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Young Fine Gael Summer Informer

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SUMMER SCHOOL TALK SEMINAR DUBLIN CENTRAL LAUNCH NEW YEPP DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY YEPP CONGRESS REPORT July 2011 Young Fine Gael Informer; edited by Graham Dullaghan, Director of Communications Keane’s Corner Promises Kept One of Fine Gael’s main com- mitments to the Irish people was that the new Government would re-negotiate a better deal for Ireland with the EU and IMF. On Thursday 22 July, after just four months in government, the Taoiseach and the Government have fulfilled that pledge. The Gov- ernment has delivered nearly a halving of the interest being paid on our loans and a dou- bling in the time in which those loans must be re-paid. Presidency As you know, Gay Mitchell is the Fine Gael candidate for the Presidency of Ireland. Gay has the qualities needed for the next President – he is honest, hardworking and committed to public ser- vice. I look forward to cam- paigning with you all over the next three months to ensure that Gay gets elected. Goodbye Susie O’Connor, our National Youth Officer, will be moving on in the next few weeks. On behalf of the National Execu- tive and members past and present, I would like to thank Susie for all the hard work and dedication she has given to Young Fine Gael over the last nine years. She has served with eight National Ex- ecutives and six Presidents during this time – a time which has seen YFG go from strength to strength. A message from Gay Mitchell to Young Fine Gael A message from Gay Mitchell to Young Fine Gael A message from Gay Mitchell to Young Fine Gael A message from Gay Mitchell to Young Fine Gael I am honoured to have won the nomination to stand for President of Ireland. A big ask now lies ahead and I will need all your help to convince people across the country that I will do a good job as President. I will give all my energy and commitment to this lengthy election campaign. If I am chosen by the voters I will give all I have to repre- sent all the people. I am standing because the presidency really matters and I want to continue the excel- lent work done by Presidents McAleese and Robinson. The President can help re- build national confidence and support efforts to restore our international reputation. These are crucial to the restoration of our economic prosperity. The presidency can support local social and economic initiatives and help us build a more forgiving and caring, inclusive society. I am heartened by Fine Gael members' support going into this campaign. Now we must reach out to voters supporting all parties and none and show that we will put the interests of all people at the heart of the presidency. The work and example of Uachtarain na hEireann can help Ireland overcome our pre- sent difficulties and make us a country others will once again wish to emulate. I very much appreciate the support of Young Fine Gael to date. Over the coming weeks and months, I will be calling on each and every one of you in Young Fine Gael to come out and join the campaign as we travel the length and breadth of the country seeking the people's support. From there we can continue to build on everything Ireland has to offer for future gen- erations. Le gach dea ghui Gay
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Young Fine Gael Informer; edited by Graham Dullaghan, Director of Communications

Keane’s Corner

Promises Kept One of Fine Gael’s main com-mitments to the Irish people was that the new Government would re-negotiate a better deal for Ireland with the EU and IMF. On Thursday 22 July, after just four months in government, the Taoiseach and the Government have fulfilled that pledge. The Gov-ernment has delivered nearly a halving of the interest being paid on our loans and a dou-bling in the time in which those loans must be re-paid.

Presidency As you know, Gay Mitchell is the Fine Gael candidate for the Presidency of Ireland. Gay has the qualities needed for the next President – he is honest, hardworking and committed to public ser-vice. I look forward to cam-paigning with you all over the next three months to ensure that Gay gets elected.

Goodbye Susie O’Connor, our National Youth Officer, will be moving on in the next few weeks. On behalf of the National Execu-tive and members past and present, I would like to thank Susie for all the hard work and dedication she has given to Young Fine Gael over the last nine years. She has served with eight National Ex-ecutives and six Presidents during this time – a time which has seen YFG go from strength to strength.

A message from Gay Mitchell to Young Fine GaelA message from Gay Mitchell to Young Fine GaelA message from Gay Mitchell to Young Fine GaelA message from Gay Mitchell to Young Fine Gael

I am honoured to have won the nomination to stand for President of Ireland. A big ask now lies ahead and I will need all your help to convince people across the country that I will do a good job as President. I will give all my energy and commitment to this lengthy election campaign. If I am chosen by the voters I will give all I have to repre-sent all the people.

