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Page 1: Wilt - oregonnews.uoregon.edu€¦ · Tin*stai'*s*xmoOr p-diy m thedistaut.si¿y; ! 1 >ojiist into whose narrow skul 1 fear never enters. It is the peccary LANK it LANIt, . j . .

<• r » “iVr.-v: r-rwc* . i * ♦»•* • .w-w^r — » «yt -•» «rcs


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V 0 L . 3 . C O Q L T L L E C I T Y , O R E G O N , T U E S D A Y , O C T O B E R 7 , 1 8 8 4 . N O . 8 .

Bt'NI*rSS ( A l t o v TISK (H T4 AST(Lx (1 via'oN.)

T in : n x n r . v .! Soii:c o ft lio H ab its niM* ( tiapaotfr-

i ,< i« N « f a St mn;;<' A i:ii:iul.

° f ihe fate of comrades—q very ep- ! “ Pee seen Kernel. Jones and made ! AO ( ll lL im iA 1VAATKI1.

L. F. L ane. J ohn L ane. ! well thatmida weii.^shakespoare. IOiu> wlniovy nij.iit ;•» hoiuev.ard lato I sped. ¡ Texas has within her borders ft

Tin*stai'*s*xmoOr p-diy m thedistaut.si¿y; ! 1 >ojiist into whose narrow skul 1 fearnever enters. It is the peccary

LAN K it LANIt, . j . . o i — ; um;c u^iiiinuiuc t.mmiuu---uu uuAltoviwys aihl Counselors at Law. ' W ‘ > U " ‘V " U)̂ nal|'("A b 11 * al Grim, voiceless, h orrib le -th e makes often de farm :’ ̂ — and who are recently from t

Land Cases a Specialiiy. j i beard *imt»wmed « low. «ad, plaintive ■ ueverT CQtiers- At lh l ‘ie hog sat and gave me back glance A <>u only get one-fourth t East, were in search o f a house IOffice on Main Street, opposite Ik* nnoiHiUtau ; ctj-— | Die ilftvilinah of the Alexicans, the . |-OI. g]unce The spot lie squatted j Kernel Jones offered me o n e - T h e y had carefully prepi

*0 1 *1. j I i(H>k d .tro'.md. anu «.»•; .>n--io/. u •. now, j 1 >ic<.»tyles torquatus of 7 »ologists. ia,)(m was within the radius o f a 1 third, but I held out for a fourf, ' 1 ,, il-}-nf m 0,,0 advertised aRoaeburg, Oregon. Ami ««w » *<mum ca.-patfi t«* her Tens. • Bravery is a notable attribute of j t t j j The in-ects crawled and I "ot it too. E f T had been ' , i n ♦ i 4o— — — ----------- - A little child. The piercing winds did blow, | J . ; lew a.ic u»,u. unt liioects udvuiu i y i u , started systematically to hunt thej .M.Sko.iw. ̂ ̂ '” ,s ‘ • BA' j And mock lu-iv Jort> Lo soi.tii it to rest. man, and it is discovered in I'lros, ovcr i,in; nad stung Ids thick h id e ;; greedy like some niggers be, I b e - ; Jr, These houses were varionf

. . . .. T boosts aibl hslies. 1 don t clfiipi 1 |i|OV Hio*r formic upii?» j loves i could lievo rr<*i u sixth Let i •» •» i i *•luarn nsa«»! llHlRNPliitN U I .!« , ! » 0» to-».«.« m . i..uor, *im Mnnlit.v for the ».rule 1 <uu ! bluuto* UiaccU in rain. A s I « wantor gmifie no uian j o s s , u . Kl ail sorts ami sizes, n

itome o f hate. ' a now bargain. Instead of getting‘•Don’t shoot yet!” I said to Her-j a half dollar outen cbery dollar he

gent Platt, “ 1 want to study him.” , makes, 1 gets one fourf of what he | <j)rce handsome children— all boyGrim, voiceless, h orrib le -th e i makes often de farm.” — and who are recently from th<

hog sat and gave me back glance

Aloa«' with (h it pu< r child? l;istressful , devoid of fear, light.”

