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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1968-03-19

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DEL,.A OEL"A OEL'Tl. The following girls have pled

Pella Delta Social Sororfi~ Ahrans, A2, Grinnell· J y.

I Crouch, A2, Des Moine~· a~ ulic Christensen, AI, Iowa Fall-

'" • • Ib,

PHI GAM.MA NU Gamma. Nu will hold its

>. o",,,,nn",a;,c,'.tivatlon and pledglll. at 1:30 p.m. Sunda·

Union Yale Room. Y • •

ANGEL FliGHT Angel Flight applications "iU

due al ~ p.m. Monday, at th Achvlty Center. e

• • • BRANDON RECITAL recital fcaturlng Stephen

IKI'"nnnn , G, Ottawa, Kan OD will be held at 6 :30'~ III

at North Hall. . .

PATRIO,. HELPS OUT_ LUCK~OW , India 1m - What'l patl'lot. B. G. Reddy, gOvernor

Uttar Pradesh, told a publil that in India's present

a pat riot is anyone wh~ either produce enough fooe

10 persons or give emplo,. to 10.

Williams Honored

11 owa Forecast Cloudy .nc! mud! colder tod.y with

rain likely_ Cloudy .nd caldtr tonight ith chAlnce of snow, WednHd.y cloudy

to ,..rtll' cloudy_ Highs tacI.y 10 505_

Sam Williams was elected honorary u,tain and most valuable player of IO'lla'~ "&8 basketball team at the an­nu,\ bssl<dball banquet at M'>nticello h\on<Iay night. See story on Page 4.

Seroin2 the Universitu of Iowa and the People Of Iowa City Es\ab\\shed in 11168 10 ccnts a copy Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto Iowa City, 1OY."a 52240-Tuesday, Mll'Ch 19, 19611

Regents President Says Autonomy Not Possible

By BETSY BECKER Board of Regents Pres. Stanley F . Red­

eker of Boone, said Sunday that student government coutd not be autonomous from Ihe University.

Redeker talked with members of the Iowa College Council, who met at Iowa State University in Ames.

The Iowa Coilege Council is an organiza­tion of students from the three state uni­versities and Drake University to promote communication among the student coun­cils oC these universities .

Carl Varner, A3, Centerville, president­etect of the student body, asked Redeker if the newly approved student constitu­ti~n would give student government the power to determine women 's hours or where students could live.

Redeker said that student government could not be an end in ilself, just as no one in society enjoys autonomy.

He said that students had to realize that there was always someone who could review and change rules that have been made. He added that the University must maintain control over the student body.

He pointed Jut that even the individ-1I~1 student did not have autonomy under the new constitution.

He said that just as there were rules and regulations where he lived, there must be regulations where students live.

Redekcr said the regents gave most of their power of regulation of the university to the president, who decides what is bl's' for the institution.

He said that students should not be sub­Ject to any morc regulations than citizens of Iowa City, but that women's h 0 u I' s should be enforced for the good of the university.

Redeker said that students had to real­ize that thel'C was no freedom that was self·enforcing, and that for vast numbers

Pelton To Hand New Constitution, Duties To Varner

John Pelion will perform his final oC­ficial act as president of the studen t body when he signs the newly ratified Student Association Constitution at the Student Senate meeting tonight.

Both the new senate elected last Wed­nesday and the otd senate will meet at 7 p.m. in the Union Yale Room.

The new constitution, according to the enactment clause contained within it, would bccome valid as soon as Pelton signs it. He said that he would present the constitution to Carl Varner, A3, Cent­erville, the new student body president.

of people to live together, as In the Uni­versity, there had to be some enforcement by the institution.

Students have strong recommendatol'1 powers, according to Redeker, but pow­ers of recommendation might not be at strong as students wished.

Before Redeker spoke with the students, the di visions of tile coUege council met separately.

The coordinators set the next meeting for April 21 at Drake University in Del Moines. Divisions scheduled to meet in April were coordinators, student bod y presidents, legislativ'e approach heads, student information oWcers and intramur­als coordinators. Editors of the school pa" ers will be invited to atter; .

City Will Apply For Federal Aid To Buy Buses

By RON GEORGEFF City Council Monday authorized Cit y

Manager Frank R. Smiley to apply for a fcderal grant to help finance Ihe purchase of new city buses.

The council, meeting informally, decid­ed to follow Smiley's recommendation to try 10 obtain the grant so that the city would have an "ace in the hole" iC Lewis II. Negus, president of the Iowa City Coach Co., went out of business.

Smiley said that Negus had visiled him I~s t week and had reported that the bus Cirm was operating in the black since thr fares had heen raised to 15 cents on March 1.

Smiley said that Negus also said he thought he could continue service beyond ,June 10, the date Negus had set for ter­mination of city bus service.

Negus told the city on Feb. 15 he would discontinue bus service iC no acceptable contract were signed by June 10. The city and Negus have not discussed any con­tracl terms since Feb. 15.

A federal grant would finance two­thirds of the cost oC new buses, Smiley said. But for the grant to bc awarded, the city would have to have a contract with Negus.

Smiley said that one way this could be done would be for the city to own the buses and lease them to Negus, who would be responsible for operating the bus system.

Mayor Loren Hickerson said that he still encouraged Negus to remain in business but that the city had an obligation to have an alternate plan in case Negus did ter­minate bus service.

Councilman Lee Butherus said tQat he, too, wanted private ownprship of the bus system if at all possible.

Smiley said that it would take about one year to obtain Lhe federal grant.

CANDIDATES MEE,. THEIR FANS - S.nl, Robert Kennedy of New Yorlc, on th, campaign trail In Manhatt.n, Kan., .nd EUII.n. McCarthy of Minnesot., seeking votes in Old Town, M.in., both rec.lved .nthuslutle ,reelings as they pre, sed th.lr campaign. for the Democratic presidential nomination. - AP Wfr,photo.

Refocus Probes Depths Of Photographic Arts

Exploration of the width and depth of the photographic art through critical dis­cussions and evaluations, guest speakers, f;lms and still photography is the goal of Refocus, accordi'lg to David Dawson, A3, Des Moines, Refocus chairmtn.

"The purpose of Refocus is to introduce as many people ns possible to the creative talents exhibited in still photography and cinematography 1nd' present it interest­ingly, so that the layman can still enjoy it," Dawson said.

The idea for the photography fcstlval was born four years ago by a law studcnt working on Union Board. It has continued to grow until this year it is bigger and bet tel' than ever, Dawson sa id .

The $3,000 Union Board program fea­tures guest authorities in various fields of photography and the wor\( of leading pho­tographers and film makers.

"Although there have been attempts at other shows like ReCocus, It is the larl!e t of its type west of thc Intpl',lf,tional /\rts Festival in New York City," Dawson stated.

"Refocus is strictly an exhibition," Daw· son said. "You don't change people's crc-

ativenes . It is primarily to display what is being done by students ...

Films, Photogr.phy In~luded 'l'l1e exhibitions include films and still

photographs made by coil ge students acro s the country and Internationally known professionals.

The still photography exhibits were judged before they werr put on display. The best of those chosen (or exhibit re­ceived merit citations. Thc Univer ity of New York, New PlalLz, received special recognition for its outstanding entries.

Judges lor this were Frank Seiberling, professor and director of the School of Art; Don Young, director of the Cedar Rapids Art Association, and Joe Brown, medical photographer at Veterans Admin­istration Hospital in 0 s Moines,

The Student Slide Show is one of the unique aspects of Refocus, according to Dawson. There will be soun, accompani­ment to Ihe presenta lion oC works oC Uni· versity students.

Pelton said he would go through a1\ the legislalion introduced by last term's sen­ate. He said he would try to emphasize those bills which m03t needed to be Col­lowed up by the new senate in an attempt to provide some continuity for the two groups.

Ken Wessels, A2, DycrsviUe, for m c r vice president of the student body and presiding officer of the senate, will hand the senate gavel over to the new vice pt'esident, Gordon Shuey, A2, Jefferson.

Supporters Set March, Rally Over Vetoed Vacation Plan

Two profes ional, feature-length movies are pt·esented. They are Jean-Luc God­ard's "Masculine-Ferr inine," shown Mon­day, and Kurosawa's "Yojimbo" (The Bodyguard ). tonight.

Kurosawa's film is, in essence, a taO e­off on Westerns. It Is a comedy-satire of force - the story of a bodyguard who kills the people he is hired to protect.

Student Films Planned Three stUdent fiJms will also be shown:

Alter the new senate takes over , Varn­er said he would address them on the gen­eral programs and policies of the senate for the next year.

Varner said he would emphasize the commillee procedure. He said he wishcd to make greater use of the committee structure so that most of the work of the senate would be done in committee.

Shuey will appoint the committee mem­bl>rs after each senator submits to him a list of three committees on which they would like to serve. Varner said he hoped to have the committees functioning by Arril 1.

Supporters of the extension of Easter vacation are planning a rally at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at Old Capitot and a march to Pres. Howard R. Bowen's house.

Bowen denied the request Cor an ex­tension Monday in a letter to James Truitt, A2, Greene, president of Associated Resi­dence lIalls (ARH l.

ARH spOt1sored a petition requesting that Easter vacation, which is scheduled fram April 11 until April 18, be extended until April 22. The petilion was presented to Bowen March 14.

Bowen said in his letter that he con­curred with recommendation made March 12 by the student-faculty Council on Teach-------------------------------------

IRISH ROYALTY - Wilking out 10 .tart their first dlnce a, 1961 MECCA aall royelly Ire Stivi Wllter, E4, lowl City, who WI' elected St. Pet, .nd Kethy Wilcox, A3, Char i •• City, the MECCA Queen. They were crowned .t Seturday night', bill, which

WIS the final .vent of the en,in,.rl' wttk lon, c.l.bratlon, - Photo by John Low.n.

ing not to extend the vacation period. "The academic schedule of the Uni­

versity is the basis of so many plans and calculations that it is difficult to change It on short notice," Bowen wrote.

Tom Robert, A3, Williams, one of the founders of the drive to lengthen the vaca­tion period, said Monday that the petition­ers had given the administration as much notice as was possible.

He said that A RH had turned the peti­tions in to the administration as early as it COUld, even at the expense of several hundred more expected signatures. Peti· tioners had obtained 8,145 signatures at that time.

Robert blamed the Student Senate for taking no more action than it did on the matter.

The senate passed a resolution early in February asking for an extension of the vacation period, but the Calendar Com­mittee, the group that plans the academic calendar, reCused the request.

ARH lhen took the matter up and began circulating petitions Feb. '1:1 . They were submitted to the Council on Teaching March 12.

Gary Sissel, A2, Davenport, wbo intro­duced the resolution in the senate, will meet with Bowen today to ask him 10 re­consider his decision.

Robert said he thought the administra­tion was looking too lightly on a matter about which a vast student element cared.

Su preme COU rt Gives Rights Financial Aid

WASHINGTON IA'l - The Supreme Court made it easier Monday for Negroes to Coree set'vice at restaurants and other facilities covered by the 1964 civil rights law. The assist is a financial one.

Henceforth the Negroes will be able to go to court to cnd discrimination knowing that iC they win the balking proprietors will have to pay lawyers' fees for the challengers.

An 8 to 0 deci ion said this right is clearly established by the 1964 law . Con­gress, Ihe court said, wanted to encour· age individuals injured by racial discrim­ination to seek judicial relief.

In New York, the National Association for the Advancemcnt of Colored People said the decision mesns "the coverage of the 1964 Civil Righls Act is significant­ly broadened . . . to people of whatever ec()nomic status."

"Cut," "Notes for a Film on Donna and G Ii I." and a science fiction film from the University of California, Los Angeles, which is not titled. "Cut" won first pri I

in the experimental category at a Nation­al Student Film Festival. The California film won first place in the dramatic cate­gory at the same festival.

Also to be shown are "The Mirage," directed by Peter Weiss, author of the award-winning play "Marat Sade": "A Propos de Nice," the first !ilm financed independently by French director J ca n Vigo and "A Valparaiso," a documentary film directed by Joris Ivens with com­menlary by French director Chris Mark-er.

Two other documentaries will be shown: "The Exiles," a fictional film about young American Indians and their problems in San Francisco, and "TrOUblemakers," which deals with the development and eventual failure of a community progress program in Newark's black ghetto. "Troub­lemakers" is hailed by many c r i tic s as the first real film of the American New Left.

Refocus also features three speakers: Chuck Jones, Jerry Uelsmann and Beau­mont Newhall.

Jones, head of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's Animation Visual Arts Department wil l slleak on animation. He will head an ani­niation workshop for cinematography stu­dents during the w<.ek_

Wins l Academy Aw.rds Jones has merited 12 nominations for

Arademy Awards and has won three. The first winner was "For Scenti·Mental Rea­sons" with Pepe Le Pew. His second win, "So Much For So Little:' was the first lime an animated film won for the best documentary short subject. The t h i r d award was Cor directing and co-producing "The Dot and the Line."

This winter he was responsible for the color adaption for television of the Dr. Seuss book, "How the Grinch Stole Christ­mas."

Jerry Uelsmann, as ociate professor of art at the University of Florida, will pre­sent a slide show of his own work to the l{efocu crowd,

Since receiving his M.S. and M.F.A. de­grees from Indiana University, Uelsmann has been a noted photographic exhibitor in this country and abroad. He is a found­ing member of the "Society for Photo­graphIc Education."

In the winter of 1007 Uclsmann present­cd a one-man show at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.

Saigon :r 0 Boost ArmyBy125,OOO

SAIGON CIt - The South Vietname government will increase its armed forces by 125,000 men this y!ar Ind the United States has agreed to eqUIP them, informed sources said Monday,

The increase would bring the numilf'r of military and semi-military force in

uth VIetnam to almost 000,000 by the end of the y ar_ Thus South Vietnam ""ould have the largest number of mtn under arms in A. ia after China, although its regulars would till lag ilf'htnd the 54,­OCJO.man armed Corces of South Korea.

The increase almost certainty will mean general mobilization for thi nation or 172 mlUion people.

The government announced after the l'I1t'my luoar new year offensive an .c­ctlerated partial mobilization program to inerea e the size of the armed forces by 65,000 men by mid-year.

Included in the program is a lowering of the draft age to 18, recall of . ome vel­

I an and reservl I and a halt in dis­charges.

South Vietnam now ha 340,000 men in it. regular army, navy and air Corce. An­other 34.2,000 are In the reaional and pop­ular for('('s .

The .5. Special Forcos pays and equlps aooth r 20,000 civIlIan irregulars_ In addi­Lion, the government ha 70,000 naLional policemen, who oflc.>n perform mIlitary functions.

Not included In calculations of armed forces strength are 38,000 partly ann~ Revolutionary Developmenl pacific'ation workers.

The sources said American and Viet­namese officials were conCerrin~ on de­tails of the plan to equip the new men.

Sources familiar with South VI tnam's manpower problems say the Vietnam ~e already art? scraping the bottom or the manpower barrel to fncrl!ase the siz of th~ armed forces by 65,000 by midsummer,

The additional 60,000 men cannot be ob­tainro without general mobilization, Exact­ly what general mobillzaUon would mean i~ not clear, but quite likely It would pick up many governmrnt civil crvant and workers in esscnJial industries.

Health standard for dran~ also may be reduced. And deferments may be made even more stringeDL

!eanwhill', .5. and South Vietnam-e soldi r pu. hmg the war's biggest of­f n ive on the flanks oC Saigon raised the numbtr of enemy killed to more than 800 1>loOOay and turned up a n w antitank wtapon in the Vi t Cong .rsenal.

Th fil!hting nared at the edge of Tram Lak haml t 17 mile northw t or SaI­gon a SO,ooo .S and South Vll'tnamese troopa pre their hunt for It.rong en my forces in five provint't'S.

Vietnamese infantry came under fire from Virt Conll dug in on the hamlt't'l flm. As th y engaged the enemy, two tanks and 20 armored personn!'1 carriers of the U.S, 11th Armored Cavalry roar­I'd up

The tank. and armored carriers let go a~ the en my posftlon with 90mm artil­kry and _so-caliber machine guns 8t point­blank rangl' of SO yards,

Helicopter glln hfp and jet fighter­bombers new to the attact. Then the Viet· namese infantry overran the enemy po I­lion and counted 84 bodl ,this added In the total of 767 prevlou<ly killed In the off n Ive that began list fonday.

