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Euclidean Vol. 57

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Student Life Divider..6

Sports Divider..44

Senior Divider.

Activities Divider..78

Academics Divider..118

Underclass Divider.

Memories Divider..160

UiM 3 „

f. iB

tote fiCt9© aBsiad I IIP -1 -| of 2005 saw not

' P'H :C-| 1 ::| a new begin- J_k ' ning as last

year, but it saw a continuance of the SMaphon of The Euclid High :

ol into six small schools. The

staged more smoothly than the

ous year, and things truly began

to come together. Students gained a

sense of pride for the small school

that they belonged to, whether their

school was STEM, BQS, I#3, PATH,

ARTS, or AHD. Few criticisms about

the transformation were heard in the

hallways, ahd compliments were heard

more often. Many students, especially

freshmen, had most of their classes in

their small school, so it was easier to

get adjusted to high school life. Each

dirrerent colors, tor exampTer^BBKiH|

and staff found it more convenient

to have small school offices because

nearly every time that there was a

problem, it was able to be solved in

one office. The goal of the transforma¬

tion process has been achieved, and

although things could still use a little

more polishing, students feel more like

the individuals they are in the small

school environment.

-Holly Yanacek /

Kelsey Hastings and

Amy Barwick played

hard on the field as


The offensive line

worked hard as usual.

Brian Svoboda led

the marching band as


The crowd cheered

the team as usual.

The cheerleaders

made banners as


Dana Me Gill ran

hard as usual.

a The first football game began with Varsity Chorale singing the National Anthem a

Rachel De Angelis, Jessica Vandegrift, Yuri Doolan and Kristen De Wolf are g

new year.

The Marching Band began the school year early"

throughout August. The Marching Band always 1



began the school year

was a cheerleader and the

pictures were taken in mid August

as usual.

2 Theme Tammy Ewing, Ms. Diane Tizzano, Sarah Miller

and Amanda Harper doing their business as usual.

Above Left: Student Council

members learn about the

activities that they will be

doing throughout the year.

Above: Marching Band mem

bers carry on the tradition

of marching at the football


Left: Volleyball team mem¬

bers practice their serving

before the game begins. we


all down the field

Nate Sonnhal-

ter watches ZaChSchlosser

playing on a

computer as he

usually does.

Mr. Sean

O’Toole kept on

with his teach¬

ing as usual.

The football

team won some

games as usual.

Above: Senior Class

Cabinet gets ready to

plan another year.

Left: The football

team gets ready to

plan another play,

Nick Fortunato

plans on getting his

ball on the green and

Cherice May plans

on running another

cross country race.

Theme 3

The cheerleaders

performed their

cheers as usual.

Classes went on as

usual.: '

The cfjeerleaders

had tolstretch out

before they could

cheer aifusual.

Dezarae Griffie congratulates Cherice May on

becoming the Homecoming Queen. Cherice contin¬

ued the tradition of royalty in her family since her

older brother, Dan. was Homecoming King several

years ago.

Members of CRAVE seek spiritual guidance in

order to help them through their lives.

Alexandria Perdan and Tommie Berry working

together during a mediation training session.

Above: The Senior Advanced Mediators get

together during the training session.

Khemet Burnett, Pat Hagenbaugh and Matt

Zuzic race down the field in pursuit of the ball

Melissa San-

torelli plays

at senior band

parent’s night.

gAbove: The library has always been a traditional

place for students to learn. The only difference

Show is it’s called the Media Center.

Left: Members of CRAVE held their annual ‘Meet

at the Pole’ on September 21,2005 in the morning.

Shamara Morgan

shows off her hat o

‘Hat Day”

Keyonna Johnson, Shanee Adams, Brandon Stewart and Jeremy Reeder collecting

data in a chemistry experiment. ^ .. .. ga||||ii^|j|Mtt| Members of the sophomore class cabinet

discuss activities for the year.

if 9kQ,

Band Seniors and their parents were introduced to

the fans before the football game. Katie Keay, Grace Jefferson and Meredith Burge

played dfeng the annual Open House for all to

watch. Rachel Schlosser hides behind some baked goods

at the annual Open House that was held on Septem¬

ber 28, 2005. It was a traditional time for parents to

meet the staff. rrs *

Dezarae Griffie

shows off her

hat, Brittany

Buford and

Jazmine Bell

are twins, Julia


Bumbarger and

Mike Riendeau

had a bad hair

day and Alyssa


shows off her

blue and gold.

Theme 5



Brianna Maz-

zolini, Rachel

Lawrence and

Joanna Habat are

involved in Varsity

Chorale and other

vocal groups. The Marching

Band gives a lot

of students an

opportunity to be

involved in school


Thaddeus Gibson is involved with the football team and the basketball

teams. *

Members of the Flag Corps have a very

active life on the football field during the

halftime ceremonies.

The doctor looks at Devon Jennings to make sure

he was alright while Danielle Weber waits on the

field for her cue to begin moving. Andrew Indiano

has a life on the soccer field.

Sharde Miner and Claire Hol- zheimer seek life as a student in the

sports they play.

Paul Sedmak needs to get a life

while playing with the carbon black

in chemistry.

Members of CRAVE

sought a life through

Christian fellowship

6 Student Life Divider J

Students had a life

by helping hurricane

Katrina’s victims.


Members of the

Varsity Chorale

look to Mr. Josh

Walker for direc¬

tion when they are

about to perform.

school student

:t import




pig ' Horrn


was very com-

w as so much to

Doked for something to do.

such a busy time. Cl

of course, were the im

the day. §

were many op

could take adv

r t^e social part of be1

Ipith friends at a loc

fpvas then a time to cat

from friends and school. Throughout

he day many students helped oiit in

he many offices in the school. Lunch

as a relaxing time to replenish

trients needed to exist. After school

ny students participated in athletic#

Q|.clubs or organizations that supplied

positive reinforcement. If they didn’t

remain at sehool many students had

job that they had to keep up with. Thf|

life of a high school student was as

complicated as they wanted to make it.

18111k * The girls from the tennis team enjoy their company

both on and off the tennis courts.

Student Life Divider

Coach Mike Barnes discusses strategy with Bran¬

don Timmons, Darius Smith and Dennis Rodgers.

The Euclid Panther is an impor¬

tant part of life at the Euclid


Andrea Douglas, Danielle

Jackson, Ashley Barnes,

Camilla Triplin and Terraia

King had a lot of fun perform¬

ing in front of the fans at the


Tim Hanson

chips a shot onto

the green while

the volleyball

team gets ready

for a game.

Dominique Eldemire, Ashley Barnes and Terraia Talking about living it up, Ashley Barnes, Yuri Doolan, Kristen De Wolf and Kristen Griffith had a lot of King always enjoy running through the halls in fun singing in front of all the fans in the stands, their cheerleader uniforms.

The freshmen football players would mature in the

following years and would take their places on the

JV and varsity teams.

Jeremy Sims has a

good time playing

music on the foot-1

ball field.

Thaddeus Gibson was an

extremely talented and quick

defensive end. The opponents

rarely ran to his side of the field.

He often made a play on the oppo¬

site side of the field from where he


Amber Cartmell

observes a reaction

in a test tube.

8 Student Life

Melinda Arko enjoys

the time she spends running up and down the

soccer field.

Tonica Johnson likes to

pass some of her life on the tennis court.

In the Fall the students saw

a presentation by Brooke

Haycock about bigotry in

the United States.

tlartina Chatman-Martin and Amalia

n the marching band.

had a good time Jackie Zigman enjoys the time she

spends on the volleyball court.

Band practice in the summer sun was a really hot

time for Phillip Williams and Ciera Pringle.

Student Life 9

Euclid students have many different ways «f Hying The members of Varsity Chorale always had a good

time singing the National Anthem and Alrfla Mater

to begin the games.

Most of a student’s life is taken up in class. It is

important to understand how important is is to be

in class. Above and Left: Members of the football team and

the Marching Band have a good time performing on

the football field.

The JV team gets

instructions from

their coaches as

they get ready

to go out on the

field.The coaches

direct the action

on the field.

The JV Cheerleaders (above) would grow and

mature into the Varsity Cheerleaders (below) by the

next year.

Hayden Lewis

gets ready to go

out and catch a


Drew Indi-

ano watches


Belviso kick

the ball down

the field.

The members of the Flag

Corps dance to the music pro¬

duced by the Marching Band.

They have lots of fun working

and performing together.

Below: Mike Riendeau and

Lashonda Robinson enjoy

working together in the labora¬


10 Student Life

Above Right: Dez-

arae Griffie and

Jeff Horn discuss

how to calm down a

person in mediation.

Right: Studems had to like the March¬

ing Band to suffer

through the heat of

summer practices.

Not too much action here. Cory Shy doesn’t appear

to have too much energy at this point of his life.

Joe Paul Luikart,

Victor Greene and

Effie Stansbery

enjoyed their time at

the flag pole before


Cassie Hilston had a bad

hair day during her partici¬

pation in Spirit Week.

Showing their spirit. Reggie Bathurst, yjuaee Marvin, Cory Scheider, Chad Connel, Zach Schlosser and

Zach Svoboda had lots of spirit at the Homecoming game.

Ashley j


helped out

with the

banner that

the cheer¬

leaders made for each foot¬

ball game.

class know that they have to work hard if they

expect to get a good grade on the AP exam.

Left: Ben Perpar and

Nicole Clutter made a

nice couple at the Home¬ coming Dance.

Euclid students have many different ways of living

A different point of view. Asia Wilson sees what

her life looks like 90 degrees from the vertical.

“Hey look, this is my address.” Kyle Strodtbeck

found his own address when he was putting labels

on envelopes to be mailed home.

Relaxing and studying. Maggie Carney and Samantha Singh lean

back and study information that they may need

Tiffany Me Michael and Jazmyn

Tearry sported the jerseys of their

favorite team on "‘Support Your Favor¬

ite Team Day” during Spirit Week.

Jessica Hegedus and Robert Kuk-

linca look as if they are enjoyig their

life in class.

Above: The

candidates for

the Homecom¬

ing Court were

introduced before

the game.

Left: Katie Max¬

well and Claire

Holzheimer wore

their hats during

Spirit Week to

show their partici¬


Above: Krissy

Gavin enjoys

her walk to her


Left: Lots of stu¬

dents got dressed

up in their jerseys

during Spirit


Dean Bryson had fun at Look at the triplets! Mya Cloud,

Homecoming drinking punch Terraia King and Katie Maxwell

and taking video as well as were dressed alike during twins day.


alphabetizing senior polls for

the yearbook. Katie Puda and Ginger Me

Ghee having a good time in their

classes. Student Life 11

Flag Corps and Marching Band caused a lot of

commotion in the halls as they showed their Panther

Pride on the Friday of the Homecoming game.

T--1 ■" l< "Win

be more pleasan??)Mifri^ffrie, the

Homecoming CouaS^announced.

ChericfcMajyps Queen,

and Capel Nelsftrr^^^cfowne'H

King. The Euclid vs Lakewood

r Homecoming game ended with the

EuclidPanthers defeating the Lake-

wood Rangers, with a score of 407.

-Cory Scheider

The football

team roared

onto the field

and over¬

whelmed the

Rangers by a

score of 40-7.

The Marching Band played

music in the halls,

Levonne Brock tackles the

quarterback for a loss.

Devon Jennings ran for

good yardage.

Matt Zuzic kicked the extra points in the game.

12 Homecoming

Showing off their spirit. Tim Hanson, Vince Marvin, Rachel Sova, Susan Hogue, Karen Connavino,

Zach Svoboda, Alyssa Kodramaz, Alex Perdan, Rachel Perovsek, Holly Yanacek, Jessica Vandegrift

and Cory Shy were just some of the students who wore blue and gold during Spirit Week,

Melanie Knaflich, Leanna

Schwarz, Ed Chenock,

Matt Tarach, Kathy Bum-

barger, Kristin Griffith

and Kristin De Wolf

showed their spirit during

Spirit Week.

David Ginley, Terraia

King, Katie Maxwell,

Amber Cartmell, Jessica

Daniels, Mya Cloud,

and Courtney Walker

and Amanda Vandercoy,

Katie Maxwell, Mya

Cloud and Xavier Col¬

lins, and Tommie Berry

and Dean Bryson show

off their spirit.

Homecoming 13



coy, David











Rachel Sova, Jessica Vande-

grift, Nicole Ferkul, Maria

Sedmak, Tonica Johnson, Alyssa

Bailey, David Ginley, Amanda

Vandercoy, Rachel Schlosser

and Anthony Robinson show

themselves off.

Terraia King, Katie Maxwell, Mya Cloud,

David Jeffries, Kristen De Wolf, Marc Ranieri,

Kristen Griffith, Lee Barwick, Sara Lehman,

RachelSchlosser and Trisha Beach had a bad

hair day.

Sirena Hardi-

mon shows off

her hair.

Alecia Jones,

Sharde Miner

and Gabrielle

Halton shows

off their Blue

and Gold.

The Homecom¬

ing candidates

were introduced

before the game.

omecoming 2005,

mMmidise ' asit u

homecoftoig dan^ftffibe

With ON'er^OU

to say. it was crowd*

but standing out frqnf^K

Homecoming KiffiaaoM

Ca^)e an^l^H

juniors Patrick MuI||M

Ashley Jones; and Home

Duchess,-sophomore Paij

«he E-room ali<|

'$||jp||^formed into an;

students wal

jM^nheir tickets were exchanged

for Hawaiian leis. Faculty served

refreshments, baked by security's own

Christine Perrotti, and her mother,

HHK ®d hut set up in the front of the

l^oomaKctures were taken in ffjprtt

of palm trees and other beach-themed

aWB^lioim Students danced thq night

a\'. Paul. Gwen Stefani

Usher, and o\er popular artists, yp

untiWifi^ look, that is. when th|

‘Night in PunuKsc' came to a close.

Eacm%&jiyS^enc®d received a tribal-

looking tiki vase as a favor on their


Cherice May was crowned the Homecoming Queen at the half-time ceremonies.

<s toVtudent council,

s, Hoimecoming Jk)05

ise ’ weV off without

enjoyecKtyall. Juniors, Ashley Jones

and Patrick Mulholland

were the Homecom¬

ing Princess and Prince

while sophomore, Paige

Embry, was the Duchess.

Caple Nelson was chosen as theHomecoming King

Below: The trumpets

announced the winners of

the different awards.

Susan Hogue and Sarah Candela used flaming

batons in their half-time performance.

The Homecoming Court was revealed at half-time. 14 Homecoming

Marissa Powe,\

Lariea Wysingea

Brittany Sufka, 1

Katie Maxwell, Sir

^ Mable, Tif- 1

J|^gfan> Roberts, Jessica |

. px Vandeg- f

rift and

lm Daniel

fflSSjjk May had Sill a lot of

a fun at the HmHHI dance.

| gp India ?ougt Sf Shavorine

■piJF Johnson, ■r Valencia ^ Carter, Alecia

Jones, Joe Boyd,

Emily Lawrence and

Yuri Doolan looked

nice for thelevening. -

Big Broi


Dan Ml

iHiSr PKvlay,. poses^WT

iowas the llomeb

Wgk Karen Connavino,

■ Rachel De Angelis,

H Rayshaun Woods,

Ashley Barnes,

Terraia King,

- Lafettey Grady, Airele Horton,

Amanda Harper,

Ashley Barnes,

mm Cherice May and

B Bryan Minard and

f (Bottom Row:), Lynn

Mason, Brandon Stew¬ art, Delon Forde, Danielle

Jackson, Jennifer Walker,

Kyle Strodtbeck,Stephanie

Johnson and Lauren Majers

enjoyed themselves through¬

out the evening.

Homecoming 15

Km W

B A Jl

Karl Morris tries to get in front of t| Travis Beach is a very talented musician

the ball earner so he can try take the j| who spends many hours playing in the

ball away. ft different bands at Euclid High School.

* th

Sue Hogue and

Sarah Candela

worked hard on the

band presentations.

16 Senior Divider

Dana Me Gill dribbling the ball down

the field. Amy Barwick and Alyssa Kodramaz trying to get

the ball away from their opponent.

y^tciur y

'Wat the


The Flag Corps and the Majorettes worked together on the


Right: Right: Flag Corps member, Alexandria Perdan was

the leader of her line.

. . ..... mn mummmM+mmmmmm<■-«■—

\shley Barnes really jumps high when she thinks of all the fun she will have as a senior.

heSenior Advanced Mediators too

ig so that they could participate better I

lediation interventions.

while Cassie Hilston works at her desk.

Mike Valen¬

tino, Lauren

Ranallo and

Tim Ewing

had fun

twirling their


class of, ‘06 had

a really neat

experience, they


were going to graduate on June 6,

2006 which was, 06/06/06. Something

like that wasn't going to be dupli¬

cated for a long time. The class of ‘06

was a mature group of students that

worked well together and had a lot

of accomplishments. More and more

of the class was opting for the post wi;

secondary option so fewer and fewer

of the students actually attended

classes at the high school so there

were fewer,students available for the

many jobs that were traditionally pet¬

ty seniors. It was a thought

provoking situation that the schook^

was faced with.

ova fer flag while Matt Zuzic gets

ready to swing his leg to begin the game.

Alecia Jones ejoyed watching her friends on the field,

Jim Martin dropping back to cover the receiver.

Matt Zuzic and

Drew Indiano

fighting for the ball.

Asia Wilson

enjoyed her time in

the Flag Corps.

Mikita Duncan

and Jackie Zigman

worked hard on

their serves on the

volleyball team.

Senior Divider 17

HELPING Melissa Santorelli, Jessica Vandegrift and

Rachel Sova show off the “2006” pizza that

they made in honor of their class.

Courtney Rought eyes the pizza

that her classmates made.

Right: Emily Proctor and Paul

Sedmak enjoy each other’s com

pany in the cafeteria.

Right: Vince Marvin always went

to all of his classes and always

brought all his needed materials.

Far Right: Sarah Candela, Rachel

Sova, Mike Valentino, Susan

Hogue, Lauren Ranallo and Alex

Perdan had a lot of fun in the

marching band.

Drew Indiano seems to be enjoying his senior year.

Dezarae Griffie is hard at work with her photogra¬

phy project.

Right and Far Right: Students spending some qual

ity learning time in the little theater.

18 Seniors


Ashley Amoss, Trenisha Manningham, Briana

Watts, Britney Shy and Karen Connavino,

Rachel De Angelis, Rachel Sova and Jessica Van-

degrift were a tremendous asset to the senior class.

Above: Trisha Beach and Cassie Hilston help

make things run smoothly in the STEM office.

Left and Below: Students in Mr. Dan Wensing’s

A.P. Calculus class and other classes work hard to

prepare for their exams.

Seniors 19

tasjp fc odksxDH mi mm Left: Melissa Santorelli

Above: Caple Nelson looks forward to his senior

year Right: Kyle Strodtbeck, Phil Silvaggio, Joe

Humenuik and Rachel Perovsek study hard.

Joe Jackson, Mikita Duncan and Oluseyi Adesulu

and Cherice May and Airele Horton and Jessica

Hegedus all look as if they are looking to the activi¬

ties and accomplishments in their senior year.

Cory Scheider and

Matt Zuzic have a

lot of fun watching

what is going on in




rift shows

her admi¬

ration for



and Steve Ivory working


Below: Susan Hogue,

Sarah Candela, Ashley

Barnes and Mike Valen¬

tino had a fun year.

Bernard Abernathy jr.

Ananais Aden-Swoope Oluseyi Adesulu Terrence Alexander Christopher Adams Shanee Adams

Tebriauna Allen Jonathan Allen Kelly Ammon Ashley Amoss Elizabeth Anderson

Stacy Anderson Frederick Andrews La'Toya Andre Faatima Andrews Kristina Andrews

20 Seniors

Kyle Arney Dominique Ashby King Armstrong Jamal Austin Victoria Back

Oliver Baird Carnisa J. Bandy Amber Banks Tiara Bagley Tyronne Bailey

Ashley Barnes Marc Barber Jamie Barber II Michael Banks Phylicia Banks

Reginald Bathurst Morrell Bates III Dominique Bates Amy Barwick Alicia Basinger

Seniors 21

vB 1 ■p Jf i IS- *

K if } wt

Travis Beach Jazmine Bell-Crutcher Shacory Bender De Laundria Benjamin Lakeisha Baugh

Geraldine Bishop Daniel Benovic Garey Berry Danielle Bilaver Jessie Benoit

Tamia Bolden Tremell Bolden Danielle Blankenship Kirsten Blondeaux Denise Boehmer

Joseph Boyd Amalia Boris Jamie Bowles John Bradley Brian Bonner

22 Seniors

gf \\ if ££*■ 'i i |S |

■ JI, € - | 5 ?J9 R'j / r 11

i ‘1 ^ A ■:'tI ■ ^ f i M A

* m

Demea Brandon Angelia Brown Blake Brown Chaz Brown Melvin Brown Jr.

Stephanie Bruno Charlynn Bryant Ryan L. Brown Jr. Dean Bryson Katherine Buchanan

Michael Byrne Melvin W. Cain III Clinton Bunton Douglas Burkhart Andre' Burson

Jessica L. Chandler Maggie Carney Chauncey Calloway Sarah Candela Sean Campbell

Seniors 23

Ariyola Cochran Aaron Chen Crestian Clark Gladys Clayton Justephanie C. Chandler

Chad Conell Joel W. Coggins Darian Cole Raymond Cole Andrew Collins

Karen N. Connavino Jawuan Cooper John Cozart

Jessica Cunningham Tania Cureton Cordaro Curry Alexandria Davis

24 Seniors

mm Zachary Day Louis Davis III Rachel De Angelis Brittany Denson

Samira Donald Matthew Desico Craig Djukic Daniel Dlugos

Christie Edwards Myloana Eanes John Duren Katherine Duncan Mikita Duncan

Pamela Erhardt Tim Ewing Charlene Ellis Michael Ekuibe Demetrius Ellington

Seniors 25

James Glover Megan Gonzalez Deshaun Grant

William Green Shanice Gwin Erik Hager

Sandra Harlos Antoinique Halton Robert Hampton III Sirena Hardimon Deonell Hardy

John Hayes Kenneth Harris Amanda Harper Dana Harris Brittany Harris

Seniors 27

¥ i V li f."- Ji r : pm

Tanisha Hayes James E. Henderson James T. Henderson Kia Henderson

Norman Henderson III Norma Hernandez Shirell Hill Cassandra Hilston

Ariele Horton Zoe Hinson Teeyawna Houston

Sidele Howard Dionte' Hoyle Joseph Humenuik Kevin Huey Drew Indiano

28 Seniors

Adrienne Jackson Stephen Ivory Javon James Jamall Javey

Albert Johnson Dmetrius Johnson Joseph Johnson Jr. Kenneth Johnson Keyona Johnson

Robert Johnson Danielle Jones Shenee Johnson Alecia Jones Stephanie Johnson

Elliott Kazen Ashley Kendzierski Dritan Kalemi Timothy Jones Aaron Jordan

Seniors 29

Tiffany Kennedy Michael Kent Matthew KershaW Marcus Knowles Tyra Kirby

Timothy Krofcheck Alyssa Kodramaz Katherine Kune Matthew Kushan Jonathan La Fountaine

Liza Langdon Jessica Latimore Desiree Lavender Sean Law

Tiara Leftwich Sara Lehman Brittany Leggon Starla Lee David Leighty

30 Seniors

/I n k - * y — w

k Jm|) i t ^

ppsL. SH m V

\ \ ‘

El [ n 1 k > V

ine Marissa Mannarino Trenisha Manningham James Martin Vincent Marvin William Marvin

Aries Maynor Jacqui Me Carthy Tiara Me Clellan Adam Me Connell Ginger Me Ghee

seni°rs were polled as to who

iip!% was their favorite teacher. For

J_ the 2005-2006 school year

the winner was £grs. Diane Girbino. Mr. Bill Yon Benken came in second and Mr. Matt Young came

in third. Fouiifh place was occupied by^Mrs. ^4-

sey§tephens%nd there was a tie betwjs^Mrjp

<|id Mr. Robert Smith for fifth. Mr. (Ireg Baca, MnT; Ciceono, Mrs. Margaret Garbincus, M

Greg JameSy and Mr. Mike lurk |g§r||

sixth place. Other teachers wha^ceived

particular order, were: Miss TYfa&Tiiftie

Dautovic, Mrs. Katie Morrj^^^HH ria, Mr. Josh Walker, Ms TipaCbBfns.

Hathaway, Mrs. Flor MisaSl, Mr. Mike Jim Kelley, Mr. Nick Sel^^HHj Mr. Shawn Phillips,\#f^^^^^Hm Pasquale, Mr. Ed Klein, Mrs. JaheT$e< Patrick. Coleman, Mr. Stev^^mH^| Severino. Mrs. Markka Prt||$ertt£Mn Novak, Mr.xAle?^|tfC Ms. Boyd, Mr. DantSckwith, M^HBHH

Mr.Jake Willis, Ms. Tracy WiemffiB| Findlayson, Mr. TonyRo^aan, Mrs. M Nielsen, and Mrs. In^^^Hpnig. TheTt

teadiers received voJMHIfed that njkr

they were da^'&jood job. jf


Mrs. Diane Girbino helps Andrew Collins with the work that he needs

to understand.

Mr. Bill Von Benken shows his class how to make

bubbles filled with natural gass.

/ Mr. David Hathaway,

/ and Ms. Tracy Wienhold

illustrating points of interest

to their classes while Mr. Ed

Klein shows off his riding

\ skills at the pep assembly

| Mrs. Barbra Masseria enjoys help- inc fife students in her classes

Tristan Clark 32 Seniors

' -----— ■

flrsOF Iphysics WS& JL t >fansi» if- -

seniors were

polled as to

which of their

teachers gave the most homework.

The undisputed leader in this category

was Mr. Ron Zucca who roughly

tripled the votes of his nearest com¬

petitor. The math department was very

well represented in the voting with

Mrs. Kim Dixon coming in second

and Mr. Dan Wensing, Mrs. Michelle Petitt, Mrs. Janet Ulle, Mrs. Terri DuBroy, Mrs. Lisa Langford, Mrs.

Barbara Novak, and Mrs. Vicky Nally all receiving votes. Other teach¬

ers receiving votes, in no particular

order, were: Mr. Mike Fording, Mrs.

Deborah Petrick, Mrs. Kim Fish, Mr.

Robert Petrovic, Mr. Greg James, Mrs. Marketa President. Mrs. Mar¬ garet Metti, Mr. Dan Beckwith, Mr.

Robert Torrelli, Mrs. Flor Misra, Mrs. Kathy Rodgers, Mr. Matt Young, Mr. Sean O’Toole, Mr. Rick Lytle and Ms. Laura Boyd.

4 Mi®

Top Left: Mr. Ron Zucca always is availabe to help his studentS-with their work.

Above Left: Mrs. Deborah Patrick knows that it

is important for everyone to do ilKir homework.

Far Left: Mr. Dan Wensing works hanrgrading

the homework that he has assigned.

Left: Mr. Ron Zucca talks to a student about

their homework assignments.

Vlrs. Kim Dixon helps Nicole Clutter with her

Andre Tillman

Christopher Me Kenzie Sean Me Laughlin Brandon Me Millan Kelly Meadows Danielle Medley Seniors 33

Melynie Miah Alex Miezin Gina Mezatasta Amanda Miller Andrew Miller

Ashley Miller Bryan Minard Sharde' Miner Andrea Mitchell Shaffeal Mitchell

Shamara Morgan Demarcus Monroe Leonda Morgan Gregory Morris Jr. Karl Morris

Desmond Motley Phillip Motley Caysee Moyers Alexander Mullins Steviena L. P. Myers


Caple Nelson Ra Shawn Newell John Novak Justin O'Neal Francis Oberle

Matt Orr Michelle Palmer Janette Ozoa Kenneth Papaleo Noel Parker

Christopher Parrish Wilbert Patterson III Anthony Parks Lyncoiya Parks Alex Patemite

Domanique Payne Steve Robert Henry Pat- Alexandria V. Perdan

terson-Peoples Roderick Patton

Seniors 35 ■ Nt

W/y i *

Lindsay Perusek Benjamin Perpar Cameron Phillips Rachel Perovsek

Octavius Porter Christopher Phillips Nikki Phillips John Polter Marissa Powe

Tamara Pratcher Alexander Price Ciara Pringle Emily E. Proctor Cyrus Quanteh

Lauren Ranallo Regina Renfroe Jamal Rasheed Ryan Renbarger

36 Seniors


Eric Richmond Michael Riendeau Lauren Rivers La Shonda Robinson

Sasha C. Robinson Steve Rogowski Sarina Rodriguez Victoria Rossmann Courtney Rought

Franklin Roy Melissa Santorelli Cory Scheider Amy Ruscin

Stephanie Sewell Nick Scott Leanna Schwarz Sarah Schultz

Seniors 37

i ! 1 i x M

Rebecca Shaw Amanda Sharwark Britney Shy Cory Shy Dominic Sgro

Phillip Silvaggio Michelle Simon Samantha Singh Adam Slivers Benjamin Sliw.a

rn n n Christopher Smith Darius Smith Thomas Smith Nathanael Sonnhalter Ryan Sotka

Rachel Sova Michael Spada William Sparks

38 Seniors

1 i A '4'r


V \ ; :■ I\:v.

Effie Stansbery Brandon Stewart Johnathan Stewart Kyle Strodtbeck

Cory Stuber Zachary Svoboda Tamiya Tate Julius Thomas Michael Thompson

u on/ sins. Mike Valentino Toby Ukandu Lor lie C. Valderama Camilla Triplin Marshell Tucker

Jennifer Weber Mark Watson Briana Watts Shayneese Walker Jessica Vandegrift

Seniors 39

JPi Mji h*

Samuel Whitfield Brandon Wells Tanita Whitner Tiffany Wilcox Jessica Weber

James J. Williams Marcus Williams Porsche Williams Demark Williams Takila Williams

David Willingham Asia Wilson Addeyus Wright Holly A. Yanacek Lariea Wysinger

Dominique Yawn David Yerman Jacqueline Zigman Jessica Zigman Matt Zuzic

40 Seniors

sas a freshman in Varsity ay squatted dpwn in Spanish

over. '

;e tripped up the stairs and

] members

' ;,,uiu

oraie camp; Shake

|pljyas 'book/:c1ii|gke^^‘:S4x-.

ning in the halls as a frJim^n.

ela wasa rush in the mornin||l^nd

muling and Idcked herself out Of it

1 periods later before she realized

ndlen forgcit that she had already

^fkj a1td%ent tojjshafce \t and got

of 2006 rebaled being^mbarrassed.

^■dast once during their high school

eareCr. It \va^Uil¥ortimate that these

"events happehecFtO the beloved

members of the senior class, but

students have beefi able to move on % ' •••

and lcplOback^tth nothing but a red

feySrThese brave seniors were kind

enough to share their most humiliat¬

ing moments f^^tp entertainment o

oihers. Don’t lfepIPThese things car

happen to anyone.

Holly YaiWk

Andrew Miller tried to shave his head hut

in.' - ■ ■ I M up hideously.

p; Karl .Morris trippf'a^j^H^tairs and dropped

Alexandria herdan was at a pantherett.es com

petition doing a pom routine. She4vas4*hmg to

do a kartwheel but had too much spesfd md site

and fell in front of everyone. \ m

I Rachel Perovsek was setting up for BigShow-

l, 2004 when she fell qff^^^toge and lan<l^Jl||

Ciara Pringle dropped during a|i||pi mance and screwed ui^Sfejhhhoniore atWBI


Emily Proctor%a»iarh

filled out her sen%r pol

Sasha Robinson wp§jl

freshman as she wafli|§

heeled shoes. She turn!

her butt in front of ever

Justephqjnie fmanaler sliced Snd fell on the

jfqqtball field (Jtirifig a flag corpspetfomjpicem

*4 stophonSfe. " ^^ ! Crestian (’lark cried on the first day of school

9oeI Coggin^'had his towel sfolen and

locked out of the locker room ajid had to run

through the halls before the belt sounded.

Craig Djukic had his name mispronounced in

front of the entire school.

Tim Ewing fell backwards going up the stairs

as a freshman.

Camille Fitzpatrick fell goi n and dropped her books. ’““ IB

Leah Gaines threw up, had her pants f|i town

and bumped her head on the first day ot her

senibincar. vWy

.JVfgh’m Cain slk|

Cassandra Hifiti

her b^id uniform


id when she

[she was a cooli

ihe halls in high

ler and fell on

b'missed’wstep mu ophoiffore in Big >

iring the opening n

|n down the stairs,

yas that the buildei

jjiirs so when he rar

|uut and he fell to

got up off the fj||§ ipnlaughtei

jwn the

ir game d dekvn the steps. >

was in a rush /o get k ddccjdentlyAvent in%

id poming

what he didn’t ki

putsupports raJ

the stairs they H- key and Accidently j3t6skied Mr. ybh Benkeo^^

JHpPme same day. 'jf . * jpnffany Thompson had her dress unzip in frqht

rof the entire class. Tv‘ /

Mike Valentino fell down the stairs.

Lorlie Valdgrama tripped getting a volleyball.

Asia Wilsthi fell going up the stairs twice in the

same day. f,

Lari<|n Wjy&ii»ger tripped walkingijown the

Jlolly Yanacek wore a costume to school on

German-American Day. Some people called fier

a garden gnome, her best friends wouldn't be

?lbfi around he%and the next day people aifked

if she had became Amish.


guy %

Susan (e hall as a

ikdlolders i»a$lPvirig' searmghig£

running sKef

Carnisha B

the 4th ofdh Kn ms crotch,

id of the varsity 4

around he:

;ed when hei

jpdiKiece of toi^paper stu<JFto her shoe.S

Mjipn Lancaster Mil downwo flightsaof f

st« and landcd.at Ine security desk. Sara Lehman was qh|ft|ing for Marching

fj^jd and put on someanKelse’si uniform.

IWn LinningtoniiiMBteato thdclassroom ... I i.r-c ai 'i'i. i'Ikert

to go and tripped up

w i|g|bd up the stairs in

grs nw: freshman year/ o the water as a sopho-

m meerand his speedo,

came off.

Lynn Mason tripped up the steps.

Dana Me Gill forgot jfe urn off her car and

it ran all day. After^dSfflJier music was still

playing and she dyf^lSPe to start her car, she

le parking lot as a$“ ‘'

■as a coating of ice on all

bg lot. She was walking

Ik cpkfsin and slipped on

i alkl tore her jeans and

sophomore and there wi

■rsidewalks and pafk| into tltc building with ffi

'Mse-reo near the E-room

shinned helsknee. ^

Ryan JBroj^hyid lus4h

CharLynn Bryant fli|

linsood Middle SthooD

entor s’

;o through his lip

fee stairs at Col-


Vince Marvin was really embarrassed when his

speedo came off in the pool. Seniors 41

nd '2; Ski Cnjttt : Big Showfj^H* ; Forte! fQ#U2 <% Deader 9.11; i

Karen Coj

in: Key Club 9,1*0, i 1 pf; Student Council Vrestling 10; NJR01 DfficerJRisrner 9,10.

r^itball 9.1 (1.11; lndbor Track >r T rack^, 104 8er 9,1<#,11}42; Captain 1|

rack 11,12; NIKS y .12.1 .... estra 9,10; Varsity Chora!

fctSfl; EucuyodO.l l,12rAV

tbew Kushi kChralMl 14,12. on Laneast laJLee: Kid!

Gospel Chi i thijBlock

>9,10,11.12; Band ler 12; Orchdifta

[Aries wai Trenisha I TeanJfl 1


CrdSs Country 9,10* itain 11.12. NHS 11,1


ivitics offered 4

idols.^tudents I ' | |r community, s

hit, and disdjyei

1 talents throng}

sxtraeufneular c

pert arming


school to s

taster: tr,ij



Fred's Clul

Rachel Peroysek: Cla«X';ihinet 9,h|||. 1M President 10,11.1 2: Key Clii-9. 10,11.12: \V 9,10,11.12; Ski Club 10,11,12; Fall Pl^lO.l S{&tgfi%^9', 10,11,12; Big Show Crew 9,10: NHS 1142. ^ Lindsay Pefusek: Softball 9; Hockey Water|

Corps ft | Club 9; AV 9.

Id 2; Captain

ggPrstant Captafia

EQ^sCa^S KEjafr Coros^lBI 144*: Choral Mas book 10,1 l,12;’Bi: 2: Key Club 12, N

Andrew Miller: Academic Challenge 9,10,1 Ch^ss,qjwf9,l 0,11,12. *v ■ Sharde.Aliner: Drill Team 9; Softball 9,10,1... N^S^p^pef 11,12; Powderguff Footljpll 10,1 ^ Karl^lorns: Ski Club 11

* AlexandriasPerdan: Fla: Captain 1^4* 1 fr|8; Pep B*|':

ScwWRit 11;


Band Bia

Dare Role Model 9,10,11,12; Youth 2 Youth Jj Emily Proctor; GSA 9,10; Key Club 9.10.1 141 Eucuyo 12; NHS 11,1 SrBig Show Crew 9,11,12. Emerson Keyes: Tntdk F2- La Shonda Robinson: NJROTC. 11,12. Sasha Robinson: Track if. Steve Rogowski: BaJ F rafiklui Roy: NJRC

CoryfSfcheider: Swim ml 11,1 2jf1VHS 11,12; Yeg Baseball 9,10; Cross ( Zach Schlosser: Got 9,10.11.12: Peer Tutor'

9,11; Iijstepr

; Yf net 11 "Stansberry: Yearbook 11; Soccer 9.10;

Sorfpallv, 10,11,12.. v Kyle s4rodtbeck; NHS 11,12; Band 9.10; Big ^ Show 9,10; Yearbook 11,12, Fall Play 9. STEM ^ Governance Committee 12. Mike Valentino: Concert Band 9; Rifle Team

9.10.1 1,12-®f^ ||v|' Asia Wilsolppriil Te'afn 9: Ktfey (jub 9; Flag Corps 10.11,12; slfe 11,12; Kids on th| Block 11; Class Cabinet 10. Holly Yanalek; Orchestra 11,12; Choral Masted 9,10,14; NHS 11,12; Office Runnei^b; Cross Country 1 <| 11: JV Captain 11; Yeawok 10,11.1 Editor 10i,l S^pwspaper 10,11,12;Kssistant Ed 12; Peer Tut%0;iSki Clul 10,11,|| STEM Governance Tqpjl2; Stuc^tot Council 9; SAVE Academic Chalpnge 9; CRtyX 9: nfture Educa^ of America 10 J essica Zig

Basketball 9; Captain 9; Softball 9,10,11,12. atiMBwi^^ty. S'oceer 9,10,11,12; Vars»tjt^«-»>i.

Football 12; Freshman Football 9.

42 Seniors


did High

|ble to help

>w thetc&gchool

heir own interest

their participator

es. Music ant

el|Tts sports

si ami allowed the ‘

unique talent^ of

its students. A list of active students and

their activities follows.