I am standing because the presidency really matters and I want to continue the excel-lent work done by Presidents McAleese and Robinson. The President can help re-build national confidence and support efforts to restore our international reputation. These are crucial to the restoration of our economic prosperity.

The presidency can support local social and economic initiatives and help us build a more forgiving and caring, inclusive society.

I am heartened by Fine Gael members' support going into this campaign. Now we must reach out to voters supporting all parties and none and show that we will put the interests of all people at the heart of the presidency.

The work and example of Uachtarain na hEireann can help Ireland overcome our pre-sent difficulties and make us a country others will once again wish to emulate.

I very much appreciate the support of Young Fine Gael to date.

Over the coming weeks and months, I will be calling on each and every one of you in Young Fine Gael to come out and join the campaign as we travel the length and breadth of the country seeking the people's support.

From there we can continue to build on everything Ireland has to offer for future gen-erations.

Le gach dea ghui


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Goings On…. Goings On…. Goings On…. Goings On…. Have your branch activities and meetings included in the Informer. for inclusion in the next edition email submissions to;


General: 1) This Summer School calls for the development of a viable nuclear power option for Ireland. - Defeated 2) This Summer School calls for the removal of the offence of blasphemy as it is contrary to the ethos of free speech and assembly, which every modern republic should strive for. - Carried 3) This Summer School calls for the privatisation of CIÉ. - Defeated 4) This Summer School calls for newly trained teachers to be given priority for substitution over retired teachers. - Carried 5) This Summer School calls on the Government to lower the corporation tax rate to 8.2%, bringing it in line with the average effective rate of corporation tax in France. - Defeated 6) This Summer School calls on the Government to suspend Overseas Development Aid for the duration of EU/IMF pro-gramme. - Defeated 7) This Summer School supports allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry. - Carried 8) This Summer School calls on the Government to exempt renewable energy from budget cuts. -Carried 9) This Summer School opposes changing Sunday pay ar-rangements in Joint Labour Committee agreements. - Defeated 10) This Summer School calls for the introduction of com-pulsory Information Technology modules to Junior Certifi-cate and Transition Year as well as the introduction of a full Information and Communication Technology subject at Leaving Certificate. - Carried 11) This Summer School calls for a cap on public sector pensions of €50,000 a year. - Defeated

Political Reform: 1) Young Fine Gael believes that Town and Borough Coun-cils should be abolished. - Carried 2) YFG believes legislation should be brought forward to outlaw members of the Oireachtas making offi-cial representations at council level on behalf of individual constituents. - Carried 3) YFG calls for the voting age for local elections to be low-ered to 16. - Defeated 4) YFG calls for the electorate to the presidency to be ex-tended to all Irish citizens, with voting in embassies and by postal vote across the world. - Defeated 5) YFG calls for a universal age of 18 for eligibility to serve in political office. - Carried 6) YFG opposes the Governments position on the introduc-tion of gender quotas whereupon a political party will have its funding reduced if it does not have a minimum number of female candidates. - Carried 7) YFG calls for the whip system to be relaxed in the case of non-budgetary votes. - Carried

On August 8th we gradually descended on Gal-way for what was going to be the weekend of the Summer. While some of our members got to-gether in a field in Kildare, we assembled in Fa-gans Bar in the Meyrick Hotel on Eyre Square. On the Saturday morning, Deputy Sean Kyne, Senator Fidelma Healy-Eames and Mayor Hilde-garde Naughton welcomed us to the City of the Tribes. Following on from the opening by Eric Keane, President of YFG, we proceeded to the business of the debates on the various motions which had been submitted (see across)/ Including the session on Political Reform. The River Corrib played host to the group for a cruise and thankfully the rain held off!! As the evening went on, we gathered ourselves together and headed off to the barbeque where a presenta-tion was made to Susie O’Connor, National Youth Officer who is leaving us for greener pastures in the not too distant future (in Susie we trust). On Sunday morning, a presentation was made by the Executive in relation to the ongoing National Review and focused on the feedback from the previous meeting in Westport. And so concluded another successful Summer School. Where will 2012 take us……

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Goings On…. Goings On…. Goings On…. Goings On…. Have your branch activities and meetings included in the Informer. for inclusion in the next edition email submissions to;

