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ccConvert - Drastic Technologies

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Table of Contents

Copyrights and Trademark Notices..............................................................................................1General......................................................................................................................................1GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE........................................................................................1

0. Additional Definitions.......................................................................................................21. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL..............................................................................22. Conveying Modified Versions............................................................................................23. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files...............................................24. Combined Works.............................................................................................................25. Combined Libraries.........................................................................................................36. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License..................................................3

MPEG Disclaimers........................................................................................................................4MPEGLA MPEG2 Patent.............................................................................................................4MPEGLA MPEG4 VISUAL...........................................................................................................4MPEGLA AVC...........................................................................................................................4MPEG4 SYSTEMS.....................................................................................................................4

Limited Warranty and Disclaimers.................................................................................................4Warranty Remedies.....................................................................................................................4Software Updates........................................................................................................................5Restrictions and Conditions of Limited Warranty..............................................................................5Limitations of Warranties..............................................................................................................5Damages...................................................................................................................................5

ccConvert....................................................................................................................................6Controls and Displays..................................................................................................................8


How to Use ccConvert................................................................................................................14Setup...................................................................................................................................14

Connect Hardware............................................................................................................14Install Software................................................................................................................14Licensing.........................................................................................................................15

Run ccConvert.......................................................................................................................16Select a Source File................................................................................................................16Set the Conversion Type.........................................................................................................16Set the Target Location..........................................................................................................16Begin the Conversion.............................................................................................................16

verifyCC.....................................................................................................................................17Controls and Displays................................................................................................................17How to Use verifyCC..................................................................................................................18

Run verifyCC.........................................................................................................................18Select a Source File................................................................................................................18Save the Analysis to a File......................................................................................................18Copy the Analysis to the Clipboard...........................................................................................18

ccReview...................................................................................................................................19Controls and Displays................................................................................................................20

Main Interface.......................................................................................................................20Transport Section..............................................................................................................21Show Tips Context Menu....................................................................................................22Picture Display..................................................................................................................23Menu...............................................................................................................................23Time Code.......................................................................................................................23

Audio Meters.........................................................................................................................24Open File..............................................................................................................................24

Load Media File Type Filter.................................................................................................25Open Stream.........................................................................................................................25Close Media..........................................................................................................................25



Advanced/Basic.....................................................................................................................30Display Mode.........................................................................................................................31Captions...............................................................................................................................33Mode....................................................................................................................................34Media Info............................................................................................................................35

Media Info - Video.............................................................................................................36Media Info - Audio............................................................................................................38Media Info - System..........................................................................................................40Media Info - Meta.............................................................................................................42

Wave/Vector (Scopes)............................................................................................................44Scope Layout...................................................................................................................44Single Scope Layout..........................................................................................................45Double Scope Layout.........................................................................................................462 x 2 Grid Scope Layout.....................................................................................................473 x 2 Grid Scope Layout.....................................................................................................48Vectorscope.....................................................................................................................49Vectorscope Display..........................................................................................................50Waveform YCbCr...............................................................................................................51Waveform YCbCr Display....................................................................................................54Waveform RGB.................................................................................................................55Waveform RGB Display......................................................................................................57Histogram........................................................................................................................58Histogram Display.............................................................................................................59Chromaticity....................................................................................................................61Chromaticity Display.........................................................................................................62Status.............................................................................................................................63Status Display..................................................................................................................64Audio Vector.....................................................................................................................65Audio Vector Display.........................................................................................................66Audio Phase.....................................................................................................................67Audio Phase Display..........................................................................................................68Audio Histogram...............................................................................................................69Audio Histogram Display....................................................................................................70Audio Wave......................................................................................................................71Audio Wave Display...........................................................................................................72Data Display.....................................................................................................................73Video Markers..................................................................................................................74

Audio Meters.........................................................................................................................75How to Use ccReview.................................................................................................................76

File Playback.........................................................................................................................76Load a File.......................................................................................................................76Cue to a Location..............................................................................................................76Use the Transport Controls.................................................................................................76Playback Modes................................................................................................................76Playlist Operation..............................................................................................................77

Display.................................................................................................................................77Zoom In/Out....................................................................................................................77Pan/Center.......................................................................................................................77Full Screen Mode..............................................................................................................77Closed Captioning.............................................................................................................77Lock/Unlock.....................................................................................................................78Display Time Code Over Unlocked GUI.................................................................................78

MRMetaData - Extract a File's Metadata Information..................................................................79Keyboard/Clipboard Commands..........................................................................................79Mouse Control..................................................................................................................80





Copyrights and Trademark Notices


Copyright 2021, Drastic Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, altered, or translated into any languages without the written permission of Drastic Technologies. Information and specifications in thisdocument are subject to change without notice and do not represent a commitment on the part of Drastic Technologies.

Drastic Technologies: Drastic Technologies, MediaNXS, videoQC, Net-X-Code, Net-X-Convert, Net-X-Proxy, 4KScope, sdiScope, ndiScope, DrasticPreview, MediaReactor, and SyncControl are trademarks of Drastic Technologies Ltd. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Adobe: Adobe® HTTP Dynamic Streaming Copyright © 2014 of Adobe Systems All rights reserved.

Apple: QuickTime, MacOS X, and Safari are trademarks of Apple, Inc. Bonjour, the Bonjour logo, and the Bonjour symbol are trademarks of Apple, Inc.

Avid: Portions of this product Copyright 2012 Avid Technology, Inc. Dolby: Dolby and the double-D symbol are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson Multimedia: MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology licensed from

Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson Multimedia. Google: VP6 and VP8 Copyright Google Inc. 2014 All rights Reserved. MediaInfo: Copyright © 2002-2013 MediaArea.net SARL. All rights reserved. THIS SOFTWARE IS


Microsoft: Microsoft, Windows NT|2000|XP|XP Professional|Server 2003|Server 2008 |Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows 8, Media Player, Media Encoder, .Net, Internet Explorer, SQL Server 2005|2008|2012|2014, and Windows Media Technologies are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

QT: The Qt Toolkit is copyright by The Qt Company and/or its subsidiary(-ies) and other contributors. The Qt Toolkit is used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v. 3 and the GNU Lesser General Public License v. 2.1 (both jointly "LGPL"). On eachsupported platform, the Tool dynamically links to the unmodified Qt libraries, as provided bythe Qt Project in the pre-compiled binary format. In compliance with LGPL, all the relevant information about downloading, installing, and building the Qt Toolkit from sources is available from http://www.drastic.tv. As there have been no modifications, the main source of the information and most of the web links provided here come from the Qt Company's website.

x264 LLC: The product is manufactured by Drastic Technologies under license from x264 LLC. Xceed: The Software is Copyright ©1994-2012 Xceed Software Inc., all rights reserved. ZLIB: Copyright (C) 1995-2013 Jean-Loup Gailly and Mark Adler. LGPL: Portions of this product are licensed under LGPL, governed by the following license:


Version 3, 29 June 2007Copyright © 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <https://fsf.org/>


Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.

This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below.

0. Additional Definitions.As used herein, “this License” refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License, and the

“GNU GPL” refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.“The Library” refers to a covered work governed by this License, other than an Application or a

Combined Work as defined below.An “Application” is any work that makes use of an interface provided by the Library, but which is

not otherwise based on the Library. Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode of using an interface provided by the Library.

A “Combined Work” is a work produced by combining or linking an Application with the Library. Theparticular version of the Library with which the Combined Work was made is also called the “Linked Version”.

The “Minimal Corresponding Source” for a Combined Work means the Corresponding Source for theCombined Work, excluding any source code for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version.

The “Corresponding Application Code” for a Combined Work means the object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data and utility programs needed for reproducing theCombined Work from the Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work.

1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL.You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License without being bound by

section 3 of the GNU GPL.2. Conveying Modified Versions.If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified version:

•a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the function or data, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or•b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of this License applicable to that copy.

3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files.The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates (ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following:

•a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this License.•b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license document.

4. Combined Works.You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that, taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of the following:

•a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this License.•b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license document.•c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the copies of the GNU GPL and this license document.•d) Do one of the following:

•0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, inthe manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying Corresponding Source.


•1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer system, and (b)will operate properly with a modified version of the Library that is interface-compatible with the LinkedVersion.

•e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise be required to provide such information under section 6 of the GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is necessary toinstall and execute a modified version of the Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying Corresponding Source.)

5. Combined Libraries.You may place library facilities that are a work based on the Library side by side in a single library together with other library facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your choice, if you do both of the following:

•a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities, conveyed under the terms of this License.•b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.

6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License.The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the GNU Lesser General

Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.

Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU Lesser General Public License “or any later version” applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that published version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation.

If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the Library.

Other brands, product names, and company names are trademarks of their respective holders, and are used for identification purpose only.

MPEG Disclaimers











Limited Warranty and Disclaimers

Drastic Technologies Ltd (the Company) warrants to the original registered end user that the product will perform as stated below for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of licensing or; in the case of hardware, for a period matching the warranty period offered by the original manufacturer of said equipment.

Hardware and Media—The Product hardware components, if any, including equipment supplied but not manufactured by the Company but NOT including any third party equipment that has been substituted by the Distributor or customer for such equipment (the “Hardware”), will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal operating conditions and use.

