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CHAPTER I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Tailoring shops have defied the effects brought about by automation, mass production and huge importation of cheap clothing. There is still a huge demand for custom clothing like the Barong Tagalog, office uniforms, and minor repairs for ill-fitting designer clothing that didn’t come with a person’s specific body size. There are also some people who prefer made-to- order jeans which can be had for about P800 a pair plus a few days’ wait; not bad considering that a good pair of designer jeans can easily cost more than twice that price. JIPPSI Tailoring was established on October 8, 1978. It was owned by Mr. Juan Mallari who has been a tailor for 35 years. They started in a small place located at downtown area with only 2 sewing machines. At first, they experience waiting for customer even just for repair just to have a rice to cook. He produced quality tailor made products for the satisfaction of his customer. They already establish a name in the tailoring industry because of the marketing strategy of Mr. Mallari. When Tacloban City were struck by typhoon Yolanda Mr. Juan Mallari was one of the victim of this tragedy. By the year 2014, they wasn’t able operate because the owner was already dead. By January 2015 when his daughter Ms. Alma Mallari decided to re- open the shop in a different place and different business name which is JIPPSI Enterprise. Customers were not hard to find because her father already 1



Tailoring shops have defied the effects brought about by automation,

mass production and huge importation of cheap clothing.  There is still a

huge demand for custom clothing like the Barong Tagalog, office uniforms,

and minor repairs for ill-fitting designer clothing that didn’t come with a

person’s specific body size.  There are also some people who prefer made-to-

order jeans which can be had for about P800 a pair plus a few days’ wait; not

bad considering that a good pair of designer jeans can easily cost more than

twice that price.

JIPPSI Tailoring was established on October 8, 1978. It was owned by

Mr. Juan Mallari who has been a tailor for 35 years. They started in a small

place located at downtown area with only 2 sewing machines. At first, they

experience waiting for customer even just for repair just to have a rice to

cook. He produced quality tailor made products for the satisfaction of his

customer. They already establish a name in the tailoring industry because of

the marketing strategy of Mr. Mallari. When Tacloban City were struck by

typhoon Yolanda Mr. Juan Mallari was one of the victim of this tragedy. By

the year 2014, they wasn’t able operate because the owner was already

dead. By January 2015 when his daughter Ms. Alma Mallari decided to re-

open the shop in a different place and different business name which is JIPPSI

Enterprise. Customers were not hard to find because her father already


establish a good customer relationship towards each other. Their “suki”

came back to patronize their product/service. JIPPSI became well-known

because of its long existence in the tailoring industry, it create marks on the

mind of the consumer. Though the enterprise is well-known because of its

good quality of tailored garments, it doesn’t mean that the customer is

already satisfied of the product/service.

JIPPSI Enterprise is located at Brgy. 63-A Pericohon Real St. Tacloban

City. Where the location was very much accessible by the customer from

different places. Though it’s quiet a good place for tailoring shop, it is more

appealing to customer if it is already renovated. The proposed strategy was

stated to be utilized by the company for them to survive in the tougher

competition. Providing the most effective and efficient strategies JIPPSI will

increase its market share compare to its competitor. And with the different

promotional activities JIPPSI will not just be known here in Tacloban but also

in entire region.

This study aims to improve their marketing strategies in terms of their

product, promotion, price, place and their people which is one of the most

important assets in having a successful and competitive business in tailoring

industry. This will help JIPPSI increase its sales, profits and its market share.

The purpose of JIPPSI is to provide a high quality suits which are tailored to

customer’s measure for an affordable price.



This study generally seeks to understand and identify Marketing

strategies conducted for JIPPSI Enterprises in order to win over competition in

the City.

Specific Statement

1. What is the current Situational Analysis in terms of:

1.1 Economic Environment

1.2 Social Environment

1.3 Technical Environment

1.4 Industry Environment

1.5 Competitive Environment

1.6 Political Environment

2. What is the current Market Segmentation/Market Analysis in terms of:

2.1 Geographic

2.2 Demographic

2.3 Psychographic

2.4 Behavioral

2.5 Market Research Findings

3. What are the objectives and goals?


3.1 Mission Statement

3.2 Vision Statement

3.3 Marketing Objective

3.4 Competitors Strengths and Weaknesses

3.5 SWOT Analysis of JIPPSI

4. What are the strategies and tactics in terms of:

4.1 Pricing Strategy

4.2 Product Strategy

4.3 Place Strategy

4.4 Promotion Strategy

4.5 People Strategy

4.6 Process Strategy

4.7 Priorities, Responsibilities and Timeframes

5. Budget and Controls

5.1 Sales, Expenses and Marketing Budgets

5.1.1 Estimated Cost Incurred

5.1.2 Estimated Sales Data

5.1.3 5 Years Estimated Projected Income Statement

5.2 Contingency Plan and Risk Management



A marketing Plan may be part of an overall business plan. Solid

Marketing strategy is the foundation of a well-written Marketing Plan. The

marketing plan basically aims t make with the business provide the solution

with the awareness with the expected customers. The proposed study will be

beneficial to the following:


This research benefits the owner in a way that the latter will be able to

know and understand the different marketing strategies for the success of

the business. Through this research, the owner will acquire new ideas and

improve existing strategies to capture more customers, increase sales as

well as to capture larger share in the market, and also for them to be able to

readily deal with different circumstances such as stiff competition, natural

calamities and inflation that might occur in the long run process of the



This study will be a great help to the researcher, for this endeavor is a

worthwhile activity to make them more competitive and responsible

students. By this, researchers are trained to be a time-managed and self-

oriented person to make their study success. Researchers are trained to


make their own ideas be spoken and then applied to the study coupled with

accuracy and carefulness.


This study will benefit the consumers since they are the end users of the

goods and services, they will be more informed about the products/services

they can avail thus making them able to make informed decisions in doing

their purchase tasks.


This study benefit the economy because marketing leads to the expansion of

existing markets and identification of new markets which induces production

and in turn generates employment, thus contributing higher incomes. It also

improves distribution of income between sectors of the economy and to

maintain some stability of supply and demand for marketed goods and



This study can help the students to have better understanding about the

concept of marketing strategies as well as marketing research and how it is

applied in real life situations. This also serves as reference and aims to aid

students for them to be knowledgeable in dealing with products and/or


services, most importantly on how to formulate the necessary marketing

strategies of a firm.


This research is intended to study the internal operation and external

factors affecting the marketing aspects of JIPPSI Enterprise. The researchers

will gather data about the profile of the business and its undertaking, the

kind of cuisines that they currently offer to the consumers, and the

promotional activities in introducing their business to the public. However

the scope of this study towards the business has inevitable limits, for the

reason that some data and other information which might not be essential

for the course of our study will not be disclosed due to confidentiality

purposes and for the sake of the privacy of the said business.