Allh'<i los 5 In the offen. ive were ,Iv­I'n at 3J U.S. and 3S VI loame dead and 2r~ Am!'rlean. and 80 Vietnam Bold­ierl wounded_

o the r Viet name. troop sweeping north or Saigon in Operation Quyet Thanll - ReSOlve to Win - uncovcrt'd several each s of en my weapons, on! fncludln, a new Sovl t-made BOO bazooka rocket, \ ietname army h adquarters r port· I'd.

The BSO Is in thl' antitank family of B40 and B41 bazookas that have been U Ie d with withering errect. by en my troop~ In ambush . and In the fighUngs in the elties duringlhc recent orrensiv(',

No additional detaIls were supplied by "ietnam headquarter •.. Presum bly, the B50 is a harder-hilt in bazooka thon any hitherto u~,

Nativ.es Were Restless, The Girls' Silk Flew

e S .. Related Story, Pictu-. Pag ~ 3

It wa warm out ide, the nallv were restless, the lire alarm went off, the "silk" flew.

This was the Sl'cn eariy t.londay morn­ing as appl'ox imately 300 men Hocked to the women's dormitcrics for lhe opcmn;: of thc "panty raid" eason.

It was too quiet around Hillcrest Sunday night and resident advisers were expecting some action. Rumors of a false fire alarm had spread th'oughout the dorm, so when the familiar buzzing of the alarM cam , no one was really surprIsed

Prior to the alarm that was sounded around I a.m. , groups of men had air ady gathered on both sidcs of Bloomington Street between Kale Da~m and Burge The fire alarm sent HUlcrest residents aero s the river to join their col1ea~ues.

The men took "cv1sive" Lclion 10 avoid police and thc prying ryes of resident td­visers who report famili ar Cat. ·s at the scene of tho "crime" to the proper author_ ities.

Hi;lcrest residents and several "strays" from other men's dorms assembled at Bloomington Street :'1d began yellmg, "SUk, silk, we want some sUk."

The silkworm began to produce ani the action started. Men began running up to the sides of both women's ciorms, picking

up vadol! articles of c1olhing; press and free Illn·:e photographers wt're 1!napplng pictures of women, who were trying to duck behind curtain to avoid having thpir face~ recorded on film , Hillcrest resident advisers were advising men to go home and al the same time were trying to pin­point windows from which th silken ob­jects were Calling; the campus security police were patrolling the bulJdinl!s in at­tempts to keep men away from thc wall. of the women's dorms.

The crowd of "raiders" voiced loud ap­proval when a voice from Burge urged, "Tell the cops to go away."

Finally, after 8 few "off color" group recitatIons, thc crowd moved to Currier and Carrie tanley where the action was not as lively. Shouts went up for more "silk" but this time there was little rc­sponse.

A voice from Currier seemed to sum· marizE' the general feeling of the women in that dorm when it uttered a very force­ful verbaf attack on the men, "Boys, go to hell."

Giving up at Currier and Carrie Stanley, tbe crowd moved back to Bloomingtc:I Street and aner picking up a few more falling objects, retired for the light.

By 2:30 a.m., everyone was back in bed dreaming of the adO/enture and excitement of the opening of tt,e "silk" aea&On_

COME UP AND SEE ME SOME TIME - Girl ... CurrI ... H" .., • wyIOII ttocklng, JlCcom,..nitd by 101M approprl.te cornm.ntl, clown .. "plnty r.idi.,." boy. who •• thtred belew I ... 5l111d.y night. - Photo by DIV' Luck

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n!lll1ow ·hlV bna nB')I, mA billl ~S'1uoe ,nT -9b no lInh1'llno:J 'YI9W elnbillo :Ja:JmBn

.nsm w:Jn sill qiup' 01 nslq 9rlJ 10 alisl

a'msnlslV dlu08 tlliw 11lilimnl 2!muoa o .. 9monJ iV 9rfl '(Ill am9IdolQ 19woqnsm 9nl 10 moHod '\nJ lInlqs1~ ,1B ,(bS911s 10 sla ,til eaS91!lni OJ 1911Cd 19woqnom . 19mmu~blm '(d ooo.ca '(d 29!)101 OOm1Q 'jrfJ

-do lid Jonno? n'Jm 000.0<1 IsnoiJibbll 911T -hax3 .noiJGSilidom IS1'Jn'l:l luorfJiw oonis' n89m biuow noiJGSilidom 11l19n91l Jsnw "I JI?lq bluow Ii ,(19liH 91iup Jud ,11)9(:) JOCI ai bna InoY1 2 Bv!!> In mn19v0l! ,(nam qlJ

.2'JhI2ubni luiln!J229 ni ~19l"OW

,ll9\\l9S\ 9'9W ~9'1\\OV\ W9\':\ >\\,d \l\"t) 9r\1

bns la'Jlq : nirltob 10 B:Jb1J111 euohsv qll llnlqqsn2 S19W a,~dqa-moloriq s~·nsl ss11 oj lIni'(11 '19W otlw ,n!)mow 10 e91uhlq 'Il~rlJ lInivati biovs oj enic.J11J!l bnirl9d lbub Jn91J18?1 la:Jl'Jlllli ;mlil no b:Jbl0!lS1 ?90s1 9mori 01\ oj n!lm lInlalvbs S19W 219aivbs -niq oj ~ni'(1l 919W smiJ smlla 9nl Is bnB do n'JlIfiz ?nJ rf!)irfw m011 ewobniw JniO<{ ,(Ihu?!la 2uqma? 9rl1 ;lInilllll 919W 21?!li -Is ni 211C1lbliud ,tiJ lInilfolJaq 91~W s!)iioq allaw srlI m011 '(CWll n9m q'l9l1 01 z1qm91

.2m10b e'n9mow srfJ 10

.qa buo! b'J:>iov " a1,bis1" 10 b"01!l sriT

.oo:l1U 9:11U8 m011 9:liov s n9dw !aVOlq ""awB 0& 01 aqoo stiJ iI!JT"

quolll "1010!) lIo" W91 8 1'JJlS ,,(lIoni1 19111U:) oj b9vom bW01!l 9rlJ ,anoiJcJb'J1 esw noiba 9t11 919nw ,('llnIlJa 91111l:) bnll 910m 101 qll In9w sluon8 .,(I:Jvil 8S Ion ·S1 sum asw S19rl1 sntiJ airll Jud "lIfiz"

.92I1oqa -mua oj OOm9!l3 1!)h1U::> m011 9!)iov A 09mow sdJ 10 lInilo!!} la19n911 srll ssi1sm "'101 ,(19V 8 0019JJU Ji nsdw m10b jBrI.I nt 01 011 ,2,(00" ,o9m srIJ no Ji:lslJe Isd19V lu\

" .1l91f ,,(9Inllla S111n::> bns 1911,0:> ie qu lInivlD r. )llInimool8 oj li:lsd Mvom bW01:l srll S10m w91 u qu lInilblq 1,JlS bna j9!l'll2

.Idllil ,nl 101 b91iJ'YI ,aJ~ido ,Ioillel b9d ni lI!lad lBW OO0'(19VS ,.m.6 Ot:t ,(II Jn9m9Jbx9 bns "111Jns"bll 9nl 10 lInims91b

.no:la92 "lIlia" 9;1J 10 lInin9Qo 9rl1 10


• t 'V.q ,'ubiq ,Y1ot~ bat.ltst 't~

91.,,,, a9vilsn .,nl • .,bi?luo m1aw ?osw JI "Jllia" ?rfJ .110 ln9'" m1slB s1i1 sril ,aa!)Uas'!

.w~n -mom '(cbnor~ ,(ilc') 9n!)'l2 snl aew airfT 01 b9l19Ofl n9m oot ,(191smix01qqs 2S lInl :;nin!lqo ?riJ 101 2?i101im10D a'n!)mow 9rfJ

.nOlS,2 "bis1 'iln&q" srU 10

'(Ilbnrra Ja,1!)IliH bnIJ016 J9iup ooJ aBW Jl 1I0il:>9ql(9 919W 21saivos Insbia91 bns lnllin m10la 91il 9alel s 10 z10muH .noU'1i smo? n9rlw oa ,m10b 9nl Juorllluo'nl bS91qa berl on .9ms".] 1"11s1& sril 10 1I0inud 1siUms1 9rlJ

. bsai1q1ua '(US91 asw 9no

b'lonuoa 2SW Jerll m1sls 9rl1 01 10b<t '(b6911c bon n9m 10 2qU0111 •. mB ] bnu01s nolllnimooIS 10 z9bia nJod no bs19rlJclI sriT .931u8 bnll musO sJs)I n99wJsd 1991ja 2201?1l aJn9bip.91 1291!>IliH !n92 m1sl& s111

.2'Ul1Il9I1o:l ,i9rl1 niot oj 19Vi1 GrlI

biovs oj noihJ "svi2I''1'" llool n9m sriT -b;: In'lbiag1 10 a9,(' lInl'('lq 9rfJ bns s:>i1O<{ ,tlJ J8 a JBI 1silimlll Jloq91 otlw 2192i" _10rlJUIl 1~01q srll oj ",mil?" ~rlI 10 sn,:>a


"a'(s1Ja" IC19,'sa bns e.lnsoi291 laS1!)I:iH Js ooldmsus 2m1ob 8'n9m 19r1JO m011 ,lInill9,( nBlI9d bl'~ J991J8 noJlInlmoolS:

" .JlDa smoa Jnsw sw ,lIlle ,lIl1a"

stll tns 9!)ufmq oj nS1l9d m10wlilia s rfT oj qu 1I01nIlU1 nallsd nsM .bsJ1sJe noibs lnbblq .anTIoO l!'osmOw rlIod 10 ISbl8 stU

,,,,,.,... IIIIyft ..... H 'lllnuJ fa ,hID - IMIT :lMOl :1M :1;12 OMA QU :lMO) ortw 'Vod "",Ibl., '(tM4a" It IIw.It \,1Mmmw ,tanqo,qqa _ Vd btin .. qmo,,. lI)UJ 'ViO '(CI otod1 - .fII,ln ,(lbnu2 ,tal wDied bt,lII1a.

,tit no ,)hoY w,M 10 yb,nnt)! ntdoSi .,nt2 - ~I1A" SlI3HT T33M ~3TAalaI1AJ onhlaN ,atoltnnlM 10 ,(lIl'1aJ)M tnteu3 bna ,.n.)! ,ntf1arfnIM ni lia,t ngi&qm6;) ,1.tlI b''','q '(arll U Ignll.a111 )itZlI,utltn. b.vl.: .. " tllod ,lInillM ,nwoT blO ni .,10" 1010rlql'llW qA - .noilanlmon 16itnabl",q "Ita';)om.a ,til '01 .ngi&qm6;)

2ritq90 29do,Q 2UlOl951 at,A lirlqOleoforiCJ to

Jsrlw '(slqaib 01 '(Ibnmhq ai II .?29n9Vils " .sln9buJa '(d 9nob lIni9d ai

b.bul;)nl yrlqll'eolortq " mil"! liila bns amlll ebul?o1 enoUidlrfx, 9nT 2ln~blJJe 'lJ'lllo, '(d sbsm allqBll1oJonq ,(f(snoilan19Jni bns 'ClJnuo? stll aa01~S

.aIBnoiaB:Jlo·Jq nwonll

819W &Jiditlx9 ,(nqn111010rfq Iflle 9r1T .'{ulqaib no Juq ' 19'11 ,(srll s1019d OOlibut -S1 Jidiny.9 10' nsaotl!) 920tlJ 10 Ja9d 9t1T 10 ,(lia19vlnU !)tlT .anoilsJi:> Ji19m b9Vi9,) flli,9qa b9Vis'):l1 ,sllslQ w911I .11'l0Y W911I

.a9hln9 lInibnsJaluo pJj 101 nolJinll0991

,lInil'l9di9a linn 1'oJ 919W aillJ 101 a911bul. 10 loori,2 9rfl 10 10b91i b bna 10u910'lq lob9:) 91U 10 10J'91ib ,lInuoY noO ;I1A ,nw018 90t bnn ,noilaboa2A J'IA ebiqsfi -nimbA ens,sJ91{ Js 1!)tlqS1l1oJOtlq Is!)ioom

.a:JniuM 290 ni irlliqaoH noils11ai

srfl 10 9no al wod2 sbila Jn9buJa srfT 0) llnib10':>B .p.u!)ohR' 10 2J?9qas 9upinu -insqmo:l's ,nU02 9d lliw S19rfT .noewllO ·jnU 10 2l110w 10 noilsJn'291q srlJ 01 109m

.8ln9bllle '{Jia'9"

aqivom rillln91-91uJ1l91 .Isnoia2:Jlorq owT .boD !)uJ-nlisl. 91S ,(sliT .ooJn98s·Jq 91S -noM nwoda ",9nlni 1I9'>I-9nllu::l2sM" a'blll snT) "odmiioY" e'sWsaolu)[ bOB ,,(sb

10 tlJq9b bOG nJbiw stll 10 noilalolqx::I -aib IIl:lili,s nlluo'ln! J1G :>irlqll1110jonq 9rlJ ,219)/S9Qa Ja9ull .anoUsu!av, bnll anoiaau:> 10 Isoll 9rfJ ai '(tlqsllloJorfq !lila bns amfil ,&A ,nozw"O bi"sO 01 1II'ib10!)!lS ,au?ol,R'

.n.:lm1illrf::l aU::lolsR' ,z9nioM a,O

s9IJbo1Jni oj ai aU9Ol9.ff 10 92oq1Uq sriT" 9vilsn) srlJ oj 9Idiaaoq a/\ ,lqo9q ,(nsm 2S bne '(nqsllloJodq liijg oi oojJdidxs aJnslsj ·Ja91,lni Ji In,a91q . ' bol' 'irfqs1110Ism:Jnb ,(Oln9 HUe n6,) nsm,(sl snJ IsIII oa ,,(Illni

.bise noawsO .. ,Ii Is vi lasl '(tlqll1!loJoriq snJ 101 s9bi ,rlT in9buJa wsf S '(d OllB alB9,( luol n'lod asw oounUno:> get! IIb1c08 noinU no lIniJhow bos l:Jllgid ai Ji lS9,( 2irf1 lijnu wOlll oj

.bisa nOl'/JsO ,19VS nsnl 1sIJsd

-091 mSll101q b1S0!I noinU OOO.~ 9dT 10 2bl9il woi1s" ni asiJi10tlJus J2SUll a91ul ·ollq lInibllsC 10 )ll0W srlJ bIls ,(dqS1l10JOtlq

.a1:JlIsm mlil bos a1snqn1l1oJ j6 aJqmsJI6 n99d svsn S1SrI.I nlluorlllA" Jp.9g1al snl ai Ji .au!lOlsH sllil awotla 1sd)0 aJl/1 IsnoiJ,1t'IQJnI 9riJ 10 Jasw sq'il aJi 10 noawsO " ,'(Ji::> lI'loY ws\!! ni Isvilas1

.bsjllla -weO ".noilidirfy.9 ns ,(lhi1Ja ai 2u:l0IsR" -s,:> a'olqo9Q sllnsn, j'nob uoY" .bisa noa

.~ se6Q rro V10f, ... Z . frie;" V6bnoM

,(qo:> Il aJn9:1 01 aa81 ni b9riaifdsla3:

2'(02 tnabia9,Q 2tnge951 91dia2oQ toVi ymonotuA

-InU srtJ ni as ,1srlJsllOJ svif oj slqooq 10 ~09m9!)10In9 smoe 9d oj bsn slsnl ,'{lin9v

.noiluJUani 9rfJ '(d 'f]0IabnsmmO!)S1 IIn011a 9VStl aln,buJ2 -woq Jud ,1sllsbsff 01 lInib10?!)S ,alswoq Is 9d lon lrfllim noilsbnsmmoo91 10 a1S

.OOrfaiw alnsbuJa as 1I001Ja .2Jnsbula s dJ rlIiw slloqa 1slIsoolI S10"!I t8m ll!lfloo:l S1l911D:> Sfl! 10 anoiafvib 9rit

. ,(IsIs1sq92 IlniJ99m ixso gtiJ Jsa 810JSllib1000 911T 890 ni ,!Jia19vinU 9l1a10 !s IS lilqA 101 ai Jssm oj ooiubsn!)2 aooi2iviO .2snioM 'l bod lnsbula .210Jsnib1oo, '1'W U,qA ,ebs9rl ri'S01qqs !Y~iJslailisl ,aJnsbi2s1q -1ums,'ni bns a1s~ilIo noilsml01ni In9bula ~sq Ioonn 9n! 10 2101iil3 .210JGnib100? als

