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Design of the Value of Urodynamic Evaluation (ValUE) trial: A non-inferiority randomized trial of preoperative urodynamic investigations Charles W. Nager a, , Linda Brubaker b , Firouz Daneshgari c , Heather J. Litman d , Kimberly J. Dandreo d , Larry Sirls e , Gary E. Lemack f , Holly E. Richter g , Wendy Leng h , Peggy Norton i , Stephen R. Kraus j , Toby C. Chai k , Debuene Chang l , Cindy L. Amundsen m , Anne M. Stoddard d , Sharon L. Tennstedt d and Urinary Incontinence Treatment Network 1 a Department of Reproductive Medicine, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA, United States b Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, United States c Department of Urology, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, New York, United States d New England Research Institutes, Watertown, MA, United States e Department of Urology, William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan, United States f Department of Urology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, United States g Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, United States h Department of Urology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States i Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Utah, Salt Lake, Utah, United States j Department of Urology, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX, United States k Department of Urology, University of Maryland, Maryland, United States l National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States m Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, United States article info abstract Article history: Received 2 March 2009 Accepted 20 July 2009 Background and purpose: Urodynamic studies (UDS) are routinely obtained prior to surgery for stress urinary incontinence (SUI) despite a lack of evidence that UDS information has an actual impact on outcome. The primary aim of this non-inferiority randomized clinical trial is to determine whether women with symptomatic, uncomplicated SUI who undergo only a basic ofce evaluation (BOE) prior to SUI surgery (No UDS arm) have non-inferior treatment outcomes compared to women who have BOE and UDS (UDS arm). Secondary aims are: 1) to determine how often physicians use preoperative UDS results to alter clinical and surgical decision-making, 2)to compare the amount of improvement in incontinence outcomes, and 3) to determine the incremental cost and utility of performing UDS compared with not performing UDS. Methods: After an initial basic ofce evaluation, women planning surgery for uncomplicated SUI who consent to study participation will be randomized to receive preoperative UDS or No UDS. Treatment will be planned and performed by the surgeon utilizing all the data available to them. We will compare results from the basic ofce evaluation (No UDS) with results from the basic ofce evaluation and preoperative UDS. Results: The primary outcome will be measured at 12 months using responses to the Urogenital Distress Inventory and the Patient Global Index-Improvement. Keywords: Randomized trial Stress urinary incontinence Urodynamic studies Non-inferiority trial Contemporary Clinical Trials 30 (2009) 531539 Supported by cooperative agreements from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, U01 DK58225, U01 DK58229, U01 DK58234, U01 DK58231, U01 DK60379, U01 DK60380, U01 DK60393, U01 DK60395, U01 DK60397, and U01 DK60401. Corresponding author. University of California, San Diego Medical Center, Mail Code 0974, 9350 Campus Point Dr, Ste 2A, La Jolla, CA 92037-1300, United States. Tel.: +1 858 657 8435; fax: +1 858 657 6828. E-mail address: [email protected] (C.W. Nager). 1 For a list of UITN investigators see appendix A. 1551-7144/$ see front matter © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.cct.2009.07.001 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Contemporary Clinical Trials journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/conclintrial

Contemporary Clinical Trials 30 (2009) 531–539

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Design of the Value of Urodynamic Evaluation (ValUE) trial: A non-inferiorityrandomized trial of preoperative urodynamic investigations☆

Charles W. Nager a,⁎, Linda Brubaker b, Firouz Daneshgari c, Heather J. Litman d,Kimberly J. Dandreo d, Larry Sirls e, Gary E. Lemack f, Holly E. Richter g, Wendy Leng h,Peggy Norton i, Stephen R. Kraus j, Toby C. Chai k, Debuene Chang l, Cindy L. Amundsenm,Anne M. Stoddard d, Sharon L. Tennstedt d

and Urinary Incontinence Treatment Network 1

a Department of Reproductive Medicine, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA, United Statesb Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, United Statesc Department of Urology, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, New York, United Statesd New England Research Institutes, Watertown, MA, United Statese Department of Urology, William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan, United Statesf Department of Urology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, United Statesg Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, United Statesh Department of Urology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United Statesi Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Utah, Salt Lake, Utah, United Statesj Department of Urology, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX, United Statesk Department of Urology, University of Maryland, Maryland, United Statesl National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United Statesm Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o

☆ Supported by cooperative agreements from the NaU01 DK58231, U01 DK60379, U01 DK60380, U01 DK6⁎ Corresponding author. University of California, San

Tel.: +1 858 657 8435; fax: +1 858 657 6828.E-mail address: [email protected] (C.W. Nager).

1 For a list of UITN investigators see appendix A.

1551-7144/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier Inc. Adoi:10.1016/j.cct.2009.07.001

a b s t r a c t

Article history:Received 2 March 2009Accepted 20 July 2009

Background and purpose: Urodynamic studies (UDS) are routinely obtained prior to surgery forstress urinary incontinence (SUI) despite a lack of evidence that UDS information has an actualimpact on outcome. The primary aim of this non-inferiority randomized clinical trial is todeterminewhetherwomenwith symptomatic, uncomplicatedSUIwhoundergo onlya basic officeevaluation (BOE) prior to SUI surgery (No UDS arm) have non-inferior treatment outcomescompared towomenwhohave BOE andUDS (UDSarm). Secondary aims are: 1) to determinehowoften physicians use preoperative UDS results to alter clinical and surgical decision-making, 2)tocompare the amount of improvement in incontinence outcomes, and 3) to determine theincremental cost and utility of performing UDS compared with not performing UDS.Methods: After an initial basic office evaluation, women planning surgery for uncomplicated SUIwho consent to study participation will be randomized to receive preoperative UDS or No UDS.Treatment will be planned and performed by the surgeon utilizing all the data available to them.We will compare results from the basic office evaluation (No UDS) with results from the basicoffice evaluation and preoperative UDS.Results: The primary outcome will be measured at 12 months using responses to the UrogenitalDistress Inventory and the Patient Global Index-Improvement.

