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GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. & v . Published by Authority Vol. “LVI, No. 63° c 8th AUGUST, 1980 ° "Brice 25e General Notice 686 of 1980. UNITED NATIONS AUG |e 1980 Statement of Assets and Liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe RESERVE BANK OF ZIMBABWE ACT [CHAPTER 173] IN terms of section 20 of the Reserve. Bank of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 173], a statement of the assets and liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe as at the 25th July, 1980, is published in the Schedule. . + D. W. YOUNG, 8-8-80. 4 Bo , Secretary to the Treasury. 7 SCHEDULE ms ; STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AS AT THE 25TH JULY, 1980 Liabilities = . ; a . Assets , 5 , Capital’. 2. 6. eee ee ee 2000000 = Gold and foreign assets... « . « 205754792 General Reserve Fund. . . . . . . «7+ 6000000 Loans and advances «.. 2. 2. we et ew 53 951 201 _ Currency in circulation’ . . . . . . ~ :157 430013: Internal investments— a 78 482 990 . Deposits and otherliabilities to the public.. .- 191 182262 Government .. . . . 23314679 834° Other liabilities . woe eee 73 251 003 ~ Other . ..... 55 168 311 Ne . Otherassets... 1 ee ee 91674295 5, $429 863 278 So $429 863 278 General Notice 687 of 1980. uo . 78], that the Board of Censors has, in terms of subsection (1) MEDICAL, DENTAL AND ALLIED PROFESSIONS ACT. of that section, declared that the publications specified in the Schedule are, in the opinion of the board, undesirable within , : [CHAPTER224] the meaning of subsection (2) of section 11 of the Act, Medical, Dental and Allied Professions Council: Establishment of Registers of Dental Therapists and Traumatology Medical P.D.W.R. SHERREN, Assistants a 8-8-80, Board of Censors, IT ig hereby notified that, in terms of subsection (2) of Scuepure section, 23. of the Medical, Dental and Allied Professions Act - - [Chapter 224], the Medical, Dental and Allied Professions | Undesirable publications Council intends, with effect from the 8th August, 1980, and Cordetier, Jeanne, and Laroche, Martine - with the approval of the Minister of Health, to establish (translated from the French by Harry ' gegisters to be known as— Matthews}. . . . «| The Life (original ttle: La Dérobade) (a) the “Dental Therapists Register’; and an - (1978) ~ (b) the “Traumatology Medical Assistants Register”. _| Fleming, Karl and Anne Taylor . . . The FirstTime . - ~ . {1975) : i WALT OZER, General Notice 689 of 1980. » | . 8-8-80. Medical, Dental and Allied Professions Council. MINES AND MINERALS ACT [CHAPTER 165] General Notice 688 of 1980. - | - / Exclusive Prospecting Order 567: Salisbury Mining District : AND ENTERTAINMENTS CONTROL ACT we CENSORSHIP ICHAPTER 76] THE following order is published in terms of subsection (2) . ee. . of section 92 of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165]: - Declaration of Undesirable Publications - _ “T, Maurice Nyagumbo, Minister of Mines and Energy . . oo _ _ - Resources, with the approval of the President, hereby, in © IT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection (3) of section | terms of :subsection ay of section 92 of the Mines and 12 of the Censorship and ‘Entertainments Control Act [Chapter Minerals’ Act [Chapter 165], make an exclusive prospecting a a


Published by Authority

Vol. “LVI, No. 63° c 8th AUGUST, 1980 ° "Brice 25e

General Notice 686 of 1980. ‘ UNITED NATIONS

AUG |e 1980

Statement of Assets and Liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe


IN terms of section 20 of the Reserve.Bank of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 173], a statement of the assets and liabilities of the Reserve

Bankof Zimbabwe as at the 25th July, 1980, is published in the Schedule. .

+ D. W. YOUNG,8-8-80. 4 Bo , Secretary to the Treasury.



Liabilities = — . ; a . Assets , 5 ,

Capital’. 2. 6. eee ee ee 2000000 = Gold and foreign assets... « . « 205754792General Reserve Fund. . . . . . . «7+ 6000000 Loans and advances «.. 2. 2. we et ew 53 951 201

_ Currency in circulation’ . . . . . . ~ :157 430013: Internal investments— a 78 482 990

. Deposits and otherliabilities to the public.. .- 191 182262 Government .. . . . 23314679 834°

Other liabilities . woe eee 73 251 003 ~ Other . ..... 55 168311

“ Ne . Otherassets... 1 ee ee 91674295

5, $429 863 278 So $429 863 278

General Notice 687 of 1980. uo . 78], that the Board of Censors has, in terms of subsection (1)

MEDICAL, DENTAL AND ALLIED PROFESSIONS ACT. of that section, declared that the publications specified in theSchedule are, in the opinion of the board, undesirable within

, : [CHAPTER224] the meaning of subsection (2) of section 11 of the Act,

Medical, Dental and Allied Professions Council: Establishment‘ of Registers of Dental Therapists and Traumatology Medical P.D.W.R. SHERREN,

Assistants a 8-8-80, Board of Censors,

IT ig hereby notified that, in terms of subsection (2) of Scuepure

section, 23. of the Medical, Dental and Allied Professions Act


- -

[Chapter 224], the Medical, Dental and Allied Professions | Undesirable publications

Council intends, with effect from the 8th August, 1980, and Cordetier, Jeanne, and Laroche, Martine- with the approval of the Minister of Health, to establish (translated from the French by Harry

' gegisters to be known as— Matthews}. . . . «| The Life (original ttle:La Dérobade)(a) the “Dental Therapists Register’; and an - (1978)

~ (b) the “Traumatology Medical Assistants Register”. _| Fleming, Karl and Anne Taylor . . . The FirstTime . - ~ . {1975)

: i WALTOZER, General Notice 689 of 1980. » | .

8-8-80. Medical, Dental and Allied Professions Council. MINES AND MINERALSACT[CHAPTER165]

General Notice 688 of 1980. - | - / Exclusive Prospecting Order 567: Salisbury Mining District :

AND ENTERTAINMENTS CONTROL ACT we —CENSORSHIP ICHAPTER 76] THE following order is published in terms of subsection (2)

. ee. . of section 92 of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165]:

- Declaration of Undesirable Publications - _ “T, Maurice Nyagumbo, Minister of Mines and Energy .

. oo _ _ - Resources, with the approval of the President, hereby, in ©

IT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection (3) of section | terms of :subsection ay of section 92 of the Mines and

12 of the Censorship and ‘Entertainments Control Act [Chapter Minerals’ Act [Chapter 165], make an exclusive prospecting

a a

. 732



order, in favour of Blanket Mine (Private) Limited, over the“area described hereunder, in the Salisbury mining district, inrelation to the map reference Salisb SE-36-5, of theSecond Edition, of the scale 1:250000, produced by theSurveyor-General, subject to the following conditions—

(a) the order is made in respect of copper, lead, zinc,

weir (grid reference 36KUR56479031); thence on a truebearing of approximately 135° 30’ for a distance ofapproximately 3,15 kilometres to a point wherea gravel roadcrosses a: small stream (grid reference36KUR58708810); thence on a true bearing of approxi-mately 228° 15’ for a distance of approximately 26,6kilometres to a point at the junction of two gravel roads(grid reference 36KUR39017020); thence on a true bearingof approximately 318° 15’ for a distance of approximately2,45 kilometres to a point where.a gravel road crosses astream (grid reference 36KUR37127205); thence on a truebearing of approximately 340°, for a distance of approxi-‘mately 8,4 kilometres to the starting-point’ . ~-The rights. granted under this order may be exercised for

a period of three years, from the 9th August, 1980, to the8th August, 1983. . -

. M. NYAGUMBO,Minister of Mines ‘and Energy Resources.”.

M. M. CAWOOD,-_8-8-80. ‘Secretary for Mines.and Energy Resources.

General Notice 691 of 1980. oo| MINES AND MINERALS ACT[CHAPTER '165]

Exclusive Prospecting Order 566: Bulawayo Mining District

. hickel, tungsten, gold, silver and platinum;(b) the concession-holder shall carry out prospecting

. operations in a mannersatisfactory to the Minister of: Mines and Energy Resources, .

Blanket Mine (Private) Limited is authorized, in terms ofsubsection (4) of section 94 of the Mines and Minerals Act[Chapter 165],.to prospect on all registered base mineral |blocks which were not being-worked ‘or developed on the15th February, 1980, being the date of the lodging of theapplication for this order. : vos

Description of area

An area of approximately 14855 hectares, situated inthe Salisbury mining district, contiguous with ExclusiveProspecting Order 539, and bounded by a line commenc-ing at a point at the top of a small kopje (grid reference36KUR04118086); thence proceedirig on a true bearing

- of approximately 346° 45’ for a distance of approximately9,25 kilometres to a point where four fences meet (gridreference 36KUR01918990); thence on a true bearing ofapproximately 78° 45’ for a- distance of approximately11,02 kilometres’ to a point where a small stream meetsa fence (grid reference 36KUR12759209); thence on a truebearing of approximately 90° 45’ for a..distance ofapproximately 4,47 kilometres to a point at the junctionof,iwo gravel roads (grid reference 36KUR17269202);thence on.a true bearing of approximately 161° 15’ for adistance of approximately 9,15 kilometres to apoint at |’the top of a small kopje(grid reference 36KUR20168335);thence on a true bearing‘ of approximately 261° 15’ foradistance ofapproximately 16,27 kilometres to the starting-point. 7 -

The rights granted under this order may be exercised fora period of three years, from the 9th August, 1980, to the8th August, 1983. . .

THE following order is published in terms of subsection (2)of section 92 of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165]:

“I, Maurice Nyagumbo, Minister of Mines and EnergyResources, with the approval of the President, hereby, interms of subsection (1) of section 92 of .the Mines .andMinerals Act [Chapter 165]:, make an exclusive prospecting |order, in favour of Blanket Mine (Private) Limited, over thearea described hereunder, in the Bulawayo mining district,in relation to the map reference Bulawayo SF—35~4, of theSecond Edition, of the. scale 1 : 250000, produced by theSurveyor-General, subject to the following’ conditions—

(a), the order is made in respect of copper, lead, zinc,' nickel, tungsten, gold, silver and platinum; ‘

(b) the concession-holder shall carry out prospectingoperations in a manner satisfactory to the Minister ofMines and Energy Resources.

Blanket Mine (Private) Limited ‘is authorized, in terms of_ subsection (4) of section 94 of theMines and Minerals Act

[Chapter 165], to prospect on all registered base mineralblocks which were not being worked or developed on the15th February, 1980, being the date of the lodging of theapplication for this order. ,

M. NYAGUMBO,Minister of Mines and Energy Resources.”.

‘ M. M. CAWOOD,8-8-80. ~ ecretary for Mines and Energy Resources.

General Notice 690 of 1980.MINES AND MINERALS ACT [CHAPTER 165]

Exclusive Prospecting. Order 568: Salisbury Mining District Description of area - 4ff 7ns ‘An area of approximately 41 500 hectares, situated in

the Bulawayo mining district and bounded by a line com- ~menting at a point where the Phekiwe Rivercrosses the main Bulawayo-Matopos road (grid reference35KPH639609), which is approximately 11 Kilometres southof Bulawayo; thence proceeding on a true bearing ofapproximately 94° 30’ for a distance of. approximately

- 26,25 kilometres: to a point at which the88-kilovolt power-line. crosses the main Bulawayo-Beitbridge road (gridreference 35KPH902588); thence on a true bearing ofapproximately 152° 30’ for a distance of approximately -14,7 kilometres. to a point at which a! gravel road crosses -the Umzingwane River (grid reference 35KPH969457);henceon a true bearing. of approximately 274° 30’ for a

distance of approximately 38,8 kilometres to a point atwhich a fence meets the main Bulawayo—Matopos road.(grid reference 35KPH581485);. thence on a true bearingof approximately 24° for a distance of approximately13,75 kilometres to the starting-point. ©The rights granted under this order may be exercised for

a period of three years, from the 9th August, 1980, to the8th August, 1983. :

_ THE following order.is published in terms of Subsection (2)of section 92 of the. Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165):

“I,. Maurice Nyagumbo, Minister of Mines and EnergyResources, with the approval of the President, hereby, interms of subsection. (1) of section 92 df the Mines and

“Minerals Act [Chapter 165]:, make an exclusive prospectingorder, in favour of: Blanket Mine (Private) Limited, over the

- area described hereunder; in the Salisbury mining district, inrelation to the maps references Salisbury SE~36~5 and MtokoSE-36-6, of the Second Edition, of the scale 1 : 250000, .

' produced by the Surveyor-General, subject, to the following conditions— ae Lo

(a) the order is made in respect of copper, lead, zinc,nickel, tungsten, gold, silver and platinum.

(b) the concession-holder shall carry out prospectingoperations in a manner satisfactory to the Ministerof Mines and Energy Resources. ct

Blanket Mine (Private) Limited is authorized, in terms ofsubsection (4) of section 94 of the Mines and Minerals Act[Chapter 165], to prospect on all registered base mineralblocks which were not being worked or. develdped on the15th February, 1980; being the date of the lodging of theapplication for this order. ;


_M. NYAGUMBO, »Energy .Resources.”,

M. M. CAWOOD,8-8-80. Secretary for Mines and Energy Resources.|

Minister of Mines and

. -Description of area

An area of. approximately 11417 hectares, situated inthe Salisbury mining distfict, contiguous with ExclusiveProspecting Qrder 539, and bounded by a line commencing

General Notice 692 of 1980. * ns

at a point where a fence meets a small stream (grid _ MINES AND MINERALS ACT [CHAPTER 165]reference 36KUR34558006); thence proceeding on a true .bearing of approximately 97° 15° for a distance of Exclusive ProspectingOrder 365: Salisbury and Gweloapproximately 9,45 kilometres to a point at the junction ming Districts :of the boundary fences of the farms Walwyn Extension,Robin Hood, Ilton and State land (grid reference36KUR43907890);. thence on a true bearing of approxi-mately 47° 45’ fora distance of approximately 16,9 kilo-metres to a point on the east bank of the Mazoe River at a

THEfollowing order is published in terms of subsection (2).of section 92 of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165]:

“I, Maurice Nyagumbo, Minister of Mines and EnergyResources, with the approval of the President, hereby, ;in


terms of subsection (1) of section 92 of the Mines andMinerals Act [Chapter165]:, make an exclusive prospectingorder, in favour of Olympus Consolidated Mines Limited,over: thearea described hereunder, in the Salisbury andGwelo, mining districts, in relation to the maps referencesGandavaroyi Falls 1729A3 and Chirangoma 1729A4, bothof the Second Edition, of the scale 1 ; 50.0Q0, produced bythe Surveyor-General, subject to the following conditions—

(a) the order is made in respect of gold and rare earthminerals; : -

(b) ‘the concession-holder shall carry out prospectingoperations in.a mannersatisfactory to. the Minister of

‘” Mines and Energy Resources.Olympus Consolidated Mines Limited is authorized, in

_terms. of subsection (4) of section 94 of the Mines andMinerals Act [Chapter 165], to prospect on all registeredbase: mineral blocks which were not being worked or.developed on the 11th January, 1980, being the date of the

_ lodgingof the application for this order. oo

“ Description of area

’ An area of approximately 17198 hectares, straddlingthe Sanyati River ahd situated in the Salisbury and Gwelomining districts and. bounded. by a line commencing atthe confluence of.the Furachena and Sanyati rivers (grid‘reference 35KQL347851), which is approximately 90 kilo-metres due west of Lion’s Den.and 105 kilometres duenorth-north-east of Gokwe; thence proceeding on a truebearing of 172° for a distance of approximately 6 kilo-metres to a point where the unsurveyed common boundarybetween Gandavaroyi ‘Tribal Trust Land and Copper |

. Queen Purchase Land crosses the head-waters of the main- eastern ‘tributary to the Furachena Rivey, (grid reference35KQL355792); “thence on a true bearing ‘of 190° for adistance of approximately 9,6 kilometres to ‘the junctionof the Gandavaroyi Falls, Mnyati-Pasi and Copper Queenroads: beside the Mongolohwe and Mpinivanuarivers drift(grid reference 35KQL338697); thence on a true bearingof 45° 30’ for a distance of approximately 8,13 kilometrestothe confluence of an unnamedMongolohwe River (grid reference 35KQL396754); thenceona true bearing of 357° for a distance of approximately8,31 kilometres to the confluence of an unnamedtributary’with the west bank of the Sanyati River (grid reference35KQL391838); thence on a true bearing of 127° for adistance of approximately 3,09 kilometres to the confluence...

"of the Mushowe “and Sanyati rivers (grid reference j._ 35KQL416819); thence on a true bearing of 109° for a

distance of approximately 5,23 kilometres to trigonome-|.trical beason 1339/S (grid reference 35KQL466802); thence‘on a trud bearing of 63° 30’ for a distance of approxi-mately 15,46 kilometres to ‘the confluence of. an unnamedtributary with the Mushowe River, which is the south-eastern corner of Reserved Area 1061 (grid’ reference35KQ1L.605871); thetice on’a true bearing of 273° 21’ fora

distance of approximately 26,56 kilometres along. thesouthern boundary of Reserved Area 1061to the pointwhere that boundary-line crosses the Guro River (grid

»" geference 35KQL340886); therice on a true bearing of' 168° 40’ for a distance of approximately 3,55 kilometres

. to the starting-point. .

The rights granted under this order may be.exercised for.a period of three years, from the 9th August, 1980, to the

Sth August, 1983. . .= M. NYAGUMBO,

Minister ‘of Mines and Energy Resources.”.

, M. M.CAWOOD,8-8-80.

General Notice 693 of 1980. . _


Exclusive Prospecting Order 564: Salisbury and GweloMining.Districts © .

THE following order’ is published in terms of subsection (2)

of section 92 of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165]:‘I, Maurice Nyagumbo, Minister of Mines and: Energy

Resources, with the approval of the President, hereby, in

‘terms of subsection (1}‘of section 92 of the Mines and

Minerals Act [Chapter 165], make an exclusive prospecting

order, in favour of Olympus Consolidated Mines Limited,over the area described hereunder, in the Salisbury and

Gwelo mining districts, in relation to the maps references

‘Nyanasaka 1728B4 -and Gandavaroyi 1929A3, both of the

Sécond Hdition, of the scale 1:50000, produced by theSurveyor-General, subject to the following conditions—

: {a) the order is made in respect of gold and rare earth

* gnineralss


- ; Do

tributary with the

Secretary for Mines and Energy Resources. 7

8th August, 1983.


General Notice 694 of 1980.


. (bo) the, concession holder shall carry out prospectingoperations in a manner satisfactory to the Ministerof Mines and Energy Resources, ,

Olympus Consolidated Mines Limited is authorized, interms of subsection (4) of section 94 of the Mines andMinerals Act [Chapter 165], to prospect on all registeredbase mineral blocks which were’ not being worked ordeveloped on the 11th February, 1980, being the date of thelodging of the application for this order. .

Description of areaAn area of approximately 61932 hectares, situated in

_ the Salisbury and Gwelo mining districts and bounded by- a Jine commencing at the confluence of the Hwadzi and

. Msadzi rivers (grid reference 35KQL162648), ‘which is:approximately 125 kilometres due west of Sinoia and 80kilometres due north of Gokwe; thence proceeding on a‘true bearing of 284° 15’ for a distance of approximately9,35 kilometres to the confluence of the Uwimbi -and

> Bvumbvudze rivers (grid ‘reference 35KQL072671); thenceon a trite bearing of 277° 10% along a game-fence for adistance of approximately 6,4 kilometres to the first bendin that fence at Dindimiti School (grid reference35K.QL008680); thence on a true bearing of 355° for adistance of approximately. 6,45 .kilometres to theUmvumvudzi tsetse camp (grid reference 35KQL024742);thence on a true bearing of 348° for a distance ofapproximately 3,42 kilometres. to ‘the Chihorongwe Damwall (grid reference 35KQL018775); thence ona truebearing of 325° 20’ for a distance of approximately 2,5kilometres to the confluence of the Chihorongwe and‘Kahoba rivers (grid refererice 35KQE003796); thence ona true bearing of 298° 30’ for a distance of approximately7,2. kilometres to the confluence of the Kahobaand Chotarivers (grid reference 35KPL939831); thence on a truebearing of 328° 15’ for a distance of approximately 2,75kilometres to a game-fence corner (grid reference35KPL925854); thence on a true bearing of 102° 20’ foradistance of approximately 12,97 kilometres to the oldMachihiri drift over the Bvimbvudze River (grid reference35K.QL051826); thence on a true bearing of 66° 50’ for adistance ofapproximately 2,56 kilometres to the confluenceof’ the Honyi and ‘Sanyati rivers (grid reference

. 35KQL205891); thence on a true bearing of 88° 10’ for.adistance of approximately 2,56 kilometres to the confluenceof an unnamed tributary with the south bank of theSanyati River, where the southern boundary of ReservedArea 1061 passes through that point (grid reference35KQL231892); thence on a true bearing of 93° 20° alongthe southern boundary of Reserved Area 1061 for a

-. distance of approximately 10,97 kilometres to the pointwhere that boundary-line crosses the GuroRiver(gridreference 35K.QL340886); thence on a true bearing of168° 40’ for a distance of approximately 3,55 kilometres tothe confluence of the Furachena and Sanyati rivers (grid -reference 35KQL347851); thence on a true bearing of 188°for a distance approximately 6,77 kilometres to the pointwhere the Gandavaroyi Falls and Copper Queen gravel

road crosses the unsurveyed mutual boundary betweenGandavaroyi ‘Tribal Trust Land and Copper Queen

Purchase Land (grid reference 35KQL337784); thence on atrue bearing of 247° along that boundary-line for a distanceof approximately 1,08 kilometres to the point where thatboundary-line crosses the unnamed major tributary of the

Sanyati River (grid reference 45KQL327780); thence on atrue bearing of 223° 45’ for a‘ distance of approximately

11,3 kilometres to the point where the Mnyati-Pasi BusinessCentre and Copper Queen’ gravel road crosses the head-waters of that tributary (grid reference 35KQU249698);thence on a true bearing of 128° for a distance ofapproximately 2,9 kilornetres to the junction of the MsadziBank gravel road, the Mnyati-Pasi Business Centre and

Copper Queen gravel road, and the Nyangadzi Bank gravel

road (grid reference 35KQL272681); thence on a truebearing of 253° 20’ for a distance of approximately 11,45

kilometres to the starting-point. :

The rights granted under this order may be exercised fora period of three years, from the9th August, 1980, to the

| _M. NYAGUMBO,Minister of Mines and Energy Resources.”

M. M. CAWOOD,Secretary for.Mines and Energy Resources,


Exclusive Prospecting Order 569: Gwelo Mining DistrictTHE following order is published in termsof subsection (2) .

of section 92 of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165]:




“¥, Maurice Nyagumbo, Minister of Mines and EnergyResources, with the approval of the President, hereby, interms of subsection (1) of section 92 of the Mines andMinerals Act [Chapter 165]:, make an exclusive prospectingorder, in favour of Attica Mines (Private) Limited, over thearea described hereunder, in the Gwelo mining district, inrelation to the° maps references Lalapanzi 1930A3, Gobo

- 1930A4 and Umvuma 1930B3, all of the Second Edition, ofthe- scale 1:50000, produced by the Surveyor-General,°subject to the following conditions—

(a) the order is made in respect of copper, lead, zinc,silver and gold; .

(b) the concession-holder shall carry out prospectingoperations in a manner satisfactory to the Minister ofMines and Energy Resources.

Attica Mines (Private) Limited is authorized, in terms ofsubsection (4) of section 94 of the Mines and Minerals Act[Chapter 165], to prospect on all registered base mineralblocks which were not being worked or developed on the20th February, 1980, being the date of the lodging of theapplication for this order. - ,.

Description of area

An area ofapproximately 22 300 hectares, situated inthe Gwelo mining district and bounded by a line com-mencing at a common beaconof the farms Beaumontia, |Palgrave and Central Estates, which is approximately “7,35kilometres. east of Umvuma (grid reference36KTP47356855); thence proceeding on.a true bearing ofapproximately 196° 30’ for a distance of approximately3,75 kilometrés to the common beacon of the farmsWooning, Exchange, Mooiplaats Estate and Elandsvallei(grid reference 36K'TP46406495); thence on a true bearingof approximately 257° 30’ for a distance of approximately20.25 kilometres to the junction of two unnamed streams(grid reference *36KTP26606030); thence on a true

_ bearing of approximately 249° 20’ for a distance of‘ approximately 23,21 kilometres to the common: beacon ofthe farms Killarney and Partridge (grid reference36KTP05005182); thence on a true bearing of approxi-mately 342° 30’ for a distance of approximately 6,1kilometres to trigonometrical beacon 323/S (grid reference36KTP03105762); thence on a true bearing of approxi-

- mately .72° 45’ for a distance of approximately 28,9kilometres to where a road bridge crosses the DenguRiver (grid reference 36KTP30516665); thence on a truebearing of approximately 84° 15’ for a distance ofapproximately 16,9 kilometres to the starting-point.‘The rights granted under this order may be exercised for

a period of three years, from the 9th August, 1980, tothe8th August, 1983. oF,

M. NYAGUMBO,Energy. Resources.”.

_ .... .M.M. CAWOOD,Secretary for Mines and Energy Resources.

