiwi^i


"EL* *t itt.,

• *

•taitta ItairilM'fc--*T-.^a_ ^ J

Caxia iL.aal










fw-irImfcMate* *

Y«tlt* ^"^

-More Groctry11 tt.

" l in?.


FaMM HatJaaM ftiailM

3 : 1.00UROSA^ f Ilk | f ,

Rt|iSpaghatHSanaa . ' " " f t *H W O k M l " *



off label bottl*



aal v Bl i lAU^mj I W J f l V SHlHatat (avtaa 'aaUaBMlBll 4fi

tt* llaaafc NaaaaV Awr ^ " • • a W * * * '^ * •"•UtB* W p V a j l P*«al«a,«WaaW~ laaaVffal 1 «.a .

2 4 * 27* I U M A " ^ «"-•»• M t f r * Uffiifl _ - - r v ^ - - • tttt • • • " • • • AllvwIaalM,. , * «tM " • MMtH ff MM|M

Mareaf T t a i a «•««•' «•« 4 ~* 8 * Oalgala's Taathaalfa 0 ^ *i4fcii»* I T U M I I t a k— $prf»j Croaafni 4Wsf— F r M W I jsoorf f ^ , f

1 I P W I r i » n

laHDetergtnt 2X45* JjniadiLata«ry Blaaafc •*»« t S # FartNak U«aaOakHa F"<"*.«" 11»«. «c» L ^ T ^'TT: ' > s^•^••••w and wMiiitjVArl • nfcat. W StaaaVhaW D p a > o a BkakaiM ratBtfLaaUJ VHl l lnMf inMttVis« NoRub q!.riM. • * • " • • • • • **** *»•«*«* 1 ^ ^ <JV- f . - J f , , , »or)u,,.,, «Illia|aPjl a lOn, I faA lOcaffltM tt* ™" Bslt 'C J M I M Wim>n)t;Sfaptti alt 4 taa. %|f •"•••••"•W IcnaUn tni SH»I«« atMfkaaU* For v«hin« window •«• I K l • * * • " * ' • • • * * Cotcoiilrttod, • CM * * HflMfeiilPl MaPrial*

wnavi wnn ar boHia'" O M I M JMICA *» v«« ^ § >•• §7t • • " • • i i • .numf ...KybtftSatagM i-^- jS§»: «HetJ Strawtarits ^ 2 •> — **?• IS* CmH**iFlartkStnABrwI.ti - -3S« S ^ E ! , S S H J # | ! t J EigWO'Clock t f r f ...

FraaehFrias Ac ^ I!.'": « • •»••»'•»• , iib.b.,.77 . . . H 1

Dtwilad Crahs c.^^CrastmoRtleaGreain

/Jam Parfcor Bakod Goods iRap>*riy Maai at tit—SAVE l i t

Peach Me "-**• 59e

Hot Cross BURS b<" °f 8 f°r 39e

Crumb Square Coffee Cakt 39°Orange Chiffon Cake 57' iGlamour Bread . . !..b,25'

frlce, (ffwlln throuafc SMurdjy, Mw«k 19th(• Sup«r Markdi and IfH-Sarrict itwat «ilv InNaw Jenay, Stittn Ittand and Rxklmd Coanly.

VIjorouiifidWlMy3 Ib. b«f 1.19

I Ib.

SPECIAL! 38 VEAL RECIPESby Jamet Beard in Collector'* Cook Book

Complete directions to make


now on sale



Page 6: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****

, - >•;

-A •



•an kaa«kt raar arat Haaset*a> «•* Jan wfcat raw wanted~ pan aaaUa •a.lly for tk* komaMat anltad pair aaada at the

• la fan ptaanssa raaraalvaaMap afcv * •« WOVUI get el-M pan Bad dfa i ls ' about?saM (Ma* P*f*«P* t«nef If so,

laaTlaatad with tka un-aataaflU* Ikat art available

ka ••aan't have to »«y•at wan awa* be uasptad!

aa.lfca aUcr Mad, If rM arceaarswt I " * >«•*• '• which

aM • (*«U|r, • a*»a that l»tatfc *at» ate* a#d »ar» practical,

. '«• «W n*»l« *oa wit* • wide and

mi Mat • • 'ftawrIM rapnaunt* CrvtlM al u*r avany Italia*.

MM 11MM to e*»r


*JM aaptfea'oa tkl* id leatoI a kl>k price, plea**

ran) nag a M»«*Iff.HaaMt* ar«pl***

IMnla* faaw

kkju. A4 Wail 1 w. I >•»•>• Wail

aa^ .mU katlt l« IW.1.It '


IWONMfUSnNOtOlder tea auallty home; 85' livingmum wilh araviaiw ami ""'It "Ivuogcases attractive dining room,kilcarii witn Breakfast men, pow-der room and acreened porcn 011krat lluuri three iiedroums andtiled bulk on .*cond lloor. i.-|nlsh-ad rec/eatlea room in basemen I,oil Veal, well UnoMaiied lot. Settats .one aeon. #»J,«»o.

' In Wyiihwood on ai w i a i ruiirn with fireplace!_ ,<• dining roun' ,*v twin Si.*Mi beliroomM'Had bathtauitional garage level

im an<t bathcyprtaa recreation room

Ireplac*wltk irei


PMMRUNICHOO1kume for thore whod-Mt witkaut •train

aw-rtT»*» la• • maa raw*, far Ml. ike

' U IIM tat kll-

w.U«aa Mfatatawa M raaay Ut yan

mi* «arla«. H U N .

lei kecaue of

491Off 1W0» WAIOtWrtiANW

ream,. In ' basement• > ahw with fire--— ndanee

tMI •» MMI tor a tnwttm* MM U I J taW

VaHf l*a>1ll^ r»* ai a»«w

UWI Javt

•a l l UH tarrao* wltk a

Tkla I eterr k m * hastkkJ I tarr k«# ka»«a aatraaaa taaUkala. a ll»la«ratal Wllfe a •naUc*. eureened

• aaaa alatd dlaln« rooai.i .KIMMa. wltk knakfaw

at aaataira—1 kiaTMia *l«a• #MtMS n*m *lik etaU aaawertmt aaaUanr oaefctna aC tke mai-tar fataaw Maraje i»axe. Kni-alaMfiakaaL


VkM* traMfernd owarra hat* toleave taelr kenae and their n«l«k<kar*. Manr eitraa ln<ludln« thenlrkjerator and the freenr. •rssss , drsssias rou!R. !st floorlavatory. Recreation .room, l-car•ara«e. Brealace. Oood ptay yard.

.CMaktMttoa alymlnum ecreanaaad atorw windows.


.Katorally the location will appealto the dlecrlialna'tlneT buyer whowilt be utlilted only with one of.tne very flne'Rt locatloha Jn Went*

Held. Thle home l> atately In acomfortable aort of wny and laaltMted on about g of an acre ofvary valuable land. The troee aremagnificent and ao le the land-1neaping. The home la truly better {than new (built 1>M>. Exceptionalprivacy. The bouse la beautifully Iplanned and built with the ap-pointment! that you Would expectto And. We'll ' happily give yuuall the delightful detail! whenyou call va.

MNTAISWe nred aomcthlnir for a whortpcrlodr-May 1 to Oct. 1—for suchnice tenant". Around 1250 or IS75r*r month. They'll Rive It excel-lent caret Have you •omctlilnf tooitetl



msooon popular .outhside near allschools. Living room with fire-place, full dining room, sciencekitchen, 2 porches on nrst floor.Tile batti and three bedrooms ontad.



132 PLORMCI AVWUIa bedrooms. l\k baths, laundry

. room, full basement Quiet neigh-borhood. Close to schools. Buy itrow and choose your own deco-rating!

Call owner.1KB TRAVbOK — ADassa 1-TSM



US MM ft.AOfrttM

OtAISMKut, of cuur«e ,to eat, but to n-luy for outdoor activliiei. Whytlie pie? uecauae Una ivvely lotwith » frontage of 5.6 feet widen,to 142 feet in 111' rear, with anaverage <i«i>in o< J7(> ie<-t. It inpiirtlculiirly elective In thle at-traeliva H'*M vt Xcon-h V Jin»tvhtre all the home! are widelyaiuti-ed. l'h« hone la a few yrareo\A upltt l»vej with 'uoina more,apacloue thun genemHy found al•Si,600. 2».fool living room, Hln-utic ruun Icttonen with r«om fuii unrakfiut tabla. three b*droua.«.The atti'mie I" full two-car depth,u d "t. attached that the roar tallcuuld tie converted to a vrry mcefamily room.


AO 9.1IM


« MDMONlf - J MTNf





A t * . aTi

,Ju«l ll«l«il ie thl« altrmctlvf bung-aluw vn Utnaon Wace. In addi-tion to the living room and theoverall* kHchm. there i. a •>'<•-roum muf,tiled Vath on the Itr.tdoor, with another r | a that canbe used for tiedroem, ulninc room,or den, a<cordin« to youf neeia.On tka auoad loar are two mareattractlvT»iedrooa.a and lavatory.foucMlo* when yen ae»d It

MIM« YOW CAMMtAIf Vuu liny thin hone you' willeurlly want to aend picture, tothai, sack-borne, (or In.lde andoyt . fd . l t I. a. 'Colonial a. canbe. It ta ao perfectly done inalda(hit'the EaV <Sf -the hou.r enUldta*tki aJljor of lho.e decoratorartlrlu yo» r«a« tn the m i l -tine.. Compactly built In l»»l onan e.peclaliy nloe lot In the Ma-


On a quiet Nort> ilde circle wehave a I rear o l f apllt level witht bedrooau. IW Wk«. ••>• ••****'fane living mm with fireplace.There ie a fin. recreation roamw(th adjulftlitw aoreeaed..porch.Available for on* year at l ite permonth.'


1»«HAft MM!

a •a»»er.te»Mwraa» faia.

«r. ita i—'Xisimvsttdreana. * * * **'.* " i !Z , i M f apae* aaa prir

alaea, well eaalatataaa lW oBer ss.re-«aa

f l far ea<e

faaar^i•Ivea ma raejaeat,


4 MM0OM1 - M tATNl

' |I4,MO '



apic and .pan and Ideally «lt»»tedfor Kr»nfclln and Junior H J*arhAola Flrat floor has J!4 livingK S " *llh "replace, dining roommodern Kitchen and screened andglassed porch. The three .econrtflour bedrooms are ample and thetiath la tiled. There iii an addi-tional bedroom on the third floor.The two car «arag» 1« detachedand the lot nicely landscaped

4 MMOOM., 3 lATrff


NMt YIAI OU» IANCMof young

Sollilly hullt and large enough Tora growing family, this home I.al.o located In the Franklin Brhoolarea, First floor ha» a large liv-ing room with Hreiilucf, diningroom, den and modernlied kit-.chen. The four seeonil floor bed-room.' are (lUiee large and thereare two colored tiled baths, TheIVII car garage Is detached andthere I. also a screened porch.


$»,M0Four years old and In very nleecondition this ranch Is locatedJuat over the Waitttflf line InScotch flslns. The living roomhas a Itreplacf, the'kitchen ha. i

Sail oven and counter top range,lere is. a delightful dining area,

a. full baeement, an atl»ohed ga-l i n and a larger than average


•lately and charming, this homeha. a total of sl» bedroom, andI bath. plu. a family room and atelevision dan. Tka J^ckcr -

_. modern col-ored til*. There I* a two-car da-

•he kitchen lamodern and has a dishwasher.Two of the bath, are modern col-

th, plus a felevleloh dan.odern and »aa

T f t h > t k

OANKOI« firUKR. inc.

WOO0LAND AVMUt .atlon. N i c e IIMaantalaaMa.. location. N i c e l y

priced. At lle.iee, tanea II«4.i>.The living room la l l i i l with ftre-plac, plaa a .faunlly-.laed diningraom. kitchen with table •pad*aaa large, open porch, Upstair.are I bedrsonta and hath. Hteam


place, Plaa "a 7«aml)r.l.ad1 diningkltvl

fdrboma alpetachad garage.

$u.woA three bedroam ranch houae withattached garage. Ju.t liat.d. Largeliving room with dining area,kitchen with table apace ami tiledbath with ahower. Attached ga-rage. Oai heat. Fanwood location,

IMKUOMOTProvide! the setting for thle «-pedroom ranwuod colonial. I^irgeroom, throughout. Modernised kit-chen.

._ "Bl-I«evcl." Beautifultree-filled plot. Four bedrooms,t\k baths, i J-car garage. targemodem kitchen with dlnlnx area.(Wall oven, counter top range.)(trade level recreation room. 132,-•00.

MANO NIWThree bedroom colonial, HolyTrinity area, 14 baths, attachedg.rage. Ga. heat, |2S,000,

DANKER ft DANKER, Inc.la* IkMr at. W**M*M


kr rka»» twM ahwd

•wSSf Sft ^ k

Albert O.Harrr T.

•HoraatlOlfAL ofllca and bouaa. Ibedroom apllt leval, I years old,1401 Central Ave., Weatneld. ADj-1901, . i-a-w


Members af Malllpla Llsllag I r i K a• Pratftdd SfrMt ' AD 24300

CKNTKH HAM. COI.OMAI^-lmllvlilually styled, cuHtom builthy the present owner In much sought after section-of West-Held. Drlght living room spaciously opening Into dlnliiKroum, sunny TV room with flagstone floor which won't showatiUHe, modern kitchen, breakfast nook. Off on side of thehall (s panelled hideaway for the man of the house, plusinnstrr bedroom nnd bath. Second floor has three big bed-


apaelaaa, aaarralBeei. ale>rk w t la ewt.taaalag aeaaellacallaa (a* Mar 1 ass.is•laa . . . aaM »er aw. Alwalkera. '



n i l l » alwl-«f»ras»»lr(.'•laalal raaea laa als rasa'farlaalr i.sms larlaalaal a m ( » • x !»•» H»*»« eewaswltk alrlar* wlaaao aadwssi karalag •raplaea at-traetlvelr ael la wall atfcaettr pla*. famllr ilalaan » a , Ikrae gaaeiHiawei aid.nsaaaa. Bpadaaia (BIT) aerrea-r« parea la rrar plaa ar«»eaf Iraea eaakea aatiaar llv-laa la Bprtagt Vasssaer aadFall a pleaaan laired.



V>a. It'a M r , la preaeatatate tk l . apaelaas <S ked-rwaasa, 1 katka, aa laa aaa

fM- e m f c a a P f ! • t w d a r * I I I I

SxPh lisa? 3R-.5B"tfched* garage, lo« heating andmaintenance c«ts add greafly toit. appeal aa doe. the low srlceof fll.iOO.


25. VW-VT-uTS2f * W « » «move IS. A really delightful threebedroom home with a modern kit-chen, tiled bath, two car garagand a very desirahood. Priced low at Ilbe »orry, aea It today

home with a modern kit-ed bath, two car garageery desirable atlghbor-

iced low at Ill.tM. Don'tIt today

Thin three bedroom home had anunu.ually nice drualng rooirfwlth.howtr and vanity oKthe masterbedroom, a very attractive viewfrom »he breakfaat area of themodern kitchen and <«" ,*•'• w"r . th

the time of an Inapectiot at 12!.-



InIn S S iadraoSag.Sath dining rooajch« a,n« gowTalaa Ij.lfull expansion attls with forFull baaemeat, I-car caraaw. • •«la eaccilenl ooaeUtloa tarougaaut.

ra tltorn kit


There ara lira bath*. J « , « J J ;ra«eMaiidM"Th* Sd* Rad*^*™."iiaeellant valae.

are* lirge llvtag room with nre2l»?a. Kill -dining room,.raodfraVltchen. and asr'yned porch. Thereare three twin clae bedroaena andtiled bata on accund floor. Kicel-

edrooma.e livingkUkm

IT™ITI^"property-only H4..00.


•w.^;p.irt7r?."T'k.oTthra* batha, atudy.iJarge I. . . . . ..n^A'^w^frVnrlKh'VMdock and private beach.

•Ml ftn bedrooms, maid* roomand bath, l*V waterfront and !«•Hock. Custom ballt four rear* ago.Owner says f«t an olter.

MV ««ACM BAVriMtMT.r. Summer home, three bed-room*, ".replaced Ivlrig room,large porch overlooking bay, patioWith Sarbeaue, garage, furnished.

lOHMOIITMVOrNTV.aBMfai Small••tat*, IK acrrs wl tha fake, sixroom Caps' Cod, flagged terrace,swimming pool, small greenhouse.

Ask for Information concerningweekly, monthly and seasonalrentals In the area from BayHead to Normandy Beach.



Wot loo far fr**» tosrn en a i*,r«,^ll.k,8L.I



* * * * * * , * «

OAITOM - UNWOM - AmUMOM - MMOKt - MNTAUPtflisHM IN ntti Nfitii m i m i PIAMr raeTanaBaBaaf«P*BaW H I I I H Vv*«t*aaB«aBJ . I •••^•aVT.TrwVJ f l M n

, MHII1MA1 <-1ANB U U I '.

COM! iHHNO - 11 HOMH MA0Y - IN SfOMNINOIThese wonderfully livable Colonial home. In the new 8TONR- "m

HBNOB area provide unmatched conatruutlon and de.lgn.We are building on the lust available land touching the old


Becauee 90 many different homes are going up, it I. passibleto take 'a HTONKHENCK tour beginning, with the giantConnecticut Farm House on the corner of Norgate and Knoll-wood Terrace. (Norgatc la a new atreet ona block West ofNorman P^ace.)


soundn'lVltlMrilCMiii, "* nsjrej «•«• MPWSIwalk to the railroad station, amthe children to •ckool. Wti»'noellmluate all that taxllngt tft,t*o.

' C A M cooCustom designed for fastidiousowners, this exceptional home hk.a llving/dlnlng room combination>»' lang. A It* screened and ialousled porch overlooka the seeluded rear yard. Pint Boor bedroom (or wonderful den>, plmpowder room, second floor (17x17master bedroom plus another bedreom, beautiful tiled bath, largeclosets, storage. Panelled. recrea-tion room l*~ long slue laundryand workahop, Low tajea and

• heating make thle Scotch Plainsoffering worth looking »t for only

Brick and frame with three nicebedrooms, this Houstaln.ide homela close to. transportation an•hopping center. L*r*t llvlnroom, fireplace, modern kitchenwith eating apace, family alaeddining room, two tiled baths. Thereis a glassed and acreened rearporch with entrance to rear yard.pouQle garage. There la an enor-mous basement under entlra housewhlck off.re many possibilities forfuture rec room, hobby rooms,etc, with out.W. cellar eKtrasTce.pnlr • rears old, an opporiunlty

C i v SMITH, My

colon to give your home the nereonal touch. Our price rangeIs from 141,850 to 148,850, which includes aluminum storm•ash and screen., hard-top drive, dishwasher, and full lund.


Kaaay r. staraolda Aot-a*MMataa MsssMt An<Wa*lla BlUstt•aaa Sraf i....'...' ADS-TIMpaaM B * H .' PL 1'

rooms, tileil bath, storage room. Plenty of closet space; fullplaster walls; rudlant heating throughout Uaaoment recrea-tion room; two cur attached garage, targe well planted lothas hitwthorns, dogwood, magnolia, waiting for spring toreveal Its true beauty. Even a playhouse for the young folks.Cult for appointment. -

HAScil—Nt>w center hall with three bedrooms. Ultra modernkitchen, lurtfe cHtlng area and full dlnlntf room, too. You wiltenjoy the spauluus llvlne room with the unusual colonial brickfireplace covering an entire wall. There are two full bathsand each bedroom Is master nlxe. For your outdoor Irvingtin-re Is u rrnr porch overlooking; a deep lot with plenty oCshade trees. Attached Buiatfe. Call for appointment to see thisInteresting liuy. $26,500.

RKCI.ISH TI'DOB—For the illncrlmllmtlnK buyer who willenjoy the seclusion of a <iulel circle and oeauly or a largelot not tu mention the fine quality of construction this homeoffers. Unusual entrance hall; large sunny well proportionedliving- room; dining room and adjoining rear screened porctl.Cheerful yellow modernised tiled Kitchen, nearby lavatory.The mntrirr bedroom Is most spacious with Its own bath andthe two other bedrooms, family bath. $29,900.Al.t, MHU'K ranch just rlKht for ncwlyweds or the retiredcnunle who want one-floor living and low upkeep. The llvimr-dlnlnff room combination affords excellent wall iipuce, ceilingto floor window, modern ulep saving kitchen with dishwashernnd tanli< > » « . The three bcilrooms nnd tiled bath are In auuli-i wing by themselves. Full dry basement with washerand dryer Included. To a qualified purchaser there Is a 4HftmortKHire. which may be assumed. For the small fry. — Jeffer-BOII School Is about three blocks uway. }S0,500.


»rd>, alder .•«.». la badlrla need a f paper, palat andeffart ta make younger aadMare aratavttoallr ac«e|ita-kta agala. He-dalag coald befaa, kawever. aad warlb-Y«klle, tow — aa cuantraetlaa.la aa.teallr aaaad .ad lara-tlaa aaerlal laderdl May wehalp by alvlag saare detail, t



Maltlplc Lktlag Membera


AO 3-1W0Cay D. Mallard....Cieargr P. Hal l . . . .I I . L. SckwlrrlagH. >. Barrett. Jr.


M.M gr.(Opea aaa.

m t R La-S P.M.)


WMiiaaa nanuurestalk Tartar .....



(Member t tke Maltlfle Ltattag ly.temt

a a • a a

SILVER THREADS AMONG THE GOLD<bat all eajartag their amtarlrr elaae ta tke Fraaklla Sekaal)ON IJNCOLN ROAD — cherished as all houneil should be —with floors shining all through Ita spacious .rooms. You'ivlllenjoy the trees, the ex.tr« lance screened porch, the really bigliving room with the fireplace In a welcoming: Rlcove. thenun-tloodco kitchen, the convenient first floor powder room.Ulistatrs, three, hedrooma and a modern tiled bath and anotherroom nnd bath on the third floor. A nice house for nice people.127,500. .BMBREB CRESCENT. A lour beflroom, two bath house with'many young Ideas. Built In 1931, It ha* the much wantedgunroom aa well us a screened porch. Owners transferred.

CUPfONHBNRT A^wSS"?tlon. within walking dMtanv* atAM. schools. Bpllt revels, Mraalera and early Americana. W* kavaft1/""!1-' •#-rh!«» ».*•.•••!•apa y*» hava

loa Invited.* Fbegin at 'iuMi. Tii eamplet*

formation phone AD I H I I i rAO t-MH aryow awa kralkrokar.


H're'a a really raomy ,,»,cl»4lag t bilge WdrooaS.r«oa>, dining room, kltckenattoa roam, plaater !&

RirSsaa"***'-'"• sarsasaa—or l-room «sa«ZSif tkat a* »our reguiremeaTnESI•aw, you mar cSo(1»e VoitHlf !«?*•* "•"'*""« "klnTifi!^«.i?a

HONI AND mumn uvR

wely T-r*oai two btth bi>iHilt in 1»*« on a choice " ^'—"it *tra*t Owner a.klagBf

ITar» convenient t* S iUeeckwood *chwl.

UQtMfflMix room ranch built in usi k.(ion* Novallo. Beautiful u.£room with Hreplace, spuciu*.TH"Inn room and kitchen, 3 hei.iH'.and I full tiled baths, S-car urage, and deep wooded lot M .Belevation that any handy nrUt,<


''typ* Wutlsld ho*M atl> raaacorated Intrtkv,

ntar)**n alcKln^ey Be* ™*Te.'lT ka Bja»M»tlytk* warmlk and c . _ .plaaaant boss* radiates. Owaw wiMted tt |«r | l t ,«M and UaHlaito Mil. '



The following .pace could In ivoted to. a description of any ifover one hundred prupertles <sr-rently Hated with this office:.

' 1

V. •

A phone call Is all we ntfl UP• to work for YOU and find last *kona, to fill your needs.


WACBBIU split. 3 bedrooms, Ibath., den plu. family room. 1-«J(jarage. |t»,»0«. Call AU 3-4UI.



CUSTOM MRIT COnAOfNo need for a n.meplate to identify your own home. Il'Jdiff f ny h n e In th eighborhood. This attractive

lcated I a very dcslW?No need for a n.meplate to idedifferent from any hone In the ne6 r b i k atd f m t u ldifferent from any hone In the neighborhood. This attracti6;room brick atjd frame cotuge located In a very dcslraW?and convenient Scotch Plalna neighborhood has Sl-foot livingroom with fireplace; Interior, has recently been rmlccorat™ . _*ml ha. modern, kitchen with wall -oVen; full basement: ex «larite garage; brand Mew furnace. The grounds arc bouulifulljrlandscaped and taiea are only f 3>«. Price 118,200.

: ON MOUNTAINVIIW DRIVEA; miturnlly beautiful neighborhood in tbe Hillside Avc.section of Mountainside. •


PAl'LIMC GOODWIN _ AD 3-TT8»KIITU v. TATB _ A » a-aaat



KveatageJaairs J. DaTldeaa ADS-iaflKdaa M. Mlaagaa AU S-USSJaasea A. Claypaala FA X-Ta31N. Delaaar RUrble All S-O3ISGardaa F. Crate. ADI-TUB

BDQEWOOD AVENUE. Two on this most desirable street.One at $18,900; the other, some years younger, >S2,fl00.8TAKMOKE PLACE. Pour bedrooms with a deluxe bath onthe first floor and the other upstairs. Recently redecorated.

ELSIE BETZ, Inc.201 Mountain Awatnw

' <at Ike Park)Takphena ADami 3*1422

•aturday and aaaday ay aaaolnlwcat, picnic.

Itnor. The taxes will be a pleasant surprise, owner(47,500.


mauler bedroom plus 2 atluUlonnl bedrooms ann v«e '" ,,„This Is thP type of. home you could fall madly In love vuuand the nclehuornuoii Is tops. Price lts.750.


(ROTSTHMWf")Maltlple Liatlag

Cvrs sad : .Klalr Brl«MMT AraaM

All :i-IM4»1....AU 3-SOttt


RTealgaMn. Gleaa AlexlaS w. Rtluartb Marrla

n.J»mtt ReartrkMra. Marian Joaaataa

*P SjStiF.\ £%£

Page 7: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****

lias Mi MONIN

few stett^a school aet

8tfK3i{Til stllrs tovuy completeitet area. JustiieVa for the Or


tor ill the fantllt, ar* tfca itr\nirki of a goot noBBs. YM a««°<fr family win enjoy- all e>t tkea*

, ... «H baths, Met u re windowedlining area wlfh kltsBm o•oiling the beautiful'f 3 d thItlon to a flne «jnln* filow living roofe. wltltf«1 generous Wail- spa'SI J'XfHedrith fireplace,we at lower 1Mr appolntmi•aw you, this

«w nelghborhnill satisfy the

l»f buyer. |4l,r

J. 0. MULKMR> C M«M fark A,e.

room eeoond floor apart-Handy Is town and bua.

the threehreeeien,

air. RettrenceW requires. BusinesaWMBla preferred. |1SO sasnlh. M«f

idrooms,oil hoi


i • n t e of Weetftstd.., old Bflek-froat cofonMht level. 4 bedreoms, IH baths.

- bath at (fouai ratal, rac-. room, drains; room, large

livlnf r a m wltk jilaeattme ftre-PJ»<* •*•»• • ' " » aTaJera^aWMrto

lirlnplac* »Htcheil,Ment,' B po

ibiiIntercom ayateai to bdi rooms; ination fopn an* basBnVent; el

. CUY rmmtus, die,d i Hdi Y««



B W Mr rA B.TW1

ADtr.- Aft I





ns, t r i l l ' , 1J'I15' and'14'xls' with twoireh a I " 1 ' w w l l * r f**"*. Gorgeous huge rear

ASMNO ONtY $41,900


- $25 ,000 - 25-YEAR MORTGAGE





rlth eav Hltawith eiMent .for Imi

t i t b .racc Moder-

» coit.. AtK-




MteCIOVI room Mfnlkni oVcipanprivate bath, garage avallabl

V#W AitikACTITsl new ranches onapamali lately I acre lota In| 3 f c h f alus. Oasi krlek.front, the•thsr sttine and frame: both havejamfe llf ng roasjM with fireplaces,dining rfeom, mSejern kltAhen, d«H,•arch, f well planned tedronmawith excellent closets, 14" baths,full baatmente, t-oar attached ga-rage. Hduaes fully air conditioned.Asking 4>,S0« and 142,000. -



* r . comfprta.bfe room, wiih add-

Gentlemen preferred. Call Imme-dlately, AD l-afrfl. , l-U-tt

8 root

furnlahod room Irh Tnulot private home Nice neigh-

borhood; near towii and tiansBor-tation. aarage available. Reason-tat km. dai- , . - ..able. AD 2-5494. n

3-17-!tBOAf bedroom In kd-ult famllr,near achonln, him knit train).Dualneaa peraon. AD 2-8243.


UBAU « MAMtMMCH tat.MB It* ifltSttSSr t t , M M

Af $ir,«o»

N« need to werrr Bbout that ram-mtr heat with tkla lorelr Caf*CM Mean* th«r* la B completeceintfBl air coiMlttorlnir aretem.

era la a eon-mod:fortable, living room. Jane mod

ern kltohea with dining area,fond bedroema and tiled bat

The Scotch Plains location "is exent and also theable, llv

k Itchesa/nod bedrewith shower. Thar* la an attachedgarage, nicely landBcaped prop-erty, full bammefit and a 18' nicelyfinished recreation room, Walt tillyou see It! -



KUa» ******


I O M M I S S t S S I O M DMen n d teed

Ml thatral At*.

•ew MM

COW or horaa sninur*,'rotteel, Bn-flrtl all outdoor plants, gaTtuta.18 delivered, this month only. TopBall, Chestnut Farms, MU 1-4188,II hours, 9-8-tc


TMsira rehmt arid bath, In MoBfi-talaalde. Heat:aad hat water la-tlMtS. FA »-<41i. i-t-tf

new 4-room (t

ST"1"" !eMi.

. never uied:>»j rftn, f«vi tfHental, t i l l ,.her skies. a.E, vacudm, l!0:

—I'm or man's 17 jewel qruenwaCch neter used, 185. Also woolhooked rugs Ca,ll VXS l - io i l

and kath.

t>AtV|iHHrllinsD — Foiif rooma Bndd m h t h MB « I I

SIB eeht«r hall Dutch Colonial IBtatlfully eurrounded by tallea on a property ion i US. It

offer* a tf living room with kullt-In boDkcaiee, a panelled den withbeamed relllnt/, formal dlnlnirroom; modern kitchen with dleh-wanher, IS' family room, completetlleft bath with etall ahower anda leeond floor or 4 eicellent bed-1 roonti Bi(d I tiled bathe. There na t-car varafe,. eereena, utormwlndowe, and evtrythlns la In tlp-— ondltlon. Here are all,the In-

enta fer a lifetime home.i at UMto,


Th|p lr)iniaculata homa la In a fineraawood rtsldantlal area andstill near shopping, schools andtransportation. On the Arst floorthere Is an entrance vestibule,large living-room with fireplaceattf built-in bookcases, full diningroom, brignt modern kitchen,powder room and a pretty open*stairway to M. second floor of 3bedrooms and tiled bath. There isan attached garage, open porch,aluminum combination acreenjiand storm windows. This home4oesn't need a thlngl P.B.— Ownertransferred.


When It comes to picking tb.ebest, tiere is a "blue chip" homethat rates as one of our very best.Wide and .rambllntf, it otters Asttaciotiir' living room with fire-place, dining room, deluxe brightKitchen with wall oven, 3 excel-lent bedrooms and S tiled baths.There Is a Dreeseway porch, at-tached 2-car gbrage, full base-ment, and Ah Ideal Scotch Plainslocation with,a full ncre of nrop-erW- Lisfeji it 1)28,300, this is abeauty to see.

insD Foif rooma Bndmodem hath: new MB ra«*»! I«MIfloor; prrrate entraSoe. Call A» j -

» ! I«MIA» j -

IT 1OV are looking for somethingunusual, why not pay us a visit?Just arrived: Italian silk suiting-,tweeds, linens, Rwlss combed cot-Ions and 1111% Botany wool chal-

« lla, Jmportsd and domestic aprlna;.woolens..

(KCMD floor.- Unfurnished, 4 rooms,kltMienetfp. bath. Heat, hot water,garbage dlsposau. Newly decorat-ed. Oarage* available. -Korth aidenear all transnortatlon, - Adults.•i«0. Call 7-R P.M. only, An 2-BS»».. l-M-tf

ri-BIIMIB-Houth aide apartmentAdults. No pets. Studio room withsmnll kitchen fully equipped. Pri-vate bath. Heat and hot" water.

' t t r t t l " * WMVP! room*1, unfurnlfttiMi, lftfir^ *ttt-

rtlo .Win* room, In private horn*?on 3-acre «itAte. OltrftjK. Artult*ontv. |U0 per month, Cill AD >Jlots.

THNfUfQ rooms nni bitlh, $r& floor,all utimiM. furnfirti#d or unfnrniihed. Adulti. AD 3-4271.






THAI* drums: street drum: S Cobtt1-caMee; flic cabinet; inli'roscope am

- .. like new, ..12" leaf, also pads; plnvtlc coveredchannel-back chair, also like new,4 0 3-4088.


l;bles, l i t ; bentwl _

old Ice cream parlor chsmall 8-drawer chest,

leaf table, |e; platfoII9S6: corner bath tube.

UDSON seal fur atole, new llninc,•oorf condltltn, Tarjr» reaaonable.Call after .8 P.tt,, 16 1-tTtl.IMMMIItable: 'tMwrlterj s jbid, t i l l rug; atker *itcma. FA 2-4431,

• » » ' • full site Bti«llsh hlcyelf•seeds and hahtl hrakea. Vernice qpndttlon. |W Call AD t-4l»l.

YOl'NO mala cockatlel bird aii(larva cage, reasonably priced, CalAt) D-IOOI,

^. . . . .^.waiher and gai dryer, fMeach, 111 good working order: brassaAcflrona, , Rrerns and tool aeit46i alsu gas refrigerator, $10. At>

Kf.AKICIIOB. prartldally new. BR.e-MHO. . , , ,

LIVINO room nulte, 3 pcs., with nilcuveitt, fixcolleAt .eondltlon, Wleacrlllce, FA l-«fttl. 'M A a t , very lirga, II: >ancage, t teefions, |J; large, •tiful blaok casT| and I parak-6.60; troplga.1 BsR, tY ~ ' '

11 very raiurmable.••I after 1.

TKI.fcTIIIOK, 17- HCA table modelgood condltlort, |35 Call AD 11044.

•OAT COVtlBS, custom, made, rea-sonably priced. U. Reynolds, PX,

• l - r f . AM and FJeVStromliere; Carl'son tuner and 13-watt monauraampllller, (larrard latest modelR.C, 121 with B.V, diamond needle,stereo, liana .reflex cabinet withcoaxial speaker, plus app. to M*rerordu, |ll>«. AD 1-8*311: •

WESTIKOHOl-SR Laundromat, goodworking condition, 135, AD 8-48IS.

HUI,l,-AWAr bedheadboard, $4(1;-- ~ • <ir-

with bookcaseT . . , 4-drawer chest,

IS. Or.nrt conilltion. AU 8-2383.l*IN«-PONa. tail)o,.nccUonal,net.anA

4 nuddles, excellent condition, CallAV 3-48D8,OPKR gns range, a oven, excellentcondition nn reasnnslSle offer re-fused. AD 2-6383.


par, I ,OpeB avery alaltjt atall 8-S-tf


tM Park Are. (eotet PlalaaBYeatlVcai FA X-»tm, AD J-OOTB


Six-room Colonial house, built in1950 on dead-end street. Threebedrooms and bath on secondfloor; living room with flreplace;dishwasher; baaement; attachedgar&jce; lar^e fenced back yard.AdvertUed bt ownor. For appoint-



4 and I room deluxe (ardea'aaart-ments. Central atr condiiibninff.Open for Inspection Sunday 1-1P.M.

CR 74424

i-ir-itPVIUIBHIS» apartment Oarwood.

Modern 2H rooms and bath, allprivate. Utilities Supplied. Blrielewoman or buslneHB couple pre-ferred. |20 per week. IJIl 6-0ifiG.

P o t h rooma, heat, hot water arMeas supplied. $76 per month. Aprilt. Business couple preferred. 249second A e'.; Oarwoott.

FIRST floor, t rooms (with 2 bed-rooms), near town. April 1 occo-pancy. AD 3-3845. J-lT-2t

THKEE rooms and bnih. For fur-ther particulars call AH S-1169.

3-17-tfPO17K room apartment, $s» f>r

month. Stnte Agency, 227 SouthAve. W., Westlleldi N. J. XD I-2S40. , \ '

STCnlO apartment, turrilnBed, 2i ooms, bath, and kitchenette.Cheerful, refined atrnosphere leaseRequired. References exchanged.Ideal for one person. Mills RealtyManagement, AD 2-2807, , . v.

• ROOM « BOARD •HOOM AMD BOARD for elderly

women. Room on first floor andcentrally located In nahi»ay, FU


School and Wllllamibment*. Call AD J-»«!7

COMPTOtn MCVeiONMANew edition. COMPLETE forarrade.and high school. Consult PROFES-SIONAL buying guides. Nothingrafed better, FACT INDEX Ineaeh volume teachea research Itab-Ita your child needs to developearly. Choice of bindings. IB permonth. Call AP 2-7413, AD 3,-261)0,A0 1-5486, Bit 2-53S3 or FA I-4198. • 8"lw

— KUIABRTH. W, t,Open Dally 'Til %—Sat. 'Til (•iwlal tal* ef New mmt ,Vfl

—Ni-' „ . " ; • » • « • « 4M«aaB - ,IBstey Blrc4ri« tfrsraa | MSteMs-al Upright Ptaas , . 125Raiey Elrririr Ckanl organ. . . . lavVrasiencas'.Rtsidln Plaao IHHThMiaa Orgaa Blaade «MTh«e>aa Or(aa aai4 HI-FI Caatb. 4*9Oalfcraaaea PVaftwood Piano

Ifseelt UTSMMsrr Caaasle Plaao (I'sesl).. 700-WariKser Qrsaa (Pereaasloai),. TBSH a s n » a Chnrit OraBa (PrrJ

maaloa) Hard) 1l lnaamil Spfket Orarsia (I •cJ» IMamnma Ckarrk joraraa (1 .rJ) 11


11M East Jtre*r alto iaiaakctki V, i .

HAVE TOI SHEW our collection ofantique china and Klnas ellptftrn?Also; our "ROBO Meanlllon" China,which Is very unusual,




F*Oli BABTBH — Handsome 4 nhlnmink scarf, extra large pelts, prffc-tically new, asking $100. Also twoocelot skins, suitable for muffs orHats, $5 each. AD 2-3712.

MI1TK dyed sqatrrel Jacket, ulze 14-18, Juat cleaned and KJfused, verygood condition, 550. FA 2-6456.

CVCI-AMES, geranium, coieus, Ivy,phllodfTfidron, Easter plants, peatniOBs $8.7B. Having a clearance onOrnamental trfes,- Philip Pnolottl.1615 Mountain Ave., Scotch Plains.


MBAXTtFVh Rusnittn stole,

a-a-tt10 .skins, by Schlaparelli, brand•*•'— ' ie$MS—win saorlfios. FU.IP .jlclna,new) valu8-2333.


v.r.w. MALL, IW n t u n.starts Monday, March 18, 1M0—7:10P.M. For Information and enroll-ment contact


Karl H. BrksaM, Dlmli iM Asaa>«lalljC M_^MMr 14 • • • • • EM ••'OT^V

POODMB, ma'e. t years old, house'broken, fond of children, Call AD» 4 « t

raTBB—All-black kittens of Siamesemother. AD 2-«m.


UHUA.% — Levione la your nokiaModern methoda. All MBkas TS<

IM rerrle "PLAD l-TMt — At

•Wit M«e<t teVeriat; Watt.Claaa4eal . , . . .Pea-la'Mil mt Write 4a* i*fa«anill»*(Jail c

•It !».. ttacllav Ave.

i — HIM le*m*t ani C.l-lege subjects, .carolus T. Clark.B. A. (Yalol. LL? B.. Ed, M. 836Mountain Ave., Westfleld, 'phoneAD 8-3494. 3-S-tf

l.AlltifBi Instruc^l6ns, 'modernmethods. Lessons In studio JocBtedat 609 Boulevard, Westfleld. s im-uel Blnarls, Instructor. Call AD 2-78S8, ,. Z-i-ttCK JlTlAdrum /tudlo. Private

leasonH for beg;)nnera. Limitednumber of advanced students. CallAD S-407G. 3-3-tf

DVBI.VM W. MOTT ABT C f f iStudio, 447 Longfellow Ave. In-struction In Oils, Watercolor, etc.Children — Thursday afternoons.Adults—Monday mornlnpcs, Tues-day evenings. AD 2-1437. 3-17-St

!!V«Tlt|:l'TIO\ given In fundamen-tals of' irultar playlnff and folkBlnglng. AD K-8717.


ANSWBIIINO SBRVICIS—No oBlceneeded—W«. furnlsli you with anumber or telephone.Valfm Cosmty BnslaeSa Bavensi

1' Ateanr, WrstBeMmH-fata—4


• AIJTOf MM iMli •»BB» BUKK _

Road nas tar.attract.™ ,

OHI> station 1Country Bsaaa,,miles. (w>. AD,

1MB ro4BS, blacai«ltloinfew_ IBHeld. AD *•]

M l BItaClBf,VBals, noesi t Mm.

. V . > - . • / , • ; • • ,

i t M i AVL


Call B I 4-10OE



• TAXMTUINS #•UroMn *AX — All trPBB ret»raB. rraMresf In sltMr air. aeTMn ar

your own home, Hours: dally

fcw.cr"<..r?A.wi,•"'•Willnmtrnrn TAi -aaMi i busin

turns, corporate, partneraiiproprietorship. tnSlvlS '

r o * t tmetaWMni J«« reliableiftome teTTerric* MR*, n. rittl-aaldl, AD M i l l . l-4-»t

•BI, P»rtti«rshVaST ceraoritio*.7 days prompt" Home service.Keatp's Aactl., rUliii«el41 I••*«••

• tOf T AND,OBT—rsclcate or It MM camera

illdei, loat Tunday. Reward, AD-8681,

BWT—Pali1 brown frame eyerlas-Sch'ocl and North and w*st(leidAyes, l'lsaxe telephone FU 8-2312.


• — Brown Cocker, male. In:oantalnslds. Reward. Call AD 1-

rodnn — halfaund«y, mo" "

irr wlth

kitten, laa


W OR DOWNtMM far aa ftook oon

speculator must worry about butnot the Investor In carefully se-lected quality stocks of sound ln-tfsstrles. Over the long pull he canreasonably .expect his Income andmarket values Co grow Mm thegrowth of America. As a Regfs-tered Investment Adviser It la myjob to help pick the right Invest-ments for Income and growth.Services und fees are streamlinedt# ftt a modest poeKctbooU.

F. L. Parr, ADam* 2-7916


•CrVRtlslllCI Mleiiman, part orfull time, experlenca helpful butnot essential, call Union CountyBusiness Bureau. AD 2*8893 fdfappointment. . 8-3-tf


O well groomed man, In-torentlng part-time: Ideal fbrteacher, college student. MakepoaslMe |7o-il0i) weekly, No can-vassing, delivery, parties, C*rneeded. PU 8-207B sifter 3 P.M.


UTOMOBILB mechanics. Bxperi'enced Chrysler products IncludingTommfllts and power steering. 6-day week, 2 weeka vacation, 6 paidholidays, good pay, and benefits.Calt-Mr. Lftngdo,,Service Manager

' A-'.V*! Wu*h OlarX Motors!estfield., 8-10-2t

<:COt?lTIwn asalstant with" »«"Pwleasex of general accounting.National Cash Register machinetUMKj. j-oll UBle, 5 daya n week.i»aat Coaat Equfpment Co., Boate82. MountainsldoTN. J.

1'W.lt •.

^ s -~.t£n i M


-|*T j I ' i i ,11 j

« • * • • . • • woMBBV Swisiies taM.i sltffi i e*ya, evlinnga or « 5 B ( -' n ib . TalJ Afa t-Utt •• l t . i t*»BfA* daalrks ( insn l housework

Tuesday »r Welnfaday. Call AD

WMAW wl»h.ences. PI>aln

III baby'sft evenings aadSaturday aftamowns 1-6 P.M. Canfurnish own transportation. AD

T V P W WKitftert ttplng, all,types. Plck-Up

. and Jh»ll»er. ^AIT s V t m *»•*. #A I-THM B*sa,

rmmtK*ctm h«a>eworkreil wlsties five Tays pens l eH e o l aVf

h«a>eworker, col-ive Tays per week,le aVeferred. Oood

Knt»rtalnm»n< fer any occasion,call Jerry van de* Sande, AD I-

WOHAK would Ilka hart time workevenings. Please cettl AD l-TStt. •

Olil««- lady wouli (Ike daya work.Call AD 3-IBJ7 Between S;fO and


NOTICE Is heresy given that thefollowing action wai taken by theWestXeld Planning .Board and Italuhdlvislon Committee at meetlnga

•M March 7th an« March Ith:Apnllcatlon of Rocco Dl Nlsn for

normlsslon lot luhSlVlde Lot ID In"lock 446 — Denied — Location -*-'udor Oval. . •.Application of Maitmllllan Venus

for permlsslo* in subdivide Lots I,t. 7 nnrt 8 in. Block 6R0 • to form:hr«e lota — OranteS — Location —.

ernnn Trrrace.Annllration of Redeemer Evangel-.EII Lutheran Church to combine

,nt 1* and IK In Block 107 to form«<* lot — Orantod — Location —lownerthwalte Place.

Aiiniicitlnn of Wlllard W. andcii»ti Pock for permission to sub-vliin Lot No. 47 m nlnck 111 —

IrnntFd — Location — Hah way Ave-ue,Annlicatlon of Ornce Presbyterian

hurch for permission to subdivideot •>. in Illork (i47 to form two lota- ("li-anted — Location — Summitvenue.Anulli-ntlon pf Alice H. and John

vrc-n for •rrrAlnillnVi to subdivideot t \ In Block.«»« — Granted —lO'-nt' n — Boulevard,Aimlicatlon of Henry Went for

nM annrovnl of mnp of "Cllffonijniens" — Granted — Location —:herry Qiinv Jtrlve.

JHAVNK .C. HHOHI58,Secrotary, Planning Bosrt

t7-lt Peea 19.00



NOTICEDeadliM for

Classified Ads5 P.M. TUESDAYS

TelephonesAD 2-4407 - 44<M


Page 8: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****


a V

i '

.' "i , , J









Sbrimp Lk.If, INK • • M n « 4 » •• Ml

«•• ff -,,*•*.'



Hlfttl' :"MmUTT




. . . AiJr

f *^P^»*• ! • • nip f i,

LAME>*• nucnv



«•«•*I f15'

UT COFFEE t'"•^.i

•B MIKCt Nf.

* * * * » 4 * t t « a * « t « t * « » i


ftraiftJiice 4Wnnooi IAIMS.

PattvSbelkuvn VAUIY '


Whole Con 2MRS. PAUL'S

Tasty Fish Sticks!SWANSON'S

Macaroni & CheeseFOUR HSHBtMtN

Fr id Scallops

* » t . CUM 59"



•*« 39'


Strawberry Halves X M 19'RIVR VAUIY CUK t. T»$

Asparagis 51


WaxBeais 2RIVW VAUIY :

Haddock Dinner »SWANSON'S

Sea Food Au GratiaIINDEN FAIMS


PINEAPPLE J U I C E . T - 2 - 2 5Ca«i)bell'sPORK*BEAN$ 2-25.OC CABIN SYR UP - 2 .uuSr Itfmutl**' M l i w 2 lAROSA SPAGHETTI ve ~ 18

ENRICO'S^ S A U C E S 3 a 1

Orange Juice . 12 oi. can







Lava Stap , I «• k - l i eI wry FUkts * *• 34*


N n t n l lv«ry 4 28cCamay Stap 3 z r 21cZtst StapZtsiteap 2 ••Mr. ClaaiMr. Glaai i.<»<6Sc

Joy LiquidJoy LiquidDbzSoajiDuzSoap

"-""••= Sl.ltCascadt •>>•« 4 8 eDa»hDux Datargant •• >*• 57e



Page 9: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****

Social and Club News Week in the Westfield Area[About Town with Sally

. lew Twirl datee greap will* •-, dance «•*«<-» eve-

Rescue sojeaabaJMHagSamac acting at tall-

« 1L. • «^U mM. AftJ^fFreibtrr wiH art at

?Vtth Carol AMI Malreaayai co-chairataa. Other

_ - / the committal art) Teal™ Virginia Crete. Bab

„ jLb McClung, Laii Bt• I i l l M r , Barbara Teaaqr


• - gpi Mrs. w—— —-1 I SatBders avenue**w re-

paaajaj g i w i i •• • • • » » • •m- •w r -. • m

r«upano Beaeh and Pea-

" * *L M . Eeeto Caputo of I1B (1 JotT Mounteintldt. was

j with a surprise starkTburtdiy given by Mra,

I McDeds of 10M ChariatMountainside, end Mrt,

in Mra. McDeaVt

• hstrt *. Rows of SIS Clarkrttnd Herbert Fleiger, tsae-t .liter of the U. & Newt nad

I Report, were the gueata of• L. Warner7at the Grid-

dinner Saturday inip &J& '• '".

lmmj Woolfendtnr ton af Mr.n t i Utter B, Wexttaaaen afhtak, Ky., formerly wf Watt-

-Ltas been appointed dlraiterI M tad beverages at the King1 • , Hotel in Hawaii.

I Mr, and Mrt Jack J. Camilla afI Juramit avenue are at home

i thrtt week vacation in theas. and Florida.

I in . Uo M. totowkaef 110 Or\U circle entertained 80 guest.I , tterk shower Sfrtareey «vt>L i. honor of Mrs. Jeka Crawtof plainneld. the former Petrle

rof Mountainside.

Wwintld women who are at-MbLag the state conference ef theAt.it the SUte House in Tren-n tatty Include Mesdame. H.lltrl Bfchttr, Arthur Griner,ileai Panten,'Harold Beck,ilriiTaunten, Robert Hanaa andin Daubtnsbeck. Mrt. Hennaid Mrt Griner will atay over inimttB for tomorrow', atation.

Mr. tad Mra!tSrnett A. Carl-n of TN Shtdowlawn drive willferitfe the executive beard ofi wertasld Community CehcartsMr hora« tomorrow evening.

» Mstint will be held la. selecti trtkts for next yaatV series.

Mr. tnd MraTttobrrt MoCoTaf1 Biker avenue entertetiNd theat) Bowlers and their famitiak at"rofrthemeM" party Batarday•i*. • • • -

Mrs. Philip Swart of «18 Proa-tt street wai hotteu to the Janeout for iti regular meeting andBtkson Tuesday.