•• AIica kind sir.il lue.»' n<> home or friend, lir.d men p"tr-nc n>.(- nov v.h.» re*or 1 po:

Leave iiw M suck the'river and th* cud Of tliii sad lift this cri r.ufni P.atc *

v ,i . ;

Mttrs dield. (’ x»ò (iitut*y. («regoli. | ni :ht?Ot»i,ics—Holìitnd huilding. oj>i»osite lìlanco vuU tlo iu ì.ìo. aro vou tlius dootnetHot#L vjta2» j

" w . S I N C L A I R ,Attorni-} ut Lav;,

General Inaurane.' ard L a! I-M*.:«'Ac;anLCoquti t.f. (Trv, Olire,OS.

T . C-. O W E I v T.Àtlornoy a ad Coinselor at Lav:,

A5 UisnviKcn, Oliti.

t>» Fi- H A Z À H D )Att&rney a:ui Counsaior at Law.

Kt-i iii.: (’in . iK>v.T v*r TJ T,1 > S "NT TP T TJ . V /. i..

AUorr.dy at Law,Maks in :>. • >on.

-r» v T — ~ « rpi^ *>TiJ. -— \ ìj . 1 O U A .AUorr.iy ar.d Cch.isaiùr af Law

Civ*-. C tt. (»•*>•.T - 7 Tir> ’ J T 7 ' T?J . i l . _4

No.rn’Y Public

t> ft'nvut ti» describe. I believe lnav- cannot he sai l to exist in senses

well might they have stung the becau.se ne is Multe. iThe above reminds us o f several

ht-il. After ¡i time tiie old borr ¡ instances in which the poor nogioes

» ■ t.I u.

v . c»' C

To ; i

re e«• p.'oi'. Iiil soon umilisi thMild.w :.v i ! ,i <vo v you would no mud.

oi. • t. n- not sacnficc the child, i- f.- mi t ! i ; ̂ T I'iivc ,**. (leur,i »»tic soni, a hvurt ilwit nc*» r will fui!1 J. I: i' ir; dì a It 'S. -I'i CCUllt*.»' •!! f-‘Ur drtor : hut v ■ :! trk<* to Inmr your tnk.• v :! i.-j o V. it*; mv Sii’tcr tdruids

cactus plant growing be.side their ! conceive that an j i

appi eciiifion oi il.iiigi'i ir» a mat : j -̂̂ ¡1.,. ^veary ♦‘•f the tusk of gft/’.ing ; were swindled during the Con tod-and he get up and went around, j eracy and immediafoly after Ino siuellingtlio bodies of ids late com- I war.punions. Then lie ate <a few acorns I Eob Toombs says that Memrnin- that iiad fallen from the live oak ger, tin* secretary of the treasury,

lom slan t, and thougli he fears free we wore perched in and after was a very economical public serv-ihat he deliberately stretch(*d him- . ant. l ie Idled negroes to prixff the self at t!ie root of the tree intend- confederate currency end pani them iiig to remain a scnlry and prevent. for their work by giving them the our slipping nvay without his per- \ nse o f tlieir presses to print ; >r

St ry menstruum to the nobler cour­age. It is not the man of dogged indifference ! admire, it is the man who refuses to liy when duty bids

rugai mi tur" -tlemminger

»»í'.Iil So'Ul t'ii.W’t : :i(*tr* ;h¡; i mint1, ...1 v,,. .»♦»*1 w 11« .1 g:ii- Far I vi t« * ;-.’t tiian vi•“¡ih in uî.'c.ir.l hands1 i # ,

i Y.ì h a VP i\t lu*;».rt \-itih f. lire; for ii-. kind. ] d, gi.in«V»’h«M Uvi* a life of SeIfi-hi’ess «.lid pain, fear. Ili

yy : TV;tj; ai! t». ' T.t:• :■ . lin - ad, i »“ neat li. roll A ve Lili' n h.vt 1 .T1U know y »»li li” «t i'ik'ftl eTro;]ate to uni. tL• • i •‘•h*a moment fled.Í , ana lus t

d-v.th, tears <L Uionor moie.Now the peccary has no jiarticle

of fear on account of any show of odds, and appears to live only foroie pulp».-* oi madiN d\ in g when j-Pi.-sion ; or witliout doing by him themselves at night. In the mat-opportuuity offers. The game chicken fights with heroic valor,

much longer. UJatt aimed at his negroes io gainer drift wood in lite j heart and pierced it with a forty- I dorado ri\tr, « fier the war, and four caliber bull* t; with a single pile i

sl.u Hersbeneath his crowing compier.>r, the lio.r g,»ut;v, and with his half of ail the drift wood they col