Minister of Mines and


General Notice 695 of 1980, :


Exclusive Prospecting Order 570: Gwelo Mining District

THE following order is published in terms of subsection (2)of section 92 of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165]:

“I, Maurice Nyagumbo, Minister of Mines and EnergyResources, with the approval of the President, hereby, interms of subsection (1) of section 92 of the Mines andMinerals Act [Chapter 165], make an exclusive prospectingorder, in favour of M.T.D. Management Services Limited,over the area described hereunder, in the Gwelo mining

‘ district, in relation to the maps references Nenyuki 1728A4,Makwura 1728B3, Nyamasaka 1728B4, Chidoma 1728C2,Chireya Mission 1728D1, Mutewe 1728D2, Nembuziya1729C1 and Gave Pools 1729C3, ali of the Second Edition,and Gandavaroyi Falls 1729A3, of the Third Edition, of thescale 1:50000, produced by the Surveyor-General, subjectto the following conditions— aan

(a) the order is made in respect of coal and uranium;(b) the concession-holder shall carry out prospecting

operations in a manner satisfactory to the Minister,of Mines and Energy Resources.

M.T.D. Management Services Limited is authorized, interms of subsection (4) of section 94 of. the Mines andMinerals Act [Chapter 165], to prospect on all registered

_ base mineral blocks which were not being worked ordeveloped on the 27th February, 1980, being the date of thelodging of the application for this order.


, Description of areaAn ared of approximately 273 300 hectares, situated in

the Gwelo-mining district and bounded by a line com- --mencing at the‘ south-eastern corner beacon of Exclusive‘Prospecting Order 446, approximately 60 kilometres north-east of Lesulu, described as being at the junction of twostreams (grid reference 35KPL367413); thence proceeding.on atrue bearing of approximately 8° along the easternboundary of Exclusive Prospecting Order 446 for a distance -of approximately 2,45 kilometres to where an unnamedstream crosses the Gokwe-Nenyuki road (grid reference . -35KPL401656); thence on a true bearing of approximately44° 30° along the boundary of Exclusive ProspectingOrder 446 for a distance of approximately 6,35 kilometresto a point where an unnamedstream crosses the Bumi-Hills-Gokwe road (grid reference 35KPL447701); whichisalso a common beacon between Exclusive ProspectingOrder 446 and Exclusive Prospecting Order 541; thence -on a true bearing of approximately 94° along the southern ©boundary of: Exclusive Prospecting Ordet 541 for a ~distance of. approximately 20,6 kilometres to spot height.827 (grid reference 35KPL652687); thence on a truebearing of approximately 45° 30’ along the south-easternboundary of Exclusive Prospecting Order 541 for a distanceof approximately 31,6 kilometres to where it crosses agame-fence (grid reference 35KPL881904); thence on a truebearing of approximately 150° 30 for a distance of

- approximately 25,75 kilometres to a sharp bend in agame-fence (grid reference 35KQL008679); thence on a. truebearing of approximately 101° 30’ for a distance ofapproximately 15,8 kilometres to the confluence of the

' Msadzi and Hwadzi rivers (grid reference 35KQL162647);thence on a true bearing of approximately 73° 30’ for adistance of approximately 18,25 kilometres to a roadjunction (grid reference 35KQL338697); thence on a truebearing of approximately 186° for a distance of approxi- .mately 15,7’ kilometres to a common beacon. betweenfarms 281 and 281 (grid reference 35KQU321539); thenceon a true bearing of approximately 201° for a distance ofapproximately -23,8 kilometres tothe junction of the‘Marowa Dip and Sanyati Bridge roads (grid reference35KQL235317); thence on a true bearing of approximately292° for a distance of approximately 45 kilometres to theconfluence of, the Kanwa and Umerivers (grid reference.35KPL821493); thence on a true bearing of approximately:260° fora distanceof approximately 45,9 kilometres to thestarting-point.

- The rights granted under this order may be exercised fora period of three years, from the 9th August, 1980, to the8th August, 1983. . ot

M. NYAGUMBO,Minister of Mines and Energy Resources.”

M. M. CAWOOD,Secretary for Mines and Bnergy Resources.


General Notice 696 of: 1980.


Preliminary Notice: Mechanical Engineering Industry:Amendment of Conditions of Apprenticeship

IT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection (4) of section16 of the Apprenticeship Training and Skilled ManpowerDevelopment Act [Chapter 266], that the Minister of Manpower -Planning. and Development proposes to amend ‘the. provisionsof Rhodesia Government Notice 324 of 1973. - .The purport of this amendment is to— ,

(a) introduce the apprentices’ minimum wage-rates whic!are, independent of the journeyman’sbasic wage-rate;an m

(b) ‘increase the minimum ‘wages payable to apprentices, witheffect from the 4th August, 1980, as follows:

Year of apprenticeship Weekly rate of pay —% . . $

First - + 40,92Second 46;20 -Third 55,44

: Fourth 73,92 .Fifth 92,40

_ A copy of: the notice embodying this proposal is open forinspection at the office of the Registrar of Apprenticeship. _

Any interested* parties who may have any objections to thisproposal maylodge such objections in writing with the Secre-tary, Apprenticeship Training and Skilled Manpower Develop-

x . * .


ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GazeTte, 8rx Aucusr, 1980 “735

ment Authority, P.O. Box 387, Salisbury, within 30 days fromthe date of publication of this notice. 3

Se BE. V. McCORMACK,- Under-Secretary for Manpower

8-8-80, Planning and.Development.

- ‘General Notice 697 .of 1980, .APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING AND §


Preliminary Notice: Amendment of Prescription of Occupationand Designation of Trade and: Prescription of Conditions of

* . Apprenticeship: Hairdressing Trade ,

IT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection (4) of section16 of the Apprenticeship Training and Skilled ManpowerDevelopment. Act [Chapter 266],that the Minister of Man-power Planning and Development proposes to amend andtepublish the provisions ‘of Rhodesia Government Notice 11150) . . . . .

The purport of the amendment isto—(a) republish the notice in accordance with the format

currently in -usés co(b) give effect to the revised training schedulefor the trade;{c) amend the conditions of apprenticeship, mainly to bring

them into line with the revised training syllabusand. @Xamination of the City and Guilds of London Institute.

A copy of the notice embodying this proposal is open forinspection at the office of the Registrar of Apprenticeship.Any interested parties who may have any objections to this

‘proposal may lodge such objections, in writing, with the Secre-tary, Apprenticeship Training and Skilled Manpower Develop-ment Authority, P.O, Box 387, Salisbury, within 30 days fromthe date of publication of this notice. =

8-8-80, . « Planning and Development.

General Notice 698 of 1980. :MINES AND MINERALS ACT [CHAPTER 165]

of Exclusive Prospecting Order 446: -Salisbury,Extension uz ie or iBulawayo and Gwelo Mining Districts

IT is hereby notified that. the ‘Minister of Mines and EnergyResources has, in terms of section 119A of the Mines andMinerals Act [Chapter 165], and on the recommendation of theMining Affairs Board, extended Exclusive Prospecting Order446, made in favour of Rio Tinto Mining (Zimbabwe) Limitedand published in Rhodesia Notice 1108 of 1973, for a furtherperiod, expiring on the 3rd August, 1982. .

- M. NYAGUMBO,8-8-80.

' General Notice 699 of 1980. oo


Notice ofIntention to Cancel Deeds of Transferand Deed of Grant -

_NOTICE ‘is hereby given’ that the Minister of Lands,Resettlement and Rural Development proposes to direct theRegistrar of Deeds to cancel the deeds of transfer and deedof grant described in theSchedule, in terms of section 5 of theRural Land Act [Chapter 155]. a

All persons having any objections to such cancellations arehereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Ministerof Lands, Resettlement- and Rural Development, Private Bag7726, Causeway, on or before the 15th September, 1980.

R. W. DELL,Secretary for Lands, Resettlement

and Rural Development.


1.° Deed of Grant 3147/71, registered in the name of Edmund‘ " Lorrimer Webster, in respect of certain piece of land,

namely, Glen Dry, in the district of Shamva, in extent- two thousand two hundred and thirteen comma nine ninethree nine (2 213,993 9) hectares. : :

2. Deed of Transfer 2069/76, registered in the nameof' Mervyn Gerrity Dubaj Strathearn, in respect of certain


piece of land, namely, Paridon, situate in the district of |Shamva, in extent one thousand nine hundred and forty-five comma six four seven five (1 945,647 5) hectares.


, _B. V. McCORMACK,_, » Under-Secretary for Manpower

‘Minister of Mines and Energy Resources.

3, Deed of Transfer 2369/76, registered in the name of the' Agricultural Finance Corporation, in respect of Certain

- piece of Jand, namely, Mgadzi, situate in the district ofDarwin, in extent one thousand four hundred and fifteencomma eight two four three (1 415,824 3) hectares. .

4, Deed of Transfer 1098/63, registered in the name ofHarold Arthur Richardson, in respect of certain piece of ©land, namely, Whitewaters of Kingsbrook of Muromo,Situate in the district of Umtali, in extent seven hundred

- and twenty-eight comma seven nine one seven (728,7917)ectares,

General Notice 700 of 1980.} ELECTORAL ACT,1979

Registration of Voters: White Roll: Notice of Objection on‘Grounds of Death, , oo,

IT is hereby notified, in terms of paragraph (b) of sub-section (2) of section 32 of the Electoral Act; 1979, that theRegistrar-General of Elections has reason to believe that thepersons whose names are listed in the Schedule have died,and that, because of this objection to the names of thosepersons remaining on the White Roll, he intends to removetheir names from theroll in terms-of subsection (1) of section.32 of the Act. 2 - *Unless notice of appeal is given to the Registrar-General of

Elections, Private Bag 7734, Causeway, within 30 days fromthe date of publication of this notice in the Gazette, or theRegistrar-General of Elections withdraws. his objection, on ,Tepresentations made by any person, the names listed in the‘Schedule willbe so removed fromtheroll.

r . R. B. OLIVER,:8-8-80. Registrar-General of Elections,


« Name ConstituencyBezuidenhout, Johannes Jurgens AvondaleCrellin, Eric Gaskell AvondaleCrellin, Irene AvondaleGalante, Haim ‘Avondale —Hawkins, Albert Edward AvondaleHughes, Daisy AvondaleIrvine, Gilbert Arthur AvondaleMachell, Lockington Edward AvondaleMurdoch, Benjamin William Avondale 'Rowland, Joan Agnes — AvondaleWithers, James . Avondale .

Bellingham, Noel BorrowdaleCotton, Yvonne Patricia « BorrowdaleFisher, Frederick Gerald BorrowdaleGoodwright, Grace Emily BorrowdaleHorsfield, William Henry BorrowdaleRichardson, Walter , BorrowdaleSweetman, Walter Paul BorrowdaleWillis, Samuel Victor Borrowdale

Bulawayo Central.May, Victor Vernon Bellham - Y

, Bulawayo NorthBurne, Brian WilliamCerff, James Conrad Bulawayo NorthJogee, Ahmed Ismail Bulawayo NorthMarsh, George Henry . Bulawayo NorthReid, John Joseph Bulawayo North .Smith, Sarah Ann Bulawayo NorthBromehead, Francis St. John Bulawayo South

Bulawayo’ SouthBuist, James ~~Bulawayo South.Owen, Leslie Foxwell . Britstone, Lorna ‘Central

Henderson, George McLeod CentralBlackbeard, Reginald Vincent _Eastera-Carhart, Bertie Edward EasternGoble,.Beryl Angela ' RasternHaselton, Susara Maria ‘Margretha EasternRiley, Kenneth Aubrey’ EasternSmith, William BasternWilson, Enid Geraldine EasternBennetts; Albert Seymour - Hatfield‘Botha, Heletjie Aletfz Jacoba - HatfieldClark, Iris Sheilah. HatfieldGreen, Daniel Raymond HatfieldMacTavish, Jessie Weir Hatfield -Mee, Norman Patrick HatfieldOgilvie, David Sea HatfieldTarr, Aubrey Rio Hatfield‘Upton, Alfred Charles Hatfieldards, Beatrice Ellen HighlandsMcMillan, Ellen Highlands

Highlands' Newman,Donald Charles |¢



° Name * Constituency

Perrow, Ian Frederick Hyde ...., Highlands

Ross, Marion Emily Highlands

Souchon, Agnes — ighlands

Satayeeeae Highlands

Walker, Frances Highlands

.Brown, Sydney Archibald Kopje .

Brownell, Katie Isabella . Kopje

Duminy, Ida Winifrede KopjeHockley, George Chalk ‘KopjeHodykiss, Samuel James Kopie

Lieros, Paul Apostolos John Kopje

McCallum, William Mervyn - Kopje

‘Nathan, Marjorie Catherine . _ Kopje

‘White, David Kopje

Cattelino, Nepomiceno * * Tuundi

Deall, Victor Allenby Birdwood — Lundi

Slater, Georgina Mathilda Lundi

Turnbull, Andrew Ian Lindsay _ Marlborough

Yates, Frank Harold Marlborough

Fourie, Johannes Jacobus Antoni Makoni

Gunner, Gladys Mary Madden Makoni

- McLoughlin, Rachel Verner Makoni

Fitch, Eva Phyliss _ MidlandsFromburg, Lorraine ’* \. Midlands

Frost, Cecil Arthur Leslie _ \ \ MidlandsKirby, Phyllis Mary Midiands

Miles, David William Midiands

Scott, Frederick William Midlands

Wentzel, Graham Frank . MidlandsMount PleasantMount PleasantMount PleasantMount PleasantMount Pleasant

Adairs, Stanley HerbertHunt, Hester Elizabeth Constance

* Kerr, Wellesley JamesLapham, Doris Evelyn *Templer, Edward JohnCorlett, Richard Thomas ’ NortherHarrison-Dearle, Leonard NorthernWalker, David Thomson. “- . NorthernPatel, Maganlal Nathoobhai SouthernRigby, Elizabeth SouthernStevenson, Alexander SouthernWilliams,,Ada Agnes Southern

Howell, Louis Cedric WesternMilne, Emily Milner _ WesternViviers, Hendrik Jacobus Western

General Notice 701 of 1980. So: ROADS ACT [CHAPTER 263]

Closure of Portion of Stoke Road: City of. Gwelo

THECity Council of Gwelo, in terms of paragraph.{a) ofsubsection (3) of section 7, as read with section 4, of theRoads Act ‘[Chapter 263], hereby declares that portion. of

: Stoke Road in the heavy industrial area described hereunderto be closed. - ,

Description of closureThat portion of Stoke Road between Stands 2095, 2097and 2094 from the south-eastern corner of Stand 2095 andthe north-eastern corner of Stand 2097 to the main railwaysiding reserves as shown on plan RR/31/12.

: A. R. SMART,8-8-80. Town Clerk.

General Notice 702 of 1980. :


Bonded Warehouse Notice 7 of 1980 ,

Tr is hereby notified that, in the exercise of the powersconferred upon the Controller of Customs and Excise bysection 57 of the Customs and Excise Act [Chapter 177],the warehouse specified in the Schedule, which has beenapproved by the Controller, is appointed as a bonded ware-

house for the warehousing and securing of goods without

payment of duty under theAct.L. FINCHAM,

8-8-80. Acting Controller of Customs. and Excise.


Nameand location of Description of warehouse


Arcadia Supermarket (Private) A lockable wire-mesh‘area,Limited, measuring 8 metres ‘by 7,5

Bonded Warehouse, metres, in the. basementSalisbury. © warehouse of Arcadia Super-

market (Private) Limited,situated on Stand 7737A,being 10, Stuhardt Place,Arcadia, _

General Notice 703 of 1980. — _CUSTOMS AND EXCISE ACT [CHAPTER 177]

Appointment of Acting Deputy Controller of Customs.

: and Excise — oo.

IT is hereby notified that the Public Service Commission ,

has, in terms of subsection(1) of section 75 of the Constitution,

as read with section 4 of the Customs and Excise ‘ Act

[Chapter 177], appointed: Mr. Alfred Ernest Edward Jarvis, to .

act as Deputy Controller of Customs and Excise from the

Ist August, 1980, to the Ist September, 1980. | oe.

7 | D. W. YOUNG,“8-8-80. Secretary to the ‘Treasury.

General Notice 704 of 1980. OO


Appointment of Acting Controller of Customsand Excise -LC ; |

IT is -hereby notified that the Public Service Commission

has, in terms of subsection (1) of section-75 of the Constitution,

as read with section 4 ‘of the Customs and Excise Act

[Chapter -177], appointed Mr. Leo Fincham to act as Con-

troller. of Customs and Excise from the 1st August, 1980,to

the 1st September, 1980.

- D. W. YOUNG,

8-8-80. _ Secretary to the Treasury.

General Notice 705 of 1980. 2


Revocation of Previous Decisions of Board

IT is hereby notifiedthat, for a period of at least two years

having elapsed since the decisions concerned were made, theBoard of Censors has, in terms of section 20 of the Censorship . .

and Entertainments Control’ Act [Chapter 78], revoked itsdeclarations as undesirable or undesirable and prohibited, asspecified in the secondcolumn of the Schedule, of the publica-tions specified in the first. column of the Schedule, and hasdeclared that the said publications are, in the opinion of theboard, not undesirable. : pos aThe Rhodesia Notices specified ‘in the third column of the

Schedule are accordingly amended or cancelled, as may beappropriate. .. oO .

-P. D. W. R. SHERREN,airman,

8-8-80, Board of Censors.



RhodesiaEffect Notice

. of ‘notifyingAuthor{Editor and title ofpublication declaration declaration

X, Malcolm,assisted by Alex Haley .The Autobiography ofMalcolm X- Undesirable 1318 of 1968

Mitchison, Naomi ° :The,Africans . re Undesirable. 543 of 1970

Bong, Baik - “ o . = co, . .

Kim Ii Sung Biography (1) (1969) . , Undesirable 191 of 1971

Heilbrunn, Otto : , . |Partisan Warfare (1962) Undesirable 191 of 1971

Nasution, Abdul Haris ae

Fundamentals of Guerrilla Warfare (1965) Undesirable 191 of 1971-

‘Carlson, Joel . , .

‘NoNeutral Ground (1973) . Undesirable 122 of 1973 -

Khopung, Ethel . : “4Apartheid—-The Story of a Dispossessed People- Undesirable 565 of 1973

(1972) : and -s« 5534 of 1973. prohibited

King, Woodie, and Anthony, Earl (editors) | . m

Black Poets and Prophets (March, 1972) . Undesirable 1833 of 1974

, , ° and .? . , . prohibited ff

Cleaver, Eldridge oe .On Lumpen Ideology (pamphlet, n.d.) . Undesirable 1833 of 1974

s : and = ‘prohibited ©



” Rhodesia_ Author/Editor and title of publication Bifect notte .

/ . : declaration declarationCleaver, Eldridge, and; members’ of the BlackPanther Party Delegation to the People’s Re-

+ «public of the Congo, May, 1971: published byStage I for the Revolutionary-Peoples’ Commu-nications Network. os : : :

Revolution in the Congo . Undesirable 1833 of 1974- . and .

oo : sO ‘prohibited- The Zimbabwe Exodus—The African National


Undesirable 527 of 1975Council—published by the American University,’ and -October, 1974 . T prohibited

‘Johnson, Eric W. sO ,ponand Sex in Plain Language (revised edition) Undesirable 1694of 1975

Baldwin, James - : oy .Going to Meet the Man (1965) ‘ . « Undesirable 683 of 1977

General Notice 706 of 1980.- _ESTATE AGENTS ACT [CHAPTER 220]

Appointment of Member of Council

TT,.is hereby hotified that the Minister of Justice and' Constitutional Affairs has, in terms of section’4 of the EstateAgents Act [Chapter 220], appointed Mr. S, J. Chihambakweas&memberof the Estate Agents Council until the 30th June,

M. F. GARNETT,8-8-80. Secretary for Justice and Constitutional Affairs.


Registration of, the Armorial Bearings of Nuanetsi-Beitbridge_ Rural Council

x “

IT is hereby notified, in termsof paragraph (c) of section 17of the Armorial Bearings, Names; Uniforms and..Badges Act[Chapter 2}, that the Armorial Bearings of Nuanetsi—Beitbridge

. Rural Council have been, registered under paragraph (a) ofsubsection (1) of section 14 of the said Act.

; R. P. MOUL,Registrar of Names, Uniforms, Badges and

8-8-80. - Heraldic Representations.



IT is hereby notified, in terms of ‘paragraph (c) of section 17of.the Armorial Bearings, Names, Uniforms and Badges Act{Chapter 2), that the armorial bearings of Gilbert MilesMyers,Esquire, have been registered under paragraph (a) ofsubsection -

: (1)of section 14 of the said Act.cot . R. P. MOUL

Registrar of Names, Uniforms, Badges and~ 8-8-80. Heraldic Representations.

General Notice 709 of 1980.


, Liquor ‘Licensing Board: Interim Meeting: Charter District2

PURSUANT to the provisions of subsection (1) of section47 of the Liquor Act [Chapter 289], notice is hereby giventhatan: interim meeting of the Liquor Licensing Board for thedistrict of Charter will be held at the Magistrate’s Court,Gwelo, commencing at 9 am, on Tuesday, the 16th day ofSeptember, 1980, to consider the following matters— =

(a). an application for the issue of, a bottle liquor licenceby Modiciah Mudyiwa, to trade as Mudyiwa ModernStore and Bottle Store, premises situate on lease -site

_ TT. 24028, Marira Business Centre, Marira Tribal TrustLand, Charter district, and for Modiciah Mudyiwa tobe appointed as approved manager; andan application for the grant of a conditional atithority

©) for 2bottle liquor licence: by Kayire Stephen Maboda,to trade as Maboda General Dealer and Bottle Store,

Registration of the Armorial Bearings of Gilbert Miles Myers,





premises situate on lease site T.T. 24192, ShumbaBusiness Centré, Sabi North Tribal Trust Land, Charterdistrict; and fs

(c). an application for a bottle liquor licence by Rueben: Mudwedani Gasseler, fo. trade as Hamandwe Store,

premises situate in~Muzokomba ‘Township, Buheradistrict. :

‘ R.'D. M. DAVIDSON,, “ . Secretary,8-38-80. Liquor Licensing. Board.

General Notice 710




Liquor Licensing Board: Interim Meeting: Gatooma District ©

PURSUANT to the provisions of subsection (1) of section47 of the Liquor Act [Chapter 289], notice is hereby given that _an interim meéting of the Liquor Licensing Board for thedistrict of Gatoomawill be held at the Magistrate’s Court,Gatooma, commencing at 9.45 am. on Monday, the 15th.September, 1980, to consider the following matters—

(a) an application for the issue of a-bottle liquor licenceby Saul Mashayamombe, to trade as Mashayamombe

, Bottle Store, premises situate on lease site 18769, BindaBusiness Centre, Mondoro Tribal Trust Land, Hartleydistrict, ‘and.for Saul Mashayamombe to be appointedas approvedmanager; and o . a

an applicationfor the grant of a conditional authority.for a bottle liquor licence by Frederick TapfumanayiMavungu, to trade as Gadzema Bottle Store, premises:situate’ on Stand 7, Gadzema Township, Hartley district,and for Mrs. Elizabeth Mavunga to be appointed asapproved manageress; and

an application for the grant of a conditional authorityfor a bottle liquor licence by Edward Barrington

- Menzewa Sojine, to trade as Msengesi Bottle Store,premisessituate on Stand 1, Dombgwa Township,Msengezi Kutama Council, Hartley district, and for

. Edward Barrington Menzewa Sojine to be appointed ,as approved manager.


R. D. M. DAVIDSON,. Secretary,

Liquor Licensing Board.

General Notice 711 of 1980. .LIQUOR ACT [CHAPTER 289]


Liquor Licensing Board;Interim Meeting: ‘Que Que District

PURSUANT to the provisions of subsection (1) of section47 of the Liquor Act [Chapter 289], notice if hereby given thatan interim meeting of theLiquor: Licensing Board: for thedistrict of Que Quewill be held at the Magistrate’s Court,Que Que, commencing at 2.15 p.m. on Monday, the 15th dayof September, 1980, to consider the following matters—

(a) an application for the grant of a conditional authorityfor a bottle liquor licence by MunhumurehivaMangwende, to trade as Munhumurehwa Store,. Butcheryand: Bottle Store, premises situate on lease ‘site T.T.17137, Zhombe Business Centre, Zhombe Tribal Trust_Land, Que Que district, and for Simon Mangwende-Munbumurehwa ta be appointed as approved manager;an

an application for the issue of a bottle liquor licenceby Emelda Makanda, to trade asMakanda Bottle Store,premises, situate on lease site T.T. 15364, Ruya BusinessCentre, Zhombe Tribal Trust Land, Que’ Que district,

’ and for Cosmos Makanda to bé appointed as approvedmanager; and :

~(c) an application for the issue of a bottle liquor licence. bySimbanai Mucharemba Gowara,.to trade as Mucha-

remba Bottle Store, premises situate on lease site T.T.18477, Nielele Business Centre; Gokwe Tribal TrustLand, Gokwe district, and for Simbanai MucharembaGowara to be appointed as approved manager; andan application for the issue of, a bottle liquor licenceby Thomas Francis ‘Kawara Jutah, to trade as MundozaButchery and Bottle Store, premises situdte on leasesite T.T. 23957, Kolombina Business Centre, Zhombe -Tribal Trust Land, Que Quedistrict, and for EbermoreJutah to be appointed as approved manager; and. _an application for the grant of a conditional authorityfor a bottle liquor licence by Jeremiah Gubba, to tradeas. Mungate Bottle Store, premises situate on lease site .T.T. 24243, Munyate Business Centre, Zhombe TribalTrust Land, Que Quedistrict; and





- ‘(f) an application for the removal of a bottle liquor licenceby: Ronald Charles Freeman (licensee), trading in thename of Cams, from the existing premises, being thenorthern portion of Stand 6A, Second Street, Que Que,to Stand 110, Que Que (being 4, Fifth Avenue, Que Que). |

R. D. M. DAVIDSON,Secretary,

8-8-80. Liquor Licensing Board.

General Notice 712 of 1980.