We conducted this research in order to identify the factors that affect

the behavior of a customer in availing tailoring services. In composition of

this study is our interview questionnaires to be answered by customer of

JIPPSI and also the general respondents in order to probe insights about their

sentiments and comments mainly about the satisfaction or otherwise that


they gain from the services they avail in exchange for their money.

Customer Feedbacks will be compiled but also will be discreetly filtered for

possible excessively personal and unrealistic observations that may seem

too harsh and could tarnish the image of the business.



Economic Environment

An economy or economic system consists of the production,

distribution or trade and consumption of limited goods and services by

different agent in a given geographical locations.

The economy of the Philippines is the 39th largest in the world,

according to 2014 International Monetary fund statistics and is also one of

the emerging markets. The Philippines is considered a newly industrialized

country, which has an economy transitioning from one based on agriculture

to one based more on services and manufacturing. GDP by purchasing power

parity was estimated to be at $692.223 billion. It is currently one of the

Asia’s fastest growing economies. However, major problems remain, mainly

having to do with alleviating the wide income and growth disparities between

the country’s different regions and socioeconomic classes, reducing


corruption,and investing in the infrastructure necessary to ensure future


Economically, Tacloban City is one of the fastest growing cities in the

Philippines. It has one of the lowest poverty incidence rates in the country (at

roughly 9%, while the national poverty incidence stands at 30%), and is the

richest local government unit in Eastern Visayas. After its massive

devastation on 8 November 2013, Tacloban is now considered as a 'start up'

city, which means everything has to start back from scratch. Currently the

city is experiencing a rapid economic bounce back, and is dubbed as the

'rising phoenix of the East' surviving its challenges that once made the city

classified into "ground zero". Moreover, other macro-economic indicators in

Tacloban have also been performing well over this time period. For example,

poverty (head count) ratio has decreased from 57% in 1992 to 40% in 2005

(WB, 2005), the life expectancy, literacy rate and GDP per capita have

increased sharply for the last couple of decades. Despite a robust

development in many key macro-economic indicators, a number of

interrelated factors including investment, public expenditure management,

and proper resource mobilization have not developed as expected. For

instance, the private investment shares only 19% of GDP whereas an ideal

economy should have 35%-40% private investment of GDP. Gross fixed

investment has also remained constant in 24% of GDP (USAID, 2010).


Social environment

The Filipino is basically of Malay stock with a sprinkling of Chinese,

American, Spanish and Arab blood. The Philippines has a population of 100

million, and it is hard to distinguish accurately the lines between stocks.

From a long history of Western colonial rule, interspersed with the visits of

merchants and traders, evolved a people of a unique blend of east and west,

both in appearance and culture. The Filipino character is actually a little bit

of all the cultures put together. The bayanihan or spirit of kinship and

camaraderie that Filipinos are famous for is said to be taken from Malay

forefathers. The close family relations are said to have been inherited from

the Chinese. The piousness comes from the Spaniards who introduced

Christianity in the 16th century. Hospitality is a common denominator in the


Filipino character and this is what distinguishes the Filipino. Filipinos are

probably one of the few, if not the only, English-proficient Oriental people

today. Pilipino is the official national language, with English considered as

the country's unofficial one. The Filipinos are divided geographically and

culturally into regions, and each regional group is recognizable by distinct

traits and dialects - the sturdy and frugal llocanos of the north, the

industrious Tagalogs of the central plains, the carefree Visayans from the

central islands and the colorful tribesmen and religious Moslems of

Mindanao. Tribal communities can be found scattered across the

archipelago. The Philippines has more than 111 dialects spoken, owing to the

subdivisions of these basic regional and cultural groups. Some 80 percent of

the population is Catholic, Spain's lasting legacy. About 15 percent is Moslem

and these people can be found basically in Mindanao. The rest of the

population is made up mostly of smaller Christian denominations and

Buddhist. During the 2007 population census, Tacloban City has an actual

total population count of 217,199. With an average annual population growth

rate of 2.73 percent, it is projected that for the year 2008, Tacloban’ City’s

population would be 223,130 and based on this projected population,

Tacloban City has a population density of 1,106 persons per square kilometer

or 11 persons per hectare. The disaggregated population results of the 2007

census is yet to be released as of this documentation but using ratio and

proportion using the 2000 census as baseline data. Tacloban City has a

proportionate total household of 43,415 for 2008. Using the same method,


Total Number of Families counts at 47,014 with an Average Household Size

of 5.1.Tacloban City’s populace is predominantly Waray-Waray as it is the

spoken dialect in the city accounting ninety percent (90%) of the population.

Cebuano/Kana/Visayan speaking populace accounts 6.08% of the total

population, 0.80% are Tagalog, 0.10% are Ilocano, 0.07% are Kapampangan

while 2.95% come from other ethnic origins.Tacloban City is 94.52% Roman

Catholic while the Islam faith is 0.12% of the population. Iglesia ni Kristo has

0.83% faithful followers, 0.94% are Evangelicals, 0.49% Seventh Day

Adventist and 3.10% are faithful followers of 22 other religions.

Table 1

Population Development of Tacloban City


Year Pop. ±% p.a.

1990 136,891 —    

1995 167,310 +3.83%

2000 178,639 +1.41%

2007 217,199 +2.73%


2010 221,174 +0.66%

Source: National Statistics Office of the Philippines (web) and National Statistical

Coordination Board (web).

The table shows the population development from the year 1990’s to 2010 in

Tacloban City. This is according to our research from the internet as it shown

the sources below.

Technical Environment

For thousands of years, all sewing was done by hand. The invention of

the sewing machine in the 19th century and the rise of computerization in

the later 20th century led to mass production and export of sewn objects,

but hand sewing is still practiced around the world. Fine hand sewing is a

characteristic of high-quality tailoring, haute couture fashion, and

custom dressmaking, and is pursued by both textile artists and hobbyists as

a means of creative expression. Before then during the World War I most


clothing was repaired, mended and tailored to fit other family members or

recycled within the home as rags or quilts. Tailors become associated with

the higher-end clothing during this day. Sewing under went further

developments during the 20th century. As sewing machines become more

affordable to the working class, demand for sewing pattern grows. Advances

in industrial technology during the early 20th century, have brought profound

changes to the textile industry as a whole.