^ -Holly Yana^

La’Toya Andre’: BasketbalfS^ Andrew Aquila: JN|ewspaperlQ. | Domitiique AStif™5 ' "

IppsLa a

Band 12; Orchestra 9,1 (k^eUuh 12; 11,12; VarsityjPWTule 10,12; Choral Masters 9;" Show 10,12; Spring play 10,11,12; Fall Play l|l2. \ Tiara Bagley: NJROTC 9: Kids on the Block 10,12;' Orchestra 9,10,11,12; Newspaper 11,12. Camisa Bandy: Office Runner 11. Knes: Cheerleading 9,10,11,12; Capt,

40,11,12; Mediation 9,10,11,12- ick: Soccer 9,10,11,12; Captain^ 10,11,12; Editor 11,12; Swimn ters 9,11: Kids on the B lock 11,12; NHS

Danielle Danielle Amalia,

12; SAV Club 11,1 Crew 1 l,12f| America 10 j Ryan Broy 10, Charlynn Brva Dean Brysin : Var.srty Chorale*1 Masters 940,11,12; Class (Cabinet 9-.10,11 dent 9,10,11,12; Student Council 9.10,1 9,10,11,12; Big Show 9,10.11,12; Peer Tfegpg 10; Youth 2Youth IO.f^.12; Forte! 12; PanthSwascot -

‘11,12;iGospel Choir 9. KU 1,12. \ In III: Class Cabinet 9,10,11,12; Trea- W

surer 9,10.11,12; TPP Student Leadership 11,12; fpp Governance Team 11,

/lajo^nggs 9, IffiftL 12; FallPlay I ljfl Vo%ypl 9,10.1

ler: Choral Mas Gospel Choir

y-10,11.: : Kids.

papetf l2| Peer Tutor I2~ ^, Orchestra 11,12; Professional Path'

Team 11,12; Teacher Assi{

; Aid Clinic


; Presi

■■ ii


9,l(p,l 9,10)1 Aleyil Craig John DufSh; Auto Tech 1142; Wrestling Tim Ewing: Rifle Squad 9,10,11,12; Criminal Justice 11,12. CamilleJFitzpatrick: Track 10; BCS Leadership Tear ChrisG^|ge: Gospel Choir 9^4tmJa?^^Barrd 9,12s

9,P0,11,12; Art Club \

■KbaJ»,10,l 1,12; Soccer C

: Fod^^l 9.10,11; Baseball T ■a

irtliy: Flag Cc 1,12; Media¬ tion 11,12.] Adam Me Connell: Golf 9.lMjTl2. Ginger Me Ghee: NHS 11 f^DD 12: SAVE 12; Newspaper 12.1 Dana Me GilMjMPer 9,

Swimming tMjfcy Club 1 Sean McH5hi||iiirl'^Kid*o3^ff Block Alex Mieziritilgp^l 9,104142. Amanda Miller: Office Runner 1142.

msm did top d® dumm© mm.

Seniors reveal their high school activities


[>anee Adams ends down to get

i the ball while

abrielle Halton

joes up to spike the


Above: The members of the football team take advant;

of the many opportunities they get at Euclid.

Right: The cheerleaders really jump for joy at the pros¬

pects of being involved in Euclid’s sports.

I Zach Schlosser and Adam Me Connell

chipping their ball onto the green.

Devon Jennings and other members of the

football team had some good carries of the hall for the football te

44 Sports Divider

Alyssa Kodramaz and Amy Barwick getting lots of exercise on the soccer

field. Facing Page: Dana Me Gill, Amy Barwick and Alyssa Kodramaz posing for a picture before their game.

>tic level

and usually anyone interested could

come out and practice with the

team. They were trained by many

finejeoaches who did their besfto

helpeyery player reach their great¬

est potential. With all the different

teams, anyone who wanted to play a

\\ i

Melinda Arko struggles

for the ball with her

opponent from Shaker


Maria Sedmak enjoys the opportunities she has to

participate with the tennis team.

The volleyball team played hard on

the court.

Matt Zuzic, Drew Indiano and Steve

Me Gill enjoyed the action on the

soccer field. Sports Divider 45

Camilla Triplin and Ashley Barnes cheer for the

Euclid teams while Thaddeus Gibson makes one

of his famous rushes on the passer. Above: Alyssa Kodramaz kicks the ball in while

Kelsey Hastings moves to get to the ball.

Below Left: The cross country team practiced for

their races by running outside the school

id Foo ^

made great


since the previous season. The team

started off slowly hut improved as the

season progressed, which was in direct

relation to Euclid’s starting sophomore

quarterback. Howard Drake. Howard

showed great improvement as the

season progressed, and he should be a

valuable asset for the years to come.

THaddeus Gibson was an imposing

force and caused much havoc in the

opponents’ back field. Thaddeus began

the season as defensive end, but as the

season progressed, he ended up carry¬

ing the ball and returning punts. Thad¬

deus finished the season with eight

sacks, 14 QB hurries, three caused

fumbles, and 10 tackles for loss.

Darius Smith was also another major

force in the Euclid defense. He ended

the season with 70 tackles and 14 QB

hurries while playing interior lineman.

Chris Parrish was another outstand-

defenseman and recorded a school-

record 17 losses for minus 45 yards

and 56 tackles, five sacks, five hurries,

and recovered three fuprbles. The Pan-

thers made it to the playoffs after the

winning the L.E.L. game against the

Mentor Cardinals. Euclid was defeated

by Glenville in the first game of the

playoffs, but the fact that the Panthers

made it to the playoffs shows that the

team was improving. Darius Smith,

Chris Parrish, and Thaddeus Gibson

were all chosen to be on The News

Herald Division 1 defense. Howard

Drake|g|amon Javey, Hayden Lewis, '

and Matt Zuzic were chosen for The

News Herald Second Team offense.

Honorable Mention went to Joe Boyd,

Chaz Brown, Jamal Javey, Davon

Jennings, Jim Martin, Demarcus

Monroe, Ray Newell, Cedric Perry,

and Ryan Renbarger. The football

coaches and players looked forward to

successful seasons in the future.

-Antonio Oten

46 Football

Causing terror in the backfield. Thaddeus Gibson takes off in pursuit of the ball car¬

rier. Thaddeus spent a lot of time in the opponents’ backfield harrassing their ball car¬

riers. Very seldom did the opponents run to his side of the field so he had to run all the

way across the field to make the play. He began the season only playing defense but as

the season progressed he began carrying the ball as a running back and on kick returns.

Howard Drake rolls to his left after

handing aff the ball to Jaman Javey.

Hayden Lewis and Ryan Ren¬ barger get ready for the ball to be


Far Right and Right: The center gets

ready to put the ball into play.

The coaches taking to the players

and explaining what has to be done

when they go back into the game.

Varsity Football, Row one: Joe Boyd, Greg Morris, Rayshaun Newell, Ryan Renbarger, Jim Martin, Matt Desico, Demarcus Monroe, Jamall Javey. Row

two: Darius Smith, Chaz Brown, John Cozart, Chris Parrish, Joseph Johnson, Matt Zuzic, Chris Phillips, Thaddeus Gibson, Kevin Hughey. Row three:

Alex Price, Cornelius Strickland, Kennard Jordan, Terrell Tanton, Dennis Rodgers, Michael Preston, Maurice Phillips, Alphonzo Jamerson, Bruce

Lawrence. Row four: Lavon Brock, Julius Ayoade, Hayden Lewis, Devin King, Brandon Timmons, Jaman Javey, Cameron Cofield, Mychal Gualt. Row

five: Byron Waldorf, Tony Gordon, Lavelle Roscoe, Jamil Javey, Devon Jennings, Dwain Witherspoon, Andrew Bailey, Marc Ward, Ricardo Jackson. Row

six: Ericka Ranallo, Luther Jones, Howard Drake, Thaddeus Pearson, Andre Padgett, Deano Buycks, Damon Lambert, James Thomas, Nick Tyree, Danny

Novak, Mikita Duncan. Row seven: Jessica Beard, Antonio Wesley, Brandon Wilder, Christopher Gantt, Dion Hudnall, Brandon Fletcher, Mario Johnson,

Derron Hamilton, Amanda Harper. Row eight: Cameron Woods, Jeffone Taylor, Ronnie Adkins, Derrick Black, Javonte Kelly, Scott Rutti, Anthony

Edmonson, Devante Smith, Trainer, Wendy Kubala. Row nine: Coaches: T.J. Florkiewicz, Mike Barnauskas, Mike Rezzola, Shawn Dodd, Rick Lytle, John Yuha, Larry Nosse, Jeremy Hunter, Tom Gibbons.

Far Left: Bruce

Lawrence waits

for the ball to be

snapped so he can

cover his man.

Left: Ryan Ren¬

barger takes off

after catching the


Left and Far Left:

Devon Jennings

takes off running

the ball or would

remain in the

pocket and pass.

Below: Jaman

Javey fights for

some tough yards.

VARSITY FOOTBALL OPPONENT US THEM Lake Catholic 0 33 Strongsville 21 15 Benedictine 14 20 Bedford | 10 7 ,,,.A Garfield Hts. 47 34 Shaker Hts. .17 28 Lakewood 40 7

" Admiral King 51 14 Cleleland Hts. 17 m t3

Mentor 28 16 v. w 8

Glenville PLAYOFF;



Howard Drake

hands off the


Football 47

Howard Drake gets ready to take the snap from his center.

Jaman Javey is next to him and gets ready to take the hand

off. Howard Drake really came on strong as the quarterback

as the season progressed.

Howard Drake rolls to his right trying to pick

out his receiver.

Gaining some yards against Mentor. By the end of the season, Thaddeus Gibson was carrying

the ball on offense and not just playing defense. ..



sprints down

the field after catch¬

ing the ball.



moves to get

into position

to defend the


The coach

tells the

players what

they should

be doing on

the field.

48 Football

Jaman Javey came on strong at the end of the y

sesason and gained many hard fought yards.

Matt Zuzicicickel’off and klcfecf man^extra^

points and field goals throughout the season. Ryan

Renbarger was his holder. Matt Zuzic was named

Player of the Week for The Plain Dealer and The

News Herald for his field goal kicking.



Garfield His*

Shaker Hts.

Lakewood j


nd Hts 39


Freshman Football, Row ohS! TCarTButler, Brian Steele, Joaquim Cooper, Preston Whitfield, Dan Cibiano, Joshua Jones. Chris'Spicer, Collin Wheeler,

Anthony Beasley. Row two: Devon Lawson, Laurence Wilder, Anthony Green, Davon Gravely, Kenneth Amos, Donoivan Williams, Stephaun Pauldo,

Rayvan Frizzell. Row three: Derris Walton, Demer Day, Aaron Tate, Matt Burn, Brennan Jackson, Quentin Rembert, Kevin Beuford. Row four: Coach,

Kevin Keating, Johnny Brnjic, Thomas Taylor, Michael Caid, Carlos Kidd, Lamont Durr, Mario Spinosa, Coach, Dennis Windham. Row five: Jeff Argue,

Dominique Germany, Devin Hawkins, Robert Porter, Phillip Cowans, Tony Carridine, Row six: Jacob Perpar, Brandon Miller, Javonny Wilson, Joshua

Me Alpine, Harrison ’ sart, Landon Yarbrough.

Top: Lots of hard hit¬

ting went on at the line.

Above: Jamal Javey

carries the ball for a

good gain.

Left: Mike Preston

gets ready to go out for

the ball. John Franklin carries the ball for a great gain.

The freshmen team did a good job of rushing with

the ball. Football 49

Sharde’ Minor moves across the court to get to the ball.


the girls Who

put their all into

on the team. Altj the team^M

win many gamdlPfhe Lady Panthe

still ha^a^ood time on the courts

-Shanee Adams

- a--:-

Nichole Ferkul knows that she has to move around

on the court in order to be able to play wherever it

is hit.

Tonica Johnson serves the

ball with the hope that she

can get it past her opponent.

Nichole Ferkul serves the ball while Nicole Clutter works hard to return the ball. Jazmine Brown waits for her chance to get onto the court 50 Girls’Tennis

Wm" '2|Hj WBm - l|g

; >? \ 1


v SB •I

Mayfield; Shaker If!


Above: Tonica Johnson

moving around on the court.

Left: Shanee Adams, Enchante Drake and

Phyllesia Bennett moving to get to the ball.

Girls’Tennis 51

Girls’ Tennis, Row one: Shanee Adams, Lindsay Beasley, Jailyn Harris, Tonica Johnson, Sharde Minor.

Row two: Nicole Ferkul, Lynetta Jones, Enchante Drake, Philesia Bennett, Artemida Shkurt. Row

three, Coach Mark Walsh, Kristie Edwards, Maria Sedmak, Andrea Douglas, Jazmine Brown, Nicole


In order to get into position to make a shot, Maria Sedmak, Phyllesia Bennett and Tonica Johnson move

around on the court.



V South view 1

| Garfield Hts. 1

If Lake Catholic 2

- Valley Forge 0

I Mentor 0

| Perry 0

PSL Joseph Acad. 0


Adam Me Connell scored

his best score at a match during the 2005 season.

[r Golf team had'

efforts of the key players Nick For¬

tunato, John Blaha, Zach Schlosser,

and Tim Hansonf They had a great

season with four decisive victorieHH

The Golf team massacred Warrens-

ville, Mentor, Cleveland Heights, and

Lakevvood. The name that stood out to

some of the teahn members was Adrift]

McConnell. Although Adam McCon

nell did not have the best season, he

shot a par round of 35, the best round

-Xavier Collins

Mr. Greg Baca was

the adviser for the golf

team and gave the play

ers pointers on improv¬

ing their scores.

Josh Biaha and Nick Fortunato working to get their balls on the green.

Tim Hanson and Julius Thomas had

to practice hard in order to be able to hit

their balls onto the green.

Julius Thomas, Zach Schlosser and Nick Fortunato had to practice teeing off the ball so it would not slice or hook.


Above: Zach Schlosser chips his ball onto the

green while Nick Fortunato and Josh Blaha

try to putt their ball into the hole.

Left: Julius Thomas gets ready to stroke the


Golf 53

Golf, Row one: Nick Fortunato, Josh Blaha, Adam Me Connell, Zach Schlosser. Row two: Coach, Greg

Baca, Julius Thomas, Tim Hanson.

1 Julius Thomas watches his Adam Me Connell and Tim Hanson try to get their balls onto the green.

I ball roll towards the hole.

y Panther

PI ieyball tea

coached by

Air. Bruce Matthews, had a pretty

rough season this year. The team

placed fourth ii^the LEL. lihc

thers were not very tall, but Ju:

Gabby Halton. and Seniors. A

Carney, Jessica

tain. Mikita Duncan had expl<

kills. Mikita Duncan’s season came

to an early end due to a torn ACL.

The assists came from Junior Setter,

Katie Maxwell, and Senior, Jackie

Zigman. Many of the team’s points

came from the outstanding serves

from Junior, D’Angela Lavender,

and Senior Co-Captain, Tanita


-Mikita Duncan

Katie Maxwell set&up the ball fjgr her team mate

while Maggie Carney serves the ball to her oppo¬


Gabrielle Halton talks to

her coach about strategy

on the court.

Katie Maxwell dives for

a ball.

Mikita Duncan spikes

the ball over the net.

54 Volleyball

Gabrielle Halton slams the ball over the net. Gabrielle spent a lot of enjoy¬ able hours on the volleyball court.

Tanita Whitner and Katie Maxwell serving the ball to their opponents. Maggie Carney and Jackie Zigman watch Mikita

Duncan spike the ball over the net.





Shaker Hi-


Admiral King

Cleveland His,



Beaumont .hj|Cf

Shaker Hts.

Lakewood ' Garfield Hts. f J

Admiral King ,

|Clev€tand Hts.



Shaker Hts



Shaker Htf:


Admiral King

Cleveland Hts.


Varsity Volleyball,

Row one: Tanita

Whitner, Katie


Makita Duncan,

Megan Mahalic,


Lavender, Coach,

Katie Gonakis.

Row two:

Coach, Tamika

Drake, Karen


Jessica Zigman,

Gabrielle Halton,

Jackie Zigmen,

Maggie Carney,

Coach, Bruce


JV Volleyball, Row

one: Saida Brooks,

Kelsey Ivancic,

Megan Mihalic,

Kayla Dudman,

Jessica Daniels,

Monica Ross.

Row two: Karen


Cierra Bradley,

Mya Cloud, Anna

Santorelli, Phylicia

Williams, Coach,

Katie Gonakis.

Not pictured: Kiera



Volleyball, Row

one: Katie Klepac,

Christina Kyker,

Ebony Williams,

Kitrina Young, Alex Rossmann.

Row two: Coach,

Tamika Drake,

Erriel Joiner,

Hayleigh Blaha,

Janae’ Canty,

Dionna Laster.

Below: The girls get

ready to receive the



Volleyball 55


N Euclid Boys’ Soccer

team began its

season poorly, but as _

Matt Zuzic and Anthony Belviso spent a lot of

time running up and down the soccer field.

Right and




Belviso and

Steve Me

Gill running

to get to the


Far Right:



winds up

to kick the

ball while

Matt Zuzic, Arlen

Forde and Khemet

Burnett fight for the


Fighting for possession. Sam Indiano struggles with his opponent to get position

to take control of the ball. Drew Indiano is coming in to help.

Matt Zuzic

maneuvers around his opponent.

Arlen Forde

and Pat Hagen-

baugh fight for

the ball.

56 Boys’ Soccer

Boys Soccer, Row one: Mike Schneider, Tommy Kilkenney, Nick Mavar, Sam Indiano, Glenn Carter.

Row two: Anthony Belviso, Steven Me Gill, Joseph Humenuik, Eddie Luikart, John Polter, Sam

Calabrese. Row three: Coach, Tony Verch, Karl Morris, Matt Zuzic, Oliver Baird, Jonah Gelofsack,

Drew Indiano, Coach, John Gibbons.

Khemet Burnett watches the ball approach him so

he can pass it off to his team mates.

Boys’ Soccer 57

Matt Zuzic tries to dribble the ball past the


Far Left and Left: Karl Morris kicks the ball across

the field while Anthony Belviso races to get to the




Admiral Kihg £

Benedictine** 3

Southview 3

Cleveland Hts. 3

Madison 1

'Lakewood ijj-1





Above Left: Khemet Burnett takes a tumble going

for the ball.

Above: Khemet Burnett and Pat Hagenbaugh

running to gewt to the action.

Left: Arien Forde and Khemet Burnett trying to

get the ball away from their opponent.

fete9 mmmr tarai Mi si ItaMl fflm® mmlrng

new ire;


ane Sfrpnomdre. The teariH

Kd by Mr^John Elliott, 1

[y Mackar,^gj^Mr. Chris

he senior G^ytxjjywere:

wick, Alv^^jpNdramaz.


Noelle Roberts gets in front of the ball to keep it

from going into the net.

Kelsey Hastings, Amy Barwick and Alyssa Kodramaz watch the action at the other end of the

field and try to anticipate where the ball will go.

Amy Barwick, Tiffany Chenock, Danielle Floyd,

Kathy Buchanon, Alyssa Kodramaz, Kelsey

Hastings and Melinda Arko had a good time play¬

ing together on the soccer field.

58 Girls’ Soccer

Above left and right: Always on top of the action. Dana Me Gill runs hard to try to get to the ball.

Claire Holzheimer

kicks the ball to get

it to one of her team




Shaker Hts.



Perry Madison

Admiral Ki






>N 2 LOST 4

Alyssa Kodramaz and Kathy Buchanon race

down the field to get to the ball.

Above: Kelsey

Hastings gets ready

to pass the ball to

Dana Me Gill.

Left: Melinda Arko

is getting ready to

set up a pass to a

team mate.

JV Girls Soccer, Row one: Kristen Collier, Tamia Tate, Jazmine Booker. Row two: Jennifer Inman,

Brianna Mazoiini, Hope Hill, KaRonda Graham. Row three: Coach, Marty Mackar, Jeruna Jackson,

Sydney Beeman, Dominique Bates, Jessica Chandler, Coach, John Elliott, Coach, Chris Brady.

Varsity Girls Soccer, Row one: Dana Me Gill, Melissa Coleman, Noelle Roberts, Tamiya Tate, Kelsey

Hastings, Danielle Floyd. Row two: Laura Caratenuto, Kathy Buchanon, Tiffany Chinock, Amy

Barwick, Brittany Sanders, Kathy Bumbarger. Row three: Coach, Marty Mackar, Melanie Tyree,

Melinda Arko, Claire Holtzheimer, Alyssa Kodramaz, Shemera Calhoun, Ashley Pinchot, Coach, John

Elliott, Coach, Chris Brady.





and Dana

Me Gill working the

ball down

the field.

Running their hardest.

Zach Sweet, Chris Smith, Demar Sheffy,

Henri Buford and Mar¬

quis Brannon practiced

hard throughout the

season and improved

their times.

Boys’ Cross Country, Row one: Sean Wilford, Tony Valerio, Aaron Payton, Marquis Brennan. Row two:

Steven Smith, Demar Sheffey, Tommie Berry, Marc Ranieri, Lee Barwick. Row three: Henri Buford, Garey Berry, Chris Smith, Mike Paiko.

Head Coach, Mr. AI Benz, goes over performance statistics from previous meets with his runners to show them how they have improved throughout the season.


Eul|id Boys’

Cross Country

team greatly

ast yleL\ A highlight

was the* victory

ers were


i Bufor

erio and J|g

Shtffy and Chris-

lso running weri

is Brannon, and

60 Cross Country

Many of Euclid’s top runners were ahead of the pack

Girls' Cross Country, Row one: Latiana Buis, Arveshia Hill, Stephanie Smith, Kristina Arko, Caileigh

Colo. Row two: Cherice May, Jessica Beard, Arionne Nolcox, Charmaine Jefferson.

Left and Right:

Cherice May

leads the cross

country team

as they practice

their skills

throughout the


Below: Tony

Valerio, Arvesia

Hill, Char¬

maine Jefferson

and Jessica

Beard always

ran hard and

finished well in

their races.

puclid had three toff

b were undefeated |

Panthers ,

fQierice May,

sMofmances fron4j

nI|jefferson and”

tpMmore, Kristina


Che ce

Arko took 48th at tl

and Cherice May

state meet.

-Mikita Duncan



omplete team

STATE MEET Cherice May 19th


Crosscountry 61

cmsmws hmem ii cation to their schooled ir squad. There were three dif gatsquads of cheerleaders at did High School: Varsity,

ten. The 1 armor

Varsity &nd Fn

leadersj|tad fre

after school, and they Were also\

responsible for ma'king banners fayr

the football games»-Cheerlea ders

pumped up the fans in the stands

at all of the Euclid Panther Football

-Keyona Johns o Denean Griffie, Paris Campbell

and Andrea Douglas cheering on

the basketball team.

Varsity Football Cheerleaders, Row one: Camilla Triplin, Ashley

Barnes. Row two: Andrea Douglas, Danielle Jackson, Dominique

Eldemire. Row three: Denean Griffie, Coach. Sherlyn King, Terraia

King. Row four: Chanel Glenn, Paris Campbell. Ashley Barnes and Camilla Triplin stretch out before performing at a game

JV Football Cheerleaders, Row one: Tiara Leftwich, Tracy

Thomas, Samaria Hairston. Row two: Keyonna Johnson,

Ashley Amoss, Destinee Battle, Coach, Sherlyn King. Row

three: De’lissa Banks, Jejunique James, Demea Brandon.

Freshman Football Cheerleaders, Row one: LaShaurae

Johnson, Jennifer Me Cloud. Row two. Coach, Sherly

King. Row three, Nateishe Pearcy, Te’airra Moore,

Brittney Shaw. Row four: Leah Johnson, Bianca

Brooks, Zerina Sakalic.

Above and

Right: Ashley

Barnes and


Eldemire and

Ashley Barnes,

Andrea Doug¬

las and Ashley Jones getting

ready to cheer at

a game. Danielle Jackson and lerra

King prepare to unroll the

banner that the girls take out

on the field.

sity Basketball Cheerleaders, Row one: Danielle

ckson, Andrea Douglas. Row two: Paris Campbell,

nean Griffie, Camilla Triplin. Row three: Terraia

ng, Coach, Sherlyn King, Dominique Eldemire.

Look how high

we can jump. The

varsity cheerlead¬

ers show how high

they can jump to

cheer for the boys’

basketball team.

Freshman Basketball Cheerleaders, Row one: Uniqua

Wright, Biaca Britts, Leann Santi Anderson, Row

two: Brittaney Shaw, Jennifer Me Cloud.

The girls cheering for the boys on the


Dominique Eldemire walks off the field

carrying the remants of the banner that the

football team ran through.

The cheerleaders cheering on the sides of

the court during the action and then cheer

on the floor during intermissions.

Cheerleaders 63


u;h.Sherh maria Hairston. Row two: Ashley Jones, Destinee

Basketball Cheerleaders, Row one: Tracey Thomas,

ittle, Demea Brandon. Row three: Keyonna Johnson,

hley Amoss. Andrea Douglas stretching out before

making any strenous moves.

Varsity Boys’ Basketball, Row one: Eric Richmond, Arlen Forde, Thaddeus

Gibson, Desmond Motley, Cedric Perry, Alton Garel, Mike Ekuibe. Row

two: Coach, Sean O’Toole, Layton Martin, Devon Jennings, Hayden

Lewis, Pat Pavicic, Brandon Rollins, Cameron Woods, Kennard Jordan,

Jesse Benoit, Coach, Bob Patton, Coach, Greg James. Varsity Girls'

Tamiah Smit

Thomas. Cot

Left: Thaddeus

Gibson, Layton

Martin, Desmond

Motley, and Devon

Jennings show how

high they can jump

by slamming the ball

into the net.

JV Boys’ Basketball, Row one: Cameron Woods, Labryant Abercrombie, Deano Buycks,

James Thomas, Walter Bibbs, Justin Harris, Howard Drake, Kyle Klepac. Row two:

Bryan Jenkins, Andrew Bailey, Brandon Milbert, Mike Davis* Doug Holmes, Luther

Jones, Milton Dean, Coach, T.J. Florkiewicz.

JV Girls' Bas



stoke, Cour

Right: Alton

Garel puts up a

fight for the bas¬

ketball while his

teammates run

to assist him.

Freshman Boys’

Basketball. Row

one: Devin Lawson,

Kenneth Klepac,

Kenneth Amos,

Brian Bradley,

Jamil Javey, David

Frazier. Row two:

Braxton Hall, Lenell

Locklear, Markeith

Brown, Dominique

Jermaine, John

Franklin, Chris

Etheridge. Coach,

Jon Hammond. Row

three: Aaron Stovall,

Warren Rodgers,

Jamell Harris, Brandon Miller,

Jefon Guilds.

64 Basketball

Above: Thaddeus Gibson, Desmond

Motley and Mike Ekuibe run down the

court after scoring a basket.



intensely watches his

opponent to

see when he

will move

to the ball.

Here’s an introduction to the boys’ and girls’ basketball teams

Jazmine Bell moving

the ball on the court.

Brittaney Johnson

inbounds the ball and

brings it down the court.

Varsity Girls’ Basketball, Row one: Jaclyn Lee, Brittany Johnson, Renee Artis, Sasha Dayse,

Tamiah Smith, D’Angela Lavender. Row two: Coach, Lynn Phillips, Jazmine Bell, Alex

Thomas, Courtney Walker, Mikita Duncan.

JV Girls’ Basketball, Row one: Iesha Johnson, Jaclyn Lee, Andrea Nash, Tracy

Nahorton, Arielle Johnson. Row two: Brittany Atterberry, Chanel Harris, Kwiana

Morris, Anna Richmond, Coach Jenna Jenkins. Row three: Renee Artis, Deidra

Clarke, Courtney Walker, Brittany Nash, Brianna Small.

Top: De’Angela Lavender dribbles

the ball while Tamiah Smith guards Jazmine Bell takes a foul shot to

add to her total points. Brittany Johnson waits for a pass from Natasha

Shady. Jazmine Bell and De’Angela Lavender moving

the ball.

her opponent Basketball 65

Above and Above Right: Thaddeus Gibson and Pat Pavicic trying to get the ball.

Alton Garel defending the ball carrier.

Right: Pat Pavicic blocks as Hayden Lewis tries to go around him.

The team gets together before the game begins.

66 Boys' Basketball

v IB®;p ud boys’ basket¬

ball team had a

great 2005-2006

season and almost won the L.E.L.

finishing just behind Mentor. The

team was blessed With an aggressive

I inside game behind the scoring of

Ideus Gibson and Desmond

io averaged about

game. They were

Cedric Perry and Devon jen-

who averaged about 1(

per game. Hayden Lewis an

Jennings were the sharp

from the 3-point land.

Motley and Thaddeus

the team in rebounds anc

Perry led the team :

Perry also led the tc

Euclid team had

completed shots from the field with

almost fifty per cent. They also had

something that previous Euclid teams

lacked which was a high percentage

of foul shots completed. More than

sixth per cent of Euclid's foul shots

dropped in. Head coach, Mr. Sean

O’Toole was extremely pleased with

the performance of the team.


“Go on, try to get past me”. Devon Jennings tries to

anticipate the move that his opponent will make.

Cedric Perry makes a fast break down the court. Desmond Motley leaps high to begin the game.

Alton Garel struggles hard with his opponent

to get the ball. It ended up being a jump ball.

Desmond Motley gets ready to take a foul shot while Hayden

Lewis brings the ball down the court.


VASJ 73 76 Lakewood 69 - , 52

Akron St. V. 53 66

Shaker Hts, 67 63

Brush y ; 64 46 Benedictine 82 57

Bedford 50,, 71

Ad. King 75 61

East Tech 58 ft 45 Cleve. Hts. 65 53

Mentor m 69 62

GlenviIle^i^J 51 57

Shaker Hts. 57 67

Warren Harding 62 53

Ad, King 68 61 Shaw 74 62

Cleve. Hts. 80 68

Garfield Hts. 71 52

Mentor 70 v ■: 7i Lakewood y 59 SEASON RECORD WON 14 LOST 6 L.E.L. RECORD WON 8 LOST 2* LEAGUE FINISH Second

Boys' Basketball 67

Thaddeus Gibson moves around to get in position

to take a shot.


1! 25 55

VASJ Lakewood Akron St. Brush Benedictine Bedford Ad. King East Tech Cleve. Hts.

Glenville Shaker Hts, Warren

Mentor Lakewood 61 stASON RECORD WON 14 LOSJ 6



THEM 51 39 48 58 32 33 31 23 34 -

Strongsville ^Cleveland Hts.

St. Ignatius SEASON REC


ST 5 )N 15

Brandon Rol¬

lins dribbles

down the

court. Desmond Motley dunks the ball.

Thaddeus Gibson fighting for position underneath

| the basket.

Devon Jennings and Desmond Motley and Alton

Garel defend against their opponent.

2005-2006 Euclid

girls’ basketball

team suffered

since they did not have enough bodies

to fill out the rosters. The team was

young and struggled since they only

had one senior.; Jazmine Bell was the

one senior player and averaged over 16

points per game. There wasn’t a fresh¬

man team since there weren’t enough

players which meant that the freshmen

had to move up to the jv and varsity.

Jazmine Bell was helped by juniors,

Tamiya Smith, D’Angela Lavender,

and Tasha Shady. Sophomores Alex

Thomas, Brittney Atterberry and

Deidra Clarke also helped on the

varsity. The young players should help

the team in the future.

-Mikita Duncan

D’Angela Lavender makes a break for the basket and her opponent tries to cover her.

■ I ~~ZSa*-

Coach, Lynn Phillips watches the action on the court.

Tasha Shady gets ready D’Angela Lavender

to throw the ball in. brings the ball down.

Tasha Shady signals that she’s open and to pass the

ball to her.

The team standing for the playing of the National Anthem.

68 Girls’ Basketball

Brittaney Atterberry and Courtney Walker trying D’Angela Lavender brings the ball down the court

to get into position to get the ball. and looks to pass it off to her team mates.

Jazmine Bell waiting to get the ball so she can

attempt a shot.

Tamiah Smith dribbles the Brittany Nash takes

ball down the court. a shot.

Jasmine Hardnick fighting for position.

Brittany Atterberry looking to pass the ball.



Maple Hts. 17 < 34

Solon 15 53

Shaker Hts. 24 64

Lakewood 8 35

Garfield Hts. 28 ff 29

Riverside 15 i\ 52

Brush 28 7 44

Bedford 27 | 55

Cleve. Hts. 26 ft 40

Mentor 10 57

VASJ 29 47

Ad. King


29 45




Girls' Basketball 69

D’Angela Lavender passes the ball off

to one of her team mates.

i “I’ve got this ball”. Alex Thomas makes sure that

she has control of the ball so it is not a jump ball.

The girls

fought hard

to get control

of the ball



Maple Hts. 47 34


Shaker Hts.

Lakewood Garfield Hts.

Ad. King 60

Riverside 40




Cleve. Hts.

Mentor j> i w

Shaker Hts. 40 .:

VASJ 35 5 ■’ Ad. King 47 56

Chardon 33 49

Cleve. Hts. 47 46

Mentor 23 65

Lake Catholic 36 68 Lakewood 41 58



Alex Thomas gets ready to take a foul shot.

j Noelle Roberts and Courtney Walker waiting for

! the rebound.

whenever they


\T~\ nlTl wrestling team, once again,

showed improve¬

ment as the year progressed. They did

not, however, have enough wrestlers

to fill all the weight classes so they

suffered some forfeits in some of the

weight classes. They mainly partici¬

pated in tournaments and had very

few dual meets. Because of this they

only had one home meet which was

against Shaw. This meant that a lot of

people never went to a wrestling meet

since most were away. The team had

some good wrestlers who were able

to win consistently.

Tim Jones taking control of his opponent. He pinned him a few seconds later.

Ken Papaleo ties up his opponent. Elliott Kazen fighting hard to get control of his


Stanley Griffin and Jacob Perpar getting control

70 Wrestling of their opponents. Saunders Gilchrist and Jon Lavontaine are working on their opponents to get them into position for a pin.


Bit $4 i. p

\ .2 '.Mfc v


It \

Jk r». - f | Jg L f JK Jk

k s o* -,v-. —pafi ''‘til .f "

Wrestling, Row

one: Coach

Anthony Ranallo,

Dustin Cromie,

Jacob Perpar,

Tim Jones, Ken

Papaleo, Elliott

Kazen, Noland

Renfroe. Row two:

Coach, Greg Sattler,

Thaddeus Augman,

Ronnie Adkins,

Wiliam Wilburn,

Brandon Eggleston,

Reggie Bathurst,

John La Fontaine, :

Kevin Carney,

Coach, Mike Turk.







and Ronnie


trying to

win their


Ronnie Adkins gets his

opponent on his head.

Jon Lafontaine pulls his

opponent back Jacob Perpar escapes

from his opponent.

Saunders Gilchrist tries

to get his opponent turned


Kevin Carney


Ken Papaleo

drags his oppo¬


Dustin Cromie,

Ronnie Adkins

working, Tim

Jones getting

ready to pin his

opponent and

Dustin Cromie

pinning his


Wrestling 71

Euclid Hockey

Team struggled gjgggU

through the

season and finished with a 2-20

record. They were mainly hampered

by academic ineligibility of several

key players and not Having skilled

players in upper grades. Many of the

members were first year players and

lacked the experience needed to help

the team. Ryan Sidak Was the lead¬

ing scorer for the team. The defense

was helped by Phil Silvaggio, Joe

Humenuik and Angela Tirabassi.

Offensively, Joel Coggins and Sean

Burke supplied a lot of muscle. Mr.

Tony Verch was the coach for the

team. ifc.

John Potter defends the goal as Ryan Sidak blocks

his opponent from taking a shot.

Angela Tirabassi and Phil Silvaggio skating down the ice in pursuit of the puck.

Julius Thomas, Joel Coggins and Sean Burke are fighting to get to the puck.

Phil Silvaggio moves out as Ryan Sidak waits for the puck to Angela Tirabassi Dave Morris watches the action on Sean Burke and Angela Tira- Rvan Sidak gets up after being be thrown in on the face-off. goes for the puck. the other side of the rink. bassi skating to the action. 71 ,, . checked.

Hockey, Row one: Joe

Ledonne, Scott Walton. Row

two: John Polter, Aaron

Chen, Ben Terrell, Angela

Tirabassi, Sean Burke, Ryan

Sidak, John Pacholke. Row

three: Coach, Tony Verch,

Coach, Nicholas Verch, Eric

Kolar, Phil Silvaggio, Joel

Coggins, Dave Morris, Julius

Thomas, Joe Humenuik,

Coach, Matthew Pikus,

Coach, Dave Sutar.




Left: Ryan Sidak deflects the puck from the goal.

Hockey 73

Above: Joe Humenuik

skates for the puck.

Left: Dave Morris skates.

John Polter defends the goal.

Joe Ledonne skates for the




Mayfield 2 4

Garfield Ills. 4 9

Brush 6 7

Garfield Hts. 1 6

NDCL 0 10

Orange 2 9

Solon 0 10

Mayfield 0 8

Brush 3 7

Twinsburg 6

West Geauga 7 2

Mayfield 0 7

Orange 0 13

North Royalton 2 5

Chagrin Falls 3 8

Parma 1 9 Twinsburg 0 5

Solon 0 10

Brooklyn 7 4

NDCL 6 9

Chagrin Falls 2 ■ 5

Brush 1 10

Sean Burke gets ready to hit the puck at the face

j John Polter, Joel Coggins and Dave Morris

defending the goal.

John Polter, Joel Cog¬

gins, Dave Morris,

Joel Coggins, John

Polter, Joe Humenuik

and Ryan Sidak


Ariele Horton running in

the 100m dash.

Coach, Larry Nosse

gets ready to start the

100m dash.

The indoor track

season was a

great way for

the athletes to

get ready for

the outdoor

track season.

Many athletes

availed them¬

selves of that

opportunity by

participating in

the indoor track

season. Euclid

has always had

a strong track

team and this

season was no

different. The

boys and the girls

both finished

the season in a

winning fashion

and were well

prepared for the

outdoor season.

Mr. A1 Benz was

the coach for the

boys team while

Mr. Larry Nosse

was the girls


Thaddeus Pierson,

Aaron Payton and Jan

Javey win their 100m


Garey Berry and Hem

Buford clear the bar in

the high jump.

Garey Barry clearing his

hurdle and beating his oppo¬ nent in the 100m hurdles.

Boys' Indoor Track, Row one: Josh Rodgers, Anthony Beasley, DeMarcus Monroe, David Hoch, Demar Sheffey, Khemet Burnette, Steven

Hill. Jamal Javey, Marc Ranieri, Aaron Payton. Row two: Preston Whitfield, Jason Towns, Cornelius Strickland, Bernard Abernathy, Ra

Shawn Newell, Thaddeus Pierson, Tony Valerio, Mike Taylor, Phillip Cowans, Sam Maxwell. Row three: Jaman Javey, Tommie Berry,

Delon Ford, Garey Berry, Darius Smith, Anthony Edmonson, Henri Buford, Chris Smith, Matt Kulbis, Joe Boyd, Dilbert Scott.

Joe Boyd winds up for

the shot put.

Darius Smith shows his

form as he puts the shot

Demar Sheffey running

in his race.

CWSWlft Tfm COMPETTOON IlilUUI 1.1 tJUlb lllill villi dllti !SIJ.vLvOkSliil.ISv4p:UTi

74 Indoor Track

socua COCLJO



Girls’ Indoor Track, Row one: Desiree Lavender, Dominique Bates, Cherice May, Ashley Barnes, Airele Horton, Arvesha Hill. Row

two: Danielle Floyd, Evon Allen, Jessica Daniels, Tiffany Creary, Whitney Johnson, Tori Ward, Laura Carotenuto, Tiffany Chenock,

Lauren DiDomenico, Antoinique Halton, Jeruna Jackson. Row three: Rachel Willingham, Jessica Beard, Shemera Calhoun, Charmaine

Jefferson, Solita Hill, Ebony Williams, Carmeesha Rose, Ariane Hirsch, Sierra Walker, Amber Moore, Celita Noce. Row four: Chauncey

Calloway, Arrionne Nolcox, Autumn Ware, Martina Chatman, Sache’ Anderson, Elise Hall, Josalyn Gibson, Vanessa Me Pherson.

Sydney Beeman, Spencer Howell, Phylicia Williams, Coach, Larry Nosse.

Jessica Beard, Cherice

May and Charmaine

Jefferson warming up for

their race while Martina

Chatman measures for

the shot put.

Arvesha Hill and Whitney Johnson easily cleared

the bar in the high jump.

Right: Andranic Hall and Danielle Floyd getting

ahead of their opponents in the 100m dash.

Below: Tory Ward runs as hard as she can in her


Coach, A1 Benz timing the runners and a lot of spectators watching the finish of the

100m dash.

Whitney Johnson, Tif¬

fany Creary, Evon Allen,

Amber Moore and Car-

misha Rhodes running the

100m dash.

