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JANUARY 2008 TEVET/SHEVAT 5768 IN THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS ISSUE ISSUE ISSUE ISSUE ISSUE Rabbi’s Remarks .................................... page 3 Events & Announcements ...................... page 4-5 January Calendar .................................... page 6 Religious Practices ................................. page 7 Meet Melissa Bloom ............................... page 7 Religious School Report .......................... page 8 Teen Time ............................................... page 8 President’s Page ..................................... page 9 Israel from The Left Coast .................... page 10 JEWISH-PRESBYTERIAN DIALOGUE: Learning from Joshua and Caleb Numbers 13 & 14 ~ Biblical narratives of the land ~ SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 7-9 P.M. Congregation Shomrei Torah 2600 Bennett Valley Road Santa Rosa, CA ~ 578-5519 Pastor Jeff Johnson, The Cove Fellowship and Rabbi George Schlesinger, Congregation Beth Ami will lead our combined congregations through an interactive study of Numbers 13 & 14, as together we learn how Christian and Jewish traditions read and respond to Scripture. Join Rabbis George Gittleman and George Schlesinger and Pastors Kate Clayton, John Cushman, Sue Fleenor, Dale Flowers, Amy Seymour Haney, Roger Hull, Jeff Johnson, and members and friends of: Congregation Beth Ami Congregation Shomrei Torah The Cove Fellowship First Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church of the Roses Windsor Presbyterian Church Refreshments provided Mazal Tov to Our Bat Mitzvah ............... page 10 Surf City Beth Ami ................................. page 11 Mitzvah Moments ................................... page 12 Literary Lines ......................................... page 12 Generous Contributions ............................ page 13 Yahrzeits, Anniversaries & Birthdays .... page 14 Jewish Community Events ...................... page 15 Advertisements ........................................ pages 16-18 Event RSVP Form .................................. page 19 January Services ................................... back page On Friday, January 25 at our 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Services, Rev. Ann Byrd will speak on the history of African-Americans in Santa Rosa in honor of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. The Reverend Ann Gray Byrd has lived in Sonoma County for more than 50 years. An advocate for civil rights and equality, she is well known as a knowledgeable, humorous, motivational speaker. A licensed, ordained minister, she served as Youth Director at the Cotati Church of the Oaks, and is currently President of the local NAACP, National Chaplain of the National Association of Negro Business & Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc., and on the Board of Directors for the ACLU. For more than 30 years, she supervised and/or directed the operations of administrative offices ranging from the Carpenters Joint Apprenticeship and Training in Santa Rosa to the Motorola Corporation in Cupertino. Recent Human Resource/Personnel experience includes seven years as Executive Director of the Gray Foundation, and three years as assistant to the chief of operations for the California Human Development Corporation. She became a member of the International Conference of Police Chaplains in 1998, and served the Sonoma County Law Enforcement Chaplaincy until taking a leave of absence in early 2002.



Rabbi’s Remarks ....................................page 3Events & Announcements ......................page 4-5January Calendar ....................................page 6Religious Practices .................................page 7Meet Melissa Bloom...............................page 7Religious School Report ..........................page 8Teen Time ...............................................page 8President’s Page .....................................page 9Israel from The Left Coast ....................page 10

JEWISH-PRESBYTERIAN DIALOGUE:Learning from Joshua and Caleb

Numbers 13 & 14~ Biblical narratives of the land ~

SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 7-9 P.M.Congregation Shomrei Torah

2600 Bennett Valley RoadSanta Rosa, CA ~ 578-5519

Pastor Jeff Johnson, The Cove Fellowshipand

Rabbi George Schlesinger, Congregation Beth Amiwill lead our combined congregations through an

interactive study of Numbers 13 & 14, as together welearn how Christian and Jewish traditions read and

respond to Scripture.

Join Rabbis George Gittleman and George Schlesingerand Pastors Kate Clayton, John Cushman, Sue Fleenor,

Dale Flowers, Amy Seymour Haney, Roger Hull,Jeff Johnson,

and members and friends of:Congregation Beth Ami

Congregation Shomrei TorahThe Cove Fellowship

First Presbyterian ChurchPresbyterian Church of the Roses

Windsor Presbyterian Church

Refreshments provided

Mazal Tov to Our Bat Mitzvah ...............page 10Surf City Beth Ami .................................page 11Mitzvah Moments ...................................page 12Literary Lines .........................................page 12Generous Contributions ............................page 13Yahrzeits, Anniversaries & Birthdays ....page 14Jewish Community Events ......................page 15Advertisements ........................................pages 16-18Event RSVP Form ..................................page 19January Services ...................................back page

On Friday, January 25 at our7:30 p.m. Shabbat Services, Rev. Ann Byrd will speak

on the history of African-Americansin Santa Rosa in honor of

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday.

The Reverend Ann GrayByrd has lived in Sonoma Countyfor more than 50 years. Anadvocate for civil rights andequality, she is well known as aknowledgeable, humorous,motivational speaker.

A licensed, ordainedminister, she served as YouthDirector at the Cotati Church ofthe Oaks, and is currently

President of the local NAACP, National Chaplain of the NationalAssociation of Negro Business & Professional Women’s Clubs,Inc., and on the Board of Directors for the ACLU.

For more than 30 years, she supervised and/or directed theoperations of administrative offices ranging from the CarpentersJoint Apprenticeship and Training in Santa Rosa to the MotorolaCorporation in Cupertino. Recent Human Resource/Personnelexperience includes seven years as Executive Director of theGray Foundation, and three years as assistant to the chief ofoperations for the California Human Development Corporation.

She became a member of the International Conference ofPolice Chaplains in 1998, and served the Sonoma County LawEnforcement Chaplaincy until taking a leave of absence in early2002.

January 2008 • CONGREGATION BETH AMI SHOFAR • page 2

PERSONNELRabbiGeorge [email protected] Mossman,[email protected] Jarlsberg,Adminstrative [email protected] Gould, [email protected] Van Nuys,Religious School [email protected] RudyNursery School [email protected] Turner,Friedman Center [email protected] Raful & HelenMargolese, Gift Shop360-3022Rick ConcoffChaverim [email protected] Benson703-4244USY [email protected] Event [email protected] the office at360-3000 to leavea message for:•Rosalie Schweit,Gift Shop Invitations•Patty Bernstein,Torah/Haftarah Reading

All editorial submissions must be received in the Shofar boxin the Beth Ami office or via email on or before the deadline.All submissions are subject to editing for clarity, brevityand content. Please submit articles as Microsoft Worddocuments via email attachments. Contact Karen Gould,Editor, at 360-3000 or at [email protected] withcorrections, concerns or questions.

The Shofar is a periodical issued monthly except for acombined May/June/July issue. It is published by CongregationBeth Ami, 4676 Mayette Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95405.All members in good standing receive the periodical free.Yearly subscriptions are $25.00.

