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Ww2 roadtowar

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Road to war- WWII
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War Debts & Reparations

Also weakened efforts to maintain peace

Allied countries owed the US $10 billion

German reparations were set at $32 billion

In the end most war debts go unpaid

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The Rise of Totalitarian Governments

One political party has complete control over the govt. & bans all other parties

Rely on terror to suppress individual rights & silence opposition

Adolf Hitler (Nazi Party) elected into power in Germany 1933

Josef Stalin assumes power in the Soviet Union in 1924 “The Man of Steel”

Benito Mussolini seizes power in Italy 1922 “Il Duce”

Japanese expansion into China begins

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Two Harsh Dictators

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The Rising Nazi MenaceHitler violates Versailles

Expansion of Nazi empire1936 annexation of AustriaSeizes Sudentenland, German speaking region of CzechoslovakiaRearms the country

“The buildup or armed forces is the most important precondition for ….. Political power”

1938 Munich Agreement – Great Britain & France allow Hitler to expand without consequence, he agrees to cease expansion

6 months later Hitler took the rest of Czechoslovakia

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Why Appeasement???

1. France was demoralized

2. Britain did not want to confront Germany

3. Many thought Communism was the bigger threat

4. Great Depression “sapped” energy of western democracies

5. US neutrality acts; to avoid involvement in another European war

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Nazi – Soviet Pact of 1939 Nazi – Soviet Pact

(1939), German and Soviet

“nonaggression” pact

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War in EuropeWar begins in September 1939 when British and French declare war on Germans for invading Poland

By end of 9/1939 Germans and Soviets divide Poland

Blitzkrieg – or lightening war; heavy plane bombing followed by ground troops

Poland and France surrender to Germany & Italy

Germans bombed London for 57 nights, called the “London Blitz”

1941 Germans attempt to conquer the USSR, Hitler unexpectedly invades despite pact

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Modifying Isolationism - FDR Battles with Congress

11/39 “Cash and Carry”You want it…..come and get it!

1941 Lend Lease Act

FDR’s way around isolationism

Allowed the US to sell or lend war materials to “any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the US”

FDR – said the US would be the “arsenal of democracy”

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Japanese Expansion, 1931 - 1941

Japan felt expansion was necessary to compete w/ other countries

Began invading Chinese territory 1931 where the US was enjoying favorable trade conditions

Japan relied on the US for 80% of its fuel imports

US was enjoying “Open Door” policy in China

FDR then restricted oil exports to Japan.

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Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor

December 7th, 1941 – Japanese war planes attacked a US Navy Fleet at Pearl Harbor Hawaii (2 hours)

20 warships & 200 aircraft were destroyed; 2400 Americans were killed (1,103 in the USS Arizona)

FDR says it is a day that will “live in infamy”

Shattered the American belief the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans would safely isolate the US from foreign attack

Fueled American nationalism & patriotism

The day after the attack FDR requested that Congress declare war on Japan

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Major Powers of WWII

26 Allied Nations v. 8 Axis Powers

Major Allied Powers – Great Britain, Soviet Union & the US

Major Axis Powers – Germany, Italy & Japan

The war was fought in 2 major regions: Europe/North Africa & The Pacific

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Defeat of the Axis Powers

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D – Day – “The Day of Days”

Operation “Overlord” attack on German “impregnable” forts along French coast

50 – 50 chance of success

Attack was planned 200 miles south of where the Germans were expecting

June 6th, 1944 5,000 troop transports, landing craft and warships; 150,000 American, British & Canadian soldiers; 23,000 airborne troops

“Stormed the beaches of Normandy”

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D – Day & After

Very nearly failed, first units lost almost 90% of troops

By nightfall 5000 allied troops were dead

German losses were worse, Hitler refused to quit, assassination attempt failed

2 weeks later: 1 million troops, 556,000 tons of supplies & 170,000 vehicles

Seized 60 mile wide beach

By August 1944 Paris was liberated

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The End is Near

Yalta Conference - FDR, Churchill & Stalin meet @ the to draw up peace and agree on division of Germany

V.E. Day 5/7/45 The Germans surrender