Keywords:Randomized trialStress urinary incontinenceUrodynamic studiesNon-inferiority trial

tional Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, U01 DK58225, U01 DK58229, U01 DK58234,0393, U01 DK60395, U01 DK60397, and U01 DK60401.DiegoMedical Center, Mail Code 0974, 9350 Campus Point Dr, Ste 2A, La Jolla, CA 92037-1300, United States.

ll rights reserved.

532 C.W. Nager et al. / Contemporary Clinical Trials 30 (2009) 531–539

Conclusions: Randomized trials comparing the effects of different diagnostic alternatives ontreatment outcomes pose study design challenges. A non-inferiority design is appropriate whencomparing a less invasive and less expensive alternative with a standard of care approach.

© 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Urinary incontinence is a common and costly condition thataffects 15% to 50% ofwomen of all ages and significantly impairsquality of life [1–3]. Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is one ofthe two major subtypes of urinary incontinence and affectsnearly half of these incontinent women. Surgery is one of themost common treatments for SUI; 135,000 inpatient surgeriesfor SUI were performed in the U.S. in 1998 [4]. Urodynamicstudies (UDS) are diagnostic investigations often performedpreoperatively to better characterize these patient's incon-tinence symptoms.

Diagnostic testing is intended to guide clinical managementand improve outcomes. Despite its widespread use, there is noevidence that preoperative urodynamic testing improvestreatment outcomes in women with uncomplicated stressurinary incontinence. Agur et al [5] have suggested that someurodynamic parameters correlate with adverse outcomes suchas decreased efficacy, irritative bladder symptoms, or post-operative voiding difficulty. However, results from a secondaryanalysis of the Stress Incontinence Surgical Treatment EfficacyTrial (SISTEr) reported that in 655 women who receivedurodynamics before surgery, typical urodynamic parametersoften given as reasons for performing UDS [e.g. Valsalva LeakPoint Pressures (VLPP), presence or absence of detrusoroveractivity (DO), urodynamic stress incontinence (USI)] didnot predict stress incontinence success or failure, althoughthere was a trend toward a lower success rate in womenwithout USI [6]. In the same group of patients, pre-operativeUDS measures were unable to predict the likelihood of voidingdysfunction after surgery [7].

Several professional organizations including the Interna-tional Urogynecological Association (IUGA) Guidelines forResearch and Practice, and the Royal College of Obstetrics andGynecology (RCOG) recommend performance of UDS prior tosurgical management of SUI. Not all professional societies andorganizations are in agreement regarding the role of UDS in thepreoperative assessment of SUI. In 2006, the National Institutefor Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the U.K. states that“the use of multichannel cystometry is not routinely recom-mendedbefore surgery inwomenwith a clearly defined clinicaldiagnosis of pure SUI” [8]. A large U.K. tertiary referral centerhas challenged this report noting that only 5% of their patientswith urinary incontinence had pure SUI, and of these, a quarterwill have otherurodynamic diagnoses. These authors suggestedthat the NICE recommendations are “unwise” and argue that “arandomized trial of preoperative urodynamics is required toinform clinical practice…” [5]. This sentiment for an RCT issupported by an evidence based Cochrane review whichconcluded that “A larger definitive trial is needed, in whichpeople are randomly allocated to management according tourodynamic findings or to standard management based onhistory and clinical examination.” [9]. In addition to a lack ofevidence that preoperative UDS improves outcomes in uncom-plicated patients with SUI, urodynamic testing has other

negatives. It is expensive (approximately $1000 USD), time-consuming (approximately 1h), invasive (requiring a urinarycatheter), and may be uncomfortable and/or embarrassing topatients.

Although studies are needed to determine the benefits ofurodynamic information for all urinary incontinence dis-orders, there is less controversy about performing UDSpreoperatively in women with more complex clinical pre-sentations, including concomitant stress and urge inconti-nence (symptoms of leakage with a strong urge and leakagewith stress provocation, both bothersome to the patient), orthose who have failed a previous surgery, as findings mayhelp guide primary approaches to treatment. There is also lesscontroversy about the use of UDS prior to any conservativenon-surgical therapy, as it is generally agreed that it is notnecessary as the risk–benefit ratio of the proposed therapyhas a good therapeutic index. A UDS performed for multipleclinical diagnoses does not answer the question of the value ofUDS for a specific diagnosis. Therefore we have designed andimplemented a narrower and more feasible study thataddresses the role of preoperative UDS for uncomplicatedSUI in selected patients desiring surgical intervention forpredominant SUI following a basic office evaluation (BOE).We propose to study the clinical utility of UDS inwomenwithstress predominant incontinence because of the high volumeuse and unresolved benefit of UDS for this condition.