In Manila, Philippines, the Brother International, a leader in home and

business IT and sewing peripherals, develops a new revolution in the sewing

and embroidery industry by expanding its wide range of sewing and

embroidery products with the introduction of NV1 Creativity Times 4. Those

with no knowledge in sewing and embroidery will find it a breeze with the

NV1. It is easy to use and has an automated sewing technology that enables

the user to select the desired creative on the wide-angle color touch-screen,

high-definition LCD display. It is also the first machine in the industry to have

a built-in camera above the needle to position exactly where one wants it to

be and a magnified view of the needle area. Embroidery for beginners

becomes effortless with the machine’s ability to identify the area and

orientation of the embroidery by the placement of a “Snowman” sticker on

the embroidery hoop. The NV1 has up to 601 exclusive built-in embroidery

designs to choose from. With the help of these new technology, sewing

became very easy and anyone can do it even you don’t have enough skills or

trainings gained. For the new generation, when sewing machine was


invented the people start to greatly improved their sewing ability. Tailors

scattered everywhere practicing the ability they possess. Before, tailoring

shops are very low-level of business. At first it’s very hard to find a customer

because not everyday people will tend the service of a tailoring shop. As

time goes by, tailoring shop has been known because the different schools,

government offices and private company impose a policy that their

organization should have a desired uniform for them to be recognized. And it

is a big opportunity for the tailoring service.

The tailoring industry in Tacloban City was not yet governed by the

high tech machines due to lack of funds in purchasing it but the tailors here

in Tacloban uses a high speed machines to maintain the quality of their

product. The basic process of sewing involves fastening of fabrics, leather,

furs or similar other flexible materials with the help of needle and threads.

Sewing is mainly used to manufacture clothing and home furnishings. In fact,

sewing is one of the important processes in apparel making. Most of such

industrial sewing is done by industrial sewing machines. The cut pieces of a

garment are generally tacked, or temporarily stitched at the initial stage. The

complex parts of the machine then pierces thread through the layers of the

cloth and interlocks the thread

In the Philippines, garments and apparel started as a cottage

industry in the 1950s. Bolstered by skilled and educated workers,


innate creativity and favorable legislation, the industry grew rapidly

in the intervening decades until it peaked in the 1990s.

Tacloban Tailoring Industry are massively developing in terms of

employment and business opportunities. There are lots of tailoring shops in

Tacloban which are trying their luck to become a well-known shop in town.

Unfortunately, only few have given the chance to compete in the tailoring

industry here in Tacloban due to lack of expertise, innate creativity and they

can’t obtain the loyalty of the customer which is the most important to

continue the operation of a business. And basketball uniform was the best

seller because it is the trend in basketball sports that influences the

customers to avail the product or service of a tailoring shop.

This evidently shows that since people living in the city have the

capacity to avail the service of a tailoring and support the business sector

which try to cater them particularly the garment industry.

Competitive Environment


Nowadays, business pops up like mushrooms anytime and anywhere.

Having competitors around is usual in the world of business thus it makes

the competition tougher. Strategies and new techniques are very important

for them to survive and be able to be on top in the world of business.

Although the tailoring industry is mature and slow growing, it exists in a

dynamic and competitive environment. Many businesses are restructuring to

create learner organizations and adopt new technologies, with consolidation

prevalent as larger company’s gains leverage in the market position and cost

cutting measures JIPPSI’S competition in the tailoring industry is widely

varied and comes from a variety of sources including Kamiseta ni Julio,

Benjie’s Tailoring and many more. The closest competitors in terms of

popularity growth line is the Kamiseta ni Julio. Kamiseta ni Julio is one of the

leading tailoring shop in Tacloban City because they offer good quality of

product and offer innovative and fashionable products which the customer

are continue patronizing. But they only offer limited services to the customer

and focuses on polo shirts and souvenir t-shirt. Other competitors of JIPPSI

are also a threat to the business because they also offer a high quality of

products and good customer service which the customer will decide to be

loyal on that particular shop. We can say that the principal competitive

factors in the tailoring industry are design, business image, consumer

preference, price, quality, marketing and customer service. Although certain

of our products carry over from season to season, the apparel industry in

general is subject to rapidly changing fashion trends and shifting consumer


demands. Accordingly, we must anticipate, identify and capitalize upon

emerging as well as proven fashion trends.

We believe that the success depends on the ability to continuously

develop, source, market and deliver a wide variety of innovative, fashionable

and saleable products and provide a good quality service. These

products/service must be offered at competitive prices in the respective

distribution channels. Sales growth from our product/service will depend

largely upon our ability to continue to maintain and enhance the distinctive

brand identities.


Political Environment

Government laws and policies must be relevant and important to

every business industry. Enforcement laws and policies helps the

government regulates and control every established business in the country

for the sake of quality of trade in every industry. Establishing a Tailoring

business is not as easy as what we think. They must adhere with the existing

regulations and basic requirements in putting up a tailoring shop.

In Region 8 particularly Tacloban City, small industries started because

of the increasing income in Tacloban City. Offices and other organizations

begun their operations, definitely they are in need or some that they can use

for everyday that they are going to work like in tailoring their uniform. This

only shows that after a catastrophic tragedy, people will definitely so

persistent to go back to normal. Government must lean somehow their

attention to small industries, because they are actually the abundant and

has the big numbers and big amount when it comes to tax paying.

Government must provide special attention for these small enterprise that

can actually improve our economy.  Business owners

and managers pay close attention to the political environment to gauge how

government actions will affect their company.


The executive power of the City Government is vested in the mayor.

The Sangguniang Panlungsod or the city council has the legislative power to

create city ordinances. It is a unicameral body composed of ten elected

councilors and certain numbers of ex officio and sectoral representatives. It

is presided by the vice-mayor, the mayor and the elected city councilors who

are elected-at-large every three years.

The city government ceased to be under the supervision of the

provincial government after it became a Highly Urbanized City in 2008. The

city is now under the direct supervision of the national government. The city

of Tacaloban gives opportunities to businesses to operate legally in the city

they give licenses for them to be monitored by the LGU’s. Processing of the

papers was very slow because of the service that the city government

offered. It is the center of commerce of the Province.




It’s the process of classifying customers into different groups with

different needs, characteristics or behavior consumer’s or end-users of

various products in the market place case group in many ways based on

demographic, psychographic, geographic and behavioural segment.

The tailoring industry seems to draw a large crowd from men to

women from young people to veteran. Identifying the target market through

market segmentation is a big help getting the right structure for a tailoring

business. Below shows the segmentation according to their demographic,

psychographic, geographic and behavioural profile.

Target Market/Segment Characteristic

Target Market involves breaking a market into segments and then

concentrating your marketing efforts on one or a few key segments. It can be

the key to attracting new business and making your small business’s a


success. The beauty of target marketing is that it makes the promotion,

pricing and distribution of the products and/or services easier and more cost-

effective. It provides a focus to all of the marketing activities.