Indoor Track 75

boys’ swim

team had a

fairly success¬

ful season and finished third in the

L.E.L. Coached by Mr. John Elliott

their one big victory was the defeat

of Mentor in a dual meet. The team

was built on strong performances

by Vince Marvin in the fly and

backstroke, Cory Scheider in the

freestyle, Tim Hanson in the breast

stroke, Dave Jeffries in the freestyle,

Chris Eastburn in the fly and back-

stroke and Carlos Gentile in the



The swim team members listening to the National

Anthem before the meet begins.

9 sb*

3$ §J ..yj&Ste,*-'- fl| m : ' •• ' 'j;


South 90 94 l Lake Cath. 150 64

Lakewood *•82 99 ■t ■ -

9mm8 Maple Hts. 81 g

Cleve. Hts. 109 64

Madison 101 V 68 Riverside f 1 98 72 jjSjtoM

Bedford 121v ■ 64 , *

Shaker Hts. 65 " 115 Benedictine > 150 54 Mentor 97 88 SEASON RECORD WON 8 LOST 3



Boys’ Swimming, Row one: Nick Sudar, Marquise Brandon. Row two: Terrence Ross, Ken Wilber, Cory

Scheider, Ben Thompson, Vince Marvin, David Jeffries, Matt Clutter. Row three: Sean Wilford, William

Smith, Brian Steele, Eden Smith, Anthony Beasley, Patrick Hagenbaugh. Row four: Benner Donte, Zach

Sweet, Charles Kirchner, Keith Albert, Aaron Payton, Jared Pantalone, Coach, John Elliott. Row five: Kevin

Buford, Matt Collins, Carlos Gentile, Cory Shy, Tim Hanson, Zach Schlosser.

Chanel Glenn gets ready to begin her race. Tim Hanson doing the fly. Charles Kirshner in the freestyle. 76 Swimming

Girls’ Swimming, Row one: Alex Rossman, Tori Rossman, Kirsten Griffith. Row two: Kristina Arko, Kelly

Laughlin, Karen DiDomenico, Melissa Santorelli, Nicole Clutter. Roe three: Milisa Coleman, Jennifer

[nman, Kelsey Hastings, Brittany Oblak, Rachel Schlosser, Joys Hardy. Row three: Chanel Glenn, Rachel

^awrence, Anna Santorelli, Arrionne Nolcox, Alyssa Kodramaz, Grace Jefferson, Coach, John Elliott. Row

our: Claire Holzheimer, Mechelle Reed, Joclyn Addison, Melinda Arko.

Chanel Glen

doing the fly.

Alex Rossman

doing the free¬


Kelly Laughlin is really excited about the swim

team scores.

MiLisa Cole¬

man doing the


j Jrace Jefferson and Karen DiDomenico doing the

reast stroke.

Kristen Griffith

is working hard in

the free style.

Below: Chanel

Glenn geting

ready for her race.



South 68 109

Lake Catb.


Maple Hts.

Cleve. Hts.


Riverside Bedford tuz u Shaker Hts. 45 137

Mentor 57 125




Swimming 77

fourth in =4o

2005-2006 girls’ swim

team had some

good swimmers and was able to

finish fourth in the L.E.L. Some of

their standout swimmers were Tori Rossman in the breast stroke, Alex Rossman in the back stroke and the

freestyle, Chanel Glenn in the fly,

Kristin Arko in the back stroke and

Grace Jefferson in the breast stroke.

The girls were coached by Mr. John Elliott who worked hard to get the

teams ready for every meet.

he 1.0*02

TO m Rachel Sova, Karen Connavino, Rachel De Angelis and

Jessica Vandegrift enjoy their time in Varsity Chorale.

Right: Members of Varsity Chorale having fun with the

Euclid panther before a football game.

Mikita Duncan and

Jessica Beard talk to

Mrs. Cathy Gibbons

about their duties.

Ryan Svoboda enjoys

directing the band.

Holly Yanacek works

on the yearbook

'and members of the

NJROTC carry the colors at a football


78 Activities Divider

Members of Senior

Class Cabinet plan for

the year while Starla Lee and Amanda

Starwark file papers

in the office.

Sarah Candela

and Susan Hogue

enjoyed the time

they spend as


* - ^

th •mm

Sarah Miller and Amanda

Harper had a lot of fun help-

|; ing the football team.

EafljEtiisqis could be'«»eived in dining or aftei

school. Some students worked in the offices helping the

|many secretaries with th£ir duties; Others worked in the

clinic helping the health aides. Other students helped

teachers with their responsibilities. There were several

musical groups that students could become associated

with if they Were musically inclined. There were also

many clubs and groups that met after school or in the

evening. If a student wanted to do something, there was

something to do.

Flag Corps member, Alexandria Perdan, watches the action taking place in the air.

Left: Flag

Corps mem¬

bers work

hard to keep

coordinated as

they perform

their routines,

Far Left:

The trumpet

section of

the Marching

Band makes



Above Left and Above: Stu¬

dents enjoy writing articles

and producing the Survey and

participating in the Culture


Left: Delon Ford, Mikita

Duncan and Brianna Watts

feel they can contribute

positively to Euclid schools

by being a mediator.

Upper Left and Left: Many students participate in

Kids On The Block and Student Council.

Far Left: Mike Valentino spends his time tossing_..

-his-riflemrouncL——- Activities Divider 79

80 Jazz Band

Rachel Schlosser, Cassie

Hilston and DeAndrea Funches playing their horns.

Aja Hill on bass, Melissa San-

torelli on trombone. Mr. Bill

Poskarbiewicz directing..

Alexandria Perdan, and JosephPaul Luikart discuss¬

ing the music, David Horo-

wicz on the trombone, Mike

Riendeau with his trumpet and

Ben Sliwa with his bass.

Jazz Band, Row one: Chris George, Cassie Hilston, Deandria Funches, Rachel Schlosser. Row two:

Alexandria Perdan, Melissa Santorelli, David Horowicz, Jelani Richardson. Row three: Aja Hill, Ben

Sliwa, Mike Riendeau, James Glover, Steven Hager, JoePaul Luikart, Sam Calabrese, Geoffrey Horn,

Director, Bill Poskarbiewicz.



East 222nd

Street Jazz band

was a small

ensemble that had a big sound. They

began practicing after Marching

Band was over to prepare for their

Holiday Concert which was pre¬

sented on December 13. They played

Feliz Navidad, Birdland, Flip, Flop

& Fly, White Christmas, Woodchop-

pers Ball and The Way You Move.

They also performed at the Lakeland

Jazz Festival. The group was directed

by Mr. Bill Poskarbiewicz. -Alexandria Perdan

Voices ®ff New Life Gospel Choir brings feeling to the §©mgp

Voices of New

i 1 Life Gospel

; , a Choir presented

its’ annual holiday concert with the

Jazz Band on December 13 in the

auditorium. They sang Joy to the

World, O Holy Night, Now Behold the

Lamb, Ten Thousand Joys, Rockin’

Jerusalem^ More than Anything, O

Come All Ye Faithful and Go Tell It On

The Mountain. The group was directed

by Mr. Clifton Beasley and the adviser

for the group was Teresa Smith. Voices of New Life, Row one: Erica Long, Rachel Willingham, Alascia Jones, Alainna Glenn, Brittany

Sandidge, Christian Thomas, Danielle Spearman, Denaye Hatcher, Marie Tucker, Phyllesia Bennett,

Nyisha Wheeler, Jaclyn Lee. Row two: Alex Price, Ryan Brown, Chris George, Damien Warren, David

Willingham, Michael Raum, Dean Bryson

Left to Above: Chris George shows his

talents on the piano.

Members practicing their singing and snacking

abilities before the concert.

Left to Above: Members hanging around and prac¬

ticing their songs.

Lacey Jones, Alex Price and Ryan Brown getting

ready for the evening.

The girls getting together to have their picture taken

Voices of New Life 81

The Marching Band II ade half-time a thrilling event

mand then

icticed u®

itisnows wa

[rs practiced

>t everytrani

peir musical thing Band.

Above: Mem¬

bers of thje

Marching Band

| got dressed up

in costumes for


j Band Director,

Ms. Diane Tiz-

: zano, watches

the action on the

; field and hopes

that everyone

follows their


Justin Sim-

merer makes

his presence

known in the g-


section while

Garey Berry

gets ready to

play his horn.

82 Marching Band

Getting an earfull. Jessica Vandegrift has no trouble hearing the music that Melissa Santorelli is playing

with her trombone.

The trumpets played the fanfare as the Homecom¬

ing winners were announced.

Left: Bryan Svoboda and Mike Riendeau directed

the Marching Band on the field.

The members of the Marching Band spent

hours in the hot sun practicing their music

marching routines in before they got onto

The Marching Band members formed straight lines

in their formations as they played on the field.

The flutes playing

during the band’s

performance on the


The band members sat in the

stands during the game.

Matt Kulbis and Chris George

played their drums while Saman¬

tha Klozar and Meredith Burge

wait to begin playing. Marching Band 83

Marching Band, Row one: Tammy Ewing, Christina Ewing, Diane Tizzano, Jake Willis. Row two: Susan Hogue, Sarah Candela, Mike Valentino, Lauren

Ranallo, Timothy Ewing, Javon James, Mike Riendeau, Bryan Svoboda, Briana Watts, Chris George, James Henderson, Tommy Berry. Row three: Senior

Captain, Rachel Sova, Joshua Walker, Aaron Payton, Saunders Gilchrist, William Smith, Anna Santorelli, Kayla Dudman, Andrea Douglas, Matthew

Kulbis, Wayne Spencer, Ben Erdab, Asia Johnson, Jasmine Me Call, Justin Simmerer, Senior Captain, Alexandria Perdan. Row four: Junior Captain, Anne

Brateley, Nate Suhy, Meredith Burge, Thaddeus Augman, Ben Horowicz, Ashley Thorpe, Mathew Sanders, Katrina Young, Junior Captain, Danielle Weber.

Row five: Ciara Pringle, Grace Jefferson, Kayla Davis, Katie Keay, Samaria Hairston, Shame Morton, Brittany Baker, Cierra Ladson, Nicole Clutter, Erik

Hager, Kyle Me Coy, Joe Pavicic, Jackie Horn, Deandria Vunches, Rachel Schlosser, Cassandra Hilston, Tania Cureton. Row six: Asia Wilson, Kate Farina,

Steve Hager, Trenisha Manningham, Kelly Ammon, Milind Arko, Christina Arko, Melissa Santorelli, Martina Chapman, Mario Spinosa, Chad Lee, Janine

Hine, Sachi Anderson, Brandon Me Swain, Deandrea Funches, Garey Berry, Mandie Brazis. Row seven: Cassidy Blatnik, Marc Ranieri, Trisha Beach,

Jamal Austin, Ravic Beach, Nakea Stewart, JosephPaul Luikart, Lee Barwick, Amy Me Carthy, Sean Wilford, James Glover, Victor Greene, Samuel

Calabrese, Ashley Amoss, Amalia Boris, Sharmaine Bey, Mary Ramarsck, Jocelyn Addison, Sabrina Shelton, Kisha Thomas, Ellen Taddie, Ashley Gilliam,

Nicole Murray, Breann Doss, Katie Mills.

The Drum Line was an important

ing Band.

The senior band members and their parents were

introduced to the spectators.

part of the March-

Lee Barwick

likes to toot his

own horn during

the half time


Flag Corps add a lot of color and motion to Marching Band

Anne Brately and

Danielle Weber enjoy¬

ing their roles in the

Flag Corps.

The girls did a lot of dancing with their pom poms.

Katie Mills, Ellen Taddie, Ciara Pringle, Anne

Brately and Alexandria Perdan performing in one

synchronous movement.

Sometimes the girls got dressed up in costumes.

84 Flag Corps

in Flag Corps

* j) /Cwas a 23

i i l JJL member squad

of girls that marched along with

the Marching Band during the half

time ceremonies. They consisted

of two senior captains, Alexandria Perdan and Rachel Sova, and junior

captains, Danielle Weber and Anne Brately. The Flag Corps began

practicing in June to develop four

flag routines and two dances. They

practiced throughout the summer and

in the fall to get everything perfect.

The girls had lots of fun performing

their shows.

-Alexandria Perdan

Flag Corps, Row one: Junior Captain, Annie Brately, Senior Captain, Rachel Sova, Senior Captain,

Alexandria Perdan, Junior Captain, Danielle Weber. Row two: Ashley Gilliam, Mary Rymarczyk,

Tania Cureton, Asia Wilson, Breanne Doss, Nicole Murray, Ciara Pringle. Row three: Sharmaine Bey,

Jocelyn Addison, Katie Mills, Cassidy Blatnik, Kisha Thomas, Ellen Taddie, Sabrina Shelton, Mandy


Senior Captain, Rachel Sova, performing on the field with the rest of the Flag Corps girls.

)n. Mand\

Tim Ewing, Lauren Ranallo, Mike Valentino

Majorettes/Rifles 85

Majorettes: Susan Hogue, Sarah Candela.

Majorettes and

the Rifles added

some more

motion to the action that occurred

on the field during the half time

ceremonies. The members began

practicing their routines in the

summer and worked with the March¬

ing Band throughout the fall to

coordinate their actions and shows.

They enjoyed thwirling and passing

their batons and rifles during their


Susan Hogue, Sarah Candela, Tim Ewing, Lauren Ranallo and Mike Valentine all

performed on the field with the Marching Band.

The Rifle Team twirled their rifles and

tossed them to each other during their rou¬

tines during half time.

Above Left to Right: Susan Hogue and Sarah Candela performing during the half

time activities. On Senior night they got dressed up in their senior tee shirts. The Rifle

Team sometimes climbed on top of one another to make towers.

Far Left and Left: Sarah Candela looking pretty in her crown while the Rifle Team

performed their routine on the field.


fffed then; Ijj

■ffijiaftl Hpno^cSwicei^n Wednes- \

p^Deeember 7, 2005m the audi¬

torium They practiced fars months to

present such songs as O Come all Ye

Faithful, Be Still Lqok Up and Listen,

The Holly and the Ivy, All the World

is Winter, Angels GloricmCarol of the

Bells, What'll I Do. Christmas Time is

Here and Have Yourself a Merry Little

Christmas. The groups had lots of fW

preparing and presenting their concert; ,

Forte was directed by Ms. Shauna Ross while the Choral Masters were V directed by Ms. Shauna Ross, with I

Mr. Josh Walker, Ms. Michelle Grossj and Ms. Trisha Tim^y as Assistant

Directors and Accomnaniest.>Jfla^

Choral Masters, Row one: Korry Collins, Alicia Piotrkowski, Shaunese Worthy, Tiffany Johnston, Yuri

Doolan, Ben Horowicz, Damien Warren, Terrshawn Hogan, Brittany Oblak, Letia Dudley, Kawana

Little, Sarah Mabel. Row two: Kristen De Wolf, Quatrina Hunter, Emily Nahovlic, Matt Me Kenzfe,

Carlos Johnson, Lee Barwick, Dante Wagner, Patrick Mulholland, Kristen Griffith, Kimlee Suremee.

Chelsea Cromie, Gabrielle Ruberto. Row three: Rachel Lawrence, Alycia Me Clellan, Alycia O’Neal,

David Jeffries, Lamont Durr, Devin Conroy, Josh Brooks, Alexander Heindell, Brfian Cureton,

Jazmyn Terry, Sasha Me Gee, Veronica Graham, Jessica Chandler. Row four: Alexandria Perdan,

Samira Donald, Tania Cureton, Amalia Boris, Byron Waldorf, Michael Cade, Dean Bryson, Alex

Price, Anthony Edmonson, William Cloud, Domanique Payne, Katie Heindell, Catara Campbell.


Forte, Row one: Liza Langdon, Kristen Griffith, Karen Connavino, Kristen I

Vandegrift, Andrea Mitchell. Row two: Director, Shauna Ross, Yuri Dookan,

Summers, Cameron Robinson, William Cloud, Dean Bryson, David Jeffries. ChoralMasters

putting their

robes on.

Members of

Forte warming

Trevor Terry,

Jon Pacholke,

Jamal Austin,

Jessica Vandegrift and

Kristen De Wolf and

Rachel De Angelis and

Rachel Sova waiting to begin.

Tinnev accompanies the group. Ms. Shauna Ross

talks with Karen Connavino about the program. 86 Forte’/Choral Masters

J , ift J V ' A '^sggsjn I ® 1

i1 \

i \ wm

• IP 6

Oh®ifdl® Ml to

H Varsity Cho- rale and me

t 'Ihkhw Concert Ghoir presented their anniial Holiday Concert along with the Choral Masters and Forte on Wednesday, f)ecember 7, 2005. The Varsity Chorale presented Kyrie, Once | Upon a Timefuid Ladies Night/ \ Can ned Heat while the Concert Choir sang Alleluia Canon, Land ^

' ~'C;'

of Our - .Dreams and Mary Sat A- Rockin. The Varsity Chorale was directed by Ms. Shauna Ross I # with Mr. Josh Walker and Ms. Michelle Gross as assistants and Kye Brackett as Choreographer. The Concert Choirtwas directed by Mr. Josh Walker and Ms. Michelle Gross. Ms. Trisha Tinney was the accompaniest.

Varsity Chorale, Row one: Rachel Sova, Maria Fleming, Rachel De Angelis, Karen Connavino, Brittany

HarrisBriana Mazzolini. Row two: Jazmyn Terry, Jessica Daniels, Josephine Vicar, Katie Maxwell,

Kristen Griffith, Kristen De Wolf, Jessica Vandegrift, Sarah Mabel, Rachel Lawrence. Row three:

Matt Me Kenzie, Antwan Collins, Nate Summersjamal Austin, David JeffriesJon Pacholke, Yuri

Doolan. Row four: Carlos Johnson, William Cloud, Xavier Crawford, Trevor Terry, Dean Bryson,

Shontez Whitlow.

The^Mity^hOT^memDeifalw^ssahgtliemhorarAnthemMdThefflfrna Materberoreevery

football game.

Jessica Daniels,

Concert Choir, Row one: Tyaun Marshburn, Jennifer

Willrich, Joniqua Hooks, Shakeena Tate. Row two: Marie

Dicker, Melanie Miah, India Wilson, Shana Traylor,

Danielle Banks. Row three: Danyelle Millner, Jerrica Billy,

Sherrie Nickson, Alicia Smith, Anja Testruth.

ing posing for a


and Yuri Doolan

Jamal Austin and Jessica Vandeg-

rift waiting for the concert to begin Varsity Chorale/Concert Choir 87 Members of the Concert Choir prepare themselves

Euclid Orches¬

tra consisted of

many students

playing both string and woodwind

instruments. They presented their Hol¬

iday Concert on Wednesday, Decem¬

ber 7, 2005 in the auditorium. They

played Gauntlet, Trepak from “Nut¬

cracker Suite”, Arlington Sketches,

Rosin Eating Zombies from Outer

Space and was joined by the choral

groups for the Hallelujah Chorus from

“Messiah The Orchestra worked

very hard and presented a memorable

performance. Jake Willis was the

conductor and Diane Tizzano was the

Assistant Director for the group.

Mrs. Cathy

Vetovetz brings

in the music that

the Orchestra

will need for

their concert.

to smdl Comeeilt BBsmi

' ' ss&fL \yJ- • .

Orchestra, Row one: Tiara Bagley, Sara Lehman, Kayla Wheeler, Tia Anderson. Row two: Geoff Horn,

Lauren Rivers, Bryn Shy, Holly Yanacek, Kelly Ammon, Amanda Rodgers, Zerina Sakalic, Raven Bailey.

Brianna Hollis, Naejean Roberts, Starla Lee, Martina Chatman, Deonell Hardy, Andrew Collins, Christian

Black. Row three: Jasmine Johnson, Tiffany Me Michael, Marie Mongo, Britney Smith, Chanel Glenn,

Christy Comer, Erriel Joiner, Keith Albert, Charles Grays, Lynetta Jones. Row four: Director, Diane

Tizanno, Matt Kulbis, Travis Beach, James Glover, Rachel Schindler, Steven Hager, Marc Ranieri, JoePaul


Mrs. Cathy Vetovetz

makes sure all the

strings on on properly

in order to tune the


Zerina Sakalic has a new pair of shoes that

are not very comfort¬

able so she takes them

off to rest her feet.


Beach, Marc



Collins, Christian

Black, Holly



Haynes, Sara


and Kelly

Ammon practicing

befor going

on stage.

88 Orchestra

Director, Mrs. Cathy Vetovetz makes sure that

all the instruments are in tune before the concert


Concert Band, Row one: Eric Hager, Grace Jefferson, Courtney Rought, Annie Santorelli, Brittney Shy, Joe Pavicic, Trenisha Manningham, Sara Lehman, Briana

Watts, Nate Suhy, Rachel Schindler, Travis Beach. Row two: Brittany Baker, Jackie Horn, Kayla Dudman, Kyle Me Coy, Kayla Davis, Brittany Atterbery, Joy

Hardy, Robert Kuklinka, Jessica Latimore, Cierra Ladson, Janai Bynum, Matt Parnell, Jocelyn Reid, Carissa Benson, Katrina Young, Brittany Sanders, Alexandria

Perdan, Ashley Thorpe, Samantha Klozar. Row three: Kate Farina, Nakea Stewart, Victor Greene, Sam Calabrese, Sean Wilford, Jeremy Sims, Michael Riendeau,

Lee Barwick, Steven Hager, James Glover, Trisha Beach, Marc Ranieri, JoePaul Luikart, Jamal Austin, Chad Lee, Cassie Hilston, Rachel Schlosser, Brandon Me

Swain, Phillip Williams, Aaron Payton, Sache’ Anderson, Chris George, DeAndria Funches, Janine Hines, Mario Spinosa, Garey Berry, Erica White, Martina

Chapman. Row four: James Henderson, Tommie Berry, Matt Kulbis, Jasmine Me Call, Brittney Buford, Asia Johnson, Ashley Dandridge, Jared Pantalone, Justin

Simmerer, Saunders Gilchrist, Ray Stuber, Bender Donte, Bryan Svoboda, Tommy Kilkenney, Joshua Walker, Trisha Ewing, William Smith III, Marleena Bolden,

Amalia Boris, Kelly Ammon, David Horowicz, Thaddeus Augman, Kristina Arko, Melinda Arko, Ben Horowitz, Melissa Santorelli

Courtney Rought takes attendance while Director,

Ms. Diane Tizzano gives last minute instructions

to the band.


Band gave

their annual

Winter Band Concert on Tuesday,

January 31,2006. The theme was

a Dr. Martin Luther King Celebra¬

tion and the selections included.

Lift Every Voice and Sing(1899),

The Phantom Regiment, Die

Meistersinger(Excerpts from the

Opera), Return of The Dawn Treader,

Wind star, Suspiros De Espana: Pasa-

doble, and The Civil War from the


speakers included Tina Elliott, William Baylis, William Cloud and

Andrea Mitchell, The Concert Band

was directed by Ms. Diane Tizzano and Mr. Scott Astey.

Band members play¬

ing their parts.

Mr. Scott Astey


Will Cloud and

Andrea Mitchell


Concert Band 89

2005 was

ou Have ' r-*




hours spent

cast inclu'

Candela n Go

Ro ert Nero

three restaurants, three waiters and

five kooky customers. It looked at

relationships that existed between

the customers and the workers" ■aurants apl h#v their live

uenced b\ each other. The play

and many


Jamal Austin,

ber Dantzler,

Andrea Mitchell,

Shontez Whit-

■ aard work

school pract

1 1 Sarah Candela Maria Sedmak liked to draw portraits of feet and is

discussing this with her :

Shontez Whitlow wants

order but she can1



e Sarah Candela’s

her mind what she

Andrea Mitchell, Maria Sedmak, Shontez Whitlow, Sarah Candela, Amber Dantzler, Megan Gonzalez and Robert Nero are looking at all the art that Maria Sedmak produced.

Robert Nero and Sarah Candela

enjoy their time in the restaurant. 9(1 Fall Play

Amber Dantzler and Jamal Austin

try to entertain themselves at a


Amber Dantzler shows off her fenc¬

ing skills to Jamal Austin.

Sarah Candela complains about her life

to Shontez Whitlow.

Maria Sedmak worked

hard at her job as a


Fall Play, Row one: Rachel Perovsek, John Nero, Maria Sedmak, Sarah Candela, Row two: Andrea

Mitchell, Megan Gonzalez, Amber Dantzler, Robert Nero. Row three: Jamal Austin, Shontez Whitlow.

Megan Gonza¬

lez complains

about her health.

Robert Nero is eating a meal at the restau¬

rant where Maria Sedmak is the waitress.

He owns the building and informs her that

he is going to have to increase the rent.

Jamal Austin and Amber Dantzler are eating

in a restaurant where Megan Gonzalez is

the waitress. Amber had previously poked

Megan’s eye out when she was playing with

the fencing foil.

Andrea Mitch¬

ell is all dressed

up and talking

about her obses¬

sion with Van


Amber Dant¬

zler complains

to Jamal Austin

about the food

and the servise

at the Mexican





stands on

a stool

during the

viewing of

her paint¬


Above: Amber Dantzler com¬

plains about the food and the

service to Megan Gonzalez.

Left: John Nero is the bus

boy who has to clean up the

mess left by the patrons in the


Megan Gonzalez, Sarah Can¬

dela and Shontez Whitlow

showing their dislike for the

peanut butter pasta that Amber

Dantzler has made for the

painting exhibition.

Fall Play 91


Alexandria Perdan, JonPaul Luikart, Mikita

Duncan and Shamara Morgan enjoyed the Home¬

coming dance put on by Student Council.

Cultural Cl

differ from

Student Council organized the Homecoming Court

announcements during half time of the football


Dezarae Griffie wore her hat on Hat Day during Spirit Week.

Dean Bryson

was the president

of Student Coun¬

cil and took care

of the action at

the meetings. He was very active

in everything Student Council


Mrs. Kathy

Gibbons and

Ms. Christine

Bayiis were the advisers for

Student Council

and made sure everything went


Cherice May was

elected Homecom¬ ing Queen and was

crowned at the

football game.

92 Student Council

The Blood Drive was

sponsored by Student

Council. Vince Marvin,

Kelly Laughlin, Ben

Perpar, Jaclyn Lee,

Alecia Jones, Gina Renfroe and Dean

Bryson participated.

Students Council members in the Little

Theater learning about the activities

that Student Council will participate in

throughout the year.

In Wf


Student Council

was the organiza¬

tion that made

many of the activities at Euclid High

School occur. They made sure that the

Homecoming activities were success¬

ful. They organized the blood drive

that collected much needed blood for

the Red Cross. They made sure that

Winterfest was a fun time for all who

attended. They organized many fund

raising activities throughout the year

that enabled them to finance every¬

thing they had to do. Dean Bryson was the president of the group and Ms.

Cathy Gibbons and Mrs. Christine Bayiis were the advisers for the group.

Mrs. Elizabeth Russo looks on as Ashley Jackson

describs her experiences.

Culture Club/AFS 93

Cultural Club adviser. Mrs. Elizabeth Russo talks to the members about different cultures and how customs

differ from our own.

Advisr, Mrs.

Pamela Graham

helps the members

find what they need

to know.

The members of Culture Club enjoyed refreshments

as they listened to what happens in other cultures.

Advisers, Mrs. Elizabeth Russo and Mrs. Pamela

Graham enjoyed the interactions with the students.

tonfeiiftg (dips ©m®r

Culture Club and

I'iOl the AFS com-

billed into one

organization that allowed the mem¬

bers to learn about other cultures in

the world. The members heard speak¬

ers that discussed other cultures. They

also put on an assembly in February

for Black History Month. The advis¬

ers for the group were Mrs. Elizabeth Russo and Mrs. Paita Graham.

Whether students were

intereiwf in helping Hi the clinic or

thp small school offices, any assis¬

tance was greatly appreciated. Many

students gave up their study halls or

lunch pcriotls in order to help out in

the offices by running slips, making

^copies, and filing papers. Without

office aidesvthings WQUla^ffinve^ri

>is smoothly,

Maggie Carney and Marissa Mannarino help Ms. Lynn Parise organize her material

Amanda Sharwark, Jessica Chandler and Shay

nesse Walker organize papers in the office.

feeling too well?

That happened to

tSULPIf. many students, s solutionTjpwto go to the clinic

1 get lookfoat By the health aide,

dents visiting the clinic usually d

ne in contact with a clinic aide. £ '

Htestudenk helped c^it around tM

tic by funijlin^pr^hdL filing forms

Hfty other actif itie^ithat helped

the |ealth aides. They yelped the

lllPin'm a more efficient manner.

Lots of students helping out in the offices included: k \ tgt$***'r'*

Jessica Chandler, Rebecca Sharwark, Mike SljllljL.yB'*’’

Valentino. Susan Hogue h !pmg Joann Hodder. JjfwW Chris Panter, Brittany Spicer, Geoff Horn, ^

Samantha Howard, Tamia Bolden, Will Cloud, JH

Brittany Spicer, Stephanie Taddie, John Cozart, J

Anthony Tusoch, Alex Perdan, Travis Beach, ® '*3

Amanda Miller, Karl Morris with Mitzi Taddeo,

Ashley Miller, Sue Hogue, Jeanette Ozoa, Domi- —-

nique Eldemire, Jennifer Schmidt taking Carlos Horton’s temperature, Jessica Beard, Amanda Easley, Brittany Kuhar helping Denise Adkins, Katie Clepacs, Jennifer Schmidt,

Dan Dlugos, Sasha Robinson, Norman Henderson, Amanda Sharwark, Vince Marvin,

Marissa Pow e, Cory Stuber helping Denise Adkins, Tim Krofcheck, Donna Dixon giving an eye test and Lynn Mason taking Lynetta Jones’ blood pressure.

94 Office Aides/Clinic Aides

1 - •g - mm ,

A i © P* ii wy gt

I ; WB


1H1 mv—j |

j ■■ Jpw

, i

SBATggg tP jP „

:> r *** 4 m f'- BiL a i


)oj) ial u Ft r

The Survey, succeeded in keeping

the sudents and staff well-informed

about school happenings. Miss Trishi

R(|»mPeftovic,whcStet&beeB lead¬

ing tfie staff throughout most of his

yeacs teaching at Euclid HighlSchool.

The editors, seniors Danielle Jones, Amy Barwick, and Holly Yanacek, spent much time writing stories and

laying out the pages alter school, but

Countless others contributed news

stories well.

Adviser, Ms. Trisha Tinney, explains to the stu¬

dents what they can expect to be doing throughout

the year.

Former Survey adviser, Mr. Robert PetrovicJlF

shows Danielle Jones how to use the prografrrf on

the computer. M

Survey 95

ohn Nero and Danielle Jones lay out the pages on

te computer.

Ed Chenock,

Ginger Me Ghee,

Holly Yanacek,

Amy Barwick

and Danielle

Jones working on

the computers to

get the next issue


news to the students

Left: At the beginning of the year the students

signed up and expressed what topics they were

interested in.

iurvey, Row one: Tonica Johnson, Artemida Shkurti, Amy

Warwick. Row two: Edward Chenock, Ginger Me Ghee, Danielle

tones. Row three: David Horowicz, Adviser, Ms. Trisha Tinney,

lolly Yanacek.

were composed of

groups of students

wtio were concerned about what activi¬

ties the different class should be doing

to make the school better. Sometimes

the students met during school and

sometimes they met after school to i . • ■■■_: ^.1. _ r..*-..- nm

uiau am vjiw^a iwa iuiuiv. jl nv

cabinets had nothing to do with the

small schools but were goncemed

the entire school complex,

class cabinet

while the

cabinets met in

96 Class Cabinets

Dean Bryson presided over the senior class cabinet meeting which was held in the planetarium. The had

refreshments and discussed ways to make money for the class.

Members of the junior class cabinet usually met

during a lunch period in conference room three and

ate their lunches during the meeting. They tried to

discuss what they wanted to do to make the school a

better environment and how to make money for the

junior class.

The sophomore class cabinet met in conference

room three and talked about future projects.

Senior class cabinet members discussing plans for

the future.

Ioughout tl

Kids On The Block shows that different groups can coexist

. The had ihowing off the puppetts that they use for their presentations to the other schools. Tiara Bagley, Robert

<iero, Justephanie Chandler, Brittany Sandidge, Sharmaine Bey and Brittany Harris are some of

he students that make their presentations to the other schools.

Pith topics sudi as

and, through the pu

were able ttyshoft'j

feveryone is entitle!

-advisers for the

on the

was a;


■peteers. They performec

ruDpets at the Euclid ek


wife performed






Bagley talks to adviser, Mrs. Hoinski, about what they will be doing

roughout the year.

Above: At the beginning of the

year the students met with Mrs.

Hoinski and Mrs. Margaret

Nielsen to discuss what they

would be doing


Above: Mrs. Margaret Nielsen

explains to the students what

they can expect to be doing.

Above Left: The members sign

up to show what they are inter¬

ested in.

Left: Tiara Bagley tells Mrs.

Hoinski what she hope to be able

to do to help with the presenta¬



annual Winter¬

fest Dance was

held on Saturday,

February 11, 2006 in the E-room.

Sponsored by Student Council about

220 students enjoyed an evening of

dancing and socializing with one

another. The E-room carpetted area

was decorated with balloons and paper

and there was a large balloon arch1

between the two areas. The ballroom

was dark and the pillars had lights

wound around them and the names of

the attendees were written on papers

on the walls. A DJ played music that

everyone danced to. As the people

arrived they were given ballots to vote

for the Winterfest King and Queen.

Jessica Chandler and Alexandria

Perdan were the candidates for Queen

while Garey Berry and Melvin Cain

were the candidates for King. At 9:30

the ballots were counted and the win¬

ners were announced in the ball room.

Garey Berry and Jessica Chandler

were voted the Winterfest King and

Queen. As each person departed

they were given a


rvi /S

MiLisa Coleman and Grace Jefferson looking

pretty and Monica Hammond and Stephanie

Taddie looking for their names on the wall. 98 Winterfest

Going through the balloon arch.

The students had fun dancing and eating refreshments when they got tired of dancing.

Lots of students had a good time dancing to Jessica Chandler and Garey Berry were voted the Winter-

the music at Winterfest. fest Queen and King by the people attending the dance.


ireg Me Kay, Janene Hines, Geoff Horn, Kate Farina, Jeff Lewis, Denean Griffie, Bryan Minard, Dezarae Gnfne, Terraia King, Bernard Abernathy,

Ashley Amoss, Keyonna Johnson Destinee Battle and Taylor Cox were all dressed up and looked so nice for the dance.

Winterfest 99

Dean Bryson and Sarah Miller are filling out bal

lots for the King and Queen voting.

Jessica Chandler, Alexandria Perdan, Garey

Berry and Melvin Cain line up in anticipa¬

tion before the Queen and King winners were


Sara Lehman and Alexandria Perdan show that

they are having a good time at the dance.

Carlos Johson, Tiffany Johnston, Rachel Newsome, Mike Maroli, Danielle Weber, Jessica Daniels and

Brandon Milbert were all having fun at the dance.

Liz Fisher enjoyed the refreshments Vandercoy

that were available. and friend.


Floyd and


mpM© mm c&m EUJMMMqt Automotives prepares stoidl©imtte ff®if j®Ibs 8m auto mAtaliMm©® CI£

•by but most contin-

:ondary studies and

mechanics and got

ervice field. The class

r Mr. Tony Rozman.

PTnlTl -

3T _ Schools consisted

the morning and a senior class which

met in the afternoon. The classes con¬

sisted of time spent in the classroom

learning about the different systems

in an automobile and time spent in

the shop working on real cars with

real problems. Some i

the class as a hobby '

ued with post:

became certified

jobs in the ante

was instructed

Students have to learn in the classroom before they

can begin working on the cars.

Above: Nick Scott

, Cyrus Quanteh, Franklin Roy and

Cyrus Quanteh. Right: Paul

Mulraney, Kieth

Flagg, Matt Orr, Ronald White,

John Cozart, John Duren, John Novak,

Robert Rausch * r, Andi Rucker and

Bernard Aber¬ nathy working on


Senior Vocational Automotive, Row one: Nick Karchefsky, Nick Scott, John Duren, Cyrus (

Keith Platz, Nick Hawk, Instructor, Mr. Tony Rozman. Row two: Franklin Roy, John Cozai

Novak, Tyronne Bailey, Ronald White, Matt Orr.

Junior Vocational Automotive, Row one: Andi Rucker, David Hoch, Nicole Hall, Paul Mulraney, Jay

Jones, Instructor, Mr. Tony Rozman. Row two: Scott Dawson, Mark Wisnieski, Bernard Abernathy,

Nick Piknovnik, Steve Kurzinger. Row three: Jacob Derrickson, Robert Rauscher, Michael Young,

Brandon Wilder, Keith Flagg.

100 Vocational Auto Mechanics

' T vvt.

CICSO si®ws staiemts h®w to g®H ©raapiiteffg to Interactl wfiffla each ®tSk®r

Why won't these connectors go

together?. David Horowicz tries to

get some wires connected as Evan

Hubbard looks on.

Michelle Simon studies the infor¬

mation on her monitor.

Andrew Miller studies his data as instructor, Mr.

Roy Pignatiello helps his students. What’s

the matter





checks the


tions to his





the instruc¬

tor for the CISCO

chnology program

which met for three periods at the

beginning of the day. The program

"show the students how they could

connect computers into elaborate net¬

works. The program lasted two "years

and at the end the students took a test

to see if they would be certified in

the field. After graduation they could

go into many different networking

related fields.

CISCO. Row one: Steve Doerr, James Williams, Ben Terrell, David Horowicz, Evan Hubbard,

Cameron Cofield. Row two: Tom Smith, Laterrian Tompkins, Michael Kent, Michelle Simon, Andrew

Miller, John Ford.

Mr. Roy


ello shows

David Horow¬

icz and



how to

install a



Above: Steve Doerr and David

Horowicz study their data.

Left: James Williams, Tom Smith. Came Ford, Michael Kent, David Horowicz and Andrew Miller working in class.

102 Key Club

KEY Club is a service organization that helps many people

met thursday even in

the Little Theater an

various volunteer activi

would participate in. They

with various organizations such as

the Euclid Hunger Center, Gateway,

and tjte Lake Farm Parks, Th® meet¬

ings usually lasted less than an hour.".,

Membership in the club cosL$l I.

The K.E.Y. club pledge is, “I

on my honor to uphold the o

of KEY Club international to

my home, school and community

to serve my nation and God and to

combat all forces that tend to under¬

mine these institutions.” Robert mo was the president, Nick Sudar

/as the vice President, Julia Shei /as the secretary and John Nero /as the treasurer.

-Dan Praznovsky

Key Club, Row one: Robert Nero, Dana Me Gill, Denean Griffie, Maryssa Stevens, Ana Brnjic,

Briana Hollis. Row two: Kashmere Wimbish, Hope Hill, Christian Black, Tina Kongkeo, Julia Shei,

MiLisa Coleman, Kelsey Ivancic. Row three: Megan Drake, David Ginley, Theresa Boianey, Daniel

John Praznovsky, Nick Sudar, Maria Sedmak. Row four: Keyana Gaston, Jimmy Bagwell, Marcus

Germany, Scott Rutti, Tonica Johnson, Nichole Ferkul.

The meetings

begin with

the Pledge of


The members

then talk about

what they

plan on doing

in the future.

Dana Me (Hill and Emily

Proctor enjoy

their time at

the meetings.

Robert Nero

looks through

his notes on

what he has to cover.

The members

sat around

and talked about what

was going

to happen

throughout the year.


enabled students to get submitted

creative works published so everyone

could enjoy. Mosf of the submissions

were poems and short stories but there

was also some art submitted. The stair

members would read and review the

submitted works and then decided

which ones should be included in the

magazine which was published at

the end of the school year. Anyone

interested in reading and reviewing

the rhaterial was welcome at the meell

ings wliich w'ere held in the photog- 1

raphy claW&bm every other week.

