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Zurich Open Repository and Year: 2016 fileJesus R. Requena a,Krister Kristenssonb, Carsten Korthc,...

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Zurich Open Repository and Archive University of Zurich Main Library Strickhofstrasse 39 CH-8057 Zurich www.zora.uzh.ch Year: 2016 The Priority position paper: protecting Europe´s food chain from prions Requena, Jesús R ; Kristensson, Krister ; Korth, Carsten ; Zurzolo, Chiara ; Simmons, Marion ; Aguilar-Calvo, Patricia ; Aguzzi, Adriano ; Andreoletti, Olivier ; Benestad, Sylvie L ; Böhm, Reinhard ; Brown, Karen ; Calgua, Byron ; del Río, José Antonio ; Espinosa, Juan Carlos ; Girones, Rosina ; Godsave, Sue ; Hoelzle, Ludwig E ; Knittler, Michael R ; Kuhn, Franziska ; Legname, Giuseppe ; Laeven, Paul ; Mabbott, Neil ; Mitrova, Eva ; Müller-Schiffmann, Andreas ; Nuvolone, Mario ; Peters, Peter J ; Raeber, Alex ; Roth, Klaus ; Schmitz, Matthias ; Schroeder, Björn ; Sonati, Tiziana ; Stitz, Lothar ; Taraboulos, Albert ; Torres, Juan María ; Yan, Zheng-Xin ; Zerr, Inga DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/19336896.2016.1175801 Posted at the Zurich Open Repository and Archive, University of Zurich ZORA URL: https://doi.org/10.5167/uzh-124315 Journal Article Published Version The following work is licensed under a Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC 3.0) License. Originally published at: Requena, Jesús R; Kristensson, Krister; Korth, Carsten; Zurzolo, Chiara; Simmons, Marion; Aguilar- Calvo, Patricia; Aguzzi, Adriano; Andreoletti, Olivier; Benestad, Sylvie L; Böhm, Reinhard; Brown, Karen; Calgua, Byron; del Río, José Antonio; Espinosa, Juan Carlos; Girones, Rosina; Godsave, Sue; Hoelzle, Ludwig E; Knittler, Michael R; Kuhn, Franziska; Legname, Giuseppe; Laeven, Paul; Mabbott, Neil; Mitrova, Eva; Müller-Schiffmann, Andreas; Nuvolone, Mario; Peters, Peter J; Raeber, Alex; Roth, Klaus; Schmitz, Matthias; Schroeder, Björn; Sonati, Tiziana; Stitz, Lothar; Taraboulos, Albert; Torres, Juan María; Yan, Zheng-Xin; Zerr, Inga (2016). The Priority position paper: protecting Europe´s food chain from prions. Prion, 10(3):165-181. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/19336896.2016.1175801

Zurich Open Repository andArchiveUniversity of ZurichMain LibraryStrickhofstrasse 39CH-8057 Zurichwww.zora.uzh.ch

Year: 2016

The Priority position paper: protecting Europe´s food chain from prions

Requena, Jesús R ; Kristensson, Krister ; Korth, Carsten ; Zurzolo, Chiara ; Simmons, Marion ;Aguilar-Calvo, Patricia ; Aguzzi, Adriano ; Andreoletti, Olivier ; Benestad, Sylvie L ; Böhm, Reinhard ;

Brown, Karen ; Calgua, Byron ; del Río, José Antonio ; Espinosa, Juan Carlos ; Girones, Rosina ;Godsave, Sue ; Hoelzle, Ludwig E ; Knittler, Michael R ; Kuhn, Franziska ; Legname, Giuseppe ;

Laeven, Paul ; Mabbott, Neil ; Mitrova, Eva ; Müller-Schiffmann, Andreas ; Nuvolone, Mario ; Peters,Peter J ; Raeber, Alex ; Roth, Klaus ; Schmitz, Matthias ; Schroeder, Björn ; Sonati, Tiziana ; Stitz,

Lothar ; Taraboulos, Albert ; Torres, Juan María ; Yan, Zheng-Xin ; Zerr, Inga

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/19336896.2016.1175801

Posted at the Zurich Open Repository and Archive, University of ZurichZORA URL: https://doi.org/10.5167/uzh-124315Journal ArticlePublished Version

The following work is licensed under a Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported(CC BY-NC 3.0) License.

Originally published at:Requena, Jesús R; Kristensson, Krister; Korth, Carsten; Zurzolo, Chiara; Simmons, Marion; Aguilar-Calvo, Patricia; Aguzzi, Adriano; Andreoletti, Olivier; Benestad, Sylvie L; Böhm, Reinhard; Brown,Karen; Calgua, Byron; del Río, José Antonio; Espinosa, Juan Carlos; Girones, Rosina; Godsave, Sue;Hoelzle, Ludwig E; Knittler, Michael R; Kuhn, Franziska; Legname, Giuseppe; Laeven, Paul; Mabbott,Neil; Mitrova, Eva; Müller-Schiffmann, Andreas; Nuvolone, Mario; Peters, Peter J; Raeber, Alex; Roth,Klaus; Schmitz, Matthias; Schroeder, Björn; Sonati, Tiziana; Stitz, Lothar; Taraboulos, Albert; Torres,Juan María; Yan, Zheng-Xin; Zerr, Inga (2016). The Priority position paper: protecting Europe´s foodchain from prions. Prion, 10(3):165-181.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/19336896.2016.1175801


ISSN: 1933-6896 (Print) 1933-690X (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/kprn20