Targeting market involves narrowing down potential customers of the

product by developing a profile likely consumer. Through marketing research

by conducting surveys and questionnaires the information gathered in which

determines a customer profile to know of what are the things to improve and

adjust to the product. These are some areas to consider in targeting market:

Geographic Segment

Geographic segmentation involves segmenting the market based on

location. Geographic segmentation relies on the notion that groups of

consumers in a particular geographic area may have specific product or

service needs that will help the company who would become their potential

customers in a particular area.

Map 1



The map above shows the market scope of the company and does not limit

their market in Tacloban City only but they also provide services and product

to nearby cities, municipalities and towns in Samar and Leyte’s urban areas.

Map 2

JIPPSI Enterprise Location


The map shows the location of JIPPSI Enterprises in Tacoban City. The

business is located at Brgy. 63-A Pericohon Real St. Tacloban City. As you

can see the location was very accessible because it near the highway. The

shop consider the whole Tacloban City area as its market coverage.

Demographic Segment

Demographic Segmentation is one of the ways to target a specific

group of consumers, according to age, gender, income, education and

occupation. These factors help tailoring shops to determine the spending

habits of the customers. It has significant role in segmenting the market and



the potential buyers. It serves as a measurement of JIPPSI Enterprises to

their potential customers as well as the development of the business and

generation of a big profit.

Table 4

Demographic Analysis of JIPPSI Enterprises

Target Market Description Captured needs and


Age Fifteen (15) years old


This is the market who

tends to avail tailoring

service because of its

demand on their


Gender Male and Female Both male and female

are capable of availing

tailoring service

because of the needs in

their lifestyle.

Income 3,000 above An individual earning

this amount has the

capacity to afford the

offer of a tailoring shop


Occupation Government Employee,


Owner, Private

Employees, Student

Most of those target

market fall in every

item on this category.

Psychographic Segment

Psychographic Segmentation relates to social issues interest and

specific product attributes. The table below shows the psychographic

illustration to the social status of the people, so the company may assess

hold this effect of their target market. This indicates the capacity of the

consumer in terms of availing the product or services.

Table 5

Psychographic Segment of JIPPSI Enterprises

Segment Description Captured needs and


Social Class Middle Class, Upper


Who have a higher

Purchasing Power than

that of the lower class

and that can easily

avail the tailoring



Lifestyle College Students,

Young Professionals,

Self Employed

These are the people

who are required to

wear uniforms and has

a co-curricular


Personality Outgoing, Nature of

their work

Personalized Shirts

Behavioural Segment

Behavioral segmentation divides a population based on their behavior,

the way population respond to, use or know of a product. Consumer behavior

is a subject studied in depth over time in marketing management. This is

mainly because there are several factors which a consumer takes into

consideration before taking a decision. Thus consumer decision making is

affected by this behavior and that is exactly how the behavioral segments

are targeted. This may help to know the factors that may be considered by

the company in assessing the customer’s preference.



Marketing research is the process or set of processes that links the

consumers, customers, and end users to the marketer through information —

information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and

problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor

marketing performance; and improve understanding of marketing as a

process. Marketing research specifies the information required to address

these issues, designs the method for collecting information, manages and

implements the data collection process, analyzes the results, and

communicates the findings and their implications."

Businessmen and other concerned people conduct this kind of research

for the purpose of knowing how they can penetrate the market, how

convenient their location compared to other establishment, how well they

are operating at the moment, how good their product is, how competitive

their price in terms of satisfaction with the ratio of price over value, how

effective and efficient they are in terms of promoting their business and how

they are capable of establishing a going concern business despite the fast

changing environment. This kind of research basically projected for a

greener pasture of the business.


Research Data Presentation and Analysis

Table 6

Research Data Presentation and Analysis

Variables Classification Percentage

Gender MaleFemale


Age 15-25 years old26-40 years old40-55 years old and above


Civil Status SingleMarriedWidow


Educational Attainment College LevelHigh School GraduateCollege GraduateHigh School Level


Occupation Government EmployeeSelf-Employed/Business OwnerPrivate EmployeeOthers(Student)


Income 3,000-5,0005,001-10,00010,001-15,00015,001-20,000



20,001 above 6%

Research Result

The researchers conducted a survey to 50 respondents, and the data

shows that 70% of the customer ages 15-25 years old avail tailoring services

and 28% ages 26-40 years old while 2% for 41 years old and above.

Respondents which are single are the one who avail most of tailoring

services because they have less expenses. Most of the respondents are

student who avail tailoring because of the need for uniform. Out of 50

respondents, 46% of the respondents have a monthly income of 3,000-5,000

while 24% to those who have of monthly income of 5,001-10,000 and others

ranging 10,000 above. Most of the respondents avail tailoring at Kamiseta ni

Julio which means that it has the highest percentage of respondent who avail

their service rather than JIPPSI while others prefer to avail in Benjie’s

Tailoring and tailoring near their hometown or house. Respondents avail a

particular tailoring shop because of the affordability of the service and only

14% are not. Mostly customer are price conscious while others are not. The

competition is very tight in tailoring, creativeness and service quality should

be focused to gain customer loyalty. School uniform and Basketball uniform

are mostly the type of uniform customers usually availed to be tailored. The

customer preference in availing tailoring service which get half of the

respondent have good quality of fabric. 30% of the customers choose a

tailoring shop because of the price while high customer service and good

ambiance of the shop got the lowest percentage which means customer are


not particular on the view of the place and their service. Also, 48% of

customers are willing to spend Php350-500 for the service of a tailoring shop

which means they prefer cheaper price. The survey show that word of mouth

is the most effective promotional to because mostly customer tend to tell

their friends, relative about their experience in a particular company whether

it is good or bad. Most of the tailoring shop don’t have promos/freebies which

is one of the factors that captured the customer’s attention. The survey

shows that social media got 32% of the respondents says it is the most

attractive tools for them maybe because people tend to give a couple of

hours in surfing the net. 84% of the respondents says that the location of the

tailoring shop they availed are very accessible and they feel comfortable to

go in while 16% of them says it’s not. According to the survey, 60% of

customers tend to avail the service of the tailoring shop because it is located

in downtown area, 22% of the respondent says it is located along the

highway while 14% are near their place and others near from their



Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

The researchers conducted a survey for the customer’s preference and

point of view in terms of availing tailoring shop and the quality of the product

and service the JIPPSI Enterprise can offer. Survey result shows that

sportswear is the main focused of the tailoring shop but they also offer other

services that a customer can avail. Furthermore, the reasonable prices of the

service/products match their quality, yet somehow, other customers are

aiming for more affordable service/products or lesser prices for a bigger

chance of market patronization. Customer noted that they prefer to avail

tailoring shop because of the good quality of raw materials they uses and

service which is a good thing for the reason that customers consider a

satisfying service encounter through the quality of their raw materials and

service as one of the factors in choosing tailoring shop. The customers says

that the affordability of the service doesn’t affect the quality of the product.

