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Words of Peace - Peace Camarillo · Words of Peace March, 2016 A ... (Rawlin & Toni Radle’s...

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Words of Peace March, 2016 A Monthly Publication of Peace Lutheran Church Camarillo, CA Holy Week at Peace March 24, 2016 7:00 pm Maundy Thursday Service March 25, 12:00 noon Good Friday Worship Service March 25, 7:00 pm Good Friday Worship Service Easter Sunday March 27, 8:00 & 11:00 am Traditional Worship Services 9:00 10:45 am Light Brunch 9:15 am Children’s Activities 9:30 am Praise Worship Service Soup Supper 6 pm & Worship Service 7 pm Wednesday, March 9 Wednesday, March 16 ---In This Issue--- The Snail’s Pace of Lent… by Pastor Rob Another Project Benefitting Our Preschool What’s Going On in Sunday School? So - Who Just Got a Year Older? Peace Water Saving Measures Work Party National Day of Prayer Get Ready For a Barnyard Roundup See What’s Happening at Luther’s Attic Wanted: Your Participation in Fundraiser Update A Letter from Pastor Thompson And More!

Words of Peace

March, 2016

A Monthly Publication of Peace Lutheran Church Camarillo, CA

Holy Week at Peace

March 24, 2016 7:00 pm Maundy Thursday


March 25, 12:00 noon Good Friday Worship


March 25, 7:00 pm Good Friday Worship


Easter Sunday

March 27, 8:00 & 11:00 am Traditional Worship Services

9:00 – 10:45 am Light Brunch 9:15 am Children’s Activities

9:30 am Praise Worship Service

Soup Supper 6 pm & Worship Service 7 pm

Wednesday, March 9

Wednesday, March 16

---In This Issue---

The Snail’s Pace of Lent… by Pastor Rob

Another Project Benefitting Our Preschool

What’s Going On in Sunday School?

So - Who Just Got a Year Older?

Peace Water Saving Measures

Work Party

National Day of Prayer

Get Ready For a Barnyard Roundup

See What’s Happening at Luther’s Attic

Wanted: Your Participation in

Fundraiser Update

A Letter from Pastor Thompson

And More!

Pastor’s Page

Pastor’s Message

The snail’s pace of Lent…

You know how long it takes to get escargot from field to table? To turn them from garden pest to tasty appetizer?

Way too long. Or not nearly long enough depending on how you feel about eating them. I know what some of you

are thinking. How long does it take to grow a porterhouse steak? Also too long, but that I’ll wait for.

I say we leave snail chasing to the French, but you may have a variety in your own garden that are edible, so

here’s a quick rundown on preparing an inexpensive appetizer you may want to add to your Easter ham spread this

year. If nothing else, it will make sure those pesky relatives don’t show up again in 2017.

First you have to get a bowl to collect them in. And you’d better bring a kitchen towel to drape over the bowl to

keep your catch from escaping. Of course the best time to find them is after dark. Then you’ll need a roasting pan

and about two cups of cornmeal, and some sprigs of thyme for the purging.

Assuming you’ve already studied up on which ones are edible and which ones may have the parasite that can give

you meningitis and kill you, collect your snails, preferably not off a poisonous plant or while crawling through

deadly snail bait, wash them carefully in a colander while rubbing them together. Wash them real good. They do

crawl around in the dirt after all.

Now, to make sure their insides are free of impurities, put them into

the roasting pan with a dish of water and a little pile of cornmeal in the

corner with a sprig of thyme. Cover with cheesecloth to prevent

escape. Mist daily to keep them moist and remove and discard any that

expire ahead of schedule.

Repeat with fresh water and cornmeal and thyme for two weeks.

You’ll know the purge is working when you spot yellow and green

poop trails in the pan. At this point some people add salt to help

remove the slime.

Others have become too attached to their snails by this time to torture them.

Boil in water with a little white wine and a few vegetables, skimming off any green, slimy foam that floats to the

top. Transfer to a plate, pluck the now deceased snails from their shell, and toss them with a lot of butter, a little

garlic, parsley and white wine.

