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Willy and the Warthog With Illus

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  • 8/6/2019 Willy and the Warthog With Illus


    Willy and The WarthogChapter I

    In a very small village, called a kampung in Malaysia, lived a little boymuch too small for his age. Willy was 8 years old, Chinese, andeveryone told him it looked like he forgot to grow! But what Willylacked in size, he more than made up for in imagination. Willys Bapa,father in Malay, was Bapa Kai. He ran the only store in thekampung. There were only 12 families that lived there, so everyoneknew everyone, and their usual gathering place for gossip and newswas, Bapa Kais store. Willys Ibu or mother, had passed away 4years ago. Ever since, Bapa Kai did his best to be both Bapa and Ibu,but the real boss, or so shed like to think, was Willys older sister,Gwen. She thought it was her responsibility to run the house and,

    especially annoying, she was always telling Willy what to do, makinghim do extra chores, and always letting Willy know who was the olderand wiser.

    On this particularly sunny, humid day, Willy was just getting home

    from school. He was happy his classes were in the morning. Eventhough he really didnt like getting up early, he loved having theafternoons to wander out to the edge of the jungle and explore.

    Willy! The scream came from inside the house and Willy knewinstantly what the trouble was. Gwens face appeared at the window.


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    something step back in the shadows just beyond the banana tree, butlooked again and couldnt see anything. Aaaa, just my over activeimagination, as Bapa says, he told himself. Besides, I have my capeand were ready for adventure! Come on Robot!As Willy put on his banana leaf cape and began to run aroundshooting the aliens with Robot, he didnt notice the small pair ofeyes peering our from that dark spot on the jungles edge.

    The eyes were almost red in color, and there was something kind ofsquinty and evil about them. If Willy hadnt been yelling and makinglaser shot sounds so loudly, he would have heard the small snarl asthe eyes disappeared back into the shadows.

    Willys adventure saving the world was going full force. Willy

    pretended that one of the aliens lasers had hit him and threw himselfin the air and onto the ground. Just as he did, he lost his grip onRobot, and it flew through the air, straight towards the jungle!

    Willy peeked out from under the banana leaf and watch in horror asRobot flew into the dark shadows at the edge of the jungle. He got upquickly, and raced for the jungles edge. He leaned in as far as hedared, but couldnt see Robot.

    He knew what he had to do. But before he stepped into that darkshadowed spot, just a meter beyond the edge he shouldnt cross, helooked and looked and did all he could to be sure there werent anyspiders that bite and make you sleep forever, and today was nottheday he wanted his face bitten off!


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    Willy kept staring at the spot for the longest time, but still couldnt seeanything that looked dangerous. He threw a couple of sticks into thespot, just to be sure. Nothing. There was no choice, he was going tohave to go in to rescue Robot!Willy took a deep breath, steadied himself, and took one last look,squinting his eyes to really see, and stepped one step into the jungle!His heart was beating twice as fast as it should be, he held his breathas he moved another step closer to the shadow spot. He still couldntsee anything in there. Willy also didnt see the vine on the ground,right in his path!Willy looked up and realized he was lying on his back, right in themiddle of the shadow spot!He looked around and into the dark spots, but couldnt see any

    snakes or worse! What he did see was Robot! Robot! Willy said. Notyelling, in case he attract some unwelcome attention, but loudenough to be heard. Robot was lying on his back, just like Willy,looking up at the jungle canopy above. It was just then that he heardit!

    To his right, but close, a strange snarl, coming from the darkest spot.Willy couldnt see anything but thought he saw something move. Hefroze, unable to yell, or run, or even think! Fright turned his musclesto mush! All he could do was lay there, helpless and wait for whateverwas sneaking up.Willy heard another snarl and footsteps and knew what kind ofcreature make a sound like that. It was a warthog! Just as he realizedhe still couldnt move, he saw it!It wasnt a full grown warthog, but it was bigger around than Willy!

    And its tusks were huge! At least 10 centimeters long! The warthogsshort, stocky little feet and hooves carried it much quicker than Willy

    thought and before he could react, the warthog was straddling hischest.


