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ZhejiangTechonology Institute of Economy Automobile Purchase Tax Unit 4
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ZhejiangTechonology Institute of Economy

Automobile Purchase Tax

Unit 4

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Automobile Purchase Tax


Section IV Comprehensive practice

Section III Grammar

Section II Reading

Section I Listening and speaking

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Section I Listen and Speaking

Task 1: Picture recognition

Task 2: Listen and respond

Task 3: Listen and judge

Task 4: Listen and practice

Task 5: Act out

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Look at the following five pictures. For each picture you will hear four statements. Choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture.





Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

Picture 4 Picture 5

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Listen and respond.You will hear a question or statement. Choose the best response to each question or statement.

1. A. No, I don’t. B. No, it does.

C. Yes, I think so. D. Yes, I do.

2. A. Ok, just a second please.

B. No, thanks.

C. Fine, you are great.

D. Yes, you are right.

3. A. Really? B. Thanks.

C. I’m ok. D. Yes, certainly.




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Listen and respond.You will hear a question or statement. Choose the best response to each question or statement.

4. A. No, of course not.

B. Well…But it’s tax-included.

C. Yes, I do.

D. You are wrong.

5. A. See you later.

B. I agree.

C. I don’t think so.

D. 230,000 RMB before tax.



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Listen and judge. Listen to five short conversations, and choose the best answer to each of the questions you hear.

1. A.   in last month.       B.  in the next month.       C. in the following week.       D.  in three weeks. 2. A.   boring . B. fascinating. C. interesting. D.  inappropriate. 3. A. King’s Hotel. B.  Philips Street. C.  home. D.  lost property office.




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Listen and judge. Listen to five short conversations, and choose the best answer to each of the questions you hear.

4. A.  handbag, cell phone, documents, and passport.

B.  research papers, cell phone,

passport and handbag.

C.  Cell phone, documents, passport

and research papers.

D.  handbag, documents, passport and research papers.

5. A.   very professional.

B.  a failure.

C. a great success.

D.  not mentioned.



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Listen and practice. Listen to the dialogues, fill in the missing information, and practice them with your partner.

Dialogue 1

James: Hey I am thinking about buying a new car.Mark: Go for it!James: But I am having trouble__________out how much I have to pay for the __________purchase tax. Mark: That’s something related to the car’s __________value, fuel type and C02 __________.James: Sounds difficult to__________at the moment.Mark: Absolutely. You’ll have to decide which car to buy at first. And some professionals would handle that for you later. James: All right. Can I have a bargain over the vehicle purchase tax?Mark: I’m afraid it’s not negotiable.



emissions calculate

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Listen and practice. Listen to the dialogues, fill in the missing information, and practice them with your partner.

Dialogue 2

Roger: Tony, I heard that the government is taking steps to increase the use of __________vehicles. Tony: Like what?Roger: Such as favourable tax policies.Tony: Yeah, the purchase tax on hybrid models is expected to be__________later this year.Roger: That’s amazing for car buyers.Tony: Definitely. The high price of hybrid cars has held back customers.Roger: Talking about purchase tax, what is the__________purchase tax rate for buying a car in China?Tony: The purchase tax currently accounts for 10 percent of a car’s price.




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Listen and practice. Listen to the dialogues, fill in the missing information, and practice them with your partner.

Roger: Does that include value-added tax?Tony: Well, excluding the 17 percent value-added tax.Roger: I see. I am really looking forward to the__________of tax-cut policies. I’d like to buy a hybrid car.Tony: But people do concern about the high maintenance fee and the limited models__________on the market. Roger: That’s true. But if the purchase tax were abolished, I would buy a hybrid model even if it cost more than a gasoline model.Tony: Yeah, it’s nice to be eco-friendly. Roger: I am sure there will be huge market demand if the price__________of hybrids models is improved.Tony: Let’s just hope for the best.




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Take Task 4 as example, practice dialogues according to the situations provided

with your partner.

Situation 1:Chris goes to the dealership showroom ( 汽 车 经 销 展 厅 ) to consult for tax-related issues.

Situation 2:

Chris and Rosalie are talking about the newly-released tax deduction policy.

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Section II Reading

Reading A Reading B

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Reading A

Task 1

Task 2

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Reading A

Task 1 Listen to the passage and fill in the missing information.

