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THE KENYA - Gazettes.Africa

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. 'y. # . , . k . , > . . 1 / . t < > * '& > . - ) ( - 4 , qk s s > a a e . e e THE KENYA JJ ' Published by Authority of the Republic ol Kenya . . . (Registered as a Newspaper atthe G.P.O.) . . : Vol.LXXIX-NO.17 NAIROBI,22nd Aprih 1977 PriceSh.3 CONTENTS GAZE'I'TE NOTICES Gm 'r're Nonces--tconfd.l PàOB The Egerton AgriculturalCollege Act- Appointmentof Members of the Governing Body . . . . . . .. . 416 The Imnd Acquisition Act-Appointment 416 'l'ho Cotmty Council ofKilif-Fees and Charges .. .416-418 ,w- - .v -..--- Tlw Town Council ofM achakos-Feesand Charges . . ,418-419 The Prisons Act- cancellation and Appointment of Visiting Justices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .419-420 Tho Advocates (Admission) Regtzlations-Notice 420 The Timber Act- Authorized Graders 420 Pqnu Patents ..' .44$...44 . 7 Probate and Administration . . . , .. . ..447-448 . . Bankruptcy Jurisdiction .. . '' . .. ., . 448. -449 TheCompapiesAct-Dissolution, etc. 449 The SocietiesRulep-chapge ofNAple,etç . ... 4491450 Frhe Co-operative Societies Act-Admissiov of Claims et Loss of Policits 450 Tenders . . . . . . ... 451452 Business Transfers . . . ... . . .... 452 Dissolution of P' artnership and Chango of Partitulars , . 453 Change of Names .. . . .. . .. , .. .. . ... 453 The Rtgistration of Titles Act- lssut of Provisionzt Certécate SUPPLEM EM Nm 21 Bills,1977 (Publislled asa Spedallssue on 19th April,1977) Vacancies . . . . . . . . .420-422 The GovernmentOccupationalTests Nos.I and 11 for Telephone Operators- lg77-Notice .. .422-423 ln the High Cpurt of Kenya at- Eldoret--cause List . . .423-424 Kismnu- cause List . . .424-425 The Land Acquisition Act- Notice of- W ithdrawal . . . . . , 425 lntention 425 lnquiry .. , 425 The Registered Land Act- lssue of New Certtficates . . . 427 The Animal Diseases Act- scheduled Areas .. .427-428 The Transport Lioensing Act- Applications . . . .. ,429-433 The Agriculture (Crop Production)Rules-Declaration ofEarliestand LatestPlanting Dates,1977 433 Loss of Road Transport Requisition,etc. 434 The Industrial Court-Awards . . . 434-438 The Agricultural Finance Corporation Act- Auction Notico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .438-440 E.A.Customs and Excise Department-Licences Issued 440-441 Trade M arks . . .442-445 LEGAL NoTIcE No. PAGE 86-'iXe Local Manuf:ctures Wxpvrt Commnsa- tion)(Atiwntlmtnt of Schedule)Order, 1977 87-T% Architects and QuantitySurveyors(Amend- ment)By-laws?1977 . . . , . . , . . s , . 129 SUPPLEM EM No.22 Bills,1977 :UPPI:EMENT No.23 Legîslattve Supplement (415

. 'y. # ., . k. , >. . 1/

. t< >

* '&> . -

)( - 4

, qks s > a a e. e e

TH E KEN Y AJJ 'Published by Authority of the Republic ol Kenya . . .

(Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) . . :

Vol. LXXIX-NO. 17 NAIROBI, 22nd Aprih 1977 Price Sh. 3


GAZE'I'TE NOTICES Gm 'r're Nonces--tconfd.l


The Egerton Agricultural College Act- Appointment ofMembers of the Governing Body . . . . . . .. . 416

The Imnd Acquisition Act-Appointment 416

'l'ho Cotmty Council of Kilif-Fees and Charges .. . 416-418

,w- - .v -..--- Tlw Town Council of M achakos-Fees and Charges . . , 418-419

The Prisons Act- cancellation and Appointment ofVisiting Justices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419-420

Tho Advocates (Admission) Regtzlations-Notice 420The Timber Act- Authorized Graders 420


Patents ..'. 44$...44. 7

Probate and Administration . . . , .. . .. 447-448 . .Bankruptcy Jurisdiction . . .

' ' . .. . , . 448. -449

The Compapies Act-Dissolution, etc. 449

The Societies Rulep-chapge of NAple, etç. ... 4491450Frhe Co-operative Societies Act-Admissiov of Claims et

Loss of Policits 450

Tenders . . . . . . . . . 451452Business Transfers . . . ... . . . .. . 452Dissolution of P'artnership and Chango of Partitulars , .45 3Change of Names . . . . . . . . . , .. . . . . .. 453The Rtgistration of Titles Act- lssut of ProvisionztCertécate

SUPPLEM EM Nm 21Bills, 1977

(Publislled as a Spedal lssue on 19th April, 1977)

Vacancies . . . . . . . . . 420-422

The Government Occupational Tests Nos. I and 11 forTelephone Operators- lg77-Notice .. . 422-423

ln the High Cpurt of Kenya at-Eldoret--cause List . . . 423-424

Kismnu- cause List . . . 424-425

The Land Acquisition Act- Notice of-W ithdrawal . . . . . , 425lntention 425

lnquiry .. , 425

The Registered Land Act- lssue of New Certtficates . . . 427

The Animal Diseases Act- scheduled Areas .. . 427-428

The Transport Lioensing Act- Applications . . . .. , 429-433

The Agriculture (Crop Production) Rules-Declarationof Earliest and Latest Planting Dates, 1977 433

Loss of Road Transport Requisition, etc. 434

The Industrial Court-Awards . . . 434-438The Agricultural Finance Corporation Act- AuctionNotico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438-440

E.A. Customs and Excise Department-Licences Issued 440-441

Trade M arks . . . 442-445


86-'iXe Local Manuf:ctures Wxpvrt Commnsa-tion) (Atiwntlmtnt of Schedule) Order, 1977

87-T% Architects and Quantity Surveyors (Amend-ment) By-laws? 1977 . . . , . . , . . s , . 129

SUPPLEM EM No. 22Bills, 1977


Legîslattve Supplement


416 THE KENYA GAZEU E 22nd April, 197-/


I:q flazette lfotice pko. 638 of 11th A4arch, 1977, éage 241J THE COUNTY COUNCIL OF KILIFIamend the date of meeting to read 4th M ay, 1977, instead kn .2nd May, 1977. THE .LQCAL GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS, 1963

(L.N. 256 oj 1963)1-.N Gazette Notice No. 600 dattd 4th M arch, 1977-.- F'sss Axo CHARGBS, uxosR RsclutvAwox 148 oF THB LOCAL

522 and Kihara for Ruaka. . GOVERNMBNT REGULATIONS, 1963Substitute 222 forNOTICE is hereby given for the information of gôneral

. publio thay in tho exercise of the powers conferred underregulatioq .148 of the Local Government Regulations, 1963, thoCotm ty Council of Kilis, by a resolution of the Council meeting

GAZE'I'I'S NcyrlcE No. 1002 held on 27th January, 1977, with tho consent of the Ministerfor Local Government, imposed the fees and charges as listedherebelow with effect from 1st January, 1977 :-THE 'EQBIITO. N WGRICULTURAL COLLEGB ACT

/ l ' '.', ?. . (Cap. 214/ - '.( . f . L .

Apkoj#lï8s?Y- oF MEMBERS oiz Tr4.E Govimxrxg . 'BoovIN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 6 of the

Egerton Agricultural Cellcge Act, the M ilzistar for Agriculttarelwreby :-(aj under section 2 (2) reappoints-

. Kyale Mwendwas. to br G airman of the Governing Body, with effeet flqom'' 231-d December, 19769(bj under section 5 (c) reappoits-

M iss Pamela Scott,M rs. Dorcas Luseno,

to be members of the Govarning Body, with effect from23rd December, 1976;

(.X under section 5 (b) reappoints-' Simon Nyachae,Hon.. Wafula W abuge , M.P.,Bnoch Japhet M 'Rabu,

' zosepltat Mburu W anyoike,to be membcrs of the Goyerning Body, with esect from23rd December, 19769

' ii ker 'sectiôn 5 (c) app' oints-(* uProfyssor C. N. Karue,Prpfessor R. S. Musangi,G. M uchiri,

... . -f7 q w '

t; be mombors of the Governing àody, witi esect from1st April, 1977.

tketted thls Kth dày of April, 1977.

J. J. M. NYAGAH,Mînîfter mr Agriculture.

GAZBT'I'E No'ncE No. 1003

SCHEDULE 917 FEES AND CAMRCES' AhnualLicenceFees<%h.


IT TS hereby notilied for general information 'that in exercisef 'the po.wers oonferred by section 4 (1) of the Ldand Adjudica-otion Act, the Minister for Lands Sçttlement has appointed (hepersons named in the first column of 'the Schedule hfyreto to beAdjudication Oëcers for any adjudication areas within the dis-tricts shown in relatiqm thereto in the second column of thatSchedule with effect from the datès r'espectively specified in thethird colllmn of that Schedule.


Nàme ' Dîstrict Date

John Mwangi Gaitairio Veru . 20-9-76Patrick K. Mutiso Embu ' 21-9-76

Dated this 14th day of April, 1977.

J. H. ANGAINE,Minîster /or Lands and Settlement.

Traders Occupation or Business Licences :Dealers in second-hand goods inclpdingsaeks, bones and tins . . . . . . 300 '

Dealers in second-hand clothes not in 'Council's Open Mprkets 300

Baker. , . 200Butcher . . 200Fish-monger . . . . . . 150Vegetables and fruit dealer 60Hair Dresser . . . . 75Dairies engaged in retail trade . . 100Hawkers in Milk (in small quantity) 60

Distributors and W holesalers of-(a) Beer per vehicle . . . ' . . 500@) Soft Drinks per vehicle . . 300(c) Bread and confectionery products per

vehicle . . . . . . . . ' 500(#) Cigarettes per vehicle 500(e) Milk per vehicle . . . . . . . . 200

Paramn Travelling W holesalers per vehicle . . 500W holesaler within the District 500Tobacco stockist (c) Wholesaler . . 200

(bj Retail Trader 60Hotels and Inas . . . . . . 600Tea Sh8p, eating house, Restaurant 150Eating Bandas, tea bandas, tea kiosk 60Lodging houses (J) with 1-9 rooms . . 300

(bj with 10 and over rooms , 500Cafe, Snack bar . . . ' 100Place of public amusement 150Factories and Major Industries . . . . 1000Other Small Factories, Industries and Saw

Mills . . . . 500Milling, Grinding per mill 100Dry Cleaners . . 100W orkshops or Carpenters- without maclrines 150Petrol Stations without servicing facilities . . 400Petrol Stations' with servicing facilities 500Retail Traders- shops . . 100Footwear Shops 15OBata Shops . . . . . . . . . . . 200Dealer in second-hand clothes in Council'sOpen Markets . . . . . . . . 100

Bicycle Repairs . . 100Charcoal dealer- W holesaler 200Charcoal traders (Retail) 100Charcoal Burner 60Hides and Skins Bandas 200Hides and Skins- Trader 200Slaughterman . . . . 100Sale of Ice Cream- Motor vehicle . . 300Sale of Ice Cream (Retail) 60Stock Trader 300Shoe Maker 200Shoe Repair 100


. Sh.Market Plots Allocatfon form (Trust Land) 30Quarrles oî (v) Ballasls and boulders , . 1 ,000

(bj Coral blocks 500Sand Quarries . . . . . . 300Firewood saler-lorry operators 100Firewood salers (Retail) 60Dhobi . . . . , . . . 100Building Contractors (a) Small firms . . 60O

(1) I-arge Jirzns . , J , g*0W atch Repair . , 100Radio Repair . . . . . . . . 100Sand dealer per lorry . . . . 100Pence posts transporters . . . , . . 3(%Ilorïti, Nguzo, Pau and Fito transporters . . 300F'encc posts stockist for sale . . . . 300Boritf, Nguzo, Pau and Fito stockist for sale 300'Joinery . . . . . . . . . . 300Hawker in clothes . . . . . . 500Scrap Dealers . . . . 400Books, Stationery . . 250Soft Drinks dealer . . 100Dogs Licence . . . . . . . . 2Bicycle Road Licence . . . . 7/50Hardwares (J) Cement agents , . . . 150

(b) Other buildin: materialsapart from boritl, pau, nguzoand ftto . . . . . . 150

Petty Traders (Kiosks) . . . . . . 100Tailor (without shop) . . . . . . . . 60Tailor Shops . . . . . . 200Black Smith . . . . . . . . . . 100Potlltry Keeper (with more than 1,000 hens) . . 500Brickyard, Blockyard . . . . . . 200Dog Dealer . . . . . . . . 60Dealer in Afriean Medicine 60Bgg and Poultry Buyer . . 60Travelling Musicians 100W ater Mill . . ' . . . . . . 100W holesaler of shells and live coral . . 500Dealer in shells and live coral . . 60Hawker in shells and live qoral . . 60Hand Cartjwith two or more wheels 40Makuti Stockists . . . . . . 60Private Market (owned by individual) 300Dry fish (papa, nguru, etc.) . . . . 60Fried Fish . . . . . . 60Garage- vehicle repairs . . 300W holesaler in open markets : . . . . . 150'

jTo buy and Process Golonje and Kitozi . . 1 0Beer Subwdgent . . . . . . . . . 300Manufacture of wood and wocd produds . . 70ûMeat Transporters perivehicle 20U 'Rental Hostels . . 500Bar and Restaurant . . . . 250Members Club in the District 7,$Salt W orks/Manufacturers . . 500W orkshops with machfnes . . 200Bar Only . . . . 200Cantepp , . . . 75011- Licence Premises . . 100Land Estate Agent . . . . 500Advertising Publicity Agent 150W ines and Spirits Agent . . . . 400Public Auctfoneer . . .' . . . 5*Hire Purchase Shop . . . . . . 500W elding and Panel Beaters . . . . 100Night Club . . . . . . . . 200Dealer in records, Radios' (Shop) ' . . . . 200

Juke Box (per installation) 200Signwriters 100Furniture Shop . . . . . . . . . 300Hawkers in lNjugu-ltaranga, . 'Cashewntlts,M adafu' . . . . 75

Wood Carving 100Slaughter house . . 100Meat roastir)g (Mishakfki) 60Bus operators -each bus . . 100 '.''Business Taxi operators including matatus . ''q:each vehicle . . 50 .Photograph Studio 150Water Kïosk . . . . . . 20Timber Millers without macàines 50Snake Trader . . 300Traditional Liquor Transports-per vehicle . . 150Persons demanding Council minutes per year 60Newspapers Kiosk, Book vender '' ' . . ' 30Travelling Agents . . . . 200Tour Operators (Agents) 200Boat Operators (for business) 300Tented Camp eperators- per camp 300Court Brokers . . ' . . 500E.A. Power and Lighting Posts in Trust Land -/25 per post.Olher Charges (Not Annual)Dried tish (kamongo, etc.) 4 per bundly.. .F'resh fish . . . . . . . lonper metricctojkM arket Plots Allocation form 30

200100 per''hùuse.5:405505060

Fees for tracing plans or mapsClearance CertificateApplication form fo/ Trade and M arket StallPlot Subdivision feesPegging fees for Plots : (aj Resfdential

@j BussnessCounty Council ButcheriesMaraialcani Produce Market (J) Stall fess ,(b4 Tea klost

eachCounty Council Open Air Market


jt jj59 peç a .90 per month.

2O0 per. montli..(a4 1 per. stall per day.(b) . 1 per stallr/vr. la/' ,. .. (eatin'g banda ls ''(c) aISQ pqr day. thobl. . . .jstjout.stalls . ' .. . *.

Nursery School fees 15 , per claild pqrttrm. .

Hire of County Council Hall Private Parties 20 per 'meetihg.Fish Shop 10Q per month. 'County Council metre installationSlaughter fees (a) Cpttle

(î9 P1g(c) Sheep(f0 Goat

Dustbin fees

Dance permit in TownsDance permit in Towns

2010 pez head.10 per head.3 per lwad.3 per. head.4 pér. houge permpnth. '

loperdanceperday.7'.1: er dance jrrPd*


Plot Transtkr feesSale of building plan

SCHEDULE B ' ' . . '. . , Ràtqs .j977

i%h.' ' ''Removal of murrain. . . 2 pef metric tpn.Removal of Sand . . 3 per mytrk ton.Removal of Clay . . . . 2 per inetric ton.Removal of Hay -/50 jer mdriyrton.Removal of Grass . . -15Q per headtload.of

' ' 2$ kg- '.' '' .''Removal of Stone Dust 3 pe/ mktric' ton.Removal of ballast . . 4' .per.lpetric ton.Removal of boulders . . 4 per metlk. ton.Removal of quarry waste 2 per mdric ton.Removai of Lime Stone . . . . . . 3 per metric tùn. .

Tl4E KENYA GAZETR E 22nd April, 1977



A .B 1 otker macesSh. 200/- per annum Sh. 150/- per annum Sh. 100/- per annumKili; ' M apimoMariakani GanzeKaloleni RabaiBamba BataniMazeras Majengo OthersTakaungp VitengeniM ambrul KakoneniVipingo MarafaMtwapa Sokoni

SCHEDVLB DCLAssllqczm ox or Cotmclt.s M ARKETS FoR THn Ptmeosll or IldPosrNG


y1 B C D

Sh. 192/- per Sh. 144/- per Sh. 721- per Sh. 48/- perannum annum . annum annum

M ariakani Bamba ' KafuloniKaloleni Ganze Garashi

Vitengeni JarihuniKakoneni Tsangatsini OthersMarafa DzitsoniKokotoni M wamtsilnga IBatani (Kwa Kijala)Rabm

:#' 'Ordor of Kili: County Czouncil.S. J. M ULEW A,Clerk to the C'tplz/ici/.


Licence Fee

ffernFees or Charges

OId Ttlwn Other AreasSh. Sh.


9. Bata Shoe Agents . .10. Bata Shoe Stockists11. Bicycle Licence12. Bicycle Repairs

(aj lnside Premises 75(b) Outside Premises 30

13. Books and Stationery Dealers . . 10014. Brewery Depot . . 1,00015. Butchers Licence 1 5016. Carts Licence . . 10

. 17. Charcoal Burners and Dealers , . . . 7518. Civil, Building, Electrical and Engineering

Contractors . . . , ' . . . . 50019. Concrete Blocks Makers 7520. Dairy Producers and Dealers 10021. Dhobi . . 5022 Dogs Licensing-'

(J) On issue of a dog llcence 10(b) On issue of a dog badge 5(c) On issue of a kluplicate licenco . . 4(#) On an application to release a dog

from pound . . , . . . . . 15(c) On issue of a duplioate badge 4

23. Di'y Cléaners 20024. Eating Houses 7525. Factories, Processers and Producers 50026. Fuel Pumps 30027. Furniture Dealers . . 300







16075400240240R. S. M ATANO,

Mînîster Ior Zcetzl Government.

(GAZb)'I-I'B NOTICE No. 1005


' '

(L.N. 256 oj 1963)FsES Axo CHAGES UNDBR REGULATION 148 oir 'rl.m LocAl-

. . GOVERNMENT RllGULATIONS, 1963NOTICE is hereby given for information o'f General Public

that ln ihe qxercise of the powers eonferred under regulation148 of the Local Government Regulations, 1963, the TownCouncil of Machakos has, under Minutc No. FSGP 4/77 t'f26th January,' 1977 with the approval of the M inister for LocalGovernment, imposed the following rates of licences, fees andchargej from 1st January, 1977.


Lkent< Fde Fees or ChargesJ'tem Ol# rtpw'a Other Areas

Sh . Sh .

28. Garages-(f8 Inside Premises 400(b) Outside Premises 100

29. General Retailers 7530. Hawkers-

(c) Retail Hawkers 400(bj Travelling Hawkers . . . . 400(c) Curving and Curios Pawkers 20

3 1. Herbalist Traders . . . . 7532. Hides and Skins Traders . . 15033. Hii-e of Council's Buildings

(aj Council's Chamber per day or partthereof . . . . . . . . ' 40

(b) Council's Nursary Schoèl Classroomsper day or any part thereof 40

(c) Council's Social Hall-(i) Night time for Ceremonies andBtlsiness . . . . . . . . 100

(ii) Night time fbr Dances . . . . 400(iii) Day time for Charities and

(Meetings . . . . . . . . 50(J) Counçil's Temporary Oflices occupied

by COTU per month . . . . 300(e4 Council's Stall built for M.P.J.S. 60

34. Juke Box Fees 1(J035. Kiosks . . . . . . . . 4536. White (Glass) Soil Dealers per lorry -37. Magic Performers 10038. Manure :

Sale of Council's Manure per lorry 5039. Miraa Traders . . 7540. Murram Contractors 40041. Newspaper Agents . . . . 7542. Night Clubs, Cinemas and Theatres . . 50043. Occasional Licence per day or part thereot- 1044. Parking Places, Omnibus Stations, Taxi-

cabs and Private Taxis-(a) Parking places, and Omnibus StationsLicence-

(i) For each Omnibus with caroringcapacity of over twenty passengers 350



1.. Advertising Devices-(aj An advertising Device not exceeding

41. sq. ft. . . . . . . . . 10 10(0 An Advertising Device exceeding 41.

sq. ft. . k- . . . . . . 20 20(c) A sign illuminated by electricity . . 40 40' (#) A Sales promotion vehicles using' a' loud speaker . . . . . . . . 350 . 3502. Aeratçd W ater M anufacturers . . . . 500 4003. Agenis and Stockists' and W holesalers 350 2804. Animal Bones Dealeis . . 20 20

. 5. Xuctioneer's Licence . . 1,000 1,0006. Bakers . . . . 250 2007. Barbers and Hair Dressers-(c) Iriside premises 75 60(â) In ùpen air 30 24

8 W r-(aj olr 150 120(:) on . . 300 . 240

(cj' àar and Lodging 400 320




(ii) Fpr eàch Omnibuj or Private Tjxiwlth carryïng capacity of 20and under but not less than 11passengers . . . . . .

. (iii) For each Omnibus or Private taxiwith cyrrying capacity of 10passengers and under . . . .

(bj. Taxi-càbs Licence- y(i) Taxi-cab licence issued before the1st day of July in any year . . 150 .

(ii) 'Taxi-cab licence issued after the30th day of June in any year . , 100 - '

(iii) Taxi-cab duplicate licence fees . . 10 -(iv) Taxi-cab licqnce transfer fees . . 20 -(y) Taxi-cab dnver's licence . . 10 -(y!) Taxi-cab licence plate . . . . 10 -(y!!) Taxi-cab driver's licence badge . . 5 - .(vI11) Taxi-cab first examination fee . . 10 -'

, (ix) Taxi-eab subsequent examinationfdes .. .. .. - 30 --

45. Petrol .service Stations . . 400 ' 32046. Photo Studios , . . . 200 16047. Picture Framers . . 75 6048. Plot Fees-

(a) Application Fees . . . . 100 80(bj Registration Fees . . . . 100 80(c) êrdntage width rent per foot - 2#) Conservancy- ' ' ' .(


i) Dust Bins fees pef year . . . . 120 120((ii) Bucket fees per latrine per year . . 360 360

. (iii) Cess Pit emptying per load or partthereof . . . . ' . . . . 100 100(e) Clearance Certifcate . , l00 80(f) Plot Consents-'

' ' (i) Application fees for extensions' mortgage or trarisfer or plots . . 100 100(ii) Extensions consent fees pçr

frontage foot in Council'sestablished M arkets . . . . - 10

. (iii) Transfer fees . . . . . . 200 160(#) Search fees . . . . ' 10 10(/1) Plans Approval Fees . . 50 50

49. Poll Rate . . . . . . 20 2050. Posh. o M illers . . 150 12051. Pou'nding Fees-


(iz) Votor Vehicle per day or part thereof 60(bj Any article or material per day or part

thereof . . . . . . . .(c) Horse, Donkey or Mule per day or

part thereof . . . . . . . .(#) Cattlo'per head pei day or part thereof(e4 Dog per day or part thereof . . . .(/) Sheep or Goat per day or part thereof

52.. Printing Press . . - . . . . , . 24053. Pubtic Cemetery-

(aj For the body of a deceased person . . 15(b) For the body of a deceased child . . 10(c) For the use of Council's bier . . 5 -

55. Radio Dealers and Rcpairers . . 200 l6056. Radio Repairers only 100 80 .57. Re'staurants . . . . . , . . 350 28058.. S. tock Buying, Selling, or bringing into or

removing from town for sale onslaughter-

(J) for each Goat or Sheep 1 1(b4 for each cattle . . . . . . 2 2(c) for each chicken or other bird -/50 -/50

59. Slaughter Fees-(c) for each catt.le . . . . 10 8(b) for each Goat or Sheep . . 2/50 2/50(c) for each chicken or other bird -/50 -/50

60. Sale of Council'saminutes per year . . 45 4561. . Sand Removal and Transport permit- . '

(J) Within the Town- ' '(i) Per trip per lorry . . , . . . . 20(ii) Per lorry per day . . . . . . 35(iii) Pçr lorry per rponth . . . . 300(iv) Per iorry per three months . . 700 '

. . ' ' ' '

Licence Fee ' Fees oê'chargesfleza Olh F/w?l Othêr Wrecz

Sh. Sh.(d8 Outside the Town-

(i) Per trip per lorry . . . .' ' - j5 '(ii) Per lorry per day . . . . 100(iii) Per lorry per month . . - 700(iv) Per lorry 'per three months . . 2,000

62. Scrap Dealers . . . . . . . . 200 16063. School

(t$ Driving Schools . . . . . . 400 320(b) Private and Commcrcial School . . 500 400(c) Private Nursery School's fees ' per

month . . . . . . . . 40 40(#) Council's Nursery School's fees per

month . . . . . . . . 2564 . Sewerage- . . , '

(f8 Sewer connection fees . . . . 100(b4 Sewer Rate per 1,000 gallons or part ' ' ' '

thereof . . . . . . , . ' 6/5065. Shoe Traders .

(c) Shoe Makers . . . . . . 150 . .(b) Shoe Shine Bo'ys . . .#.. ' . . 50 '(c) Shoe Dealers . . . . 400(#) Tyres Shoe Makers . . . . : . 20 .

66. Spare Parts Dealers . . . . . . 40067. Stafl- Housing: Ngei Estate p.m. . . 250

House No. 909/XXIl/1 . . 30068. Sugar Cane Crushèrs . ' . . '

. . . . 5069. Timber and Hardwares Dealers . . . . 40070. Travelling Wholesalers . . 50071. Tyre Dealers . . . , . .

(f8 New and Retreads . . '' . '. ' 200@) Retreads only . , 75

72. Tyre Repakers . . 7573. W atch Repairers . . 7574. W orkshops . . 30075. Stalls-

(J) O1d Market Stalls . .(b) New Market Stalls-

(i) Stall Type 2 (Nos. 54-81) . . 40(ii) Stall Type 3 (Nos. 28.=33 and 86s . '

89) . . . . . . ' . . 140(iii) Stall Type 5 (Nos; 46-53) . . J 10.(iv) Stall Type 6 (Nos. 1-15 and 34-

36) . . . . . . . . 75(v) .Sta1l Type 8A. (Nös. 37.-42) . . 80(vi) Stall Type 8B (N(?y . 1.f-.. 2.7 >p.d. .. . .. 4a

u.4sl . . ... . . j:j5(vïi) Stall Type 11M (Nos. 82-85 and

90-97) . . . . . . . . 90

By Order of Town Council of Machakos.

R. J. NZIO'KI,'. . l'own cleqk.

Approved this 1st day of April, 1977. .

R. 5. MATANO,Minister Ior Zoctzl Gosernment.

GAZETTE NorrlcE No. 1006(28/5/39/183)

THE PRISONS ACT .(Ca 90) '. .P.

CAxcstzLA'rloN ANo APPOINTMBNT oF VISITING JlqsTlcks 2. IN EXERCISE 'of the #owers conferred by sectiop '72 (1) o'fthe Prisons Act, fthe Permanent SecretaryY, Vice-presidezit'jOflice and Ministry of Home Afïairs hereby-(t$ cancels the appointmentt of-

Sheikh. Sha/iff Jawad.M ohamed ldiffley' and

420 TH R K ENYA GAZE 22nd April, 1977

..4!)) appoints- GAZETTE No'ncE No. 1010Haji Mahat Kungo,Shalle Suleiman Ahamed, PUBLIC SERVICE COMM ISSION OF KEN YA

as Visitihg Justiùes to Garissa ' #ridon 'in the Géfissa Djjtrict, VwcAxclssNorth-Eastem Province. Appu cArlqoxs are invited for tlle posts shown below


Completed apljication forms yhould reach tlze Secreuryt PublicDated this 7th day of April, 1977. servico commlssion of Kenya, P.O. Box 30095, Nairobl on orG

. s. K. BOIT, j) jore 5,,: May, 1977.ePermaneht secretary,

' Vicemresîdent's tp/lc'è and Civil servant applicants sllotlld complete Forms PSC. 2:. inMinistry ()/ Home .4#frlr,#. triplicate (submitting tlle original through their Heads of

. Departmenfs) and Cards PsC. 25 and 25A. Other applicants*L.N. 692/63. 'yG.&.. 1775/70. G.N. 8444/72. Sitould completo Forms PSC. 2 in triplicate and G rds PSC. 24

and 24a.n ese documents are obtainable either from the Secreury or

from other Government oëces.GAzsrrE Noerlcs No. 1007 Origlnnls of certifcates and Gmllnr documents should not be

submitted unless specécally asked for.THE ADVOCATES (ADMISSION) REGULATIONS xors

Wap. 16, Sub. Leg.j Incremental credits will be granted to successful candidatesPURSUANT to regulation 20 of thè Advocates (Admikssitm) who are not civil sezvants for approved previous oxqerience

Rogulations, it is lloreby notified that- provided tlle maxlmllm salal.y is not exceeded. They wlll alsoRUTH CHRISTINE MASIKA be eligible for benefits and privileges enjomd by civil servants

. . j ys jz o'j t)tl Ast as to in Kcordance with existing Government Regulatlons.has complied with tlle provisions of sect opupilage and the passing of examinations, subjcct to such ,exemptions as ma'y havo been jianted uader stibsection (2) of Vacancies in the O/lce oj the Dwfdfenf;that jection


Lecturqr (Administrative Assistant IDirector t# Studiesj (OneDated this 14th day of April, 1977 . Postj (Dfl/rfcl Development Centres at Embu and Matugaj

MONTGOVERY, W 0' 89/77)N. J.' Setretary, Salary scqle.-E 1,086 to :1,446 p.a. (Job Group ççH'').

Councll 0/ Legal Education. ' PERMANENT br AGREEMENT.Apqlicants should be graduates with wide experience in

admimstration. A diploma or higher qualilication on relevantdiscipline will be an additional advantage.

GAZB'I-I'E No'ncs 'No. 1008 W ork involves teaching, preparation and design of courses,' , seminars, workshops, and teac Mng aids f or tlle publio as well

THE TIMBBR AC.F as long professional oourses for extension stas. It also involves' teaching management as a subject as well as preparation ofqcap. 3*6) annual recurrent and development estimates, administration

IN EXERCISE of the powers Uonferred by section, 4 of the of the centre and public relations. 'I'he successful candidateTimlyer . Act,' tho Chief Cpnsoryator . of Forests hereby will also be deputy principal of one of the centres and will,

authorizes- therefore, have to asslst the principal in running the afairs ofK imki. nd the centre. 'Clement David a ar .

Philip Chttma W ambua M ulwa, y, postsj txo. 90/77). Lecturer (Business Education) ( woto be G'raders for th= purpose of tlté Aèt, for a Jyriod of

from ' 1st March, 1977. SGlary 'VtlJ/e--f 1,086 to f 1,446 p.a. (Job Group 4fH'').ond year, with effect. PENSIONABLE or AGIIEEM ENT.

Datèd tbis 12t.h daF of April, 1977 . Applicants must be graduates in Commerce and Aocountancy.' ' ' E Pergons with School Certilicate and at least Eve years' experience

0. M . MBURU, in the organization of business education at Distriot or Provin-. . Chîej Conservator ol' Forests'.' cial level will also be considered. A diploma or higher

. .''

. ' ' '

. '.: ' . C''-' qualilication or ' relevant discipline will be a.n additional '.. . .

. . . . . ' ' ' ' ' i . . advantage. Work involves teachlng, preparation and design of

. .

' ' . ' ' ' ' courses, seminars, workshops, and teachiflg aids for the public

:N s 'No 1009 ' ' .' ' as well as long profesjional coursçs for extension stafft InGAZBT.I'E o'rlc . .' .. . .. . addition to tho above duties, the successful candidates will be

HE TIMBEX AC'V resporlsible f or thr organization and co-ordination of courses'.r . - . ' in trade, industa and commodity marketing and nnancetccp

. 3:6) r. manage' ment especially for small scale business and industrialists...


' '. .. '

I#: BXERC lsB of 'tlte p'owers conferred 'by t'seztion 4 of the' Act tllo chief conservator of Forests àutqorizes- ' ' 's vacancîes in the Mivistry 0/ Fînance and Planning..Timber ,

Alfred Mwanyuma, .Supplies O/lcer Grade I (Four Postsj t'Pbrftp/z.ç Ministries)Harison Maranga Mutuaruhiu, . j - . . (N(5. 9j/77) 'Gordhanbhai. Harmanbhai' Patel, sàlary yc' cJJ.- é,1,?50 to :1',794 p.a. (Job Group (:J''). PBR-Jayantilal Motibhai Patel, M ANENT or AGREEMENT. .samuel Kimppi .Kib, athi8 Ap/licants must: be .civil servants who are qualified in acoor-

danèe with the Scheme of Service for Stores 'Cadre (PersonnelCharles Magambo, ckrcular No. 20 of 17th August, 1968) and must be suitable

Jamps M ain. a Waiguru. Petterson. in a11 other respects for consideration for appointment to thepeter x-iseduk. . . . : grade for which the application is made.stanley Ndod'a Kklt' ja ând The successful candidates must be preparod to work in any

' M initstr'y or Department.Harjit singll Ranauta, . .

