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Analysis of the temporal and spatial disease progress of Bemisia tabaci-transmitted Cucurbit yellow...

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Plant Pathology (2006) 55, 264–275 Doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3059.2005.01316.x 264 © 2006 BSPP Blackwell Publishing Ltd Analysis of the temporal and spatial disease progress of Bemisia tabaci-transmitted Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus and Cucumber vein yellowing virus in cucumber L. Ruiz a , D. Janssen b *, G. Martín b , L. Velasco c , E. Segundo b and I. M. Cuadrado b a Departamento de Protección Vegetal INIA, Carretera de la Coruña Km 8, 28040 Madrid; b Departamento de Protección Vegetal, CIFA Almeria (IFAPA), Autovía del Mediterraneo km420, La Mojonera 04745; and c Departamento de Biotecnología IMIDA, c/Mayor s/n, La Alberca 30150, Spain Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV) has been present in greenhouse-grown cucumber in Spain since 1992. However, in the autumn of 2000 Cucumber vein yellowing virus (CVYV) was introduced, leading to mixed infections of both Bemisia tabaci-transmitted viruses. The temporal and spatial spread of disease symptoms were monitored in experimental plastic-covered greenhouses during six consecutive cucumber plantings from 2000 to 2002. Using linear regression analysis of 46 disease-progress curves, the Gompertz model best described the CYSDV epidemics in 2000, whereas the logistic model best described the development of CYSDV and CVYV epidemics in 2001 and 2002. The fitted models were used to calculate the amount of degree Celsius-days at half-maximum infection in the greenhouses ( ° D 0·5 ). After multiple regression analysis, 56% of the variation in °D 0·5 of CYSDV was related to the numbers of whiteflies infest- ing the cucumber crops, and was independent of the mean temperatures in the greenhouses. In contrast, 76% of the var- iation in ° D 0·5 of CVYV was related to both the numbers of vectors present and maximum temperature. Symptom expression in cucumbers mechanically inoculated with CVYV was most prevalent when plants were grown at regimes of at least 28°C day temperature. According to analysis of spread using Taylor’s power law, beta-binomial distribution fitting, and the ordinary runs test, the prevalence of CVYV showed significant overdispersion, whereas that of CYSDV did not. The χ 2 test of independence and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient were used to measure co-occurrence and covariation, respectively, during the first half of the cultivation period. These results showed that the two diseases were not associated. Keywords : degree-days, disease incidence, disease progress analysis, RT–PCR detection, whitefly-borne viruses, thermal time Introduction Since the 1960s, plastic-covered greenhouses have increasingly been used to produce horticultural crops in the Mediterranean area, in order to isolate and protect plants against pests and diseases while optimizing envi- ronmental temperature, humidity and light (Castilla & Jarrett, 1995). However, this production system has also resulted in a favourable ecological niche for whiteflies in general, and the sweetpotato whitefly Bemisia tabaci in particular. Production is centred in Almeria (southern Spain), where greenhouses cover about 28 000 ha, almost 40% of which are dedicated to cucurbitaceous crops. Cucumber ( Cucumis sativus ) is produced predominantly for export throughout the year. Bemisia tabaci was first identified in Spain in 1943, and became a pest in greenhouses in 1988, finally displacing the whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum during the autumn of 1997 (Gómez-Menor, 1943; Ruiz et al ., 1999). The population of B. tabaci proved to be highly resistant to the majority of phytosanitary treatments (Cahill & Denholm, 1998; Elbert & Nauen, 2000), which jeopard- ized its control. The main problem with B. tabaci in inten- sive greenhouse production stems from its transmission of many virus diseases, including Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) in tomato (Moriones et al ., 1993) and Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV) in *E-mail: [email protected] Accepted 21 July 2005

Plant Pathology



, 264–275 Doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3059.2005.01316.x


© 2006 BSPP

Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Analysis of the temporal and spatial disease progress of

Bemisia tabaci


Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus


Cucumber vein yellowing virus

in cucumber

L. Ruiz


, D. Janssen


*, G. Martín


, L. Velasco


, E. Segundo


and I. M. Cuadrado



Departamento de Protección Vegetal INIA, Carretera de la Coruña Km 8, 28040 Madrid;


Departamento de Protección Vegetal, CIFA Almeria (IFAPA), Autovía del Mediterraneo km420, La Mojonera 04745; and


Departamento de Biotecnología IMIDA, c/Mayor s/n, La Alberca 30150, Spain

Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus

(CYSDV) has been present in greenhouse-grown cucumber in Spain since 1992.However, in the autumn of 2000

Cucumber vein yellowing virus

(CVYV) was introduced, leading to mixed infectionsof both

Bemisia tabaci

-transmitted viruses. The temporal and spatial spread of disease symptoms were monitored inexperimental plastic-covered greenhouses during six consecutive cucumber plantings from 2000 to 2002. Using linearregression analysis of 46 disease-progress curves, the Gompertz model best described the CYSDV epidemics in 2000,whereas the logistic model best described the development of CYSDV and CVYV epidemics in 2001 and 2002. The fittedmodels were used to calculate the amount of degree Celsius-days at half-maximum infection in the greenhouses (




).After multiple regression analysis, 56% of the variation in




of CYSDV was related to the numbers of whiteflies infest-ing the cucumber crops, and was independent of the mean temperatures in the greenhouses. In contrast, 76% of the var-iation in




of CVYV was related to both the numbers of vectors present and maximum temperature. Symptomexpression in cucumbers mechanically inoculated with CVYV was most prevalent when plants were grown at regimesof at least 28


C day temperature. According to analysis of spread using Taylor’s power law, beta-binomial distributionfitting, and the ordinary runs test, the prevalence of CVYV showed significant overdispersion, whereas that of CYSDVdid not. The



test of independence and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient were used to measure co-occurrenceand covariation, respectively, during the first half of the cultivation period. These results showed that the two diseaseswere not associated.


: degree-days, disease incidence, disease progress analysis, RT–PCR detection, whitefly-borne viruses, thermal time


Since the 1960s, plastic-covered greenhouses haveincreasingly been used to produce horticultural crops inthe Mediterranean area, in order to isolate and protectplants against pests and diseases while optimizing envi-ronmental temperature, humidity and light (Castilla &Jarrett, 1995). However, this production system has alsoresulted in a favourable ecological niche for whiteflies ingeneral, and the sweetpotato whitefly

Bemisia tabaci

inparticular. Production is centred in Almeria (southern

Spain), where greenhouses cover about 28 000 ha, almost40% of which are dedicated to cucurbitaceous crops.Cucumber (

Cucumis sativus

) is produced predominantlyfor export throughout the year.

