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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1927-09-18

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-----)Ortcll to bo In

a. l'eslIll or the rred wltll the n routo tn the I tuko him Into

\V[l t~ .. II)O, A. de.

I In Iho IhIR ~ I uo In It crill: 'r If, 1,), Wag. r of tllo Ilarty,

! rl'om tho hollo to IIllto I-khcu. I orrt"PrH were 1'111 hOino when I (lfr 1(lI~rd ... ,






THE WEATHER Fall' anil l11ul'h C'oolrr SlInd!IY:

Monrlay fa ,r anll roo I.

GENE OR JACK? Blow by blow rtlJlOrts of the Tun,

ney·J)eIllPAey tight at The Jowan 'rhursday night.

Full Leued Wire Reporta IVE ENTS _V~~u~_e_~~ ________ J_4_P_AOIiE~S~ _______ A_n~A~gg~~~8~S~lv~e,~p~ro~g~re_8._lv_e ________________________ ~Io:w::a~C:i~ty~,_I:o~w~a~,~S:u:n:d:a~y,~S~ep:t:e:m:b:e~r~1:8~,_1~9:2~7 ______________________________ ~or~T~h=e~Ae=.~oo~y=t=lI~d~~~~ __ , ___ F __ ~-C--~----__ --_=====_::::_ _ Ullily Ncwspllllllr Number 78

University Students Commence Year's Work Monday 1927 Registration May Exceed Last Year's Enrollment

Many Must Complete Card Signing

Monday School starts on Mond'lY,

tar as the passage through the l~"

Union Is concerned, registration for the tlrst somestcr of tho year 1027-

'28 Is CQmllleted, Because of the Irnpotj.\jlbillty of im'

mediately collecting all the rCpOl'tft of various regIstration department'!, accurate figures callnot bo announc, ed unUl the oWce of the registrar can check 011 t11 se repol'ta,

However, vlll-loUB estimates have obeen gIven, Oeorge Mullln~, pass d1eol'k, 'llald that 80but 5500 hundred proi>'e "'ad f\fl.ssed through the regl.~_ tmllon IIncs , The only report thllt H, C, Dorcas, registrar, could give W88 thM It appearell that Lhe regIS, tratlon this fall quaJled that of last [all and might be higher, Accuratl! figu res will come (rom his offlre Ill!

800n as all rellOrts oan be SUI1l'IUar­Ized_

I\lany Do Not Finish At 5 p ,m, ye.~tenlay, the time ot

whIch the registration system which sta,-ted Th ursday morning, was scheduled to close, students were stili standIng In line In the main room of the Iowa UnIon, !'lome were walling for class cards, permls­slon to register In ee,'tail1 cour8es, or faculty adViCE", Otl1ers were busy at the troub"e commllt~'s

desk, Some had just started filling out the printed registration cards_

A t scheduled time It was announc· <d by registratIon guards that those In the main room would receIve " pass which wo~ld re,admit them to univel'slty hall Monelny, There thl'Y wUl complete theIr regl~tration,

No Late Reglstra,.tlon FI.'6 tor III te I'ei'lstration will be

char e hOtl6 aludents whQ had started Utrough the regl8trlltion pru­cedure by the ttme It closed ye-.,ter· day afternoon, har.es II, Muruth, assistant registrar, announced,

A spe<'lal staff wIll talte care of late reglat,-atton because the faculty ,ta Cf whkh has ix'~n In charge \\-11 be busy willI the C1\'!)t meolings ot theIr cl~s,

If students WI.'I'O In the lower rOOm ot the Union ut 5 P,ln_ Yl.'st 1"

day tbey were allowed to comlllNe their work at the checitel's a nd to pay tMlr peclal f~P8 M<l that thel!' regl8l.rallon was pnth-ely t'Omnleted yesterday afternoon,

Although stuMn,!'! wpre stili In the main 1-0001 Yt'~tpl-day attl'rnoon th l'y had thlnnNI out until the num, !bel' was very much less Ihan eithel' Thu raday 01' P'l'telll,V (lfternoons,

('llIsse8 Start at 8 a,lI1, Mr, l\!aruth llald thM stud nt~

who had not finIshed rcglsterlng on Satorday hut who had Rlal'tNI t,h'Ju ld remcmber "that ('My simply !ha.\'O 10 start whel'e, they left Mf only go to unlvN\'!lty hall In~tea(1

of to the UnIon ," 1'''''''1'8 In aql ""honlsllnd coll('gl'8

wIll open Monday !It 8 a,m, In mOst C'i(\'I..,es a /( neml eXl'la nation or th~ course and 88, IgnmentH of the I xt­q)ooks needed will ocoupy the time,

lJnlv('rRlty IIhraa-l(>!'!, 1I1!1il, will 'be "!'en to IItudcn ts on th flrllt clltY of el1l8s H,

Jensen and Lion Fail to Arrive at

Flight'. Objective N I',W YORK, Rt'llt. 17 (IP)-The

10 ndlng h('aCtHlH of noo~cvclt field harl hurnl'd In vain until midnight tonIght to /tulde MllI'L1t1 JrllflC't\ lind hl~ On(l'lInllll I (lying ",('nagl)"I~, 1 .<'0 til 11011. to a IIIlHllIlj( In theIr fiI!{h L from San Diego, 1Ir,

The ,'~ptt'fI('ntAtlvc~ of Metro, Oold wyn·l\1l1yC'r, lllllthln pktul'~ 111'0' dll('erH, Imd ItnnO ulll'I'tI rPl'Clilt of radIo mCl!S!llHcH (mm Jens n'li pi lUle giving th locntlon Itt varIous 1)lacl'H clurlng the tillY, !'Iut thorC' Wl'l' no "l')1orlll or the llian huvlnl( 1)(' n He n 01' heal'd (1'0111 othel' titan the Illotlon Illctul' rom panY'1I ~tll t()· l11 ~nt,l.

Al midnIght tonlghl tho plane, whIch left Han 'i1ll'g41 y At rlllty, Wfl.1I 11100'e thRn tWl'lv hourM nV(,l'tlu

Delta Theta Phi. to Have Fireproof

Roofing on HOUle

Work hili' hf'l'n ~tarl~!1 0/1 thl' 1'". cOllstrurlloll of 1t'1 roor of lhe 1)['lIa 'l'lleto. I)ht fl'nl ,'nily 1Iel1 1H whl<'11 WM c1anH\gc'd by flrll Frldny net'r­nOlln.

'rill A II! lilt) "I'rOIHI fll '" wlt1lln AllC lllonth H, ol'l"lnntlng from HPllrkM trolll thl' chImney, Ilnd lit" InMllr, 1l1I('1\ rUIllj)lIny I~ "I't>hl('lll~ lht' !11I1lI­illCrt! 1'"I'Uon ,,-Ilh fh'cllroflf Ahlngl!,R In (uMllIon to I'CI)alt'lng Wlllt' l' cllllll , lit", n~lk'~OI'Rtlon an!l otlwr 1II11ll'ove,

IJlCllt~ ('" now und I' way,

To Fight to Last Ditch for His Son

Dr_ H. C, Hill is preparing to fight for his son Harry Hill who is charged with the murder of his mother.

Today's Assembly Concludes F rosh Week of Welcome

Dean Kay, Fitzgerald to Speak at Ten This Morning

An assl'mbly 'It 10 o'clO<'k thlM morning on the NUlt steps or Old Capitol will 1)1' the (Inn I ~vent In the freshmen week program, If It rains th('l mecling will be held In natural science auditorium,

Although thl) meeting is scheduled as a part of the welcome prOgl'am for new students, It Is intended for evel-y student \\"10 Is interested In a meeting Which, ae~ordin" to R. 11. J1'lt?.gerald, director oC t hc J owa Union, \VIII ix'come a pal't of lowa Ll'adltion,

George F, Kay, dean of the rIll lej;e of liberal al't..~, will give a shol't tallt which will bf) i>al-tlculal'ly ad­dr .. ~spd to the fl'cRhmen,

ThIs meeting is intl'mled a~ a PI''' ' limlnary to th st:'rvlces in the sev­e,'at ch u,'chcs,

hllNlldng nf th ~ Ruccrss of fresh­man wC('k, Dil'e~tol' ["itzgeml<1 said, "Then' has ix'en a dignity ,,('V('r b(',

rorp attaIned In lh(' J)rOCCRS of wel­coming new student.<; to t"1e univer­sity_

"An Indication of li,l' HUC('eSS of

the new 8YRtem Is the Cad thut, In­Aofnr a" Wf) lHI.VO h('('n alll(' to lNlI'n, no One has (lrOIlPpd ottl. gV(,I'Y ~III '

dent who slarted to I' glster has 'umill"fPfI \11(' job Itlld Is nuw a stu­dent of lown,"

I)pan j(tlY 1'0mll1~nt('d, "ThiH Yf.'lu"s work IHIH h(,pn a grea L 1m Ill'OVcm('nL In very rPHIl cL OVCI' any plaTlH uscd In previous YNlrs."

Locate Iowa City Youths in Kansas

A (leI' l~ ("lr('CI'co rid stu.rtlng fronl 10\\'1\ City IlfW" M P,IlI, \Vl'd­Ill'~d(ly, lIUct ('n!JI'lg In thO' 1Itt1(' vII luge of Yatl'M l'('nt'r, Kan" Yl'S'

tl'I'ti<IY two l owa 'Ity youths, 'l\LUI II'ln,'y, Iii Y"IU'S nhl, Hntl 'VallC'\, I)" nlc,llI, 17 Y"'\I'" 0111 , Ill't' nllw In tho hunds Of the "hol'IfC Ilt Yn.t('~ '~ntl'I', aWldtlng till' IlI'l'lvlll of their I 1ft 1'­

cnt~ to IJl'lng thcm homc, 81ll'rlrr l"l'anlt I" I:lmllh r~rl'lv('(l a

meSH""O last night frum the shl'rlfr at Ylltl'R C~\lt~r 8I1ylng tlmt tho two JadM IlIld h on locat d,

'J'h !)OYij, Hancy, lilo 1\011 ot Mr, lind Mrs, 0, A, Haney, OJG Soulh CHnton Rtrp"t, nnd il'lnll'lH, til!' ""n or M I'. anti M rH, U I"n IItllll"H of l~l~st lOWIL ('ILy, Wf're rClJortc'd mlIlR' lilt.( lato Wlldn soay night, a nd po' Ile IIntl !'ounly orrJl'lalH Im11l(lmAtrd drsc,'lllt IUIIH or tiwlII, Th ey loft In a ] 026 }'01'!1 touring car,

l'lllll lJClnry hlul hut furty·flve cent" Itl hiM ]lock('t nt th tim or runnIng a\\lay, acco"dlng to his moWN',

Tho ]llll'l'lIts or tho I I,d~ ('lcprct to !lO to Yutes (;entcr Immrcll[lte ly lo bring UWIIl 11, rk to IOW'I Clly,

Ford, Street Car Collide Wllh n rruHIt which Hllll'ti d til

I) 'Ik~trlu ns rURhlng lhrough lho 1'1l111 " I'HI 'II·Manvi ll(' lit 1'1'('1 CI\I' und Il 1~() I'r1 10urll1!{ 1'11 1' Ill'lven hy ,J)II;'oh IJ_ Miller, 924 l~'IRl llav nllorl, 01, II(it'd III th!' ('"rn('1' of 10wl\. l\VrllUO und l)U!)lIqUI' ~ll" 'l ul :16 lI ,m, Illllt !llghl. 1'111', Mill",' hAt! J!lRl lC'rt a IlIll'klng RIIIl!'" 01\ ])UhUllUI' IItl,(,,'t nllll ha(1 HtllI'teLl lo turn (,Clst on 10wII I' VI'I11I\1 Whl'll t h Htrcel ra l' eUlllo f,'om thl' north , '1'he FOl'd tUl'nl'd Olle f("Ii1el' Inlo th(l cllr_ A~ld rl'OIll tho b'llt t ndcl', no damag 1'('8uHc!.l,

McAdoo Emulates Coolidge; Refuses

to be Candidate

U, S, Prepared to Battle French on

Tariff . Measures WASH INGTON, Sent. 17 (AP) -

Althoug h ways a nd menns o( avert-

Declines to Enroll Democratic Race

for 1924

Ing ope n ttulrt' warfare Willl France

In are undet' discussion 'by adml nistra, tlon officials, It was sl,'lIel ngly elcar today that they Rr(l prepat'ed to em· i>loy the penalty provIs Ions of the tarIff act to whateve,- extent rnay

Seven Persons Die in Crash of

Mayor J. Carroll Appoints Mueller

to Library Board

F okker Airplane Lou is 11', Mueller, 420 E. Je!fers011 street, has boon appe-I nted a. memo fiJel' or the Iowa City P ublic Library

Five Others Hurt Wreck; No Eye


In Bo.'lrd ot Trustees to fill the vacun­('y 'left by the death or ¥iS8 )\far, g'>tret Swltzel', 'l1he announcement was m ade yesterday by Mayor J , J ,


WASllINGTON, Sept, 17 (IF') - be nccessary In overcoming ImOI)rt PLAINFIELD, N, J" Sept, 17 (IF') Mr, Mueller, a graduate or the William GIbbs McAdoo, whose pres- dlscrlmlnlltlona against American -Seven pOI'sons were ItI1l~d toOay Unlver,sity of Iowa, class Qf 1906, Is Idcnlial camllalgn was wrocked In goodS Imposed by Franco, and flvo Injured when a Fokker alr- ~, member of tho firm of Mueller the Titanic strugglo with the forces The American reply to lhe Fl'cnch Bro", ""Ie a'IJpolntment 1s for a O• Gov, Alfred E, Smith at Madison plane whIch had flown over a ll the ~ ~ "

, proposal for tmaty negotiations on bo d S 0 d tl Y a 8 ago an a ll'ways of Europe and made one five-year ;term .• The 'Ubrary ar <juare a l' en wee e r " flo tariff re('lproclty basis wl11 be nounced today that he would not r ady when thO cabinet meets Tues- (amous trip from Holland to Weet ,moots l'cgullll'ly t he thlrel Tuesc1ay enter the race for thl) democratic da.y. A trlca, crashed In an apple orchard of llUC!h month to take care ot the nomInation In 1928, Just how FrenCh attcnlion will near Ncw I\1Jlrk :~ , Th e machtne llurohasc of books a nd carry on

'l'hcl'e was Immediate speculation be dlrccted to une provision s of sec' was owned by the R eynolds AIrways other library buelness, among party leaders as to the prob· tton 317 of the tariff ac t, which and was brough t to thia countr y able orCect of his announcement on a.uthorlze counter tadCf dl~crlmlna- [rom Holland about two months The other members of th e board the rortuncs of GovernOr Smith, and tlon or even absolute cmbargo to ago, It set out from Hadley fitld of trustees are: Merritt C. Spelde1, others, many of them read In the meet dlllcrlminatlon abroad against thIs after.noon wIth its load of pae. st<~tement an Invltll.llon to the New American goods, Is not decldcd as ffoe nger8 seeldng their fI,~.~t thrill York govcrnol' to withdra w also, yet, 60 fur as klJown, In the all', I)ut few of them thought he would The dead:

president, F, B. O lson, vice presi­dent, C. F, Huebner, secretary. Mrs, ,TessIe B, GOI"<lon, 1 lbrarian , W, 'R. Hart, Paul A, KOl'ab, S, K. Steven-

do so, Call Scl'ence Into ni'c1ka,rryPUotA,' Chandler, New Bnm. Smith DecUne~ to Comment n 9On, Alice R. DavIes, and WlJ\ard J, Oovcrno,' Smith himself declined J, V_ "Chartey" King, Plainfield', Welch,

to make any comment as did his "B b S 'th" C IIl1'Cha.nlc friends here, Whilo most of the a y mt ase RltSOOIl' Campbell, Plainfield , dl'mocrallc leaders in Wa.~hlngton Russell C)a ntpbeU, Jr" paJnrieid. I' fused to talk lor publication, some MIs8 O'Neil, Nowllt'k. tof tile senators froll) the south dId Mothe'r Shows Strain Mrs_ Frf'i1 Donovan, Plnlnllelcl_ nol hesitate to voice tile hope that L Frank Heater, New BnuL~",ick, SmIth would get out and clarify the of ong Days ring, tile mechanjc. met death atmosilhere of the religious and wet of Doubt on his second day in aviallon, lle Issues which have been brought to quit Ho job as a garage mechanic Lhe front In connectIon with his can- Thur~day to go Into something with dldacy, CLEVELAND, Sept. 17 (AP) - a blgo.;er future,

"EverythIng possible should !be Mrs, Sam SmW1, ;\8 she lay on her There were no eye witnesses ot done to prevent the 1928 ,conventlon hOSPital bed today, begged thai th~ crash, Rudolph Kanpf, proprl, from degenerating Into a. mere scIence end her suspense and tell etor or the Five Acres rt'staurant , struggle of Individuals for personal her If the gll'l she now nurses. Is her ~ald that he saw the plane, heard IJI'efrrment at the t'"pense of prln- own 0\' If 801ll1' oth"r little baby has the 450 horsepower JupIter engine clples and policies of fundamental bf'en Bubstltut('d [or the baby boy 1[0 dead. and watched the plane turn imllortllnc to party character and shl> thought WPs Iwl's, oVl'r on one side and drop below to tile welfare of the natien," JIll', He,' faco f[\1owed the Atl·atn of the !l-ees, McAdoo saId, "PrInciples and pol- doubt she hal! suffered sinre Aug, ~'red and George !'lcheneck, [arm­Icies must come first. Personal am- 32 Wh('ll, after "'hI' had given lllrth ers, were the tJrst to reach the scene billons, however legitlmate, and to a baby, was told it Wt\~ a. boy ot the crash, By advice of pollee evld'Y S<'lflsh pUrliose shOUld be Ilub, and then a few clays later was hand- the)· had little to say ot what they ordln'lt!l to them." ed a. girl, which ho~pltal efflclals saw there, They pulled the fIve

Declaring that he I>robably could IIJltd was her ('hlld, bodies out of the plane and laid out She looks forward to Monday the Injured on the gralls In the,or,

(CONTINUED, PAGE 3, COLUMN 6) when common i>lees Judge Carl V, Jchard awaiting arrival of ambu-

Legion, Auxiliary Gather In Paris

Convention Opens French Capital

Tomorrow PARlS: Sept. 17 (IP) - Argonne

weatl \ I'-that cold, penetrating, s lanting rain-closed In on the Amorlcan Legion today, The Ie, giOtllllllt'P" arrlvtng at ParIs on thIs, Lhe last day of peaceful moblllza­tlon [or their piOUS pllg,-Image, found that It chilled them just ItS

tt did ten yeal'S ago In the trenches "nd M they went over the top In that fatoful forest,

Three thousand legionnaires ar­rived attcr havlhg landed (I'om the steamshtps TU8canla, COl'onla and Degrasse at IIavl'o, and the steam­~hltl Republic at h rboUt'g,

I<'o<;h, P efllhl.ng Sll4lllk Cold rain I)elted down upon Mal'­

. h...,1 I~och, General JOhn J , Persh, Ing and National Commander How. u"d P_ Savag as they paid 1l0l11ag to the American war dead In SUI'e~, nes ccmetcl'y,

1'he er('mony at Suresnes ccmo­t~I'Y, WllS the most Imi>Ortanl tunc· tlvn toda.y, Th 1', ommall.d l' Sa.v. nge, speaking (lirectly to tho dent! I',\til('r than to the lJvlng au(llenco, Maid that the legion ha.c1 kept the faith whh:h lho (lend \Joml'lldcB had en trusted to It,

"No Ao l(ll~r would wj&1t a SW~(\t,

I' I' sting iliaCI) thall In tho fie ld of glory where he (ell," Oenel'al Porsh· In,.; Bald,

PARIS, Sept, 17 (A")-Sfle thou , sand Amel-Ican womOn, l11embol'" of tho Icglon a uxil iary wore In Paris tonight ~agel' to sh ow nidI' g,'all-tude to tho }o'I'o nch p ople fo" the II' kI ndness to AmeriCan !foldl 1'8 dill'· Ing tho somber dllYs of tho World WlU·.

'rh women's ranks of tho Amerl, ('an legion COny ntlon now arc al· mo l com rll t c,

[\11'11, l\IKNlulc), Pkl3IIed "l~rom th ,.,. ellng wo gOl a.l

harbourg, w WOOl n know whal Idnd of a recoption our boys got dlll' ­Ing th WI\I'," 8111d Mr8, Adalin WrIght Macauley, national prc81d nt of tho auxiliary.

Gold Htllr motho"s \vlli hav no omelal cor mony 01' 81Hl Pltbllc rltell to p rfurnt during th·clt' Iltay In Purl8 with th 1 glon li nd wIll be I rt rdolle to lCv),e88 theIr te IIng8 aH thcy IIl'll fit, !llthl Mrs, WJlllll ll1 I. Wnry Hchofleld or Potel'hourough , N, II, Chosen hy the n!ltlonal atiX' IIlal'y lJf eld nl to roprcscnt Illothcrt! who 10llt lholt' donN on tho ri('ld of 1H.IMI',

Theh' visits to lh gravca o( 60llS who 1'~ IIl 11l n on Frcnch Roll will ho )J~l'l!onlll Illi gl'l lllitg 8, 'rh'cy will he Ilermltted, MI'II, SchOfield 8aid, to gO wh n lind OM they wleh to the 8hrlno or Lho unknown In Plll'ls, day

WeygUntll nnd (\ number of Cleve, lances from this cilY, land's Il'adlng )lhysiclans, will de- The entire Iltatt ot Hadley !Ield cJde it it. 18 feasible to make blood was rushed to the place of the necl, tests of the chUrl and tts ))arents Mnt and state polire were calltd to as('ertaln if the bahy ,,',e now' out to assIst In holding the curlolls hUI'seS, but whIch she c laIms Is not clowds In check, her own, Is In renllty the child born lo her Aug_ 22_

Mondn,y :llsa, Judge ,"Veygandl wJ1l Interview the mothel" nUl'SPS and others .who alt~nded Mrs, Smith in an effort to C1"d some posslblo ChUl'­acteristi(' of "bahy SmIth fcmale" lhat mjght show Similarity between It and Ml's, Smith,

More Troopers Aid in Search of

Slayers of Doctor HAM,MON1'ON. N, J" S~llt. 17 (JP)

-Twenty,fh'" adrllllonal stllte tl'oOI)" f'l'R ol'l'l\'I't1 It~re lale loday to joIn 'lIle seaN- II for the !'1a.Y~ I- of !llay ' cr~ tlf Dr, A,WIlllllhl Llillenclnhl, 65,year-old Vineland phySicIan, who wa" "hol to tlellth 'I'llurliday In his automC1bile on :t don Iy l'O<td, The 1l'11YII'il'IIln's wlduw, Mrs, Margaret LIIIIM1!lnhl. 41, l'C'malnell lit tho bal'­I'arks of lhe ~1ead'lual1.CI'6 of troop A of the a!{ltc polkr at Jllnmoututl of hNt flown accord. II

I"rank J, Jiarl'lllrt , chIef of Atlan­tic 'ounty uelpetlves, >lit hi thElt If MI'<!, LIIIIC'ntlnhl nHf'lI1llted to I ttV , th o PI'osccutol"R offlco wa~ preral'cd to act. lIo would no t al llnllfy his 8Ultemcn l.

Mrs, LlIlI('ndwhl, who, disheveled fl lHI with 111'1' o'othln,; torn, ran Into t'he mod 'rhUI'sdny ofi(,l'Ooon anfl (old Il J1nll~ln ,; ",,,[nl'lst I,hat hoI' 1111":"1 n(1 Ihl\(1 h('('n kl1l~c1 anil Rh" hel'self I'Ohl.Je(1 hy two nell roes, WI\S Iwl <jurRUonr(l Ity nuthnl'ltl('~ torlny, ~lt!) "'OR <lLI(81101)('<1 III HI nl/'fhl feH' fhe rlfl h ~ 11110 In nn h ottrR,



Fresh 1)!\Vrmpnl, l\ 1)['0-

110",('(1 "White ,"Vny,"

nl'w r<,sldents tCAlIfy to

tlte city's development.

J IJCI'C[L/!lt ,j;;' enrollment.

n~wly-COllli>l('tNI Ha~'

1001118, Clre 1lI'Onr uf tho Ulllvcrtilty's 'xpanslon

'J.'wo Insl'pllm!)1 8! g(tni,

Rrnwth h 8 root 111 'rhe

l);lUy JOW!\Il, 11I1I1/1I'\l1l1

st>rVlUlt or tt8 r cadot's

CURTIS FJELD, N, y" Sept. 17 (IP)-Carter Tiffany, vlce'presldent of the Rl'ynolds AIrways company, ARid Officers of the compnny WN'e Instltu LIng an I nvesUgaUon of lh~

crash of one of Its plan s at Plain­field, N, J" today, In which sIx 11el'£ons were killed and five InjUl"ed,

It was the [Irst accident to 00-

fall a ny ot the company's planes stnce It was organized July 15, 1111', TIffany sald_ 1.'he plane was In­spected by the depal'tment of com­merce's aviation bureau Inspectors about a month ago and a IIctnse wa~ Issued,

3 Naval Flyers Die in Crash on Desert

PA LM'i1J\l,E, Cal., Sept. 17 (IP)­Tt'\[, e mw(1I aviators, ll))parenlly lost In tbo Mojave desert when (orred Inland by fogs at seD, today (,1'a8h('d to tholr deaths twenty·two miles ea!:lt of here,

Tile deud: 1 ,le ulcn8 nl Rulon Booth, pilot, Ill"

lached lo slurf on Reur,AdmimJ UCl'\' PR Itt Sa II OWgo_

[\(ad,llllot; Mate ('. S, J[arrl8oll, n Diclto lIav'll Air Illation, Machlnlst Mato )( cnncl,h I\IcRae,

San Otego air station , According to novy orrlelols, th ~

1l1(ln~, Il. urtlss 2-T-4 tOl'pedq type, had been dIspatched thIs mO~'llInJ(

to Spokane with silaro parts rOl' tllC trans-conlln ntal all' raco (lntmnt8,

It \Vas said that the rlycl's hUll been ortlel' d to ])I'tleeec1 Illong tl1l1 roast routC', but nl'obably hReI been forcee! Inland by tho low hazo CI1'

('onnto,'ed lJ('award, Palmdalo Is olghty miles from TAla Ang I 8.

Miss Elder Fails to Appear for Test Hop

'URTIS, FIELD, Sept, 17 (JP)­I?aliul'!) (If Mis" Rulh ~1hlet' to ap· DCIlr hem today to mako tho Rolo flight Whloh 1M " lI"e ~"[lry prelim ' lnal'y to obtainIng 0. l1rlv!LIO pilot's license caused 801111) d lsappolntmont to lI10A . 'nter stOt! In It I' l)tIopoa~d plans Cor a lrltn8.A llantlc flight,

Jrlvo l'Covel'nment Inspeclol's who WN'O to Oh8N'VO h('l' In tho t esl f l lgh~ weI' h 1'0 xllmlnlng entries COl' the Snokltnc derbY, "h~ Hlinson,lJctl'olt 1110nOllll(no,

In which MIS!! .l<Jld l' hotJn~ to rly tiS ! t'o'pllot wllh I\ptaln (1001'1\0 Will · dpl'ntRn U('.'oss the Atlnnllc, I' moln · cd at tit Itl\nger a ll dl\Y,

Four Die in Ka"'11 City J{ANSAS l1: Y, S ' Ilt. J7 (IP)

lil' nlKht, 1..;.. __________ ...

Four clMlhl!l ho,' today wcro Itttr l­blltl'd til ~ho ~Xr,1'88Iyo h etlt, 'rhreo hOYII drowned whllo swim min g in th e MI880uri rlvel', and on woman dIed atter proetmtlon, brought on by thG hat.

1,000 Freshmen Dance at Mixer

Rain Fails to Stop Social Affair at

Iowa Union All 'sUckered up," in more ways

than one, about 1,000 freshmen at·

tended the first large social event of the year In Iowa. Union last

ntght, the freshmen mixer and dance, However, more men than

,.\lllen were undaunted by the Bud. den, he vy downpour_ About two hundred men were lett partnerleS8 during each dance,

The newly matriculated students danced to musIc furnished by Her· bert Hauge-DIck Davis and their musIc,

Otte C, Bauch, L3 of Des Moines, chaIrman of th e party committee, said that the ))arty seemed to be succeptllng as an Integral part of freshmlln week,

Other members of the party com· mittel' were: Aileen CarpenLer, A4 of Iowa ctty; Ramona Evans, A4 of OLtumwn; Percle Ellen Van AI· EI,le, A4 of G'l lh1ore qity; '1 ottn Beardsley, La of Iowa Calty, ana Floyd Pillars, D4 of Iowa City,

Earth Temblors Felt in California

BISHOP, Cal., Set>t, 17 (IF') - A mild eort hquake of twenty seconds duration centering around Owen's Lake near thG\ centl'at Callfol'nia and Nevada bel'd r, Interrupted din· nel' 1u IlUlny homes tonight.

'1'he shock struck hero at 6:05 p,m" but was l' ported In o~her s c· tlons as early as 6 p,m .. and as late B1 6:10 p.'tn,

Tho ,lemblor spent Itse lf afle,- It I'ocked the Ex elslol' runge of moun­taln~ III 80uth~"oote l'n Nevada, ]~xtemllng westwal'd tt moved

OVCI' all h~'egu iar cours!) dewn to 1\1111) ,(1001' of the great San JA.quln vl\ lI py, und made Itself felt from Baker~fleld on l he south to stock­tnn on the nOl't h_ Tho total dl~­

lOllco cl1ver~d by tho tremor was ap' pl'oximate ly 650 miles,

Tho tom'blol' WM or! the Une of Ilclivc oarthqunke faults, A network of dead fa uNa In the regio n were rhN!kfl(\ but !the dlslul'oonce did not (oIlOW finy woll (lofll1ed quake arca,

No !!l\mage WIUI repOrtod, DlehC$ 1'8 Ui('d !:Iut tho temblOI' was not of lu((1o nt tnt nIIlty to s pill flOUP or 8Cfltll'l' food, No one was Injured ,

1"I'e8no, In thl) center ot lh San ,jousu ln vallGY, l'el)Orted the dls­tlll'bane WA'" felt In a nUITl'ber f "tiJII('~nt towns, ,lmt It dId not I'('I('Ih th~ famouR Yo.q mIte villley, a 'I elegrlt))h 011 ratol' bhere rl)llOrtlng Ilhot ho ('It no 1'&I'thqua k e,

HA N'FORD, <"al .. Sept. 17 (IP) -Wln(Jows mtl1cd, door8 Rlammed, lwtl dl .. hNi ~hQok on t h ~I"nor

'1[lIJ I ~ft In Hanford homCfl When 0.

VOI'Y tllallnrt ea l<t.hqunke shock OC' rurrC'd nt 6:O~ ..,'elock lonlgohl, No c1ul11C1/(e W1l6 rllPort ii ,

1-IAKI!:Rfn'II~ LD , ChI., l'lepl. 17 (IP)-An ('R'I'lll t remor of twelve IICC' onrl" rlul'lItlon WIlli felt hel'e at 6:08 Q'o'tl('k 1.0nlg ht. AI~holllfh lhe shoek wall seveI'll enoll/!'h to !be felt !Julio Ill'llll'ly, no dal11!lg WaAJ ro' 'l1ol1.('d,

'NIIMNANI)()A'H, HI'"t. 17 (IP) -Vi.llIng m ln lRlprfl P t he De~ Moines ('onfnt'('IIlC'A of I'h e MC'thOl1ll1t lllpl8Co­j){t1 iC4,u rch will prllRch in th e ahen­"nc1oR'h ChllJ'('hf'8 8und~ v, BIBho]) 'Froderl!'k T , Kenney wJII proaeh at U1 MethOdl1lt hur 'l\,

Babe Hears Bells, Raises Dinner Cry

RICHlMONiJ), Va,. Sept. 17 (IP)­'l1he tlnllnnabuJaNo.n Of tho chimes of So Richmond church has 'become a mealtime 61gnal.

Locatod In t h e srune block \vtth a. large hospi tal, the chimes 11ave been ringing (Jut at 'Ilpp,'oxlmately ,t'he same .hou r that n wJy arrl ved !babies .have been a.ccustomed 10 feeding,

Recently 1he cl1hnee bcgan to I'lng an hour earlier, And f rom fhe 'nurscry Boon cam a orles trom the !babiC's, Physicians S8Y ~h inIant~

a.ssoclated the ch Ime;! with t,he dIn , ner 'hoUt- a,nd thought Lhey wero be Ing neglected,

Levine Quarrels With Pilot; T ake­Off Attempt Fails

Hinchcliffe Declares Flight to , India St~rts Tuesday

CRANWELL, England, Sept. 17 (AP}--Charles A, lA'vln(', who has quarrelled already with three pilots,

Lloyd Bertaud, Clarence Chamber­Un, and Maurice Drouhln, was at

loggerheads with a fourth todn)" Captain Walter II1nchcIifCt', both be, fore and atter theIr two unsuceess, ful attempts to take off tor IncUa In Levine's tran a,A tlanUe planp "Columbia,"

Their dIfficulties develoPed early this morning WI'nen Levine said that he wouldn't fly because tho ground was too wet [or a takeoff, lUnch­cl1(fe retorted that he was Ured of theae delays and If he dIdn't fly to, da.y he would not fly at aU,

Levine Goes to London Atter two unsuccessful attempts In

wh.lch the plllne, considered over­loaded, falled to rIse from the ground, Levine lett fer London whel'e he said private business re­quired him to be, He declared there would be no flight until Monday.

