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disaster management plan of lucknow division

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Northern Railway Lucknow Division, formerly part of Oudh Rohilkhand Railway up to 1925, and later part of East Indian Railway from 1925 to 1952, caters to rail transport requirement of the

most populous state of the country, serving 14 districts of Uttar Pradesh with a total route network of 1476.10 Kms. The area has upwardly mobile population with high public aspirations and extensive scope of development with a challenging law and order situation. Division has to

continuously maintain preparedness with pre-emptive manoeuvres, to provide reliable and safe operations as per the demands and aspiration of public.

This Division is predominantly passenger service oriented with about 541 passenger-carrying trains. The Division provides vital link between Eastern and Northern States for freight traffic on

diesel route, and also serves as an alternative passage for traffic of the electrified route due to saturation on Allahabad Division and particularly in the event of a disruption. In recent past, the need to upgrade infrastructure of the Division has attained focus.

Notwithstanding the constraints, deficiencies and shortcomings in the system, Lucknow Division has continually made strides to achieve higher level of performance in all spheres of railway operation maintenance and infrastructure upgradation.

Host of initiatives have been taken to improve Passenger Amenities on the Division. Two major stations of the Division viz. Lucknow and Varanasi are included in the list of stations to be

developed as ‘World Class’ stations on Indian Railways. Inception reports for both these stations have been submitted. Division has continued with improvement works for station building and circulating area. Works have also been undertaken to upgrade and provide

desirable amenities at thirty six “Adarsh Stations” out of which works have been completed on sixteen stations and work is in progress on remaining stations.Mechanized Laundry commissioned at LKO and BSB station.



The Safety Organization of Lucknow Division, Northern Railways is thankful to Civil Authorities, Medical

Fraternity, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd, Social Voluntary Organization and NGOs for their hearty co-

operation in giving valuable information/Suggestion for compiling this book. We are grateful to the

Honorable Principal Chief Safety Officer, Northern Railways, Baroda house, New Delhi for his valuable

guidance & inspiration for the up dation of Disaster Management Plan. We are also grateful to

Honorable Divisional Railway Manager, Additional Divisional Railway Manager(Admin) and Branch

Officers of all departments Northern Railways, Lucknow Division for their support and input data for

this edition of Disaster Management Plan.

Utmost care has been taken in providing various phone numbers of local resources. We

solicit information on errors, if any.


The Information provided in this document is for the ppurpose of general guidance although all out

efforts have been made to ensure that is is authentic and accurate, however, in case of any conflict,

the provisions of G&SR/Accident Manual and other Codes/Manuals would override.

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Indian Railways are fairly well equipped to tackle major accidents. However ,in

the event of a disaster involving high speed passenger carrying trains, the

promptness with which Railways start rescue and relief work at accident site and

render timely first aid during the few crucial hours, leaves much to be desired.

Indian Railways have initiated the process of complete overhaul of the existing

Disaster Management System. With this objective in the mind, the Railway Board

constituted a High Level Committee on Disaster Management. This committee, after

careful deliberations, brought out the following salient points in its report:

1) Preparation of Zonal/Divisional Disaster Management Plans, duly taking into

account the local resources available, resources available with the neighboring

Divisions/Zonal Railways, civil authorities, Army etc.

2) Clear demarcation of the duties of various staff/departments involved in the

management of Rescue & Rescue operations.

3) Proper maintenance of ARTs and ARMVs for providing failure free service.

4) Effective organization of the trauma care in the first hour after the accident, (i.e.

Golden Hour).

It has been observed that Railways are able to initiate prompt measures if the

calamity strikes in or around urban areas. However in the case of remote areas, the

response from Railways is not so swift. This may be due to various factors, e.g. lack

of accessibility of the site, lack of communication facilities, etc. Hence it is imperative

that an effective and reliable system be evolved whereby the railway staff onboard

and from the nearby stations can organize rapid Rescue & Relief operations, like

extrication of victims, on-site medical management, shifting the injured to rescue

vehicles and their speedy transportation to the nearest hospitals etc.

In the Disaster Management Plan of Lucknow division, the relevant guidelines and

standing instructions have been methodically documented, with the aim to

minimize the detrimental after-effects of accidents and disasters. Important data on

Hazardous Gas emergencies and contacts has been added for guidance. This plan

lays down the precise action to be taken in the aftermath of a disaster as well as the

steps required to provide prompt relief to the affected passengers.


AC Air Conditioned

AGM Additional General Manager

ARME Accident Relief Medical Equipment

ARMV Accident Relief Medical Van

ART Accident Relief Train

BIS Bureau of Indian Standards

BLS Basic Life Support

BRO Border Roads Organization

BSF Border Security Force

BT Bio-Terrorism

BW Biological-Warfare

CAG Comptroller & Auditor General

CBO Community Based Organization

CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear

CCS Cabinet Committee on Security

CCTV Close Circuit Television

CDM Cyclone Disaster Management

CE Chief Engineer

CISF Central Industrial Security Force

CMD Chief Medical Director

CMG Crisis Management Group

CMP Crisis management Plan

CMS Chief Medical Superintendent

CPMF Central Para Military Force

CRB Chairman Railway Board

CRPF Central Reserve Police Force

CSO Chief Safety Officer

CTD Chemical (Terrorism) Disaster

CWC Central Water Commission

DDMA District Disaster Management Authority

DG Director General

DOD Department of Ocean Development

DM District Magistrate

DRM Divisional Railway Manager

EMS Electronic Messaging System

EMR Emergency Medical Response

ERC Emergency Response Centre

ESF Emergency Support Function

ESIC Employees State Insurance Corporation

EWS Early Warning System

FC Financial Commissioner

FF Flood Forecasting

FM Flood Management

FOIS Freight Operation Information System

GAIL Gas Authority of India Ltd.

GIS Geographic Information System

GM General Manager

GRP Government Railway Police

GSI Geological Survey of India

Hazchem Hazardous Chemical

HFL Highest Flood Level

HLC High Level Committee on Disaster Management

HM Home Minister

HQ Headquarter

HS Home Secretary

HSD High Speed Diesel

IAN Integrated Ambulance Network

IDSP Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme

IMD India Meteorological Department

IOC Indian Oil Corporation

IOC Integrated Operation Centre

INCOIS Indian National Centre for Oceanic Information Services

IRITM Indian Railways Institute of Transport Management

IRS Incident Response System

IRT Incident Response Team

IS Internal Security

ITBP Indo Tibetan Border Police

ITWC Interim Tsunami Warning Centre

MCE Mass Casualty Evacuation

MCM Mass Casualty Management

ME Member Engineering

MFR Medical First Responder

MHA Ministry of Home Affairs

MoD Ministry of Defence

MoES Ministry of Earth Sciences

MoH&FW Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

MoR Ministry of Railways

MoS Minister of State

MoSRTH Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways

MoWR Ministry of Water Resources

MPMCM Medical Preparedness and Mass Casualty Management

MRS Member Rolling Stock

MTR Member Traction

NAHI National Association of Home Inspectors

NBC Nuclear, Biological & Chemical

NAIR National Academy of Indian Railways

NCMC National Crisis Management Committee

NCRMP National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project

NDM National Disaster Management

NDMA National Disaster Management Authority

NDRF National Disaster Response Force

NEC National Executive Committee

NFMI National Flood Management Institute

NGO Non-Governmental Organization

NIDM National Institute of Disaster Management

NIO North Indian Ocean

NIOT National Institute of Ocean Technology

NSG National Security Guard

OFC Optic Fiber Cable

PMO Prime Minister Office

POMKA Portable Medical Kit for Accidents

PPE Personal Protective Equipment

PTWC Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre

QRT Quick Reaction Teams

R&D Research & Development

RAT Remote Administration Tool

RAW Research and Analysis Wing

RDSO Research, Design and Standards Organization

RMC Regional Meteorological Centers

ROB Road Over Bridge

RPF Railway Protection Force

RPSF Railway Protection Special Force

RUB Road Under Bridge

S&T Signal & Telecommunication

SDMA State Disaster Management Authority

SDRF State Disaster Response Force

SEC State Executive Committee

SOP Standard Operating Procedure

SPARMV Self-Propelled Accident Relief Medical Van

SPART Self-Propelled Accident Relief Train

STC Supervisor Training Centre

STS System Technical School

TA Territorial Army

TC Tropical Cyclones

TMS Terminal Management System

TS Train Superintendent

TTE Train Ticket Examiner

UNISDR United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction

UNDP United Nations Developmental Programme

UT Union Territory

ZRTI Zonal Railway Training Institute




- Introduction 1 3


1 Structure of Lucknow Division 04 04

2 Concept of Disaster on Railways 05 07

3 Action to be taken during serious accident 08 10

4 Type of Disasters 11 20

5 FIRE 21 24

6 Nodal Officer for Disaster Management & Responsibilities 25 27

7 Training 28 30

8 Disaster Action Plan 31 33

9 Accident Site Management (Plan-I) 34 38

10 Accident Site Management (Plan-II) 39 46

11 Accident Site Management (Plan-III) 47 52

12 Role of Security Department in Disaster Management 53 55

13 Disaster Communication System 56 57

14 Disaster Preparedness - Accident Relief Trains in Northern Railway & beat of ART/ARME

58 60

15 Duties of different officials in the event of a serious accident/Disaster 61 70

16 Protection of Property 71 73

17 Accident at Level Crossings 74 76

18 Duties of Comercial Department 77 83

19 Duties of Electrical/General Department 84 85

20 Duties of Electrical/TRD Department 86 87

21 Duties of Mechanical (O&F) Department 88 93

22 Duties of Engineering Department 94 97

23 Duties of Mechanical (C&W) Department 98 101

24 Duties of Medical Department 102 109

25 Duties of Operating Department 110 112

26 Duties of Personnel Department 113 113

27 Duties of Safety Department 114 115

28 Duties of Security Department 116 117

29 Duties of Signal & Telecommunication Department 118 120



1 Important Telephone Nos. of Helpline, controlling Station, Important Stations & Telephone Nos. of Officials of civil administration state wise & district wise

121 131

2 Medical Facilities available (Government Hospitals) 132 134

3 Location of Blood Bank 135 135

4 List of NGO 136 136

5 Important phone no. of Fire Stations 137 137

6 Address & Contact of NDRM Battalions, NDMA, SDMA, DDMA, NDRF, CWC, Army, Naval/ HQ. etc.

138 144

7 Address and Telephone Nos. of various suppliers 145 154

8 Hospitals in Lucknow 155 156

9 Route Chart of Lucknow Division 157 157

10 Sr. DEN’S/DEN’s Beat Diagram of Lucknow Division. 158 158

11 ADEN’S Beat Diagram of Lucknow Division. 159 159

12 Ruling Gradient and Traffic Density (GMT) Chart 160 160

13 Map showing Medical facilities/Hospitals, Army Base & Location of Accident Relief Trains

161 161

14 Map showing BOMB Disposal Squad, Police Station & Fire Stations 162 162

15 Map showing Rivers, Flood Battalion & Mansoon. 163 163

16 Map showing District Boundaries, National Highway, Single Line, Double Line & Electrified Line

164 164

17 Outline schematic Plan of UCC/CAC/LCCs & details schematic Plan of UCC - Annexure – 1

165 165

18 Details schematic Plan of CAC - Annexure – 2 166 166

19 Tower Wagon position- Annexure – 3 167 167



1. Some of the major train accidents in recent years involving heavy casualties have underscored the need for a re-look at the prevailing Disaster Management System on the Indian Railways. In many countries, in the unfortunate event of a railway accident, relief and rescue work is not spearheaded by the Railway organization, but by the civil authorities, as in the case in road accidents/other disasters. The role of the Railway systems in these countries is restricted to

clearing the track and restoring traffic after the rescue work is over. In India, however, Railways have been historically handling rescue and relief operations in railway accidents, and therefore Indian Railways has to rise to the expectations of the public. Further, significant technological advancements have taken place in the area of post disaster relief and rescue operations. Consequently, a number of state of the art relief and rescue equipment, tools and plants and innovative techniques have emerged during the last decade for quickening the pace of rescue and relief operations.

2. In the above backdrop, the Ministry of Railways constituted a high level committee (HCL) in Sept, 02 to review the Disaster Management System over Indian Railways. The terms of reference of this committee were to review existing DM system over Indian Railways related to train accidents and natural calamities and to suggest improvements.

* Nominated as AM (Budget) and continued to serve the committee as Financial Commissioner.

Executive Director / Safety, Railway Board is the Secretary of the Committee and the terms of reference of the Committee are:

i. To identify additional technological and managerial inputs to quicken the pace of relief and rescue operations.

ii. To institute a standing arrangement with other Central Ministries, State Governments and Armed

Forces to enable quick and smooth restoration operations without any legal or procedural hurdles. 3. At present, accident victims at the railway accident site receive immediate help from: i. Fellow passengers, particularly those who are qualified in giving first aid/doctors on train. ii. Railway staff/officers on board who, as per Railway Service Conduct Rules, are expected to assist

the accident victims. iii. Neighboring villages/towns, civil authorities, NGOs, etc.

iv. Organized railway rescue and relief team. Therefore, it is natural and logical that in most of railway accidents/disasters, the relief in the form of response arrives quickly in urban /vicinity of urban areas. However, in case of remote area accident/disasters, factors such as lack of communication, lack of immediate accessibility, covering of distance gap to reach the site of accident and conveyance of equipment and trained manpower create serious problems for carrying out rescue and relief. The usual refrain of the media that local help was immediate, while the railways took some time to organize assistance is somewhat uncharitable, since it is impossible

to have organized efforts located at each and every remote area in anticipation of an accident/disaster.

4. The Committee sought suggestions directly from various sources such as General Managers,

DRMs, AIRF, NFIR, FROA, IRPOF, etc. Further, a website http://www.indianrailways.gov.in was also set up to receive suggestions from railway men and public. The Committee also visited GSDMA (Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority) at Gandhi Nagar. The Committee had

detailed discussion with Army/Navy/Air force authorities to explore the possibilities of institutionalizing the standing arrangement for seeking their immediate assistance at the time of natural disaster or railway accidents. Similarly, detailed discussions were held with Ministry of Communications to institutionalize the standing arrangement for seeking immediate assistance from BSNL/MTNL for providing requisite communication facilities at/around the accident site.

5. The Committee believes that Indian Railways' first responsibility in case of accidents is to reach

and extricate accident victims and organize effective trauma care. The Basic Principle of Trauma Management is speed & expediency -- “Most trauma patients die of shock, which comes from sluggish or non-existent circulation and the resulting chemical changes in the body.” [Dr. R Adams Cowley, Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services, (Pioneer of modern trauma care)]. Thus the first hour after the accident is termed as ‘The Golden Hour’ as • Most trauma patients can be saved if bleeding is effectively stopped and blood pressure restored within an hour. • It is


likely that patients, who have experienced shock and remain in that state of shock for long duration, will die. Surgical intervention within that first one hour is, therefore, crucial for increasing the patients’ chances of survival. • This hour, called "The Golden Hour," begins the moment the injury occurs.

6. Therefore, the basic steps for quick and effective rescue and relief operations are following: •Rapid access to the site of accident. • Quick extricate on of victims and effective on-site medical

management. • Stabilization of condition. •Expeditious extraction and shifting to rescue vehicle(s). • Speedy transportation to hospital.

7. Indian Railways is spread over a vast geographical area, connecting 7000 stations over 63000

route Kms. Therefore, it is not possible to locate rescue & relief equipment and manpower at each and every station. Presently, there are 174 Accident Relief Medical Vans (ARMVs), and 185 Accident Relief Trains (A Class, B class & self propelled ARTs) stationed at strategic locations over BG & MG network in the Indian Railway system (Details at Annexure -I). Each ARMV has to service on an average an area covering a radial distance of over 150 kms. The set norms are, that the ARMV must leave within 20 minutes of receiving information of an accident. Therefore, in a remotely located accident, the relief train may take anything between one to four hours to reach the accident site, considering time taken to cover the distance and organizing men and material. Further, in major accident involving heavy casualties, one or two ARMVs may not be able to cope up with the pressure of immediate relief.

8. As per experience, the present system of railway rescue and relief functions well in most of the accidents involving passenger trains, when the casualties are not heavy. It is also a fact that IR is now running significantly longer passenger trains and heavier freight trains. Hence, some accidents are likely to claim a large number of casualties depending upon nature of accident, location and topographical features, etc. The committee believes that in case of major accidents involving hundreds of lives, there is a need for better managerial and technological inputs for the

Disaster Management System to function satisfactorily.

9. Over the years, the accident handling mechanism over IR has been well defined and put into operation. The Accident Manual of each Zonal Railway lays down detailed drills and steps to be taken at the time of mishap. Each segment of activities is enumerated in various manuals, be it Medical Manual or Commercial Manual or other such rule books. However, being a multi-departmental emergency function, needing a high degree of precision, speed & coordination, the post accident management leaves some deficiencies and lacunae occasionally. These are corrected

and updated periodically.

10. To ensure that IR’s organized disaster management system is designed such that the victims are retrieved within the golden hour, it would require ARMVs/ARTs to be based at each and every station. However, the Committee believes that increasing the number of ARMVs/ARTs indiscriminately to reduce the beat or to increase number of relief and rescue equipment without

any maintenance support would not achieve the objective. On the contrary, any embarrassing failure of equipment at the inappropriate moment during rescue and relief operations would render the very provision counterproductive and the investments in fructuous. Further, the ARMVs not properly supported by medical/para medical staff, which cannot be positioned throughout the

length of railway track, will be useless for rescue and relief operations.

11. No doubt massive efforts have been made in the decades since independence to modernize and strengthen the infrastructure relating to accident relief and restoration. Replacement of steam cranes by high capacity diesel cranes and of non-standard stock by ICF all coil coaches along with induction of hydraulic re-railing equipment have imparted considerable strike force to the Accident Relief Trains. There has been general up gradation in the tools, equipment and the amenities to the staff, which has enhanced their capability and effectiveness. Despite these improvements, the response to the accident and disasters continues to fall short of rising expectations, especially in

case of major accidents involving more than 15-20 casualties in remote areas.

12. These improvements have increased the operating speed of the Accident Relief Trains and brought down the transit time between the base depots to the accident site from the earlier 8 to 10 hours to around 1 to 4 hours on an average now. But, in case of an accident involving human life even the least delay can be crucial. However, the concept of golden hour is an ideal one,


which cannot be achieved in any disaster/accident unless it occurs in the vicinity of the railway disaster management infrastructure/city/civil/armed forces establishments with adequate medical infrastructure. Therefore, a paradigm shift is now called for. The total approach to the concept of disaster management and the investment decisions thereof need a revamp. The strategy for setting up an effective Disaster Management System on the railways has to be based upon the twin plank of a stronger and appropriate infrastructure, backed by a well-trained team of disciplined and dedicated manpower.

13. Railway accidents/natural calamities can be categorized into different levels: • Accidents/ natural

calamities of a magnitude, which can be managed by the concerned divisional authorities; • Accidents/natural calamities of a magnitude, which also require assistance from neighboring divisions and can be managed by the Zonal railways, and; • Disasters of a magnitude in terms of their severity or the scale of casualties to be treated as national level disasters and require active involvement of multiple agencies viz., the Central Government (Ministry of Railways & other Ministries). While it is only in the case of disasters of an exceptionally severe magnitude that the Central Government's involvement will be necessary in disaster response --managing rescue, relief & restoration etc. --the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board)’s continuing involvement will be required in the pre-disaster phase in assisting the zonal railways in building up appropriate capabilities for disaster management at the divisional and the zonal levels and also in institutionalizing appropriate systems for disaster management and mitigation of human misery and suffering.

14. The Committee notes that a National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is being constituted

by the Govt. of India. This authority is expected to coordinate disaster management activities among various departments/Ministries. NDMA will work under the overall supervision of the Home Secretary. Ministry of Railways has already nominated Addl. Member (Mech. Egg.) as its representative in NDMA.

15. The Committee also examined in detail the Khosla-Trivedi Committee report on “Modernization

and Reorganization of Accident Relief Trains over IR” submitted to the Board during 2002. Several recommendations made in this report have been selected and after review are included in the final recommendations given below.

16. In order to ensure their timely implementation, the time frame (e.g. M+’X’) and the

agency/agencies responsible have also been indicated against each recommendation. ‘M’ stands for the month of publication of this report and ‘X’ indicates the time period (in number of months) for implementing the recommendation.




The Division is headed by Divisional Railway Manager who is headquartered at Lucknow station. He is responsible for operational and safety aspects. To discharge his duties, he is assisted by Additional Divisional Railway Manager and other various Branch Officers. The officers also posted at major stations such as Raibareily, Pratapgarh, Sultanpur, Jaunpur, Faizabad, Varanasi & Prayag stations. Following is the list of major stations Covered under Lucknow Division:

● Unnao ● Lucknow ● Barabanki ● Raebareli ● Amethi ● Pratapgarh ● Prayag ● Bhadoi ● Shahganj ● Faizabad ● Ayodhya ● Varanasi ● Kashi ● Sultanpur


The Lucknow Division of Northern Railway is spread over the following districts of Uttar Pradesh state:-









Connectivity:- The headquarter of Lucknow Division is situated at Lucknow (LKO) which is the Capital of Uttar Pradesh state. It is situated on the group 'B' route connecting Howrah-Jammu Tawi at a distance of 1073 kilometers from Howrah station.

The nearest airports are located (i) Amausi at 09 kilometer from Lucknow Railway station (ii) Chakeri (Kanpur) at 85 kilometer from Lucknow Railway station (iii) Babatpur (Varanasi) is situated about 15 kilometers away from the District Headquarters of Varanasi from where one can reach Lucknow station by rail route.

RIVERS:- The following major rivers are crossed the Railway track of Lucknow Division:-

1. Ganga River

2. Gomti River

3. Saryu River

4. Sai River



2.1 Disaster Risks in India: India is vulnerable, in varying degrees, to a large number of natural as well as man-made disasters. 59% of the landmass is prone to earthquakes of moderate to very high intensity; over 40 million hectares (12% of land) is prone to floods and river erosion; of the 7500 km long

coastline, close to 5700 km is prone to cyclones and tsunamis; 68% of the cultivable area is vulnerable to drought and hilly areas are at risk from landslides and avalanches. Vulnerability to disasters/emergencies of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) origin also exists. Heightened vulnerabilities to disaster risks can be related to expanding population, urbanization and industrialization, development within high-risk zones, environmental degradation and climate change.

2.2 Disaster defined in Railways’ context:

The concept of a Disaster was, till the year 2005, not adequately and comprehensively defined on

Indian Railways. It was accepted that a Disaster situation implies, on the railways, to cover only

cases of serious rail/train accidents.

Definition of Disaster as given by the Government of India was legislated for the first time in the

Disaster Management Act, 2005. The broad principles of disaster for any department of the government changed to the concept of any incident which could not be handled with alone by that department i.e. if it was beyond the coping capacity of a particular department, the incident could be termed as a disaster. With this came the concept of the departments of Government of India as also the State governments required to join hands to extend whatever facilities available with them to provide relief/rescue and mitigation on the occurrence of a disaster. In the DM plan of Indian Railways, this concept of disaster, which has now evolved, has been

adopted. The zonal railways have to ensure that, down the line, this definition is understood. While this Disaster Management Plan is a comprehensive document, more detailed guidelines where required will be laid down by Railway Board on specific topics under the overall philosophy of Disaster Management laid down in this document. For instance, this has been done in the Guidelines on Management of Chemical Disasters and the Hospital DM Plan.

2.3 Strengths of the Railways to handle a Disaster:-

In handling disasters, Indian Railways is in a unique position as it has a number of strengths not available with many other departments of Government of India. These include: Railways’ own Communication Network.

Operating Control on each Division linked with each Station.

Territorial Army Units.

Uniformed force of RPF/RPSF

Railways’ own Medical Infrastructure

Civil Defence Organization

An army of gangmen spread out all over the Indian Railways.

Scouts and Guides

Dedicated Rescue/Restoration and Medical Equipment on Rails.

2.4 Preparedness by Railways:-

RDSO has been assigned the job of collection of data and prepare a plan for developing the specification etc. for new buildings and identify existing ones which need retro-firment. On the Zonal Railways and the Divisions the subject is to be coordinated by the PCE and Sr. DEN’s.

Outline/gist of RDSO action plan should be included in the DM Plan, for implementing by Zonal Railways, in a given time frame.

RDSO has issued detailed guidelines on seismic design of Railway bridges in January 2015. Action to be taken by the field staff post-earthquake with regard to train operations and inspection of track/bridges is indicated in the Annexure –II. Gists of these guidelines have to be incorporated in DM plan of Zonal railways/Divisions.


Zonal Railways will review new projects as well as the existing infrastructure to fall in line

with NDMA guidelines. The Action Plan, including the prevention and post disaster response for cyclones, is very similar as for floods. Zonal railways should also keep the effect of cyclones and landslides in mind while reviewing preparedness on each item covered under NDMA guidelines. A multi-disciplinary team comprising various departments such as Civil, S&T, Electrical, Mechanical, Medical, Security, Personnel and Finance will be constituted for this purpose by the respective Zonal Railways. Sr.ED/CE/RDSO has been nominated by the Board to monitor this work. CSOs will coordinate with PCEs and other concerned officers to see that necessary action is taken in a time bound manner which should be part of the disaster management plan of the railways both at the zonal and divisional levels.

2.5 Railway’s weaknesses to handle Disaster:

The areas of weaknesses in the Railways that may cause serious handicap in handling

disasters are:-

Absence of Tunnel Cutting equipment – in case of collapse of a rail tunnel.

Non availability of trained divers for extrication of

Non availability of cranes operated from ship/ barge for lifting of the coaches from a water body etc.


The objective of the Disaster Management Plan is to manage serious accidents involving passenger carrying trains effectively with a view to –

1. Save the life of human beings

2. Minimize the casualties

3. Assistance to the stranded passengers

4. Minimize the loss of national properties

5. Restore the traffic as quickly as possible.

2.7 Summary of NDMA Guidelines on Earthquakes and Floods

Railway Infrastructure

Earthquake Proneness Review

Flood Proneness Review

●Railway Track Formation (incl. station Yards, bridges/culverts, ROBs/RUBs, etc. ●Buildings housing signaling gears like RRI, SSI etc. ●Buildings in open line maintenance work centers like loco sheds, Coaching depots etc. ●Station buildings ●Control room, other important office building, etc. ●High-rise residential buildings, other important residential buildings. ●Railway hospitals

●New Construction:

- Must be earthquake resistant. ●Existing Infrastructure

- Identify existing railway

infrastructure falling under various seismic zones.

- Review for earthquake resistant adequacy based on age, foundation and other details.

- Retrofit/rebuild to make it earthquake resistant.

- Training of Engineers (at various levels)

- Assiciated with design and construction of railway infrastructure.

New Construction: Railway Station building should be

located in such a fashion that they are above the levels corresponding to a 100 year frequency or the maximum observed flood levels. Similarly they should also be above the levels corresponding to a 50 year rainfall and likely subversion due to drainage congestion.

Government offices buildings should be above a level corresponding to a 25 year flood or a 10 year rainfall with stipulation

that all buildings in vulnerable zones should be constructed on columns or stilts.

Railway track at levels well above the likely flood levels.

Co-ordination with flood/rain forecasting agencies to get early warning so as to introduce patrolling. Speed restriction etc. as per the provisions in Railway’s SR.

Inspection of Railway Affecting Works – to be streamlined and timely ensured.

Review of waterways for adequacy and alignment and measures to modify, if


needed. Status Note on the lessons learnt from

the previousflood situations in the past 5 years.

Bye-laws for buildings in flood plains. Making existing and new buildings and

infrastructure capable of withstanding

fury of floods.

2.8 Authority to declare a Disaster on Railways:

Railway Board has nominated GM, AGM or CSO (when GM/AGM are not available) of a Zonal

Railway for declaring an untoward incident as Railway Disaster. With the adoption of the above

definition of Railway disaster, it needs to be appreciated that not only a serious train accident may

turn into a Railway disaster, if not handled and managed properly, there may be many more

Railway related events which may not even involve human lives but may turn into disasters for

which necessary prevention and mitigation measures are to be taken by the Railways beforehand.

Zonal Railways will ensure that prevention, mitigation, preparedness, rescue and relief related

issues covering all types of disasters affecting railway system are addressed and their details are

also appropriately incorporated in their Disaster Management plans.



DRM will inform civil authorities & Police Deptt of concerned district to rush to help. He will ask for

the medical team also from state Govt. DRM will demand for NDRF battalion through HQ and Rly

Board, if required for relief & Rescue operation as they are Medical First Responder (MFR)

3.1 ACTIONS AT THE SITE Golden Hour: If a critical trauma patient is not given definite medical care within one hour from the time of

accident, chances of his ultimate recovery reduces drastically, even with the best of Medical

attention thereafter. This one hour period is generally known as The Golden Hour.

During this Golden Hour period every effort should be made to:

(i) Render definite medical care to the extent possible preferably by qualified medical practitioners.

(ii) Stop bleeding and restore Blood Pressure.

(iii) Persons under shock should be relieved of shock immediately.

(iv) Transport casualties to the nearest hospital so as to reach within this Golden Hour period.

For being effective, any Disaster Management system should aim at recovering as many critical patients as possible and rushing them to hospital within this period.

3.2 Disaster Syndrome: A victim’s initial response following a Disaster is in three stages, viz. Shock stage, Suggestible stage and Recovery stage. These initial responses are called Disaster Syndrome.

(i) Shock stage: In which victims are stunned, dazed and apathetic.

(ii) Suggestible stage: In which victims tend to be passive but open to suggestions and

willing to take directions from rescue workers and others.

(i) Recovery stage: In which individuals may be tense and apprehensive and may show

generalized anxiety.

3.3 Different phases of Disaster Response: Disaster Response in case of a railway accident constitutes of 3 phases. These 3 phases are determined both by the time factor, as also by the extent of specialized assistance available. Firstly, it begins with the spontaneous reaction of men available on the train at the time of the accident. Thereafter the second phase continues with contributions made in rescue and relief work by men and material available locally in nearby areas of the accident site. The third and longest phase consists of meticulously planned action by trained DM teams who arrive at the accident site to carry out rescue and relief operations.

The first phase which is of shortest duration last for about half an hour. It is an amateurish, poorly equipped effort; but is nevertheless the most important phase. In most cases, this is the only help available for a major part of the ‘Golden Hour’.

The second phase which is of 2-3 hrs. duration is comparatively less amateurish and much better equipped. Their contribution is vital since the ‘Golden Hour’ period comes to an end during the working of this group. How many critically injured passengers can finally be saved depends solely on the efficiency of this group.

The last and final phase of Disaster Response by railway’s DM team continues for a few days. It comes to an end not only with the restoration of traffic but with the departure of most relatives and next of kin from the accident site and disposal of all bodies. Few of the grievously injured who continue to be hospitalized for comparatively longer spells are then the sole responsibility of railway’s medical department. With the above scenario in mind, it is necessary to take firm and quick decisions to save lives and property. To achieve these objectives Railways have a well-defined action plan that is successfully executed by the coordinated efforts of different disciplines, all of whom function as a team. The


three groups which are active during the above mentioned 3 phases of Disaster Response may be classified as follows:

(i) Instant Action Team (IAT) (ii) First Responders (FR) (ii) Disaster Management Team (DMT)

3.4 First Aid in Emergency: (a) Order of priority for dealing with and helping injured passengers should be as follows:

- Unconscious,

- Bleeding excessively,

- Having breathing problems,

- Grievously injured,

- In a state of shock,

- Having fractures,

- Simple injured.

(b) For assessing and handling injuries, acronym DR ABC is to be followed. (i) D – DANGER:

Look for danger. Make sure that no further danger exists either for the patient or for the First Aide.

(ii) R – RESPONSE: Check for consciousness. Call by his/her name, slap, pinch and shake gently. If there is no response, then it means that the patient is unconscious.

(iii) A – AIR WAY: Clear the airway (Trachea). If patient is unconscious, then the airway may be narrowed or blocked making breathing impossible. This occurs due to several reasons. Mass food

particles or foreign body in the air passage; or the tongue may have sagged back and blocked the air passage. To open the airway lift the chin forward with the fingers of one hand while pressing the forehead backwards with the other hand, now the tongue comes forward and the airway is cleared. To clear the other objects in the mouth press the Jaw, open the mouth put your fingers or a clean cloth in the mouth and clear the things. Now the air passage is clear.

(iv) B – BREATHING: Check for Breathing. Keep the back of your fingers near the nose of the patient. You can feel the warm air (or) keep your ear near the nose and look for the movement of chest, listen to the sound from the throat and feel the warm air from the nose.

(v) C – CIRCULATION: Check the pulse. Normally we check the pulse at the wrist; however, sometimes it is not felt because of severe bleeding. So, it is better to check the pulse at neck. (Carotid Pulse).

After checking DR ABC, there may be two possibilities.

a) If patient is breathing, has circulation but is unconsciousness, immediately turn him to Recovery position and transport to hospital.

b) If the patient has failure of breathing and circulation, then immediately start CPR

(CARDIO PULMONARY RESUSCITATION) the important life saving technique in First Aid.

To revive the lungs you have to give artificial respiration by mouth to mouth (Kiss of Life) method. Lift the chin forward and press the jaw open the mouth with one hand and close the nose with other hand keep your mouth on the casualty’s mouth and blow.


To revive the heart you have to give external chest compression. The casualty should be made to

lie down on a hard surface. Keep heel of the palm on the chest (Pit of stomach) of the casualty and keep the other palm over that hand and compress.

Mouth to mouth ventilation and external chest compression should be given in the ratio of 2:15. This should be continued up to the revival of life or till reaching the hospital. Once life starts, immediately turn the casualty into recovery position and transport to hospital. (Recovery position or three quarter prone position means turn to one side, better to right side)

Recovery position:

Recovery position is the safest position for unconscious patients. Normally we keep the patient in a supine position. However, in case of unconscious patients, it is a very dangerous position because the tongue can fall back and close the airway or saliva and other secretions may get into windpipe. To avoid that, turn the casualty into recovery position and transport to hospital.

Sometimes, you may not be in a position to do First Aid due to tense situation. In such circumstances, at least turn the casualty to Recovery Position, which would help to save many precious lives.



4.1 Disaster in the Railway context was traditionally a serious train accident, caused by human/equipment failure, which may affect normal movement of train services with loss of human life or property or both. This is now extended to include natural and other manmade disasters. Different types of disasters are described along with a few examples, below:

TYPES OF DISASTER CAUSING INTERRUPTION TO TRAIN SERVICES: (a) Natural Disaster:- There are floods, cyclones, tornadoes, storms, soil erosion, landslides, mud

flows earthquakes etc natural disasters. Railway accidents can be caused by such Natural Disasters also.

(b) Train Accident related Disaster:- Collisions (with a huge number of casualties), Train marooned (flash floods), derailments on a

bridge over a river and coaches falling down, train washed away in cyclone, derailment of a train

carrying explosives or highly inflammable material, tunnel collapse on a train, fire or explosion in

trains, and other miscellaneous cases etc., which may affect normal movement of train services

with loss of life or property or both.

Collisions. Fire on Train.

Level crossing accidents Derailments.

(c) Man made Disasters:-

Acts of Terrorism and Sabotage, i.e. causing deliberate loss of life and/or damage to property, which includes:- • Setting a Train on fire to train, Railway installations and railway property etc., bomb blast at

Railway Station/Train, Chemical (Terrorism) Disaster, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Disaster.

Placing of obstructions on track to cause disruption to traffic. Tampering with railway fittings to cause accidents. Chemical, industrial, Nuclear, Biological disasters, Fire, stampede Air, Road, Rail and water

transport accidents, sabotages, Bomb blasts, Strike, Setting fire to Train/Railway. Installations and Railway property, tampering with Railway fittings to cause accidents,

Placing of obstructions on track to cause interruption to traffic. Railway accidents can be caused by such manmade disaster also.

4.2 Changed Philosophy of Disaster Management in the Railways

With the enactment of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 and other developments on the

national level, DM philosophy has also changed to adopt the latest concepts.


• Serious train accidents, not the only events termed as disasters.

• Other events, e.g. Internal security related events like terrorist attack at station/train,

marooning of train due to flash flood, disruption to traffic due to natural factors like earth-

quake, cyclone, floods etc. are termed as Disasters.

• No more Relief and Rescue Centric.

• Holistic Approach adopted to incorporate:-




Rescue & Relief


New Philosophy gives more Emphasis on Prevention and Mitigation as under:

• Prevent and mitigate disasters


• Audit Existing Systems for Disaster Resistance, Disaster Prevention and Mitigation on the

basis of NDMA’s and self-prepared guidelines

• Disaster Management in Developmental Planning – New activities should be disaster


• Preparedness, Rescue, Relief and Rehabilitation - Dimensions of DM

• Expertise based response from all stake holders

• Pooling of resources of all agencies, e.g. local administration, community, defence, hospitals

and other Govt. organizations.

4.3 Definition of a Disaster on Railways:

Considering the latest developments in the field of Disaster Management in the country especially the enactment of Disaster Management Act, 2005, Railway Board have decided to adopt the following definition of railway disaster:

Disaster is an unusual occurrence characterized by:

(i) Sudden calamitous event, having great material damage, loss and distress. (ii) A complete definition of disaster may be an event concentrated in time and space, which

threatens a society or a relatively self sufficient sub division of a society with major unwanted consequences as a result of the collapse of precautions which had hitherto been culturally accepted as adequate'. (Turner-1976).

Many serious train accidents are also disasters and hence, every Railway staff should be in a position to identify the characteristics of different disaster situations. Based on the definition of the

Disaster Management Act 2005, Ministry of Railways has adopted the following definition of Railway Disaster:

“Railway Disaster is a serious train accident or an untoward event of grave nature,

either on railway premises or arising out of railway activity, due to natural or man-

made causes, that may lead to loss of many lives and/or grievous injuries to a large

number of people, and/or severe disruption of traffic etc, necessitating large scale help

from other Government/Non-government and Private Organizations.”

Railway Board has also approved the proposal to nominate GMs, AGMs, or CSOs for declaring an untoward incident as a Railway Disaster. (Railway Board’s letter No. 2003/Safety (DM)/6/2/Pt. dated 06.01.09)

4.4 Nodal department for Policy Formulation on DM on Indian Railways: Disaster Management plan of Ministry of Railways, Zonal and Divisional plans has to be prepared by the safety department in coordination with the concerned departments of the railways and all other stake holders. The Hospital DM plans and the Security arrangements (drills etc) shall be prepared and coordinated by the Medical and the Security department respectively. The Management of Floods, Cyclones, Earthquakes, Landslides, etc, and preventive action/ mitigation shall be coordinated by the Civil Engineering Department. The Rescue and Restoration centric DM including preparation of plans and procurement of specialized equipment and rescue centric training of personnel has to be coordinated by the Mechanical Department.

4.5 Earthquake An earthquake is a phenomenon that occurs without warning and involves violent shaking of the ground and everything over it. It results from the release of accumulated stress of the moving lithosphere or crustal plates. The earth's crust is divided into seven major plates, some 50 miles thick, which move slowly and continuously over the earth's interior and several minor plates. Earthquakes are tectonic in origin; that is the moving plates are responsible of the occurrence of

the violent shaking. The occurrence of an earthquake in a populated area may cause numerous casualties and injuries and extensive property damage.


4.5.1 Post-Earthquake Operations and Inspections

The response of railway tracks and bridges to an earthquake would depend on distance from

epicenter and nature of attenuation. The post-earthquake train operations in the region shall be

cautiously started.

4.5.2 Operations

After an earthquake is reported, the operating department shall notify all the trains and engines

within 15o km radius of the reporting area to either stop or run at restricted speed of 10

Kmph(depending upon intensity reported from the area) until magnitude and epicenter(and

corresponding response level) have been determined by the Senior Divisional Engineer of the

section. After determination of the magnitude and epicenter, response levels given in Table 1 and

2 will govern the operations.

Table-1 Specified Radius of Different Earthquake

Earthquake Magnitude (Richter) Response Level Specified Radius

0 – 4.99 I No action

5.0 – 5.99 II 80 km

6.0 – 6.99 III II

160 km 240 km

7.0 or above III II

* *

As directed by CBE, but not less than the radius specified for Earthquakes of magnitude between 6.0 – 6.99 of Richter scale.

Table-2 Details of Response Level

Response Level Details

I Resume maximum operation speed. The need for inspections will be determined by Sr. DEN responsible for maintenance of P.Way.

II All trains and engines will run at restricted speed of 30 kmph over all Major, Important and Girder bridges within the specified radius of the epicenter until inspections have been made by PWI, Asst PWI and ADEN and appropriate speeds established by consulting sectional Sr. DEN.

III All trains and Engines within the specified radius of the epicenter must stop and may not proceed until proper inspections have been performed by PWI or Asst PWI or BRI or ADEN and appropriate speed restrictions established by consulting Sectional Sr. DEN for damaged bridges and other locations. On all important and Major bridges, before relaxation of the speed to normal, detailed inspection should be carried out by Sectional Sr. DEN and an Engineer deputed by CBE together.

4.5.3 Post-Earthquake Inspection

The following list provides a general guideline for an inspection procedure:

4.5.4 Track and Roadbed

During the post -earthquake inspection, following items shall be observed: Line , surface and cross level irregularities caused by embankment slides or liquefaction Track buckling or pull apart due to soil movement. Offset across fault rupture. Disturb ballast.

Cracks or slope failures in embankments. Slides and /or potential slides in cut, including loose rocks that could fall in an aftershock. Scour due to tsunami in coastal area Potential for scour or ponging against embankment

due to change in water course.


4.5.5 Bridges. Following an earthquake inspector may needs to travel by rail between bridges. River bed may get flooded, hence to quickly reach the bearing; alternate access route shall be made. In steel bridges following shall be observed carefully. Displaced or damaged bearing. Stretched or broken anchor bolts. Distress in viaduct tower

Buckled columns or bearing. Displaced substructure elements

Concrete bridge inspection shall include the flowing: Displacement of bearing. Displaced substructure elements. Cracks in superstructure

Cracks in substructure. Inspection team shall also look for items which may fall on track. At an ROB, attention shall be given to reduced span at bearing, damaged to column and Restrainer system. If there area adjacent building to railway track, then such buildings shall also be inspect to ensure if they withstand aftershock. Inspection team shall also look for damage to the power lines passing over the track.

4.6 EARTHQUAKES - Do's and Dont's Pre Disaster Management for an Earthquake

Repair deep plaster cracks in ceilings and foundations.

Get expert advice if there are signs of structural defects.

Anchor overhead lighting fixtures to the ceiling.

Follow BIS codes relevant to your area for building standards

Fasten shelves securely to walls.

Place large or heavy objects on lower shelves.

Store breakable items such as bottled foods, glass, and china in low,closed cabinets with


Hang heavy items such as pictures and mirrors away from beds, settees, and anywhere

people sit.

Brace overhead light and fan fixtures.

Repair defective electrical wiring and leaky gas connections. These are potential fire risks.

Secure a water heater, LPG cylinder etc., by strapping it to the wall studs and bolting it to

the floor.

Store weed killers, pesticides, and flammable products securely in closed cabinets with

latches and on bottom shelves.

Identify safe places indoors and outdoo rs.

Under strong dining table, bed Against an inside wall

Away from where glass could shatter around windows, mirrors, pictures, or where heavy

bookcases or other heavy furniture could fall over In the open, away from buildings, trees,

telephone and electrical lines, flyovers, bridges

Educate yourself and family members

Know emergency telephone numbers (doctor, hospital, police, etc)

4.7 A Disaster emergency kit containing following items will be ready in ART/ARME Battery operated torch

Extra batteries

Battery operated radio

First aid kit and manual

Emergency food (dry items) and water (packed and sealed)

Candles and matches in a waterproof container


Chlorine tablets or powdered water purifiers

Can opener.


Essential medicines

Thick ropes and cords

4.8 Emergency communication plan a. In case family members are separated from one another during an earthquake (a real

possibility during the day when adults are at work and children are at school), all possible

efforts will be made for reuniting after the disaster.

b. Ask an out-of-state relative or friend to serve as the 'family contact' after a disaster; it's

often easier to call long distance. Make sure that everyone in the family knows the name,

address, and phone number of the contact person.

4.9 What to Do during an Earthquake

The trains will be stopped immediately and soundness of all track structures, bridges, plat forms,

buildings, OHE installations & its resumption of normal train service in the earthquake affected


4.10 Floods- ACTION DURING ACCIDENTS INCLUDING FLOODS/BREACHES Engineering representative (if he is the first to reach the site of the accident) while reporting an accident to the nearest Station Master/Railway servant incharge should furnish the following information to enable the Station Master/Railway servant in-charge to issue an all concerned message:

• Station at or stations between which the accident has occurred. • Kilometrage at which the accident has occurred. • Number and description of the train or trains involved. • Date and time of the accident. • Particulars of loss of life and injuries to passengers and staff. • Nature and cause, if known, of accident. • Damage to Permanent Way, Works, Bridges, Overhead equipment (in case of electrified

section), signal and interlocking gear, engines or vehicles. • Probable duration the line may be blocked. • Whether transshipment is required and if so whether it is feasible. • Assistance (if any required) such as Medical assistance, break-down train etc.

