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Interview with the Stormy Ero-Ninja - Kemono

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#126 | NOVEMBER 2020 Interview with the Stormy Ero-Ninja

#126 | NOVEMBER 2020Interview with the Stormy Ero-Ninja


StormFeder can be found on:

Interviews contain adult content02



NSFI was created by Mr. X-Bash with contribution of Ichor Mongrel and LetyDoesStuff

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Here is interview with an ecchi-hentai digital artist. He started his adventure when he was 20 years old. He is a self-taught type who draws knowledge from other artists who specialize in drawing. He is also a father who works non-stop on his drawings for his little daughter and wants to give her as

much happiness as possible.

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1. Please introduce yourself for those who may not know you. Who are you? How did you get your start and why? Why did you choose your name and persona?

Hello there, I am Storm Feder, a 38 years old male hentai artist from Buenos Aires Argentina. I draw since my earliest memories but I started to draw digitally as long as the technology to do so evolved. It’s fair to say I’m old school. Started with the old Windows Paint, and from there experimented with Photoshop, Illustrator, or whatever I got my hands on. But I found my ground to stand in Paint Shop Pro, from Jask software. A somewhat obscure drawing and photo editing program I used since it’s a very first version and to date, I get to use a customized late version for comfort. Why did I embark on this? Well like every other 80’s child I loved cartoons and then anime, and my desire to create my own stuff was from that moment stronger than just watching it. So practice started… and never ended. I would draw my own comics, original characters and fan arts, for practice, for fun, for gifts… the usual. It was a nice escape from the routine. The second part of my nickname is just short of my real first name: Federico. The first part of the nickname on the other hand, “Storm”, comes from a long streak of events along with my life which somehow always involved this particular climatological event so it stuck. Then the ninja look has to do with an untold story I always wanted to work on in a video game form but never found the time and resources.

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2. How does being Storm FedeR interact with your life? How has it improved your life? What are some of the drawbacks and limitations of choosing to work creatively in this erotic market?

Well around 12 years ago when I joined the Deviantart community I was on it just as a hobby. I learned a lot from tutorials there and got inspired by great artists I still follow. I happen to tell everybody that asks me howI got to where I got. You learn a lot from fellow artists and their teachings but to that, you have to put tons of practice and never get discouraged. The day drawing really improved my life was when I got confident enough to start selling my art there, I’ve never been the kind of person that needs recognition nor moral boosts to stay motivated, -I do what I like and that’s it-, but the new income was quite welcomed at the times I was adjusting to a new life and my daughter’s arrival. It eventually proved to be a better income than any job offers available around and so I was set for it. Any job has its drawbacks. Mine would be that it is something I can’t let my little one brag about in school, nor I can tell every stranger I meet right away. My entire family is nowadays pretty aware and most are fine with it, the rest doesn’t care. At first, it’s easier to go with my other professions I actually have: Editor and Audiovisual designer. But I’m quite shameless so in a matter of hours, anyone may know about my main activities as ero-ninja. Nowadays being Storm Feder IS my life. I draw practically all day long, and interact with my followers and clients as much as I’m able to. Yet I wouldn’t say I’m shy, but I can be a bit socially awkward at times, so I tend to not extend my chatting for too long. (This interview will be quite an exception).

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3. There are many artists out there. Why go to you? What is your signature? Why should people follow your work?

Ah! Good question! Because I don’t consider myself exceptionally great artistically. I gracefully stand in the shadows of awesome creators putting a dumb face half-covered by my mask and then wave in a silly manner.My style is quite simplistic, more than anything emulating anime, with few shadows and scarce details. It’s a functional style quite useful for mangas/comics. One who chooses me has to do it if my style resounds with their individual tastes. If you like how I draw bodies, -especially girls of course- and how I play out situations I’m ordered, then, and only then I might be your artist. I have many clients that, trusting my judgment, send me very basic commission information and let me fly with it. More often than not, they find my interpretations satisfying and come back for more.