Warranty Remedies

Your sole remedies under this limited warranty are as follows: Hardware and Media—The Company will either repair or replace (at its option) any defective Hardware component or part, or Software Media, with new or like new Hardware components or Software Media. Components may not be necessarily the same, but will be of equivalent operation and quality.

Software Updates

Except as may be provided in a separate agreement between Drastic Technologies and You, if any, Drastic Technologies is under no obligation to maintain or support the Software and Drastic Technologies has no obligation to furnish you with any further assistance, technical support, documentation, software, update, upgrades, or information of any nature or kind.

Restrictions and Conditions of Limited Warranty

This Limited Warranty will be void and of no force and effect if (i) Product Hardware or Software Media, or any part thereof, is damaged due to abuse, misuse, alteration, neglect, or shipping, or as a result of service or modification by a party other than the Company, or (ii) Software is modified without the written consent of the Company.


Limitations of Warranties

THE EXPRESS WARRANTIES SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. No oral or written information or advice given by the Company, its distributors, dealers or agents, shallincrease the scope of this Limited Warranty or create any new warranties.

Geographical Limitation of Warranty—This limited warranty is valid only within the country in which the Product is purchased/licensed.

Limitations on Remedies—YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES, AND THE ENTIRE LIABILITY OF Drastic Technologies Ltd WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT, SHALL BE AS STATED IN THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. Your sole and exclusive remedy for any and all breaches of any Limited Warranty by the Company shall be the recovery of reasonable damages which, in the aggregate, shall not exceed the total amount of the combined license fee and purchase pricepaid by you for the Product.



Further information regarding this limited warranty may be obtained by writing:Drastic Technologies Ltd523 The Queensway, Suite 201Toronto, ON, M8V 1J7You can call Drastic Technologies via telephone at (416) 255-5636.



ccConvert Suite is a suite of tools for converting, verifying and visually displaying closed captions. The ccConvert suite is made up of three tools: ccEmbed/ccExtract, verifyCC and ccReview. Standalone caption formats like SCC, MCC and AAF as well as subtitle formats like STL, EBU, SRT, XML Final Cut, YouTube and iTune formats are supported as well as most media embedded captions in MXF (SMPTE 436, compression embedded), MOV/MP4 text track, MPEG-2/h.264 user data, transport stream SEI, Sony IMX embedded, LXF and GXF files. Cross conversion from any type to SCC, MCC and AAF for use in editing programs is provided, as well as up convert from SD captions to HD MCC and AAF formats. Side bar formats can also be embedded back into MXF and MOv files for final distribution. The captions can also be auto verified and visually checked either in-stream, independently or as a sidebar replacement of existing captions.

Here is a list of formats supported by ccConvert:

Format Read WriteAJA KiPro Mov/Prores R WAvid AAF CC Data Track (708 for Avid Editors) R WAvid Caption - txt R WBelle Nuit - stp R WCaptionMaker - cap RCheetah - cap RComma Separated - csv R WDigital Cinema 2007/2010 - xml R WEBU Sub Titles - stl R WFinal Cut Pro - xml R WFinal Cut Pro X - xml R WFlash - xml R WGV XML/N0 data anc R WGXF SMPTE 360 CC Rh.264/MPEG-4/AVC1 'user' CC RiTunes Timed Text - txt R WJSON (various) - json R WLXF Leitch/Harris CC R


MCC 708 (MacCaption/PC-Caption/Adobe/etc) R WMOV SD/HD CC tracks R WMP4 SD/HD CC tracks R WMPEG-2 'user' CC RMXF Avid embedded CC R WMXF SMPTE 436M R WProres embedded R WQuickTime Text - txt R WSAMI - smi R WSCC Scenarist (608 SD with 708 up convert) R WSoftNI - sub R WSony DVD - txt R WSony DVD Architect - sub RSub Station Alpha - ssa R WSubRip - srt R WSwift - sif R WTimed Text - ttml, dxfp, xml R WWebVTT/VTT - vtt R WYouTube - sbv R WYouTube Annotations - xml R WYouTube Transcript - txt R W


Controls and Displays


Pressing the Extract button (red in the diagram below) opens the Extract section of the GUI. The Extract section provides controls and displays for the extraction of closed caption files.

Extract button – press to select extract mode – this control turns red upon selection, and causes the interface to display controls specific to the extraction of closed caption files.

Embed button – press to select embed mode – this control turns red upon selection, and causes the interface to display controls specific to the embedding of closed caption files.

Source button – opens a browser, which allows the user to browse for a source file containing video andclosed captions.

Line 21 checkbox – when selected, uses line 21 closed caption data.

Use TC checkbox – when selected, will maintain the time code associated with the source file, and display the time code location in the associated field.


Time Code field – allows you to change the starting time of the captions being extracted. Some formats use seconds or real time. If the Use TC checkbox is selected, the user can enter a time code to create a caption file to match the time code of a video file.

Drop field – to select a source file, the user can browse to a folder containing the source file, and drag and drop it onto the Drop field.

Input checkbox – selecting the Input checkbox means the new closed captions file will be created in thesame folder as the source file. With the Input checkbox unselected, the user will be able to press the Target button and browse for a folder in which to save the new closed captions file.

Type pulldown menu – clicking on the Type pulldown menu reveals all supported types of closed captions. Use this pulldown menu to select the type of closed captions you intend to write.

Rate pulldown menu – use this pulldown menu to either select Match Input (use the same frame rate asthe input file), or any of several other supported rates.

Source Encoding pulldown menu – use this pulldown menu to select the encoding method used.


Summary field – the Summary field displays details about the add-in (if any), the completion (percentage and yes/no), the size of the created file and whether any errors were observed in the conversion process.

Target button and field – where the Input button is unselected, the user will be able to browse to a folder other than the folder in which the source file is located. In this case, press the Target buttonto browse for a folder in which to save the new closed captions file. Once selected, the location will be displayed in the field to the right of the button.

Go button – press the Go button to begin the extraction process.



Pressing the Embed button (red in the diagram below) reveals the Embed section of the GUI. The Embed section provides controls and displays for the embedding of closed caption files into video files.

Extract button – press to select extract mode – this control turns red upon selection, and causes the interface to display controls specific to the extraction of closed caption files.

Embed button – press to select embed mode – this control turns red upon selection, and causes the interface to display controls specific to the embedding of closed caption files.

Source button – opens a browser, which allows the user to browse for a source file containing video andclosed captions.

Line 21 checkbox – when selected, uses line 21 closed caption data.

Use TC checkbox – when selected, will maintain the time code associated with the source file, and display the time code location in the associated field.


Time Code field – allows you to change the starting time of the captions being extracted. Some formats use seconds or real time. If the Use TC checkbox is selected, the user can enter a time code to create a caption file to match the time code of a video file.

Drop field – to select a source file, the user can browse to a folder containing the source file, and drag and drop it onto the Drop field.

Input checkbox – selecting the Input checkbox means the new closed captions file will be created in thesame folder as the source file. With the Input checkbox unselected, the user will be able to press the Target button and browse for a folder in which to save the new closed captions file.

CC Source controls – the CC Source field displays the source for the closed captions to be embedded. The X button clears any selection that has been made. The … button opens a browser to allow the user to locate and load a closed caption file.

Alt Audio controls– the Alt Audio field displays the source for alternate audio to be embedded. The X button clears any selection that has been made. The … button opens a browser to allow the user tolocate and load an audio file.

Alt video controls– the Alt Video field displays the source for alternate video to be embedded. The X button clears any selection that has been made. The … button opens a browser to allow the user tolocate and load a video file.

Targ Type pulldown menu– the Targ Type pulldown menu allows the user to select a target file type for the file being created during the embedding process.


Summary field – the Summary field displays details about the add-in (if any), the completion (percentage and yes/no), the size of the created file and whether any errors were observed in the conversion process.

Target button and field – where the Input button is unselected, the user will be able to browse to a folder other than the folder in which the source file is located. In this case, press the Target buttonto browse for a folder in which to save the new closed captions file. Once selected, the location will be displayed in the field to the right of the button.

Go button – press the Go button to begin the extraction process.


How to Use ccConvert


Connect Hardware

ccConvert software will run on most available computers, but to support real time playback of specific filetypes, typically a powerful, fast system will be required.

To install and take advantage of all the features of ccConvert the system may need to be connected to various other hardware devices.

To view the output using an AJA, Bluefish444 or Blackmagic board, a supported board will have to be installed on the system, along with the required drivers. In these cases, suitable video and audio monitorsand other devices would be useful.

Install Software

Install ccConvert on the system. Regardless of the delivery method, the software will be available at some level as an (executable) installable file. In many cases the user will double-click on the file, or right click and select Open from the context menu. Follow the prompts to set where the software should be installed and make other installation-specific decisions.



ccConvert will need to be licensed to run without demo limitations.

ccConvert installs an application called DTLicense which is included in the program folder. This may be accessed via the Start menu, at: Program Files|ccConvert|License ccConvert.

Enter contact details: Type a first and last name into the User Name field.Enter an email address: Type a valid email address into the User Email field. This is the email

address at which the user will receive the required site key.Generate the Site Code: Press the Generate button. This will populate the Site Code field with the

site code. The site code is a string of alphanumeric characters which will be used to generate the site key.

Email the Site Code to Drastic: If the system is set up with email, the user may press the Send button, or open up a new email addressed to [email protected]. Paste the site code into the body of the email, and indicate which software the license is for.

Receive the Site Key: Authorization will reply with an email containing the site key, another string of alphanumeric characters.

