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Wilt - oregonnews.uoregon.edu€¦ · Tin*stai'*s*xmoOr p-diy m thedistaut.si¿y; ! 1 >ojiist into...

Date post: 08-Oct-2020
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< r » “iVr.-v: r-rwc*. i * »•* .w-w^r — »«yt -•» «rcs I I I •T f.: $ y SI !":< f-rà 4 & $ r % i '¿•T ^ 5?. Ë j * î jfci ; * V 0 L .3 . C O Q L T L L E C IT Y , O R E G O N , T U E S D A Y , O C T O B E R 7, 1884. N O . 8. Bt'NI*rSS ( A ltov TISK (H T4 AST (Lx (1 via'oN.) Tin: n xnr.v. ! Soii:c oftlio Habits niM* ( tiapaotfr- i ,< i« N« fa St mn;;<' Ai:ii:iul. °f ihe fate of comrades— q very ep- ! “Pee seen Kernel. Jones and made ! AO ( l l l L i m i A 1VAATKI1. L. F. L ane. J ohn L ane. ! well thatmida weii.^shakespoare. I Oiu> wlniovy nij.iit ;•» hoiuev.ard lato I sped. ¡ Texas has within her borders ft Tin*stai'*s*xmoOr p-diy m thedistaut.si¿y; ! 1 >ojiist into whose narrow skul 1 fear never enters. It is the peccary LANK it LANIt, . j . . o i ; um;c u^iiiinuiuc t.mmiuu---uu uu Altoviwys aihl Counselors at Law. ' W ‘> U " ‘V " U)^ nal| '("A b 11 *al Grim, voiceless, horrible-the makes often de farm:’ ^ —and who are recently from t Land Cases a Specialiiy. j i beard *imt»wmed « low. «ad, plaintive ■ ueverTCQtiers- At lh l ‘ie hog sat and gave me back glance A <>u only get one-fourth t East, were in search of a house I Office on Main Street, opposite Ik*nnoiHiUtau ; ctj -— | Die ilftvilinah of the Alexicans, the . | -OI. g ]unce The spot lie squatted j Kernel Jones offered me o n e - T h e y had carefully prepi * 01 * 1 . j I i(H>k d .tro'.md. anu «.»•; .>n-- io /. u . now, j 1 >ic<.»tyles torquatus o f 7 »ologists. ia,)(m was within the radius of a 1 third, but I held out for a fourf, ' 1 ,, il -}-nf m 0,,0 advertised a Roaeburg, Oregon. Ami ««w » *<mum ca.-patfi t«* her Tens. Bravery is a notable attribute of j t t j j The in-ects crawled and I "ot it too. Ef T had been' , i n i 4o — — ----------- - A little child. The piercing winds did blow, | J . ; lew a.ic u»,u. unt liioects udvuiu i y i u , started systematically to hunt the j .M.Sko . iw . ^ ^ '”,s‘ • BA ' j And mock lu-iv Jort> Lo soi.tii it to rest. man, and it is discovered in I'lros, ovcr i,in; nad stung Ids thick hide;; greedy like some niggers be, I b e -; Jr, These houses were varionf ... .. T boosts aibl hslies. 1 don t clfiipi 1 |i|OV Hio*r formic upii?» j loves i could lievo rr<*i u sixth Let i • » •» i i *• lu a r n n s a « » ! llHlRNPliitN U I . ! « , ! » 0» to-».«.« m . i..uor, *im Mnnlit.v for the ».rule 1 <uu ! bluuto* UiaccU in rain. As I « wantor gmifie no uian j o ss,u . Kl ail sorts ami sizes, n itome of hate. ' a now bargain. Instead of getting ‘•Don’t shoot yet!” I said to Her-j a half dollar outen cbery dollar he gent Platt, “1 want to study him.” , makes, 1 gets one fourf of what he |<j)rce handsomechildren—all boy Grim, voiceless, horrible-the i makes often de farm.” —and who arerecently from th< hog sat and gave me back glance Aloa«' with (h it pu< r child? l;istressful , devoid o f fear, light.” •• AI icakind sir.il lue.»' n<>home or friend, lir.d men p"tr-nc n> .(- nov v.h.» re*or 1 po: Leave iiw M suck the'river and th* cud Of tliii sad lift this cri r.ufni P.atc * v,i.; Mttrs dield. (’ x» ò (iitut*y. («regoli. | ni :ht? Ot » i , ics—Holìitnd huilding. oj>i»osite lìlanco vuU tlo iu ì . ìo . aro vou tlius dootnet Hot#L vj ta2» j "w . SINCLAIR, Attorni-} ut Lav;, General Inaurane.' ard L a! I-M*.:«'Ac;anL C oquti t .f . (Trv, Olire,OS. T . C-. O W E I v T. Àtlornoy aad Coinselor at Lav:, A5 UisnviKcn, Oliti. t>» Fi- H A Z À H D ) Att&rney a:ui Counsaior at Law. Kt-i iii.: (’in . iK>v. T v*r TJ T,1> S"NTTP T T J. V/. i.. AUorr.dy at Law, Maks in :>. • > on . -r» v T ~ « rpi^ *>T iJ. -— \ ìj . 1 O U A . AUorr.iy ar.d Cch.isaiùr af Law Civ*-. C tt. (»•*>•. T - 7 Tir> ’ J T 7 ' T? J . il. _4 No.rn’Y Public t> ft'nvut ti» describe. I believe lnav- cannot he sai l to exist in senses well might they have stung the becau.se ne is Multe. i The above reminds us of several ht-il. After ¡i time tiie old borr ¡ instances in which the poor nogioes »■ t. I u. v . c »' C To ; i re e«• p.'oi'. Iiil soon umilisi th Mild. w:.v i ! ,i <vov you would no mud. oi. • t . n- not sacnficc the child, i- f.- mi t!i;^ T I'iivc ,** . (leur, i »»tic soni, a hvurt ilwit nc*» r will fui! 1 J. I: i' ir; dì a It 'S. -I'i CCUllt*.»' •!! f-‘Ur drtor : hut v ■ :! trk<* to Inmr your tnk. v :! i.- j o V . it*; mv Sii’tcr tdruids cactus plant growing be.side their ! conceive that an j i appi eciiifion oi il.iiigi'i ir» a mat : j ^-^¡ 1 .,. ^veary ♦ ‘•f the tusk of gft/’.ing ; were swindled during the Con tod- and he get up and went around, j eracy and immediafoly after Ino siuellingtlio bodies of ids late com- I war. punions. Then lie ate <a few acorns I Eob Toombs says that Memrnin- that iiad fallen from the live oak ger, tin* secretary of the treasury, lom slan t, and thougli he fears free we wore perched in and after was a very economical public serv- ihat he deliberately stretch(*d him- . ant. lie Idled negroes to prixff the self at t!ie root of the tree intend- confederate currency end pani them iiig to remain a scnlry and prevent. for their work by giving them the our slipping nvay without his per- \ nse of tlieir presses to print ; >r St ry menstruum to the nobler cour age. It is not the man of dogged indifference ! admire, it is the man who refuses to liy when duty bids rugai mi tur" -tlemminger »»í'.Iil So'Ul t'ii.W ’t : :i(* tr* ;h¡; i mint 1 , ...1 v,,. .»♦»* 1 w 11 « .1 g:ii - Far I vi t« * ;-.’ t tiian vi•“¡ih in uî.'c.ir.l hands 1i # , i Y.