Liquor Licensing Board: Interim Meeting: Umtali District

PURSUANT io the provisions of subsection (1) of section47 of the Liquor Act [Chapter 289], notice is hereby given thatan interim meeting of the Liqour Licensing Board for thedistrict of Umtali will be held at the Magistrate’s Court,Unmtali, commencing at 11.30 a.m. on Monday, the 8th day of

September, 1980, to consider the following matters—(a). an application for the grant of a conditional authority

for a bar liquor licence by Mrs. Hester MagdalenaBosman, to trade as Penhalonga Bar, premises situate

on Plot 4, Penhalonga, Umtali Rural Council area; and

an application for the issue of a club liquorlicence inthe name of Casa Portuguesa de Unmtali, . premises

situate at shop 4, Stand 289, Umtali, Umtali municipalarea; and

(c) an application for the issue of a club liquor licence inthe name of Inyazura Sports Club, premises situate on

Stand 63, Inyazura Township, Tsungwese Rural Council

area, and for Charlotte Martin to be appointed asapproved manageress; and 7

an application for the grant of a conditional authorityfor a restaurant (ordinary) liquor licence by’ OliverChakonda, to. trade as Zimbabwe Restaurant, premises

situate on Stand 672, Umtali municipal area; and

(e) an application for the grant of a conditional authority~ for a restaurant (ordinary) liquor licence by Herbert

Fede Tanakarini Mukura, to trade as-T. H. MukuraRestaurant, premises situate on lease site T.T. 11558,

Ruwende Business Centre, Nyamaropa Tribal ‘Trust

Land, Inyanga district; and . , .

(f) an application for the issue of abottle liquor licence by

Takaidza Rymon Mudekunye, to trade as Primary

Trading and Bottle Store, premises situate on lease site

T.T. 1960, Birchenough Bridge Business Centre, Sabi

Tribal Trust Land, Buhera district; and -

" 0)


(g) an application for the grant of a conditional authority |for a bottle liquor licence by Mrs. Ruth Matimba, to-

trade as Jongwe Bottle Store, premises situate on Wood-

lands Farm, Umtali Rural Council area, Umtali district;anan application for the issue of a bottle liquor licence by

Gezani Paul Vutuza Sithole, to trade as Vutuza Bottle

Store, premises situate on lease site T.T. 24052, Chiburwe

Business Centre, Musikavanhu Tribal Trust Land;Chipinga district; and m

@ > an applicationfor the grant of a conditional authority

for a bottle liquor licence by I. Nyamusamba and Sons

(Private) Limited, to trade as Valley Bottle Store,

premises situate on Stand 716, Sansaguru - Township,Rusape, Rusape district; and

(j) an application for the grant of a conditional authority

for a restaurant (ordinary) liquor licence by Edmond

Mukwewa, to trade as Manditanga Restaurant, premises

situate on Stand 719 (shops 5 and 6), Sansaguru Town-ship, Rusape district; and _

(k) anapplication for the grant of.a conditional authority

for a bottle liquor licence by Mrs. Maudie Magondweni,

to trade as Magondweni Bottle Store, premises situate

on lease site T.T. 24017, Maungandze Business Centre,Mutema Tribal Trust Lapd, Chipinga district; and

(1) an application for the issué of a bottle liquor licence by

Elliott Urayoyi Kaome, to trade as Wajenya Butchery

and Bottle Store, premises situate on lease site T.T.24143, Mukoyi Business Centre, Mutasa South Tribal

.. Trust Land; and Le

(m) an application forthe issue of a club liquor licence in


the name of The Portuguese Recreation Club, premises.

situate on Stand 823, Umtali (being 5, Hosgood Avenue),Umtali municipal area; and

(n) an application for the issue ofa bottle liquor licence byJames Donovan Cripps, to trade as Don's Rusape,premises situate on Stand 28, Rusape, Makoni RuralCouncil area; and , .


_ Provincial Authority.


(o) an application for the issueof a bottle liquor licence by —Kingstone. Machiwana, to trgde as Machiwana Store, _

premises situate on lease site N.A., 2446, Watsomba

Business Centre,Tsonzo' Purchase Area, Mutasa district.

R. D. M.DAVIDSON.os *" Secretary, .

8-8-80. Liquor Licensing Board.

General Notice 713 of 1980. oleLIQUOR ACT [CHAPTER .289]

Liquor Licensing Board:Interim Meeting: Belingwe District

- PURSUANT to the provisions of subsection (1) of section47 of the Liquor Act [Chapter 289], notice is hereby given thataninterim meeting of the Liqour Licensing Boardfor thedistrict of Belingwe will be held at the Magistrate’s Court,Gwelo, commencing at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, the 16th dayof

September, 1980, to consider an application for the grant of aconditional authority for a bottle liquor licence: by JoramMakayi, to trade as Makiyi Bottle Store, premises situate in ,Dangwe .Township, Belingwe Tribal Trust Land, Midlands

.R. D. M. ‘DAVIDSON,Secretary,

8-8-80. : Liquor Licensing Board.

General Notice 714 of 1980. .LIQUOR ACT [CHAPTER 289]

Liquor Licensing Board: Interim Meeting:Gwelo District

PURSUANT to the provisions of subsection (1) of section47 of the Liquor Act [Chapter 289], notice is hereby given thatan interim meeting of the Liqour ‘Lichaging Board. for thedistrict of Gwelo will be held at the Magistrate’s Court, ..Gwelo, commencing at 9 am. on Tuesday, the 16th day ofSeptember, 1980, to consider the following matters—

(a) an application for the grant of a conditional authorityfor a bottle liquor licence by Mrs. Annie Kombo, totrade as Munyengetaro Supermarket, premises situate onLot 1 of Subdivision A of Stand 479,.Gwelo Township

_ (being 95, Ninth Street, Gwelo); and .

(b). an application for the grant of a conditional authorityfor a bottle liquor licence by Kirtikumar Nathoo,totrade as Nathoo Superette, premises situate on Stand240, Gwelo municipal ‘area, and for Kirtikumar Nathooto he appointed as approved manager; and

(c) an applicationfor the grant of aconditional authorityfor a bottle liqhor licence by Solomon Petrus Varkevisser,to. trade as Gando Bottle Store, premises situate onGando Farm, Umvuma Road, Gwelo, and for SolomonPetrus Varkevisser to be appointed as approved manager.

R. D. M. DAVIDSON, .* Secretary, -

8-8-80. . ‘Liquor Licensing Board.

General Notice 715 of 1980.


Tenders Invited

ALL tenders must be submitted to the Secretary, Government TenderBoard, P.O. Box 8075, Causeway. ; ay

Tenders must in ‘io\“circumstances be submitted to departments. -Tenders must be enclosed in sealed envelopes, endorsed on the outside

withthe advertised t¢nder number. and the description, and. must be postedin time to be sortedinto Post Office Box 8075, Causeway, or delivered by’hand to the Secretary, Government Tender Board, Second Floor, Regal StarHouse, Gordon .Avenue, Salisbury, before 2.45 p.m. on the closing-date —advertised. .

Offers submitted by telegraph, stating clearly therein the name of thetenderer, the service and. the amount, must be. dispatched in time fordelivery by the Post Office to the Secretary, Government Tender Board,by 2.45 p.m. on the closing-date, and the confirmation tender posted not ©later than the closing-time and date. The telegraphic address is ‘“Tenders,Salisbury” : .Note.—Tenders which are not received by 2.45 p.m. on _the- closing-date

whether by hand, by post or by telegraph, will be treated as latetenders, . .

renin deposit, is re uired for tender documtnte,: it will be refunded onof a bone e .tender or i e% tender documents are returned

complete and unmarked before the closing-date. ~ ‘ ,

For supply contracts, the country of manufacture must be stated, Whentenders are compared, a degree of preference is deductéd icestendered for goods manufactured in this Country. . from peeNotender can ‘be withdrawn or amended during a‘period of 30-days

(or any other period specified in tender docurnents)” from the statedclosing-date, - . .

The Government does not binditself to accept the lowest or any tender,and reserves the right to select any tender inwhole or in part., Lenders which are properly addressed to the Government Tender Boardin sealed envelopes with the advertised tender number and descriptionendorsed on the outside are not opened until 2.45 p.m. on the closing-date.


i. .


Floor, Regal Star House, Gordon Avenue, Salisbury, from 2.45 p.m.onwards ‘on the date specified, ; - oo. D. I. J, LINDSAY-WHITE,-- Secretary,

"P.O. Box 8075, Causeway. — Government Tender Bord.

TenderNo |.

5544. Bulawayo: ‘Government establishments: Eggs, 1-10-80 to' 30-9-83. Documents from Secretary, Government Tender‘Board, P.O, Box 8075, Causeway. Closing-date, 28-8-80.

' MED.744. Concentrated vitaminized orange-squash. _and accessories; Harare Central —MED.745. Cystoscope


MED,746, Laminex identificationHospital.Documents for tendersMED.744 to MED.746 fromController, Medical’ Store, P.O. Box ST 23, Southerton.

_ Closing-date, 11-9-80, ~~ 2

MWD.13/80. Supply and delivery, to Ministry of WaterDévelopment Stores, Bulawayo, for Rutenga water-

_ supply, of électric motors, pumps and switch-gear.“Documents from Provincial Water Engineer, P.O, Box

_ 250, Fort Victoria. Closing-date, 28-8-80,RDS.33/80. Construction of a bridge over the Macheke River

, ’ on the Inyazura-Dorowa road. Documents from Secre-tary for ‘Roads .and Road Traffic, Posts and. Tele-communications, P.O. Box 8109, Causeway. Deposit ondoctiments, $10; extra copies, $5. A condition of accept-ance of a bona fide tender will be that-the prospectivecontractors have attended a meeting with an engineer

system: Andrew Fleming

of the Ministry of Roads and Road Traffic, Posts.and |._° Telecommunications on. the site of the works. Tenderers

_ should assemble at the Inyazura* Hotel at 10 a.m. on the19th August, 1980.-Closing-date, 4-9-80,

“Tentlers are invited from building contractors registered incategory “D” for:

_ WKS.179/80. Chikurubi: Wet canteen for Z,R.P. Support Unit.Tenders are invited from buliding ‘contractors registered in

, - category “E” for: . osWKS.180/80. Salisbury: Additional class-rooms at the Poly-

. technic. : ‘

Tenders are invited from civil engineering contractors registered.in category “CE]A”for:

_" -‘WKS.175/80. Chitungwisa: Civil. engineering works at the


general hospital. Site visit to be held at 9 am. on‘Thursday, the 14th August, 1980.

Tenders are invited from civil engineering contractors registeredin category “CE]D”for:

WKS.176/80. Salisbury: Sewerage-reticulation at Waterfalls .Z.R.P. Camp. :

Tenders are invitedfrom mechanical engineers for:

_ -WKS.177/80. Shabani district: Supply, delivery andof solar heating to house at Palawan Dam. -Documents for tenders . WKS.179/80, WKS.180/80,WKS.175/80, WKS.176/80 and WKS.177/80 fromSecretary for Works, Samora Machel Avenue, Salisbury(P.O. Box: 8081, Causeway). Closing-date, 28-8-80.

Tenders are invited from electrical contractors for:

WKS.181/80.. Bulawayo: Electrification- of wanders’ quartersat Khami-Prison. Documents from Disrtict Architect,Darlington Road, Bulawayo (P.O. Box 968, Bulawayo).Closing-date, 28-8-80. pO :

Tenders are invited from manufacturers and suppliers for:

IRN.169. Salisbury and Bulawayo: Running tender (period- oné year) for paraffin- and gas-refrigerators and deep

freezers. Documents from Secretary for Works, SamoraMachel Avenue, Salisbury (P.O. Box 8081, Causeway).Closing-date, 28-8-80. . :

o Cancellation of tender

Gwelo: Government establishments: Fire-wood: 1-12-80to 30-11-81. - me,

This tender has been cancelled.


8-8-80. oo

General Notice 716 of 1980. .


Tenders Authorized for Acceptance 7 7

THE Zimbabwe ‘Government Tender Board has authorized

the acceptance of the following tenders. Formal acceptance


. . . : Oo . . we

Members of the public may attend the openingof tenders on Second



will be notified in each case by the department concerned:This notice is published for information only, and does notin any way constitute the acceptance ofa tender.

Tender . |No...’ .

EDU.12/80. Supply of hand tools and small power tools toeducational establishments in Zimbabwe: Several.

. Successful tenderers, at various prices. .MED.711; Surgical instruments: Gwélo General Hospital:*.. | Several successful tenderers, at various prices.MED.723.. Hospital beds and lockers: Springmaster Corpora-

tion Lid., at various prices. 2 .MED.720. Insulin: Geddes Ltd., at variousprices, .MED.724. Fowler beds: United Bulawayo Hospitals: Spring-

master Corporation Ltd., at various prices. .WKS.125/80. Bulawayo: Additional accommodation, 1979-80,

at Methuen Barracks: PetaConstruction (Pyt.) Ltd., inthe sum of $446 999.-

WKS.133/80. Bulawayo: Additions to Ihlathi. SecondarySchool: C. H. Pavli Building Contractor, in the sum af

WKS.128/80. Inyanga: Married quarters at the barracks: BE. W.- Ponelis (Pvt.) Ltd., in the sum of $131,395, -

WKS;63/80. Salisbury: Glen View Primary School No. 1:Progress Builders (Pvt.} Ltd, im the sum of SITL S570. |

MWD.6/80. Supply and delivery of 500 lengths of 125-milli- |' metre nominal-bore bore-hole-casing: Stewarts and

Lloyds, at various prices.RDS.25/80. .Supply and delivery of chemicals for weed-control

to all. provinces, “as required”: 1+7-80 te 30-6-81:RUF.C. Ltd., at various prices.


§-8-80. Government Tender Board, _

General Notice717 of 1980, . -‘DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENTS

| In the Division of District Administration

Alexander James Bundock' to act as Provincial Commis-- sioner’ for the province of Mashonaland West for the; periodfrom thet4th August, 1980, to the 12th Septem-

er, Le . :

John Murwisi to act as.District Officer for the district of' Chiredzi for the period from the Ist August, 1980, to

the 16th September, 1980.

Roy Wyatt to be District Commissioner for the district ofKariba for the period from the 4th August, 1980, to.the 5th September, 1980, -

Melusi Matshiya to act as District Officer for the districtof Gwelo, with effect from the Ist August, 1980,

* John Frederick Saunders to be additional District Com~-missioner for the district of Makoni for the 2ndAugust, 1980.

Maurice Douglas John Wainwright to be District Officer- for the district of Mrewa, with effect fromthe Ist.

May, 1980. - . =.

Dirk Wouter duPlooy to be District Commissioner for thedistrict of Melsetter, in addition to his duties asDistrict Commissioner for the district of Chipings,for the period from the 13th August, 1980, to the12th September, 1980. —~

Christopher Robin Hales to act as District Commissioner _for the district of Salisbury (Market Square}, witheffect from,the Ist August, 1980.

_ Simon Rogers Kachambwa to act as District Officer forthe district of Salisbury (Market Square), with effe

from the Ist July, 1980.. - , -

Robert William Dopald to act as District Commissionerfor the district of Belingwe for the -period from the

_ 13th August, 1980, to the 12th September, 1980.

Geoffrey. Alexander Richard Higgs to act as ProvincialCommissioner for the provifce ofVictoria, in. additionto his duties as District Commissioner for the districtof Chibi, for the period from the 4th August, 1980,to the 24th August, 1980. .

D. M. CONNOLLY, 8-8-80, Secretary for District Administration.


General Notice 718 of 1980,


Applications in Connexion with Road Service Permits

IN terms of subsection (4) of section 7 of the Road MotorTransportation Act- [Chapter 262}, notice is hereby given thatthe applications detailed in the Schedule, for the issue oramendment of road service permits, have been received for theconsideration of the Controller of Road Motor Transportation.

Any person wishing to object ta any such application mustlodge with the Controller of Road Motor ‘Transportation,‘P.O. Box 8332, Causeway—

(a) a notice, in writing, of his intention to object, so as toreach the Controller’s office not later than the 29thAugust, 1980; and

-(b) his objection and.the grounds therefor, on. form R.M.T.24, together with two copies thereof, so as to reach the

_ Controller's office not later than the 19th September,1980.

Any person objecting ‘to an application for the issue oramendment of a. road service permit must confinehis groundsof objection to matters directl bearing on the considerationsreferred to in paragraph (a).(), (c), (d), (e) or ( of section8 of the said Act.

T. C. SALMON,8-8-80. Acting Controller of Road. Motor Transportation.


. MOTOR-OMNIBUSESAmendments .- . :

Matambanadzo BusService (Pvt.). Lid, °

0/362/80. Permit:‘Capacity:76.

Route 1: Salisbury - NyabiraRoad Junction - Umvukwes :-Store - Kaziro,- Shayabvudzi - Haziro - Mupinyuri -~MudindoTownship - Kavaya Store - Ruvinga - Kavaya - Berejena -Nyakapupu - Farms - Muzura ScHool. ©

Route 2: Salisbury - Oribi Store -- Mtoko.

By: Deletion of Route 2, and substitution of Salisbury -Beatrice - Enkeldoorn - Umvuma - Fort Victoria - Ngundu -Triangle - Chiredzi. ;

The service operates as follows:

17407. Motor-omnibus: Passenger-

Caeser Mine - Concession(Umvukwes North - Mpinge

Mrewa - Nyaderi Mission

Roure 1Mon. — , : Wed.” and . andThurs, : : Fri.

pain. km . .

1.00 0 Salisbury. . 9... . » 14.153.15 . 98 ConcessionRoad . . . . . 9.004.25 154 Mpinge Store = oe we ew w) 67652

5.25 201 MupinyuriSchool . . . . . 6.456.00 227 Ruvinga . ... - « + 6.00

6.30 247, Nyakapupu . .-.5. 2. 2). «5.3076.55 268&MuzuraSchool . . . . . . 5.00

. am,

RoureE 2 .

Sat. ; ; , Sun.pm km a.

3.00. 0 Salisbury. . . “. 9. 2. . 7.40

3.50 358 OribiStore . . °. . . . . 6.50

4.30 95 Mrewa ... . - + 6.10-

§.10 135 Nyadiri . . ' - . 5,305.40 159 Mtoko ... o © @ «65,00

: p.m

Theservices to operate as follows: ‘Route 1: No change. . oo, .

. Route 2Sat. . Sun,a.m. km .

8.00. 0 Salisbury . « © 6 + « 11,2010.35 140 Enkeldoorn . 1.7. 2... 8.45,

11.25 191 Umvuma ...... 2. 7.55 —12.30 -256 Chatsworth -. .°. . . . 6.55

arr, 1.20 310 Fort Victoria... . . . 6.00dep,dep. 1.30 , 12.10 arr.

2.10 359 ChibiClinic oye a © © 411.30 .

3.20 415 Gororo. . . . . . « - 10.204.55 512 BuffalaRange. . . © 3 « 8.455.20 536 Hippo Valley . . . . «+. 8.25

5.45 556 Chiredzi . 1. % . « «6 « .. 8.00


Fares: Route 1: No change.Route 2: Salisbury to: Enkeldoorn, $2,05; Umvuma; $2,26;

Chatsworth, $3,48; Fort Victoria, $4,27; Chibi Clinic, $5,07:Gororo, $6,04; Buffalo’ ‘Range, $7,44; Hippo Valley, ‘$7,80;,Chiredzi, $8,08. :

0/405/80._ Permit: 13283, | Motor-omnibus. Passenger-.| capacity: 76.

Route: Salisbury - Gwebi River - ‘Pearson’ Farm - Conces-sion. - Umvukwes. - ‘Dawson - Rumanje - Gato Township -Nyamanyoka - Chiweshe- School.- Nembire Kraal - Chakoma _School - Karoi Township - Mount Darwin - Chiutsa Kraal -Dotito Kraal - Chiwidze Store.

By: Extension of route Chiwidze - Mukumbura.The service operates as follows: ee

‘(ROUTEMon Tues,and . : - andWed, Fri. Sat. . Fihurs. Sat. Sun.am am am. “ki . .8.00 9.30 10.30- 0 Salisbury . . 2. 10 9.40 3.40

10.10 11.10 11.35 61 | Concession . ‘1.25 8.00 2.15

1.50 3.10 3.30 192° WNembire Kraal. 9.55 -4:30 10.05

2.30 . 3.30 4.10 216 DotitoKraal . 9.15. 3.40 ° 9.25

3.30 4.10 5.10 234 MeuntDarwin. 9.00 3.00 8.30 —4.50 5.30 6.30 299 ChiwidzeStore. 7:30 1.30 6.50°

, . am am am.

.The service to operate as follows: ,Rouie . ; oo

Mon. : ‘ . Tues.

. and o oo and ..Wed. Fri. Sat. , Thurs. Sat. Sun.am am: am km ’ Lo8.00 9.30 10.30 0 Salisbury’. . 2.10 9.40 3.40 |10.10 11.10 11.35 ~ 61 Concession . °. - 1.35. 8.00 2.150 |

1.50 -3.10 3.30 192. Nembire Kraal.. 9.55 4.30 10.05"

2.30 3.30 4.10 216 DotitoKraal . 9.15 3.40 9.25

3.30 4.10 5.10 224 Mount Darwin. 9.00 3.00 8.30

“4.50 5.30 6.30 -299 ChiwidzeStore. 7.30. 1.30 6.505.20 6.00. 7.00 °321 DandeStore . 7.00 1.00. 6.405.50 . 6.30 7.30 345 .-Mulumbura « 6.30 6.10 6.10

ain, a.m, a.22.

Fares to be: Salisbury to: Concession, 74c; Nembire Kraal,$2,78; Dotito Kraal, $3,04;- Mount Darwin, $2,51; Chiwidze, ‘

: $3, 17; DandeStore, $3,48; Mukumbura, $3,97.

0/410/80. - Permit: 21522. Motor-omnibus. _ Passenger-»capacity: 76,

Route: Que Que’- Mbembezana.- Umiala Park - Negezi RoadJunction - Gwelo Road Junction - Umvuma - Enkeldoorn.”. *>. By: 1 (a) Extension of the. Monday to Friday services fromUmvumato Enkeidoorn.-

(b) Deletion of the Saturday and Sunday serviges.2. Introduction of Route 2: Que Que = Umvuma- Fairfield-

Chaka- Stancelous - Gokomere- Fort Victoria. -The service operates as follows: .

Rouve. , i so

Mon. a, oo . - \to a’ . , :

Fri. “ cee Mon.

and ‘ to.

Sun, Sat. . ae Fri. Sat. Sun.

am. am km. ’8.00 8.00 0 QueQne . . . . . 3.55 3.55. 3.558.25 8.25 .17 Mbembezana . . . . 3.30 °° 3.30 3.308.45 8.45 30 Umlala Park © » © +» 3.10 3.10 3.10

9.00 9.00 ‘40 Negezi Road Junction . .° 2.55 2:55 2,559,40. 9.40 90 GweloRoadJunction. . 2.15 2.15 2.15:

. 9.50 9.50 100 Umvuma -. .. ... 2,00 .2.00 2.00,10.00 10.00 . . 42.50 1.50 :

~ 11.50 150 , Enkeldoorn. . ... ., — 1.00 °“—; . . ‘0. Date Dat. Dan.

The service to operate as follows} :

' Route t * .Mon. - _. Mon.to : . to

Fri. . 4 Fri.am. km so _8.00. 0 QueQue .. ..... . 3.558.25 17 Mbembezana . . . . +. + 3.308.45 30 UmilalaPark . . . . . . 3.80

' 9.00 40 NgeziRoadJunction . . . . 2.559.40 90 Gwelo Road Junction. .« . .. 2.159.50 100 Umvuma ....'. 4 © ..2.0010.00 mat 1.5010.40 150 Enkeldoorn, .» . . . « «© 1.00



. | ‘ . . ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT. GAZETTE, 8TH Auoust, 1986 : 7Al

7 ‘ROUTE 2 a. Sat. . mo Sat,"and OY , and

Sun, Sun.Jam kim an ‘8.00 0 QueQue .....%. ©. 5.25

. 8.45, ° 80 UmlilaPark . 1. 6. 4 4.459:50 106. Umyuma © 8 ew ee wl ew) 8S

10,00 :11.05. 148 Chatsworth turn-off . . .:. 2.3011.50 188..Gokomere . .. 2. 2°. 2) 1.45

12.05, 202 FortVictoria ... . . . . 1,30). —_ , (pan

- . , ‘ “

‘Fares: Route 1: Nochange. '

Route 2: Qué Qué to: Umilala Park, 43c; Umvuma, $1,45;. |2 Ghatsworth turn-off, $2,12; Gokomere, -$2,68; Fort Victoria,

©/480/80,° Permit: 13152,i Motor-omnibus.capacity: 76. oO

Route: Sinoia - Lions Den - Angwa River - Madadzi - Karoi- Tsetse. fly-gate - Magunje - Maunube School - Dikita Store -Chidzimanioto Store - Chivakanenyania Store -' Chivakane-nyama Towrship -’Zvipani Township - Chiroto Gate + Chia-ngwa - Renigwe Township. .

By: (1) Extension of route: Salisbury - Stapleford -. Nyabira- Gwebi River - Mpinga Siding - Banket- Sinoia. :

‘(2) Alteration to times. ~

(3) Increase in fares,

. .The service operates as follows:

ROUTE,Mon., i

Thurs. . . Tues.and : . ‘ e and

Sat. . 2 , Fri. Sun.am. km11.00" © ‘Sinoia . . 2 2 1 6 we) 14655) 4,2511.40 32. AngwaRiver. . . . -. © 8.15 12.45

arr.12.55 88 Karol. . . 2. - « + + 10.00. 11.30dep. 1.10 : a ; . . ,

2.05 122 Magunjé . .. . . . « 8.30 10.00°+ 2.55 153 DikitaStore . ... 2's « 7.25 8.55

3.30 166 Chivakanenyania . aoe ee 7.00 8.30

“4.00 184 ChirotoGate.. . . . | 6.30 8.00 ’4.55 222 . Rengwe Business Centre . 5.30 7.00

: ‘ : am. Qu. —

The service to operate as follows:

a Route. .Mon., .