Acknowledgment of the receipt of message should invariably be taken from the Station Master

4.11 Accidents impairing through traffic –

Engineers and Inspectors to proceed to site – (a) On receipt of intimation of the occurrence of an accident resulting in damage to any part

of the Way/Works /Bridges and affecting the free passage of trains, the concerned

Permanent Way Inspector/ Works or Bridge Inspector and the Assistant Engineer shall

proceed to the site of accident, by the quickest available means. On their way, they should

collect information about the extent of damage to Permanent Way / Works / Bridges and

arrange for movement of materials required for restoration. They should also collect

additional staff and tools as required; the engineering tool van should be sent to the site,

if so considered necessary, by the quickest means.

(b) On receipt of intimation of an accident, the Divisional Engineer shall contact the section

control and the Assistant Engineer in-charge and get the information regarding the extent

of damage to Permanent Way and Works, check on the arrangements made for labour

and materials, etc., supplement them if necessary and proceed to the site of the accident

by the quickest available means, if the seriousness of the accident requires his personal

supervision and direction.

4.12 Action at site – By Permanent Way and other Engineering Inspectors

(a) Protect Train - Any engineering staff available at the site of the accident shall assist the

Guard and Driver to protect the train in accordance with the General Rules 6.03 and 9.10 (1976). The Inspector should ensure that protection has been afforded to the train in front


and in the rear, in accordance with the rules. In the case of double line, if the other line is also affected by the accident, steps shall be taken to protect both the lines. If no infringement exists, trains must be controlled and passed cautiously on the unaffected track.

(b) First aid and Rescue - The Inspector should arrange for first aid to injured passengers and Railway staff and rescue of trapped persons. If there is any Medical Practitioner on the train, his assistance should be obtained.

(c) Advice to nearest Station Master- After a rapid survey of the position, particulars should be sent to the nearest Station Master. In case of controlled sections, a field telephone should be got commissioned at once.

(d) Line Clear examination - If the Engineering official has reached the site and no traffic official is available he should carefully secure the line clear token or ticket and any caution order, where necessary. If the accident has occurred in a station yard, the train register book must be seized and if necessary, statement of staff concerned recorded; if line badges are in use, it should be recorded as to in whose possession each line badge was. The position of block instruments, signals, points, point levers, indicators, keys, etc. should be noted and recorded, jointly with the Inspectors of the other concerned departments, available at site.

(e) Preservation of clues - He should arrange to preserve all clues to enable reconstruction of the scene of the accident. Photographs showing the details of damage to Permanent Way and Rolling Stock at the site of accident should be taken wherever necessary; in case of suspected sabotage, the photographs of the site of the accident showing the damage and possible clues should invariably be taken.

4.13 Measures to prevent accidents: 4.13.1 Signalling

(a) Track Circuiting Track Circuit is one of the most important safety aids provided at the stations, which has reduced collisions in station area. A major thrust was given to track circuiting at stations. In the last five years, on an average 1000 locations per year have been provided with track circuits and 99% of the stations on A, B & C routes (100%, 99.8% and 99.5% respectively) and 96.6% of all BG routes have been covered so far. Plan to provide this device at all stations, mostly on Branch lines, is in place.

(b) Provision of Centralized Operation of Points and Signals by Electrical/Electronic Interlocking with MACLS is the most important system for safety, efficiency & flexibility in yard operation and for incremental line capacity and has been steadily provided on Indian Railways. Route Relay/Panel/Electronic Interlocking (RRI/PI/EI) along with MACLS have been provided at about 5557 stations (87% of total stations on BG route). Replacement of old outdated, multi-cabin mechanical signalling equipment are required to be replaced and upgraded by using electrical/electronic interlocking system in a phased manner.

(c) Elimination of Semaphore Signalling is necessary for improving visibility and efficiency of signalling system on these stations. There are 382 stations on IR network which are equipped with Semaphore Signalling. Out of these, 194 stations are on BG network. These stations are taken up for elimination of Semaphore Signalling by Colour Light Signalling with Centralized Panel Interlocking.

(d) Provision of Isolation and Elimination of Rudimentary Interlocking and Upgradation of Standard Interlocking has assumed importance with growing traffics and speeds after a few serious accidents took place in recent years. Yard layouts and the corresponding signalling system at some stations requires upgradation. Main line is not isolated for run through trains and complete track circuiting is not available resulting in imposition of speed restrictions in Yard and at times, an unsafe situation is created. Upgradation of Standard of Interlocking with provision of Standard layout with Isolation will be completed at the earliest.

(e) Token Ball Instruments Token Ball Instruments are outdated equipment still in use on Indian Railway network. A decision in this regard has been taken to eliminate Token Ball Instruments by Tokenless Block Working within a time frame of 3 years (March 2019). There are 513 Block sections having 1026 Block Instruments on BG network which are planned to be eliminated.

(f) Block Proving by Axle Counters


All new works of Panel Interlocking (PI)/(EI) will be provided with Block proving by Axle counters device, to prevent collisions in the block sections due to some `parted' load being left out.BPAC devices at existing PI/EI/RRI stations are planned to be completed during XII Plan.

(g) Centralized On-line Monitoring, Predictive Maintenance and Asset Management System With Digital Mapping for every signalling installation to improve system availability besides providing event analysis tools and effective train management.

4.13.2 Train Management System (TMS) is another area of technology upgradation for

Centralized Monitoring and Management of Train traffic already functional on Mumbai Suburban section of Western Railway and Central Railway.

4.13.3 Train Protection Warning System (TPWS) To eliminate Signal Passing At Danger (SPAD), an human error, this system has been provided as pilot project on certain stretches of 242 Route Kilometers(RKMs).

4.13.4 Train Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) TCAS, a multivendor product is being developed indigenously by RDSO for Collision Prevention as well as Protection against Signal Passing At Danger (SPAD) by loco pilot. RDSO has finalized the specification of TCAS and proof of concept trials have been carried out during October/November, 2012. Extended trials on 250 Kms section on South Central Railway are to be conducted by RDSO. Based on successful conclusion of extended trials and Safety Certification of TCAS by Independent Safety Assessor (ISA), further deployment on Indian Railways will be considered.

4.13.5 Continuous Track Circuiting with Automatic Block Signalling Continuous track circuiting not only helps in improving the capacity with automatic block signalling where more than one train can be sent in a block section but also improves safety by interlocking all level crossing gates on the section with signals. Since the Golden Quadrilaterals along with its diagonals on the IR carry the maximum traffic, it is proposed to provide continuous track circuiting on priority on these sections.

4.13.6 Mobile Train Radio Communication Mobile Train Radio Communication (MTRC) system has an intrinsic potential in enhancing the safety and security in train operations, besides being a valuable aid in providing reliable and secure communication to all those engaged in different facets of railway operations and maintenance functions. MTRC works have already been commissioned on 2461 RKms on IR and are in progress on 2100 RKms.

4.13.7 Rail Fracture Detection System -- Rail/weld failures are potential safety hazards. Advanced Railway systems are using the systems, which alerts all concerned in case of failures and train operations are controlled to prevent consequential train accidents. No such system is available on IR. Suitable technology will be developed in association with advanced railway systems for use on IR. A trail of Broken rail detection system on NR & NCR on 25 Kms track length in each has been undertaken. After successful trial, this system will be progressively installed on other important routes.

4.13.8 Wheel Impact Load Detector (WILD) WILD is used to manage the wheel impact load spectrum for targeted removals of defective wheels from service. The WILD continually monitors locomotives and vehicle wheels health to ensure safe train operations. In WILD system, if any wheel generates a force that exceeds a tailored alarming threshold, a report identifies that wheel for action. A maintenance alarm identifies vehicle for preventive maintenance at the next available opportunity and a critical alarm directs a train to stop as quickly and safely as possible. As on date 15 WILD systems have been installed.

4.13.9 Better and Safer Coaches Design of lightweight, stainless steel passenger coaches has been procured through a Transfer of Technology (TOT) contract from M/s LHB of Germany. The coach provides better ride index at higher speeds. The design provides a higher safety level as a result of modern technology in use in the design of high-speed bogies. In view of enhanced safety features, passenger comfort and higher speed potential, it is proposed to completely switch over to light weight stainless steel LHB mainline coach production.

4.13.10 Retrofitment of crash worthy features such as crash buffers and anti-climbing modifications in conventional coaches. To minimize injury to passengers in case of collision, conventional coaches are to be provided with crash buffers provided at the coach ends which absorb collision energy minimizing


damage to passenger area. Provision of anti-climbing modifications in coaches will not allow the coaches to climb over each other in case of an impact.

4.13.11 Fire detection and suppression system in AC coaches To make AC coaches fire resistant, fire detection and suppression system is to be provided to detect fire in AC coaches and take preventive action. Provision of automatic braking of coaches in case of fire shall also be provided.

4.13.12 Fire detection and suppression in NAC coaches To make NAC coaches for fire resistant, fire detection and suppression system is to be provided to detect fire in NAC coaches and take preventive action.

4.13.13 Automatic door closure mechanism in coaches Automatic door closure mechanism in EMU coaches to prevent accidental falling off of passengers from trains should be introduced in suburban trains. Automatic AC Component doors will manual trigger shall be provided in newly manufactured LHB AC double-decker coaches for convenience of elderly passengers and children.

4.13.14 Redesigning/refurbishing of interior of coaches and interior fittings for better occupant safety Coaches shall be provided with fire retardant materials such as Fire retardant curtains & partition panelling, roof ceiling, PVC flooring, cushioning material for seats and berths, Rexine & fabric upholstery for seats and berths, FRP windows & UIC Vestibules, etc. in the interior furnishing. Specifications of these fire retardant materials shall be upgraded as a part of continual improvement in passenger safety. Coaches are being provided with fire retardant furnishing materials. To minimize injuries during rail travel, coaches are being redesigned without any sharp corners in the interior and dully padding up vulnerable areas. Improved design climbing arrangements and better side lower berths in Sleeper Coaches Passengers for easy climbing on upper berths especially for elderly, women, children and disabled. Manufacturing of Variant AC and non-AC coaches with new design is being planned with provision of emergency exit doors in addition to emergency exit window for faster evacuation of passengers, fire safety measures such as fire barrier coating, luminescent signages for visibility in the dark, emergency alarm, interface with air brake system for automatic brake application.

4.13.15 In-motion Weighbridges The in-motion weighbridge helps detect overloading in wagons. This reduces fatigue of rail/ welds and, therefore, reduces chances of fracture. Installation of in-motion weighbridges is done as and when required as per changes in traffic pattern and emergent requirements and is a continuous process.

4.13.16 Action Plan for Road Users' Safety To reduce accidents at manned and unmanned level crossing gates, IR will adopt following multipronged strategy:-:- Existing task force of the Ministry of Railways and State Governments for construction of

ROBs/RUBs would be made more effective.

Items to be resolved between the Ministry of Railways and MoRTH. Speed breakers at level crossings, their standards and maintenance. Testing of driving license applicant with regard to thorough knowledge pertaining to LCs. Widening of roads at selected high density locations to ease movement. Training and counselling of road users. Lifting barriers with retro-reflective markers in lieu of gate leaves shall be provided on

double and multiple lines. On manned level crossings, with more than 500 road vehicles per day and where possible,

the road width shall be widened in railway land. Signalling Systems like Interlocking arrangements and provision of telephones at LC gates

enhances safety considerably. Of 18672 Manned Level Crossings, 10513 are already interlocked and provided with

signals as on 31.03.2015. It is envisaged that another 1320 gates would get interlocked in next 5 years.

Inclusion of Dos and Don’ts near level crossings in primary school curriculum. Intensive social awareness campaigns to counter misadventure in front of approaching

trains. Basic infrastructure on all unmanned level crossings will be ensured and it includes

provision of adequate width, normal gradient, level surface for 5 m from centre of the


nearest track, Whistle Boards in retro-reflective sheets, specified Road Warning Boards, road surface in good condition and speed breakers/rumble strips etc.

All level crossings, as per revised criteria for manning, falling in the three specified categories, are proposed to be manned in next 5 years.

Periodic census of level crossings will be carried out by multi-disciplinary teams. Compulsory whistling by train drivers by linking loco whistle to the Vigilance Control

Device (VCD).

On sections where there are a number of unmanned level crossings, at close proximity, RUBs may be constructed at a convenient location and the remaining level crossings closed.

Checking visibility levels at all unmanned level crossings, and taking corrective action for their improvement.

Appropriate approach road gradients within railway boundary to be ensured. 4.13.17 Provision of Road Over/Under Bridge

It has been decided to provide Road Over/Under Bridges in replacement of all level crossings on cost sharing basis where the TVUs (number of trains x number of road vehicles in 24 hours) exceed one lakh. There are 417 level crossings where the TVUs are more than one lakh and have already been sanctioned as on 1.4.2003, for replacement with ROBs/RUBs. There are still 1252 level crossings with TVUs of more than one lakh as on 1.4.2003 where the ROBs/RUBs are yet to be sanctioned. These will be sanctioned progressively depending upon the response of the State Governments for sharing of the cost and their sponsoring them for the same.

4.13.18 Curbing Fire hazards in Pantry Car

With a view to curb fire hazards in pantry car, Board has issued guidelines for upkeep of pantry car equipment to ensure that all equipment and gadgets are in working order and in safe condition.

Electrical gadgets in Pantry Cars should be operated only by the authorized electrical staff,

nobody else. Zonal Railways have been advised to remove the card board cartons after loading the food

articles and they are to be kept in containers made up of fire retardant materials such as insulated metallic boxes.

Separate reservation chart of pantry car should be published like reservation chart of other coaches. Ticket checking staff should permit only those persons in Pantry Car & Power Car (Railway Staff and Pantry Car Staff) whose names are appearing in reservation chart of pantry car and Power Car and having valid travel authority.

4.13.19 Fire detection and suppression system at important installations.

Fire at vital installations paralyses the train movements. Fire detection system is being provided at vital installations. Fire fighting equipment are being provided at such installations. Staffs have been trained to use this equipment.

4.13.20 Vigilance Control Device

All electric and Diesel locomotives are equipped with vigilance control devices (VCD) to ensure alertness of Loco Pilot.

4.14. Cyclonic Storms:-

FORECASTING OF CYCLONE, HEAVY STORM/ RAIN-PRECAUTIONS THEREOF (GR/ SR Para 2.11.01) In the eventually of cyclonic weather, enunciated in GR/SR 2.11.01 & 15.5/2 should be followed to save not only the human life but also Railway property. The stipulations made vide GR/SR 2.11.01 & 15.5/2 is cited below:-

Precaution to be taken for working of trains during storm and strong wind: i) When the warning message forecasting cyclone, storm of strong wind has been received from

the Meteorological Department and/or there is a reasonable doubt that serious storm is going

to break-out endangering the safety of passengers, trains, etc. the station Master shall, in

consultation with the Guard and the Driver of the Train, detain the train and also refuse to

grant line clear to a train coming to his station until storm abates and he considers

movements of trains safe.


ii) Should a train be caught on the run in cyclone, storm and strong wind of an intensity which,

the opinion of the Driver, is likely to endanger the safety of the train, he shall immediately

control the speed of his train and bring it to s stop at the first convenient place taking care as

far as possible to avoid stoppage of the train at places like sharp curves, high embankments

and bridges (including approaches thereof). In , controlling the speed and brining the train to

a halt, the Driver shall stop his train carefully and without a jerk. He shall restart the train in

consultation with the Guard only after the cyclone, storm proceed.

iii) The Guard and the Driver of the train in cooperation with the railway staff traveling in the

train shall try to see the doors and windows of the coaches are kept open by the passengers

to allow free passage of the wind through the coaches.

4.15 Manmade Disaster: a. Chemical & Biological Disasters, 4.15.1What to do during Chemical Disasters: (Bomb threat/Blast at Railway station/Trains) The trains will be stopped immediately away from the affected area and clearance will be ensured

from the concerned department before the resumption of normal train service in the affected area. National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has issued guidelines on the management of

chemical disasters. These guidelines are directed more towards their prevention and mitigation of their effects, if these happen than on rescue and relief operations afterwards. Indian Railways have also been transporting chemicals and hazardous materials e.g. petroleum products (petrol, Naphtha, HSD, etc.), Caustic soda LPG, Chemical manures, Acids etc. These goods are carried either in Wagons or SLRs or in the Parcel Vans.

4.15.2What to do during Biological Disasters The trains will be stopped immediately away from the affected area and clearance will be ensured

from the concerned department before the resumption of normal train service in the affected area. Biological Disasters might be caused by epidemics, accidental release of virulent microorganism(s) or Bioterrorism (BT) with the use of biological agents such as anthrax, smallpox, etc. In recent times travelling has become easier. More and more people are travelling all over the world which exposes the whole world to epidemics. As our society is in a state flux, noval pathogens emerge to pose challenges not only at the point of primary contact but in far removed locations. The Marburg virus illustrates this. The increased interaction between humans and animals has increased the possibilities of zoonotic diseases in epidemic form.

b. Terror Strike

The trains will be stopped immediately away from the affected area and clearance will be ensured from the concerned department before the resumption of normal train service in the affected area.

c. Bomb Blast The trains will be stopped immediately away from the affected area and clearance will be ensured from the concerned department before the resumption of normal train service in the affected area

Indian Railway’s Rules for carrying dangerous (hazardous goods) by rail have been legislated in the =Railway Red Tariff Rule, 2000 as per which dangerous goods have been classified into following 8 classes: a. Explosives b. Gases, Compressed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure c. Petrolium & other inflammable liquids d. Inflammable solids

e. Oxidising substance f. Poisonous (Toxic Substances) g. Radio-active substances h. Acids & other Corrosive.


The following bomb disposal suads are available in Lucknow Division 1. S.P.Security Ram Janam Bhumi, Ayodhya, Faizabad 09454402604 2. GRP Lucknow 09454402604 3. SSP Varanasi 09454402634 4. GRP Allahabad 09454402605


Chapter 05 - FIRE

FIRE ACCIDENTS ON PASSENGER CARRYING TRAINS In the eventually of fire enunciated in GR 6.10 & SR 6.10/1& 6.10/2 should be followed to save not only the human life but also Railway property. The stipulations made vide GR 6.10. & SR 6.10/1& 6.10/1 &2 are cited below:- (1) A railway servant noticing a fire, likely to result in loss of life or cause damage to property, shall

take all possible steps to save life and property, to prevent it from spreading and to extinguish it.

(2) In case the fire is on or advancement to many electrical equipment, the railway servant shall, if he

is competent in handling electrical equipment and specially trained for the purpose, have the

affected part immediately isolated from its source of supply of electrical energy.

(3) The occurrence of a fire shall, in every case, be reported to the nearest Station Master by the

most expeditious means and the Station Master shall take such action as may be prescribed by

special instructions.

(a) In the event of vehicle on a train being on fire the train shall be stopped and the burning

vehicle isolated. A distance of not less than 46 meters will be left between it and other

vehicles on the train. If not prescribed by fixed signals, the train shall be protected in

accordance with G.R.6.03 should the fire be discovered when the train is near a water tank

or a watering station, the Driver and the Guard shall use their discretion as to proceeding to

that place.

(b) In the case of a fire-occurring in a passenger train, safety of passengers is of primary

importance. Further, should a postal van be discovered on fire, every effort should be made

to save the Mail.

(c) In an electrically fitted carriage should the wood work catch fire due to a short-circuit the

electric couplers at both ends of the vehicles must be disconnected. If equipped with

dynamo and batteries, the dynamo belt should be removed and batteries disconnected or

the links from the battery fuse boxes removed.

The fire appliances, if available in the train should be made use of in all cases where the fire

has broken in a closed place.

4. Sleepers on fire-Guards and Driver on seeing a sleeper or any fire on the wood work of the line,

they must stop at once and extinguish the fire, taking case that it is done effectively and that

nothing is left smoldering when they leave the spot. The nearest Permanent Way Inspector’s Gang

and the first stopping station must be advised. The train staff may obtain the assistance of passers

by or villagers to obtain water or assist and may pay, or promise to pay fair remuneration for their


5. CAUSE OF FIRE: The presence of Oxygen, combustible substances and heat together causes fire.


a. STARVATION – means removing records, furniture and other combustible substances away from the fire

b. SMOTHERING – means prevention of Oxygen, access of fresh air into fire, using sand, foam etc., to cover fire.

c. COOLING – means reducing the degree of temperature.

• Fire Fighting:

There are 9 different types of fire extinguishers:

Water and Foam, Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Wet Chemical, Clean Agent, Dry Powder, Water

Mist, Cartridge Operated and Dry Chemical.

• How to use: (a) Carry to the place of fire and keep it up right.

(b) Remove the safety clip.


(c) Strike the knob located in the cap.

(d) Sealing disk of the cartridge gets broken and allows carbon dioxide gas to escape to the

main shell and powder is pushed out.

(e) Direct the steam of the powder at the base of the flame.

(f) For effective result stand at about 1.5 to 2.5 meter near the seat of the fire.

(g) Move forward with moving the nozzle rapidly from side to side in sweeping motion.

(h) When using on outdoor fires operate from the up wind side for effective spray


(i) Carrying stoves, sigris, gas cylinders, kerosene oil, petrol fire works etc. in passenger's compartment.

(ii) Making fire/using fire near paper, wood, petrol or such inflammable articles (ii) Lighted match sticks, cigarette ends carelessly thrown.

(iii) Short circuits in electrical wirings. (iv) Using naked light during authority token delivery, to the driver, shunting of inflammable

loads, sealing of inflammable wagons. (v) Use of open fire, smoking near gas/petrol tank. (vi) Non-removal of garbage from pantry car/coaches. Every one should take all possible precautions to keep away from doing the above mistakes

so that possibility of breakage out of fire can be minimized.

8. FIRE – DO's & Don’ts 8.1 AVOID

i) Smoking or lighting a flame where it is prohibited; ii) Throwing of oil soaked jute/cloth carelessly; iii) Throwing of burning match-stick bidi /cigarettes carelessly; iv) Do not overload electric circuits in a wagon;

v) Do not allow running of hot axle wagon; vi) Do not keep explosive materials along with combustible materials; vii) Carrying of gas stoves, kerosene oil, gas cylinders, kerosene jars, petrol or other

inflammable articles in passenger carrying trains, should be restricted.

8.2 OBEY

i) Be speedy but do not get nervous.

ii) Locate the fire extinguishing substances viz. water bucket with water/sand, fire

extinguishers etc.

iii) Raise alarm.

iv) Inform all concerned to assist in extinguishing the fire.

v) Segregate/remove all valuable properties.

vi) Keep fire extinguisher/water buckets in readiness.

vii) Arrange to isolate the source of fire if possible.

viii) Ascertain the type of fire viz. – dry, oil, gaseous, electric and use the right type of


ix) In case of the fire from electricity, switch "OFF" the source.

x) Do not stand against the wind.


i) Driver, guard passing a section if notices fire of serious nature in a village endangering life, may

stop his train out of course to the next station and shall inform station master about the fact with


ii) In case of total interruption of communication or as the case may be a train can be stopped out of

course to communicate information asking assistance.


iii) Driver, guard passing through or entering a station if notices fire, need not stop out of course.

Stopping trains where fire may cause damage to train/passenger/goods shall control their train

suitably so that fire can not harm vehicle/wagon and shall take protection required as per GR 6.03.

iv) But if they notice fire on approaching/passing train on adjacent line shall switch on lasher light, whistle continuously and exhibit red hand signal till the affected train is passing. They shall stop their train immediately to the spot where field telephone socket is provided or to the station whichever comes first to communicate first fire information to control.

v) When the fire is of serious nature, nearby municipal, private or Railway fire brigade may be called

without delay.

vi) The occurrence of a fire shall be informed to the nearest station by most expeditious means and

the Station Master on receipt of such information shall relay control, IOW, Divisional Security

Officer and other agencies.

10. FIRE – WHAT TO DO WHEN a. In the event of a vehicle on a train being on fire:

i) The train shall be stopped. ii) The burning vehicle to be isolated, a distance of not less than 45 meters being left between

it and the other vehicles of the train.

iii) The train shall be protected in accordance with GR 6.03 & , if not protected by fixed signals. iv) Every effort shall be made to extinguish the fire and to save the wagon labels, seals and the

contents of the vehicle. v) Earth or sand, if available shall also be used. vi) In case of fire is discovered when the train is near a tank or a watering station, the guard

and driver shall use discretion to proceed there, but no such attempt shall be made until the portion of the train in rear of burning vehicle has been detached

b. In event of fire on a electric engine/EMU

i) The driver shall immediately switch off the circuit breaker and lower the pantograph. The train shall then be brought to a stand at once.

ii) After disconnecting the electric supply to the affected circuits, the driver shall take

necessary action to put out the fire.

iii) If fire can not be extinguished by the above means the driver shall advise the traction power controller through the emergency telephone to arrange for the affected section of the over-head equipment to be made dead.

iv) The Guard and any other staff available shall render all possible assistance to the driver in putting out the fire.

v) Fire extinguishers of an approved type for use on electrical fire shall be provided on each electrical engine/train and the driver shall make himself familiar with the location and use of these extinguishers. During the periodical inspection of a locomotive the extinguisher shall be examined by the locomotive inspecting staff.

vi) Ordinary fire extinguishers or water from a hose pipe shall on no account used to extinguish fire on live wire or electrical equipment. If the services of the fire brigade are required, the brigade shall not be allowed to commence operation until all electrical equipments in the vicinity of the fire have been made dead.

vii) Fire extinguishers which have been used shall be replaced or recharged with least delay.

c. In the event of a fire on a DMU stock i) The motorman shall immediately switch off the circuit breaker and shut down the engine.

The train shall be brought to stop at once. ii) The Guard shall give all possible assistance to the driver in putting out the fire. iii) The fire extinguishers of approved type shall be provided on each motor coach of DMU

when a DMU rake if turned out from the car shed. The CWS incharge of the shed shall inspect the fire extinguishers and ensure that these are in good working condition.


d. When a person's clothing catches fire

i) Approach him holding with the nearest available wrap in front of you.

ii) Wrap it round him.

iii) Lay him flat on the floor, smothering the flames.

iv) On no account should be rush into the open air.

v) Call for assistance.

e. Fire caused by petrol or any other inflammable liquids, acids or gases i) Segregate the affected wagon, coach or area involved. ii) On opening a wagon do not enter immediately. You would, thus, avoid fumes which may be

dangerous. iii) Use D C P T fire extinguishers and sand and not water or soda acid type fire extinguishers. iv) Do not bring naked lights near the site of fire. v) Inform the nearest Railway or civil fire stations intimating that the fire has been caused by

petrol or any other inflammable liquids or gasses or acids. 11. General Rules for the Treatment for the Burns and Scalds.

i. Avoid handing the affected areas more than is necessary. See that your hands are as clean as possible by washing them.

ii. Do not apply lotions of any kind. iii. Do not remove burned clothing & do not break blisters. iv. Cover the area (including burnt clothing) with a prepared dry sterile dressing if possible,

otherwise clean lint, freshly laundered linen or some similar material may be used. v. Bandage firmly except when blisters are present or suspected, in which case bandage

lightly. vi. Immobilize the affected are by suitable means.

vii. Treat for shock. viii. In major case, remove the patient to hospital as quickly as possible. The casualty will

probably require an anesthetic, so that ordinarily nothing should be given by the mouth. If medical aid is delayed for at least four hours, give drinks of water to which salt has been added in the proportion of half teaspoon to two numbers, with the addition of approximately half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda (if available).

ix. In a minor case, give large quantities of warm fluids, preferably weak tea with sugar.



The resources of manpower available with the Railways to tackle the disaster of serious accidents involving passenger carrying trains and their responsibility:-

1. Divisional Railway Manager is the overall incharge of the Division and he has also responsibility for the preparation and implementation of the disaster management plan.

2. Additional Divisional Railway Manager is the next in command who access in the Divisional Railway Manager’s activities.

3. Senior Divisional Safety Officer is the officer who leads the safety organization at the Divisional level. He has responsibility for formation and implementation of the activities related to the safety in the Division.

4. The authority to order Accident Relief Trains/Accident Relief Medical Equipment Van, Break Down Crane at the Divisional level is Deputy Chief Controller (Coaching) of the divisional central control

room, Lucknow.

Mechanical department is responsible for maintenance of Accident Relief Train/ Accident Relief Train and Accident Relief Medical Van Rolling stock/Breakdown cranes including rail-cum-road mobile emergency vehicle etc.

Normally, the equipments and materials of Engineering Department, Signal and

Telecommunication department, Mechanical departments, and Electrical (General) departments are kept ready in the Accident Relief Trains and the concerned departments are responsible for the maintenance of the equipments kept in Accident Relief Trains for rescue and relief operations.

In Accident Relief Medical Equipment Vans, the equipments and materials of Medical, Mechanical, Electrical (General), Signal & Telecommunication, and Commercial departments are kept ready and the concerned departmeznts are responsible for their maintenance for quick rescue and

restoration work. • Guidelines on Medical Preparedness and Mass Casuality Management envisage train

based casualty transport and evacuation system with following heighlights: 1. In MCM (Mass casualty Management), wherever required Railways needs to provide transportation

facility for Mass casualty Evacuation (MCE). Where required, ARMVs or special trains may be run to facilitate relief from the nearest coaching terminal to the disaster site.

2. The railway disaster plan will provide support to the community and local administration during

mass casualty emergencies. Assistance through Railways’ infrastructure of Hospitals etc. has to be provided as and when it is asked for. NDMA have issued Guidelines on:

1. Management of Chemical Disaster (Industries) Apri 2007

2. Management of Earthquakes April 2007

3. Formulation of State Disaster Management Plans July 2007

4. Management of Floods January 2008

5. Medical Preparedness & Mass casualty Management January 2008

6. Management of Cyclones April 2008

7. Management of Biological Disasters July 2008

8. Management of Nuclear & Radiological Emergencies February 2009

9. Management of Chemical (Terrorism) Disasters March 2009

10. Management of Landslides and Snow Avalanches June 2009

11. National Policy on Disaster Management October 2009

12. Psycho-Social Support & Mental Health Services in Disasters December 2009

13. Incident Response System Guidelines July 2010

14. Management of Tsunamis August 2010

15. Management of Utban Flooding September 2010

16. Drought Management September 2010

17. National Disaster Management Information & Communication System February 2012

18. Scaling, type of Equipment and Training of Fire services April 2012

19. Guidelines for Seismic Retrofitting of Deficient Building and structures June 2014


20. Guidelines on Management of Hospital Safety February 2016

21. Guidelines on Management of School Safety February 2016

22. Guidelines for Preperation of Action Plan-Prevention and Management of Heat-wave


Reports by NDMA_ NDMA has further issued following Reports (As Broad Guidelines)

1. Revamping of Civil Dfecence

2. NIDMA’s Functioning

3. Pandemic Preparedness Beyond Health

4. Disaster Response Training at the Centre & States

5. NDRF and SDRF

6. Strengthening Safety/Secuirity in Transportation of POL Tankers

7. Threats to Municipal Water Supply and Water Reservoirs

8. Mechanism to Detect, Prevent and Respond to Radiological Emergencies

9. Management of Dead in the Aftermath of Disaster

10. Minimum Standards of Relief

11. Role of NGOs in Disaster Management

12. Pilot Project on Capacity Building for advanced Trauma Life Support in India

13. Capacity Building in Disaster Management for Government Officers and Representative of Panchayat Raj Institution and Urban District Level

14. Training Regime for Disaster Response

15. Hand Book for Training and Capacity Building of Civil Defence and sister Organisations (part -I)

16. Hand Book for Training and Capacity Building of Civil Defence and sister Organisations (part -II)

17. Managing Crowed of Events and Venues of Mass Gathering

18. Cyclone Hudhud-Strategies and lessons for preparing better & strengthen risk resilience in

coastal regions of India.

Location, Constitution and Functions These have been formed under the Disaster Management Act at 12 selected locations in the country for dealing with relief and rescue operations related to all typres of disasters. The NDRF consists of battalions of Central paramilitary forces drawn from the Border Security Force (BSF), Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) and Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) for the purpose of specialist response in disaster situations. Each Battalion has 6 Companies comprising of 3 teams each. Team comprises of 45 men out of ahich 24 are for Search & Rescue and balance 21 for support functions. Short-listed & trained staff are on deputation in NDRF. Further details are as under: Details of NDRF organization and 12 battalions are as under:

S.No. Name of Officers/Designation and Location of Deployment

STD Code Tele (O) Mobile No. Fax Nos.

Hd. Qrs.

DG/NDRF CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003

011 24369278 24369280

- 24363261

1. Commandant, Isr Bn NDRF Patgoan PO Azara Guwahati

0361 2840027 09401048790 2849080

2. Commandant, 2nd Bn NDRF, Digberia Camp, PO-Badu Road, Madhyamgram, Barasat, Kolkata

033 25875062 09434742836 25875032

3. Commandant, 3rd Bn NDRF, PO-Mundali, Cuttack, Odisha

0671 2879710 09439103170 09437964571


4. Commandant, 4th Bn NDRF, PO-Suraksha Campus Arrakonam Distt. Vellore, Tamilnadu

04177 246269 09442105169 246594

5. Commandant, 5th Bn 02114 247010 09423506765 247008


NDRF, PO-Vishnupuri Telegaon, Pune (Maharashtra)

6. Commandant, 6th Bn NDRF, Chilora Road, Gandhinagar

079 23202540 09428826445 23201551

7. Commandant, 7th Bn NDRF, Bibiwala Road, Bhatinda (Punjab)

0164 2246193 09417802032 2246570

8. Commandant, 8th Bn NDRF, Kamala Nehru nagar, Ghaziabad, UP

0120 2766013 09968610014 2766618

9. Commandant, 9th Bn NDRF, Bihata Patna, Bihar

06115 253942 0776288444 253939

10. Commandant, 10th Bn NDRF, Mqangalagiri, Vijaywada (AP)

0863 2293050 09419217790 2293050

11. Commandant, 11th Bn NDRF, Varanasi, UP

0542 2501201 09455511003 2501101

12. Commandant, 12th Bn NDRF, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh

03621 242940 09435483204 242940


Chapter 07 - TRAINING

7.1 The training on disaster management being imparted to several tiers of railway officials through Railway Training Institutes as indicated below:-

S.No. Category of


Training Methodology & Schedule Frequency of


1. Divisional SG & JAG officers

Some of the latest and relevant topics are to be included in the AMP and MDP programmers being delivered at NIAR/Vadodara. IRITM/LKO also deliver special module being developed them @ one every month.

Every SG/JAG officer need to under go the module once every five years either at RSC as regular MDP/AMP course or special DM module at IRITM.

2. Lower Level Management (SS & JS officers including serving Group B officers)

Disaster management training to be imparted at IRITM/LKO @ one course every month.

Once every five years.

3. Supervisors of all frontline

departments (Mechanical, Electrical, Engg. S&T, Traffic Comml. & Optg.)

One week course at ZRTIs @ one every month.

Passing this course is compulsory for promotion to SE and above

Once every five years.

4. Railway staff on board passenger

carrying train (TS, DY. TS, TTEs & catering staff of Commercial Department, Coach attendants and Ac mechanics from Electrical departments, some of the selected coach cleaners of Mechanical Departments , some of the Escorting staff and catering staff of contractor wherever outsourced).

Disaster management being a multidisciplinary effort during field

operations training in groups of such on board staff is more desirable and efficient than training them category wise. Role of on board railway staff has been a matter of great criticism in most of the serious train accidents. On board staff are the first railway representatives to respond to any untoward incident and their empowerment will improve railways response in a big way. Such staff to be trained in appropriate multidisciplinary groups at such locations in the divisions where there is concentration of such staff to obviate the need for their hostel accommodation, non availability for longer period etc. Such training can be imparted at the selected country-wide locations to cover maximum number of staff in short period of time. This training can also be imparted in the Customer care Institute. Only few select staff of mechanical, Electrical (AC), RPF is to undergo this training who are deputed to escort trains. This training will be made mandatory in a phased manner for any staff to go on-board a passenger train. The staff of catering contractor is also to be imparted this training in phase 2 to leverage their physical presence.

Once every three years.

5. Nominated ARMV and staff of Mechanical and Medical departments

Composite training of mechanical and medical staff for relief and rescue operation is planned to be given at upcoming disaster management railway institute Bangalore. However, there has

Once every three years.


not been much of headway in the last five years in this matter, as a result of which training to ARMV and ART staff remained neglected. Such staffs are to be trained at STC/Lucknow, who are also setting up disaster management training module, to augment and facilitate their training till such time regular DM institute come in to existence. Facilities at STC/ Kharagpur may also be utilized for such training. Doctors and paramedics nominated for ARMVs and other rescue operations should be exclusively trained on trauma care management either at some specialized institutions or in-house.

6. Disaster management team of RPF staff & other RPF personnel associated with relief rescue operations.

As per recommendation no. 46 of HLC on disaster management there should be a disaster management team of RPF on each division comprising about 15 men in different ranks. Such teams should be trained in providing necessary support on relief rescue operations. The existing 5 day training module should be appropriately revised to make it suitable to achieve the above objective. Each of the above team should be trained on this module at RPF Academy at Lucknow. In addition, training module may be appropriately developed separately for RPF Officers and staff and should be imparted at RPF Academy at Lucknow. The respective training modules should include role of RPF at the accident site, security at the railway premises like railway stations, trains etc.

Once every three years for disaster management team of RPF. Once every five years for other RPF officers and staff.

7.2 TRAINING AND MOCK DRILL-Trained manpower is an essential ingredient of any DM system, mere provision of sophisticated equipment without trained manpower is futile. For handling on unforeseen situation like managing a Disaster, training of all railway personnel concerned is an inevitable input. To acquire necessary knowledge and skill, all relevant officials should be given periodic training regarding their duties and that of their department.

7.3 Training should be conducted at the following three levels

i. Individual Training a. For enhancing the skill of staff attached to ARMVs, ARTs, etc., supervisors and staff

should be given general training in Disaster Management. b. Special training may be arranged in Extrication, Rescue, Medical relief Rolling stock

restoration technique and Civil Defence by departments concerned.

ii. Seminars/Workshops: Seminars should be periodically conducted on Disaster preparedness, and the DM Plan.

iii. Joint Exercises: Full scale Disaster Management Mock Drill to be conducted as detailed below.

7.4 FULL SCALE MOCK DRILL Disaster Management essentially necessitates a state of preparedness under all circumstances and the efficacy of arrangements therein can be assessed only by conducting periodical full scale mock drills.


7.5 Objective of the full scale mock drill would be to-

i. Gauge the preparedness of DM system including detailed planning and keeping of all equipment in good fettle.

ii. Integrate the operational response to measure overall performance a exercise. iii. Measure performance with regard to accident restoration. iv. On a division, the first mock drill should be conducted within 3 months of issue of the Zonal

DM Plan. v. On a division, the second mock drill should be conducted 3 months after the first one, in

order to correct all shortcomings noticed during the first mock drill. vi. Thereafter, mock drills shall be conducted once every 2 years after the new DRM takes

over. vii. It should be conducted during the day and in a branch line section. viii. 6 hrs. traffic block shall be taken and the ARMV/ART run out to the accident site. ix. UCC and CAC should be set up and each department will post their functionaries in the

Control Office as also in UCC and CAC. x. All facilities should be provided in UCC and CAC by departments concerned.

7.6 During this full scale mock drill, following aspects shall be closely watched i. Turning out of ARMV/ART within the prescribed time. ii. Speed of the specials. iii. Assembly of staff. iv. Handing of ART, HRDs, HREs and other rescue equipment. v. Logging of events. vi. Functioning of field telephones and communication network. vii. Functioning of generator sets, lighting equipments. viii. Preparedness of first-aiders and availability of medical equipment. ix. Preparedness of commercial department to mobilize adequate manpower. x. On completion of the drill, a detailed report shall be prepared detailing deficiencies noticed,

corrective measures initiated and improvements required.



(Rescue, Relief & Rehabilitation Arrangements)

8.1 FLOW OF INFORMATIONS REGARDING THE DISASTER The Disaster Management Action starts moments after any disaster happens. The information

regarding the disaster is therefore of paramount importance. The information can come through following channels/agencies – a) The SMs /SMs should immediately inform the Controller regarding any accident after getting

information from any source. b) The train crew (Driver/Guard/Asst. Driver/Asst. Guard) should immediately inform of any

disaster or unusual occurrences at mid- section to the Control through the field telephone.

c) The train crew (Driver/Guard/Asst .Driver/ Asst. Guard) can also inform the nearest Station Master through the walkie-talkie or through any other means such as sending persons to the stations. The Station Master should in turn pass the information to the Divisional Control.

d) The Gateman at the mid-section should also pass information of any disaster to the nearest Station Masters or to the Divisional Control through the communication means they are having or by physically going to the nearest station.

e) Any Railway man in the train or at the vicinity of disaster should immediately inform nearest Railway station or the Control about it through any means.

f) The private persons (passengers or any other persons at the vicinity) are also likely to inform any disaster to nearest Station Master, Control or to the media.

g) The information at the Control can also be received through the "flashes" of the major news channels or through the media persons.

h) Information can also directly come to the senior officers of railway such as to DRM, ADRM,

Sr.DEN/C, Sr. DOM etc. through telephones.

8.2 OFFICERS AND SUPERVISORS ACCOMPANYING RELIEF TRAIN All the nominated officers and staff of the relief trains being ordered should accompany the relief train. In addition following divisional officers should immediately move to the site either by the relief train or through other suitable mode of transport.

DRM With respective branch officers

In the case of accident involving Passenger/road users.


CMS With his team of doctors

In the case of accident involving Passenger/road users.


Sr. DCM With the team of supervisors

In the case of accident involving Passenger/road users.


Sr. DSO With his team of Safety Counselors

In the case of accident involving Passenger/road users, serious accident of Goods train.


Sr. DOM With concerned DTIs In the case of accident involving Passenger/road users, serious accident of Goods train.


Sectional Sr. DEN/DEN

With concerned PWIs In the case of accident involving Passenger/road users, serious accident of Goods train.

Engg. Control 9794830957

Sr. DME/O&F With concerned supervisor

In the case of accident involving Passenger/road users, serious accident of Goods train.


Sr. DSTE With concerned supervisor

In the case of accident involving Passenger/road




The following officers should rush to the Control for manning the Control:-

ADRM/OP Will remain in Control when DRM goes to accident site.


Sr. DOM Will ensure that an Operating Officer remains in control in case of accident or any other disaster. In case of accident involving passenger train or road users Sr.DOM to be present in Control.


Sr. DCM Will ensure one officer in control/central enquiry in case of accident involving passenger train or road users.


CMS Will ensure one doctor in control in case of accident involving passenger train or road users.


Sr. DSC Will ensure one Officer in control in case of

accident involving passenger train or road users.


Sr. DME/O&F Will ensure one officer in control. 9794833400

Sr. DEN (Co) Will ensure one officer in control. 9794833200

Sr. DEE Will ensure one officer in control. 9794833300

Sr. DSTE Will ensure one officer in control. 9794833801

The senior most officers in the Control will be the officer in-charge of the Control. Sr. DOM will be the in-charge of all activities in running of trains. The officer in-charge of the Control will coordinate with all departments of Railway, District and State to ensure timely and smooth rescue, transshipment, transportation and restoration etc.


The machinery of state governments is available at many places and their help is required for getting police clearances etc. The state governments are also having their own disaster management plans. Therefore, the concerned authorities and local doctors must be immediately informed for getting assistance as per following;

Information to Responsibility

Local Police station ASM/SM of nearest station Officer I/C at Control

Govt. Hospital/Health Centers ASM/SM of nearest station Officer I/C at Control

Local Doctors ASM/SM of nearest station

Local Civil Officials (BDO, SDO, DM etc.) ASM/SM of nearest station Officer I/C at Control

users, serious accident of Goods train.

Sr. DEE (TRD) With concerned supervisor

In the case of accident involving Passenger/road users, serious accident of Goods train in electrified territory.


Sr. DSC/RPF With concerned supervisor

In the case of accident involving Passenger/road users.


DEE With concerned supervisor

In the case of accident involving Passenger/road users, serious accident of Goods train.


Sr. DEE With concerned supervisor

In case of derailment/collision involving electric loco.



The local assistance should be called for; Immediate rescue and evacuation Medical assistance at site including ambulances, medicines, first aid facilities etc. Sanitation at the site Amenities at site such as drinking water, food, Shelter, illumination etc Security, law & order and crime control Transportation of injured to hospitals

Identification/ disposal of bodies

Any other assistance from state authorities, Military or paramilitary organizations, District and specialized hospitals will be arranged by the Officer I/C at Control depending on the situation.