ì ha VP i\ t lu*;».rt \-itih f. lire; for ii-. kind. ] d, gi.in« ’h«M Uvi* a life of SeIfi-hi’ess «.lid pain, fear. Ili yy : TV ;tj ; ai! t». ' T .t: • :■. lin - ad, i »“ neat li . roll A ve Lili'n h.vt 1 .T1U know y»»li li” «t i'ik'ftl e Tro;]ate to uni. tL• i •‘•h*a moment fled , ana lus t d-v.th, tears <L Uionor moie. Now the peccary has no jiarticle of fear on account of any show of odds, and appears to live only for oie pulp».-* oi madiN d\ in g when j-Pi.-sion ; or witliout doing by him themselves at night. In the mat- opportuuity offers. The game chicken fights with heroic valor, much longer. UJatt aimed at his negroes io gainer drift wood in lite j heart and pierced it with a forty- I dorado ri\tr, « fier the war, and four caliber bull* t; with a single pile i sl.u Hers beneath his crowing compier.>r, the lio.r g,»ut;v, and with his half of ail the drift wood they col but oi as we litui done by the others. ter of a We did not keep him waiting had a superior in a man who hired k-Wínnn lllg c‘yes, lee'ding in the et d name‘loss s out his life Friday a young married couple, whose union liad been blessed with ,8 ently from the East, were in search of a house for | rent. They liad carefully prepar- and to hunt them •iously find jink'd aii sorts ana sizes, nnd were of various prices. Leaving the little cues at the hoiel where they were stopping, the tour of in spection was commenced. The first place visited was a comforta ble f:ut, ready furnished and con sisting of six rooms, with gas, bath mid all alleged modern improve ments. The elegant landlady greet- cl? C? ed them with a smile Hitd assumed ti pleasant, deferential attitude, while the young husband, speaking up, said: “ i see you advertise a flat to let, madam; ’ “ í es, sii’, walk in. AVill you see * i OM The dnt was all that could bo de- life ended Lis one emotion •r• . r > IA a Xív ^AÍV» CAtv.m r; • v v. Attorn y a d Cwrr. 1er at Law ; i,o * r ' c: «•rtlin. ( >rr p ‘ ii ut m v .■ ...I . i Mvhtlu r r :r. Will i*r-ioí ii» ■■ini i A. il. Ci Aitrnry au> , .on. A i i H i iX |+ t ! ,If.- I ),. t » if r 4 r.v r fy fi;]i «•;» n Avnr.J « r» f 7* tr *:u*r lil i VCtV nov. « u • l'hvai ; ..U-- hartón. A UJ, c. w r :» D» 'TU' ) i. I«• ... I\T ,. N * ail v t r« >»: t,Y ( ) with woo at its he hiinks that v '"Z I 1 i *ac“ :v«l«-ri: di«M in “ a :a:.r nor :is if he v.r way and w.hs g up ii i th.e tree wii > sliot liirn i< m »! ever í toi otlll'l hold; stands 4 up Lib g ;• a » jes a( it. f| ’V 1 [ v anyditiig : , l( >11 it IS t i i ! ! «* , j -. • mming th í r ).mst, a dc< 'V . « (N iato. 17 :. Tl 1 1 1 1 :r*v i> ‘ ïU\i- sired 1 ' Í, he j .and suro mid tlii-ni lar. It was ta v.-ood! t)i(*v ct >1- the l’,vo «ere r rood, oi course, cave cl little ? :il o f it. r 1 7 » i o me. i lie < 1 } - h** 'Texas forest f cource” innn- 'ant to end the* lie looks and Pacific and Fort was just . ’is much their own as it \Y<>r;h and 1ten ver City locomotive was his. 1 ne doluti'd d:.ik,t's rull ìi rue:mnlered droves l‘d .In : Svorl-mg im slmres, totally j suj'pose, do aii unaware tin i • ipei ale on i'itg: .n 'r.‘ : oi : ,i eea m eu : “Oh, 1 forgot to ask you! vou nnv children?” I Íave et timi inev were v. nere ine man .-it •t tnein from i:d t and am.n cloven hoof ! 1 ii.«'* necear v engineers v.o i-on ri’e\::s raih oads. No whistle is ioundedto fii'.liteu them. The “los three,” responded the the Vf est- : furnishing the wool for the shears. ' hv.,j ¡n uuisou. m it! *'* ì 'in( r know tioit the peeevries A litm corn 1 ' ^To\v;nt f{ lo»' ilhuaí '!*, any i ? 1C .H t‘ .if M à c • 1 J 1 C«'» ii jj/hlviiOiX j •»(* eniriiH.4 I vocìi v * nas u ’.Tioiidra'«’-! that il 1 ,, 1 4 * V 1 rasile;; I• •to ili'* liiids! «>1 tiu> drove i» .»est to p:ep; 1 re hiìì-j <av!v m íhe ilil* 1 and tilos«* not l-.ilied outright di“ sea-on , </¿’ the ! il, giving it an oc- ! re madly, « ' ■¿rging am « Ijitmg at tue en.-i m i... : ‘ 4 1 , Il J 0 1 f il.g, . 0 as to kill ti: - ! wimeis ili « . *ii ¡•• -.t « : : . ;; «.ii m. 1 ‘ t 'L -i ![)•'* » ¿ * il t . and cordinning “The ii 1 must l)eg lea’ , « draw ¡i■om m e bargain. take i'dven under any ti n.” “All ngut, madam, was lH)t 1: ' \ *i* ! * IS »it H:t 1 (?S• *0v * 4 . M 1 !.. . » » 4 x ! ■ !'■: t.s. .*tnei.-. tastes .,i"m ,.r ; ecc.'trn v\ . O . i i -A W Pry. 11 n COQ'TLL’ : Ac ..... , L,', ni Vi a G.io v Th; t..l, It I , » . . . 1 i; .i i rs ?,rn: ii:*. , nil: I They i Oil«* is ru li I; 1 •»• 1 1 _ ... f J . «ii'UO * . i tanit ; • yin a war bn î r re n: V i IP at tack :! valor (•ni:re (io ve i men rush urges then:. w MAUSHFÍEI !>, OREGON. rlnl J . U , V O L K M A B , M . D . pr.ys'cia,! and Su gc::n. MiMTi.il 1\>!ST. Tors (’«*., Oi*. ;•- on . vJiil.Mf î le i i.il. Rpgu>1 «'• 'L cle(*»*iv'd, nhe sijaiod nwny hrr ITSR'tij; H«*ip!oss h I pi ’O . (* ï"wh'iin was sho to olir.ir? Each bi ad-Tike eye is a lire spai tusks are protruded, the echinat spine Btraightened, and woe to the ! •11 <T\ . a ni • r- a hog, but for H t Í' 1 *] indi mitai v* courage of i M ‘ » OY v y 1 ;{*, i' O ' f1 naie*, <-i <,«ic 1 LCÎ r : ill ■y. and h -»!•a lighter to t he 4 ! « * Till-oi) 1 >£ his heai t, «¡muon ti n 4 tilt * ;.t i )ic; tyles t«-rqual us. i 1 ; 1 ::« ;:s i « xas hog, a br i ( LÍ WGuld, if he could, while rii;liu¡ the* midst of a cyclone, bite at like ^ i : 11 « ; last L* lo ti.e j.tv;. * wi!! i . I I»i lili« is up unid í hen i!■ i ‘ - advance« 1 i l* tiiun* 11 io grown too >wth 'lar i' ” . i; i » .*■ i.;• t.