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    Willy closed his eyes tight but could smell the breath of the warthog,

    as it pushed its face down into Willys. Ewwww! You got the worst,stinky breath! Gross!Willy finally found the courage to open his eyes and stared up into thevery ugly face of a very dangerous warthog.Not knowing what else to do, and desperate for help, Willy looked thewarthog straight in his little beady eyes and begged, Today has notbeen my day, and if youre planning to bite my face off, Id reallyrather you didnt!!The warthog looked even more intently into Willy face and leaned in

    even closer, so that Willy almost choked from his stinky breath.Suddenly, the warthog opened his mouth and Willy saw the rows ofsharp, razor-like teeth. Willy thought, this is it!As the face eating mouth opened, Willy heard thisEwwww! Yuck... Why would I bite your face off?!Willy couldnt believe he had just heard what he thought he heard.Did the warthog just talk to him? Better yet, did he say he didnt wantto bite his face off?!You, you, you can talk? Willy asked, still unsure he had really heardright.

    Well yes, to you, but Im afraid others are too closed-minded to hearme! The warthogs voice was exactly as youd imagine it to beNasal, with a little too much saliva mixed in. Willy thought, Hesounds kind of like Gwen when she has a head cold! Ha! helaughed out loud.


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    Whats funny? the nasal, smelly voice asked.You sound like my sister with a cold!He suddenly realized the warthog and his stinky breath were still ontop of him. Um, if youre not going to bite my face off, could you atleast back up a bit? Willy begged.The warthog stepped aside. Willy still couldnt move much, butwanting to keep things friendly thought hed better keep theconversation going.Do you have a name?I call myself Ambrocious ! Whatdoya think?Willy thoughtit was the weirdest name hed ever heard of, Willy said,Thats a nice name!I watch you, ya know? Every day you come out here to play and Ialways hide in the shadows and watch you have fun. I often wished I

    could join you, but Ive also snuck up to your house at night afterdark, and heard your Bapa and sister yelling at you. Warning youabout the warthogs. So I kept my distance. Your Bapa seems niceand understanding, but your sister, whats her name?Gwen, Willy replied in a low voice.Yeah, Gwen. What is her problem? She really bosses you around!Willy looked straight into Ambrocious eyes and said, Ever since myIbu passed away, she feels like she has to take her place. I guessshes just looking out for me, but she can be a real pain!

    WILLY!!!!Willy knew what that was. Bapa Kai was back from the store.But no matter, he always yelled at least twice before he reallygotmad.You have to go. Ambrocious said, with a sad look on his face.Soon Willy said but knew he should leave now. Wanting to know somuch more from Ambrocious, he asked, Will I see you again?Ambrocious chuckled, Of course! Ill be here tomorrow, as alwaysand well talk again!

    WILLY!!!, no mistaking Bapa Kais worried voice.That was it, the second yell. I really gotta go. Can you umAmbrocious, realizing Willys foot was still caught under the vine, tookone bite and it was freed.


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    Careful, Ambrocious said with a snicker, That coulda been yourface! Ha!Very funny, ha ha ha. I really have to go now.. See you tomorrowAmbrocious!See you, and with that, Willy ran for home and Ambrocious slippedback into the shadows of the jungle.


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    Chapter IIIWilly ran as fast he could, his banana leaf cape shredding behind himas he headed for home. When he arrived, both Bapa Kai andGwenwere sitting up on the porch. Double trouble. It was Bapa Kai whostarted first. Where have you been?Willy, nearly out of breath, explained, I was out at my play spot pastthe paddy fields.Near the jungle?! Bapa Kai had that look of concern on his face,but he always had that when it came to dealing with Willy.Willy wanted to make sure Bapa Kai was not worried. Well, no, notexactly nearthe jungle, just far enough away from the edge to besafe.

    Gwens turn, whether Bapa was done or not. How many times do we

    have to tell you Willy? Youll never learn until a big snake swallowsyou whole, or a giant warthog bites your face off.They dont dothat! Willy said, with some authority. He wanted to tellthem what happened, he wanted to yell it out. But, he knew that theywouldnt understand.Hey, until this afternoon, hewouldnt understand! Oh yes they do!Gwen chimed back in. Howd you know? One bite your face off?! Haha ha! was Willys come back.

