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Enterprise Content Management: Strategy Adopted for Public ...

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Enterprise Content Management: Strategy Adopted for Public Services Andreas Engel Solution Management Public Sector, SAP AG

Enterprise Content Management:Strategy Adopted for Public Services

Andreas EngelSolution Management Public Sector, SAP AG

© SAP 2007 / Page 2

Legal Disclaimer

This presentation is not subject to your licenseagreement or any other agreement with SAP.SAP has no obligation to pursue any course ofbusiness outlined in this presentation or todevelop or release any functionality mentioned inthis presentation. This presentation and SAP'sstrategy and possible future developments aresubject to change and may be changed by SAP atany time for any reason without notice. Thisdocument is provided without a warranty of anykind, either express or implied, including but notlimited to, the implied warranties ofmerchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, ornon-infringement. SAP assumes no responsibilityfor errors or omissions in this document, except ifsuch damages were caused by SAP intentionallyor grossly negligent.

© SAP 2008 / Page 3

1. Enterprise Content Management Strategy at SAP2. SAP Records Management3. Open Text Enterprise Content Management for SAP Solutions


© SAP 2008 / Page 4

What Is Enterprise Content Management?Gartner’s View

Databases, file systems, and media servers

Access and retrieval

Enterprise content repository

Application services


Content integration

Web contentmanagement

Digital assetmanagement






© SAP 2008 / Page 5

Enterprise Content Management:Public Services Needs


Send or attachdocuments


Sendpermit Billing

Databases, file systems, and media servers

Access and retrieval

Enterprise content repository

Application services


Content integration

Web contentmanagement

Digital assetmanagement







paper mailsManage digital


City portal

© SAP 2008 / Page 6

Pain Point Public Services:Complete Digital Record?

DesktopsFile servers

Doc. man. systemsCRM systems

Finance systemsProcurement systems

Property systemsPlanning systems

-----x-----Social care systems

HR systems






© SAP 2008 / Page 7

SAP Enterprise Content Management’sStrategy in a Nutshell

Enterprise content management from SAP

Deliver SAP Netweaver Integration Platformwith core ECM Services

Exploit Business Solutions withembedded ECM

Extended ECM Suite with partners

Core, embedded and extended ECM to beseamlessly integrated

© SAP 2008 / Page 8

SAP Enterprise Content Management Strategyin Detail

SAP Core ECM Services Extended ECM Services (Partners)

ECM service layer



Document managementExtensions

Digital assetmanagement . . .

Business Suite with Embedded ECM Composites with Core and Extended ECM

Open Text Extended ECM for SAPSolutions (EBS)

SAP Archiving & Document Accessby Open Text (Reselling)

What Is The Focus and The Value Propostitionfor SAP‘s ECM strategy?

Offering Focus Area ValueEmbedded Integrated content rich

SAP ApplicationsOut of the box integration;N2N scenarios;USP;Solves the business need

Core Composites for SAP datarelated processes;‚buy SAP‘ customers

Flexibility;low integration costs;

Extended Composites for Contentrich applications;Integration in Mail andOffice clients;Standalone ECM

Additional functionality(i.e. physical recordsmanagement);Archive Solution;Manage variousrepositories;

Embedded/Core/Extended Fully integrated ECM andBusiness Suite for thewhole Enterprise;Complete new solutions

Innovation;Covers Customers needsto manage structured andunstructured data and thecombination of these

© SAP 2008 / Page 10

1. Enterprise Content Management Strategy at SAP2. SAP Records Management3. Open Text Enterprise Content Management for SAP Solutions


© SAP 2008 / Page 11

SAP Records Management: Fully IntegratedRecord and Case Folder Solution

1. Contentmanagement

2. Inbound andoutboundprocessing

3. Informationretrieval

4. Workflows5. Disposal andretention

6. Cross-departmentinformationexchange

7. Integration with SAPfor Public Sector

8. ECM Services

© SAP 2008 / Page 12

SAP Records Management:Customers In Public Services

Trafford Metropolitan City social servicesCouncil (UK)

International Organisation of grantee managementMigration (UN)

Gebietsrechenzentrum Münster citizen services(Germany)