Dr. and Mrs"?"Paul Silirie of!7 Dogwood drive, Scotch Plaint,n ti their houteguests their tenddsn(hter-in-law, Mr. and Mra:

nil Silirie, and their daughter,IU. Mr. and Mrs. Silirie, for-nly of Laguna Beach, Cat., arelocating in tha east followingr, Silirie'* recent release from* Marine Corps. - ,

Mrs. G. H. Haslam of 901 Law-•nce avenue entertained her•nip-luncheon c l u b yesterdayiternoon.

Mr.' ind Mrs"*Walter E. Stur-tr,and their children, Terry andwl, of 634 Glen avenue apent•f witkend visiting in Marietta,hio.

The Metronon.<!s will have a




147 ELM ST.

IL AO 2-2400

"Viady. March " Saturday

arr ta j in iu l i far eke eveaiag, J I to Blank* CesT, aad aba uJUlaM tVaaaaltflttBi aaV" BaMBatW" MfMfB

Watt, BMIi 0ks»1in7«ady \leek, Pat Sep. aatl Hi Park

dy WUt-Parkas

Mm. Atha W, Utrki tt mM M l t W left rriaay far

a 'fjfcara ahttwffiflay. BJk dfc akaB^BBt stai • • _ . i^^*. . ^ . ^ 7 _ T ^ ^

kt,« neat far ate watkeat tktaTlMfe> •aWtMaV _ . ._ .

Tttnarriw eveabkg'tne Dab -HHeita wail tMtt at ta*-TeaaitCtab. M M R. 1. Wade wUI serveM iknajsnisi af the rapttHtae lor

f.W.9mjmJ. T. Caaniiak.

Mr. and Mra*47

*t*ka*t «pU»erid aaaa«a and M

M.. Euclid aeaane and Mr.« t i Mra. Cktaaey MeCraekan efaU Fairmont avenue will attendtha Yale Club of PteinBtU dinnerat the Plamneld Country Club ia-atarrew evening.

Betty Baaail wHTterve at ehair.BUM W the eaaunMtat far the Belles

:>N BaauB daaea at the AjaarieanUgien H a l l f nrrua.i i laa.At.

| | H | AkfJ arihatw CaftUaWaAaW

Mr. **£•*£%. M. Carha atU R i t f t V

• • * - ,flaajtaBaaj a^a^V^p^tt

*£%. Caa atOU RaritaafjtaaeV Seatck Plalaarattmad raa||tly • lraa» a Carkk-DMfl CTttliw) wHTVIS *afVMCil tM)ftfMt thfta waakt at tat PtaaU-Uoa Inn in Ochot Kin.

Mr. and Mrt'Maleohl WIHahir*af «M Arllngtae avanoa airtar-taiMn thair WMft ttab Batarday

Mr. and MrtTEala Straala willttnra M ehairakMI af MM Gay Thir-ttaa 4a»ea at taa Cranford Dra-matic dab Saturday avantng. At-iltUiw Mr. and Mrs, StnMe willto Mr. and Mra. Roy Carrigan,Mr. lad Mrs. Gaarga Rial, Mr. andMra. Stayhen Millar and Mr. andMrt. Leonard SiegaL

Entartaining a group of friendsat • dinner party in tfcair homeprior to the Gay Tkirtiaa dancewill tki Mr. and Mrs. William E.Horr of 778 Fairaeret arenuc.

Mr. and MMTGTH. Blrckall Jr.of 728 Baunders avanua have astheir houaeguaat Mrs. Blreball'igrandmotaMr, Mrt. G. Midgity afSnort MlUt.

Nancy ateraT^augkier of Mr.tad Mra, #. D, D n of 4H Stan-

untoy evanlttg. .

, Mr- aad MrTfSaha H. Wallaatof « Ca iarbmry laaa ratantadMonday after • two waak vacaUamin Antigua and Barbados.

Dr,. aad Mrt.' J. PanningtenWartcr of til Eaat Braad atraatwere hotta <to their dinner-bridgeclub Saturday avanbig. . *

Hosts to a large group of f Handsat a cocktail party In their home.Saturday were Mr. and Mrt. D. C.Saallcroaa of US Tudor oval.

Mr. tad MnT^V. R. Kittradgeand their children of Bl« Bt Marksavanua are home after a three-week trip during which they vis-ited Mrs. Kittredge'a parent*, Mr.and Mrs. Ernest-Bull of Savannah,Ga.

Entartaining their dinner-bridgeclub Saturday evening were Mr.and Mrs. George J. Rienerth of ISWoodbrook circle.

Jonathon Hill, son of Mr. andK. E. Hill of 109 Golf edge, cele-brated his eighth birthday Satur-day with a luncheon and theatreparty for a few friends.

(Pleaae turn to next ptge)

Nancy Hamilton, Milton

W«d; Uav« for Sojoom In' .y>ta Neacy Ue HasailteB, 'lij 4JtHiTiiti''*Min. B. Bawhi

H«->.'U. oftM Baker a ^ * . hatM. Ma bri*. aWakreay t^ffaaan•kf jflltOaV .FnaHaaaU TlhtMhtf ffA-Mril t f Hffe MRA MafBt ttUsBiiB^-W<V k u a j L u £ # T S a t WaBStaiaaaaa> aBa a aBaV t W "athiBaBBBajaBBB* aC '* at s aWaVaBrlaaBBi •Be^aaa>atva>wa«aBB tBBBB« earn l a w * Salawta,waffawf H I S B h i P>*W* erT^WwWa'BBl Pfctj *WVBnBHfaMla (PpHMPeT

taieiater, perfonted tha raratatny ki bat Piaabytarian Charch. 4riataM.il fattawad la NM BtjuiretC|a* al WfttfiaM. -

Tha bri^.etaarM by her fa-

' —JiilM A. W * I I H


Newcomers Plan

Futuni ActiviHMThe garden.aaauaittaa. «f the

WattatM Newtamert :cis* willmatt at I p.m. tonight «t'-S» YWCA. Mra. Jamas T. niajhai willbt speaker and demonstra a> at aworkabop on Jaaanaat •owerar-rangamants. Har. attittaM will beMrt. Ertkine St. Clair.

Co htataatti for the tvantag areMra. David Boblck, Mrs. WlliamKopft and Mrs. Harbart Higgiabotham.

Monday the reading group willmeet at tha home of Mn. CalvinReynolds of 1087 Harding street.

Tha nambershlp eMaaiittM w4llhold a progretthre dianar partytha avening of March M. Tfctparty wttl atgia at tat ham ofMr, and Mrs. Aitgalo MBrgarttl,

a t tiitfcw of Mr. mi

tha kaine of Mr. and Mra. Edward

T*o' eodal terviee cwninltteaheld a aMettaif at the boast af Mra.Richard Gtoon Tnaeday. Ctvkteat wai Mri., George MaBxPlant were made for a HrtBdayparty to be held Tuesday far pa-tient, at the Neuro-Ptychittrle In-stitute of New Jersey at SkUknan.During tke matting cancer dress-ing! were prepared for the localchapter of the American CancerSociety.

Painting* to B« ShownPaintings and pastels by Vir

ginia Allen of 516 Dudley courtwill be on exhibition at tha WestOrange Woman's Club during themonth of April. Children's por-traits and flower paintings will bedisplayed. The theme of the showwill be "Paintings for Spring-time." Mrs. Allen is a memberof the Wcstfleld Art Associationand the Plainneld Art Associa-tion.

Her paintings have been exhib-ited in the Women's Clubs of Mont-clair, Upper Montclair, GlenRidge, Verona library and Swain'aArt Gallery in Plainneld.


Whether Engraved or Imprinted - you can be sureyour Invitations; Announcemertfi, etc., are sociallycermet wherf you cheote from our large selectionfeaturing the finest quality stationery, includingCRANE'S.

' Quick delivery on all orders - including. Napkins, Match Books, etc. Sample Books

delivered to your horn* on request.

Have you registered? We invite oil future brides touse our Registry Service - ond receive a free ajftof monografnmed crystal compote dish.

We Now Carry a Complete Line ofLenox China Dinnerv/are

Jeaiinette's Gift Shop227 EAST BROAD STREET

Open .Men. ft Frl. Evec " AD 2-1072

i pekthjf at tan wrietTkt kadlaa and part, af tha bouf-fant akM wee lilaniiil with tehlf-nTtieWsidery. The back ef the

la a' aaaati sweep.. veU .*aa attached to

• crown af teed paarat, - 8kt car-ried eucherii iUiaa and tttphane-

Mrt, Denald Branttetter of Clln-n, N, Y., titter of tha bridegroom,

wai matron of henar. She wore astreet length gewn of sllktnu•tales with three-quarter sleeves,a bateau neckline and btll-shtpedskirt, «he ware a matching veiled

own. ,Mrs. Richard Robinson, Mitt

Ooreen BmMh, Mitt Carol Hamil-ton, ibnwr af the bride, and MissSuta.n Tkraahar. titter of DMkriaagrim. all af WettBtM. werewrtdaatMtda. Thtf wore ballerinaMat •rtaaai like tha honor .at-tendant's, • , • ,

Beaw Otever af Waatflald waithe but awn, Vthera wart W«l-den Helmut, aad John NikeUy, bothof Wettaeld, Roy K. Marten ofShort Hills aad Donald Brunstot-tar ef Clinton, N. Y., brother-in-law of tha hrktagt •

Followtat a trip to Bermuda,tha c«Upla eHU ratlde la M|llburn.

Mrt. Taraaher aMandtd Watt-Bald tchatla and Green MeuptalnCollege, Pevltney, Vt ' .

Mr. Thraaher attended Oakmeat,Pa., tekaela and was graduatedfrom Pennsylvania State Univer-sity. Ha aarved. three years i t aline officer in,the United StatesMary. He it a tales representa-tive for IBM in Newark. He It amember of Tneta XI fraternityand Alpha Kappa Psi, nationalhonorary fraternity.

The bride Is the granddaughterof Rtiftti Webster Beiaar of Gar-den City, N. Y., and the late Mrs,Baiter, and also of the late Mr.and Mrs. Harry Lea Hamilton ofMepMweetu

• loytrs Chocs* Castto fay Workshop

IBMiing oftfce WettBeld Com.i b W Player, hat been an-neunced by tke director and autk«r, Tempo MeweH.

The 'following members havebeen atlacted Tor roles; MaryBums, Carol Button, CarolJantorh, BHi Quinn, Mek nageand Harry Minnick. Chariotte Por-ter wMl be play chairman.. Rahaartalt are now In aregreai

for "Detk Set," the pltyan 10thmajor production, which will begiven April 22 and 1$.

Gardonairos to MootCorsage making will bt dlscust-

td by Mrs. K. Allan Taylor ofWestneM at the March meeting ofthe Gardcnaires which will takeplace Monday at 1 p.m. at theWestfleld YWCA.

Kont School ApplicationsLast minute applications for

September admisaion may be madeto the Middle and Upper Schoolsat Kent Place, Summit's collegepreparatory school for, girls; upuntil14 p.m. today. Entrance ex-aminations for this group will beheld Saturday, April 2 on theNorwood avenue campus. Entranceexamination., for tha Kent PlacePrimary School, kindergarten thrugrade Ave, will' be held Saturday,Aprjl ».

Because of inflation, It now cost*12.07 to buy what t dollar boughtin 1940.

PIOM Nuptimk


Miss Schwartz toWed Lt. Herndon

Clyde L. Sobwarte of WS Mar-callut drive announce! the tngage-nWnt of hit daughter, M|tt Car-olyn Mary Schwartt, to Ltwt Wil-liam Kramer Herndon, UflAFi tonof Mr. and Mra. Ro/ C. Herndonof MM Parkview avenue. •

Both are graduates of WettMMHigh School. Mits SehwertcTdaughter of the late Mrs. MaryCrooks ilohwtrti, Is .a graduateof Cedar Crest Collage.

Lieutenant Herndon wet grad-tttd from Virginia Polytathnl*

InttMute and It presently ttnttan-ad at' Laeklaad Ait Force Bate,Ban Anfcmlo, Texas.

Gordon Circlo PlansHorn*, Gordon Tour

A - meeting to coordinate tiltschedule of the, Garden Circle ofWesMleld't open home, and'gar-den tour May 11 took place Mon-day at the home of the president,Mrs. 'Paul Bhapdro.

The'theme it "ScrondtpUy,"which it "the ability to recognitttnd appreciate the unusual."Tic-keta may be obtained from theticket chairman, Mrs. Leon Princeof T Plymouth road, or the showchairman, Mrs. Gabriel Malkln or51 IWestbrook road.

Card Party Planned.' The' new" rtemKri departmentof the WeaMeld Weman'e CluftwW'have a deseert card party atthe eiubhouae Tueaday at 1<:45pJn.JReeervations may.be made bycalling Mrs. E, H. Ely of Whip-pool-will way, QMountaineidc.

'You Wera There'Theme of Meeting

Mri. Philip Young af WI High-land aveaut wUI ha haastat to taamember, of WattaeU ehaptar, M«.DAB, March It at 1:M BJB., whentha chapter wiU cekbraU ttt ottkbirthday. Mrt. Arthur J, Grinar,regent, will pruiea.

The program It tntittod "YenWere There" and will depict ttwtof tha highlight* aad •mpartaateventa that have taken place tkm-out the yean.

Among tha guest* will bt tetneof the organising and charter mem-bers. ,

Reports of tha annutl springconference of the New JerseyState Society DAR which will heheld this weak at the State Houseat Trenton will bt given.

Mis. Griner and Mrs. John Beh-rens will assist th» hostess.

Musical Evening PlannedFor Tomorrow Night

The WesMMd Junior MutictlClub will meet tomorrow at Ip.m. at the home of Mitt Chris,tine Green of 7*0 Lawrenct ave-nue. iPamela Camp is the progresschairman for the evening,

The following members will pet.form: Janet Btntlcy, soprano, willsing "O Had I Jubal't Lyre," byHandel, and "My Mother 8idt MiBind My Hair," by Haydn, thdwiU be accompanied by KatharinePrice.. ,

Kobert Gilbert, pianist, willplay "Polonalte in C Mtjor, opustC," by Chopin; Blame Tisabjer,soprano, will ting •UUnernU," byCacclni, and "O.vttas," by Val-verde and will be actoenpented byEleanor Warwick.. . . .

Carol Vanderblit,, flutist, willpity "Allegro from MurfHo," byTerechak and wtll bt''aecontpaniadby Robert Gilbert. ,


tr wl n M1

rtemVJt fja tjN

TaiPt«-4*taPutty willows soft and gray

Brvth. thn winter's snowstjwtyt

A Mmt ?of atftnari one) Mam.

With « frhpiHl or two ormaybe, three,



• ' - ' • •

Pro - tek t i

^PtawMMJv T ^

'jr. kaW Urn to enfutty fit oUUrw'i *$*jj • t

' • " - * — ' " * • * - • » - ' - ! . » . - - » . . - 'Wtw^VvBB W W V WOVBl I n r V I "el VV^BV fJBvVPtJPl^ViaBa

' Oyiaa Mwtdjry TW t PM.

* ". • " • t ' i ?••:: . • ' , - • - \ ,il fi ; . : . " ' l


In classicplain design.Gift-boxed withribbon and lily of the valleyspray as illustrated.


•tar «0r uvapinti mi 4#mj awywktw ' • ADams 3-0629







.ADams 8-052J


Maaei •BRI!

on* of our champagn*collection off Bparkling

new silhouette)*,'Also available in

Patent Leather and Navy Calf.


Open Monday Till 9 P.M.

Quimby al Control AvvmM,


Page 10: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****

V»HtJr.efotre* will la

tr . i* , tomcat a >»„*•

Iwarmisjg party Sunjj«jr afternoon.Entertatelaa-"?|)eir duplicate

•ride* group tomorrow evening•*» be Mr, and Mm. James Eld-ridge of 9X8 CoolMf* etreet.

' Mr. aad Mr«."t*J. Goski of 318MjtsMfhusetU .treet entertained•t a family dinner Suaday i» hon-or of Mn. Goski's mother, Mr>,Jeaephine Cubulski of Newark, whowai celebrating her birthdey.

Mr. and Mr/I5ia 0. Van »*a-M of 6t» Hilknst avenue otter-,tainad their ditptleete bridge clubFriday evening.

Mn. **. N. Freest of 6»! West-Sold avenue had a coffee recentlyfor JMre. J, F. CUuajen, new mem-ber of the Children'* Service Com-mittee of the Family and ChildrenSatiety. Other members whs at-tended w«re Meadames Aichard C.

Jr., William Ebendi, El-tiett 41 alter, Vage »». Stcphans andC. H. Winans ef ateuntainside.

Pointings by UH Soudsrofle,

ia iin eight artistthroaeh MMday at

Artat Oalltfy, IdJJWeattm etreet, New York, The bpursare e)tikr frem 11 a.*, te I pm,tad Straps,- frem neM to 4 p.m.

Women Hear ofMarine Life; •Announce Awards

fha Wemaa't •

.._._, Mr*. Alfred Sshswejar. ^wt>tnwaidaat, Mr.. Harr iett )* /C**y.Mflmtsmmmmsl ammm* tamtl afBaaf^Bmmm* mmamt BMsTsmU•*l1PMBpBmm1 VSTCT lemfl BBBBBMBBBBM/ eBBMBJ BBVMr*

wTte l *


Phyllis Wile/ PlansJune Wedding fe

'Mr, »nd Mr*. John W. Wiley efIts Jefferson, arena* hare an-nounced the engagement of theirdaut-hter, Partita Louhe, to U.(it) Ronald Warren Knox, UBN,son. at 'Mr. and Mr*. James A.KflM at flremabore, N.C.

Qfias Wiley attended the Cel.[lien* <4 WMiaej aad Mary ia Nor-

, Mr. Knot ma graduated fremteaaeotaer Mytethnfc Jnetttato in

, MtSS where he D M a Member ofThcta Xi social frattrt.hr. He I*presently stationed in Norfolkaboard the UM Waeeey.

I Plan* hare been made for aI June wedding.


fM H i m • . O. MUM WAY


Crwtwoed Gprd*n ClubFHin

SCOTCH PLAIN*—"A .te Oar Pint Malta" It the tbemafor the Sowtr >kew te be present-ed i>y MM CnstwooJ Garden Clubof Aeotch Plalai,k» hld h

Tht show will

I , . i t H I I i . i - . t r s

held Thursday, May M from. | • a*, fn the raaweod Pres-

byterian Church.CimmBjii abtlrmea are at fol-

iDwat General chairman. Mra, Em-ery Csbsrti ee-«kairman and ttag-

Mertlmer Welter; showeonsaltailt, Mn. Bernard Murphy;schedule, artistic arrangements,Mn. Jut*. Remllng; schedule, hor-ticulture, Mn. J. P. Madten; prop;ertiei, Mr.. Thomas Casstdy; en-tries, artistic arrangements, Mr*.lemUngi e n t r i e s , horticultureMn, Charlct O'Kagea; elaatlnci,Wen; Mrs. D. F. Urelnell;Mra. Edward Ekariat; .Mra. Ronald LnckeTand Mn.Van PeK; judges, Mn.HoHi awards, Mn. R. 0. School.

Also, hospitality, Mrs. Jack Wit• M I eommowial, Mia. Maurice

education, Mra. PrestonS eivie, Mrs. Bharlva; pak>

Write-, Mrs. WllUam Laeoi tickets,Mrs. R. B. Oarri tales, Mn. M.0. Flanagan, aad tecretary, Mrs.

wy, tprlrtgl Ham eomai theyounj *at, raallng livaly, looking

i hm Mgs at fresh at the toatonWe've everything for drot. and play,

site* It) fit toft, toddlers and the"older" young men and ladle, of

your household. Thrifty!

Glrh' SpringCoot.

from 16.98

jane smith

wee had wen awards at theart te«atekM af mw a m i FmVeratien Jl' Women's Ctpbt, whh*WMhsUatDae4ta«Cailana.Mfa.Marian D. Mowety received a Syat•ems in etU, prefaafey her paiauatT MOetehar Dwaee,"Mr*. Brma D. Cwltlat wwa a feetBftsm^m^a 4ltm JI.ta^al ga^pBB^mmmmmV a^ssm^sSsiL ammVHreT^Bmy emm v s t v i w^sw^na^we^eaasT ^pweem*mw^^o^^aw<

Merle U Smith received honorablemtnticn, amatetr (lact, for herpainting "Autumn ftenoction."

All of thete entries wen win-ners in the club's exhibit whichwas held at the February meet-ing. Another member.to receiveaward* at the symposium wat Mrs,Robert D. Nelson whose entries lacreative writing wea a >nt prisefor her abort atory called "TheWinner." aad a Int nriie for barhatk review of "Baa U l t Rty"byTharntea Wlldtr.

Annoatwenwat wai actde of theaanaal hakt tale to be held April8 and ». The tentative locationfor the aa|a la the former New-burgh Jewelry More building atBread and Central avenue.

Members nad guests were re-minded of the bctvre with ac-companying elides, to he presett-ed by Dr.. and Mrs. fcorrimirArmstrong in the Jefferson aVhealauditorium April 1 at a p.m.

The. flower arrangement In theniche wai made by Mn. ErnestWeaver, and the, (lower* on thespeaker, table were arranged byMn. William A. Hegerbeumer.Mrs. W. 0. Lippman, receptionchairman, was it the door to greetarrived. , ' •

Mrs. Howard Tat* introducedtht speaker of the afternoon. PaulCheney, who it teehnictl advisorto the Undersea tettarch Insti-tute of Canaee, France, Mr. Cher-ney presented "Secret, of the Un-derwater World," a color Simshewing not only many of theforms of marine life living In thedepths of the Red Sea, but aliathe recent equipment which hasbeen devised, and which enable.the Aiming of such unusual pic-tures. A question and antwer pe-riod followed the letter*.

/eman's Club to Hear'Making New Plants'

The garden experiment of thtWoman't dab of WettStU willhave a regular monthly-meeting at

Garden Club AidsDisplay Garden

Mrs. Edward L. CocTey, statechairman of cartfcultur*, •*«*•, *«the awnsbars ef the Garden CWof WestSald at its meeting heldrocoatir ar the home of Mra. WU-{imn 0. Birmingham Jr. of BUStandiaa t v e m on the aabjart tt«W1U Flewwre fer Your Garden,"Mrs. Cofey shewed eoiend slidesto demtaitrali her taft at wallaway afctaret of tht Now Jersey

4f fsOTeWi* ?•••»_ m_m~*m efeTn-?*tmm-


Donald Belcher toSpeak Wednesday

Wednesday evening Peaald R.Belcher will addrea. the eiviea aadlegislation deoartaeot of MMWoman's Club of WeetncM. Tfetmeeting will be hejd at 8 pja, Uthe club bouse at 8U South Bu-lk! arena*. T«e subject will be

"Caa the Federal Budget Be Bal-aaeedr

After aeraral year, of taaehiafand oae year «f «my aarvke dur-ing the flrit World War Mf. Belak-

at 8 o'clock,' Department menmtn and thmthusbaadt a n InWtad to bear J. ECateneuve who wttl apeak on

Making New Fteam."The following mesabars are oa

for thef r theevening! Mead wan WiUtam Tre-least. 1. M. Wtelaads, K. H. Frlak,

tician of the American Talsahimand Telegraph Co. Oaring-thesecond World War he was ehlefof planning and statistic* for theU, 8. Navy Department wad w«tNavy material control pmeer. Aft-er the war be became treasurer ofAT*T and served in thia Oapneityuntil his retirement, m ISM.• Pnsident Eisenhower appointed

him assistant director of the U.S. Bureau of tht Budget, at whichhe esrved for two and a heftft*. In 1»B8 ha became regentsprofessor in the University of Cal-Ifornit (Berkeley) where he ttnidfor two years at • member of thefaculty of the Graduate School ofBusiness Administration. He hasrecently spent two years at man-agement eoniultant for the boardof trustees of the University af

A WMtfttM resident tlnce thecarry IMOc, Mr. Belcher hat beenactlre in elrtc and eommaalty af-fairs. He ha. served on the Boardof Education, being Its presidentfar severtl year, ohd has been amember' of the Town Council.

Members of the Woman's CUband their frl«ndi are Invited to beguests of the department to hear

^*Rrsraa^cmwej ean^ saamy ^aesc^BBBBSBaw1- e^^B^avajeVB^ssea^pp ^aat

«bs «raa«% Ford'Okaytor, P M S V

aagnraM Ata yoar. April M thaCMnen «4U bt viaittZtmi M*ySi, Winterttar.

Mrt. Oaorge Brann expreetsdanprtriatlat) ta th* ajantNri whoplaotd Sowtri ta the Hbrary hiFebruary; Mrs, E. A. .Csrlson,Mrs. IhtmrTflrewn, Mr*. PrnakX OeiCJ uid Mri. Frank H. Lew-U.

Mra. Sam-show,

h7a^e<CmV.vtat ea

™^PW/ w^ar

A repert waa made I•el 0 . Stewart on the ."Gtrden Owns," held by tb# work-thon of the WectSeM Oardan Ch*and the Mountainside GardenCtuh, Feb. 18. There were threeelecstt, "True Miniature," "Kithand Kin" and a tmall trringcmentmmf>a container set originallydesigned at such.

Mn. William Redhead wan thechairman of the hoetessei, ssiirt-ed by Mrs. S. A. Heinsworth, Mr*.Barton Hcias, Mra. D. W. Timber-labs, Mis. C. E. Parker tnd Mrs.Chester Wallace,

Donor Luncheon

Boro CouplM Ouplkat*Winrtetre Annewnc*d '

iMOUNTAlNWDi — The Mevn.Uiaalde Couploa Zhipllcate Bridgewae Md raeenlly at the YWCAin WeaMtid. The following win-nere mra armevneed: North-tooth,irat, Mr. and Mrs Bugeno Mar-tin; aecoad. Mr. and Mra. PMHckKelly; third, Dr. and Mra. fcRuff.

StephenM F

; aeeond, Mr. andhid M d M

Werkmaa aad F. H. 1«wia. Paol Sraptow.

p h m n ; aeeond, Mr. andMrs. Fred HOI; third, Mr. and Mn.


FolIow-tbt'SunPoshlotu kgDavid CrystalnreiUHble tathion performer

created by DAVID CRY«Al

• in ocej|QtC| rayon ejitj eJM

glen plaid by EARL-LOOM

•kick. Blown and Navy: Sties

S to 18. 43 .00 VVJune smith .

i a t - l » CIHTRAl AVI, .. Ap0pm Mon. A Fri. lvonm«t "HI 9 o'doek


WestStld Chapter of. . ___ loaeh-

ton in New York recently. Aftera luncheon at Tavern-on-the-Gree*in Central Park, the member, at-tended tht matin** parformaaceaf "Oripwlilew."

Ai D.

/ Leeaard Wilton was mcharge of arrangements aariomdby Mrt. Bdward Stems and Mrt.

The » « t general meeting of theWetUmtd chapter wlH be held Mon-day, March M at I818O p.m. atthe hem* ef Mn. Beth Ben-Art of14S8 Fenweed road, Mooattm-tide, Tho program wUl be a paneldbeeeslen en the Israell-Arab re-lttiena i p te the prttent moment'

~ ' e* edken wiU alto be

Malto*. Those n*0MM feat ceiling novelfejJW» will no*

betiTMS the

havoeemethmsteog"and the aaera -~- ' - -

"'"•r , _• - waarwww* B^rVmVBJe*



>tyw HsJf Ctrt



8JC W BNyieriy MSJMSfl OF OSnCSfl nW SMM

Im Jafeo SsiamTen vejr tauajh



From now


dress to f

the day, not th>

date . . . This

tailortd purv silk

dress can fee a

fashion cWifht

beginning novy.

sizes a to I


June smith. 1 » * I M ConrroJ Avo.

Open Men. 8, Brl. toning, % « e/dotk

Page 11: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****


j r Wolf in Ptflbyl»rian ChurchU marriage af Mita «*O»n* Arthur Smyon, daughter ofrM r , . William Bmn «"»*n *J * » Sylvsaia place, ta LieutVerl Wolf Jr. aw af Mr.*Bd Mrs, Wilbur Earl Welf af York,JTL- sttbt W**ts>M FNsbrtertM Church Saturday evening

CMstJM **V

of ** to*. *»»mb>. Uvmi*te«. litej^m Uthn». .HiJtaArthur «•!•"'•«»•*

(h ftrU,

; Sr., was at* *o«'s bast

Edward Uvtagatea, Of.

Jr. wen

A.* j

in January.( pi M i rw.


_ _j tame ual**nMr

, b Alabama at1 Fat* |tuck«r,LMutmamV W*Jf will b*

with ta* Iteitad State*

fta, Waif Is the gmnddaughterr*t Ms Mr. aid MM. IMrtrand

r tayen *nd Mr*. Edmund, Arthur and the late Ed-

_j Arthur ol Pitteburgb, P*.,| UM tate Mr; Arthur.

intss Women tokwardSchdarihipsDsrlt Price «Tiprud*nti*l In

e Co. I H th* principalr *t Mi* monthly mealing of

Meld Buelnts* and Pro-Women'a Club httd atrestaurant, Tuesday in

Plains. Mr*. Josephine; aetional security chairman,

. Ked the speaker,a n Ann Donnelly, president,

a* nemben capoet to at-I (kt state board meeting at

iastetr. Carterat M«tel Sat-The'Union iusmaas and

•tonal Woman Veto* i* tha• dub. • J •

[ at this time Him state schol-s ef K M each wiH bo award-

I to young women to furtherr tdveation in burin*** or tha

an's Guild to Holdal 'Easter Parade'

At Woman'* Guild of theHsll CoHeg* of Medicine

»Dentistry wHl hold ite "Easteran annual luncheon,

and fashion show, flatur-, M»n* 26 at UM pm., In

> Seton Hall University audl-

Mm. Samuel Weintraub ofweitneid i» fashion ahow chair-•an and Mn. Charles Dooley of••Meld is chairman of tiie apron'•"-. Fashions will be Hahne *

" "" nen of guild members and.-,--—''*!» will be the.models.

Proceeda will be devoted to the"-""it of. scholarships for the

Htll College of Medkine• Dentistry.



wMi Drug Ordan


legion Group SponsorsAmericanism, Contest

Mrs. Russell Miller, American-lam chairatan, has) announced S47hbjh aahooi asudente have submit-ted assays in th* Amcricshlsm con-teat aponaond by Martin Wall-bat*;, Unit S, American LegionAuxiliary.

eh* aaid ttie contact judges willbo former AaaaarMjmromM IreneT. Oriffen, Mrs. Walter (Ml andJ.WinfnoMotri*.

Participating contestant* arefrom Holy Trinity Midi Schooland WeettMd High School.

The junior auxiliary trill meetSaturday at 1 p.m. in tht aoithome. Project* on which members•ro working include Aowen andvase* for the auxiliary. A birth-day party will b* held in (April.

Membership chairman Mr*.William Ooerrcr introduced a newmember, Mn. Edward Frickman.

Haste**** were Mn. Louie Bh-len, Mn. Hofctn KjeUmafk, andMr*. Norman Hewiion. Mn. JohnPollack presided.

Ilia nest community servicemeeting will be .Tueaaajr in th*homo of Mni. Julian Levy, T1SForest avonue.

TompU Emanu-EJDuplicate Bridge Winntra

The winnen of the TempleEmanu-El duplicate bridge heldrecently were: Firat, Ray 8chncld-erwind and Hilton Steinfeid; sec-ond, Ida GarlMd and Bob Weiden-feld, and third, Chuck Awn andLob Steinfold.

The next came will Ibe Thurs-day. For reaerrationi or informa-tion contact Harold Greenben.

Federation to HoldSpring Conference

The Monday Afteraoon Ciub afPiainaald will be fcoatata for thaaistm dhtrkt apiiaf caaferoMe,New Jeney f aderaUeti «f Weaa-«o'a CluVa Taeaday in tbeir dab-4 Jl«7 Wh

Mi*. Draw 0 . HMI af Weattleld,«iitk dittrict vie* praaidant, wUlpnaidc.

Faatarad apeaker* will be: Mra.Ford A. (HarkwaattMr, avrtbarm*iee praaie>Dt; Mra. Eari C. Woad,atata draaaa ehiliaiin. «ad fljlre.AlbertC. H. tekawaV., auttoart

fteaidenta fran the. dub* la•he diatrict wUl jpv* achiwaatentrapana,

O«ntaat awwda wiU be fi»an bythe fellowini alMi dMriet ckair-mm: Art, Mn. Paul flaatr; prat*baok, Mis. i. A. GeU; lAawrieaaboat, Mn. f. I. FarmH*. aadflower ahow, Mn. Thouwa P. Caa-

dA fashion ahow will be pr***nt-

ed during luncheon by club, mem-bers who hare won locally in thaVogue sawing contest.

Mrs. Thaodor* f. Maura, eon-faronce caainuani wrll b* ajaistedby Mn. Ernest Kyi* aad Mr*.Uelwrd SU1, n«tetrati*a; Mra.Joba J. Evaos, daatn^esji Mr*.AkWnOiaeasr and MrTmal^h W.AnMtesnc, racoptwa; Mn. lay-m*nd Bnitti. (mdiMair! Mru,Riueall C. Dotriagvr, Msntur*;Mn. J. E. nyna and Mn. ArthurLaderar, pagaa, aid Mrs. frad L..Hoffman, host*** chtlntuw.

Memben fram 4h* Woman'*Club of WaeUWd, Woman'* d u baf Ganraod and th* Scotch Main'*Woman's Club *r* attending.

Junior Women ManBuffet Luncheon, Show

A buff*t lunches* and faihion•how is being sponsored by th*WeatAtld Junior Woman1! ClubWednesday, March M at B. Alt-man a Co., Short Hill*. Thil willbe the club's «nal charity fund-raising project for the current clubyear. Mrs. Albert G. Danker itserving aa chairman of the ahow

Following th* buffet luncheonwhich begins at 1 p.m., clubwomenwill model spring faihion ensem-bles. Serving as models will beUeedames Clyde M. McBrlde, Or-vil S. Oitben, Walter M. Ronayne,Richard Tarbox, Fred A. Shortherand James F. Weaver. Mn. Wet-ter Brandima and Mr*. DavidOber a n In ehsrge of tickets.


Woman's Club DuplicateThe top' iwtmten'in the" iall

duplicate bridge fame held atclubhouse wen: Pint, W.' NellPierc* and Robert 'Row*; aacand,Mn. E. J. Mtahan and FredSwaneitamp; third, Chit Mayneand Roger Sample j fourth, RobertOkeil and Morton Smith; flftii,Mn, Marjorle finyder and RsyBchneelderwind.

Fifty years ago people believednothing could be done about tuber-culosis. The annual ChristmasSeal campaign brought hope andhealth to mllliaat.

Have X2u Jif coveredtke f lioei tkat kave

c*one fo mucL tomake comfort tielaskionakle wordit if, today?

Doctors' PrMcriptions CarafuHy H«*4 'M l U m of Orthopedic Shoe*


171 E. NOAD ST. (^fe ADAMS 2'36C0

Open Man. Eva*.


Virginia Rugh Plans

Summer Wedding

Mr. and Mn. John M. Ruga ofM4 Boulevard announce th* en-gagement of th*ir daughter, MissVirginia Hugh, to Warren Frey-•ebiaf Wad*, ion of Mr. and Mn.Warrea B. Wade of MuwMpoH*,

Mba tugb was graduated framDMieen Unlvtnity and WesternRaatrv* Ualrenity, and is now ••aeUI werter at CWdnn's Hospi-tal Madioai Center, Boston, Maaa.

Her Sance was ajraduated in me-fkenical engineering from the Uni-versity of Minnesota and is a can-didate for t doctor's degn* at theMaaMMhiiatM* Inititu* of Tash-

wadding i* planaad.

Inter mediate Women SeeTreview'of Easter t

A preview of Easter was .givento the Intermediate Woman'* Cluband their gu**U Tuesday eveningby Mn. Michael Kinatwuk.

V n . Kinuacuk of Watchungpresented a program displayingher special talent of ihand-cotoringEaster e n s in the manned linedby Ukrahisns all over the world.Under the guidance of Mn. Klna-*Kuk, women's clubs, churchgroup* and other organisationshare skilMully .mastered this ageold art after on* "workshop "

Preceding the program, a busi-ness meating waa conducted byMr*. D. C. 8hailcros*, chairman.

'Reporting to the club were Mn.W. X. !p«pper.and Mn. John M.'Parker Jr. on' the fashion jhowHeld at Altaians recently.

Mn. <E F. Homung announcedthe , names of Mra. Richard L.Buhcy and Mm. Robert W. HUettaa praepeetive new memlbera.

Plane for the spring banquet inJune, to be held at the KingGeorge Inn, were also discussed.

Hosteuet for the evening wereMctdamet H. F. Gerber, Pepper,D. K. Rider and H. W Vntter,

WoUwtlty Oub to HoldAntique Show, Solo

The Welleslcy Collage Club ocentral New Jeraty Mil hold it*flrtt annual Prweetoa antiqueshow and sal* Tueaday, Wednes-day aad Tburaaay hi th* gym-aasium of «b* PrlmKia CountrySdwol, Bwdawad M*r* th** *

•ay Head.Merrbtowa, laakiag IMeja, Wart-mild. North Plaimidd aad Prince-ton, as wall at from several othereasier* states, bav* takes spaceto display and **U their *p*cUl-tkt.

The show will be sasn from 11».IB. to 10 p.m. Tutsday and Wad-netday and from 11 a.m. to 4 p.si.Thursday, liiinrhswi sad tea willbe served *aeh day by members ofth. Weltetky Club. Tha club,which encompass** th* entire cmtral New Jersey region and partiof eastern P*nnaytvaniat under-takes this project to rats* fundifor ite May Mirgtret Fin* Schol-arship and to support increases infaculty salaries.

Mrs. Gerrf*h Thurber of Law-rencevlll* is the president of theclub. The sail it under th* direc-tion of Mri. John Gullck of Prince-ton, formerly Mist Jun* Cnhonof Westaeld, who is aaiiatod by th*following committe* ,ehairm*a:MeedamM Sterling Andwa, HenryBroad, Frank Gorman, DaaaldGriffin, Harry Heher Jr., BryceMaxwell, Oeorg* Matter Jr., BruceMttager, William etuart, LawrenceWebster and Hugh Wright.

Boro Women's DuplicateBridge Wlnneri Told

MOUNTAINSIDE—Winncn inth* recent match of the Mountain-lids Women's dvplkato bridge«lub were: North-south, Ant, Mn.WiHiam B»yi* iand Mrs. J. Mun-Kkh; aacond, Mn Henry Douglatand Mn. Nkholai Byron; third,Mrs. H«rman Banaeh and Mn.Howard Brown j fourth, Mrs. Jo-seph McCsffny and Mr*. HughCnigle.

East-w«s*t, flnt, a tie betweenMn. Howard Kates and Mri.Harry Wiseman, and Mra. CarlSalerno and Mrs. Fred Hltlj *K-ond, IMn. Alex Zelssig and Mn.George Woods; third, Mrs RobertRult and Mn. Raymond Herrgottiourth, IMn, Nate Von der Llpp*uid iMra. 'Robert BeLner.


Tftweiar Kit, TN •gMWgMMt PWfcllie]


Ito Diamond Month at Martin Jeweler*

Have you really

looked at your


N» doubt your onuajrement rins reflects the tenderness ofyouth and the joya of first love. But does it really mirroryour present achievements and your current success?Now—during Diamond Month—come in and lot us helpyou select a new enjraffeinent rinf, one that ia appropriateand fitting-. We'll be happy to trade in your presentdiamond if you wish and give you a substantial trade-inallowance towards a now ring. Come in, select the rinffyou'd like. Naturally, you may tehange it if you wish andtake up to IS months to pay.


Craafordi 27 N. UnionKcnilwerthi 500 Bird.

Weilfield: Elm 4 Quimby

> AD 2-6718

Local AitittiWin Laurels

Three local *iti«U and asesbmof the art department of the Won-*n'* Club of We**»*ld,' «r*r« wia-eere of award* at lbs annual artirmpotium of tava New- Janryflute Federation W Womea'sdub* keid at Daugiaaa Coliags8aUird»y.

In tha prafasjMnsi elaa*. Mn.Marion O. Mowcry won top aon-»n for ber oil painting, "OctoberDune*," and Mr*. «ruc* D. Caulk-in* was awarded lint pris* ia oHsin th* amateur division and n -c*Wtd a bluo ribbon for h*r paint-ing, "Kagetta." In tk* latter class,Mra. Marl* Smith, cbalnua af feetri doBaitment, waa awardwltout**, giato and receired hoaor-sble mention for her vainttng,"Autumn iUflaction."

These «ire* award winning pie.tare* and thn*) additional paint-ing* selected to rfreasnt tt*Woman'* Club in th* 8UU fed-eaition exhtblt, will be on displayin tha board room of th* YWCAfor the following month,

Sub-Juniors Plan Trip, The Sub-Junior Woman's Clubb*M It* monthly meeting at th*(torn* of Nancy Moon of US Wat-chung fork.i Approximately SO mamben afth* club plan to *iaK «h* TrenteaState Home for OirU March t*.A project concerning OverlookKotpital baa ban pluned for thein which is under th* dlnetionef Mlsi Lynn Barrett.

Rabbi otefn fo SpeakRabbi Jack VteeaJr. *f

Emanu-Cl wi» speak *• ' ^ r k mEau«," to th* atuay group ot th*Watering AWtiea of tba lfaiiaaal


.Ann Qolby heithree otrhtending trim•heath "spring into summerdresses" . . . eech e beeutyyou will want «J threein different colors . . .

The febric by Febrei IsSfll Sheke . . , reyen and

the look of nubby linen endthey ere very wesheblei

the price en


A-8 Come in sites 12-20

C cemes in sizes 12-20

end 14/2 to 22>/i


Powder Blue


WiOow Green



ADqm* 2-1131 t i t

Page 12: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****

flaney, neobanMa efwKra. HelnwUi Sudi


»»d! Award Presented toMrs. Charles Hancy

Paper hata andwith the hdteft of the Weet-Mouat

of Dabonb Mmna: aa. MfbiifMad the aamtajy

•HOtina; af the croup at th* ho**at Mi*. M. >. Boraatela, 116 Golf•a**

11M mojoa) frehion ahov » s -" *• of a «n* of ladiM paper

! and paper dnmea, created by— t i k e a Cyanomid Co. to drama-til* me new we*, for paper whfck|i* Jatt ahead

Scotch rloiftt Donee)

•OOTCH HJJNS — lefe, Ba-arailaa dUhtt, th* Mtk aUU aMlaad a Polyaaeiea boacbwero but aeme of th* (BMd* a aucceaafitl "1*watt" far friead* aad I

i whichHa-

ath* Mala*

tmfa WI««rH|ht, pMridaat ef Te»WoaVMaut Chapter of DoWah,

**d MM, Pearl** Haneylea* slate, with the f 10 Sea* plM*. with tha #100

. > f o m « f * l « kdke with th* recipieat'f ini

M aid* aad the laacriptio*terra* humanity **r*e>

W " bath" on the other aide.Mra. 8aa*y atatad at thla tin*that aha had ham operated onaaaeaaafutly at tha Deborah Hoapi.tal, a'non«*ct*rlan hoapital, at

Town. Milla-in-tha^ln*..Anyone iiitereated in th* work

Deborah May fcontaot Mn.efcaimian.

lomal, pro-fr*M chairman, of 1 Weatbrookroad waa in eharr. of the jfaahion•how f ollewimr the meetuif.

MM iatradWad Daniel X.ubU* niatioM reyraaenta.tba fctoden plant of Aner-

aaaranaw a n m i l eaju>*Hb la**, impfrTUUlCfJefaapar in everyday UvUir, and•apiaUMd about th* Mnaeility aad

wMi ateoatr«iithrandataloatreinjfh, chemical* made byAmerican Cyananiid.

recently a* thay dialat the Scot**. Haiaa Couetry d a bfor th* beataU of thafaad.

Aaaona: the MOT* thaa !plea «ttendinr the affair war* Mr.

IV, aaaaf Mr. aad MM. Wchatai*. a»i«*a Ml af M laaalajr •«*)hM baaa iMMHd te «ba «teeriat«a>doa|# M a t f t i V- t MavaJtrolaajr, Aa«a>aHa, Md, far aha•tkaatWtatatcaadtawafaha


at Marietta Cailaae, Marietta,Ohio.

MHaMoajiaa, a anduat* of Vm-km High School, j , * hiatory major*od a Member «f Alpha Xi Delta

throvgboat bar oatir* feoOaj*career. On* of IT'yaaauj ejaaaa*amona; LauH'a ataeW body ofoyer <00 to be •» diatianjabad,ahe rcceifad a .ajarjal

" her al

•ajor. isHih

D. HaH of Wart. _ _Mrs. HaH ia aixth diatrkt « - I ^ T

rke prMdeat of aha Mat* W I M U - _atioa of WeaMBii Claha. Alee f m - f " feat were Mayor aad Mra, Oaorfa'

af Mr.r*bjh>ef.M

iiat at i

Gowc* A. CortM, pM*l-j*arabai woakaad.

4bw*r W.*»iiiip . W , i

aoa of Or.tfa*«aa«u and aaaraaaad eMnw*£Jir. W, PiaUey *f 7*1 . .ation to tha aiaay awwA»ra,|aue, ia on th* cunwat oeaa'a liatfrienda«ndapwia»nirhi>aadawe»]at Draw UaiTantty. Thai honor ia

aororaty.Kia. Mouat, a b*»l•nduata of <WM

School. She ia a »anh*r of PiCaaaaa That* *orority. Hit Wom-en'* Athletic Ateoeiation, th* Ger-

Ciub and Math Club,• • ••ahhttt *f « i aUat

heea named toth* doaa'a liat for th* f*H mmtt-tMr et th* ValTCMtty of VerMaat.Ph. wa* in the «*.O to M.f aor-

A y t l i i B . «aHBroad atraat ha*

from Or. Biehard M.ing preaMeat of the eailava. ttaaat

A ,parlaMnt af talfajiaar atCH N t e ~~

ISelea ILettola of 1SI Mattb

the party aI**uapeciattiaa faatawd at *Jw|

bufat table ware rhirkaa Ha-waiian, Nt ' — "ahiproaat,

I** entortaiMHMM waalifhted by th* ••Pmoepale

raa b> a«adaaie abava

far taajiat a»anat»r af the

rowbure: V *, aad Hula I

y Pbiapate Maid Ha praJfeMiamet Harry deetMa, I Collate.

HaaiUtoa Jack W l i l

Btabier, a frMbaiaa ia th* I,I eral Arta Cotteaa of Draw Uni-

wa* amduatad from Waat-nior H M School ia l»( l .

Ha prarioualy attaadad Xaayoa

(Tanittr, wa*I laid Senior

to the i „ ,Jeta Ta« lAkjaa, Haiawkk Gailaaa•ararUjr.

i e m MulW/daa^atar af Mr.*ad Mra. A. C. Muller Jr. at U HW/rtwood road, a iwaboaMra atft. Unrreaca Uniraraitr. racantlviacalred tha Daritf B. Stobmanfrl» h C t l A t H

r C. HamUtoa,. Jack WoliaarI Robert W**da,aa<aHMnat Hawaiian i

Mri. i*b*rt Mardoek.

Mrenlaa; ,of doacfcaT <luf f 4^a tiaditlaaal'

^Maaa w«re *»+£** M e«-|

waiia«_ arraawriaa wot* abtainad

frls* *n Ciaatir* Art* at theaward! commcatlon offidajly op»B-bw the third annual DenTY

J* Bawd TtaaM, aan of Mr. a . . .

^^"*^fcata^TtTl«5|pfe»" " ^ ' ** l"n* "*'^tTMtootefo^h^'fciSl

Tirol, be. JtuSLZ ^ ^ •"»' "" Ml* * « B W b7iaahoaMuak W- by H«Ty OoKWa l * " . ^ ^ # 2 ^ 5 b f l r t

>mlh).>MI>M>M. &SSJ^V«*f £• ladaaak ataadhwr. ' A . i .fci.ii ^

haa wan *a the deaii1! net|f«f.th* laat two terme aad bat aa.




MM ttriNM Olmtm, ACH Ifh »mm m* Uh «*,£„


Brawn Uaimiity f or her hie* —•adamat ataadbw. ; A avadaaw afWeaMeldiSaaiar Hie* Jehaal, ahela • candidate for th* bachelor afarta detrea ia «W abM at M«A

Cari G, reiiiial, a i l af Mr. aadMM H. fnaeot ta f •«»

. r. aad MM, h. Bum.* Chalmirtaf AM Bradford avaaeo, haa heoa•letUd t* wiMkiralili la th* Tri-Btap* ohapter of th* ITatioaalHaaor Setfoty. Cari la a Jaaiar at

•kwtad to the lota of

ataftan eehael,a

Jaaier atfaaaiar

MeataoMrattaia at tha aehoel

aaatudant, aieordinXU

i d i n c toXaseUenca in


JLJ. lawtaa, de*a. Xi•rTWaWaiWllllBi VlT*taHaWWa'f

and aarriee ia th* arnarwa ,far•KMUan to thia aiahihojiar. Thlaairard raeagniiaa Cari't dbtiarcujabad aahlMMaaat la thoo* in-eertaat area*.

ir, a aiafiae- (nap fraai |*wa

«ert* U varloua hlah aehoah.


Moaroa Oardaa of' »0l» Via* alftl*. MM wa* aelahMt of, th* Ei•Mae for etBM,

DnrMd, aVn of ©r. aad

MMdow V W road, Scotch Haiaa,

•rew for th* Crinnatl College pro-

"Maebathr wttfeh iwaa pVeatnted

•wctr«-long |«gMMityglrdlaby

*Boaaan,* dauahtor of•• «. M. Bdawaaaa of


Tta Pkinrmd forBarnard Alomncwi

Mn, e V a W l T l B B W Jr. efMM tawreate awaaa* w*V aater.taia a ctoap of Bernard OUataafaimna* IMMT ia UaWa Caaate attaa Moadajr. Th* tea ia h a f ^ ^for tha bonaat af th* _CoHer. thrilt ahaa, and *ach . ,haahoen aakod *» hrlaca "whit*•kahaat" J—^i—. .

l * P ' • w i »«w/a» BaaBM»wa>

Aaatatiae; MM. Mater with la.Tttatioaa and tntaanamaata arai __._.•ache *f BhadowlaWii drive, Mr*.Sheldon Olfekmaa of P*M*i a*a-«u*. MM, Thoana* Kneeahaw of.Parka read aad Mn. DoaaMMatUraa of Mountain aveaaa Infcaath Flaina.

Of the 164 f oreat iratto th* New Ji - "

* i t N , 107amokera.

dhm, Urge end extra knjt



Vera Carotyn Mea/lna, aattabtarH Mr. i ^ Mr.TMaitaTm•meet avanae, and Xthat A,Ueaat, eaaabtar af Mr. aad Mr*.Mark I* Mount of )M Piekaondrire. ha** enrolled for the aacoiida*»*Jtor of thatr aoahwaora yaar



canI regain


TOOaa bere.

atftilly the troth contained in«W»r<*«»<>0*, Science andHealth with Key te the Scrip.tans by Mary aaker Eddy.

Yoai saay read or borrowMeae* mi Heakh free of* * * " "Ty Christian Sd.