-Thurs, . . Tues.and , : andSat. So . a Fri. Sun.

- am km a : .8.00 - QO. Salisbury... . 2. 2. « « 2340 4.209.20 61 GwebiRiver. . . 6 « + 1.20 3.00

arr. 10.40' 114 Sinoia . .°. . ss « ©


42.00 1.40

dep. 11.00 - . 11:35 1.15

11.40 145 AngwaRiver. . . . - ‘+ 10:55 12.30

2.05 230 Magunje .. . . . «8.30


10.002.55 261. DikitaStore . ©. . . « «! “7.25 - 8.55

4.00 292 ChirotoGate. . . . . ». 630. 8.004.55 330 : 5.30 7.00Rengwe Business Centre ..

‘ aum. Qn.

Existing Fares: Sinoia to: Angwa River, 40c; Karoi, $1,09;Magunje, $1,54; Dikita Store, $1,93; Chivakanenyania, $2,10;

Chiroto GAte, $2,32; Rengwe Business Centre, $2,69,

’ Fares tobe: Salisbury to: Gwebi River, 89c; Sinoia, $1,64;

Angwa River, $2,11; Magunje, $3,34; Dikita Store, $3,41; Chi-

roto Gate, $3,86; Rengwe Business Centre, 54,42,

Maziveyi Bus Service (Pvt.) Ltd, :



Permit:. - 17373. Motor-omnibus.capacity: 76. 7


Route: Salisbury - Mazve - Glendale - Mupfurudzi --

Madziva - Mt. Darwin - Chiutsa Store - Dotito Township.

‘By: (a) Alteration to times. == * | we

Passenger: -


(6) Extension of route from Dotito - Chividze.

(c) Introduction of a Saturday inwardservice.

The service operates as follows;

Route .Mon., ,

Tues., / .Wed., . "Pues,Thurs. - Wed.

and . . andFri, Sat. Sun. ~ . Mon, Thurg. Fri. Sunam, am, att. km

7,30 2.00 6,30 0 Salisbury 7.00 4.40 5.55 6,05

8.25° 3.00. 7.30 . 48 Mazoc” 6.00 3.40 4.55 .5,058.45 3.20 7.50 66 Glendale 5:40 3,20 4.50 4.459.55 4.05 8.35 ° 101 Biadura 4.25 3.05 4.35 4.0010.35 4.45 9.15 130 Mupfurudzi 4.05 2.45 4.15 3.20

11.20 5.05 9.35 146 Madziwa 3.45 2.25 3.55 3.0012.15 - 5.25 10.20 163 Mt. Darwin 3.25 1.30 3.00 2.4012.55. 6.05 10.35 194 Dotito 2.45. 1.00 2.30 2.00yo , - pint, pit. Bt. Plt.

The service to operate as follows:-

& 7

ROourE .

Mon., ‘' Tues.,Wed, 'Thurs, Sat. . ,. and andFri. Sun. Dailyam am km , , >7.30 6.30 0 Salisbury. . . . . 6,05 .

8.25 7.30 48 Mazoee . . . . . 5.058.45 7.50 66 Glendale . 2 ew) 4.459.55 $8.35 “101. Bindura . . . . . 4.0010:35 9.15 130. Mupfurudzi. . . . 3,0

11.20 9.35 146 Madziva. .. . . 3.00

12.15 9.55 163 Mt.Darwin . . . . 2.40

12.40 10.20 182 ChiutsaStore . . . 2.15

12.55 10.35 194 Dotito. . . . . . 2.00 .1.25 11.05 214 Chividze. . . . . 41.30

. Pulte

Fares to-be: Salisbury to Dotito: No change, Dotito to Chi-vidze $3,04. — ; -

| P, Hall & Co, (Pvt.) Ltd.0/387/80. Permit: 15414, Motor-omnibus, Passenger-

capacity: 64. 0 ,

Route 1: Fort Victoria ~ Cluny - Rurwe - Doornfontein -Beardmore Halt - Sosera - Nyika - Chiwaka Store - DevuliHospital Junction - Devuli Halt - Devuli Bridge - BirchenoughBridge - Hot Springs - Melsetter Junction - Umtali. '

Route 2: Within an 80-kilometre radius of the post office,Fort Victoria, excluding the route Fort Victoria to MorgensterMission. . ,

Condition: Route 2: (a) For private hire or charter andforadvertised or organized tours, provided that nostage-carriageservice is operated on any route. .

(b) No private hire or charter or any advertized or organized tour shall -be operated under authority of this. permitduring the timés for which a scheduled stage-carriage service isauthorized in terms ofthis permit. . stBy: (a) Extension of Route 1: Fort Victoria - Bulawayo.(b) Deletion of Thursday and Fridayservices.(ec) Alteration to times. ‘(d) Change of fares, ° :

’ The service operates as follows:



Mon., .Wed, Tues.and : and :

Fri. : Thurs. / Sun. Thurs. — Frl,

am. pit. kim .8.00 6.00 0 Fort Victoria. . . 3.15 1.50 7.10

9.50 7.50 76 Sosera ‘. . é 1.45 11.40 5.2010.40 8.40 112 Chiwaka Store * 1.05 10.30 4.3012.55 -— . 216 HotSprings . . «° 10.30 8.50 —»-2.40 — » 8,00 7.00 —300 Untali (Sakubva)

. . am. 20, Qh

Route 2:No change.

The service operates as follows:



742 a

ROUTE $2,53; Mabale, $2,79; Halfway Hotel,$3,37; Fatima Mission,‘Tues. * Mon., $3.47; Lupane, $4,04; St. Luke’s Mission, $4,44;° Bembesi,Thurs. Wed. $4,52; Masayi, $4,90; Insuza, $5; Dundubala, $5,20; Tonight,and : and - $5,40; Bulawayo, $6. wo! cy ,Sun. Fri. . .am. km Route 2: No change. - .

8.00 O Umtai. . 2. 2. 1 1 5.45 . .9.45 86 HotSprings . . 1 1]. (.00 Samson Mundondo (Pvt.)Ltd. 4s12.00 190 Chiwaka . . . 2. . . 1.45 Q/462/80, . Permit: 16537. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-2.15 295 FortVictoria . . 2. . . « 11.30 capacity: 64. / _ Lo2.45. . 11.20 . Cob oe

Balla ‘Route 1: Umtali - Melsetter Junction + Hot Springs -“EB 32 Buaeso eae Birchenough Bridge - Devuli Halt - Chikuku Clinic - Mukore

4 aun. Township - Huze Store. :

Existing fares: Fort Victoriato: Sosera, 92c; Chiwaka Store,$1,32; Hot Springs, $2,47; Umtali, $3,39.Fares to be: Umtali to: Hot Springs, $1,11; Chiwaka Store,’

$2,66; Fort Victoria, $4,15; Balla Balla, $37; Bulawayo,$7,87.

F. Pullen.0/448/80. Permit:

. Capacity: 64.Route 1:.Wankie - St. Mary’s Mission - Inyantue - Dett

Cross - Mabali - Halfway Hotel - Fatima Mission - Lupane -. St. Luke’s Mission - Bembesi - Masayi - Insuza - Dundubala -Tonight - Bulawayo. ; ,Route 2:Lupane - Lusankwe - Kabela - St. Paul - Ngena.

. Route 3: Wankie No. 3 - Wankie No. 2 - Wankie No, 1North - Wankie’No. 1 - St. Mary’s Mission.By: Route 1: (a) Increase in frequency. .(b) Alteration to times.

(ce) Extension of route from Wankie - Victoria Falls.

Route 2: (a) Alteration to times.Deletion of Route 3.The services operate as follows:

Roure 1

Fri. Sat. Sun. . Mon. Sat. Sun.am. * Dm pln km . :5.30 12.30 7.30 0 Wankie . 6.10 8.10 7.15 °6.05 1.08 8.08 32 Inyantue . . 5.35 .7.35 6.406.50 1.50 8.50. 72 Mabali 451 551 5.51

8.40 3.50 10.40 170 Lupane . . 3.00 4.00 4.00

= 5.20 _— 214 Insuza. _ _ 2.15.

—_ 6.35 — 344 Bulawayo. .. = — 1.00., am Gam pun

Route 2 :

Fri. Sun. : Mon. Sat.am py km9.00 16.50 OQ Lupane ... 2.55 3.559.40 11.30 30 Lusankwe . . 2.15 3.15

9.52 11.42 37 Kabela . . °°. 2.03 3.03

10.06 11.36 46 St.Paul . . . 1.49 2.49 ©

10.22 12.12 54 WNgena 1.33. 2.33an am. am.”

‘ ‘The services to operate as follows:

Route i

Mon, - Tues.,

Thurs. Fri. . Fri.

and and . andSat. Sun, Mon. Sun. Sat,

am. ° pin . km .

10.00 6.00 -0 VictoriaFalls . . 7.35 + 5.27 8.35

10.39 6.39. ‘39 Matetsi . . . . 6.56 4.48 7.5611.42 7.42 102 Wankie » 2 5.53 3.39 6.53

12.14 8.14 134 4Gnyantue . . 2. . 5.213.07 6.2112.57 8.57 177 Mabale » « « 4,38 2.29 5.38

2.35 141.35 275 Lupane ~ « « 3.00 1.15 4.00

4.07 — 369 Insuza . . . «© — 113.200 —5.27 —. 476 Bulawayo. .. _ 10.00 —

’ QM. am. a.m.

Route 2

Fri. . . .

and iSun. Mon. Sat.

pm km11.40 0 Lupane. . . . . . 2.55 3.55

. 12.20 30 Lusukwe . wee 2S 3.1512.32 37 Kabela . . . . . . 2.03 3.03

12.46 46. St.Paul. . « « «© 41.49 2°49

21.02 56 Ngena . .. . +» -« %1.33 2.33. am. aim

‘Fares: Route 1: Victoria Falls to: Matetsi, 93c; Wankie,$1,89; St. Mary’s-Mission, $2,09; Inyantue, $2,29; Dett Cross,


20263. Motor-omnibus, Passenger-"

Route 2: Throughout Zimbabwe.

Route 3: For the carriage of schoolchildren on three con-secutive days at the beginning and end of each school termbetween Umtali, Fort Victoria and ‘Mashoko Mission, NewYear’s Gift and Chiredzi Schools. oo,

Condition: Route 1: The same passenger will not be pickedup and set down between Umtali and Hot, Springs, both pointsinclusive, in either direction. n: '

Route 2: (a) For private hire or charter and for advertised or:organized tours, provided that no stage-carriage service isoperated on any route. .

(b) No private hire or charter‘or any advertized or orga-‘nized ‘tour shall{ be operated under authority of this permit,during the times for which a scheduled, stage-carriage serviceis authorized in terms of this permit.

{c) All operations to commence within a 105-kilometreradius of the postoffice, Fort Victoria.

By: Route 1: (a) Deletion of the Sunday outward services.

(b), Extension of routefrom Huze Store - Fort Victoria,

(c) Increase in fréquency. : ,

The Service9perates as follows:

Route | - ;Fri. Sat Sun, * Sat. Sun.pit. p.m, pm km :

6.00 1.30 7.40 -0 Unmtali » « 12.50 7.308.00 3.30 9 20 66 Melsetter Junction . 1150. 5.30 -8.30 400 . 9.40 84 Hot Springs . -° 11:20 . 5.00

9.40 5.10 9.50 124 Birchenough Bridge. 810 3.50“1010 540 it 20 144 «=DevuliHalt . . . 7.40 -3.20

1050 620 12.00° 176 Chikuku Clinic. 7.10 2.40- 11.50 7.20 1.00° 219 Mukore Township - 6.00 1.40— 800° -—- 246 HuzeStore . . . — 1.00.

, . : am pm

Route 2 and 3: No change, -_

The service to operate as follows:

Route 1: . : ' Tues.

. . - 5 and, :Mon. Wéd. . Fri. Sat. Thurs, Sat. Sun.am. am pum pm kin

8.00 11.00 6.00 1.30 0 Unmtali 8.40 12.50- 7.30 -

10.30 1.30 .8.30 4.00 84° Hot Springs 6.10 10.20 5.00. *12.10 3.10 10.10 5.40 “144 . Devuli Halt: 3.50 7.40 3.2012.50 3.50 10.50 6.20 176 Chikuku Clinic 3.20. 7.10 2.401.50 4.50 11.50 7.20 219 Mukore Township 2.40 6.00 1.40 »

2.30 5.30 — 8.00 246 Huze Store 2.00 — 1.00

3.25 6.25 _ — 277. Nyika Halt - 1,05 ee

3.55 6.55 -—- — 294 Bikita Minerals 12.35. — — ©5.40 8.40 — — 365 Fort Victoria 11.00 — — ~°

Fares to be: Route 1: Umtali to: -Nyika Halt, $3,01; Bikita.Minerals, $3,19; Fort Victoria, $3,89. .

M. & A. Special Bus Services (Pvt.) Ltd.go8780. Permit: 13676. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity:

Route 1: Bulawayo - Queens Mine -. Turk Mine - Lonely’Mine -Gwampa - Nkai - Tohwe - Gonye.- Dalahali Dip-Dalahali - Mukarati-- Sikopo School - Mukarati - Sikobokobo.,- Mazoli - Sivalo Store - St. Paul’s Clinic. .Route 2: To and from _Bulawayo for \carriage- of school-

children on three consecutive days at the beginning and end :of each school term to Cyrene, Usher Institute, Solusi, Inyati, .Ingwenya, Hope Fountain, Fatima Hospital, Chomgokwe,Mbuma missions and Umzingwani Government School.

By: Route 1: Increase in frequency.,The service operates as follows: -



. oe "RouteL Ruredzo Motors (Pvt) Ltd. |Mon. Fri. Sat: | - Wed. Sat. Sun. O/555/80. Permit: 15251. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-om. Ba pm. km . tof capacity: 59. . 7 .

. 6.05 1.15 0 Bulawayo. . . .. . 4.40 7.00 4.36 Route 1: Salisb - Glendale - e - Rosa Clinic -10.15 6.58 2.15 48 TurkMine . . ... 12.45 6.02 3.35 nowimbo . Rusenza - Farmers’ Goon Bare ~ Chaone -11.40 8.30 4.00- 129 Gwampa. . . . . 11.10 4.30. 1.54 Morani - V. Hurry - F. H. Fletcher Niewouldt Farm -loos 9.15 4.55 159 Tohwe . . . . . 10.15 3.45 1.16 George - MacNutt Farm - Mariponde - Kondo :

: 9.35 5.15 17k i... 2. . 9.55 3.25 1.00 , : ve Etaet12.32 9.48 5.30 ys vues ee 255 12.50 Route 2: To and from Salisbury to Msami Mission and2.15 11.28 6.50 250 Mazoli ; . . . . 8.05 1.32 11.10 Howard Institute, St. Bernard’s Mission and Msonedi Home-3.30 — 8.00 305 St.Paul’sClinic: . . 7.00 — 10.00 craft Village, for the carriage of schoolchildren on three con-

; Qm. pm am,

“The service to operate as follows:

“ee . RoOuTEL , .: Tues. Fri. Sat. Sun. , 1° Mon. Wed. Sat. Sun.am, pm. pm. pm km J9.15 6.05. 1.15 5.30 0 Bulawayo 6.00 1.40 7.00 4.36

10.15 6.58 2.15 6.25 48 Turk Mine 5.02 12.45 6.02 3.3511.40 8.30 4.00 8.05 129 Gwampa 3.30 11.10 4.30 1.54

12.10 9.15 4.55 8.45. 159 Tohwe ' 2.45 10.15 3.45 1.16

-12.25 9.35 5.15. 8.55 171 Dalahali Dip 2.25. 9.55 3.25 1.0012.32 9.48 5.30 9.10 176 Mukarati 1.32 9.00 2.55 12.502.15 11.28 6.50 10.30 250 Mazoli 12.32 8.05. 1.32 11.103.30 — 8.00 -— 305 St. Paul’s Clinic — 7.00 — 10.00

pli, aI. a.m. aM,

Fares: No change.

qe188180. Permit: 15336, Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity:

Route1: Bulawayo - Tonight . Dundubala.- Insuza - Masayi_~ Bembesi - Bubi - Hlangano - Lupane - Jibajiba - Nda-wana - Mbubulo- Sivalo Store. ~ ooRoute 2: Bulawayo - Tonight - Dundubala - Insuza - Masayi

- Bembesi - Bubi - Hlangano - Lupane - Jibajiba - Ndawana- Allan Wilson -.Gopoza Dip - Sipempa.

- Route 3: To and from Bulawayofor the carriage of school-children at the beginning and end of,each school term on threeconsecutive days to: Cyrene Mission, Usher Institute, Solusi,Ynyati, Fatima Hospital, Ingwenya Mission, UmswingwaniGovernment School, Hope Fountain, Chongokwe andMbumaMission, -

By: (1) Deletion of Route2,(2) Route 1: (a) Extension of route from Sivalo Store to

Mbuma Mission. eo_ (b) Increase in frequency.

The serviceoperates as follows:”

Routei-.Tues. . Wed.

am. km : * . .

9.00° OQ Bulawayo... . . . . . . 12,32+ 9.58 64. Dundubala . . .. . . W.34" 40.26 96 Masayi. . 2. 2 2...) £4.10

11.10 144 Bubi 2. 2. 2 2 1 ow 1). 910.2211.39 175 Lupane District Commissioner . 9.53

12.46 220 WNdawana. . .... . + 8.46"4.32 250. SivaloStore >... . . . 8.00

. - ait,

Roure 2‘Fri. Sat. . , Sat. | Sun.pit pam km6.05 1.05 Q Bulawayo... . . .- 629 - 5.10

7.02 2.02 64 Dundubala..... . 5.32 3.59

7.30 2.30 96 Masayi. . .-. . . . 5.04 3.448.14 3.24 144 Bubi . . . . ' 4.20 3.00

Lupane District Commissioner 3.41 12,21Allan Wilson . . 4, +e 2.17 12.57GopozaDip ... Jve. 1.15 11.55Sipempa . . . . . .. 12.52 £1.32 —

mo, am. am.

8.45 3.45 17510.09 5.05 . 23111,11 6.11 27211.34 6:34 287

Theservice to operate as follows: +

. Route

Tues. Fri. Sat. . Wed. Sat. Sun.

am pam pm km : = |

9.00 1.05 11.05 0 Bulawayo - . * 12.32 6.29 5.10 |

9.58 ° 7.02 2.02 64 Dundubala . . 11.34 3.32 3.59 -

10.26 7.30 2.30 96 Masayi , . 11.10 5.05 3.44

11.10 8.14 3.24 144 Bubi . 10.22 4.20 3.00

11.39 8.45 3.45- 175 Lupane District Commissioner 9.53 3.41 12.21

12.46 9.52 .4.52 220 Ndawana - , : 8.46 2.34 1.14

1.32 10.38 '5.38 250 Sivalo Store "8.00 1.40. 12.28‘6.11 270 -Mbuma Mission 7.25 1.05 11.57 |2.05 11.11

coe : . a.m. aI. aim.

Fares to be: Bulawayo to: Dundubala, 92c; Masayi, $1,;39;

_Bubi, $2; Lupane District Commissioner, $2,56; Ndawana,$3,23; Sivalo Store, $3,70; Mbuma Mission, $4,05.

secutive days at the beginning andend of each school term._ By: Increase in passenger-capacity to 76.

0/556/80: Permit: 15268. Motor-omnibus, Passengercapacity: 65. $ ‘

Area: Throughout Zimbabwe. ~Condition: For private hire or charter and for advertised

or organized tours, provided that no stage-carriage service is.operated on any route. © ;

By: Increase in passenger-capacity to 76.

AdditionalsNyamweda Bus Service (Pvt.) Ltd.

0/403/80, Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 64.Route: Gatooma - Golden Valley.- du Toit Farm - Nyimo

Township - Sanyati Baptist Mission - Tilcor Sanyati.' The service to operate.as follows: ‘

ROUTE .: Mon.

: < ' oF. Wed.,

Tues., _ ” Thurs.,

Wed. . Fri.and . and

Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. . / . Sat. Sun.

pm pm pain pm km : .

2.30 6.00 1.00 8.30 .0 Gatooma. .... . 9.35 7.35

3.05 6.35 1.35 9.05 18 Golden Valley. + » 9,00 7.004.15 7.45 2.45 10.15 54 dyToit Farm . . . . 7.50 5,50

° 5.00 8.30 3.30 11.00 76 Nyimo Township. . . 7.05 5.055.20 8.50 3.50 11,20 87 Sanyati Baptist Mission . 6.45 4.456.05 9.35 4.35 12.05 110 Tileor Sanyati . 6.00 4.00

: am. ant -~

_ Faresto be: Gatooma to: Golden Valley, 26c; du ToitFarm,72c; Nyimo Township, $1,10; Sanyati Baptist Mission, $1,27;Tilcor Sanyati, $1,60.

0/467/80. Motor-omnibus, Passenger-capacity: 64.Route 1: Neuso - Mubayira Township - Chivero -

Nyamweda - Marirangwe- Salisbury. . oRoute 2: Neuso Township - Watyoka - Mondoro Bazaars -

Mubayira Township - Hartley-Gatooma.The services to operate as follows:

Route 1 7 .

- Wed. - Wed,

aim km .6.00 0 Nevo. ..:.... . «25,00

arr.6.30 32 MubayiraTownship . . . . 4:15~ dep. 7.15 :

7.45 $8 Chiverro .-. . 2... .. 3.308.00 67 WNyamweda ....... 43,158.15 7] Mrarirangwe . . .-s . . + 3.009715 115 Salisbury... . . . . . . 2.00

, . pit.

Route Z \

« Mon. : Tuas, -_ and 0 , _ and

Fri. Sun. . Sat. Sun.Qin. pam kim 0 :

7,00 3,45 0 WNeuso. . .. ss 3.30: 10.30

7.30 4.15 42 Watyoka. ... . 3.00 10.00

7.40 4.25 45 Mondoro Bazaars . . 2.50 4.45 56 MubayiraTownship . 2.30 9.30

arr. 9.30 6.15 122 Hartley . ... 1.00 8.00 dep.

dep. 9.40 6.25 * 12.00 7.50 arr.

-10.15 7,00 154 Gatooma. . . . . 11.30 7.AS

: , : an. pin.

Fares to be: Route 1: Neuso to: Mubayira Township, 41c;Chivero, 76c; Nyamweda, 89c; Marirangwe, $1,01; Salisbury,


Route 2: Neusoto: Watyoka, 60c; Mondoro Bazaars, 66c;Mubayira Township, 82c; Hartley,$1,77; Gatooma, $2,23.

+ ‘



- Solomon and Wander Karuru.0/458/80, Motor-omnibus, Passenger-capacity: 55.Route: Chipunza - _ Chitenderano - Sharara >» Tsungwezi -

Inyazura - Rusape.

Theservice to operate as follows:

ane : Rovutge

Daily . . Dailyam. km

8.00 - 0 Chipunza. . 4.303.30 8 Chitenderano . » 4,008.45 13 Sharara . . ... » 3.459.30 27 Tsungwezi 3.00

10.00 42 Inyazura . : 2.3010.30 60 Rusape ...., 2.00°


Fares: Chipunza to: Chitenderano,Tsungwezi, 40c; Inyazura, 50c; Rusape, 7Sc.

M. & A. Special Bus Services (Pvt.) Lid.

0/492/80. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76.Route: Bulawayo - Tonight - Dundubala - Insuza - Masayi -

Bembesi - Bubi - Hlangano - Lupane District Commissioner -. Benzies Bridge - Tshebetshebe ‘- Allan Wilson - Gomoza -

Supempa- Sivalo Council,

The service to operate as follows:

106;\ Sharara, 15c;


Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Fri. Sat. Sun.

am pm pm. pm km

10.00: 6.00 1.00 6.00 0 Bulawayo — 5.50 3.50 6.50 5.50

10.58 6.58 1.58 6.58 64 Dundubaia 4.52 2.52 §.52 4.52

11.26 7.26 2.26 7.26 96 Masayi 4.24 2.24 5.24 4.24

12.10 8.10 3.10 8.10 144 Bubi 3.40 1.40 4.40 3.40

12. 39 8.39 3.39 8.39 175 Lupane District °

Commissioner 3.11 1.11 4.11 3.if

2. 00 10.00 5.00 10.00 229 Allan Wilson 1.50 11.50 2.50

3.12 12.12 6.12 11.12 277 Gomoza , 12.38 10.38 1.38 12.38

4.20 12.20 7.20 — 231 Sivalo Council — 9.30 12.30 11.30

, w am. aim. aimain.

Fares to be: Bulawayoto: Dundubala, 92c; Masayi, $1,39;Bubi, $2; Lupane District’ Commissioner, $2,56; Allan ‘Wilson,33,32; Gomoza, 34,02; Sivalo Council,$4,58,

A. D. Mpepu (Pvt.) Ltd.0/526/80.. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76.

Route:. Fort Victoria - Mashaba- Shabani - Belingwe -Doro - West Nicholson - Coleen Bawn -Gwanda. .

The service to operate as follows: / .