City of Cape Town (South Africa) corporate records

Prime Minister‘s Office (France) legislative process

City of Villach (Austria) admin processes

© SAP 2008 / Page 13

SAP Records Management: Road Map

Mid-2008 > 2008

Enterprise services I

SAP NetWeaver 7.0 EhP1SAP ERP 2007 EhP4

SAP Records Management:WebDavServer

SAP NetWeaver 7.0 EhP2SAP ERP 2007 EhP4

Enterprise services II

SAP Records Management:integration in SAP Investigative Case

Management for Public Sector

User-centered design project

© SAP 2008 / Page 14

Enterprise Services forSAP Records Management

Business valueFlexibleReusability (example: permit processes)Enable constituent-related services (example: citizen)

Case worker

Display attacheddocument

Case worker

Display permitrequest


Add documentto permitrequest



Create permitrecord

Assign documentto record

Get documentcontentGet record content

© SAP 2008 / Page 15

Example Business Registration

© SAP 2008 / Page 16

Example Business Registration

© SAP 2008 / Page 17

Example Business Registration

© SAP 2008 / Page 18

Investigation Record: Sneak Preview

SAP Records Management as WebDAV Server

SAP Records Management as WebDAV Server

SAP Records Management as WebDAV Server

SAP Records Management as WebDAV Server

SAP Records Management as WebDAV Server

© SAP 2008 / Page 24

SAP Records Management: User-CenteredDesign Project

© SAP 2008 / Page 24© SAP 2008 / Page 24

Q2 2008Verify document

Process document

Q3 2008Verify document

Process document

200730 end-user interviews

60+ use cases analyzed

Q1 2008Verify document

Process document

© SAP 2008 / Page 25

User-Centered Design Project at Work

Modelling of the Use CasesCapturing and modelling the objects and actions of the design solution

© SAP 2008 / Page 26

1. Enterprise Content Management Strategy at SAP2. SAP Records Management3. Open Text Enterprise Content Management for SAP Solutions


© SAP 2008 / Page 27

SAP Archiving by Open Text (Reselling)

SAP Archiving by Open TextSAP Data Archiving

Archives and manages all types of SAP archiving files(DART, DUST and WebDAV XML) with one solutionArchives, manages and retrieves print lists/outbounddocumentsLeverages storage lifecycle management for lower costs

Document Archiving & ImagingLinks all types of documents with SAP transactionsArchives paper documents, drawings, faxes, email andformsSupports bulk-import, scanning, and viewing ofdocuments

© SAP 2008 / Page 28

SAP Records Management Component View


ExternalStorage systems

ArchivlösungContent Server

Archiving solution

SAP Records Management

Web Application Server

ArchiveLink®SAP Workflow

SAP Office

Org. Management

WAS 6.40 +WAS 6.40 +

Desktop Application Capture



© SAP 2008 / Page 29

Endorsed Business Solution: Open Text ExtendedECM for SAP Solutions

© SAP 2008 / Page 30

Open Text Extended ECM: Value Proposition

Inefficient processesCompliance based on manualprocessesLitigation and freedom ofinformation costsTier-1 storage costsTime for system administration,backups, disaster and recovery, andupgradesSupport of legacy systems

Capture documentsContent-centric documentmanagementTrusted repository for recordsLegal discovery, holds, anddispositionWarehouse space and circulationControl records retention anddestruction policies across allenterprise contentMoving infrequently accessed filesto tier-2 storageRobust data replication, caching,and encryption capabilities

Typical challenges Open TextExtended ECM

© SAP 2008 / Page 31

What to Remember?

ECM is core to public servicesECM strategy at SAP: core, embedded and extensionsAvailable todayMore to comeWe need to listen to our customers

© SAP 2008 / Page 32

Thank you!

© SAP 2008 / Page 33

Enterprise Content Management: TechnologyStrategy at SAP

ECM servicesfrom SAP

SAP: connectivity and integration



Third-party ECM Services(provided by the ecosystem)

Third-partycontent stores

(provided by the ecosystem)

ECM service layer


Records andcase


Applications (SAP, ISVs, and customers)(consume ECM services)



Open TextExtended ECM

for SAPSolutions



management . . .

Third-party ILCM infrastructureSAP NetWeaver: information life-cycle management (ILCM)



Data Archiving for SAP Solutions by Open Text

SAP Archivingby Open Text


UI(standalone, delivered

together with SAP basicECM Services)



Portal andWeb




© SAP 2008 / Page 34

Thank you!

© SAP 2008 / Page 35

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