• the s< l. *i.n , ilii :i K d v. eeds by p ."d iiaiured young husband. “ Suit y ursoif. YVe’ll look furth- er. • J in next place was a cottage, with a i oat little Mower garden ill front i ? was the property of a tin illy I rislimun. ‘A is, i i! rint it to ye for $40 a i Î.,» , * ' ? i i i ( » ;* 11 1 , T’ is practice i it..', igne, umy b<* i dead« d v.itìi lite cnnu advantage to pretty much all crops. I zig-zag Cashes of the death-dealing Thi*ir!uovojn«*i»tfi likp tho Cougar's were Py | wretch who ftills ill thcil’ path. ; IjOgim' j viccable imp] s' oi' ‘ th I Gored, bitten, torn, trampled upon, i ^ ' Its value on f Till they were ready for tho final spring, l , . , . . £ . | T he Svpro i: . ! and eaten uj>. t»> the last shred of 1 can be made one of the most ser. I viceablc implements of the farm. some grass lands is j known—those affected by moss, sijo lmd r r.um of irionpy viion th«*«l»»etl ¡ Ids clothing-such is the fato of a! When it comes to business and Iand where the stand is tliin—the I |HCTw«hhha€ifniiMitusp.ti«fyti,rip}m*o«i. ¡ man caught b y a drove of angry ; arithmetic, the southern negro effect being similar to a coat of, Hnt *::ii*nideath vonid niineb tbcfntni i»l*»*.v peccaries. AYith tlie same fury i is very liable to be swindled by un- earth applied, serving as a mulch. SrcoicAi OCicti: 0% Holland Bnildiiij Marshfield, Oregon. Ijr Will proft^sionally visit 111 «» varions tova» on the river. J . -JT-. I D E ^X nT, C oquille C ity , O ueoon? GENERAL AGENCY ft.r ili« sale of City property, homes and lots, ti 111 1 .* r. farniH. ranches, etc. Oflic» la Herald building. i e . Wilt WATCH-MAKER & JEWELER, O cq .'U .ille O it 3 T, O r . r * r w ork of all descriptions done at short notice and extremely lo\i prices. vln47. I. O. G. T. Morning Star Lodge No» 464, K . OF L. Pioneer Assembly» No» 3070» O l tilt* its b g and enriching | , , ... ■i . , .month, iirovoidm ye have no cnil- c;':u iderablv ru -1 1 J dren. The youn -■husband looked lan- paidiy at his pretty si>ouse, and ob served, “ We must continue the search.” The next place visited was a large lodging-house. Here the landlord showed them apartments suitable for houskeeping. “ Well, Mary, dear; I suppose we’ll have to take these.’ * “These apartments are sunny, ------- | lint e H cm death nonid clinch tb«*fatal i>lnv; j peccaries. With the same jury 1 is very liable to be swindle«.! by un- earth applied, serving as a mulch,; J. S. xiO l-iC O ..I-L» j s,ie. now ai inaod. bad Hcd from place* to they assail a *.volf or «attack a b u ll; principled white men. Au instance . which grass . ’ands so much need.: ( !d‘‘n toieins aie sunny, 1T m . i, v.rii L'-ntis ' ;»’acc. ' ... , i » »• Tr i i n » - conveniently located, and, I think, Hini i. ■ {nul neither the woli nor the bull of this kind occurred near Austin Harrowing also lavors tl:c aumis- ,, *, . or hengMiucM« n s i r ij: store, in Lut like bus? houniis they d find where or . , , •=» all that can be wished fer inter im! Hmidiiif*. Front si.pct, she went. can stand up against a charge of net long since. An ohl negro nam- sion of air, not only on grass, but,*. ! . ... ' Her m«*Hiis exhunaitd—tired of thech.v«*— . , . -»^,11 i i it i i i i I was in time to check her wild intent. j half a dozen peccaries. 13otli know l ed l ncie I ete, who imagines he And now the climax reached, eiie’a hunted ! this and Uy in terror from the | knows it all, was badly taken in not down. ! lie liitter cun i:-i full of foni deceit li«‘ld. long since, as was developed in a o y * i W-i .. „ . j ' jectrtd the business-like landlord. wherever employed. V» hen used J ». f . »., ! “Of course you have no children.” on gra n it may bo used with as t ., ... J ... . . - , ' r»., r “ Alas! replic*d the husband, “ un- much gaiety as on corn. Ali*^ law! v * fortunately, it appears, we have They'd driven h-r away Horn town to town, I Lately, Oil tllO Wichita 1 ¡Ver, I ! COllVOÍRMÍion witll VOUUgMl’. H utcll- 1 plants toMl Up 11C0«1 not ftiTcct tllO ' D ’ <i l Rut í'r^t thev drove her out int*> the street. ,. T I , r • ji -.in i * i i. , i i i throe. The mivd of nmn would f«ii! to eov:prr*hci'd j m o c k e d ft drove o l pocciiries. ] , esoii, wiio was Iriciiclly with tuo oKi largeness ot the yield, as it is oasi- j ( « rr 5he irom wllicl1 t,u'-v u ; was safely perched in a tree, arm- ! man. * ly remedied by sowing more seed ; -v.i. t.m .- a gie.u ««laeience, w To force their vi«-ov: « . tiu* liittcr end. ; od with a W ¡liclioster ritte and ac- ! “A\ hat have you dono with your in the start; but with our p r e s e n t, t ' ,u)‘ *h ^ t,tAinS tninlren. ; we 1 re 'ut 1 m la.vmg cuiiuren.” Ami cov.r ttijs their tot«»»! tbo | tarn this j c ^ Uncle Pete,” he j thick seeding t h iiff not needed, i Sine other |.laces were caltcd at i,"rr m*™- ■ frontier Itattnlion, who occupied a ! asked. j Will termers make the experiment, wii“ 1,10 sa,“ ° ^ alt !No cl,!l,lr6n niie xuon.*u»neci it—my sister to lior ni**s— I 7 1 ! 1 1 tu wnc o vr vir Vi hut! M.-rv li~" iny old ijchchjl mute? i’hc* I IxiU^li l)0I)€‘cltll ino. rpTitod it to Kftibfil JnnrK. I ftintimr t.ho luii*mw ihiAiloin;nnls ■ ’ 1 ......... ( 1 * A * J fin me. Do wc thiiH meet? This in a sa;l suroriru». Oh. cruel fat«« that forced you 1 lms to loam. HO I f*cl vou Urns to ionia. . , i i ni • ji •«. ....... 1, e Much hoi row has impaired rliat handsome i hilt I Wltlilll tililij J«il(ls «»t ( ¡om« to iuv ar.nsjny lov■e.this is your 1«orne:” At: •Athey were look« d in OUO lout;, . fond (- 111 I 1 race. Mr f,isU-r in'>tv was ( aoei• for the frnv. •T¡m'hr, " said »he, " to jn.it ¡C« hrin^ those la:. ves; The;v shall not steal mj' ok! friend’ s rights Sii1« Hl.fi • J » Le child arc troated worse than s! uvcs.’ * Thoinfamy limit «'ibOiill1d» none of us know; it thrives in f^hpiin—prefera tlie darkest ll¡< 1 Lik(* 1 )V dl”ianenn river■s itdoe»; flow Use ranted it to Kernel «Tones, j suiting the harrow to the demands \Ye waited until tiio drove up-1 on shears.” “ AYhy, lie is ns sharp us a steel trap, ibi w ill sw indle you certain.” ! our tree and then we tired simulta- ! anotlier. The roar ol our carbines of the c r o p | gem of a cottage. This surely The slant teeth of (he smooth- must be taken' “ 'Vo‘ll take your ins harrow will snfficientlv stir the ' ,,0,,3e' ren'nrke'1 tho hu*band» to having waited from sucklings for just that occasion and kept perfect ly ready for it. AY hen they nrriv- ; ed at the tre«i tliev bit it encli in ,-SI I / 7• liiMienu uure nw\> j . l ii 1 l Meets at CoqniUc <ity every Monday j Beneath the suiface,hidden Lorn the hi«ht. | t«Tll, iind then glancing up, squftt- cveninK. VisHiu« members, in nood ataud-i . .. ... . | ted and fixed upon us a dozen pair ing, are cordiallv invited. j l he question is. where do the xrickcd po? I .. 