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What is Science - MR. OVERGAARD · 8/27/19 4 Deductive Reasoning u Premise 1: All men are mortal u...

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8/27/19 1 What is Science Science is?..... u A way of knowing u Derived from a Latin word meaning, “to know” u The pursuit of understanding the world around us u Evolving u A process u Organized way of gathering and analyzing evidence about the natural world Goals of Science
Page 1: What is Science - MR. OVERGAARD · 8/27/19 4 Deductive Reasoning u Premise 1: All men are mortal u Premise 2: Kanye is a man u Therefore: u Conclusion: Kanye is mortal Deductive Reasoning



What is Science

Science is?.....

u A way of knowingu Derived from a Latin word meaning, “to know”

u The pursuit of understanding the world around us

u Evolvingu A process

u Organized way of gathering and analyzing evidence about the natural world

Goals of Science

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Goals of Science

u To understand the natural worldu By understanding the natural world, we are able to…

u Explain natural events

u Understand patternsu Make predictions

Why is Science Important?

Why is this Important?

u Science provides us with a means to solve important issuesu Determine fact from fiction by analyzing and interpreting data

u If not solve, we are able to better understand and work towards a solution

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History of Science

u Science dates back thousands of yearsu Greek philosophers were early contributors to modern science

u As were scientists from Islamic and Asian nations.

u Accepted scientific thought has evolved over time

Father of Science

u Thales u cr. 600 BCE

u Greek philosopher who theorized that natural events like thunder and lightning have natural causesu Previous understandings determined those were the result of

supernatural forces, or acts of god.


u 384-322 BCEu Believed answers could be found with logical thinking

u Relies on previous knowledge to prove, or understand, current issueu This is known deductive reasoning

u Lets take a closer look at deductive reasoning

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Deductive Reasoning

u Premise 1: All men are mortalu Premise 2: Kanye is a man

u Therefore:

u Conclusion: Kanye is mortal

Deductive Reasoning

u Courtesy of Descartes (the father of chemistry)

u Premise: What thinks must exist

u Premise: I am thinking

u Therefore

u Conclusion: I exist

Dark Ages

u Not much science, or learning, happened in the Dark Agesu This is unique to Europe; Persian and Asian scientists made huge strides

u No innovations

u No new ways of thinkingu Times were tough…for about a thousand years

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Scientific Revolution

u This brought us out of the doldrums of the Dark Agesu In 1534 Copernicus released a publication, revolutionibus orbium

coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres) (argued sun, not earth, is the center of universe)

u Represents the beginning of the scientific revolution Lasted from the 16th to mid 18th century

u Triggered the beginning of the Enlightenment Era

u Produced theories we use today

Ideas from the Scientific Revolution

u Heliocentric: Sun is the center of Universeu Human anatomy based on dissecting human corpses

u No longer based on animals

u Modernized professions: Dentistry, physiology, opticsu New tools: Mechanical calculator, refracting and reflecting


u Led to the Enlightenmentu Increased pursuit and appreciation of knowledge

u Foundation for the Scientific Method

Francis Bacon

u 1561-1626u Wrote Novum Organum (1620)

u Argued truth needs evidence from the real world.

u This was inductive reasoning, contrary to Aristotle’s deductive reasoning

u Created a guideline by which evidence could be attainedu ”Baconian method” early remnants of the Scientific Method

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Real quick, A comparisonInductive vs. Deductiveu Inductive = bottom-up thought process.

u Approach a question with an open mind and observe the answer

u Deductive = top-down thought process.u Intelligence will lead you to the answer

u This is an oversimplified explanation, but it works.

Inductive or Deductive?

u All bald men are grandfathers. Harold is bald. Harold is a grandfather.

u Harold is bald. Harold is a grandfather, therefore, all grandfathers are bald.

u Difference?

John Locke

u 1632-1704u Knowledge arises from experience

u Contrary to the belief that knowledge is innateu Also played a key role in shaping the U.S. Constitution

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Scientific Method

u This is not concreteu A general style of investigation

u One that is widely accepted and utilized by scientists across the board

u We will use the scientific method that follows:u Observing and asking questions

u Form a hypothesis

u Design an experiment

u Experiments may take many forms, we’ll cover more of that next week

u Collect and analyze data

u Draw conclusions

Step 1: Make an Observation

u The skill of using our senses, scientific instruments or recorded information to increase knowledge of the outside world.

u Requires an open, inquisitive mind

u Ask a question about observation


u Once the question has been asked, research goes in to finding the answer, from this research we make an inferenceu Inference: an idea based on what is already known

u Inferences, in turn lead to a hypothesisu Hypothesis: a scientific explanation for a set of observations that can be


u *Important* A hypothesis must be testable

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u Design an experiment that will answer the initial questionu Can be as simple as observing and taking notes or as complex as

building a new ecosystem

Data Collection and Analysis

u Data is the information gathered from observationsu Two forms of data:

u Quantitative: numbers found by counting or measuring (includes the number and a unit of measurement)

u Qualitative: describes things that cannot be counted

u Analysis and reporting of data is crucial to further exploration of the subject


u This is where the findings from the experiment are reportedu This compares your results against your hypothesis

u Rarely is the hypothesis proven rightu More likely to lead to different questions, different realizations and

further experiments

u This is also where you report any issues you had with the lab, what went wrong, which directions were confusing, what needs to be tweaked to get more accurate results.

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Current issues being investigated

u Climate Scienceu Cancer, ALS, Alzheimer's/Dimentia, Parkinson's, Diabetes, and any

other illness you can think of.

u Conservation of Ecosystemsu Pollution

Plastic in the Ocean

u How do we corral what’s there?u How do we limit future pollution?

u What are the effects of plastic on the sea life, water, on humans?