Enter the Site Key into DTLicense: Copy the site key from the email into the buffer, and paste it into the Site Key field, either using a standard paste command, or by pressing the Paste button (the button with the icon to the left of the Remove button).

Register the License: Press the Register button, and restart the software. This will update the licensestatus and enable all the features supported by the requested license level.


Run ccConvert

Run the software by selecting ccConvert in the ccConvert x64 6 folder.

There are two modes of working in ccConvert.

Extract Mode can read most closed caption types, including video files containing closed captions, and make a new closed caption file in any of our supported write types.

Embed Mode can take a closed caption file, and embed it into an existing video file. It can also take a video file containing closed captions, and replace the closed captions. The audio may also be replaced during these embedding operations.

Select a Source File

There are two methods to select a source file.

a) Press the Source button and browse for a source file. Select it and press the Open button.b) Open a standard browser and find the folder containing the source file. Drag it and drop it onto the

Drop field.

Set the Conversion Type

Press the Type pulldown menu to reveal the available types of closed captions files, and select the desiredtype from this list.

Set the Target Location

There are two methods to set the target location.

a) Click the Input button – this choice sets the target location to the same folder as the source file.b) Press the Target button and browse to the location in which you would like the converted closed

captions file to appear. Once selected, this location should be displayed in the Save To field.

Begin the Conversion

Press the Go button.


verifyCC verifyCC software verifies many aspects of closed caption files, and displays the information in its summary field for review. The verification may be saved to a file for later review or collaboration, or copied for pasting into other documents.

Controls and Displays

Drop field – to select a source file, the user can browse to a folder containing the source file, and drag and drop it onto the Drop field.

Source button – opens a browser, which allows the user to browse for a source file containing video andclosed captions.

Save button – press the Save button to save the analysis into a file.

Copy button – press the Copy button to copy the analysis to the clipboard so you can paste it into documents, emails etc.


Summary field – the Summary field displays details about the add-in (if any), the completion (percentage and yes/no), the size of the created file and whether any errors were observed in the conversion process.

How to Use verifyCC

Here is how to use verifyCC to analyze a closed captions file

Run verifyCC

Run the software. If the default installation path is used, you can open it at: Start | Programs | ccConvert (x64 6) | verifyCC.

Select a Source File

There are two methods to select a source file.

a) Press the Source button and browse for a source file. Select it and press the Open button.b) Open a standard browser and find the folder containing the source file. Drag it and drop it onto the

Drop field.

Once the source file has been selected, analysis will begin immediately, with the information being displayed in the Summary field.

Save the Analysis to a File

Once a source file has been analyzed, press the Save button. This opens a standard browser. Navigate to your preferred location, type in a name for the file and save it.

Copy the Analysis to the Clipboard

Once a source file has been analyzed, press the Copy button. This copies the analysis to the clipboard, where it can easily be pasted into a document or email. verifyCC analyzes and displays the following information:

• header information• time code validity• preface• size• count• count matching• checksum• valid 708• valid 608


ccReviewccReview is a hardware enabled media player. The user will be able to open files and play them on their VGA monitor, and through supported video boards from AJA, Bluefish444 and Blackmagic. A wide range of keyboard and GUI commands allow quick cueing and playback with features including zoom and pan, full screen with time code overlay, and extensive track data display. Signal Analysis tools feature a vectorscope, waveform monitor (both YCbCr and RGB), per-pixel data view and Histogram.

ccReview is ideally suited for editing, display, review and collaborative environments

EBU r.128 audio metering is featured for professional loudness control applications.

Specific features and codec support may be offered as options depending on the version of ccReview the user has licensed.


Controls and DisplaysThe reference section provides a detailed look at each of the elements in the ccReview interface.

Main Interface

ccReview main interface

Running ccReview produces the main interface. The large display area to the top right is where video is displayed during playback. There are transport controls and displays along the bottom, and moving the mouse to the left of the screen produces a menu of options.


Transport Section

Provides controls for playback and cueing.

Transport section

Position Bar - The pointer indicates the current position in the clip. Clicking on the Position Bar cues theclip to that relative location. To scrub through the file, ‘grab’ the pointer and ‘drag’ it toward the relative location you’re looking for.

Fast Reverse button - Play the clip from the cued point in reverse at the fastest possible speed.

Back 5 Seconds button - Cue to a point 5 seconds prior to the current location, or the beginning if the current location is less than 5 seconds into the clip.

Back One Frame button - Cue the frame immediately prior to the current frame.

Reverse Play button - Play the clip in reverse at negative normal play speed (-100%).

Pause button - Stop any playback and display the frame at the current location.

Stop button - Stop any playback in progress and cue the first frame of the clip.

Play button - Play the clip forward at normal play speed (+100%).

Forward One Frame button - Cue the frame immediately after the current frame.


Forward Five Seconds button - Cues to a point 5 seconds after the current location, or the end if the current location is less than 5 seconds before the end of the clip.

Fast Forward button – Play the clip from the cued point forward at the fastest possible speed.

Volume slider – May be used to adjust the volume of the audio during playback. Zero volume would be slid to the left, and as the slider is moved to the right, the volume is increased. The center of the slider indicates 100%, or normal playback level. Sliding all the way to the right sets the volume to 200%.

Show Tips Context Menu

A series of tips may be displayed on the VGA screen before the user has loaded a clip. Right clicking on the Transport Controls reveals a Show Tips option. Click this option to toggle between showing the tips ornot showing the tips. Here is a list of the tips:

Use the Scroll button on the mouse to zoom in and out. Left Click on the mouse and drag the pointer to move the image around the screen.Right Click on the mouse to reset the picture to fit the application.Middle Click on the mouse to set the picture to a 1:1 pixel size.ccReview supports a full set of keyboard commands. Visit www.drastic.tv for more information.There are configuration files for the Contour Shuttle Pro available at www.drastic.tv.Files can be added to ccReview by dragging them from a file explorer and dropping them on ccReview.Clicking on the main time code allows you to type a time code and press Enter to cue that time code

location.Pressing <CTRL>-C will copy the current time code to the system clipboard.Pressing F will set ccReview to full screenGoing full screen (F) and unlocking the transport (<CTRL>-L) will show only the image.Double Click the video display to toggle full screen to hide the controls.To enable/disable the time code overlay in full screen press the 'T' key.ccReview supports the J-K-L keys for basic transport control.The MODE button toggles the playback mode through: normal, loop or palindrome.Clicking on TC/VITC/LTC will cause the main time code to display that time code sourceClicking the CC button allows the user to select different closed caption sources, or disable closed

caption overlay.The <SPACE BAR> will switch between pause and play.Tips can be deactivated by right clicking on the control area and selecting the menu item Show Tips.


Picture Display

The video screen is optimized to fill its maximum area of the display field. As the user resizes the window, there may be black sides or top/bottom portions revealed, to compensate for scaling mismatches.

The Picture view shows the video signal, to confirm the source is correct and to display time code location.

Menuthe menu is displayed upon opening. Once video has been loaded, the menu disappears but can becalled up by moving the mouse to the left of the display area. The menu offers access to a wide range of system controls, settings dialog boxes, and signal analysis tools.

Time Code

Time Code display basic mode - Displays the current time code location

Time Code display advanced mode - Displays the current time code location, along with alternate time code types, and track information


Audio Meters

Audio Meters display basic mode - Up to 16 audio meters showing peak/RMS or r.128/1194 EBU loudness levels. The line 0 corresponds to -24 decibels.

Audio Meters display advanced mode - Up to 16 audio meters showing peak/RMS or r.128/1194 EBU loudness levels. The line 0 corresponds to -24 decibels.Open File

Open File

Open File button - pressing the Open File button opens the Load Media window, which allows the user to locate and load a file for review.


Load Media File Type Filter

Pressing the All Files* button reveals a list of file types. Selecting a file type from this list lets the user search by specific file type, to help locate files more quickly.

Open Stream

Open Stream button - pressing the Open Stream button opens the Open url window, which allows the user to enter a known URL to access a video stream.

Once the user has entered the network address into the URL field, pressing the OK button loads the stream for viewing.

Close Media25

Close Media button - Close the current file



Settings button - Open the Settings window



Press the License button to open the licensing dialog.

The top field displays the current status of the license. The User Name field allows the user to type in a first and last name during the licensing process.The Email Address field allows the user to type in the email at which they would like to receive the

site key for their license.Once the name and address fields have been filled out, pressing the Generate button populates the

Site Code field with a string of alphanumeric characters. This string is the Site Code.The Site Code field is where the site code displayed during the licensing process. The user may select

the site code and use Ctrl+C to copy it to the clipboard, or use the Copy button. The user will need to send the site code to Drastic Authorization to get a Site Key to enable the license.

If the system has been set up with email, pressing the Send button will open a new email to Drastic Authorization, with the site code in the body of the email.

Once a reply email containing the Site Key has been returned by Drastic Authorization, the user may select it and copy it, then paste it into the Site Key field either using the Paste button or Ctrl+V.

Once the Site Key has been pasted into the Site Key field, pressing the Register button registers the license. The system may need to be restarted for the change in license status to be updated.

Accept – Press the Accept button to accept any changes that have been made, and close the Settings window.