Bemisia tabaci

was first identified in Spain in 1943, andbecame a pest in greenhouses in 1988, finally displacingthe whitefly

Trialeurodes vaporariorum

during theautumn of 1997 (Gómez-Menor, 1943; Ruiz

et al

., 1999).The population of

B. tabaci

proved to be highly resistantto the majority of phytosanitary treatments (Cahill &Denholm, 1998; Elbert & Nauen, 2000), which jeopard-ized its control. The main problem with

B. tabaci

in inten-sive greenhouse production stems from its transmissionof many virus diseases, including

Tomato yellow leaf curlvirus

(TYLCV) in tomato (Moriones

et al

., 1993) and

Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus

(CYSDV) in

*E-mail: [email protected]

Accepted 21 July 2005

© 2006 BSPP

Plant Pathology



, 264–275

Disease progress of CYSDV and CVYV


cucurbits (Célix

et al

., 1996). The latter virus has beenpresent in cucurbitaceous crops since 1992 (Sese

et al

.,1994; Célix

et al

., 1996), but the recent introduction of

Cucumber vein yellowing virus

(CVYV) (Cuadrado

et al

.,2001) has led to newly observed mixed infections ingreenhouses in southern Spain.

CYSDV has a bipartite single-stranded RNA genome,and is a member of the genus


of the family



et al

., 1988). First reported in theUnited Arab Emirates (Hassan & Duffus, 1991), it hasspread throughout the Middle East (Rubio

et al

., 1999);the western part of the Mediterranean (Sese

et al

., 1994;Desbiez

et al

., 2000; Louro

et al

., 2000); and the USA(Kao

et al

., 2000). It is transmitted semipersistently by

B. tabaci

and causes phloem-limited infections (Célix

et al

.,1996). Symptoms of CYSDV infection are interveinalchlorosis and necrosis, and stiffness or brittleness of thelower leaves, resembling early senescence and nutritionaldeficiencies in cucurbits. In cucumber, chlorotic flecks arefirst produced in intermediate and older leaves. Theseenlarge and coalesce to produce large areas of chlorosis.Necrosis forms in these chlorotic areas, and leaves dieprematurely.

CVYV is a member of the genus


, family



et al

., 2000). This virus has a narrowhost range restricted to a number of cucurbitaceous plantspecies (Cohen & Nitzany, 1960), and its geographic dis-tribution is confined to the oriental Mediterranean Basin.CVYV was first described in cucumbers in Israel andthought to be synonymous with a similar virus, ‘bottlegourd mosaic virus’ (Cohen & Nitzany, 1960). Subse-quently it was recognized as the most prevalent diseaseaffecting cucumber in plastic-covered greenhouses in Jor-dan (Al Musa

et al

., 1985). CVYV has also been reportedfrom Turkey (Yimaz

et al

., 1989) and Sudan (Desbiez

et al

., 2001). Symptoms induced by CVYV are severe veinyellowing on the youngest leaves, and stunted growth ofplants with reduced fruit production (Cohen & Nitzany,1960). The virus is transmitted mechanically, and by

B. tabaci

in a semipersistent manner (Harpaz & Cohen,1965; Mansour & Al-Musa, 1993). Although CVYV wasreported only in the Middle East for many years, it wasfound for the first time in cucumber crops in Spain duringthe autumn of 2000 (Cuadrado

et al

., 2001), and readilyspread into cucurbitaceous crops throughout the areaduring the spring of 2001 (Janssen & Cuadrado, 2001).

The presence of both CYSDV and CVYV in the regionhas put cucumber production and trade at risk, increasingthe difficulty of breeding resistant cultivars. Developmentof adequate control strategies requires knowledge of theepidemiology of the diseases, and of the degree of associ-ation between the two viruses and the whitefly popula-tion. The objectives of this study were to monitorwhitefly-transmitted disease incidence rates and patternsof spread in experimental greenhouses during six consec-utive cucumber plantings from 2000 to 2002. Models werefitted to progress curves of the incidence of CYSDV andCVYV disease to summarize and compare the epidemics.Regression models were fitted to half-maximum infection

values against thermal time, the numbers of infestingwhiteflies and maximum temperatures.

Materials and methods

Data collection

The incidence of whiteflies and whitefly-transmitteddiseases was monitored in commercial cucumber crops(

Cucumis sativus

cv. Marianna RZ) grown in separategreenhouses, each spanning 600 m


, located within anexperimental farm at the Agriculture Research and Train-ing Centre (CIFA), Almeria, Spain. The crops were grownduring six consecutive crop seasons from spring 2000 toautumn 2002, at a mean density of one plant per m


.Three crops were monitored in spring and autumn 2000,while two additional crops were included in spring 2001–autumn 2002. The greenhouses had similar structuralfeatures, and were covered with conventional polyethylenefilm over the roof and nets over the lateral windows, rep-resentative of those used in Almeria. In each greenhouse,weekly routine monitoring started at the first-leaf stageand continued for 10 consecutive weeks. The dates of thefirst data collection (crop season) were 27 March 2000(spring 2000); 2 October 2000 (autumn 2000); 2 April2001 (spring 2001); 25 September 2001 (autumn 2001);8 April 2002 (spring 2002); and 28 October 2002(autumn 2002). For analysis of temporal disease progress,in each greenhouse the numbers of adult whiteflies werecounted on the undersides of the 10 uppermost leavesfrom 24 plants (


5% of plants in each greenhouse),selected by simple random sampling (Campbell &Madden, 1990). Disease symptoms on leaves were alsorecorded. CVYV symptoms presented as vein yellowing inyoung shoots (Cohen & Nitzany, 1960); CYSDV symptomswere mottled patches and interveinal chlorosis on leaves(Célix

et al

., 1996). Attribution of symptoms to CVYVor CYSDV was confirmed by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT–PCR) assays as describedbelow. During this study plants displaying symptomswere not removed. To assess spatial patterns of virus-infected plants, all plants from four greenhouses (477–483 sampling units per greenhouse) were monitored weeklyfor disease symptoms during four consecutive weeks from2–23 October 2001. The data from 2 October, togetherwith data obtained during samplings performed on 11November 2002, were also used to study the associationbetween these two viruses.

During each crop season and within each greenhouse,temperature was recorded continuously using Escort dataloggers (Escort Data Logging Systems Ltd, New Zealand)at 5-min intervals. Temperatures in greenhouses werecompared, and means calculated to normalize diseaseprogress rates in different crop seasons and under differ-ent temperature conditions. Degree days were calculatedby multiplying the daily mean temperature above 10


Cwith time (24 h or 1 day) (Zalom

et al

., 1983). The basetemperature of 10


C was chosen arbitrarily as the mini-mum developmental temperature of

B. tabaci


© 2006 BSPP

Plant Pathology



, 264–275


L. Ruiz

et al.

et al

., 1985) and because of its proximity to the lowerthreshold temperature of cucumber plant development,which is approximately 11


C (Manrique, 1993). By serialaccumulation, and beginning from the start of each cropseason, any given point in time was thus expressed inaccumulated degree-days (



). Mean daily maximumtemperatures (



) during the first 4 weeks of productionwere also calculated.

