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Yale University New Haven, Connecticut Entity Identification Number: 06-0646973 Report on Federal Financial Assistance Programs in Accordance with OMB Circular A-133 For the Year Ended June 30, 2014
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Yale University New Haven, Connecticut Entity Identification Number: 06-0646973 Report on Federal Financial Assistance Programs in Accordance with OMB Circular A-133 For the Year Ended June 30, 2014

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Yale University Contents to Report on Federal Financial Assistance Programs in Accordance with OMB Circular A-133 June 30, 2014



Report of Independent Auditors I-1 – I-2

Financial Statements

Statement of Financial Position June 30, 2014 with comparative totals for June 30, 2013 I-3

Statement of Activities for the year ended June 30, 2014 with comparative totals for the year ended June 30, 2013 I-4

Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended June 30, 2014 with comparative totals for the year ended June 30, 2013 I-5

Notes to Financial Statements I-6 – I-40


Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards II-1 – II-69

Notes to Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards II-70 – II-71


Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards III-1 – III-2

Independent Auditor’s Report on Compliance with Requirements That Could Have a Direct and Material Effect on Each Major Program and on Internal Control Over Compliance in Accordance with OMB Circular A-133 III-3 – III-4


Summary of Auditor’s Results IV-1

Financial Statement Findings IV-2

Federal Financial Assistance Findings and Questioned Costs IV-3 – IV4

Management’s Views and Corrective Action Plan IV-5

Summary Schedule of the Status of Prior Audit Findings IV-6

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Yale University Financial Statements June 30, 2014 and 2013

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PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, 185 Asylum Street, Suite 2400, Hartford, CT 06103 T: (860) 241 7000, F: (860) 241 7590, www.pwc.com/us

Independent Auditor’s Report

To the President and Fellows of Yale University:

Report on the Consolidated Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of Yale University (the “University”), which comprise the consolidated statement of financial position as of June 30, 2014, and the related consolidated statements of activities and of cash flows for the year then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements.

Management’s Responsibility for the Consolidated Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor’s Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. The procedures selected depend on our judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, we consider internal control relevant to the University’s preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the University’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.


In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of the University at June 30, 2014, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.


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Other Matters

We have previously audited the University’s 2013 financial statements, and we expressed an unmodified audit opinion on those audited financial statements in our report dated October 24, 2013. In our opinion, the summarized comparative information presented herein as of and for the year ended June 30, 2013 is consistent, in all material respects, with the audited financial statements from which it has been derived. As discussed in Note 1q to the accompanying financial statements, in 2014, the University adopted Accounting Standard Update 2012-05, Statement of Cash Flows.

Other Information

Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the consolidated financial statements as a whole. The accompanying Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards for the year ended June 30, 2014 is presented for purposes of additional analysis as required by Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations and is not a required part of the consolidated financial statements. Such information is the responsibility of management and was derived from and relates directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the consolidated financial statements. The information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the consolidated financial statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the consolidated financial statements or to the consolidated financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. In our opinion, the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards is fairly stated, in all material respects, in relation to the consolidated financial statements as a whole.

Other Reporting Required by Government Auditing Standards

In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated October 22, 2014 on our consideration of the University’s internal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grant agreements and other matters for the year ended June 30, 2014. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing and not to provide an opinion on internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards in considering the University's internal control over financial reporting and compliance.

October 22, 2014


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Yale UniversityConsolidated Statement of Financial Position

June 30, 2014 with comparative totals for June 30, 2013

($ in thousands)

2014 2013Assets:Cash and cash equivalents $ 234,915 $ 289,102 Accounts receivable, net 173,659 182,376 Contributions receivable, net 434,340 419,456 Notes receivable 129,569 128,484 Investments, at fair value 28,988,699 25,740,975 Other assets 162,104 157,561 Land, buildings and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation 4,412,751 4,347,257 Total assets $ 34,536,037 $ 31,265,211

Liabilities:Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 348,853 $ 367,341 Advances under grants and contracts and other deposits 92,888 89,342 Other liabilities 955,704 952,541 Liabilities under split-interest agreements 119,180 101,697 Bonds and notes payable 3,332,845 3,594,420 Liabilities associated with investments 3,853,822 3,670,313 Advances from Federal government for student loans 31,912 32,674 Total liabilities 8,735,204 8,808,328

Net assets: non-controlling interests 289,300 182,693 Net assets: Yale University 25,511,533 22,274,190 Total net assets 25,800,833 22,456,883 Total liabilities and net assets $ 34,536,037 $ 31,265,211

Detail of net assets:Temporarily Permanently

Non-operating: Unrestricted Restricted Restricted 2014 2013Endowment and funds functioning as endowment $ 3,618,276 $ 16,966,832 $ 3,309,611 $ 23,894,719 $ 20,792,822 Student loans 1,802 - 40,771 42,573 43,544 Physical capital investment 848,690 411,089 - 1,259,779 1,197,270 Defined benefit plan deficit (256,908) - - (256,908) (309,915)

Operating 255,027 316,343 - 571,370 550,469 Net assets - Yale University 4,466,887 17,694,264 3,350,382 25,511,533 22,274,190 Net assets - Non-controlling interest 289,300 - - 289,300 182,693 Total net assets $ 4,756,187 $ 17,694,264 $ 3,350,382 $ 25,800,833 $ 22,456,883

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statementsI-3

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Yale UniversityConsolidated Statement of Activities

for the year ended June 30, 2014with comparative totals for the year ended June 30, 2013

($ in thousands)

Temporarily PermanentlyUnrestricted Restricted Restricted 2014 2013

OperatingRevenues and reclassifications:

Net tuition, room and board $ 287,088 $ - $ - $ 287,088 $ 271,003 Grant and contract income, primarily for research

and training 670,981 - - 670,981 680,261 Medical services income 699,527 - - 699,527 615,611 Contributions 31,272 106,973 - 138,245 123,780 Allocation of endowment spending from financial capital 316,496 724,960 - 1,041,456 1,018,682 Other investment income 91,386 8,269 - 99,655 64,031 Publications income 31,926 - - 31,926 31,423 Other income 141,077 - - 141,077 132,087

Total revenues 2,269,753 840,202 - 3,109,955 2,936,878 Net assets released from restrictions 840,806 (840,806) - - -

Total revenues and reclassifications 3,110,559 (604) - 3,109,955 2,936,878

Expenses:Instruction and departmental research 869,591 - - 869,591 856,132 Organized research 481,848 - - 481,848 489,029 Patient care and other related services 664,821 - - 664,821 593,627 Libraries and other academic support 297,321 - - 297,321 293,602 Student aid and services 396,721 - - 396,721 374,655 Public service 132,579 - - 132,579 149,826 Administration and other institutional support 216,039 - - 216,039 219,261

Total expenses 3,058,920 - - 3,058,920 2,976,132

Increase (decrease) in net assets from operating activities 51,639 (604) - 51,035 (39,254)

Non-operatingContributions 11,054 80,751 116,346 208,151 166,158 Total endowment return 673,648 3,352,998 10,993 4,037,639 2,294,825 Allocation of endowment spending to operations (168,814) (875,705) 3,063 (1,041,456) (1,018,682) Other investment gain (loss) (48,618) 22,036 - (26,582) 202,974 Change in funding status of defined benefit plans 53,007 - - 53,007 306,850 Other (decreases) increases (50,326) (13,159) 19,034 (44,451) (21,602) Net assets released from restrictions 134,825 (134,825) - - -

Increase in non-operating activities 604,776 2,432,096 149,436 3,186,308 1,930,523 Total increase in net assets - Yale University 656,415 2,431,492 149,436 3,237,343 1,891,269 Change in non-controlling interests 106,607 - - 106,607 73,937 Total increase in net assets 763,022 2,431,492 149,436 3,343,950 1,965,206

Net assets, beginning of year 3,993,166 15,262,772 3,200,946 22,456,883 20,491,677

Net assets, end of year $ 4,756,188 $ 17,694,264 $ 3,350,382 $ 25,800,833 $ 22,456,883

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statementsI-4

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2014 2013Operating activities:

Change in net assets 3,343,950$ 1,965,206$ Adjustments to reconcile change in net assets to net cash

used in operating activities:Depreciation and amortization 253,948 244,596 Unrealized gain on other investments (23,452) (199,212) Net endowment investment gain (3,448,766) (1,893,258) Change in non-controlling interests (106,607) (73,937) Restricted contributions (192,551) (166,158) Contributed securities (58,883) (79,818) Proceeds from sale of donated securities 37,180 77,251 Other adjustments 28,649 (9,549) Changes in assets and liabilities that provide (use) cash:

Accounts receivable 8,717 (30,255) Contributions receivable (9,000) 46,037 Other operating assets (11,079) 3,782 Accounts payable and accrued expenses (6,501) 26,646 Advances under grants and contracts and other deposits 3,546 4,080 Other liabilities 3,163 (204,901)

Net cash used in operating activities (177,686) (289,490)

Investing activities:Student loans repaid 12,741 12,266 Student loans granted (12,972) (15,487) Purchases related to capitalized software costs and other assets (19,878) (23,809) Proceeds from sales and maturities of investments 7,233,751 7,157,890 Purchases of investments (6,720,940) (6,429,559) Purchases of land, buildings and equipment (316,487) (309,768)

Net cash provided by investing activities 176,215 391,533

Financing activities:Proceeds from restricted contributions 186,667 147,373 Proceeds from sale of contributed securities restricted for endowment 21,703 2,567 Contributions received for split-interest agreements 6,515 15,169 Payments made under split-interest agreements (12,303) (10,510) Proceeds from long-term debt 250,000 - Repayments of long-term debt (506,031) (501,234) Interest earned and advances from Federal government for student loans 733 692

Net cash used in financing activities (52,716) (345,943)

Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (54,187) (243,900) Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year 289,102 533,002

Cash and cash equivalents, end of year 234,915$ 289,102$

for the year ended June 30, 2014with comparative totals for the year ended June 30, 2013

Yale UniversityConsolidated Statement of Cash Flows

($ in thousands)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statementsI-5

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1. Significant Accounting Policies

a. UGeneral

Yale University ("the University") is a private, not-for-profit institution of higher education located in New Haven, Connecticut. The University is governed by the Yale Corporation (the “Corporation”), a body of nineteen Trustees consisting of the President, ten Successor Trustees who are Successors to the original Trustees, six Alumni Fellows, and the Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut, ex officio.

The University provides educational services primarily to students and trainees at the undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral levels, and performs research, training and other services under grants, contracts and other similar agreements with agencies of the Federal government and other sponsoring organizations. The University's academic organization includes Yale College, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, ten professional schools and a variety of research institutions and museums. The largest professional school is the Yale School of Medicine, which conducts medical services in support of its teaching and research missions.

The University has been granted tax exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

b. UBasis of Presentation

The consolidated financial statements of the University include the accounts of all academic and administrative departments of the University, and affiliated organizations that are controlled by the University.

Financial statements of private, not-for-profit organizations measure aggregate net assets and net asset activity based on the absence or existence of donor-imposed restrictions. Net assets are reported as unrestricted, temporarily restricted and permanently restricted and serve as the foundation of the accompanying consolidated financial statements. Brief definitions of the three net asset classes are presented below:

Unrestricted Net Assets - Net assets derived from tuition and other institutional resources that are not subject to explicit donor-imposed restrictions. Unrestricted net assets also include gains on board designated funds functioning as endowment.


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1. Significant Accounting Policies, Continued

b. UBasis of Presentation, Continued

Temporarily Restricted Net Assets - Net assets subject to explicit donor-imposed restrictions on the expenditure of contributions or income and gains on contributed assets and net assets from endowments not yet appropriated for spending by the governing board. When temporary restrictions expire due to the passage of time or the incurrence of expenditures that fulfill the donor-imposed restrictions, temporarily restricted net assets are reclassified to unrestricted net assets. Temporarily restricted net assets are established with restricted contributions from donors and restricted income generated from endowments. In addition, temporarily restricted net assets include restricted contributions from donors classified as funds functioning as endowment. Restrictions include support of specific schools or departments of the University, for professorships, research, faculty support, scholarships and fellowships, library and art museums, building construction and other purposes.

Permanently Restricted Net Assets – Permanently restricted net assets include donor restricted endowments and student loan funds.

The University records as permanently restricted net assets the original amount of gifts which donors have given to be maintained in perpetuity (“donor restricted endowment funds”). For financial reporting purposes, all subsequent accumulated gains on such donor restricted endowment funds that are not so classified as permanently restricted net assets are recorded as temporarily restricted net assets until appropriated for expenditure by the Corporation through the application of the endowment spending policy. The Corporation understands its policies on retaining and spending from endowment to be consistent with the requirements of Connecticut law.

Measure of Operations The University's measure of operations as presented in the consolidated statement of activities includes income from tuition (net of certain scholarships and fellowships) and fees, grants and contracts, medical services, contributions for operating programs, the allocation of endowment spending for operations and other revenues. Operating expenses are reported on the consolidated statement of activities by functional categories, after allocating costs for operation and maintenance of plant, interest on indebtedness and depreciation expense.

The University’s non-operating activity within the consolidated statement of activities includes contributions, investment returns and other activities related to endowment, long term benefit plan funding and student loan net assets utilized for long-term investment purposes and contributions and other activities related to land, buildings and equipment that are not part of the University's measure of operations.


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1. Significant Accounting Policies, Continued

b. UBasis of Presentation, Continued

Capital Replacement Equilibrium Recognizing the critical importance of maintaining its physical capital over many generations, the University allocates funds directly from the operating budget to a capital maintenance account. Significant effort has gone into estimating an annual equilibrium level funding target for internal purposes that would be reserved from annual operating funding sources to maintain Yale’s facilities in good condition on a consistent basis, thus avoiding deferred maintenance and the need to borrow to meet the ongoing costs of maintaining its facilities. While not an exact science, an estimate of the full capital replacement equilibrium level for 2014 is $182.9 million (unaudited). In 2014, the large majority of this amount was funded with operating funds and capital gifts, with the remainder, $17 million, funded through an internal bank. Total renovations for the year were $216.2 million.

c. UCash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents are recorded at cost which approximates fair value and include institutional money market funds and similar temporary investments with maturities of three months or less at the time of purchase. Cash and cash equivalents awaiting investment in the long term investment pool are reported as investments and totaled $169.8 million and $424.4 million at June 30, 2014 and 2013, respectively. Cash and cash equivalents do not include cash balances held as collateral.

Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information include the following, in thousands of dollars:

2014 2013Cash paid during the year for:

Interest 158,790$ 169,752$

Noncash investing activities:Land, buildings and equipment purchases payable to vendor (11,988)$ 20,078$


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1. Significant Accounting Policies, Continued

d. UInvestments

Fair Value The University's investments are recorded in the consolidated financial statements at fair value.

Fair value is a market-based measurement based on assumptions that market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability. As a basis for considering assumptions, a three-tier fair value hierarchy has been established which prioritizes the inputs used in measuring fair value. The hierarchy of inputs used to measure fair value and the primary methodologies used by the University to measure fair value include:

• Level 1 – Quoted prices for identical assets and liabilities in active markets.Market price data is generally obtained from relevant exchange or dealermarkets.

• Level 2 – Inputs, other than the quoted prices in active markets, that areobservable either directly or indirectly, such as quoted prices for similarassets or liabilities, quoted prices in markets that are not active, or otherinputs that are observable.

• Level 3 – Unobservable inputs in which there is little or no market data,requiring the University to develop its own assumptions.

Assets and liabilities measured at fair value are determined based on the following valuation techniques:

• Market approach – Prices and other relevant informationgenerated by market transactions involving identical orcomparable assets or liabilities; and

• Income approach – Techniques to convert future amounts to asingle present amount based on market expectations (includingpresent value techniques and option-pricing models).

The fair value of publicly traded fixed income and equity securities is based upon quoted market prices and exchange rates, if applicable. The fair value of direct real estate investments is determined from periodic valuations prepared by independent appraisers.

Fair values for certain private equity, real asset (oil and gas, timber and real estate) and absolute return investments held through limited partnerships or commingled funds are based on the net asset value of such investments as determined by the respective external investment managers, including general partners, if market values are not readily ascertainable. These valuations necessarily involve assumptions and methods that are reviewed by the University's Investments Office.


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1. Significant Accounting Policies, Continued

d. UInvestments, Continued

Investments are exposed to various risks, such as interest rate, market and credit risks. Due to the level of risk associated with certain investments, it is at least reasonably possible that changes in the values of investments will occur in the near term and that such changes could materially affect the amounts reported in the University’s financial statements.

Derivatives Derivative financial instruments in the investment portfolio include interest rate swaps, equity swaps, credit default swaps, commodity swap contracts and currency forward contracts which are recorded at fair value with the resulting gain or loss recognized in the consolidated statement of activities.

Resell and Repurchase Agreements Cash paid in connection with resell agreements are generally collateralized by federal agency and foreign debt securities. The University takes possession of the underlying collateral and monitors the value of the underlying collateral to the amount due under the agreement. Cash received under repurchase agreements are collateralized by investments in asset backed, corporate debt, federal agency and foreign debt securities. Collateral market value is monitored to the amounts due under the agreements.

Management Fees The University records the cost of managing its endowment portfolio as a decrease in non-operating activity within the applicable net asset class in the consolidated statement of activities. Management fees consist of the internal costs of the Investments Office, outside custodian fees and fees for external investment managers and general partners.

Total Return The University invests its endowment portfolio and allocates the related earnings for expenditure in accordance with the total return concept. A distribution of endowment return that is independent of the cash yield and appreciation of investments earned during the year is provided for program support. The University has adopted an endowment spending policy designed specifically to stabilize annual spending levels and to preserve the real value of the endowment portfolio over time. The spending policy attempts to achieve these two objectives by using a long-term targeted spending rate combined with a smoothing rule, which adjusts spending gradually to changes in the endowment market value. An administrative charge is assessed against the funds when distributed.

The University uses a long-term targeted spending rate of 5.25%. The spending amount is calculated using 80% of the previous year’s spending and 20% of the targeted long-term spending rate applied to the market value two years prior. The actual rate of spending for 2014 and 2013, when measured against the previous year's June 30th endowment market value, was 5.0% and 5.3%, respectively.


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1. Significant Accounting Policies, Continued

d. UInvestments, Continued

The University determines the expected return on endowment investments with the objective of producing a return exceeding the sum of inflation and the target spending rate. Asset allocation is the key factor driving expected return. Yale’s asset allocation policy combines tested theory and informed market judgment to balance investment risks with the need for high returns. Both the need to provide resources for current operations and the desire to preserve the purchasing power of assets leads the endowment to be weighted toward equity.

The University manages the majority of its endowment in the University Long Term Investment Pool (“the Pool”). The Pool is unitized and allows for efficient investment among a diverse group of funds with varying restricted purposes. In addition to University funds, the Pool includes assets of affiliated entities where the University has established investment management agreements.

e. Land, Buildings and Equipment

Land, buildings and equipment are generally stated at cost. Buildings leasedunder capital leases are recorded at the lower of the net present value of theminimum lease payments or the fair value of the leased asset at the inception ofthe lease. Annual depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis over usefullives, or over the lease term for capital leases, ranging from 15 to 50 years forbuildings and improvements and 4 to 15 years for furnishings and equipment.

f. Other Assets

Capitalized software and bond issuance costs are included in other assets in theconsolidated statement of financial position. Capitalized software costs areamortized on a straight line basis over the estimated useful lives of the software,ranging from 5 to 10 years. Bond issue costs are amortized over the term of therelated debt.

g. Collections

Collections at Yale include works of art, literary works, historical treasures andartifacts that are maintained in the University's museums and libraries. Thesecollections are protected and preserved for public exhibition, education, researchand the furtherance of public service. Collections are not capitalized; purchasesof collection items are recorded as operating expenses in the University’sconsolidated financial statements in the period in which the items are acquired.

h. Split-Interest Agreements

The University's split-interest agreements with donors consist primarily ofcharitable gift annuities, pooled income funds and irrevocable charitableremainder trusts for which the University serves as trustee. Assets are investedand payments are made to donors and/or other beneficiaries in accordance withthe respective agreements.


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1. Significant Accounting Policies, Continued

h. Split-Interest Agreements, Continued

Contribution revenues for charitable gift annuities and charitable remaindertrusts are recognized at the date the agreements are established. In addition thefair value of the estimated future payments to be made to the beneficiariesunder these agreements is recorded as a liability. For pooled income funds,contribution revenue is recognized upon establishment of the agreement at thefair value of the estimated future receipts, discounted for the estimated timeperiod until culmination of the agreement.

i. Beneficial Interest in Trust Assets

The University is the beneficiary of certain perpetual trusts and charitableremainder trusts held and administered by others. The estimated fair values oftrust assets are recognized as assets and as gift revenue when reported to theUniversity.

j. Net Tuition, Room and Board

Tuition, room and board revenue is generated from an enrolled studentpopulation of approximately 12,000. The undergraduate population ofapproximately 5,400 is a diverse group attracted from across the United Statesand from many foreign countries. Foreign students account for approximately11% (unaudited) of the undergraduate population. Net tuition revenue fromundergraduate enrollment represents approximately 53.0% of total net tuitionrevenue in 2014.

The University maintains a policy of offering qualified applicants admission toYale College without regard to financial circumstance as well as meeting in fullthe demonstrated financial need of those admitted. Student need in all programsthroughout the University is generally fulfilled through a combination ofscholarships and fellowships, loans and employment during the academic year.Tuition, room and board revenue has been reduced by certain scholarships andfellowships in the amounts of $254.3 million and $247.8 million in 2014 and2013, respectively.

k. Contributions

Unconditional promises to give that are expected to be collected within one yearare recorded at their net realizable value. Amounts expected to be collected infuture years are recorded at the present value of estimated future cash flows,which includes estimates for potential uncollectible receivables. The discount onthose contributions is computed using an interest rate that reflects fair valueapplicable to the year in which the promise is received. Amortization of thediscount is included in contribution revenue. Conditional promises to give arenot recorded as support until such time as the conditions are substantially met.A facilities and administrative charge is assessed against current use gifts whenreceived.


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1. Significant Accounting Policies, Continued

l. Grant and Contract Income

The University receives grant and contract income from governmental andprivate sources. In 2014 and 2013, grant and contract income received from theFederal government totaled $512.6 million and $535.8 million, respectively. TheUniversity recognizes revenue associated with the direct costs of sponsoredprograms as the related qualified costs are incurred. Recovery of facilities andadministrative costs of Federally sponsored programs is at rates negotiated withthe University's cognizant agency, the Department of Health and HumanServices. The University and the Federal government are currently operatingunder an agreement that establishes facilities and administrative costreimbursement rates under Federal grants and contracts through June 30,2014. Yale will continue with the current rates while a new rate agreement isnegotiated.

m. UMedical Services Income

The University has agreements with third-party payers, including healthmaintenance organizations, that provide payment for medical services atamounts different from standard rates established by the University. Medicalservices income is reported net of contractual allowances from third-partypayers and others for services rendered, and further adjusted for estimates ofuncollectible amounts.

n. UNet Assets Released from Restrictions

Reclassification of net assets is based upon the satisfaction of the purpose forwhich the net assets were restricted or the completion of a time stipulation.Restricted operating activity including contributions and net investment returnearned, which are restricted, are reported as temporarily restricted support andreclassified to unrestricted when any donor-imposed restrictions are satisfied.Non-operating restricted net assets associated with building costs arereclassified to unrestricted net assets when the capital asset is placed in service.

o. Self Insurance

The University self-insures at varying levels for unemployment, disability,workers’ compensation, property losses, certain healthcare plans, general andprofessional liability; and obtains coverage through a captive insurancecompany for medical malpractice and related general liability losses. Insuranceis purchased to cover liabilities above self-insurance limits. Estimates ofretained exposures are accrued.


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1. Significant Accounting Policies, Continued

p. Estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principlesgenerally accepted in the United States of America requires management tomake estimates and judgments that affect the reported amounts of assets andliabilities and disclosures of contingencies at the date of the financial statementsand the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period.

Significant estimates made by management include the valuation of alternativeinvestments, the estimated net realizable value of receivables, estimated assetretirement obligations, liabilities under split-interest agreements, and theactuarially determined employee benefit and self-insurance liabilities. Actualresults could differ from those estimates.

q. Implementation of Accounting Standards

Effective July 1, 2013 the University adopted new reporting requirements issuedby the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) which require footnotedisclosure of both gross and net information of financial instruments eligible forbalance sheet offset or subject to master netting agreements. In addition theUniversity adopted new FASB reporting standards which address reporting ofdonated securities in the statement of cash flows. Donated securities with nodonor-imposed restrictions that sold immediately are included in the operatingsection, while donated securities with donor-imposed long-term restrictions areincluded in the financing section. As a result of adopting this standard certainprior year amounts were reclassified to conform to current year presentation.

r. Summarized 2013 Financial Information

The accompanying 2014 financial statements include selected comparativesummarized financial information for 2013. Such information does not includesufficient detail to constitute a presentation in conformity with accountingprinciples generally accepted in the United States of America. Accordingly, suchinformation should be read in conjunction with the University’s 2013 financialstatements, from which the summarized financial information was derived.

2. Investments

The University Endowment maintains a diversified investment portfolio with astrong orientation to equity investments and strategies designed to take advantageof market inefficiencies. The University’s investment objectives are guided by itsasset allocation policy and are achieved in partnership with external investmentmanagers operating through a variety of investment vehicles, including separateaccounts, limited partnerships and commingled funds. The University’s heavyallocation to non-traditional asset classes, such as absolute return (hedgestrategies), private equity (venture capital and leveraged buy-outs), real estate, andnatural resources (timber, energy and minerals), generates return potential anddiversification in the portfolio.