Close – Press the Close button to close the Settings window without changing the current setting.Disable Aja Kona – when set, the software will ignore any AJA cardsDisable BlueFish444 – when set, the software will ignore any BlueFish444 cards


Disable Decklink – when set, the software will ignore any Blackmagic cardsDefault Log Name – if logging to a file is enabled, this is where the log file will be savedNo Internal Audio Video – if set, this forces the audio to an external audio card, rather than the

internal audio of the AJA, BlueFish444 or Blackmagic cardProduction Mode – if set, then playback will continue even if frames are dropped. Otherwise, dropped

frames will cause playback to pauseShowVITC Lines – show any vertical blank area in the applications video windowSkip Boards – the number of cards in the system to skip. This allows videoQC to use the second card

in the system, and allow another software to use the first oneSuperimpose – if set, then timecode and user bits will be displayed/burned into the videoSuperimpose Type – there are 3 layouts for video burn in/overlay availableAllow Aspect Ratio Changes – when set, the aspect ratio will remain fixedAllow Frequency Changes – when set, the frequency will not change as new files are loadedAllow Resolution Changes – when set, the resolution will not change as new files are loadedOP47 Default Character Set – OP-47 decoders have a setting which allows the user to specify the

default alternate character set when it is not specified by the sender. This is normally the characterset of the local language.

◦ 0 – (Latin) English, French, German, Swedish, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Czech, Slovak

◦ 1 – (Latin) Polish◦ 2 – (Latin) Turkish◦ 3 – (Latin) Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian, Romanian◦ 4 – (Latin) Estonian, Lettish, Lithuanian◦ 4 – (Cryillic) Serbian, Croatian, Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian◦ 6 – Greek◦ 10 – Hebrew

De-interlace Type – When working with interlaced material, the display on the progressive VGA monitor:◦ 0 – default handling◦ 1 – disable processing, show interlace on progressive◦ 2 – discard one field◦ 3 – duplicate one field◦ 4 – duplicate the non dominant field◦ 5 – blend the two fields◦ 6 – process for motion detect de interlaced◦ 7 – split the fields, upper and lower

Audio 1/2 Encoded – should be set if using Dolby encoded audio on the first pair of channelsDither 8 Bit – on AJA hardware, if set, 8 bit files will be up dithered to 10 bit on SDI outputGenlock Enabled – use the incoming genlock signal to lock the SDI outputUse Both Board Channels – if a board supports more than one channel, allow multiple channels to use

the same boardEnable NDI Search – allow searching for NDI sources.Ignore HTTP – disable HTTP control of videoQCIgnore CTL – disable RS-422 serial control of videoQCIgnore Net – disable network control of videoQCSD Aspect Ratio 16:9 – if set, then all SD files will be treated as 16:9 instead of 4:3HTTP Port – custom port value to use for the HTTP serverPort – custom port value to use for the Net serverAuto Select Proxy – when a high resolution and proxy resolution file reference pair are dropped from

an Adobe web bin, automatically load the proxy file rather then the high res file. If not set, the highresolution file will be loaded.

Color Space – select 708 or 2020 as the default color space for 4K/QHD signalsColor Transfer – select standard of HDR-10/ST-2084 transfer characteristics for 4K/QHD signals



Advanced/Basic toggle - a toggle switch, which switches between displaying the basic controls along the bottom of the GUI, or displaying the advanced controls.

Advanced Transport Controls - The Advanced mode provide a larger set of controls and displays. The Open Media, Full screen toggle and the Lock/unlock are removed. Playback controls include fast reverse, reverse, five seconds back, 1 frame back, pause, stop, play, one frame ahead, five seconds ahead, and fast forward. The position slider and volume control are moved to the playbackcontrols section. Video standard, time code, playback mode, playback speed, LTC time code, VITC time code, and track info (duration, size, frame rate, codec, and audio parameters) are displayed. The audio meters are increased in size.

Basic Transport Controls - Provides a set of controls for playback/output. The user also may right click on the transport controls to switch between Basic and Advanced display. The Basic mode provides reverse, pause and play controls. There are reduced time code and audio displays. The volume control and position control are displayed to their right.


Display Mode

Display Mode button - opens the Monitor Settings window, which allows the user to fine tune their display settings.

The pulldown menu at the top provides the following display modes:Luma Only – display only the luminance portion of the videoRed Only – display only the red portion of the videoGreen Only – display only the green portion of the videoBlue Only – display only the blue portion of the videoZebra Luma – display the video in zebra luma modeZebra Chroma – display the video in zebra chroma modeClipping – display the portions of the video which are clippingEdge Difference – display the portions of the video where edges are detectedFocus Assist – magnify the area in focus


Flip Flop - Show Alpha – show the alpha portion of the selected source streamFalse Color – show the stream in false color

Color Selector – in Focus Assist mode, click to bring up the color selector.Browse buttonLuma sliderHigh Luma sliderLow Luma sliderSmoothing sliderOpacity sliderIntensity sliderBrightness sliderContrast sliderSaturation sliderWarmth sliderGamma (unpopulated)Chroma sliderHue Diff sliderSat Diff sliderLightness sliderInterlaced checkboxFull Range checkboxInvert checkboxFlip checkboxFlop checkboxBasicPrimatteUltimatteMask



Captions button - opens the Captions pullout menu, to select between the available types of closed captions, or to browse to a closed caption file to open. Whichever closed caption type is selected will be rendered on the VGA display.

CC1 (608)/Subtitle – this is either the first cc channel in SD, the first compatibility byte channel in HD 708, or the subtitle file, if it has been loaded

CC2 (608) – either the second channel in SD or 708 compatibility bytesCC3 (608) – either the third channel in SD or 708 compatibility bytesCC4 (608) – either the fourth channel in SD or 708 compatibility bytesService1 (708) – the first service in 708Service2 (708) – the first service in 708Service3 (708) – the first service in 708Service4 (708) – the first service in 708OP-47 – Display OP-47 teletextSelect File... - select a subtitle file to be displayed with the video playback



Mode button - opens the Mode pullout window, to select between the available types of playback mode. Choices include normal, loop, palindrome, audio and video, audio only, and video only.

• Normal – standard playback• Loop – continue playing from the beginning when the end is reached• Palindrome – play forwards from the start and then backwards from the end• Audio and Video – play both audio and video• Audio Only – play the audio, but not the video• Video Only – play the video, but not the audio


Media Info

Media Info button - opens the Track Info window, which displays information about the track's video, audio, system and metadata.


Media Info - Video

Clicking on the Video Tab reveals the information associated with the video in the selected media file.

Channels - number of channelsSize - Size of a single frame of video uncompressedWidth - Width of video frame in pixels Height - Height of video frame in pixels Planes - Number of RGB groups (like Photoshop layers) Bit Count - (or, Bit Depth) – Number of bits per pixel reported in video Compression - Compression setting - a fourcc usually, but not always equal to fccHandler. Denotes

compression type of frame Compression String - Name of the compression type in human readable form


Size Image - Size of the Image in unsigned chars X Pels Per Meter - Number of horizontal picture elements per meter (a width resolution description) Y Pels per Meter - Number of vertical picture elements per meter (a height resolution description) Clr Used - For color tables, the number of RGBQUAD elements used Clr Important - Number of RGBQUAD elements that are critical to display Fcc Type - Type of Audio/Video FourCC Compression Code Fcc handler - Handler used for the FCC type Flags - Flags setting Caps - Capabilities Priority - Priority of the selected video or audio stream in relation to other streams in the file Language - Language setting Scale - Scale of the frame Rate - Frame rate setting Start - Delay in units for this stream to start before video commences Length - Length of the video stream Initial Frames - Amount of audio in the file before video commences Suggested Buffer Size - Recommended buffer size Quality - Quality used by the compressor Sample Size - Size, in unsigned chars, of a single data sample Edit Count - Number of edits that have been performed on the file Format Change Count - Number of times the file's format has been changed Name - Name of the reader for this file type Pitch - Video line pitch Dr Flags - Internal Drastic flags File Type - Name for the Drastic file type File Type String - Name of the file kind/type in human readable form


Media Info - Audio

Clicking on the Audio Tab reveals the information associated with the audio in the selected media file.

Channels - number of audio channelsSize - The size of any extra info on the audio compression Format Tag - Windows format type (if applicable) Samples Per Sec - number of samples per secondAvg Bytes Per Sec - the average number of bytes per secondBlock Align - Size in bytes of a sample set (all channels in that stream) of audio Bits Per Sample - number of bits per audio sampleSize - Size of sample in bytes, but is not set generallyFcc Type - Type of Audio/Video FourCC Compression Code Fcc handler - Handler used for the FCC type Flags - Flags setting Caps - Capabilities Priority - Priority of the selected video or audio stream in relation to other streams in the file Language - Language setting Scale - Scale of the frame


Start - Delay in units for this stream to start before video commences Rate - Frame rate setting Length - Length of the video stream Initial Frames - Amount of audio in the file before video commences Suggested Buffer Size - Recommended buffer size Quality - Quality used by the compressor Sample Size - Size, in unsigned chars, of a single data sample Edit Count - Number of edits that have been performed on the file Format Change Count - Number of times the file's format has been changed Name - Name of the reader for this file type Dr Flags - Internal Drastic flags File Type - Name for the Drastic file type


Media Info - System

Clicking on the System Tab reveals the information associated with the system in the selected media file.