1 , ,, . I. O. O. F. Coquille Lodge No.53 Meet» at «¿oquiU«« City «‘very Saturday even inj?. Visiting brethren, in jjood stiindni};, cordially invited. A. F. and A. M. Chadwick Lodge, No»68» Meets at Ooqnille City on Saturday oven- , in-on or before the the full moon in each i xVhose s-.ii’ i«: made productive with th; kdoiuh . I u*ars We read’ -there is a place prepared;” ’ tis ! o f eyes small as peas ftlld blazing well— I 3 - » ‘ Suoli îit’llxirf Í\H L Loditi tlicit (i aus'-d thi.-i woman's w ith tierco purpose, and fury m- woe 1 « . Are fittili" Graduate» foT some deep hell. ! 1 Jusi4c«'!b!inu "oddess,open tdiou thine eyes, j OlMî by C110 we shot thrill, and And look upon the of this fair earth. An incarnation tiiou’ ii heholdof lies And thy handiaaidcn but excite» ou “ile jess can t do hit. I’se got j ground to destroy sprouting weeds : " ko "huue,! liiem the de dead wood on him.” aud grasses, with little harm to < lo"” elle- “here‘a a month’s rent How's that?“ i the grain, whose loot is establish- \ advauce>” an', the>'were r,'hnn8 “ He gits half a dollar onten cb- cd. The harrowing may be rc. « truouph, when t'ne woraan called ery dollar uhat lie makes offen lie ! peateii, as in the case of corn, and ; " u*' ^ t ''''' s'*, k sujtpoee farm.” 1 this applies equally to grass land, | >'on >'° children?” “Hut how do you know lie gives .and is particularly an advantage! Oieat „ehosophnt. ye,led the yon a correct account of what ho ! when a coat of manure lias been ! '>csPairioB husband; “yes, we have makes? He can keep some of tho given, in which the common grain h'teo b,,\>, but we ie going to money back and yon will never ilm m w serves ll,e ‘:,est P '"l'^ e -; kill’em to-night.” know it.” Dnr’s no danger ob his doin’ dat, Work. Of course it should never an l ’se done beaded liim oft’ at «lat be attempted when the gr«mnd is game. Don’t yer see de more dol- or k;ird, but only when moder ately moist, so as to work nj) i.iuu, , , « v i i i _ i j. « i ai(*iv inoisi. !-'> ni-' mu tv uw u t ittt'ii i«iw luut cmitucu »mill . they fell, ouo by one, and died; ! lars he brings in tei me do more T, , «p „ ll .i , «, !,« .,( . , . .. , . ■rtnirki. J J , , , i mellow. J he lieneht wliicli wheat exist in this citv vociferated ......... each w illing and ready lo go, and j half dollars he gets, lou bet he | fiel(|srpceive frora burrowing in : fat}ie,. Grout (<i»d of lli.avniP-^mi umdown tbe fin*; ! accepting his fate as pleasantly as ain’t gwine keep none back. He the sprimr is well known. Even!1 , Give us olio« more tuo nurr.cles of old— | , , , . , « ,, r 1 u , . 1 , . « _, “ inlt. .1olili. Let it coiMUHiH theiKimicn r and liar—, i Scliool boys OCCCpt ilpJUCS. ^ o t il illl) t 110 lOOl. I i0 WOUlcill t £JC*t TIO tllO SGCOlld llfllTOV. 1!)!? <>I Cl ) - : proan or a squeal betrayed pain or half dollars onte» de dollars he Imn'owmg is sometimes an advr e- Hmrter wdl ad, dismay. Squatting <?n their hams ; keeps bad A largo percentage of profit may j ‘*0h, John,” cried his wife, in thus be secured by a little easy evident alarm; “kill our boys?” “ Certainly. What can we do with them? You s*?o, it is an un written law that children shall not the father. may be Nathaniel opt them—please do j tape where one harrow ing is not something reasonable with them.” sullicient to stir up and pulverize j “ No; we will put them in the In- Jolm ( rood mail, (Jf widows, orphan», muí who»« wickedni*»» G. A. R. Gen- Lytlo Post, No- 27, Meets and third in good utRudiuR, Chas. 8. True, Commander. tllpy 8,l#zed at us 011,1 took tl,e bul- | Yow (,ld f(K)1’ t You see that the Hoil >vejp Where long contin- | dnstrial Scliool or an orphan asy- VV. M. i will make Bom« happy when he disappear».; b'ts as if we were tossing themhe g««ts tv.o half dollars out of the ‘ uod rains have formed a hard crust, • lum. Will that suit you, madam?” ! even when the grain has been con- continued the desperate Benedict, I’ncle Pete sawr the point, and ' ^iderably advanced, the harrow ; addressing the landlady. “Can we ovMi»n i,;< otILvni’<i1.oo«c may l>e used with decided benefit, have the house then?” ‘ . . 1 * Let not this be forgotten. Make “ Certainly sir,” retorted the land- A few days attei ward Hutcheson }east a trial on a small scale, lady. “But,” she blushingly added, saw the old man again. J and try it on all kinds of grain.— j “you’ll agree not to have anymore.” “IIow about your farm?” j Cor. County Gentleman. i Examiner. . | acorns. Presently only one was ones he keeps back. And now n.y s ory a uiav/in^ to an end— # . i With lepal tati*nt itnd impartial law, j loft alivo »linitl a (.lOZOIl CorpSGS, * i mu. rtaw/111 : and there he sat brown, bristling, F ron t then posi . ¡i-u i;.«m \Yi • ree .1t«C*d ( h* >r f o u l i m ; i And ,.i i n , 1H>W a t pv’ HC'*, i.-. v M i tit in ! .» ..L . will remain t li! («, a at Coquille City, on every lir;t *nd M\rv, i.ow at p.-ai- . 1 » vi. h uh ; v«‘t— 1 fuiioil; . foilinillC with raging death ; ... , Metuiiil.« she v.i.l roiutoiu ’.uruu^nout tin» ! » n , rd Wednesday. \ cmrad». ; unmilulful of the blood that damp- 1Htaudinpi, colon.!!> invited. 1 Her little child i» now our household pet. , , , . . vn* 1 And »lie's my ov. 11 . my de.ir, ciovotcu wife. I cd tue grass about him; liKlitieront
Page 1: Wilt - oregonnews.uoregon.edu€¦ · Tin*stai'*s*xmoOr p-diy m thedistaut.si¿y; ! 1 >ojiist into whose narrow skul 1 fear never enters. It is the peccary LANK it LANIt, . j . .