    Ok, now stop, the two of you Bapa Kai stood up to go.Willie, I have warned you enough about the jungle, your old enoughnow to watch for yourself. Just dont let your imagination carry youtoo far away. Tomorrow, if I can get away from the store in time, Imay just come out and see your secret play spot.Ok. Willy answered in a low voice. He knew if Bapa saw just howclose to the edge of the jungle he was, hed forbid him from goingthere.

    Bapa Kai headed back into the house. Gwen, on the other hand

    wasnt finished. That wasnt unusual. She alwayshad the last wordand usually afterBapa Kai left.

    She squinted up her nose and looked down at Willy.I still see palm fronds under the house! Willy had forgotten. Ill get itdone, before supper, promise. And with that, Gwen picked herself up


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    from the porch, gave a snort, which reminded Willy of Ambrocious,and she left.Warthog! Willy said under his breath, smiling to himself, and satdown on the steps leading up to the porch. He thought, Ill just rest fora few minutes before dinner. After all, it hadbeen a very long andstrange day. He couldnt wait for tomorrow.

    Chapter IVThe walk home from school the next morning, was really more of arun for Willy. He stopped by Bapas store, just to see how busy it was.Mr. Hashim and Mr. Shukri were sitting in front of the store, on plastic

    stools, with their teh terrik, Pulled Tea, which adds bubbles andcools it slightly. A Malaysian favorite. They were having their usualfriendly argument about the differences of life in a small kampung andlife in a big city, like Kuala Lumpur. Other than that, some new stockshad just arrived, so Willy guessed Bapa would be busy the wholeafternoon.Willy was careful not to be seen by Bapa Kai. Not that he didnt helpout, he often did and liked working beside his Bapa in the store. But,today was special. He had so many questions to ask Ambrocious.So, Willy ran back out and headed for home.

    Once at his house, he went to get Robot from his usual hiding spotand it was then he realized, in his daze yesterday, he had forgottenRobot in the jungle! Well, never mind, Willy thought. He should stillbe in the same place, unless a giant snake swallowed him whole,Willy shivered at the thought. No, Robot has no flavor, the snakewould just throw him back up! Ha ha ha!With that, he ran out across the paddy fields with a mind full ofquestions, and a stomach full of excitement!

    When he finally reached the edge of the jungle, things seemed a bitdifferent, yet partly the same as always. Yesterday, after tripping intothings and meeting Ambrocious, the jungle didnt seem so scary.Today though, it was right back to being a strange forbidding placewith dark shadows and who knows what else, maybe with big teethwaited inside! Willy had half expected to find Ambrocious at the edge


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    of the jungle. But, there was no one. Willy suddenly realized that hewould have to go back into the spot where they met yesterday, byhimself. No Ambrocious. Suddenly, Willy had a horrible thoughtDid yesterday reallyhappen? What if he were just dreaming.What if that fall knocked his head too hard, and there wasno talkingwarthog named Ambrocious. I mean, it was kinda too weird to betrue!

    Either way, Willy had no choice. If he was going to rescue Robot, hewas going in. Remembering the vine hed tripped over yesterday,Willy stepped even more carefully. One slow step at a time, he madehis way the short distance to the spot near the shadows. Willy peeredinto the shadow, trying to see Robot, but really couldnt see much ofanything. Then, he heard a rustle from beyond those black shadows.

