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What is the GAINMORE™ Leadership Advantage - chapter extract

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  • 8/9/2019 What is the GAINMORE Leadership Advantage - chapter extract



    Presented by CELSIM

    Dr. John Kenworthy

    Chief Coaching Officer

    [email protected]

    Trademarks & Copyright Acknowledgements

    GAINMORE, GAINMOREGolf and GAPPS3 areregistered trademarks of Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd.

    CELSIM is the Leadership and Simulations arm ofCorporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd.

    All material contained herein is Copyright Dr. JohnKenworthy.

    The materials may be used, printed or electronic forpersonal development only. No part of the materials may becopied, distributed electronically or otherwise without theexpress written authorization of the copyright owner.

    GAPPS3 and this leader guide is powered by CELSIM:


  • 8/9/2019 What is the GAINMORE Leadership Advantage - chapter extract


    Enabling and Equipping your Leadership Attributes, Abilities and Agilities

    2010 Dr. john Kenworthy Rights Reserved

    What is the GAINMORE LeadershipAdvantage?

    Lesson Outcomes

    Know and understand the GAINMORE Advantage framework.

    Appreciate and be able to use the holistic nature of the framework.

    Recognize how the framework is related to personal leadership


    45 minutes

    Presentation online here http://tiny.cc/wovjw

  • 8/9/2019 What is the GAINMORE Leadership Advantage - chapter extract


    What is the GAINMORE Leadership Advantage?


    What is the GAINMORE LeadershipAdvantage?

    Lesson Map

    Welcome to the GAINMORE Leadership Advantage Leader Guide.

    You are constantly being asked to do more with less. Whether in

    business, social or family life. Everyone is striving or being pushed to

    improve performance - do things better, faster, cheaper. The pressures

    on every individual to increase their own and their team's performance is

    increasing - the more turbulent the environment, the greater the


    This guide is intended to help you understand and develop yourleadership Attributes, Abilities and Agilities and enable you to more

    effectively develop yourself and the people you work with and those that

    you lead. Throughout this guide, I use the game of golf as a metaphor

    and parallel to the game of leadership to aid your understanding and

    illustrate with examples.

    Before the non-golfers panic!

    You do NOT need to be a golfer to understand this, even if you have

    never held a golf club. If you know that Tiger Woods is a golfer and not a

    large cat in the jungle, then the examples are easy to see and follow.

    This guide forms the basis of our work with individuals, small teams and

    organizations to develop individual leadership capability and in

    developing team cohesiveness and performance.

    The GAINMORE model, on which this is based, has developed over

    many years of experience working with many individuals and companies

    and is a spin-off of my doctoral research into management learning and

    effective leadership development.

    I trust that you enjoy your journey with me.

  • 8/9/2019 What is the GAINMORE Leadership Advantage - chapter extract


    Enabling and Equipping your Leadership Attributes, Abilities and Agilities

    2010 Dr. john Kenworthy Rights Reserved

    What is the GAINMORE LeadershipAdvantage?

    Why it is called GAINMORE?

    Each letter represents a distinct step in the learning and development


    G stands for Goals and incorporates the values and beliefs system for a

    particular person and the vision of the goal. Why no V and B and V then?

    Basically it didn't make for a memorable mnemonic. Our goals, values

    and beliefs determine what we want from life and thus everything that

    we do or do not do.

    A stands for Attitude and Alignment. Two distinct aspects of an

    individuals attributes, the first is about our approach and mindset, the

    second about the effectiveness of our use of the resources we have.

    I stands for Influence - according to John C Maxwell, leadership (including

    self-leadership) is all about influence. How we influence ourselves and

    others determines the followership we have.

    N stands for our Nature and our Network. Our nature or as some call it,

    our character or personality, is shown as a result of the preceding

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    What is the GAINMORE Leadership Advantage?


    What is the GAINMORE LeadershipAdvantage?

    elements. We change our nature by changing one or more of our goals,

    values, beliefs, attitude, alignment or the way we influence. Our network

    refers to other people with whom we connect, associate, and indeed, our

    followers and our own leaders. Our network is, of course, external to

    ourselves, but how we network is key to the effectiveness of our


    M stands for Motivation. Motivation is something that is generated by

    the interaction of three aspects of anything we do. We have a goal, we

    have certain resources (our mind, body, money, tools) and we utilizethose resources to satisfy something that we personally value.

    O stands for Outcome. Everything that we do, say or think results in an

    outcome - this may be tangible and physical or it may be intangible.

    R stands for Review. Every outcome we create is reviewed against our

    goals and we reflect on the learning.

    Finally, E stands for Evaluation. Closely tied to Review in that it is usually

    the end result of the review process. This is when we have achieved an

    outcome, reviewed it against our goals and measure it against our

    personal values. A positive outcome of evaluation is motivating, a

    negative can be demotivating.

  • 8/9/2019 What is the GAINMORE Leadership Advantage - chapter extract


    Enabling and Equipping your Leadership Attributes, Abilities and Agilities

    2010 Dr. john Kenworthy Rights Reserved

    What is the GAINMORE LeadershipAdvantage?