<• r » “iVr.-v: r-rwc* . i * ♦»•* • .w-w^r — » «yt -•» «rcs


$ y

SI !":< f - r à

4 & $ là r % i '¿•T^ 5?. Ëj*î

jfci ; *

V 0 L . 3 . C O Q L T L L E C I T Y , O R E G O N , T U E S D A Y , O C T O B E R 7 , 1 8 8 4 . N O . 8 .

Bt'NI*rSS ( A l t o v TISK (H T4 AST(Lx (1 via'oN.)

T in : n x n r . v .! Soii:c o ft lio H ab its niM* ( tiapaotfr-

i ,< i« N « f a St mn;;<' A i:ii:iul.

° f ihe fate of comrades—q very ep- ! “ Pee seen Kernel. Jones and made ! AO ( ll lL im iA 1VAATKI1.

L. F. L ane. J ohn L ane. ! well thatmida weii.^shakespoare. IOiu> wlniovy nij.iit ;•» hoiuev.ard lato I sped. ¡ Texas has within her borders ft

Tin*stai'*s*xmoOr p-diy m thedistaut.si¿y; ! 1 >ojiist into whose narrow skul 1 fearnever enters. It is the peccary

LAN K it LANIt, . j . . o i — ; um;c u^iiiinuiuc t.mmiuu---uu uuAltoviwys aihl Counselors at Law. ' W ‘ > U " ‘V " U)̂ nal|'("A b 11 * al Grim, voiceless, h orrib le -th e makes often de farm :’ ̂ — and who are recently from t

Land Cases a Specialiiy. j i beard *imt»wmed « low. «ad, plaintive ■ ueverT CQtiers- At lh l ‘ie hog sat and gave me back glance A <>u only get one-fourth t East, were in search o f a house IOffice on Main Street, opposite Ik* nnoiHiUtau ; ctj-— | Die ilftvilinah of the Alexicans, the . |-OI. g]unce The spot lie squatted j Kernel Jones offered me o n e - T h e y had carefully prepi

*0 1 *1. j I i(H>k d .tro'.md. anu «.»•; .>n--io/. u •. now, j 1 >ic<.»tyles torquatus of 7 »ologists. ia,)(m was within the radius o f a 1 third, but I held out for a fourf, ' 1 ,, il-}-nf m 0,,0 advertised aRoaeburg, Oregon. Ami ««w » *<mum ca.-patfi t«* her Tens. • Bravery is a notable attribute of j t t j j The in-ects crawled and I "ot it too. E f T had been ' , i n ♦ i 4o— — — ----------- - A little child. The piercing winds did blow, | J . ; lew a.ic u»,u. unt liioects udvuiu i y i u , started systematically to hunt thej .M.Sko.iw. ̂ ̂ '” ,s ‘ • BA' j And mock lu-iv Jort> Lo soi.tii it to rest. man, and it is discovered in I'lros, ovcr i,in; nad stung Ids thick h id e ;; greedy like some niggers be, I b e - ; Jr, These houses were varionf

. . . .. T boosts aibl hslies. 1 don t clfiipi 1 |i|OV Hio*r formic upii?» j loves i could lievo rr<*i u sixth Let i •» •» i i *•luarn nsa«»! llHlRNPliitN U I .!« , ! » 0» to-».«.« m . i..uor, *im Mnnlit.v for the ».rule 1 <uu ! bluuto* UiaccU in rain. A s I « wantor gmifie no uian j o s s , u . Kl ail sorts ami sizes, n

itome o f hate. ' a now bargain. Instead of getting‘•Don’t shoot yet!” I said to Her-j a half dollar outen cbery dollar he

gent Platt, “ 1 want to study him.” , makes, 1 gets one fourf of what he | <j)rce handsome children— all boyGrim, voiceless, h orrib le -th e i makes often de farm.” — and who are recently from th<

hog sat and gave me back glance

Aloa«' with (h it pu< r child? l;istressful , devoid of fear, light.”

•• AIica kind sir.il lue.»' n<> home or friend, lir.d men p"tr-nc n>.(- nov v.h.» re*or 1 po:

Leave iiw M suck the'river and th* cud Of tliii sad lift this cri r.ufni P.atc *

v ,i . ;

Mttrs dield. (’ x»ò (iitut*y. («regoli. | ni :ht?Ot»i,ics—Holìitnd huilding. oj>i»osite lìlanco vuU tlo iu ì.ìo. aro vou tlius dootnetHot#L vjta2» j

" w . S I N C L A I R ,Attorni-} ut Lav;,

General Inaurane.' ard L a! I-M*.:«'Ac;anLCoquti t.f. (Trv, Olire,OS.

T . C-. O W E I v T.Àtlornoy a ad Coinselor at Lav:,

A5 UisnviKcn, Oliti.

t>» Fi- H A Z À H D )Att&rney a:ui Counsaior at Law.

Kt-i iii.: (’in . iK>v.T v*r TJ T,1 > S "NT TP T TJ . V /. i..

AUorr.dy at Law,Maks in :>. • >on.

-r» v T — ~ « rpi^ *>TiJ. -— \ ìj . 1 O U A .AUorr.iy ar.d Cch.isaiùr af Law

Civ*-. C tt. (»•*>•.T - 7 Tir> ’ J T 7 ' T?J . i l . _4

No.rn’Y Public

t> ft'nvut ti» describe. I believe lnav- cannot he sai l to exist in senses

well might they have stung the becau.se ne is Multe. iThe above reminds us o f several

ht-il. After ¡i time tiie old borr ¡ instances in which the poor nogioes

» ■ t.I u.

v . c»' C

To ; i

re e«• p.'oi'. Iiil soon umilisi thMild.w :.v i ! ,i <vo v you would no mud.

oi. • t. n- not sacnficc the child, i- f.- mi t ! i ; ̂ T I'iivc ,**. (leur,i »»tic soni, a hvurt ilwit nc*» r will fui!1 J. I: i' ir; dì a It 'S. -I'i CCUllt*.»' •!! f-‘Ur drtor : hut v ■ :! trk<* to Inmr your tnk.• v :! i.-j o V. it*; mv Sii’tcr tdruids

cactus plant growing be.side their ! conceive that an j i

appi eciiifion oi il.iiigi'i ir» a mat : j -̂̂ ¡1.,. ^veary ♦‘•f the tusk of gft/’.ing ; were swindled during the Con tod-and he get up and went around, j eracy and immediafoly after Ino siuellingtlio bodies of ids late com- I war.punions. Then lie ate <a few acorns I Eob Toombs says that Memrnin- that iiad fallen from the live oak ger, tin* secretary of the treasury,

lom slan t, and thougli he fears free we wore perched in and after was a very economical public serv-ihat he deliberately stretch(*d him- . ant. l ie Idled negroes to prixff the self at t!ie root of the tree intend- confederate currency end pani them iiig to remain a scnlry and prevent. for their work by giving them the our slipping nvay without his per- \ nse o f tlieir presses to print ; >r