    Followed by the familiar clump of hoofs and an occasional snort.Willy thought, its either Ambrocious, or my sister Gwen!And gave a nervous giggle.Even before he could see him, he heard him say, Missingsomething? Just then, Ambrocious appeared from the shadows withRobot in his mouth! he dropped Robot at Willys feet, and Willysmiled and picked him up. He was covered in slime, which smelled alot like Ambrocious breath! Ewwww! was all Willy could say as hetried to wipe the saliva from himself and Robot.Ambrocious asked, Did your Bapa yell a lot last night? Willy repliedthat Bapa never really yells. Its his sister that yells. Bapa was moreof a stern teacher. He let Willy have his imagination, but alwayswarned him about dangers and kept an eye. Oh, he said he mightcome out to check up on me this afternoon, but he has a lot of workat his store and I dont think hell make it. Willy explained.Ambrocious took a step back. If he sees me, he reallywontunderstand. Willy tried to calm his fears Its ok Ambrocious, nothingto worry.The two stayed in the spot near the shadows for hours talking about

    life in the kampung and life in the jungle. Ambrocious told Willy abouttimes when he was hunted and had to run very fast for his life.Even though Ambrocious was a very small warthog, as warthogs go,he still had to watch himself all the time.Suddenly, their conversation was halted by a sound. A familiar yell.


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    WILLY! It was Bapa Kai! Only this wasnt from across the paddyfields, this was right outside at the jungles edge! Bapa Kai had comelooking!Ambrocious and Willy both froze. Perfectly still.They could hear Bapa stepping through the edge of the jungle andthey knew it wouldnt be long before he reached them.The palm leaves in the front hid them mostly, but now they began toslide apart. It wasBapa Kai, and he had his shotgun!

    Willie!, Bapa yelled, Get away from that thing! Bapa Kai soundedmore serious than Willy had ever heard him!Willy jumped up and put his arms around Ambrocious neck. Bapa,

    NO! This is my friend! His name is Ambrocious and weve spent thewhole afternoon together talking and having fun. He isntbad. Really,he isnt.Bapa Kai looked down the barrel of his shotgun at the strange scenebefore him. Ready to shoot if that warthog, whatever his name was,even flinched. What he noticed was that his son looked more bravethen hed ever seen him, a little warrior! And the warthog, looked asscared as hed ever seen anyone or anything! Willy continued to beghis Bapa and hug Ambrocious tight. He picked up Robot and showedBapa saying, Look, he even saved Robot for me!After what seemed like a lifetime to Willy and Ambrocious, and notenough time to make a good judgment to Bapa Kai, Bapa lookeddown the barrel of his shotgun again and slowly began to laugh.Willy and Ambrocious looked at each other, and theybegan to laugh.Well, Willy laughed, Ambrocious snorted.I cant believe it. How, young man, did you manage to tame awarthog? Bapa lowered his shotgun, but kept it ready.Really Bapa, I didnt. Willy tried to explain quickly. Yesterday, I lostRobot just inside the edge of the jungle. I thought if I just went a

    meter or two, itd ok. So I stepped in but tripped over a vine. TheAmbrocious came out of the shadows and introduced himself!Weve been best buddys ever since. Honest hes harmless. RightAmbrocious? Ambrocious looked at Bapa then Willy and nodded.Only Willy could hear him say, Right. What Bapa heard, was just asnort!How do you know his name?, Bapa Kai wanted to know.


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    Oh, he can talk, but he says Im the only one who can hear andunderstand him.Ok, Bapa scratched his head. It makes no sense, but I cant denywhat I see. Now lets get Robot and get home for dinner. I think Ivehad enough excitement for one day.Ambronocks can see you tomorrow.Its Ambrocious. It was then that Willy had a brilliant idea.Bapa? Could he come home with us?Bapa Kai took a step backwards. Absolutely not!Willy began his favorite begging routine. It often worked on Bapa.But Bapa Hes no trouble, hell sleep under the house. Hed makea great guard dog! If he stays in the jungle, someone might hunt him,and Bapa I really dont wanna lose my new friend!Then Willy looked up with his big brown eyes into Bapas face.

    Bapa thought about it, thought about how strange this day hadalreadybeen, and looked back to Willy. Ok. But remember, hes stilla wild animal, Im keeping a close eye on him.Willys face lit up! Oh thank you Bapa! Did your hear thatAmbrocious, you can stay under our house!Ambrocious gave a snort, which Willy heard as Thank you.Then Bapa looked straight at Willy and added,Just dont let Gwen find out!