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2. Investments, Continued

The components of endowment and non-endowment investments, net of relatedliabilities at June 30 are presented below in thousands of dollars:

2014 2013Endowment investments:

Long term investment pool 23,382,964$ 20,283,145$ Other 475,597 425,648

Total net endowment investments 23,858,561 20,708,793 Non-endowment investments:

Long term investment pool 346,981 315,361 Bonds 451,745 452,109 Derivatives (188,442) (191,479) Other 376,732 353,328

Total non-endowment investments 987,016 929,319 Net investments, at fair value 24,845,577$ 21,638,112$


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2. Investments, Continued

As described in Note 1d, investments are recorded at fair value. The following tablesummarizes the fair values of the University’s investments by major type and relatedliabilities as of June 30, in thousands of dollars:

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 2014 2013Investments, at fair value:

Cash and cash equivalents 590,476$ -$ -$ 590,476$ 1,012,510$ Fixed income:

US government securities 1,938,890 45,705 28 1,984,623 1,643,177 Foreign government securities - 101,992 - 101,992 89,739 Corporate and other securities 98,646 1,797,738 183,114 2,079,498 1,627,115 Total fixed income 2,037,536 1,945,435 183,142 4,166,113 3,360,031

Common stock:Domestic 995,738 33,278 116,462 1,145,478 1,329,884 Foreign 1,463,597 250,751 150,588 1,864,936 1,218,371 Total common stock 2,459,335 284,029 267,050 3,010,414 2,548,255

Equity investments:Absolute return - - 3,033,664 3,033,664 2,411,824 Domestic equity - - 707,792 707,792 972,871 Foreign equity - - 1,238,697 1,238,697 1,057,912 Private equity - - 8,320,805 8,320,805 6,866,097 Real estate - - 4,381,236 4,381,236 4,326,728 Natural resources - - 2,251,782 2,251,782 1,741,227 Total equity investments - - 19,933,976 19,933,976 17,376,659

Other investments 254,136 776,165 257,419 1,287,720 1,443,520 Total investments, at fair value 5,341,483 3,005,629 20,641,587 28,988,699 25,740,975

Liabilities associated with investments:Securities sold, not yet purchased 579,127 138,552 - 717,679 1,038,433 Repurchase agreements - 1,234,722 - 1,234,722 880,905 Other liabilities 448,440 535,071 917,910 1,901,421 1,750,975

Total liabilities associated with investments 1,027,567 1,908,345 917,910 3,853,822 3,670,313

4,313,916$ 1,097,284$ 19,723,677$ 25,134,877 22,070,662 Less: Medium-term notes Series B (See Note 9) - 249,857

Non-controlling interests 289,300 182,693 Net investments, at fair value 24,845,577$ 21,638,112$

Medium-term notes Series B are general liabilities of the University not tied to investment activity but incurred during 2009 to support endowment spending for operations under the spending policy. These notes were fully paid in 2014.

Assets and liabilities of investment companies that are controlled by the University are consolidated for reporting purposes. Certain consolidated subsidiaries are controlled but not wholly owned by the University. The portion of a consolidated entity net assets that is not owned by the University is reported as a non-controlling interest.


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2. Investments, Continued

The fair value of consolidated investment company assets and liabilities included inthe University financial statements, in thousands of dollars, include:

2014 2013

Consolidated investment company assets 4,358,079$ 3,832,715$ Consolidated investment company liabilities 2,139,386 2,096,989

2,218,693$ 1,735,726$

Level 3 investments are valued by external managers using valuation techniques standard in the industry in which they operate. The Yale Investments Office reviews these valuation methods and evaluates the appropriateness of these valuations each year. In certain circumstances, when the general partner does not provide a valuation or the valuation provided is not considered appropriate, the Investments Office will determine those values. The following table summarizes quantitative inputs and assumptions used for Level 3 investments at June 30, 2014 for which fair value is based on unobservable inputs that are not developed by the external managers. Significant increases or decreases in these unobservable inputs may result in significantly higher or lower valuation results.

Asset Class Fair Value (in 000's) Valuation Technique

Significant Unobservable Input Range

Weighted Average

Fixed Income $ 74,038 Discounted cash flow Counter party default risk

12% NA

Real Estate $ 18,577 Discounted cash flow Weighted average cost of capital

11%-30% 16%

Comparable public sales Price per acre $5,060-$10,980 $5,500 Price per lot $12,514-$50,272 $30,017 Price per golf hole $97,222-$158,491 $150,000

Natural Resources $ 19,700 Market comparable sales Discount for litigation risk

0%-50% 25%

$ 398,405 Discounted cash flow Weighted average cost of capital

8%-10% 8%

$ 98,357 Market comparable sales Discount for closing risk

0%-15% 10%


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2. Investments, Continued

The valuation process for investments categorized in Level 3 of the fair valuehierarchy includes evaluating the operations and valuation procedures of themanagers of the Investment Companies and the transparency of those processesthrough background and reference checks, attendance at investor meetings andperiodic site visits. In determining the fair value of investments, Investments Officestaff reviews periodic investor reports, interim and annual audited financialstatements received from the Investment Companies, reviews material quarter overquarter changes in valuation and assesses the impact of macro market factors onthe performance. The Investments Office meets with the Investment Committeequarterly to review investment transactions and monitor performance of themanagers of these Investment Companies.

Realized gains and losses are reported in total endowment return, net of fees.Included in net realized and unrealized gain in Level 3 reported below wereunrealized gains that relate to assets held at June 30, 2014 and 2013 of $2,504.9million and $724.0 million, respectively.

The table below presents the change in fair value measurements for the University’sLevel 3 investments during the year ended June 30, in millions of dollars:

Absolute Private Real Natural Return Equity Estate Resources Other 2014 2013

Beginning balance 2,412$ 6,866$ 4,327$ 1,741$ 1,951$ 17,297$ 17,024$ Realized and unrealized gain, net 90 2,158 384 631 187 3,450 1,799 Purchases 689 833 357 65 261 2,205 2,082 Sales (157) (1,543) (686) (185) (616) (3,187) (3,597) Transfers in - 6 - - 61 67 51 Transfers out - - - - (108) (108) (106)

Ending balance 3,034$ 8,320$ 4,382$ 2,252$ 1,736$ 19,724$ 17,253$


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2. Investments, Continued

Agreements with investment companies include certain redemption terms andrestrictions as noted in the following table:

Asset ClassFair Value (in 000's)

Remaining Life

Unfunded Commitment (in 000's) Redemption Terms Redemption Restrictions

Absolute Return $ 3,033,664 No Limit $ 58,009

Redemption terms range from monthly with 30 days notice to annually with 90 days notice.

Lock-up provisions range from none to 5 years.

Domestic Equity 707,792 No Limit 40,000

Redemption terms range from monthly with 3 days notice to annually with 90 days notice.

Lock-up provisions range from none to 7 years.

Foreign Equity 1,238,697 No Limit 18,000

Redemption terms range from monthly with 15 days notice to closed end structures not available for redemption.

Lock-up provisions range from none to 7 years.

Private Equity 8,320,805 1 - 10 years 3,126,208 Closed end funds not eligible for redemption. Not redeemable.

Real Estate 4,381,236 1 - 10 years 1,411,889 Closed end funds not eligible for redemption. Not redeemable.

Natural Resources 2,251,782 1 - 35 years 328,991 Closed end funds not eligible for redemption. Not redeemable.

Total $ 19,933,976 $ 4,983,097

The University has various sources of internal liquidity at its disposal, including cash, cash equivalents and marketable debt and equity securities. If called upon at June 30, 2014, management estimates that it could have liquidated approximately $4.0 billion of investments within 90 days (unaudited) to meet short-term needs.


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2. Investments, Continued

The University enters into resell agreements (where securities are purchased underagreements to resell) and into repurchase agreements (where securities are soldunder an agreement to repurchase). All resell agreements and repurchaseagreements are carried at their contractual value which approximates fair value.Resell and repurchase agreements are presented gross in the University statementof financial position as investment assets and liabilities associated withinvestments. The table below illustrates the net exposure for these financialinstruments at June 30, 2014, in thousands of dollars, where enforceable nettingagreements are in place:

Assets Liabilities Resell and repurchase agreements 381,164$ 1,234,722$ Amounts contractually eligible for offset (352,433) (351,166)Collateral (21,001) (883,556)Net exposure for resell and repurchase agreements 7,730$ -$

Fixed income securities of $567.1 million were provided at June 30, 2014 to collateralize securities sold, not yet purchased.

The University may employ derivatives and other strategies to (1) manage against market risks, (2) arbitrage mispricings of related securities and (3) replicate long or short positions more cost effectively. The University does not invest in derivatives for speculation. The fair value of derivative positions held at June 30, 2014 and related gain (loss) for the year, in thousands of dollars, were as follows:

Assets Liabilities Gain (Loss)Endowment:

Credit default swaps 150,759$ (73,930)$ (60,229)$ Interest rate swaps 25,892 (113,831) (10,056) Other 71,028 (53,725) (79,497)

247,679 (241,486) (149,782) Other:

Interest rate swaps - (187,783) (56,298) Energy swaps 705 (1,364) 2,885

705 (189,147) (53,413) Gross value of derivatives 248,384 (430,633) (203,195)$

Other-counterparty netting (168,490) 168,490 Net collateral (received)/posted (47,314) 226,472 Total net exposure for derivatives 32,580$ (35,671)$

Derivative assets and liabilities are presented at their gross value in the University’s statement of financial position. The University initiates derivatives under legally enforceable master netting agreements. The net exposure for derivatives is presented above net of these master netting agreements and required collateral.


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2. Investments, Continued

Credit default swapsCredit default swaps are used to simulate long or short positions that areunavailable in the market or to reduce credit risk where exposure exists. The buyerof a credit default swap is obligated to pay to the seller a periodic stream ofpayments over the term of the contract in return for a contingent payment uponoccurrence of a contracted credit event. As of June 30, 2014, the total notionalamount of credit default swap contracts for buy protection amounts to $2.1 billionand the notional amount related to sell protection is $1.6 billion.

Interest rate swapsInterest rate swaps are used to manage exposure to interest rate fluctuations.

The notional amount of contracts that pay based on fixed rates and receive based onvariable rates at June 30, 2014 were $2,069.8 million. The notional amount ofcontracts that pay based on variable rates and receive based on fixed rates were$661.2 million at June 30, 2014.

Energy swapsEnergy swaps are used in connection with settling planned purchases of energyconsumption and adjusting market exposures.

Derivative assets are reported as investments in the consolidated statement offinancial position and derivative liabilities are reported as liabilities associated withinvestments. Gains and losses on derivatives used for investing are reported as partof total endowment return and gains and losses related to University debtmanagement and energy consumption are reported as other investment loss in theconsolidated statement of activities as non-operating activity.

Derivatives held by limited partnerships and commingled investment trusts inwhich Yale invests pose no off-balance sheet risk to the University due to the limitedliability structure of the investments.

Certain investment transactions, including derivative financial instruments,necessarily involve counterparty credit exposure. Such exposure is monitoredregularly by the University's Investments Office in accordance with establishedcredit policies and other relevant criteria. Collateral provided by Yale and itsconsolidated investment companies related to derivative transactions amounted to$337.5 million at June 30, 2014.

Endowment investments include beneficial interests in outside trusts of $156.0million and $136.5 million at June 30, 2014 and 2013, respectively.


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2. Investments, Continued

The following investments held under split-interest agreements are included in the endowment investment portfolio, in thousands of dollars:

2014 2013

Charitable gift annuities 153,930$ 134,601$ Charitable remainder trusts 117,164 98,785 Pooled income funds 12,555 13,388

283,649$ 246,774$

Split interest liabilities reported in the consolidated statement of financial position total $119.2 million and are recorded at fair value using Level 2 measurements.

A summary of the University's total investment return as reported in the consolidated statement of activities is presented below, in thousands of dollars:

2014 2013

Investment income 588,873$ 401,567$ Realized and unrealized gain, net of

investment management fees 3,448,766 1,893,258 Total endowment return 4,037,639 2,294,825 Other investment income 99,655 64,031

4,137,294$ 2,358,856$

Endowment investment returns totaling $1,041.5 million and $1,018.7 million were allocated to operating activities in 2014 and 2013, respectively, using the spending policy described in Note 1d.


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3. Accounts Receivable

Accounts receivable from the following sources were outstanding at June 30, inthousands of dollars:

2014 2013

Medical services, net 67,669$ 72,176$ Grant and contracts 57,458 57,776 Affiliated organizations 39,389 44,680 Publications 6,541 6,921 Other 17,909 13,787

188,966 195,340 Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts (15,307) (12,964)

173,659$ 182,376$

Medical services receivables are net of an allowance for contractual adjustments of $114.3 million and $103.9 million at June 30, 2014 and 2013, respectively. Collections for patient care services are primarily based on negotiated contracts from managed care companies (65%), Medicare (17%), and Medicaid (11%). In addition, payments are received directly from patients (2%) and commercial insurance and others (5%).

The University assesses credit losses on all accounts receivable on a regular basis to determine the allowance for doubtful accounts.

The University and Yale-New Haven Hospital (the “Hospital”) are parties to an affiliation agreement that establishes guidelines for the operation of activities between these two separate organizations. These guidelines set forth each organization's responsibility under the common goal of delivering comprehensive patient care services. The University provides professional services from faculty of the Yale School of Medicine and a variety of other administrative and clinical services. The net receivable from the Hospital amounted to $27.6 million and $34.8 million at June 30, 2014 and 2013, respectively. Balances are settled in the ordinary course of business. The University recognized $194.3 million in revenue and incurred $67.6 million in expenses related to activities with the Hospital during the period ended June 30, 2014. In addition, the Hospital has invested $430.0 million in the University Long Term Investment Pool with a fair value at June 30, 2014 of $652.3 million. This balance is recorded as a liability associated with investments.


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4. Contributions Receivable

Contributions receivable consist of the following unconditional promises to give as ofJune 30, in thousands of dollars:

2014 2013Purpose:

Endowment 216,366$ 259,962$ Capital purposes 108,754 59,068 Operating programs 177,461 165,095

Gross unconditional promises to give 502,581 484,125 Less: Discount to present value (13,204) (12,602) Allowance for uncollectible accounts (55,037) (52,067)

434,340$ 419,456$

Amounts due in:Less than one year 208,249 228,271 One to five years 264,324 242,097 More than five years 30,008 13,757

502,581$ 484,125$

Discount rates used to calculate the present value of contributions receivable ranged from 0.33% to 5.49% at June 30, 2014, and at June 30, 2013.

At June 30, 2014, the University had conditional pledges that depend on the occurrence of a future and uncertain event of approximately $250.0 million. Conditional pledges are recognized when the condition is met.

5. Notes Receivable

Notes receivable at June 30, in thousands of dollars, include:

2014 2013

Institutional student loans 51,451$ 48,257$ Federally-sponsored student loans 33,313 35,025 Notes receivable 54,602 54,429

139,366 137,711 Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts (9,797) (9,227)

129,569$ 128,484$

Student Loans Institutional student loans include donor funds restricted for student loan purposes and University funds made available to meet demonstrated need in excess of all other sources of student loan borrowings. Interest accrues at fixed rates upon loan disbursement. Federally-sponsored student loans have mandated interest rates and repayment terms subject to restrictions as to their transfer and disposition.


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5. Notes Receivable, Continued

Management regularly assesses the adequacy of the allowance for credit losses forstudent loans by performing ongoing evaluations of the student loan portfolio,including such factors as the differing economic risks associated with each loancategory, the financial condition of specific borrowers, the level of delinquent loans,and, where applicable, the existence of any guarantees or indemnifications.Federally-sponsored loans represent amounts due from current and former studentsunder certain Federal Loan Programs. Loans disbursed under these programs areable to be assigned to the Federal government in certain non-repayment situations.In these situations the Federal portion of the loan balance is guaranteed.

Amounts received from the Federal government to fund a portion of the Federally-sponsored student loans are ultimately refundable to the Federal government andhave been reported as advances from Federal government for student loans in theconsolidated statement of financial position. The recorded value of student loaninstruments approximates fair value.

Notes ReceivableThe University and Yale New Haven Hospital (the “Hospital”) entered into anagreement during 2012 under which the Hospital will pay the University $2.7million a year over a 40 year term to reimburse the University for advances made inconnection with the construction of Hospital facilities. The payment includesinterest based on the 5 year Treasury bill plus 175 basis points.

6. Other Assets

Other assets at June 30, in thousands of dollars, include:

2014 2013

Software costs, net of accumulated amortization 71,288$ 76,437$ Deferred expenses 36,560 31,954 Insurance receivable 26,071 19,719 Inventories 17,603 17,482 Bond issue costs, net of accumulated

amortization 10,582 11,969 162,104$ 157,561$

Amortization expense included in operating expenses amounted to $24.8 million and $21.2 million in 2014 and 2013, respectively.


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7. Land, Buildings and Equipment

Land, buildings and equipment at June 30, less accumulated depreciation, inthousands of dollars, are as follows:

2014 2013

Land and real estate improvements 131,892$ 128,883$ Buildings 5,562,017 5,252,132Buildings under capital leases 61,665 61,665Equipment 638,752 632,231

6,394,326 6,074,911Less: Accumulated depreciation and

amortization (2,225,360) (2,150,913)4,168,966 3,923,998

Construction in progress 243,785 423,2594,412,751$ 4,347,257$

Depreciation expense included in operating expenses amounted to $226.9 million and $221.2 million in 2014 and 2013, respectively. Amortization expense on capital lease assets amounted to $2.2 million and $2.2 million in 2014 and 2013, respectively.

8. Other Liabilities

Other liabilities consist of obligations of the University that will be paid overextended periods and consist of the following, in thousands of dollars:

2014 2013

Employee benefit obligations 763,309$ 775,893$ Compensated absences 65,173 66,929 Asset retirement obligations 35,600 36,800 Financial aid grant obligations 48,223 44,650 Other 43,399 28,269

955,704$ 952,541$

Included in employee benefit obligations are defined benefit plan liabilities in excess of plan assets. These liabilities amounted to $675.5 million at June 30, 2014 and $704.2 million at June 30, 2013. (See Note 11)


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9. Debt Obligations

Bonds, notes and capital lease obligations outstanding at June 30, in thousands ofdollars, include:

Effective YearInterest Rate of Maturity

2014 2013Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority (CHEFA) tax-exempt bonds:

Series S 0.08% 2027 135,865$ 135,865$ Series T 2.37% 2029 250,000 250,000 Series U 0.05% 2033 250,000 250,000 Series V 0.03% 2036 200,000 200,000 Series X 2.04% 2037 250,000 350,000 Series Y 3.14% 2035 307,817 308,188 Series Z 4.85% 2042 611,524 611,935

Series 2010A 2.69%2025/2040/

2049 546,075 551,140 Series 2013A 1.35% 2042 100,000 - Total CHEFA bonds 2,651,281 2,657,128

Medium-term notes 7.38% 2096 124,632 124,614 Medium-term notes Series B 2.09% 2019 250,000 499,723 Commercial paper 0.11% 2013 181,417 181,410 Capital leases - buildings 5.75% 2032/2048 55,464 56,548 Other notes payable 7.85% 2020 2,390 2,669 U.S. Department of Energy 2.72% 2029 67,661 72,328

3,332,845$ 3,594,420$

Outstanding BalanceJune 30, 2014

CHEFA Series 2013A issued on July 2013 in the amount of $100 million was used to redeem CHEFA Series X-1. Series 2013A matures on July 2042 and bears an interest rate of 1.35% through the initial term rate period ending July 2016.

CHEFA Series 2010A bonds consist of 1) $80 million Series 2010A-1 bonds maturing July 2025 at a fixed interest rate of 5%; 2) $150 million Series 2010A-2 bonds maturing July 2040 at a fixed interest rate of 5%; 3) $150 million Series 2010A-3 bonds maturing July 2049, currently bears a fixed interest rate of 0.875% through February 2018; and 4) $150 million Series 2010A-4 bonds maturing July 2049, the initial fixed interest rates are 2.5% for $20.2 million and 5% for $129.8 million applied until February 2015. These bonds include a net premium of $16.1 million as of June 30, 2014. The premium associated with the issuance is being amortized over the interest rate period. Series 2010A-1 and 2010A-2 bonds are subject to an optional redemption by the University in July 2018.

CHEFA Series Z bonds consist of 1) $400 million Series Z-1 bonds at a fixed interest rate of 5%; 2) $100 million Series Z-2 bonds at a fixed interest rate of 5.05%; and 3) $100 million Series Z-3 bonds at a fixed interest rate of 5.05%. Z-1 bondsinclude a net premium of $11.5 million as of June 30, 2014. The original premium


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9. Debt Obligations, Continued

associated with this issuance is being amortized over the life of the bonds. Series Z-1, Z-2 and Z-3 bonds mature on July 1, 2042. Series Z-1 bonds are subject to anoptional redemption in July 2016. Series Z-2 and Z-3 bonds are subject to anoptional redemption in July 2017.

CHEFA Series Y bonds consist of 1) $200 million Series Y-1 bonds at a fixed interestrate of 5%; 2) $50 million Series Y-2 variable rate bonds, currently bearing interestat a daily rate; and 3) $50 million Series Y-3 variable rate bonds, currently bearinginterest at a daily rate. Series Y-1, Y-2 and Y-3 bonds mature on July 1, 2035.Series Y-1 bonds are subject to an optional redemption in July 2015. Y-1 bondsinclude a net premium of $7.8 million as of June 30, 2014. The original premiumassociated with this issuance is being amortized over the life of the bonds. Series Y-2 and Y-3 bonds may be converted to other variable rate modes or to a fixed rate atthe discretion of the University.

CHEFA Series X bonds consist of 1) $125 million Series X-2 variable rate bonds,currently bearing interest at a weekly rate; and 2) $125 million Series X-3 variablerate bonds, bearing interest at a daily rate, which were converted to a fixed interestrate of 4.85% on May 1, 2008. Series X-2 and X-3 bonds mature on July 1, 2037.Series X-2 bonds may be converted to other variable rate modes or to a fixed rate atthe discretion of the University. Series X-3 bonds are subject to an optionalredemption in July 2017. The $100 million Series X-1 bonds were refinanced onJuly 2013 and converted to CHEFA Series 2013A.

CHEFA Series V bonds bear interest at a daily rate and mature on July 1, 2036. Thebonds may be converted from a daily rate period to other variable rate modes or to afixed rate mode at the discretion of the University.

CHEFA Series U bonds bear interest at a weekly rate. The bonds may be convertedfrom the weekly rate period to other variable rate modes or to a fixed rate mode atthe discretion of the University.

CHEFA Series T bonds consist of 1) $125 million Series T-1 bonds at a fixed rate of4.7%; and 2) $125 million Series T-2 bonds currently bearing interest at a weeklyrate. Series T-1 bonds are subject to an optional redemption on July 2017.

CHEFA Series S bonds bear interest at a money market municipal rate and areoutstanding for varying interest rate periods of 270 days or less. The bonds may beconverted from the money market mode to other variable rate modes or to a fixedrate mode at the discretion of the University.

Medium-term notes in the amount of $124.6 million are recorded net of a discountof $368 thousand at June 30, 2014. The notes mature in the year 2096, with anoptional redemption provision in the year 2026. The notes bear interest at a fixedrate of 7.38%.

Medium-term notes Series B in the amount of $499.7 million at a fixed rate of 2.9%were redeemed on April 2014 and new debt was issued in the amount of $250million carrying a fixed interest rate of 2.086% maturing in April 2019.


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9. Debt Obligations, Continued

Commercial paper consists of notes issued in the short-term taxable market, and issold at a discount from par. The maturities of individual notes are issued in rangesfrom one day to no more than one year, and fall on average in a range of thirty tosixty days.

On July 23, 2014 CHEFA Series 2014A was issued in the amount of $250 million.The series matures on July 2048 and bears a fixed rate of 0.80% through July2017.

Certain lease agreements entered into by the University qualify as capital leases with obligations of $55.5 million and $56.5 million at June 30, 2014 and 2013, respectively. The agreements call for the University to lease the buildings through 2032 and 2048.

The University partially financed a wind energy project, Record Hill Wind, LLC, through a financing arrangement with the Department of Energy. The financing arrangement is non-recourse debt to the University and bears interest at rates ranging from 2.236% to 2.776%.

Total interest expense incurred on indebtedness was $150.9 million and $160.3 million in 2014 and 2013 respectively. Interest capitalized to land, buildings and equipment totaled $4.8 million and $3.6 million in 2014 and 2013, respectively.

Scheduled maturities of the facilities debt obligations, in thousands of dollars, are as follows:

2015 186,740$ 2016 5,444 2017 5,602 2018 5,770 2019 255,953 2020-2031 548,600 Thereafter 2,289,690

The Series Y-2 and Y-3, X-2, V, U, S, and one-half of the T bonds are subject to tender by bondholders. To the extent all bonds subject to tender could not be remarketed, $1.4 billion of bonds scheduled for maturity between 2015 and 2035 would be due when tendered.

The University has revolving credit agreements available totaling $1.0 billion to provide alternative liquidity to support the University’s variable rate demand notes.

The fair value of the University’s fixed rate debt, $2.2 billion at June 30, 2014, is estimated based on quoted market prices for the same or similar issues. The carrying value of the fixed rate debt is $100.2 million less than its fair value. The carrying value of commercial paper and variable rate bonds approximates fair value because of the variable nature of the interest rates and the short-term maturity of these instruments.

Fair value for debt is determined using Level 2 fair value measurements.


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10. Retirement Plans --- Defined Contribution

The University maintains certain defined contribution plans for faculty and certainstaff employees. Participants may direct employee and employer contributions to theTeachers’ Insurance and Annuity Association (TIAA) and College Retirement EquitiesFund (CREF), as well as other investment options. Retirement expense for this planwas $94.3 million and $88.8 million in 2014 and 2013, respectively.

11. Pension and Postretirement Plans --- Defined Benefit

The University has a noncontributory, defined benefit pension plan for staff. Thestaff pension plan provides payments based on years of participation and theemployee’s highest annual rate of earnings during the last five years of employment.The faculty retirement incentive plan was terminated during the year.

In addition, the University provides postretirement benefits including health benefitsbased on years of service, life insurance and a pay-out of unused sick time. Whilethe University’s subsidy of the cost of comprehensive health care benefits differsamong retiree groups, substantially all employees who meet minimum age andservice requirements and retire from the University are eligible for these benefits.Non faculty employees are paid 50% of unused sick time and receive life insurancebenefits upon retirement from active status.

The University uses a June 30th measurement date for its defined benefit plans.


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11. Pension and Postretirement Plans --- Defined Benefit, Continued

The following table sets forth the pension and postretirement plans’ funded statusthat is reported in the consolidated statement of financial position at June 30, inthousands of dollars:

2014 2013 2014 2013Change in benefit obligation: Benefit obligation, beginning of year $ 1,148,031 $ 1,182,679 851,451$ 898,679$

- Service cost, excluding assumed administration expenses 44,198 48,180 36,449 39,006

- Interest cost 56,797 52,704 41,147 38,751 - Benefit payments (37,383) (34,290) (25,999) (22,220) - Assumption changes 55,460 (104,681) 12,528 (79,051) - Amendments (9,552) - - - - Actuarial loss (gain) 8,166 3,439 (13,690) (23,714)

Benefit obligation, end of year 1,265,717$ 1,148,031$ 901,886$ 851,451$

Change in plan assets: Fair value, beginning of year $ 903,164 $ 810,984 392,123$ 347,532$

- Actual return on plan assets 133,219 107,655 63,160 48,844 - University contributions 58,996 20,620 7,737 18,880 - Benefits and expenses paid (39,386) (36,095) (26,938) (23,133)

Fair value, end of year 1,055,993$ 903,164$ 436,082$ 392,123$

Funded Status (209,724)$ (244,867)$ (465,804)$ (459,328)$

Pension Postretirement

Funded Status The University has recognized the difference between accrued benefit costs of its defined benefit plans and the funded status for the year ended June 30, 2014, as an adjustment to non-operating unrestricted net assets presented as change in funding status of defined benefit plans in the consolidated statement of activities. The components of this adjustment for the year ended June 30, 2014, in thousands of dollars, include:

Pension Postretirement TotalUnrecognized net actuarial gain $ (1,180) $ (36,538) $ (37,718) Amortization (10,431) (9,420) (19,851) Prior service cost 13,166 - 13,166 Recognition of gain - plan termination (8,605) - (8,605)

$ (7,050) $ (45,958) $ (53,008)


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11. Pension and Postretirement Plans --- Defined Benefit, Continued

The cumulative amounts of these adjustments reported as deductions to net assetsin the consolidated statement of financial position at June 30, 2014, in thousandsof dollars, include:

Pension Postretirement TotalUnrecognized net actuarial loss $ 48,726 $ 160,548 $ 209,274 Unrecognized prior service cost 45,038 2,596 47,634

$ 93,764 $ 163,144 $ 256,908

Amounts recorded as an adjustment at June 30, 2014 that are expected to be amortized into operating activity during fiscal year 2015, in thousands of dollars, include:

Pension Postretirement TotalPrior service cost $ 10,535 $ 1,284 $ 11,819 Net actuarial loss - 7,497 7,497

$ 10,535 $ 8,781 $ 19,316

Actuarial gains or losses and prior service costs resulting from plan amendments are amortized over the average remaining years of service of active participants.