A moment of honesty here? Not very likely to happen at my house anytime soon. Way too complicated and I think

I’ve lost my appetite.

Pretty disgusting, huh?

As disgusting as what Jesus had to go through so that you and I could be turned from sinners to saints in no more

than a faithful instant? Not nearly. And it’s not easy to keep hearing about how his suffering was all our fault for six

long weeks.

But it was also his choice. And if our Lord thought we were worth his own suffering and death to rescue us from

the consequences of sin, physical death and then an eternal, living death separated from God forever, let’s not let his

efforts go to waste. Let’s come out the other side of Lent this year different people than we went in. Repentant,

forgiven and resolved to stay closer to Christ than ever before.

Grateful for the love of Christ that rescued us. Grateful for the cross of Christ where the price for all our sins was

paid. And especially grateful for the empty tomb on Easter morning, God’s sign and promise that by faith we’ve

been reconciled to him once more.

Keep those alleluias on hand, Easter will be here sooner than you think. Lent may seem to drag on at a snail’s pace,

but Easter’s coming!

Another Eagle Scout Project Benefits Preschool

Under the direction of Eagle-candidate Chandler Supple, Troop 225 built a wooden table and bench for the Peace Preschool, as well as sanded and repainted the train storage unit in the preschool lunch table area. The scouts learned how to use a Skil saw, cut multiple angles, construct, and prime/paint the items they built. Cole and Chandler and the entire Supple Family would like to extend a very warm thanks to all those who helped the boys achieve their Eagle Project. There are many people at Peace who contributed in helping the boys including Jim Devries, Bob Lacey, Keith Hedrick, Rachel Ylizaliturri, Dave Hutter, Dave Miller and Marsha Larson. We are truly thankful for your guidance

and expertise. Our family has been at Peace for 16 years now and we are so happy that the boys could do their Eagle Scout Project at our church. Thanks to everyone at Peace for all your support!

Sincerely, The Supples

Cole Supple supervises as members of his

troop work on his project.

-the most important

thing that they will

ever learn – that Jesus

died for them and

because he lives, they

will have eternal life.

Sunday School News

We are already in the season of Lent and will soon be learning more about Jesus’ ministry and about his

death and resurrection. We recently learned about Jesus' baptism, and we talked a lot in Sunday School about

how Jesus didn’t really need to be baptized because he had no sins and was already a member of God’s

family. However he did it to set the example for all of us and to let everyone know he is the Savior of the

world. Regarding His baptism, Jesus says in Matthew chapter 3 verse 15, “Let it be so now; it is proper for us

to do this to fulfill all righteousness.” For more information or questions, feel free to contact myself, pastor,

and any of the Sunday School teachers. We will all happily do our best to help.

Secondly, I want to encourage every family to attend church and Sunday school on a regular basis. Everyone

is busy and everyone wants the best for their children. As parents our children’s well-being is our first

priority. We spend hours making sure that our children develop healthy habits. We want them to read daily, do

their homework, eat healthy, be active, have friends, and be happy

kids. All of this is very admirable. However our Christian faith also

needs to be practiced and nurtured to become a healthy habit. Recent

research led by a team at the University College London think they

have uncovered just how long (on average) it takes for something to

become habitual. They believe it takes an average of 66 days to create

a habit. That would be about 3 months of attending worship, Sunday

School, or a Bible Study once a week in order to create a healthy

lifelong habit.

I fervently believe that when you send your children to Sunday school, it is my responsibility to teach your

most precious gift. As we begin this journey of Lent, I encourage you to prayerfully consider helping your

children make a faith healthy habit. If transportation becomes an issue, feel free to call any of the following

members to give your child a ride to and from Sunday School (Irene Hutchison – 389-3351, Diana Wanke –

482-7524, Roger and Lisa Sage – 383-0135, or Eleanore Zorkocy – 384-0016, or Connie Morris 987-5116 ). I

know that life is busy, but as Jesus said "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the

kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

In Christ,

Lisa Sage

Sunday School Superintendent


Easter is early this year in March, and as for

Christians, it is a day of rejoicing. We are a

people of hope, for Christ is Risen, and the

Church boldly proclaims this Good News to

the world.