Micro Sec Per Frame - number of microseconds per video frameMax Bytes Per Sec - the maximum number of bytes per secondPadding Granularity - Minimum device block size - only important for tapes like LTO Flags - File flags - internalTotal Frames - total number of video frames in the fileInitial Frames - Amount of audio in the file before video commences Suggested Buffer Size - Recommended buffer size Width - Width of video frame in pixels Height - Height of video frame in pixels Caps - Capabilities Scale - Scale of the frame Rate - Frame rate setting Length - Length of the video stream Edit Count - Number of edits that have been performed on the file File Type String - Name of the file kind/type in human readable form


Type - Our internal numeric value for the file readerMf Caps - MediaFile capabilities Vid Standard - Video standard value (numeric representation of standards like 1080i29.97 for

comparison) Dr Flags - Internal Drastic flags File Type Integer - Numeric value of the file type reader


Media Info - Meta

Clicking on the Meta Tab reveals the metadata information associated with the selected media file.

File Name - File name as it was opened (base name plus extension, no path info) Native Locator - Native path plus file name plus file extension Universal Name - (or Universal Name) Network path plus file name plus file extension Source Locator - System locator for file source, in UnversalLocator, NativeLocator, FileName order Encoded By - Encoder's name Full Name - Content's full name Host Computer - Current computer hosting the file Version String - Content version Device Serial Num - Input device serial number Picture icon - Small JPG frame capture used as picon Time Code - Starting time code of the file User Bits - 32 bit DWORD of user bits stored in the file Vitc Time Code - Vertical Interval Time Code Vitc User Bits - Vertical Interval User Bits Poster Frame - Frame from which a thumbnail is created for the content


A Frame - A frame indicator for 3/2 cadence Aspect Ratio - Video aspect ratio Original Rate - Original rate/scale Original Scale - Original rate/scale Conversions - Total times this media has been converted Version Number - Numeric version Total Streams - Total number of streams Total Length - Total length of longest stream Time Code Type - Time code type for the counter/ctl Ltc Time Code Type - LTC time code type for the counter/ctl Vitc Time Code Type - VITC time code type for the counter/ctl Unique Id - Unique identification for the content


Wave/Vector (Scopes)

Wave/Vector - press the Wave/Vector button to open the scopes setup window. The setup window provides controls to set how each scope is displayed, how many scopes are displayed at once, and their position in the scopes layout.

Here is a scopes setup page. Along the top is the layout selector. Below the layout selector, the scope or scopes selection is displayed. The middle section provides setup controls specific to how each scope is displayed. Along the right column, the available scopes can be selected.

Scope Layout

Along the top of each scope config is the layout selector.

The options are: a single scope, two scopes side by side, four scopes in a 2x2 grid, and six scopes in two rows of three scopes.


Single Scope Layout

A single scope may be selected for display. This example shows the Vectorscope.


Double Scope Layout

Two scopes may be selected for display. This example shows the Vectorscope and the Audio Waveform monitor.


2 x 2 Grid Scope Layout

Four scopes may be selected for display, in a 2x2 grid. This example shows the Vectorscope, the Audio Waveform Monitor, the Waveform YCbCr, and the Histogram.


3 x 2 Grid Scope Layout

Six scopes may be selected for display, in two rows of 3 scopes. This example shows the Vectorscope, the Audio Waveform Monitor, the Waveform RGB, the Waveform YCbCr, the Histogram and the Chromaticity scopes.



To display the Vectorscope in a single scope layout, press the Scope Config button on the Scope window,and press the Vectorscope button. To display the Vectorscope as one window of a multiple scope layout, press the Scope Config button on the Scope window, click on the desired layout, click on the window youwant to use, and click on the Vectorscope button.

For a multiple scope layout, click on the window in which you would like the Vectorscope displayed.

Graticule checkbox – when selected, the graticule is laid over the Vectorscope. The brightness of the Graticule may be adjusted using the Graticule Brightness slider described below.

100% Marks checkbox – when selected, the 100% Marks are displayed over the Vectorscope75% Marks checkbox - when selected, the 75% Marks are displayed over the VectorscopeAngle Marker checkbox - when selected, the Angle Marker is displayed over the VectorscopeSkin Tone Line checkbox - when selected, the Skin Tone Line is displayed over the VectorscopeIntensity slider – Moving the Intensity slider brightens or dims the display of the video signal through

the Vectorscope. The current setting is displayed above the slider, as a percentage, 0% providing no display and 100% being maximum intensity.

Quality slider - moving the Quality slider uses more or less of the data points to draw the video signal through the scope. The current setting is displayed above the slider, as a percentage, 0% being rather poor indeed and 100% drawing every pixel. Where system resources are less capable, it may be useful to reduce the quality to allow the system to keep up.

Action Safe checkbox - when selected, the Action Safe graticule is displayed over the video.Graphic Safe checkbox - when selected, the Graphic Safe graticule is displayed over the video outputActive Region checkbox - when selected, the Active region graticule is displayed over the video output8 bit Processing checkbox - when selected, 8 bit processing will be applied, otherwise it is 10 bit. 10

bit processing allows for finer analysis of the signal, and even detection of 8 bit signals in a 10 bit path. Smooth scopes on true 10 bit signals display every possible level in the signal. An 8 bit processing mode is also available in 10 bit mode, to allow for mixed mode scopes.

Title Safe checkbox - when selected, the Title Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Picture Frame checkbox - when selected, the Picture Frame graticule is displayed over the video

output.Graticule Brightness slider - Moving the Graticule Brightness slider adjusts the brightness of the

graticule overlay, 0% providing no display and 100% being maximum brightness.

Pressing the x in the upper right corner will close the Scope Config window.


Vectorscope Display

Here is the Vectorscope.

The Vectorscope displays a traditional Cb by Cr X-Y display with overlaid reference graticule. Color accurate graticules automatically switch between SD and HD color spaces. The markers include color points (for standard bar checks) at 75% and 100% saturation. All the standard points are boxed; red, magenta, blue, cyan, green and yellow. A skin tone/flesh line is provided to allow for easy hue adjustmentas well as standard diagonals.

At all times a minimum and maximum value for each of the channels (Y, Cr and Cb) is displayed in 10 bit mode (0-1023). The color of the text for each channel indicates the following: in range (green), out of range but legal (yellow) and illegal/sync values (red).

For single link 8 and 10 bit YCbCr files, there is no color processing involved. For dual link 4:4:4 RGB signals, the equivalent Cb and Cr are calculated to create the display.


Waveform YCbCr

To display the Waveform YCbCr in a single scope layout, press the Scope Config button on the Scope window, and press the Waveform YCbCr button. To display the Waveform YCbCr as one window of a multiple scope layout, press the Scope Config button on the Scope window, click on the desired layout, click on the window you want to use, and click on the Waveform YCbCr button.

For a multiple scope layout, click on the window in which you would like the Waveform YCbCr displayed.

Graticule checkbox – when selected, the graticule is laid over the Waveform YCbCr display. The brightness of the Graticule may be adjusted using the Graticule Brightness slider described below.


Show Parade checkbox – when selected, the display is from left to right. When not selected, the display is stacked top to bottom.

Only Luma checkbox – when selected, displays only the luminance of the signal.

Intensity slider – Moving the Intensity slider brightens or dims the display of the video signal through the Vectorscope. The current setting is displayed above the slider, as a percentage, 0% providing no display and 100% being maximum intensity.

Quality slider - moving the Quality slider uses more or less of the data points to draw the video signal through the scope. The current setting is displayed above the slider, as a percentage, 0% being rather poor indeed and 100% drawing every pixel. Where system resources are less capable, it may be useful to reduce the quality to allow the system to keep up.

Action Safe checkbox - when selected, the Action Safe graticule is displayed over the video.Graphic Safe checkbox - when selected, the Graphic Safe graticule is displayed over the video outputActive Region checkbox - when selected, the Active region graticule is displayed over the video output8 bit Processing checkbox - when selected, 8 bit processing will be applied, otherwise it is 10 bit. 10

bit processing allows for finer analysis of the signal, and even detection of 8 bit signals in a 10 bit


path. Smooth scopes on true 10 bit signals display every possible level in the signal. An 8 bit processing mode is also available in 10 bit mode, to allow for mixed mode scopes.

Title Safe checkbox - when selected, the Title Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Picture Frame checkbox - when selected, the Picture Frame graticule is displayed over the video

output.Graticule Brightness slider - Moving the Graticule Brightness slider adjusts the brightness of the

graticule overlay, 0% providing no display and 100% being maximum brightness.

Pressing the x in the upper right corner will close the Scope Config window.


Waveform YCbCr Display

Here is the Waveform YCbCr.

The YCbCr Waveform Monitor displays the levels of the Y, Cb and Cr from the left of the picture to the rightof the picture with all the lines summed into one graph. The Y, or luma/luminance, graph provides accurate white and black level information, as well as the range in between. The Cb and Cr display the +/- 512 levels of chroma of both types. This provides a visual representation of the chroma range of the signal.

Critical for downstream color correction is the need to ensure proper luminance levels at the stage of initial capture, so any corrections will not muddy or wash out the signal information.

At all times a minimum and maximum value for each of the channels (Y, Cr and Cb) is displayed in 10 bit mode (0-1023). The color of the text for each channel indicates the following: in range (green), out of range but legal (yellow) and illegal/sync values (red).