Benefit Obligation The benefit obligation represents the actuarial present value of future payments to plan participants for services rendered prior to that date, based on the pension benefit formula. In calculating the value, the participants’ compensation levels are projected to retirement.

The accumulated benefit obligation for the pension plans was $1,033.5 million at June 30, 2014 and $919.5 million at June 30, 2013. The accumulated benefit obligation differs from the benefit obligation above in that it does not consider assumptions about future compensation levels. It represents the actuarial present value of future payments to plan participants using current and past compensation levels.

Plan amendments during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2014, including the restatement of the staff pension plan to extend the salary breakpoint indexation, resulted in an increase in the pension liability of $13.2 million. Additionally, the faculty retirement incentive plan was terminated, reducing the pension liability by $22.7 million.


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11. Pension and Postretirement Plans --- Defined Benefit, Continued

Assumptions used in determining the year end obligation of the pension andpostretirement plans are:

2014 2013Weighted-average discount rate 4.60% 5.00%Increase in future compensation levels 3.94% 4.52%Projected health care cost trend rate (pre-65/post-65) 7.25% / 6.75% 7.50% / 7.00%Ultimate trend rate (pre-65/post-65) 5.00% / 5.00% 5.00% / 5.00%Year ultimate trend rate is achieved 2020 2020Mortality RP2000CH,

generational projection

RP2000CH, generational


Changes in assumptions during the year resulted in a decrease to the pension benefit obligation and a decrease to the postretirement benefit obligation at June 30, 2014, as follows, in thousands of dollars:

Pension Postretirement TotalDiscount rate $ 77,170 $ 59,679 $ 136,849 Inflation (21,710) (14,163) (35,873) EGWP - (32,988) (32,988)

$ 55,460 $ 12,528 $ 67,988

Inflation adjustments include salary trends and limits on the projected medical subsidy cap to better reflect expectations. The adoption of an Employer Group Waiver Plan (EGWP) effective January 1, 2015 resulted in lower expected post-65 claim costs.

The health care cost trend rate assumption has a significant effect on the amounts reported. For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2014, a one percent change in the health care cost trend rate would cause the postretirement benefit obligation at June 30, 2014, to change by approximately 14.8% and would also cause the sum of the service cost and interest cost components of postretirement expense to change by approximately 18.3%.


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11. Pension and Postretirement Plans --- Defined Benefit, Continued

Net Periodic Benefit CostNet periodic benefit cost for the plans includes the following components, inthousands of dollars:

2014 2013 2014 2013 Service cost $ 46,098 $ 50,001 37,149$ 40,106$ Interest cost 56,797 52,704 41,147 38,751 Expected return on plan assets (68,310) (59,895) (27,545) (26,185) Net amortization:

- Transition amortization - - - 3,717 - Prior service cost 9,971 10,047 1,434 1,434 - Net loss 460 3,701 7,986 13,323

Net periodic benefit cost 45,016$ 56,558$ 60,171$ 71,146$

Pension Postretirement

Assumptions used in determining the net periodic benefit cost of the pension and postretirement plans are:

2014 2013Weighted-average discount rate 5.00% 4.50%Expected long-term rate of return 7.50% 7.00%Compensation increase 4.52% 4.52%Health care cost increase (pre-65/post-65) 7.50% / 7.00% 7.75% / 7.25%Ultimate trend rate (pre-65/post-65) 5.00% / 5.00% 5.00% / 5.00%Year ultimate trend rate is achieved 2020 2020Mortality RP2000CH,

generational projection

RP2000CH, generational



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11. Pension and Postretirement Plans --- Defined Benefit, Continued

Plan AssetsThe defined benefit plan assets are valued utilizing the same fair value hierarchy asthe University’s investments as described in Note 1d.

The following table summarizes the fair values of investments by major type held bythe staff pension plan at June 30, in thousands of dollars:

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 2014 2013Investments, at fair value:

Cash and cash equivalents -$ -$ -$ -$ 5,006$ US government securities 92,447 - - 92,447 87,746 Common stock:

Domestic 52,325 - 1,227 53,552 50,530 Foreign - 25,365 - 25,365 42,986 Total common stock 52,325 25,365 1,227 78,917 93,516

Common collective trusts - 49,333 - 49,333 33,478 Registered investment companies:

Domestic 47,117 - - 47,117 51,201 Foreign 38,301 - - 38,301 54,599 Total registered investment companies 85,418 - - 85,418 105,800

Limited partnerships:Absolute return - - 226,220 226,220 189,352 Domestic - - 58,458 58,458 48,752 Foreign - - 129,293 129,293 59,641 Private - - 146,306 146,306 126,742 Real estate - - 119,953 119,953 116,216 Natural resources - 12,999 57,455 70,454 49,874 Total limited partnerships - 12,999 737,685 750,684 590,577

Total investments, at fair value 230,190 87,697 738,912 1,056,799 916,123 Liabilities associated with investments 109 - 143 252 12,959 Net investments, at fair value 230,081$ 87,697$ 738,769$ 1,056,547$ 903,164$


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11. Pension and Postretirement Plans --- Defined Benefit, Continued

The following table summarizes the fair values of investments by major type held bythe retiree health plan at June 30, in thousands of dollars:

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 2014 2013Investments, at fair value:

Cash and cash equivalents -$ -$ -$ -$ 164$ Common stock:

Domestic 10,018 - - 10,018 10,308 Foreign - - - - 17,531 Total common stock 10,018 - - 10,018 27,839

US government securities 12,015 12,015 Common collective trusts - 18,673 - 18,673 11,497 Registered investment companies:

Domestic 18,840 - - 18,840 39,680 Foreign 20,361 10,359 - 30,720 37,740 Total registered investment companies 39,201 10,359 - 49,560 77,420

Limited partnerships:Absolute return - - 98,965 98,965 80,837 Domestic - - 36,275 36,275 29,499 Foreign - - 48,408 48,408 20,688 Private - - 61,931 61,931 51,612 Real estate - - 71,095 71,095 69,219 Natural resources - 3,072 29,103 32,175 25,027 Total limited partnerships - 3,072 345,777 348,849 276,882

Total investments, at fair value 61,234 32,104 345,777 439,115 393,802 Liabilities associated with investments 57 - 72 129 54 Net investments, at fair value 61,177$ 32,104$ 345,705$ 438,986$ 393,748$


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11. Pension and Postretirement Plans --- Defined Benefit, Continued

The table below represents the change in fair value measurements for Level 3investments held by the staff pension plan and the retiree health plan for the plans’year ended June 30, 2014, in thousands of dollars:

Pension Retiree Health

Beginning balance $ 591,804 $ 276,882 Realized and unrealized gain, net 84,896 40,424 Purchases 119,888 53,516 Sales (57,819) (25,117)

Ending balance $ 738,769 $ 345,705

The unrealized portion of the gain in Level 3 reported above that relates to assets held at June 30, 2014 by the staff pension plan and the retiree health plan, represents a net gain of $64.2 million and a net gain of $31.2 million, respectively.

The investment objective for the pension and retiree health plans seeks a positive long-term total return after inflation to meet the University’s current and future plan obligations.

Asset allocations for both plans combine tested theory and informed market judgment to balance investment risks with the need for high returns.

Plan asset allocations by category at June 30 are as follows:

2014 2013 2014 2013Absolute return 21.5% 21.0% 22.6% 20.5%Domestic equity 13.6% 14.3% 13.4% 17.7%Fixed income 8.7% 9.7% 2.7% 0.0%Foreign equity 21.3% 19.6% 19.6% 19.9%Private equity 13.8% 14.0% 14.1% 13.1%Real estate 11.3% 12.9% 16.2% 17.6%Natural resources 8.5% 7.2% 10.0% 8.7%Cash 1.3% 1.3% 1.4% 2.5%

Pension Retiree Health


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11. Pension and Postretirement Plans --- Defined Benefit, Continued

The pension and retiree health long-term rate of return assumption is determinedby adding expected inflation to expected long-term real returns of various assetclasses, taking into account expected volatility and correlation between the returnsof various asset classes.

ContributionsAnnual contributions for the pension and retiree health plans are determined by theUniversity considering calculations prepared by the plans’ actuary as well as otherfactors. Expected contributions in fiscal 2015 to the pension plan and retiree healthplan are $19.7 million and $29.9 million, respectively.

Benefit PaymentsThe following estimated benefit payments, which reflect expected future service, areexpected to be paid out of the plans, in thousands of dollars:

Pension PostretirementFiscal year2015 41,804$ 26,300$ 2016 44,412 28,000 2017 47,647 30,600 2018 51,196 33,300 2019 54,758 36,300 2020-2024 332,825 225,600

The federal government provides the University with a Medicare part D subsidy as reimbursement for certain retiree health benefits paid to plan participants. For fiscal 2014, the subsidy is expected to be approximately $1.6 million, or approximately 5% of retiree health benefits.

12. Endowment Funds

Yale’s endowment consists of approximately 7,000 funds established for a variety ofpurposes. The endowment includes both donor-restricted endowment funds andfunds designated by the Yale Corporation to function as endowments. TheUniversity endowment fund composition by fund type as of June 30, in thousandsof dollars, includes:

Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Restricted Restricted 2014 2013

Donor-restrictedendowment -$ 16,772,017$ 3,309,611$ 20,081,628$ 17,463,742$

Board-designatedendowment 3,618,276 194,815 - 3,813,091 3,329,080

3,618,276$ 16,966,832$ 3,309,611$ 23,894,719$ 20,792,822$


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12. Endowment Funds, Continued

Changes in endowment net assets for the fiscal year ended June 30, in thousands ofdollars, were:

Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Restricted Restricted 2014 2013

Endowment net assets,beginning of year 3,117,661$ 14,507,907$ 3,167,254$ 20,792,822$ 19,379,108$

Investment return:Investment income 95,491 491,765 1,617 588,873 401,567 Net appreciation 578,157 2,861,233 9,376 3,448,766 1,893,258 Total investment return 673,648 3,352,998 10,993 4,037,639 2,294,825

Contributions 11,004 4,126 116,346 131,476 147,031 Allocation of endowment

spending (168,828) (875,705) 2,504 (1,042,029) (1,019,249) Other (decreases) increases (15,209) (22,494) 12,514 (25,189) (8,893) Endowment net assets,

end of year 3,618,276$ 16,966,832$ 3,309,611$ 23,894,719$ 20,792,822$

13. Commitments and Contingencies

The University is involved in various legal actions arising in the normal course ofactivities and is also subject to periodic audits and inquiries by various regulatoryagencies. Although the ultimate outcome is not determinable at this time,management, after taking into consideration advice of legal counsel, believes thatthe resolution of these pending matters should not have a material adverse effectupon the University's financial position.

Minimum lease commitments at June 30, 2014, under agreements to lease space, inthousands of dollars, are as follows:

Operating Lease Capital Lease Payments Payments

2015 $ 10,292 $ 9,956 2016 8,192 9,919 2017 7,003 9,756 2018 4,929 9,812 2019 4,797 9,870 Thereafter 46,146 139,660

81,359 188,973 Executory costs - (90,022) Interest on capital leases - (43,487)

$ 81,359 $ 55,464


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13. Commitments and Contingencies, Continued

The University has outstanding commitments on contracts to construct campusfacilities in the amount of $121.2 million at June 30, 2014. Funding for theseprojects is expected to come from capital replacement reserves, gifts and futureborrowing.

The University has entered into certain agreements to guarantee the debt andfinancial commitments of others. Under these agreements, if the original debt holderdefaults on their obligations, the University may be required to satisfy all or part ofthe remaining obligation. The total amount of these guarantees is approximately$34.5 million at June 30, 2014.

14. Subsequent Events

Management has evaluated subsequent events for the period after June 30, 2014,through October 22, 2014, the date the consolidated financial statements wereavailable to be issued.


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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster

Department of Defense Direct: W912HQ-12-C-0018 12. 1,452

DARPA BAA 13-20 12. 6,504N66001-10-C-2123 12. 33,928N66001-12-C-4211 (Option I) 12. 918,041N66001-11-C-4018 12. 968,891N66001-12-C-4211 (Base yr) 12. 1,067,224N00014-09-1-0757 12.300 -13,188N00014-10-1-0737 12.300 38N00014-10-1-0570 12.300 7,807N00014-14-1-0565 12.300 36,776N00014-11-1-0718 12.300 68,177N00014-12-1-0522 12.300 68,435N00014-11-1-0666 12.300 153,575N00014-11-1-0617 12.300 162,251N00014-12-1-0822 12.300 213,018N00014-12-1-0478 12.300 255,694N00014-12-1-0797 12.300 342,740N00014-12-1-0657 12.300 351,054FA8750-13-2-0058 12.300 374,501FA8750-10-2-0254 12.300 646,246N00244-09-1-0070 12.300 833,896HDTRA1-12-1-0042 12.351 9,432HDTRA1-10-1-0037 12.351 34,364HDTRA 1-10-1-0042 12.351 136,387W81XWH-10-1-0041 12.420 -80,443W81XWH-10-1-0889 12.420 10,523W81XWH-12-1-0297 12.420 28,905W81XWH-10-1-0628 12.420 32,027W81XWH-10-1-0990 12.420 56,072W81XWH-10-1-0629 12.420 58,967W81XWH-08-2-0702 12.420 66,271W81XWH-13-2-0073 12.420 67,285W81XWH-10-1-0504 12.420 82,641W81XWH-13-1-0179 12.420 91,410W81XWH-10-1-0630 12.420 99,859W81XWH-08-2-0075 12.420 122,166W81XWH-13-1-0235 12.420 145,672W81XWH-10-1-0259 12.420 154,549W81XWH-12-1-0484 12.420 167,588W81XWH-13-1-0245 12.420 183,136W81XWH-11-1-0825 12.420 189,580W81XWH-11-1-0437 12.420 230,991W81XWH-10-1-0150 12.420 246,076W81XWH-11-1-0745 12.420 379,389

Yale UniversitySchedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Year Ended June 30, 2014

The accompanying notes are an integral part of this schedule II-1

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster

Department of Defense Direct (continued): W81XWH-11-2-0054 12.420 381,317

W81XWH-13-1-0062 12.420 469,396W81XWH-12-1-0082 12.420 485,710W911NF-10-1-0206 12.431 -25,064W911NF-12-1-0490 12.431 -4,619W911NF-12-1-0388 12.431 -4,619W911NF-12-1-0517 12.431 -230W911NF-13-1-0426 12.431 30,384W911NF-12-1-0475 12.431 61,462W911NF-14-1-0005 12.431 83,328W911NF-13-1-0104 12.431 89,297W911NF-11-1-0376 12.431 119,660W911NF-12-1-0242 12.431 124,043W911NF-12-1-0507 12.431 166,308W911NF-11-1-0380 12.431 370,163W911NF-14-1-0011 12.431 934,016W911NF-09-1-0514 12.431 1,688,529W911NF-12-1-0476 12.431 1,729,847W911NF-09-1-0369 12.431 2,610,539FA9550-10-1-0361 12.800 78,004FA9550-12-1-0300 12.800 109,818FA9550-11-1-0093 12.800 113,640FA8650-13-2-6371 12.800 134,302FA9550-12-1-0175 12.800 164,823FA9550-11-1-0219 12.800 166,530FA9550-09-1-0484 12.800 200,185FA9550-08-1-0309 12.800 205,739FA9550-13-1-0007 12.800 220,420FA9550-12-1-0279 12.800 291,298FA9550-13-1-0020 12.800 296,683FA9550-12-1-0083 12.800 334,189FA9550-12-1-0157 12.800 336,301H98230-13-1-0291 12.901 17,857N66001-11-1-4184 12.910 2,166W31P4Q-11-1-0005 12.910 108,288N66001-11-1-4148 12.910 179,853D13AP00056 12.910 242,404FA9550-10-1-0297 12.910 675,524N66001-11-1-4114 12.910 733,234Subtotal - Department of Defense - Direct 22,930,632

Passed-through: International Business Machines #4912049926/PO#5004366459 12. 94SRA International, Inc. SRAS000736-01 Project13699.003 12. 1,891Johns Hopkins University C-1: 2001405640 12. 4,023

Yale UniversitySchedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Year Ended June 30, 2014

The accompanying notes are an integral part of this schedule II-2

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster

Department of Defense Passed-through(continued) TT Government Solutions Inc. PO # 20013660 12. 4,212

The Samraksh Company 65-328 12. 5,511iRobot Corporationoration sub#66086 12. 10,337Tri-Service Nursing Research Program HU0001-14-1-TS01 N14-002 12. 16,908UCLA 0157-S-NA095 12. 35,622Intelligent Optical Systems, Inc. W81XWH-10-C-0230-Mod P00001-Ph 12. 50,448Connecticut Analytical Corporation Specimen Recovery 12. 57,288University of Southern California 41590743-PO#50104299 12. 68,746UES, Inc. S-875-191-002 12. 82,402Johns Hopkins University C-2: 2001401762 12. 86,827Johns Hopkins University 2001436850 (Phase I) 12. 89,197L2 Diagnostics, LLC W81XWH-12-C-0028 12. 104,387Lockheed Martin Corporation PO#4100129621-Line Item #3 12. 139,100SRA International, Inc. 13699.031-#SRAS000736 12. 142,373University of Connecticut FRS# 525227 PO#4799 12. 192,808Sandia National Laboratories 1287319 12. 221,023The Michael Stern Parkinson's Research Foundation W81XWH-09-1-0434 12. 507,908Johns Hopkins University 2001436850 (Phase II) 12. 559,566Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute A100932 12.300 5,655University of California-Santa Barbara sub#KK1133 12.300 44,209New York University F7184-01 12.300 70,085Georgia State University Research Foundation SP00011356-05 12.300 95,959University of California-Santa Barbara KK1317 12.300 314,798Princeton University sub#00002067 12.300 422,109Duke University 10-DTRA-1078 12.351 -13,419New York University School of Medicine 12-01517 Project#103663 12.420 372University of Texas Health Science Center 155614/155536 12.420 24,666Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation PO PG490960 12.420 24,877Jackson Foundation 2256/720959/304056-1.00-60812 12.420 39,654Southern Illinois University 520382 12.420 58,504Ernest Gallo Clinic & Research Center 803-238 12.420 306,515Rice University R16543 Mod 5 12.431 72,327University of California-Irvine 2010-2512 12.431 218,327Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5710003622 12.800 16,112Princeton University Sub#00001691 12.800 248,323Georgia Institute of Technology RB220-G2 12.910 6,936University of Maryland College Park Z947603 12.910 27,233Cornell University 69117-10119 12.910 42,226Princeton University 00002120 12.910 44,944New York University F7089-01 / PO#UW658924 12.910 171,270Duke University 13-DARPA-1029 12.910 171,671

Subtotal - Department of Defense - Pass Through 4,794,024

Subtotal - Department of Defense 27,724,656

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster

Department of AgricultureDirect: 12-JV-11242303-096 10. 10,636

12-JV-11242307-092 10. 25,65459-5302-1-309 10.001 21,5692010-38202-21853 10.200 41,1262011-67012-30707 10.310 5,7212012-67012-19709 10.310 30,3322009-65200-05920 10.310 34,34110-DG-11420004-081 10.678 5,51609-CA-11420004-156 10.680 11,472Subtotal - Department of Agriculture - Direct 186,367

Passed-through: Cornell University 62140-9882 10.253 -3,227Purdue University 8000056290 10.255 14,936University of Minnesota H003617201 10.310 18,533Mississippi State University 191400-322088-01 10.310 20,478Baylor College of Medicine 101852607 10.586 18,488

Subtotal - Department of Agriculture - Pass Through 69,208

Subtotal - Department of Agriculture 255,575I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of EducationDirect: P022A130048 84.022A 20,110

R305A120172-14 84.305A 564,785Subtotal - Department of Education - Direct 584,895

Passed-through: HandHold Adaptive, LLC SBIR Research Agreement 84. 218,893Subtotal - Department of Education - Pass Through 218,893

Subtotal - Department of Education 803,788

Department of CommerceDirect: 70NANB14H109 11.609 8,335

Subtotal - Department of Commerce - Direct 8,335

Passed-through: University of Connecticut 47940 11.417 1,586University of Connecticut 47025 11.483 20,278

Subtotal - Department of Commerce - Pass Through 21,864

Subtotal - Department of Commerce 30,199

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of EnergyDirect: DE-FOA-0000949 81. 850

Physics/DOE 81. 52,834Physics/DOE 81. 279,305DE-FG02-91ER40609 81.049 -125,297DE-FG02-91ER40609 81.049 -121,012DE-SC0010699 81.049 6,260DE-FG02-08ER46541 81.049 8,450DE-FG02-04ER63892 81.049 26,147DE-FG02-07ER41504 81.049 30,922DE-SC0007913 81.049 33,617DE-SC0004162 81.049 43,804DE-FG02-98ER20311 81.049 64,178DE-SC0006399 81.049 82,470DE-SC0008080 81.049 101,648DE-FG02-05ER15677 81.049 105,879DE-FG02-06ER15800 81.049 115,619DE-FG02-05ER15714 81.049 132,159DE-SC0004856 81.049 137,220DE-SC0010699 81.049 153,138DE-FG02-06ER15834 81.049 154,791DE-SC0011068 81.049 159,716DE-SC0007037 81.049 163,738DE-FG02-98ER14882 81.049 170,501DE-FG02-01ER15183 81.049 185,569DE-FG02-05ER15646 81.049 188,468DE-SC0001134 81.049 194,233DE-FG02-08ER46482 81.049 195,222DE-FG02-84ER13297 81.049 212,585DE-SC0004889 81.049 268,034DE-FG02-91ER40609 81.049 320,087DE-FG02-88ER13966 81.049 331,718DE-FG02-92ER40704 81.049 355,079DE-FG02-91ER40608 81.049 409,474DE-FG02-07ER15909 81.049 604,114DE-FG02-91ER40609 81.049 740,767DE-SC0004168 81.049 917,920DE-FG02-92ER40704 81.049 1,079,765DE-EE0006128 81.087 829,386DE-FE0004375 81.089 192,698DE-AR0000306 81.135 677,114Subtotal - Department of Energy - Direct 9,479,170

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of EnergyPassed-through: Brookhaven National Laboratories Contract #84529 81. -24

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories B601691 81. 4,579Brookhaven National Laboratories P.O. No. 85666 81. 10,276Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories B608374 81. 18,857Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories B605562 81. 19,992Brookhaven National Laboratories 200935 81. 31,803Adelphi Technology, LLC McKinsey/DOE/Argon 81. 32,145Fermi National Laboratoriess P.O. #610569 81. 33,803Brookhaven National Laboratories 242055 81. 52,473Brookhaven National Laboratories 243595 81. 59,905Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories 7050501 81. 70,155Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories #7007432 81. 79,446Brookhaven National Laboratories Contract #238322 81. 184,113UT-Battelle, LLC 4000118911 81. 221,802University of Oregon 234171C 81.049 469Stanford University 26488350-49105-A 81.049 26,065Brown University 00000404/PO #P269293 81.049 84,649Stanford University sub#26488350-49105-A 81.049 93,737Research Foundation-CUNY 47823-A 81.049 100,076University of Oregon 234171A 81.049 120,817University of Maryland College Park Sub # Z707302 81.049 150,071University of Virginia GQ10044-133944 81.049 162,885Harvard Univ School of Medicine 152339.5055249.1002 81.049 234,557GE Global Research Center PO #400030014 81.049 257,421Northwestern University SP0004510-PROJ0001535 81.049 503,694UCLA 0205GQA733 81.087 77,618Brookhaven National Laboratories 200986 81.087 194,613UCLA 0205 G QA733 81.087 219,175Carnegie Institution of Washington 4-10469-17 81.112 62,127University of Rhode Island PO 0000017680/043010/0001823 81.117 22,457

Subtotal - Department of Energy - Pass Through 3,129,756

Subtotal - Department of Energy 12,608,926

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect: HHSN261201400231P 93. 3,328

NIDA International Program 93. 25,066HHSN271201300707P 93. 44,2442R01AI079022-06A1 93. 68,2567R21HL114696-02 93. 156,963HHSN275201000004C 93. 276,199HHSN2682011000061 93. 496,725HHSN268201100006I/HHSN26800002 93. 1,054,636HHSN272201100019C 93. 1,983,432

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 3P50DA00924-19S1 93.077 6,612

3R01HL105635-04S1 93.077 73,2923R01HL105635-03S1 93.077 269,9253P50DA009241-20S1 93.077 366,9491P50DA036151-01 93.077 2,273,6213R01HL107953-04S1 93.095 185,1753R01HL105945-04S1 93.095 205,7051U01FD004585-01 93.103 25,6325U01FD004585-02 93.103 68,0563U01ES015674-07S1 93.113 8,4695K99ES021736-02 93.113 13,9705R21ES018915-02 93.113 38,9965U01ES015674-07 93.113 53,0335R01ES017013-02 93.113 67,3985K99ES021441-02 93.113 71,5455R01ES016317-05 93.113 85,2735R01ES015056-07 93.113 102,6555R01ES005775-20 93.113 137,7515R21ES020538-02 93.113 153,3605R21ES021427-02 93.113 213,7395R01ES007061-22 93.113 271,7735R21ES022875-02 93.113 301,8475U01ES015674-08 93.113 324,6185R01ES019179-04 93.113 386,3485R01ES015252-08 93.113 398,4115R01ES015632-07 93.113 401,9715R01ES020361-03 93.113 517,2645R01ES017416-05 93.113 560,1425R01ES021462-03 93.113 579,2445R01ES019587-04 93.113 587,6445R01ES005410-18 93.115 -755UL1DE019586-05 93.121 -27,7155R01DE017914-05 93.121 5331K99DE024194-01 93.121 14,0565R01DE018824-05 93.121 50,2075R121DE023228-02 93.121 137,9165R21DE022641-02 93.121 218,3852R56DE017914-06 93.121 228,0145R01DE022340-02 93.121 243,1185R01DE012459-14 93.121 338,9955R01DE013173-13 93.121 422,1405R01DE021088-04 93.121 425,5645R01DE020823-05 93.121 429,0155T32HG003198-09 93.172 685