The Priority position paper: Protecting Europe'sfood chain from prions

Jesús R. Requena, Krister Kristensson, Carsten Korth, Chiara Zurzolo, MarionSimmons, Patricia Aguilar-Calvo, Adriano Aguzzi, Olivier Andreoletti, SylvieL. Benestad, Reinhard Böhm, Karen Brown, Byron Calgua, José Antonio delRío, Juan Carlos Espinosa, Rosina Girones, Sue Godsave, Ludwig E. Hoelzle,Michael R. Knittler, Franziska Kuhn, Giuseppe Legname, Paul Laeven, NeilMabbott, Eva Mitrova, Andreas Müller-Schiffmann, Mario Nuvolone, Peter J.Peters, Alex Raeber, Klaus Roth, Matthias Schmitz, Björn Schroeder, TizianaSonati, Lothar Stitz, Albert Taraboulos, Juan María Torres, Zheng-Xin Yan &Inga Zerr

To cite this article: Jesús R. Requena, Krister Kristensson, Carsten Korth, Chiara Zurzolo,Marion Simmons, Patricia Aguilar-Calvo, Adriano Aguzzi, Olivier Andreoletti, Sylvie L. Benestad,Reinhard Böhm, Karen Brown, Byron Calgua, José Antonio del Río, Juan Carlos Espinosa,Rosina Girones, Sue Godsave, Ludwig E. Hoelzle, Michael R. Knittler, Franziska Kuhn, GiuseppeLegname, Paul Laeven, Neil Mabbott, Eva Mitrova, Andreas Müller-Schiffmann, Mario Nuvolone,Peter J. Peters, Alex Raeber, Klaus Roth, Matthias Schmitz, Björn Schroeder, Tiziana Sonati,Lothar Stitz, Albert Taraboulos, Juan María Torres, Zheng-Xin Yan & Inga Zerr (2016) ThePriority position paper: Protecting Europe's food chain from prions, Prion, 10:3, 165-181, DOI:10.1080/19336896.2016.1175801

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19336896.2016.1175801

© 2016 The Author(s). Published withlicense by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC©Crown copyright

Accepted author version posted online: 24May 2016.Published online: 24 May 2016.

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The Priority position paper: Protecting Europe’s food chainfrom prions

Jes�us R. Requena a, Krister Kristenssonb, Carsten Korthc, Chiara Zurzolod,Marion Simmonse, Patricia Aguilar-Calvof, Adriano Aguzzig, Olivier Andreolettih,

Sylvie L. Benestadi, Reinhard B€ohmj, Karen Brownk, Byron Calgual,Jos�e Antonio del R�ıom, Juan Carlos Espinosaf, Rosina Gironesl, Sue Godsaven,

Ludwig E. Hoelzlej, Michael R. Knittlero, Franziska Kuhnp, Giuseppe Legnameq,Paul Laevenr, Neil Mabbott k,Eva Mitrovas, Andreas M€uller-Schiffmannc,

Mario Nuvoloneg, Peter J. Peterst, Alex Raeberp, Klaus Rothu, Matthias Schmitzv,Bj€orn Schroederp, Tiziana Sonatig, Lothar Stitzo, Albert Taraboulosw, Juan Mar�ıa Torresf,

Zheng-Xin Yanu, and Inga Zerrv,x

aCIMUS Biomedical Research Institute, University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiagode Compostela, Spain;

bKarolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden;cUniversity of D€usseldorf, D€usseldorf, Germany;

dInstitut Pasteur, Paris, France;eAPHA, Weybridge, UK;

fCISA, INIA, Madrid, Spain;gUniversity of Z€urich, Z€urich, Switzerland;

hENVT-INRA, Toulouse, France;iNorwegian Veterinary Institute, Oslo, Norway;jUniversity of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany;

kUniversity of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK;lUniversity of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain;

mIBEC, Barcelona, Spain;nNetherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;

oFriedrich L€offler Institut, Insel Reims, Germany;pPrionics, Z€urich, Switzerland;

qSISSA, Trieste, Italy;rUniversity of Maastricht, Maastricht, The Netherlands;sMedical University of Slovakia, Bratislava, Slovakia;


Prion, 10:165–181, 2016Published with license by Taylor & FrancisISSN: 1933-68961933-690X onlineDOI: 10.1080/19336896.2016.1175801




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tThe Maastricht Multimodal Molecular Imaging Institute, University of Maastricht,Maastricht, The Netherlands;

uSMP GmbH, T€ubingen, Germany;vUniversit€atmedizin G€ottingen, G€ottingen, Germany;

wThe Hebrew University, Jerusalem;xGerman Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), G€ottingen, Germany

ABSTRACT. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) created a global European crisis in the1980s and 90s, with very serious health and economic implications. Classical BSE now appears to beunder control, to a great extent as a result of a global research effort that identified the sources ofprions in meat and bone meal (MBM) and developed new animal-testing tools that guided policy.Priority (www.prionpriority.eu) was a European Union (EU) Framework Program 7 (FP7)-fundedproject through which 21 European research institutions and small and medium enterprises (SMEs)joined efforts between 2009 and 2014, to conduct coordinated basic and applied research on prionsand prion diseases. At the end of the project, the Priority consortium drafted a position paper (www.prionpriority.eu/Priority position paper) with its main conclusions. In the present opinion paper, wesummarize these conclusions.With respect to the issue of re-introducing ruminant protein into the feed-chain, our opinion is that sustaining an absolute ban on feeding ruminant protein to ruminants is essential. In particular, the spreadand impact of non-classical forms of scrapie and BSE in ruminants is not fully understood and therisks cannot be estimated. Atypical prion agents will probably continue to represent the dominantform of prion diseases in the near future in Europe. Atypical L-type BSE has clear zoonotic potential,as demonstrated in experimental models. Similarly, there are now data indicating that the atypicalscrapie agent can cross various species barriers. More epidemiological data from large cohorts are necessary to reach any conclusion on the impact of its transmissibility on public health. Re-evaluations ofsafety precautions may become necessary depending on the outcome of these studies.Intensified searching for molecular determinants of the species barrier is recommended, since this barrier is key for important policy areas and risk assessment. Understanding the structural basis forstrains and the basis for adaptation of a strain to a new host will require continued fundamentalresearch, also needed to understand mechanisms of prion transmission, replication and how theycause nervous system dysfunction and death. Early detection of prion infection, ideally at a preclinical stage, also remains crucial for development of effective treatment strategies.