This month’s issue is:Volume 13Issue 5Issue Date: January 1, 2008

CONGREGATION BETH AMI4676 MAYETTE AVENUE, SANTA ROSA, CA 95405(707) 360-3000(707) 360-3003 FAX

[email protected]



OFFICERSAND BOARD OFDIRECTORS2007-2008President, Andy [email protected], Henry [email protected] for Administration,Al [email protected] for Youth andEducation, Dave [email protected] Committee Chair,Susanne [email protected] PracticesCommittee Chair,Patty [email protected] at LargeBonnie BorenRichard KahnRichard LazovickMartha Mazur-LaneSusan MillerMark RosenBirgit SacherMembers Ex OfficioRabbi George SchlesingerMarcia GladstoneNicole Burke,Nursery School Liaison




Congregation Beth Ami Mission StatementThrough celebration, learning, prayer and community,

we seek to enrich our lives, transform our hearts, help heal the world and sustain our Jewish heritage.

Congregation Beth Ami VisionA vibrant, growing campus for Jewish living where

the joys of Jewish values and rituals are made accessibleand relevant to the everyday lives of our members.A flourishing, prospering congregation enjoying

the wholehearted support, commitment and involvement of all our members.


Beth Ami Main OfficeMonday - Friday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

LibraryTuesday & Thursday:

3:45 - 6 p.m.Sunday:

9:30 -10:45 a.m.

Gift ShopTuesday & Thursday:

3 - 5 p.m.Sunday:

10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.when RS is in session

Rabbi Schlesinger will be in EgyptDecember 21 - January 6.

January 2008 • CONGREGATION BETH AMI SHOFAR • page 3

RRRRRABBIABBIABBIABBIABBI’’’’’SSSSS R R R R REMARKSEMARKSEMARKSEMARKSEMARKSRabbi George SchlesingerRabbi George SchlesingerRabbi George SchlesingerRabbi George SchlesingerRabbi George Schlesinger

Our renovated sanctuary has elicited repeated com-pliments both from our members and from visitors to our con-gregation. Along with the redesigned look (no raised Bimah,movable chairs, and greatly enhanced soundsystem…including receivers for the hearing impaired), thewarmth and closeness that is generated by the “in-the-round”concept continues to inspire and uplift everyone who enters.

Far less noticeable, but important nonetheless, are thetwo plastic racks affixed to the rear wall next to the entranceto the sanctuary and the social hall. On these two racks youwill find an entire series of short pamphlets. These pamphletsrespond to serious personal issues and suggest ways to copewith life from a Jewish perspective.

There are forty-five different titles currently in theseries and additional topics are constantly addressed and add-ed. Written mostly (but not exclusively) by rabbis, the pam-phlets discuss some of life’s most difficult challenges: death,divorce, loneliness, illness, parenting, forgiveness, life-after-death, familial estrangement, and still many more.

I have been aware of this series (called LifeLights bythe publisher, Jewish Lights Publishing) for quite a number ofyears, and have wanted to bring it to Beth Ami for some time.There never seemed to be a good place to put it. In the “old”lobby, the table that was already filled with pamphlets, bro-chures, advertisements and community announcements tookup the only available space. There was no way these mean-ingful pamphlets would have been seen or appreciated. Butwith the renovation and the small, but effective, wall spacecreated just inside the doorway, there was an opportunity thathadn’t existed before.

Then, during the summer I had the occasion to speakto both Larry and Bruce Raful (Bob and Susy’s two sons).Independently of each other, we spoke about the Jewish LightsLifeLights pamphlets and how I had wanted them for the syn-agogue for a long time. They were both aware of the pam-phlets’ existence and of the potential impact upon the mem-bers of the congregation. Before long, I received an emailfrom them saying that in honor of their parents’ 60th weddinganniversary, they (Bruce and Larry) were going to make adonation of the LifeLights pamphlets (and plastic displaystands) to the congregation.

As soon as that “new” wall space was available, ourpresident, Andy Fleming, assembled the display stands andtogether with Bonnie Boren decided upon their exact place-ment.

Prominently displayed on the back wall near the en-trance of the sanctuary and social hall, these pamphlets havebeen attracting a lot of attention. We’re already in need ofreordering some of the titles as people have taken them toprovide a modicum of comfort and solace in their lives.They’re also a wonderful means of creating a meaningful di-alog, for often members of the congregation are unsure howto begin a serious conversation with the rabbi about certaintopics. These pamphlets provide certain basic informationwhich can also be conversation/counseling “starters.”

Shortly after the displays went up, one member of thecongregation came to me with an entire fistful of pamphlets.She said, “Rabbi, what do you do if you feel all the pamphlets‘speak’ to you and all of them apply in your life?” My answerwas quite simple, “You’re being too hard on yourself. You’rebeating yourself up too much.” So I told this woman to pickone or two issues to address and that after that we’d see howshe was feeling about the rest of her life.

It’s certainly possible to have the need for more thanone pamphlet, to be burdened and troubled by more than oneissue at a time, but I find it hard to believe that all 45 topics (oreven a large proportion of them) could apply at the same time.But I can understand that when one is feeling “down” andburdened by some very pressing personal needs, it’s easy tofeel that nothing is “right” and that every aspect of life is inneed of adjustment.

So I invite you to “check it out,” if you haven’t yetseen these pamphlets. They’re there for the taking, and ifyou find them helpful you might consider making a donation tothe Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund (which will be used to pur-chase refills). In that way, we’ll be able to replenish the sup-ply and others will also be able to benefit from the LifeLightspamphlets.

As we enter another secular year, I pray that life willbe as “easy” as possible for each of you. May you find thatyou have no need for any of the pamphlets and that your lifeis blessed. Should you, however, find yourself troubled anddistressed, may you realize that your life is STILL blessed,but may you find comfort and solace somewhere. Perhapsthat comfort will be found within the walls of the synagoguein prayer or contemplation; perhaps comfort will be found else-where.

I wish you all the best for the coming year.

January 2008 • CONGREGATION BETH AMI SHOFAR • page 4

Ongoing programs at Beth Ami

♦THE JCC FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE EXERCISE CLASS meetsWednesday and Fridays in the Beth Ami Social Hallfrom 10:15 - 11:30 a.m.

TUESDAY♦♦♦♦♦Torah study with Rabbi Schlesinger every 2nd &4th Tuesday at 10 a.m. in the Friedman Center BoardRoom.January 8 & 22February 12 & 26March 11 & 25April 8

♦♦♦♦♦Israeli Folk Dancing7 p.m., Friedman Center. For more info contactLeanne Schy at 528-4874 or [email protected].

THURSDAY♦♦♦♦♦Torah & Talmud Study with Rabbi Schlesinger,7 p.m., Friedman Center Board Room

FRIDAY♦Shabbat Yoga, 4:30-5:30 p.m., Lounge, 1st Fridayeach month (resumes January 2008). Call HannahCaratti at 578-4040 for more information.

SUNDAY♦11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class -ongoing. Please call Rabbi Schlesinger, 360-3004 ifyou’re interested in joining.


Welcome to our new member Therese Becraft

TalmudJanuary 10 & 24February 7 & 21

March 6 & 27April 10

TorahJanuary 17 & 31February 14 & 28

March 13April 3

Annual Rosh ChodeshAnnual Rosh ChodeshAnnual Rosh ChodeshAnnual Rosh ChodeshAnnual Rosh ChodeshTu B’Shevat Seder!Tu B’Shevat Seder!Tu B’Shevat Seder!Tu B’Shevat Seder!Tu B’Shevat Seder!