. \ lslJ s oj b'JJivn! sd Iliw a19

ylqqA lIiW yti) biA 1&19b9~ 10~

z9zu8 yu8 oT ""'3ClSl03;) 110$1 '(8

'( j I::> oosbollJus ,!sbnoM Ibnuo:) ,(Ji::> s 101 '(Iqqs 01 ,(9lima .R lIns1"! 198snstJ[ saen:>1lJq srll s~nsnil qlsri oj JOIl1l! IS1Sb?1

.29Wd ,(Ji? wsn 10 -bbsb ,,(flsm101ni lIniJ9sm ,Ibnuo, sliT 01 noilsbosmmo::ls1 a''i9fima wollo1 oj ro ,(Ii!> sllJ lsriJ oa JnS111 9111 ninldo oj t1J aiws.! 11 "910ri ,rI.I ni s!)s" OS svsri bluow ,(Ji::> swol 9rl1 10 Jn9bi29'lq .aulls>'l .H

.2asoieud 10 Juo jn9w .. 0:) n~so:)

min bsJiaiv bsn aUlIs>'l JBnl bisa ,(slima Bud srlJ llltil OOl'toqSl bsd bns 1I99w !allI s:>nia JI~sld ,riJ ni IInils'l9qo a8W mlil no aJn9, a1 01 roeis1 n900 barl e'1sl srU

.1 ri~1slll ,tI bis2 oals aUllsl1 Jarll bisa ,(,lima bno,(9d O!liV1Sa !)UniJn09 bluo~ :JII JIIlIuorlJ -1sJ 101 ma bsd aUli911 slab sllJ .01 90Ut

.9:>iv192 2ud '(Jb Io noiJsnim

bluow sri at .ds'" no 'iIi? sill bIoI ~1J1I9>'1 sldslqs!)'8 on Ii '::liV1Sa 2ud sunilno:>3ib ,(li!) ,liT .O[ snut. ,!d b9nllia S'19W hS1ino!) -no:> '(nB 0022U::laib joo svsn .Ull,lII blls

.al .d91 99nia am191 hS'lI -owl s:>osnil b[uow jns111 lS19bs1 A ,(9lima ,l9aud w,n 10 JZD:l 91U \0. ab1rnl ,b9b1SWS 9d oj lllS111 sril 101 lull . bi li~ hG11no!l Il svsri oj 9'1 srf bluow '(Ii? sril

.al18911 nliw sd biuo~ ainJ 'lSYl 9no JGllj bis2 '(9lim2 2S2Ud sdj awo oj '(Ib 9ril 101 9d bIuow snob 9d bluow orlw ,2ullsl1 01 msriJ sas91 ons

.msJa,!a 2ud sdl lIniJslsqo 101 sidianoqa91 IliJa sri Isnl bisa noa1911!)iH n910J 10,(sM aasniaud ni oismsl oj au1s>'l bSlis1uo!)ns ,vsrf oj nOfJlIlIifdo ns bsn '(Jb sol jsnl Jud -1SJ bib augs\!! S2S' ni nslq 9Jsn1sJ!s ns

.S9jvlS2 2ud sjsnim ,sn Js~J blsa aU1srlJuff s9J nsmlbnlJO:) aud 9t11 10 qin21snwo sJovi'lq b9Jnaw ,ooJ

.sldiazoq liB Js Ii m912V jUod6 sllsi bluow II lsnl bisB '(9limCl

.lns111 IS19bsl srlJ nisldo oj 1S9,( sno

1I3>1J38 YaT38 ",8 -roR' 5r ,(slnsJa .as,q ajnS1l91I 10 b'lsoH insbuJa lsrij '(sbnua bisa .9nooS: 10 1'''9 m011 auomonoJulI 9d Joo bluo, In9mmgy08

.,(li219vinU sdt 9n! 10 a1sdmsm nJiw oolllsJ 19)/9oofl swol Js J9m ollYi .li!lnuo:) 9119110::> Bwol

.z9mA ni ,(Jia1svlnU 91al2 -SSinll)\10 ns ai lbnuo:) 9l19110::> swor 9riT -lnu sJs.la ,s111J s rtJ mOll 2Jn9bula 10 noil sjom01q oj ,(li21svioU sJlal0 bns 2SiJi2'l91 -nuo, JnsbuJa 9r1J llnomB noiJs~lnummo~

.29iJi21svinu s2sdl 10 alb -Jn9biaslq ,slliv1sJn9:) ,&A ,19nlsV hll:> 19l1sooR' bsllas ,,(bod lnsbuJa StU 10 b919 -uJijanO:l Jnsbul. bsvOlqqS 'tlwsn sril 11 9dJ ln9mnl svOlj Jn9buJa 9vill bluow OQII 10 a'luorf a'nsmow snim19Jsb oj 19Woq

.svll bluo~ aJn90ula 919dw In,mn1svoll jnsbuJa lsllJ bisa 1sllsbsff on 2S laui ,lIsui ni bns ns sd 100 bluo~

. ,(monojus a,(oins '(Jsi:Joa ni sno ssilS!ll: oj bsll 2Jnsbula JsriJ biB2 sH bluo:> oriw snoomoa a'(sYlIs asw '1sril ladl nsed svso JsrlJ 2sl1J1 sllnsll9 bns WSiV9' iaum ,<Jial9vinU sn) JsrlJ b9bbs sH .sb6m

. '{bod JnsbuJa sel) 1SVO 1011no~ nisJnism -bivibni 9nJ "9Ve JsIIJ lue bslnioq sH 1sbnu '(monoJlJs 9vsll Jon bib In9buJa Isu

.nojjuliJano~ wall aril 291ul S'ISW s19nl as Jau[ larfJ bisa sH 91,nl ,bsvjf sd s19nw anoilsfulls1 bnG .9vil aJn9buJ2 S1Stlw anoilslulls1 sd laum 10 Jaom 9VSl! 2Joslis1 , rii bisa 19l19bslI ,{Jia'19vinu sllJ 10 ooiJSlugS1 10 19Woq li9dJ ai Jsriw a9bb9o onw ,Jnsbia9lq arll oj

.noiJuJiJani ,dl 101 'agd -dua sd Jon bluorfa alnsbu12 lsrll oilla sH an9siJio nanJ anoiJslull91 9'lOm '(os OJ hs\ 21 u 0 d a'n9mow JsllJ jud ,,(ji::> swot 10 sril 10 bo03 snl 101 b9!)10 1ns sd bluorla

. ,(Jia1sviIW -le91 01 bsri aJn9bula Jsnl bisz 1s~soofl 2 s W JstiJ mob9S11 on 2SW 91StiJ IsrlJ ssi a'lsdmun Jasy 101 Isnl bns .llnb,01ns-1Isa

bn&H 0 T notl9Q ,noitutitzno) w9M

19n1& V 0 T z9ituO -10 Isni1 ain m,ol1~ lliw noJ\sq tldol. '(bod JOSbUj2 !In! 1o Jnsbieslq as J!lS lebi! Jn9bul2 bsilils1 "Iwan stlJ anllia sll nsllw jnsbaJ8 otiJ Is ooiluliJano:) lloiJsb()~~1-.

.IdlilnoJ llniJ99m sjso~2

-bsW Jas[ b9h9!9 sJGnge W91l sril l\Joll JII 199m lIiw sJsnsa blo 9nj bns '(sbesn

.mooR olsY noinU 911J ni .m.q ~

9ti! 0/ lInibl0!)~S ,noilUm2no~ Vl9n 9dT ,Ii ninJiw b9nisJno? s2usb ln9mJOSn? nollsq 2S nooa 2S bifsv smo:>OO bluow Jnsaslq bIllOW sd Jsnl bis2 sH .Ji aosia ·Inu::> ,tA ,1901SV hs::> oj noiluJiJ2n09 sril

.lnJlinoJ • (blSUll,(boS: -S 'al Il .S::ln92a9 ni .al mill 3'6WS201u)l 10 s1illle,,(b9mO::l s al JI .2n,sla9W no 110 odw MSUlI,(bod s 10 ,(1012 9rl1 - "101

.b9J01q 01 b91irf ai 9n 9lqo9q 9rl1 .lIb! b.nnalQ .mll"! tn~but~

: nwone ad oafs lfiw emlil ln9bula "1rlT bns snnoO no mfi'i{ Il 101 a9JoW' ",JlI::>" ,rI.I m011 min noihil 9,n9!:>2 s bos ".111 il ,a9I911nA aoJ .sin101i1n::> 10 '(.Iiz19vinU I hq Jaln now "Ju::>" .b9UU lon ai d9inw -noil sl1 s Js '(1099Js, Islnsmi19Qxs ,nl ni SiOl0lifs::> 9rlT .lavi.Ja9"I mli'i{ )n9blJJa Is -,JS!) :liJsmslb srll ni 99S[q l21il now mm

ylloSl ,rlJ,OM f92 2,9f,oqqu2 nolQ noifo;)DV b90t9V '9VO

.Jnsbias·lq '(bod Jnobuja wsn sriJ ,9lliv19 srlJ fis riljUO'lriJ 011 oluow stl bisa oollsq -nS2 a'm'JsJ Jasl '(d bS:lubo'r1ni nOilslai&9[ 9siaGllqmo oj 'l'JJ bluow 9r1 bis2 9H .ols -101 9d oj b9b99o l!:Om d!liriw allid 9lloriJ Jqm9JJll os ni 91sn92 wsn sriJ '(d qu bswol o w j 9ril 101 ,(JiuniJno:> smoa sbiv01Q 01

.2qU01S 1 ') m 1 01 ,SUiV21:J,(0 ,~A ,al9229W ns)! b n s '(bod JosbuJa snl 10 Jn9bia91q 99iv bnsrl fliw ,9jsnsa 9nJ 10 1S~i1l0 lInibimq s:>iv W90 sill oj 1SVO 19VIlli 9Jsn98 sril

.lsvila,1 9msa stiJ Is '(10a

",911S1iM stiT" S1S nwoda sd oj oalA srfl 10 10dJuS ,a2isW 19J9q '(d b9J,s'lib A" ; "sbe2 lS1sM" '(slq llninniw·blsYlS b'J'Josnil mlil la1i} srll ".s:lilii sb aoq01'I II a :I t 10hs1ib n::l091'i{ '(d ,(UnSbn9q9bni ,(1sJn9mu9Ob B ",oaislSqlsV A" bns 0lliV -mo? rlIiw an9v1 ahol. '(d b9.l~91ib mm -lhsM ailtl::> lohsw tI::ln91'i1 'id ,(1s.lnsm

.19 :nwotla 9d i1iw 29i1sjn~mu:>ob 19riJO owT 10uo'( Juods mlil isnoihil B ".29lix3: srfT" ni am9ld01q 1i9nl bns ansibnl ne!li1smA .. ,e1,lism,Idu01T" bns ,o'Jei!los11 nsa bns lnsmqoIsvsb snl rfJiw 21ssb tbirlw 8291iOlq '(Jlnummo~ s 10 9wlis\ lsuJll9vs -d1J0'!T" .0.JJsnllll:>sld 2'lhsws >'l ni mS11101q e ~ iIi l!) ,(nsm '(d OOlierl ai "e1sllsm9I w9>'1 ns!)[',mA 9rlJ 10 mlil !a'1 Jni1 9rl1 as

.Jls.! :S,!,l/S9ql SS1r1J 2s1ulS!l1 oa1& au!)ols& -IIs9H bns nnsmeIsU ,(119(. ,29not. Ji!lull:)

. lIsdws~ joom e'1,'(sM-O'{WbI0~-0'lIsM 10 bs,tI ,esno(. J l i w In9mJ1sqsO ahA IsuzlV noilsminA -Ins ns bBsrl lIiw sH .nolisntina no lIS9<l2 -\rIa '(dqs1!loJsm901~ 101 qorlalhow noiJsm

.l/SJw srll lIni1ub aJlIDb IlnawA '(mtbll,A t aniW

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~~===~=. =~Ji~~ Sam Named

CLIIPBIl COllJ) lowa's MVP At Banquet

MONTICELLO - Members of Iowa's basketball team elected Sam Williams the most vlItlll\b)e .,layer and hOll· or;u'Y captain 01 the 1968 Hawk· eye. Monday at the seventh an. nu"l MonU~ello Athletic Banquet bono~ing the Io­wa eagers and loc<Jl high school atbIetes.

Iowa Coach R a I p h Miller WILLIAMS said Williams also wal selected for Look magazine all-1rea team.

Athletic Director Forest Eva­shevski told the team, whie/! shared the Big 10 title with Ohio Slate, "you have represented Iowa in the best possible mall' ner."

In hl$ speech Miller respo:1ded to what he said were complaints fr~m some observers that he cri. tlclzed his own team too hars/!. Iy.

"Some day one of my te/l\lls \'Ilay play a perfect game," said Miller. "but I doubt it. But there will always be a group of YOUl\1I men trying to play II perfect game, and i{ they dOll't, I wUI tell them so."

Wi czorek, Mondane Pia In NCAA Meet vnliAn~va de~hr~nlXl defelldlng winning time or Colgate's TOIII

OhllflJPion SOlJinllrl] Cl\lifprnia to Albright. Will i~e first Nlilillnlll OQllegiate Wieczorek finished 5eveRlb iI indq~r trilc)c croWIl Satllrday In the two-mile run against ij !tar. Plltrojt, Mip/!. studded fietd ~hat ipcludejl Olyfl!.

Onty two l:faw~~yes qualified · pi~ns Jjm Ryun ann Gerry Lind. fqr the nptiopal flJeet , Mi~e Mon· gren. Ryun, the world record (hlpe /l nq Ll\rry Wiec~orek. holder in the mile, won ip ~ : IU

MqndAfll! pl~ced fqurtl) in the Wieczorek, after leading lIJe pad ~YllrQ nto In Ilivj! lllWa Its only in the early stages of t~e r~, points. but his time of 1:11.1 was finished in 8:54.0. Only .5 Of a I!IlCPll!l Qehind ~ h e Villanoya WOIl the qisi~qce I1\fd.

pring Meets CRAMPED QUA~TERS - "'.m ...... 'f 10...,." rugby tum stampH' toward th. sidelines durin. I w .. "e" d prectl~e • • me with the Unlver.ity of Mi ssouri at Columbia. Iowa rugllirs are (from left) W,'th Arl·"'on" Chrll Cqtom. n, Kent Grieshaber, Larry Mitchell f Bltl ~.rri'k, Jim Rotse{1la al1\1 ~lIrl FHz. .... ""

tey relilY, the mile re'~y ~n4 pbr. ed second in t~~ tll'Q-IJ1Q~ rtlay. The Wildcats also had two iQdi. vidual champions in Dave Pat. rick who won the 886·yard 1UD, and Larry James, the 44D-yllU dash litIisl.

- I'lioto by "Iflt, D~pp'tI F H k ---------------------------------- ace aw s St, Peter'S Tops Duke F C tiT . encers ompe e n ourney .I'/early :;0 rowa ath.letes w.m. be-

NEW YORK ~ - Upstart St. ( gIll !PIS yeAr'~ "sprmg tramlllg"

EI C Ik scp\lpule April 10 wilen fo~r

Villanova's S51~ points W~S It! highest total recqrded by a team in ' the four·year history of I b I NCAA meet. South~rn CaljfOrnil finished second with 25 poinll

Peter's, N.J., shifted into high eet orey Fa Captal'ns H~wkllYII (ellmS triwal to Aril0na gear at the start and left foul · . ,. for . ~ week of pracl1PII and com·

1;;;:;;;;:===:;:;;==::;;;;=;;::-, plagued Duke Btanding 1OQ..71 pelllloll. Four Iowa fencers placed high for next yellr 's lellm : Fri\n~ It is the fourth straight year

Monday night in the National In· iQ a tournament lui wee\lend at Hoyt, park Ridge, anll f'i1ul Hrt- t~at the haseball, traok , termis vitatioo Basketball Tournament .-\mes son, Des Moines, In f(liI ; Bob and gol( teams wilt make the

The Hawkeyes will begin thtr ou~doqr Irac~ se~son 4rril 13 in T~c~>n . ArjzQnq, "'ilh ~ dUal mee~ agai~st the Univerlily tl Arizona.

rcl lipper cord trousers - perfect for IB1 cruise, casual or resort wear. Re­markably li~ht weight Kadel polyester, combed cottOD; sky blue - "End Iron" finish.