It should however be noted that once the railway relief team arrives the site, all the relief rescue operations are to be done under the supervision of the railway site manager.


Chapter 09 - ACCIDENT SITE MANAGEMENT (PLAN – I) Senior most Railway Officer at the site of accident shall be the site manager. The site manager shall be the overall in-charge of all the relief and rescue operations at the site and he will also be the chief spokesman at the site. He will be assisted by the officers and staff of all the departments present at the accident site for discharging his duties. PR/Commercial department will look after media needs at site.

The relief and rescue operations will be done by the various departments as per the following:-

A. Rescue Operation: – Primarily Medical & Mechanical department will organize and all other Railway men will assist. There is no need for seeking the clearance from state police for launching rescue operation for saving as many human life as possible which inter-alia may involve handing/shifting of rolling stock (Locomotives, coaches and wagons) (Ref:- The high level committee report on disaster management over Indian Railway – April-2003 Para 15.).

B. Relief operations including care of dead: - Medical, Commercial & RPF department.

C. Care of passengers and their dispersal/ transportation:- Commercial Department.

D. Communication: - Sr. DSTE will ensure communication through DOT, STD/ISD, mobile phone & Railway phone. The communication facilities can also be utilized by the passengers for informing their relatives.

E. Crowd control and law & order: - RPF Department. Sr. DSC will ensure that clues are preserved and not tampered. He will ensure security of passengers and their luggage. He will also ensure law and order in that area.

There are 03 aspects of Disaster Management work at an accident site:

1. Rescue and Relief which is carried out by one set of functionaries. 2. While other set of functionary work pertains to rehabilitation of accident involved passengers,

taking care of dead bodies, dealing with their relatives etc. for which a different set of functionaries are required. For managing these 3 distinct aspects of DM work that are required to be discharged by Railways, three separate establishments should be set up at an accident site. The outline schematic plan of accident site given at Annexure- 29.

3. Third set of functionary work for transportation of stranded Passengers.

9.1 UNIFIED COMMAND CENTRE (UCC) - (i) Unified Command Center (UCC) should be set up at the accident site under the overall

coordination of Mechanical Department.

(ii) This will be some kind of a control office to be located near the center of the accident site.

(iii) This is basically meant for catering to operational needs of Railway in rescue, relief and

restoration work.

(iv) Detail schematic plan of UCC is given at Annexure – 30.

(v) UCC is to be manned by staff of relevant departments such as : Medical, Commercial,

Personnel, Operating, Safety, Security, Public Relations, Mechanical, Electrical, S&T and


(vi) UCC will be provided with all facilities similar to a control office.

(vii) Adequate lighting with generator backup should be provided in the UCC.

(viii) Adequate number of telephonic links to Divisional Emergency Cell and HQ Emergency Cell

should be provided. Preferably each department in the UCC should be given as independent

telephone including satellite telephone, fax, photo copier, PCs and loud speaker.

(ix) PC/Laptop should be connected to Internet for E-Mailing of detail update to all concerned,

including Divisional Emergency Cell, HQ Emergency Cell and Help line Enquiry Booths.

(x) A big banner displaying ‘UNIFIED COMMAND CENTER’ should be put up at a prominent

place at the entry to the samiana, with sufficient signage’s indicating its direction or

approach road.


(xi) UCC at the site will be manned by Sr. Supervisors on round the clock basis in 12 hrs. shift

duty and they will monitor & co-ordinate working of their departments.

(xii) Various functionaries in the UCC will monitor and co-ordinate the working of their

departments, and assistance required by them, if any.

(xiii) Each functionary at the UCC will maintain a log book. Flow of information both incoming and outgoing would be recorded along with the time and names of officers/staff who were given the message.

(xiv) UCC will basically supervise the working of 2 LCCs and coordinate with Divisional and HQ Emergency Cells.

(xv) Functionaries of different departments in LCCs should provide updated information regarding progress of work to their counterparts in UCC.


(i) Depending on the spread of the accident site, Local Command Centres (LCC) on the same

pattern as the UCC should be set up.

(ii) If the site is spread out over 300 – 400 mts. 2 LCCs should be set up.

(iii) Detail schematic plan of LCCs would be similar to that of UCCs as given at Annex-30.

(iv) Representatives of same departments as in UCC should be present in LCCs also. However,

they should be either one or at most 2 men per department. It will coordinate various

teams spread out over the site of accident.

(v) Each LCC will oversee the working of DM teams at one end of the accident site.

(vi) Jurisdiction of each LCC will extend to all men and materials belonging to 2 ARMVs, BD

special and 1 ART at that end of the accident site.

(vii) One SAG officer of Mechanical department will be overall in charge of each LCC with loud

speaker for making announcements and direct telephone link with UCC.


For taking care of relatives of passengers, providing them with succor in their hour of agony and

for guiding them sympathetically, some kind of an assistance center is required at site, under

overall coordination of Commercial Dept. taking help from different Departments as mentioned. A

banner displaying “CENTRAL PASSENGER ASSISTANCE CENTRE” should be displayed prominently.


Assistance to be rendered to relatives for completing the following formalities:

(i) Locating the name of the passenger on reservation charts, in case passenger was traveling

in reserved accommodation.

(ii) Going through the list of injured and dead passengers to find out whether the name


(iii) In case the name is not available in the list, then taking a round of different hospitals to find

out whether their relative has been admitted in one of them in an unconscious state.

(iv) Hospitals are generally at separate locations, sometimes even in different towns; and

commuting becomes a problem.

(v) In case the passenger can be located in one of the hospitals, they have to find out the

severity of injuries, likely period of hospitalization etc.

(vi) Collect the ex-gratia paid by Railways.

(vii) Try and locate missing luggage of the injured passenger. For this they have to take a round

of the building where all unclaimed luggage have been kept.

(viii) Next they have to arrange for a place for them selves to stay.

(ix) Arrange for medicines/diet etc. and payment of hospital bills, if required. Thereafter, they

have to keep in touch with the hospital and get their relative released.




They are to be given the following assistance:

(i) In case the passenger could not be located in any of the hospitals, then they have to go to

the building where unidentified dead bodies have been kept.

(ii) Take a round of various rooms where bodies have been kept, examine each body and try

and locate their near and dear one.

(iii) Identify the dead body, if the same has been extracted by then. Otherwise wait for all

bodies to be extracted and try and identify their relative.

(iv) In case they fail to identify the same then they have to go through photographs of

unidentified bodies taken at site.

(v) After the body is finally identified, they have to produce proof of relationship for Railways to

entertain their claim.

(vi) Obtain medical death certificate from the Railway doctor.

(vii) Obtain post mortem report, from the Govt. doctor who has performed postmortem on the


(viii) Obtain official death certificate from the local municipality.

(ix) Accept of ex-gratia payment from Railways.

(x) Collect forms for lodging claim for compensation from Railway Claims Tribunal.

(xi) Take over custody of dead body from the local Police.

(xii) Perform last rites at the same place or take back the body to their native place, depending

on circumstances.

(xiii) Make arrangements for their return journey back to their native place.


(i) The UCC should have a Central Passenger Assistance Center (CPAC) located towards the

rear side, away from the track for rendering help to passengers and their relatives. Outline

schematic plan of UCC/CAC is given at Annexure-29.

(ii) This is basically meant for catering to requirements of passengers and their relatives/next of

kin, and for providing a single window clearance for all types of formalities.

(iii) CAC should be separate from the UCC so that it does not interfere with normal rescue and

relief work.

(iv) Detail schematic plan of CAC is given at Annexure-31.

(v) CAC will manned by staff of relevant departments such as: Operating, Medical,

Commercial, Security & Personnel

(vi) There should be only one such CAC, and all Railway resources should be pooled into it. CAC

will be manned by staff of relevant department such as : - Operating - Medical - Commercial

- Security - Personnel

(vii) A big banner displaying ‘COMBINED ASSISTANCE CENTER’ should be put up at a prominent

place at the entry to the shamiana.

(viii) Different counters should be provided in sequence for each of these formalities, so that the

entire exercise can be completed in about an hour.

(ix) Functionary concerned from the local Municipality who issues Official Death Certificates

should be made to come and sit in the CAC so that these certificates can be issued

immediately without any delay.

(x) CAC should have different counters for various purposes in following sequence:

a) Reservation chart, for locating the name.

b) List of dead and injured along with name of hospital. The name of passenger involved

should be checked up from the list of dead or injured, if available, and their current

status informed.

c) Counter for providing commercial supervisor or WI as escort along with vehicle(s), for

accompanying the relative and going to hospitals or mortuary.

d) Railway doctor for issue of Medical Death Certificate.

e) Govt. doctor for issue of Post mortem Certificate, in case the same is necessary.


f) Officer – in – Charge of CAC to supervise the CAC.

g) Municipality official for issue of Official Death Certificate.

h) Local police for issue of authority for handing over of dead body.

i) Claims counter – Payment of ex-gratia and issue of Claims Compensation form.

j) Counter for helping performance of last rites in case relatives decide to cremate the

body there it self.

k) Pass counter for issue of return journey pass. xii. Return journey facilitation counter

for making arrangements for return journey.


(i) Medical Posts should be provided in both UCC and CAC.

(ii) Medical Post in UCC will provide first aid to injured passengers after extrication, assess their

injuries and make arrangements for sending them to nearby hospitals.

(iii) Medical Post in CAC will keep all records of injured and dead passengers, names of hospitals

where they have been admitted etc.

(iv) First Aid Posts should be provided in LCCs.

(v) This will mean for treating passengers and classifying their injuries before they are sent for

admission to various hospitals.


One SSE/Works shall be exclusively responsible for setting up of these facilities. He shall

undertake the following:

i. Move along with sufficient staff for setting up of these facilities.

ii. Immediately start setting up of the tentage accommodation after taking out tents and

shamianas provided in ARTs.

iii. In addition, he should also requisition agencies which provide tentage accommodation on


Bridge Line staff will assist in setting up tentage and above mentioned facilities. Dy.CE/Bridge

will also move to the site and in case, bridge is not involved, he will take full charge of

tentage arrangements.

Bridge Unit will take with them sufficient Manila ropes, wire, ropes, survey instruments, binoculars,

helmets, life jackets, ladders and other equipment. Nylon ropers should be sufficient in length to

ensure barricading at site and camping areas.

Sufficient facilities for erecting temporary stage/scaffolding etc. should also be organized, if

required at site.

Few temporary toilets should be provided at one location in addition to number of urinals at 3 or

4 places with adequate disintectant.

Water tankers will be ordered for supplying water at site and arrangements shall also be made

for drinking water.

Temporary kitchen in tents/shamianas/Chairs is to be set up so that catering unit or IRCTC can

provide cooked food to staff working at accident site.

Bridge Line staff will have list of divers who in case of emergency can be hired for rescue or

estoration operations wherever site is surrounded by deep water.

Signages for both UCC and CAC should be provided at prominent locations.


Medical department at site should confirm the number of dead.

Doctors in charge of various teams working on different coaches should give 03 hourly reports to

Medical counter in LCC who in turn will inform UCC, CPAC and others.

Number of injured passengers.

Type of injuries, whether grievous, minor or trivial.

Names of injured, and names of various hospitals where injured have been sent.



Number of dead bodies identified.

Ex-gratia paid to injured and next of kin of the dead.

No. of dead bodies handed over to relatives.


No. of coaches thoroughly searched.

No. of coaches made off track.

No. of coaches yet to be dealt with.

Collection and Dissemination of Information Channel of Communication:-

The following would be the responsibility and channel both for collection as also dissemination of

information. Before each shift goes off duty, details of work done should be updated in the LCC.

The LCC’s should in turn update the UCC regarding the latest progress. This updated information

would be conveyed to Divsional Emergency Cell every 3 hrs.

(a) Number of dead and injured – Medical Department:-

(i) Medical Departmetn at site should confirm the number of dead.

(ii) Doctors in charge of various teams working on different coaches should give 3 hrs

report to Medical counter in LCC who in turn will inform UCC.

(iii) Number of injured passengers.

(iv) Type of injuries, whether grievous, minor or trivial.

(v) Names of injured, and names of various hospitals where injured have been sent.

(b) Identification of dead bodies – Commercial Department:-

(i) Ex-gratia paid to injured.

(ii) Number of dead bodies identified.

(iii) Ex-gratia paid to dead. (iv) No. of bodies handed over to relatives.

(c) Number of coaches dealt with – Mechanical department.

(i) No. of coaches thoroughly searched.

(ii) No. of coaches made off track.

(iii) No. of coaches yet to be dealt with.



Nominated officials from various departments arriving at site by ARMVs and ARTs form part of the

Disaster Management Team. Officials representing each department are responsible to ensure that

assigned duties of their respective departments are efficiently carried out. Senior officers of each

department will also ensure that their work is synchronized with that of functionaries of other

departments for quick rescue, relief and restoration operation.

10.1 MEMBERS OF THE DISASTER MANAGEMENT TEAM- 10.1.1 Disaster Management Team normally comprises members of following departments-

i. Trained Railway men from Medical, Commercial, Safety, Electrical, S&T, Mechanical, Engineering, Security, Personnel and other departments.

ii. In case of fire accidents, trained fire service personnel shall form part of this unit. iii. In case of an accident on water body, divers and naval cadets will also be part of the team. iv. In case of sabotage or bomb explosion, bomb disposal squads and GRP/Local Police will

also be involved. v. Various rescue unit shall accompany ARMVs, ARTs or move by road as quickly as possible.

10.1.2 Officer-in-charge of Site (OIC Site) On arrival of ARMV at accident site DRM shall take over as

OIC Site from the senior-most officer of the accident involved train. On arrival of 1st Special train

carrying GM and other HQ Officers, GM shall be OIC Site. In the absence of GM, the senior most

Officer shall be OIC Site. He will be responsible for forming Core Groups as required and direct

them to carryout efficient rescue, relief and restoration operations.

10.1.3 Rescue, Relief and Restoration Operation DM Team on arrival by ARMVs and ARTs shall undertake following actions: i. Video coverage of accident site and Crowd Control for Law and Order. ii. Rescue operation. iii. Clearance from State police for restoration where required. iv. Relief operations. v. Installation of Communication Network. vi. Preservation of Clues and Evidence. vii. Media Management at site. viii. Salvage operation. viii. Restoration operation. ix. Lighting arrangements of accident site(if night will be require first).

10.1.4 Photography Prior to starting restoration work at an accident site, divisions should undertake

suitable video film coverage to the extent feasible. Still photography by digital camera should also

be undertaken extensively for its obvious advantages. The photograph should be taken from a

vantage point and from as many angles as possible so as to give a bird’s eye view as also close up

photographs. Such photographs should clearly indicate:

i. Severity of the accident.

ii. Illustrate the damage to P.Way. Rolling Stock, Signal, OHE and other structures and


iii. Separate set of photographs to be taken to preserve clues and evidence of sabotage if


iv. Victims and unidentified bodies should also be extensively photographed.


For efficient Disaster management, responsibilities of various departments are to be executed by

deputing responsible officers and supervisors. Important duties of such officers/ supervisors are

enlisted as follows:

10.2.1 OIC at Site - i. Ensure setting up of UCC, CAC and LCCs at the earliest.


ii. Collect information from OIC Site of IAT. iii. Take stock of the situation and plan for efficient rescue operation. iv. Estimate quantum of assistance required for each department from:

(a) Adjoining zones (b) Within the division, (c) Adjoining divisions of ECoR (d) Non-Railway agencies.

v. Chanelise local resources to supplement available resources. vi. Ensure that duties of various functionaries of different departments as laid down in ECoR’s

Zonal DM Plan are carried out. vii. Ensure co-ordination among all departments for efficient rescue, relief and restoration

operation. viii. Ensure information to Superintendent of Police and District Magistrate.

ix. In case of sabotage, direct RPF to obtain quick clearance from State Police.

x. In case of serious explosions or fire, clearance from Controller of Explosives is to be obtained. It is to be mandatory that Group / Team to reach at site at first information.

xi. Give prima facie cause of the accident along with forecast of expected date and time of restoration.

xii. Ensure timely information on the progress of rescue, relief and restoration work with following details:

(a) Number of bodies identified

(b) Number of coaches searched

(c) Number of injured passengers recovered

(d) Number of coaches dealt with

(e) Supplementary assistance required, if any.

(f) Nature of injuries to passengers

(g) Number of bodies recovered

xiii. Forecast for completion of each activity mentioned below should also be firmed up. These target dates and times should be communicated to all officers and supervisors at accident site:

1. Re-railment

2. OHE fitness.

3. Track fitness

4. Clearance of section 5.Points and inter-locking 6.Movement of first train.

10.2.2 Duties of Divisional Railway Manager-

i. Ensure that functionaries of different branches at the accident site carry out duties assigned

to them as per Zonal and Divisional DM Plan.

ii. Co-ordinate with Divisional Emergency Cell regarding assistance required.

iii. Co-ordinate with Civil Authorities especially with regard to :

a. Requisition of buses from State transport authorities, with Loco Pilots for round the

clock duty.

b. Arrange waival of Post Mortem formalities.

c. Arrange positioning of Municipal Official in the CAC for issuing of Official Death


10.2.3 Formation of two teams at accident site for round the clock working-

i. At the accident site, departmental officers available from both HQ and division shall be

formed into two teams for round the clock working in 2 shifts, preferably 8 hrs to 20 hrs

and from 20 hrs to 8 hrs.

ii. PHODs/CHODs shall be available on duty during the day time.

iii. PHODs/CHODs shall take on the spot decision regarding composition of the team for night

site shift for their respective department. This composition should not normally be changed

during the 3-4 day stay at the accident site.

iv. Branch Officers shall be available on duty during the night time.


v. Branch Officers shall take on the spot decision regarding composition of the team for night

shift for their respective department. This composition should not normally be changed

during the 3-4 day stay at the accident site.

vi. Similarly, supervisors available from both HQ and divisions shall also be put in two teams.

10.2.4 Duties of Operating Department Immediately after getting the information.-

i. All sectional TIs and Supervisory SSs should be directed to reach the accident site by first

available means.

ii. Similarly additional RG/LR staff from the section should be sent to adjacent stations on

either side so that additional shunting work can be done.

iii. Since considerable amount of shunting is required to be performed at adjoining stations, 02

traffic supervisors in 02 shifts should be posted at adjoining stations on each side.

iv. Ensure that special trains are sent into the accident affected block section according to the


v. Ensure proper marshalling of crane while proceeding to the accident spot in the block


vi. Ensure that Engineering vans of the ART are placed nearest to the accident site for this

purpose; Engineering van/wagon should be placed closest to site of accident by sending it

in pushing condition.

vii. Ensure prompt clearance of stranded passengers at the site in coordination with the

Divisional Emergency Cell.

viii. Regarding running of special trains, keep in touch with Divisional Emergency Cell and give

equirement from site

10.2.5 Duties of Safety Department- i. Preserve all clues and evidences regarding probable cause of the accident and ensure that

these do not get disturbed till police clearance is received. ii. Ensure that video/still photographs by digital cameras are taken as required. iii. Ensure that joint measurements, observations are recorded in the prescribed proforma

before restoration work begins. iv. Ensure that unaffected rolling stock is moved away from the site and thereafter stabled at

convenient location for further examination during accident inquiry. v. Ensure that evidence of train staff, station staff and public are recorded on the spot. vi. Addresses of passengers willing to give statements later should also be obtained.

10.2.6 Duties of Medical Department-

i. Main functions-

Main functions of the Medical department can be broadly classified as:

Taking an initial round of hospitals and assessment of situation. Taking out injured passengers from accident-involved coaches. Attending to injured passengers and giving them First Aid. Preparing list of injured passengers. Classification of their injuries. Transporting them to hospitals and getting them admitted. Post admittance hospital care of the injured. Dealing with dead bodies. Preservation of dead bodies.

ii. General-

Ensure collecting blood and urine samples of train crew in case the same is necessary.

Organise as many road ambulances as possible at the accident site. Data Bank of Divisional DM Plans has names, telephone numbers and other details of

hospitals near the accident site. They should be contacted on phone for sending road ambulances along with team of doctors. Set up Medical Counter in UCC and CAC for passenger assistance.

Set up First Aid Posts in LCCs. iii. Site Management-


Leader of Team ‘A’ (Normally CMS/MS In-charge of the Division) would take control of the

site, co-ordinate relief measures and distribute duties amongst doctors available as detailed


Different teams and groups will be formed for discharging various duties of the Medical department as detailed in Section (7.5) above.Each should consist of 4-6 members and each group should consist of 3-5 teams, depending upon requirement.

One group of doctors will take a round of various hospitals where injured passengers have already been admitted. (Para ‘iv’ below).

One group consisting of 4-5 teams of doctors and para-medics will taken out injured passengers and dead bodies from accident involved coaches. (Para ‘v’ below).

One team will attend to injured passengers and give them First Aid and other medical treatment. (Para ‘vi’ below).

One team will prepare list of injured passengers, note down details of their injuries

and classify them. (Para vii & viii below). One team would be in-charge of transporting injured passengers to hospitals and

getting them admitted. (Para ‘ix’ below). One team would be in-charge of post admittance hospital care of the injured. (Para

‘x’ below). One team will deal with dead bodies after these have been extracted from coaches.

They will prepare a list and arrange for their preservation. (Para ‘xi’ & ‘xii’ below). In case sufficient doctors are available then more groups should be formed for rescue

operations. (Para ‘v’ below). iv. Taking an initial round of hospitals-

Separate doctors will be deputed to visit each hospital where injured passengers have already been shifted.

One commercial officer will also accompany doctors and make a general assessment. At the hospital, they should collect information about dead/injured persons, their

name, age, sex, address, telephone no., name and telephone no. of relatives / friends, nature of the injury, etc.

These information should be immediately communicated to CMS/MS at accident site by using local PCO/Cell phone etc.

Prepare a list of persons dead/injured already in hospitals in three copies by using carbon paper.

The list thus prepared is to be signed by Railway doctor on duty in the hospital. One copy is to be handed over to the Commercial Department.

2nd copy to be kept with the doctor in charge as office copy and the 3rd copy to be given to paramedical staff to get multiple photocopies for further distribution.

One copy should also be sent to CAC for being fed into the Personal Computer provided in the CAC.

The initial list prepared should be updated at regular intervals, as and when any

change occurs and communicated to the emergency control. v. Taking out injured passengers-

Maximum number of doctors should be deputed for this activity. This group should consist of at least 4-5 teams. If numbers permit, more such teams

should be formed. Teams involved in rescue operation should ensure rapid access to all injured

passengers. They should take assistance of Mechanical/Engineering/RPF staff to extricate injured

passengers. Each team will join up with teams of Mechanical staff who would also be involved in

extracting dead and injured from coaches. Maximum number of coaches should be tackled simultaneously, except those that

have climbed on top or have telescoped into one another. Coaches should be thoroughly searched including lavatory and vestibule portions

before abandoning further search and moving on to the next coach. vi. Attending to injured passengers-


One team will be asked to provide medical treatment to injured passengers immediately after their evacuation from coaches.

Ensure stabilization of condition of injured passengers already taken out from coaches, before they are dispatched to hospitals by road.

In case of patients in critical condition where stabilization of condition at site is not possible, they should be moved immediately by road ambulance or shifted to ARMV.

vii. Preparing list of passengers-

a. Collect list of injured passengers prepared by TS/TTEs and assess the situation.

b. Separate lists to be prepared coach wise.

c. The list should contain following details;

If found Conscious:Name, sex, age, identification marks,address, ticket number, originating and destination station.

If found Unconscious: Approximate age, sex, identification marks, ticket number and other particulars if relatives and friends are available.

d. Once the preliminary list of injured passengers has been prepared, the list should be signed

by the CMS/MS in-charge and a copy handed over to commercial department.

e. The list of injured passengers will thereafter be updated periodically, as rescue and relief

work continues and fed into the Personal Computer provided in the UCC/LCC.

viii. Classification of Injuries- A. Injuries are classified as under:

a) ‘Grievous’ injuries: Following are considered to be ‘grievous’ injuries (as per Section 320 of the Indian Penal Code):

Permanent privation of sight of either eye. Permanent privation of hearing of either ear. Privation of any member or joint. Destruction or permanent impairment of powers of any members or joint. Permanent

disfigurement of head or face. Fracture or dislocation of a bone or tooth. Emasculation.

Any hurt which endangers life, or which cause the sufferer to be, during the space of twenty days, in severe bodily pain or unable to follow his ordinary pursuits.

b) ‘Simple’, but excluding ‘trivial’ injuries such as abrasions or bruises: Injuries other than those defined above are considered to be “simple” injuries.

B. Apart from injuries defined above, there may be cases where a passenger or trespasser receives

only petty abrasions or bruises. These are of trivial nature and technically speaking should not be

taken as injuries.

C. “A Railway employee or a passenger or a trespasser shall be considered to be “injured ” only when

he/she is incapacitated following customary vocation for more than 48 hrs. Such injuries are

classified as under”

I. Serious (including grievous injuries). II. “Minor” or “Simple”

D. Classify injured passengers into separate categories as grievous or simple. E. Inform Commercial department for arranging ex-gratia payment. F. Classification of injuries may be changed in the light of X-rays and other detailed findings after

admission and should be intimated to CC and LCC. ix. Transporting injured passengers to hospitals -

One team will be asked to arrange transport of injured passengers to nearby hospitals. Ensure expeditious transportation of injured either to AMRVs or to nearby hospitals. Critically injured passengers should be transported by means of road ambulances and other

by means of ordinary road vehicles. Commercial staff should also be associated with transfer of injured passengers to hospitals.


Before doctors and supervisors leave the accident site for hospital duty, they should note down the DOT and mobile Telephone nos of the accident site, CMS, MS and other doctors at the site for quick communication.

Doctors going to different hospitals should have separate vehicles. In case sufficient numbers of Railway vehicles are not available, they should hire taxis for

their movement by withdrawing from station earnings. x. Post admittance hospital care-

One Railway doctor, one commercial supervisor and one welfare inspector should be deputed round the clock at each hospital.

If large numbers of hospitals are involved 2/3 hospitals may be given to one doctor. In that case, the doctor, in consultation with CMS/MS, should station himself at the hospital where maximum no. of patients are admitted.

Make an assessment about capabilities of the hospital to handle injured persons especially with reference to types of injuries they have suffered. Decide whether the patient needs to be shifted to other hospital with better facilities and then arrange to shift the patient.

In case any injured passenger succumbs to his injuries in the hospital, then the doctor in-charge of that hospital should up date this fact to the medical counter at CAC.

xi. Care for the Dead-

20 nos of collapsible coffins which is available at each Divnl. Hospital will be transported to the site by ARMV, road vehicles or train services as per need.

Air-conditioned mortuaries available with Divnl. Hospital to be utilized to store at least six bodies. There is provision of Embalming Gun and Chemicals to ensure that bodies are preserved for reasonable time and if necessary the bodies can be transported to Divnl. Hospital till claimed by relatives. 20 nos of body bags which are available with Divnl. Hospital is to be utilized.

In case of a major disaster the usual complement of medical staff in any ARMV is grossly inadequate for undertaking work of this magnitude. This should be augmented from nearby divisions/zones depending on the requirement.

Adequate number of Safaiwalas and other health workers who have come to the accident site should be mobilized for this purpose.

Dismembered bodies begin emitting foul adour after two days. Carrying out this task under such circumstances becomes a real problem. Therefore, target should be to extricate all dead bodies within 24 hrs.

Dead bodies should be dealt with coachwise; otherwise bodies taken out from different coaches get mixed up.

Bodies taken out from coaches should be stacked at quite some distance from the track in front of respective coaches, in separate lots, coach wise. While this may slow down the work initially, in the long run it is more systematic since bodies don’t get mixed up.

Shift dead bodies from coaches to a nominated place at the accident site with the help of paramedical staff, SJAB, Scouts, Civil Defence personnel, other Railway staff and Non-Railway volunteers available at site.

Ensure covering of dead bodies with shrouds. Put label (white cloth of 12”x9” written by marker pen) on body bag on each dead body on

the chest just below the neck as below:

Date: Coach No. Dead Body serial No :

Name: Age: Sex:

In case of unidentified dead bodies, against the item name’, it should be written as unidentified-1/unidentified-2, etc. Approximate age should be estimated from the appearance, such as between 35-45 years.

5 photographs preferably by digital camera should be taken of each dead body. Two should be close up of face from in front and sideways, third should be with the label visible as mentioned above and fourth and fifth should be of full length of the body.

Each body should also be video photographed.

After photographs have been taken, each body should be placed inside a plastic bag with zip having proper labeling system where some information is also to be provided.

After this, bodies will be handed over to GRP or local police for safe custody. Take necessary steps to handle unhygienic condition that may arise due to

decomposed/mutilated bodies.


xii. Preservation of dead bodies- Numbering and photography of bodies should be done even when relatives are on hand to

claim the body. Arrangements have to be made for a more permanent location for them till such time as the

next of kin arrive to claim these bodies. In all such accidents passengers are invariably separated from their belongings. As such in

many cases there are no tickets or other identification papers on their possession. This problem is further compounded in unreserved coaches where no reservation charts are

available. Identification problems come up in case of mutilated bodies also. In such cases,

photographs are better means of identification. Arrange for hiring of a couple of big halls, for keeping bodies. Rooms should preferably be at a single location so that relatives do not have to go around

from mortuary to mortuary. A large building having number of rooms would be ideal for storing them. Best option would

be to take over a school building temporarily. Arrange to move dead bodies to nominated buildings being used as temporary mortuaries. Bodies should be neatly lined up with their numbers prominently displayed, and kept in

different rooms, coach-wise. Notice Board outside the building should display the room nos where bodies extracted

from a particular coach have been kept. These details should also be posted on a notice board outside each room. This will prevent unnecessary handling of bodies, which in any case would be in anadvanced

stage of decomposition. For dead bodies whose relatives are not readily available and delay is expected, arrange for

their preservation by dry ice etc. Procure following items from local market for dealing with dead bodies : 1. Shrouds 2. Polythene bags

3. Coffins 4. Dry ice

Commercial staff should be put on round the clock duty in the building housing the temporary mortuary for guiding relatives as and when they come.

10.2.7 Duties of Commercial Department-

i. Main functions- Main functions of the Commercial department can be broadly classified as:

Providing beverages and catering to injured and uninjured passengers through IRCTC or any nodal agency.

Initial round of hospitals and assessment of situation. Preparing list of injured passengers. Assisting transportation of injured passengers to hospitals and getting them admitted. Payment of ex-gratia to injured and next of kin of dead. Dealing with refund and claims compensation formalities. Taking charge of luggage and consignments. Assistance in post-admittance hospital care of the injured. Taking care of relatives.

ii. General- Before Sr. DCM proceeds to accident site he should arrange withdrawal of sufficient

cash from station earnings. At the accident site, handpicked commercial supervisors should be deputed for

manning commercial counters in UCC and CAC. Each commercial counter in CAC is to be manned by one group. Co-ordination with

other depts during the process of salvage is must.

iii. Withdrawal of cash from station earnings- In order to meet accident related expenditure, Officers can withdraw money from

station earnings duly following the procedure in corporated in Commercial Manual Vol.II Rule No.2425

Departmental expenditure necessiated for floods, accidents or earthquakes, etc. Ex- gratia payments to persons involved in train accidents. Procedure and accountal as detailed below should be followed (Para xi & xii below).


iv. Hiring of Vehicles a. A large number of road vehicles are required at an accident site for following

purposes: Taking injured passengers, doctors and other important officials to hospitals. Clearance of uninjured passengers. Taking dead bodies to mortuaries. Bringing men and materials, etc. to accident site. Taking unclaimed luggage for being kept in safe custody. Taking relatives to hospitals and mortuary. Other miscellaneous work.

b. For this purpose apart from whatever number of Railway vehicles may be available, extra road vehicles may be hired.

c. Adequate number of road vehicles should be attached to CAC for taking relatives to hospitals, mortuaries etc.

d. Nominated Railway staff to be attached to each hired vehicle round the clock (even group ‘D’ would suffice), so that optimum use can be made of the vehicle.

e. Buses from State transport authorities should also be requisitioned along with extra Drivers for round the clock duty.

f. One Railway staff should be put in charge of each bus on round the clock duty, who will accompany the bus wherever it goes and bring it back in time (even group ‘D’ would suffice).

g. In case hospitals are in different towns, then road transport buses should be put on fixed time round trip schedule for movement of relatives from CAC to various locations and back.

h. All hired vehicles and requisitioned buses should have stickers pasted on their front and rear windscreens indicating ‘RAILWAY ACCIDENT DUTY’.

v. Catering arrangements-

a. Arrangements for supply of food and beverages to not only injured but also to other passengers of the accident-involved train should be swiftly organized.

b. Food and beverages should be supplied free of charge. c. These may be arranged from Railway sources or outside sources as necessary,

including IRCTC or their contractors. d. To supplement Railway catering arrangements nearby dhabas and hotels should be

contacted and arrangements made for opening up stalls at the site.

vi. Clearance of uninjured passengers- a. First of all, arrangements for water and food for stranded passengers should be made. b. Clearance of accident-affected passengers from accident site should be planned along

with Operating branch who will provide the empty coaching rake. c. Make announcement thorough PA system informing passengers regarding their

clearance from site either by: Front portion of the accident involved train. Rear portion of the accident involved train. Empty coaching rakes that have been brought to the accident site. Road bridging that has been arranged.

d. Arrange adequate coolies for carrying passenger’s luggage while they transfer to the new train.

e. In case of road bridging, arrange road transport to clear stranded passengers, record details of passengers dispatched and relay particulars to Divisional Emergency Cell.

f. Senior-most official at site shall have powers to arrange conveyance for affected passengers free of charge by any available mode of transport and also incur expenditure for carriage of passengers’ luggage, etc.

vii. Preparing list of injured passengers a. Collect list of injured passengers prepared by TS/TTEs after confirmation by

Doctors. b. Separate lists to be prepared coach wise by Medical department. c. This list should be in fed into the Personal Computer available in the CAC. d. The list should also be e-mailed to the Divisional emergency Cell and Hq. Emergency

Cell. e. The list of dead and injured that is initially fed into the PC will thereafter be updated

periodically, as rescue and relief work continues.



11.1 DUTIES OF MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT- (i) For discharging the dual responsibility of extricating injured passengers & dead bodies from

coaches and toppling those coaches whose search has been completed, 2 separate groups will be formed at each end for purposes of ‘search and rescue’ and ‘off tracking of coaches’.

(ii) Once 4 ARMVs, 2 ARTs and 2 BD specials have arrived at the accident site from both ends, normally no more mechanical equipment will be required from anywhere else. The main work will then consist of using of these resources effectively and efficiently.

(iii) Different teams and groups will be formed for discharging the dual responsibilities of the Mechanical department. Each team should consist of 4-6 members and each group should consist of 3-5 teams, depending upon requirement.

(iv) One Sr. Supervisor should be in-charge of each team conducting search and rescue at the

site. All such ‘search and rescue’ groups at each end of the accident site would function under directions of an ADME.

(v) Similarly, one Sr. Supervisor should be in-charge of each team working on ‘off tracking of coaches’ at the site. All such ‘off tracking of coaches’ groups at each end of the accident site, would function under directions of another AME. The second AME concerned would also be in-charge of the crane at that end. (To read AME as ADME)

(vi) Take precautions in electrified section that power supply is switched off before commencing

rescue/relief work. (vii) Use necessary safety equipment like hand gloves, helmet etc. (viii) If spillage of inflammable substances is suspected, then only cold cutting equipment should

be used. (ix) In case of suspected sabotage, ensure minimum interference to clues. Save lives and

extricate passengers after video and digital photographs have been taken. (x) Be cautious in using rescue tools like gas cutters, cold cutters, spreaders, hydraulic jacks etc.

so that passengers trapped inside or buried under the debris do not get hurt. (xi) Ensure marshalling of ART according to site requirement before it is sent into the accident

involved block section. (xii) For efficient extrication of entrapped passengers take assistance of Medical/Engineering

departments. (xiii) Each team will join up with Medical teams who would also be involved in extracting dead and

injured from coaches. (xiv) Maximum number of coaches should be tackled simultaneously, except those that have

climbed on top or have telescoped into one another. (xv) Road cranes of sufficient capacity should be arranged so that these cranes can start working

from the center while the 140T cranes could continue working from either end. (xvi) Trucks should be arranged for carrying BD equipment near to accident involved coaches, so

that number of coaches can be simultaneously tackled and more work centers can be opened up.

(xvii) Examine unaffected or re-railed rolling stock and certify their fitness for further movement. 11.2 DUTIES OF SECURITY DEPARTMENT-

Main functions of the Security Department can be broadly classified as: (i) Co-ordination with GRP and Local Police. (ii) Crowd management. (iii) Protection of luggage. (iv) Protection of Railway property.

11.2.1 Liaison with Civil Police-

(i) In case of sabotage, liaison with Local Police & officials of District Administration and get early clearance.

(ii) Clearance should be obtained as expeditiously as possible, for starting restoration work. (iii) Additional manpower should be requisitioned from local police officials and District

administration for purpose of crown control. (iv) Exemption should be obtained from SP of the district for waiving off formalities of Post

Mortem of dead bodies. (v) Obtain assistance from GRP and Local Police as and when required.


11.2.2 Crowd Management-

(i) The first problem at an accident site is that of surging crowds. Carrying out any kind of rescue and relief operation becomes next to impossible due to crowd. Railway men who try to undertake any kind of rescue and relief work become victims of mob fury.

(ii) Cordon off the site and prevent unauthorized entry of outsiders. (iii) Segregate the area of accident by putting up temporary barriers using nylon ropes or any

other make-shift device available at the scene so that outsiders do not disturb the site or hamper rescue operations.

(iv) These barriers should be at quite some distance away from the track, so that UCC, CAC and LCCs are inside the cordoned off area.

(v) Provide barricade and ask for additional force to control crowd during VIP visit.

11.2.3 Protection of luggage-

(i) Protection unclaimed luggages of passengers till these are duly taken over by commercial department for safe custody.

(ii) Unclaimed luggage of passengers should be isolated and stacked coach wise, with proper labeling indicating coach no from which recovered.

(iii) If possible, the cabin number inside the coach should also be indicated. (iv) All such unclaimed luggage should be protected till they are handed over to claimants or

taken over by commercial department.

(v) Unclaimed luggage should be stored in a safe place, preferably part of the same school building which is being used for preserving dead bodies.

(vi) These should be stored in separate rooms coach wise so that it is easy for relatives to identify.

11.2.4 Protection of Railway property-

(i) Protect Railway consignments/goods/parcels till these are duly taken over by commercial

department and dispatched to nearest station for proper disposal. (ii) Guard perishables goods till they are auctioned off at site or till they are dispatched to

nearest station or being auctioned. (iii) RMS consignments on the train should be shifted to school building for safe custody till Postal

Authorities come and take over the custody. (iv) Provide security for the cash withdrawn for payment of ex-gratia by the commercial

department. (v) Preserve all clues and evidences regarding probable cause of the accident and ensure that

these do not get disturbed. (vi) Ensure that no Railway staff tampers with any track fittings, or rolling stock parts. (vii) Anybody found moving under suspicious circumstances should be questioned. (viii) No Railway staff should be allowed to move about near the accident site with loose or piece

meal equipment.

11.2.5 General- (i) RPF personnel should respond to any call for assistance to rescue victims and transport them

to the nearest hospital. (ii) Information updated by field personnel at the scene of incident to the RPF functionary in the

UCC, giving the latest situation.


(i) For discharging the dual responsibility of providing illumination at site and managing the OHE, 2 separate units will be formed at each end of the accident site consisting of ‘General branch’ officers & staff and TRD officers & staff.

(ii) Once 4ARMVs, 2 ARTs and 2 BD specials have arrived at the accident site from both ends, normally no more electrical equipment will be required from anywhere else. The main work will then consist of using of these resources effectively and efficiently.

(iii) Different teams and groups will be formed for discharging various duties of the Electrical department. Each team should consist of 4-6 members and each group should consist of 3-5 teams, depending upon requirement.


11.3.4 Site illumination- One Sr. Supervisor should be in-charge of each group working at the site. All ‘General Services’

teams at each end of the accident site, would function under directions of one AEE (G). (i) Senior most Electrical Officer at site would make a quick assessment of the electrical

requirement of the site. (ii) This would be done keeping in mind the geographical spread of the site, the size of UCC,

LCCs, CAC and any other requirement as necessary. (iii) Thereafter, he would assess the quantity of electrical fittings and generator sets available in

ARMVs and ARTs. (iv) In order to set up adequate illumination facilities, all generator sets and lighting fixtures

available in ARMVs and ARTs would be used. (v) First priority for lighting would be the accident site along the track where rescue, relief and

restoration work is going on. (vi) Next priority would be given to lighting up of UCC, CAC and LCCs. (vii) Additional requirements of generators and lighting fixtures, if any, should be called for

immediately from other Railway sources within the division, well in time. (viii) In case divisional sources are inadequate, then sources from other divisions should be

tapped. (ix) Officer at site should hire additional generator sets, lighting fixtures and arrange fuel etc. as

required, from Non-Railway sources available nearby. List of such sources are given in Divisional DM Plans.

(x) Once generators and lighting fixtures have been set up, efforts should be made to tap local power supply from some nearby sources, if available

(xi) In case power supply is not available nearby and illumination has to continue on generator supply, then sufficient quantity of petrol and diesel should be procured and kept in stock.

11.3.5 OHE at site-

One Sr. Supervisor should be in-charge of each group working at the site. All TRD teams at each end of the accident site, would function under directions of one AEE/TRD.

(i) Immediately OHE should be switched off. In case OHE is to be brought down, the same should be done immediately so that working of crane does not get held up on account of OHE.

(ii) In case slewing of OHE suffices for some sections, then the same should be done quickly to facilitate crane operation.

(iii) Sr. DEE/TRD shall arrange movement of 6 Tower Wagons along with men and material from adjacent depots from both sides of accident site.

(iv) In case more tower wagons are required these should also be requisitioned from other depots along with men and material.

(v) An assessment should also be made of the extent of damage to OHE masts, and other equipment.

(vi) Additional requirement of materials, if any should be called for immediately from other Railway sources within the division.

(vii) In case divisional sources are inadequate, then sources from other divisions should be tapped.

(viii) In case other divisional sources are also inadequate, then sources from other zones should be tapped.

(ix) Availability of OHE masts is a long lead item. Requirement of masts should be quickly worked out so that these can be moved immediately.

(x) Ensure temporary portals are erected without delay. (xi) In case damage to OHE is extensive and a wiring train is considered to be more efficient,

then the same should arrange for from other zone after discussion with RE organisation. (xii) Ensure that the section is earthed before staff starts working near OHE. (xiii) OHE should not be charged until all staff, tower wagons, cranes etc. have cleared the block


Duties of S&T department consist of providing sufficient and reliable means of communication at the accident site and other work centers.

11.4.1 Types of communication facilities For this purpose following types of communication

facilities should be provided: (i) Satellite telephones.


(ii) BSNL telephones. (iii) Mobile, in case the area is under mobile coverage. (iv) Walkie – Talkie sets. (v) Railway telephones (vi) PA system.

11.4.2 Locations-

These should be provided at following locations: i. UCC ii. CAC iii. LCCs iv. Hospitals v. Mortuary vi. Any other locations as decided.

11.4.3 Numbers to be provided

(i) Satellite telephones – 05 to be provided. 02 in UCC, 01 in CAC, 02 for passengers. (ii) BSNL telephones – 02 in UCC, 03 in CAC and 01 in each hospital. (iii) Mobiles – as many as can be arranged in UCC and CAC. In addition to above, at least 02 in

each hospital. (iv) Walkie – Talkie sets – each functionary should be covered. (v) One 25W VHF set shall also be provided in UCC. (vi) One 25W VHF set shall be installed in a road vehicle so that mobile communication can be set

up, upto a range of about 10 Km. (vii) Railway telephones – each functionary in UCC, CAC and LCCs should be covered. (viii) In RE area emergency sockets will be utilized for extending communication to the accident

site and in non-RE area where 06 Quad cable is available the same will be utilized for providing communication.

(ix) PA system – at UCC, CAC and LCCs. 11.4.4 Public Address System

(i) Provide adequate number of PA system, Hand sets. (ii) PA system should be provided in UCC, CAC and LCCs. These are to be used for

communicating with passengers and for giving directions to Railway staff. (iii) For this purpose, additional PA systems may become necessary depending upon the

requirements at accident site. (iv) Mega mikes available in ART will also be utilized. (v) Volume of PA system in UCC, CAC and LCCs should be so adjusted that announcements made

over one of them reaches only those areas which are under its jurisdiction. It should not interfere with announcements being made by other PA systems.

11.4.5 General- (i) Ensure availability of adequate copies of Disaster Management telephone directory containing

important telephone numbers. (ii) Adequate number of Mobile Battery Chargers should be provided in UCC, CAC and LCCs along

with number of spare batteries.