Temporal disease progress analysis

Disease incidence data were transformed as numbers ofplants displaying symptoms of CYSDV and/or CVYV,divided by the total number of plants observed (diseaseincidence). Disease-progress curves were fitted to fourgrowth models using linear regression analysis (Campbell& Madden, 1990): monomolecular {ln[1/(1


)] = ln[1/(1



)] +




}; logistic {ln[




)] = ln[





)] +




};Gompertz {–ln[–ln(


)] = –ln[–ln(



)] +




}; and the ex-ponential model {ln(


) = ln(



) +




}. These models wereused as predicted equations to compare, statistically, thelinearly transformed empirical data. In these models therange of possible values for disease incidence


(from 0 to1) is described for positive values of







= initialdisease incidence; and


* = rate of disease increase foreach model. Only


values >0 and <1 were used for logisticand Gompertz models. For the monomolecular model,only values <1 were used. Coefficients of determination(



) and mean square error (MSE) values were obtainedusing regression and


procedures of the


2D version 2·02 software (Systat Software Inc.)program. For comparisons, recalculated



and MSE val-ues (designated


*2 and MSE*) were used, as described byCampbell & Madden (1990). For this, transformed pre-dicted disease values were back-transformed to the origi-nal scale and regressed on the observed disease values. R*2

and MSE* values, as well as plots of standardized residu-als vs. the predicted values, were used to select the bestmodel to describe disease-progress curves for each disease,greenhouse and season. For each selected linear regressionmodel, the values of the slope and intercept parametersand their standard error estimates were obtained, andused to calculate the number of degree Celsius-days cor-responding to the temperature-time when half the plantsin the greenhouse displayed disease symptoms (°D0·5).

Using the simple and multiple regression modules instatistical software package statgraphics plus version4·0 (Statistical Graphics Corp., Rockville, MD, USA),relationships between dependent variable °D0·5 and explan-atory variables [numbers of whiteflies per plant (w), meanmaximum temperatures (Tmax) recorded in the green-house] were explored. The principles of these statisticaltests are adequately described in standard texts (e.g. Sokal& Rohlf, 1981).

Spatial pattern analysis

Spatial patterns were quantified using two approaches:spatial point-pattern and geostatistical analyses. In the

former, disease patterns were analysed at the level of thesampling unit and below, or the pattern of diseased indi-viduals within the sampling unit (Turechek & Madden,1999). The greenhouses were divided into 40 blocksgrouping 12 plants. The beta-binomial (Hughes & Mad-den, 1993) and the binomial distributions were fitted tothe disease incidence data using the program bbd (Mad-den & Hughes, 1994) for each virus separately, and thenfor total disease (a plant was considered diseased if it hadeither CYSDV or CVYV symptoms). The binomial distri-bution has a single parameter representing the probabilityof the disease (π). The beta-binomial has two parameters:p, the expected probability of a diseased plant in the field;and θ, a measure of the variation or heterogeneity in dis-ease incidence per sampling unit for a given field. A goodfit to the binomial distribution is suggestive of a randomspatial pattern of disease incidence, while a good fit to thebeta-binomial distribution is suggestive of an aggregatedpattern of disease incidence (Madden & Hughes, 1995).A log-likelihood ratio test statistic (LRS) was calculatedfor each data set to determine if the beta-binomial fittedthe data better than the binomial (Williams, 1975). Inaddition, Taylor’s power law was used to calculate thedispersion index b from the regression between the linear-ized estimates of the mean disease incidence (m) and thesample variance (s) for CYSDV, CVYV and total disease(CVYV or CYSDV), where ln(s2) = ln(a) + b ln(m). Thespatial distribution of disease is considered regularwhen b < 1; random when b = 1; and clustered when b > 1(Taylor, 1961; Campbell & Madden, 1990).

Ordinary runs analysis can be used as a geostatisticalapproach to quantify pattern at the level of the samplingunit and above, or among sampling units (Madden et al.,1982; Gibbons, 1985). A run is a sequence of samplingunits with the same disease status. For example, if 1 indi-cates disease and 0 indicates no disease, the sequence 1–1−0–1−0–0 contains four runs (1–1; 0; 1; 0–0). If diseasedplants in a row resulted from a pathogen spreading fromplant to plant, one would expect an aggregation (cluster-ing) of infected plants and an aggregation of healthyplants. Thus there would be fewer runs. If there were nomovement of the pathogen from plant to plant, one wouldexpect a random mixing of healthy and infected plantsand a correspondingly large number of runs. The nullhypothesis evaluated in this test is that the orderedsequence of symbols (infected plants) is random. Thealternative hypothesis is that the ordered sequence is clus-tered. Let m represent the number of infected plants in arow with a total number of plants equal to N. The totalnumber of runs is represented by U. Under the nullhypothesis of randomness, the expected value (E) of Uis given by: E(U) = 1 + 2m(N − m)/N. The observednumber of runs will be less than E(U) if there is a cluster-ing of infected plants (Gibbons, 1985). The standarddeviation of U is given by: su = {2m(N − m)[2m(N − m)− N]/[N2(N − 1)]}1/2. The standardized U is givenby: Zu = [U + 0·5 − E(U)]/su. The constant 0·5 is the‘correction for continuity’ (Gibbons, 1985). The asympto-tic sampling distribution of Zu is the standard normal

© 2006 BSPP Plant Pathology (2006) 55, 264–275

Disease progress of CYSDV and CVYV 267

distribution. The value of Zu will be a large negativenumber if there is clustering. Therefore the test for non-randomness (clustering) is one-sided, and left-tail probabi-lity is used (Gibbons, 1985). A row of plants was consideredto have a nonrandom sequence of infected and healthyplants if –Zu was >1·65 (P = 0·05).

Analysis of spatial association

Co-occurrence of CVYV and CYSDV, or the tendency forthe two viruses to infect the same plant, was evaluatedusing the χ2 test of independence (Ludwig & Reynolds,1988). In addition, covariation between the two diseases,as the tendency to increase or decrease together, wasdetermined calculating Spearman’s rank correlation co-efficient (r) (Ludwig & Reynolds, 1988), and significantcorrelation was accepted at P < 0·05 according to theSpearman’s rank correlation analysis. statgraphics plusversion 4·0 was used for statistical analysis.

Effect of environmental temperature on CVYV incidence

Eight groups of 20 cucumber cv. Marianna RZ plantswere inoculated mechanically at the first true-leaf phase.The inoculum was made by grinding infected leaves(7 days after symptom appearance) of cucumber in0·01 m phosphate buffer (1 g mL−1) pH 8 containing0·001 m sodium diethyldithiocarbamate (NaDIECA) and0·1% mercaptoethanol. Plants were grown in 10-cm plas-tic pots in a growth chamber with a photoperiod of 16 h.Each group was grown at one of the following series oftemperature regimes (N and D are temperatures of nightand day periods, respectively): N 16°C, D 16 h/20°C; N16°C, D 6·5 h/20°C, 3 h/37°C, 6·5 h/20°C; N 20°C, D16 h/24°C; N 20°C, D 6·5 h/24°C, 3 h/37°C, 6·5 h/24°C;N 24°C, D 16 h/28°C; N 24°C, D 6·5 h/28°C, 3 h/37°C,6·5 h/28°C; N 28°C, D 16 h/32°C; N 28°C, D 6·5 h/32°C, 3 h/37°C, 6·5 h/32°C. The heat-shock parameter(3 h at 37°C) was used to simulate peak temperaturesthat occur during cultivation of cucumber crops in thegreenhouse. Test plants were observed for symptomdevelopment 2 weeks after inoculation. Tip leaves of allplants were also tested for CVYV by RT–PCR analysis, asdescribed below. The study was performed in triplicate.