but oi

as we litui done by the others. ter of aWe did not keep him waiting had a superior in a man who hired

k-Wínnn lllg c‘yes,lee'ding in theet d name‘losss out his life

Friday a young married couple, w hose union liad been blessed with

,8ently from the

East, were in search o f a house for | rent. They liad carefully prepar-

andto hunt them

•iously find

jink'd aii sorts ana sizes, nnd were of various prices. Leavingthe little cues at the hoiel where they were stopping, the tour of in­spection was commenced. The first place visited was a comforta­ble f:ut, ready furnished and con­sisting of six rooms, with gas, bath mid all alleged modern improve­ments. The elegant landlady greet-cl? C?ed them with a smile Hitd assumed ti pleasant, deferential attitude, while the young husband, speaking up, said:

“ i see you advertise a flat to let,madam; ’

“ í es, sii’, walk in. AVill you see* i OM

The dnt was all that could bo de-

life ended Lis one emotion

•r • . r > IAaXív̂ AÍV»C A tv .m r ; • v v.

Attorn y a d Cwrr. 1er at Law

; i,o * r ' c: «•rtlin.

( >rr p ‘ ii ut mv .■ ...I . i

Mvhtlu r r :r. Will i*r-ioí ii» ■■ini i

A. i l . C i Aitrnry au> ,

.on.A i i Hi iX

|+ t


, If.-I ),. t


if r 4 r.v

r fy

fi;]i «• ;» n Avnr.J

« r» f

7* tr *:u*r lil i VCtV nov.

«u •l'hvai ; ..U-- hartón.A UJ,

c. wr

•:» D»

'TU' ) i.

I «• ...I \T,. N *

ail v

t r« >»:

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with woo at itshe hiinks that v' "Z I

1 i*ac“ :v«l«-ri:di«M in “ a :a:.rnor :is if he v.rway and w.hs gup ii i th.e treewii >sliot liirni< m »! ever í toiotlll'lhold;

■ stands 4 up Lib

g ; • a ■ »jes a( it.f |’V 1 [ v anyditiig

: , l( >11 it IS t ii ! !

« *,j -. •mming thí r ).mst, a dc<

'V .« (Niato.


:. Tl1 1 11 :r*v i>‘ ïU\i- sired 1 ' Í ,he j

.and suromid tlii-ni lar. It was ta

v.-ood! t)i(*v ct >1- the l ’,vo «ere rrood, oi course, cave cl little

? :il o f it.

r 17 » io me. i lie <1} - h** 'Texas forest f cource” innn- 'ant to end the*

l ie looks

and Pacific and Fort was just .’is much their own as it \Y<>r;h and 1 ten ver City locomotive was his. 1 ne doluti'd d:.ik,t's rull­

ìi rue:mnlered droves l‘d .In : Svorl-mg im slmres, totally j suj'pose, do aii unaware tin

i • ipei ale on

i 'itg: .n 'r.‘ : ‘ oi : ,i eea m

eu :“ Oh, 1 forgot to ask you!

vou nnv children?”I Íave

et timi inev were

v. nere ine man .-it

•t tnein from i:d t and am.n

cloven hoof ! 1 ii.«'* necear v

engineers v.o i-on ri’e\::s raih oads. No whistle is ioundedto fii'.liteu them. The

“ l o s three,” responded thethe Vf est- : furnishing the wool for the shears. ' hv.,j ¡n uuisou.

■ m it !

*'*ì ' in( r know tioit the peeevries A litm corn 1 ' ^To\v;ntf{ lo»' ilhuaí'!*,any i ?1 C.H t‘ .if M à c • 1 J 1 C«'»ii jj/hlviiOiX j •»(* eniriiH.4 I vocìi ■ v* nas u ’.Tioiidra'«’-! that il

1 ,, 14 * V 1rasile;; I• •to ili'* liiids! «>1 tiu> drove i» .»est to p:ep; 1 re hiìì-j < av!v m íheilil* 1 and tilos«* not l-.ilied outright di“ sea-on , </¿’ the ! il, giving it an oc- !re­ madly, « ' ■¿rging am « Ijitmg at tue en.-i m i...: ‘ 4 1, Il J 0 1

• fil.g, . 0 as to kill

ti: - ! w imeis ili « . * i i¡••-.t « : : . ;; «.ii m. 1 ‘ t 'L - i![)•'* » ¿ * il t . and cordinning

“ T he ii 1 m u st l)e g le a ’, «d raw ¡i■om m e b a rg a in .

ta k e i'd v en u n d e r a n y

ti n .” “ A l l n g u t , m a d a m ,

was lH)t 1: • ' \* i* ! * IS »it H:t 1 (?S• *0v* 4.M 1 !.. . » » 4x ! ■ !'■: t.s. .* tnei.-. tastes.,i"m ,.r ; ecc.'trn

v\ . O . i i -A WPry. 11 n

COQ'TLL’ :A c ..... ,

L,',niVi a

G.io v Th;


It I , »... 1 i; .i i rs • ? ,rn: ii:*.