    Back home, Willy showed Ambrocious the spot under the house.Having left the palm leaves there turned out for the best. Ambrocioushad a nice comfortable place to rest. After making sure he was welltucked under the house, so Gwen wouldnt see him come morning,he told Ambrocious he had to go in to eat and hed see him in themorning.Willys new best friend looked up from the ground and said, Thankyou Willy. Not just for this, but for saving my life today. You truly are afriend and Ill never let you down.Youre welcome., Said Willy, and Selamat Malam. Good night, in


    Willy headed up the stairs and Ambrocious laid down on the palmfronds for a restful nights sleep.


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    Chapter V

    It wasnt the rooster on this bright crisp morning that woke everyone,it wasnt the Roti mans horn, roti is Malay for bread, and the roti manmakes his rounds every morning with his bicycle stuffed and overloaded with breads and treats. His little beep-beep horn can be heardall throughout the kampung.No, none of those could have compared to thismornings wake upcall.It was Gwen, screaming at the very top of her lungs. So loud, in fact,no one could really tell what she was saying. It all just sounded like

    Ter ah gia wahha! Which really make no sense at all.Bapa Kai and Willy hit the porch from inside at just about the sametime.Gwen! What is it? Relax, calm down. No one can understand you ifyour hysterical! Bapa Kai always had that calming way about himand seldom got flustered about much.Gwen took a minute to catch her breath, then looked at Bapa Kai andWilly. Very slowly, picking her words one at a time, she managed tosqueak out, There-is-a-giant-warthog-under-house!A giant warthog? Asked Willy. Hmmm.

    Really?! Bapa Kai pretended not to know anything about it too, Letme look.Oh Bapa, be careful. Gwen pleaded.Bapa headed down the stairs and peered under the house.

    He looked at Ambrocious, who looked as frighten as when he had ashotgun pointed in his direction.


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    Oh, hes not so big!Bapa winked at Ambrocious, and slowly crouched down. He woundup on all fours, crawling under the house!Gwen, seeing him disappear under the house, screamed again.BAPA! What are you doing?!Gwen, summoning all her courage, leaned over the porch and lookedunder the house. What she saw almost made her faint!Bapa, have you lost your mind? Get away from that thing! Gwenwarned.Bapa was sitting next to Ambrocious and scratching him behind hisears, which warthogs seems to like very much.Gwen. Bapa began, Sometimes you have to look past the outside,sometimes, things can be very different than what they appear.This is Willy friend, Ambronocks

    Ambrocious. Willy corrected Bapa.and hes perfectly harmless. Bapa looked back at Gwen to see ifhed convinced her. From the look on her face, she was a long wayfrom being convinced!Willy! I shoulda known! And you Bapa? Youre encouraging thiscraziness?Gwen was still looking over the edge of the porch and her view ofthings under the house, already very strange, was upside down.Gwen, like I said, sometimes things are not what they appear. BapaKai was doing his best sales job, but failing.Gwen had finally had enough. You two are nuts! That thingis notliving under the house. And the sooner hes gone and back in the

    jungle, or dead, the better. Ambrocious took a step back.As she said that, she stood up, but a little too quickly. She felt herhead spin, and the next thing she knew, she had fallen off the porch!Gwen was sitting at the bottom of the stairs, not two meters fromBapa and the warthog!

    She picked herself up, very quickly and said with some conviction,

    Bapa, Im not going to live with that face-biting creature under thehouse! And Willy, you just wait!With that, she started screaming again and ran towards Bapas store.Willy climbed down the stairs, and under the house. That went well,huh? Bapa Kai couldnt help but chuckle. Shell relax in a while.Maybe if we get him a collar and leash and tied the leash to the


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    house supports, shell feel better. He doesnt have to stay that way,just when Gwens around.Willy thought about it, and looked at Ambrocious. For a warthog, hewas very understanding. Its ok Willy, I dont mind.So it was decided. Bapa Kai would bring home a leash from the store,and when Gwen was around, Ambrocious would be tied up.Ok, enough excitement for one morning. Breakfast time, and Willy,Ill leave it to you to get Ambronocks something.Willy began to correct Bapa, Its Ambro oh never mind.See ya in a while Ambrocious! Willy said as he headed back up thestairs.Ambrocious laid back in the soft palm fronds and closed his eyes.Gwen, he thought, was definitely going to be a problem.


