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Why We Should Tech Logic in Schools

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comment analysis TODAY FRIDAY 10 MAY 2013 18 T here is an interesting saying: “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Bloom, an American educational psychologist, and many others in the educational field have conceptualised the acquisition and re- tention of knowledge as having many domains or levels of depth. The rst domain is remembering. In essence, it refers to retaining facts. Unfortunately , retaini ng facts without understanding them is of little value. It also has a very limited lifespan. The next level is comprehension or understanding. This is shown by our ability to express in our own words the meaning of the information. With understanding, we can start to analyse, catalogue or break down the knowledge, to judge, appraise or evaluate the knowledge, and to relate it to a new context, or to sy nthesise by Why we should teach logic i n school s THE BEST WAY TO LEARN K RANGA KRISHNAN K Ranga Krishnan is Dean of the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore. A clinician-scientist and psychiatrist, he chaired the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences at Duke University Medical Centre from 1998 to 2009. This is part of a weekly series on the way we learn. To read the rst two pieces by Prof Ranga, go to tdy.sg/comranga or scan the QR code integrating it with other information. When learning many skills in law, medicine and other areas of study, it is critical that we have the ability to use knowledge. Without this abilit y, the facts by themselves have limited worth. One element that is essential i n this progression of knowledge acqui- sition is reasoning. To reason is to i n- fer, to draw conclusions from data, in- formation or premises. The term logic is commonly used to describe codes of good reasoning. It used to be a subject taught in schools. But now it is rar ely formally taught. Informal logic is sometimes de- scribed as critical thinking. It tells us how people reason things out, gur- ing out whether the conclusions follow the assumptions. Formal logic is the systematic and organised application of the principles of logic. The principles of logic are uni-  versal and apply to all elds. There are many strands of logic, with many dat- ing to A ristotle . There are two kinds of logic: deduc- tive and inductive. Deductive logic refers to conclu- sions where all the premises are true, and in which case, there can be no way for the conclusions to be false. The fun- damental element in deductive reason- ing is syllogism, where a deduction is inferred from two suppositions, each of which has one term in common with the conclusion. For example:  All anima ls are alive. Cat is an animal. Cat is alive.  In medicine and in many other forms of science, it is dicult to use deductive logic. Deductive logic is absolutist. It offers black and white standards, where the conclusion ei- ther follows from the suppositions or it does not. Inductive logic or reasoning is not absolutist or denite but provides a quantitative range of possibilities. While deductive reasoning is seen as top down, from a general principle to the specic, inductive reasoning is  bottom up. Most medical research tends to be of the inductive type. So does most scientic research. In medicine, this type of reason- ing forms the basis of what we call evidence-based medicine (EBM). EBM is the use of data (evidence) to assess risks and benets of treat- ments and diagnostic tests. The data has to be then used to decide treat- ments for a particular patient.  Applicati on of EBM data, therefore, depends on many factors such as the condition of a patient, h is preferences and a number of other factors. Under- standing logic helps us to learn the proper use of EBM, given its limits. Thus in medicine, as in ma ny other elds, understanding and reasoning are essential elements for us to analyse, synthesise, evaluate and create knowl- edge and apply it in a practical sense. It is not enough to know facts and knowledge. Learning to understand a given situation is a more important skill than memory alone. In today’s  world, this position is even more crit- ical as facts are easy to find. What is more important is to learn how to apply knowledge. Logic as a way of learning and rea- soning is a worthwhile goal. It is a key element for innovation. At Duke-NUS, this is a critical focus. To take care of patients, physicians must be able to apply knowledge in a contextual framework, hence the importance of involving our medical students ear- ly in the treatment of patients. They learn more from such experience than merely listening to lectures. Students learn more from being involved in learning rather than merely listening to lectures. TODAY FILE PHOTO
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comment analysis TODAY 991266 FRIDAY 118

There is an interesting sayingldquoTell me and I forget teach meand I may remember involve

me and I learnrdquoBenjamin Bloom an American

educational psychologist and manyothers in the educational field haveconceptualised the acquisition and re-tention of knowledge as having manydomains or levels of depth

The first domain is rememberingIn essence it refers to retaining factsUnfortunately retaining facts withoutunderstanding them is of little valueIt also has a very limited lifespan

The next level is comprehension orunderstanding This is shown by ourability to express in our own words themeaning of the information

With understanding we can startto analyse catalogue or break downthe knowledge to judge appraise orevaluate the knowledge and to relateit to a new context or to synthesise by

Why we should teach logic in schoolsTHE BEST WAY TO LEARN


K Ranga Krishnanis Dean of theDuke-NUSGraduate MedicalSchool SingaporeA clinician-scientistand psychiatrist hechaired theDepartment ofPsychiatry andBehaviouralSciences at DukeUniversity MedicalCentre from 1998 to2009

This is part of aweekly series on theway we learn Toread the first twopieces by ProfRanga go totdysgcomranga orscan the QR code

integrating it with other informationWhen learning many skills in law

medicine and other areas of study it iscritical that we have the ability to useknowledge Without this abilit y the

facts by themselves have limited worthOne element that is essential i n

this progression of knowledge acqui-sition is reasoning To reason is to i n-fer to draw conclusions from data in-

formation or premises The term logicis commonly used to describe codes ofgood reasoning It used to be a subjecttaught in schools But now it is rarelyformally taught

Informal logic is sometimes de-scribed as critical thinking It tells ushow people reason things out figur-ing out whether the conclusions followthe assumptions

Formal logic is the sysorganised application of thof logic The principles of l

versal and apply to all fieldmany strands of logic wit

ing to A ristotleThere are two kinds of tive and inductive

Deductive logic refersions where all the premiand in which case there cfor the conclusions to be fadamental element in deduing is syllogism where a inferred from two supposof which has one term in cthe conclusion For examp

All anima ls are aliveCat is an animalCat is alive

In medicine and in mforms of science it is diffideductive logic Deductabsolutist It offers blac

standards where the cother follows from the supit does not

Inductive logic or reasabsolutist or definite butquantitative range of pWhile deductive reasonas top down from a geneto the specific inductive

bottom upMost medical research

of the inductive type Soscientific research

In medicine this typeing forms the basis of wevidence-based medicine

EBM is the use of datto assess risks and benements and diagnostic teshas to be then used to dments for a particular pa

Application of EBM datdepends on many factorscondition of a patient h isand a number of other facstanding logic helps us proper use of EBM given

Thus in medicine as infields understanding anare essential elements for usynthesise evaluate and cedge and apply it in a prac

It is not enough to knoknowledge Learning to a given situation is a morskill than memory alone

world this position is eve

ical as facts are easy tois more important is to lapply knowledge

Logic as a way of learnsoning is a worthwhile goelement for innovation Atthis is a critical focus Tof patients physicians mto apply knowledge in aframework hence the iminvolving our medical stly in the treatment of patlearn more from such expemerely listening to lectur

Students learnmore from beinginvolved inlearning ratherthan merelylistening to