St ry menstruum to the nobler cour­age. It is not the man of dogged indifference ! admire, it is the man who refuses to liy when duty bids

rugai mi tur" -tlemminger

»»í'.Iil So'Ul t'ii.W’t : :i(*tr* ;h¡; i mint1, ...1 v,,. .»♦»*1 w 11« .1 g:ii- Far I vi t« * ;-.’t tiian vi•“¡ih in uî.'c.ir.l hands1 i # ,

i Y.ì h a VP i\t lu*;».rt \-itih f. lire; for ii-. kind. ] d, gi.in«V»’h«M Uvi* a life of SeIfi-hi’ess «.lid pain, fear. Ili

yy : TV;tj; ai! t». ' T.t:• :■ . lin - ad, i »“ neat li. roll A ve Lili' n h.vt 1 .T1U know y »»li li” «t i'ik'ftl eTro;]ate to uni. tL• • i •‘•h*a moment fled.Í , ana lus t

d-v.th, tears <L Uionor moie.Now the peccary has no jiarticle

of fear on account of any show of odds, and appears to live only foroie pulp».-* oi madiN d\ in g when j-Pi.-sion ; or witliout doing by him themselves at night. In the mat-opportuuity offers. The game chicken fights with heroic valor,

much longer. UJatt aimed at his negroes io gainer drift wood in lite j heart and pierced it with a forty- I dorado ri\tr, « fier the war, and four caliber bull* t; with a single pile i

sl.u Hersbeneath his crowing compier.>r, the lio.r g,»ut;v, and with his half of ail the drift wood they col

but oi

as we litui done by the others. ter of aWe did not keep him waiting had a superior in a man who hired

k-Wínnn lllg c‘yes,lee'ding in theet d name‘losss out his life

Friday a young married couple, w hose union liad been blessed with

,8ently from the

East, were in search o f a house for | rent. They liad carefully prepar-

andto hunt them

•iously find

jink'd aii sorts ana sizes, nnd were of various prices. Leavingthe little cues at the hoiel where they were stopping, the tour of in­spection was commenced. The first place visited was a comforta­ble f:ut, ready furnished and con­sisting of six rooms, with gas, bath mid all alleged modern improve­ments. The elegant landlady greet-cl? C?ed them with a smile Hitd assumed ti pleasant, deferential attitude, while the young husband, speaking up, said:

“ i see you advertise a flat to let,madam; ’

“ í es, sii’, walk in. AVill you see* i OM

The dnt was all that could bo de-

life ended Lis one emotion

•r • . r > IAaXív̂ AÍV»C A tv .m r ; • v v.

Attorn y a d Cwrr. 1er at Law

; i,o * r ' c: «•rtlin.

( >rr p ‘ ii ut mv .■ ...I . i

Mvhtlu r r :r. Will i*r-ioí ii» ■■ini i

A. i l . C i Aitrnry au> ,

.on.A i i Hi iX

|+ t


, If.-I ),. t


if r 4 r.v

r fy

fi;]i «• ;» n Avnr.J

« r» f

7* tr *:u*r lil i VCtV nov.

«u •l'hvai ; ..U-- hartón.A UJ,

c. wr

•:» D»

'TU' ) i.

I «• ...I \T,. N *

ail v

t r« >»:

t ,Y( )

with woo at itshe hiinks that v' "Z I

1 i*ac“ :v«l«-ri:di«M in “ a :a:.rnor :is if he v.rway and w.hs gup ii i th.e treewii >sliot liirni< m »! ever í toiotlll'lhold;

■ stands 4 up Lib

g ; • a ■ »jes a( it.f |’V 1 [ v anyditiig

: , l( >11 it IS t ii ! !

« *,j -. •mming thí r ).mst, a dc<

'V .« (Niato.


:. Tl1 1 11 :r*v i>‘ ïU\i- sired 1 ' Í ,he j

.and suromid tlii-ni lar. It was ta

v.-ood! t)i(*v ct >1- the l ’,vo «ere rrood, oi course, cave cl little

? :il o f it.

r 17 » io me. i lie <1} - h** 'Texas forest f cource” innn- 'ant to end the*

l ie looks

and Pacific and Fort was just .’is much their own as it \Y<>r;h and 1 ten ver City locomotive was his. 1 ne doluti'd d:.ik,t's rull­

ìi rue:mnlered droves l‘d .In : Svorl-mg im slmres, totally j suj'pose, do aii unaware tin

i • ipei ale on

i 'itg: .n 'r.‘ : ‘ oi : ,i eea m

eu :“ Oh, 1 forgot to ask you!

vou nnv children?”I Íave

et timi inev were

v. nere ine man .-it

•t tnein from i:d t and am.n

cloven hoof ! 1 ii.«'* necear v

engineers v.o i-on ri’e\::s raih oads. No whistle is ioundedto fii'.liteu them. The

“ l o s three,” responded thethe Vf est- : furnishing the wool for the shears. ' hv.,j ¡n uuisou.

■ m it !

*'*ì ' in( r know tioit the peeevries A litm corn 1 ' ^To\v;ntf{ lo»' ilhuaí'!*,any i ?1 C.H t‘ .if M à c • 1 J 1 C«'»ii jj/hlviiOiX j •»(* eniriiH.4 I vocìi ■ v* nas u ’.Tioiidra'«’-! that il

1 ,, 14 * V 1rasile;; I• •to ili'* liiids! «>1 tiu> drove i» .»est to p:ep; 1 re hiìì-j < av!v m íheilil* 1 and tilos«* not l-.ilied outright di“ sea-on , </¿’ the ! il, giving it an oc- !re­ madly, « ' ■¿rging am « Ijitmg at tue en.-i m i...: ‘ 4 1, Il J 0 1

• fil.g, . 0 as to kill

ti: - ! w imeis ili « . * i i¡••-.t « : : . ;; «.ii m. 1 ‘ t 'L - i![)•'* » ¿ * il t . and cordinning

“ T he ii 1 m u st l)e g le a ’, «d raw ¡i■om m e b a rg a in .

ta k e i'd v en u n d e r a n y

ti n .” “ A l l n g u t , m a d a m ,

was lH)t 1: • ' \* i* ! * IS »it H:t 1 (?S• *0v* 4.M 1 !.. . » » 4x ! ■ !'■: t.s. .* tnei.-. tastes.,i"m ,.r ; ecc.'trn

v\ . O . i i -A WPry. 11 n

COQ'TLL’ :A c ..... ,

L,',niVi a

G.io v Th;


It I , »... 1 i; .i i rs • ? ,rn: ii:*.

, nil: IThey iOil«* isru li I;

1 • »•

11 _ . . . f J .«ii'UO *. i tanit; • yin a war bn

î r


IPat tack

:! valor

(•ni:re (io ve ■i men rush urges then:.


M A U SH FÍE I !>, OREGON.rlnl

J . U , V O L K M A B , M . D .pr.ys'cia,! and Su gc::n.

MiMTi.il 1\>!ST. Tors (’«*., Oi*. ;•-on. vJiil.Mf

î le i i.il.Rpgu>1 «'•'L cle(*»*iv'd, nhe sijaiod nwny hrr

ITSR'tij;H«*ip!oss hIpi’O. (*ï "wh'iin was sho to olir.ir?

Each bi ad-Tike eye is a lire spai tusks are protruded, the echinat spine Btraightened, and woe to the !

•11<T \ . a ni • r- a hog, but for H tÍ'1 *] indi mitai v* courage of i M ‘ »

OY v y 1 ;{*, i' O' f1 naie*, <-i <,«ic 1LCÎr: ill■y. and h -»!• a lighter to the4 ! « * Till-oi) 1>£ his heai t, «¡muonti n4tilt* ;.t i • )ic; tyles t«-rqual us.i 1 ; 1 ::« ;:s i « xas hog, a br i ( LÍWGuld, if he could, while rii;liu¡the* midst of a cyclone, bite at

like ̂i : 11 « ;

last L* lo ti.e

j.tv;. * wi!! i

. I I »i lili«is up unid

í hen i !■ i ‘ -

advance« 1i l*

” tiiun* 11io grown too


i' ” . i ;i ».*■ i. ; • t. •

the s<l.