11.5 DUTIES OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Additional duties are as follows:

(i) ADEN/ SSE (P.Way/Works) shall collect men, rescue tools and arrive at site by fastest means possible.

(ii) UCC, CAC and LCCs to be set up at the accident site. (iii) Assist Medical/Mechanical Department in rescue work. (iv) If necessary contact Army/Navy/Air Base and collect required personnel like Divers for rescue

operation. (v) If necessary hire Private Road Cranes, bulldozers, Earth movers etc. (vi) 02 Engineering specials, one from each end, carrying engineering material and gangmen from

the section. (vii) Additional requirements of track materials, if any, should be called for immediately from other

Railway sources within the division, well in time. (viii) In case divisional sources are inadequate, then sources from other divisions should be

tapped. (ix) 500 additional workmen are required who are to be moved from adjoining Divisions/Zones. (x) Each such Division sending assistance should move 250 men along with 5 artisans and 5

PWIs. (xi) One DEN and one AEN each should also move to the site of accident from each such division. (xii) Plan for coordinated working and movement of track machine for quick restoration in

consultation with TRD and operating officials.



(i) Sr DPO shall proceed to accident site along with all Welfare Inspectors. (ii) Assist Doctors in collecting details of injured/dead and shifting them to hospitals. (iii) WIs shall be available round the clock in shift duty to look after the welfare of injured persons

in each hospital. (iv) Issue complementary return journey passes to relatives for escorting injured and taking them

back home. (v) Manning of personnel branch counters in CAC and discharge duties listed out for those


(i) Making available sufficient amount of cash for meeting emergent expenses. (ii) Opening of current account in a local bank and getting permission for over draft facilities so

that arge amount of cash is not required to be carried from far off stations. (iii) Issue of cheques for making of enhanced ex-gratia payments, if so announced at accident

site by Hon’ble MR. 11.8 STAFF MATTERS

(i) First problem is of identifying Railway personnel. (ii) They should be supplied with coloured armbands to be kept in ARMVs/ARTs. (iii) Adequate number of armbands, gloves and facemasks should also be provided in the

ARMVs/ARTs. (iv) Second problem is of communicating with Railway personnel in the crowd. (v) Microphones/loud hailers provided in ARMVs / ARTs should be used both for crowd control

as also for giving instructions to Railway personnel working at accident site. (vi) Once initial rescue operations have got underway, arrangements have to be made for water

and food for Railway staff working at site. Contract arrangement should be made for supply of food.

(vii) Spare coaches should be stabled at nearby stations where watering and charging facilities are available for stay of staff.

11.9 Guidelines by NDMA. National Disaster Management Authority INDMA) has issued a guide for administrators and

organizers of vents and venues for managing crowds in 2014. The scope of the guidelines involves study of past crowd disasters, framework for administrators to plan and manage events better, to provide practical guidelines to venue managers and event organizers etc.

11.10 Salient features of NDMA guidelines. Important aspedcts of planning for events/places of mass gathering includes understanding the

visitors, various stake holders and their needs, crowed management strategies, risk analysis and preparedness, information management and dissemination, safety and security measures,

facilities and emergency planning, transportation ans traffic management. One of the important points to be kept in mind is the demand and supply gaps. Depending on the type of event. Venue and type of crowd expected proper signage have to be planned. Specific focus should be on fire, electrical and structural safety. NDMA has suggested the following guidelines on Incidence Response System. i. Systematic and complete planning process. ii. Clear cut chain of command.

iii. System of accountability for the incident response team members. iv. Well thought out pre-designed roles for each member of the response team. v. Effective resource management. vi. System for effectively integrating agencies into the planning and command structure

without infringing on the independence of the concerned agencies; vii. Integration of community resources in the response effect and Viii. Proper coordinated communications set up.

F. State police clearance: - State police clearance required for restoration will be done by Sr.

DSC and his team.


G. Restoration operation: - Concerned Departments

(i) Rolling stock – Mechanical

(ii) Track – Engineering

(iii) OHE – Traction Distribution

(iv) Signal – Signaling & Telecommunication.

OPENING OF EMERGENCY COUNTERS/OFFICES Whenever there is a major accident over the division, the emergency counters will be opened as below:

More number of emergency counters can be opened according to the gravity and place of disaster. In all above cases commercial control will be the coordinating point which will facilitate exchange of information from various agencies/sites to emergency counters. For this purpose the information from site, normally colleced by Coaching control should be furnished to commercial control for onward transmission.

ACCIDENT LOG-BOOK Sr. DOM will ensure that Accident Log Book is maintained properly in Control Office. Each and every event is recorded correctly and timely.

REPORTING OF ACCIDENT The accident is to be reported to all concerned including Headquarters by Divisional Control Office. If required, CRS will be informed by DRM.

ASSISTANCE FROM NEIGHBOURING DIVISIONS: (High Level Committee on Disaster Management: Recommendation No. 21) Whenever number of injuries is estimated to go beyond 50, assistance must be sought for from adjoining Divisions. As a rough thumb rule, the scale of such outside assistance required would be from one division for every 50 additional injuries. However, it may be noted that the recommendations of High Level Committee on Disaster Management suggest only a rough thumb rule and it is up to the discretion of the GMs and DRMs of the zonal Railways/Division to call for additional help based on their assessment of the magnitude of the disaster and the geographical location conditions of the site.

TIMELY DESPATCH OF ARME/ ART/ ENGG. MATERIALS To ensure timely dispatch of ARME, ART & Engg. Material train –

1. Sr. DOM/ Sr. DME will ensure availability of crew and Guard for ARME/ART in time. 2. Sr. DOM will ensure immediate nomination of power and if no train power is available Sr. DME

(O&F) will arrange power from shed. 3. To take care of OHE breakdown in case of natural calamity like cyclone etc., it is essential that

sufficient diesels are provided in electrified territory on daily basis. 4. Sr. DEN (Co-ord) will ensure that timely information is given to Sr.DOM/ Officer in-charge in

Control regarding relief Material for accident site and the detailed programme thereof.

WITHDRAWAL OF STATION EARNINGS (IRCM Vol. II, Para 4425) The Station earning can be withdrawn in following cases:-

a) Payment of ex-gratia to persons involved in accidents b) Payment of expenses of special catering in emergent case authorized by an officer. c) Payment to casual labour only in emergent cases d) Handling charges for transshipment on account of accident or hot axle.

All commercial inspectors must be fully conversant with the rules for withdrawal of station earnings and the formalities therein.

Sl. No. Accident Emergency Counters

1. Outside Division and outside Railways LKO,BSB, PRG,SLN,RBL & FD

2. Outside Division but within the Railways LKO,BSB, PRG,SLN,RBL & FD

3. Within the Division LKO,BSB, PRG,SLN,RBL & FD



12.1 SECURITY SETUP OVER INDIAN RAILWAYS At present, a three tier security system of District Police, Government Railway Police (GRP) and Railway Protection Force (RPF) is prevailing over Indian Railways-

GRP: GRP is a wing of the State Police responsible for prevention and detection of crime and maintenance of law and order in station premises, circulating area and trains. 50% of the cost on GRPs is shared by Railways with respective States.

District Police: Security of tracks and bridges. RPF: Protection and security of railway property, passenger area, passengers and matters

connected therewith. RPF functions under the Ministry of Railways. 12.2 ROLE OF RPF IN DISASTERS

In case of any disaster affecting Railways viz. serious train accidents, fire incidents, explosion in

trains or on railway premises, terrorist acts, hijacking of train, etc., RPF will coordinate with other Departments of Railways, GRP/District Police and various Central and State authorities for speedier relief and rescue operations. In cases of Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear (CBRN) Disasters or a natural calamity, RPF will provide support services in rescue, rehabilitation and mitigation efforts. RPF will play an active role in crowd control along with GRP/District Police personnel and Commercial Department of Railways at disaster site.

The deployment of the RPF may be done on need basis to provide relief, rescue and rehabilitation consequent to any disaster situation over railways.


Coordination- Coordination with GRP, State Police and Civil authorities is ensured at the Divisional and Zonal level by concerned RPF officials. An SOP on “Coordination and Flow of Information between RPF and State Agencies” has also been

circulated to all zonal railways for information and necessary action [2014/Sec(Spl)/200/10, dated 10.09.2014]. State Level Security Committees for Railways (SLSCRs) have also been constituted in each State under Director General of Police of respective States with representatives of RPF, GRP, Intelligence & IB. Constitution of SLSCRs has been done with a view to have regular review of security over railways and to address railway related security issues at appropriate level. Home Secretaries of all the States have been advised by the Min. of Home Affairs regarding initiation of action for expeditious clearance by the State Police in case of railway 103 accident involving loss of human lives or injuries to the passengers, etc. [No.VI-24022/11/2002-PM-I, dated 24th December, 2002]. This letter of the Ministry of Home Affairs has also been circulated to all the General Managers for information and necessary action vide letter No.2002/Sec (Cr.)/45/47, dated March 27, 2003.

12.4 Disaster management Teams- As per recommendations of the High Level Committee, a

Disaster Management Team of 15 RPF personnel has been constituted in each Division with provision of necessary equipment viz. torches and other lighting arrangements, nylon ropes and poles for segregating the affected areas from unwanted visitors and spectators, loud-hailer, stretchers and first aid equipment, wireless sets for inter-communication, cameras for photography of scene of incident, luminous jackets, etc. Guidelines also exist for ensuring availability of off duty RPF staff for dispatching them to place of occurrence in case of major disasters affecting Railways.

12.5 Crowd Control and Management- For effective crowd control, RPF, GRP and District Police

have to act in a synchronized manner in coordination with civil authorities. Chapter 10 (Maintenance of Public Order and Tranquility) of the Code of Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.P.C.) Part-A deals with ‘Unlawful Assemblies’. Legal procedures are outlined in Sections 129 to 132 of the Cr.P.C. for dealing with Unlawful Assemblies. Enabling provisions are also available under rule 243 of the RPF Rules 1987 empowering Superior officers of the Force to disburse unlawful assembly. It is, however, essential that the District Magistrate (Dy Commissioner) or the Civil Police (Police Commissioner/ Superintendent of Police) provide advance information to the Railways (DRM) of the dates of expected rush; and also the volumes of rush (including some rough assessment of direction wise destination).


12.6 Close Circuit Television (CCTV) Cameras at stations and trains- 436 railway stations have been provided with CCTV cameras over Indian Railways. CCTV cameras have also been provided in few trains. Process has been further initiated to provide CCTV cameras to cover all the railway stations and coaches of trains to further strengthen surveillance mechanism over Railways. Existing CCTV surveillance system at the railway stations need to be upgraded to incorporate intelligent video analytics to get timely information when heavy crowd builds up within station premises and plan follow-up action. Pictures stored on CCTV system will be of immense help in identifying miscreants and in initiating legal action against such elements. One of the intelligent video analytics envisaged for CCTV surveillance under the Integrated Security System is ‘Crowd Management’ to signal for crowd density within station premises when it exceeds the prescribed limit.

12.7 Upgradation of All India Security Help Line (182)- A 24x7 security helpline has been made

functional through Security Control Rooms of RPF to provide round the clock security related assistance to passengers. This Helpline is functioning through a toll free three digit no. 182. Currently, Security Helpline is functioning on manual mode. Up-gradation of Security Helpline 182 with integration with an App is under progress to remove the bottlenecks and for speedy initiation of action on receipt of call. 104

12.8 EXPLOSIVE DETECTION & DISPOSAL - At present, Railways relies upon the States and

Central Security Agencies for bomb detection/ disposal over railways. Bomb detection system has been envisaged under Integrated Security System. It provides for development of detection capability in RPF. RPF personnel are being trained in phased manner in each Zonal Railways to develop capability in bomb detection. Presently, 272 sniffer dogs are available with RPF for detection of explosives. Preventive measures to be taken in such situations have been separately circulated vide Security Directorate Secret letter No. 2003/Sec (Spl)200/14 dated 16.01.2008.

12.9 HANDLING OF TERRORIST ACTS & HIJACKING OF TRAINS- Procedures have been outlined

in the Crisis Management Plans of the Government of India, of the Ministry of Home Affairs and of the Ministry of Railways to tackle such situations. Above mentioned secret documents are available with concerned Authorities and action has to be ensured in accordance with the provisions mentioned in the above mentioned plans. Ministry of Home Affairs is the Central Nodal Ministry to tackle hostage or terrorist situations requiring specialized handling. National Security Guard (NSG) has to be requisitioned in such situations. Crisis Management Plan of the Ministry of Railways envisages management of such crisis by the National Crisis Management Committee (NCMC) and Crisis Management Group (CMG) at the Railway Board Level and by the zonal management group at the zonal level. Coordinated efforts have to be ensured by all security agencies present at the spot. Senior most official available at the spot shall handle situations in accordance with conditions of the crisis at local level and instructions received from concerned Crisis Management Groups at Zonal and National levels.

12.10 Coordination – Integrated Command System of Railways with Integrated Operations

Centre of MHA:- Traditionally the Control Room in each Division monitors on a “Real Time” basis the train operations. This Control Room is manned round the clock and has representatives of all the departments concerned with train operations as also with abnormalities which may affect train running. The “Command and Control” of the Divisions Control Room is with the operating department who plan, execute and monitor the running of trains (both freight and coaching trains). Assistance of other departments, viz. Mechanical (Power), Electrical (Power and OHE Traction Distribution), Mechanical (Carriage and Wagon), Civil Engineering (track maintenance and monitoring), Commercial (passenger information interface), Signal and Telecom (through a ‘Test Room’), Security (RPF) etc is provided round the clock in the Operations Control Room. This control room of the affected divisions on the Railways will monitor the activities post Disaster and coordinates with the various organizations (rescue, relief, mitigation etc) in the disaster areas. The Divisional control will coordinate with the “Zonal Control” where a similar control room exists, called the Emergency Control in the Headquarters of each Zonal Railway. “Zonal Control will establish liaison with the Disaster Management Centre in the Railway Board which in turn coordinate with the IOC of the MHA right from the stage of receipt and issue of “Orange or Red Alerts” and also for providing/requesting help in relief/rescue/mitigation to other departments (or


State Government) or from them respectively. The Zonal Control will constantly update the position to Railway Board.

12.11 Role of responsibility of Zonal Railways/Divisions. Depending upon the past experience Zonal Railways/divisions identify events of mass gathering

over their system. The events can be periodic in nature or one time events where mass gathering of passengers is expected in the station which is beyond the normal capacity that can be handled at the station.

Concerned Zonal Railway/divisions should have a close coordination with the organizers and law

enforcement agencies to standard crowd arrival and departure, their numbers for each such event. Railway administration should identify the threats, assess the risk and plan accordingly. Based on the post experience a coordinating officer should be nominated for better planning and execution crowd management crowd management at the station. He should be designated as incident commander and shall be overall incharge of that particular station. He shall be assisted by staff drawn from the respective departments to discharge his/her functioning.

12.12 Crowd control and Management of rush at Railway Stations: Specific defined areas of jurisdiction for crowd control and duties assigned to GRP/RPF and the

City Police needs to be planned on record much before the expected days of rush. Close coordination has to be maintained between the 3 wings of security personnel Railway Protection Force, Civil Police and GRP with well defined areas of responsibilities.

The car and other vehicle parking facility at a station may be discontinued, sale of Platform Tickets

can also be banned for short period of time. RPF and GRP personnel deployed on each platform will monitor crowds and rush build up in the circulating areas, booking windows, station platforms and mainly on the FOBs. Special teams of commercial staff will liaise with the RPF/GRP and relay 2/4 hourly position to a centralized location viz. commercial control who will advise the need for running of special trains to specified destination to the operating departments control room.



13.1 Communication on Railways for Disaster Management

A comprehensive Communication System on the Railways to encompass all requirements of the

Railways Disaster Management is required to be set up. Railways have their own extensive

communication systems which would be used for Disaster Management too. However, we need to

have back-ups especially to ensure 100% communication availability in case of any type of man-

made or natural disasters. Sharing of OFC network, where required with others may be ensured by

tie ups in advance. This will be also inter-linked with the communication system with outside

agencies of the concerned Central and State Governments, IMD etc.

Preparatory work may be done for quick installation of communication system (satellite system)

between Railway control set up for flood and affected locations locations/station. This can even be

on make shift raft, boat etc. Similar arrangements can also be made in earthquake affected areas.

13.2 Back up Communication on Railways:

To handle any disaster by the Railways and to utilize its resources efficiently, Communication is an

essential requirement. Where required, back up (alternatives) should be adequately available. One

of the strengths of the Railways to handle a disaster is its own communication network. In

handling a crises or a disaster, reliability of communication has to be cent per cent.

At the Divisional level, the control rooms have to communicate with the stations, the telephone

exchange have to function and the OFC and Quad cable network has to have reliable backups to

be able to be effective.

Where there is no back up of the Railways owned OFC network, an arrangement of sharing with

Government/Non-Government organization and other service providers has to be planned in

advance. Or else, the alternative of satellite communication be resorted to. However, the speed of

reconnecting a failed communication by which ever means is of essence.

Further to provide better communication facilities during disaster, it is necessary that either the

Rail net intranet network of IR is extended to every railway station of Indian Railways. Alternatively

other means of communication is provided on all the stations. This will ensure quick setup of voice,

video and data transmission facility at stations during any eventuality since IR’s own V-Sat Hub is

now established at Thomson Road, New Delhi, voice/data/video communication facilities from this

centre to different railways and divisions need to be planned and catered to.

13.3 Incident Response System (IRS):

The National Policy on Disaster Management lays down guidelines for a chain of command in a

structured unit to handle various types of Disasters as under :-

A traditional command structure exists in the Railway hierarchy which manages disasters in Indian

Railways. It has been planned to strengthen and professionalize the same by drawing upon the

principles of the IRS with suitable modifications. The IRS is essentially a management system to

organize various emergency functions in a standardized manner while responding to any 106

disaster. It will provide for specialised incident management teams with an incident commander

and officers trained in different aspects of incident management, such as logistics, operations

planning, safety, media management, etc. This will facilitate optimum utilisation of resources.

The Railways have their own IRS as they have had to deal with crises like situations and mini-

disasters in the day to day operational working and especially with handling of train accidents.

13.4 Coordination – Integrated Command System of Railways with Integrated Operations

Centre of MHA:-

Traditionally the Control Room in each Division monitors on a “Real Time” basis the train

operations. This Control Room is manned round the clock and has representatives of all the

departments concerned with train operations as also with abnormalities which may affect train


running. The “Command and Control” of the Divisions Control Room is with the operating

department who plan, execute and monitor the running of trains ( both freight and coaching

trains). Assistance of other departments, viz. Mechanical (Power), Electrical (Power and OHE

Traction Distribution), Mechanical (Carriage and Wagon), Civil Engineering (track maintenance and

monitoring), Commercial (passenger information interface), Signal and Telecom (through a ‘Test

Room’), Security (RPF) etc is provided round the clock in the Operations Control Room.

This control room of the affected divisions on the Railways will monitor the activities post Disaster

and coordinates with the various organizations (rescue, relief, mitigation etc) in the disaster areas.

The Divisional control will coordinate with the “Zonal Control” where a similar control room exists,

called the Emergency Control in the Headquarters of each Zonal Railway. “Zonal Control will

establish liaison with the Disaster Management Centre in the Railway Board which in turn

coordinate with the IOC of the MHA right from the stage of receipt and issue of “Orange or Red

Alerts” and also for providing/requesting help in relief/rescue/mitigation to other departments (or

State Government) or from them respectively. The Zonal Control will constantly update the position

to Railway Board.




14.1 ARMV Scale I – Equipment stored in Special Medical Relief Vans stabled in separate sidings : (i) Location of ARMV is given below-

Lucknow – (SP – ARMV) Faizabad – ARMV

(ii) The target time for turning out of ARMV is 20 minutes during day and 30 minutes during night.

(Accdt.Manual Para- 407)

The keys of the locks on th various external doors of the medical vehicle, will be in duplicate,one set to be incharge of the medical officer and other to be incharge of the Loco Foreman or Station Master. The keys in both cases will be kept in a fixed glass case, in their offices, duly sealed by the Station Master, Loco Foreman, and the MedicalOfficer incharge.

Medicines and equipment are provided as per Railway Board norms.

The Keys of locks inside the vehicle should be in duplicate, one set in a glass case fixed in the vehicle, dulysealed by the Doctor-in-charge and other set will be kept in his custody.

The Accident Relief Train (ART) must leave the based station to accident site within 30 minutes by day and 45 minutes by night after sounding hooter.

S.No. Zone Division ARME Scale-I A-Class ART

B-Class ART C-Class ART SPART/SPARMV Conventional

1. NR Delhi Delhi - Delhi - -

Ambala Saharanpur Ambala, Bhatina, Kalka (NG)

Ambala, Bhatina

Saharanpur, Kalka (NG)


Firozpur Badgam Firozpur, Amritsar, Ludhiana, Pathankot, BJPL (NG)

Firozpur, Ludhiana, Pathankot

Amritsar, Pathankot (NG), SVDK


Moradabad Moradabad Roza (RAC) Moradabad Roza (RAC) -

Lucknow Lucknow Faizabad Lucknow Faizabad -

Total 5 10 8 7 1




As soon as the information of disaster/accident is received at Control the relief trains (SPARME/ARME/ART) should be ordered immediately as per the following chart:-

S.No. Class of


Crane HRE SHED HRD Beat of ART/ARME Beat of 140 T Crane



140 Ton DSL

Crane No. 142038




One in ARME Scale-I (Lucas) one in ART


1.LKO-DYD(Excl.) 2.LKO-AJ(Excl.) 3.LKO-RBL-KHNM-PFM(Excl.) 4.LKO-RBL-CIL-PBH (Incl) 5.LKO-SLN(Excl.) 6.LKO-BLM-MAH (Incl.) 7.UTR-TPNR-Lucknow Alambagh Cabin Area

1.LKO-FD-ZBD(Incl.) 2.LKO-AJ(Excl.) 3.LKO-RBL-UCR-ALD (Excl) 4.PRG-PYG 5.LKO-RBL-CIL-PBH-JNH(Incl.) 6.LKO-JNH-ZBD(Excl) 7.LKO-SLN-ZBD(Excl) 8.LKO-BLM-MAH (Incl) 9.LKO-FD-ABP-TD 10.LKO-CIL-SLN(Excl) 11.LKO-FD-SLN(Excl) 12.LKO-CIL-ALD-JNH (Excl) 13.LKO-FD-ABP-ZBD (Excl) 14.LKO-BLM-RAC (Excl) 15.LKO-BLM-SPC-SCC 16.UTR-TPNR-Lucknow Alambagh Cabin Area.






One in ARME


1.FD-DYD(Incl.) 2.FD-ZBD(Incl) 3.FD-PBH-JNH (Incl) 4.FD-SLN-ZBD(Incl) 5.FD-ABP-TD

Beats same as ART/ARME and will be covered by 140 Tonne DSL Crane of LKO H.Q.



140-T DSL BD Crane


MGS (E.C. Rly)


1.MGS-BSB-ZBD (Excl.) 2.MGS-BSB-JNH (Excl)

1. MGS-BSB-ZBD (Excl.) 2. MGS-BSB-JNH (Excl)



140-T DSL BD Crane



One in ARME


1.CNB-AJ(Incl.) 2.CNB-ON-UCR (Excl.) 3.CNB-ON-.DMW-DYP(Excl.)

1.CNB-AJ(Incl.) 2.CNB-ON-UCR (Excl.) 3.CNB-ON-.DMW-DYP(Excl.)






One in ARME



Beats same as ART/ARME and will be covered by 140 Tonne DSL Crane of LKO H.Q.

Any other assistance such as ordering of ARTs (including break down cranes), material trains, and

labour specials is to be decided by the officer in-charge of the Control depending upon the situation. The detail availability of ARME, ART and Breakdown cranes within and outside the Division are shown as above.


14.3 USE OF ACCIDENT ALARM SIGNALS WHISTLE / HOOTER / STATION BELL- It is the practice on the Railway that when any accident takes place hooters are sounded

according to the description given below:-

Circumstances Code

For accidents in Loco Shed/Traffic Yard adjoining Loco Shed.

Two long hooters.

For accidents outside the home station but main line clear, only relief train without medical van is required.

Three long hooters.

For accidents outside the home station but main line clear, relief train with medical van is required.

Three long and one short hooter.

For accidents outside the home station but main line blocked, relief train without medical van is required.

Four long hooters.

For accidents outside the home station but main line blocked, relief train without medical van is required.

Four long and one short hooter.

Note: - The Duration of long hooter shall be 30 seconds and 5 seconds for short hooter.

On listening to these hooters oron receipt of a memo from the ASMon duty or the Loco Foreman,

the ADMO/DMO willimmediately report himself to ASMon duty with his staff, ready to proceed to the

site of accident with the Relief Medical Van.The target time for reporting to the ASM after hearing

the hooter or receipt of memo is 15 minutes during the day and 25 minutes during the night.




Ref:- N.Rly. Accident Manual 2013, Para 436

Duties of Officer or subordinate first reaching the site (a) The Officer or senior subordinate first reaching the site of the accident will check up:-

(i) Whether protection has been done. (ii) The lines which are clear. (iii) Whether the necessary message supposed to be relayed regarding the details of the

accident, casualties etc. have already been relayed. (iv) He will also examine and make a note of all evidence which may prove useful in

ascertaining the cause of the accident.

The following points require special attention:-

(i) The condition of the track, with special reference to alignment, gauge, cross Levels, curvature, super-elevation and rail head wear;

(ii) The condition of rolling stock with special reference to break power;

(iii) The position of block instruments, signals, points, point levers, indicators, keys; (iv) Marking on sleepers and rails; and (v) Position of derailed vehicles. (vi) At stations provided with panel interlocking, the position of switches and indications of the

signal, points and track circuits should be jointly recorded preferably by two officers (or two Senior Subordinates) of different branches and the relay room should be sealed immediately by them and the key kept in the safe custody of the SM or any other

responsible official present at the site of the accident. (vii) The position of important relays (Like the ZSR stick relay) and the condition of the

commutate segment of the Block instrument (i.e. whether free or locked). (viii) Check and record position of levers/thumb switches, controlling points and signals and

slots in the Cabin/panel, paste paper seals over the thumb switches to prevent manipulation.

(ix) Check and record the indication in the cabin of track circuits, slots and points detection. If the signal aspect is repeated in the cabin, record the same.

(x) Check the reading on all counters provided for route, block etc., and also the devices for crank handle, emergency route release etc. if any, where possible seal with, a view to prevent manipulation.

(xi) The relevant block instruments should be inspected, the position of handle etc. noted and the instruments sealed. Where push button type block instrument are provided, the indications available and the reading on the counter should be noted. Extract the SM’s key of the instrument to prevent further operation manipulation. If the section is electrified, then the block filter unit attached to the block instrument should be checked to see if the sealing is intact and it should be sealed.

(xii) He should cross check that the list of casualties has been prepared by the Rly. Doctor, countersigned by the Civil Police (if some bodies are yet to be recovered.

(xiii) It should specifically be mentioned that the list is not final and be conveyed after salvaging bodies from the debris). Where possible, a rough sketch showing the position of derailed vehicles marks` on sleepers etc. should be made.

(b) If the accident has occurred within a station yard, the train passing records must be seized and, if

necessary, statements of the station staff concerned recorded. (c) All relevant materials, clues, damages and deficiencies on the locomotive and the rolling stock as

well as position of broken and detached parts of permanent way and rolling stock must be

carefully noted and all such clues etc., carefully preserved so that, if considered necessary the

scene could be reconstructed before the police, the CRS or any other Senior Officer or court of

law. If, however, sabotage is suspected, in addition to noting and preservation of all such clues,

no object must be disturbed unless the police have had an opportunity of making a thorough

inspection of the site. However, if there is delay in the arrival of civil and police official at the site


of accident, the Senior most Railway Officials at site may, at his discretion, jack up any portion of

a coach or shift any property to the minimum extent necessary, after noting its original position by

sketch to extricate human being strapped under it in the shortest possible time to avoid

unnecessary pain and suffering. Normal traffic, should, however, not be permitted without

consulting the police. Further specific enquiry should also be made from the CRS in case of

suspected sabotage to ascertain if he would like to inspect the site etc. before the clearance and

the restoration operation commence. Restoration/ clearance should not commence (except to the

minimum extent necessary to save human lives) unless such permission has been received from

police authorities as well as from the CRS. In the case of other serious accidents, however,

purpose would be served if the CRS is advised and action taken as per paras above.

(d) In the case of serious explosions or conflagrations caused by explosives or dangerous goods, all wreckage and debris must be left untouched, except in so far as its removal may be necessary for the rescue of trapped/injured persons and the recovery of dead bodies, until the Chief Inspector of Explosives or his representative has completed his enquiry or intimated that he does not intend to make any investigations.

(e) If a passenger train is involved in the accident the officer or senior subordinate first reaching the site must secure the written evidence of as many witnesses as possible. The witnesses selected should not be railway men and their names and addresses should be recorded.

(f) He should have a complete list of names with addresses of the injured and dead along with the addresses of the relatives and ensure that message are sent to the relatives of the injured and dead.

(g) He should also ensure that S.P. and D.M. have been advised. (h) He should ensure that the duties, as already enumerated are being discharged by the respective

officers. (i) He should ensure that catering and transport arrangement for stranded passengers are prompt

and adequate. (j) He should give the prima-facie cause of the accident with the expected time of restoration. (k) He should ensure that progress report is relayed to control every one hours. (l) He should ensure that Press hand-out is made properly and advise DCM or ACM in Control office

accordingly. (m) He should ensure that passengers who are hospitalized should be well looked after. (n) He should ensure that enquiry booths are set up and functions properly. (o) He should ensure that exgratia payments are made promptly.

General duties of Station Master in case of Accident:

Ref:- N.Rly. Accident Manual 2013, Para 121 If the Station Mastercomes to know of an accident, he shall-

(i) Take immediate action to protect the block section. On a double line section, he should lock the

commutator of the block instrument concerned in ‘train on line’ position, where this can be done,

He should also take steps for stopping the trains proceeding on the line clear other than the one

on which the accident has occurred and issue caution order as may be necessary.

(ii) Inform control and specifically mention what assistance is required and record the time in the

station diary at which the first information is given. If the station is not on on controlled section, he

should inform by other means of communication;

(iii) Arrange for immediate despatch of the nearest medical assistance and equipment when medical

aid is required;

(iv) Arrange for other assistance as may be necessary to the site of accident; and

(v) Report the accident to all concerned as required.

General duties of Guard of the train involved in an accident:

Ref: - N.Rly. Accident Manual 2013, Para 122

On occurrence of an accident to his train, the Guard of the train shall immediately:- (i) Note the time of accident. (ii) Arrange to protect his train as per Rules in force, taking the assistance of any qualified staff, such

as brakes men, firemen, gang men, gatemen etc.; (iii) Make a quick survey of the damages and casualties and the assistance required;


(iv) Send the first information of accident to the control and to the nearest Station Master furnishing the following information. The portable telephone when available shall immediately be used for this purpose.

(a) Time of accident. (b) Kilometer. (c) Medical Van required or not. (d) ART with or without crane. (e) Adjacent lines clear or not. (f) Damage to rolling stock. (g) Damage to track in terms of telegraphic poles. (h) No. of dead and injured (to be obtained from the TTE/Train Supdt.) or otherwise he

should furnish himself (if the TTE is not available). This should later on be handed over to the Railway Doctor when he arrives for giving further details and classification of injuries.

(i) He shall also intimate if OHE masts are damage giving details of damages. (v) On the double line section, a train passing on the other line should be stopped and the

Driver and the Guard given intimation about the accident. (vi) Render first aid to any person injured, obtaining assistance of the railway staff, doctors

and/or volunteers on the train, or near the site of accident and arrange to send the information to the nearest hospital and transport of the injured to the hospital.

(vii) He will also arrange preservation of clues. (viii) Remain in general charge till a senior Railway Official takes over charge.

General duties of Engine crew in case of accident Ref:- N.Rly. Accident Manual 2013, Para 123 On occurrence of an accident to a train, its crew shall:

(i) Note the time of accident. (ii) Arrange to protect the front portion of the train in accordance with the rules in force. (iii) Put flasher light on (iv) Light the fusee if required (v) Take such technical precautions as may be necessary or as prescribed by special instructions to

render the locomotive safe; and (vi) If the section is non-controlled or Control is not working, he should detach the engine and take

advice from the Guard for assistance required and reach the next station. (vii) Render all possible assistance to the Guard particularly in rendering first aid and in the assessment

of damage to rolling stock and/or locomotive and the nature of assistance required.

Duties of staff in the event of the Guard or Engine crew being killed seriously injured Ref: - N.Rly. Accident Manual 2013, Para 124

In the event of any train staff becoming casualties or incapacitated, their duties shall be carried out by other available competent staff.

Duties of Railway Officials present at the site of accident

Ref: - N.Rly. Accident Manual 2013, Para 125 Till such time relief and assistance arrive and he is replaced by a more senior official, the senior

most Railway official present shall take charge of the situation. He shall ensure that the accident has been reported properly to the Controller and the nearest Station Master and relief, if required is asked for and arrange to:-

(i) Collect railway men and volunteers; (ii) Allot duties to each as best as possible under the prevailing circumstances. (iii) Allot duties to Police, Military and the Railway Security staff; and (iv) Organize relief with the assistance of volunteers.

Duties of Ticket Checking Staff (TTE/Conductor/TS etc., on Board) in case of Accident

Ref: - N.Rly. Accident Manual 2013, Para 126 1. Immediately after an accident take place, ticket checking staff should assist the guard and train

crew in assessing the site of accident. They should ascertain the causalities/injuries in their respective coaches and in the unreserved compartments as well. This rough assessment should be given to the Conductor of the train, who should hand it over to the guard for further communication to the control without any delay.

2. The Train Superintendent or Conductor or Senior-Most Ticket Checking staff will allot duties to each available ticket Checking/and other on board staff volunteers in a manner to ensure maximum help to passengers under the prevalent circumstances.


3. Take action to save lives and render First Aid and organize relief operation with available

resources. 4. Collect Railway Staff, Doctors and volunteers on the train or near the accident site for obtaining

assistances. 5. Details of dead and injured should be obtained from the Reservation Chart, ticket held (from & to)

or co-passengers. Assistance of the Police travelling in the train to be obtained also for identification.

6. The following details should be collected regarding the dead and the injured: (a) Tickets of the passengers travelling (from & to) (b) Ticket numbers; Class (c) Coach number & its position from the Engine (d) Address of the passengers (e) Nature of injury (Simple, Grievous)

7. He should arrange custody of luggage and other belonging. In case of injury, this should be kept by the TTE and in case of death; it should be handed over to the GRP with full details and acknowledgement obtained.

8. Provide assistance to Guard in making quick assessment of assistance required. 9. He should record evidence of passengers with full particulars. If some passengers are willing to

give evidence later on, their names and address should be recorded. 10. He should keep record of the number of dead and injured (Simple, Grievous), if they are already

transported by local people to the nearest hospital before the Railway Doctor had arrived. 11. To carry out the duties assigned to him by Guard/Senior official present at the site of accident.

Refreshment to be given free to the injured persons and other deserving passengers Ref: - N.Rly. Accident Manual 2013, Para 414

(i) Refreshments, foods and beverages may be supplied free of charge to the affected passengers, injured, uninjured or stranded preferably at their seats. These may be arranged from the railway and/or outside sources as necessary.

(ii) Senior most officials at site (in absence of DCM) shall have the powers to arrange conveyance of the affected passengers free of charge by any available mode of transport and also incur expenditure for carriage of passengers luggage, etc.

(iii) The fund required may if necessary, be drawn from station earnings. (iv) A proper accountal should be kept of the expenditure incurred duly supported by the vouchers to

enable post audit of the same. Post audit report should incorporate the various aspects of item wise expenditure and observations of Sr.DAO/DAO and clarification of the authorized officer for sanction by the competent authority.

(v) Ex-gratia payments should be sanctioned/ arranged preferably on the spot by the Sr. Divl. Commercial Manager or by his representative in consultation with Sr. DSO after making such enquiries as can by conveniently made on the spot after the immediate needs by way of medical assistance etc., to the injured persons are attended to.

Duties of Section Controller

Ref: - N.Rly. Accident Manual-2013, Para, 442 1. He should record the time of accident, kilometre, casualties, damage to stock, assistance required

medical van, ART with or without crane. 2. Advise Dy. CHC (Coaching) and (goods), controlling station T.I., AEN/PWI of the section and

railway doctor of the nearest station/station where Med. Van & ARME chest are located. 3. Stop movements of the trains in the affected section. 4. Ascertain which lines are clear. 5. Keep room at adjacent stations for movement of medical van, ART and for marshalling crane etc.

Duties of Power Controller Ref :- N. Rly. Accident Manual 2013, Para 443

1. Arrange power and crew for medical van and ART. 2. Ensure medical van and ART is turned out within the scheduled time. 3. He should advise the branch officers about the accident. 4. He should advise adjacent divisions for ARTS and he should also request the CMPE(R&L) that

crane is required from other Divisions/Railways. 5. He should plan for additional powers and crews for diverted trains according to the traction

required in consultation with Chief Controller.


Duties of Traction Power Controller On receipt of an accident advice requiring crane working in the electrified section and/or involving

electric overhead equipment, the Traction Power Controller shall ensure that :- 1. The Electric Power supply is cut off from the section of the overhead equipment involved and/or

where crane working has become necessary according to the circumstances and the section made safe to work.

2. All the necessary arrangements have been made for despatch of electrical staff and equipment required at the site of accident and the overhead equipment is promptly cleared from the tracks, in case crane has to work at the site of the accident.

3. The Electric traction bogies of the relief train should also reach the site of accident with the relief train or in advance of relief train where necessary.

4. He will co-ordinate with Divisional Electrical Engineer (Traction Distribution), Asstt. Elect. Engineer (Traction Distribution), Dy. Chief Controller and Traction Supervisors concerned to regulate relief measures.

Duties of Traction Loco Controller :- On receipt of an accident advice involving electric loco , the

Traction Loco Controller shall co-ordinate with the Dy. Chief Controller so that the necessary locomotive, Loco pilot, fitters and the other technicians as far as Electric Traction Department is concerned, reach the site of accident promptly as required. He will keep the Divisional Electrical Engineer (Rolling Stock) continuously informed about the sequences of operations and arrangement made.

Duties of Chief Controller: Ref: - N.Rly. Accident Manual-2013, Para 446

1. Ensure that medical van and ART have been despatched to the site of accident and are not held up en route.

2. He should make arrangements of trains for carrying stranded passengers and clearance of passengers held up at other stations.

3. Ensure that all concerned officers have been advised. 4. Plan for regulation of passengers, Mail/Exp. trains cancellation diversion, termination short of

destination in consultation with Sr.DOM. 5. Enquiry offices at important stations are kept advised about the revised timings and the changes

in schedule of train service. 6. Alternative route should be explored for movement through yard and plan made out for additional

staff for piloting etc. in case coaching lines are blocked. 7. Particulars of injured and dead should also be conveyed to CSO or COM in absence of CSO.

Duties of Sr.DCM Ref: - N.Rly. Accident Manual-2013, Para 448)

1. Proceed to the site of accident by first means.

2. Ensure that drinking water, tea and snacks are promptly supplied. He should keep the record of

the number of passengers served with tea and snacks.

3. Take charge of the custody of luggage of the injured persons.

4. Luggage of the dead passengers is also deposited with the Railway Police after proper records and


5. Issue advice to the next kith and kin of the injured and dead and also furnish details to Sr.DOM in

Control Office.

6. Arrange for sufficient number of Ticket Collectors, Porters and Vendors for assistance of stranded


7. Arrange for exgratia payment to the injured and the next kith and kin of the dead and for this he

should get sufficient cash, copy of the rules for exgratia payment should be available in the

booklet issued for DCM.

8. Arrange for refunds to the passengers.

9. Assist the stranded passengers during transshipment with sufficient number of Porters and TCS.


10. Arrange to open enquiry office at the site for replying to the queries regarding disposal of the

injured and dead.

11. Make inventory of the parcels damaged and advise the CCM.

12. Arrange for buses for stranded passengers and keep record for the buses arranged destination

wise with the number of passengers.

13. Assist the Railway Doctors with Ticket Collectors/Porters – He should compile the figures of injured

and dead from all sources i.e. police TTE/SM.

14. Issue advice to the Control Office/Stations for issue of free passes to the next kith and kin of the

dead and injured.

15. To keep in touch with the progress of patients in hospital and increase the exgratia payment

suitably in case simple injuries turn grievous or patients paid exgratia payments for grievous

injuries die later in the hospital.

The Second Officer whether DCM or ACM should be available in Control Office. His duties are:- 1. Sending sufficient number of Ticket Collectors, Porters and RPF to the site of accident. 2. Arrange drinking water, tea and snacks quickly. 3. Arrange for refund at important stations. 4. Press handout should be issued after obtaining prior approval of the DRM incorporating the

following items:- (i) Factual details about the accident (ii) No. of persons dead, injuries :

(a) Grievous (b) Simple. It should be added if circumstances warrant that final figures will be made available after the salvage operation is over as some bodies are suspected to be lying in debris. The cause of the accident should not be mentioned. It should be merely be

stated that the cause is under investigation. 5. Opening of enquiry offices with proper staff at important stations for answering queries regarding

casualties, rescheduling of services. 6. Arrange for buses if required. 7. Arrange for reservation by advising the stations concerned and CCM/G where Foreign

Railways/Other Divisions are involved. 8. Arrange for labour for loading and unloading of goods parcels.

Duties of Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineers

Ref: - N. Rly. Accident Manual-2013, Para 449 (A) Sr. DME (O&F)

1. He should proceed to site. 2. He should supervise working of cranes & clearance operation. 3. He should also ensure that speedo graphs, engine repair books are seized and sealed. 4. He should also note down his observations, regarding the loco and record measurements as

per prescribed proforma. 5. He should ensure that measurements of the loco are taken on the spot. If it is not possible

for all type of measurements to be taken on the spot then these should be taken in the shed.

6. He should also ensure that records for maintenance of engine repairs are in the shed. 7. He should ensure that thorough examination of the loco is done before it is allowed to move

from the accident site. The loco should, thereafter, be subjected to pit line examination in the shed before being put into service.


1. He should proceed to the site of accident. 2. He should record the details regarding brake power and other aspects of the rolling stock as

per prescribed proforma. 3. He should have the measurements of the rolling stock taken as per the prescribed proforma

/procedure. 4. He should check the fitness of the stocks which are supposed to move from the accident

site. 5. He should ensure that coaches re-railed are in a fit condition to be taken from the accident



6. The care must be taken before permitting the movement of the unaffected portion from the accident site. Further at the terminal, these coaches must be subjected to intensive safety check during there pit line examination before being put into service. Similar precautions need to be taken in case of freight stock.

Duties of Sr.Divisional Engineer Ref:- N. Rly. Accident Manual-2013, Para 450

1. He should proceed to the site. 2. Ensure measurements are taken as per prescribed Performa and procedure. Sketches of the

accident site showing the position of the broken parts etc. accurately drawn out. 3. Ensure collection of adequate labour and material and their proper deployment at site for speedy

restoration. 4. Another DSE or DEN should be available in control office for planning reinforcement of labour,

material and staff from different sections. 5. He should ensure that inspection notes and diary of AEN PWI gang charts, maintenance records

etc. are seized and secured.

Duties of Sr. DSTE Ref: - N.Rly. Accident Manual 2013, Para 451

1. To proceed to site. 2. Ensure PCP/ECP set is provided at site. 3. Telephone is to be provided in the enquiry booth at site, wireless sets are installed at accident site

for communication between the accident site and Divisional Hd. Qtrs. 4. Seal block instruments, lever, slide, slots & clamp etc. 5. To ensure restoring the signaling and interlocking for normal working. 6. ASTE should be in Control Office for,

(a) Providing proper communication with enquiry offices opened at other sections. (b) Sending S&T materials and additional staff to the site if required.

7. (i) Establishing wireless communication between the site of the accident and the Divisional Headquarters and also if necessary, the Headquarters office, New Delhi.

(ii) Ensuring that a detailed record is made of all evidence bearing on the accident, so far as signaling and interlocking are concerned. Any broken or detached parts must be secured unless sabotage is suspected, in which case such parts must not be disturbed until the Police have completed their investigation.

Duties of Officer-in-charge of Transshipment Arrangements

Ref: - N. Rly. Accident Manual 2013, Para 452 The Sr.Divisional Commercial Manager will depute or nominate an officer available at site to make arrangements for the transshipment of passengers and their luggage at the site of the accident. This officer will be responsible for:-

(i) Personally directing and supervising the transshipment arrangements; (ii) Ensuring that a sufficient number of licensed porters gang men etc., are collected from the

nearest sources and that no gratuities are demanded from passengers; (iii) Procuring an adequate supply of hand lamps or high power, lamps, tarpaulin, ropes, drinking

water, tea, milk, food and refreshments; (iv) To ensure that definite instructions are given to the passengers on loud speaker for guidance of

passengers as to what exactly they are required to do, where to go and when exactly their train will move towards its destination along with list of casualties.