New Policy for Car Buyers With this new__________tax policy, consumers can now receive a "visible" price cut when purchasing low-emission passenger cars. At present, a car price consists of two parts: firstly, the__________price of the car (including__________cost of the product and profit made by the seller); and secondly, the 17% VAT (The VAT is paid by carmaker upon product entering the market). Only the non-tax part of the price is taxable for the 5% purchase tax, which means, the__________of purchase tax is only 5% of the total cost plus__________made by the seller. Therefore, the 17% VAT must be__________from the car price before calculating the car purchase tax, i.e.: Taxable price for purchase tax = invoice price∫(1+17%) According to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM), in China, sales of passenger cars with emission of 1.6__________or below account for 60% of the total passenger car sales. Therefore, most consumers can be benefited from the new purchase tax rate.






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Reading A

Task 2: Read the passage and choose the best answer to complete the statements.

1. The word “visible” used in the text can be understood as__________.A. possibleB. obvious to the eyeC. liable D. viable

2. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?A. At present, a car price consists of two parts.B. Consumers can get a price-cut whenever they buy a car.C. Only the non-tax part of the price is taxable for the 17% purchase tax.D. Only a few consumers can be benefited from the new purchase tax rate.



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Reading A

3. In China, sales of passenger cars with emission__________account for 60% of the total sales.

A. 1.6 liters or lowerB. higher than 1.6 liters C. 1.6 litersD. 1.6 liters and higher

4. What does ‘VAT’ most likely mean?A. Value added trainee B. Value affected trainingC. Value affected taxD. Value added tax



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Reading BReading B

Task 3

Task 2

Task 1


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Reading B New Tax Incentive

The federal economic stimulus bill signed into law last month offers car buyers a tax incentive to purchase a new vehicle this year. Congress hopes to increase the number of consumers visiting dealership showrooms and boost car sales. Car shoppers will receive a deduction for state and local sales taxes (purchase taxes) or excise taxes paid on most new car purchases and obtain a credit on 2009's tax filing next spring. This particular deduction can be used by all taxpayers, whether they itemize or not.

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Reading B New Tax Incentive

Domestic and foreign-made cars, SUVs, light trucks, motor homes and motorcycles generally qualify for the new car deduction. However, sales taxes paid on a lease agreement are not included. If sales tax was 8 percent on a $40,000 vehicle, the above-the-line deduction is $3,200 for the taxpayer. The law limits a tax deduction on one vehicle with a price tag up to $49,500 and is phased out for high wage earners (gross income exceeding $125,000 for a single filer or $250,000 for a joint return). If you buy a plug-in electric car, there's a larger tax credit of at least $2,500. Depending on battery life and the number of cars sold nationwide, you could claim up to another $5,000 in credits. Many manufacturers are also offering incentives and zero-interest loans for credit-worthy car shoppers, according to Dave Cavano, the Automobile Club of Southern California's Car Buying Service Manager.

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Reading B New Tax Incentive

Cavano also recommends the following tips to help car buyers

choose a vehicle and avoid typical car-buying pitfalls: Research costs, features and safety. Check out the style of vehicle you want to buy, the dealer's cost, government mileage ratings, safety features, warranty coverage from the manufacturer and special features, like hybrid technology or 4-wheel drive capabilities. This information, along with crash-test ratings, is available online from the Auto Club and also from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration at no charge. Set a budget. Decide how much you are able to spend and determine if you're eligible for discounts, or any rebates or incentives from the manufacturer or dealer. Test-drive before you buy. Make sure you test-drive the car you want to buy. Drive up hills, on highways, and in stop-and-go traffic, to mimic your commute and other trips.

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Important Words & Phrases

boost v. 推进,提高

The publication of this book boosted my confidence.


He needs a holiday to boost him up.

他需要度假让自己振作起来 .

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Important Words & Phrases

up to 相当于,多达

This hotel can accommodate up to 300 guests.

这家旅馆可供达 300 位来宾住宿。

A charge of 1.90 will be rounded up to 2 pounds.

1.90 英镑的费用将上调为 2 英镑。

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Important Words & Phrases

phase out 逐渐停止,逐渐淘汰

The old currency will have phased out by 1990.

旧货币分阶段至 1990 年将全部禁止流通。

British Leyland has announced plans to phase out some of its cars next year.


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Important Words & Phrases

tax credit 税收抵免

Tax credit is a direct deduction in tax liability.


