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WHII.8 The student will demonstrate knowledge of political and philosophical developments in Europe...

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II. Start of the Revolution – Early Successes – drives British out of French port of Toulon – crushes rebels opposed to Nat’l Convention – conquers most of N. Italy, becomes Nat’l hero – Egypt campaign an attempt to disrupt British trade becomes a failure as Admiral Nelson defeats Napoleon 5. studies Egyptian history, finds Rosetta Stone Napoleon’s Rise to Power

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WHII.8 The student will demonstrate knowledge of political and philosophical developments in Europe during the nineteenth century by a) assessing the impact of Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna, including changes in political boundaries in Europe after 1815; The Napoleonic Era I. Background - Born in 1769 on island of Corsica. - Parents not rich - Father: Corsican representative to Paris - Napoleon sent to military school, becomes expert. - Known for Brilliant mind, insight, energy, & ambition -Ruthless & charismatic leader, believed he was a man of destiny -Troops called him the little Corporal Napoleons Rise to Power II. Start of the Revolution Early Successes drives British out of French port of Toulon crushes rebels opposed to Natl Convention conquers most of N. Italy, becomes Natl hero Egypt campaign an attempt to disrupt British trade becomes a failure as Admiral Nelson defeats Napoleon 5. studies Egyptian history, finds Rosetta Stone Napoleons Rise to Power III. COUP DETAT (1799) 1. ousts Directory, sets up three-man governing board: ___________ 2. ____________ - a vote of the people on a New Constitution that kept Republic but names Napoleon First Consul (1802) 3. Popular among the people and army, crowned himself Emperor (1804) Napoleons Rise to Power IV. France under Napoleon A. Religious Reform 1. ________________ of peace with Catholic Church; provides for state salaries for clergy, church surrenders land claims, bishops appointed by state confirmed by Pope. 2. Protects peasant owners of former church lands 3. Annexes Papal States and gives non-Catholics religious freedom. B. Education Reform 1. ____________ - government run public-schools 2. UNIVERSITY OF FRANCEgovernment agency not a school 3. improves standards, reflect Napoleon and French nationalism C. Centralized local government 1. places local government under natl authority 2. appoints local governors (Prefects), mayors, judges, police 3. France today, retains a highly centralized or unitary Govt Napoleons Rise to Power D. Legal Reform 1. Creates _________ ______- Equal treatment of all citizens; uniform code of laws. 2. abolishes serfdom and feudalism, eliminates injustices, promotes religious toleration, guarantees trial by jury, advancement by merit 3. Code of Napoleon becomes the basis of ____ in France & most of Western Europe, parts of Asia, Latin America, & Louisiana 4. Drawbacks: order and authority over individual rights (liberty) limited freedom of speech, restored slavery in Caribbean, lack of womens rights, only men could be citizens. 5. taxes collected on fair basis and debts promptly paid 6. creates _______ __ ________ restoring government to financial health which maintains sound currency & promotes economic prosperity. Still controls the banking system of France 7. Public Works -built roads, bridges, canals, dredged harbors beautifying Paris E. Legion of Honor 1. society for distinguished military & civilian service to France 2. open to all personsstill exists today Napoleons Rise to Power V. Napoleon Creates an Empire I. __________________ parts of the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, and Germany. 2. Abolished Holy Roman Empire and established 38 member _______________________ OF THE RHINE 3. Louisiana Territory to the U.S. (1803) 4. Appointed family as Kings and Queens of Europe (brother Joseph in Spain) VI. Military Successes 1. Battle of Marengo (1800) against Austrians (Crossing of the Alps) 2. Battle of Austerlitz (1805) against Russians (Czar Alexander I) and Austrians. I was at the battle of Austerlitz and people will say, there goes a brave man. Napoleons Rise to Power VII. France Versus Great Britain 1. BATTLE OF ________________ (1805)- British Navy, led by Horatio Nelson, defeats French land invasion. - Napoleons only defeat during building an Empire - Secured British Naval Superiority and control of Channel. 2. ___________ _______- Continental Europe Self-Sufficiency - With Europe under Ns control, sets up ____________, closing European ports to British goods preventing people and goods from moving in or out. - GB retaliates with Orders in Council which deprives Europe of essential products, hurts neutral trade - Led to American War of Created a scarcity of goods in Europe Napoleons Rise to Power The End of an Era I. Napoleon Dominates Europe A. Military victories to 1809 favor France triumphs at Austerlitz, Jena, Friedland BUT fails to stop GB B. Height of Napoleons power ( ) 1. dominates continental Europe from Atlantic to Russia 2. rules through annexation and appoints _________ & generals to rule 3. controls Grand duchy of Warsaw & Confederation of the Rhine 4. reduces his enemies Austria & Prussia; forms analliance with Russia II. Napoleons Personal Life 1. Divorce of Josephine 2. Marriage of _____ ______, Austrian Princess, daughter of Hapsburg emperor. 