, nil: IThey iOil«* isru li I;

1 • »•

11 _ . . . f J .«ii'UO *. i tanit; • yin a war bn

î r


IPat tack

:! valor

(•ni:re (io ve ■i men rush urges then:.


M A U SH FÍE I !>, OREGON.rlnl

J . U , V O L K M A B , M . D .pr.ys'cia,! and Su gc::n.

MiMTi.il 1\>!ST. Tors (’«*., Oi*. ;•-on. vJiil.Mf

î le i i.il.Rpgu>1 «'•'L cle(*»*iv'd, nhe sijaiod nwny hrr

ITSR'tij;H«*ip!oss hIpi’O. (*ï "wh'iin was sho to olir.ir?

Each bi ad-Tike eye is a lire spai tusks are protruded, the echinat spine Btraightened, and woe to the !

•11<T \ . a ni • r- a hog, but for H tÍ'1 *] indi mitai v* courage of i M ‘ »

OY v y 1 ;{*, i' O' f1 naie*, <-i <,«ic 1LCÎr: ill■y. and h -»!• a lighter to the4 ! « * Till-oi) 1>£ his heai t, «¡muonti n4tilt* ;.t i • )ic; tyles t«-rqual us.i 1 ; 1 ::« ;:s i « xas hog, a br i ( LÍWGuld, if he could, while rii;liu¡the* midst of a cyclone, bite at

like ̂i : 11 « ;

last L* lo ti.e

j.tv;. * wi!! i

. I I »i lili«is up unid

í hen i !■ i ‘ -

advance« 1i l*

” tiiun* 11io grown too


i' ” . i ;i ».*■ i. ; • t. •

the s<l.

*i.n , ilii: i K

d v. eeds by

p ."d iiaiured young husband. “ Suit y ursoif. YVe’ ll look furth-er. •

J in next place was a cottage, with a i oat little Mower garden ill front i ? was the property o f a tin illy I rislimun.

‘A is, i i! rint it to ye for $40 a

i Î.,» , * ' ?i i i ( » ; * 11 1, T ’ is practicei


umy b<* i dead« d v.itìi lite cnnu advantage to pretty much all crops.

I zig-zag Cashes of the death-dealingThi*ir!uovojn«*i»tfi likp tho Cougar's were Py | wretch who ftills ill thcil’ path. ; IjOgim' j viccable imp]

s'oi' ‘ th I Gored, bitten, torn, trampled upon, i ̂ ' Its value on fTill they were ready for tho final spring, l , . , . . £. | T he Svpro i: .! and eaten uj>. t»> the last shred of

1 can be made one of the most ser.Iviceablc implements of the farm.

some grass lands is j known— those affected by moss,

sijo lmd r r.um of irionpy viion th«* «l»»etl ¡ Ids cloth ing-su ch is the fato of a ! When it comes to business and I and where the stand is tliin— the I|HCTw«hhha€ifniiMitusp.ti«fyti,rip}m*o«i. ¡ man caught by a drove of angry ; arithmetic, the southern negro effect being similar to a coat o f ,

Hnt *::ii*nideath vonid niineb tbcfntni i»l*»*.v peccaries. AYith tlie same fury i is very liable to be swindled by un- earth applied, serving as a mulch.

SrcoicAiOCicti: 0%Holland Bnildiiij

Marshfield, Oregon.I j r Will proft^sionally visit 111«» varions

tova» on the river.

J . -JT-. I D E ^ X nT,Coquille C ity, O ueoon?

GENERAL AGENCY ft.r ili« sale of City property, homes and lots, t i 1111 *«.* r. farniH. ranches, etc. Oflic» la Herald building.

i e . WiltW A T C H -M A K E R & JE W E L E R ,

O c q . 'U . i l l e O i t 3 T, O r .r*rw ork of all descriptions done at short notice and extremely lo\i prices. vln47.

