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WINTER 2016 - ACI~Accredited Certification International …€¦ ·  · 2017-03-10WINTER 2016....

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ISO Opening Workshop to Integrate ISO26000 with management system for ISO members to participate

International Standard Organisation gained the approval from the Technical Management Board and will launch two workshops in March and April of 2017, with the aim of publishing an International Workshop Agreement (IWA) to help users to have a better understanding on how can be done. All the ISO members are invited to participate.

ISO 26000 is a universal guidance on how business and corporation can operate in a social responsible way. In other words, it provides a clear guidance on how to contribute to the health and welfare of the society in an ethical and transparent way.

It was launched in 2010 with 5 years of negotiation between di�erent stakeholders across the world, including government, consumer groups, non-government organisation, etc. ISO26000 is being used increasingly as a measure of the overall performance of an organisation

However, ISO26000 is not a requirement standard nor a management system standard which means it cannot be certi�ed. The main focus of ISO 26000 is in clarifying what social responsibility is, and to facilitate the business and corporations translate principles into e�ective actions and provide a platform with no boundary for �rms to share the best practices relating to social responsibility.

Improve RTS performance Establish, implement and maintain a RTSM System (RTSMS)

Assure itself of conformity with its stated RTS policy

Demonstrate conformity with ISO 39001

ISO 39001 is a management system for the safety of road traffic whose purpose is to reduce the number of serious and fatal accidents.

This standard is applicable to public and private sectors that interact with RTS. Participated organizations must have the following processes: evaluates the accident details; provides a continuous improvement of the traffic safety and evaluates the events that are in connection with the road traffic safety.

ISO 39001 also has a social role: safer mobility and in accordance with the requirements of the standard brings security benefits for the whole society. That’s why, as all of the new generation standards, ISO 39001 contributes to the Societal Security.


ACI News Issue No.38 - Page 2

Accredited Certification International Limited (ACI) was established with the mission to promote quality, environmental, occupational health and safety, food safety management systems, and other recognized management systems.

ACI participated in promoting Occuptatoinal Health & Safety Culture in Macau

ACI was awarded in "the Intellectual Capital Management Program"

ACI was recognized by IRCA, the world's original & largest international certification body for auditors, as an Approved Training Organization

ACI was accredited by Hong Kong Accreditation Services (HKAS) under Innovation and Technology Commission, HKSAR

First Certification Body registered on the research & survey list of the Census & Statistics Department, HKSAR

ACI is a Task Force member of HKAS for Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSMS), to advice to HKAS on policy matters on OHSMS.

ACI is a Task Force member of HKAS for Information and Communication Management System (ICMS) to advice to HKAS on policy matters on ICMS.

Achieved the fifth year of "Caring Company"

ACI Senior Lead Auditor is honorable to join the Quality Review Panel of Vocation Training Council (VTC)

First Certification Body to sign the "Occupational Safety Charter"

First Time being awarded as "the 100 Hong Kong's Most Influential Brands"

First Certification Body registered on the research & survey list of the Hong Kong Housing Authority, HKSAR

First Time being awarded the "Caring Company"

ACI became a Working Party member of the Accreditation Advisory Board (ACB) for Certification Bodies Accreditation, with a mission to make recommendation to HKAS.

First Certification Body registered on the research & survey list of Hong Kong Tourism Board

ACI became a Task Force member of HKAS for Energy Management System (EnMS), to advice to HKAS on policy matters on EnMS.

Third Time being awarded as the "Caring Company"

Second Time being awarded as the 100 Hong Kong's Most Influential Brands

Second Time being awarded the "Caring Company"

ACI became a Task Force member of HKAS for Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSMS), to advice to HKAS on policy matters on OHSMS.

ACI became a Task Force member of HKAS for Information and Communication Management System (ICMS) to advice to HKAS on policy matters on ICMS.

ACI awarded ISO20252 to IPSOS Pte. Ltd. in Singapore

ACI was recognized as a certified service supplier for 'The Carbon Smart Programme"

Third Time being awarded as "the 100 Hong Kong's Most Influential Brands"

ACI appointed by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) as their Continuing Professional Development Committee (CPDC) Course Provider











ACI Signed Cooperation Agreement with Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center (CPTTM) concerning the Incentive Subsidy Scheme for Certification International Management System Standards

ACI was awarded the gold sponsor from the Professional and Social Services Association (PASS),a non-profit organization dedicated to promote, assist and participate in society to strengthen the youth employability and competitiveness

Opening of USA Representative Office

Being the first batch of cretification bodies received ISO9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015 from HKAS Accreditation (HKAS)

ACI started to provide the Environmental Social Governance (ESG) report writing service.