@) 1teAwooA i R.oss

26 S. Clinton

Read the Classified Ads

lias ale

action going?



Typewriter Repair" and Sales

WEEKDAYS - 8: 00 .5:30

SATURDAY - 8:00·1:00

The Hawk fencers scored a Jackson, Des Moil]\ls. ill I,lpee, Irip. Monday nlllht. sweep in aabre competitioD-Karl 8l\Q Wes Dilwson, Fredericks- The baseball team will play 10

St. Peter's will meet Kansas Luneckas first , Coach Cap Her. burg, in sabre. games which will be counted as in the semifinals ThursdllY night. mann second and Bill Tucker The Hawks will lose several of "exhibition" contests willi the rll'

third. It was the first time }-le " their top fencers thnlUgh gradua. suIts not included willi regular mann competed in sabre. seasnn games. Six of the games


Phone 351 ·4540

Hermann won the epee event liOll, h\ct\lding co-capt~in George from April 11 to 17 will be with he starred in for the Hawkeyes Bergeman, epee veteran Kenl Ari~ol1a in Tucson and two each from 1964 tIl 1966 and Tucker Grieshaber, sabre standout 1\al'l will be with Grand Canyon ~ol-finiShed second. Luneckas. lelle, Phoenix, and Cochise CQI·

H ke G e 0 g B lege, TucSOII· aw ye r e ergeman The next action for the Iowa plaCed first in (oil competition. 1n track, TIlWa will meet Ari,

Hermann said Monday tilat his tencers win be April 6-7 in thi! zona in a dual match April 13. team had ~Iected captains for Chicagota\1d Open, whic~ Her· The tel)nis tefll]1 hilS \Illat meets next year: Doug Corey, a junior mann classified as one of tne wlh AriZona April 15 find W il"d letterman from Greenfield . and possibly other \IulIi ml!eis to be toughest meets of tile Yllal' . A hed I d I t H k g It Nile Falk. a iunio~' lelterman sc u e a er. aw 0 ~r~ are from Des Moines. stale federation meet will be schequl\ld t(l (ilce Arizona April

Corey had a 31·17 foil record April 27. 15Athletic Directpr Forest Eva. this year and Falk was 29-24 in shevski, wilo arraJlged thll trip sabre. Wel'skopf Gets Rl'ch in coordination with Dick Clau· Herm!lnn is presently workinn ' ,. • sen, Arizon/l's director o( ilthil'\ics with freshman prospects and in- PALM BEACH GAIWE!,{S. Fla. and ~n Iowa gradullte, believes vites any frosh inh-rested in the IA'I - Young Tom Weis~op( pi~ked the plan is !he ~st ll1CttlOd o( s\lOrl to tatk [a him any Monday, up $13,800 for his secO(lIl-wace weparing Hawkeye teams for Wednesday or Friday [or tlie next finiSh in the Flo\'idll Citru~ Open their league competition. three weeks in the Field House and continued to swing the most fencing Ion. profilable clubs ill p,ro golf, ac·

Uermann said he already ha<\ co~'(jing to PGA figures rel8{lsed four good freshman candidates MQnday.



The PGl\ said. the 25-year-old. Ohioan had ;1massed an official bani;;rQIl of $6(1,042 and a{l uno(· (icial total of $66,345.

SO Game~ Face Baseball TeQm April

5 W .. torn lliinol. 12, ~ W .. t.,n lIIinol, 12, • Luther 1~1 • ~uthtr 2,

Spring trlll"i"g sch.dult :

~~ I - $11 P ER MONTH - CARTWRIGHTS (500%. per Week)

FrM pickup " ~ellvery Iwle. OF IOWA CITY a week. Everything is fur . Cmpets - A/WI Rugs

I =:~~nt~i.per~, cCI"tai"trs, I Draperies

11 ~t Arilon, -12 It Grind Clnyon Collego t2, 13 at .ri ... ~t tl, 15 at Cothl'O Coll090 15 at !I,l.onl ,. It COt"I~' Collogo U II .,f.on.

,~;=~;p;h;on;e;3~3;7.;'6;6;6~~~~~7~~S~.~D~U~b~U;qU~'~~;3:'1='1=3=S7~ 11 .t .r'lon~

19 Morl~.rn IIIt~Oi' 11, . 29, .... ort ~'rn Illinois (21 l Ilmp .. n 12, 2' It Ohio Stal' m 27 I t Indl.na 2, 3G ~.nt rll (2,


Students ~ncourqged Tq Discuss Ti~ke" fr~~ ~Ill~nder, " student rep.

reseflt~tive '0 the ll~iv'r!jty'l Board in Cql)Irol of Atltl"ks. has Ifll'it~d ~II stud.~t! illltr. ~sted I~ makil)g SU~~!II~ns about a I')e", ticket poliEY t. mai l their recomme'1d.tjon.lo the spqrls desk 01 The glijy IowaI'), 201 COfl1rrt UniFltiOft. :enter.

BecjlJls, (If t~8 nel" .'u~ 10 system, II chAn9~ in tht student tic~,' PPIiFY )ViII bi,l. ,""ost i"'vita~fe, .ccord lng ~ Julander. tie s~i~ ~ond4Y tlMt he WQuld pau pr ."Y '~~II~ tiol1i\ he received 1o I~, pgard in Control w~iF~ 15 IChf!l!'ltd to discuss I~e probl~1'1 in till near f"ture.

Julander re~uesled t~t1 .n recomlTWndat jons ~, ~~hmi~td by Monda y ar~ ~dcltd I~~I he WOuld II- avjlil~bl~ to dil!U5I opinipns w1h stu~,nt5 ~t Tilt Daily lo\"an office T~yr$~'y from 1 I~ 4:30 p.m.

Allen Joins AII .. S t ar T earn

WICHITA, Kan. IA'I - The II} dition of Bradley's ~6 Jpe Alii alld Wisconsin's ~Jl6 Fr~nkIil brings to five tlj~ n111ll11er ~ players selected so far {or Ii'i third annual North-South cmlege A 1t·Star basketball game hert April 13.

International Hanester. The first producer in the huge Chicago steel district to apply eontlnuous castlng commercially . .• the first U. S. producer to cast basic oxygen furnace steel in billets on a commercial basis . .. operating the world's largest billet continuous casting machine ... and now with vacuum degassing. Bet you didn't know we produce steel ••• or that we're already producing gas turbine engines to serve tomorrow's power needs. You know we make farm equipment and trucks. Our name is a giveaway for the farm equipment. Our success in trucks is equally obvious. One heavy-duty truck out of every three on the road today is an International. IH today is a leader in many diversified fieldS that multiply your opportunities from raw steel, through production, to sales and service. Care to explore a few of our fields? Ask your College Placement Office more about us. Internationa_ Harve.ter lIuta 110_ •• n yeur ".nll.


Feraker has lowest prices on major brand gasoline in I.e.

Nowh, re In Iowa City can our price ~e "IIt-n, 32.9 atld 36.9

Pi .... com par. and yo u will •••. ,

3 WrlCl>nsln (2, 4 N.r'fl'lo'utorn (2) 7 Coe 2)

11 .t " Inols (2) , 1 I t 'u rdu~ 12) '4 Wlyno Sf~t' (2) ' 7 .t Mlnnesot. '2' .1 MiMI.oI. 1 Dr.~. (11 24 Mlchi,.n Stal. 12' ~i(hI9.n (21

CARTER'S Ta~en by millions for lIyer 75 years in homes Ilk' yours

AUen. Franklin and To\\,a 51,11'1 DOn Smith, the Big Eight el,~er . of the year, have been selocild for the North team, to b~ co~di!d by Ra Iph Miller of Iowa.

All-America Westley Unse~ d Louisville and Ron Nelson of NIli" Mexico have been pickeq fill /hi South tcam, to be coached '" Jack Hartman of So~lhern illi­nois.

The game will be played II AN EQ~AL OPPORTUNITY EI4PLQYU

Foraker & Sons Oil Co. '~~~~E &:IS. S02 S. Dubuque Across from Nail Motors



~illlJ AUTO-MAT J~ ~

"Wh.r. You Watch Your Car Com, CIIGn fREEI"


Laundry Service For The Student TWO TYPES OF SERVICE

226 $. Clinton


20 • 12 lb. WASHERS STILL ONLY 2Sc

1 BIG BOY ... SOc 10 DRYERS-10c

WEE WASH IT WASH and DRY • 12c lb.



Wichita 's roundhouse for lie

I benefit of the Institute of l.q pedics at Wichita Stale Unirll" sity. The game is sponsor!1l'" Tom Vickers and mana~ed b1 Jack Munley.

Iowa Seniors To Compete In C.R. Game

A host of standollt Iowa uni­versity and college basketbli slars, led by Iowa 's Sam WilliJill! and Iowa Stale's Don Smith, liB parLicip<lle in the second annUli Iowa SenIor All-Star game ~ 7:30 tonighl In Cedar R8~iII Kennedy high scn!l{ll.

Iowa Stale Coach OlDn Andel' son will head the Universk)' team and Wartbllrg'~ B UZJ Ltvick 111 coach the colll'ge seniors.

Other Iowa players expected ~ see action are HIlslon Breed\Gl!. Rolly McGrath, Dick Agnewar-i Dave White .

'l'op mellJix'I'II of the oollr nlaYl'r~ will he l)ou~ Ferglll' of Jowa W sley~n, Alex Ro\lfl

I or l-uth~r. ,John Hcarn 9f wiJII' hU1'1I ann r\lck Van Der Ber. ~ Northw !eT'll.

I 'rho i!8mc is expected 10 hel I!I?llout and no ti~ke\S will be iOId I at the door tonillht.

Footba II L'fJ~U"S To Confer 'Today

clIIr AGO 1.4'1 - Collective b3l' &Itlnlnj! ~l'SsIOn5 between r!'liit scnl ntiV!l8 01 the Nal ional F . bali Lca~ue and the NFL's fI ')'

ers A oelatlon will open lodJf ~ Lhe F('Ilcl'ul Building.

John Gordy, president oI l~ N~'LPA , I xpected to blVf I

statement s veral hOUl'S after III ssJon stlU'\a .t 3 p.Ol. I

F as By CHUCK sTola

Consl ruclion Qf a $~ comple~ /leal Ipwa CH.l' recommended by a iludy or a Michigan e' firill·

Jphn c. orton and pI Tr~verse Cil)', Mich Oi11men~ed the cOllstrq ~oll'tl~ill ski area to inc cq .lope . rppe tows, a maintenanl'e buildings the Macbride Field Car

Th. INdv litld, /'/1 thaI. 5ki areo! tan b /III at Ihis ar" ~nd a facility WAIlI!! ". II fvine fgrc~ fer Ih. fl1 til. 'ki clul>, AS w~"

Belinsky After Tiff

CQCOI\, Fla. IA'I pitcner Bn lletin*y ijQqston AsLros site ilnd ct4h tile lefthan,tjj!r \Will job if and when he

Il~lin ~y le(t after er'li ¥anflller Ii·B. p~lji~ out tate """Irmlv

with Jp ~Iag~zine'& Yellr.

Orioles' ~as Roug

SARASQTA, Fla. .imore Orioles flew londay wit h olle Qf

lines on th!! liner t4rned minutes on the ami.

Continuing willi Inss of power and plane eVl!ntu"lIy ~nd uneventful sqta-Brp~enton

Aboll~ 15 minufes sola, a runaway right outboard Flight Capt. P. s~ut of[ the power lionary measure.

, Mondane CAA Meet

winning time of Cnlga~'1 TOlii Albright.

Wieczorek fi l1ish~d seventh • the two-mile run against ~ !bt. studded fi eld !.hat included 01)111. pi/lns ~im Jlyun and Gerry L~ gren. Ryun, the world retord holder in the mile. won in 1:311.9, Wieczorek, after leading the patt in the early sta~es of tlJe race, finished in 8:54.0.

Vill,l11oya wOn the nis~i!q~e fiI!d. ley relay, the mile rel~y iln~ p~ ed second in th~ t)Vo-lPq~ rea,. The Wildcats also had two ibJj. vidual champions in Dave Pat. rick who woo the aaO-yard nm, and Larry James, the 44p-Yard dash litlis!.

Villanova's 35'2 points W'S Ih! h ignest total recorded ~y a team in the fOllr-year history pf Ibe NCAA meet. Southern C~lifonua finished second with 25 points. Th~ Hawkeyes Will begin lh!ir

outdoqr Irac); se~son ~pril U ip Tlll'spn. ArizQn~, wllh ij dllil meet ;lgail]st the lJniyersily ~ Arizpna.

F sibility Study Favors Ski Plan Nationel league To Air Expansion

By CHUCK SrOLBE~G an asstl for th, Univonity. within the Univer Ity, probably $17,000 for slope development. and students would "under proper Con Iruction nf a 217,700 bki "Witir II base Qf ski club mem- [rpm student fee ," ilccording to $21,000 for three iki lift., , dir lion and iChedulm Q , r ult

COIllllle near Iowa Citl' has been el's which wOjIld no dOllbt in· Henry Feir. B3. Springfield, III., fOl' artilici9l snow making faClh- in a lavin, to the club," th re-recommended lJy a tea~ibiUty elude titudenll, faoulty and their pr 'idenl of the ski dub. lies, ,13,200 lor lltilities. $6, for POrt said. tudy o[ a Michigan engineering families, a positive core o[ cli- TIM report stressed • n,.d furniture and equipm8llt, 112,000 The revenue Cr m the ik.I Ire

firnt. !lots w1l41~ sans[y the basis for for II,. lIli f,cil;t,. Iooclll/" there for ui rental equipment and is .limaled at ,IOZ.oou annually Jphn C. !\lorton and Associates ~ satisfi!~tpry pperation." ~ro only !wI! .kl slo".. ill.... '15,000 for slope 5Upport equip- whill the estimated IlIpen are

Qf Tr~verse City. fv1icl1 .• has ree· The area under CQn jderilt()1) ~r_". 0." " .t ""I/n' Vornon. menl. $34,800 annually. With deprec!il' pmmcnclcrl the cPJ)str~CliQ" o[ II for ~he s~i facililY is al th~ SQIj!.h- I? mi/-_ n,,111 !If 10WII CUy, il"d Th are all appro¥imllt. I i· I/Ilfl (" 'and int retit on downhill ski /lreq lo include jjgl1t- past ~orl1er of the Macbride Field the olher i. on Ihe lIIino;_ ,j~. male\! based on CQIIlract prjce boIld 'flll, ) ~ 1.0 Ole !IC-ed .Iopes, rppe tows, a IPilge qnd Campus, and is bounded lit! the of I~. Missillippj River, over in which independllnt coolr!lctDra 11I1I) I1P11f'III;nc e¥pen ,tot.l e -maintenance buildlJlgS as part o[ west by t~1l Coralville Reservnir, 611 mil., 10 th_ .. sl. pcrfnrm the Wj)l'~ and IiUpply th penses are estimalad.t 7, the Macbride Field,.ca,?pus. on lhe north br the road lejldinG "The arei! al \!ollnt VernQll i, as ary materials. lellVJnil a prtIritll[ iUIOIjaI- teams to match

T .... tu.dy said. It IS 1"ldeni mto the MacQrlde SIte, and on th~ nol popular with sllie~ Qeclluse of The r,port rte_m ... d. "tII., Iy 1M Ih (ilill', rdi til also r Iy · r ll!dy to Ih.I • sk~ .rea can b. 5ucce_I· e~s.t anq ljOulh by counly r?ad Y physiCll1 pl'oblems Qf the IQC'Itioll such items of .. or~ u "r", t~ rellQft. inlO 1 .. 0 iJc-t am dlyisi lui a~ .Ihl' arPa and "':1 su,~ whl~h runs (rom North LIberty of the lifts in relaliQll to the _intI. pni",. .l1li Ityilifill, repqrt didn't cousi.der )'ear. I .Iacllrlr WRul~ b. ~ gr lit 'In I· to Solon. ' . ~Iopes, the are .. is Qperated as a cMlsiructl8n .f til. I"e III boo inil i r the Irea. The QIlJ)' The fVIOg f9rc~ fAr Ih' ITJllmbe" . pi The mQlley fol' th project part-time 01' hobby oC one the "nl,o,f,41 .\11 . it/cll It.mt 15 tmi\llinll~ r luirlNl 'l-oo\Ji • 12 ttam the §~i clull. il5 w~ll ijS lIema \IIould come "from somewhere local physicians and suffers be-I 110. _slrucli ... ,I the ,,..!tw. water pump house for lion 0( le wid K

cause o[ this," the reporl laId. .... ",p,lflnl ,f tit. '''clrk,. makin, "flIIration, I oombi9ation

B I k L A C The est.imat.ed co ( [or construe· m"'n't' tIM IItw 1I1Ik'" fr_ &/lrll" and wOfll&hop Cor...... Cities in liIe lead for NL fran· 1 e 'Ins y eaves stro amp tion and development o( the area Unh,or, it¥ w,.,lual. 11ft ..... of tquipment, and I \Odie WbidI chIMs Jo1Ie S. Di •• c.u.; o.l. would 00 approximately $217,700 mulchIng .nd seedin, Ilope" IIIouId anotuer. a JIUbijc Ieuop, Jas-f''Iri WOIi.b. fe.;.w· \I­according to the report. This fi,- .nd .... 1" ... 11.1;'" " lilt .Ir I diJ!iall atN, titcbaa .IIId {004 k~. fiis .• an4 84If.IIot. .v.

