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ZhejiangTechonology Institute of Economy Auto Detect and Repair Unit 8
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ZhejiangTechonology Institute of Economy

Auto Detect and Repair

Unit 8

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Basic Structure of an Auto


Section IV Comprehensive practice

Section III Grammar

Section II Reading

Section I Listening and speaking

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Section I Listen and Speaking

Task 1: Picture recognition

Task 2: Read and Match

Task 3: Speak Out

Task 4: Listen and practice

Task 5: Act out

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Look at the following five pictures. For each picture you will hear four statements. Choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture.





Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

Picture 4 Picture 5 Picture 6


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Read and match. Read the devices of auto repair and detect and make

a match.

A. diagnostic tester ( )1. 程序卡插槽B. program card slot ( ) 2. 汽车诊断电脑 C. engine performances analyzer ( ) 3. 检测电缆 D. auto multi-meter ( ) 4. 四通道示波器 E. oxygen sensor ( ) 5. 汽车专用示波器 F. test cable ( ) 6. 诊断仪 G. auto faults decoder ( ) 7. 汽车故障解码器 H. four-channel oscilloscope ( ) 8. 氧传感器 I. auto diagnostic computer ( ) 9. 汽车专用万能表 J. temperature sensor ( ) 10. 发动机综合性能分析仪










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Speak out. Look at the structure of an auto in Task1 and Task2, ask

your partner the following questions, and organize the sentences.

Try to point out some special facilities for the auto repair in English.

Can you talk about the functions of an auto multi-meter?

Which tester is used to check the oxygen sensor in an engine?

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Listen and practice. Listen to the dialogues, fill in the missing information, and practice them with your partner.

Dialogue 1

Lecturer: Good morning, guys!Students: Good morning, sir!Lecturer: Today we will have a look at some special testers for the auto .Jack: I know this is a .Lecturer: Half shot! Exactly, it’s a special multi-meter for the auto repair.Jack: What can it do?Lecturer: Besides the of a common multi-meter to measure voltage, current and resistance, it can also be used to check some special parameters in the auto repair, such as the duty ratio, the and the rolling speed, etc.Mike: What’s this one , sir?Lecturer: It’s an auto faults decoder.Mike: It seems like a multi-meter.Lecturer: Yeah. They’re similar in , but they are different things.





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Listen and practice. Listen to the dialogues, fill in the missing information, and practice them with your partner.

Dialogue 2

David: Hi, Mike! Can you help me?Mike: Sure. What’s the matter?David: My car is in trouble. When I on the road, there are always big noise. And I found my tires worn out very quickly.Mike: Maybe it is because of a low tier pressure…Oh, it seems not.David: Then are there any other reasons?Mike: Something may be wrong with the steering system. Perhaps the toe-in is not . Let’s check it.David: How can we change the toe-in?Mike: It’s easy. Just the length of the tie rod.

make turnssteering




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Take Task 4 as example, practice dialogues according to the situations provided

with your partner.

1Joe and Jack are visiting the auto maintenance workshop; they are talking about the basic components of a car and the function of each component.


Antony is a technician of an auto repair company; he is talking about the problem of a car of to its owner.

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Section II Reading

Reading A Reading B

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Reading A

Task 1

Task 2

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Reading A






Effective Communication Between Repair Shops

To support the service partners and further increase customer , Skoda Auto Deutschland has developed a new of manufacturer-supported repair service. The Skoda Auto Deutschland Technical Service Center (TSC) in Weiterstadt is the of the company’s manufacturer-supported repair service in Germany. This is where seven diagnosis and repair experts in different component groups work. The concept itself consists of several modules, which include the “hotline ” and eleven so-called competence centers throughout Germany. These competence centers are selected Skoda partners, whose the import company has rented as the repair shops. premises

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“However, the TSC only comes into play when the service partner on needs help in solving a problem,” explained Dirk Weber, responsible for technical customer care concepts at Skoda. As a rule, the service partner to the hotline channel, i.e. via the Skoda Internet portal, to the TSC and to describe the problem. If the problem cannot be solved in this way, the vehicle is taken to the nearest competence center, where the ___________ experts work. “That is much quicker and much less expensive than taking the vehicle to Weiterstadt,” explained Dirk Weber.