Duties of Divisional Railway Manager

Ref: - N. Rly. Accident Manual 2013, Para 456 The Divisional Railway Manager will be responsible for:- 1. Ensuring that assistance is rendered by each department promptly and efficiently; 2. Ensuring that in addition to one vehicle available in Control Office round the clock, motor vehicles

are available with the Controlling Officer with the particulars of the Drivers. The list of stations where such vehicles are available should also be exhibited in control office. The officer should be instructed to spare the vehicles and arrange for the driver as soon as the advice is received from the Control Office.


3. On receipt of advice of various accidents, he should immediately decide which officer should go by road, by ART and by medical Van.

4. He should also nominate the officer who should be in Control Office keeping in view the guidelines already mentioned above.

5. In case of a serious accident when main line is blocked, DRM must proceed to the site to coordinate and supervise relief operations. He should put ADRM incharge in control office when he

proceeds to site. He should return to the Headquarters only after the traffic is restored or at least

one line on a double/multiple line section is restored for traffic that too after deputing the ADRM at site.

6. He should also advise the Home Secretary/Chief Secretary of the State in case of sabotage for prompt attendance of the S.P. so that restoration work is started with minimum delay.

7. He should take charge at site and function as the senior most officer and the duties of the senior most officer are laid down in Para 436 (If he is not available at site the duties will devolve on the ADRM or in his absence on the senior most officer irrespective of the department).

8. Arranging a preliminary enquiry by Divisional Officers, in cases where in enquiry by the CRS or a committee of Administrative Officers is to be held but immediate investigation of certain matters is considered necessary.

Duties of Sr. DEE/DEE/AEE(whoever is applicable)

Ref :- N. Rly. Accident Manual 2013, Para 462 1. Ensuring lighting arrangements, if required, are provided at the site. 2. In case of fire in coaches, he should arrange to immediately collect/record evidence of passengers

with full particulars. If some passengers are willing to give evidence later on, their name and addresses should also be recorded.

Sr. DEE/(TRD)/DEE(TRD)/AEE(TRD) – (whoever is available senior most to proceed to

site. 1. In case of an accident, where OHE or switching station is involved he should arrange for adequate

number of breakdown staff tower wagon and then should proceed to the site of accident by the quickest available means.

2. Other officer (Sr. Supervisor in case no other officer is available) should be available in control office.

3. He should ensure that OHE is made dead and OHE is slewed as required for ground crane operations.

4. He should arrange and supervise restoration of OHE, expeditiously. 5. Recording all information concerning the accident, so far as the Electric traction and its equipment

is concerned.

Duties of Sr. DPO/DPO Ref: - N.Rly. Accident Manual 2013 Para 463 1. Welfare Inspector should be posted by him round the clock in shift duty to look after the welfare

of the injured person in the hospital. 2. He should ensure that passes are issued to the relatives and escorts of inured for visiting them in

the hospitals and taking them back home. 3. He should depute welfare Inspectors to assist the ADMO in taking down the name and addresses

of the dead and injured and in shifting them to the hospital. Welfare Inspectors should be also deputed to the hospitals where the dead bodies/injured has been transferred. Such information should be passed on to Sr.DCM by quickest possible means.

Temporary hospital at site of accident

Ref: - N.Rly. Accident Manual 2013, Para 416 (a) In case the DMO/ADMO considers it necessary to open a temporary hospital at a station near the

site of the accident, the Station Master must make available whatever accommodation he is called upon to provide.

(b) The DMO/ADMO-Incharge of relief medical operations, should request on priority basis for the bogies and other stock to evacuate the injured from the site of accident.

Station Master to maintain list of drivers of Railway road vehicles

Ref: - N. Rly. Accident Manual 2013, Para 417


It will be the duty of Station Masters to large stations where the Railway maintains road vehicles such as trucks, buses, cash lorries, etc. to call up as many vehicles and drivers as necessary and keep them ready for clearing casualties to hospitals. For the purpose the Station Master, concerned must maintain a list of addresses of all drivers of Railway road vehicles.

Arrangements for reception of patients at non-Railway Hospital

Ref: - N. Rly. Accident Manual 2013 Para 418 The DMO/ADMO must give timely advice to the civil and military hospitals of the number of injured

persons proposed to be shifted there and the time that they are expected to arrive at the hospital station. He must also make efforts to requisite suitable road vehicles from Police, Army and other sources at the hospital station. If adequate transport cannot be arranged for by such means, even private vehicles may be hired.

Care of injured persons arriving at hospital station

Ref: - N. Rly. Accident Manual 2013, Para 419 (A) The Station Master of the hospital station, or any other official deputed for the purpose, will be

responsible for: (i) Receiving the train carrying the injured on a platform line easily accessible to ambulance

cars, stretchers, etc. (ii) Arranging in advance a room or other suitable place for the reception of the injured. (iii) Making adequate arrangements of RPF staff so as to facilitate the handling and reception

of the injured and, iv) Opening an enquiry booth from where public enquiries regarding the injured and dead

may be attended to. (B) Enquiry Officers shall also be opened at originating and terminating stations. These shall be

manned by officers for obtaining details about the dead/injured directly from the railway where the accident has taken place and convey this information to the public and taking such other steps as would be necessary for handling the crisis.

Railway doctor to accompany injured persons to non-Railway hospitals

Ref: - N.Rly. Accident Manual 2013 Para 420 When injured persons are sent to a non-Railway hospital for treatment, the DMO/ADMO must

depute a Railway doctor to accompany them from the station to the hospital and see that they are properly accommodated. The doctor so deputed must give a daily report of the progress of patients to the DMO/ADMO.


CONDITION OF THE INJURED Ref: - N.Rly. Accident Manual 2013 Para 421

Telegrams conveying the welfare of the passengers of the affected train/trains or the condition of the injured to their relations should be accepted on the spot free of cost and should be given priority of an XR. Telegram for transmission. For communicating /conveying intimation of death, however, such telegrams shall be accepted free of cost and given XXR priority.

Giving of free passes to kith and kin’s:

Ref: - N.Rly. Accident Manual 2013 Para 422 Complimentary passes may be issued to the next of kin of victims as well as to the surviving victims discharged from the hospitals. The class of pass should be the class in which the surviving victims were travelling or higher if recommended by the Doctor. The class of pass for the relative may be determined according to the status of the person.

Duties of CMS, Sr. DMO, Divl. Medical Officer Ref: - N.Rly. Accident Manual 2013 Para 424

(a) On receipt of the intimation, referring to an accident in his district, he should decide whether any assistance from the neighboring divisions is required. If so, he should send necessary requisition on control phone or by telegram to the neighboring Divisions.

(b) He should intimate on control/public phone or by telegram, the civil or other non-Railway hospitals, near the site of accident to be prepared to receive the casualties for admission and treatment.


(c) He should proceed to the site of accident by first available means of transport for which he should arrange with the Traffic, Engineering and Mechanical Departments to give every possible. assistance. In his efforts to arrive at the side of accident on the shortest possible time and by the quickest means of transport. If no railway transport is available, he may hire a private transport.

(d) He should advise medical subordinate’s en-route to be ready to accompany him, if necessary. (e) If he decides to go to the site of accident by a Motor car he should nominate an official of another

department to take charge of any medical equipment, following later. (f) He should take with him such members of his staff as required to the site of accident, together

with such equipment as he considers necessary judging from the nature and magnitude of the accident and the number of casualties involved.

(g) He should instruct the Divisional Supdt. of St. John Ambulance Brigade if headquarted at his station or at the nearest station in his district to send as many Brigade personnel with equipment as are available, to the site of accident.

(h) He should prepare standing orders regarding the procedure to be adopted in case of accidents for each health unit and hospital under his jurisdiction with precise instructions in regard to the following:-

(i) Staff to be taken from headquarters hospital or health unit. (ii) Detailing of staff for duty at the site of accident. (iii) Non-Railway hospitals which have to be warned to receive casualties. (iv) Arrangement by staff at headquarters to receive casualties and to discharge convalescent patients

or accommodate them else-where temporarily, to keep ready operation theatre, sterilized instruments and to put emergency beds.

(v) Maintaining contact with authorities of non-Railway hospital to which the injured persons are to be admitted.

(vi) (a) He should attend to the injured and make out a quick summary of passengers (a) died, (b)

sustained injury (i) Grievous (ii) Simple. These particulars should be given to the Sr. DCM/Senior most Officer as soon as possible.

(b) Information regarding the names of the passengers injured and dead is furnished to the public within a period of 3 to 4 hours after the arrival of medical team. For this a senior doctor should be nominated at the site to be made accountable for giving accurate and timely information on this aspect. He should co-ordinate and obtain the required data about the injured and dead which should be furnished to the originating and destination station of the affected train, the zonal Hd. Qtrs. as well as the Board. The names of injured and dead should be quickly published in the leading news papers and local dailies.

(c) One A.D.M.O. should visit hospital daily and report daily progress of patients to the C.M.O/Sr. D.C.M for one week. In case of simple injuries turning grievous /patients dying later, immediate information should be given to Sr. DCM/DRM. He should keep the Chief Medical Officer and D.R.M. informed on control/public phone, or telegram the exact position regarding the names and number of the persons injured or dead, nature of casualties and time of evacuation of the injured to the hospital. He should also subsequently submit daily reports on the state of health and the progress of the injured persons to the Chief Medical Officer for one week and thereafter at such intervals as desired by Chief Medical Officer.


Chapter 16 - Protection of Property:

Duties of Divisional Security Officer Ref: - N.Rly. Accident Manual 2013, Para 425 The Divisional Security Officer RPF will be responsible for posting adequate number of RPF staff at the site of accident and at any other place where assistance from his department may be required. He will himself proceed to the site of the accident by the quickest available means and supervise the arrangements. He will also

1 Liaison with the local Police at site. 2 Ensure security of passenger’s belongings and Security of parcels, damaged, goods and parcel


Duties of Way & Works Branch Ref: - N.Rly. Accident Manual 2013, Para 437

(a) The Engineering Officer or senior Subordinate first reaching the site of the accident must make a complete and accurately dimensioned sketch showing the position of vehicles and of derailed wheels, displaced rails or sleepers and any other detached or broken parts of the permanent way or rolling stock. He must also check the gauge of the Track and take the cross and longitudinal levels for a distance of 45 meters on either side of the point of mount if the cause is indisputably known, otherwise for a distance of 90 meters in real and 45 meters ahead of the point of mount. This must be done in the presence of a Transportation Officer or senior subordinate.

(b) In the case of derailments, the marks on the rails or sleepers at the point where the first pair of wheels went off the track must be especially observed and a detailed note of the observations recorded. The marks, if any, on the first pair of wheels which derailed must be similarly examined.

(c) The instructions prescribed in Para 436 (c) and (d) above in regard to the preservation of evidence must be observed.

Duties of Mechanical Branch Ref: - N.Rly. Accident Manual 2013, Para 438 The Mechanical Officer or his senior subordinate first reaching the site of the accident must

examine the engine and rolling-stock and make a note of any damage or deficiencies. Any

detached or broken parts must be secured for scrutiny by the Enquiry Committee or the

Commissioner of Railway Safety as the case may be. If, however, sabotage is suspected, such

parts must not be disturbed until the Police have completed their investigation.

Action in cases of suspected train wrecking or sabotage – Action should be taken as indicated in chapter 6 of N.Rly. Accident Manual 2013.

Duties of Sr.DOM/Sr. DSO/Sr. DOM (G):

Ref: - N.Rly. Accident Manual 2013, Para 447

a. BY Sr. DOM:

1. Ensure that medical van and ART reach the accident site without any detention en route. 2. Plan for trains of the transport of stranded passengers at site and clearance of passengers held up

at other stations. 3. Plan for regulation of passenger, mail/Exp. trains, cancellation, diversion, termination short of

destination in consultation with CPTM. 4. Check that information regarding passengers dead, sustained injuries-grievous & simple is duly

verified by Railway Doctor and approved by senior most officer at the earliest. 5. Details of the dead, injured –sustaining grievous or simple injury regarding originating and

destination station, ticket No- hospital to which sent for treatment and also particulars of next kith and kin to be obtained from the site and relayed to Emergency Control, CSO and in his absence to COM.

6. He will also advise CRS in case CRS can be approached on phone before CSO can contact. However, CSO will still advise CRS in any case.

b. By Sr.DSO:

Duties of Sr.DSO for dealing with serious accidents have been mentioned in Para 447 (B) of

Accident Manual, 2013. These are as under:-

1. To proceed to the site of accident by first available means.

2. He should preserve the clues.


3. Ensure that front and rear portions of the affected train are cleared from the site.

4. Marshalling of the crane before the ART reaches site.

5. Ensure measurement of track, rolling stock, power in prescribed Performa and as per prescribed


6. Ensure evidence of train staff, station staff and public is taken on the spot.

7. Address of passengers, who are willing to give statements later, should also be obtained.

8. The damaged vehicles should be kept for enquiry and not sent away.

9. Plan for efficient movement of ART, engine, tower wagon etc. between site and station for quicker


10. Ensure that the log diary at the accident site is maintained properly with full details.

11. He will ensure that video cassette of the serious accident is prepared not by talking clipping here

and there but in continuous manner by specially showing the position of coaches , engine, under

gears of coaches & engines rails , track etc. and the clues which may in turn provide some

information to the inquiring authority . Similarly, still photograph should also be taken in a

judicious manner.

12. He should produce public witnesses and advise S.P. and D.M. in time in case of CRS enquiry and

should accordingly issue press notification in local press when advised by CSO. As mentioned in

Para 317 of Accident Manual Sr.DSO or in his absence Sr.DOM shall give detailed information

about the accident on telephone in office or residence to Chief Safety Officer/Dy.COM Safety and

in case of their absence to the Dy.COM (Safety) or STM(C) or CFTM.

Ex.gratia payment should be sanctioned/ arranged preferably on the spot by the Sr.DCM or by his

representative in consultation with Sr.DSO. After making such enquiries as can be conveniently

made on the spot after the immediate needs by way of medical assistance etc. to the injured

persons are attended to.

In this connection the duties of safety counselors and safety controllers will be as under:- One of the two Safety Controllers will immediately reach the Control Office and will collect all

relevant information about the accident from time to time in Control from various sources and keep Sr.DSO apprised of the same besides any other information ordered by DRM/ADRM in the Control. He will ensure that logging of the accident is being recorded continuously in chronological order.

c. By Sr. DOM/G: i. Attending the accident site in case of accident in the station yard where prima facie cause of the

accident is on account of operating staff or where operational work needs to be co-ordinated. ii. In other cases, attending the divisional control in case of accident and ensuring periodic relay of

information to the Emergency Control (Central Control) at the Head Quarter Office regarding rescue, relief and restoration works at the accident site.

iii. Coordinating and monitoring the timely turning out of ART/ARME/Tower Wagon/Material train/Engine etc. and its reaching the accident site/adjoining station without en-route detention.

Planning for efficient movement of ART, engine, tower wagon, etc. between site and adjoining station for quick restoration.

iv. Ensuring marshalling of ART crane (as per requirement of site incharge official) before it reaches the accident site.

v. Coordinating with the accident site incharge to ensure quick clearance of front and rear portions of the affected train from the site.

vi. Obtaining the following details from the site and relaying the same to the Emergency Control:

Details of the dead, injured-sustaining grievous or simple injury, their originating & destination stations, ticket no., hospitals to which sent for treatment and also particulars of next kith & kin.

vii. Checking that information regarding passenger’s dead, sustained injuries-grievous and simple-is duly verified by Railway doctor and approved by the senior most officer at the earliest.

viii. Any other duty that may be assigned by the competent authority relating to the accident.


Ref: - N.Rly. Accident Manual 2013, Para 440 Every Official to render all possible assistance – The duties detailed in this section is by no means exhaustive. Each official receiving advice of an accident must do all that is within his power to render assistance.


Duties of SM/SS receiving advice of an accident Ref: - N.Rly. Accident Manual 2013, Para 441

(a) If the section is controlled, the SM must immediately advice control regarding:- (i) Time of accident. (ii) Medical van required or not. (iii) ART with or without crane. (iv) Adjacent lines clear or not. (v) Damage to rolling stock. (vi) Damage to track in terms of telegraphic poles/OHE, masts. (vii) No. of dead and injured (Simple, Grievous) to be obtained from the TTE/Train Supdt.

Otherwise he should furnish if the TTE is not available. This should later on be cross-checked with the Railway Doctor when he arrives for proper classification of the injured.

(a) The section is not controlled or if control inoperative, the Sr. DSO/Sr. DOM and in their absence the AOM or Chief Controller must be advised by other means of communication available including Public Phone.

(b) The Station Master must then issue the accident telegram, sending a copy of it to the controlling Station Master.

(c) If medical aid is required, assistance must be called for from the Local Doctors, Army Hospital, Para Military hospitals, Civil Hospitals, Fire Brigade. In order to convey medical help to the site of accident, trollies may be sent out and train engine utilized.

(d) SM/SS will also make the following arrangements:- (i) Seizure of records in cabin & Station, sealing of slides levers, relay rooms, log books, private

No. book, train signal register, line admission book, engine repair book and other relevant records.

(ii) To advise SP and D.M., GRP and RPF. (iii) To arrange for drinking water, tea and catering from the station or other bigger stations. (iv) To muster railway employees for first-aid and assistance to passengers. (v) Open an enquiry office for replying to queries regarding injured, dead persons, their disposal,

train arrangement for stranded passengers. (vi) Arrange to keep the line clear for reception of medical van and ART. (viii) To arrange for adequate number of RPF , porter and TCs for transport of passengers . (ix) To arrange ARME chest along with railway Doctors. (x) To advise the station master of controlling station for similar action. (xi) Proceed the site of accident and remain there till some officer arrives and take charge of the




DUTY OF THE DRIVER TO TAKE CERTAIN PRECAUTIONS AT RAILWAY LEVEL CROSSINGS. (Ref – Motor vehicle Act. 1988 – S 131 ) Every driver of a motor vehicle at the approach of any unguarded Railway level crossing shall cause the vehicle to stop and the driver of the vehicle shall cause the conductor or cleaner or attendant or any other person in the vehicle to walk up to the level crossing and ensure that no train or trolley is approaching from either side and then pilot the motor vehicle across such level crossing, and where no conductor or cleaner or attendant or any other person is available in the vehicle, the driver of the vehicle shall get down from the vehicle himself to ensure that no train or trolley is approaching from either side before the Railway track is crossed.



(Ref – Motor vehicle Act. 1988 – S 131)

For preferring a claim on account of damages to the Railway property the following procedure to

be adopted.

i) The cost of damage to the Railway property will be assessed by the concerned department officers

like Engineering, S&T, OHE, Mechanical etc. with details and supported by documentary proofs.

ii) Whenever a motor vehicle causes damages to the Railway property FIR is to be lodged invariably

by the Railway Administration. The FIR to be lodged by PWI in case of Engineering LC gate, SM in

case of Operating LC gate, in the local police station under whose jurisdiction, the place of

occurrence falls, indicating details of the culprit motor vehicle.

iii) For preferring a claim against insurance companies an empanelled lawyer of the administration to

be engaged under the power of DRM of the concerned Division who has been delegated with the

power vide Dy.GM(G)/GRC's 0.07 Nos. LS/Sub-court/91/6939 dated 20.12.91. The ADRM,

Sr.DSO/DSO shall act as the coordinating agency.

iv) The Railway property being owned by UOI the claim has to be preferred for and on behalf of the

President of Indiawho will be represented by duly authorized Railway Officers of the concerned

jurisdiction. The list of authorized Railway Officers prescribed by the Railway Board vide circular

No. E(G) 82 LL2 dated 21.2.93.

According to motor vehicle act. 1988, motor vehicles are required to be insured against third party risk. The purpose of this insurance is that in case of damage to person or property of third party due to the use of the motor vehicle, the insurance company which is the second party pays the claims which are preferred against the owner of the motor vehicle, the first party. In view of this provision, it is open to the Railways to claim damages whenever motor vehicles cause damage to Railway properly at manned/unmanned level crossings or at any other site due to the negligence of the owner/driver of the motor vehicle. These could be due to dashing of motor vehicles/buses/trucks against gates/lifting booms at manned level crossings or on account of an accident at level crossings to rolling stock of the Railway or to person of Railway employees (gateman, driver, assistant driver, guard, conductor etc.)/ passengers or loss on account of disruption of traffic of damage to goods. Relevant extracts from the provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act 1986, Sections 145, 146, 147 & 165 to 176 are enclosed for your information and reference. In the case of road vehicles which ply for carrying passengers, the passengers are also insured. Any damage to person of a passenger of such a road vehicle is to be compensated against this insurance. Therefore, reimbursement crossing accidents can be claimed from the negligent owner of motor vehicle/Insurance company.

The claims have to be lodged before the motor accident claims tribunal specially setup for such purpose and having jurisdiction at the place of accident.

In the division, ADRM and Sr.DSO should made responsible for lodging the claims for losses and

monitoring the progress.


All officers to ensure that staff down the line is made aware of these provisions and claims are

lodged as per the requirements of the Motor Vehicles Act 1988 in all case. The legal department

should suitably educate the concerned staff and officers in divisions.


DATE _________________ DIVISION _____________ RLY __________

1) Train (s) number/name/service 2) Type of Loco(s) 3) Load of train (No. of vehicles and trailing load) 4) Time of accident. 5) Location – show kilometer of accident spot, Block stations on either side and their class &

kilometer. Show section eg. LKO-CNB and gauge. If required state and district. 6) Nature and description of accident. 7) Owning Railway, type and number of vehicles affected and position from train engine. Indicate

whether derailed (with details of wheel position) or capsized and whether infringing the adjacent lines. Indicate whether loaded or empty.

8) Commodity or number of passengers on train. 9) Casualty-death, grievous, simple and trivial injury and the details of their disposal.

10) Time information received (a) First information from site (how and by whom) (b) in divisional control (c) in central control.

11) Name and grade of Driver, Asst. Driver, Guard and Asst. Guard with their HQ. 12) Single or double line and if main line or branch line. 13) Train last examined at _________ on _________ including rolling in examination if any. 14) Description of track including curves and gradients. 15) Controlled or non controlled section and system of working.

16) Type of signaling. 17) Visibility and weather condition at the time of accident. 18) Damages to track, rolling stock and S&T equipment with cost. 19) Officers informed. 20) Officers attending the site of accident (by road, ARME, ART, special train) and their time of arrival. 21) Civil, Police & RMS officials informed (time and person). 22) Hospitals advised (location and time)

23) Fire brigade advised (location and time) 24) Time photographer and video camera man arrived site. 25) Trains run in either direction prior to the affected train. 26) If any caution order was in force at the spot of accident. 27) If any dragging or parting has taken place. 28) ARME of ………… base, ordered at ….…… left ….……. arrived site ….……. 29) ART of …..….… base, ordered at ………... left …..……. arrived site ….……..

30) Time telephone fixed at site by relief party. 31) Whether train without brake van and if without guard. 32) Work started. 33) Prima facie cause. 34) Forecast of restoration. 35) Assistance required (a) men (b) materials. 36) Requirement of catering arrangements.

37) Time restoration completed – give details of vehicles grounded and rerailed and whether by crane or MFD.

38) Time track certified fit with speed restriction of any. 39) Brake power certificate and brake power check. 40) Evacuation of stranded passengers and their luggage (give details). 41) Marshalling order of train. 42) Police clearance received at …………………………… 43) Trains cancelled, diverted and controlled and terminated short of destination. 44) Whether brake van flashing tail lamp in working order. 45) Whether flasher lights of loco in working order. 46) Whether speedometers of locos in working order and synchronized. 47) Whether indication is available in loco in case of AC (Audio & visual). 48) Whether head light of loco in working order.


49) Whether engine short hood or long hood. 50) Whether loco is overdue schedule. 51) Engine and brake van equipment – if available. 52) Whether personal equipment of guard and driver is available. 53) Whether driver tested with breathalyzer, hours of duty performed and adequacy of rest prior to

trip. 54) If speedograph is provided (This has to be seized if required) and speed of train at time of

accident. 55) Primary maintenance and secondary maintenance depots of coaching train involved in accident

and or train last examined intensively and safe to run. 56) Whether statements of Driver and Guard has been recorded. 57) Time train started/passed through the previous station. 58) Type of Block working and lines track circuited. 59) Ex-gratia payments made. 60) Whether treated as a Board or Non Board case or yard accident. 61) Statements of staff/public/eye witnesses. 62) Any other relevant information. 63) For level crossing accidents.

Gate manned or unmanned Registration No. of road vehicle involved in accident Whether gate was opened or closed to road traffic at time of accident

Whether gate lodge provided with telephone Whether Private No. exchanged with the station/cabin Whether gate interlocked with station Whether gate signals are provided and in working order Assistance required Whether gate in working order Condition and width of road surface, speed breakers and road signs, whistle boards for

trains Visibility Line(s) blocked Train involved Name and address of persons injured and nature of injury Name and designation of gateman and his duty hours Visibility at time of accident and visibility of gate to road user and driver of loco

Brief sequence of events.



1. Relay of Accident Information to Commercial officers, & supervisors and to manage overall activities from Co-ordination cell at CCNL/Control setup at Accident site.

Officers/CCNL-Co-ordination cell to relay message to the all commercial staff

supervisors/Inspectors on line/ nearest to the site of accident to reach by way of possible means to

render their assistance.

Those who can catch ARME/ART may reach to accident site through latest available option.

Commercial control to be assisted with additional staff to support help line round the Clock.

Information to NDRF to carry out major relief operation.

Cash arrangement to be made in advance through seizure of station cash nearest to the site for

further requirements in relief operations and for ex-gratia payments etc.

List of officers/Sr. supervisory staff/Inspectors should be readily available in time to contact them

for further allotted works.

Immediate relay of Helpline nos. at Divisional level for information related to accident.

Co-ordinating officer at CCNL will ensure all updates related to accidents and ensure staff working

at helpline should be updated with latest information timely.

All enquiry counters at stations should get updates timely through CCNL.

Proper announcement of diversions, cancellation etc. and to be displayed on all enquiry counters.

Necessary arrangements for extra counters in case of cancellation and for mass refund.

Necessary arrangement of cash for refund.

Catering arrangement to be made available at the site of accident for services to passengers and

to the staff/workers rendering their services in relief operation.

Availability of PRS CHART from data base to ascertain nos. of passengers in particular coach and

approx. total occupancy in train.


1. Assisting doctors & para medical staff in taking care of injured persons 2. In taking care of unhurt passengers, following aspects be specially taken care of :

Assisting passengers in informing their relatives.

Getting their luggage taken out from coaches and shifting it to the reliefpassengerspecial through porters & other staff available at site.

Providing them water tea/coffee, snacks etc.

Get the tents installed with sufficient chairs etc. for the passengers by the Engg. Dept.

Getting the passengers photographed & transmitted through the PC toDivisional &Hqrs. Controls.

For performing the above duties, lady staff from TC/BC etc. may be deployed, as required, to deal with lady passengers.

Sr. DCM office will nominate staff separately for the above-mentioned aspects

Divisional Control to make arrangements for drinking water, tea/ coffee, snacks, food etc. from Departmental /outside catering services. This should be done by the Divl. Control even before the arrival of ARME.


The Divl. Control should rush the first available passenger rakes to site as Pass. Relief Spl. One Officer or Inspector should be deputed on each of the special trains to co-ordinate & for taking care of passengers’ needs.

Maximum No. of Commercial staff available should come to site with the relief special to assist in shifting of passengers and their luggage

Arrangements be made at intermediate stations to provide water, tea, food etc. on the Passenger Relief Special

Divl. Control should order on priority for arranging Ice, Coffins for dead bodies.

Coffins will be arranged by Divl. control through Engg. branch on written memo of DCM/Sr.DOM/DOM

Divl. control will arrange for opening of the Public STD booths available nearby the site if these are closed

Ex-gratia payments be arranged in time.

Public Relations Media Camp will be set up by the Divl. PRO immediately after the arrival of ARME/ART.

Any information to the media should be given with approval of the officer incharge of site.

Extensive photography be undertaken (through the Digital as well as Video Camera) of the

passengers both injured and unhurt so that the same can be relayed through e-mail to Divl.

Control &Hqrs. Emergency Control for putting the same on the TV channels.

Duties allotted at the time of Accident

Immediate Movement towards Accident site :-

Sr.DCM assisted by :

SN Name of Staff Designation

1. Sh. V.K.Kulshrestha OSI

2. Sh. Vikram Shambhu Singh PCI

3. Sh. Raja Ram PCI

4. Sh. Manoj Srivastava OSI

5. Sectional CMI CMI at site

Or any available Inspector nearby to move with Sr.DCM towards accident site or as order by

Sr.DCM. To control and to manage overall commercial works at site along with control setup at

accident site with the assistance of available staff at site.

DCM-Immediate Movement towards Accident site &assisted by

Sn Name of Staff Designation

1. Sh. Md. Rizwan Khalique PCI

2. Sh. Vineet Katiyar OSI

3. Sh. Vikas Sinha CMI-IT

4. Sh. Miraz Ali COS

5. Sh. Rahul Gupta CMI-MPP

6. Sh. Vinod Shashan COS

7. Sh. K. K. Tripathi OS

For necessary arrangements towards Medical needs & arrangement of transportation along with

co-ordination with local government bodies, District Magistrate, Medical college, Hospitals& other

institutions with instructions to follow as per immediate orders.


Towards allocation of staff duties available at the time of incident and to ascertain the total

manpower requirement for round the clock duties depending upon the actual ground situation. Also

to arrange for cash from stations nearby so that arrangement will be made in time.Also to manage

protocol for the officers and their transportation depending upon the requirement and to follow other

necessary instructions as and when order.Immediate set-up of Help-desk at necessary stations

with help-line nos and to co-ordinate with CCNL.

It is also required to make a detailed database of all passengers injured/dead and to convey the

same to Sr.DPO/LKO, CPI, WLI for necessary action.

ACM to reach accident site by ARME/ART or by other possible means with necessary catering

arrangement for passengers and to make necessary arrangements of cash for Ex-gratia payments,

refunds, cancellations and arrangement of sending stranded passengers to their destination along

with the team of CITs, Dy. CITs, TTEs, TCs& portersto accident site&manage and to take position

at CCNL along with the team for assistance in getting updates from accident site, arrangement of

Help line nos. at various stations and to relay important messages to officers with updates along

with overall Co-ordination from CCNL cell DRM office. Along with their catering team of 07-08 staff

or as per requirement. OSI & CIT/Main will arrange staff as per above mentioned programme as

well as to intimate them for movement to accident site.

SN Name of Staff Designation

1. Sh. Surendra Paul D. Catering Inspector

2. Sh. Suresh Chandra Joshi Catering Inspector

3. Sh. Vineet Katiyar OSI

4. 5-6 (or as per availability) CITs

5. 5-6 (or as per availability) Dy CITs

6. 8-10 (or as per availability) TTEs

7. 8-10 (or as per availability) TCs

8. 10-15 (or as per availability) Porters

9. 8-10 (or as per availability) Catering Cook/ Porter

10. Sh. Shailesh Srivastava CMI-Plg. Will be deputed in group of two shift wise in addition to the existing CCNL staff duties to assist CCNL cell and co-ordinate with control set up at accident site round the clock with relay of updates to all concerned.

11. Sh. Ravi Kant CBS/Sanitation

12. Sh. R.C.Rastogi OSI

13. Sh. Mahendra Singh RS-II/Plg. Cell

14. Sh. Sharique Haider GS/TMS

IT – Cell

Collection of all data send from the accident site, photographs, videos (if any) etc on a spread

sheet and to relay information through web to all concerned.

Whatsapp group may be form as advised by officer.

SN Name of Staff Designation

1. Sh. Mohammed Rafik TTE

2. Sh. Arshad Ahmed TTE

3. Sh. Sneh Ashish BC/Catering Cell

4. Sh. Shubro Dutta RS-II/Complaint & Twitter Cell

5. Sh. Hitesh Ambwani RS/PRO

8. Sh. Anand Jaiswar PC

9. Sh. Mayank Saxena RS/UTS Cell



SN Name of Staff Designation Co-ordination with hospital to attend injured, Grievously injured passengers etc.

1. Sh. Sanjay Srivastava CMI-II

2. Sh. R.K.Joshi CMI-LKO

3. Sh. Anand Mishra CMI-UTR

Mortuary / Postmortem House

1. ACM Ex-Gratia payment etc.

Co-ordination with civil hospital for dead passengers sent to mortuary and their data to be properly maintain along with ex-gratia payment with all records in hand. All tobe photographed

2. Sh. K.K.Kanchan PCI

3. Sh. Manoj Saxena PCI

4. Sh. D. D. Shukla CMI-RBL

5. Sh. Ajay Singh CMI-FD

6. Sh. Jyoti Srivastava CMI-SLN

7. Sh. R.K.Tiwari PCI/Court Cell

8. Sh. MahendraPratap PCI

Staff to be deputed for other essential activities as & when required

SN Name of Staff Designation

1. Sh. Dhananjay CMI-BSB

2. Sh. Subodh Viswakarma CMI-BSB-II

3. Sh. Abhimanyu Saroj CMI-PBH

4. Sh. P.K.Uphadhyay CMI-PRG

5. Sh. Rajendra Mishra CMI-IT

6. Sh. Abhinav Srivastava CMI-IT

7. Sh. O. P. Rao CMI-IT

8. Sh. Suresh Kumar Pandey Catering Insp./BSB

9. Smt. Jyotsana CRS/Database

10. Smt. Lipi Jain CMI-IT

11. Sh. Rajeev Tiwari CMI-IT/RBL

12. Smt. Pooja Yadav CMI/RDC


Duties allotted at the time of Accident-

Immediately after receipt of Accident information all concerned will positively rush to their

allocated location assigned to them as given below with their duties.

Stn. Mortuary Postmartem Catering Stn. Stn. Ex- Gratia Hospital

Helpdesk-Helpline Nos.

Setup of Helpline nos. and Helpdesk at Major Station (Affected Train route)

At least Five to Six Helpline nos should be readily available on receipt of accident information so

that direct communication with accident site control may be setup at the earliest.

LKO/BSBStation:- (12 hrs. SHIFT)

1. CIT -I (Supervisor)- To assist passengers in getting their desired information, Liaison with

CCNL/LKO office and officers.

Collection of data received from CCNLand pass on update information to passengers.

2. CIT-II (Supervisor) – To assist passengers in getting their desired information, Liaison with

CCNL/LKO office and officers.

Collection of data received control setup and pass on update information to passengers.

3. DCIT – To be in regular touch with CCNL to collect updated list of injured passengers,

causalities,dead passengers etc. and update related to relief operations carried out at accident site.

4. DCIT– To be in regular touch with CCNL and to collect information related to injured passengers

taken to hospital, name of hospital where injured passengers are being sent, collection of list of

deceased and name and location of mortuary where shifted for treatment or mortuary.

5. DCIT –Pass on collected update information to passengers. Collection of data received from CCNL

and pass on update information to passengers.

6. DCIT- To assist passengers in getting their desired information. Liaison with CCNL/LKO

office.Collection of data received from CCNL and pass on update information to passengers.

7. RS-II – To assist passengers. Collection of data received from CCNL and pass on update

information to passengers.

8. RS-II - To assist passengers. Collection of data received from CCNL and pass on update

information to passengers.

Accident site Control


Helpline at STN.

CCNL/LKO Computer



(To hand over charge to next shift) as under:-

1. CIT -

2. CIT -

3. DCIT -

4. DCIT -

5. DCIT -

6. DCIT –

7. RS-II -

8. RS-II -

Sectional Commercial Inspector (At Accident site stn.) – Will immediately move concerned

staff in hand from nearest station to accident site in as much nos. tohelp in rescue operation.

Immediate instructions to be given to all sectional stations to seize cash available at stn.for various

requirements viz. for Ex-gratia payments, departmental expenditure in relief operations and to

carry out other works in rescue operation.

Cash withdraw may be assessed immediately taking into account of all other department


Arrangement of transportation for local needs for passengers and for movement of necessary relief


Arrangement of catering from nearby stns and from local market for stranded passengers.

Necessary arrangements to be made for stranded passengers as and when come up.

Sec. CMI Should be assisted with at least two to three staff.

Will be in direct touch with Sr.DCM and officers

Control setup at Accident site


1 CMI R.K.Joshi Dhananjay To collect information from accident location i.e. nos. of casualties, injured, dead and prepare list separately.

2 CMI Sanjay Srivastava Subodh Vishwakarma

To collect information of passenger rushed to hospitals their list and name of hospital, mortuary where deceased are taken to.

3 CIT Update information pass on to CCNL/LKO

4 CIT Update information pass on to CCNL/LKO


Update information pass on to CCNL/LKO. Liaison with Officers on site and relay of instruction as and when given.


To collect information of passenger rushed to hospitals their list and name of hospital, mortuary where deceased are taken to and pass on to CCNL


To assist stranded passenger and to assess level of catering arrangement to be manage and any other requirement come up at moment.


To assist stranded passenger and to assess level of catering arrangement to be manage and any other requirement come up at moment.


Officers and staff present at Accident site

Sr.DCM – Overall Head of Commercial operations and monitoring all commercial activities, relief

and rescue operation. Liaison with DRM and other branch officers.

DCM - Immediate Movement towards Accident site & assisted by below mentioned four staff.

Arrangements towards Medical needs & arrangement of transportation along with co-ordination

with local government bodies, District Magistrate, Medical college, Hospitals & other instructions

to follow as per immediate orders.

SN Name of Staff Desig Duties

1. Sh. Md. Rizwan Khalique PCI

To coordinate with Medical authorities for treatment at hospital and nos. name of injured taken to hospitals. Pass on information to accident site control.

2. Sh. Joginder Singh PCI

To coordinate with Medical authorities for treatment at hospital and nos. name of injured taken to hospitals. Pass on information to accident site control.

3. Sh. Snehashish Mukherjee CC

To coordinate and to handover ex-gratia

payment to injured passengers as per the list and policy with proper accountal to be ensure.

4. Sh. MahendraPratap PCI

To coordinate and to handover ex-gratia payment to injured passengers as per the list and policy with proper accountal to be ensure.

5. Sh.K.K.Kanchan PCI

To coordinate and to handover ex-gratia payment to injured passengers as per the list and policy with proper accountal to be ensure.



• ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY LKO DIVISION SrDEE/G & ADEE/G LKO (ADEE Coord BSB ,if site is near to Varanasi ) of the division will proceed

to the site and take all the necessary action for proper illumination and safety measures as

deemed necessary at site. DEE/G/LKO will man Electrical (G) control in the division to mobilize

further assistance as required for the site.This will be responsibility of DEE G LKO at control or any

other officer in absence of DEE/G LKO, pulling up resources from other railway installation,

identified local resources, in addition to ART resources , to the site. It would be duty of Sr

DEE/G/LKO, ADEE Cord/BSB at site to ensure that lights of adequate number and intensity are

installed before sun set. The lights would remain at site till restoration work by all departments in


i. ARMV/ART-LKO & FD shall be equipped with equipments stipulated by H.Q. for providing power

for portable torch lights, flood lights, drills, abrasive metal cutters etc.


i. In case LKO-MB section assistance will be rendered by the LKO division i.e within 100 Kms. The

next in command i.e. DEE/ADEE of the division shall stay in control for rendering timely assistance

during restroration work.

ii. SrDEE/G LKO will take action according to guide lines issued by H.Q. office.


i. Electrical control office would be set up near the emergency control office manned by a supervisor

round the clock. In order to set up adequate illumination facilities, 19 nos. of petrol generating

sets and 50 nos. of lighting fixtures are available in the ART of LKO & 21 nos. petrol generating

sets and 42 nos.of lighting fixtures are available in the ART of FD would be used for lighting up

the emergency office, Electrical control office or small first aid post and all the sites where

restroration work in going on.

ii. In case additional generating set are required the officer at site is authorized to hire additional

generating sets, lighting fuxures etc. as per the need of site, from any of the adjoining tent house/

commercial installation dealing with such equipment at the time of emergency.




Name Shri

Phone Numbers

Off. Res. Off. Res. Mobile

1 Sr.DEE/G/LKO Sandeep Srivastava - - 2629263 ` 9794833300

2 DEE/G/LKO B.R. Sharma - - - - 9794833301

3 ADEE/G/LKO Post Vacant

4 ADEE/Co/BSB Ashok Paswan - - - - 9794833304

5 Sr.DEE/TRD/LKO Narendra Kumar 23513 25517 2234541 2239203 9794833350

6 DEE/TRD/LKO R.K.Maurya 23515 25452 2610813 - 9794833352

7 ADEE/TRD/SLN Post Vacant

8 AEE/TRD/BSB Post Vacant

9 ADEE/TRD/PRG Ashok Kumar Gupta - - - - 9794839083

10 Sr. DEE/RSO/LKO O.P.Tiwari - - - - 9794833303

11 ADEE/RSO/LKO Kapil Deo - - - - 8429526634





Name Shri

Phone Numbers

Off. Res. Off. Res. Mobile

1 SSE/CNL Rajesh Srivastava 23289 - - - 9794833339

2 CTLC Sanjay Mathur 23284 23286

- - - 9794830956

3 CTPC Janak Raj 23626 23627

- 2234708 - 9794833346




Name Shri

Phone Numbers

Off. Res. Off. Res. Mobile

1 PCEE Nikhil Pandey 32554 32592 23387198 26113751 9717630300

2 CESE Prakash Singh 32551 22641 23387336 23365044 9717630302

3 CETE Ashok Nakra 32558 23148 23387909 23740088 9717630305

4 CEDE Rajesh Singh 32556 - 23384474 - 9717630303

5 CEGE Pramod Kumar 32019 32596 23383380 23365758 9717630308

6 CELE Mohit Chandra 32844 54122 23387084 26883921 9717630301

• Identified local resources for lighting at accident site

Details of vendors for temporary lighting

Sr.No. Name of Station

Name of Vendor / Firm Contact No.

1. Lucknow

Rajesh Light 9794839084

M/s Mahindra Associates 9415014227

Narang light 9918780962

Tayal Electric 9956020460

2. Raibareli M/s Manoj Electrical 9415956365

3. Prayag Kiran Light House 9389263603 7376920007

4. Faizabad Sagar Electrical 9415058398

M/s Rangeda marriage Service


5. Pratapgarh Sahu Electricals 9795883102

6. Sultanpur Swami Tent House 9415383385

Shri. Rajmer 9648365581



Raj Associates 9415262983

Kumar Tent House & Caters 9450382454

Varsa Electrical Works 9415820996



ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY LKO DIVISION i. In case of any accident in electrified BBK-LKO-CNB, AMG-LKO-UTR-SLN-MGS, BSB-PFM-UCR &

ZBD-ABP-TD, JNH-GNG-UTR, ON-UCR section, Sr. DEE/TRD/LKO will arrange for movement of

sufficient no. of Tower wagons along with men and material from adjacent depots from both

sides of accident site. In case of requirement of additional tower wagons, these shall be

requisitioned from other nearby depotsor adjoining depots of other Railways along with men and

material. Sr. DEE/TRD/LKO or DEE/TRD or ADEE/TRD shall proceed to site of accident. The other

i.e. DEE/TRD or Sr. DEE/TRD will remain in Divisional control office for rendering timely assistance

during restroration work. Sr. DEE/TRD or DEE/TRD whoever is available at site will keep close

liason with site incharge and make necessary arrangements for showing/dropping down the OHE

to facilitate quick restoration work.

ii. Sr. DEE/G of the division will proceed to the site and take all the necessary action for proper

illumination and safety measures as deemed necessary at site. AEE/LKO will man Electrical (G)

control in the division to mobilize further assistance as required for the site. It would be duty of Sr.

DEE/G/LKO at site to ensure that lights of adequate number and intensity are installed before sun

set. The lights would remain at site till restoration work by all departments in completed.

iii. In case of involvement of EMU/MEMU/Electric Locos, Sr. DEE/TRD or DEE/TRD will move along

with the concerned SSE to assist restoration at site and escorting of the locos for its movement to

the nearest shed. While other officer shall remain available at control office. Officer at site shall

ensure that Engine speedo-graphs, Engine/EMU log books are seized and handed over to Safety

Officer/Supervisor for keeping in safe custody. He should supervise the restoration work and

ensure that all measurements/observations are taken as per prescribed proforma at the site itself.