On Sunday, January 13 we will meet at11 a.m. in the CBA Social Hall to onceagain usher in the New Year of the Trees

with what has become the Moon Maven tradition – the TuB’Shvat seder. We’ll read the special Hagadah, share stories, talkabout why we celebrate the New Year of the Trees in the middleof winter, and of course, eat from the Seven Species.

Please bring along a friend this year, and if you are on theRosh Chodesh mailing list, keep your eyes open for how you canhelp out for this special event.

If you aren’t and would like to celebrate – just turn up and jointhe fun! No affiliation necessary!

For further answers to your questions, please contact VivianKlein, 538-8679 or [email protected]

On Wednesday evening, February 6 we will gather to discussthe best selling book, Suite Française by Irene Nemirovsky translatedby Sandra Smith. (It’s available through Amazon.com new and used.)

Ethel Schy will be leading the discussion, and all are encouragedto come, whether or not you have had time to finish or even to startthe book!

See you then!~Vivian Klein

Book Discussion GroupWe meet on the first Wednesday of each month from 10 –11:30 a.m. at Congregation Beth Ami. If you would like tojoin our group, we can always make room for a few more.For information call Susanne Batzdorff at 538-9731.Jan. 2, 2008: Dean, Debra:

The Madonnas of LeningradFeb. 6, 2008Idliby, Ranya; Oliver, Suzanne; and Warner, Priscilla:

The Faith Club. March 5, 2008: Chabon, Michael:

The Yiddish Policemen's Union.April 2, 2008: Nassib, Sélim:

The Palestinian Lover.May 7, 2008: Oz, Amos:

Panther in the Basement.June 4, 2008: Nemirovsky, Irene:

Suite FrançaiseJuly 2, 2008: Oufkir, Malika:

Freedom: The Story of My Second Life.

January 2008 • CONGREGATION BETH AMI SHOFAR • page 5


You can help CBA raiseYou can help CBA raiseYou can help CBA raiseYou can help CBA raiseYou can help CBA raiseneeded funds!needed funds!needed funds!needed funds!needed funds!eScrip is an easy way to raise funds for Beth Ami throughyour everyday purchases. Merchants such as Safeway,Whole Foods and Macy’s contribute a percentage of yourpurchases each month directly to Beth Ami. All you have todo is complete a simple sign-up process and then goshopping! Join us in this very easy & effective fundraiser.How do I sign up?♦Log on to www.eScrip.com and go to “sign up”♦Designate Congregation Beth Ami in Santa Rosa, ID#136921119 to receive contributions♦Register your Safeway club card, Macy’s card, othercredit or debit cards that you might use at the participatingmerchants♦NOTE: If you have misplaced your Safeway Club cardnumber, call the Safeway Club card customer service centerat 877-723-3929. Choose “0” on the menu and tell the agentyou need your Club card number.♦If you’d rather sign up by phone, call eScrip at 800-700-5655. A customer service agent will assist you. Just have allof your card numbers handy. If you are only signing up yourSafeway card, call 800-400-7878.If you need any assistance in your sign-up process or haveany questions, please do not hesitate to contact NancySherman at 538-9388 or [email protected].~Nancy Sherman

Happiness Is An Inside JobAn evening with Sylvia BoorsteinTuesday, January 22, at Shomrei Torah, at 7 p.m.

Sylvia’s teaching on this evening will emphasize theconnection between the intention of contemplative practiceand maintaining a hopeful, helpful and grateful mind in themidst of life’s many complex challenges with the centralteaching of Judaism serving God with joy. She’ll use storiesfrom her newest book, Happiness Is An Inside Job:Practicing For a Joyful Life, as examples. The talk willinclude (brief) experiences of meditation, and there will betime for questions and answers



We would like to express our warmest thanks to theSinai Memorial Chapel

Chevra Kadisha for once again generously supportingthe programs of our school.

This amazing organization donates its earnings tophilanthropy and we have been the grateful recipients

of their generosity for many years. The subventionfrom Sinai Memorial allows us to enhance and fund

programs that benefit the children andstaff of the school.

Gratefully,Elisabeth Van Nuys,

Director of Education






Susy Raful Essay ContestSusy Raful Essay ContestSusy Raful Essay ContestSusy Raful Essay ContestSusy Raful Essay ContestBruce and Larry Raful and their families have

announced the opening of the annual Susy Raful EssayContest. The named prize will be awarded to a SonomaCounty Jewish High School student who writes the mostoutstanding essay on the Holocaust (Shoah). The entries,due on March 20, will be expressions of personalreflections, feelings and inner thoughts on what the writerhas learned about the Shoah and the Jewish people. The$500 prize will be awarded during the community YomHashoah event. Please look at the Essay ContestInvitation, available at www.bethamisr.org.

January 2008 • CONGREGATION BETH AMI SHOFAR • page 6

January 2008 • CONGREGATION BETH AMI SHOFAR • page 7


We’ve hired a new Executive Director! Her nameis Melissa Bloom and we are excited to introduce her toour shul, both as a leader and as a member of ourcongregational family.

Melissa brings Beth Ami one of the strongesteducational backgrounds one could ever hope to find inan Executive Director. She has three degrees from theUniversity of Judaism: a Bachelor of Arts in JewishStudies, a Masters Degree in Jewish Communal Studies,and an MBA in Non-Profit Management.

Melissa was born in Huntington, New York, wasraised until the age of 11 in Bayport, New York, and thenmoved to Portland, Oregon, with her family. Fromchildhood on, she served the Jewish community in manycapacities. She was, among other things, a USY YouthDirector, a Regional Kadima Fieldworker, a USY Eventcoordinator, a Special Events Coordinator for JewishVocational Service, and a Camp Director for the StephenS. Wise Temple in L.A. Over time, she realized that hertrue ambition was to become a synagogue administrator,and she enrolled in the University of Judaism to followthat dream.

Soon after completing her education, Melissaachieved her goal of becoming an Executive Directorwhen she was recruited by Westwood Kehilla, anOrthodox synagogue in Los Angeles, whose day-to-dayoperations became her responsibility. Melissa continuedto be affiliated as a Conservative Jew during her time atWestwood Kehilla, and her strong commitment toConservative Judaism is one of the reasons she is leavingthere to work at Beth Ami. She is looking forward tobecoming part of a synagogue where she can be both adirector as well as a committed and involved member.

While her education and experience are impressive,everyone who has met Melissa has been impressed withher spirit and engaging personality. She will bring a great“face” to Beth Ami, one of energy and enthusiasm. Sheis eager to get to work, saying, “I’m excited to join agreat synagogue with a fantastic foundation, and help itgrow for future generations to come.”

Don’t miss a great opportunity to meet Melissa atthe January 11 Family Shabbat dinner. Make yourreservations now! Melissa’s first day on the job is January14. Be sure to stop by the office and introduce yourself.