You can get a 30% tax credit this year.


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Important Words & Phrases

credit-worthy adj. 资信可靠的

In the long term this could make developing country more credit-worthy.


We always say the buyers may not be quite as credit-worthy as they thought.


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Important Words & Phrases

warranty coverage 保修

The Toyota Accessory Warranty coverage is in effect for 36 months.

Toyota 汽车配件的保修有效期是 36 个月。

Tom needs to extend the warranty coverage period for his car.


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Important Words & Phrases

be eligible for 有资格,对 . . . 合格

Mary is not eligible for an award.


Mark is eligible for the job in KPMG.


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Important Words & Phrases

mimic v. 模仿

He mimicked his uncle’s voice perfectly.

他把叔叔的声音模仿得惟妙惟肖 .

She can mimic the actions of another person from a very young age.


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Task 1: Read and judge. Read the passage and judge whether the statement is true or false.

1. Congress hopes to increase the number of consumers visiting dealership showrooms and increase car sales.

2. Car shoppers this year will not be able to obtain a credit on 2009's tax filing next spring.

3. This particular deduction is only applied to itemizers.

4. The law does not apply to high wage earners.

5. Many manufacturers are also offering incentives and zero-interest loans for car shoppers with good credit record.






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Task 2: Read, complete and retell. Read the passage again and fill in the blanks with the information in the passage, and then try to retell the passage.

The federal economic stimulus bill signed into law last month offers car buyers a tax__________to purchase a new vehicle this year. Car shoppers will receive a__________for state and local sales taxes (purchase taxes) or excise taxes paid on most new car purchases and obtain a credit on 2009's tax filing next spring. This__________deduction can be used by all taxpayers, whether they itemize or not. However, sales taxes paid on a lease agreement are not included. The law also limits a tax deduction on one vehicle with a price tag up to $49,500 and is phased out for high wage earners. Many manufacturers are also offering incentives and zero-interest__________for credit-worthy car shoppers, according to Dave Cavano, the__________Club Manager. Cavano also recommends the following tips to help car buyers choose a vehicle and__________typical car-buying pitfalls: Research costs, features and safety. Set a__________. Test-drive before you buy.




avoid budget

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Task 3: Revise and Translate. Translate the following sentences into


1. The federal economic stimulus bill signed into law last month offers car buyers a tax incentive to purchase a new vehicle this year.

2. Domestic and foreign-made cars, SUVs, light trucks, motor homes and motorcycles generally qualify for the new car deduction.



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Task 3: Revise and Translate. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

3. Many manufacturers are also offering incentives and zero-interest loans for credit-worthy car shoppers, according to Dave Cavano, the Automobile Club of Southern California's Car Buying Service Manager.

4. The law limits a tax deduction on one vehicle with a price tag up to $49,500 and is phased out for high wage earners.

5. This information, along with crash-test ratings, is available online from the Auto Club and also from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration at no charge.


法律限制对标价 49 , 500 美元以上的汽车及高收入人群购车实行税费减免。


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Task 1

Task 2

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Present Participles

用法 例句

1. 现在分词在句子中作状语,可以表示时间、条件、原因、结果、让步、伴随等。

Walking in the street, I saw him.

Working hard, you will succeed. 

Being ill, she stayed at home. 

2. 单个现在分词作定语时放在所修饰名词前,分词短语作定语时放在后,现在分词修饰的是发出该动作的名词 ( 与名词有主谓关系 ) 。

This is really an exhausting day to all of us.

I said hi to the girl standing there.

3. 现在分词作宾语补足语,在 see, watch, hear, observe, notice, feel, find, glimpse, glance 等感官动词和 look at, listen to 等短语动词以及 have, keep, get, catch, leave, set, start, send 等使役动词后面与名词或代词构成复合宾语,作宾语补语的成分。

On the top of the hill, we could see smoke rising from the chimneys in the village.

I am sorry to have kept you waiting for such a long time.

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Present Participles

用法 例句4. 现在分词作表语,可被副词修饰。 The story is interesting.

The car is eye-catching.

5. 现在分词的否定式总是将否定词 not 置于分词之前。

Not knowing English, he didn’t know what she wanted.

6. 现在分词可作独立成分。 Generally speaking, China is still a developing country.

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Task 1: Choose the best answer to complete each statement.