:F'rlction between Levine and his pilot developed early tInts morning when LevIne returned to bed, (tftl'r having been called early, becaus(' he saw it was ralnlng, allhou/rll IllnchcIltte told him that the winds were favorable all along the I-OU te, Hinchcliffe went to Levine's room and Insisted that he get up, 'rht'r!' was somethIng of a scene there and one of HInchcliffe's relatives sug­gested that the pilot ttttrash LevIne It he would not agree tha.t there woUld be no fUrther delay,

Ou their arrival at the airdrome, CI\ptaln Hinchcliffe Insisted on an Immediate start_ He was much [In, noyed when he found that th pl ane had not been loadpd with the P<'I', ~onlll effects of both men, Artpr four hours of argument Levine agroed to malte llbe flight,

Caustio Comll1ent Hlnlng consented to go, Lpyin('

toole flfty mlnlltE'S to change Inlo rJylng logs, Someone askl'd Captlli ll Hinchcliffe whlle 110 was walling where T..evlne WflB, and thp pilot 1'0' pll d, "Ile Is packing his tooth hl'ush and maldng s urG that all the brlstle~ are Bt,'alght."

lllllchcllffe on returning to Ills hotel near h 1'6 IAle today, suld:

"LevIne a nll I have had n. fl'W words and fl OW we have come to a n agre ment. lTe will posltlvely fly by 'ruesday,"

38 Plane. Ready to Take Off in

Air Race Monday ROOSElVEUL' )<'IEI,D, N,Y" A<>rt,

17 (IP)- Thl rty-elght nlt'planes w re scattered OV('l' thl) flyIng fle lel hero today awaitIng the ata l'lIng gUll or the trans'contln ntal dcrhy to SilO' kane ,

'fhose on the field wel'(\ (lnll'l!'" In class A and ell\88 R, the fol'll1('I' scheduled to tuke oft Tuesdoy and the latter Mondoy,

Th>e nOIl '8to l) evrnt, which Iii to start \Vedne8~ay, hU8 sevell entrlcH, among them a l'o th e !loyal WlmlROI', the plano of "Duk .. H hillel' [\ 1111 P\1't1 W'ood, whIch 8ev('ml wecks stoM 'fnl "N1.rllnCRH for n 11'I\I1I+,A t · lanllc hop, and Eddi Stinson of J) •

trolt. 'fhe goo I ot th flfty·slx ~ nll'(lnl a

I'n. the threo rile .... ' 18 Ih '42,600 prize m oney a nd lit evenls which follow tltlon Lhl'It' Ill'l'IVlll lit 1l1}Q· kaM ,' where th nnttonal 111\' rae II for thlH yeur are to h hell\.

Roorgll.nlJ4li (101111'"111 II WAG , Sent, 17 (JP)-Il'ho 1)1'0

POged r o,o'-ganlzallnn of til NYEI Rnd Jenks grain om l)Rny, 0110 (If bhe la l'!{t'flt 81'/\111 hOllSCH In 1 II 'UnIted Sta.tes, will not nJll'oct HIe ChlClJ4!'o or Omllh ... I:1Ul\ Ine88 of Ih !) firm, iFl'ank L, Carey, !preslden,t of th~ cOtnpany \d t()(\ay,

~I Didn't Know She Was Dead," Messner Claims

Rock Island Police Nab Boy as He

Begs for Food

ROCK ISLAND, Ill., Sept. 17 (AP} - Lyle Messner, 14· rear-old high school student )f Cedar Rapids, was arrest­

!ld and confessed the murder )f Kathleen Forrest, 6, of Cedar Rapids, here todaYI po­'ice said.

Messner was arrested after 3uperintendent G, 0, Rogers, of the Rescue Mission where he asked for food, took him to the police station because of his youth,

At the police station, Mes­sner gave his name as "James Breckle," and maintained that this was his right name until he confessed the murder to Chief of Police W. C. Benesh, and County Attorn!'y Barngrover, who al'rlv~d from Cedar Rapids a Few hout's aft!'r hia arrest to qUell'

lion hIm, JIe admitted leaving the girl's

body In thl) c('lIar, lIe dId not In­tend to kill her, he saId, but became frightened lrst t,'Ie girl's screams would be ltclu'(l anel covered her tace,

The girl's hofly W:l.S found on Wed· nesc1~y, In a holl' In sub-ba.~ement In the cellar of a vacant house near her home,

According to a play·mate, Messner had offel'pd the Forrest gb'l Il. nickel to accompany him Into the house, an~ ui>0n her reruMI, selz~d her and draggpd hp,- InHit\C',

Didn't 1\1 an to HilI Her Messner wus retUrned

Rapids tonIght. to Cedar

MpslinPl- mad!) his confession to County Attorney ,"Valtet' J, Barn· gl'ovtt: of Linn ('ounty and ChIef of Pollee W, C, Benesh ot Cedar Rap· Ids, who had hurried here follow· Ing his arrest.

"t·m the one who kUled the Uttle girl," the oWcers quoted Messner as say lng, "I did not know sbe was dead, but I kneW' something had hap\lt'ned to her and I got Ollt In a hUITY,"

The youth admitted assaulling the o'1J1d, the authorities Mid, and con­(CBSI'd to .motlll'rlng her by holding his hllnd over hrr mouth,

,Mt'ssnPI' dlSflllprnl"f'd (rom Cedar HnpldR Itnl1l1'diately followIng the In· cident. which occurred Tuesday night, nnd hnd not bcen heard from until arl'psted he"e today, When tnk n Into custody the youth satd his name wa.q James Breckle, and maintained his alias until me broke down undPl' questtonlng, the pollee said,

TalII'll to ('ednr Rapi!l! Immediately followIng the confes·

slon, tho youth, in custody or ths cOllnty attornl'Y, left for Cedar Rap­Ids whel'e lHl wlll be charged with 111C alftylng,

Linn county and slale oftlclala had sea,-chNl numerous towns In lown AJl(l JIlIIl/lis for the youth,

Kathleen's battered and brulR('d body WfH. (ound W<'dncsdny morning art('l' an a ll night Aearch by r('la· lJ veA II nd Cl'ipmls. Hcr funeral was

1111'1(1 ypslprdAY at (,pilAr RBpld~,

Wollowtng UnRlI~C ~ ful attempts to find ~ OlinI'( Mp~"'ner In Iowa and IlIln nlR, hIs pal'rnts, lIfr, anll MrA, "'lIl1am lI1cHllncr, YPstC',-(lay w('re nr· l'p.~t~ d nn II \Wln'n,,1. chargIng ron· Rpll'llcy to obstrucl justice, and with nldlng nlHl ahNlIng Lyle's escape.

('fWA n I1A I'JI)A, ~ppt. 17 (IP)-­('ollnly Atl'll'nl'Y WOltpI' ,J, Barn· ~I'(lvrr rellll'nl'Cl hpl'P lit 11 o'clock tonIght from n orl( Tsl<Uld where h& wpnl IhlH nftf'l'rtooll to I'(lturn Lyle Messnel' 10 thl ~ diy, 1IC1 WllS chao !\,1'1tlt't1 whptI ho fll'l'lv('(\ al Ro('k fHlanl1 tn I('arn tltnt Chl"r 1'(,11 sh hnd ol1tCllno(1 r ustody of thtl pl'lson· PI', and WM l'ctul'nlng him hol'o. Hal'ngr(1vpr ,1 clarrrl R"n~Ah had no WIlI'I'n n t, n nd wus not au thol'lzcd to go tn Iilln lliH fOI' the hoy,

Hrn,'~h hnd M~lfl Nu-lIel- In the cvrlllng lhat Me"Hn I' mIght be tlll(~11 to thp rcf!lI'matol'y at Ana· Illll"" lo gllnnl nt::fll1l8t nny vlo ience thllt mh::ht h" ofrp1't'(1 hN-C, Ham· g l'ovr,' tll'clo I'NI thl' hoy wouid bo It I,t 111 Jill I hl'l'" At len~1 unW I '·

ralgnrcl, BI,,'ngl'ov \' IIrcused '0 tN'llvp MIl'IlIlPI M"(;1I11'1' or 1111)) 1" Horta tin hint tn HOl'lt IMlllnd poll .

('BDAR HAPIDR, S pl. 17 (IP) -'I'h(' nl'I'rH~ of 14 ·y~nl'-0Irl Lyl M ". HUN' In Hn!'k 1"lnntl todAY, a nd hilI HubHC!1 Urnl ('onf(,RMlnll lo tho rnul'd I'

or 6·ycllr·oltl Knthl en j<'ol'rcat h el'l) IIiMt 'J'lIe~dIlY 111 ·h l, brought to 11I1 I'IHI (lI1I' of nlll 1110 t ('xlc'nslve man hunis thla cOLnlllu nlly 11>18 known In yt't\r::4.

('Q11~r or PoIlNI W"'~I(\Y Hrn Ah, who le'n HO<'lt 1~ll\n tl wHit Lylo ~leI:lAIl!' I ' I<hurl!y IIftc'l' obtalnJng lhe ~t)nft)lla l on , Wfl, f01'CM to IItop for I Ito nll\''#t At f\ fn 1'11\ 'h(1U~1l near ~Io 'ImnlcHv1ll!', when ,tho nutoll1ohl1p. In whlrh ibll WAM I'cturnlng with hI" ptl80ncr, bocam et\lc k In tit Inud,

(CONT1NUlilP, l'Ml~ 61 CQlilJlotN tl.

Page 2 ' The Daily Iowan, Iowa City . Sunday, September 18, 1927 e

~S_or_o_r_li_~_s_w_F_r_a_te_r_n_il_ie_s_m_I~~o_~_:e_n_,'s_. C_'I_ubswSocial Event~ Notebooks Displace Teas, Parties Honored by Baker Greek Letter Men

in "English 47" Add 120 Pledges Loyal Wife Sticks [0,/ lIf. Pet~rson , anal 7.on e; J la o'­

o ld PI1 ulso n, Invln; LloYll Shollle, to Accused Mate "'estville.

,Juseph Oolds teln, J orH<'Y City, N, J,; Louis o "I'ek. DOR J\1 ol ll('R; ,l,)Rrph R Ill'Pol'l, (' la'l ea, M ""H,: A IpxII 'H\(,o' I iUJlOrvitz. J ("'SOY ('Ily, N. J,

),(,,1 I1rno'tH IIMNI "" Illnr ('nO·tlR. IIHH \\ 'l(lpol(l 1M IL H,'nl" o' In the

lInlv<'rHItY 111,,1 n 11 '1'Ill I!I' I' IIf Thatl< Phi Alpha RrlI'OO·lly. as University FormaLLy Opens

Wit h the ending of rush week, society will be partially forgotten. Tomorrow school begins in earnest and frivoli­ties will be buried in a sea. of note books and text bookP. Even the week-end guests Iisted ' belf,)w will have been for­gotten during the rush or the1 f irst few days of college.

• O'.l\ J(a JlI!A 1'1' 8 Hold Ru h PlU1y

Sixty couples Ilttended the rush party at the 'Chi Kappa PI house' Frltlay, Sept. 16. Cha~ron!i were Professor and Mra. A. CraIg Baird, Dr, a nd Mrs. Charles E. Young, and Prof. and Mrs. Charles S. Tippetts. George Jones' :Mus lc Makers, a n elght·plece orcheslra , (urnl hed tho muslo.

+++ Rappa Bela Girls Give Fomml Tea

The Kappa Beta. gIrls of lhe

, l"hi !)fu

'Week-end guests are nuttl Castle of Brooklyn. Opa l Keeney or ar­lisle, and ChIao carson of Monu­cello_

Alice Burr Is spending the w eek pnd at her hom In Lone Tree Ilnd BeSSie castle Is ather home In Ma rlon_

Louise JJaJlenbeck Is at he,- home In Cedar Raplds_

}<'Ioreneo Krueger of Chal'les City Ims be"n vlRltlng fa!' the pastfaw days In Hock I s la nd,

+ + + ChrIs tian church are "loldlng a- PhI Omega PI formal tea. from 3 to 5 p,m. todllY, Ethyl Ahlherg of Washington, at lhe church parlm s. All young' anti Edythe Bayliss of \\'ellman arc people are asl:ed to come_ b"Uests a.t the house_ Bolh are teach·

+ + + Ing lhls year . Business W omen Will + + + Enterta.ln NtU:t Tue day Zcl:. Tan Allllm

Members of \lte Busln"Rs and Pro- M IIdr d Bourg Is vlsiling at hel' 1easlonal woman's c lul) ha.ve Iss lled home In Des Jl lul ncs, a nd Mal'jorle InvltnLlons for tho first pa.rty o[ PresIon at he,- hom o In Cecl!ll' RaplUs the you, to be o'l eld at Youolo's Inn lIlls week e nd.

l~ratcrnlty pledging ceremonlcs ha vo heen no less important lhlls week than those of the sororltles_ 'ro,la),'!! list Is nut "11111"c-1_" com-1'1"1,, HS Cn,tern!lles ha ve no derI­nile time ror alosl ng- rush aeaso n_ Llets oC n('w pll'{Ig"(,8 will conlln \le to flow In, bul nl presont, the nU I11-her of new fraternlly lJ:edges stu nds at allout 120_

+ + + ('hi ]{IlPpa Pi

D onal!1 .Tones, Oxfonl; Donald nel­m~rB, Kennelh Zun kl ~ . D',ylp Allen, O;!(1 n; finl'ol!l n~18~, Noo· th Ent;lIsh; Jrllng- G,-oth , HI. Ansgar; R ohert ~rcElllne,'y, Dysart; ("harles White, Roy Keeley, Jolie t, 111. ; Nle! Smith, lown City,

+ + + l ' hi GllIIIJlU~ Delta

RtmUon BIlM, Ottul11wa; Arth ul' 1'h ol11n~, Oplwe in ; G:lil Camolln, A l­Inn lie; E1Igene Npwlin, AtianUc; 1' homll9 'rOMney, 'VcllSter City; P a ul J,_ ' Myho''', Osag-e; E,lwal'll l'l'entl ~.", Coda,- Rapi(l.; llowlu'd ~hum"<'1H'o-_ ~tcr1ing, III. ; ,Tamps 'r ,·rlchler. Afton; lIfnurlce BONl p­wick, Vinton; F..d\\'arcl Pete,'so ol , Boone: n onrulrl Tft'''. Atlantic.

Tuesday evening, Sept, 20, at G p_m, Franres Shl'''UrR oC Muscatlno is a

Miss Elaine Ryan, 22, of San Francisco, has been se­lected as a member of the ex­clusive Yale PIa y w ri ti n g School for he!' winning manu­script "High Hat."

+++ Urla. 'rhrl a Pi

Mrs. Leonard Cline in cour t at Rockville, Conn., during the trial of husband, novelist, ac­cllf'.ed of slaying his friend, Wilfred Irwin. Th ere will be cards and duncl ng duro g uest at the cha.pter house.

Ing the avenlng hours. + + + R eservations tor th e dinner am to Alpha Chi Omega

be made with ].1rs. Ada Brallon, 'Ycck end gucsts at lhe house MC

(240) not la tpr tha n Monday noon, B urnilll, Leye or Kumnel' and Mal'-Septembe,' 19. g30'et HI hn oC Anamosa_

+ + + Mrs. Ma o-Ion Whllmor of Valley. 'Vornen's Club PlclLs Nell .. has Ileen lL g uesl oC Ule house (Jonveutlon Delegates (or the past werlc

'l'he reports given at the Iowa + + + City Women's clull m e tillg Frldo.y l Alpha Xi OclllL In tlle Methodist church po.rlol'S, In- la ra ' Stl"inger of Ottumwa Is a dleate that a n unusually s uccessful guesl at tllo chapl"r house_ year Is In store fOl' lhe organlzu.. + + + tlon. Chi OmegtL

.plans for the year were a nnounc- Margaret H UilS ull1l11lngs anel ed a nd delegates chos~n to r~pre- Mal'loll HolIJs or Marengo. Ollvc sent the local organization at lhe ]{lIngaman or Chicago, and Edna convention at the second dis trict Fielding or F oo'l Worth, 'r exas. have which Is to be held In 10\\'3. Cily b e n visitors at the Chi Omega October 11 and 12. hOUR~ this Ilast wepk.

The following delego.tes were Edna FleldJng lert Wednesday chosen to attend the meeting: flfrs_ evening (or Chlcago_

al' l E . Seashore, Mrs, J_ A. O'L<>a,'y, + + + M,·s_ 0_ G_ Mars, Mrs_ \V. D, Can. OeUa GUmll1ll non, 8"" Grace JlTeye r". Mrs. \Y. J. lIe nrlClLa Slanding or Oo'inne ll W ebel', II1rs_ Arthur K_ \ \featherly, a nd Ruth EVfl' ingh3m of West Ilnd M 0'8. Halph A. Purson", Bo'" nch a re vlsllors ! , t t 10 0 Della

A socln.1 hou,' was e njoyed at the Oumm lL U'HORO lhi ", wet'k ~ ntl. close of th e meeting, .Iean Beally or lI1nlvcl'll has slop-

+ + + tled l' n roule lo Plttsburg_ Theta TUIl

Th" ta Ta u f"atel'llily a nnou ncE'S t he pl('(lg"lng of WIlIIn.m L, Rtal'k­weathcl' of Ql'''~n'', and Arthu ,' Stanley oC Corning.

+ + + GUmma Phi Beta

Quests nt the cho.pter hOUM a~e 1o'ene Blackman of Davenpol'l, Ca.8· ~Ie Laughlin of Ames, Evelyn FleJ!1R or T lplon, a nd la udla Slone at Peoria., 1lI.



Delta Zela ",rr l. end housr gursts Ill'P Dorothy f;h upy oC 'iVl'st Liberty, L{ulh Grnvink or DaVt'npOl-t, and Lor n e Luthmer oC Rumner.

+++ , I/.\' Hl /l. I{llppa

'rhe following- li ~ t of plec1g~s wore annou nc"d by SlgnllL Kappa. sorority h st eveni ng,

i. Avis Hl'llncll, '['oleilo; and JAvon a DplgPl', lIelon Ma.dle!, and Ruth

lCnllPa. Dell:~ ' Dlll'hl, 10'''' (' It y, Dorolhy HeRS and Murlon Tannpr ' + + +

of Ma rengo Ilre guests a t lhe Kappa. .John Fuy 1"1'.ay Has Dl'l la hoUOO this week end. Birthday Party

Hilda. Watlet·s or Wcst Liberty 1111', a nd Mrs_ William C_ Shay or wl,o Is teach ing at 'W(>lhnan, Is a lRo 820 JU. Fairc hild sIred, enlertalned vlslLJng this week-end . twenty lillie l)eople at thei r home

+ + + Friday attel'lloon In h 0110 ,. of the PI Beta PI,i

Audrey l{lng and Mary Gordon of Ottumwa 61'0 houso guesls at t ho PI Beta Phi house lhls w el~ ena ,

Rt'cond hlrthdny of lhclr son, John l"ay_ A rtpl' an afll'rnoon of gamcs, a lhrct'-courH(, l um' lo t'on was HCl'ved which Inclutlrd It blo·thday cal,o.

Attendants Arrange Luncheon, Shower

for Carmen Braley

A luncheon a ntl S;lOWPO' ",,,re giv­en at th ~ RE'd Ball In'l l'E'Hlcrduy a(­

lernoon by th (' a ttendants fOl' the wedding of COO'mE'll Bmley of Wea­I y to Alb",'t 0, M um mtt_

The w~d,lIng ylIl la lco pia"" Oct. l' al 7:30 1),111. at lhe Presbytcrian c,'lUrch In Iowa Cll y_ I mm~dial"ly

after the ceremony lheo'e wi ll be a recepllon at the Kappa Kappa Oalll­ma hotls,,_

All of t he Kappa Kappn Gamma cha]Jle o' altended th e luncheon and , shower y~stel -day ,

+++ Mrs_ BlltterbUllgh I s S Ul'pl'ised by FI'iends

Mrs, Cl' li a RuUcrlJaugh, 030 Oeany stl'f'("t , W:L9 plp;l,,-sanUy slIr­

prlseol Fl'itlay eve nlll g by lhe mem­iJcrs o( tho Fouo' Huntl rN1 ('Iub_ Bunco wn..~ playe,l, M,·s, glsl(, Zi('th­nmel a n(l Mo-s_ E lla Boggs winning prizes fot' Sco,· S.

A two-course l un('/won was served at lho conclusion or tile ('v('ning-_

+ + +-Phj Del til Chi

Phi Deltn <'I'll, Ilhuo'macy (rutE"'­nlty, announcf',. lhe pl('dg'il1g of Durl­ley Whiling of Towa Cl ty_ Jl1I'. Whit­Ing Is a menobeo' o[ the fl'c,loman dass ill thc unlVCI'RllY lhis real',

+ + ,. Eu!;'lc t\:m:ilim'y WIlJ Me L, eplember 19

'l'omort·ow evenlng the ladies' anx-11l,u'y will meet In r egul ar sCR~lon

at the Eaglo h aIL An Imporlant business meeting will be held nl 8 p,lll.

+ + + Ahlha Delta PI

Alpha Dl'iLa 'Pl nnnounces lhe pI dging' of Nelle Collin s of Belle ,PlalllP,

Hrnry A thun" , C'l'dnt· lwplds; Bill B"lwooLi a ncl Don Slar l" Cedar Hap­lelA; GonIon Gunn. F ort Dodge; Hlehlol' Al COl'll !lnd Don Dawson , I"Meo'loo; H a "v('y Rhnw, 'Vall' 0-' lown. H, Dal<-; ,Jack HuS'hnell, );; Ik I'olut. R, Utile; Dal1rett ]-'('nn. !,po rla fII; Dudley Il al'l'lH, P au lina; Sidney Soon iLh . (,',Hond l Blu[rs; '1'om Bever­i ll~l', lIIuSC:ltinr,

+ + + nel ll~ Upsilon

RnJIJh lI L M~rum, Quincy; J nck Volle"t"e n, Uavrnporl; Alto 8, Fu'!' I,,,". O,'IJorn; J ohn S,h lJ'ley, A lg-ona; William T, Channell. Des 111 aines; J ame_g 'r, Shal'jl, Des JIloines; \Val" r en Graves, Glicltlen.

+ + + I>hi HlIppa Sig-HCL

G Mrge Chr~kpo's, Rioux City; RalC C, Anken}·. Jll ,u's"llIos, 111. ; San ford lI!ll~1' Rloclc\ao-cl, l~helirock;lV illi al11

E. Seiller, ( 'ounell Dluffs; llarl')' Slanl~y \V"olling, Co uncil Bluffs; )';"1'1 D. IJov~1 t. Lin evi lle; Carl S_ )[an'is. L1npvil lp; J :o mcH A. " 'arc­'ha1J1 , ('I ' f'~ton; l ~'lwl'(\nC"(\ R. CnJ n.

t:;loux City ; 110)1 Milligan, Nashu[t, J ~ll1oo'y J{I'::dtl11oyer. Da venpuo'l; HU H­

scI: J , JlayneR. Jl I,u·.cll lcs, 111.; \YIl ­linnl \ V, Huo' la lolI, VlnlOll-

1- + + l'hi Dell a 'fh eta

Don Milleo·. J\beo'deen, S_ D,; \\'11 -lIftll1 Nve o·ln g '1(l_Il1, 1",)1't Jl lndlson; J,uneos J oyce, Keokuk ; T"nch K,:Im ­mono Keo!"ok ; .huu .. s Murlaugh. Al­gona: Ch uo'les E_ 0' on nOl' anrl Cer­altl r,'_ O'Connol' of DU'!J uqu e; T"lo"el Rose, 'Vnt" l'Ioo; F loy£! Arbel'. Sioux Clly; Rowland EVlUlS, DaVenIJO,-I; .Talon Cantw .. :I, Dflvenpol'l; @me~

Houge n. ]<'01't Dodge: Pelc,- \\', A n­deo'son, DE's Moines; Charles Jacob­sen , jr .. Des Moines; Frank Geneva, AlbIa; ll u~h 'Murphy, Red Oak; CalT Hmllh, Berkley, Cal.

+ + + Phi RUllP. ... Rho

Lloyd D_ PalmPl', Newburg; 'I'; r· nesl T_ Olson. AlIel; mme,l' Rholh,w. I ~cdfol'd: J ohn 11 011'0.1'<\. lIruo'sh:tll low n: Davl[1 1.0eLqclwl', XIIII"v: fHan-

J Today at

Mad Hatters 1241h E. Washington

Service from twelve until two

Fried Chicken Dinner~Eighty~five Cents

Breaded Pork Loin-Seventy~five Cents

--=---=-==-=~=-~-================ i+-H ··!' ... ++',,*++-H++++*-H,"++++++i-H'H+1-*** H++++4* ...... +4+++,H++*++++++++++++++·H .. ·~ + +

Prepare now for the September rains

~ i

! I NEW DRAPERIES i We've Just Reeeived a Shipment of-



Smart garments on rainy days now.

The new, perfectly Tailored

Trench Coats (Copied From Officers'

Trench Coats) have made lit possible to weal' a stylish raincoat that will keep you dry in any downpour.

ColQrs : Black, Navy, Light Blue, Red! Green and Brown all with White

combination Sizes 16, to 44

Prepare Now for Early Fall Rains

These conts are ideal for sports wear and auto wear, as well as to protect you from the heaviest rains. Each coat is guaranteed to

give satisfactor~' wear.

They are specially priced at $8.50, $10.00 and $10.75 Other rain coats are spec­ially priced at $2.50, $2.98, $4.98 and $6.50

~ + ~ AND i '" + i WINDOW SHADES i '" + '" + "" + t i '" + '" + '" + f Now on display with Special Con- t .,. tract Prices in Medium and Large i '" \ + ~ , + '" Orders for Fraternity and SQrority ~ ~ ~ t Houses. ~ i ~

f I j It's only a short time until Dad's ~ ~ Day- Oct. 8-and you'll want .... " ! t your ho~se well dressed up for :

that occasion.

I i

Beautiful new Damasks and like materials for almost ' any room in the house are here in all their rich colorings.

,~ ,. " • I I • ~;, • ;J' . ,~ • J " \) ' •

, ' '1" I ,'" , .. : ; • " • f " 'i , '\ ,,.,

I ~ . ~ • • ..' ", "

BRENLIN SHADES-So widely known fOl' their beauty and durabil-

'" ity are well represented. Ask to , ee them, and also the new HARTSHORN

±. . =::,~~:~:":: ; . . ~ "!~' \:i~~~l~~s :t DlHI)lay ..i!!!: RMsonn,hly P o'I('()(1

+ + + Phi I\l1Il1J1l Psi

Paul Cummins nnil .Joljn TurllOl', CednJ' Ha pi(l;;; J :m li llY, W ale"loo; I\lontag-uc Hak eR, R od Oak; I.co Oooper, Tuefroll, Ariz ,; ]J llI'lhel Hpenec , Burling-Ion; Mn r lon II'II (oO K, Oska lo()sn: Mn,l'vln Wal1 nce, WntOl'-100; Orville T ousey, Oak J'!U'I<, III. ; '·r om J{Og"(\l'k, Tt1(1 (",H:" tlflpt1Cle; 'J'rfllH,l · we,1 TIobe rtso '1, lowl. Cit>'; L YBir' Swaney. r"ol'[ Dodg-!'; harles '] "thom pson , \Vnt('l l'loo.

+ + + Sigm a Chi

Ytnren t Schlu OHn\' l", Gnl'n(''l'; li'I'Utl.

da ' Vllcox, MonlroH~; i{" x Kltnnnoll, Carner: HI>,·t JJl r l{s, J"O l' t l>odf(ll; Kpn nf'lh ('oopo", 1" 11 "[ l)o'lg~; Itillph I Juy n Nl, l...o~ A n~(\I ("H; J t~nl H1) llf'1 Ij' holllpson, IAH AngplpH; It II rl'Y (\Jlvers, " 'rolc''lown, H, D,; T wayne White, lIfnson C"lly; 110'1('1' 'l'hnl11 0-'1, J(prmll \l'1 ~p, ane1 ])" If' Troyloo', ~I ro­

Ron ("Ity; {'loytO'l ]{unll1i-\'. ('1·,111' Rapids; '1'11'111111 Kennrflck, MA'ona ; Hay Rlchcson, lI1n"shQlIlolI'n _

Mo', 1fIlIl,IJr"I'11l 1M II 11011·,1 yenr Hlu <i pnl or mull''!Il'', nll,l ,. lllrml)(>r lIr JII)1\tn 'rllu Onw"n fl'lltl'rnlty.

+ + -I-1l1'1t'L 1'lw/a ]~101

f) .. ll,\ '1'1"'tl' 1'10 1, I"w fl'n l(\rnl! y, gil V\1 10 Hmlll,,"· hu. t I1I"hl fl'OUl 7 10 0 fill' tilr. f o '('~ llm(' n ,

+ + ,+ Sigouu, Xu

William Alexandcr, Atlnntl c; ~homrts Brewer ; ('<lar Huplds; J am es Lcn.ch. A[le!; ltlchal'd 'l ' O' UAh, Aelel; FJ'C(I Fish",,'. ('"dnl' Rapl,lR; ll ltt'illll Co'a ver, Uonlo,'v ll' ; LYfl ie Bossen , Cllnlon; Hoheo·t R oss. 0 1· weln: Allien Avery, Spenccl'; Lnw­O'c nco Hco(1quI9t, Ottumwa ; C rLI'l

W alp~le~Hambrecht Engagement Made Known at Dinner

1([ « ,1"[ 11 , foll'3. City; Uttl)(Ol'l Covent, The cngng"em('nt of Mao'y 1~llrn Oelwein ; Rob<>rt ;\fuellor, Cedor Hop- Walpolf' of Hoek Vn ll .. y 11\ j." ·I·r!I',-lck i<l .. ; Alla n Rohe,-ls, Intlpll"ntlcnce; 11_ TTamhrcchi of l OWlt Cily w't" Iln· J oh n Vo~mlck, Cedar Rav](JB_ nounel'd last pvenlng- III 1I1!1 'floO'til

I + + + Phi Alpha housll .


-}<'oo· ailvel'tiRlng IlurpOR!'A 1 am

~Ivlng nway M'v,·,·,, 1 th'HoHand hulh., H('n,l 1111. ('''lIpon wllh 2r,c (no RllllllflH) nnel T \\11\ Hend you ]Jr<'plll<1 n. coll p('tll)n o( Cillnt I xoo'wl " ' l'UllPH. "ual"tra"l'Il 10 bl"OIl1 In Ix 'Ilrr~r"nl ("0100''' .

I n Ild,lllliln you will n'(',-Ive n roullon "nlllllng Y')U tn tl. $5.00 colI('etlon nr 'I'ultl'" and l lyn. ('Inth~ nhRolutf>ly '0' n tl) you for ahout r, Illin utI'" or YOlll' lime.

]>Ili Uet,~ )leU!\. Co,'e"1! wel-e laid for t,'lldy-flvr, R V II t d Olen Paul, DlIIHoqu e; Ham T_ Her- and a lhrcl'-cQ urso r,uullo lI gllt din . • a en goe ,

,( luncll j)' uffs; I'Alwln ]i'1'i ~llma n, t1(>('Ol-at ('d wllh whltf' l ,llll' rR "llll p,.) n, Newark, N, .T ,: M f'ye l' :';olzrnn n l 1" f'1' was Rf:'rv('(l . 'Il'w tnhl(\~ WN'P R.-l J, fl n,'la n ; ,lop C _ Allp,·, Dav(, l1ll'Ol' l ; s tl'('lll1l('r!l of s ll v(· ,-. blu('. ,\nd 1:01(\ Seattle, Wash. Mfltnn T" i( 'herm:tn, New YOl'k C ity; l.t n'l) ~ndH of W!'_IC_'h_w('~r(,~~Rn~·I~a~lI~··;;;·~~;;::;;;;;:;;-----,,:~~;;;"';


Millertaire Modes inft'oduee all the new chocolate lind sable brown tones that Fashion has

~ecreed for Fall -costumesI'

Complete your ensemble

with Millertairel


It's very new and very nice! Each curving strap is finished with a tiny center buckle and the heel is just the medium hei ght you'll like .•.• An adaptable little model that you can wear 8S suc­cessfully with a soft afternoon gown as with a tailored ensemble!