I. O. G. T.M o r n i n g S t a r L o d g e

N o» 464,

K . OF L.P i o n e e r A s s e m b l y » N o»

3 0 7 0 »

Ol tilt*its

b g and enriching | , , . . .■ i . , .month, iirovoidm ye have no cnil-c;':u iderablv ru -1 1 J

dren.The youn -■ husband looked lan-

paidiy at his pretty si>ouse, and ob­served, “ We must continue thesearch.”

The next place visited was a large lodging-house. Here the landlord showed them apartments suitable for houskeeping.

“ Well, Mary, dear; I suppose we’ ll have to take these.’

* “ These apartments are sunny,------- | lint eHcm death nonid clinch tb«* fatal i>lnv; j peccaries. With the same jury 1 is very liable to be swindle«.! by un- earth applied, serving as a mulch,;

J . S . x iO l - iC O ..I-L» j s,ie. now ai inaod. bad Hcd from place* to they assail a *.volf or «attack a bu ll; principled white men. Au instance . which grass .’ ands so much need.: ( !d ‘‘n toieins aie sunny,1T m . i, v.rii L'-ntis” ' ;»’acc. ' ... , i » »• Tr • i i n » • - conveniently located, and, I think,Hini i. ■ {nul neither the woli nor the bull of this kind occurred near Austin Harrowing also lavors tl:c aumis- ,, *, .or hengMiucM« n s i r ij: store, in Lut like bus? houniis they d find where or . , , •=» all that can be wished fer inter­im! Hmidiiif*. Front si.pct, she went. can stand up against a charge o f net long since. An ohl negro nam- sion of air, not only on grass, but,*. ! . ... '

Her m«*Hiis exhunaitd—tired of thech.v«*— . , . - »^, 1 1 i i it i r» i i • ■ iI was in time to check her wild intent. j half a dozen peccaries. 13otli know l ed l ncie I ete, who imagines he And now the climax reached, eiie’a hunted ! this and Uy in terror from the | knows it all, was badly taken in not

down.! lie liitter cun i:-i full of foni deceit li«‘ld. long since, as was developed in ao y *

i W-i .. „ . j ' jectrtd the business-like landlord.wherever employed. V» hen used J• ». f . »., ! “ O f course you have no children.”on gra n it may bo used with as t . , ... J . . . .

. - , ' r»., r “ Alas! replic*d the husband, “ un-much gaiety as on corn. Ali*̂ law! v *fortunately, it appears, we haveThey'd driven h-r away Horn town to town, I Lately, Oil tllO Wichita 1 ¡Ver, I ! COllVOÍRMÍion witll VOUUgMl’. Hutcll- 1 plants toMl Up 11C0«1 not ftiTcct tllO ' D ’ < i l ’

Rut í'r̂ t thev drove her out int*> the street. ,. • T I , r • ’ ji - . i n i * i i. , i • i i • • throe.The mivd of nmn would f«ii! to eov:prr*hci'd j m ocked ft drove ol pocciiries. ] , esoii, wiio was Iriciiclly with tuo oKi largeness ot the yield, as it is oasi- j ( « r r5he irom wllicl1 t,u'-v u ; was safely perched in a tree, arm- ! man. * ly remedied by sowing more seed ; -v.i. t.m .- a gie.u ««laeience, w

To force their vi«-ov: « . tiu* liittcr end. ; od with a W ¡liclioster ritte and ac- ! “ A\ hat have you dono with your in the start; but with our present, t ' ,u)‘ *h ̂ t,tAinS tninlren.; we

1 re 'ut 1 m la.vmg cuiiuren.”Ami cov.r ttijs their tot«»»! tbo | tarn this j c ^ Uncle Pete,” he j thick seeding t h i i f f not needed, i S ine other |.laces were caltcd at

i,"rr m*™- ■ frontier Itattnlion, who occupied a ! asked. j Will termers make the experiment, w ii“ 1,10 sa,“ ° ^ a lt !No cl,!l,lr6nniie xuon.*u»neci it—my sister to lior ni**s— I 7 1 ! 1 1 t u wnc o vr virVi hut! M.-rv li~" iny old ijchchjl mute? i’hc* I IxiU^li l)0I)€‘cltll ino. rpTitod it to Kftibfil JnnrK. I ftintimr t.ho luii*mw ihiA iloin;nnls ■ ’ 1 ......... ( 1 * A * Jfin me.Do wc thiiH meet? This in a sa;l suroriru».