2. Methods

2.1. Study design

UDS is currently considered standard of care. This trial isdesigned to compare a less invasive alternative, a basic officeevaluation (BOE) without UDS (No UDS), with standard of care(i.e. a BOE and UDS, or the UDS arm) to determinewhether theNo UDS arm is non-inferior to the UDS arm. Because weanticipate that any difference seen between the UDS and NoUDS groups may be subtle, we selected a randomized, non-inferiority design. By randomlyassigningparticipants to receiveUDS or not, confounding factors due to surgeon and patientpreferences as well as differences by clinical center will beminimized.

At the conclusion of the study, if the No UDS arm is nomore than marginally inferior to the UDS arm, it will bepossible to deem the No UDS arm non-inferior to the UDS armand conclude that UDS is not necessary rather than continu-ing with it as standard of care prior to surgery in this patientpopulation. If this study was designed as a typical superioritytrial and the success rates in the No UDS and UDS arms werevery similar, the conclusion drawn would be an inability todetect a difference between the two arms. Such a conclusionwould not be the same as finding that the No UDS arm is non-inferior to the UDS arm and, therefore, is less clinicallyrelevant. The design of the trial is depicted in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Trial design.

Table 1Inclusion and exclusion criteria in the ValUE study.

Inclusion criteria

1. Female2. Predominant SUI as evidenced by all of the following:a. Self-reported stress-type UI symptoms, of duration ≥3 monthsb. MESA stress symptom score (percent of total possible stress score)greater than MESA urge symptom score (percent of total possible urgescore)

3. Observation of leakage by provocative stress test at any volume4. Eligible for randomization to either treatment group5. Eligible for SUI surgery6. Desires non-conservative therapy for SUI7. PVRb150 ml by any method. (May repeat once if initial measure isabnormal)

8. Negative urine dipstick (negative result=trace or less for leukocytesand nitrites) or negative UA or negative culture

9. Available to initiate SUI treatment within 6 weeks of randomization10. Available for 12-months of follow-up and able to complete studyassessments, per clinician judgment.

11. Signed consent form.

Exclusion criteria

1. Age b21 years2. Currently undergoing or has had recommended treatment of apicalor anterior prolapse

3. No anterior or apical prolapse ≥+1 on standing straining prolapse exam4. Pregnant or has not completed child bearing.

533C.W. Nager et al. / Contemporary Clinical Trials 30 (2009) 531–539

2.2. Randomization

Participants are randomized either to UDS or No UDSusing an automated randomization system, with a back-upsystem of sealed randomization envelopes in the case oftechnical problems. Randomization is stratified by surgeonwith institutional balancing, using permuted blocks. Neitherpatients nor surgeons are blinded to group assignment.

The protocol was approved by the Data and SafetyMonitoring Board (DSMB) of the Urinary IncontinenceTreatment Network (UITN) and Institutional Review Boardsof all participating centers. Written informed consent isobtained from all women prior to study enrollment. Recruit-ment is estimated to take approximately 2.5 years followinginitiation of enrollment which began in November 2008.

5. b12 months post-partum6. Active malignancy of cervix, uterus, fallopian tube(s) or ovary N Stage I,or bladder of any Stage

7. History of pelvic radiation therapy8. Previous incontinence surgery9. Current catheter use10. Neurological disease known to affect bladder storage (e.g. MS,Parkinsonism, CVA)

11. Previous (i.e. repaired) or current urethral diverticulum12. Prior augmentation cystoplasty or artificial sphincter13. Implanted nerve stimulators for urinary symptoms or previousbotox bladder injections.

14. Any pelvic surgery within the last 3 months15. Previous placement of synthetic mesh on a vaginal approach inthe anterior compartment

16. Participation in another treatment intervention trial that mightinfluence results of this trial.

17. A urodynamic result reviewed by the investigator in the preceding12 months or any recollection by the investigator of urodynamicresults on that subject.

2.3. Study aims

The primary aim of the study is to determine if womenwhoare surgical candidates for treatment of uncomplicated pre-dominant SUI after a basic office evaluation only (No UDS arm)have non-inferior treatment outcomes compared to womenwhoreceive botha basic officeevaluationandpreoperativeUDS(UDS arm).

The trial has three main secondary aims. The first is todetermine, among women randomized to UDS, how oftenphysicians useUDS to alter clinical decision-making in selectingand/or performing SUI surgery. The second aim is to compareimprovement in incontinence outcomes between groups. Thethird aim is to determine the incremental cost and utility ofperforming UDS as compared to not performing UDS.

2.4. Study population

The study population consists of womenwith predominantstress urinary incontinence (SUI) and no history of incon-tinence surgery. The women are appropriate surgical candi-dates and are seeking such correction. Inclusion and exclusioncriteria are displayed in Table 1.

2.5. Physician diagnosis and management

Prior to randomization, the surgeon will specify thediagnosis and planned treatment based on results of thebasic office evaluation and clinical judgement. If randomizedto UDS, the surgeon will report any changes in diagnosis,treatment plan (for example, the plan could change to a non-surgical therapy), or modifications to the existing treatmentplan as a result of the additional information provided by UDS.

534 C.W. Nager et al. / Contemporary Clinical Trials 30 (2009) 531–539

2.6. Measures

Primary and secondary outcomes will be assessed withvalidated instruments throughout the study. The schedule ofmeasurements is included in Table 2.