WATOtWO—State Kghwoy, Route 22 . PLainfietd 7-0900

"ad or •errow

far a <osy p*itp«d.



HawiBi 10 la 4,10Alaa Monday, 7 ta •

/p^,awd Sun-

Do you flnd that your shirts are being over starched andyou feellfte you're on the wrong end of a leash; or«ovreneh/, that they are under starched and your collarfeels limp? • . '

If you've encountered *ither of these condition*, then it'stime yd* started sending them to Pan American. Our''personalised" service is your guarantee, of completesatisfaction. When you drop your shirts off.justremem-ber to tell us if you want heavy starching, medium starch-big, little starching, >or no starch . . . and we'll complywhh your wishes. ' ' '

Since all of our Dry Cleaning and Shirt Laundering isdone on tlw premise*, we can personally supervise everyphase of work. So why not send your next batch of shirtsto Pan American and forget that collared feeling forgood. • ' • .



Page 13: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****


lie DalMating

Tftaitjr, OilAatrk, wai*•» • talldtn* with frearf

Vn. Alfred V*r«aH*,Tat member**** M M

Mr*. VartalU to ta*April M to Mar 1 •*

Hotel SheHnira*, AtUntk CH»vimam Matron* .•* «•• •**»>•delate. • - " • ' g ^ ^ '

Member* of the earn*tkeiUt* court

at M at Geomiui Mri.HenrrP. T

«ktrf* of reieriTtioiM.Ni Ann Marl* II

of th« «MMM1announced that' fniN*

b printed th« wjsnera AmllD at tiw Rescue Squad bulMtnc.fteatforth tbli contort will k*Mm a "The Linda W t k k j i .aerial Contest" in memorjr •< Mn,HPMI WaWi. . , . ' * 'Vn, Anthony McCran, chairman

rftke April 27 luncheoa, tarifed• p e n to join the wmklr a««iakpai In making articlM to k«•U tt the luncheon. V . i n . Towiuend wat MaMd tfcalr<


J M t S

•*'* Hute kda M«irat aMdwraaTfat ft* « u w 4 b>,


Th* board


AsrHD*W> of If ountaiftiid*

and * « r .lid*, «f i7r I *trip to Kutaia. In jt* r ftp

« and fc> attend • ,.•f MM ftato t**Uatar*.*

OaartoMa Moatf****?W***1eM, f«rrit«r aad lecturer,

i tfc* elab. l i a t t d*U*wme*d lat*r.

f*r<unclM«n4MaeW a .tddreaa

I** aia; the ftoat* *f Mn. Ger-i *f 10M fcnnf BrMkl


. Cluh.»*r*and »arHril»atlnx n*mr

.. * Ut&mt*, K M . KalphUUitok mi Mim. MWkut l u mwkamUUii tb«ir csatmM* Cor Judfta » * U r of th*

Club which waa bald•at^r hi «

tjpje of 41acua»loa M jr*»-W**tan( «a* "New Worid" Nrith alidt* Mifvlied by

. -^tow*» Km., aarratod byVn. fTHtot. Keller, <'• tk* «MMHitt«e (or th* charity

da*** v*keh i* to t« h*ld April 22at MM M»ekanaxon Counter Clubhw rtqueated, that table reearra-

••a U m»de immmUktoiy *o thatM t o may b* mad* and M«-

Mra, Kichard W. Xipk*. Braai-d*«4, a»4 Ifc* *rtrict vie* ( m l .dut , Mn. .OW* D. Hall, atUMM* «MUt aetaion to atntrft thawork at JuvenHe court Judfe Ukh-•rd H. 0«C»nn«r. 11M vialt w*e to

to "A Day ia Court Pro-a j hy th* O i


* » -o-ng's iaiented desim-"B »ftly shapes a big, bold* M into the soft coachmanI™0 1 o' this scooped rack°»»uty with the bountiful»l"rt. Wide self belt gU«s

-lst a hand-span look. Easy-

«™ Dan River Dri Don cotton" | P s d r y d m

e e d s m k o f

Red, blue or pinke s l 2 t 2 0



B M Young's talented touch is•vidant in this washable,wearable coat dress with acarefree air, designed in DanRiver Dri Don cotton thatdrips dry, needs little or noIroning. For marketing ormotherjng... on the go or onthe town, you'll love its casualelegance. Green, blue or red.Sizes 12 to 20, 14'/2 to 24%.

At mdvtrtuedinUeCall't 6.98

Schaefers* No Poor Goods At Anv Price



aba. fawl Caatr W fmta A M -9 , aisaV alatokt art caataaaa.

New Jeney Wtitftiion. of W**»-* " ^ ha* aMMemteJ the fol-

Mr. and Mr*. Jaha C. ChewerA', of #65 CarlctcB mad are par-ent* «f * *oa Ma March » iU h l U H V

ia, ftaaaVld

Mr*. Marie* V. •toddard ofWee* Q T M « » i* preilfnt of thelAaUriewT'Artlet, #r*feaaieaal

i g , Mew /arety diaytor. Mteb « ferater areaMent of taeWeatM* Art iMwIattiq. « w haauMMtod ia «U MoatcUir M«-• • W aad rece«)aty «t tae lute•baem **-*— " iileai I m .

ahjKtla a f the Haw Jenny tVV*Mt iw* f « « « * • ' • dab*. >,> i ttovaii H P M M I O<

k a he* ttbaSrUd aUk »>a A«f«*a, aVaton,

^MMjO la*tlt»jU, tb. Wfcitaeyand II^Ne^map Maaeaaw andJ«

*> *May awanl*, d ;Mr* |*ra*y "Artiet of tke

of lartl*y willA4*|f•Hudf*lajurjaai Mr* •***> ait tk*

Mm*Aftamoon Club at Haia-4 «r». Albert U f U

O h * * * 1>T«B

M y ftamoon Club at Haia«e4d, **4 «r». Albert Ur of Ui*V V * Oh* * 1> Ato


Mr, end ¥«. *l«hU W. Mr*.of M l North ««n»e »re

• m b at a dauajWcr ham Marchin Maalaabarf SeapaUl,

Mr. and Hn. Kliaeell Clark «fSM Waet i n a d atroet a n rarentaof a Ma bora March • in Muhlea-bera> Hoepital.

* • •A danhtar, JUriaaae, wia born

Marcb I ia O**ri**k ataaMal I*Mr. *nd Mr*. Kaheri Alaaaga *f

Greae* tone. Mnatotaitdi,

Ul U, Mr, .»d Mr*. A4»l*« Hwn.

Mr. aad Mr*. Jeha OTJeaaeU of616 RaymoBd a TMt ar* ftJWktfof a *on bora it«MB It la ktaa.lenberf Ho*pH*l i ' ,

erfe* Ho*«H*l to Mr, aiTatra.SUak, lodMBdd W ft* IHimrstreet. « '.. -*r

Mr. and Mr*.of MS P*on*yJ»p*reato of a a***II (» MaUMhaii


FUmen mp

i dMaMk A*a^at" aa*b^kaa\ ^ * %

•we »»e pe*f M T I M Ibgl r

Oiea** from awr *wa)trk cet-M*etiNl










b FOR $10 Ot MOif I


eteck at taeir « - - •

i> MahiwhaHBaiaital to Mr. aadMM. n*tot D. Ctfoae *f 114 Pint

TBiaai *a. iatorday wiB *>•!<••> i th*

Meaa*. Ttoja* ar* Lrfton'i, baaatMMeafdtaal* Md rehiaa, aanawato

at Mir «l.tt u#.

C*ra«ii* tatai There ar* m « rtrawjr hoaat I M . £!»•»• Mid




CARAT!Fi»hlontbl« l« rib

itrl* (or th*ladl**, llarht w«l«ht.wlndproDt, quick dry-lnv-»choloe of color*.Slim line atyla formen, Uner and atur-dily built wlth,curv*dleath«r handl*.

BeiUtlful elkht ouposmf«, colit trimmedwith h » t r.t»lnln«•topper, heat proofhandle, complfU.wllhbiraaa wanner andcandle. (May aliio beu»ed directly on atoveor ran(a).

• •:.;„(y ,


ovmwAM sir

Denlgned for year* of* aervlce from oven t«

table. Guaranteed for 2full yearn a n t i i n n t oven

breakaRe. Attractively . Klftboxed. Set Include* 1 qt. cassc^le

nd cover. 9" pip plate, &"xDM deeploftf pan. S^Mxl0U" utility baking pan.

{:" round cake pan, and C-oi. doeaort dishes.1

S.WAY HAIMINOtAnTYLANTMNPrefocuied headllirht with•Ignal blinker on vwlnglng

arm; pmhbutton awltch-ea for red and white

light*. Durable red.«n*<nel. chromium;

p 1 a t o d parts.Complete with 0-y o It Kvorenely•attery.


Easy to line, fixed focus,ghooU black andwhite or colorfilms #020, Noth-ing to a <1 J u » t.J u s t aim andatioot. Ideal forchildren or acl-

WherefYoufjjSave Does Make a Difference!



The Oldest and Largest Savings Institution in Westfi

l7£7?5$7?™Z$FZtj* \

Page 14: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****

Nwcomttrs PresentSpring Fashions

MOUNTAINSIDE — The anu*i fashion ahow of tiie Meun-

tawaide Newcomers Club, entitledIBpring Faehion* of 1M0," at-tractod 110 member* and gueeteIMandey at the WcettMd YWCAIke faahlane. were ahown by Ml-liaa O'Crady of Waetaeid and theUnaVil Hat Shop of Summit. The

rfawkmal model* wore the lateatsportswear, euits, daytime and

cocktail draw* and also present-ed a apring wedding cniemblc.

Htm. William F. Fergueon, amember of Newcomers, accom-panied en the piano with a reper-toire of selected mdediea. Manymamtw* wore their apring bon-net* aad tha table* were decoratedwith bouquet* of apring flower*.Twa large petted palm* providedthe apring greenery. Deasert wasaervod. The hoatoase* of the daywen Mra. Urban Kiekard and MmWalter Banalng. Chairman of theday waa Mrs. Richard Smith.

Mr*. C. INeklnaon French, '1Jdent, welcomed guest* andmember* and introducedJtkhard W. Kapke, presidentthe,lMountainaide Woman'* Club.Mr*, French alaa thanked and con-gratulated Mrs. Herman SchmitsJr., program chairman, and hercommittee for their work in mak-ing a success ef tha recent fund-raiaing dense. Tha proceed*l l t M * will be proMatod toIfeMtaiaahta Public 1

the lAaril « ejecting.

Ofr*. Jack pildabraad, social ae.tlvitia* chairman, anaoaaeed thataataral new aMvKtes are being

BBwaawmwawasmwawmwaawjamlmmirecording secretary; Mr*. J e nSchlump, corresponding aacretary;Mra. A. F. Vetter, treasurer, anddirectors, Mra. Donald Lugannan,Mis. Peter Remie and Mr*. Jama*Keating'.

Vassar Group toHexir Scientist

Art Awards toLocal Women

in thistheir husband* and friend*, willhare the privilsg* i of hearing anaddraas by Professor John Turke-viteh, whe *t the Eugene fliggimprofessor ef chemiatry at aVtace-ton University.

He wiH apeak at t.-lf pja., Mon-day evening, April a, in the audi-torium ef the Caianese Labora-tories, Morris avenue, Summit.

SCOTCH PLAINS—Two mem-ben of the Scotch Plain'* Warn.an't Club wer* daclcred winaara•t the annual art ijraepti* anddab women artiitf exhibition atDoiifiau Collefe Saturday) paored by the New Jeraty StateFederation of Women'! Clube.

Taking a first place in that2t:ior.ul c.-l'-joiy for pastel

M ' l d B t t h

Cl»b Woman Day at Hafcne A Co.,Newark. Registration >• from• :«f a.n. to t p-m. Proeaedi fr«Msale* made to clubwomen andfriend! who register that day helpto defray, the coot of "Eren'tide,"the news maft-asine of the StateFederation.

Fanweod Wornon to H«or

«*« "««• «n>w*m | « BBTVammur, aVinnaiaitft.

Hi* aubject will be "lawraaaiaa*

Library at

mawlaaamdafMl * " - J J

duplicate bridfe, and«J5 A-y»s>*~«*f->

JMatstaarV aUai m\M

fjUtaa*: to tt» Aftf •rook* .I K A I ^ M A I ' * -ft» t 1 afle****»sWa» 'Vjaai

lack earettaw. An ,| | | m KdftMwMf vlawSi JwVaffJrM

I. i n i s '..iPMUVad, Debbie,' esaea'.

T T ^ " ™ I w^^pwaWJBw*waWa™# epawwJ V^E W n V

#*¥« Oaraaaa tear May IS.•Jlra.-aVhmHa MMbidaa • « . .

k**i af tha thaag* af date taTaia''•|j*»i«*i "*etanf, now t* he haM


tat the

, n , MihwwlH ba provided.

the Chan-In , Mihwara,

IA. «f ftN»^wr«*aakJkfial

at , «e -April anatfat.waa Into*«a»ad ky Mra. Ankwr MeKaaala,•a-abalraMM at tha nomloatiBg

Mra. Joh» 4V.Tn«t,

of an America* Scientist ia theSoviet Ueiea." In the rammer ofIMS he waa the chairman of theUnited «ta*e* Oalagatiea ef Uni-

Sdueatara who atudied theedueaUenai ayatap. In the

aammer of Iff a, ha and hi. wife,both ef whom apeak ««aaian flu-ently, represented, the UnitedStates Atomic Energy Commissionand the National Science Founda-tion at the American National ex-hibition in Moscow. ProfTurkevitoh waa there toatrato tha atem-pewered freighter'Vatannah,'found that

tem-pewtand ha and hi* wtfa

af the taaw they

America* eaatatJea anafar etioatMa

livingia tha

laaMBta, Or. T«rbe*iach baa

was Mrs. r'l»/d Barrett, who sub-mitted a portrait.

Mra. Betty Regg won a flrstaward far a still life in oils, sub-mitted ia the beginners classuica-len.'

Members of the 111 womendob* in all. sections af the statehad been invited to enter the artcompetition. This is the flrst timeentries in this annual competitionhave been submitted by ScotchPlains members. This is also tha•rst year tha local club has had absnaade art department.

Participating In tha judgingware the Rev. Prohert E. Herb ofMedford, an amateur artist; Mra.John C. Aohanbech of HaddanflaUa professional artist; Miss BerniceJamiason, aasiitant curator of theState Museum jn Trenton, and Jo-seph Rosti of the Newark Schoolef Fine ana Industrial Aits.

MM. Regg, the chairmen of theart department of the elub, willdirect members of the daparbaentin the fashianlag afitems from driftwaaa afhar hem.Ml Cvergraen boalevara, Mondayat 1 p.m. ' • ' • ,

Tuesday, a number af wiiaiirswill attend the tit* 4iatrkt sprta*

Crtorletfw Mt>ntgom#>ry

FANWOOD — Mrs] CharlotteMontgomery, frae-lencc writer, willspeak on "What the^Good House-keeping Seal Means to You" tothe Fanweod College Woman's ClubMonday evening at the FaawoeaPreebyWriaa Church.

Mra. Montgomery, a long-timeresident of WeatSeld, aad marriedto another free-lanee writer,had math experience in the writ-ing Bald. She has written UuGood Heuaakaaping magasina col'

Speaker for the House" for10 years. She ha* also contrib-uted to "Better Homes and Gaur-

i'> magaime, 'Today's Health"aid business pablications.

She often speak* to men'* con-vention* and organisation*, on *uch•ubject* a* "What Doe* the Home-maker Want?" giving them thewoman'* point- of view. Mrs.Montgomery also did a series ofarticle* for "Good Hbiuekeeplnr"

T h e Woman aad Her Car,"which has ainea been pubUahad Inbask form.

An executive beard meeting waahaM Monday In the home ef Mra.C W. Strange Jr. Mrs. Wanaa


Wee consultant* of the Gas Appli-ance Manofactarara Asasciatwaracotnmead curry powder overcreamed chicken, roaemary overmeat loaf, thyme over beef andonion salt over Swiea steak to givethese foods more excitement. Besure to replace tha cover aid bakeia a pre-heated oven. The beet torn-paratare to use ia indicated oa thedirertieae of the aacfcage.

- 1WgsasaaJi«aafH ehainnan h•Ire, JUreU Oeedbady af Florbam

conferanea at tha Maadaynoon Club in PlatOeld.




^. Corto*; presl:Wa^SBS^V^al ^S^ ^avwa* a>MSw

to. tha Mak amal


Dinner Tip

it jrswr family )«*• mere sea-eoniaf on f ream preparedyea; ean partially remove•ovwrhif and iprjakle amwthe feel bafare Mktof. Hi

tha fail•aaaaBhlf.Mi


THS riNOtY SCHOOL111 Narth Av»Mra, MMakV, N. J.

ENTRANCi IXAMINATIONS•LdP AjJaM|*aJdjdJJ # * * AavtSaaUsi J s U I I•^•w e aaara Bjwaammsmwv amw vSVwPejPVJV ^™• W M

WMtoOtvanOft .,SATURDAY, APMl 2, 1960, at M S AM.

Writ. .» C*j| Hi . Ubaal

WO SAVINGS ON HN€N M atrwfyrrilnf in Hw M r , , hwt « maaaj awaarMiaM 'ajf ajtocm-linuwai f fMr MmahM «ra. •.vrtasch.MMM ajf aVsMrk rwaWtona.

' ' . . * ' . {

SAVE from 20% to 60% OfKe-o-year

YOM M W I N N wh«n you ah«p AAs^pp.a •>**.. wrMrr* alnca1M0, price* have) always bam lawar V . . qwatlfy cjowalgqrad.

bM I t t law* •> >awkwwy fat

DISPLAY•'. • I The All New

>*' 7 •• -

• * ? *• i r j , LI A NT'The Prince of the Compact Cars"

x, . /

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. • - , . \ - : : , . ' v A'1 • / : • - , • • ' -

r1 *•'/'. ',?'] - ,'r

-l , 'I.

Valiant — the new car from Chrysler Corporation

Ruggwdnats . . . with a strong fully-unitizad body

* Valiant Station Wagons - four "Suburban" modal.* Room for a family of six

* Rido - with provad smooth Torsion-Aire

&••>• • s

l ; t " . tU*4



2 P T f r e m a n # w inclin««« «n9in« that can get30-miloi-per-gallon on rogular gasoline

'}'-^!i'1^au9h Service We-Grow"



/ . - •

443 NORTHShowroom, Open Daily 11A.M. to 9 P.M.

Wad. and. Sat. S to 6 P.M.

AD 3-1021

Page 15: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****

Junior Group Has


14m* fASrowaaf the .._._

aa'a Clua vfce wee vtoltiac a* thealath diatrfct Mtjaie eheOmen oftaa wtato f i i t iatl ia. Mia. Cette.•M*f at «k« atoat A t Mo *irth

aa held

of all AMtrkaa ati-H abroad it IB Ut - n*4 tar 7*7* Mkl awaaj dwlr-

PMWjira. U» M. Bate.jmi,w—

tha ttatott WON Mri FreAr.RaK <rf Fanwaod, Mn. OtorgaM af aeotek P W M aad Mra.

Jin. U.H,MateI l

Uatatel 0 M MIMUM Carn !a•ddltian mmktn will arattitt ( *tbt ilita dlitrkt «atle tmttnlaad.vark o* anltl* aaatrtaaot•Miaeto. . '•

c6r<finir secretary, and Mil. JameS. Bell, t M

—Mm\ waf ~*a MwMwSal' ^ M a l

fotmeod Cordan ClubH#Of* Mrs. aVwcknvf

tAiHmoatT^th* FuiMaiSardtn Clab ktard • talk runt-1/ aj aba. Milla «. araatkiMr>f UWafiton I* tat tMtthaloa trt:

- * • - pui M B k_. JllwtMtod h»r Ulk, "Wcathtr-•d Wood and Driftwood," wltt ar.awwMnto



M«.Cordon B. EhrlJchchairquui of thif noaiUMtinr aoot-mitt- miUtk ineladMl i n . HattyBernstein, Mn. W. H. Berthold,Mn, Howard B, l»* and Mr*.Robert B. Ve»kU, with Mn. fV»d-eridc 1. Cftatnben and Mn. «

E. Weiff]« at alUrnato*.Mr*. George J. FMwr, ci»k»

Md legation ckwnun, raporttdon the visit to tht couit iMu*« ofher department Monday «ten«i«at«n visited court rooeu inunion, heard the New JefMycourt ajratem.dtwrifead and were«tcorttd ikroigk tk* effka*«« thecount/ rtvitter, the idtataitatlaabureau, and tr* county jaU, Mra.Fiaciwr al»o announced plant of tatdepartment to attend tae leaiai*-t to forum at TraaAon April Uvpoiwored bf tkt *t*U ftdtnjtioactrici and ItflitlatlM dtpartMtnt

Mn. flettr ***. art eaai«MM,aeoouiMed that a atudtat of th*•cotrt «alM . Faawood Hi«h•ekeol, U t iMta, had entered tat«Ut* dittritt an coatett for «MMary Etavlbur edtoianaia M a theld at K o t T W . lUhway, taitweek. The winatn of the dittrk$eonteata win caawato at th* at«tolevel later in tat rmt for taa *aft)award. The «h* i t will be open toHit puMk at Koot Thuradar, rday and Saturday. -

Fire Member* «f the art depart,Meqt wilt partfclpato in art day atDoufiaai fceHae. Uila tatorday.On* or two eatrlw ( N M tht d*-pwtMtwt art tqkKtod to fee ta•ihlbit '

Tht awaic aad IMarature depart-went w)H attend "Sound ef Mu-tk,H t v O a r la Ma» York and WlHnet Md'aektduitd Mettiftp skit

MtoiT. Wra. AhmarnWKiffi eorratawidiNt a*rttorr,Mrt. Fndtrlck W. Buddf; trta*'urtr, l ln . tmm M. tMf, man),btri «t larta. Mm. WaMa* J. VaaHoattri Md Mn. TfcomM 0. Wtak«Uf.

Tin Famraod Oardan Clab wwiton neord ti-htlnrf'opHMd to tatMt of tat Oraat 8w«m» aiw ifMorrlt Ownty «nd tht LabanonAtoto Fontt In Boatti Jtrttr ai*ilM for tha ntw J«t airport ••propoMd bf tkt Port of Now YorkAuthority.

Htttou wai M n G. Daant Don.nolltgr, andtod by MIM Editk t\-llott, Mn. KMinath C. Anflomanand Mn. Btnjaialn r. Kallor.

limited time only

for any old when buy any

g bra-5 and up

PaWtas Bobat A l l a^hc baflouat'lliaif

All oo)f NMQ yovN aflfoy n p

t of Antrim's * 1

•Mtfk bro. YWI I few * • woy ihatenlyr

Nayttx ftVafcfMt wWi you,

whh yoy) ytt always itoyi In placay

So fffM now buy a tloytax Living Ira

ancf Ployttx wW M I K I yog $1,00 for

any tlrtd, worn-out old lira you

tand in. M hurry, offtr good for

a short timo only.

Optn Mon. A Fri. Evenings 'HI 9 e'deck



Praamted to the «)«• ay Mn.A. OMJM . Oaviet, MtWatrakhjchairman, at n*w MIM>»< in theafternoon'^reup were Mn. WU-!la» Henry aad Mra. Mtl*f» C.

QnairauuVW. h.tafcle-wewtour and


&LSVT3wit) k t a b k t o

no da»'C Drain

aad break

MIN113 days . 7 porti • 4,765MllM< SJSOup'. N.Y.toNaiuu,ft. Taomai, Martinique, Granada,,Lt Ouiira, Cuncao, Port-tu-

•MMfTS! Tht greater iptod af :, Iht famoui Mauretania meant .MOM porti, more lime to aight-iee,ihop, nlax with liew friends.

FUNI Renowned Cunard leryice• Oourmet food-. Outdoor Duf-Ittl • Night club enlertairtmcnl• Dance orchestras • Swimmingpool • Gymnaiium • Pre-releasemovies > Deck games • ExpertCTUIM staff. v

• o o k now for apaeaa*oard tha 3B,«00-to<i



•as It tk* U M to let* atoatl% UMHU WMIIU CRWSES

Aug. 31 • 14 days • 7 portsfrom $360 • Sept. 17. 12 day*

5 ports • from S315Ports of cat) include:

Port-au-Prince, St. Thomaa,Martinique, Trinidad,

La Guaira, Curacao, rfavau


CUNARDNo Greater Name in Cruising

CUNARD UNE25 Broadway and

. 441 Park Ave., N. r. C.



S A I u h L A i :, P. I I

100 NORTH AVE.' ! ( ' I f ! ! ! M

Page 16: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****

torri Garden Club or refla,, modeling

with cJ»f or plastic material, pu*.aba, block printing. There arcma»» mare activities to Imp the•kk ehiW occupied an* ftscmsU*

i gar-

hMwrairckur-Mart C.

Aiaa eem-htelua*

•Jaaaa* a

Park•areaa hM

to «M

wUIthe W. R.laaarvatiea.

vNI a* into

l i fe TodayMtTUIg Of MX


IM rot TH«C1MU)

Jab**/, sic* J haven'tpt• f**4

la th* enough U stay lawall eemafh te waat•a 4* Tbie it a try-

far bett) parent and•a. w*ata attmtfc. fram

Mlft avNPI fentWe* WBffe

awy M I .

witt making tomehting nimself.

Oeha Gamma Group toInitaill Now Officers

IT«t a t a r i will be installedSaturday at the annual Founder)Day luncheon for the northernNew Jersey alumnae associationsaf .Delta Qamme. Ttw BarrenCounty Association wii] hostessthe luncheon this year at the VillaStpeeiU in Paratnu*.

CeekUUt at U : M p.m. wUl befollowed by luncheon at 1 p.m,Tk« speaker tkat afternoon willhe Mr.. Edward Ruuell, chairmanof th* International educationcommittee of Delta Gamma.

Th* Bummit-WeiUMd AlumnaeAssociation, wMa members fromMorrii, Union and Essex counties,will Install the following new of.t e e n : President,. Mrs. Elliot HalWr of Waetteld; vire president andprogram chairman, Mrs. 1. W.Kiuia of Summit; vice presidentand membership chairman, Mrs.William F. McManon of tyadlson;recording- secretary, Mrs.' ClaytonTaylor of New Providence; treas-urer, Mrs. Nelson Schaenen ofMadiaon; corresponding secretary,Mrs. John Miller of Mountainside;Anchora correspondent, Mn; CarlKiemme of flbort HiUa; projectchairman, Mr*. John Holmgren afSummit; publicity. Mrs. fcobertNeWilliamt af Shell Hills,

wmeadetion chairmen, Mn.

'Plains DAR toAttend Conference

Frank Ulart af Murray Mill.

Young COP HearMre.Fernald

.aiw (JlaafUal vatic forf pawl* to |kt Rapwhlieaa,

part/." JirT Smtr rmGt. •*?ehalrma. W MwMbtaMal YfeUi t lehalrma. W MwMbtaMal Y*angfepfUiaaa rwttratlaa, <*U the¥one# RapuUieaaa af the Wast-ttU.ire. n«r*iar atgM at l*d

In esplamiag hew the Toang

SCOTCH PLAINS—Mrs. ElinorHuxsUr of the Plainteld PublicLibrary staff gave two book re-views, "Witch Door" by ElizabethOgilivie and "Truth Green" byMiss Reed, an English writer, be-fore the Scotch Plains chapter,DAK, in the home of Mrs, Aman-da Bunn of W WestAeld road re-cently.

Mrs. Stuart M. Truitt, CaroleTruitt and Mrs. Otto Vasak wereguests. Carole, good citiaea rep-resentative of the chapter, will ac-company Mrs. J. Seward Burke,Mrs. E. M. Richardson, Mrs. Thos.Weekiey and M M . F. P. VenderMeulin to the 98th annual stateDAR conference today whichbeing held in the State House as-sembly room in Trenton. She willcompete with over 100 girls fromchapters from all parts of NewJersey, for the good citisen awardof a 1100 government bond. Thegirls will be greeted by the itateregent, Mrs. George C. Skillmsn,who will present them with pinsand certificates.

Mrs. Weekiey, corresponding sec-tary, read a note of thanks fromthe Crossnore School in Crossnore,N. C for a donation made to themfrom the chapter. She also read anarticle telling of plans for the ren-ovation of the Historic Inn inScotch Plains, the preservation ofwhich was strongly. urged by thelocal DAK. The inn will be knownat the "Stag* House," which watite original name. It will bt'tur-rounded by other old buildingsfrom the township which will bemoved to foundations being builtfor them and when completed willbe a colonial shopping center.

Mrs, Richardson, p u b l i c i t ychairman, reported five newspa-pers are carrying DAR articles.A report was given by Mrs. Burkean Mt program of plant far a det-aert bridge <e b> held Wednesday,April IT at the aautfceid* ^rehouseJ» So*** Plains. -

Mrs. Burke, regent, conductedtha business meeting.



f in State PARDress Contest

ttNJkek* *a ft** to apeak for the•anth af tbeMtfta. «ha^wtod that

af th*

(J* IMraawiiat v|ir».' rernaM,. ry Wiwaamb, cbalrmaK said

tbt U th* «ret&w Jersey YoungRepwaMcta to hold M high an of-• M in N yean, She is a Mont-clair resident.

Mr. .'Nawtomh - anaaanced the" • • ' • • w t a h t h e W e ^

Club aJntho

L." r— w*twfi^waapeit rwai rmret •

of Wastekld will be in chart* ofarranncmaata for tha Young Re-


rive 'Westtlald firit were win-nerebi MM annual'dressmakingcontest of the State. Society,Daughters of the American Revo-lution, girl homemakei* competi-tion held recently at Trenton un-der the direction of Mrs, JohnUpeneek of Haddon Heights, atatechairman of tha girl homemakericommittee.' The competition Itstate wide. • "•' • * ,,

TAt «<rie will attend Hit DARconference at>T«r*nton today andmodel their dresses. They ,wlH bethe guest* of Wattfeld chapter,DAS, at luncheon.

First prlie la autts went toJackl. Anne Millar, .11, a aapha-mew, i». «**i«*ta High' ICBOOL•he It th. daughUmof *fr. end

ASM BBisM > . . . . . . . *•"• 'aaa Miner of 791 Norgate.AM M I P M UIULTI H*r anlt i* a.brown briar tweed

Jaates Nelson of Scotch Plainswas named chairman of the club'saanual dance to be MM in May.Mr. Weweomb aaid tite next meetingwill ha April 21 at the home of8tate Senator Robert C. Crane,Ml Hillside avenue.

Dee, ai; ma,, the USB Essex,Urit of. the famous Esaey-class sir-eraft carriers, was placed in com-MlaakM at Norfolk, Va.

with a chancl jacket. It hsa a darkbrown novelty trim. The tuckedbeige blouse ie of rayon and cot-ton.

Second, prit* in suit* went toMargaret Wilde, IB, a ninth graderat KooeeveH Junior High SchoolSo* b the daughter of Mr. andMrs. Herman £ . Wilde of « 3 r

St. iMarka avenue. Her suit is ablue and beige hound's-tooth wool.

Honorable mention in jacketdreases went to Janet Humphrey,II, also a ninth (radar at Rooae-velt Junior. High School. She lath* daughter, of Mr. and Mr*. Law.renee C. Humphrey of 25 Ha*/,therne drive: Her blue and flat-coiewd sWbark Jacket dreat ha*a terg* Jlemuda collar anil three-quarter length sleeves.

facond prta* m tha Junior suitgroup went W Jane Roe, U , in thesrvent* grade t t Rooeevelt JuniorHkjb aMool. flhe i* the daughterof Sir. and Mrs. William f>. |ta*of I M Sredferd avawM. Her easthad achi i ieUyp* light Mue Jaekttwkfc houndV4ooth Chech, and •pUin bin* skirt,

HeneraMa menUo* , la are tL-went to DoroHiy Owdwfei, IS, abaa seventh grader at ReeeeveH Jun-ior High School. She Is the daugh-ter wf the '»ev. and Mr*. HoSr tD. Gaa*>ia of M l Bradfar. ave-nue. War green and Woe cottondrew ha* ,a oarkw Uae eumnwr-bund. :

That* wiMiert will a im modeeltheir dreetet at the (April 21 meet-ing of Weetfleid chapter, whichwill be held a t the Woman's Clubof WeeUleld. Their mothers willalto be invrted to be guestt of therijajptM. Th* program that daywill be given by courtesy o f theCeuneet Corporation of America,and m entitled "The AmericanIdea." '

0Ma* bu.tnes. firm.

Good Laundry PnctkmA few minutas invsstad wisely

before etartiaf an automaticwisher can aeve' hours at trtsjMesliter. According to Mauaret Spa-der, home eervice coneultant forthe Gas Appliance ManufacturersAssociation, closing fasteners tadcippers will help to keep clothesin shape and wearabh for manye»tr» wearing!. Frctreating itainiand heavily aoiiad callara and caffswith a detergent paste takes verylittle time mid improve* appear-ance. To keep ties, M m and apratt

Mr kaaka are water: The** af<ke gnat gothama at* tnma, • » •erykedy driaka watar.-Samwsl L


HYDE and ELLIS: ' ' \ • TMiUTtaTIN -'




Complete DinnersFrom $1.35 to $1.65 "1SL> r!£3

k ' £ V : - . ] , v - * ' " : . ' •.••V,'-

h--- *


T '»

The Gant Storyr 4 » ••'••"v,, " i

' . )• f''

Certain payments just have to be met on time . . . income tax'payments, property taxes, tuition.

You can borrow quickly, confidentially and at reasonable '

banking rates at The National Bank of Westfield. '


7heFiitnd(yB*nkWith th* Clock


mnt cram"A Community Bank

Dedicated to Community Service"

Wa beli.y* that Oonl shirts have a certain wall-bred look that dis-

1 T 2 T \ST °" °!h#"< Cortful failor"w ond - ^ « « »oa strict tradition or* q«. l i t i . , Indi9enou, to Gant. Th. affiphoait

har . i . on matlcvlov.el.lail in a heritage of conaarvi«»m. ' .Do you Ilk* o really mat, wall fining collar? Softly flared collarcor..tn,c,ion h, aantly RIGHT. Do you want to hang your .hirruprA-trim hangar loop seet to that. Room to breathe? Ovarali. body (

construction it the on.w.r. Thar.', a full length box pleat bock fortnrnn..., too. » r « i . . ,t|f«hing let. th . aaty borrel cuff, roll up atmid-point. " , '

The Gont thlrt ha. bear. d..ign.d to aarva yov through a lifetimeof corrw dre«lng..Th.r. I, poin.taking workmon.hip in .very f i n ,Ganl ihirt . , , it come* fram the expert craft of New England',fInert .hlrtmaker.. The craft explain, why the careful detail, oft h . . . Gont .him have been many t im. . imitate bo, n.v.rduplicated. • .

<E!960-Oaut Shlrtmakvr

. White, Light Blue, Linen, and M a i n Oxford..

Button dawn

Tab collar

StriP ln9» 3 . 9 5 o n

Cenvenifjht Municipal Parking-' in Rear

r r i

' • • > . • ; . , - ,


264 East Broad St. Tel. AD 2-8214

Page 17: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****


r Rosary-Altar,plansBrk*g«

reeaatlr at


fiektomp, Herman « *G*"** StiUwell, J«ua Te»n»

E ^ r ! * Gerard J. McGarry,L^- j , honorary cBairatM e*d"^jUan* •»• » « » t o i w <t • •»-

4iire»r, of the •fate, ff*-d'rti* vtU f f t* tat M»WMi ftd

i Curtain Citits

[opicofTravtlogu*"Ttote Citie* Behind that Iron

» will tw ftatunrf in •. to be fflnn fcr D». ««J

Urrimtt AriMtrMt Friday,1 tt 8 p.m., in th« Jefferaon

on the Boulevard. TIMajartawnt of til* Wtetfeldl « * *> ajoaatrtai Oi l

UH benefit to nrhldi theU invited. Hit. Anaatrong

t uMBcr of MM dcaarlawHtMm.J. Russell Frwwen Is *atr-an rf -this clubhouse fccnaftt, M-itd by Mn. Howard Tata.iekfts mar 1» attained from themid *e <oilowin« committee; Mes-UM T. L. (Albee, J. W. A*uty,. A, Carton, C, F. Denney, H. R.mr, i- P. OonddMn, i. % Huh,. A. itacock, J. B. Kuttler, P.nrk, W. 0. lUppman, R F.uuer, J. r.Milew«kl, D. J. lUtw,.'«. Swtin, H. D, 8h«r, L. G.M«, A. J. Wier, and t*e W M M. linton, % Jenninyi and J.M

Junior WomaniMam Faihkm 'For April 6 — ,DOO — T*e wuiie de-af the Fuiwoed JwiiwClub mat raeMtlr in

~ the vhtinaaii,- Mn.'910 C«rMl »Tenue.

* « c formulated for t o wto be nmc by the choral

f f fcr the dxth dlatriet song*tJnl to be held April 2» in•uXoTi, The group will *in« three'nrifrom the Browtwiy mutictlbnitflrt Your Gun." 'PUm ire complete tot ttie faih-n tbow to be held April 6 at I :*0a. tt WtUjr'i, Bonnie Bam road,web Pltlm. Penert and Mdfeill follow. Mm, .Wayne' Fnj andfi. Koman CkriationMn art co-wman of this affair and Mn.homu O'Corm.n <» in ehaiej* ofcketa whfch are beinc don«Ud *yIIi IflA Foodtiner in Turwoo*.Ticketi will 4» tiiftittated byI* members. Proteede will •« to»1 charities. Arthur Morton'i inWeld »ilil iarnUh tlothe. which«1 be modeled <by club inemben.™« ntent profit atnting day

"o it Sell Drupj was a wt/xets«J eroceeds of iwhk* wW fa* «H»-•MtJ to the Trenton State Home•f Grls to help with the conatriic-m a an athletic 8(*d.

wnpl« Siiterhoodam Smorgasbord,

Sisterhood of TemwH in Wertfleld hatflom-

««« plans (or a tmorgaibord and"J Party to be held Saturday

Mart* 26 at the temple. .Sol Drittel and Mrs. lA!ex-

V P n g a r i «°-chainnen of thehave announced the foUow-,

ITV**" «*«l™en: Mra. Ber-S*.8** and Mrs. Lewis Kakin,wets and reserwations; g in . Har-f 3 , a n d Mrs- He*ert Zack-f'^Kity; Mrs. Philip Ka» and•,«|«elvin Grahel, hostesses; Mra.I™"1 lB'enstock and Mrs. Geldon£? M ; Mrs. Marvin

MM. Arthar Bo-ZJtSB< Mrs-J- Leonard Wil-" and UIra, Edward Dropkin and

£ i 6 ^ R^enblum, decora-^ " ? ^ D a v i d Kane, priies.

or further informa-

and An-for high school

s c n i o r a Bnd *e ir par.s p o n s o T 6 | l °>y Union

C f , at it*

all d

; " d their par-knOW m o r e *d *


f i t •.'

4 ,

• f f i,,.-;

•/f-' ''ill'

•Igit flsral

Taka aaw part Daeraa, ealta«, ayloa, «<Mcahwdar priat i« floral »otif, rnak* it in•iaee 9, U,L ,—Z ;—ffCavat prettilr with aatchiaf jumper laall-over ihadei of bhie, piik, green ortaM BMdaVlotii . Hl e w l t i Tni Val eoordiaatea.

Tapper'a Street Floar Iiaferi* -

bursting with fashion!

t * F " ^

# •


to.; <»!»•


r '


, ! •


• > • •

it "

ff^s fe

Page 18: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****




now permanent and cumulative in a warthey were not in the preceding two cen-turies. . . . It is clear that puWic policiesfor combating1 inflation must be more•aergrtk ia tlM future than they havebeen in the past quarter of a century."

a good represen-i «f yvttr home district that we cer-r dotVt neve to eall your attention

l i t «•» Mil ill the Congressional hopper%^m «H thought that you didn't know it-SkmQimt *»«t we do want to ask you to^ ' ye. vote on HB 7123 (Con-

Halt Bawgs, LouUUna).reformation of our owa read-

! provide* that eipenses law.I ta supporting or opposingCoagreas, state, county or

•hall be allowed asfrom gross income,

is *• B*Bit the rseent SupreaM. and Internal Meveawt

Last year'a "Battle to Balance theBudget" in Congress this year may turninto a Washing ( D C ) style ftacal rodeola which the asaia object*** ia to fcarataswild Congreamlonal (pending new escap-ing normal control* of the traditionalappropriation* proceef.

This was pointed out by the New Jer-•ey taxpayer* AssQctattoa recently innoting that, although the Federal Gov-ernment'* SO billion-dollar-a-year spend,ing pace continues to confound citisenunderstanding, wider public attention isbeing focused upon "backdoor-spend-ing" methods employed In Congress toavoid the wringers of the Appropria-tions Committee*.

Through technical deviees know as"authorisations to spend from debt re-ceipts" (borrew from the Treasury) or"contract authority"—duly approved byCongress, but upon recommendation oflegislative rather than appropriationscoawsntaas new, handy and hithertoBnchartered route* have been found tothe U S. Treasury. As a result billions eftaxpayers' dollara become expandablebeyond th* vast tatsls •** up in the regu-lar apfrofci«|laM bHta adopted by COB-

opposition ta

Ntw idem FarSchool

_ _ . ___, T gg r f pp•etrtee rultags, which ruted sueh afr "baekdoer wending*' methods and the

fiscal chaoetbat results, esveral Congres-etoMl ifeMan kav. Introduced billswhich WMII rMlwiiaal all spendingthrough the regular apewoprUtien* cam.nrittee process, Slaatar aetlon was ree-eniMBded by the Proeldeat in his budg-at MMaage, Currently toe battle la on InCeacfaia between tbeaa who ieek tothrow off tat limitation. Imposed by nor-mal approprlatioAa preeeditre and those

l d

w* arfno? concVrwd from .Standpoint, with whether there

or not—but weM * * *isMjimrl and growing more sof^4m$mtfiu*.wSm towardsa#r federal regulation and control.I'kaa* rod hare had many tatters

r a yas vote or If you haven't, thatit havs, from fl l others who areI of what freedoms ajw left to us.

• • * , a« , ' «

,. tw«r*ite*te*T deductible.n k sWNWts'to «n»or.hlp by t e g *

eld be stopped at onee, AllBoggs say*: "The eoaeU-

_ t of our ettlsen to potMo*tows ahonldnt be diluted by

Mtioa." This seem* like *•r. It is not Too often in the" matters hare beta ignored

f?«i,*-We •*» the result has bee»'^"wmM wUim*t privllsges a id who *ant Basal control restroed,

i !•«« cwfaidlod «way. i. ; At home, discerning taxpayers standpertanee of this legislation Ii ready to applaud reiteration of ilscal re-Money it nay save taxpayers qpaeibiHtjr in, government. In this vein,

.Jailf, In the additional imJNftt* the ftate Taxpayer* Association in Its; bring Into the U 8. treasury, tt ie«o platform and proirrarh emphasizes

a step toward* censorship, , « t n t need for greater congressional con-1 iky. war »nd every free trol over the federal purse, including im-

d be against i t proved, appropriation procedures deiiga-ltt«# te^g^'^gk «d »pettfealty to frUto sptndlng author-

" ; isatloa* to revenue and debt, and avoid-ance of 'backdoor' spending methodswhich circumvent the necessary controlsof the budget-asking process."

DrfvlnflFcxt*^ The Automobile Legal Associationsays that:—drowsy drivers are fast becoming thenumber one accident oauae on virtuallyevery turnpike and superhighway in thecountry. Here are she tips to help avoiddrowsiness.:.. . . .' -;

1. Chow a big wad of gum (a wholepack at a. time). .

2, fling loudly (the worse voice, thebettor result).

S. Kick off your right shoe and let thegas pedal vibration stimulate you.

4. Sit on something.hard for a whilelike a thick magazine'.

5. Keep your eyejf roving instead oflooking straight ahead mile after mile.

6. Look in the rear-view mirror everyfew seconds.—61 per cent of adults are licensed driv-er*. The breakdown:', Men—77.5 per cent have licenses,-22.5 per cent do not; women—46.4per cent have licenses, 58.6 per cent donot; car owners—67.3 per cent have li-censes, 32.7 per cent do not; noii car-owners—27.2 per cent have licenses,72.8 per cent do not.—because of increased efforts by high-way engineers to control traffic andmaintain our roads better, our fatalityrate has dropped to a new low of 5.9deaths per 100 million driving miles./Asan illustration of progress, a recent sur-vey showed that full control of acceagto rural highways is three times saferthan where there isn't any control at all.—drivers under 20 years of age had anaccident .involvement index six timeshigher than the average for all drivers.For drivers of other ages, their indexes

• compared with the average as follows:- 20-24 years old—twice the average

25-34 years old—average65 years and over—average35-64 years old—-half the average.

The 1959 tax bill of Class I railroadsamounted to $960 million, about $82million above 1958, and almost doublethe industry's net income, according tothe Association of American Railroads.

oar letter* column this iewe ii anWhich is so different that at first

it seems shocking. It Isn't, butI fwfolutioaary, It auggeits a twelve

i aeesion for sehools aa a solution to{conditions and a relief from the; drain on the local pocketbook

> alleviate these conditions, or at leaat^attempt to keep up with them.

. JThe writer brings up most objections?W|»f.'tha plan and, we think, answers themtitan*? successfully. At this point, theyihia seems worthy of some debate at

" , Who knows, It may be the answer.• have more opinions. No more op-

time for discussion than now.i we are faced with another million

i for new school construction, notto mention expense for staffing and up-k#e».

It was hardly noticed, but even in the'days of the earliest Americans pricesWere rising. Prices have been going upfor nearly two and a half centuries, ac-cording to a study by President Eisen-hower's Cabinet Committee on PriceStability for Economic Growth. The his-toric rise averages out to only one-halfof. one per cent a year, for the last 240rears.

Over so long a period, 'such a rate ofprice increase doesn't seem to bad. Butthere's a catch. While it took 200 yearsfor prices to double—up to a quartercentury ago—they have doubled againfa the past 25 years..• In other words, inflation—if you couldcall it that—crept at a snail's pace fortwo centuries—then flashed ahead at a"peed eight times faaterjtf|u going fromten to 80 miles an hotrPP i

Whafs more, said the report, the, price declines of the past—usually fol-1 lowing wars—are not taking place any'„ 3 p m and "rises in the price level are

Editor, Leaser.'The Mriutia* to present day.

school problems ha* been rirhtun-der our Bases and we nave failedto set it Better school, for lea*money' can be provided for ourchildren. Other communities havealready adopted a progressive *ai-

- "[ oa educstloa astd

tfcirirf Ac inert Aacr w M s> takt fwtkj;

10K*i, «mMfaB> sfssHng, to *»ttow tkiag* m «*• ri

tourist fess, pt*a* WMel >'*'"»'etc, *rc at their peak. Be «BmU£ > » < * • « .ssswrlesl - th*StaUr ,«. , aim werk fro fuH

wkr not *o it*SMd one

w: Befcn waeellsrs...(W a

unatjo n*. . i t to

__j ef • clesred sidewalk front-lag e eBJtaat lot even though it•serf** th* required sotli of bun-

mm b* le ^ eav PVMar if Hav M«

m im •JL- SmMmm^^m Ltmmr m • • • oTmslannspp W9m^

f e r i n e •nfoicemcot of th* or-ekMte, K rMlly intcnlcd, is nowM M * diSTicult tkMi 0*«r bemuse,With th* falfe* "o '<*«*' walking

• o heat, vieUtiMui an not radiljre|MMr*ahla trftm'm fapUsy SMYing

,e*r.Admittedir *»* «MtiaU*n |v«-

•enU • real yreWw, The netiealprsfeaiion I«MMS rtsMetes w»rn-|nt> of Ch« dano«* •* a haart at-tack from the •sarWea e* ahtrel-ing MOW and the yeaosvr s«iwra>tkon m m Mw eyesitasliy af.forded br • atem to sWr «p •f d l i h A f b t t k e ] dear-

wsMhMSMjmpaBBffwCouaty by UM fort of Mew TermAvhWHy, B*M may k*v« thoitfct,•Vh.'that's ae eee«era ef i w iHI* far ewsr, n*t is *Wr tm*ty.ratt^^BBaiaB^Bai M4^Bttak JBBT asm eaaeVuh wejBBi • I sl l w w a w s j f t fJfJBBjBBj eja; sjnj ^rsyjei i t T f j q

•hi* ares, w»Ue «*Bo*rn*d she*•ha |*M of Mr home*, think that Kia net j*st« IwaLmattar. hut «*tM eoneema UM whole aUw.

There are • namser of way* lawhleh ta* fart AMherfty ha* 4is-terted th* pteter*. Tak* far eaa,ihs'taasl nfatBM* to th* "Airparkla the Oraat gwaaip." TMi Imme-diately hrJnga to mind hug* tract*ef Bsiwii, (star heg*, I* **«t,partoof Iks iwamp are at pressatfar from uailaaa, sine* they «o»istl-twtoa^yeJBabl* wiHHf* preserve.Aetuaily, nramptoad csaatitutaionly ahe«t el.fer «*nt *ffth* arearequired; the remainder ia hlfhUad, whieh la tain-ap aim rtpi*.**nt« valuaM* real etiate. .. T»k* another mint, th* ilantod

atatsmenta and atoriei wtikk k mled many p*r*on* (a believe thatonly a few, hut* **tato* an goingto h* affeetod, — this Is net tme;many thousands of us in the countylive ia BlMMnt, but quit* mosast

Tho** WVMM propertr ia

few deUan, hat * > Iinff s eiaewalk srMia a reasonsDi*tam» after a atam «*B *tW ve ac-tswHahid it ea*> I* *• Bsmeed andlas any csssM»rartia fer Ms f*l-

f er day* to. . Mb asd slide

throng* wWrieMS Bll*walka,^i**rand fer, that,** saaaptetoty en.touched mnti) aa««M dee* the ]dt)>ra»n>*iSM*MthBW.

lag*. A dirtane* of Iftom jalhw ofBier* Ii probably involved, whenthe plane* are feroad to circleareuad at***, awaitiag psnalMionto l»Bd, or wbsn th* wsataer I*peer; accident* -frtaaenUy aeeurwlthla *e«h *n ana, rathar thaaright «• th* airport H*a».

Th* opfOBiUen of ta* Fort As*thorlty to the sumstod airportalto la Burlington County la basednot so much on technical ground*,aa on the r\A'» somewhat und*r-etairaabW ramctanca to let thi*huge oparaUon dip oat ef theirhind*. T** «*ry loeathm 'of Bar-lmeton 9*snty •uggest* logicallythat th* airport there be operated 'by the eombission Jointly e*tab-liahed by th* atotea ef New Jerseyand Penniylvanla, .which wouldleave th* Port Authority out In th*cold.