Oh. cruel fat«« that forced you 1 lms to loam.HOI f*cl vou Urns to ionia. . , i i ni • ji •«. .......1, eMuch hoi row has impaired rliat handsome i hilt I Wltlilll tililij J«il(ls «»t

( ¡om« to iu var.nsjny lov■e.this is your 1«orne:”At:•A they were look« d in OUO lout;, . fond(-111I1race.

Mr f,isU-r in'>tv was ( aoei• for the frnv.•T¡m'hr, " said »he, " to jn.it ¡C« hrin̂ those

la:.ves;The;v shall not steal mj' ok! friend’s rights

Sii1« Hl.fi •J »Le child arc troated worse thans! uvcs.’*Tho infamy limit «'ibOiill1d» none of us know;it thrives in f̂ hpiin —prefera tlie darkestll¡< 1Lik(* 1 )V dl”ianenn river■s it doe»; flow

Use ranted it to Kernel «Tones, j suiting the harrow to the demands \Ye waited until tiio drove up-1 on shears.”

“ AY hy, lie is ns sharp us a steel trap, ib i w ill sw indle you certain.”! our tree and then we tired simulta-

! anotlier. The roar ol our carbines

of the c r o p | gem of a cottage. This surely The slant teeth of (he smooth- must be taken' “ 'Vo‘ll take your

ins harrow will snfficientlv stir the ' ,,0,,3e' ren'nrke'1 tho hu*band» to

having waited from sucklings for just that occasion and kept perfect­ly ready for it. AY hen they nrriv-

; ed at the tre«i tliev bit it encli in,-SI I / 7• liiMienu uure nw\> j . l ii 1 • l

Meets at CoqniUc < ity every Monday j Beneath the suiface,hidden Lorn the hi«ht. | t«Tll, iind then glancing up, squftt-cveninK. VisHiu« members, in nood ataud-i . .. . . . . | ted and fixed upon us a dozen pairing, are cordiallv invited. j l he question is. where do the xrickcd po? I .. 1 , , , .

I. O. O. F.C o q u i l l e L o d g e N o . 5 3

Meet» at «¿oquiU«« City «‘very Saturday even inj?. Visiting brethren, in jjood stiindni};, cordially invited.

A. F. and A. M.C h a d w i c k L o d g e , N o » 6 8 »Meets at Ooqnille City on Saturday oven- ,

in-on or before the the full moon in each i xVhose s-.ii’ i«: made productive with th; kdoiuh. I u*ars

We read’-there is a place prepared;” ’tis ! of eyes small as peas ftlld blazing well— I „ 3 - » ‘

Suoli îit’llxirf Í\H L Loditi t licit (i aus'-d thi.-i woman's w ith tierco purpose, and fury m- woe 1 « .

Are fittili" Graduate» foT some deep hell. ! 1 Jusi4c«'!b!inu "oddess,open tdiou thine eyes, j OlMî by C110 we shot thrill, and And look upon the of this fair earth.An incarnation tiiou’ii heholdof lies

And thy handiaaidcn but excite» ou

“ i le jess can t do hit. I ’se got j ground to destroy sprouting weeds : " ko "huue,! liiem thede dead wood on him.” aud grasses, with little harm to <lo " ” elle- “ h ere ‘a a month’s rent

How's that?“ i the grain, whose loot is establish- \ advauce>” an', the> 'were r,'h n n 8“ He gits half a dollar onten cb- cd. The harrowing may be rc. « truouph, when t'ne woraan called

ery dollar uhat lie makes offen lie ! peateii, as in the case o f corn, and ; " u*' ’̂ t ' ' ' ' ' s'* , k sujtpoeefarm.” 1 this applies equally to grass land, | >'on >'° children?”

“ Hut how do you know lie gives .and is particularly an advantage! Oieat „ehosophnt. ye,led the yon a correct account o f what ho ! when a coat of manure lias been ! '>csPairioB husband; “yes, we have makes? He can keep some of tho given, in which the common grain h 'teo b,,\>, but we ie going to money back and yon will never i lm m w serves ll,e ‘:,est P '" l '^ e - ; kill’em to-night.” know it.”