The purifying power of water – al nitilat yada’im

During these wintry days, colds and flu bugs seem torun rampant—and health officials advise us that the bestpreventative measure is thorough hand-washing. Whilecleanliness is next to G-dliness, ritual washing is an act ofspirituality, not hygiene. Just as immersing in a mikva is an actof rebirth and consecration, so too, to a lesser degree, is theceremony of washing one’s hands. In rituals old and new, handwashing separates us from what came before and prepares usfor what’s to come; it symbolizes our becoming conscious ofwhat we do and who we are.

You’ll notice that we have begun the practice of offeringa hand washing station in our social hall to be used before ourShabbat potluck luncheon. Prior to eating any bread with ameal, it is customary to ritually wash our hands. To awakenconsciousness, the water should be poured from a vessel (laver)as a human act—not machine or faucet. To focus on the breadand the meal to follow, it is customary to be silent from themoment of washing until the challah is broken and eaten.

I invite you to become familiar with this ritual and feelits power. Here’s how it’s done:

♦ Pour water into the laver

♦ Pour water from the laver on each hand three times(some people alternate right and left; some pourthree times right, then three times left)

♦ Lift your hands and rub them together as you recitethe blessing:Baruch atah Adonay, Eloheinu Melech Ha’Olam,Asher kideshanu bemitzvotavvetzivanu al netilat yada’im

Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universeWho has sanctified us with His commandmentsand commanded us on the washing of the hands.

♦ Dry hands thoroughly.

As we purify ourselves withwater, may the cool wet feel ofit remind us of our link to everyliving creature. Without water,nothing can survive. Feel thepower of this living water, mayanchayim, the water of life.

January 2008 • CONGREGATION BETH AMI SHOFAR • page 8

B-I-N-G-O!Mark your calendars for

CHAVERIM’S annual BINGONIGHT on Saturday, January26, 2008 at CongregationShomrei Torah. Dinner will be at

5:30 and Bingo at 6:15 p.m. $4 gets you a big slice of pizza(cheese or veggie), salad and a drink. We’ll have $1 raffletickets, a bake sale, great prizes, and, of course, BINGO!

Bring the whole family and get “Play all evening”Bingo cards: $5 each; 3 for $12; 5 for $20. The proceedswill benefit Chaverim, the Sonoma County Jewish teengroup.

CHAVERIMSharon Benson, Youth Advisor

Chaverim Snow Trip2008

Join us for an exhilarating dayof skiing, snowboarding, tubing, iceskating or just playing in the snow, and most of all,friendship.

WHEN: Sunday, February 10 – we will leave SantaRosa (location to be determined) EARLY MORNING at4:30 a.m. by chartered bus. We’ll return by 9:30 p.m. (trafficpermitting). We will call along the way to give an updatedarrival time.

WHERE: NORTHSTAR at Tahoe. This resort willchallenge the skiers and snowboarders, as well as offeropportunities for tubing and playing in the snow – a greatmountain for all levels.

$75 includes bus transportation, lift tickets and food(Equipment rental not included).

Reserve your spot TODAY.RSVP by January 15 to [email protected].

Sharon BensonSharon BensonSharon BensonSharon BensonSharon BensonSCUSY Youth Advisor, [email protected] Youth Advisor, [email protected] Youth Advisor, [email protected] Youth Advisor, [email protected] Youth Advisor, [email protected]

andandandandandChaverim Events Director, [email protected] Events Director, [email protected] Events Director, [email protected] Events Director, [email protected] Events Director, [email protected]


SCUSY went to IC! On December 20, HaleyPleasant, Ethan Sherman, and Jacob Kreger went to USYInternational Convention 2007 in Anaheim, California. Weparticipated in various activities with a tzedakah theme,such as a Walk for Darfur. We also participated in otherTikkun Olam service projects, a leadership workshop, andspent a full day in Disneyland on Christmas! Our nextSCUSY event, a challah baking class with AltieWolvovsky, is on January 20. If you are interested, pleasecontact Sharon Benson at [email protected]. Wehope to see you there!~Haley Pleasant


The world is a tree and human beings are its fruit.~Rabbi Solomon Ibn Gabirol, 11th century Spain

January 22nd is Tu B’Shevat, the new year of the trees!

I’m having some trouble wrapping my mind around thatconcept, but then I also had difficulty with the idea of a December4th Chanukah. This is the beauty of the Jewish calendar. If youdon’t like where the holidays fall this year, you can always lookforward to a different experience next year.

For some reason, I was reminded of trees on the last Sundayof Religious School in December. We met in the Sanctuary forthe last ten minutes of school. It wasn’t much time, but it was aremarkable moment nevertheless. I’d casually told the teachersof several classes that, if they wished, their classes could showus one thing they have learned this year. Just one thing—if theyfelt like it.

The real reason for the mini-assembly was to hand outpackets of alef-bet flash cards to all the Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd

graders. The cards were to be presented in small, colorful feltbags, designed, sewn and decorated by our 6th grade teacher,Marcia Gladstone. However, I know that our children take pridein their accomplishments and I know that it’s important that theyget to use their newly acquired skills in a public forum, outsidetheir classrooms. I asked the older children to show us one thingthey learned, so that all the children could witness theirachievement. The 6th graders explained that they were learninga form of musical notation called “trope” and then they went onto demonstrate by enthusiastically chanting the entire blessingbefore the reading of the Haftarah. It was an amazing moment,the sort of moment that can bring a Jewish educator close totears.

Idan Amran’s 5th grade class stepped up as soon as the 6th

graders were done and began chanting the Torah blessing. Forthose of you who are not familiar with the age groupings, 5th

graders are mostly 10 year olds and they begin turning 11 in thesecond half of the year. I was amazed at how they handled theblessing before the Torah reading and was about to go on to passingout the alef-bet bags when I became aware that the 5th gradewas not done. They went on to chant the entire blessing afterthe Torah reading as well. Then the youngest children came up toreceive their alef-bet bags and the madrichim served cookies inthe Social Hall to remind everyone that Jewish learning is sweet.But, as I stood there, another 5th grader came up and asked if shecould show me something and chanted the entire Aleinu rightthen and there! And as she chanted, I looked at the expression onher face and the image of a blossoming tree came to me and Irealized that we, all of us in this community, are the tree and ourchildren are the blossoms that will become the fruit. May Torahguide the hand of the gardeners. Happy Tu B’Shevat.

January 2008 • CONGREGATION BETH AMI SHOFAR • page 9

Living the core purpose of a synagogue

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; weare spiritual beings having a human experience.”

This bumper sticker phrase succinctly captures thechallenge at the core of Judaism, and of all monotheisticreligions: that is, we are all created in the image of God and areaspects of the Infinite, but we experience ourselves as separate,isolated, finite beings. We experience ourselves as human.

One of the main expressed purposes of a synagogue is tohelp us understand ourselves as human. A religious organizationstrives to be a human community whose aim is to allow usglimpses of our selves as spiritual beings. If it takes an individualgreat discipline and practice to pursue a spiritual path, then it isno surprise that it requires even more practice for anorganization to maintain its spiritual purpose. And it is no surprisethat organizations, such as synagogues, have the all too humanexperience of losing their way and overlooking their corepurpose.