1. When we arrived, we found him__________.A. sleeping B. slept C. is sleeping D. sleeps

2. Don't have the students__________all day.  A. study B. studying C. are studying D. studied

3. __________from his appearance, I don’t think he is a reliable man. A. Having judged B. Being judged C. Judging D. Judged

4. His friend died, __________him a lot of money. A. have left B. that leaving C. leaving D. left

5. Please answer the question__________another way.  A. using B. use C. used D. is used






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Task 2: Translate the following into English.

1. 从外型上判断,这应该是辆高性能车。

2. 别让你的员工连续八小时不停地工作。

3. 那是一场非常精彩的车展。

4. 你听到有人在敲门吗?

5. 那男孩坐在铁轨边,望着火车呼啸而过。

Judging from the appearance, it is a car with high performance.

Don’t have your staffs working all day.

The car exhibition was fascinating.

Do you hear someone knocking at the door?

The boy sat beside the railway line and watched the trains roaring by.

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Section IV Comprehensive Practice

(II) Presentation(I) Applied Writing

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(I) Applied Writing


A receipt is a written acknowledgement that a specified article or sum of A receipt is a written acknowledgement that a specified article or sum of money has been received as an exchange for goods or services. Here is money has been received as an exchange for goods or services. Here is something you should include in a Receipt:something you should include in a Receipt:

1. Name of the person making payment1. Name of the person making payment2. Briefly describe transaction or circumstances giving rise to payment 2. Briefly describe transaction or circumstances giving rise to payment ((including all the items purchased and their respective costs)including all the items purchased and their respective costs)3. Acknowledgement of the amount of payment received (including taxes, 3. Acknowledgement of the amount of payment received (including taxes, discounts and the method in which it was paid)discounts and the method in which it was paid)4. Date of document4. Date of document5. Payee name5. Payee name

Sample 1

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TO:    Roger Hensley

RE:    For the fee of a Spanish Entry-level Course. Details: May 8 two hours for a class 50 USDMay 9 one hour for a class 25 USDMay 11 two hours for a class 50 USD Total: 125 USDThe undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of payment of the sum of $125.

DATE: July 1st 2008

                  Payee James Morrison

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Mark Curry offered James Liu a Tennis Training Course, as the course finished, James paid Mark a total of 175$ for the course fee, please write a receipt for Mark.

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RECEIPTTO: Mark CurryRE: For the fee of a Tennis Training Course. Details: Oct. 3 two hours for a class 70 USDOct.11 one hour for a class 35 USDOct. 19 two hours for a class 70 USD Total: 175 USDThe undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of payment of the sum of $175.DATE: Oct.30 2009                  Payee James Liu

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(II) Presentation

Task1: Search the library or the Internet for the information about the current situation of automobile purchase tax in China.

Task 2: Do some research on the automobile purchase tax calculation. Make a conclusion and provide some suggestions for your friends.

Students can choose one of the two tasks, work in groups, and prepare for an in-class presentation.

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purchase n. 购买 , 购买的物 品

fascinating adj. 迷人的inappropriate adj. 不适当的professional n. 专业人员 taxable adj. 可课税的emission n. 射出 , 排放 calculate v. 计算 , 考虑 , 计划negotiable adj. 可磋商的 clean-energy adj. 清洁的能源favourable adj. 有用的 , 良好的hybrid adj. 混合动力的abolish v. 废止 , 革除exclude v. 除外 , 排除launch v. 开始

gasoline n. 汽油competitiveness n. 竞争能力consult v. 商讨 , 向 ... 请教visible adj. 可见的liter n. 升incentive n. 刺激 , 鼓励deduction n. 减除 , 扣除domestic adj. 国内的pitfall n. 陷阱 ,budget n. 预算mimic v. 模仿commute n. 乘车往返receipt n. 收据

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figure out 算出 , 想出 , 理解

hold back 退缩account for ( 在数量方面 )占Value Added Tax 增值税dealership showroom 汽车经销商展

厅tax deduction policy 减税政策consist of 组成 invoice price 发票价federal economic stimulus bill 联邦政府的经济刺激议案excise taxes 消费税

qualify for 有资格lease agreement 租约phase out 禁止 ,停止high wage earners 高薪人群zero-interest loans 无息贷款credit-worthy 信用良好的warranty coverage 保证性试验所覆盖的区域crash-test rating 碰撞试验星级

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