[email protected]

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LAUDER—DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL Colm Lauder, Young Fine Gael’s International Secretary, recently secured a senior seat (Deputy Secretary General) on the board of Europe’s largest and most influential political youth organisation - the Youth of the European People’s Party (YEPP). Colm took up his position at the recent YEPP Con-gress in Berlin. Following intense and detailed negotiations with our European partners over the past few months to secure an Irish seat on the board, it was an-nounced in Brussels that Mr. Lauder would be uncontested. The Tao-iseach, Enda Kenny and Minister Lucinda Creighton generously assisted and advised during the long negotiation period. Mr. Lauder said he was “delighted with the opportunity” to hold one of the most significant youth political positions in Europe. He stressed “it is crucial for Ireland to have a strong and competent voice within Europe’s most pow-erful political youth organisation. We are facing a challenging negotiating period with our European colleagues and need to be well placed to ensure Ireland’s interests are fought for at every European level. Eric Keane, President of Young Fine Gael (YFG), noted, “securing this sen-ior seat on the YEPP board will be of enormous benefit to Ireland. It will allow unprecedented access to leading European politicians which is crucial for securing and defending Ireland’s interests.” Previous Irish board members include the Minister for Transport, Dr. Leo Varadkar and Minister for European Affairs, Lucinda Creighton.

Vacancy; International Secretary: Following the successful election of YFG's Colm Lauder to the position of Deputy Secretary General of the Youth of the European People's Party (YEPP), a number of positions on the officer board of YFG's International Committee have be-come vacant.

The role of the International Committee is to liaise regularly with Irish MEP's, diplomats, fellow Christian Democrat & Conservative Politicians as well as TD's and the Department of the Taoiseach. The role is vital in ensuring suitable rep-resentation for YFG amongst our fellow centre-right European colleagues and the development of policy for YEPP, EPP and our MEP's. The International Secretary provides a crucial link between YFG and Fine Gael MEP's with great empha-sis placed on lobbying support for Fine Gael or Young Fine Gael policies in Europe.

The International Secretary/Deputy International Secretary is required to attend approximately five YEPP seminars an-nually and will formally represent YFG there, costs for formal YEPP events will be borne by Fine Gael.

Applications are invited for the following positions: 1. International Secretary of Young Fine Gael 2. Deputy International Secretary.

Successful candidates will meet the following criteria: · Knowledge of European & International Affairs · Willingness to travel · Proven ability to represent YFG.

Application: Interested candidates should email their Curriculum Vitae and a motivation letter to Eric Keane ([email protected]) by 1st August at 12 Noon. There will be an interview process.

Any questions or queries please email Colm Lauder at [email protected].

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Goings On…. Goings On…. Goings On…. Goings On…. Have your branch activities and meetings included in the Informer. for inclusion in the next edition email submissions to;

[email protected]

Information submitted by branches to [email protected]—Edited by Graham Dullaghan

Mental Health and Suicide Mental Health and Suicide Mental Health and Suicide Mental Health and Suicide Awareness SeminarAwareness SeminarAwareness SeminarAwareness Seminar

Mansion House, Dublin, 3rd Mansion House, Dublin, 3rd Mansion House, Dublin, 3rd Mansion House, Dublin, 3rd September. 10:30amSeptember. 10:30amSeptember. 10:30amSeptember. 10:30am

The official relaunch of the TALK Campaign will take the form of an all-day seminar in Dublin on Saturday, 3rd September. Following on from a positive and productive discussion at Summer School, it is apparent that the best way forward with the campaign involves constant interaction with YFG members and branches throughout the country, and it is hoped that the information, knowledge and advice generated by the semi-nar will provide the ideal starting point from which each individual branch can conduct the campaign in their own locality. The original incarnation of the campaign, launched in 2006, was arguably one of the big-gest and also one of the most significant cam-paigns in Young Fine Gael's history. In 2011 and beyond, we hope to equal the success and resonance that was achieved five years ago in addressing the stigma and taboo relating to mental illness and suicide and in encouraging young people to seek help and advice. If you would like to get involved in the campaign or if you have any ideas you'd like to share with us then please don't hesitate to contact Alison (0862069255) or Claire (0863905999).