KEYWORDS. atypical scrapie, atypical BSE, BSE, CJD, prion, scrapie

The Priority Position

About 30 y ago, the appearance of BSE inthe United Kingdom (UK) quickly broughtthe previously obscure “prion diseases” intothe public spotlight. The ensuing health and

food crises that spread throughout Europehad devastating consequences. In the UKalone, there were more than 36,000 farmsdirectly affected by BSE and the transmis-sion of BSE prions to humans via the foodchain has caused over 200 people, most of

Correspondence to: Jes�us R. Requena; CIMUS Biomedical Research Institute, University of Santiago deCompostela-IDIS, Avda. de Barcelona s/n, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain; Email: [email protected]

Received February 5, 2016; Revised March 28, 2016; Accepted April 1, 2016.� 2016 Crown copyright.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-

Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.The moral rights of the named author(s) have been asserted.

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them in Europe, to die from variant Creutz-feldt-Jakob disease (vCJD).1

Classical BSE now appears to be under con-trol, with 18 EU member states having achievedthe World Organization for Animal Health(Office International des Epizooties) ‘negligiblerisk’ status2 and the remaining member statesassessed as presenting ‘controlled’ risk. Of note,research, including EU-funded research, hasplayed a key role in this success: while the ori-gin of the infection was never defined, the prin-cipal driver of the epidemic was identified asprions in MBM.3 Tests based on the use ofprion protein-specific antibodies were devel-oped, allowing detection of infected carcasses,and a better understanding of disease pathogene-sis and the distribution of infectivity in edibletissues, and experimental investigation of trans-mission barriers between different speciesallowed an estimation of risks.4 All of this ledto the implementation of rational and effectivepolicies, such as the MBM ban to protect theanimal feed chain, and the Specified Risk Mate-rial (SRM) regulations to protect the humanfood chain (see reference 5 for an update on rel-evant EU legislation5).

In spite of this progress, prions are still a threat.Epidemiological re-assessment, and data on late-onset kuru in 129M/V heterozygous PRNP car-riers,6 indicate that the period separating the peaksof the BSE and the vCJD epidemic (»10 years) isprobably too short to include potential late-onsetvCJD.7-8 In addition, results from a large numberof human tonsil and appendix analyses in the UKsuggest that there may be a high number ofasymptomatic individuals who are positive for thedisease-associated prion protein conformer,PrPSc.10 While vCJD is the only form of humanprion disease that has been consistently demon-strated to have lymphoreticular involvement,there has been no systematic investigation of lym-phoid tissue in humans with other prion diseases.

The Human Prion Problem

The clinical cases of vCJD identified to datehave all shared a common prion protein (PrP)genotype, M129M, although one pre-clinicalcase was confirmed as an M129V heterozygote,and it has been mooted that perhaps only the

M129M proportion of the population is suscep-tible. However, in the UK appendix study, PrPaccumulation was described in samples repre-senting every codon 129 genotype. This raisesthe possibility that PRNP genotype does notconfer resistance but instead modulates incuba-tion period.10

Recent experiments in highly susceptiblemouse models indicate the presence of infectiv-ity in blood or blood components at late diseasestages in sporadic CJD.11 The significance ofthis experimental finding for humans has to beexplored in more detail, although, at the presenttime, there is no evidence for the transmissionof prions via blood in sporadic CJD. However,a likely scenario is that all cases with signs ofinfection or abnormal PrP accumulation inperipheral tissue could have infective blood,posing the risk for transmission via blood prod-ucts, and this has been clearly demonstrated inexperimental models,12 and confirmed in sev-eral cases of vCJD in humans.9,13 Altogether,these data clearly demonstrate the potential riskof a second, late-onset wave of vCJD, particu-larly when the number of people identified withlymphoid accumulation of PrPSc (16/32411)gives a prevalence estimate in the UK of 493per million, much higher than the number ofclinical cases seen to date.

The Animal Prion Problem

An increasing number of reports of cases of“atypical” BSE in cattle throughout the EU andbeyond, in part a reflection of increased testingand awareness, may be a forewarning of a newepidemic, particularly since we still do notunderstand all the factors determining the spe-cies barrier. Ovine scrapie is another concern,because it could mask ovine BSE, presumablytransmissible to humans. While ovine scrapieand BSE can be analytically told apart post-mortem, differentiation is not easy in live ani-mals– the clinical sign differences being verysubtle.14 Scrapie is endemic and not likely tobe eradicated soon, although current controlmeasures are effective at greatly reducing dis-ease incidence. Atypical forms, which may bespontaneous, are not affected by these controlmeasures and they will persist in the global





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animal population. These disease forms nowpredominate, and effective surveillance is verychallenging, in part as a consequence of theabsence of clusters, which makes their identifi-cation rather demanding in terms of labor andcosts. Atypical cases of BSE and scrapie pres-ently clearly outnumber classical cases in cattleand sheep in many member states. There is aclear risk attendant on ignoring these cases with-out an understanding of their possible zoonoticpotential, or their potential to become an animalhealth problem should current feed controls berelaxed, particularly when most forms of humandisease have no established etiology.15

The Priority Project

The Priority project was launched in Sep-tember 2009. A Large Integrating Projectwithin the EU FP7, its immediate objective wasto “protect Europe’s food chain from prions,”while its wider scope was to understand prionsby using basic and applied research. Priorityfocused on 4 themes, namely: a) the structure,function, conversion and toxicity of prions; b)detection of prions; c) mechanisms of priontransmission; and d) spreading and epidemiol-ogy of prion diseases. The project ended inSeptember 2014. Research associated with theproject has resulted in publication of more than100 scientific papers (www.prionpriority.eu),and the elaboration of a Position paper with themain conclusions of the consortium at the endof the project. The current paper summarizesthe opinions/positions reached within thesethemes at the end of the project. The full Prior-ity position paper can be found in: www.prionpriority.eu/Priority position paper.