Holy Week and Easter remind us that life on

this earth is a journey and death is a stop

along the way. But death is not the final

destination. Just as our Lord Jesus Christ

has been raised bodily from death; we, too,

will be raised to eternal life.

Without the resurrection of Jesus, His birth

would have no more significance than that

of anyone remembered in history. The

Apostle Paul put it well: “If Christ has not

been raised, then our preaching is in vain

and your faith is in vain… If Christ has not

been raised, your faith is futile and you are

still in your sins” (1 Cor. 15:14, 17 ESV).

But “in fact Christ has been raised, the first

fruits of those who have fallen asleep,” as

Paul continues in his letter to the church at

Corinth. That is our hope, our consolation,

“For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ

shall all be made alive.”

He is risen! – He is risen indeed!

Peace in Christ,

Your Elders

Anniversaries March

Richard & Rebeka Medina 3/9

Mike & Ruth Hale 3/15

Keith & Kathy Oien 3/15

Michael & Sharon McCracken 3/17

Leonard & Ada Bruns 3/24

Sean & Lisa Dickson 3/25

Al & Cindy Fox 3/31

Birthdays March

Peggy Frye 3/2

Kathleen Harding 3/6

John Johnson 3/7

Ada Bruns 3/7

Sarah Harter 3/7

Ali Lee 3/9

Millie Dunivin 3/10

LaJoyce Brennan 3/11

Valerie Warczak 3/12

Paul Schneider 3/13

Steve Herman 3/14

Laurie Bell 3/14

Verna Rawlinson 3/17

Nancy Fitch 3/19

Greg Foley 3/19

Mark Pettit 3/22

Jean Kohut 3/22

Andrew Geib 3/24

Margaret Nipstad 3/25

Jim Mainland 3/25

Milt Kohut 3/29

Carol Linaweaver 3/30

Jennifer Frye 3/30

Lisa Dickson 3/31

Receiving cancer treatment: Aiden Farinella, (Rawlin & Toni Radle’s

nephew), Nancy Johnson, and Clara Smith (Joyce Snow & Melissa

Hamilton’s cousin).

Prayers for healing and strength: Lily Baehr, LaJoyce Brennan, Ada Bruns,

Cindy Fox, Hedy Pein, Joshua Kappel, (John & Karen Johnson’s friend), Madison, Hunter Mann,

(Hamilton’s friend), Jason Miller, (Jake Parson’s friend), Donna Pickler’s great-granddaughter, Otto

Klittich, Dorothy Lewis, Gloria McLeod, Bee Muenich, Gene O’Neal, Hedy Pein, Lorna Randall,

(former member), Verna Rawlinson, Jim Richardson, Tom Taylor, Noreen Taylor, Jim Warczak and

Carl Ylizaliturri.

Pastor, Anda, Aija and family as Anda's mom was called to her

heavenly home on January 26, 2016.

The family of Troy Harter, Eunice, Todd, Janet & family, his wife

Kathy & daughters Rebecca and Joanna (Jojo), as Troy was called

to heaven on February 9, 2016.

Gary & Barbara London & family as Gary’s mother and Peace member Ruth London was called to

her heavenly home.

Please pray for comfort, peace, and strength to help these families get through this most difficult time

in their lives.

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5:4

Pray for all military men and women especially:

Jeremy Bronner, Jacob Chiles, (Bill & Linda Young’s son-in-law) Daniel Gross, (LaJoyce Brennan’s

grandson), Davis Kelly, (Melodie Kelly’s son & Sonja Manzer’s grandson) Brian Miller, (Dave &

Sandra Miller’s son), Brett Taylor, (Gary & Karen Taylor’s son), Stephen Volpei, (Connie Morris’

grandson), Brady Wentlandt, (Duane & Caroline Wentlandt’s grandson) and also remember their

families in your prayers.