*i.n , ilii: i K

d v. eeds by

p ."d iiaiured young husband. “ Suit y ursoif. YVe’ ll look furth-er. •

J in next place was a cottage, with a i oat little Mower garden ill front i ? was the property o f a tin illy I rislimun.

‘A is, i i! rint it to ye for $40 a

i Î.,» , * ' ?i i i ( » ; * 11 1, T ’ is practicei


umy b<* i dead« d v.itìi lite cnnu advantage to pretty much all crops.

I zig-zag Cashes of the death-dealingThi*ir!uovojn«*i»tfi likp tho Cougar's were Py | wretch who ftills ill thcil’ path. ; IjOgim' j viccable imp]

s'oi' ‘ th I Gored, bitten, torn, trampled upon, i ̂ ' Its value on fTill they were ready for tho final spring, l , . , . . £. | T he Svpro i: .! and eaten uj>. t»> the last shred of

1 can be made one of the most ser.Iviceablc implements of the farm.

some grass lands is j known— those affected by moss,

sijo lmd r r.um of irionpy viion th«* «l»»etl ¡ Ids cloth ing-su ch is the fato of a ! When it comes to business and I and where the stand is tliin— the I|HCTw«hhha€ifniiMitusp.ti«fyti,rip}m*o«i. ¡ man caught by a drove of angry ; arithmetic, the southern negro effect being similar to a coat o f ,

Hnt *::ii*nideath vonid niineb tbcfntni i»l*»*.v peccaries. AYith tlie same fury i is very liable to be swindled by un- earth applied, serving as a mulch.

SrcoicAiOCicti: 0%Holland Bnildiiij

Marshfield, Oregon.I j r Will proft^sionally visit 111«» varions

tova» on the river.

J . -JT-. I D E ^ X nT,Coquille C ity, O ueoon?

GENERAL AGENCY ft.r ili« sale of City property, homes and lots, t i 1111 *«.* r. farniH. ranches, etc. Oflic» la Herald building.

i e . WiltW A T C H -M A K E R & JE W E L E R ,

O c q . 'U . i l l e O i t 3 T, O r .r*rw ork of all descriptions done at short notice and extremely lo\i prices. vln47.

I. O. G. T.M o r n i n g S t a r L o d g e

N o» 464,

K . OF L.P i o n e e r A s s e m b l y » N o»

3 0 7 0 »

Ol tilt*its

b g and enriching | , , . . .■ i . , .month, iirovoidm ye have no cnil-c;':u iderablv ru -1 1 J

dren.The youn -■ husband looked lan-

paidiy at his pretty si>ouse, and ob­served, “ We must continue thesearch.”

The next place visited was a large lodging-house. Here the landlord showed them apartments suitable for houskeeping.

“ Well, Mary, dear; I suppose we’ ll have to take these.’

* “ These apartments are sunny,------- | lint eHcm death nonid clinch tb«* fatal i>lnv; j peccaries. With the same jury 1 is very liable to be swindle«.! by un- earth applied, serving as a mulch,;

J . S . x iO l - iC O ..I-L» j s,ie. now ai inaod. bad Hcd from place* to they assail a *.volf or «attack a bu ll; principled white men. Au instance . which grass .’ ands so much need.: ( !d ‘‘n toieins aie sunny,1T m . i, v.rii L'-ntis” ' ;»’acc. ' ... , i » »• Tr • i i n » • - conveniently located, and, I think,Hini i. ■ {nul neither the woli nor the bull of this kind occurred near Austin Harrowing also lavors tl:c aumis- ,, *, .or hengMiucM« n s i r ij: store, in Lut like bus? houniis they d find where or . , , •=» all that can be wished fer inter­im! Hmidiiif*. Front si.pct, she went. can stand up against a charge o f net long since. An ohl negro nam- sion of air, not only on grass, but,*. ! . ... '

Her m«*Hiis exhunaitd—tired of thech.v«*— . , . - »^, 1 1 i i it i r» i i • ■ iI was in time to check her wild intent. j half a dozen peccaries. 13otli know l ed l ncie I ete, who imagines he And now the climax reached, eiie’a hunted ! this and Uy in terror from the | knows it all, was badly taken in not

down.! lie liitter cun i:-i full of foni deceit li«‘ld. long since, as was developed in ao y *

i W-i .. „ . j ' jectrtd the business-like landlord.wherever employed. V» hen used J• ». f . »., ! “ O f course you have no children.”on gra n it may bo used with as t . , ... J . . . .

. - , ' r»., r “ Alas! replic*d the husband, “ un-much gaiety as on corn. Ali*̂ law! v *fortunately, it appears, we haveThey'd driven h-r away Horn town to town, I Lately, Oil tllO Wichita 1 ¡Ver, I ! COllVOÍRMÍion witll VOUUgMl’. Hutcll- 1 plants toMl Up 11C0«1 not ftiTcct tllO ' D ’ < i l ’

Rut í'r̂ t thev drove her out int*> the street. ,. • T I , r • ’ ji - . i n i * i i. , i • i i • • throe.The mivd of nmn would f«ii! to eov:prr*hci'd j m ocked ft drove ol pocciiries. ] , esoii, wiio was Iriciiclly with tuo oKi largeness ot the yield, as it is oasi- j ( « r r5he irom wllicl1 t,u'-v u ; was safely perched in a tree, arm- ! man. * ly remedied by sowing more seed ; -v.i. t.m .- a gie.u ««laeience, w

To force their vi«-ov: « . tiu* liittcr end. ; od with a W ¡liclioster ritte and ac- ! “ A\ hat have you dono with your in the start; but with our present, t ' ,u)‘ *h ̂ t,tAinS tninlren.; we

1 re 'ut 1 m la.vmg cuiiuren.”Ami cov.r ttijs their tot«»»! tbo | tarn this j c ^ Uncle Pete,” he j thick seeding t h i i f f not needed, i S ine other |.laces were caltcd at

i,"rr m*™- ■ frontier Itattnlion, who occupied a ! asked. j Will termers make the experiment, w ii“ 1,10 sa,“ ° ^ a lt !No cl,!l,lr6nniie xuon.*u»neci it—my sister to lior ni**s— I 7 1 ! 1 1 t u wnc o vr virVi hut! M.-rv li~" iny old ijchchjl mute? i’hc* I IxiU^li l)0I)€‘cltll ino. rpTitod it to Kftibfil JnnrK. I ftintimr t.ho luii*mw ihiA iloin;nnls ■ ’ 1 ......... ( 1 * A * Jfin me.Do wc thiiH meet? This in a sa;l suroriru».

Oh. cruel fat«« that forced you 1 lms to loam.HOI f*cl vou Urns to ionia. . , i i ni • ji •«. .......1, eMuch hoi row has impaired rliat handsome i hilt I Wltlilll tililij J«il(ls «»t

( ¡om« to iu var.nsjny lov■e.this is your 1«orne:”At:•A they were look« d in OUO lout;, . fond(-111I1race.

Mr f,isU-r in'>tv was ( aoei• for the frnv.•T¡m'hr, " said »he, " to jn.it ¡C« hrin̂ those

la:.ves;The;v shall not steal mj' ok! friend’s rights

Sii1« Hl.fi •J »Le child arc troated worse thans! uvcs.’*Tho infamy limit «'ibOiill1d» none of us know;it thrives in f̂ hpiin —prefera tlie darkestll¡< 1Lik(* 1 )V dl”ianenn river■s it doe»; flow

Use ranted it to Kernel «Tones, j suiting the harrow to the demands \Ye waited until tiio drove up-1 on shears.”