For the past couple of months, I have assigned our Boardmembers to read The Spirituality of Welcoming, by Jewisheducator Dr. Ron Wolfson. The subtitle of the book is How toTransform Your Congregation into a Sacred Community,which implies a recognition that most congregations havedifficulty maintaining their sacred purpose, that of helping us tosee ourselves as “spiritual beings.” While the book is full ofideas and suggestions, Wolfson builds his argument on afoundation with two main premises:


♦ First, that synagogues are the most importantinstitutions in Jewish life, with the greatest potential for creatinga growing community that experiences Judaism as a spirituallysatisfying and fulfilling way of life.

♦ Second, that the key component of creating such a“sacred community,” in a particular synagogue, is to create aculture that understands that every human being is “made inthe image of God.” Thus, we must ensure that everyone whocomes to Beth Ami, visitor or member, feels truly welcomeand valued.

This simple sounding idea, if taken seriously, actuallyleads to profound change. It springs from an absolute coreJewish mitzvah, that of welcoming the stranger as Abrahamwelcomed the three travelers, who indeed turned out to beangels. When you warmly welcome a visitor, you make iteasier for someone to feel at home, and valued. Less obviousis the fact that you also experience value by extending awelcome. It is an “act of spiritual generosity,” an invitationfor connection. That is the first step to using our humanity toglimpse another, which can become a glimpse of God.

I am hoping that we all will begin to look at every aspectof Beth Ami – from religious services to the way we answerthe phone, from the feeling in our sanctuary to the signs in ourparking lot – through the lens of how to make our synagoguemore welcoming to all. Most importantly, I hope that we willalso see ourselves and others as the spiritual beings who canmake Beth Ami a sacred community through welcoming.

(My thanks to Rabbi Ethan Franzel for teaching Jewishspirituality, even with bumper stickers, and to Rabbi Schlesingerfor his willingness to look at many ways to build and maintainBeth Ami as a sacred community).


CCCCCongregation BBBBBeth AAAAAmiJudaica Gift Shop

Celebrate thePost-Chanukah Season

andGet Ready for Next Year

Discount of ALL Chanukah MerchandiseHOURS

Tuesdays & Thursdays: 3-5 p.m.Sundays: 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

(when Religious School is in session)

January 2008 • CONGREGATION BETH AMI SHOFAR • page 10


JANUARY 19, 200812 SHEVAT 6768

Hi –I am Julia Dwight. I was

born in Marin County and havelived in Santa Rosa all my life. Iwent to the Jewish pre-school atBeth Ami, and have known mostof my Religious School friends

since I was 2 years old. I love my Religious School friends.We’ve known each other all our lives, and I hope we alwaysdo. This is my first year at Santa Rosa Middle School, so I’min 7th grade. It’s so much better than elementary school. Ihave met a lot of great, new friends and I really like most ofmy classes. Besides hanging out with my friends, shopping,eating chocolate, reading a good novel, listening to my music,and dreaming about traveling, one of my favorite things to do isgo out to Sebastopol and “play” with my horse, Gypsy. Mysister, Rachel, is a Sophomore at UCSB. She spent the summerin Israel; a place I’d like to go. My Mom and Dad, sister,horse, dog and cat make up the family here in Santa Rosa. Ialso have a ton of relatives in the Bay Area. My Bat Mitzvahis coming up soon on January 19. I am very grateful to Marcia,Elisabeth and Rabbi Schlesinger for their help in preparing meto read and comment on my Torah and Haftarah portions.

Mazal Tov to Our Bat Mitzvah

Like most people, we often play “Jewish Geography,”finding connections; and, when meeting new people, exchangingstories about people we know in common. Rabbi Schlesingeroften says there is only “one degree of separation” betweenany two groups of Jews i.e. you only need move from A to Bto C/D and find that C knows B who knows A; and/or find thatD knows B who knows A; and of course C & D are buddies.Another version of this modern midrash is that we all stoodnear one another at Sinai!

All this comes to mind with the receipt of a thank youletter from good friend, Rabbi Jim Lebeau, Director of theFUCHSBERG JERUSALEM CENTER FORCONSERVATIVE JUDAISM.

One of our continuing Israel contributions is to theScholarship Fund at the United Synagogue Yeshiva, locatednext door to our Jerusalem shul, on Agron Street. In thankingus, Jim pointed out that the students who study with them willreturn to our Conservative congregations and represent thebest of Conservative Judaism. They will be more observantand study regularly.

The attachment to Jim’s letter was a “letter ofappreciation” from one of the Yeshiva students (note to fundraisers—always a good way to connect to donors).

This young man said, among other things, “For me, thisyear at the Conservative Yeshiva serves as a period of personalgrowth and identity development. I have always enjoyed Jewishtext study, and the curriculum at the Conservative Yeshivaencourages me to explore not just the fundamentals like Tanachand Talmud, but also Halacha, Kabbalah, Medieval JewishPhilosophy, and many more avenues of Jewish wisdom.” And,further on, “…the environment at the Conservative Yeshivafosters a love of learning that not only shines throughout theduration of the program, it also endures in the spirits of thestudents who have sat at its desks in years past.”

A nice letter. And then I looked more closely at thesignature—sure enough, he is the son of one of our favoriterabbis at our former synagogue in Encino, California. A rabbiwho often shared his OWN wisdom with an appreciativecongregation—ONE DEGREE OF SEPARATION.

Look for this “Jewish Geography” the next time you meetsomeone new at Beth Ami. And, pray for the peace ofJerusalem!


The Friedman CenterThe Friedman CenterThe Friedman CenterThe Friedman CenterThe Friedman Centerhas everything you need for any special event.

Bar & Bat Mitzvahs, weddings, receptions, ban-

quets, fundraisers up to 465 people. State-of-the

art audio and visual systems, perfect acoustics.

Full stage with theatrical lighting, 6500 sq. ft.


Ample parking.

Ruth Turner, Director, 360-3021

Monday - Thursday,

9 a.m. - 3 p.m.


9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

January 2008 • CONGREGATION BETH AMI SHOFAR • page 11

Surf City Beth Ami: call for actors, musicians, technicians, and talent!We are beginning to gather our crew for this year’s Purim Spiel, the Megillah According to the Beach Boys. If you want

to join the performance, help with logistics, or be a part of the tech crew, please plan to attend one of the two organizationalmeetings scheduled for this month.

At each meeting, we will review the roles in the show and the various tasks that we need performed in order to producethe show. Once we see who is interested and what our skills are, we will cast the show and create the support crews. Andhave fun doing it!

The meetings are Wednesday, January 16 and Thursday, January 24. They will be at 7 p.m., in the Social Hall. If youwant to be part of the Spiel, please plan to attend one of them.~Andy Fleming

January 2008 • CONGREGATION BETH AMI SHOFAR • page 12

Have some mitzvot with your coffee...When you sit down to sip your morning coffee, do a

mitzvah: look at how your coffee was grown. Because coffeeis our second largest import, after oil, there is a huge opportunityto make a difference in the world by how we choose our coffee.Seeking out and purchasing organic coffee that is shade grownreverses the trend towards chemicals, supports bio-diversityand songbird habitats and sustains the rain forest. Coffee thatis Fair Trade helps supports small coffee farmers rather thanhuge corporate plantations. Fair Trade coffee promises thefarmer a minimum of $1.26/lb. (less than the cost of a cup atStarbuck’s et al.) Thanksgiving Coffee and Taylor Maid Farmsonly carry coffees that meet all three of these criteria.