Mulch Moving

Work Party Saturday March 5, 2016

8:00 – Noon

Avocado Tree Cut-Back Worth the Effort?

July 2015 February 2016

Treasurer, Paul Trahan, provides the following information regarding water usage since having the orchard trees cut

back last year:

We had a decrease of 28% in water usage in 2015 compared to 2014. Our water usage was 1013

HCF (Hundred Cubic Feet) less than in 2014. Since each HCF equals 748 gallons of water, we

decreased our irrigation water usage by 757,724 gallons in 2015. In terms of dollar savings, we

avoided water usage costs of $5,572.

We hope to continue drastically cutting back on water usage for the orchard this year. The trees are thriving despite

being watered only 2-3 times in nine months. By spreading the mulch around the trees, soil moisture is retained.

The mulch is free – provided by the same Tree Service that did our orchard cut-back. A Work Party is being

scheduled for Saturday, March 5th to give everyone a chance to help with spreading the mulch. No doubt, a good

time will be had by all! Watch for details. Pray for rain!


What? To spread wood chips through-out orchard

Why? To further promote water conservation by helping to retain soil moisture

Who? Anyone who is conservation minded: Members, Scouts, New Life, Reading Mentoring Families,

Youth, Pre-School Parents, Friends, College Students, High School Students, Confirmation-age Kids

What to Bring? Forks, Rakes, Hats, Sun-Screen, Gloves, Wheel Barrows, Water etc.

When? Anytime Saturday morning between 8:00 AM and noon. Come when you can, leave when you

have to (but you may miss out on a free lunch!).

How to Sign up: Leave this note in Marsha Larson’s mailbox, email or call the office church office or just

show up on Sat.

Volunteer Name(s) _____________________________ Can Bring __________________________

National Day of Prayer is May 5th

Come and Pray With Our Peace People

Imagine prayers rising in unison to our Lord from all of our nation’s people. What a blessing and a privilege to join in prayer with others – prayers for our blessed country, our church and for others.

You can participate by signing up for a time-slot to come to church and pray. We will be offering our prayers in the church from 6 AM until 7 PM on May 5th. As many as desired can sign for every hour. If you can’t spend an hour, please pray for as long as you are able to. You will be surprised how quickly an hour goes by.

There will be prayer lists available as you enter the sanctuary. You can kneel at the altar or sit in a pew. The

lists will include suggestions such as prayers for our church, our country, our government, our armed forces,

for each other, for Pastor, the up-coming elections, peace, faith, wisdom, forgiveness etc. Sign up on the kiosk

or you can use the form below. Place it in the offering plate, mail it in to Peace, leave it in the office or in

Connie Morse’s mail box in the narthex. Time slots are for any hour between 6 AM and 7 PM (example: 1 PM

– 2 PM). Mark your calendar.


National Day of Prayer

Yes, I will take part in the National Day of Prayer vigil at Peace Lutheran on Thursday, May 5th.

I wish to sign up for the time slot from ________ AM/PM to _______ AM/PM.

_____________________________ _________________

(Please Print Name) (Phone #)







Linda La Jeunesse ([email protected]) 0r Mike Schultze ([email protected])

Sign up on church bulletin board

3 Staff meetings- Sundays in the Proverbs Coffee House:

May 1ST 12:30-1pm. (Agenda: theme intro & job assignments)

June 12th 12:30-3:30pm. (Agenda: make decorations)

June 26THst 12:30-2:30pm (Agenda: Prep for next day & decorate!)

Small Group Gathering

The groups have been formed and the gatherings are ready to

begin. Please check your mailbox for a group list. Anyone in the group

can reach out to the others to plan the first gathering. Remember – there

are ‘no rules’ on what a gathering must be. Be creative: breakfast, lunch,

dinner, game night, pizza and a movie at home, pizza out, etc. The Fellowship Committee will be

sending out an occasional reminder to be sure everyone is gathering. If anyone has pictures from

their event, please send to us ([email protected]) so we can share with our Peace

family. Please feel free to call Sharon McCracken 805-415-8014 or Connie Morris 805-987-5116 if

you have any questions.