“ AY hy, lie is ns sharp us a steel trap, ib i w ill sw indle you certain.”! our tree and then we tired simulta-

! anotlier. The roar ol our carbines

of the c r o p | gem of a cottage. This surely The slant teeth of (he smooth- must be taken' “ 'Vo‘ll take your

ins harrow will snfficientlv stir the ' ,,0,,3e' ren'nrke'1 tho hu*band» to

having waited from sucklings for just that occasion and kept perfect­ly ready for it. AY hen they nrriv-

; ed at the tre«i tliev bit it encli in,-SI I / 7• liiMienu uure nw\> j . l ii 1 • l

Meets at CoqniUc < ity every Monday j Beneath the suiface,hidden Lorn the hi«ht. | t«Tll, iind then glancing up, squftt-cveninK. VisHiu« members, in nood ataud-i . .. . . . . | ted and fixed upon us a dozen pairing, are cordiallv invited. j l he question is. where do the xrickcd po? I .. 1 , , , .

I. O. O. F.C o q u i l l e L o d g e N o . 5 3

Meet» at «¿oquiU«« City «‘very Saturday even inj?. Visiting brethren, in jjood stiindni};, cordially invited.

A. F. and A. M.C h a d w i c k L o d g e , N o » 6 8 »Meets at Ooqnille City on Saturday oven- ,

in-on or before the the full moon in each i xVhose s-.ii’ i«: made productive with th; kdoiuh. I u*ars

We read’-there is a place prepared;” ’tis ! of eyes small as peas ftlld blazing well— I „ 3 - » ‘

Suoli îit’llxirf Í\H L Loditi t licit (i aus'-d thi.-i woman's w ith tierco purpose, and fury m- woe 1 « .

Are fittili" Graduate» foT some deep hell. ! 1 Jusi4c«'!b!inu "oddess,open tdiou thine eyes, j OlMî by C110 we shot thrill, and And look upon the of this fair earth.An incarnation tiiou’ii heholdof lies

And thy handiaaidcn but excite» ou

“ i le jess can t do hit. I ’se got j ground to destroy sprouting weeds : " ko "huue,! liiem thede dead wood on him.” aud grasses, with little harm to <lo " ” elle- “ h ere ‘a a month’s rent

How's that?“ i the grain, whose loot is establish- \ advauce>” an', the> 'were r,'h n n 8“ He gits half a dollar onten cb- cd. The harrowing may be rc. « truouph, when t'ne woraan called

ery dollar uhat lie makes offen lie ! peateii, as in the case o f corn, and ; " u*' ’̂ t ' ' ' ' ' s'* , k sujtpoeefarm.” 1 this applies equally to grass land, | >'on >'° children?”

“ Hut how do you know lie gives .and is particularly an advantage! Oieat „ehosophnt. ye,led the yon a correct account o f what ho ! when a coat of manure lias been ! '>csPairioB husband; “yes, we have makes? He can keep some of tho given, in which the common grain h 'teo b,,\>, but we ie going to money back and yon will never i lm m w serves ll,e ‘:,est P '" l '^ e - ; kill’em to-night.” know it.”

Dnr’s no danger ob his doin’ dat, Work. O f course it should never an l ’se done beaded liim oft’ at «lat be attempted when the gr«mnd isgame. Don’ t yer see de more dol- or k;ird, but only when moder­

ately moist, so as to work nj)i.iuu, , , « v i i i _ i • j. « i ai(*iv inoisi. !-'> ni-' u» mu tv uw u t ittt'ii i«iw luut cmitucu »mill. they fell, ouo by one, and died; ! lars he brings in tei me do more T , , «p „ l l .i, «, !,« .,( . , . „ .. , .■rtnirki. ■ J J , , , i mellow. J he lieneht wliicli wheat exist in this citv vociferated......... each w illing and ready lo go, and j half dollars he gets, l o u bet he | fiel(|srpceive frora burrowing in : fat}ie,.

Grout (<i»d of lli.avniP-^mi um down tbe fin*; ! accepting his fate as pleasantly as ain’t gwine keep none back. He the sprimr is well known. E v e n !1 ,Give us olio« more tuo nurr.cles of old— | , , , . , « • ,, r 1 u , . 1 , . « _ , “ inlt. .1 olili.Let it coiMUHiH theiKimicn r and liar—, i Scliool boys OCCCpt ilpJUCS. ^ o t il illl) t 110 lOOl. Ii0 WOUlcill t £JC*t TIO tllO SGCOlld llfllTOV. 1!)!? <>I Cl ) -: proan or a squeal betrayed pain or half dollars onte» de dollars he Imn'owmg is sometimes an advr e- Hmrter wdl ad,dismay. Squatting <?n their hams ; keeps bad

A largo percentage of profit may j ‘*0h, John,” cried his wife, in thus be secured by a little easy evident alarm; “ kill our boys?”

“ Certainly. What can we do with them? You s*?o, it is an un­written law that children shall not


may be Nathaniel opt them— please do

j tape where one harrow ing is not something reasonable with them.” sullicient to stir up and pulverize j “ No; we will put them in the In-

Jolm ( rood mail, (Jf widows, orphan», muí who»« wicked ni*»»

G. A. R.G e n - L y t l o P o s t , N o - 27,Meets

and thirdin good utRudiuR,

Chas. 8. True, Commander.

tllpy 8 ,l#zed at us 011,1 took tl,e bul- | Yow (,ld f(K)1’ t You see that the Hoil >vejp Where long contin- | dnstrial Scliool or an orphan asy-VV. M. i will make Bom« happy when he disappear».; b'ts as if we were tossing them he g««ts tv.o half dollars out of the ‘ uod rains have formed a hard crust, • lum. Will that suit you, madam?”

! even when the grain has been con- continued the desperate Benedict,I ’ ncle Pete sawr the point, and ' ^iderably advanced, the harrow ; addressing the landlady. “Can we

ovMi»n i,;< otILvni’<i1.oo«c ’ may l>e used with decided benefit, have the house then?”‘ . ‘ . ’ 1 ‘ * ’ Let not this be forgotten. Make “ Certainly sir,” retorted the land-

A few days attei ward Hutcheson }east a trial on a small scale, lady. “ But,” she blushingly added,saw the old man again. J and try it on all kinds of grain.— j “ you’ ll agree not to have anymore.”

“ IIow about your farm?” j Cor. County Gentleman. i Examiner.

. | acorns. Presently only one was ones he keeps back.And now n.y s ory a uiav/in ̂to an end— # . iWith lepal tati*nt itnd impartial law, j loft alivo »linitl a (.lOZOIl CorpSGS,

*i,»m u. rtaw/111 : and there he sat brown, bristling,F ron t th e n posi . ¡ i -u i ;.« m\Yi • r e e . 1t«C*d (h* >r fo u l im ;i

A n d ,.i i n , 1H>W a t pv’HC'*, i.-. vM i tit i n ! .» ..L . w ill r e m a in t

l i ! («,

a at Coquille City, on every lir;t *nd M\rv, i.ow at p.-ai- . 1» vi. h uh; v«‘t— 1 fuiioil; . foilinillC with raging death ;■ ... , Metuiiil.« she v.i.l roiutoiu ’.uruu^nout tin» ! » n ,rd Wednesday. \ cmrad». ; unmilulful o f the blood that damp-1 Htaudinpi, colon.!!> invited. 1 Her little child i» now our household pet. , , , . . vn*

1 And »lie's my ov. 11. my de.ir, ciovotcu wife. I cd tue grass about him; liKlitieront