Tailoring shops were made aware of its existence mostly through word-of-

mouth from their friends, relatives who have avail the tailoring service of a

particular shop, which is really effective in attracting potential customers to

avail their service, also, some seem to have come to know about JIPPSI by


chance when they passed by the vicinity. Word-of-mouth promotion is still

effective but it also suggest having additional promotional tools such as

fliers, poster and many more. The success of every business depends on how

well it is managed and how careful the elements are handled in a way that

the goals and objectives are achieved.

Figure 1. Age

15-25; 70%

26-40; 28%

40-55 above; 2%


The figure shown above explains the different age that the customers belong

to. It shows that the large size of customers who avail tailoring services

which gets the 70% average are 15-25 years old. The data above also shows

that 28% of customers are ages 26-40 years old. While the one with the


smallest size who avail tailoring services are ages 41 years old and 55

above. This implicates that tailor service is mostly availed by 15-25 years of

age and mostly consists by college students and young professionals. Their

service need is big because of their school activities and also for their

obligation as a starter in their work.

Figure 2. Civil Status

The illustration given above shows the civil status of the respondents,

wherein single persons get the largest group who mostly availed the tailoring






services with 78% of the result. While married individuals get the next large

group who avail services which has 16% share in the result. On the other

side of the chart shows that widows/widower only acquire 6% of the result

and 0% for the separated individuals. This implicates that single people are

likely be the common prospect in tailor service especially to those singles

who are committed with school and work.

Figure 3. Occupation






Government Employee Self-Employed/Business OwnerPrivate Employee Others (Students)


The given data above shows the respondent’s occupation that the private,

government employee and self-employed/business owner have the same

size which both has 16%, while students has 52% share in the result. The

research determined that the greatest percentage is own by the students, it

means that they can also be the prospect because of their service needs that

is obviously for school matters.





College Level

High School Graduate

Elementary Graduate

High School level

College Graduate


The diagram shows the educational attainment of the respondents, 49% of

the chart belongs to the group of college level, 43% share of the result

acquire by the college graduate. While the high school graduate gets 6% of

the result. And lastly, the high school level with the least result in the

diagram which has 2%. This implicates that most of the respondents are

college level. Their service needs are very high because most of them 36

obviously intact in their job especially that the 43 percent is owned by the

College Graduate. Their purchasing power is very high and motivated to avail

the service because of their work.

Figure 4. Monthly Income







20,001 above6%


3,000-5,0005,001-10,00010,001-15,00015,001-20,00020,001 above

The figure shown above illustrates the monthly income of the respondents. It

can be observed that the most respondents have a monthly income of 3,000-

5,000 only which acquires 46% of the graph. While 24% to those who have

an income of 5,001-10,000. Respondents who have the much bigger income

amounting to 10,001-15,000 has 16%, 15,001-20,000 has acquire 8% of the


graph and 6% only for 20,001 and above earners, implying that there

monthly income is basically in terms of budget in every month and there

service needs are not for luxury purpose but for their actual needs in their

type of life.

Figure 5. Avail Tailoring Service

The graph illustrated above is the customer’s preference on where the

customer usually go to avail tailoring services. The first bar show that JIPPSI

tailoring has 34% share, Benjie’s tailoring got 12% of the result and the one

with the highest percentage is Kamiseta ni Julio which has 48% of the











respondents while the other tailoring near their hometowns of the

respondents got 6% of the result. This only shows that Kamiseta ni Julio is

the biggest competitor, however JIPSSI Tailoring has the big chance to

prosper and compete with Kamiseta ni Julio because they offer a wide range

of service, good quality of raw materials and affordable prices.

Figure 6. Type of Uniform usually tend to tailored

Basketball Uniform School Uniform Office Uniform OJT Uniform Others 0%










What type of uniform do you usually availed to be tailored?

The figure shows that covers the large size of the survey which has 40% of

the respondents tailored basketball uniform, while 30% of the result shows

acquire to the school uniform. And office uniform constitute of 14% of the


respondents then 12% of the result goes to OJT uniform. The rest of 2% are

the others who avail the service offered by tailoring shop. This implicates

that students, sports player and office worker really gives a big percent of

sale to any tailoring shop.

Figure 7. Customer’s preference in availing tailoring service

Good Quality Fab-ric

Price High Customer Service

Good Ambiance Others0%







Customer's preference in availing tailoring services

The data shown above explains the customer’s preference on availing a

particular tailoring services. The graph shows that most of the customer’s


choose a particular tailoring shop because of good quality fabrics that are

used in rendering their service. While the second highest factor that the

customer perceived in choosing a tailoring shop is the price which means

that they are looking for a cheaper price that a tailoring service could offer.

And also the graph illustrates that least factor of the customer consider the

high customer service and ambiance of a tailoring service. And lastly with

the lowest percentage of the graph are the other preference that a customer

looking in a tailoring service. This implicates that most of the customers are

really quality conscious. Though there standard in services needed is divided

in different aspect still quality and price is prior most.

Figure 8. Provide a Fast Service

Yes No0%







Do they provide a fast service?


The data presented above shows that 45% of the survey says that a

particular tailoring shop provide a fast service for the satisfaction of the

customer and 55% of the respondents says it’s not because they have a slow

service. This implicate that not most of the people are satisfied in the service

of the particular tailoring shop they are into. Customer seems to be

conscious when it comes to satisfaction of the service encounter.

Yes No



Product Affordability

The graph explains that 86% of the customer avail of the services of a

tailoring shop because it is affordable and only 14% remaining says it is not.


This implicates that affordability of a product matters on how the customer

avail a particular service in a tailoring shop.

The graph illustrated above is an implications that 84% of the respondents

depends on the price of the tailoring service and 14% of them doesn’t matter

of the price. This implicates that a particular customer avail of the service

because of the price and within the reach of their budget while there are also

customers don’t mind the price as long as they get the quality of service

they are expected from the tailoring shop.




Consciousness of customer with Price

Yes No

Php 350-500 Php 501-600 Php 601-700 Php 701-800 Php 801-1000 Php 1001 above0%







How much is the customer willing to spend on a tailoring shop?

The data shown above is an illustration of how much is the customer willing

to spend in availing Tailoring service. It shows that the most customers are

willing to spend Php350-500 and 20% of them are willing to pay Php801-

1000 while both 16% of the customer are willing to spend Php601-700 and

Php701-800 and 14% of the customers are willing to spend Php501-600 for a

tailoring service and 2% only for 1001 above. This implicates that most

customer are really price conscious they prefer to spent 350 -500 amount of

money which means they prefer cheaper price in rendering service.