About C'lhis Time

You're Probab19 Missing

Mother' 5 Tasty Me~ls-

But if you visit this lunch shop you'll get food as fine

and delicious as you've tasted anywhere - that's because

Moylan food is home~cooked in reality - and if you think

it isn't, just stop in for a plate dinner or lunch n xt meal

time - the savory is a joy to home sick stomachs -

When You Think of Eating - Think of Moylan's


Just East of the Garden

i 'I

~'+++H'+++++++of+of++++++++i·++++ttti·++++t++++++++++++++++++i'++++++++++++++++'I.'-----.... --~~------... ----~~~--~_!"'!"_""'!"o----rIIIII!'.


Frc 10



oPI'OO' 1 p rlJ Iii

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Towo. (JaY ()

JOWfl H,,)y

Ilt"\nL t

(,'ale" Ing'_


Mrs." Entert

JIIO'A_ str )~ .. t. of lhe SE'pt. fO'om 2

Arm s tr

DoltOl" r nolU

mal'.-j ...

Aug. ] who 1>1 nollon VI\l'~ity.


Unl'oh MU'-I;

to e,l..! 16, all In low 11lltf' or " .... of

].I'utLII1 Tho

Nn"hu(l. ding n C~dl JII T"cl'lw Blly In Olh l(>(l(' br"'lldll 1ll ll' ui~ 11 UIlW ml

II I' Js mo. and nIU('", Biding I


J\nnp-W f:nllll

waH llIn wood oC unlvl'l'BI ('ha~ln,ll'

t ure " 01

t1wy wll

Rarhrr-l 'l'ho It

Bo.l'})(lr of the J)OJ'()lh~',

.Junp 2. tlflHt In mel',

J(j1'i(~l'~J '1'\\'0 r


:'3, Mill" D,wlc] " .J [llm'~ \

h'/fll or I J anw~ \\ ~g-p (lr


~: rll'llA,

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Ihlill )'Par I ln~ t\lhe r

(tmlt y ,

rml ~r nlty ht ftom i


'OR BS 1/'1 1 am tI:OuHanl\ ~n with will H~nd or Giant

nloell 10 olols, r(\'''ive It.

I a $G,Ou ml lIYII, I yOU tor IIBle,

Sunday, Septemper 16, l~27 . ] he 'Daily Iowan, Io}Va Cify --------F rosh Will Show Iowa Pep Monday

PEACHES' LEGS TRIMMED DOWN JWlhmIHI·PI'R!l TI·rnu. oral R elhma n of I owa City

a na lC1111 I' C. Pt'aJl of Lt\mon l W (' I'8

mU"l'IM June 25 In Heh necl.ll.i1 y , N. ~r, 111 I'R , l.' (IlH r ecclveu. her 1\1, A, d('gl'~e In 1926, 0 1111 IA (1. 'f orme!' In , Mll'lic lOI' of lh~ J~ l1 l{li"h \lpj}l'trlment. MI'. P" fl ll Is I], jll1llor in th e coli gO or 11enUNtl'y Hnd It 111 PI11 I "'I' OC XI I'HI l ' hl dl'llllll fl 'll te l' nlty ,

Parade, Mass Meeting ' Planned by Pi

Epsilon Pi l" rNlhnwn tnP II wi li ho gi ve n th o

oPllOl' lun lly to flI11 1 olll ,lOW Town. I

r eJl 1M tl l'v.' III (l l'<l "n il 0 I'gI I111 >.,,11 wll on

lh l'y ('PI II(\ to 'tll p fl ', 's it nlfl ll I'I'P

mo~tl n g Monliay not. 7 ,m, at lIw

Town. U n ion, al \lw rn<1 of tlwh' fll 'Ht

llny n f tl l ll'll(lIl1l~ clnQ""!oI :tH l'ogll lll1'

10w(1. Hlulle lli H, R oy 1'111 '11' 1', J\ 1 of ·lVal,. d oo, prosl·

(kn t uf 1'1 1':I)Qlll)n 1' 1, natlu lI [l l IlI' tJ fre t et-n ll!', 1:; In ('\11 11'1'" of U, (\ HWI' t ·

Ing'. 'I'hll f il'Ht·yp"r mo n , wp:.rIn!; (111' 11'

gr(,pn caps, \1 I II n1('l'l In VltI'IoUH gl'O ll llH OVl'I' 111(' ,'lty a nil joi n at W I1I'IHttJ1W'H No. 1. T l1/' \1hlv(>l'st ly band w ill Ipu ll lil e )la ra l e fl'om U .. m~ to tl\ e U nion.

A t 011' 11 11 10'; (,'lOl' t Inlics on IlilllseH or un lvP"Hity II f w ill be glv.

n by Rolli I' IV il ilaJ1IH u tHI Otto Vogel of t he i'.,o ll)llil ('oach lng Ht.Mf; L I'll Fll.l ll"y, ( ' j , I JI"'~ld l' nl 1'1'0 1 ~111 of sl u<I"'n t cuuncll; Olto C. Bauch , L 3 o( j)(,H MlllnPR, lll'psltl t'n t or A,P. r. , and 'l'l'\('tH10l't\ li'. Koup •• , .. of Montice llo. ~dltor o ( Th" Dal ly I owan,

Chre l'J> 1111<1 Kllngs will be Ipll by t110 c l1('('1' iI'ad "l'H, l' lu l'l' l'1c-hun p . Lol'l' tl Kcmwc!y, and IPalH Myhl'('.

SOCIETY Mrs, GerlUz Will Eul e /'la in ('Iub Jl.l (11l(lay

Mt'H, }o', A. <1 ""UI Z, 11 03 J':. stl'l' .. l, \\1111 entertain lh!' tm'mbers of t.h e 'Pleasure Hout· c lub SeIH. 1'. Mpptll'lt; hou l'~

from 2 un til G Il.m,

·f· I -I­SWf'I'II('y·Vcnell

' I'ho nl:'ll' rJull'p M 'I Juplh\ Hw(,pn l'Y of Rtmlfol'tl a 11(1 ( :ranc n. Vl' nell or 10Wli lilt.)' tuo l, pl 1ce So tLlI·tloy J Illy 9 !I.l ( 'pdlll' Ha p l<ls. 130 th Ml'. /1 1111

• MI·s. Ven" l1 weI' l'01'lll l'r ly Hl lltl ntH ti l th l' llnlv ~ r"l, ly, 1\lr H, VellP 11 waH al on lim e nlg1 1t Ali Ve l lSO I' a t t ile

I Chll,ll' n 'N h o." pltlll . 1\11'. VI' " oll (wt, eu O~ ass ls lo nt c ity edllol' 0 11 t h" Hlaff or Th o D ally 1 U\\"811 \I hlle he WOA nLlt' ndlng t.lw scl100l of j Oll\" nalls11l .

t- + + T. oomis·MUler

Announ ce ment Is m o.(\(' or the m a l' I'lug" of 0 t l' ll 'utl e Loom Is oi' ' V Ht. Unio n 10 L ou l!:S O. M III~ I' IJ C

hi c u!!'o. 'l' he ('el'e mony WUH IJf t', [ol'111ed .Tunc 30 Il t lhE' hOIll E" oC t lll' 1)l' lde'8 pat'ents. M r s. 111 Iller Is D fo)" m el' st.udent of the u n l vel 'slly .

I + + + Ral'Clwcll,)Jcwes,

\Yord was ,. cently receLved of. the marriage of Elea.11 0l' Bal'dwe ll of Clin ton to Robert Howes a t Beloit. 'W lsco nsl n ,

I\11'S. Ho wes was g l'odua l p,l fl'om th l' u11 lve l·.l ty l ast Jun ~. Wl li l ~ In cOlI c/oi'e s he was I], lll Clllb('t· of ]{ltj1· Ila D elta. socIal rorol'lty, Oclave 'Pha ne t ltlor ary sO<'ip Ly , a nd tile u nl· vet'sity players. She wns dramntic CT\tJC 0'Il t he , ta l~ of T he Dally Iowan dUli ng 192;;·26. A t P"CSl:mt sh e Is on t l1e slaff oC U'e n"'oit In· de pende nt.

+++ Henning·FertiS

Alice H'E'lmlng 01 Cedar Rapicls anel Wayn l "erri s of Hampton wel'e mar1'ied July 19,

Mrs. Ferl'l s attemlc(] the un lvpr, sl ty iOI' t wo yeaTS. 111 r. Fer rIs j~

a lso a [orm l'r s ludent of t he unl ver· slty.

-I- + + Be I1ge· W eIl1hold +++

WUlsl)y·SmUh Myra E, Wi ll sey, daughter of

1111'S. John B. Lloyd of Iowa CIty, will be 11131'1'1I'd Satllnhy, Slpt. 17, to Cat1 g, Smith of Chicago. The ceremony will take place in the Methodist rhurch.

Operation on Peaches Browning's underpinning is a huge Sl1ccess, as these pictures show. At left is "Daddy" Brown­ing's second wife snapped at the time of their separation, and at right, Peaches is shown with her brand new, shapely legs as they are today, following reducing operation,

The mar l'iage of Bertha. Benge of 'Winterset and George A. \ "'elnI101d of Des 1I10lnes, took place July 9.

'rhe b l'lde Is !I. formel' student of the university and a. member ot Delta Delta Della sorority.

+++ MI~s Will ~y all('nded We Unl·

vel'slly of lOll'll for two years I\nd r;:tlllillS·l{fmbnll has ~Illrp ltppn pmploYf'd In (','liNlgo. Tl1s \'~l'y Re\'. Ma.l'matlu\<p lIarp, 1111', Rmllh, t1 grad uate of the Unl· dean of t he Tl'inlly cathl'IIl'll1 uf verl<ily or P('nnl<ylvania, Is a~soc· Davenporl, lJPI'fo1'l1wd I hll \Vt·d,lIn.; la(ed at Bvolls(on, ]11., with th(' ceremon y of H elen M. Philli\lH "nil )on11st!'ong Cork company. 1I1'1'II1an Killlball June 27.

+ -I- + MI', Kimball flnlsll('t'1 In the law Uo\tOI1 ,'Vllhlasin <'oll,·SE' lust .·prlng and hos also nt·

1 rHlIla Wildasin o( 'V\lton was tended Harvard and l'dncetOll. m:lI'1'lpc1 10 I{',gel' Bolton o( 'ripton, Aug. 13, at Davenport. Mr. Bolton, who Is (he son of 1111'. onll1l1rs. ,101m Bulton or ' I'lplon, attended the un I· yprsit.y, ami 1M (l. mpmbel' of Alpha RI!,;lt1a Phi fraternilv,

+ + + Lincol u,(:ol'h

l\1ul'gllr~t A . Lincoln was married to Cltrf J. Goe(z In Rlvt'r~ic1e, Atlg. 16. lwei thl' couplo ,,, now ",'91111ng in 1 0Wl~ CilY. !Ill'. (1o"lz is a grad· ual" or tire ulllv('I'Rity nntl I~ n tnl'l11' ""1' or Tau HHa. Pi frutcrnity.

I- + + J Rutzingl'r ·i\1n u

The Lilt],' Bro",n ChUl'ch n(Ow N'lhhua w"" the scene of the wed, ding or l'hylils I~('ulzinger lUlU ('('til Mall, hoth o( TI,·ilt. 1I1r. JlTau l'I'cpivl,tl his lIe!;r"l' frum the univt>l" Rlty In Jun!'. J Ie wa.~ lll'omlnt'nt In nthll'llps, r/'('plvlng" an "I" In (ra!'!" hl'~at<lng tho unlver:<lty I'p~ol'd 111 1,'1,.. ,\1'011'1 thm,,', and ral'nlng a nunlPral In foollxll!.

I h' is n Illl'mlwr of ,L'hl Kallnn. Rig"' ma and I'hl gpHllon Kn IIpa f""ter· !lIllI'S. 1\11'. and Mrs. r.lau nl'" ,,(,. siding at Wa~'lle, Npb.. "hel'e thl' fOl'lller IN athh't\1' (,1I3('h .

t- + + }(lJop.WolwuO(1

Etnml], )). Knop or Mnson City Wll.~ mal'l'l",1 Aug. IG to W. A. Wol· \voud of Chl"UKo. It gradua t" uf til" l1nlv(,l'~ily. MI', Wolwoou Is )lUI"

('haslng agpnt of tlw RIllY!'1 1·'U!'nl· t UI'~ l'ompany in Chlcago, wll('1'6 they will l'c~It1I"

+ + + llarlll'r ·lfr lulrl·sol\

The h01111' or MI', (In,' M l'R. R r..:. nru'brr fit m~nwou/l W118 lhl.' s('enp or t h(' welWlng uf "wi!' dallghtl'l', Dorothy, (tl l,prll.V 1I1. I it'ndpr~(\1\, ,June 2. foil" Jlpnd('I'H<lll waH a Hlu' (1('nt In Ihl' u nll'NAl ty t hl,. RUnI·

nl t:' I'.

Uickry.Ju lllrq '1'11'0 rOlnH'I' Mtllr1( nts (,r Ih~ lInl,

v('1'8lty W"I1' lllal"lll't.1 fo!rlltu'<!"y, J'Ltly 2J, ~ I uhcl Hlrkl'Y or \\'()ol1wanl tlnd Davltl ,V, .I CIl'I'll'!.' of I),·~ Molt1~~. MI·H.

J n1l'>! \\U,~ glu.uualt'tl fl'olll I,'IU ('vl ' lpgu of 1Ill('l'1l1 Il r tA In 11125. llml J) I'. J 'amrH W!lH );1'lItl U,It.p!l from the ('01· IPA'P l,e hll'llid lH'.

+ + + Dieh;ck·I{'·1I1e

CleQra DIH1'Ick or lT3nlonto\\'n and A lbcrt O. Kvale uf J)~('o"lh wpr,' 1113r1'i('(\ July 31 al IIanluntcl\\ II. 1.11', l {valo attrnc1l'ti sumnl!'l' Acholll 'It the unlverHlly.

+ + + Paden·Jlotopp

A t I'll. Paul's cllllrch in CPllu. I' Hap· ItI", Mlldl'c,tI Tooui,,,, Pntl~n (\f Towa City was lttt1.1'rit', i t.o JI"nry 110tlll'11 of Denman, Monday, A til(. I. M ri<. )10(0\11> 1M lL grluillall' /I! thl' II 111 Vl'r· HILy. MI'. TlnlUllr. IH alHo It rnl'Il11' I' st.udent of (lll' univPl'Hi(y.

f- + + PI',I\' I'SOIl' Pl'ulsrud

T.yla '[>1'(11'1'80n of "'psllll'oak and O('J'hlll'd A. l ':.tul_l·ull, ~l\1d,'nl. al til<' u11iverslty, wen' mClll'il'U .July J n in hill' LUlherun rlulI'eh tit \VI·Htbrook. Doth !l1'C\ g"atlllules of HI. Ola('H cnl· l(\gp. TIlt.' hl'idegl'ontll Is now doing' g'l'alluat(' \1'UI'1e at lhe uniwI'Hit)'.

i f + 1{l'Use-GibsOIl

At a (llll"t homp ('r.', mOllY In Ila,"pnpo:'l, Norma l,rU~H? hpf'nhlt' t11t' hrillo of Gl'ul'f;e alb~on, June 25.

MI'. C1IhHon 1>1 n. fll!'lll!'r ~Iud .. nt at thp un!\, l'"lt~·, Mr. antI !\I,.>!. Oibson ate 1i\'lng ill Hol'!. 1~I"nd.

f + + L:I.V ltIa.t l·Stary

nOI'h(lly V(,1'1], L:1.)'111an and Lynn Ht'H'Y \\'el'l' Illal'l'it'!l al Hock J"lllll<1 .Jllly 19, MI'. Htu,,'y, arl~l' taltlng worl' ttt tho UI\'01'811y, hn,. been on I hI' r:l~ulty of lhp Cuml111n~s Art "1'11001 al 1) H 1I1olneH. ) n O..tllhel' M l'. anti II1 I·s. Slacy will gO to New York to ronl1nuo th!'lr sludy of n1't,

+ + + R rlc-ll l'llbat'll ·F,' lI o\\,s

Mlll'Jo l'le HelclwlllJarh o[ Dt'" Munl s wn" m~I'I' I .'d In .'IOHPjlh 0, l"l'1\O\I'H (If Goldfj~ld. 1111'''. J"pllow~ I~ II IIwmlJel' or Dr1t:1 Z,'II], sOl'urlb at til/' u nlve\'~lty, ~hl' tll.ul1.ht laNl ,·Ptlc In thl' floltlfll'lt\ t.'igh srhnul, ~\'h"''l' 1\[1', J""llows lI ilR h"1' 1I cO,,~h fOl' tlf'VlIl'ul lett rH •

• f I· + lwuu4'\'1!,SuW,'ull

The 1ll[ll'l'lugp ur Annp 11!. ll~lnwt'~ of DavenpoI't, all /lhI 111l\UR of \lIP u n lwl'Hlty, III ](,'nl11'th Hulll\"\11

Special Prices This Week Oil


Suitable for Apartment Use

Chairs, Tables, Mirrors, Hooked

Rug I China, and oth r articles

.A t t h('

SIlGO.,e Sbop

~It" 1.1'1" fa \\'111111 ('0

took J,)luc-p In Los An geles, Aug. 27. 1111'. SulliYan Is a gl'a(\uat of t he Unin'I'Hity or Sou l hern Calirornla.

+ + + lIe:ll'n,N" lson

)0 11nuullcc'l11cnt h as been ma c1e oC tilt' IIlal'l'lUIiA or V('nu!! May Hearn uf Dll\'C'llllOrl t o .Tohn Myron Nelson ,,~O of Va vpnpol't. ~'h ceJ'emony \\ .\" »Pl'ftJI'Ill('iI Ju ly 11 at t he r ec' lory ur Ule C,,(hullc church at Lyon.'.

II .. ·. Ndson Was g l'Uduated f rom Ihe elecll'iral pnglnl'erlng depar t· InPIlI or the l'nherHily of TOW3,

FrankOverlal1d The mar riage oC Hazel Frank or

st. Paul , :MInn ., t o Rtanley OVPl" lanel oC Milford, occurred TueMuy, Ju ne 21, at 9 Lt. m .

1111'. Overland attended the un I· v!'r8it y a nd was a mt'mber o( Hlg' rna P i f r atl'l ·ni(y.

+ + + Alle n.BaMwin

H azel Lee Allen of Belknap and S hel'd T , BaldWin of Eldon , were married Satul'day Ju ly 2 In the Christian J)31'Honage Of Rldon . ]1[".

Baldwin was g l'uuualed frm the uni, verslty la~l J une.

1'+*·lo+++*·H*++***++***+++**+++·"++"'*++++++oi·++++++*~" ~ ; + t ~ * + ~ ~ + + * + ~ of' + + + ~ t of' .;.

; i i JEWELRY t + .;.

i £ of' .;. ~ T here Is noth ing that alMs 11\01'11 t ~ to on '8 wardrobe than tho charm· .;-

:l: in g jewelr~' accessories being shown * t thLs fl. l!. IS"

I I + + of' + + + ~ A ttrar tl ve wrLqt watrh(Osl n ]lIn t· + ~ Im. m 0 " w h ile gold cas II - gunt'· i ~ an teed good time Io.:e pel'S, fOl' bolll T I m .. ,,", .om'". I +. Let us lIhow yOU ou r many oth er I !, , 8ugs~stlons-co1J1})ac t s, elgar light· * :;: era, rings-all t he newest settlngs- i I ... , po" """" '" "w",,,. *

* KEITH & HAUSER I i Eas! Washington Street ! ! ++"""+ .. , ... '."'+f++f+++ffH,"'''''''+'' ...... +++++'''''"'''.H .. ''' ... ++ ...... ,. ... +t.


Sunday; Dinner Sherbet - Pickles

Roast POl'k with Apple Sauce Mash-ed Potatoes -- Grav!'

Chicken Dressing Creamoo Peas

Mixed Fruit Satad White Rolls and Graham Brent!

I Cream Sundae and Cake Coffee

))inner ' I'Ved :f,'om 12 to 1 :30 o'clock


Burkley Tea Room In The BUl'kl y Hotel

McAdoo Emulates Coolidge i Refuses

to be Candidate (C'ONTrNI1T'l lJ 1,'HOM l'A(m Jl

tlo 11HJl'l' 10 n()vn nC'r th" oh.l<'I'1.4 or t ill' J)fll·t y 1I!i n. )))'I\'nl(l l 'llb~,,~tl, thnn /Hi u. 1 '~ltlll1dldl' for lilt, pl'f1~idpl\t·~ I

1\11'. ~ I l'A 1100 H:lld hi' 11l'1'f1'1'I'l',l 1 u AltHHI mdde In ol'd.'I' tllot 111(1 rlpld IHIlill t Itl' I(,rt "it'lIl', "," rill' tiM J

CUll l'INIi' Il," ' 1'!l1'1I l it' u,ltled: " L hh:lll llot, th/'1'"rol'('. I,,· It run,

1l1t1rl!~ r<ll' ! II" d"""""'11 tic I Jl·(:.4ldell· I lu l IlIl111in:tllun III In~s."

W Ulll q "'irlll ( '11'111'

\\'hlll' l1/1f IllPlltlllllllll, ~;1I11/11 il)' nfl l lll', ;\11". ~1r'j\cl(JU ll):ltlr· it rnir ly Cl l'l1 l~ III hiM PI'UJlUI I '(,Illt'nl, UH h o I h",. In ('11I1\'1'I'BlIlol1 \\Itil hlH fl'II'lllI,., tl lIIl 11,4 :t JII'i VIIll' ,·11 bit, n il(' \\'0111<1 N.}IIiinuf1 In ot1PU:-lt' thp ('undItJ:u.'y (I[

Ihr Nt'\\' Yurt< gOWl'llor. iIIon''''''l', he illllirnl"11 \I'I'Y HI 1""11' Iy Ihllt ti H'fl' 1lI1I:;! Ill' no nulllfir(lUlin "r lh,' POIlHtilullul1, that I\l' \\'o ulll "PIIl)Se tillY \I('l cUlldl(Jotte.

Polish Ministet ".Sack to Begin Work

~enlltol'~ J lal'l' iK of f:t'ot'g'in, n nd Fie clU'l' of 1o' lo/'I<lu joil1eu \VJth S"ll' atol' Camwny of A r\<an~I\H In ('x· [l\,~~Rlng the ballcC tlull If Cov~rnol' Smith wllhdl'ew, tho pnl'ty cOllld "gl'c(O UpOll a cnndldate II ho might carry tlJllo }Judy to HlIt..'l\l\~H in 1928.

"Jr C;lIVl' I'/w,' Hmlth, Wll0R(I prOhl, Ine n,'(' IH lUi'll as 10 I'Tltltl(' h im 10

he :t ('anlll(I."I', Hhuulrl r,', 1 ilillwlJe,l 10 l'olltl\\ 1111'. lIf1'Atluu', l'xalllplp, I hI' 111''' t Ul'lllocmllc ('oIWl'ntiun will I1U,,1<' till' prxt p l'I'Hillpnt of 1hl1 Un lIed HlateH, ~n iIi H,'natol' Cam· ,""y.

Jan Ciechanowski, Polish Minister to Washington, has l'etumed fro m a visit to his native land.

Helll()('/'aj~ J\lu.,t 11111t_1I11 1,1~

" , 'hp only hopl' of c1l'l11ocl'ntil' sue·

rrRA III 10 unite on Aome mnn tho

:;l11lth and ], l cAdoo factions call

agl'l'p UllOll,' ~aid S~nato l' H l'1'i~ .

"I iJelil'v,' the dplIlo<'l'tlts CU ll be sue,

cc~:,ful without !I. llo ub l if lhey can

lunnlolllZ{' 1 11('Jr d IHI'I'E'n ces."

Tunney' a Injured ~ye "Much Better" as Champion Rests


tho I'll t Infllct e(l In lhe Bame ey&­lid by (:llu(' k Wiggins over. !I. w eek IIKO. A lthoug h th e Cllrly w o und (It(1

,nol l'eopl'n Hnder lilt' bl ow, {~ purfi. l '<'M"; (kvel oll d abou t the eye and sligh l i11 ~rolOl'a Llon se l In .

~l'llnn"Y'H ('1''' t otl tly appearOcl nol" Til Injl.l1'cel l'YO tha t h ILA COIn\llil' ilt . m IL l. 1' he Rwe1Hn~ ha d tll Happeared,

1f'lIv lul( "lit (t Rllgh t hllllHh lingI',

LATm VIT. T,A, I ll ., Sel>t, 17 (A')-

. (1 (1 n " "llnn(' y 'H fin al tl'nlnlng (il' n /\ w ill I,ox tn public tom orJ'ow Htl'e trh was " VN y much !>pl\(' \' " to· rO I' tiw lnRl lime berOl'e th o Utls cl lt y a s I hO heavyweight c.ham plull f ,·a.),. ) le pla nll bUl (t, Hi ht work· r~st 0d Ills urms tor the ba llle with ou t, beli eVing t hal the remalnde,· J ack Dempsey next T hursday nig ht. uf thl' tral mn>: df111 enn lJe~t be

l!~eal' tha t Inf la mrna llon whioh sct i/lPt'nt In long Il ltl~" /f'I"r 111" 1'{IaUd In yos terday af ter a train ing go "bollt 111~ "'IIII\, lit H ... I'hrh 111'/."'. with t.he throe spa l'l'lng JJal'tllol's '!' unn Y j(lgged e ig h t m lled thIs wo uld h a nd ical> the ch a nlilion In lh'!) m orn ing . H e tipped the scales a t $3,(IOO,(){)O ti tle 8\leet ac lp 111 Rol di" " l~ I ~1d , dlsappear cd todo:y \V1\~ n ClellP J 90 JlOUndH. at·os" ca l' l .y t.h l~ morning wi th an outward ~t.I 'are of t.h e Inju ry g on o.

)0 fIIe l{ oC J uc klO W lllial11 H' g loVl' i llrtall lel1 UI~ l'ighl eye l>uJI t o ~u ' l1 a n exte nt that t wo ' hl cCtgo Hil t" c l!lUs t.s wet'e called to thO cam)) l ost nig h t to tl'l'at i h e 11 W i)1ju ry, g rown s udden ly 8e"0118 In v iew ()'f

bear Sany Ann:

Use the Daily Iowan Want Ads

Back At School A gain Sunday

Are you finally getting settled? My l'oom was such a meSs ! But Oh, Sally Al1ll, I've found the dearest things--Tea things and Lamps-­and the stunningest little India throws, right here where I am, at the Davis Shop.

And if yoou didn't get your new purse before you came, you'll surely be glad--there are the deverest ones here and ut such prices--you'd never believe you could get such value.

Ho hum--it's t ime for bed and there's a pile of new f iction in, that I'm so anxious to dip into.

Isn't it hot? 0 No! Youts perspiringly,

Ger trude of

The Davis Shop



if it's a new suit from Bremer's


'I'hat's exactly the phrase, too, that men are using when they sec OUI' new fall suits.

TheM IlllitH are colorful--as chcet'ful in tone as you'd ever wish clothes to be--yet they> never over step ih bounds of good tnste,

A lUl'g shipmellt receivecl yesterday so your task of selecting one will be a pleasure.

Bowl Grays UU'~ Oxfords



I \ J

~~\i~ \,~~. ~

ER' Iowa City's Finest Store Fot Metl

- ..


. Pabllabe4 neJT momlJlc uoept I(oadaF tU _tin ~ by Student Publlcatlona Incorporated at lU-l30 .... AftD\I8, Iowa OllT. low&.

aat.rtd u _4 oIuI mau.r at tU potIt om.. 11& .... OlT. IoWL

8u~lptloG m .. : 117 CUTler. ,I." fOr 11 _tM: Ir -U ".00 for 11 1IIOIItu. 8InCle cop'" , _ ...

IIOlDE. 01' TO AIIOOU .... D 1' .... 'I'be .u.octattd Pre. III udu.alnlT aUtltd te _

tile repubUCa.tJon or all news dlepat<lb811 oredlted to It « Dot oth.rwlae crecllted In thltI paper. and al80 tile loe&! .... publlalltd tber.iIL

All ril"bla of repuWV.tklll of ~ ~ laanlJl .. aIIIo~ed.

ADn.TIIIDlO UPUIEN'I'4TIV1I. eaa.. Rotl\enburc I: Noe, Inca.. • Jilut nat St., New

York; leo North Klcbll*D An .• CbioaCO, DL: all v~ tarIa lIl.... 8t. Louta. )(0.; Land BanI< BlcIC.. Kanau ctlT. )(at : 601 Donovaa BlcIC.; un WOllClwar4 Av.., De-111111, Klcb.: Conatttuuon B1c1C.. Auant&, GL: Holbrook BlcIC.. IINa Francl_ CaL; 801 Petroleum 8ecurltl .. BIda" ~ Aqeletl, CaL; Ro7 B&rnI1IlI. Ine., 40 :m. 14th at.. Naw York: Colleelat. 8pac1&l Advertlllln, ..... n\l7. IDe.. 101 Fifth A ...... N." York; III N. KldIiI"&IIBhlJ •• Chlcaao, Dl.

'l'JIILIIPHON1ll8 EcIltorlal Ortloa, JU •• Bualneu Ort1oe, no. 1.1.

BOABD 01' T.UI1'UI .. II. KacBwell. cbaJrJIINl; Frederick 1. LueU:

J\aymond B. Klttradre; Sidney G. Winter; Earl :m. Be­IIUUI: Alnal.. E. HlckeHOQ; John lI'alve7; J'nderlo Iohn.u.r; Carl lCinvln.

lIarr7 8. Bunker. General lIanacer.

BDITO:aIAL 8TAFF Theodore F. Koop ............................ ...... .......................... E<lltor Ru_1I Wlllon ...... .. _ ....... _ .......................... Mana~ng Editor Frank..A. wortman.-..... -._ .............................. J City Edltore Helen Haeleler .. __ ........................................ .. EMther Fuller .......................... _.......................... ampul Editor Conatance G. Myere .......................................... Soolety Editor Leo JL Peter86n ................... _ .............................. Sport. Editor Jame.w Bettle .... _ .... _ ......... _ ........... .A.aalstant Sporta Editor Jame. M. Lonr ..... _ ........ _ ............. _ ..... ___ ._.Alumnl Editor Franklin L. Grerory ........ .... _ ................ ~ ........ ..... Columnlat ildlth Cobeen ........... _ ............ _ ... _ .......... ............ ~k R.vlews

BU81NES8 8rAFF William T. It&geboeck.. .............................. Buslneee Manager W. liarry Harper .................... _ ........... Clrculation Manager Edwin B. Green .......... __ ................ Clasll!led Adv. MMager Charlaa S. Gallaher _ ..................................... ........... Aeeountant II're<l, rlo A. Sohneller ............................ Advertialng Aaelatant Rob .... t V. Blbert ................... _ ............. Advertielng ABel.tant

Sunday, September 18, 1927 lIIGBT N1IIW8 1IIDiTOR

Harold Claaaseu

The Iowa Spirit Continues

THoSE who saw the pep and enthusiasm of the freshman class at its first mixer

at Iowa Union last night have no fear for the future of Iowa. "On Iowa" was sung lustily by the cI'owd of new students with much more vigor and apparent sincerity than by any other university group. Cheers were gi ven without rcstraint, and an at­titude of animation fillcd the entire party.

"They've got the Iowa spirit," was the way one upperclassman expressed the in­terest of the freshmen. From witnessing the courtesy, the dignity, but the never­theless prevailing youthful energy, it is ob­vious that the class of 1931 is composed of true Iowans.

Throughout freshman week, the ne~v stu­dents have" come through." Upperclass' men are proud to pass on to them responsi­bilities and duties, ~owing that the work will be done with the same spirit which characterizes the singing of "On Iowa" by the class for the first time. Sentimental though it may seem, the appearance and co­operation, with the willingness, of so large a group is a most optimi$tic sign.

Now the freshmen are ready to begin their real work, having had a few days of preparation. If their standards scholas­tically cause as much favorable comment as their conduct during registration week, the class is certain of succcss.

I in which man recognizes that he himself has merit and ability, but is also cognizant of the worth of his companions.

The Uni'Yersity and Religion As eagerly as eductators throughout the

country watched for result§. o($e honors course idea, the freshman week system, and the child welfare research projects of the University of Iowa, will they seek informa­tion of the success of the newly established school of religion, in which classes start to­morrow T With three instructo1'll, support­ed respectively by the Catholic, Jewish, and Protestant denominations, the school gives a liberal course in various phases of history and ethics of religion.

The idea is unique in that the different viewpoints are presented. Instead of offer­ing courses in the beliefs of oJly one creed, the university, realizing its statewide re­sponsibility, presents varied branches.

