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YIA 2013 Package

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  • 7/29/2019 YIA 2013 Package


    Youth in Action:outh in Action:Working to End the School to Prison PipelineWorking to End the School to Prison Pipeline

    What impact does the police presence at schools have on student learning and success?

    How are school discipline policies playing a part in the School to Prison Pipeline?

    Which students are most affected by zero tolerance school discipline policies?

    What can I do to make a difference?

    In 2011, the LA School Police Department criminalized 10,000 students with unnecessary tickets, with 93%of the tickets going to Black and Latino students, and 40% to youth under 15. This is an example of theSchool to Prison Pipeline.

    Youth in Action is a 6-session program for Los Angeles area students in 7th- 11

    thgrades. Through Youth

    in Action you will experience elements of community organizing, and learn whats involved with efforts tochange and enforce policies that can end the School to Prison Pipeline.

    You must attend all sessions to participate. Please check all the dates with your calendar and yourfamily, to confirm that you can participate. In exchange for your full participation, all costs are subsidized,so the program is free to you.

    We will be partnering with the Labor/Community Strategy Centerfor this project, to help them with theircommunity organizing efforts.

    Meet youth from other schools and neighborhoods Learn ways to take grassroots action about an issue affecting our schools Earn community service hours, and Have fun

    Application deadline is Tuesday, April 2.Space is limited, so act soon!

    Most sessions take place at the Zimmer Childrens Museum at 6505 Wilshire Boulevard, LA 90048.Action sessions take place at other locations in the community.

    For more information, please contact Carolina Couto Cervera, Program Specialist, at (323) 761-8356 [email protected].

    6505 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 100, Los Angeles, CA 90048

    Fax (323) 761-8990 www.youthink.org www.facebook.com/youthinkzimmer

    Like us on Facebook!

    youTHink is a program of the Zimmer Childrens Museum

  • 7/29/2019 YIA 2013 Package


    For more information, please contact:

    Carolina(323) 761-8356/[email protected].

    Hablamos espaol.

    Applications are due by

    Tuesday, April 2.

    TO APPLY:Please go to

    www.YouthInAction.eventbrite.com tocomplete yourYouth in Action application. If

    you have any questions or technicaldifficulties, please contact Carla Ching at(323) 761-8311 [email protected].

    Space is limited. APPLY NOW!

    Session #1: OrientationThurs, Apr 115- 8 pm

    Session #2: Training about community organizing & the School to Prison PipelineSun, Apr 14

    10:30 am-

    3:30 pm

    Session #3: Taking action- Spreading the word about the School to Prison PipelineSat, Apr 2010:00 am-3:00 pm

    Session #4: Preparing to take actionThurs, May 25- 8 pm

    Session #5: Taking action- Advocating for the School Climate Bill of Rights at theLA School Board meeting

    Tues, May 7 or 14TBD

    Session #6: CulminationMon, May 206- 7:30 pm

    Youth in Action:Youth in Action:Working to End theWorking to End the

    School to Prison PipelineSchool to Prison Pipeline

  • 7/29/2019 YIA 2013 Package


    Engaging Students in Contemporary Issues and Civic Action Through Art

    Youth in Action: Working to End the School to Prison PipelineParent/Guardian ConsentApplying for Youth in Action is a 2-step process:

    1. Complete the online application athttp://youthinkyouthinaction.eventbrite.com/If you have trouble with that, please fill out page 4 instead.

    2. Have your parent/ guardian complete the formbelow.http://youthinkyouthinaction.eventbrite.com/

    If you have any trouble with the online application or with online access, please contact Carla

    Ching [email protected].

    *IMPORTANT: Application deadline is Monday, April 2. Space is limited, so do notdelay. Students will be notified of their acceptance into the program by Tuesday, April9.

    Application Agreement: Both you and your parent/ guardian must read the followingagreement and sign below.I hereby certify that the following:

    1. If accepted into Youth in Action, I will attend ALL meetings and field trips.2.

    Everything I have written on my application is true.

    ______________________________ ______________________________ __________________Student Signature Parent/ Guardian Signature Date

    Parent/Guardian Information: This section of the application is to be completed by theparent or guardian of the applicant.

    Parent/Guardian Name_____________________________________________________________

    Daytime Phone: ________________________ Home Phone: _____________________

    Cell phone: _____ - _____ - __________

    In case of emergency, what is the best way to contact with you? _________________________

    http://youthinkyouthinaction.eventbrite.com/http://youthinkyouthinaction.eventbrite.com/http://youthinkyouthinaction.eventbrite.com/http://youthinkyouthinaction.eventbrite.com/http://youthinkyouthinaction.eventbrite.com/http://youthinkyouthinaction.eventbrite.com/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://youthinkyouthinaction.eventbrite.com/http://youthinkyouthinaction.eventbrite.com/
  • 7/29/2019 YIA 2013 Package


    Parent/Guardian AgreementI agree that the following is true:

    1. I understand that my child is applying for the Youth in Action program, a 6-sessionprogram exploring the School to Prison Pipeline. It also a culmination ceremony onMonday evening, May 20, 2013 at 6 pm. I know that the program includes a number ofevening and weekend workshops and I agree to my childs participation in ALL of theseprogram components.

    2. I will provide and/or arrange transportation for my child to the pick-up/drop off locationsfor program meetings and events. I understand that youTHink may be able to providetransportation.

    I am interested in youTHink transportation for my child, and I understand thattransportation will be by Bus / Shuttle.