$ b Gra4ors f3r the purpose of the Act, for i #.q period ol supplies' adwxfwltrrl/ (Fijteen Postsj (Jzurjoux uinistriesj (No. 92/77)toone yq' ar, with effeçt from 1st April, 1977. . '' . ' ' ' '

. . ' ' Saiqry. :ccIe--f,8'04 to f 1,086 p.a'. (Job Group E'G''). PER-d tsis 12tl. day c;f Abki.l, 1977. MANFNT or AGREEMENT. 'oate

. ,, . . .,. . pp pOt 'M . MYUX.U : ' ' grdgnce ' with ' the Scheml of ' Service for Stores Cadyç ., acc

.. ChiqfLconsqtjpter i# Ftvent'. (Petjopnel Cirzultir No. 20 of 17th Avjust 1968) and mtpt bç ). y' . , . . . . , r .' ' l ' è ' ;


( .k ' -J ' ' . ' ' Lk . C '1. . . . . l i ' f . ' ' ' l ' '

22nd April, 1977

vAc&xczss-lausl-zc ssltvzcs coMMlsslox-tcbllfd.l

suitable in al1 other respect for consideration for appointmentto the grade for which the application is made.'The successful candidates should be prepared to work in

any M inistry or Department.

Vacandes fn the Mfnfxçlr,y ol Agriculture:

Integrated zorfculflfrtzl Development Programme Senior Agri-cultural O'cer (Technîcal Divisîonal Ctp-tvdfrltzforl.-zzlpïrlztz/

Production Dfvf-wlorl (One Postj (Nb. 93/77)Salary ârc!e.-f2,010 to f2,514 p.a. (Job Group ttL''). PEN-

SIONABLE or AGREEM ENT.Qualificadons.-ljkz Oëcer should hold a B.SC. (Agriculture)

degree from a recognized university. Specialization in any ofthe animal production aspects wilt be a definite advantage. Heshould havo had pradical âeld ek perience of at least fkve years.He should lw conversant with all operations of animal produc-tion within Kenm .Dutîes' czzd responsibilities.-'k'he oëcer will be responsibl: to

tho Head of Animal Production Division of the Ministry. Hewill be a member of t'he programme management unit of theIntegrated Agricultural Development Progrnmme. He will beparticularly required to co-ordinate a1l operations emanatingfrom I.A.D.P. subject for initiation, implementation or other-wise within the realm of Animal Production Division. 'I'heoflicer will also be required to plan and monitor a11 animalproduction operations related to I.A.D.P. f or the progrnmmeunit b0th at national, provincial and district levels as directedby the head of the programme.

Senior Agricultural Inlormation Omcer-Agricultural InjormationCentre-Nairobî (One Postj (Nb. 94/77)

Salary â'ccle.-f2,010 to f2,514 p.a. PENSIONABLE orAGREEM ENT.Applicants should have a B.SC. degree in Agricultural Infor-

mation from a recognized univprsity and should have at leasttwo (2)* years' practical experience in Information Work or inAgricultural Extension W ork. Applicants witlt a B.SC. degreein Agriculture with post graduate training in Agricultural Infor-mation from recognized university (or universities) or withDiplom'a in Agriculture from recognized institution plus at leastfive (5)' ' years' practioal expedence in lnformation Work willalso be considered.The successful candidate will be responsible for the manage-

ment and administration of the Rural Development SupportCommunication Centre (R.D.S.C.C.). His duties will be to plan,implement, co-ordinate and evaluate the centre's informytionand educational progranïmos; to acquire, process and disse-minatç Agricultural Information and teclmology to farmers andagricpltural stal, th, rough mass media mdhods, and to servicea11 audio-visual aids at Farmers Training Centres.

Vacapcies in the Mfnfâ'/ry of

Salary xccle.-f 804 to f 1,086 p.a. PENSIONABLE or AGREE-M ENT.Applicants must bo of East African Certïcate of Education

standard or its equivalent. They must be hz possession of theCity and Guilds' M echanical Engineering Technician's Certi-ficzates fmal grade or its accepted equivalent followed by atleast four years' experience in the drawing oëce of a MotorMechanical Engineering Firm or a Firm of Mechanical Engin- 'eering Consultants.rfhey should qlso be able to work out simpledesign cakulations, prepare deugn drawings, sptoiâcation andsome cost estimates.

Fflccnc,y in the Minfâ'fzy OJ Health:

s'enfor Execudve OFcer (One Postj (No. 98/77)Salary scale.-q 1,614 to f2,082 p.a. PENSIONABLB or

AGREEM ENT.Applicants must be civil servants preferably of Cambridge

School Certiûcate standard of Education or its equivalent. witltconsiderable Government experience extending to at least fiveyears, one year of which must hetve been on tho level ofBxecutive Oëcer Grade 1. Duties of th. ; qost entail personnel,accounts and catering matters of the Trainlng Institution. W ideexperience in administration in a large institution, and a soundknowledge of Government regulations, accounting nroceduresand stores control is essential. The successful candldate willbo posted to the Medical Training Centre, Nairobi and willbe responsible to the Principal in a1l administrative matters atthe M edical Training Institution. Applicants must, in addi.tipnto the other requirements, possess an active intérest iù students'affairs . and extra carricular activities and entertainments.

Fkctmcy fn the Mfnfsfry o/ Tourism and Gfl#lf/e:

Systems Ecologist (One Postj (N0. 99/7%Salary scale.- E 1,614 to :2,082 paa. PENSIONABLE or

AGREEM BNT.Applicants must be Kenyans with at least a B.SC. degree

majored in Wildlife Biology or Ecology and who have hadtraining in, or aro capable of fultillin: course reqpirements incomputer programming, systems analysis, data processing, andsimulation teohniques. They should have a working knowledgeof FORTRAN, and preferably a general knowledge of COBOL.They should have a general knowledge of appliqd statistics andsnmpling the methods.Dutîes.-l'hz system Ecologist incorporation in Canadian

counterpart shall design and implement data storage undtrretrieval system to suit the anticipated requirements of KenyaRangeland Ecological M onitoring Unit. Advise Scientists inKenya Rangeland Eoologimal Monitoring Uni! of the statisticalprogrammes available and will oversee writmg ?f specializedstatistical programmes required for data analysls. Assist indesigning and develoljng of ope or more generations of com-puter models which sunilate the ecological system under study.Supervise the work of computer programmer coding, biotech-niclan and card punch operators.

Co-operative Development:

Audit 'Examiner I (Nine Postsj (No. 95/77)Salary scale.-k 804 to f 1,086 p.a. PENSIONABLE or AGREE-

M ENT.Sewing om cers must havo had at least G ree years' satisfactory

auditing and/an accounting experience as co-operative assistants(one year experience in case of Audit Examiner II) and shouldhave passed the Co-operative Accountant ' Assistants Course atthe Kenya Institute of Administration or have equivalentacceptablo qtlalitkations.Applicants who are not serving oëcers, must have passed at

least section I of the examination of a recognized professionalAccountanoy body (Part 11 in tlm case of A.I.A.) and musthave had at least three years' satisfactory experience in audit-ing and or accounting including the preparation of fnilacoounts.

Executive Assistant (Seven Postsj (N0. 96/77)Salary scale-- L 804 to f 1,086 p.a. PENSIONABLE.Applicants must be civil selvants of East African Certificzate

of Education or its equivalent with a minimum of four years'satisfactory and appropriate clerical experience within the cadre.They must have a thorough knowledge of Goverlmwnt OKceroutipç, personnql and accountinp procedures and a sound 'knowledge of Government Regulatlons. Ability to control staland condpct correspondenco is essential. Preferenco will begivén to those who have dohe and passed tlie GovernmentProhciency Examination and have successfully complettd Opicc , ,Managetnent Coursi or Personnel Management Course eiler

GAZBIA'E Nmqcs No. 1(H1


APPLICATIONS are izwited for the posts siown below.Complgted applicalioh f ormg should reach the Secretary, Pt%bticService Commission of Kenm , .P.O. Box 30* 5, Naimbi, on orbefore 61 May, 1977.G#il sorvalzt applicants should complato fo'rms PSC.2A in

triplieate (subrnittinig the original th'rottgh' theie Heydss pf Ilepart-ments) and carrds 1>K .25 and 25*. Otllor applimints shouldeomplete forms PFKl2 in 'triplicate and mrds PK ,N and 24A.These dlxumonts uee obtainable eithèr fmm d:o Secreltary or

from o'thor Cmvornment Oëces.Origkàals of certificateg and similar dooumonts ghrulld not be

submitted unloss spocidmlly askod foT.


at the Kenya Institute of Administration, Kabete, or at theGovernment Trnining Inrtitute, Maseno, or have passed Stage 1of the Certified Publlc Acoountants or Certitied D blicSecretaries.

Vacancies in the Minlstry oj Works:Draughtsman Grade I'f1' LMechankalj (Two Postsq (No. 97/77)


VAcAxcln-u-mlatelc syRvrqe'' R uMxsstoN-,-lcon/d.l'. No'a t

lnoromental oredits wil'l be grante'd Ito suocossful candidxteswho are not civil sew ants fo'r approved previous experionceprovided the maximum salafy. ' ik ' ilott 'exceeded. Thuy w'ill alsobe oligiblo fo'r bonolits a'nd privileges eajqyed 'by dvil servantsirt èaccordance wltlt okisting ' G'ovérhment Regulation'.s.

Vatancies irl the Ministry oj Finance and Planning :District Development 0. X'cer 'lElevqn Posts). . . (No. 1 00 /77)' Salaryscale.- kâb6fn to :2,082 p.a. PERMANENT (51 AGREE-

' Candidates s'houl'd possess a minimum qualilication of aBàchelor's degree or its eçuivalent în Social Soience preferablywith Economics as one of tfze subjçds.They should be serving Govepment. Omcers with a minimum

o'f three years' seivïce.rrheir duties will include guidance and advice t'o Dlistrict

Development Committees on the poliùies, p'rogrammej afldobjective. of the National Development Plan. They will becharged. W 'ith Ithe responsibility for co-ordlination, formulationapd implementation .of District Plans.Successful candidates will be given a training cburse of six

week's beforo they are po'sted .to the Districts..serking 'Dlstrict bévelopment bfficers Will be eligible for pro-

motic?n to 'higher ppsitions in the Ministry of F''znance andPlanfling. ot to Semor Adpinistrative posts .. in the ProvincialAdmiinist>tiim and Cehtral Gokernment. ' '

Vacancies ln Various MinistrieslDepartments :. .

'Accountant Grade 11 (Nt-ne Posts) (No. 101 / 77)' Sàlary scale.-î 1,086 to f 1,446 p.a. PERMANBNT or AGREE-VEMT.Ahpliicants' must be in possession of a Bachelor of Com-

nierce' degreè with accounting option awarded by an approvedUniversity; or an 'acceptable plofessional Accountancy qualilica-tion or part thereof which must not be below CPA l équivalent.. .

Supplies OFcer 11 (ff,j'/lfcEw Postsj (No. 102,/77)' 4 t f 1 446 p.a. PERMANENT or AGREE-Salary 5'ctz/e.-f.1,08 o ,

M ENTApplicants must be ln p'ossession of a Hachelor of Com-

mercç degree from a recognize'd ' University or a comparableinjtitution. ' '


11 (5't71eJ Tax DeAlr/nTcrl/l Sourl'/lsTfréft)r .lllcollection Oxccr. . . poggj (xo. j()? jyyj

s%alary â'ctz/c.-'-f1,086 .to f 1,446 p.a. PBRMANENTAGREEM ENT. .Applicants should have a recognized degree in Cbmmerce' er

Afts with Economies, Accolkntlng or Auditing as per majorfield of study. Applicationls will also ' be conjidered from those 'holding at least School Certificale and have pttssed the Iltter-mediate Examination of a recognized Profejsional Accountancy(K) 'Examination with Commercial S'tream option and haveacquired no't less than three years' experience in accounting orau'dit work. ' .Dufies include the examination, inspection, auditing of books

of account's and o'ther business records' of registered manu-facturers as assigned from time to Time- the yerificatioh ofSales Tax Returns, tax payments and liabilities, credlts, refundclaim, deduction, etc. and accuracy of purchases made under taxexempt conditions.

Vacancies in the Dîrectorate oj /'erltpnrlc/ Management :Personnel tpFcé'r 11 (Fotlrteen Posts) (No. 104/77)

Salary scale.- k 1,086 to E1,446 p.a. PERMANENTAGREM ENT'. 'Applicants must be in possession of either a degree from an

approved Univprsity in Social Science, Personnel Manàgementor Telated fields or an acceptable Personnel Managementqualilkation.

Vacaneies in the O/lce oj Controller and Auditor General :Auditor 11 (Ffve Posts) (No. 105/77)

Salary xctWc.- E1,086 to f1,446 p.a. PERM ANENTAGREEM E'NT.Applicanls must be in m ss'ession Of a degree in either Com-

merce, Eoonomios or Accountancy fronï a recognized Univer-sity or CPA I qutalilication plus a minimum ()f fhree years'service in the grade of Atldit Assistant.

GAZBTTE Ntm cB Nb. 1012


IT IS no.tified for general inf ormation . that thls year'sOccupational Tests Nos. 1 and 11 for Telephone Operatorj,details of which are set out in Personnel Circular No. 11 dattd22nd Jtlly, 1967, will be conducted as follows ;-(J) 'T'he Written Engllsh Language Faxamination will be ield

on Tuesday, 28th June, 1977, at 9.30 a.m. . '(:) rl'he Oràl E'nglish Test (for blind c'andidates only, if any)

will b'e conducted here in Nairobi on Friday, 1st July,1977, at 9.30 a.m. The venue for the O'ral Tests will benétilied to the candidates concerned, through their Headsof Departments, .in due course.

(c) Programme for the SWitchboqrd Practical Tests f or alicandidates will be drawn up soon after thc closirig datefor registration o'f candidates (see paragraph 4 below),and will be released later to a11 the Ministries pDepart-ments in another ' circular.

ELIGIBILI'I'Y To EN'I'BR2. The Occupational Tests will be open to civil servants only

who must be Kenya citizens serving with the Kenya Govern-ment, arid in the case of :-(i) Examînadon No. 11Should be serving. Ttlephone Operators Grade 111, withat least two years' servico in 'tha.t gradc.

(ii) Examinatîon No. I .Should be serving Telephone Opirators Grado 11 wlth. atleast' four (4) yeârs' servke în that grade Uncluding serviceprior to 1st February, 1966, as Switchboard AttendantsGradé I or Switchboard Attendants/Receptlonists Grade11). '

(iii) Tliose candidates who failed their Occupational Tests in1976, should not re-sit their respective testj in 1977. Theywill, however, ' qualify to re-sit thei'r tests in 1978, whenthey will have completed two' years after failing. .

(iv) Those candidates who passed their Occupational Test' No. 11 in 1976 will lzavo to serve as Telephone OpçratorsGrade 11 for a period of four years 'before they éan beeligible to sit tho Occupational Test No. I (paragraph4 (.3) (a4 of the Personnel Circular, No.. 17 dâted 18thApril, 1966, refirs).

CONDITIONS FOR PASSING TIIE OCCUPATIONAL W STS3. I!l order ,to pass in full any of the Occupational Tests, a

can.didate is l'equired to pass b0th 1he Written English (.or theOral English Test in the case of Blind Telephone Operators)and the Swkchboard Practical Teest in. one and the same sittlng.No partial passes are allowed. '

AIYI-ICATION (ENTRY) FoltMs4. Candidates should complete their Applicatioh Forms (in

triplicate) and submit them through their 'Permanent Secretaries /Heads of Departmonts on the form, a specimen of which isshown at the T'Appendix'' to this Circular Letter, which shouldbo 'reproduced by each Ministry/Deèartm'erkt, as required. 'l'hecompleted entry forms should be submitted to. the Secretary, .

' Public Service Commission of Kenya, National Housing Cor'po-ration House, Aga Khan W alk P.O. Box 30095, Nairobi, 'so as'

:to . reach him not later than Frlday, 13th May, 1977. Under no'' circumstances will lato entries be accepted. Permanent Secre-taries/l-leads of Departments must enspre that tho entries are-(z0 fllled in oorrectly kl tdplicate ;(bj cèriised correct ln a11 respects;( ) accompanied by the coprect Registration Fees 'of K'.SIA. 10c

par candidate;

((f) from elfgible candidates only (as stipuhted în paragraphs2 (i)-2 . (ik) above), and'

(e) submitted tti this oëce by the closing date, i.e,. on orbeforç 13th M ay, 1977.

RZGISTRATION FtBs5. Each entry form 'must .bo accbmpanied 'by a ltegistration

Fee of K.SIZ. 10 only. This fee will not be refundable under.any circumstances, and should be remitted in eithe'r East AfricanMoney Order, East Africail Postal Order (payable to the Setre-tary, Public Service Cemmission of Kenya) o.r cash. Personalcheques will not be accepted. Thc entry forms not accomganiedby the c'orrect Registration Fees will automatically be relected.'

22114 April, 1977 THE KENYA GM ETTE 423

Sytiu usp,s .6. n e syllabuses for Occupa,tional Tests Nos. I and 11 are

set out in Appendix ::B'' to the Personnd c rcular No. 11 of22nd July, 1967.

EXAMINATION Cem'Rss7. (i) Provincial Headquarters at Mombasa, Nyeri, Embus

Nairobi, ' Nakuru, Kaumega, Kisumu and Garissa will be theFaxamination Centres for the Written English Language Exami-nation. Ministries/Departments presenting candidates for thetests should syecify clearly on tlle entry forms tlle appfropTlatecentres at whlch their candidates should sit their examinatiori.The actual venue of the written examination a.t each ProvincialCentre will be notled to the candidates in due courseu(ii) AII candidates will do thefr Switchboard Practical Tests

in their own 'oKces and on their own Switchboards. TheAppointed Practfcal Tests Fwxaml'nesr w'ill travel to indivfdualcarididate's place of work, as in the past.

PART B--(I/ be completed by candîdate's Head 0/ Department)(6) Please stat'e below in. full, .the oïcçr's qualitkations for

taking the tGst, giving dates of qualifying servlce as TelephoneOperator Grade 11I in terms of paragraph 3 (3) (f8 of Per-sennel. Circulâr No. '17 of 1966, or as Telephone öperatorGrade 11 in tcrmn of paragraph 4 (3) (c) of that Circular :-

(7) Present Grado(8) IRate 'alllloizltzll ttl it ..........................., 1 9......

EM MINATION STATIONERY .8. (i) Examination stationcry and test papers for .the Written

English Examination will be supplied to the candidates by theProvincial Education OKcers in charge of the Provincial Centres.AII candidates will, howevor, provide their own poms, pendls,:'nk and rulers. No otber a'rticles such as books, magazines, etc.,will be pormitted into the examination room.(ii) Annver Blue Cover.-jkt has been decided that from now '

on, candidates fo'r all Government examinations conducted bythe Public' Service Commission .of Kenya, will no't be allowed towrite tliei: natnes or their Ministries JDepartments on tlte AnswerBlue wcover, as has been the practice in the past. It will benecessary, however, for each candidate to write clearly the nameof tho Examination, Subject's Tltle, his Examination Index No.and the name of his/her Examination Centre as asked for onthe Answer Blue Cover provided.

j'(9) lndex No. used durin.g the last attempt and the date 'thetest was held :

(i) lr1 tle;: 1q<). llsetl ........................(ii) Date on which the test was taken . . . . . .. . . . . . , 19. . .. . .

(10) Please state the type and size of switchboard on whichthe oKcer is engaged and the number of exchange lines andextensions :-

(11) Remarks. e.g. whqther the oKcer is solely ongaged ontelephone duties or what additional duties he/she performs).

CERTIFICATES9. No certilkatos will be issued to successful candidates in

t'he Occupational Tests, but names .of the successful candidateswill bo published in the Kenya Gazette in the normal way.

FINAL DEclsloN10. A1l in all, the decision of the Public Service Commission

of Kenya will be linal in all matters related to these O'ccupa-tional Tests. Corrcspondence from the candidates in c'onnexionwitlt tiz Enal results of t:e tests will not be entertained bythe Public Service Commission of Kenya.

M . MUNYAO,jor Secretary,

Public Serdce Commîssîon oj Kenya.


A/lillistrlr's lteferthrlce 1q(). .......,....... lzll*rtl-str!l fyf ...............

t Please write CCNIIJ' at 9 (1) and 9 (h-) above 1f- n.o' p'revious attempt has beeen made. '

GAZB'rIE NoTlcB No. 1013


. ssssloxsBejore Mr. Justîce J. 0. NyarangîOn M onday. 25th Aprîl, 1977

In Chambers at 9 a.m.For M entionC.C. Nos.

9 /74 Nurani Garage v. S. N. Kinara. ' ' -31 /74 S. S. Sagoo. v' . Pebco Limited.104/75 Daudi Kaboshi v. Aggroy Omtmyini.

For Chamber Summons .v . . )y ,M isc-App-c. No. . ..

L ( : k .6/77 In the matter of Mt. Elgon Sabaot Farmers UliipnLtd. and In the matter of the Coinpâhies A dt(Cap. 486 Laws of Kenya). . ï.;.'. J' . -'2 t-..

In Court therealter . ' . . ... , '' 'h ' vXOr M etltvn ' ' 1C C NO ' ' ' ' ' 'r . . .

... .. ùtsj; .33/76 Republic v. Stephen A. s/o Atij/nlo: àrid 'an :XOr Plea 7 ' ' ' '= ' '- 'Cr.C. No. ' .

. ':' ' '. . . . . . '' .,.- : ' ' '.'. ' h î. s

28/75 Republic v. Kiyketer arap Yama '' ' '' . '''' ':'E '- ' s. '; '

(To be completed frl TRIPI-ICATB)

For Ofclal Use Oa/yK.Sh. 10

1: ate iSSIIP:I ...................'....................

OcctœATlowAr XtsTs 'fos. 2 AND 1 FoR RYLEPHONE OPBRATORS- -1977

(Re/erence Personnel Clrclfllr No. 11 of 22a# July. 1967)

PART A--tfo be completed by candldatej

'/ON (iwbal*1kvqark. 47rt (ltllcer ......................................................VJ

(4) Prezsent Ap t.c.- tmont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (an.d Glvad' e) . . . . . . . . . . . .desl ac/fon) ' .( J

(5) Test wllich Omcer pmposes to take :* ATTONAT. s'r No. 2

oR*occtœzerxoxM s'r No. 1

(*Delete whichever 1s* m* apphkable.)

.I7 c f e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 1 9 7 7 . S I


*gn a t u' re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,bLandtddte)

424 'I'HE KENYA GAZEW E 22nd April, 1977

For Criminal HearingC.r.C. No.36/76 Republic v. Musee K. Masai.

For Cfvff Hearing thereafterC.C. No. .

98/71 Samwel o1e Nganai v. Makrin A. Bor. and partners.' ' On Tuesday, 16th Aprîl, 1977

lh Chambers at 9 a.m.For M entionC.C. No.115/75 Kitale Timber Co. v. Victory Construction Co. Ltd.

In Court thereafterFor Crimînal HearîngG .C. Nos.

5/77 Ropublic v. Ekilela Aguru and another.' 24111 Republic v. Charles Namawanga and another.For Civil Hearing thereafter (ptzrl heardjC r . No. .' '98 /71 Samwel o1e Nganai v. Makrin A. Bor and partriel's.

On Wednesday, 27th Aprîl, 1977

For Notîce o! ModonC.C. No.49/76 Wachira Ruthi v. Kamau Kknani.

For Notice to Show CauseC.C. Nos.159/76 Dobie Cooper Motors Ltd. v. Mohamed Jama and

another.275/76 Sadsh K. Sha.h v. Raphael Mwangi.

In Court therealterFor Cz'flzlfzltzf IlearînnCr.C. Nos.24/77 Republic v. Charles Namawanga and another.12/ 77 Republic v. Chepkwony A. Kogo.

For Civil Hearing thereajterC.C. Nos.268/75 Sadrudin Nurani v. R. V. Patel.111 /76 Andrew A. Apiyo v. M. A. 0. Mashere.

On Frîday, 29th adwrfla 1977In Chambers at 9 a.m.For M entionC.C. Nos.51'/7059 /74

Riohard W afula v. W illiam M . Okech and anotheri.Ephantus M. Githinji v. Barclays Bank Inter-national Ltd.

125/ 74 Kibirgen A. Sang' v. Gordon Bmslie.Kak. 26275 Makokha Sekisaka v. Raphael Wekesa.

140/76 Kipsugut A. Chumba v. Joseph Kimwarey and an-other.

In Court tkereaîterFor Criminal Selrfng Qmrt llecrtflG .C. No.12/77 Republic v. Chepkwony A. Kogo.

For Cfvf/ Hearîng thereajterC.C. No.266/76 Bayote Farmers Co-op. Society Ltd. v. Wendani

'Farmers Ceo-op. society Ltd.

H doret,5.th April, 1977.

E. Y. ARAGON,Deputy Registrar,

High Court 0/ Kenya, Eldoret.

GAZEH B NoTIcR No. 1014

IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMUBelore the Honourable Mr. Jusdce Chanan Singh


M onday, 18//l Aprîl, 1977, at 9.30 a.m.fa ChambersH.C. C.C. Nos.'

26 / 69 Kisii African Auto Service Ltd. v. 'Osoro Nyaki-ambokia.

63 /76 Wellington Alinyo v. Isaya Akele.182/76 Raumal Morag Ltd. v. Julia Nathan (Mrs.).192/76 Getrude Owiny v. J. J. Family Bus Service.

H.C. Cr.M .A. Nos.22/77 Solomon Karomi v. H. Mbaraka.19/77 Utumbo Ochumo v. Republic.

Pleas in Court 1Ksm . H.C. CI-.C. Nos.

6/77 Republic v. Omoro Wambedha.7/77 Republic v. Alex Nyawaka Afuamba.8 /77 Republic v. Sylvanus Oroko Olambo.9/77 Republic v. Peter Olero and Pete.r Wambura.

In Chambèks at 9 a.m.For MendonC.C. Nos.160/73 Benjamin Busienei v. Francis L. Barchok.226/76 Joseph Oyoo r. Christopher KlsaH.322/76 Kipkemboi Barngetuny and eiglzt others v. Jobosta

Fa.rm Ltd.

For Chamber SummonsC.C. Nes.114/74 Chertltich Kibiwot v. E'mmanud C. Kiptoro.174/76 U. G. Quarry Limited v. Gailey Construction Ltd.219/76 Daudi Ambeza v. Kipkemboi Sawe.293/76 A. H. Malik & Co. v. Fredorick Tuei.

For Notice 0/ ModonC.C. No.10/77 Silas Buyuka v. Samani M. Mumela.

For Summons /br DirectîonsC.C. No. ,57 /75 Peter Wakwabubi v. Ben Wafula.

For Formal' ProolC.C. Nos.62/76 Stephen Mamalwa v. Wafula Namufweli and an-

. . . otlwrk .34/77 Kiplagat A. Tuigong v. Chemase A. Chepkwony.

In C0zfr/ thereajterFor Crîminal Setzrfng çpart âecrmCI-.C. Nos.

5/77 Republic v. Bkilela Aguru and another.24/77 Republic v. Charles Namawanga and another.

For Civil Secrlg thereaîterC.C. Nos. . .2*/-/4 wanjoài Kariuki and anotlwr v. choruiyot A.

Sitienei.285/ 76 'Warong &aw lfills 1?. Carte.r & Sons Ltd.

On Thursday, 28//1 Aprtl, 1977In Chambets at 9 a.m.For M eafftzn ,C.C. Nojk67/75 John M. Mbote v. Wilson K. Ng'ang'a.186/76 L'G. S. Patel r. Messrs, Kaluna Co. Ltd.252/75 B. 0. Pila v. Julitts K. A. Cheboi and anothbr.

For Chamber duznzzlon:C.C. Nost57 /76 Zakayo Kihumba v. Samwel Klriuki.106/76 Peter Khatela v. Paul Cheserek.

kRRYA GAz' E 4z$22nd April, 1977 .

Kak. H.C. G .C. Nos. GAZE'I'I'E NOTICE NO. 1015THE LAND ACQUISITION AUr? 1%829/76 Republic v

. Were s/o Musungu.(No. 47 0/ 1968)14 /77 Repttbtic v

. Regitta Usachi and. Tamala Khabesa.Nolncs oF WITHDRAwAL15/ 17 Republic v

. Hethron Blmgu Juma. '' IN PURSUANCE of s/tion 23 (1) of tho Land Acqpisition17/77 Republic v

. Joseph Kundu s/o Kachoma. xot lxg,. j gwo yjotice that tlw Governmont h*rolby withdraws#


1'6/77 Republic v. Alex 'Koyo s po Wayera. from the acquisition in respect of thç followin4 land being sub-d two others. iect Of the hereinafter mentioned Gazotle Notlces : -18 J77 Republic Az. Harrison Mwenje a.n

Scte vt,EM entionKsm. H.C. CI..C. Nos.39 /76 Rtpublic v. Oiko Oyombe.31 / 76 Republic v. Jchn Otieno s / o. Sewe.

Tuesdtly, 19/: April, 1977, in Court at 9 a.m. up to Friday,llnd April, 1977


Approx. Area to be( . . .. Aéquired in

Plot A%. ' Locatity Acres

264/V (Poïtion) Mainlanö Nortb 1 ' 1S506/V (Portion) ,, 0.50 '

A plan of fhe affected Iar!d can bo inspeded during oëcehours at the oflice of the Comm issioner of Làilds, Nairobi and

Ksm. H.C. G .C. No. M ombasa.31 J76 Ropublio v. Jobn Otieno sJo Seve. Gazette Notix Nos. 327, :47.8 and 329 of lrlth Pzbçuary, 197:,


Dated this 16th day of April, 1977. ,A. RAUF, J. R. NJENGA,

D Regîstrar. Kisumu. Ctpzz?rafrîoner 0/ Lànds.' 'eputy


THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT, 1968 '. (No. 47 of 1968)


IN PURSUANCE of section 6 (2) (?f the Land Açqtlisition Act, 196 ,8 I hereby give notice that the Government intends to acquire thefollowing land for the Murang'a Townshlp W ater Supply m M urang'a District.

Dated this 16th day of Aprils 1977. J. R. NJENGA,Commissioner oflmnds.

THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT, 1968(No. 41 of 1968)No-ncs or INQUIRY

IN PURSUANCE of section 9 (1) of the Land Acquisitipn Act, 196. ,.8 I heqeby give notige that an Inquiq will be held at 10.00 a.m. onWednesday the 18th May 1977 at the Oflice of the Chief, Locallon Eleven, M aragl, Murang'a Dlstrict, for the hearlng of claims to compensationby persons interested in tLe following land:- . . . . . . . ' . . ' . .

SCHEDULE.. . * ' ' ' . ' ' '

l I $ ' ' Approx. .,4,,v ,p &.. e. 1, Acquirtd inwp/t?r No. Locatqon J Sub-lxocatlon Registered tlwaer Hacmrek247 Eleven Gikandu M ariithia Ndumbu . . , 0.* 88261

s, ,, Sebastian K. Mwanji . '.' . . . . U.88221455 M aragi County Council of M urxng'a . 0.093231 l ,. TheophilogKamwaro. 0.0504

Every person who js intertsçed.qiu the.land iq rqquired, to deliver to me, not later than the day of lnquiry, a written claim to compinsation. r .

Dated this 16til day of Aprii, 1977. J. R NJENGA,:Commlssîoner oflmnds.

4.26 'IM B XEN YA. GAZE'ITB 22nd April, 1977( ), . . . . ' . 6. . '-. - ,.'i :- . . .-- . ..( . . -.-- .. . . -

GAZSTTE No'rtcB No. 841

'rylé 'èzovsRxvtx'r G xos AcrLcap. 280)


'rHS t: 'mmissoner of Lands on behalf of tlze #resident ofPtbe Rèpublic of Krnya, gives notice that the plots in NakuruMunicipaltty as de'scribed in the Schedule hereto are availablefor alienétion and applfcatfons are. învited fcr tho dfrect g'rantsof the individual plots.

Provided that if default shall bo made i!l tlle perfùrmance' orobservance of any of the requiremynts of this cop4itipn, itshall be lawful for the Ceommlssioner of Lan'ds. or âù#. personAuthorized by him on behalf of tlw President of the Republicof Kenya, t.o re-enter into and upon the land o'r any partthereof in the name of the wholo arid theèeupon the termllereby created shall cease but without prejudice to . any rightof action or remedy of the President or the Commissioner inrespect of any . antecedent breach of an.y condftfon herefnoontained.

3. 'Ihv 4rantee shall maintainand conditlon al1 buildings at any

in good and substantial fepairtime erectcd on' tho land.

2+ A plan of the plots may be seen at tlle Public Map nœcesituated in the Lands Department Building, City Square,Nairobi, or at the oëce of the Town Clerk, P.O. Box 124,Ndkuru, ' or may be obtained from the Public Map OKce,P.O. Box 30089, Nairobi, pn payment of Sh. 3 post free.3. Applications should be submitted to the Commlssioner of

Lands, Nairobi, through the Town Clerk, P.O. Box 124,Nakvru, stating 4he plot required in order of preference.' 4 A licatiods must be sen't so a's to reach the, Town Clerk,. ppNakuru, not later than noon on the 6tll May, 1977.

'5.* Applications must riot be sent direct to the Comml'ssionerof 'Lands.6. Applicants must enclose with tlkeir applicaticns. their caslz,

postal or money order for sh. 1,000 as a deposit, which will bedeplt w' ith as follows :-

(4) .If. . lhe . applkant is . olered and takes .up and pals for apiot within a period of 30 days as required m para-graph 5 below, the deposit will bo crydited to him.

(:) If the application is successful the applicnt's depositwill be returncd to Mm.

(r) If the application is successful and the applicant fails totake up and, pay for the plot ofered to him within aperiod of 30 days as rtquired in paragrap: 5 of theGeneral Conditions, the Commisjioner of Lemds may

'' 'declare 'the deposit forfeited and the applicant shall haveno further claim thereto.