3. Birth of Son, Napoleon II, King of Rome 4. Chteau de Malmaison- Napoleons Home The End of an Era III. Failure of Continental System- N blamed for loss of trade and business in Eur. IV. Reasons for Downfall A. Personal weaknesses 1. overextends himselfempire to complex to be ruled by ONE 2. lust for territory & power limitless, became stubborn unwilling to listen B. GBs opposition to N 1. views N as symbol of excesses of Fr. Revol., Reign of Terror, militarism 2. fear Europe being united as one nation, disrupt balance of power 3. GB suffers economic hardships b/c Europe closed to trade 4. fear Napoleons desire to restore Frances colonialism to 1750s C. GB controls seas 1. the tiger vs the shark elephant vs the whale 2. GBs naval supremacy saves it fr. Invasion 3. GB hurts N plans for overseas empire so sells LA. Territory to U.S The End of an Era D. Russias opposition 1. Czar ___________ fears Napoleons power as Russia suffers loss of grain markets, resumes trade with GB & Napoleon invades Russia F. Rising spirit of _____________- National Loyalty 1. Spain, Prussia, Austria, et al ready to fight Napoleon 2. Napoleon left to fight nations NOT monarchs V. Napoleons Downfall A. ______________ WAR ( ) War on the Iberian Peninsula 1. Spain & Portugal rebel which hurts Napoleons military 2. ___________ WARFARE- Hit-and-Run Raids 2. GB helps and France is defeated and expelled from Portugal & Spain The End of an Era B. Invasion of Russia 1. attempts to reinforce Continental System 2. Russians refused to fight, retreat, which causes Napoleon to overextend himselfRussians use _________ ________ policy, burning land during retreat 3. Captures Moscow but fires destroy the city 4. lacking shelter, food, clothing, Napoleon retreats 5. N loses 75% of his army to both Russian army and winter 6. Only __________ from 450,000 Survive The End of an Era C. Wars of Liberation 1. B/C of Russian defeat, Prussia & Austria declare war on France 2. Napoleon defeated at Leipzig Battle of the Nations in Allies invade France & capture Paris 4. Napoleon _____________(stepped down from power) & is exiled to Elba Island D. __________ ________ Napoleons Return from Elba(1815) 1. Napoleon escapes & returns to France Vive Le Emperor 2. Allies march against him defeat N at BATTLE OF ______________ 3. Duke of Wellington (Iron Duke) GB and General Blcher Prussia 4. exiled to St. Helena in South Atlantic dies there in 1821 The End of an Era WHII.8 The student will demonstrate knowledge of political and philosophical developments in Europe during the nineteenth century by a) assessing the impact of Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna, including changes in political boundaries in Europe after 1815; The Congress of Vienna Five Great Powers- Russia, Prussia, Austria, Great Britain, France Goal: New European Order- collective security and stability Most Influential- _______ _____ _________, Austrian Foreign Minister Feared LIBERAL movement, promoted change & individual liberty Desired to prevent Revolution and preserve Absolutism The first and greatest concern of every nation is the stability of laws- NEVER their change. A. Metternichs Plan for Europe I. Three Goals 1. Containment of France 2. Balance of Power 3. Rule of Legitimacy The Congress of Vienna 1. Containment of France A. Boundaries Returned to 1790 location B. Weak Countries Around France made Stronger I. Austrian Netherlands and Dutch Republic form Kingdom of Netherlands II. 39 Loosely joined Germans states form German Confederation, led by Austria III. Independent Switzerland IV. Genoa added to Kingdom of Sardinia in Italy V. Kingdom of Norway and Sweden The Congress of Vienna 2. _______ __ _______- No country could overpower another or become too powerful. * Weaken France but do not leave it Powerless * Threat of Revolution 3. Rule of __________ - all ruling families should be restored to their thrones. *Ruling Families of France, Spain, Italian States and Central Eur. B. Compensations- French paid large ___________, a financial reward to other countries for the damages it had caused. The Congress of Vienna C. REACTIONARY ALLIANCES- Groups that oppose change and work to undo changes. Conservative view towards politics. I. QUADRUPLE ALLIANCE: Austria, GB, Prussia, Russia (France, 1818) -Vowed to protect new order, balance of power, and suppress Revolutionary Uprisings II. HOLY ALLIANCE- Russia, Austria, Prussia. -Vowed to base their relations with other nations on Christian Principles and combat Revolution III. CONCERT OF EUROPE - Devised by Metternich, series of alliances between European Nations that formed international governance by concert, or agreement. - Effective until The Congress of Vienna D. Results of The Congress of Vienna I. ____________ Control Europe - GB Constitutional Monarchy - Absolute Rulers in Eastern Europe - Tensions in France II. Rise in NATIONALISM -_________ desire more power to Legislature - Maintained ideals of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity - Italy, Germany, Greece, LA on the brink of Revolution Congress of Vienna- * Fair, No Grudges * For the first time, nations of entire continent cooperated * 40 Years of Peace The Congress of Vienna