Thar* are many' other technicalpoints whieh could and should bebrought to. your attention, sueh aath* fact that many competent au-thorities seriously doubt the needfor a fourth airport In tha NewYork metropolitan area,-and esps-efolly dwbi th* wisdom of on* Meke* to Newark*. faciUUea. Hew.• T V , w* hop* that this is ••sadsaftto aaow you that there are manysound reasons for th* opposition toth* proposed Jet airport in MorrisCounty and we would greatly *p-preclsU yoar support by writingto your representative* in Trentonapplauding their raemt vot* oa thomatter.

Alberta R. Edwards

ered (iejawalh* ate a« Joke, hatM'I *»*• isaabw a farce ef thelaw. « t W safer** the aaow ae-

» H fe atfieetatate

eiawir* er re*i»r«H from

r "NiMallrI«a*aetenrBmbecause I west ta nauht on goodternu with ««Jf Belthbera, eventftoui* 1 •fwtest <J» maintwianceef their *Mewaitai a* del «,««•.

' SNOW 0HOK rare

Th* aolat ef air letter?h. U f i hwep on •M Menta. of Uuttan*ring- etudcat k>*4 a* weU aa•tadtnt racation. Yas. r«f. 1 hearroMr«cream<. But read BM t*m.Mr hiiatand and I .both protestedthat with six efcMdrea we wealdbe oat of our nind* to considertail idea. It did not Butter to a»,that other taxpayer* in Weataeldwere csrryinc the brunt of ourchildren's school expenaM. We

-liked the ides of hsriiw elder dti-K M or childlOM couple* payiacfor our echoo'l* while we enjoradthe inefficient and itupM w*»te ofhaving- them cloeed all (timmer.But then we thought a little longeron our antiquated agrarian lyatemand we realUed that we were pro-viding- inferior education for ourchildren, paying more for it our>>eelvei and actually cheating otherpeople. So let ate outline tome ofthe advantage* of • fear-ireundeducation ey»tem.

1. For purpoeet of eipUnaUoaI ahill talk in term* of the «lm-pleet plan, i.e., a aehool jreir con-•ietlng of three eeieion* <n>tcad oftwo. Thii would inmiediatelr In-creau aehool capacity by a whop-flog 60 per cent—wfthout *o mucha* constructing- a closet

t, Clawe* would be more flexi-Brlght studenU who could

tt » full year could go aheadess tssilon. Slower children orChildren who had mieeed schoolthresgh Ulneei, etc., need not beleft bask s whole year. Also theage*, af itudentt in kindergartenwould. b» sjere uniform, no ea*•tartlaf sthool a yasr late be-came of a Deeesjber birthday.

S. The teacher advantage! aretremendous, fewer teacher* wouldbe needed ** we weald not have tohire out of d**B*rataje» Our pres-ent (apply WHOM be iwrsaeed, Hkethe phyilcal plant ef the sebooli,fay SO per cent. Salariee could beraised accordingly and a teacherearning fB.OOO for two ternu couldget 17,500, by full employment. Doyou think teacher* .tike being Uidoff (that's just what, It ia) one-

aasjrier, car*er-«iBd*d firiisi"J^a>er*atfsB»l facilttsi, f*.aatti, yUygreuadl. Ugkwan ate.,weuM ft a JOB* efoaas play aad

*• »»• ""SftfA* *"* ftlPwhite tw*4hMs

littleCSBM sBia

_ — J Aad*K*BS«ei amJFal


•saaad help from aa aider childwould net be ymttod with helpj _ - | ^ — d»h_^ *BB*OjOfeagA*J B%BB*B1 gWalTJH aaaVaTaat

th* rest ef the ***r. sVesp*ttaf*r•stodwt i i j l i i j i n t would ab* beimproved. . . . .

$. Thar* sr* maav famills* westwould orefet on o t ****»• vaca-tion, eapeciaUy |a cosos whtr* th*wage earner «**ild aot take a aum-mer vacatton. WmWBiw paasfbU,parento ceuW bj» givoa a choice a*to what two of the thro* term*each ef their csilhirom would at-tend. OBM* where f»mily atpsra-tlaa er other harasala* would be

'BoMwitotod fMdd'h* glyoa prkMNity. A man gotag «t*ri*ai, far,asampla, o w n f t l f pvaaattt aehealyear mt* I M * hi* chUdren he-hiad er have them loss a fall yoar.And how InnhtaM* f few month*•n a foreign weatry twald h* toa child. (KsMnoay If the awn's•mplorar paidthe w»*nem)

6. All of the *eh*ol* in Wo*Vaeid eaeld b* air coaditlantd at afraction of th* cost of the pce-*o**d aew grammar seeaoL fltodycondition* woaid he Meal. And fwonder If th* prlp*i*S MrlauwlBgaoal in th* h!a*T school wouW haveteamed aueh aa appalling luxuryto us if our schools had been utll-iatd in'th* auaimar a* s n*e***Hy,aat a* a frill. Aad I shaU furtherwager that, ihould this plan beadopted, th* atudwU who havesummer Vacations will be heard tosay, "I wish I could go to aehooltoday; <t'a too hot to do anythingelse." In fact, they might evenbe caught taking com* sneak trip*into th* aobool libraries and doingextra work while on vacation. Butone of th* but futures of this ISmonth plsn la thst'no future phys-ical school fuiUtto* will ever heneeded in Weataeld again, except,

7Sjt ar snasltios « ( « f !paan will ous t BMSTLJ

ear BBaryssi and d a n lth* whoke km*.



of tae

Tbrwujh.recta. Sas* aMW M physkally,

WU. IfUMKUN L:, ' Ca*irMsa,rwil

• aTClaTn

1 BBTBBW^P^ ^ v s ^ ^ i ^ n •

| I weald Ilka to thakk Us V«•eld tesmM Squtd publWr ItT*n*nrHn« tew nuram w Oiloek MesBHal ta giwmtt ha

J*. Hsd Bet they reeprnMI grsckwaly, we would haveeaaiahw to go oa duty due to <k* «arsons driving conditJoaa MH)«iiwwbaMi can.

•Tbaak* atsin.PRIgClLLA LR,|


• - i . .1

snakes and leprechaun:S'no Foolin'Editor, Leader:

I ata not one to "take my penin hand" on the slightest provoca-tion, In fact this Is my Ant letter'Ho the editor" in more than threedecades of residence in We^fleld,but the appeavrance in your issueof Feb. 86 of that "perennial"threat by the Honorable 'Chief ofPolice to enforce the local »nowremoval ordinance is too much toresist.

Every year, when the calen-dar indicates "teie approach ofspring, this "warning" appearsjust like Ground Hog Day—and isjust about as effective. Perhaps itis the spirit of St. Valentine's Daythat prompts its issuance.

Here we are over 1120 hourssince the latest storm stopped (asI write this) and one van travel—outside the business district—any-where in to-wn and encountercounties uncleared sidc-vralks tohe negotiated at one's peril, Alas,it has ever 'been thus.• I do not recall, although mymemory may ibe -growing a 1>itfaulty, a single .winter's end thatthis .warning did not issue fromPolice Headquarters, .but apparent-ly the majority of the town rest-

Wtere you save does make a difference

anticipated dividend

first in friendly service


Page 19: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****


tatt *

^ J of studying town

J ? ^ n t fOvenuMBt ku tut°* *S«d rince 1WS. It was

ton was « » * « * F, tnd »*ea the towm'ei were *W taiafc-net nearly to


, Witfc our • « " • * * ^«-t4eld would M* «•» grant-ETof charter lutitr wfcks

Z et «»<)>tloBi. It

2 , cActently under a«eb M* system,seeming to "wan theJSStSl^

lihat this lurely i* t".ittracy. Oaly i» AmertaJ7«ck * diversifted great) •*i t together (or • eem-fI«rpM« to th. load of all.

^ir,tul»tion« to the MBtanWwmmitUe for their cewage

U * l * l l >nqtefttoaaty reasM to tha eracleney «f

t form of government.KUTH R- HICK1IAN

tMg surprise to we. I w*v«te at htt tubttantially re-

vised hi* ttand «n taja keue.A* • public meeting baM in the

Reteue Squad building on Dec g,IMS, Mr. Bauaraer stated thai iayear* paat he. like De.,, Haclwl,th* speaker of the evening, hadgeae around to vaiioua towaasUmaing for eharter etudy tarn-muauu- However, ha trrinwi• » * • «*«•> f « Westjield hecauaethe Town Council waa iajtiatioradmiaistretiv* ehangtt w h i c hwould he adequate W iasare the.bat operation of oar government

Three month* later, this piao,which he intimated wat imminent,ha* not materialised. One m a nif there n i «uch * %>\*u, or waathil a tactic to delay a charterstudy taovstnent? Now that thamoment ii well under way, Mr.Saunter U dinning on the handwagon. Can we count on him tomaintain this positian, or will beagain jump to tha other «id* ifthe political wind shifta?


Realtors SetNew Highs

William Vtidment, executivetecretary, WeaMeld Board ofRealton, announced today thatmultiple lilting ealee for the «nttwo months of 1M0 exceeded all•rcviout Mate for that period inboard nlttory.

"Bale, Bguret," Mr.aaid "reveal a total groat of f 1,-TW.SIO lot 4ae nerM, Jan. SIto rah. «», pointing ae> ayain thatWeaUeid and tha MirroundingcoBMBunitlu of rWawood, fleotehPlaina aad Mmntainalda continueto fain at an* of the aioat attrac-Uf« centen tt anbuitMn Uving IntfceeeM." . .


Wtftffeld Studio*PViWiv M l



Station Radio A Ttlevukm, Inc.SS9 SOUTH AVMW AD



WITH ] ( ) ( ) % M O R f CONTRAST

TU M M h x * « | TV1 Kgf P*»«-(M2 ia> hv of IOMOM tCA Wmr

ation Radio & Television, Inc.333 SOUTH AVENUE


THE <W. J.) I J t A D » . THURSDAY. MABCH 17,1H0


UnJesa Congrem paatee a CtvlRigata BitJ thit year we logtalftor* ehaM have to wait too longfor another eemeniiatty. Wa thallhtve to begin agait.on a long leg-islative trail whttk hat at* maaydead-ends.

But, at chit writing, full debatein both Houses of Congre** la inprogros*. In th* Hous* of Reprt-erntatives a Republican bloc antha Bulet C o m m i t t e e Anallyagreed to release a Civil Btjhtt•111. Senate deWta hae aiready ft*gun. Congress, it tternt, it readyfor action. I hope aad beUtv* Itwill be affirmative action.

It seems to Mo, however, thatAmericana may wtM be conflatedabout the Many C M Rights pro.poaala that havt beta Made m re-

er the Mile U totern of 1

l**r«aae th*r aM

;phspa they feel that everything willwork out in tk» long run.

My raaJI on civil righU, for instance, hat not been overwhelm-ing. I receive about COOdaily on many matter*, but to farVMm acHtont 1 have rateivadgrand total of SO Jotter* taking m*to vote on a good elvl righto bill.And, of tfceea latter*, «v» werefrom person* who tent mo Valan-tin* card* Fob. 14. Their

JUgMa—UM Haait of theMatUr.")

wWh their daflnltion of"•he heart of the watUr," and I'dlike to offer a few guidopDeU onwhat tr.it yew's debate is allabout. Ferhapa we ehaH htve widerintereat V there ia no doubt aboutthe situation now confronting Con-tree*.

Th* Firet Step— IMTNo major Civil RighU g

ion was passed from 1876 untilTh hiu

p1«57. The hiu n M r t y three

i h f lyean ago made history in the fol-lowing way*:

I . It ettabUahed a 6-man Com-mlation on CJvl Watitt.

- I* gave the Attorney. Go"*eral the power to take civil ac-tion against anyone who tried io'atop aomeone els* from voting.And, generally, it attempted togive federal! official* a strongerhind to protest other right*.

Commiaaion action on votingrighti, however, was uaually inef.factual. The Commission Itself hasrecognised thit. In t recent report

proposed that t new official,called a "regittrar," be called into tielp.

Refareaa sad1 Regiatrar*"When t Negro goes to registeri a voter in tome Southern ttatea,

he it tomethnet told he hat nobusiness being there. On one pretext or another, he is denied theright to vote. If a protest it nude,it usuaHy doean't mean much be-cause W doesn't atop the count ofother votes on election day.

The Civil Rights Commiationhat suggested that federal "regis-trars" ibe named to overcome suchdiscrimination. Attorney Gencrtl'Rogers has offered a aimilar butmore extensive "referee" pianwhich would work thin way:

If a person it denied the Tightto ligiater lie may start a lawsuit «t a federal court If the judgeagrees that he has been diacrhninated against the judge may namereferees to qualify the voter toeast his ballot. The' referees mayqualify others of the tame minor-ity within Hie tame geographicalarea. This protection would applyin state, as well at Federal elec-tions. (The registrar <pwn wouldapply only to federal elections.)

Senator Thomas C. Henninga ofMissouri has offered a new ver-sion of the referee registrar plan,and I think it is worthy of care-ful consideration: It, too, wouldstart with a civil suit, and-it wouldapply to federal and state elec-tion*. But, after the judge Kindsdiscrimination, the President ofthe United States—not the judge

would appoint the Federal offi-cials to help Negroes register. The'Ncftroes could then vote on elec-tion day, and no challenge couldtie made until the vote had beena»t. If a challenge were made the•otes would be held temporarily

aside until a decision was given inFederal Court.

Oth«r Prolcetma, TeaIn the years since1 1957 other

gaps in Civil Rights protectionhave 'become obvious. Schools htve

g•peclae ceadtttoH.l * b th h

Maay Milsdeal with

Th* bit) re-leaeed by tha beuae ceauntttee lastweek, for iaatance would provide

i or JaM termt for those whoto t W M t court erdor* en-tig aefcew intogratlan, and

thaae wbe erne* state lines afterdestroying a building. It alto rt-auirat atwanatlon of federal elec-tion reeordt for two yeart.

Art AssociationHas New Exhibit

new grant) of paintings bylit MM Wsetseid AH As-

attialia* wiH he am aahkit in theWMtMel Mawetial Uhrary andMaakia*] atieea, coaMnueuaiy,tkraagk tta •ienl* of J U M .

Artiste ahowtng Uiair paintingt•e: Pat Conroy, "Bend in the

Road"; W. Carl Burger, "Wttch'tHoate"; Kay Gene Davis, "AutumnLeave*"; Valerie English. "Danc-er's Finale"; Sydney DeCamp,•Mill Lift"; Mary Falk, "Lac Ja-

que* Cartier"; jjane W. Green,'Tret Shadowi"; Selma , G n u ,

Fith Udy"; E. limes, "Beachof the Highland*"; Blanch Hol-land, "Rapast"; J. Hopkins, "In th*Wooda"; Ellen Knout*, "Brlc-t-Brtc," and Elite McMeekan, "TheEvening Star."

Alto, U o MonUmat, "Lobstei-tnan'i Shack"; G. Morton, "Rock-fort"; Evelyn Matt, "The Fisher-man"; Lucy Petrutadl, "Parlai-enne Interlude"; «, K. 'Purvis,

Wood Roati"; K. Ritchie, "Dock-tide"; Vary Koti,. "Zinnias";Kathytn Sltiler Jr., "DtUyOhain"; Florence Blocum, "RocketTone*"; EliiaJbeth Torau,Day"; Vfcki Trombore, "The


(TV.W. iMMoferCharter Itadr lit** M M a lawof flu tjtetlat eta* *ja«a aaoa

farattag- si•tad to raalv at ratUaaaf*

ia the ealosssK ' erf'T


CooMHttae tm Charter' Bea m , WottaeU.)

Q.—What it the WetMeld Com-mittee for Charter fitudy?

A,—The committee compritu ttenmwide, nonpaTtisan group ofWettleld reaidents who are work-ing toward placing a referendumfor charter study of tha town gov-ernment on the ballot next No-vember.

Q.—-What is a Charter.MudylIA.—A study of the town char-

ter to an objective tntlytit of thepresent government and any pas-sible forme that would «t theneeds of W«et«eld.

Q—It w e t a study autoorundby 'law?

A.—Yet, the Faulkner Act of1950 outlines legal eteps to betaken in a Municipal CharterStudy.

<J—,Who placet the referendumfor Charter Study on the ballot?

A.—Twenty |»r leant of theelectorate by signing petition! orthe governing body of the townby patting an ordinance may placesuch a referendum on th» baJlot.

At Fort tH*

Pvt. (E-|) Daniel fieeley, 23,ton of Mr: and Mrs. Robert See-ley of 715 Austin (treat, hat beenassigned to F company of th* 4thtraining regiment at Fort Dix,where he it receiving, eight weekaof Infantry basic training. PvtSeeley attended Wortneld HighSchool and Purdue University.

An all-time record of 10,821deer was legally taken ia NewJersey during the IDSt open deerseason. The Division of Fith andGame reported that I.MS deerwere reported taken during tatspecial three-day tntleriaea seasonin December,

pNotes Increase

at Rutgart"; Normtn WeUb, "Inthe Wood*"; Dorothy Skrfca,•Bottled Color," and Frank Zuc-

carelH, "Evening Ceqw Ami." ~Chairman of the-hanging torn-

" Lorraine Do*rr, was as-titted by Mtry Ftlk and SidneyDdCatnp.


mm, i.Icrvtaa; WniarM

Uatjar OraliN

•am bright iaprojects, am part «f tha|l,7M,O0t aayaaleai: Mgmost program

The ioicreaee in water contump-tion in the area tarrd b «Plainfleld-Unk>n Watertnotber sitealUe )utnp F uary, <wkh a iwtrd-tjnaltiag i t t ,655,000 gtUont mmved *y tha lo-cal company.

Consumption was if.S per centabove latt f tfcrutiw'a 474,711,000gallont and iwat th* largeet Feb-ruary to February.mutate in re>cent yean.

Put of the ineraaat waa due tetbe »tra day in Ftbtaary for leap

let us inspesiyour Cadillac


, 'i


with ;faOTrt 'mmm mm


TEL Pi 6-2241

OUAROIAN MAINT1NANCI'alia* '• '.»'i'-'-ni<i»'*.- .-


Whenever you want moneyfor any sound purposecome in and talk with us.



+ BAVWAY OFFICIl e a * Haute An . «t M«w M.

T»L Blwfcrtfc 4-J40Oir IIMORA OFFICI

Ctnmtl•awr* A « . e l W*tt Cf*««


1 WetMhM Anmn, t«rtT«T CHMhial S-1110

if SPBINOFIELO OFFICIMwria An . at rhmef•Ttl DlMd 6-1441


ML CI« IY I«W 7-4000

KINILWORTH OFFICEard af Sett. Twnlr-McondTat HMO* 1-3000


I.I ADoai 1-4000

Helping people and businessesborrow wisely at reasonable ratesis one of our most important services.


HI NATIONAL STATI BANK'Union County's Lading Bank"



•Emu FEiuu BEPOSIT l i m n e r c i i r i i n u i .

wtnsr SINCE iaia

Westfie d Office — Opposite Railroad Station

Page 20: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****



now permanent and cumulative in a waythey were not in the preceding two cen-turies. . . . It is clear that public policiesfor combating inflation must be moreenergetic i s the future than they havebeen in the past quarter of a century."

|iii;cg«Kl.repres«ii-• district that we ear,to eall your attention

f t/Wll la tht Congressional hoppertke thought that you didn't know ittfcere, but w* do w.nt to ask you to•^-Jj0i$jfat*;m HR 7128 (Con-

Hal« Befga, Louiaiana). "' >lafornatton of our owa read-

an»vide« that «ip«nt«s law.

iaCOHgress, state, county wf|garerameat thall bt «llow*d a*

sto4ttctt*as froin gfoes IncoRaAia, efts* taa r«tnt SuprtsM

^Z-..::jmm*m." 'rultags, whkh ruled such

_ _ ceBaarsaip by taiav*aWstoaJdbeetoppedatoaee.A*

"^trt!l>ipi( ^l||i'.:*i^fiii: LVJMJfc

taMtJa^^Tats seern* like a

mie aad tha raault hat bean^gsssK%aMi^l^BS>ssslHsMMm;:'isi'was*sslW~v ~--'"i"'<s'"<•- •"£ SiVVi'Ss

bring Into the U 8, trtMuir/lt

ana WaiiiimieaMi ICMJBS)

Laat year's "Battle to Balance theBudget" iv Congress thia year may turninto a Washing (D.C.) «tyl« fiscal rodeoin wfaiefc tha BMia oajeetfw U It Mratsswild Congressional sptndlag now esesp-ing normal controls of the traditionalappropriations process.

This was pointed out by the New Jer-sey taxpayers Aatocistioa recently innoting that, although the Federal Gov-ernment't 80 billion-dollar-a-year spend-ing pace continues to confound citisenunderstanding, wider public attention isbeing focused upon "backdoor spend-ing" methods employed in Congress toavoid the wringers of the Appropria-tioaa Committees.

Through technical devices know as"authorisations to spend from debt re-ceipts"' (borrew from the Treasury) or"contract authority"—duly approved byCongress, but upon recommendation oflegislative rather than appropriationseogtasfttaas new, handy aqd hitherto•aeaartered rentes have been found toth* U 8. TreaaafT. As a retult billions eftaxiwyera' dolltm become expendable ;b«yo«d tht taAWtala setup in the ragu-

- ' - - • • MU. adeptod by Con-

i| | |p|j|B


i you hive had many letters •'

iiuwlat iiiiiiuallliiii 'toex- ^ackdewr taf ndinr" mHhods and the^ifiwSw^iaiii^iJiit^re^i^ wrenl Congres-

•'sswaal!'; Isiulsn hata Intiodinad billswhirh aranM ra rainaal all saendtaa

r & V ^ / y ^ * * T ^ r '^ :^=^Jf fW^" T .a* ^^PIPW^FW^BW^^PW^^^.W^aiBI-^lvSBrteB^PtJi^BjtjMtMJ,-1'"

;!}j^a^^j^p^pp^^CanW^ is||V| wi&| :]fME^SOVl WSi" HM6*.,'

^ > ^ ! ^ ' f l ^ l P " ^ P f l * ^ m ^ * ' " • " s T ^ ^ w a ^ ^ ^ - ' S j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ p a y a ^ a j i - a ^ a s l a a a * g # u a j | B j •_•

ei ntaeaage. Currently the battle U on In";OH^«ai watweaa tlioet who seek totarowofftaellmiUtioasimpoMdbynor-

' A t home,, discerning taxpayers standIwaif *• applfud restoration of flscsl re-

i i lW^iigowrnment. In thJa.-mla.::taCeXato Tatpayen Association in its1N0 platforin and program eniphaiizsi

/'^ht Med for (reater congressional con-trol ov»r the federal purse, including im-proved appropriation procedures design*

^ ^ ^ j * ^ s ) « : a a d * t ^ ' ' i i i d : a y o i d ; «ance Of 'backdoor' spending methodiwhich circumvent the necesssry control!

C^^ltodget-jiiklng;j»rocess,'v.:"•...;.:; • .

•a m

Driving• yet vote or If you haven't, that. V The Automobile Legal Association

lofwhatfrteAm.arer . f t tow.

l 1 | ^ B a^X*Sassw^i lp - : iB iAla^taM' la t%iaVal^ ? ' lMaka^' ' ' i i^ '^ak^aMnBV^'aBB^sKBBlB^B^vgcBlaaBaMl%-^BLjmvBau•BBBUVBBVI^-MM B \ V I [---L^iyswi;-i?fW^WWfJ7Pw^L.^t»a!'affja^am^nasaB*aj^Laaaaia^ avaa

Ueh is to dlfftrent that at nrstx Itatenu shocking. It Un't, but

session for schools as a solution toconditions and a relief from thedrain on the local pocketbook -.

t " these conditions, or at least

f M writer brings up moat objections:

and, we think, answers themsuccessfully. At this point, the

seems worthy of some debate ?lrt :

i ^ i tafowt^ it may b* the answer,have more opinions. No more op-ne time for discussion than"nowwe are faced with another million

rs for new school construction, notmtion expense for staffing and up-

NawIt was hardly noticed, but even in the

days of the earliest Americana priceswere rising. Prices have been going up

, for nearly two and a half centuries, ac-cording to a study by President Eiaen-

- Rower's Cabinet Committee on PriceStability for Economic Growth. The his-toric rise averages out to only one-halfof one per cent a year, for the last 240years.

Over so long a period, such a rate ofprice increase doesn't seem to bad. Butthere's a catch. While it took 200 yearsfor-pricea to double—-up to a quartercentury ago—they have doubled againla the past 25 years.

In other words, inflation—if you couldcall it that—crept at a snail's pace fortwi» centuries—then flashed ahead at a•peed eight times faster-ipe going fromt t o 8 0 i l h W r

What's more, said the report, thePrice, declines of the -past—usually fol-lowing wan—are not taking place anyMM* and "rises in the price level are

says that:—drowsy drivers are fast becoming thenumber one accident cause, on virtuallyevery turnpike and superhighway in thecountry. Here are she tips to help avoiddrowsiness:. .' . .'

1. Chew a big wad of gum (a wholepack at«tithe).

2, fling loudly (the worse voice, thebetter result).

8. Kick off your right shoe aad let thegas pedal vibration stimulate you. <'

4. Sit on something.hard for "a whilelike a thick magazine.

5. Keep your eyej; roving Instead oflooking straight ahead mile after mile.

6. Lqok in the rear-view mirror everyfew seconds.—-61 per cent of adults are licensed driv-ers.The breakdown:

Men—77.5 per cent have licenses*-22.5 per cent do not; women—46.4per cent have licenses, 58.6 per cent donot; car owners—67.3 per cent have li-censes, 32.7 per cent do not; noii car-owners—27.2 per cent have licenses,72.8 per cent do not.—because of increased efforts by high-way engineera to control traffic andmaintain our roads better, our fatalityrate has dropped to a new low of 5.9deaths per 100 million driving miles,/Asan illustration of progress, a recent sur-vey showed that full control of accessto rural highways is three times saferthun where there isn't any control at all.—drivers under 20 years of age had anaccident .involvement index six timeshigher than the average for all drivers.For drivers of other ages, their indexescompared with the average as follows:- 20-24 years old—twice the average

25-34 years old—average65 years and over—average35-64 years old-—half the average.

The 1959 tnx bill of Class I railroadsamounted to $960 million, about $82million above 1988, and almost doublethe industry's-net income, according tothe Association of American Railroads.

Net Idem ForSchool Problem

Editor,The wlatlaa «e present day

school problem! hai teen richt un-der our aeses and we have failelto Me it. Bctt«r schools for lest•nones'' can be provided for ourchildren. Other communities htvtalready adopted • proaTestire and•flkttnt outlook on education eaaerMtaelly we tiwU e» it tot,: *>why fiat 4a it maw. M w westewd OH mMliea. M b n . ( w •

aird of c fmmm(ii'£w&i$''a wmUd to take f aitfcw studioor .^teaW^jf^WfrtPirtt w* ;*»=

r *•* ^^•^•^W^aa MjMepewe^^^BB^sj^ue/ ; ^^S^^e^s^^^y^^gata _ ^ ^ T ; ^ s sr

urmts Ton*•um*.

• •he watte* I

MMwM• 9 aat If at ea-ts left'eat a * • •>«? A«tetter, swat ht la sWnJeaafr«*ie* tr Wear » «W a* M

f h M faMowfce luee.)

Not to Amy'

»ft faraway,BatMaaaaaaaav aasaaaaal aw# ana 4a*ssaB H w a l ' i a l•sPsnevvwarf arapjeaw w • • » ^^w^p aaw^ asai

aah area, want eaaearaed' aaaattaa taei <rf aar BOBMS, tail* thai Hla att jset a leeei Matter, ant aVrttt eMIMsaftIA taWw Wwaatla) sawattal.- TaeH'sn a aaadier of wan fcvwhkh tte fwrt AMhartty hat ««• 'terted the pktert. Take far aaa,

^ refttwatt* t " A l tt a

CS^susI e f t t w t t * tat "Alraeftla the Greet a*w»».H TMi tanaa-dtotaly artaft w ariad haat tfactaef aaawa, <onr hef*. la faet,sarta of cat a«ams art at ara*entfar free* ataitai, tiaea they «onatl-tatea V»J«eMe wtMHfe »raaerve.AetaaUr, twaattleM eamtltuteianhr aawrt at far etat of,<fce areamairad; tke MmaiiMlar la hlfhlead, whlea la »«ilt-a» aad reare-amti taluiMt teat tatata.

Take anstfcer #o«t, (at alanteaatatamoBta and atari* whlpli hartlad many pereoiu to balitw thatonly a ftw, huge aatatai art goingto he affeeUd, — thia to not tree)many thouMndi of «a in the countyII** is aleuant, but qalU modarthornet, Taoia « S w aroptrty It

. . . . ! • « • " wlU eonttaatly haarthe noUe ef the tahe-offs and tana-ingt. A dirttnet of iftotn Miles ormert Is probably Involved, whenthe planes are farted to elicitaraaad abaft,1 awaitin* ptnsissionte land, or when the weather ispatti aetMtate f(tauentli etcnrwlthtn tath an area, rather thanrigkt en tha airport Ittalf.' The oppotltion of the Port Aa-

thorHy to the aufgeated alrptrtsite in BurilaaWtiountr It basednot to math, on teehnteal grounds,at on tht PA't somewhat under*•UixUbW ttlticUnce to Ut thishug* operation slip out of theirkandt. T*t vary location'of Bar-lhicten Cowty suggMta loflcsllythat tht airport than he operated vhy tlit commission Jointly estab- .llatwd by tht sUtesof Naw Jersey ;and Pennsylvania, whicK wouldleave tht Port Authority out in thtt o l d . y . . . . - • : ; . . • • . ; ; . • . ; ; . • ; ' • • •

There art many other tttbatealpoinU which eouM and thooM htbrought to your attention, »uch attht fact that many eompettnt au-thorities eerlouery doubt the neadfor • fourth airport In tht NtwYork metropolitan area,' and tapt-dally dmbt the wisdom of out sodott to Newark1* f aeUttet. How-

' trer. wt hopt that thte it atasdaatto ahow you that then art many

- touad raasnni for the opposition tethe proposed jet airport in MorritCounty and we would greatly ap-preciate yonr support by writingto, your repritMtativet to Trentonapplauding their raetnt vote oa thtmatter.^; ''..^-v':-; •.••'^;~-&'.i

Albtrta R. Edwards

dmttt Just M regularly WWeljr<tmore it, Mnrn in m knowledgelast taan will be no enforce-stesa, Oaa has ret to witness themltaali of s dewed sidewalk front-

"taf a vacant lot even though itsaw *e the required path of Hun-dreds at pedestrians.

ftrfcapt enfereewtnt of the o'r-dfctMee, tt really intended, is nowMere difficult than aver because,with the police no Uwfer welkinss vast, viotetieaa a n not readilyeattnraalt fata a laftsty stwring

Admittedly the estaatlen pr*-tents a real prthtem. tfae meaitalpraftwion ittuet rapeatea warn-ings of the danftr ef a kesrt «t-tack from <at ttertten ai tha*tl-Ing snow and tht yaaajtr genera-tion teernt «ht tetjtriaaHy af-forded Iqr a atom te pWr up aftw dollars, awt * e teak of dear-ikg a etdewaik «ahM a reasonable

-::gmtjtfjar a atsjia-«*a t g l j ae-

VSBMfftd_Bl fatjfA 4ftlSMi Ar ^ Baaa Bi BR BFV' M^paav ea

t«t waT a •»•->

.:N' . . .through.

far eapa t*


and far, tat4 a* saatplei .touched t ^ l awteMltet tat Jah

: » y » ' • " " • " • • ' • • • ' • " • ' •

. . . . - „ - . , wt'Sa* taaw «t»-trtd' liaawaNst art ae jtkt, butleVt tU» eaakkc a fame' of teelaw. OIDW twltm theanvw n-IAWIM *|snpMtlMHI'Mf FWIvTtt n Ilfffiithe t i e^s^tdBV;: -^^-vr i:\* ;• Naturally I cannot aign my namebe»uM t wan* to remain on geodtenna: with my neighbors, eYentaouga f pf*—< <*• mtmttnaiictof their sidtwarka at aktVaHa.

-,'•• SJWW BHO« prrt .

it."- Lti't" keep «»fs JtfMtll'ettBIt months ef the year, therebystaggering student toad as well asstudent v«ctloo. Y«t, yes, 1 hearyear aereams. Bat rend SM thru.Mr husband and I both protestedthat with six duldren we wealdbe out of our minds to considerthis Me«. It did not matter to us,that other taxpayer* in WeittUldwere carryintT i*t brunt ef ourctildren'i school expenses. We

''liked the ides of Uvias-'elder citi-zen* or ehUdiest couplet payingfor our schools while we enjoyedthe inefficient and stupid watte ofhiving them closed all summer.But then we thought a little longeron our antiquated agrarian lysteraand we realised that we were pro-viding inferior education for ourchildren, paying more for it our>-selves and actually cheating otherpeople. So let toe outline tome ofthe advantages of a year-troundeducation tyitem.

1. For purposes ef explanationI ahall talk In ttrau of the sim-plest plan, I.e., t school year con-sisting of three sessions instead oftwo. This would immediately in-crease school capacity by a whop-{ring SO par cent—without so muchat constructing a closet

•.Classes would bt more flexi-ble, Bright students who couldnot skip t full year could go aheadtat station. Slower children orcklhlren who had misted achoolthraagh Uness, etc., need not btltft batk a whole year. Alto the

" agat ef Itudenta in kindergartenwould ht men uniform, no ontttertlMg •chool a year Ute be-eauta of a December birthday,

S. The teaehar advantages aretremendona. Ptwtt teachers wouldfce needed at we weald not ham tohirt out of datatmttat, Our pres-ent supply would bt increased, Hkethe physical pUnt of tha schools,by 60 per cent. Salaries could beraised accordingly, and a teacherearning |5,000 for two terms could(ft $7,600, by full employment. Doyou think teachert illht being laidoff (that's just what it is) ont-

4. sUcreattonal ,

^ ^ ^ ^ I J da BBE a i : aasBBVaY taBaaaBBBBstwj asaUhav staatal

' BBsa aMsBti tpapjassVM SBMV BBJfe :dUB aSsaiataaW""' W^^^

while tw»«airda «<rav

wetdd H t i n d their cbJIdren—with aattuag te It hitti allaWaaasVaaWt savaMfe A I M MMsal gMt AlitUt epeciai atttwUen wtatt btata-

aadtitteart aad ttttart a»t atlatJtag tlest.at and, attnarawy, aaraato wae

hair f ram aa aUtr chadnet he ftirtted with helptht tuawtar eat} haw aeae

wvaldduriac-thtreetef tat pear. ff^ratatttt xer


* There art atsay Iwould e*efef aji esT-itlon, ttatelauy ia eate* wn

W att take


waa^tarnercMldattUkeatum. «MMh PJM will L_.mtr vaeaUen. Wherever, ftatWe, fat; M M .andparente e«ild t^ gl^a a «h^«» as taa wioto Idea, :

to waati.twi/tf;jat:ttfta terms ' • ..•,..;^L:,-;'5aACB at. L T M ]ea«h «f their dkiMrta would at-tend. Oases where family separt-tton or ttaar aaratalpa weald beMIMltated etaM at giMa

Vra-hlfn (Palttath

. yatr twtt leaw hta aaUdrta ht-htad or haw them lont a fall year.

' Ami h<m ln*trat*teT few month*la a fertltja ttMtry et«ld ha toa child. (CtMttaMy if the man'templofMr t^afthTaapeiiets.) ;".-

«. All ef tht acheelt <n Wett-atld ettdd aa air eonditloatd at afractitfi o f ^ coat «f Ut prt-l OsWd tt#W :gWaMWIIaW MMQs> WwoWfeondHioni ireald he ideal. Aad Iwonder if tht artpeatd twimmsagttool in the high tehee! weald haveteemed such tn appalling Mnrjrto us if our whetla had bean BtU-latd In Ut tummtr i t a ntcewMy,not as a frill. At>d I ehall furthtrwager that, taould thU pUn bt . U r tadopted, the stadenU who have Isummer vtcationi will be heard to 'JUM

Side <fw»4 Orwe- tratetaratd Children, a l Tra» to ettryene wbecettt

»Mw*1sy eauteiatsjlfektkanfcs. "

Ttptaah. yeur cotMuakftifarts, Sett akildna art teji t M P-*»ieally, mtMta; «twlaiy.

TWtostl reralpti toe«Wi

M l . nsANKUN. CUmirman.ftall

adopted, he t a esummer •acatloni will be heard toaay, "I with I oouM to to schooltoday; It's too hot to do anythingelse." In fact, they might evenhe caught tekhtf tome sneak tripsinto the school libraries am) doingextra work while on vacation. Butone of the best features of this 12month plan it that'no futurt phys-ical school facilities will ever btneeded In WtstfleM again, except,

Wrtar, Usaar:I waaM like to thank th

i 8 lttrtnipsrttog foJr nurtw ulook Hteprtei in SommH :g,^«M!-lt*.,tatr\-i«a|tBU.

"ardo-s 3ririn,c«,diti«.ii,

: 'T|isaki"sgtln. • • :;,fft , 1»RI»CIIU UI.I


* * ? •

* " *

S'noFoolin'Editor, lUadtr:

I am not ont to "take my penin hand" on tlw aligtitett provoca-tion, in fa«t this is my Ant letter'Ho the editor" In more than threedecades of residence in Wastileld,but the appearance in your issueof Feb. OS of that "perennial"threat 'by the 'Honorable Chief ofPolfco to enforce the local snowremoval ordinance it too much toresist.

Every year, iwJven the calen-dar indicates the approach ofspring, this "warning" appearsjust like Ground Hog Day—and isjust about as effective. Perhaps itis the spirit of St Valentine's Daythat prompts its issuance.

Here we are over 120 hourssince the latest storm stopped (asI write this) and one can travel—outside the business district—any-where in town and encountercountless uncleared sidewalks tobe negotiated nt one's peril. Alaa,it has ever been tiius.• I do not recall, although mymemory may ibe growing a bitfaulty, a single winter's end thatthis .warning did not issue fromPolice Headquarters, .but apparent-ly the majority of the town resi-

snakes and leprechaunsWhat more eould be said about St. Patrick than has beenwritten and* sung over the years? Did he actually banish snakes,and are there really Leprechauns in Ireland?The Irish who landed herein large numbers about

" 100 years ago, some with little, money in their pockets, arethe forebears of many of our Bavers today; 'This might be a lucky day foe the Irish of. Westfield — if theystart a savings account with First Federal.

where you save does make a difference1 '

savings insured up to 110,000 3 < £ 9 o anticiPate^ dividend

first in friendly service . ..


Page 21: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****


of the Le*i*r,

fora*) •of staBying tewa

,tion was considerably

*]2biliti*. were far tas. fo-

CSS M* —'- - -**-

£ advert* condition*. ItL. iUofU*1 to e*paet th*B» toEL SUntljr ante mek • •lilm" system.

? ^ warning to "wan theSiBUch, 1wauM like to aa*tk«t this iur*ly is tha H H M

T ^ i » diwrsMa* gnmp •*1 , n«et together far a eaav^ 5 ^ forth. r»*-«tJgntulation* to tha awZ i t t « f < w *••£*M (a f

„ , unqiMlioMMr MMM-bti a* to tha aftVianey af

t form of gBvernateat,KUTHB. HSCKMAN

a»4»r»*w*Bt af al , *<* W-fcM —

surprise to an*. | waa-* hs. sabstantially r*-

vised hi* stand oo (Us issw.At • public meeting htM in the

Rescue Squad building on Dae. 8,1969, Mr. Bauamer stated that inyean part he, like Dean Heckel,the speaker vl the evening, hadgone around to various town*staupiag far charter study coatBuaiiau. However, he opposedinch a study far Westtda because* ' w '" " "-# »« T»H BIJIH ^ H V H I i

the Town Council was initiatingadk»iaistr*tiv# changt* w h i c hwwiM a* adequate to uware th*beat operation of oar m n n w r t .

Thrae awnta* iate*. this plan,which ha intimate* w u inauiiant,ha* sot materialuea. One waaocnif there was inch a plaa, or wasthi* a tactic to delay a charterstudy1 BMtraawnt? Now that themovement it well under way, Mr.Banner k charting on the handwagon. Can we coiut on him tomaintain this position, or will beagain jump to tha other eida iftha political wind ehift*?


Realtors SetNew Highs

WiUtaa. Maidmnt, executivesecretary, WeaaWld Board ofRaalton, announced today thatnufciple luting sale* for tha arattwo wontha of 1M« eaceeded allprevious high* for that period inboard hiatory.

"tale* «gu«*,» Mr. MaMaunt•aid "reTaat a total groai af »1,-TW.910 for tha farted. Jan. 11to Feb. n, pointing ap again thatWeataatd aad tin turroundinieoaMnunitiaa af ttorwooa, ScotchPlata* and IMmntalnaiaa continueto gain as an* of tha aioat attrae-tar* H i l m af evburhan living inwMaaaL" eemef I


W«tlfMd Studtot



va SOUTH Avmw*" WtSTrWO, N. J.



W I T H ) O O % M O R F C O N T R A S T

TIM aaw Uek af TVI Kggw pktaraP t t an, to, of fOMOM ICA VWor

(avatar • HtoVlavaJ Coatraa)l Caaftol


Station Radio & Television, Inc.333 SOUTH AVENUE

WE$TniLD,N.J. "

SUtionRcdioA Ttltvinon,lnc.




Ci»8 RighU—A LeakTheNoBtltof)

Viricaa CoagTcai paa*ea a CivilKighU «iH thia year wo h«Wa-tora ahaM have to wait too leaffor anothe* aaawitaaity. We ehaUhave to hagiii again .on • bag tag-ielative vmH wktoh hM «a« auaydeas>aada.

«ut, ae thia writing, full datatoin bath Houaee of Congnat U Uprograu. la toe Houae of Rayra-aentotive. a Kopublicaa Mot oatha Eulea C o n n i t t e e anallyagreed to reloaaa a CivA Mghtt«U1. aenato debate haa already he-gun. Coagreae, tt toeaM, is readyfor action. I hope aad fceliere Itwill be affirmative aetkw.

It icamt to a t , however, thatAatertoana a»ay weM be eaufMaadabout the many C M Shjhti pro.paaala that have been BUHte hi ro-*ant ajanaBja* rariuga way ctor the Mill to he t C ipottel

;»•*•hape they feai that everything willwork out In aha long run.

My mail on civil right*, for instance, has not been BTerwhehn-ing. I receive about MM lettersdaily on atany matters, hut so fartiiia aesejona 1' have reieeWed •grand total of SO {utters asking meto v»U on a good civl right* bill.And, of the** letters, tv* werefrom persons who sent me Valen-tin* cards Fab. U . Their message:'VM1 JUghta—th* Haart of UwMatter.")

I agree wkh their definition of"th* heart of the matter," and I'dlike to offer a few guidepoats onwhat this year's debate Is allabout. Perhaps wa eflsH have widerinterest if there to no doubt aboutthe situation now confronting Congreaa.

The Fin« Stea— IMTNo major Civil Rights legisi*

Ion was -pasted from 1875 until1»67. The bill passed nearly threeyears ago made history in th* tollowing ways:

'1. It astabUahed a 6-man Com.miesion en 'Ctrl Bight*.

« . It gave th* Attorney <>•*'end the power to take civil a«-tion against anyone who tried tostop someone else from voting.And, generally, it attempted togive federal officials a strongerhand to protect other right*.

Commission action on votingrights, however, wa» usually inef-fectual. The Commission itself hasrecogniied this. In a recent reportt proposed that a new official,

called a "registrar," be called into help.

Referees aae RegUtrera"When a Negro goes to register

aa a voter In some Southern states,he is sometimes told h* has nobusiness being there. On one pre-text or another, he is denied theright to vote. Tf a protect is made,tt usually doesn't mean much be-cause It doesn't stop the count ofother votes on election day.

The Civil Rights Commissionhas suggested that federal "regis-

,r»" be named to overcome suchdiscrimination. Attorney GeneralRoger* has offered' • similar butmore extensive "referee" planwhich would work this way:

If a person is denied the rightto register he may start a lawsuit ut a federal court If the judgeagrees that he has been discrrmlnated against the judge may namereferees to qualify the voter tocast his ballot. The referees mayqualify others of the same minor-ity within the same geographicalarea. This protection would applyin state, as well as Federal elec-tions. (The registrar plan wouldapply only to-federal elections.)

Senator Thomas C. Hennktg* ofMissouri has offered a new ver-sion of the referee registrar plan,and I think it is worthy of care-ful consideration: It, too, wouldilart with a civil suit, and it wouldrpply to federal and state elec-tions. But, after the judge llndadiscrimination, the President ofthe United States—not the judge

would appoint Mie Federal offi-iaU to help Neirrocs register. The

Negroea could then vote on elec-tion day, and no challenge couldbe made until the vote had been-ast. If a challenge were made thevotes would be held temporarilyaside until a decision wss given ina Federal Court.

Other Protecliea, TooIn the years since' 1957 other

gaps in Civil Eights protectionhave become obvious. Schools have

ttaay Millm deal with

apecaV aaaa-Mieu. The bU re-laaaad by the bouse cuaiaamtii batweek, far inatane* weald, provide

*r jail tena* for shoe* who• s M M t camrt erdet* en.

ashaei Inaaarntinn, aadthese wb* eras* state liaea afterdestroying a building. It ala» re-spire* ammat ion of federal elec-tion record* for two years.

Ait AssociationHas New Exhibit

A new i af fainting* byWesMetd Aft Aa.

•atlatlM wiH a t an eihMt I* 4h*WanSaM tJMaaeUl Ubmry a*4••atotosl afieas, continueualy.IhrMflh tha BMBU *f JUM.

Artlata' (hawing their painUng*are: Pat Conroy, "lend in tha

"I W. Carl Burger, "Wttch'aHouae"; Kay Gene Davis, "AutumnLeaves"! Valerie English. "Danc-er's final*"; Sydney DeCsmp,'Still Life"; Mary Fattx, "Uc Ja-

qu*a Cartier"; Jjan* W. Green,"Tree Shadows"; Helm* .Gross,

Fiah Udy"; E. Htoas,- "Beachof the Highlandi"; Blanch Hol-land. "Repast"! J. Hopkins, "In thaWoods"; Elian Knouse, "Brlc-a-Brae," and Ells* McMeekan, "TheEvening Star." • . '

AUo, Lao Montamat, "Utwter-man's Shack"; G. Morton, "Itock-fort"; Evelyn Mott, "The Fisher-man"; Lucy Petruneil, "PsrUl-enn* Interlude"; «. K. Purvis,

Wood Itoaes"; E. Ritchie, "Dock-side"; Mary IROSI,. "Zinnias";Kathyen flitsler Jr., "DaisyOhaln"; Florence filocum, "RocketTones"; Eliiabeth Torsu, "HspvyDay"; Vtekl Trombore, "The Dockat Rutgers"; Norman WeWb, "Inthe Woods"; Dorothy Skrba,"Bottled Color," and Frank Zuc-carelU, "Ev.nJng Cap* Ann.

Chairman of the)-hanging cotn-l I l D

h a i r a n oailtaa»V; IxMTalnstotod *y iMaryDeCamp.

i Doerr, was a»-falk and Sidney


(The Wa«HtoU C

glad to regir to raeUeat*' ajaae-laaae kk aha eahMMa nf th*t ssair" ia a»J« BMafa II

WeMaeU CeaiajlMM b r C U t W•laaV, fO • * • I f l . WesMaU.)

Q.—What ie the Wcstneld Com-alttoe for Charter Study?

A.—The cMsunittee comprise* &tonmwide, nonpartiaan group ofWeaUkld residento who are work-ing toward placing a referendumfor charter study of the town gov-ernment on the ballot next No-

Q.-^What is a Charter.Study?(A.—A study of aha town char-

ter is an objective analysis af thepresent government and] any pas-aible form* that would flt theneed, of VaeMeld. ;

Q.—I* aw* a study authoriiedby law?

A Yes, the Faulkner Act of1950 outlines legal steps to betaken in a Munfclpal CharterStudy.

<J.—'Who place* the referendumfor Charter Study on the ballot?

A.—Twenty per lent of theelectorate by signing petition* orth* governing body of the townby pawing in ordinance may pl»uesuch a referaad i oa the-ballot.

At Put Dim

Pvt <E-t) Daniel Seeley,son of Mr: and Mr*. Robert See-ley of 71S Austin street, has beenassigned to F company of the 4thtraining regiment at Fort Dix,where he is receiving eight weekof infantry bask training. FvtSeeley attended Westaeld HighSchool and Purdue University.

Notes IncreaseThe increase in water consuasp.

tion in the area *arra« fey thePluin&eid-Unioa Water C«. teekanother aueaMc jtiaat in Febru-axy, with * reord-feretttiag US,555,000 gallons ky th« lo-

An alMim* record of 10.I8Jdeer »»• legally taken ia NewJersey during the l t t ( open deerseason. The Division of Fiat andGam reported that I,M3 deerwar* resorted taken during 1...special thrae-day antlsriaas seasoninDecseabar.

ate a*w llrlaa ks tael* aww BMS* aftea* «raa«vlrw *»*>*•. w k M tktr >Mmtlr *air»»a»»« tnm

2 s .^aiAa^r,iw7^s5^*aiiy%j5!SBy JSSI.^aTawai •fjaaj*B|BBB^gapaai ajnaa^BBBBBjaa) Taajaf aaawBBBBf anaj 4 i a f j Vj|^^B)aiMvMaa *yJw^aW"Ww

A. $.MANNIMO*SONSlit tux tnm, wttmtibAD»^»l» '"'~ A01MU

•rrvla* W**ta»M asare'/iiiiji "

- AU6 -^ anarava vavKFaiiat *~ waw*

cat company.Consumption was 1J.J per cent

above lsat Fabruerr* 4T«,7«I,OOOgallons and was th* largaat Fea-rusry to February. isKraaw ia raycent yetr*,

Pant of the ineraat* ww 4w« Uthe eitr* day in Fatnary for l**f

us inspect your CadillacTO MAINTAIN


jmmm tmW* tUftet Ov



^^FverTavw^av WBTBTWBF ^ r V p J w w ^av*T •-





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Page 22: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****



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OW STA«E 1 * M AND tiSf DAILY! Koo. p r ^ h W13 UOOMS. , . AllVi WITH IDEAS!" On. ln8.niou, oWci«n8 io^o!

. . . thaf, all It take, to make the difference between a dull room

c.nd o deva.tatfr.0 rooml And in this f«bulou. .how, you'll find counts,

brightIdeat...inddo»n-and<nedelightful room setting*, eonjured up

r.flht before yoUr . y M on Koo. stag,! Com. , . . whot m««k mirwr, can'

work . . . what on. cl .v* window f o m e n t can do . . . what exciting

moods you c«n cr«,f with color! Ta k. home a trunkful of inspiration from

Koo. own tabntad decoratcV.I Miss E|«nor Wlnans, nationally known

hom. d.coratinB authority will emcee fo .how. . . artd afterward,, she'll

be happy to answer your p.r.onal decoratlna qu.stions. Adminlpn * • . !