CYSDV and CVYV detection by RT–PCR

Total plant RNA was extracted from 2 mg tip leavesusing Qiagen RNA easy plant mini-kit (IZASA, Spain),resuspended in 20 µL DEPC-treated H2O, and heated for3 min at 80°C prior to reverse transcription. First-strandcDNA was synthesized in independent, standard reverse-transcription reactions using 100 units of Superscript IIRNAse H– Reverse Transcriptase (Life Technologies,USA) following the manufacturers instructions. Reverseprimers used were 410L (5′-TTGGGCATGTGACAT-3′)for CYSDV (Célix et al., 1996); and CV(–) (5′-GCGC-CGCAAGTGCAAATAAAT-3′) for CVYV (Cuadrado

et al., 2001). Aliquots of 2 µL of the reaction mixtureswere used for PCR amplification by adding 100 ngupstream primer, 410U (5′-AGAGACGGTAAGTAT-3′) for CYSDV (Célix et al., 1996); and CV(+)(5′-AGCTAGCGCGTATGGGGTGAC-3′) for CVYV(Cuadrado et al., 2001). Template cDNA was denaturedat 96°C for 5 min, and amplification was performedusing Taq polymerase (Roche, Spain) in a total volumeof 50 µL. Thermocycling conditions were: 2 min at 94°C,35 cycles of 30 s at 95°C, 30 s at 55°C and 1 min at72°C, and a final extension step at 72°C for 5 min. ThePCR products were fractionated on a 2% agarosegel alongside known molecular weight markers, andbands were visualized by SyberGreen (Molecular Probes,USA) staining and viewed with ultraviolet light.


Disease-progress curves and explanatory regression models

Figure 1 illustrates the 46 disease-progress curvesobtained. Disease progress was rapid, so that by the endof each season around 100% of the plants appeareddiseased with CYSDV and/or CVYV, except for the year2000 when only CYSDV was present. Linear regressionanalyses in the evaluation of four growth-curve modelsfor describing disease progress showed that the Gompertzmodel best described disease progress of CYSDV during2000. In 2001 and 2002, the logistic model best describeddisease progress for CYSDV and CVYV (Table 1). Graphsof residual vs. predicted values were randomly distributedfor the models described previously for each greenhouse,virus and season. These models, producing the best fits,were chosen to calculate the °D0·5 values (Table 2).

During the study all greenhouses were naturallyinfested with B. tabaci whiteflies. A plot of the °D0·5 valuesfrom CYSDV against the mean numbers of adult white-flies per plant at the first-leaf stage suggests that a similarrelationship existed in spring and autumn cultures(Table 2). However, differences between crop seasonswere obvious for CVYV, so that use of degree-days wasnot sufficient to normalize the disease-progress curves(Fig. 2). Similar plots and results were also achieved withaccumulated numbers of whiteflies per plant duringfour consecutive weeks (data and results not shown), butonly considering the first-leaf stage could make datacollection simpler for technicians in commercial cropproductions.

Simple and multiple regression analysis further exploredthe elements that could play a role in disease-progressmodels. Although the integration of the accumulatedtemperatures into the temporal dimension (degree-days)reduced differences in temperatures along crop seasons,such procedure may exclude the weight of brief periodsof high temperatures that occur daily (generallyaround noon) within a greenhouse. Therefore mean dailymaximum temperatures registered during the first4 weeks were also introduced as explanatory data. The

© 2006 BSPP Plant Pathology (2006) 55, 264–275

268 L. Ruiz et al.

equations of calculated regression models between °D0·5

(y), whitefly numbers (w) and maximum greenhouse tem-peratures (Tmax) that yielded the best-adjusted coefficientsof determinations were y = 447·23 − 5·54w for CYSDV;and y = 2864·39 − 9·77w − 72·27 Tmax for CVYV(Table 3). In the case of CYSDV, the adjusted coefficientsof determination were high when the independent vari-ables w and Tmax were considered (equations 1 and 3,Table 3). However, the large P values of Tmax in equations2 and 3 (Table 3), the former taking Tmax as the only in-dependent variable, were ≥0·10, so this term was notstatistically significant at the 90% or higher confidencelevel, and should be removed from the model. This indi-cated that numbers of whiteflies infesting cucumber cropsin the greenhouse explained 56% of the total variation of°D0·5. In the case of CVYV, considering either w or Tmax asindependent variables, this procedure resulted in models(equations 4 and 5, Table 3) with w and Tmax values thatwere significant at the 99% confidence level. However,the adjusted coefficients of determination for thesemodels were rather small. Only when both variableswere considered together (equation 6, Table 3) was aregression model obtained that explained 76% of thetotal variation of °D0·5, with both variables beingappropriate as their P values were significant at the99% confidence level.

Spatial disease progress

During the spring and autumn of 2001 and 2002, CYSDVand CVYV diseases differed from one another in terms ofspatial distribution. Figure 3 shows the spread of the dis-eases during autumn 2001. After transformation of thedisease data, maximum-likelihood estimates of p and θfor 16 data sets for CYSDV, CVYV and mixed infections,respectively, were calculated successfully using the beta-binomial-fitting software program bbd (Madden &Hughes, 1994). Distribution of diseased plants could bedescribed better by the beta-binomial rather than thebinomial distribution in 14 of the 16 data sets for CVYV,and only in four of 16 data sets for CYSDV, suggestiveof aggregation. The ranges of incidence of CYSDV andCVYV (p) were not significantly different, having equiva-lent medians and quartiles, suggesting similar skewing(Table 4). For these statistics, total disease-incidencevalues (p) must by definition be greater than or equal tothe maximum p of the two diseases separately.

The range of disease heterogeneity values (θ) forCYSDV was almost half compared with the range foreither CVYV or total disease (Table 4). The median hetero-geneity value for CYSDV was about five and three timesless than for CVYV and for mixed infections, respectively.Considering the differences in median and first quartile

Figure 1 Disease-progress curves of CYSDV and CVYV in 26 cucumber cultivations in 2000–02.

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Disease progress of CYSDV and CVYV 269

Table 1 Summary of linear regression statistics for evaluation of four growth-curve models to describe disease progress of CYSDV and CVYV in cucumbera



Year Season GH Model R 2 (%) MSE P > F R *2 (%) Residuals R 2 (%) MSE P > F R *2 (%) Residuals

2000 Spring A Exponential 44·3 0·288 0·1026 43·6 nonrandom –b – – – –Monomolecular 77·3 0·167 0·0040 59·4 nonrandom – – – – –Logistic 99·0 0·035 0·0050 99·1 random – – – – –Gompertz 100·0 2E-05 0·0006 99·9 random – – – – –

B Exponential 40·4 0·990 0·1252 35·3 nonrandom – – – – –Monomolecular 69·8 0·229 0·0098 52·1 nonrandom – – – – –Logistic 91·4 0·664 0·0441 94·2 random – – – – –Gompertz 91·9 0·241 0·0412 96·4 random – – – – –

C Exponential 50·9 0·335 0·0718 51·0 nonrandom – – – – –Monomolecular 79·8 0·064 0·0028 67·7 nonrandom – – – – –Logistic 92·1 0·200 0·0404 92·8 random – – – – –Gompertz 94·9 0·052 0·0259 96·5 random – – – – –