4. Should the grantee give notice in writing to the Cimmis-sioner of Lands that hç/she/they is/are unable to comglete the'btlildings within the period af o'resaid, the Commlssioner ofLands shall (at the grantee's expense) accept a surrende'r of landcomprised herein : ; '

Provided further that if such notice as aforesaid shall b:given (1) wkthia six montbs o.f tlle commencement of the term,tlze Commlssioner of Lands shall refund to the grantee 50 percentum of the stand premium paid in respeèt of the land or(2) at any subsequent time qrior to the expiration of the saidbuildfng perfod. the Commfs'sloner of Lands shall refund to thegranteo 25 per centum of said stand gremium. In the event ofnotice being given after the expiratlon of tllo said buildingperiod no 'refund shall be made.

5. Tho land 'and buildings shall only be used for prlvateresidential purposes and not more tlmn one private dwclling-house with the necessary oïces and outbuildings appurtenantthereto will be ereoted on tlle land. No guest-house will bepermitted.

6. 'rhe buildings shall not cover more tban 50 per centum oftllo area of the land.

7. The grantee slmll not subdivide tho land without priorwritten consent of the Commissioner of Lands.

General Condîtlons

1. n e ordinary conditions applicable to township grants ofthis nàture except as varied hereby shall apply to this grant.2. The grant will be made under the provisions of the

Government Lands Act (Cap. 280 cf th: Laws of Kenya), andtitle will be issued under tl)e Registration of Titles Act (Cap.281). .3. n e grant will be issued in the name of the allottee as

stated in the letter of application..4, 'n e term of the grant will be for 99 years from the srst

d4y of the month following the notlcation of the approval ofthe grant.5. Each allotte'e of a plot shall yay to tlle Commissipner of

Lands within 30 days of notiscatlon that his applfcat'lon hasbéen approved, the initial estimated amount for the constructlonof rqads and drains to serve the plot, 'tlle assessed standpremlum and proportion of annual rent, together with the legalfee! payable ln respect of the preparation and registration ofthe grant (Sh. 400) and the stamp duty in resgect of .the grant(approximately 3 per cent o.f tlle stand premlum and annualrent). ln default of payment within tlle specifed time theCommissioner of Lands may cancel the allocation and ti!eapplicant shall ba've no f urt*er claim to tlle grant of the plot .

8. 'The grantee shall not sell, transfer, sublet, clmrge or partwith the possession of the land or any part thereof or anybuilding thereon except with tht prior consent in writing of theCommisioner of Lands : no application for such consent (exceptin respect of a loan required for building purposes) will beconsldered until Spedal Condition No. 2 has been performed.

9. The grantee shall pay to tlle Commissioner of Lands ondemand ' such sum as the Commissioner may estimate to be theproportionate cost of constructing' a11 roads and drains andsewers serving or adjoining tlle land and shall on completion ofsuch construction and the ascertainment of the actual propor-tionate cost eith' er pay (within seven days of demand) or berefunded tho amount by which the actual proportionate costexceeds or falls short of the amount paid as aforesaid.

10. rfhe gxrantee shall from time to time pay to the Commis-sioner of Lands on demand such proportion of the cost ofmaintaining a1l roads and drains serving or adjoining the landas tlle Commissioner of Lands may assess. ,

1 1. Should the Commissioncr of Lands at any time require' the said roàds to be construoted to a higber standard tllegrantee shall pay to the Cornmissioner on demand such pro-portion of th'e cost of such construction as the Commissionermay assess.

Speclal Condîdons

1. No buildings illall be erected on the land no'r shall addi-tlo'ns or external alterations be made to any buildings otherwisetimn in cpnformity with plans and speciscations previouslyapproved ln writing by the Commissioner of Lands and' tho 'local authorîty. n e Commfssfoner shall not glve hls approvalupless lw is satished. tha,t the proposals are such as to developthe land ' a'deiuately and ' satisfactorily. t . .. '2. ef'he gtantee shall within six months of the commencementof the term submit in triplicate to the local authority and theCommissioner of Lands plans (including block plans showing

. the positions Bf tlle build'lngs and a system of drainage for thedisposal of sewage, surface and sullaqe water), drawings,elevations and speclscatiops of tho buildlngs t:e grantee pro-poses to erect on the land and shall withln 24 months of thocommencqmrpt of the term complete 'the erection. of suchbuîldlpgs and the construction of the drainage system in con-formity witll spch plans, drawings, qlevatlons and speciscationsas amended. t' if sizch be the case) by t:e Commissioner :

13. 'fhe President of Kenya or sucll person or authority asmay be appointed for the purpose shall have the right to enterupon the land and 1ay and have access to wator mains, service . .pipes and drains, telephone or telegraph .wires and electlicmains of all descrlptions whethcr overhead or undergrotmd andthe grantee shall not erect any buildings in such a way as tocover or interfore with any existing alignments of main orservice pipes or telophone or telcgraph wlres and electric mains.

14. n e Commissioner of Lands 'reserves the rfght to revisethe 'annual ground rental payable hezreunder after the èxpirationof the 33rd and 66th year of the term hereby granted. Suchrental *11 be at a rate of 4 per cent of the unimproved freeholdvalue of tthe land as assessed by the G-nmmlssionor of Lands.

12. The grantee shall pay sucll rates, taxes, charges, duties,assessments or outgoings of whatever descrlption as may beimposed, charged or assessed by 'anï Government or localauthority upon the land or the bulldings erected thereon,fpcluding ' any contrfbution or other sum paid by tlle Presidentof the Republic of Kenya in lieu thereof .

22nd April, 1977

Sc% oul.s GAZB'IIS NX ICS No. 1.021 .

Area S'JCZ;J ànnual Road surveyPlot Nos. çApprox.) Prem'tum Rent Charges Fees THE ANIMAL DISBASD A/T(Cap. 364)Unsurveyed Hectares K.Sh K.Sh K Sh. , K.Sh

6 l .1920 4,0()6 :(é ('lrk 466 ys sxsacpss or t:e powers conferred by séction 5 id ' the7 0.2356 4,600 920 demand 460 . , , ,.1 1 0.2268 4 400 830 ' 460 Animal nkeases Act, 1 hereby declarer- ' ' 218 0.2300 4,600 920 46019 0.2400 4,800 960 460 t&l'tbe areàs specihed in Schrdulo 1, Schedule 11 and Scbedule

f'infected areas'' in .respect of the diseases20 0.2500 5,0* 1,000 460 1Il hereto to be21 0.2)60 4,200 840 460 indicat:d at the heads of such Schedulvs; . . ë.22 9.2320 4,600 920 460 . . .23 0.2520 5,000 1,û00 460 (b) the notice.s specïtd in the first column of jchvjlyle JV24 +22:G 4

,4% SSIJ 462 lxreto to be amended in the mann'er speclhed m' tlie25 0.2520 5,000 1,000 460 (j ctgumn of such Schedule

.jecon26 0.2418 4,800 960 46027 0.21 54 4,200 840 46028 0.3012 6,000 1.200 460 K&betf, 1. E. MVRIITI'J.I.. .31 0.2710 5,400 1,080 460 74h Aprjl, 1977: Dîrector oj Veterînary . Services.

' scc otu I- FOOT-AND-MOUTH DzsszsE



' (Cap. 300, secdon 35)

Isscs oF A NBw CBRTIFICATBW HEREAS Ephraim Nambiro Saka of N. Wanga in the

Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absoluteownership of a1l that piece of land containing 8.5 acres orthereabouts situated in the District of Kakamega, known asParcel No. Koyonzo/ 1250, rogi stervd under Title No. N. Wanga /Koyonzo / 1250, and whereas ' suëcient evidence has beenadduced to sllow tltat tlle Land Certiûcate irxsued tllereof llaibteq lost. Notic.e is lzereby given tha.t aftqr tlïe explrutitm ofsixtq (60) days from the date llereof , I shall issue a ntw tandG rtlfkate provldtd tbat no objection lkas 6èen/ rtttWed withinthat period.

Dated tllis 4t* day of Aprûl, 1977.' E. E, NGOYA,

Land Relatrcr,Kakamega Df4'/Wcl.

flàzBrrs èfollcs 1fo. 1019

WHBREAS Omungo Esbitsiti of Butsotso in thb Republic ofKenya? is tregistered as proprietor in absolute ownerslup of a1itlmt plece of land containing 14.5 acres or thereabouts situatedin tlle Dîstrict of Kakamega, known as Parcd 'No. Shibeye/ 676,registpred under Title No. Butsotso/shibeye/676, afnd whereass'ymcient evidence has bten ' adduce,d to show that the LandCortificate issued theaof ha,s been lost. Notfoe is hereby giventhat after the explration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof,I shall issuô a new Land Cortificate provided tlmt no o'bjectionhas beea rtceived within that period.

Dated this 1st day of Aprîl, 1977.B. E. NGOYA,

Land Reglstrar,Akkarzteg'c Dfstrkt.


(Cap. 300, sectîon 35)IssuB cm A NBw CBRTIFICA'I'E

WHEREA'S Wamure Owiti of Siaya in the Republic of Kenyais th: registered proprietor in the absoltfte ownerghip interest ofa1l tha't piece of land contalning 1 .2 hectares or thereeabouzssituated ln the Distriot of Siaya known as Parcel No. 326,registered under Title No. Soufh Ugenya f'Kro / 326, and whereassuëcient evidonce has been adducgd to show tltat the t-andCerti*cate' fissued thereof bas beetl lost.

Notice' is hereby given ihat after tfhe expiration of siyty (69)days from the d'ate thereof, I shall issue new L'and Certépteprovided tlmt no objeotion has been received witbin that penod.Dated this 13th day of Ap/il, 1977.'

A o OYLJNGALand Reg#/rtpr,Siaya Dl-çlricl.

Ffrzf Column Second Column

Gazette Notice No. 8 By deleting from Schedule T.Idated tllo 17th day of (East Coast Fgver) tllereto theDecember, 1974. followiqg :-

L.R. Nos. 5621, 88959 n eMlnagpr , Cbtmamul Fah:= , P .O.Box 1685, Nakuru; NakmuDistrict. . . .

Gazett: Nptice 'N0. 73 By deleting from. Scke''flule I (Foot-dated the 6th day of and-Mouth Disease) tlloretb tlleJanuary, 1977. fozowing :-

L.R. Nos. 8396, 373, 11191,11192, 376 and 108549 n eManager, Kedony Ranch Ltd.,P.O. Box 142, Naivasha; NakuruDistrict. .L.R. Nos. 9755 and 3615; 'I'he

Macager. M itaboni LlvestockTraders, Machakos; M acàakosDistrict. .L.R. Nos. 51, 52, 53, .129Q)

'fhe Manager, Munytti Rynch,M acimkos; Macbakos Dislnkt.L.R. No. 4923) Tlze Manager,

Kiiimambogo CoBege 'Fxrm, P.0.n ika; Kiambu 'Dzstrict.LR. No. 355/2; n e Settle-

ment Oflker, M ua Hills SchemesA and B, M achakos; MachakosDistrict.Gatuanyaja Locatfon: ne Dls-

trlct Comm- ioners P.O. 3ox 32,Klambu; Kiambu Distrkt.

. Nortll Ugeaya Location; Tb.eDistrict Cemmisdyaer, P.O . Rox


83, Kaya; Siaya. District.l


Unit 3229 The General M anager, 01 Kalou Salient, P.O. Box 68,01 Kalou; Nyandarua nistrict.

ScuBbtll.: II--EAST CpAs'r Fevea

L.R. Nos. 5165 / 17, :165/ 1'e; 'fhe Manager, Magutu FarmûrsCo-operativù Society, Lalkipia; taikipia District.

L.R. No. 6393) Tlke M œaagtr, Kimariga Farmers G -operativeSociety, T Aikipia; Lai'kipia District.

L.R. No. 3670/3; Wilson Kenduiwa, P.O. Box 63, Kipkrlion;Kqricho District-

L.R. .NO. 590/4; ' The Managar, Kitetui Farm, P.O. Box 31,Kipielion; Kericho Distnkt.

ScHsours I1I--3HEEP SCAB

L.R. Nps. 9569, 7822/4) The 'Manager, Ngaindeithia Co-opezativo Sx iet'y Ltt1.y' Nyandanm; Nyandarua District.

L.R. 'NP. 10512) 'l'lm Managtr, Maçwpdy Parn), Laikipla; .Laikipia, Dlstrict. ' ' . '


(Cap. 300, seetion 3'5)Issus oe x Nsw CSRTIFICATS

428 THS KENYA IAZE'I-I-E 22nd April, 1977

scspoutz 1V--(ConfJ.)

First tiblrfzrlrl Second Cb/rfrzlrl

Gazette Notico No. 399 By deleting from Schedulo I (Foot-dated the 941: day of and-Mouth Disease) thoreto theFobruary, 1977. followlg ; -

L R. Nos. 9466, 3628; ' Th&Manager, Akamba Kiene Fanch,

.: Macllakos; M achakos Distrkt.Gazetto Notice No. 549 By deleti.ng from Schedule I (Foot-

'dated the 241: day of and-Moutlt Disease) thorwtc theFebruûry, .1977. following :-

Ciwmundu faocatfon; 'nle Dîs-trict Comrnissioner, Nandi; NandDistrict.

Gazotte Notico No. 717 BY ddeting from Scllodule 11dated the' 17th day of ' (Ea.St Coast Fever) thereto theFebruary, 1975. following :-

L.R. Nos. 9970, 9740, 11812,628% T.he Manager, Rift ValleyNew Faprmers, P.(). Box 677,Nakuz'u; Nakua District.

sazette Noticc No. 747 By dele 'tlng from Schedule 11dated the 24th day of (East Coast Fever) tlzoreto tlzeFebrual'yj 19'76. fûllfWing ;-

L.R. No. 86539 'Ihe Manager,Mcta Farm, P.O. Mau Narok;Nakuru Dïstrfct.L.R. No. 8201) J. M . Mo-

manyi, P.O. Box 157 , Nakuru;Nakuru District.L.R. No. 4730/ 55; Btnjamln

M atlm, P.O. Box 298, Nakuru;Nakuru District.'

L.R. No- 9991) .P. scsïons,M iti Mingi Farm, P.0. Box 7N û,Nakuru; Nakuru District.LR. No. 97399 Tlze M anagez',

Tabqga Farm, P.O. Box 96:,Nakura; Nakuru Dfstrfct.

.L.R. No. 108479 Cltief Murogo,P.O. solai; Nakuru District.

Gaiette 'Notice No. 931 B# döletîng ' from Schedple 11dated the 12th day of (EaSt Coast Fever) thoreto tqe,M arcb, 1976. following :-

L.R. Nos. 6572, 10459, 1t)460)W anyororo Farmors, P.O. Box516. Nakuru; Nakuru District.L.R. Nos. 9290/ 1. 464/ 89 Tho

M anager, Menengai Hill Farnwrs'Co-oporative society, P.o. Box453, Nakuru; Nakuru Ixstdct.L.R. Nos. 2674/ 1, 3233; n e

M anager, ' Kaptarakwa F'anncompnny, P.O. Dox 71 , Subukia;Nakuru District.

Gazetto Notice No. 1307 PY deleting from Sclledule Hdated the 7th day of (East Coast Fever) thereto tileApril, 1976. folltm illg : -

.. . L.R. No. 464/28) Isaa:M urage, P.O. Box 288, Nakuru;

' Nakuru District.By deleting f rom Schedulo I (Foot-and-Mouth Diseaw) thereto tllefollowing : -L-R. No. 9367/ 1 ; n e Seltle-

Jnemt Omce.r .1, P.O. Box :39,Bldarel; Uasin Gishu District.

Gazett,e Notice No. 2103 By doleting from Schedulc 11dated t:e 5th . day ct (Sast Ccas! Ftver) thoivto theJuly, 19td. followzng )-

Korfsoi Forest Statilm; JbsphatNdungu, e.0. Box 16, tzondïanï;Nqkuru Dîstrict.L.R. Nos. 9362 JR, 439 J8 and

439/6) The Manager SoysambulEstate, P.O. Elementalta; NakuruDistrict.L.R. Nos. 9290/2 and 9514/2)

The M anager, Beef ResearchStatlona P.O. Box 1275, Nakuru;'

Nakuru District.L.R. Nos. 10808, 3469: Tâe

1 v aaagtv sal.z wcadarg Far'my.. '' ' P.O. Subukia; Nakuru District.

SCHBDIJLE W -fcontd.j

Ffrlf Column ) Secon. d ColumnGazette Nolioe No. 2248 By deleting from Sclzedule 11dased tho 7th day of (E&st Coast Fever) thoreto theJuly, 1975. föllowirlg )-

L.R. No. d0121; The Manager,Edgewood Fanners Co-operatfveSoeiety, .P.O. Box S11, Nakuru;Nakuru District.L.R. No. 5683) Tiw M anager,

Gathiriga Farm , P.O. Box 1453,Nakuru; Nakuru Distrivt.L.R. No. 111319 The M anagera

Lanet Hill Co. Ltd., P.O. BoxtsG , Nakuru) Nakuru District.

Gazette Notico NO. 2264 By deleting from Schedule 11dattd ttko 19t13 Jay of (F-ast Coast Fever) thoreto tiloJuly, 1976. following :-

L.R. No. 52829 TAe Manager,Kileleshwa Farm , P.O. Box 1295,Nakura; Nakudrtl Distdct.L.R. Nos. 487/29, 9539, 9542,

9543, 1(K)60, 10979, 9537) TheM anager, Lengfnet S.F.T., P.O.Box 6957, Rongai; N akuruDistrict.

Gazette Notico No. 2593 By deleting from Schedule 11dated , tlïe 7th dAy of (East Coast Pever) tbereto theAugust, 1974. following :- '

L.R. Nos. 5602, 17719 n eM anu er, SEttlcment Fund Trus-tees Kiambogo Farm, P.O. Box1024, Nakuru; Nakuru District.

Gazotlo Notice No. 2954 By dlletlzlg from Schedule I (Foot-dated the l#th day of azid-Moutlz Dfsease) thereto theSeptember, 1976. following ;-

That part of Kïkuyu Dvsfonbounded by the road commenc-îng at the, Nairobi/Kiambuborder at Kinoo to Kikuytltown, then westerly to Karalvillage, then soutll westerlythrough Lusigeti village to theKiambu/Kajiado border; TheDistrict Commisssoner, P.O. Box32, Kiambu; Kiambu Dlstrict.

Gazette Notice No. 3338 By dttliting from Scbedule I Toot-datcd tho 291 day of and-hlbuth Diseasej thcretc theOctober, 1976. followlag :-

Kafa Dfvidon; The DîstrfctCommissixmer, P.O. Box 590

,Kisii; Kisii District.

Gazetto Notice No. 3562 By doletïng from Schedule 11datod .the 10th day of (East Coast Fever) tllereto theSepttmber, 1974. foflowing :-

L.R. Nos. 7426/2, 1340) TheManarr, Kongoni FaTm, *.0.Box 7, Naivasha; Nakuru Dis-trict.

Gazotte Notke No. 3621 By deleting from Schcdulo 1 @oot-dated the 3rd d&y of amd-Moutb INscasal tâoreto theDtcembvm, 1976. following ;-

Gatundu Nyakinyua Cc-opera-tive Dimited; The M anager, P.O.Tllika; Kfambu Dlstrkt.. L.R. Nos. 2351 , 2353, 23552356, 2364, 2367, 236:, 2369,3600, 3601, 3608, 3609, 3610,3620, 3623, 3624, 3675, 3509,41* , 360/4, 5529./R,. 9844,10191; n e Manager, Lukenyakanch, Maclmkos; MaohakosDistrict.L. .R. No. 111189 'l'ho M anager,

Kamuthanga seltlement Sc:ezneM ua fçC9' Macyakos; M aclmko.s#Distrsct.G

azette Notico No. 3703 By (jôl. eting from schedule 11dattd tle lotll day of (East coast Fever) thereto t'heNovtmber

, 1975. fogojvlng :.- .

' L.R. Nos. 1158 féarf), 11568(part), 1 158# ('part); n e Mana-ger, M warlki 'IA'' Farin P.O.A


Box 1346, llakurù; hfakura( Dïstrfct.

22nd April, 1977 X'ENYA G AZBTTE 429

tuzsrrs xowcs xo. 1022THE TRANSPORT LICBNSING ACT

(Cap. 404)THE undermentioned applications will be considertd by the Transport Licensing Board meeting at the Town Hall, Nakuru,

on the following date :- .Tuesday, 10th May, 1977, at 9 a.m., applications in respect of Road Service and '$B'' Carriers' Licences.

Every objection in respect of an application shall be lodged with the Licensing Authority and District Commissioner of tlloDistrict in which such application is to bo h' eard and a copy thereof shall be sent to the applicant not less than seven daysbefore th'e date of the meeting at which such application is to lAe heard. Ubjections received late will not be considered exceptwhere otherwise stated the applications are for one vehicle. Every objector shall include the size and registration nttmber ofhis vehicle (together with the route). Those who submit applications in the name of partnership and companies, must bringBusiness Registration Certificate to tho T.L.B. meeting. Applicants who are Ktnya, Tanzania or Uganda citizens of non-Africanorigin must produce their certiticates or any other documentary proof of their citizenship.

F. 0. NYABURA,for Executîve OFcer,

Transport I'fcenrWng Board,P.O. Box 30440, Nairobi.

RoD SsRvlcs LlcsxcssTLB. G83--Messrs. Mwala Quick Service, P' .O. Box 11, NK/R/8 /76-Mess.rs. Kaimosi Transport, P.O. Box 28, Tiriki.

siathani via M achakos. Route : Kyawango-rfhika- Route: Kakamega - Shinyalu - Kaimosi - Museywa -Masinga - Kivaa - Thika - Kyawango - Mwala - jojjo . xakuru - Nairobi. (FourKisumu - Ker'Kangundo - Machakos - Nairobi. (Three vehicles, l62 assengers each.) 1 Vchides, 62 passengers each.)17


NK/B/ 1 y77-Eliasha Mutwol, P.O. Box 747, Eldoret. Carriageof a1l gopds. Route : Uasin Gishu, Rift Valley,Nyanza, Western Provinces. (KLW 437, 7,445 kg.)

'IYLB. 1128- S. M . Gichua, P.O. Box 1346, Nakuru. Carriageof a11 goods. Route : Rift Valley, Central, Western,Nyanza, Easterm Nairobi and Coast Provinces.(Fifteen vehicles, 35 tons each-)

9461- M essrs. Kiaiguchu Traders, P.O. Box 1401, Nakuru.Variation of 'route to add Central Easterm RiftlValley, Coast and Nairobi Provlnces. Presen'troute : Kisumu, South Nyanza, Kenya yugandaborder, Busia, Yala, Nzoia, Central Nyanza,Kisumu, Chomelil with 30-mile radius f romKisumu, Kericho, K'isumu, Kakamega and Bun-goma. (KLX 596, 7,700 kg.)

2/77-Ndegwa Karanja, P.O. Box 32, Subukia. Carriage'

of a11 goods and livestock. Route : Nairobi, Cen-tral, Ezstern., Rift Valley, Nyanza P' rovinces andMalaba (Kenya puganda 'border) and Mombasa.(One vehicle, 12 tons.)

1399- Sabina W airimu Strong, P.O. Box ' 860, Eldoret.Variation of route to add Western and Coast Pro-vinces. Present route : Nairobi Central, lhstern,

.7Rift Valley and Nyanza Provlnces. (KNC 796,

19,350 1b.)11981- Mes&rs. Nyaguthii Transporters, P.O. Box 187,

Molo. Carriage of al1 goods and petroleum pro-ducts. Route : Nakuru, Rlft Valley, Céhtral,Eastern, W estern, Nyanza, Coast and Nairobi P'ro-vfnces. (KLT 885, 7 tons, and three more velticles,7 to 9 tons each.) (2) Variation of route to addCeoast and Nyanza Provinces. Present route : RiftValley, W estern, Central, Bastern, North-n sternand Nairobi P'rovinces. (KLS 528, KLN 753, 7 tonseach.)

3/77-Mrs. Salome N. A. Arapai, P.O. Box 157 9, Kitale. 'Carriage of a1l goods. Route: Rift Valley, Western,Nyanza, Central, Ea'stern and Nairobi Provinces.frwo vehicles, 10 to 12 tons each.)

4/77-James Rorat, P.O. Box 156, Narok. Carriage ofa11 goods. R'oute : Rift Valley, Nyanza, W ester'n,Central and Nairobi, C'oast Provinces. (Two vehi-cl:j, 10 tons each.)

5/77-M'r.s, Nyambura Wakomo, P.O. Box 1360, Nakuru.Carriage of a11 goods. Route : W ithin Kenya.(Te'n vehicles, 10 to 20 tons each.)

6 /77-Peter Ratinu Kuria, P.O. Box 460, Nakuru. Carri-ago o'f all goods. Route : Within Kenya. (Fourvehicles, 7 to 12 tons Aach.)

7/77-Mrs. Rachael Ngonyo, P.O. Box 460, Nakuru.carriago of a1l goods. Route : W ithin Kenya.(Ten vehicles, 10 to 12 tons each.) . .

8/77-Joseph J. Awuor, P.O. àox 135, Ngivasha. Cirri-age of a11 goodq and petroleum produots. Route : .Nyanza, W esterrf', Rift Valley, Nairobi, Bastern andC ontral :,èrovinces. (Four vehicles, 7 to 25 tonsçach.) : ..' # ' ' 1 W . .. c -opei'ativo socicty P.O./ 77-!vIessrs. Nzo a r'aimei s o ,'' Box 935, Kitalo. cgzriage of milk, maize and l

general goods. Route : Nzoia Schelm , W estern',Trans Nzoia, Uasln Gishu, Kitale, KisumuDistricts. (KDX 273, 4,996 kg.)

10/77-H.enry K. Kerich, P.O. Box 264, Kapsabet. Carli-'age of a1l goods. Route : Rift Valley, W estern,Nyanza and Nairobi Provinces. (KQC 148,7,485 kg.)

11 /77-Mrs. Jane Kirui, P.O. Box 824, Eldoret. Carriageof a11 goods and petroleum products. Route : RiftValley, W estern, Nyanza, Eastern, G ntral Pro-vinces and Mombasa, via Nairobi. Cfwo vehicles,7 to' 10 tons each.)

12 /77=M. N. Moche, P.O. Box 1380, Eldorct. Carriageof a11 goeds. Route : Rift Valley, Western andNyanz'a Provinces. (Five vehicles. 12 tons each.)

9552- M essrs. Melewa Genoral Transporters, P.O. Box113, Sotik. Variation of 'route to add CentralProvince. Present route : ltift Valley, Nyanza,'Western, Nairobi. Provinces 'and to Mombasa.(KNP 941, 16,550 1b. and KMD 663, 12,850 lb.) ' '

l3/77- chandrakant N. Sachdev, P.O. Box 115, Nyahu-ruru. Carriage of 'milk, maize, wheat, pyrethrum,barleï and a1l goods. Route : Nyahurunz, LailcipiaDistricts and Rift Valley Provinot. (KKD 746,14,715 1b.)

14/77-:0% Githinga, P.O. Box 67, Elbu'rgon. Carriageof a11 goods. Ruote : Rift Valley, Central, Western,Nyanm Provinces. IKUr 584, 8 tons.)

15/77-Messrs. Karuga. Limited, P.O. Box 172, Nyahururu.Carrfage of all goods. Route: Nyahururu, Lafklpia,Nakutu, Kiambu, Nalrobi Districts . and withinKenya. (KLX 642, 7,335 kg. and KLX 643,..7,335 kg.)

16/ 77-Mary Kagure Mwai, P.O. Box 7X, Nakuru. Carri-age of al1 goods. Route : Rift Valley, Nairobi,Nyanza, Eas/rn, W estern, Coast and Nortlz-TusternProvinces and 'Central Province. (KLX 661, 7 tons.)

15696-M essrs. Wameer W holesalers & Distributors, P.O.Box 693, Nakuru. Carriage of a11 goods. Route :Central, Rift Valley, W estern, Nyanza, Nairobi and

. Eastern Provihcei. (Four vehicles, 12 tons each.)17 f'/7-Messrs. Unla & Co., P.O. . Box 205, Nyahprul'u.'

' Carriage of all goods. Route : 'Nyahururu, Naku'rtland Laikipia Districts. (Nyandarua Di/fictw)(KLX 672, 7,235 kg.) '

18 /77-1saac Kinyanjui Njoroge, P.O. Box 192, Ruiru.Carriage of a1l goods and pctroleum products.Route : Nairobi, G ntral, Rift Valley, Nyanza,Western, Eastern and Co ast Provirlces. IKHX 907,9 tons and one more vehlcle, 9 tons.)

1331- Josep11 Koskei, P.O. Box 1072, Eldoret. Carriageof a11 goods. Route : Rift Valley, Nyanza, W estern,xcentral, Eastern, C'oast and Nairobi. Provinces.(Four vehicles, 10 to. 15 tons each.)

f 9/t7-' Vessrs. Centre Groiers', P.O. Box 170, Bldoret.. Carriage pf a11 .goods, livestock and petroleum pro-' 2

u ts. Rout: ; Rift - Valley, Western, Nykanzm,8 uà, . , Nalroul, Eastern, North-rastorn, Coast Provmces.'(Ten vehicles and 10 trailers, 1û to 2û t'ons eac1:.)

430 T:HE KENYA GAZETTE 22nd April, 1977

''B'' CARRIBRS' k'kcBNcns-fcontd.)TLB. 9609- Messrs. Rongai Workshop & Transport Ltd., P.O.

' Box 6013, Rongai. Carriage of a11 goods andpetroleum 'products. Route : Kenya. (One vehide(tanker), 15,000 kg.) (2) Carriage of a11 goods,agricultural and general engineers' goods. Route :Rift Valley, Nyanza, W estern, Central Nairobi a'nd'Coast Provinces. (KNZ 488, 13,081 k g.)

8401-Messrs. Distributors & Haulers (14) Ltd., P.O. Box4, M achakos. Varïations of route to add RiftValley Province. Present route : Eastern, Coa.st,Central and Nairobi Provinces. (KKM 525,19,260 1b.; KFE 625, 10,730 lb.; KFX 292, 9,410 1b.;KKL 664, 17,935 lb.; KM R 915, 24,470 lb.; Z 146,18,500 lb.)

' 343-Messrs. Haji lsa Adam & Sons, P.O. Box 10,Narok. Variation of route to add Rift Valley andCentral Provinccs. Present route : Narok District,Nairobi and Nakuru Districts. (KNX 598, 16,8701b.; KPR 694, 17,080 1b.; KPW 785, 17,180 1b.)

8355- Hassan Salim Bamragah & Sons, P.O. Box 41415,N'airobi. Car.riage of all goods and petroleum pro-'ducts. Route : Nairobi, Central, Fmstern, Coast,Rift Valley, W estern, Nyanza and North-EasternProvinces. (17 vehicles, 12 tons, each and 11trailers, 25 tons each)

NK/B /20/77-Stephen Macharia Maina, P.O. Box 26, Nyahu-ruru. Carriage of alf goods. Route : Central, RiftValley, Coast, Nyanza, W estern, North-Eastern,Eastern and Nairobi Provinces. (KQA 397, 14,780 1b.)

6666- 5. M . Maina, P.O. Box 48517, Nairobi. Carriagepf a11 goods and petroleum products. Route :Nairobi, Central, Eastern, Coast, Rift Valley,Western, Nairobi and Nyariza Provinces. (Fivevehicles, 10 to. 15 tons each 'and five trailers, 15 to30 tons each.)

15322-Binsherman Road Transporters & Taxis Servicts,P.O. Box 85013, Mombasa. Carriage of a11 goods,petroleum products and moto'r vehicles. Route ;Coast, North-Eastern, Eastern, Central, Rift Valley,Western and Nyanz'a P'rovinces. (Twelve vehicles,12 to 16 tons each, 12 trailers, 14 'to 20 tons each.)

21/77-Mrs. Rose Mary Nyambura, c/o Hughes Ltd.,P.O. Box 49, Nakuru. Carriage of a11 goods.Route : Central, Nairobi, Rift Valley, W estern,Coast and F.n stern Provinces. IKPF 654, 7,500 kg.and one more vehicle, 10,000 kg.)

22/77-Messrs. Mombasa Cargo & Tally O'rganization,P.O. Box 81454, Mombasa. Carriage of all goods.Route : Coast, G ntral, Western, North-Eastern,Eastern Provinces and a11 Kenya. (Six vehicles, 10to 12 tons each.)

23/77-Mungai Kabungu and Njuguna Muthee, P.O. Box23020, L. Kabete. Carriage of a11 goods, petroleumproducts and hardwares. Route : Nairobi, RiftValley, Nyanza, W estern, Eastern Provinces, M om-basa, Moyale, M andera, Laikipia and Malaba(Kenya y'Uganda border) and to Kenya/rranzaniabo'rder. (Two vehicles, 10 to 28 tons cach.)

24/77-Henry Macharia Maruri, P.O. Box 418, Naivasha.Carriage of a11 goods. Route : Rift Valley, Central,Nairobi, W estern, Eastern, Nyanza and Coast Pro-vinces. (Three vehicles, 9 to 15 tons eacha)

11690- Jama Ahmed, P..O. Box 26, Nakuru. Variation ofroute to add Nyanza W estern, Rift Valley, Eastern,Coast and Nairobl Provinces. Present route :Eastern, North-rastern and Nairobi Provinces.(KDS 762, 10 tons)

25/77-Kagiri Gachago, P.O. Box 7222, Nakuru. Carriageof a11 goods. Route : Rift Valley, Nyanza, W estern,Central, Nairobi, Eastern, Coast Provinces. (KLU907, KLS 743, 7 tons each.)

26/77-A11 Abdille Shegow, P.O. Box 29, Nakuru. Carri-age of a1l goods and petroleum products. Route :Rlft Valley, Nairobi, Coast, Western, Nyanm ,Fxastern, Nortll-Eastern Provinces. (Five vehicltsand five trailers, 15 to 30 tons each.)

2254-Naivasha Commercial Store Ltd., P.O. Box 8,Naivasha. Carriage of pstroleum products. Route :Nairobf, Central, Rift Valley, Nairobi Provinces.(KPY 290, 8,160 kg.)

27/77-Jeremiah Mwaura, P.O. Box 107, Naivasha. Carri-, . age of all goods. Route : Naivasha, Rift Valley,

Eastern, Central, Nyanza and Nairobi Provinces.(One vehicle, 10 tons.)