Php 350-50048%

Php 501-60024%

Php 601-70016%

Php 701-80012%

Cost in availing tailoring service

Php 350-500Php 501-600Php 601-700Php 701-800Php 801-1000Php 1001 above

The graph presented above is an explanation of the cost of customers in

availing tailoring services. It shows clearly that 48% of the respondents cost

them only Php350-500 depending on the service they avail, while 24% of the

customer cost them Php501-600. And 16% of the respondent spend Php601-

700 of the tailoring services then 12% of the customer cost Php701-800. This

only shows that customers want a cheaper price when availing the tailoring



TV Radio Word-of-mouth Print Ads Social Medias Others 0%












Where does the customer hear/see about Tailoring Shop?

The data presented explains where the customer usually hear/know about

the tailoring service. Data show that customers come to know about the

tailoring through the word of mouth communication, this only means that a

particular tailoring shop must have a high quality of service because the

customer is the one who advertise their shop.


The graph shows that most of the respondents says that a tailoring service

don’t have a promos/freebies. Tailoring shop doesn’t pay attention when it

comes to promos/freebies. The customer wants promo also for their

satisfaction although there are some tailoring offers promos/freebies to their

valued customers only.


Does customer avail of their promos/freebies?

Yes No

Did you avail there promos?

Yes - 36%

No - 64%


As we perform our survey to the respondents we found out that mostly of

them does not avail the different promos of the tailoring shop they went to.

This promos has a big impact to our customers, especially to those who

really patronize there service or product. Giving some different promos to

the customers would make them feel that they are important and they can

save not only money but also in their effort.


What kind of promotional tool is attractive to you?

Social media – 32%TV– 20%Radio– 12%Filers – 16%Newspaper – 4%Others – 6%

Social Media TV Radio Filers Newspaper Others0%








The graph above shows that mostly of our respondents find, that Social

media is the best way or the most convincing and attractive promotional tool

or to perform an advertisement. It got thirty two percent (32%), secondly is

TV (20%), third is filers (16%), and next to it is radio (12%). And the last two

promotional tools are newspaper (4%) and others (6%) (Poster, Tarpaulin).

This implicates that social media still creates the biggest impact to every

customer and this may vary every aspect of any enterprises.


Do you find the location of the tailoring shop accessible?

Yes - 84%

No -16%


Base on the graph above, we can observe that mostly of our respondents

find there tailoring shop’s location is accessible for them. This is a very

challenging problem to the owners of the different tailoring shops, if the

location of their store are not accessible enough to the customers to go.

They might lost their market and in the same time loss of profit and also they

might not have a market share regarding in tailoring services.


Does the shop have a proper waste disposal of scrap fabric?

Yes -72%

No -28%

Through the chart above we can observe that the different tailoring shops

here in Tacloban have a proper disposal of the scrap fabric. They maintain

cleanliness to their shop likewise to there working area which give a

comfortable feeling to the customers. The shops that have a proper waste

disposal got a 72%. Even though there are some tailoring shops that don’t

practice cleanliness to their shops or they have no proper waste disposal of

their scrap fabric.


Does the place make you comfortable to go in?

Yes -82%

No -18%

According to the chart above, mostly of our respondents feel comfortable to

the tailoring shops they already went to. Making your customer comfortable

to your shops is a big help to let them patronize your product or services,

through this you make them feel at home, safe, relax and stress free during

and after they go out to your store.


Where is the tailoring shop located?

Downtown area -60%

Near your place -14%

Along the highway -22%

Others -6%

Downtown area Near your place Along the highway Others0%








As we can see on the line graph above, we can notice that most of our

respondents find there patronized tailoring shops are mostly located at

Downtown area. It has a sixty percent average (60%) out of one hundred

percent (100%). Second to the list are shops Along the Highway, Third are

the shops located near their place. Therefor, through the given information


above we conclude that it is more accessible to the consumer on finding

tailoring shops located at Downtown area.

Customer Analysis of JIPPSI Enterprises

In order for the study to be more realistic, a survey has been

conducted to the public. This study will present the data gathered from the

respondents. Below is the result tabulated in the first part of the survey

conducted which is analyzing the respondents’ profile

Research Data Presentation and Analysis

Variables Classification Percentage

Gender Male




Age 15-5 years old

26-40 years old

40-55 years old and above




Civil Status Single




Educational Attainment College Level

High School Level

College Graduate





Occupation Government Employee

Self-employed/Business owner

Private Employee






Income 3,000-5,000



20,001 above






Research Result

In this survey we focused on the customers of JIPPSI for us to know why

they tend to go back and avail their service/product of the shop. Out of 20

respondent, both male and female avail the tailoring services. 90% of the

respondent are single and 10% of them are married which means that single

customer are more conscious of their style and their appearance. Through

this survey we determine that respondents are mostly college level which

got 60% while 25% for college graduate and 15% for high school level. And

as we observe mostly of the customers of JIPPSI are student from different

schools and university who tend to tailor their uniforms. Customers of JIPPSI

are those who has lowest monthly income of Php 3,000-5,000 which only

means that their price are affordable for those who can’t afford. 60% of the

customers want to avail the tailoring shop to tailor their basketball uniform

while 20% of them tailor their school and office uniform and lastly others

which consist of Polo shirts, P.E. uniform, Pants, Couple Shirt and many more.

Their customer avail their Product or Service because of good quality and the

employees/owner are customer friendly and make them feel that they are

comfortable and relax. Most of their customer avail JIPPSI tailoring service

because of the cheaper price and good quality of fabrics that they use. This

survey help us to determine their weakness which a slow service that they


offer but even though they have slow service customers still patronizing

them is it because they offer a cheaper price and good quality of the finished

product. Based on our research 100% of their customer says that JIPPSI offer

a very affordable price for their customer. The customer are willing to spend

for Php400-500 but there are also some who spend Php800-1,000 and also it

varies on what kind of suit you are going to tailor. Most of their customer

hear about the shop because of their friends who was already a valued

customer which means you have to provide the service quality that the shop

can offer for them to tell the good characteristic of your business. JIPPSI

tailoring have a promos for their loyal and valued customer and give freebies

for bulk buying of their product. Through this survey, customer tend to know

more about a particular product or service in Television which has the

highest percentage of the respondents which means people everywhere will

know about they are offering and next is the social media which we are not

surprise because of the social trends and the high technology of new

generation. 90% of the respondents says that the place is very accessible

because it is located along the highway while others are says it’s not for

those who are from far barangays and town.


Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

The research survey shows that tailoring shop is needed by those uniform

personnel and individuals who tends to avail their service. Survey result

shows that the top-seller product that the customer are frequent to avail is

the basketball uniform. Most of the customers are budget conscious

individuals, though the price is very much affordable and customers are

satisfied with the service they offered the quality of the raw materials and

product are not taken for granted. In terms of place, Consequently, the

survey results shows that the customers’ preferences and recommendations

for the improvement of the business, to wit:

Additional decorations to liven up the place

Provide a fast service for the satisfaction and convenience of the


Lower the price of the services they offered

Renovations and site expansion for them to accommodate all their



It takes different tests and trials in business to capture the market

preference, be more visible to the market by putting pavement signage and

beautification o


Male -65%

Female -35%




Base on the graph we can observe that mostly of our focus group

discussion’s respondents are male. May because most of the clothes they

sewed are basketball uniform and they know about the good quality of there

service. The female respondents who are a customer of JIPPSI at the same

time, also contributed thirty five percent average (35%). This implicates that

both gender still gives a big percent of purchasing power in the shop.

Civil Status

Single -18%

Widow -0


Married -20%

Others -0%

Single Widow Married Others0%












As we can see the number of the single respondents got the highest average

(90%) of all. While on the other hand we don’t have a number of widow

respondents. In the graph above we got 10% of married respondents. So

through this graph we can analyze or conclude that during our survey mostly

of the respondents and at the same time a customer of JIPPSI are single. This

implicates that singles can give their big percent of their budget for their

service needed.

Highest Educational Attainment

Elementary level -0 High school level -15%


Elementary graduate -0 College level -60%

College graduate -25% High school graduate -0

Elementary level

College level High school level

Elementary graduate

High school graduate

College graduate









Through this graph we can consider that most of our respondent’s Highest

Educational attainment, the college level customers got the highest average

of sixty percent (60%).While the college graduates got twenty five percent

(25%). And the high school level got fifteen percent (15%). While in the other

hands we don’t have Elementary level, Elementary and high school graduate

respondents. This implicates that college level people is the biggest target



Government employee -5%


Self-employed/Business owner -30%

Private employee -5%

Others (Student, Housewife) -60%

Government employee Self-employed/Business owners

Private employee Others0%








Base on this graph, we can observe that mostly of our respondents who got

the highest percentage are the Students together with our beloved

Housewives. It got sixty percent average (60%). And next to them are the

persons or customer whose occupations are Self-employed or those who has

their own business. At the third place are the Private employees and the

Government employees who are equally got a five percent average (5%).

Students and housewife give much more of attention and interests in the

tailoring shop.

Monthly income


3,000-5,000-35% 5,001-10,000-20%

10,001-15,000-30% 15,001-20,000-5%

20,000 above- 10%

As we can see mostly of our respondents has 3,000-5,000 monthly income. It

got thirty five percent (35%). So we conclude that in JIPPSI they really offer a

cheaper price than other tailoring shops because through the data, mostly

there valued customers are only persons whose monthly income is the

lowest income per month based on the given graph. At lowest players are

those people who can earn 15,000-20,000.

Part II. Service


3,000-5,000 5,001-10,000 10,001-15,000 15,001-20,000 20,000 above0%








Do you know JIPPSI Enterprises?



Yes NO

As we can observe all of our respondents know about JIPPSI Enterprises.

Simply because this kind of survey questioner is what we called the Focus

Group Discussion. In this area we focus on the side of JIPPSI. We search more

about them, their strength, weakness and so much more. We gather some of

the important details about there tailoring shop through the help of our


What type of uniform do you usually tailored?


Basketball uniform-60% School uniform-20%

Office uniform-20% OJT uniform-0


Basketball uniform School uniform Office uniform OJT uniform Others0%








Base on the graph, the most requested type of clothes people want to

tailored at JIPPSI is the Basketball uniform who got a Sixty percent (60%).

Next are the school and office uniforms which are made of best quality. Last

are others, which consist of clothes such us Couple shirt, P.E. uniform, Pants

and Executive uniforms. This only means that JIPPSI Enterprises really gives a

good quality in Basketball Uniforms.


Why do you avail there service?

Good quality -95% Customer friendly -50%

Good ambiance -10% Well-known -5%

High customer service -10% Wi-Fi zone –0

Good quality



Good ambian


Well kn


High cu




Wi-Fi zo













As we can see the graph tells us that the common reason why people

patronize JIPPSI Tailoring Shop is because they have a good quality of

products, next is they have a high percent of a friendly working surrounding.

They entertain well there customer and make them feel comfortable and

relax. It is a big asset in a company having a friendly workers.


What is your preference in availing the tailoring services?

Price -50% Good quality -80%

Good ambiance -5% Good accommodation -15%

Price Good quality Good ambiance Good accommodation Others0%










The graph above shows that the most preference of the consumer on

availing the tailoring service is the good quality of the service they offered.it

got eighty percent (80%). Next thing they consider is the price of their

service. It got fifty percent (50%). Third, the good accommodation they offer

to the customer. Lastly is the good ambiance they have toward its customer.

The good quality of the product really gives the most important in

customers. The quality and price are big aspect in any particular target



Do they provide a fast service?

Yes -45%

No -55%


This graph shows the main weakness of JIPPSI. It provides a slow service.

This has a big impact to the consistency of each customer they have. But

even though they provide a slow service, they are still patronize by their

valued customer because of the good quality of their finished product.


Is the price affordable?

Yes -100%

No -0


Base on the graph all of our respondents find the price of the service offered

by JIPPSI is affordable. So even it provide a slow service at least it has a good

quality and an affordable price. But even though its price is cheaper than

other tailoring shop it doesn’t regret its quality.


Are you conscious-minded about the price?

Yes -80%

No -20%


The graph above illustrate how very much conscious the customers of JIPPSI

regarding to its price. This is one very good reason why people patronize the

service of JIPPSI, because of a high number of consumer who are very

conscious in price so they prefer to tailor their clothes in the nearest

cheapest store, even though it provide a slow flow of service


How much are you willing to spend in tailoring?

400-500 –45% 500-1000 –35%

800-1000 –15% 1001 above –0

Others -5%

400-500 501-1000 800-1000 1000 above Others0%











Base on the graph, we can observe that mostly of our respondent want to

spend in tailoring services for 400-500 pesos. It became possible to the

consumer to avail that kind of price on tailoring their clothes because of the

low price of JIPPSI. But there are also some people who are rich enough to

spend 800-1000 pesos for their tailor. Affordable prices may still vary

through the quality, but JIPPSI offers affordable prices with the good quality

that everybody is capable of with their purchasing power.


How much does it cost you in tailoring services?

300-400 –10% 401-500 –35%

501-600 –35% 601-800 –5%

800 above –15%

300-400 401-500 501-600 601-800 800 Above0%









As we can see from the graph above, mostly of our respondents spend 400-

500 and 501-600 pesos when they visit JIPPSI .It is really an affordable price.

This prices are really worth it with the good quality of the finished product of

the JIPPSI Enterprises.