After T'lff Over PI-yboy 'St-r' ure illcludes C30,OQQ fQr land pur· .nd water lIilfrlllu"MI II",. "" storage, offices. ski reotat ,.ree, S~ITU! o~r41 of NL eI\,\bs 1II·.s q V chases, $53,500 for the cOl\5truc- '1III1d 1M lion. wilt! ",.I_IIIK' ticket oCfice. a titt;t lid room, a league PJ'fsideDt ,ar~ Cu.,.

CQCOA, Fla. IA'J - Playboy pilcher Bn JleliJl*Y 118~ ioft the Floljston Astros spring train in, site ~ml cluh officials indic~le Uw leflhandpr will 11M have a job i( and whcn he returns.

ll~lin*y lo(t after Astrps Q~n­eraj 1y!an/lger FI.l'l. Rich~rdsQn ~~l1iM him perm;ssipn 10 s t II Y out late Saturday night on a pate with Jp CpllillS. one/i1TJ1! PlAYboy Mag~zine'& PlaYl)1<1te o( the Year.

"He ~~l)1e rlown Wilh his bqgs," lijid olle Q( the mgt]t clerks,

lion Ilf buildings, ~l7,tJQQ for road .... lOn".1 with Itudfnt l1li • .1' boilar room. janitor'l! room, rest hay bee/! in (avOf' qI walUnt .t Qyt q( l]er rP<l!TI al a Cocoa Hepch and parking lot consirucliQn, Use of maintena!l/:e PIII'1QfJI1I!I rOl)"" and I lki &hop. leasl ~ y bftore ~X.PIDd. rpotel. Nil"".1 lnowf.JI In the .r.. ing apiA.

"Bp w~nte{l permissiOn tl) s~flY c-' 1M.. .. .......... 1M But other ownerc, ).Dcl\ldinl q!J~ after our oqe o'flp~k cur- H I"IltLy Horton'f! Hitting .ufficlenl 'Of' the alopes. but powerful Waller O·M.al.\ey GIL.-(e1l/," expillined flichardson. "I ... n • t.m ... r.'ul'e, lie •• low _,h Angeles and Horace StoMiulm of lold hirp )lo. Tl)e rule~ apply for .... • long • ..,.. ".locI of tl",. an i'r • 0, 11/11 to "* 10 everypl]e 01) this cl!Jb. We Clll1't eel" ~a~ Tiger Ey brOWI! :";":' ~ _':!!. •• ~ .rtifle l.1 two Dtw tI' 80 they CIA I')lakll exceptio~s or Olle or Iwo ft... ....... ......... play next year. nlayers." . . The ¥il.e (or !be p-q has I

B~lin&~y llulleQ hi& di~impear- By HI!; "§fCJC;14n~ "1l~SS I But HortQn WIIS limlt,nl badly north elCp0.5ur, w/lich is one ol ed?~~:!I~~c:~~~::~~~;' jng IIpt Jlqt long '1rterwan:is. L~I<Ef..AND! Fla. II! - When when sprin.lllrllinin~ ppeneQ Feb. ~he requir~l.s ry for can Leo!lgue'll twQotivi i~ )IIan.

'Ilf he comes bac!>," said Rich- ~Vllham Walt~son Horton steps I 24. Manager Jriil)lO Smith explain· Iny ski "rea JI;J II/.e Mi4w,e t, the As ill the case with NL flIIIpen., mto the ballmg cage at Mar- . ' .' report 14.

ardspn, ·'he won't have a job chant Sladium, all eyes tum tn eel lh~t lin adhe 1(1/1 Jn51tla the f. nortbl!"/l ,iOl), Ollid <iel:Ir lion b olJ tho Houston bAil club." watch. heel IJ~ IlrPkcn'oo~ Pllring a rerred bee II t neral pre- beerr taken on the plan. but the

Actually Richardson we~t a I Til a 1J1I1P. Ih~ Delrpit Tjgers workout In pelrllll. It was poth· IIlhllg wind in the lid\\ t ar two-division er up reportedly has Iitlle further. He ordered t hat ~now that [hI! cl1uql!y power hit· ing lQ WIlP'Y ab<M, l:imlth said. '.lie !err ,aud I,leca tbe hIli. givl'n impetus to NL expansion.

. nol be admitted to the ~cr's bat ma¥ be tne key to an Horton ~onti/lueq lo sIam Ion!! wilJl i~ ~lk will a,ct JII! e 180 II the AL were to have two di· cam's quarters unless Richard- AmericaI'! ~agu8 peQna/lt. drives out of Marchllqt ~l!ldiU)1l fence pIlTlllittine na!J)ral SlWW (0 visions in 1969. necessitating a

he;th~r your ~ brines you In CQlltact with paIDt and dirt, or jf )lOIl·re J~t I Jloppy Iludent tbat cirl.&l his culfs

tI\~h bit mashed potatoes IDd ,1"." - let !be IMII al PARIS CLE Ii' u that clean, !Ilttured look <Even Ihouah you may c: it.)


121 Iowa Avenue Students En~ourqBed

Tq DjsculiS Ti~ke"

on gives the word. His left Achilles lend on was a and Ila~h wicked jiller$ wl\ic/! be dropped QIl the ski ~pes. playoff hetwecn the winne;s, el· Jpe Heilin~ o[ (~e Houston J'pst mlljor reason Detroit ,ost the sent infielders curryinll for cov· Also, • northern expo ure mean ther the World Series would lle ·

rpqnageq til rellcn !ll!lins~y bpt A)llerican L!!ague fillS ~y 0 n e er. expo ure 10 the sun and wind duro delayed or if the pI yoff 'r I"._'::::!~ __ =~~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~ the pitcher 118d litLl ~ to say. gam~ !lISl year. As !lle spring d'l~s gr,w warm. in~ .t+! winter months ar~ at a ~eld the last week in Se~r, I

Fr~~ Julander, ~ 51ud,nt rt~ resent~Iiye to the Uq;vlr!jty'l Board in ~~"'rol 0/ Athl"k~ ha5 hwiled all s'~~.ntl i~tr. ested il) maki~g 5U~~'Jlionl .ibout a 11'1\' tickel pol ifY 10 mail their reco'11meryd'Iianllo the spqrls desk 01 The ~Iily I Q""~I1, 201 COlt1lJ1unif.tionl Cenler.

BacIIlIs, Qf t~e ntlN .'uptnt 10 'y'Icll'. ~ ~h~rg, in lhe slude"t lic~'t poll~y )ViII ~,.I. mosl in,vilable, ~fcordlng 10 Julal1der. ti, s~i~ Mor~4Y 'hil he would pass o~ ~ny f~~'1j. tior1fl h, r,c'ive~ t~ I~~ p~rd in Contrpl w~i~h i~ tchtdylld to di'cuss t~e probl'J1l in Iht near ~Iure.

Julander ~que~te<j I~8f .11 recomm"ndaliO"' b, ~w~mifltd by MO!1dIY anc! 1d~d '~~I he would ~e aVl'il~~Ie 19 ~i~ulI opinipns wfh 51u~Fn'5 ~I Thl Daily Iowan office T~~rl~IY from 1 to 4:30 p·m·

Allen Joins All-Star Team

WICHITA. I\ao. I.fI - The ¥ ditlon of Bl'adley's 6-6 Jpe Allel and Wisconsin's .l'pe Franklil brings to fi v~ I ~e nWllller ~ players selecled so far lor III third annual North-Soulb Collegf All-Star basketball game bNf April 13.

Allen, Franklin and Iowa Stilt'S Don Smith, the Big Eight pl,yer of the year, have been seledtd (ot the Norlh team, 10 be ~cbtl! by Ralph Miller of Iowa.

AlI·America Westley Unsel~ II Louisville and Ron Nelson of New Mexico have been picked (or !II South team, to be C()ache!l by Jack Hartman o( So~lijern Illi· nois.

The game will be playC\l i.1 Wichila 's roundhouse fQr the

I benefit of the Institute of !AgO­pedics at Wichita State Univer' sity. The game is sponsor~ bT

TOLl! Vickers and mana~eQ bl Jack Munley.

Iowa Seniors To Compete In C.R. Game

A ho~t of 51 andollt Iowa un!­vor 'ity and college basketball stars, Jed by Iowa's Sam Willi8J\'~ lind Iowa Stale's Don Smith, ~i11 P81'liclpille in the S9cond annUli lown Senror All-Star game ~ 7: 30 lon ight in Cedar Rapids I<cnnedy high schcJ<l1.

Iowa Slate Coaeh <ilj!n AlMier' 30n will head the Universit)' ~ and Wprtburg's Buzz Levick ,­co~Ch the college seniors.

Other Iowa players expected If see action are ij\l~ton B~\oI!. Rolly MrGrn\h, Dick Agl!ew.­Dave White.

Top r[1crnl)l'1 of Ihe N)U,,! player. will b Dou~ Feri~ of lowl! W('sloy~n, Ale~ Rolltl of LlIlher, ,John Hearn Qf Wort· hlll'~ and Rlck Vall Del BerJ ~ Norlhweslern.

The QAme is expected 10 he I sclloul and no tickets will be sold at the door lonil!ht.

Footba II LI'1~U"S To Confer 'Today

CIIICAGO IA'! - CollectJI1 b r· K!llnJIIR sl'~sion between rfllrt

Rentnllves ol the Nalional r. .. baH 1calllle and the NFL', fl" (It Asaoclallon will open todJf ,1 , Ihe F('(jcrol Building.

John Gordy, president of I. NFLPA, t expected lo hive I statement several hours after IbI 5 ssion .tal.'ia at a p.m. J

'"I'm J'Ci\qy !Q tlj~11 !Iii," lf~iJ- The 2~·year·old slugger missed er, Horton peglln j:o run, ~Jlltinm /1l ll)upUm, thereby l'On!'ol'rvlnll IJl I II, would o~e.r . h \I J?O Ible ing qllQted ' J3eHns~1( as 5a'-'"I1. 43 gam~s with the iniury 18: s l Iy al {ir t, and II) Jl w'!!/I ~ II/l()W and ~opes_. _ pennant race ~n t , allonal "r just l1i1v~ II 'ev; IIrpplems. r Yj!~r. HIS home r~n productton, to cut olf base hits and catch y tf!.lkeq ~ them Astrps abou~ the 27 in 1966 and 29 10 1!)6lj, fell to balls he was unable to reach last GR apu aTI JlrgblemSl put tne/( W~ren'l Ij~ 1-9 anli his 100 Bals dwindled to seilSQIj. lit It d~rs,an4ing epplj~h lQ reeQiniztl ~7. "The he~I?" /iq,ton would IY t~em. Sq I lefL.' Last October, HOrlon under- in response to daily inq.ui.rie.

KansQI D,leats

FrigId ViI/"IlQVQ

went surgery to correel the ten- "Il's sjjll a li~lIe sOfe. ~lIt jt'$ pan injury. Doclors pronounced lOll per cCjll better Iha~ I a I t II a complete succeSl!. ye~r."



N~W YORK IA'I - l{!!J1sas too~ advpq4g11 Qf Vilj<tnnvp's illcr~i­

bIll sl!!!Qn!l-hill( cojd spell and BO Br;LlNSKY methodil'ally overcame the Wild-


ANTIQUE HOW MEO TECHNOtOGV Won't PI.y 8.11 I cal.s 5lH9 Monday night in a Velerans Memorial Coliseum, MC! j,.. FJoQr

"lhrew his key 01) the des~s find quarterfinal game 0' the Natioll,!1 walked 04t. He didn't 511Y a Invitation alls~etball Tourna-

March 28, 29, 30, 31 ·ord." /)lent. The happy-~o-Iucky pilcher has The Jayhawks appeareu in Jl

been dating Miss Collins l his near-perfect first half for a 31-25 O"lly 11 a.IYl. 10 10 p.m. spring. She reportedly checked lead.

But lhe Wildcats went almost ~~~;;~~;;;~~~~5~5;:;~~~5i;;;!;~ Evorything For S.tet - Admission 7Sc

Orioles' Airplane ~as Roua'" Flight

SARASQTA, Via. 14'1 - The Bal­Imore Orioles flew to Sarasota tonday wil h onc nf tne (our en­~lnes on til!! cl1~rt~rep pC7 air· liner t4rned off fqr the last !lO minutes on the flight (rom Mi· lIJIli.

Continuing with a moderate Ipss o[ power and alli tude, the plane ev~ntuqlly mane a s!J100th ~nd uneventful landing at Sara­spta·Br d~nton Airport.

"!lout 15 minules out 01 Sar a· sola, a runaway p~opeUer on the right oUlboard engine prompted Flight Capt. P. C. Meister IQ s~ut off the power as a precau· tionary measure. -------.-------------

wttb Bunda! fIICIIl'!.tJ comes III- free\foDl to do aU J[)allD" of bllOrtaDt thJnC" LIke .-udinl kid, throQJb ooU •••• Y_, ID~ --. 1I7bl1l with tlow .... wilen· .... JCI\I'yt a mln4 to. bI _ II &tie ftnt ..... ten

" ""endal MCUrit7 II ~ "ell· IIIrrrtcI ill. ~ .. ~rn. •• Juat for rour beDeftciartee-­lit lot I\0'Il'1 Btc:auso It Pt'OVid­, IIBd ....... for 1111 elor­a. Drllaalal llraetur.. ,..,1IIIuIt MlItaaI desfp. pro­

"... IPICIIftcal/J fer ~1 ... ... -' womea. 10 lin III I ... Or Itop by OIIIP effI.co tettey

~E"''''''''''''' MaD .. DOt 1\ft ... .... I*':feclb' tnJ .. ..... 10 ... 1OIIIt bUInc

"0fIIti WRma T. WADE


1M Col'''' Sf, ............... SlcIt. _

• 3WQ1

six min lites Without 1I point as de­Jiberqfll Kansas SC/ll'ed (/Ie first 11 points of the final session.

W~~n ~aJ]1my Sims finally hit I a fi~lq gOllj for ViJl~nova, 1):an­sas led 36-33 'HlP il)cl'e<lsed tho m1\rgin to 47-3& before ~ohnny Jppes hit Villanova's next Cielq goal almpst eig~t minutes later.

B~OWN lilGNS T~~O,"fi~ TALLAIfA~SEE, Fill. IA'I -

Florida A " M University 8n­nQ~mced MonplIY the signing Qf Rufu~ Bro\lln oC Stuart, Fta., tjl a foo ball s~holarship - the first while ath lele to be signed to a grant-In-aid by the predominant­ly Negro university.





Fret' Parking

LAUNDROMAT 316 E. 8100",lngton

How to cure I h . thetravel tc ...

.o.withouta lot of Scratch.