DUBLIN CENTRAL LAUNCH &DUBLIN CENTRAL LAUNCH &DUBLIN CENTRAL LAUNCH &DUBLIN CENTRAL LAUNCH & COLLINS GRIFFITH COMMEMORATION COLLINS GRIFFITH COMMEMORATION COLLINS GRIFFITH COMMEMORATION COLLINS GRIFFITH COMMEMORATION To build on the successful weekend that we ran last year and the recent setting up of YFG in Dublin Cen-tral, we are delighted to invite everyone back again to celebrate the legacy of two huge figures. As you may know much of last year was spent stimu-lating the hospitality and service sector of the north in-ner city. This year we have decided to bring a loftier focus to the weekend. Friday:Formal Launch of Dublin Central YFG and Ta-ble Quiz in Kavanagh's, Stoneybatter. Saturday:A tour of Glasnevin Cemetery,followed by a Collins talk with guest speakers that are yet to be con-firmed in Hedigans. After a night out in the world fa-mous McGowans of Phibsborough. Sunday: Mass in memory of Collins and Griffith, fol-lowed by graveside oration at Glasnevin cemetery. We are also in process of arranging hostel accommo-dation for those travelling to Dublin.This will be final-ised and any other details will let people know asap. It would be great to get as many people as possible to really reward the hard work of the Collins/Griffith soci-ety in organising this commemoration and also of a way of having an enjoyable weekend. More details will be forthcoming in the coming days and if you have any questions please contact Sean Devlin or Cllr. Ray McAdam.

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Information submitted by branches to [email protected]—Edited by Graham Dullaghan

North West Regional Council AGM The North West Regional Council AGM took place in the Castle-court Hotel, Westport on 28 May, 2011 from 5 - 7pm. The Chairperson for the evening was Cillian Griffey (North West organiser) A great AGM was had and the following were elected: Chairperson: Tommy English (Achill) Vice Chair & 2nd Treasurer: Edel Hession (Claremorris) Secretary: Luke Hogg (Clare) Treasurer: Darragh Loftus (Castlebar) P.R.O. : D.J. Kelly (Donegal SW) Social Secretary: Sean Cafferkey (Achill) Policy officer: Patricia Bruhen (Galway East) Membership Officer: Mick Welsh (Castlebar) The Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD, and Minister Michael Ring at-tended the meeting. This was the Taoiseach's first official Young Fine Gael event and it was an honour for him to accept our invita-tion. North West Weekend A get together was held in Carrick on Shannon, Co.Leitrim, Saturday, June 25 During the North West Weekend, a 5-aside soccer tournament raised over €100 for charity jigsaw.ie, galway. This was followed by an Inter Branch debate with the winning team being that of Clare/Mayo; Cillian Griffey (Clare), Tommy English (Achill), Sean Cafferkey (Achill) and Donal Fanning (Clare). Liam Maguire was presented with award for winning debating team with Sarah Cumiskey (South Leitrim); Best Speaker was awarded to Kieran Cawley (Sligo); Best Player/ Man of the Match: Blaine Gaffney (Sligo) and Best Goalkeeper award to Seán O' Cheafarcaigh. NWRC Meeting: A meeting was organised by the North West Regional Council for all North West members on the Friday of the Young Fine Gael Summer School in the Meyrick Hotel, Eyre Square Galway. A plan for the months ahead was drawn up.

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Goings On…. Goings On…. Goings On…. Goings On…. Have your branch activities and meetings included in the Informer. for inclusion in the next edition email submissions to;

[email protected]

Information submitted by branches to [email protected]—Edited by Graham Dullaghan

DUBLIN REGIONAL COUNCIL REPORT by CATHAL SHEERIN The DRC 2011/2012 has been in existence for 4 months now and we’ve hit the ground running. To date we have held a summer BBQ which book ended the college year and kicked off the DRC YFG season, as well as two extremely successful seminars, that will finish up having at least every constituency in Dublin hosting one in conjunction with us. There are a lot more events and socials to be organised.

Our two seminars so far, have been a big hit and have been positively received across our region. The first seminar was based loosely on the economy and we had three very experi-enced, interesting and opinionated speakers. They included Fine Gael’s own Paschal Donohoe along with UNITE econo-mist Michael Taft and Market Analyst Charlie Fell. The night was followed by drinks in the Mansion House and was chaired by Cllr. Ray McAdam.