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 3T32HG003198-10S1 93.172 25,509

5U01HG005718-02 93.172 48,3851R01HG007653-01 93.172 121,2425R21HG006742-02 93.172 215,4545T32HG003198-10 93.172 396,3955U54HG006504-03 93.172 1,295,5325U54HG006504-02 93.172 1,315,5945R01DC007880-05 93.173 1612R01DC002174-28 93.173 5,5245F32DC011242-03 93.173 9,3995F31DC012985-02 93.173 24,5055F31DC012270-03 93.173 28,9601F32DC012981-01A1 93.173 43,5445F32DC013507-02 93.173 44,5825F32DC012449-02 93.173 53,6455R03DC011134-03 93.173 58,5675R01DC007665-05 93.173 102,1295R03DC010894-03 93.173 107,5165R03DC012130-02 93.173 127,1915R01DC008130-08 93.173 139,4125R01DC002174-27 93.173 198,3305R01DC011697-12 93.173 313,9355R01DC012441-02 93.173 351,3855R01DC001919-22 93.173 377,5065R01DC007894-07 93.173 383,2335R01DC004729-14 93.173 385,1025R01DC000210-27 93.173 389,9725R01DC000273-32 93.173 399,3155R01DC009977-05 93.173 791,9075K23AT006703-03 93.213 33,1405R21AT007708-02 93.213 45,4071R34AT008318-01 93.213 54,5621R01AT007922-01 93.213 72,1105K23AT006703-02 93.213 94,9681R21AT007708-01A1 93.213 177,3335T32HS017589-05 93.225 2,6962T32HS017589-06 93.225 179,6035K01HS018987-04 93.226 105,7415R21HS022114-02 93.226 142,4355K08HS021271-02 93.226 162,7665R21HS021858-02 93.226 300,5762U18HS016978-06 93.226 333,5355R01HS018420-05 93.226 413,7255R01HS018322-04 93.226 562,867

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 5U18HS016978-07 93.226 757,322

3R01MH092289-02S1 93.242 -131,5825R01MH092289-02 93.242 -9,0575R01MH076442-05 93.242 -1,3825R03MH092618-02 93.242 -8505R34MH087223-03 93.242 85R21MH090920-02 93.242 2585R01MH83707-02 93.242 5812T32MH062994-11 93.242 4,1355R21MH091309-02 93.242 4,2405R01MH092927-03 93.242 5,5341K99MH096939-01A1 93.242 16,8205R34MH083894-03 93.242 17,2151K01MH103080-01 93.242 20,0611F30MH099742-01A1 93.242 21,006F31MH102004-01 93.242 21,5951F30MH102010-01 93.242 22,4672R01MH062349-11A1 93.242 22,5635T32MH018268-29S 93.242 24,1255R01MH077945-04 93.242 26,2881R21MH102572-01 93.242 31,3403U01MH082022-05S2 93.242 34,1605U01MH082022-05 93.242 39,2533R01MH077945-04S1 93.242 40,3055R33MH087879-04 93.242 44,3673R01MH085055-03S1 93.242 50,6911R21MH102634-01A1 93.242 50,8435R34MH087216-03 93.242 55,9225R03MH094583-02 93.242 57,1975R21MH090555-02 93.242 60,4547R34MH096607-03 93.242 60,7191R01MH102365-01 93.242 64,7545R01MH073949-05 93.242 66,5111K01MH101326-01A1 93.242 72,1411R21MH100939-01 93.242 75,3771U01MH103339-01 93.242 87,7483R01MH093897-04S1 93.242 88,1245K01MH079130-05 93.242 88,4205R21MH099979-02 93.242 101,5115R25MH077823-07 93.242 108,3195K01MH097961-02 93.242 112,5171R01MH103616-01 93.242 119,6515P30MH062294-10 93.242 120,5833U01MH082022-05S1 93.242 130,742

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 5R03MH092617-02 93.242 135,206

1K23MH101498-01 93.242 136,5475R01MH100173-02 93.242 156,2425R21MH094961-02 93.242 161,5321R01MH096957-01A1 93.242 163,4845K01MH093273-04 93.242 170,1265K08MH099424-02 93.242 175,6585K23MH086785-04 93.242 175,7105K08MH087639-04 93.242 180,2375R34MH090109-03 93.242 186,2465K23MH091240-04 93.242 186,5493U01MH081902-05S1 93.242 189,9715R25MH071584-07 93.242 190,3761R01MH100078-01A1 93.242 194,4215K08MH096176-03 93.242 202,7285R21MH098180-02 93.242 203,8095R21MH094861-02 93.242 208,7681R01MH100914-01A1 93.242 214,7205R21MH096061-02 93.242 219,3265R01MH081211-05 93.242 224,3195T32MH019961-17 93.242 225,4141R01MH103831-01 93.242 236,9211R01MH101514-01 93.242 238,3495T32MH062994-12 93.242 239,6655R21MH098181-02 93.242 244,7212T32MH014276-39 93.242 248,0025R34MH100456-02 93.242 250,7185R34MH094354-03 93.242 258,4583U01MH081896-05S1 93.242 265,4265R01MH057483-13 93.242 277,4235R37MH045481-25 93.242 281,8585R01MH067715-10 93.242 287,2355T32MH014235-39 93.242 305,4057U01MH081902-05 93.242 308,0615R01MH096810-03 93.242 310,8365T32MH018268-29 93.242 334,1635R01MH081772-06 93.242 340,5355R01MH099045-02 93.242 344,8015R01MH052711-20 93.242 355,6415R01MH067528-10 93.242 359,5775R01MH081877-05 93.242 359,7515R01MH093354-03 93.242 364,1585R01MH005286-48 93.242 364,6135R01MH080912-05 93.242 367,938

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 5R01MH085055-04 93.242 373,241

5R01MH085740-05 93.242 378,5595R01MH093897-04 93.242 384,3675R01MH067073-08 93.242 385,9405R56MH077939-07 93.242 395,7595R01MH091037-04 93.242 399,8535R01MH100182-02 93.242 410,9215R01MH095789-03 93.242 412,8775R01MH077681-09 93.242 413,5805R34MH093326-03 93.242 421,5145T32MH020031-15 93.242 432,1245R01MH85080-05 93.242 434,4935R01MH095790-02 93.242 450,8801R01MH100028-01 93.242 456,4885R01MH092953-05 93.242 482,5225R01MH095104-04 93.242 490,1445R01MH091537-04 93.242 527,5335R01MH091861-05 93.242 539,6134R33MH092664-03 93.242 573,7985R01MH087554-05 93.242 585,9165R01MH091453-04 93.242 586,4475P50MH081756-05 93.242 608,7495R01MH083824-06 93.242 635,9245R01MH078143-08 93.242 758,4055R01MH098073-02 93.242 759,2035U01MH081896-05 93.242 939,1375R01MH070902-09 93.242 999,6112P30MH062294-11 93.242 1,573,8695R01MH100028-02 93.242 2,327,5215K01HP20507-03 93.250 15,0435K01HP20507-04 93.250 69,0605R01OH010132-02 93.262 111,5135R01OH009375-04 93.262 185,2505R21OH010438-02 93.262 197,1785R21OH010494-02 93.262 218,9245R01OH008641-06 93.262 315,2355K01AA019694-04 93.271 134,2195R01AA013892-10 93.273 -26,5303R01AA018923-01S1 93.273 9985R21AA018273-02 93.273 1,0451R01AA022083-01A1 93.273 3,0001R03AA022500-01 93.273 12,6421R01AA022285-01A1 93.273 13,7725R01AA011197-12 93.273 17,948

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 1R21AA021380-01A1 93.273 23,075

5R01AA016621-05 93.273 25,8365R01AA011321-10 93.273 44,7711R03AA022232-01 93.273 47,8895R21AA020319-02 93.273 60,0125R01AA017976-03 93.273 76,7725P50AA012870-14 93.273 90,4761R01AA021449-01A1 93.273 104,6075R21AA021866-02 93.273 114,1855P50AA012870-12 93.273 114,5395R21AA020847-02 93.273 120,1905R01AA017389-04 93.273 120,5415U01AA020795-02 93.273 131,7695K23AA017689-04 93.273 148,2835K23AA020000-03 93.273 157,3355K08AA017921-05 93.273 173,0085T32AA015496-09 93.273 173,3025R21AA021405-02 93.273 180,5001R21AA022870-01 93.273 187,8491U24AA022001-01 93.273 191,5955R01AA017173-05 93.273 207,7615K05AA014715-10 93.273 209,3905R01AA 016834-05 93.273 248,9785U01AA020790-02 93.273 251,6095U01AA020790-03 93.273 284,7635U24AA022001-02 93.273 320,2585R01AA021984-02 93.273 346,0115U01AA020795-03 93.273 348,8205R01AA021818-02 93.273 402,8595R01AA016599-05 93.273 404,8715R01AA017464-05 93.273 473,4225R01AA020095-03 93.273 478,0235R01AA011330-13 93.273 482,9555R01AA017535-05 93.273 580,2305R01AA020504-02 93.273 587,5975R01AA018923-05 93.273 654,9155U24AA020794-03 93.273 679,2835R01AA020388-03 93.273 694,8585R01AA018944-05 93.273 805,4975P50AA012870-13 93.273 1,517,0065K24DA017899-05 93.277 144,4205R21DA030702-02 93.279 -13,9465R01DA020752-03 93.279 -10,4041P50DA033945-01 93.279 -9,222

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Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 5P50DA016556-10 93.279 -3,480

3R01DA015969-09S1 93.279 -3,4265F31DA029361-02 93.279 -1,7485R03DA027474-02 93.279 -1263R01DA015969-09S2 93.279 355T32DA031104-02 93.279 395T32DA019426-08 93.279 693R21DA034875-02S1 93.279 5075R01DA027130-03 93.279 8733R01DA030768-03S1 93.279 1,4913R01DA030768-02S1 93.279 2,0811U01DA033267-01 93.279 2,5921K01DA037826-01A1 93.279 2,7685T32DA007238-22 93.279 2,9835R03DA033178-02 93.279 4,8845K12DA031050-03 93.279 5,8035R01DA025555-04 93.279 7,0761R01DA035775-01A1 93.279 7,4995R21DA029914-02 93.279 10,1131R01DA033431-01A1 93.279 10,4635K23DA023334-05 93.279 14,6071R21DA037657-01 93.279 14,7135R03DA031592-02 93.279 15,4005K01DA024759-05 93.279 15,6115P30DA018343-09 93.279 17,0775F31DA033925-02 93.279 18,4925F31DA035567-02 93.279 28,5981R21DA037690-01 93.279 38,4161F31DA035709-01 93.279 38,5025R01DA014718-09 93.279 43,3905R01DA014241-10 93.279 47,3063R01DA030420-03S1 93.279 48,9375R01DA018928-08 93.279 55,9923R01DA014718-09S1 93.279 60,1415R21DA030744-02 93.279 64,4515K01DA024758-05 93.279 65,4705R21DA030696-02 93.279 67,9525R21DA034815-02 93.279 71,4425P20DA027844-03 93.279 78,1435U01DA033267-03 93.279 79,5822K12DA000167-21 93.279 80,2695T32DA022975-05 93.279 81,3745R01DA015425-09 93.279 84,4653R01DA035058-01A1S1 93.279 89,377

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 5R21DA029826-02 93.279 94,643

5P50DA009241-19 93.279 106,0305R21DA034492-02 93.279 112,2675K01DA029643-05 93.279 117,2065K02DA031750-03 93.279 123,3915R21DA031853-02 93.279 127,3405K02DA026990-05 93.279 133,0013RL1DA024856-05S1 93.279 140,4575R21DA035924-02 93.279 143,0795R21DA032905-02 93.279 143,6745K23DA024050-05 93.279 143,7755K01DA029040-05 93.279 144,8095K24DA017072-10 93.279 145,4875R21DA034875-02 93.279 145,9035R01DA023230-05 93.279 147,1335K23DA033858-03 93.279 148,0125R01DA025932-05 93.279 150,4865K01DA034125-03 93.279 150,5305K02DA032322-03 93.279 157,6552R01DA023999-06 93.279 161,7685R01DA021785-05 93.279 162,7695R21DA030665-02 93.279 164,1111R01DA034678-01 93.279 166,8445P50DA033945-03 93.279 169,1125K02DA023504-05 93.279 174,0295R01DA016750-11 93.279 180,8175T32DA031104-03 93.279 181,0405K01DA 027750-05 93.279 190,4415R01DA026414-04 93.279 196,9385R01DA029910-04 93.279 206,4065K08DA029641-04 93.279 211,5385R21DA031146-02 93.279 226,2175R01DA023248-05 93.279 235,2945R01DA021264-05 93.279 235,7225R01DA025613-04 93.279 235,9175R01DA015222-10 93.279 245,9675R21DA033597-02 93.279 251,1911R01DA035058-01A1 93.279 254,2325R21DA032791-02 93.279 269,4195R01DA035616-02 93.279 278,7795R01DA008213-19 93.279 292,0125T32DA007238-23 93.279 292,4915R01DA015577-09 93.279 301,5435T32DA019426-09 93.279 301,928

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 2R01DA012690-11A1 93.279 316,576

5R01DA007259-21 93.279 317,1645R01DA012952-11 93.279 326,4765R01DA030369-03 93.279 331,4785R01DA033679-03 93.279 332,5505R01DA011717-15 93.279 340,4465R01DA029330-05 93.279 359,8095R01DA029888-04 93.279 383,7725R01DA017294-09 93.279 386,8405R01DA024695-04 93.279 393,7695R01DA033733-02 93.279 406,1655R01DA023999-05 93.279 414,5675R01DA035001-02 93.279 421,6155R01DA026797-04 93.279 436,5105R01DA029577-03 93.279 455,5055R01DA025943-05 93.279 472,4725K12DA033312-02 93.279 477,5265R01DA027405-04 93.279 511,1565R01DA015969-12 93.279 523,1155U01DA033267-02 93.279 529,1755DP1DA036463-02 93.279 542,1995R01DA031275-04 93.279 556,1355K12DA000167-22 93.279 556,3535R01DA030420-03 93.279 557,9805K12DA031050-04 93.279 577,8375R01DA011744-12 93.279 598,0285R01DA027194-04 93.279 658,1215R01DA034243-03 93.279 723,8025R01DA025991-05 93.279 768,8315R01DA030768-05 93.279 786,7955R01DA030762-04 93.279 836,6945P20DA027844-04 93.279 885,3395P50DA033945-02 93.279 1,334,3435P30DA018343-10 93.279 1,431,5035P50DA009241-20 93.279 1,780,5735K01MH092681-04 93.281 147,3655K01MH086621-05 93.281 147,8575K08MH086812-05 93.281 187,1905T32MH014276-38 93.282 -5,8622T32 MH014235-36 93.282 -2,1425T32MH020031-14 93.282 -1745T32MH014235-37 93.282 -1375T32MH014235-38 93.282 4722T32MH019961-16 93.282 1,212

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 5T32MH018268-28S 93.282 6,633

5F31MH099706-02 93.282 26,7955F32MH098513-02 93.282 54,5511R03EB016810-01 93.286 67,6885R21EB016163-02 93.286 196,5225R01EB000487-21 93.286 214,3741R01EB016978-01A1 93.286 226,1111R01EB016629-01A1 93.286 254,9495R01EB009666-04 93.286 302,6935R01EB011968-04 93.286 339,1225R01EB014861-03 93.286 389,9105R01EB012289-04 93.286 737,1695U24MD006938-04 93.307 64,0945U24MD006938-02 93.307 257,3705R01MD005879-05 93.307 506,7755U24MD006938-03 93.307 1,201,8495PL1DA024860-05 93.310 -30,1365PL1DA024859-05 93.310 -1,2995RL5DA024858-05 93.310 1,4195RL1AA017539-05 93.310 24,9097RL1MH083269-06 93.310 59,0175P41GM094112-03 93.310 68,9055RL1DA024856-05 93.310 122,1145U24AA020794-02S2 93.310 158,0621DP2CA186575-01 93.310 193,0975DP5OD012109-02 93.310 274,9951DP2GM105456-01 93.310 492,1335DP1AG047744-02 93.310 529,2491DP2OD008429-01 93.310 534,6321DP2OD008624-01 93.310 660,9705DP1CA174418-04 93.310 700,3825DP1DK098058-04 93.310 847,7411UH2TR000960-01 93.310 1,794,9931UH2TR000967-01 93.310 2,738,4388KL2TR000140-07 93.350 -30,3538UL1TR000142-07 93.350 -13,3638TL1TR000141-07 93.350 -7,9058UL1TR000142-07 93.350 40,4618UL1TR000142-07 93.350 59,1783UH2TR000960-01S1 93.350 186,2565TL1TR000141-08 93.350 363,4755KL2TR000140-08 93.350 794,7485UL1TR000142-08 93.350 881,2575UL1TR000142-08 93.350 2,509,040

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 5UL1TR000142-08 93.350 4,126,702

7R21OD012387-03 93.351 33,4275K26OD010923-03 93.351 134,3751S10OD010613-01 93.351 248,2501S10OD011929-01A1 93.351 479,5055R24OD016474-02 93.351 522,0901S10OD010322-01A1 93.351 535,5005R01NR004009-16 93.361 -51P20NR014126-01 93.361 1,6771F31NR014375-01A1 93.361 10,7025R01NR011872-03 93.361 47,1251R21NR014318-01A1 93.361 49,5045T32NR 008346-10 93.361 70,5835K01NR013437-03 93.361 92,8615K23NR014107-02 93.361 118,1675R21NR013970-02 93.361 236,3795P20NR014126-02 93.361 329,6215R01HL105297-04 93.387 258,4685U01HL098162-05 93.387 545,0495R01CA095560-04 93.393 -6095R01CA121925- 05 93.393 7505R00CA131560-05 93.393 1,4495P01CA016038-39 93.393 11,6303P01CA129186-05S1 93.393 15,2245P01CA129186-05 93.393 17,0115R01CA104786-05 93.393 18,5131R03CA182984-01 93.393 20,7785R01CA131301-05 93.393 21,5375R03CA167765-02 93.393 21,7705R01CA140256-02 93.393 37,9095R21CA141105-02 93.393 63,5315R03CA173810-02 93.393 74,6405R21CA165923-03 93.393 143,3635R01CA080830-15 93.393 146,1815R21CA163160-02 93.393 179,2243U01CA164252-02S1 93.393 196,7935R01CA134276-05 93.393 217,1085R01CA148996-05 93.393 280,4585R01CA157461-04 93.393 296,5995R01CA129037-07 93.393 312,7235R01CA168635-02 93.393 333,8685R01CA037157-31 93.393 346,4425R01CA140485-05 93.393 351,5905R01CA098727-12 93.393 354,192

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 5R01CA154653-04 93.393 370,768

5R01CA168733-02 93.393 373,8205R01CA149045-03 93.393 383,3105R01CA116753-08 93.393 407,1965U01CA164252-02 93.393 428,8045R01CA141479-05 93.393 437,2155R01CA029303-33 93.393 541,1635R01CA151933-04 93.393 679,6275R01CA109468-05 93.393 727,9845R01CA156689-04 93.393 821,6645R01CA169103-03 93.393 877,2005P01CA016038-40 93.393 1,413,5355R21CA155952-02 93.394 34,1375R01CA132931-04 93.394 151,3055R01CA114277-08 93.394 209,1095R01CA135110-06 93.394 221,8445R01CA142774-04 93.394 231,5455R01CA140102-05 93.394 244,3025R01CA157749-03 93.394 305,9975R01CA155196-03 93.394 397,2375R01CA118678-05 93.395 -7285R01CA131133-04 93.395 5,8961R01CA178254-01A1 93.395 6,0671R01CA172391-01A1 93.395 20,1175R01CA127580-05 93.395 82,4561R21CA175802-01A1 93.395 108,2365R01CA132317-05 93.395 122,7385R01CA110246-09 93.395 194,2385R01CA175577-02 93.395 274,3585R01CA161048-03 93.395 287,5985R01CA158167-04 93.395 326,6005R01CA149128-04 93.395 333,3845R01CA154460-04 93.395 361,2215R01CA138556-05 93.395 462,1525R01CA170741-02 93.395 593,7115P01CA154295-03 93.395 1,112,1795R00CA131488-05 93.396 -935R01CA045708-23 93.396 1,3821U01CA176067-01A1 93.396 7,6215R01CA048115-21 93.396 9,4185R21CA158726-02 93.396 20,0942R01CA080830-16 93.396 39,4647R01CA097085-10 93.396 42,1195R01CA127913-05 93.396 60,659

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 3R01CA133346-05S1 93.396 61,823

1R01CA168670-01A1 93.396 63,2645R00CA136759-05 93.396 63,5631R21CA177393-01 93.396 88,6295R01CA080065-13 93.396 138,7085R01CA139395-05 93.396 145,8423R01CA153702-10S1 93.396 152,5485R01CA096943-10 93.396 163,4985R01CA106802-09 93.396 204,0605R01CA139102-05 93.396 229,8845R01CA083049-14 93.396 234,1525R01CA120247-09 93.396 244,5015R01CA069408-18 93.396 277,8555R01CA102703-10 93.396 327,2115R01CA153702-10 93.396 331,7315R01CA133346-05 93.396 331,8265R01CA149109-04 93.396 345,3815R01CA166376-03 93.396 410,2405R01CA126801-06 93.396 431,4193P30CA016359-33S4 93.397 2,7393P30CA016359-31S1 93.397 7,6993P30CA016359-33S1 93.397 17,3895P30CA016359-33 93.397 87,0072P50CA121974-06A1 93.397 474,9702P30CA016359-34 93.397 1,937,5755P50CA121974-07 93.397 1,938,2545F31CA136316-04 93.398 -1,6807K24CA111717-08 93.398 741F31CA183571-01 93.398 9,1481F30CA183530-01 93.398 9,1801F30CA180591-01 93.398 20,6885F31CA174298-02 93.398 24,4175F31CA168012-02 93.398 26,2491F31CA177153-01 93.398 30,7901F31CA180775-01 93.398 38,5595F32CA165705-02 93.398 46,3191K99CA178091-01 93.398 49,2915F32CA174247-02 93.398 49,6385F32CA174265-02 93.398 52,2395K01CA154854-03 93.398 66,7305T32CA105666-10 93.398 82,8775K08CA151645-04 93.398 86,6135K08CA169005-02 93.398 103,7885K01CA168977-02 93.398 141,065

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The accompanying notes are an integral part of this schedule II-19

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 5K24CA172123-02 93.398 143,485

5K08CA172580-02 93.398 160,7035K08CA140718-05 93.398 164,8741R25CA177553-01 93.398 232,0985R01CA122658-05 93.399 -6,4095R01CA068427-13 93.399 69,3955R01CA114421-06 93.399 367,7925P01DK017433-40 93.487 77,2725U48DP001945-04 93.542 255,6835U48DP001945-05 93.542 319,141

ARRA 3R01NS043322-04S1 93.701 -16,861ARRA 3R01DK062515-28S1 93.701 -3,113ARRA 3K01DK078625-04S1 93.701 -1,110ARRA 1RC1MH088971-01 93.701 -514ARRA 1RC2MD004803-01 93.701 -99ARRA 1R01AG032284-01A1 93.701 41,371ARRA 1RC4DK090805-01 93.701 56,999ARRA 1G20RR030947-01 93.701 3,573,948

5R01HL081153-03 93.837 -13,1575R01HL085328-04 93.837 -8,8925R01HL085093-05 93.837 -1,5195R01HL094574-04 93.837 -2325R01HL091013-05 93.837 -1795R01HL085757-05 93.837 -1227R21HL098573-02 93.837 2245T32HL007950-12 93.837 1,1195U01HL105270-02 93.837 1,7095R01HL082640-05 93.837 5,4411F30HL120497-01A1 93.837 11,2385R01HL059619-09S 93.837 15,3761R01HL115295-01 93.837 21,6005R01HL089314-04 93.837 22,4915F32HL107078-02 93.837 24,6115R21HL108684-02 93.837 32,9115T32HL098069-03 93.837 33,2875F30HL114253-02 93.837 44,3435R01HL053793-18 93.837 47,5165F32HL119147-02 93.837 49,1385F30HL110372-03 93.837 50,3325R01HL086418-05 93.837 52,9791R01HL122830-01 93.837 57,2425R01HL095498-05 93.837 61,5521R21HL120783-01 93.837 65,6211K23HL118147-01 93.837 92,566

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 5R01HL090660-04 93.837 104,788

5K02HL101990-05 93.837 105,4611K23HL116641-01A1 93.837 106,8855K23HL103720-05 93.837 111,1245R01HL115295-03 93.837 119,5444R37HL061371-16 93.837 128,9855R01HL059619-09 93.837 130,0325R37HL061371-15 93.837 135,9981R21HL118611-01 93.837 144,4525R01HL089340-05 93.837 147,5795R01HL096360-05 93.837 147,6045T32HL098069-04 93.837 153,8131R56HL117064-01A1 93.837 155,6057R01HL106063-04 93.837 160,3305R01HL085789-05 93.837 165,8213R01HL106063-04S1 93.837 166,2815K23HL114868-03 93.837 167,7657R01HL107953-04 93.837 168,7475R01HL081153-05 93.837 174,2985U01HL105270-03 93.837 183,4445K08HL103831-04 93.837 185,4161R01HL118430-01A1 93.837 198,2677R01HL105945-04 93.837 212,3744R00HL098695-03 93.837 215,6961R01HL116705-01A1 93.837 217,5035R21HL103463-02 93.837 218,5455R21HL107768-02 93.837 231,6021R01HL121226-01 93.837 234,8585R01HL093280-05 93.837 248,5155R01HL090960-06 93.837 269,1415R00HL105791-04 93.837 276,9895R01HL109420-03 93.837 278,0775U01HL098162-04 93.837 280,9365R01HL096670-04 93.837 305,8065R01HL115148-02 93.837 312,8842R01HL053793-19A1 93.837 320,3221U01HL116323-01 93.837 343,1925R01HL111504-03 93.837 349,5365T32HL007950-13 93.837 352,8445R01HL085416-09 93.837 354,6935U34HL105285-03 93.837 378,3745R01HL084438-05 93.837 381,7232R01HL091013-06A1 93.837 387,4135R01HL094784-05 93.837 393,032