First Certification Body being granted the ISO50001 accreditation covering the largest spectrum of industry sectors from Hong Kong Accreditation Services (HKAS)

One of the first cretification bodies being granted the OHSAS18001 accreditation form from Hong Kong Accreditation Services (HKAS)

Achieved the seventh year of "Caring Company"

Opening of Canada Representative Office

ACI was recognized by ECF Fund for (Energy Efficiency Projects) & (Energy Cum Carbon Audits) Services



Sixth Time being awarded the "Caring Company"

ACI marks the 10th Anniversary and have been pursuing the principle of "Passion of Excellence" on providing professional and reliable certification; training and specialized market research and surevey services.

ACI News Issue No.38 - Page 3

ACI Updates

IoD Good Governance Report 2016 is Published

The publication of the 2016 Good Governance Report is supported by Cass Business School and Charter Quality Institute. They assessed the companies by merging the traditional governance indicators with a measure of the quality of corporate governance as perceived by investors and business leaders.

A lot of research show that the poor governance is always the major reason causing the corporations always fail. In order to check the degree of good governance in an objective and fair way. IoD governance report can be one of the measures. The intention of the IoD report is less to focus on the ranking itself but more to stimulate discussion around the factors that contribute to good governance.

The IoD Good Governance Report 2016 has already launched in September, 2016. It is available to the CQI member to download the report. Besides, all the essential information about the report is posted on the CQI website and Quality World as well.

You may refer the following linkage for the IoD Governance Report 2016:

Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) is an international professional body facilitating the practice of quality management in all sectors. CQI and the Institute of Director (IoD) produced the IoD Good Governance Report together. This report analysed the ranking of FTSE 100 companies with reference to their demonstration of good governance.


International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) is currently developing a new International Standard for Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) management systems called ISO 45001.

ACI News Issue No.38 - Page 4

ISO 45001 aims to replace OHSAS18001 and help the organization to improve OH&S performance and minimize the risks of OH&S. The �rst draft of ISO 45001 released in May 2016 and received over 3000 comments during the ballot. In September 2016, a professional technical group was formed to review the collected comments. The comments were mainly about two aspects, including the de�nition of key terms and amendments of some unclear area. The project committee meeting was held in November 2016. They reviewed the work done by the technical group in the previous months.

After the amendment by the technical group, the 2nd draft of ISO 45001 will be released and a ballot section will be conducted in April 2017. The project committee will review the comments of the ballot in September 2017. They proposed the earliest possible publication of ISO 45001 could be announced in November 2017. If there are any major amendments, the publication could be delayed to March 2018. ACI would keep update the latest information of ISO 45001 development in the “ACI InfoWorld” to our clients as it becomes available.

According to HKAS, Certi�cation Body MUST transit previous all Unaccredited Certi�cation to Accredited Certi�cation for all management system standards (within her scope of accreditation) .

Hence, Cert. Bodies are not allowed to issue non-accredited management systems certi�cates in scopes for which they are accredited.Besides, the certi�ed client cannot decide its management system certi�cate is accredited or not.

The above instruction is under the IAF Resolution 2016-17 and IAF Resolution 2015-14. It has also been mentioned in HKAS News 059 Page.6.According to HKAS, they will raise Non-conformity to the Cert. Body if it is not being followed, and the ISO certificates being issued to the certified client will also be suspended or withdrawn.Should you have any query, please feel free to contact us.

International News & Trends

With the rapid development of construction industry,occurrences of accident/incident may increase. Significant social effect will be caused by the increase of construction safety accidents. Many accidents /incidents were caused by lack of alertness, training and monitoring for inconfined space. To avoid these, employers and working awareness should understand the related legislation and well aware of the relevant code of practice.

Note:This course is different from:Certificate of Competent Person work in Confined Space training course or Certificate of Certified Worker work in Confined Space training course

~ To help organization establishing safety awareness for working in confined space~ To provide guidance for implementing safety practices~ To provide trainees with safety knowledge to avoid accidents happen

• Overview construction Industry safety laws• Introduce Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Confined Spaces) Regulation• Introduce Code of Practice for Safety and Health at Work in Confined Spaces• The definition of a confined space• Hazards identification in confined space and prevention methods• Emergency procedures• Appropriate personal protective equipment function, selection and proper use


Course Details

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published that ISO 50001 standard for energy management systems will have a new version

ISO 50001, an energy management system, is an energy management standard is a well-established frame work to help company to use energy e�ectively. Over 7000 organizations were certi�ed to the standard by the end of 2014. This standard addresses the energy consumption, performance, usage and e�ciency in a systematic way. ISO 50001 can mutually bene�cial to the environment and organisation directly. With reference to ISO, the organisations adopting ISO 50001 standards have over 10% initial energy improvement in average.