This is only one phase of religious work in which the university participates. Y. M:. C. A. and'Y. W. C. A. organizations do ef­fective work, as well as the student organ­izations in Iowa City churches. The ulli- ~ versity holds monthly vesper services, at which nationally known religious workers appear.

A new religious activity takes its place on the campus this morning, with a student interdenominational religiolls service. 'l'he university also urgcd Iowa City persons to join in the exercise .

========~ New York has more than a million pupils

in its public schools, but the greatest city in the country is apparcntly unable to pro­vide seats for them all. 'fhe best that can be said is that the situation in this respect is not so bad as it was scveral years ago. But that is not saying much.-Boston Tran­,cript.

It is said that the democrats seek a cool place this time for thcir national convention. And some of them carry it so far as to want to keep cool with Coolidge.-Boston Tram­script.

In these golden autumnal days the white man's burden is much heavier. You see, he not only has to cut the grass but rake off the fallen leaves.-Milwaukee J O'Itrnat.

If Hughes runs for president how can he hopc to get the votes of the hoys who write the ads for the countless varieties of shaving soapf-Milwaukee JO'ILl'1lal.

With half the inmates of the District of Columbia jail sent there for drunkenness, it is hard to believe that all is quiet along the Potomac.-Boston Tral1 CI-ipt.

Prosy age, but the poets keep on working overtime. We are now awaiting the ap­pearance of "Frost on the Pumpkin."­Boston Transcl'ipt __

Henry Ford's new car is said to have done sixty miles in sixty minutes. The Ford and the flivver have parted eompany.- Boston 'l.'ranscript.

It will soon be time to stop talking about the latest vacation in order to begin dis­cussing plans for the next.-Boston T1'01/l, ..

sCl·ipt. '

Nobody can now doubt the prosperity of Madison. It no longer has a pawn shop."­Milwaukee J O'Itl'nal.

A eulogist says Dempsey would give you the shirt off his back. Or at least a pair of socks.-Detroit News.

That monument to Jesse James ought to be dedicated by our ambulance chasers.­Milwaukee JOUt·nal.

It appear to be too hot to even settle the coal strike.-Milwaukee JOltrnal.

Wiih Other Editors LIQUOR IN EUROPE

(Harvey Ingham In The Des I\Jolnllll Register)

Just as there was something sodden in the old days about a crowd of salooD hab­itues, sO there is something sluggish about the wine-drinkers and beer drinkers of Eu­rope. They carry the air of sluggishness.

Then there is the enormOU8 cost of liquor in Europe. The winc and liquor shops of cities like London, Paris, and Berlin al'e as thick as saloons were in the old days in New York. The advertising on buses and in all public places is of liquor. The streets are filled with enormous trucks loaded with beer barrels. Of course, we can point to what candy costs and ice cream and cos­metics and other things we might do with­out. It is not to draw any moral but mcrely to suggcst that Europe is spending for liquor what would pay all war debts and support all tl¥l governments, and liquor at best is a luxury.

If Lord Riddell is right and what we need is a slow pace, with man more or less 8tupefied to forget his miseries, then liquor can be explained if not defended. But if 100 per cent human efficiency is to spell the way to ultimato human achievemcnt, then the very beginning of wisdom is to get rid of the liquor habit. And this is saying nothing of the moral delinquency liquor en­courages, nor of tho inheritance of wcakness it carries down to thc children and the ohil· dren'8 .children.

Many in Europe are recognizing what American competition is going to do to Eu. ropean trade, and that is one of the reasons why so much is said in disparagement of American" interference with indi vidual-lib­erty." One might-think, after being in Europe for awhile, that the only human right worth fighting for is the right to ~Jtk liquor. . _ .. ~-t-- • -'--

. , The DAily ' Iowan. IowA City


Chills and Fe\'er ~ ~

AS IT WAS (A Comedy of Mannen)

By Morphine Scene ....... _ ........ _ ................. Frat House Time ...... ......... _ .. .. ........ ....... .. Yesterday Characters ............................ Me & Him


-And the door opened and an· other one came In. green as ever and dumb as over .

• • • . (To myself: GOd, what a kid! What

fool thinks he can make a !ratemlty man out of that)?

• • • Aloud: "Blythe Is my name.

Mighty glad to see you out, old man. You say you 're from Chi. cago? No? Oh. I see, Strawberry Point. Well. that's tine; some mighty good men come from there." (Pause).

• • • (To myself: Hell, couldn't get any·

thing out of him that time. Wish one of the other fellows would get this guy oft my hands. Well, I gotta talk about something.)

• • • Aloud: "Isn't It hot? Be hell If

school started this Idnd at weather. cood tor the corn, though. Yeah. mighty hot." (Pause).

• • • (To myself: Won't he talk about

NOTHING?' J eeze! Walt till I find the guy who brought this k id out. That suit! Who told the kld HE looks good In Oxford gray),1

• • • Aloud: "You say you're goIng to

take medicine? No? Oh. engineer· ing. Well, that's a mighty good course. A lot of mighty good men take It. We've got some here at the house. Mighty fine bunch. You ought to m eet Borne of 'em." (Pause).

• • • (To myself: Maybe that'll get rid

or him. The devil! Parker can see I'm trying to get him over here. Just 'cause I pushed a lemon off on him last night, he can tell this one's not ripe too. Damn! A free meal ought to be worth a LITTLE con· versatlon. Why don't he say some· thing)!

•• •

'ihe Book World By Ellith 1\1. Cobeen

With tlte Scientists

lsost.ac:y. by D.,. Willianl Bowie. E. P. Duti{)11 COII(j}<1ny.

One wou ld bring to tho attention of students of geologlCfll and geo· physical probl ms, a bool< by Wll·

Forensic Council Makes Plans for Rushing, Pledging

Women Will Compete for Prizes, Placque

in Contests

Aloud: "You say you re staying at lhe Hlgh·Hat A"ms'l No? Oh, the Quad. That"s fine; a lot of mighty good men stay out thcre. We've got a lot of mighty good men staying . . .cr, that Is. . ." (Pause).

lIa m Bowie. wbo for eighteen years hll8 been In churge of the United In the lull lhat has followed 501'01"

itY I'ushing week. women's lilerary States coast and geodctlc survey. • • •

(To myself: No cryIng a llowed! societies, directed by the 'Vomen's That WIlS an awful error. Hope the kid 's too dumb to get It. I've GOT to get him to talk).

The book contains an account or hIs I

FOl'enslc council, will conduct a Bel" ong researches. '

,.. " l " \ les of open meetings a nd prcf~r"ed The term 'Isoslokcy mcans 8 an,,· .

dances and parties for prospecllve • • • Aloud: "You say you've been out

to some of the other houses? Phi Gam? No? A. T . O.? Not there? Oh , the Phi J:Cappa JRhP house . Well. . . there's some MIGHTY good fellows stay out tbere. Of course, It's quIte a ways out. Nat· U!·ally. THIS Is an enUrely different kind of an organization here." (Pause).

Ing or equal prossure. Tho Isoslatlc ... C f oled"es. Edi th oooen. J4 0 Manly.

• • • (To myse!C: Chreesto!!! Imagme!

Out there! Bet the tish was right In h\.s own pond. The American Tragedy Is that chUdren like this come out of the country each year to go te school. Thank heaven! Parker's comIng over at last).

• • • Aloud : "You know Mr. Parker ?

Oh, you do? Well , you 'll pardon me a moment I know. I'm mighty glad to have met you, old man. sometime lIoon." (Pause).

• • •

pressu" e maintain s lhal about six· ty miles below sea level thel'E~ I ~ ... level surface on which the outer material or the earlh exerts 0. Unl' form pressure. Nalurally this oul· er material. the earth'!! floating crust, varies in denSity, a nd th e equality or 11ressure indicatea tha t under continents a nd Islands lhere Is light l' thllll normal material and under the ocean th a t tile rna te~1 I Is heavier than normar.

Just oCf the press of the Bobbs· Merrill company Is "The Next Age of Man " by Albert Edward Wlggam. Mr. ,Vlggam has two bes t seHElrs. "The New Decalogue oC Science" and 'The Fruit of tbe Family Tree."

In his latcst book of popular Bel· ence, 'The Nexl Age of Man ," he ma kes some Inieresting ano start· ling prophecies of the civilization ot lhe futUre a nd of lIl 0 fuluro oC clv

(To myself Judas, what a peallutl llizatlon lhat ar .. bound to RUr up I 've gotta find who THAT one was. protest, commendation, and lbought. Deliver me from more like him)!

• • • Sultl LlCIl; Leading, aUII I\lisleadlug. lJY

Aloud: "Say. Brown, who In hell WitS the pickle I was just talking to? What? Gawdamlghty! Is that what we pledged yesterday?"

But why should the freshmen bave to undergo an Intelligence test?

• • • Kappa. Alpha Thela. InItiated two

pledges at a sunrise ceremony yes· terday morning. . The early blrj! catches the worms.

• • • Enct Words

One of the most Interesting things that have come to light Is a fellow, prominent on the campus. who mar' rled a girl recently In a town some· where west of Iowa City (preferably on the Mississippi river) Ilnd has now brought her back to Iowa City where both are studying. BUT NEITHER PARTY CONCERNED ARE EVER SEEN SPEAKING TO EACH OTHER!

Now. In our opinion. that would be the perfect wedding. We wish we could tlnd a girl like that. Mar· rled Ufe would be a mighty fine thing. then. The only way WE oould manage an engagement like that Is to marry a deaf and dumb girl-but we understand thhere's plenty of the latter to be had If tho dillmond's the right Size.

• • • MarrIage. however. Is a despor'

ate psychological phenomenon. It takes an analytical mind for both contracting parties. together with the r~sl ... e I charaeter~speelally for her. not us. But If WE married HER. then that would be bigamy.

Arthur LyuciL. New YOdl, Dutton . 1927.

Afler s howing u s lhat there Is ha.rdly a notion 01' lheo ry thal now Interests us that cannot be tound. "at least In thO ge"m, amid the speculations of the Greeks d uring the brief p riod of effloresence at Athens,"' a nd gi ving lIluslnl.lions of these, 1\11'. Lynch dlsousses In turn the dogm a...q of science In the fields of c hemistry, biology, phY51cs and phys iology. lIe offers a chal· lenge lo pyscholol'{lsla hy callin g a t· tentlon to lhe wide rUJlgo of error In that fie ld .

In what will he found pr bahly the most intercsUng sac lion or his hook , he pays respect to many mod· ern 1I11nl' "S, pllll genlly cl'ilIelRlng the wode l'! of F" cud, Bcrgson. Ber· l,·and. Ru sse l. ·01l0 . J. S. H a lda ne and olhers.

It Is a vital boole calculated to set writers of loda y to analyzing their stst~me lllS with the object of dis· L'Ov'J'lng how fa r they are based on proven fact Ilnd how fa r on tra· dltlon .

The New l\fedlcal FolUeg, by Morris FlshFbeln. M. D. New York, 80111

IUHl Llvoright.

Another crilic oC psuedo·~clenco at· tacl,s quack medi cal dOctors with the earnest sincerity a nd avOw d de· strucll venORS Of the followor!! of the Mencken school.

He takes up a ll the different cults In al ilhabetical order, and he tries to mako UR f eel the nocesslty tor sensible advise upon a ll mattors of health Qnd disease.

• • • Tho hook ought lo havo Il. slron" Only 115 more da¥1 wd,o Vlui.8t- appeal (Or mon and women who dO

not devolo th eir tlmo a lld money F, L. G. to quacl(s anel patent medlolne

------- specialists. -In defense ot tlio vanish­

Robbers Attempt to Hang N'ictim

Ing family doctor, Dr. Fishbein, maintains that he can never be aupersede(t by tho cllnlc or "out pll.Uent" department which ma y pel'·

~ mit wholesale dlngnosla. MANKATO. Minn .• Sept. 17 (JP)- Men find women In tho UnUed

After robbin&, their Victim ot 152. States know very little abo u t two bandits tied the wrists of Frank nhyslology und the ordinary laws of McGuire. Mankaot, and hung him to normal heaUh . DI·. F ishbein advo· a tree near here today. .. cates for thell' safety, common·

McGuire wae exhausted when sense, good medical caro and I), will· taken down an hour Iator by two Ing acceptance at l"lIe Bclentlrlo IlIR' palllling motorlatll. coverlos, opposed to tho co.nt broad·

McGuire told Sheriff Frank W. casteel by tho pI'acUtioner who 18 Corda ot Blue Earth county. he was willing to curo anything for a repairing a tIre on hIli car whon nc· twenty·dollar bill. The author'8 coated ~ two Ulen who stepped opinion of IPreudlan creeds should In· from beb~d an automobUe. 1(:0 flue nee many sell·termed IIIYoho­wa. tied by hll wrletll to a 11mb of anBlyslsta to ~evote their energy to a a tree 110 that he wunl' clear of cOlllltruotlve health llrocram and ~11, (1'g"D«, , ... _L.. I' ,-"'1 fQr,et 'heIr Qornpleltol,

president or Women's Forensic CO Ull· ell . announee'd yesterday.

:/.t~mbershlp In the societies Is by Invi tatlon and the rushing Beason will open during tb e second week in Oclobel'.

DUl'ln£, this period each society will give programs open to all wom· en Interes ted In literary activity. Each society will be allowed one rullt Ihg party to be held on a pre· [erretl date. Bids conlaJlllng the offiiial ribbon of the societies will be delilered to the president of the council beCore ~ a.m. of the follow· ing Monday and mailed by her at thai hour.

PI dges Wear RlbboD!l Rushees will slgniry th r l .. accept·

a nco by wearing th e ribbon s. So· cletles and lhelr colors are as Col· lows : Athcna, green and while; Ero· dell'hla n, pink and g l'ocn; Hamlin Garland, maize and brown; LJesller1a. wino and corn; Octave Thanel. lav· endar and white; and Whitby, yel· low a nd white.

Literary activities for the year will be centered a l'ound Inletr'soclety co mlletilion for a aliver plaque. Points will he given fOI' the winning of cerlaln contesla.

CoIIl1()iI SpOllSOr!f Contests The artlslic reading can lest is the

first contcst of the year sponsored by the [oren sic cou ncil and Is open to any woman s ludent all the cam· pus.

Inlersocle ly debates follow. each SOCiety being l'epreaenled by a leam.

The extempora neous speaking con· test Is open to only Reven women ; six. r presenting the lit rory 800le· tics anel ono r epresentln{;" non·soclety womon. ,

The sbort story and poetry con· lest, lho last of tbe YeaI'. wlil cl08e In May. It Is open to aU wOlnen In tho unlvcrslty.

Rooks and money are given for prizes to the winners of first and seoond place winners of flrs l and artistic reading, and wrillng con· test~.

Senior Law Class Swings New Canes S nlor law students were swing·

Ing a neW style of the traditional cane for tho first time yesterdaY af· lernoon.

The cnnos are darker !Iba n thoae Imported from Czccho·Slovakla. The dark bands 8how'lng the joining of the sections of the wood aro out· standing.

As In formor years thero Is a all vel' band an Inch wldo around the top of the cane.

The committee of 8enlors which selected this year's cancs Is: John Beardsley of tOWIl. City, Harvey Carter of SheJl kOCk, L . Dale Cofr· man of DeB Moines; A Ibln Kelley of .Manly. and Edwe.rd Yon Hoeno of Williamsburg.

Wanted. An AIrpoI1

WILMINOT61\/", Del.-Somo com· munilles aehl()vo airports and eome havo alrporls Almost thrust upon them. Wh en tIle Delawuro Aero· na utlc A sBoolatlon was 1U!8urcd tha t WlItnlngton was to bo on the new Atlanta·New York airman route, this olty wall ttLkell unawllres. Of· flelala began ,curryIng around In search ot a tlultable Ilvlatlon field to be ready for tbe Inau,uratlon ot "tVI.;, ~h\J fRU,

--- ----- - -- ------ ----- ------

Sunday, september 1 I. 1927 I

By Brigg.

Official Daily Bulletin The University of Iowa

BlIll4'.hL~ alld IInnOUllr~I1I~". for til OW luI Dall" l.IulleU" rolu\l1II IIIU t 1>1' In 'I'h IlRlly lownn oUI b" 4 1),111. to appear in the follvwlug ,u()I'uh'i's DaU" IowIUl. Volume III, No. 4 Scptcmbcr 18. 1927

Faculty Notices J<' RESllnIAN FOO'fO,\lJL CJ\~I)IOATFC;;


Footbnll pl'nctlco far ("cahIllI'n will 1)(01:'111 Monday at • p.m. on ths grldh'on dlr c lly west or thp Ilrm"ry and fll'lti houl«.'. All t<l"dllhtc. are requested to report Jr\ uniform. equipment I· Il18ue\t In the n()rth base· ment of the Ilrmory nnd (I('ld houf<e.

O. ll. VOugL. ,11 ad coach. treshmlln (ootball .

J.J8R\ltV OTlfI~ The reserve .... adlng I·oom. lo('al~(\ In th(' lihrnry ann~x (forml'rly mpn'.

gymnasium) wlll be oPl'n Cor U~l' !IIon(I:lY mornln!:'. ~ept. 19. Th .. Jl('riodl· cal a nd newspaper reading room, In Iho IIfImr building, can not be opened to the public unUl WedneSlday Olornlng, Kl'Pt. 21.

ORACI~ WOflMI';U, "cling ({Ireclor or IIhrllrlts.

UlIIl\'ERSITV 8M,1) TRl'Ol'TS Tryouts tor plac~~ on lhe univerSity hnnd will take plae ~unday.

'Vedneaday a nd .b'rlday of next weck. Kcpl. J9, 21. anr! ~3, at 7 (I.Ill .. a.nd Saturday. Sept. 22. from 8 a.m. Lo 6 p.m .• In lh band room. lo;vuy man who plays an Inslrumpnt 16 e. peel ally urgl'd 10 tlf']ll'<' nl at Ihe h)'OUlI. Because so many clarlnel I1laycl'II were I<raduatl'd IQl\( )'(·ar. th re Ilre a number oC vacancies [0(' thal portleular In.lrull",nl. I

O. g. VAN DORBN, dIrector.

ZOOIJOOY OTJ('E Zoology 109(110): Comparatlvr Zoology, Im'rrtt'hratcR and VrrtE'brates.

(3 s. h) Leclures TTH at 10 , room 206; laboralory ~" IO·I~. "'1,,1ll e04, ZB (Zoology building) Wickham, Hhould ha\'(' I I'n in~lult(~1 In the IO('hI'dule of cou rses. \\' 11\ a ll who ma.y be Nllle rnl'd I'll'll t8 kc n'110 tb:11 Ihls co urse is lo be given by ProfeSsOr Wickham. I'r M'/julslle, Z"olol{Y HZ) or co nscnt ot the Inslruclol·. H. . lXJn 'Atl. rcglalrar.

CO ns,,;s IN Ri<:I,lG10N The newly establlsh<'d drp(l\'lment of relli:lon t~kl's It, 1l1""e. In Ihls

Year's schedule of courses. ItS I\. ml"miJer ot III tsmlly of df'p rlmen lll of stud y. Attention is ask{'d to thc fMt that It I)(olon~8 10 Group II. Wnllo the jndivldual courses In thc tlrpn,lmcnt of rell~I,," lifO nnt oJl('n 10 fN'sh' men, they are o~n, as ell'Cllvl's. to 1111 other stud nts In tho coli e. of liberal arts, I"ducallon. and coO\nwrce, cou rliCS hf'~dnK numhera above 98 being avaHable a illo to!' g raduate credit. 11. '. von AS. r ,llIlra r

HOME EOONO~UCS TllDF.NTR Students registering In home cconomlc8 cia., will find correel~

sched ule of room numbers on lho bull ti n board In Ihe heme ('('onomlca buUdlng. FRAN es ZUlLI..

BOTANY ]09(110) PLANT ."tHilOJ,I)(1V The only prereQ uislle Ear this co urso 18 tho lulroductory ourso. Bol·

any 1(2). The noUce III SChedule of Cour s announcing a rh mls lry pre' requisite Is an error. W .• '. LOJ:;Il\ INO

NOTICE TO FRE JI~1EN AND FlorulOl\lOrW All Rludents regl~terQd (01' JltUltary Sclellco a nd r (Julrlnlr phYl leal ell'

!lJ11lnation to determIne their physical fIlnt"!!1I will (l!'IIt mako nppll ltlon In the Office of the Chlot CI~rlc, Roolll 5, Armory. from which they will be r eferrcd to the proper orrlcer.

All physloal eyamlnatlons tor the JlliUw.ry Dcp l'lmrnL will be made by Majol' H. IT. Sharpe. M dlcl\1 Corps, U. S. A ... ny. lila oUlee \VIII be tound In the Now Medical l aboralory, Wost Sid mpus.

MORTO.N C. MUMMA, LI ut. Col. <:av. P. M. S. and T.

FOR FA ULTY Jlm~lIIlms Pleaso report lo the hoad of your d Ilnrllllctlt yOUr hom 1,<1(1 1'1'118 and

lelephone 'number tor til fll.culty dlreclory. InCornll~lIon llIust be In by Seplember 24th at tho lates t.

NOTICI!l Tho library r a dln/[ rOom. natural IOle\1 e bulld lll ll'. will be c1u d fro m

Friday noon, Sept. 16. until Monday mornin g on aecounl ot nl'cessary pain ling. Oi'tACEl WO]{M mn. Actin&, Dlr etor of IJlllr rl II.

UNIVERRI1' r OATAt..()(HJE \ • Those wishin g univ rally cl.talogu • will 1)1 maIling room. 112 Iowa , Qvenue.

call ror thrill at Ih. R UTH l'1l!lP.I!lR.

Undergraduate Notice. FIUJ:(i1JMIl:N PEl' MF.MJNG

A It frcshnwn of lhe unlv ors ity IU'O nAked to I~ 'l bit fi re lit a H~ llr. of pcp llIcctlngA fOI' frcshman mNl Monday Itt ? Il.m. In lh!\ row •• Unio n. Coachrs a n(l I~oll~ra of I\tud~lIt IIro will xlllnin th vllrlnu" 1.11& II of lIllt· vllralty n.cllvlll ~s to,' lh o n IV Dll'n. enr your Ill' rn (,f\ I'~ un,1 ro l"r pre-pared COl' a big tlmo. ROY Il'. l'OW1'j<JH. ell 11'1111111.

lJAWI<El'E STAFt' ArpJlcallona for pos illons on the Rtnrr of Iho 1020 fl a wk" YI' will be

recelv~iI unlll 'rllc~dlty, 8('11l. 20. by th Nllwr. 'rill' MllIft will h~ rl10llcn ThurSday, '!:lept. 22. All fr ~hITl !'h, "Oll holl'"!"" , IIn(1 JtllIlI,," IIwn lid volllon are ollgible for wOI'k on lho y arbook. A(ldrNl8 YOU " 11111111,'1100 11 to b~e editor. HO~ 1'. l'OH'l'~n , ('dltoe.

STUDENT VtU.UNtI!:ER ~m";'I'JNn Sludent Volunlc 1'8 will hold a nt ollng at lho M lho.lll1t .. tufltont <",,"tor,

120 No. DubuQuo, Su niluy at 2 n.m. All 8tud nl.tt fill lcd In r I/gloul and ml88lonary work IU'~ cordially InvIted.

FIEf.!. D. ALt>JoJRI:IIlOIJ', PI·ca.

1,1 IWAIJ,oN PI Tho fIrst mooting of 1'1 JoJIl811on I'I will bo h Id In th TOWA U nIon

Wcdnellday. 8l'pt. 2J, lit 7:30 J) .Ill . lrn.rJOrblnt bU81nrAA ""II" for 111 ." , II" on co of evory momb r. Do thcrel ROY 1'. l'OH'I' f'l lt , Ill" 'Rhl~nt.

MJchlpn AuUIIlI'II LANBiING, Mlch.-Mlch~an·born

",uthor.. now 1I ... lng total na. The 1411; hl§&n f;ltl\~~ LlliJrary lIla<le •

complhttlo!\ or them . Th 'I Include Rex B h , Rln, IArdncr. Stewart Edward WhIte, 8A.mulll Crowther a,nll WJlI Ltvlortol\ Comfort,

I '













• tIn ,a ri inl Onlt, n ofll by II ' Oail),

r 18, 19~1

• .10, on the dhl'll~ are Ill'rth \Jue,


trly mtn', -I'h IK'rIOOI·

t he opened

libra rips,

Monday, 7 (l,m" and EI'ery man

llYout&. hrearea


'('rtcbrate', 'Ill ~04, ZB

IIChPdule Ihnt this

:Jogy 1(2) or :reglatrar,

('~, In this rtm nlll of n W"lle

n tn frrsh· coli gCl of

above 98 I' Istru r

correcletl ~onomlCl

::z ILL

- lIU • Bot· nllst"y pre-J:WINU

;>hy.lcn/ ex' NIH tlon

h thoY wl il

II lie made fit' Ivlll ~

8, and T,

,ddr 88 a nd It be In by

' Io~ d from , nee pary ~lbrarJcB,

11m at the l'IWPl1n .

nf I R~ I'I • IW~ I'n lon , Il!IOr IITII· I ~'nrr Ilrl)o lilnnlln,

'II wil l be I~ rho" n

\ihlwom n I~n III h~e

, !lillor,

enlrl nt r. n nll!tIOUI

IWI UII/OII rlrl pr IJ. «<1~M1t.

= If InclUde c, Rlewart ClIltber




Sunal1Y. Septerpber iB. J927, ~

'¥ \

t ~i\ I • III.

',~ 1


Accept our Welcome

First M. E. Church J fforson llnd Dubuque Sts .

Sunday School opening at !) :30 a. m, CoroneL Solo by hades D, Luke

ClasseR for Students MOl'lling Worship at 10 :45

EpworLh League 6 :30 p. m, Charles G, Fort. Student Pastor .. ~ ........................ .


, I

Congregational Church

10:45 A,M.- Morning Worship

Theme-UThe Moment to Deciqe"

6:30 P.M.- Society of Christian En~ deavor

Topic-HLOl'd of His Event"

@ =

You Will Find Cordial Welcome " ... 1

Robert E. Rienow Dean of Men

AT Morrison Club Tonight

;I I


320 E , College St. --Presbyterian Church

Clinton and Market

A Cordial

Welcome to

Students 9:30- Sunday School ,I'

10:4 5- W orship

'Sermon- "The Crown of the Conquerer"

6:30- Student Forum

Start The Year Right! (Sunday School wm not interfere with

Assembly a t Old Capitol)

........................................................ ...., FIRST ENGLISH



Dubuque and

Market Sts.

Th re aT three phases of our S unday program of spccial

Rev. W. S, Dysinger, Minister

Student Interest The Forum Bible Class 9:30 A.M.

Organi l5ing thl' fall study in Eal'ly hurch History

The Morning S rvice 10 :45 A.M. Sermon by nov. DYl:lingcr

Th Luther Lague Lunch on. 5:30 P.M.

Di!:lcu!:I!:Iion Mecting, 6 :30 P.M.

A welcome to you ~+.r~Jfftfttttfftttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt+t

r The Daily.IQ\Xin.Jowa City x z± . W::

I •

Jack Indulges in Golfers Turn Woodchoppers Positions Open as Complete Lay Off . Pursue Par With Axe Blades DepartmentChiefs

Scribes to be Guests at Last Boxing '

Workout ] , INCOLN 1~ II~ r, DS, 'IU~TE, 111 .,

Rcpt, 17 (A')-S~\lkl" !f out t ho cool spots In thc club houso a t lhe m ce trnek. ,J ack D mpscy Indulged In u dol' a nd nl ghl of ompl cl\l rest from l r"ln lng loday, TOln orl'ow nlghl he will do hl8 las t boxing. s teppIng thro ugh a few round s , for s pced only, with the news pa pcl' cOI'r08pond, ents all hlR g uests,

'J'hI H will b the la st time th e cor· l'E'spOnd ents will h llvc Il cha nce to tak a peck at D m psey with the g loves on befOl'o ~e cra wls Into the l'ingo to face Tunney next Thursda y night. Jlfllnfl gel' Leo p, Flynn said D nlJ)soy will do no morc boxing a fter lomorrow night, ' Ho mado the statement fla t and fina l.

Dempsey was on the road for flvo miles thl8 morning. deaplte the tel" rlflc heat, TonIght beforo goIng to b II hc took a few IlOkos a t the Ug h t punc hIng bag and then tugged awa y at the rowIng machine for tlfteon minutes, H o Intends to go on tho I'o[,cl agai n tomorrow mor ning und ta k t h ings casy In tho aftern oon, rcsling up (01' th'e night lIoxlng pro· gram,

lrlynn said lhat Monday, Tues· da y a nd Wcdnesday would be de· voted to light exercises, '/<~ I ynn dc· c lded today to have Dempsey r ema in In camp until the evenIng o( the figh t. H e will not even go to ChI· cago for weig hing In, as arra nge· ments ha ve been made. with t he illi nois State Athlellc commIssIon to ha ve him examined by a phys icIa n nnd weighed at 3 o'clock on the a Clernoon of the ba ttle,

Dem psoy was In a pla yful m ood today. Illlhoug h Lhe sun beat down unmercifully on the racing strip, He had f un clampIng headlocks on hIs trul ners, chas ing F lynn around the cl ubho use, a nd otherwise cljlUng UP like a frisky colt,

E rro,'ta to p in F lynn and Demp· eey down on th eIr selectlon of It

reCen'e got no where, F lynn said It wou ld be a ll r Ight w ith him J( B ill y Gibso n, Tunney's ma nager, were the t hird ma n In the ring,

Sha wl Collar Best 011 Wh,ter Coats

PARIS {!p)-The shawl collar Is s upreme In win ter coat s tyles, Neal"' Iy always It Is wO"ked ou t In fur, the favorites being bllby lamb, bea· vcr , ermIne, dyed moleskIn a nd fox,

The r ich velvet coats often have shawl collars o( expensive fox, M,uch caracul Is combined wIth rough mater ia ls for spor t a nd mo· tor coats, The straigh t sland·up collar of f u r has a s li gh t vogue this season,


"A Church without a


With the University


Arthur L, 'Mlatherly


Service 10 :45



The Episcopal Church

Today's Services

8 and 10:45 A.M.





, .' of 1929 Hawkeye

ClllCAGO, Sept. 17 (AP)-Wooll· (i ,opplng has bcr n 8ullSlllut('d fo r go lf by a group of Chlrago buslJlcHM me n a nd eel uClltors,

W llh shInIng axes shou lders, lheY sally week'l'nd 10 match ngn.lnst each other at ch ips fly.

Thoy count strokes, as Lhoy sla~h throug h logs. Just as tile St!'OkNI a"e 90unted In golf, and they as· sort that an afternoon of chOIJlllng Is far SUI erlor ItS a recreation to playing elghtcen holt's of golL

II. C, r~ewIR, pl'caldenl of a Chi, cago 'l'echnlcnl school. founde(] the club, A WOO(I'chopplng "courso" has lIeen fllted up In La Salle, III,.


Therc Is moro I'NII e"crcl~e In ~\\'Inqlng an fUCe thlln In following thl'OU0'l n mRshio shot, n group or ChIcago mcn belloY<" so they hnyc abandonell the llnl,s for woodchlp)Jl ng, Above I" H, C, Lewi" of the ' VoodclJO(Jpel's' club, beside tho ('\u bllOUAC In MichIgan,' Hclow LewIs [1.lId a companion arc coulltin!4' their strokes at 'axe goll'."

l~nother in MIchIgan. lind one Is 1;('. conversation of AmerIcans," i'1C w\.ys, Ing prepar d h('t'e. All thal Is net-d· "All we asle l'adl olhel' is 'How's e(1 to make a J)cl'fcct nflcflIoo" of you,' grun ?' and 'What dId you go choPI>lng Is a lot of logs and [llenty I at'ound in?' of rOOm, "'VoOd·choplng as a sport 'Is

"Golf Is U~ standllrized In COA' tUll10, rOlln'r"~ltJolI and cond.ucL EIB

the bu~lness world frail' which tho !;Olfc['~ lIro prl'~mdlllg to (,Se.1 p~,"

'1'0 \\'in [I. gllnlO (If wood·chopping, ono must cut through a certain lY[lo and sl7.0 of log wllh fewer RlrokE'S thall his opponent.

LewIs asserts golf Is loo stand· I wholly American, U takes mOl'('

ardlwd, )Jl'colsion and s lelll to bo an CXllert "U's in a fall' way to ruin the nXl'·man thltn n crack golfer,

Cedar Rapids Lad Confesses Murder

(CON'rJNUIW l"HOJ\1 PAm,; 1)

he telephoned h~l'e tit 10 o'clock to" nIght.

