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what is advertising .pdf

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WHAT IS ADVERTISING According to “Philip Kotler” & American Marketing Association. The advertising is any paid form of non personal presentation of Ideas Goods Services by an identified sponsor that is called Advertising.

WHAT IS ADVERTISING! According to Philip Kotler & American Marketing Association. The advertising is any paid form of non personal presentation of ! Ideas ! Goods ! Services by an identified sponsor that is called Advertising. Advertising exists to help to sell things. ! It is mainly about brands ! It is mainly designed to create and strengthen consumer impressions of the brand ! Exception is public service advertising OBJECTIVE OF ADVERTISEMENT To increase support :- advertising increases the morale of the sales force and of distributors, wholesalers and retailers. To stimulate sales amongst present, former and future customers. It involves decision regarding the media. To retain loyalty:- to retain loyalty of present and former consumers. To protect an image:- advertising is used to promote an overall image of respect and trust for an organization. To communicate with consumers:- this involves regarding copy. An Advertising Plan Matches the Right Audience to the Right Message and PresentsIt in the Right Medium to Reach That Audience & Has Three Elements. Targeting the Audience: Whom are you trying to reach? Message Strategy: What do you say to them? Media Strategy: When & where will you reach them? ADVERTISING APPEAL Bandwagon: This advertising appeal aims to persuade people to do a certain thing because many are doing it. It is a human tendency to do as the masses do. Bandwagon technique of advertising captures this to induce people to use a certain product or service.Corporate Advertising: Corporate advertising is an advertising appeal wherein corporate logos and company messages are publicized on a large scale. Hot air balloons are commonly used in advertising. Some companies propose to place their logos on booster rockets and space stations to achieve publicity.In this advertising appeal, improving public relations is the objective. Increasing good reputation of the company among its customers is the prime objective of corporate advertising while product promotion is secondary. Disinformation: This technique involves a purposeful dissemination of false information. In context of the military, this technique is used to mislead the enemy. It commonly includes forging of documents and spreading of rumors.In context of advertising, it can include slight fabrication of the truth to make it more impressive or to exaggerate it a little. In this technique, some true information is mixed with false information and presented to the audience in an appealing manner. Emotional Words: This advertising appeal makes use of positive words to generate positive feelings about a certain product in the minds of people. Advertisers often use words like 'luxury', 'comfort' and 'satisfaction' to create a positive vibe among the masses and attract them towards the product being advertised. Positive words can create a deep impact on people making them feel like using the product or service being advertised. Euphoria: This advertising appeal uses events that can create euphoria. Announcing discount offers, offering holiday discounts and making luxury items available at affordable prices are often used to grab mass appeal.Sometimes, advertisers organize social events in which existing and potential customers are given the chance to participate. The product/service is marketed during the event or customers taking part are given special offers. Half Truth: In this advertising appeal, advertisers use deceptive statements to publicize their product. They often use double-meaning words or statements to convey their message.What's partially true, or true in certain cases, is presented. Thus, the message conveyed through the advertisement is neither completely true nor entirely false. In some cases, it is worded in such a way that it can be interpreted in more than one ways. Humor Appeals: This advertising appeal uses humor as a tool to achieve product promotion. Cartooning, joking, mocking, or satire are the commonly used elements of humor appeal. The funny way in which a product is advertised attracts customers.. Sometimes, people remember the joke or satire associated with the product, which makes them attracted to it. The message is conveyed in a very light-hearted or funny manner. This style of advertising appeals to the masses and product sales are boosted Name-calling: This advertising appeal makes use of direct or indirect attack on the products in competition with the product being advertised. Direct name-calling involves making a direct attack on the opponent while indirect name-calling makes use of sarcasm to demean products of competitors. Performance-based Advertising: In the performance-based advertising appeal, advertisers pay only for the results. The advertising agency takes complete risk and hence ensures that the advertisement is pitched well. Plain Folks: This advertising appeal aims at attracting the masses by using common people to advertise a product. Bombastic words may not always appeal to common folks. They can rather be attracted by communicating with them in their language.. The use of homey words, as they are called, and purposeful errors while speaking to givea natural feel to the speech, are characteristic to this advertising appeal Repetition: This advertising appeal uses the technique of