If it is not possible to take all measurements at site then these should be taken in shed in presence

of representatives of other departments. Officer along with SSE shall escort the concerned

coach/rake to base shed. Help from GZB, CNB & MGS loco shed will also be requested, if required.

iv. In the divisional control office, DEE/TRD or DEE/G would be in charge for coordination of the traffic

requirement for movement of passenger service, diversion of traffic etc. and accordingly plan crew

management. In the absence of DEE/G, AEE/LKO will perform this function.

v. ARMV/ART-LKO & FD shall be equipped with equipment stipulated by H.Q. for providing power for

portable torch lights, flood lights, drills, abrasive metal cutters etc.


i. In case where assistance can be more expeditiously rendered by the adjoining division or other

Railways, respective Officer along with Sr.Subordinates shall proceed to the site of accident along

with men & material by Tower Wagon/road vehicles. The next in command i.e. DEE/AEE of the

division shall stay in control for rendering timely assistance during restroration during restroration


ii. Sr. DEE/TRD will take action according to guide lines issued by H.Q. office. • SITE ARRANGMENTS/ELECT. i Electrical control office would be set up near the emergency control office manned by a supervisor

round the clock. In order to set up adequate illumination facilities, 20 nos. of petrol generating sets and 20 nos. of lighting fixtures are available in the ART of LKO & FD would be used for lighting up the emergency office, Electrical control office or small first aid post and all the sites where restroration work in going on.

ii. In case additional generating set are required the officer at site is authorized to hire additional

generating sets, lighting fuxures etc. as per the need of site, from any of hte adjoining tent house/ commercial installation dealing with such equipment at the time of emergency.


• SITE ARRANGMENTS/TRD i One Sr. Supervisor should be incharge of each group working at site. All TRD teams at each end of

the accident site would function under directions of one ADEE/TRD or Sr. Supervisor.

ii Immediately OHE should be switched off. In case OHE is to be brought down, the same should be

done immediately so that working of cranes does not get held up on account of OHE.

iii In case slewing of OHE suffices for some sections, then the same should be done quickly to

facilitate crane operation.

iv Sr.DEE/TRD shall arrange movement of 06 Tower wagons along with men & material from

adjacent depots from both sides of accident site.

v In case more tower wagons are required, these should be requisitioned from other depots/divisions/Zone along with man, material.

vi An assessment should also be made of the extent of damage to OHE masts and other equipment.

vii Additional requirement of materials, if any should be called for immediately from other Railway

sources within Division.

viii In case Divisional sources are inadequate, then sources from other division should be tapped. In

case other divisional sources are also inadequate, then sources from other zones should be tapped.

ix Availability of OHE masts is a long lead item. Requirement of masts should be quickly worked out

so that these can be moved immediately.

x Ensure temporary portals are erected without delay.

xi Incase damage to OHE is extensive and a wiring train is considered to be more efficient, then the same should be arranged from RE organization.

xii Ensure that the section is earthed before any staff starts working near OHE.

xiii OHE should not be charged untill all staff, tower wagon, cranes etc. have cleared the block section.




Name Shri Phone Numbers

Off. Res. Off. Res. Mobile

1 Sr.DEE/G/LKO Sandeep Kr. Srivastava 23450 23450 2629263 2 2235517 9794833300

2 DEE/G/LKO B.R.Sharma - - - - 9794833301

3 ADEE/Co/BSB Ashok Kumar - - - - 9794833304

4 Sr. DEE/TRD/LKO Narendra Kumar 23513 25517 2234541 2239203 9794833350

5 DEE/TRD/LKO Ramakant Maurya 23515 25452 2610813 - 9794833352

6. ADEE/TRD/PRG Ashok Kumar Gupta - - - - 9794833353




Name Shri Phone Numbers

Off. Res. Off. Res. Mobile

1 SSE/CNL Rajesh Srivastava 23284 - 2610812 - 9794833339

2 CTLC Avanish Srivastava 23286 - - - 9794830956

3 CTPC Janak Raj 23627 - 2234708 - 9794831004




Name Shri Phone Numbers

Off. Res. Off. Res. Mobile

1 CPD/RE Sudhanshu Krishna Dubey

- - 05222635751 - 9794846698

2 Dy. CEE/RE Manoj Aggrawal - - - - 9794866300



On the subject noted above, desired information of Disaster Management related to ART/ARME/

LKO & FD:-

Phone Numbers:

Railway/Control CUG DOT

23-496, 23-497 09794836990 09794836891


Telephone numbers of Mechanical Officers of the Division:

SN Designation Name/Shri Phone Numbers

Office Residence DOT CUG

1 Sr. DME (O&F) Rajeev Gupta 23-472 - 0522-2234572 09794833421

2 Sr. DME (C&W) Atul Singh 23-470 25-470 0522-2234570 09794833400

3 Sr. DME (Dsl) A. K. Tiwari 25-766 - 0522-2451825 09794834400

4 DME (C&W) B.M.Siddiqui 23-584 26-213 0522-2234573 09794833422

5 ADME (O&F) Y.K.Chaurasia 23-473 - - 09794844613

6 AME (C&W) Diwaker Varsney

- - - 09794833401

MOBILIZATION OF OFFICERS and STAFF: Sr. DME (O&F) will proceed to site of accident by first available means. In absence of Sr DME (O&F), Sr. DME (C&W) will proceed. In case restoration and relief work exceed 12 Hours, nominated officers will be relived by Sr. DME (Dsl). The priority of nominated officers will be as under:

a. Sr. DME (O&F)

b. Sr. DME (C&W)

c. Sr. DME (Dsl)

ADME (O&F) shall moved along with staff by ART and ADME (O&F) / (DME C&W) will be alternative

officers for him.

SSE (ART) shall moved along with staff by ART itself. All CLI’s shall act as standby supervisors. After

sounding of hooter/Alarm they will quickly reach ART. However movement will be governed by

instructions made by Sr. DME (O&F) or concerned officer in his absence.

The CCC will rush to up yard and chase the departure of ART/ARME after informing to PRC. Till the

arrival of CCC in Up Yard on duty crew controller will himself manage the engine on train, provision of

crew and departure of ART / ARME, loco supervisor available on duty will assist him in the work and

ensure placement of loco ART/ARME within 15 minutes.

On duty Loco supervisor or crew controller in his absence will keep on communication with PRC for

each activity completed till departure of ART/ARME including any detention or obstruction to quick

dispatch of the train.

SSE Crane and ART will liaison with CPRC for the earliest departure of ART/ARME. They will deed

walkie talkie (VHF) set with them and coferm departure of ART along with detention on any account

available C&W staff of break down gang will be responsible to check the train including connection of

hose pipe coupling, etc., even before the engine is attached to avoid detention on this account, C&W

control will also co-ordinate with on duty TXR staff foe issue of BPC and arrangement of material

required if any.

C&W staff on ART will also insure availability of BP and FP hose (completed in all respect / coupling on

ART). SSE (Crane)/ ART will insure availability of one spare set of BP & FP hose completed in all

respect and one set of transition of coupling with clevis and pin on 140 Ton BD Crane. He will also


ensure one more set of this item available on ART. Crane / ART Incharge will keep a watch on the

available of their staff and preferably take attendance before the departure of ART. It will also be

ensure that staff of other departments nominated for going with ART also reach ART stabling site for

break down. ART/Crane Incharge will keep watch on running of ART with maximum permissible speed

and note the detention in route along with reason their off.

SSE (ART)/Crane will take the position again on station before departure to accident site and speak

for marshaling / shunting as required they will identity the equipments to be used at site and check

their fitness as for as possible. Assessment of required should be on higher site so that all unloading is

completed in one spell so that ART coaches if not required may be removed on site.

The following CLIs are nominated to moved with ART in the order of preference :-

a. For ART – LKO: - One CLI is kept reserved daily on rotation basis for ART-LKO duty.

b. For ART – FD: - Available CLI will rush ART / ARME.


Sr DME (C&W) shall man divisional emergency mechanical control (Power and C&W). The clock

assisted by ADME (CDO)-LKO and will co-ordinate all the activities being control office i.e. both Power

Control and C&W Control such as running of all special trains including division and relief trains in case

these officers are attending accident site. Sr DME (Dsl), DME (Dsl) and ADME (Dsl) will manage

emergency mechanical control. The officer in mechanical emergency control office will be assisted by

CPRC, SSE (C&W) / TXR control and CLI / Staff /LKO.

On respect of information Chg / Dy Chg (OP) are on hearing accident bell, CPRC will immediately

collect information regarding derailment and inform loco shed as will as up yard lobby for sounding

hooter. In off office hours. PRC (Punctuality) of a shift will take charge of the situation.

On duty PRC (Punctuality) will inform to all the officers wiz. The detail of accident Sr DME (O&F) /

ADME(O&F) and order ARME and ART or Crane separately as the case may be incase of an accident

involving mail/express/passenger trains, on order of SPARMV by Chief Controller crew will be arranged

immediately by PRC, PRC ( Punctuality) will maintain log in control till restoration is over. One

SPARMV trained crew is booked in each 8 Hrs shift which remains available in Coaching/LKO lobby. AT

FD there is ARMV and there is no SPARMV. Here on arrangement of ARMV crew is arranged at once.

PRC on duty will chase the provision of crew. First available crew in up yard/ Coaching lobby will be

nominated for ART irrespective of service for which he was called. CPRC / PRC will monitor provision

as above.

On tested Walkie Talkie (VHF) set will be kept in up yard lobby. CPRC will keep talking to up yard

through this set and chase the ART departure i.e. Engine on train pressure ready and departure. The

responsibility of up keep and charging Walkie Talkie (VHF) set and keeping it in working condition lies

with crew controller of up yard.

PRC will maintain minute by minute log of all the events.

Mobilization of Work Force /Crack Teams

Crack teams headed by SSE/ART-LKO have been trained. Composition of this crack team with responsibilities have been attached at the end. These teams shall moved with ART as per ART Beats in LKO Division or adjoining division. The teams comprise of:-

SN Station No of Crack Team No of Staff

1 LKO 8 46

Movement of crack team in out of beat station shall be according specific instructions given by Sr DME(O&F) and ADME(O&F)-LKO [ standby ADME/CDO-LKO] shall moved in case of movement of ART


out of division. For transportation of material / equipments CDO-LKO and SSE(G), diesel shed make necessary arrangement of road mobile vehicle and truck. Setting Of Site Officers, Tentage, Shelters and Drinking Water Facilities: SSE(ART) shall exclusively responsible for setting up of these facilities. He will depute sufficient staff of setting staff for taking up these facilities. In case of major accident he may take/arrange additional staff to manage above activities. On reaching accident site one nominated senior staff will arrange unloading of equipment/accessories at site. Group of staff should be nominated item wise to unload transport to site and responsibility should be fixed.

SSE(ART) /ARME /Crane will first an assessment of the work tackled at site in consultation with the site incharge. In the mean time break down gang will unload and checked the equipments to be used

on accident site.

ART Incharge co-ordinate with senior subordinate of other department for instruction of tents/lighting at site / provision of telephone and medical facilities. All the departments will contact ART Incharge and provide all facilities / staff under their supervision engineering department will provide staff for erection of tents and such jobs.

CLI and SSE (ART) at site will be try to stable the cause and senior most incharge at site will also

associate to take reading at site etc. Respective Incharge will also plan various operation / sequence of operation instruct the ART staff accordingly. The Incharge will also contact emergency control and intimate the extra requirement / help to the provide at site if any.

Engineering department will also provide staff to form blasted bed labeling of land for propping of crane. These will reduce total setup time for crane; photograph at accident site will be taken with the help of digital camera available in each ART. Conference office available in ART will be utilized for having important meeting. The conference should be adequately furnished to accommodate PC/Communication facility. Assistance local / civil authority can be taken as per available information through site incharge. In addition to relief and restoration work, it will be the topmost responsibility of each ART staff/officers to carry out all the efforts to face human life, provide shelters standard passengers.

List of Accident Relief Train (Class A) Lucknow:

SN Name Designation Department

1 Shri Awdhesh Kumar Yadav SSE/ART Incharge Mechanical (C&W)

2 ,, Arun Kumar Singh SSE Mechanical (C&W)

3 ,, Ram Dinesh Yadav MCM Technician Mechanical (C&W)

4 ,, Munna Lal Sr.Technician Mechanical (O&F)

5 ,, Rajendra Prasad Sr.Tecchnician Mechanical (C&W)

6 ,, Subhash Sharma Sr.Technician Mechanical (C&W)

7 ,, R B Maurya Sr.Tecchnician Mechanical (C&W)

8 ,,Mahesh Sharma Sr.Technician Mechanical (C&W)

9 ,,Bhole Prasad Sr.Tecchnician Mechanical (C&W)

10 ,, Pramod Kumar Pandey Welder – I Mechanical (C&W)

11 ,, Ram Sewak Technician - I Mechanical (C&W)

12 ,, Satyam Srivastva Technician - I Mechanical (C&W)

13 ,, Taj Mohd. Technician - I Mechanical (C&W)

14 ,, Raj Kumar Technician -I Mechanical (C&W)

15 ,,Shahzadey Khan Technician - II Mechanical (C&W)

16 ,, Amit Kumar Technician-III Mechanical (C&W)

17 ,,Jhonson dickson Technician - III Mechanical (C&W)

18 ,,Jagdish kumar Technician - III Mechanical (C&W)

19 ,, Rajendra Prasad Technician - III Mechanical (C&W)

20 ,, Vipin Kumar Technician - III Mechanical (C&W)

21 ,, Vinay Kumar C.C Mechanical (C&W)

22 ,, Niraj Kumar Technician - III Mechanical (O&F)

23 ,, Mata Prasad Sr. Technician (Dsl. Mech) Mechanical (Diesel)

24 ,, Ashwani Kumar Pandey Sr. Technician (Dsl. Mech) Mechanical (Diesel)

25 ,, Virendra Kumar Sr. Technician (Dsl. Mech) Mechanical (Diesel)


26 ,, Aviral Yadav Sr. Technician (Dsl. Mech) Mechanical (Diesel)

27 ,, Anurag Sharma Sr. Technician (Dsl. Mech) Mechanical (Diesel)

28 ,, Vinay Kumar Tech. III (B/Smith) Mechanical (C&W)

List of 140 T B D Crane of LKO:

SN Name Designation Department

1 Shri Shirish Ambesta SSE Mechanical (Diesel)

2 ,, Ravi Prakash Crane Driver MCM Mechanical (Diesel)

3 ,, Ankit Tripathi Technician-III (Dsl Mech) Mechanical (Diesel)

4 ,, S K Gupta Crane Driver Mechanical (Diesel)

5 ,, Rajender Singh Crane Driver Mechanical (Diesel)

6 ,, Muneer Ahemad MCM (Dsl Mech) Mechanical (Diesel)

7 ,, Naveen Kr Pandey Help Technician (Dsl Mech) Mechanical (Diesel)

8 ,, Umesh Chandra Srivastva MCM (Dsl Mech) Mechanical (Diesel)

9 ,, Avinish Kumar Singh Technician-III (Dsl Mech) Mechanical (Diesel)

10 ,, Ram Milan Technician (Dsl Mech) – I Mechanical (Diesel)

11 ,, Anil Kumar Singh Technician (Dsl Mech) – I Mechanical (Diesel)

12 ,, Awadhesh Kumar Help Technician (Dsl Mech) Mechanical (Diesel)

13 ,, S P Singh Technician III (Dsl Mech) Mechanical (Diesel)

14 ,, Jitendra Kr. Technician III (Dsl Mech) Mechanical (Diesel)

15 ,, Krishna Kr. Turner -III Mechanical (Diesel)

16 ,, Manoj Kr. Gupta Help Technician (Dsl Mech) Mechanical (Diesel)

17 ,, Amitabh Dwivedi Technician (Dsl Mech) – I Mechanical (Diesel)

List of Electrical Staff and Engg. Staff on ART – LKO:

SN Name Designation Department

1 Shri Jitendra Kumar Meena SSE Electrical

2 ,, Ram Pher Tech.- I Electrical

3 ,, Miraj Khan MCM Electrical

4 ,, Awadhesh Kr. Tech. I Electrical

5 ,, Satnoo Yadav Tech.- III Electrical

6 ,, Mukesh Chand H/Kh Electrical

7 ,, Vinay Kumar Meena H/Kh Electrical

8 ,, Shiv Dayal Yadav Tech.- III Electrical

9 ,,Sahdev Kumar H/Kh Electrical

10 ,, Bhupender Kr. Singh H/Kh Electrical

11 ,, Nitin Singh H/Kh Electrical

12 ,, Hari Prakash Chaubey MCM/TL Electrical

13 ,, Ram Lal Yadav H/Kh/TL Electrical

14 .. Vijay Kumar Singh H/Kh

Re-railing Equipments and Material to be loaded on hand trolley for start working at


SN Equipment and Material Quantity

1 Power Pack 01 No

2 Control Desk 01 No

3 Bridges size 2.2 Mt and 3.2 Mt 01 No each

4 Hydraulic Jack 120/60 Ton (LC) 02 No

5 Hydraulic Jack 120/60 Ton (HC) 02 No

6 Hydraulic Jack 60/30 Ton (HC) 02 no

7 Hydraulic Jack 60/30 Ton (HC) 02 No

8 Hydraulic Displacing Jack 10.6 Ton 01 No

9 Counter Support 01 No

10 Roller Carriage 01 No

12 Stopping Device 01 No

13 Hydraulic presser pipe 06 Pairs

14 Axle puncher 01 Set

15 Wooden Packing off sizes 20 No

16 Gas Cutting Equipment with O2 &DA cylinders 02 set with 02 O2 7 01 DA



17 Lasing Chains 08 No

18 Tool Kit 01 No

19 M S Plates 12 No

20 Pinch Bar 01 No

21 Skid For Wheels 08 No

22 VHF Sets As required

23 Mega Mick 01 No

24 Petrol / Diesel 01 Gallon

25 Hammer Sledge 01 No

Duty List of 140 Ton B D Crane Staff:

SN Name Designation Duties

1 Shri Shirish Ambesta SSE/B.D Crane Overall responsible crane operation and restoration work and crane maintenance as required

2 ,, Ravi Prakash ,, S K Gupta ,, Rajender Singh

Crane Driver MCM Crane Driver Crane Driver

For continuous crane working operation and restoration work and stand by crane driver

3 ,, Muneer Ahemad MCM (Dsl Mech) Gunner

Assisting operation and giving indication to crane driver and also assist to ragging/de-ragging operation

4 ,, Ram Milan ,, Anil Kumar Singh ,, Amitabh Dwivedi

Technician-I (Dsl Mech) Technician-I (Dsl Mech) Technician-I (Dsl Mech)

For watching the proper carry out operation from the group and maintenance as required at site

5 ,,Umesh Chandra Srivastva ,, Avnish Kr. Singh

MCE Elect Electric Tech. III

For watching the prop assist in operation from group on site.

6 ,, Ankit Tripathi ,, S. P. Singh

,, Awadesh Kr ,, Naveen Kr. Pandey ,, Manoj Kr. Gupta ,, Jitnder Kr.

Mech/Tech. III Mech/Tech. III

Mech/Tech. III Mech. Cleaner Mech Cleaner Mech. Tech. III

Assisting in crane ragging /de-ragging, ragging chain, wire

rope, etc and help in maintenance at site

Duty List of ART Staff-

SN Name Designation Duties

1 Shri Awadhesh Kumar Yadav ,,Arun kumar Singh


Overall responsible for HRE operation and restoration work

2 ,, Pramod Kumar Pandey ,, Anurag Sharma

Welder -I HKH

Gas cutting work at site and loading/unloading of Equipments at site.

3 ,, Raj Kumar ,, R.B.Maurya ,, Ram Dinesh Yadav

Technician – I Sr.Technician Sr.Technician

Preparation of Tent / Shamiana at site and folding, arrangement of chairs & tables and fitting barricading at site.

4 ,, Shahzadey Khan ,, Subhash Sharma

Technician – II Sr.Technician

Key man and caretaker of ART. Issuing material as required.

5 ,, Satyam Srivastava Sr.Technician To assist wheel gauging of cripit wagon/coach/loco.

6 ,, Munna Lal ,,Taj Mohd ,, Ram Sewak ,, Vinay Kumar

Sr.Technician Technician – I Technician – I C.C

MFD Power Pack operation, operation of control desk. Record keeping, log maintenance of Hydraulic Re-railing operation.

7 ,, Mata Prasad ,, A K Pandey ,, Virendra Kumar

Sr.Technician Sr.Technician Sr. Technician

Loading/unloading of equipments on hand trolley and carry at site and put back after restoration.


,, Aviral Yadav ,, Rajendra Prasad ,, Bhole Prasad ,, Amit Kumar ,, Mahesh Kumar Sharma ,, Rajendra Prasad ,,Niraj Kumar ,, Vipin Kumar ,, Vinay Kumar

Sr.Technician Sr. Technician Sr.Technician Technician – III Sr. Technician Technician – III Technician – III Technician – III Technician – III (B/Smith)

Shifting of Re-railing equipments from one working place to another working place at site. Fitting of Hydraulic Jacks, roller carriage & bridge, etc. Coupling / decoupling of hyd. Pressure pipes from jacks & power pack & control desk at site. Prevailing of wooden packing under jacks and bridge. Loading of equipments and other

8 ,, Johnson Dixon ,, Jagdish Prasad

Technician – III Technician – III

Securing of wheels of Cuiprit loco/wagon/coach with chains. Also loading and unloading of tools and materials. Skidding of wheels of cuiprit loco/wagon / coach.



22.1 Mobilization of Officers and Staff: Concerned Sr. DEN/DEN will proceed to the accident site by ART. In the absence of Sr. DEN/DEN

of the section, concerned Sr. DEN/DEN looking after the work will proceed by ART.

Following arrangements are to be followed in the absence of concerned Sr. DEN/DEN –

Sr. DEN/DEN absent Officer to proceed with ART






ADEN and SSE (P. Way) of the section should reach at the accident site by the quickest available means. In case, where the SSE (P. Way) and ADEN are headquartered at the division, they should

move along with staff by ART. Two Sectional Engineer (Works) will move along with their staff by ART. These two Sectional

Engineer (Works) will be nominated by the ADEN/I/LKO for ART at LKO and ADEN/FD for ART at FD.

22.2 Setting up of Emergency Engineering Control:

Minimum Senior Scale officer should man the Divisional engineering control round the clock. Following arrangements are to be followed: For the first six hours- DEN/Track/LKO assisted by ADEN/HQ/LKO should man the Engineering

control. For the next six hours Sr. DEN-VI/ LKO assisted by ADEN/ON should man the Engineering

control. For the last six hours DEN-I/LKO assisted by DEN/Land/LKO should man the Engineering

control. Same sequence will follow if duration exceeds 18 hours.

Sr. DEN-C will co-ordinate the working of Engineering Control, site etc. If DEN/Track proceeds to site with ART in absence of DEN-I/LKO then Sr. DEN-VI/LKO will be

in Engineering control for first 6 hours.

The senior most Engineering Official will Co-ordinate the working of Engineering Control and he will

make alternative arrangement if any of the officers mentioned above is absent

Name of officer S/Shri

Designation Mobile No. Office Residence


Kamlesh Kumar Sr. DEN/C 09794833200 - 2239099

Pavas Yadav Sr. DEN/III 09794833203 2625073 2235518

Awdesh Kumar Yadav Sr. DEN/IV 09794833204 2234716 2235863

V.K.Talwar Sr. DEN/II 09794833202 2234715 2237688

Utpal Kant Sr. DEN/V 09794833205 2234717 2213763

Aman Gupta DEN/I 09794833201 2625073 2236357

Manish Sharma Sr. DEN-VI/ LKO 09794833207 - -

P.K.Srivastava DEN/Land 09794846949 - -

Kamla Prasad DEN/Track - -

Ram Lakhan ADEN-HQ 09794833208 - 2462532

V.K.Srivastava ADEN-I 09794833209 - -

Vedant Sahai ADEN-II 09794833210 - 2548272


The above emergency control should start functioning within half an hour on receipt of information.

The officers should make their own arrangements to reach the Engineering Control from their residence, if vehicles at Engineering Control are not available.

22.3 Check list for Divisional Engineering control: (a) Information of accident given to-

Sr.DEN/C Concerned Sr.DEN/


Concerned ADEN

Concerned SSE(P.Way)


Sectional SSE/JE(P.Way)

ART Incharge

Time of reporting

Time of arrival at the site

(b) Sr. DEN/DEN, ADEN on call duty informed for manning Engineering Control-

Time of informing Sr. DEN DEN ADEN

Time of reaching the Engineering control.

(c) Emergency vehicle sent to pick up concerned officers-


(d) Information of accident along with available details given to HQ Engineering Control.

(e) Taken details from site for required men/P. Way materials for restoration work.

(f) Information given to adjoining subdivision and assistance required.

(g) Assistance required for HQ/Adjoining division.

(h) Movement of ART within division & from other division.

(i) Maintaining the records of chronology of events.

22.4 Mobilization of work force and P.Way material:

1000 Nos. of workmen are required to reach the site of the accident, 500 Nos. along with 10 SSE/JE (P. Way)s and 10 Blacksmith shall be arranged by division. For this purpose, labour specials will be run from the specified destination as decided by the Divisional Engineering Control.

Distribution of work force SSE/JE(P. Way)s wise for proceeding to the accident site will be as given

under. First 10 SSE/JE (P. Way)s among the given list are nominated for proceeding to the accident site.

S. No. SSE/JE (P. Way) No. of Trackmen No. of Blacksmith Mate

1 BSB/West 20 1 2

2 BSB/East 20

3 LKO/I 10 1 3

4 LKO/II 10

5 LKO/III 10

6 BCN 30 1 1

7 RBL 30 1 1

8 PBH 30 1 1

9 BOY 30 1 1

10 ON 20 1 1

11 LKO/line 20 1 1

12 NHH 30 1 1

13 SLN 30 1 1

14 SKN 30 - 1

15 BBK 30 - 1

16 RDL 30 - 1

17 FD 30 - 1

18 SHG 30 - 1

19 JNU 30 - 1

20 PRG 30 - -

TOTAL 500 10 19


Contractors labour working at track renewal site can be diverted andPayment to be made from station earning at site @ semiskilled rate.Trucks/Jeeps to be hired for the movement of man and material.

Deployment of labour force:

1. When site is expected to be restored within 12 hrs.

= 100 departmental labours

2. When site is expected to be restored within 24 hrs.

=200 departmental labours+100 contractors labour.

3. When site is expected to be restored more than 24 hrs.

=500 departmental labours+200 contractors labour.

22.4.2 Arrangements of work force from adjoining division; 500 additional workmen are required which are to be moved from the MB and Ambala division. Both MB and Ambala divisions will send 250 men along with five Artisan and 5 SSE/JE (P. Way)s separately.

One Sr. DEN/DEN and one ADEN each from MB and Ambala division will have to reach the accident site. Identical action as mentioned above will have to be reciprocated, if the accident takes place in MB/Ambala division.


0.5 km of rails, sleepers and fitting and one set of 1 in 12 and 1 in 8.5 turnouts

have to be available in ART.

The mechanical and operating Department will ensure that the part 'c' of ART

(consisting of additional engineering material wagons) shall follow through ART.

Store clerk issuer should be on ART.

Extra material should normally be kept in divisional track depot.

The additional half km of matching materials and one set of 1 in 8.5 and 1 in 12

turnouts shall be kept in track depot of the division at Sultanpur. For loading of this

material, 2 BFRs and 2 BCX wagons should be immediately placed in track depot.

These materials should be loaded within 3 hours and dispatched to the site of

accident. This will be ensured by the SSE (P. Way) track depot and Divisional

Engineering Control.

Mechanical and Operating departments will ensure that Engineering vans of the ART

are to be placed nearest to the accident site. For this purpose Engineering

VAN/WAGON need to be placed in pushing condition closest to the site of accident.

At least two Nos of JCBs available with the ballast depot contractor shall be

immediately moved.

The Sr. DEN/DEN in Divisional Engineering Control will request the concerned

authority (Army/State Govt. Deptt.) for bulldozer/ earthmoving machinery in the


22.5 Setting up of site offices, tentage, shelters, drinking water facilities etc:

SSE/Works of the section will be responsible for setting up of these facilities.

He should immediately start setting up of the tentage accommodation after taking out the tents and Shamiyanas provided in the ART.

In addition, he will also engage the agencies, which provide tentage accommodation on contract.

The bridge line staff will assist in setting up tentage and above mentioned facilities.


Dy Chief Engineer/Bridge Line will also move to the site and in case bridge is not involved, he will take full charge of tentage facilities.

Drawing sketch of site of accident:

One SSE/Works of the same subdivision should be made incharge of preparing sketch of site of accident. He should work under the direction of site incharge of the accident. He will also preserve the clues/evidences, if any, at the site of accident leading to cause of



1 Detailed survey of site of accident done

2 Assessment of track damage/P.Way

material/manpower/machinery required for restoration

3 Site office/tenting/shelter put up at site as per plan

4 Water arrangement/Stay arrangement made for staff

5 Site sketch preparation

6 Joint observations/track reading/wagon/coach reading etc.

7 Lighting arrangement for night work

8 Proper unloading of material at site

9 Duties assigned to officers/supervisors/staff

10 Tent parties/earth moving matching agencies/water agencies

contacted and informed for action.

11 Temporary kitchen set up at site

12 NGOs informed for help.



Setting up site office

Setting up tentage as per plan

Arrangement of drinking water facilities

Setting up temporary toilet

Setting up temporary kitchen in samiyana/tents

Putting up hand pump

Preparation of sketch of site accident


Assess damage to track and work out the material & manpower required.

Take charge of labour arriving at site.

Work distribution to labour.

Communication within Engineering officials.

Torches for night work.

Unloading of material from ART/Spl. Trains.



Telephone Numbers of Carriage & Wagon Control:


S.N. Desig. Name/ Shri

Phone Numbers

Office Residence DOT CUG

1 Sr DME(C&W)LKO Atul Singh 23-470 25-470 0522-2234570 9794833400

2 DME (C&W)/LKO B.M.Siddiqui 23-584 26-213 0522-2234573 9794833422

3 ADME (C&W)/LKO Diwakar


- - - 9794833401

4 DME/ Sr. CDO/LKO Devesh Sharma 26-326 - 0522-2464002 9794833402

On Receipt of information from CHC/Dy.Chg.(opration or on hearing accident bell SSE/ART/ incharge will immediately collect information regarding derailment and assistance required by the on duty carriage controller and first of all inform to SSE/SE(C&W )/BD proceeding for site.

Next he will inform to SSE/SE/JE (Goods & Chg.Yard) for timely departure of ART/ARME as the case may be. He will them inform Sr.DME / C&W, ADME / C&W /LKO and ADME /CDO/NR/LKO regarding details of accident and also the instructions of DRM/ADRM for proceeding to site. He will inform regarding other officers nominated to attend the site of accident /derailment, Carriage & wagon control will maintain the logging of all the events pertaining to C&W.

ART/ Incharge will liaison with C&W control for the earliest departure of ART/ARME they will have walkie-talky sets with them and confirm departure of ART along with detention on any accounts. Available C&W staff of Brake down gang will be responsible to check the train including connention of air hosrs, couplings etc. before the Train Engine is attached, to avoid detention on this account.

C&W staff will also co-ordinate with on duty C&W supervisor for issue the BPC and arrangement of materials required if any. C&W staff on ART will ensure availability of B.P. and F.P. Air hoses (Complete in all respect) on ART/ARME.

ART/ Incharge will ensure availability of one spare set of TC, Clavis and pin on ART. ART/ Incharge will keep a watch on the availability of C&W staff and preferably take their attendance before departure of the ART/ARME. It will also be ensured that all the staff of other departments maintained for going though ART/ARME will also reach at stabling line for Break Down duty.

ART/Incharge will also keep a watch on running of ART/ARME with maximum permissible speed and note the detentions along with reasons thereof.

ART/Incharge will take the position again on station nearing to accident site & speak for marshalling / shunting as require. They will identify the equipments to be used at site and check their fitness as far as possible. Assessment of requirement should be on the higher side so that all unloading is complete in one spell so that ART coaches if not required, may be removed from site.

On reaching accident site, one nominated senior staff will arrange unloading of equipments/accessories at site. Group of staff should be nominated item wise to unload, transport to site and responsibility should be fixed.

ART/ARME incharge will first have an assessment of the work to be tackled at site in consultation with the site incharge. In the mean time, Break down Gang will unload and check the equipments to be used on accident site. ART/ARME will co-ordinate with senior Sub - ordinate of other departments for erection of tents/lighting at site provision of telephone and medical facilities. All these departments will contact

Phone Numbers

Railway CUG

23-492,493, 494 09794833414 09794830958


ART/Incharge and provide all facilities/staff under their supervision. Engineering department will provide staff for erection of tents and other such jobs.

ART/ Incharge at site will try to establish prima-facie cause and estimate restoration time, in consultation with other departments and Sr. most incharge at site. They will also associate reading at site etc. Respective incharge will also plan various operations/ sequence of operations & instruct the ART staff accordingly. These incharges will also contact emergency control and intimate the extra requirement/help to be provided at site, if any and should collect.

Engineering department will also provide the staff to form ballast bed/leveling of land for propping of Crane. This will reduce total set up time for Crane. List of Staff Nominated for SPARME/Lucknow:

SN NAME Desig. T/No. Phone Nos Address

1 Sh. Ajay Kumar SSE - 9794844362

LD-61E Running Shed Colony Alambagh LKO

2 Sh. Sonu Prasad JE - 9794836914

Ganga Khera, Kanausi, Manak Nagar, Lucknow.

3 Sh. Anil Kr. Shakya

Sr. Tech. B/S

65 9794844387 L-49F Sickline Colony Charbagh LKO

4 Sh. Lavkesh Kr. Mishra

Sr. Tech. 198 9794844396 A-38A Baraha Railway Colony Alambagh LKO

5 Sh. Dewashish Banerjee

Tech I 711 9794844392 L-49-I Sickline Colony Charbagh LKO

6 Sh. Ravi Pal Tech II 09 9794844391

551K/123 Shakti nagar Bhilawan Alambagh LKO

7 Sh.Anand Kumar Tech ll 414 9794844388 Anand nagar Alambagh LKO

8 Sh. Jeetu Vishwakarma

Tech II 105 9794839722 594ka/357 Neelmatha bazaar LKO

9 Sh. Ajay Kumar Tech II 144 8795388683

281/351 Meal Road Mawaiya LKO

10 Sh. Arvind Kumar Tech II 248 9794506222

176 Indrauri Krishna Nagar LKO

11 Sh.Om Prakash Tech. III 180 8318714739

I-62 H Sleeper Ground

Alambagh LKO

12 Sh. Shambhoo Dayal

Tech. III 585 9794844358 570/S-147 Fauzi Colony Azad nagar LKO

13 Sh. Sarvesh Kumar Carp II 91 9794844393 Haider Kanal Colony LKO

14 Sh. Surendra Singh Welder II 176 9794844398

L-49-L Sickline Colony Charbagh LKO

15 Sh. Mukesh Kumar C/C 451 9565771158

LD- 111 C Sleeper ground Alambagh LKO

16 Sh. Kishan Kumar Prajapati

Heiper 283 6393216067 547Ka/2/100 Old C Block, Pitamber Khera, Rajaji Puram, Lucknow.

17 Sh. Shankar Tech. II 203 9415465046

554/2Ka, Chota Baraha, Kailashpuri, Alambagh, Lucknow.

18 Sh.Chhotey Lal

RRV Driver

312 9451836232 591E/79, Baldeo Bihar, Telibagh, Lucknow.

19 Sh. Shailendra Pratap Singh

Tech. III / RRV Driver asstt.

405 7651896039 150-D Dhobi Ghat, Railway Colony, Lucknow.


Leave Reserve Staff/Spare Staff

S.No. NAME Desig. T/No. Phone Nos Address

1. Sh. N.B. Singh SSE - 9794844366 Indra puri Manas Nagar Alambagh lucknow

2. Sh. Neeraj Pandey Sr. Tech 127 9415426236 2 Vihar Telibagh Lucknow

3. Sh. Surendra Kr. Verma

Sr. Tech 279 8576059382 LDA Colony Alambagh Lucknow

4. Sh. Rakesh Kumar Sr. Tech 854 9140592096 Indra puri Manas Nagar Alambagh lucknow

5. Sh. Ritesh Kumar C\C 378 7752839404 Meera Vihar Colony Near SGPGI Raibarelly Road Lucknow

6. Sh. Braj Mohan Kumar

Tech II 318 9140701592 Near L.P.S. Anand Nagar LKO


1. 8157 DPC Staff Van

2. 8159 Medical Van

3. 8158 DPC Auxiliary Van

List of Staff Nominated for ART/ARME/Faizabad:

SN Name of Staff Desig. CUG No. Residential Address

01 Dinesh Kumar Tripathi


9794832391 1/14/5A/1 Hausila Nagar Civil Lines Ayodhya

02 Ankit Yadav SSE/BD 9794844462 A-3/B Railway Colony Faizabad

03 Turam Tamsoy SrT 9794839003 I-9/D Railway Colony Faizabad

04 Dhanesh SrT 8429523661 I-11/E Railway Colony Faizabad

05 Prahlad Kumar Gautam

T-I 8429523665 Hausila Nagar, Civil Lines Ayodhya

06 Santosh Kumar T-I 8429523666 J B Singh Lawn, Kaushalpuri Face-I, Ayodhya

07 Abdul Salam T-II 8429523633 II-10/A Railway Colony Faizabad

08 Ram Ujagir Yadav T-II 9794839081 I-19/H Railway Colony Faizabad

09 Jaswant Singh T-II 9794831043 C&W-3/G Railway Colony Faizabad

10 Ram Chander T-II 8429523663 C&W-3/C Railway Colony Faizabad

11 Ravish Kumar T-II 8429523670 I-25/H Railway Colony Faizabad

12 Laxmi Kumar Gupta T-II 8429523662 I-15/A Railway Colony Faizabad

13 Sunil Kumar T-II 8429523674 B-15/A Railway Colony Faizabad

14 Jitendra Kumar T-III 8429523671 Madrehiya Ramghat Ayodhya

15 Rakesh Kumar T-III 9794846868 I-14/D Railway Colony Faizabad

16 Gauri Shankar Kumar T-III 8429523660 O1/C1/A Railway Colony Faizabad

17 Jitendra Kumar T-III 8429523668 T-7/H Railway Colony Faizabad

18 Panchdeo T-III 9794844595 I/19-F Railway Colony Faizabad

19 Murari Kumar Gope T-III 8429523659 A/18-B Railway Colony Faizabad

20 Anuj Kumar T-III 8429523632 I-3/C Railway Colony Faizabad

21 Zahir Ali T-III 9794845343 L-29/B Railway Colony Faizabad

22 Raju Kumar T-III 8429523634 T-8/OH Railway Colony Faizabad

23 Ram Chander Yadav CC-II 8429523658 T/7-K Railway Colony Faizabad

24 Sanjit Kumar CC-II 9794830991 K-3 Railway Colony Faizabad

25 Vikas Mishra CC-II 9794839086 78 LIG Kaushalpuri Ayodhya

26 Ritesh Kumar CC-II 8429523673 Mister Guest House Ayodhya


List of staff nominated for Tool Van/BSB:

SN Name of Staff Desig. CUG No. Residential Address

01 Anand Kr. Verma SSE(C&W) 9794836919 Chhittupur, Varanasi

02 Ram Bahadur Sr.Tech. 8787271465 Mayur Vihar, Phulwariya, Varanasi

03 Rishikesh Rai Sr.Tech. 9451781284 Manas Nagar Colony, Phulwariya, Varanasi

04 Sanjay Kr. Pal Sr.Tech. 8429523620 New Loco Colony

05 Vincent Kujur Sr.Tech. 9621567639 Lahartara, Varanasi

06 Deepak Kr. Singh Sr.Tech. 8738896789 Lahartara Colony, Varanasi

07 Rajesh Kr. Singh Tech.I 9935802287 Ardali Bazar, Varanasi

08 Vishwambhar Singh Tech.I 9838770449 New Loco Colony

09 Indra Pal Bharti Tech.II 8115394507 New Loco Colony

10 Santosh Kumar Tech.II 9935532388 Manas Nagar Colony, Phulwariya, Varanasi

11 Ajeet Kr. Singh Tech.III 9507254249 New Loco Colony

12 Upendra Kumar Tech.III 8318802384 New Loco Colony

13 Rakesh Kr. Biswakarma

Tech.III 9162030856 Lahartara Colony

14 Sunil Kumar Tech.III 7753073060 New Loco Colony

15 Dilip Kumar Tech.III 9470613922 New Loco Colony

16 Himanshu Shekhar Tech.III 7250842025 New Loco Colony

17 Mrityunjay Kumar Tech.III 7754017338 New Loco Colony

18 Krishna Prasad Tech.III 8329016861 Lahartara, Varanasi

19 Govind Biswakarma Tech.III 9005558747 Loco Colony

20 Pappu Biswakarma Mech. Helper

8789632497 Loco Colony



Main function of the medical department can be broadly classified as-

- Takig out injured passengers from accident involved coaches.

- Attending to injured passengers and giving them first aid.

- Preparing list of injured passengers

- Classification of their injuries.

- Transporting them tohospitals and getting them admitted.

- Post admission hospital care of the injured.

- Dealing with dead body’s preservation of dead bodies.

- Taking an initial round of hospitals and assessment of situation.

• The list thus prepared is to be signed by a Railway doctor on duty in the hospital. One copy is to

be handed over to the Commercial Department.

2nd copy to be kept with the Doctor Incharge as office copy and 3rd copy to be given to

paramedical staff to get multiple photocopies for further distribution.

One copy should also be sent to CAC for being fed into the personal computer provided in the


The initial list prepared should be updated at regular intervals as and when any change occurs

and communicated to the emergency control.

Taking out injured passengers:

Maximum number of paramedical staff should by deoputed for this activity.

This group should consists of at least 4,5 teams if numbers permit more such teams should be


Team involved in rescue operation should ensure rapid access to all injured passangers.

They should take assistance of Mechanical/Engineering/RPF staff to extricate injured passangers.

Each team will join up with teams of Mechanical staff who would also be involved in extracting

dead and injured from coaches.

Miximum number of coaches should be tackled simultaneously except those that have climbed

on top or have telescoped in to one another.

Coaches should be thoroughly searched including lavatory and vestibute portions before

abandoning further search and moving on to next coach.

Attending to injured passangers:

One team will be asked to provide medical treatment to injure passangers immediately after

their evacuation from coaches.

Ensure stabilization of condition of injured passengers already taken out from coaches before

they are dispatched to hospitals by road.

In case of patients in critical condition where stabilization of condition at site is not possible they

should be moved immediately by road ambulance or shifted to ARMV.

Preparing list of passangers:

a. Collect list of injured passangers prepared by TS/TTES and assess the situation.

b. Separate lists to prepared coach wise.

c. The list should contain following details.

-If found conscious, Name, Sex, Age identification marks address ticket number, originating and

destination station.

-If found unconscious approximate Age, Sex identification marks ticket number and other

particulars if relatives and friends are available.

d. Once the preliminary list of injured passangers has been prepared the list should be signed by the

CMS/MS in-charge and a copy handed over to commercial department.

e. The list of injured passangers will there after he he updated periodically as resues and relief work

contains and fed into the personal computer provided in the UCC/LCC.


Classification of injuries:

B. Injuries are classified as under-

a. Grevious injuries as defined below

b. Simple but excuding trivial injuries such as abrasions or bruises.

a. Following are considered to be grievous (as per section 320 of the Indian Panel Code)

Permanent privation of sight of either eye.

Permanent privation of hearing of either ear.

Privation of any member or joint.

Destruction or permanent impairment of powers of any members or joint, permanent

disfigurement of head or face.

Fracture or dislocation of a bone or tooth.


Any hurt which endangers life or which causes the sufferer to be during the space of twenty

days in severe body pain or unable to follow his ordianary persuits.

b. Injuries other than those defined above are considered to be “Simple Injuries”

B. Apart from injuries defined above there may be cases where a passangers or trepasee receives

only petty abrasions or bruises these of trivial nature and technically speaking should not be taken

as injuries.

C. “A Railway employee or a passanger or trespasser shall be considered th be injured only when

he/she is following customeny vocation for more than 48hrs.

Such injuries are classified as under-

i. Serious (including grievious injuries

ii. Minor or Simple

D. Classify injured passangers into separate categories as grievious or simple.

E. Inform commercial department for arranging ex-gratia payment.

F. Classification of injuries may be changed in the light of X-rays and other detailed findings after

admission and should be intimated to CC and LCC.

Bodies taken out from coaches should be stacked at quite some distance from the track in

front of respective coaches in separate lots, coach wise. While this may slow down the

work initially,, in the long run –more systernatic since bodies do not get mixed up.

Shift dead bodies from coaches to a nominated place at the accident site with the help of

paramedical staff, SJAB Scout, Civil Dfence personnel other Railway staff and non- railway

volunteers available at site.

Ensure covering of dead bodies with shrouds.

Put label (white) cloth of 12x9” written by marker pen) on body bag on each dead body

on the chest just below the neck as below –

Date Coach No. Dead body serial No.

Name Age Sex

In case of unidentified dead bodies against the item name it should be written as –

Unidentified -1, Un identified – 2 etc.. Approximate age should be estimated from the

appearance such as between 35-45 years.