.Benesh saId no aHem lIt to 1'0'"

Unue the jOll",I(~)' would be made until morning,

An exira ('dltlon l>f the Gazelle· Re(lul>l!can lonlJ;ht lelUng of 1I1ess· nel"s arrcst "n<l cnnr('p~I/)1I 80111 lik" extras of war \lays, boys On thr stl'eelH <!t'llln~ tll p:q>l' rs hy tho lhou&''ln<t d0f.pll~ rt hp:, V)' rain,

Search l owI'. m illois The se<trch for IIIt'sSnc,' cxtendell

lhroughout il'll' Rtate or Jowa and Into 1111noiR, II W"s cnndurted by Cou nty Attorn y 'Valter J. Bal'n· grover. Stat(' Agent Tom A\'cl'y, and Chief or Pollee W, C. Bencsh. who had lraced down evcry "tip" in an exhaustive 8ear~h which SIRI'INl im· medIately nfter (indlng or the bruls· d antI baltered body of Kathleen

Wcdnesday morning, The vacant house In which Kath·

leen was m urdel'\1d WlllI next door to the Messner 110me,

Suspicion wa. first dlrpc1ecl Ilt Lyle J\fC's8nl'r \\\'len hi" 18·ypar.olc1 sister. Hawl, told th (Jolleo she hRd 8(,l'n Lyle In tho houso shorlly b{',

fore 6 o'clock TueMay ev('nlng, the hour when l{ath lQon la~t was sen,

Hazel callee! Lyle to dlnnt'r, she said, a nd' ho CIlIllO In about 6:30 but retused to Cllt, claiming lIle foOd \fIas cold,

Lost All TrnC'o of Lad Tell ing his molh!'\' ho lnt£'nded to

take a balh, Lvle wrnl 10 hlA I'oom,

Look Whose Comingl

TUESDAY "The flaming flap· per in a Tidal Wave of Love in the trop· . .. les.

chnnged l'liS shirt and (UsaPI,carcd, From lhat lime. until his arrc~t

at Rock 1sl<1l1d thIs afternoon, all ll'llCC of him wns lost. thc county "t· tOI"ney, and private delectlves ran down many <.'IlIl'S but to no avail,

'Yarnlngs W rc R('nt to a.1I bon'''1' rillrs to be on the walchout Cor lIf(,~lIner. as It WIIS believed he eoultl not have gone (aI', Lyle was known to have ha.d no money when he lrel herr, and 11'10 pollee believed he ~oon would aPl)ly somewhere for wOI"k Ilnd food,

The mUl'dl'r or Kathleen FOl'rcMt, police say, was the most brulal this cily cvel' hAA know'n, The little gll'l was last SOl'n hy IIer mother shortly befol't' 6 o'clock Tul'~(h'y e\l'nil1~

when she left her playmates 10 goo Into the house and ask for 11 hana nil. liN' motbcr told he,· to walt unlll dlllner, and she left 1,'le house. os· tenslbly 10 rejoin her playmates,

Whcn KalhlCl'n did nol ,'CtUI'll fm' dinner, her tRther. Jame~ FOl"'''8t. slarted a "eareh for 11(>1'. Aft~r ~('v.

eral hours oC futile s('archlng, he called lho polico and lhc Rllt'I'lrr, who, logcthel' wIth n~l~hhor~,

sc'~rched hlle nOl'thwe"t portion of the city thl'oughout tho nIght.

P a rents Arrested The following mornIng, C, ] r.

sawYl'r. formcr orcull .. '\I1l or th(' va· cant house, extended tho seul'ch

there, In th<' bns('ment III n. G·fool hole, he !;aW a pall' of tiny feet, and wllh thp al<! oC others whom I'H' crtllNI, ttl body WIlS brought out.

It:; cOl1(lItion mutl'ly told whR.t had h<tPPcJlcd, 'l'he dl~:lI.,.[tIlged clolh· Ing lndic<ttecl Klllhlccn had lIeen the vIctim of 11 c,'lmlnal lIs"ault. anel cutH and bI'UIH(,H on the Ioody seem· ed to show that lhe child ha.d ~en bl'alcn to (]('al11, ArtE'" Iln eXllmlna· tlon. Coronel' I:' A, Vorpahl declal" ~d eleltth \\'a" <Ill!' 10 smothrl'lnE;', ex· prcssing thl) IJ 11 ,[ ~"" t tho child was ~U11 a.lIvo wl1l'1l placed in the cel~Il', She dl('d, VOl'palll decl£lred, from the coffel'ts of the foul all' In t hl' lmseml'nt an<1 [rolll a hat which hnd b 'cn j:lmmcd down over h I'


11ft', and ?fl'll. \Vi11irrm 0, MeH~n!'l'. parents of Lyle, weI" tU'l'csled late y('~tertlay on ll. wlUT<tnt i~su('d by til(' county atlorney, WllO charged th<'m with (,flI1Hpil'llC'y to oh~l1"UCl

Jll~tle(',' HI' declArNI it was I'lls bc· lIl'r (h"t tho narcnls kl1(>\V of ~hc

murder and Itldcd Lylo to escapo.

]:oth, howev r. (I('nled 'an I{now· 1('(lgo of tho rrinw, Mr, Messner (IX'

plalnlng- Jlls "I'('~cnc(\ In the vltt'ant houMo wher he wos found Wl'e!ncs· day mornlnE;' Ily two wom!'n st'nrrh· (,I'S, by saying- ho aJ~o was looidng fUt, little Knthl on,

$ .............................. . ...... ... ....... .

NOW SHOWING Today;- Monday- T1.1esday ,

The Screen's Bird of Paradise In Her Most Gorgeous Role

, I


Don't Fail to Sec

Billie DOVe ']kSTOLiN I)ruDI:




-ahlo showing-­

Latest Pathe News Fablel

"T opici of the Day" Mack &nnclt Sc!lcctcd Comedy

"The Gold Digger From Weepah" Afternoon cxc I>t Sunday ............................. AOc-10c Evcnings and Sunday afternoon ....................... 50c- 10c MI !;S HT,A 1NN lIAITI w lll l111,y ~flIIle Jlf'lLUlifll l Il1 l1sk fllr th ll! p lr· tlll'C, She Is lowl~'s fu m ou8 hro,"l t'flH!1ng or({anl t , You hnv~ Vi'O' habl y hCfJl'd her ovc r hllo I'1ld lo l hrough wsur I llLlion ,

Porter and Young Select Assistants

This Week


A ppllca llons for posi llons on th£' Hlaft of th e 1920 H a wkeye mu~t b

fllcd In tho Ha wk eye office, JOUl'n· tlllHm build ing, by 'fuesda y, Sept, 'OIl, Roy Porter , A3 of Watcrloo, eclltor oC tho yearbook a nnounced ye~ ler·

day a ftcrnoon . The IltaCf wlll be chosen Ilext wec k,

All f,'cshmen , sophomo,' B 0 nel junIor stude nts who wa nt to scrve 011 lhe staff a ro e ligible to a pply,

Porter ospeclally strcssed th e fact tha t junlol's In a ll colleges who a ro a ble to devote som e time to w OI"k · Ing on the a nnua l Rhould tum ou L,

"H's YOUI' book. juniors," he &'l.i d, "Rnd you s hould como out and wo,'k for It,"

Staff ecJltors hlps which wlJl be fill t1 by n.ppol ntmcnt. are: adm lnls· t mUon , a thletics. class, fca lul'C, 01'· <;ani7,lllio ns, and women 's. Th e cd l· tor·l n·chlef a llno unc d th a t 11 would a ppoin t a nUlllbe,' of del>artmcll L heads undcl' eac h editor also,

Ral]Jlh Young, A3 of SprIngvIlle, who Is bUsiness man ager of the book. Il lso an nou nced tha t he 18 CllooRlng his bus iness s taff at the pr('sent !lme a nd will r eceIve ap· pllcnUons Cor posl tlons, In par tlcu· lar he wants a m a n from each coi· lege a nd school In tho unIver sity t o ,"cpresent that collego or school on lIle businesB sta ff,

No-w Sho-wing The Charming Star of

"The Big Parade" IN HER VERY LATEST!


James Oliver Curwood's

Back to God's Country

.-- ... Comcdy­


Merchants' Tickets Have Been Extended for Use AU Year! Every Day in the Week Excepting Sunday. PRICES: Adults, Matinees, 40e; Nights, 50c; Kids, lOco But it will cost you only 25e if you hav~ J! Merch­ants' Ticket.

SlR Next

Tuesday The Big Star of J

"The Big Parade'~ .

John Gilbert



"Cameo Kirby"


To Find Lost Articles




--.. .

IOWAN Phone 290

TODAY ENCLERT r ,....., £1::' ........ T 17 I.:

Last Chance Monday

"The Most Glorious Thrill of all Times"


KARL DANE "Biele" [catul'lng orIginal music score.

r OllUiar I'rioee Adults (;0(' ){iddics 10c

TODAY and Monday

"What a Cast'tj LOVE, la.ughs. thrills, in a modern Garden of Eden! The grcat new laugh team in the funniest riot of m a I' ita I mix-ups you've ever seen I




anll tlin CO Il\ ~{l y " ./<' Hl']N ' Il )<.!U I~ D" - W ol'ld Lale Nows-

"Oll r(\~n Orall MlI'1\ All nay Hunday 40c-KldlJ JOel

Page 6 The Daily lowin, I~wa City Sunday, September 18, 192' -Ingwersen S-ends Hawk Football Men Through- F~rst Scrimmager Two Teams Mix in Initial Encounter of Grid Practice

Hill ~akes. Grade I Bues Down Robins I pj::r!~I'~ltt~~n:t\~::~ ;~~~i1~~~ m Third Attempt I , Oenewl.ch In which St pflenson''!

T ' t 5t t h double In the thlKeenth Inning sent . ... WICe 0 re c Mm~ lh'e dccldhlg run. , 'l'he Cuba bunched l.hclr hits 00·

Win Streak to 11 hl;:r:~r~~~~ win the second game.

Boston ... MO 001 000 000 0 2 10 3

Sophs Enter Fight for 1 L.~aner~akes200th Hit bf Season in

Setbnd Game

Chicago 010 000 MO 000 1 3 15 2 Oentlwli!h antI Olbson; Bush tlna

i-Tllrtnett. Berths on Eleven r Second gan\o:

With Zeal r. BORton ................ 000 101 100 3 9 3 hlcago ......... 000 018 Olx G 11 3

The ClrRt scrlmmnge of the cur· r nt [ootball ""tl~on was dished out to the nlvel'Slty o! Iowa grlcl as· plrl<nts yesterday ufte.-noon, For ~lIghUy more thnn nn hour, Coach lng\\crsen had two t!!llms dt'IIUng

n oCCenRlv nnd dl·renHlvp !ol·ma· tiOnA, with every mnn On the squn.d ",,([\ng IL ahot of the hot wOI·k.

, I GoldsmlNl, Wertz lind

em'lOOn and OonznJes, P['.rTSBURGIT, Sept. 17 (.4') -Pi ttsburgth co ntinued Its pelltlnnt march with n double victory over tg/k 1'rdiiitfi PJnrt the H OIblns IOOuy by 2 to 1 and il to 0, I'unning the Pirnt ~' consccutfve . iii Serle. ~


L-lI'ing o~ t tiumpllS to cleven. 'sT, t.blrH8, Se!'>'t:. 17 (1ft, - 'l'h Aldridge hod 1he betler of Potty I tJ\I'(li'nails, 11111' d ,by i!i8'I\'t~n' hils,

1I101'll1n!; drill was confined most­ly to the ends a nd punters, allhough Ml'rul a nd " 'iCkhol'l!t, line m£'ntOfA, 'Ix'nt cunslderable time In tutoring til!' guards and tackl s, };nds were I drilled On running dOwn acter punLq, whl1(' tllo backfIeld men wel'o given cxp rle nce In running bn.ck ' tho kiCk!!.

In tho tlr'st encounter. ' s'l\'u t ou't l'ft/'a/J ''p'l\~a: 11'-0 ()n a In the firth ~nnlng or tho SC{!on'd ,Mruday field In the ~el' i'es' (l-Mite)'

game, Lloyd Wa n I' mado his 260ttl he l'a tod'ny . Reln1\art hetd t,I\ ' pilll· hit of the f'!!ason . 1 rc ~" th e ttl'st liM to se~en S(!a'tfa,lt\d hite. rookie to bre..'lk lftto basebal l una SCore: knock ou t tbll.t num ber o! safetlils Philadelphia ...... 000 0'66 600 0 7 1 In 'his InillllJ yenr, H e a/Wed n. St. Loui's ............ 022 600 43x H 18 Ii double to his string In ttl eev/>ntlt. Pruett Wl1Ioull'hby n.ncl WlIsQn'

j.'II'"t g'ume: Reinhart an(l Snyder, Su hlllte, ' Rrooldy n ............ 000 000 001 1 10 0

SOpllolllore holV -';1) " rell Burt [n!;wersen hILS aCComplished

m ueh In lh e Hlx "meltec IreHSIOIl>l

Ihalth,' Old Gold tl'am hal! had thus fru·. Although thO cand\(lntes hlWO lust \\ ('I"ht and otherwise show signs of wear, thoy hn ve dmonstrat­NI conMidemulc mld·season form and nr(' I'rrpldly being molded Into l<

"tl'ong mftJ'hlne. Sophomores, eSI)Q' clolly, hllve sll'Own UI) wpll and thelt' d<'l('1'1I1Inl'd Rph'lt to Wi" h "lhs on tll P pll'Vt"ll htlH kt:-y<,d lho cnU."u squad up to a high fighting pilch ,

John Paul Yeggo or Boone, the only let tl'l' lila who dl<1 nOt I'rport fur thp t/r.t day's IlI'aoU(,~ put In I,l" UllI.NU·:1.nee this m orning, bilt j k(' S(';~II y, whb huk('ll ~Ignnls las t yeul', dltl not show UI}, itumorK nrIod Ilavo it thnt thl' !'.lontlccllo h,+o will nol he III cOllillll<nl for two wrrkR, but coach,," discredit the rllmws nntl c '"lm that Ike will ue In shape fur tho first gllmo oC tho ~~a~oll against MUlllnoulh coli 'go her, ('t. 1.

G linull 'Voorltl! at End r.hlln~ hi. nwn UI) for Ih" fh'st

Hcrlmtnngc oC tho )'f'o'U', Burt uscd 'l lptl1in Np)so ll nl".1 .1 (l~sen nt

!:u'kl!'s, nobel'ts amI WaHLI'lL at lIlll'tlS, Klnna.n anti CrImm a t "nds,

Bt'own C nlPI\ and Hag'- l'iy, .My rs, l'llhl'l o' l1d OInsp:uw In th" ha~kflpJ(1. '1'11(> H,"'ond Htl·lng wnR (1mp""",1 of Sdlh'~""~r Hili! M:Hhk'n at tacklos, (,ho ltl'l'loll :ul(l l{l'I~h o.l gUlll'll~,

.J "hnslone /llltl Cuolc). at cnds, MaHun rl'ntar, find Mnlonpy, DOll 81l11! h , 1.:I.Ul'r tln<.l Schmidt In the il:lrkfleld. NUm(lrOUR SU11sUtuUonH wpre mad on both levl'lls,

Tmvls J. Bunn, minor leHcr mall or Illst SmRrtll, "hoWI'u to rul vnnt:lgc Mter ho replnc d Lnuer 011 lhe sec,

nil Hll'lng. Dunll Itl(~ lho lin hard nntl althoug-h short, IH rast In get­ting hy 111'OSIl<'CUVO tncltlcr8. H o Is t-iUI'l' to JTIHkt· n. t!tl'ung lJit.l for tAw fulJb:H'k Ill'l'th on the varsity ma­('hl ne.

Cuoley, Cuhal tlnd SmlLh arc de· veloplng IntI) fall' klckors Wli h '(!" I ~y getting ocr punts wltb tho

greater yal'dugl', J l'ijHen haM also Ill 'cn usei! In the punting d IH.lrtment, but ttt tha present outlook, Cooley NhoWll "I)lns oC daveloiling Into the most r<'llable man.

Glh,SS(!OIV h uIYS Ability n nt'I<flrld pI'ospects loom beltcr

nnll IJt'ttl'I' rach cllty . Tho sopho' mol' backs are g iving the old val" ~ i1 y ml'n sti ff tu~sles (01' the berths, C:J a!-1!'(g'ow, P OI'tet, M)"ers, Pignn­tell! (lnd L:luor aro nil good m n, with 01,'8sgow showlnr.; cvh.ll'llce uf devI'loplng Into (l fait' goal klelccr who w!ll I .'11>10 to rill thp shol'S

~-- ---

Your Fall Clothes

--re:uly tor " 'car! That Is ar t h()y Clcaned -- Pressecl - - neat anI! In styl wHh tho season? Let's look 'em over and give the'~l 811Ch CINlnlng, Repai r or Altering attention as they rnn.y n ecll n ow.

l'rompt SN'''lce_


T. Dell Kelle~ -211 E. College

PlitsbUt'g.h .......... 100 200 ~Ox G lR Ii ASSOCiATiON Petty and Dc:bel'ry; Aldridge and Mnlwauk~O .................................. 3 r. 0

Cooch . 1 K~ n'llL" City ...................... : ....... 5 8 1 Soq~nc grune: , Jonnar(l , CaWwe)1 and Mc~en('my;

R;Oi'l'k yn ............ 00,0 abo O~ti 0 3 6 IM'lll' ray a .... d IP~ter8, pt/ tsburgh .......... 100 200 aoz G 13 a IUldlanapoJls ................................ ~ 9 1

EJlJlott anel H enline; K nne!' ani! J.rIll.t'isvl11e ................................... .4 8 0 8m tho Myers and 'resmar; Austill and

PITTSBURO rr, Sept. 17 (A 'p) , Meyer, ,"'Ill,'n ProcV," 11 Ill, bCH pectacled Braves Drop 15th Tol eao .......................................... 9 14 1

Pimte hurl 'r, seems to h'ave "made l'n Ro'" as Cubs Wm" Clllurnbu~ .......................... .......... 2 8 1 110, grail" In (10(' mnjorH. " Batn es, Mi ls lPn d nnd O'Neil, I fev·

Afte r axcurslolling al'oull\l many ('hle.~o, Sept. 17 (/1") _ Boston's In!\,: Zumbro n.nd Ferrell. !.lnll lots, ho hn. sUI yeti "up" with losi ng "tl'Nlk was cxlC'ntle<l to fifo Mlnnpn.polls ................................ 7 1~ 0 f'ltt .. hurgh on 1018 th it'd rl~-e Into m'O- teen ::\,an1('S today ",'hen Chicago Sl. )":1.01 ...................................... 2 R 1 jor league company , nnd has be· won lxJ1h g'am es of a double to ope n B('nton nnd K e nnn, Gowdy; lI pi· ('''1110 one or Dunl Dt/sh'S most (le- t!he serlas, {hI' fh'st 3 to 2 In thlrLee n mach, McQutlfd, Maley, Zal\lllzel', 1wn.lahle l11oundHmen, innings and th l' ~('('on(1 g ame fi to 3, Klt'RCh a nti Gaston.

Jllil ltn.s se t hl~ goul this Bummer ::::;~~;::;~::::::::::::~;:;~~~::~.:;~~~~~~~~~~ fLttWC'l1tygltnlC':04wOn-thC'm:U'kthC'y =- -r- X,6\; - ,It 6: II I,.', 1 11 n ! -;-11 11 alm at nntl which' few hit. Many lIm('s he hilS n('u I'pcl that cov~tc(1

mark In It ls twelve Yl'nl'S In vari­OU R uniforms nml twice. In the m ln­OI'S, he haR I'XCel'dNI It. Tho first was In 1917 at H11'll1lngham , wheh his I'('('ol'd showI'd twenty·s lx wins !lnd twelve Mfeats. The Otll(,1' wa~ \\IH,' n he W(lS with Indl:1.nallOlls, when he won twenly·one and last seven

Year Ticket Molder.

Reservations Tomorrow unl\('1' the manar.;('ment oC Dueh, be­fOI'(, fitlr ney DI','yrU"S !wonght both him n.nd nush to Pittsburgh,

I('rt varnnt h)' nalph IIogan, the d('tldllrst drOll 1(lrlcer a\'or to don a 11 awl{c~'e m olpsk ln,

at Whetstone's for the Ohio State .. Iowa football game .. OI ..

With thl' heM continuing upon lts sensallonnl HIlI'C , tho canultla tcs nro not regaining the weight very fast that they lost In the rtrst dn.y's workout. Orne LaHhbrook, n. Hnr· man with po~slbl1ltles Crom l!'armcr

October 8

'Ity, III" whf) lost Hlxte('n I)Ounds In till' Initial drill, Is sti li eleven Jlounds sh or t of his norm a l weight, 230 pounds.

Monday will murk Lho opcnlng o! the two·hour J)raellce 1ll'j1J3, lIml a n· nthrr scrimmage Is on tho )'lrogmm fOl' the JI:1.wlWye UAplrants at that tihll'.

Year tickets on sale Whetstone's

The Football Gamel Alone WiU Cost You $10.00 II You Pay Single Admissions

Rere they are:


Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov.

I- Monmbuth vs. Iowa 8- 0hio State VS. Iowa

1 5- Wabash VS. Iowa 29-Denver Vs. Iowa 5- 111inois vs. Iowa

$1.00 3.0D- Dads'Day 1.00 Z.OO- Boy Scout Day 3.00- Homecoming



Why Not Pay Just $2.50 More For A Yearly Athletic Tickef-

and have the privilege of attending

Thirty More Contests ..-I.

in six sports, including

Tea aasketbab C .... Year Tickets On Sa!e Today at Wketstol1e'~ No. I


-Cornhusker Mentor

Holds Scrimmage

(em plated slayin g out of football this flNlSOn Indicated tmlay thut h e wouW pl'obnbly be In s uit Mondny, E11!tlns who I~ an excQl!ont J1l1nt~r

LINCOJJN, Nebl'" Sellt. 17 (JP) - llnd passer, hu(l llrevloll sly llll\nnl'd Despite Lhe hot sun whic h hla7~d to pass UP thr gridiron Sllort In tlown Ullon th gTl<1h'on, Cooc h N . K ol'd('1' not to run ony ri sk ot mjul" Bear!\, put the Nebrnsku Cornhlls· Ing' h l",self 01' hl A Olympic chllnC('K kH8 Lhl'ough llwlr first I!crimmngo n x t spl'lng,

Gophers Engage in Two Hour Scrimmage

MINN I~AI'OIJIH, AI'pL 17 (JP)- A battf'l'lng- RC I' lmmogc of 11)lt1·"rnM(l1'l vnl'J~ty e ngro"8e(1 th o )I1lnn~"()tll rooU)l1l1 fl(luod r01' nearly Iwo hOUI'" tOllny to lIw N'IIf1entio ll of U Hclc\'l

,t rrmlln ~ 1"'1( tit' hlll\lp n nd hi, chll' Hl'M, t!lldnll him lit hiM WOrd,

II'cnt lit It hlll1111WI' nnll 10m"", ll\-. I'Ot'r the \'tlltlln/( WIlH liver, tour full pi VMM hllll (njUYl'll lIlPh' tllJlto or til [It'Ht "( II I tUMHI ot tho 1921 MtllKon.

or th e sellSon this afternoon with (rlV Rldr- lInr nn"l'I'V('I'H nnll to the "' ltlsfoction of lho ronc h!'K, th e flt's t ancl secon d taams n Iignoll

against ench other. co LLJiJf; E JrOO'I'UJ\ 1. L

Virg in ia Wofford 0,

MlIItal'y Ins tltuto 1,',,<'1111{ II. day of l'l'Ht, J11·. CItH"

37; ence KPNII'" ol'dcl'cd lhe rmy )lut on with nil thc dash ollli flavor of

Fnlt Elkins, Notlonnl A. A. U. ,)pnt n.thlon chnm l)lon, who had con- ....




'lThere is No Substitute for Quality"

IIlgBt as Well Have the Best

Your own taste will tell you tltat SLAV ATA'S is the store to get your new Suit. The suits we are showing now are the kind that dra W

interest On your investment---they look well .wear well-· .. and cost considerably less in the long run. We don't believe in cheap clothes-.. ·but w,e do give you good clothes at Q Low price-.. -that s all you want.

Correct Furnishings Always Colorful

Neckwear Notes

When you'r jus t abon t tit'cd of Ol" d In (L I' y l'attN'ns nnd eolol's of neck, wen I' - ('olno In o nd Rro our n ew· est 11.1'1'1 vn.ls .

$1 to $3.50

Here Are The

Young Men's


New as thc season are these nat t y lIats - all with the new shapes - and colors to suil any taste_

$5 to $8


Smart Shirts That Are Ex·

ceptional Values

Men who da lly nflmlrn Rma l't 81111·t8 nntl eKe 1)­tl 01ll~1 value I lI'p ~u 1llIn );

In ht'ro to gel th ch' (IUO­ta of th ese fine rlttlng amI 11Mt rnru Shirts,

$1_85 to $3.50

Taking the Hazard Out

of Hose Buying

W ' I'e following t h tJ'ail t hat I e ads to h 0 S c economy - bet· ter ho~e, bec:\U!\C they look belter and wea .. Ion get'.

50c to $I.~O


"Opposite Campus" / 'I



(li'lIIt 1' hl' Oil

row nnd I lorl('s In : ('Iu!) rrom thl~k of tI

Ph'1I1,," tll l'h' lip" I,Plll n mt of Ih~ nil haR h"I'n dUlVnf,l lI" T!'Vt'I'HtIIH I III Rlnnllil of 1)1'I'rUIII

TI", 1'1 '1 AmN'lt'nn ml1tll' hy A Itl'Ol'k, I milt!' ptil'l "1111 1<,." I

Itona t sit'llI

'Mandel (,lllrAft

MIII1i\I'ti, \' 111o1ll , WON' rOIlIl,1 1I111 1l ll , It)' rrlll~ nl'Olllol!' r, kelrrt('(l wi

11'11' 1'[0:1.1(' \ I

17 (1\ (I) 'I' rtl~ llllil y fir 11<' 111'1'''11 It lim\lhHl11I MI

111101 11 hl'tli l ~l'I '!! IIR "'0 hlllH Wun CIISl' " PIIIl'1 lean elover

---S, 1921 Sunday, September 18, f927 't' f '~'t ll.ier.,4"/1 • ,. 1

Page 7.

ge'~ La Coste Downs Tilden in Strijoigll Sets to Nah U. S.. Crown ~ -- -Frenchman Takes III onel hi,

his Word tonl{8, % ~VP I" fUUr Ihllll' tnijle )f tho 11127 --

- .... I'



Crown for Second Successive Year

13,000 Net Fans Jam Stands to Witness

Thrilling Duel To' ruF;ST nU,r,s, N, Y., Sppt. 17

(!I')-Heno I~lcustp, nn II'0n'I1l'I'v~1l ~()n ul ]"r"nre with MtcN 8jll'lng'H In loi s [01'8 and tho ue'curury 01 II rmo, Ulan In hlR mcl{et. swept to decisive RlI'dlght'sH vlc'lol'y ()vrt' J\1l101'Irn.'~

"Big lllll" 'rlldl'll loday til win I'hl' tcnnl.< chlllnllionshtp ot tho United Stn. l c~ fOl' lho xccond tlll1e In n .. Il l/ Iny yeal's, 'rho xeol'e WtlS Il·~,

IJ·a, Il·D. Oomlng rlose upon tho Pl'clwh

RWI'ell Ht Ihp IJnvlH {'ul', the vl"l"I'Y d "IIv\! hO"I(' lIl1' clallll IIr Franco tu Indlvillual liS wl'11 as letlm HUPH IllU ( 'y (jV~" nil tire wOI'ld ,

H waK a Vn Illlnt hnltle, nnll Il -th rllll'l] :t Ih;'''n~ lie I 3,000 tl'I'IIlI~

<funs" 110 pacl<etl the west !llde' RlIt· (11L"n lind IIlt'l'ally hl'lli Ihelr hl·ctlth th ),(1I1l:'h 1Ill' lunl; dePIH'oul't ex· ch:II'I-(,"x with which th(l, [o""cnchnllln WUI'" 'l'illll'lI !lulI'n In " dCSjlct'at,'ly fuu<llt Ihlt',1 ,(,(,

I>'rllm the "liq '1'll<lon waR hcking In Rtl'afiil1l'f'H while Laclmle was ae­{'ur,"'y I'e't" '"nlfli li.

Th. > \)[11 til' fill' the mo~t part was f,,"gh t fmlll I""'k ""uri wh~"" lA­c'(I.1 IIIII' ,y~ 11:1,1 till' l ... ltl'l· of Ihp A.~I ' h[ln"rs, I.t Wtl!l only IVl1pn 'rll dell (nl'luw. ,,1 h!H dJ'l\rps 01' kPl'Vit'(':

'hul • III tho h:rl'l'lor ro .. vollf,y I) 'al'p­m~nls tltat hi' was allle 10 ea)TY the ":Lttll' III hl't ro~,

As thl' mal~h \\"I)I'C on Ihe~(\ ~:1 1 ·

llr~ to t hl" 11Pt h(l("'~\lllP 1nul'(? l"l rP ,

The .Iraln lul l1 vl"ilJly III)On llw 3j '),I'OI'Clhl Tilelcl1 fOl' \\ 110m It wns ono hlSl chnnc," to s,we sOl11pthlng (mill th .. wn'cJc"L'~ left by the 111-vudillt.; ],'rpn .. huwn,

~ll~R JJdcn \\'1I1~, nallonol \1'Om­pU'M I hfllllplon, modI' I",o!lallly hPr la"1 "t'pi "',,nl'r hi lilt' f':l,1 Ihls ypnr In lin I"·t ,.'n:lti,,nll ml""'l douhl .. f'X ' IlltJltlOll , ~IiRB Will. anI] FrulIl'is T . lIunt"I' tlf Ihe Bnlle I Slalf's Davis cup t t .. IIO \\'('I'P he'llt,.n h~~ :\Ii<ht K(la rOlllll :l ll or Hollanll and J(),-ln BOI'ol·. 1':1 or Frnnl'p 7·:', 4-6, G3,

Major League Play Marked by Spurts

Nr.\\' YOnK, R pI. 17 (IP)-Thls hns },I'I'n an unll,unl Y"ul' In the IlInjur- Ip,,~ups fol' wlnnin!; nnd los· Ing f,Il'l'ak", Vlt' tunlly .'very tpam In hoth circuit!! haH pX lwrlrncpc] pl· t1wr on" or the otlWl', or bolh, at fome 1>",'10<1 nlon~ tho rout£'.

~I ' h'" I }(· tl'uit 'l"ig-(' rH, rOl' in!;lnncr. tllrn ,I In 13 RlI-all'hl ~II(,(,P'''''~, th,. )u't:lIli,,' IU1l'fonnancp ut thl· ~pn~onf and then did a compl('tp dipFy·dew by ell'ollllln,:: nln" gnmcs In lhe next l~n ~IJlI·t~,

\1'", hin,::ton fllmoxt Ilupllcflted th(' Detrull ~Iunt, ('olliling tpn ln ~ row. only to turn around nncl fnll to win a Bltl/.\l" lilt In 13 ntlf'mptR. A tic with \)I' tl'olt waR th e hpst the NatA ('oul ll clo ()\'er that stn'teh. Th" ~II'ln!:, or elc'feals ""nt 'Vnshlngton clown to fourth plnce afl('r It hnd ('(lllIlrl;lJHlpl1 n r>('Il~ctnhle Pt'rcemt.age right b"hlnd the Yankl'ca,

Yunle~ lJlLVI\ WrllJlJng ALrcllm. 1'1", \"Ink:; hal'e I}ut on suvel'al

wlnnlnl-( 11IIl'ndp" Ilurln!:, the mc\,. nwn~urlng up to the clull's mark or 16 Ulfllh' a ),,,al' ngo, The long~8l

lORing .It· .. ak Ih(' lIugm"n mn Into wa~ fUll I' un t hI' lust 'VeRtern trill, ClevC'lal\{l sw(,pplng a three-game ~erle_~ n nd Ddl'ult tn king t he open, er of til(' Ynnl(·Th:: .. r AUnt.

Il'vellln!l lost nine lilts In 10 gnm~~ anll Rhorlly aCt r chnlked UI) sen' n IItralj\ht vlrtorl~, The R('(\ Sox RufCl'rl'd the worst 10slnA' Slf ilK.

elropptnl:' 15 In a row. Imt came back t o win 12 out oC 15 onrly In August, " 'hltp Rux anti llrowns also hml winning n 111\ 10,Ing jnmhol" (\9 or vnt'yl 1lJ.;" r()portloll~. Tho .A th I tlC!!

rOPlw!l 15 and IUHt two over one period . •

I n till' National L ague> tho Cubs rhed,,'cl In wIth tl Il oze n eonl:ll'cu, live !I'lumphR anll IlI}pNII' e\ w('11 on th (, wily to I-(onrillon. Thrn rame tl ~~r-l('s oC Ul)~ct8 which ~rl'nrnhlt,,1 th ('Ita. (> mol'C than (,\'('1".