The Eucuyo membej|dearned a lot by

reading all the submissions and the

students got a chance to get their work

to appear in print. Mrs. Edie Mellen and Ms. Tracy Wienhold were the

advisers for the group.

-Din Praznovsky Looking over the submissions. Amalia Boris, Zach Schlosser, Rachel De Angelis, Liza Langdon, Emily

Proctor and Matt Kushan discuss the criteria for the submissions with advisr. Ms. Tracy Wienhold.

Zach Schlosser and

Rachel De Angelis

and Emily Proctor

and Matt Kushan

did a lot to review the

material that was sub¬

mitted to the Eucuyo.

Amalia Boris talked

with Ms. Tracy

Wienhold to find out

what was necessary

to have an acceptable

creative work.

Mrs. Edie Mellen

helped the students

get all the material

organized so they

could type it into the

computer so it could

be layed out into the

form to be published.

Eucuyo 103

I 3rs 1 [ W-l

l -'4 iiVk1

1/5 ~\j

eL is

Commercial Art

class at Euclid

High Schools

prepared students for the field of art

after graduation. Both classes met for

three periods. Thgjuniors met in the

morning and the seniors met in the

afternoon. The students worked with

many different kinds of media and

learned how to express themselves in **

lots of different ways. Their projects

could then be part of their portfolio ,

which they could then use when they

applied to art schools or to

The class was '



iPji i (h JpL A mgr

Commercial Art II: Row one: Dawn Albrecht, Tory Rossman, Amber Hall, Leah Hollingsworth, Nikki

Gates, Brittany Currie. Row two: Jade Peternelj, Frank Oberle, Shaina Banaszek, David Leighty,

Lauren Petit, Chelsea Keay, Kristy Wilson, Lindsey Vrhovnik.

Commercial Art I: Row one: Nikki Yaeger, Amanda Jacklin, Lauren Heyer, Marquise Brannon,

Maggie Stenger. Row two: Blake Brown, Arianna Caiter, Kim Jensen, Melanie Tyree, Jackie Zigman,

Karen DiDomenico, James Paponetti, Laron Jones. Row three: Edger Ecke, Alex Mullins, Lauren

Ashe, Martin Hebebrand, Bryant Rivers, Pam Erhardt, Brendon Bennett.

Shaina Banaszek, Jackie Zigman, Jade Peternelj, Pam Erhardt, Laron Jones, Amanda Jacklin, Jackie Zigman, Martin Hebebrand, Lauren Heyer and Tory Rossman enjoying their progress in the class.

>h Hollingsworth, Blake Brown, Brittany

rrie, Dawn Albrecht, Kristy Wilson, Lindsey

tovnik, David Leighty and Tory Rossman

104 Commercial Art



m ■ps

b d.

c:— p

ci ul

V<nxgffl(ffi®iMi ILmw Enforcement prepares gimfaife 1F®if Oft® ffidld ®ff Daw mndl ©utter LA SA

til, Nikki




pheir deg

ructed by

Senior Vocational Law Enforcement, Row one: Brandi

Hampton, Mike Suschak,

Sarah Schultz, Steven Meeks.

Row two: Jimmy Campana,

Nikki Kirk, Jarrod Bencar,

Jeff Meyerhoffer. Row three:

Tyrese Milner, Rachel Me

Nulty, Ashley Wanchisn.

i£j|JVell a good way was to enroll tn tl Vocational Law Enforcement jiB* f gram. The class met fof three peK U with" me^i'^or class iketing in the 1 morfiin^ankth^ senjl clas^ji^ie Prrioon. The^tud^nts learned ;tbo

laws in a coA»unity, seif^fefer '•fmger printing, controlling a subjegj patrolling an area, gathering ejdsEa surve 111 ance^fendikanv othera^iis


Junior Vocational Law Enforcement, Row one: Robert Me Donald, Amanda

Kochman, Heather Easley, Eric Elshaw, Chris Kilijanczyk. Row two: Michele

Pace, Cherlie Harris, Vitaliy Styrt, Mike Suvel, Edward Shermann. Row three

Dennis Constan, Shaman Zora, Taylor Hedler, Ryan Fishleigh, Zach Petrie,

Richard Amaroso. Row four: Taylor Sluga, Ashley Myles, Alyssa Terry, Elliot

Cater, Joseph Jasper.



Me Nulty

and Sarah




Taylor Sluga, Heather Easley, Taylor Hedler,

Ryan Fishleigh, Zach Petrie, Tyrese Milner,

Nikki Kirk, Steven Manes and Mike Suscheck

practicing their skills.

Jim Campana watching activity on the monitors,

Mike Suscheck and Jim Campana trying out their

new golf cart, Ashley Wanchisn recreating a face

on a skull.

Law Enforcement 105


Ron Zucca was the adviser for the


-Edward Chenock

The team

practiced by


questions that

were asked by

adviser, Mr.

Ron Zucca. The used prac¬

tice buzzers to simulate the

conditions that

they would

experience in

a real competi¬


mm& ®fcir gdtoxDl

cademic Challenge had a

year with four competitions.

^Students who had a passion

for game shows or common trivia

joined this activity. The students on

the Academic Challenge team were

required to have nothing less than a

2.5 GPA in order to compete. The

team met every Tuesday after school,

and the students practiced with the

same game formats that they would

face in the competitions. Academic

Challenge competed at the Buzzer-

palooza games at Case Western

Reserve University, and they even

appeared on WEWS Newschannel 5.

Travis Beach, David Yerman, and

Andrew Miller played, but Edward Chenock and Daniel Adamic sup¬

ported the team as alternates. Mr.

Academic Challenge: Evan Hubbard, Dan Adamic, Ed Chenock, Adviser, Mr. Ron Zucca, Marc Ran-

ieri, David Yerman, Nick Bell, Travis Beach, Andrew Miller. Andrew C

The team members interacted

with the adviser to gain

understanding of the prob¬

lems they experienced.

106 Academic Challenge

NHS 107

HONORABLE ORGANIZATION Nasffldmaill Etornr mcamlbBffis shew te ©©ramimfi^

TTaving a high grade point aver-

= age was great but not good

J_Lenough as far as the National

Honor Society was concerned. Stu¬

dents needed to show involvement in

activities both inside and out of the

classroom. After careful review, the

new inductees were tapped into the

Society and were recognized at an

induction ceremony in their honor.

NHS members participated in several

fundraisers and activities throughout

the year, including “Operation: Sup¬

port Our Troops44, in which members

collected necessities for soldiers

overseas. Rachel Sova was the presi¬

dent with Karen Connavino as the

vice-president, Cory Scheider was

the secretary, and Jamal Austin was

the treasurer. Mr. Howard Taub was

the faculty adviser for the group.

-Rachel Sova I Andrew Collins, Rachel Perovsek, Travis Beach, Cassie Hilston, Holly Yanacek and Danielle Jones

learning about what the NHS members will be doing throughout the year.

Phil Silvaggio, Danny Dlugos

and Andrew Collins listen to Mr.

Howard Taub explains the year’s


Rachel Perovsek, Dean Bryson,

Cory Scheider, Rachel Sova, Vince

Marvin, Tim Krofcheck, Karen

Connavino and Kyle Strodtbeck get

ready for the year.

DnT^ edujLAides

100th gafration


nffflouncemeiM to ailfhe homerooms.

They also delivered audio-visual 4

equipment to the teachers that n

took care of the copy

making sure that they were

with paper, toner and free of

The^ran all the sound and J

1 theschool productions ^

plays. Big Show {

. The group was

Allen Black who

all the activities.

Right: Ken Wilbur,

Andrew Horvath, Cory

Shy, Nick Sudar, and

David Jeffries controlling the action in the room.

Below: Andrew Horvath,

David Jeffries, David Jeffries, Zach Svoboda,

Tommy Kilkenney, Zach

Svoboda and Matt Kushan working hard to get the

broadcast to be as profes¬

sional as possible.

Ken Wilbur, Cory Shy, Ben Thomp¬

son, Andrew

Horvath, Tommy

Kilkenney and

Rachel Fullum

helping get the show

to each homeroom.

108 Media Aides

Lots of activity necessary to produce an assembly. Andrew Horvath, Ben Terrell, Nick Sudar, Dave

Jeffries and others working the control panels to make sure that the sound and the pictures go to the correct


Getting re:

Getting ready to read their scripts. Megan Gonzalez and Patrick Mulholland glance over the announce¬

ments that they will have to read when it is time for the announcements to be broadcast.

scsDncDxiDn mformatic

portant events gping


The anno

any clubs


on in the sfchool. the results of some

athletic coltests, student avvan

many otheiimportant subjects. The

announcerslfor the day would get to

the studio a|few minutes before the

broadcast. They were given the cot

that they had to. read so

with it. They would

c. announcements

could be sent to eve*

Allen Black wasme organizer for this


Pat Mulholland, Ben Terrell, David Jeffries, Pat

Mulholland make announcements while Cory Shy

tells them to “Close”.

John Nero runs a camera at a program in the


Jim Dorsey mixes audio and video at an


Mr. Allen Black presides over the action with

Jim Dorsey in the auditorium.

PA Announcers 109


Junior Reserve

Officer Training

Corps) program gave many students a

post secondary option that many other

students did not have. After gradua¬

tion many members earned scholar¬

ships that could be used for college or

they could enter the armed forces and

already have some of the necessary

training. The students participated

in classroom work which gave them

much information about the armed

forces. They also did lots and lots of

drill on marching and twirling their

rifles. They participated in competi¬

tions with other schools in marching

and target practice with rifles. They

also participated in fund raising

projects like the first annual Amanda’s

Walk held on September 10 to benefit

RSDS. Their annual inspection was

held on February 7 in the east gym.

The instructors for the class were Mr.

William Gray and SgtMaj Larry


Mike Riendeau. Adam Slivers,

Stacy Anderson and Ben Sliwa

in formation.

Amber Cartmell and Kayla

Wheeler thank Mr. Mike Sham-

blen for his photography.

Mr. Bill Gray shows the ribbon that the cadets will get for helping in the RSDS Walk.

Mrs. Claudia Spencer awards the RSDS ribbon to the cadets.


Above Right: Couples enjoying themselves

at the Military Ball.

The Honor Guard protects the missing members.

Briana Mazzolini and Ben Sliwa passing through

the saber arch. Mike Shamblen, Adam Slivers, Amber Cartmell

and Anthony Hribar talking together.

Kayla Wheeler introducing the featured speaker.

Anthony Hribar and Mike Sham¬

blen standing in front of their platoons

at the annual inspection.

Mike Shamblen, Kevin Kope, Stacy Anderson and Anthony

Hribar were the color guards for many of the home football


The cadets at the annual inspection.


r> S d


Left: Joe Johnson and Ms. Kathleen Me Donnell

know it’s important to be able to work together.

CharLynn Bryant, Cherice May, Danielle

Medley, Chrestian Clark, Dezarae Grifhe, Jackie

Me Carthy, Ashley Barnes, Andrew Collins and

Joe Johnson celebrate their mediation skills.

Mediators, Row one: Arrionne Nolcox, Caple Nelson, Rachel Newsome, Danielle Medley, Athina Weems,

Ashley Barnes. Dezarae Grifhe, Cherice May, Jackie Me Carthy. Joe Johnson, Tiffany Johnston, Adviser,

Ms. Kathleen Me Donnell, Alexandria Perdan. Row two: Alphonso Jamerson, Josephine Vicar, Elise Cook,

Stanley Griffin, Terraia King, CharLynn Bryant, Sarah Mabel, Danielle Edwards, Andrew Collins, Tanita

Whitner, Carlos Johnson. Row three: Branden Malone, Chrestian Clark, Amber Underwood, Mikita Duncan,

Sharmaine Bey, Milton Dean, Darion Callahan, Alii Cater, Tommie Berry.

Left: The advanced

mediators have

been with the

group for several

years and have

practiced their


Above: Ms. Kath¬

leen Me Donnell

tells the members

what they will

be doing at the


Above and Left: Cherice May, Kevin

Kope, CharLynn Bryant, Jackie Lee, Tif¬

fany Johnston, Carlos Johnson, Stephanie

Taddie, Delon Ford and Makita Duncan

working on their mediation skills.

Mediators 111

you ever

been in a


where you wanted to hurt someone?

Well, if so, you probably could have

used a mediator. The mediators were

students who underwent extensive

training to learn how to deal with tense

situations. Because of their training,

the mediators would talk with stu¬

dents who got in trouble with another

student where there could have been

a fight. The mediators talked to the

offenders and tried to get them to

understand where the problems were

and how they could resolve them.

If the offenders did not agree to the

mediation they would be disciplined

by their principals. The mediation

program saved many students from

being punished. The program was

coordinated by Ms. Kathleen Me

Donnell and was open to all students

who wanted to train for it.

MVIIME gives stafetfe am

If 111| it

‘CRAV est addition to activities here at! ooUwasa’t a club for

Borders. “CRAVE”

le study


lat, a slew ofeagw

members, CRAVE met on Wednesday!

after school, in the btyld room every week

for-’rofreshments. sometimes a Bible #

devotional to apply thf!Biblei!yeveryday

life, maybe a discussion, a game, or even

a party. Each week was planned and run

j| by college advisor. Courtney Biehl, and

student leaders: Jessica Vandegrift, Effie id Melissa Santorelli,^Ki is

attended by faculty advisors, Ms. Diane Tizzanp. and Mrs. Marla Henderson. CRAVE was a place to make friends, to

be comfortable, to be yourself, and to start

s or to grow in a relationship?^

other ChristianiBl

Thank you to all the member

of CRAVE, you know who you w ere, l'o

making it a wonderful place to be.

-Jessica Vandegrift

; was Hi' group


Spine nev

Pastor Steve leads the group in singing during a meeting of the group

1it t You At The_Poi

\ World

Kicking off the new

year was the annual

‘Meet at the Pole’ which was held on September

21. Students and teachers

gathered around the flag

pole and had a short worship


The students attended meet¬

ings in the Band room. Ms.

Diane Tizzano was the

adviser for the group and

Kate Farina helped out.



Seat, Ami

Jessica Vandegrift, Melissa

Santorelli and Effie Stans-

bery were just some of the

students that attended the



more and

more people

in the world



the enviroi

Tad t(Tbemd |

;rns tfyat wft |

gllutlon >

Ho less energy

llr products^

wling liad to.-

uffen. The grc

Matt Young

ie students all


SAVE: Ginger Me Ghee, Scott Rutti, Adviser, Mr. Matt Young, Tiffany Chenock, Chelsea Keay, Katie

Keay, Amalia Boris, Sarah Schulz.

Young’s computer.

SAVE members learned about

conservation and preservation of

the environment.

used t,


sing lockers


■M Hi

114 Lockers




lockers. Some student:

lockers to express ther

others just crammed tl

into them, The decorlil

were some of the best

at school for friends b<

room started. Many|sd

pictures, posters, and i

lockers. Others \yere e

ative and hung uj> mer

new quote for e\fery da

sdme Euclid Panthers

mends lockers. Occa?




with a

' V,v

Kashnere Wimbish,

Cassie Hilston, Alex Perdan, Amber

Moore and Domi¬

nique Bates spent a

lot of time decorat¬

ing their lockers.

Holly Yanacek and Shar-

maine Bey show everyone

their decorations.

Dezarae Griffie likes to show off all of the pictures in her locker.




PTerrecka [Calhoun,




Small, and



ere very

pappy with

Iheir lock-

Below and Bottom: Marlene Olds, Rachel

Perovsek, Vince Marvin, Ginger Me Ghee,

Mike Toth, Vince Marvin, Rachel Sova,

Rachel Perovsek, Matt Zuzic and Tebriauna

Allen made their lockers their home. Some

even changed their decorations throughout

the year.

3elow and

bottom: Vince

Sdarvin and

Solly Yanacek

ihow how they

ian hide in

heir lock-

irs if danger



Lockers 115


-V ! . ■ I [ 1

L 1

iim'v died to

rea eapT

winter td have

boating on the

. The snow began

lg vacation and

1 snowy

iring Janu- ;

pd\Pc^yered during Thanks

theeweather w;

until wi |r vacation, m |er, the wealhtj

|vas very lirale'

tiere was aMy

ie ski areas' ma

Reason, ^he

■ members stil1

SSiing doWn the H Mf s were: Andn lp)orsey, Karlj Ifbvsek^jRyaiyi Spearman, spa

Rachel Perovsek, James Dorsey, Holly Yanacek

and Andrew Collins get ready to go out to the ski

area. Above and Below: Holly Yanacek, Rachel

Perovsek and Andrew Collins getting their skis on

: Yanacete^r. Bill

the adviser for tb&

Karl Morris, Rachel Peruvsek, Andrew Collins

and Holly Yanacek getting ready to leave the


Karl Morris aha jam*

put on their equipment.

erl6.20115 MsTFelicia

Mrir. Larry Nosse?s

WE,. c^Sef^ade 1 Tel*

*Jgweland' Rock Gym

picfided rock climbing

s learned techniques ne

on Decern


Health an

trip to tlte

whew the

Rock Wall climnbing group. Row one: Nick Babyak, James Dorsey, Sara Lehman, Tiffany Me Michael.

Steve Braddock. Row two: Anna Brjnic, Teneia Jordan, Jessica Daniels, Terraia King, Lindsey Sova,

Peach Baker, Paige Schaefer. Row three: Ms. Felicia Rosati, Maryssa Stevens, Amber Cartmell, Don Murphy, Daniele Edwards, Tierra James, Paige Embry, Amanda Vandercoy, Mya Cloud, Katrina

Becker, Megan Lesler, Keeandra Steele, Johnny Griffin, Mr. Larry Nosse. Row four: Brittany Hamp¬

ton, Antonio Newton, Devin Jennings, Tim Hanson, Lee Barwick, David Ginley, Matt Orr, Ajhia

Robinson, Ken Hatten-Moreland. 116 Ski Club/Rock Wal

Academics Dividei IIS

Above: Mrs. Kim Dixon helps Ashley Amoss with her work.

Right: Mr. Sean O’Toole uses an overhead projector

to get information to his students.

Far Right: Mrs. Shawna Ross directs the members

of the Varsity Chorale before a football game. The

students work long and hard to get their numbers perfected.

Right: Secretary, Mrs. Lenore Strodt-

beck and Principal, Mr. Ronald Seymour

discuss business to keep the schools running smoothly.

Far Right: Computer teacher, Mr. Matt

Sproat, helps his students how to use the computer.

Mr. Josh Walker

gets ready to direct

the Varsity Chorale

before the game


Kyle Strodtbeek helps

Mr. Bill Von Benken

put address labels on



Cheerleader adviser

Mrs. Sherlyn

King, wants the

cheerleaders to be

as coordinated and

enthusiastic as pos¬


J^receive^f you eB

rf member why they*!

The staff was united

at they were there®

its. Most staff arora|

ing for the rigors of the day and

||Hpd late^i^eoniodate any sti

ffent's request for hetprifyouiW

like working with the students, y

shouldn't be in the Euclid schoo


•,x' ':'ty




Mr. Bill Von Benken fills

soap bubbles with natural gas

and then ignites them as they

float to the ceiling since the

gas is less dense than air.

Band Director, Mr. Jake Willis, wants all his stu¬ dents to play together and in harmony.

Above: Mr. David Hathaway helps Jeremy Sims and Rachel Schlosser with their chemistry.

Far Left: Mrs. Sally Pla wants Melvin Cane to

improve his foreign language skills. Left: Mr. Greg James wants his students to learn as

much as they possibly can.

Mrs.Vicky Nally and: Mrs. Felicia Rosati

enjoy helping student in their classes. j Mrs. Christine Tor-J

relli and Mrs. Chepi

Gorey talk about M things that they^ffrit to do in theij/dlasses to make th|Jnate- rial int^fesHne to the

Academics Divider 119

ME©WD)HM® ITmiMBMgUUPTO mHUE S€ffl®©ILS The administration and the School Board lead Euclid schools thesch

Euclid Board of Education: Row one: Kay Van Ho, President, Donna Sudar.

Row two: Brian Palisin, Angela Lisy, Kent Smith. Euclid Schools’ Administration, Row one: Stephen A. Vasek, Treasurer, Joffrey

Jones, Superintendent, John Clapacs, Director of Business Affairs. Row two:

John Schweitzer, Assistant Superintendent, David Van Leer, Director of Pupil

Personnel, John Fell, Assistant Superintendent.

William Baylis Principal

Business and Communications

Jim Principal

The Academy of Intellectual & Interpersonal Development

Mescudi Counselor

Fletcher, Counselor

Ronal j Pnnci

120 Academics

Lynn Davis ^ Counselor ^

Karen Brown Counselor


>w two:

•of Pupil

Euclid Schools complex entered its second year of being composed of six small schools. Things were much more stabilized and the normal operations of

the schools were evident. The principals and counselors on these pages made sure the small schools were working.

Claudia Spencer, Principal

Tina Elliott Principal d

Thomas Banc, Athletic Director

Euclid Academy

of the Arts

Ronald Seymour, Principal

Elie Thomas, m Principals

School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

seam. M

The International Academy for

L Accelerated m Achievement

The Professional Path

Bill Gooding, Counselor

Academics 121

ter and leadership style, the

gained dedicated to PJ^Httj

int education in EucliJ schdi:

jclid High Schools were one

fc^titutions of great opporffin


122 Academics


d de Sf the six small

if the efforts of the

ited teachers and administration,

none of these Improvements would

have been possible. Even though each

small school began to form its own

Top: Mrs. Shauna

Ross, Ms. Diane Tiz-

zano, Mr. Josh Walker,

Mr. Matt Sproat, and

Mr. Reggie Echols helping

their students to attain their


Above Right: Mr. Ron

Zucca helps Emily Proctor

with her math assignment.

Right: Mrs. Kathy Rodgers

helps her students with their

lab assignments while Mrs.

Kim Dixon helps Alex

Perdan understand her


Band director, Ms. Diane Tizzano know the impor¬

tance of music in her students’ lives.

Jane Addis: ARTS, English.

Math. Denise Adkins: PATH, Secretary.

Sue Amato: STEM, English.

Ethel Barbish: Security. Joyce Barrett: AI1D, Career

Planning. Parenting, Nutrition &

Wellness. A1 Bartucci: BUS, English. Hon.

English. Heather Baur: ARTS, Mobile

Teacher. Christine Baylis: STEM. Mobile



Jennifer Beatty: ARTS, Secretary.

Dan Beckwith: AIID, English.

A1 Benz: IAAA, Mobile Teacher.

A1 Black: Audio Visual Techni¬


Dan Blankschaen: Security.

Laura Boyd: STEM, English,

Hon. English.

Karen Boyle: AIID, Math.

Patricia Brennan: Staff.

Dawn Cecconi: Staff.

Jason Cleaver: Staff.

Patrick Coleman: PATH, Sci¬


Tina Collins: ARTS, Biology,

Environmental, ARTS Web Master, Student Leadership


Michael Covelli: PATH, Mobile

Teacher. Roger Csanyi: PATH. Tech. Prep.

Jon Cuomo: ARTS, Physical &

Intervention Science.

Cynthis De Long: ARTS. Math.

Elizabeth Detzel: Staff.

Joe DiLillo: Custodian.

Kim Dixon: IAAD, Math.

Tamika Drake: BUS, Mobile


Greg Drew: Police Liason.

Terry Du Broy: ARTS, Math.

Mike Durbin: STEM, Technology


Reginald Echols: ARTS, Indus¬

trial Technology. Morris Ervin: AIID. Social


Janet Federer: IAAA, English,

Hon. English.

Brad Findlayson: PATH,

Personal & Bus. Law, Personal

finance. Keyboarding & Computer

Tech. Kimberly Fish: PATH, Spanish,

Peer Tutor Coordinator, Foreign

Language Club. Mike Fording: AIID, Social

Studies. Jane Fowler: Treasurer.

Meg Garbincus: PATH, Design,

Drawing, Computer Graphics.

Barbara Gates: PATH, Vocational Coordinator.

Cathy Gibbons: AIID. Mobile


John Gibbons: IAAA, Phys. Ed.

Tom Gibbons: PATH, Social


Academics 123

Katie Gonakis: STEM. Math.

Cheri Gorey: STEM, Science. Pamela Graham: AIID. Special

Education, AFS Adviser. Cdr. Bill Gray: NJROTC Direc¬

tor, Color Guard, Drill Team, Academic Team.

Marcy Gray: Staff.

Jon Hammond: ARTS, World Studies, Freshmen Boys’ Bas¬


David Hathaway: ARTS, Chemistry.

George Henderson: BUS. Math Intervention.

Marla Henderson: ARTS, English.

Jo Anne Hodder: IAAA, Secrretary.

Dale Hollingsworth: PATH,


Beverly Howse:ARTS, College Career Planing, Fashion Manage¬

ment, Family Relations, Invest in Future.

Brad Hughes: Staff. Jeremy Hunter: AIID. Chemistry,

Phys. Sci.

MariBeth Iosue: Athletic


Marlene Iosue: BUS, Secretary. SgtMaj Larry Isaacs: IAAA,

NJROTC. Roberta Jalali: AIID, Interven¬

tion Specialist.

Greg James: IAAA, US & World History, Asst. Boys' Basketball &

Girls' Softball Coach. Carl Jordan: PATH, Phys. Ed.

Joyce Katona: Coordinator fo Special Needs Students. Dennis Kehn: Security.

Jim Kelley: STEM, US Studies, Social Studies Dept. Chairperson.

Jim Kennedy: Job Placement

Coordinator. Ed Klein: ARTS, English.

Marsha Knauss: Program

Coordinator. Ingrid Koenig: STEM, German.

Mary Kostansek: IAAA, Intervention Specialist, English,

Science. Wendy Kubala: Sports Trainer.

Jennifer Kubat: Staff.

Judy Ladaika: AIID, Honors

Biology, Biology. Mary Beth Langdon: Steff.

Paula Langdon: AIID, Crafts. Lisa Langford: IAAA, Intro.

Math. Dawn Latessa: Staff.

124 Academics

Ann Light: STEM, Media

Specialist. Margaret Lucas: IAAA, Media

Specialist. Rick Lytle: PATH, Math.

Donna MacGillis: Staff.

Jim Mackemull: Psychologist.

Loretta Mack: Media Specialist. Loretta Mansell: Staff.

Steve Marcu: IAAA, Psychology,

Political & Economical Decisions.

Diane Maroli-Girbino: IAAA, Social Studies.

Barbara Masseria: ARTS, Social


Linda Matas: ARTS, Intervention


Bruce Matthews: BUS, Busines-

sAccounting, Head Volleyball


Lori May: IAAD, Science.

Kathleen Me Donnell: Mediation.

Michelle Me Garry: IAAA,

Physics, Physical Science.

Sue Me Gill: Teacher Assistant.

Kathleen Me Neice Johnson:

IAAA, Home Arts. Edith Mellen: ARTS, Commercial

Art, Art Club and Eucuyo Adviser.

Margaret Metti: IAAA, Sopho¬

more & Senior English.

Mary Jane Miceli: ARTS, Design

Drawing, Portfolio.

Cindy Miles: Academic Assistant.

Ryan Minich: PATH, English.

Flor Misra: AIID, Spanish.

Barry Mita: BUS, Science.

Denise Moore: PATH. Math.

Trade Morgan: PATH, Secretary.

Katie Morris: IAAA, Biology.

Vickie Nally: IAAA, Math Hon.

Alg. Lorraine Luther-Nebe: ARTS,


Margaret Nielsen: IAAA,

GRADS, FCS Dept Chairperson,

KOTB Adviser.

Paul Nielsen: Technology


Stephanie Norris: AIID, Social


Larry Nosse: STEM, Phys. Ed.,

Asst. Football Coach, Girls’ Track Coach.

Barbara Novak: BUS, Math.

Sean O’Toole: BUS, English,

Boys’ Basketball Coach, Fall

Faculty Manager.

Academics 125

Anne Obradovich: IAAA.

Business. Lucy Ott: BUS, Keyboarding,

Computer Technology, Bus. Dept.

Chairperson, Business Club. Dale Pagano: AIID, English.

Michelle Panzarella: BUS,

Special Education. Linn Parise: IAAA, Secretary.

Katherine Pasquale: PATH, Special Education.

Deborah Petrick: IAAA, Spanish I & II, Curriculum Council, For¬

eign Lang. Dept. Chairperson.

Robert Petrovic: STEM, English 3 & 4, AP English, English Dept.

Chairperson. Dennis Pettit: Security.

Michelle Pettit: PATH, Math.

Roy Pignatiello: STEM. Cisco Networking Academy.

Sally Pla: STEM, French.

Marketa President: ARTS, English.

Artis Price: PATH, Industrial

Technology. Anthony Ranallo: PATH, World

History, Head Wrestling Coach.

Frances Ratka: IAAA, Physical Science, Astronomy, Planetarium

Director. Patricia Repko: ARTS, Secretary.

Michael Rezzolla: ARTS, Social Studies, Head football Coach.

Steve Rico: Technology Assistant. Joe Ridgley: Security.

Kathleen Rodgers: STEM,

Biology. Felicia Rosati: PATH, Phys. Ed.

Shauna Ross: ARTS, Forte, Choral Masters, Music Apprecia¬

tion, Varsity Chorale. Anthony Rozman: PATH, Auto¬

motive Service Technology I & II. Debbie Rudder: PATH, Foods I.

Elizabeth Russo: AIID, Family

Resource Manager.

Vytas Saldunas: Technology Assistant.

Renee Samuels: Staff. Rita Samuels: Staff.

Sam Santilli: STEM, Keyboard¬


Greg Sattler: BUS, Mobile

Teacher. Cheryl Schlossler: STEM, Eng¬

lish, Recycle Committee. Donata Schulz: Health Aide.

Peter Schwenke: ARTS, Phys.

Ed. Amanda Scott: Staff.

126 Academics

Mickey Segulin: Health Aide.

Nicholas Selvaggio: PATH, Law


Janet Severino: ARTS, Art.

Paula Sheridan: STEM, Foods

1 &2.

Robert Smith: STEM, Industrial


Jeffrey Spilar: Custodian. Ramona Spivey: A1ID. Science.

Matthew Sproat: STEM, Com¬

puter Technology. Lindsey Stephens: A11D,

English. Kathleen Stragisher: IAAA,


Lenore Strodtbeck: STEM,


Carla Svoboda: Staff. Jennifer Sylvester: STEM,

Special education. Mitzi Taddeo: STEM, Secretary.

Audrey Thomas: ARTS, Special


Trisha Tinney: PATH, English,

Hon. English, Survey adviser.

Diane Tizzano: ARTS. Band

Director. Christine Torrelli: BUS,

Chemistry, Phy. Sci., Sci. Dept.


Robert Torrelli: BUS, Physics. Alex Toth: STEM, Integrated

Math, Hon. Algebra.

Michael Turk: STEM.World & US History, Asst. Wrestling coach.

Pat Turk: Security.

Jan Ulle: BUS. Math. Bill von Benken: STEM, Hon.

Chem, Chem., Yearbook & Ski

Club adviser.

Josh Walker: ARTS, Music.

Daniel Wensing: STEM Math, AP

Calculus. Engineering.

Tracy Wienhold: BUS. Photog¬

raphy. Sandy Williams: ALID, Secretary.

Jake W'illis: ARTS, Orchestra,

Asst. Band Director.

Scott Wilson: BUS, US Studies.

Susan Withers: STEM World

History. Political & Economic

Decisions, ETA Rep. Kenneth Wolfe: Teacher Asst.

Elizabeth Wright: BUS, Foreign


Matthew Young: PATH, Phys.

Sci., Environ. Sci., SAVE adviser, TPP web Admin, & Std Lead Adv.

Ron Zucca: BUS, Math. Faculty

Manager. Academic Competition


Academics 127

crc the future for e sjnogl^They

#e sponsib^ti^|i

the seniors. The

getting started J

in a position of i

played importar

school running j

emU^tny ieepti^the

MoSUofthe m group of

students to

Sam Indiano is doing a lot to

help the soccer team and the

school. MMMBWnag JT~ tgtf / t IVHl

mdrea Douglas and Dominique Eldermire are active in cheerleading

nd many other activities at the Euclid schools.

The Marching Band needs it’s underclassmen to be

able to perform on the field.


Cofield carries

i~iiT *nJ'> 'c die ball for the IV football

fH1 1 team to make

m&i sure they had a Jn .good season.

Many members of the Flag Corps are underclassmen and

they helped the group be a success.

Amber Cart-

mell and Steve


worked well

together as they

did their chemis

try labs.

iristen Griffith, Kristen De Wolf and Jes

ca Vandegrift enjoy the time they spend

racticing and performing with Varsity



in the Culture Club learned

about other


Above: Jessica Daniels and

Cierra Bradley, waiting for

the serve, were an important

part of the volleyball team.

Right: Jackie Zigman and

Katie Maxwell waiting for

some action on the net. athy Bumbarger was an important

lember of the soccer team and helped Underclass Divider 129 .roughout the season,

K would

;n ter nig;

fe rcc|iifrc

^^rocused on o

'rough mediaJagji

a liberal education

;ademy of

itellectual and


Development was led by Mr. William

focused on general studies

arts education. Their

s^Sitccess id




the school gram.

lat at

±. aJ /ith less 2.0 Gl

ce a two-week re me

.shop. The on}


Timika Barnes

;f Clara Borom

Jacquelyn Bozich

Le-Juan Brown

Charles Byrant

Latiana Buis

Desean Bullock

Top: Members in CRAVE lSarn to live by the Golden Rule.

Above: Marching Band members

getting ready to play during Open

House at the high school.

Above Right: Tiffany Chenock

shows off her injury that she got

during soccer season.

Sii :

Serell Canady

Shantea Chatman

Anthony Crews

Tatiana Deramus

Jacob Derrickson

Daniel Deveney

Demetrelle Drayton

Danielle Edwards

Ashley Elder Raymond Evans

Jacqui Foster

Jonah Gelofsack

William George Jr. Jasmin Gibson

Autumn Green

William Hoge

Geoffrey Horn

Evan Hubbard

Aaron Jackson

Ashley Jackson

Brittany Johnson

Garrett Jones

Kevin Kope

Brittaney Landers

Parnell Lane Jr.

Kelly Laughlin

Jessica Lombardo

Layton Martin

Leonard Murphy

Nicole Murray

Khala Naylor

Shamia Nevels

Matthew Parnell

Claire Patete

Deonte Patrick

Timothy Pernell

Alicia Powell

Erica Reid

Chase Richardson

Tiffany Roberts jf rGabrielle Ruberto m

Ethan Smith

Keiara Smith

Lorenzo Smith

Eris Spicer

Bianca Stallings

Sierra Staples

Geoffrey Starr

Cornelius Strickland

Jonathan Tarajcak

Shavonne Thompson

Ashley Thorpe

Brandon Timmons

Jason Townes-Slaughte

Andrew Veres

Graylon Vernon

Melanie Walker

Donald Watkins Jr.

Sean Wilford

Kiara Williams

Rachel Willingham

Raymond Young

Tina Zabos

Alisha Bagley

Ashley Christopher

Curtis Ruffin CLHSSt

Brittany Baker

Ricky Bates Jr. :

Brandon Beale

Katrina Becker

Sydney Beeman

Brionna Bennett

William Bibbs

% Marlena Bolden

Shan a Braxton Shemera Calhoun

Tiffany Chenock

Melisa Coleman

Korrv Collins

Devon Compton

Ashley Dandridge

Terrell Dumas Paige Embry

Nichole Ferkul Shajuan Floyd

Lydia Focarelli

Christopher Gantt

Demarian Garrett

Molly Gasper

Dominic Gentile Anthony Gipson

Brittany Hampton Jailyn Harris

Jusatin 1 larris


Jessica Hehmever Artavia Hill

Samantha Howard

Ashley Hunt Kelsey Ivancic

Donyae James

Tierra James

Merio Johnson

Tunica Johnson

Lashonte' Jones

Leon Jones Teneia Jordan

Amber Keely

Kyle Klepac

Megan Lesler

Michelle Lilek

Destini Lynch

Monique Me Duffie Shevonte Merriweather

Katie Mills

Marcus Moore

Roger Oatman

Johathan Pacholke

Lashawnda Penick Mechelle Reed

Ajhia Robinson

Lavell Roscoe

Robby Royster

i\ n


f at .- '



f - v


. ti3«* r Sr vf /, m



■auemv of Intellectual A onal Development


Scott Rutti

Paige Schaefer

Ashley Scott

Maria Sedmak

Jakeson Sengmany

Denzel Shackelford

Artemida Shkurti

Bryn Shy

Marshaunna Smith

Ronette Smith

Keeandra Steele

Darryl Stevenson

Deborah Sturghill

Zachary Whinnie

Cedric Whitehead

Aaron Wilcoxon

Joe Williams

Phylisia Williams

Christopher Woods

Morris Worship

Alisha Wright

Arielle Aden-Dean

Andrea Aikens

James Alexander

Timothy Anglin

Michael Arntz

Brittney Letman

Antonia Potts

James Bagwell

Keisha Bland

Cortez Bogard

Jazmine Booker

Veronica Brown

Montaez Bryant

Earl Butler

Jacklyn Cahill

Molly Cahill

Ryan Cole

George Collins IV

Elise Cook

Dontez Davis

Keaira Dumas

Christopher Etheridge

Lauren Evans

Spenser Feldkamp

Taja Gaiter

Dominique Germany

Marcus Germany

Sara Gidec^h

Academy of Intelleelua

Adrea Gay Daqueeta Graham

Karonda Graham

Charm Gray

Trenace Gray Miesha Greene

Tashe' Greene

Demarcus Hall

Jov Hardy

Jamell Harris Mya Harrison

Ebon\- Holmes

Jazmen James

Rozelle Jenkins

Whitney Johnson

Erriel Joiner

Alicia Kennedy Stephen Knaus

Kawana Little

Terrell Livingston

Tiana Me Clanahan

Alycia Mecoli Brandon Miller

Douglas Mims III Gerald Montgomery

David Morris

Ashley Morrow

Christopher Neal

Marlene Olds

Step ha un Pauldo

Samuel Peal Jr.

Ashley Pinchot

Alicia Piotrkowski

Carmisha Rhodes

Michael Rice

lisa Rivers Noelle Roberts

Jasmine Ross Terrance Rouse

Brittany Sanders

Reanna Sanders

Brianna Small

Alfredo Smith William Smith III

Christopher Spicer Devonn Stevenson

Thomas Taylor

Judon Todoroff

Chauncey Varner

Christopher Ward

Erica White

Chiquitta Williams

Ebony Williams Uniqua Wright

John Yeckley

Curtis Young III


Jimmy Williams class. i I

ff<aar in© world off business

[/— [wJT Business and


School (BCS)

fr. Jim Poulson and

students towards the busi- \ v

of education. They learned

)cal businesses a?

roups to get the students exper

>with the business community.,^

They provided a link between college

preparatory "courses and business/’

skills. The school provider

and internships for the stud

become familiar with the bi

world. Seniors were to have%«pmor

capstone experience’' to help continue

their education after high schobl. Stu¬

dents helped develop their Electronic

Student Portfolio to document their

progress throughout high school. The

student’s family was included in the

development of each student’s Indi¬

vidual Learning Plan.

Bryan Svoboda directed the Marching Band on

the field.

The Marching Band seniors were introduced before

the game.

The football team getting ready for the game.

Marshall Abraham

Courtney Allen

Lawrence Ashby III

Candace Baker

De'Lissa Banks

Shatira Bell

Alicia Blackman

Dwayne Braxton

Turan Brown

Henri Buford Jr.

Afrika Burnett

Elice Burns

Ricardo Carter

Ashlee Chambers

Chanika Clark

Cameron Cofield

Eriana Dano

Scott Dawson

Ariel Dennis

Pamela Dimo

Glynn Douglas

Christopher Eastburn

Brittany Elston

Michael Gary

Stanley Griffin

Nicole Hall

Alan Hammond

Latia Hardrick

Cherlie Harris Ian Herrington

Alyssa Humphreys

Danielle Jackson

Brittney Johnson Desiree Johnson

Ashley Jones -1

Kennard Jordan

A.C. Keyes

D'Angela Lavender Jaclyn Lee

Hayden Lewis

Marcus Mitchell

Hasan Mutlaq

Sarah Parkinson

Matthew Pearson

Tiffanie Pickens

David Pinson

Michael Reasor

Porsha Reeder

Christina Sandidge

Lee Scott Jr.