Luther’s Attic A BIG THANK YOU to all the volunteers who have made this another successful

year at Luther’s Attic. We have 25 members of Peace who volunteer at Luther’s Attic, 20 on a

regular basis. In 2015 Peace worked a total of 2,914 volunteer hours and provided Peace

Preschool with $22,877.00 of income. Our gross income at the store was $114,025.00. After

paying our rent, utilities, the manager’s salary and misc. supplies we were able to give the three

schools a total of $60,074.00. This is $15,304.00 more than was distributed last year, due in

part to the fact we now take credit cards.

The Lord has blessed us not only financially and with great volunteers but also a wonderful

manager Donna. Her conscientiousness, organization and cheerful attitude are greatly

appreciated by the volunteers and customers alike.

We are looking for additional volunteers to work Wednesday mornings from 10:00am until

1:00 pm or afternoons from 1:00pm to 4:00pm. We are also in need of substitutes for the days

Peace People work at Luther’s Attic, Monday, Wednesday or every third Saturday. This

ministry provides financial support to Christian based education, affordable merchandise to the

community and opportunities for Christian outreach and service. If you are available to join us

please contact board members, Nancy Fitch (484-5900) or Carol Young (987-5952).

...because he first loved us...

In this special Lenten Season the Stewardship committee would like to thank those many members

who work together to reach out to our community in many ways.

Thank you to a very gracious member of Peace who makes baby booties and gives them to mother’s in need when their baby is born.

Thanks to our long time member who volunteers in community in many areas, especially for his participation in the Camarillo Citizen’s Patrol which helps to keep all of us in Camarillo safe.

Thank you to all of you who reach out to those in your life with the Love of Christ in so many ways. We don’t always see what you are doing, but God does and every act of kindness and service helps to plant seeds for his kingdom.

We have enjoyed highlighting some of the People of Peace who are faithfully reaching out to those

around them with the Love of Christ. Next month will be our last article in this series and we will be

listing the names of those highlighted for all of those wondering who they referred to.

... I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for

me.' Matthew 25: 40 NIV

Giving Alternatives

Praise the Lord for the generosity of Peace People. This is simply a reminder

that there are several means by which offerings can be made to Peace. Of

course, the most common means is still by writing a check each week, putting

it in an envelope and placing it in the offering plate or mailing it to Peace.

Writing checks is no longer the most common way of giving, however,

for most younger folks commonly referred to as “millennials”. Many of

them don’t use checks - preferring to pay with debit or credit cards. We

can now accommodate those who wish to give in that way using a card

scanning system known as Squareup. Look for the card reader outside

the church door following the 8:00 AM service and before the 11:00 AM

service or on the patio before and after the 9:30 AM service.

Another means of giving is by signing up for automatic

withdrawals from your checking account on a

weekly/monthly basis. This system is known as Vanco.

If you’re interested in learning more about this system

contact Diana Wanke 805-490-8212. She’ll explain how

to get involved if you’re interested.

Oh, yes! Cash is also an acceptable means of contributing.

-their tax refund will be

going to Peace Lutheran

Church for the Capital

Improvement Fund

Thanks to the wonderful support from the members of the congregation, the Capital Improvement Fund has

now grown to the point that we can move forward with the first of the projects. The Trustees are working with

the HVAC contractors to finalize a contract, and you should see work on the new furnaces and air conditioning

start in the next few weeks.

The Trustees have solicited additional roofing bids opting for 50 year asphalt shingles instead of the light-

weight tiles for which the original bids were solicited. They have now received adjusted bids for the

church/preschool that indicate substantial savings. It appears that instead of the original cost of $$88,000 -

$90,000 for a new roof, the job can now be completed for $60,000 -


Two families have decided that this year their tax refund will be going to

Peace Lutheran Church for the Capital Improvement Fund. They

challenge others to do the same. If you can't donate the entire refund,

they suggest considering half, one-fourth or even 10% can still make a

significant difference.