The 2nd of the series was a constituency seminar and was or-ganised in conjunction with YFG in Dublin South East, Dún Laoighre and Dublin South. The event was in O’Connels of Donnybrook and this time we were engaging with the topic of ‘Ireland’s position within the EU’ and the State’s policy of neutrality. Minister and local T.D. Lucinda Creighton, spoke passionately and with a knowledge that caught the attention of the large crowd gathered. Prof. Ben Tonra, the Jean Monnet professor in UCD also spoke and gave a powerful critique and analysis of our neutrality along with Ireland’s foreign policy and that of the EU. This time local boy, Cllr. Neale Richmond chaired and allowed for a very interesting debate to take place after.

With more planned this summer and an eventful Dublin Day to look forward to, the DRC is as busy as ever and look forward to providing a fun and enjoyable YFG experi-

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Goings On…. Goings On…. Goings On…. Goings On…. Have your branch activities and meetings included in the Informer. for inclusion in the next edition email submissions to;

[email protected]

Information submitted by branches to [email protected]—Edited by Graham Dullaghan


The eighth YEPP Congress was held in Berlin from 12th-15th of May. YEPP is the youth organisation of the European People's Party, with over 50 member organizations, rang-ing from Sweden to Slovenia to San Marino. It is the largest youth political organisation in Europe. We arrived in Berlin on Thursday evening, and with some help from one of the Belgian representatives, we navigated our way into the city.

The Congress sought to address the very timely question, “How to finance the Euro-pean Union in the 21stcentury?”. On Friday we heard from a range of speakers includ-ing Dr. Hans Gert Pottering MEP, Dr. Wilfried Martens MEP and Dr. Wolfgang Schlau-ble, the German Minister for Finance. One of the centerpieces was an address by the

Chancellor herself, Dr. Angela Merkel MP. All speakers sought to lay out a positive solution to Europe's cur-rent economic difficulties. There were however a few unwelcome mentions of Ireland's corporation tax rate. We visited the German Reichstag and saw much of Berlin on an extensive bus tour.

On Saturday, elections to the YEPP Board took place, the most anticipated event of the weekend. Young Fine Gael had little to worry about as our International Secretary, Colm Lauder,was elected uncontested as Deputy Secretary General, one of the more senior positions available. Colm con-tinues a long tradition of quality YFG rep-resentation on the YEPP Board, and we wish him all the best in his new position. We were delighted to be joined for part of the weekend by our Minister for European Affairs, Lucinda Creighton, herself a former YEPP board member.

Dinner on Saturday night was a more relaxed affair. We did our best to canvass for Jedward and made sure to thank our Danish and Swedish colleagues for giving us the valuable douze points. The new YEPP Board was announced; Csaba Domotor from Hungary was elected President, with Duarte Marques from Portugal being the new First Vice-President.

Overall, it was an enjoyable and successful weekend, and I was very proud to represent YFG. Our Euro-pean colleagues are quite interesting characters, but we are all united by common values and purpose. One would hope that the future of Europe is in good hands! The very best of luck to Colm, Csaba, and the rest of the new YEPP Board over the next to years.

Young Fine Gael Kerry South will be holding a

BBQ on Friday 5th August at Kenmare Golf Club between 7.30-9.30pm

Guest Speaker to be confirmed. All Kerry South Public Representatives are invited to attend. Please invite people between the ages of 16-35 that you know are interested in Fine Gael to attend. If people wish to stay in Kenmare for the night please let me know or check out www.kenmare.ie for a list of accommodation. Please confirm to me before 1st August how many people from your area hope to attend. It promises to be a fantastic social night.

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By Eric Keane

The Fine Gael family recently lost one of its greatest sons in Dr. Garret FitzGerald. Garret FitzGerald was

Leader of our Party, a Minister and Taoiseach however he will be remembered by all as a true Statesman. In the words of An Taoiseach “his enthusiasm for life and his opti-mism for politics will be missed by all and especially by peo-ple in Fine Gael.”

Garret brought to politics a vision of a modern Ireland which he intended to espouse and create. That vision was of a secular Ireland where people could lead their lives freely, as they should do in a modern republic. It was a vision of an Ireland where the people of Northern Ireland could live in peace.

