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legal notices - me wetlike ~ kennisgewings - Gazettes.Africa

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| LEGAL NOTICES ME WETLIKE ~ KENNISGEWINGS ae “OFF 1682584003 Mi s HELPLINE: 0800-0123-22 Prevention is the cure 24846—1 2ABAB |.



ae “OFF 1682584003 —


s HELPLINE: 0800-0123-22 Prevention is the cure


2ABAB |.

2 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003




BUSINESS NOTICES ......cccccecsescccssssessscecssceesaessseseceeeseeseraevsseecensesnensaasenasessenseeeesaessesenensaeessaeneuneseessensnensaseecessenas 11

GAUTCING oo. eeccccsesececeeeceeeeseeseeeseeteeserscsusesevacesenesacansueeseceecasenassesuaeananasssseamaasaseseceenananeseessesennserecasaeneaenasanaa! 11

Eastern Cape....sssccccsscccctecsecceesseeeesesessessesssnsnssessesesenseseeseceseenneneraserararassnssssauneaeansasaneceoeotsnnenrseresenenenauanaras 13

KwaZulu-Natal sscssesseaneseenassecasaeeceeeeeesenscenscasiussiuistisesivesesnevees® dene ceneceaeesseuecnnteanaesaaneeteseeseenssesaueneeeseueeenes 13

Northern Cape ......cccccccscssessseceesereerssstsresesssensesesesessesanssnseceaesneneenaceaeaensaseansonsesncaeseaeseneuenecimaatenanansctenaeataeens 14

North WeSt...eseesssssssssssssescssccssnsessseseeee ceocesceseenenevunsnsenessevesseusuiennususnssvconeneeeeeeecueuinuneasecseeeeeeeeeeeetiniinsas 14

Western Cape... cessessseccceseessersesereserscretanrans evaucuaenssaesaceaseeseesseeseresoeceatesesesssuussausanecatesaevsnadenacaneeneeses 14

COMPANY NOTICES -assccsocccssestesesessessssstssiestnstvetesesnnsnssastaesneteeeentneeieesetas seveesesteettaseunetieniete 15

GAUTONG ..seseccscssecsececeseseeeessenseeeesecsnesntenesuconsneneneeseatecasseeaecacaeaegeonsusvennseseaeaesecrensersunencasanienanmasaracactansteasaes 15

KWAZUIU-Natal ......ccecceeeeccecseseeessesseeseeseceseesscessesneeeeeesecessanessneueeneaesesseceneneeenneseseneensaysisnsenaseusreenenansesseesnenyaeny 18

MpUMALaN a... sees esesecseteseteneesesnensreescenscsessenesereseatanesaseaeonaasesesscereneantases sevaneneneueesesesesesessesecaseeeennnnneneaess 18

Western Cape....ccccscssscccececsseceresereseesscensnneecsesesusnsensecacaeseseeaaeasapeemaaaausesesentacseaesssenecenenscacecienannanaesssnanungraeases 18

ORDERS OF THE COURT ......cccscccccssssscsscessseecscecaseseeaeseceecasseresesansensessnessesseuencaesisegecaeasavatsanesesraseeseenessenensrcnamenans 20

Gauteng ...escesessssssesssssseeesessstecensees secudeuuucauecenaesenavscsesaueusaueesnesduaceansceaeaaseeseseeesonsesenessasaaseenseeeenanesniaerneagenits 20

Eastern Cape....ccccccccccccseseseeseseesecsssttseesesssssenesrsceseeneecnenenteesenesetasauecsuseraeaseeessasennaneatecenereenensataserenaneasangey 27

FrO@ State .ccccccccccccscessesecssesessessssessesecsecsessrsneersssstsscsscscsecsessesuecessecsecissessesussnsseessecssessseseaneacaneaseeeeseeaeeneaneaes 28

KwaZulu-Natal ...0....ccccccccseccscssssessccceecssseessseseeeeseeessennesensaressagesevseeesesscersenegneetenenasnonrannags deeeeenaeeeneeeesnenennnees 28

Northern (0-1: veucecuaceceececcesenessueuanesensessueseneeseineeeaesennesseneecussonsecgeevensessacescareneeensnennesanentags 31

Western Cape...ccccccecccsscscsesesesesessensnsessesnessensesesteecsnecedecnnersrsneneoeeessnsesussuaraansancaratnansassasuanceeeaeaeaecsesennangags 32