Dnr’s no danger ob his doin’ dat, Work. O f course it should never an l ’se done beaded liim oft’ at «lat be attempted when the gr«mnd isgame. Don’ t yer see de more dol- or k;ird, but only when moder­

ately moist, so as to work nj)i.iuu, , , « v i i i _ i • j. « i ai(*iv inoisi. !-'> ni-' u» mu tv uw u t ittt'ii i«iw luut cmitucu »mill. they fell, ouo by one, and died; ! lars he brings in tei me do more T , , «p „ l l .i, «, !,« .,( . , . „ .. , .■rtnirki. ■ J J , , , i mellow. J he lieneht wliicli wheat exist in this citv vociferated......... each w illing and ready lo go, and j half dollars he gets, l o u bet he | fiel(|srpceive frora burrowing in : fat}ie,.

Grout (<i»d of lli.avniP-^mi um down tbe fin*; ! accepting his fate as pleasantly as ain’t gwine keep none back. He the sprimr is well known. E v e n !1 ,Give us olio« more tuo nurr.cles of old— | , , , . , « • ,, r 1 u , . 1 , . « _ , “ inlt. .1 olili.Let it coiMUHiH theiKimicn r and liar—, i Scliool boys OCCCpt ilpJUCS. ^ o t il illl) t 110 lOOl. Ii0 WOUlcill t £JC*t TIO tllO SGCOlld llfllTOV. 1!)!? <>I Cl ) -: proan or a squeal betrayed pain or half dollars onte» de dollars he Imn'owmg is sometimes an advr e- Hmrter wdl ad,dismay. Squatting <?n their hams ; keeps bad

A largo percentage of profit may j ‘*0h, John,” cried his wife, in thus be secured by a little easy evident alarm; “ kill our boys?”

“ Certainly. What can we do with them? You s*?o, it is an un­written law that children shall not


may be Nathaniel opt them— please do

j tape where one harrow ing is not something reasonable with them.” sullicient to stir up and pulverize j “ No; we will put them in the In-

Jolm ( rood mail, (Jf widows, orphan», muí who»« wicked ni*»»

G. A. R.G e n - L y t l o P o s t , N o - 27,Meets

and thirdin good utRudiuR,

Chas. 8. True, Commander.

tllpy 8 ,l#zed at us 011,1 took tl,e bul- | Yow (,ld f(K)1’ t You see that the Hoil >vejp Where long contin- | dnstrial Scliool or an orphan asy-VV. M. i will make Bom« happy when he disappear».; b'ts as if we were tossing them he g««ts tv.o half dollars out of the ‘ uod rains have formed a hard crust, • lum. Will that suit you, madam?”

! even when the grain has been con- continued the desperate Benedict,I ’ ncle Pete sawr the point, and ' ^iderably advanced, the harrow ; addressing the landlady. “Can we

ovMi»n i,;< otILvni’<i1.oo«c ’ may l>e used with decided benefit, have the house then?”‘ . ‘ . ’ 1 ‘ * ’ Let not this be forgotten. Make “ Certainly sir,” retorted the land-

A few days attei ward Hutcheson }east a trial on a small scale, lady. “ But,” she blushingly added,saw the old man again. J and try it on all kinds of grain.— j “ you’ ll agree not to have anymore.”

“ IIow about your farm?” j Cor. County Gentleman. i Examiner.

. | acorns. Presently only one was ones he keeps back.And now n.y s ory a uiav/in ̂to an end— # . iWith lepal tati*nt itnd impartial law, j loft alivo »linitl a (.lOZOIl CorpSGS,

*i,»m u. rtaw/111 : and there he sat brown, bristling,F ron t th e n posi . ¡ i -u i ;.« m\Yi • r e e . 1t«C*d (h* >r fo u l im ;i

A n d ,.i i n , 1H>W a t pv’HC'*, i.-. vM i tit i n ! .» ..L . w ill r e m a in t

l i ! («,

a at Coquille City, on every lir;t *nd M\rv, i.ow at p.-ai- . 1» vi. h uh; v«‘t— 1 fuiioil; . foilinillC with raging death ;■ ... , Metuiiil.« she v.i.l roiutoiu ’.uruu^nout tin» ! » n ,rd Wednesday. \ cmrad». ; unmilulful o f the blood that damp-1 Htaudinpi, colon.!!> invited. 1 Her little child i» now our household pet. , , , . . vn*

1 And »lie's my ov. 11. my de.ir, ciovotcu wife. I cd tue grass about him; liKlitieront

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