Waveform RGB

To display the Waveform RGB in a single scope layout, press the Scope Config button on the Scope window, and press the Waveform RGB button. To display the Waveform RGB as one window of a multiplescope layout, press the Scope Config button on the Scope window, click on the desired layout, click on the window you want to use, and click on the Waveform RGB button.

For a multiple scope layout, click on the window in which you would like the Waveform RGB displayed.

Graticule checkbox – when selected, the graticule is laid over the Waveform RGB display. The brightness of the Graticule may be adjusted using the Graticule Brightness slider described below.


Show Parade checkbox – when selected, the display is from left to right. When not selected, the display is stacked top to bottom.

Full Scale checkbox – RGB, by default, will be sRGB. The range of each color will be from 16 to 240 (in 8 bit), so the scale will place white at 240 and black at 16 in normal scale. If in full scale, white will be placed at 255 and black at 0.

Intensity slider – Moving the Intensity slider brightens or dims the display of the video signal. The current setting is displayed above the slider, as a percentage, 0% providing no display and 100% being maximum intensity.

Quality slider - moving the Quality slider uses more or less of the data points to draw the video signal through the scope. The current setting is displayed above the slider, as a percentage, 0% being rather poor indeed and 100% drawing every pixel. Where system resources are less capable, it may be useful to reduce the quality to allow the system to keep up.

Action Safe checkbox - when selected, the Action Safe graticule is displayed over the video.Graphic Safe checkbox - when selected, the Graphic Safe graticule is displayed over the video outputActive Region checkbox - when selected, the Active region graticule is displayed over the video output8 bit Processing checkbox - when selected, 8 bit processing will be applied, otherwise it is 10 bit. 10

bit processing allows for finer analysis of the signal, and even detection of 8 bit signals in a 10 bit path. Smooth scopes on true 10 bit signals display every possible level in the signal. An 8 bit processing mode is also available in 10 bit mode, to allow for mixed mode scopes.

Title Safe checkbox - when selected, the Title Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Picture Frame checkbox - when selected, the Picture Frame graticule is displayed over the video

output.Graticule Brightness slider - Moving the Graticule Brightness slider adjusts the brightness of the

graticule overlay, 0% providing no display and 100% being maximum brightness.

Pressing the x in the upper right corner will close the Scope Config window.


Waveform RGB Display

Here is the Waveform RGB.

The RGB Waveform Monitor shows each of the red, green and blue signals as independent graphs, displaying the RGB, or chrominance/color values associated with the file.

At all times a minimum and maximum value for each of the channels (R, G and B and A) is displayed in 10bit mode (0-1023).

For dual link RGB, the original RGB 10 bit values are used unprocessed. For single link YCbCr, they are first converted to RGB before being analyzed and displayed.



To display the Histogram in a single scope layout, press the Scope Config button on the Scope window, and press the Histogram button. To display the Histogram as one window of a multiple scope layout, press the Scope Config button on the Scope window, click on the desired layout, click on the window youwant to use, and click on the Histogram button.

For a multiple scope layout, click on the window in which you would like the Histogram displayed.

Graticule checkbox – when selected, the graticule is laid over the Waveform RGB display. The brightness of the Graticule may be adjusted using the Graticule Brightness slider described below.

Luma Histogram checkbox – when selected, displays only the luminance portion of the signal.Show RGB checkbox – when selected, displays the RGB portion of the signal.Quality slider - moving the Quality slider uses more or less of the data points to draw the video signal

through the scope. The current setting is displayed above the slider, as a percentage, 0% being rather poor indeed and 100% drawing every pixel. Where system resources are less capable, it may be useful to reduce the quality to allow the system to keep up.

Action Safe checkbox - when selected, the Action Safe graticule is displayed over the video.Graphic Safe checkbox - when selected, the Graphic Safe graticule is displayed over the video outputActive Region checkbox - when selected, the Active region graticule is displayed over the video output8 bit Processing checkbox - when selected, 8 bit processing will be applied, otherwise it is 10 bit. 10

bit processing allows for finer analysis of the signal, and even detection of 8 bit signals in a 10 bit path. Smooth scopes on true 10 bit signals display every possible level in the signal. An 8 bit processing mode is also available in 10 bit mode, to allow for mixed mode scopes.

Title Safe checkbox - when selected, the Title Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Picture Frame checkbox - when selected, the Picture Frame graticule is displayed over the video

output.Graticule Brightness slider - Moving the Graticule Brightness slider adjusts the brightness of the

graticule overlay, 0% providing no display and 100% being maximum brightness.

Pressing the x in the upper right corner will close the Scope Config window.


Histogram Display

Here is the Histogram window in RGB mode.

The Histogram view shows the distribution of red, green and blue within the signal as a series of discrete bars that make a continuous graph for each color. This display provides an overview of the tonal range of each color in the picture. Each bar is the count of the number of pixels for one of the 1024 possible colors. These totals are then auto ranged to fit within the graticule and represent the relationship between the shades of each color and between each other.

Each color has its own graph. The color's levels are represented from left to right, with the absolute left being 0 and the absolute right being 1024. The scale is presented as a percentage to allow for extremely bright or dark pictures to be analyzed without truncating.


Here is the Histogram with Luma Histogram selected, displaying only luminance information.



To display the Chromaticity in a single scope layout, press the Scope Config button on the Scope window, and press the Chromaticity button. To display the Chromaticity as one window of a multiple scope layout, press the Scope Config button on the Scope window, click on the desired layout, click on the window you want to use, and click on the Chromaticity button.

For a multiple scope layout, click on the window in which you would like the Chromaticity displayed.

Graticule checkbox – when selected, the graticule is laid over the Histogram display. The brightness of the Graticule may be adjusted using the Graticule Brightness slider described below.

Triangle 601 checkbox – when selected, displays the CCIR-601 triangle.Triangle 709 checkbox – when selected, displays the Rec.709 triangle.Triangle 2020 checkbox – when selected, displays the BT.2020 triangle.Triangle P3 checkbox – when selected, displays the P3 triangle.Invert checkbox – when selected, displays the video signal over a black background instead of the

Chromaticity hued background. Action Safe checkbox - when selected, the Action Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Title Safe checkbox - when selected, the Title Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Graphic Safe checkbox - when selected, the Graphic Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Picture Frame checkbox - when selected, the Picture Frame graticule is displayed over the video

output.Active Region checkbox - when selected, the Active region graticule is displayed over the video output.8 Bit Processing checkbox – when selected, 8 bit processing will be applied, otherwise it is 10 bit. 10

bit processing allows for finer analysis of the signal, and even detection of 8 bit signals in a 10 bit path. Smooth scopes on true 10 bit signals display every possible level in the signal. An 8 bit processing mode is also available in 10 bit mode, to allow for mixed mode scopes.

Graticule Brightness slider – moving the Graticule Brightness slider adjusts the brightness of the graticule overlay, 0% providing no display and 100% being maximum brightness.

Pressing the x in the upper right corner will close the Scope Config window.


Chromaticity Display

Here is the Chromaticity window.

The Chromaticity scope provides a visual representation of the color in a video across all the colors of visible light. For a particular YCbCr range (BT.2020, P3, Rec.709, CCIR-601) a triangle can be superimposed. This will delineate the colors that fall within the acceptable range and those that are outside it. The color of the video within the CIE 1931 color display can be white, black, or the chromaticity hued background.



To display the Status in a single scope layout, press the Scope Config button on the Scope window, and press the Status button. To display the Status as one window of a multiple scope layout, press the Scope Config button on the Scope window, click on the desired layout, click on the window you want to use, and click on the Status button.

For a multiple scope layout, click on the window in which you would like the Status displayed.

Quality slider - moving the Quality slider uses more or less of the data points to draw the video signal through the scope. The current setting is displayed above the slider, as a percentage, 0% being rather poor indeed and 100% drawing every pixel. Where system resources are less capable, it may be useful to reduce the quality to allow the system to keep up.

Action Safe checkbox - when selected, the Action Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Title Safe checkbox - when selected, the Title Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Graphic Safe checkbox - when selected, the Graphic Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Picture Frame checkbox - when selected, the Picture Frame graticule is displayed over the video

output.Active Region checkbox - when selected, the Active region graticule is displayed over the video output.8 Bit Processing checkbox – when selected, 8 bit processing will be applied, otherwise it is 10 bit. 10

bit processing allows for finer analysis of the signal, and even detection of 8 bit signals in a 10 bit path. Smooth scopes on true 10 bit signals display every possible level in the signal. An 8 bit processing mode is also available in 10 bit mode, to allow for mixed mode scopes.

Graticule Brightness slider – moving the Graticule Brightness slider adjusts the brightness of the graticule overlay, 0% providing no display and 100% being maximum brightness.

Pressing the x in the upper right corner will close the Scope Config window.


Status Display

Here is the Status Window.

The Status window displays:

Y: Minimum and Maximum, Low and High, Average, Gamut Under, and Gamut Over valuesU: Minimum and Maximum, Low and High, Average, Gamut Under, and Gamut Over valuesV: Minimum and Maximum, Low and High, Average, Gamut Under, and Gamut Over valuesS: Minimum and Maximum, Low and High, Average, Gamut Under, and Gamut Over valuesMaxCLL – In HDR10 mode, Maximum Content Light LevelMaxFALL – In HDR10 mode, Maximum Frame – Average Light LevelLine repetition in number of lines over total possible linesBroadcast illegal in percentageAudio Peak per channel pairAudio RMS per channel pairAudio Ebu Loudness per channel pair


Audio Vector

To display the Audio Vector in a single scope layout, press the Scope Config button on the Scope window, and press the Audio Vector button. To display the Audio Vector as one window of a multiple scope layout, press the Scope Config button on the Scope window, click on the desired layout, click on the window you want to use, and click on the Audio Vector button.