2.6.1. Primary outcome measureThe primary outcome is measured at 12 months and

includes a traditional, objectivemeasure and a patient-orientedsubjective report. The Urogenital Distress Inventory (UDI) is a20-item patient-reported measure, that assesses symptoms ofstress incontinence, urge incontinence, urgency, frequency, andvoiding dysfunction [10]. This instrument has establishedvalidity, reliability, and responsiveness to change. In addition,we selected the Patient Global Index-Improvement (PGI-I)which is a patient-reportedmeasure of perceived improvementafter treatment of stress and urge incontinence that has beenshown to have good construct validity in incontinence trials[11,12]. The PGI-I correlates significantly with incontinenceepisode frequency (r=0.36), pad test weights (r=0.20) andquality of life (IQOL: r=−0.50) in women with predominantSUI [13]. Significant reductions in values are typically observedafter SUI surgery. The PGI-I asks subjects to check the onenumber that best describes how their urinary tract condition(bladder) is now, compared to how it was before they receivedtreatment for urinary leakage. Response choices are: 1) “verymuch better”, 2) “much better”, 3) “a little better”, 4) “no

Table 2Schedule of measurements.

Screen Baseline Operative 3 months 12 months

UDI ✓ ✓ ✓

PGI-I ✓ ✓

PGI-S ✓ ✓ ✓

Stress test ✓ ✓


Additional treatment ✓ ✓

SF-12 ✓ ✓ ✓

IIQ-7 ✓ ✓ ✓

ISI ✓ ✓ ✓

MESA ✓ ✓ ✓

Voiding function ✓ ✓

Patient satisfaction ✓ ✓

Patient preparedness ✓

Adverse events ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Urine dipstick ✓

Costs and utilities ✓ ✓

Sociodemographic ✓

Comorbidities ✓ ✓ ✓

H&P ✓ ✓ ✓

PVR ✓ ✓

Medication audit ✓ ✓ ✓

Prolapse assessment ✓

Urethral mobility ✓

Operative measures ✓

MD Dx and Tx info. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

UDI — Urogenital Distress Inventory [10]; PGI-I — Patient Global Impression oImprovement [11–13]; PGI-S — Patient Global Impression of Severity [11–13]UDS — Urodynamics; SF-12 — Short Form-12; IIQ-7 — Incontinence ImpacQuestionnaire-7; ISI — Incontinence Severity Index [15]; MESA — Medical andsocial Aspects of Aging questionnaire [14]; H&P — History and Physical; PVR—

Post void residual volume; MD Dx— Physician diagnosis; Tx Info — Treatmeninformation.



change”, 5) “a little worse”, 6) “much worse”, and 7) “verymuch worse”.

Specifically, treatment success is defined as a 70% reduc-tion in the UDI from baseline to 12 months and a score of “1”or “2” (i.e., “very much better” or “much better”) on the PGI-Iat 12 months. Thus, treatment failure is defined by theoccurrence of one of the following: a less than 70% reductionin the UDI from baseline to 12 months or a score of 3 orgreater on the PGI-I at 12 months.

2.6.2. Secondary outcome measuresSelf-reported stress-type urinary incontinence symptoms

will be measured using selected items from the Medical,Epidemiologic and Social Aspects of Aging Project (MESA) [14].Quality of life measures include general health-related qualityof life measured by the Short Form-12 Health Survey andcondition-specific quality of life measured by the IncontinenceImpact Questionnaire (IIQ-7) [10]. Incontinence severity ismeasured with the Hunskaar/Sandvik Incontinence SeverityIndex (ISI) [15] and the Patient Global Impression Index ofSeverity [13]. Patient satisfaction with treatment outcome ismeasured with a 5-point Likert scale (very dissatisfied to verysatisfied) that asks patients to rate satisfaction with howtreatment has affected 1) urine leakage; 2) urine leakagerelated to feelingof urgency; 3)urine leakage related tophysicalactivity, coughing or sneezing; and 4) frequency of urination.Finally, as it is plausible that patients undergoing UDS will feelmore prepared for surgery and the post-operative period thanthose who do not receive UDS, preparedness is measured withan 11-item questionnaire developed for this purpose.

To measure how often physicians alter their clinicaldecision making based on the results of UDS, specificallydesigned data collection forms have been developed to recordthe surgeons clinical diagnosis, treatment plan, confidence intreatment plan, and patient counseling. These forms areadministered after the basic office evaluation and again afterUDS for the subjectswhowere randomized toUDS.Urodynamicresults and interpretation, using ICS definitions, are recordedona separate data form and a final form characterizes anytreatment changes or modifications because of UDS findings.

Voiding function is evaluated preoperatively by a post-void residual (PVR). Any use of a catheter and/or medicaltherapy to facilitate bladder emptying at or beyond 6 weekspost-surgery, or any surgical therapy to facilitate bladderemptying at anytime post-surgery is considered voidingdysfunction. For an objective measure of stress incontinenceoutcome, a provocative stress test standardized to volume(i.e. 300 ml) is performed at the 12 month visit for directobservation of urine leakage [16]. To minimize potential bias,a qualified examiner blinded to the randomization group andnot the study surgeon will perform this stress test. Additionaltreatment and evaluation information will be reported by thepatient on specific survey instruments at 3 and 12 months.

Data on medical and non-medical costs are being collected.Direct costs of medical care both within the study (i.e. costsassociatedwith surgery) andmedical care utilization outside ofthe study will be assessed. For study-related care, data arecollected regarding type of surgery, number of inpatient days,complications/morbidity (any adverse deviation from thenormal intra-operative or postoperative course), medications,and additional therapies. Interventioncostswill be calculated as

Fig. 2. Examples of scenarios for non-inferiority trials with trial conclusions.