Gla III. MaleC' GOIl(I Rl'l'ord rrhl\ OIanlll tllnle 10 gilmeR In n

row line! hull 0110 l'erol'll oC 25 vi,,· 101"IcR In 31 Atlll"llI, which Bent thl' club fl'om I, fall' fourth Inlo thl' thIck or lhr hntll fOl' the 1)(' nn(l1)l.

Plrl\ l C'~ nnd ('nrdM a lRo hnv h oel 11ll'11' lip" tllld dOll'nM, IhOl'gh tnry ]'"pt 1I mOl'e I'V"" I{I'I'\ I hu n HUllIt'

of Ih (1 nlll"I·R. 'I'he' 1027 rnmllUlgn lIaR 1"'l'n II ~(,I'I M of 11ll1'IMlng .. IIIHI dOli nflllltt with th" cOIIIIlI .. t, fU1'1l1 TI'vr l 'Hn l ~ nr th n ']'IA'I'I'H o nel Nlitlon· aiM I4I1lnell11~ Ollt IIH til O\llll'Mt hll~ of IJl't'flll' l1la n rc, •

'l'hl' "I 'o'01'd wlnnln!:, Rt r l'nk In .A nWl'leu II l':'i!l{ul' hl"lol'Y Is '9, mll~ l' hy Ihe' Whll l' Ho In 190G, A llt·o(''' . WI\l l" 1I11t! IllI'l1' ll1"unrl mlll l'M IJItC'lwII FI.'ldl't' ,l0IH'H' ra1l1ulI" 1' 11 111 R~ \\~olltlI' I'S" t o Iho Elr!IM' tionlll Htl'h l~ thut YM I',

Mandell to BOlt KaafmlbD (' I II ('MIO, H pI. 17 (IP)Sammy

Munlh,I I, wOI'hl'H lI j{htw .. lp llt .. \1 11 111 . \l In n, WIIA ~ 1 I-( IH'tl loelllY to bfllr: It "'II rO ll nl' I1 HII.' h hI 1\1I11f111R ('lIy IlII 01'1. ) 1, hy e lah. Kuufmll11I1, Kl\ nHII~ ('II)' \lI'onlol " I', lilA OIlPOllI'lIt wlll I 81' 11' H'tI willlill n [I'IV (I(l YR,

1"11 .. t Fo<" bull ('1l ~ 1I11 y P1-:I. IC'1\ N HJ\ I'IJJH. Mlnn " AI'Ilt.

l7 (II I ') ·'I'hl' flrMt l1luJut' funtba ll mAlIlllly "r Iho RI'II'111 11 III th l' 81al c 0(' lIt"'l' lI he ... ' t"tlllY Wh l' ll (,11'I'v"I' /Sol'Nlijl'll HlIrft'l'l,t1 n IH'ukl't1 II 'g III n Jlll l11 11 h, ' lwl'p n Pl'Iit'" " HlI l lhl~ n ll,l l~l'I'I-(UH )o'all~ Ilrlj{h At'hon!. '\ "("'1\'11 1< J''llll l! won hy It 12 I" 0 IINH'.,. HoI" N'Al'n plnye(l I'I " hl hu lf COl" thO ,)lei· lelln elovon.

Big Ten Champ, to Meet Tuesday

J\ Jl vn rslty IJn~ellUll Cilntlldllt s nr c nHkf'd to I"C).lwt to 'Oll eh Ot· t o H , Vo)(el o~ 7:3il Il,m . 'l' uell(\IIY In tho locket' 1'00111 or th~ olel men'ij In'mn<ls lull1 .

Jl I.i IH'uhllblu t.hat t h " Oil n Inl~ filII wOI'kout ot tho YCIlI' will be ]Hl.II Wt'l]nc,l1ny aClemC/on on tht' tl llIlllilnJl W{'Ht or Itho 11011' fll'Itl h ouse. Conch Vog!'1 11'1 11 nut ,bl' In rhal",~e of the KIIUll.d 011 h e IR hell ct I/'I-oRh tOOlb,l1J men tor', but n.n usslslunt ot h is will telk!' over the I'elns,

,Joh n IlC'f1 I'(\s l('y, on of lh e ij)esl o utrlelil el'8 e ve r Ilev loped lIt the> lorn 1 Hchool , 01' Wuylan(1 JIleks, last 8e""On',. fI'r~h mn n ('<)nch, nre tho t"'~:;lhllltle~ COl' th e Joll, wllh I ll cltR rcrl'lvlng flt'st ('n il "houO t! Ihe dccMe to I' tU I"Il to s('\wol.

EckersaJI Rumored to Judge Title Tilt at Soldier's Field:

Mackmen Divide Twin Bill With St. Louis Browns

T y Cobb Runs Hitting Str.eak to 1 7 in

24 Times Up 1'1 JJ LADl;;r.,J>JJ IA . H Ill. 17 (JP)­

Tho A Ih l etlc~ anll HI. LoulH li l'owne excllllngl'(1 ~hu t ·uulll In the lIouhlo h eade,· h ere LOLlny, tho Hl'Owns win· nlnl( the fl " ~ l ij·o to Iweak lh A th · 1"tIC:l' win ninA' st reak of s ix strnlghl, a nd the ;\111ckmen the sec· on<1 by In·O.

'Clhb marie fOIl I' hits In Ravo n tr-111S to the plate nnd !'Un h is hl illng Rll'enk 10 It totml of scv()nteen WlrO­tl ~ In hl ~ laAt 1I1·("Hy·fuu l' times up, HI. Louis .............. 000 032 001 6 0 I Phlllll10phlll. ........ 000 000 OGO 1 7 1

Vanjffl<let' nnd flc h l).ng; 'iValbCl'g and l'ochl'anf), P Cl' lrlri s.

1-I(>con\1 ~nmo: St. I...ouls __ ... _ .... 000 000 000 0 4 3 Phllncl,'lphln ..... O(}O 035 GO)( 13 15 0

J(m('~, 1'I<l lIou, rowdel' an(1 l)h<on; nomn1l'1\ nml Cochrane, PcrklnR.

tlutomo\.Jllo \.Jy Somel'ville IIdmlrers. Reol'cM: J~h'st gflm e:

De trol , ..... __ ___ .. _100 133 111 11 10 1 Boslon ... ......... _.000 '0 4U 100 5 11 2

Carroll tlnd W ood ll ll: W c:zel', lJel'shey, Bennett. Cumins a nd Hart­ley, Moor£>,

HccolHl gnme: Dt'trull ............. _ .. 00 4 400 000 8 12 1 Doston ............... 310 000 000 4 D 4

nt lings, lI nli owny n nd Hn .. sler; l\1,() I~!1ydell, JWnnelt and Moore.

Lisenbee Victor in Pitch'e;s' Duel 3·0

WMlIliNO'£ON, Rent. 17 (JP)-Ll s­cnhee l(e lJ t tho TnmrtnA' !lIght hits scattel'cc\ tolla.I', a n c'l tlie Hell~ tOI'S won t he) flt~.l glll11e of tho ~cl'lr~, 3·0. Iluellln held W llshl nl:(lon to five h its.

Rcol'(O: Icv('ln n(1 ..... _ ..... __ .000 000 00(1 0 R 2

Wa .. h ln"lon 200 000 lOx 3 5 1 '11·.t,III·I&ZH ·,U·:::$ .. -..... ,g

Hur1J ln nnll L, ~(,Il'('JJ: LiBenho~

and Tltte.

Giants Keep Pace by Winning Two

He as

May be Selected l Yanks Drub Chicago 'Compromise Whjte Hose Twice

CTNCTNNA'rT, Rc p t. 17 (JP)-Th p New YOl'le OIn.nIR swrpt OVl'r lhe HNls In bO lh ~n (l~ ()f II oI 01IJl\('·h ~'\lI ­CI' h<.'re lotlny hy 5·1, nnel 8·7, 1tI' III!\" Ing 10 nn enll a ('" ine lnn:l1J wlnnin~ Atl'cok thnt h n,1 !;11I'vlvocl eI;:<ht cun. Ic!{ts, 1':. , :ll(.C1rawlII,'n f,~iled to move un on l'lltshll1;',h, h owhci', u« the 'PlralL s 1V0n tw'O from lkool<1yn , I'c,t~jnin;.: til,(' fou,' :tnll One half I:(ame ] e:H] ,

Candidate' By AU .AN .J. GOUU)

(A ,~geW'IIlI, I't l Pr'~"R S I)()I'I , l~e l jC 'JI') C II I('A(;O, HPllt. 17 (/P)-'I' IW POR'

f,l biJlly thnl 'VIlltel' J~ck(,I'M(\II, (,hi· (':11;0 npW~llalH'I'Il\:1n, (ortnpr a ll, .\ IIlnlcnn foolball sillr nne! notional, Iy knolVn gl'1i1lron officiO I , will 1't'f· pI'<'o the D ml'sey·~'unn Y Ileavy· wel~hl ch\1m plon shi ll fight <lrvel­opeu toclay out oC an a lmosphel'e or IwctlC Iweparn Lion fOI" the "Ratti" or the thl'eo lllilllonR_" ,

While no offl ial aut hority was given to the suggestio n lhllt Ecker­"all bp Ih(' fhlt'I] man In the ring next 'rhul'~dn.v night a.t SoldlE'I' Flplcl It wo s Ic' rnl'cI ueClnitelY that his 1l,1Ulp Is un<ler eon,.ldel'allon. It ('omp ns n ~u l'I)l'l sl' to mosl or lhp p"perts, who arrpptP<I th", vlE'w 1hat "l~cld~, I if C'hoSPJl, wou ld be a cOrn· f)romisp rn ndlda te,

ErkprRaJl I~ E'Jlglhlp for thr rolC' hilt hiH ('onnl'rlion with prof,,~slollal boxing, officially, ha. IoP('n chlc(Jy 11M a. tilll(>k('('per rathE'r than ring '"'bit"r, J[owpvpr, hE' alRo hns had ronsldl'rab le expprlE'ncp ns a reCeree, Ills s('lerllon, It Is un,lp"slooc1, wOllld h .. satiRfartory to both the Dt'mp· RPY and Tunn!'y camps.

C't<iti{'S DiI'icJe OpinlullB With the championship batlle for

I('n rOllnds-or l(',,"~-only fivE' days off, opinion or thp ns~el11bled army nf l'"pertH In ('hlC'ngo npl)porR mOl'(' ~hul'pl.v dlvl(lpd lhnn h:1s ('Ve,- been the ('fiSC I)pfol'e n bpavyw('lght tllll' mo tch_ In thIs thp critic', a record· Ilrf'nkln,:: nIT,lY. IIndonhtf'llly TPnpct the popular diversity of opinion IhrollR'hout the country, ,It hus bern the usunl thing to makt' lIlP ('hamplon a. hrravy fnYor-1iC', larg('ly hl'C<'l.use he rulps lhat I·('fllm. Drn1)) .• ey was a 3 to 1 Cnv· ori le over Tunnf'Y at Philadelphia n year ago, just os hI' wnB a pro· noun('C'd fovorltrl over a ll his olher ollPonentR after d lhl'onlng Jess WllIortl in 1919,

'l'unnl'Y, too, IR the favoritE'. but not bl' as ('onvlnelng a mnrgln aR molrt\ tllIeholtlers havp bE'en. In "plte of Ills youth, hls s lIllP";or hOX" In~ ability and the fact that he out· pointed D('mIlR~y hy II. wlel(' mal'A'in I.\st September, Tunn('y 1~ beln!;' btl cked generally at odds that up· pl'at' no 11Iglt r tha n 8 to 5,

Tunney Pi~k('{l to W in Tunney. on fOI'I11, IA generally

pickell to win, especia lly If the (Igl1t 1:(0 R the limit, b ut Dempsey Is the !;('ntlmental choice and th o envOl'lto to land a knockout, It one Is to oe· CUI". 'rhat seenls to Bum up the prl\vlIIlJng ailltud~,

'!'wo s ucc(,1!slve Injul'leA In t rain· Ing bouts to Tunn y's right eye. the last 8 riou ('nou)(h to res ult In hnsty callK for lL speelnllst. bave add d their' quoill of une rlnlnty to the MltUllllo n, The dlRllos ltion to I beUttI t}l e lnJury, o n tho part oC

Nlr)W YOHK, Hept. 17 (JP) -Th e \"nnkl'n • 11'11 I)h<'l] th O Whitt, Sox

' twice today, 8·2 and 8·1 lJofore n cl'vwll ur ~5 000, ll1'1rldng the J 0 I Ht :aml 102nd vlclol'lcs oC 1'ho ye:u ' tor ,Nf'\V I {ut' !<,

B ~"el'n ('ontos-ts, ];;:.11'1 ('omhs w~~ J!<:vc'/l " It'"Ulllolllu l hy admirers, lIe Ihn n ~cll n. homet' and two singles In Ilhe ~('con(\ lus~1 _ e

~k"re,~ : J~lrRt game:

l1hirago _._ .. _. __ .. _GOt 000 001 2 0 1 'New ~Ol'l'.... uoo ouo ~ J x 3 8 I . F~b(' .. and rouse; SllOckel' ana Collins.

H(>('ond grunt': ('hl~a g() ............ GOO 010 000 n 0 New York .. _._ .. 00 t J 1 0 23x S 15 I

I Conn<llly n nt! Crou se; Pcnnocl{ nUll Gra.lolVskl.

I BOSTON. ~eJll. 17 (1P)~Dctrolt hit fl'lv:u;uly lollay nnll won both encls or II. <]oulJlehrolle,' fl'om Boston, 8 10 I an(1 1'1 to 6. The '1'i g('r_~ made 12

'ahc\ 19 h it_, I'('S I)('ctl\'ely, In tho lWo l!amCo!. In the second conlesl Hos· Ion lISed ,(lve pilrh e l'~, Manush had a pe,'fpct day nt hat.

, Mcli','yden was JlI"t:'s(>n lrd \VIUl ~n

rrUll11t'y'" ltnndl",-s as wpJl a" atlen(l · \ng pllyslcialls, Is not genPI'alJy i,hnl"ed by observprs who point out tho t lht:' "prond Injury to Ihp Chfllll' pion's optic, nine days afler tht' first. InerpuRes the lik e lih ood oC the wound being subjerl to t'e'openlng hy onl' of Dcmt)s"y's II'rt hool~s.

1"II'"t I-(nm : New \'ol'k ........ 100 000400 [i 8 1 Cinri nnnti. ... 000 000 lOa 1 0 1

I l'ltz:;i1nh1{Jn ~ Hlltl T lylu!'; LlIqup, Kal il, J"blulluwtild anti Hultl'CurLl" J'icinirh.

S('con<1 g~ll1e:

New York ..... " HlO 003 0010 R 10 0 'In<'lll nail ..... 0~3 000 002 7 15 3

!Tpn ry , ;nronton ,md f""nl11lng~, Devorme,'; Donohue, Koll' n nd Hal"

,\rClIrntrly f1tt~el glaRq. C'S l'\':--.tor\) Ow' lll'ight­n l'~H, rl parne~~ of youth· rul Vision.


The 50 Cent Red Record

Now For Sa1e By

Mac's SPORTING GOODS Store (Upstairs)

130 E, Washington A Iso Brunswick Records

Headquarters for

Official P. T. Outfits

for Men

Pants - Socks

Shirt - Strap


8uy the approved outfit

WILLIAMS' Ipl>J8 Suppl~

Uni v~rsity Sports Goodll IIcadqu Al'f.e I'S

Solem Sends His aulldogs Through

bong Scrimmage . Grinnell, Iowa

Start Work on New Plays

I DrilR }'TOIN8H,

I D('~)JIt(\ nlnl'ty

Warm Weather Hints

Candy F or

Fruits Auto Rides

GrocE:l'i es Picnics


Soft Drinks Parties

Passer s-by

Joseph Pusateri Across from Interurban



Adclition~1 Sports on P I e 13 - =":.-==:......-....::=

!\IfjWD!l.ro~!ki!fflj~!JIiiWU!lli~!IJ1~~!fliMi!DiiMi~MU1fv!l,'ro~~~£ffijtfitlfje,'ffi~~~1hi~:W,lJ,j!'l,.'f.'1 . ~

I N~ w.:j

, ~ !llli ,1Jj ,; ~ !lhi . ~ ~ ~

~!I~ ~:Ji ""j I it .t,

~~ . ~I': ,.il ' n(o' fit~ ..-1rl1 ;

!L'li ~ 'JJ

• W .>J~ I.

i~ m llr,·

i'Z~ . ,~q, " !!n [k' .,'

I m !!Iii w ,1f ll

I, ~ £~5 ' 1

".i I'J<' .. ,' ~ ~ ~ !~ ' ,I

~ ~ . ~ Just a Few Finishing Touches! ~ ,:'" ~ !'J;~ ,., ~ ~ Mil -:1l1d you r wash day is ovcr and done with ! !!f:~ , ~~ Our Semi-Finished Service givcs you this, Ev- r~ ," ~ T.'Vr 1' 1 1 !l~ h ~"ilI' ery thing washed in SOL' .' waler', (nec am rJt! ~:~ I ",I "" I Riarched when required. with the flat work neai y ~~5 ,,, I ironed, The daintier things are lefL for Y'Jur own ~1 :: ~~ carelul ironing, ~:~

~,i And J'ust think - Semi-Finish service is only ~ ~ $1.00 for 10 pounds! ~~ .. m Cal! 294 m '~

I N ew Process Laundry and ~ ... m Cleaning Co. ~ , ~ "Our red cars go everywhere" m ., !lid 211-213 Iowa Ave, Phone 2,1;)1 ~ " ~ -~~ ~n ~~~~!CJ!,'fjW~~W;!llii~M:i~!~~~~~~~~~!hii~ ______ ~- -~!l'~,:::!::=======o======__: ~ - ~ , I I


There is but One Way of learning how to meet people and feel at ease among th~m and that is

to mingle with them.


Good F eUows Meet,

greet, treat and talk over the topics of the

day at




. Sun<Jay, Sept~mber 18, f927 Pap 8 • r lJ1te Daily low.. Iowa Cil1'

______________ ~~~~~ ___ r ______ ~~ .. ______ ~ __ ~ ________ ~ __ ~----------~~~------------~~----------------------------__

I Mayor Extends Welcome to Students To the young men and women of Iowa

and other states, who are assembling here on the eve of an ideal Iowa Indian Bummer, I extend a cordial welcome in the name of the City I have the honor to represent as Mayor.

I assure l" ;>U that all Iowa City joins with me in that greeting, as you enter, or re-enter, the University of Iowa. Those of you who have been here before need not be told of the warmth and sin­cerity of the greeting that awaits you. To the new-comers, the "strangers with­in our gates,' be they collegians or men and women of affairs, I may say that this city of open hearts. open hands, and open homes, cordially greets all stUdents, old and new. It is ever the desire and purpose of my fellow-citizens and my­self to banish any' sense of strangeness, and to make each of you truly "one' of us."

shoulder" co-operation, in order that the University of Iowa and Iowa City may flourish together, and, unitedly win new fame, new strength, and new attractive­ness for home seekers, as the school year of 1927-1928 waxes and wanes. Let us prove to the world that the phrase, "town and gown" spells hands, hearts, and minds, working in helpful, productive unity, on the campus, and in the world of business,

Let us strive together, in this beauti­ful, progressive, law-loving, ana law­abiding citY', the best little metropolis in the United States, to make Iowa's fore­most educational institution, and the city that is justly proud of it, still better and greater as the days go on.

In that spirit, I welcome you, and urge that you join with those who reside here permanently, in friendly, "shoulder-to-

1\(11)'01' J. J. CllrrolJ

Students of the University of Iowa, old and new, may you assume the duties of the new college year, pledged to high re­solve and earnest endeavor, to make the coming year the finest and 'most fruitful you have ever known. Welcome to Iowa City. Signed,

Justice E. Hughes Fines Emmons $100

on Liquor Charge Upon the fUlng at on amended

Intormation, George Emmons, 42 8 Kirkwood avenue, pleaded gullly yesterday morning to a charge of having possession at liquor not pro· perly labeled. He WIlM tined $100 and costs at $31.90 by Justico Elias J. Hughes.

Emmons, with hl8 brother, Albert, was arrested July 10 011 a charge Of malnLa[n[ng a liquor nuisance. 'I'h arrest came as 1.'1e result of a. ra[d by the bootleg sq uad which netted a quantlty at a lcohol. The pre[tmln. Ilry bearing was aet tor July 15, but was continued flO tha t a n InvesUga. tlon could be made.

By the moUon at tho cou nty at. torney, the case against A[bert Ern· mons was dismissed, lind the 8ub· stltuted [nforma llon !IIod.

Mrs. Bothell Dies in Iowa City Home Mrs. Kather[ne Smith BatheU, 83

years old, died at her home at 221 East Burlington street, aL 3:45 a.m . yesterday. Mrs, Bothell had lIvet.l In Iowa City for twenty·one years.

Katherine Smith WIUI bern March 9, 1844, In Prussia, Germany, nClU' Bertin, a nd came to th'tl United States with hoI' purents when eIght years old. W[lh ,her family sho liVed In ,PennsylvanIa a nd was mar· rled there to Daniel Bothell, Dec. 24, 1863. Mr. Bothe\[ died eleven years ago.

Marquette, Joliet Presented With Indian Lad as Gift in Trip to Iowa

J. J. CARROLL, Mayor.

zomc. 1.'he.\" t;"lltCl'~d tl10 '1':) "\ wilh .. 'I t ' ~ n dlgnlt" ultd "Itlokcd t he (';II , ·t!ll C" In sli(!1ce.

Exlilange Gifts Th en fr[endly speeches preceeded

an exchange of g ifts. The chief said, "1 tha nk thee, Blackgown and

[lJy The A •• o<l.led Pre .. ] a hlll·top an IndIa n village Iy[ng In rl 'Cf, 0 Fl'enchm,'n. r'l( h3 vlng In.k Moro than two centuries a n,l a a valley. They noticed two other en so mu ch t !'ouhle to come a nd

hI 1: I J \ ~ passed blncc '\ ~, I '(' m ", villagcs a mile from the fIrst. Com· vls[t us. Neve ,' ha ~ the e·"th b,' en th'st tmW Ihe la nd til '. t i~ r"w I OWIl. mending themselves to God and 1m· so bMutt!ul .," I"" sun ",) h l' !;;il t On June 17,1673, J acques MIlI·qUell.) plorlng His aid, they approached >1S today. Never hll.!' our river \ .ecn n.nd Lou[s J oliet , two boltl YOl'ng the vJl[age without being notIced sO cal'll or 1<0 fiT/) fr." .. rucks, Which French men, with five rU'(s'1d voy· unlll wlth[n earshot at the Indian thy canocs hav" remcve,1 In 1)"~~lng. ageurs In two canoes fioateu out on villagers., Never has our t!'ba,~,!o tusted ~o the broad Mlss[ss[ppl [rom tho Startle Ill/.Ilns good 01' our corn l\:'p~"red so fin o mouth at tho \\flsconsln river. On~ On thut Quiet dRY In June, the, as we now see!t He re Is my .'J!'

nnnth had ~lnJ1sed s[nc> th ey em· beauty of early s ummer had set· whom I give ~h')2 to show th~e my h.\r[<ed on Ih[s momentou~ voyage tied upon the Ml sslss[ppl valley. heart. " DC dlsco"er~ from t;,c· d[s~ant mls· The streets oC the Ind[an village s[on ot St. Ignoce. werc quiet; smoke cUt'led slowl y Then cll e '!h[p.f gavo tho " I.,ltor s

a little Indian s lave boy who stood nearby. In the meantim'~ the In . dian women had prepared a feast fo r the vls[tors. and th ey now reo gltled the Fr~nchmen with Indian

"'Vllh a joy they could not ex· above the lodges, a nd the mu,'mur ]1I'ess," wrote Father M:,w!luettc In oC voices came from the open door· his journal, they behp[u tho moun· ways. The village was started t!l[nous range M bluftfs on It-e low .. In to lito as the white mOl; announcec! .Ide at th o rive" , the wlcle strc,am th elt· !l}lP"OIlCh. The Indians swarmed Itself bestrewn wilh i1s'""d .. and the Into the su nligh t, pipes were tossp.d meal, (Ish roast dog. li nd roast huf· sca llops o( greenc[a i hUl b along the aside; the women coased t!Jelr worK falo, the choicest mor" lls of whICh 'W[scons[n ShOl'o line. to rush abou t In excitement. 'l.'hA I were given to the Ill'iest an,d his

Turning tho prows of their IWO tumult ended almost as soon as It comoon[on, cn noos downstream, the, g,lvonturers hegan when tho I nd [ans recogn[zcd 'When th e feast was done, the paddl d on until tw[lIght. 'I'hon tho strangers as Irrenchmnn on') India ns conducted the Frenchmen beuohln/f their fra U r,raft [hey built friends. Someone In the vlJlago, on a t our of the village. Every. fl caJ11\lr[r~ w[th dry drlrtwnod and doubtless had seen energetic fur where the natives J:'ave th eIr ~lt'W cooked a frugal meal or lnd[a n corn tradcrs or blackrobed missionaries friends many gifts-belts, garters, and smoked meat. Pather Mor· on thc shores of Lake Superior or bracelets, a ll of fIne bead wo,·k. quoUe Invoked a b[esslng, vn(l they u" , ill,' fJl~en Pay. That night they slept In lhe cabln of " te henrllly arlcl' a day of toilslJme Foul' vld men stellped out of tho the chief as his honored guest •. pmldllng and the thl'[[[ of great crowd nni! approached. A~ they On the afternoon of the next day. nchlevment. d" ew :II r !'. Fathl'" ~rarqu1l~e askl~d Marquette and .loliet took leave of

){cep Guard [n J ndlan dialect: "Who are you '!" the chief promising to return within

A .~hort rest, [l pipeful ot fragrant tobacco, and then th e boalmen ex· lIngu[shccl th e red coals of lI:eh' (Iy[ng camp([re. Again lau nchll1g I hch' canoes, lho party flo teri a fow miles farther to spencl Ihe nig-ht. Whcn darkness cumo, they D nchored at some dIstance f"om th e shol'o, n nel a. boatman watched while the others slept.

"Wo at' Illinois," the old men un· fou,· moons. They retraced their Rwered anel Inv[ted the Frenchmen steps to the Mlsslssitmi. accolll,p"'I)' tl) entcr 'he v[[[age. It'd by nearly sIx hunclred Indians.

After their mar"lage lIfr. n.nd lIf,·s . At Bun "lso thoy were nn Ihl ir

JlI C). short "'hilt> a mt'Rse ng'er ar- On the Iowa bank of lhe Fathpt· of ,iv~'[ to UHi{ Ih~ '.'ls[ tor3 ~o TIl'occerl Waters. the trI besmen watched til e I·) 11 " next v'l"l,e for '. c ,)ullell white men embark in their canoeR, with tho great ~h ' ef of th~ JllIr.o!R. tnklng with them th e Indian slavo ".! .. n Il.ey ap .):'<l~hed th~ cablr. ,·r boy who waH destined to s hare th eir the chief, he wal! standln<; at t ne adventures In the /!treat valley. So ('ntrance to his lodge 11O!cllng alolt the Clrst visit of white men to low .• f\ tobRcc" ploe or calu me( In wei' was endon . - - --- * - -------Bothell lived In III[nols until 1873, way. They BPemed to be alone on

then eom[ng to Johnson county a nd I he long sweeps of the b"oad Mlssls­living on a fa l·m. In 1906 they ~l ppL Not a canoe, . not a hu t Ol' moved to Iowa City and Mrs. Both· tepee, not a slnglo sign of human pll has made her home hero s[ nco lite did they sce (01' eight days. Fln­that lime. lilly on the twenty·flfth day or June,

Sho Is survIved by tour childre n, 1673, as lhe cxplo"lng party drifted ~ohn, Addlow, Norwood, a nd Mrs . a long the Iowa s hot'e, one of the li'rank Lord, a ll of J'ohnson county, grou l) noUeed tootprlnts on th e lind ten grando)llldron a nd three tmndy shore nent' the water's cdge. gr at g randchildren. The two canoes were beached a nd

by tho Rev. J . G. Rhlnd, pastor of and liuppUes,

Fried Chicken Supper SOc

Served by the ladies of Circle No. 1 St, Patrick's church, in St. Patrick's Gymnasium,

Tuesday evening, Sept. 20th Dancing will follow. Everybody invited

Flat Broke, He's • Rain Gives Relief Ready for Trial F H W

Berman, wizard of the J ul­ian Petroleum scandal, hand­led $67,000,000 according to reports, is now broke and has surrendered in San Francisco.

Woman Fined $100 on Liquor Charge

:Apparlng in the court or Justice B. ]j~. Carter yesterda.y morning, Mrs. Mary M. Parrott, 1029 N. Dodge street pleaded guilty to a ehat'ge of Ulegal possession Of [ntoxlcatlng IIq uor. She was fined $100 and costs at $35.80.

A quantity of home brew ot al­I""eit doubtful alcoholic content was !found at b el' hom e when o ffi cers staged a raid July 2. Examlna.tlon at th'e liqUOr revealed that the pel' cent at a lcohol was sufficient to bring proceedings against Mrs. Par· rot. A secone! raid last week was wI thout results.

rom eat ave Aftor' swelter[ng In tho arter·

noon In a ,neat oC 91 degrees, 'ccJua l to Thursday's temperature which was the highest of tho Bummer, Iowa City expel'lonced a m uch-enJoycd r elief IlUIt night, when a hard rain storm vIsited the city. As Ihe storm gave but short notice of Its comIng, many at tho crowd at Saturday night shoppers which t."ronged the city's s treets Were forced to run for shelter In stores and door­ways.

I Tho high temperature WIlS reached at about mld ·attjl rnoon, according to Prot. John F . Roll· Icy, United States weather ob· server.

DES MOlNES, Sept. 17 (.4')-Ralnll which visited portions at central !lIld eastern Iowa, and PQ8tllbly were general throughout the state, to· night brought relict from a two· weeks' Il eat spell which has held Iowa. [n Its grip. V[rtually every day a~1 Iowa suffered In ninety or ncor nlnety degree temperatures.

Th e showers, In some places clulte heavy, wero welcomed after the 110t weather which has dono much to br[ng the corn ra P[clly toward a state of maturity after farme,·s had war· r[ed along most of the Bummer In the belieC that the corn could not possibly escape Inj ury from frost.

A heavy thundershower visited Des MoIn es about 7 ,30 p.m. and con­tinued for an hour, breaking an­other ninety degr ee day , a t emper. ature which has prevailed here Since Sept. 8.

Keokuk reee[ved rain earlier alter having sweltered In 96·degtee heat, a mark which eQualied the hottest day of the s ummer .

SIOUX CITY, Sept. 17 (AP) -ThIs city expel'lenced freakish WE>al."tcr today. At 3 o'clock, the

Ye Copper Kettle Tea Room

Sunday Dinner .' Served from 12 to 1 o'clock,

Pineapple Ice

Chicken, a la King Mashed Potatoes


Creamed Peas-Dressing Hot Rolls and Butter

Cabbage and Pineapple Salad

Cake and Ice Cream Cherry Pie

Ice Tea or

, .

, . , '-'


I*'* ....................................... +++++'

+ Now You Have It-


Haircuts By Appointmentsll

(Arrange to get your haircuts between classes)

Th e funel'a[ servIce will be held at tho two leaders, una,'m d, followed 3 p .m. tomor,'Ow from lhe HlU'mon tho ma"ks In the sand, leaving theIr tunCl'al h0111e, and ,"Ill bo co nducted flvo companions to guard the canuc" I the First rcsbyter[an church. Bur· Silently fo llow[ng the slencler trail ~::;:;:;:;:=::;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:;::;;:::::;:;:;:;:: la l will be made [n the family plot fot· abou t two leagucs they saw from ... at Oakla nd cemetery. ~

• • • ~~!Iii!lJim!lfi~~!1Jij!ffii~!IJl1iffi~!Iii!!lim!mW1J,i!liii~~1JiiWii!lJi~!lli~~m1!li!Jii~~~!IJi~~!IJi~~ ~

SherIff Smith Bnngs t] . ; * Dubrava to Iowa City ~ I i Sherltf Frank L . Smith went to ~'ii ...

Cedar Rap[ds late yesterday to bring ~'ii ...

~:::;rrn ~~~:v~~;: ~::k ~~o~~ Ft-nal Event of ~ City. Dubrava. has been arrested on " I the charge of stealing a Ford car ~ belong[ng to Edwin West ot nortb at Cedar Rapids.

Slay's New Barber Shop

above Racine's No.3 is run on the appointment plan-Call up for any hour at any time.

, ~, . No AdYdnCe in Prices

Phone 3733-W motor number removed and was carrying license plates belonging to another car. Registration Week SLAY'S BARBER SHOP I . I Above R",in.', No.3 (24',1, So. Clinton St.)