Where do you usually hear/see about tailoring service?

TV-10% Radio-5%

Family members-10% Friends-75%

Relatives-20% Others-2%

TV Radio Family members Friends Relatives Others0%









Base on the graph mostly of our respondents hear about JIPPSI through their

friends. It plays a great role in the market. It got seventy five percent (75%),

this statement would surely give us the idea that friends are a big influence

to our decisions. Word-of-Mouth from friends can really be influential.


Do they have promos/freebies?

Yes- 50%



There is an equal average percent when we ask the customers of JIPPSI if

they have promos/freebies. This only means that there are some benefits the

promo they offer while other does not.


Do you avail of their promos?

Yes -40%

No -60%


Even though the customer are aware of the promos/freebies, mostly of them

does not avail the promos they have. Almost sixty percent (60%) says that

they don’t avail of the offered promos/freebies of JIPPSI. And only forty

percent (40%) have been benefited of their promos. This implicates that

JIPPSI Enterprises needs more promos to offer to motivate the customer in

availing services.


What promotional tool is attractive to you?

Social Media- 55%

TV- 50%

Radio- 20%

Flyers and Coupons-5%

Posters and signages-10%

Social Media TV Radio Flyers and Coupons

posters and signages








Base on the answers of our respondents they find social media as the most

attractive promotional tool from the list. It plays a fifty five percent (55%) in

the market field. Therefor we conclude that mostly of the people know the

product or services through social media. Influential aspect of television can

also be one way to attract customers. This implicates that social media is the

best promotional tools for the awareness of the business for the target



Do you find the location accessible?

Yes -90%

No -10%


Base on the graph above we can observe that the customers of JIPPSI find

the location of their tailoring shop is accessible for them. Through this,

hazard free for the customers on finding the tailoring shop. But there are

also some customers who are spending much time on finding their shop.


Where is the tailoring shop located?

Downtown area -5%

Along the highway -90%

Near your house -10%

Near your boarding house -0

Others -0


wn a






Near y

our house

Near y

our boar







The table shows that JIPPSI is located along the highway and very much

accessible to customers. 90% from their customer are from other barangays

and towns while 8% of their customer is near JIPPSI only and 2% says it is

located at downtown area. This implicates that most prospect customers

may be attract when they pass by the shop, good thing that the location of

the shop is along the highway. The drivers and passengers can see and take

a quick glance of the shop.




Vision Statement

A one-sentence statement describing the clear and inspirational long-term

desired change resulting from an organization or program’s work.

“To develop an expansive facility that will provide tailoring

services for individuals. “

Mission Statement

A one-sentence statement describing the reason an organization or program

exists and used to help guide decisions about priorities, actions, and


“To be known as one of the best tailoring shop in

Tacloban City, providing unabridged quality service and

anchored toward long-term growth in the tailoring



A goal is a general statement of achievement. Goals are important to the

entrepreneur, as they clarify the purpose of the business and help identify


necessary actions. Goals can involve areas such as profitability, growth and

customer service.

o “To increase its market share”.

Increase in market share means an increase of sale in the business. This only

shows that the business has a plan in striving harder to create its volume in

customer’s awareness and profitability.

o “To increase customer awareness of their business”.

The fact that the business is not yet well-known in the town, some people are

not aware of the existence of the business. JIPPSI is aiming that they would

be widely known not only in the city but also in the region.

Marketing Objectives

A detailed picture of a step you plan to take in order to achieve a stated aim. These need

to be SMART in order for the business to know what progress it has made towards achieving

the objective.

o “To offer affordable prices to the customer”.

JIPPSI aims that they could offer a more affordable price without sacrificing

the quality of a product. They would like to maintain a perception that

despite of being cheap the product still have a high quality that will satisfy

the customers.

o “To render an excellent service towards the customer”.


JIPPSI maintains a good image towards its customer so that customer will

value them in return. Through a good service by its employees, customers

will be flattered that will ignite their buying preference in the said tailoring


o “To double its customer volume per year”.

Businesses are always hoping for a larger number of customers and we are

pity sure that JIPPSI has the same objective because the greater volume of

customer is equivalent to higher increase of income and profit.

Corporate Culture

JIPPSI Enterprise focus more on quality of raw materials and the

finished product. To be recognized well by consumers, is a good and

advantage for the business. But in order to maintain this, they must provide

specific objectives that the company/business will strive on. JIPPSI Enterprise

was concerned also with their relationship with their employees and clients,

creating a customer friendly atmosphere and giving employees the rewards

they deserve for doing a great job will help the business to be on top.

Financially, JIPPSI Enterprise also set their price for their product on

reasonable manner and also favorable to customers but of course in return

with this is a good profit for the business. Also, JIPPSI Enterprises are

concerned with the conservation of the environment, if they will be the one

to process the cloth they want it to be environmental friendly by providing

raw materials that will not harm or cause bad effect to nature.


In this industry, good relationship with customer and the quality of the

finished products and the raw materials are the best weapons in order to

capture the attention and loyalty of every client.

Competitor’s Analysis

Competition is the crucial part in the business industry for every

company. Learning the environment and its competitors helped the company

in developing its weaknesses and to strengthen its strength. Generally, these

are the advantages and disadvantages of the competitors of JIPPSI

Enterprises under the observation of different respondents.

Table 7. Competitors Analysis

Competitors Strengths Weaknesses

Competitor A

-offer a good quality of

raw materials

-attentive service

-efficient and skilled


-uses high technology


-limited service offered

-high price


Competitor B -good quality of raw -limited service



-long run in tailoring


-have already loyal


-expert tailors

-not accessible location

-uses old machine

-slow service

Competitor C -established company


-accept biddings from



-have been a long run

in tailoring service

-good quality of raw



-lack of High


-don’t have a good


-location hard to find

because it cannot be

seen easily.

-lack of expert tailors

-employees are not

attentive towards their



SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is a structured planning method used to evaluate

the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in a project or

in a business venture. A SWOT analysis can be carried out for a product,

place, industry or person. It involves specifying the objective of the business

venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are

favorable and unfavorable to achieve that objective.

Strengths: characteristics of the business or project that give it an

advantage over others.

Weaknesses: characteristics that place the business or project at a

disadvantage relative to others.

Opportunities: elements that the business or project could exploit to its


Threats: elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the

business or project.


Table 8. SWOT Analysis of JIPPSI Enterprise


Accessible Location

Highly trained tailors/sewer

Good Quality of the raw


Good Customer


Offer a wide range of service


Inconsistent Customer


Lack of promotional


Slow Service Delivery

Lack of Equipment/High




Market Expansion

Different Activities held by

different Institutions like

foundation day, Intramurals

and many more

Advancement of Technology


Presence of Competitors

Unpredicted Weather