The mechanisms for conversion of the nor-mal cellular prion protein, PrPC to PrPSc, aswell as strain diversity and transmission bar-riers, are structurally enciphered.16,17 There-fore, it is essential to understand the structureof PrPSc in order to design methods to interferewith prion propagation and spread.

PrPSc forms double amyloid fibers made upof 2 intertwined fibrils, each »3–5 nm wide,with no regular pitch. Fiber X-ray diffractiondata, cryo-EM analysis and geometric consider-ations strongly suggest that each PrPSc mono-mer stacked in each protofilament is a 4-rungb-solenoid, with a high structural resemblanceto the HET-s fungal prion.18,19 Limited proteol-ysis studies corroborate that PrPSc containsstretches of high resistance to proteinase K(PK), presumably b-strands, interspersed withshort stretches with a higher proteolytic suscep-tibility, presumably loops and turns.20 The C-terminal stretch (»180–231) is the most PKresistant region, arguing that no residual a-heli-cal structure remains in PrPSc.20 While thisknowledge of the structure of PrPSc is still farfrom complete, it allows us to hypothesize howpropagation of PrPSc might occur: templatingmust involve the upper- and lowermost rungs ofthe b-solenoid. These edge strands are “sticky;”they will propagate their hydrogen-bonding pat-tern into any amyloidogenic peptide theyencounter.21 In fact, the b-strands of native pro-teins based on a b-solenoid motif have evolvedto contain capping loops and other structures toblock unregulated stacking. Furthermore, theelimination of the capping structures results inedge-to-edge driven oligomerization.22 Thus,the upper and lower b-solenoid rungs couldtemplate an incoming unfolded PrP molecule,creating additional b-solenoid rungs. Once theinitial additional b-rung has formed, it creates afresh ”sticky” edge ready to continue templatinguntil the whole incoming unfolded PrP moleculeis fully converted into another copy of the infec-tious conformer, i.e., a complete 4-rung sole-noid stacked on its template.

It is noteworthy that the molecular forcesresponsible for the templating, i.e., hydrogen-bonding, charge interactions, aromatic stacking,and steric constraints, are fundamentally similarto those operating during DNA replication. Obvi-ously, the exquisite specificity of the A:T and G:Cpairings is lacking and instead, a muchmore com-plex array of forces controls the pairing of the pre-existing and nascent b-rungs.

Unraveling the early events in structuralprion formation in sporadic forms of prion dis-ease is of major importance, since the

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conversion of PrPC to PrPSc is the central eventin prion diseases. Hereditary prion diseases areassociated with about 40 point mutations of thePRNP gene that codes for PrP. Most of the var-iants associated with these mutations arelocated in the globular domain of the protein.23


The basic tenet of the prion theory, i.e. thatprotein misfolding can be faithfully propagated,is now widely accepted. Moreover, novel dataincreasingly implicate similar “prionoid” prin-ciples in the pathogenesis of “proteinopathies”such as Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s andParkinson’s disease.24,25 In sharp contrast tothis fundamental understanding, and despitethe development of many new tools for prionresearch, the most basic mechanistic details ofhow prions function and how they cause dis-ease have not been completely solved yet.

Major Questions and ScientificChallenges

Many aspects of prion replication can be dem-onstrated in vitro in cell-free systems containingPrPC and PrPSc.26 At first approximation, prionpropagation can thus be reduced to a biophysicalproblem dealing with alternative conformations,amyloid structures, and conformational coer-cion.19 However, like other pathogens, prionsmaintain a complex, 2-way relationship with thehost cell. It is clear that prions propagate in theirnatural hosts much more efficiently than they doin vitro.27 The host cell provides both the molecu-lar species (such as PrPC) and the molecularmechanisms required for prion propagation.Although nowwe are beginning to understand themolecular underpinnings of (i) the uptake ofprions by the host cell and relevance of intracellu-lar pathways for prion conversion, (ii) the influ-ence of host cell signals and factors on prionreplication, (iii) the normal function of the prionprotein and pathogenesis, i.e., mechanisms bywhich prions cause dysfunctions or damage to theneurons, and (iv) the transfer of prions to neigh-boring cells, there is still much to cover in theseareas.

Regarding the role of intracellular trafficking inprion diseases, amyloidic prion structures called“strings” containing PrPSc are found on the sur-face of infected cells,28,29 while the endosomalcompartment is also strongly implicated in prionconversion.30 Furthermore, novel structures calledtunneling nanotubes (TNTs) appear to have amajor role in spreading PrPSc between cells in cul-tures,31 however better tools are needed to demon-strate their presence and role in vivo.32

One major scientific challenge is to betterunderstand the structural basis of the differentprion strains and the mechanisms behind thetransmission barriers between animal species.However, we are now in a position to state thatstrains are specific molecular topologies of theupper and lower surfaces of PrPSc monomers in apropagative PrPSc stack (either oligomer or proto-filament in a fiber); in turn, transmission barriersconsist of steric hindrances hampering continua-tion of the cross-b stack by preventing an incom-ing PrP strand from being molded onto thepre-existing PrPSc assembly.19 Related to this isthe question of why some prions are more patho-genic than others for humans. An additional chal-lenge will be to investigate age-related factors thatpromote development of sporadic prion diseases,since these mainly affect aging people (averageage of onset is around 65 y old). Another majoreffort to understand basic mechanisms of the dis-ease would be required to develop adequate andearly therapies for humans affected by the dis-eases. This input can only come from the scientificcommunity because there is a clear lack of indus-trial investment to study and develop compoundsfor the treatment of CJD affected individuals.