- ot ROUTE

‘Mon. Sat. Tues. + Sun,am pm km Ls8.00 1.00 0 Fort Victoria .. 1.30 6.30

9.00 ° 2.00 40 Mashaba “12.30 - 5.30

10.00 3.00 98. Shabani - 11.30 4.300

10.45 3.45 128 Selingwe ~ _ 10.45 3.45

11.45 4.45 178 Doro .. 9.45 2.45

12.30 5.30 213 West Nicholson 9.00 2.001.00 6.00 233 Coleen Bawn . 8.30 1.301.30 6.30 263 Gwanda 8.00 1.00

am. . pum,

Fares to be: Fort Victoria to: Mashaba, 53c; Shabani, $1,30;Belingwe, $1,69; Doro, $2,36; West Nicholson, $2,83; ColeenBawn, $3,08; ‘Gwanda, 33,47. .

F, Pullen & Son (Pvt.) Ltd.

0/554/80, Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76Route: Bulawayo - Lupane - Fatima Mission - Halfway

Hotel - Gwaai River Mine turn-off - Gwaai River Mine- Dett

Cross Roads - Kamativi Mine. .

Theservice to operate as follows:


Thurs. Fri. Sun. Mon. Fri. Sat.

am. pam pm. km . .

11.00 600 12 00 0 Bulawayo . 630 4.20 5.201.54 8.54" 2.54 174 Lupane. . . . . 3.26 126 2.26

"2.39 9.39 3.39 219 Fatima Mission . . 341 1241 1.412.47 947 3.47 227 Halfway Hotel . 3.33 12.33 1.333.54 10.54 454 294 Gwaai River Mine 226 1126 12.26420 11.20 5.20 320 -Dett Cross Roads 2.00 11.00 12 00

4.50 11.50 5.50 338 KamativiMine ... 1.30 11.30 11.30, . am am am.

Fares to be: Bulawayo to: Lupane, $2,54; Fatima’ Mission,$2,77; Halfway Hotel, $3,30; Gwaai River Mine, $4,27; DettCross Roads, $4,34; Kamativi Mine, $4,46,

1.50 |.


T. T.H. B. Manyanga.


,0/573/80. Motor-omnibus, Passenger-capacity: 76.

' Route: Salisbury - Enkeldoom - Umvuma ~Fort Victoria -

Chikuku' - Devuli Ranch - Umkondo Mine - Humani Ranch.The service to operate as follows:


Mon., ‘ .

Wed. Tues.

and and

Sat. awa «Thurs. Sun,am km . a '8.00 0: Salisbury . 2. .7 . 1°. 6.08. 9.1610.24 144 Enkeldoom . . 3... . ° 3.44. 6.5211.20 200 Umvuma ....... . . 2.48 5.561.00 300 FortVictoria . . . . | 1.08 4.16"3.16. 436 Ghikuku . . . 7. 2°. + 10.52 .2.004,22 .469 Devuli Ranch . 9.46 12.54 |5.26 500 Umkondo Mine . 8.42 11.52 ©6.08 521° Humani Ranch 8.00 11.10

am. am.

Fares: Salisbury to: Enkeldoorn, $2,08; Umvuma, $2,90:Fort Victoria, $4,35; Chikuku, $5; “Devuli Ranch, $5,50:Umkondo Mine, $6,10; Humani Ranch, $6,30.

GOODS-VEHICLESAmendmentsHeins Motor & DieselEngineering Co. (Pvt.) Ltd..G/739/80. Goods-vehicle, Permit: 18953. Load:

kilograms. _ .

Route 1: Beitbridge - Salisbury.Route 2: Beitbridge.- Chirundu.Nature of carriage: Routes 1 and 2: Sheet-glass. _By: Increase in load to 28 000 kilograms. a

G/740/80. Permit: 18954, Goods-vehicle. Load: 22700 -kilograms. . — .

Route 1: Beiibridge - Salisbury.Route 2: Beitbridge - Chirundu.Nature of carriage: Routes 1 and 2: Sheet-glass,By: Increase in load to 28 000 kilograms.

G/741/80. Permit: 19955.. Goods-vehicle.kilograms.

Route: Victoria Falls - Kazungula.

nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise: of all8.

Condition: For the carriage “of goods to or fromrailhead .at Victoria Falls.

By: Increase in load to 28 000 kilograms.

AdditionalsCargoCarriers (Pvt.) Lid.G/460 to 471/80, Twelve goods-vehicles. Load: 30 000 kilo-

giams each.

Route: Salisbury -- Chirundu,Nature of carriage: Maize, wheat, barley and fertilizers.


‘Load: 25000

| A.W.Transport (vt) Ltd.

G/631 and 632/80. Two goods-vehicles. Load: 25 000 - kilo-grams each, ~

Area: Throughout Zimbabwe.

Nature of carriage: Asbestos, cement products, buildingmaterials, water stands. and P.T.C. poles, under contract. toFort Concrete: (Pvt.) Ltd. ~ . §

_TAXICABSAdditionals :

N. Mtambanengwe.

* TX/245/80. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 3.Area; Within a 40-kilometre radius of the Post office, .


Condition:. The vehicle to stand for hire at any authorized.taxi-rank within the area| under the jurisdiction of the GweloMunicipality.

Z. Mabuto.

ax/289 and 290/80. Two taxicabs, Passenger-capacty 4each.

Area:. Within a. 40-kilometre radius of the post bttice,Shangani.

Condition: The ‘vehicles: to stand‘for hire at. ShanganiCompound and Railway Station only.


" General Notice 719 of 1980.INSURANCE ACT [CHAPTER 196]


Notice is hereby given, in actordance with the provisions of section 10 of the Insurance Regulations, 1967, published in Rhodesia Government Notice899 of 1967, that evidence has been submitted to the insurers whose names and addresses are mentioned in the Schedule of the loss or destruction ofthe local lifepolicies described opposite thereto. :

Any person in possession of any such policy, or claiming to. have any interest therein, should communicate immediately by registered post with the eppropriate

insurer. . :

Failing any such communication, the insurer will issue a correct and certified copy of the policy in accordance with section 51 of the Insurance Act *

{Chapter 196}. —o . - Ww .oe 5 J. M, GURNEY,8-8-80. : Registrar of Insurance.


¥ . RO

’ . Policy-_ Date of Amount | ;

‘Name and address 6f insurer © ‘number policy insured. Life insured Policy-owner. ’ . a“

Legal and General Assurance of Rhodesia (Pvt.) RH3267424 1.8.75 $1500 |. M. Maphose . M. Maphosa. 6553£Ltd., P.O. Box 435, Salisbury . .

South African Mutual Life Assurance Society, 2838713 1.4.75 | $7000 Winston Charles Rudman . Winston Charles Rudman.P.O. Box 745, Bulawayo . , . 6550

SouthAfrican Mutual Life Assurance Society, 3318859 18.11.78 -$5 000 Guy Antony Walker . Guy Antony Walker. 6571f

_ P.O. Box 70,Salisbury - vo ‘ . : : .South African Mutual Life Assurance Society, 2441290 14.2,72 $10 000 ‘Peter John Flack PeterJohn Flack. 6657£

P.O. Box 70, Salisbury : : : .Pearl Assurance Co. Ltd., P.O. Box 732, Salisbury SR77802A. 1.9.70 $5 000 Neville Graham Cohen. . . . Neville Graham Cohen,

. Lo . . . . 6585£

The Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society Ltd., 4549002(6) 1.3.78 $2 000 Melody Mabene . - Melody Mabena, 6541f

P.O. Box 852, Salisbury . : : ;The Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society Ltd., 4546824(@) 1.12.76 -| $2000 Jeremiah Thomas Jeremiah Thomas. * 6542f

P.O. Box 852, Salisbury .

The Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society Ltd., 4549872(2) 1.9.78 $2 000 John Takaendesa John Takaendesa, -~ 6543f

P.O. Box 852, Salisbury. . 2 : . : . ‘Sottthampton Assurance Co. Ltd., P.O. Box 969, 910698G 4.11.75 $4 000 Samuel Chinyama Mutanga Samuet Chinyama -MutangaSalisbury —~ . | . 6619F

Sanlam, P.O. Box 2473, Salisbury. .. 139179x6 1.1.73 $3 000 Alan Percival Hadfield * Alan Percival Hadfield. :: . a . . 6643£

, malGeneral Notice 720 of 1980. oe


Publication of Bills

- THE following Bills are published with this Gazette forgeneral information: , ‘

Insurance Amendment (A.B. 9, 1980); .

- Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment(A.B. 12, 1980).>

: M. A. VAN RYNEVELD,8-8-80.


- NOTICE is hereby given that, on the Ist day of August,1980, before me, appeared Annastasia Matiasi, who, by notarialdeed,. declared to change her name to Annastasia MathiasVelapi, by which names she declared that she shall be knownin future on all occasions and in all deeds and documents,and in~ all proceedings, dealings and transactions—CharlesRobert Holland Hartley, notary public, c/o Coghlan, Welsh ;& Guest, Colonial MutualBuildings, Gordon Avenue, Salisbury.

: : ’ 6632£



TAKE notice that, -on -the 31st day ef July, 1980, JenniferBennett, in her capacity as mother,“fhatural guardian andresponsible parent of Cagmen. Antoinette Moodley, born onthe 27th January, 1973, appeared before me‘ and changed thesurname of the said child from Moodley to Moodley-Bennett,

’ and that the said child shall henceforth be known as CarmenAntoinette Moodley-Bennett.

Dated at Salisbury this Ist day of August, 1980.—B. W.- Elliot, notary public’ c/o Scanlen and Holderness, ThirteenthFloor, C.A.B.S. Centre, 68-76, Stanley Avenue, Salisbury.

; ST : . , 6601£


Notice of Application

WHEREASan application has been received for an orderpresuming the death- of Joseph Mukubga Chimujakazi, of

Secretary to Parliament..

Gochamahove Kraal, Chief Makuna, Rushinga, who hasdisappeared;

AND WHEREAS an inquiry will be held at Mashonaland.Provincial Magistrate’s Court at 11.15 a.m. on the 18th day of ©August, 1980:

NOW, THEREFORE,any person who— -(a) has any information relating to the circumstances of the

disappearance of the missing person; or(b) can show cause why the missing person should not be

presumed to be dead or why his estate should not béof placed under an administrator; or

(c) can show that there is no possibility that the. dis-appearance of the. missing person was caused by theactivities of terrorists; or , .

(d) wishes to make any other representations in connexionwith the application; .

should -lodge with the Clerk of the Mashonaland ProvincialMagistrate’s Court, at Salisbury, such representations in writingon or before the 15th day of August, 1980.

Dated this 3rd day of July, 1980. ;

7 D. MANGOTA,Clerk of the Court.

ro . 6331£8


Notice of Application s

WHEREASan application has been received for an orderpresuming the death of Mugandan John Mudzimurema, ofMudzimurema Kraal, Chief Mudzimurema, who has dis-appeared; 0 ;

AND WHEREASan inquiry will be held at MashonalandProvincial Magistrate’s Court at 11.15 a.m. on the 18th dayof August, 1980: —

NOW, THEREFORE,any.person who— . .

(a) has any information relating to the circumstancesof thedisappearance of the missing person; or ;

(b) can show cause why the missing person should not bepresumed ,to be dead or why his estate should not beplaced under an administrator; or



(c) can show that there is no possibility that the dis-appearance of the missing person was caused by theactivities of terrorists;-or oe

(d) wishes to make any other representations in connexionwith the application;

should lodge with the Clerk of the Mashonaland ProvincialMagistrate’s Court, at Salisbury, such representations in writingon or before the 15th day of August, 1980.Dated this 3rd day of July, 1980. .

. . ° D. MANGOTA,Clerk of the Court.



Notice of Application.

WHEREAS an application has been received for an orderpresuming the death of Rangarirai Cleopas Mukari, 27760,Bikita, of Bikita Council, Bikita Tribal Trust Land, who hasdisappeared;AND WHERBAS an inquiry. will be held at the Victoria

Provincial Magistrate’s Court at 9.30 am. on the 2ndday of September, 1980:

NOW, THEREFORE,any ferson who—(a) has any information relating to the -circumstances of

thedisappearance of the missing person; or

(b) can show cause why the missing person should not bepresumed to be dead or why his estate should not beplaced under an administrator; or oo

(¢) can show that there is no possibility that the disappear-

_. of terrorists; or(d) wishes to make any other representations in connexion

: with the application; ._ should lodge with the Clerk of the Victoria ProvincialMagistrate’s Court, at Fort Victoria, such representations in

_writing on or before the 26th August, 1980.

Dated this 25th day of July, 1980.

ance of the missing person was caused by the. activities .

K. M. LAMPRECHT,° Clerk of the Court. .



(Notice ofApplication

WHEREAS anapplication has been received for an orderpresuming the death of Mr. Solomon Musukutwa, .K-C. 16772,Makoni, of Dowa Farm 45, Dowa Purchase Area, Makoniistrict; -

ANDWHEREASan inquiry will be held at the ManicalandProvincial Magistrate’s Court at 2.15 p.m. on the 25th day ofAugust, 1980:

NOW, THEREFORE,any person who—

(a) has any information relatingto the circumstances of thedisappearance of the missing person; or _

(b). can show cause why the missing person should not bepresumed to be dead or why his estate should not be

. placed under an administrator;’ or{c) can show that there is no possibility that the dis-

appearance of the missing person was caused by theactivities of terrorists; or ;

(d) wishes to make any other representations in connexionwith the application;

should lodge with the Clerk of the Mahicaland ProvincialMagistrate’s Court, at Umtali, such representationsin writingon or before the 22nd day of August, 1980.- Dated at Untalithis 17th day of July, 1980. |

— - C. HOWARD,Clerk of the Court.



Notice of Application

WHEREAS an application has been received for an orderpresuming the death of Mandyafa Mainga, 22050, Bikita,of Bikita Rural Council, Bikita Tribal Trust Land, who hasdisappeared;


AND WHEREAS an inquiry will be held at the ‘VictoriaProvincial Magistrate’s Court atSeptember, 1980: ;

NOW, THEREFORE,any person who—

(a) has any information relating to the circumstances of the

’ disappearance of the missing person; OF. . nould bb

‘can show caiise why the missing person should not ve

»® presumed to be dead or why his estate should not be- placed under an administrator; or

c) can ‘show. that©) rappearance of the missing person was caused by the

activities of terrorists; or «|

(d) wishes to make any other representations in connexion

with the application; ;

should lodge with the Clerk of the Victoria Provincial Magis-

trate’s Court, at Fort Victoria, such representations in writing

on or before the 9th day of September, 1980. .

Dated this 31st day of July, 1980. che

K. M. LAMPRECHT,6574822


Natice of Application

WHEREAS an application has been received for anorderpresuming the death of Alberf Svondo, X 12035, Selukwe, ofNhema Tribal Trust Land, Selukwe district, who hasappeared;-AND WHEREAS‘an inquiry will b

Provincial Magistrate’s Court at 2.15 p.m. on the 3rd day of- September, 1980: , / , :

NOW, THEREFORE, any person who— —

(a) -has any information relating to the circumstances .of thedisappearance of the missing person; or

(b) can show cause why the missing person should not be.presumed to be dead or why his estate should not beplaced under an administrator; or _

(c) can show that there is no possibility that the dis-appearance of the missing person was caused by theactivities of terrorists; or oe 7

(d) wishes to make any other representations in connexionwith the application; __ ot

should lodge with the Clerk of the Midlands’ ProvincialMagistrate’s Court, at Gwelo, such representations in writingon or before the Ist day of September, 1980... —Dated this 16th day of July, 1980. .

‘ 8S. B. MAPFUNGAUTSI,. . Clerk of the Court.



Notice of Application

presuming the death of Muvirimi Mandevane, X 39810, of

district, who has disappeared;

ANDWHEREASan inquiry will be held at the MidlandsProvincial Magistrate’s Court at 2.15 p.m. on the 2nd day ofSeptember, 1980: . ; :

NOW, THEREFORE,any person who— .{ay has any information relating to the circumstances of the

disappearance of the missing person; or ,(b) can show cause why the missing person should not be

presumed to be dead or why his estate should not beplaced under an administrator; or

(c) can show that there is no possibility that the dis-. appearance of’ the missing person was caused by the

activities of terrorists; or

(d) wishes to make any otherwith the application;

should lodge with the Clerk of the Midlands ProvincialMagistrate’s Court, at Gwelo, such representations in writingon or before the 29th day of August, 1980. . .Dated this 17th day of July, 1980.

S. B.MAPFUNGAUTSI,Clerk of the Court:


9.30 am..on the 16th day of ©

there is no possibility that the dis-.

Clerk of the Court. -

- dis-

‘be held at the Midlands —

WHEREASan application has been received for an order —

Holy Trinity School, Private Bag 710, Enkeldoorn,. Charter _

representations in connexion «






Notice-of Application +

WHEREAS an application has’ been received for theadministration of the estate’ of Peter Mbangiwa Tshuma,RC, P:E. 2111, Plumtree,. of 9, Woolwich Road, Old Thorn-

_ grove, Bulawayo, who has disappeared;AND: WHEREASaii inquiry will be ‘held at’the Matabele-

land Provincial Magistrate’s Court at 2.15 p.m. on the 29thday of August, 1980: °NOW, ‘THEREFORE,any person who—(a) has any infoxmation relating to the circumstances of the

cbeppenanyof the missing person; or(b) can show g&use why the missing person should not be

* presunied jto-splaced under an administrator; or

(c) can show that thete is no possibility that the dis-,a appearance of the missing person was cauused by the

activitiesof terrorists; or

(d) wishes to make any. other representations in connexionwith the application; rr

should lodge with the Clerk of the Matabeleland ProvincialMagistrate’s Court, at Bulawayo, such. representations inwriting on ‘or before the 25th day of August, 1980.

Datedthis 29th day of July, 1980.

W. MAPOMBERE,Clerk of the Court.

. . 6577622


WE hereby confirm that pérmanentshare certificates 014559,* for $500, 014872, for $750, 021664, for $500, 028428, for $63,58,030845, for $65,57, and 035472, for $67,62, in the name of‘Mr. K, C.. P. Griffiths, have been lost or mislaid. , -

Unless the originals are returned to the offices. of BeverleyBuilding Society, Stability House, Samora Machel Avenue,Salisbury, by Thursday, the 28th August, 1980, a replacement-will be issued. . — : . » 6658£

LOST DEED OF TRANSFERtt ' remennmd ‘

NOTICE is hereby giventhat I.intend to apply for a. certified copy:of Deed of Transfer 2504/78, made in favourof Johanna. Meyer on the 13th December, 1978, wherebycertain piece of: land, in extent 1386 square metres, ‘beingStand 12610, Parklands Township, of Park Lands Estate A,situate in the district of Bulawayo, was conveyed. :

All persons claiming to have any objections to, or wishingto make any representations in connexion. with, the issue of

such copy are hereby required to lodgethe same.in writing,. with the Registrar of Deeds, at- Bulawayo, within, 14 days from-

‘the. date of publication of this notice. ;Datei at Bulawayo this 25th day: of July, 1980. — Walter

Johri Lisle Newham, executor dative, estate of the late Johanna‘Meyer, P.O. Box 276, Bulawayo, applicant. 6628f

oe , Case No. G.D. 1419/80.IN THEHIGH COURT OF ZIMBABWE -

_ General: Division‘In the matter of the petition of David John Coward, for his

recognition in Zimbabwe as liquidator of East Africaneeeyopporapon (in liquidation). Doo

‘Salisbury, Wednesday, the 30th day of July, 1980.Before the HonourableMr. Justice Beck..

' Mr. Whaley of counsel for the petitioner.Noother interested persons present. .

‘WHEREUPON,after reading documents filed of record and’ hearing counsel, ’


1. That a rule nisi do issue, calling upon all. persons -interested to shew cause, if any, to this honourable court,Sitting at Salisbury on the 14th day ef August, 1980, why—

. (a) the petitioner should not be recognized in - Zimbabweas the liquidator of Hast African Airways Corporation(in liquidation), whose headquarters were situate in

_. Nairobi, Republic-of,Kenya;

(b)ve Ernest Henry Nicholas Robin Beazley; of room 205,

Linquenda House, Baker Avenue, Salisbury, empowered }_ thereto from time to time, should not be entitled to thesolé administration of all the assets of the said corpdra-

. tion in Zimbabwe, both-movable and immovable, subject

be dead or why his estate should not be~

. & Co, Robin House, Gordon Avenue, Salisbury. .

the petitioner and his duly authorized agent, Arthur .|

to ‘all the conditions set out in subrule 2 of rule 9 of‘the Companies (Winding-up) Rules, 1972,, published inGovernment Notice 841 of 1972; o

_(c). the costs of this application should not be paid out of- the proceeds of the sale and realization of the assets

of the said corporation in Zimbabwe.2. That there be one publication of this order in the Gazette

and one‘Salisbury.


- , ’ ' - Registrar.Scanlen &,Holderness,P.O. Box 188, ,Salisbury. , . 6578£

APPLICATION FOR REHABILITATIONNOTICEis hereby given that Esias Michael Rautenbach and

’ Maria Magdalena Rautenbach, whose estates were sequestratedon the 27th March, 1975, intend to apply to the GeneralDivision of the High Court of Zimbabwe on Wednesday, thepath September, 1980, for ‘their rehabilitation, and that theyave paid the sum of $150 to the Master of the High Court

publication in a Friday edition of The Herald, -

as security for costs of any person who may oppose their ~rehabilitation and be awarded such costs.

Any person who wishes to oppose theit application mayappear in court on the afore-mentioned date. — N, H. Franco


OGILVIE’S DRIVE-IN BOTTLE STORE (PVT.) LTD.(in provisional liquidation)

Scheme of Arrangement

NOTICEis herebygiven that, by order dated the Ist August,1980, the General Division of the High Court of Zimbabwe:has summoned meetings of secured. and preferent creditorsand concurrent creditors of Ogilvie’s Drive-in Bottle Store(Pvt.) Ltd. (in provisional liquidation) (hereinafter ‘called “thecompany”) for thepurpose of considering and, if thought fit,agreeing, with or without modification, to a scheme of arrange-ment proposed to be made between the company and itscreditors. . o oeThe: meetings will be held at the Bulawayo Chamber of

Commerce board-room, Library Building, Eighth Avenue,Bulawayo, on the 22nd day of August, 1980, commencing withMeetings of secured and preferent creditors at 11 a.m. and.followed by the meeting of concurrent ereditors at 11.15 a.m,

_ Copies of the said scheme of arrangementand of a statementexplaining the effect of the same can be obtained at the officesof Calderwood, Bryce Hendrie & Partners, Sixth Floor, CentralAfrica House, Selborne Avenue, Bulawayo.

Creditors entitled to attend the meetings: may appointrepresentatives to appear by proxy or agent._Thecourt has appointed Mr. A. G.. Hornby Smith or, failing

him, Mr. A. L. Caldetwood, to be chairman of the meetings.+ Should a majority, in number representing 75 per cent. invalue. of the creditors present, and voting in person or byproxy, at the meetings agree to the scheme, application. willbe made to the General Division of the High Court, atBulawayo, on the Sth day of September, 1980, for the schemeto he sakxctioned.—Calderwood, Bryce Hendrie & Partners,Sixth Floor, Central Africa House, Selborne Avenue, Bulawayo,, oF . 6630£

AGRICULTURAL FINANCE CORPORATION. ~eeCancellation of Sale of Farms —

NOTICE is hereby given that the sale of farms Lot 3A ofUmeguzan Block (known as Woody Glen) and, Lot 1 and Lot 21of Umgusa Irrigation (known as Bonnyvale Farm) is cancelled;

Dated at Salisbury this 8th day of August, 1980.—T. R. St. G.Tuckniss, general manager, Agricultural Finance Corporation,

_ 6595£


Cancellation of Auction Sales

NOTICE is: hereby given that the auction sales of movable

Glen, in the Nyamandhlovu district, and Bonnyvale, in the“property which were to have taken place on the farms Woody —



Bulawayo district, on the 14th August, 1980, are herebycancelled. _ : eeDated at Salisbury this 8th day of August, 1980—T. R.'St. G.

Tuckniss, general manager, AgriculturalFinance Corporation.

. ‘ 6596£


Sale of Farms in the Shamva Intensive Conservation Area

NOTICE is hereby given, in terms of paragraph 1. of theSecond Schedule to the Agricultural Finance Corporation Act[Chapter /0F], that individual sales by public, auction of theunder-mentioned properties -will be conducted by SydneyPolwarth within his sale-rooms at 8, Trafalgar Court, King’sCrescent Salisbury, at 12 noon, on Friday, the 5th September,1980.1, Certain piece of land, situate in the district of Shamva,.

measuring one thousand eight | -being Nyamadomba,hundred and eighty-seven ‘comma two six one nine(1 887,261 9) hectares, held under Deed of Transfer5643/69, dated the 30th December, 1969, by David Phillips

orkel. ' .

Certain piece of land, situate in the district of Shamva,. being Hippo Valley of Wolley ‘Estate, measuring onehundred and seventeen comma two four five ,three(117,245 3) hectares, held under Deed of Transfer 6612/69,dated the 29th December, 1969, by George Henry Manuel.

3, Certain piece of land, situate in the district of Shamva,being Glendalough A,.measuring nine hundred and twentycomma five nine six three, (920,596 3) hectares, held under ,

_ Consolidated Certificate of Title 6649/69, dated theDecember, 1969, by George Henry Manuel. ‘

4, Certain piece of land, situate in the ‘district of Shamva,being Wapley, measuring one thousand and, thirty-sevencomma nought one nine two (1 037,019 2) hectares, heldunder Deed of Transfer 5817/73, dated the 24th September,1973, by George Henry Manuel.

Conditions of sale for each property

1, The highest accepted bidder shall be the purchaser, and,. if any dispute arises as to any bid, the property to, be

put up again. (Note.—Credit facilities are available, andany person interested must apply well before the sale.)