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    Chapter VILater that afternoon Gwen returned from the store. Shed stoppedscreaming. But was still just as mad as shed been this morning.When she came slowly around the corner of the house, she waspeering underneath to the spot where that creature was.Gwen could see the beady eyes and the huge tusks. She alsonoticed the warthog was wearing a collar and a leash, tied to thehouse post. Never the less, she bent down to the road in the from ofthe house and picked up a rock. Not a big rock, about the size of aRambutan, a South East Asian hairy fruit.

    She took another look just to be sure the face biting monster reallywas tied, and then she threw the rock in Ambrocious direction.Unfortunately, her aim had always been good. Ambrocious wassleeping, and when the rock bonked off the top of his head, he wokeup with a start. Not knowing exactly had happened, he rose quicklyand lunged forward, snorting and snarling, mouth open, teeth bared.Forgetting he was tied with the leash, he got about 1 meter and then,

    with a squawk, he stopped in his tracks and was pulled back.It all actually looked very cartoon like.When Gwen hear the growls and saw him headed towards her, shescreamed and ran up the stair to the porch. When Willy heard Gwensscreams, he ran from the house to see what was wrong.Whats going on? Willy asked, after Gwen had calmed slightly.That thinghas just tried to attack me! She didnt mention that shehad hit him in the head with a rock.Gwen, first, he tied to the house pillars, he can go much more than a

    meter. Second, why would he do that with out a reason?As Willy spoke, he was headed down the stairs and under the houseto check on Ambrocious.Gwen, trying to cover herself said, Because hes a wild animal andthat what he does! Just then Ambrocious pushed the rock towardsWilly with his snout. Ask her about this! he said.


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    Gwen! Willy held up the rock for Gwen to see. Where did thiscomefrom?!Having been caught, Gwen resorted to the only defense she knew,throwing her weight around.Willy, That thing is nothing but trouble and when Bapa gets back, Imgoing to convince him, and that monster is either going back to the

    jungle where he belongs, or hes going to meet the business end ofBapas shotgun.Bapa did get home, a bit late this particular day, but Gwen andWillywere ready. It was Gwen, of course, who started first.Bapa, that face biting creature can not live under our house. I dontknow why you let Willy play with him. You yourself sit there next tohim like youre best friends. Its just dangerous and I dont know whyyou cant see that.

    Bapa Kai paused for a few moments, partly to make sure she wasdone and partly to gather his thoughts.Gwen, Ive always tried raise you two with an even hand, let youhave your own ideas and time. Since Ibu passed, you have done aremarkable job of keeping things together around the house.Now I understand how you feel. How do you think I felt, when I firstsaw Willy, sitting in the jungle, with his arms around Ambrociousneck and scratching behind his ear?! Willy almost fell over that Bapahad remembered his name!Bapa continued, Gwen, Ive also tried to teach you that everyone isdifferent in their own way and, apparently, that also applies towarthogs! But that doesnt make them bad. It just makes themdifferent. I would hope you could accept that, and look at things in anew way. But, I leave to you.Bapa sat down in his favorite chair on the porch. Which meant hewas done.Willy thought, after that, he better just leave things alone and notspeak.Gwen, as always, wasnt through.


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    Chapter VII

    It was only a week or later, when unexpected things happened, thatchanged everything.Being Saturday, along with giving the house a real good cleaning, itwas also laundry.Now Bapa had been able to save up enough that several years ago,he surprised Ibu with a washing machine. The drying, however, stillwas done on the line, outside.

    Willy and Ambrocious had had incredible fun and adventures.

    Ambrocious teaching Willy about the jungle, and Willy teachingAmbrocious about life in the kampung.

    On this particular bright humid morning, Gwen had just finished hersecond load of washing and was headed for the clothesline. Now toexplain, as much as Gwen loved to complain about useless things,sometimes she had a point.