Strategic Objectives and Priorities in theFuture

� More data of a higher resolution areneeded to understand the structural basisof prion strain transmission barriers, e.g.by NMR-based, deuterium exchange anal-yses of recombinant PrPSc.

� Structural analysis of the various point muta-tions present in the globular domain of PrPSc

should unveil common folding traits thatmay allow a better understanding of the early





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conformational changes leading to the for-mation of monomeric PrPSc.

� Analyses should be carried out combininghigh resolution imaging tools and neuro-physiology that leads to a better under-standing of the function of the prionprotein and the intercellular transmissionof its pathological isoforms.

� Analyses of the cause of prion toxicity andidentification of host cell-derived factorsthat are “partners in crime” should providenovel strategies aimed at blocking prionpropagation and toxicity.

� Treatment strategies for individualsaffected by CJD and of prophylacticapproaches for carriers of pathogenicPRNP mutations should be developed.


Post mortem detection systems for PrPSc in thecentral nervous system (CNS) and lymphoreticu-lar tissue are nowadays widely used for surveil-lance of BSE and scrapie in animals.33 Theserapid tests have greatly improved the detection ofinfected carcasses before their entry into thehuman food chain. Lately the development ofhighly sensitive methods like protein misfoldingcyclic amplification (PMCA) and real time quak-ing induced conversion (RT-QuIC) made it possi-ble to detect even minor amounts of PrPSc in bodyfluids like blood or cerebrospinal fluid.34 Eventhough these tests still need to be improved toallow widespread use in routine laboratories, theirrobustness has been demonstrated. They open upnewways for live tests to detect prions.35


The emergence of in vitro amplification tech-nologies such as PMCA and RT-QuIC representsa real revolution for prion detection. These tech-niques display sufficient sensitivity to allowprion detection in the body fluids (such as bloodand cerebrospinal fluid) collected from affectedindividuals, and their ability to do this has beendemonstrated in both sheep and human sam-ples.34 However, at the moment they remain oflimited robustness and the mechanisms and

analytical conditions which allow amplificationof misfolded PrP remain largely unknown. Suchissues are similar to those encountered whenPCR was developed in the 1980s. Despite thoseinitial difficulties PCR is now a basic researchlaboratory technique.

Prions may also be considered as potentialenvironmental contaminants and their stabilityin the environment, wastewater and soils mustbe evaluated as a valuable parameter for devel-oping risk assessment studies. Prions areextremely resistant to inactivation and it hasbeen demonstrated that they can survive in soilfor years.36,37 In recent years, deposition ofscrapie and chronic wasting disease (CWD)infectivity in the environment through biologi-cal fluids and/or faeces has been proved,38 andBSE and scrapie can also be introduced anthro-pogenically by transporting infectious prionsvia landfill leach or slaughterhouse wastewa-ter.39,40 All of this strongly suggests that infec-tious prions can enter the environment, andcould be transported via water, resulting inexposure of both humans and animals to infec-tious prion diseases. Therefore, it is critical toadapt and develop analytical methods and strat-egies to evaluate the fate of infectious prions inthe environment and the potential sources ofcontamination.40,41

Major Questions and ScientificChallenges

Amajor scientific challenge is to develop new,and refine existing, prion detection methods thatcould have applications in pharmaceutical screen-ing, consumables testing, environmental monitor-ing (e.g., allowing re-population of previouslyaffected farms), and in vivo diagnostics.

The behavior and stability of prions in the envi-ronment and wastewater have to be better defined,and the efficiency of wastewater treatments forthe removal of prions needs to be assessed.

Strategic Objectives and Priorities in theFuture

� Improving the performance and robustnessof in vitro prion amplification techniques.

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� Establishing a relationship between thepresence of PrPSc, as demonstrated in anenvironmental matrix by in vitro amplifi-cation methodology, and the risk of priontransmission for an individual that wouldbe exposed to such a matrix.

� Redefining the techniques available tooptimize the detection of prions in diverseenvironmental matrices, with validatedprotocols.


Following peripheral exposure, someacquired prion strains accumulate and replicatein the secondary lymphoid organs (SLO) suchas the gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT)in the gastrointestinal tract. This amplificationstage in the SLO is critical for the efficientspread of these prion strains to the central ner-vous system through a process termed neuroin-vasion. In the past 15 y there has beenintensive research into this early phase of thedisease process.42,43 Identification of the impor-tant cellular and molecular processes requiredfor the establishment of prion infection in theGALT and subsequent neuroinvasion hasimplications beyond academic interest, asexperiments have shown that treatments thatblock this process can dramatically reduce sus-ceptibility to peripherally-acquired prions.44,45

Indeed, the demonstration that vCJD in humansmost likely arose due to consumption of BSE-contaminated food has focused attention onwhether immunotherapeutic approaches, suchas anti-prion vaccines, may represent a validtherapeutic strategy against prion infection.46


Although control measures have helped tolimit further spread of BSE in Europe, prionscontinue to pose important health, welfare andeconomic problems to the livestock industryworldwide and have direct consequences forhuman health. Countries outside Europe arereporting BSE cases, and novel BSE variants

with uncertain transmission potential have beendescribed. BSE has also been identified ingoats, raising concern that it may have infectedsheep.47,48 Little is known of the mode of trans-mission of CWD in North America and theconsequences to livestock and human health.The transmission potential of atypical forms ofsheep scrapie is also uncertain. Many importantquestions remain concerning the pathogenesisand modes of transmission of prion diseases inanimals and humans. The lack of prion-specificpreclinical diagnostics compounds the prob-lems for disease identification, treatment anderadication. Since future outbreaks of prion dis-ease are likely to be orally-acquired, a thoroughanalysis of the factors that influence suscepti-bility to orally-acquired prions will enhanceour understanding of the factors which increasethe risk of disease transmission, improve pre-clinical diagnosis and help identify noveltargets for prophylactic and therapeuticintervention.