repeating the product name several times during an advertisement. Jingles are often used in this advertising technique to make the product name linger in the minds of the masses.With repetition, advertisers can bombard their message on the masses so that the product being advertised is remembered. Romance Appeal: A man is shown using a particular cologne after which women are attracted to him. A girl is shown using a particular skin cream and then boys are shown flocking to her. This is romance appeal. It uses the opposite sex attraction element to grab attention.Masses are made to believe that on using a certain product, they will be perceived as more sexy or that they will attract the opposite sex.This advertising works especially well with teenagers as they easily believe that using something will make them look more attractive or that if they use a certain product more girls/boys will be attracted to them. Scientific Evidence: This technique attempts to attract masses to use the advertised product, by providing them with survey results. The advertisers often use statistical evidences and market surveys to publicize their product.Research or statistical data supporting the advertisement, makes it appear more authentic. People tend to trust the advertisement because it is backed by surveys. Shockvertising: This advertising appeal makes use of shocking images or scenes to advertise a product. The name is derived from the combination of 'shocking' and 'advertising'. Provocative images and use of controversy to grab attention are examples of shock advertising.On the other hand, showing scary images illustrating the ill-effects of smoking on health, seeing which one would begin to hate the habit is also an example of shockvertising. Slogans: Slogans, as we all know, are striking phrases used to convey important information about a product to be advertised. Slogans make a message more interesting.People remember the slogans and thereby the products they endorsed. There are so many famous advertising slogans that we still remember and associate the products with them. Snob Appeal: Snob appeal is an exact reverse of the bandwagon technique. In this advertising appeal, people are induced to buy a certain product so that they can stand out from the crowd . It is often indicated that buying that product will make them look different from the rest. It is indicated that the product is notaffordable for common people. A sense of exclusivity is attached to the products. Stereotyping: A stereotype is a popular belief about a certain thing/person. This advertising appeal is also known as name-calling or labeling and attempts to categorize the advertised object under a certain class of entities. -of-advertising-appeals.html Depicting women with a fair skin tone as attractive or showing an obese teenager being bullied in school are common examples of stereotypes. This form of advertising uses popular beliefs like these to promote a certain idea. Subliminal Advertising: This advertising appeal makes use of subliminal messages, which are intended to be perceived subconsciously. Subliminal signals go undetected by the human eye. However, they are perceived at a subconscious level. Subliminal appeal makes use of hidden messages and optical illusions. Testimonial: People relate to their favorite personalities from the glamor industry. They are ready to follow what people from the glamor world do. They want to be like the celebrity they are fans of.Testimonials make use of this human tendency. Celebrities are used as ambassadors. They are shown using the product and recommending its use. People fall for these products just because they see someone famous endorsing them. Viral Advertising: It can take the form of word-of-mouth publicity or Internet advertising. The aim of the advertiser is to market the product on a very large scale. This advertising appeal intends to achieve speedy publicity of a product.The speed with which the message spreads is comparable to the spread of a disease-causing virus. And hence the name viral advertising. Word-of-mouth Advertising: It can turn out to be a very effective advertising appeal. It can achieve success to an extent where a brand is equated to a common noun.Vaseline can be sited as an excellent example of word-of-mouth publicity, where the company name, 'Vaseline' became synonymous with the product name, 'petroleum jelly'. Or Xerox a trademark came to be used as a synonym of 'duplicate'. Youth Appeals: With the increasing population in this section of society youth appeals have assumed great importance. Youngsters are also the most vulnerable to external influences. Anything can impress them easily.So advertisers try to specifically target this group. Youth appeals include television advertisements and programs for promoting trendy items. Advertisers use flashy words, catchy messages and make the product look 'cool' to the youngsters.Teenagers fall for such advertisements quite easily, which is why youth appeals are almost always successful. TYPES OF ADVERTISING PRINT -If an advertisement is printed on paper, be it newspapers, magazines, newsletters, booklets, flyers, direct mail, or anything else that would be considered a portable printed medium, then it comes under the banner of print advertising. Guerilla-Also known as ambient media, guerrilla advertising (or marketing) has become prominent over the last 20 years. It is a broadly used term for anything unconventional, and usually invites the consumer to participate or interact with the piece in some way.Location is important, as is timing. The driving forces behind