Autumn A Exponential 42·6 0·177 0·0295 43·2 nonrandom – – – – –Monomolecular 94·3 0·099 0·0001 82·0 nonrandom – – – – –Logistic 85·8 0·479 0·0080 84·3 nonrandom – – – – –Gompertz 91·0 0·185 0·0032 89·0 random – – – – –

B Exponential 36·8 0·152 0·0477 34·9 nonrandom – – – – –Monomolecular 91·9 0·178 0·0007 78·3 nonrandom – – – – –Logistic 79·4 0·840 0·0424 84·5 random? – – – – –Gompertz 83·6 0·421 0·0297 88·4 random – – – – –

C Exponential 72·1 0·004 0·0019 70·1 nonrandom – – – – –Monomolecular 90·5 0·165 0·0003 72·8 nonrandom – – – – –Logistic 88·8 0·111 0·0165 90·6 random – – – – –Gompertz 87·9 0·104 0·0185 90·4 random – – – – –

2001 Spring A Exponential 48·9 0·789 0·0359 27·8 nonrandom 64·1 0·675 0·0095 30·3 nonrandomMonomolecular 70·4 0·564 0·0092 47·1 nonrandom 53·7 0·035 0·0609 53·9 nonrandomLogistic 97·9 0·205 0·0013 99·4 random 87·9 0·325 0·0622 89·0 randomGompertz 95·9 0·198 0·0036 96·9 random 80·2 0·134 0·1045 82·2 random

B Exponential 50·1 0·444 0·0495 38·3 nonrandom 61·9 0·489 0·0634 45·1 nonrandomMonomolecular 58·3 0·365 0·0275 53·2 nonrandom 54·0 0·351 0·0154 42·2 nonrandomLogistic 98·4 0·095 0·0080 98·0 random 99·8 0·010 0·0008 99·9 randomGompertz 93·8 0·186 0·0314 95·8 random 98·6 0·046 0·0068 98·7 random

C Exponential 28·9 0·895 0·1357 20·5 nonrandom 65·7 0·744 0·0081 33·9 nonrandomMonomolecular 62·0 0·772 0·0631 41·8 random 66·3 0·331 0·0075 49·8 nonrandomLogistic 98·7 0·126 0·0064 98·2 random 94·4 0·402 0·0012 97·7 randomGompertz 99·8 0·010 0·0011 99·8 random 91·5 0·252 0·0028 93·9 random

D Exponential 37·4 0·229 0·1074 29·5 nonrandom 49·9 0·852 0·0761 34·4 nonrandomMonomolecular 59·1 0·063 0·0739 54·3 nonrandom 63·3 0·702 0·0059 40·7 nonrandomLogistic 93·6 1·681 0·0328 97·0 random 93·4 0·654 0·0074 99·0 randomGompertz 96·1 0·246 0·0195 96·4 random 93·7 0·328 0·0068 98·9 random

E Exponential 43·8 0·529 0·0738 30·0 nonrandom 68·4 0·757 0·0216 49·2 nonrandomMonomolecular 50·2 0·263 0·0747 46·1 nonrandom 63·2 0·432 0·0035 46·6 nonrandomLogistic 97·6 0·097 0·0121 97·5 random 96·9 0·251 0·0004 98·1 randomGompertz 92·2 0·139 0·0398 91·5 random 97·3 0·098 0·0003 98·4 random

Autumn A Exponential 76·4 0·213 0·0009 59·0 nonrandom 54·2 0·468 0·0098 45·3 nonrandomMonomolecular 66·1 0·262 0·0261 56·2 nonrandom 76·4 0·188 0·0526 68·5 nonrandomLogistic 96·5 0·214 0·0178 97·8 random 99·1 0·053 0·0046 98·8 randomGompertz 94·2 0·161 0·0295 94·4 random 99·7 0·007 0·0017 99·6 random

B Exponential 87·6 0·077 0·0002 73·4 nonrandom 84·6 0·088 0·0002 68·7 nonrandomMonomolecular 62·1 0·402 0·0354 52·4 nonrandom 57·7 0·286 0·0475 60·3 nonrandomLogistic 88·8 0·764 0·0577 94·4 random 85·0 0·587 0·0780 88·1 randomGompertz 87·8 0·424 0·0629 88·2 random 79·3 0·446 0·1097 80·7 random

C Exponential 83·7 0·196 0·0001 69·1 nonrandom 83·6 0·074 0·0002 73·1 nonrandomMonomolecular 70·2 0·158 0·0186 68·5 nonrandom 70·3 0·453 0·0093 63·5 nonrandomLogistic 94·6 0·234 0·0054 94·8 random 96·6 0·163 0·0026 98·0 randomGompertz 89·8 0·171 0·0144 89·5 random 92·3 0·237 0·0093 94·1 random

D Exponential 74·9 0·284 0·0012 70·5 nonrandom 85·1 0·172 0·0001 80·7 nonrandom

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270 L. Ruiz et al.

Monomolecular 75·6 0·132 0·0050 70·9 nonrandom 65·3 0·190 0·0084 70·4 nonrandomLogistic 93·9 0·272 0·0065 94·3 random 92·5 0·278 0·0022 91·6 randomGompertz 96·4 0·060 0·0030 97·1 random 87·7 0·183 0·0060 91·2 random

E Exponential 65·8 0·081 0·0080 61·9 nonrandom 81·9 0·093 0·0003 76·7 nonrandomMonomolecular 71·7 0·184 0·0163 58·3 nonrandom 76·5 0·204 0·0044 72·0 nonrandomLogistic 93·7 0·124 0·0320 94·7 random 98·3 0·060 0·0010 98·5 randomGompertz 96·0 0·043 0·0203 97·2 random 95·8 0·078 0·0037 97·7 random

2002 Spring A Exponential 95·1 0·013 0·0009 96·1 random 76·3 0·724 0·0531 90·6 randomMonomolecular 80·1 0·167 0·0027 70·2 nonrandom 49·0 0·241 0·0532 37·5 nonrandomLogistic 95·5 0·088 0·0008 95·3 random 78·9 1·402 0·0441 94·8 randomGompertz 92·4 0·095 0·0022 92·9 random 78·8 0·470 0·0444 90·0 random

B Exponential 94·5 0·019 0·0011 89·7 random 96·7 0·028 0·0025 96·9 randomMonomolecular 65·4 0·526 0·0276 56·4 nonrandom 73·1 0·042 0·0142 64·4 nonrandomLogistic 88·0 0·431 0·0184 91·6 random 97·4 0·043 0·0132 96·4 randomGompertz 83·1 0·427 0·0310 86·6 random 97·2 0·016 0·0142 97·1 random

C Exponential 78·7 0·163 0·0183 68·3 nonrandom 93·3 0·128 0·0004 92·2 randomMonomolecular 82·2 0·255 0·0019 57·4 nonrandom 57·3 0·564 0·0297 50·7 nonrandomLogistic 91·1 0·352 0·0031 97·2 random 94·7 0·312 0·0002 95·9 randomGompertz 92·1 0·180 0·0024 97·8 random 85·0 0·404 0·0031 92·7 random