Your Church Finance Committee and Board of Trustees wish to thank you for your support in reaching our goal

of completing these projects in the most cost-effective and timely means possible.


Sweet Hour of Prayer

We invite you to join us Monday mornings at 8 o'clock for Prayer Vigil. We need your help in praying for Gods direction for our ministry here at Peace. We pray for our staff, our Peace family and friends and our various out-reaches. God calls us to a ministry of prayer both for ourselves and for one another. Paul says in Phil. 4:6-7, "Don't be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends

all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” God intervenes in human affairs as his people pray. Join us Monday mornings for a time of praise with a psalm and a song. We then share prayer requests and find a place in the pews to individually present our prayers and petitions to God. Also, watch for information on getting involved with the National Day of Prayer coming up on May 5th when an all-day prayer vigil is being planned for Peace. We hope you will join us. If you have a prayer request, please complete the green “Prayer Request Card” found in the envelope holders at the back of each pew and put it in the prayer box in the narthex.

Faith-Based Fundraiser

A Challenge

So Many Rocks! He split the rocks in the wilderness and gave them water as abundant as the seas... - Psalm 78:15

Lots of rocks but we still need more Reading Mentors… My feet had been a little soar lately, so

I thought it would be therapeutic to take my shoes off and do a little walking on the sandy seashore right here in beautiful Ventura County. But when I got to Ventura Pier I couldn't believe my eyes: SO MANY ROCKS! Have you seen them lately? There were large rocks everywhere in both directions up and down the coastline - washed ashore by the violent El Niño storm waves that damaged the end of the pier recently and left it closed off to the public. The beach, itself, was still open to the public, but there was (is) virtually no sandy shore left to walk on; the soft wet sands have been displaced by a sharp stony surface at every step! Needless to say I got no foot therapy that day. Life disappoints us when our way turns hard and rocky. Right now it has been difficult to get volunteers for our Tuesday Reading Mentoring, so helping the community kids has been a challenge lately. But rocks, as everything else in this world, are God's rocks! The Promised Land is still to this day filled with many, many rocks everywhere you go. God uses rocks in our lives to toughen us up. He doesn't always pad our paths with feather beds to soften up the soles of our feet. And the metaphorical rocky paths in our lives toughen up the souls of God's children, so that we grow stronger and more able to resist the cushy comforts of temptation - temptation to take it easy all the time and take the path of least resistance. But God never allows us to be tempted beyond what we can endure (1 Corinthians 10:13). God is able to tap the rocks in a dry desert to gush forth water as abundant as the seas! Indeed, God, Himself, is even called our Rock, our Refuge! (Ps 18:2) Lent is a season of rocky paths, as we struggle with our own sin and repent of our lavish lifestyle of creaturely comforts, of seeking the easy way for ourselves far too often. Let us struggle together along life's rocky ways and turn our thoughts to what pleases our Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. Our Reading Mentors sacrifice an hour every Tuesday from 5pm-6pm in the Proverbs Coffeehouse. As we give of our time to this end may God grant us all insight into this eternal truth: "It is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35). - If you’d like to rotate in as a Reading Mentor come Tuesdays or contact Deacon Mike

LETTER from GHANA Dear Brothers and Sisters In Mission, Grace and peace to you in Christ! We write to you from Accra, Ghana, where we have begun to get settled into our surroundings and new home, so that we may begin our mission work. After one days delay, and 36 hours of air travel we arrived on Thursday, February 4, at 8:00 p.m. We were very tired, but in good spirits. Connections were good, all our luggage made it, and the Rev. Steve and Cindy Schumacher picked us up. We have received very good care from them, and words cannot

describe how blessed we are by them. We are grateful so for them. They have Made this much easier. It is hot here, with temperatures in the 90's and humidity in the 70+ range, and very very dusty; quite a difference from winter in Montana! It reminds us of St. Louis. Up until now we have had electric power, but it turned off at 6:00 this morning. It will probably be off until 6:00 tonight. This will make the day(s) hotter because we have no fans. On Monday (2/7), Doug began teaching a two week intensive class of 13 students on Confession and Absolution, and together we are learning how to live, commute, and conduct business. We thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray for us, for good health, safety, continuing smooth transition, utilities, and blessed teaching. And pray for the Ghanaian students, that they with open ears and hearts would gladly hear and learn the Word of God and keep it. We thank you for your support, and we will keep in touch with our progress. The Lord bless and keep you. In Christ, Rev. Doug and Angie Thompson Your missionaries in Ghana