Arter spending a. night In the Iowa City jail, J ames CarmOdy ap· pealled betore Pollee' Judg\e Paul Custer yesterday morning answerIng a charge oC Intoxication. H e waa releo.sed after paying a. !lne of $10 nnd costs, atter pleading guilty to the charge. Judge Custer dIsmissed several a utomoblle owners, arrested Cor minor traUlc vlo[atlons, with the warning not to appear In court a eecond time, under penalty of fine.


Many makes to choose

from. Large ones and

small ones.


. Fuiks' Jeweler and Optician

Next Door First Nat!. Bk.


I :~~e::s th:ro:~m~: o~~~ ·-~::::·~'++I~·fo++~sf+fe""""'" steps of

/ I •

Old Capitol

Sunday Morning at 10 o'clock

We serve:-

Best cuts of meat, wholesome vegetables, "tasty" salads, tooth­some and dainty desserts, fresh fruits, pure milk in sealed bot-·

tIes. ' ~j,,.J . : .. 'i ... it' Everything Prepared

Just as "Mother Dots' It"

22 No, Gilbert St.

Phone 3041J • : ,l ' '

meroury 8tood at 93 degrees. Shortly afterward rain accompanied by wlncl tell In a delug f[oOd lng c(' II . "s [mil storm sewers. Damage whlclt WitS alight WM confined [01' tho most pa rt to the telephone sorvlce.

Y. W. Gives Tea ~ for F rosh Girls ·

In tho mcanthno, th e mor ul'y dropped 24 degl'ees, the th rmomoltll' Hhow[ng 69 degrcc~ In tompcrlltur at 4 o'clock. , At 7, tho mct'cul'y hlld rls n to 70 degl·cea.

Ray vs. State Case Continued Sept. 27

.An OIl IIOI'l\ln[ty ror new wom n ijtUdl'lItM tu mCI'L \,.wh ulhpr and ml'mll<'l'lI or th Y. ,V. C, A. ad. V,[AO"y 1101.\1'(1 or tho organl'''''UOII Wll~ ~lv"t1 I h(,111 Y(,Mt""dny III It t~a 1;' [\,011 hy I ho ,)t'/fil l1[zlIlIol1 In [t, 1I1'W Orr["PH [n [h Mo ull,,'u"t corn r of I h' 101m Unlotl.

J.;J[t'tl JOItl'H. A3 of luwlL City, )lIllY"" I h,· "Iolln /lltl'llIlr II", teu.

The CIU;O or th S III to ngultl il t 11111 .gPt'Y IJOn/f, A ~ of A tlWR, "Ice. "t'('~hl"t11 \lC tlJ Y. \Y. (', A ., Wlla

W. F. Ray of IJone 1'rce, RChl'd ukd Itt rltu"J;\1 ut t he tea \\ hl 'h 1.8 one tor hea ring ycstC"C[(IY mOl'nIng 'n ..r tho 1'I" Ht Items III tho p"ogralll Ihe court at Justlco B. )0' . Curur , lIr or[enta tion fa" I'rl'Hh 'Il 'Ul wonl~Q.

has beon conthlu 'd by agl·con.ent Of

attorneys unt[[ Sept. 27. Operate on Coach Ray was arrested "'edn~8(}ny nOCIII ']W['J,n, JIIlntl .. Rtlpt. 17 (11))

night by Deputy. !terlH ,V. N. 1\1y. 1:;11<'1'111[10 1 "l tlli~", Irn ~l( lIod (I·cah. Ol'a on Cl charge ot Illega l pORHeHH[o" m"n (ootll,,11 t'oltelt ilL the lJnlver. ~ of unlabe led liqu o,·. 'Vlten ar- H[ty of ~linn!'RO l(\, WUH (\ t tho J\1 Yo l'a lgned the next morning [n JUSl- ('lillie Iwl'o tuday (jnd will bo oper. ICQ court he tl lcadccl not guilly (1 ,,,[ at d 0 " to!' r nlovn[ of duodenal

should be

100 per cent for the Dempsey· Tunney

bout on Friday

New Eveready Batteries New Cunningham or Radio­

tron Tubes

New Cone Speaker will help make your radio set efficient. Radio Supplies and Services


Spencer's Harmony Hall Radio and Music

107 S_ Clinton St. Iowa City

BECOMING IIlD.Ilrlneu of .Iyle ••• _ led »-.. ny II MIU1 to bay hit ftnt 1'. or &.tonlWllJ. With ilIlCh CCltIIMo

lve pair they ,peak in the lrtendUeet 'f(ai or Bo.rotUanl' 'sympathetic COQI.

fort. So ~J1 you. MOIdy'7 ro'10 ';!Opalr.

tJ~lJ{JE _____ BROS.

Footwear I



CIl WIIHh Ch[cn, th .. n to Ihe Rlwltr

liFo ut!'[y aJl(1 \\ tn[es I

H th thry , uny I ,


W UH n of do' the h, otf[ce d Her[1 to SeE'

or (011

rn ldtll by woo

F[no tI, ely lJe- ClUnt

LIe 11~ 1

h [" 30

hl~ RN The

nnyonc betwec women nually. group, t\ ;~' ndl ~yes of eagern,

"Wh order , Mr. G men. ' ellng n



PAR] minute c1gareti

Big sty le I

many : models, Sl't [n I place te ~moker orlg[nal ets tor colored haps n

Lin SAC"

(JP)-Col g,·~ .. ted clUes te Leav[nll lng, he a nd lat( at Math




SPE 12:

For licit :

I~, f927 ... ea Girls

lew WOI1'l~n

olher 1111(1 (', A Rd,

Jr~llnIY.(llIO II IYllln lea IIDn In It, '~lls t COmer

Illwa City lit· ten, ' Atn~H, vice, t', A'l WA.a Ilirh I,~ one IU IJI'ogrRIIl 11111 IV 0 rnen,

ach ;~Pt, 17 (II»

lind fl't8h. ih Unlver. I til Mayo III ho Oller. )t uuod nal



[II City

• t • t ....... ~

• I.



~. S.~r 'Ul. T927 '

Business Man Gives Up Career to Hold Church Shelter for Derelicts

lIICAOO, A~pt. 17 (A')-On WO~{ Washington boul vlln), In one' of (' hlcaKo's mwt llOllUloUR 8ccllonp, the Rev, David E. OIbHon mlol~r('r~

to Ih ofl~ who rome to the Cutiwu1'IlI Hhclt~r.

"[i'oth('r" GlbAon, he II! atf(lctlon· ntely culled uy thouSILnds of mon nOd WOrn n who annually pou,' thclr talcR of trouhl Into hili willing NIl'S,

H theY wouhl IIHhm to his life RtOI'Y th ey walth! find It as Intel'e.~lInt~ ns I Ilny they could tt ll.

l:levclI y~nI'8 ago, Un.v ld 1<). (IIbRon WIlH 1\ HUCCl'BSful m('mbl'r of a Jlrll1 ot down town l)hotographOl'I!. :But the hall a nd w!lIl1nlr 1'0010 of )11~

office weI''' nlwnYH cI'owded with non­deSc l'lllt lIlen ulHI women 'vultln~ to Re~ him. GibBon didn't IJlay golf or follow thf'o u~unl I' cl'ealionH oC a mlddl "ag~d hURln~RA nHln. lUll hob· by WU B helping the duw" and outer,

mno11y he gavo UJl busln RS rn. th ely nnd hy 1'1';00l'OU8 sclf ~lut1y

b~came lin );:IJIRrO pal elm'gl'lIIun. He hplI(]s (ho Cnlheurn l 8h.'1t r nnd hi li IID lnl'Y 1M nllout whitt he ])n.1(1 hlH Rcel'elary R('Vrn y~UI'M (ISO.

The Cll.theurul I'lhrllCl' Is OJ) n to nnyon~ of 0 ny I'plll;lon or rnCe and between 75,000 and 100,000 m n nna women receive uld untl shelter an· nunlly, College men on the down gra<1p or plnln pon hltndler se k the 1\ :, 'ndlYI smile ana und ersl:tndlng eyes or Father Cibson With the same eAgernpss.

"When a muchlne Iwts out ot ord 1', it must bp remud ," the nev. Mr. Olbson ~'lYs. "1:;0 It I~ with men, The workshop (0" th r('mod' ellng must be a pluce of , onlhlp,"

Even mlnlstel's have sought the

rounHpl of lhe Iiev, Mr, Olbson nnd hlH slurr. KomrltmPH, he 8£1 10 , they fl'cl lhey need It new oullook on life /01' n frrsh Rlart.

An eX'llI'IMner, pallid and biller­Caep(1, cnme to the Shelter, Help was g iven lo him and now he owns hlR own fnrm.

Last yell I' 29 cOul)les were mar· rled at the mll!l!lon, 28 perBons were ronflrmed Into the church und 70 wpre bapUs d.

[i'01' lhe last 30 years, the Rev. M,'. Gibson has been belplhg the needy. rIe estimates be ha.s gIven a id to 500,000 persons. A million Is his gonl be foro he dies,


Cigarette Pockets Inside Big Sleeves

PARIS, Sppt. 17 (IP)-Up to the mlnut Parisians ure cal'l'ylng th~lr

cigarettes up their sleevE'S. Big be11 slecves, part Ot ~ne

s tyle of autumn Incorporated In many artel'lloon and ev(>nlng cont mod Is, have conccale!l ])ockets In­sel In Lhe lining. It mnke~ an Ideal plnce 10 keep clgaretles, the woman smoker discovers. Drcssmak rs OI'l glnally Intended the sleeve pool,· eta tor hnndkcrchlcCs-oC thl' n(Ow colored chlfron variety-and Per­haps u powderpu(t.

Lindbergh in Sacramento SA RA MENTO, allf" Sept. 17-

Postmasters Rise to Hit Old Legend

LOUISVILLF.. Kv, SeJlt. 17(11') -And now comM th .. Mma11 town postmaster to denv that he reads the postear,l. ,

"This old canard Is going to ra­cel ve serious attt'nllon," declnre orrtclnls oC lhe National League oC District PostmoRtprs, which meets hel'e Oct. )8 to 2l.

"A n eftort w111 1m made to )lI'o\'e lo lhe people ot the coun­try that lh .. lr community po~t­

mastCl's Ul' too busv to spend lime llrying Into other people's arralrs. "

The league ~mbracl's approxI­mately 2,000 hpads or lhlrd and Cow·tll cio MS postof(\ces. Among

(1P)-C01. Charles A. Llndhergh was mnUl'rs to bc conslder('d Is BUp-g"eeted at lwo more Pul'lCic coast I)OI·t for hills pendlnlt: In cong"esn

cltl('s today on his natlol1~1 lur tour. to put third class oostmasters un· LeavIng Sun FrancIsco this morn' UPI' civil ~el'vlce regltlullons, and

[(I obWn I!overnmental uppro-

U2! ... !J

Tan From Bottle Inll' the price of burned IIklnll, Plage. I.e Touguet and tile places • • Mannequins who modeled the whore the lrrench sun shIn 8 most

Sold to Parll.an winter collection at thla house Utl!- expensIvely,

l' A RIa, Sept. 17 (A')-A 14n Which can be put on and taken off at wtll Is being lIold by one bIg dJ1!fllffillklng house to clients who wlab to have thot "8ummer-glrl" look without pay·

Ized tho sun·burn lotion with Buch good eHeot that even the expertll were fooled Into thinkIng the glrl8 - whose RUll1mer had been spent at hard work In the salesroomll-­were Atralghl from Deauvlll e, Parl~

-------BELGRADE, Serbia, Sept. 17, (iP)

-There are 9,000 candidates fOL'

parliament at the coming ell'oU n , In most districts thero nro from eight to twelve political partios oom. oetlng fO I' Rf'atA.

Queer Cliureli Rite. Ob river ,

I . h S I The fish were tirst herded Into naure Fu Upp y. 8. bay ot the river And It banler

TOBOLSK, Siberia., Sept. 17, (JI')­A curious anolent custom Intended to Insure a. bumper yIeld of fish has just been enaoted by tM Ostlak tribes Inhabiling tho "hore" ot the

conatructed to prevent lhelr escap· Ing. Tables laden wn~ lll'call, but­ter, pancakea and vodka weI''' tnen placed near the shoreS,

A spotted cow Is an Impormnt fl'a· lUre ot tit cer mony. After Hn In·




It+-t-q .. _-t''-----...,

llIi 'U


~ -

l p~!!Me"3 LOAN & 'T I\v3 ~


~ ~

~ -

~ , .


, ,



canta.tlon conalsting of much hlqe. ous howling and the uttering- of mysterious words b)l II "Rhama,n" (11' IJrlest, the crowd attacked lone cow, kl11c(1 It and after distribut­Ing Its fleHh, threw It piecemeal tn· lo the river. Guns w ere tired end tho food and IIQ uor wer& lIkewls~ hedved Into the str am. , .

.- - ~-~ -

lng, hc was welcomed ot Oakland prlation fOl' rent, lI"ht and fuel and Intel' at Ancrlln1ento, He landed In Courth class oCClces. l at MathE''' fiE'1d herE' at 2:10 p.m.

---~==-=----- ~ - ................ -,-.. • .... '-" •• "" ............ I l ~--------~------------------------~~--------------------------+-~--------~----------'-------------~----' --~



Engineer Drawing Instruments and Supplies

(Everything appI'oved and guaranteed.)

Medical and Pharmaceutical Text Supplies

Botany, Biology, Zoology, Chemistry and Physics Supplies


RIES' IOWA BOOK STORE 30 So, linton St.

(Service to tha students of S. U, I. since 1879.)



J 2:00 to 2 :00 5:30 to 7 :00 F or Party engagements we so­licit your inquiry and inspection.

YOUDE'S INN 119 N, Capitol St.

Phone 940



• I

r -

Students of the University of Iowa Let's Get Acquainted

AKIN G new friends is the constant aim of this Bank. But, merely "making" them isn't all. Our

effort is HOLDING 'their friendship---winning their ap­preciation of services.

So stop in - We want to shake your hands and tell you about the wonderful facilities this bank has to offer you. And to give you to understand that if ever you're in need of Financial.advice of any kind just feel free to call on us.

PAY BY CHECK With a lot of cash in your pocket there oft comes the temptation to make a lot of needless expen­ditures. Then, too, there's the ever present risk of losing some of it or miscounting in making change. to say nothing of possibly forgetting w hat bills you paid. Start a checking account today and have a receipt for every dollar you h ave paid out.

We've Served This Community Faithfully for 65 Years


Aaaeb over $4,000,000 , ,

One 0/ the strongest banks in Iowa

't'TTTTTTTTT"'TT..-,.. TT"I' T'"" ... -. ., '1 "" ·T,.TTTTT ... TTTTTorTTTTT""TTTTTTTT,.T"rf' TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ... TTTTTTT t,.,.,. ...... "TTTTTT ...... TTTTT:w'TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ... TTTT .... TTT .... TTT ........... TT'TT'Y ·

. I

~----~--------------------~--~----~------~--~~~~~.~ .. ~.-.-. -. --' ~~~~~~~~~------------------~(

HERE'S THE DOPE! We have a good coach-material for a good team-new $500,000 field house and plenty of support through­out the state-




-. .



Iowa University Is A •

Great schooi. It bas :..



-a·. fine instructional staff • I('!',

-a: new medical school I)! '

-a~' $500,000 field house

-~~' school of religion tl

-i,n fact it is the Outstand-

ing growing school of .' ~~ 1 . the middle west ~ ~ ..

Fight For IOwa I,

Help It , Have A Winning


The firm ' ""hose names appear beloW' are firm believers in lowa---Back them!


A. W. Schmidt . Paul W. Schmidt

SANITARY DAIRY Ice Cream - Milk - Cream

18 South Dubuque Tel. 78

STIMMEL MOTOR CO. Studebaker Cars and Service

New address

;, 205 South Capitol

ENGLERT ICE CO. Pure Artificial Ice


Phone 1195 319 E. Market


223 Wash. St.

LUSCOMBE STUDIO 35 Years in Iowa City There must be a reason

9 SOULll Dubuque


Electrica~ Wiring


Phone 629 21 E. College

- I '



rOOM EY-WILLENBRoCK .. Chevrolet Cars ' ,

H. L. BAILEY I •• ,

INSURANCE • 118 1-2 East College'


Phone 2275 417 Burlington St.


Phones 11 and 508

__ •• _____ 1rI



216 East College Tel. 278

RELIABLE ELECTRIC CO. Study Lamps-Llgbt Bulbs

Phone 1012 on lown. A v 'f 1-2 block cnst of campull

TOM CONNEL PLUMBING Klccn-Rect-A u tomatic

Oil Burners Tel. 738 215 S. Dubuquo St.

SMITH AND HIATI Quality Hardware and Seeds

121 East College Phone 170 . --


\ . -~

[ B


:r­prJ, :rna

la. sh pr a. ( an In an

on v


prl Pol ty I via

U quJ

ne~ cen1 ral

18, 1921' ! . ~ft~iltfh

I :


Bond Market Shows Liltle.. Day; Few

I •• ue. Stay High NEW YORK, Sept. 17 (A')-Bond

prices drlrted llstl 6sly In today', market. with volume of trading de· clDedly smnll, even tor n. Saturday short seF!8lon. Although wCl'kend proflt·taklng was much In evIdence. a tew high gl'llde 18sues clung ten· a nclously to their year's hlgb levels. In view of continu ed prospects for an extend~d perIod of eMY money condi tions. few offerings were made, even at peak prices. "

Brooklyn UnIon OU8 6 1·2 '8 and Delaware und Hudson G'B glWO Il.

good accoun t of themselves. Leaders among the rallwoy 11 ns

Included such 16RU(,S as Lak Shol'e General 3 1-2's, Union Pacific 4 1·2's and Western Maryland 4's, whIch changed hands In moderate amounts at theIr year's best flgur 8. Mis· BOllrl PacJrlo 6's. Rock Island re­fuMtng 4'8 and Chesapea~ Corpo· ration 5's also attracted attention. Julius KaYser 6's continued to ad· vance. and there was Bome buying of Humble 011 6's and General Mo· torlS acceptance 6 's.

The foreign group was quiet ana prices generally reflected realizing. Polleh republic 8's closed fmctlonal· ly lower atter duplicating their ))re' vlous hIgh (or the yCllr.

U. S. Govt. obligations were very QuIet.

Public otfl'rlng Is expected early next week Of $13,876 ,000 4 1-2 per cent bonds ot the Mobile and Ohio railroad.


Amn. Sugar 6a ·blank. Anaconda Copper Gs, '66 ............ .. 104~ Armour &; Co. D 1. 66s................ 9. Beth.· Ste I Can. Os, A ............ ..... .I05l Dodge Bros. Deb. 6s, '40 .............. 8rt Goodyear 'rlre 6s, ·07 .................... 941 Mo. Pac. 68, F '77 ...................... ... 99i Pan . Amn. Pet. & Tr. Ga, ' 64 ... 102. Penn. Ry. Oen Hs ........................ IOH So. ;Pac. -Crt. 45, ·29 ...................... 991 U. Pac. 1st 48.................................... 98 U. S. Rubber 5L .. .................... ....... 931 U. S. Stel SF 5s .............................. 108 i1

FOREIGN Belgium 68. ·65 ................................ 107~ Arg. 68 1961 Feb .................. ......... 99t Canada. 6s. '52, blank. France 79, ·49 .......... ....................... .1068 German Est. Loan 79, '49 ........... .1 07 Poland 8s. ·50 ... ...... ....................... 991


NEW YORK Stocks: Il'regulo.l', General Motora

at new highs. Bontls: mixed; hlg,h graile rail

liens reflect roa1l1zlnll. l"ol'clgn exc ha nges: tlrm; sterli ng

at n w 1U27 high, Cotton: .nem'l ler; trade buying. ~ugn,. a nd coreee: holiday.

VIIICAGO Wheult: lowel'; bellrlsll Canadian

eRlImntes. 'orn: eMy: fIne CI'OP reports. tWo: 1I'I·l'gulur.

Il ogs: st~u.()y to lower.

Gains Wiped Out a. Heavy Selling

Sends Stocks Low NEW YORK, Sept. 17 (iP)-lleavy

sc11lng pressure which developed at­ter a morning ot IrregularIty, turned prIces toward lower levels In to· day's stock market. Numerous gains were wlp d out and frequently convl'rted Into loss s In the last few mInutes ot tl·ud lng.

Earlier III the sessIon renewed buying ot Geneml Motor9 Iss u s rnrrled the prices to new pellks, along with several other promInent shares. General Motora old stock closed two a nd on~·hatr points low-

1', afler touching a new top at 227 1·4, and the new reached a new p ak at 139. closi ng at 136 1·2. ott one amI one·halt poInts net.

Pools Influenced probably by the easIng ot call money. were again active In markIng up a number of Industrial speclaltles. The rapIdity of the recent advance. however, was b~\Ieved In many quarters to have weakened the technIcal posltlon or the market resulting In hea"y prot· It taking.

New peak prlce8 tor the year. or longer. were regIstered by Con. solida ted Gas, Dupont. Goodyear. Na tional Cash RegIster. People's Gns. and' Texas Gult Sulphur. Du· pont and the Fisk Issue. however. closed under yesterday's final !Ig' ures. .

The further advance In sterling to within one·thlrtysecond ot parity at $4.86 16.32, overshadowed all de· velopmen ts I n the fl I'm foreign ex­change market.

Canadian Reports on Amount of Crop

Seta Back Wheat

CJU CAGO, Sept. 17 (IP)-Crop news trom Cunadll thut was contrary to buillah predictions which had been clroulate(! gave a aharp set·back to wheat pl'lcea today. An Important unofficial relJOrt Issued at WInnipeg suJ() the yIe ld of wheat this season In the Canudlan praIrIe provInces would total only bushciS Je8S tlnn lhe latest government e8timate.

Closing Quotations on wheat were heavy, 1 3·4c to 2 1·4c net lower , corn 1 1·8c to 2 1-4c down, oats 1·4c to 3·4 @ 7·80 off, and provIsion vary. Ing t,.om 26c dow n to a rise ot lOc.

SelJen Numeroll8 Inasmuch a8 general trade expec­

tations were tha t the new canadian crop figures had been curtailed 24. 000,000 bushl6ls Instad of only 8.000.· 000 bushels sellers became numer­ous and buyer8 were relatively scarce. The tresh u notllclal e8t1· mate was geMraUy regarded here as a vlrtua.! confIrmation of the Canad · Ian governmen t forecast. the accu r· acy ot which has been mUCh In Question.

December wheat closed Ilt the low· est price of the day and Illso at the lowest poInt whIch that delivery has touched thIs /leason.

Fine weathe, o'Ver the corn belt a nd ravorable crop news oontlnued to dominate sentiment In corn. and prices had several sinking "pella. CommiSSion house8 bought on the set·backs a nd there was also quIte free profit takIng by 8horts at times. The elIsh demand was Quiet. with country oUerlnga tall' and not much change In prIces relatively. Receipts were 839 cars estimated and country reports ta.rmers more wllllng to sell old corn.

Corn AlAO Sink, Corn values declined chlelly as a

result of fIne weather and owing to likelihood of seasonable temperature8 ahead. lndlcatlona were also (or quIte liberal re~elpts of corn here next week. Oats were firm early but weakened later with other graIn. Expected buying on bul1lsh reports about the Canadian oat8 orop turned out to be chiefly a myth.

For the most part. provisions were easler, sympathizIng with the action of tho corn market and or hog val· ue8.

CHICAc1p. Sept. 17 (IP)-Donovan

J .. H' -.nUl nne Dany Towali, Iowa ~ity ...

STOCK I\IARKET AVERAGES II d' F' d IIJy The A88OCIllotcd Pres8) n lans 19ure

20 Inds ZO Rye.

hIm w re too great. and that In a fight b twecn him a nd th e govern· ment he would surely be deteat d."

Trucks in Di'~le I '

Hide London 'Dicks' Saturday ................ .... 177.56 146.09 • I H' Fl'WU,y ............ .. .. .. ...... l7'8.67 147.63 In owa Istory Week HgQ ............. ... .. 1,78.27 147.25

United Stales !l'oo ps eventu· a lly condUcted tho ,'cmnant ot the Faxes to theIr resN'vatlon and Home· where In Kansas. "Powshlek lies bUl'led In an unknown gl'flVe."

LONDON, Sept. 17 Year ago ................ .. .. 143.16 126.17 llIg.h 1927 .................. 179.06 149 .58 Low 1927 .. .. ................ 14J.23 m.GH Prof J Briggs Tells

TotoJ stock sales, 1.212.400 ehlU·CS. Of Red Men In 'l'he story of th e war b tween t he Sacs and the Foxes Is the Bubstance of Iln 0 rtl cle by Pl'oresRor Brlggll. '1'helr con801l(lfltlon eventually to f lgh t their common enemy. the Sioux and the letter thc chlet or th e Foxe8 wrote to his father when he was dying alter beIng wounded by the Sioux aro told.

suits. armored cars and wIreless sets constitute the Incongruous trInity or devices wIth whIch the modern Sherlock Ho lmes Is attempting to put down n. f lat and heavy foot on Brltl sh crime and orlmlnal8 .

'NEW YORJ{ STOCJ{S (8)' ·J.'ho AS80ciAted 1" 'eS8)

.Hh;h LQIV ';1080 American C~n ......... 68, U3 U3 AIO . .LOOOnlO~lve .... lOU' 10~' 1UU' Am. ot:!m It. & Het. l~O' 177 1716 Am . .sullar ................ 911 9ti Uu Am. 'l'il, & Tel. ........ 1766 17~' 17G~ Am . Tobacco "B" .. l[il~ 150d 1GO~ ArlAloCOndl1 Cooper .. 4UA 48~ 49 Ateh. T. & 1:1. 1.' . .... lUab lUao [!Jab .Baldwin Loc . ............ 256 \ 256 25U .t;Iethlehem Ste~1 .... 03 G3 U3 Cheflapeuke & Ohio J YO J 94 J 9[i

'<.,"I1,·ymer Motor .. .... UU~ r,9~ G9~ Co.nsolldnted Uas .... 121 A J19~ 1211 Dodge J:I,'Os ............ ... 13 17 l7t Dupont De Neill. .... 34 Zi 3371 a3~ /Drle Hlalroad .. ........ GOI G9~ GUi General Elec trIc .. .... 139i 138 13~ General Moto,·s ...... 27H 27i)~ 271 Hud90n 'Motor8 ........ 841' 826 826 Inter. Harvester .... 2341 233 2331 No. AmerIca n Co ... fiG! 551 601 Pen.nsylvanla .... .... .. G7 6G 601 Southern Paclflo .... 120 119f 120 South ern Ry ............. 1331 1336 1336 Studebaker Corp . .. 1696 676 671 Telll\o8 Oompany ...... 50! 50 G~H Un10n PacIfIc ...... .... 189. 1986 189~ u. 8. Rubber .... ...... 666 54! 5b. u. S. Steel .............. 160 1"676 1G71 Woolworth & Co ..... 169! 1 H 188

CHICAGO STOCKS CIiICAGO, • Sept. ] 7 (JP)-Qfflcla,1

closi ng prIces On Ohlcago stock ex· cha.nge:

Armour. preterred. 63~; Balaban and Katz, blank; MJdd lewest Utili· tIes, 113~; Pines WIn rer1\ron t, 53, Real Sllk. bl.a nk; Swl!t and Co .• 123; Swift InternatIona l. 24 ; U. S. Gyp· sum. 1011: Wahl, ·blank.

GRAIN MARKETS -'CH ICAGO. Sept. 17 (IP)-<:ash

wheat trade was slow. PrIces de· cllned ·l @llc. Trac)lng basIs un­changed. tlnn . Receipts eetlmuted at twentY'elght cars. Local sales, 1117,000 ,bu!lhels. li nd cancellations, 1Q,162 bushel. Soles 10 go Iltora, 70.· 000 bUHhels. deliverIes 264.000 bUB'h· els. Seaboard sUmated 400.000 >bushels worked tor expoct.

Corn demond was falrly good. for top grades While O1'dlnary hard to sell and oo.sler. BllBls for choIce steady to lc better. Local -sales 73.-000 'bushe4s arKl sa'es to gO to IIlnrp, FiO.OOO bush .. la: I'llnl'el'latlons. 59,4f>2 bushel ... anel c1ellv"rl~s 169.000 bu"h· els. RecelntA estimatpil 339 I'nr~. Co-unt .. y ofterlngs to onrive Ilght. Onlv 25,000 bushels were r(>ported 'boOked.

Loyola University Geb New President

Palimpsest AccountR at the Jndlan tribes

whIch. aCl'o,'(lIng to John Ely BrIggs llSsoclu te protessor of politica l scI· ence nnd editor of the Pali mpsest. "fls-.ured mOI'c prominently In the hlsto,'y of Towa than ony other Indl· ans." tilled the September Issue at the Palimpsest.

"PowcRhl pk." Is tho title Of a n 'ortlcle by Ji'rancls n. Aumann. as­sistant In the political selene de· partment. Anecdotes of thIs man who "lllthough not partlcula"ly be· IIgerent. was preemInently !I. man ot Will'." show a part of the hIstory ot the people who made the first rea.l history ot IOwa.

Poweshlek did not want to lea'Ve Iowa. with hla people' when he was bound to by the treaty of 1842. However, when three men from Fort Des MOines roel e to Lhe village of Foxes from whIch hlld com ru· mol's or warlike preparations, Powe­sh lek "reall~ d that the odds agaInst

'Phe speeches that the Incllan hlers gave at a conference of the

Sioux, Snes and Foxes and 10waYB ar ... contnlneil In on article entitled, "Talk of P nce." This t ells o! the council hr ld by the Secretary of War In October, 1837. •

Comments on theoo nrt.Wl'J'.s is contaIn d In the finn I a rticle In the mngazlne,

Bury Delmar Youth CLINTON. Sept. 17 (IP)-Kenneth

Dolan. 24. son of MI'. and Mr8. John .T. Dolnn of Delmar. dIed today 1n a local hospitAl from burns receIved In a gasoline s tntlon ut midnight Tuesday. •

Funeral sel'vlces will he heW Tues­day nt St. PatrIck's church In Del· nlar.

CamouflagIng themselves In eve· nlng dress to resemble knlglltR of the realm, the eml8llllries ot Scot­land Yal-d are cruIsing about the city nightly In vehlcle8 whloh reo semble the covered tru6ks ot trades· men. seekIng to co mbllt motor bandIt eSCllpades whICh have becom e numero us lately.

The truck-like cars are so thoroughly disguIsed that there Is no hInt of their ability t o travel 80 miles an hour. nor doe8 the casual observer gueM that they are arm­ored beneath their coverings and equIpped wIthIn wIth radio recelv· Ing lind sendIng set8 by whIch the occu\YInts ure al ways In comm unI· catlon wIth headquarters. Tbe cars have streamline bullet·proof coach­work. unspllnterable wInd screens. anel secret traffic lights to gIve them rlgh t oC way through the streets.

Nor did the old time detectlvo, who changed hIs whiskers every nIght. have anyth Ing on the modern harness bu lls ot Scotland Yard.


Consomme Aux Pais or

Fruit Cocktail Supreme Olives Wafers Pickles

Baked Virginia Ham, Demi Glace Fried Spring Chicken a la Maryland

Roast Prime Ribs of Beef, au jus


Dutchess Potatoes, 'New Carrotts en Creme or

Candied Yams or

Buttered Red Beets Imperial Salad and Mayonaise

Raisin Bread, Butter Fresh Peach Sundae . '.

wired Logan·Bryan from Indlanap- CHICAGO, Sept. 17 (IP)-Rev. at or I

Irish's Business College

University of Iowa Students may take

.... ;. oils: Robert M. KeJly, S. J ., has 'boon ap· "From Richmond to MuncIe and poInted »I'esldent of Loyola. unlver·

here and east to Terre Haute corn slty of Chloago. succeE'dlng the Rev. has been makIng time and a haIr all WllUam H. Agnew. who has reo during the h'Ot spell. The stand Is signed to engnge In 'pnrochlal work generally fair to good and missing in the 1pll.rlshes In charge {)r the J08· hUls from poor germination mostly ult fathers. dlscounted by remarkable few barren The Rev. Mr. Kelly hns been as. stalks. WItb ordinary weather from !!IstlUlt to the provincial of the Mis­now on and trost holding ott ul tll <fIOurl ProvInces ot the SocIety of Je. mld.()ctober the poorest and la.test SlIoS. He was dean of CreIghton unl. portion wlll at least make good tod- verslty, Omaha. from 1919 to 1920. der." IUId pr8!!ldent ot Regis college. DI'II'

R. O. Cromwell wired Lamson vel'. front 1920 to !l.926.

Iced Watermelon -,,. ,

I Tea . Coffee Milk Dinner served from 11 :30 to 2 o'clock and from 5 :30 to 7 :30

Memorial Union

and Shorthand Brothers and company from Koko- r:=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; mo. Ind.: Wea.thlll' Betters Conditions Typewriting

with their regular University work-

, Enter at any time

205Y2 Washington St. Third Floor

Morrison Buildi,ng

From Lafayette to Reynolds. Wol­cott. Monticello, Logansport. and here. considerably light or thin soli. and this corn Is poor compared to an average year. Recent weather bas bettered prospects trom near hopeless early season condItions. Corn on the better soli has shown like Improvement and IS rela,tlvely better and average8 fair. Fifty per cent of total acreage needs three to four weeks ot good weath'er. 10 per

1,,:;;==========================;;;"11 cent needs 81x weeks. and the re-mainder ten days to two weekS."