10707- Elisha M boya Ooro, P.O. Box 955, Kitale. Carri-age of all goods. Route : Nyanza, Coast, Western,Rift Valley, Nairobi, G ntral, Eastern and North-Eastern Provinces. (KDX 924, 10 tons and twomore vehicles, 10 to 25 tons each.)

2709- Frederick Cheriro, P.O. Box 8, Nandi Hills. Carri-age of all goods. Route : Rift Valley, Western,North-Eastern, Nairobi, Coast, Central and Eastern,Nyanza Provinces. (KDX 162, 7,700 kg.)

2940- M essrs. Ndalu Farmers Co-oporative Society, P.O.Box 151, Kitale. Carriage of all goods. Route :Western Provinco and Trans Nzoia District. (Onevehicle, 7 tons.)

2/76-Justus Njuki Nyaga, P.O. Box 41 , Nakuru. Carri-age of all goods, livestock and petroleum products.Route : Coast, North-Bastern, Eastern, Nairobi,Rift Valley, Westorn and Nyanza. Provinces. (Five

. vehicles, 10 to 15 tons each and five trailers, 10to 20 tons each.)

5/76-Messrs. Eldoret Soda Distributors Ltd., P.O. Box896, Eldoret. Capriage of mineral water (softdrinks). Route : Eldoret, Uasin Gishu, Nandi,Elgeyo M arakwet, Trans Nzoia, Busia, Bungoma,and Pokot Districts. (Two vehicles, 12 tons each.)

46/76-Elijah Ondimu Ongeri & Sons, P.O. Box 12, AthiRiver. Carriage of a1l goods. Route : Kisumu, .

Kisii, Homa B'ay, Migori, Kericho, Nakûru,Nairobi, Machakos, Kajiado, Na'rok, Nyangoso',Mombasa Districts. Gwo vohicles, 7 to 12 tonseach.) >

49 /76-David A. Sinei, Kamogoso School, P.O. 'Box 56,Sotik. Carriage of al1 goods. ' Route : Nyanza,Rift Valley, Nairobi, Central, Coast Provinces andKericho' District. (KDJ 532, 4,000 kg.)

28/77-Ngando Transporters, P.O. Box 28, Nakuru.Carriage of a1l goods, livestock and petroleum pro-ducts. Route : Nairobi, Central, Eastcrn, North-Eastern, Coast, Rift Valley, Nyanza and WesternProvinces. (Four vehicles, 10 to 15 tons eacih.)

50w/76-George Gachengo Murage, P.O. Box 820, Kisumu.Carriage of all goods. Route : Nyahururu, RiftValley, Central, Nairohi, Nyanza, Western andEastern Provinces and Coast. Cl'wo vehicles, 7 tonseach.)

51 p'/6-Lazaro Kiplasoi A. Ruto, P' .O. Box 365, Koricho.Carriago of a1l goods. Route : Kericho, Nyanza,W estern, Central Rift Valley and Nairobi Pro-!vinces. (One vehlcle, 7 to 10 tons.)

55/76-John Koguls Sala, c/o P.O. Box 30, Eldoret.Car.riage of a11 goods, pctroleum products andlivestqck. Route : Rift Valley, Nyanza, W estern,Central, Nairobi, North-Eastern, Eastern and CoastProvinces. (Eight vehicles, 10 to 15 tons each andeight trailers, 10 to 20 tons each.)

65/76-Kimunai arap Soi, P.O. Box 59, Sotik. Carriage tifall goods and petroleum products.' Route : RîftValley, Western, Nyanza, Central, Coast, North-Eastern, Nairobi and F-zastern P'rovinces. (Twovehicles, 15 'tons eac.h.)

86/76-Mohamed Abdulkadir, P.O. Box 1798, Kisumu.Carriage of a11 goods. Route : Nyanza, W estern,Rift Valley, Central and Nairobi. Provinces. (Fourvehicles, 7 to 12 tons each.)

. 87 /7&-Arnir Ramzan Dhanji and Mohamed Abdu Saleh,P.O. Box 1798, Kisumu. Carriage of a11 goods andpetroleum products. Route : W estern, Nyanza, RiftValley, Central and Rift Valley Provinces toNairobi. (Four vehicles, 7 tons each.)

g3/76-Benjamin. Simiyu Masinde, P' .O. Box 1095, Eldoret.Carriage of a1l goods, livestock and petroleum pro-ducts. Route : Western, Nyanza, Rift Valley,Nairobi, Central, North-n stern and Coast Pro-vinces. (Eight- vehicles, 10 to 15 tons each andten. trailers, 10 to. 20 tons each.)

97/76-Messrs. Omenya Distributors, P.O. Box 1396,Kisumu. Carnage of mineral waters (bottled).Route : Kisumu, Siaya, Kakamega, Homa BayDistricts. (One vehicle, 7 to 12 tons.)

3178-W illiam K. Langat, P.O. Box '881 Moi's Brldge.. Variation 'of route to add Coast, North-Eastern

Provinces. Present route : Rift Valley, Nyanza,'

Western, G ntral, Nairobi Prpvinces. (KLP 790,7,155 kg.)

22nd April, 1977 THE KENYA GM EU E 431

GAZBI'I'B Nolqcs No. 1023


THB undermentioned applications will be considered by the Transport Licensi.ng Board meeting at Kisumu Social Centre,Anderson Road, Kisumu, on the following date :-

Monday, 9tlt M ay, 1977, a't 9 a.m,, applications ill respect of Road Service Licences and TTB'' Carriers' Licences.

Bvery objection in respect of an application shall be lodged with the Licensing Authority and Distriot Commissioner of theDistrict in which such applicafion is to. 'be heard and a copy thereof shall be scnt to the applicant not loss than seven daysbeforo the date of the meeting at which such application is to be heard. Objections received late will not be considered çxceptwhere otherwise stated the applications are for one vehicle. Every objector shall include the size and registration number oftlz'e vehicle (together with the timetables whert applicable) operating on the applicant's proposed route. Those who s'ubmitapplications in the name of partnership or companies must brlng Certiticates 'of Busincss Registration to the. T..L.B. meeting.Applicants who are Kenya, Tanzania or Uganda citizens of non-African 'origin must produce their certilicate or any otherdocumentary proof of their citizenship.

ROAD Sravlcl LlcExcEs

TLB. lo330--Ochieng Olembo. & Sons, P.O. Box 1028, Kisumu.Variation of Toute to add Katito-Kendtf Bay andMuhuru. Present route : Manywanda - Kisumu -Korowe - Sondu - Kisii - Muhuru - Ahero. (KNX143, 52 passengers and KPJ 4 56 passengers.)2 .Present route : M anm anda - Klsumu - Ahero -Sondu - Kisii - Muhuru. (KPY 949, 62 passengers.)

KS /R/ 1 p'F7-charles Owano Okello', P.O. Box 37, Ahero.Route : Liunda - Kisumtz - Homa Bay - Kiabuye.(Two vehicles, 56 'passcngers each.)

2/77-Madatali S. Jamal, P.O. Box 1920, Kisumu. Route :Kisumu - Nyakweri - Kendu Bay - Homa Bay -Awtndo. lTwo vehicles, 56 passengers eacil.)

36tl-M asaba Trading Company, P.O. Box 510, Kisii.Variation to increase passenger-carrying capacitjfrom 41 to' 50 ' passengers. Present route : Kisil-Kericho. (KMT 94, 41 passengers.)

3/77-Odwor Oduk, P.O. Box 37, Bumala. Route :Kisumu-Bar Ober-Busia. (Ono vehicle, 62 pas-sengers.)

4/77-Danie1 Opondo (Nyamuanda Bus Service), c/oM ary Shadrack, P.O. Box 1922, Kisumu. Route :Riskis - Kapolo - Bondo - Ajigo. - Ndor'i - Akala -Awach - Kombewa - Holo' - Kisian - Kisumu.(One vchicle, 56 to 62 passengers.)

15408- 0'.- a Transport Co., P.O. Bo'x 9, Pap Onditi viaKisumu. Route : M bita - Homa Bay - Katito -Nakuru-Nairobi. (Two vehicles, 62 passengers each.)

12292-Danie1 Akiri Nyang'inja, P.O. Box 3, Sondu.Route : Kisumu - Homa Bay - Kendu Bay -Oyugis - Kisumu - Usonga - Nyabondo - MuhuruBay. (KQW 931, 62 passengers and three morevehicles, 62 passengors each.)

5/77-James Joro, P.O. Box 7, Kisumu. Route ) Kisii -. Kericllo - Nakuru - Nairobi - Voi - M ombasa for

F. 0. NYABURA,îor Executive OFcer.

Transport Lîcensîng Board,P.O. Box 30440, Nairobi.

' day and n'ight services. (Three vehicles, 44 pas-sengers each.)

1821- Owino Transport Co., P.O. Box 7220.1, Nairobi.Route : Kisumu - Ruambwa - Ukwala - Siaya -Port Victoria. (KPJ 745, 62 passengers.)

6285= Sam uel A. Ayuku, P.O. Box 790, Kakamega.Variation to add night servke. Present route :Nairobi - M umias - Kisumu - M bale - Kisa -Nakuru - Kericho.. (KQN 763, 67 passehgers.)Present route : N'airobi - Nakuru - Kericho -Kisumu - Kitale - M arama - Kakamega - Kisa -S'tand - M'aragoli - Mabusi - B /Falls - Luanda.(KDU 553, 61 passengers.) Present route : Emusire-M aseno - Kisian - Kisumu - Busia. - Nakuru -Kericho-Nairobi. (KNW 661 , 67 passengers.) Pre-sent route : Nairobi - Nakuru - M olo - Londlani -Kericho - Kisumu - Kisa - Butere - Mumias -Bumala - Nambalt - Namuwa - Ugunja - Busia.(KMF 548, 62 passengers, for d'ay service only-)

2505-C.har1es Gichana s/ (:) Angwenyi, P.O. Box 803,Kisii. Route : Kisii - Bungoma - Kakamega -Kisumu - Nairobi - M ombasa f or da'y and nightservices. (KRC 74, KRC 75, 62 passengers eachand six more vehicles, 67 passengers each.)

1004-Peter Egembo Okal, P..O. Box 45466, Xairobi.Route : Nairobi-Nakuru-Kisumu. t'Four vehicles, 42to 72 passengers eacll.) '

14368-E. M . Kebaso, P.O. M anga via Kisii. Variationof iroute to add Nakuru-Nalrobi, and to deleteNyamaiya - South Mugirango - M ogonga - Birongo -M anga - Nyamaiya - N. M ugirango. - Riangombo -lkonge. Present route : Nyamaiya - S. M ugirango' -M ogonga - Birongo' - Kisii - Manga - Nyamaiya -N. Mugirango - Riangombo. - Ikonge - Kisii.Kericho. (KDJ 448, 36 passengers.)

T'B'' CwmttBRs' LtcsNcEs

KS /B / 1 /77-J.acob Mugo, P.O. Box 41, Kisumu. Carriage ofall goods, livestock and petroleum products. Route :Nyanza, W estern, Rift Valley, Central, Nairobi,a stern, North-Eastern and Coast. Provinces. (Sixvehicles, 10 to 15 tons tach and six trailers, 15 to25 tons each.)

TLB. 1283-Chumo arap Birir, P.O. Box 119, Sotik. Carriageof a11 goods and livestock. Route : Rift Valley,Nyanza, Western, Malaba (Kenya p'Uganda border),Central, Nairobi, Fastern, North-Eastern andCoast Provinces. (KQS 97; 7 to 15 tons each.)

5443--51111 Rise and Red Circle Fzxpress Ltd., P.O. Box327, Kericllo. Carriage of a11 goods and livestock.Route : Rift Valley, Nyanza, Wtstern, G ntral,Nairobi, Eastern, North-Eastern and Coast Pro-vinces. (KQQ 131 and two more vehicles, 7 to15 tons each.)

1963-Ra.tejo Transport Servlce , P.O. Box 1274, Kisumu.Carnage of a11 goods and livestock. Route :Nyanza, Western, Rift Valley, Central, Nairobi,Coast, Eastern Provinces and Malaba X enya /Uganda border). (Fou'r vehicles, 8 to 12 tons eachand two trailers, 15 to 20 tons each-)

2 f77-otwoma. Ojasi, P.O. Sio Port via Ukwala. Carriageof a11 goods. Route : Nyanza, W estern, RiftValley, Nairobi, Central, Eastern and Coast Pro-vinces. (KDX 923, 7,630 kg.)

9469- Masaba Trading Company, P.O. Box 510, Kiàii.Variation of route .to add Nyanza, Rift Valley andW estern Provinces. Present route : Kisii., . KerichoDistricts and Lumbwa. (KLJ 379, 6,723 kk.)

6172-Tabaka Enterprises, P.O. Box 461, Kisii. Variationf ' Rift Vallcy and Nyanz,aof rôute to add Western,

. Provinces. Present route : Kisii, Klsumu, . SouthNyanm, Kericho and Nairobi Distriots. (KDW 581 ,7,185 kg. and KMY 862, 13,110 lb.)

3/77-Ojwang K'Ombundo, P.O. Box 920, . Kiqttmu.Carriage of general goods. Route : k'lsumu, Busia,Eldoret, Kitale, Homa B'ay, Kisii, Nakuru, Lodwar,Nairobi, Mombasa Distrkts and Isebanla. (KDT935 and KDQ 314, 5 'to 7 tons eaoh'.) (2) Carriagoof all. goods. Route : Kisumu,. Busia, Eldoret,KitalL, Lodwar, Kericho, Kisii, Nalcuru, Homa Bayand Nairobi, Mombasa Districts. ' (One veb-icle, 8to 15 tonst) '

432 THE KBNYA GAZETI'E 22nd Aprii, 1977

:*,, Cxkkmhs' LI(:BNt)P,s.......(f7t)nf#.)FLB. 13931- Wi11y Ngasura, P.O. Box 3028, Bomet. Variation.

of route to add Nyanza, W estern, G ntral, Fwasternand Coast Provinces. Present route : Rift Valley

. and Nairobi Provinccs. (KQN 326, 17,760 lb. and' ' KQT 671, 17,860 lb.)''

KS/: /4/77-A11 Ossoble & Co'., P.O. Bok 78, Kakamega. C'arri-age o.f a1l goods. Ropte : Western, Nyanza, RiftValley and Nairobi Provinèes. (KDY 9 and onemore vehicle, 8 to 12 tons each.)

4033-Kebirijo Trading Company, P.O. Box 74, Sotik.Variatlon 'of routt to add Kisumu, South Nyanza,Machakos and M ombasa Distrkts. Present route :Kisi.i, Kericho, Nakuru Districts, N'aivasha andNairobi. (KLQ 778, 7,330 kg.)

5/77-Teresa Nyabeni, Manga Market, P.O. Manga via. Kisii. Carriage of 'all goods. Route : Nyanza,

. Westqrm. Rift Valley and Nairobi Provinces. (Onevehicle, 12 tons.)

6/77-Yunia N'yakundi, Manga Market, P.O. Manga viaKisii. Carriage of a11 goods. Route : Nyanza,Western, Rift Valley 'and Nairobi Provinccs. (Onevehicle, 12 tons.)

7/77-Simeon G. S. Mhango', Shattti Moyo. Street, P.O.Box 1281, Kisumu. Carriage of a11 goods. Route :Nyanza and Western Provinces. (Ode vehicle, 7 to12 tons.)

lo67zl-Transocean (U) Ltd., P.O. Box 4909, Kampala:. Uganda. Route : M'ala.ba, Eldoret, Nakuru, Nairobl

. and M ombasà, fo.r the carriage of general cargo.(KJU 733, KJU 790, KJR 10s KJR 9, KPU 812,KQT 654, 9,000 kg. each, ZA 2547, ZA 1500,ZA 1475, ZA 1473, ZA 1484, ZA 1490, 10,500 kg.each) '

8 y77-Melkizrdeck M. uuya Githinji, P.O. Box 176,Kericho.' Carriage of a.11 goods. Route : Rift

' - . Valley, Nyanza, Central, N'airobi, F-astgrn and'

. Coast Provmces. (KLJ 774, 7 to 12 tons.)'

. . '

9/77r-Pder Nambiro. Mubatsi, P.O. Box 169, Mumias.' ' ' Carriage of petroleum products. Route : W estern,' ' Nyanza and Rift Valley Provinces. (On.e vehicle,

10 to 15 tons.)10/77-Apiyo Nyagwala, P.O. Box 17, Ukwala. Carriage

of a1l goods. Route : Nyanza and Western Pro-vinces. ('KDP 875, KDM 610, KDF 366 and KCY694, 5 to 7 tons èach.)

14328-Luanda (Cotton) Farmtrs' Co-op. Union Ltd.,P.O. Box 5048, Funyula. Carriage of al1 goods.Route : W estern Province, Siaya and Kisumu Dis-'tricts. (KDX 714, 8,100 kg.)

11 f77-Nyando. Garage Ltd., P.O. B'ox 415, Kisumu.Carriage of building materials. Route ; W ithinNyanza Province,. (KND 724, 6,422 kg. and onemoro vehicle, 14,575 1b.)

12/77-West Rift Roadways Co. Ltd., P.O. Box 122,Kericho. C'arriage of a11 goods and petroleum.Route : Rift Valley, Nyanza, Wostern, Central,Nairobi 'and Coast Provinces. (Three vthicles and'three trailers, 10 to. 30 tons each.) .

9696. .-leake Victoria Bctttling C.,o. Iatd., P.O. Box 20021,Kampala, Uganda. Carriage of carbon dioxide.Routt : Nairobi and to Kenya/uganda border.'

(KPK 478, 10 to 20 tons.)l3/77-Muguahari & Co., P.O. Box 298, 'Kitale. Carriage

of all goods and petroleum products. Route : RiftValley, Nyanza, W estern, Central, Nairobi, Eastcrnand Coast Provfnces. (KNV 897, 18,968 1b.)

14/77-Naaman . Ekakaro, Malaba Market, North TesoLocation, P.O. Malaba. Carriage 'of all goods.Routt : Western, Nyanza, Rift Valley, Nairobi andCentral Provinces. (KDX 814, 7.1. qtons.)

2929-..6a,ra, Hersi Moghe Osman, P.O. . Box 67, Bungoma.Carriage bf a11 goods. Route ) Western, Nyanza,Rift ' Valley and . Nairobi Provinces. (KDT 197,KND 81, 7,530 kg. 'and KDY 714, 7,610 kg.)

12875- K1b11 A. Langat, P.O. 1ox 583, Kerlcho. Carriaggof a11 goods. Route: Rift Valley, Nyanza, Western,Nairobi, Central and Coast Provinces. (T'wovohicles, 7 to 14 tons each.)

t5/ 77-Fredrick Chazima, P.O. Box 274, Maragoli. Carri-. . .

' ago of al1 goods and petroleum products. Route :'

Wvsttrn, Nyanza, Rift Valley, Nairobi and CoastProvinces. ('fhrtç vettkles, 7 to 25 tons eq,cll.l

16/77-Timothy A. Ndungu, P.O. Box 101, Kericho.Ca'rriage of al1 goods and petroltum products.Route : Rift Vailey, Western, Nyanza, Central,Nairobi, Eastern and Coast Provinces. (Fourvohides, 10 to 12 tons each.)

17/77-J. Ondari Matoke, P.O. Box 15, Kimilili. Carriageo.f all goods and petroleum produots. Route :W estorn, Nyanzay Rift Valley, Ctntral, Nairobi,.rzastern and Coast, Provinces. (Fou'r vehicles andfour trailers, 15 t'o 20 tons each.)

18/77-Banjamin K. Mutai, P.O. Box 290, Moi's Bridge.Carriage of a1l goods. Route) Rift Valley, W estezn,Nyanza, Nairobi, Central, Eastern and Coast Pro-vinces. ffhree vehicles, 10 to 15 tons each.)

19/77-Yusuf Abdi, P.O. Malakisi, via Bungoma. C'arriagoof a1l goods. Route : Western, Nyanza, Rift Valleyand Nairobi Provinces. (Three vehicles, 8 to 12tons each.)

20/ 7i-shabaait Barasa, P.O. Box 71, Bungoma. Carrlageof a1I goods. Route ; Western Province: TransNzoia, Kijale, Bldoret and Kisumu Distrids. (KDX958, 7,6t0 kg.)

21 /77-Jama Transporter, P.O. Box 5, Kitale. Carriageol a14 goods and petroleum. Route : Rift Valley,Nyanza, W estern, Nairobi, Central, Rastern andCoast Provinces. (KNZ 435/7A 9973, KQW 66 /ZA 2694, KQW 67/ZA 2695, KQX 91 /ZA 2781,KQX 449/ZA 6976, KKZ 749/Z 6976, TZ 23584/

' TDN 336, 12 to' 25 tons each..)22 /77-Tawai Limited, P.O. Box 1068, Kitale. Cartriage

of mum, molasses, cattlo feeds, urea and premix.Route : Rift Valloy, Nyanza, W estern, Nairobi,'Central, Eastern and Coast Provinces. (KQZ 500,15 tons.)

23/77-Derida V'ariety Enterprises, P.O. Box 1030,Kisumu. Carriage of a11 goods. Route : Nyanm ,W estern, Rift Valley, Nairobi, Eastem , Coast andCentral Provinces. IKDS 573, 15,390 1b.)

j24/77-Mohamed Abdi, P.O. Box 5, Kitale. Carriage oa11 goods 'and petroleum. Route : Rift Valley,Nyanza, W estern, Central, Nairobi, Eastern, North-' Eastern and Coast Provincs. (KPF 198 JZA 237,UVA 31 J'tJVO' 259, 12 to 15 tons each.)

25/77-Nyakundi Arati, P.O. Box 393, Kisii. Carrfage ofal1 goods and petroleum products. Route : Nyanza,W estern, Rift Valley, Central, Nairobi, Eastern,North-Eastern and Coast Provincès. (KDX 193,KDX 926 'and three more vehicles, 15 to 25 tonseach.)

26/77-R s'eah Kiplaùga't Kesui, P.O. Box 579, Kericho.'Carriage of a11 goods. Route : Rift Valley,Nyanza and Western Provinces. (KMV 270 andKNE 299, 7 to. 12 tons each.)

27/77-Meri'gi Farmers Co-op. Society Ltd., P.O. Box 63,Bomet. C'arriage of a11 goods. Route ; Rift Valley,Nyanza, W estern, Nairobi, Eastern 'and Coast Pro-vinces. (KQE 65, 16,'190 1b.)

28 J'/7-Mishael S. Machora, Tinga F. C. S. Ltd., P.O.Box 589, Kisii. Capriago of a11 goods. Route :Kisii, South Nyanza: Kisumu, Kakamega. Districts,Rift Valley and Nalrobi Provinces. (One vehicle,12 tons.) '

Xo4-Bhagwanji N. Kotecha, P.O. Box 18, Kisumu.Carriage of a1l goods and petroleum products.Route ; Nyanza, Western, Rlft Valley, Central,Nairobi, Eastern and Cvoast Provinces. (KDY 845,7,640 kg. and one 'more vehicle, 7 to 15 tons.)

29/77-A. 0. Simion, Alego Ramb'a K'arapul, P.O. Box 98,. . Siaya. Cariiage of a1l goods and livestock. Route :'

Nyanza W estern, Rift Valley, Central, NalrobiRastern 'and Coast Provinces. (Two vehicles, 10 to20 tohs eaçh.)

'' 3o/77-Mwagetonto Traders Co., P.O. Box . 40, Keroka.Carriage of a11 goods. Route ; N#anza, Western,Rift Valley, 'Central and Nqtlobi Provinces.' '

. (KQU 583 ' 7 tons-) ''2505- Char1es Gichana s yo Angwenyi, P.O. Box 803,

Kisii. Carriage o'f petroleum products. Route :Nyanza, W estern, Rift Valley, Central, Eastern,Nairobi and Coast Provïnces. (KRA 194, 12 tons-)

.6285- Samuel A. Ayuku, P.O. Box 790, Kakamega. Carri-age of all goods. Route : W estern, Nyanza, RiftValley and Nairobi Provlnces. (KPB 590, 7 to12 tons-)

22nd April, 1977 THE KENYA GAZETI'E 433

XCB'' CARRIERS' LICBNCES-VC/FII#.) 'KS /B/31/77-Ahero Transporters, P.O. Box 1108, Kisumu.

Carriage o'f a11 goods and livestock. Route :Nyanza, Western, Rift Valley Provinces, Kenya /Uganda border, Nairobi, Central, Eastern andCoast Provinces. (Five vehicles and two trailers,7 to 20 tons each.)

32/77-Obonyo Family Transport, P.O. Box 12, Koru.Carriage of a11 goods and livestock. Route ;

Nyanza, W estern, Rift Valley, G ntral, Nairobi,C'oast Provinces. (KPH 744, 5 tons and one morevéhicle, 10 to 20 tons.) .

TLB. 10707- E1isha Mboya Ooro, P.O. Box 955, Kitale. Carri-age of a11 good's and livestock. Route : Nyanza,Western ' Provinces, Malaba Kenya/uganda bprdor,Itift Valley, Central Nairobi, Eastern and CoasttProvinces. (Two trallers, 10 .to 20 tons each-)

tJAZETTE 'forlcE 'fo. 1024 Gxzy,'rru No'mcE No. 1026


DECLARATION oF EARLIEST AND LATEST PI-ANTING DAIES, 1977'.N V.XERCISE of nobwers conferred by section 5 of the

Agriculture (Crop Production) Rules, the Nyeri District Agrioul-'tural Committee hereby cleclares the several d'ajtes set forth Fnthe sercond and 'third column of the schedulo hereto to berespectively the earliest and latest dates of planting for theessential crop specified tllerein in respect of ' the respectivearea specilied in the first oolumn of the said Schedule.


(1) (2) (3)'

Earliest Planting Latest PlantîngDates, 1977 Dates, 1977

M aize Maize

Mathira, Kieni East, Othayâ, 1 5th March, 19777 30th April, 19t7Tetu and Mpkurwein L (Long Rains)

Mathira, Kienl West, Othaya 1 5th Ma yy 1977 30th June, 1977and Tetu. (Gathano Rainsj

Kieni W est, Kieni East and 15th September, 25th October,Mathira (Ruguru Loc.). 1977 1977. (short Rains)

Dated this 7th day of April, 1977.Z. ORW A,

Chairman,Nyeri District Agricultural Committee.


DECLARATION oF EARLIEST AND LATEST PLANTING DATES, 1977IN EXERCISE of 'the powers conferred by seotion 5 of the

Agriculture (Crop Production) Rules, 'the Laikipia DistriarAgricultural Committee hereby dedares the several dates sôtforth in the second and third columns of the Szhedule herototo be respectively tho earliost and latest dates of planting forthe essential crop specified ltherein in respeot of the respediveareas 'specised in the' hrst column of th; said Schedule.


(1) (2) (3)Earliest Planting Latest Planting

Area Dates, 1977 Dates, 1977

Wheat Wheat

Marmanet 1st M ay, 1977 31st July, 1977Nyahururu 1st May, 1977 30th Julys 1977Leshau . . 1st M ay, 1977 30th July, 1977Nanyuki 15th March, 1977 15th May, 1977

1st August, 1977 15th October,1977

Loldaiga 15th March, 1977 15th M ay, 19771st September, 15th October,

1977 1977Ng'arua 1st May, 1977 30th June, 1977

This cancels the Gazette Notice No. 628 of 11th March, 1977.

Dated tlûs 5th da' y of April, 1977. . .S. W . NDIRANGU,

. for Chaîrman,District ' Akrkultural Commîttee.

GAzs'n'B NOTICE NO. 1025


DBCLARAIAON OF EARLIEST AND LATEST PLANTING DATES, 1977IN EXERCISE of powers conferred by section 5 of the

Agriculture (Crop Production) Rules, the Nyeri District Agricul-tural Committee hereby declares the several dates set forth inthe second and 'third c'olumn of the schedule hereto to. berespectively th< earliest and latest dates of planting for theessehtial crop specilied therein in respect of the respectivearea specised in tho lirs't column of the s'aid Schedule.

SCHEDULB. . j ' ,

(1) (2) I (3)Earliest Planting Latest PlantingDates, 1977 Dates, 1977

Wheat p'/lcéf

South of Bulguret . . . . 1st March, 1977 31st March,'1977(Long Ralns).

North of Bqrguret . . ' 1st March, 1977, 15th April, 1977(Long Ralns). ' '

Areas (ShortvRains) 15th September, 25th October, '. 1977 1977

Dated this 7th day of April, 1977.Z. ORW A,. .. . . . . .. , t. .- . chairman,

' DJ.j'Jz,Jcf ,4.i t'iculturul- c'o-inff/ec.Jvyer.;


.DECIARATTON otl EARI-IBST Axo LATEST PIANTING DATBS, 1977IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by seotion 5 of tlke

Agritmlture (Crop Production) Rules, 'the Laikipia' DistrictAgricultural Committee htreby declares the several . dates setforth in the second and third columns of 'the Schedule heretoto be respeotively 'the earliest and latest dates of planting forthe essential crop specxed itherein in respect of the rcspectiveareas specilied in the ilrst column of the said Schedule.


(1) (2) ' (3). Earliest Planting Latest Planting

. Datess ..1977 . . Dates, 1977' Maize M aîze

M armanet . . . .' .'

. lkt Martt tt 197. -/. 30th May- 1977>


T/Falls West . . . . 1st March, 1977 30th .May, 1977Leshau . . . . . . 1st M aych, 1977 30th M' ay, 1977Ng'arua ' .''. ''.'. . ' '. .' 1st Mafch, 1977 30th May; .t977

.. ' '' ' '

This .mancels qthe Gazette Notice No. 627 of 11th M arch, 1977.

. Dated . this. 5th day gf April, 1977.. . ,' . . . . - '....

. . h' : . . . é NDjRASG? . . 7. w . ,. . - . . . . jor k4 rman,

434 'IW E KEW A GAZETTE 22nd April, 1977

Gu srrs Noncs No. 1028 Awm s


503001 To 503050NOTICE is hereby given that Road Transport Requisition

Book humbered 503001 to 5030,60 has been reported lost.This Road Transport Requisition Book has now been can-

celled and the public is notified for general information that theGovornment will not accopt any liability on c'laims resultingfrom servicos .rendered on the strength of the above-quotedRoad Transport Requisitions.

Dated this 12th day of April, 1917.J. K. MUSINGI,

for Permanent Secretary.

GAZE'I'I'E No'ncs No. 1029


IT IS Eereby notifed for the general information of thegublic that Road Requisition Order Nos. 446666 and 446667lssued at Nakuru have been reported lost. Thtse requisitionshave now been cancolled and the Governmont shall not acceptany liabilities for any services rendered against the lostrequisitions.

M . N. S. KIDZUGA,l@r Permanent Secretary.

3. 'rhe Nptiscation of Dispute Form 'W '' dated 13thNovember, 1976, duly signed by the parties were received bythe Court on 18th January, 1977, along with the statutorycertificate signed by the Labour Commissioner.

This is the first time that the parties to this dispute haveresorted to the Industrial Court for the settlement of theirdispute arisin! out of a collective agreement although they havebeen hegotiatlng for many years now.n e latest collective agreement betwpen the parties came into

eFect from 1st July, 1973 and was to run for a period of36 months. Under this agvement workers were granted a 10per cent wage inorease 1or each of the three years, on 1st July,IX3, 1st July, 1974 and 1st July 1975, making a total averayewage of 30 per cent. Following the May Day Presidentlalannouncement on minimum wages the parties negotiated asupplementary agreement which provided a wage increase of5 m r cent with elect from 1st July, 1975.On 201 M ay, 1976, the Claimants submitted thèir new

proposals on terms and conditions of service. Negotiationsstarted on 4th June, 1976 and a total of eleven meetings tookplace. The partie,s reached agreement on 15 items out of 17.There was no agreement on wages and deconsolidation of

housing allowanco and conciliatipn proceedings did not helpmatters much.

'Ihe changes in the fringo bene:ts are going to cost theRespondents about 4 per cent.The Respondents have a11 along resisted the Claimants'

demands on the ground that tlzey were prepared to make anoffer on the general wage increase which would be, strictlywitllin tlle Guidelines which have been issued b: the Ministerfor Financo to the Industrial Court. The partles' respectivepositions on this issue are as follows :-

Gjkzs'l'fr Ntm cs No. 1030

M INISTRY OF AGRICULTUREIaoss oF L.P.O. LEAF No. 671376 oF 9- JANUARY, 1977NOTICE is hereby given for the general information of the

public that the above-quoted Local Purchase Orde.r belon.gingto District Agricultural OKce, Kakamega, addressed toK.N.T.C., Kisumu, has been reported lost or stolen.n is Local Purchase Order has now 'been cancelled and the

Government shall not accept any liability for services rene redon the strength of that order.

Respondents10% increase with effect from 1st July, 19767.5% increase wltll eFect from 1st July, 19777.5% increase with eEed from 1st July, 1978

J. M . EGALA,for Provîncial Dlrector t# Agrkulture.

. ' . 71. . . . < . . ... ' ' . . i

GAzsrrs NozqcE No.' 1031'



IT IS notified for gcneral information that Kenya GovernmentTravi'l Warrant Nos. 438851 to 438900 have been. lost or stolenand thereforo cancellod. Tlle Govemmont of the. Republic ofKenya will not accept any liability for any services renderedagainst these warrants.' STEPHEN NGIGE,'' '

îor Asslstant Director ol Medîcal é'ervfce,ç In-charge.

G&ZBn'B Nc/ricB No. 1032


P3Wez.: - .Kenya Chemical W orkers' Union

. and. -

.. , . skst xfri. ca Industries tzd.

Issutk in gfxpt4fé:-1. XeW minimum ratts of and general wage increase coveéng

Jttl. y, . 1976 to June, 1979.2. Hoizsing allowance decoàsolidation.1. The Kenya Chemical W orkers' Union shall hereinafter be

mferred to as tlze Claimants and > st Afric,â Industries Ltd.shall heminkfter be referred to as the Respondents. '2. The parties weré heard in Nyirobi on the 22nd day of

Marclk .1977 'and relied on their wntten and verbal submisslons.