guerrilla advertising or marketing are creative ideas and innovation, not a large budget. Quite often, you will ask for forgiveness rather than permission with these campaigns, and they will spread via word of mouth and social media. Broadcast-A mass-market form of communication including television and radio, broadcast advertising has, until recently, been the most dominant way to reach a large number of consumers Outdoor-Also known as out-of-home (OOH) advertising, this is a broad term that describes any type of advertising that reaches the consumer when he or she is outside of the home. This includes everything from: Bus Benches/Shelters (transit media) Automobile & Building Wraps Graffiti Street Advertising Wallscapes Unlike traditional commercials, Public Service Advertisements (PSA) are primarily designed to inform and educate rather than sell a product or service. Product placement is the promotion of branded goods and services within the context of a show or movie, rather than as an explicit advertisement. Cellphone and Mobile- A relatively new form of advertising, but one that's spreading rapidly, uses cell phones, iPads, Kindles, Nooks, and other portable electronic deviceswith Internet connectivity. Current trends in mobile advertising involve major use of social media such as Twitter and Facebook. On line/digital-If you see an advertisement via the Internet (World Wide Web), then it is classified as online advertising. In fact, there are ads on this very page, and most other websites you visit, as they are the primary revenue driver for the Internet. Learn more about this vital part of the Internet. Direct Mail: Although the cost per piece can be expansive especially with postage costs continuing to rise, direct mail like email can be very effective when partnered with a well maintained database. Purchased databases are useful since you can target by demographics such as geography, past spending habits and credit card data. Email: Email clubs and loyalty programs are a wonderful way to stay in touch with customers, when a customer database is used correctly it can be one of the most cost effective communication vehicle available to restaurants. Paid Search: Paid search is also known as SEM (Search Engine Marketing) and is a form of online advertising geared towards increasing awareness by way of paid placements, contextual advertising and paid inclusion on search engine sites such as google or yahoo Social media- utilizing social media to promote their business. Maybe more than any other industry people are not only sharing but endorsing restaurants on social networks besides Facebook & Twitter. Customers are checking-in on other sites as well.Advantages of TV Advertising Creativity and impact Coverage and cost effectiveness (but what about target market reach and waste coverage) Captivity and attention Selectivity and flexibility ADVERTISING AGENCY An advertising agency or ad agency or advert agency is a service based businss dedicated to creating, planning, and handling advertisingfor its clients Disadvantages of TV Advertising Costs Lack of selectivity Fleeting message Clutter Limited viewer attention Distrust and negative evaluation departmentsAccount service- responsible for liaising with agencys many clients Account planning- helps keep advertising campaigns on target and on brand Creative- responsible for the developmentof the advertisementFinance/accounts- handling day to day business costs Production-during the creative process, the production department is consulted to talk about the feasibility of executing certain ideas. The creativeand account teams will collaborate with production to get the campaign produces on budget. Advantages of Radio Advertising Cost and efficiency Selectivity Flexibility Mental Imagery Integrated marketing opportunities Limitations of Radio Advertising Creative limitations Fragmentation Chaotic buying procedures Limited research data Limited listener attention Clutter Advantages of Magazine AdvertisingSelectivity Reproduction quality Creative flexibility Permanence Prestige Consumer receptivity and involvement Services Disadvantages of Magazine Advertising Costs Limited reach and frequency Long lead time Clutter and competition Advantages of Newspaper Advertising Extensive penetrationFlexibility Geographic selectivity Reader involvement and acceptance Services Limitations of Newspaper Advertising Poor reproduction Creative limitations Short life span Lack of selectivity Clutter TV Advertising is Good when You need to reach lots of segments that are fairly similar or they are going through the same hierarchy of effects You need to convey a dynamic message or one with strong visual imagery Your message can be grasped in 30 seconds You have ample budget Your target segment matches the audience for a program or a cable station Radio Advertising is Good when You need to reacha local audience, a driving audience, or an audience with particular entertainment tastes (or special interests) You need to keep costs down Your message can be short Your message can be conveyed with theater of the mind Youre OK with a quick buy placement Magazine Advertising is Good when Your target market matches a magazines audience Your message can be static, but is enhanced by high quality graphics You need to convey more information to an involved or interested audience You have a good sized budget Newspaper Advertising is Good when You need to reach a local audience Your target segment matches well with a section of the newspaper You have a general audience Your message doesnt need high quality graphics or reproduction