Reading A





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Reading A

1. Which country does “Deutschland” refer according to the passage? A. The U.S.A B. Germany C. France D. Japan

2. Which of the following is included in the “new concept”? A. hotline channel B. experts C. component work D. import company



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Reading A

3. When does the TSC come to play according to Dirk Weber? A. when the vehicle is taken to the competence center B. when the vehicle is in the auto company C. when the service partner is on location D. not mentioned

4. What is called “Weiterstadt” in the passage? A. the heart of Germany B. the heart of auto manufacturer in Germany C. the heart of Skoda Auto Company’s manufacturer-supported

repair service in Germany. D. the heart of auto manufacturer-supported repair service



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Reading BReading B

Task 3

Task 2

Task 1


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Reading B How to Become an Auto Mechanic

An auto mechanic is a mechanic who specializes in automobile maintenance, repair, and sometimes modification. A mechanic may be knowledgeable in working on all parts of a variety of car makes or may specialize either in a specific area or in a specific make of car. In repairing cars, their main role is to diagnose the problem accurately and quickly. They often have to quote prices for their customers before commencing work or after partial disassembly for inspection. The mechanic uses both electronic means of gathering data as well as their senses.

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The following items are the things and steps you need to

become an auto mechanic: automotive repair manual; alarm clocks; adjustable oi filter wrenches; auto emergency kits; car jacks; crescent wrenches; lug wrenches; oil filter wrenches; socket sets.

Step1——Start preparing for an automotive career in school by taking advantage of the vocational programs offered, both in automotive repair and electrical trades. Math and physical science courses are important prerequisites.

Step2——Seek out apprenticeship and training programs. Because good, qualified auto mechanics are in short supply, many larger employers have excellent programs for entry-level workers.

Reading B How to Become an Auto Mechanic

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Step3——Note that some mechanics have started out by

working in a shop as a service writer and taking evening courses in auto repair. This is a good way to start if you are not ready to make a commitment to full time training school.

Step4——Find out about the countless technical schools and community college programs in automotive repair. Look for those whose programs are specifically designed to prepare you for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification.

Step5——Understand that most employers require a minimum number of ASE certifications for mechanic positions, and more for the step up to technician. Some shops offer in-house ASE preparation courses, and may offer new mechanics discounts on basic tools necessary for a personal tool inventory.

Reading B How to Become an Auto Mechanic

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Step6——Choose the right opportunity for you. Mechanics

are paid on the basis of their productivity, so your earnings will depend in part on the type and amount of work that comes through your employer's shop.

Step7——Look for an employer who offers opportunities for continued professional development through training and certification.

Step8——Expect prospective employers to be most interested in the types of work you are certified to perform, particularly any certifications and/or experience you may have with advanced computerized diagnostic systems. Be sure to list these on your resume and any applications you submit.

Reading B How to Become an Auto Mechanic

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specialize v. 特殊化

In collage I specialize in organic chemistry.

在学院里我主修有机化学。I specialize in the sale of cotton piece goods. May I act as your agent?


Important Words & Phrases

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Important Words & Phrases

be knowledgeable in 必须熟悉

A physicist must be knowledgeable in math. 物理学家必须非常了解数学。

He is quite knowledgeable in life here because he has been living here for many years. 他非常了解这里的生活,因为他在这住了很多年了。

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Important Words & Phrases

commence v. 开始

I commence from this point.

我从此点开始。The second term commences in March.


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Important Words & Phrases

electrical trades 电力行业 trade n. & v. 行业,交易

China does a lot of trade with many countries.

中国和许多国家进行多方面贸易。He usually trades at the nearby supermarket.


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Important Words & Phrases

prerequisite n. 先决条件

A degree is prerequisite for employment at this level.

必须具备大专院校的学位才能从事这一级的工作 .

Careful study of the market is a prerequisite for success.

仔细研究市场情况是取得成功的先决条件 .

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Important Words & Phrases

apprenticeship n. 学徒的身分 , 学徒的年限 After his apprenticeship he worked for Joe Manton, the greatest gunsmith in England and a legend in his own lifetime.

学徒期满后,詹姆士为英国最伟大的造枪巨子及其所在时代的一个传奇人物乔 · 曼顿工作。

apprentice  n. 学徒 v. 使当学徒He began his career as an apprentice.