D Exponential 86·6 0·169 0·0071 74·4 nonrandom 79·1 0·530 0·1108 87·6 randomMonomolecular 76·9 0·365 0·0042 49·7 nonrandom 55·4 0·201 0·0341 46·4 nonrandomLogistic 99·3 0·041 0·0000 99·0 random 91·5 0·484 0·0434 91·2 randomGompertz 98·5 0·045 0·0001 98·9 random 94·3 0·117 0·0287 91·7 random

E Exponential 93·2 0·034 0·0018 86·5 random 96·4 0·068 0·0029 97·5 randomMonomolecular 69·8 0·316 0·0193 56·3 random 49·5 0·422 0·0514 43·0 nonrandomLogistic 92·7 0·232 0·0086 91·5 random 95·6 0·255 0·0040 93·9 randomGompertz 89·2 0·212 0·0157 86·9 random 86·2 0·359 0·0228 89·0 random

Autumn A Exponential 86·7 0·091 0·0069 79·5 random 70·1 0·234 0·0188 63·5 nonrandomMonomolecular 58·2 0·551 0·0777 51·9 nonrandom 74·4 0·587 0·0600 64·9 randomLogistic 94·6 0·267 0·0276 96·5 random 97·7 0·168 0·0118 97·0 randomGompertz 88·6 0·329 0·0587 93·9 random 96·2 0·159 0·0194 98·8 random

B Exponential 71·6 0·555 0·0337 55·1 nonrandom 91·0 0·165 0·0032 88·5 randomMonomolecular 77·6 0·485 0·0039 45·8 nonrandom 55·5 0·871 0·0339 35·7 nonrandomLogistic 91·1 0·642 0·0030 96·5 random 91·9 0·632 0·0026 96·5 randomGompertz 95·1 0·174 0·0009 99·1 random 86·8 0·538 0·0068 89·7 random

C Exponential 91·9 0·056 0·0100 84·5 random 97·5 0·027 0·0002 92·7 randomMonomolecular 51·0 0·161 0·1110 48·0 nonrandom 69·5 0·104 0·0101 60·8 nonrandomLogistic 92·5 0·114 0·0383 92·4 random 99·0 0·027 0·0000 99·0 randomGompertz 88·1 0·086 0·0614 87·9 random 96·5 0·034 0·0005 97·3 random

D Exponential 97·5 0·009 0·0016 95·2 random 85·7 0·317 0·0028 69·1 nonrandomMonomolecular 71·4 0·098 0·0083 61·4 random? 72·8 0·233 0·0308 55·0 nonrandomLogistic 98·1 0·024 0·0011 98·4 random 94·6 0·363 0·0054 97·0 randomGompertz 97·1 0·019 0·0021 97·1 random 94·0 0·148 0·0064 96·7 random

E Exponential 91·1 0·162 0·0031 86·6 random 97·5 0·021 0·0002 96·4 randomMonomolecular 57·7 0·953 0·0288 39·7 nonrandom 64·0 0·246 0·0172 58·2 nonrandomLogistic 96·2 0·302 0·0006 96·4 random 96·7 0·097 0·0004 98·3 randomGompertz 89·3 0·458 0·0045 91·9 random 91·3 0·127 0·0029 95·5 random

aGH = greenhouse; R 2 = coefficient of determination, MSE = mean square error; R *2 = recalculated coefficient of determination.bCVYV was not observed during 2000.



Year Season GH Model R 2 (%) MSE P > F R *2 (%) Residuals R 2 (%) MSE P > F R *2 (%) Residuals

values, the results suggested substantial overdispersion (ornonrandom distribution) of disease in the case of CVYV,in contrast to CYSDV. Similarly, the binary power lawprovided an excellent description of the relationship

between the observed means and sample variances of thedata sets on a log scale for CYSDV, CVYV and total dis-ease across the data sets (Table 5). Estimated intercepts[ln(a)] were not, or only slightly, different from 0, and

Table 1 continued

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Disease progress of CYSDV and CVYV 271

Table 2 Degree-days at half-maximum infection in the greenhouse (°D0·5), best fitting linear equations describing disease progress of CYSDV and CVYV, and numbers of Bemisia tabaci adults (w) per cucumber plant at the first-leaf stage, during six consecutive seasons in 2000–02a



Year Season Model GH b ± SE a ± SE °D0·5 b ± SE a ± SE °D0·5 w b

2000 Spring Gompertz A 0·0130 ± 0·0003 −3·9465 ± 0·1176 330·9 –c – – 41·2B 0·0149 ± 0·0031 −4·9655 ± 1·1795 356·7 – – – 22·7C 0·0087 ± 0·0014 −2·9501 ± 0·5520 380·4 – – – 17·1

Autumn Gompertz A 0·0115 ± 0·0018 −1·7356 ± 0·5638 182·4 – – – 92·7B 0·0129 ± 0·0033 −1·6721 ± 0·9477 158·0 – – – 41·0C 0·0084 ± 0·0018 −0·8991 ± 0·6391 151·2 – – – 29·6

2001 Spring Logistic A 0·0236 ± 0·0020 −8·8067 ± 0·7853 373·3 0·0134 ± 0·0035 −6·4742 ± 1·2387 484·8 13·2B 0·0214 ± 0·0019 −9·1777 ± 0·8368 429·2 0·0196 ± 0·0005 −11·4374 ± 0·3200 584·9 8·8C 0·0420 ± 0·0048 −12·7365 ± 1·4899 303.5 0·0169 ± 0·0021 −7·7519 ± 0·8953 459·1 10·4D 0·0419 ± 0·0078 −16·2050 ± 2·8530 386·4 0·0213 ± 0·0033 −11·1154 ± 1·8223 522·9 3·8E 0·0274 ± 0·0043 −11·4028 ± 1·7294 416·8 0·0154 ± 0·0014 −9·5755 ± 0·8568 622·5 1·2

Autumn Logistic A 0·0172 ± 0·0023 −7·5809 ± 1·0056 440·5 0·0232 ± 0· 0022 −7·0450 ± 0·6511 303·2 15·0B 0·0175 ± 0·0044 −7·5630 ± 1·8997 432·1 0·0130 ± 0·0039 −5·7901 ± 1·6646 446·3 4·8C 0·0119 ± 0·0016 −5·1713 ± 0·6418 436·3 0·0142 ± 0·0015 −6·0060 ± 0·7254 423·2 3·3D 0·0134 ± 0·0020 −6·4230 ± 0·9264 477·8 0·0114 ± 0·0016 −5·9964 ± 0·8223 525·9 2·5E 0·0153 ± 0·0040 −6·6078 ± 1·8575 432·5 0·0117 ± 0·0009 −5·1432 ± 0·4242 437·7 9·9

2002 Spring Logistic A 0·0095 ± 0·0010 −3·3359 ± 0·4274 352·0 0·0181 ± 0·0054 −9·4078 ± 2·4023 518·7 24·3B 0·0145 ± 0·0031 −4·6866 ± 1·1590 323·9 0·0120 ± 0·0014 −5·4445 ± 0·5622 453·1 26·3C 0·0132 ± 0·0021 −4·4898 ± 0·8557 340·0 0·0149 ± 0·0016 −6·2138 ± 0·6188 416·1 18·0D 0·0162 ± 0·0007 −6·1099 ± 0·2931 376·3 0·0213 ± 0·0046 −10·5382 ± 2.1708 495·7 11·5E 0·0140 ± 0·0023 −4·8026 ± 0·8509 343·3 0·0186 ± 0·0023 −8·7684 ± 1·0236 472·7 23·8