    Let me take you through an example of how the GAINMORE Advantage

    framework works in a typical situation:

    Every person, whether they know this or not, bases all of their actions

    and behaviors, every single thing that they do, on their personal Values.

    You may not know what yours are, and if this is the case for you, thats

    OK, you can work on this in the Values module.

    Our foundation is also made up of our Beliefs. Whether you consider that

    your values inform your beliefs, or that your beliefs inform your values, or

    both, is less important for us at this point.

    Beliefs are most often related to our personal experience not always,

    but these are things that we believe about ourselves and the world. For

    example, you have heard of the Law of gravity? You believe that the law

    of gravity applies to you and everyone else in this world? You have some

    experience that this is true.

    I also suspect, that you believe, that in outer space, you would float

    because there is no gravity. Am I right?

    So when did you go into outer space? Unless you are one of a handful of

    the worlds population, you have no personal experience to support this

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    What is the GAINMORE Leadership Advantage?


    What is the GAINMORE LeadershipAdvantage?

    belief. Yet, it forms part of your personal foundation.

    So, lets get going with an example. I shall use the game of golf,

    something I do quite a lot, as an example.

    If you play golf, you do so because you get something out of it. That is, it

    is valuable to you.

    You believe that striking a little solid ball with a stick will propel the ball

    towards a distant hole. You believe that gravity will play a part and bring

    the ball back to earth.

    To play golf, it is very likely that you have some degree of hand and eye

    coordination. You enjoy walking in the fresh air, and probably play quite

    frequently. This is part of your nature.

    You have a Goal when you play golf! Several goals for some. Perhaps it is

    ultimately your goal, to beat Tiger Woods in the Open Championship.

    Perhaps it is to beat your buddy today. It might be just to hit the ball. At

    least once.

    You have a Vision of your goal, you know what it looks like, sounds like,

    and feels like. The richer your vision, the more clear it is for you.

    Your Attitude, or mindset if you prefer, determines how you approach

    taking the shot. If you approach the shot with a positive attitude, you are

    more likely to execute it correctly. A negative attitude and your muscles

    receive conflicting signals. It is primarily your attitude to different

    situations that make up your Nature. Your attitude informs your habitual

    behaviors. Spend each day in the office in grumpy mood, speaking

    negatively about every situation and others will consider you grumpy

    and negative. You may well perform exceedingly well, and it may work for

    you, but it is unlikely to work well for others.

    How well you Align yourself and the club for the shot is critical too. Use adriver wood for long tee shots, a wedge club for high pitching shots and a

    putter on the green. As a leader you are already equipped with many

    tools to do your job, choosing the right tools in the situation is essential

    to be as effective as you can be. The other aspect of alignment is, of

    course, your aim. Generally speaking, we find that it is a good idea to aim

    towards a achieving a particular outcome, and usually this is towards the

    goal. If you are on the first tee, aiming at the water hazard or the flag on

  • 8/9/2019 What is the GAINMORE Leadership Advantage - chapter extract


    Enabling and Equipping your Leadership Attributes, Abilities and Agilities

    2010 Dr. john Kenworthy Rights Reserved

    What is the GAINMORE LeadershipAdvantage?

    the 9th hole is unlikely to yield the desired result of getting the ball onto

    the first green.

    Then there is the way you influence yourself. Let alone how leaders

    influence others, first step is influence yourself. This might be in the form

    of self-talk, or simply brain activity. How well you focus on what you aim

    to achieve and quieten the distractions.

    Your Network is other people who are involved in the situation. The

    game of golf is one of those rare activities where the actions of other

    people are irrelevant to your own performance. The same cannot be said

    of leadership.

    So far, everything has been leading up to a particular behaviour and

    action. You swing your club and, if suitably aligned, make contact with

    the ball. How the ball flies, where it lands is the Outcome. In team

    situations, the behaviour and actions of your network may affect the


    Now it is time to Review the outcome. Did the ball go in the direction I

    (believe I) aimed? Was the swing smooth? Was that the best choice of

    club for me in this situation? Good golfers review every single shot, learnfrom them and continuously strive to improve the next shot. Good

    leaders do likewise.

    We also Evaluate our performance. Did the ball land where I intended? Is

    it now placed in a good position for the next shot?

    Our review and evaluation add experience to the way we influence

    ourselves and our beliefs about the situation and what we would do in

    the future.

    Evaluation is also the point and the only point for a human, when

    Motivation is created. We measure our performance against our goal andpersonal values. When the shot you make is congruent with your goal

    and satisfies a personal value, you generate this thing we call motivation.

    Now, let me wrap up this overview of the GAINMORE Advantage

    framework. You can now understand how the model works in typical

    situations. The connections I show here are not the only connections.

    The human brain is intelligent and vastly complex, but as a logical

  • 8/9/2019 What is the GAINMORE Leadership Advantage - chapter extract


    What is the GAINMORE Leadership Advantage?


    What is the GAINMORE LeadershipAdvantage?

    process, studies of the functioning of a normal, healthy human brain

    show that this is the learning process.

    I break this into three main areas of our functioning as humans

    the Spirit the foundations we live by, the Mind mostly brain processing, and the Body where we engage our muscles.