For a multiple scope layout, click on the window in which you would like the Audio Vector displayed.

Graticule checkbox – when selected, the graticule is laid over the Histogram display. The brightness of the Graticule may be adjusted using the Graticule Brightness slider described below.

Xylissajous checkbox – when selected, displays the relative phase of the selected audio pair in Lissajous XY mode.

Lissajous checkbox – when selected, displays the relative phase of the selected audio pair in Lissajous mode.

Polar checkbox – when selected, displays the relative phase of the selected audio pair in Polar mode.Action Safe checkbox - when selected, the Action Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Title Safe checkbox - when selected, the Title Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Graphic Safe checkbox - when selected, the Graphic Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Picture Frame checkbox - when selected, the Picture Frame graticule is displayed over the video

output.Active Region checkbox - when selected, the Active region graticule is displayed over the video output.8 Bit Processing checkbox – when selected, 8 bit processing will be applied, otherwise it is 10 bit. 10

bit processing allows for finer analysis of the signal, and even detection of 8 bit signals in a 10 bit path. Smooth scopes on true 10 bit signals display every possible level in the signal. An 8 bit processing mode is also available in 10 bit mode, to allow for mixed mode scopes.

Graticule Brightness slider – moving the Graticule Brightness slider adjusts the brightness of the graticule overlay, 0% providing no display and 100% being maximum brightness.

Pressing the x in the upper right corner will close the Scope Config window.


Audio Vector Display

Here is the Audio Vector window.

The audio vectorscope measures the difference between channels of a stereo pair. One channel drives thehorizontal and the other the vertical deflection. This will show the relative phase of the two channels. This can be shown in Lissajous XY, Lissajous or Polar modes. Any pair may be selected in the setup.


Audio Phase

To display the Audio Phase in a single scope layout, press the Scope Config button on the Scope window,and press the Audio Phase button. To display the Audio Phase as one window of a multiple scope layout, press the Scope Config button on the Scope window, click on the desired layout, click on the window youwant to use, and click on the Audio Phase button.

For a multiple scope layout, click on the window in which you would like the Audio Phase displayed.

Graticule checkbox – when selected, the graticule is laid over the Histogram display. The brightness of the Graticule may be adjusted using the Graticule Brightness slider described below.

Action Safe checkbox - when selected, the Action Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Title Safe checkbox - when selected, the Title Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Graphic Safe checkbox - when selected, the Graphic Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Picture Frame checkbox - when selected, the Picture Frame graticule is displayed over the video

output.Active Region checkbox - when selected, the Active region graticule is displayed over the video output.8 Bit Processing checkbox – when selected, 8 bit processing will be applied, otherwise it is 10 bit. 10

bit processing allows for finer analysis of the signal, and even detection of 8 bit signals in a 10 bit path. Smooth scopes on true 10 bit signals display every possible level in the signal. An 8 bit processing mode is also available in 10 bit mode, to allow for mixed mode scopes.

Graticule Brightness slider – moving the Graticule Brightness slider adjusts the brightness of the graticule overlay, 0% providing no display and 100% being maximum brightness.

Pressing the x in the upper right corner will close the Scope Config window.


Audio Phase Display

Here is the Audio Phase window.

The audio phase meter shows the relative density of two audio channels and the relative loudness as a line moving towards the louder channel.


Audio Histogram

To display the Audio Histogram in a single scope layout, press the Scope Config button on the Scope window, and press the Audio Histogram button. To display the Audio Histogram as one window of a multiple scope layout, press the Scope Config button on the Scope window, click on the desired layout, click on the window you want to use, and click on the Audio Histogram button.

For a multiple scope layout, click on the window in which you would like the Audio Histogram displayed.

Graticule checkbox – when selected, the graticule is laid over the Histogram display. The brightness of the Graticule may be adjusted using the Graticule Brightness slider described below.

Amp Linear selector – clicking in the Amp Linear checkbox sets the Amp to linearAmp Log selector – clicking in the Amp Log checkbox sets the Amp to logarithmic.Scale Linear – clicking in the Scale Linear checkbox sets the scale to linear.Scale Sqrt – clicking in the Scale Sqrt checkbox sets the scale to sqrt.Scale Cbrt – clicking in the Scale Cbrt checkbox sets the scale to cbrt.Scale Log – clicking in the Scale Log checkbox sets the scale to logarithmic.Scale RLog – clicking in the Scale Rlog checkbox sets the scale to R logarithmic.Action Safe checkbox - when selected, the Action Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Title Safe checkbox - when selected, the Title Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Graphic Safe checkbox - when selected, the Graphic Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Picture Frame checkbox - when selected, the Picture Frame graticule is displayed over the video

output.Active Region checkbox - when selected, the Active region graticule is displayed over the video output.8 Bit Processing checkbox – when selected, 8 bit processing will be applied, otherwise it is 10 bit. 10

bit processing allows for finer analysis of the signal, and even detection of 8 bit signals in a 10 bit path. Smooth scopes on true 10 bit signals display every possible level in the signal. An 8 bit processing mode is also available in 10 bit mode, to allow for mixed mode scopes.

Graticule Brightness slider – moving the Graticule Brightness slider adjusts the brightness of the graticule overlay, 0% providing no display and 100% being maximum brightness.

Pressing the x in the upper right corner will close the Scope Config window.


Audio Histogram Display

Here is the Audio Histogram window.

The audio histogram displays a bar chart of the levels of the components of an audio signal. This can be displayed as linear or logarithmic. The scale can be set as linear, square root, cubed root, log or reverse log.


Audio Wave

To display the Audio Wave in a single scope layout, press the Scope Config button on the Scope window,and press the Audio Wave button. To display the Audio Wave as one window of a multiple scope layout, press the Scope Config button on the Scope window, click on the desired layout, click on the window youwant to use, and click on the Audio Wave button.

This opens the Audio Wave Setup section of the Scope Config window, which offers the following controls:

Graticule checkbox – when selected, the graticule is laid over the Histogram display. The brightness of the Graticule may be adjusted using the Graticule Brightness slider described below.

Action Safe checkbox - when selected, the Action Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Title Safe checkbox - when selected, the Title Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Graphic Safe checkbox - when selected, the Graphic Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Picture Frame checkbox - when selected, the Picture Frame graticule is displayed over the video

output.Active Region checkbox - when selected, the Active region graticule is displayed over the video output.8 Bit Processing checkbox – when selected, 8 bit processing will be applied, otherwise it is 10 bit. 10

bit processing allows for finer analysis of the signal, and even detection of 8 bit signals in a 10 bit path. Smooth scopes on true 10 bit signals display every possible level in the signal. An 8 bit processing mode is also available in 10 bit mode, to allow for mixed mode scopes.

Graticule Brightness slider – moving the Graticule Brightness slider adjusts the brightness of the graticule overlay, 0% providing no display and 100% being maximum brightness.

Pressing the x in the upper right corner will close the Scope Config window.


Audio Wave Display

Here is the Audio Wave window.

The audio waveform of any pair of channels can be displayed in real time.


Data Display

The Data display may be selected by clicking on the Data button in the side menu.

Data view

The Data view allows access to the raw pixel values being monitored on the HDMI or SDI input. Values are captured and displayed in their raw values, with no manipulation by the software. Capture card ranging is maintained, supporting both 0..255 and 0..1023 (inclusive).

For YCbCr signals, the Y/Cb and Y/Cr pairs are displayed next to each other with no interpolation. For dual link RGB, the 0..1023 components are also displayed directly. This mode is perfect for check-ing vertical blank signaling and metadata, as well as picture issues like inner line sync markers or out of range colors.

Pixel starts can be selected, along with lines, in the edit boxes above the data area. Pixels can also be 'picked' by clicking on the video image to set both pixel and line start. Hanging the mouse over the picture, will pop up a tool tip with the R, G and B percentage as well as the pixel X and Y position.


Video Markers

Here are the video markers displayed over the picture.

Action Safe checkbox - when selected, the Action Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Title Safe checkbox - when selected, the Title Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Graphic Safe checkbox - when selected, the Graphic Safe graticule is displayed over the video output.Picture Frame checkbox - when selected, the Picture Frame graticule is displayed over the video

output.Active Region checkbox - when selected, the Active region graticule is displayed over the video output.8 Bit Processing checkbox – when selected, 8 bit processing will be applied, otherwise it is 10 bit. 10

bit processing allows for finer analysis of the signal, and even detection of 8 bit signals in a 10 bit path. Smooth scopes on true 10 bit signals display every possible level in the signal. An 8 bit processing mode is also available in 10 bit mode, to allow for mixed mode scopes.

Graticule Brightness slider - Moving the Graticule Brightness slider adjusts the brightness of the graticule overlay, 0% providing no display and 100% being maximum brightness.

Mag control – use the control to set the level of magnification.PanX control – use the control to set the pan to the left or right.PanY control – use the control to set the pan up or down.

Pressing the x in the upper right corner will close the Scope Config window.


Audio Meters


How to Use ccReview

File Playback

Run the software. If the default installation path is used, you can open it at: Start | Programs | Drastic | ccReview.