535C.W. Nager et al. / Contemporary Clinical Trials 30 (2009) 531–539

the product of resource utilization and unit costs. Medicationcost will be estimated using the minimum average wholesaleprice of commonly prescribed medications. Marginal use ofresources (provider visits) will be estimated between groups.Direct costs will be calculated using a proxy for societal cost,Medicare resource-based relative value scale charges forphysician services.

For assessing direct non-medical costs, participants reportnumbers of pads, protection, laundry, dry cleaning, personalhygiene products, household protection, and householdcleaning products consumed specifically for their inconti-nence. Data are also collected regarding indirect resourcesrelated to incontinence (time spent on incontinence-relatedhealthcare, limits on employment or volunteer work due toincontinence). The Incontinence Resource Use Questionnairewas derived from other published expense surveys [17–19].The average national cost of each product will be determinedby a survey of several retail and wholesale stores. Finally,health-related quality of life (utilities) for health outcomes ismeasured with the Health Utilities Index Mark 3 (HUI3) [20].

Adverse events are reported in accordance with theDepartment of Health and Human Services (DHHS) code offederal regulations (Title 45, Part 46). The UITN DSMBmeets aminimum of two times per year tomonitor all of the Network'strials.

2.7. Study arms

All patients receive a basic office evaluation which is aroutine part of the surgeons' pre-operative clinical assessment.Core components are standardized per protocol and include thefollowing: self-reported stress-typeUI symptoms, a provocativestress test at any volume, post void residual (PVR) by anymethod, dipstick urinalysis, a standing, strainingprolapse examand assessment of urethral mobility (i.e. by either a Q-tip test,visual inspection, palpation, point Aa on POP-Q exam, or alateral cystogram).

2.7.1. NO UDSThepatientswhoafter thebasic office evaluation randomize

to the NO UDS arm will proceed with their planned surgicalintervention.

2.7.2. UDSPatients in the UDS arm receive core urodynamic investiga-

tions including non-instrumented uroflowmetry (NIF) with acomfortably full bladder, PVR obtained with catheter (afterNIF), filling CMG with VLPP determination attempts, and apressureflowstudy (PFS). Testing is performed according to thelocal high quality standards of urodynamic practices at eachstudy center. Specific testing and procedural details of the coreurodynamic procedures conform to ICS Good UrodynamicPractice guidelines [21], and testing results and interpretationof results conform to ICS nomenclature [22]. Optional UDSinvestigations (e.g. Urethral Pressure Profiles, Videourody-namics) may be performed if those investigations are custom-ary practice for the patient population at a study center. TheUITN has significant experience demonstrating the develop-ment of standardized, multi-center, high quality urodynamicstudies in previous trials [23,24].

2.8. Sample size determination for primary endpoint

As a non-inferiority trial, we determined our sample size bydefining P1 as the proportion of women in the UDS arm whohave a treatment success (defined by the primary outcomemeasure) and P2 as the proportion of women in the No UDSgroup who succeed. The equivalence margin or delta (δ) is thelargest clinically relevant difference that would be allowed forthe two arms to differ by and still say that the No UDS arm isnon-inferior to the UDS arm. Alpha (α) is the probability ofdeclaring that theNoUDS group is not inferior to theUDSgroupgiven that the No UDS group is indeed inferior by at least anamount δ. Power is the probability of declaring that the No UDSgroup is not inferior to the UDS group given that the No UDSgroup is not inferior. The sample size calculation is performedunder the assumption that the treatment success rates for thetwo groups are identical. It is also assumed that a test of thedifference in proportions (P1−P2) using the normal approx-imation to the binomial distribution will be used to determinenon-inferiority.

For sample size calculation,we assume an alpha (α) value of0.05 and that the true proportion of successes in each group is70% with an equivalence margin or δ of 11%. This equivalencemarginwas chosen based on the belief that this was the largestamount that we would allow the success rate to differ and stilldeem the no UDS group non-inferior, while still producing arealistic sample size. Using these assumptions, 270 women areneeded in each study arm to have 80% power for determiningwhether the No UDS arm is non-inferior to the UDS arm(Hintze, J. (2004). NCSS and PASS. Number Cruncher StatisticalSystems. Kaysville, UT). To account for a dropout rate of 10%, asample size of 300 women per arm (600 women total) will berequired.

2.9. Analytic approach for the primary endpoint

At the end of the study, we will construct a two-sided 95%confidence interval for the difference in the proportion ofsuccesses in the UDS group and the No UDS group (P1−P2) todeterminewhether the No UDS arm is non-inferior to the UDSarm. Decisions regarding non-inferiority will be madeaccording to Fig. 2 based on the confidence interval. Shouldthe upper limit of the two-sided confidence interval for the

536 C.W. Nager et al. / Contemporary Clinical Trials 30 (2009) 531–539

difference be less than the delta limit, only then can non-inferiority for the No UDS group compared with the UDSgroup be declared. According to Fig. 2, this occurs only whenthe upper end of the confidence limit does not cross thedotted line (the δ value of 11%), as in scenarios 3, 4 and 6. Inthe two inconclusive scenarios in Fig. 2 (scenarios 2 and 5),the confidence limit crosses the δ value, so it is not certainthat the No UDS arm is truly non-inferior to the UDS arm. Inscenario 1, both the lower and upper limit of the confidenceinterval exceed δ; in this case, the No UDS group can bedeclared inferior to the UDS group.