To support the LCMS through the work of Rev. Douglas & Angela Thompson,

please send a tax-deductible gift to: The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod

P.O. Box 66861 St. Louis, MO 63166-6861.


Mission Central 40718 Hwy. E-16 Mapleton, IA 51034. Please make checks

payable to “LCMS” Include “Thompson-“ in the memo line. Gifts can also be

given securely online through the LCMS website at www.lcms.org/thompson.

9:30 Service Elder Readers

3/6 Greg Olewiler & Dave Hutter Susan Weaver 3/13 Greg Olewiler & Dave Hutter Jane Capodice 3/20 Greg Olewiler & Dave Hutter Lisa Dickson

3/27 Greg Olewiler & Dave Hutter John Capodice 4/3 Phil Hamilton & Tom Waddell Linda Elbert

Acolytes Wednesday 7 pm

3/2 James Miller 3/24 Maundy Thursday Chandler Supple 3/9 Ryan Tsai 3/25 Good Friday 7 pm Logan Farrell & Melissa Poore 3/16 Mary Larson

ACOLYTES: If you have any conflicts, please call Mike Schultze 302-0888 or the Elder in charge.

READERS: If you have any conflicts, please call Marsha Larson (805) 482-3313.








March 6 Communion

Ken Anderson


Scott Klittich

Ken Anderson* Scott Ehlers Art Schmidt Glenn Benitz +++++++++++++ Scott Klittich* Matt Schultze Peter Sandstrum Mike Elbert

Bill & Linda


Linda Young


Mickey Kohut

Millie Dunivin


Irene Hutchison

Sean Farrell


James Miller

March 13

Ken Anderson


Scott Klittich

Blaine Wanke* Keith Hedrick Gene O’Neal Todd Harter +++++++++++++ Ralph Hochhalter Leslie Hochhalter Mike McCracken

Bill & Linda Young

Bruce Fraser


Linda LaJeunesse

Gene & Beulah



Connie Morris

Mary Larson


Ryan Tsai

March 20 Communion

Ken Anderson


Scott Klittich

Craig Frye* Gary Taylor Karen Taylor Bill Young +++++++++++++ Rick Poore* Dave Miller Tom Taylor

Bill & Linda Young

Peggy Frye


Lori Schultze

Gary & Karen



Luci Pommers

Chandler Supple


Logan Farrell

March 27 Easter

Ken Anderson


Scott Klittich

Lyle Lehman* Jim DeVries Helmut Klein Bob Lacy +++++++++++++ Dave Schmidt* Mike Hale Roy Poehler

Bill & Linda Young

Craig Frye


Dave Schmidt

Pat Lehman


Mike & Ruth Hale

Sean Farrell &

Ryan Tsai ++++++++++

James Miller &

Mary Larson

April 3 Communion

Blaine Wanke


Al Bosman

Blaine Wanke* Keith Hedrick Gene O’Neal Todd Harter +++++++++++++ Ralph Hochhalter Leslie Hochhalter Mike McCracken

Bill & Linda Young

Todd Harter


Rita Reuter

Stepp Family


Sharon McCracken

Sean Farrell


James Miller

March 2016 ~ Servers


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


8 & 11:00 AM Traditional

Service (Sanctuary)

9:30 AM Sunday School


9:30 AM Praise Service (FH)

10:42 AM Sunday School

Adult (Coffeehouse)

12:15 AM New Life Church


1:00 PM Lift Up Your Voice

Art Exhibit (Coffeehouse)