Load a File

Press the Open button. A standard browser opens which allows the user to navigate to the location of the desired media file and load it for playback. Select a file and press the Open button in the browser.

Alternately, navigate to the folder where the desired media is located, and ‘drag’ the file onto the ccReview interface.

Once loaded, the file will be cued to the first frame and ready to play. Its name will appear in the Play List and in the Transport section.

Cue to a Location

Transport Controls: Jump through the file in 5 second increments using the +5 button to get near the desired location. Press Play (or Reverse Play) if you’re close, then Pause when you’re real close. The +1 (or -1) button can get you to the exact frame, just keep clicking.

Position Bar: Select a point on the Position bar at the top of the transport controls and click on it. The file will be immediately cued to that relative location. Click to ‘drag’ the pointer to the left or right to get to the desired location.

Use the Time Code Display: Click with the mouse in the time code display – now a cursor should appear in this display, which allows you to cue to an exact location. Enter a time code location after00:00:00:00 and before the end of the file, and press the Enter button on the keyboard. The file will be immediately cued to that exact location.

Use the Transport Controls

With a file loaded, press the Play button to play the file from start to finish. The other transport controls are available for cueing (plus or minus 1 frame, plus or minus 5 seconds) and quick review (reverse play, fast reverse, pause, fast forward) functionality. Stop cues the first frame of the file.

ccReview supports the J-K-L keys for basic transport control.

Playback Modes

The Mode button on the Transport section lets you cycle through available playback modes.

Normal Mode - In Normal Mode, file playback starts at the cued location, and stops at the end of the file or PlayList.

Loop Mode - In Loop Mode, the file plays to the end of the file or PlayList, then restarts playback at the beginning, playing repeatedly until interrupted.

Palindrome Mode - In Palindrome Mode, the file plays forward to the end of the file or PlayList, then restarts playback at the end and plays in reverse, front to back and back to front repeatedly until interrupted.


Playlist Operation

Each file loaded within the session is added to the playlist. Press the Play List button. The files are displayed as a simple EDL in the order in which they have been loaded. Clicking on a file loads it for playback.

To play the entire playlist, press the Play List button. Double click on the first file in the playlist. Press thePlay button on the Transport Controls. Each file will be played, front to back at normal speed. Once the last file has been played, it will pause on the last frame.

If the Play List button has not been pressed or one of the other buttons (Track Info, Time Code, Metadata) has been selected, the playlist function is turned off and clips will be played one at a time.


Zoom In/Out

Press the Picture button in the Transport Control section to enter Picture view. Press Ctrl+Z, and click (left mouse button) to drag the mouse pointer to the left or right. The size of the image will shrink or enlarge. This allows the user to see fine details in the video portion of the file.

To return to normal size, press Ctrl+Right Click on the keyboard and shift the mouse slightly.


Press the Picture button in the Transport Control section to enter Picture view. Press Ctrl+C, and click (left mouse button) to drag the mouse pointer to the left or right. The image will move around the screen correspondingly. This allows the user to focus on a particular area of the image, which is especially useful where the user has zoomed in and wants to see a specific portion of the video in fine detail.

To return to the normal location, press Ctrl+Right Click on the keyboard and shift the mouse slightly.

Full Screen Mode

Press the Full button to enter ‘Full Screen’ mode. In ‘Full Screen’ mode the portion of the interface within the GUI window expands to fill the VGA monitor. This setting does not affect the video output from the AJA, Bluefish444 or Blackmagic board, as the interface is not present through the video board’s HD-SDI output.

Alternately the user may press Ctrl+F on the keyboard to enter full screen mode.

The Full button becomes a Restore button when in ‘Full Screen’ mode. To return to normal, non-full screen mode, press the Restore button or Ctrl+F on the keyboard.

Note: in normal, non-full screen mode the user can simply optimize the window to retain the minimize/resize/close controls yet still see a large image.

Closed Captioning

Where an existing file has a supported form of closed captioning the user may opt to display it over the video output. Once the file is selected, press the CC button and select the specific closed captioning type. When the file plays you should see the closed captioning.

To turn off the closed captioning display, press the CC button and select Disabled.



The user may press the Unlock button to enter ‘Unlocked’ mode. This mode causes the controls to disappear when the mouse is not above the interface, and thereby increases the amount of screen available for displaying the video.

The Unlock button becomes a Lock button in ‘Unlocked’ mode, and pressing the button will return ccReview to the normal, ‘Locked’ mode with the controls and displays always shown.

Display Time Code Over Unlocked GUI

When in ‘Unlocked’ mode, and once the mouse is not above the interface, the controls and displays will disappear. Press the T button on the keyboard to display the time code over the video in this mode.

To remove the time code overlay from the ‘Unlocked’ mode, press the T button on the keyboard.


MRMetaData - Extract a File's Metadata Information

There is a command line tool called by ccConvert called MrMetadata.exe. You can get the command line with

mrmetadata -?

mrmetadata - Extract metadata information from GXF, MXF, AVI, etc.

Usage: mrmetadata.exe -i <sourcefile> -t <targetfile> -qlx -r <01:00:00:00> -j # -k <picon.jpg> -e # -c-a -o <outputdir> -f # -s # -t # -n 1 -w <output.wav> -v <outputvideo.raw>-m <reference.mov>-i <sourcefile> File to be referencedOptional paramaters:-t <targetefile> File and path to write to-q Quiet mode.-l Loud mode.-x Export metadata XMLS-r 01:00:00:00 Override time code start-j # Create a JPEG picon from frame #-k <picon.jpg> Filename for JPEG picon frame-e # Extract a JPEG picon for every # frame-s Force CC in video stream-c # Convert closed captioning to0=MCC, 1=AAF, 2=TEXT, 3=SCC, 4=SCCDF, 5=N0100=Avid Caption, 101=Belle Nuit Subtitler,102=CapMaker Plus, 103=Cheetah Caption, 104=Csv, 105=Csv2, 106=Csv3,107=D-Cine SMPTE 2007, 108=D-Cine SMPTE 2010,109=EBU STL, 110=Final Cut Pro Xml,111=Final Cut Xml Gap, 112=Final Cut Pro X Xml,113=Final Cut Pro XCM, 114=Flash Xml,115=iTunes Timed Text, 116=JSON, 117=JSON Type 2,118=JSON Type 3, 119=JSON Type 4, 120=QuickTime text,121=SAMI, 122=SAMI modern, 123=Scenarist, 124=DVD_SCC,125=DVD_SCCDF, 126=SoftNi sub, 127=Sony DVDArchitect,128=Sony DVD Exp dur, 129=Sony DVD line/dur,130=Sony DVD Tabs, 131=SubRip, 132=Sub Station Alpha,133=Swift V2, 134=Timed Text 1.0, 135=TT 2006-04 .dfxp,136=TT 2006-04 .ttml, 137=TT 2006-04 .xml, 138=WebVTT,139=YT Annotations, 140=YouTube sbv,141=YouTube Transcript,-f # Force frame rate (23, 24, 25, 29, 30)-o <out-dir> CC output directory-p # Detect scene changes, # = threshold-d # Scene change output type, 0-XML, 1-ALE, 2-EDL-n # First channel of source audio for the wave file (0,2,4)-w <output.wav> Extract audio to a wave file-w <outputvideo.raw>Extract video to raw stream file-a # Interpret input file using encoding0=Auto, 1=UTF-8, 2=UTF-16, 3=IBM-850, 4=IBM-860, 5=Windows-1252-m <reference.mov> Create a QuickTime reference file

Keyboard/Clipboard Commands

ccReview has a full set of keyboard commands available. Key press events can be sent to control playback like:


c = playv = pauseb = reverse playz = fast reversex = fast forward

A full set of keyboard commands is available here:


ccReview also supports using the system clipboard. A cut/copy on the application (via keyboard or programmatically) will pull the current time code in a ##:##:##:## format. Pasting a time code into theapplication will cause it to seek to that absolute (0 based) point in the file. If the pasted buffer contains a file URL, then that file will be loaded into that application.

Mouse Control

ccReview also features extended mouse controls. These include:

<MouseWheel> - zoom in and out <CTRL><MouseWheel> - volume up and down (0..200%) <CTRL><LeftClick> - volume to 100% (unity) <CTRL><SHIFT><MouseWheel> - change background luminance <LeftClick>Drag - pan and scan the video image in the app <ALT><LeftClick> - view magnifying window <LeftClick> - bring up color selector with color under cursor <RightClick> - exit magnify mode <DoubleLeftClick> - enter and exit full screen mode <T> - enable or disable time code display in full screen


Making Marks/Guides (cross, line and box)

<SHIFT><LeftClick> - Make a point/cross <SHIFT><ALT><LeftClick> - Undo last <SHIFT><CTRL><LeftClick> - Drag to make a line <SHIFT><CTRL><ALT><LeftClick> - Drag to make a box <SHIFT><RightClick> - Clear all markers/guides



Once you are finished using ccReview, click on the X in the upper right hand corner.


This manual has been compiled to assist the user in their experience using ccConvert software. It is believed to be correct at the time of writing, and every effort has been made to provide accurate and useful information. Any errors that may have crept in are unintentional and will hopefully be purged in a future revision of this document. We welcome your feedback.

Drastic Technologies Ltd523 The Queensway, Suite 201Toronto, ON, M8Y 1J7Canada(416) 255 5636(416) 255 8780

(c)opyright 2021, Drastic Technologies Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