A unique subset of stromal cells within theB-cell follicles of secondary lymphoid tissues,termed follicular dendritic cells (FDC), are con-sidered to be the essential early sites of prionaccumulation and replication.44,45,49 Data fromexperimental scrapie prion transmissions tomice show that initial replication in the GALTof the small intestine such as the Peyer’spatches is critical for efficient neuroinva-sion.50,51 As well as expressing high levels ofcellular prion protein, these cells trap and retainthe prions on their surfaces, where they areamplified above the threshold level requiredto achieve infection of local peripheralnerves.49,52-54 However, the requirement forinitial accumulation and replication on FDC isnot absolute. Under certain circumstancessome prion strains or isolates may accumulatein lymph nodes in association with high endo-thelial venules independently of FDC.55 Also,some prion strains such as BSE appear toachieve neuroinvasion from the gastrointestinaltract without any apparent amplification step inthe GALT.

Following their amplification within theSLO, prions subsequently infect the peripheralnerves within these tissues and spread alongthem to the CNS.56,57 How prions initially





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spread from the FDC and infect the peripheralnervous system is uncertain. A role for classicaldendritic cells in this process has been pro-posed in which these cells may shuttle prionsbetween FDC and nearby peripheral nerves.58

Alternatively, tunnelling nanotubes whichextend and connect cells may act as intercon-necting conduits through which prions may betransferred between cells.31

The demonstrations that immune cellsplayed an important role in the establishmentof prion infections, and that prions were presentin significant burdens in the SLO for the dura-tion of the preclinical phase,59 suggested thatvCJD had the potential to be accidentally trans-mitted horizontally between humans via thetransfusion of blood or blood products from aninfected individual.9 As a consequence of thesefindings, procedures such as leukodepletionwere introduced in an attempt to reduce thepotential for vCJD to be transmitted via thetransfusion of blood or blood products.

Sites of chronic inflammation, by inducingthe formation of ectopic FDC-containing B-cellfollicles or granulomatous lesions, might influ-ence the organ tropism of prions and induce orenhance local prion infectivity of tissues thatotherwise would not be considered at risk.60,61

The detection of disease-specific PrP in mam-mary glands from lentivirus/prion co-infectedewes warned about the potential exposure ofhumans to prions through the consumption ofsmall ruminant milk. Sheep with scrapie andlentiviral mastitis accumulate prions within theectopic follicles in the inflamed mammaryglands. Importantly, these sheep also secretedlevels of prions in their milk which were suffi-cient to transmit disease to suckling lambs.62

Subsequent studies in non-mastitic goats andsheep have since suggested that milk and colos-trum may transmit classical scrapie from aninfected ewe to their offspring.63-65 Together,these elements called for an urgent understand-ing of potential prion infectivity levels associ-ated with ruminant blood and milk.

The consumption of BSE-contaminated meatproducts is the most likely source of vCJD inhumans.66 During the BSE epidemic in the UK itis estimated that up to approximately 500,000infected cattle were slaughtered for human

consumption.67 Surprisingly, despite the likelywidespread exposure of theUKhuman populationto BSE prions, most clinical cases of vCJD haveoccurred almost exclusively in young adults(median age at onset of disease, 26 years; medianage at death, 28 years). The factors responsiblefor the age-related incidence of vCJD are uncer-tain as the possibility that young adults wereexposed to greater levels of BSE by dietary prefer-ence is unproven.68 Data from experimental priontransmissions to mice suggest that the effects ofaging on the microarchitecture of SLO dramati-cally reduce susceptibility to peripherally-acquired prion disease.69-72

Major Questions and ScientificChallenges

After ingestion, BSE prions in cattle appearto be able to infect the nervous system indepen-dently of consistently detectable replicationwithin the GALT. The rules which govern thisfor BSE and other prion isolates are currentlyuncertain, since oral transmission of BSEprions to other species appears dependent onagent replication in the GALT prior to neuroin-vasion. An ability to predict the transmissioncharacteristics following the identification of anovel prion isolate will be important for assess-ing human and animal health risks.

Much progress has been made in our under-standing of how prions are initially conveyedfrom the site of exposure to cells within theSLO upon which they replicate.42,43,73 Forexample, after oral exposure prions may crossthe gut epithelium via M cells to infect thePeyer’s patches.74,75 How prions subsequentlyinfect the FDC within the B-cell follicles isuncertain, but a role for classical dendritic cellsin this process has been considered.56,76

Once the prions have been amplified on thesurfaces of FDC above the threshold requiredfor neuroinvasion, they infect the enteric nerveswithin the intestine,56,77 and spread via theperipheral nervous system (both sympatheticand parasympathetic) to the CNS.78,79

Although the relative positioning of the FDCand sympathetic nerves within the SLO appearsto influence the rate of neuroinvasion, the

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precise mechanism by which this occurs isuncertain.