4:00 PM Boy Scouts (FH)

Scouts (FH)


8:00 AM Prayer

Vigil (Sanctuary)


10:00 AM Women's

Bible Study (FH)

5:00 PM Reading



7:00 PM Church

Council (FH)


9:30 AM Adult

Bible Study

6:00 PM Soup

Supper (FH) 7:00 PM Worship

Service (Sanctuary)


5:15 p.m. Hand bell


7:00 PM Choir


7:00 PM Lifetree Cafe



9:30 AM

Preschool Chapel


1:00 PM Lift Up

Your Voice Art



6:00 PM Faith &

Fun Friday (FH)


10:00 AM

Praise Band


1:00 PM Lift

Up Your Voice

Art Exhibit



8 & 11:00 AM Traditional

Service (Sanctuary)

9:30 AM Sunday School 3yrs


9:30 AM Praise Service (FH)

10:42 AM Sunday School

Adult (Coffeehouse)

12:15 AM New Life Church

1:00 PM Lift Up Your Voice

Art Exhibit (Coffeehouse)

4:00 PM Boy Scouts (FH)


8:00 AM Prayer

Vigil (Sanctuary)


10:00 AM Women's

Bible Study (FH)

5:00 PM Reading



7:00 PM Super



9:30 AM Adult

Bible Study

6:00 PM Soup

Supper (FH) 7:00 PM Worship

Service (Sanctuary)


5:00 PM Many Meals

5:15 p.m. Handbells

5:30 PM Girl


7:00 PM Choir

7:00 PM Lifetree


8:30 AM

Preschool Picture


6:00 PM



6:30 PM




10:00 AM

Praise Band



8 & 11:00 AM Traditional

Service (Sanctuary)

9:30 AM Sunday School


9:30 AM Praise Service (FH)

10:42 AM Sunday School

Adult (Coffeehouse)

12:15 AM New Life Church


4:00 PM Boy Scouts (FH)


8:00 AM Prayer

Vigil (Sanctuary)


10:00 AM Women's

Bible Study

(Fellowship Hall)

5:00 PM Reading

Mentoring (Proverbs



9:30 AM Adult

Bible Study

6:00 PM Soup

Supper (FH) 7:00 PM Worship

Service (Sanctuary)


5:15 p.m. Hand bell


7:00 PM Choir


7:00 PM Lifetree Cafe



9:30 AM

Preschool Chapel


6:00 PM




10:00 AM

Praise Band


20 Palm Sunday

8 & 11:00 AM Traditional

Service (Sanctuary)

9:30 AM Sunday School 3yrs


9:30 AM Praise Service (FH)

10:42 AM Sunday School

Adult (Coffeehouse)

12:15 AM New Life Church


4:00 PM Boy Scouts (FH)


8:00 AM Prayer

Vigil (Sanctuary)


10:00 AM Women's

Bible Study

(Fellowship Hall)

5:00 PM Reading

Mentoring (Proverbs



9:30 AM Adult

Bible Study


9:30 AM Adult Bible


7:00 PM Worship

Service (Sanctuary)


12:00 PM Good

Friday Service

7:00 PM Good

Friday Service


10:00 AM

Praise Band


27 Easter

8 & 11:00 AM Traditional

Service (Sanctuary)

9:00-10:45 AM Brunch

9:15 AM Children’s Activities

9:30 AM Praise Service (FH)

12:15 AM New Life Church



8:00 AM Prayer

Vigil (Sanctuary)


10:00 AM Women's

Bible Study

(Fellowship Hall)

5:00 PM Reading

Mentoring (Proverbs



9:30 AM Adult

Bible Study

6:30 PM Lifelight

Bible Study


6:45 AM Men's Bible

Study (FH)

10:00 AM Lifelight

Bible Study

5:30 PM Handbells

7:00 PM Choir

7:00 PM Lifetree Cafe


9:30 AM

Preschool Chapel


6:00 PM Faith &

Fun Friday (FH)


10:00 AM

Praise Band