•! ,*V" ,

! -'".if- ' -i' . ! -'".if

',' J:

Page 23: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****

E SHOWS!-1 '••


T H E F L O W E R i a W F alone Is world the trip! Ift a work into -taring". . . a porodlw of flowers, eompMt

with birds so real they almost slngl And rfs hist the beginning of this fabulous ihow . . . the biggest, meet Inspiring

Fashion Show for Homos Koot has ever staged . . , fairly bursting with froth new decorating ideatl Com* tool You'll

OaUMBlAAdtUti dSl 4SStASMPSfclAB flklt ^^h^fc# 0HeA4ftA*fll BrsW^MMMK U ^ I « A mimh^M M AAbAd %e^kma^^H a^B\ h^M^h« f A dk^^^^a^tfk^^s\ M ^ M * j A A ^ ^ I A A I ^ ^ A A

ifnwvBfi v mnipieivijr now swioo s tneam nouso • i * Tina a new tovng Moaom t ^poi imam, now aopmtnoBia

Houte, now Ranch Oak HOMO* now model rooms galorel You'll love our sun-drenched Stimmor Oarden, our fun-filled

Casual Furniture Center . » , find you'll toy our glamorous now Sloep Shop I i a dream come truel Why, you may

actually "find money" at our Informative Social Security exhibit) And you'll oven attend fascinating live stage shows

• . . morning, noon and nlghtl Yet, there's to much to toe . . . to much to do . , . you'll want la spend a day ort u m i A — j wM A I | n t i c i * - i . - i ' i - i L - I - YJL- ' •»-*.--• it L.A* •»— t— " i i j . i f e i . ' n " . . n « . ^ J - ' i t - j ! J i - A iL'tt^dm mI ~ W I ^tia irs m>Utvfm*x\* woffWMiofi• jifeo-if •• «»en>geu>invw%ejro n w • »,j,peiiBriBj.,i:.Mwn^<*se«ite!nn!iic>iP-i^ WPJLrf S M

servod 9 to 10 ovary,mamingl Remember, this thow-of-shows Is only at Koot-Rohway ttore , . , and It runi tvory day,» • ' V ' '* • * * \~\ -

every night, all weakl Don't mist W , • F • .

API. , , . | M eUWWI «AK M U M ...etmflml,

" * ' T . ,

." •', * -r,- %"

If, »•/• '«»» MA »—**

IWW CtMNIALmi %*m Um mm ttfin*t Cm* mt ktetf mtrbm chw M •-. ; . i

• • •Ifffc-

UM* * adUl* itfrit, vrMtKg

y r*4tiipfi to mtht krttilstm Jfppiag* Irate? I'M lit M1», O* KM», Ik /An, •*•prle* ran wml, . .

•M9M. ncinmr•Mr t« MMflk «nmy !• JKMI/ DWy»«r fmmOy mf U mtUUi f u

C « M pick *

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4/ rmUtUh fi-un. «H• If« yriw< wrprMvfr Kmthlou , . , mi Utu K*t

m Nakaimm, ulmt* hptntu lUmm Mto, « «wr tfn^ifl|i M M /or you/ Hv Mnwfi sr# P4# . • •

ttmrt—i • . . tfaw jmt imrmni fnt hiiWm/ * 110 SMmi 7Utt»ih mmht$t 1.. > » . . • • • .

' « .

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S P E C T A C U L A R S T A G F S H O W E V E R Y N IG i

O N S T A G E 7 t $ « E V E M Y N I 6 H T ! Kora.ton proMnt* "FIND YOURCOLOR . . . AHO l ive WITH ITI" Aro you th« turquoite typo? Or do you,Ilka Kim Novak,' loan to lavender? What! You a W f KNOW your, color per-tonality? Well, don't mist this fabulous stag* show presented by famousKarastan . . . specially designed to help you find your color . . . to showyou, not only how to wear tt, but how to enjoy it in your homel You'll seesix mognrficent room settings, each one built around a different color per'tonality . . . and starring a glamorous model, gownod and wlgged to match)'(Gowns and accessories may bo seen at Lbrd and Taylor, Millburn. Wigsstyled by Peter Pace, 15 W. 57th, N. Y.) Mr. Alfred S. Gussin will showyou how to create an air of drama, serenity, individuality . . . just by deco-rating with the right color . . . the one color that will do the most for you)AdmissiorTfreel , '

Alfred S. Cuuh tmcettrightly <laf« ihow

* . .


Page 24: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****


jtUt country totaaefarasara-

.,„, w, „ fl^vIff^oitBa,IB^B^ '3*^BB^B*BBWB»:""' aff^Bi : u ^ ^ ^ *•-——-3 J

far waste*a n taat it

Mian tke rest of. tha l a a t e is grawia*

t w ^ f t a a wears.and *atw a j f l t t a k e care af ear are-

PtHaia it currently growing moreraatdly than * e United States. Ofcourse Russian statistics have toa* taken with a (rain of salt. Buteven allowinf for Hat, phere obvi-auary is no room for complacency.Neither does it help to rationalisethe difference by saying Oat Rus-sia ii a relatively undevelopedcountry and in consequence is op-erate**" from a low bate. Thii istrue, fcut moat of the nations we

to unpreat and influence are

l j J • • sawSe BVa P V V * # » t *

pw aajtta. as mi l a* at the

, ^ *•**• i t * <»*re to •« •»*••*JM we* aeenow4eeHy we today

* « th t tte i*JM we* aeenow4eeHy we today•M*r«»r the atronceat Batten ia# Hd N tta i

•hie ralstiVely undeveloped, totkeae nations Htdi a ratlonsliis-M M may fee interpreted a* a goodrattan for turaiaf to compete•overnment control and direction.


aay after|aw4*B«i« or leas free* oaf

W, ,iB*Mii*L; TtV•*•&«. ttaToM t U a •••aatiftai

BlHyi1titi<la| U it B-Ciw—ij f*rW^-^-a*#f4lltfc.^.ti*k.IfilwalllB&lMtwtfMwiwawawaw^^tt «1BBBW taW*

We are ia the atidst of what hasaeea tense*1 a awaulation eiait-aiea. At sfseent there ara 1MatUlien •, persona in this. country.According to tae estimate af theDaptrtatent of Labor this numberwill grow t« *0« •jMion by l»70.This is a II per cent increase, Thelabor farce, tiawevcr, will grow•uring this 4eeade by nearly It•or ceat. Te provide job* for allaf thaw workers, while increasingenf sUndard af living, it a fan-

Chrittbn Womtn

HtKir Bram Reed

Jab. It can be* done,In fact k he* te


• a t It to *at f*i«* «a be an easy

iJJ^^—^^ji^A^s^psVjfm' b | A A ' ";

J0!J £?•aatt will «atw ahtft

flHI 11» H J A , te

Mt feUe* ttatl^^^i^-^sHalsWIav" Ottt smfctowMi to t«t faster|Twwak<w4H« BMinUialaf eur fro*aoau. 1 1 m are certain policies« ^ w*«M aatwt Ula. Noit weakw7*w*tTowtllar*«Mofthe«eN


H BBfiSjjSB^IjEjglHfcfijfifK?

Ii there aay way to: "force". acountry to frow, or trow ater*rapidly. Tho Mower to tals to* toto "ae" unleaa eae I* w*«ng tedestroy *U persona) freed***. AM•vonlijrtto destruction rf free-wfavfc.it not BBWBMS to fMiatain• k*jh rate of growth mdeanitely.k it toMowawt coaiBarabl* to WMiratauie and direction found dur.ln*r • war. r*r a tiau preducUeit,M loaet of certain rUma, eaa he


Bram Rood was theClub yesterday at the SuburbanHotel in Summit. .

Mr. *e*d is the director of Deer-foot iLodfe, a Christian caan forhey* in the Adirondack Mountains,•ad he saeclsiised in youth workfor 14 yeara in Canada and nowin the United Bute*.

A special feature was Fran-cois, martre'd of MM Waldorf At-toria, Mew York City.

» B ^ , . ; t r i ; l w j d e d ' J h y Mra.1w Ltao«wkt, a oonraao whoCOMM freai kHo motropeUtan *r«a.

Ike Driver*!Sett

"Seat* BMterisU are lucky to be•live/'4a«aed « truck driver re-cently a* he ewun«•'• giant' trana-pert truck Into an unloadint dockal «h* oiMt of W* run. • - / >• ;

ror 100 miles he had jockeyed aIoa4 of t.090. toJIons of (wwlineacross flat country that many driv-ers leated to regard as the homeetreieei ef t*e Indianaaoli. Speed-

• | ^ . ^ ^ f a , j j » ; « » ; e » r -parked

nearby, lie—his muse U Jim—mefiteSy checked the tares mmfront wheels. These are tital ?orUsites oreriooked by the averag*driver, and such neglect had «!•most made Jim «n eyewitneas utwo highway tragedies. •

Jim grimsKd a> he recalled t*ecar whose left front wheel h*abegun to wobble »o violentlythat tke driver nearly ha4 loutcontrol. Jim had stopped to see ifhe could help. The motorist w»»puided by what itad happenedWith Jim'* help he removed thewiecl. Ti-.tvo •-.•as" no grease cithe uei.ih.k,., uiKi they were badlymorn.

"Gue»« I forgot to have themgreaaed," said the motoruL

Jin returned his trip. Before hehad gone another 100 miles a carahead suddenly lurched and head-ed for the ditch., "gome driver," Jan admired, astha motorist eased the car to a•top. "Gueas he might need «•<#,"

Jim ws. Tight. But "«e" was apretty girl who now stood by theroadside ruefuHy—and helplessly—•urveying a Mown out tire. Jimsaw the tread was worn off andthe casing WM hedJy cracked.

'•Cue** I forgot to have a ytires chocked," the girl said a*Jin changed the tire, "j didn'treeliie they were so badly worn."' Fate had been kind to these

motorists, but csretessnesa nearlyhad added two names to the evergrowing lilt of hignway fatalitiot.

Safety elperts agree that "speedkHls," out ao don thoughtieamesain maintaining parti of a ear sub-jected to severe strain.

These expert* receaunend frontwheel* be repacked IWMI freahaveass every 10,000 m i l » TMo itImportont bectua* friction createdVy tha rapidly revolving whoeU

[caasea grease to dissipate.'Whenbearings are not tufkrieatei regu-larly, they weir out «nd can swmta ftfon* mhed to loosen anej '-

i*tty. .Tire care is another vital item

in a motorist's checklist, l^rei, should b e ' rotated every 6,00«wile. » they will wear evenly,front tire* wear rapidly becauseat the extra (train imposed whenthey are turned from side to Bidein response te steering- wheel mo-tion.

At th nrst sign of substantialtread weir, expert* tty, tireichould W replaced even thoughthey !o«k like tiicy might fce goodfor many mere DiHe*.

Thin tread on tiro* ia an invi-tation to disaster. Casings shouldbe checked periodically becausethey are weakened by temperatureand weather condition* and by theconstant punishment tires take tadriving.

When »-r*y dim i> developed itis very much like the negative of• photograph. The big difference,however, h that a photographicnegative it "written with ligat"whoroM an «-ray «ua it "writtenwith radiant energy."

q pWoman's Club

The antique* department of thWoman's CMb ot WeetAeld willmeet at the diibiujiue tomorrow at1:80 p.m.

•Mr*. J. BttisoH Freeman, «h»sea recently returned Itore a tripte fiouth America, will present theDrogram. Her «*jert will be "AnArtafac Lover In S«i4ai America."

, Tke » « M hmir-will precede * eprogram. Obi. Cart Jerueu, chair-a»aa oi hospitality, mMl fce essuUdin Mcwdaaaee E. 18. Bogtrt, W. L.Kttter, m, O. iipystM and H.Urrataa.; ! .

Tuesday, AyrH 6, the «nti,u*.department will go toy bu* to"Morven," * * govenor'tnsidencoin Princeton. Mi reservations awatfee wad* in •dnace of April 1 toMrs. Curry tea of «M We*t«eldavenue. There will bo no other

I meeting of the depa»tn>«nt in(April.

Nature has liven K two ears,two eye», and out ewe teague, totae end tfc*t wo akouM kaar aadsee wort than we apeak, afcrratu




W M N.J.


Local and Long DtHctxo


t i t





"wTcHa rarantor Trinity ilitbteaoelr • tha athoet Tw*»

[-•Jwrtaf aiB %a In ofcaervatioa

ir.iprW awrtaw <M*rch_ The apeak.• W j f t t «• Caanrt JtdLwightin., IMMark attorney, vhc will (Uatiut."•MetJaaa great a parent't vlew-;,Mrt. Mr, MriMflhUn baa\ wMMMarwktbinn., '1*e aaailnatlat committee iwill

ItaMWaof' offteera for tha_ atasta. The offkera will be

fiawMat ta tnal masting to beM a M

II^Bp^MM Exerclset :-[

^6|i*roirV"<ao|oric)i,. 'seaman,| 0 i » too of Mr. and Mr*. FVancli

^ Oletaika of 707 Central av»-afe^iarn^'itoV^orfolk, Va.,^Mareh 1, aheard « « attack' air-

«t»ft carrier U66 Intrepid, upon•#o»plotion of sxtenaive traininfo ^ l a e s m the Caribbean. ' ,

$MM:0^r--——--' '•• .l ^ i r o t e n t ttudy at the'University'% ;CMea#o cHniet discloeed that*>ray szsininstlon b the be>> way

Jta'dotort atomaeh cancer, it waa re-fpertod by Dr. N. M. Strandjord at

a reeent meeting of the lUdiologl-e»l Society oj Norto Amerka.

•etta aai Ceatral Atna. - W M H U U


Oee« Wll tl—4 Ctwa4M Marsk An. .





ADams 3-0662-3-4

PACKARD WESTFIELDCO.- • ; '• • ' . - I B *


, -i Vw^hvVwVv ' .ajfSBB^aj ^ •"er/a ^araBj^Bj

" ' ' "' OS»41 HORTB aV»V B.', ••'•"/''• :' • ' A a » : l


• SOTOi •M-rlM


Ml hHt in, W,

REtLLYOMtmoMra Co*

SKIM * k n h iRstth i n , • . i n w H l-TSSi

WeeteeM, Hew Jessey





I D n l n- . v. ;. - •.. ' f•ale* aa.4 Bnvlea

c a n aMesAt aa« teM•M HOWTal AVait W. WKITFUBLD

m i . Aoaaii avaaat



-aervmcFord Owaers

Orer I i Tsars"

•«HB CAM km -mcoatlA-I uiioctaj

ADfliM 2-3671


THE CORSET SHOPTa 1411 Corsets

U aalesmsaahlsrT o f it Them U Art"




Of Distinction" Lastlag Psrmanenta

' AlmrOe flanotls, Btytlst"'

ADamt 2-251»raiai at.



HHMI ADWM 2-llfl

CENTRAL PHARMACYH I 1. Csraitle, Rsg. Kara.

•RESCRIPTIONSCarefully Csmpoundad

Belly Naeieoa Ire Ot*amsM Ceatial i n , AOaasa a-i



1»e beet la eleettteal week at tha



rjccoiuiDeloo Heat Oil Baraare

•alee — service — insUUatloa

«r« Kerca


•DepsaaaMe, rrlsnaly bsrvlceSince U!l"








T HONM D#(tell Star* Noorott To You

ADamt 1-4500M. Waawst

•toinfiaid oviirqW i awU af"aff*» f)io

l i t

i '.• \W/\



utnrraT — BUT euusMnm-DH»*-la aonrtos" •

Cask u « c a m •


JERRY CARVELlCotallno lamp Meuntlita Shop

..LAITM t_SJHADMRaes**re<

a Casn>m ta•kSawn*




• t .





AD 24407









Bltldc*• iunset

it So«tk Are. l taOarwoag


Caklnet—Interior—Church * Architectural Wowiwer*

11* North AveADams t-tJM've-.B.






W. L. SCHROEDERE*L l t t l .. .

GUTTERS-LEADERSR a * * « a t u w i t e • • • • ' • ' .

BRIDGE 4-3474 , vWeuwt Ave. ' C i u l M


LAMK AND LAMP SHADESWe cut duplicate any sbaSe — hnaJred» In stcck. For the bait In ihadeknd lamps, aee us.' Complnte lunpnountlnff, repairs and replacemeat?arts.

E. T. WILUAMSTOE Ceatral Aveau

K t n G n n St«—execlleat aarklaB)i D u u 1-XI5S



tssom e t

We Pick U» aa< Dellnr




' , , Fatted Br


•N fwatsaalal i n



AB^sasaaaaafaifa1 HaBBaMafar*

Cajiutwrtlal ond %odd





TBUCVKIOH * mADIO - - .All Make* an* * • * "

•'• ; ouaranteea v r o r k ^ , vBratk Ave. We«« we^—•.







Page 25: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****

to Sponsor Junior IndustrialInstitute March U

lndiWtrial Management

. - " * * «g

a jhj.ia«

of til* val*M of thesystem M 4 tatterf to yf (to fwar m ew*.

« *

Newarklsrt•nterarmi aa4 Mm-

, th« aWllfsWoi avoil-high school gtaaBatas. in •


.* . haara, All 4 ftB.mtt• in the eawifr a n fcat*g m-

*» BMtKipate in this first«MVB4 institute and to send dele-l»ta>,of students to the sessions.

* " 3 - « * . «f t*. FubMe Serviceas Gas Co., Eiisabeth, .will

and win dose— Je alas is* S \ « M ataeriag oommitu..

« tniiMBsUit roewr alee ini: Steering; Herbert Johnson,• • • • , CSBBBBI » w CM

peration, linden; Arhe S. Taylor,Ibw aUMter4, « * W M of HamMeOH* fciniag Co.; M. T. Carton,WCNtVT. tllOA of Enters UnionCwwtr: ferraster Ue , M M .• o e r e t a r y , MeJaMd TMCA( t a t o f t fhUr, Alamnam Co

> j M ^ H Csnrood; Albert EI Ctweaa, WMI»*U VMCA.

^ f M t committee, Loai.

Motor* Corp, laaaVa; ProgramCharles Brown, chairman, General

Arn«jrt, U

my ttcvtM.i J K k H

Conaoll-. . F. EmUnfca County lav

. MaMta; Babert Uehi. t/taHaghuH Bleetric

Unieej |Ual Corp.. Newmarket;




*YeuU Ami a huge stock of recordsofid pHr]*e)fi fst nut wen known shop



O*to Gruw, fimctal Motor* Corp.tiindca. •; ,

P r « - * * MKl ffftifcity,L. CoUiwn, <*ai»*B«n, GAniJine A N m COTIL, Uad«»;John 1. Mlhvn, A n n i t w TyR*Founder* Co, Inc., EHubetkVdcr A. KetHy, B'^^tibiwt•»nkin« Co., EMbeth; IbriowCrt BrkUklJIyen Co.. HiUaUe

V««UMr, V W M t t « l Cor

•luty, Wiimd bWMiM »oltCo., Inc.. Otrvtt**, u i ' u r M n*.« BM MMftiiw A A t I K f

Co., EUHMfci.teoM fcrrttnkk.St ioB^ MM«h Product* lac.ntiB««M, ui ITUHaa Part*. Natimal Mwck rr^wto ( M . , r W

SCHOOL NEWSM aaM 1M ia aH «f tktir

y ewawtoatltaj at Urn Ufilatkooi. The ouMtandinc itu«Mte


Carat tttojuarfatilaW^*x^*F aja^wap*ara»wBB^^BT^u

fraak •awwn, KarenBu*hejr mi ITMWM White: an*-omorei, K*l«tll« Mltjr, VirfinUHe* and abtraa Varac*-

Tha eiamM ef Mrs. Helen ,and Mra. Ann GUebnan made aviatt ia connection with a unit en

The eajMrea wasted tohaow where the water aeed byWosHMd naideats «am 'tha teachers, with MMef jaaior ptwMfeuaj staaeat Mrs.Marl* Kato, arrMaMI far t viiitto the FUlnacid Water Co. Em-ployee* of tfce caaiBanir (Dnreredtke «ueaU«iM o l MM atudenta a* tothe mean* aeed a* M n r the waterfrom tae croud aad to | H f It *oHie Waetitld eMaea.

Steel and tk* cfoet an life « uIMM the eukjett of attfy of Mn.PMk'e and Mn. Oltekauin'* Mthtirade daieet. The me of the ma-chine hae Wm part.of the etady.Te UlaetMt* tke aMa of tite ma-chine in iMtkikf (tool produete, t«etwo daaMi «Wted the GeneralMotor, plant in Linden,

After • talk on * e Mfety fea-ture* of the-tour, the,childrenMWtehed the car* beinr a**untiedon the hare u*e«*My line. TheHeesca wore impreetod with theprinciple of rate* produeMon whtchthey saw In practice before them,

K#*Je#Wlt *fttSJM9/ HlBjIlfor the Ant time 'nenriwrs of

the ninth grade irchltectural draw-ing clMwe are planning and build-ing model howei. lUchtrd Fhlllkp*bought model* of a Levtttownninchhousc and 1% etory house.

torn theee model* the rtudentu


• SAVES YOU AU-WAYS• You Save Valuable Time!

Our n p c h o f pick-up and delivery isrvict it readilyavailable for your convenience.

• You Save Needless Worry!We have cjempiete and adequate insurance coverage,to thoroughly protect you against damages.

• You Save Future Trouble!You need have no concern about the quality orquantify of your'purchase for our mechanics are Quickfactory-trained and we use only Bukk factory engi-

ports < • ; . • ,



awd* a aiat lays*four

The plat layout aadmeat BMas had to as the arhnaal

• " - "' while the *r*tihor *e copied

Tho CHIT elevations•re ah* tmr visem of Jaw houso ,on* Maths at * fraaa the outside.

Yellow cardboard modoh of theHMO* were mpoV. The decorativeIm was jaAar inked or drawn

Lawns, «em<Bleteljr sMaiafaaad. ware made for

ff4MaaaBai> $mssHtiwhoBaesef

te n i fd i l i tha aai»UiMaiia>a to h*la

ware writUa, Saaw

re beingaianned aad baitt as a ce-eowa-

hr II hash hoMM wilt ha madefor ase IB fmmn cMases. It wiU

rose so that thetaaMa at tha Mhsatar* heuw em

Toward* the ead of the pear theass fcaaaa to amka M M ariata »f

the awaa* p«Baa. Duwag ladweUialArt* Wotk, Mar M S , MM Mof tha etaaaa will be dlaplayad w

Verthwor IlBkimNi aiata fraio•Vaack clMaea a n ewreatty ea-•aged ia »iwd|rtn« MM rulturaj a»-pecw of PraMta, Tha BMat fawauiPreach naMtow at* Nad about aadih>a*e*d wkhv amwaJee af theirwork* at* dhfaUyed ahavt tha

Mr, I M M M (eet* MM* It Uaat «a kaaw akwtt the

franc* aee»|o f«r a aawwafal

MtudcBM in tae ninth grade-jcient *nd medieval hlatory clus-o* recenMy went on a Add trip toNew York Cttr wiak their teacher,Mka XeUami fourttte, to tee themovie •'Ben Hur" at U«W« Bute

1 ON*understaa«BKaf*ei

The fMirttiirMj gmdar*, BMOled hy their teacher. M *garet kunaett, and their hteacher, Nr*. HlUer freat.Nawarkfltate, Hook a kua trh> to Trentonto dhAwrer Srat haad eaaotMng•bout the legWativ* tod eiecu-tfve brandiea-ot the etate govern-went. They achieved M*ir purpoiewhen ttiey aaw the legieUture In

rion and heard aawmklnnmiM* and vote on a bUl. More-

over, they were able to vWt Gov-erner lleyaer ia Me receptionroom and bar* aeveral qu«etr»n*enewered br htm. the group ahwviaiM the eUU muaaumT

• • •

A reee* vWt to Me NewarkMuetuoi provided Mr*. Benner'aecooad grader* wttk auditory andvinMI infonaation. about reptit**and aatellMa*. Tha yooageten aawand toaehed turtle*, a chameleonand inake*. They examined model*of a two and a three etage rocket,the Vanguard and one of Hueala,1*early aputnik*. Mr*. Herbert Eh-rich went with tho eiaa*.

FruUie"What happen* to letter* liter

they are mailed?" waa the quettlonof tome of the Bret grader* efMr*. Margaret Burn* aad' Mr*.Veranka Goo*. To anewtr tae quee-tion*, tha two teacher* took their<deaw.to.lhi Weatheld Poet Of-flce. At the Poet Office, ttie chil-dren unr tha letter* uuted, emn-celle'd, and bundled for distribu-

tion to the vadoa* atete*. Asuwei, the {wetal. worker* were io-Atnaetive end graciou* In enswer-ing * e qiraetioiM of we childrenand espfciniag the work 8* theroatOtfc*

HighMember* of the photography

clut under the direction of Wil-liam Matcfctioger recently went on• «eld trip to TAMUquea P*rk forthe purpoae of taking photos to bedeveloped in the achov) dark room.A priw will later be awarded fortoe beet picture taken by tfce groupwhich included: William Bailey,Wealey Moore, Vfcky Yahlomky,Boger Ooughty, Craig Koeb«n4err

Richard Klooi. GeneTrey Marj pavid Wilaen and Steve Was-

«Bsn. Memlwr* «f tha club »re re-eeiving - fmctieal e*perience intaking photoa aad printing them.

-^•-» w—w ^KVBP waiaav •BTW p—aaaa w eaVStvv

theatre. Th* trip coincided withtho grow'* etddjr of ancient Romein the dejra of Ben Hur. Msnyread the beak in an*aratieB forthe Sim.

. a, • •Edissn sat aside a special day

this |*et minth as 'Tvkhers Day,"and fathers «f * e pypil* were ip-vtted t« sehoel *e attend cl«***swith their children. Many .attend-ed and sow* e«r*MB»tee activelyIn the Blames, ffja oonneeMen witha unit of study on industrial devel-oamwnt, the googisrptiy classes efMrs, Mildred rWhvd invited somefathere to lead the dlstuaalena.Moderatera for the vtariow cleeseswore A. L. Andreean, attorney withAmerican Telephone and Tele-graim (Co.; Lambert Abel, preai-dent of iWetmer fltrag* Co.; It. L.WyeosT, vuMiahor oY the West-«e*|l BVopiwr anc) president of theWesWUld Chamber of Commerce,and Erie H. Peterson, Union Coun-ty agricultural agent.

• * «Howard Tomltaaen. principal,

and mimhsit of the administrationacted ap boats recently «_r theschool visH of tho New* Jo***? Do.vaiooment Council. The fereup oft l junior high atfiool yrinelaakheld a eerie* of meeting*, touredthe building and inspected 'vhusesin action. They limehod In thefaculty dining

The Mfth grade date of (Mia*Jean Goldner preeentod their osrntlae* ptay a* part of their mngua'gearts study. Tit reaaons (or the pro-duction were to* help Mie children•peak sknrly and clearly, gainmore nperiewce In «poaking be-fore an audience, apeaa with e>-preasion, and 'be eritksl of one'*peiformaiMo fBithout being com-plaining. The pertMpsnta wereBaywwnd Klein, Nancy Blank,Michael Wasman,.CandJ..<^r4Uk,Sue Shapiro, Joeaph VaferloHBiiiiHagers, David HoDoway, Ellenlomacman. Mark Wans, Party Gib-

Senior AuxiliaryTwig OrpxmtdInSuBuut

Due to the expanding necdt forvolunteer aenice* at the Children'sCountry Home, plans are undtirway in aeverai surrounding com-munities, for the forming of twigsof the Senior Auxiliary to theChildren's Country Home. Mrs.Frank A. Park Jr., Senior Auxili-ary president, and Mr*. CharhmW. Anderson, *rst rice presidentof the ftoerd of Managers at theihome, vnt adviaon 4o jrroup* con-templating the founding of a twig.

Ormniiation of a gummtf Twigwas instituted *>f Mr*. GeorgeStowe, wwh a meetlne; at her homein Summit Feb. 34 followed hy amorning coffee and tour of theChildren's Country Home Feb. 29.Mra, Hubert Yeckman and Urn.Howard Stuewc, both of Summit,have volunteer*d to act as chair-man and vke chairman respec-tively ef the flumir.it Tmr.

Preterit at the Feb. 24 meeting-were Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Parksnd Mrs. Harry Kniffin, honorarypresident of the Board of Man-agers to the Children's CountryHome. The morning coffee andtour held st the home was attend-ed by the various chairmen of thevolunteer services of the SeniorAuiiliary. Kenneth Gsston, presi-dent of the Board of Manager*,addressed the group "briefly,

Mra. Anderson reports that it ishoped that similar group* in manyother nelghDoHnr communitieswit) organiie twig* to auiatin the

bons, Pay Seymour, Edwardf-fcnuek, Robert lurkk and fttoveElder.

In conjunction with a study of"Transportation" Miss Lena Smith

and Mnr. Elisabeth Stirrup of Lin-coln School took itheir secondgrade classes on a trip to JerseyCity, They w e n picked up st' Lin-coln School and taken by bus tothe 'WestteM Railroad Stationwhere they were met by JamesMitchell a representative of theCRR, The Idlanes went 1>y train toJemy Ctty where they had a (ferryride tp New York. They saw theQueen Mary and the Italian linerBianco besides many tug boMs,train barges, and a lire boat. Uponreturning to New Jersey they weret'aken on a tour wf trie Jersey Cttyyards by Mr, Hitohell and then'brought on a train back to West-fleld,

Wlra Barbara Rocca, Mn, Stir-mips1 practice teaching student,and several clew mothers accom-panied the group,


—We Guarantee All Our Performances

LALLY BUICK, Inc."Where Buick Deqlings Are Good and Fair and Proper"


increasing a«edf«r voiaateerices »t the CkVdtjen'.s CountryHome.

Members of th* H«i»r iMMftfwe busy with pUs* fa tha a«a«alluncheon bridge party, which wiHtie neld thb yeur a t i h f r"*r HillsInn May S, * , . « M ^ K . Mn.Waiter M. Clark is party chalmuw,assisted by Mr*. ilapMt U. Co.u-well. A faaUoa Aow will he pre-sented by Jane Smith of Westfcld.

Bow m»sbMat.|lmait.

thm nkvsf.fitmawhttmtm-Jwpsvrhome pay afsar tasaagag* fajMaats.


ii(i*i. i*NatMtaM Ma aaw "tot*"



Lasting Barrier Against Crabgrass

Maltlelc IMIn ••« Mra, JoM»k. W. Swlwle farur lr of, anMiraHl av»er, a«»» mcailr earHiaaXI tar proprrtr »lc««r»4

aa«vri lac«t*4 St 0*9 TBWSlaet areas*, fraai Mr. aa4 Mra. Hawa u.• M W I ivceeMl — — _Clark. Tkr ke*» waa ailMmltara es4 a>l«'kr Mra.•arrrll it Crala, a»al<ara.

llat*< wltk lae W«ta>M'Baanl mlm. Mlaasw tkswnh the a * l«


. . . it a lew cost Auto Lean. The costIt only $4.50 ptr year per $100 bor-rowed on new cars, and you repay onour convenient monthly repayment

. P |an- ." ; u.:uAite

Come to The First State Bank ofUnion before you buy your next carl ^




. Main Offlpa tiBg&KBB Highway Branchatorrla Avenue at Q££3HBB9___Er7 Route !z atBurke Parkway « 1-SjBfMT™1** Monroo street

afember Ftdural Dapoalt Inaarane* Corporatloa. Talepkeu MCitaek a MO*

SameaBweusescreeiutokeepbugsoutofthehottBes,we'UuseHALTS'tokeepcrabgrassoutofthelawiLByspreading HALTS properly with the Scotto Spreadernow, we'll be laying down ah overall protectiveblanket on every bit of the lawn.Later, when crabgrara gprbuts-bing!—HALTS nips it, shoot by shoot. It'sthe best answer to crabgrass, ever.

/ • * • •

More and men folk* an coming tout for advice on Improving theirilawns through an taty-to-fWow SeoUt Program, Come in anytime.

We'll be glad to preteribe the correct Program /or your lawn.'

I Save '5.00! Scotts Spreader (16.95), plus Halts (9.95) together only 21.90


- f Plan

Scotts)h • ! • • • . » t _ _ _ _ ! _ J_B





Page 26: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****

place «***B in t tunny window.

> * * • * • * * tray,m dar* *f -


to strata* at* tevar*

Ant *t«* ii

F«* tack tb* plant sod UN""H to (tort new ijtnti,

« M « k parent ttiaati" " tVrtiliMr and

toon develop•nd r»u')l fctvc MI tttntrtive buaMyplant to rnJ«ce the ov«rrro<wnone, Here'* Mr. L*C*K'I euy w»yto atari now friaate that you c«cat!]] '

Hake a fwepafalinf ease out ofa flowar pot Ailed with builders'•and and «;ev*red with a plaaticvafctaM* b0f Imeii cutting* inthaaan*.

*ta*f cutting* avay from directinilaht uattj th«r are rooted,

then p»t ttm in a »oil mixturecontaining *n« ji»rt humus andthree part* »»rd**i MH.

Cattlnga tak* about a monthto form enotiati root* for pottings,


«et far tree* lookir like the laWI en a v(ta-, l%e fettwito: Htfh »o-

" orui and, fJiMC hist ef "trace'

p*a M « H I I tha manf

Mf fertJHMr tkilsi, Mka aim tfctir

Iftaaar I* Jacob*,ir af DM OtVty

tht* ataaati*!ihtaalm-


•M lato (a 4« any (tod..iMa *WMf adtaatag*)*!IWtj'-h. faere**** tretto IftaMta and dlotnaag4*tt Mutof hardin*ti

For Better Plantslift fertiliser

Pertllliwr applied at tht righttint*, th* right place tnd in properamount*, t* a major factor in me-

lt wit* plant*,Carljr larinff i i *n Meal tin*

for Mine fertiluwr to. promotagrowth *f tree* and ihruba. I t•heald be applied at toon a* wetth-

• tad Mil evadttloM ptrnlt,.The rate* of' we*4y plant* grewi to*** esvwt throughout tb* yoar,

M'HM Mfitd af ***t rapid gnwth•acurt In th* taring and la r*la-tlwl* britf. It it atari** thii ihortpaftoi, that thty *Vaw from thawalltht g>*altat Hwanti of.nttro-

' "' Mtoih and otherftattnutrienta

M tke iatrtaMJtaM. U'e a tin?

wtede tkat ak*(«-af thk fararrt*

tkMi U tunNkui • aaarta* af

that thehi heavy B**B-

I location* In «p-j and Vmaont letti that they eiay turn

. ,. new area* ttiU yaw,f mtWioa* are favorable*> "

«hai ilu *^tle ra-W flta kaatia In «p-

f fcattlti are uMttlyfl ww VPtar perMically

'larift 'aaaaWn, Natural c»n-' «M fMtan taw4 te rerultU thtir

BMlatttB.i X a l t Ml they were to abundantm tht feat'-at ait elm that thty«wU fceiaeoaaed «p by the hand*

; Tht dajMit they do it quite«wailtr i t ttat ef tht common elmfciaf aectia, w*iek hat been on the«r«ne IB MOM teetioni of the coun-try the past two ynra.j Now in hibernation beneath1 i . ^

acaJee of tree, bark and in otherdry, thelttred aiacen, t*« adultawill emarcc next tprinv as wonM elm leave* unfold. After chew-inr circular mall feeding hole* inthe leavct, they will deposit ejggduaten on the leave*. lLarvae thatnatch do'mott of the damage.

T'mtiy tprtyiiur with anenatcof'lead or DVT'when the larvae

(' fe««ng wHl atntrol theas

Modern RosesOffer WidestColor Range

For wide range of color, fewflower* at the plant world aurpatbthe rote. New color* arc beinjadded each year. There it an out(tending; roee color to go witievery home if on* mriwhei a. *iicolor, while the multiplicitybright rote *h*dt* At* in wit*uid enliven* any landscape acene.

Garden aaii order cataloguescarry aaitctiona at the ehoiceatrote* and a etudy of them will re-veal the bom* owner'* color pref-erence*. Many local miraerie* like-wi*e iatu* «atalogu*a. Practicallyevery nuraeryaaan *JM> ha* eoioiilluttratio** from which teieetionican be made. The versatility of ttiirow make* it »n ettraeb've plann tjardcni, *• • border, in conUinera, a* apecimen slant*, uswell aa' climber* (or decorating andbrightening perdue, fence*, garage* and other etructurea.

lM*ke your rote planting planin winter and follow through athe earliest potable planting timefor best reeult*, advise* the Amerkan Aasociition of Nuraarymen

Plant roae* according to inatruc-tlona usually given with the plant.Dijr a hole deep and wide enoughto take the full spread of theroota. Add peat moil or similarmaterial to the toil around each


Court recently becauae aaairrel*tuypoaedjy leap from th* branch**onto the roof of the home »e*tdoer. The complaining neighborcontend* the squirrel* daataged hitroof, dnvtded hit attic and m "up that too.

Th* cue U still pending.complainant »»y»


p g Thehe **k*d **•


*M tMUImttin fertlliaer,Tfca MaatJirt of branch growth,• •buadanee and eolor of tht

IWVM, and the health of trau tndthrob* thrwghout tht tummer art

l i f l i b

plant. Mace plant in tht ground tothe depth of. tha bud union, or"•mall knob" noticed on the lower etem. Work aoil in tnd aroundtht root* to thcra are no "airpacket*," then t ine tht toil nrmJy to anchor the plant well. Wateruntil Hie aoU I* thoroughly aoak-«d, (Mulching to a depth of twoinchet or more, depending on theclimate, it idviaable.

Modern roaea will bloom heavilyin the tpring and will h*vt Moomaall tummer, with* heavy Uoom-Ing period late in the aeaaon de-pending on the cllmtte. In arenaaf froet theyMl bloom rigwt up tofeetvy Iroat. . . . • •

Moti important in growingtat in tuMdent watering during

hot eummtr montlia. Anyone cankave tound auecta* iwith rotet with• moderate amount of can, tuchta (pitying at needed w)tli a'n allpurpote intaetttldt-funficide /*r-mulation available at any .nurttry.

AOMB can delifht tha wholefamily. If you haven't tried grow-ng them, you have a thrill in atore

when your Ant, inconwartbleunfold, at' well at all

through the flowering period. .'ro* thrwg

cmtly iRflMtwati by the. aupplyof jrfant nirtrWnU in the toil atthe time the roota begin their

ri Jnpirth. Hence, fertillaet

et&tHaat ofotkt nBtritM material!

iii. fartaHtarvtwaaia akwt whertIfcaytM platad h-tae «rtl! <fctyto Mt MM* readily tttkav tater-UHK wtwpwMrt. Thai,' O* Na-tiaral ArktMtt Anaritrttn raottl-.nandt that the ftrtWatr b* p|t«Mk tbawU hrtt wbera tat rtaftt oftha'pl«t>t>v*lvtd iMMalljr «tW.'

Jttat ahrubj art camparatlvalytlutl*>w-ro«M.. In aaeh cut* goad

th ratpmti may be abtatiMdd t l # tk* fertUittr an

Md rakiiuj orW t k f 1

ftbt aoil

ammttUr thto tkeuM btfotlewad W a tkMwagh watavlnffehtfp dlttribBt* tkaftrtilltar.

Sell aurfac* application* of fer-tlHatr ire ahaott ottieia for tret*.Moet of thtlr root* that abtorb rawfood ahMwntt from tht toil grow10 to 10 inch** below the'aurface.For fertllbMr to h* efftctivc itthould bt placed at tMe depth. Thi*may be don* by punching or dril-ling holt* In the *o<l or, ai in cem-ratrcial practice, dittributing thefertlliatr at the proper depth byrntani of water jtt or air preiture.

Tht amount «C fertillier thatthould" be uted depends upon Its'compaction and the type of plantbeing treated. Both organic and in-organic fertiliteM, packaged forhome use, are available at gardentorca. Both are effective. The di-

rections fof uae, as given on thepackage label, should be carefullyfollowed.

cherry tree owner to chop <M thealleged *quirrel-4>ridge branch*!two years ago *nd the owner re-iaMti- ^ ^ «

Tree), according to O. W.flptcer, president of the BarelaMTree £«pert», have involved theirowner, in court cane* *«»ny tin**(before, but tbere'a no record•quirrel* getting into tfe* act'

Once * man cut on* th* br«nche*of * neighbor'* tree that leanedover next door and punched hole*in ttie family wart. Th* tree own-er sued for oanuuj*!. He ioit, andhad to pay 150 damage* for th*harm to the wauh.

Another court threw out a ca*eof a home owner who demandedthat branchca of a neighbor'sc*t»)p» tree hung over hi* yardand damaged his garage/

in other states court*have held an adjoining neighbormay remove tranche* Ui«t extendover hia property j* they provideground for damage. II* must how-ever do the pruning ov«r hi* ownproperty without dtmage to thetree. Th* adjacent property own-er too, can't treapaa* into the yardnext door to cut off the limbs.Moreover, the fruit «f Me tree, nomatter where the tranche* hang,belong to the owner «f the tret,but ht should not treapt** on theground in collecting tfic fruit.

Once a neighbor brought *ultbecause leave* from a tret nertdoor cluttered M* yard. Th* judgeisolated it.Many state*, however, have laws

hat make owner* of "dangeroua"« liaW* for damage*. The

nui ia put on the owner if htknowingly keep* a tree' thai iidangerously iweakrned, rotted or

poitonoua and it fall* and damage*a neijtabort property or aome-body walking aleng the ndaweUt.

Even m«nieipalkic* bave beenheld liable for injuries cawed byfailing branch** or dangerous free*if inch condition could Jiave beendetected by beforehand inspection.

Remove Dead Tree* toCoalrol Elm

floe of tb* meaaun* uaed to helpcontrol Dutch elm eUaeate, wide-aprtad and fatal ailment of elm*,ii removal ef dead and dying treea.

The Wetional Arboritt. Aaa«i«-tien warm that «uch work shouldbt done before ipring arrivct.

The Dutch elm diaeate ia cauaedby • fuagu* that infacU healthy•Im*. It can live, too, for a yearor longer in otad *l« wood. It itcarried from dueaaed wood tohealthy elm* by tiny, dart-coloredbark beetles

In iauwture form tlieae beetle*are imall, whiU grub*. They over-winter jutt under tht Urk of dy-ing or recently cut elm wood. Inthe ipring they emerge at adultbeetle*, •boutl/ltvinch long, pot-attain* strong wine*.

Immediately upon emergencethey fly t« healthy elma and feedon the bark of young twig* andbmnehei. If the wood from whichthey emerged waa diuaaed theymay carry iporei of the f ungu* ontheir bodiet and, In ftedint, traa*.mit the diacaae to th* ncelthy elm.

AJI elm tree, dyfng of Dutch elmdiaaeu* or other cauea*, may har-bor Many thovtand* of tht** b**tl*(rah*. Bach on* Is a potential car-rier of the dia**a*. It it urg»nt,therefore, that tb* wood in whichUMM grub* live be dettroyed, pref-erably by burning, before they

at adult haatlw.

No man would Hater, to you taikif he didn't know it we* hi* turnnext.—Edgar W. Hew*

Leaping Squirrel*POM* Query I When •OOM Trap Tretpaut

. The owner ot a cherry tree wathaltd into a N. Y. State Auprem*

Mt. MS an. Muni I . after* iimmij ef Wraeiles. MM*, are new Hr-Itjg &••>••' sw« taw at 4ft WaaJMal *>wsia»7H'klc(7<lwr i m W rJWrtaarf lien Mr. * M Nra. J«a> N. PM St. Tfec sal* • • ski* iHl-ilsk iN»re1 pMtwrtr vnw Mswtlairtf »r • • • *>• A. M s M w mt tk*INI**] pMtwrtr vnw awswtl

•f Alan io*ju<«a, I M I I I I .


TOWHSIHDWe're not sticking ourntck out whtn we toyour moving service isthe finest you can get.Call for the completedetails . . . if II be thewisest "move" you'veever made.



We lake a keen interest in the accomplishments of all the

Khoel systems in our territory which includes WettReM, Moon-

tainsKic, ronwood and Scotch Plains* We leomed with a jreot

deal of pleasure that as of January, the children from Fanwood

and Scotch Plaint are no longer on double session.

' We look forward to seeing the completion of the new

additions to the Junior School and to Shackamaxon School

which serve the Fanwood-Scotch Plains area.i




ADams 9-142!CHAHI.R9 H. HOWI.Br



ADami 2-2600' 'COOPKR *


ADama 1-4064DANKElt A DA5KEH. ISiC.

ADami 2-«8<8


PRTBR A.• ADami 2-8864

EDWIN O. EnwARDIADama 3-B666

II. CLAT VRMDRICMa, IHO.FAnwood 1-7700





AD»m« 3-1070 'WALTi:H KOSTBH, INC.

ADami 9-5800FAnwood 2-6363


M. A. MKRCNEHADam< 2-4140


ADuma 2-4700


FAnwood 1-880*ADtma 1-5800


1HA1HCY r. REVNOLUS/ ADitra 2-6300

C. B. SMITH. M.ADimi 2-1300

IHK THAVLORADami »-!310 . '

LF.K K. WARINQACama 2-7401

ADami 2-9E00


BARRETT « CRA1N, INC.ADami 3-1800ADama 2-1800




Rake & Hot HisVaricdProgra.

R»k« * H«* G*r4m Club heldiU r*«uUr Mtintj U*t wok. Mi*.Ro« of N«nr Vaam, * H » f » * •problwa <rf th. acw. jet *irport-Vht MMtinf *•• tkM tarntd ov*rto tht karticuMim emmitt* w*opronto* • pn^mm <*»**!* «f«pltatiatT ot im*» in «*U with ifcial pUntMMT tm » W . I » I T* L -

iBfcnutlsa <• 4>Mt«r*tMW afcold fruMt, ftm***" o* •*"*•and fgrcin* ef Wrhw ]MW>chc* w«*fiv*a br Mn. Fcuk t PMjr.ii.PrccrMR WM <^t*«U<l t>/ Mrt.

fwt NoaU. ThMM |*rticipatiiifw«7. MMMIMM* Joka r. ft»r«.Gtatw tt. SttmtC-WattOT Hintonand Frank I. Dm**, InfarnaUanon pruoiw at hmtm « M tiittrib-

d•d.Mmtert IwvlHtT jMt tomfita

the ccramiea «tur*«> fivaa hf Mr*.R. J. MaeDov/tll of 8MCefc PUtaadlapl.yed M M «f <Mr taWMtiplace*.

HottaMM for tiat al«r ««Mi Mt*.Rotori J. BMtUHar, Mr*. Chartt*R. Mayer, n4 Mrt. J. WalUeaSeafilon.

Boro Reeeiie Squad 'Hokb RetruUu- Neetiag

M0VMTAIN8IDK —Tha. rtgu-lar matttat of <k« MttMUint»i»iUacu* Sqotf « M HtM raowUjf ata|ua*1 kaa<t,M»H«rt. A •rsetlemdrill V H krid.

Work it itUI fcaint CMKPtttotl anth* tail* «f tha ntw haiMlRf,with MMihiri «Mitg th* wark.Mambart ar* imoutk to *»outh bra*ait« Ik Klit-•btth.

Th* MXt M*wUn« •* * • Mjuadwill b* Afrll B.

WMvr SmfMy Cmune

Th* WathtaM chaytor af th*Aawrictn lUt) CNM ha* *uia*MM«4that r*c*ttr*tiona art »*w tolng•Md* for part on* af a wator taf*.ty Inttruttor t n n i to to htitt atth* PhinAcM'lttd Craw chaatorhoaw. Part on* will k* hald IRApril and Dart two tha Uat w«*in May. A eiirmit atiiior lift aav-int c*rtl6cat* minif bt k*M t« rta>i*Ur for thi* court*.

Moat m*n and WOJMII uik w«H,and tow* praetlc* .what thay tay.

—M*ry I t t t i Bddy

Th«y think too littl* who talktoo muoh—John Dryawi

Automolic R#ooraULaak afl«ia«Httr • E? AAn l p n IJUfJIIIf """" FalVL



wh»r. you »hopwh«r* you t«§

: k dtOM eMei •»* htemm UHma s% buytr elyeur StattV.MeufacturadCroAieta for fOf Or«m Btat»p ratiaraptioa

Yes, it's time towoke up your lawn!

with AGRICOW«tt to cnioy • beautiful I r a earlier thii yetr, and MMit crow more beautiful throu|h the yean? Apply ACtor Tumr with Urea-Fonn now. Thi* noo-burninj, bafa

rf fod ^ kneedi all spring.Then Mkm tbrough fat tummer tnd fall with the AgriooLawn-Feedkf Plan that teib you tehtn and now to feedfor permtntnt beauty. Youil uve many hours of arduouswork and many dollars by avoiding the constant need foreostly lawn repairs ami "cure** . ' •Thh weekend ask your garden supply dealer for tae'fre«Agrieo Uwn-Feeding Plan book, and Agrieo - America'snumber one fertiltz«rllee* ht * * lea *Mb tW Oe *«et tktMM* aW T*t>


Lawn Foods

1 MS*t«ii Lag.*.


II «a> aha** and haroV **hAQaxftSftoaiiitwdoaWflrait «aataaliliM to »*•

fhlt IMMO ••Mr

Orfeak NHiafaa re t*t», ywiri*wa*jr*Ma,reiiiwatt*' *V* iK l l fA*a aluam *Btmat aflataltfJfltaafti

oi . Carteret, N. J.



Garden Supplies140 Control Av*.

Clark, N. J. FUhon S-15S1


Garden Center1100 South Av«. West *

WMfiald, N. J. AD M717

Hyde and Ellis, Inc.

. 1006 South Av*. Watt

Wettfield, N. J, AD 2-6700

Mountainside Paint

& Hardware•60 Mountain Ave.

MountalmWe, N. J. AD 3-5655


Hardware Co.,405 South Ave.

Wettfield, N. J. A D


Page 27: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****


Highlights in Women's Fashions Menus Other

•CALLOt* DISHES, ssjsh as weeaa

JZTmM »•<•«• "I-***


m m

t 711 142021i;2i





ni t



ef Westteld'* Oak will

atast'st home of Mrs. NenisJTsarnerd, 41B Tapping Rillrorf.st 8:15 p.m.

affairs group et theCollets WomaiTi

Club wiH meet at me home ofiMUs Ruth Tubby, 414 Hillside svenuc. '

•i_Trsvel group of WMttUidCollege Weman'a Club wiH««<* at the home ef Sin.ftorsra « . Tats, TM Forest

lt_sts»nUinside M i f t s i i t iClub, Board ef Directorsnetting, I til p.m., at beief Mrs. Wife-am T. rergueen,11S0 Ssw IMl road,

tt-MevBtiinside N t w t e N e r iCluk coffee for preepeetlreembers at kerne ef Mrs.Harry Irwia, 1«M Meay•reek hue.

t»-Th«r« will"** a board sneetlnfef the WesMcld CeUegeWeaim's Club at the home ofMrs. Hssbert Jaitfc, IT fltane-lei**, park! .