Clalmants18% increase whh elect from 1st July, 197615% increase with eFect from 1st July, 197715% increase witll effect from 1st July, 1978

'l'he Clalmants have made a vigorous submission in thisdispute, Erst in attacldng the Guidelines as they strongly feltthat the Guidelines in Kenya were workiflg to the detrimentof the workers. They put forwatd the view that the Guidelinessltould be withdrawn and tlte parties shoul; be left to negotiatefreely .on such important matters as wages and housingallowance.

The G aimants stated that in 1973 the Respondentj had made-

a totjl prolit of Sh. 56,000,000 and for 1976 it was exmctedthat lt would go up to Sh. 92,000,000. This was mainly due tothe hardwprk and the great team spirit that had been displayedby the workers in this industry.The Claimants were particularly critical of the Respondents

becauso according to them the Respondents had adopted asystem of cheap labour in that they employed on an averageabout 350 casual workers which meant that the company wassaving Sh. 3,816 per day as they spent Sh. $800 p.d. on casualswhereas if the same employees were on monthly terms theywould cost the Respondent.s Sl1. 8,616 per day.The Claimants did nöt accept that the Respondents had lost

any ' business due to the loss of Tanzania and Uganda marketsand the cancellation of an order from Zanzibar because thedemand for their goods in Kenya had increased tremendouslyas a result . of which the Respondents had been able to recordsuch bik prosts.The Claimants reieoted the comparison tabje which had been

producçd by the Respondents illustrating that th: Respondents'employees were amongst the highest paid in the countjy onthe ground that the Respondenls had not given full detalls ofthe other benefts like the proviszon of stal quarters and housingallowance which were provided by the other employers quotedby the Respondents in that table.The Claimants submitted that the Respondents informed

them that they would increase their employment by 25 per centover tlt: nexs thrve years commencing from July, 1976 to Junet

22nd April, 1977 THE KENYA GM ETTE 435

1979, if tlze Claimants agreed to a wage increase of 5 ?er centfor each year totalling 15 per cent for the three-year penod. rl'heClaimants said that they rejected this ultimatum and duringconciliations at one stage they were prepared to accept a 45per cent increase on the basis of 15 per cent for each year tosettle the dispute as they were prepared to drop their demandon housing allowanoe as well if their offer was accepted. TheRespondents had osered them a 10 per cent wage increase foreach year making in a1l 30 per cent f or the three-year periodbut since then they seemed to have changed their approach.

The Claimants submitted that they had been guided by theincrease in the cost of living in formulating their demandswhich had gone up by 68.1 per cent from July, 1973 toFebruary, 1977. They further claimed their share of the growthin the economy of the country for the period 1971 to 1972.They asked the Court to also take inta account the recentincreases announced by the Government on the basio essentialcommodities which in their opinion worked out at an extrainorease of 18.j per cent.They reminded the Coul't that the 10 per cent increase which

they had received in the latest agreement was to compensatethem f or the cost of living increases during tlze lifetime of theprevious aqreement and they stated that they wanted the Courtaward in llne iwth their demand as the Respondents had notpleaded inability to 'pay nor had they indicated that they willnot increase the employment by merely doubling the numberof cajuals.

if the rents for houses had increased since 1966 these incteas'e'shad been re:ected in the consolidated wages over the years.The Respomlents vehemently opposed the Claimants' dem:ndon this ijsue as tvy felt that it would be used to inflate wagesartifcially through tiJ negotiation process.'I'ho Court realizes tlzat thropgh the .parties' own voluntary

negotiations over the years they have brought the wage levglof the Respondents' employees to a leyel where they can beranked among some of the highest in the coùntry. The lowestbasic wago for non-clçrical in the Respondents' undertaking isSh. 662 p.m. an' d Go towest clerical is Sh. 994 p.m.As a matter of fact under the 1973 agreement the position

was as f ollows regarding the wages f or the various grades : -î'Grade New Wages 1st July

to 30th June, 1976Sh. p.m.

Sp 1,3961 A 1,165I B 1,07111 950III 866IV 727V 633'

VI 577A 1,583B 1,359C 1,117D 950''Housing Allowance Deconsolîdation

rl''he Claimants stated that they were enoouraged by the senti-ments expressed by the Court on this issue in a recent awardand also by the Court's comment in the motor industry dispute(Cause No. 37 of 1976) on this subject.The Claîmants pointed out that although at one time tlley

were entitled to a separate housing allowance they had consoll-dated it into the monthly wage but that was way back in 1966.The situation now was vastly changed because the rents currentlybeing chafged were very high and they feel that the workersshould be entitled to a separate housing allowance which theyproposed to be Sh. 250 p.m. in order to grant some sort ofrelief to the over-burdened employees by high cost of living.

The Respondents have vigorously resisted the Claimants'demands mainly on the ground that in their opinion it wasbetter to creat more employment opportunities for Kenyansthan to substantially increase tho already extremely high wagelevels.

The Respondents' C'hairman had at ono stage put forward aproposition to the Claimants' General Secretary that if theClaimants reduce their demand by 5 per cent p.a. for the nextthree qears then there was a possibility that the Respondentswould lnorease their regular lybour force by almost 20 per centover tlte same period in vîew of their on-going expansioitprogramme.The Respondents in briof relied on tho following important

points in making their offer as has been stated hereinaboye : -

6&(a) Their loss of Uganda and Tarlzania markets.(:) Their on-going expansion programme which is likely to

create more employment depending on the Court's award.(c) 'I'he provisions of the Wage Guidelines.(#) The extremely favourable existing terms and conditions

of serdce. . '(c) 'Fhe fact that price increase requests arising from wage

increases are disallowed by the. Price Controller-''The Respondents also drew the Court's attention' to th:

f ollowing benefits which they provided for their employees : -%((a) Free luncheon at the cost of f41,000 p.a. ' .(/7) Free transport to shift employees at the cost of f 13,000 p.a.(c) Free excelle' nt mediceal facilitiek. at 'the cost of :17,000 p.a.Thes: welfare facilities cost the Respondents. a total of

171,000 p.a. or 8 per cçnt of the total wage 'bill.'' 'The Respondents pleaded with the Court that the award

should be strictly within the spirit and letter of the Guidelinesas it would then enabl.e them to. carry on their expansion pro-gramme and create more job opportunities as indica' ted bythem. .

On tlte . issue of deconsolidation of housing allowançe theRespovdents submitted that the parties themselves had consoli-dated the housing' allowance into the basic wages in 1966 and

The Employment Promotion Division analysis shows that ifthe awards were to bc backdated to July, 1976, then the appro-priate çost of living compensation would be 64.5 per cent sinceJuly, 1973, up to June, 1976, less 35 per cent wage increasegranted during the life of the current agreement which leaves29.5 per cent uncompensated,. two thirds of which nmounts to19.7 per cent for a two-year period agreement. The E.P.D.further point out tltat if Gis figure is compounded with theClaimants' demand of 10.5 per cent for the G.D.P. per capitagrowth of the economy (from July, 1970 to June, 1973) thenthe compounded ligure is 32.3 per cent.'I'he Court has carefully studied the Employment Promotion

Divlsion report particularly Table I of that report whicll showstho declining rate' of compensation for cost of living increasein accordance with the relevant Guideline.Unfortunately for the Claimants the maximum ceiling f or

compensation permissible under tlze Guidelines covers all typesof labour costs indudin! housing sipce this is one of tlte itemsincluded in the calculatlon of cost of living indices.The Court notes with satisfaction that the Central Bureau

of Statistics has undertaken a survoy of ronts in al1 tho majortowns in the countly in order to get a proper picture o' f therental situation tllat prevails currently.Tho Court having göt p. distinct impression from the Claim-

ants daring the. hearing that if they were awarded a reasonableincrease then they would not press for a separate housingallowance has decided to make a ni1 award on tlle issue ofdeconsolidation of housing allowance.After cafeful' considération of a11 the' submissions mado by'

the parties and in accordanèe with the Gttideline issued by theMinlster for Finance and Economic Planning to the IndustrialCourt the Cèurt make's the fallowing amrard on the issue. The

lt should be noted that tlzese wages were increased as followswith efect from 1st July, 1975 to 30th June, 1976 : -

Sh. p-m.ç'Sp .. 1 460 'I A .. . 1,219I B . . . 1 , 12011 . . . 9941II 906IV 761V 662VI.A . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,657s , . j 4zz,(7 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,16917 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9921.,'

Tho Court has now to decide what wage increase to grantto these employees f or the duration of the next collective agree-ment which the parties have agreed would be elective from1st July, 1976 and would run for a period of three years from.that date.

436 THE KEW A GM E'IVE 22nd April, 1977

' Court must stat: ' that it has seriously taken into considerationthe Respondents' offer of creating more regular job opportuni-ties over the next three years in formulating its award.

1. New rlzfnfpzlfaz rates 0/ and general wtzge increœw coverîngJuly, 1976 to June, 1979.

and ftitlgç fb'enqfi 't ' levels so high. 'rhe Claimahts stresge,d thatthe Respondents had made only 'one qll'er throughout negotia-'tkons whkh was their first 'and linal . ofer. This represented alirst increas'e of 7.1. pe.r cent and a 5 per cent wage increasefor the second year. The lclailnan'ts had put forward demandswhich they had subsequently reduced to 30 per cent wageincrease for the first year and 25 per eent wage increase for thesecond year.' 'The Respondents vigorously opposed the Claimants' demandon the qround that their Group comprised some 40 employersin this mdustry ou't of a total of 400 employers eJlgaged insim'ilar business the malority of whom would naturally not beböund by their .collective agreement with the Claimants or by theCourt awar' d in the present dispute. .

The Respondents pointed out that the garment manufaduringindustrï in the country was highly competitive, the most seriouscompetltiôn was posed by im'ported garments. They stated thatgn 1975 Kenya ha'd imported garments and related productsvalued at K.Sh. 70,351,430. During 'thç same period 1,000 tonsof 'second-hand clothing valued at K.SIZ. 22,024,366 wereimported.

Tho Respondents further pleaded' that they had been hârd hitby the total b' an on al1 f'abrics and textiles importation intothe coymtl'y jince M ay 1976 which meant that the Respondentsand the- others in the cloth'ing industry had to depend entirelyoa 1 ocal mills for supply of fabrics and 'textiles which localmills are not able to meet. Further the prices of local fàbricslmd gono up by 60 per cent 'since November 1976 and hadgone u'p again in M arch 1977. .

The Respondents referred to 'the grave situation in theirindustry where m'ost of the maclïin'ery was operated at less thtm70 per cent capacity which was an extremdly serious situation ina labour intensive industry. '

rrhe Respondents 'denied that they had tuken the Claimantslighïly during negotiations and pleaded that job opportunities intheir undortakings could quite easily decline if they were askedto meet the financial burden necessitated by the Claimants'unreasonable démands. The Respondents referred to about 12letters from their memfbers setting out the state of employmentand the future prospeds in support. of their contention.

The tcourt notes that 'the cost of living a's reflected in thewage eam ers cost of living index has gone up by 35 per cent upto Febrtrary 1977 and if the relevant Guideline' was strictlyto be applied to the dispute b efore the Court the overall com-pensation would averagc about two thirds of the cost of liv'ing,declining progressively as a percentage of wages for those in the'higher paid groups which in this case would amount to 23.3 per

The Court would like to add that the recent increase in certainessential food items is p'rovisionally estimated at about 9..5 percent but the trade unions are of the. view that it would be muchhlgher than 'the Government fgure.The Court has also taken into consideration the Claimants'

submission that in the previous negotiations they had beendenied the workers' share in the increase in the country'seconomy as reoected through the Gross National Ploduct.

The Court mtlst, however, place due weight and give properconsideration to the fact that garment making ls a labourintensive industry as the 40 odd members in. the Respondents'group employ about 2,000 workers and as such are sensitive toany instant labour cost increases of a large order.

The Court must also take into consideration that there areabout 360 other employers in the country who have in theiremployment a'bout 13 000 workers who' would not l,e affected?by the parties' collectlve agreement or the Court avvard in thisdispute.

Wages and Effected DateAlthough the Respondents have asked the Court that the

effective date of the collective agreement should be the date ofthe Court award the Co' urt must reject their submission on thispoint. The Court is satîslied that the Claimants did not delaythe submission of thcir demands for revising the collective agree-ment in any 'way. In fact they submitted their demands about4) months before the' expirï of the previous agréement. lnthese circumstanqes and in vlow of the prevailing. sifuation inthe country the Court ls not prèpare;d to lmpose a further hard-shlp on the workers by denylng ethem the benefits of wageincreases and fringe benefits with effect from 1st August, 1976.The Court has accordingly decided to award th>t the effectivedate should be 1st August 1976 th: parties having tbemselves)


agreed to a two-year duratlon of the collective agreement.

' The Court awards that the workers should get tb.e followingwàge increases :-

10% with esect from 1st July, 197612% with esect from 1st July, 197712% with efect from 1st July, 1978

The Court further directs that the minimum rates should alsogo up by thc abov'e percentages.

Given in Nairobi this 12t11 day of April 1977.


Zk M . A'NYIENI,Deputy to the Judge.

Y. E. CHOGO,M ember.

GxzE'r'rB Nolqch No. 1033


Parties : -Ta'ilors & Textiles W orkers' Union

andGarment M anufacturing M ass Production Group of F.K.E.

Issues f?3 dispute : -1. Annual paid leave.2. M aternhy leave. . . . .3. Severance pay on redundancy.4. W ages.5. Bffeètive date of agreement.

1. The Tailors and Textilgs Workers' Union shall bereinafterbe referred to as the Claimants and the Gannent M amlfacturingM ass Production Group of F.K.E. shal'l hereinafter be referredto as tho Respondents. '2. The parties were heard in Na'irofbi on the 231'd day of

M arch, 1977 and relie'd on their written and verbal sub' missions.

AwARD3. The Notifcation of D'isp' ute Fonn CEA'' dated 6th December

,1976 duly signed by the parties wa's received by t11' e Court on19t1z Janualy along with the s'tatutory certificate signed by theLabour Commissiotter.'The 'parties had negotiated and signed a collective agreementwhich was effective from 1st August, 1974 and was of two years'duration from that date ending on 31st July, 1976. This agree-ment was revised by a supplementary agreement as far as wageswere concerned following upon t'he Presiden'rsal Decree of 1stM ay, 1975. As a resul't of this agreement new minimum rateswere set >nd it was stipulated that every employee v'vill bene/tby not less than and' not more than Sh. 40. The supplementary'

h also expired since 31st July 1976.agreement as ,

The Claimants forwarded theil' demand for revising the saidagreement on 11th March, 1976 and 'the first meetin'g tookplace on 19th l'uly 1976. A s'eries of meetinjs follèw'ed there-?after but the partles could not resolvç the lssues in dilpute.Eflbrts b y t'he M inistry of Laböur t'hrough its conciliationsenices also did not yield any success and the matter is no'w be-

. fore .the 'Court. The Claimants have naturally 17' ased their demand()n 'thg issue of wages on the g'round of 'the increase in the costof livlng since the l'ast colledive agreemen't was signed and havealso pleaded that the wage rate.s in this industry, .altbough theqldest . in the country, nrere the lowest when cpmparfl d to other' inuch vouneer industries. Thev asked thç' 'Côuft tià treat theworkers employed by the Respondents in the' ç>iegory of lowpaid employees in relation lo the Guidelines. '

rlahe Cljtimants accused the Respondents of having adopted alight-hearted. .'approach towatds the'ir demands during pegotlations21 attribute'd this 'to the youngef generation employer's whoAn

at times redic' uled their own prôvious representatives bk ' sayingthat they were uneducated and had therefore brought the w' age

22nd April, 1977 KEN YA GAT.E 437

After cardul consideration of ' a11 the submissions the Court For the purposes 'of this clause, an ofence involving moralawards that the workers should get a wage increase of 12.1 per turpitude on the part of an employee is an offence involyingcent on their basic wages with effect from 1st August, 1976 adive dishonesty and also an offence involving actualand another increase of 15.) per cent on their basic wages with violence.effect from 1st April, 1977. ,Tho following would involve moral turpitude :Annual JGJ leave A11 crhnes concerning the misappropriation oJ' propertyThe Court has decided not to make any variation on this belonging to third parties (i.e. larceny, burglary, embezzle-

issue for the time being and the Claimants' demand is açcord- ment, house breaking, fraud).ingly rejected. The Court directg that the existing entitlement'd continue. A11 Grimes involving violence.of 24 days consecutive days with full pay shoul

Treason.''Severance pay on redundancy

The Court awards that an employee declared redundant shallreceive severance pay at the rate of 15 days' pay for every com-pleted year o'f service.Maternity leave

'I'he existing provision on this item is as follows :-$tAn employed woman shall be entitled to unpaid leave up

to a maximtlm of 12 weeks subject t'o the employee producinga medical ctrtifcate signed by a medical practitioner or aperson acting on his behalf in cbarge of a dispensary ormedical aid centre.Provided that : -(i) Childbirth in respszct of a;A employed woman shall not be

deemed to be sickness as provided ' for in paragraph 6of this agreement, and the employer shall not be requiredto meet medical costs incurred thereon;

(ii) An employed woman in receipt of maternit'y leave shallnot 'incur any loss of privileges during such period-''

The Court awards that the above provision should continuein force except to the extent as amended 'by the relevant pro-vision on maternity leave in the Employment Act 1976.

Given in Nairobi tbis 14th day of April, 1977.

The facts leading to the dismissal of M r. Kinuthia that on8th August, 1974 he was involved in an inciden't at a b'ar inM urang'a township with another person and on 1 0tl1 August,1974 he was arrested and charged with the offence of lbreateningthe breach of the peace contral'y to section 95 (1) (/)) of thePenal Code. The particulars of tho ofence in the eharge sheetwere as follows : -

ttlssack Kinuthia s/o rl'ithuini. On the 8th day of Augustv1974 at about 9.30 p.m. at Filos bar in Murang'a Townshipwithin M urang'a Distrkt of the Central Province, with anothernot before court, created a disturbance în a manner likely tocause a breaoh of the peace.''

On 12th Augugt he appeared before the M agistrate andpleaded guilty by uttering the words $tW e disturbed the peaceof public. lt is true''. rrhe M agistrate lined him Sh. 100.

The Respondent used the 'above indident and M r. Kinuthia'sconviction as the m'ain . reason for dismissing him.

The Respondents have further put forward a point that on orabout the samo tkne as the a'bove incident M r. Kinuthia hadincurred a shortago of S.b.. 630/05 during the course of hisduties as a temporary cashier 'and that M r. Kinuthia failed toreport the shortage to lhe accountant immediately it came f olight in accordance with the laid down procedure ancl it wasonly 'through the efforts af the balancing team that the s'hort-age was d'iscovered.SAEED R. CGCKAR,


Z. M . ANYIENI,Deputy to the Judge.

F. E. CHOGO,M llt/' -en1 .

GxzisrrB NOTICE NO. 1034

The acting manager of the Respondents' M urang'a branchmade a report to the head ofhce on the a'foresaid incident andM r. Kinuthia's conviction and further stated as follows inparagraph two : -

t@'M r. Kinuthia has been in charge of balancing the day'swork and it is now that we are learning that work for threedays h'as not 'balanced. On top of this, when Mr. Kinuthiareported for duty on Saturday morning after being absent onthe whole o'f Friday he was put temporarily on cash duties.Again we now learn that he incurred a shortage of Sh. 630/05which was not reported.''

The Respondents further. put forward as an exhibit duringthe hearing a memo from their Murang'a branch manager tothe head oflice dated 22nd August, 1974 in which 'the termi-nation of M r. Kinuthia's services was requesfed on the groundthat he had once before on 7th April been arrested and fmedfor drunken and disorderly behaviour for which he had beenverbally reprimanded. lt was further stated in this lzlemo thatM r. Kinuthia was developing into an alcoholic and in spite ofwarnings he often reported late for work with a hangover. Ontwo occasions an accountant had to help him to the car toreach home as he was unable to walk owing to a high degreeof intoxicatbn.The Claimants have ohallenged this dismissal on the ground

that although Mr. Kinuthia hatl pleaded to the dharge as statedabove he had done so only to avoid being remanded in custodyfor a long perio'd as was happening 'so aften and he found theeasy way out of pleading guilty to a minor charge an'd remainfree to resume his duty. T'he 'Claimants refuted that M r. Kinu-thia had been violent and said that he 'had been attacked. by .somecme in tlle bar and thelcfore he was not gjilfy of moralturpltude and the Jtforesaid clause in the coll'ectlve agreementcould riot be invoked agains't him.


Parties : -Kenya Union of Commercial Food and Allied W orkers

andBarclays Bank lnternational Limited

Inues in dispute : -Dismissal of 'Mr. 'l. G. E. Kinuthia.

1. The Kenya Union of Commercial F'ood and Allicd W orkersshall hereinafter bo referred to as the Claimants .and the BarclaysBank International Ltd. shall hereinafter be referred to a's theRespanderfts. '

2. The parties were heard in Nairobi on the 30th day ofM arch, 1977 and relied on their written and verbal submisslons.

. AwARo3. n e Notifcation of Dispute Form ' t'A'' dated 27th

November, 1976 duly signed by the parties was received by theCourt on 20th January, 1977 along with the statutory cortifcatesigned by the M inister for Labour and the Labour Comm'issioner.Mr. Kinuthia. joined' the Respandents as a clerk at theirMdrang''a branch in' September 1970. He was di.smissed by the

Respondpnts on 2nd September, 197.4 utnder clause 4 (a1 (iv) (2)of the collective agreement . between t'he partie-s. ' Tbis claused ' f 11 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'rea s as o ows- ...4. vermination o/ smployment--s.ection zzetzé. .s an.d gçsctg,. .

.vechinical and subor.dilmte s'ftzf/ . . .(J) Gross Miscönduct cnd/t/r Seriotès' Xéj/cclAny of the following acts on the p'art of . an employee shall

constitgte gross misconducf and/or seribus nçglect and shalljqstify instant dismissalv '(iv) 'if he convicted... on a ciiminal charge of an oFence

involving, on 'his part, lnoral turpitudt.

The C laimants further subm'ltted tha! there was no properw'arning in M r. Kinuthia's record and that the inter oflicememos betwèen the Respondents' M urang'a branch an'd thehead office had not been communicated to Mr. Kinuthia,neither had 'any yxplanation beeo asked from 'him.The Clainiants . attacked the Respondents' Murang'a branch

manayer at tljé tsine by s'ayinp that he wa's a perron with annstablb nientallty. ' ' -' ' ' ' ' ' 'uTht displlte was the sublect matter of an investigation' by' the

M inistry of Labour and the Permanent Secretary had for-wartbd tlle following Qndlngs and recommendatlon to thattrties-. .' '17wryj-tgdi yjp,g

438 THE KBNYA GAZETTE 22nd April, 1977

1't is true that Mr. Kinuthia was arrested and cbarged withcreating a distulzbance in a manner likely to cause breach ofpeace to whioh he pleadod guilty. He was accordingly con-victed and sentenced to a line of Sh. 100 or two monthsimprisonment in default.

Thisplacçever to

The other mistakeonly resulted in a

oifence wasand for a11do with his

GAZETI'E NolqcB No. 1035


committed outside M r. Kinuthia's workhlle know, the offence had nothing what-duties.

stated against M r. Kinuthia could havewarning letter 'being issued.

Lcap. 323)


IN PURSUANCE of the ' powers conferred upon the Boardof the 'Corporation by section 33 (1) of tho Agricultural FinanceCorpora.tion Act (Cap. 323 of the Laws o.f Kenya), notice ishereby given that the undermentioned properties will be osercdfor salo 'by public auction on the dates and at the time andplaces indicated herebelow :-

From all consideration the dismissal was wrorgful andunjustilied. I should have recommendcd reinstatement but forthe strained relations between the employee and the employer.In the circumstances I recommend the payment of six months'salary to M r. Kinuthia as compensatlon for loss of career.''

The Court has noted Jn the Respondents' submission that thelhvestigator had concluded his investigation without ioterviewingany representative from #hoir side despite the fact that theInvestigator was offered ail the opportunity to do so. They feltthat the Investigator's fmdings and recommendation were wrongas they had strictly complied witl) the provisions of the collectiveagreement in force which .makes no mention of the place wheretlze offence taakes places as this was immaterial.

The Claimants have made a point that the clause in thecollective agreement on which the Respondents have relied wastoo wide and was being repeatedly used to 'the detriment of thcbank employees and they had several times during the rekiewof the collective agreement made attempt to have it amendedbut in the spirit of givewand-take they had not pressed thispoint and referred it to the 'Court. This time, however, theywere seriously going to pursue this matter.

The Court is inclined to agree with 1he C'laimants' submissionthat the clause under which Mr. Kinuthia's services had beenterminated is very wide indeed. The Respondents too are correctto a certain point in '.heir approach but the, 'Court feels thatnotwithstanding the wide scope of the relevant clause 'it shouldbe utilized judiciously and in a reasonable manner within thenarro'w confines of the m'aster and servan't relationship. ltwould indeed be very harsh on a bank employee who gotinvolved in a light outside the 'bank after ollice hours to susera termination by the exercise of the powers given to the Res-pondents in 'this clause.

Apart from the charge sheet and M r. Kinuthia's plea ofguilty' there is no further evidence 'before the Court to indicatewhat -type of violence 5f at a1l is 'attributable to Mr. Kinuthiain the bar at Murang'a.

1. A1l that piece or parcel of land situate in GathangariSub-location, Githunguri Location in Kiambu District, con-taining threo decimal three two (3.32) hectares or thereaboutsthat is to say L.R. No. Githungu.ri/Gatha.ngari/3g8 being thepiece of land comprised in the Ctrtificate of Freçhold Titleregistered in tho Kiambu Distrkt Land Registl'y and is heldby James Kariuki Kamau and Davi'd . M buru Kamau asabsolute propdetors. '

2. A11 that piece or parcel of land situate in Kirenga Sub-location, Lari Location in Kiambu District containing naughtdecimal natlght eight eight (0.088) hectares or thereaboutsthat i: to say L.R. No. Lari/Kirenga /1.88 being the piece ofland comprised in the Colltificate of Freehold Title registeredin the Kiambu District Land Registry and is held by KimaniKamau as absoluto proprietor.

3. All that piece or 'parcd of land situate in Riuk.i 'Sub-. location, Gitlmnguri Location in Kiambu District, containingnaught decimal one (0.1) hectare or thercabouts th/t is tosay L.R. No. Githunguri/Riuki /T.26 being the piece of landcompdsed in tlle Certilkate of Frcehold Title registered intho Kiambu District Land Registry and is held by DavidKamau Githu a.s absolute proprietor.

4. All that piece or parcel of land situate in KamuchegeSub-location, Gatamayu Location in Kiambu District, con-taining two decimal naught (2.0) hectares or thereabouts tha;t isto say L.R. No.. Gatamayu/Kamuchege /284 'being the pieceof land comprised in the Certifkate of Freehold Title regis-tered in the Kiambu District Land Registry and is held byKâmau Gichuki. as absolute proprietor.

5. A11 that piece or parcel of land situate in NyandumaSub-location, Gatamaiyu Location in Kiambu Distnct, con-taining one decimal six four (1.64) hectaas or thereaboutsthat is to say L.R. No. Gatamaiyu/Nyanduma/8o8 being thepiece of land comprisep in the Certificate of Freehold Titleregistere'd in the Kiambu District Land Registry and is heldby Kamau Gatultuyu as absolute proprietor.After careful consideration os al1 the submissions t'he Court

finds that the Respondent's defaulted iu applying the aforesaidclause so broadly in terminating M r. Kinuthia's serpices andas suoh M r. Kinuthia has suFered a wrongful dismissal.

In view of the evidence before the Court which was not con-tradicted by the Claimants the Court is satisfied that . Mr. Kinu-thia was not a satisfadory employee and sooner or Iater wouldhave had to bear t'he colksequences or reporting for duty withbig hangovers. The Court is therefore not inclined to awardhis reinjtatement more so because the Claimants reported atrade dispute on this matter on 19th January, 1X 6 his serviceshaving been terminated on 7th September, 1974.

The Court feels that M r. Kinuthia deserves three months'salary by way of compensation for the wrongful disrnissal thathe has susered which includes the notice period in accordancewith the collective agreemcnt and the 'Court so avvards in hisfavour.

Given in Nairobi his 15h day of April, 1977.

6. All that piece o.r parcel of land situate in NyandumaSub-location, Gatamaiyu Location in Kiambu District, con-taining one decimal six naught (1.60) hectares or thereaboutsthat is to. say L.R. No. Gatamaiyu/Nyanduma/8ll being thepiece of land comprised in the Certifcate of Freehold Title'registered in tho Kiambu District Land Registry and is heldby Njuguna Gatukui a.s absolute proprietor.7. All that piece or parcel of land situate in Ndumberi.

Sub-location, Ndumberi tzocation in Kiambu District, con-taining naught decimal one naught (0.10) hectare orthereabouts tha't is te say L.R. No. Ndumberi/Ndumberi'/rrx64being the piece of land comprised in the G rtificate of Free-hold Titlo registered in the Kiambu District Land Registryand is held by Nj ugurla Mithanga as absolgte proprieton'8. A11 that piece o,r parcel of land shuate in Kanyoni' Sub-

locaticn, Chania Location in Kiambu District, containing twodecimal eight (2.8) hectares or thereabouts that is to sayL.R. No. Chania/Kanyoni/zo6 being the piece of land com-prised in th'e Certilkate of Freeilold Title registered in theKiambu 'District Land Registry and is held by KariukiM aclzaria as absolute prop' rietor. '


Z. M . ANYIENI,Deputy to thq Judge.

J. CARROLL,Membet..

. 9. All that piece of land situate in . kirai Sub-location,N'genda Location in Kiambu District, containing naughtdecimal one naught nine three (0.1093) hectares or thereaboutsthat is to say L.R. No. Ngenda/Klral/rr-log being the pieceof land comprised in the Ccrtificate of Freehold Titleregistered in the Kiambu District Land Registry and is held'by Peter M utanga, M urabtt as absolute proprietor.

10. A11 that piece or parcel of land sitùqte in kamun#akaSub-location, Ndarugu Location in Kiambu 'District containingtwo decimal nine six (2.96) hectaros or thereabouts that is tosay L.R. No. Ndarugu/Kamunyaka /388 belng the piece of

22nd Aprilj 1977 THE KENYA GM E'ITE 439

land comprised in thç Certitkate of Freohold Titlo registeredin the Kiambu District J-and Registry and is beld by JamesNdirangu M ugo as absolute proprietor.

11, A11 that piece or parcel of land situate in Kagaa Sub-location, Gatamaiyu Location in Kiambu District, containingseven decimal naught (7.0) acres or thereabouts that is to sayL.R. No. Gatamaiyu/Kagaa /240 'being tho picce of landcomprised in the Certificate of Frtehold Title rçgisttred inthe Kiambu District Land Registry and is held by KimiruM ukua as absolute proprietor.

The sale of the abovz properties will be held on 16th M ay,1977, at . 11 a.m., at the oflice of the District Commissioner,Kiambu, by Njoka and Kariuki (K) Limited, auctioneers.12. A1l that piece or parcel of land situate in Kakelo

Kamroth Sub-location, Kasipul Location in South NyanzaDistrict, containing four decimal one six (4.16) hectares orthemabouts that is to. say L.R. No. Kasipul/Kakelo. Kamroth/789 being the piece of land comprised fn the Certitkatc ofFreehold Title registered in tho South Nyanza. District LandRegistry and is h'eld by Resa M uma as absolute proprietor.

13. A.II that pieco or parcel of l'a'nd situate in Kodhoch FxastSub-location, Kabondo Locatfon in South Nyanza District,containing one decimal five (1.5) hectares 0.1: thereabouts tlptis to 'say L.R. No. Kabondo / Kodhoch Fxrtst/ 384 being thepiece of land comprised in th'e Certilkate of Freehold Titleregistered in the South Nyanza District Imnd Rûgistry and isheld by Alfayo Omulo as absolute proprietor.

The sale of properties numbers 12 to. 13 will be held on17th May, 1977, at 11 a.m., at the oflke of the DistrictOmcer, M igori, by Zephania Aduda, auctioneer. '

14. A11 that piece or parcel of land situate in 'NorthNalondo Sub-location, Fmst Bukusu Locatio'n in BunéomaDistrict, containi'ng 'four decimal six (4.6) llectares or there-abouts that is to say L.R. No. East Bukusu/North Nalondo/1281 being the piece of land comprised in the. Certificate ofFreehold Title registered in the Bungoma District LandRegistry and is held 'by Pius Keya as absolute proprietor.

The sale of porperty number 14 will be held on 18th May,1977, at 11 a.m., at th'e oflice of the District Comml'ssioner,Bungoma, by M oses W abuko, auctioneer.

15. A11 that pieco or parcel of land situate in KamukuywaSub-location, Kimilili Locatlon in Bungoma District, con-taining six decimal IEVe (6.5) hectares or thereabouts tlmt is tosay L.R. No. Kimilili fKamukuyw'a / 701 being the piece of'land comprfsed in the Certlfkate of Freehold Title registoredin the Bungoma District Land Registry and is held by CharlesBarasa as absolute propriçtor.

16. A1l that piece or parcel of land situate in M' ihuu Sub-location, Ndivisi Location in Bungoma District, containingeight decimai four (8.4) hectares o.r thereabouts that is to sayL.R. No. Ndivisi/Mihuu/s3g being the 'picce of land com-prised in the Certitkate of Freehold Title registered in theBungoma District Land Registry and is held by FrancisMukambi as a'bsolute proprietor.

17. Al1 that piece or parcel of land situate in M akuselwaSub-location, Ndivisi Izocation in Bungoma Dfstrict, containingoleven decimal one (11.1) heetares or thereabouts that is tosay L.R. No. Ndivisi/Makuselwa/6zo 'being 'the piece of landcomprised in the Certiticate of ' Freehold Title registered inthe Bungoma District Land Registry and is held by Simi:yuW erunga as absolute proprietor.

18. Al1 that pitee or parcel of land situate in Mihuu Sub-location, Ndivisi Location in Bungoma District, containingseven decimal two four (7.24) hectares or thereabouts thatis to say L.R. No. Ndivisi pMihuu / 801 being tho piece ofland comprised 'in the Certiâca.te . of Freehold Title registeredin the Bungoma District Land Reglstry and is held byLusamoywa M andila as absolute proprietor.