The study plans to also test for the possibility that the NoUDS group is not just non-inferior, but superior to the UDSgroup, while maintaining the planned overall α level of 0.05[25]. As described above, the test for non-inferiority will bedone and non-inferiority will be determined according to thetwo-sided level 1−α confidence interval. If it cannot beconcluded that the No UDS arm is non-inferior to the UDSarm, no further testing will be done. However, if non-inferiority can be concluded as in scenarios 3, 4 and 6, thenthe same confidence interval will be used to assess whetherthe No UDS arm is better than the UDS arm. Specifically, if theinterval does not overlap zero, then the No UDS arm isdeemed superior to the UDS arm (scenario 3). If the intervaldoes overlap zero, then the No UDS arm is still declared non-inferior to the UDS arm.

To minimize bias towards non-inferiority, only womentreated “per protocol”will be considered in the analysis of theprimary endpoint [26]. “Per protocol” is defined as consider-ing only women in the UDS arm who have UDS performedand only women in the No UDS arm who only have an officeassessment (and no UDS); e.g. include only those who receivethe assessment that they are randomized to in the analysis.Intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis, which includes all patientsby randomization group regardless of the treatment received,will also be performed, but will be considered secondary.

2.10. Analytic approach for the secondary endpoints

Descriptive statistics will be calculated to measure howoften physicians alter their clinical decision-making based onthe results of UDS before a planned intervention. Specifically,the rates of altered diagnoses and number of modifications tothe initial treatmentwill be compared using chi-square tests ort tests, as appropriate. To compare the amount of improvementin incontinence outcomes in women randomized to the twodiagnostic methods, the women in the two groups will becompared regarding the two components of the primaryoutcome: the percent improvement in UDI and PGI-I score.The mean percent improvement in UDI in the two groups andthe 95% confidence interval of the difference in the meanimprovement between the groups will also be computed. ForPGI-I score, ordinal logistic regression analysis will be used toestimate the relative odds of a lower score (more improve-ment) in the PGI-I of the No UDS vs. UDS diagnostic groups andits 95% confidence interval.

An underlying, but untested, premise of this trial is thatavailability of UDS results can influence how a physicianperforms the incontinence surgery and therefore the outcomeof surgery. To address this important clinical question, a sub-group analysis will be used to compare the outcomes of

women who received surgical treatment in the two rando-mization groups. For this analysis, a two-sided 95% confidenceinterval for the difference in the proportion of treatmentsuccesses between the two arms will be conducted onlyamong women who received surgery. The definition oftreatment success for this comparison is the primary outcomemeasure plus a negative standard volume stress test.

Additional analyses will be performed comparing the twoarms in terms of quality of life, urinary incontinence severity,voiding dysfunction, and other measures as necessary. Multi-variable linear regression will be used for continuousmeasures and logistic regression for dichotomous measurescontrolling for relevant baseline characteristics. P values lessthan 0.05 will be considered to be statistically significant andno adjustments will be made for multiple comparisons.However, when secondary measures are reported, readerswill be informed of the susceptibility to chance findings.

2.11. Cost analysis

Intervention costs will be calculated as the product ofresource utilization and unit costs. Standard costs (DRG, CPT,and AWP) will be applied to each utilization. Medication costwill be estimated using theminimum averagewholesale priceof commonly prescribed medications [27]. Marginal use ofresources (provider visits) will be estimated between groups.Direct costs will be calculated using a proxy for societal cost,Medicare resource-based relative value scale charges forphysician services [28]. Cost-utility and cost-effectivenessanalyses will be performed to compare the two groups. Forcost-utility analyses, net cost and net QALY will be estimatedin each arm of the model, and the marginal cost per qualityadjusted life year (QALY) will be calculated and comparedacross groups. For cost-effectiveness analyses, we will deter-mine the marginal cost between the groups per treatmentoutcome.

3. Discussion

Recent systematic reviews by the National Institute forHealth and Clinical Excellence [8] and the Cochrane group [9]have called into question the utility of preoperative UDS for theuncomplicated stress incontinent patient. However, experts doemphasize that this tentative conclusion is derived from flawedand limited evidence in the literature. Consensus expertopinion has called for the development and implementationof a randomized trial to evaluate the utility of preoperative UDSfor this surgical population [5,9]. This trial attempts to evaluatethe clinical utilityofUDS andwe found that designing a trial of adiagnostic test poses several challenges.

It is generally accepted in medicine that diagnostic studiesare performed for specific indications to answer specificquestions. The ultimate value of a diagnostic test is its abilityto change clinical decision-making, and by doing so, improveoutcomes. An underlying assumption of this current trial isthat UDS is a diagnostic tool that may alter clinical diagnosis,change clinical decision-making, and change outcomes inwomen planning surgery for SUI. If UDS changes thediagnosis, a different treatment is possibly in the bestinterests of the patient. If UDS reveals that the patient maybe higher risk for treatment failure or treatment complication,

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patient counselingmay be different and the treatmentmay bealtered in a way to reduce the risk of a complication. In thedesign of a study evaluating a diagnostic test the treatingphysician has to be able to use that test to change decisionsand change treatment and these treatments may havedifferent efficacies. Ultimately however, since we are stratify-ing the randomization by each surgeon, the efficacy will be aproduct of the decision-making and treatment produced byadding the UDS.