Low CAst Charttr Tours to Europe N9'V Available to College .i~cal;l

l'I1li; _. f«dIe first tfnte. JGI' IS. intercontinental flft Jets oE~1d At""'ys. .......... cuab~oflow. rheworld'i largestchantr airline. Gourmet ....... cIIuter nta. Yoqr mYel agent dining en rowe, brrtrap. lII'du. lut y~ _ .... p1111ip ulIllndmdual (or your better hurry-sip., now ""hil, .pace i. ... JlOaP) lot one of the new "Inclu- ltill'l'ti1abl,. .... ,. Owten" offered '" S. T. O. P. For full details lee your travel asent or I ..... ,..11 let lee mmpomcion, hotel COOtICt S.T.O. P. Tours, 2119H .Addison ... ',tioDl, ,wded toQD IlId moNI St" Welty 94704. ~ , JIIoIr .... WlIIlkh'. IJu Jtmr with a •. I ......................... , ..................... ,

~ DIDel.d BInd • ··lWnble" m(OUgh his. I .111 ho~ lot "'1.1 .... ill C!I\ hocIuIw _. do","" ! • ..........t __ oJ PI ... _d- lit dooa,_ 1IeoIr' .... 'n)lIa CHAlTlll : eoric ____ Puit and Rom •• Hydro- 1968.

loil the IInglllh Olannel • Try. traditional Ny N.""''-_________ _

I"pub ~" ill IWiaPg London • Visit N1 ~ .. 'o.-., _ ___ __. __ ~

die ....... a.pea " Swim in Nice" Sail in lCJ T, .......... ,,_ ... 114 .......... __ --

lunlterdw " See me bullligNs ill Madrid • 'bI'U IJ .. _ bia flew Boeing 707 ......................................... , ••••••.... f



URBAN PLANNING illcited 10 lII('N tt'ilh 0111 repr(,,\('lItalicc 011 ('/lII/IJII

MARCH 22 Contad Y04l, pta~.nt Offic. for OJI appoinunonf

~;'y of O.lrolt - Civil Service Co",miuion

~'}' 11111



(He'll be on campus next week) He worke {or Allatate- lh, company tha L'. never been content to .tifl. prorr_ an.d do thinp the way they've ahvay. been don • • The eompany they call tho maverick of tb. lnIurance indUitry.

If there'. a bit of maverick blood in you, he'd. lik. to talk to you about a cartlr witb 4llttltl.

He'd like to tell you abollt tho way w. do "\IIin. and how '" tripled our annual alee in the Jut ten Ytartl. About how YOIl

un move up quickly in AII.late', !Dana,.­ment. And about our extraordiJtJlY em· ployee benefite (incJudln, the (amoUi Searl Profit Sharing Plan).

To JOt all the faete, Ie. him "b.n b.', interviewin, 011 campUl next w .. k.

Allstate is interviewing:

Monday, March 25 In a career, tOOl

you're in good hands with AU,tat,'

AII.tat. '",ur.net Com","!, •• Skokll. UlJnol. rounded by Sta,.


Iowa City-Place o Shop

W 11.11 Kilow, ot cou • thAt in th.ia.a ~ of tech ~"(>r.v cngif\e rinr ellior ift r inng fal/llluUM "If f' ~mpl . ment. bu do we r ahZl' j 1 lallulou t of .re! Do we comprehend ju l h Illy indll try j 1Jl\ ti \1:1 To ;lIl.lstr¥,te.1 1 it.e tr and h I't. cal CII. e of .E. Pluribul l::wb&n .IIirup Jlnd I) "ieal niur.

Olle day IllI\t wtek ""bi! trollini' aero. ~ Ih .1.1 .1: (lmPII~, E. Pluribu WII, hll.il~ by a portly ami pn' [H"r-

IlWl who ut In a 'If I II' convert.ibll' ~Iu<ld ,i ""ith precious g m ton . "'Hello," ~lIld the portl anti prn . • 'perOllI mlln, ·'f 11m Portb ProAperou~, prt" HUont nf Amen lin Xer""r.pbic Data PrO<' • IIIK and llirth L, Jl. trol, I/ltor raL d . .Are you II. ~enior:"

'·Ve , eir," said E. P)uribu~. ··Do you like hll\ car?" s8id PorUy. "Y , ir." said E. PluriIJulI. "It' your .... !Sid Portly. ·'Thanks. hey," ~Rid F; . Pluribu~ "1 0 'au Iik Peraollna uper 8talnll'~~ ~tp!'1 Rlnd~JIl~"

.. id Portly. "What clean Iivin" clean ~hhv n Amf'rican dopII not?"

~8id 1';. Pluribull. "Hl'l'C i~ II pu\·k," ftaid Purtb- . " nd" nr." )l"('~ "Ill

1)(' d livered U! }'ou every tw hie minul ~ I 101111' as you H\'.ll, "

··ThllJkll, hl'y," ~Rirl E. Plurillllll. "\\"lUld your wi! likc" mink rnat ?" ~Rirl J'nrtll-. -'I f I l\ur she would," gid E. Pluribu • "but I am

not marrIed." "))0 you want to be !" 81id Portly. "What c~ n living, tl .n .hal' n AMnlr.an dOf'll 001 ?"

Raid E. Pluribus. Portly pre ~ a button on thf dish board of th ~on·

Yltrlibl lind th trunk ppenerl up and oul tam nuhila malden with golden hlilr. roe)' kn ~,I Pf'r( ct dIHfl<) i­tion. and the appendix aIr ady rmoved. "Thil II I' (.

lana O'Toole," aaid Portly. "Would YOlllike to marry her?" "I. her appendlll out 1" .. Id E. Pluribus. "Yell,' laid Portly. "Ok8y, hey," ~81d E. Plurlhu8. "ConlrlllulaUonl," IIld Po rt.1 y. "And for the happy

bride, a let ot :lO(j monolraml)1PA prawn Cork. " "ThinJc., hpy,". hi S\'elllln&.

" Now then," .aid Portly 10 E. Plurlblll. "lilt UI r.t dnwn tn hu~lne A. My company will s art you at $75,000 I )lellr. Ypu will r Ure at full 8111.,y upon reachinl the are of 26. W. will give you an eleven- tory house made of lap i. !ljzuli, eflch room to ~ ntocked with edlbl furniture. Your children will receive • pack oC Pel'(lonno Super St&lnle,1 Steel Gladu every twell'lI mlnutu It long a.~ they Ihallllve. We will keep your teeth in 11'0(1(1 ~pair and III 0 the t. th ot your wife and children unto the third genera· t lon. W. will send our denti t. JIIck of PeRon.na Super Stainless Steel Blades every twelve minutes as lonll' as he .hall live, and thereafter to hi. hllirl and a .illn .. , Now, son, I want you to think cllrefully about this offer. Meanwhile here is 50 thousand dollars In I mall , Ull· JUuklld bill. which placea you under no obliration what­IOever,u

"Well, it certllnl)' Hem. like I lair offer," maid E. Piuribul. '"But then i'lOm,thin, you shOUld know. 1 am not an eniineer. In tact I don't ,0 to M.I.1: III all. J jll t w.lktd over here tc> admir the trees. 1 am at Hanl\(d, Dlajnrinll: in Joyae Kilmer."

"Oh," .aid Portly. "I guess I don 't fet to keep th, money anI! tht' ron­

verl.ibl. and tn. Personnas and thl broad, do 11"" Id ~J. Pluribus. .

"'Of coul'I!e you do," uld Pllrtly. "And if you'd Iikt' the Jot. my olrer l till.tallcU."

• e • 0 I~. II" Shabo"

S"..""" ., ... IIl. " ,..11 _AI • '""-y rid., Irlll) lu.w;uriolU .Iao"e, try PeriGIl"" Bllttkl, relu"'r or injec a." wl,h 8ur_-Stu."p, ,.."ola, or ",Illl'lwl. r~(,', • '''-'''palM .loau oil. fleer "1Ul",/

!-. ... ~ ~tr ... IIM ,.!"T-..t ,'ffO ~t-MAWOt YJtAG ..w

YSlQMUAJ TRIHZ .a 2. 513 .un.vA awol rtr


1I1~1 10' ... Idl Iii 1-.rlJ .''''UO? 10 .wol\ll /III 'f{ 1111 KIWlulllll nl~i , ai loin II 'Inb ~I\iins y,'t v,

t eunllJ<fltl ,Ut 'i1Al'l' 9'11 ob tuu .1 9m I on ultni ,(Ill' '' rI J~ui bn9e19'<lm09 9'" oU ! " 0 ·1 I) blla u" j eJi J 1 ,eJa,J!ulli dI' !lIlii"Qal ? i ., ,ill IWJill ~I bn. ""d. (lildwa ludl'tu[Q .3. 10 9MII? la, :r.Ll rll ~P.O'''I lniUo,'~ -.lid.., X!l~'" jM[ v.ab 9(10 -, ",<t bna 'l. lhoq • v.d Inliarl !law lIudhul<f .3 .~1IQ. • ,IIi 'N b·,bhlJ!~ '11.fiM''lnu9 woll V, it oj JR. 01 w nlun U,()

-~("" hnll~IJ'(lq ,r/I blK~ ".01(9\-4'- .,.9noh, m,,, ~uoi:>'1'<r ~" In hi''l'1J .'-U019Q801([ ,(1;'0'1 mil' ,nam 1001 '( Ir':> JlJ1iU bllll lIni • 'lO,q 1.0 01 qll, 1SX oll?i1ownA

"",oin'811 uo'! ,A .b'-l1l,Dq'J0 nl,lO'lJ .~ud i1ulq .3 bi8!\ .... lis ,P.9Y"

.,{Ino'! biM "!,.., !Iirll sllif uo'( on" .p.udhutQ .3. bill! ".,ia .("

VH10Q bia!" !1UO'/: II'Jl" .~lJdhul(i.3 bis!\ ",v.s'rI .lIlln·/lrl'1"·

"~ ~~bll!fT I~'!IP. "~'llnIRl8 '!'!qua aonon q 1Ii1 uo oU" .'(Iho'l bill

"t Jlln 8!,ob 116')i1')m A n9".I1I~ n8~b ,,.ni'lil I111!b I I{III" .p,udilu!<J .:1 biRR

IIi II -,"mq lI!!n 11 bnA" .'l.lho'! btll~ ""bJlq II 8i 'l'JIl" uO'C .. 1Inol • ~~juni m 1111 wJ 't"'I' un, 0.1 h-Jl'l'/il',b '>d

n.')~tl .~Utli1ulq .3 biR~ ... ·1.9 r1 , ~ III1 .rtT"

~'d"n'l bi" .. "~ hln,\ llnim A 'Jxi!91i'li 1UO'{ bIU\"/{" ml I Jud" , udi1ul'l .::1 biaa ",bluow 9r1P, a,u lI r· , I"~

".b!lt11llm JOII ,'(tho'l billll "!9<i oj 111~'" unX 0(\"

.. ~ Jon ~b n.,i,./ftA /I Vicli n. b .1InlvilIl b J riW" .8udilUI<J .:-1 blsR

-no' ,rI! 10 bl"odlilllb ,U no nohud "b "'nq '(1J10<J. aliclun. Iftl Juo bnll qu hIIn9qo IIRu,! If! blli Idihll'f' .i~,.q~ib J~h'lQ • ,II nx '<"0'1 ,lll1n '''hI01 rillw n hilm - 9'18 ,I ielT".b 'lom" '{bs"l. xibn q. ~rlJ bna ,noit "hsd '(11MI 0.1 axil uo;: bluoW" .v.U10Q bill. ",910<11"0 IInlll

. eudhulq .S: bl .. "t Juo xlbn'IQ~.' Ii 3 {" .,(LMoq biu ",I Y"

.~udl'lulq .:1 bin ",v. d .,(sllO" '(qqarl 111 10' bnA" .'llno'! bl ... ",lnoUillulll'1I110'"

.. ' l1101 nWJl1q b!tr\""a'ionom 0011 10 J ~ & ,oiJl1d "'(1 usva bi •• ''.,('In ,unlrlT"

~ I IU j I" ,Kudhul'l .~o{ 01 '(U,o'l bl .. ",nllnl woW' OOO,ili'~ jJl Uov. j1gJe lliw ,(nllqmo:l '{M .R~9nlftud 01 "woh srlJ lInlrban /1oqu '(1111.118 lIui js 91it91 IIIw 1l0Y .11111'( I }o sbsnt sauorl 'Clllia'IIS'lsI9 n8 uo'( SII;lIll1", eVi .as 10 ell .~J1ujln1u~ &ldlbslfllw b&1I:IO:l1 ~ oj ",,001 n~II"lIu$81 aiqal 19QuB annon.q 10 Ibllq I .vi8~ lliw nrnblld!l luoY ,(9r1J M 11 ITO I !AI 8!Junim ,v [,.".! '<'&'1' 8'bjlrg 18IIJ8 1I,InillJ8 oal. bnlllh.q" boo'll ni n's9! lUO'( q99I1Hiw.W .~vll llilfl -S19n911 blirl:l 9r1:1 o:lnu n"bUrI:I bnB sliw lUIlX 10 If:l IIJ'11t 1!IquB &nnoanq '0 lI:1lq • J.iJl1 b 'Uov. bno8 [liw .VI .noiJ I!S ino! lis ~sJunim Svlswl 'fIS'IS 1!sblllB 199:1/3 !\!l9lni&:l2 , •. llIlIil81 bill! .,I!.rl 11r! oj lsHsS1Sd:l bnll ,~'1i11181f8 lid • '1s1\o ai "J ~Uodll 'l.llu1918:1 li[liJiJ oj Uov. J[lIIW I .noa ,.,,011: -IIU ,liuma 111 811l1l0b bns8uodj Oil ai 91sd 9lidwllll9M -jJlrlw nOU&lIi1do 0[1 1sbrur uo" .:lllq If!lidw llIid 1>81111m

".,,,vq .3 hil. "",J!o ,i.1 I !!liil ,""Nt '(lnians, ji ,llsW" mil 1 .won" bluorfa uOO( Inidi mOl II .,,,U Jua" .ludi'Julll j~lIl I .110 11 :r.I.M 0.1 01 J' nllb 1 ;1:1.1 nl ,,9911ill119 [18 jon ,b11llnH JII IIW 1 .8991' sdJ 8,imbl I)! IrJlleI 1"VO bltlll ...

",':lmli>l Itnot:. /Ii IInhoilll'll .'1.11'10(1 bi,K II ,rlOl.

-no? "u h/18 ,(s[lom lit q99>l oj Jill :I'nob J !891111 I" .:i 11111& "t I ob ,bl101d "U bnl 811[1n081sQ .ft:l bna sldiJ""

. .8udilulQ selJ ,lIiI b'uo'( 1i bllA" .,(Iho,\ bl •• ",oh uo'( :'III'IUo~ 10"

".abnaJa Ui:tlllllo '(1'1 .dol ,..!th12 oil •• , 0 • • •

I '::~II~:DO~ nslQ i>l2 Z10V6=i ybut2 ytilidiz691

1 wil)l\I lROIM~ ;)HtntU 0:>:> A

~B'112U8 ''''OITAStT21101.-.._

!AUT J'f:>StA~ YJlTatM3t-O

a&o1lJ1~~ 2TSlA 8U

V~H:)aT O:Jt.\


DH&U4AJQ ~8J1U ""1111111') II\) • il\l\I\')'(')'\,,\ 1 '1110 I\\ht \ ')1\1 ()\ ~)' I\it)I\\ ')11)

tt H:)SlAM tn~nioqqD .0 ,ot .)iHO tn.me~D" woy t)olaoJ

noluim~w ~iV'9l liviJ - lioll.a to ytl;).



(1I99W tX9R 8UqlDB~ 00 ad 1I'9H) I 'J .rij '{naqrno:> ,dI-,jajIllA 101 11ho" .H ob hili .... 101Q .8ijl oj jll"'/t~ 11..0 .. ,vea ,./tob need IXawll .v'XedJ XI" IdJ qlwii .tU 10 lIon.vam ,rlt JJ.e:> "(edJ '(tUqlllOO edT

, '{lj III bai !IOlLIwllll ,po'( ni boord li'oi19vam 10 jid I 1'8'lS.dt 11 nJiw ,..,.:> a :I~od. 110,( oj illi 0.1 wI h'ed

.~.,;aUA ob I" ,(I" ,.0 jlloda uo,< Ils.t oj sllil b'eH lIunna UJO b,Iqm .. "Qd hila _lIilm' po'{ wod juodA .1l'Ut'( nat .tuI ed.t ni MLu • ••• n.rn 1''';aiailA III X.llbivp qu evom q:)

·rnl '{UIlimol'Pxe 'JUO Juod. hnA .;tnsm NeB IUOm.t' lib ln1bu,bni) a.tft9118d M,(olq

• (ILI IQ Iniud8 ;tftO'lq ,',d IStd ... mitf ,SI ,ahal sr:U lla .t" oT

,JI .. w Jl9a IIIqmaa dO lniw9iV1sJai

: 30iwsiV19toi ai siaiallA

~~ rI:),cM ,,(DbnoM loot ,198'~ • nl

'.tli.U! Ibiw ebn.d bOOI oi 91'UO'(

"N2 ~d btbnuo'l • loniUl "i~o~a , .. ioeqmoO .:III.,u.nl .,.t,IIA

~OlqASI SlA03::> WOHi ~UC)ITIf1A

'Qol~ ni.,M ,mue.i/ol IDi10meM tnDl.IeV

.m.q or 01 .(n.' rr vll,a )~~ nollllmbA - 1.1,2 '0=1 IInillt'fl.v3

.yti.,.vinU tnt ,ot 1'''1i "Ii ·m'Jm ~ub ilia 10 9il~ 1\ rjJlW" ·m J!fuob on b[ljOw "~irtw t',!)