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 2R01HL064793-13A1 93.837 395,750

5R01HL081642-05 93.837 398,1575R01HL114703-03 93.837 425,0345R01HL083895-08 93.837 431,3595R01HL114820-02 93.837 440,7255R01HL051014-21 93.837 463,4665R01HL062289-16 93.837 473,0725R01HL081190-10 93.837 477,0405R01HL036003-29 93.837 481,2135R01HL109455-04 93.837 496,8555R01HL106815-06 93.837 506,6845R01HL085757-08 93.837 541,2805R01HL086418-07 93.837 582,8745R01HL112992-02 93.837 603,7495R18HL108788-02 93.837 623,7165R01HL084619-09 93.837 629,6985R01HL113352-02 93.837 717,9425U01HL105270-04 93.837 1,090,9635P01HL107205-03 93.837 1,676,6015R01HL115295-02 93.837 2,357,1212T35HL007649-26 93.838 -15,5085R01HL079328-08 93.838 -1,4041U01HL112702-01 93.838 -1745R01HL095390-04 93.838 -605R01HL084520-05 93.838 95T32HL07778-18 93.838 6395K08HL093362-06 93.838 10,4795U01HL112702-03 93.838 25,3381F32HL120568-01 93.838 54,5715U01HL108638-02 93.838 55,9485R01HL105635-04 93.838 56,0935T35HL007649-28 93.838 64,1965R01HL093017-04 93.838 68,6485R01HL073742-09 93.838 86,3245U01HL108638-03 93.838 96,8665K08HL093288-06 93.838 101,7505R01HL071595-09 93.838 119,8935R01HL105635-03 93.838 126,6015K08HL103770-05 93.838 130,5385U01HL112702-02 93.838 135,0785K08HL089351-05 93.838 143,2285R01HL098220-04 93.838 162,8707U01HL108642-03 93.838 226,4525T35HL007649-27 93.838 230,235

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 5R01HL120465-02 93.838 243,305

5U01HL111016-03 93.838 294,8355R01HL109233-03 93.838 357,9585R01HL118419-02 93.838 358,9395R01HL085103-05 93.838 387,0855U01HL111016-02 93.838 410,3925T32HL007778-19 93.838 415,0185R01HL113005-02 93.838 455,0455R01HL093004-05 93.838 493,8095R01HL118346-02 93.838 518,5195R01HL116235-03 93.838 557,1335R01HL116742-02 93.838 1,002,1852T32HL007974-11 93.839 -2,7291F31HL117597-01A1 93.839 26,3155T32HL007974-13 93.839 40,7797R01HL104070-04S 93.839 91,1625K08HL103847-05 93.839 139,3665R01HL028560-27 93.839 208,8825R01HL117855-02 93.839 235,5395R01HL074190-09 93.839 244,7185R01HL065448-12 93.839 268,8395T32HL007974-12 93.839 293,7675R01HL109599-04 93.839 329,1827R01HL104070-04 93.839 342,5215R01HL083072-09 93.839 355,5135R01HL063776-14 93.839 427,9835R01HL108430-04 93.839 441,4005R01HL115247-02 93.839 470,7695R01HL106184-04 93.839 538,9225R01HL075092-10 93.839 554,9685T32AR007107-33 93.846 -9605R01AR041032-16 93.846 145T32AR007016-39 93.846 1625T32AR007107-36 93.846 2,7115T32AR007107-38 93.846 30,8425R21AR062842-02 93.846 33,3005F32AR063574-02 93.846 45,3365R01AR049610-11 93.846 65,6505R21AR061631-02 93.846 66,1725R01AR044077-16 93.846 84,5295R03AR061529-03 93.846 96,2915K24AR060231-04 93.846 131,2912P30AR053495-06 93.846 131,7215R21AR062764-02 93.846 132,399

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 5R21AR061818-02 93.846 132,600

2R01AR049610-12 93.846 136,1105R21AR062211-02 93.846 141,0205T32AR007107-39 93.846 195,0295R21AR063787-02 93.846 196,1425T32AR007016-40 93.846 228,7195R21AR063942-02 93.846 232,1325R01AR050498-10 93.846 270,0165R01AR060295-04 93.846 302,6995R01AR060322-04 93.846 321,6775R01AR063663-03 93.846 361,1605R01AR040072-25 93.846 376,3495R01AR059687-04 93.846 397,9665R01AR062111-03 93.846 426,4615P30AR046032-15 93.846 442,4145P30AR053495-07 93.846 583,5085U24DK059635-07 93.847 -18,7543R01DK057846-10S1 93.847 -1,8225R01DK075776-05 93.847 -9165T32DK007276-35 93.847 -4855R01DK065109-09 93.847 -4625R01DK077065-05 93.847 -1542T32DK007017-36 93.847 -1452U01DK85466-06 93.847 695R01DK076674-05 93.847 2195F32DK091042-02 93.847 3415R01DK075772-05 93.847 4595F32DK091172-02 93.847 9005R37DK025636-36 93.847 1,8695K12DK094714-02 93.847 2,5775R37DK027044-37 93.847 2,6985T32DK007058-38 93.847 2,7453R01DK077065-05S1 93.847 2,9655R03DK088166-02 93.847 2,9905T32DK007356-34 93.847 3,8191R25DK101408-01 93.847 4,0141F30DK102333-01 93.847 6,4705F30DK093198-02 93.847 9,0873U01DK062429-10S1 93.847 9,1031R01DK098492-01A1 93.847 12,8585R01DK082700-04 93.847 14,0011T32DK097718-01 93.847 14,4835U01DK062422-13 93.847 16,0925K08DK080142-05 93.847 22,272

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 1F31DK100145-01 93.847 23,983

3P30DK079310-05S1 93.847 24,1125U01DK062429-13 93.847 31,5485R01DK077905-05 93.847 35,6375R01DK061747-09 93.847 37,8721R03DK101847-01 93.847 37,9653R37DK025636-37S1 93.847 38,1325R24DK085638-04 93.847 40,7592R01DK057846-11A1 93.847 41,8915F30DK098927-02 93.847 45,9352U01DK062422-12 93.847 46,5035F30DK094480-03 93.847 47,2691R03DK100709-01 93.847 49,3345K08DK078623-05 93.847 50,0635F32DK096793-02 93.847 50,0915F32DK097903-02 93.847 50,6352R56DK076674-06 93.847 50,7703T32DK007058-39S1 93.847 51,2502R01DK054021-14A1 93.847 51,3837R01DK041544-21 93.847 51,6751R01DK093771-01A1 93.847 52,1525F32DK091014-03 93.847 58,4031R01DK099504-01A1 93.847 58,7541T32DK101019-01 93.847 68,1105U24DK059635-09 93.847 75,5645R21DK094701-02 93.847 83,7585K01DK082982-05 93.847 84,8865K99DK093711-02 93.847 89,0415R37DK020495-36 93.847 90,9815K01DK089121-05 93.847 97,5925R01DK062289-09 93.847 100,1181K23DK098286-01A1 93.847 113,3525R01DK098824-02 93.847 115,0325T32DK097718-02 93.847 115,4427K08DK084204-06 93.847 117,0315K23DK092279-03 93.847 125,0275K01DK099402-02 93.847 129,7105K24KD070052-09 93.847 129,8495K08HL095654-05 93.847 135,7005U01DK082185-05 93.847 135,9415P30DK079310-05 93.847 137,4595K08DK090104-03 93.847 140,7765R01DK084065-04 93.847 149,1325K01DK089006-04 93.847 151,132

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 5K08DK092281-03 93.847 155,646

1DP3DK101122-01 93.847 158,8085K08DK082618-04 93.847 164,3185R01DK084052-04 93.847 164,9055T32DK063703-10 93.847 176,0505R01DK090556-05 93.847 178,8975R01DK092235-02 93.847 181,5142R56DK025387-31A1 93.847 182,5575R01DK092661-02 93.847 187,9835T32DK007356-35 93.847 189,2495K24DK090203-03 93.847 198,2925R01DK099097-02 93.847 221,3085R01DK077065-07 93.847 223,0755R01DK100858-02 93.847 227,2345P30DK034989-29 93.847 235,2575U01DK085466-05 93.847 245,9645R01DK100592-02 93.847 253,4692R01DK082700-05 93.847 260,0615R01DK096096-02 93.847 262,9392R01DK079005-06 93.847 276,6745R01DK081594-05 93.847 287,0205R01DK054053-08 93.847 308,4375R01DK088181-04 93.847 310,6965R01DK099315-02 93.847 311,8505R01DK071754-08 93.847 318,9075R01DK086267-04 93.847 326,9705R01DK055501-14 93.847 331,3645R01DK083294-05 93.847 336,0035R01DK092882-03 93.847 343,0301R01DK097566-01A1 93.847 344,4345R01DK092808-03 93.847 362,9092U01DK082185-06 93.847 363,9905K12DK094714-03 93.847 371,2155R01DK087844-04 93.847 373,7045R01DK092606-03 93.847 374,1522U01DK062429-12 93.847 381,3965T32DK007017-37 93.847 388,8455R01DK082600-05 93.847 397,7205R01DK040936-26 93.847 399,4745R01DK085577-05 93.847 403,1262T32DK007276-36 93.847 406,9335R01DK093629-02 93.847 410,1355T32DK007058-39 93.847 423,6265R01DK089098-04 93.847 463,690

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 5R01DK093924-02 93.847 464,348

5R01DK094934-02 93.847 482,8655R01DK090489-04 93.847 493,5955R01DK098994-02 93.847 505,8945R01DK045710-20 93.847 505,9125R37DK033793-31 93.847 535,8585R01DK096549-02 93.847 574,4935R01DK049230-15 93.847 578,1142R01DK020495-37 93.847 629,5505R01DK099039-02 93.847 655,5515R01DK093770-02 93.847 701,7035R01DK085618-05 93.847 767,9745U24DK059635-08 93.847 808,1292P30DK079310-06 93.847 809,2325R01DK072614-24 93.847 952,4535P30DK034989-30 93.847 1,044,1154R37DK025636-37 93.847 1,047,1685R24DK085638-04 93.847 1,297,7765P30DK090744-04 93.847 1,394,0632P30DK045735-21 93.847 1,526,7725P01DK057751-14 93.847 1,665,6565R01DK054021-13 93.848 -1665R01DK073542-05 93.848 27,5655R01DK049587-15 93.848 128,3795K23DK080132-05 93.849 112,9745U01NS044876-08 93.853 -402,3295U01NS044876-07 93.853 -235,4151R21NS079306-01A1 93.853 -79,2575R01NS064963-05 93.853 -33,4725T32NS041228-12 93.853 -2,6975R21NS072575-02 93.853 -2,2945R01NS028695-22 93.853 -4415R25NS079193-03 93.853 -4125P01NS047399-08 93.853 -1483R01NS021501-25S1 93.853 1495T32NS007224-28 93.853 1,0105F30NS071628-03 93.853 6,394R01NS036251-12S1 93.853 8,6863T32NS007224-28S1 93.853 10,9245F31NS077540-03 93.853 14,8135K08NS058674-05 93.853 17,8785R01NS039475-13 93.853 18,0143R01NS054273-09S1 93.853 18,7861R21NS083783-01A1 93.853 19,390

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 1R21NS088411-01 93.853 19,423

5R00NS062128-05 93.853 19,8407R21NS077858-03 93.853 21,1421F31NS086434-01 93.853 21,3965F31NS078861-02 93.853 21,7595F31NS081953-02 93.853 22,7631R21NS088854-01 93.853 23,7995F31NS081811-02 93.853 24,5595R01NS084911-02 93.853 25,1225R21NS075706-02 93.853 25,3435F31NS080628-02 93.853 26,5012R56NS064967-03 93.853 27,5132R56NS057725-05A1 93.853 28,1255R01NS021501-28 93.853 28,2363R01NS026143-27S1 93.853 28,4071R56NS081217-01A1 93.853 34,2591R01NS083706-01A1 93.853 45,3695R01NS060750-05 93.853 45,8425R01NS070824-05S1 93.853 50,1005F32NS077723-03 93.853 52,3335F32NS077816-02 93.853 53,9404R37NS036251-18 93.853 56,4361R21NS087511-01 93.853 58,1155R01NS012674-33 93.853 59,6425R01NS068407-04 93.853 70,5363R01NS076558-03S1 93.853 74,3155R21NS074022-02 93.853 109,3931R01NS087568-01 93.853 115,3783R25NS079193-02S2 93.853 120,8975R01NS056181-05 93.853 127,2845R01NS045876-10 93.853 136,0861R01NS081746-01A1 93.853 140,6455P30NS052519-05 93.853 148,7541R21NS082667-01A1 93.853 156,0595R01NS064129-04 93.853 162,8105R21NS084024-02 93.853 167,7435P01NS047399-09 93.853 168,8865K08NS069667-04 93.853 171,6801R01NS083846-01A1 93.853 187,0975R01NS074319-04 93.853 197,3221R21NS085776-01 93.853 213,5555R37NS036251-17 93.853 215,6595T32NS0007224-29 93.853 216,3165R01NS066974-04 93.853 225,443

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 1R01NS085078-01 93.853 227,111

5R01NS026143-28 93.853 228,4865P01NS062686-04 93.853 234,1011R01NS084911-01 93.853 243,2445R01NS057756-08 93.853 245,0765R01NS080388-03 93.853 257,8041U01NS084495-01A1 93.853 262,7345R01NS062731-05 93.853 275,1615R01NS056443-09 93.853 284,5525R01NS054273-09 93.853 286,1292R01NS028695-23A1 93.853 292,3635R21NS081786-02 93.853 298,6115R01NS048476-10 93.853 326,6531R01NS086329-01 93.853 329,9945R01NS070824-05 93.853 336,1075R01NS062885-06 93.853 337,6565R01NS011613-38 93.853 340,3115R01NS076558-03 93.853 344,4075R01NS079955-02 93.853 352,4422R56NS055035-06 93.853 354,2625R01NS064129-04 93.853 364,0755R01NS031651-20 93.853 367,3812P30NS052519-06A1 93.853 367,9945R01NS055829-07 93.853 376,9715R01NS071837-05 93.853 397,4125T32NS041228-13 93.853 450,9125R01NS014624-35 93.853 494,4705R01NS067023-05 93.853 504,3425R01NS057756-07 93.853 526,5375R01NS053865-05 93.853 528,9195R01NS035193-16 93.853 631,6615R01NS046521-09 93.853 633,2905R01NS036918-17 93.853 633,5615R33NS079306-03 93.853 787,7385P01NS047399-10 93.853 789,2285R01NS014841-35 93.853 872,7435P01NS062686-05 93.853 1,186,7725U01NS044876-09 93.853 1,630,9565U01NS044876-10 93.853 3,989,8415R01AI075133-05 93.855 -13,2895R21AI088484-02 93.855 -10,1285R21AI088079-02 93.855 -6,8005R01AI032947-20 93.855 -5,6105R01AI080850-04 93.855 -5,572

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 5F32AI 094905-02 93.855 -4,395

1F32AI096718-01A1 93.855 -4,1195R21AI077603-02 93.855 -3,2025R21AI088312-02 93.855 -1,8825R01AI067034-06 93.855 -1,3155R01AI075133-05S 93.855 -8655T32AI 007174-28 93.855 -6623R01AI054359-08S1 93.855 -4691R56AI084964-01A1 93.855 -4695F32AI093056-02 93.855 -3695R01AI068814-05 93.855 -2865K22AI089969-02 93.855 -855R01AI075157-05 93.855 -95R01AI066232-08 93.855 1645F32AI091024-03 93.855 2765F32A1093023-03 93.855 5,9645T32AI007640-12 93.855 8,2595K08AI078533-05 93.855 9,0611R01AI101441-01A1 93.855 9,2525U01AI088752-05 93.855 9,2735T32A1007517-12 93.855 10,1825R03AI092379-02 93.855 11,1245R01AI043594-14 93.855 12,9601R01AI110452-01 93.855 15,4121R01AI104739-01A1 93.855 16,2145R01AI085798-04 93.855 16,8601R21AI109163-01A1 93.855 17,2272T32AI007210-31 93.855 17,4575R01AI084958-05 93.855 18,5275T32AI055403-10 93.855 19,3055T32AI007174-32 93.855 19,8253U01AI088752-03S1 93.855 21,6805R21AI096017-02 93.855 22,8961R21AI103807-01A1 93.855 25,2745T32AI089704-03 93.855 25,4255R37AI049200-13S 93.855 25,8792T32AI007404-21 93.855 27,6611R21AI109263-01 93.855 27,9001R21AI101525-01 93.855 31,1315R21AI094615-02 93.855 31,5925F32AI094791-02 93.855 38,9131R21AI109410-01A1 93.855 40,1075F32AI104334-02 93.855 47,7125R01AI073722-05 93.855 48,270

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 5R21AI094059-02 93.855 51,085

5R03AI092184-02 93.855 51,6285R01AI068932-05 93.855 54,3275R01AI075051-04 93.855 54,4735R33A1078831-05 93.855 56,0132T32Al007019-37 93.855 57,1913R01AI074699-05S 93.855 60,2035R03AI106444-02 93.855 63,9105R21AI095848-02 93.855 64,0695R37AI041699-19S2 93.855 69,4061R21AI110776-01 93.855 71,2561R21AI102802-01A1 93.855 76,6141U01AI102011-01 93.855 78,8725T32AI007210-32 93.855 79,8791R01AI110325-01 93.855 80,5185R01AI043603-15 93.855 81,2627R01AI075025-06 93.855 81,6185U01AI088752-04S 93.855 82,1895R03AI099625-02 93.855 90,2462R01A1068932-06 93.855 90,5705R37AI040357-17 93.855 95,7331R56AI098996-01 93.855 98,7435K08AI103036-02 93.855 101,3065R01AI084140-04 93.855 106,6291R56AI089789-01A1 93.855 109,4055R21Al102756-02 93.855 113,9305R21AI098142-02 93.855 114,9835R03AI105734-02 93.855 119,7755R01AI056333-10 93.855 121,5825R21AI097847-02 93.855 122,8945K08AI085038-05 93.855 123,7255K23AI089260-04 93.855 124,1445T32AI089704-04 93.855 129,6065R01AI 082030-05 93.855 130,6495T32AI007174-33 93.855 136,2625R01AI082295-05 93.855 140,0055R01AI054359-10 93.855 141,3505R21AI096999-02 93.855 142,2152R56AI045510-12 93.855 143,9875K08AI095318-05 93.855 148,3485R21AI101456-02 93.855 151,1285R21AI097695-03 93.855 153,7485R21AI100191-02 93.855 160,2035R21AI094525-02 93.855 161,804

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 5R21AI097756-02 93.855 172,366

5T32A1007517-13 93.855 173,6485U19AI089992-03 93.855 175,9561R56A1106922-01 93.855 176,5442R56AI064559-06A1 93.855 183,6842T32AI007640-11A1 93.855 184,3175R01AI079222-04 93.855 187,7695U01AI088752-03 93.855 191,3125R21AI107067-02 93.855 192,1355R01AI084096-04 93.855 193,9475R01AI076259-04 93.855 196,3945R21AI097767-02 93.855 199,1754R37AI026109-26 93.855 200,5715R21AI107957-02 93.855 203,5465T32AI007404-22 93.855 207,8335R21AI098108-02 93.855 208,8325R01AI042236-16 93.855 211,3445R21AI094104-02 93.855 214,5905R21AI101704-02 93.855 218,6321R01AI108829-01 93.855 221,8687R56AI105097-02 93.855 248,2485R01AI055502-10 93.855 248,5325R21AI100696-02 93.855 252,2115R01AI091568-05 93.855 271,7875R37AI026109-25 93.855 272,2265R01AI083146-04 93.855 273,4845R01AI041440-15 93.855 291,3875R01AI059167-10 93.855 293,1845R21AI101918-02 93.855 297,0735R01AI052473-11 93.855 299,9685R01AI074699-05 93.855 302,0395R21AI107150-02 93.855 313,5845R01AI048120-10 93.855 314,0895R01AI085798-05 93.855 317,2115R01AI044616-16 93.855 319,4585R01AI080781-04 93.855 331,5785R01AI071087-08 93.855 341,2705R01AI038204-20 93.855 345,9325R01AI097218-03 93.855 358,2015R01AI102876-02 93.855 363,4755R01AI097064-04 93.855 368,8695R01AI081774-05 93.855 374,6925R37A1046688-14 93.855 388,4455R37AI032524-23 93.855 388,952

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 5R01AI089824-04 93.855 398,539

5R01Al097206-03 93.855 403,5775R37AI049200-14 93.855 406,1015R01AI048770-14 93.855 409,8905T32Al007019-38 93.855 411,0675R01AI042310-16 93.855 411,4265R01AI101112-03 93.855 415,6075R01AI087925-05 93.855 435,8685R01AI089771-05 93.855 439,0235R01AI081825-04 93.855 439,8155R37AI041699-19 93.855 445,7062R01AI066232-10 93.855 449,8095R01A1073904-06 93.855 466,5545R01AI062428-09 93.855 470,1765R01AI051584-10 93.855 470,9925R01AI064705-09 93.855 484,6355U01AI088752-04 93.855 498,5715R01AI081884-05 93.855 503,3345U19AI082713-05 93.855 516,7305R01AI089826-05 93.855 614,2465U01AI102011-02 93.855 624,9805R01AI049561-23 93.855 636,9921R56AI105409-01 93.855 639,6085R01AI093775-04 93.855 661,9055R01AI102778-02 93.855 663,6225R01AI030492-26 93.855 679,5375R01AI068041-08 93.855 696,0035R01AI055472-21 93.855 702,3135R37AI028798-25 93.855 743,0065P01AI039671-18 93.855 1,905,5315U19AI089992-04 93.855 2,612,3965R01GM 026338-34 93.859 -4,3015R01GM088240-04 93.859 -1,9765R01GM065835-09 93.859 -1855T32GM086287-04 93.859 95T32GM008283-25 93.859 2,2162T32GM007499-36 93.859 3,6105F31GM096733-02 93.859 4,2385T32GM007223-38 93.859 4,3815F32GM099334-02 93.859 5,5975F32GM100521-02 93.859 6,0053R01GM100411-03S1 93.859 6,3365R01GM057814-12 93.859 8,0601F32GM108411-01A1 93.859 12,408

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 1R21GM109466-01 93.859 13,624

1R01GM106121-01A1 93.859 13,8391R25GM104553-01A1 93.859 14,7951R01GM107092-01A1 93.859 15,3141F32GM108296-01 93.859 19,3721K99GM110121-01 93.859 20,3335F32GM095018-03 93.859 24,0585F32GM101778-02 93.859 25,0285F32GM096516-03 93.859 30,0245R01GM101209-02 93.859 30,2505R01GM014642-45 93.859 31,0054R01GM099563-03 93.859 37,1751R01GM107385-01A1 93.859 38,0465F32GM101777-02 93.859 39,6881R01GM109487-01A1 93.859 41,9041R01GM108663-01 93.859 42,8795F32GM106628-02 93.859 45,8015R01GM061221-13 93.859 46,8555F32GM097794-03 93.859 49,4173R01GM102815-02S1 93.859 50,4325F32GM099289-03 93.859 54,0181R01GM105772-01A1 93.859 54,9245F32GM101808-03 93.859 55,9131R01GM110530-01 93.859 63,0043R01GM097194-03S1 93.859 63,1741R01GM110386-01 93.859 68,8123R01GM053756-17S1 93.859 71,1065U01GM087719-04 93.859 72,5001T32GM100884-01A1 93.859 73,6985U01GM105627-02 93.859 76,6735R37GM047850-22 93.859 87,9245R01GM069559-12S1 93.859 123,8734R37GM046904-24 93.859 125,9231R01GM108954-01 93.859 154,5065R01GM063276-12 93.859 172,5535T32GM086287-05 93.859 173,1692R01GM081602-06A1 93.859 186,8201R01GM098498-01A1 93.859 191,1385R01GM052581-17 93.859 191,2295R37GM046904-23 93.859 196,7045R01GM090000-04 93.859 210,0445R01GM026132-37 93.859 217,5645R21GM103487-03 93.859 219,9975R01GM094944-04 93.859 224,010

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 5R37GM068649-13 93.859 224,920

5R01GM095658-04 93.859 229,1425R01GM068600-12 93.859 237,3351U01GM105627-01 93.859 240,0935R01GM072194-09 93.859 247,1685R01GM053756-19 93.859 249,5275R01GM099990-03 93.859 250,4835R01GM100283-03 93.859 259,8265R01GM026154-44 93.859 273,3155R01GM054839-16 93.859 274,8785R01GM095766-03 93.859 276,4575R01GM102251-03 93.859 276,6695R01GM080616-07 93.859 277,2825R01GM094693-04 93.859 279,5985R01GM074756-08 93.859 281,9905R01GM065835-11 93.859 284,2205R01GM106189-02 93.859 284,6577R01GM065313-09 93.859 285,8355R00GM097096-04 93.859 293,1165R01GM102869-02 93.859 294,2055R01GM105672-02 93.859 295,2895R01GM050313-19 93.859 297,1635R01GM105947-02 93.859 301,2595R01GM059507-14 93.859 302,8325R01GM098931-04 93.859 306,3325R01GM093341-04 93.859 312,2455R01GM105718-02 93.859 316,7675R01GM104047-02 93.859 332,9195T32GM007324-37 93.859 338,6195R01GM103574-02 93.859 342,3695R01GM057814-14 93.859 343,7265R01GM101044-02 93.859 345,5505R01GM101136-02 93.859 346,6465R01GM095532-03 93.859 352,5885R01GM095982-03 93.859 355,2685R01GM083257-06 93.859 358,0735R01GM102262-03 93.859 358,9835R01GM102815-02 93.859 363,7675R01GM097348-03 93.859 365,8952R01GM061221-14 93.859 373,9272R01GM014642-46A1 93.859 375,2885R01GM096403-04 93.859 379,4042T32GM067543-11 93.859 387,5085R01GM032136-32 93.859 392,629

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Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 5R01GM054051-18 93.859 399,097