It is possible that UDS improves outcomes by alteringdiagnosis and treatments so that the efficacy of the SUItreatment is reduced, but the subject has fewer untowardresults like urgency, frequency, urge incontinence, or voidingdysfunction. For this reason, our primary outcome measureneeds to be an instrument that broadly measures bladderstorage and emptying function and patient assessment of herurinarycondition. For all these reasons,we chose theUrogenitalDistress Inventory and the Patient Global Impression Index asmeasures that can capture these outcomes.

In many ways the design of this study investigating adiagnostic test is similar to study designs of pragmatic clinicaltrials. Practitioners are given freedom to treat the patientsnormally, the outcome has to be relevant to everyday life, andwe are evaluating the overall “package” of care [29]. We hopethat this trial, like a pragmatic clinical trial, will deliver evidenceof effectiveness or ineffectiveness in an everyday clinicalcontext. Unlike a standard superiority trial, to minimize biastoward non-inferiority, our primary outcome will be “perprotocol” rather than an intention-to-treat analysis, althoughwe will perform an intention-to-treat analysis as a secondaryanalysis. Also unlike a pragmatic clinical trial, this study couldnot have broad inclusion criteria. We restricted this study touncomplicated stress predominant incontinence patients whodid not have previous incontinent surgery or prolapse. Thereason for this decision is that if complicated patients wereincluded, a result showing inferiority of the No UDS arm doesnot answer the question if uncomplicated patients would alsohave inferior outcomes without UDS. In contrast, if this studyshows that the No UDS arm has inferior outcomes to the UDSarm then nearly all clinicians would extrapolate those sameresults to an even more complicated patient population and astrong argument could bemade for universal preoperativeUDS.

We chose a non-inferiority design for several reasons. Weconsider UDS before surgery to be the generally acceptedstandard procedure throughout much of the world. Thequestion to be addressed in this study is whether womendiagnosed with uncomplicated stress urinary incontinencefollowing a basic office evaluation and managed withoutpreoperative UDS have non-inferior outcomes compared tothose who receive the more invasive and expensive preopera-tive UDS. When comparing two approaches to diagnostictesting and a less invasive, less expensive diagnostic regimenis being compared to amore invasive, more expensive standardthen a non-inferiority design is more appropriate than thetypical superiority trial design that is used when studying twodifferent randomized treatments.At theconclusionof the study,it will be determined whether it can be ruled out “beyond areasonable doubt” that baseline office assessment alone (NoUDS arm) is inferior to the baseline office visit plus UDS (UDSarm) by a clinically significant amount. Four possible conclu-sionswill be drawn: 1)NoUDS is better thanUDS (superiority),

2)NoUDS is non-inferior to UDS (non-inferiority), 3) NoUDS isinferior toUDS (inferiority), or 4) unable to show thatNoUDS iseither better than or non-inferior to UDS (inconclusive).

For a non-inferiority trial, the primary outcome of the trialis not expected to differ. In this case, with the effectivenessoutcome of the cost-effectiveness analysis expected to be thesame, the cost-effectiveness analysis can reduced to a cost-minimization analysis where the study of interest is the totalcost difference betweenwomenwho receive pre surgical UDSand those who do not. The less costly assessment will be apreferred choice from the cost standpoint. The study focuswill be the incremental cost. That is to say, we are interestedin the cost components that are different between compar-ison arms. Those cost components that are likely to be thesame between comparison arms will have zero cost incre-ments; therefore, their information will not be critical tocollect if the study budget is the concern.

In superiority trials, early stopping rules are used tomonitorfor safety and traditionally would stop a trial if a treatmentdifference is so large that it is unethical to continue treating theother group of patients with the “inferior” treatment. Interimmonitoring of the outcomes for making a decision to end thetrial early is not appropriate in this trial for several reasons. Innon-inferiority trials, such as this one, the argumentof stoppingthe trial early when there is definitive evidence of non-inferiority does not apply. Say, for example, that early datasuggests that the No UDS arm is non-inferior to the UDS arm. Inthis case, it is ethical to continue current practice (use of UDS),and one would want extremely strong evidence to abandon astudy in favor of changing standard practice. This trial iscomparing two commonly used diagnostic assessment meth-ods, not two treatments. Treatment of patients is a matter ofeach clinician's clinical judgment. Thus, therewould be noneedto stop assessing patients by one method or the other due to adifference in treatmentoutcomes. Also, themore invasive of thetwo arms is the UDS procedure; however, this is currentmedical practice and thus any adverse events have been welldocumented. The “less invasive” arm is simplyanofficevisit anddoes not pose any significant threat to the patients.

As described above, there will not be a formal statisticalstopping rule based on the outcome measure and thus theoutcomes will not be analyzed until the end of the trial.However, all subjects in the study will be overseen by threelevels of protection: the UITN Data Safety and MonitoringBoard, the clinical site Institutional Review Board and the localprincipal investigator. The DSMB will receive twice yearlyinformation on recruitment and retention, data quality, base-line characteristics and adverse events by randomization arm.Using this information, should the DSMB find the trial unsafedue to excessive adverse events, excessively slow recruitmentor other unforeseen safety reasons, then theycould recommendstopping the trial.

The major strength of this study is that it is designed toaddress a common condition, and a common preoperativepractice forwhich there is little evidence. Amulti-center,multi-surgeon study with the randomization scheme stratified bysurgeon minimizes individual surgeon treatment effects andshould provide generalizable results for surgeons and thispatient population. The potential weakness in this trial is that ifthe results show that the No UDS arm is not inferior, theseresults are only applicable to this population and more

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complicated patients may have inferior results. Additionalstudies on more complicated patients would be needed toanswer the same question for this group and certainly there aremany more complicated SUI patients that are excluded fromthis trial. The largest groups of women with SUI who areexcluded from this are those with previous surgery and thosewith anterior or apical prolapse. In a large communitypopulation, approximately 30% of women with SUI had co-occurrence of pelvic organ prolapse [30].