,iaelJ bns v.!Cuos1 .a.ln~buJa ebub ·ib 10 S'IO:> sviJiooq S ,a9i1imsl 101 aialiod !lriJ ,(laiJjla hlllllW 211l~

".noiJsJBQP V.1Q~~1\12its8 II ~olIl19bigr1\l~ 19boll S911l sriT '~II\l3 ertJ JS ?i ,<Jilbj:l i~a sri~ Wi blsi"l ~bild~&M s~~ 10 19f1l0~ tollll! sril 110 bsbf)ljOd ai bos .auqms::> ,'!iPV1Sa9J! SlfivJS10::> snl 'td Ja9W ~nibf\9J bs01 sllJ v.d riJl0n srtJ op srtJ 110 bns .sJia sbh!1!lsM 9rfJ o/ni y baOl 'tJnuo~ 'td rfJuOil pos J8£!9 I(h9diJ rlJ,o\l! mOll anUl ri,idw

.ooloa oj

J09[0,q ~riJ '/01 1(91lOm 9ri1' 9l9dw9moa fIIo·,l" mo~ bluD'II

l'oe\eG '''lnO)\

IlVQ"A\\i'l b\Qh\ *01 2S2psll - IN )1'10'[ W:!iV! ·i~·I:>qi e'~'(RnIiIJiY III !lapJp§vpll !:)nt> II~q~ bfoD Ul\rl - ~np'.'lQ? ~'d ·bliW sril smS:>19YO xlls~iborlJ9m

I S ni lrIliin ,(8onoM et-aa aJS:I IS{1pilsl1 sriJ ;0 9ms~ Isoil191'iSUP

I .smuoT [lsdJel\2sft noiJsji'lnl .ln9m

Ii ni 1>91&9qqS 8~wSrI'(St.. srlT ()S·18 6 101 11 sri la·,i1 l~hsq"ls9n


~~=;;~;:;;;;~:;:~~:;~~~;:5:;:~5i~;:~ 120ml~ lns'tl alfl~bliVi ~rI! Jua .sb as IniQq 1\ JuoriliV{ 29JIIl1im xia leln srll h!l'1A:llI 2sans)! ~lj:1Sdii


f~~"W l4~iJJ

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~ rJ bh r,'! ':)1 'i{

TAMO~a~UAJ nOfQnlmool8 .3 ~ r &

.I\Oia292 rsoil 9r1J 10 21nioq II

.tiII '«([snll ami2 l{mmll~ n9~Y{ -nll<:! .Il'lorllllliV Wi IIlOli br~il S ~rtJ h92S91!ll1i bl1s t&·a~ bat asa I(nnrlot. 910'9d aF~ 01 nill"l'f!1 (J19il JX9n 8'S'1006UiV lirl 2~rOt. _1911\1 a9Junim l~~i9 ~aQmts 1601l

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.,(Ji819'1inu 01119ltl ,(I

rl I ~lU) OJ woH •• .- ::>1 bV.&tl ::Hh .

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~ luorliiw ... 10jol

,"I38JOTi! )I)UH) ya ilIa OO~SI£~ G 10 "oU II1lal1o:1 nm <Gel v.lj:) 6'1(01 "S~n ~91qJl1lr.1 ,!JUidi~891 S I(d h9bn9mfTlOO'l1 :lni199ILilios IIslIirf~ iM s 10 '(bul'

,fII1jl ~9jGbQ2zA bns noho~ _J nrlQL ·091 asn "Ibi M ,'l! li::l 981SVIlJT lQ 1\ 10 npil:>IJ1/~nll~ snl h9pn9mrnQ -~~1Ii1 9llU/:>ni oj pS'IS i~a IIjrt"'NO~ bl1~ 9)j1lo! S ,awoJ 9I1Q'1 .a!lqora M 10 J1SQ 2& aljnibliud 9~nsn910lsm

.auqms::> brsi"l 9bi1d~sM 9dl In.bivi Ii II" ,bir;, vbuh .rlT ·f'9~~U •• d nn u,. i~. I 1&l1t fi~uI lattl bn~ 6~16 .illl Ir; lut ·inll 'ISla Ii Iq "IUAW ytilbr;\ i

lq f"~ml!(n ~~I 191 ~~'91 enivl Qrlis4 ali lI~w .Ii ,qyl, i~1 ~I

~od'tslq - 1'1\1 .sI'if ,AOJP::! erlJ nor as/f ,!~ani!sS "II ls0aliq sninislJ 8ni1qa 8r.,JaA nOla~nll 9ls~ibni alsbillQ npl:> hns 9Jja G svsri JOIl Jliw l!1 l1n~rtJl91 ~!Il

.anluJs1 sri Ils rfw bRs Ji dot

-n~O aQ1JaA 19n5 Jlel ,<*nils!i I1pablsrf~iR .S ,H lslil\nsJy! llilS " II I a 0/ noiaaim19!) rpjrl jl!jiJ!~~ aJIlQ Ii no Irfllin XsbluJsa slsl juo v.odl£I\IQ flfTIij~110 .a'lillQ::l q~ n!iw s 11 I 10 9ll'm'(Il[Q a'90is~lisM

·W'! " ,alllld aiel nJiw nwo~ 9ml\~ s11l' ,alhab lelll'" 9rtJ Ip SliP hi~~

Y)l2~fJ3S OS 11.8 y&l<i t'noW

bnlj ?*9b 9rtl no ~9~ airi 'II~'II1l" s ~~3 fnbib sH .1110 b9~16w

"-P1QW 2srl 19r1:>Jiq ~lIolJl,oll·1(qqsd 9riT aiel J aniJto::> aailll !lniJsb n9:ld b9l1:>SrlO ,(lb91-'Oq91 erl2 .l!ohqa

9nDlq .. iA 'ialoi.O trleil=l rleuoSi 2D"I

.lsH sliT - l'lIl ,s['i .j\T08AHA2 sJoasls2 01 w9ll 29JohO s10mi ·ns '11)01 9~J In Q[lO rlJi'j( '(6bnoll 'lis ~::>q 1j~'lstl~110 ~rtJ no a9nif Of) JasJ sdi "1'1 llo jJ9n1uJ ',snil ·iM mOll jrf)lifl srij 00 asJunil1l

,imp sJs19bom S riJiw llniuniJno::! 9rll .sbuJiJls hns '19".oq 10 aBQI liJor",,8 s SRSf'll ',!1Ii>uJn~vs 90sfq -6162 Js )jnibnsJ ill1Jn9'l9nu M~

.Jl0QliA llo1n~h~la·slpa

-6'1s2 10 juo 2sJunim i1 t jUOQA sriJ 00 19UeqOlq ~swsnUl s .sJoB baJqmolq snillns b11l0dJuo JrI~j1 (lJ 19jai$M .::> . q _Jqs::> Jd~if'l ·US:>Slf1 ~ all 19Woq srtJ 110 jll~a

.SlU!S9m ,{lsnQiI ---------------- -------

"~ tJ~ lal!llltnft /DlW 10 'III1tJIA1ll 1Ia ob o! IXIClfIeW .", anIb~ dU .1,a1dt t.aahoqd ~na ,fIJ Y .lIllllloo dalJO'Uij abIi ·.nerfw ... ",11 dliw U 1ai'{11 ..

,l'fA1IA M,aJr 10 mt 1111 u,."nI,nom,ni "f11l~ .,oi h.i .. ~na!b ~31Sla'bhow!m 110'( ,uti .111 ,111ft"" ,'WI)1 m !ninib Ii 'lIqa .lidw woa,. .il-~ud m"d

. ,Id.li..,. lIill '0 'qa bv.nl 1110'{ "' tli.2!lb lIul,o'i 80libbA HIi!IJt ,nuoT .'I.O.T.l tlIlllOl

~ .lO'i~ ~W f.Ji! . ...... ~ ............. , ............... , ........... . C_""IIOI .... " .. 1 JI!l "i'~ 1,10\ oi ...... of .,. I .JlIT .lAM:> IlH7I' ."llIeN _uoob .. 'mo .... 11

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• tI ~.-h3n! tlb101 .-~ ·wolle! ~ da JIIO .... ....

'M3I m." 'U1OY """ 1tftJIb .... .. ~ 10) 1tuW-ribni ". II cr- II1I1I( .... _

·ubnI" ""II em 10 ,no 10\ (quota .... .CJ:.O:U ~ ,,",Do "mJWO wit .... I,"" ..,odanoqtnaU 2!lt .. tr...., "'1 lnoat bllllWOl blIblua ..-.... .. • Ibjy ~ 1111 .'!bI.M .-... I .iid If3uotIb ",IdmaJI" • bft18 t-badCI -ow'{ H • .rnoJ[!lna eiuCIlllIIDiDI )no. unoiliblU a llT. l'MAIO dallgnlltlb lio\ ,iziV· 1IObnn.l 311""",, .. "Jm, eDt· \ oj lill • S)i~ IIi miwl 0 bq"O ........ ,bilbaM. iii nri3illlud lib _ • qpbtDmA ~O'i 3oi:'1c18: W511 aid ... II U'udf

8S1UDT .q.C.T.e .MAJlDD"" •• .u."3VD .J3VAJlT TMJOUT •

.oJ balm •• ,'I/Ol ... ne!Jqed trdt tift .... lid .1l91' ~ at tfhulltt l.IbIraaB .. .I'IIJ1lO'Iq "'PnDMI .m "....., --habft8oed 'JlJOt 'lOt tIut ... flJb.Ivcnq .1 eaua!1e8 IW'OII '101 • "lllbaa ~ 10\ _It t all IIIlII ,

"'wbnll lalDalaD II oO'Jq IIIIIMb JaIrtDM bfIhOII 'l8l/o~ 'JO) lIlaofttDecll ~ I au "" 01 JleIllO'W ". .. '[aheS .,1* ... ld qq to ... bo,"" "." _~ ,vU~_MN .. ~~ .... ".... IJliUd .1IIOt ..... CIt .... ...

iMO" :lOAW .T i:»1llWtl

TMIOA .will'" ("

." ... fIoC» .... , otbllllHJ" ....


enobnoM \ tgeM AAJ

lilT , 'aJasi(l::> 10 DOliJ 9f11n[llw ,!rillhd lA

i dln9V9! hgriainil ~9l0S~9iW ,,.Ja A Janisgs nUl slim-owl 9e1J .ftI'(IO bsbubni Jsell blsil b9bbuJa , .1itIIJ ~"gD bns nu'(R mit ansiq b1/)9l bhow 9~J ,nfJ'lH ,ns13 ,11£:. oi nOw ,slim 9riJ oi "l9blorf M e(fJ ~nibs91 1911s , ~9·,OS~siW ,l'J61 '~I 10 a911sJ~ "I1S9 9rfl ni

.o,~a : 8 ni b9rfainil ,h!m 9~p~lai~ sl1l no'll syont<IfiV .,dq pn~ l~19l s~ifTI sriJ ,'(IIIS1 ,(91 ,1&191 ~liCf1-9"1j ~!ll ni boo!)s! bs .j)IIi owJ bsd oals a!s:>bIiW srtT .lIq ,vsG ni anolQmsrf~ Isubiv ,1111 blS~·088 sriJ now oriw >bi1 b1Il~~ srtJ .29ms~ '(11SJ: blls

.JailJiJ riasb !IiJ a~w aJnioq ~i()& a'llvonslliV IILI9! s x~ b91)'1o~91 IsJoJ Ja9rj)lirt 9dl1Q XloJairl 1S9'('lu01 srtl ni &imoUls::! nl~rllu08 .l99m AAD~

,alnioq es rlJiw bno:)9a barlaioil , 1I!dJ nis:ld iii'll z9'(slf'l/sH selT U I'1Qf. n02~9? ~:>SlJ 'lOobluo licb fi dliu ,!loosj-IA . nOil~mT III ill!imvinU srt! JanislIs 19~m

_!l nOSilA

btg9WO~f1~ ztn9buta zt.~~iT 22\Ji)aiQ p T

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.,91,,9: ~Ht' I\"n .~t 10 ,'~~)tl8 I~I oi ~e~~rl~ It ,mOllY' al ·11 t~ II j..,- ~~iI~q t~",it tn9butz 01 enib,o)~. ,91~6Ii v.ni taofTl 11111 ~~~"O~ ~i~z .f1 .,9bn6Iu~ oIllP.U' ~"~ ~q u_q bluow tit! b'lt~ ¥I 01 ~9vjUl!' ell lIf10il btlljll~rl)f ,j rhidl'! 10,lno) ni iii! "i "1~ldO'Jq .~t .Zu,.ib ot

.9WI". ,59n III t,~1 b91~.up9' ,9bn61"L b"1im~M' td Z"Oit6bn'~l1\mO)9' III tAIjt b9bb,. ~~I y6~noM yd /lul'i~ ot ~1~51i6v6 .~ bluow lilT t~ ,I" butl rllw lnqiniqo 1'\I1~~T 9,itlo "&1I{01 ylisa

.fI1.q at:. ql r mo,'

zniol osliA mS9 T 1,t2-IIA

-bl9rl'i' - ~ .nsf{ ,ATjHOIVl IlIlk eqt ail a',(91bs'18 10 noiJib rulJn,11 9Q~ a'niano:llliW bns It 19!11llHo $~j ~vn oj a:;nild I~ 10\ lsI Oil bsl!Jsr98 ?19~slq 9!'1110~ rlJlJo(l·elJ10V! Isunns b'lirU ",d sms& IIlldJ9~alld' -'Il !Z·IlA

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Ii b9-(slq sd Hiw SffiS)j s rtT JdJ 1Pl sWOribnUOl a'sJirf:>iW ~ 10 s/uJiJanf srU 10 Ji19noo I '!'linU sJsJ2 sJiri~iW Js a:>ib!lq \4 ~l02noqa ai smsll 9rfT . '(lia 14 \l9~Gnsm bns a1~~:>iV moT

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, 1%rl~8 rf)liri. v.bonnsil 'liMA IIGlD ROSO::l 9lsJ2 swol :~ '(rialsvinU srtJ bllsri iii'll noe .~ ~~iysJ ~su8. ~'ll1lJdJ'r,W bnn

_210in9a 9l!oHo~ srll rlQIIO~ ~ b8heq~s mv.slq swol , riJO .I!ef~1l noJp,IIH 918 noIJ~/l m hoi Vl9~A JbiQ ,rtJs1:)?M v.llQfI

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.ll1gJagwell1oVi II(( oj bsb9qm aJ smBIi artT I bIG! ~ lIiw e~lI,lJ 011 bOil JlJofl?l!

.jrillinot 100b "Il jS J

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.m,q C J. ~IllJiI noiae9B

26 on >4JUH:> va a 10 lIoihu11lnoJ

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enobnoM ,>1910

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,rioi M ,liI111E1Q baililGlIp 29'tsJlWSJl OWl 'lInD -noM sai~ ,ls9rn IARojlAIJ 11I111Q1

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, til ,!sbl)oM 19'(9

-oa 1iI09V~ 91ft oJJ99ilooM IJ>JJn IsuposS oi:leldJA -01 etU 1I0i'loPOd

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,2sJslrfJa d:>11 0:> swoI

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T ... JIIU ' "' _ . . ....