The transmission of prion strains within thesame host species is typically efficient andcauses disease in the recipients with highlyreproducible disease characteristics. However,inter-species prion transmissions upon first pas-sage are typically characterized by their lowefficiency and extended disease incubationperiods. This effect on prion transmission istermed the ‘species barrier’ effect. Many fac-tors are known to have an important influenceon the inter-species transmission of prions suchas polymorphisms and mutations in the PRNPgene (which encodes PrPC), and biophysicalaspects of templating events are clearly impor-tant (see above). Unfortunately the precisemolecular mechanism/s responsible for the spe-cies barrier effect is uncertain. An ability topredict the potential for a novel prion isolate tohave the potential to transmit to other species,especially humans, is crucial to restrict andcontrol future prion disease outbreaks.80

Pioneering studies have shown that both pas-sive and active immunization against PrP arefeasible approaches to attempt to block experi-mental prion diseases.81,82 Many natural prioninfections are orally acquired, and mucosal vac-cination against prions appears to be effectiveand the most appropriate method for protectionagainst orally acquired prion infections.83

However, a mucosal vaccine may offer littleprotection against accidental iatrogenic CJDtransmissions via contaminated blood or bloodproducts, tissues or contaminated surgicalinstruments. Therefore, an ideal anti-prion vac-cine should be able to induce both strong muco-sal and systemic anti-PrP antibody responses.However, the cellular prion protein is almostubiquitously expressed in the mammalian host,and so the potential for any anti-prion vaccinesto bind to host PrPC and cause autoimmunity orcell toxicity must be carefully considered. Arecent study has provided valuable informationon the factors which influence the ability ofanti-prion antibodies to cause rapid neurotoxic-ity.84 These data suggest it may be possible toidentify those vaccines which induce the devel-opment of potentially neurotoxic anti-PrPantibodies.

Strategic Objectives and Priorities in theFuture

� Thorough characterization of the cellularrelays by which prions are propagatedfrom peripheral sites of exposure to thecentral nervous system should be carriedout.

� Determination of the factors which controlprion replication in SLO, and why this isobligatory for the efficient neuroinvasionof some, but not all, prion strains.

� Determination of the molecular character-istics, other than PrPC expression, whichrender cells such as FDC susceptible toprions.

� Identification of the mechanisms involvedin cell-to-cell prion spreading.

� Assessment of how prions are released intobody fluids and how this may contribute totheir contamination of the environment,and their transmission between hosts.

� Development of effective immunothera-peutic strategies to protect the host againstperipherally acquired prions, and a betterunderstanding of when to target thesestrategies based on host age/species.

� Understanding of the underlying factorswhich determine the species barrier effect,to enable the prediction of the risks tohuman and animal health posed by novelprion strains.

� Development of a highly sensitive andspecific diagnostic test to identify prion-infected individuals from the early pre-clinical stages of disease, and gaining of amore accurate understanding of preva-lence of these diseases in populations.

� To enable the above to be achieved effi-ciently, it will be important to establishconsistent protocols and experimentalmodels to enable meaningful comparisonsto be made between studies generated indifferent laboratories.


In recent years considerable disease controlefforts have been made by the EU to control





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prion infections in cattle, sheep and goatsthrough the implementation of rigorousregimes. An array of regulations such as theintroduction of the feed ban, a compulsory sur-veillance and monitoring system, the removaland destruction of SRM and the establishmentof culling strategies for small ruminants bymember state authorities have all had a signifi-cant impact on the incidence and spread ofdisease.

Undoubtedly, these measures have beenresponsible for reducing the number of BSEcases detected in the EU from 2,167 in 2001(15 member states) to 68 cases in 2009, 44cases in 2010 and down to 7 cases in 2013/14(September 2014) in 27 member states.

CWD is a naturally-occurring prion diseasein domestic and wild cervids (moose deer andelk), which has reached epidemic proportionsin the US and Canada.85 However, it has notbeen detected in Europe so far, even thoughthere is significant trafficking of potentiallycontaminated materials between continents.The potential presence of CWD in Europe isnot continuously monitored, although there wasa single EU-wide cervid surveillance exerciseundertaken some years ago in the context of theEU Regulations for BSE and scrapie, whichdetected no cases. The deposition of scrapieand CWD prions in the environment occursthrough biological fluids and/or faeces.39,86

Data depict a scenario where prions may accu-mulate in the environment due to direct shed-ding from pre-clinical animals, and remaininfectious in soil and water for periods of timelong enough to permit transmission to suscepti-ble individuals.87,88 Thus CWD, unlike BSE ishorizontally and vertically transmitted amongcaptive and wild animals, so it is extremely dif-ficult to eradicate. Given that both red deer andreindeer are native to Europe, there is no reasonto assume that CWD could not become a prob-lem in the European continent.

Although the scenario for BSE may not beexactly the same (BSE prions are present atmuch lower levels in extraneural tissues thanin the CNS), deposition of BSE prions in theenvironment may occur due to burial of car-casses and mortalities, and to a lesser extent,through biosolids generated in water treatment

plants by the processing of infected animalswhich had not been identified and removed.Presumably this scenario occurred frequentlyduring the BSE epidemic. Furthermore, thereis the possibility of discharged contaminatedurine, feces and blood from CJD or vCJDpatients.89-91

In humans, several molecularly-defined dis-ease subtypes have been described. 92-95 How-ever, neither the molecular basis nor theepidemiological significance of these so calledsporadic disease subtypes are understood.Analysis of the genetic CJD-risk in the generalpopulation, focused on the PRNP mutationE200K, confirmed the occurrence of asymp-tomatic (“healthy”) carriers of this mutationwithout their known relation to CJD patients.The first data on the overall most commonCJD-specific mutation in the general popula-tion signal possibly an iatrogenic CJD risk, aswell as a hidden iatrogenic explanation in somesporadic CJD cases.96


A better understanding of the way in whichdifferent strains of prions may spread betweenanimals and human beings, and the environ-mental factors that modulate this, is essential tohelp design methods for the prevention of thespread of prions within communities. Improvedmethods for decontamination and disposal ofanimal waste as well as assessment of prions inwastewater and soils are crucial to preventionof the spread of prions.