This is not a MoWr Car Advertisement

Peoples Laundry I

108 North Linn

Call 29


Aft e r the clothes

fro m 80ft ..

tiler. are


water suds

wrapped and delivered'.

Articles nof satisfac ..

tory. are re-IaundereCl

and re-ironed. ' 'A 11 just claims are sef ..

tled-c 0 m pIa i n f ~

should be maCle

:Wet waali promptly.

service will start this

.week'. . , 'j

" On sUCh facts is our

record of dependable

s e r vic e built-n 0

promises are made'-­

to be broke.n later.

It is ~aiting lor you--

with a complete line of both new and used text books together with all those accessories so essential to university men and women.

The Uliiversity Book Store

The Sookstore On The Corner

New and used books for the colleges of


Medicine LaW' Pbarmaey

Liberal Art. Applied Selenee Commerce

Leather Note Book Covers Bri~f Glses .. Special Law Note Books Brief Paper .. Typewriting Paper .. Stationery .. Fountain Pens [Conk .. lin, Waterman, Moore, Shaeffer, Parker] .. Laundry Cases • Golf and Tennis Goods



,Films Fr~sh Stock-'-All Sizes

finishing on Velvet VeJox or th~

..... ~lossY' Finish

Mail Orders Given

Prompt Attention

Henry Louis

". . Druggist ,

The Rcxall and Kodak Store

124 East CoUer~

, !)8Ll'i Page--l ~- - -

. \ \ \ ' I II I , 1111' 1"'If' ~.ilibnU' ~y. Se~r , J S. J 9/.1


Marsh Says Iowa Democratic Votes MusfGo to Smith

Meredith -and McAdoo Drop O,..t of 1928

Campaign DBS MO:-<18S. Sept. 17 (A')- Jowa

democratic leaders, ncceptlng \l'lU. lam G, .McAdoo's nnnounccmcnl that h will not Ix! a candidate for the rJI'csldentlal nomination next year WI

an antiCipated move, expressed ell­..-Jded sentiments between the state's favorite son, E. T. Aleredith oC lX'~ 1IIolnes, Cormer aecl1CUU:y or agrlcul, ture, and Governor AI Smtth as the logical choice oC tj,O ptlt·ty, '

Medical Frarernity Mo.es Into New

$27 ,000 R~idence Phi Chi. medical ftraternlty which

has been In exJstence on the Iowa ampus for Jour years, Is now living

in n new hOUj;e which was bullt a~ an approximate cost oC $27,000,

The Jltldrt!1ls Is 211 Newton road, The locn tlon Js on lhe west side oC the rh'cr and tnees lowa avenue.

'rhe Ilouse aecommodu,teH thJrty mQIl und has tour floors, The ground noor Is on tile level ot the 11I'Ive In Cront but Js beneath thc dt'l"o In the real' of tho house.

The walls are concrete taced with brick a nd the remainder ot the I:ouse Is ot (rame constructlon_

Beards Rare in ~panish Capital

MADRID, Spaln, Sept.

Candidacy oC All'. Jdcredlth, whO .. s repol'ted In New York today, was urged hy Clyde L, Hel'flng, na, tlonal commltl emo.n; Claudo R. Por­I 1', democratic candIdate (or sc no.. WhlskCl's aro rarely soen In the SpILn' tor last y~ar; (lnd Mrs. W. E. Mauls· Ish callilai. PI'obnbJy not ha'f 0. py, vlce-<:halrmun ot lhe dt1mocraU~ hUI1(lJ'Ild 1>01'11008 In aU Madrid wear slate centl'UJ committee. thcm.

FlIes Gives No Choice Along the Calle de A leala. the J. Rny }o~lJes f Fort Dodge, chair·

Captivity Reduces Buffalo's Length, l

Believes Painter of Western Subjects SuDday Big Day

for Flat Hunter. ' iCUIc.w0, Se]l'l, 17 (JI"j-More

, 10DlOS (lr\) ron ted In Chicago on ,unljay thllJ1 \LilY Clthcr day. the 'eal estate a!,"Cnls say.

Tho ,ci ty gotls a.partment hunt­,ng on the seventh day beouuso busbands can lhen g1ve their un­}[vlded attention to looking lJ'ountl a )lIt with. til elr wives. 111<1 It takes m~.e tban 0. few !ho"[ ho\.t,l'S Lo fJn.d. an apartment,

A!>lt.l'tment 'llv1ng Is riding a: ,Igh wave of popularIty he''C . 3ulldlngs featllrln!{ the ono Ull d

IVO l'oomB wHII kltchenotLo are "",Inglng' up In gre1t numbQr.s,

Fifteen AnllY Men Enter Air Races

WASII1NOTON, Sept. 17 (A")- FI!·

t n "b''On:!Bd men 'Or the 8,lli-t.ulletl" wlU r\lpl'C8ent l1>e "",,y'. ~10iK!'llnd

o/Iost in tho National All' ~accs at Spolmnc, Sept. 19 to 24, Thoy will plu'l1ell)!1to In tlll'oo events, closed to all exccl>t army, navY, a nd mat·­Ino (Jorps avlatol's,

A concessIon Is made to fOI'"lgn govornments In ,the strlclly mLlltul'Y t"OO'!OI',aJj pUl'sult shJp ,·twe, "1}Ccct elll~lfic of tho 1\11', Hero t bey may 1>lt their I)Ia.ncs a.galnst this Coun' 'llfs best, over a dlst!lnco .of 120 mlle8 .

typical of the old weHt. '1\ho pu.raullt ~hlp ~ .. ,cc, lL national oCqnflncQ;lcnt In paature!J actually mJlolta'·y event. tOl' seven years, 'was

, Is ehort.enJng tbe spines of Ule com. won (Lt .l'hUjl.del~hla. last yerlr by , paratlvely few 8ur\<.1"01'5 ,(If the , LA~t. C. T. Cuddihy, n;""y flYer, at h~I'ds tbat roamed the wesler\! a. Slleod of 180.405 miles an hour prairlcs In countless 1;'!OU~dS leSR ,over 11. twelve mllo co ul'se . He lIe'f than a centW',Y ago, Lenll'el's i!Ily_. a Seenlng 11',8' 3. 'ne a lso obs ' rves that ~he modern LoN;'!) cltponlty planes ... 111 IlarUe\' bls0'1 If \lot SIl ~tl'ong no.!' so h~II'a6' oa:tc III a mi litary l':t ce WIOIl la~ as his pCQgooltQl'. ~ea.,· by Llelill. .L. N. MfoUe ,0( t~

The bison Is a migratory animal , ,!\,I'my, wbo covered 120 milJlB at 12.8 .. and In the days of the open \'ange ,71'4 mHes = bour.


Get A~y From the


, Exerci~? Rent a canoe and you'" find the and more on the Iowa river, There's no more de­light£ul way to 8~l.mu an af· ternoon or evening,

, ~itzgerald lloat House ,. , North of the Memorial Union Illan of tho democratic slate cent,'al Gl'.un Via and through the Puerto. committee, declared that McAdoo'~ del Sol, whlthcl' every good Jl1adrll­announcement would not affect thc ene goes dally to set ills watch by Iowa si tuation, but declined to ex, ~ho govm'nment clock, the only ~)rellH a cholco COl' the nomination. beard to be see n Is that ot an knclent

made ropulat' , excu,'slons to the The fhlrel military Client will 00 sOl!th In ,Winter and the 1)O,'tb I" the JY·rntie race fnr .o])oo,'va1lol,1 sum mel'. Cbecklng of this habJt. type (tIVO place) I>lanes, WQ n III J 926 Lenders believes, Is reSulting In by Lteut. 0, L. Stclmens. army, fIY-,

~1~:tSI~~1s ~e:;'Ia~~~, t~e Ulti~~~: II:n~K~1~.;2.;.2~63~n;" J~I"'~S';aJ;'~h~O~U~"i· ~;i;;~~.!..=· ~' ~'~'~'~'~";.:=" :~~.=.~.~.~":" -:. :.:.:.:.~.~.;. ;" ;~;~.~";. ;.;.;.~=~~==~ 1<tlnotion of the few remalnlng II \ . ~

Sentlmcnt iavol'1ng Covernor tt'amcar drlver_ SmlLh was eXI/I' 'sed by Wilbur W. The,·o Is one other beard well Marsh of ,\'aterloo, tOI'mer tren8ur- known In Madrid, the p,l'operty ot I\.

CI' of the d mocratio no.tJQna l com· reth-ccl night watchman who haunts mlttee, who V" dieted tllUt the ",W,· 'bls former be<lt eVllry evening and Emil Lando,'s (below), Oklahoma artist known fo,' his frontier Bub­drawnl of McAdoo would result In looks like the Doke of Venice. Pro- jects, says the buCCalo !.s growing shorter In cap tIvity. Above Is a bison ,the nomination oC Smltil lU'actlcallY 'bab!y he Is wealthier, for night. ot hue old type from a Lenders palntlng, "'1'ho Last of tho Herd," and without It roll call. 11e \!aid: watchmen In Madrid earn heavy below nre moelern ll uCfa lo In a park reservation.

"10m, In hOJJes now that the demo· doles from \.he householders a nd emta of our ~tato wJ1l gJ ve Gover- l)u61n('88 poople on thel,r rounds. nor Smith UJl11nimous endorsement. Among the old polltlolans--moat It would be a 8plendld thing tor the ot whom ,now do not 10.vor Madrid party In tile stllto and ilie nation It with their p,'esencc, bea.rds werc It b omtl6 known ('lull' that Gov- falt"ly /frequent, more e!tpeclally If ernor Smith will b:.wo t.w nty·slx they belonged to <the conservative votes from Iowa wltllOUt application Impty, where beards are 0. matter ot ot uh unit rule. traclllion.

An Aid to Party I Jose San~hcz-Gucl'rl!, t he leader, "It would tend to lend the party Sltlll we3.·s a full beard as well ;L!J

b.'lck to th JeCferl'Onln.n prlnclplo ot ~. shock oC hall'. Dalro Buga1lal, a broad toloratlon IlJld would 00 0. 1'0- [orme<.· minister ot the con.sel'vn.· buk to all thoae organizations wblch tlvo party, carrJea a carefully ~rim' tulvlro to pluy the part of super- med bCII1'd, lIB 40e8 Maxlaoo Ordo· government. nez, 11180 0. fOl'lllor mlnlster, whl le

PERRY, Okla., Sept. 17 (A')-Clv' l of Emil W. Lenders, who specializes IlIzaUon Is short.enlng tho "wheel· In painting the huge animals, In­buse" oC the buffa lo, in Ule opinion dlans, wolves, and other suWects

The Smile of Satisfaction Let Srandees lift that trunk

for you .

herds, through susceptibility to an epJdemic.

Lenders, who was r,eierr,ell to by tho late W. F. (BUffalo llUI) Cqlly. as "the 'best Pl'-Inter df pufCaloes In tho w~rld," lIves Oil l'bunderbj"d ranch, neal' 'perry, .A.ttel' making trlps to the west fel' , mal\:? years, he {Inally left his home In Phlla­delphja, where he once was a mem· bel' of t b.e city council. ~d located IlCrlU(l.neD lIy In Oldahoma II). 1922.

"I didn't think that thol'o Is any · Juan do III. Clerva, former war .Il).in· CIlndldo.t to w110m the McAdoo peo- Jster, hila nev~r shaved his beard, al­pie can roily and It lOOks to me now though he I{eops It cl02ely cropped. us If Governor 8mlth WOIIJd be noml' 'Sevoral Ilolentlsts and wrltcrs /Jated practically wltbout 0. roU· Buch ns Jacinto Benavonte, Rafacn call." A1tamll'a and Ramony OIjal. lire

1'tIel't'llUIL in New Yurl{ full-lbearded. But the man in the

Courteous, careful drivers whO' will handle your luggage with the utmost care.

')'0 othe,' pOlitical Je.'\del'S In thc streot Is always clcan shaven, After one of these first days of getting located rent one of our Fords and take a ride. It will help you thru a hard daY' . .. tatc, MI'_ Mel'odllil, who bas Insist·

cd (hu.l he III not a canelldllte at'll! who Is said to bave refusod to al· low hl~ mlln to be put (0'"\ 81'd 8C'

ilv Iy, Is looked upon as tho logical recipient of tho support that eMt n sollel Iowa voto for McAdoo on cJ!{hty-(wo ballots In tho 1924 con­vention. 'rhe two men wero assoo­jatps In '~'1I80n '8 cabin t,

'1'ho g nOJ'al e ·pre.mon of opinion was thut McAdoo's wltbdrawal had \) en expccled tor sometime 'by tila democratic leo.ders.

Arrest ' Two for Assault, Battery

On complaint til cd by Mrs. Ed F'1~mlng, Mrs. Anna Dublsher, 504 E . Burlington strcet, aod ~cr slstor, ' Mrs. Mnrtha Sclb~rt, 227 N. Dodge· EIott'cct, were arrested yesterday morning on a charge of assault and

Phone 2268 or 171

13'RAN-DEES Rent a Ford"& Transfer ,.Co.

Their hearing was set for Sept. 1!7 226 East College lxLttery. [

In th court of Justice B. F . Caner. In with Yellow Cab Company

, ,

IWhe · Xime-~Colle.ge' Opening Next Monday

[he tPLace--Iowa City, Iowa where---

. ' ~'U U&ed by Students We Have It"

T.he !Wok Store 'WILLIAMS' The Studcnt Storc

. {{'he Typewriter Stor, lOW A SUPPLY The SPQ1-Ung Good slore

Pastor Wanta ' S~rt Rather Than Gossip

The aITc. WM ma~ ~ ~.m l !'~' ~' ~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~"~~~~_~_~_~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~kL~~. -- ___ ~____ Il~;~~~~~;;;~~~~;~~~;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~ ~~~~~~!l.l~Wi!.tli~~~~~~!:i.'U~~~'UJ':~~UJi~~~~~~~~~~ t ~ ~I -LONDON, SC)lt. 17, (iP'I-Sport 011 ~

Sunday 1.8 beLLet' than gosslp In the ~ (Oycs of the Rov, Basl! J. Dourchler i who pleads fOl' unday games.

"Plolll! peoplo who identify Sun, day games with Oodl ssnes!> make mc tlt'cd," assc"led the minister hj i!

a Berlnon , at at. Judc,Qn·Tho·HIII, I lJ ampstead. "Nobody denies tha.t mlln'.s flt'st duty on Sunday Is to l'ondcr to Goel the things thM i I al'o Ood's a nd to confiCcrnte part of tho day to ILls service, ~

"But wh n he bas dooe this are !Il;l wo not guilty of botb ]1resumpt.ton i~ nnd Pbal'll5lllc sclf·rlght ousness J[ '

wo assign to th tortures Of thG I 12 damned those who Indulge In I bealthy out'of-door games on Sun-

,day?" "\Vhlcb," asked tbe Rev. Mr.

Bourchlel', "In the SIght of J.leaven, III the more aoce,J:\\<lble-<L tennJti ~ match 01' a gossl))· match? To oon- I 'oontrato upon one's lawn or one'~ : iii neighbors? W'hat hypocrites we aro! 1 f;j

ITbe Sunday was made fOl' man- I made that ho might kecp It h oly. "Restrictions of the Putltan Sun­

day merely antagonize people. "'that I was all rJ!;ht jn 1821 .Is a.1l wrong for ]927."

'State Will Stop Te.timony Against

Bitmer Tuesday I roUT DODGE, Sopt, 17 (JP).-fJ'be I

lllate will rcst Its case against Frank ~ .Blttner, on trial for aileged compl!c, ~

jly in t"lO murder of George Mclp' i tiro, on Monllny 01' Tuesday, Coun~y Attorney James 1. Dolliver an" !lfi"'" nounced today. ~ • A hale tlozen witnesses will

ady to testiLy wMn the t .. ln.) Is i resumed MOllday mornJng In Judge SherwOOd ' A.. Clock's COU1't, Dolllvtr mid, a nd providing tho,t cross ex, amlnatlon Js not too extens ive, tlie '

' lnst ot the latc', ov;donoe, 8hould be on record TueSday noon, !l:jj

As IIOOJt .aM tile state's case Is J1Cstcd, Martin 'Yard, Blttner's Iit­~rney. wlll be given opportunity 0 present th e defenso testlmony,

Detectives Locate . .if. ent: MethocIiat Mi·. ·· ~hi DI~-m~

COLlmBUS, Ga .. Sept. 17 (A") • prlvato detective agency ~ adv cd member of the congrecatlon the Socond '6.-Venue )l[l!I.hodl8t ~ur

late today that It ll1la reccl\'ed .eport 'that tAt miMIng putOI', T

-·R ov, WIIUs J. Jerdan, hILd been I leated In CInci nnatI. The mlnlst I'

,,.,as !.h.ought to bave rbeen spirit ~ away by two men 'Wednesday nigh, ~ alnce 'Which tJme noUling bas be I lleard 1!rom him,

Rev. A, V. Noble~, former Pllst II ,

Despite the Unprecedented Shortage




-of Milk •

Due largely to ~Qrched and burned -pastures,

,we are able to SUpp\y you with the same high ' •

grade Pasteurized Milk and wftb the4 same


Our routes reach all parts of the city and our

ckivers are able- to . supply you ~ with any

amounts of Miik, "Cream or Whipping Cream.

~Meet ' The Crowd. At . .

fFor That's Wh.er.e

IThey Gather For ... -

«Lightl Lunches . ~,ael"esbing Drinks "a,AII tlEaquislte Gilts

!t\fter t~ show ~r , dance .... between classes .. '" a 7-:30 , hr~akfast -: .. or just a bite after an even ..

lings, 8aidV'-:-¥0U'i11 find 'em at 'I"

'4lOWQ,'S I M~st Beautiful Lun­cheonttte and Gift Shop"

t J

Under The New Valencia II of the church, w hom Rev. Jord. 'I

lIucceeded dnl! "'ho was arrest 11 shortly after the Is Her's dlsn ppc.: ' r

encp. wns t'eleascd from ja.1l shorl y (IE; • ~~~~ii!mIil~Wal!l!fi!Rll ••• I!IIi.E.IiI~ 1-=;;;;;;;;;;;;::::::======;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;==== 'IItt<)t' the anno\ln('('ll)ent, ~!fij.BmWi~~~iJii~!iro!J]jQ- !!rU!J!i!!i!~~n~MC~:mlli ===--"'::::::::::=:==;;::;;;;;;:::::=::::;;U





Sunda~ -Hot

Ba of]

Simn Cil H

CI1le) .co,· -Itlnl hn.tLIn f;' Irll!{UC I( of Il ll!'!'y CQIII'th 1I hr Hhalll'

jl11l1'K Sf. HUde bel' :i(l ll butt cd on U

rnuns " llu he hUM P

there un II clint"

lB points pllcd to( g'finles. HimntOn8 I,y tho h Sp('flkp, ', ((n , ,vh C'

the R<,a.H1

though. up to fir

l'oh Col b 'L/

tM only [1I1Y Iml) l~nd th o ling Mt' It·, and Lou cr .

Gehrig tun racC", eml hi Llir Beven on only S(, VP

of ~O. (J (> I


I (

,, 1 ]


It's s you Lett tion.



YOlln! YOlln!

hick. Chick. Mince Barbe

Roast Prime Barbe,



Lated City. Sports. Campol. and Wire News Reports

'= '

--------.------___ --.-___ --.: ________ ~.=....:._. __________ ..,....--_:_--....,..---________ • Student Publications Telephones

1Tii'lniltt, J,wnri r ~~ ~~a~m~" {Bu"_ ItO, .11

I!:d1tor1&l .1It Iowa City. Iowa. S~nday, September 18. 1927 , Incorporated

'------------~-L~~~~~========================~~~~~~~r_~==~~--IC~~~~~~==========--R 1:' CI hs copal church. The student pastor 18 school. FOI'un> Bible class tor stu· Ilanoe·Oa1Jer BU8Y shouts out the stepa tor _lIQuare -ellOlOUS U the Rev. Harry Sherman Longley. Ch h S' dents w1l1 organize the work tor th NEW LONDON, WIS.-William dances. He haa an engagement For Results, Use o· and a student center 18 located next ' ure erVlCeS rail, and dlMmlss to attend the gen· MnrnRch, 62, represents an apparent nearly every night. He saY8 tho

I . S d to the church. pml mooting on cn.mpus. 10:45 a. m. Iowan Want Ad nVite tu ents to I MOl'nlng worship. Sermon by Rev. Vllnlshed, trade, but he Is a lways ohHlme steps are stili danced In S The First English Lutheran

-------------------------------- Dysinger, "'rhe Cure tor Leprosy." ,;~U~8y~.~H~e~18~~a~d~a~nc~e~.caEJI~e~r,~II~n~d~t~h~e~r:u~ra~l~d~18~tr~l~ct~S~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~2::::;;~~ church has a Forum Bible clau at I ~

Att d M b· 9:80 o'clock this morning, and the Zion Lut_ran Church, Johnson Ellen Jones and vocal solos by Miss 6:30 p. m. The Luther League lun· ~ en ee ngs Lutheran league luncheon at 5:80 and Bloomington ~treets, A. C. Pro· Blklen a nd Mrs. Ellett. 6:30 p. m. ch on and Quiet social hour. 6:80 p.

Eleven City Churches Offer Morning

Services ./

Elevl'n churches at Iowa City ex· t .. nd Invitations to university stu· dents to attend religloWl services this mOI'nlng at the church ot their Ilr ference.

The denominations holding servo Ices nre as follows: Baptist church,

Unton and Burlington street; St. Pntrlck's CIIthoUc church; Ch ristian church, 217 East Iowa avenue; Can· gr~gatlonal ch ureh . Clinton and Jerferson street; Episcopal church, 2 East College street;

First English Luth ran church, Dubuque and Market streets; St . Paul's Luth~ran University church, East Jefferson and Gilbert streets; ZJon Lutheran churCh, Johnson a nd Bloomington streets; First Melho· dlst church, Dubuque a.nd Jetrerson streets; First Presbyterian ch urch, 26 East Market street; and First Unitarian church, 403 Iowa avenue.

Sunday Rchool C~ Tn addition to the SUnday servo

Ices. many at the churches maintain etudent religious organizations, and student Sunday school cmsses.

The First Baptist church main· ta lns a university class that meets at 9:30 o'clock this morning, a B. Y. P. U. with social hour at 5:30 o'clock thl8 evening and service on hour later, Theta Epsilon tor university women, Delcmas tor university men, and a student center at Clinton a nd Bloomington streets. The Rev. Ell· bert Jesse Smith Is pastor and stu· d nt minister.

St. Pntr\ck's Catholic cllUrch has a special student mass this morning at 9 o'clock. Its Newman club Is ror Catholic students.

Kappa Beta Is a society for Chris· tlan ch urch women, and student ~chool SundJly school classes are organlzod In connection with the Christia n church. A Chl'lstian En· deavor society tor students meets Sunday evenings.

Reverend Hon9ton Too.ches The Congregational church, the

Rev. Ira J. Houston, malntalnsslu, dent Sunday school claBl!cs, and young -people's evening meetings, and a student headquarters In the church building. "

Sunday school classes at 9:30 o'clOCk this morning, and the lifoI" rison student club at 6 o'clOCk this evening are mlllntnined by the Epls·

o'clock this evenJng, \\1th dt8CUS· ehl, pastor. 9',:00 a. m . Sunday Society at Christian Endeavor top. m. The Luther League. t:oplo: sian hour following. The Rev. W. school. BegInners to Junior Bible Ic : "Lord of His Event ." Mr.' Phil. Christian Personallty. Leaders: S. DYSinger Is minister. grades. 9:30 a. m. Berea Bible class Ip E lliott Is leader. 6:30 p. m. PII' Clarence Carlson and Karl Benson.

t d It t Ith th t grim Soolety ot Christian Endeavor 6 :30 p. m. The Inte"mcdlate League. St. Paul's Lutheran church hilS or a u s. mee 8 w e pas or.

services at 10:45 o'clock this morn. A cl8.8s adapted to the needll of the -topic, "Our Friendships." Hanlct The EpiR('opnl Ohorch-322 East Ing and 80clal hour Sunday evening Ilt 5:45 o'clock. The R ev. Julius A, Frloorlch Is the unlvel'6lty pastor.

A Berea Bible class at 9:30 o'clock this morning, and Luther league at 0:30 o'clock this evening I., conOuct· ed by the Rev. A. C. Proeh l, or the

student. IntenBlve Bible 8tudy with James Is In charge. Wednesday t bo 1 tt th Ladl Aid I t College street, the Rev. Harry Long·

the Dible as ext ok. 0:3U a. m. a ernoon, e es soc e y I y, recto". 8:(10 a. m. The Holy Divine services. Sermon by the pas. will meet at the home at Mrs. B1I8~'1 Communion. 9:30 a. m. Children's tor. Topic: "The SeU·evldence at Manville Heights. The 'Woman s church. 10:46 a. m. Morning se,'Vlce Gratitude." Luke 17, 11·19. Miss Auxiliary will meet at the home at and sermon. Subject: "No Control." Helen Schmidt will Sing. Mrs. Reese, Grand Avenuo Cou,·t. 6:00 p . m. Morrison club. Ouest

5:30 p. m. Luncheon tor young speaker: D<>an Robert E. Rlenow. people under t he auspices of the Lu· FIT1!t I'fetho!1lst E piscopal hIlllrrh

, ther league. Students are cordially -corner Dubuque and J e!te"son Invited. 6:30 p. m. Devotional meet· streets, W'~l!red C. Keeler, minister. Ing ot the Luther league. Discussion 9:30 Sunday school, Lee Nagle, suo a! the Wartburg league topics . pel'lnlendent. Special classes for stu.

Zion Lutheran church. .

Methodist EpWorth Leape The First Methodist church, ot

which lit Rev. W. C. Keeler Is min· IlIter, will hold Sunda)l lIC'hooi at 9:30 o'clock this morning and college Ep· worth league at 6:80 o'clock '''8 evening. Organizations tor Metho· dlltt students are: student council " Epworth league, Kappa Phi club for women, Phi Tau Theta tor men, Crusaders. and Bashtord club. ..

The First Vlll t.arian Church-403 Towa Avenue. Arthu,' L. Wcathe"ly, D.n., Minister. Service at 10:45. Sel·· mon subject: '''l'he Mark of Man," The Fireside club, a student organ· Izatlon for discussion of Ethical Philosophical and Religious Ques· tlons, will hav a picnic at 3 p. nl.

Student classes at 9:46 o'clock this mOI'nlng and a student forum at 6:30 o'clock this evening Ilre main· talned by the Firsb Presbyterian church, the Rev. John Gray Rhlnd, minister. Curtis R. Douglass, who lives at the student center, 126 North Clinton street, Is student minister.

The First Unitarian churCh, the Rev. Arthur L. Weatherly, minister maintains the Fireside club for stu· dents. It meets Sundays at 6 p.m. tor social hour Ilnd supper, and has a dlltcusslon hour at 7 p.m.

Church Publicists Will Meet Oct. 31

CnICAGO, Sept. 17 (A")-Th o an· nual conference on church pulJllc'lY, sponsored tor the last eight years by the Chicago Church tederatIon, will lle held Oct. 81. Purely a local a!talr at Its Inception, the gatherIng has now gorown to be one at nation III scope.

"Effective Church Publicity" will be lhe subject of the morning soP· slon. Many national known Sp~CIRI· Ists In the tield of church publicIty will attend. D,·. G. Wartleld HobbS, executive sec"etary at the depart· ment at publicity at the National Cou nell of the Protestant Episcopal church, and Dr. Roy L. Smith at the Simpson Methodist EpiScopal church of Minneapolis, wll\ be among the speakers.

The afternoon will be devoted to general discussion of the subject, "Religion of the Magazine Versus the Pulpit."

dents. 10:30 Morning worship. Ser· Fll'8ft jl'r<e8bytertan (lmroo -26 man "FucJng Ou,· O)JIlortunlty."

Eust Mark'et, John Gray Rhlnd, min·' 6:30 Epworth league. Cordial Invl· Ister, Curtis R" Douglas, studEint tallon to a Il students. G :30 lJ Igh pastor. 9:30 a. m. Bible school. 10:45 school league. a. m. Primary department at the Fh'St Christian Ch1ll'eb _ Iowa Sunday school. 10:45 a. m. Service at Fll'!lt E nglish LuU,ernn Chlll'l'h- Avenue. Morning sermon: "'1'he worship. Sermon subject: "The Dubuque a.nd Mnrk~t street, 'V. S. Badgo a} Discipleship." Guy H. Fin· "Crown ot the COnqueror." The Dysinger, )Jasto'·. 0:30 a. m. Sunday ' rlI~y. minister.

Quartette will sing, "Chrlstlan, the ~========~===============:::~11 Morn Breaks Sweetly," by Shelley. r 6:30 p, m.. Christian Endeavor so· ' , • , , " , ••••• ,.... • ........... clety, subject: "Pleasures." 6:30 p. m. Young People'", Forum, subject: "Sights a nd Insights."

St. Paul's Lutheran (Jhapel-cor· ner Eust J efterson and Gilbert streets. Julius A. Friedrich, pastor. Fourteenth Sunday atter Trinity. Regular service at 10:45 a. m. Text Psalm 128 :1.2. Subject at sermon, "Blessings and Happiness Follow Them That Fear the ;Lord." A most cordial welcome Is extended to all, especially to the new studenta. Let the first Sunday bo I ~ ilay at can· secratlon. Sanctity thl! beginning at your stUdies by tlie Word at God and prayer, 1 Tim. 4, 5,

Firat Baptist (Jhllfth-C1lnton at Burlington streets. EIl1ert Jesse Smith ,minister. 9:30 .a. m . Church :elble school. UnlverBlly class open to men and women, led by the pastor. 10:45 a. m, Morning war· ship. Sermo!): "Religion, Its Arena and Force." MUSic by male quartet. 6:30 p.m. HI B. Y. at the student center . 9:~O ,I). m. Ulllverslty B. Y. P. U. In ~ho soolal rooms ot the church . New plans; new leaders; new Ufo: new objectives. A religious pep gathering ·tor studollts.

Cong:regational t1lurch. Ira J . Houston, pllstor. Clinton and Jet· terson streets. 9:30 a. m. Sunday school session. 10:45 a. m. Morning worship, se,'mon by the pastor. Theme, "The Moment to Decide." There wlll be a vlolln solo by Miss

Every University Man can get the style h~ wants


Getting Started Right



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Light .. Housekeepers , ,

We Welcome You To Come In And Look Over Our Stock Of: Vacuum

Cleaners - Electric Irons - Electric , Toasters - Electric Percolators -

Elect~ic Waffle Irons In Fact Ev~rything For The Cozy Apartment.

I It has a soft rakish front.

Six button waistcoat~

It comes in Smoke blue, Oxford greys and Coop .. er .. beech browns.

The 2 button suits and 3 button square . notched lapel suits are here to.



It takes vim, vigor and vitality to buck th line in the c1assr~om or on the gridiron, and those who do it mOflL successfully are those who keep up to Rlrido in appear­anc~, whose exuberant good health gives them confi­dence.


DOWN AT WHETS everything can be had for health, comfort and appear­ance, No other stores in all this town meets the de­mands of college students like "WHETS",

We invite every student in the University to make these your drug stores,

Whetstone Drug Co.

. .. ,., . l; :;.c'

Three Stores

Don~ t forget our Free Delirery ser'Yice '- -


If you don't happen to know the best

dry cleaners in town - allow us to

introduce ourse[ve5-


Phone 2777

•• i.,.

Unique Cleaners

... ::. "Quality Cleaners" It ' , ,/ ACROSS FROM POST OFFICE

--• •••••• t •••••• t.t.t.~II.t.tt.tt.lt+1

Special Sunday 'Dinner Served 10:00 A,M. to 8 :00 P.M.

MENU Chicken Soup L' Italienne - Salt Wafers

Choice o~: Roast Young Chicken with Celery Stuffing

"' , ~ .


Fricassee of Chicken with Egg Noodles Roast Prime Rib of Beef, Au jus Baked Saddle of Veal, Current Jelly Roast Loin of Pork with dressing

1Il ~ . \ ! Hot Rolls and Butter " .

Mashed Potatoes Buttered Lima Beans Cucumber and Tomato Salad

Chocolate or Pineapple Sundae with Home Made Cake

I . ,

Coffee Tea Iced Tea


.... .'


We Serve an All Vegetable Dinner, including a salad, every week day for S5c

:University Cafe 5 ',-1 ' 11K .. " ~ Ir.1 113 Iowa Avenue

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