    As a last point whilst sharing the model with you. My paradigm for

    developing you and others is experiential learning. I believe, and have

    considerable evidence to support the thesis, that if you deliberately

    change behaviour or action, that the learning process (especially review

    and evaluation, generating positive motivation) will enable you to most

    easily change any of the personal attributes.

    Now that you understand the framework from an individual perspective,

    you can see how the same framework, unlike any other leadership

    model, works across the individual levels, the team level and the

    organization level.

  • 8/9/2019 What is the GAINMORE Leadership Advantage - chapter extract


    Enabling and Equipping your Leadership Attributes, Abilities and Agilities

    2010 Dr. john Kenworthy Rights Reserved

    What is the GAINMORE LeadershipAdvantage?

    The GAINMORE framework works from the organization needs and

    drivers down, and from the individual needs up.

    Unlike other models that only work at one level, the GAINMORE model,

    works across all levels.

    Whatever the external drivers, from the external economic situation, to

    the need of an individual to pay their mortgage. Our behaviour is affected

    by these drivers. We need to change our behaviors if our competitive

    priorities change.

    We separate competency, and competence. Competency, we define as

    the behaviors and soft skills and our personal characteristics. These are

    generic skills that apply no matter what your job. Competence, on the

    other hand, includes the specific job, or task related skills. To be sure that

    we remain clear, we refer to behavioral competencies as Abilities.

    Using the GAINMORE framework, we can identify the needs of the

    organization. And, given the external drivers, identify the priorities that

    the organization needs to develop, now.

    We can also help you identify the needs of each individual, and their

    priorities. If you have already taken your GAPPS3

    assessment and

    received your report and feedback coaching, you know this for yourself


  • 8/9/2019 What is the GAINMORE Leadership Advantage - chapter extract


    What is the GAINMORE Leadership Advantage?


    What is the GAINMORE LeadershipAdvantage?

    Sprit, Mind, Body connection

    It is tempting to think that the GAINMORE model is always linear, and

    there is certain logic to it. Yet, you know that human beings do not

    always follow a strict pattern of logic, if we did, then life wouldn't 'be so

    exciting and interesting.

    I think of us, human beings, being created as three parts:

    We have a spirit - the fundamental base that sets humans apart from

    other animals - this is the centrality of our beliefs and values - which in

    turn are the major influence on our nature - who we are deep down.

    We all have a mind. Informed by our spirit, this is dominated by the way

    we consciously think and process. The mind is something we can choose

    to control to a greater or lesser extent. It is the centre of our attitude to

    any given situation, the way we communicate and influence ourselves

    and others and it is where we review and evaluate ourselves and our


    We live in a house called body. This is the tool of our mind; it is the part

    that makes the actions happen - our outcomes manifested in behaviour

    and physical action.

  • 8/9/2019 What is the GAINMORE Leadership Advantage - chapter extract


    Enabling and Equipping your Leadership Attributes, Abilities and Agilities

    2010 Dr. john Kenworthy Rights Reserved

    What is the GAINMORE LeadershipAdvantage?

    In the diagram above, I show a simplified connection between the


    Worth noting here is that the thing we call Motivation - is the result of

    the mind evaluating outcomes with the goal(s) and our personal values.

    For simplicity, I have excluded our network in this diagram - once other

    people are included the links become incredibly complex. For example -

    your own beliefs were and are informed by other people - and naturally,

    you will evaluate them against your own existing beliefs and values,

    goals, experience and so on, how much influence that person, or those

    people have on you helps determine how much you may change any

    existing beliefs or values you have... you see what I mean, it is complex

    and would make for a very untidy diagram.

    When we connect our spirit to our mind to our body, we create complete

    cycles. Many people in society today find that they have a spiritual gap, a

    hole or something missing. I believe that this is the grounding in firm and

    understood beliefs, values, nature and goals - anything missing from this

    area in your life can only result in a feeling of emptiness.

  • 8/9/2019 What is the GAINMORE Leadership Advantage - chapter extract


    What is the GAINMORE Leadership Advantage?


    What is the GAINMORE LeadershipAdvantage?


    For example - if you wake up each morning asking yourself"Why...?" (Why am I here? Why am I doing this job? Why do Ihave to get up today?) Then you have a sure sign that something ismissing in your spirit. You may not really believe that the job youare doing is worthwhile - it perhaps does not satisfy an importantvalue.

    Many people get up to work each Monday because by doing so,

    someone else provides them a monetary return which is used topay the bills that keep a roof over their heads, food in theirstomach, perhaps some savings for a rainy day. Is this enough? Formany it isn't - they want more, but exactly what 'more' is a moredifficult question. More money certainly - but even the very richestpeople in the world ask themselves these questions too.

    I hear a few cries of "Yes well, if only I had a big house/swimmingpool/Ferrari in the drive..." Yes, you'd be happy for a while, butthis type of 'happy' is a result of something outside happening andmay only last a short while. As we will see, our attitude to outside

    happenings determines our emotions (including happiness) morethan the outside happenings. It is what we think in our mind andwhat we choose to think that can change the way we feel about theworld outside.