5R01GM103789-02 93.859 400,4565R01GM083050-07 93.859 402,5095R01GM047214-24 93.859 408,9375R01GM100411-03 93.859 413,4675R01GM097194-03 93.859 414,3445R01GM073863-08 93.859 416,7415R01GM057510-16 93.859 419,8005R01GM099563-02 93.859 434,2285R01GM069559-12 93.859 438,1065R01GM026338-36 93.859 438,5765R01GM101108-03 93.859 441,9415U01GM087719-05 93.859 455,6295R01GM105246-02 93.859 460,6215R01GM100930-02 93.859 461,9312T32GM008283-26 93.859 473,5605R01GM099801-03 93.859 485,1985R01GM073857-08 93.859 508,4375R01GM094780-04 93.859 516,3525R01GM049551-22 93.859 560,2505T32GM007499-37 93.859 591,1675R01GM099149-04 93.859 600,2755R01GM043301-24 93.859 665,3305R01GM071458-10 93.859 728,7085P01GM066311-10 93.859 1,180,0605P01GM022778-38 93.859 1,304,6735R01GM022854-39 93.859 1,522,7265T32GM007223-39 93.859 1,602,6235T32GM007205-39 93.859 2,105,1465U10HD055925-05 93.864 660,7935P50HD25802-15 93.865 -42,9565R01HD046171-05 93.865 -5,4725T32HD068201-02 93.865 -1,8275P01HD003008-42 93.865 1,5192U10HD055925-06 93.865 1,9335T32HD007094-36 93.865 2,2295U10HD027871-22 93.865 2,9925F32HD063233-03 93.865 10,2575T32HD007149-35 93.865 12,5755K23HD058072-03 93.865 14,5395R21HD071884-02 93.865 14,7925R37HD023922-26 93.865 18,9573K02HD070324-02S1 93.865 20,4375T32HD068201-04 93.865 31,100

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Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 5T32HD007149-37 93.865 31,500

5T32HD007094-38 93.865 34,7915U54HD052668-05 93.865 53,0935F32HD071697-03 93.865 54,7245R21HD076603-02 93.865 62,0415K02HD070324-04 93.865 62,3331R01HD076248-01A1 93.865 65,8985R21HD066230-02 93.865 84,6871R21HD071873-01A1 93.865 85,1705K12HD001401-13 93.865 90,6835R25HD072591-03 93.865 91,4691K99HD071968-01A1 93.865 101,2865K12HD047018-09 93.865 107,6085R21HD073768-02 93.865 112,5975T32HD068201-03 93.865 128,6395K12HD001401-14 93.865 129,9295K08HD071010-02 93.865 136,4921R21HD076173-01A1 93.865 155,7095R21HD072532-02 93.865 176,2575T32HD007094-37 93.865 185,7325R01HD028016-19 93.865 201,8615R21HD070594-02 93.865 225,5822T32HD007149-36 93.865 270,2285R01HD075822-02 93.865 287,8015R01HD059909-04 93.865 301,9945R01HD049446-09 93.865 306,9775K12HD047018-10 93.865 341,1835R01HD072120-02 93.865 351,0035R01HD040787-15 93.865 359,3915U01HD050062-06 93.865 360,9235R01HD067517-03 93.865 365,9805R37HD042012-12 93.865 385,2815U10HD055925-05 93.865 390,1885R01HD070740-04 93.865 432,8765R01HD074078-03 93.865 473,3205R01HD057947-05 93.865 499,4305R01HD074253-03 93.865 506,7542U10HD055925-06 93.865 567,3455R01HD076422-03 93.865 589,0615R01HD057834-05 93.865 615,8995R01HD062080-05 93.865 723,8965P01HD054713-05 93.865 793,4055R01HD070821-03 93.865 996,3725P01AG028054-05 93.866 -12,166

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 1K08AG042825-01 93.866 -6,501

5T32AG019134-12 93.866 -2,7521R21AG033130-01A2 93.866 -2,2195R21AG034495-02 93.866 3431R03AG046941-01 93.866 6085F31AG039163-02 93.866 2,2065P30AG021342-10 93.866 2,5681F31AG046965-01 93.866 12,1795R01AG028069-05 93.866 12,7315K23AG030986-05 93.866 17,8165K24AG021507-10 93.866 19,0995R03AG035146-02 93.866 19,2385K24AG028443-05 93.866 22,5435F31AG043242-02 93.866 24,8255T32AG019134-14 93.866 28,3525R03AG040653-02 93.866 36,7935K08AG032886-05 93.866 40,2165R01AG033921-10 93.866 46,9321K07AG043587-01A1 93.866 60,6681K01AG044435-01A1 93.866 64,7777R01AG031797-06 93.866 66,1735K99AG042487-02 93.866 68,4815R03AG042358-02 93.866 71,4745K02AG033049-05 93.866 76,8585K23AG028691-05 93.866 88,0605K07AG030093-04 93.866 92,0602R01AG033921-11 93.866 101,5565K01AG042450-02 93.866 120,7515K08AG038336-04 93.866 154,8935R01AG030575-05 93.866 157,7475R21AG037791-02 93.866 158,4685K24AG042489-02 93.866 163,7575R21AG043702-02 93.866 165,2965R21AG045148-02 93.866 175,2105T32AG019134-13 93.866 181,1737P30AG034420-05 93.866 181,2205R01AG045712-02 93.866 195,1835R01AG023686-10 93.866 205,9205R01AG034924-04 93.866 225,5495R21AG041383-02 93.866 226,9365P01AG030004-05 93.866 242,1821R21AG043747-01A1 93.866 247,2305R01AG047632-15 93.866 343,0095R01AG043608-03 93.866 345,956

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 5R01AG028082-08 93.866 396,157

5R01AG040236-03 93.866 423,4655R01AG033406-05 93.866 433,0545R37AG009253-23 93.866 477,5105R01AG034953-04 93.866 506,8945R01AG043430-02 93.866 578,4925R01AG041153-03 93.866 751,1082P30AG021342-11 93.866 879,5475R37AG017560-15 93.866 883,0607P01AG031093-06 93.866 992,0391T32EY022312-01 93.867 -8335R01EY015788-09S1 93.867 10,3085T32EY022312-03 93.867 16,5395R00EY019355-05 93.867 39,1545T32EY022312-02 93.867 61,0695R01EY010894-16 93.867 68,1995R01EY015788-09 93.867 110,5095R21EY023038-02 93.867 132,9695R01EY014454-10 93.867 172,1262R01EY014454-11 93.867 201,5925R01EY021195-03 93.867 319,8395R01EY022951-02 93.867 339,4985R01EY017353-08 93.867 365,0835R01EY023105-02 93.867 400,4945R01EY021502-03 93.867 421,5435R01EY014990-11 93.867 451,4755R01LM009956-03 93.879 83,2225R01LM010142-04 93.879 345,9606H97HA24963-02-01 93.928 352,8985R03TW008755-03 93.989 14,9692D43TW006589-11A1 93.989 17,6713R01TW008274-05S1 93.989 20,2685R03TW009444-02 93.989 28,1355D43TW007864-05 93.989 56,8845R03TW008413-03 93.989 59,9575D43TW006589-10 93.989 66,7243D43TW006589-10S 93.989 70,3975D43TW007391-05 93.989 74,6205R03TW008709-03 93.989 80,3435R01TW008274-05 93.989 84,2495D34TW007391-07 93.989 116,1327K01TW008764-04 93.989 118,7395D43TW009087-03 93.989 136,9515D43TW008323-05 93.989 205,829

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect (continued): 5R25TW007700-04 93.989 206,376

5R01TW009504-02 93.989 556,1475D43TW001028-14 93.989 581,059Subtotal - Department of Health & Human Services - Direct 364,522,369

Passed-through: University of California-San Francisco 1 ITN 1041-00sc 93. -139,550University of Colorado PO#1000160713/FY13.601.002Amd1 93. 8Oregon Health Science Univiversity S1313 93. 26Regents of the University of California 106551 93. 397University of Michigan S1203 93. 1,023Pro-Change Behavior Systems, Inc. Pro-Change 93. 1,060Duke University LRRC-Duke 93. 1,320Harvard School of Public Health 11-009 93. 2,274University of Michigan S1014 93. 2,815University of Pittsburgh 0019737-1 93. 3,300University of Michigan S1207-SWOG 93. 4,442University of Michigan SWOG 1216 93. 4,940Brigham & Women's Hospital PCORI 93. 6,060University of Michigan MA.32 93. 7,120Fordham Univ RET MRP 93. 7,907American College of Radiology ARRA ACRIN 4701 93. 8,600Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc. ARRA 13XS167 93. 8,870HYPRES, Inc. HYP-N00014-12-M0389 93. 8,951American College of Radiology 4470 93. 9,218Duke University 178785 93. 13,888Institute for Community Research 1R01DA031594 93. 14,522Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 0000787595 93. 16,219HealthPartners Institute For Education & Research 85285270 X1223700 93. 17,047Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation PO PG490172/0204-05 93. 21,562Pharmaseq, Inc. DB1/721656879 93. 22,471Duke University NINDS 93. 22,864University of South Florida PO 0000139692 93. 24,860University of Michigan NSABP B-47 93. 25,951Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc. # 14x080 93. 27,361Education Development Center, Inc. Family-Based Recovery 93. 28,657University of California-San Diego 48093933 93. 29,743Mount Sinai School of Medicine 0258-3461/200-2011-41919 93. 31,582University of Richmond PA-10-070 93. 33,534New England Research Institute U01HL098188-CHD GENES 93. 39,059Feinstein Institute for Medical Research PO GRT 286093a 93. 39,852Dartmouth College Subcontractor #1B 93. 41,813Texas A&M Research Foundation 99-S090060 93. 42,423Immunetics, Inc. Human Babesia 93. 43,408Harvard University School of Medicine 150122.50501713 93. 43,679

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesPassed-through(continued): University of California-San Diego PO 10291069-004 93. 44,697

Columbia University 11 (GG006382) 93. 56,158Epic Sciences, Inc. 2713284 93. 65,845Research Triangle Institute 1 U10HD27871 93. 71,281Connecticut Women's Education & Legal Fund 1 93. 74,639American Federation For Aging Research 5 93. 75,630Children's Hospital of Philadelphia PO 960236RSUB 93. 85,276Columbia University 11 (GG006382) 93. 90,093Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc. 13XS002 93. 107,708Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene PO# 97234 93. 120,808Northern Illinois University PO#127827 93. 121,930McLean Hospital McLean # 400579 93. 122,230Harvard University School of Medicine 150122.50501713 93. 126,732Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene PO 100351 93. 135,873Jaeb Center for Health Research Sub # U01 HD41890 93. 142,769Children's Hospital of Philadelphia FP-11347-02-02 PO#960985 RSUB 93. 144,601Columbia University 11 (GG006382) 93. 151,273Hartford Hospital #126265 93. 164,761Mount Sinai School of Medicine MSSM N0.0258/HHSN272201000054C 93. 172,546Wayne State University HHSN275201300006C/WSU14024 93. 186,115Duke University SPS 169427/203-0570 93. 189,394University of Colorado FY12.601.002 93. 198,260Columbia University 11 (GG006382) 93. 200,149Duke University 203-9699/HHSN2712012000061 93. 241,866Massachusetts General Hospital MGH # 220539 93. 256,585Brown University 1U01HL108683 93. 289,507Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital 901460-Yale 93. 509,414McLean Hospital McLean #400579 93. 613,640Philanjalo 01 93.067 4,829Philanjalo IPT 93.067 69,998University of Miami 66975K & PO#M175336-C0.01 93.103 4,990Village for Families & Children, Inc. SM061193 93.104 63,193Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth and Families SAMHSA/Sys.of Care 93.104 109,674Mount Sinai School of Medicine 0253-6542-4609 93.110 179University of Southern California #39386754 93.110 15,903Mount Sinai School of Medicine 0253-6542-4609 93.110 16,276University of New Hampshire 13-075 93.110 39,200Mount Sinai School of Medicine 0253-6542-4609 93.110 305,082Mount Sinai School of Medicine 0253-6542-4609 93.110 3,387,357Harvard School of Public Health 1144445071114 93.113 2,667Johns Hopkins University 2001368841 93.113 4,622University of Michigan 3002918113 93.113 12,683Regents of the University of California 00007161-PO#BB0054870 93.113 19,333

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesPassed-through(continued): Johns Hopkins University Sub 201196592 93.113 33,819

L2 Diagnostics, LLC 2R42ES018021-03 93.113 83,881Emory University S314465 93.113 119,828University of North Carolina Sub # 5-51495 93.121 127,355University of New Mexico 3RA80 93.161 10,472University of New Mexico 3RN25 93.161 32,536Stanford University 60172443-106232-B 93.172 25,050Wellcome Trust 2186-05 93.172 50,447University of Massachusetts 6145893/RFS2013073 93.172 117,361University of Washington 746384 93.172 165,495Stanford University 60172443-106232-B 93.172 167,852Wellcome Trust 2186-05 93.172 179,479Jackson Laboratories Sub#TBI / PO#201996 93.172 207,765University of Washington 755949 93.172 429,366University of Massachusetts WA00133055/RFS2014042 93.172 498,573SUNY POR894711_PTAEO1116094/3/67361 93.173 7,906Stanford University Sub # 23076860-42421-A 93.173 44,335Harvard University sub #152159.5029223.0002 93.173 75,094John B Pierce Laboratories SUB #232 93.173 216,802University of Massachusetts 6147130/RFS2013087 93.184 8,505The Rockefeller University 1R01AT007671-01 93.213 -358The Rockefeller University 5R01AT00767-02 93.213 248,895University of Pennsylvania 555694 93.226 1,361University of Pennsylvania 555694 93.226 4,643Cambridge Health Alliance 1R01HS021486-01A1 93.226 33,320Columbia University 1GG005274 93.233 25,655Connecticut Department of Public Health 2012-0167-Year 2 93.238 867,434Columbia University 12 (Acct.#GG005538) 93.242 -4,903Dartmouth College 1088 93.242 1,882Center for Psychological Consultation CPC 93.242 3,300Hunter College 41736A-4 93.242 4,000Columbia University 1 (GG006605) 93.242 6,276University of North Carolina P01MH094177 93.242 6,401Illinois Institute of Technology #SA380-0825-6157 93.242 9,739Texas Biomedical Research Institute 14-4232.002 93.242 11,946Northwestern University SP0017806-PROJ0004581 93.242 15,370Butler Hospital Yr 3 sub#9165-8321 93.242 18,311Hartford Hospital Acct # 126204 93.242 19,620Harvard School of Public Health 114073-5029954 93.242 19,852Prometheus Research, LLC PA-11-133 93.242 19,862University of California - San Francisco 7846sc 93.242 20,643Hartford Hospital Sub# 126192 93.242 23,161Butler Hospital 9141-8321 93.242 23,343

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesPassed-through(continued): Florida International University 204300545-01 93.242 24,216

New York University School of Medicine PO M130010330 93.242 28,718Florida International University 800002198-01 93.242 38,463New York University F7437-02 93.242 39,233Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island 9365 93.242 41,741The Rockefeller University 5P50MH090963 93.242 42,358New York University School of Medicine 12-01516/101446/PO M000066531 93.242 45,061Rutgers State University of New Jersey 4554 Mod 1/POS1600210 93.242 47,324Massachusetts General Hospital HHSN27100005 93.242 49,951New York University School of Medicine 12-01226/101435/PO M000066524 93.242 52,109Duke University Sub # 303-4362 93.242 53,349University of California - San Francisco 7818sc 93.242 57,355Johns Hopkins University PO 2001570223 93.242 57,366Columbia University GG06329 93.242 60,449New York University School of Medicine 12-01516/101446/PO M00006653 93.242 61,755University of Texas SW Medical Center PORGC-0000000059 #120913 93.242 65,080Emory University T087104 93.242 69,537University of North Carolina 5-34176 93.242 74,568University of California - San Francisco 6899sc 93.242 80,549Emory University T117235 93.242 85,715Duke University 12-NIH-1108 93.242 99,578Center for Social Innovation NIMH Phase 1 SBIR, 2013-Yale 93.242 100,718New York University School of Medicine 1202635;101663/POM130010330 93.242 106,191Mind Research Network Subaward #6169 SubN1 93.242 140,853SUNY Project 1087883/Award 54246 93.242 164,025Mount Sinai School of Medicine sub#0255-8152-4609 93.242 173,268Texas Biomedical Research Institute 12-4370.002 93.242 182,761UCLA 2000 G QA712 93.242 196,478The Rockefeller University 5P50MH090963-04 93.242 201,857Mount Sinai School of Medicine 0254-5741-4609 93.262 4,459Mount Sinai School of Medicine 0254-5742-4609 93.262 5,685The Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital 384 93.262 11,967CPWR-Center for Construction Research & Training 3004-010-01 93.262 27,596Stanford University Sub# 28915640-48844-A 93.262 31,809CPWR-Center for Construction Research & Training 3001-010-01 93.262 126,812University of Washington 756348 93.262 223,846Washington University 5R01OH008641 93.262 266,374New York University PO M130022864 93.273 6,889Indiana University IN4687232YALE 93.273 10,413Virginia Commonwealth University PT106380-SC102751 93.273 14,078Brown University 00000605 93.273 23,367University of North Carolina 5 33488 93.273 26,742New York University PO#M130022864;12-002329;101932 93.273 39,507

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Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesPassed-through(continued): Columbia University Sub#1 (GG007573)/PO#G04215 93.273 152,297

Brookhaven National Laboratories 144443 93.279 -4,259Stanford University Sub # 19960760-26345-C 93.279 -36Mount Sinai School of Medicine 0254-7665-4609 93.279 65Fordham Univ 5R25DA031608 93.279 486University of Connecticut Health Center UCHC6-41128672 93.279 3,796Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 0000743367 93.279 6,621Baylor College of Medicine 101818084 93.279 7,066CUNY 41821B 93.279 7,674American University 31196-01 93.279 8,042Baylor College of Medicine BCM 93.279 9,000Medical University of South Carolina MUSC 13-007 93.279 23,787Boston University Activity-0322801/PO10048677-S 93.279 33,851Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 0000771750 93.279 37,864University of North Carolina Sub # 5-51258 93.279 41,385George Mason University E2029921 93.279 43,347UCLA 1350GQC331 93.279 54,867University of Maryland College Park Z027801 93.279 69,047Columbia University 512131#6 93.279 76,456University of Connecticut PO#8098 KFS#5615070 93.279 79,191Columbia University Teachers College Sub # 512115 93.279 95,642Stanford University 60317528-26345-E 93.279 113,639The Rockefeller University 5P01DA10044-19 93.279 123,592University of Pennsylvania 562926 / PO# 3182837 93.279 163,078The Rockefeller University 5P01DA010044-18 93.279 226,575American University 31098-04 93.279 367,629University of North Carolina 5-30996 93.279 369,439Baylor College of Medicine 1U54DA036134-01 93.279 543,739Baylor College of Medicine PO#5600597202 93.279 583,210Research Foundation for SUNY 1064610-2-43354 93.281 115,610Connecticut Department of Public Health 2012-0167-Year 3 93.283 814,108Columbia University 1 (GG007773) 93.286 995University of Pittsburgh 0036866(123164-2) 93.286 13,268Columbia University Sub#3(GG007773-03)PO#G04464 93.286 40,657Columbia University 3 (GG007773-02)/PO#G04314 93.286 144,460American College of Radiology 1 U10CA 021661/#5712 93.295 28,487Axerion Therapeutics, Inc. Nogo 93.307 83,660Stanford University 60538603-33465 93.310 24,765Mount Sinai School of Medicine 0255-5681-4609 93.361 38,967Mount Sinai School of Medicine 0255-5681-4609 93.361 45,028Resonance Research, Inc R42EB015887-Year 2 93.371 3,739Duke University 203-1764 93.393 2,928University of Southern California PO# 10000584 93.393 3,863

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Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesPassed-through(continued): Emory University sub#S443003 93.393 5,578

University of Southern California H47766 93.393 6,339University of Washington 753964 93.393 12,430John B Pierce Laboratories 249 93.393 25,588University of Miami 1R01CA169043-02 93.393 29,926Johns Hopkins University 2001299281 93.393 31,721Massachusetts General Hospital 217238 93.393 32,029Moffitt Cancer Center 10-15915-04-05-G6 93.393 39,631Columbia University 2 (GG08335) 93.393 44,153University of Washington 753964 93.393 53,269Massachusetts General Hospital 217238 93.393 74,005Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories 6815127 93.393 97,885Dana Farber Cancer Institute 1197304 93.393 99,820University of Southern California 43362333 93.393 121,067New York University PO #M000008622 93.393 132,909University of California - San Francisco 6686sc 93.393 135,302Dana Farber Cancer Institute 1197305 93.393 182,071University of Miami 661289/PO#M178033 93.393 182,592Kaiser Foundation Research Institute 115-9568-1 93.393 240,066University of Hawaii KA0070 93.393 641,524Weill Medical College of Cornell University 12121723-2 PO 4100170568 93.394 10,831Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 0000776396 93.394 26,750Stanford University 60391439-110008-A 93.394 33,195University of Texas SW Medical Center GMO-111004/PO#RGC0000000273 93.394 48,816University of Rhode Island 071909/0002178/0002567/0002840 93.394 58,725University of Texas Health Science Center 155364 93.394 68,389Weill Medical College of Cornell University PO#4100213048/4100231199 93.394 146,265Dana Farber Cancer Institute 1189601 93.395 431Purdue University 4102-60867 93.395 2,067Michigan State University RC102513YU 93.395 8,136Foundation for Children's Oncology Group 19685 - 98543-1222-CCRN-COG 93.395 10,478Michigan State University RC102514YU 93.395 20,342Dana Farber Cancer Institute 1106507 93.395 23,360Vanderbilt University VUMC 39949 93.395 36,357Regents of the University of California Sub # 5517sc 93.395 42,262Oregon Health Science University 1004031_Yale 93.395 67,679L2 Diagnostics, LLC EGRF Peptides 93.395 73,232Gynecologic Oncology Group 267469-107 93.395 110,839Johns Hopkins University 2001346908 93.395 183,870Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute 57851-12240-YU-01 93.396 32,252University of Vermont 24160 93.396 42,447University of Wisconsin-Madison 341K095 93.396 61,368University of Colorado Proj 2-5-65447 FY14.570.001AMD 93.396 101,792

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Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesPassed-through(continued): Johns Hopkins University 2001683699 93.397 15,257

NSABP Foundation, Inc. TFED412S 93.399 3Connecticut Department of Social Services 093YU-MED-01/11DSS1202DF 93.536 54,289Connecticut Department of Social Services 093YU-MED-01/11DSS1202DF 93.536 98,473Foundation for California Community College 120927-B4-B 93.610 47,827Foundation for California Community College TC-004-13 93.610 282,148Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth and Families HHS-2013-ACF-ACYF-CO-0593 93.652 24,926Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth and Families ACF 93.652 68,417Connecticut Department of Children & Family Services 12DCF6621AA 93.652 104,853Stanford University ARRA 24382610-46417-A 93.701 -3,008New York University School of Medicine ARRA 09-1340; Project#01446 93.701 -1,506University of Connecticut Health Center UCHC6-31339018 93.837 -502University of Connecticut Health Center ID # 665907/HL070694-05 93.837 -176University of Colorado FY13.564.013 93.837 1,998University of Minnesota N002546801 93.837 3,945University of Florida UFDSP00010118 93.837 6,131New England Research Institute U01HL098188 93.837 6,834Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation 0255-01-B/PO# PG490962-015 93.837 8,312Angion Biomedica Corporation. Clinical STEMI 93.837 8,394University of Pennsylvania MIMED_Therapeutic Efficacy 93.837 14,947New England Research Institute U01HL098188 93.837 17,237University of Connecticut 7139/FRS#561323 93.837 21,281Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital 946914-WX00232505 93.837 21,353Mount Sinai School of Medicine 0255-3114-4609 93.837 21,971Mount Sinai School of Medicine 0255-3113-4609 93.837 22,395Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute A12533 93.837 23,476University of Pittsburgh 0009115 (122026-9) 93.837 51,165Texas Biomedical Research Institute 14-04343.002 93.837 54,234Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital 946913 93.837 54,828University of Pittsburgh 0032391 (122539-2) 93.837 75,266Georgia Institute of Technology 1R01HL104080-01A1 93.837 76,127New England Research Institute U01HL098188 93.837 95,911Mayo Clinic of Rochester 63523527 93.837 107,280New England Research Institute B2B Cilia for CHD 93.837 115,146University of Pennsylvania # 561458 93.837 227,524University of Connecticut Health Center UCHC6-42390959 93.837 407,377Children's Hospital Boston 1U01HL107681-02/Sub#74159 93.838 1,219University of Washington 723399 93.838 2,579Johns Hopkins University 2001869617-Core D 93.838 3,634University of Pennsylvania RESTORE Study - EVF015 93.838 6,398University of Pittsburgh 0022948 (123313-2) 93.838 10,925Johns Hopkins University 2001869617-Proj 1 93.838 10,928Duke University SPS 128355 93.838 11,297

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Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesPassed-through(continued): Brown University 00000659 93.838 16,923

Duke University 2039476 93.838 19,175Johns Hopkins University PO#2001869618-Project 1 93.838 39,649University of Pittsburgh 9008508(123014-5) 93.838 50,399University of Pittsburgh 9010215 (123012-2) 93.838 108,789Johns Hopkins University PO#2001869617-Core D 93.838 187,537University of Massachusetts 6143087/RFS2013014 93.846 -4,764University of Massachusetts 6143088/RFS2013015 93.846 -203University of Massachusetts 6143088/RFS2013015 93.846 4,940Brigham & Women's Hospital 108036 93.846 14,342University of Colorado PO #1000229024 93.846 17,348Vanderbilt University Medical Center VUMC41104 93.846 28,592Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute A12208 93.846 40,740Beth Israel Hospital & Medical Center #01026412 93.846 44,013Mount Sinai School of Medicine 0255-6501-4609 93.846 84,040University of Massachusetts 6143087/RFS2013014 93.846 112,662University of Massachusetts WA00137236/RFS2014076 93.846 179,374Medical University of South Carolina MUSC10-135 93.847 -1,969Maine Medical Center 111-001 93.847 15Epigen Biosciences, Inc. 1R43DK092005-01A1 93.847 650Case Western Reserve University RES507535 93.847 1,495Georgia Regents University 25732-37 93.847 1,500Vanderbilt University VUMC40391 93.847 2,967Wake Forest University WFUHS 110857 93.847 7,312John B Pierce Laboratories Sub# 225B 93.847 7,944Thomas Jefferson University 080-21000-S08101 93.847 8,258The George Washington University 5 U01 DK 061230-08 93.847 12,187John B Pierce Laboratories sub#225 C 93.847 12,741University of Pittsburgh 0032208(123894-1) 93.847 14,257Vanderbilt University Medical Center VUMC 41104 93.847 14,704University of Texas SW Medical Center GMO111133/PO#RGC0000000145 93.847 16,216University of Texas SW Medical Center GMO111133/PO#RGC0000000145 93.847 16,378Cornell University CU 93.847 19,238New England Research Institute Plasma NTx 93.847 21,401Albert Einstein College of Medicine 310575 93.847 25,752Mount Sinai School of Medicine Abraham DCC 93.847 32,138Vanderbilt University Medical Center VUMC 41943 93.847 33,189New England Research Institute UITN 93.847 36,916Dynavax Technologies Corporation TLR Antagonists 93.847 56,484L2 Diagnostics, LLC 1R41DK095639-01A1 93.847 64,404University of Connecticut Health Center UCHC6-34633213 93.847 72,709The George Washington University S-GRD1213-EA37 93.847 85,080John B Pierce Laboratories sub#225 A 93.847 88,196