While you are at it, reuse and recycle, too. When you buycoffee out, take your own travel cup. Generally you will get acredit of 10-25 cents and help the environment. Save onpackaging and your budget when you participate in “Take Backthe Can” at Taylor Maid Farms in Sebastopol, by buying coffeein reusable steel cans. If you bring the can back to their OutletStore (7190 Keating Ave., Mon-Sat 10 a.m.– 6 p.m.), you canrefill it with whole beans for only $5.00.www.taylormaidfarms.com. (Thanks to Karen Gould for thistip.)Todda rabba

Thanks to all who brought items for The Living Room’sannual Holiday Party and to the Rosh Chodesh women formaking bracelets for the teenage girls’ gift bags. And thanks toall who are bringing food for the Redwood Empire Food Bank’sHoliday Food Drive, which runs till Jan. 31st. Please continueto bring food for the barrel in the Social Hall and help theReligious School’s 5th grade in their year-long mitzvah projectof Ma’achil R’evim––feeding the hungry.Tu B’Shevat is January 22nd

Tu B’Shevat is the New Year of the Trees and a traditionaltime to plant trees in Israel, for which many Jews send moneyto the Jewish National Fund. Trees help reduce global warmingby absorbing CO2 in the atmosphere. Because Tu B’Shevatespecially celebrates fruit trees, Trees for Life, at treesforlife.orgis a good place to make a donation to plant fruit trees, at adollar per tree, minimum $10.00. You can also plant trees throughAmerican Forests. It costs a dollar a tree – minimum donation$10.00. www.americanforests.org/planttrees.

Keep the spirit of Tu B’Shevat alive throughout the year.Tu B’Shevat has become the Jewish Earth Day. In the nextyear, make one change to decrease your impact on theenvironment in honor of Tu B’Shevat. Be ecologically sensitive.Be innovative. Be conscious of the environment in all yourdecisions. For ideas, check out the Coalition on the Environmentand Jewish Life.

May this year be one in which our growing awareness ofthe challenges to our environment translates into action. ChagSameach!


May the New Year bring eachMay the New Year bring eachMay the New Year bring eachMay the New Year bring eachMay the New Year bring eachone of you health and happiness!one of you health and happiness!one of you health and happiness!one of you health and happiness!one of you health and happiness!

If you missed our Library Shabbat during Shabbat morningservices in December, you might like to know that we introducedtwo books which the library recently acquired.

Even though they are very different from each other, eachone is extremely well written and will grab your attention in adifferent way.

You Never Call, You Never Write, by Joyce Antler,tells the story of Jewish mothers in America. It is full ofanecdotes and illustrations, and whether it describes the valiantstruggle of early twentieth century immigrant families or thefeminist movement of the later decades and the ongoingchanges in our own twenty-first century, it is unfailingly livelyand informative. Here we meet the Jewish mother in hermanifold guises, as a stereotype that appears to be indestructible,but also as a reality, an image that changes with the changingcultural reality of life in America.

The Chosen, by Jerome Karabel. Karabel could havewritten a dry, boring book, but his narrative is lively, vivid, attimes humorous, always compelling. True, at more than 700pages long, it is a daunting task to read this book from beginningto end, and its weight is too heavy to make for easy bedtimereading. It calls forth, however, the portrayals of many of theintellectual leaders and historical figures of the twentieth centuryin the context of this topic. The battle of meritocracy of intellectand aristocracy of means and pedigree is in a way still ongoing,and the 21st century will perhaps reveal which side wins.

At this time, our library faces many challenges, but weare working hard to try to solve our problems of staffing andspace and may soon have some encouraging news for ourlibrary fans.

Check us out! Find yourfavorites on our libraryshelves!

Library Hours:Sunday:9:30-10:45 a.m.Tuesday and Thursday:3:45-6 p.m.And by appointment. CallRuth Rosenberg at 544-2919.


January 2008 • CONGREGATION BETH AMI SHOFAR • page 13

GENEROUS CONTRIBUTIONS TO OUR CONGREGATIONThe next time you are looking for a meaningful way to celebrate a joyous occasion, remember a loved one,

or comfort a mourner, please consider a donation to Congregation Beth Ami.When you make a gift, a card is send to the honoree or the family and your donation is

proudly acknowledged in the Shofar.The minimum donation for each occasion is $7.50. Congregation Beth Ami truly appreciates your support.

Simcha Board • Tree of Life

Honor thy mother...also thy aunt, uncle, cousin, child, best friend, teacher with anengraved leaf on our Simcha Board commemorating any joyous occasion, bestowal of

an honor, or cause for thanksgiving.• Leaf $360 • Small Stones $1000 • Large Stones $2500 •

We also provide the opportunity for you tomemorialize loved ones on our Yahrzeit Board.

A plaque is $450.


In loving memory of LouAbramowitz

AnonymousMazal Tov to Ellen Watson &Ron Welch on the marriage ofyour son, Ryan & yourdaughter-in-law - may theybring you happiness andgrandchildrenIn honor of the anniversary ofHerb & Ellen Brosbe - celebrategood health and many, manyyears together

Sheyna BakmanIn honor of Bob Raful

Abe & Kathy BakstIn memory of Miri Fae Edelstein

Ivy & Bruce EdelsteinIn memory of Nancy’s mother,Ruth SusnowIn memory of Dean Fleming

Andy & Nancy FlemingIn memory of Abraham &Evelyn Schwaber

Fredrika Gross & familyIn memory of my father, JosephWeisenthal

Natalie FriedmanIn memory of Rose Kovar

Gary HerzbergIn memory of Bud Katzel

Jackie KatzelIn memory of Shirley Tenser

Val KregerIn appreciation of RosalieSchweit’s help with Isaac’s BarMitzvah invitations

Val KregerIn memory of Norman Mann,my father

Anne MannIn memory of Esther Mazner

Martin MaznerIn memory of Raynore’s mother,Alma Shapiro

Verne & Raynore PauleIn honor of Bonnie Boren &Phil Weil for being the host &hostess with the mostest

Phyllis Posner

In memory of my uncle, MosesKobrinetz

Shirley RosalerIn honor of the 50th anniversaryof Mr. & Mrs. Durlaster

Miriam RubinsteinIn honor of Ceil & SandyBerman’s 60th anniversary

Rosalie & Lester SchweitIn memory of Pearl Monoson

Rosalie SchweitContinuing recovery to BrianGrossIn memory of Eli Miller’smother, Malka WachsbergContinuing recovery toHoward Moss

The Ballo FamilyA generous donation

The Israeli DancersIn memory of Noah & MaryMinuskin

The Minuskin FamilyIn memory of my uncle,Shupsel Glazer

Sarah TyutinmanIn memory of Chaya Rachel BatBaruch Penkovich, NochemKanckin, Cemen Nemchenko,and Goda Tyutinman