    3. I understand that adequate and appropriate supervision will be provided throughout theprogram. I recognize, however, that unanticipated situations and problems can arise atany program, which situations or problems are not reasonably within the control of thesupervising youTHink and/or Zimmer Childrens Museum staff (including volunteers). Insuch instances, I agree that the Zimmer Childrens Museum and the supervising youTHinkand/or Zimmer Childrens Museum staff (including volunteers) are not to be held legallyresponsible in the event of accident or injury and I will hold the Zimmer ChildrensMuseum and the supervising youTHink and/or Zimmer Childrens Museum staff (includingvolunteers) harmless from any costs, liability, or related expenses.

    4. I give permission for emergency medical attention to be administered should that benecessary while on this fieldtrip. I also give my permission for photos of my child takenwhile participating in youTHink programs to be used in promotional materials foryouTHink and the Zimmer Childrens Museum, which may include an institutional video,website, or brochures.

    5. I understand that opportunities for my childs leadership development will continue afterthe duration of the program, and I will support his or her involvement in suchopportunities.

    _______________________________ _________________________

    Parent/ Guardian Signature Date

    Thank you for your time and support! If you have any questions, please contact CarolinaCouto at (323) 761-8356 or at [email protected].

  • 7/29/2019 YIA 2013 Package


    Informacin del Padre o Guardin: Esta seccin de la solicitud debe ser llenada por el padre o guardin delaspirante al programa.

    Nombre del Padre o Guardin______________________________________________________

    Telfono durante el da: __________________ Telfono de Casa: _____________________

    Telfono mvil: _____ - _____ - __________

    En caso de una emergencia, cul es la mejor manera de comunicarse con usted


    Acuerdo de Padre o/ GuardinConvengo que lo siguiente es verdad:1. Entiendo que mi hijo/a est aplicando para el programa Jvenes en Accin, un programa de 6 sesiones que

    explora la pipa de las escuelas al encarcelamiento. Tambin incluye una ceremonia de culminacin el 20 demayo de 2013 a las 6pm. S que el programa incluye un nmero de talleres por la tarde y/o durante el finde semana, y estoy de acuerdo con la participacin de mi hijo/a en todos estos componentes del programa.

    2. Voy a proveer o organizare el transporte para mi hija/o a los lugares y tiempos adecuados para lasreuniones y eventos del programa. Entiendo que youTHink puede proporcionar el transporte.

    Estoy interesado en el transporte que provee youTHink para mi hijo/a, yo entiendo que el transporteser por autobs/camioneta.

    3. Entiendo que la supervisin adecuada y apropiada ser proporcionada durante el programa. Reconozco, sinembargo, que las situaciones no previstas y/o problemas pueden surgir en cualquier programa, situacioneso problemas que no estn dentro del control razonable del personal de supervisin de youTHink y/o delMuseo de Nios Zimmer (incluyendo voluntarios). En tales casos, estoy de acuerdo que el personal delMuseo de Nios Zimmer y de youTHink (incluyendo voluntarios) no deben ser legalmente responsables encaso de accidente o lesin y voy a mantener a el personal del Museo de Nios Zimmer y youTHink,(incluyendo voluntarios) libres de cualquier costo, responsabilidad y/o gastos relacionados.

    4. Doy permiso para que atencin mdica de emergencia sea administrada en caso de que sea necesariodurante este programa. Tambin doy mi permiso para que fotos de mi hijo/a tomadas durante suparticipacin en los programas de youTHink sean utilizados en materiales de promocinales de youTHinky/o el Museo de Nios de Zimmer, que tambin puede incluir un video institucional, sitio web o folletos.

    5. Entiendo que las oportunidades para el desarrollo de liderazgo de mi hija/o continuarn despus de laduracin del programa, y apoyar su participacin en tales oportunidades.

    ___________________________ ________________________Firma del Padre o Guardin Fecha

    Si desea ms informacin en espaol o si tiene alguna pregunta, favor de comunicarse con Carolina Couto a(323) 761-8356.

  • 7/29/2019 YIA 2013 Package


    Engaging Students in Contemporary Issues and Civic Action Through ArtYouth in Action: Working to En d the School to Prison Pipeline

    Student InformationPlease complete the entire application. You may type or print clearly.Name (last, first): ___________________________________________ Gender: ____________________

    Date of birth: ______/______/______ School: ________________________________ Grade level: ____

    Street Address: _________________________________________________________________________

    City: ___________________________________ State: _______ Zip code: _____________________

    Home phone: ________________________ Cell phone: ____________________________

    Email address: __________________________ Facebook address: _________________________

    Languages spoken at home: ______________________________________________________________

    Application Questions Please answer the following questions on a separate piece ofpaper. Each answer should be about one paragraph long. Please type or neatly print youranswers. Applications without the following questions answered will not be considered.1. Why are you interested in participating in this program? What do you hope to learn or gain from

    your involvement?

    2. What will you and your participation add to the group/program?3. Have you been involved in any action projects for social change before? If yes, please describe. If

    not, why did you choose this project?

    Application Agreement: Both you and your parent/ guardian must read the followingagreement and sign below.I hereby certify that the following:

    3. If accepted into Youth in Action, I will attend ALL meetings and field trips.4. Everything I have written on this application is true.______________________________ ______________________________ __________________Student Signature Parent/ Guardian Signature Date*IMPORTANT: Application deadline is Monday, April 2. Students will be notified oftheir acceptance into the program by Tuesday, April 9.