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Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesPassed-through(continued): University of Massachusetts 6139768/RFS2012128 93.847 102,872

New York University PO #M130012131 93.847 122,042Case Western Reserve University RES508328 93.847 126,864Columbia University 1 (GG006299) 93.847 180,558Mount Sinai School of Medicine Abraham GRC 93.847 193,983University of Massachusetts sub#6122635/RFS2011059 93.847 194,998Maine Medical Center 1111-02 93.847 263,686Columbia University 1 (GG010269)/POG03624 93.847 287,528The George Washington University 12-D21 93.847 374,755The George Washington University S-GRD1314-EA37 93.847 406,005Johns Hopkins University PO #2000795134 93.853 -222Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital Sub # 901460-Yale 93.853 584Children's Hospital Cincinnati 107759 93.853 780Massachusetts General Hospital 221901 93.853 971Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 0125970 93.853 1,890Children's Hospital Cincinnati 107759 93.853 2,680Johns Hopkins University #2000795134 93.853 5,763University of Minnesota A003585701 93.853 14,402Children's Research Institute 30000273-13-01 93.853 15,323Boston Medical Center Amendment 2 # 2267 93.853 23,119Children's Hospital of Philadelphia PO# 960523RSUB 93.853 25,069John B Pierce Laboratories #243-B 93.853 25,970Rutgers State University of New Jersey 5U01NS038384-14 93.853 27,602Columbia University 1 (GG005026) 93.853 31,257University of California - San Francisco sub#6391sc 93.853 46,175University of Utah PO#0000153972 93.853 72,669Rutgers State University of New Jersey 8000 PO695405 93.853 88,504University of Michigan 3002655008 93.853 92,656Boston Medical Center # 2267 93.853 115,426MZ Diagnostics, Inc. MZD 93.855 -49,996Brigham & Women's Hospital Sub#104282 93.855 -15,430Brigham & Women's Hospital PS#105087 CTOT-11 93.855 -1,034L2 Diagnostics, LLC 1 93.855 -14Massachusetts General Hospital Sub # 208049 93.855 99Mayo Clinic of Rochester 5U01AI089859-03 93.855 159Mount Sinai School of Medicine 0255-1358-4609 93.855 281Mount Sinai School of Medicine Sub#0255-1357-4609 93.855 347Mayo Clinic of Rochester 5U01AI089859-03/PO#63009942 93.855 1,056SUNY R667637 93.855 1,899Duke University 2033005 93.855 2,568Duke University 2033024 93.855 3,236Dana Farber Cancer Institute 1006715 93.855 3,990Johns Hopkins University #2001315236 93.855 4,012

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Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesPassed-through(continued): Duke University 2033937 93.855 4,124

Mayo Clinic of Rochester PO63374226PRIME5U01AI089859-04 93.855 4,936Brigham & Women's Hospital 108088 93.855 4,953Mayo Clinic of Rochester 63551929 93.855 5,577University of Wisconsin-Madison 548K181 93.855 6,428Mount Sinai School of Medicine Sub#0255-1357-4609 93.855 6,669L2 Diagnostics, LLC 1R43Al096598-01A1 93.855 6,841Brigham & Women's Hospital 110014 93.855 9,999University of Florida UF10017 93.855 11,841Dana Farber Cancer Institute 1006715 Proj 3 Halfler 93.855 13,026Mayo Clinic of Rochester 5U01AI089859-03 93.855 15,176Mayo Clinic of Rochester 5U01AI089859-03 93.855 15,348Washington University WU-12-267-MOD 1 PO#2917846T 93.855 15,641Duke University 203 9667 93.855 18,669Mayo Clinic of Rochester P.O. #63471766 93.855 20,782Massachusetts General Hospital sub#216621 93.855 23,989Duke University 5U19AI056363-11 93.855 25,961Mount Sinai School of Medicine 0255-1358-4609 93.855 34,383Mayo Clinic of Rochester PO#63484860 93.855 34,854L2 Diagnostics, LLC L2 Agreement Year 2 93.855 38,658Mount Sinai School of Medicine 0254-6907-4609 93.855 39,023Mayo Clinic of Rochester PO # 63484857 93.855 44,560Dana Farber Cancer Institute 1006714 93.855 45,086L2 Diagnostics, LLC 1R43Al096628-01A1 93.855 49,486Veterans Medical Research Foundation 08775-01-310308 93.855 50,708Massachusetts General Hospital 219762 93.855 50,724University of Minnesota N002877304 93.855 55,497Institute for Clinical Research, Inc M08-NE-025-0704-2 93.855 62,686SUNY R876178 93.855 64,133Albert Einstein College of Medicine 31573A 93.855 89,767Mayo Clinic of Rochester PO# 63484856 93.855 102,092Johns Hopkins University PO#2001315236 93.855 102,135Mayo Clinic of Rochester PO# 63484861 93.855 102,223Benaroya Research Institute at Virginia Mason FY13109803 93.855 107,175University of Wisconsin-Madison 294K652 93.855 107,425L2 Diagnostics, LLC 1R41AI091234-01A1 93.855 109,594Duke University 2032989 P09-YAL 93.855 116,782Dana Farber Cancer Institute 1006715 Project 1 Hafler 93.855 117,293Duke University 2033004 93.855 152,458University of Pittsburgh 0039885 (123794-1) 93.855 164,113Mayo Clinic of Rochester PO#63256616 93.855 215,108Washington University PO#2917420W / WU-13-207-MOD-2 93.855 266,149Columbia University 11 (GG006382) 93.855 271,497

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Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesPassed-through(continued): Mount Sinai School of Medicine 0254-6908-4609 93.855 333,561

Arizona State University 13-101 93.859 -15,228Mount Sinai School of Medicine 0255-4911-4609 93.859 2,253University of Pittsburgh 0029564 (122354-8) 93.859 3,522New York University School of Medicine 12-90486;Proj#102674 93.859 8,098Mount Sinai School of Medicine 0255-4911-4609 93.859 11,265Research Foundation-CUNY 41795A 93.859 17,389University of Washington PO 715095 93.859 19,874Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute 56344-11735-YU-02 93.859 21,071New York University School of Medicine 12-90486; Project# 102674 93.859 21,595University of Michigan #300261-403 93.859 22,937Cerno Bioscience LLC CB LLC 93.859 35,467University of Texas Health Science Center 0008614B 93.859 36,109University of Texas Austin UTA-10-001180 93.859 36,888University of Pittsburgh 0029564-123550-6 93.859 39,211University of Arizona 74570 93.859 49,118University of Pittsburgh 0029564(123550-6) 93.859 51,138Arizona State University 13-101 93.859 53,619University of Michigan 3002610403 93.859 87,712Princeton University Sub # 00001709 93.859 99,730Massachusetts General Hospital 222410 93.859 125,636Drexel University 232595-Yale 93.859 142,330Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute 56344-11735-YU-03 93.859 184,164Health Research, Inc. 4478-01 93.859 282,016Stanford University 28783000-51576A- PO60126866 93.859 641,904University of Florida UF12314 93.865 -669Boston University 9500301731 93.865 -271Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska 36-5507-2087-014 93.865 6,679Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital 901461-Yale 93.865 8,737Haskins Laboratoriesoratories, Inc. P01HD001994 93.865 9,565University of Washington 742691 93.865 12,025Florida State University R01739 93.865 15,106Brown University 00000500 93.865 18,781Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska 36-5507-2087-015 93.865 43,322Boston University 4500001496 93.865 47,463Florida State University sub# R01717 93.865 57,337University of Colorado FY14.571.002 AMD1 YALE 93.865 59,057Boston University 4500001122 93.865 60,833Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research BD515275 93.865 65,804Haskins Laboratoriesoratories, Inc. Neurobiological Predicators 93.865 75,690Washington University WU-14-93 / PO#2922920X 93.865 79,600Florida State University R01634 93.865 92,854University of Connecticut Health Center UCHC6-41445776 93.865 93,730

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Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Health & Human ServicesPassed-through(continued): University of California - San Francisco 7266sc 93.865 143,074

Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research BD515945 93.865 234,666University of California-San Diego 1 U01 AG0Z4904 93.866 -1,498University of California-San Diego ADC-046-INI 93.866 898University of Pennsylvania AG037679-04 93.866 1,993Beckman Research Institute City of Hope 23030.914940.6697/PO#B008188 93.866 4,059University of California-San Diego 46178022 93.866 4,215University of Pennsylvania #557804 93.866 6,189Vanderbilt University Medical Center VUMC38326 93.866 8,013Vanderbilt University Medical Center VUMC38326 93.866 8,572Beckman Research Institute City of Hope 23030.914940.6697/PO#B008188 93.866 9,448Brigham & Women's Hospital 108978 93.866 10,010University of Pennsylvania 558836 93.866 14,703Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study 1 U01 AG10483-CSA041IGIV 93.866 15,616Mount Sinai School of Medicine 0255-2161-4609 93.866 16,417University of California-San Diego 45889503 93.866 23,530University of Florida Prj#00113000_SUB#UFDSP00010144 93.866 35,050University of Florida UF13067 93.866 48,945University of Pennsylvania 557804 93.866 71,161University of California-San Diego AG024904/ADC-039 93.866 154,195Axerion Therapeutics, Inc. PrPc Alzheimers 93.866 165,741University of California-San Diego AG10483 93.866 197,744University of Florida Prj#00113000_SUB#UFDSP00010143 93.866 256,414University of Pennsylvania 561286 93.866 270,401Stanford University 28722540-45510-F 93.866 313,113University of Florida 00105841/UF13066 93.866 636,586University of California - Santa Cruz S0184113 93.867 15,577University of California - Santa Cruz S0184113 93.867 15,938University of Maryland College Park Z043402 93.867 45,400Benaroya Research Institute at Virginia Mason FY13109808 93.885 245,541University of California at Berkeley 00007901/POBB00031282 93.989 357Vanderbilt University VUMC VUMC 41527 93.989 10,800University of North Carolina 5-54197 93.989 15,000China CDC ICOHRTA-10 (Yale) 93.989 34,955University of California at Berkeley 1R25TW009338 93.989 89,409University of California at Berkeley 00007901 93.989 204,480

Subtotal - Department of Health & Human Services - Pass Through 40,329,515

Subtotal - Department of Health & Human Services 404,851,884

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Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

Department of Homeland SecurityDirect: 2011-DN-077-ARI047-03 97.077 109,927

2011-DN-077-ARI047-04 97.077 311,7292011-DN-077-ARI056-04 97.077 523,005Subtotal - Department of Homeland Security - Direct 944,661

Subtotal - Department of Homeland Security 944,661

Department of JusticeDirect: 2010-DN-BXK226 16. 49,806

2012-R2-CX-K024 16. 58,5752010-DN-BX-K225 16. 82,4162013-DN-BX-K023 16. 141,2362012-IJ-CX-0045 16. 225,5392009-IJ-CX-0207 16.560 12,0962013-JF-FX-0018 16.560 12,4202010-IJ-CX-4025 16.560 65,376Subtotal - Department of Justice - Direct 647,464

Subtotal - Department of Justice 647,464

Department of TransportationPassed-through: ATAC Corporation 10-110-YALE 20. 62,839

Columbia University 1 (GG001125) 20.108 9,185Subtotal - Department of Transportation - Pass Through 72,024

Subtotal - Department of Transportation 72,024

Environmental Protection AgencyDirect: 83542101 66.509 59,472

83512001 66.510 56,358FP-91731801-1 66.514 4,075Subtotal - Environmental Protection Agency - Direct 119,905

Passed-through: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California 127187 66.202 -4,599University of Connecticut FRS# 525322 PO#4790 66.437 46,575University of Florida Sub2104-1198-00-CPrime83556901 66.509 3,444Arizona State University 14-496 66.509 8,904University of Michigan 3002918112 66.509 12,897Harvard University 23520.112422 66.509 27,697Middlebury College sub#266-525 66.611 4,696

Subtotal - Environmental Protection Agency - Pass Through 99,614

Subtotal - Environmental Protection Agency 219,519

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

National Aeronautics & Space AdministrationDirect: NNX13AO29H 43. 17,209

NNX13AM15H 43. 25,321NNX13AP11H 43. 25,964NNX13AR88H 43. 33,143NNX11AP35H 43.001 8,127NNX10AG08G 43.001 19,648NNX13AP44G 43.001 33,015NNX11AF43G 43.001 34,457NNX12AO80G 43.001 36,377NNX12AP15G 43.001 37,800NNX11AE07G 43.001 40,724NNX12AP15G 43.001 64,275NNX09AJ53G 43.001 70,067NNX10AB31G 43.001 71,450NNX13AE70G 43.001 88,412NNX10AE60G 43.001 97,295NNX11AH34G 43.001 100,357NNX11AB08G 43.001 105,735NNX13AJ36G 43.001 124,792NNX13AF07G 43.001 133,078NNX11AH68G 43.001 137,154NNX13AF25G 43.001 149,857NNX11AP72G 43.001 291,863NNX12AC01G 43.001 405,796NNX11AE88G 43.001 426,880NNX11AP43A 43.007 71,642NNX12AM46H 43.008 70,387Subtotal - National Aeronautics & Space Administration - Direct 2,720,825

National Aeronautics & Space AdministrationPassed-through: Space Telescope Science Institute HST-GO-12549.06-A 43. -2,220

Space Telescope Science Institute HST-GO-12957.04-A 43. 509Space Telescope Science Institute HST-GO-12881.04A 43. 2,168Space Telescope Science Institute HST-AR-13252.07-A 43. 3,159Jet Propulsion Laboratories 1433171 43. 5,830Space Telescope Science Institute HST-GO-12896.02-A 43. 8,423Space Telescope Science Institute HST-AR-12638.01-A 43. 10,299Space Telescope Science Institute HST-AR-12844.02-A 43. 11,157Jet Propulsion Laboratories RSA No.1472333 43. 11,408Space Telescope Science Institute HST-GO-13008.04-A 43. 12,600California Institute of Technology #2-1092345 43. 12,991Jet Propulsion Laboratories 1479730 43. 14,952Space Telescope Science Institute HST-GO-12881.03-A 43. 17,797

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Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

National Aeronautics & Space AdministrationPassed-through(continued): Space Telescope Science Institute HST-GO-12612.04-A 43. 20,000

Space Telescope Science Institute HST-GO-12523.02-A 43. 23,386Space Telescope Science Institute HST-GO-12817.09-A 43. 24,436Jet Propulsion Laboratories RSA No: 1427289 43. 24,678Space Telescope Science Institute HST-GO-13449.01-A 43. 25,963Space Telescope Science Institute HST-GO-12177.01-A 43. 44,721Space Telescope Science Institute HST-HF-51311.01-A 43. 95,609University of Hartford 303116 P-540 43.001 -150Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5710003369 43.001 4,357Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory G01-12157C 43.001 5,215University of Hartford # P-613 43.001 7,000Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory GO3-14046X 43.001 7,653University of Washington 590427 43.001 8,869Arizona State University 14-390 43.001 15,686Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory GO3-14150C 43.001 45,858University of Washington 748779 43.001 64,476Space Telescope Science Institute HST-HF-51316.01-A 43.001 106,280University of Hartford P-633 43.008 14,323

Subtotal - National Aeronautics & Space Administration - Pass Through 647,433

Subtotal - National Aeronautics & Space Administration 3,368,258

National Science FoundationDirect: Lattice Strong Dynamics 47. 3,982

CMMI-1129964 47.041 -21,760CBET-0747577 47.041 -9CBET-0747735 47.041 139CBET-0954985 47.041 1,500CBET-0756323 47.041 1,574CBET-1341341 47.041 2,269CMMI-1129964 47.041 3,200CBET-1351443 47.041 3,469CBET-1439048 47.041 4,336IIP-1237241 47.041 17,581CBET-0932060 47.041 18,234CBET-1331191 47.041 23,314ECCS-1028066 47.041 36,593CBET-0954985 47.041 37,286CMMI-0826445 47.041 45,917CBET-0725612 47.041 49,730CBET-1133834 47.041 53,766CBET-1431135 47.041 57,364CBET-1033204 47.041 61,950

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Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

National Science FoundationDirect (continued): ECCS-1128542 47.041 71,138

CBET-1336121 47.041 72,277CBET-1264246 47.041 73,988CBET-1066904 47.041 82,211CBET-1264698 47.041 89,187CBET-1236086 47.041 93,387CMMI-1334406 47.041 93,825CMMI-1309858 47.041 104,142CMMI-0725612 47.041 107,851CBET-1335934 47.041 109,396CMMI-1335383 47.041 112,647ECCS-0846919 47.041 112,891CBET-1232619 47.041 125,138CBET-1133211 47.041 126,293CBET-1133484 47.041 130,278CBET-1256286 47.041 132,068CBET-1258654 47.041 141,666ECCS-1309898 47.041 144,425CBET-1233318 47.041 145,550ECCS-1102178 47.041 160,098ECCS-1309809 47.041 164,364ECCS-1068642 47.041 175,233CMMI-1161423 47.041 177,396CMMI-1246804 47.041 344,041DMR-0934520 47.049 -61,395DMR-1006537 47.049 -54,094PHY-0821316 47.049 -2,067DMS-0854975 47.049 -738CHE-1264543 47.049 -636DMR-1006256 47.049 -366DMS-1209373 47.049 -189PHY-1019147 47.049 -7DMS-0645676 47.049 75DMR-0906697 47.049 390DMS-0934727 47.049 1,193AST-1003258 47.049 2,697PHY-1350180 47.049 3,031DMS-1207829 47.049 3,217DMS-1300120 47.049 4,336DMS-1361673 47.049 4,336DMS-1059129 47.049 4,414DMS-0801195 47.049 6,890DMR-0901903 47.049 6,950PHY-1003660 47.049 7,884

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Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

National Science FoundationDirect (continued): DMS-1066427 47.049 8,604

DMS-1101380 47.049 10,526DMS-1066060 47.049 12,205CHE-0911520 47.049 14,367DMS-0904181 47.049 14,877DMR-1307632 47.049 14,941DMS-1065872 47.049 20,305CHE-1137404 47.049 22,523CHE-1264543 47.049 32,223DMS-1252815 47.049 36,826DMS-1201456 47.049 38,114DMS-1211952 47.049 38,597DMR-1309868 47.049 38,751DMR-0803200 47.049 39,054DMR-0653377 47.049 40,737PHY-1100905 47.049 40,906DMS-1005973 47.049 46,934DMS-1106738 47.049 48,407DMS-1201453 47.049 50,463DMR-1205307 47.049 50,795AST-1109727 47.049 54,542CHE-1213751 47.049 56,886AST-1108948 47.049 59,003PHY-1305766 47.049 59,999DMR-0908437 47.049 64,738DMR-0906498 47.049 66,976AST-1105930 47.049 71,547DMR-1104974 47.049 72,461DMS-1254788 47.049 72,505DMR-1106110 47.049 76,966DMS-1149054 47.049 79,857PHY-1309996 47.049 81,053DMR-1006060 47.049 83,631DMS-1311844 47.049 83,748PHY-1305509 47.049 84,235DMS-1348425 47.049 84,820DMS-1212424 47.049 88,215CHE-1012573 47.049 89,196DMR-1005895 47.049 91,831DMS-1209191 47.049 93,794DMS-1068689 47.049 94,315AST-1009444 47.049 98,628DMR-1007974 47.049 103,204CHE-1213362 47.049 106,021

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Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

National Science FoundationDirect (continued): AST-1009811 47.049 108,305

PHY-1205861 47.049 108,336DMR-1206399 47.049 108,806DMS-1001633 47.049 113,729PHY-0957680 47.049 113,951CHE-1049571 47.049 117,345DMR-1206612 47.049 118,684DMR-1004406 47.049 122,860DMR-1301798 47.049 122,862DMR-1310274 47.049 125,006DMS-1307797 47.049 129,830PHY-0969725 47.049 132,760DMR-0955916 47.049 133,143CHE-1150826 47.049 136,458PHY-1068575 47.049 139,018DMR-1307712 47.049 140,293PHY-1019147 47.049 148,326AST-1207748 47.049 155,701CHE-1213634 47.049 157,854AST-1312376 47.049 161,682CHE-1151563 47.049 170,677DMS-1301776 47.049 174,877DMS-1265695 47.049 177,803CHE-1112239 47.049 188,879CHE-1213742 47.049 201,677CHE-1339637 47.049 312,385PHY-1067242 47.049 337,547PHY-1312561 47.049 414,042PHY-0855575 47.049 1,360,432DMR-1119826 47.049 3,148,216ICER-1034969 47.050 47EAR-1053247 47.050 137EAR-1160932 47.050 2,574AGS-1352417 47.050 2,942EAR-0809330 47.050 3,125EAR-1434983 47.050 3,389EAR-0720062 47.050 4,871EAR-0911268 47.050 8,437EAR-1053247 47.050 12,065EAR-0922054 47.050 14,004OCE-1129499 47.050 15,087EAR-1014478 47.050 16,198OCE-0961924 47.050 19,609EAR-0943962 47.050 20,957

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Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

National Science FoundationDirect (continued): EAR-1251515 47.050 24,815

EAR-0968858 47.050 27,213GEO-1108086 47.050 27,841EAR-0952281 47.050 31,580OCE-0928015 47.050 37,433AGS-1203163 47.050 41,086OCE-1335261 47.050 41,694EAR-1411609 47.050 47,859OCE-1232413 47.050 50,387AGS-0914473 47.050 53,412GEO-1215762 47.050 53,768EAR-1015229 47.050 55,265EAR-0948092 47.050 56,170AGS-1253222 47.050 59,529GEO-1215762 47.050 78,811EAR-1250269 47.050 83,402EAR-1321956 47.050 91,855AGS-1116885 47.050 129,545AGS-1338655 47.050 137,372AGS-0930356 47.050 139,472EAR-0955824 47.050 141,614EAR-1015336 47.050 177,977EAR-1150722 47.050 204,793EAR-1214861 47.050 216,419CCF-1248100 47.070 400IIS-1139078 47.070 927IIS-1018470 47.070 1,598CNS-1218457 47.070 3,086CCF-1248100 47.070 7,001CCF-1217023 47.070 8,703ACI-1339804 47.070 12,076CCF-1401905 47.070 13,187IIS-0845643 47.070 27,359CCF-1215808 47.070 30,290CCF-1017744 47.070 33,098CCF-0916389 47.070 39,588IIS-1317976 47.070 47,597IIS-1302267 47.070 55,242CNS-1018502 47.070 55,972CCF-1248100 47.070 57,511CNS-0963989 47.070 61,766CCF-1302327 47.070 64,385IIS-1249722 47.070 69,562CNS-1016875 47.070 72,323

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Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

National Science FoundationDirect (continued): IIS-1064412 47.070 76,383

IIS-1018470 47.070 97,148CCF-1319671 47.070 104,014CNS-0915888 47.070 109,711CCF-1111257 47.070 116,990CNS-1149936 47.070 120,685IIS-0953856 47.070 122,686CNS-1065451 47.070 125,716CNS-1017206 47.070 138,023IIS-1117801 47.070 174,321IIS-1218515 47.070 176,646IIS-1131883 47.070 196,536IIS-1139078 47.070 823,087IOS-1110382 47.074 -374IOS-0818731 47.074 -91IOS-0920353 47.074 -74DBI-0847899 47.074 -65IOS-0818731 47.074 -29IOS-1110523 47.074 1,043DEB-1210531 47.074 1,286DBI-1103715 47.074 2,500IOS-1146933 47.074 3,046DEB-1405135 47.074 3,413DEB-1110552 47.074 4,316DEB-1403550 47.074 6,217DBI-0922604 47.074 10,120EF-1304931 47.074 15,172EF-1305027 47.074 15,952IOS-0965420 47.074 18,113IOS-0965420 47.074 18,662IOS-1256706 47.074 19,666DEB-1354053 47.074 20,893EF-1304941 47.074 22,473IOS-1354389 47.074 24,706EF-0827504 47.074 31,394DEB-0816504 47.074 31,784EF-1241870 47.074 32,149DBI-1146830 47.074 35,832DBI-1203483 47.074 39,098IOS-1020843 47.074 40,565EF-1209149 47.074 46,084DBI-1156585 47.074 49,115DEB-1046153 47.074 56,652DEB-1061806 47.074 61,437

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

National Science FoundationDirect (continued): EF-1304931 47.074 62,071

DEB-1343920 47.074 63,140DEB-1354762 47.074 64,428DEB-1026764 47.074 67,609DEB-1145313 47.074 77,535IOS-1026630 47.074 80,273DBI-1262600 47.074 84,638DEB-1257645 47.074 85,259IOS-0950472 47.074 88,993IOS-1051839 47.074 93,161MCB-0950474 47.074 102,866IOS-1021188 47.074 106,493DEB-1145606 47.074 123,568DEB-1021098 47.074 126,609DEB-1050803 47.074 129,342DBI-0960550 47.074 131,872IOS-1146933 47.074 146,441MCB-1243671 47.074 162,733MCB-0919853 47.074 163,288DBI-0953902 47.074 167,323DEB-1051093 47.074 178,331MCB-0955407 47.074 199,204MCB-1121372 47.074 239,443DBI-1049728 47.074 353,561IOS-0965420 47.074 456,763IOS-1127017 47.074 1,333,205SES-1124323 47.075 -42SES-1023884 47.075 285BCS-1026754 47.075 800SES-1324382 47.075 1,384BCS-1131153 47.075 1,563BCS-1225886 47.075 2,419SES-1353959 47.075 2,748SES-1220116 47.075 3,973BCS-1153795 47.075 4,190BCS-1225920 47.075 4,272BCS-0924178 47.075 5,000BCS-1026754 47.075 5,000BCS-1226266 47.075 5,024SES-1264136 47.075 6,724SES-1256925 47.075 7,429BCS-0643266 47.075 7,519BCS-0924178 47.075 8,363SMA-1004797 47.075 10,000

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Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

National Science FoundationDirect (continued): BCS-1333424 47.075 11,266

SES-1331827 47.075 11,848BCS-1123200 47.075 13,081BCS-1249579 47.075 14,401BCS-1153639 47.075 14,620SES-1324238 47.075 15,504BCS-1226303 47.075 17,086BCS-1026754 47.075 19,688BCS-1255547 47.075 24,283SES-1227548 47.075 30,903SES-0956687 47.075 32,021SES-1124057 47.075 50,637SES-1058376 47.075 55,108SES-1153893 47.075 55,108BCS-0902114 47.075 55,320BCS-1309260 47.075 55,440SES-1326986 47.075 62,834SES-1322934 47.075 63,632SES-1255298 47.075 65,017SES-0955098 47.075 73,234BCS-0844550 47.075 77,325SES-1156266 47.075 77,420SES-1151449 47.075 85,270SES-1227593 47.075 90,234SES-1227390 47.075 99,880SES-1123021 47.075 115,351SES-0922714 47.075 132,011HRD-1310757 47.076 4,829DUE-1323258 47.076 81,974DGE-1122492 47.076 3,787,605ARC-0732583 47.078 -731ARC-1219390 47.078 6,723ARC-1219390 47.078 93,310ARC-1107623 47.078 106,767OCI-1246038 47.080 433,105