2. The sale is subject to confirmation by the corporationwithin seven days.- . .

3. The purchaser shall, upon demand, pay the auctioneer’sdues and all stamp-duty, costs and fees of: transfer, andany other expenses necessary to complete the transfer,including conveyancing fees and all‘arrear rates and taxes.

4. The purchase-price shall be paid to the corporationimmediately after the property has been confirmed. to! besold, or, alternatively, a deposit of 10 per cent. of thepurchase-price may be paid on sale, and the balance,together with interest at eight per cent. per annum, fromdate of sale to date of transfer, on demand againsttransfer. ,

5. The property is sold voetstoots, and as represented by thetitle-deeds and diagram, the corporation not holding itselfliable for any deficiency which may be found to exist,and renouncing all excess. The property is sold subject


to all seryitudes and conditions as set out or referred to -in the title-deeds or any law.

6. The risk and profit in the property shall pass tothepurchaser from the time of confirmation -of the sale.If the purchaser fails to make payment of the purchase-‘price, or fails. to comply with any of the conaditions con-tained herein, the corporation shall have the ‘right tocancel the sale and hold the purchaser liable for any tossor’ damage sustained, or to employ any other remedywhich it may have. | .

Dated at Salisbury this 8th day of August, 1980.—T. R. St. G.Tuckniss, general manager, Agricultural Finance Corporation.


Sale of Movable Property

NOTICE is hereby given, in terms of paragraph 1 of theSecond Schedule to the Agricultural Finance Corporation Act{Chapter 101], that a sale of the under-mentioned movableproperty of Richard George Carmichael will be conducted byFarm Equipment Auctions (Pvt.) Ltd. at Bonheim Farm,

- Sipolilo, at 10 a.m. on,Wednesday, the 27th August, 1980.

Machinery and equipment oe

Two Massey-Ferguson 188 diesel tractors; one Massey-Ferguson 135. diesel tractor; William Bain towed French


Gazette, 81H Aucust, 1980. .

plough; two four-section millipedes; Bain 6-foot roller;

three four-wheel flat-bottomed sprung trailers; Duly 7-foot6-inch’ offset: disc-harrow; harrow; Duly three-tine ripper;

* two Massey-Ferguson. six-tine spring cultivators; two rotary

cultivators (twa tool-bars, eight-section four-row); four- -

section spring-loaded drag-harrow; Imco sprayer. with pump.

and boom (new); Imco sprayer with pump and boom (spares); -

two sack-barrows; terracer-blade; -Massey-Ferguson grader;

_ Avery 500-Ib. platform scale (no weights); work-bench and

vice; drill-press; Marthinhusen electric. welder, with masks,

etc.; sheer-legs; pipe-vice stand; Duly ridger; Duly re-ridger

(new); 8 000.31-inchtilita clips. |

Conditions of sale —_ ae

The highest accepted bidders to be the purchasers, and, if |

any dispute arises as to any. bid, the articles concerned to

be put up again. ‘ '

2. Immediately after thearticles are declared to be sold, the- purchasers shall either pay to the auctiioneer the whole ofthe purchase-rnoney or produce to the auctioneer evidenceof other acceptable arrangements,failing whichthe articles

concerned will be put up again, at the expense and risk of


the defaulters,The articles to be sold voetstoots, and to be at

_ of the purchasers from the time of the sale. =. :

Dated at Salisbury this 31st day of July, -1980.—T. R. St. G.Tuckniss, general manager, Agricultura] Finance Corporation.


the risk


. "Sale of Movable Property — 7

NOTICE -is hereby given, in terms of paragraph 1 of the ‘Second Schedule to the Agricultural Finance Corporation Act[Chapter 101}, that a sale’ of the under-mentioned movableproperty of Ian Anthony Powell will be conducted by: FarmEquipment Auctions (Pvt.) Ltd., at Bonheim Farm, Sipolilo,-on Wednesday, the 27th August, 1980.

Machinery and equipment — .Massey-Ferguson 165 ‘diesel tractor (non-runner); David

Brown diesel: tractor; Nuffield 460 diesel tractor; Bain two-disc plough; Duly 6-foot offset disc; two re-ridgers; cultivatorwith eight sprung tines; Collins hammer-mill (belt-driyen); °Imco three-disc plough; Imco sheller on two wheels (P.T.O.);Massey-Ferguson four-row plantery two-wheel flat-bottomed .trailer; four-wheel flat-bottomed trailer (unsprung); two-

. wheel water-cart; Rhodox arc welder: engine and seed-bedpiping; 14000 31-inch tilita clips; 1.100 slat-packs; five tilitasteel boxes: 500-Ib. platform-scale; ‘-Massey-Ferguson graders.double-band fertilizer nit; disc-harrow; - P.T.O. ~ pulley;workshop tools and. spares; flue-pipesx one 14-inch E.S.F.centrifugal pump; three and a half two-litre tins Deka; fiveand a half 20-litre tins Minifume; Ford ambush-protectedpick-up. . . . ’

Conditions of sale -The highest accepted bidders to.be the purchasers, and,ifany dispute arises as to any bid, the articles concerned to

‘be putupagains = ©.2.. Immediately after the articles are declared to be sold, the

purchasers shall either pay to the auctioneer the whole of- the purchase-money,or. produce to the auctioneer ‘evidence

of other acceptable arrangements, failing which the articlesconcernedwill be put up again, at the expense and risk ofthe defaulter. * ,


-3. The articles to be sold voetstoots, and to be at the risk of S. the purchasers from the time of the sale. . eo

Dated at Salisbury this 31st dayof July, 1980.—T. R. St. G.Tuckniss, general manager, Agricultura] Finance Corporation.

. .¢ . , 6594£


Agricultural Land for Settlement: ListALS. '1 of 1980APPLICATIONSare invited for the following State land

holdings: .

. Approximate area,HoldingDistrict in hectares. °

Bulalima Mangwe. Zinyama 167 4 174Bulalima Mangwe ~Zinyama 192 259 -Charter. _ Wiltshire1065 (Ranch 47) 537Mtoko Budjga 320 te . 254

‘|. Mtoko ct Budiga 321 " * 998Mtoko - Budjga 322 - 183Wankie 3 140Waterford Extension


4: : - .. Application and rental tender forms and information sheets

_may be. obtained from the Assistant Secretary, ‘Agricultural‘LandSettlement Office, Eighteenth Floor, Earl Grey Building,Fourth Street/Livingstone Avenue, Salisbury (P.O. Box'8054,Causeway); telephone Salisbury 700596..Application and rental tender forms, duly completed, must

' ‘be submitted so as to reach theoffice of the Assistant Secretary,‘Agricultural Land Settlement Office, not later than 4 p.m. onFriday, the 29th August, 1980. Late applications will not beconsidered. ; 7 Se oO‘

rT a,a R. W. DELL,. . _ Secretary for Lands, Resettlement2 . and Rural Development.


Application for an:Amendment to an Ordinary Permit toCa Providea Shipping Service

NOTICEis hereby given that Bumi Hills Safari Lodge, ofP.O. Box 41, Kariba (hereinafter referred to as the operator),has made -appication to the Inland Waters Shipping ServicesBoard, in terms of section 37 ‘of the Inland Waters ShippingAct. [Chapter 258], for an amendmient to Ordinary Permit 7of 1977. »

The effect of the anmiendment will be to allow the operator., to increase his fleet by three vessels to be used for the carriage

of passengers on a non-scheduled or individual-fare basis for: theDurpose of game-viewing and fishing, operating from Bumi

So. so one. The vessels: to be used are three Tarpons with an over-all

_ Jength of 5,79 metres and carrying six passengers each.

‘Any objections to the application, made ig terms of section40 of the Inland Waters Shipping Act [Chapter 258], must be‘made in the.manner prescribed in section 156 of ‘the InlandWaters Shipping Regulations, 1971, and within 28 days after thedate of publication, in this Gazette, of this. notice. —~V. Stutchbury, for Bumi Hills Safari Lodge (Pvt.) Ltd. 6656f


Application for the Issue. of ‘an Ordinary Permit to Provideoy oO a Shipping Service .

toeNOTICE is hereby given that KapentaDistributors (Private)Limited, of P.O Box 164, Karoi, has made application to the.“Inland Waters Shipping Services Board, in ‘terms of section 37of the Inland Waters Shipping Act[Chapter 258], for the issue.of an ordinary permit, valid for fivefollowing services on Lake Kariba—

(a) the hireof eight fishing*pontoons to commercial fishingcompanies on Lake Kariba who are in possession ofvalid exemptions authorizing the use of vessels of this

, type;and -(b) the carriage of fish and general. cargo, on behalf of

commercial fishing companies. only. /| The vessels to be used to provide the service detailed in.paragraph (b). will be two steel-hulled vessels of 11 metreslength over all and carrying a maximum of 5 tonnes of cargo. .The vessels will be based at Stand 469, Kariba:

: Any objections to the application, in terms of section 40 of- the Inland. Waters Shipping Act [Chapter 258], must be made inthe.manner prescribed in section 156 of the Inlaid Waters

. Shipping Regulations, 1971, and within 28 days dfter the date-- of ‘publication, in this Gazette, ofthis notice. — B. J. Rhodes,

for Kapenta Distributors (Private) Limited.


Proposed Salé of Abandoned Vehicles .



-IN terms of section 3 of the Roads and Road ‘Traffic (Rulesof the Road) Regulations, 1974, both the vehicles referred to

- in this notice were deemed to have been abandoned.by theréspective owners thereof, and were removed by the SalisburyCity Council, acting under the power vested in it,.to theMunicipal Central Stores, Coventry Road, Salisbury; telephone

706011.-The council has.been unable to. trace the owners of the

following vehicles, after taking all reasonable steps thereto,and the said. owners haye failed to remove the said vehicleswithin a period of six months from the date of abandonment.thereof:




years, to provide the.


. Registration —

” * 66-813X

| ° 277-2496

. 749\

Registration ‘Datenumber. Description Code uplifted224-186E - Ford Consul sedan, ‘

-, blue.” . 1329 26.9.79191-465N Humber Supersnipe ; _

, sedan, grey 1340 < 17.12.79Notice is hereby given that; unless the said owners claim

-the said vehicles and pay the expenses incurred in terms-ofsubsection (9) of section. 3 of the said regulations and ‘thecharges. prescribed in the Salisbury (Abandoned VehiclesCharges) By-laws, 1972, within 14 days from the date ofpublication hereof, the council proposes to ‘offer the said. ,vehicles for sale. . .

‘ B.C. BARLOW,’ Town Clerk.

Town House,Salisbury.8th August, 1980..


Roads Act [Chapter 263]: Application for Closure of Portionof Roadway Abutting Stand 171,Sinoia


‘IT. is hereby notified, in terms of. section 7, as read withsection 4,-of the Roads Act [Chapter 263], that applicationhas been made for the closure of the portion of roadwaydescribed hereunder. oo,

- Description of portion of roadwayThat portion of roadway known as ParkStreet, abutting

Stand 171, Sinoia. _Any person wishing to object to the closure of such

portion of roadway mustdo so in writing to the Town Clerk,,Sinoia, on or before the 8th September, 1980.

. J. F. LUNN,“y Town Clerk.

. Town Clerk’s Office,_ P.O. Box 93, °Sinoia. ‘ . 6573£


In the estate of the late Helmut Siegfried Gonsenhauser, ofCape Town, South Africa, who died there on the 19th April,1980. . N OS

NOTICEis hereby given that Hildegard -Gonsenhauser andHarold Zeh, the duly appointed executors, intend to apply tothe Assistant Master of the High Court of Zimbabwe, atBulawayo, for countersignature and sealing of the letters ofexecutorship issued by the Master of the Supreme Court ofSouth Africa, at Cape Town, onthe 16th May, 1980. - :

All persons having any objections to the countersignatureand sealing of such letters of executorship, or having anyclaims against the ‘estate, are hereby required to file their |objections- or particulars of their claims with: the AssistantMaster of the High Court, at Bulawayo, onor. before the29th August, 1980.—Ben Baron and Partners, P-Q. Box 1497,Bulawayo, attorneys for the executors. “ 6631£-


Proposed. Sale of Unclaimed Motor-vehicles

- NOTICEis hereby giventhat, if the motor-vehicles particularsof which are given in the Schedule are not claimed andremoved on or: before the 8th September, 1980, they will besold by public auction. ’The vehicles are held at the vehicle-inspection depots at the

places shown. ;, “PB, MAINWARING,

; Secretary for Roads and Road.Traffic,y ‘Posts and Telecommunications,



"Name and last-known

address ofowner

. Nathan Chiradzo,'P.O. Box 353,. . Upitali. .Ford. station-wagon, blue/ A. Dube, 5750, Luveve, Bulawayo,

white ‘ .Namaha motor-cycle, blue . William Mlilo, 2469, Wew Magwe-

gwe, Bulawayo. °°

. WilsonNyambuya, 53/1653,Mpo-« :poma Township, Bulawayo.

. Jurie Oppérmann, . 1, Winchester

House, Fife Street/Fourth Ave-~

nue, Bulawayo.. , .


Make, type and colour

Austin panel-vgn, grey


112-568F Datsun sedan, white .

‘ Vauxhall, white/mustard







| "rE, TH AucGust, 1980 sou







. . “

LOISN Mocri e, type and colourlame and last-known -

Conservation—a gui .

. orris sedan, white . Mictas nares ofowner

one sctuctioniar poorfor

teachers . --$

’ . . Dube . : riminalsia. . a ° . . : 1

- Shabani» P.O. Box 160, . at the procedure

and’ Evidenc. . . 100


st Decembe Act [Ch



mber, 1976apter 79




Customs and Excise Tariff (yefas smeided .

: ‘Deciduo

as amended1,50


Economie fruit in Rhodesia . . up:to “st sober 1977 150


01974, coaarvey, of Rhodesia 19

. —


‘Fei 5, 1976, 1977. °° 68, 1969, 1970, 1971, : 2,00

. er Make, tNa

ooonomic surv

Y972, 1973,

16-689P M ype and colour - me and last-know:E ey of: Zimbabwe Rh

+ ee

orris pick-up, grey .wi address of

owner nEconomic

survey of Zimbabwodes, 1978 . . . 4 » 0,50°

‘eos bo’ Mstimates of

e, 1979eee 0,50:


‘im uzanenhamo, Priexpenditure, 1971/72:


’ Astin sedan, blue. Bag 216A,Salisbu

ry vate | Five-year plan: three comp! 1/722 72/73; 73/74; 7879 s 28 0,50 -

56--. « Lyson Chisika, Tak

Proposals for a five: ementary books—eee 210”

173G Ford sedan, grey , Chipinga, oh Store, Intewrat . eryeak programme of development in th |

- os 4 + A. Matherie, 8,”tegrated plan f

..e public a

a .

. 8

or rural: +

80-155Z Hillman sedan, blue/whiteZengeza, S“listo

Road, rien development in aldevelopment .

. ees

, , . Vitalis Ma | ra zambésiaca, vol ncentres .

ye ee 00


urungweni,| Flo

_ volume I, patI'. .... ~e

$ OT Commer van,blue,/white

mboroueh Road Tareken

e Floss zaresiaca volume- I~ part tt sos

= ge . : 7 0

-ies Toti , . ra zambesiaca, volume “Il. Pee es


92-302C Renault sedan, white Township Sallsoaey. Matwukn Creat aratesacas supplement pat bets A 325

. -mate . G. BP ,

. er Salisbuoe

so NS 25

141~195X. ‘ rice, 138, Kendal Go ry report, local i sf sce

Humber station-wagon, green oeValley, Salisbury. Close, Goveneet Gazette (annual wbectorie, commission =. : Lis

. .“


azettn rate)..

of 8

157-495P Vauxhall sedan, blu“Township o

te DzivaresekwaHandbook of reistredpest

icide copies) . yee. .


is eee7 . + jury.


icides (e: 1. .


‘. Ami H: oe

Ty and exxcluding he

- (0,25.

164-312Z Opel sedder arli,2, BisleyCircle, Belve- (second oh

io -of recognition of. thicides) “in,1 Rhodesia 2,5

lan, grey/white

N es Salisbury.Income Ta

x Act [Ch . :tribal law in Rhodesia


195-6- Ngoni Gutuza, Mudzi Ind

apter 181],

95-613X Holden station-wagon, white edward” Mabusckwa,Midlaeds. istJune,1979

8 in eelBist October, 1979 22s |

,ard Chi

, : S. Instant: “ * . abwe Rhode:


242-219W Mazda pick-up, white Store, sinotieChigwada KhulumaIsindebel m

n » for *. rene on BS 2.30

oe ee°

ele—Ndi. .



:ANC, Headquarter

s, 130, Vilessons 1-13.

ebele for beginners—. . . - 3.00"

.C. van, yellow . . Dai Street, Salisbury. 2 NIG lessons 1426...

263-2901? avid Mhlanga, Block 113, | Kirkia. journal

. - pt. . . . . 0,50

2 Ford sedan, white.5.poma, Bulawayo. . Mpo- ngiumeoh

ofthe National Herbarium * satis see 0,50

284-633H 0 ~ - + SR, DuPlessis, 439Kirkia, 61-62, volume 22)

! , Salisbury, 1960-61,°

E Opel sedan, bi . Close, Sinoi . , Urungweirkia, 1962-63, vol

aoe° . . . ’ 4

29ue/white . . Smart Seto

n :Kirkia, 1963-64, nine 3. .

* : . 3.00



onspe ,

ve-e * . .

. *'

8-693Q Fiat sedan, beige


- Township, Sdligbony Gillingham Kirk, volume 5, “parts ;anak

: » «6 “ « 3,00

-’+ « » Ventar (Pvt :rkia, volum

per . oe . . ‘


. .) Ltd, 67, .e 6. parts I

part .tet 3,00

2393 Renault sedan, whiHighlands, Sali Ken Drive, _ Kirkia, volume 7, parts and Tl, per part

ew oe he CESO

2 white .nds, Salisbury.

Kirkia$ I‘and II

' .:

282-0208 Da+ + Jean Ashworth, 19, North Kirkia, volume 8 parts T and II, per part =. s. se 1.50

atsun sedan, beige . sme Blof Hilt SaixbuneKikin volume 9, parts I and I, perpat e418,


- + aron Cohen, 6, R t eoia, volume 10, part

per part. . oo . . . 1,50°

:Salisb Avenue/Fourth, Street eaeame

ay nt th per part ee



commissio:. . . ° . .



31st, December,ners of oaths

__ oe

» 19and ju:

. o .



Magistrates’Courts G

3 stices of the peace, as at 1,50


Magistrates Courts (Gin Rules. - .. ee 90

number. Mi


‘Timinal) Rules : . . . . . 4,

250-197C. Hill ‘ake, type and colourName andlast-know

n Matopos. beSu for the drafting and . os . . an 1,50

lan, whiTESS ©,

Miobert Tre

tation of. .

man sed: te. .. M. Callan,18, oeownerinterey ofRoads abeaR dgold, K.oma. ti ' copy . 78


: oby Dick Cou Ministry ofoad Traffic: Labi .

. . wet

Seventh Avenue, Bulawayo. ™aeetlations Health memorandum on Mental report ‘9174 . : 200




Notes forsse Bylaws, 1977s! calth Act md 90


Ne r a course on Sh‘

s+ +, 025°

_(as availabl :SALE

jotés for a cour: ona customs . 2 oto.5.00

oie at ti

Pse on Ndebel

see- 3,00

: imeof ordering)ariiamentary debates House ofAsset nes


: 2,00

Gite following publiParliamentary debates (Th

) (annual subscription

AvenueSati Publicatio ications ‘are obtainablPatent and Trade Mark: e Senate) (annual subseri ee . 1,90

Avenue, Salisbury (P.oeCecil House e 9fron the mae and Trade Marks journal (annual _suberion rate). «1,50

overnment Pub

OX 8062, Cc2 Stanle

anning handbofournal (individ

jon rate) .. ‘

k (Diidual co: . . - 6,00

. (P.O. Bo ublicationsOffice,

auseway), or fro Y


Register° epartment of P pies)..

. ;

_thereto. x 211, Bulawayo), at deeess Street, Bulawayo nin Theseccal EFpractitioners "“tld"eee wo


SsSpec ed’ Resister of .

: st Decemb. my.

opposite1973 of dental surgeons

er, 1973

.for Rh


| African Edu

Regist* . . . odesia, as ” at 3


grades onetion — a handbook of

, ‘Girolled general psychiatric,oe ost Ist December, oe

h and twosuggesti

$ o enrolledmate

aerial education and sunpturee schemes =teachingaansio

fsubsnormal, and eet (mental): ernity,sick schitaren"s fever 0,10

ecological survTe

ing music - odesiaives as at 31 ses for the Te

Agro-economiey of Southern Rh

* Registerst Decembe mentally

ic ‘surveodesia,

0,52of pha

r, 1973, fo

A ie y of, Centpart "rand


: rf -

Alr Navigation Regulations ntral Midlands)part HE. 2.00 | Registerofpsycho avcalheist, ptiiang, and


R assessment of the surfa . with amendments.* «. . 2,00 stehese

ames. physi for Rhodesia dispensing

rands directce water resources

: . , 1,00 food ins tadiographers. otherapists,.

me "0,15

ory, 1974of Rh



Br:, (consolida


$. meat ins inspectlaborato

B ands directory, 1975 ted edition) . > 1 300


and eniets,dental technideeeEE. occupationalthewoien’ sige

rands di. ° . .

ere . .otists


Brands directory, 1976 . . ° ee



‘Rhodesia Ag as at 31st December garnicians, and ists. gental

Brand dinetone 1977" get





Rhodesian b ricultural Journal » 1973, for Rhodesia athetiste

Is directory, 1978 . . so>. + « 4,00


Rh otanical. dictio tet© e025

Brands direc :< .

, . . , odesia investmary of Africa:



4,0ment in

n and E- 0,40

Catalogue of rY, 9999. 6 we eayes Rhodesia Served the Ques public sector, ndEnglish plantnam

es 4,50

December, weed Pooks, periodicals, reco

rd °4,00 by odesian Forces in theBoor


W. story of the part pl: 0,50

atalogue of banned boots ecember, 1975 Sete “from Ist , buckram be, s. Hickman— r War of 1899 to 1502) played by

‘atalogue of ban , periodicals, t ; » «6 |spoun .

» volume 1

: ned book ee coords, etc., 1,00


Rhodes. oe . .

Catalogue of banned b Ss, periodicals, records, et 976 : . 0,50ia Served the Quien, vol

. . wo/

Catalogue of banned Pooks, periodicals, records ie 1977. . ‘0,50 Rhoweound . olume nu

+ «+ 10,00

Cc.ooks, sae ae » etc, 1

. est“schatty


atalogue of parliamentary periodicals, records, ete 978. . 0,50


Rho ia subsidiary legislation

,Comtary paper:

» etc., 1979desia subsidi

. 1970 (f


mon veld grasses of Rh rs, 1899-1953 .- + 0,50

sidiary legislation, 1971 (five.part, prst 10.00

"Community d

odesia (second editi . . . 5, “° 1 (five parts:

. * 6,3

Commission eeopmentsource book No Aiton) ‘° 00 Rhodesia subsidiary legis!

Ds per part.. vo

. .° .


.. ;¢ ’ :

- Companinquiry into termination of . . -

Rhodesia subsidiary eeisiation, 1972 (seven pa or, per set é.

in theapproval¢ practice followed by th pregnancy, 1976 5,00


Rhodesia subsidiary sislation, 1973 (seven Parts), per part . 50

of company names Oo Registrar of Companies ?Reser subsidiary ‘esistation, 1974 (five pet). per part < 750

. ee. | Rhodesi was, fon, 1


~ 0,10 ‘Rhodesia mibsidiary legistation, ime (ive parts), per art > + 7,50

tary legistation, 1977 Courwae per part : - . 7,50

: . parts), Per part..¢ i

- 50




_ preferably inthetop right-hand corner.

" ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT Gazerre, 8TH Aususr, 1980 ,




Conditions for Acceptance of Copy

FAILUREto comply with any of thefollowing conditionswill result in the rejection of copy, and no responsibility canbe accepted if such rejection should affect any date containedin such copy or any requirement of publication on a specific.date, ” -

Persons draftingany ‘kindof notices are strongly advised tofollow: the guidance offered in-—

(a) the Instructions Relating to the Drafting and TypingofLegislation (Attorney-General’s Circular 1 of 1978); and

(b) the Manual of Style for the Drafting and. Preparation ofCopy, published by the Department of Printing andStationery; . :

which two booklets are intended for complemental use.

In ‘these conditions, other than where a particular kind ofcopy is specified, “copy” means copy for all matter containedin the Gazette itself and for

2supplementsto the Gazette.

1. (1) Other thantyping is accepted. © .

(2) Carbon-copies are not normally acceptable, otherthan in cases where ‘the original typing has to be legallyretained elsewhere, as, for example, in the case of a proclama-tion.

(3). Computer print-outs are not accepted automatically,as discussion may be necessary with regard to the extra time_and ccsts involved. , =

2. (1) All copy must be clear and legible, and there mustbe double or one and a half spacing between the lines. .

(2) Any corrections or alterations made by the originatormust be clearly effected in blue or black ink: .

Providedthat any copy containing extensive alterationswill be rejected, ae :

3. (1) Copy must appear on one side. only of each slieet~ of paper. .

(2) Except asis. provided, in subsection (2) of section 8,papermust not exceed 210 millimetres in width.

(3) If copy comprises two or more sheets of paper, allsheets must be numbered consecutively,.in arabic figures,

(4) Where any matter is added after the copy has been‘prepared, and such additional matter results in one or moresheets being inserted between those already numbered,. all-sheets. must be renumbered from there onwards — not,forinstance, 7, 7a, 7b, 8, et cetera. « .