Sarah & Adolf Tyutinman

A generous donationDarrell Watkins


A thoughtful donationRobert Grossman


In memory of Ethel’s father,Jacob Goldman

Stuart & Ethel SchyIn memory of Phyllis’ mother,Miriam Malk

Phyllis & Everett Shapiro


In memory of Jean Rudy’sfather

Ellen BrosbeSpeedy recovery to AaronMarkowitz

The Ballo Family


In memory of my cousin Ethel -love, Evey

Evey AbramowitzIn memory of my daughter-in-law, Nina Nekrasova

Sheyna Bakman

In memory of Howard Blau, myloving father

Shari KaftonIn memory of Bert Menachof

Louis MenachofIn memory of Patrick O’Brien

Norma O’BrienIn memory of my parents, Al &Jo Sherman

Conrad ShermanIn memory of Fred Adams,stepfather of Barb McGee

The Sherman FamilyIn memory of SamsonHochfield

Malvina TsipanSpeedy and complete recoveryto Werner Berg

Elisabeth Van Nuys


In memory of Stanley KolmanBruce Kolman

In memory of Eli Miller’smother, Malka Wachsberg

The Rosenbach FamilySpeedy and complete recoveryto Arthur Margolese

Elisabeth Van NuysA generous donation

Darrell Watkins

January 2008 • CONGREGATION BETH AMI SHOFAR • page 14

JJJJJANUARYANUARYANUARYANUARYANUARY Y Y Y Y YAHRZEITSAHRZEITSAHRZEITSAHRZEITSAHRZEITSSecular dates correspond to Hebrew date of deathObservance of yahrzeit begins at sundown the previous dayAll yahrzeits observed at Beth Ami

January Anniversaries2 Abraham & Laura Alexander2 Karen Brodsky

& Mark Deirkhising3 Bruce & Ivy Edelstein3 Paul & Joyce Kobetz3 Ira & Marlene Lowenthal6 Rael & Debbie Bernstein7 Mort & Ruth Weiss18 Mark & Jacqueline Sutter21 Arthur & Helen Margolese

January Birthdays1 David Rubin1 Judith Wallcave2 Abe Gerstein2 Sarah Tyutinman3 Marge Ballo5 Jack Wegman6 Abraham Alexander8 Art Bornstein9 Tish Levee11 Julie Kellogg13 Marilyn Wolf16 Emma Schlesinger16 Ricki Streitfeld17 Paula Schlesinger18 Seymour Boorstein20 Celia Berman20 Ellen Perry21 Michele Guttenberg22 Jeffrey Dranow22 Arthur Margolese24 Anne Mann26 Karen Brodsky27 Ron Welch28 Zach Baurer28 Bob Raful31 Rosalind Herritt31 Stephen Nett

Announced on January 4 & 5January 5 Mary LastofkaSister of Susy RafulJanuary 6 Joe LeavyBrother-in-Law of Evey AbramowitzJanuary 6 Elaine RobinsonMother of Myrna MorseJanuary 6 Ruth SchwartzSusnow Mother of Nancy FlemingJanuary 7 Ruth BaruchMother of Esther BaruchJanuary 7 Sylvia BernsteinAunt of Marc BernsteinJanuary 7 Paul PimslerFather of Laura DugganJanuary 8 Gisela StraussMother of Vivian FryeJanuary 9 Raymond LachmanBrother of Vivian SalmonJanuary 9 Ethel LevineMother of Ruth MaznerJanuary 10 Munja PipkinMother of Sheyna BakmanJanuary 11 Charles FeingoldFather of Stanley FeingoldJanuary 11 Frances HarveySister of Maurice Jones andAunt of Ross JonesJanuary 11 Estelle MannMother of Anne MannJanuary 11 Henry S. RichHusband of Elsie Rich

Announced on January 11 & 12January 12 Paula RubinNiece of David RubinJanuary 12 Max ShiffmanBrother of Elsie RichJanuary 13 Elizabeth Carlson

Daughter of Sylvia SucherJanuary 13 David MyerfeldGrandfather of Patty BernsteinJanuary 14 Erna BibersteinMother of Susanne BatzdorffJanuary 15 Eli BrisgelFather of Celia BermanJanuary 16 George WaldmanGrandfather of Barbara Whitaker

January 17 Simon KovarGrandfather of Dr. Gary HerzbergJanuary 17 Tillie Schuffman SherMother of Norma O’BrienJanuary 18 Elsa Sarah LernerDaughter of Greta WinterJanuary 18 Nomi Lev-YahmMother of Vivian KleinJanuary 18 Ira Hayes RosenbergFather of Ira Rosenberg

Announced on January 18 & 19January 21 Lillian MargoleseMother of Arthur Margolese,Grandmother of Michelle ZygielbaumJanuary 22 Florence AlexanderGrandmother of Abraham AlexanderJanuary 22 Mariya AntonovskyMother of Olga PekkerJanuary 22 Marguerite M. ConnorsMother of Tish LeveeJanuary 22 Eliezar KleinbortFather of Susan KleinbortJanuary 22 Morry PlackFather of Debbie RossJanuary 24 Hershel Ben YacovFather of Evelyn GurevitchJanuary 25 Mark GurevitchBrother of Leo Gurevitch

Announced on January 25 & 26January 26 Mollie PlanzerMother of Tova RostovJanuary 26 M.C. RobinsonHusband of Esther RobinsonJanuary 26 Rose TibbettSister-in-Law of Tova RostovJanuary 27 Henry MazurFather of Martha LaneJanuary 27 Sheyna MorseMother-in-Law of Myrna MorseJanuary 28 Benjamin JonesBrother of Maurice Jones,Uncle of Ross JonesJanuary 29 Freda WeissMother of Mortimer WeissJanuary 30 Erwin BatzdorffFather of Al Batzdorff

January 30 Milton JekelBrother-in-Law of Elsie RichJanuary 31 Harry GoldblattFather of Dolores TrichterJanuary 31 Helen KellerMother of Ruth Weiss

January 2008 • CONGREGATION BETH AMI SHOFAR • page 15


JEWISH COMMUNITY CONTACTSHadassah, ROSE ANN PREMI ----------------------------------- 537-9208Hillel, DAVID RUBINSTEIN ----------------------------------------- 795-5464Jewish Community Federation ----------------------- 568-6207JNF-Trees in Israel, SHEVI POSMAN ---------------------------- 535-8805Jewish Community Free Clinic ----------------------------- 585-7780DONNA WALDMAN

Jewish Community Info & Referral-----------------877/777-5247JUDY MUSANTE

Jewish Community Relations Council ------ 415/957-1551SUZAN BERNS

Jewish Family & Children’s Services --------- 571-8131DIANA KLEIN

Jewish Community Center ------------------ 528-4222BETH GOODMAN


Jewish Community Center of Sonoma County, 528-4222Spiritual Awakening in the Zohar:Three Study Sessions with Rabbi Lavey DerbySundays: January 13 & 27 and February 10, 2:00-5:00 p.m.Congregation Shomrei Torah, $36 per class or $92 for series

The Zohar (Hebrew: “Splendor, radiance”) is widelyconsidered the most important work of Kabbalah, Jewishmysticism. It is a mystical commentary on the Torah, written inmedieval Aramaic and medieval Hebrew. It contains a mysticaldiscussion of the nature of God, the origin and structure of theuniverse, the nature of souls, and more.