Autumn Logistic A 0·0284 ± 0·0048 −7·8496 ± 1·4118 276·9 0·0275 ± 0· 0030 −5·7922 ± 0·7374 210·6 24·6B 0·0286 ± 0·0045 −8·3761 ± 1·5080 292·4 0·0298 ± 0·0044 −9·7914 ± 1·4965 328·9 22·2C 0·0291 ± 0·0083 −9·4733 ± 2·6190 326·0 0·0179 ± 0·0009 −6·4433 ± 0·3084 360·8 16·2D 0·0160 ± 0·0013 −5·6869 ± 0·4545 355·4 0·0255 ± 0·0035 −7·0914 ± 0·9471 278·4 19·4E 0·0306 ± 0·0031 −9·7587 ± 1·0345 318·4 0·0187 ± 0·0017 −6·2922 ± 0·5864 336·0 17·1

aGH = greenhouse; a and b are estimated intercept and slope, respectively, of the best fitting linear equation, SE = standard error.bMeans (n = 24).cCVYV was not observed during 2000.

Figure 2 Relationships between the mean number of adult whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci ) per cucumber plant sampled (w) and the number of degree-days at half-maximum infection of CVYV and of CYSDV in the greenhouse (°D0·5).

Table 3 Regression coefficients, adjusted coefficients of determination (R *2) of simple and multiple regression between ° D0·5a (dependent variable),

and mean numbers of whiteflies (w) and maximum temperatures (Tmax) (independent variables), and associated equations for CYSDV and CVYV

Virus Equation w P of w Tmax P of Tmax Constant P of constant R*2 (%)

CYSDV 1 −5·54 <0·0001 – – 447·23 <0·0001 562 – – −7·60 0·6240 593·79 0·2342 03 −5·67 <0·0001 −13·07 0·1997 864·69 0·0121 57

CVYV 4 −6·96 0·0142 – – 530·09 <0·0001 255 – – −50·27 0·0206 2031·52 0·0047 226 −9·77 <0·0001 −72·27 <0·0001 2864·39 <0·0001 76

aDegree-days when disease incidence = 0·5.

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272 L. Ruiz et al.

slopes were significantly <1 for CYSDV and >1 for CVYVand total disease (P < 0·01). This indicated significantaggregation of disease incidence across all data sets in thecase of CVYV and total disease, but not in that of CYSDV.

Geostatistical pattern analysis of plants with symptomsin the greenhouse yielded similar results. Ordinary runsanalysis showed a nonrandom distribution in 14 of the 16data sets for CVYV and in five of 16 data sets for CYSDV.Median and first quartile values for the standardizednumber of runs suggested nonrandomness of disease inthe case of CVYV, but not CYSDV (Table 4).

Spatial association of CYSDV and CVYV

Submitting the spatial disease data from four greenhousesto the χ2 test of independence suggested that the occur-rence of both viruses in a plant was independent fromone another in seven out of eight data sets (P < 0·05)(Table 6). Co-variation of CYSDV and CVYV was

Figure 3 Symptoms of CYSDV and CVYV recorded in 480 cucumber plants during autumn 2001 in a representative greenhouse (600 m2). The two central vertical lines and the arrow represent a pathway and the entrance door, respectively.

Table 4 Minimum, maximum and three quartiles (Q1, median and Q3) of estimated beta-binomial parameters p (expected probability of a diseased plant) and θ (heterogeneity of disease), and of the standardized number of runs (Zu) for individual diseases and total disease (CYSDV or CVYV) in 16 data sets collected in autumn 2001


CYSDV CVYV Total disease

p θ Zua p θ Zu p θ Zu

Min 0·060 0·000 −2·86 0·079 0·000 −10·42 0·142 0·000 −6·02Q1 0·135 0·000 −1·81 0·258 0·056 −6·70 0·431 0·047 −3·53Median 0·424 0·026 −1·44 0·515 0·115 −4·06 0·756 0·074 −2·73Q3 0·734 0·054 −0·52 0·807 0·216 −3·42 0·894 0·112 −2·01Max 0·921 0·155 1·81 0·944 0·288 −0·94 0·977 0·335 1·15

aValues smaller than −1·64 are considered nonrandom (P = 0·05).

Table 5 Results of fitting the binary power lawa to CYSDV, CVYV and total disease (CYSDV or CVYV) incidence means and variances for 16 data sets collected in 2001

b ± SE ln(a) ± SE R 2

CYSDV 0·599 ± 0·117 0·167 ± 0·070 0·70CVYV 1·123 ± 0·076 0·010 ± 0·043 0·95Total disease 1·074 ± 0·036 −0·006 ± 0·020 0·99

aln(a) and b are estimated intercept and slope, respectively, of the best fitting line based on least squares regression; and SE is standard error. R 2 is the coefficient of determination.

Table 6 χ2 test of independence statistic and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (r) of CYSDV and CVYV in four greenhousesa

Year Greenhouse χ2 P of χ2 r P of r

2001 B 0·8900 0·3446 −0·0431 0·3456C –b – −0·0993 0·0296D 0·9800 0·3227 0·0452 0·3238E 0·9600 0·3200 −0·0447 0·3290

2002 B 1·6310 0·2040 0·0713 0·2138C 0·3404 0·5596 −0·0778 0.1818D 53·3350 <0·0001 −0·1009 0·2611E 1·3810 0·2399 0·0679 0·2443

aData for 2 October 2001 and 11 November 200.bNo plants with both viruses observed.

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Disease progress of CYSDV and CVYV 273

observed in only one (0·01 < P < 0·05) out of eight datasets after Spearman’s rank correlation analysis (Table 6).Both types of analysis suggested that CYSDV and CVYVare not spatially associated.

Effect of environmental temperature on CVYV incidence

The number of diseased cucumber plants after mechanicalinoculation with CVYV was dependent on growth condi-tions. Fewer than 10% of plants showed symptoms, orwere positive after RT–PCR analysis, when grown at a16°C night/20°C day regime, whereas higher infectionrates (80–100%) were obtained at regimes of 24°C night/28°C day and above. Simulation of greenhouse peaktemperatures (heat-shock treatment) caused c. 45–75% ofplants to express symptoms and give positive RT–PCRresults at the two lower temperature regimes. Such effectsof heat-shock treatments were not observed at highertemperature regimes (Table 7).


Mixed infection of whitefly-transmitted viruses is a recentevent in greenhouse-grown cucurbits in Spain, and maythreaten other regions of the Mediterranean. Here thespread of CYSDV and CVYV was studied in naturallyinfected cucumber greenhouses. In the case of CYSDV, thefirst cucumber leaves, produced 1–2 weeks after planting,were readily colonized by whiteflies and visible symptomsappear after a further 3–5 weeks (latency period) (Ruiz,2002). Although spread of CYSDV varied among theyears and seasons, half the cucumber plants showedsymptoms at 270–440 degree-days (4–5 weeks afterplanting in spring and 3–4 weeks in autumn). CVYVspread was characterized by major seasonal differences.Disease progress was similar to CYSDV in autumn (from260 to 480 degree-days), but in spring, disease progresswas delayed (450–670 degree-days, or 5–6 weeks).