4. Photographic copy or copy produced on a duplicating-machine may be accepted if it is abundantly clear. -

5. (1) Should any copy— . . ;(a) exceed 10 pages of double-spaced typing on size A4

paper; or . a :



: $Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1978 (four parts), per part . . 7,50Rhodesian law reports, 1970, part: 1 and part 2, per part . « 4,20Rhodesian Jaw reports, 1971, part 1 and part 2, per part . » 4,20Rhodesian law reports, 1972, part 1 and part 2, per part . 4,20‘Rhodesian law reports, 1973, part 1 and part 2, per part °. .. 4,20Rhodesian law reports, 1974, part 1 and part 2, per part .-~.- 4,20Rhodesian law reports, 1975, part 1 and part 2, per part @> 4,20‘Rhodesian law reports, 1976, part 1 and part 2, per part \Q.~% -4,20Rhodesian law reports, 1977, part 1 and part 2, per part. . 4,20Rhodesian law reports, 1978. . coe ew we ew 9,00Rhodesia’s dams . ~°.. . . « . . . . . . 1,00

- Rules and practice ofthe General Division of the High Court, 1971 2,00* Rules. of the General Division of the High Court — case law.

annotations “oe ‘ eco. . . * «© e » 2,00Stamp duties handbook — ‘setond edition, 1975 —gold-blocked,

ring-post binder > . = ° : oe ew we 4,00

Statute law of Rhodesia, revised edition, 1974 (10 volumes) . - 145,00Statute law of Rhodesia, 1974 (containing all 47 statutes of 1974:.

Acts I to 20 of 1974 are included in the 1974 revised edition;Acts 21 to°47 of 1974 are noth——- . .* full-hound,-buckram . . . - 4 » 6 . « 10,00 }

quarter-bound, hard cover”... www 5,50"soft cover’ . 0. :. ok ww 4,50

Statute law of Rhodesia,’ 1975; 1976; 1977; 1978— .full-bound, buckram . ee - 2 es . . « 10,00quarter-bound, hard coyer ~. . we * » .« 5,50soft cover ote. . . . a 4,50

Taura. Shona—Shona for. beginners— _ ‘*lessons 1-13... . . . . . . . . 0,50lessons 1426.0. 6 ww kk ee 0,50

Technical. Handbook (No. 1): Practical Pig Production in Rhodesia 2,00

subsidiary legislation issued as ~

by prior arrangement, only original |


(b} contain tabular or other matter which ‘involves. complicated setting; -

it will be classed as “lengthy” copy, and will be required to besubmitied not less than 21 days before the date of closing forthe Gazette in whichit is to be published.

(2) Lengthy copy may be accepted at less than 21 days’notice if— . : :

(a)‘ the work involved is of a straightforward and non-tabular nature; and -

(b) the total volume of work on hand for the timebeing permits its acceptance.

6. Notwithstanding anythingto the’contrary contained inthése conditions, any copy— . . .

(2) which is ‘of. national importance, and which isoriginated as a matter of urgent necessity, may,by

' . prior arrangement, be accepted late for the current: week;

(b) may, due iteconsiderations, be delayed until conditions permitits processing. ,

. 7.Copy must not be submitted as part of a letter or arequisition. It must appear on a separate sheet of paper, onwhich there is no instruction or other extraneous matter.

8. (1) In cases where notices ‘have to be published intabular form, copy must be drafted exactly as it is to appear,If printed forms for any such notices are unavailable, _advertisers must preparé their own forms. While it is not

_ hecessary to include the preamble, the box-headings must bethere, and, where applicable, the number of the’ form; forexample, “Insolvency | egulations—Form 3”,

(2) In the case ofcopy for tabular notices, the provisionof subsection (2) of section 3 does not apply.

. 9, Copy for all advertisements, whether sent by post ordelivered by hand, must be accompanied by a requisition ora letter which clearly sets out—. ,

(a) thename and address of the advertiser; and

(b) the debtor’s code-number,if any; and(c) the required dateor dates of publication.

rectified as soon as possible by a. correcting notice, withoutcharge tothe ministry or department concerned, subject tothe following con&ltions— -

(a) that such error is reported to-the editor withia three.. mohths from the date of publication; and© that the relevant copy, upon re-examination, is

proved to be abundantly clear; and a(c) that the correction of such erroris legally necessary.

(2) ‘If a drafting error is not detected before publication,the originating ministry or department is required to draft itsown correcting notice, take it to the Attorney-General forvetting, and pay for such notice tybe published.* (3). For the remoyal of doubt— . -

a(a) a typographical error is made by a typographer;.(b) a typist’s error is classed as a drafting error by

reason of the fact that the. officer responsible fordrafting failed to check the typist’s work,


Authorized Scale of Charges, Times of Closing andSubscription Rate

Charges ;Notices published in théZnormal columns: $2 per centimetre ©

or part thereof single column, Taking the depth of suchmatter, normally spaced, approximately 25 words occupy one

may, due to shortage of staff or to ‘technical

10, (1) Ifa typographical error occurs in the Gazette, it is”

centimetre; but this can only be a rough guide, as a heading ©may occupy two centimetres, and certain notices unavoidablycontain white space, which mustbe included in the chargeabledepth.

Notices which have to appear in tabular form across thefull width of the page, such as lost insurance policies, deceasedestates, insolvent estates, company liquidations, notices in termsof the Insolvency Act [Chapter 303], changes of companies’names, et cetera: $5 per entry. ©Except in the case of approved accounts, remittances must

accompany all copy for advertisements. Failing this, copy willbe returned with an assessment of charges.Times of closing ;The Gazette closes for the receipt of copy forall notices’ to

be published’ in the normal columns, and for StatutoryInstruments, at 11am. on the Tuesday preceding the Friday



‘of publicatjon.



Copy for allnotices to ‘be set in tabular form must beon the Monday preceding the Friday of -received by 4 p.m.


‘Any copy which jis received after- thetimes will automatically be heldGazette of the following week, in which case no responsibilitycan be accepted if the purport.of the notice is thereby nullified.

When public holidays occur, the normal closing-times arevaried, and such variations are notified in the Gazette inadvance.

NOTICE is ‘herebyproposesto alienate—

‘(a) his business; or


respective closing-over for insertion in the





' Notice of Intention to Alienate a Business or the Goodwill of a Businessor any Goods or Property FormingPart of a Business, Otherwise than

in the Ordinary Course of the Business

(b) the goodwill of his business; or(c) any goods or property forming part of his business, otherwise than in the ordinary coursec of the business,

+All copy must be addressed to the Department of Printingand Stationery, and either posted to P.O.Box 8062, Causeway,or delivered direct to the department, in Gordon Avenue,between Sixth. Street and Epton Street.. Bnvelopes shouldbe,marked: Gazette copy—-urgent.

Regular advertisers and subscribers are requested to adviseimmediately of any change of address.

Subscri,ption rate-_ The annual subscription rate for the Gazeite is $12, pay-

' able, in advance, to the Controller of Printing and Statiodery,and maycommence with the first issue of any month.


given, in| terms of section 49 ofthe Insolvency Act[Chapter 303), that each of the under-mentioned persons

Full name of personincluding style of business Situation of business Particulars of proposed alienation


Date from which aliénation °takes effect

Nameand address of

person inserting notice

Elias Kambasha ee ee

Stanley George Boycé, trading asQue Que GeneralAutoRepairs


Jose Manuel Lima de Abreu,

trading as Tavern Restaurant

“and Take Away Foods

Luis Jorge Calisto, trading as

Baker Avenue Bottle Store

Peterina MaclennanViljoen, trad-

ing as MazonweStore=

Guardians Security (Pvt.)Ltd. .

Shamrock Linen Co., trading asElegance

John Hendrik Botha, trading as

Farmers Butchery ~

Antonio De Andrade... y

Lease site T.T. 10575,Kuwirirana Township,Chief Makore’s “Area,GokweDistrict

Wilcania Street, Light

Industrial Sites, Que


Shop 4, Parkade Centre,

Ninth Avenue/Fife

Street, Bulawayo

98A, BakerAvenue, Salis-


Lot 6 of Lot 1 of Ma-

zonwe, in the district ofUnmtali

Car. Beatrice Road/

Hobbs Road, Indus-

trial Sites, Salisbury

Shop 2, Supreme House,Hindhead Avenue,

Chisipite, Salisbury

Portion of Stand 230,

Township of Gwelo

6, Worthmore Buildings,. 47, Fifteenth Avenue,


. The sale ofgeneral dealers,bottle-store,_ eating-house/restaurant, service-sta-tion, guest-house and grain buying

agency, including buildings, fixtures,

. fittings, equipment, goodwill and

stock-in-trade, but excluding book-

debts andliabilities

Transfer of all assets, including plant,

equipment, tools, stock-in-trade,

‘fixtures and fittings, but, excludingbook-debts andliabilities, to GeneralAuto and Diesel Repairs (Pvt) Ltd.

Sale of fixtonesand stock-in-trade, but

excluding ‘Yiabilities up to 14.7.80

_ and book-débts, to Pamela Veronica

* Violet Coianiy

Sale of the business, including assets,' stovk-in-irade, fixtures and-fittings,

to Stanley Brian Bostock

The sale of general dealers and bottle-

store, including buildings, fixtures,»fittings, equipment, goodwill and

stock-in-trade, but ‘excluding book-debts andliabilities up to 21.7.80,to Alan McGregor, as agent for acompany to be registered as Alvern

Trading (Pvt.) Ltd.Sale of assets, including goodwill, but

excluding liabilities, to GuardiansSecurity (1980) (Pvt.) Ltd., in the

course offormation

Stock, fittings, fixtures, debtors andgoodwill to Jade (Pvt.) Ltd., tradingas Elegance

Sale of business to Stephen KennethSesulelo Vuma, as agent for ‘a-com-pany about to be formed and to beknown as Vuma Bros, (Pvt.) Ltd.,which will continue to trade underthe same name of Farmers Butcheryand in the same premises. The book-debts and liabilities of the said busi-ness up to and including the 31.8.80will remain with the said JohnHendrik Botha

Sale of stock-in-trade,fixtures, fittings.and equipment to Constandinos /Raftopoulos

For the purposes of the above-mentioned Act, from the dateof the last publication of this

totice, and for the purpose of

the sale of the bottle liquor

. licence from.23.9.80, but forall other purposes from close

of business on 31.7.80For the purposes of the above-

mentjoned Act, from the date‘of the last publication of this:notice, but for all other pur-poses from 1.4.80

For the purposes of the above-mentioned Act, from the date

of the last publication of this“notice, but for-all other pur-poses from 14.7.80

For the purposes of the above-mentioned Act, from the dateof the last publication. ofthis

’ notice, but for all other pur-poses from 1.8.80

For the purposes of the above-

_ mentioned Act, from the dateof the last publication of this

notice, but for all other pur-poses from 21.7.80 :

For the'purposes of the above-

mentioned Act, from the date| - O£ the last publication of this

notice, but for all other -pur-poses from 1.7.80 —


For the purposes of theabove-

mentioned Act, fromthe date_ ofthe last publication of thisnotice, but for all other pur: |.poses from 31.8.80 -

For the purposes of the above-mentioned Act, from the dateof the Jast publication of thisnotice, but for all other pur-poses from 1.8.80

: Bulawayo.

Wilmot & Bennett,C.A.B.S, House,P.O.Box 480,

Que Que. 6257£8

Wilmot & Bennett(attorneys for the


C.A.B.S. House, -P.O. Box 480,

Que Que. 6258F8 °Charles Weinberg &


P.O. Box 163936259£8

Atherstone & Cook*

(seller’s attorneys), -

Mercury House,Gordon Avenue,

Salisbury. 6487f15Seirlis & Lewis .

(attorneys for the

parties),First Floor, :Manica Chambers, ~Main Street,Unmtali. 6512£22

Kantor & Immerman

(attorneys for theparties),P.O. Box 19,

Salisbury. 6513f15 °“| Condy, Chadwick & a

Elliott :

{attorneys for seller),. /

P.O. Box 631,

‘, Salisbury., 6572£22

Danziger & Partners -

(attorneys to the

parties),Progress House,60, Seventh Street,

Gwelo. 6591£22

Webb, Low & Barry

(attorneys for the

parties),‘ 16, Eighth Avenue,

Bulawayo, 661522

_ Noriceiis hereby given, in terms ofsection 21 of‘the Companies Act [Chapter 190}, that application will be

el ewen re mee +. NTAm A,Mman: oe ow hhh "Soin .o




ade,notless than 14 days from the date of publicas |

ZIMBABWEANGOVERNMENT Gazerre, 8rH Aucust, 1980 = . 753°

tion ofthis notice; to the Chief Registrar of Companies,fefor his approval, tochange the names of the undernnescompanies as indicated belaw. ~

Number Name - Change ofname to Agent



Rhodesian Wholesale Furnishingsev) Limi-


Zimbabwe Wholesale Furnishings (Pvt.) Limi:


H, Oldham & Sons (Pvt.) Ltd. . , $536foo ted ted : - . ,240/80 ‘Tnternational Machinery Specialises (Private) Turnpan Zimbabwe Limited . . . LonrhoZimbabwe Ltd. 6537f ©a Limited t ; -282/79 R.S.M.A. Co-op Company Limited i . Seed Maize Co-op Company of Zimbabwe


Coghlan, Welsh & Guest. 6540£; |. Limited Se

736/57 Croda Rhodesia (Private)Limited» . « | Croda Zimbabwe (Private) Limited . . .


Croda Zimbabwe. 6534f203/71 Croda Chemicals Rhodesia (Private)'Limited - Croda Chemicals Zimbabwe (Private) Limited Croda Zimbabwe. ? :6535£- ‘72¢55 Tobacco’ Suppliers .Company Central Africa |. Trans Packers Tavestosents (Private). Ltd. Barbour, Robb &O'Connor. 6S568f

we (Private) Limited | . . :1016/70 VentureTrading (Private) Limited “ : Datsun Zimbabwe (Private) Limited . . .| Zimbabwe Motor Investments (Pvt.) 6569f

: : . , oe : Ltd.106/48 Venture Spares (Private) Limited:'. i. Datsun Parts Zimbabwe (Private) Limited Zimbabwe Motor Investments (Pvt.). 6570f- Ltd.

167/73 Ronald Heyes Enterprises (Private) Limited Africon (Private) Limited . » » .Markham, Lewis & Co. 6617F1014/202/70 Hygienic Seryices Bulawayo),(Private) Limited Office Cleaning Services Private Limited - + W.R.J. Sprowson,- 6618f

. 4 ’


’ « *

1; .

SHERIFF'S SALES : i oFConditions ofscsale .

1, The sale is conducted in terms of the rules:of the High Court, which provide that it shall be withoyt reserve but subject to the condition that the Sheriffrequtiires tobe satisfied that the highestprice offered is reasonable, havig regard to the circumstances of time and place‘andthe state of the property.

2, After the auction, a report on the bidding and on the highest pricé offered, togetlrer with any other relevant information relating to the sale, will be forwardedto the Sheriff, who,if satisfied that the highestprice offered is reasonable, having regard to-the circumstances of time and place and the State of the property,

_. will declare the highest bidder to be the purchaser.

3, In.terms of the rules of court, any person having an interest-in.the sale may, within seven days of the Sheriff having declared the highest bidder to be thepurchaser, apply to-the High Court to haveit set aside on the grounds that the sale was improperly conducted or the property wassold for an unreasonablylow sum, or any other goodground. .

4, In the event-of no application being nmiade within the said period of seven days, the Sheriff shall confirm the sale,

5. During the auction, should any dispute arise as to any bid, the property will be put up for sale-again; °6. Theright is reserved to the auctioneer of regulating or refusing any bid. ' : z

7. Thesale shall be tor cash and, in addition,’ the purchaser shall pay-—~ :

(a) the auctioneer’s commission; and

(b) the costs oftransfer, including conveyancer’s charges, stamp-duty and any; other fees; and ;

(c) all arrear rates and charges, and any other expenses necessary to complete the transfer. , ”Infmediatelyafter conclusion of the auction, the highest bidder shall, unless other arrangements are made with the auctioneer, deposit with the auctioncer .‘anamount sufficient to cover the auctioneer’s commission, and either—

‘(@)_ advise the Commissioner appointed by the Sheriff, attending the sale, of the manner in which he intends to make payment of: the purchase-price andother costs and charges in terms of these conditions, and satisfy the Commissioneras to his bona fides and ability to meet his obligations; or +

(b) effect payment to the Commissioner of the whole of the purchase-price in cash or by cheque or bank draft drawn to the order of the Sheriff.9 The purchase-money, if not paid in full to the Commissioner at theconclusion of the auction, shall be paid on or before the registration of thetransfer of

oe the property into the name of the purchaser, unless the Sheriff approves other arrangements for discharging the amount due by the purchaser.10. The purchaser shall be liable to pay interest at the rate of nine per cent. per annum in respect of any unpaid balance of the purchase-price, with effect from

, Geven days after the date of confirmation ofthesale by,the Sheriff.

if the purchaser fails to make payment of thepurchase-price and other costs and charges in terms of these conditions of sale, or fails to complywith anyconditions of the sale contained herein, the Sheriff shall have the right to apply to a judge of the High Court to have the sale cancelled, and to hold the



purchaserliable for any loss or damages sustained; of to employ any otherremedy which he may have. In the event of the sale being cancelled, the Purchaser >:shall not be entitled to any incréase which the property may realize at a subsequentsale.

12. The property is sold as represented by thetitle-deeds, the Sheriff not holding himselfliable for any deficiency whatsoever, and renouncing all excess; and‘the Sheriff does not hold himselfresponsible for the determination.of the boundaries and beacons, whichshall be the responsibility of the purchaser,

13. The property shall be at the risk and profit of the purchaser from the date upon which the Sheriff confirms the sale, and the Sheriff gives no warranty of.. vacant possession.

14, Thehighest bidder may not withdraw hisbid in terms of these ‘conditions of sale prior to the date of confirmation of the sale or rejection of his offer by

the Sheriff. “: | M. C. ATKINSON,

P.O. Box 8050, ‘ Sheriff,Causeway, .

‘SS, a _ : : ‘number Plaintiff and defendant . Description of property: Date, time ahd place of sale Auctioneer

43/80 Standard Trust ‘Limited Certain piece of land, called’ Nevada Farm, Friday, the 15th August, 1980, in Gilchrist & Cooksey (Pvt.) Ltd.; and : | situate in the district of Hartley the auction-room, Gilchrist & ,

Philip Jacob Snyman . . . Cooksey (Pyt.) Ltd., 29, Speke |: 6554

yo . , r - Avenue, Salisbury



— 2 : : , & .3S Lo :



. NOTICES TO CREDITORS ANDDEBTORS(pursuant to sections 44 and 67 of the Administration of Estates Act [Chapter 301DALL persons having claims against the under-mentionedestates are required to lodge them in detail with the executor or representativeconcerned within the-

stated periods, calculated from the date of publication hereof, and those indebted thereto are required to pay to the executor or representative the amounts due

by them within the same period, failing which legal proceedings will be taken for the recovery thereof.- . . : M.HLC. 7

Number - |, . . Dats Within - \ Sof Name and description of estate of a . Name and address of executor or representative

estate . ek, death period of :

1112/80 Audrey Grace Diamond, of Umtali . . .-. . . -.10.6.80 30 days Gargan Brothers & Chadder, Norwich Union 6523f

i ‘ : . Centre, Main Street; Umtali. (Executor ,, testamentary.)

B.268/80 |. Herbert Grainger Victor, a national serviceman, of | 21.12.79 30 days Assistant Master of the High Court, Bulawayo. 6524f. Salisbury - .

B.508/80 Maria Susanna Proctor. . . . . . 1. ee 16.7.80 30 days L.A. F. Proctor, 92, Penrith Road, Morningside, 6525£

. . Bulawayo.‘444/79 Elijah Mahlanza Ngulube . 2. 2. . 1. ew ee §.5.79 30 days D, BE. Burns and M.S. Ngulube, P.O. Box 55, 6526f

: , z Gwelo.

946/80 Maria Baross . - 8 ew ew ee we 11.5.80 30 days H. Huckwell, P.O. Box 146, Rusape. 6527£,

1326/80 -Cecil-Jocelyn Gordon Green coe ee ee we ed 15.6.80 30 days ,| Standard Trust Ltd., P.O. Box 3897, Salisbury. .6546f

1312/80 | Margaret FrancesEdwards. oo. ‘ 14.7.80 | 30 days Standard Trust Ltd., P.O. Box 3897, Salisbury. 6555f-B.229/80 John David Cross, of the Republic of South Aftica 16.1.80 30 days Coghlan & Welsh, P.O. Box 22, Bulawayo. 6556f

1182/80 David John Norrie... . 2... 1 1 1 ee 7.6.80 - 30 days Standard Trust Ltd.,'P.O. Box 3897, Salisbury.. 6581f

1039/80 Evelyn-Eleanor Lelen .-. . ... 2. 2 ew ee 27.7.80 . 30 days Standard Trust Ltd., P.O. Box 3897, Salisbury. 6582f

1208/80 Sandra Aileen Williams oe we we we ew 14.6.80 _30 days Standard Trust Ltd., P.O. Box 3897, Salisbury. 6583£

— Clarence Victor Hunt, a weighbridge attendant, of Red- 13.7.80 30 days .; Barclays Bank International Executor & Trust 6584f,

. cliff, and surviving spouse, Winifred tily Hunt _ Co. (Pyt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 174, Gwelo.

+ 996/80 Graham Frank Wentzel- . . - : 26.4.80 30 days Syfrets Trust & Executor Lid., P.O, Box 703, 6598f. Salisbury. $

917/80 ‘Wilhelmina Mary Melville Hutchings -. . .. . 16.5.80 30 days G. .K. Phillips, 26 Collins Avenue, Chisigite. 6599F

. . (Executrix dative.) — .— Gladys Marion Bates Illingworth. . . . ... “9.7.80 30 days Atherstone & Cook, -P.O. Box 2625, Salisbury, 6600F

B.207/80 Ruckimani Bhika Petker 2. « . 1. 1. 1 eee 14.7.79 21 days J. Pincus, Konson & Wolhuter (incorporating C. 6623- .. . Roberts & Letts), P.O. Box 1616, Bulawayo.

* B.315/80 George Tsangacos . . . 17.5.80 30 days ° G.. F. Adie, 920, Sanlam Building, Bulawayo. 6624f

B.297/80 Ngaka Thompson Manguba, aL herbalist, ofBulawayo, 8.11.79 30 days | S. K. M. Sibanda, P.O. Box.614, Bulawayo. 6625f. and surviving spouse, Lizzy Maolefiri Manguba

1337/80 Denis Philip Carew Gumpertz. . . . 1. 2. « 2577.80 30 days J. B.C. Johnson, 18, Fletcher Road, Mount 6626f; : / ‘ : . Pleasant, Salisbury. -

B.223/80 Johanna Meyer - ©. 6 6 eee ee ee (39,12.79 30 days Calderwood, Bryce Hendrie & Partners, P.O.Box 6627fLa: , a : 276, Bulawayo. oo

B.317/80 . Ernest Lodewyk William van Schalkwyk. . . . . 11.5.80 30 days 'D. E. Burns, Ferguson, Ward & Doyle, P.O.Box 6642f

. oo 55, Gwelo. :

1316/30 Sidney Hammersley... 6 6 6 eu ee 11.7.80 30 days Standard Trust Ltd., P.O; Box-397, Salisbury. 6652f1333/80 Marion Standen. . 1). 6 1 ew ee ee 18.7.80 30 days Standard Trust Ltd., P.O. ‘Box 3897, Salisbury. 6653f

1373/80 |: Arthur John Ketcheli . . . . - 2. . 2. ew 16.7,80 30 days Standard. Trust Ltd., P.O. Box 3897, Salisbury... 6654f1351/80 Elsie May Munckton . . . 2. 6. s+ «© © « 23.6.80 |: 30 days Standard Trust Ltd., P.O. Box 3897, Salisbury.. 6655f

— Robert Mentor McDonald, an engineer, of Que Que . 15.7.80 30 days Barclays Bank International Executor & Trust 6644£; : Co. (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 174, Gwelo. ,


- EDICTS: SELECTION OF EXECUTORS, TUTORS AND CURATORS DATIVE: . ‘(pursuant to sections 26, 75 and 80 of the Administration of Estates Act [Chapter 301}

Noticz is hereby given that the estates of the under-mentioned deceased persons, minors or persons whose whereabouts are unknown, aree unrepresented, and. that the next ofkin, creditors or other persons concerned are required to attend on the dates and at the times and Places specified, for the selection of an executor,

tutor or curator dative, as the case may be. Meetings iin Salisbury will be held before theMaster; in Bulawayo, before the Assistant Master; and elsewhere beforethe District Commissioner. . . M.ELC. 25

Number Time ofmeeting . : 4of . Name and description of estate . Place of Meeting - For selection of -

estate ‘ . . ; Date Hour. : So : vt

B.404/80 Jacobus Petrus Joubert,afarmer . . - . ... 2. 13.8.80 10 a.m. Bulawayo Executor dative. 6566fB.53/80 Frederick Lubbe,ahandyman . . . . ...-. . 13.8.80 10 a.m. Gwelo - Executor dative. 6567f

B.279/80 Eva Phyllis Fitch, a clerk, of Gwelo 2... 1. 1... 13.8.80 10°a.m, : Gwelo Executor dative. 6547f

B.457/80 Thomas Walter Fox, a railways clerk, of Bulawayo’. .-. 13.8.80 10 a.m. Bulawayo- Executor dative, 6548f£

46/79 Arthur Thomas Kanodereka, a minister of religion, of 13.8.80 — 10-a.m. Salisbury Executor dative. .6616f

Salisbury Oo po

NOTICES OF LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTIONACCOUNTS LYING FOR INSPECTION-(pursuantto section 53 of theAdministration of Estates Act [Chapter 301}) .