19. A1l that pitee or parcel of land situate in Mihuu Sub-location, Ndivisi Location in Bungoma District, containingsix decimal' haught (6.0) hectares or thereabouts that is. tosay L.R. No. Ndivisi / Mihuu/ 171 being the piece of landcomprised in the Certitkate (jf Freehold Title registe-red ' inthe Bungoma Distriot Land Registry and is held by JosephWanjofu as absolute proprietor.20. Al1 that piece or . parcel of land situate in Ndivisi' Sub-

location, Ndivisi Location in Bungoma . District, containingthree deuimal six four r'3 .64) hccta.res or llwreabouts that isto say L.R. No. Ndivisl/Ndivisi / 31 being the plece of land

comprised in thg Certihcate of Freehold Title registered lnthe Bungoma Dlstrict Land Registry and is held by M akF-nyanga Lukorito as absolute proprietor.

21. A1l that piece or parcel of land situate in Kituni Sub-location, Bokoli Location in Bungoma District, containinglivo decimal five (5.5) acres or theroabouts that is to sayL.R. No. Bokoli/Kituni/zg beimg the piece of land com'prisedin the Certilkate of Freehold Titl'e registered i.n BungomaDistrict Land Rvgistry and is held by Wafula Isaaka asabsolute proprietor. '

22. A11 that piece or parcel of land situate in Mihuu Sub-location, Ndivisi Looation in Bungoma District, containing'three decimal six (3.6) hectares or thereabouts that is to sayL.R. No.. Ndivisi/Mihuu/ 827 being the piece of land com-prised in the Certiicate of Freehold Title registered in theBungoma District Land Rogistry and is held by W anyamaM unyasia as absolute proprietor. '

23. A11 that picce of l'and situate in Kamukuywa Stl'b-location Kimilili Location in Bungoma District, containingone declmal two one (1.21) hectares or thtreabouts that is ,tosay L.R. No. Kimilili / Kamtikuywa / 609 being the pitce ofland comprised in the Certifcate of Freehold Title rcgisteredin the Bungoma District Land Registry and is held by DanielW alukana as absolute proprietor.

24. A1l 'that piece of land situate în Kimlumuli Sub-location,Ndivisi Izocation in Bungoma District, containing nine decimaltwo (9.2) hectares o.r thereabouts that is to say L.R. No.Ndivisi/Khalumuli/6o being the piece of land comprised inthé Certilicate o'f Freehold Title registered in the BungomaDistrict tzand Registry and is held by Elijah Simiyu as abso-lute proprietor.

25. A1l that piece or parcel of land sitpat.e in Muchi Sub-location, Ndivisi Location in. Bungoma District, containingthree d.ecimal six (3.6) hectares or. thereabouts' that is to sayL.R. No. Ndivisi/ Muchi /299 being tho piece of land com-prised in the Certiikate of Freehold Title registerod in theBungoma District Land Registry and is held by DanielWabwile as absalute proprietor.

26. A1l that piece of land situate in Kamukuywa Sub-location, Kimilili taocation in Bungoma District, containingsix decimal two seven (6.27) hectares or thtreabouts that is tosay L.R. No. Kimilili/Kamukuywa /96 being the piece of 'landcomprised in the Certifcate of Freehold Titl'e registered inthe Bungoma District Land Registry and is held by W amalwaMuloboti as absblute proprietor.

27. A11 that piece or parcel of land situate in Ndivisi kub-location, Ndivisi Location in Bungoma Distrïct, containingsix decimal eight (6.8) hectares o'r thereabouts that is to sayL.R. No. Ndivisi/Ndivisi/zz8 being the piece of land com-prised in the Certificate of Preehold Title registered in theBungoma District Land Registry and is held by KhaembaSalania as absolute proprietor'.

28. AII that piece or parcel of land situate in Muchi Sub-location, Ndivisi Location in Bungoma Dist'rict, containing.-ten decimal two (10.2) hectares o.r thereabouts that is to sayL.R. No. Ndivisi./ Muchi/ 375 being 1he piece of land com-prised in the Cer.tifica,te of Frtehold Title registered in the 'Bungoma District Land R'egistry and is held by FredrickSimiyu Ngachi as absolute proprietor.

29. Al1 that piece or parcel of land situate in M akuselwaSub-location, Ndivisi I-ocation in Bungoma Distriet, containingeight decimal four one (8.41) hectares or thereabouts that isto say L.R. No. Ndivisi / Makuselwa /736 being the piece of .land comprised in the Cer'tificate of Freehold Title registeadin the Bungoma District Land Registry and is held by M walieM asake as absolute proprietor.

30 A11 that piece t)r parcel of lan' d situate fn Makukelwa'Sub-location, Ndivisi Location in Bungoma District, containingsix decimal nine two (6.92) htctares or thereabouts that is tosay L.R. No. Ndivisi/Makuselwa /41 bcïng the pitce cf landcomprised in the Certitkatc of Freehold Title registered inthe Bungoma District Land Registry and is held by NamitiNalianya as absolute proprietor.

31. A11 that piece or parcel of land situate in M ihuu Sub-location, Ndivisi Location in Bungoma District, containing .four decimal five (4.5) acres or thereabouts tilat is to sayL.R. No. Ndivisi/Mihuu/7z; being the piece of land colm .-prised in the Certitkate of Freehold Title registered in theButlgcma District Land Reglstry and is held by Alfayo' Malesias absolute proprittor.

440 THE KENYA GAZET'I'E 22nd April, 1977

32. AII that piece or parcel of lahd situato ih. Milmu S'ub-location, Ndivisi Location in Bungoma District, confaihing'thrto decimal o'ne one (3.11) hectaros or thereabouts that isto say L.R. No. Ndivisi /Mihuu/ 811 being the piece of landcomprised in the G rtilicate of Freehold Title registered intbm Bungoma District Land Registry and is held by CbetambeKastmbeli as absolute proprietor.

33. A1l that piece or parcel of land situate in M akuselwaSub-locztion, Ndivisi Location in Bungoma District, con-taining nine decimal seven (9.7) hectares or thereabouts thatis to say L.R. No. Ndivisi/ Makuselwa / 67 being tlïe pieco ofland comprised in the Certificate of Freehold Title registeredin t'he Bungoma Distr'ict Land Registry and is held byWafubwa s/o Bisuche as absolute proprietor. '34. Al1 that piece of land situate in M akuselwa Sub-

location Ndivisi Location itl Bungoma District, containing!ftve demmal one (5.1) hectares or tbereabputs that is to sayL.R. No. Ndivisi JMakuselwa /273 being the pikce of landcomprised in tho Certmcate of Freehold Titlo agistered int.ho Bungoma. District T >nd Registry and is h'eld by M urangaKilwake as absolute proprietor.

35. A.ll that piec'e of land situate in. M uchi Sub-location,Ndivisi Location in Bungoma District, containing five decimalnaught (5.0) hecta.res or thereabouts that is to say L.R. No. 'Ndivisi/ Muchi/3ol being the piece of land comprised in theCertécate of Freehold Titlo registered in the BungomaDistrict Land Registry énd is held by Paul Simiyu Nicola'as absolute proprietor.

The sale of properties numbers 15 to 35 will 'be held on19th May, 1977, a.t 11 a.m., at the oëce of the DistrictOEcer, Kimilili, by M oses W abuko, auctioneer.

36. A11 that piece of land situate south-west of LulbwaTownship in the Kericho District of Kenya, containing bymeasuremont one tbousand and 5ve (1 005) aores or there-ûbouts that is to say L.R. No. 926/ 1 bemg the piece of landcomprised in the Certilkate of Title registered in the Registryof Titles at Nairobi, as No. I.R. 17506/ 1 in thm names ofElija'h arap Nyamweno and Samuel arap Kikwai as tenantsin common in oqual shares. '

The sale of the abovô propgrty will be held on 20t'h M ay,1977, at 11 a.m., at the oëce of the District Commissioner,Kericho, by Greenland Anctioneers.

37. AII that pieco of land situate 111. M atsakha Sub-location,North Kabras Location in Kakamega District, containingthirteen deoimal naugbt (13.0) lwctaros or thereabouts tllat is

to ' say L.R.. No. N.' Kabras/Matsalcha/3s8 being. the .piece ofl'and comprised in tho Certiticate of Freehold Title registeredin the Kakamega District Land Registry and is held byW alutsachi Wanangwe as a.bsolute proprietor.

38. AII that piece of land situate in M atsalcha Sub-location,North Kabras Location i'n Kakamega District, containingforty-nine decimal five (49.5) hectares or thereabouts that isto s&y L.R. No.. N. Kabras/ Matsakha/34l beîng tlle pieceof land comprised in the Certifkato o.f Freeliold Title regis-tered in tbe Kakamega District Land Registry and is htld byWalutsachi W anangwe as absolute proprietor.

Tho sale of properties numbers 37 to 38 will 'be held on21st May, 1977, at 11 a.m., at the oëce of the DistrictCommissionor, Kakamega, by M oses W abuko, auctioneer.


1. 'I'he ltighest bidder shall be the purchaser.

2. The purchaser shall immediately after the sale pay theauctioneor a cash deposit of at least 25 per. cent of th'eamount of the purchase monoy and 'sign an agreement tocomplete the purchase and pay the balanc'e withkl 30 daysof the date of sale.

3. The .title deeds' relating to the above properties may beinspvcted at the oëces of the respective auctioneers ahdalso at the time of the sale and the purchaser shall bedeemed to have full notice of each and every conditiontherein contained.

4'. 'rhe 'imrchaser slmll be solely responsible for ensuring thatal1 beacons are properly situated and for replacing anythat may be missing.

5. The Agricultural Finance Corporation t'hrough it.s autho-rized representative has the right to bid.

6. The description of tho properties in the particulars andplans are believed to be correct and no claims shall bevalid if any error of description should owur.

7. Subject and in addition to. the foregoing the conditions ofsale usually prescribed by th'e auctioneerj in the districtshall a'pply.

Dated at Nairobi. this 18th day of April, 1977.


C;ABIRB 'fcœlcE 110. 1036




Liccnce No. Commoditv Name ofLîcensee Where Premises Situated

KN/1/77 . . Spirits , . . . . . . . . . Gilbey, E.A. Ltd. . . . . Kampala Road, Nairobi.K.N/2/77 . . Paints . . . . . . . . . . Twiga Paints Ltd. . . . . . Nanyuki Road, Nairobi. .K.N/3/77 . . Paints . . . . . . . . . . Leyland Paints (K) Ltd. . . Kitu! Road, Nairobi.K.N/4/77 . . Printing lnks, Vernishers, Laquars and Coates Brothers E.A. Ltd. . . Addls Ababa Road, Nairobi.

rnamels. . 'KN/5/77 . . Liquid Soap . . . . Sterling Pfoducts lnternational . . Likoni Rgad, Naifobi.K.N/6/77 . . Sugar . . . . . . E.A. Sugar Industries Ltd. . . . . Muhoronl.KN/7/77 . . Palnts . . . . . . Wyco Paints . . . . . . . . . Gilgil Road, Nairobi.11.N/8/77 . . Soap . . . . . . Bqby Soap Factory Ltd. . . . . Ogada Street, Kisumu. .KN/9/77 . . F'abrics . . . . . . Blds Fabknits . . . . . . . . Plot ' No. L.R. 209/8171, Pate Road,

Nairobi.KN/10/77 . . Woven Fabrics . . . . . . Kenwool Ltd. . . . . . . . . Banana Hill, Limu'ru Road.KN/I 1/77 . . F'abrics . . . . . . . . Kenya Textile Mills . . . . . . Factory Streqt, Nalrobi.KN/12/77 . . Beer . . . . . . . . Kenya Breweries Ltd. (Allsops) . . Ruaraka, Nalrobi.KN/13/77 . . Beer . . . . . . . . Kenya Breweries Ltd. (City) . . . . Makongeni, Nairobi.KN/14/77 . . Beer . . . . . . . . Kçnya Breweries Ltd. (Tusker) . . Ruaraka, Nairobi.KN/15/77 . . Fabrics (Rayon Loop-llose) . . Hyglene Products Ltd. . . . . Baba Dogo Road, Plot Noe 209/11880,

Ruaraka, Nairobi.KN/16/77 . . F'abrics . . . . . . . . . . Kisumu Cotton Mills . . . . Plot No. 1148, Kisumu.KN/17/77 . . Paints, Glues, Putty, Polishes, Fillers, Flamingo Ind. . . . . . . Plot No- 451/535, Nakuru.

Drtergents, M ilking Jelly.KN/18/77 . . Fqbrlcs . . . . . . . . . . United Textile Mills . . . . Thika Town Industrial Area;KN/19/77 . . Prlnting Inks . - . . . . . . Frismills Inks (K) Ltd. . . . . Lunga Lunga Road, Nairobl.KN/20/77 . . Soyp . . . . . . . . . . Local Industries . . . . Plot No. 4468, Busia Road, Nairobi.KN/21/77 . . Palnts . . . . . . . . . . Walpamur Co. Ltd. . . . . . . Likoni Road, Nairobi.KN/22/77 . . Soap . . . . . . . . . . Cleanwell Products . . . . . . Plot No. 336/24, Ruaraka, Nairobi.

22nd April, 1977 THE KENN YA GAZE 441


Licence No. Commodity Name ofLicensee Where Premises Situated

KN/23/77 Soap .E A. Industries Ltd. Commercial Street, Nairobi.KN/24/77 Soap Hankel (K) Ltd. Plot No. 209/8376, Mogadishu Road,

NairobiKN/25/77 . . . Paints Tex-cote Ltd. . . Plot No. 109/2836, Lunga Lunga .'Road, .

Nairpbi.K.N/26/77 Paipts . . . . Robbialac Paints Mogadlshu Road, Nairobi. .K.N/27/77 Knltted Fabrics Lotus lndustries Plot No. L.R. 209/136/244, Tom Mboya

Street, Nairobi.KN/28/77 Knitted Fabrics Distinct Garment Factory . . Plot No. 209/4148, Dakar Road, Nairobi.KN/29/77 Soap . . . . United Chemical Industries . . Busia Road, Nairobi.KN/30/77 Fabrics . . . . Brother Knitwear Factory . . Plot No. L.R. 209/3465/1 1 Ngara,

Nairob .iKN/31/77 . . Soap . . P. J. Products Ltd. . . Plot No. 209/8177, Nairobi.11N/32/77 . . Soap . . Elephant Soap Factory Dundori Raod, Nairobi.KN/33/77 . . Fabrics . . Londra Ltd. . . . . Nakuru.KN/34/77 . . Fabrics . . Bhupco Textile Mills Ltd. Muindi Mbingu Street, Nairobi.11N/35/77 . . Soap . . Kenya Apiaries Ltd. . . Nakuru.K.N/36/77 ' . . NOT ISSUEDKN/37/77 . . N0T ISSUEDKN/38/77 . . . NOT ISSUEDK.N/39/77 . . Soap . . . . . . . . Gosrani Soap Factory . . Ruaraka, Nairobi.KN/' 40/77 . . Soap . . . . . . . . Ken-lknit (K) Ltd. . . Eldoret West, Industrbal Area.KN/41/77 . . Fabrics . . . . . . . . Capital Knitwear Ltd. . . Dunga Road, Nairobi:11N/42/77 . . Fabrics . . . . . . . . . . Rivatex Limited . . . . . . Baba Dogo Road, Nalrobi.K.N/43/77 . . Paints . . . . . . . . . . Nalin Nail Works Ltd. . . . . Addis Ababa Road, Nairobi.KN/44/77 ' . . Soap . . . . . . . . . . Johnsons Works (E.A.) Ltd. . . . . Jirore Road, Nairobi:KN/45/77 . . Fabrics . . . . . . . . . . J. D. Shah . . . . . . . . Butere Road, NairobpKN/46/77 . . Fabrics . . . . . . . . . . Sunrise Textiles and Knitwear Ltd. . . Homa Bay Road, Nalrobi.K.N/47/77 . . Paints . . . . . . . . . . Galaxy Paints Ltd. . . . . . . Homa Bay Road, Nairobi.K.N/48/77 . . Sugar . . . . . . . . . . Mumias Sugar Factory . . , . Mumias.K.N/49/77 . . . Fabrics . . . . . . . . . . Kenya Toray Mills . . . . . . Thika.K.N/50/77 . . Soap . . , . . . . . . . Cplgate Palmoliv: . . . . . . Mogadishu Roa ,d Nairobi.KN/51/77 . . Soap . . . . . . . . . . Klwi Home Products . . . . Nanyuki Road, Nairobi.11.N/52/77 . . Fabrics . . . . . . . . . . Devchand Khimchad and Co. Plot No. L.R. 209/136/221 Cross Road,Nairobi.KN/53/77 Soap . . . . Limuru Chemical Ltd. Butere Road, Nairobi.K.N/54/77 Soap . . . . Walpamur (K) Ltd. . . Likoni Road, Nairobi.KN/55/77 Soap . . . . Thika Wax Works . . Homa Bay Road, Nairobi.K.N/56/77 Knitwear and Socks Midco Textiles (E.A.) Ltd. Plot No. L.R. 209/5460, Gilgil Road,Nairobi. . .

Nylon Knited Kanllex Manufacturers Kiambu Town.KN/57/77 Rayon, Cotton andFabrics. '

. KN/58/77 Soap . . Chui Soap Factory Plot No. L.R. 209/3885, Industrial Area,Nairobi. .K.N/59/77 Soap . . . . Gohil Soap Factory . . . . Sabuni Road, Nakuru.11N/60/77 Knitted Fabrics Motex Knitwear Mills . . . . Busia Roads Nairobi.KN/61/77 Sugar . . . . Chemilil Sugar Co. Ltd. . . Chemilil.KN/62/77 Soap . . . . Karatina Soap Factory . . Nanyuk) Road, Industrial Area, Nairobi.KN/63/77 Fabrics . . . . Raymond Woolen Mills (K) Ltd. Eldoret.KN/64/77 Knitted Fabrics Sunflag Textile Mills . . . . Kitui Road, Nairobi.11N/65/77 Knitted Fabrics Haraka Hoisiery Manufacturers Shade No. 31 Kenya Industrial Estate,

Nairobi.K.N/66/77 Soap Kibos Industries Ltd. . . . . . . Plot No. 654/39, Kibos.K.N/67/77 Soap Kisumu Soap Factory . . . . . . Sabuni Road, Kisumu.KN/68/77 Soap Erskine and Price Manufacturers Ltd. Plot No. L.R. 7158/130 Spring Valley,

Nairobi.KN/69/77 Sugar . . , . . . . . Miwani Sugar Mills Ltd. Miwani.K.N/70/77 Spirits . . u . . . . . Miwani Sugar Mills Ltd. Miwani.KN/71/77 Detergents . . . . . . Detergents Limited . . Lusaka Close, OfI' Lusaka Road, Nairobi.11.N/72/77 Knitted and Crochetted Fabrics ' Jaydees Knitting Factory . . . . Lusaka Close, 011- Lusaka Road, Nairobi.KN/73/77 Soap . . . . . . . . Wholesale Foods Ltd. . . . . . . Byricho Road, Nairobi.KN/74/77 Cigarettes and Tobacco . . B.A.T. (K) Ltd. . . . . . . Llverpool Road, Nairobi.KN/75/77 Liquid Soap . . . . . . Saqoc Limited . . : . . . . . Lusaka Road, Nairobi.11.N/76/77 Printing Inks . . . . . . Prmt-lnks International Ltd. . . . . Plot No. 209/2352, Pemba Road, Nagrobi.KN/77/77 Soap . . . . . . . . Malaba/Malakisi Farmers Co-operative Bungoma.. . uujon txd. .KN/78,/77 Knitted Fabrics Admiral Shirt Factory Ltd. . . Plot No. L.R. 209/4437 Busia Road,

NairobikM (R) 1 /77 . . Beer . . . . Kenya Breweries . . . . . . Shimanzi, Mombasa.M (R) 2/77 . . Knitted Pabrics E.A. Hosiery (Mfg.) Co. . . . . . Lumumba Roa ,d Mombasa.M (R) 3/77 . . Knitted Fabrics African Cotton Industries Ltd. . . Londotz Road, Mombasa.(R) 4/77 . . Knitted Fabrics East African Garmçnt Factory Ltd. . . Plot No. 155/Sect. XIX, Liwatoni Road,M

Mombasa.M (R) 5/77 . . Woven Fabrics . . . . . . Kenya Rayon Mill! . . . . Changamwe, Mombasa.M (R) 6/77 . . Woven Piece Goods . .' . . Towel Manufacturers' Ltd. . . Changamwe, Mombasa.M (R) #/77 . . Soap . . . . . . . . Moderh. Soap Factory . . . . Lumumba Road, Mombasa.M (R) 8/77 . . Soap . . . . . . . . Diamond Perfumery Works . . 0fI' Lumumba Roa ld Mombasa.M (R) 9/77 . . Knitted or Crochetted Fabrics . . Endi Textile Mills Ltd. . . ' . . Miritini (P1ot No. 504/A Sect. V, Mom-

basa.M (R) 10/77 . . Washing Powder Kerai Chemical Ltds . . . . Lpmulpba Road, Mombasa.

'an Industries Ltd. . . Mbaraki Industrdaal Area, Mombasa.M (R) 1 1/77 . . Knitted Fabrics KamyM (R) 12/77 . . Soap . . . . Tethabhai Industry Works . . London Road, Mombasa.M (R) 13/77 . . Knitted Fasrics Panty Hose Manufacturers Ltd. Plot No. 375/Sect. XXI, Sauti ya Keliya

Road, M ombasa.M (R) 14/77 . . Soap Mombasa Soap and' Oi1 Manufacturers Plot No. MN/VI/2835 and 2836,



GAZB'I'I'E .NoTIcI! No. 1037 varllislzes (other than insulating varnishes), lacquers, prcserva-tives, preparations for wood and metal, thinners for paints and

THE TRADE MARKS ACT th'e Iike substances; colourïng matters (othor than for laundryLcap. 506) or toilet use). To l>e associated with TMA. Nos. 23407 and

23409. 12th November, 1976.NOTICE is hereby given that a'ny person who hag grounds' ' 'ot opposition to the registration of any of the trade marks .advertisrd herefn according to the classes may, within 60 dayx

itiol on IN CLASS 3- SCHEDUI.E Il1from the date of this Gazette, lodge notice of oppos

Form T.M. No. 6 (in duplicate) together with a fee of Sh. 50. ARDROXNotice ie elso hereby given that olcial objection will be

œkrn under rule 21 (3) to a11 applications in which the speci-scation claims a11 the goods included in any class unless tizRegistrar is satisfied that th: claim is justised by tll: use of themark wbich the applicant has made, or intends to make, if andwhen it is registered. W here an applicant cohsiders that a claimin respect of al1 the gocds included in a class can be justiâedit will save unnecessary delay in examining applications if aclaim is filed simultaneously with the application, accompaniedin appropriate cases by supporting documents.n e period for lodgfng notfce of opposition may be extended

by the Registrar as hc thinks fit and upon such terms as he may'dlrrct. M y rrquest for such extension should be made to theRegistrar so as to reach him before the expiry of the periodRllowtd.

23409.- C1eaning, washing, stain-removing and pelishing pre-parations; detergents and degreasin'g preparations, none beingfor use in industrial or manufacturing prcctsses; rust-removingor releasing preparations; preparations included in Class 3 forremoving scale; compositions for the removal of paint, enamels,lacquer, oil o.r of tar and lfke coating compositions; non-medicated' 'preparations for the skin; soaps, essendal oils andshampoos; prepamtion.s includod in Class 3 for use in dish-washing machin.es; anti-perspirants; iinishing, dressing, sealingand stripping preparations, a1l included in Class 3; preparationsfor romoving capbon, grtase, 'dirt, soot, stains and similardegosits from surfaces; and foaming agents. To be associatedwith TM A. Nos. 23407 and 23408. 12th November, 1976.

Formal opposition should not be lodged until after reasonablenotice has been given by letter to the applicant for registrationso as to aford him any opportunity of withdrawing his applica-tion before the expense of preàaring the notice of opposition isincurrcd. Failure to give such notice will be taken into accountin considering any application by an opponent 'for an ordtr forcosts if the opposition is uncontested by the applicant.Where it is statcd in the advertisement of the applicant tha.t

tia mark, upon its registration, is to be limited to certalncotours, .the coiours are, as far as possfble, indicated in theaccompanying representations of the mark' in the usual heraldicmlnnrr.Representations of th: marks advertised herein can be see:

at l1M Trad: Marks Registry, State Law OKce, Nairobi.Applications for registration in Part A of the Register are

+own with the opicial number lmaccompanied by any letter.Applications for Part B are distinguished by 'the letter B pretixedto the oëcizl number.

KENYA dAzsrrs 22nd April, 1977


The undermentiontd applications are proceeding in the nameof CPC INTERNATIONAL INc., a 'company duly organized underthe laws of Dolawave, U.S.A., of International Plaza, Engle-wood Cliss, New Jersey 07632, U.S.A. C/o Messrs. Kaplan &Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 40111, Nairobi.


BRASSEX23245,- Starches, starch derivativos, modised starohes and

substitutes for industrial purposes. To 'be associated w1t,11 TMA.No. 23246. 21st Sopttmbor, 1976.


BM SSEX23246.--Starches, starch derivatives, modilied starohes and

substitutes for food purposes. To be assooiated with TM .No. 23245. 21s.t Soptember, 1976.

The undermentioned applièations are proceeding in 'the namtof SHELL INTBRNATIONAL IYTROLEUM COMPANY LIMITED, mer-chants, of Shell 'Centre, London S.E.I, Bngland. C/o Messrs.Atkfnson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P.O. Box 90121,Mombasa.


CTIEKW AYProceeding under section 32 (1) (!)) of the Trade Marks Act.23628.- Chemica1 products for use in agriculture, horticulture

and foresta; manures (natural and artitkial); seed dressings. 'To be associated with TMA. No'. 23629. 15th February, 1977.

STEDFASTProceeding tmder section 32 (1) (b) of the Trade Marks Act.23630.- Chem.ical products for use in agriculture, horticulture

and forestry; manu.res (natural. and artilkial); secd dressings.Tp be associated with TMA. No. 23631. 15th Feblyary, 1977.


erho undermentioncd applications are proceeding in the nameOf BRENT CHEMICALS INTBRNATIONAL LIMtTED, a Britisll lifnittdliability company, manufacturers and merchants, of Ridgtway,lver, Buckfnghamshire, England. C/o Mcssrs. Atkinson., Cleasby& Satchu, advocates, P.O. Box 90121, M ombasa.



î i t and coating preparations a11 béing23407.-Emulsf y ng agen scEemical ?roducts included jn Class 1; chemical preparationsfor removlng scale, carbon, grease, sealing compounds, soot orthe like deposits from surfaces included in Class 1; chemicaladditives for use as defoaming agents; chemical preparations foruse in the treatment of e/uent included in Class 19 acids foruse in etching, pickling solutions being chcmical prcparationsand substances for removing deposits or coatings from metals;chenzical p'reparations for use in tlle ' detecdon of surfacvblemishes, flaws or oracks; chemical preparations for dewator-ing, and for inhibiting rust; chemical pregarations for the treat-ment of water (not for colouring, medlcal, toilet or laundrypurposes); chemical preparation's (not in tlle nature of paint)for sealing and céating surfaces; chemical preparations for usein industryj manufactures and science; artifklal and syntheticr'esins; plastics in the form of p'owders, liquids, pellets, chips,granules or p'astes, for industrial use; chemical preparations fordispersing petroleum and oil; filtering matorials of raw or partlyprepared vegetable materlals, of mineral substances, or ofplastics materials in powder form; chemical products for pre.venting scale, and for removing o,r diminishing incrustation inwater systems; liqpilied gases (other than fuel) fo.r use inaerosols. To be associated with TM A. Nos. 23408 and 23409.12th November, 1976.


ARDROXz34p#.- Azltietyrro<ve.s, anli-fouling compositions, antl-

erosives, enamels coatings, sealing preparations and priming: .preparations, a11 m. the nature of paint; natural resins; paints,

CHEKW AYProceeding under sectîon 32 (1) @) of the Trade Marks Act.23629.- Ins.ecticides, larvicides, fungicides, herbicides and

pesticides; nïolluscicides and nematicides; soil fumigants. To beassociated with TMA. No. 23628. 15th February, 1977.

STEDFASTProceeding under section 32 (1) (:) of the Trade Marks Act.23631-- Insecticides, larvicides, fungicides, herbicides and

pesticides; molluscicides and nematicides; soil fumigants. To beassociated with TMA. No. 23630. 15th February, 1977.

22nd April, 1977


SANTOGARD '23462.-Chemica.l products used in iqdustry anti ' sciencç; qar,tir

ficial and synthetic resins; prevulcanization inhibitors forrubber. MoxsAx'ro COMPANY, a corporation organized andeyisting undcr th'e laws of the State of Delaware, U.S.A.,ma/ufaçturers ahd merchants, .of 800 Nort.h Lindbergh, Boule-vardy' .county' of St. Louis, State of Missouri, U.S.A. C/bM essrs.' Kaplan & Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 40111 Nairobi.

. . !To bz associated with TMA. Nss. 15495 and 156j0. .8thDecember, 1976.

The tmdermentioned applications are pmceeding in the nameof G. D. SEARI-E & Co., a corporation organized and existingunder th'e laws of the Stat,e of Delaware, manùfacturers, ofNiles Avenue and Searle Parkway, Skokie, lllinois, UnitedStates of America. C/o Messrs. Kaplan & Stratton, advocates,P.O. Box 40111, Nairobi.

IN Ct.Ass 3- SCHEDUI.E llf

SEARLEAdvertised under s'ection 21 (1) proviso.B.23555.- B1eaching preparations and other substances for

laundry use; cleaning, polishing scouring and abrasive prepara-tions; soaps; perf ume.ry esscntlal oils, cosmetics, hair lotions;

. ?dentifrices. To be assoclated with TM A. Nos. 23556, 23557 and23558. 13th January, 1977.


SEARLEB.23556.- Pharmaceutica1, veterinary and sanitary substances;

infants' and invalids' foods; 'plasters, material foi' bandagiriks :material for stopping teeth, dontal wax; disinfectants; pregal-a- .tions for killing weeds and d'estroying vermin. To be assoclatedwith TM A. Nos. 23555, 23557 and 23558. 13th Japuary, 1977.

IN CLwss 9--ScHEovLB III

SEARLEB.23557.- Scientifk and electrical apparatus and instruments,

photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring,checking (supervision) life-saving and teaching apparatus andinstrgments, X-ray apparatus, laboratory appa.ratus and instru-m'ents; lire-lighting aquipment; and parts and fittings includedin Class 9 for a11 the aforesaid goods. To be associated withTMA. Nos. 23556 and 23558. 13th January, 1977.

jB 23623 -pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary prçparations' 7

and substances. SMITH KLINE & FRBNCI.I LABORATORISS LIy!TBb,a limited liability company organized and existing . under tho 'laws of England, manufacturers and merchants, of M undzlls,Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshi're, AL7 IEY, England. C / oM essrs. Atkinson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P.O. Box 90121,M ombasa. 10th February, 1977.


z36o6.-pharmaceutical, medicinal a.nd biological preparationsand substances, veterinary prvparations and substances, dia-gnostic reagents and substances, First Aid materials, wounddressings, plAsters, dressings. To' be associated. with TMA. No.

#17567. 1st ebruary, 1977, '.

- y


. , i%* @ -

2 23149.- Pha.rmaceutica1 and veterinary preparatiorns; wounddrejsing materials, disinfectants) herbicide's and pesîicides.ROTSRPI-IARMACOS B.V., a Netherlands limited company, mana-facturers, of 3 Arondstraat, Hilversum, The Netherlands. C/oM e'ssrs. Kaplan & Stratton, advocates, P.O. 'Box 40111, Nairobi-'18th August, 1976. .


SEARLEB.23558.- Surgical, mzdical, dental and veterinary instruments

and apparatus, clinic hospital a.nd laboratory apparatus, equip-2ment and supplies mcluded in Class 10; heart pace-makers,artificial limbs, teeth and eyes. To be associated with' TM A.Nos. 8.23555, 8.23556 and 8.23557. 13th January, 1977.

The undermentioned applications are procetd'ing in the nameof THE W BLLCOME FOUNDATION LIMITED, Of 183, Eustcm Road,London NWI, ZBP, England. C/o Messrs. Kaplan & Stratton,advocates, P.O. Box 40111, Nairobi.

BOTH Ix Cu ss 5- ScHBouLs III

The undermentioned applications are proceeding in th= nameof DR. R. M AAG A.G., Dielsdorf, of C1-1-8157 Dielsdorf,Switzerland. C/o Messrs. Atkinson, Cleasby & Satchu, advo-cates, P.O. Box. 90121, M ombasa. ' . .

. .)IN 'CLAss I- SCIIEDtmE IlI

' . . jjjp . . k . . . . . . '.. : ... 1# ' ' '# ' '- ' ?

M( *'; # ;: ;

23070.- Chemical products to be used in agriculture, horti -culture and foresfry; preparaticns with plant . grcwth regulaftingropcrties and. for repelling ' insects. To bg. associattd-. .wi' ti. ïiP

. ,Tlvf A. Nos. 20368, 23069 and 23071.' 2nd Augustj 1976. . ' ' '' -- .

444 THE qKENYAAGM ET'IY 22nd April. 1977

IN .CLAss' svnscl.lBnutB 111. ' '

23071 .-rhemical products for orop protection and pHt .tènwtrol. Chemical preparations for weed control, for seed dressing,for destroying vermin, for. the protection of animalj againstparasites, for. inquencing instct development. To be associatedwith TM A. Nos. 23068, 23069 a,nd .23070. 2nd August, 1976.