Whitefly numbers and indoor temperatures were alsofound to have a significant impact on viral epidemics.During this 3-year study, the number of infesting vectorswas the driving force behind both epidemics (Table 3).Epidemic progress based on vector number is a typicalfeature of vector-borne viruses. This has been shown withleafhopper-borne viruses (Power, 1992); aphid-borne

viruses (Thresh, 1986); as well as for CYSDV (Célix et al.,1996), CVYV (Mansour & Al-Musa, 1993; Caciagli, 2001)and other whitefly-transmitted viruses (Caciagli, 2001).Temperature has also been shown to affect epidemic ratesignificantly by affecting vector dynamics (Thresh, 1986).In countries of the Middle East, disease caused by CVYVhas been observed mostly during the hottest crop seasons,when the highest numbers of whiteflies are produced(Cohen & Nitzany, 1960; Ucko et al., 1998). In southernSpain, mild winter months and high densities of green-houses lead to abundant whiteflies throughout the entireyear, with uninterrupted access to cucurbitaceous crops.Therefore the seasonal variability of whitefly-transmitteddisease in the greenhouse could result from the effect theindoor climate has on the virus–vector or virus–plantrelationship (Harrison, 1981). In the present study, CVYVcould be explained by whitefly numbers and meanmaximum temperatures in the greenhouse during the firstcrop month. The incidence of CYSDV was also stronglyrelated to thermal time in spring and autumn, althoughthis was not the case for CVYV. Observations in thegreenhouse suggested that the incidence of CVYVincreased significantly after hot days. Therefore theexpression of disease evolution against degree-days, whichconsiders the overall mean daily temperatures, wouldreduce the weight of peaks of high temperatures registered.Only when numbers of whiteflies and mean maximumtemperatures were considered as explanatory variableswas a regression model obtained that explained 76% of°D0·5 of CVYV spread. The effect of temperature on CVYVdisease was reproduced in a growth chamber. Theefficiency of CVYV infection after mechanical inoculationin cucumber plants was 100% when plants were grownat constant day temperatures of 32°C, and c. 50% whengrown at 24°C (Table 7). The optimum temperature forrapid expansion of individual cucumber leaves is also25°C (Milthorpe, 1959), whereas maximum rate of drymatter production occurs at 30–35°C under experimentallight conditions (Friend & Helson, 1976), or at 28–29°Cin greenhouse conditions with natural light (Grimstad &Frimanslund, 1993).

Other factors driving the introduction and spread ofCYSDV and CVYV would be the source of inoculum,and immigration and emigration of vector populations.Although dispersal parameters of whiteflies are difficult toquantify, the introduction of disease into a greenhouse


Heat shockb

No Yes

Symptoms RT–PCR Symptoms RT–PCR

16/20 1·67 (±0·58) 1·67 (±0·58) 8·00 (±2·00) 9·67 (±1·53)20/24 9·67 (±2·52) 9·67 (±2·52) 13·37 (±1·15) 15·33 (±1·53)24/28 16·00 (±1·00) 16·00 (±1·00) 16·00 (±1·00) 17·67 (±0·58)28/32 20·00 (±0·00) 20·00 (±0·00) 20·00 (±0·00) 20·00 (±0·00)

aMean numbers (± standard error) of plants from a total of 20 inoculated plants per group (n = 3).bGrowth temperature at 37°C during 3 h of day period.cNight (N ) and day (D) temperatures in °C during 8 and 16 h, respectively.

Table 7 Numbersa of cucumber plants showing symptoms and reacting positively after RT–PCR analysis, 14 days after mechanical inoculation with CVYV

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274 L. Ruiz et al.

relies on long-range fly activities that benefit from verticalconvection currents and horizontal air movements (Joyce,1983), and therefore greenhouses downwind in closeproximity to infested crops are more likely to be infestedthan those at more distant locations (Watson et al., 1992).Several weed species can act as reservoirs of CVYV(Janssen et al., 2002). Still, the natural source of inoculumin south-eastern Spain is most likely to be neighbouringgreenhouse crops because of the high density of green-houses in the production area. The spread within thegreenhouse will also depend on short-range fliers. Labo-ratory studies show take-off activity during daytime andthe capability of sustaining flight for over 2 h (Blackmer& Byrne, 1993). Spatial pattern analysis demonstratedsignificant differences between CYSDV and CVYV. Theincidence of CVYV, and not of CYSDV, was overdis-persed relative to the binomial distribution, and describedwell by the beta-binomial distribution in the same fields.This also supports the better correlation between the inci-dence of CYSDV with the mean numbers of whiteflies perplant sampled at random. The results reported here havealso shown that CYSDV and CVYV were distributedindependently at the early stage of the cultivation period,in terms of their co-occurrence and covariation (χ2 test ofindependence and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient).This suggests that some biological aspects of these pathogensmay differ. CYSDV and CVYV are both semipersistentlytransmitted by B. tabaci with comparable acquisition andinoculation thresholds. Yet the duration of persistence inthe vector is 7–9 days in the case of CYSDV (Célix et al.,1996; Wisler & Duffus, 2001), and 5 h in CVYV (Mansour& Al-Musa, 1993). Although the longevity of the vectorhas been estimated to range from 4 to 62 days, depending onthe biotype, sex and environmental temperature (Yimazet al., 1989), one could argue that B. tabaci behaves virtu-ally as a nonpersistent transmitter of CVYV and a persistenttransmitter of CYSDV in epidemiological terms.

The key to management of these viruses in cucumberproduction in southern Spain lies in restricting theentrance and indoor mobility of the vectors into green-house crops. In the present study, greenhouse-grownplants displaying disease symptoms were not removedsystematically, and it is not known whether such a prac-tice would have influenced the spatial–temporal dynam-ics. In view of the different epidemiological features ofCYSDV and CVYV, roguing of diseased plants and tem-perature control of greenhouse crops may reduce the dis-ease progress of CVYV, but not of CYSDV. Managementstrategies might also include the introduction of crop-freeperiods (Ucko et al., 1998), the development of virus-tolerant cultivars (Lopez-Sese & Gomez-Guillamon,2000) and improving the physical barriers (Janssen et al.,2003), or other measures such as UV-absorbing films(Antignus et al., 2001) that reduce whitefly numbers.


We thank Professor L.V. Madden for kindly supplyingus with the bbd program. We would like also to thank

Professors Piero Caciagli (CNR, Torino) and Hsing-YehLiu (USDA-ARS, Salinas) for critical review of themanuscript. The first and fourth authors had fellowshipsfrom the Dirección General de Investigación (Consejeríade Agricultura y Pesca) of the Junta de Andalucía. Thesecond and third author had fellowships from INIA.This work was supported by project SC99-050 (INIA).We also thank Antonia Belmonte and Montserrat Canofor technical assistance.


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