Noricz is hereby given that copies ofliquidation and distribution accounts in the under-mentionedestateswill be openfor the iinspection ofall persons interestedtherein for a period of 21 days (or longerif stated) from the dates specified, or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be thelater. Accounts will liefor inspection at the offices specified below. Objections to anaccountshould be lodged with the Master, Salisbury, or the Assistant Master, Bulawayo, as the casemay be, Should no objections be lodged to the account during the period of inspection, the executor concerned will proceed to make payments in accordance

therewith. . ‘ , ' MLELC. 28

Number Date Description .of ; Nameand description of estate or of ‘ Office of the

estate ee : - period =| account ;

1434/79 Harold Andrew John Hartel oe 21 days — First and Final Master of the High Court, Salisbury. 6528f. 181/80 Vagn Helmer Poulsen, and surviving spouse, Grete 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Salisbury, 6529f

Poulsen . . Liquidation and : ,: . - Distribution Account


M ELC, 28—continued

‘Number fe - Date Description .of ~ Name and description ofestate | or . off Offite of the f

estate ‘ ; period . Becount . .

2009/79 E.‘Pritchard-Meaker. . . . 2 2% 2). « ff] 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Salisbury. . 6530f‘ Administration and . : ,

4 : Distribution Account ot765/79 Ignatius Michael Prinsiloo . . % 2. wwe 21 days f First Interim Master of the High Court, Salisbury, 6531f

: : Liquidation Account and District Commissioner,, . Fort Victoria.

_* B.307/80 BeatriceMaud Barkley, a housewife. . . eee 21 days . First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 6532f

. : . : Liquidation and Bulawayo.: . . .. Distribution Account :

~ 1693/78. William Sword Russell, a doctor, of Salisbury: . . 21 days - Second and Final Master of the High Court, Salisbury. 6551f: “ Liquidation and . “~

. - & , : Distribution Account .400/79 Robert Eadie Scott, a fitter and turner, of Kariba 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Salisbury, 6552f

: : . Liquidation and g and District Commissioner,: . . Distribution Account Kariba.

B.808/78 EvaShemer . ... 1.0... 21 days ' First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court 6557£. . ‘ Liquidation and. / Bulawayo. .

. / . - Distribution Account

B.319/79 William Francis Gaul, of the Republic of South Africa 21 days - First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 6558f

‘ ow : Liquidation and Bulawayo.. . . os Distribution Account — Bulawayo. ,

B.510/79 Desmond James Lachlan Forbes . . 1 . . . 21 days- Firstand Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 6580f

: Liquidation and Bulawayo,’ and District Commis-. : . Distribution Account sioner, Belingwe.

_ 78/80 | Zacharias Johannes Jacobus Prinsloo. ‘21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Salisbury, 6597f. sO Liquidation and and District Commissioner, ,

: ; . Distribution Account - Gatooma.B.225/80 + Emily Milner Milne . 21 days First and Final. Assistant Master of the High Court, 6620f

. Liquidation and Bulawayo.

: _ . ' Distribution Account .

B.108/80 Douglas Basil Barber... . . 1 ee ee 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 6621f

. , Liquidation and Bulawayo,

: . . . - : Distribution Account : Oo

692/80 Gilbert Arthur Irvine . 9.0. 0. 0. 0. 0.0.) ee |) oN days First and Final Master of the High Court, Salisbury. 6622f. “os Liquidation and : 4

. : Distribution Account .1226/80 William Edward Colbourne, a‘secretary, ofSalisbury | 21 days First and Interim Master of the High Court, Salisbury. 6645f

. an Liquidation and , ,. o Distribution Account ‘ .

751/80 Joan Agnes Rowland, a housewife, of Salisbury 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Salisbury. 6646f

- ’ Liquidation and .. Distribution Account . .

. 647/80 ‘William Thomas Coleman. . . . ... .”. 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Salisbury. 6647f

° , me Liquidation and oe ‘

oo : sO e oo. ' Distribution Account :~- 4143/79 “John Revill 2. 6 we eet 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Salisbury, 6648f

: ‘. Liquidation and and District Commissioner,. - ; Distribution Account Bindura,

1760/79 DoraJean Brock . . «.. «6. 21 days First and Final. Master of the High Court, Salisbury, - 6649f

. . Liquidation and and District Comniissioner,., :7 : : . Distribution Account Unitaii. ‘

1906/79 | John Nicolson Paton ~. . 1°. 1. 1 e 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Salisbury, 66506.. , . ‘ * Liquidation and and District Commissioner,

' Distribution Account Untaii.343/80 Helen Molly Caufield,a widow . . . .- 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Salisbury. 6651f -

‘ ‘ , : Liquidation and : :

Distribution Account .



ww . .

MASTER’S NOTICES (pursuant to the Insolvency Act) ~ “Notices is hereby given that‘the estates mentioned below have been placed under sequestration by order of the High Court, and that’a first meeting of creditors

will be held in the said estates on the dates and at the times and places mentioned for the proof of claims and for the election ofa trustee.

Meetings in Salisbury will be held before the Master; in Bulawayo they will be held before the Assistant Master; elsewhere they will be held before the

. Magistrate. Insolvency Regulations—Form 2 (1952)or 8 (1974)

. } Dateupon which and court Day, date and hour

Number “ , . by which order made - of meeting .of estate Name and description of estate — - - Place ofmeeting

. . Date of order Court | Day Date Hour



PeterJohn Edwards . . . . « . .| 25.7.80 Bulawayo Wed.






High Court, Bulawayo. - 6603f | B,3/80 Thomas. CGraham Ingles 2. 2. 1. 1 ee 18.7.80 Bulawayo Wed. 20.8.80 9.05 am. High Court,Bulawayo. 6604f

4 ,


aed . o - . . . «


7356 , | ZIMBABWEAN GoveRNMENT GAZETTE, 81H AucusrT, . 1980

NOTICES OF TRUSTEES AND ASSIGNEES (pursuant to the Insolvency Act) “ .

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors will be held in the sequestrated or assigned estates mentioned below on the dates, at the tines and placesand for the purposes set forth.-

Meetings in Salisbury will be held before the Master; iin Bulawayo they will be held before the Assistant Master; elsewhere they will be held before the

' Magistrate. : Insolvency Regulations—Form 3(1952)or 11 (1974)

t ‘ -

: Whether | Day, date and hour of meeting

Number _ Name and description ofestate _ assigned or +“ Place ofmeeting Purpose of meetingof estate , . . : sequestrated |, Day Date - Hour i :

- :

B12{79 E. Gumise and L. Mutambanengwe . Sequestrated Wed. 20.8.80 9 am. High Court, Bulawayo Further proofof claims.

m . . “6602 &

NOTICES OF TRUSTEES AND ASSIGNEES (pursuantto the Insolvency Act)

Notice is hereby given. that the liquidation accounts and plans of distribution and/or contribution in the estates mentioned below .will lie open at the offices. .

mentioned for a period of 14 days, or such longer period as is stated, from the date mentioned or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be later,

for inspection by creditors. . Insolvency Regulations—Form 7 (1952) or 12 (1974)

. . Dates from - Period forNumber Name and description of estate Description Offices at which account which account which account

of estate . of account will lie open - will lie open will lie open

B.i7/78-, Paulos Mebe Ndhlovu . . . . . . . - |. Second Interim Assistant Master, High Court, 8.8.80 14 days. 6586f: . ‘ Liquidation Account, Bulawayo 7i Encumbered Asset -: Account No. 1, and

i é Distribution Account :

B.8 {79 © | Benzies Frank Ncube. . . . 2... ee First Interim Assistant Master, High Court, 8.8.80 14 days. 6587£

4 . Liquidation Account Bulawayo ‘

B.3 {79 Maurice Teperson . . « 2 2 6 2 ee First Interim Assistant Master, High Court, 8.8.80 14 days. 6588F ., Liquidation and Bulawayo : ‘

| Distribution Account : . ;9/478 G.J. Williamson . ... .). . . 2... , First Interim Master, High Court, Salisbury || 8.8.80 14 days. 6605f

. . Liquidation and . . ‘ ,Distribution Account , y,

9II97 -S.M. Alves. 2. 6 1 6 1 ee Seventh Interim ' Master, High Court, Salisbury 8-8.80 14 days. 6606f

. Liquidation and . '

* : Distribution Account : , .9 [361 P.O. Martins 2. 2. 2. 1 ee ee Fourth and Final ‘Master, High Court, Salisbury 8.8.80 - | 14 days. 6607F

Liquidation and ‘ L“* ‘Distribution Account|

9 f485 LateI.D. McLean . «0. 1 ee ee First and Final Master, High Court, Salisbury 1.8.80 14 days. 6608f

Liquidation and -‘ . Distribution Account co : :9 {439 F.C. Meyer’ 2.2.0. 1 ee ee ee Second Interim Master, High Court, Salisbury — 8.8.80 14 days. 6640£

. . Liquidation and . ,© ‘ ; . _| Distribution Account


NOTICES OF TRUSTEES AND ASSIGNEES (pursuant to the Insolvency Act)

Tue liquidation accounts and plans of distribution and/or contribution in the assigned or sequestrated estates mentioned below having been confirmed on

the date mentioned,notice is:‘hereby given that a dividend is in course of payment and/or contribution is in course of‘collection in the said estates, and that everycreditor liable to contribute is required to pay forthwith to the trustee or assignee, at the address mentioned, the amount for which heis liable. e

Jxisolyency Rejulations—Form 81952)or 13 (1974)

. Date Whethera dividend

Number . ' when is being paid ora Nameoftrustee : .of estate Name and description of estate account contribution is being |. or assignee Full addressoftrustee or assignee

confirmed collected, or both

° } . $ -

i -

9 [320 I Donald Victor Griffiths, trading as 28.7.80 No dividend ° N. K. Peake P.O. Box 925, Salisbury. 6533f

; Twin River Inn being paid a a -

9/481 Late C. G.C. Byerley. . . . - 28.7,80 Dividend being paid M. H.Field - P.O. Box 702, Salisbury.- 6559£

N. se . .


COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (section 192, 221 or 225 of the Companies Act-[Chapter 190})

Notice is hereby given that the persons mentioned below have been appointed liquidators of the companies shown as‘having been placéd in ligitidation, iin‘the

mannerstated, that their addresses are as set forthand that persons indebted to the companies are required to pay their debts at the said addresses within 30 days

from the date of publication of this notice. 7. Companies Act, Liquidation—Form 5

. Mode of Name of ..Number . Name of company liquidation liquidator . _ Full address ofliquidator '

18480 Chiredzi Farm Supplies (Pvt.) Ltd... . . . . 4. Compulsory M.Fraser P.O. Box 925, Salisbury. . ' 6560f |

-, + ZIMBABWEAN Government Gazerre, Sr August, 1980 -


(pursuant to subsection () of section 193, subséction (4) of section 194, section 195 or subsection (1) of section 236of the Companies Act [Chapter 190)Notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors and/or contributories will be® held fin‘the liquidations mentioned below on the dates and at the times and

vlnoes for the purposes set forth. .



Companies Act, Liquidztion—-Form 7

Whether meeting - ,

' ; , ofcreditors Day, date and hour of meeting . ‘ 4Number Name of company and/or - Place of meeting Purpose of meeting,

. . : . - contributories Day Date Hour Looe

B19 {79 Josephine Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd. Creditors Wed. 20.8.80 | 9.15 a.m. High Court, Bulawayo Farther‘proof of claims, .: ‘ . / LO . . ‘ 6614F

46/79 Shaft (Pvt.) Lid. . Creditors and/or Wed. 27.8.80 8.33 a.m. High Court, Salisbury |. Proof of further claims, —

; o contributories . + 6633£4/80 Jackpot Furnishers (Pvt.) Ltd. . Creditors and/or . Wed. 27.8.80 |.8.30 a.m. High Court, Salisbury Proof of further claims.

° : contributories , ‘ 6634f

‘COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (pursuantto section 254 of the Companies Act {Chapter 190})

’ Notice is hereby given that the liquidation accounts and plans of distribution in the liquidations mentioned below will lie open at‘the offices mentioned for a

period of 14 days, or such ‘longer period as is stated, from the date mentioned offrom the date of‘publication hereof, whichever may be later, fot inspection by ,

COMPANY“LIQUIDATION NOTICES: (pursuantto section 257 of the Companies Act [Chapter 190]

creditors. Companies Act, Liquidation—Form 9

ot ‘ Date from , Period forNumber _ Nameof‘company Description Office at which account which account which account “4

of account © will lie open will lie open will lié open

B15 {78 Hermax Holdings @vt.) Lid... . ThirdInterim ’ Assistant Master, High Court, 8.8.80 14 days. 6589f —, cot . Liquidation Account, | Bulawayo ;

Encumbered Asset ae_Account No: 2, :

‘| ‘ Encumbered Asset

ab Account No.3, andLo Distribution Account .

3/62 A. G. Hendrie & Co. Pvt.) Ltd... . Third Supplementary} Master, High Court, Salisbury, 8.8.80 14days. 6590f,

ae . : Liquidation and and Assistant Master, High Court, . .‘ : ' Distribution Account Bulawayo oe ‘ ,

B.47 {77 Ronbern Furnishers (Pvt.) Ltd. - Third Interim | Assistant Master, High Court, 8.8.80 | ‘14 days. 6613f

: oy ° Liquidation and Bulawayo

: Distribution Account / ,

‘57/77 | ‘Alpha Terrazzo (Pvt. Ltd. . First Supplementary Master, High Court, Salisbury! 8.8.80 -. 14 days. - 6635£

Jf. . , , Liquidation and : .Distribution Account

. 4/80 |, Jackpot Furnishers (Pvt.) Ltd. . First Interim Master, High Court, Salisbury 8.8.802 14days. 6636f

: : : ‘ 5 Liquidation and , - . ,: ‘ : , : Distribution Account .44/77 Alpha Brick & Tile (Pvt.) Ltd. . Fifth Interim Master, High Court, Salisbury 8.8.80 14 days. 6637£

o { Liquidation and |3 | Distribution Account |. , :

50/79 Bradwood Engineering (Pvt.) Ltd. vt First Interim Master, High Court, Salisbury 8.8.80 14 days. 6638f .: Liquidation and , :

. ‘ . Distribution Account . , . .

31/79 E& F Greens (Gwelo) Co. (Pvt.) Ltd. Second Interim Master, High Court, Salisbury 8.8.80. 14days. 6639f

Dee Liquidation and. - : . . ,

Distribution Account -


, Tuxliquidation accounts and plans ofdistribution ad/or contribution in thetiquidations mentioned below having been confirmed on the dates as stated, notice

‘is hereby given that a dividend is in course of payment and/or a contribution is in course of collectioniia the said liquidations, and that every creditorliable to.

Compantes Act, Liquidation—Form 10

contribute is required to pay forthwith to the liquidator, at the address mentioned, the amount for which heis liable.

Whethera dividend ‘

, Date when is being paid,.a f

Number\ Name of company _ account contribution is being Nameofliquidator - Full address ofliquidator ©

. - "| confirmed ‘collected, or both | ‘


8.23/79 .| Bulrho Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd. Gn 4.7.80 Dividend being paid Michael Lawrey Perry C/o Coghlan & Welsh, 6549f", members’ voluntary liquidation) _ : Barclays Bank Building,

on, . . Eighth Avenue, Bulawayo.

29/79 Continental Ceramics (Pvt) Ltd. ..| 23.7.80 Dividend being paid R. G. Atmore 6609E- P.O. Box 3024, Salisbury. .



extensiorrof time, as specified. within which to lo


Noticeis hereby given that, 14 days after the date hereof,it is the intention ofthe liquidators ofthe companies mentio:COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (pursuant tosubsection (1) of section 253 of the Companies Act [Chapter 1901) ,

ned below to apply to theMaster for an

Companies Act, Liquidation-—Form 11

dge a liquidation accountand plan of distribution and/or contribution.

. ’ :: : f .. |


Date of : “Period.

Number. Name of company Nameofliquidator . liquidator’s Date when of extension —

.. appointment .account due required

2277 Darwin Supply Stores (M.C.M.) (Pvt.) Ltd. R. G. Atmore 17.3.77 30.7.80 6 months.tof

s ~




Bessa Construction (Pvt.) Ltd. R. G. Atmore 8.6.77 29.7.80 6 months.if

63 {78 Kirkman & Sons Pvt.) Lid. . 2. 1. 1. ee ee R. G. Atmore 9.8.78 29.7.80 6 months.te

COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (pursuant to subsection qd)

Notice is hereby given thatall the assets of the companies mentioned below have been realized, a fin

where applicable, the rights 6f contributories have been adjusted among

the intention of the liquidator toapply to the Master of the High Court

this notice. In considering such application, the Master, who may either grant or withhold the release,

by any creditor, contributory or other person interested.

themselves, and a final return (if

for his release after not less than three weeks have

ofsection 198 ofthe Companies Act [Chapter 190)

will take into consideration any objection

al dividend (if any) has been distributed to creditors, and,

any) has been made to contributories. Accordingly,it is

elapsed from the date of publication of -lodgedwith him ~

Companies Act, Liquidation—Form 12

: Date of . ‘ Loe ;

Number Name of company . Date of confirmation of Name and address ofliquidator .

liquidation final account . :

72472 Belingwe Mining Investments (Pvt.) Ltd.. 13.10.72 - 16.8.79 R. E. Gray, P.O. Box 1180, Bulawayo. | 6561£

B.4/78 Matextile (Pvt) Ltd. . 1. . 1. 10.2.78 | r 30.7.79 R. E. Gray, P.O. Box 1180, Bulawayo. 6562f

B.2]78 Natson (Rhod.) (Pvt.) Ltd.. oe ee 3.2.78 © 20.11.79 R. E. Gray, P.O. Box 1180, Bulawayo. 6563£

B.12{/77 Rubin Buildings Pvt.) Lid. .° . . . tl 13.5.77. 4.9.79 R. E. Gray, P.O. Box 1180, Bulawayo. 6564£

B.23 {77 Shaw Trading (Pvit.) Ltd. . . - - 2 + 24.6.77 - 20.9.79 R. B. Gray, P.O. Box 1180, Bulawayo. 6565£

. ..

- —~


No. ‘. oC General Notices Page No. General Notices a Page

686. Reserve Bank-“of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 173]: Statement of 713.. Liquor Act [Chapter 289]: Liquor Licensing Board: Interim .

Assets and Liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe .. 731 _ Meeting: Belingwe District — ee conn — = 738

687. Medical, Dental and Allied Professions Act. [Chapter 224): 714. Liquor Act [Chapter 289]: Liquor Licensing -Board: Interim

Medical, Dental and Allied Professions Council: Establishment . Meeting: Gwelo District wn meee — 738

of _Registers of Dental Therapists and Traumatology Medical : 715. Government Tender Board: Tenders Invited 0 — 7138

Assistants eee me ~~ T_| 716. GovernmentTender Board: Tenders Authorized for Acceptance, 739

688. €ensorship and Entertainments Control Act [Chapter 78]: Dec- 717, Departmental Appointments: Division of District Administration 739

laration of Undesirable Publications so —~ 731 718. Road Motor Transportation Act [Chapter 262}: Applications

689. Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165]: Exclusive Prospecting jn Connexion with Road Service Permits — cnere a 740

Order 567: Salisbury Mining District — — ~— ww. 731 719. Insurance Act {Chapter 196]: Lost or Destroyed Life Policies



690. Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165]: Exclusive Prospecting ; 720. Parliament of Zimbabwe: Publication.of Bills. — —- 745

cot Order 568: Saisbury MiningDistrict — _ P wo ae 732 : . :

. e : .Mines ot eye RetIC apter.1651 Exclusive 70SPeching T32 Statutory Instruments Issued as Supplements to this Gazette

692. Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165}: Exclusive Prospecting , oo. .

Order 565: Salisbury and Gwelo Mining Districts — — 732 457. Karoi Rural Council (Registration of Premises) By-laws, 1980.

693. Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165]: Exclusive Prospecting 458. Income Tax (Parliamentary Allowances and Benefits) (Exemption

Order 564: Salisbury and Gwelo Mining Districts —. 733 From Income Tax) Notice, 1980. , :

694. Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165]: Exclusive Prospecting 459, Customs and Excise (Tariff) (Amendment) Notice, 1980 (No. 5). -

Order 569: Gwelo Mining District .... — — wan «7233 460. Customs and Excise (Suspension) (Amendment) Regulations, 1980 ~

695, Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165}: Exclusive Prospecting (No. 29). _: a . a

$ Osder 570: Gwelo Mining District — wns wees snes wa. 1734 461. Meat and Fish Processing Industry Employment Regulations, 1980.

696. Apprenticeship Trdining and Skilled Manpower Development - 462. Customs and Excise (General) (Amendment) Regulations, 1980 (No. 2).

Act {Chapter 266]: Preliminary Notice; Mechanical Engineering 463. Legal Assistance and Representation (High Court) (Amendment)

Industry: Amendment of Conditions of Apprenticeship— 734 Rules, 1980 (No. 1D. : :

697. Apprenticeship Training and Skilled Manpower Development 464. Dissolution of Chikwiza, Mkota-Goronga, Ngarwe and. Nyakuchena-

Act [Chapter 266]: Preliminary Notice: Amendment of Pres- Nechombo- Councils: Establishment of Mudzr Council. : :

cription of Occupation and Designation of Trade and Pres- 465. Dissolution of Mtoko, Chimoyo and Charewa Councils: Establishment

cription of Conditions of Apprenticeship: Hairdressing Trade 735 of Mtoko (1980) Council. :

698. Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165]: Extension of Exclusive 466. Undertaking of the Grain Marketing Board Employment (Amendment)

* Prospecting Order 446: Salisbury, Bulawayo and Gwelo Mining . Regulations, 1980 (No. 5). - : .

Districts — — — sooo anne — — we eee


TBS 467.-Salisbury Municipal Electrie y Supply (Amendment) By-laws,: 1986

699. Rural Land Act [Chapter 155]: Notice of Intention to Cancel (No. 11). : . a :

Deeds of Transfer and Deed of Grant — — — 735 468. Medical, Dental and Allied Professions (Registration) (Amendment)

700. Electoral Act, 1979: Registration of Voters: White Roll; Notice Regulations, 1980 (No»3). . alt

of Objection on Grounds of Death — m2 mee amen we 735 469. Medical, Dental and Allied: Professions (Examinations) (Amendment)

701. Roads Act [Chapter 263]: Closure of Portion ol Stoke Road: _. Regulations, 1980 (No. 4).

City of Gwelo . ~ anne weet ee 7386 470. Medical, Dental and Allied Professions (Annual Fees) (Amendment)

702. Customs and Excise Act [Chapter 177]: Bonded: Warehouse © Regulations, 1980 GN>. 1b. :

Notice 7 of1980-788 471. Medical, Dental and Allied Professions (Primary Qualifications)

-703. Customs and Excise Act [Chapter 177}; Appointment of (Amendment) Regulations, 1980 (No. 3). / a :

. Acting Deputy Controller of Customs and Excise” .. . 736 472. Medical, Dental snd Allied Professions (Specialists Register) (Amend-

704. Customs and Excise Act [Chapter 177|: Appointment of Acting ment) Rules, 1980 (No. 2). : .

Controller of Customs and Excise — _—_ _ _ 736 473. Proclamation 17 of 1980; Rural Councils Act [Chapter 211}. :

705. Censorship and Entertainments Control Act [Chapter 78): 474. Tariff of Vehicle Licence and Other Fees (Macheke Rural Council).

Revocation of Previous Decisions of Board ~- wwe wee 186 Notice, 1980. ~~

106. Estate Agents Act [Chapter 220]: Appointment of Member 475. Asbestos-cement Products Industry (Amendment) Regulations, 1980

of Councilmee ee eee TT (No. 4): Correction of Errors. _ Oe

407. Armorial Bearings, Names, Uniforms and Badges Act _| 476. Brickmaking and’ Clay Products Industry Employment (Amendment)

{Chapter . 21: Rezistration_of fhe Armorial Bearings of 477 Regulations, peo (No ‘Am : ; 3

manetsi-Beitbridge Rura OCH ne eee meme ST . Ferro-allo fw mployment | endment} i 1

708. Armorial Bearings,|Names, Uniforms “and” Badia Act are, ep ¥ ae ; ployment (Amendment) Regulations, 1980pter t- egt tion 0: ie Armori earings of . Dry-cleaning an aundry Indus Employment (Amendm Ye

. Gilbert Miles Myers, Esquire =) =~ 787 lations; 1980 (No. 8)... try Employment (Amendment) Regu-

709. Liauor Act [Chapter 289}: Liquor Licensing Board: Interim . 479. Hollow-ware Glass and. Glassware Manufacturing Industry Employ-

Meeting: Charter District me meee OT ment (Améndment) Regulations, 1980 (No, 3). os

710. Haw Act [Chapter<li Liquor Licensing Board: Interim 27 480. Motor Industry Employment (Amendment) Regulations, 1980 (No. 21).

eeting: tooma Distri ome a we — — — . Motor-vehicle anufacturing Industry.. Employment. endment

711. Licuor Ast (Chapteree Liquor Licensing Board; Interim 737 482 Regulations.1980 Ro: 2). . try. ployment (Am me »

éeting: e e District __ ~~ wwe — ~— ~— (82. Minimum ages ecification of Mini: ,

712. Liquor Act [Chanter 289]: Liquor Licensing Board: Interim Notice, 1980 (No. 3). cal sau Wages) (Amendment)

Meeting: Umtali District ~— ~— eee = 738*!* 483. Defence Force (Discipline) (Amendment) Regulations, 1980 (No. 2).

Printed by the Government Printer,Salisbury.

i. .