23461.- E1ectfic and .electronit . a' p' parattks and ins'trumèntsincluding stereo s'ets, radio recoiving sets, television receiving

' sets, 'record players, audio amplitiers, 'telophone apparatus,electric phonographs, public address 'apparatus and , speakers;appara/us for ireco.rding sound on tap es and/or reprodgction ' pfséuqd pre-ocorded on tape'j including taipe.. recordèrs, çartridg'etali' é blayers. cassette taoe' blayers and tape . 'decks: 'wireless coin' -munication apparatu: and instruments includin: .tlanscqivers;sijnalling and clwoking (supeivision) apparatus 'and. ins' trùmeptsincluding echo soundilig apparattts for determiiliùg the lovtiimof lish; batteties; magnetic rtcording tapés. BELTEK'CtSIUPR:à.TION,a 'corporatiorl ' m'ghanized and' esisting under thJ law' s of Japànwhose 'trade or . business address is : No. 31-5,. 4.rht1 'me, Nislii-Kojiya, 'C#ta-Ku, Tokyo', Japan. C/o. Mejsrst Kaplàn & Sty>ltéà..advocates, P.O. Box 40111 , Nairobi. To be associéted ' withTM . No. 216.95. 8th December, 1976.

' . . . ' ''


C NON23283.-8aby feeding bottles; teats for baby feeding bottles;

sterilizing apparatus for baby feeding equlpment; all other goodsoonnected with baby feeding and included in Class 10; babysoothers; trethiqg ring: flv habies; hot water bottlcs for babies.CANNON. RIJBPBR LIMITBD, a limised liability company organizedand çxisting uhde'r the laws of the United Kingdom, of AshleyRogb, ' Tqttçnham, Londop N17 9LH, Bngland. C/o Messrs.Halnillton Hérristm & Matlzewss advocates, P.O. Box '30333,Nairobi. 6th October, 1976.

ne undermentioned appllcations are proceeding in the nameof EAST AFRICAN MBTAL WORKS. Partnel's : 1. Mohamed Ishaq,2. Mohamed A'min and 3. Mohamed Yunis, manufacturers.. ofP.O. Box 41847, Nairobi. C/o Messrs. Shaplèy, Barret & C0.,advocates, P.O. Box 40286, Nai.robi.


M AGNAPORT2l655.-Portab1e Tbuildin'gs and seçtiohal buildings (not 'beihg

tixed metal structures). To bo associated with TMA. No. 23'636.22nd February, 1977.

PORTildings and sectional b'ulldinés (not beinj' '23656.-Portable bu

flxed metal structures). To be associated with TMA; 'N<k 23655.22n4 T>bzuary, 1977- -

UT23657.=Port@k buil4ings :nd seclional bgilttings (not bvingNxed metal stpctlfresl-' Yo bq éssociated Witll '.fM A. koe. 23658

23659 22nd Fbbrtkary 1977 ' 7 : ' ' ' ' '- ''and . , .

. jjjBOTH IN CtAss lg--sscuE,ptmE. jm rr ..,.

?L J . L' ' ) ' ' .' '

23658.-Portab1: buildings and sectional builtllliài ' lnsi.':beiiigfixed 'métal structures). To 1y: associatéd w1th 'rMA.' Nos. 23657and 23659. 22nd Febrm l'y, 1977. ' ' '' ' ' ' ' '' . ' ''..'

GNAHUT' 9 ble' buildings and sectional builiings (not being2165 .-rorta

tt ' d metal structures). ,To be associated with TMA. Nos. 23657xeand 23658. 221ï61 Februapy, 1977..

The undermentioned appliqations are proceedin: in the nameof ADIDAS Fabrique de' ''Chaussures de Sport, societe a respon-sabilitç limitçe, oçganized and existing updeir the laws of France,of 67490 Landtrshoiin, France. 'C/o Mesjrs. Kaplan & Stratton,advoèatess. P.O. Box 40111, Nairobi.



t , + ++zjzou.z-lieathçr and imitation of leathof, articles made

, , , , .

k tj sujst hereof not included in ôther clagses; hides; trun s âncaszs and i'à .particulér, tra.velling-bags, morning-bags, bags foTth: beach, sportubztgs, handbaks, attache-cases. portfolios, wallets,poudhes, note-holdcrs, purscs; umbrellas, parasols and walking-sticks; whips, hérnesk'e's and saddlery. To b'o associa.ted M t.IATM A. Nos.. 23201, 23202 and 23218. 3rd Septembor, 1976.

IN CLAss 25--ScHEbULE 11l23201.-Clo4hs, in particular trousers, jackets, wind-jackets for'

d inj fo'r sport anb. 'leisure underwear overwear,mptninp ress , . , ,(trafning suit4), cloyhys qand overFear for skiiùg and for winter-sports, rain bnd èr' otection dothes, in particùlàr? for sailink;shirts, T-shirts, pull-overs', sport shorts and tightj, bathing-suits,bath-gowns, beach articlçs, 'batlaing-wraps, bathing-caps, sportgloves, in particula'r fof skfing and golf ; caps and bonnets(hats); stockings socks; boots, shoes for sport and leisure,santlals., sli/pers. To .be . a'isociated with TMA. Nos. 23200,23202 and 23219. . 3rd S'eptember, 1976.

Ix CtAss 28- ScHsnuLE 1Il; . ' $ ' ' , ,

23202.=G:1es, toys, parlour james; 'gyhmastic and sportingarticlej ' (ekapt ' clothing), in particular b'alls, ljalloons, swimmingand dik ltlj 'de'Wces, 'réckets, .in 'particular for tenni'j and table-tennis', ' giilfuclub; hockèy-sticks, skis, ice-skates, gymnasiumfittings,' ;' port-bags, covers for sport o.r gymnastlc articles, luggagespeciallh ma'de fpr ' sport a'rticles. To be associated with TMA.Nos. 232 00' , 2j2. 01 and 23220-' ' 3rd Septtmber, 1976.

1/ ccéss l8--scusouss III

. ' . ' . . 7 . . . , . 'F ; ' ' '

% L. . ''' . ' L' '

' . .. L . .1 - u. 2- l i . '

2321K'e-.Leatller and imitatitm of lééthèr, ârtides 'made theteo'fnot includèd in othor classés; hides; trqunks and 'suitcases atld,

22nd April, 1977 THE KENYA G AZ'E . 445

in particular, travelling bags, morning bags, bags for the beach, State of Ner Jersty 07936, United' Stètes of America. C/ osport bags, handbags, attache cases, portfolios, wallets, pouohes, Messrs. Hamllton Harrison & Mathews, advocate's, P.O. Boxnote holders, pursos; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; 30333, Nairobi.. ' . ' ' ' .' '.whigs, harness and saddlery. To be associated wit.b . TMA. . . . .' . !Nos. 23219, 23220 and 23200. 8th September, 1976. IN CtAss Z9--SCHEDUI.E 1Il . . '' . ' '.

) '' ' ' k î''

Sl L @ i - '' 'lx CtAss ZS- SCHEDULB Ill23219.--C1othes, in particula'r trousers, jackets, wind-jackets

for morning dressing, for sport and leisure, underwear, over-wear, (training suits), clothes and overwear for skiing and forwinte'r sports, 'rain and protection clothes, in karticular forsailing, shirts, T-shirts, pullovers, sport rshotrts and tlghts, bathingsuits, bath gowns, beach articles batlting wraps, bathing caps,lsport gloves, in par.ticular for skilng and golf ; caps and bonnets(hats); stocking, socks) boots, shoes for' sport and leisure,sandals, slippers. To be associated with TMA. Nos. 23218,23220 and 23201. 8th Stptember, 1976.

23625.- Preserved, dried a'nd cooked fruits and vegotables;vogetable and fish proteins. To be associated with TMA. No.23624. 10th Fçbrlpry, 1977.. ' . . .


= > '. . , z .. ., : . . . . . .. . '

. .'

1 'IN Cz.Ass 3o--scymot'u ' H1 ' . ' .;, f

. Z''. . q '' '

23624.-Rice, Pour and prepâratfoné Jniade from cereals;bread, biscuits, cakes, past.ry and confectionery. To be asso-ciate4 with TMA. No. 23625. 10!h February, 1977.. . . u.. '

' . . - . ' . . '. . ?s ' ? .Apet.lcwerloxs A'nvsRnsso BuT NoT PRocEsolxo.' .

Notice is lzereby given that 'pursuarnt tb a r'ç'quest b# ltht.proprietors receivéd in this o/ce 'pn 21si Februbry, 197t, Trade ''Mark Application No. 23154 'JLANVIK'' irl ' Class 23 iil 'tàename of STARwEARS advertised under Gazette Notice Rb. '349t,. : ' : .page 1303, dated 26th Novcmbor,' 1976, has 'bèen withdrawn. ' 'Noilco is hereby.given that Tra' de Mark Applkl.tion No. 22832 '

T'ROLLETTE'' in Class 3 in 1he name of DBLI.TX CosMppçsLIMtTSD, adyertised under Gazetto .'Notice No. 1991, page 798j .dated 2nd . Jply. 1976, has been withdrawn Fitlz efeçt from :15th M arch, .1977. . .

. . .. . . . . ..

Notice is hereby given that Trade Mafk Application No. 23192'JRELOSPAR'' in Class 5 (Schedule 111) in the n'ame of MERCK& Co. INc., advertised in tho Kenya. Gazette dated 19thNovember, 1976, under Notice No. 3416, pagc 1282, has been'withdrawn with elect from 19th Fçlyruary, 1977, p'ursuant to a.request received from M essrs. Kaplan & Stratton, advocates,P.O. Box 40111 , Nairobi, on behalf èf the applicants.

. ' '' '. . .

' '; . . . .

CORRIGBNDUM To A REGISTBRED UstR ; .fi d under 'Gazette' N'sjicé'B.22400.-Regi.stered User adver se

No.' 2 429, page 901, datpd 13th August, 1976. 'rhè nam: o'f theRegistered User should. ' haive been Basf Aktlengesellschaft Rnd..


not Basf A;G. M usikproduktion. . ' '' '') .r

IN CtAss 28- ScHBoULB 111'

23220.- Games, toys, parlour games; gymnastic and sportlngarticles (except clothing), in particular balls, balloons, swimmingand diving devices, rackets, m particula,r for' 'tennis. and table-tennis, golf clubs, hockey sticks, skis, ice skayes, gymnasiumlittings, sport bags, covers for sport or gymàastic articlé'ss.luggage specially made for sport amticles. To be associated withTMA. Nos. 23218, 23219 and 23202. 8th Septembezr, 1976.

Tho undermentioned applications are procoeding in the nameof PuMA-sportschuhfabriken Rudolf Dassler KG, orgaqized andexisting undor the laws of the Pederal Republic of Gemmny,of D-8522 Herzogenaurach, W urzburger Strasse 13, FederalRepltblic of Germany. C/o M essrs. Hamilton Harrison &M athews, advocates, P.O. Box 30333, Nairobi.


23024.- Articles made from leather and imitations ' of leather;trunks and ùravelling bags, golf bags; umbrellas, paramls, saddlesticks and walldng sticks. To be assodaled wit.h TMA. Nos.23025 and 23026. 14th July, 1976. '

IN CtAss 25--ScHsDULB 11,1

23025.- ArticIes of clothing, including boots., shozs andslippers. To be 'associated with TMA. Nos. 23û24 and .23026.14th July, 1976. '

lx Cl-Ass 28- ScHsDuLB II1 .

23026 w Games and play 'things; gymnasttic and' ' sportingarticles. To be associated with TM A. Nos. 23024 and' 23025.14t,h July 1976. ' ' ' , ' .. ..' ''' . .

--. - . ' . . ('. .

The tmdermentioned applications a're proceeding in the nameof NAB!sco, !Nc., a corporation organized and existln.g undérthe laws of the State of New Jersey, U.S.A., of East Hanover,

SCHSDVYSNO 01 &#XYClfON'-P2707 ' 'Date 0/ application.-Mtb March, 1977. . .

. . . ' k J . , . : rr . ..

Naîne oj Fpplfctmr.i-tiba-Geigy Ag., a dbpdy mrporate prggni.- ..zed according to the laws of Switzerland, of Baslé, Switketlânê; '.' '''

Particulars t7/ grant in the C/rlïled King'doln : -N0.-1,742,630.Dcfe.- 1st May, 1974.. . . y . . .: ' ' ' , . ' jDtttl .of Ring complqtè Jpecf/kc/koniz-roth A/.vi'ls 4. 971, .' .- ,' . .' ' . ' ' . , ' ' . ' ' . x . S; . 5 . . . z' ï z - J t . . . .) ' : . . !

Complete speciscation published.a-ujçd Januprs j 974. ?rnc .. .'. . . .Nature oj invention.-bhosphoçethLonato having. Insecticidal. andAcaricidal Properties.

k j ' : - 'Documents, etcw, FI/ # n A'cjfutr/,f : =(at one certified copy of 'ctlre-.cspwilication (including draw-

ings and ttomce copy'' of v lzet' ''''ters patent) of the UnitedKingdom rpatqnt ' ., . . . . . .,

' .. , . ; . ) , . . . . . r : . L. . ) . . . . : : . x :

. ;jy - . s kekp. yy(b) Cortl cate : o'f the C omptroller-tlèneral. of..: the n kKingdom Patent Omce. .. ' '.: . :

klAzkrrs 'fcelçs 'fo. 1038 . .


OIUqJNA,I- ENI'RYIT IS hereby nortified for general information that a letters

pateny particulars of which appear .in tlte Schedule , hereto ' +asregistered as No.' P2707 of . .1977 in th: Kenya .Rtgister : o.f L '

h 4th day of March 1#7 ' '. ' . . ' . .' . :':Pat:ntg on t e , .

446 TH E KENYA GAZETTE 22nd April, 1977

(c) Apth. orization .in. favour of Messrs. Kaolan & Stratton, .GAZBITE Ncfrlcs No. 1041' )' ' ; , . . au' . . . l . . . .Xdvocatej, P.'0. Box 4011 1, Nairpbi. . ' ; .. 2 .. . : . .

OAIGINA.L ENTRYIT IS hereby nostilied for gcneral information that a letters

GAZBTTE NOTICB N(). 1039 tent particulars of which appear in tlle Schedule hereto was. . . parekisteled as No. 22710 of 1977 in the. Kenya Register of

THE PATENTS REGISTRATION ACT Iutents op the 14th day of M arch, 1977.. ' :' a ' &

. ' (Cap . 508) 'ORIGINAL ENTRY

IT IS hereày notified for general infonnation that a letterspatent particulars of which appear in the Schedule hereto wasregistered as No. 132708' of 1977 in .the Kenya Register of Patentson the 7th day of March, 1977.

scusrlut.sNo. ()J application,-plnfj%.Date t?/ application.-ltY March, 1977.Name oj tzppffctlnf.-rjnexavo Development Corporationj. a cor-poration' organized and existing under the laws of the Stgte' bf Delaware, Unitrd States of America, of 135 East 42t1(1Street. New Yèrk, New York 10017, United States 'qf2

. . .Amerlca. .Partoular.t OJ grant in f/ie Unltell Tcfngfftaf'?l : -N0.- 1,437,766.DJ/E'.-19t'h September, 1976. .

Date. OJ filîbtg complete â'pTcf#ctzStprl.-18th May; ' 1974., Complete specification publîshed.-qvd June, 1'X6.Nature oj frlvenfîon.-Mothod for D'etermining Optimùm Sé' isniicPulse. ' ' ' ' ''

Documentsn cfc-, filed in registry : - . ' .'faj One certllied copy of the specification (including. drawe.

ill' s and Kïoflice Copy'' of letters patent) of . th'e UnitedF . .

.Klngdc?fn Patent. . , ,.

' ' ' :


(b) Certifcate of tho Comptroller-Gçnvral of the UnitedKingdom Patent Oëce.(c) Apthorization in favour of Messrs. Hamilton Harrison

& M athews, Advocates, P.O. Box 30333, Nairobi.

Nairobi, . J. N. KINGW RUI, .'l8'th Maich, 1977. Assistqnt Regîstrar OJ P. atents.. (: ' .

........ .. .




. '


. . . '




. .. . '






. '


$ r , 'fAAzsrrs 'foTlcE 'fo. 1040

No. (?/ appll-cation.-Pllso.Date oj applîcation--k4th March, 1977.Name. PJ applkant.-Blyeç Aktiengesellschaft, xa 'body corporate,organized under the laws of Germany o'f l-everkusen,Germany. . .

Particulars OJ grann in the 'United Kingdom : -N1.- 1,451,291.Dc/e.-Q6th Janualy, 1977.Date oj #/frlg complete specîfication.-gth December, 1974.Complete spedfcation published.-lgkh Soptember, 1976.

Nature oj Jpven/ïon.-Tfiazolothi'azolyl-lhionol-pe sphoric(Phosphonic) Acid Estérs, process for their preparation andtheir ùse as insecticides and acaricides (including tickicidès).

b ' l d in registry :-ocumqnts, etc-, /î etaj One. certised copy of the specification (including draw-

ings and xfoflice Copy'' of letters patent) of the UnitedKingdom Patent.(b) Certitkate of the Comptroller-General of the United

K ingdom Patent Olce. ' ' ' ' .'' ' (c) Authorizatioil in favour of Mossrs. Atkinson Cleasby &Satchtz, Advocate'j, /.0. B.ox 90111, Mombasa.

Nairobi,18th. 'M arch, 1977.

J. N. KINGW RUI,Assistant Regîstrar t?J Pcferlfxs.

GAZE'f.TE Nolqcs No. 1042



IT IS hereby noltified for general in/ormltion ' tha' t 'a lettersp>tent partictzlars of whlch appear in the Schedule hereto wasregistered as No. /2709 of ' 1977 in the ltenyà Register ofPatents on the 14th day of M arch, 1977.


ORIGINA.L Ex'rxvIT IS hereby notifed for general information that a letters

' patent particulars of whidh appear in the Schedule hereto wasregistered 'as NoJ 132714 of 1977 in the Kenya' Register ofPatents,.on the 29th day of March, 1977.

No... oj appllcatî[email protected]'/kc 'oj app' /fcc/fon.-14th Marchr 1977.Name c,/ appllcant.-mzynç Aktiengesellchaft, a body ' corfyorate,organized under the laws of Germany of Leverkusen,Germany.

Pardcuïars oj grant Jrl the United Kingdom : =N0.- 1,448,656.DaLe.- '& January, 1977.bate oj . hling complete .çpecï#ct?/f()n.=27th. M amh, 1975.èomplete lrccf/lccffo?z pub. lish. ed .-8th Sevtembpr, 1976.

Nature ()/ frlverl/ftprl.--pïrimidin (2) Yl-rfhionophosphoric AcidEsters, process for thelr pregaralion and thelr use as insecti-cides acaricides and nematocldes. '

Documents, ettx, #' led frl reglstry : - .(a) One. zkrtified copy. 'of the s'pgcilicmion' (including draw-

ipg! jtlzd çtoflice. Copy'' of letters patent) of the UnitedKitzgtlom patent. . .(b4 Cortificate of the Comptroller-General of the United

Kingdom Patent Omce. ' ' ' '(c) Authorization. in favour of Messrs. Atkinson Cleasby &

S'tttclfti', Atlv/catéj, 'PJO. ''Bok 90121, ' Moinba'ja. ' '

Nairobi, J. N. KING'ARUI,1 8th March, 1977. Assîstant Reglqtraq. 0/ Patents.

No. ol ppplication.-pl7l4. ' .Date t# a'pplicatlön.-' 1%. t'h M arch, 1977.Name 0/ applicant.-zeîLzzkst Ag. a Swiss Body Corporate r)fTrust Firm Ernst Hunters Baarer S'trasse 77, 6302 Zug, Switzer-land. .

Partîculars of grant in the t-fnf/cc/ Kingdom :-N0.- 1,432,888.Dcfd.- 18th August, 1976.Datd oj J/frlg complete xpEcf#cJ/forl.-12th July, 1974.Complete specifcation vublished.-22nd April, 1976.

Naiùre t#' invention.-înkpçoy'nd method and apparatus for comuln ' 'leeves onto structural rods. ' 'prôss g s

Documents, etc., /#e# in registry :-(c) One certified copy of the specilication (including draw-

injs and çtoffico Copy'' of letters p'atent) of the UnitedKlngdom Patent.(b) Certiqcate of the CzemptrollesGeneral of the United

kingàom .patent Omcek(c) Authorization Jn favour of Messrs. Daly & Figgis,

Advocates, P.O. Box 40034, Nairobi.

Nayobi,lltlk April, 1 977. . , ' jJ. N. KING ARU ,Anîstant Regfx/rtzr' of Patents.

. ' . . t ' ' '' '' '

22nd April; 1977 T'RE 'K'ENYA GM E 4jt

GAà'is'l''rE NoRqcs No. l04j ' -' : 7. ' 2'' ' C r GAZB'I'T.B NoaqcE No.' 1445 ' '' ' . .' ' 'C ' ''.. . ... . . . , . j.. y . . . .. . - ' .. ' ': . . . . 2 .. j. ' . .. '.' ''

. '

. : . . .. .. '. .)2L .= ' . l ' '' ' .7 ts J '' ' 1)THP, PATENTS REGISIRATION ACT v.. . . . THE PATENTS REGISTRATION At;'1'(cap. 508) . ..'... . . ' (cap. 508)

ORIIHNAL ENTRY ' '. ' ORIGINAL ENTRYil for general ' informatibù thaf '>'. lettèb' IT IS hereby notified for gùneqal informàtlon that' j' letiûfj'IT Is hereby notifie

natent particulars (jf which aopear in the Schedule' 'herlto wag' patent particulars of which appear in. the Schedule heieto wasregistered a, xo. :2715 of 19-/7* in the Kenya Regijter of 'Patents' registered as No. P2717 of 1977 in the Kenya Register ofon the 29th day o.f Maich, 1977. Patents on the 30th day of Aprit, 1977.


No. OJ applîcaùon.-pllks.Date oj applîcation.-lntik Mardh, 1977. ' . ' .

7-. . , .y . . ,

Name (?J applîcant.-Rzckktt & Colman Products Limlted, aBritish company manufacturers, of Dansom Lane, Hull, NortlaHumberside, HU8 7'DS. England.

Particulars tzJ grant irl Ihe United Kingdom : -' .. '.N0...-1,337,578. .

fu/e.- 13th M arch, 1974.Date o/ fïling conlplete jpecihcation.-lniïk N ovemper, 1971..Complete specifcatîon ruN!',:/leJ.-14th Novembx#r.. 10X3.,-

Nature oj fnvcnfïoa--Arylalkylsulphoxides.Documents, etc-, /#q# in' registt'y : .- . ' '

La) Onç certified copy .of . the specitkaticm (includin' g draw-ings and tsoflice Copy'' bf letters patent) of the. U pitedKmgdom . Patent. ,. - . .'

. ( '(:) Certificate of the Comptroller-Geheràl of 'the ' Uizited

Kingdom Patent Oëce. . . . . . .

(c) Authorization in favour of M. 'essrs. Daly & Figgis,Advocates, P.O. B'ox 40034, Nairobi. - ' '

ty & y . . 'Q. . .. 1. ; .

SCHEDULBNo. 0/ application.-pllk'l. 'Date of application.-?ùth Aptll, 1977. 'Name oj Jlwlfctznf.--sumitomo Chçmical Ciompany Limitep, , aJapanese company of ' No. 15, Kitahama 's-chorrie, Higgsii-Ku Osaka, Japan. '

Particulars 5/ grant in the United Kingdom : -N0.,-1,439,615.DJfe.- 13th ' Octobrr, 197 6. 'Date (# hling complete specihcation.-qjth Jply, 1973.Complete specihcation #rfbIïJ/le#.=16th June, 1976.

Nature oj fal?ea/ftpaa---lsulb'stitutçd Açetates and Pesticidal Cbm-positions containing them. ' 'Documents, etc., /#e# in regLs/ry : V !.

(a) One certifed copy of ths specification (includihg . draxG.ings and 4%oilice Copyf? of 'lefters . patentl'' of thc United.Kingdom Patent. ' ' : ' '' ' (b) Certiscate o'f the Caomptfoller-General of th: UnitedKingdom Patent Oëce.(c) Authorization in favour of Messrs. Kaplan & Siratton,

Advocates, P.O. Box 401'11, Nairobi.

Nairobi,15th April, 1977.1 977. .J. N. KING 'ARUI, '

Assistant Regîwçlmr o) Patents.

. v. .h ... ..j. N. KI'NG'AR'UiAssistant Regîstrar t?.h Patents.

GAzsvrs &oTIcE No. 1044



(IAZEITE 'foTlcB 'fo. 1046


TA'KE NOTICE that applications haying been made in thisCOUR il'l : -- ' ' ' ' ' 1 ''

(1) CwusE No. 124 olz 1977By Neville Patrick Gibson Warren of 'P.O. Boy 40034, Nairobi

in Kenya, one of the duly constituted att'brneys ot (l) LloydsBank Limited of London 'in Bngland and (2) Befyl Joan Donaldof . Onchan in the Isl: of .Man, the çxecutors. njmed .in ttle.. wjllof the deceased, through M essrs. Daly & Figgls', advocites'. dt ,Nairoibi for reseali.ng ln Kenya, the grant of probrate graflted ' ''>on :1st December, 1976 by the Common Law Divisipn (Tes>amentary Jurisdiction) of Her Majesty's High' Cod' rt öf 'Justiceof the ''Islo of M an of the will of Ivy Constance Thornton of

' Onehan aforementioned Fho died there ofl thc 8:1) da#' of'

November, 1976. . ' '

. (2) CAIJSE N(). 125 OF 1977i . .

,' By Barclays Bank. International Limited of P.O.' Box 30356,t Nairobi in Kenya, the duly constituted attorney of W estminster' Bank Executor' ànd 'Trustee Company (Channçl lslartds) Limiteb,!

'. the executor namrd in the will of tho deceaspd, . throiigh Messrs. . C( Shapley m rret & Co.',. advocatts of Nairobi, for resealing inKonya' thee'grant of prpbate granted on the 2pd day of' Jul#,è 1976 by the Rzgiktl'y ''td 'ihe Ecclesiastical Court of'. t$e Balliwick'of Guernsey of the will of Violet xEmily A gnes D'rummond (rteef Pitcaurn) wife of Charles Morton Drummond of the Parish. of Saint mviour in Sthe Island of Guernsey who died tlzere onthc 26th day of June, 1976.

3) CAIJSE No. 126 oF 179'7'7(

IT IS hereby noiiied for general information that a letterspatent particulars of which 'appear .in tho Schedule hereto wasregistered as. No. 132716 of 1977 in the Kenya Register ofPatents on the 30th day of M arch, 1977. '


No. ()/ application.-pukfà.Date oj tzpJWcJffon.- 30th March, 1977. 'Name oj Jpp/fccnf.-Eli Liliy and Company (a Yo' rpqmtign .organized and existing under the 'laws of the State of Delaware,United States of America) of 307 East Mx arty Streét, Cityof Indianapolis, State of Indiana, United States of America.

Parfkùlars o/ grant fn fhe United Kingdom :- 'No.- L ,345,676. .Dtz/c.-29th M ay, 1974.

g . r . .c , j wr j.Date o/ filing complete specifcation.- ltVh ebmary, .Complete specihcation published. 30th Janual'y, 1974.

Nature OJ fnverlfion--Antibiotic A-4696.Documents, etc-, hled in z'egjapy : -

(c). One certised copy of ' the specilkatiùn (including draw-ings and dtoflice Copy'' of letters patent) . of the UnitedKmgdom Patent.(bj Ccrtificate of the Cbmptroller-General . of the . United

Kingdom Patent Omce. '(c) Authorization in favollr of Messrs. Lysaght & Co.,

Advocates, C /o Barclays Bank Internationâl Limitett, Govern-ment Road, Nairobi, Kenya. '

' By Lawrence . sllis asulcliffe of P.(). Box 4040.,4, Nairobi int Kenya, the sop 'of ihe dece@sed an' d the executoy ngped in herj will, through Messrs. 'Kaplan & Stratton, 'advocates of Nairobi:: for a grant of .profbate of tlze will of Ethel Sutcliffe of Nairoblè aforesaid. who died . at Nqirobi . on the 28th day of Japuary,' 19-/7 ' '' ' ' ' '

(Nairabi, '15th April, 1977.

J. N. KING'ARUI,'Assistant Regîstrar OJ Patents.

(4) CAIJY No. .14Q. (ltz 1.977. & . 2 ' . 1 5 . ' 'By Humplvex slade pf P.0. àox j0333, Nairobi in xmpya,'f-tée e' -kbslhtka -pa 'm'ed in'- fhe *' iII o' ? the d'ecpas'e -d; '- tirkfvo '.one o . . ,Mesjfs. 5H' azrillton' Hatrison & VatheWs, Oàdvocates' ' of ' Nairèbi; r

443 22nd April, 1977

for a grant of probate of the will of Victor Gumer v'Logant.van executors named in the will of the deceasod, through Messrs.R meren of Nairobi aforesaid who died at Nairobi on the 24th ' A. B. Patel & Patel, advocates, M ombasa, for grant of probateday of July, 1976. of the will of the late Anantprasad Jagannath Pandya of the

M . F. PATEL, same address, who died on tltc 7th day of January, 1977, atNairobi, Senior Deputy Registrar, Mombasa.lsth Aprsl, 1977. Iligh Court ol Xew>W, Ntdrobi. n js caouj.t will proceed to issu: the 'same unless càuse bo

N'.à.=ThL wills mentioned a'bove have bèen . deppsited in and shown to the contrary and appearance in this rexsmct cntered' gr''e 'opun to inspecëion .at the Couft. ' within 14 days from the dato ef publication. of this notice in

. .. . . . tho Kenya Gazette.-+.-- . -é-.----.---- =---- -...-.. .-e' - - -'- -- ' - '--'-*' ' '- DEREK SCHOFIELD,GAzsrrs Ncnncs No. 1047 Dd#&f,P Regîstrar,

Mombasa, High court (# Kenya,5th April, 1977. Law Courts, M ombasq.THE PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION

TAK/ NUTICE that after fourteep days from the date of Note.-llw will mentioned above is deposited and open tothis Gazette, 1. iptond tq apply to thç High Court at Nairobi inspeotion at the Court.for representa' tio.v of ' the çstatçs of the 'persops named in thesecond column ' of the Schedulo hereto, who died on the dates -respectively set forth against their names. oxzsws xoTlcs xo

. 1050And further take notice that a1l persons hating any claims

against' or. interests in the estates t)f txe said deceased persons Ix Tyjs HIGH couR.r oF KENYAaro required to prove suoh claims or intereks . before me within .AT NYERI DISTRIW REGISTRYtwo months from date of this Gazettej after which dâto theclaims and interests so prove will be. puid and ùatished and PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATIONthe several estates distributed according to law. ' ' TAK

.E xorlqcs that an application having boen, made inthis Coprt in :-

scHenut,e ' cxusE No. 2 or 1977E




' '


'' .. .






.. .' '' By John Wilfred Spiers of P.O'. Box 231, Nanyuki, thePublic DJM Testate executor named in the will of the deceased, through Messrs.Trustee's . of Or G:adialy & Co., advocates, P.O. Box 130, Nyeri, f or a. grantCause No. Name of Deceased Address Death lntéstate' f robate of the will of the late Commander Lohan Hook. O 1)- -

B 4-9-75 utestate R. N. (rttired) of Nanyuki in Kenya, who died dt Nanyuki on154/77 Erick Bodo Og/nda P.0 ox' I . . . '. .

' 4j, the 6th day of April, 1976.'Kistlmtl ' 'This Court will proceed to issue the same unlrss cause be218/76 Ejidips Gakuru P,O B, ox 7-1-76 lntestate

. . jy shown to Jlw . oontra'ry and apptarance in tliis respect entered' : vevnrinvn , within 14: days from the date of publication of 'this notice in

434/76 Peteq Karanja Konyo 2-5-76 Intestate the Kdnya Gazztte.M lclmtha. Locauon,

..,: .: . . . Nyel'i Datod at Nyerî. .this 4th day of Apri1, 1977...r . . oisjact1. #14.t5. . ktttwà trungu P.o Box 20-2-73 Intestate ... .,.f .. . . . . lùï . J. s. PATEL,

... ...-' . .. . x. -a '-r Aatlna . District Delegate,

. y ,. . . . . . , . . Hlgh court of Kenya at Nyeri.' j . I.. t.. vw oooBu. Rx, Note.-llat the above will is deposited and 'open for inspectionNairob

.15th Xpril, 1977. Public Trustee. a't this Court.

. ? z .c . . . .

GAZBr> ,',NoTICE No. 1048 Gwzsrrs Nmqcs No. 1051



TAKE No-rlcB that. arf àplxlcàtion having been made in this ,in :- . . - y Debtgq s nc-e.- l-larold F'rederick Gerald Eggers.court


cw ss .No. 31 ps 1977 Address.-R lo P.o. Box 47848, Nairwbi.os o. . . . t . . . t . ;q . . . ' ' . g : ' m I Dcycrfpjjojt eRmgjtyyte..s 'slptkh A'iju' fbakar ikn AJi of P.O. Box 22, Lamu . in thç colfrr-- High court of Kenya at Nairobi., Y .Republic of Kenyar thç mecutor nam =ed in the will . of the No. oj matter.-nn. 73 of 1958.deceased, through Messrs. Sachdeva and Uomlxany, advocates of Last day oj rgcefvfng proofs.- n gd April, 1977.M

ombas'a aforesaid, for grant of probate of the will of the xame of fruyfee.- omcial Receiver.late Mqrip.p Binti Sheikh A1i ot Lamu, who died op the day xddress.- p.o. Box 30:31, xakrobi.of z7tlitrddy of Nôvoinber, 1975 at Lamu. ' 'This Court will proceed to issue the same unless oause be Nairobi, M . L. HANTDA,

shown to the contrary and appearancç in this respeot enterçdi 7th April, 1977. Deputy OFC/J! Receîver.within fourteen (14) days from the datz of publièation of this '

G tte - - - -notice irt th se Kenya aze .. .> 1 PL ..1. .., r jjl gGyjgpjsjr,.u;.. :. ' , v,': c ..L . c. '.. 'R @ ' GAZE'WE NcrncB No. 1052Mork-toi'l, Deputy Registrar,

14th April, 1977. Hî'h Court 5/ Kenya.THE PANKRUPTCY AG

N.#.-The will mentioned above has been deposited. in .al!d is. (cap. 53)open for inspection at the Coul't.Noncs oF Ixv-risxoso DlvzosNo

Debtor's nc-e.-vinubhai Chunjbhai Amin t/a <xBridgeman's''.GAz,m''f'E NolqcE No. 1049% agtluger.- Fonnerly of P.o. Box 1058, Nairobi.