It-Wsstncld Service L e a g u emteting at the home of Mrs.M R Hoff, «M Highland avt-nue,











24 25 3*?? 21

mot %1 2• 915 M22 2329 30

i NivtiimClufc, mantktr meeting l t :M•,•. , Chaatielar Restaurant,

Tung OUNou, UsedI* Qwdity Points

Tune oil, the superior dryingi|«ntuMd>lti penetrating wood

lei and in modern varnUhei,It new feting used in interior andIn «tt*rior paints,

Mia Gena Thames, extensiontwit furnishing specialist of Rut-tm Univenltjr, save that tungm, seaetmwa tailed "China woodtil," WM flit secret ingredient thtt•Hot the laequers ef antientCMnifimeui. It U eitraeted fromu< nut of the tung tree. Tunr oil«*i to be imported from China«wlu«lv«]y, tut now cone of thentithern states are producing it.

It impart! rapid drying, ex-treme toughness and water resis-tance.

Psints made with tung oil are<uy to ipply. They produce a fin-ish that U smooth, tough, flexibleind waterproof.

Tung: bearing paint should be«iy competitive with thoae con-»inwg other drying oils since it*ul not mar so easily, Mia* Thamespredicts.

Cheaeand Wayn

Homemakors who would like toW menu ideas for Lenten meals,<" meals featuring meatless dish-'s, will have the opportunity to at-»™ • demonstration featuring

«, mcnu» suggestions.The date is Tuesday at 1:15

P-m. and it/will be held in the meet-wg room of the Home Economics"tension Service, Court HouseAnnex, Elizabeth.

For those who cannot attend this"wnonstration, there -will be an-other offered at the YWCA, EastJersey street, Elixabeth, the fol-Hmrng week Wednesday, Maroh 3011 1:15 p.m.

J'ain dishes featuring cheese«w other meat substitutes will be™nonstrated. Whether or notn«t « limited in family meals"wing the pre-Easter season, theseProtein alternates will add inter-Wtag variety to menus.


"•*•»» l"or AH Oecoalemcal AOom, 2^445

l 0 » SfriMcffaU A m

SIMMS, Ouelu, PU*», Chmd l—k, Lmmger / •

MMTKNID rUNNIL ILKVEI. 1 4 ^ *mMte^ iMhot a n awao laparUal aprlai atria- trta* MOUNOSTOOTH CHICKS sad the Chaael leak, m fashles for

• theeafft.

Gently Shaped,Longer JacketsIn Spring Suits

Spring suits advocating light-weight fabrics not/limited bywarmweather are important this season.Bib sleeves, moderately longerjackets, often, betted, and rontin-ued Chanel inspiration are the sig-nificant fashion tliemes in springsuite,

Ths bttwing sleeve has alreadyM f acceptance, other importantshave types according to Women'sWear Daily,, include short, un-mounted wide sleeves; .puffed push-up sleeve's; .flsred sleeves. Mostof ths wide sleeve cuts are in con-junction wKh belted jackets.

The longer jacket, shaped to in-dicats the figure, is about 23-24inches long for spring, oftendouble-breasted. Some of these arequite fitted through the bust andloose below.• Glen plaids come Into fashion,

not only in traditional crisp wor-steds, but also in imported jersey,cottaa, and woolen, particularlyoutstanding in gold, rust and grapecolorings.

COAT FEATURESThe white coat on one hand and

the dark tweed coat on the otherepitomise a seasonlees look inspring coats and answer the bigdemand for travel wear. .

Women's Wear Daily fashioneditors point out that wide, cape-like harks and short flleeves bothmounted on deep armhole cuts arcfar-reaching characteristics forcoats for spring. Alternate sil-houette Is fitted throng* the bustand gently flared below, best likedfor ailk coats. The straight loosecoat, renewed this year by three-quater sleeves, collarlcss necklineand/or braid binding, is 'expectedto be the top silhouette.

Woven and worsted routings arecrisp looking, although soft to thehand. Important new fashion fab-ric is 'a lustrous silk, worsted''end.

Accents After DarkWhat's the bcst-lookine detail

on your property? Is it a lovelytree, the front door,, or. possibly aflower garden? You can call atten-tion to it at night, observes theGas Appliance Manufacturers As-sociation, by lighting it with acharming lamp. The soft radiantslow will lend an air of enchant-ment to your home after dark.

Jarvis »Authorized

Kodak D M I « I

for Color ProcMsing —

both movimx and ttilli

•ring Y«wr Him T. &(wlN

54 Bm St.

Extension ServicePlum Meeting on"What'. For Dinner"

Homemakera interested in plan-ning iweii-balanced, interestingmenus with taste and eye appeal,will be »lven ideas on the subjectduring a meeting in the home eco-nomics classroom, Court HouseAnnex, <EUiaibeth. The all-daytraining meeting, to be held Thurs-day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., willbe conducted by Mrs. Irene Wolga-mot, extension foods and nutritionspecialist of Kutgers University.. Mn. Woltnot will discuss

menu planning, creative cookery,mixe*, short juts, company foodtritks, and how .to glamorize vege-tables. She will also add •ugge«-tions for table settings and atrvhigto g4ve eys appeal to meals!,

Women who attend this .work-shop iw*H be asked.to serve'as vol-unteer 'leaders and hold similarmeeting* for other ihomemakers intheir communities. Along with herinformation on the subject, Mrs.Wolgamot will instruct the volun-teer (leaders on how to teachothers.

ResenRations ior joining theclass can be made with .Miss Bar-bara E. Bogar, assistant homeagent, at her office, Court HouseAnnex, Eliis'beth.

There is no charge except forthe- food at lunch, when womenwho take part in the class willhave a chance to practice 'whatthey have learned by preparingand arranging individual salad-sandwich plates.

Who's To TakeOut Garbage?

On cold wintry days, garbagehauling is a most unpleasant job.Some families take turns so onoperson is not always stuck withthe task. The new smokeless, odor-less incinerators put an .end tothis thankless job. They consumegarbage and rubbish as fast as itaccumulates. The incinerator canbe installed in the basement, utility room, laundry or rear porch.It does a lot of work and takesonly 22 inches of space.

If your family uses the heatingpad frequently, make zippcrod cov-ers for it from old terry bath tow-els. With several covers, you can&lways have a clean one handy.




Saw taoi CbooM bns aakuptrad decorator eolteetioaof fins eottim textures u j

u! W«TI plB-flt aM

£jonr slipcovers rlcht ea• fumitory o«rf«k anfuralum, oMrtoek animw seuna, arts five, yeaaxtra luted i n ptafss.Budget tcrml.

Shop-At-Hom*FUtton 8-3700

KOOS BROS.37, Railway

Make Fish DishesFamily Favorites


Fish dishes are t W a t any time,but during tent, in tone homes,there is added reason to look upsome interesting reclpei. Fishdishes can add both variety and nu-trition*! vailueto epring metis.

fish provides excellent proteinto build and repair body ttssWandto fttRKnt growth In the young. Itis oh » par with meats in fondvalue %ut usually costs leoa.

An sdequste diet should provide two or more servings each dayfrom the group of protein foods—meat*, Ash, poultry or eggs. Thisrule holds for old and young alike.

In preparing fish, it is importantnot to overcook It. Some cooksspoil Ash Iby cooking it to long orst too high temperatures, accord-ing to IMr's. Irene Wolgamot, ex-tension «>pc<ciaMst on food and nu-trition on our Butter* Universitystaff. To keep it tender and juicy,cook Ash just until H flake, easilywith a fork.

The following recipe for a bakedAeh comes from Mrs. Wclgamot.Use any kind of fish you like/Thick, meaty portions are best forthis recipe.


tions in a shallow greased bakingpan. You may cut fillets in two,crosswise. Combine V* cup mayon-naise, V4 cup grated cheese, 1tablespoon chopped pickle relishand 2 unbeaten egg yolks and Viteaspoon salt. Fold in 2 beaten eggwhites. Cover the fish portionswith the sauce. Bake at 350 de-grees for 30 to 40 minutes or untilflsh Itakes When tested with a fork,

noticed a can of minced clamson my shelf yesterday and debatedwhether I should make chowder,fritters or a casserole. The Jatterwon out because it is an easy tomake and digestible main dish. '


1 pint clams2 tablespoons butter or fat2 tablespoons flourft teaspoon salt

iDsah pepper\ 1 can (10H oz.) condensec

mushroom souptt tup mHk1 package (8 o«.) spaghetti2 tablespoons butter or other

fat, meltedVi cup dry bread crumbsDrain and chop ctam*.; cook it

butter tar 6 minutes, stirring con-stantly. BUtwl «• flatir, atit andpepper. Add sou* and enHa ejtaeVually and cook until thick, stirringconstantly. Cook spaghetti as dreeled on package. Drain. Ailspaghetti to sauce;.place in a wrlgreased 1% ijuart casserole. Combine butter and crumbs. • Sprinklover casserole. Bake in hot oven400 degrees IF, for ten minutes,or until 'brown. Serves six.

Refrigerator forHaMty Cooks

Have you ever tried to chill agelatin dessert in a hurry? Whathomemaker hasn't? One manufac-turer of refrigerators has givensome thought to this homemakingproblem, A special tubular glassshelf is incorporated in the newrefrigerator. A current of cold airpasses through the shelf, makingits surface several degrees colderthan the rest of the refrigerator.Desserts and beveruges placed onthis shelf will be chilled In a minmum of time.

Breakfast, CountryStyleFor a hearty week-end breakfast

servo fresh country sausage, friedpotatoes and eggs with mugs ofsteaming coffee. Start the sausagesin a cold skillet over the automatictop burner heat control on therunge set at 275 degrees, Turnthem occasionally so they willbrown ovenly and release the fat.Drain off some of the fat and frythe potatoes in it. When potatoeshave finished cooking, fry the eggsin the same skillet.

Martha Lorton candy is very fit-

ting as a gift when you "want to

take or send something." It is

fine, quality candy you will be

proud to give.

We'll wrap for mailing

on request.

Martha Lorton Candies13 ELM ST. WESTFIELD

Tkm Good Word IsPork, Bmt Don'tOverlook Thrifty Cute

By MARY W.Horns Ageat

Reasonably priced pork has'beenavailable for several months now.And food shoppers, generally, havekeen taking advantage at m i ofthe bargains in nutritious porkmeats, but many of the beet euyshave been overlooked.

Purchases have leansd heavilyon ths more expensive popular cuta—ham, bacon, e*nter-«ut chops andspan ribs. And she «v*n ssoresconomtcsi snd equally nourish-ing and tasty cuts And fewertaker*. Honenakers say they feduncertain, as tie how t» preparethem with pleasing rasulla.

United Kates Departnent ofAgsfcukurs hosae economists pointout that the widespread belief thatcsrtain pork cuta ars more nutri-tious, flavorful and "menuable"than others is a fallacy. Porker*simply cannot endow center-cutchops witti all the good qualitiesand by-psss the neighboring bladeand loin chops, or favor hams orrears lesja svsr picnics and forelags. Actually, lean for lean andfat tat tot, the nutritional value,UsUnsaa and ntnuabl* variety efthe ateat Is equally •Mribucsdthrotigfcout all parts of the animal.

Demand and euppiy in perk cuts,as ia snaay ether marketed items,largely govern the pries paid by•ka sfceeatar. Only about 4* a«rcent of the pig is in the muchseiarht after cuts and increaseddemand keeps ths price ot center-cut chops higher than lesa favoritecuta,

Thriftier cuts such ss Bostonbusts, picnics, shoulder rosats,cueMon-etyis er rolled freak picnicsnouldem, hacks, shank-kalvss ofham and Made chops can b« pre-pared to provide • full measure ofsating tajeyment. Fer casseroleand combination (Kanei, groundfresh pork and sausages make goodchokes. Sausages,. available Inmany forms, also range from mild-ly spiced to very apiey.

Mere's a budget-easy dish usingblade chops mads so tender youcsn cut them with a fork, Dip porkchops into a well-beaten egg mix-ture and then roll In line breadcrumbs. Brown slowly In hot fat.Place chops In covered bakingdish, single lsysr. Bake 45 minutesin moderate oven, Remove casser-ole from oven. Serve alone or addan extra touch with sweet pota-toes. Top each chop generouslywith orange-flsvorsd mashed swestpotatoes. Return cajserole, uncov-ered, to even for 15 more minutes,or until swssts are tipped withbrown. Serve with applesauce anda green aalad.

For those who hold time andenergy at a premium, Hie sweetpotatoes may be baked whole sep-arately to serve with the chops.

For other ways in which to:ook pork, ask for a frse copy of

the U. S. Department of Agricul-ture bulletin, "Pork In YourMeals," i t the Home Economic*Extension Office, Court House An-nex, EUtabeth.

Candlewick bedspreads will notbe "detufted" if placed In a largesick or pillow slip when washed ina washing machine.

Scollop* Are Good. . And PlentifulScallops are plentiful I That's

the Ant tid-ibk of news. Scallop*are good I But that't hardly newsto anyone wvio hat ever taatedthese succulent shell ash.

Lenten weals that feature Arm,nutty-flavored ecillops can neverbs tagfed drab or tastdset, Buteven scallops can pell If the* areserved the same way tvtry, time.80 let your imagination free-wheelnow and Mien. Try boiling Uteai,for instance, brushing on meltedbutter and lemon jukes. Or panfry them with mushrooms andchopped onions. For • plsaaantchangs, try wrapping them labacon, threading them on ekewvitand brolHng in the areplate, •

Or if you prefer your Kallepsready-cooked (the beet V eittype) 1 try various seafoed MUCHfound in every cook book. Inci-dentally, the biff, smooth scallopshells mike delightful individualserving dishes for these sauce* andother scallop prepantions.

Another way to perk up yourLenten Weals, is by teaming upecsllopa with other compatiblefoods—Scallops and mushrooms,scallops and.oysters, scallops andnoodles.

Here lj a recipe that makes 1happy wedding between scallopsand rice. It was a prise winner atths annual ScaMop Festival in NewBedford, Mam., iwhers most of thecountry's scallops are landed.

AND 1UCESlice one and one half pounds

of wallops crosswise about onefourth inch thUck. Peer (me Med-ium cucumber and cut lenfthwiieInto sixteen strips; then crosswise

I Into fourth*. Cook scallops in onefourth cup butter or msrgaiineuntil brown. About three minute*.Add one four ounce can of plm-iento diced, Add cucumber andone and on fourth teaspoons salt.Cover, Simmer for three minutes.Stir in one cup kutchup and onecup milk. BlenJ together one andone half tablespoons cornstarchand ane half cup milk and add.Stir over medium heat until mix-ture thickens ind comes to a boil.Stir in two tablespoons dry sherry.Serve with tosst points and fluffyrice. Makes six generous servings.

BroUtng Tip*Horns economists of the C*o Ap-

pliance Manufacturers AaaasMbslrecommend clipping tb*> edge* «(tUak before plscwc *»jhf III

^saaaalgrid"'and yra'U I

flame. This prevents earths! Mburning. Dont prefesal 4k« fisjmWgrid and you'U Slid H taasji ajsjayWwaah. Ths exptrm rffssmwfull I I S J S - I W dsfraaj fct tjsteaks. The distance turn Nm ^should net escesd I. hif rosM' steaks,. however.ONsmMld -*a dletaisirS '-af" 4 tjrinches *nd M iacrsaet hitime of 1* miaMstss por


m pure

CORN OIL!For highest qualityand Golden Flavor


...The FinestPotato Chips Made!

On. reason for the golden color ajrf fine freshflavor of Wiae PoUto Chipi it that they a nalways prepared in pure, roiW corn oil, sinilarto the cooking oil 10 popular for your ownkitchen UN. It may teem fussy, but M m ainnst on a special quality com oil, pressed froathe heart of ripe, golden kernels. , . , . . , , . . ,

Our unvarying use of this com oil help* fiv*Wise Potato Chips their golden flavor udnabjaithem more digestible and nouriahing. Wivtmmore resjon why more people And t WWise Potato Chips better.

Page 28: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****

rut w.n vm



Audrey to Head1 ^ CountyCancer Crusadf

and 7c for administration*Mr. Anbay painted oat that

.fcout 85,000 caacer aatitata frilldie in the United State, during1M9 who nugnt fee iifiTl 0 M w-ject «f the eri«»ae ii to eliminatetab tkrovt* the «aacattoaal «*•»fram. •

Mr. Ardrey kai too a residentPark!

Letter From Lizzie

I llaVBBBi ^aaaa a^UMaaaaay^iaB: ^ a f aafa^BAiA -aa^Ba1

1 ?a aatjT ta atoad kf « r aa * to

rf la.•BKIBI

Ma4fc* k y t M2E

Dear Sif:Y M J M tka *ja**r *

letter-*** «( taa Maw JamVmtm aakMnaaaa . , .fat,hare, hat 11 ham to a*aat (fcatfora* to aH MI • i i r it aatfl aa»


. « a katMaa* tort awar af tap Titel to tfca aaaiwr.jClril WattTfeamrnlJloo craat.1 „ 1»» «aaata bat •]«r CaMMtt IB JMf, utaUiikad fttiaa af aW Mate. It nAartoktrwa VMtioa tk»t In M M itetto I «•» *kwr that • aujarttr •* *••

\mm U «j%tomatU oanUI of th. ••an «aayU * f t - t t -aat to atttan« • to Urg*

Th* MtlMMllt

i l t a Jia wry wkato.


Mt j t - t a jP



aMta ttC l||V ta|aWiatoaBal~4krtMaick. oMy t« to fund nltl

mm uSk

r « tha a«Mi« WMMt «ta.ta MMMW «• IBM <«elBg

U to

a wlMd****** 4i-

j Vw**w

fiMW for » . MUHUI FTA amor-ta«ao»r4 ar* un4or way, Taa pMtthrat m n tko PTA aa. hdUa*°^ I?<*SA. * « • J»owdi co toa fund «ikh will help out liukrMMibwr W pajr for • colUf* S a .teUon. TMi m i ' i imortaabordWin bo.Ucnr tain utf of tha

v | j

I ntttt a kafOttA4 iMMfTCaaal' SlMI I

"what't « * « M ia'

in mf iletter ii aaaaaaM. JUaajaifjatabjBBMat far a Laajaa aaaak

Wtaattaaaaa. W'atNty a V J|

*^lam^^k>t]£«iiartai. • , r _

AJ r«a know, Mtera ara aawnir awMtetta atato hi « M *Wt aawW w l R W l T*^ aWMf !1much ataaY to k* 4aaa «MManour ateto akMtlaa (yttoat, te•tanea, water na•tote toz irttoBk

It't raaltaa I^


Year bri4a« «r«a» oMteialr eaaiahaerikatothaNNnlitter.irlMtk-•r tkar ara Laacaa wiaaViii ofaot. Aak tkaai to «rt la, teaek«Uh Mr*. N. E. WlekarakaM Jrl i t Blreh maw.

the for

la a




feW 5*»9-


•artaMiit of Ji»tfc«, Waihlngloa,DC. • •

la t»M te ratam

'eater, , - • ' * , , - t ., -M r . Twnafcln. U a t m t a a of

•Mawark •••(•a*,

Nawart;' Coawta-

arMtt of. efcainaan of


aa> tha i


i «a4 M


••If W H I T I K , ^ i

HMUtoktkarl•aaa fMaraii J*Za aa*« atitt ' I 'tfca TreaaufT <«


rfto tkr«« l






H' «

aaHT l M 4MM JTOtt TVCtiVk tbfal QinFLauna will ba in tka aUUt ofunlU on U m . Ttm WMkJiit ka.Mm It but thaw MMt*ia» ara•none our moat lntorattlng aMtali tlaM « • ar« toalUjTa !«i


»1.»7 S«Ma af faaat-aaia o«aaryiaf aadlaatajxfa! CloUw dry Bully, emly,' ^ w i * tmr wtinklN at aiaC

NO) HOT Sl^Oimi & £ ' »

M « K I N TChnhM toititin contort wi*ceicMr>niMdhiot at high

« w , «V

HMtwarRtgular loadt

?? "ftt a t t oiysa



Wrtb dements Bros. Oil•••: -.dud: .\";

Enjoy Luxurious But

Inexpensive Heat

And when you ask us te supply tin

oil - you know you will b« 9*rting

top •fficiency. - >



i i " «ANnow

or roi«ow»o«oir»woWITH JUST ONE Smt40




431 MOtfH AVE



j A writtm prami»4l troobte-fre« p«ferm.nce nmrnudi• ^olftrpiot-ct^ljyMwi-^Mr^rrirrt



BROAD ST. AD 2-3726 I ••>

Page 29: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****

F S L l t o a tiade, aaafceje,



lla Mat i l

M * !••• rmultinf from UeETvttbia certam ehaHMtoaa. m a n aim rerainag from the

\i sr^jnrSS'Z -Wsr 2LSB, -KSL *i mW tor UH» feretotaf aaf- - — — - -• -


l. ||MWTT«r* ftB M l n r M l lfNkt»vi>ededa«todBt«M

Maafat haealtal er aa\aT' lieHttylnai._» paid «n •entMl daMt,• taek loans eraeme mart-

h dedtetMle. Cmymttaal taenraaee iMriaoad m

Baa) e« a aortcl** •* metatt-ivmtMbt are feaerajly aot

! Bttai paid to ewer taaa»t «M fee d«.

for kcalmtfeunotbewMti paid dnrlnt the year,amaeiuated by hoeplul,

Ik er accident insurance, farkal er dental expense forMb?, your wife or any da-mt who reettred orcr halfkMpport from yon (whether

dependent hid f 600 or

aaawM erne* ^p v^^^aa^V Bi™ ffaT™ ' ™W. Ht

• 1 aM*aMMMMHmmfc MMHIMMIAM^ i a a k t t

it to, aweUnf'certow eeaoi-


Coda. An attorney tteatd b* coa-itad ta all Midi «a«a t» Tarify

* . ta iwuHi of tt» K i j i w ii—iuila.<1U* aariap «? aitMw M fMh

ent (tuatkw BM bam freaaredM a. iHibac •errfc. by tka Federal

• kbraer Caaaty «aa iIMS tv oaHaMaanAa 4 „*f "MaceaM «ai* tMk atactluiS l f l f OMM O Wdri

ot tmi, un


The aaaaal luachaaa ef theaiaaeU Weaeteld aMth dabIk kaid mat weak at me Pttla-

atetd CMatoy CMk, i fa . mawardaGuteaf iff* p n M M i talMAHMM

mm atttOMwl r«b. 1« t» I I aa lap.m e e t the dak

fanaaa, VetoMd. foadJ J Mn. fakm •eytaa,


« M MM. freBt*MO.JbrM, ritia'

Is Lecture T«pifCaorge Backer, Caataam,

-Wild M k f M «thAna," at die Unlea

W^^aarWatetaaT^vm a r W i • • vaaa af Mr. a*4 Mr*. O. W. Baavaf a OalBMai dr i*^ Maaatola• U * . a fiaakBaa ahaalakw BMI-tor awaabar af rib* MKVTC aalt• | the MaaaaaaMtt. laeWato af

Fk.ftX tat MIT, ha at.toadid Oaytea Ke|toaal

manyoftfceeaAdaAtUa to fia* M 4 Pt.Wt*.

eld <N. Heldeaka, maaMH ptiiHin,Inritet tke i«aartl aafcak at fWtth d t t e d lthetower

i k at fWtH W aad atted aae-wwllecture «* the int 4af 7

mng.Duriay the weak Or. tMaertt

wiU en4ai« the Ufa aad MWetl af"Marine MaaMiale- at the II *.*,adult mature aUdy eaana aipM,MoiwUy. Durlac the 4 h l fhour natare

(Mtnua 'Wothl'Traileide Muaeiim It aaen ta the

puWfc enry flatMtday, MwdayMd lecal holiday, fram 1 U • fM.,and from a to f > j a . ererr w«ek>day, taxeat tVldu-,

torn cieeeoat WM raaed by 1 M *I:OS pm. ««aday.

Tka are dwtreyed a atwar mew-BBTJMV MMMMMMMMl1^ •MHIHMMMaL B U B M I

Smith dothae doaet tale, Intre-doted eome of her eommUtoe whamodelled aportowear whteh wW hemid today for the aenaU af weacheUrehlp fund at the Menu eflire. M. L. Grlawald, *M Weed-land avenue, flalnaMd. Thoae whowere ahowinc the ctothw iaelndedMeedamea Jahneon, Bdmaad *.BaekwHh Jr., Hoary Manaell, andftoland ft. Graham e( Weamold;Mr*. John Boynton of iTiainneld,and (Mm. Frank Repp of Fan-wood. Itr*. Laurence Q. Crlets-mer of WeeMcld waa in chart* ofluncheon arrangement!.




.*-3&' . f - V i ^

W H W S E F O W E B \ . . . | W «"more branch dreymi of

fdaraWM"tiuerie, coffee M M * .

j»«ywhere in the bowa. To-^fc«utifl ta

j pdateecoaomically.



an AutomaticDRYER

No Hanging Up Clothes • No Taking Them Down• No Carrying Heavy Wet Clothes

No More Running Outdoors





NOW—km* MM* a*ws*mi MW l f M

hflmlalt Imml I|BMM> M -*-*—'• w i w n • •m nww i n w n f i

doMMt a leWy «t

wo Dfyof 4NNM thfi tfttl

Tiawr Mri«« MttyaH


• De-Wrlnkler — Ut

• Unt Trap, M«gnetlelahh.lllumlfiotedWat,Foot •Mall


IkeOreefetf lymbel






'<• i :

Page 30: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****

£.Wy¥,rfth i a t ? v ! THBWKTFIELD ( N J ) LEAPEE.

Activities In The Churches of Westfield and"* **.4d .•*>#»*•" ' , _ • — . ^ — ^ — . . — — ^ — a — w M * w ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ VMS atV aafML!* J J W W » W > ^ W * M ^ M ii " ' '" ' _ _ . - _ « „ •« a _SH A~lt-*>* tfcs. IHIBOI sW 1W» •fl^^S

*gg¥bdRV;&cr* iCtabef HelrTri»-

I isiSHrrIt Pat-

«|f Mertb avetme, Ger.a> Bad UMb haad will

* from t~a.ai.ea.lawvebtabKafk.mmtt Wastf '

km* tfis atckU, th* ymrng-4tm\ a t * hei Jetoad with At «e-sjaf CVO ef faaat B»rtl»tam»w'i

Its* bMfcfaat^Tbtv V t w I w Mas*

ft •nfaatttsM fjsf tlefMl*


fiSSr"bfsakfaat wttt be

Restaurant, 118•eaten Plains. These

eeataet Jam Csf-f«r any further

fanl's CirclesftMeetTodiy

Lenten FamilyFeUomthlp Dinnert t W w ww&W •sjPJ^ps^Pw'dBer

Pisa* are betas; mad* tor theLsaten family fellowship dlnatr tobe btkt at the pint Baptist Cbareb

sataaar at 0:80.».m. Thepre-_ _ • wlil asatlad* by 1:80 p.*.n arder tbst *MMr*a «sp attendwith tMr asTMte. .

A tbaeto aad Merettlac illus-tMesdtaBf ea Cuba will be pro-BWted by Dr. WUbar Urson, whola eteretan fer Latin Americanwerb af tbeBteeMtt Hem* Mlsslen

Tfce fellowship dialers taw best;sens* *f uualraUsa ta (beat at

jMHag aa W*U ai a BMaai «fbrias^tasethtr the (attar* ehwrch


Clark,'IM0-A, Mr*. Rfch-

..__ mset'st Mr*. T.Cnsetatparltwayat

elNlsJ-B,_ LfcW.OiWweW.t .Reba* Vanf, ft* Psafcaftr drive at• 4 1 M iC

• W t i a s A r t A ^ tie. aadi ehm thai *•*«* aa ana thaieimPPpspaT ~SBJBJBBBJ *aa* BJSav ~ ~P a f W • BBSBJVJL _ _ _•s^sTtarttam feaBBBB* RtaalB^RaB mMf aisMOMeBRl^

. V 9 ^ ^ ^ ^ • • ^ " T •7IBJ~R»~1BR* H V S V WVflfBRRB"

ftfll •*£•«, Mn. Lswb Bew-aakkdad kg Mra, Jack Al-

H*as* . BrlaBatsBBlal af^*fta>m*aBtm'lt — —-»

Iratoto Skirt are in (barge(barge

_ cklMrm Mdan Invited to at-

Wowr* TopkToU. "An r*« still sleeping and tak-h f year met*" Jesus Christ ask-«# R9t JbciaUi. PHtr. Janm andAta « tat «w of Hit «rr*it Dr.OwaU Haffaana roinU th. quu-«*a to hh intornaUDnal Lutheran§Mr aodhnet Sander locally overmtCA at 1 :M p.m. and cr»r WOR

.A Us it a fajraient exacted fcjtm anthoiHr from part of the

Mf (or DM tenant ot theu»u«l Jotuwoa

Quirt BuyTucxby for EptwopalWOIMCB In DiMrict

A Lenten Quiet Day it

a.m. at Grace Church, Platnftsld",for AIM EpiMMsl fMaWD *rf the

I District, Diocese of New

Tha 4ar will hafia with HolyCwmiinion at It tm. and will kffelkMNd fcr MMdMattaM a*r«itha Wt*t RM. Alfrad L- Vanrard,DO, Biahop «t tha EalKoaal Dio-

a of New Jeraqr. las lunckwill lie eenwd at 12:80 p.m,

A 4uiet Dajr taTen an opportun-ity to "git away from tha buttleand buitlc of life for at toast partof a day aad, under the directionof the conductor, toniider the deep-er tataca of life, and racaire bothtpiritval aad ahrikal refrath-

ToAttend CemeeH

Bsdtrmsr Lutbtraa Church ofWeattsM hit,Bsmadtupportfor

iaary Chorus of SprlngAsM, HI,ttmtrrwr at 0 p.m. , Th* sacredesacsrt by M vote** of th* Luth-eran ttwoleaital school will be we-smted *t Carnegie HaU, New York

Two bats* have been charteredto transport the WesMsld Luth-erans ta. the concert Arthur A.Sreylmg of PUInteU Is in chsrgeef concert tickets aad but

Prat, Feel L. Praefct of thariMM f i t :U t b « t o :p M p cuitr :U ba.«r«Tha BMeto dipaHaunt of So-

Cbareh, incladiag the ebolrfrn, Mn. Walter Keuning

«*d MUM OutJ •pitotr, tha arfaa-We Mn. Cdward WenU, Mra.atayawad BOM, Mrs. DawW MM-iakt and AlUa Ftoher. aad aU thaauaiban M MM Lathtr ebolr, hatk ffd t t i k t bauaban M MM L a t r e b l ,keen offered coartety tickets byoaklaJ action of the local church.


Mid-weak Lenten Mrvlcet con-Wadneiday In Redeemer

*theru CkttKh. Tha familyat 7 p.m. is arranged es-

pecially for familial wttti children;later service at 1:15 p.m. for

advlto. ,the Mrmon will be delirered at

both service* by the Her. ArthurL. KrcyHnr, auittant pastor ofthi church, and will tratt the topic"Prtaoner 'Mot Guilty' — JudfeGuilty.'" The over-all theme of,

e Lenten devotions la "Contraststhe Passion History."

The Chriitian Day School choir,,directed by Miii Carol Spltier,will sing "Upon tha Cross Extend-,ed" at the 7 p.m. service. The or-ganist will be Mr>. Raymond Heat.Ait 8:15 p.m, the Luther choir, un-der the direction of Mr*. WalterRounlng, will sing the anthem"Sink Not Yet, My Soul, to Slum-

with Mra. Edward Wente atthe, organ.

Taxes are the sinews of theitate Cicero


Trwra/s no need to worry about t(wwtNrthtr whon you let us do yourlaundry for you. Rain or shim, we get]pr«f»stibnally perfect results every




The power of faith, raised tospiritual understanding, will beemphasised at Christian Scienceae'nrtces Sunday.

Mark's account of the healing ofthe epileptic boy will be read,eondudlng with Christ Jesus'word* (».4t); "This kind caneome forth fcy nothing, but prtycr and fasting." The subject ofthe lesson-sermon <i* "Matter."

rtions from "Science andHealth (with Key to th* Scriptures"by Mary Baker Eddy will includethis (t$:l«): "Faith, if it be merebelief, it a* a pendulum swingingbetween nothing a>nd something,having ae ixlty. FaMi, advancedte asMtual understanding, it tiieevidence gained from Spirit, whiehrebukes si* at every kind and •*-

Mb*)** Mi* cMam otf Cod."Th* golden text is from Colos-Ms ( f i t ) : "flat your affection

ea thin** above, not on thing* on

AD 24020


laaday Icbeett It ».«.•fefteryi II *.m.

•let Bsretteei t iM aad II a.m.r

bbetiatai t i l lof faMh, riiaed to

t d i ill b


The Re*. Ctswfc W. H » tTbe Rev. Karl B. Wtijhi

Tbe Be*. Base** B. LaabaebBandar: Oill SJB., only those

department* below grade 1 of theChurch School meet; »:15 tad 11am, th* Crsdkt and Crib, first

wr, Wesley Htll.Services in th* sanctuary. The

Rev. Clark W. Hunt, minister, willpreach. This it Family Sundaymd children and young people Ingrade, 1 through 12 will attendchurch with their families at the

r in which they would ordinar.ly ba in Church Sohool. Musicfer the 8:15 service will be by thecruudtr choir, with Ann* Scnrnal-enberger and Eharon DeMuth assoloiste, "The Bellman's Song" and"A Legend"; the ttnetuary choirat the It o'clock service, with Sal-ly Schmslentnrgtr a* soloist, willsing "All V« That Cried Unto theLard," "Sighing, Weeping, Sor-row Grief" (Cantata 21).

t W anMj*onal*ctio)r wilt «Mf'Tb* Bellman's, Song" as th* choralfntroit for the 11 o'clock service.Prelude* and pottlude, ,"O Man Be-wail Thy Grievous Fall," choralimprovltatlum by Karg-Ehrt and"Carillon for t Joyful Day."

4 p.m,, minister's confirmationIM, Wesley Hall; adult member-

ship claw, room 200, Wesley Hall;Sil l a.m., chapel choir, chiirroom; «:1S p.m., Junior High Fel-lowship, Wesley Hull; 6:80 p.m.,youth choir, choir room; 7:80 p.m.,Senior High Fellowship, WesleyHa.ll.

Today: 10 i..m., Christian Fel-lowship Hour, Sponsored by theWSC8, will meet In room 209. Mrs.

R. Yoeom will continue the n-m of Dr. Fosdlck's book, "What

is Vital in Religion."8 p.m., sanctuary choir will re-

hearse in the choir room; Lenten•readier aeries will continue withJr. Margaret Blair Johnstone, pas-if Union Congregational Church,•roton, Mass., preaching in the'irst Oongregmtional Church.Tomorrow: 3:30 p.m., Wesley

boy*, choir, fifth to ninth gradeboys, ohoir room; crusader choir,fifth and sixth grade girls, WesleyHall; cherub choir, first gradeboy* and girls, room US', Wesley

all; 4:80 p.m., antiphonal choir,hoir room.7:30 p.m., Intermediate Fellow-

hip, will hold a "CandylandHnce" in Wesley Hall.,

Saturday: 9:30 a.m., Wesleyoys choir, third through fifthtrades, choir room; crusader choir,;hird and fourth grade girls, Wes-ey Hall; 11 a.m., carol choir, sec-

ond grade boys and girls, choirroom; T p.m., Saturday Night Sup-per Club will meet in the Socialtall,Monday: 3 p.m., Girl Scouts will

neet in the Social Hall; 7:15 p.m.,Soy Scout Troop 78 will meet in.he Social Hall; 8 p.m., Citiien-ibip Commission will meet in room108, Wesley HaU.

Tuesday: 10 a.m., WSCS Lentenstudy group will meet in room 204,Wesley Hall. All women of thechurch are invited.

8:15 p.m., Andro Marchal, blind•Yench organist, will present an•xclusive metropolitan area recitalin the sanctuary. All are invitedto attend this program..Wednesday: 8 p.m., WesleyUnit School in the chapel. The:urrent series is being conductedly Prof. Samuel Banks of Drew.Theological School, Madison, andis entitled "Encounter at Easter."

Commission on education willmeet in room 208, Wesley Hall.


Miaul.r.1Dr. Frederick E. Christian

Rwr. Rishard L. SmithR»». Jaran D. Col*

R»T. Or»»l H. AuttfatSunday: 8:30, 10 and 11:30

a.m.,. Church, School, church-Wrnursery. The two adult Bible class-

meet at 10 sum; • . 'Ssrvkas, Dr. Chriatlaa will

prci-:i oi IS; topic, "Our Measureof Forgiveness," in the series ofsermons on "The Lord's Prayer."Tbe organ prelude and postludswill be "Larghetto" and "Lord, forThee My Spirit Yearns." Thechancel choir will (ing "Surely HeHath Borne Our Griefs" from"Messiah," and Karl Lein, tenorsoloist, will sing "In God I PlaceMy Faith and Trust."

6:45 p.m., Ninth Grade Fellow-ship in Westminster Hall.

6 p.m., program and sacrificialmeal. In the chapel slides will beshown and the young people ofthe church will relate their experi-ences at New Windsor, Md., wherethey processed clothing for ship-ment Jby Church World Service toneedy people all over the world.The senior high and junior highchoira will provide the music. Asacrificial meal will be served inthe assembly hall, with proceedsgoing towsrd the One Great Hourof Sharing offering.. Followingsupper, the Rsv, Kloji Bums, fra-ternal worker from Japan to theUnited 6tetes, will speak.

8 p .m., Under 21 Fellowship intha lounge;, neighborhood studygroups In scheduled homes on thttheme "The Servsnt Lord and HitServant People."

Today: 8:30 a.m., circle of pray-er in the chapel; 10 a.m., the Wom-an's Association monthly meetingat the parish house; 8:30 p.m.,unior choir in the choir room.

8 p.m.,'Lenten preaching seriesat First Congregational Church;chancel choir in the choir room;V:80 p.m., Geneva chorale in thtohoir room.

Tomorrow: 3 p.m., young peo-ples communicant* class In West-minster HaU; 4:S0 p.m., EighthGrade Fellowship in WestminsterHall; 8 p.m., Spires square dance

Westminster 11*11. This is be-ing held jointly with the Triadsand Pyads.

Saturday: 9 a.m., brass ensem-ble In the choir room; 10 a.m., jun-ior high bell ringers in the choirroom; young peoples communicant*class in Westminster Hall.

Monday: 3:30 p.m., ungradedchildren's recreation in th* assem-bly hall; 7 p.m., Boy Scouts Troop72 in Westminster Hall; 7:80 p.m.,senior high ohoir in the choir room.

Tuesday: 8:80 p.m., primarychoir in the assembly hall; 7 p.m.,adult bell ringers in the choirroom; 8 p.m., chancel choir in thechoir room; Board of Deacons inthe lounge; publicity committee ofSession in tbe church school office;9:30 p.m., Geneva choral* in 'theohoir room.

Wednesday: 11:30 a.m., churchstaff meeting in the lounge; 4:80p.m., Seventh Grade Fellowship inWestminster Hall; 7 p.m., juniorhigh choir in the choir room; 7:30p.m., Cam Twisters Club in West-minster Hall.

8 p.m., adult communicants classin the lounge; primary departmentteachers in the junior departmentassembly room.

HOLT TRIWITY B. C. CHURCHTemporary schedule until fur-

ther notice: , tSunday Masses: Chapel of th*

Grammar School, 7, 8, », 10, 11BJB. and 12 noon; 9 a.m., chil-dren's Mass; in tuditertum elHigh School, », 10, 11 s-m. and12 noon. . „ . . , _ .

Weekday Masses: Chspel ofGrammar School, 6:80, 7:15 and8 a.m., unless otherwise announced.

Evening devotions: Chapel ofGrammar School, Monday, 8 p.m.,Novenas of the Miraculous Medalof the Bleased Virgin Mary andSaint Juda and Benediction of theBlessed Sacrament; Friday, 8 p.m.,Stations of the Cross and Benedic-tion of the Blessed Sacrament.

Confessions: Chapel of Gram-msr School, Saturday, 3:80 to f :1Sp.m. and 7:30 to » p.m.; Thursdaybefore the first Friday, same aaSaturday.

Baptisms: Chapel of GrammarSchool, Sundays, S p.m.

First Friday Devotions: Chapelof Grammar School, Masses, 0:80,7:30 and 8:20 a.m.; Sacred HeartDevotion* following 7:30 a.m.Mass.

School of Religion: GrammarSchool, Monday, 8:80 p.m., grades1-4; Tuesday, 8:80 p.m., grades5-8; Tuesday, 7:16 P-m., highschool, grade* t-lt.

UNITY CROUP OP WBITTIRLDUasW Aaspssss el Uattr tebael af

CbtisllaaHr (ata totlarla*))Les't Sammli, Me,

Meeting: Mondsy evenings, • : »o'clock at Woman's Club ef West-Acid, 118 South Euclid avenue,corner of Tremont svenut.

Leader I* Katharine Broobmaa.Her topic will be "Your Youth I*Hid With Christ"

Classes will begin at T p.m. ana Unity interpretation af the OMTestament a* a bey to joroM liv-ing, and will be given each weakbefore tha devothM*! ssrriea.


UJ Midway Atwaae, Faawaad11 a.m., Sunday service.8:11 p.m., Wednesday evening

testimony meeting. Tha public isinvited.


MeaataiasideThe Rev. Miltm P. Aelwy

Today: 8 p.m., choir rehearsalat the chapel.

Tomorrow: 7:30 p.m., Boy* Bri-gade meeting at tht chapel.

Sunday: 8 a.m., early service'with the-sermon "Gideon and theWalls of Jericho" by the Rev. Mil-ton P. Achey.

0:45 a.m.. Church School classes'or all age groups from nursery

through adult Bus transportationto and front school Is available forchildern living in Mountainside.

11 a.m., service with the ser-mon "Gideon and the Walls ofJericho" by the Rev. Achey. Jun-ior Church will be held in theschool rooms for children in thefirst through the sixth 'grades.Nursery supervision will be pro-vided to enable parents with smallchildren to attend the service.

0:45 p.m., Youth Fellowshipmeeting at the chapol; 7:45 p.m.,service, the Rev. Achey's sermontopic will be "Bible Study—Equipsfor Service."

Monday: 8 p.m., noard of Tru*tees meeting.

Wednesday: 7 p.m., PioneerGirls meeting at the chapel; 8p.m.", prayer and Bible study meet-ing at the chapul.



WRCA 660 k.e.Sunday Morning—7:45

Station WOR-TV (9)

Sunday Afternoon-1:00

WOOOSIDB CHAPILMtote Aveaae, Feaweed

Tomorrow: 7:80 p.m., happyhour for boya and girls and theJunior Young People's group willmeet at the chspel. The SeniorYoung People will meet at the1

home ot Mr, and Mrs. George Dickat 7:45 p.m.

Saturday: 8 p.m.,Lodge reunion at theReed, camp director, wi

o.Sunday: 11 a.m., family Bible

hour will be addressed by BramReed, director of the DeerfootLodge Boys Camp. The ChurchSchool will meet at the tame time.

8 p.m., there will be • fellow-ship supper to which all are wel-comed; 7; 30 p.m., after the sup-per the film, "Barabbas, the Rob-ber," will be shown.

Tuesday: 8 p.m., Jonn Smart ofPlainfleld will continue his seriesof ministry meetings after a ses-sion of prayer.

Thursday: 8 p.m., Ladle* Mis-sionary group will meet at thechapel.

Beuning will deliver theall services on th* topic,i f Thy Salvation." The juniorchoir will sing in the 7:45 service,the snthems at the 10:15 servicewill be sung by the Luther choir.

Monday: Adult membershipgroup will meet with Psstor Reun-

Tuesdsy: 10 *,m., CommunityMission Workers will meet; 0:80p.m., confirmation class*, will b*I R C M

8 p.m.. Women'* Evening GuUdmeeting in Letter Hall will b*opened by Mr*. Elfried PsnM-

be conducted by Mrs. Donald Bae-der. Mr*. John Wieet will give"A Brief Study in Braille." afterwhieh game* will be held and re-freshment* served. Hostesses forthe evening tr* Mesdsmes A. Set-ter, chairmen, R. Bmse and M.Krsnfcoff. The program ta con-ducted by Mesdams* Baader, chair-man, L. Herfurth, R. Thompsonand Wittt.

Wednesday: 10 a.m., bom* Biblestudy at »48 Wyandotto trail; 7and 8:15 p.m., Lenten services willbe held, Paster'Arthur L. Krey-ling will 4eHv*r the strmoa.

8:80 pja., a spatial meeting elthe Church. OKaeil, will b* bsMi• : U p.m., Bandar Behest depart-ment leaden meeting.

Thursday: 6:80 •.»., eoaftrauvtion class** are bsM; 8 p.rn^ Latk-tr their rehearsal; Paster Rein-ing will meet wit* transferredmember*.

Friday, March M: S:M p.m..junior choir rehearsal; 7;M ts10:80 P-m., WaRher Laefus w111

hold a welcome party tor th* 1M0connrmstioar class,

Th* ehureh't radio program, tbeLutheran Hoar, mar ba tuned intwice every Sunday at 1:30 p.m.over WRCA and at 8 p.m. overWOR. Th* Lutherae Church's tel-evision program, "This I* th*Lift," it seen' Saturdays at l t : l lp.m. over WPIX-TV, channel 11.


•VVtfasWy S o eaWWVsWBi RMMlfleWT

Todsy: 8 p.m., cottage BiU*else* «t the E. T. Briedie homewith the minister teaching. Courseof study is th* book of Acts.

Sundsy: 8 a.m., first Biblaschool; 9 a.m., first worship. Sing-ing under direction of L. C. Nor-ton. Sermon subject: "Our Mis-ter's Joy"; 8:45 a.m., Communionand offering with H. Y. Maguir* Incharge.

10:80 a.m., second Bible school;11:30 a.m., second worship withFred Kibler directive the singing;12:15 p.m., Communion and offer-ing with Mel Setter in charge.

7 p.m.,* worship, sermon sub-ject: "Examples of Conversion."

Mondsy: 8 p.m., a committeemeeting for selecting elders anddeacons at tbe W. D. Fogle home.

Wednesday: 10 a.m., ladies Bibleclass with Mrs. B. E. Bawcomteaching. A luncheon follows theclam.with a work session.

8 p ,m., regular midweek devo-tions and Bible classes. Adult ctasai3 studying Romans, taught by theminister.


PattersTbe Rev. Walter A. ReusingThe Rsv. Arthw L. KteyUagCenser Clark ttretl and Cewswr-

~ tier High SeheaL Mam deer efchareb ee«a fer praym asvd medl-UtUt> daily from 0 a.m. te *••dews.

Sunday: 7:15, 10: 15 snd 11:30a.m., three services', Holy Com-munion will be celebrated in the11:30 service. Pastor Walter A.

Rev. Deswra B.Today: ,7:S0 SUB-, prayer

for business »—*»*;.—{00intercessory prayer gvtwpi 0:a«-U am., sd»H *t»dr, -Maaamc *<Persons," Tawnier. «r*»p dmeaa-tioa led ey Mr. Paddsefe, statj*.

*:M' p.m., Jsmie* Bejh West-Minster F*llewabi*>; 0:l>family aighttertatolag; ' . .tr series, Margaret Jehastaae sACMgregstieaal Cbarch, Wsetfetf;l:»pjB.,Chri*tsaa ~ 'ssitte*.

Tomorrow: MliMrday Nurtery feaeelj 6:41Men'* Brotherhaei ladle*' .dinner, the Rev. Vaa Dyke, "Caha,—The OasMrtuaMy lev a Bevet*-

«un4ay: I a.m., family warsblp,Mr. Raywn preaching one af ser-ies' of Unten services en parablesof Jesus, "The Laborer* la tb*V i n e y a r d " ; »40-10:M *JS>..Church School I, claate* tor all


Sunday: 0:45 a.m., C h u r c hSchool; 11 a.m.; service, tha R*v<Orval H. Austin, aasoclate minis-ter of the Presbyterian Church inWestfield, will preach on the topic"The Pearl of Great Price."

TEMPLE ISRAELSeatob Pfefaw-Faawaedl

Tomorrow: 8:30 p.m., sabbathservices, Rabbi Charles Abeles andCantor Maurice Rose will conductThe title of the rabbi's sermon onthis evening will be "Modern Gold-en Calves." Hostesses will be Mrs.Jake Bergman and Mrs. HarveyBuritiner.

0:80 am, adult *tudy elittst.Mr. Rtyson, "Cbrtstiaa Mutate,"st 117 Partridge ran using Baa-hoafTer "Lit* Together"; Mr. Fad-.deck's class en BuKsftaaa's "Jess*snd th* Ward."

10:M ».m., Ctarch School II,nursery, kindergarten, Kumary;11 a.m., worship, Mr. Rayeenpreaching «h* partUs «Tha Mus-tard'Seed."

S:80 ».«,, adult ttady das*.'Protestant Christianity," Mr.Paddock, *»ittentUli»t theologian*and tb* meaning ef Christies edu-cation, study of Boher, Pascal,Kierkagaard. '

4:10 p.m., new member clas* farthose adult* who will be receivedinto membership Palm Sunday; 0a.m., communieanUelaas for jreungpeople wbo will b* received latemembership Pabn Stmday.

7 s.m.. Senior Hit* WestminsterFellowship, "The Nature and VM*of Hypnotism." Fellowship Com-mission.

Mondsy: 9-11:80 a.m., wtabdajrNursery School; 3:90 p.m., Browa-

Tuesday: 7:30 p.m., adult atadydaas, "Faith for Personal Crltts,"Michaelson, group discussion ledby Mr. Paddock; 8 p.m., Sessionmeets at Parkhurst't.

Wednesday: 9-11:80 a.m., week-day Nursery School; 8:80 p.m.,c a r o l choir, kindergart*n4urdgrade; 4:80 p.m., junior ohoir, 4-8.grades; 8 p.m., chancel choir.


The Bev. Bkdbsrd J. HeraWaThe Be*. Ckswlee B, tatirsanTbe Bev. Bebert H. WlmiaisaToday: 7 t.n., Holy Commun-

ion; 9 a.m., morning prayer; Ip.m., meetingi of th* drcle*.

Tomorrow: 7 a.m.. Holy Com-munion; 9 a.m., morning prayer;10 sura., YCS policy board.

Saturday: 7 a.m.; Holy Commun-ion.

Sunday: 7:45 m.m., Holy Com-munion; B;46 a.m., morning pray-er; 10 a.m., morning prayer; 11:80a,m., Holy Communion; ( p.m.. Se-nior EYC.

Monday: 7 a.m., Holy Communion; 9 a.m., morning prayer: BilSp.m., YCS board meeting.

Tuesday: 7 a.m., Holy Commvn-ion; 8 a.m., morning prayer.

Wednesday: 7 a.m.. Holy. Com-munion; 9 a.m., morning prayer i9;3O a.m., Holy Communion; 10:15a.m., women's Lenten lecture; 0p.m., confirmation class.

Thursday: 7 a.m., Holy Com-munion; 9 s.m., morning prayer.

Of aM debts, men sre least willIng to pay taxes. What a satire itthis on government!

—Ralph Waldo Emarson

M«a>dsy: itbeaH meeting.