4. What personally interests you? What kind of art or stories are you drawn to reading or expressing?

I’m geeky? Somewhat yes. So you can imagine my pop culture knowledge is at par… maybe a bit outdated. When it comes to what I draw I like sexy situations and romance happening in common places. Maybe that’s why my first self-made doujinshi I’m working on after years of not creating something of my own is all about a story of normal people inside a household. I love fantasy-related stuff of course: elves, catgirls, monster girls… that will always be my cup of tea, but I also find the charm in what’s more reality-based : A cute girlfriend in an elevator, an affair inside a car, school shenanigans, etc.

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5. You have a pieces from standalone art to manga. What piece are you most proud of? What piece is your most popular to your fans?

I don’t have a favorite, as you might have guessed, I’m severe with my art as any artist should keep level and a bit more. But there are a bunch which outstood at the time or aged better than others. The “Wendy” one, “Rias Gremory” as a mermaid, my “Gardeboir”. Among others. It can’t be a coincidence that I also had much fun drawing them. I have made some dakimakuras I also love and would have in my room like the latest Rei Hino, Mei, Nya x Pandoria, Hilda, etc. Mangas/doujins I have drawn so much my memory is losing track. “Karenvania”, “Magical Music”, The “Blue eyes” series (those starred by “Blue” which includes “7th Heaven”, “Zelda’s booty”, “Peachy princess”, etc), “My fetish academia” and many more, I couldn’t choose just one here either. My clients bring me lots of fun ideas as you see. I’m a bit unsure of which is the most popular work among the fans. I receive compliments for the Magical Music series, the RWBY doujin “Emotional Fulfillment” which I’m finishing this campaign, Karenvania again, the many harem pictures with a various mix of characters I have drawn. Fan-arts usually gets most of the likes.

6. It’s really fascinating that you make dakimakura. It’s a really interesting medium and an erotic art form all its own. What made you choose this art form and what’s it like working with it?

I’m checking my files and see that my first dakimakura is dated from 2013, Uzume from “Sekirei”. I took the job to investigate the standard printing measures for body pillows to make it (150x50cm) and from then on every time I was ordered one I’d stick to those measures. Eventually, someone from pillows printing platforms reached me to ask for a partnership. Nowadays I’m sending my dakis to Moemarket exclusively. There you can search for my nickname and find most of my collection. Dakimakuras are often difficult to make. They carry much more detail than a normal full body commission and puts a strain on my software. Also takes more time to finish obviously. But I love how they turn out and well, these are the best times to have something to cuddle with, right?

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7. I was really intrigued by trying to track down your Tumblr. So many platforms of you play out like a history of your work moving from place to place and trying to find a home. I know how difficult this can be. What has this experience been like and what is your opinion on how you’ve been treated as an artist by these various social media platforms?

My first gallery was Deviantart, as mentioned. Eventually, admins there started to take down adult-oriented material despite their own flagging system in action. That forced me to first censor and ultimately just post teaser images there and sent my works elsewhere. My first choice at the time was Blogspot, where you can see the long-lasting archive because of it. Never had any problems with that platform but I feel the traffic is a bit sparse. So I created the Tumblr account. Publishing was fast and easy so I held to those two for quite a quile. But fairly recently Tumblr also went full purist and started to take down my stuff as well so I dropped it. I then created the Twitter account and the Newgrounds account. Let’s see how those go. I just need a place to put my stuff and not be bothered. I have a Hentai Foundry I will be updating soon with the later years work, because otherwise, it’s just too many drawings to upload one by one. And got a Pixiv which I’m a bit reluctant to learn what they would bug me with their particular regulations. Patreon is doing well, though I’ve heard rumors of trouble in the future. Sooo… a personal page is deemed to happen. I’m open to suggestions in this subject, just mind I only have PayPal to deal with any expense. It’s no joke that erotic artists have a rough time finding a place to call ours.

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8. A lot of artists talk about determination and the will work creatively like this. I tend to think a step after this determination toward what it takes to look professional. What would you say is absolutely necessary for people to do what you do, technically? What are some of the most vital skills you feel are taken for granted that you know you need every day?