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bUt.Qt~ srll ,89mst 'tllSJ bnll 19n5 Jlol ~J(aqifsll , .JaifJiJ !lasb ,a,lI lSIlI\~Bf/l ).19 !dl1~'H alnioq .'c£ zlsvolIslliV

at9aM gnilq2 Qnoli,A rltiW

l>lwcH e:)t'~

•• "hub "nllebl • • oft ltIewot .btqmela matf ~d@ In a'. wol I. nNtn.M - 2jJ3 TltAUQ Q3 C! MAR:> (1Iel mo,' ) .,.. n eo@u, 6wol ,&idmulo:> ta h UOlllM 10 ytia,.vlnU •• If rltiw em" .,Ita'" b/1.II .. w

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J~~~~ (Il611 s ,<d bsblP:>S1 IsJoJ Jssrfllirt ~rs "I~o ,dl IQ '<1olairi lSS'<'1uol srtJ nl

n.qs.O 'tll~ Vd .,1.,11"1 - ,

lvan,uo T nl etsqmo) 219'n8~ zni&tq&) ~16~ ,,(910) t:>913

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,ad liiw 2sJs[nls lI\,/01 W '{ll/lSI1 "lIflinis11 llni1qa" a'1[;9'( 2irlJ nill 'JUo1 n9flw or Ji1qA sluQ!lrt:l~ slIoshA oj IIlVI'1l aI'flI'SIIl'<!l~WIiH ·mO!l bllt> QOiJoB1Q )0 >f99W II 101

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a~~ no a9ni! 110 b901UJ 'lsnU sri! no e9Junil\l

.illJ~ riJiw gniuniJaoO

bns 10W:Oq 10 8lRJ ;:lIjluJn!lv9 snslq

I IIlUfISV9nu bqc l1oJn~I\lj1S·slpa

esJunim cr JlJOd(\ ~6w:snlJ1 s ,sloa

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lSWoq sdJ 110 lu~a ,Sluessm ,<lso0iJ

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"'UP' l!o~n~ 2tn9buta zfa~~iT ilau;)aiQ p T

~" tn~bul~ 1\ ",bn&I~L b~''1 1'yIj!l,vi~1J enl 01 911il~tIl9'9' pit~W" 10 lo,lnpJ 01 b,608 ,1t1!Ii ~t"ebutl II~ b~tl"ni "in lft'it!!R~Ui 8"i~6"1 ni b91 •• 01 Y311"'1 1'~'lt w.n 6 luod~ 0I'npit6bo,mrp""1 1j,rtt II .. m vii-Po tnT \0 ~ •• b allpqa 9nl IfIOlt6~inumfr1o:> rOS ,n6wQI

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''l1'9 ~:I> qt r mo,l

niol nellA mS9 T lst2-IIA

,bu1'[1 - I'AJ ,ns{j ,ATIHnlW PIA 9<lt a·ij s'xs[bS'18 10 noiJib mljn~11 8OJ, a'niGno~iW bns III ml'fllJn ~lfJ 9vil oj zllnild !~ 101 lsi oa bsl!l919a e19,<slq li\lIo:l rlJU02-rtJl0\l[ Isunns b'lirlJ !l!d 9ms~ f[sdla,(esd lsJ2·IIA

,tllhqA i'~IJ2 s~oI bos ni/){os'l'iI ,nsUA 11~lq lrflli3 lIia srlJ ,rlJimZ noO blbsl!li! II99d svsrt ,1SS'< srlJ 10 b!![,slll qd 01 ,mllsJ rtl1o\l[ srlJ 101

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'lsH /birlY( ,09qO b~r>lolis~jn::> '10) ani.sJqr,:> "9h9Ia bs~ msaJ 1)'1 al b(fij al IhqA .snosi1~ nlw " '< "

sd <» 2ls~lfI l/lub lerllo ,(ldi2aoq e/i.l 10 sno 26 bsili22Sb nnsm 10inut s ,,(910::> llUOa :1S9'< JX9fi 91S al~liOll JlwsH :l9lsl b9[Ilb9rba A .1S1J'< eri:l 10 gloom Ja9rllluoJ bns ,blsil09S1;) mOll nBm1eJJel JilqA AnosilA a:>&l oj belubsrin sd tliw loom noils'19b91 9JsJa nsm1slJsl 10illJJ[ s ,,(Js'i[ slil1

,ct ,2snioM 2S0 mOll .sv3 12910"1 loh9lia :>iJelnlA ,is Ji1qA b10l91 liol i!-It s bsrt ,<S100 qbl eril bsll!JSllfi oriw ,iJlavsda ni: ~s,es ssw J/Is"l bnll 1SS'< eirtJ ·uslO lbiO dJiw noiJllnib,.oo:> nj ,biJi 1f9a ~qo>l2i9W 91dli2

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mpeT UDd9iDa IhqA

(t) zionllll n,.",W l (t) ,;onilll n,.".W 4

(f) "Mul I It) "~'uJ •

:llub.rt,. enl"II1' gnhqZ on.xhA to rr

It I tQ.".~ n.yn.~ bnl1a '" tr (t) ~n.xi1""" tr

'V.llo~ ~.I~'.' ,. U "f1oxh~ I. U

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(t) ,nllbnt tl ~t

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,ilt'e,aa~ )0 1/l101 Isbil


~~IIH. mnll. - '1.\ (\'11):)


Htl·m ItIIpuduO ,2 O~{

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- HTI10M $I3Q rr, -(~'9W ,sq ,100 l)

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,2 ion '(d nsll&T 2'JI:lTJlA" Ii b'Jo(slq 9</ Iliw ems:! 9rlT znoill im ~ tI

no Z9:l;,q tzewol zon ,e>l o,o~

.)./ ni snilozoe bno,d ,ojom ,",t .. eI .d .)i1q ,uo nll:l '(tl:> .wol nl e,.oIwolll

Ut bn. ue ,'" IIlw 110,( bnli .'lIqmo, .... 1«1

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ld b9~snsm bos e'I9lbiV reo'!' ~ii~ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"'~iiI ___ ~·~u~p~u~u~a~.~2.t~O~r~~ .0::> liO 2n02 ,g '9>1D'o~

,'t9lnuM )ba{, •

l10ina2 Dwol ateqmoJ oT

emDD .Sl.) nl -i;u swol JllobnsJe 10 J&orl /I I Ildlsiud eij9110~ bns ,{liB19V !I!ilill.iW mll3 a'swol ,<d ~I ,216.1a h ,rilim2 noC! ~ '9JsJa swol bnll lsunns boootle srtl ni 91GqbiJ'I8q • 1IflI88 'lsJa·flA 101n08 swol ~iqsl! 18ba3 ni Jrt)l,inol ()f,,~

,loorhB rI~lrl ,{oonn&iI '1!bftA I1Q!O rl!lBO::> 9JSJG awol ~ '(1i1l19vinU 9ril basrt Ifiw no~ Urr ~~iv8J ~su8 e'1I1udl1sV! 1)nll

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,l!nlbliuH In'lob'l'iJ: onl ~ 10 Insbip.91q ,,(bl0;) "rlol. I "/.,t oj b9lmx!l al ,A<JJ"IY1. ldJ 1iIl1a 1'lIlOrt IS1SV9a JfI9m9JIIJa

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P .. e f-THE DAILY IOWAN-tow. City, la.-Tu .. " M.r. ", ""

Ray Charles, Carnival To Mark Spring Gala

The fillh annual Spring Festi· val will feature an ice cream eating contest, a water show, dances, a carnival, and a con· cert by Ray Charles.

The festival, which is planned for May 10 and 11, will take place at the Field HOllse and the banks of the Iowa River.

The hiehlight of the festival will be the crowning of the 1968 Spring Festival Queen by Audrey Arthur, A2, Dubuque, who was

In case YOU


last year's queen. The general chairman of the

festival is Robert Homma, A2, Highland Park, m. His executive cabinet consists of Andrew Robin· son, A4, Maquoketa, treasure I and Barbara Petersen, A3, Sioux City, secretary .

The personnel committee chair· men are Julie Vane, A2, Cedar Rapids, and Dave Falk, A3, Men· dota, Ill. Marcia Whitney, assis· tant director of student affairs, is faculty adviser, and Michael Wolfe, B4, Marshalltown, is stu· dent adviser.

Applications for both chairmen and members of the publicity committee, queen selection com· mittee, water festival committee, carnival committee and special events committee are IIvllilable in the Union Activities Center and should be returned there by 5 p.m. Wednesday.

YAF Shuns Paper Butterflies Schmidhauser Calls By RICK GARR I club for the perpetuation oC the iog witbin the framework of in·

II active participation in cam· Ideas of arch·conservative Wi!· dividual freedom and constitu· R F K B· d lH It h ' pus politics can be termed the l liam F. Buckley. It has man y tional freedom and constitutional pursuit of paper butterflies, as I chapters around the country, and democracy, is the "most produc· I e a y one observer aptly put it, then they have become skilled in the tive supplier of human needs." the group of Young Americans art of disseminating information • Finally, AmerIcan foreign for Freedom (YAF I would be the to potential financial contributors policy should stress not coexist· last bunch 10 pick up their nets. and right·leaning citizens. ence with international commu·

For. rather than dabble around YAF Platform nism but victory over it. in Student Senate, run in local The national YAF platform, YAFs Stress View. races and debate campus issues, I called the "Sharon Statement" According to local chapter

John R. Schmidhauser, former too early to tell what effects Hampshire. Still, he Mid he first district congressman and Kennedy's ~~ndidacy wo~ld have I t~OUght Con.gress should take the now professor of political sci· on Iowa pohll~s, but he dId make I lid off th.e Issu.e. ~nd offer some cnce at the University, said Mon· a few predictIOns. constructIve crItICism. day he thought the entry of Sen. . '" would antiripate that the Schmidhallser ,~aid ~e thoug.hl YAF members, on the whole, I after the town in Connecticut President Cletus R Uhlenhopp,

have resigned themselves to a where it was adopted, is probably A3, Aplington, the Y AFs w ere more stoic role: to educate the the most definitive statement of not a campus political group in public on the conservative phil· policy propounded by any youtb the traditional sense, but were

Robert F. Kennedy (D·N.Y.I political leadership in the Iowa Con~~ess was . derelict in Its would be healthy for the Demo· duty because It had not offer· cratic party and the nation. cd constructive criticism.

When asked whether he thought Democratic candidates in Iowa might get caught in the middle of the Kennedy·Johnson split in the national party. Schmidhauser said he "didn't think 50 at all."

osophy and work for the election group short of the Boy Scouts. instead one arm of a national Schmidhauser said the funda· of conservative candidates. These are just a few of its educational body which stresses I mental need in our nation today

There is no doubt that student highlights: a certain viewpoint which has was an "overwhelming need for leftists brand this activity as ty· • Encroaching big government been clearly defined in conserva. , a comprehensive appraisal of our ing one's group to the practices should be curtailed so that indl· live books and other statements. foreign policy" - not merely of the Establishment, but in con· vidual liberties may be safe· Besides disseminating conser. Vietnam but our entire foreign trast to campus groups on the guarded vative literature, Uhlenhopp said policy. left, the YAFs have a well form· • The U.S. ConstituUon, Its the 4O.odd member University S~midhauser said. Kenned=!'s ulated program which they are checks and balances and separ· YAFs were devoting much of candldac~ was especIally per~m. attempting to implement. ation of powers, should be strict· their energies at the ;r,omant ir. ent to tb~s need for an app~alsal

Young Americans for Free. Iy adhered to an attempt to get mentor Buck. bec~use It would f?,:us public at· dom was founded nationally in • The market economy and ley to speak here this spring. I tentlon on the pohcles that may 1960 as a sort of youthful Ian the free enterprise system, work. Uhlenhopp said one of Y AFs need to. be changed .

--- --- current major projects was to Schmldbauser, a Det,nocrat hIm· educate the public on the group's self, was defeated ID 1966 by position on concrete issues such I Rep. Fred Schwengel (R·Iowa I. as the military <Irafl, which it Schmidhauser said he "was of· opposes. For this purpose, YAF fended beyond measure" about is sending out position papers pre· the way the press had handled pared by the national headquart· Kennedy after his announcement ers in Washington, D.C. of his candidacy last Saturday .

So, in the final analysis, it People Should Be Concerned would seem that the major dif· "It has been discussed as if ference between the Young Amer· it were a personality thing," he icans for Freedom and some oth· said. He said the press and the er campus political groups i~ that people should be more concern· it is much easier to see what cd about our foreign policy ap· they are for than what they are praisal. against. lIe also said he thought it was

He said that the "Iowa Demo­cratic party is an open one," and he believed that after the initial reassessment, John on County Democrats w ill have more unity than they have had in the past few months."

People trritaled "Many thoughtful people have

been politically irritated becau e they were not sure what the al· ternatives were," he said.

I Schmidhauser noted that local

\... Republicans had been saying that .... _ I· they should let the Democrats debate the war issue because it was their problem, and he said he thought thi s was fine. JOHN R. SCHMIDHAUSER

Kennedy Bid 'Hellthy'

Democratic party," he said, "will move toward uncommitted con· vention' delegates ."

"Democrats are proud to handle the war issue and be construc· tive critics, because if we don't, what the hell is a party for? II we don 'I, we encourage aliena· tion from the political process," he said

NOW High-Rise Apartments For

Schmidhauser said that Ken· nedy was dOing what the Repub· Iican Party had been unwilling to do: to encourage full·scale dis· cussion among rank·and·file memo bers in the party.

He recalled during his term in the House 11964·66) when the request for 400,000 troops (or Viet· nam was being analyzed. He was one of only 21 congressmen, and the only one from Iowa, who vot· ed against rushing the troops

Schmidhauser said Iowa Dem· ocrats could be proud too of the openness in the party, but he said this could be a problem in the coming infighting.

"J imagine we' ll have some pretty fierce exchanges," he said wistfully, "but it's exciting and constructive to have the issues opened up this way. This is lhe kind of politics I enjoy."

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Introducing two truly fine pianos from the CABLE­NELSON gallery These lwo beautiful pianos have everything going for them, . . superb lone, smooth action, distinclive cabinetry. Ideal both for beginners and advanced pianisls.

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a piano tells a story that

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there without extensive debat e on I the likely consequences. Disp ay Instructor's Art

Schmldhlu$lr Pie. ted A one·man show o( paintings "There was only a handful of and drawings by Joseph Patrick,

us," he said, "and we w ere an instructor in art at the Uni· stepped on hard by tbe leader· vel'sity, will run (rom Thursday ship of both parties. There was through Apr . 14 at the Cedar Ra· a kind of innpllcit agreement not pids Art Center. to discuss th is issue fully." An opening reception honoring

For this reason, Schmidhauser lhe artist will be held from 3·5 said he was pleased wilh the p.m. Sunday. Gallery hours are "gallant efforts" of Sen. Eugene from I()-S p.m. Tuesday through McCarthy (D·Minn. I in taking the Saturday and l·S p.m, Sunday. issue before the people in New The gallery is closed on Mondays.

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announced Tuesday son has signed country's entire dollar in foreign

The bill, which night, removes the 25 requirement for the

This frees about which the Treasury


For Stron I


made a fervent, to stand up and again prolrni!W!d

"Let this resigning from said.

Johnson compared to 1937 when world scene and Roosevelt caned (or aggressors.

"We have set our "We will pursue it threaten and, make Amerioa will prevail.

LBJ Speaks Johnson spoke at

foreign policy governmental grou from the American of Women Voters.

He was cheered appeal to free dom. As be len, and told him his ficent or, ""m

Johnson said eign pollcy have changed for more Ihey are being Dam.

Enemy Seen "There," he

not only on the jungle and city. out to fight in the Americans.

"He has mounted lated attack 00 our pie, on our confidelnct continuity of so long and and proudly champion of men's

"Let no American major .offensive now ll' at the citizens a;sault designed to

Enemy Seen Because of what

sents, Johnson said, only conquest of collapse of SotlthE!as! tion of the and prospering

In Vietnam, he ing at the root of dom and the right to live without fear free destiny,

LBJ Says "We cannot fail

pectant millions," not Cail

Marijua At Lum I

The discovery of marijuana at an 10 days ago was day.

Detective Sgt. marijuana was crew at the cated at the ernor streels. It "nickel bags," whlc a three·pound oatr small glass bottles,

He said each "n about $5 worth of r

Strand said the m lumber yard was thl illegal drug found it He said an eslimat iuana was found ur Avenue on Feb. 6.

He also said tha amphetamine, a dl'u Was found under thE had been enough a 50 to 100 tablets but male on the drug. phetamine was enou al! at once, he said .

Strand described al the lumber yar lot." He said that drug were 8Omelim' searched a buildln ~ ranI but that his of bunch" of rnarijua times in the last tt

Strand caUed the Juana "an accident it apparently had t Use and someone b up later.

He said thaL he ' arrests in connecUo