Tutedty: 7

u Hcation lecture.Practices of the Jew~L«iChange.- ^ '

Wednetdsy: 9-,u ,_^ bood Bible lecture; l!*!**eondrmation class i; | 7 >Jytatmrntingofw^;*

taBler Grtutl.Tbwnday; I p.«,, _spHeaU bridge; %,m"^

aad Mrs. Stem.

aWM Jack Stan Jr. *sj(-Uwls Avplston oBcka 7\ssrvkea with the puMchtaYtht temple ebtir aadBk|Uuvtr. organist.



Tie Bev. JcJUe, AltassMISunday: 9:30 and 11 &«,*

km and Church SehwLaalJulian Alaxsndtr wiU"Th* SeventhSacrament of infant I

4 p.m., rehearsalplay; 5:H p.m., finalyouth communicantsp.m.. Junior High F*lp.m.. Senior High Felkmkis."]

Third in "A Christian fity Experience" series |those who art Interested itag tht basic Protestant httkn jalso for those who wouM 1become members of tht <

Monday; 3: IS p.m., (Troop 51t.

Tuesday: 3:80 p.m., (Troop Ml; ( p.m., rhtsdiheanal; 7:30 p.m., T * '

Wednesday: 8 p.m.,program, "Who Is Tlu*r a itional atudy on tb* ptrM Iwork of Jesus Christ, 1*1 *rlAhuunder.

Thuredty: 12:30 p.m.,"The Revelation to Joes,"Mrs. Lorelace 7: JOScout Troop 102; t p,choir rehearsal.

Friday, March 28: i:» |Girl Scout .Troop 538; IMCub Pack 102; Boy Sent I110.

Mora Chirac*fMXf JMft



II AM., SarvicaafiT h e clmrcli of «l>*

mlad M>« libeiat •»*•.

DOOLEY COLONIAL HOME556 Westfield Ave. • AD 3-0255

A Punarol Hem. of homeJlfca otmotphera, eomplstety medarn. air condltioMd.of?-tfra«t Parking Facilities

Licensed Staff ' A | M

«h a l i * i n D i O O ' - y DOOLEY FUNERAL HOMBJ,ron^'-Dootay 218 North Ava. W.,Carolyn M. DooJey „

Page 31: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****

Lctivities In The won TOCOBBVUW & * •

m* arM BBaffMter ta AnehurekT a t t a r t e i r : Beater Latter

*«•*•«»*•* reeearch^ the aaf ety

Oa a * aaher Mae, it ia aafe UVi M»« a» aaanr w<araa and aa

n a j M eailedaVwday et«r ate-fewsffytt.

min»m. Vh*s»* aad

fths mtwicas.School, children'* divi

b. |:|* and U:M a.m., Ctsaul* ••- and adult division

r Highto b* g

. rUm Beptitt ChurchletErtnftBtta,

d l t l Martitfeeboer* ***•*•

J p.n.. Girl leouti,

imji i i *** till•^^BAMUM I B B I Bta BBA

yfejanaip uaifa n ftp)7:45 n.ni, youth

j watch at Bethel BaptistI; » *,m., teacher*'iroup in the aUfa _

a; U a.m., women* Ml chair.and; «:S0 p.m.,Xmtm ftsm-iMIonhip dinner In falWwifcta


IM Elmer StreetBev. LeRey BtaaitoToV

' f. 1 p.ih., afteratoti circles,JCr». E. B. Dsiber, S14

i street, hostess; Mayflower,Laurence Butler, 2140 Se-

1 drive, Seeteh iHaistt; My.', Mrs. Chathm l c h l a . i l

. - i Pl«e*.) M., Ftmout Preacher l«riteuu « in the sanctuary. The Rev.

Msrgareft Blair > d m * mI ireach on the topic, •'Bmr-H

Vunswered Pr»yet * - -tini will he conducted by theL 1 *Wct*J, M S M B , %

• OmlX. Aattia, t**oc4-

WiHuncel choir, with Bvslyn*-"•» et the organ.

Hrrow: 8:30 p.m.,i meeting in Patloa .

[ Tie chancel choir w «r Csptra of IMO"' i of Evelya '


* ' • ! 10:60 a.m., worship *i•Mctu.ry. The Rev. L. It.ary. The Rev. L. at.wdi sermon topic ia *Wa»tW« Expect From Ptayar?"•terament of Infant ftaptiam»• tdminlstered at both serv-

» • •nthem. "Go Not far•Me, O God," will be rang• • <*«ncel choir and Donaldt*. baritone, win sin* th* aklo.

ft "SS? < • " * * '

y: TiWpaa, S t r a t a * * ,Mi Center for Christian H -

S : M * • * *t»*WHrrai, Co* F . S w * l pH , Ltytk* *bm> re-

F l l AllowAI, room; 8

•, ' » *m, «**•C«tar for ttrtotma

» P-m.,

yifCjg-'l'.'^jrgi'*^ " • * *'"e'* 8B«BBBBBBBa ^ • ^ • f J B V | S B M M

Saturday, i t • • . , Mel choir

„ iaiM rorM , ItMV Point reprwentitim.

. I M and 11 • « ,•MbthaRer. HartM It

ntt*TsW*ry fe>Vv MMr cUUrcn oa* «

•aAMwal for natanM*. B;M e.av.r ah**, Mrs. Staa, «,

t p.m., thngaage daw before th*Baaaish servias; 3 p.m., SpanishservlM, chapel; 4 p.m., flhn, "Mar-tin Lather,". Junior High fellow-

and all Interested arc htUed,


tin Uthar,mi a»d all

r ™-——-"—w vaBaaBBi «• w a a ^ an BvaBjaa

. . UeRe Martin, ekapal; «pan, MMk ratrol discutttea frawa,

i 7lW p.m., Troop SS, al-

' WiJIilslan: f p.m., wemaa'iBibb daai; 7 | . a , basketball, au-

• a.m4 prayer and praiae

dast. aoclal'htlli | p.m.. Evangel-

building, '


Today: B:M »refcearid.

. _ — jaw t a , jeMt 'emotrNhearsal.

Sunday: f it*School, Herbertent; 11 a.m., worship, the patter•peaking on "the Fourth Word ofJoans From tjie Crass."

S 7 p.m., annual1 tea sponsoredby the Flower Club in the churchdining room; ' "

.Monday: > p.m., Women's Fel-loW*U>gto«a will meet' Tttaiatyi i l l * p.m., youth chWr

«Mt; B«BI •*.«., celestial «h*tr re

WMaealap« 8 p.m., prayer aerv-fc*,eahM*ial abair will be in cbtM*.


Tomorrow-: I p.m., continuationat Prof. John Moray's lecture* oa

la the Carfleld church.7:10 p.m., Madhmi

V« p.m., Chi Ctab

allagesiUa.su,•The Way to

League meetiags,children's eaoir practice; 7 fc.ni.,worship, senmtti, "The Contiaaingicto."

Wednesdsy: 8:15 and 7:30 *.m.,catechism classes; 7:30 p.m., mid-week service;8:30 p.m., choir prac-*"- Ik.


CaaafewdJ^J Jlanl ewe^ni pa

Faaterlaadaj: >;», 9:80 and 11 a.m.,

Ana aervieea, the Her, Arnold 3.IMUajnlat, paator, will preaA - onm a W * « all aerrieei.9:80 a.m., Church Johotl U*

«I Mac 11 n.m., Chweb «ehoallar all eSeapt the adult andMniffdepartmenU. The babyeittint «er»-ice will be held in the church

U «Weak ierT«Jaf: 8:10 nun, Jwnier «heir;

=» M U JN/ « M * Tr«ep U «ellowihip hall; 8 PJB., adult choir;1:11 M , Mnona«»t «« IMker:

aca«rennd plaMkiic ta *nMtthe «nngreg«tian in. ft|>ril

. • •« Hr*. OBTM O. MKCOT' B.w llrlBK la tkrlr nevr humt lovnt'ra at NSS'»«T VMrekawt froai Mr. mm* Mra. Ctirlta t-

» • • ""•UI.U lUIra ywttm the W«i(*cla Boar* of.'? Uearr L. Ickwleriac tkrawk tke • • • « at

'*fillcb*lr;«h«lM*... _..

M L , mid-week •erviee.»:1« p.*L, planning

Initial Milling. TMs commits** istha centre

gation'a fataia neede and Makingataai Ikv eMHaaT taaB*. WUHaH

at C i j i i f t i i k) chairaua.

rtrerd ie beiag •cUaaaeaaakaftaftUv auaaaNnw «ai



RichardI van

Arliaall af

Koplin af




1 *j*Vi 4Mb teoata.flanaa>: « : M a-av. Hat* Icheeli

11 t m •arrlee, aanaea by paater,the ktv. L. jT+rtke.

1:80 pm, eerrtee at UnieaCounty Itil in MMlath; I aM.,

SAJPS""""reHew-, juniera,

•:«Hmtmtt.fpm* UttwatMtw Ct»

p-nv, M•hip, greapa MJunior hlghe aad aaaM*.

T fc tai

Olrh,t i l t pm., Va-* a * meeting.

VedMeeday: 9:W ajn,, Women'arayvt Baatd at taaa ef Mra. L.

A. Ceaevav, M BtHard awaaa,CMBfard.

• a.ak, wMwaaii M M meeting% ln.mflp training

St. I Maf B GMH>1C* QubTo Hear Dr. Pepper

The Bev. Canon-Almon R. Pep-T»er, 0D, will ia»kk on "World Re-lief and Refugnea" to &t Paul'aCouplet Club tomorrow followinga « • laat MMM- Mnad at 7 p.nv

Dr. rewarto jMHttor at the d*>Wtrtaont «f ChriaMan eorlal rela-tiem «nd «atrttaty nt'the Presid-ing Biahop^ <5«awc*» on World Re-lief aad ierter-Ohawr* Aid.' He haabeen attleted with the NationalCeancil ef the PraleiUnt Epiaco-paTOhurcli'for^O yeara. Or. Pep-per was graduated from Kenyon

W ape navweea anpenw awm-inary.

JU. aad Mra. Clark Oatar areAR Meats

MdjMiw It 4(a> t «M (MJU«eaae.AaaaV)la1i|lliiia•4 •>• W A Mayhr at t_

lapVM a*/ iBn nflaai wffM M i l a tt b'atuili CMMftilaea 4ttV aba'taBBK aaa

teak 4)M MeeaMry acMea la taHIt to iteme fcattre the iwhele B u m ,

ffcaae few iinea free* * apeecb.

ttoMakiyW,4eaby »aWk MHwrMr.

• V I U rUMi, | Mlgv*. are et-

I do net mlnbalMiha dUneuttlNtliat He in the path of ruiMUev ttwideab enbodUd in drJJ rlghia.legUUtlea — the Mafantaa ataaual >ja)aHpjHjr to all Ameri-cana to vote, to be educated, to

, andl* Ihra in djaeent riooa-

parta of the country true heroismWill be required an neekhuj toachieve these goals. The means toa* employed arid the timing af•rogrees must differ from aectlento aection. But no American em

hinwolf' af

from CITU


the ciielsa et the Woman's So-ciety of Ohrtetiaa Service of thertret HetbeeHst Charah will meetTtraraaay at M:tt p.aw in the fol-lowing hornet:

Circle 1, Mra. 0. H. McMeen, 40Wbodbrook circle; 2, Mrs. C. S.imith, 200 North CheMnut street;

Mra. L. K. «16 Clark

diMngage Irlghta.tNtfcatand.

tt U often aald that ««•ntjrnili thiage," aa4 that "we•MV ehange people's Inlnde andKeaHa by togialation." Traet «atIf iwe ara «Mr to reaiiae the aoa-lett of aH ideaUf—true human dig-nity for all pereowa then are BHMtbegin aomewhere and we mustmaintain steady pi agrees. The lawItoeif, it should be remember*

_tlen WOE-TV (channel •> at 1:10p«n: tr yea aaT» a chance to atetMapiageam, I feat m*r*» wiUagree with eaa that the. eenretarytM a (wfiatMav atki aadtsated

f M I Btaata af tablet Mr-Is*. Be itamii.tfcro aad awtt tmlw, ha* a large

t Mportaat, ha aadarataad*that the webV*elat at atMlUaa ef

fcolaga it hit pentMl re-


Rotarius HeirAbout Cuba

Tka Rer. RUbard V Omifh, at-torn atmlatir of «ia a*raa»yter.

Ian Clwrcn m WMMd, areetnteda pfogram af eolered ttldw ofCub* at «h* WvtkV luncheon oftke WeatBeU IMiry CMb iaatweek. The tlidet,^^BBVaMBBBl BB BBBnlai^^aBBjBBBal na w r i n g r

af *M*, « « M taken »y the ttev.•mMh M hi* meat vttit ta thttaaaaary a* eaa of • * mtnl*t*n ofMM »i«s*)|te«ian Church ot anewageUeal tour.

Him mid** and Mr. Bmlth'a cem-aktattry toid of the eonditieat un-der -fUeh Ik* jsteaia liv* and ofthe rebuUding program now underway under the Castro regime. He•Mltinod Cub*'* «fht for bettereducational Institution^ *nd ad*-*.im** aanitatton focilrUes, aad th*trork Imsng dona by reMgloak mis-siontries in that country.. Ottata at eh* luncheon, arel-comed by President Henry Town-

' were the following visiting81it»-Plaln-

Rotariaaat Jamea Cirand,both; Xdward Rth

IM the Capreaeion iof the nationatandarde and value* and ideals,it one of the most corderly influence* in ehtngingpeople'* attitudes. In oar democ*raley, the law it the proper meansfor seeking freedom and juettee,

This, I believe, ittrying to de.With •emctar. W.stmai>j «e> TV

Arthur «. IHestmilag, see ret tryof Health. Education and Welfare,it in my eyiaten one ef the Unattand ablest ef iemb tervtar m the

street; 4, Mrs. C. BebeMW Jr., 588Trinity place; 5, Mrs. O. W. Nor-h*t, HI* Ramapa way; «, Mrs. P.

Peacock Jr., l l Atoneleigh park;Mrs. F. R. Scattrt. 484 Evertontcet *; Mrs. H. & Baberg, 128

Bajatoa court, and a, Mrs. K. G.Morris, B Blake avtnaa, Crtnford.

Circle 10 will meet Tuesday forluncheon at 11:80 ajn. tt thehome of Mrs. D. U. Chandler of7«1 Serrrdere avmme.

When there it an income tax,the 'just nan will par more andthe unjust earn «n the tame tmount


The character* ead Uve* ef mentettelne the pace, .protperity,

end life ef nations.EdSy


• CMMWrtBfar Obm


IDEAL SHOPITrf-rVaMSt.PloinfiaM, N. J.

Riieimowtr aeminlttiation. Hebetas the yeangott <1»I8) andone of the largest departments inthe Federal Government—a de-partment having reapeno)*IHty for

poUcles wait eHraetiy affect aH ofat in oar daily live*: 10(1*1 atenr-ity, health and mtdocti can and


Free Buyer't <>aide showswhat each aute tnauraneecoverage Tin do for yon.Tells of the broad protec-tion features Vult int* theAllstate Policy. Explainswhy Allstate's rate* nrelower than ratios of mostother companies. Get yourfree copy. Write in orphone today. • •

RICHARD BURNS625 KimbaN Avtj, WattfitM

AD 2-5940

•eld; flomeei MfDotrell, Metuch-en; LouU Miller, Clark; Chttit*I . Dooley, Cranford; Karl S.White, Onnetlen; Nik Vlttilla,"««-telle; Wallace Zimmerman, Flain-«eld, and Norman Sewell, Irving-ton. 8pecitl guest* were RotaryDistrict Governor Phineu E. FitzPatrick, Bound Brook; DUtridGovernor nominee Marco Di Glo-«aaal, Uaian, and -Pant IMitrictOavamar Starr Uwdl, tlitabet*.

Richard Berry led in a song.* * • Caroltts Clark tt the piano.

PvtRubinettiIn Germany

Army Pvt. M*ri» C. Rubinettl,•en of John Rubinettl of 834 South•venue, recently arrived In Ger-many and is notw a member of thettttt Artillery.

ftublnotti, aaslgned to the artU-lery's headquarters battery inBtuttgart, entered the Army inJuly, ltW, and completed basktraining at Fort Banning, Ga.

The ff-jrttr-old soldier attend-ed Mgh achoel in Italy and wasemployee- by the VRo MiliwoitCabinet Co., Roselle, before en-tering the Army.

VmoZ?Z£Z.Robert C Oraaa af WeakM! la

Senring at .arc: Chtrlee Atwatarmt Rllttbtth;John C. Swuaraagel of tM Spring-field avenue; Wilaam BeB at SUCdgewood avenue, and Barry B.Smith of PlaiaieU.

Aim, Edward A; Bradsr af Re*>elle; Francis Whitaker of t MOM-tainrisw tvenue, Mottatainsidtt C.M. Andrew* of Baaway; W. Ala*Tucker of IM1 Uke *v*nu* (fan-wood ehairmtn); F>*nklln C Net.son of Rowlle J>*rk, aad LeulsKolfMibach ef Clark.

Th* eommitta* hai malltd 'Chun* describing plant far tatdlsaUr garden t» 1^00 TJntaiCounty resident*. Many «f themwin h* visited wtthm the Mat twoweake by remmitta* volunteer*.The** who are not contacted Mr-tonally ahwU mail their etntrSit-tions ta L. R. IMbtrd tt BM

Mr*. Heat anstanatd that an-etmptlga gifta total JMi, intlud-ing I3S0 from the Meat OtfdeaClub of WeatAeld, which htt votedto eoatribuH protto from it* an-nual spring tale to the proieet.Oth ift h f th

pg eOther gift* ha-aG d Clb f N

p .from theg * om the

Garden Club af New Jtretr, Oar-den Council of Wattteld, QardMClub of WMtfleld, laa Dial GanbnClub of Fanwted, Sannr Aero*Garde* Clab of Crtnford, Saaata-*he* Oarden <»uh ef Craafard, gar-den department «f the GarmtodWomen's Club. MeURhtriff* Otr-den Club of Elitabtth aad atvaralanonymous gifu frem IndiWduak.

Mrs. Htag announced that theproject hat been endorsed by weOMcutive board of ta* Otrdtn Clabof Kew Jersey.

The Union County Rhododen-dron Garden Committee it a branchof the Kew Jersey Chapter of theAmeHctn Rhododendron Society.

Mrs. Hsst said th* propeaadgarden will be the most extensivepublic garden in the aortheistoraUnited States, tt it the plan of thecommittee that the garden containat least one specimen of etc* spt>>de and each hybrid ctKrvtr afrhododendron to the (vilest extentaotaibU.ai wall H W f ttiat, they become available.' A site on both sides of W. R.Tracy drive in the Watchung Rae-ervation has been made availableby the Union County Park Com-mission, which will plant th* rho-dodendron and maintain the gar-den. The garden hat been designedby John Jennings of Summit, land-scape architect Th* pl*n blendsthe natural woodlands of the areaWith the rhododendron and ntaleabeds. The Immediate goal ia todevelop a four-acre portion of thetract near the roadway.

Mrs. Haag etid plantings artplanned near the roadway for viewby motorists and footpaths will btprovided for those interested in aloser look »t the rhododendron.In the eampaifn, the coihmitta*

[CSEVSTOIIE^Naftt, Rlaak, lit. f

Ffcf*oooT784O 4

Everything Rightfor Your Dinner

feed and courtMtw Mrvic*

4h« «cctjciori «n CV€NT!


EditoaPTA VeacejaWittg

ftt ^ ^ ^ ^ ^f jfe^


-fn. C>KMM dMm mm


Wko'i To Pa,


happy rvrw,^ dor* f i d d l *


Apk ut now to Bxpldn wtiy inuring

throuah on tndBp«ntN.nt Agont trmm

no wortiM awood. Cot today!


iummm nmum mm

UlBaaM af BlatLuuil - «» - - __JrrBBBBBBwa wt noiiaraii, arena) ejnej

AaMtaatata m4 HiautaHLIM. ,

•^•^••'•aFaaaBaifjBBMrfai BBTBJ i g f^PmBBJfgSJ^p J



RUSSELL numaun Aonor

-A. , 0 . ^ • rr^r^A-r^r1



Page 32: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****

i» a.white cellar." It wee,Nixon* taW-ehoMii role

hetwoen Senator J«-. McCarthy aad the White

geuot 4mtfgjm~mto day* of

TtttS&S&l&empih Tomoul* »ot be entrwtea witi. th« . . ,*L re«aJted afire M the premoWy. Hft f la l I J%nt+T+tU1*

• ^ • ^ • ^ F ^ V w» V*IFmmm^ajer a m i mmrnvv u^p • '

« M * Nt k< J ^ n . I

k to weH trained and quell- today by lAtron ©.Kooky,'- -*— Into the ihoee loon to juon preeldont and director

•yjejenhewer. Comden Adult eWiool. Th-*"M* Will down to one I ferente • « beheld *»Uird*y,

f»- mm) «the WBM^&jml*!"•Haw Heriiene in Adult Eetaet-

Mon" -will be tfce theme for the all-

•» .*••«• I a4wt edwerfkHi leaden from allH,|eectieni of tfewJaney are e i

•Mid baa* of I (ho tNvieion" of Adult Education•wmitoM,,"•><'«. *» J—ycyw af the Mate Oeparhnent o< Cdu-

Arm OIMO Main that the votint UatUn. ' ^mmyjfg of the anomaly of | The Crwiford AdWt Scho.1 willCaMi^i?iaiuu Ihl^i— IWZMSL i9t

tihf <0<1*tr<l"e«. •*'•ngran, «9M U pHnci-

IV haaatrwdiM director of the Weet-1 0 « |lHd Auutt Bthool far the peat IS

yean. He hi * graduata of Rutf eraUmrerekjr with * maatar1* decreeIn edtecition and • member of

i I Union Junior CellofVe

mmt fett fty maay la the adminia-toiethM Ikattikf Promdent thouldrtrifce etow* A* wnator't dnU frharte: that Mae* » u emwr*WuiM whe l (Ml hie actfoaV on

atMi t« MM hast »f « a

raan lit MM lit* snaMcner.Latin iAmer-


, \rwca, Cam. f i B ? l

ChantMer ae>tMMiV» yean o*

" • 0 . tloy CarioM,{ rejMontf reeidont $1 the, Naw»rk hffk f «« A H M l

novk of Mlof tho Alctr AmeHMti, will we.

k llh lit« AHMti , l e

atnt Mr. Mulkr wltlh a ecrolitnltt t lot loqf *nd faithful

r « W » •!,Wfrtfcld,, «nry member 41 the Jiabwold

I4f« UndorwriUri and la on the•Mtuthw eoaua«t«e''af..(he Eauit-•Me AaaaraMe^Aa^rAuocietion

l.Canat/ AfenU

NawhllMTmtaM l

titice 1*)S. Owrin rWt fMd h

«r Free In-AQVIC# ' CALL

COMPUTE "!«!!•


ClKt; A Kind of fifhtimr, C r u M

W U Ti BThe WeetacM Memorial Uhmrfwmll; KiM Ww, DaU; Tie Bene-factor, tier*.; A Swot aa« Hi»M w , *ew»r; The Van Ow.«mAeTerr, Moth; The Hiding «•««,

bee announced ttt new beak listu follow*;

Fiction: The Other., AlkaaniWalk to the ParadUo Gordeae,

Nen^rtion: fofenwry IM«,American Heritacej A Time inlome, Bowen; Sraadwtjr,


ii m IEUTIFIL eutiutionEiisaWth, at •

Jenny Juea* Ctato roreet, H«p«,d i d

, ;Bearer*; Hie Seawm for the Pvfl-

U f;

«an, Clartlj The KeeponefbiUiyhJka. Jack Chard, WcoUMd, i t * e, j

the' ArtJet. Marttain; The Boaie-MlLhthin* ipeeiaJ Cook Book, MelLhv

The U w and the Proftto,Thanki l a To God,

Writin*; How to Writ* ArtktaThe-t «ell, Sehoenfeldi HckeU'i

M»M»«r* and otherp#roono,wUl meet at

l l. StMntrmfe, Jinetor tnttlon kuildinf, ot if lO a.n, f ort H d J h ' *

Charre, stwmrt; 'An Inrltatlen tofHoward Johjuon'e, *oute » t ,tt FteMld t » l « m u '

CryjioaraiM, Wlllliimi.at ».-l« a.m.morninc nnnkley c

with Chariot Tnltaat ir., Irrin*--ton M leader iwHIMountain Reo«r»«tion,

Th i » lTho#a partio»|>atlnf in the ram-ble will meet to the parkin* area

w»nna4«m>urn atatioa.ppmiM stew tmpuffim i tmr

mml Bmtamh ' f t m U^^^mm#mlmtJBBmU

Rrtunu to Flori4mCarl Si Peareon, ariation

4ural mechanic ftnt elaae, ITCH,•on ef Mr, a»d Mrs. dwrlM

of «9T North Seotek P M Mavwrne, returned to Mayaort,Fob. t<, aboard the attack

i UBcraft carrier UBS Baratege-affirJ h fejx-month tour of duty wfth the8. Sixth Fleet in the Mediter-

tnean. • >'

of (ho Waantht Adult School, -willnu-leerre at fh»irtnan for the Uth »n-

and in- nut! «pring conferen«e of the Nowof ieren \lmty (Ae,«*iaiion,for Adult Bdu-

of aduk MhooU, |»t,.t tothnlquMIn |H*Ne rtUHona and nuM re-coittljr u*«d wathoda to meaauieand ovmluate Hit neadi of yourff^NMuit"

Busy WeekendFor Hiking Club

k,e, a frniday hike and ar womin* ranUe In Uie ae-

^ W f h lwf»J»'*»1',foh C«a»er, NorthPlainaeld, it *he leader for a hikel the Mianue River Gone^ c are* of Stamford, Conn.

. ..Mtwfcera coin* on thin fi»turd«yWke wilt meet «t the Union CountyPart CemmiMlon'i AdmlnUtr.-







CALL AD 3-3633


coMfiin BTIMO tyimi MOM MA

T 2 Locust StrMt ~PARK,N. J.


OMI Dw f«a - Cea Now

Mdntyre'sLawn Mowwr Shop

HUUIW» a aiaiena* ine


. . t - .r- .wamBmmj.,^, kS(B)BBBBBi

doesn't a grown-up voice sound great?How often has a mother said it?—"I j u s t had to talk withsomeone besides the kids for a change."

Here's where the telephone really saves the day. Brings youback ,nto the grown-up world for a whilc.Gives your JLjJjn t . just „ * boost they need. It's things i . b ^make today's low^ost phone service wortli so much.


CMmnitnt pictuiMMt «o«tr»n-* . Savant

i hMI tound m t . m -plckMMidt control.-baautiful

fin* furniture cabinetry in Traditional (shown)«9«*»j«P0nwy *tyHn*,Con»wiltnt carter*.Several handrubbed finlshn.

^ . .?HLV * *!Je.ct f r ? m many b e a u t i f u' sty'" and finishes .T.

MAYFAIRjRADIO Inc.107107 Quimby Street Wes

Page 33: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****

the Me-


»t i-.

! • • * • * *

_ will b s *See** aed (MrlF fceaU «NI era-

the*ked t t o f T A h r_ , theaefoty petrel wttk

ra^aimaa af •efetyi Mr*.Austin, *aM • "Safety


! uetvtire board ef Weod-. JTikwi held Ma Mart* meet-• Isjt weak in the teacher's roamf«k* sobool. Coeuatttoe chair-, m the following NftWwtft? A. P. Rater touted her

far their awrietMsoa le,tte recent Valaathe

OBCU. T h i _to parch*** library

for the MheeL. P. T. Hahn m authoriaad

a aew H e t a r flag fartout Troee 171.n. John Baito told tt pUnstk* next annual meeting to hein April. Sixty member* of

school choir wilt entertain andUit McCarthy will talk on

•ubject "Parent* Are People."Wrjnaan Steengrafe hae planned

principal'* roundUMeBothers of incoming kinder-

children to be held April I.will he health auperviaor,

Atone, and kindergarten au-Mr>. William*.^

Caftan Daaakia,

luned Parenthoodn d Drive SUCCCM

Mn. Russell Tandy Jr., trees-for Planned Parenthood,

committee, announced toMembers but week that the

Minpaper coverage on thtition uplgaion 4. making theaware of the dangers of

. talatlon. Contributions to•leaned Parenthood fund drive

7 this rear than in the•nd many new contributor*' mike the fund drive a me-

[Mrs. J. M. Graybard, president,wunced that member* will staffi clinic in PlainAeld a* recea-

, each for the duration of

I Two new members, Mrs. ArthurJ. Brown and Mrs. George Daraie,N« been added to'the board.I A workihop is being planned for•«! coming spring to study and

MM familiar with the aim* oft entire program of the national—M Parenthood orgaalMttea.



RoMrt MbfruAt Locil Parties

•abert Morri*. caadlaate farMtaiaatiM to the U. & Saaato inAw coming Republicani primaryApril 1», waa •anonally Intro.d»eed to many ReevMiceM la «heWeataeld area Tkaraswy.

Mr*. John Stnsbe rf U l faderoval, and Mr*. Peal MathfeuelefN4 Cartton read war* heetaa»es

greet*. Mr.. Xerri* aaewmd awUa variety of aasetliaa on the

i in the vidalty. Oar-M af the aftaniiea,a R W gV|aVv f W • *O faW

to. Pvriaf hi* toka, Mr. Mor-rie etotod aha* Mr. Caao faUod to

Wort the admiatoteatiaa ia I I

Wmtle m the area Mr. MerrU,MCertod by Mr*. Prow D. HaU ofWattMd, made ea^ha-arM vWt*to the lane i 'iajptrmarkatoing the eatsratMr, Morria mot at loett I M tortaideaU el the are*.

Mr. Morrii haa riaitoi haadrad*of amaU graapa «ad talked withthmiaawla e l mtorertad BeeaMI-•an*. B«anto of the hat week,whereby nine RoeaaHcaJi CoaatyMasmittoaa have alraaaV aebMeJyaanounaad that *hay M <a*ektod

t ^ * * aVla^sasa^aUaj e^amV '^ fa f taaa lB^BmWmeh^l^* O^F wna^aaaeTevw vjajmej 'aaaja^mmmmajBaaajiaj

candidate, Aeaator Clifferd Cue ,are heartening to the Morii* hack-er*. '

Mr. Morria ha* dewfcatod him-«lf to the principle wwt'th* Re-publican primary ii.-en benored'tradition," and, ha intonda to keepit *o. He believe* that each Re-publican party member ha* everyright to hear each candidate'*view, before he cast, hi* primaryvote. . ' • ,,

PTA to MeetMOUNTAIN8ID.fc7-.PlMl plan,

for the general membership meet-ing of the Arthur U Johnaon PTA

be held Thwaday were ditcwa-xl at a executive board matting Inthe Mhool *hi. week. Programbhaiman, Mr.. Warr«n Wilaor,Introduead George M. Barclay, eei-snee dsMitmant head.; He told

board about the aciehce fairto be held in the aehaot Tbandayind Friday, Marah If, :.

All regional high and alemen-\*ry acheola ha,ve been1 invited andover MO application, for the exhi-bition have been received. Theproject* will be Judged Thunday•Mernoon and award* will he pre-sented at the PTA meeting at 8p.m. that night The fair will beopen to the membaratalp at theloae of the meeting.

Mr*. Gilbert Hey, president, an-nounced ihe following member* for

nominating committee: Chair-man, Mr*. Walter Ckoborda, Clark;Mrs. John Malko, Garwood; Mrs.Santo Miliano, Garwood; Mr..George Rominson, Clark, and Mr..Robert Fucha, Clark, They willpresent a slate of officer* at theMarch meeting with election to beheld at pie May 26 meeting.

Mr*. Herbert Wcrthwein of Gar-wood wa* appointed chairman of acommittee to purchaw the group*,annual gift to the eehool. Mn.Werthwein wiU be awiited by Mr..Bdward Mowted of Garwood, Mrs.Dominic.Caruso and Mrs. PaulBilling*, both of Clark, and MilsMarion Kalbtck, teacher repre-sentative.

The ways and mean* committeewith Mrs. G. Ruasel Fox and Mrs.Dominic Caruso •> chairmen willhold a cake sale in the school cafe-teria at the Thursday meeting.


b Tha Word For



Test Drive One Today$1 >345 roE icv

A. J. Orbach Co.AalkArliml Rraaalt

Pruffrut liralrrArlington at W. Sixth St.

Plainflcld, N. J.

PL 7-£323

. ' . t ^ " "

with them fin« foods fromt

Waft on- book elIwUMIItTMfft

^ a^^pv^l a^aamal ^ ^ a » a ama^*maa\ aWaaamaWiB^A

•raa nje), CTMHWI Beww

Rib RoastUS. Choice

regular trim.' -'iri

RibRaiit %t:<iy\U.L OteMaaiat t

I rbktt Corved B«Mf79 59tr -79* -

Ground ChockH y g r t * Franks g £Slictid aUcon ."»«**: •

M R n n Wr aWoW*tt*^Oaw»t*]# •

MMy's G O M M Corn D*vin^ s imp '<•>. • • • • • • • ? %

country frtth flavor

Purple PlumsHighway brtfld

Nisii Out Dairy SectionSharp Cheddar Cheese:. • ttZ 59<SeHy Crocker Bread Stix 2 £ 35<BeHy Crocker Pizza Mix 'M"43«king Sun Orange Juice. it£?»29<Pillsbury BiscuitsKraft Fruit SaladBaby Gouda Cheese


PreHOn* a*w>

Comod l t» f Hashhoarty moaty maals

Star-Kist Tuna3 1.0

light chunk ityia6 ounca can

wMi ajurchsM ol 1 mwrnl any varwy

Frozen Food Values


Save Twice at Safeway!Save Stamps! Save Cash!

Temtee OlivesSweet GherkinsDel Monte DrinkRonzoni SpaghettiJiffy Cleaner

TO" 2^43*1T25-

Apple Pie ".«!•»*Downyflake Waffles 'C h u n K i n g cu<k««Di>Mr

Codfish Cakes iu£to»Meat Pot Pies c S Z t tMilady's Blintzes ^ L £

3^1.00tt1 '^35.

2^1.00le 2* I I>49*

U 5'pbUOO

r 3i i.obAAwthsd prkM s I M h * * n SehHey, Menfc 1»*.

We nsaiv* * * rtaV k> aa* emMHss. Mono aeM ht feari*.

.tar • * * •« • • ( • N.V,

Fresh LettuceCrispy, Firm,

Hefty Iceberg

A tasty lettuce saladadds zest to the meal.


SAFEWAYCabbage Firm


Beech-Nut' ' STRAINED

Baby Foods


Swanson PieCocoanul Custard Frozan

2 to o*7

/ Rinso BlueBluei ai tt washes

pkg / / '

Pizza PieRoman Frozen7 or Q -pag.OI«

Waxed PaperCut Rite

125 (I 0 - 7

Delicious Apples 3 *,*, 39<Fancy Tomatoes "£ d» 39«Potatoes u s N " 10;ta49c

AsparagusGarden freshFirst ol the season

Keabler Cinnamon Criip1*1/2 oz. pkg. 39c

Melraie CookieiOatmesP or Sugar 13 or. pkg. 33c

Sumhine Hydrox Coolies7 oz. pkg. 25c

Duncan Hinet Pancake Mix16 oz. pkg. 25c

Cashmere Bouquet Soap3 reg. bars 29c 2 bath bars 29c


i Palmollvo Saap3 reg. ban 29c 2 bath bars 29c

lurry Raisin Cookie* 9Vi or. pkg. 30cNabisco Fig Newton* 1 Ib. pkg. 39cBurry Oxford Cremes 10 oz. pkg. 29cItolianette Drening

' Frenchette Dressing

Cocoa Marsh

Cocoa Marsh

Florient Aerosol

Ad Detergent

Vel Liquid

Vel Powder

Super Suds

6 ox. bet. 33ceez.bot.33e12 oz. jar 35c22or.iar59c5or.can79e

17 oi. pkg. 37e12 oi. can 37c19oz.pkg.33c


, . • , '

Page 34: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****


^ : J . ' : 'aaaa»Aa ' a^uaMaaaw *"•:• ^SOBBa^*jSBBBaBjaV.: BBBSBBr^aEBV'''''1 >' *' OBJ3R^'!!aBlBjp|PBJ!^a^pBf»_aejiB>a».;. :...^

t aioxej i j irtrii* PIto tbem, are

"" WjSfmi~'lr::~." '

fa*•JUeone.11 Zose an

• peror la


t^viloi7Yemttta« I

iAfVMC*nddeii infor• • IT

•donKlTfiJfor « •

i"|t«"rrnlt in.._ ^ » accompaniedwritten conaeat of both the

and Iwaee of trie "-"•fappilfitlon shallj:ff»wtntea coneeat „ ,

- - i l l tkepropefty,

heMHiift »ar *


ilH^fSli npewrta and brackets

» to iatarfen

BtJ(i»>M over through Seta*.*a» at the Liberty ThaMn, VUln.flti, le "Sink the Btomarrir" e*d•The' Baokie." Starting Sunday



jl»#air«liBli;iw^llnet«itk>r«'ska1'-^a*ejakt.*v«*';t'>*::'-*arli»»«i»n«. or

• ~ » t n n^T ' *M,»»•» anset ta» fol .*)ajl»*:~n«t»»«h.«(eit«f,-= '• •'' • - £ , ' * f*sip«)!MT^«,:««t!|ie#t»rW»» rtrtMi?J|*''. <in.l|*,ra>.;r#4t"ln/"!treit with Htrnw*.

Inmei dimension not eiceiielne" •S sV^%nV-"tb»;*t-*:««l'*'>«l<r(i «h»M

«"t t » mnre tkan H feet abow

uifm*^i-:-0m*rt»:. l i n e . ; "-'-•• -..[, ••• •* • —* " ^?fi>ttj ij i>>» p h a i l r ia l -»»

. , , I n l n * aald l«ft»»l«* n^ i n t hark.' awittn^ on which jur-h ffitt«>rtn« or*- ?fiitv»W(Alnff Annual* ahull nnt cnvnr

xnnv#,r)t*n n*t nf'f ie winflo* ("••i1 f»t Vnn-nt'rtr'rul •I«H« l«»^ oh: tha <>»t»rlo>- or Interior of window". .to alvii nnt*f*« nf MatAK nr pn^clfll

fvnrtlrtna KTmll h» nftr*n'tt^1 fnr SOanhioet to the followlnE re-




JAWCBof the

ueon ~tha "coatpleti.tlo»i and toUeiiB from,

tlla-r Inajwo-i Maf hekeriueh

aanoie, ia« muni

c t n :(11 V« mnrlt than KlKK, nf thi>

tnt«i >tr««t fronUK* window area

} Muoh4 * d


function*) Khalt nnt1 th tV

aiOKH w cSaSt i t r iAt . A « nr&rt»--<a).-M«>r{l««w; shall be„erected.aj>«aa«. l<J»t«Tor tnatnti1««a In the

Commercial and. Industrial Zonesgfieieeotlng thoee permitted In the

BeaWenoe and Busln«»s eor>ea and; t»o»e ajtTerttalhgMilgni! or billboard!#.:'f^rkieli! direct attention to a bu»ine««,teu«OBM»odftv, aeryice or entertaln-yil;inis»t coiidiioted, provided o^ Mold onHS|a»,!»»»l»e»;.«B::*h!ch. aald'SlBn Is:-:' leeateit. No tree' aUndlnr a<lv«ttl«-.^^laariilcits-or billboards shall ha«e »n

•area which eiCMds onu aouara fool3i»*«l? •ach'i<t«.t.f<lf ,.a»Mt .frontaee: otfeTrtnl^Dr.e.roMiei^6n >tt>iilck "the,- sign Isli afeatedS-vprQirJdlnJ!^ 'however,' that•i.;, the area ctnactn »: n need not brv:: !«a than >0 square fuet and shallfc:aKji«;mf*5ffit!i»,n'1tW anuare feettffa:.<*l-MJni';?r»eJi*|iin8:in«. «l«n shoilp«*#!lela,'««!lj;i,.<»e«t'--«1ear upaoeP:^tf|e|ii)slt^B«5tte! *rouna .nor at

|%L»ex)ll^l«f tfian_:10 feetRUcn

han IBsaid

i a«an«erois struc.

,„_ ,. - HtM Hf« tn<l

fro« reeelrt of sal* aotlea. the sl<tnmar be reaovsd Mr', the- Town. Inwkfek case *"• owner of the ataa« tke owner of ike tmlMin* al»e Jwtatlir aad severally llakleIM Towa for 4he «wt of ">a»o»_.»a*tSe ownejr shall he ll«Ma te a

(fl) In th« eTent any iltr. In toy\n*to ^• In nonconform"i»i*j« with thinftfdlnanr*, the BulMIn* In«n«ctnr«Yin 11 notify the owner of paid ilirnrV«i4 th»s owner of th» prodfrtT: onwhich it u erected nf amdi vlol«tlnnITI WTU'TI-T. and th* ownt>** thanH'lfMti jtfl <1*y« cort*ei *uch nrtn-fonformnnrA. Tn c*m th«•-: nwh***-tT»*rwat -rtof* not cnwiiily, wl | i | t>i«*oH**" of th* llulldinof InireMlorvftfthi Buch •« «*ya. tiucti nttni r ~'ti« r«*«ibvc<l bv the Town. In wh . ..n&«< *he owner of th« ti-m ftM th«nvntr of t*td hul)(tln«T nn" wiileh "\n «.f*ct«»i -hall b*> JtXfltt* Ahft ftp.Prallv llahte to thft Town for th*oont nf removal^ and the own^r nih<> HAMA ta a penalty a* henafter provide?.

>Tntfitn-T In tfii* oriitnanc« nhail h*ft#rn*ni to fir*>v*>nt tn* «r«ctlor of

fat Martitife ilrnw or unr oth*iiirn1" Iiflnnorn or ie»»ir»»n for wtf

v f*»«nl*ittrtn, nf the Town Councl'n Dim,


^ifr^Tativn.iing- stmi "hail#flBlffii^'th*n--15,feet to

tr line or erectdot a ttlirnway or

. -1, •»M0tlng its oth-dhertla.

Addition to All oth«•eUtfif»H«(Srt hv this ftMtiTmn* or*tr*m.*»ii up*d nrlmarllv for the r*».+ail "Ale nf rnnnUn*, thorp lti,nt-it>«a«| R KlnftrlB fr (» nf-indtnsr,flft^Mnr nnn-movl?i»r ularn nn onri•nrh tirefnlii^. tjrnvMtnr thflt nnm<I i f l t l f M iv th t 1

oonTiif^tn nf no m i »v» I bo*1 4

vtr>jr>^rn«| 'nv )f th»»l"*» ^O

^ Jfcv fhf Tow

pi* linvn. nroviri'nfthnlt nnt »n» dia

'"^ A l l i>xl"t1nr aritfnfi nn the iintinf t»i»» n«i«aiilffn of thin nrri lnnniA nn"nnff>«Ttiinar to t h * rcnnJr«Tnriati-AAf priiiT >»» fflnt1nlt»il "Tl l'.itiremU*s on which they- &re then lo

Now nth*

»erM...k-« * « r^.jlt;iltoeiJM, '«*£i*arTea •e4ea4are> le ^ r e ^

ifeMtr* Grarawkfa Vilb««, i* wtto utter ia "The Box -Miad* attW K««A^brook Dinwr T W « ,Bonta JU» C&Ur Grove* to«oiT«v.

*Th« S«r Friend/' a muiicil,Mtlrttiiv tiM oiMDer of the inOkv i A it* tp«ftf o* UM Ch*rl*ftontIUHM»* «aendti« ctwtc and KudyV a l K will «t«r Ntal Kcntrw.

MMfwi «MMta4 menOy on

• n < itsJ f a^W i i r

r M r t ^ Uwt refi ejhadl Maad

il«#;^di^a-«|gg|^ipi|at t)» Iteadawbr^ eeBi « M 1 Mapeparej l« nunwroui eheej» eppo.»ltattehlgf«tt A e D M t l H S S I

M, will appear a. MedM Pa>MMt. Director Don.W BwrWOt

a««hi do double duty. In eddllaMte diNetinc the product^, » t f

ataiM companion wiU l» Zoy» Le~

-i ikaeia^Bweiwey.•wsteyeiy,!^on Skew, il featured in -the Iteaa-owbrooev cait along w i * S o u n wCanuno, B(U Regan, Fat Finlty,Judith Y»«nf»r and Pick Col*ci-

» Boy Frieoa" wiU pUy tha


assnMil l rMrfurVt In CiMNflflwCMM



(Olant Oraaaaoapere Lo*ae> .

•TBA W4 OINA bOLUMMCIIaw," a W C l o w e l M n eed eeh,-••' Waher Heade Theatre, Plaia< B k m tMJaaw, I I W M H Jab^eeel,©a»»:jtaofc;:ffv: i~ ••.•'•.,- .;s;

•re * e e«are e l• l a oew aderleglid." Caviars are•a, feel Heareid,

• R P N O R I S U I T S

wammm• • Town, v«»ncii, »nf psun si»n• I* maintained ftf'ttk praaent orI Condition, anT la_T4a~e»eat: •nf^auch alan Is'paMlally de-—* ' - — - Blamehta or otr

he oaatrol of imay ke repal

la oflaiaal Sen

I kr the eienenta br otherbeyond the oaatrol of th«

mar,, tke eame may ke repairedreatored to Its oflcjaal Sendl-


. or.accordance

..oralnance. .. provided.

on conrlctlon thereof In the*"*- Court be subject to s

•tOO.r>S ana Init of any suoji

ilter a w «aek al«a la.accorwjtfc,tfia DrsHelon "or tkie.ordlwlttilk the time herein pro


At McadowbrookA cart etnlwetd tairgely of thiee

irno perfomed wHh the originalcompanies'•; In London, New York,California »nd ai.the Cherry Lent

int of any suoji•••rioted war,tHeJWaflatrate,

-itloif con-time , allowed

Ti J>l,.'a »lola--jred .a «*w andhereof. .

(a>.';.'^rre!Ptaa%Sr'elaii» akall— •filled to a

from,' «kMliSiite^^r_*»5o*5lbtJ,«'t"

a) All other ordinances and nartaordlmacee ef the Town of West-d iaaaaMet herewith are hereby

preaeir rewaledeipnaal^-reBealed"'•'.•:'', f ie i j i f f i low i e . • ..

(a) If any eectlon, subsection, eenence. clause .or nitrate of this ordi-

nance V>,' for anr reason, lieia tnhe unconstitutional or Invalid, suchdecision Khali not affect the rentnln-Inir nortlons of this ordinance. TheMayor itnrt Council of the' Town flfWeatflxld herabv declare that (aidCouncil wou)d have naased the or-nlnance anil, each section and aub*•ectlon thereof Itreenectlve of thefact that Uny one or more of thesections,- subsections. sentences.clauses or nhrasea mar he declarsdunconstitutional nr Invalid. . . !

««)onoi», 9*.'aTawRcnvm OATK

,Thls ordinance nhall taKe effecvImimadlateir nr>on final nassaire andDubllc&tlon thereof aa required by.!-lf-lt"r -=,-. - h u I11W


;.•••• ':M''$Xm:Jl






• * i a » ' • • ; - . :•'•.•.•'- : • • • ' . . • - ' • ' • > - . - " • • .





)Strvmg Plam/Uld for SO r«ori>S30 WIST PROMT STRHT


MR. OMMOff CHONO .Proudly fraeenjt th« •nHrtainlnt ajyto a t


BILL GRAYE, Vocalist

CHI-AM CHATEAU Inc.U.S. HIGHWAY 22CempUro Chlnojo anej Amwic

Spadal M M * for ChlldranOrders to raka homo

largo Private'Banquet RoomMako Your RosorvatlonB

Phon* ADamt 2-3873

MOUNTAINSIDE, N.J,l and Suppar Club






A rV!



:;: -'* At AeMMnt prioei.' :3- a>iaajeies aaaaawo '

- rawlaTBI ftaVSIV .••..


MUSIC STAFF#~- , ^-' ! W P R W W E J R W E J I "• H J p R l R J ,";",- . L , '

mW'\ KM! ' Sffta; - Wf0flffMl0..



i ^^^r-^r—

iulldk I i *.

ART C l N t




P M M CONIRACfINO' aftaBaafatftfRlRd^aEaalVBlBkaaBffe "" '



VIUAfet eVtOWa\, WeC

fMWlMlt ataaV W(*tt«l JfHtt#l"fc aflStMeM• •m •eaeraf aeatraetlat aa< allreaalre: • . . l- l-t(








AMH i, a, a*MAY 6,13, 20, 27ond rrldaye rhenaDer

rram Hew Yo* «t« rM,Onlir 4 doye away

from •HislneiilI M a your hotel.

Sioaevere can ke> enajngea1.

'. See ye«f Travel Agentfor literature and

complete information


New York e, N. Y.Dltby 4-SS70




iMaannnr »*") Wtrn^ntrr. »ara»»»fwtmtiee Mttln*. and walks "«H

;AD;1-«»»|.,:-,V',:1'N ; \ .*•»•»'

' ^ • • • ' • • K . ' A r r t w i o r / . ,:-

l-l-t 'HUM , for ait m»ke *•

f «> •* : • tttomatlc"" Door H rv*ciAD S-45H. . .,.- !-ig-4t

A * * *

r.o. ajox wa. winrrnn «

UNMCAMNO) *••*#•%»•«* 4 4 . W 4 V*ateaj

JIM lOVRANn"** ' *«i

tta Cnnal Jtms«


PI 7-7M*

RICHARD R. RO«MNSTar* »«».•-»•.«».



W. O. HtDlERa.n t-113t


f>rlv»*w«'r« snJ ^NifW^irFar «•••»*• «» "•««»! viA^


H no oniwar AD 340831-9-tt





AUROU TUtPWRT CO. '; ;- •twts^fttnuprraBj.. - /• ^"'•WH* fifn^SfiS'Oeeefage -


Trlmialac, tapelnr, avrarhT^dSrg^g^J


i s i a i i m —

Oalr nrat Oteaa Wark


s m r n a wmavam HOT wAVmifTIM ruarantee to raatara roarHOT WATKIt—amvInn » «a f e *of renlaoenent cost Work done onnrxmtMa. II year* anerlene*. CallacttKinmiMnmUitM RRMOT.

. AT. rnBtm ADeaM l , « n for: free esti«lita!w~5BF 8-«-rt

MM. CAtDOtAMAMtil a- iT,*«TEIl


AT»- flrM,' V. JAD 1-Ttta

3-J-tfWEI.nijrrt—«m.n o r 1arB6_Ka» or

arc weMlnjrr^nbs done atT youraoor. Aft *r»»^n-after 6 P.M.... f.

WINDOW WASHINGntm nraieivvel -» grrefM ifkaa

AD aVMH — aar *••>*

r o n n u i n t«W«H In your home atyour convenience, by aopolntment.Qrmllty ntiotoa/raithr at rxaaonaW*prices, for all rdtmodea. For moreln'"rmall»tl call Mr. WeMnlo at CR3-20BS, . 2-l-coW-tf


. jRWIOH'lr




ore-aaal,mteifa) a««l

• " * * , • ?

^ IS^!l7Jn1SP.to*rS1J



Lnral anBuas

• o r . Now inndlnr «;*."tn:all «l Stnteii »"<l

elalleinr In New »n«aM CallfnmU.*•an tn r1p>nttnattot~*n«* n#«Tt move.'AO »-aO88.