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Important Words & Phrases

make a commitment to 承诺 , 献身于 , 投入

She made a commitment to philanthropy.

她专心从事慈善事业。 He has made a commitment to his girlfriend that he will marry her this year.


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Important Words & Phrases

inventory n. 详细目录 , 存货 ( 清单 ) vt. 编制 ( 详细目录 )

I regret not completing the inventory on time.

我很遗憾没有按时填好库存单。Some stores inventory their stock once a month.


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come through 经历 , 脱险

He's very ill but doctors expect him to come through.

他病得很重 , 但医生预料他能康复 .

He has come through two world wars.


Important Words & Phrases

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certify v. 证明,保证 be certified to 通过了 ... 认证

I can certify to her honesty.

我可以证明她是诚实的。I certify that he has received your money.


Important Words & Phrases

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Task 1: Read and judge. Read the passage and judge whether the statement is true or false.

1. An auto mechanic is a mechanic who specializes in automobile maintenance and repair.

2. In repairing cars, the main role of a mechanic is to diagnose the problem accurately and quickly.

3. Math and physical science courses have no relations with auto repair.

4. ASE certification is quite necessary for mechanic positions.

5. Mechanics earnings all depend on the type and amount of work that comes through their employer’s shop.






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Task 2: Read, complete and retell. Read the passage again and fill in the blanks with the information in the passage, and then try to retell the passage.

An auto mechanic in automobile maintenance, repair, and sometimes . There are many things you need to become an auto mechanic, such as automotive repair manual; alarm clocks; . And many steps you should note:Start preparing for an in school and seek out and training programs; You can also start out by working in a shop as a service writer and taking in auto repair; Look for those training programs specially designed for your test; Choose the right employers who offers ________ for continued professional development through training and _______ and make sure they are interested in the types of work you are to perform.



Automotive career

adjustable oil filter wrenches

apprenticeshipevening courses

ASE opportunities



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Task 3: Revise and Translate. Translate the following sentences into


1. An auto mechanic is a mechanic who specializes in automobile maintenance, repair, and sometimes modification.

2. Good, qualified auto mechanics are in short supply, many larger employers have excellent programs for entry-level workers.

3. Note that some mechanics have started out by working in a shop as a service writer and taking evening courses in auto repair.




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Task 3: Revise and Translate. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

4. Mechanics are paid on the basis of their productivity.

5. Look for an employer who offers opportunities for continued professional development through training and certification.



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Task 1

Task 2

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The Absolute Structure

用法 例句

名词(代词) + 现在分词 The question being settled, we went home.

We shall play the match tomorrow, weather permitting.

名词(代词) + 过去分词 The job finished, we went home.

The last bus having gone, we had to walk home.

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用法 例句名词(代词) + 不定式 Nobody to come tomorrow, we

will have to put off the meeting till next week.

So many people to help him, he is sure to succeed.

名词(代词) + 介词短语 The soldiers dashed in, rifle in hand.

A girl came in, book in hand.

The Absolute Structure

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用法 例句

名词(代词) + 形容词或副词 He sat in the front row, his mouth half open.

She sat at the table, collar off, head down, and pen in position, ready to begin the long letter.

There being + 名词(代词) There being nothing else to do, we went home.

There being no further business, I declare the meeting closed.

The Absolute Structure

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用法 例句

It being + 名词(代词) It being Christmas, the government offices were closed.

It being a holiday, all the shops were shut.

独立主格结构有时可在其前加上介词 with.

Don’t sleep with the windows open.

He was lying on the bed with all his clothes on.

The Absolute Structure

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Task 1: Fill in the blanks with proper words..

1. Ford tried dividing the labor , each worker __________(assign)a separate task.

2. The lecture __________ (begin) , he left his seat so quietly that no one complained that his leaving disturbed the speaker.

3. Such__________ (be) the case , there are no grounds to justify your complaints.

4 . Darkness __________ (set) in , the young people lingered on merrymaking.

5 . With all factors  __________ (consider) , we think this program may excel all the others in achieving the goal.


having begun




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Task 2: Translate the following into English.

1. 汽车缓慢的向前开,喇叭声不断响着。

2. 如果情况如此的话,你没有必要解雇这位汽修工人。

3. 这位汽修工走进修车间,手里拿着钳子。

4. 从挡风玻璃上看,这辆车受损程度不小。

5. 借助于一些旧零件,他要做一个汽车模型。

The car is moving forward slowly, horn honking.