David Serwatka

Alisha Sims

Megan Sinkovic

Matthew Smedley

Brandon Smith

Nicole Spinosa

Bryan Svoboda

Tasha Taylor

Shantel Thomas

Demetrius Twymon

Anthony Washington

Ashley-Nicol Wright

Melissa Zavodny

1 s y

. 1


Barbara Garcia

Jazmes Me Duffie

Stephanie Smith

Evon Allen

Renee Artis Andrew Bailey

Donald Bailey

Latoya Barnes

Mercedes Blount

Michelle Bogarty

Valaida Bowie


IT ' !

Terrell Brown

Terrecka Calhoun

Catara Campbell

Daiju Canada

Brittney Carter

Xavier Crawford

Lyndon Davis

Sophia Dawkins

Howard Drake Jr.

Ann Dybzinski

Christopher East

Arthur Fletcher

Matthew Frieden

Michael Gardner

Keyana Gaston

Marion Grays

Alejandro Grillo

Shacola Hand

Aeriale Harris

Dion Hayes

Donte Hayes

Douglas Holmes III

Chanrielle Holt

Terry Horton

Norris Hudnall

Mia Huff

Brian Jenkins

Jazmyne Jenkins

Devon Jennings

Adorian Johnson

Arielle Johnson

Brittney Johnson

Derek Jones

Tiara Jones

Javonte Kelly

Ryan Kilgo

Dorshay Kimbrough

Jasmine King

Daniel Knight

Jeffrey Kotlar

Alexandria Kotnik

Vincent Lucas

Brieon Marlin

Danyelle Millner

Ashley Mogul

Marie Mongo

Justin Moore

Kwiana Morris

Ja'Von Muldrow

Jasean Murray

Brittany Oblak

Tyrone Owens

Chastity Pearson

Mitchell Perusek

Amoud Register

Andrew Reid

Quiana Rivers

Monica Ross

Eric Rucker Jr.

Jennifer Schmidt

Danielle Sheats

Jeremy Smith

Kyle Szabo

Alexandria Thomas Bookisha Thomas

Tracey Thomas

William Urban

Jasmine Wade

Angelo Williams

Elvin Williams Jr.

Marcia Williams

Nyra Williams Kashmere Wimbish

Alex Witherspoon

Shareaun Woods

Ashley Young Dericka Young


Walter Bibbs

India Bizzell

Hayleigh Blaha

Anthony Bolden

Tavanna Bowman

Danniel Breneiser

Matthew Byrne

Paisley Calhoun

Michael Cander

Erika Cannady Dwight Carter

Mathew Clutter

Mychal Colemon

Caileigh Colo

Phillip Cowans

Taylor Cox

Delair Diamond Reniqua Dothard

Angela Drake

Christopher Dysart

Curtis Foster

Ryan Fowler

Rayvan Frizzel Kimberly Gant

Rick Graham

Anthony Greene II Megan Hale

Braxton Hall


Demetrius Stevens

Aaron Aitken

Tiera Austin

Deron Battle mi


Christopher Hammond

Brandon Harris

Chanel Harris

Helen Harris

William Hemphill III

Clarence Hood

Tracsina Horton

Chloe Ivory

Richard James

Andre Jenkins

Caitlin Johnson

Dewayne Johnson

Georgio Johnson

Iesha Johnson

Shavonne Johnson

Eric Jones

Lynetta Jones

Chonton Lewis

Angela Marra

Marvin Martin

Maurice Me Pherson

Vanessa Me Pherson

James Me Queen

Ramaj Me Queen

Kevin Mihalich

Kevin Muhammad

Brittany Nash

David Overstreet Jr.

Jacob Perpar

Deidra Pless

Michael Raum

Jordan Reid

Jelani Richardson

Anna Richmond

Dnarius Sanders

Crishawn Slade

Jabriel Stegall

Tameka Tate

Tiffani Taylor

Walter Thomas Jr.

David Thompson

Maya Thompson

Erica Treadwell

Jennifer Trimble

Amber Underwood

Michael Underwood

Amanda Veri

Orlando Walker

Darius Walton

Raven Warberg

Travis Washington

Dorren White

Giovonni Wilson

Shavonne Wright-Sutton

Alaina Yarbrough

Morgan Young

hSuied by Mrs.

es§ed therbelief

artisticed ucatif n

students devel-

in the visual%nd

rfoii^Bg arts by using observer >n, rasowledge and experience to

sccwer new skills and concepts.

ie,school partnered with the

tore Cultural Center to develop I

l^pger ties witluthe community.

was so associated i/\



The school

with the film andf poetry slams, fb

Comedy Club, the artwork exhibi:

tions, and the vcfjj|l and instrumei

tal music groups.

On October 27, 2005 The Euclid Academy of the Arts presented

Me which was a benefit program for the survivors of hurri

The drum line played and Dean Bryson made a presentat

many other performances.

class. Jaleena Isaac

Michael Jones Hannah Kish

Leone Ciara Lewis

Dan Adamic

Jasmine Gaulden Rosalyn Gholston

Elma Huskic

The first eleven pic¬

tures are Post Second¬

ary Option Students.

Brandon Aden

Laia Anderson Alfreda Anthony

Lee Barwick

Tommie Berry

Demetrius Bibbs

Cassidy Blatnik

Marquis Brannon Levonn Brock

William Cloud

Jodee Cooper

Amy Cosmo Kristen De Wolf

Jillian Dent

140 Euclid Academy of the Arts



Yuri Doolan

Megan Drake

Unique'Le East

Stephan Fitzpatrick

Maria Fleming

Casey Frazier

Mychal Gault

Ashley Gilliam

Aisha Gober

Samuel Grant

Kristen Griffith

Denaye Hatcher

Sharese Hayes

De'Andre Hill

Kashawna Hill

David Hoch

Benjamin Horkan

Marchae Jackson

Ricardo Jackson

David Jeffries

Chantera Jenkins

Carlos Johnson Jr.

Alascia Jones

Laron Jones

Michael Jones

Samantha Klozar

Melanie Knaflich

Janel Lucas

Sarah Mabel

Branden Malone

Emilia Markovic

Mariel Massey

Jasmine Me Call

Amanda Me Kenzie

Me Kenzie

Kristin Reese

Jocelyn Reid

Bryant Rivers Jr.

Desirae Searles

Sebastian Shabazz

Thomas Shoda

Nicole Simmons

Renee Skully

Domonique Stiner

Tiffany Toth

Egyptian Turner

Byron Waldorf

Chamomile Ware

Athina Weems

Euclid Academ v of the Arts 141

Megan Mihalich

Patrick Mulholland

Celita Noce

James Paponetti

Carlos Parks

Dorian Porter

Erica Ranallo

cmsst v WfiTZ'Z

Devin Besley

Christian Black

Kala Bowers Ciera Buchanan

Khemet Burnett

Bryan Campbell

Ryan Campbell

Raphael Cook

Tiffany Creary

Asia Dancie Tyronn Dunn

Eddie Anthony Edmondson

Aurea Elom

Martina Ernest

Ryan Fitzgerald Satia Fleming

Deandria Funches

Chanel Glenn

Kelli Gore

Veronica Graham

Joanna Habat

Samaria Hairston

Capricce Henderson

Joseph Hernan

Jacqueline Horn

Michael House Spencer Howell

Diante Jackson

Adriana Johnson

Kristina Johnson

Kristina Kristo

Matthew Kulbis

Anthony Kyle

Damon Lambert Jr.

Sean Langham

Rachel Lawrence Michael Lewan

Latosha Martin

Illisca Massingill

Christian Maynor

Briana Mazzolini

Domonique Me Cornell

Jillian Dent and Dejah Crawford and

Forte performed at the Stand By Me benefit

in October.

Members of the band played Christmas

carols before school in the halls.

Shatera Deaver

Michael Abston

Dominique Anderson

Destinee Battle

Dionna Belton-Daniel

Brandon Me Coy

Aubrey Mosley

Antonio Newton

Shieda Orr

Christopher Paully

Aaron Payton

Mark Peters Jr.

Sarah Peters

Kiera Pollard

Paris Rambo

Kendall Raymore

Joseph Robinson

Amanda Rogers

Brandon Rucker

Joshua Smee

Brandon Smith

Nicholas Sonsky

Brandon Spearman

Jayson Spencer

Maryssa Stevens

Marcus Stewart

Asia Stovall

Nathaniel Summers

Marie Tucker

Dante Wagner

Ishia Weems

Shontez Whitlow

Brandon Young-Bey

CLHSS; Students cel¬

ebrating at the

pep assembly

held to honor

the Fall Sports


Shelethea Blevins

Amel Bridges Jr.

John Brnjic

Choneca Brown

Shmel Butler

Janai Bynum

Michael Cade

Dwayne Aikens

Kenneth Amos g

Tyesha Banks

Troy Barron

Charles Billingsley

Davielle Crockett

Dashaun York

Chardae Callaway

Anthony Caradine

Ryan Cederlund

Chelsea Cromie

Daleann Dampman

Dejohn Durrah

Christian Ewing


Euclid Academ v of the Arts 143

Danielle Floyd Dominique Floyd

John Franklin

Errica Freeman

Kenyetta Gipson

Matthew Flale Jasmine Flardnick

Orlando Harper

Jeria Heaggans

Yaniesha Hendking

Allison Hill

Robert Hill

Ariane Hirsch

Benjamin Horowicz

Tierra Houston

Reginald Hunter Jeremiah Jackson

La Shunae Johnson

Jasmine Jolly

La'Tia Lambert

Emerald Leasure

Ronald Likovic Jr.

James Lombardo

Tyaun Marshburn

Miranda Me Callion

Kyle Me Coy Lauren Mihalco

Sherrie Nickson

Sierra Noel

Mareia Parson

Nateisha Pearcy

Cameron Perry

Rhonda Peterson

Shavonne Price Cherell Richardson

Zerina Sakalic Glenn Smith II

Lisa Stobierski

Aaron Stovall

Layshawna Stringer

Da'Manique Sudberry

Kimlee Sureemee

Tirone Suttles Shakeena Tate

Dawnn Terrell Christian Underkofler

Jessie Vinson

Sierra Walker

Autumn Ware

Vi' W’

lent was foundelWh thl

■‘From here...anywhere." Headed

Mrs. Claudia Spencer, the schi

on global studies aMe i]

/one tf

liunity and events occurring in

ter couiitrics,Mfluenced

here. The school offered k

international speakers throe

irroll’s Center for Global Ec

It also was the.host school for



; on ciease ’

.* - Michael Adams

Jocelyn Addison

Jessica Beard

Sharmaine Bey

Jordan Bolton


idit? .

Arme Brately

Chinicjue Cain

Janee Carter

Antjuan Congress

Jaime Crookall

Amber Dantzler

Karen DiDomenico

Catherine Duren

Amanda Easley

Dominique Eldemire

Kathryne Farina

Rachel Ferkul

Maria Luiza Fernandes

Taniesha Fisher

Kristina Gavin

Brittany Harris

Clara Harris Justin Harris

William Haywood Jr. Steven Hill

Jennifer Inman

International Academy for Accelerated Achievement 145

Andrew Jackson III Alphonso Jamerson

Alsa Johnson Robert Kosek

Adrienne Loines Mykel Long

Emily Mahovlic

Lisa Malone Michael Maroli Jennifer Martin

Robert Miller Merrianna Milroy

Robert Mero Arrionne Wilcox

Dwayne Pass Jr. Patrick Pavidc

Maurice Phillips Nicholas Pikovnik

Joseph Pinchot Michael Preston

Katie Lynn Puda

Robert Rauscher Naejean Roberts Ashley Rodgers Dennis Rodgers

Andi Rucker Brittany Sandidge

Natasha Shadv

Sabrina Shelton Jeffrey Sidak Jessica Sipp Alicia Smith

Kimberly Spence Raymond Stuber

Nathan Suhy

Melanie Tyree Josephine Vicar Danielle Weber Takila Williams Ashley Worthy

Angela Yesiolowski Mario Young . A

M ■


Taneisha Black Allan Branch

Maurice Gammack Brad Monroe

:• ' - S

Jeannette Reyes Ronnie Adkins Kristina Arko

Calvin Averett Andrea Bailey

Isaiah Beckham Theresa Bolaney


146 International Academy for Accelerated Achieveingj


Joshua Brooks

Paris Campbell

Gregory' Carter, Jr.

Dasmine Cole

James Cirawford

Moshaye Dancy

Rakim Davis

Milton Dean

Donna Dixon

Enchante' Drake

Kayla Dudman

India Ellison

Terrence Ewing

Steven Fedorko

Anthony Fortunato

Orland Gonzalez

Denean Griffie

Sean Griffin

Steven Hager

Shana Hairston

Daytona Harris

Jasche Harris

Jasmine Henderson

Hope Hill

Janene Hines

Claire Holzheimer

Chelsea Humphreys

Jeruna Jackson

Richard Jackson

Grace Jefferson

De'Marcus Kaiser

Dwight Keith, Jr.

Joshua Kinlaw

Robert Kuklinca

Chad Lee

Christopher Lee

Tiayra Matthews

Garnett Me Callister

Sasha Me Gee

Kristen Miller

Amber Moore

Cordaryle Morris

Xavier Nelson-Manuel

John Nero y

Andree Padgett

Andrew Pettry

Michael Richardson

Cameron Robinson

Duan Robinson

Terry Ross

Anna Santorelli

James Savage

Julia Shei

Ryan Sidak

Alicia mith

Rebecca Thomas

International Academy for Accelerated Achievement 147

Kelly Thompson

Arielle Tiggs Anthony Tusoch

Nicholas Tyree

Michelle Valderama

Scott Walton

Na Taya Watson

Walter Watts

Deion White


Jasmine Williams Joe'Von Williams

Latesha Willis

Cameron Woods

Raven Bailey

Danielle Banks Jordan Barnes

Chavez Battiste

Alvin Bell Jr.

Donald Bell

Ismail Belton

Carissa Benson

Erica Blackman

Jameca Brazelton

Marcellus Brown

Sean Burke

Ezra Burkes II

Tamieka Bush

Gabrionna Buycks

Carmel Cameron

Janae Canty

Kayla Carrico

Ashley Carson

Cyntisha Coats

Joaquim Cooper

Gregory Crayton

Tiffany Cunningham

Chantell Denton Vincent Di Bacco

Lauren DiDomenico Bre'Ann Doss

Anthony Ellington

Christopher Festini

Megan Field

David Frazier

Carl Gamero

Chenice Gardner

Kayla Garner

Danielle Goodwin

Samuel Indiano

Dominic Jackson

Ty'Ree Johnson

Joshua Jones

Renee Jones

Shawn Justus

Katherine Klepac

Ashley Maddox

Fidelis Maina

Danielle Marzette

Alisha Me Clellan

Keara Me Millan

Caleb Minor

Curtis Moore

Donovan Morton

Lateefah Muhammad

Andrea Nash

Joseph Pavicic

jason Ponyard

Warren Rodgers

Rachel Kuklinca

Christina Kyker

Aubrey Landers

Gemma Lascio

Kayleigh Lascio

Kierra Lash

Dominic Lombardo

Erika Rodriguez

Lavelle Royster

Charnai Sales

Sean Sandidge

Sarah Sapatka

Jennifer Schwarz

Amanda Spence

International Academy for Accelerated Achievement 149

Janet Stokes

Harrison Tait

Jakoub Tanner

Jamia Tate

Adrian Taylor

Anja Testruth

Ervin Uitenham

Giovanne Vincent

Brian Voss

Preston Whitfield

Nicholas Williams

Kiara Wilson

Shaunese Worthy

Domonique Yarbrough

Sierra Gron

Patrick Hagenbaugh

Uriel Harper

Devin Hawkins

Terrshawn Hogan

Jonicqua Hooks

Monica Hummer


)r\ school of Science, ^'j /|^T1 Technology, Engi- .

)y -v U l\S-^ neering and Math

was headed by Mr. Ron Seymour

and h^,tlje students using the latest

technology to help their education. A

goal was to have students learn critical

and analytical thinkingjikills to further

Iheir learning. Student^Jearngdjtow

technology Ivus needed in najlHftbs

Iya Cloud know that making

itions in their experiment is an

important skill.

Jessica Daniels ai

careful ohs

Sache' Anderson Ku rt'Aficanli

Julius Ayoade Jr.

Nicholas Babyak

Uiuisey Beasley

Cltristopher Belko

#Jmthony gplviso

Brittanv Buford Ma rtifta^Cfia tman-Ma r'tiri

Edward Chenock

Nicole Clutter

Bobby Crenshaw

Steven Doerr

Andrea Douglas

Jerael Dues

Craig Dysert

Desiree Eafford

Keith Flagg

HP John Ford

Rhonda Fryer son Todd Gasper

ithorr& Gordon J,f Moneecia Green

Gabnelle Hal ton Timothy Hanson

Hannah Higginbothan

David Horowicz

Andrew Horvath

, Anthony Hribar

Louis James

Detric Jones Joseph Ledonne

150 Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

Daniel Lesler

Anthony Maddox

Dwight MarshaljUjja

Deshaun Matthews

Sean Miller Paul Muiraney

Antonio Oten

Matthew Ott '

Joseph Pagan

Michael Palko

Maurice Perison Marc Ranieri

Anthony Robinson

Rachel Schindler

Paul Sedmak'^fcMjll

Michael Sliamblen

Brian Shaw

Dawayne Shepherd

[ason Shejahej^aMil f^evante Smith

Joshua Smith

Stephanie Taddie Matthew Tarach..,

TTenediCt Terrell

Jerrica Wallace

Marc Ward .Brian WardeMi

Labryant Abercrombie

Monique Alvidrez

Hosey Baker III Kyle Basinger

Trjsha Beach

Nicholas Bell

Brittany Simone Rice

.Steven Braddock

Ana Brnjic

Jasmine Brown

Deano Buycks

Marcus Bynum Monae^ansler

Amber Carftnell

Science, Technology, Engineering and MatiT 151

XavTet Co^l linss

Brittany Col sort

Dustin Cromie

Christopher Cummings

Jessica Daniels

Annisha Davis

Malaya Davis

Michael Davis Ryan Difranco

James Dorsey Saunders Gilchrist

Brandon Gilliam

David Ginley Christopher Hinkj

Autumn Hood

Quatrina Hunter

Ricky Jiggers

C'horrethers Jenkins ; jjustin Jick

Luther Jones

Katherine Keay Terraia King

Matthew Krovontka

Timothy Lake

Derrick Leflore

»J osephPau 1 Luika rt

gfc-.1f, Jessica Mash

Katherirje Maxwell

Vlersades McClain Tiffany MC Michael

Brjndon Me Swain

Brandon Milbert

Delvon Miller

Ponald Murphy

f Jared Pantalone Daniel Praznovsky

Travis Pryor Brittany Rice

Rachel Schlosser

Anthony Sharp 'f, .

leb«:ca Sharwark

jii!?tin Sinmierer

Kevin Smith

Lindsey Spva

Brittaney Sufka

Brittany Tatum

Michael Taylor

Trevor Terry

James Thomas BenJaminThompson

Amanda Vandercoy Courtney Walker

152 Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

Jonathan Watson

Christopher White

Mychael White Kenneth Wilbur

Cierra W illiams

Dwain Witherspoon

Anes Zetaic

Amber Cartm

observations in

while Ben Thompson records

his observations tape. •• ' JK

William Abrams

Anela Ahmetovic

Keith Albert

Montory Crenshaw Marybrigid Rvmarr7yk.


John Ball Jr.

Anthonu.Bpaslpv.ij~ Anashja Beeman |

Richard Bradley

Amardeo Bridgemohan

Kevin Buford-Wilson

Allan Cater Jr.

lube De Wolf


Raquel Gonzalez

Victor Greene

Johnny Griffin Jr.

Ralph Harris

Kenheth Hatten-Morelan

Thomas Hein

Katie Heindell

Briana Hollis

k Robert Insana

\ Brennan Jackson

Angela Jelenic

Alec Johnson

Thomas Kjjkenney


Science, Technology, Engineering and Matm 153


Cierra Laos*

Dionna Laster

Manning Lavette

Devin Lawson

Ariel Lee Nicholas Linderman

Lashon Long

Edward Luikart

Michael Matek

Howard Matthews

Joshua Me Alpine

Steven Me Gill Hakeem Muhamud

Samaria Murti^p


saiP^ver jA^ael Ott

Trenjrane Parrish

Bryant Paulp

one Presswood

Ariane Prince

Daniel Reese


Jesse Rire; and Richardson

^ Ryan Roberts

tajk Roquemore ffnd ra:iJRo§ynann

oseph Selyaggife

^Brittney Shaw

Rachel Sheats Antwan Shelton

hlYfTfffSr™ Ujpny Simpson Jr.

David Smith

D^manique Smith

Samantha Spence

Mario Spinosa

..Brian Steele

1 -'I^al^bStewart

oatampruom« S^egoiyThorrp|||

iyier Thom---

Armand Thompson

Michael Toth

, Ashley Troeter Geronda West

nathan Wiggins

.aurence Wilder

Eric Wintle Kitrina Young

154 Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

,you were interested in a

professional career the Pro¬

fessional Path School could

: been for you. Headed by Mr.

s Thomas, the idea of the school

was to provide “Real Experience for

the Real World.” After graduation,

students could either enter college of jjHR BBSST* ***

go into the business world. Acade

ics were carriedputside the classn

with internships,'job shadowing an

community service. 1 he Vocational

Automotive, Industrial Technology

with this schodt

Jay Jones works on a car in the Vocational Auto¬

motives class instructed by Mr.Tony Rozman.

Vitaliy Styrt and Richard Amoroso practice self

defense in the Vocational Law Enforcement class.


Thomas Angelo

s Brittny Banks

Brandie Barnes

Tiffany Johnston

Danielle Spearman

Skye Brown

Meredith Burge

Monica Dolsey

James Malone

Carli Scott

Demar Sheffey

Jessica Short

Heather Stanek

Michael Thomas

Jahmil Thompson

Jeremy Vargo

Logan Wade

Shannee Walcott

Natsuyo Yamanaka

anss Phyllesia Bennett

Saida Brooks

Kathryn Bumbarger

Alexandria Burke

Alex Calarco

Marcell Calhoun

Adam Christopher

The Professional Path 155

Patrick Clemons

Portia Crenshaw

Gerald Cunningham

Brian Cureton

Joseph De Bow

Eric Elshaw

Alecia Everett

Susan Fabec

Letrice Ford

Justine Francois

Brittany Frazier

Jasmine Germany

Dawood Guy

Robert Hamblin

Jeremy Harris

Christopher Hill

Ny'Eisha Hunter

Artina Idom

Jay Jones Devin King

Katie Kitchen

Lauren Langford

Erica Long

Kevin Mayock

Kristian Middleton

Sarah Miller

Anastasis Mitchell James Moreland Jr.

Renee Mowler

Ashley Myles

Rachel Newsome

Ely Pellegrin

Sharday Peterson

James Petitto

Stefanie Philpot

Sherome Ross

Adrian Roundtree

Tia Shoulders Jeremy Sims

Andrew Smerdel

Dennis Smith

Michael Standberry

Terrell Tanton

Rachel Waters

Nyisha Wheeler Brandon Wilder

Christin Williams

Philip Williams Gregory Wilson

Vocational Law Enforce¬ ment students monitor the

cameras throughout the

building to help prevent

theft and vandalism.

cm. Letecia Applewhite

156 The Professional Path

Alyssa Bailey

Bianca Begovic

Cierra Bradley

Amanda Brazis

Reginald Brown

Derreck Black

Larry Johnson

Taisha Brown

Samuel Calabrese

Miranda Camp

India Campbell

Glenn Claytor

Brandon Cole

Jvaun Crim

Amanda Dawson

Brian Day

Yvette Dean

Sheena Douglas

Letia Dudley

Jordan Everett

Cara Feinberg

Brandon Fitzpatrick

Kwamne George

Josalyn Gibson

Valentinas Gruzdys

Darien Hamilton

Derron Hamilton

Rickea Hampton

Marcus Harris

Kelsey Hastings

Megan Heuer

Carlos Horton

Keith Jacobs

Anthony Jochum

Chaz Johnson

Lakeshia Jones

Trevon Keene

Lawrence Kelly

Devynn Kimball

Brittany Kuhar

Tyra Me Rae

Thomas Miller

Darius Morgan

Quadir Muhammad

Daniel Novak

Amanda Oppenheimer

Miah Owens

Rashad Pennyman

Shauntel Perry

Thaddeus Pierson

Shawn Reasor

Shaniqua Rodgers

Brandon Rollins

Kristen Rollins

Bobby Royster

Natalie Sanders

The Professional Path 157

Dreama Sauritch

Jesse Savage

Jamar Sawyer

Britney Smith

Wayne Spencer

Jazmyn Terry

Brandon Thomas

Carissa Torres

Kassandra Torres

Jamal Townsend

Victor Tripodo

Ellisia Turner

De Meisha Varner

Michael Vicic

Kenneth Wallace

Robbynne Ward

Dayshawn Williams India Williams

La Trice Woods Jeffrey Woodworth

Kathleen Yerman


all the schools

had a good

time at the Pep



Thaddeus Augman

Arien Belcher

Jazmine Bentley

Devin Berry

Maurice Broome Jazzmen Bryson

Treschauna Burton

Kevin Carney

Laura Carotenuto

Valencia Carter

Kevin Chambers Kristen Collier

Shane Conner

Dajah Crawford

Shawnice Crawford Kayla Davis

Staclin Davis

Demar Day

Jasmine Dixon

Lamont Durr Brandon Eggleston

Joshua Dodd

Tianna Farmer

Shauna Traylor

Antoine Anderson

Jacynthia Anderson Brittany Atterberry

158 The Professional Path

Andrea Elmer

Tai Fears

Kurds Felix

Briana Flores

John Gendrich

Jeffvon Gill

Robert Gilliam

Davon Gravely

Charles Grayes

Brian Hairston

Tamica Harbour

Aja Harper

Keyana Hicks

Marie Hill

Diamond Hughes

C'Asia Jackson

Latoya Jackson

Jamil Javey

Leah Johnson

Nathan Johnson

Carlos Kidd

Quentin Kincaid

Tiawna Lewis

Lenell Locklear

Lauren Lyles

Jeff Mason

Brianna Mayhew

Jamil McAfee

Allen McDaniel

Devin Miller

Te'airra Moore

Desiree Niksick

Donnell Owens

Najee Palmer

Christian Panter

Kayla Raab

James Reddick

Dominque Reeves

Noland Renfoe

Tommie Rodgers

Tyrone Rodgers

Sariah Ross

Adam Saengchareun

Jasmine Santana

Chelsea Scott

Michael Sims

Tynesha Smith

Ameer Strong

Aaron Tate

Tyler Walls

Collin Wheeler

Jazzmine White

William Wilburn

Christopher Williams

Donovan Williams

Maurice Worship

The Professional Path 159


Katie M

Sova sin

Marty Klem¬ The NHS

perer and Valerie induction

Salstrom showed was held

the students how at The

to Swing Dance on Manor on

March 24, 2005. Wednes¬

day, March


Vince Marvin

shows how a

banana will freeze

to his tongue after it

has been cooled in

liquid nitrogen for a

few moments.

Below: Students and faculty played

basketball together

just before Spring

Vacation began on

March 24, 2005. Many students were inducted into the National Honor

Society in the Spring.

I Erica Br



Members of the baseball team worked hard to

prepare for their games.

160 Memories Divider

Many students were recognized at the Academic

Achievement Banquet in the Spring.

£atie Maxwell, Kristen De Wolf, Sarah Mable, Rachel

t Jova singing and dancing in Big Show, Anything Goes.

Memories Divider 161

Because of the Spring delivery

of the 2005 Euclidian nothing

that occurred after the begin¬

ning of March, 2005 could be included

in the 2005 book. The events on the

following pages all occurred during the

Spring of 2005.

DeAngelis and Rachel

Cassidy Blatnik, Anne

Brately, Joanna Habat and

Gabrielle Ruberto had a lot

of fun at the Spring Bling


Tim Hanson

worked hard to help

the tennis team suc-

CeeC^ Students

had a good

time at

Prom at


ven. The seniors

were a sea

of blue

and gold

at the State

theater for



rica Brown recites her

oetry at the Poetry


Jessica Beard was part of

the State champ 4x800m

relay team.

Chris Smith ran in the

100m hurdles.

Ashley Miller was a good

hitter on the softball team.

Many STEM students

were recognized for their

accomplishments through¬

out the year.

Out of the Frying Pan was the Spring Play.

The seniors

exhibited at

their annual

Art Show

while many

seniors received

awards at the

annual Awards


\f\ NH Varsity Baseball team was v''] led to victory with the help

J L J U of Coach Adam Fender.

They vyon a majority of the games and they place.

well il? the L.E.L. The .TV Basfiball teamj^pJH-

fbcond it| the L.E.L., and th^J^eshman Baseball

team JlJplayed a lot of talent in their gam.eJjrThe'

teams are looking forward to victory next y:ear in

an even better seasorT^~~~~ A V £1 ||

-Holly Yanacek

Jim Martin gets read

Tim Krofcheck, Ryan Renbarger and

Matt Desico showing their form as they

make contact with the ball.

Freshmen Baseball, Row one: Anthony

Tusoch, Andrew Bailey, Ronnis Adkins, Ryan

Difranco, Anthony Fortunato. Row two: Jeff

Kotlar, Ricky Jackson, Nick Tyree, Mitchell

Perusek, Alejandro Grillo, Joe Hernan. Row

three: Coach. Howard Drake, Dustin Cromie, Dan Novak, Ricky Gazella, Sean Langham.

Coach. Paul Serra.

Varsity Baseball, Row one: Tim Krofcheck, Jim Martin, Dj Grida, Joe Fisher,

Row two: Mike Ross, Matt Desico, Mike Palko, Doug Burkhart, John Novak, Ryan Renbarger. Row three: Coach, DJ Rappaselli, Ben Perpar, Slim Whitmore, Nick

Jim Palko, Pat Pavicic, Coach. Adam Fender.

JV Baseball, Row one: Terrelle Tanton, Nick Fortunato, John Polter, El\ in Williams, Nate Suhy

Row two: Mike Shamblen, Jonah Gelofsack, Kurt Eric Hanley Doug Holmes, Alex Miezin,

Adam Rowland. Row three: Dave Serwatka, Sam Maxwell, Sieve Rogowski, Matt Hollard,

Matt Ott, Coach, TJ Florkiewicz

162 Baseball



B&xksville 12

Fort Dorchester

»f Pikesville

Maple Hts.

R i verkide

Tim Krofcheck fields the ball so he

can throw it to the base and get the

batter out.

Nick Mandic gets ready to try a


Warrensville 4' ™ Lakewood 15

Glenville 14 S^i^view .... 8^



Tim Krofcheck in the process of

throwing the ball to first base to

get the batter out.

Jim Martin throwing the ball to

make the play on the batter.


Shaker Hts. Holy Name

Lakewood Garfield Hts.

Glen Oak

Glen Oak

Cleveland Hts.

Mentor ._

Left: Chase Whitmore runs to make

a play on a fly ball.

Right: Mike Palko scoops the ball

out of the dirt so he can throw it in

and stop the runner.

Right: Jim Martin

throws the ball to

get the runner out


North 4

Lakewood 4

Cleveland Hts. 9

Southview 6

Mentor 0

Admiral Kmml,- ' 4

Shaker HtjjjpF 6


L.E.L. RlfloRD WON 9 I




Above: Steve Rogoski

gets ready to catch the


St. Ignatius


Admiral King

Shaker Hts.




Admiral King



Left: Matt Desico

catches the ball so the

runner is out.


ON 6 LOST 3 The team discussing plans for the game. Baseball 163

C o C tiampion. and they won a majority

The JV and Freshman SoftballTe^jjj^F

their game|, and they games they lo,

close. The ream^phrformed well this sea

B»hoping tpTmprove next year.

MHollv Yanacek w S

Amanda Sufka races over to get in front of the ball so she can make

the play.

.g^pippiiiPBgf Darlene Anderson catches; Katie Puda

fields and Effie Stansberry rushes to get

to the ball.

164 Softball

Freshmen Softball. Row one: Tanica

Johnson, Kelsey Ivancic, Ashley

Mogul, Brittaney Sufka, Christine

Wilson. Row two: Lindsey Sova,

Marie Tucker, Katie Maxwell,

Maryssa Stevens. Row three:

Lydia Focarelli, Jazmyne Jenkins,

Shana Hairston, Moshaye Dancy,

Enchante’ Drake.

Varsity Softball. Row one: Stephanie Tartaglione, Amanda Sufka, Ashley Miller, Katie

Puda, Halle Ivancic. Row two: Bekka Christopher, Effie Stansbery, Darlene Anderson

Ann Sivert. Row three: Coach, Dianna Poe, Jackie Zigman, Amy Cosmo, Julie

DiDomenico, Shelley Struna, Jessica Zigman, Coach. Jenna Jenkins

JV Softball. Row one: Jackie Zigman, Marshell Tucker, Sharde Miner, Jessica

Zigman. Row two: Jennifer Inman, Amber Dantzler, Erica Ranallo, Sashe’

Anderson, Anjolie Gordon, Angela Tirabassi, Africa Burnett. Row three: Coach,

Stacy Radanovic, Shantel Thomas, Stephanie Taddie, Katie Kitchen, La'Porscha

Jones, Ashley Rodgers, Karen DiDomenico, Kelly Laughlin, Coach, Tony Verch.


Cleveland Hts. zO

10 LOST 1C

North \

St. Joseph Acad

Perry /M'k;"



:e: Coach.


my Vetch.

ene Anderson,


Amy Cosmo scoops up the

ball in front of third base and

gets ready to throw the runner

out at first.



Maple Hts.





LakevtfoSf Magnificat

Garfield Hts


2 ty

■ • . - - c;--. y


Ashley Miller gets the ball

over the plate.






E i hri I i. BALL




Halle Ivancic and Katie Puda bunting the ball.

Julie DiDome-

niuco hits the

ball while Ann

Sivert throws

it in from the




Warrensville Hts.


Cleveland Hts.



Admiral King







15! n m

1 % 16

2 V 15

22 ’ 4

12 16

2 ) 11

11 10

£ 12


West Geauga f

Lake Catholic



•» \a : Vm />i\\

Ashley Miller and Jennifer

Inman pitching the ball.

Softball 165


opponentI i Maple Hts. £

I^lkewood^ |y£ Medingrff^aJ^

.Oeveland-titf.^ Walsh Relays 7

Admiral Kfigfp i


ack team


lg peitdrmance

^&pcoSd in the


nners heat

es. The team

: I.HL competi-

veland Heights

thijyear. Thi

Lake Aie Le,

SSMftfeifhtsj their persona


Boys’ Outdoor Track, Row one: Marcus Knowles, Jaman Javey, Jeff Woodworth, Aaron Payton, Cornelius

Strickland, James Glover, Tony Valerio, Khemet Burnette, Andre" Burson, Marquis Raynor. Row two:

I)ev in Lewis, Joseph Boyd Jr., Anthony Edmonson, Garey Berry, Thaddeus Gibson, Darius Smith,

Chris Smith, Matt Kulbis, Akeem Floyd, Sean Wilford. Row three: Derron Hamilton, Chris Wares,

Raphiel Roquemore, Cornell Lange, Jamal Javey, Demar Sheppy, Demarcus Monroe, Ra Shawn Newell,

Alphonso Jamerson, Steven Hill, Henri Buford. Row four: Demar Royster, Robert Johnson, Mike Mandic,

Dennis Rodgers, Caple Nelson, Deano Buycks, Lee Barwick, JaRon King. Row five: David Ellis, Chris

Gantt, Carl Clapacs, Farrell Thomas, Bernard Abernathy, Michael Preston, Arlen Forde, Thaddeus


Jamail Javey

runs hard in

the 1

dash while


Monroe hits a


Garey Berry and Dennis Rodgers didw

their form in the long jump.

Darius Smith gets off a mighty throw.

Mentor Relays

Shaker Hts.

Euclid Relays 2nd

L.E.L. Championship

District Meet 6th




166 Outdoor Track

Caroline Hill runs the 4 x 100 m dash

while Cherice May runs the mile and

makes it look so easy.



Gabrielle Halton and Martina Chat-

man-Martin put the shot.

Both boys and girls track finished second in L.E.L

UCLID i mm on i


Lakewood Medina^

ral Kin;


lid Relays

L. Champio jRD WON 5 LOST 1



an, Cornelius I

■ Row two:



lawn Newell,

Mike Mandic,

!llis, Chris

Girls Outdoor Track. Row one: Shaynesse Walker, Arnesha Black, Mardena Sammons, Evon Allen, Miah

Owens, Jessica Ladovic, Chinique Cain, Rachel Schlosser, Jessica Daniels, Jeruna Jackson, Melissa

Cummins. Row two: D’Angela Lavender, Dominique Bates, Camilla Triplin, Felicia Williams, Cherice

May, Porscha Williams, Ariele Horton, Cierra Bradley, Ashley Brooks, Alisha Wright, Zoe Hinson,

Tiffany Creary. Row three:Jessica Beard, Celita Noce, Latasha Shay, Latrerra Campbell, Amber Moore,

Carolyn Hill, Shayeeda Mahario, Caressa Hobbs, Sydney Beeman, Nicole Thomas, Arvesha Hill. Row

four: Sasha Fayne, Alyssa Kodramaz, Desiree Lavender, Allison Calvin, Spencer Howell, Daniqua

Dothard, Chastity Bradley, Paris Campbell, Chandria Halton, Phylicia Banks, Coach, Larry Nosse.

Row five: Rachel Waters, Jasmine Me Call, Shemara Calhoun, Anna Santorelli, Claire Holzheimer,

Chanel Glenn, Gabrielle Halton, Arrionne Nolcox, Stephanie Smith, Tamiah Smith. Row six: Charmaine

Jefferson, Kristina Arko, Felicia Bennett, Erica White, Andrea Douglas, Mikita Duncan, Martina

Chatman, Kim Spence.

!ar. over 60

|rls com-

\ posed the

Panthers’ Outdoor Track team.

The Coach, Larry Nosse, trained

the girls during all weather edndi-

* tiols. The team began training three

weeks before their first meet. Some

of the girls that were new4oa^

team tried to get out of practices by

I pretending to be sick. Often Coach

1 Nosse said, fSuck it up,” his favorite

rase. The te;

only loss,


the Euclid relays, the t<

sica Beard recently broke the state’s

200 meter and 400 meter records.

That qualified her to go to the state

competition. The team hopes to have

£ amazing ru season next

cord was

as very

Later, at


•- -


Sasha Fayne gets close to winning her

heat in the 100 yd dash.

Caroline Hill clears the hurdles.


Referee, Mr. Ted Theodore

talks to Jessica Beard about

Is | her accomplishments.

i—■n«»iir«r- - ■ ’U«i .

Jessica Beard hands the baton to Arvisha Hill in the 4 x

to Mikita Duncan about the race while Arvisha Hill does the long jump. Outdoor Track 167

"He team’s overall reccjrawasj-y^itli many |

JNfce matches at the end of,the season. The team

nilyer^small this ye^wfmQir^ seven players

1 our of the players were seniors. Man) individui

played close matches, that wt^r very important

to the team. Tpe entire team gave a great perfor-

JoanceaB^ear long. Tim Hanson ofily lost one

match. Overall, the yeamvas a success for the

team, but there is a lot of room for improvement

in the years to come. 23RSpGgj!!|p

-Tim Hanson

tennis TENNIS

Boys’ Tennis, Row one: Albert Estvander, Rob Vazquez, Bob Bumbarger. Row two: Coach

Dana Banc, Tommie Berry, Chris Salyan, Tim Hanson.