ATTRWTtOW. 1.an* T.I0x*» tno i ~ -e-S in or AD J-1342.

• I.lnden._

(••IMIrln*. T-enili"" «!°«*,l i i i | :n«w «n/l «T>atTeo. W;.«» W ;AD »-«»«i: sprlB«f.»w M ^ | .

•Moantalnwitle. _^^.^^gtfr^j



Page 35: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****

PAR Society to Hold ttth[Conference Today, Tomorrow

" t a t e


'mats'House Assembly„ in Trenton today niw Mrs. fieorge C. flkiu

i Mesd, ataU resent.

w _ . s in the atata wiU at-I toot*«nee.

ning to atteM fronti chapter ara: Mrs.

ITT Criner, recent; Mrs., «. Keaaler. »iee refloat;

ct E. Wanton, fie*8. Calria TaaatMtsB. Beck, ;dalaaata,

p , _,l(>r preside* af theIfwnch Satiety, OAK; Mr*.- - ' \e, alternate; Wn.


ithslnaanof aaOaaal. . BUS. Make*, afcfrlde

'«rs. Jeha PauasspsikjDohman, aad Mrs.

' Utevien, chair.

_ . „ _ , J »eBOol senior girlshril farts «f Mow Jeraer will[i Ik* conference ea gnat* af* , DA* chapter* for their

awaraV Mn. laV

! £ , wHI sake at* report af.Hi Ht

<wMI «al.

«d by their schools for the honoron the basi. bf service leadershipand patriotism, and will presentpint and certitcatei U ta*a>. .

The prise winners will also IMpresented it this time. Afterwardst«« fJrU will visit the governer inhi* office and be escorted on a tourat the state, capital.

PreemUtion of the girl hoeM-ataker winner* by Mr*, Joan Up.aMkk ef Hadden H**jbta, elatediainaan of this ce*a*t««, willapaa the afternoon soetioa today.Those firla will Model d r a m theyhave made, Betweea U and Mef then arc aapeetad to attandIroat Ml* aehaoU witain the ataU.

Aeaoac tkoat aUte ehairawi »fatata «oa»mitUei auking ifceir re-part at taday'i aftarnoM teaeianwUlfce Mn. Vaader Meulea ofWMMOM. hiatorkeal aeraa> koak.

Tha DAB atata dinner wiU beaaU tanigat M tha Hotel fUcy-Traat.' Tomorrow the combined break-

faat of Die CAK and DAK will beat 7*0 a.m. at the Hotel fltacey-Trent. Thirty-one OAiR aaeietie«arc aponaorcd by OAR chaptcriwithin the iUt«.. Continuta* with the report! at

tomorrow', atornlnf soaalon willbe Mn. Riehtar, atata «hairaua ofaattonai defaaae.. •even reeoiaUaae wti be pre-ewitod by «fca etaU chainaan of

i reeaiuUoiu caaamittaa. They

cover a tribute to rreaideat fja-CDhowar; uiwini chapter itud* af•tate and national waciety reaelu-tiona; biatoric prowrration; die-play of the Bag; redadwatioa taAmerican freedom; method ofadoptuic reaolution. at CpnUnaa-tal ConKroea, and endoraement ofthe propo*al to name Route IIDaniel Bray Hiabwayia honor ofDaniel pray, who eollact«d theDurbiB boat* in Central GeorgeWaamnften f « the crowinc aftha DaUwara K M .


CowLranity CenterHonon Founders

The WaaMaM Ceawiuaity Cea-tar Aatoetotiaa, a'tar Aaaselauaa, a'meaaor aacaeyuf the United Pand, honered t*eof the charier memheri aad faan-d m of th* eaater at tfce Mth aa-aitenary dinner Tharsdar.

W. HeUi* Pliatea, vice presidentpresented the award* to Mrs. Ella'W. Beads, Mrs. Florence Wallace1M Dr. Robert H. Them**** Mt.Mrs. Mary E. Plinton and Mrs.Esther R. Boweh werie usable tobe present and will receive theirswards at • later data.

,In accepting the. awards, Pr.Thompson gave a brief history atth* growth of the eaater tram, atoy leading library, epaBurad byth* NYA, to the present, whanthe esnter serves th* wkol* fam-ily in a social reereatioul and ed>National program.


galatsfj/wawM awaw at

Up tO I * - onentire line of elegantly styled,top quality correlated units!



mioNow 197.75

Rag. U.7O

Now 76.85



Rag. 23.75

Now 19.95


•eg. M.?5

Now 31.50

Raf i. 37.9»

Now 24.95

lag. 33.95

Now 29.95

Reg. 26.95

Now 24.95

Rag. 20.95

Now 18.95


'bThenwOf Garden Center

MOUNTAINSIDE — Thoughthe bcrouffh, like the surroundlnfarea, U «til) in the throes of win-tor, mambeia of the W«e Star Gar-den Club know that atl hone own-ers are and have been planningrenovations of their lawns, comeapHng, and MW home owners havebean considering total lawn affects

as soon at "the K M M 4 is reedyfor grading."

With that thewght la mlid, th*Blue Star Garden Ci«Jb af MounUineide ha* ehoaen "Ltwns" aa th*theme for their Mafch GardenCenter in the Mountainside PublicLibrary. There a n aiaeiy htiile-Una and bookleta am hand forinterested resident* a* take honitand atudy, and *tk*r b«i)ieUiuahown mar 4* ebtaiaed ffrae bycontacting .Erie iPttaraani UnionCounty- Agricaltani Agant, CourtHouse, Elliabeth, .

For completely new lawna In

iy JnonnayAt National Bank

The National Bank of We fleldwiU display a collection *f UnitedStates curreaey aad eakt in iU lob-by for a week bagiaaiag If oaday,Hoary W. darberding, pa*hi*r, an-aoaneed.

Tbe exhibit b mad* up of eightframee af curratr «nd threefranea af cola, aad Indwaat »paci-maas at iaaaay iatawi or mintedfrom colonial tfaaaa.to WM prasmt

Oar natiea's aarliaet bMaty israiUctad in saerunsaa af the cur*raacy isaved by tha Continental

tha aprtag, the elvbasadinc * » * rye, wUck eaamowed Hk* gnas duriat th* •»er, aad to MM aarty fall (timed»n4er to act a* • good fertttaerbaa* fo> p*naan*nt grae* seed. Agood graas ajriitur* ia also shown,with a aapsrate aampl* of whiteejovtr (or the** wanUag to in-clude that aleo. The grass mixtureis all-around purpoa*, and whileit can ba grown in the spring for•idtcr patching or naw lawn*; allrsri—wiiidation* tor fuel aewlawna sre for fall ptitating,: Tha Cardan Canter is apenthrough eM regular Hbraiy hoar*,Monday through rrid«y fraaj • toI «.**. aad Monday and Tasedsyevoniag* from T to • p.m.

Ceafrce* ta )Mly'w»ama| ahalution. Ov*r4**ao «*? «Mt e fanxynuted iU r«pid dsawtiatiiin aadgav* rise to tar-*«a*B*afeiat "notworth a connatwtaP - The pns>lem> of the Clril War parted arareflected in the "shin»iaatrre.» orfractional currency which had tabv issued by the Korp) to Mplaeacoin, which hsd haoaate' scarce.Confederate curraaey issued ia theSouth to help *a*je4»'t»» Capfod-eracy'i war ssTstt.t* ate aUsalay-

Of aa«sMl telenet ia the «el-iectioa of Federal Rjaasrva •*«**_of which more the*) #T billiaa araoutstandh«-iacl«|laf (h* aaldoai-

tU>m IwsaiiailWia. Thaawsmlaswia,raa prlatad .ojaat• arTriaaWS

eat of notaa amby tha Buraaa ef f a d «graving, in Wiikmirt«i7b. C. far4he Federal Rtsarc* laak « NawYork, through whaaa ta aparsMsntha eollactiea w feaw« ffhwad andisplay ia tha NOiaaal Bawk afWasUUId. EaAaaaakilwi aerie*,although a ganviae naridattiia, la'aagra,T*d aa ana ahh) eajy.

Iasladad aaeeag tr« a»rbr caiaais Weed** Benny, made m Mglaadaad akiffpsd t* tha eoionlai la tm

Aleo af Interest are tha asw-halfeont pleaa, tha Ant coin to ba ariat-ed by tha United Stats*: tha bwa.cant piaet af ISM. the trit U. «.«oia to boar tha InseHptioa "InGod We Trust"; and tat Uado dol-lar, laMMd from l t » te 1SSI, thaonly coin a m dsajsnetlaaf by thaUnited Itotea. uaMeaiu. with-drawn fram rtrrawtioii la Mil,

F t o lL <mVnl srouaas .

aioiw*al*i*aat also be ao•r s sarttr twmpaaretotlsa- that said san irwit) »rovU( th* bM«*r wit!qaind bo nit, snd K i l l haat the pl«* sn< kefor*a>ov* maiitlontd.

Plsns. ana *p«ciacatlons*»« orv*f<H>«r<< j t (he.


The S&H Coupon from lastThursday's Acme advertise-ment is still good for thisweeK*end.

, -.,!.,'

' . " '• • •"" i *




Drink 3 79<UPTON

Tea Bags - 55<tiALEMON

Juice 2 - 49<HBNZ CHEESE AND ^

Macaroni 3 ~49<BUR'S INSTANT

Coffee * °" *•" V1 1 •**GAMES '

Dog Food 6 - 69caOROX UQU»

Bleach x31«— Jlcmt 3ruits & VeQttaUei —


Grapefruit 5^39<Asparagus CASN»Eil?I c e b e r g LettUCe CALIFORNIA 2"

New Green Cabbage b5«=Hot House Rhubarb

All advertised prices effective thru Saturday, March 19th



!••• ii


Veal Ch6pssht69.!LANCASTER MANO : :

Brisket Corned Beef * 69«LANCASTER MANO SUCH)

D a C O n ptg. X 7 C pkg. • / / c SLICEO ^ w>7 c



WESTHELD - 370 South Ave.SMUNCFIELO - lUirta M aiit.iMwiit.lii Ava.

— eJLtnttn

Large ShrimpColossal Shrimp 5ib.bo«-,4.8? ib. 99*=

Halibut SteakHaddock FilletPollock FilletFillet of SoleLarge Fancy Smelts

— oDairy Zravoritei —

SwissCheese •- J39<Sharp Cheese ">69<Colby Cheese WAFT-SUCED > $«?h. 35*

Provolone Cheese IDEAL-SUCB 2 ^ 5 5 ^CLARK TOWNSHIP - Central Av«. and RaritonM.

WATCHUNO - Hue Star Shapminej Cantor, l aw* M

Page 36: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****

:.i,3tisf f*5?''


irs, Parents, Honor WHS Athletes at Winter» Nkfcola Kiev US !B~»L VUC^rlU. — '• -" ~ ••-^ff--1-^ ' • Clmme*. Mimim* D~



NfefcabNcwHSSwinmtef Capuim

Mchab, of Mr.Mrs. ft H, NMioU af H»



tfMwatttw .pM44atb*fc


eaatola «fart* taaai *or asct

A iabiar, aaVaiuiMaattSaMa.

, Nkhokstrl*r tbl* _ _ «. „ > « . . . . .

I Kuaar'a tatal* | | M (hair unhaat-1 M - J « J — - -•*• ~- ' •«•—-- •-» _ t * - * j j

|BothYlLfSwi»i Holding ,

I Undefeated Mark


l t t »i

_ — _ -mla-_.upablf»sU»r,

«ta aiarjr aiatc* bat

— _ A ^2rClf.Jdririi*>balwa*

a, *aa thatrsf*y f »r

i aaalatitkatr Ma»-

cr aJinasa wara*i: Joba Aadar*

ConfaMaat tttta.,Wkfcsfc wa»l|'a|


• S E T * thati

with *««h»J'flfta


VMN* Coanlaquwty


Mm*af •«•.«'!» ctftairlii' MMftT HVRUW, aaa «f Mr.

- aa4 Mr*. W. U. MaaaW-af >tt

duty, HI«iMAreBmketUU

MU CUsjef, aaa af Mr. aad Mfa.W. • . <ranwr af TTt Hrali* a*a-M M aad Le*»« ,

aad Mia. B. A .Maraa afaaaa,* . Maraa atam.

atactad ca-capcalaakHMt «gb It H Mas* far aa«t

TTt Hfali* a*a-UMaa, «aa af>. i inaM a* U fiaa, hava baaa

• f tbc Waat*

RmmenqiDrapsLeader IB Three

PinBoys BasketballQuunpionshipsSal


COIHM to Speak At * _ » ?triafcyDiwwr

tM« r* y t

I?W!?"' JSS

rit Wibar, aad)'«rj . , :,< .. . . . 'V tbe

Sports LeagueHas Lead Tie Wi

r_^_ farl a Iba faUowing

ii Cary Macaatt,




DtMtaat warkad «• viaTT*^ H V . PV « BBl ^!fr * w

afctMtaita Caliaia*» af-flaia««w,aiaab«raf«^'JdMMi


:a*|*~i4ltt fcad. M Ai Ml,

aaai a l l * cantfaaad MiM M tear*? by

tf r- •*"-JMM«r kjr ssriawiar* afaiast

OMnaa Oataraad ft tbt OraafaOakwiad pwL



at • » wsataaaa ittf* a*, I***. Ha paHiaiaaltd ia tba117

Ha bMr, ^ ^

Is ia U< Mats* raar al WasMaM


and «M**d taaf «to U9- A*MM —•ajateap wai tto bbjb


Perth Adwy Ousts Blue DevilQuintet Fran Sute TouniMen



Oafand Bornl

•stVBBHBjl a i ^ S B


L * tayoks brlaflr.

" - — -t atbiatteaj BaaateraCraivnmiwba

« m - ••••• »w«aa*!Bi r^

I'Taaniaa tralaar



TMal.it: ;R

.'. w w






«Nk'a «Ur Mat:to «Mth AMIMV,

, Tha IfM awrwHai «ba Itealiw. I from adtWKlBf anr ntHiar tban

r! 1 4M MC««4 nu«d of tttt atata taur-, namrat It «IM trwuMi «*i md

*Mto the M H I bajbrttall Maaon.i

_jiHno"'Friajt .,riaa ....

-)u«so . . .Covacf ,,

' Tauia.

Halkos . . . .chuaier f.,ionvsry . . .tadovpne. .,l . .aawllnt

fcuJTr, ....

<**n —. . i<spn «miip»s» an i t and w n o-W|-*iafar saaaan rseard aad a S a«d I•mltk, '


*MH; W; I. Bowman,,!.„ ! ! • sard medley V



Tba t u t * wa« plajwd at Hi|b>ae.KMfc.Hiih aVhaol, Tha VartkM-.i*»BB.B^HB> S1IP1 — BM • • • «- B W SB ^FB IPJB1

alarted ttkbja af with afoul shot br Jaek Malkoa J7 sat-onds aftar tba. ta* off. Tha OaviU'draw thair «n* Mood M^7;0l oh«m. ftal ahata by juiior BillOarnt. Tha local* had a «•• SnAMara Amboy'i MB (tin lion Baw-ilaa V«| ta twt iump shoti fraai. . . . . . - ^ T L a w M H i f .



ttMrlti C l


.ibN"»vooa .. . . .: . i i i in in

'wall:.^^* * " • •«••* IrllHH •*nra»bataa,.wb.r. tH1


•araatad. cfuirtroooHI lit


Lltonowskl• . • • ' • I > • •

-:8iin 411

18-7 lead. . .fa spiU «f a «hra aad UbHa

12 iwsBt «a?ort in pariad two tha' -^ aarsr ssvw th« laad aaaln.

Cbarlla Hopptn acorcdRita aha quarter.

taa tbtrd tMriod Rawllm,II aoinit, lad flit Fatjtban In

_ _ . I f f«int tttack.ThalaoUi, utUliinr laranl of

tba JV Cart •trine hit for 14 iaars>•n in tha,anal quarter, bat tbaeffort was six Mlrita too short "off>irth AnJboy'a 6S-44 lead.


.. ;...:..,.:t •i

J k M ^.aUtisl^sfea iMVlWaflt Vbatl afsSs s«w

raa£HMaaa, aad frad BteWa, pab-•*••#

' Ml

PBRTH •4-?

Jr. Grid loop•sSes-wissfeg.

fbaaJ »;t*a««bt • > • * * *


aaaattMtaatbataa-mi ••• ~^t aaaaih- tatata' will

iafak Fjur baa t«ta wt aa tba ailn.taiaai far tha trst ytar <* aaara-

ara lata « . Wail, How.y aad V f b I lill . i! ill "fir"HIT lit* irWm laiparato,

RK VIB«r fUMnrr - aai • - • •• < _ « • . ."


CirlsSbftbaUToOpen 1MI Season'Tha WtaMald Oirli Soffball•aana-'wiH optn Ht third raaaonaturday; AtrH I with tr>oau

that day at WlUoh Sehool atartinfat I a * .

Olrla nrbaaa btrkb datM

TotaU n\


;;;;:: IIS

aa toMfaaca auii,a raUraad official.

U ta« Waattald



i n141j


HI. Aar. 1, INT aadara elljMt to

*. K r l c l c . . . . . , . . " T » " ? i 1 H I

J:fiSS:::j|iI jjl jHHI 117 III

last ysa* ara nat rayilradW2< «M» T~* trjaata. How.

atar, aM ilrta who wish to partici-pate in tha 1M0 asasaa must «llout a racJatratioit Maak to fca ac-


• stana ._

« r K *a Cntaa Cwaty laa» aidI * ? * 1 " " •*«MH«dtaa-roaalMU^;

Kooks. Panthersh Onu^Knot

Tba Praaby Panthars dafaatodtha Jewish Cowboys 70-40 ta tia

J**»jr. , U caatlMr

a « - « daclsioalTZand tha BWmTan

diMwatati.fOrfltbaSullata in th» AamS

Md tha PHratss h IkCanMntaM ILauui. Tba Mltubl«Wd «, , KniclTs' hopes o f * £*W * • . « * « • ! . by *lnniW n*». The Piratei, wiminf tMraNand |>a«, ellminat«d « • • »than in 4he latters' chaw of ih

«teltt».TI*ara gaaM aajtk

Jwa tt pradaMated'tk*• y steali ajata and ts*

T*a Uaaa, eaadwd by Cbtrti)

— - - w

•oananiadTha Von


fcy aha wutl f «•.W b Hb

niad fcy aha wutl f «•.Vonaa <wW ba afaHabte ba-

r Maada* at fraaman'i

tar aad tto y £ f a : ftajrtotration !•



. •« • . i«a i n • • " ^•w v w j i •vsassssBsV

a^i-.r:::'!.Total! I l l 111 Ml

Local School*' Spring Sporu SchtdmU

RooMfck Jaalor HighriMlLay


"tit TO* "iii

a* a*.,Bla«hl. Kukaoh



• • ^ ^

1!! i!'"Bwoaaouw * i jai*

Ifaroantvalo ,, IH

i «



ISI TIJ Jfc BoamtilE. Vlrrlll*-^

- T. Bannetll



k Connoliyt. Castalao .

l ? iPRATT



Orlftln : . . . . . . . larMcAllister 12C

158J. <j»rniiieK, CniTmsnHandicap




S00„"• -: . 8TRACHANR, Dcnndorf . . . . fi<C . J l r t c h a n . . . . . . 118





. 5 1 1 ' COB








^-*w m a 14IIiHip . «W ThompsonT, Mannlrra ..M. ACannlno . .

mm. 711 I I I 117


9U |4«

«;.Connolly ,..".landjctp

_'„; Total!

R. BarardlM)]) , .J. Castello . . . .R LanxaT. Sohrope

Totals '


*» ;



Bowling PopularAt Local YMCA

"A popular sport for familiesas members of the 'WeatfleM VM-CA, us family bowling*," accordingto Dr. Gerald B. Demarest, chair-man of the Younjer Boy« Com-mittee. ThU activity has bean Uk.ing plane at the YJCOA from 2-5p.m. on Saturday afternoons forthe piist few (weeks.

Tho bowling program has an ap-ical to parents with ehfldren in allage ranges, but has •particularlybeen popular with those with chil-dren In grades 4, S and C.

T. Schrop.J. Perry . .E. Coles . .

C.' Worsnan

Total, .,

C. Baara.literP. CastaldoJ. Olordano

B, Button .'

»o»"<! 811 Ma, r i ^ J O « ' s BARBER «rOPt. Clocon» . . . . . . I l l i t iP. Johnson . . . . 14s u st . Itoohrotd . . . . 107 167



111• • • ^»



MAY'okason RxsjtonalAalnray


i a! abov..

-. F-' •"•

Caaah—Cary Kablar

MAY. .kohi*

3. Boan.tli

Totals . . 8(3


YM Opening SeniorLife Saving CourseJJTtu, YMCA will offer & senioritfe saving course starting March28 from 7 to 0 Wednesday eve-nings for ten weeks.

Only 26 candidates will be ac-cepted and all candidates must be* member of the Yor have a eocialuieiAtienMitp

ARBOR INNjBlarvosa . . . . 1 1 0P. MhrvMa

H. Roblmim . .J. Van OorkatnB.'KUeaerA. Hldl I

.150Il l1S|litJOB




n. EiicrM. Ar^enxianoJ. ArfrenzianoM. Wrnffff . . . ,C. Uaionski ..


10112S1 »170216


810 7«4,

- . Telofikl usJ. Stevens 168n. Cnrroll 177W. Koijinaon . . . . 205J. LnnrtM . . . . 20r



S8S ~7S3


171US141!I l liii82C



II—OrantordH—LJtuien . .

TnckCaaclr—R. L. Daacaa

APRIL11—Edison14—iSomervllle•J—Johnson Htrlonal .ss w—-^* \J 111 %a

12—nnhw»>II—Dayton Re

I—(Unden . . . .6—Rosalie Pnrk

II—West Orange31—Xlound Brook

• •away. . a w a y..away..hOlQQ

. . away

.. home


. .homo


T. PlRnoire . .i t Cloa-nton . .A. Mot-Run . . . .R. S«mprlvlvitP. Perry







TennisCaach—Samaal Baatlag







.. away

. .home

B»eb«llCaaib CarlaarA,

: i awayi... .awar.....home> away

; a w a yhotn*

Rae New MatineeRnnnenip Team

ftaa raplacad Kdwards as tharamanfe team tn iha Matliiaabowllijg kxtiaat mtk hrtekiai

Catai aa Bdvarda boarad M Ur

itti.ii.id" .','.•..'.':kylor


OiV P>4C£ 37




1J0 114 HITl 71 71

• HI Iii ~iii


4~^Auni>nIt .9—Summit "..1—Roosevelt" tflllburn ,



Holy TrinityBaseball

APRILG—New ProvidenceJ—Archbishop Walsh . . . .

its^a.'SsV1!?.:-."1--7—Sacred Henrt

II—4ueen «X iPeacaMAY

| - 8 o i l t h PlalnfleM . . . ' . . . ,*—Edison ;»—Essox Catholic . . . .tlm i2KuJ» t" Conceptiont^SJSSi9—Queen o* Ptnc« • . ! !•-Our Lafly of the ValleyI—Solon Hall j

E;—Our Ij)dy Of t h 0 valley1—Sncrea Heart

0 I l

JUNEof tho Valley .. home

j—snored Heart "wSv0—Jui.naciUa.te conception ^homi

Wendell WinsPingry Award

George W&ndell of S Cherrylane was an/ardod a varsity minorWTosfchnjr award Tuesday at theInjrry School, Ellrabeth. Uo was•oagor of tilt JV (quad.

J. rrmiM _.._H. HicksE. Edwards . .Handicap . . . .



... Clovi>land .B. T n y l n r . . . . . .Handicap ,




*.RS«iiii":::::JaU Llttleflold . ". l i tHandicap ng

*»«»»» 660




1 1 4l it1S111!


, ; :in111

El l I

of WesHield. Inc

1101 SOUTH AVE. W. AD 2 1300JDH». MHKiars OARMN CWtK

Page 37: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****


No Gimmicks—No Add-on Prices—Local Service


A V E . E.



Page 38: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****


f M i aa*aratl tater.na*4l»c • *fetoty to

<**> is) a iiirriaa; *<•»*>r gtta* N m l w ia tat

tft«U t i a

Again NarrowsX three game win ty Terry over

vfiile leading Bonrkertwo from Farina, narrowed

th* race in the Ntbod .league Mon-day. Two other matches also ware

VanBoDk e>»er F. Daneand Ekhner over 1. bari*. Dera-len't « 4 topped the eeorfog withotters as follows: Thoasas (It ,Clark »1«, K. Tarry fl«, W. Davis

Mn. Jennings WinsFishing Reeognition

Ufs. D. C. Jennings of 333 Eat,;Dudley avenue, won angling iee-ogni.jon in the 251-h AnnualklejtrcfiO'lititn Miami fishing- tour-nament when die caught fourkina*Uh In tfee all-tackle division.Her wishing guide « u Capt. Tom-mie Cchoen on th« Sea Leg* out ofMarathon in the Florida Key*.

Her catch will be recorded inher personalised copy of the YearBk * fl* «rid rihi

Noll CapturesTriangle Lead

Noil awopt Keitman out of thelead of the PreiftyierJan-TriMgiepin loop laat week, takina; tha apotthamaelvai. Noll'a 801 auidwichC<me led the attack. In tiie atherauka, Berry, paced fay aMall'at»4, hi«4i of the night, WOB the

Uid i

rLBONI Ct. Coaway .J.... 1*1o. t»u litJ. V . L U 1M

H i l r n e . . . 14CIfT

,. U1




Sa• T o u u : 84«


a Sionknno .... iii4, Jilji«r I i'dJ, l-uimjlly US

f.15JHIUil l

11IKit?iti *Qt


1 7 1libit

B. Baud. .D. TtuworthK, Ml»trtttaB. Ifelndel .



. stoop . . .

. BruntonTartar .

T»uls . .



• ; : : : no





COFFWAN114 . on tiit ( * M B *m II

A. Li.. l».». vvoa^ue a»aUat tae aatUiwuaaaV aa fcanfr

tfu-ia « la* a»imt« »f MUM aafwHnotice 1* atreojr ffivcD to tk* ciutrs «( salt 4eeaa**d Is *»ai»:iha aiibacriktt »»««r oatbjaatloB tluir daasw aa« .x i u d I H Mlat* mt mo* 4

'"—BtUu«al*afaa fon*«r


•-Totals, .

H. IJldke . . . .M. UuaenbnlilM. OonaldiioiiH. Hoarrefe . . .

Totnlg . . . 370

in10114 o143




1 fi^117in :16000

•N. netrenI'. Hally . .» . NorderH llrudii .


DEOKV. . . . H6

is :— 110— 120



St. Llni'k ]19U Uiildwln 9911. WVItnlwII . . . 108V. A.nJor«on . . . . 1:9


Totala 54 8








Robin Harris WiusCollege Letter. Bobin Harrii, Bucknell TJniver-•ity freshman of Westfield, a

of the Bison frosh «wim-_ team during the past season

• has received freshman letters,- The yearlinr swimmeis, coach-

;ed *y Boll Latour, «ompiled a, 9-OA record during the regular'-•fawn «nd then piled up 39 points

JJ^ h * < M I r _ o 5 e . r . l l < * 0 o . l ! 1 «n<l " P -«iddle Atlnntic Con-t*

[Jfhe regular season Hav-i times in the 20Q-

»nd 440-yard free-and awam

snedley relay Itame.on four

Totala . . . . ' . . . . 586„ ,. KAUaH8. Koorae . . . . . . . . 81H. Slegfl 173B. Ktlt«r :: 174H. Uarnell 140I. Kallah las

Totala 767

KABS. . . 134

;;; III134mi

iind ; ; ; ; : ;H. SlimrnP. Kaas , . miHandicap is

Totala 700„,, . GL.ICKMANBlind 113Blind 120W. Qclber . , 130Blind 14SS. Ullckm&n 211

Totala 732

M. Zimmerman . . 114O. Hobernian . ,L.. 156

H. Brown'..'..'.'.*! 125J. Kutcenco 127

Totala ' G58







H. Prelss . . .Blind>t WechterA. Curt . . . . .Han^luap . .

Totala . . .

Wind&f. Hhulnmn .*•. LfhrII. UcrnstelnH. Jlandcll . .


LE1IH. . . . 109



13. L ' J W I H .<?. A»eu . , .


Totals .


, , , 152m . . . 92













5609 718

f 34.2 in the 50 yardkatroke and also won the 50

yard butterfly in the record timef 34.0. Charles Giintner establ-ished two new records in the ISnd 14 age group, winning the SOard freestyle in 24.5 and the SOard treaststroke in 33.1. Steve

McCoy won the diving event forboys 14 and under.

Saturday night at the Ridge-ood Y Charles Gantner came

vithin .1 aecond of the national•ecord Xor Iboys 13 and 14 in win-ing the 100 yard freestyle openvent in BS.2. In posting 29.1, Tom

McCoy missed tielng trie nationalecord for the lioys 10 and underiO yard . free}tyle by only .2lecond.

Standings Hold InStonehenge Bumper

Jacotii took two from Stantonn the Stoneheng:e bowling leaguen bumper day, to (put them aheady two games and Billber swept

Reynolds to put them in fightingosition for first p-lace.

JlH'Otll 3714 <>.»'i/

H t t t 2 :52HllborKulotlny .Heynnlds ".'l.U^illbuhlShuwVeuiror , , ,


i g his third consecutive 600, .a603. Other highs, E. Williams 840,G. Perry 813, D. CardUlo 209, D.Evana 208, IL. Pecina 203, S.Kleeier, A. Short, and S. Zaffuto202, and N. 'Baldassare 201.

Maplccreiit Auto . . .Arthur Stevens . . . .Kelmnn I)ecora.tors.HBrshey Ice Cream.EliJ. Dally Journal.Peterson B Liquors;Flexonlcs Corp. .* .Connolly Plumbing.Perry & S o n s , . . . ; .Chapman BroB. I . . .

33 39

§.wi?iffiT. VellaJ. EelmanA. HewittJ. TestaHandicap

DECOrtATOUS. . 240 163-• • lfll 173.. 187 159.., 150 179.! 143 1J8• • 7 2 72

Totals B53 024r „ . , , CHAPMAN BHOS.>T. l]iLlUiua». e . .

w . SchulenburgN. JonesK. Mn.Muhon . , . .H. Cliuiinuin . . .Handicap ' . . . . , .




U. OstrowHkyV. NemetH

. AyandiHandicap



03Total 977




H. OefnmnowUide games and tied tha MkWIa

p pyBook o* flout* «»rida

IS 14 II

Jig ItgNew Records SetIn W

«itftn«Utf, ti-a.» «**(*>•>• iat*> a 4taal

aater *Sti»W* ****> »lthln ail Month* Isaid oraar, m Uwy


Ctttlt WBaacatrla

Scotch Flaloa,l-U-«t

ifOAlMOflOfTwo HIM rsxSord* ware act ifftha Waa»e»'» Rw bowline leaguelaat waek. On* waa a team aerlaaaura aff IN* eet fcy iaadin* Ellar BSrakru

Uiu*e**>*iat«1c- aweap af Hruda. The afterdHERIPF't) SUMS —

C«»rt fit N e w J»rawaa for ilntia turn; a JIT railedby N. Cornell In her opener. CJtrk-am also tweat, Ukinf Stalknecht

Eller 4! IICornell 40 l«HalchleClarkioaHrurtaBtalknacht

DavlaonTerry , .

aar..-Elliott .Handicap

Fours Reich TopOf Mixed Deck FabcttcPin

Leader LosesFoun, who hare keen inapplnrat the heal* of Act* in the SundayNit V i d D k

yised iDtck pin league, ra-th i th t ' i

gthem in the top anot'tfciaft d peiate It teat «h* fWia—after downing UM*B 1-4)

Oirljr # M ottiar taam turned in,*awaap" O*ttc*4);v i i P )O*ttc*4);v*mr iiiaa.;

waa ta»'«an with • t i tl iI, Ya««* ,

i(MM fallawad by Whlti l i t , Slav

I l l d Crik ty , l

I l l and Crick t04, !M.


Madison Gtin* InChurch

tfadlaan falned «n taadtnf 81.Paul'* in tha Ohureh .pinlaatiwaakhf defeatln* th* leader*In three gaMtt. Tht other natahwaa alto a iweep, Methodist blank-ing Blptist. Dohrmtnn'i 800 op*n-wt was MM only doiM*.

ol coat of pnpa&e mate on atttidt


ri»on:::i:: I

Toiala ,* I I * saY„ ' StIPKIt 8BVKNBV»"t»no

•»••» <

ChiMrwn'f H4M4.lirmiCl.lawt | 9For rha Urtwflt of th« tO4Hi Ing. ViHwran

AMwtM - A*MK |I .M


Southarton . . . 147 U«. HUber 14*. Toy* -lit


Kalian < and Dtamond*tcin wanhack into a «• far th* lead In theTamale Aaanu-CI (Mnrllnc iroup••Whw, Meh wtnnlef in twacpa,tha far b f

„ • *IAWB?>NPetaraon 141

orta , . i . . , , , . . 114Well* H IN. PtteraonMalsonHandicap .

l l . ' E m * r l c h . . . : ; . ITID. Oray 17*p

forfeit to GrataELM DEUCATE88KN

E. Oramda I l l ; l i tMind 101 1*1I. VanPelt 137 .IIf. IU11 HI'

Totajs. ATOMIC Einrim

T. IitrnumS. Calvano 1(0

S:£rn" »•



:::::::: SiKaa« uXaycolt i tQreenbera 10

Totals , . .761» 4*lMAHOdANV HOU8B '

. Faatar H I . 141Ksnmn 10*

I. Demovlc .'115D. Anderson 141.

rick 17J

Totals '• l i t I4SHAM»if TRKTS

, DIAMOND8TE1NiiiSTTf.::::::: US I M

H. ifuckcr 127 127A.^lorowlts . . . . 133 169

YMCA Swimmer*Break Records Top Washday

Teams LoseTotals B7S

Stevens ClosesGap In Merchants

Westfleld Y swlmmera domin-ted the YWOK Section 2 swim-

ming and diving; championshipsheld «t the Summit Y Friday night,

he 10 and uhdejr 1(0 yard free-style relay team of 8o% Slnaheim-

Kevin Holmes, Dare Oemare'st

„ „ _ KAYCOFFE. Hoffman s»U. Kent >«M. Sllverman . . . . 103Blind . . . . . . . . . . . 13)Blind . . ! ! . , . 16SHunrilcap 12

Beech and' Behaner, leaders intha Washday pin league, tost 2-1matches Monday tnit held their

litionsi Cosgrove turned in thend Tom McCoy established a new4

e e d Maplecrest in two games last week to

t t h i Mrecord of 1:00.4, and Tom McCoybk

only blank, a 3-0 win over (Mohler.g e s last week to

cut their Merchants Handicap leadt thbroke hi* own record p leadto three games, as the race con>ti

Beeeh . . . . ' . .V. ' . . . . 48SchanerA«kewHtlndrf<\»*rove . . . . . . . . .


gthe'85 yard freestyle for boys 10

d d41H 33H

3i™ M

y yand under in 18.7. In the 11 and

alMasted out a 2838 series, high forth iage group John Ketcham set

, g forthe year in a aweep of Flexonics.Pnew mark of 34.2 in the 50 yard

k t k drecorded the other sweep

i h tolf.the nightThere were three honor series

by Richie Higgins 817, KichardHruda 612, and Dick Dagostaro

N. Wray 158W. Purrlnh 137

g y getting his third consecutive 600, .a603 Oth h i h E

Totals . . . . . . . 59s(9CHANER

• UOAL Nonas •

Stlile OI M.dCC«Mbt!d-

^Wi'tfuant to the ora1«r pf JJ. KltoK, JiurruvaU of "

tuctaed w ta* •uppleawntarr tp^ u » u , GopMa 01 wnicn will «e,UI,I,BO«J un apiiilcatioii to- eagl

' ^i order of tta* Mayor and Cvwaoll*i tiiK i v w n 01 kvuwlnela.

LIKU*A* M. CO1XJM8,Tvwii





42Totals 579

FreemunCollins . .•Penman .

A. Askew

ASKEW. : . 133

$9. . . . Ht. . . . 16S

. 8 1


U NlebrruggeU LJttlefleld




• 55



546 609






COS3OROVKStll l l t l . . . . . . . 1 2 7 '

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li1 1 2 "113















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Page 39: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****

s*rtrSRa wt of act books for the

he , rt departuent at lea-.Th««t<rf II heetoeii.-

a totirse, "lfilreejel|te« • • -4n Art." eaoMOKd B* flM»„ Art Mi

„,, , , r. Burke, ehairmasi ofaoBiaating committee, an-

MS that there had been a» • « «f the nominee* for7 M the 1MMI PTA slate.• ta the pressure of ether ae-

Mrs. F. R- Obenchain willto accept the office

t rke preswsm. In her stead,• Mrslestinf committee present*| Mrs. Arthur W. Brawn. Vet.

U tabs plica at the ennttI te he hold Thursday, April- - Attention was called

um April 28 to MM earner

Mr*.tsteta, e«MsJMed that

> ths swMteaJM fWlaf' ef

TaeJed H tht h»t W»e atliekr-I fund. . '

LeulM »Uer.stive, repartee1 to the

oa the f u a i n d trip to.Mr 8«*te teachers Celleg*

_> Made »y those ninth gradei intrrettsd In further study int ttMomles. The girls will

tt* college Wednesday anda rtJded tour of the homei department. Montelairl girls will act as heetess-

I tnd esrve tat to the visitors up-of their tour.

Put DamagesHome

MOUNTAINSIDE — Fire de-ls from three towns fought

wlilcti did some 18,000 dam-i tlw home of Charles F. De-

Jr, of ltO South Sprlngfleldme st 1:4I p.m. Sunday.

Chief Ronald Hutar saidflte, which began 4n a base*

kitchen, worked its way upib waiter and stairwell, eVar>

the kitchen waHs end-hheter.wain W the dining poet, aad

Mia above.DeBiie, who was upstairs'

ths Ire began, turned in the. Cause of the ftre was un-

gfcmilMd. Mrs. OeBue was v h .fa her husband's mother, a pam h Overlook Hospital, Sum•It, tad his children ware playing.«U4e.'Assttttas from Westfleld andrtingteld tire departments re-widea In addition to that of theIratUlniMs Volunteer Fire Co.lens M firemen were at the scene.Iks horn* ia located near the«*r of WestfieW and ta about

fetWrora the border of


Tte "Red Devils" Gra-T Club of•e Weitndd YMCA, a United"wa sgency, elected officer* at •«wt meetinff, annoanced Dr. Ger-« B. De«Mre>t, chairmen of «ht*»Wr hoys committee.Wt following boy* will t a m u

• m mUl the end of the wheel* " President, William Hanly,« Ottato drive! vice praekhnt,ta Mesiersmith, 820 SUndiahj™«i seereUry, Jerry Kroll,« Waahintton street, and ehap-™^Burnell Held, MS Downer

R d c boys who ara mam'* • »* the YMCA. InterestedW »n invited to attend the Sat-"<>•' meetings.

To ftrce opinion Is like poahlng"JH**?*l»A »e*dle round until

h»A »e*dle round until

• Wlnto to where we wish dieW»' »t<xxl.—Dorothy C.

tJM GoMRuiityLUIKII Mirth 31

Mrs. | . Leonard Wikwt aad hereoHshairmea, Mrs. flmfetd,8)man aad Mrs. Harold Wefaw, haveannoancod that Raphael Blues*f«WL Me of Csrael's -meet Marchitects, wUI speak f/semesdey,March 88, at Twia Brooks Coun-try Qeh ia Wa&huag. at the com-mejilty luncheon at. the WaetteU

W N H S ' I DMeien e l the

to awrejiee piedeni larscU aHW-toetora apatliHahw hi dashji el i »terler*. His latait arejert li the

oioam «hei'ata»-Tel,A«tT< the•rat hotel the Sheratan Ratal Corp.ef Araerlee will op-rat* aoiaMa- efUnited SUUs aad CUadiaa ter-rltary. ' . , •

Among other projecU Mr. Blhm-enfeld design*! are, the interiorsof the Wise auditorium af the He-brew University, the Iarael Pa-vilion at the Brussels World's Fair,the San Martin Hostel and thephysics building at the Weismann[nttitute.

The UJA women's division localamp»lgn is now engaged in teek-

ing to raise its, share of UJA'scampaign goal to meet the humanneeds of hundreds of thousands inall parts of the world, and to helpthem attain economic, social andpersonal independence. Any wom-en in the comiitunity wishing tomake a reservation for the lunch-eon may call Mrs. Wilson, Mrs.Herman or Mrs. Weiss.

Invite Public ToAAUN Meeting

Is Drsartaament I W M e r Willha the caafcf?t;the monthly meet,ina- of lh> Union Countr Chapter?AmSrl^'TOrittcUtlon for th*United 'Nat*ma,< to he held at theYM-YWHAv'255 Chancellor ave-noa (near Weoquahic HighSchool), Newark, Monday »t 8p.m.. .

Mrs. T. K. Roesiter of 5S6 For-est avenue, secretary of the -chap-,ter, announced that Dr. GeorgeYerick, professor of physics, Stev-ens Institute of Technology, andDonald Keyes, national executivesecretary, Committee for a SaneNuclear Policy, will discuss thascientific and bolltlcal aspects ofthe problem. Dr. Aaron Warner,president, Montelair Stab College,will be moderator.

The public is invited to themeeting which Weyman Steen-grsfe of 526 Fairmont avenue,program director ' of the UnionCounty chapter, arranged with theco-operation of the. East Orange,Msplewood-Mlllburn and Newarkchapters of the AAUN.

25 Attend Meeting"Economic'Security" was the

topic for the third, meeting in aseries of study and discussions on"Borne and Family Life" held Inthe McKinley School auditoriumFriday. The theme for the yearIs "Building Family Strength andSecurity."

Approximately 86 parents at-tended this meeting. Mrs.-WilliamMcMurray and Mrs. John Mul-qusen, chalrmtn, led the diicus-sion.

Honored Thumb?George E. Lehman of Weetneld

and Howard A. Rhodes of Moun-tainside were honored. Thursdayby the New Jersey Association ofAccident and Health Underwrit-ers at a luncheon in Newark. Theyare among the 16 living past pres-idents of the group.

•at •tnct. wkick Ittrm '••••"•••4 W . V a m H s f d c T l i e Mile off 41^ O'ColUte* hr juitj^carlck ef. tkc

koaeVT"frum 9r*

•tie Hated prop-A l u JokMtoa,

Realtors ToDtoibotfBoob

tiaM is heing turn* to a tckantd*4rtn,in the «rea hy P*««rao«,l iMk. NamuM and A**eot, re-altan and iaasrori, wtft oflass jnWaatbld a*d Sesfch Plains.

Thil he#4ban» is a*trih«t«d bih * i i U h l

diseaeslon aad

This yearTthe •tMttor. takes enepacUl aisjsilAeaaee with partici-pation for (ha Iret thae of votersm two aev autes, Tha nationaloketorale is liKroased by ever asjaarter ef * milUea voters In Alas-ka and IhwaJi, T h w far-flungand iaqmttant eutpotU of the na-tion will also he represented in thenational legislature aest year bymm who wltt have rtceived or will,ta tha I M jhetloa, receive thavoting rse i i se i ef «heir ceaawta-

•yetw. I, I860,child.is 18 or ever,

yen Mil teay ofeiss a* exemftiMfor hjeaff he eras • f»Jl-tis»e etavent duriasj Mae part eg are «*1-eBdc* nuptte In 18W, and kf f» iMcH the iKifort teat A feJMamtsa>doat UfST»ha isessraSat te•ae eMaJher at heete whkh hi eats*alieisjs} (e hegamtme •Maoaaajo,

"bi leMMw »e attsudewt 'ABW* •WaVMaUdftW am^m1mmm^mm\ &

The booklet djeaerihas conten-tion procedure, convention voting,ike electoral eollege, the president'soath, etc. / It gives a complete re-eap ef voting i f states during thepast keif century. It covers allthe past president giving name ofparty, when hern, native state, on-cupation, eaje at inauguration,dates served, eg* at death aadplaces of burial.

Feterson. Rlagk, (Newman, At-wood will see that every stadent,teacher or adult who wishes a ceprwUI receive one free in eMher oftheir offices.

YourheMeTaxHa* Tea CwUes

Inetructloi heafclave which arepart of the IIWMM Us package re-ceived each year by Federal in-come teapayera are not the oniymaterial aveilaWe for their guid-ance, Joeeph r , 1. Mayer, dlatrktDirector ef Internal Revenue saidtoday. . .

"Three , ' comprehensive taxguides, written in staple and un-drretandable language, also areavailable to h«tp taxpayers withitems not fully asvered in the reg-ular instruction booklet," Mr.Mayer aatd. .

The three guides, Mr. Mayersaid, are: Your Federal IncomeTax, 40c; Tas Guide for SmallBusiness, • 40c; Farmer's TaxGuide, free.

Each booklet is completely in-dexed by subject, and chapterheadings' afford quick guidance toanswers to nearly t&\ Federal taxproblem*, he painted out.

Copies of the guides way be ob-tained at. lOM I r M street, New.ark. ,j) '.•', > •• •' • s i b

Ye«r ChlW* tiavas /!™Parents May be entifljed to

claim their child as • dependent,on thelr'Federal ineome tex returneven though the child earned |800or more during 1»5», Mr. Mayeralso aaid.

He exiplalned: "Even thoughyour child is required' to file anof f (00 or more for the year, youincome tax return if he has income


. ' * * • * . . .if certain coBdltloiia are Hat.

"tf you have furaishedslflWi ab^k ^^L^i^Jt MWW9 &ia^a\ ^av^s^s^a^e^eiar ^st^aM

VBJpB M s f mm wHVBjB^psivny TOT

rrr ^^^hj.h.>t heei

tiee, your chttd ala* wfll *»- con-aiderad a student if he is pursu-ing a fuil-tiasa en-fara tramiageoune <aader (ha anpenrlaJlsi aan afeat af * •«•*• «r p«|itkal

"Ytnr cWM Is aat aatjdsred tebe a fuU-tlsae atwdant if he is esa-ptoyad f«M tlsae during tha dayastd attaada ahrht atheel, ar If haiteU


can saildeyesr, Mayer il l t

Mr, y . . . . . . . _tes «pply Mly Uth* tax

hfld ( i l dpayer's own chfld (iatludmg anadopted child or a otepehild). Any

oraetreiatadto the taapaysra, may not be claim-ed aa a dependent tf he has grossInaeaa af #«00 «r anora, retardleas »f hh> age or his status as aetitdeat, acid regardless ef tha factthat the taxpayer contributed e«ath j f f h t o t

Mr. tfurer also f i l M i l parents that ft their child ia 'end Use • M * return weth h**arher spomaa, M eteaeptis* nay beclaimed for that child even thougaH the other teate are, met.

DNA Gives 2Month Report

Misa Edith iTliaabrecht, UNdireetor-eupervlsor, reported attha March meeting ef the DistrictNursing Association Board of Di-rectors that Ml home and officeTlaite were handled by tha nurs-ing staff during January astd Feb-ruary.

Additional activities in the twomonth program included two ses-sions af the expectant parentsclass (total attendance 26), threeaesiions of the preparation forchildbirth claia (total attendance28), and four sessions of the WellBaby Station (total attendance60).

Thirty-seven children from theWell Baby Station were super-vised in a dental x-ray program,Supervision was also given atmembers of the Mothers Guild alHoly Trinity School screened pu-pils for defects in height, weightand visiM' in preparation for thet*traal««pil spprtlwl program.j;!plss!i;t7mbfecht also reportedthat Mi's. Erlyn S. Koch, RN, hasbeen employed as a staff nurse.

In the absence of the board pres-ident, Mrs.-Michael Mullnos, themeeting was conducted by Mrs.George Buchanan, who announcedthat the annual meeting of the as-sociation will be held on Mondaynight, April 25 in the Wateunkroom of the Municipal Building.



Thins SymphonyPlans Young^t^es'Concert

S C O T C t P L A I N S —The•coteh tlaJtt Syasyhoav Orches-tra, fttar gasjio, foadactor, willfreaant * concert for yo«Mg peo-ple, «at*rday. March « at 10.-SOMB., ta the Seeteh ftaitft-Fan-— - * rJi^aV ^ -a-',. _i

A jwaajBja. ta fdeaaa Hwisiri ofaH assas hw h«a« «>orked ««t byMr. lotto. Tk* Irat two aave-Meats "of •esthoven'.SyMphony," sMaetkews called the"Little Symphony" and Wagner'c"Me Ofekteniager," wNI he per-formed wr th» orchestra. "TheCarnival ef Annuls" hy flaint-• M M , wUI ho liven hy the or-cheatra and gteat artists, Marioneatd Viterrio Verse, duo-pl.ni.ts.

To coadnde the BMming'e en-terUlnMent, U « Hper of the Na-tioaal trXvpet Theatre will presentMTMer aad the Waif," osing fro-ketaTt muelc M bMkgmmd, hewill weave a play into the musical

Tiekete for this performancemay he purchased through theeeheola hi Acekh Plain, f aniwood,PisWB*ld. WestAeld, Cranfordand serrounding areas.

Duo-aianiets, Mr. and Mrs.Vane here appeared widely as ateam. Their perfermsnees haveInclude^ aeverel in Now York atCarl Fischer Concert H«U and enWNVC. They *ave appeared incitalf at iMfoyotte College, Itea, Pa. | ot Pooglsss College, Rut-gers University, and at Jersey CityState College. They have also beenfeatured as soloists in duo-pianoconcertoe with the Chamber Orcheatra at Douglass College, whereMr, Verse served for 32 years eiprofessor of music and is nowprofseaar emeritus. Mr. Verse hasentered his seventh yesr a* musi-cal director of the Garden StsteOheral JBoclety and continue* aiprivate coach and instructor inaddition co appearances as duo-pianist with his wife.

A graduate of Douglass CollegeMrs. Verse continued her study Inthe nelds of musicology and com-position at Mew York Universitywhere she waa granted the degreeof master ot arts; She has alsostudied at the JuiMiard School ofMusic and the New York Collegeof 'Music and has participated innumeroua piano workshops, Mrs.Verse served as research assis-tant for a took on renaissance mu-sic. Assiatant .professor of musicat Jersey City State College, Mrs.Verse Is serving for the 14th yea)'aa accompanist and assistant con-ductor of the Bound Brook Com-munity Chorus and seventh withthe Garden State Choral Society.She has 'Wpfteared'iwMely In. con-cert and radio as soloist anil si'companlat. ;






too Pat* 2*NeMchib



electrolysisWorld-famoua school oners apeclal-sed short training In permanent

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Page 40: WESTFIELD LEADER *• ****ma*igmi eB ***i A amhttmisBi^ A^ktmmbi ^^*^_^__^*. ^^__^_^^p&B» ^p* ^^^^Jt^^^^^ *•••••••••*» emmaettiemfeomaitoj aW f^*rt**i*****

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