SUPERSESSIONS AND DISCHARGE OF PETITIONS ...........ccccesssseseseeseesserenceeenernereenevnnsnessevsnnsensensenseesesceetiatany 37

GENERAL cececccecceccecccececceccceseccesecessenseesencassecsecceesenseuseeeaeseesoseaecanenssanseasecsansnesegaaeseeeaeesecamesssancaneseagecaessenenseesenamessoeenny '_ 37

GAULCIG ....essesececeeeseeeecceeneeseesesssesenansesaassssceeenecacacaeseseasassusesegeausaeasacsseneauseneneenrerseatansuaseneeeneeeeaeseeeeeeanegeneay 38

MpUmalanga......sesssesssscssesescesessesessessseesceeenenseesstseessensessnenancensseeeseecsacaneacanereacansasenagtaccaenenansanceanaensnsenengenss 42

Western Cape... cccccccscccccseressesstsessssccesesnenescsnsneseceassesersseeaasescscsansenereseneesaseaasanetissesnersecusansneaenasneseseagagnens 42


Form J 297: Election of executors, curators and tutors veuauucaecateduacanecstacuecnsuuusuueusesssereneceeusnenesseesnusnreretenengs 45

Western Cape ..c..escccccccccssecesssssssssssssenesecessssenesesnssenenenensetsnnsnevanesnasaaeaeeneneeeneneeneneencecseeneeeeenaereseseeegeneneagas 45

Form J 295: Curators and tutors: Masters’ nOtices ...........ccesecessssssssessesseeenseceeenssesseesatenesniannaneneesaneeneees 45

GaAUteng.....scececescessecsesseetscessesscsssseaseevesseseesesnenseaeseseasneearencsnseneneeatevaseanenseneeenennataneuseaeaeaueansasecaenennsenssnssgges 46

Eastern Cape....cccccccsccccsseseececesesessssssssssecsssreeresessesseneassesasessanseenssesetasamenceusnascenssccasacaneecanesassnsesaianascanensns 46

Western Cape......cssscccsccccseerssssssiesssssseeneassersnseesenneacansseassnsasensasseesasessanensenensnatarensenenentansntasavanarsnnanenseaeesnts 46

Form J 193: Notice to creditors in deceased estates... cecsecssesecse csr reeceresnensresseesereessennensearcnateesnneaes 46

GaUtONg.....secsesecscscesecesesseresssstsssansasssevesseesnnsneseaceusnscaeseaseesanensanesseaesneseeaceneasassceatocnsrasaneusarscasesuegcensnegsnnentne 47

Eastern Cape......ccssccsseccsseseerssssssssscsessessareeneseseestseensessasatesssesanansnsnenensecatsaseseacnneneatensanameasrecaaneaseneesenseisnenes 57

Free State... ..ccccececeseseessssnseseeceseeesens sevssneseesuesnteevneseesssetuseneseenneeee dene saueceaneegeaeecaueeeaaessaneecsnetasesecaeesanens 58

KwaZulu-Natal .....c.cccccccoccccecceesccesecssesessccusseeessneceucensneesneeesecadearensaesnenecsaesnseenssaeasnenneeesueuessesesaeaseneecemasratece 59

Northern Cape ...c.cccsccccsceeseseseeessssesesescsesesseseneensesseaeaearensssaeuscesseneseaneansedansaneneneneisisaneceseneneseaenenenessegenensnts 64

North Westocccccssccsssessesssssessssssssscssssesussanecnssseesuneseetsenseennenseennssstennsneeeeaneets cceveestuuaseseessuesssesenecnse 64

Western Cape....sssscscccseceseeseserecessissessessseecescensaesesasatensacsneesersonasenaneenencansacnanananansseaniannecsneeaeessenengeeenenseresgsees 65

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 3


Form J 187: Liquidation and distribution accounts in deceased estates lying for inspection. .................... 70

Gauteng .ocsceccccsccccsccssecsecsesessacsessveressesecstedecseserssenstagepeees deeeng 70

Eastern Cape.. 80

Fre@ State... cece ceceeeeseeseeeseenseeseccnseesecoeeseusesasseesansansassansaessssansaeusesseseessesseescsensessensesessusensaeessceusnseneaes 82

KwaZulu-Natal 00... sceceecesetecnceesesseeeeeecacsausessassensacsesaeesesaeeaeeaeeseeseaeedeesesenereesevnseeeans seseanteeeessatasaensaes 84

