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Whats's the Most Important Thing that has happened to You?

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Page 2: Whats's the Most Important Thing that has happened to You?

Was it the day yougot your dream job?

Your wedding day?

The day yourkids were born?

Being Healthy?

The most important thing that can happen toyou is the result of the most important thingGod has ever done for you. He loves you andHe showed you how much through the cross.The word CROSS will help you discover howyou can experience the most important thing,eternal life.

Page 3: Whats's the Most Important Thing that has happened to You?

You can know God loves you because of the cross. The word CROSS will help youdiscover how you can have eternal life.

Christ, the Son of God, died on the cross.The Bible says, “But God demonstrates his own love for us; while we were stillsinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8)

There are three things we need to remember about Christ:

• First, the Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is God. Jesus forgave sins,healed the sick, raised the dead, received worship and after he died on thecross, he rose again just as he promised.

• Second, Jesus was sinless. The angel Gabriel told Mary that the HolyOne to be born would be called the Son of God. On one occasion Jesusasked the religious leaders if they could prove him guilty of sin. Theycould not. Jesus was sinless all the days of his life.

• Third, Jesus died on the cross.

Page 4: Whats's the Most Important Thing that has happened to You?

Why did Jesus die on the cross?

The reason Christ died is for sin.

“For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous (that was Jesus) for theunrighteous (that was us) to bring you to God. For all have sinned and have fallenshort of God’s glory.” (1 Peter 3:18a; Romans 3:23)

Page 5: Whats's the Most Important Thing that has happened to You?

The Bible, our conscience, and the Law of God (Ten Commandments) testify wehave fallen short of God's standard. All are guilty before God.

The outcome of sin is death.

The Bible says,“For the wages of sin is death...” (Romans 6:23a)

Wages are what we earn. Wages are what we deserve. If someone hired you towork one day for $100, at the end of the day, he would owe you $100. That is whatyou earned and that is what you deserve. The outcome or wages of our sin isdeath. This is bad news.

Page 6: Whats's the Most Important Thing that has happened to You?

Jesus was our substitute on the cross. Jesus' sacrifice displays God's loving mercyand his righteous justice as no other action could.

“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so thatin him we might become the righteousness of God.”(2 Corinthians 5:21)

Jesus paid the sin-debt that we could not pay. God then raised him from the deadto demonstrate that the debt was paid and that Jesus is exalted as Lord over all.

Suppose you received your credit card bill and it was so large you could not payit. Suppose your creditors took you to court and the judge found you guilty andsentenced you to prison until the debt was paid. How is the debt going to be paidwhile you sit in jail?

Then, just when all seems hopeless, a stranger walks up and asks the judge if hecould pay your debt. The judge lets him pay and you go free. How would you feelabout this person who paid your debt?

When Christ became the substitute for sin, he satisfied the righteousness andjustice of God and demonstrated the love and mercy of God. Christ's resurrectiondisplays the power of his Lordship, Jesus offers what he has done as a gift fromGod. How do you feel about Jesus Christ in light of what he has done? This gift,like any gift, must be received. That brings us to the last S in CROSS.

Page 7: Whats's the Most Important Thing that has happened to You?

Because Jesus is our substitute, he is the only one who can offer salvation.Salvation includes forgiveness of sin and the gift of eternal life.

But how is this possible?

To have forgiveness and eternal life youmust believe and receive.

To believe, the Bible says, “That if you confess with your mouth, that ‘Jesus isLord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will besaved” (Romans 10:9). To confess Jesus as Lord means you turn from sin (repent) andsurrender control of your life to Jesus. To believe in your heart that God raised himfrom the dead means you are trusting in all that Jesus Christ is and has done foryou.

To receive Christ by faith is simply trusting Christ alone for salvation. TheBible says, “...To all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gavethe right to become children of God” (John 1:12).

Page 8: Whats's the Most Important Thing that has happened to You?

Prayer:Dear God, I know I am a sinner. I believe Christ died on the cross for my sin andthen arose. I now confess you as Lord and trust you alone for my salvation.According to your Word I believe you and receive you by faith. Thank you for thefree gift of eternal life.Amen.

Congratulations!You have just made the most important decision of your life.

If you have made a commitment to Jesus Christ or would like to learn more abouthow to--that is the most important thing! We are happy for you and want toencourage you! Even if you just want to drop us a line, we want to hear from you.Share your response to The Most Important Thing website today!

Ready to make Your Most Important Decision? Click Here.

By sending us your information, we can direct resources to you that will help youin your daily walk with Jesus Christ. If you would like to personally speak tosomeone about your decision call 1-888-JESUS-2000.

Learn how to WALK with Jesus. Click Here.

Page 9: Whats's the Most Important Thing that has happened to You?

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www.MostImportantThing.orgRead true stories of people who havediscovered the most important thing

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