No knowledge of Hebrew or prior experience with theZohar is required for this class; all materials will be translatedand interpreted..

For more information contact Dr. Sheila Katz, Director, JCCJewish Meditation Program at [email protected], or 528-4222.Brought to you by CST Life Long Learning and the JCC JewishMeditation Program.

Camp Tawonga Takes on the BaySunday, January 13th at 12:30 Join Camp Tawonga staff at Bay Area JCCs to learn about our greatprograms, get your questions answered, and hear about the specialJCC member discounts. Snacks and kid activities provided! Moreinfo: 415.543.2267, www.tawonga.org, or [email protected].

Ask the JCI & RQ: I am concerned about my elderly parents, and would like toexplore options for senior activities and housing. Can you tell mewhere to start the search?

A: Yes, of course we can help. The number of options for housinghas grown in recent years. Let’s start by sending you seniorhousing guides and Seniors and the Law. We can refer you tomany senior services provided by our Jewish community,including medical support, senior transportation; meals on wheels,cultural and social activities, Holocaust survivor services, long-distance senior care, and help at home.

For more information about senior services and connecting toJewish life, call JCI & R 415/777-4545 or toll-free within the BayArea 877-777-JCIR (5247) or e-mail to [email protected] Community Information and Referral is a service of the SanFrancisco based Jewish Community Federation. Visit our websitewww.sfjcf.org and www.JewishNfo.org.

Friendship Circle LuncheonsCome join the fun on Monday, January 14 at noon and hear SoniaTubridy on the accordion at Congregation Beth Ami.This program will feature Jewish music of the Klezmer tradition,Yiddish songs and Israeli dance music played on the accordion.The fee for this event is $8.00 for members of Friendship Circle, $10for non-members. This includes lunch and dessert. Payment isaccepted at the door. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED.Call Fran Danoff 528-1476 to save your place.

Getting To Know Each Other BetterDiscussion led by Fran Danoff, Outreach CoordinatorWednesday, January 30, 2008 at noonCaBianca Italian RestaurantLimited seating: please reserve promptly by mailing your check to:JCC Friendship Circle,3859 Montgomery Dr., Santa Rosa, CA 95405(Include name of event with your check)The fee is: $20 for members, $23 for non-members.

THE first concert of the 2008 ABSOLUTE MUSIC SEASON at theFriedman Center is almost here!

Sunday, January 6, 2008 at 2 p.mp, THE ORIENT EXPRESS willreturn to THE FRIEDMAN CENTER.

Doug Morton’s Orient Express will take us on the Gypsy Trail,and Middle East Dancer Miriam Peretz, renowned Gypsy TrailDancer, will work her magic to live music.

The Orient Express’ master musicians, starting with Doug, theSanta Rosa Symphony’s principal trumpet, need nointroduction if you were here last year. If not, don’t miss itthis year.

You can expect not only to witness and experience the GypsyTrail as if you were traveling on it; we have been informed thatMiriam will teach us (or at least attempt to teach us) some ofthe basics of the exotic dances that she will perform.

If you are a season ticket holder, the cost is only $15. Seasontickets will be available at the door. Tickets at the door are $18.Please call 538-1899 for further information.

January 2008 • CONGREGATION BETH AMI SHOFAR • page 16












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January 2008 • CONGREGATION BETH AMI SHOFAR • page 17

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Thanks very much to our donors to the Beth Ami Community NurseryThanks very much to our donors to the Beth Ami Community NurseryThanks very much to our donors to the Beth Ami Community NurseryThanks very much to our donors to the Beth Ami Community NurseryThanks very much to our donors to the Beth Ami Community NurseryFundraiser on November 11, 2008.Fundraiser on November 11, 2008.Fundraiser on November 11, 2008.Fundraiser on November 11, 2008.Fundraiser on November 11, 2008.

January 2008 • CONGREGATION BETH AMI SHOFAR • page 18

Call Fran Piotrkowski707-793-9645 ◆ [email protected]

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◆ Kosher catering available

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Santa Rosa Memorial Park1900 Franklin Avenue, Santa Rosa

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pre-need funeral arrangements availableGene B. Kaufman, Executive Director

3415 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549

(925) 962-3636 FD 1523

January 2008 • CONGREGATION BETH AMI SHOFAR • page 19

CONGREGATION BETH AMI EVENT RSVP FORMNames of all attendees:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Phone:_________________________________




FRIDAY, JANUARY 11Please note that this is the 2nd Friday of the month.Join us in welcoming our new Executive Director Melissa Bloom at dinner and services.


Live music by Zim Zum andIsraeli folk dancing after dinner!

Payment Information: Shabbat Dinners# of adults_______ @ $14 each# of youth (6-12)_______ @ $7 each~children 5 and under are free~

Amount enclosed for this event = ________

RVSP by Friday before the dinner to avoid late fee!

Mail/Fax/Bring this form with payment to:Congregation Beth Ami, 4676 Mayette Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95405

Phone: 707/360-3000, Fax: 707/360-3003



Non-Profit Org.U.S. Postage

PAIDPermit No. 185Santa Rosa, CA

If you have need of a minyan (e.g. to say Kaddish),please call the office a week ahead of time to arrange

for a morning service.

January schedule of services

Friday Evening, January 4(Candle Lighting 4:45 pm)7:30 pm Shabbat Evening Services

Saturday, January 5 • 27 Tevet9:30 am Shabbat Vaera ServicesLuncheon hosted by Dave Rubin in honor of his birthday(Saturday Havdalah: 5:46 pm)

Friday Evening, January 11(Candle Lighting: 4:52 pm)6:00 pm Family Shabbat Dinner7:30 pm Shabbat Evening Services

Saturday January 12 • 5 Shevat9:30 am Shabbat Bo ServicesPotluck lunch following services(Saturday Havdalah: 5:53 pm)

Friday Evening, January 18(Candle Lighting: 4:59 pm)7:30 pm Shabbat Evening Services

Saturday January 19 • 12 Shevat9:30 am Shabbat Beshallach ServicesJulia, daughter of Jane and Phil Dwightwill be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah.10:00 am Tot Shabbat with Lauren KalmensonHosted luncheon after services(Saturday Havdalah: 6:00 pm)

Friday Evening, January 25(Candle Lighting: 5:07 pm)7:30 pm Shabbat Evening ServicesIn honor of Martin Luther King Jr.’sBirthday, Rev. Ann Byrd will speakon the history of African-Americansin Santa Rosa

Saturday January 26 • 19 Shevat9:30 am Shabbat Yitro ServicesPotluck lunch following services(Saturday Havdalah: 6:08 pm)

Save the DateFebruary 23, 2008A Musical Tribute

for Susanne & Al Batzdorff