Bob Bumbarger and Chris Salyan worked

hard throughout the season to help the team









the court

to return

the ball.

OPPONENT US fpEM Wickliffe

RichmondPfts. 1

Gilmour 2 3

Parma 2.rf ]J)3

West Geauga j£lv ; 4

Garfield 5 J 5 0

Shaker Hts. ^m ^ Richmond


Mentor l 4

Admiral King pi 3

Southview M 1

North 3 2 » *

Cleveland Hts.- 2 3 Kj*




Hkw Robby Vazquez

Jfe4l and Tim

j/m Hanson worked

hard to return

the opponents

■ balls.

168 Boys’Tennis

Ljs. \. TTw t’t'i "

t * * ' >


♦ i i 44-i A i \

id was


tie Theater on March 23,

ents read poems by their

poets orpoems that they had


Poetry Extravaganza

Lor with their Enc

itirea Douglas


V;:S ganza.

Lots of students got a

chance to read their work

at the Poetry Extrava-







was held

at The

Manor on



March 23.

Valerie Salstrom and

Marty Kletnpner show

off classic dances.

On March 24 the annual Senior-

Faculty basketball game was

held. There was lots of action.

The cheerleaders provided lots of

enthusiasm and there was even a

slam dunk contest Bat the students

could enter. It was a fun way to

begin Spring vacation

teila Gini&ielBg Monica Habat,

: and Ken Jjfhfilon were just some

The annual Senior

Art Show was held

on May 25 on the

auditorium stage.

Many students

visited the stage to

see the works of the


Spring Events 169

170 Big Show

The members of the chorous sing “Anything Goes”.

Craig Stigamier, Stephanie Maxwell and George

Whitfield talking on the deck.

Karen Connavino has Yuri Doolan take pictures

of Stephanie Maxwell, Craig Stigamier and Jes¬

sica Vandegrift.

Rachel DeAngelis, Sarah Mabel, Kristen DeWolf,

Rachel Sova and Katie Maxwell discussing the

activities going on around them.

Left: Karen Connavino, Kristen Griffith, Cory

Shy, Emily Proctor, Zach Svoboda, Rachel Sova

and Jessica Vandegrift all got together for a picture

before the performance began.

Chrissy Lennon and George Whitfield singing

"You're the Top".

Left: Dave Heindell talking to George and Chrissy.

Left: Chrissy Lennon

singing “I get a kick out

of you”.

Below: Most of what

the audience sees takes

place on the stage but

what takes place in the

pit leads to auditory

pleasure. Melissa

Santorelli takes a drink

between numbers in the Big Show orchestra.



[ Voyage went

trial and tribulations of romance,

ithers tried to escape being captured. One

of the passengers, Hope Harcourt (Steph¬

anie Maxwell), was accompanied by

her fiance, Sir Evelyn Oakleigh (Crai:

Stigamier), and her mother, Mrs. H;

court (Jessica Vandegrift). Billy Cr

(George Whitfield) stowed away on

the ship to try to stop Hope, the love

ofliis life, irotn marrying Evelyn. Also

long for the ride Was Public Enemy 13,

ronface Martin (Brandon Fleming)

£ho was trying to avoid being arrested,

the help of a night club singer, Reno

jeney (Chrissy Lennon), the ship’s

lHasters are averted. These students and

le rest of the cast and crew worked hard,

id it showed on their three nights of


-Anjolie Gordon

George Whitfield and Stephanie Maxwell were

singing about how “It’s Delovely”.

Brandon Fleming, Chrissy Lennon and George Whitfield agree to work together.

Chrissy Lennon was trying to seduce Craig Stigamier and Brandon Fleming was to catch them.

David Heindell holds Rachel

eAngelis in

air as they ing “Heaven


Dean Bryson. ship’s

captain, and

David Hein¬ dell propose

a toast after

Public Enemy

Number One

is captured.

Craig Stigamier and

Chrissy Lennon singing

“Let’s Misbehave.”

Big Show 171

Above: George Whitfield and Brandon Fleming talk about their future plans.

Left: Rachel DeAngelis singing “Let’s Step Out”.

Stephanie Maxwell relaxes on the deck of the S.S. American.

George Whit¬ field and

Brandon Fleming singing a

song of

Chrissy Lennon and

Craig Sti¬ gamier are


what they

plan to do

in the future

in Chrissy’s






by&ancis Swann,

in the Little Theatre

on May 19th, 20th

directors were Mr.

Tinney. The play

unemployed actor

three!men, who all lived in a stud

in New York. The caskof thisfcow^

included: Jennifer Walker, Chrissy Lennon, Sophie Pizzamiglio Langdoii, Sarah Candela, C Smedley, Logan Smith, Bran Fleming, Andreiv Jurcak, R Nero, and Nate Summers. Jo Nero was the student director.

-Anjolie Gor ' Spring Play, Row one: John Nero, Sarah Candela. Row two: Logan Smith, Jennifer Walker, Sophio

Pizzamiglio, Jamal Austin, Nate Summers. Row three: John Hastings, Liza Langdon, Brandon

Fleming, Robert Nero, Cathy Smedley. Row four: Dan Thome, Andrew Jurcak, Frank Oberle,

Zachary Svoboda, Chrissy Lennon, Rachel Perovsek.

Dottie greets her father when he

stops by for an unexpected visit.

Above: Dottie tells Norman that

she loves him.

Right: The producer finally agrees

to watch the group’s play.

172 Spring Play

Cathy Smedley, Liza Langdon and

Logan Smith spying on the producer who

lives below them in the

The girls try to convince Dottie’s father to

let her stay.

The actors eating their supper and talking about

what to do when Dottie’s father shows up.

Sophia Pizzamiglio

(Dottie) is distressed to learn that her father is

coming to visit.

Logan Smith talk about

being secretly married.

Chrissy Lennon, Robert Nero and Jamal Austin

rehearsing their lines. .


recognized'for beiii

it Roll arid foe diffe

:d their beM ^tiirfcnY

Katie Carter won the Arlen^Carter Scholarship.


„ vm ., .. Msii^ wen® ptssiiMwi^ annual Senior assembly

Anna Sudar,

Scott Sattler,


Zalewski and


Maxwell were

just some of

the seniors

who received


Senior Awards

Assembly took

place on May 25,

2005, at 7:00 pm in the auditorium.

There was a total ol 50 scholarships

and awards

or universitit^. A Significant amount

of seniors will move on and continue

their education at private. Ivy League, f community or liberal arts colleges.

-jasmine Gaulden

Left: DominicMercandante,MelissaFamomahu

Evan Farkas were awarded the Rotary Scholarship

Lots of students received awar^ at the banquet.

Senior Awards/Academic Achievement Banquet 173

174 Prom

was held

on Friday,

June 3, m. 2005 at W3gim The after Prom ”

was held at the restaurant. Juliens,

Students arrived by car, limosine and

by a hotse drawn carriage. Everyone

looked elegant and everyone had a

good time.

\n N1] Q f 1 cN C- Ja A ai J $7

* June,.#, the graduat-

Valedictorian, Albert Estvander and Salutatorian, Greg Erhardt addressed the students and their parents at the ceremony.

Was let free into the

world al adults| Commencement was

dd at tfce Paliiee Theater

PIP the graduating seniors fii

jdized that there was no turning

babk. their years at Euclid High were 1

all over. At the head of the class was ’

Albert Estvander, Valedictorian, and

Greg Erhardt, Salutatorian. Select m

band members were chosen to perform|

at Cpmmeneement. The Commence¬

ment Band played the processional

-Jasmine Gaulden \ K- ! W /Wwkt. 11

Commencement 175


Ronald Seymour

Mrs. P. Sheridan

Jpaucli Spencer

Miss. Stephens

Miss. Trisha Tinney

Diane Tizzano

The Torr§hPs

Mike and Jackie Turk

Ms^J^lkP The von Benken family

Scott WilliamWilson

Mrs. Withers

Mrs. K. Mor

Margaret anti j^ail

Mrs. B. Nov

Mr. Sean O'T Albert and Marlene Iosue

SgtMaj. Larry and Patty Isaacs

Ms. Jalali

f Mr. Greg James

Marsha Knauss

Mary C. Kostansek

Mrs. Judy Ladaika

Mrs. L. Langford

Mrs. Margaret Lucas (EHS ‘65)

Mr. and Mrs. RobertdBtet

Michelle Pettit

Roy Pignatiello

Sally J. Pla

Jim and Carole Pouls<

Shauna Ross^^

The Santilli Family

Sandy and Rick Ammon/Kelly Ammon

Judith Aquila/Andre Aquila

Tara Bagley/Tiara Bagley

Pamela Beadi/Travis Beach

John and Laura Boris/Amalia Boris

Irene Walker/Dean Bryson

Susan T. Burge/Meredith Burge

Christina & John Chandler/Jessica Lynn Chandler

Pamela Spencer & Wayne Chandler/Justephanie Chandler

Darcy Coggins/Joel Coggins

Barb and Art Conell/Chad Conell

Pat and Nick Connavino/Karen Connavino

Christine Kelly/Johnny Cozart

Kathy De Angelis/Rachel De Angelis

Lori Surtz/Craig Djukic

Loana Washington/Myloana M. Eanes

Valerie and Troy Ernest/Christie Edwards

Arlene E. Forde/Arlen A. Forde

Lorenda Washington/Shanice Gonzalez

Sherrell Hardy/Deonell Hardy

Gwendolyn Henderson/James Tyree Henderson

Rich and Marcia Kushan/Matthew Kushan

Bob and Debbie Majer/Lauren Majer

Scott and Marcia Maxwell/Sam Maxwell

176 Patrons

Chuck and Cheryl Me Conpell/Adani Me Connell

Sylvia Me Ghee/Ginger A. Me Ghee |L

Debbie and Ron Me Gill/Dana Me Gill

Fieda Houchins/DeMat*<?u! D. Monroe

Alicia Jackson/Leonda Morgan

The Morris Family/Gregory Morris Jr.

Eric Lawson/Domanique Payne :Tf||§g

Pamela V. Disk/Alexandria Perdan

John and Sally I'trov.sek/Rat hel^nHii^,,^

Joe and Judy Perpar/Ben Perpar

Tonya L. Phillips/Cameron T. Phillips

Tonya L. Phillips/Christopher J. Phillips

Frank and Debbie Polter/John Polter

Dwayne Pringle/Ciara Pringle

Rich and Bonnie Renbarger/Ryan Renbarger

Gail and Ken Riendeau/Michael Riendeau

Laurie OberaitisA Ielissa Santorelli

Anne and David Silvaggio/Phillip Silvaggio

Valerie Sova/Rachel Sova

Lenore Strodtbeck/Kyle Strodtbeck

Thomas and Vernita Whitner/Tanita Whitner

Bernadette Robinson/Asia Wilson

Amalia Leigh Boris

Dean Bryson


I can't believe that we are

finally at this

point in your

life. I am so

excited for you because you

are entering

into the world

of adulthood. I am so proud

that you have


leadership skills as well continu-

Dean Bryson ing to be your

own person. Although I am never going to stop worrying

about you; 1 am confident that you are going to achieve

whetever goals you set for yourself. I know grandma and grandpa are proud of you and smil¬

ing down on you.

Love Always

Your MOM!

Meredith Burge Patrons 17

Andre Aquila I can not believe 18 years have gone by. You

have been a great inspiration to all of us. Your

smile is warm and loving and so are you. Look¬

ing at the picture, you look like you are ready

to go.

We love you,

Mom, Thomas, Antoinette & Kevin

Big mama, you have conquered 18

years of life that is only the begin¬

ning of a long life endeavor. As years

move forward, continue to seek your

dreams and goals and remember to be

successful and put forth hard work.

Now that you finished high school

get ready for a different world. Now

you can smile, it’s finally over. How

time flies, my baby is all grown up.

We are all so proud of you. Congrats

to futures’ “Dr. Bagley” and the class

of “06”.

Love, Mom, Gram, Jackie, Rob,


Tiara Carmilla Bagley

Reginald D. Bathurst


Ever since you

were little you

strived to learn

and exceed.

You amazed

us. Now as

you begin a

new journey

in your life be

sure to take the

time to enjoy

life’s simpler

moments too.

They are just

as important.

After all these

year's we are

still amazed.

Now go amaze

all those profes¬


We love you.

Mom and Dad

Kelly Ammon

Travis Beach

Dearest Amalia,

Life has taken you on

so many journeys and

to so many wonderful

places. Yet this is only

the beginning. You have

such a bright future

ahead of you. and we

know that you will face

it with the same posi¬

tive determination you

have always shown.

Always know that no

matter where life takes

you, we will be behind

you, supporting you,

and loving you. We

couldn't be prouder

of you.

Love you lots,

Mom and Dad

1 have

watched you

grow from a

little boy to

a handsome,

smart, caring

and wonderful

young man.

You have

made my life

complete. I

could never

ask for more.

Reach for the

stars but never

forget where

you came

from. “Did

you ever know

you were my




Our beautiful baby girl has grown up to be a ter¬

rific young woman. We are very proud of you.

We love you Kelly!

Mom and Dad



& Kelly,

We are


proud of

you ladies.

May all



come true.




Moms &


Dearest Jessica,

Graduating from high school already. You have made us so proud of you with

all the amazing things you have done. You are truly a blessing from God to us.

Seventeen years have gone by so quickly. You have been a pleasure and a joy

to raise. You have grown into a beautiful, mature, strong willed, spiritual young

lady who we admire. Keep your faith in the Lord always, and He will continue

to guide you. Remember the things that are most challenging to attain are the

most worth having. May your heart and life be filled with love, peace, joy and

happiness. We look forward to see what is next in your life. Our prayer for you

is that God blesses you and continues to walk with you on your journey. You will

always have our unconditional love and support. We are always here for you to

love and guide you.

Remember to keep singing!!!

Love always, Mom, Dad, Cissie, Selena and TJ

Jessica Chandler


Well you did it!

Raising you has been an amazing

(and sometimes


journey. I believe

we may have

learned more from

you than you did

from us! We look

forward to your

college years &

to you becoming

more involved in

the business. We

are very proud of

you! Be strong &

have faith.

All of our love &

prayers to you &

your future, Mom

& Art

Chad Conell


So you are

going to


a lot I lost $50

to Evan on that

one). Now you

can’t cross high

school dropout

off your list of

life goals. Well,

here’s to the

first step of your

dream, becom¬

ing the Czar of

Russia (hope you

like the hat).

CJ & E-man

Justephanie born 12-

21-87. The

world is full

of opportu¬

nity for you

to see.

Love, Mom


There’s no

where to

grow but up.

Love truly.


Justephanie C. Chandler 178 Patrons

Joel Wyant Coggins

“May God bless and keep you


May your

wishes all come


May you always

do for others

And let others

do for you.

May you build

a ladder to the


And climb on

every rung,

May you stay

forever young...”

-Bob Dylan.

Love. Mom & Dad

Rachel N. De Angelis

Rachel Nicole aka "Princess”

You have always been our “Shining Star!”

Let the world be your stage and keep

performing. Hold your head up high, and

keep reaching for your dreams. You have been

a joy to watch grow into a beautiful young

woman. Remember your family

is always behind you in everything that you do.

Keep on smiling - People will wonder

what you are up to! Love, Mom. Dad, Jason, &


Craig Djukic


We are very

proud of you

and your


ments! You

have become

a wonder¬

ful, caring

and giving

young man.

Continue to

follow your

goals and

dreams. We

wish you

much hap¬

piness and


All of our


Mom, Joe and


Myloana Monique Eanes,

Know as Mya or even Greeneyeba.

These names are you. They are

your world. The last name for me

is my daughter which that name

means the world to me.

I am so over cased by you. The

things you stand by to get through

and you still have love at the end,

good or bad.

If I rest today with the Lord. I know

you will be fine with open heart

and open mind from all angels. I

will always love you. You are my

one and only. I am so proud of you.

Keep up the good work baby.

Love you,


P.S. Mya, Mya, Mya My Mommy

will be standing by no matter how

far you are.

Patrons 17‘

Karen N. Connavino

Dear Karen,

We are so proud of the smart & beautiful young woman you have become.

You are known & loved for your infectious smile & laugh. You have been an

inspiration to so many people, including us. We can't wait to see where the

drive & determination, which has brought you so much success already, takes

you in the future. We love you so much and will always be there for you when you need us!

Love, Mom & Dad



1 cannot believe the beautiful person you have

become. I admire you so much and I am so proud

of you. Thank you for being better than the best

sister I could ever imagine having, and for being

my very best friend. I can't wait to see you succeed

in the future. I love you so much!

xoxo Your Big Sister,



You've come

a long way


God's Grace,

keep striving

for success in

your dream

and you will



grown to be a

smart, strong,


young lady.

Keep an

attitude of



Mommy &




ile...(fab lost 550

n on that

im you

trass high

: dropout

ur list of


to the

ep of your

. becom-

: Czar of

i (hope von




ive always been

.hilling Slid

: world!*

use and top

ming. Hold your

ip high, and

caching W"1

s, You have been

o watch gm»



jyS behind y°u


Myloana Monique Eanes

Johnny Cozart


Christie Edwards


You have always put

your heart and soul into

playing football. 1 hope

you apply that energy

into everything you do

in your future.

Love Always,


P.S. Whatever mask

you wear in life, wear

it well.

Arlen A. Ford

Arlen - “My little apple

head”. You’ve always

been a special guy; cute,

intelligent, funny and

goal-driven! Keep striv¬

ing, reaching, jumping &

kicking and achieving all

the goals you have your

heart set on. Remember

don’t stop there, once

you reach one, the next

one is at your finger tips.


Mommy, Daddy &

Ashten, Aurten & Ashten

Deonell Lericke Hardy


We are so

proud of you.


the Lord will continue to do

great things through you if

you continue

to follow

Him. Keep

smilin’ while

you follow

your dreams

and change

the world.

We love you.

Mom, Dad,


Danyel and


Shanice F. Gonzales

Ever since I first

saw you, I could

not imagine my

life without you.

You have brought

so much joy to my

life. I am honored

to have been able to

see you grow from

my sweet, adorable

baby girl, to a beau¬

tiful young woman.

I’m very proud to

be your mother.

But, I’m prouder

that you are my

daughter, my friend

and my world.

Loving you today, tomorrow and



180 Patrons


From the day you arrived, you have been special. Bom almost two months

before time, you have been a blessing to so many. You are the only grandchild

of Lillie and Tyree and the only nephew of Valerie and Daryl. You are the

youngest of 36 grandchildren of James and Petrenella. You are the only child

of Gary and Gwen and you have always been our “Little Drummer Boy.” We

all are proud of you because of the young man that you have grown into. We

know without a shadow of doubt God has great plans for you. Our only prayer

is that you would be open to what He has in store for you. As your Grandma

Pet would say “In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your


Be Blessed.

We love you,

Mommy and Daddy

James Tyree Henderson

Adam Me Connell




inly Child

Bov," We

into, We jnlyprayef


;t your

To our one and only Winky!

(thanks to your brother)

(A.K.A. Lauren)

You were such an adorable

blue eyed, blonde haired,

chubby little baby girl. We

used to find you in the cup¬

board a lot. We think you were

either trying to establish your

independence or just being a

little bit ornery, (smile). You

Lauren Majer fewup'°bean,absol“tely J beautiful young lady all too

quickly. You even kept your pretty blue eyes and blonde

hair. We can't believe our baby has already grown up,

but you’ll always have that special place as the baby of

our family. Sometimes it’s harder following in the foot¬

steps of an older brother and sister but you have done

a great job. You’ve been your own individual. You've been an excellent student and for that we are truly

grateful. We are excited for your future and believe that, with faith, you will be successful in whatever you set

out to do. We love you so very much and wish you an

awesome future.

Love, Mom, Dad, Dana, Paul, Bobby and Calli Mae too

Patrons 181


Ginger A. Me Ghee

Well Ginger,

you know that

saying “good

things can

come in small

packages!” You are a

great example

of that! You

were small

then and you

are small now,

but with your

knowledge that

you posess,

you will go

very far in life.

Your family

is so proud of




Daddy, and


Well Sam,

you made


All we

have to say




We know

you’ll be



Mom. Dad.


Katie &


Sam Maxwell

Dana Me Gill


Watching you grow has taught us that time moves in many ways at

once - fast and slow, forward and backward, bitter and sweet. At times

it seemed as if we looked away for just a moment and years had gone

by. Other times nothing much seemed to happen, school, summer,

another year gone. It seems one day you just grew up, a beautiful

young lady with a life of your own.

We’re so proud of how you live your life. We've watched you grow

from every experience life brings your way and how you've taken life's

lessons and made them into something your own. You’re strong and

courageous, smart and caring and seem to find a rainbow behind every

cloud. You know when to offer advice and when to just listen. You can

be fun and silly, or serious and caring - you're a joy to be around.

We believe in you - in the things that are important to you, that you can

accomplish anything you set out to do. You have many talents and the

wisdom to use them well. Listen to your heart, follow your dreams and

above all, always believe in yourself.

How greatful we are for the privilege of watching you grow, helping

when we could and simply being a part of your life.

Thanks for being our daughter.

Love, Mom and Dad

things j


'“continue! follow

“it Keep


'“follow I )ur dreams j

“1 change


'e love |0Ui j | iflm rwi

Matthew Kushan


We are so proud of all

the accomplishments

you’ve made. You have

truly enriched our lives

with your gift of music.

Your dreams of becom¬

ing a photographer and

musician in New York

City can and will come

true if you never give

up! Where there’s a will

there’s a way and we

know you will find the

way. We love you so

much and will always

be there for you. Stay

focused and great things

will happen to you!

Love you always,

Mom & Dad

Brad & Rick

Leonda Morgan

Dear Leonda,

We are so proud

of you. Always

do your best,

never settle for

less, and sepa¬

rate yourself

from mediocrity

and negativity.

Stay focused,

keep God first

in your life,

and all of your

hopes, dreams,

and wishes will

come true. You

are on your way

to the top, the

sky is the limit.

Love and Bless¬


Mommy and all

of the family


The time

that you


would never

come has

arrived. We

are both

proud of

your accom¬


and know

you can do

in this life


you put your

heart and

mind into


We love you

- Dad &


Cookie, You made it!!! We are so very proud of you,

but then again, we’ve been proud since the first minute, of the

first day of your life. You never cease to

amaze and impress us. What a wonder¬

ful, beautiful young woman you have

become. Never forget that all the things you’ll ever need

to excel and to be

successful are right there inside of you. You will always have

the love and support of the family, so go out into the world

and become whatever you want. Hard work and dedication will take you far, so never stop trying and don’t ever stop believing you are a star. Love you always. Daddy, Mom and Bryan

Ciara Pringle

DeMarcus D. Monroe

DeMarcus Donte’ Monroe,

Know that we love you and

have enjoyed watching you

grow up into a wonder¬

ful, young man. We, as a

family, are so very proud of

you. For continued success,

we encourage you to trust

in the Lord with all your

heart and not try to figure

out everything on your

own. Listen to God’s voice

in everything you do and

everywhere you go. He’s

the one who will keep you

on the right track. Work

from your heart to please

Him, not man. Congratula¬


Love, Mom, Dad, Kevin Jr.

and Kameron

Alexandria Perdan

Alex you

were a



from the


ning! We

are proud

of the woman

that you


become. Lots of




Mary &



It seems like

just yesterday

you were a

cute little boy

- How fast you

have grown

into a talented young man.

We raised

you as best

we could, given you

wings - now

fly! You can

achieve your

dreams. We

are extremely

proud of you.

Love, Mom, Dad & Jacob

Dear John,

We have so loved

watching you grow

up into the fine man

you have become. Your high school

years will be behind

you and you will

be off to college

to find a career for

yourself. You can be

whatever you want

in life, the world

is your oyster. Just

remember, if you

work hard enough

you can achieve


Love, Mom, Dad and


Gregory Morris Jr.


Morris Jr.,


like it

was just yester¬

day. Stay


and you will go a

long way.


others the way

you want

to be




Mom &


Rachel Perovsek


Time goes by

in the blink of

an eye. We’re

so proud of

who you have

become and

know that great

things await

you. Keep

your eyes on

your goals

and pursue

them with

enthusiasm. As

you go on to

college (name


our wish is

for happiness

and success in

whatever you


Love always Mom & Dad

She was

a clown

at such a

young age,

and she

still has

her funny.

Keep your



you go, the

lives you

will touch

will amaze

you. Keep

God first in


you do. He

won’t stear

John Polter

Domanique Payne

you wrong.

We love

you always.

Love, Mom

& Dad



like it

"'as jester-

day. Stay


and you

will go a

long wav.



the way

you want





Dad Cameron T. Phillips Christopher J. Phillips

What a bless¬

ing you’ve

been in our

lives! It has

been a joy to

watch both

of you grow

from toddlers

to teens. Do

your best,

go after your

dreams. Take

time to enjoy

all of life’s

gifts. And

above all stay


Love always.

Mom and Dad


ie goes by

eve. We're

o you have

:ome and

>w that great

igs await

i. Keep

ir eyes on

ir goals

I pursue

ra with

husiasm. As

j go on to

lege (name


■wish is

i success to

atever you

ve always

mi Dud Ryan Renbarger


What a joy it’s been

watching you grow

into the awesome

young man you’ve

become. From little

league to varsity

baseball, from flag

football to winning

the LEL and beating

Mentor it’s been a

blast! We’re so proud

of you and your


We know you will

continue your success

in college and look

forward to the years

ahead. Strive to be

the best you can be

and make the most of


We love you -

Dad, Mom and Renee Michael K. Riendeau

Melissa Pearl,

Words cannot begin to express

how very proud

I am of you.

You are a truly

amazing young lady. Your list

of accomplish¬

ments are incredible, all

the way back

to Thomas Jef¬

ferson! You are

smart, talented and blessed with

many gifts. As you embark on

this next part

of your life’s

journey, know¬

how very much

you are loved. God be with


All our love,

Mom, Annie &



i again, were

oud since the

ante, of to

zer cease io

aid impress il a wonder-


, Neverforgd

the tlnni* :ver need

Phillip Silvaggio

What is a son? A

son is someone who

captures your heart.

From the first time

you see him and

right from the start,

makes you feel he’ll accomplish

remarkable things...

It’s amazing what great dreams and

wonder he brings!

A son is someone

who fills you with

pride as you watch

him grow up, as he

stands by your side.

Full of hope for the

future and dreams

of his own. Yes, a

son can be one of

the greatest joys

known. We are so

proud of you. All our love always

and all ways.

Dad & Mom



Rachel Marie Sova


You have grown up to be a

bright, beautiful and talented

young woman. We are so

very proud of you. We know

you will succeed in anything

you choose to do.

As you leave high school and

enter college, stay strong in

your beliefs, keep your head

on straight and always make

time for your family, friends

and just as important - take

time to have some fun. too.

We will always be there for



Mom, Lindsey, Dad and






future is






Bathurst is

escorted by his

mother before

a wrestling match.


Schlosser and

Melissa San- torelli waiting

for Jazz Band

to perform.

Sam Maxwell

begins a race

in Indoor track

and Arlen

Forde work¬

ing hard on

the basketball


184 Patrons


You are a


to us.

You have reached a

pinnacle in

your life, don’t stop

here. Trust

God with

all your

heart and let Him

lead you.



We love you.

Dad &


Kyle Strodtbeck

Dear Kyle,

You are a great

son & I am

very proud of

you & your


ments. You have enriched

my life beyond

what words can

express. We

wish you good

health, happi¬

ness, love &

much success in everything

you do in life.

May all of your

dreams come


Love Always, Mom & Owen

Jessica Vandegrift

The time has flown by so fast. It seems like only yesterday, we were taking you to your FIRST day of kindergarten. And now, here you are graduating and starting the next part of your life. We are so proud of you! You have worked so hard and have been successful in all you have done. God has blessed you with a beautiful voice and many other talents. It has been amazing to watch you perform - in all the Big Shows - the first time we heard you sing as Serena in Fame, we were blown away by your voice; in Varsity Chorale, Forte, Flag Corps, singing in church, and all while continu¬ ously achieving distinguished honor roll. But most importantly in all you say and do, always remember that your talents are from God, to put Him first in your life and He will guide you and you will continue to be

successful. Always remember Phil. 4; 13 & Prov. 3:5,6. You have given us so many wonderful memories. We are excited to see what plans God has for your life and what your future holds.Wherever life takes you. always remember that we love you very much and we will always be here for you, no matter what. God bless you and keep you in His care. All our love, Mom, Dad & Jen

Tanita Whitner

Life was


the same since I had

you. Now

I know




Keep God

first and

you will

surely be



Your Mom

and Dad

Asia Wilson

Tommie Berry clears the high jump

Cedric Perry brings the ball down the court.

Hemmerson Reyes, Joe Boyd and Anthony Gordon

program their caculator in robotics class.





Below: Ken Papaleo ties up his opponent during his wrestling match


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Melissa Santorelli,

Victoria Rossman,

Alyssa Kodramaz,

Cory Scheider and

Vince Marvin look

out of the pool.

Ads 185

iJ&S, A nytiling Goes was a

f: A\ successful Big Show

_£~- \ performance. Abercrombie. Labryant 64. 151 Abernathy Jr.. Bernard 20. 74, 99, 100, 166

Abniham. Marshall 135 Abrams, William 153 Abston. Michael 142 Academic Achievement Banquet 173 Academies 120 Activities Divider 78 Adamic. Daniel 106. 140

Atlerbery, Brittany 89 Augman, Thaddeus 71, 83, 89. 158 Austin, Jamal 21, 41, 42. 83, 86. 87. 89, 90, 91,

107,172 Austin, Tiera 138 Automotives. Vocational 100 Averett. Calvin 146 Ayoade Jr., Julius 47,150

YTT^ oys’ Basketball had an

rsextremely successful

season. Babyak. Nicholas 116, 150

Becker. Katrina 116,132 Beckham, Isaiah 146 Beckwith, Dan 32, 33, 123. 176 Beeman, Anasbia 153 Beeman, Sydney 59. 75, 132. 167 Begovic, Bianca 157 Belcher. Alien 158 Belko, Christopher 150 Bell. Donald 148 Bell. Nicholas 151 Bell, Shatira 135

Bell Jr., Alvin 148 Bell-Crutcher, Jazmine 5.22, 65, 68. 69 Belton, Ismail 148

Bradley, Carlos 153 Bradley. Chastity 167 Bradley. Cierra ’ 55. 129. 157, 167

Bradley, John 22 Bradley, Richard 153 Brady, Chris 58,59 Branch. Allan 146 Brandon, Demca 23, 62. 63 Brannon, Marquis 60, 76. 104. 140 Brateley, Anne83 Brately, Anne 84. 145, 161 Braxton, Dwayne 135 Braxton, Shana 132 Brazelton, Jameea 148

Adams. Christopher 20 Baca. Greg 32, 52, 53, 172 Belton-Daniel, Dionna 142 Brazis. Amanda 83,157

Adams. Michael 145 Back, Victoria 21 Belviso. Anthony 9, 56. 57, 150 Brazis. Mandy 84

Adams. Shanee 5, 20. 44, 50, 51 Bagley, Alisha 131 Bencar, Jarrod 105 Breneiser, Danniel 138

Addison. Jocelyn 77, 83, 84.145 Bagley, Tiara 21,41. 42, 88. 97. 176. 177 Bender. Shacory 22 Brennan, Patricia 123 Aden, Brandon 140 Bagwell. James 102. 133 Benjamin, De Laundria 22 Bridgemohan. Atnardeo 153 Aden-Dean, Arielle 133 Bailey, Alyssa 157 Bennett, Brendon 104 Bridges Jr., Amel 143

Aden-Swoope, Ananais 20 Bailey, Andrea 146 Bennett. Brionna 132 Britts, Biaca 63 Adesulu. Oluseyi 19, 20 Bailev. Andrew 47. 64, 136, 162 Bennett. Phyllesia 3. 51,81, 128, 155, 167 Brnjic. Ana 102,116,151 Adkins. Denise 94 Bailey. Donald 136 Benoit. Jessie 22, 64 Brnjic. John 49,143 IS Adkins. Ronnie 47,71. 146. 162 Bailey. Raven 88, 148 Benovic, Daniel 22 Brock, Lavon 47 Ads 185 Bailey. Tyronne 21.100 Benson, Carissa 89,148 Brock, Levonn!2,48, 140

Ahmetovk, Anela 153 Baird. Oliver 21,57 Bentley. Jazmine 158 Brooks. Ashley 167

Aides, Clinic 94 Baker. Brittany 83, 89, 132 Benz.Al 60,61,74,75, 123 Brooks. Bianca 62 Aides, Office 94 Baker, Candace 135 Berry, Devin 158 Brooks. Joshua 86, 147 AIID 130 Baker. Peach 116 Berry, Garey 22, 60, 74. 82, 83. 89. 98, 99, 166 Brooks. Saida 55, 155 Aikens, Andrea 133 Baker 111, Hosey 151 Berry, Tommie 4, 13. 60, 74, 83, 89, 111, 140. Broome, Maurice 158

Aikens, Dwayne 143 Ball Jr.. John 153 168, 185 Brown. Angelia 23 Aitken, Aaron 138 Banaszek. Sbaina 104 Besley, Devin 142 Brown, Blake 23, 104 Albert. Keith 76,88.153 Banc. Dana 168 Beuford, Kevin 49 Brown, Chaz 23, 46, 47 Albrecht, Dawn 104 Banc. Thomas 121 Bey, Sharmaine 83, 84.97. 111. 114. 145 Brown, Choneca 143 Alexander. James 133 Band. Concert 89 Bibbs. Demetrius 140 Brown, Erica 161 Alexander. Terrence 20 Band. Jazz 80 Bibbs, Walter 64. 138 Brown, Jasmine 50,51,151 Allen, Courtney 135 Band. Marching 82, 83 Bibbs, William 132 Brown, Johnathan 153

Allen, Evon 75. 136. 167 Bandy, Caniisa 21,41 Biehl. Courtney 112 Brown, Karen 121

Allen, Jonathan 20 Bandy.. Caniisa 42 Bilaver, Danielle 22. 41,42 Brown. Le-Juan 130

Allen. Tebriauna 20.115 Banks, Amber 21 Billingsley, Charles 143 Brown. Marcellus 148

Alvidrez, Monique 151 Banks, Brittny 155 Billy, Jerrica 87 Brown. Markeith 64,153 Amaroso, Richard 105 Banks, Danielle 87. 148 Bishop. Geraldine '’2 Brown. Reginald 157

Amato, Sue 32 Banks. De'Lissa 62, 135 Bizzell, India 138 Brown. Ryan 41.81 Ammon, Kelly20, 83. 88, 89, 176, 177 Banks. Michael 21 Black. Allen 108.109 Brown. Skye 155 Ammon, Rick 176 Banks. Phylicia 21,167 Black, Arnestia 167 Brown, Taisha 157 Ammon, Sandy 176 Banks, Tyesha 143 Black. Christian 88,102,142 Brown, Terrell 137 Amoroso. Richard 155 Barber, Marc 21 Black, Derrick 47. 157 Brown, 'J’uran 135 Amos. Kenneth 49. 64. 143 Barber II, Jamie 21 Black, Taneisha 146 Brown, Veronica 133 Amoss, Ashley 2, 19, 20, 41, 62, 63, 83, 99, Bamauskas, Mike 47 Black:. A1 123 Brown Jr., Melvin 23 118 Barnes, Ashley 7. 8. 10, 17, 19. 21,41. 42, 45, Blackman. Alicia 135 Brown Jr„ Ryan 23, 42 Anderson, Darlene 164 62, 75, 111 Blackman. Erica 148 Bruno, Stephanie 23 Anderson. Dominique 142 Bames, Brandie 155 Blaha, Hayleigh 55,138 Bryant, CharLynn 23,41.42, 1.11 Anderson. Elizabeth 20 Barnes, Jordan 148 Blaha, John 52 Bryant, Montaez 133 Anderson, Jacynthia 158 Barnes, Latoya 136 Blaha. Josh 52, 53 Bryson, Dean 11. 13, 23, 41.42, 81, 86. 87, 92. Anderson. Laia 140 Barnes, Mike 7 Blakenship, Danielle 22, 42 96, 99. 107, 171, 176, 177 Anderson. Sache' 75,83.89,150. 164 Barnes, Timika 130 Bland, Keisha 133 Brvson, Jazzmen 158

Anderson, Stacy 20,110 Barron, Troy 143 Blankschaen. Dan 123 Buchanan, Ciera 142 Anderson, Tia 88 Bartucci, A1 32,176 Blatnik, Cassidv 83, 84. 140. 161 Buchanan, Katherine 23 Andre', La'Toya 20, 42 Banvick. Amy 2, 16, 21,41, 42, 44, 58, 59, 95 Blevins, Shelethea 143 Buchanon. Katherine 58. 59 Andrews. Faatima 20 Barwick, Lee 60, 83. 86, 89, 116, 140, 166 Blondeaux, Kirsten 22 Buford, Brittany 5, 89, 150 Andrews, Frederick 20 Basinger, Alicia 21,41 Blount. Mercedes 136 Buford, Henri 60. 74. 166

Andrews, Kristina 20 Basinger, Kyle 151 Boehmer. Denise 22 Buford Jr . Henri 135

Anekwe. Nwamaka41 Basketball 64 Bogard, Cortez 133 Buford-Wilson. Kevin 76, 153

Angelo, Thomas 155 Basketball, Boys’ 66 Bogarty, Michelle 136 Buis. Latiuna 61. 130 Anglin. Timothy 133 ’ Basketball, Girls’ 68 Bolaney, Theresa 102,146 Bullock. Desean 130 Announcers, PA 109 Basketball Cheerleaders 63 Bolden, Anthony 138 Bumbarger. Bob 168 Anthony, Alfreda 140 Bates, Dominique 21, 59, 75, 114, 167 Bolden, Marlena 89,132 Bumbarger, Kathryn 5, 13,59. 129, 155 Applewhite. Leteeia 156 Bates III, Morrell 21 Bolden, Tamia 22, 94 Buuton. Clinton 23

Aquila. Andre 176, 177 Bates Jr., Ricky 132 Bolden, Tremell 22 J\ Burge. Meredith 5,83,155.176 Aqui la, Andrew 42 Bathurst, Reginald 10, 21, 71. 177 Bolton. Jordan 145 Burge. Susan 176 Aquila, Judith 176 Battiste, Chavez 148 Bonner, Brian 22 Burke. Alexandria 155

Argue, Jeff 49 Battle, Deron 138 Booker, Jazmine 59, 133 Burke. Sean 72, 73. 148 Aricanli, Kurt 150 Battle, Destinee 62, 63.99, 142 Boris, Amalia 9. 22. 41, 42, 83, 86, 89. 103. 113, Burkes 11, Ezra 148 Arko, Kristina 61,77, 83, 89, 146, 167 Baugh, Lakeisha 22 176, 177 Burkhart. Douglas 23,162

Arko, Melinda 8, 58, 59, 77. 89, 148 Baylis, Christine 92 Boris, John 176 Bum, Matt 49 Arko, Milinda 83 Baylis, William 89,130 Boris, Laura 176 Burnett, Afrika 135,164 Armstrong. King 21 Baylis II. William 120 Borom. Ciara 130 Burnett, Kliemet 56. 57, 74, 142, 166

Amey, Kyle 21 BCS135 Bowers, Kala 142 Bums. Elite 135 Amtz. Michael 133 Beach, Pamela 176 Bowie. Valaida 136 Burson, Andre' 23.166 Arp, Derek 148 Beach, Ravic 83 Bowles, Jamie 22 Burton, Treschauna 158

Art, Commercial 104 Beach, Travis .16,22, 88, 89, 94, 106, 107, 176, Bowman, Tavanna 138 Bush, Tamieka148 Artis, Renee 65,136 177 Boyd, Joseph 22. 46, 47. 74. 166. 185 Butler, Earl 49, 133 ARTS 140 Beach, Trisha 19,83,89,151 Boyd. Laura 32,33,123 Butler. Slimel 143 Ashby. Dominique 21.41, 42 Beale, Brandon 132 Boyle. Karen 123 Bitycks. Deano 47, 64. 151, 166