4. Conclusions

When evaluating women with stress urinary incontinence,preoperative urodynamic studies can be time-consuming,invasive, and expensive. It is not evident that these investiga-tions commonly alter diagnosis, treatment plans, or treatmentoutcomes. Randomized trials evaluating diagnostic tests arejust as needed as randomized trials evaluating therapeuticinterventions. Non-inferiority trial designs are most appro-priate for these studies especially when differences betweengroups are anticipated to be small and subtle. A cost-minimization analysis may substitute for a cost-effectivenessanalysis. The information obtained from this trialwill be helpfulin determining the best preoperative management of womenwith stress urinary incontinence.

Appendix A. The Urinary Incontinence TreatmentNetwork (UITN)

Steering CommitteeElizabeth A. Gormley, Chair (Dartmouth Hitchcock Med-

ical Center, Lebanon, NH); Larry Sirls, MD, Salil Khandwala,MD (William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI and OakwoodHospital, Dearborn, MI; U01 DK58231); Linda Brubaker, MD,Kimberly Kenton, MD (Loyola University Medical Center,Maywood, IL; U01 DK60379); Holly E. Richter, PhD, MD, L.Keith Lloyd, MD (University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL; U01DK60380); Michael Albo, MD, Charles Nager, MD (Universityof California, San Diego, CA; U01 DK60401); Toby C. Chai, MD,Harry W. Johnson, MD (University of Maryland, Baltimore,MD; U01 DK60397); Halina M. Zyczynski, MD, Wendy Leng,MD (University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; U01 DK 58225);Philippe Zimmern, MD, Gary Lemack, MD (University of TexasSouthwestern, Dallas, TX; U01 DK60395); Stephen Kraus, MD,Thomas Rozanski, MD (University of Texas Health SciencesCenter, San Antonio, TX; U01 DK58234); Peggy Norton, MD,Ingrid Nygaard, MD (University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT;U01 DK60393); Sharon Tennstedt, PhD, Anne Stoddard, ScD(New England Research Institutes, Watertown, MA; U01DK58229); Debuene Chang, MD, Marva Moxey-Mims, MD,Rebekah Rasooly, MD (National Institute of Diabetes &Digestive & Kidney Diseases).

Co-investigatorsAmy Arisco, MD; Jan Baker, APRN; Diane Borello-France,

PT, PhD; Kathryn L. Burgio, PhD; Ananias Diokno, MD;MelissaFischer MD; MaryPat Fitzgerald, MD; Chiara Ghetti, MD;Patricia S. Goode, MD; Robert L. Holley, MD; Margie Kahn,MD; Jerry Lowder, MD; Karl Luber, MD; Emily Luckacz, MD;Alayne Markland, DO, MSc; Shawn Menefee, MD; PamelaMoalli, MD; Elizabeth Mueller, MD; Pradeep Nagaraju MD;Kenneth Peters, MD; Elizabeth Sagan, MD; Joseph Schaffer,

MD; Amanda Simsiman, MD; Robert Starr, MD; Gary Sutkin,MD; R. Edward Varner, MD.

Study CoordinatorsLaura Burr, RN; JoAnn Columbo, BS, CCRC; Tamara

Dickinson, RN, CURN, CCCN, BCIA-PMDB; Rosanna Dinh, RN,CCRC; Judy Gruss, RN; Alice Howell, RN, BSN, CCRC; ChaandiniJayachandran, MSc; Kathy Jesse, RN; D. Lynn Kalinoski, PhD;Barbara Leemon, RN; KristenMangus; KarenMislanovich, RN;Elva Kelly Moore, RN; Caren Prather, RN; Sylvia Sluder, CCRP;Mary Tulke, RN; Robin Willingham, RN, BSN; KimberlyWoodson, RN, MPH; Gisselle Zazueta-Damian.

Biostatistical Coordinating CenterKimberly J. Dandreo, MSc; Liyuan Huang, MS; Rose

Kowalski, MA; Heather Litman, PhD; Marina Mihova, MHA;Anne Stoddard, ScD (Co-PI); Kerry Tanwar, BA; SharonTennstedt, PhD (PI); Yan Xu, MS.

Data Safety and Monitoring BoardJ. Quentin Clemens MD, (Chair) Northwestern University

Medical School, Chicago IL; Paul Abrams MD, Bristol Urolo-gical Institute, Bristol UK; Diedre Bland MD, Blue RidgeMedical Associates, Winston Salem NC; Timothy B. Boone,MD, The Methodist Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine,Houston, TX; John Connett PhD, University of Minnesota,Minneapolis MN; Dee Fenner MD, University of Michigan,Ann Arbor MI; William Henderson PhD, University of Color-ado, Aurora CO; Sheryl Kelsey PhD, University of Pittsburgh,Pittsburgh PA; Deborah J. Lightner, MD, Mayo Clinic, Roche-ster, MN; Deborah Myers MD, Brown University School ofMedicine, Providence RI; Bassem Wadie MBBCh, MSc, MD,Mansoura Urology and Nephrology Center, Mansoura, Egypt;J. Christian Winters, MD, Louisiana State University HealthSciences Center, New Orleans, LA.


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