However, current ISO 50001 was not up to date and some of the standard requirements need to be improved. ISO proposed an updated version in the beginning of 2016. After reviewing the collected comments from the ballot, the latest draft of ISO 50001 was issued to the Technical Committee in August 2016. Their comments on the latest ISO 50001 need to be returned to ISO in the end of October 2016.

According to ISO updates, the publication of ISO 50001 new version ISO 50001 will be in the end of 2018. The new revision will be incorporate with ISO 90001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015. The requirements of ISO standard would be more universal and compatible. ACI would keep update the information of ISO 50001 development in the “ACI InfoWorld” to our clients as it becomes available.

International News & Trends

Hot Training

ACI News Issue No.38 - Page 5


Course FeeFree

VenueACI Training Center

Course CodeSME1


Course FeeFree

VenueACI Training Center

Course CodeSME1


Course FeeFree

VenueACI Training Center

Course CodeSME1


Focus questions :



Focus questions :


1. Nervous during internal audit to your boss ?2. Unable to follow up the audit �nding?3. Ine�ective communication during audit?4. Inadequate audit preparation for top management interview 5. Lost the focus during the interview ?


Focus questions :

Objective:1) Promote JOYS and VALUES in auditing2) Relieve pressure by ACI audit arrangement3) Improve e�ectiveness and values of external audit

1) Analyse the current situation of Quality management system2) Explore the Value of Certi�cation3) Share the New approach in audit process4) Develop your action plan

1. Nervous during external audit?2. Unable to follow up the audit �nding?3. Insu�cient time for communication during audit?4. Inadequate audit preparation time?5. Lost the focus on the audit �nding?6. External Audit= Burden?


Course FeeFree

VenueACI Training Center

Course CodeSME1


Introduction In the new era global market place, competition is hybrid to an extent that no one success model will sustain for long. Today’s success will obsolete sooner than any of our precedent experiences. Human capital will be a key success determinant of any business to build up the competitive advantage. Knowledge management is accelerating. New ways evolve as the market development vehicle proceeds in the next some twenty years. The capable corporate leaders embedding new insights, innovative / creative minds will lead the talents pool and drive the prominent economies ahead in the dynamic global platform. Hence, many industry leaders and the multi-national Enterprises (MNEs) drive training to be the largest corporate assets to transform their businesses forward. Corporate agenda nowadays emphasizes human resources and training in the top business agenda…

Hot Training

ACI News Issue No.38 - Page 6

As a corporate social responsible corporation, Accredited Certification International Limited (ACI)

continues to launch an internship programme for the university students in 2017. We believe that nurturing the

younger generation is important. It enables the interns to have a better understanding of the work environment while they are still

studying. These valuable working opportunities help students acquire the knowledge of different industry, especially accreditation industry, and equip

them for their future career.

ACI internship programme is a comprehensive programme, interns will be assigned to a department for hands-on experience working on assignments and projects under the

coaching of department supervisors. Department supervisors will provide feedback on interns’ performance to help them identify their strengths and potential for future career

development. ACI fully support the interns and hope them to get the most in the programme.

Social Responsibility & Sustainability Development

Professional and Social Services Association has always attached great importance to the care of vulnerable elderlies in the community support. We recognise that government is not the only agency contribute to this vulnerable groups. As a Corporate Social Responsible corporation, PASS and ACI always try to fulfil the monetary and mental needs with this group of people.

In the mid December, our staff and the family of PASS. visited the Kai Yip Estate. We spent a good afternoon with the elderlies and have a better understanding of the elderlies’ situation and dilemma. PASS would keep visiting different minority and vulnerable groups in the future. And we will try our best to enhance their quality of life.

ACI News Issue No.38 - Page 8

Accredited Certi�cation International Limited (ACI) has recently veri�ed the direct and indirect Greenhouse Gas Emissions in accordance with ISO14064-3:2006 to relevant HK subsidiaries and joint venture under Chun Wo Construction Holdings Company Limited. ACI has examined eight major domains including. building of construction works, building maintenance works, civil engineering works, electrical & mechanical engineering works, �tting out works, foundation works, railway works and waterworks. ISO14064-1:2006 speci�ed principles and requirements at the organization level for quali�cation and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals are completely.