Ashby UL Lawrence 135 Beard. Jessica 47.61,75, 78, 94, 128. 145. 161, Boys Basketball 66 Buycks. Gabrionna 148

Ashe, Lauren 104 167 Boys’Tennis 168 Bynum, Janai 89, 143 Astey. Scott 89 Beasley, Cltl'lon 81 Bozich, Jacquelyn 130 Bynum, Marcus 151

Atterberry. Brittany 65, 68, 69, 158 Beasley, Lindsey 51, 150 Brackett, Kye 87 Byrant. Charles 130

Beasley 11. Anthony 49. 74, 76, 153 Braddock. Steven 116. 129, 151 Byrne, Matthew 138

186 Index Beatty, Jennifer 123 Bradley, Brian 64 Byme, Michael 23

lass cabinet helped

organize events and

Vw? fundraisers. Cabinets, Class % Cade, Michael 86, 143 Cahill. Jacklyn 133 Cahill, Molly 133 Caid, Michael 49

Cain, Chinique 145. 167

Cain, Melvin 23.41,42, 98. 99, 119 Caiter. Arianna 104

Calabrese. Samuel 57. 80, 83, 89. 157 Calarco, Alex 155

Calhoun, Marcell 155 Calhoun, Paisley 138 Calhoun, Shemera 59, 75, 132, 167

Calhoun, Tenecka 115, 137

Callahan, Darion 111 Callaway. Chardae 143

23, 75

Clemons, Patrick 156 Clepacs, Katie 94

Clinic Aides 94

Cloud. Mya 11, 13,55, 116, 150.152 Cloud. William 86, 87. 89,94, 140 Club. Chess 117 Club. Culture 93 Club. Key 102

Club. Ski 116 Clutter. Mathew 76. 138

Clutter. Nicole 10, 33, 50. 51,77, 83, 150 Coats, Cyntisha 148 Cochran, Ariyola 24

Cofield, Cameron 47, 101, 129. 135

Coggins. Darcy 176 Coggins. Joel 24,41.42, 72. 73. 176 Cole, Brandon 157 Cole, Daiian 24 Cole, Dasmine 147

Cole, Raymond 24 Cole, Ryan 133

Coleman. MiLisa 59. 77,98. 102, 132

Dampman. Daleann 143 Dancie, Asia 142 Dancy. Moshaye 147, 164

Dandridge. Ashley 89, 132

Daniels, Jessica 13, 55. 75. 87,99. 116. 129, 150, 152, 167

Dano, Eriana 135 Dam tier, Amber 90.91,145.164

Dautovic, Pete 32 Davis, Alexandria 24.42

Davis. Annisha 152 Davis. Dontez 133

Davis. Kayla 83,89.158 Davis. Lyndon 137 Davis, Lynn 121

Davis, Malaya 152

Ifficrm 1 TW..: .1- 'J-r m i n

Cameron, Carmel 148 Colemon. Myehal

.><£.» t --»

138 L/clV iVelKUll 1-4/

Davis, Staclin 158 Cammack, Maurice 146 Collage 43 Davis ITI, Louis 25 Camp. Miranda 157 Collier, Kristen 59, 158 Dawkins, Sophia 137 Campana, James 105 Collins. Andrew 24, 32,42,88, 107, 111, 116 Dawson, Amanda 157 Campbell, Bryan 142 Collins, Antw'an 87 Dawson, Scott 100, 135 Campbell. Catara 86, 137 Collins, Denell 153 Day, Brian 157 Campbell. India 157 Collins, Javier 152 Day, Darin 153 Campbell. Latrerra 167 Collins, Kerry 86. 1.32 Day, Demar 49,158 Campbell. Paris 62,63.147, 167 Collins, Matt 76 Day, Zachary 25 Campbell. Ryan 142 Collins, Tina 32, 123, 176 Dayse, Sasha 25,65 Campbell, Sean 23,41 Collins, Xavier 13,52, 152 DeAngelis, Kathy 176 Canada, Daiju 137 Collins IV, George 133 De Angelis. Rachel 2, 4, 19, 25. 78, 8 Canady, Serell 130 Colo, Caileigh61, 138 161. 170. 171, 176 Candela. Sarah 12, 16, 18, 19. 23,41.42,78, Colson, Brittany 152 De Bow', Joseph 156 83. 85,90,91.172 Comer, Christy 88 De Wolf, Julie 153 Cander, Michael 138 Commencement 175 De Wolf, Kristen 2,8, 13, 86, 87, 1 Cannady, Erika 138 Commercial Art 104 170 Cansler, Monae 151 Compton, Devon 132 Dean. Yvette 157 Canty, Janae 55, 148 Concert Band 89 Dean III, Milton 64,111,147 Caradine. Anthony 143 Concert Choir 87 Deaver, Shatera 142 Carney. Kevin 71, 158 Conell, Ait 176 DeLong, Cindy 123 Carney. Margaret 23,42,54, 55. 94 Conell, Barb 176 Dennis, Ariel 135 Carotenuto, Laura 59, 75, 158 Conell, Chad 24,176,178 Denson, Brittany 25 Carrico, Kayla 148 Congress, Antjuan 145 Dent, Jillian 140 Carridine, Tony 49 Connavino, Karen 4. 12, 19, 24,42,78, 86, 87, Denton. Chantell 148 Carson, Ashley 148 107, 170, 176, 179 Deramus. Tatiana 130 Carter, Brittney 137 Connavino, Nicholas 176 Derrickson, Jacob 100,130 Carter, Dwight 138 Connavino, Pat 176 JH| Desico, Matthew 25.47,162,163 Carter. Glenn 57 Connel, Chad 10 Detzel, Beth 32,123 Carter. Janee 145 Conner, Shane 158 Deveney. Daniel 130 Caiter, Katie 173 Conroy, Devin 86 Devese. Darren 25 Carter, Ricardo 135 Constan. Dennis 105 Diamond, Delair 138 Carter, Valencia 158 Cook, Elise 111 . 133 DiBacco, Vincent 148 Carter Jr., Gregory 147 Cook, Raphael142 DiDomenico, Julie 164 Cartmell. Amber 8, 13, 110, 116, 129, 151 Cooper. Jawuan 24 DiDotnenico, Karen 55, 77. 104.

Cater, Elliot 105 Cooper, Joaquim 49, 148 DiDomenico, Lauren 75, 148

Cater Jr., Allan 111,153. Cooper, Jodee 140 Difranco, Ryan 152,162 Cecconi, Dawn 123 Corps, Flag 84 DiLillo, Joe 123 Cederlund, Ryan 143 Cosmo, Amy 140, 164, 165 Dimo, Pamela 135

Challenge, Academic 106 Coalter, Alexis 153 Disk. Pamela 176

Chambers, Ashlee 135 Council. Student 92 Divider. Activities 78 Chambers, Kevin 158 Covelli, Michael 123 Divider, Memories 160 Chandler, Christina 176 Covington, Carlesha 24 Divider, Senior 16

Chandler, Jessica 23,41,42,59,86, 94, 98.99, Cowans, Phillip 49, 74, 138 Divider, Student Life 6

176,178 Cox. Taylor 99, 138 Dixon. Donna 94. 147

Chandler. John 176 Cozarr. John 24, 47.94, 100. 176. 179 Dixon. Jasmine 158

Chandler. Justephanie 24. 41,42, 97.176, 178 CRAVE 112 Dixon. Kim 33, 122. 123

Chandler. Wayne 176 Crawford. Dajah 158 Djukic. Craig 25,41,42.176,179

Chatman, Martina 75, 88, 167 Crawford. James 147 Dlugos, Daniel 25.94, 107

Chatman, Shantea 130 Crawford. Shawnice 158 Dodd. Joshua 158

Chatman-Martin, Martina 9, 83. 89, 150. 167 Crawford. Xavier 87, 137 Dodd Shawn 47

Cheerleaders. Basketball63 Crayton, Gregory 148 Doerr, Steven 101. 150

Chen, Aaron 24, 73 Creary, Tiffany 75.142. 167 Donald, Samira 25, 86

: Chenoek. Edward 13,95. 106. 150 Creer, Vania 24 Dome, Bender 89

Chenock, Tiffany < q ill m do? J A Id) 1 1 -d * I .)Z ureasnaw, isoopy j-doiiic, tseaner /o

Chess Club 117 Crenshaw, Montory 153 Doolan. Yuri 2, 8, 86, 87, 141, 170

Choir, Concert 87 Crenshaw, Portia 156 Dorsey. James 109, 116, 152

Choir, Gospel 81 Crews, Anthony .130 Dorsey, Monica 155

Choral Masters 86 Crim, Jvaun 157 Doss, Bre'Ann 148

Chorale, Varsity 87 Crockett, Davielle 143 Doss, Bre'Ann 83, 84

Christopher, Adam 155 Cromie, Chelsea 86. 143 Dothard. Daniqua 167

1; Christopher, Ashley 131 Cromie, Dustin 71. 152, 162 Dothard, Reniqua 138

Christopher, Bekka 164 Crookall, Jaime 145 Dotson, Daniel 153

Cibiano, Dan 49 Cross, Tiera 24, 42 Douglas. Andrea 7, 51, 62, 63, 83,

CISCO 101 Csanyi. Roger 123 167, 169

Clapacs, Carl 166 Clapacs, John 120

Clark, Chanika 135 Clark, Crestian 24.41,111 Clark. Tristan 32 Clarke, Deidra-Ann65, 68

Clay, Jewels 153 Clayton, Gladys 24 Clay tor, Glenn 157 Cleaver, Jason 123

Culture Club 93 Cummings, Christopher 152 Cummins. Melissa 167

Cunningham, Gerald 156

Cunningham, Jessica 24 Cunningham, Tiffany 148 Cuomo. Jon 123 Cureton, Brian86. 156

Cureton, Tania24, 83, 84, 86,

Currie, Brittany 104

Douglas, Glynn 135 Douglas, Sheena 157 Drake, Angela 138

Drake, Enchante' 164 Drake. Enchante’ 51,147 Drake. Megan 102, 141 Drake. Tatnika 55, 123 Drake Jr., Howard 46,47, 48. 64, 137, 162

Drayton, Demetrelle 130

Drew. Greg 123

DuBroy, Theresa 33. 123 Dudley. Led a 86, 157

Dudman. Kayla 55, 83, 89.147 Dues, Jerael 150 Dumas, Keairal33

Dumas, TerreH132 Duncan, Katherine 25 Duncan, Mikita 4, 10, 19. 25, 47. 54. 55, 61. 65,68.78,79,92. Ill, 167

Dunn, Tyroun 142 Durbin. Michael 123 Duren, Catherine 145

Duren, John 25,42, 100 Durham, Adrian 153 Durr, Lamont 49, 86. 158

Durrah, Dejohn 143 Dybzinski. Ann 137 7

Dysart, Christopher49, 138 Dysert, Craig 150

jucuyo allowed students

to express themselves

./creatively. 150

25, 176, 179 94, 145

105 153 137


Eafford, Desiree

Eanes, Mvloana Easley, Amanda Easley, Heather Easley. Richard

East Christopher East, Unique'Le

Eastburn, Christopher 76. 136 Echols, Reginald 32, 122. 123 Ecke. Edger 104

Edmondson, Eddie Anthony 142 Edmonson. Eddie Anthony 47. 74, 86, 166

Edwards, Christie 25,51,176,179 Edwards, Danielle 111. 116. 130 Eggleston. Brandon71, 158 Ekuibe. Michael 25,64 Eldemire, Dominique 8. 62, 63, 94, 129.145 Elder, Ashley 130

Ellington. Anthony 148

Ellington. Demetrius 25 Elliott. John ; 58,59,76. 77 Elliott, Tina 89,121 Ellis, Charlene25 Ellis, David 166

Ellison, India 147 Elmer, Andrea 159 Elom, Aurea 142 Elshaw, Eric 105,156 Elston, Brittany 136 Embry, Paige 14.116.132 Erdab, Ben 83

Erdani, Benjamin Erhardt, Greg 175 Erhardt. Pamela Ernest Mavrina

Ernest. Troy 176 Ernest, Valerie 176

Ervin, Moms 123 Esrvander. Albert 168. 175 Etheridge, Christopher 64,133 Euclid Heat Treating 185 Euclid High School Poetry Extravaganza Euclid Office Supply 185

Eucuyo 103 Evans, Lauren 133 Evans, Raymond 130 Everett, Alecia 156 Everett, Jordan Ewing, Christian

Ewing. Tammy Ewing, Terrence Ewing. Timothy

Ewing, Trisha 89

76, 153

25. 104 142


157 83, 143

2,83 147


xjootball team tied for

! first place in the league

--=» and made it to playoffs. Fabec, Susan 156

Fails. Shannon26 Fall Play 90

Farina, Kathryne 83. 89, 99, 112, 145 Farkas, Evan 173 Farmer. Tiantta 158 Fayne. Sasha 167

Fears, Tai 159 Federer, Janet 32, 123 Fedorko. Steven 147 Feinberg. Cara 157

Feidkamp, Spenser 133 Felix. Kurus 159 Fell, John 120 Fender. Adam 162

Index 187

Ferkul. Nichole 50,51.102,132 Ferkul, Rachel 145 Fernandes. Maria Luiza 145 Festini. Christopher 148 Field. Megan 148 Findlayson, Brad 32.123 Fish. Kimberly 33.123 Fisher, Joe 162 Fisher, Liz 99 Fisher. Taniesha 145 Fishleigh, Ryan 105 Fitzgerald, Ryan 142

Fitzpatrick. Brandon 157 Fitzpatrick. Camille 26,41. 42

Fitzpatrick. Stephan 141 Flag Corps 84 Flagg. Keith 100, 150 Fleming, Brandon 170,171,172 Fleming, Maria 87, 141 Fleming, Satia 142 Fletcher, Alan 120 Fletcher. Arthur 137 Fletcher, Brandon 47 Flood. William 26 Flores. Briana 159 Florkiewicz, TJ 47, 64. 162 Floyd, Akeem 26.99, 166 Floyd, Danielle 58. 59, 75, 144 Floyd, Dominique 144 Floyd. Paul 26 Floyd. Shajuan 132 Focarelli. Lydia 132.164 Football 46 Football Cheerleaders 62

Ford, Delon 26.74.79,111 Ford, John 101,150 Ford, Letrice 156 Forde, Arlen 26. 56, 57, 64. 166. 176. 180 Forde, Arlene 176 Fording, Michael 32. 33. 123 Forte 86 Fortunato. Anthony 147, 162 Fortunato. Nicbolas3.26. 52,53.162 Foster. Curtis 138 Foster, Jacqui 130 Fowler, Jane 123 Fowler, Ryan 138 Francois, Justine 156 Franklin. John 49. 64, 144 Frazier, Brittany 156 Frazier, Casey 141 Frazier, David 64, 148 Freeman, Errica 144 Frieden, Matthew 137 Frizzel. Rayvan 49, 138 Fryerson. Reginald 26 Fryerson. Rhonda 150

Fullum. Rachel 26, 108 Funches, Deandria 80, 83.89, 142

olfers were very suc-

Jin :ful and worked to

nprove their scores. Gaines, Leah 26, 41 Gaiter. Taja 133

Gamero. Carl 148 Gant, Kimberly 138 Gantt, Christopher 47, 132, 166 Gantt, Joshua 26 Garbincus, Margaret 32,123 Garcia, Barbara 136 Gardner, Chenice 148 Gardner, Michael 137 Garel. Alton 26,64, 66. 67 Gamer. Kayla 148 Garrett, Dentation 132 Gary, Michael 136

Gasper. Molly 132 Gasper. Todd 150 Gaston. Keyana

Gates. Barbara 123 Gates. Nicole 104 Gaulden, Jasmine Gault, Mychal 141 Gavin. Kristina Gay, Adi ea 134 Gazella, Ricky 162 Gelofsack, Jonah Gendrich, John Gentile, Carlo 76

102. 137

140, 173, 175

11, 145

57, 130, 162 154

Germany. Jasmine 156 Germany. Marcus 102,133

Gholston, Ronda 26. 42 Gholstou, Rosalyn 140 Gibbons, Cathy 78,92,123 Gibbons, John 57, 123 Gibbons, Tom 47, 123 Gibson. Jasmin 130 Gibson, Josalyn 75,157 Gibson, Thaddeus 6, 8. 26,45. 46,47,48.64,66.

67, 166 Gibson Jr . Keith 26 Gideon. Sara 133 Gilchrist. Saunders 71. 83, 89. 152 Gill. Jeffvon 159

Gilliam, Ashley 83,84,141 Gilliam, Brandon 152 Gilliam, Robert 159

Gilmore. Ashley 153 Gimmelli, Camella 169 Ginley, David 13. 102, 116, 152 Gipson, Anthony 132

Gipson, Kenyetta 144 Girbino, Diane 32 Girls' Basketball 68 Glenn. Alainna 26, 81 Glenn. Cbanel 62, 76. 77, 88, 142, 167 Glieken, Eric 26,42 Glover, James 27. 80. 83, 88. 89. 166 Gobcr. Aisha 141

Golf 52 Gonakis, Kathy 55. 124 Gonser, Joshua 153 Gonzales. Sltaniee 27.180 Gonzalez, Megan 27,90, 91,109 Gonzalez, Orlando 147 Gonzalez, Raquel 153

Gonzalez. Sltaniee 176 Gooding, Bill 121 Goodwin, Danielle 148 Gordon, Anjolie 164. 170. 172 Gordon Jr, Anthony 47, 150, 185 Gore, Kelli 142_ Gorey, Cheri 119, 124 Gospel Choir 81 Graham, Daqueeta 134 Graham, KaRonda 59.115.134

Graham, Pamela 93, 1.24.176 Graham. Rick 138 Graham. Veronica 86, 142 Grant, Deshaun 27 Grant, Samuel 141

Gravely, Davon 49, 159 Gray. Charm 134 Gray, Marcy 124 Gray, Trenace 134 Gray, William 110, 124 Gray, Yahqui 27,42 Grayes, Charles 88,159 Grays, Marion 137

Green. Anthony 49 Green, Autumn 131

Green. Moneecia 150 Green, William 27 Greene, Miesha 134 Greene, Tameka 27 Greene, Tashe' 134

Greene, Victor 10, 83,89. 153 Greene II, Anthony 138

Grida, Dj 162 Griffie. Denean 62. 63, 99. 102. 147 Griftie. Dezarae 4. 5. 10, 27,92. 99, 111, 114

Griffin, Johnny 116 Griffin, Sean 147 Griffin. Stanley 111,136 Griffin Jr„ Johnny 153 Griffith, Kirsten 8, 77, 86. 87, 129, 141, 170 Griffith, Kustin ~ » '■

Grillo. Alejandro 137,162 Gron, Sierra 149 Gross, Michelle 8b, 87 Gruzdys, Valentinas 157 Gualt. Mychal 47 Guilds. Jefon 64 Guy, Dawood 156 Gwin, Shanice27

Gym, Rock 116

44, 54. 55, 150. 167 156 157

47, 157, 166 136

"pomeconiing sold out for a second con sec u-

7, 52,53.76, 116, 128.150.

2, 27, 42. 47, 79 144


27, 87,97. 145

Hairston. Samaria 62,63. 83. 142 Hairston. Shana 147. 164 Hide, Matthew 144

Hale, Megan 138 Hall. Amber 104 Hall. Audrauic75.133 Hall. Braxton 64. 138 Hall, Demarcus 134 Hall, Elise 75 Hall, Nicole 100.136 Halton, Antoinique 27, 75 Halton, Chandria 167 Halton. Gabrielle

Hamblin, Robert Hamilton, Darien Hamilton, Derron Hammond, Alan Hammond, Christopher 139 Hammond, Jon 64, 124

Hammond, Monica 98 Hampton, Brandi 105 Hampton, Brittany 116, 132 Hampton. Rickea 157

Hampton III, Robert 27 Hand. Shacola 137 Hanley, Kurt 162 Hansou, Timothy 161.168 Harbour, Tamica 159 Hardimon. Sirena 27 Hardnick. Jasmine 69. 144 Hardrick, Latia 136 Hardy, Deouell 27, 88, 176, 180 Hardy. Joy 77,89.134 Hardy, Sherrell 176 Harlos, Sandra27 Harper, Aj a 159 Harper, Amanda Harper. Orlando

Haiper. Uriel 149 Harris. Aerialel37

Harris, Brandon Harris, Brittany Harris, C'lara 145 Harris, Chanel 65, 139 Harris, Cherliel05, 136 Harris. Dana 27 Harris, Daytona 147 Harris, Helen 139 Harris. Jailyn 51,132 Harris. Jameli 64.134 Harris. Jasche 147 Harris, Jeremy 156 Harris. Justin 64, 132, 145 Harris, Kenneth 27 Harris, Marcus 157 Harris, Ralph 153

Harrison, Mya 134 Hastings. John 172 Hastings, Kelsey Hatcher, Denaye Hathaway. David Hatten-Morelan, Kenneth Hatten-Moreland, Kenneth

Hawk, Nicholas Hawkins. Devin Haycock. Brooke Hayes, Dion 137 Hayes. Donte 137 Hayes, John 27 Hayes. Sharese 14 Hayes. Tanisha 28 Haywood Jr., William Heaggans. Jeria 144 Hebebrand. Martin 104 -V .

Hegedus, Jessica 11.19,28 Hegler. Taylor 105

liehmoyei, Jessica 132™ Hein, Thomas 153 Heindeli. Alexander 86 Heindell. David 170,171 Heindeli, Katie 86,153 Hemphill III, William 139 Henderson, Capricee 142 Henderson, George 124 Henderson, Gwendolyn 176 Henderson, James 83,89,176

Henderson, James E. 28 Henderson. James T. 28 Henderson. Jasmine 147 Henderson, Kia 28

2,45. 58.59,77, 157 81, 141 32. 119. 124

153 116

100 49, 149 8



144 132 28,61. 75, 167 61 167

Heyer. Lauren 104 Hicks, Keyana 159 Higginbotham Hannuh Hill, Aja 80 Hill. Allison Hill. Artavia Hill, Arvesha Hill. Arvesia Hill, Arvisha Hill, Caroline 167 Hill, Carolyn 167

Hill, Christopher 156 Hill, De' Andre 141 Hill, Hope 59,102.147 Hill, Kashawna 141 Hill. Marie 159 Hill. Robert 144 Hill. Shirell 28 Hill. Solita 75 Hill, Steven 74.145,166 Hilston, Cassandra 10, 13. 17,19,28.41,42,80, 83, 89. 107, 114 Hine; fanine Hines, Janene 89. 99, 147 Hink, Christopher 152 Hinson, Zoe 28,42,167

Hirsch. Ariane 75, 144 Hobbs, Caressa 167 Hocli, David 74,100,141

Hockey 72 Hodder, JoAnne 94,124 Hogan, Terrshawn 86, 149 Hoge, William 131

Hogue, Susan 16. 18, 19. 28.41,42. 78, 83, 85.94 Hollard. Matt 162 Hollingsworth, Dale 124 Hollingsworth, Leah 104 Hollis. Briana 88, 102, 153 Holmes. Doug 64, 162 Holmes. Ebony 134 Holmes III, Douglas 137 Holsey, Deontaye 28 Holt, Chanrielle 137 Holzheimer, Claire 6, 11, 58. 59, 77, 147, 167 Homecoming 12 Hood, Autumn 152 Hood, Clarence 139 Hooks, Jonicqua 87, 149 Horkan, Benjamin 141 Horn, Geoffrey 80, 88, 94. 99, 131

Horn, Goefftey 10 I I Horn, Jacqueline 83, 89. 142 Horovvicz, Benjamin 83,86,144 Horowicz. David 80, 89.95,101, 117. 150 Horowitz, Benjamin 89

Hortou. Airele 19. 28, 42, 74, 75, 167 Horton. Carlos94. 157

Horton. Kelli-Adjani 151 Horton, Terry 137 Horton, Tracsina 139 Horvath, Andrew 108.150 Houchins, Fieda 176 House, Michael 142 House, Open 117

Houston, Teeyavvna 28 Houston, Tierra 144 Howard, Samantha 94. 132

28 75. 142. 167 124

110,150 101. 131



Howard, Sidele Howell, Spencer Howse. Beverly Hoyle. Dionte’28 Hribar, Anthony Hubbard, Evan Hudnall. Dion 47 Hudnall. Norris Huey, Kevin 28 Huff, Mia 137

Hughes, Brad 124 Hughes. Diamond

Hughey. Kevin47 Humenuik, Joseph 19.28, 57. 72, 73 Hummer. Monica 149 Humphreys. Alyssa 136 Humphreys. Chelsea 147 Hunt, Ashley 132 Hunter, Jeremy Hunter, Ny'Eisha Hunter, Quatrina Hunter. Reginald Huskic. Elina 140 Hyland. Beth 121

47, 124

156 86, 152 144

Gentile. Dominic 132 Habat, Joanna 6, 142, 161 Henderson 111, Norman 17, 28. 94

George, Christopher 26. 42. 80, 81. 83, 89 George, Kvvamne 157

Habat, Monica 169 Hagenbaugh, Patrick 56, 57, 76. 149

Hendking. Yaniesha 144

Heman, Joseph 142, 162 George Jr.. William 130 Hager, Erik 27. 83. 89 Hernandez, Norma 28 ■ :• edJ Germany. Dominique

1 NS Index

49,133 Hager, Steven 80. 83. 88, 89, 147

Hairston, Brian 159 Herrington. Ian 136 Heuer. Megan 157

ir six small scwjoISs ' Idem. Artina 156 Indiano, Andrew 6. 9, 28, 41,42, 45, 56, 57

Indiano, Sam 3, 56. 57. 129 Indiano, Samuel 149

Inman, Jennifer 59. 77. 145. 164 Insana. Robert 153 Iosue. Albert 176 Iosue. MariBeth 124

Iosue, Marlene 124,176 Isaac, Jaleena 140 Isaacs. Larry 110.124. 176 Isaacs, Patty 176 Ivancic, Halle 164, 165

Ivancic. Kelsey 55,102,132,164 Ivory, Chloe 139

Ivory, Stephen 29 Ivory, Steven 19

c uniors anxiously awaited

their fast year.

Jacldin, Amanda 104

Jackson, Aaron 131 JacksOh, Adrienne "29

176 93, 131

49.153 159

7, 62. 63, 136 142 149

144 59, 75. 147, 167

159 141 47, 141 147, 162


47,111.146, 166

Jackson, Alicia Jackson. Ashley Jackson. Brennan

Jackson, C'Asia

Jackson. Danielle Jackson, Diante Jackson, Dominic Jackson, Jeremiah

Jackson,Jeruna Jackson,Joe 19 Jackson, Latoya

Jackson, Marchae Jackson, Ricardo

Jackson. Richard Jackson III, Andrew Jacobs, Keith 157

Jaggers. Ricky 152 Jalali, Roberta 124.176 Jaiherson, Alphonso

Janies, Deja 151 James. Donyae 132 James. Greg 3, 32, 33. 64, 119, 124. 176 James, Javon 29. 83

James, Jazmenl34 James, Jejunique 62

James, Louis 150 James, Richard 139

J James, Tierra 116.132

Jasper, Joseph 105 Javev, Jamall 29,46. 47,49, 74. 166

Javey, Jaman 46, 47. 48, 74, 166 Javey, Jamil 47,64,159 Javey., Jaman 46 Jazz Band 80

Jefferson, Charmaine 61, 75. 167 Jefferson, Grace 5, 77, 83, 89, 98.147

Jeffries, David 76, 86, 87, 108,109, 141, 166 Jeffries, David 108 Jelenic, Angela 153

Jenkins, Andre 139 Jenkins. Brian 64, 137

Jenkins. Chantera 141 \ ^ Jenkins. Chorrethers 152 Jenkins, Jazmyne 115, 137. 164 Jenkins, Jenna 65, 164

Jenkins, Rozelle 134 Jennings, Davon 46 Jennings, Devon 6, 12.44,47, 64. 66, 67,116, 137

Jensen, Kim -• 104 Jermaine, Dominique 64

Jesus. Teair 29 Jick, Justin 152 Jochum, Anthony 157

“^TtStison. Adorial^pT*®''’' * Johnson, Adrian® % 42 Johnson. Ainu 146 Johnson, Albert : .29

Johnson, Alec 153 Johnson, Arielle 65,137 Johnson, Asia 83, 89

Johnson, Brittany 65,131 Johnson, Brittney 65, 136, 137

Johnson, Caitlin 139 Johnson, Carlos 86, 87,99, 111 Johnson, Chaz 157 Johnson, Desiree 136

Jbhnson, Dewayne 139 Johnson, Dmetrius 29

Johnson, Georgio 139 Johnson. Iesha65, 139

Johnson, Jasmine 88 Johnson,Joseph 47,111 Johnson, Kenneth 29, 169 Johnson, Keyona 5,29, 62,63.99

Johnson. Kristina 142 Johnson. La Shunae 62. 144 Johnson. Larry 157

Johnson, Leah 62, 159 Johnson, Mario 47, 132 Johnson, Nathan 159

Johnson, Robert 29,166 Johnson, Shavonne 139 Johnson. Shenee 29 Johnson, Stephanie 29.42

Johnson. Tonica 8, 50,51,95, 102, 132, 164 Johnson. Ty ’ Ree 149 Johnson. Whitney 75,134 Johnson Jr., Carlos 141

Johnson Jr„ Joseph 29

Johnston, Tiffany 86, 99,111,155 Joiner, Erriel 55, 88, 134 Jolly, Jasmine 144

Jones, AJascia 81. 141 Jones, Alecia 17,29,92

Jones, Ashley 14,62,63,136 Jones, Danielle 29.95, 107 Jones, Derek 137

Jones, Derric 150 Jones. Eric 139

Jones. Garrett 131 Jones. Jay 100. 155.156 Jones, Joffrey 120 Jones, Joshua 49. 149 Jones, La'Porscha 164 Jones, Lacey 81

Jones, Lakeshia 157 Jones, Laron 104,141

Jones, Lashonte’ 132

Jones. Leon 132 Jones. Luther 47, 64, 152 Jones. Lynetta 51, 88. 94, 139

Jones, Michael 140.141 Jones, Renee 149 Jones, Tiara 137 Jones, Timothy 29,70.71

Jordan, Aaron 29 Jordan, Carl 124 Jordan, Kennard 47. 64, 136

Jordan, Teneia 116, 132 Jurcak, Andrew 172 Justus. Shawn 149

lcking Mentor’s butt in


Kaiser, De' Marcus 147 Kalemi. Dritan 29 Karchefsky, Nicholas 100 Katona, Joyce 124 Kazen, Elliott 29,42,71

Keating, Kevin 49 Keay. Chelsea 104.113 Keay. Katherine 5. 83, 113. 152 Keely, Amber 132

Keene, Trevon 157 Kehn, Dennis 124 Ke i th Jr.. Dwight 147 Kelley, James 32.124 Kelly. Christine 176 Kelly, Javonte 47, 137

Kelly, Lawrence 157 Kendzierski, Ashley 29

Kennedy, Alicia 134 Kennedy, Jim 124 Kennedy, Tiffany 30 Kent. Michael 30, 101 Kershaw. Matthew 30 Key Club 102 ” ~r

Keyes, A.C. 136 Kidd, Carlos 49,159

.V k 7

Klepac, Katherine 55, 149 Klepac, Kenneth 64, 154 Klepac. Kyle 64,132

Klonowski, Adam 154 Klozar, Samantha 13. 83, 89, 141 Knaflich, Melanie 13.141 Knaus, Stephen 134

Knauss, Marsha 124,176,193 Knight. Daniel 137

Knowles, Marcus 30,41,42.166 Koehman, Amanda 105 Kodramaz, Alyssa 5. 16, 30. 41,42,44.45. 58, 59,77, 167, 185

Koenig, Ingrid 32. 124 Kolar, Eric 73 Kongkeo. Tina 102, 154

Kope, Kevin 110,111,131 Kosek. Robert 146 Kostansek, Mary 124, 176

Kotlar, Jeffrey 137. 162 Kotnik, Alexandria 137

Kristo, Kristina 142 ' feofeheck, Timothy 30,94,107, 162,163

Krovontka, Matthew 152 Kubula, Wendy 47,124 Kuhat, Jennifer 124

Kuhar, Brittany 94, 157 Kuklinca, Rachel 149 Kuklinca, Robert 11,89,147

Kulbis. Kristen 41 Kulbis, Matthew 74, 83, 88, 89, 142. 166 Kune, Katherine 30 Kurzinger. Steven 100

Kushan, Marcia 176 Kushan, Matthew 30,42, 103. 108, 176, 181 Kushan, Rich 176

Kyker, Christina 55, 149 Kyle, Anthony 142

E“ T3 ockers were a place to

keep your belongings.

La Fontaine, Jonathan 30,71

Ladaika. Judy 124, 176 Ladovic, Jessica 167

Ladson. Cierra83. 89, 154 Lake, Timothy 152 Lambert, La’Tia 144 Lambert Jr., Damon 47. 142 Lancaster. Allison 30.41,42 ; Landers, Aubrey 149

Landers. Brittaney 131 Lane Jr., Parnell 131

Langdon. Liza 30, 86. 172 Langdon. Mary Beth 124 Langdon. Paula 124 Lange. Cornell 166

Langford. Lauren 156 Langford. Lisa33, 124. 176

Lang ham, Sean 142,162 Lascio, Gemma 149 Lascio, Kayleigh 149 Lash, Kierra 149 Laster. Dionna55, 154

Latessa. Dawn 124 Latimore. Jessica 30, 89 Laughlin, Kelly 77, 92, 131, 164 Lavender. D’Angela 54, 65. 68, 69, 136, 167 Lavender, D’Angela 55 Lavender. Desiree 30. 75, 167 Lavette. Manning 154

Law, Sean 30 Lawrence, Bruce 47 Lawrence, Rachel 6, 77, 86, 87. 142

Lewis. Devin 166 Lewis. Hayden 9,46. 47, 48, 64. 66, 67. 136

Lewis. Jeff 99 Lewis. Octavia 31 Lewi*. Tiawna 159 Light. Ann 125 Likovic Jr., Ronald 144 Lilek, Michelle 132 Linderman, Nicholas 154 Linnington. Alison 31.41.42 Lisy, Angela 120

Little. Anthony 31 Little, Kawana86,134 Livingston. Terrell 134

Lockers 114 Locklear, Lenell 64, 159 Loines, Adrienne 146

Lombardo, Dominic 149 Lombardo, James 144 Lombardo, Jessica 131 Long, Erica 81,156 Long, Lashon 154

Long, Mykel 146 ., Lucas. Janel 141 Lucas, Margaret 125,176

Lucas, Vincent 137 Luikart, Edward 57,154 Luikart, JoePaul 80, 89 Luikart, JosephPaullO, 80, 83, 88, 92. 152 Luther-Nebe, Lorraine 125 Lyles. Lauren 159 Lynch. Destini 132 Lytle. Rick 33,47,125

Majorettes were on fire

this football season!

Lawson, Devin Lawson, Eric 176

49, 64, 154

Mabie, Sara 15 Mable, Sarah 86, 87, 111. 141, 161, 170

Mac Gillis. Donna 125 Mack. Loretta 125 Mackar. Marty58.59 Mackemull, Jim 125 Maddox, Anthony 151 Maddox, Ashley 149

Maddox Jr.. Ivan 31 Mahalic, Megan 55

Mahario, Shayeeda 167. 169 Mahovlic, Emily 86,146


Majer. Bob 176 Majer, Debbie 176 Majer, Lauren 31, 176. 181 Majorettes 85 Malone. Branden 111,141 Malone. James 155 Malone, Lisa 146 Mandic, Mike 166 Mandic, Nick 162,163

Manes. Steven 105 Mannarino, Marissa 31, 94 Manningham. Trenisha 19, 31.41,42, 83. 89

Mansell, Loretta 125

Marching Band 82 Marcu. Steve 32,125,128,176 Markovic, Emilia 141 Marlin, Brieonl37 Maroli, Michael 99. 146 Maroli Girbino, Diane 176 Maroli-Girbino. Diane 125 Marra. Angela 139

Marshall. Dwight 151 Marshbum. Tyaun 87,144

Martin, James 17.46,47, 162, 163 Martin. Jennifer 146

Martin. Latosha 142

Kilgo, Ryan 137, — Len&ure, Emerald 144 Martin. Layton 64, 131

Kilijanczyk, Christopher 105 Ledonne, Joseph 73,150 Martin, Marvin 139

Kilkenney. Thomas 57, 89, 108, 153 Lee, Ariel 154 Marvin, James 31

Kim. Above: Mrs. Dixon 118 Lee, Chad 83.89,147 Marvin, Vincent 10,12, 18..