Photographs preferably by digital camera should be taken of each body. Two should be

close up of face from in front and sideways. Third should be with the lable visible at

mentioned above and fourth & fifth should be full length of the body.


Each body should also be photographed.

After photographs have been taken, each body should be placed inside a plastic bag with

zip having proper labeling system where same information is also to be provided.

After this bodies will be handed over to GRP or local Police for safe coustody.

Take necessary steps to handle unhygienic condition that may arise due to

decomposed/mutilated bodies.

Air conditiom mortuaries available with divisional hospital to be utilized to store atleat six


Preservation of dead bodies:

a. Numbering and photography of bodies should be done even when relatives are on hand to claim

the body.

b. Arrangements have to be made for a more permanent location for them till such time as the next

of kin arrive to claim these bodies.

c. In all such accidents passengers are invarialbly separated from their belongings. As such in many

cases there are no tickets or other identification papers on their possession.

d. This problem is further compounded in unreserved coaches where no reservation charts are


e. Identification problems come up in case of multilated bodies also. In such cases, photographs are

better means of identification.

f. Arrange for hiring of a couple of big halls, for keeping bodies.

g. Rooms should be preferably be at a single location so that relatives do not have to go around from

mortuary to mortuary.

h. A large building having number of rooms would be ideal for storing them. Best options to take

over a school building temporarly.

i. Arrange to move dead bodies to nominated buildings being used as temporary mortuaries.

j. Bodies should be healthy lined up with their numbers prominently displayed and kept in different

rooms, coach wise.

k. Notice board outside the building should display the room no. where bodies extracted from a

particular coach have been kept.

l. These details should also be posted on a notice board outside each room.

m. This will prevent unnecessary handing of bodies, which in any case would be in an advanced state

of decomposition.

n. For dead bodies whos relatives are not available and delay is expected. Arrange for their

preservation by dry ice etc.

o. Process following item from local market for dealing with dead bodies.

1. Shrouds 2. Polythene bags 3. Coffins 4. Dry Ice

p. Coomercial staff should be put on round the clock duty in the building housing the temporary

mortuary for guiding relatives as and when they come.

Duties of Doctor In-charge of the dead bodies:

i. The Doctor will arrange to shift the dead bodies from the track bogies to a nominated place at the

accident site with the help of all the paramedical staff, St. John Brigade members, Scouts, Civil

Defence members and other Rly, Non Rly, Volunteers available at the site.

ii. To put cloth lable (White cloth of 2” x 9” written by marker pen) on each body on the chest just

below the neck. The lable should be a below-


Dead body serial No.


Age (Approx)

Ticket No. (If available)

Coach No. (Recovered from)

In case of unknown dead bodies, against the column ‘name’ it should be written as unknown-

1/unknown-2 etc. Age should be estimated from the appearance.


iii. To take photographs of each dead body. Two should be close up of face and the lable as per item.

It above and should be of full length of the dead body.

iv. After the photograph taken, each dead body to be placed inside a plastic bag with zip having

proper labeling system where system where same information is also be provided.

v. After this the dead bodies will be handed over to GRP/Police for needful action.

vi. For dead bodies whose relatives are not readily available and expected a delay he will arrange for

preservation of the dead bodies by various process like preservation by ice, dry ice etc.


- Ensure colletcting blood sample of train crew in case the same is necessary.

- Organize as marry road ambulance as possible at the accident site.

- Data bank of divisional DM plans has names, telephone numbers and oher details of hospitals near

the accident site. They should contacted on phone for sending road ambulance along with team of

doctors set up medical counter in UCC and CAC for passanger assistance.

- Set up first aid posts in LCC (Local Command Centre)

Site Management:

Leader of team A (Normally CMS/MS incharge of the division) would take control of the site

coordinate relief measures and distribute duties amongsr doctors available as detaile below:-

⁎ Different teams and group will be formed for discharging various duties of the medical department

as detailed section in section (7.5) above each should consist of 4-6 members and each group

should consist of 3-5 teams depending upon requirement.

⁎ One group of doctors will take a round of various hospitals where injured passengers have already

been admitted (Para IV below)

⁎ One team will prepare list of injured passangers notedown details of their injuries and classify

them (Para VII and Para VIII below)

⁎ One team would be incharge of transporting injured passengers to the hospitals and getting them

admitted (Para ix below)

⁎ One team would be incharge of post admittance hospital care of the injured (Para X below)

⁎ One team will deal with dead bodies after these have been extracted from coaches. They will

prepare a list and arrange for their preservation (Para XI and XII)

In case sufficient doctors are available then more groups should be formed for rescue operations

(Para ‘V’ betow)

Taking an initial round of hospitals:

⁎ Separate doctors will be deputed to visit each hospital where injured passangers have already

been shifted.

⁎ One commercial officer will also accompany doctors and make a general assessment.

⁎ At the hospital they should collect information about dead/injured persons their name, age, sex,

address, telephone no., name and telephone no. of relatives/friends nature of the injury etc.

⁎ These information should be immediately communicated to CMS/MS at accident site by using local

PCO/Cell hone etc.

⁎ Prepare a list of persons dead injured already in hospitals in three copies by using carbon paper.

Duties of Doctors who will prepare the list of dead and injured persons:

He/She will collect information from other doctors about the details of the dead persons and

injured persons. He/She will prepare a list of persons dead injured in three copies by using carbon

paper. The list thus prepared is to be signed by CMS/MS as officer copy and 3rd copy to be given

to paramedical staff to get multiple photo copies for further distribution. The first list prepared and

handed over needs to be updated at regular interval.

Duties of doctors deputed to visit different hospitals where injured passangers are



a. Before they leave the site, they should note down the Rly & DOT Telephone No of accident site

CMS/MS and other doctors at the site, Mobile phone etc. for quick communication.

b. They will arrange their own transport (hired vehicles by withdrawing from station earnings if

Required). In case Railway vehicle are not available, they should hire Taxi for their movement.

Doctors going to different hospital should have separate vehicles.

c. At the hospital they should first collect information about the dead/injured persons their name,

age, sex, address, telephone No. name and telephone no. of relatives/friends, nature of the injury

etc. These information should be immediately communicate to CMS/MS at accident site by using

local P.C.O or cell phone etc.

d. He/She should make an assessment about the capabilities of the hospitals to handle the injured.

He/She should decide whether the patient needs to be shifted to other hospitals with better

facilities and then arrange to shift the patient.

e. Normally one doctor should be looking after one hospital but when large no. of hospitals are

involved 2/3 hospitals may be given to one doctor. In that case the doctor in consultation with

CMS/MS should station himself to the hospitals where maximum no. of patient are admitted.

The group of Medical officers and Paramedical Staff divided in two teams Team A &Team

B are as follows.

Team –A

1 Dr. V.M.Sinha CMS 9794833500

2 Dr.M.K.Shakarwal ACMS 9794833505

3 Dr.V.S.Hyanki ACMS 9794833524

4 Dr.Kamal Kishore ACMS 9794833539

5 Dr. Amrender Kumar ACMS 9794833510

6 Dr.Dileep Verma Sr. DMO 9794833529

7 Dr. Pankaj Goyal Sr. DMO 9794833535

8 Dr. Urmi Sarkar Sr. DMO 9794833515

9 Sr. Subha Srivastava ACMS 9794833514

10 Dr.Ashish Tripathi ADMO 9794833526

11 Dr. Raj Kumar ADMO 9794833516

12 Dr.R.C.Sindhi ACMS 9794833512

13 Dr.Sanjeev Dixit ACMS 9794833536

Para Medical Staff:-

1. Sh. Pradeep Kanojiya Sr. PHT 9794839378

2. Sh. Brijesh PHT 7457900361

3. Sh. Ikrar Ahmed PHT 9794160111

4. Sh. Pradeep Kumar PHT 7755001220

5. Sh. Shri Kishan OTA 9794845973


6. Sh. Vinay Kanojia OTA 9794843129

7. Sh. Suresh OTA -

8. Sh. Vinod HA 8528500344

9. Sh. Matapher HA 9794156470

Team B-Medical Officers:- All doctors of team B will be available in hospital and will communicate

with CMS.

1 Dr. B.K.Bajpayee Sr. Consultant 9794833511

2 Dr.M.A.Haque ACMS 9794833522

3 Dr.Reeta Garbiyal ACMS 9794833519

4 Dr.Ritu Singh Sr.DMO 9794833537

5 Dr. Anuradha Sr.DMO 9794833514

6 Dr. Pratibha Thakur Sr.DMO 9794833534

7 Dr. Pooja Naval ADMO 9794833606

8 Dr.Ananta Gupta ADMO 979483331

9 Dr.Garima ADMO 9794846610

10 Dr. Sweta CMP 9453171514

11 Dr. Nazia ADMO 9794843152


Para Medical Staff:-

1. Sh. M.K.Pal Sr. PHT 9005851115

2. Sh. Vinay Gupta PHT 9294401228

3. Sh. Pawan Pal PHT 9628960181

4. Sh. Nirankar Yadav PHT 8423092434

5. Sh. Ram Chander OTA 9651332880

6. Sh. Jasmer Singh OTA 9956839474

7. Sh. Sarvesh Tiwari HA 9454681401

8. Sh. Nandan HA 9695831644

9. Sh. Puranmasi HA -

10. Sh. Omkar SW -

11. Sh. Anil Kumar Gupta SW -

Duty of Doctors at accident site:-

1- Leader of the team Dr.V.M.Sinha, CMSNR//LKO

2- List of dead /injured persons will be prepared by Dr. M.K.Shakarwal, ACMS, Dr. Sanjeev Dixit,

ACMS, Dr. Ashish Tripathi, ADMO.

3- Dead bodies will be looked after by Dr. Amrendra Kumar, ACMS, Dr. R.C.Sindhi, ACMS and Dr.

Dileep Verma, Sr.DMO.


4- Dr. Pamkaj Goel, Sr. DMO and Dr. Kamal Kishore, ACMS will visit to the hospital where passengers

have been shifted.

5- Dr.B.K.Bajpayee, Consultant, Dr. V.S.Hyanki, ACMS and Dr. Raj Kumar, ADMO will be involved in

rescue operation to provide medical treatment to the injured persons and their transfer to nearby


6- The CMS will establish communication with divisional control and the leader of the team ‘B’ who is

available at the divisional hospital of exchange of information.

7- Once the preliminary list of passengers dead /injury have been prepared, the list should be signed

by CMS and hand over copy to officer of commercial department available at accident site.

8- The list should be up dated periodically as per need.

Preparedness –

Ambulance will be immediately made ready along with adequate equipment’s and the staff (within

5 minutes)


-Oxygen Cylinder - 01

-Pomka - 01

-Stretcher - 02

-Shrouds - 10 (2 bundles of 5 each)

-Water - 10 bottles


-Road Map


-Doctor on duty

-Dresser - 01

-Attendants - 02

-Safaiwala - 02

The ambulance will ruch to the distaster site as early as possible (within 15 to 30 minutes) in

emergency vehicle (sufficient to carry 08 people and equipment) may be hired for carrying the

team to the disaster site.

There should be a clear command of communication and area wise organization of the groups

equipped eith First Aid Boxes.

Casulaty sister will inform all doctors and nursing staff, the pharmacist Sh. Pradeep Kanojia

(Mobile No. 9794839378). There after pharmacist wil inform all the pharmacists.

For the quick communication the hospital staff is advised to carry the mobile numbers of their


Additional haver sacks for providing first aid to be provided to all doctors all dressers all


Each haversack will contain following items –

-Packed dressing 05 and cotton wool 01 bundle

-Roler bandage - 10

-Analgesic tablet - 10

--Inj Voveran - 01 Inj.

-Inj. Diazepam - 01


-Syringes - 02 (2ml & 5ml)

-Betadine solution - 01 (100 ml)

-Sofra mycine - ointment-1 and Eye applicaps -05

All concerned are instructed to carry the above haverack with them always so that it is available at

the time of emergency.

The key principle is to provide the greatest good for the greatest number of patients.

The ABCS of medical response to disasters.

1. Search and rescue

2. Triage and initial stabilization

3. Defimtive care

4. Evacuation

Quick sorting of casualties into-

-Priority One - Needing immediate resuscitation

-Priority Two - Immediate surgery

-Priority Three - Needing first aid & possible surgery

-Priority Four - Needing only first – aid



• EMERGENCY CELL: An emergency cell equipped with FAX, TV, Photostat Machine, Computer with printer having facility will start functioning in control office and Sr. DOM will be the emergency officer assisted by AOM/M. In case of unavailability of Sr. DOM, Sr. DOM/G will be the Emergency Officer. The Phone

Numbers are as under.



Sr. DOM 23500 2234520 25500 2332864 09794833900

Sr. DOM/G 23501 2234522 - 2310404 09794833901

Sr. DOM/Chg 23472 2234573 - 2472702 09794833903

DOM/M 23504 2234523 25628 - 09794833904

The Emergency cell will be manned by AOM(M)/AOM (Yard)/LKO round the Clock. Their contact numbers are as under-



AOM/M 23505 - - - 09794833902

CHG/LKO 23533 2234525 - - 09794833910

A log book will be maintained in emergency cell and the information and instruction will be recorded in the log book chronologically.


1. He should record the time of accident, Kilometer, Casualties, damage to stock, assistance required

medical van, ART with or without crane.

2. Advise Dy. CHC (Coaching) and (Goods), controlling station, T.I. of the section and railway doctor

of the nearest station where Med. Van & ARME chest are located.

3. Stop movements of trains in the affected section.

4. Ascertain which lines are clear.

5. Keep room adjacent station for movement of medical van, ART and for marshalling crane etc.

• ACTION BY Dy. CHC (COACHING): 5. He will ring the accident bell and advise Power controller, MTS, TXR control, TLC, TPC,

Commercial Controller & TCI advising their branch officers and for turning out medical van, ART


2. Advise Railway Doctor where medical van is located and also DMO/MS.

3. Advise nearest civil and army hospital, fire brigades etc.

4. He will ensure turn out of medical van and ART without any delay and see these are not held up

en route. Topmost priority should be given for moving the Medical Van.

5 He will ensure that relief, train arranged for clearing stranded passengers is given overriding

priority in running. Every effort should be made to minimize the travel time of the affected

passengers. It must also be ensured that other passenger trains which have been distained due to

accident are given due priority in running.

6. Advise the station concerned for drinking water, tea and snacks.

7. Open a log book as per prescribed proforma with the assistance of Trains Clerk/WMI with

complete details of movement of medical van, ART, movement of officers, progress of work at site

as relayed from the site etc.



Om Prakash - 09794834899

Ashutosh Srivastava - 09794845693

Anoop Srivastava - 09794834067

Manendra Pratap Singh - 09794845694

8. Advise Emergency/ H.Q. about the full details of the accident as per proforma already available

along with the list of dead and injured.

• ACTION BY Dy. CHC (Goods) : 1. Arrange power & crew for medical van and ART in consultation with PRC/TPC. 2. Advise Sr. DOM, DRM/ADRM, Sr. DOM/Safety, ADRM, Sr.DSO, DSO, DOM, AOM/CHG, AOM/M,

CHC. 3. Arrange for power and crew for trains in consultation with PRC/TPC in which stranded passenger

are to be carried.

4. Arrange for material and labour Specials. 5. Regulation of goods trains. 6. Arrange for power in consultation with PRC and TPC for trains diverted. • ACTION BY CHC (INCHARGE): During night hours CHC punctuality will be deputed to work as CHC (Incharge) in case of accident,

where as during day CHC (Incharge) will see that-:

1. Ensure that medical van and ART have been dispatched to the site of accident and are not held up en route.

2. He should make arrangements of trains for carrying stranded passenger and clearance of passengers held up at other stations.

3. Ensure that all concerned officers have been advised. 4. Plan for regulation of passengers, mail/ Exp. Trains cancellation diversion, termination short of

destination in consultation with Sr DOM. 5. Enquiry offices at important stations are kept advised about the revised timings and the changes

in schedule of train service. 6. Alternative route should be explored for movement through yard and plan made out for additional

staff for piloting etc. in case coaching lines are blocked. 7. Particulars of injured and dead should also be conveyed to CSO or COM in absence of CSO.

ACTION BY Sr. DOM: 1. Ensure that medical van and ART reach the accident site without any detention en route.

2. Plan for trains of the transport of stranded passengers at site and clearance of passengers held up

at other stations.

3. Plan for regulation of passenger, mail/Exp. trains, cancellation, diversion, termination short of

destination in consultation with CPTM.

4. Check that information regarding passengers dead, sustained injuries-grievous & simple is duly

verified by Railway Doctor and approved by senior most officer at the earliest.

5. Details of the dead, injured –sustaining grievous or simple injury regarding originating and

destination station, ticket No- hospital to which sent for treatment and also particulars of next kith

and kin to be obtained from the site and relayed to Emergency Control, CSO and in his absence to


6. He will also advise CRS in case CRS can be approached on phone before CSO can contact.

However, CSO will still advise CRS in any case.



i. Attending the accident site in case of accident in the station yard where prima facie cause of the

accident is on account of operating staff or where operational work needs to be co-ordinated.

ii. In other cases, attending the divisional control in case of accident and ensuring periodic relay of

information to the Emergency Control (Central Control) at the Head Quarter Office regarding

rescue, relief and restoration works at the accident site.

iii. Coordinating and monitoring the timely turning out of ART/ARME/Tower Wagon/Material

train/Engine etc. and its reaching the accident site/adjoining station without en-route detention.

Planning for efficient movement of ART, engine, tower wagon, etc. between site and adjoining

station for quick restoration.

iv. Ensuring marshalling of ART crane (as per requirement of site incharge official) before it reaches

the accident site.

v. Coordinating with the accident site incharge to ensure quick clearance of front and rear portions of

the affected train from the site.

vi. Obtaining the following details from the site and relaying the same to the Emergency Control:

Details of the dead, injured-sustaining grievous or simple injury, their originating & destination

stations, ticket no., hospitals to which sent for treatment and also particulars of next kith & kin.

vii. Checking that information regarding passengers dead, sustained injuries-grievous and simple-is

duly verified by Railway doctor and approved by the senior most officer at the earliest.

viii. Any other duty that may be assigned by the competent authority relating to the accident.



As and when information is received regarding train accident involving injury to Railway men, a team

of nominated Personnel Inspectors a well as Welfare Inspectors of the division in consultation with

DPO/Sr. DPO will plan for action.

1. He will take the list of injured Railway men and will co-ordinate for providing necessary medical facilities.

2. He will coordinate the arrangements required for transportation of the dead bodies of Railway men to their families/native place.

3. He will arrange necessary payments e.g. funeral advance, ex-gratia etc. to the family of the deceased Railway men.

4. He will visit the family of the injured/deceased Railway men for solace and other help required.

5. He will coordinate with the Railway Officer at site for any other work assigned to him.

In addition to above, a team of scout & Guide under the leadership of his Master will also be redeployed on the spot where incident took place for rescue operations.


S No.

Name of Personnel Inspectors and Welfare Inspectors (S/Sh)

Designation Contact Number

1 Praveen Kumar Bhalla CSWLI/Co-ord 9794833616

2 Kirti Mishra CSWLI 9794833608

3 Raman Uppal CSWLI 9794833642

4 Rajesh Mahajan CSWLI 9794833615

5 Smt. M.Benjamin CSWLI 9794833620

6 G.K.Mishra CSWLI 9794833625

7 Joni Kumar CSWLI 9794833635

8 Sudhir Kumar Tiwari CSWLI 9794843043

9 Nikhil Singh CSWLI 9794833640

10 C.B.Mishra CSWLI 9794833631

11 Ajai Kumar CSWLI 9794942383

12 J.P.Verma CSWLI 9794843143

13 R.K.Srivastava CSWLI 9794843142

14 P.S.Ojha CSWLI 9794833612

15 J.B.Singh CSWLI 9794833610

16 R.H.Meena SWLI 9794833613

17 Sanjay Sonkar SWLI 9794835814

18 Raj Kumar Sharma SWLI 9794833626

19 Lokesh Meena SWLI 9794833641

20 J.P.Yadav PI 9793155559



Whenever a serious accident or disaster occurs, action must be taken as promptly as possible to.

i) Save life and all aviate suffering, ii) Protect properly including mail, iii) Ascertain the cause of the accident, iv) Restore through communication, and Provide succors to passengers at the site of the


Sr. DSO In case of major accident, Sr. DSO will reach the site either by ART/ARME or any other faster mode of transport.He will inspect the site and preserve the clues for accident enquiry.

(i) He will ensure that the photographs/video-graphs of the site are taken. (ii) He will co-ordinate to collect speedo graph, data logger, statements of crew etc.

SAFETY COUNSELOR (TRAFFIC) They will assist Sr. DSO in the following activities.

(i) They will move to the site of accident by the first available means promptly and collect all relevant information at the site of accident and arrange preservation of clues.

(ii) They will ensure correct marshalling of the crane; ensure evidence of Train Staff, Station Staff and public on the spot who are willing to give statement later.

(iii) They will co-ordinate to get joint observations of panel, other observations related with accident. (iv) They will assist in keeping liaison with control office and any other duties given by Sr. DSO. (v) They will ensure that the log diary at the accident site is maintained properly with full details.

SAFETY COUNSELOR (LOCO) (i) He will obtain the statement of Driver, DSL Assistant, Guard etc. and obtain all relevant

information about the engine and the crew involved in the accident. (ii) He will note down the bio-data of driver and Asstt. Driver of the accident involved train. (iii) He will also get hold of speedometer-graph of the engine of the accident involved train jointly

along with other supervisors. (iv) He will also take charge of engine repair book in case of derailment of locomotive. (v) He will arrange breathalyzer test of the driver and Astt. Driver, if so warranted. (vi) Any other duties given by Sr. DSO. (vii) In the case of non availability of Safety Counselor (S&T) in divisional control office he will perform

the duty of Safety Counselor (S& T) in control office.


(i) He will immediately proceed to the site of accident along with ART and arrange photographs at the site from the Video Camera kept in the ART and thereafter ensure quick relief operation at site and preserve other relevant clues at site.

(ii) He shall make thorough inspection of the accident involved coaches/ wagons and assist Sr. DSO in finding out the probable cause of the accident.

(iii) He will take down the PRO particulars of the derailed wagon/coaches. (iv) He will check the validity of brake power certificate of the accident involved train and also seize

the same. (v) He will ensure that Stock readings are measured as per Accident Manual, if warranted. (vi) Any other duties assigned by Sr. DSO.


(i) He will also reach the site of accident by the quickest means and ensure that P-Way readings are taken as per Accident Manual, thereafter, ensure quick restoration of traffic. He will proceed to site along with ART/Medical Van.

(ii) He will ensure that the joint observations / measurements of the track are taken in the standard Performa as per the accident Manual.

(iii) He will ensure that proper sketch of the accident site is prepared and jointly signed.


(iv) He will inspect the site and also go through the track observations and measurements and will assist Sr. DSO in ascertaining the probable cause of the accident.

(v) He will seize the gang diaries, gang chart, curve register and other related documents from the concerned PWI.

(vi) He will note down on the spot statement of the P. Way staff working at the site, if any, at the time

of accident.

SAFETY COUNSELOR (S&T)- (i) He will inspect the accident site, particularly, if points and crossing & signal gears are involved and

will assist Sr. DSO in ascertaining probable cause of the accident. He will ensure that joint observations of cabin/panel are taken.

(ii) He will collect the details from the site & communicate the same to the HQ safety control. (iii) In case of accident in station yard and on points, he will note down the gauge position of the

points and all levers/push buttons in the ASM rooms along with traffic inspector/SS of the station. (iv) He will ensure that the communication between the site and the control is arranged at the earliest.

He shall also ensure that the site telephone is manned by responsible S & T staff to assistance in making calls.

(v) Any other duties assigned by Sr. DSO. TRAFFIC INSPECTOR (At Site)- He shall ensure that the joint measurements of the track, wagons/ coaches, cabin, and panel are taken and recorded.

(i) He shall ensure that speedometer graph of loco is taken out jointly and seized. (ii) He shall seize all train passing record of station. (iii) He will take statement of the ASM on duty, Cabin-man and any other operating staff on the

station, related with the accident. (iv) He will keep liaison with control and ensure proper reception of ARME and ART at site and also

ensure that all necessary shunting required to be done at site or at station is done smoothly in the minimum time.

(v) Any other duty allotted by Sr. DSO/DSO/ADSO and Operating officers at site.

CUG Mobile Number of Safety Organization

S.No. Name Designation Mobile No.

1 Sh. Santosh Kumar Sr. Divl. Safety Officer 09794833050

2 Sh. C.P.Verma Safety Counselor(Traffic) 09794833052

3 Sh. N.L.Panday Safety Counselor(Traffic) 09794846876

4 Sh. Suresh Kumar Safety Counselor(C&W) 09794833053

5 Sh. Sanjeev Saxena Safety Counselor(P.Way) 09794833055

6 Sh. Lalta Prasad Safety Counselor(Loco) 09794833056

7 Sh. A.K.Srivastava Safety Counselot (S&T) 09794833054



1. On receipt of first information the nearest RPF Post/Out post should muster the miximum available manpower within the shortest possible time and dispatch them to the site of accident. Simultaneously, post/out post incharge would requisition additional manpower, he should also pass on the information to the senior supervisory officer and the control room at Divisional/Zonal

Headquarter, Local Police and Police control room, Local Fire brigades, Hospitals, local voluntary organization and NGOs at the earliest.

2. The Divisional Security Officer will proceed to the site. The Divisiion Security control room shall get reinforcement from the neighboring post/outpost, Reserve Line, Division Headquarter or Zonal Reserve.In case any RPSF battalion or Company is located in the vicinity.Man can be requisitioned from there for dealing with suchemergent situation till additional force is avlable from other source while sending reinfofcemen . The The Division security control room shall ensour that the

necessary equipments required for rescue recovery and protection of the scene of incident are provided as follows:-

(i) Torches (1-per person) and other lighting arrangement.

(ii) Nylon ropes (1/2 kms) and poles for segregation the effected area

(iii) Loud-hailer (4) for making announcement .

(iv) Stretchers (5) and firstaid equipment

(vi) Wireless sets (10) for the ommunication.

(vi) Camera for photograph, the scene (both on negative and side films)

(vii) Vide recording of rescue and salvage operations and connected adminisctrative arrangement.

Main function of the security Department can be broadly classified: (i) Co-ordination with GRP and local police. (ii) Crowed management. (iii) Protection of Luggage. (iv) Protection of Railway property.

Liasion with civil Police: (i) In case of sabotage,saison with local Police &officials of district Administration and get early


(ii) Clearance should be obtained as expeditiously as possible for starting restoration work.

(iii) Additional manpower should be requisitioned from locall police officials and district administration

for purpose of crowed control.

(iv) Examption should be obtained from SP of the district for wiving of formailtes of post mortem of

dead bodies.

(v) Obtain assistance from GRP AND Local Police as when required.

Crowd Management: The first problem at an accident site is that ----- crowds carrying out any kind of rescue and relief

opration become next to impossible due to crowd, Railway man who try to undertake any kids of

rescue and reli f work become victims of mob fury.

(i) Cordon of the site and prevent unauthorized entry of outsiders. (ii) Segregate the area of accident by pulting up tempory barriers using nylon ropes or any other

make –shift device available at the scen so that outsider do not disturbe the site or hamper rescue operation.

(iii) These barriers should be at quito same some distance away from the track, so that UCC, CAC and LCCs are inside the coordinate of area.

(iv) Provide barricade and ask for additional force to control crowd during VIP visit.

Protection of Luggage (i) Protection unclaimed luggages of passengers till these are duly taken over by commercial

department for safe custody. (ii) Unclaimed luggage of passenger should be isolated and atacked coach wise, with proper lebelling

indicating coach no from which recovered. (iii) If possible,the cabin number inside the coach should also be indicated.


(iv) All such unclaimed should be protected till they are handed over to claimants or taken over by commercial department.

(v) These should be stored in separate room coach wise so that it is easy for relatives to identify.

Protection of Railway Property (i) Protect Railway consignments/goods/parcel till these are duly taken over by commercial

department and dispatched to nearest station for proper disposal.

(ii) Guard perishables goods till they are auctioned of at site or till they are dispatched to nearest

station or being auctioned.

(iii) RMS consignments on the train should be shifted to school building for safe custody till postal

authorities come and take over the custody.

(iv) Provide security for the cash withdraw for payment of ex-gratia by the commercial department.

(v) Preserve all clues and evidence regarding probable cause of the accident and ensure that these do

not get disturbed.

(vi) Ensure that no Railway staff tampers with any track fittings or rolling stock part.

(vii) Any body found moving under suspicious circumstances should be questioned.

(viii) No Railway staff should be allowed to move about near the accident site with loose or piece meal


The senior most RPF officer available at the site will assume control and immidiately start the following action.

(a). Segregate the area of incident by establishing temporary barriers by use of nylon ropes or any other make shift device available at the scene so that outsider do not disturb the site or hamper the rescue operation.

(b). Baggage of dead passenger isolated and protect till they are handed over to claimants or taken over by the Railway authorities.

(c). RPF Perssonel should respond to any call for assitance to rescue victims and transport them to the nearest hospital.A record of casualties send to hospital should be maintained.

(d). Hourly sitreps will be send by the officer at the scene of incident to the divisional control room giving the latest situation.

(e). A temporary RPF assitance post(shed or tent)with proper board would be established at a conspicous location so that people needing help can approach the RPF.

(f). The senior most officer available at the scene of incident will also ensure proper documentation about the number of persons injured or dead,giving their identity and address, if available.In case the friends or relatives of the injured/deceased make any queries they should be property guided.

(g). Provide security for the cash withdraw for payment of ex-gratia by the commercial department.



Immediately after getting information about serious accident Headquarter control SSE/Signal and SSE/Tele will inform the Sr.DSTE/C/LKO, Sr.DSTE/I/LKO, ADSTE/W/LKO, ADSTE/HQ/II/LKO, ADSTE/LKO and ADSTE (sectional). Sr. DSTE will immediately proceed to the site of accident and carry the satellite phone, Fax M/C cum printer. Two 25 watts VHF sets along with Batteries and 10 Nos. 5 watts walkie-talkie sets to the accident site. He will be accompanied with at least SSE/Tele-II/LKO, one JE/Tele and two TCM. Sectional SSE/Tele, JE/Tele and TCM from Telecom & Sectional SSE/Sig, JE/Sig will reach the site by first available means. Additional requirement of manpower will be arranged by S&T control if needed. S&T control will also inform adjoining division as well as headquarter to send their satellite phones along with two Telecom staff to accident site by the earliest means. Officers and staff from adjoining divisions will also go to the site. Sr.DSTE/DSTE/ASTE will immediately come to the Divisional Control Office and will ensure setting up of all communication arrangement listed below. Communication arrangement at CHC Office at Lucknow: Railway Telephone No. 23532 & 23533 having STD facility and BSNL Tele. No. 0522-2234525, 0522-2234530, 0522-2234540 and 0522-2234524 having STD facility is already available at hotline Board. One Fax M/C is already provided in Commercial Control BSNL Phone 0522-2234533. CONTACT LIST OF CONTRL OFFICE LUCKNOW DIVISION

S.No. Control Railway No.

(032) BSNL No. (0522) CUG No.

1 CHC 23532, 23533 - -

2 Dy. Punctuality 23538, 23537 - 9794830961

3 Dy.Operation 23536, 23534 - -

4 Dy.Stock 23540, 23539 - -

5 Dy.Coaching 23543 9794830954

6 Power Control 23496, 23497 - 9794830952, 9794836310

7 Electrical Control 23286 - 9794830956

8 AMG Cell 23247 - 9794846500

9 Commercial Control

23246, 23611 2234533 (Fax),

2234588 9794834924

10 NR Cell 23244 2234537 -

11 Lobby Control 23617 - -

12 MTS Control 23443 - -

13 TXR Control 23493 - 9794833414, 9794830958

14 SI Control 23593, 23594 2234594 9794852621, 9794846730

15 Testroom 23590, 23592 2234590 9794845610, 9794830960

16 TPC Control 23627, 23626 2234708 9794833346, 9794846725,


17 Central Enquiry 23222 2234505 9794843024

18 RPF Control 23671, 23667 2234567 9794833729, 7080992974

19 Divisional Hospital

- - 9794833532, 9794846597

20 Hotline Board

4001 2234525, 2234530, 2234540, 2234524


HELP LINE BOOTH IN LUCKNOW DIVISION: Following Telephones are available/shall be provided at Help Line Booths at different stations of Lucknow Division:-


S.No. Station Station Code

BSNL RLY Station


1 Lucknow LKO 0522-2636020 032-25606 9794830973, 9794830975

2 Varanasi BSB 0542-2503814, 0542-2504221

032-62733, 032-62251


3 Barabanki BBK 05248-221681 032-23771, 032-23765


4 Faizabad FD 05278-222603, 05278-223358

032-65235 9794833912

5 Jaunpur Jn. JNU 0542-262686, 0542-263585

- 9794833916

6 Prayag PRG 0532-2466357 032-63133 9794833934

7 Pratapgarh PBH 05342-223830, 05342-220489

032-69239, 032-69228


8 Raibareli RBL 0535-2210005 032-68219 9794833927

9 Sultanpur SLN 05362-240156, 05362-240363

032-64131 9794833924

10 Unnao ON 0515-2820299 032-25615 9794833948

11 Amethi AME 05368-222133 032-69241 9794833928

12 Janghai JNH - 032-62454 9794833932

13 Zafrabad ZBD 05452-2202485 032-62443 9794833917

14 Akbarpur ABP 05271-244119 - 9794833914

15 Unchahar UCR 05311-277039 - 9794833937

16 Bachrawan BCN 0535-2636631 032-68735 9794845926

17 Jaunpur City JOP 05452-222071 032-64213 9794833923

18 Utraitia UTR - 032-25734 9794833938

19 Nihalgarh NHH - 032-25537 9794845892

20 Musafirkhana MFKA 05361-222228 032-64203 9794845763

21 Haidergarh HGH - 032-25264 9794845889

22 Shahganj SHG 05453-226119 - 9794833915

23 Ayodhya AY 05278-232031 - 9794833911

Communication arrangement at Accident site: Site Control Office:

In the Railway Control office Satellite Phone with Laptop shall be installed for providing communication between accident site & Divisional Control office with Internet facility via VSAT terminal.One 25 watts VHF set shall also be provided in site Control Office with Railway, BSNL and sectional Control phones. Satelite Phones:



1. LUCKNOW SSE/Tele/II/LKO (9794833832)


2. VARANASI SSE/Tele/BSB (9794833830)


Wireless Communication: Walkie-Talkie Sets: Presently 30 Nos. of 5 Watt hand held Walkie-Talkie sets are kept in ART of LKO & FD. The

charging facility for the walkie-talkie sets shall be provided in the ART/ARME so that these sets are

kept in fully charged condition at all the times. It must also be ensured that sufficient spare

batteries are made available at the site in fully charged condition and charger for changing the

working batteries.



Public Address System and Mega Mikes:

Public address system must be made functional at accident site – both for communication with

passengers/public and also to give directions to railway staff regarding relief operations. For this

purpose, additional P.A. system may become necessary depending upon the requirements at

accident site. In addition, mega mikes available in accident relief train will also be utilized. P.A.

system & mega mikes shall be under charge of the nominated supervisor.

Staff to be deployed at the site: A roster shall be prepared by Sr. DSTE for the staff to proceed to the site of the accident for

operating nominated equipments. Standby staff shall also be notified. Arrangements of Road

vehicle to proceed to accident site, indicating alternative vehicle as well, shall be notified.

Arrangement of vehicle drivers shall also be notified.

Duties of Railway Officers at the time of Accident: At important stations of Division, ADSTE shall be the In-charge of all communication

arrangements, and he shall be assisted by SSE/Tele (sectional) and SSE/Sig (sectional). Sr. DSTE

shall work as per direction of DRM and also maintain liaison with CSTE. ADSTE shall be

responsible for setting up communication arrangement of all Help Line Booths and other

prominent locations of division.





S.No. Designation Telephone No.

1 Railway Enquiry/ Northern Railway 24x7 security Helpline

139 1322, 182

2 Railway Police Helplines in Lucknow 0522-2287241, 2288103, 104, 105, 112, 9919099190, 9794866946

3 Free Ambulance 108/102

4 Fog Helpline 130, 0522-2234610 & 20

5 Woomen Helpline Railways 18001805315, 1090

6 GRP Helpline numbers/LKO 0522-2288103, 2288104, 2288105, 9919099190, 9794866946

7 Railway Police Helplines in Lucknow 0522- 2287103, 2288104, 2288105, 9919099190, 9794866946

8 Railway Protection Force (RPF) Helpline numbers, Lucknow


9 Child Helpline 1098

10 Police 112

11 Fire 101

12 Anti Poision 011-1066 (DELHI)

13. NDMA (Disaster Management) 1078, 1070, 9711077372


• SHRI YOGI ADITYANATH JI ( CHIEF MINISTER ) : 0522-2239296, 2236167

• Sri Rajendra Kumar Tiwari, Chief Secretary, Government of Uttar Pradesh:

0522-2289212/ 2289296



: 6306511708, NATIONAL NUMBER : 1090


UP POLICE WEBSITE : https://uppolice.gov.in/ ( Hyperlinking prohibited )


WEBSITE : https://e-nagarsewaup.gov.in/ulbapps/

HELPLINE : 0522-2838128 , 2838129



S.No Controlling station

Designation Section

1 Kashi Station Superintendent MGS (Excl.) - BSB(Excl)

2 Varanasi Station Superintendent BSB - JNH (Excl.) BSB - ZBD (Excl.)

3 Janghai Station Superintendent JNH - ZBD (Excl.)

4 Pratapgarh Station Superintendent PBH - JNH (Excl.) PBH - RBL (Excl.) PBH - SLN (Excl.) PBH - MEM (Incl.)

5 Rae-Bareilly Station Superintendent BL - Harnamganj (Incl.)

6 Lucknow Station Superintendent LKO - RBL (Excl.) LKO - BBK (Excl.) LKO - AJR (Excl.) UTR - NHH (Excl.)

7 Bara Banki Station Superintendent BBK - DYD (Incl.)

8 Faizabad Station Superintendent DYD (Excl.) - ABP(Excl.)

FD – SLN (Excl.)

9 Akbarpur Station Superintendent ABP - SHG (Excl.)

10 Shahganj Station Superintendent SHG-JNU (Excl.)

11 Jaunpur Station Superintendent JNU – ZBD (Incl.) ZBD - HRPG (Incl.)

12 Unnao Station Superintendent ON – AJR (Incl.) ON – UCR (Excl.) ON– CPB (Incl.) ON – SFPR (Excl.)

13 Prayag Station Superintendent PRG – Harnamganj (Incl.) PRG – JNH (Excl.) PRG - MEM (Excl.)

14 Sultanpur Station Superintendent SLN (Incl.) –HRPG(Excl.) SLN - NHH(Incl.)


GRP Control , Charbagh, Lucknow


BSB 9794833955 Indira Bhawan 1332

PBH 9794833930 9919099190 0522-2287241 0522-2288103 0522-2288104 0522-2288105

RBL 9794833927

AME 9794833928

SLN 9794833924

FD 9794833912

ON 9794833934

PRG 9794833937

UCR 979483337

SHG 9794833915


4. Phone Numbers of Officials of Civil Administration State wise & district wise



Office Residence

01 Sh. R.K.Tiwaril, Chief Secretary/Chief Minister

-- 0522-2289212 05222289296

02 Sh. Abhishek Prakash/DM


9415005000 0522-2623024






Office Residence

01 Smt. Subhra Saxena/D.M. 9454417559 0535-2203501 -

02 Sh. Swapnil Mamgaen/S.P. 9454400302 0535-2202315 -




Office Residence

01 Sh. Anuj Kumar Jha /D.M 9415906209 - -

02 Sh. Ashish Tiwari /S.P 9454400270 - -



Office Residence

01 Smt. C. Indhumathy/D.M. 9454417542 05362-240202 05362-240203

02 Sh. Shivhari Meena /S.P. 9454400310 05362-240302 -



01 Sh. Dinesh Kumar Singh /D.M/Jaunpur 9454417578

02 Sh. Rajendra Prasad/D.M /Bhadohi 9454417568

03 Sh. Raj Karan Nayyar, SP/Jaunpur 9454400280

04 Sh. Ram Badan Singh, SP/Bahadohi 9454400307



Office Residence

01 Sh. Roopesh Kumar/D.M. 9454417520 - -

02 Sh. Abhishek Singh /SP 9454400300 - -


Office Residence

01 Sh. Adarsh Singh /D.M. 9454417540 05248-222629 -

02 Sh. Arvind Chaturvedi/S.P. 9454400257 - -




Office Residence

01 Sh. Kaushal Raj Sharma/ D.M 9454417579 0542-2508585 0542-2502626

02 Sh.Amit Pathak/SSP 9454400264 0541-2062480 0542-2562479

03 Mohd. Mushtaq., SP 9121364035 0542-250644 -



Office Residence

01 Sh. Bhanu Chandra

Goswami /D.M

9454417517 0532-2250400



02 Sh. Abhishek Dixit/ S.S.P. 9454400248 0532-2641902





Office Residence

01 Sh. Rakesh Kumat Mishra


9454417539 05271-244250 -

02 Sh. Alok Priyadarshi/ S.P. 9454400245 05271-244445 -



Office Residence

01 Sh. Ravindra Kumar 9454417561 0515-2820207 -

02 Sh. Rohan P. Kanay


9454400312 0515-2820228 -



Office Residence

01 Smt. Subhra


9454417559 0535-2203501 -

02 Sh. Swapnil Mumgai 9454400302 0535-2202315 -



Office Residence

01 Sh. Arun Kumar, D.M 9454418891 - -

02 Dr. Khyati Garg, SP 9454400427 - -



Office Residence

01 Sh. Navneet Singh,

D.M /Chandauli

9454417576 - -

02 Deepika Tiwari,


9454400262 - -




S.No Office Station Telephone No.


1. Commissioner Lucknow 9454400137

2. District Magistrate Lucknow 0522-2223024 9415005000

3. ADM (City west) Lucknow 9415005003

4. ADM (City East) Lucknow 9415005001


1. DGP Lucknow 9454400101 0522-2390240

2. IG/JCP (Law & Order) Lucknow 9454400154 0522-2628965

6. List of Deference Establishments:

S.No. Location Establishment Contact no.