ARRA AST-0908996 47.082 -2,107ARRA ANT-0839007 47.082 -1,294ARRA OCE-0902993 47.082 -11ARRA IOS-0920344 47.082 132ARRA DMR-0907671 47.082 308ARRA CBET-0854373 47.082 1,236ARRA 1 BCS-0938633 47.082 1,749ARRA AST-0908752 47.082 18,323ARRA CMMI-0928227 47.082 18,468

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Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

National Science FoundationDirect (continued): ARRA OCE-0927001 47.082 33,136

ARRA CCF-0915487 47.082 37,659ARRA CHE-0909730 47.082 38,215ARRA DMR-0847534 47.082 44,700ARRA EAR-0838404 47.082 48,246ARRA DBI-0852844 47.082 57,495ARRA AST-0845619 47.082 104,323ARRA DMS-0845368 47.082 130,364

Subtotal - National Science Foundation - Direct 32,250,928

Passed-through: University of Delaware 35261 47. 25,667University of Illinois A7929/#2003-00972-10 47.041 -1,669Stanford University 60387916-11804-A 47.041 4,560Northeastern University 501940P1206867 47.041 6,375Florida State University sub#R01429 47.049 8,228University of Colorado SPO#1000088447/CU1547627 47.049 14,448University of California-San Diego 44092521-PO#S9000446 47.049 56,505Brown University 00000567-PO#P282098 47.049 61,884Case Western Reserve University RESS07394 47.049 136,484Scripps Rsrch Institute #38863923 POS000230 47.050 3,151Consortium for Ocean Leadership BA-101-PO#T3242A101 47.050 9,858Consortium for Ocean Leadership SAF 12-04 47.050 21,221Johns Hopkins University 2001377410 47.050 75,487The Pennsylvania State University 4756-YU-NSF-0507 47.050 79,573Computing Research Association CIF-E-006 47.070 508Woods Hole Research Institute WHRC-MG0917-02 47.070 47,197University of Delaware 34231 47.070 86,888Chicago Botanic Garden DEB-1348456 47.074 3,290University of Georgia RR272-210/4895106 47.074 6,039Tulane Univ TUL-572-13/14 47.074 13,180University of Minnesota P000741002 47.074 13,421Michigan State University RC062075YU 47.074 25,069Arizona State University 14-373 47.074 35,128Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System 252F173 47.074 81,715Purdue University 4101-47142 47.074 100,867Stanford University 60315727-50662-A 47.075 41,181New England Wild Flower Society 004 47.076 2,405University of Minnesota A003418202 47.079 45,047University of Minnesota A003418202 47.079 69,426Montana State University-Bozeman ARRA G179-10-WR129 47.082 8,466Coolspine LLC ARRA IIP - 0923928 47.082 34,455

Subtotal - National Science Foundation - Pass Through 1,116,054

Subtotal - National Science Foundation 33,366,982

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

I. Research and Development Cluster, Continued

U.S. Agency for International DevelopmentPassed - Through: Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital 973114 98. 45,161

University of California - Davis 201121454-02 98. 105,316Subtotal - U.S. Agency for Internatonial Development - Pass Through 150,477

Subtotal - U.S. Agency for Internatonial Development 150,477

United States Institute of PeaceDirect: USIP-059-12F 91. 90,690

Subtotal - United States Institute of Peace - Direct 90,690

Subtotal - United States Institute of Peace 90,690

Veterans AffairsPassed - Through: GfK Custom Research LLC GfK 64. 259,881

Subtotal - Veterans Affairs - Pass Through 259,881

Subtotal - Veterans Affairs 259,881

Total Research & Development Cluster 485,394,984

II. Student Financial Assistance Cluster

Department of EducationFederal Work Study ProgramDirect: P033A130809 84.033 1,242,704

Subtotal - Federal Work Study Program 1,242,704

Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant ProgramDirect: P007A130809 84.007 1,282,561

Subtotal - Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant Program 1,282,561

Federal Pell Grant ProgramDirect: P063P121232 84.063 2,842,048

Subtotal - Federal Pell Grant Program 2,842,048

Subtotal - Department of Education - Direct 5,367,313

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect: Nursing Student Loans 93.364 25,746

Subtotal - Department of Health & Human Services 25,746

Total Student Financial Assistance Cluster 5,393,059

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Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

III. Other Federal Assistance

Department of AgricultureDirect: CT-12-DG-11420004-065 10. 33,179

13-DG-11132544-404 10.664 192,530Subtotal - Department of Agriculture - Direct 225,709

Subtotal - Department of Agriculture 225,709

Department of Defense - NavyPassed-Through

Subtotal - Department of Defense - Navy - Pass Through 0

Subtotal - Department of Defense - Navy 0

Department of EducationDirect: P015A100134 84.015A 137,770

P015A100053 84.015A 145,082P015A100021 84.015A 166,753P015A100190-13 84.015A 169,012P015A100107-13 84.015A 181,409P015B100190-13 84.015B 281,653P015B100134-13 84.015B 311,860P015B100021-13 84.015B 323,730P022A120058 84.022A 14,510P170B100006-13 84.170B 45,391P200A090149 84.200A 220,0515 P334A080071-12 84.334A 1,153,154P334A110229 84.334A 1,330,970Subtotal - Department of Education - Direct 4,481,345

Passed-through: New Haven Board of Education 95995756 84. 330Subtotal - Department of Education - Pass Through 330

Subtotal - Department of Education 4,481,675

Environmental Protection AgencyDirect: FP-91716701-0 66.514 1,669

FP-91717301-1 66.514 1,999FP-91709801-1 66.514 3,981FP-91710701-1 66.514 6,005FP-91719001-1 66.514 6,436FP-91733801-3 66.514 6,478FP-91750301-0 66.514 8,010FP-91751501-0 66.514 12,000FP-91744101-0 66.514 15,273FP-917500001-0 66.514 15,912

Yale UniversitySchedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Year Ended June 30, 2014

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

III. Other Federal Assistance

Environmental Protection AgencyDirect (continued): FP-91748001-0 66.514 17,521

Subtotal - Environmental Protection Agency - Direct 95,284

Subtotal - Environmental Protection Agency 95,284

Department of Health & Human ServicesDirect: HHSA290200810011C 93. 61,454

5T20MC21953-02-00 93.110 1,0735T20MC21953-03-00 93.110 6,8265T77MC00024-09-01 93.110 78,0954H34MC19349-03-02 93.127 139,0434H4AHA22762-02-02 93.145 3,8925H4AHA22762-03-01 93.145 141,3481R13HS021602-01 93.226 2301R36HS022201-01A1 93.226 20,9265R25MH087217-04 93.242 280,0395U79SM059966-03 93.243 91,4085H79TI019806-05 93.243 100,1651U79SM061282-01 93.243 152,1375U79TI020253-05 93.243 185,6105U79SM061282-02 93.243 547,7215UB6HP22828-02-01 93.249 182,8925T03OH008607-08 93.262 -1,5395T03OH008607-09 93.262 132,0771R13AA022299-01 93.273 5,2111R13AA022051-01 93.273 10,1981U13AA022864-01 93.273 26,3815R25DA021800-03 93.279 -2,9245R25DA020515-05 93.279 -1,9755R25DA026636-05 93.279 17,3935CCEWH111021-03 93.290 286,3105U13TR000059-05 93.350 57,1993R25OD011112-03S1 93.351 71,3555R25OD011112-04 93.351 278,4776UB6HP22828-03-02 93.516 160,8245R13GM090574-04 93.859 56,3361R13HD063166-01A1 93.865 14,0235R13HD063166-02 93.865 30,4495R13AG038089-05 93.866 28,3172T15LM007056-26 93.879 11,3775T15LM007056-27 93.879 816,5256H97HA24963-01 93.928 49,939Subtotal - Department of Health & Human Services - Direct 4,038,812

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

III. Other Federal Assistance

Passed-through: RAND Corporationoration 9920130021 93. 3,300NASMHPD CA-1050-YALE-01 93. 4,454Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services 12MHA6005 93. 5,968City of New Haven 1 PO #60110257 93. 6,161University of Massachusetts HHSN276201100010C 93. 8,927Connecticut Department of Children & Family Services 14DCF6692AA 93. 21,796Harvard University 150125.5051724.0106 93. 22,990Harvard University 150125.5051724.0306 93. 39,394Development Services Group, Inc. Sub DSG Ref 283-07-3702 93. 83,156Tides Foundation Transition To Success Project 93. 109,995Philanjalo Integration of HIV, TB and dru 93.067 2,547Clinton Health Access Initiative 5U2GPS002842-03 93.067 143,260Clinton Health Access Initiative CHETHIOEHM1_6325 93.067 193,142University of Massachusetts 6144044-ETC-04 93.145 2,894University of Massachusetts WA00120884-ETC04 93.145 167,253Columbus House, Inc. Pathway to Independence 93.150 3,226University of Connecticut Health Center UCHC6-38925687 93.153 14,701University of Connecticut Health Center UCHC6-47071949 93.153 65,917Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services 12MHA1044 93.243 26,767Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services 13MHA1199 93.243 94,657Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services 14MHA1025 93.275 5,276Griffin Hospital PTAPM-04-081-09 93.403 3,363Griffin Hospital ARRA D5FHP20670 93.403 49,140Griffin Hospital ARRA D5HHP18960 93.412 -7,688Griffin Hospital ARRA D5HHP18960 93.412 -3,875Griffin Hospital ARRA D5HHP18960 93.412 4,860Michigan Dept of Licensing & Regualatory Affairs BHCS/CMS 2013-2016 93.506 108,942Connecticut Department of Public Health 2013-0185 (Period 1) 93.507 24,846Wildlife Conservation Soc GHN-A-00-09-00010-00 Mod 2 93.847 -97Georgia Regents University 25730-3 93.847 7,612Liberty Community Service Inc Liberty Van Services FY 13-14 93.859 54,748City of New Haven 2011-12-763 93.914 4,467City of New Haven 2011-12-763 93.914 23,052City of New Haven 2011-12-763 93.914 89,856City of New Haven 2011-12-763 93.914 534,222City of New Haven 2011-12-763 93.914 1,009,145Liberty Community Service Inc 1 93.959 -924Connecticut Department of Public Health 2013-0185-1 93.991 17,461

Subtotal - Department of Health & Human Services - Pass Through 2,944,911

Subtotal - Department of Health & Human Services 6,983,723

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Department of Health & Human Services

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

III. Other Federal Assistance

Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentPassed-through: Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services 13MHA6009 14. 159,845

Liberty Community Service Inc Van Service Supplement 14.235 -17Liberty Community Service Inc Van Service 14.235 16,136

Subtotal - Department of Housing and Urban Development - Pass Through 175,964

Subtotal - Department of Housing and Urban Development 175,964

Department of InteriorDirect: ST-03-10-0023-10 15.904 40,323

Subtotal - Department of Interior - Direct 40,323

Subtotal - Department of Interior 40,323

Department of JusticeDirect: 2013-ZD-CX-0001 16.560 82,007

2012CKWXK013 16.710 -51,7262012CKWXK039 16.710 121,319Subtotal - Department of Justice - Direct 151,600

Passed-through: Connecticut Judicial Dept 04-1101-17 16. 113,922Connecticut Judicial Dept 04-1101-17/PO#291196 16.575 13,697International Association of Chiefs of Police 2012-CV-BX-K056 16.818 61,438

Subtotal - Department of Justice - Pass Through 189,057

Subtotal - Department of Justice 340,657

Department of StateDirect: S-LMAQM-12-GR-1097 19.345 774,138

Subtotal - Department of State - Direct 774,138

Passed-through: International Research & Exchanges Board FY14-YALI-Yale-01 19.009 48,17548,175

Subtotal - Department of State 822,313

Department of TransportationPassed-through: Connecticut Department of Transportation 0193-0730-AO 20. 97,093

Subtotal - Department of Transportation - Pass Through 97,093

Subtotal - Department of Transportation 97,093

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

III. Other Federal Assistance

Institute of Museum and Library ServicesDirect: MA-10-13-0503-13 45.301 23,482

MA-04-11-0433-11 45.301 34,534MA-04-12-0410-12 45.301 81,842MA-30-13-0549-13 45.301 94,538IC-05-11-0278-11 45.303 493Subtotal - Institute of Museum and Library Services - Direct 234,889

Passed-through: University of California at Berkeley PO#BB00169265 45.312 11,090University of California at Berkeley PO#BB00169265 45.312 26,556


Subtotal - Institute of Museum and Library Services 272,535

National Endowment for the ArtsDirect: 10-4200-7042 45.024 11,229

14-3200-7073 45.024 30,00013-4400-7091 45.024 36,856Subtotal - Endowment for the Arts - Direct 78,085

Passed-through: Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development 2012-OSProj-20207 45.025 338Subtotal - National Endowment for the Arts - Pass through 338

Subtotal - National Endowment for the Arts 78,423

National Endowment for the HumanitiesDirect: PW-51052-12 45.149 99,514

RQ-50471-10 45.161 26,438RQ-50742-13 45.161 28,213RQ-50598 45.161 129,370RQ-50671-12 45.161 187,552HD-51421-11 45.169 4,066Subtotal - Endowment for the Humanities - Direct 475,153

Passed-through: College of Physicians of Philadelphia PW-51014-12 45.149 2,428University of Southern California Y83522 45.149 6,755Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5710003182 45.169 168

Subtotal - Endowment for the Humanities - Pass Through 9,351

Subtotal - Endowment for the Humanities 484,504National Gallery of ArtDirect: Conservation Space Project 68.001 6,768

Subtotal - National Gallery of Art - Direct 6,768

Subtotal - National Gallery of Art 6,768

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FederalCFDA 2014

Federal Agency Pass-Through Entity Direct / Pass-Through Number Number Expenditures

III. Other Federal Assistance

National Historical Publications and Records CommissionDirect: NAR13-PC-50079-13 89.003 172,104

Subtotal - National Historical Publications and Records Commission - Direct 172,104

Subtotal - National Historical Publications and Records Commission 172,104

U.S. Agency for International DevelopmentPassed-through: Management Sciences for Health AID-OAA-A-11-00015 98. 31,927

University of California - Davis 201121454-01 98. 48,479Management Sciences for Health AID-OAA-A-11-00015 98. 182,517Management Sciences for Health Sub-Agreement LMG-12-03 98. 206,333Institute of International Education DFG-5-TOC-YALE 98.001 31,757Brown University 00000454 98.012 2,293

Subtotal - U.S. Agency for International Development - Pass Through 503,306

Subtotal - U.S. Agency for International Development 503,306

Total Other Federal Assistance 14,780,381

Total Federal Expenditures 505,568,424


Yale UniversitySchedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Year Ended June 30, 2014

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Yale University Notes to Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Year Ended June 30, 2014 1. Significant Accounting Policies

Basis of Presentation The schedule of expenditures of federal awards is a statement, prepared on the accrual basis, of expenditures related to the current reporting period. It does not purport to present the results of operations or the net income or loss for the period as would a statement of income or a statement of revenues and expenditures. Federal expenditures for direct costs are recognized using the cost accounting principles contained in 2 CFR Part 220, Cost Principles for Educational Institutions. Under those cost principles, certain types of expenditures are not allowable or are limited as to reimbursement. In addition, expenditures include a portion of costs associated with general University activities (facilities and administrative) which are allocated to federal awards under negotiated formulas commonly referred to as facilities and administrative rates. Negative amounts appearing on the schedule of expenditures of federal awards represent reductions to expenditures reported in prior periods. Full CFDA numbers and pass-through numbers are included when available. Noncash Assistance The University received $362,402 of federal noncash assistance as a vaccinating provider through the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health in the form of vaccinations from the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The assessed value was provided by the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health.

2. Student Loan Programs The following schedule presents new loans processed by the University for eligible students under federal student loan programs and federally guaranteed loan programs for the year ended June 30, 2014:

Outstanding CFDA Disbursed Balance Perkins 84.038 2,890,232 29,041,671 Federal Direct Student Loans 84.268 59,639,003 - Primary Care Loan (PCL) 93.342 - 289,131 Nursing Student Loan (NSL) 93.364 318,645 1,670,642 Loans for Disadvantaged Students (LDS) 93.342 - 1,520,724 Health Professions Student Loans (HPSL) 93.342 - 20,073

Perkins loan cancellations (CFDA # 84.037) amounted to $753,075 for the year ended June 30, 2014. The University received $320,380 in an administrative cost allowance for the Perkins Loan Program during the year ended June 30, 2014. The Perkins Program, Primary Care Loan (PCL) Program, Nursing Student Loan (NSL) Program, Loans for Disadvantaged Students (LDS) Program, and Health Professions Student Loans (HPSL) Program are administered by the University and balances and transactions are included in the University’s financial statements.


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Yale University Notes to Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Year Ended June 30, 2014

3. Subrecipients

Of the federal expenditures presented on the schedule of expenditures of federal awards, theUniversity provided federal awards to subrecipients as follows:

Research and Development (R&D) Cluster

$42,436,849 Other Progr ams:

84.334A 622,023 93. 55,621 93.110 4,876 93.127 97,254 93.242 47,199 93.243 55,425 93.249 116,250 93.290 92,260 93.865 42,508 93.914 979,672 93.928 14,290 98. 41,979 Total Other 2,169,357

Total $44,606,206


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PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, 185 Asylum Street, Suite 2400, Hartford, CT 06103 T: (860) 241 7000, F: (860) 241 7590, www.pwc.com/us

Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in

Accordance with Government Auditing Standards

To the President and Fellows of Yale University:

We have audited, in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, the consolidated financial statements of Yale University (the “University”) which comprise the consolidated statement of financial position as of June 30, 2014, and the related consolidated statements of activities and of cash flows for the year then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements, and have issued our report thereon dated October 22, 2014.

Internal Control Over Financial Reporting

In planning and performing our audit of the financial statements, we considered the University’s internal control over financial reporting (“internal control”) to determine the audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the financial statements, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the University's internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the University's internal control.

A deficiency in internal control exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect and correct, misstatements on a timely basis. A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the entity's financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected on a timely basis. A significant deficiency is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control that is less severe than a material weakness, yet important enough to merit attention by those charged with governance.

Our consideration of internal control was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control that might be material weaknesses or significant deficiencies. Given these limitations, during our audit we did not identify any deficiencies in internal control that we consider to be material weaknesses. However, material weaknesses may exist that have not been identified.

Compliance and Other Matters

As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the University’s financial statements are free from material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the determination of financial statement amounts. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit, and accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance or other matters that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards.


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Purpose of this Report

The purpose of this report is solely to describe the scope of our testing of internal control and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control or on compliance. This report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards in considering the entity’s internal control and compliance. Accordingly, this communication is not suitable for any other purpose.

October 22, 2014


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PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, 185 Asylum Street, Suite 2400, Hartford, CT 06103 T: (860) 241 7000, F: (860) 241 7590, www.pwc.com/us

Independent Auditor’s Report on Compliance with Requirements That Could Have a Direct and Material Effect on Each Major Program and on Internal

Control Over Compliance in Accordance with OMB Circular A-133

To the President and Fellows of Yale University:

Report on Compliance for Each Major Federal Program

We have audited Yale University’s (the “University”) compliance with the types of compliance requirements described in the OMB Circular A-133 Compliance Supplement that could have a direct and material effect on each of the University’s major federal programs for the year ended June 30, 2014. The University’s major federal programs are identified in the summary of auditor's results section of the accompanying schedule of findings and questioned costs.

Management’s Responsibility

Management is responsible for compliance with the requirements of laws, regulations, contracts, and grants applicable to its federal programs.

Auditor’s Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on compliance for each of the University’s major federal programs based on our audit of the types of compliance requirements referred to above. We conducted our audit of compliance in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America; the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; and OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. Those standards and OMB Circular A-133 require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether noncompliance with the types of compliance requirements referred to above that could have a direct and material effect on a major federal program occurred. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence about the University’s compliance with those requirements and performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances.

We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion on compliance for each major federal program. However, our audit does not provide a legal determination of the University’s compliance.

Opinion on Each Major Federal Program

In our opinion, the University complied, in all material respects, with the types of compliance requirements referred to above that could have a direct and material effect on each of its major federal programs for the year ended June 30, 2014.

Other Matters

The results of our auditing procedures disclosed an instance of noncompliance, which is required to be reported in accordance with OMB Circular A-133 and which are described in the accompanying schedule of findings and questioned costs as item 14-001. Our opinion on each major federal program is not modified with respect to these matters.


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The University's response to the noncompliance findings identified in our audit is described in the accompanying corrective action plan. The University's response was not subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of compliance and, accordingly, we express no opinion on the response.

Report on Internal Control Over Compliance

Management of the University is responsible for establishing and maintaining effective internal control over compliance with the types of compliance requirements referred to above. In planning and performing our audit of compliance, we considered the University’s internal control over compliance with the types of requirements that could have a direct and material effect on each major federal program to determine the auditing procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances for the purpose of expressing an opinion on compliance for each major federal program and to test and report on internal control over compliance in accordance with OMB Circular A-133, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of internal control over compliance. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the University's internal control over compliance.

A deficiency in internal control over compliance exists when the design or operation of a control over compliance does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect and correct, noncompliance with a type of compliance requirement of a federal program on a timely basis. A material weakness in internal control over compliance is a deficiency, or combination of deficiencies, in internal control over compliance, such that there is a reasonable possibility that material noncompliance with a type of compliance requirement of a federal program will not be prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis. A significant deficiency in internal control over compliance is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control over compliance with a type of compliance requirement of a federal program that is less severe than a material weakness in internal control over compliance, yet important enough to merit attention by those charged with governance.

Our consideration of internal control over compliance was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control over compliance that might be material weaknesses or significant deficiencies. We did not identify any deficiencies in internal control over compliance that we consider to be material weaknesses. However, material weaknesses may exist that have not been identified. The University's response to the finding identified in our audit is described in the accompanying schedule of findings and questioned costs. We did not audit the University's response and, accordingly, we express no opinion on the response.

The purpose of this report on internal control over compliance is solely to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over compliance and the results of that testing based on the requirements of OMB Circular A-133. Accordingly, this report is not suitable for any other purpose.

November 21, 2014


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Yale University Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs For the Year Ended June 30, 2014

Section I – Summary of Auditor’s Results

Financial Statements

Type of auditor’s report issued: unmodified

Internal control over financial reporting: • Material weakness(es) identified? _____ yes x no • Significant deficiency(ies) identified that are

not considered to be material weaknesses? _____ yes x none reported

Noncompliance material to financial statements noted? _____ yes x no

Federal Awards

Internal control over major programs: • Material weakness(es) identified? _____ yes x no • Significant deficiency(ies) identified that are

not considered to be material weaknesses? _____ yes x none reported Type of auditor’s report issued on compliance for major programs: unmodified Any audit findings disclosed that are required to be reported in accordance with Section 510(a) of OMB Circular A-133? x yes no Identification of major programs: CFDA Number(s) Name of Federal Program or Cluster Various

Various Research and Development

Student Financial Aid Dollar threshold used to distinguish between type A and type B programs: $3,000,000 Auditee qualified as low-risk auditee? x yes no


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Yale University Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs For the Year Ended June 30, 2014

Section II – Financial Statement Findings

No findings were identified related to the financial statements that are required to be reported.


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Yale University Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs For the Year Ended June 30, 2014

Section III – Federal Financial Assistance Findings and Questioned Costs

Finding No. 14-001 – Equipment management

Information on Federal Program:

Research and Development Cluster

• Health and Human Services – CFDA #96.364 Award #A07226 Award Year: 07/01/2008 – 09/30/2008


OMB Circular A-110, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements With Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Non-Profit Organizations, Part 3.34, (f) states that, “The recipient's property management standards for equipment acquired with Federal funds and federally-owned equipment shall include all of the following.

(1) Equipment records shall be maintained accurately and shall include the following information. (i) A description of the equipment. (ii) Manufacturer's serial number, model number, Federal stock number, national stock number, or other identification number.

(iii) Source of the equipment, including the award number.

(iv) Whether title vests in the recipient or the Federal Government.

(v) Acquisition date (or date received, if the equipment was furnished by the Federal Government) and cost.

(vi) Information from which one can calculate the percentage of Federal participation in the cost of the equipment (not applicable to equipment furnished by the Federal Government).

(vii) Location and condition of the equipment and the date the information was reported.

(viii) Unit acquisition cost.

(ix) Ultimate disposition data, including date of disposal and sales price or the method used to determine current fair market value where a recipient compensates the Federal awarding agency for its share.


We selected 25 equipment disposals and noted one selection that was not recorded appropriately. The Principle Investigator left the University to join another university and the grant was transferred to the university which hired him. The purchased equipment was shipped to the other university for use under the grant contract and therefore was never at Yale. The equipment was not simultaneously removed from the Yale equipment system. The equipment subsequently went through two required bi-annual equipment observations and was documented as existing at the University. During the most recent equipment


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Yale University Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs For the Year Ended June 30, 2014

observation the University identified that the equipment was not on site and it was then properly removed from the system.


Appropriate due diligence was not applied to the recording of this unusual transaction nor over the periodic physical verification of moveable Federal equipment.


The equipment inventory records and balance was not accurate


We recommend that the University review and enhance the controls in place surrounding the tagging and monitoring of moveable equipment purchased with federal funds.

Views of Responsible Officials and Planned Corrective Action Plan

See the University's views and corrective action plan.


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SHAUNA KING Vice President for Finance

and Business Operations P.O. Box 208304

New Haven, CT 06520-8304 25 Science Park

6th Floor, Room 610 New Haven, CT 06511

[email protected]

Management’s Views and Corrective Action Plan Finding No. 14-001 – Equipment management The University is evaluating the existing processes for receiving, recording and tracking equipment inventory, with the goal of enhancing and tightening the internal controls and revising the policy and procedure. The condition sited above was a result of the transitioning of a principal investigator to another university. Enhanced procedures will include creating reports of all principal investigators who leave the University every year and an audit of the equipment inventory system to ensure the disposition of all assets assigned to those principal investigators has been accurately reflected in the system.

Contact Person: Lucy Lucker (203-432-1343) University Controller and Chief Accounting Officer


Page 128: Yale University New Haven, Connecticutnrc59.nas.edu/pub/ec/ec_download.cfm?fname=Yale A133 Audit Repor… · Yale University . New Haven, Connecticut . ... We have audited the accompanying

SHAUNA KING Vice President for Finance

and Business Operations P.O. Box 208304

New Haven, CT 06520-830425 Science Park

6th Floor, Room 610 New Haven, CT 06511

[email protected]

Summary Schedule of the Status of Prior Audit Findings (June 30, 2013)

No findings were identified related to the federal awards that are required to be reported.