Kimball, Devynn 157 Lee. Christopher 147 94. 107.115, 160, 185

Kimbrough, Dorshay #137 Lee, Jaclyn 65,81,92.111,136 Marvin, William 31

Kincaid, Quentin 159 Lee. Starla 30, 42, 78. 88 Marzette. Danielle 149

King, Devin 47.156 Leflore, Derrick 152 Mash, Jessica 152

King, JaRon 166 Leftwieh, Tiara 30,62 Mason. Jeff 159

King, Jasmine 137 , ; Leggon, Brittany 30 Mason. Lynn 31.41, 94

King. Sheriyn 62,63, 118 Lehman, Sara 13, 30. 41, 42, 88. 89. 99, 116 Masseria. Barbra 32.125

King. Terrain 7, 8,11.13,62.63.99, 111, 116, Leightv, David30, 104 Massey, Mari el 141

152 Lennon, Chrissy 170. 171, 172 Massingill, Illisca 142

Kinlaw. Joshua 147 Lennon. Crissy 171 Masters. Choral 86

Kirby, Tyra 30 Leone-Bailey. Saysia 140 Matas. Linda 125

Kirchner, Charles 76, 153 Lesler, Daniel 151 Matek, Michael 154

Kirk, Nicholle 105 Lesler. Megan 116, 132 Matthews, Ayeisha 31

Kish, Hannah 140 Letman. Brittney 133 Matthews, Bruce 54, 55. 125

Kitchen, Katie 156, 164 Lewan. Michael 142 Matthews. Deshaun 151

Klein, Ed 32, 124 Lewis. Chonton 139 Matthews. Howard 154

Klemperer, Marty 160,169 Lewis. Ciara 140 Index 189

Matthews, Tiayra 147 Mavar, Nicholas 31,42, 56. 57, 162

Maxwell. Katherine 10, 11, 13. 15, 54. 55. 87, 129. 152, 161, 164, 170 Maxwell, Marcia 176 Maxwell, Samuel 31.41.42,74,162, 176, 181 Maxwell, Scott 176 Maxwell, Stephanie 170, 171. 173 May, Cherice 3. 4, 12, 14, 19, 31.61,75. 92. 111. 167 May. Daniel 15 May. Lori 125 Mayhew, Brianna 159 Maynor, Aries 31, 42 Maynor. Christian 142 Mayock, Kevin 156 Mazzolini. Briana 6, 59, 87, 110. 142 Me Alpine. Joshua 49. 154 Me Call, Jasmine 83. 89, 141. 167 Me Calliou, Miranda 144 Me Callister. Garnett 147 Me Carthy, Amy 83

Me Carthy, Jacquelyn 31. 42, 111 Me Carthy, Jaqui 41 Me Clain, Mersades 152 Me Clanahan, Tiana 134

Me ClelJan. Alisha 86, 149 Me Clellan. Tiara 31 Me Cloud. Jennifer 62. 63 Me Connell, Adam 31.42, 44, 52. 53, 176, 181 Me Connell, Cheryl 176 Me Connell, Chuck 176

Miller, Robert 146 Miller, Sarah 2,79.99,156 Miller, Sean 151 Miller, Thomas 157

Millner. Danyelle 87.137 Mills. Katie 83, 84, 132

Milner. Tyrese 105 Milroy, Merrianna 146 Mims III. Douglas 134 Minard, Bryan 34, 99 Miner. Sharde 6, 34, 42. 51, 164 Minich, Ryan 125 Minor, Caleb 149 Minor, Sharde’ 50 Misra, Flor 32,33,125 Mita, Barry 117,125 Mitchel. Andrea 86 Mitchell, Anastasia 156 Mitchell, Andrea 34,89.90.91 Mitchell, Marcus 136 Mitchell, Shaffeal 34

Mogul, Ashley 137, 164 Mongo, Marie S8. Monroe. Brad 146 Monroe. DeMarcus34. 46, 47, 74. 166. 176, 182 Montgomery. Gerald 134 Moore, Amber75, 114, 147. 167 Moore. Curtis 149 Moore. Denise 125 Moore. Justin 137 Moore. Marcus 132 Moore. Te'Airra 62,159

Nolcox, Arrionne 61,75, 77. 111. 167 Norris. Stephanie 125 Nosse. Larry 47, 74. 75, 116, 125. 167 Novak, Barbara 32, 33. 125, 176 Novak. Daniel 47. 157, 162 Novak, John 35.100,162

N rchestra provided

/beautiful sound, vv

O’Neal, Alycia 86,154 O’Netil, Justin 35 O’Toole, Sean 3, 33, 64.66, 118, 125.176 Oatman, Roger 132 Oberaitis. Laurie 176

Oberle. Francis 35,104,172 Oblak, Brittany 77.86.137 Obradovich. Anne 126 Office Aides 94 Olds, Marlene 115, 134 Oliver, Sean 154 Open House 117 Oppenheimer. Amanda 157 Orchestra 88 Orr, Matthew 35, 100, 116 Orr. Shieda 143

Oten. Antonio 46. 151 Ott. Lucy 126. 176 Ott. Matthew 151,162 Ott. Michael 154 Outdoor Track 166

80, 83. 84. 86, 89. 92, 94, 98. 99, 111. 114. 122, 176. 182

151 35 131 176 19, 36.41.42,91, 107, 115,

Perison, Maurice Perkins, Daleea

Pemell. Timothy Perovsek, John

Perovsek. Rachel 116, 172, 176. 182 Perovsek. Sally 176 Perpar. Ben 10, 92. 162. 176, 182 Perpar. Benjamin 36

Perpar. Jacob 49,71,139 Perpar, Joe 176 Perpar, Judy 176 Perrotti, Christine 14 Perry. Cameron 144 Perry. Cedric 36, 46, 64. 66, 185 Perry. Shauntel 157 Perusek, Lindsay 36, 42 Perusek, Mitchell 137. 162 Perusek, Rachel 116 Petemelj, Jade 104 Peters, Sarah 143 Peters Jr.. Mark 143 Peterson, Rhonda 144 Peterson, Sharday 156 Petit, Lauren 104 Petitt, Michelle 33 Petitto, James 156 Petrie. Zachary 105 Petrick, Deborah 33,126 Petrovic. Robert 10. 33. 95, 126. 176

Me Cornell, Domonique 142 Moreland Jr., James i 156 Overstreet Jr., David 139 Pettit, Dennis 126 Me Coy, Brandon 143 Morgan. Ashley 140 Owens. Donnell 159 Pettit, Michelle 126.176 Me Coy, Kyle 83, 89. 144 Morgan, Darius 157 Owens. Miah 157.167 Pettry, Andrew 147 Me Donald. Robert 105 Me Donnell. Kathleen 111. 125 Me Duffie. Jazmes 136 Me Duffie. Monique 132

Me Garry. Michelle 125 Me Gee. Sasha 86. 147 Me Ghee, Ginger 11.31,41,42,95, 113,115. 176, 181 Me Ghee, Sylvia 176 Me Gill, Dana 2. 12, 16, 32, 41,42. 44, 58, 59. 102, 176, 181 Me Gill. Debbie 176 McGill. Ron 176 Me Gill. Steven 45, 56. 57, 154 McGill. Sue 125

Me Kay, Greg 99 Me Kenzie. Amanda 141 Me Kenzie. Christopher 33 Me Kenzie. Matthew 86. 87, 141 Me Laughlin, Sean 33, 42 Me Michael. Tiffany 11.88, 116, 152 Me Millan, Brandon 33 Me Millan, Keara 149 Me Neice Johnson. Kathleen 125

Morgan. Leonda Morgan, Shamara Morgan, Traci 125 Morris, Cordaryle

34. 176. 181 5, 34. 92

147 Morris, David 72, 73. 134 Morris, Karl 3,16,34.41,42,56.57,94, 116 Morris, Katie 32, 125, 176 Morris, Kwi ana 65,137 Morris Jr.. Gregory 34, 47. 176. 182 Morrow, Ashley 134 Morton, Donovan 149 Morton, Shame S3 Mosley, Aubrey 143 Modev, Desmond 34, 64, 66. 67 Motley, Philhp34

Mowler. Renee 156 Moyers, Caysee 34 Muhammad, Kevin 139 Muhammad, Lateefah 149 Muhammad, Quadir 157 Muhamud, Hakeem 154 Muldrow, Ja’Von 137 Mulholland, Patrick 14, 86, 109, 141 Mullins, Alexander 34. 104

Owens. Tyrone 137 Ozoa, Janette 35, 94

] Q join was a wonderful

' •"experience for all who

attended. PA Announcers 109 Pace. Michele 105

Pacholke. Johathan 132 Pacholke. Jonathan 73, 86, 87 Padgett. Andree 47, 147 Pagan,Joseph 151 Pagano, Dale 126 Palisin, Brian 120 Palko. Jim 162 Palko. Michael Palmer, Michelle Palmer, Najee 159 Pantalone, Jared 76. 89, 152 Panter, Christian 94,159 Panzarella, Michelle 126 Paoloni, Melissa 173 Papaleo, Kenneth 35, 71. 185

60. 151, 162, 163 35

Phillips, Cameron 36, 176, 183 Phillips. Christopher 36, 47, 176, 183 Phillips, Lynn 65 Phillips, Maurice 47, 146 Phillips, Nikki 36 Phillips, Shawn 32 Phillips, Tonya 176 Philpot, Stefanie 156 Pickens, Tiffatiie 136 Pierson, Thaddeus 74.157

Pignatiello, Roy 101,126.176 Pikovnik. Nicholas 100, 146 Pikus, Matthew 73 Pinchot. Ashley 59. 134 Pinchot, Joseph 146 Pinson, David 136 Piotrkowski. Alicia 86, 134 Pizzamiglio, Sophia 172 Pizzamiglio, Sophio 172 Pla, Sally 119, 126, 176 Platz, Keith 100 Play, Fall 90 Play. Spring 172

Pless. Deidra 139 Me Nulty, Rachel 105 Mulraney, Paul 100, 151 Paponetti, James 104. 141 Poe, Dianna 164 Me Pherson, Maurice 139 Munford, Samaria 154 Panfe. Linn 94.126 Pollard, Kiera 55, 143 Me Pherson, Vanessa 75,139 Murphy, Donald 116, 152 Parker, Noel 35 Polter, Debbie 176 ~U ■

Me Queen, James 139 Murphy, Leonard 131 Parkinson, Sarah 136 Polter. Frank 176 i. Me Queen, Ramaj 139 Murray, Jasean 137 Parks, Anthony 35 Polter. John 36, 42, 56. 57, 72, 73, 162, Me Rae, Tyra 157 Murray, Nicole 83, 84, 131 Parks, Carlos 141 Ponyard. Jason 149 Me Swain. Brandon S3, 89, 152 Mutlaq, Hasan 136 Parks. Lyncoiya 35 Porter, Dorian 141 McAfee, Jamil 159 Myers, Steviena 34 Parnell, Matthew 89,131 Porter, Octavius 36 McDaniel, Allen 159 Myles. Ashley 105, 156 Parrish, Christopher 35, 46, 47 Porter, Robert 49 Meadows, Kelly 33 Mecoli, Alycia 134 Y\Yational Honor Soci-

Parrish, Tremayne 154 Parson, Mareia 144

Poskarbiewicz, Bill 80 Potts, Antonia 133

Mediators 111

Medley, Danielle 33.111 \N ety added many new Pasquale, Katherine32, 126

Pass Jr., Dwayne 146 Poulson, Carole 176

Poulson, Jim 120.135, 176 Meeks, Steven 105 \J members. Patemite, Alex 35 Powe. Marissa 15, 36. 94 Mellen, Edie 103,104,125 Nahorton, Tracy 65 Patete, Claire 131 Powell, Alicia 131 Memories Divider 160 Nally, Vickie 125 Patrick. Deonte 131 Pratcher, Tamara 36 Mercandante, Dominic 173 Nally, Vicky 33,119 Patrons r 176 Praznovsky. Daniel 102. 103, 117, 152 Merriweather. Shevonte 132 Nash, Andrea 65, 149 Patterson, Phil 169 President. Marketa 32, 33, 126 Mescudi. Elsie 120 Nash. Brittany 65, 69,139 S Patterson ITT. Wilbert 35 Presswood, Tyrone 154 Metti. Maggie 33, 125, 176 Meyerhoffer. Jeffrey 105 Mezatasta, Gina 34 Miah. Melynie34. 87 Miceli. Mary Jane 125 Middleton. Kristian 156 Miezin, Alexander 34.42,162 Mihalco, Lauren 144 Mihalich. Kevin 139 Mihalich, Megan 55, 141 Milberr. Brandon 64,152 Miles, Cindy 125 Miller. Amanda Miller. Andrew Miller. Ashley 34. 94. 161. 164, 165 Miller, Brandon 49.64.134 Miller, Delvon 152

Miller, Devin 159 Miller, Kristen 147

190 Index


34,41.42. 101. 106

National Honor Society 107 National Honor Society Induction banquet Naylor. Khaia 131 Neal, Christopher 134 Nelson, Caple 12, 14, 19. 35, 111. 166 Nelson-Manuel, Xavier 147 Nero. John 4. 91, 95. 102, 109, 147, 172

Nero. Robert 90, 91.97, 102, 146. 172 Nevels, Shamia 131 Newell, Ra Shawn 35, 46, 74, 166 Newell. Rayshaun 47 Newsome, Rachel 99, 111, 156 New'ton. Antonio 116, 143 Nickson, Sherrie 87. 144 Nielsen. Margaret 32, 97, 125, 176 Nielsen. Paul 125. 176

Niksick. Desiree 159 NJROTC lit)

Noce, Celita 75,141,167 Noel, Sierra 144

Patterson-Peoples, Steve 35 169 Patton. Bob 64

Patton, Roderick 35

Pauldo, Stephaun 49,134 Paulk. Bryant 154 Paully, Christopher 143 Pavicic, Joseph 83,89,149 Pavieic, Patrick 64. 66, 146, 162 Payue, Domanique 35. 86, 176, 182 Paytou. Aaron 60, 74, 83. 89, 143, 166 Payton, Aaron 76 Peal Jr.. Samuel 134 Pearcy, Nateisha 62,144

Pearson, Chastity 137 Pearson, Matthew' 136 Pearson. Thaddeus 47 Pellegrin. Ely 156 Penick. Lashawnda 132 Pennyman, Rashad 157 Perdan, Alexandria 4, 13, 16, 18, 35, 41, 42, 79.

Preston, Michael 47, 49. 146. 166 Price. Alex 47.81,86 Price. Alexander 36 Price. Artis 126 Price, Shavonne 144 Prince, Ariane 154 Pringle. Ciara 9, 36, 41.42, 83, 84. 176, 182 Pringle, Cierra 117 Pringle, Dwayne 176 Proctor, Emily 12. 18,36,41,42, 103. 122. 170 Prom 174 Pryor, Travis 152 Puda, Katie Lynn 11. 146, 164, 165

/ )uite a good year was

had by most students.

Quanteh, Cyrus 36,100

ifle team added to the Hi Jr'x overall look of halftime

rJ \ performances. Raab, Kayla 159 Radanovic, Stacy 164 Ramarsck, Mary 83 Rambo. Paris 143

Ranallo. Anthony 71, 126

Ranallo, Erica 47, 141, 164 Ranallo, Lauren 17, 18, 36, 83 Ranieri. Marc 60. 74, 83, 88. 89, 151 Rappaselli, DJ 162 Rasheed, Jamal 36

Ratka, Frances 126 Raum, Michael 81.139 Rauscher, Robert 100, 146

Raymore, Kendall 143 Raynor, Marquis 166 Reasor, Michael 136

Reasor, Shawn 157 Reddick, James

Reed. Mechelle 77,132

Reeder, Jeremy 5 Reeder, Porsha 136

Reese, Daniel 154 Reese, Kristin 141

Reeves. Dominque 159 Register, Arnoud 137 Reid, Andrew 137 Reid. Erica 131 Reid, Jocelyn 89,141

Reid, Jordan 139 Rembert, Quentin 49

Renbarger, Bonnie 176 Renbarger, Rich 176 Renbarger, Ryan 36. 46,47, 48, 162. 176, 183 Renfoe, Noland 159 |

Renfroe, Noland 71 Renfroe, Regina 36,92 Repko, Patricia 126 Reyes, Gladys 36

Reyes, Hemerson 37,42.185 Reyes, Jeannette 146 Rezzolla, Michael 47,126

Rhodes, Carmisha 75.134

Rice. Brittany 152 Rice. Daniel 154 Rice, Jesse 154

Rice, Michael 134 Richardson, Chase 131

Richardson. Cherell 144 Richardson. Jelani 80,139 Richardson. Michael 147 Richardson, Raymond 154 Richmond, Anna 65, 139

Richmond. Eric 37. 64

Rico, Steve 126 Ridgley, Joe 126 Riendeau, Gail 176 Riendeau, Ken 176 Riendeau. Michael 5,9,37. 80, 82, 83, 89, 110,

169, 176, 183 Rifle Team. 85 Rivers, Bryant 104

Rivers, Lauren37, 88 Rivers, Quianal38 Rivers, Tisa 134

Rivers Jr., Bryant 141 Roberts, Naejean 88,146 Roberts, Noelle 58, 59, 69. 134

Roberts, Ryan 154 Roberts. Tiffany 15,131 Robinson, Ajhia 116, 132 Robinson, Anthony 151

Robinson, Bernadette 176 Robinson, Cameron 86, 147 Robinson, Duan 147 Robinson,. Joseph 143

Robinson, LaShonda 9, 37, 42 Robinson. Sasha 37.41,42, 94 Rock Gym 116

Rock Wall 116 Rodgers. Amanda 88

Rodgers. Ashley 146.164 Rodgers. Dennis 7. 47, 146. 166

Rodgers. Josh 74 Rodgers. Kathleen 33, 122, 126 Rodgers, Mrs. Kathy 128 Rodgers, Shaniqua 157

Rodgers, Tommie 159 Rodgers, Tyrone 159

Rodgers, Warren 64. 149 Rodriguez. Erika 149 Rodriguez, Sarina 37

Rogers, Amanda 143 Rogowski, Steven 37,42. 162, 163

Rollins, Brandon 64.67,157 Rollins, Kristen 157

Roquemore, Maalik 154 Roquemore, Raphiel 166 Rosati. Felicia 116, 119, 126 Roscoe, Lavell47, 132 Rose, Carmeesha 75

Ross, Jasmine 134

Ross. Mike 162 Ross. Monica 55. 138

Ross. Sariah 159 Ross, Shauna 86, 118. 122.126. 176 Ross, Sherome 156 Ross, Terry 76, 147 Rossman. Alexandra 154

Rossman. Alexandria 77 Rossmann, Alex 55

Rossmann, Victoria 37, 77.104, 185 Rought. Courtney 18, 37. 89 Roundtree, Adrian 156 Rouse, Terrance 134

Rowland, Adam 162 Roy, Franklin 37,41,42. 100.117 Royster, Bobby 157 Royster, Demar 166

Royster. Lavelle 149 Royster, Robby 132 Rozman, Anthony 32, 100, 126 Rozman.. Tony 155 Ruberto, Gabrielle 86, 131, 161 Rucker, Audi 100, 146

Rucker, Brandon 143 Rucker Jr.. Eric 138 Rudder, Deborah 126 Ruffin, Curtis 131

Ruscin. Amy 37 Russo. Anthony 121 Russo, Elizabeth 93, 126 Rutti, Scott 47,102.113,133 Rymarczyk, Mary 84

Rymarczyk, Marybrigid 153

(Qvleiiiors were thrilled to

j^N^finally graduate!

Saengchat eun, Adam 159

Sakatie, Zerina 62, 88, 144 Saldunas, Vytas 126 Sales, Chamai 149

Salstrom. Valerie 160.169

Salyan. Orris 168 Sammons, Mardena 167 Samuels. Renee 126

Samuels. Rita 126 Sanders. Brittany 59.89,134

Sanders. Carlos 37 Sanders. Dnarius 139 Sanders. Mathew 83 Sanders, Natalie 157 Sanders. Reanna 134

Sandidge, Brittany 81, 97. 146 Sandidge. Christina 136

Sandidge. Sean 149 Sant Anderson, Leann 63 ‘

Santana, Jasmine 159

Santilli, Sam 126,176 Santorell, Melissa 82 Santorelli. Anna 55. 77, 83, 89, 147. 167 Santorelli, Melissa 5. 19, 37, 77, 80, S3, 89, 112.


Supatka, Sarah 149 Sattler. Gregory 71,126 Sattler. Scott 173

Sauritch, Dreama 158 Savage, James 147 Savage. Jesse 158

SAVE7 nr- Sawyer, Jamar 158 Schaefer, Paige 116, 133 Scheider, Cory 10, 121 19, 37, 42, 76, 107, 185 Schindler, Rachel 88, 89, 151

Schlosser, Rachel 5,77,80, 83, 89, 119, 152, 167 Schlosser, Zachary 3, 10, 37. 42, 44, 52. 53, 76,

1U3 Schlossler, Cheryl 126,176 Schmidt, Jennifer 94.138

Schneider, Michael 57 Schultz, Sarah 37, 105 Schulz. Donata 126

Schulz, Sarah 105. 113 Schwarz. Jennifer 149 Schwarz, Leanna 13,37 Schweitzer, John 120 Schwenke, Peter 126

Scott. Amanda 126 Scott, Ashley 133 Scott. Carl! 155

37,41.42, 100

141 45.51,90,91. 102. 133

Scott, Qielsea 159 Scoti, Dilbert 74

Scoti. Nicholas Scoti Jr., Lee 136

Searles, Desirae Sedmak, Maria Sedmak. Paul 6, 18, 151 Segulin, Mickey 127

Selvaggk). Joseph 154 Selvaggio. Nicholas 32. 105. 127

Seng many, Jakeson 133 Senior Ar t Show 169

Senior Awards Assembly 173 Senior Divider 16 Senior-Faculty basketball game Seniors 18 Semi. Paul 162 Serwatka, David


136, 162

32, 127 37

118. 121, 150, 176

Severino. Janet Sewell, Stephanie Seymour, Ronald

Sgro. Dominic 38 Shabazz, Sebastian 141 Shackelford, Denzel 133

Shady, Natasha 68, 146 Shady.. Natasha 65 Shamblen, Michael 110; 151, 162 Sharp, Anthony 152 Sharwark. Amanda 38. 78, 94 Sharwark, Rebecca 94, 152

Shaw . Brian 151 Shaw. Brittney 62, 63. 154

Shaw, Rebecca 38

Shay, Latasha 167 Sheats. Danielle 138 Sheats. Rachel 154 Sheffey, Demar 60, 74,155 Shei. Julia 5,102,147 Shelton. Antwan 154 Shelton, Sabrina S3. 84, 146 Shepherd, Dawayne 151

Shepherd. Jason 151 Sheppy, Demar 166 Sheridan. Paula 127.176 Shemmnn, Edward 105 Shkurti, Artemida 51, 95. 133

Shoda, Thomas 141 Short. Jessica 155 Shoulders, Tia 156

Shy, Brittany 19, 38,89 Shy, Bryn 88. Shy, Cory 10, 38.42. 76, 108. 109, 170

Sidak, Jeffrey 146 Sidak, Ryan 72,73. 147 Silvaggio. Anne 176

176 19,38. 42,72,73, 107. 176,

Silvaggio, David Silvaggio. Phillip

183 Simmerer. Justin Simmons. Nicole Simon, Michelle Simone Rice, Brittany

Simpson Jr., Anthony

82, 83, 89, 152 141 38. 101

151 | 154

Sims, Alisha 136

Sims, Jeremy 8, 89, 119, 156 Sims, Michael 117. 159

Singh. Samantha 38 Sinkovic, Megan 136 Sipp. Jessica 146

Si vert, Ann 164 Ski Club 116 Skull y, Renee 141 Slade. Crishawn 139 Sliva. Benjamin 169 Slivers, Adam 38, 110

Sliwa, Benjamin 38, 80, 110 Slugti, Taylor 105 Small, Brianna S medley, Cathy Smedley, Matthew 136

Smee, Joshua 143 S nre rdel, Andrew 156 Smith. Alfredo 134 Smith, Alicia 87,146.147

Smith, Brandon 4, 136, 143 Smith, Britney 88, 158 Smith, Christopher 38,60,74, 161, 166

Smith, Darius 7, 38, 42. 46, 47, 74, 166 Smith, David 154 Smith. Dennis 156 Smith, Devante 47,151 Smith, Dominique 154

Smith. Elijah 148 Smith, Ethan 76, 131 Smith, Jeremy 138 Smith. Joshua 151

Smith, Keiara 131.140 Smith, Kent 120

65, 115, 134 172

Smith, Kevin 152 Smith. Logan 172

Smith, Lorenzo 131

Smith, Marshaunna 133 Smith. Michael 152

Smith. Robert 32, 127 Smith, Ronette 133 Smith, Stephanie 61,136,167

Smith, Steven 60 Smith, Tamiah65.69, 167 Smith. Tamiya 68 Smith. Thomas 38.101

Smith, Tynesha 159 Smith 1L Glenn 144 Smith ffl. William 76, 83, 89. 134 Smith..Teresa 81 Sonnhalter, Nathanael 3, 38 Sonsky, Nicholas 143

Sotka, Ryan 38.116 Sova, Lindsey 116, 152, 164 Sova, Rachel" 12, 13, 18, 19, 38,42, 78, 83, 84.

86, 87. 107, 115, 161, 170, 176, 183. 193

Spada, Michael 38

Sparks, William 38 Spearman, Brandon 116, 143 Spearman, DanielleSl, 155 Spence. Amanda 149 Spence, Khreshmore 38 Spence. Kimberly 146. 167

Spence, Kishau 38 Spence, Samantha 154 Spencer, Claudi 176 Spencer. Claudia 110, 121 Spencer, Jayson 143 Spencer. Pamela 176

Spencer, Wayne 83, 158 Spicer, Brittany 94 Spicer, Christopher 49, 134

Spicer, Eris 131 Spilar. Jeffrey 127

Spinosa, Mario 49, 83, 89, 154 Spinosa. Nicole 136 Spivey, Ramona 127 Spring Bling 169 Spring Play 172

Sproat, Matt 118.122,127 Stallings, Bianca 131 Standberry. Michael 156 Stanek, Heather 155 Stansberry, Effie 10, 39. 41,42, 112, 164MP"1 Staples, Sierra 131

Starr, Geoffrey 131 Steel, Bianca 39 Steele, Brian 49. 76, 154 Steele, Keeandra 116, 133 Steele’s Garage 185 Stegall. Jabriell39 Stenger, Maggie 104 Stephens. Lindsey 32,127.176 Stevens, Demetrius 138

Stevens, Maryssa 102. 116. 143, 164 Stevenson, Darryl 133 Stevenson, Devonn 134 Stewart, Brandon 5, 39 Stewart, Johnathan 39 Stewart, Marcus 143 Stewart, Nakea 83. 89, 154 Stewart, Quenten 154

Stiganrier. Craig 170,171 Stiner. Domonique 141 Stobierski, Lisa 144 Stokes, Jane’T 149 Stovall. Aaron 64, 144

StovalL Asia 143 Stragisher. Kathy 127 Strickland. Cornelius 47, 74. 131.166

Stringer, Layshawn& 144 Strodtbeck, Kyle 11. 12, 19, 39,41,42. 107,

118, 176, 184 Strodtbeck, Lenore 118, 127, 176 Strong, Ameer’ 159

Struna, Shelley 164 Stuber. Cory 39, 94 Stuber, Raymond 89,146

Student Council 92 Student Life Divider 6 Sturghill. Deborah 133 Styrt, Vitaliy 105,155

Sudar. Anna 173 Sudar. Donna 120 Sudar, Nicholas 76,102, 108. 152 Sudberry, Da’Manique 144

Sufka, Amanda 164 Sufka. Brrttaney 15, 152, 164

Suhy, Nate 83.89.162 Suhy, Nathan 146

Index 191

Summers, Nathaniel 86, 87, 143, 172 Tinney, Trisha 32, 86, 87, 95, 127, 172, 176 Wade. Logan 155 Williams. Kiara 131 Sureemee. Kimlee 86. 144 Tirabassi. Angela 72.73,151.164 Wagner. Dante86. 143 Williams. Marcia 138

Surtz. Lori 176 Tizzano, Diane fe2. 82, 83, 88, 89, 112. 122, Walcott, Shannee 155 Williams. Marcus 40

Survey 95 127,176 Waldorf, Byron 47. 86. 141 Williams. Marshaie 144

Suschak. Michael 105 Todoroff, Judon 134 Walker, Courtney 13.65,68,69.152 Williams, Nicholas 149

Sutar.. Dave 73 Tompkins. Laterrian 101 Walker, Irene 176 Williams, Nyra 138 Suttles, Tirone 144 Torrelli. Christine 119, 127, 176 W'alker, Jennifer ; 172 Williams, Philip 9,89.156 Suvel, Mike 105 torrelli. Robert :33, 127,176 Walker, Joshua 7.32, 83, 86, 87,89. 118, 122, Williams, Phvlicia 55.75 Svoboda, Bryan 2, 82. 83.89, 135. 136 Torres. Carissal58 127 Williams. Phylisia 133

j Svoboda. Carla 127 ■ Torres. Kassandra 158 Walker, Melanie 131 Williams. Porsche 40, 167 Svoboda. Ryan 78 Toth. Alex 32.127,176 Walker, Orlando 139 Williams. Ronald 144

Svoboda, Zachary 10. 39. 108. 170. 172 Toth, Michael 115.154 Walker. Shayneese 39,94. 167' ™ Williams, Sandy 127 Swann. Francis 172 Toth. Tiffany 141 Walker, Sierra 75. Williams. Takila 40, 146

Sweet. Zachary 60. 76. 154 Townes-Slaughte, Jason 131 Wallace, Jerrica i 51 ... 1 » Williams Jr.. Elvin 138

Swimming 76 Towns-Slaughte, Jason 74 Wallace, Kenneth 158 Willingham. David 40, 81PJ' If, Sylvester. Jennifer 127 Townsend, Jamal 158 Walls. Tyler 159 Willingham. Rachel 75.81,131 t

Szabo. Kyle 138 TPP 155 Walsh, Mark 51 Willis, Jake 32.83.88,119, 127

rr=- •■twin Day is a favorite Track. Indoor 74 W'alton, Darius 49, 139 Willis, Latesha 148 Track. Outdoor 166 W'alton, Scott 73, 148 Willrich, Jennifer 87,144

event during Spirit Traylor, Shauna 87,458 Wanchisn, Ashley 105 Wilson, Asia 11, 40. 41.42. 83, 84, 176

L Week. Taddeo, Mitzi 94. 127 Taddie, Ellen 83.84 Taddie, Stephanie 94. 98, 111. 151. 164

Treadwell, Erica 139 Trimble. Jennifer 139

TOplin. Camilla *7,39,45^1,63,167 Tripodo, Victor 158 Troeter, Ashley 154

Warberg, Raven 139 Ward, Christopher 134

) ward. Marc' 47'i 151 '•*

Ward, Robbynne 158 Ward, Tori 75

Tait, Harrison 149 Tucker, Marie 81, 87, 143, 164 Wardell, Brian 151 Tanner, Jakoub 149 Tucker, Marshell 39, 164 Ware, Autumn 75, 144 Tanton, Terreile 47, 156, 162 Turk. Jackie 176 Ware, Chamomile 141

Tarach. Matthew 13, 151 Turk. Michael 32,71. 127, 176 Wares, Chris 166 Tarajcak, Jonathan 131 mk ^ ivurk’Pat 127 Warren, Damien 81,86, 151 Tartaglione, Stephanie j 164 Turner. Egyptian 141 Washington, Anthony 136 Tate, Aaron 49, 159 Turner, Ellisia 158 Washington, Loana 176 Tate. Harrison 49 Tusoch, Anthony 94,148.162 Washington, Lorenda 176 Tate, Jamia 149 Twiggs, Adreana 151 Washington. Travis 139

Wilson, Christine 164

Wilson, Giovonni 139 Wilson. Gregory 156 Wilson, India 87, 144 Wilson, Javonny 49 Wilson, Kiara 149 Wilson, Kristy 104 Wilson, Scott 127,176 Wimbish. Kashmere Windham, Dennis 49 Winterfest 98 Wintle, Eric 154 Wisnieski, Mark Withers, Susan

102. 114, 138

100 32, 127, 176

Tate. Shakeena 87. 144 Twymon, Demetrius 136 Waters. Rachel 156, 167 Witherspoon, Alex 138

Tate, Tameka 139 Tyree. James 180 Watkins Jr., Donald 131 Witherspoon, Dwain 47, 153

Tate, Tamiya 39, 59 Tyree. Melanie 59,104,146 Watson, Jonathan 153 Wolfe, Ken 127

Tatum, Brittany 152 Taub, Howard 107 Taylor, Adrian 149 Taylor. Jeffone47, 153 Taylor. Michael 74, 152 Taylor, Tasha 136

Tyree, Nicholas 47,148,162

Tender new leadership,

[1 The .Sh/'^ewcbntinued

to deliver the news.

Watson, Mark 39 Watson, Na Taya 148 Watts, Briana 19,39.79,83,89 Watts, Dominic Watts, Walter 148 Weber, Danielle


6, 83, 84. 99. 146

Woods. Cameron 47, 64. 148 Woods, Christopher 133 Woods. La Trice 158 Woods, Shareaun 138 Woodworth, Jeffrey 158, 166

Taylor, Thomas 49, 134 Uitenham. Ervin 149 Weber, Jennifer 39 Taylor, Tiffani 139 Ukandu. Toby 39 Weber, Jessica40 Teague, Alayna 154 Ulle. Janet 33,127.176 Weems, Athina 111,141 Team. Rifle ,85 Underkofler. Christian 144 Weems. Ishia 143 Tearry, Jazmyn 11 Underwood. Amber 111. 139 Wells, Brandon 40

159 133 146 86, 149


73, 101. 108. 109. 151, 169 144

Tennis, Boys’ 168 Terrell. Benedict Terrell. Dawnn Terry, Alyssa 105 Terry, Jazmyn 86, 87, 158 Terry, Trevor 86, 87, 152 Testruth. Anja 87, 149 The Academy of Intellectual and Interpersonal Development 130 The Business and Communication School 135 The Professional Path School 155 The School of Science, Technology Engineering and Math 150 Theme 2 Theodore, Ted 167 Thomas. Alexandria

Underwood. Michael Urban, William 138


65,68,69, 115, 138 Thomas, Audrey 127

Thomas, Bookisha 138 Thomas, Brandon 158 Thomas. Brittany 154 Thomas, Christian 81 Thomas, Elie 121, 155 Thomas, Farrell 166 Thomas. James 47,64, 152 Thomas. Julius 39. 52, 53, 72,7 Thomas. Kisha 83. 84 Thomas, Michael 155 Thomas, Nicole 167

arsity Chorale won

numerous awards*

Valderama, Lorlie 39, 41 Valderama, Michelle 148 Valentino. Michael 17, 18. 19, 39, 41,42, 79, 83, 94 Valerio Jr., Anthony 60, 61, 74, 151, 166 Van Ho, Kay 120 Van Leer. David 120 Vandegrift, Jessica 2, 12. 13, 14, 15. 19,39,78, 82. 86, 87, 112, 129. 170. 193 Vandegrift, Wendy 176

Thomas, Rebecca 147 Thomas. Shantel " 136. 164 Thomas, Tracey 62,63,138 Thomas. Tyler 154

Thomas Jr., Gregory 154 Thomas Jr., Walter 139 Thome, Dan 172

Vandercoy. Amanda

Vargo, Jeremy 155 Varner, Chauncey 134 Varner, De Meisha 158 Varsity Chorale Vasek, Stephen Vazquez. Rob 168 Verch. Anthony Verch, Nicholas Veres, Andrew 131 Veri, Amanda 139 Vemita, Thomas Vernon, Graylon Vicar. Josephine Vicic, Michael 158 Vince, Katherine Vincent, Giovanne 149 Vinson, Jessie 144

13.99, 116, 152

87 120

57,72,73, 164 73

176 131 87, 111, 146


Wells, Ronise 144 Wensing, Daniel 19, 33, 127 W'esley, Tonio 47, 151

West, Geronda 154 Wheeler, Collin 49, 159 Wheeler. Kayla 88,110,117,151 Wheeler, Nyisha 81,156 Whinnie, Zachary' 133 White. Christopher 153

White, Deion 148 White, Dorren 139 White. Erica 89, 134. 148, 167 White, Jazzmine 159 White. Mychael 71,153 White, Ronald 100 Whitehead, Cedric 133 Whitfield, George 170,171 Whitfield. Preston 49, 74, 149

Whitfield. Samuel 40 Whitlow, Shontez 87,90,91, 143 Whitmore, Chase 162,163 Whitmore, Shontez 90 Whitner, Tanita 40,54,55.111,176 Wienhold, Tracy 32. 103, 127 Wiggins, Jonathan 154 Wilber, Kenneth Wilburn, William Wilcox, Arrionne Wilcox, Tiffany Wileoxorr. Aaron " Wilder, Brandon Wilder, Laurence

76, 108, 153 71, 159 146 40 133 47, 99. 100, 156 49, 154

Wilford, Sean 60, 76, 83, 89, 128, 131, Williams, Angelo 138 Williams, Ashley 144


Thompkins, Leterrian 151 Vocational Automotives 100 Williams, Chiquitta 134 Thompson, Armand 154 Vocational Law Enforcement 105 Williams, Christin 156 Thompson, Benjamin 76, 108, 15? Voices of New Life 81 Williams, Christopher 159 Thompson, David 139 Volleyball 54 Williams, Cierra 153 Thompson, Jahmil 155 Thompson, Kelly 148 Thompson. Maya 139 Thompson, Michael 39 Thompson, Shavonne 131 Thompson, Tiffany 41 Thorpe, Ashley 83,89,131 Tiggs, Arielle 148 Tillman, Andre 33 Timmons, Brandon 7, 47, 131

192 Index

von Benken, William 193 'll Voss, Brian 149 Vrhovnik, Lindsey 104 Vunches, Deandria 83

32, 116, 118, 127. 176, 158

~f"97ith a new name, CRAVE

, \j provided a comfortable

\J atmosphere to worship. Wade. Jasmine 138

Williams, Dayshawn Williams, Demark 40 Williams, Donovan 49. 159 Williams, Ebony Williams, Elvin Williams, Felicia Williams, India Williams, James

Williams, Jasmine Williams, Joe 133 Williams, Joe’Von

Worship, Maurice Worship, Morris Worthy, Ashley Worthy, Shaunese Wrestling70 Wright, Addeyus Wright, Alisha 133. 167 Wright. Ashley-Nicol 136 4? Wright. Elizabeth 127 Wright, Uniqua 63. 134 Wright-Sutton, Shavonne 139 Wysinger, Lariea 15,40, 41

? yydu missed a great time tf

Y you didn’t attend some

eUL of the athletic events. Yaegcr. Nikki 104 Yamanuka, Natsuyo 155 Yanacek. Holly 2, 11. 12,40.41.42,78,88. 94, 95,97, 107, 114, 115, 116. 122, 162, 164, 193' Yarbrough, Alaina 139 Yarbrough. Domonique 149 Yarbrough, Laudon 49

Yawn, Dominique 40 Yeckley, John 134 Yerman. David 40, 106 Yerman. Kathleen 158 Yesiolowski, Angela 146

York. Dashaunl43 Young. Ashley 138 Young. Dericka 138 Young, Kitrina55, 83. 89

Young, Mario 146 Young, Matthew 32, 33, 113, 127 Young. Michael 100

Young, Morgan 139 Young, Raymond 131 Young III, Curtis 134 Young-Bey, Brandon 143 Yuha, John 47

ig-zagging was the way

many students made their

ay through the hallways at

uclid. Zabos, Tina 131 Zalewski, Cathleen 173

■55. 75. 134 Zavodny. Melissa 136 ■ 162 Zetaic.Anes 153 s 167 Zigman, Jacqueline 9, 40, 54, 55. 104. 129. | 158 Zigman, Jessica 40, 42, 54, 55, 164

40, 101, 135 Zora, Shaman 105 148 Zucca, Ronald 33. 106, 122, 127

148 Zuzic. Matthew 56, 57, 115

12, 19.40, 42,45,46.47,48.

• »• *

CLOSING .inJM 2006 book. Because the book was

all color deadlines had to consist of eight

. Forty seven seniors took

le picture patron option

Pictures included in the

irge percentage of studnts

earhooks with their names

e cover so they could be





vv/ j 1 D IW/7 contributed JAA7 J LCQ.U U l \J their time in order to make the 2006 Euclidian a

reality. Some students wrote storied whik

others put the pictures into the collage.

Some helped with the page layouts apd j:

others with the mailings to the homes.

Jessica Yandegrift and Rachel Sova and

and Publishing Division at State College,

Pennsylvania. 350 copies were printed. IanjPlIiDesign CS2^

‘RAM adn a 120

files were backed

tool^ were

>etweerf school and

fin the book were

ost were taken with

gital camera or a

T|iKon Looipix yuu digital earners. Some

pictures were supplied on film but they

were scanned using a Canon LIDE 80

scanner and were placed digitally. The

photos were processed using Photoshop

7.0 or Photoshop CS2 as the school year

progressed. Microsoft Excel was used

to make graphs and to keep records of

yearboos sales and students’ names. The

index was produced using Jostens’ Last

Name First program. Copy was printed

on either a Black and White HP Laser

Jet 1160 printer or a color Xerox Phaser

8400 printer. ^^^^^layouts were sent to Jostens oniSb ROMS. The cover was

designed by the Jostens Art Depart¬

ment. The submitted to

the printing pld|f oflpour deadlines;

December 5, DenB^er 26, January 30

and February 27, 2006. Since the final

deadline Was in February nothing that

occurred alter that time could be included T)ie Jazz Band gave their annual Holiday Concert

before winter vacation began in December. ***

thanks all wh<

book possible. F

have to go to the

Benken for thea J|j|

work and plarffi

to gef the entire operation going and to

keep it going. Others tqfbe thanked are:

Ohio School Pictures, Inc. for taki^HI

the team, senior and underclass pic¬

tures. Jostens Yearbook Company for

putting it all together in such an artismf :

manner. Mrs. Marsha Knauss for all the

tithe she spent getting lists of students,^

mailing labels, organizing the picture |

days, choosing pictures and identifying

students. Thanks also have to go out to all

the students who wrote stories and took

pictures that were included in the book.

Last, but not least, thanks go to all the

students of ESclid High Schools \imaBflt

which the book could not exist? ,

st anefforpmost, tj

Idviser, Mr. Bill a

any Jodglfoufs o|

and significant evenwf

that time and the Eue|id§

hs many of them as pH

difficult due to the lirril

| many events taking pill

ent schools. If we misS

are sorry. We sincerely a

errors or omissions that |

book but this is a single,

school yearbook and err

The Homecoming candidates were introduced to the

fans before the Homecoming game began.

Be |. Hull


lei Lnffhel


re ulfii



Closing 193




