1 Lucknow Army Divisional Command -

4 Faizabad Dongra Resiment, Ayodhya -

5 Varanasi 39, Gorkha Resiment 0542-2503760



11, Battalion, NDRF 0542-2501201, 2501101



6 Prayag Army Divisional Command



RAF Battalian no.101 0532-2447899

Group Center, Phaphamau 9026575150

7 Barabank 201, CIDU 7497902201

8 Shahganj Bamrauli, Airport 7007069349


7. Halipad/Helicopter landing facilities:

S.No. Location Contact Number

1 Police Line, Unnao 9454400312

2 Police Line, Sultanpur 9454400310


3 Police Training Center, Brabanki 9454417540

4 Reserve Police Line, Shahganj 9454402337

5 Police Line, Raebareli 9454402391

6 Police Line, Pandeypur, Varanasi 9454400264



7 PAO, 39 GTC Railway Ganj Colony,





8 NH-28, Faizabad Airport -

9 Lal Bhadur Shastri, International SAirport, Babatpur

0542-2622155 0542-2622320

10 Fursatganj 9838770990

8. Address and Phone Numbers of NDMA, SDMA, DDMA, NDRF & EC:

S.No. Authority Contact

1 (NDMA)

National Disaster Management Authority, NDMA Bhawan, A-1, Safdajung Enclave, New Delhi-1100029





6th Floor , Bapu Bhawan Lucknow-226001

e-mail : [email protected]

Control Room Fax No. 2238084 Office No 2238200

9. Upgraded telephone numbers of Lucknow Division for Disaster Management Plan (DMP):

Distt. Hospital STD Code Contact

Lucknow Indoor Hospital, Charbagh 0522 2456189

ADG/Rlys. 0522

9454400135 2390250

IG/Rlys. 0522

9454400171 2390275

SP/Rly 0522 9454400340 2451102

DRM 0522

9794833000 2626670

ADRM 0522

9794833001 2234752

Sr. DCM - 9794833950

Sr. DEE - 9794833300

Sr. DSC/RPF - 9794833700

Sr. DME/C&W - 9794833400

Sr. DSO - 9794833050


10. List of DMs Uttar Pradesh-

S.No. District Office/FAX No. Residence Mob

1. Agra 0562-2260184 FAX-2364718

2466120 9454417509

2. Aligarh 0571-2400202 Fax-240755

2400798 9454417513

3. Allahabad 0532-2250253 Fax-2640290

2250300 9454417517

4. Ambedkarngar 05271-244250 Fax-244107

244107 9454417539

5. Auraiya 05683-245528 Fax-24488

244888 9454417550

6. Azamgarh 05462-220930 Fax-260430

260402 9454417521

7. Baghpat 0121-2220520 Fax-2221900

2221999 9454417562

8. Bahraich 05252-232815 Fax-232648

232401 9454417535

9. Ballia 05498-220879 Fax-220648

220311 9454417522

10. Balrampur 05263-233942 Fax-232368

232231 9454417536

11. Banda 05192-224632 Fax-220244

220333 9454417531

12. Barbanki 05248-222730 FAX-222629

222229 9454417540

13. Bareilly 0581-2473303 FAX-2557001

2557147 9454417524

14. Basti 05542-247155 FAX-246403

246306 9454417528

15. Bheem Nagar 05921-243217 9454417890

16. Bijnor 01342-262222 FAX-262046

262465 9454417570

17. Budaun 05832-266406 FAX-269306

268301 9454417525

18. Bulandshahar 05732-224351 FAX-280898

231343 9454417563

19. Chandauli 05412-262555 FAX-262500

262500 9454417576

20. Chitrakoot 05198-235018 FAX-235305

235016 9454417532

21.. CSJM Nagar 05368-244577 244211 9454418891 9454417925

22. Deoria 05568-222316 FAX-222519

222306 9454417543

23. Etah 05742-233302 FAX-233860

233301 9454417514

24. Etawah 05688-254770 FAX-252758

252544 9454417551

25. Faizabad 05278-224286 FAX-222214

224205 9454417541

26. Farrukhbad 05692-234133 FAX-234256

234297 9454417552

27. Fatehpur 05180-224502 FAX-224222

224439 9454417518

28. Firozbad 05612-285001 FAX-285055

285111 9454417510

29. Gautambuddha Nagar 0120-2560044 FAX-2552552

2544700 9971020646

30. Ghazibad 0120-2824416 FAX-2828798

2820106 9818268555 954417565


31. Ghazipur 0548-2220204 FAX-2220160

2220240 9454417577

32. Gonda 05262-230125 FAX-232600

232600 9454417537

33. Gorakhpur 0551-2336005 FAX-2334569

2336007 9454417544

34. Hamirpur 05282-222251 FAX-222121

222201 9454417533

35. Hardoi 05852-234537 FAX-234868

234680 9454417556

26. Jalaun 05162-252201 FAX-252390

252200 9454417548

37. Jaunpur 05452-260666 FAX-260230

2606201 9454417578

38. Jhansi 0510-2470556 FAX-2440348

2443324 9454417547

39. Jyotiba Phule Nagar 05922-252288 FAX-259993

262999 9454417571

40. Kannauj 05694-234697 FAX-235466

234500 9454417555

41. Kanpur Nagar

0512-2306577 FAX-2303461

2304436 9454417554

42. Kanshiram Nagar 05744-247483 FAX-247481

247482 9454417516

43. Kaushambi 05331-232792 FAX-232467

232793 9454417519

44. Kheri 05872-252838 FAX-252250

252715 9454417558

45. Kushinagar 05564-240203 FAX-240202

240201 9454417545

46. Lalitpur 05176-272200 FAX-272201

272201 9454417549

47. Lucknow 0522-2623024 FAX-2285599

2623912 9415005000 9454417557

48. Mahamayanagar 05722-227077 FAX-227076

224001 945447515

59. Maharajganj 05523-222044 FAX-222064

222206 9454417546

50. Mahoba 05281-254901 FAX-244156

256800 9454417534

51. Mainpuri 05672-234308 FAX-234544

234401 9454417511

52. Mathura 0565-2404152 FAX-2404613

2403200 9454417512

53. Mau 0547-2220233 FAX-2500223

2500411 9454417523

54. Meerut 0121-2664133 FAX-2647200

2642232 9454417566

55. Mirzapur 05442-252480 FAX-252552

257400 9454417567

56. Mordabad 0591-2413288 FAX-2421132

2413967 9454417572

57. Muzaffarnagar 0131-2405103 FAX-2433322

2433125 9454417574

58. Panchsheel Nagar 0122-2334400 FAX-2334400


59. Pilibhit 05882-257912 FAX-257990

257911 9454417526

60. Pratapgarh 05342-220405 FAX-221101

220401 9454417520

61. Prabuddha Nagar 01398-270271 FAX-254301

254305 954416996

62. Raebareli 0535-2202302 FAX-2703201

2703301 9454417559


63. Rambai Nagar 05111-271266 FAX-271366

271433 9454417553

64. Rampur 0595-2350403 FAX-2351363

2351061 9454417573

65 Saharanpur 0132-2723434 FAX-2715648

2715526 9454417575

66. Sant Kabir Nagar 05547-226890 FAX-2264964

226889 9454417529

67. Sant Ravidass Nagar 05414-250203 FAX-250315

250202 9454417568

68. Shahjahanpur 05842-222540 FAX-223341

222221 9454417527

69. Shrawasti 05250-222287 FAX-222541

222288 9454417538

70. Siddharthnagar 05544-222169 FAX-220174

222333 9454417530

71. Sitapur 05862-242996 FAX-242615

242212 9454417560

72. Sonbhadra 05444-222190 FAX-222090

252644 9454417569

73. Sultanpur 05362-240202 FAX-240473

240203 9454417542

74. Unnao 0515-2820207 FAX-2820400

2820201 9454417561

75. Varansai 0542-2508585 FAX-2502754

2502626 9454417579

11. Details of SSP/SP’s of District UTTAR PRADESH-

Sl.No. Districts Mob Tel. Nos. Residance No. Fax

1 Agra 0562-2250106

2 Ferozabad 05612-285110

3 Mainpuri 05672-234442

4 Mathura 0565-2505172

5 Aligarh 0571-2401150

6 Etah 05742-233319

7 Hathras 05722-276100

8 Kasganj 05744-247487

9 Allahabad 0532-2641902

10 Fatehpur 05180-224288

11 Kaushambi 05331-232771

12 Pratapgarh 05342-220423

13 Banda 05192-224624

14 Chitrakoot 05198-235435

15 Hamirpur 05282-222329

16 Mahoba 05281-244474

17 Bareilly 0581-2457021

18 Budaun 05832-266342

19 Pilibhit 05882-257183

20 Shahjahanpur 05842-222553

21 Amroha 05922-253288

22 Bijnor 01342-262026

23 Moradabad 0591-2424291


24 Rampur 0595-2350996

25 Sambhal 05921-243117

26 Basti 05542-246309

27 Sant Kabir Nagar 05547-227140

28 Sidharth Nagar 05544-222183

29 Bahraich 05252-232407

30 Balrampur 05263-233100

31 Gonda 05262-230544

32 Shravasti 05250-222328

33 Deoria 05668-222311

34 Gorakhpur 0551-2200773

35 Maharajgamk 05523-222046

36 Jalaun 05162-252237

37 Jhansi 0510-2333340

38 Lalitpur 05176-277100

39 Auraiya 05683-249618

40 Etawah 05688-254041

41 Fatehgarh 05692-234206

42 Kannauj 05694-235439

43 Kanpur Dehat 05111-271211

44 Kanpur Nagar 0512-2304407

45 Ambedkar Nagar 05271-244415

46 Amethi 05368-244200

47 Barabanki 05248-222277

48 Faizabad 9454400270 05278-224214

49 Sultanpur 9454400310 05362-240301

50 Hardoi 05852-234749

51 Kheri 05872-253210

52 Lucknow 0522-2625983

53 Raebareli 0535-2701736

54 Sitapur 05862-242404

55 Unnao 0515-2820202

56 Bagpat 0121-2220517

57 Bulandshahr 05732-280705


Gautam Budh

Nagar 0120-2444546

59 Ghaziabad 0120-2820758

60 Hapur 0122-2315627

61 Meerut 0121-26646634



Nagar 0131-2436394

63 Saharanpur 0132-2727143

64 Shamli 01398-254803

65 Azamgarh 05462-260403

66 Ballia 05498-220373

67 Mau 0547-2500620


68 Mirzapur 05442-252578


Sant Ravidas Nagar


70 Sonbhadra 05444-252631

71 Chandauli 0541-2262480

72 Ghazipur 0548-2220568

73 Jaunpur 05452-261205

74 Varanasi 0542-2509399


Medical facilities available (Government Hospitals):

Distt. Hospital STD Code Contact

Lucknow SGPGI/LKO 0522 2257452 7087009337

Balrampur Hospital 0522 2624040 7408404693

Medical College 0522 2257540

Civil Hospital 0522 2239126

RML Hospital 0522 2374702

Command Hospital/LKO 0522 2296577

Northern Railway Hospital Indoor, Charbagh, Lucknow

0522 26224

Barabanki Jila Hospital BBK 05248 228316 8005192641

Rajkiya Cikitsalaya, Safdarganj - 9450308671

Saidkhan PHC - 9450195407

PHC Rudauli 0524 2123423

Safedabad Hind Hospital - 9956398918

Unnao Railway Health Unit 0515 2820149 9794833520

Loco Hospital Kanpur 0512 2322433

Railway Health Anwarganj, Kanpur 0512 2839600

District Hospital, Unnao 0515 2840512


Jila Mahila Chiktsalya ON 0515 2840609

Police Chiktsalya ON 0515 2820230

Safi PHC - 0541

94154317442 4220398

Asha Hospital, Unnao - 9648411555

Faizabad CMO District Hospital Faizabad 05278 8005192652 7379419483

Medical College, Darshan Nagar, Ayodhya

- -

Raibareli District Hospital Raibareli - 8005192689

Akhil Bartiya Ayurvigyan Sansthan - 0535

9648511222 2704044

Jaunpur CMS Jila Hospital, Jaunpur 0545

9415202273 52263554 52263571

District Hospital, Jaunpur - 8005488852

District Hospital, Bhadohi - 8005193693

Sahgang PHC - 9415680945

Sushila Memorial Sahganj Hospital 0545 3222290

Khetasarai PHC - 9415983176


Madyahu PHC - 9415871134

Sri Krishna Nagar PHC - 9839118041

Dr. Sakuntala Yadav Pvt. 0545 2263982

Sultanpur CMO Sultanpur 05362 240545 9454455357

CMS District Hospital Sultanpur 05362

9415381505 240241

CMS Mahila Hospital Sultanpur 9415771192

Indo Gulf Hospital Dr. S.S.Sharma


9415083880 270032

Bhel Hospital Sidurwa 05361 270187 9415137267 9415084848

CHC Jagdeesh pur Nihal Garh Sh. Bhawani Pd. (PHT)


9415156827 265145

Karunasrai Hospital



Suman Hospital 241416 94150046400

Gomti Hospital 241406 9415960399

Navjeevan Hospital, Sultanpur 227112 9415156212

Unchahar Samudaik Health Unit, UCR 05311 290101

N.T.P.C., Hospital, UCR 05311 212308

Dist. women Hospital, Kunda,UCR 05341 230233 9415021518

Janghai Janghai District Hospital, Gyanpur, BOY

0541 4251014 9415868102

Jeevandhara Hospital, Badhoi 0541 9415202326

Pratapgarh District Hospital, Pratapgarh - 9452394960

CMS Distric Hospital, Pratapgarh - 9415350856

Dr. R.K.Singh, PBH 0534 2220035

Varanasi Dr. Ghanshyam Nursing Home 0534 2236219

Central Hospital (Railway), DLW - 9794865901 9794861502

CMO - 9515301513

ACMO - 9918901064

AD Health - 9454455433

SSPG.HOSP.BSB - 9198303333 9415686955

BHU, Vranasi 0542 2367568 2307500

CRI NER - 9794843501

District Hospital, Chandauli - 262164 9452037355

DH-DHW BSB - 9794861500


Dr. A.B.Panday

0542 2368888


CMS Divisional Hospital/NER/BSB - 9794843500

Prayag T.B.Sapru District Hospital 9839052810

S.R.N Medical College 0532 9415253016



Motilal Nehru, Chikatsalaya - 9415218624

Distric Mahila Chikatsalaya - 9415351180

Sahaganj Samudaik Swasthya Kendra - 8318062383

Akbarpur Distric Hospital, Ambedkar Nagar 8005192837

Mahamaya Medical College, Ambedkar Nagar

05273 288771

Nihalgarh Samudaik Swasthya Kendra, Jagdishpur

05361 265145



S.No. Name of Blood Bank Address Contact

1. Sarkar Diagnostics Centre

C-1093, Sec-A, Near Railway Crossing, Mahanagar, Lucknow - 226006

0522 - 2325226, 2331189

2. National Pathology X Ray And Ultrasound

195/104, Jagat Narain Road, Amberganj, Lucknow - 226003

0522 – 2265579

3. Mehrotra Pathology

Nirala Nagar, Lucknow, 226001 0522 – 2788444

4. Kohli Pathology

Shop No-6-7, Blk-A, Kanchan Market Chowk H O, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh - 226003

0522 - 2256536, 2256533, 2259009

5. Kohli Pathology And Blood Bank

L-1/71, Sec-B, Aliganj Extension, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh - 226020

0522 - 2320147, 2323211

6. Javitri Pathology Lucknow, 226001 0522 – 2440686

7. M/S Balrampur Hospital

Golaganj Road, Lucknow 0522-2624040

8. M/S Command Hospital,

Central Command Lucknow 0522-2296577

9. M/S Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Medical Institute Of Medical Science Blood Bank Centre And Blood Product Centre

Lucknow 0522-2668700/800/900

10. M/S Shyama Prasad Mukherji Hospital

Lucknow 0522-2289007

11. M/S State Blood Bank KGMC, Lucknow 0522-2258425

12. M/S Rama Krishna Mission Sevashram

Vivekanand Polyclinic, Lucknow 0522-2321277 0522-2328481

13. M/S Balrampur Hospital

Golaganj Road, Lucknow 0522-2624040

14. M/S Charak Blood Bank

Lucknow 09415018881

15. CT Hospital Mahanagar, Park Road, Lucknow - 226001

0522 - 2321718, 2239595, 2321784, 2220065

16. Dewa Blood Bank

M-5, 1st Floor, Gol Market, Mahanagar, Lucknow – 226006

0522 – 2382030

17. Fatima Hospital 35-C, Nishat Ganj, Mahanagar, Lucknow - 226006

0522 - 2371717, 2332554

18. Sneh Pathology X Ray & Blood Bank

133/10, O-Block, Kidwai Nagar, Kanpur- 208011

0512 – 2616635

19. Medical College Blood Bank

Kanpur H O, Kanpur - 208001 0512 - 2214215

20. Life Line Blood Bank Kaka Deo, Kanpur - 208025 0512 – 2530676

21. Clm Hospital & Blood Bank

Kanpur 0512 – 2236397

22. Sai Blood Bank Juhi Gaushala, Juhi Colony, Kanpur - 208014

0512 – 2607720

23. Poorna Blood Bank 33-D, Shiv Katra Road, Lal Bangla, Shewans, Kanpur – 208010

0512 - 3093040

24. Sanjeevni Blood Bank 111-A/18, Ashok Nagar, Kanpur - 208012

0512 – 2580432

25. Life Line Blood Bank B-1, Sarvodaya Nagar, Kanpur - 208005

0512 – 2219473

26. Helth Unit NER/BSB 9794833516

27. District Hospital Sultanpur


05362 -223339



S.No. Name of NGO Adress Contact

1. Centre for entrepreneurship and Technical.

Sector -16 House no. 1456, Indra Nagar, Lucknow

Miss Subhra Tandon Lucknow .0522-2356621

2. Bharosa 21/6/5 Pirpur House, 8 Tilak Marg, Lucknow.

Mr.Imran Khan 0522-220969

3. Bharat Gramin Vikas Sahsthan

- Contact Person – Sri Misbaurrahman Kiswai, Secretary

4. Gramin Vikas Sansthan Azad Nagar Bachrawana Rai Barelly

Mr.Ataulaha 0535-2636744

5. Utkarsh Samaj Kalyan & Gram Vikas Samiti

Gram Kusalia, 3 Post Safipur Unnao

Mr.Ganendra Kumar Singh – 09415330644

6. Samaj Kalyan Gramodyog Sansthan

Village & post Dharmagatpur, Gazipur Dist.Jaunpur

Mr.S.P.Misra - 0548-2225964

7. Swargia Ram Sevak Sewa Samiti

4/478 Awas vikas colony near panchayat bhawan, Barabanki

Mr.Dinesh Prasad Ph.no 05248-220111

8. Adarsh Sewa Sansthan M-6/2, Paper Mil Colony Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, 220006

Contact Person - Shri P. K. Tripathi, Secretary 0522-385693

9. Kshetriya Gramin Vikas Sansthan

Vill & PO Bhamisau Kanpur Nagar

Dr.D.C.Katyar Ph.no.0512-226228

10. Nirman Sewa Sansthan 29-New MIG(Daroga Chakki Chauraha) Barra -2 Kanpur

Mr.Jai Vir Singh Ph.no.0512-2281804

11. Pragati Sewa Sansthan 117/798 M-Block Kakadeo Kanpur

Ms Kalpana Singh Ph.no.05122500148

12. Gramin Mahila Kalyan Sanstha

D-5/127 Defence Colony(O.E.F) Kanpur

T.H.Khan, Ph.no.0512-2404665

13. Rukmini Vidyalaya B-37/192 Bajnatha Varanasi

Mr Dwivesh Tripathi Ph.no.0542-2364137

14. Manav Sansadhan Evam Mahila Vikas Sansthan

128-Lahartara, Varanasi Mr.Bhanuja Sharan Lal 0542-2372191



District Name of Fire Station Code Telephone No.

Lucknow Range

Hazratganj 0522 101]2622222] 245000

Chowk 2253100

P.G.I 2668111

Alambagh 2455555

Indra Nagar 2348100

B.K.T. Sub Station 955 & 298222

Faizabad Range

Faizabad 05278 0101 & 224233

R.J.B 234391

Ambedkar Narar 05271 244444

Barabanki 05248 222998 & 99

Ram Sanehi halt 05241 255245

Sultanpur 05362 222279

Amethi 05363 222177

Musafirkhana 05361 222246

Jagdishpur 265005

Varanasi Range

Chetganj 0542 2414361

Bhelupur 2277666

Jaunpur 261999

Mugalshrai 05412 255344

Raibareli Range

Raibareli 0535 2203493

Slone 05311 274520

Lalganj 05315 244152

Unnao 0515 2823444

Bangarmau 05142 220344

Allahabad Range

Civil Line 0532 2600774]2601061

Pratapgarh 05342 220888

Kunda 05341

Sangipur 05342

Lalganj 05315

Unchahaar 05311 3000]3001



Reserve Store 0512 220888

Faizalganj 2218999

Cloneganj 2255555

Latoch Road 2362222

Meerpur 2362222

Sant Ravidas Nagar

Badhoi 05411 25066


NDRF Battalions

S.N. Desig. Of the Commandant

Office Mobile FAX Nos.

1. Commandant 128th BSF, Guwahati (Assam). (1st Bn


0361-284027 0361-2840284 0361-2843406

09435545951 09435545949


2. Commandant 106th BSF, Kolkata (West Bengal). (2nd Bn NDRF)

033-25264302 09434742836 09434742966


3. Commandant, DM-1, CISF, Mundali (Orissa). (3rd Bn NDRF)

0671-2879710 09437964571 09437964574


4. Sr. Commandant, DM-2, CISF, Arrakonam (Tamilnadu). (4th Bn NDRF)

04177-246269 04177-203050

09442105069 09442105169

04177-246594 /246633 /246644

5. Commandant, 145 CRPF, Pune (Maharashtra). (5th Bn NDRF)

02114-231245 09423506765 09423578446

02114-231265 02114-231509

6. Commandant, 146 CRPF, Ghandhi Nagar (Gujrat) (6th Bn NDRF)

079-23202540 079-23202539



7. Commandant 27th ITBP, Bhatinda (Punjab) (7th Bn NDRF)

0164-2246030 0164-2246570

09417802031 09417802032


8. Commandant 6th ITBP, Kamla Nehru Nagar Sector-19 Gaziabad (UP) (8th Bn NDRF)

0120-2766013 0120-2766618

09968610011 0120-2766618

9. Commandant9th Bn NDRF, Bihata Patna, Bihar




10.. Commandant10th Bn NDRF, Malkangiri, Vijaywara(AP)

09419217790 09419217790 01955-252646

NDRF Headquarters-

Desig. Address Tele. Fax. Mobile

DG Directorate General , National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) Sector-1 R K Puram, New Delhi -66

011-26712851 011-26161442

011-26105912 09818916161

IG Directorate General , National Disaster Response Force

011-26160252 011-26113014

011-26105912 09871115726


(NDRF) Sector-1 R K Puram, New Delhi -66

Dy Commandant (Proc)

Directorate General , National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) Sector-1 R K Puram, New Delhi -66

011-26107921 011-26105912 08860136649

Inspector Control Room

Directorate General , National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) Sector-1 R K Puram, New Delhi -66

011-26107953 011-26105912 08010072169

Disaster Management Division , MHA.

(Ministry of Home Affairs)

Designation and Location of Deployment

Tel. (Office) (011) Tel. (011) (Residence)

Home Secretary 23092989 23093031 23093003(F)

24103058 23013102

Secretary(Border Management) 23092440 23092717 (F)


Joint Secretary (Disaster Management)

24638206 24610906(F)


Dir (NDM-I) 24642853 26266708

Dir. NDM-II 24622543 24100688

DIR (DM-III) 24642381 24641159

US(AD-CD) 24692853 -

Consultant (DM) - 25368827

Tech. Officer (NDM-I) 24642379 -

Duty Officer (DM Control Room)

23093563 23093564/23093565


US (NDM_II) 24640391 -

US (NDM-III) 24642380

US (NDM-IV) 23092664/24640391

Control Room Disaster Management)

23092923 23093054 23092885 23093897

23093750 23092763(fax)

Control Room (Internal security )

23093054, 23092763 23092885, 23092923

23093750 (Fax)



Designation and Location of


Tel. (Office) 011 Tel. (Residence)


Mobile No.

Chairman 26701701/04 24624599 09818533499

Member 26701780 - -

Member 26701740 24122310 09818384040

Member 26701735 - -

Member 26701736 - -

Member 26701775 - -

Member 26701778 - -

Member 26701766 - 9999868111

Secretary 26701710 - -


JS(Admn) 26701718 26109395 9717873412

Advisor&JS(Mitigation) 26701816 - -

JS(pp) 26701817 - -


FA 26701709 - -


JA (IT&Comn) 26701742 - -

JA(F) 26701886 - -

JA(MitigationProject) 26701815 - -

JA(OPS) 26701815 - -

JA(CBT) 26701823 - -

JA(M&P) 26701791 - -

JA(PP) 26701733 - -

DS(Admin.) 26701833 - -

Control Room.




- 09868891803




Designation and Location of


Tel. (Office) Tel. (Residence) Mobile No. Fax

Jt. Dir. 2699804-806 Extn-204

2705990 9872083177 2699802

T.O. (B) Extn-203 - 09417049754 -


Designation and Location of Deployment

Tel. (Office) Tel. (Residence)


Dir. General Kolkata 033-22861693/76

- 22861656

Dir. (LHIM & EPE) Delhi

011-29053777 011-29051328

9811904697 29962671 29051328

DMS Control Room (Delhi

011-29053777 - 011-2996271


Designation and Location of Deployment

Tel. (Office) Tel. (Residence)

Mobile No. Fax

VSM DG (M) dgmmet @ gmail. Com.

2411842 24616602 43824201 43824225 43824253


9313982396 24611792

ADG (M) Seismology

24697473 - - 24697473

DDGM Seismology

24611305 43824405 24622827 9868109671 24619943 24611305

DDGM(EREC) 24616309 43824516 24634714 9868109672 24619943

DDGM(ISSD) 43824314 - - -

DGM OFFICE 24611068 43824279 24644284 9899153923 -

Dir. (NHAC) 24629798 43824481/4513

26166773 9911456889 -

Dir.(AMSS) 25602523 - - 25652398

Seismology Control Room

24619943 24624588 43824484

- - -


0141-2793245 - - -

IMD Jaipur Duty Officer

0141-2793239 2721326 (Air Port)

Cyclone Warning 24631913 24652484

- - -


Designation and Location of Deployment

Tel. (Office) Tel. (Residence)

Mobile No. Fax

Chairman 26108855 - - -

Secretary 26187232 - - 26195516

Dir (FMP) 26182836 - 9811054117 26106523


26102935 26102935

Member(D&R) 26108150 26106848

Dy. Dir (T) 26105274/2939


- 9810467002 -

CE/Dam Safety. 26106848 26191431 9968268652 -

(RM) 26103221 28051340 9811805299 26101749

Commissioner Ganga 24362780 24368238





9818616963 24362780


Room CWC

26108889 26103333


- - -

Dir. (M&A) jaipur


Flood Control Room 011-23861837 /38 011-23868775

Jaipur Control Room

2742900 5110111 5101455


Designation and Location of


Tel. (Office) Tel. (Residence)

Mobile No. Fax

DCIDS (Ops) 23013947




- -

ACIDS (Jt.OPs) 23011442


25692915 9971200297 -

DACIDS (OPs Lgs) 23005134 29230114 9871631921 23005137

Dir. (OPs Lgs) 23005126 23070942 9953778352 23005226

Jt. Dir (OPs Lgs) 23005133 28050533 9650536409 23005226

OPs Room (HQr IDS) 23005131


- - 23005137

ARMY HQR (EXCHANGE NOS-(011- 23010131/(23018197 Directory)

Designation and Location of Deployment

Tel. (Office) Tel. (Residence)

Mobile No. FAX

Reception 26196220 23018197 26172861

- - -

DGMO 23011506 23011506 - 23011506

ADGMO (A) 230116611 24615208 - 23011617

ADGMO (B) 23014891 26142269 - 23011617

Dir.MO-6 23018034 - 23011617

GSO-I MO-6 23019739 - 23011617

Dir OL - 2 23335218 23018530

23339055 -


AIR HQR (EXCHANGE NOS- 011-23010231)

Designation and Location of Deployment

Tel. (Office) Tel. (Residence)

Mobile No. FAX

ACAS (Ops) 23014424 23010231/7528

24672974 23017627

PD Ops (Off) (T&H) 23110231/7559 23016354


Dir. Ops (T) 23010231/7545 2305857

- 23016354

Dir. Ops (H) 23010231/7551 - -

JD Ops (LS) 23010231/7546 - 23016354

JD Ops (H) 23010231/7552 - 23792973

NAVAL HQR (EXCHANGE NOS- 011-23010121/ 23014167)

Designation and Location of Deployment

Tel. (Office) Tel. (Residence)

Mobile No. FAX

Reception 23011400

Dir. 230111766/725/639 23007348

ACNS (IW &OPS) 23011477 230136886 -

PDNO 23011706

DNO 23010503 -

OPS Room New Delhi STD – 011

Designation and Location of Deployment

Tel. (Office) Tel. (Residence)

Mobile No. FAX

Army OPS Room 23011617

Air OPS Room 23013680

Naval OPS Room 23011252 23013540 Exchange Supervisor

NIDM N.Delhi STD -011

Designation and Location of Deployment

Tel. (Office) Tel. (Residence)

Mobile No. FAX

ED 23702445 08130554694 23702446

Consultant 23702441/312 - 9868277276 23702446


Sr. No. Designation Office Residence

1. Director (Operational Logistics) /HQ Integrated Defence Staff New Delhi

011-23017897 09312319011


2. NAVAL HQ (WAR ROOM) Dir. Of Naval Operation.

011-23011253 -

3. Duty Officer (Maritime Operation Center) HQ-WNC Mumbai

022-22663030 -

4. Air Force Exchange 022-23714982/ 022-23714963


5. Naval Exchange. 22663030/22664949 22751126 220-22053057


6. Military Exchange Coast Guard /GOCNCM & G Area Army

22151701 -



S.No. Battalion No. Jurisdiction

1 32 Bn PAC Lucknow

2 35 Bn PAC Lucknow

3 34 Bn PAC Varanasi

4 36 Bn PAC Varanasi

In the special circumstances the following officers may be contacted:

Office Resi/Mob.

ADG/PAC PAC Headquarter 0522-2337456 0522-2209940 9454400167

AIG/PAC Headquarter, Lucknow - 09415024100

IG/PAC Headquarter, Lucknow 0522-2337454 0522-2239964 9454400168



S. No.







DUMPER Roller Poclai







2 KANUBABU DECORATOR,SONARPURA,TEL 0542-321036, 0542-321565

2.NAGAR NIGAM ,VARANASI 0542-2391417




Dinesh Kumar patel, Babbatpur Varanasi, Mob. 700767601


GANESH TENT HOUSE,BAILY GANJ 0535-202914 & 0535-204721

EO, NAGAR PALIKA TEL 0535-2212405(O) 0535 - 2205423 ®

EO, NAGAR PALIKA TEL 0535-2212405(O) , 0535-2205423®

GauravRoadlines,Police line RoadRaebareli09473734301

Babaji earthmovers Raebareli Mob. 9415524448

Babaji earthmovers Raebareli Mob. 9415524448



Executive Officer NAGAR PANCHAYAT , DYP.TEL 0535 -2262090

Executive Officer, NAGAR PANCHAYAT , DYP.TEL : 0535 -2262090

Munna Tent House Tel.- 05342-220238

NAGAR PALIKA PBH Executive Officer TEL - 05342-221257(R), 05342-220853(O)

NAGAR PALIKA PBH TEL. 05342-221257(R), 05342-220853(O)

NAGAR PALIKA PBH TEL..- 05342-221257(R), 05342-220853(O) Tractor with trolly,Three Wheeler,& Car

NAGAR PALIKA PBH Executive Officer TEL..- 05342-221257(R), 05342-220853(O)

NAGAR PALIKA PBH Executive Officer TEL..- 05342-221257(R), 05342-220853(O)

Executive Officer PWD TEL.- 05342-220997(R), 05342-220424(O)

Munna Tent House Tel.- 05342-220238


S. No.








Roller Poclaines


Munna Tent House Tel.- 05342-220238

NAGAR PALIKA PBH Executive Officer TEL - 05342-221257(R), 05342-220853(O)

NAGAR PALIKA PBH TEL. 05342-221257(R), 05342-220853(O)

NAGAR PALIKA PBH TEL..- 05342-221257(R), 05342-220853(O) Tractor with trolly,Three Wheeler,& Car

NAGAR PALIKA PBH Executive Officer TEL..- 05342-221257(R), 05342-220853(O)

NAGAR PALIKA PBH Executive Officer TEL..- 05342-221257(R), 05342-220853(O)

Executive Officer PWD TEL.- 05342-220997(R), 05342-220424(O)

Ajanta Tent House Tel.- 05342-221835

Executive Officer PWD TEL.- 05342-220997(R), 05342-220424(O)

DFO TEL. 05342-220277(R), 05342-236012(O)

Amar Tent House Tel. 05342-223349

DFO TEL. 05342-220277(R), 05342-236012(O)

MssureshNarayain Truck =2nos

Ms. Rajendra Kumar Tripathi ,2nos

Ms. Rajendra Kumar Tripathi Roller=2nos

JantaTent House Tel.- 05342-222468

Ms.GovindKhanlwal truck=1 No. TEL.- 05342-226699

Ms.GovindKhanlwal truck=1 No. TEL.- 05342-226699

ChandraTent House TEL.- 05342-222180

Executive Officer PWD TEL. 05342-220997(R), 05342-220424(O) Truck

Ashok and Mahesh Tent House Tel.- 05342-223162

Shri Ram Tent House Tel.-05342-224855


Lasmi Tent House(sadar) Tel.- 05342-221847

Prakash Tent House Tel.- 05342-236109






NEW JANTA TRANSPORT, SIPAH, JAUNPUR, TEL: 05452 - 263702, 268346 CELL: 9415273321











Guddu Singh, RasmandalJaunpur, Mob. 8840844381





Md. Samim, Near LC no. 59/C, (Petrol pump) Mob. 9984402121




SIMNA TENT HOUSE TEL : 05271 - 245061



JagramGupta,Tanda rly station,Mob. 8004967302, 9554551820






MonuKumar,Mob. 7080775866








Guddu Singh, RasmandalJaunpur, Mob. 8840844381



AMAR TENT HOUSE,FATEHGANJ MAQBARA TEL 05278-245834 & 05278-245076

NAGAR PALIKA, FAIZABAD, TEL -05278-222504 & 9415256699










R.K.TENT HOUSE, AYODHYA. TEL : 05278-32765



NAGAR PALIKA, RDL. TEL:05421-234335


TOWN AREA GGJ. TEL:05278-250011




























M/S LALLO JI & SONS, RAMBAGH, ALLAHABAD, TEL:(0532)-606872, 606879,606877

Mob. 9305168195

Mob. 9369276485 Singh Allahabad Mob. 8756009400





Mob. 9918553650




Pandyji, Unchahar Mob. 7398527165
















Shreya Infrastructure Unnao Mob. 9935961124








Talib Hassan Barabanki Mob. 9793353786










K.K.PANDEY, XEN, JAL SANSTHAN, LKO. Tel :0522-268917& 260106

Varun Enterprises Lucknow Mob. 9450652775


Sh. RAVI MISHRA, Tel: 9839012840

M.N.A., NAGAR NIGAM, LKO. Tel: OFF-0522-2622440, RES-0522-2301530

NEW JANTA TENT HOUSE, VIKAS NAGAR, LKO. TEL OFF-0522-2768240, OFF-0522-2768241

Sh. A.K.SETH, CHIEF ENGINEER, E&m, LAJ NIGAM, LKO. Tel:OFF-0522-2508493, RES-0522-2789589

Sh. DEEPAK YADAV, INCHARGE CENTRAL W/SHOP, NAGAR NIGAM, LKO. Tel: OFF-0522-2308944 & 0522-23082124


Sh. G.S.GUPTA, EXN, 3rd DIV., JAL NIGAM, LKO. Tel: RES-0522-2436261

Sh. DHARAMVEER, LKO. Tel: 9839171305, RES- 0522-2710192

A.RAHIM & SONS, NEAR ROYAL HOTEL, LKO TEL : OFF-0522-223903 RES-0522-223903

Mr.JAHID ALI, Tel: 9839065950






M/S SRIVASTAVA, LKO. Tel : 9839173269





NAGAR, LKO. TEL : OFF-0522-2229740

S.S. Construction

Lucknow Mob. 9415028667

PUNJAB TENT HOUSE, ARYA NAGAR, LKO. TEL : OFF-0522-2691268, RES-0522-0691375

PAHWA TENT HOUSE, DALI GANJ, LKO. TEL: OFF-0522-2324449, RES-0522-2323922



SHAMSI ARTS & SONS, CHOWK, LKO TEL : OFF- 9839121976, RES-0522-2262375










JYOTI TENT HOUSE, TELIYANA ROAD, KANPUR. Tel: 0512-2315284, 0512-2354643


N.K.TRANSPORT CO., KANPUR. Tel: 0512-2317428 & 0512-2317428





NEW FIVE STAR ROAD LINES , 82/17, RAILWAY ROAD, COLLECTOR GANJ, KANPUR. Tel: 0512-2367210, 0512-2367210





HOSPITALS IN LUCKNOW : Std code : 0522

Hospital Name Telephone No : 0522 Address



Avadh Hospital Chauraha Singar Nagar, Lucknow-226005


Near I.I.M., Ghailla, Opp. Sahara City Homes,


Iim Road, Bitholi Tihara Sitapur Road,


E Block, Near Dena Bank, Rajajipuram, Lucknow - 226017

F .I. HOSPITAL 3013017/8/9 37,Cantt Road,


Vikas Khand 1, Near Petrol Pump, Gomti Nagar, Luckhnow

GAYATRI HOSPITAL 4101270/ 2355986 20, Ravindra Palli, Faizabad Road,


B-1-2/F Ground Floor Sadaf Center Kapoorthalabagh, Aliganj, Lucknow

GUPTA HOSPTIAL 2471166 Vijay Nagar, Kanpur Road,

HARMAIN HOSPITAL PVT LTD 4056111/ 41 37, Cantt Road, Burlington Hotel Crossing,


Nh A & B, Vijay Khand-2, Gomti Nagar

LUCKNOW HOSPITAL 2470855 Behind Krishna Nagar Police Station, Kanpur Road,

LUCKNOW METRO HOSPITAL 3.21E+07 1/25 Vijay Khand Gomti Nagar Lucknow

Matra-Drishti Medi Care


C-8/265, Sitapur Rd, Khargapur Jagir, Jankipuram Vistar, Sector 8, Jankipuram Extension, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Midland Healthcare & Reseach Centre 2977778

B - 55, & C - 42, Madir Marg, Mahanagar Extension, near Kapoorthala Chauraha, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

MOTHER AND CHILD CARE CENTRE 2404522 Near Kalyangiri Temple, Hardoi Road, Thakurguni

PULSE HOSPITAL AND TRAUMA CENTRE 2440137 3m/11, Vrindavan-2, Raibareli Road

RADIUS JONIT SURGERY HOSPITAL 7704807221 Nh2/2 Vishesh Khand Gomati Nagar

, Lucknow

RELIEF HOSPITAL 2756777 Abhibaranpur, Sitapur Road,


4078993 56-D, Patel Nagar, Alambagh,

SEWA HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTRE 2734551/3292006 Near Brij Ki Rasoi, Seva Nagar,

SHALIMAR HOSPITAL 2310185/ 4049544 A- 989 Indira Nagar

SHANTI CLINIC AND HOSPITAL 4011039 3/180, Virat Khand,


SHEKHAR HOSPITAL PVT. LTD. 2352352 B -Block, Church Road,

SHRIRAM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 4068210 A-1030, A-Block, Shalimar Crossing, Indra Nagar


B-1/7, Mahanagar Extension(Opp. Sahara India Centre), Kapoorthala,


29, Shahmeena Road (Road Form Buddha Park To Medical College), Lucknow,






Utraitia-Alamnagar Byepass (Km.1079.16)


LUCKNOW (Km.1073.18ML,1095.43FD Loop,1055.10LSZ)

Kanpur UNNAO DilkushaCabin(Km.1069.58ML,1091.82FDLoop)

Central (Km.54.10,184.40ARC)

(Km.71.49)Excl. UTRAITIA

(Km.1060.95ML, BARABANKI (Km.1067.18)





DALMAU (Km.965.86)








(Km.104.04ARC, AYODHYA (Km.960.64)





AKBARPUR (Km.906.80)


(Km.904.99ML,94.05AF) TANDA (Km.16.89)



PHAPHAMAU Phaphamau (Km.857.34) JAUNPUR (Km.829.53)

(Km.46.79AJ,144.05AF) Byepass SARAI HARKHU



(Km.150.47AF,53.21AJ) PRAYAG GHAT


(Km.156.95)Excl. Km.155.17 (Km.847.18)


'D'SPL- Route = 343.405 KMs. BHADOHI


B - - Route = 343.586 KMs.

D - - Route = 370.945 KMs.

E - - Route = 421.785 KMs. LOHTA Km.757.132

Route KMs. = 1479.721 KMs. (Km.777.94) VARANASI (Km.772.06)

Reference : - MUGHALSARAI

Sigle Line SHOWN THUS (Km.755.34)Excl.


Exclusive (0.00)Excl.
























Utraitia-Alamnagar Byepass



LUCKNOW (Km.1073.18ML,1095.43FD Loop,1055.10LSZ)

Kanpur Km182.0 UNNAO LBH Km.1091.69

Central (Km.54.10,184.40ARC) Km.1042.40

(Km.71.49)Excl. Km.1060.00 UTRAITIA

(Km.1060.95ML, 1042.67LSZ)

BARABANKI (Km.1067.18)




(Km.103.67) (Km.965.86)



Km.98.00 995.35ML,


Km.103.00 (Km.967.93)

DARYAPUR Km.0.44 AYODHYA (Km.960.64)







(Km.915.42LSZ,58.24AF) Km.909.00

Km.98.61 Km.94.42


(Km.904.99ML,94.05AF) (Km.16.89)


(Km.900.16ML,97.95AF) (Km.857.34) (Km.906.80)

Phaphamau Byepass Sarai Harkhu JAUNPUR

PHAPHAMAU(km46.79AJ,144.05AF) Km.849.21 (Km.829.53)

PRAYAG Km.6.50 Km.824.41

(Km.150.47AF,53.21AJ) PRAYAG GHAT


(Km.156.95)Excl. Km.155.17 (Km.847.18) (Km.823.25FD LOOP,47.79AJ)



(Km 778.60)


LOHTA Km.757.132

(Km.777.94) VARANASI (Km.772.06)







Reference : -


(Km 808.19)









(Km 998.17)






Utraitia-Alamnagar Byepass



LUCKNOW (Km.1073.18ML,1095.43FD Loop,1055.10LSZ)

Kanpur Km182.0 UNNAO LBH Km.1091.69

Central (Km.54.10,184.40ARC) Km.1042.40

(Km.71.49)Excl. Km.1060.00 UTRAITIA

(Km.1060.95ML, 1042.67LSZ)

BARABANKI (Km.1067.18)


(Km.1014.04) Km.1032.00


(Km.103.67) (Km.965.86)



Km.98.00 995.35ML,


Km.103.00 (Km.967.93)

DARYAPUR Km.0.44 AYODHYA (Km.960.64)







(Km.915.42LSZ,58.24AF) Km.909.00

Km.98.61 Km.94.42


(Km.904.99ML,94.05AF) (Km.16.89)


(Km.900.16ML,97.95AF) (Km.857.34) (Km.906.80)

Phaphamau Byepass Sarai Harkhu JAUNPUR

PHAPHAMAU(km46.79AJ,144.05AF) Km.849.21 (Km.829.53)

PRAYAG Km.6.50 Km.824.41

(Km.150.47AF,53.21AJ) PRAYAG GHAT


(Km.156.95)Excl. Km.155.17 (Km.847.18) (Km.823.25FD LOOP,47.79AJ)

Reference : - BHADOHI

ADEN / BSB (Km.816.66)




ADEN / II/LKO Km.789.50

ADEN / FD LOHTA Km.757.132

ADEN / JNU (Km.777.94) VARANASI (Km.772.06)


ADEN/II/SLN (Km.755.34)Excl.











(Km 998.17)





1in300 (Km.1079.16)

Utraitia-Alamnagar Byepass 1 in 500



LUCKNOW (Km.1073.18ML,1095.43FD Loop,1055.10LSZ)

KanpurCentral (Km.71.49)Excl. LBH ML GMT GMT



(Km.54.10,184.40ARC) (Km.1060.95ML,1042.67LSZ)

1 in500 BARABANKI (Km.1067.18) GMT




GMT 1 in375 Km.1014.04 GMT

GMT 1 in 500

NIHALGARH (Km.965.86)


1 in500 RAEBARELI(Km.995.35ML,109.98ARC,30.69DD)



DARYAPUR (Km.104.04ARC, 24.78DD) (Km.967.93)

Km.103.00 GMT 1 in 178 GMT

1in300 AYODHYA (Km.960.64)




1 in 4






1 in500 1 in500 GMT


(Km.72.27) 1 in 300


1 in500


GMT Km.909.00

1 in500 AKBARPUR (Km.906.80)

Km.98.61 1 in 500

CHILBILA(KM904.99ML94.05AF) 1 in300 TANDA (Km.16.89)


1 in 500

1 in 500 GMT SRIKRISHNANAGAR(Km857.34)

PhaphamauByePass JAUNPUR(Km829.53)

PHAPHAMAU(km46.79AJ,144.05AF) 1 in600 SARAI HARKHU

1 in400 1in100 1 in600 Km.849.21

PRAYAG (Km.150.47AF,53.21AJ) 1 in600 Km.824.41


(Km.156.95)Excl. Km.155.17 JANGHAI (Km.847.18)

GMT 1 in1000

GMT 1 in 400




1 in 500 Km.757.132

1 in1000

GMT VARANASI (Km.772.06) MUGHALSARAI (Km.755.34)Excl.

JEONATHPUR, (0.00)Excl.




1 in 4


38.91UP38.5 DN

47.8UP45.2 DN







30.8 S/L

38.1 UP27.7 DN

54 UP47.6 DN


45.3 S/L












26.2 UP25 DN

41.8 S/L










17.4 UP19 DN



UP-11.5 DN-12.71



34.2 UP31.88 DN








Annexure – 1






2 6 3 4 5 7 8 9 10




Annexure – 2



1- Commercial - Reservation Chart

2- Medical - List of dead & injured

3- Commercial - Provision of escort and vehicle

4- Railway Doctor - Issue of medical Death Certificates

5- Govt. Doctor - Issue of postmortem report

6- CAC in-charge and officer

7- Municipality Official - Issue of official Death Certificate

8- RPF/Local Police - Issue of authority for handing over dead body

9- Commercial - Payment of Ex-gratia, Issue of claim forms

10- Commercial - Assistance for performing of last rites

11- Personnel - Issue of return Journey passes

12- Operating - Arrangement for return journey


3 4 5 8 9 10 7 6




Annexure – 3