Part of Garret’s vision was to bring young people into politics and he founded Young Fine Gael in 1977. Small at first, Young Fine Gael quickly mushroomed into a vibrant, active organisation throughout the country. It existed then as it does now to allow the young people of Ireland have a voice within Fine Gael.

In Government, Garret implemented what were then, radical social reforms which we take for granted today. Through the Children’s Act he rescinded the law discriminating against illegitimate children and free access to contraception was introduced. He also made the first attempt to introduce di-vorce.

Garret agreed the Anglo Irish Agreement which laid the foundations for the Good Friday Agreement and the peace that now exists in Northern Ireland.

Garret left politics in 1992 but he never forgot about Young Fine Gael. In 2007, he spoke at our conference to celebrate 30 years of YFG. His message to us then was that our gen-eration were responsible for creating our future. We all worked together to get Fine Gael into Government, lets take Garrets words and work together to create a future that all of us can be proud of.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis

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During GE11, YFG Vice President Brid Murphy held the fort on behalf of our Youth Officer, Susie O’Connor at HQ; here she tells us how she came about to be affectionately known as Brid ’Susie’ Murphy:

‘’The term walk a mile in someone’s shoes was never more apt then when I had the pleas-ure of sitting in Susie’s chair during the recent General Election. Being in headquarters dur-ing the general election campaign was truly eye opening. We had a total of 17 young candi-dates running in this election from all parts of the country. We launched a manifesto for Young Ireland; elected 12 young candidates, 76 Teachtaí Dala, and one Taoiseach. It was rewarding, challenging and damn hard work.

Young Fine Gaelers took to the streets of every constituency to hammer home the Fine Gael message. In Dublin they were involved in targeting key constituencies, dropping, can-vassing and helping candidates in any way possible. As well as this Dublin YFG provided many members for various events throughout the city including our Young Candidates launch and Youth manifesto. Members across the country were involved with

their local candidates and while it would be wrong to single people out it must be said there were many who made stepping into Susie’s shoes just a little easier.

Young Fine Gaelers were involved in the digital campaign, the national campaign and the local campaign. Some of Young Fine Gael’s finest have been elected to Leinster House. It was a very proud day for Young Fine Gael when two of our own Deputies Leo Varadkar and Lucinda Creighton were made Ministers of this Government Leo to the Department of Trans-port, Tourism and Sport and Lucinda Junior Minister for European Affairs.

The 2011 election will be remembered for its 5 point plan, the digital campaign, the triumph of election and the new beginning it has brought. Young Fine Gael played a vital role in this election: Dublin Organiser Colm Jordan said at a training day for branches that “Young Fine Gael decide who get 2nd and 3rd seats in constituencies through our hard work and dedication to campaigns” – this was never more evident than in this election.

Thanks to all who helped and those who I badgered, annoyed and rang about 20 times a day (literally)! It was a great campaign, it was a short 4 weeks but it was a memorable 4 weeks. The shoes have gone back to Susie a little more worn thanks to the pavements but as I’ve said on many occasions since this all – she’s a saint!’’

IRELAND SOUTH REPORT by CONOR CREAN Following a hectic Summer School Munster is gearing up for our annual trip to West Cork for the Béal na Bláth com-memoration in August. This is an event which proves very very popular every year with fun, sport and a great oration. Previous speakers have included, Mary Robinson, Brian Lenihan and Enda Kenny. For details about attending get in contact with your branch Chair or the MRC.

Elsewhere in Munster, our newest branch, Cork North Central have been living it up at the dogs. A large group enjoyed a night out in Curaheen Park and unconfirmed reports claim some members still had their shirts by the last race. Innovative social outings like this are what makes branch involvement a great experience!

A number of other branches have been out and about in cities, towns and even agri-cultural shows with recruitment stands. It is no wonder that membership has increased thanks to the hard work you are all investing and I hope that you continue with these efforts. If you need any help with organising a recruitment drive get in contact with me at any stage.

Mallow, among others, have been getting involved in the community and with charity. They have been helping the Mal-low Wheelchair Support Group raise money for their cause. We get into politics to serve and to help others so any move to get active in these areas is truly commendable.

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