Chun Wo Construction Holdings Company Limited is one of the largest and leading construction companies in Hong Kong, and has participated a lot of major construction projects in Asia. The objectives of this veri�cation are, by the review of the objective evidence, to independently determine whether the GHG emissions are as declared by the organization’s GHS assertion, and the data reported are accurate, complete, consistent, transparent and free of material error or omission.

Relevant HK subsidiaries and joint venture under Chun Wo Construction Holdings Company Limited has been awarded the Greenhouse gas verification statement in accordance with ISO14064-1:2006 requirement

Welcome New Clients

ISO 14001 specifies the requirement of an Environmental Management System for any organizations. After the implementation of ISO14001, the company is able to handle the environmental issue in a systematic way. Besides, the implementation of OHSAS18001 can show that they have taken the occupational health and safety into account as well.

ACI granted ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and OHSAS 18001 Management System Certificate to China Concrete Company Limited

China Concrete Company Limited is a subsidiary of Man Fai Tai Holding Limited. There are two main concrete batching plants in Hong Kong. The daily production capacity of the plants in Hong Kong can be reached over 3000square meters for ready mix concrete and 600 square meter for ready to use mortar.

China Concrete Company Limited successfully obtained ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 in the dimensions of “Design, production and supply of ready mixed concrete and design, production and supply of ready-to-use mortars and floor screeds”.

ACI News Issue No.38 - Page 7

Latest CoursesToday’s Learning for Tomorrow’s Challenge

Should you or your friends have any interest, please sign and return the enclosed training enrollment form to us

Course fee TQ4,TE4,TEn4,TF4 is HK$2,800, TM4 is HK$3,500, TQ9 is HK$9,800,TS6 is HK$8,600, TE9 is HK$5,900, TQ2,TQ3 is $1,400

Venue:ACI Training Center

(o): 3977 8983

IRCA Certificated 14001:2015 Conversion Auditor


11-13 Apr 2017 (9:00am-5:30pm)17-19 May 2017 (9:00am-5:30pm)

14-16 Jun 2017 (9:00am-5:30pm)Course confirmed and seats are limited.

ISO 9001:2015 Internal AuditorTQ4Code

27-28 Mar 2017 (9:30am-5:00pm)10-11 Apr 2017 (9:30am-5:00pm)

9-10 May 2017 (9:30am-5:00pm)Course confirmed and seats are limited.

ISO 9001:2015 Effective Application


23 Mar 2017 (9:30am-1:00pm)5 Apr 2017 (9:30am-1:00pm)

4 May 2017 (9:30am-1:00pm)Course confirmed and seats are limited.

ISO 9001:2015 Implementation & Documentation


24 Mar 2017 (9:30am-1:00pm)6 Apr 2017 (9:30am-5:00pm)

5 May 2017 (9:30am-5:00pm)Course confirmed and seats are limited.

ISO 22000:2005 Internal AuditorTF4Code

5-6 Apr 2017 (9:30am-5:00pm)17-18 May 2017 (9:30am-5:00pm)

22-23 Jun 2017 (9:30am-5:00pm)Course confirmed and seats are limited.

IRCA Certificated OHSAS 18001:2007 Auditor/Lead Auditor


24-28 Apr 2017 (9:00am-5:30pm)8-12 May 2017 (9:00am-5:30pm)

19-23 Jun 2017 (9:00am-5:30pm)Course confirmed and seats are limited.

IRCA Certificated ISO 9001:2015 QMS Auditor/Lead Auditor


24-28 Apr 2017 (9:00am-5:30pm)15-19 May 2017 (9:00am-5:30pm)

5-9 Jun 2017 (9:00am-5:30pm)Course confirmed and seats are limited.

ISO 50001:2011 Internal AuditorTEn4Code

18-19 Apr 2017 (9:30am-5:00pm)11-12 May 2017 (9:30am-5:00pm)

19-20 Jun 2017 (9:30am-5:00pm)Course confirmed and seats are limited.

Integrated Management System Internal Auditor


6-7 Mar 2017 (9:30am-5:00pm)11-12 Apr 2017 (9:30am-5:00pm)

11-12 May 2017 (9:30am-5:00pm)Course confirmed and seats are limited.

ISO 14001:2015 Internal AuditorTE4Code

2-3 Mar 2017 (9:30am-5:00pm)12-13 Apr 2017 (9:30am-5:00pm)

11-12 May 2017 (9:30am-5:00pm)Course confirmed and seats are limited.

Latest Course

ACI News Issue No.38 - Page 9