Although still declining, BSE has not beeneradicated so far, and one might question iferadication is generally achievable, particularlywhen the potential for sporadic cases of BSE isconsidered.97 The occurrence of these atypicalcases of BSE, in light of alleged new types ofatypical BSE in Germany (2013/14) and earlier(2011) in Switzerland, would remain unde-tected with any reduction in surveillance, and istherefore a major point of concern.98 Further-more, sporadic cases of BSE appear to be sig-nificantly different from orally acquired BSE inmany aspects. The most obvious differencesin such atypical/sporadic BSE cases are the

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tendency for the diseased animals to be in thelast third of the life span for cattle, and to pres-ent a different molecular phenotype of the prionprotein.99 Most recently (2013/2014), 2 newcases of non-classical BSE were diagnosed inGermany, a country where BSE had last beenseen in 2009. The overall picture of atypical/sporadic BSE is complicated by the fact thatthese 2 new cases of BSE appear to be differentfrom known atypical cases in cattle.

The occurrence of atypical BSE in oldercows with an extended pre-clinical phase posesa particular challenge. Even in classical BSE,depending on different testing scenarios, theEuropean Food Safety Authority (EFSA) haspublished a report97 in which the surveillancedata indicate the possibility of missing BSEcases in healthy or at risk animals. In the con-sortium’s opinion the chance of spread of BSEwithin the cattle population can be regarded asnegligible as long as the feed ban is still opera-tive. Likewise, under the present regulatoryregimens the exposure risk for humans is verylow.

Cases of atypical scrapie in sheep and goatsas well as BSE in sheep and goats further com-plicate the picture. The fact that in the years2010 - 2014 (September 2014) atypical scrapiehas become the most common form of diseasedetected in sheep in many countries causesquite some concern. None of the breedingmeasures implemented for disease control insmall ruminants have affected the prevalenceof atypical disease, despite being shown to beeffective for the control of classical scrapie,because both the epidemiology of the diseaseand the genetics of host susceptibility are dif-ferent for classical and atypical scrapie.97

Prion diseases cannot be eradicated, espe-cially the spontaneous diseases, and it is theopinion of the consortium that a continuousrobust targeted surveillance of both animal andhuman populations is still required.

Major Questions and ScientificChallenges

Although the epidemiology of atypical TSEcases supports the hypothesis of a spontaneous

origin, they can be experimentally transmittedand therefore present a risk. Also the stabilityof these prions upon passage is not yet known:they may become more infectious followingeither inter- or intra-species passage. A majorscientific challenge is therefore to understandthe basic biology and key components deter-mining susceptibility and transmissibility.

More information about the susceptibility ofprions to inactivation treatments in wastewatertreatment plants and their stability relative toenvironmental factors is necessary. Furtheranalysis would, thus, be necessary to under-stand if improvements to increase biologicalinactivation are a real solution for prion inacti-vation in wastewater treatment plants.

Data have indicated that the inactivation ofinfectious BSE in the environment cannot beestimated only by the measurement of proteaseresistant PrPSc levels. Improved PrP markersmust be defined to be used as target parameterswhen considering infectivity.

Strategic Objectives and Priorities in theFuture

� Appropriate prion agent surveillanceshould be maintained in both the animaland human populations, and surveillancetools should be reviewed, expanded anddeveloped according to the state of currentscientific knowledge, given the existenceof atypical prions in cattle and small rumi-nants, which were unknown until recently,and the new concept of “prionopathies” inhumans.

� Definition of suitable wastewater treat-ments that would reduce the possibility ofprion dissemination in the environmentshould be accomplished.

� Water samples impacted by infected ani-mal excreta and wastewater should be ana-lyzed for any potential role in thetransmission of prion diseases, producingdata on the potential dissemination ofprions in these areas.

� A study of the potential presence of CWDin Europe, including a targeted surveil-lance program for the detection of CWD





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prions and studies of their behavior in theenvironment, should be implemented

� Development of programs for educationand awareness within farming communi-ties and veterinary and medical personnel,in particular, as a frontline surveillance,should be carried out.

� Establishment of more comprehensivecontinuous, molecular strain-defined sur-veillance of all forms of human prion dis-eases for early identification of atypicalcases and potential outbreaks in humans.

� Determination of the epidemiological riskand the significance of the relatively largenumber of asymptomatic carriers ofhuman PrPSc (tonsil, appendix studies)

� Strain-specific therapeutic options in clas-sical and atypical CJD in humans shouldbe developed and defined.


After the initial shock caused by the BSE cri-sis, the scientific community reacted vigorouslyand in a short period of time provided essentialknowledge and tools to policymakers and soci-ety at large that were critical to curb, reverseand eventually control the epidemic in cattle.The decisive support and funding provided bythe EC to researchers in the prion field played akey role in this endeavor. From our current van-tage point, it is critical that policies based onscientific knowledge that have proven to behighly efficacious are not relaxed based onshort-sighted economic considerations. Fur-thermore, research efforts need to be continued(and funded) as important basic aspects ofprion biology still remain unsolved, despiteimpressive advancements in recent years.Beyond the obvious benefit of protecting thefood chain, prion biology is being increasinglyrecognized as relevant to the understanding ofa subset of neurodegenerative ailments, such asAlzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases that killmillions every year.25 Knowledge obtainedfrom the study of prions and prion diseasesmight prove to be of enormous interest in thenear future not just to keep our food safe.


No potential conflicts of interest weredisclosed.


We are indebted to the many colleagues,postdoctoral researchers, Ph.D. students andtechnicians who have contributed to the studiesof the Priority project, and whose names cannotbe listed for lack of space, and to Mart�ınCacheiro (University of Santiago de Compos-tela), for superb management of the project.


Funding was provided by the EC throughFP7 222887 “Priority.”


Jes�us R. Requena http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1954-


Neil Mabbott http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7395-1796


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