The cliché phrase will always be “practice, practice, practice” because it is the truth. But it also takes some innate talent and we are not all born with the same amount. What you have to do is take whatever quantity of what you have and exploit it with all that you have. Polish that rock into a diamond. How do you do that? Keep your head open, don’t crumble to criticism nor reject it because that criticism will always hurt but also make you better. Learn from the masters, learn from those who know how to do what you want to do. Techniques, programs, brushes, tutorials, courses. There are many things they learned themselves at a time and now you’ll need to learn as well. Study anatomy as much as you can, especially if you do characters and crucially if you draw hentai. This I think is the most important, the human body is something you’ll have to dominate for almost any kind of artistic endeavor. Mind that learning to draw it’s not an easy, nor a fast path. Most of us mortals took many years to get where we are, with lots of tries and failings. And you’ll see prodigies that make it ridiculously fast, and others that take decades but you should only look to the sides just to inspire yourself, not to measure yourself. Take your time, but persevere.

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9. I’m always interested as to why you chose your particular art style, or what influences led you to choose your aesthetics. There are some interesting visual themes in your work, not just in their Ecchi Anime style. What are some of your greatest artistic inspirations?

Nostalgia I guess, like many of my generation I grew with 80’s cartoons but then the Anime nation invaded. But I always keep the old and the new in the same places in my heart, it’s the stuff that made me happy. So I started with the usual anime style of the old times and mixed it with the new, to create a style that adapts to almost any kind I want to emulate when I’m drawing fan art of different authors. I don’t draw monstrously big eyes, I try to keep my anatomy within realistic features (except when I’m ordered to do the opposite) and well, keep away violence because I don’t need more of that in my life. I get inspired by anime classics such as Sailor Moon, Ranma1/2, Evangelion, Rayearth, Bleach. Hentai’s like Bible Black which pushed me into some of my coloring styles. And random artists I have run into along these years like Ryo Agawa, Genzoman, Sakkimichan, etc. Though I do not aspire to draw like them, what I absorb from their work is often the eroticness, the beauty of their compositions, or characters. I’m not sure what that does to me but it sure makes me sit to work happy and willingly. I hope somebody gets the same effect from me.

10. What are some of your future plans for Storm FedeR? What are some personal projects you are motivated to see happen? What are your ultimate goals?

As mentioned, the web page is deemed to happen, I just have to find the right time and host. I also plan to keep on making projects in my Patreon like the interactive doujin now showing. “Maid4U” it’s barely starting but patrons who donate to the cause are choosing on the plot’s direction “choose your own adventure” style every month. It’s quite fun for everyone and allows me to finally show something from my own production. I’m getting help, in order to make commissions campaigns faster. Making the backgrounds and some coloring which is taking a lot from my shoulders.Goals? Making a living, having fun, gathering money to see my daughter, leave a mark, and fulfill as many of my followers’ fantasies my hand can draw.

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11. If there was one piece of advice you could give to your fans or to artists you’ve inspired, what would it be?

I think I spew most of it in #8. Look at me, look at others who draw even better, get their tutorials, learn new techniques. DO NOT stall in what you already know, do better every time you make art. This is not a skill you learn once and use it forever the same. It’s something you keep developing for the rest of your life.

12. The Traditional Question: Do you like Creampie?

Not on me! Lol but sure. Good kitty girls love milk and good men are surely happy to provide.

13. Any shout outs or thanks you would like to give to others who have helped you out?

Besides previously mentioned artists and whatnot. I want to thank my GF and family who supports me, my fromer companion who tends my child, all my friends, fans and followers who cheer and encourage me to keep going, those who helped me improve with good advice, art wise and life wise. Patreon donors who push my personal projects, and fellow artists who promote my work.

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Us erotic artists are no different from any other people. We feel tired, we feel the adversity, the reject, the judgment. Many of us suffer depression and art is our only outage. So keep

sending love to them, they are the creators who fuel your imagination and sparks your passion.I’ll give all that I got, all the art I can make until these clouds have no more raindrops to bleed.

Thank you for reading!

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