. . ' j , y, oexcrfp/fon.- Trader.IN THE HIGH COURT OF KBNYA c /

.- x gjj court of Kenya at Nairobi.Ol4r .AT MOMBASA DISTRICT REGISTRYzv , . . . .. Ng. oj yyjjyjjgy.ojjoc. j g oj j pyg.PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION

Last day 0/ receîving prooj-ç.--fth Vay, 1X7.TAXE :woTJ,f; FJ that ' ah dpplleàtiön. hlving''' 'Veli' ''madè 'in x j jrwse.- oflicial Receiver. '. . , . . . . .: . . am e (7this Court in :- . . : . '. C . C . '! ' J' Li '' ' Address.-iip.o. Box 300j1 , Nairobi.' . C CAV#B NO? 3.2 OF . 1977 .. yâ ., t- . . : . ':rL' ) :: 7 L . . . .

By (1) Mrs. Hansa Anantprasad Pandyà, ' à:d' (2j'''A' Iiàrna Nairobi, , M. L. HANDA,d/o Anantpraspd' P:nçlm of .P.O: 'Bcx 90133% ' Mombasa, the' ' ' 15th April, 1977. Deputy tlycftzl Recdver.


22nd April, 1977

GAZEI'TE No'rlcB No. 1053


xovlcs os Ixvsxoso olvlosxo eultsuxw. rr to section 339, sub-section (3) of the above' Jayantilal Tappbhai laau t/a ''pau wholejalers.'. Ad, it is hereby notified that at the expiration of tbree monthsDebtor s.-

.froin the date .hereof, the ' names of the undermelitioned com-Address.- p.D. Box 2, Siaya. ; jjj unjess cause be shown to the contrary, àe stnick offn. . .. . p a .n (r S w jDtrlrrlp/lt/rl.--xjsuslnessmitn . the Register of Companies and the comm nies will be dis

-Courf.-lligh Court of Kertya at Kisumu., solved : -No

. oj matter.--B.'c. 1 of 19 72.Last 'day oj receiving prot?/.v.-6th May, 1977. Reg'. No. NameName oj fruzfee.-ollicial Receiver. sjj'i4 xgai Ndeithia Farmvrs Company 'Limited

.Address.-P.o. Box 30031 , Nailwobi. 257: yjoneer Construction Compapy (Kenya) Limited.3065 Alfalfa Limlteda' 'Nairobi, M. L. VANDA, 3555 Ajuca' n Highlànd Timber G mpany Lhnited

.15th April, 1977. Dep' uty OFcfcf Rècdver. 4183 ooolam M. Keshavke Kenya Limited. '

4379 Gholani P'ropertiek Limited.5146 Jenabai & Karmali Limited.5616 Continental lndustries Limited.GAZETI'E NoTlcE No. 1054 61

.09 Twenttsche Dverseas TtadlngLkuited.

THE BANKRUPTCY ACT 8600 .punater Sons tAfricwal 'Limited.(cap. 53) 6897 Akes Consultants Limited.

11,028 Juma Ahmed & sons timited.NorrlcB (Jl7 INTENDBD DIVIDEND 'Debtor's ntzme.-ltao Dallp Singh s/o Harnam Singh, ltao Nairobi, 0. M . SAMEJA,Amrik Singh s/ o Harnam Singh i/a %tsingalo Saw Mi11s''. ' 12th April, 1977. Assistant Registrar (7/ Companies. .

Address.,-pv'o. Box 10728, Nairobk ' 'Descriptîon.-'fvadvçs.Court .-l-ligh' Court of Kenya at Nairobi. Gyzs.tvs Nmwk. No. 1058No. t#. matter.-s'l of 1.961.Last day ()/ receiving prt?(?/J.-v6th ,May,. 1977. ' 'IN THE MAU ER OF THE POMPANIBS AGName 0/ frrfx/ec.-official Receiver. .Address.- P.o. Box 39031 , Nairobi. AND


Fîval M eetingTAKE notice that in pursuance of sedion 283 of the Ceom-

GAZEI'I'B Noxqcs No. 1055 l Papiq,s Act (Cap. 486) the Final General Meeting of the a'bove-named oompany will be held at room 33 Lullington House,!Mama Ngina Street, Nairobi on n ursday the 26th day of May,THE BANKRUPTCY ACT1977, at 10.30 a.m. fo'r the purpose of laying before tlze meeting(cap 53) the account of the winding up of the above-nàmed cènihany

No'rlcs os IXTEXDE.D DlkloExls and of giving' any explanation thereof. . .'

Dey/or'l.-Rajabali Hassam Khamisa. ' d tjjks 14th day of April. 1977. .Datez'lddrewy.- Formerly of P.O. Box 31 , Bungoma. x o RoBsox,Description.-tnmjov e. I ' ' ,Liquidalor, 'Ctpur/.-l-ligh Court of Kenya at Nairobi.

No. tz/ matter.-B.bc. 3 of 1959. . .Last day oj receiving prt?t7J.y.-6t'h Mpy, 1977J '' ' ' 'Name oj Jrrfyfee.-official Receiver. GAZBTI'E oTl .Address.--p.o. Box 30031, Nairobi'.

' ' TI.lE SOCIETIF.,S RULF.,SNairobi, M . 1.. HANOAj.. p.: . . r. '15th April, 1977. oeyû/y ofrtciàl Receivec. , çcap. 108, s. ub. Legà.. r PURSUANT to rule 14 of tlye Societies Ruless qotiqo i,' '

. herèbk ; tive,n 'Jof the change of name bf thé sokikty exémppd. . .; r ; , y .' ' frohi 'rokistfatioh named i,n . the Schedùlé hereto.'' i ' : ' '' 'Gxzsrrs No'rlcE No 1056 ' . :. : '' ' ' :' ':' .. y. '

J sèyrsout,s

THE COMPANIES ACT K - lt f' f j Ass'oc' iatipn, tç Keny'a Fpotbai) Vtemej ). enya e e oe(Cap. 486) Association. '

N 'rlcs oF DlvloBxn , ' . .O ' b. àud tus ylttî tlas of . Amil, 1977.Ix BANKRIJPTCY ANo W lxolxcl-t.o fktls.e No. 2 or 1973 , . ' . :. ..j. xtzxsu. .- .. ...Re : Klabakari Industries z-frzlffeff . ,

qn Liquidatîon) .-.-of.- ï--''z. ;.s '.' . -. .. Assintant ReWlfrtzr oî 'sWcfefl''. , .. ( . . .. .j. ; y .. . .; . yName t# ctpmpcnlz.-Kiabakari Industries Limited. .' '.' ' ' ' ' ' '

Address of registered o//ce.-plot' E-.R. i09/ 163/1 /3, Fort Hall . . . .GA/ET'I'/ NA I/E Xb. 1060Road, Nairobi.Registered postal address.- b.o. Box 47990, Nairobi. THE SOCIETIBS RULESNature oj huxfnesx.-paper .process manufactureès'. . ' . : '.'' .(Cap

. 108, Sub. Leg.) ;.. .,r ..: .j # .. . . . . . 4. ; .j sxfburf.- l-ligh Court of Kènra, Nairobi . ' ' ' ' pupsuAx'r to rule 14 of the Societies Rules, notice is. '..ïNo

. (7/ zntzffer.-cause No. 3 of 1973. .hereby given tha:t-'-.; '';'

the s'ocieties liàted'' 'in ihe Firét' Schedtlle h'erito'' 'have beenAmount per Sh. 100.- Sh. 63. (c).. . .


xgjstored; i. ' 'First and hnal, or tpf/lcrrzfye--First.. .j ' j f . .(b4. tho.. .pcivty listed-pixq the Secopd. . Sched. u1e 'ltçtolb Aas x.bezn !When pcytzsle-- l8th April, 1977. k. . , . . : ..' . . . . exompted from repstration; and .- ;

Where ptzylb/c.- <sltirungfir', Ring. RpAd, yWtjtlaptts, Nairob. isk..:: . - . . .

y . .. axj (j ..uj.tsotujy.. . jjoxyo jjas beon. . (c) the society listed in ' thé r: e'rq sa'zft! tS. tf1- regiptratiply? .. .. ..P. M. JOI-INSON,.;. .1 . w -.. , 2

. . ,Omdal Recelver cn'd L'Lîquldqtqtz 1 'unde/' thexmovilions''bf Ithe 'Societies Act ' t(2dp. 1002

Gxzmqx Ntm cE .NO. 1:57



FIRST ScHsouisi,.

Name tl/'.rsftpcfezyNgovu Funeral Association . .. . .2M. itgboni-M ua Parents Assoclation .. .,; ' t A iation . ' 'Klwa Wel are ssoc ..' k lihes Sèqrts Club , .. .''NA u , .r

Q'widi. Mil. àzribo Xs. sociat. ion ' . . .Màcligkbs . l'loljwm/aérq(jb i. ry ''We '1f a re -S' ----c$ c M1 e 't 'b ' . . . , . . . . . . .M atokeo Drama Club . .. . . . , . . . . .Kaptabongen Baptist Church ... ., . ...East M rican Community Sports Club, M uguga .. .Nfwiruti Drivers Association . . . . . .. .. . . . .4Gem M uthurwa. and La.ndmawe W elfare . Society,(Nairobi - .. ... .. . .-. .... 6-4-77

Owila W elfare Association, Kariobangi . .. ...' 6-4-77Donyo Sabuk Lodge of M a.rk M aster MasonsNo. 1476 -.. ... 7-4-77

Artists Association, Kenya .. . 7-4-77Ababeye Welfare Associtttion . .. 7-4:77Thua M athiko W elfare Association 7-4-77Black Angels Sports Club . .. 7-4-77Abatuku W elfaro Society . .. 7-4-77W omen lslamic M ission, Kenya 7-4-77Kitindo . W elfare Association 14-4-77

SBcoxo SdHBDIJI,EDate oj

Name JJ Society ExemptionFriends cf the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem ' 'of Rhodes and of M alta 4-4-77



their claims for admission. Sudh claimp should be acldressed tome at the Department of Co-operative Development, P .O. Box52, Nyeri.

Dated this 3.1st day of M arch: 1977.

D. A. S. KIPKORIR,District Co-operative Omcer,

Wyeri Dî-ç/rfcr,Liquidato' r.


Head Omce : P.O. Box 30376, Nairobi1. oss o!7 PoLlcv

Lije Policy No. 100806 in the name oj Danl'el Gcrtzrrlt'z MakenziSaidi.

NOTICE is hereby given that evidence of the loss ol destruct-ion of the policy has been subm'itted to 'the company and anyperson in possession o'f the policy o.r claiming to have anyinterest therein, should communicate immediately by registeredpost with the company. Failing any such communication within30 days from the date hureof .a certiiied oopy o'f the policy(which shall .be the sole evidence of the contract) will be issqed.

K. S. DAW OOD,Company Secretarf'.

Name 0/ SodetyAfrican Divine Church E.A., Shisasari Branch

. Dated- thig.)15th day of April, 1977.

Date ojRefusal5-4-77

ALLAN.J. ,' Assîstant Registrar p/ Sodeties'.

GAZE'I'TE NorricB No. 1064


(Incorporated in Kenya)Loss oF PcmlcY .

Policy No. KI 57241 for Sh. 3,500 on the D/c of PhilipKulankash, Loîtokitok F. Pr. School, P.O. Loitokitok, KenyaNOTICE having been given of the loss of the above-numbered

policy, its duplicate will be issued unless objection is liled withthe undersigned withia one month from the date hereof .

M ombasa,13th April, 1977.

GAZBKE Norrlcs No. 1065


(Incorporated in Kenya)Loss olz Ponlcy .

Policy No. 60129 Jor Sh. 3,000 on the Iife oj Benard Kinuthîa,E.A. 'Corp., Shop No. 023, #.0. Box 30530, Naîrobi, KenyaNOTICE 'having been given of the loss of the above-

numbered policy, its duplicate will bç issued unless objection isfiled with th'e undersigned within one month from the datehereof .

M . D. NAVARE,M ombasa, Executive Director,4th April, 1977. P.O. Box 90383, M ombasa.


(Cap. d90, sectîon 70 (1).)AoMlsslox os 'CtAIMS

M . D. NAVARE,Executive Director,

P.O. Box 90383, M ombasa.

CSl 190.-.a5'/tzrEWc Ajrican Co-operative Store 7.t/zz?//FJqIn Ll'quidationj J

1, being duly appointed liquidator of the a'bove-named sooiety,hereby appoint M onday,. '1 6th 'M'ày, ''1977 as the day on which,or before which, the creditors. o.f the . above-named society, shallstaso to. mo thek claaims fjfi Adlùissipn. .7 :. l J t. ' .T ' 'Such clàirfzs. shàll .be 'àildressed to me at the Departfnent of

Co-operative Developmeht, . P.O. Box 30202, Na.irobi'd f1'el :.23455).

J. R. K. NJOROGE,for Assistant Commissioner Ior C:l-operative

Develôpment,Nairobi Area,Liquid' ator.

. .. . - .7 .-. g '. '.

Xé'IS'I'' ' No'fl(V'No'' t06;' ' ' '' /'GA e .


ADMISSION QF CLAIMSCSl 1427-XW!uru Farmerà CW oherative Socie'ty Lîmited

. 7 .CS/ 1229. -Mbaria Kanja Fprnicl's Co' -operatîve Society LiînitedC5'/ jli-Lilnttngqa Farmers Co-operative Society Lppl'tedifW/ l).z3-Naqyqjki FF?'z?.2j'r.# Co-operalive zs't?c///.y Liiniteil; .. . . 1* . . . . . .

CSI 1394-2673//11/ Fatimerk Co-opetative Sôciet'y Limitei. .

Cvb'rlj4s6,,-ql-halnapgua F.#?r??ztMl Co-operatij'e ô'qçfc/)r Ifinkited .# . : . . . k .C / 18()2-!/Wc.# Farmers Ctlrtà/Mztzffye Sotletk nfuîmited. . . .t, lxingp- dvly. xrwpppinted. liquiclator of - the abovonamed. Co-')'a)t' so ''cléties'; herèby 'appöint wedhesday, . 75th .M4y, 1977opè 1ve , . .

at 11' a.m., qj the d>y on which or befote 'whtth tlre' creditorsof the said .cô--bpdrative' ' Sozietièk -ihall'' 'sfàte; or' sttbmjt' 'tb t'flè -'

GAZBTTE Nolqcs No. 1066


TSNDBRS FoR 1976/77TENDERS are invited for the supply and delivery of

household utensils to 'the Commandant, Kenya Police C.I.D.Training School, Nairobi. A list of the utenslls may be obtainedfrom the Force Quartormaster, Kenya Police Headquarters,P.O. Box 30083, Nairobi.Duty. paitl prices including sales tax must be quoted for athe

delivery to the C.I.D. Training School.Tendèfs mus't be.'-ènclosed ip plain sealed envelopes marked

ffrfeitder' 'No. '' 1976/7'7=Utenki1s''f ., and addressed ' to re-ach the

Force Quartermaster, P.O. Box 30083, Nairobi, or placed inthe Tender Box at the Police Headquarters, Ground Floor, notlater than 2nd M ay, 1977, at 4.30 p.m.Tender not correctly addressed and endorsed or having any

markings showing the nama of the tendorer or his returnaddress will be rejected. Similarly any tender received after'tho stated time and date will not ba considcred. .The Government is not bound to accept the lowest price o'r

any tendar and reszrves the right to accept a' ny t'ender in wholeor part unless the tenderer stipulates to the contrary.T.he Governmtnt will not entertain any correspondence on

rejected tenders.Tenders must remain lirm for 60 days from 2nd M ay, 1977.

S. K. KOINANGE,Administrative Secretary.

GazE'r'rs Nm'IcE No. 1067


GAzs'l''rs No'rlcs No. 1069


TENOER Ntm cs No. 21 /76-77TENDERS are invited fotr the servklng and maintenance of

the following hospital cquipment during the Government Finan-cial Year 1977 /78 :-

1. Physiotherapy Equipment.2. Dental Equipment.3. Watson X-ltay Equipment.

Tender documents giving full dctails of the equipment to bemaintained and the. hospital in which they are installed shouldbe obtained either personally or against written application fromt'he Omcer-in-charge, Central M edical Stores, Room No. 6,Comme.rcial Street, lndustrial Area, P.O. Box 40425, NairobitPrices quoted must bz net prices per unit exclusively in Kenya

currency and must remain constant during the period of thecontract except for those changes which are from time to timeapproved by the Government. 'Tenders should state separately theiïr prices in resptct of

emergency calls outside the normal contract time, milettgc ' andaccommodation. .

Tenders must be enclosed in plain sealed eflvelope& markedfdTendzr N.o. 21/76-77 : Maintennca of Hospftal Equipmenf''and addressed to reach Oflker-in-charge, Central M edicalStores, P.O. Box 40425, Nairobi, not later than 10 a..m . onFtriday, 27th M tty, 1977.A11 t'en.ders must remain valid for a minimum period of ninety

(90) days from the closfng date of thzs tender notice.

TENDBRS FOR 1976/77TENDERS are invited f'or the supply and delivery of

blankets, bedsheets, bedcovors, pillows, pillow-cases, curtains,table-cloths, tablo napkins and t'ea towels (kitchen clothes), tothe Commandant, Kenya Polke C.I.D. Training School, Nairobi.Tender documents giving full details may be obtained on

written applicatlon frotn tl'te For/ Quartermaster, Kenya PollceH'eadquarters, P.O. Box 30083, Nairobi, or may be collectedfrom him, 4t.h Floor, Room 415.

Duty paid prices includinq sales tax must 'be quoted for the.delivery to the C.I.D. Trainlng School.Tenders must be endosed in plain sealed envelopes ma'rked

<drfbnder No. 1976/77-Househo1d Linen'' and addressed toreach the Force Quartermaster, P.O. Box 30083, Nairobi, orplaced in 'the Tender Box at the Police Headquarters, GroundFloor, not later than 2.nd May, 1977, at 4.30 p.m.Tcndor not correctly addressed and endorsed or having any

markings showing the nama .of the tendorer or his returnaddress will be rejected. Similarly any tendef receiyed afterthe stated time and date will not bz considered.The Government is not bound to accept the lowest price or

any tender and reserves ths right to accept any tender in wholeor part unless the tcnderer stipulatvs to the contra' ry.'l'he Government will not eatertain any correspondence on

rejected tenders.Tenders must remain lirm for 60 days from 2nd M ay, 1977.

P. P. MUKURU,Omcer-in-èharge,

central M edical stores.

S. K. KOINANGE,Admînîstrative Secretary.

GAzBrrs NoTlcs No. 1068


'IkxnBR NoTlcB No. 8/77Refills ytpr 1 Gal. Thermos Flasks

TENDERS are invited fo'r the supply of 100 Tlwrmos Flasksrefill 1 gal. for iasks M odel 8217.Tenderers are asked to view the sample of the iasks which

will bo refilled with these reflls in the omce of the SuppliesOmcer in Main Store during working h'ours.Tenders must state delivery period. P'rice quoted must be net

including sales t&x and must be firm for sixty (60) days fromcloslng' date of this tendor.Tenders must be closed in plain sealed envelope marked

' ffrrender No. 8 /77'' and be addressed to reach the Director of' Veterinary Servzes, Veterinary Research L'aboratory, P.O.Kabete, not later than 12 noon on 26th April, 1977, o'r beplaced in the Tender Box prosrided at Room 34 of the MainRtgistry before the. above specitied time.n e Government is not bound to accept the lowest or any

tender.B. M . M AMBO,

Supplies fllctlr,for Director t# Veterinar.v Servkes.

GAZE'I'I'E NoTlcs No. 1070

M INISTRY OF HEALTHTENDER NOTICE N(). 22/76-77Making /4/ Patients Uniform

TENDERS are invited for cut, make and. frim of female,male and children uniform assorled sizes, appfoximately, 16,Uj0felnale gowns, 2,000 pyjama suits for men And 5,500 pyjamasuits for children.Prices quoted must be final 'and must remain constant during

the period o'f contract except for those dhanges which are frtjmtime to time approved or 'brought into force by the Governmenl,Uniform M ateiial of 36 in. wide f9r the m aking of the

uniform will be supplied to the successful' tendeTei by tliéCentral Medical Stores but suoh tenderer wil'l be required .tglodge with the Govemment a bond of indemnity in the stilpof Kf 1,000 'to indemnify the Government against theft or léssof such Unitorm Materials wh'i1st under his custody.The prke for making of dresses should be on cut, make and

trim basis and 'should be inclusive of the cost of buttons,f'asteners, etc. and any other costs however ihcurred in theoperation of the contract.Tenders should staie sepalately :-(aj Cut, make and trim price per picce.(!8 Mxterial required per gannent.(c) Time reqtlired fofr making.A sample indicating the design to which a11 fdture supplics

must conform may be viewed at the Central M edical Stpres. Asamlje should be manufactured and submitted for approvyl atthe tlme of dtendering. .The successful tendcrcrts) will be required to sign a co' n'-

tract 'agreement. 'Tenders must be enclosed in plain sealeil envelopes wl.tlAbtit

any return address or indication of whom the tenderer is andmarked ffTender No. 22/76-77 : Making of Patients Uniforms''and addressed to reach the Olcer-in-charge, Central M efllcxlStores, P.O. Box 40425, Nairobi not later than 10 a.riv . (in'Friday, 3rd June, 1977. 'The Government 'is not bound to accep.t the lowest or ahy'' l

tender ahd reserves the rlght to acccpt ani.- teridei in wh(àl:'':tsrin part unless the tenderer exli. ressly stipulates to thù cée rarr... 7

A11 tenders muat remain valid for a minimum pzriod of ninetydays from the closing date of this tentler notice.

P. P. MUKURU,Olcer,ln-charge,

Central M edlcal Stores.

A bond o.f indemnity acceptabl'e to the Government and tothe value of such quantities of canvas requircd for manufacturemust .be lodged. This bond will be released 'after . satisfactorycompletion of the contract less any amount due by loss of ordamago to the material through any cause whatsoever. Thebond will be required to be lodged immediately afttr accegtanceof 1ho successful 'tendor. .Tenders must be enclosvd fn a plain sealed envelope marked

T<rfendor No. 37 /77-Ten.ts'' and addressed to reach the under-signed, P.O. Box 30346, Nairobi, or b'e placed ipte t'he TenderBox at the entrance to the M ain Office Block, Supplies Branch,Likoni Road, Nairobi, not later than 10 a.m. on 6th M ay, 1977.The Government is. no't bound to accept the l'owest or any

tender and reserves 'the right to accept a tender in part or infull unless the tendorer expressly stipulates to. the contrary.

C;AZBIVE èçoTlcs 'fo. 1071


'rsxoER Ntm cs No. 2/76.77TENDERS are invited for the supply of omcers' uniforms as

fèllows :-Male Omcers1 . (c) 634 short sleeved bush jackets-demim, junglo green.()) 634 ' shorts-denim, jungie green.(e) 634 slacks-denim, jungle green. '


2- (c) 312 long sleeved jackets-gaberdine, fawn polyester.Lbj 312 slacks-gabordine, fawn 'polyester.(c) 312 light green long sleeved shirts.

Female Omcers1. 12 dresses-dcnim, jungle green..2'.. (a' ) 12 jickets-long slèeved-gaberdine, fawn polyester.'(b) 12 skirts-gabordine, fawn polyestèr.

Cpntractors must submit written rccommendations to provethat they hàve. supplied oKcors' uniforms olsewhero bcforc.Contractors must show that they have enough personnel aodmachines to complete t'he work on or before 20th Juno, 1977.Tenders pust be ' enclosed in a plain sealed envelope and

marked T'Tender for the Supply of Uniforms'' addressed tothe Director, Wildlife Conservation and M anagement Depalrt-ment, P.O. Box 40241, Nairobi, to reach him not later than10 a..m. on 20th April, 1977.'Ptis Department will not entertain any correspondencg onréjèkted tenders. The Department is not bound to accept thelowest o'r tho lkighest tcnder.


G&zpw s' xovlcs xo. 1072

M INISTRY OF W ORKS. Tsxoim No'ncs No. 37 /77

IEKDERS are invittd for the cmnufacture and supply ofh ' ) llowlng tentage to the Oëcer-in-charge Supplies Branch,t e o ,Ngiîrobi, to be drawn ' as and when required during the period1st Jtlly, 1977 tp 30th' June, 1978 :-Class and ' ' EztimatedJ'fez?z No. . .

' Descrtttion . . Quantity49070 Tent Bush 14,6// xl 10' x 7/6'/ high, 3/ wall

. Double fly, C/W poles, ropes, pegs,-

' mallets and valise ' . . . s' . . . 900 No.49080 Tent, Junior Oëcers' 7' x 7' x 7'6:/ hig yh

3: walls C/W outeriy verandah, Groundsheet, poles, pegs, etc. . . . . . . 400 No.

49090 Tent, Senior Oëcers' 10' x 9' x 7'6/' hig yh3.' walls C/W outerfly, verandah, Groundsheet, Bathrooms poles and pegs, etc. . . 200 No.

49105 Tent, Rank and file 10' x 8' x 7/ highs'3' Single fly C/W poles and pegs, etc. . . 720 No.

'rhe. above ' ittms Are to 'be manufactured fro'm 927 cm . widecanus to bc purchascd from this M inistry at K.Sh. 29 permetre.Prospectiv'e tonderers aro requested to state :-(J) Price ptr unit for (C.M. & T.) cut, make artd trim costs.(bj Length (metres) of canvas required per unit.(c) Price per complete unit.(#) Period required for manufacture and delivor'y.The C.M. & T. price must include the cost of al1 the materials

(other than canvas) accessories and manufacturo .of the itemand dcllvery to the Supplies Branch, Nairobi.Pqices 'quoted mus't be nct in Kenya Shillings (duty and sales

tax piid) and to remain ' lirm during the period of contract.

D. C. KUNGU,Omcer-in-charge,Supplies Branch.

GAZparrE No'rlcB No. 1073


. Tender Ntlffc,: No. 42/77AITENTION is drawn to the following amendment in res-

pect to ltem No. 1 of the above tender.The item should read as follows : -1. Jack Pump Unff as speoified in Drawing No. 7/ 3/67 (avail-

able f'rom the undersigned) and not Jackîng jrames asstated 'in the earlier tender notice.

Quanltity required : ' 10 No.Closing date and time 29th April, 1977 at 10 a.m.A11 t'he other conditions remain unchanged.

D. C. KUNGU,Omcer-in-charge,Supplies Branch.


NOTICE is horeby given that the furniture and fttings lyingin o'r a'bout a place of bpsiness situated on Plot No. 697/33,Luthulf Avenue, Nairobi, owned by Sadrudin M ohamed, has,with esect from the 30th day of M arch, 1977, been sold artdtransferred to Parsonic Limited who will use tlle said furnitpreand fttings on the same place of business of the said prsmises.'The address of the transferor is P.O. Box 42709, Nairobi.Tlze address of the transferee is P.O. Box 41704, Nairobi.A11 debts owing and duo by tho transferor in. respect o'f the

said furniture and fttings up to and ipcluding 'the 30th day ofM aroh 1977, will be received and paid by the t'ransferor.t

.The trartsferee is not assunling nor does it inttnd to assumeliabilities incurred by the traàsferor in respect of the sai'dfurniture and fttings up to and including 30th day of March,1977.

RUSTAM HIRA,Advocqte Jor the Trcnd/cror

and the Transferee.

GAZBIR'B NoaqcB No. 1075


NOTICE is hereby given that the business of a Kiosk carriedon by Roshgn Sadrudin V. Mulji of P.O. Box 47609 Nairobiunder the. name of t%Amin Kio.sk'' situated in Town Housç,Kaunda Street, Nairobi has with effect from '15th day of A'pril,1977 been sold and transferred to Mapiam Taher Changa otP.O. Box 46548 Nairobi who will carry on the said busisèjs atthe same place. The transferees do not assume nor do th. ey .ilztend to assume any f'lf the liabilities incurred in the 'said'business by thb transferor prior to the above date. '

BSM AIL & ESM AIL,Advocates Jor the Transjerees,

and the Transleror.


NOTICE is hereby given that tho partnershlp heretofore sub-sisting between Motichand Velji Dodhia Shah, Harilal VeljiShah and Erach Ruslomji Avari and carrying on busincss underthe lirm name and style of E. A. Curio M useum at Plot No.19 Section XXIV Nkrumah R'oad, M ombasa, Kenya, has beendissolved by mutual consent so far as concerns the saidMotichand Velji Dodhia Shah and Harilal Velji Shah, whoh'ave rotired from 'the said partnership with effec.t from the1st day of January, 1977.

W ith elïeot from the 1st dtty o.f January, 1977 the saidbusiness is being carried on by the continuing partner ErachRustomji Avari at the same place and under the same firmname and style of E. A. Curio M useum as 'the sole proprietorthereof.A11 debts due or owing by the said partnership business up to

and including the 31st day of December, 1976, shall be paidby 'the said Motichand Velji Dodhia and Harilal Velji Shah.

Dated this 14th day of April, 1977.

THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT(Cap. 281, sectîon 71) .

. r



lsst;E olv PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATEWHEREAS' Quitefia Santana Coutinho e Manezes and Pio

Caitano Erancisco Jose Manezes are the registered proprietors aslessees of al1 that piece of land known as Land Reference No'.4857/62 (Original 4857/53/2) situat'e in the 'City of Nairobi inNairobi Area by virtue of a 'Certificate of Title Registered asI.R. 9872/ 1, and whereas suihcient evidenc,e has been adducedto show that the said Certificate of Ti'tle has been lost notice ishereby given that after expiration of ninety (90) days from thedate hereof, l shall issue a Provisional Certiscate provided thatno obâection has b' een reoeived within that period.

Dated at Nairobi t'his 22nd day of April, 1977.

. L. PEREIRA,Registrar oj Tîtles.



1968-71Prepared by Central Bureau of Statistics

M inisrty of Finance and Planning

Price : Sh. 11 çpostage Sh. 2.50)



PANDYA & TALATI,Advocates jor the Retiring Partners

cn,tf the Continulng Partner.

GAZB'I'TE No'rlcE No. 1077


1, Francis Nyambis'a of P.O. Box 72784 Nairobi, Kenya,hereby give public notice that by a' deed poll dated the 18th. dayof April, 1977 duly executed by me, I formally and absolutelyrenounced and 'abandoned the use of my former name ofFrancis Ernest Nyambisa Obure Nyambisa for a11 purposes andreques't and authorize a1l persons to designate, describe andaddress me by such assumed name of Franeis Nyambisa.

Dated at Nairobi this 1 8th 'day of April, 1977.

FRANCIS NYAM:ISA,Iormerly known as

Francis Ernest Nyambîsa Obure Nyambîsa.

GAZIS'I'FE Ntm ce No. 1078


NOTICE is hereby given tha: by a deed poll dated the 15thday of April, 1977 Sharaniect Kaur Sehmi of P.O. Box 49485Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya heretofore also called ShahenAkhtar and known by the lirst name of Shahen Akhtarabsolutely renounced and abandgned the use of her first name ofShahen Akhtar and assumed and adopted in lieu thereof thenew first name of Sharanjeet Kaur as her name for a11 purposes.The said Sharanjeet Kaur Sehmi thereforo hereby atlthorizedand requires a1l persons at all time hereafter to describe herby her new name o'f Sharanjee't Kaur Sehmi only.

Dated at Nairobi this 18th day of April, 1X 7.

. R. K. SACHDEVA,Advocate jor Sharanjeet A-tzl/r Sehmi.

GAzs'i''rs No'rlcs 'No. 1079


1, Njuguna Waititu, of P.O. Box 166, Limuru in the Republicof Kenya, herebefore called and known 'by the name SamwelNjuguna Waititu, de givo public notice that by a deed polldated 2nd day of October, 1975, duly executed by me andattested 'in accordance with the law, formally and absolutelyrenounced and abandoned the use of my said former name ofSamwel Njuguna Waititu and in lieu thereof assumed andadopted' 4he new name of Njuguna Waititu for al1 purposes. 1now hereby authoriéo and request ail persons to' designate,describe and address me by' such assumed name' of Njugunalvaititu . ' '

NJUGUNA W AITITU,jormerly Samwel Njuguna Waititu.

Prepared by Central Bureau of StatisticsM inisrty of Finance and Planning

Price : Sh. 30 (postage Sh. 4) .




By R. F. Van de W eg and J. P. M buvi

Price : Sh. 30 (postage Sh. 4)Year 1976

Obtainable from the Governm ent W inter, Nairobi

454 l àI!) KENI'A G AZI:''1-I E 22nd April, 1977





THE following notes are for the guidance of persons sub-wmitting '-copy'' for inclusion in the Kenya Gazelte. â'I/prp/e-eal-!,etc. :-

(1 ) Kçnya Gazette contains notices of a general nature andwhich do not afect legislation, and nlay be submitteddircct to the Government Printer.

(2)' Legislative Supplement contains Rules and Regulations'' which are issued by the Central Governnlent, and nlust-

be submitted through the Omce of the Attomey-General.(3) B3Il s'l/pp/ezaeaf contains Bills which arc fbr introduction' into the National Aseembly only.

(4) Act Supplemenl contains Acts passcd by. the NationalAss4rhbly. '

All ''copy'' subinitted for publication should bc prepared onone side of a foolscap 'sheet no matter how small the noticeor Act, each fage being numbered, and should be typewritteneith double spacing. Copy should be clear, legible, and containa minimum of alterations.Particular attention should be paid to the following 'points :-(i) Signatures must be clari:ed by means of rubber-sumpingor typing tlle name of the signer in capital letters.

(ii) Dates must be correct and filled in where necessary.(iii) Care should be taken to ensure that all headings to

notices and references to legslation are up to date apdconform with tbe Revised Edition of the Laws of Keny. a .

MxEXTRACT FROM THE Coos oF REGULA I'loxs, Sr.t7rloN D-Kenya GazetteD.41. (1) Communications for tùe Kenya .Gazette sbould

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taries wi2 forward Gazette noîiccs to tlie Govemment Printerwhen ready.

It is emphasized that these notes are for gufdance oniy, bulit is requested that persons submitting copy for publication hrstsatisfy thqmselves that such copy is complete in every re' spect.



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