    The clothesline was in desperate need of replacing. It was attachedfrom the porch to the big coconut palm about 3 meters, but the ropewas frayed and worn so it hung too low.A Y shaped stick help the keep it, and the clean clothes. Gwen hadasked again and again for Bapa to bring back a new rope and fix it,but it always seemed to fall down his list of priorities and for months,this was all Gwen had to dry clothes.

    As usual when she came down from the porch, she gave a quickcheck and a snarl in Ambrocious direction, just to be sure he was still

    tied up. He was. She was tempted to look for another rock, but theoverloaded laundry basket made that impossible.

    Shed made this trip and hung clothes thousands of times, but todayluck was not on her side.Just as she approached the clothesline, the basket blocking her viewof the ground, her foot found a root sticking out of the ground.


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    Her left foot caught in the root and she began to tumble. The basketof clean clothes went flying up into the air. She gave a scream as sheflew forward, and headed right for the clothesline.As she fell, the Y stick came loose and snapped. The rope, newvery loose, caught her around the neck and as she tried to break herfall, she actually wound up with the rope wrapped tightly around herneck!Having twisted her ankle she couldnt stand to relieve the pressure asthe weight of her body slowly tightened the rope. Barely able tobreath, screaming again was impossible.She tried again and again to loosen the rope with her hand, butunable to move much, it was useless.Things were beginning to go black around the edges in her vision,when she look and noticed Ambrocious watching what was

    happening.She saw him reach around quickly and, with one bite, cut the leashthat secured him to under the house.Gwen still had enough of her wits about her to realize what washappening. She watch in horror, as the warthog came towards her.Snorting and growling. Ambrocious picked up his pace, as heapproached Gwen, half laying on the ground.As he got to her, her face crunched in fear. What was he doing?Was this what that face biting monster had been waiting for? Achance?Gwen could smell the awful breath as Ambrocious put his face downnext to her. Just then, Bapa Kai came running out of the house, hisshotgun in hand.Ambrocious was right over Gwen now, as Bapa raised his shotgunand sighted in on Ambrocious.Gwen saw the warthogs mouth open and along with the huge tuskscould see the sharp teeth. She thought, this is it.Bapa lined up his shot but as he took one last look down the barrel,directly into the face of Ambrocious,

    Ambrocious looked up directly at Bapa Kai, and gave him a wink!Bapa Kai almost thought he saw the Warthog smile!

    With that Ambrocious lean up and with one mighty crunch, bit therope above Gwens head! She fell to the ground and could sense thesweet tasting air rushing back into her lungs.


  • 8/6/2019 Willy and the Warthog With Illus


    Bapa Kai rushed over to Gwen as Ambrocious, unsure how shewould react headed back to the safety of the underside of the house.Gwen, Gwen! Bapa Kai asked, are you ok?Yes, now was her reply, although her voice sounded as thought shehad a very sore throat and an equally horse voice.My ankle is killing me. I cant stand. She squeaked out.Dont worry about that, well get you to the clinic. Bapa KaiGwen, looking around for Ambrocious, noticed he was no where to beseen. Wheres Ambrocious? she asked.Bapa Kai, never having heard Gwen use his name before, didntunderstand. AmbroWell, Gwen continued, he did save my life. Its possible I might justhave been wrong about that warthog.Bapa Kai cradled his daughter in his arms and they both sat on the

    ground laughing.Ambrocious, hidden away in the shadows under the house, heardthem, and smiled too.


  • 8/6/2019 Willy and the Warthog With Illus



    When Willie heard the story, he hadnt believed it could be true.In time, Gwen would bring Ambrocious his meals, and even wentalong once or twice to the edge of the jungle with the two friends towatch the fun.It took a long time for Gwen to realize that sometimes people, andanimals, are not what we think.Willy continues to use his imagination to take him on wild adventuresin the small kampung, Bapa Kai still manages to keep the peace.Its much easier these days. Gwen seems to have really changed.Less bossy, less picking on Willy.And Ambrocious? Well, hes the happiest of all.He now sleeps under Willys bed at night!

    The End