It being such a case, you needn’t fire the auto mechanic .

The auto mechanic came into the shop with pliers.

Checked from the wind-shield glass, the car damaged a lot.

He is going to make a model car, some old parts to help.

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Section IV Comprehensive Practice

(II) Presentation(I) Applied Writing

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(I) Applied Writing

Recruiting Application

There are many parts of a recruiting application.1 ) The name of the recruiting unit 2 ) The brief introduction to the recruiting unit 3 ) The job titles being offered 4) The job responsibilities 5 ) The qualifications for application 6 ) The remuneration being offered 7 ) The way of application

Sample 1 Sample 2

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PepsiCo (China) Co. Ltd. is an owned foreign enterprise. Thanks to our steadily growing business in China, we now invite capable person for the following position:

Quality Engineer / Manufacturing Engineer

About 30 years old

University graduate in Mechanical Engineering,

Automation Engineer

2-3 years relevant working experience in Quality or Manufacturing environment, experience in joint venture preferably.

Having knowledge in Quality System

Applicants must have good oral and written English, be willing to travel

Having operating skills in using Windows and Excel.

Applicants should send your full resumes both in Chinese and English, telephone number and address to: Personnel Department, PepsiCo (China) Co. Ltd. Guangzhou Economic & Technical Development District, Guangzhou 510730

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Marketing Assistant Wanted


---Responsible for the local management of marketing and sales activities according to instructions from head office.

---Collect related information for the head office.


---College degree or above with good English (speaking and writing).

---Develop relationship with local media and customers.


---College degree or above with good English (speaking and writing).

---With basic idea of sales and marketing, related experience is preferred.

---Working experience in an international organization is a must.

---Good communication and presentation skills.

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诚聘汽车维修技术人员工作职责:在总工程师领导下,负责具体的各类汽车维修工作。同时,对汽车故障类型进行分析和提出改进意见。任职资格:具有机械工程学位或汽车维修类专业毕业,或研修过汽车维修类课程,大专及以上学历有经验者优先。申请信请寄至:上海汽车修理有限公司地址:上海市徐汇区中山南二路 379号邮编: 200042电话: 021-63364656

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Auto Repair Mechanics Wanted Responsibility:----- Responsible for any specific auto repair work under the leadership of general engineer. Meanwhile, provide analysis for any diagnosed problems and give solutions.Requirements:----- Major in engineering or auto repairing----- Having taken auto repairing training courses----- College degree or above is preferredApplications Contact: Shanghai Auto Repair Co. LdAddress: 379# ZhongshanNan’er Road, Xuhui District, ShanghaiPost Code: 200042Tele: 021-63364656

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(II) Presentation

Search the library or the internet for more detailed information about future automobiles and give a presentation about auto detect and repair.

Students can choose one of the two tasks, work in groups, and prepare for an in-class presentation.

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emergency n. 紧急情况 ,突发事件

kit n.装备 ,工具箱

wench n.扳钳 ,猛扭 ,痛苦

screwdriver n. 螺丝起子

jack n. 插座 ,千斤顶

gauge n.标准度量 ,计量器

diagnose v.诊断

decoder n.译码器

oscilloscope n.示波器

voltage n.电压

rod n. 杆 ,棒

Premise n.前提

resort v.诉诸 ,常去 ,滞留

mechanic n.技工 ,机修工

Modification n.修正 ,修饰 ,修改

commence v.开始

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prospective a.未来的 ,预期的 \

submit v.呈送 ,递交 ,主张absolute a.绝对的 ,完全的recruit v.恢复 ,补充 ,徵募

disassembly n.分解

crescent n.新月 ,新月形之物

filter n.筛选 ,滤波器 ,过滤器 ,滤色镜

lug n. v. 突出部 (接线片 ,耳轴 );拖拉 ,拖动

socket n.插座 ,插口

prerequisite n.先决条件

apprenticeship n.学徒的身分 ,学徒的年限

inventory n.详细目录 ,存货 (清单 )

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make turns转弯,转换

make a commitment to承诺

come through经历,脱险

be certified to通过了 ...认证

Automotive Service Excellence (ASE)(美国)优秀汽车维修技师证书考试