Northern Cape ......ecsssecsssstssscsssseesseesaeeessnseessies SeaSeaberbeecttheceseeeees seadbeadcheneeesaeeeees sestessatestanecraniesnees ae | 87 North WeSt....ececccesteseesesceseteecaeenseseeasseseaseaeensecsaesesubesesaeeusesesarsssseesarcenetsvseseessecousnssnesavalusnsenesusenseneseneneaes 88

oO Western Cape... cccescecceessssseecteeteseesceneecesnsaessssanssesssgan ssa cecupasseceevsusevspanssgansassacseuerssnosseesseusarssasanchense cores 88


. Form J 28: Estates or companies sequestrated of wound up provisionally .......... vateenenereneeseeetnnes Nesneen 94

Form J 29: __ First meetings of creditors, contributories, members of debenture-holders of sequestrated

estates, companies being wound up or placed under provisional judicial management vents 96

CLOSE CORPORATIONS: First meetings of creditors and members of close corporations being WOUNK UP ......-csessecssssessecsssecssccsusessussseescossasbensrcrascsstectivesavessuesavesnensstecesesstevesesersecleeeeress ‘99

Form 1: Appointment of trustees and liquidators and’ proof of claims in’ sequestrated estates or

companies being wound UP...........:cseeeee pea eee ee caneeenen ea eea scans eae seaeeeneeecaeaeaasennenanaasaneesaneaes 102

Form 2: ~ Meeting of creditors in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up secssetsaeeseeeneessess 109

Form 4: Liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in sequestrated estates or

Companies being WOUN Up..........::ccsccecssseseceseseresteseesteeaesenrees a eeeeneeesienene detent eeeneneenveeesaeeas 117

Form 5: Payment of dividends and coilection of of contributions | in sequestrated estates or companies

being wound UD eseececnenteneldnceeseeenenenteeteneesceeeeechasaesteeceetatlenesacessedeendbsseseseesseseessuanetesenceneneeaeas 126

Form 6: Applications for rehabilitation -:....ccccccccssesssesssesssseessssesesssevsessessesssessuverscensvessneeeeee sesseseeassnneeaves 135

_ Form 7: Notice of trustees... devietensetaeerateeee seteteteeveeetentenes secsescbCessessavssuusssssaccnasssnnsnsciessseensene 139 ©

Form 8: Dates fixed for creditors to prove ClaiMS ........cc.ccseee peseeeeeveesessasensesessens sesseesessaees lessee 148

Form 9: " Notices of surrender ofa debtor's estate veeteteeeees vesueeeees sectessees veseeeees vevvecsessesessesseenensstnenensee 148

Form VL: Lost life insurance policies........... js eccdeecaseecaesateneseeseneneeaeeanes vectuuesen ceevencussuaneneaneneansenenenenseees - 155

4 No. 24846 ; GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003



BESIGHEIDSKENNISGEWINGS ........csssesccssceessnesseseeseseensess cen sesesuuneesesssnniseeseesbsnneceseenennen seseeeeesnnnneneeesetnngen

Gauteng .....escsesceecesesesctesseeeeeeeees ceatedaanesececedecenanseaaecageueeeeseaaenescecesescusscasuapeeneeceneensanessaeeesasecnsenseenenieneenegs

OOS-K@QD woes cccceeeececeeetee renee eeenectenaeeeeeeeees seseeasenenesceseenenensnpeatsneacatenaceenaaeentissssacanecssceeastentnensanenseusnaneataneiey

KWaZUIU-Natal .cccscceccscscsescscevssesssseceesecssssevececcssssavueggaceessnseesseeessnsesss cate tussuvsrssedeasecesavevsevenscacecuaesauaaeaaanees

Noord-Kaap .........ee sesesevusavaneaceeceesuansuneuseesceeecaeeeneeseeeeeeesenenesenecssseneneseneseneesntes seneesccesuaeesraeeeaneseuaaeeneess

NOOPUWES .....ssescssseccseeesneeesneeesneeeentenenses eeeseeeees peseassususavaususyeccassesusseaesecueauscsacarsesceataeaeneteseseseenssneeesaesctanenans

WeS-Kaap ....ecceceeeereeeeneees san vaueuuenecaeeeaageoueecaneesauesuiaeeeeeeeeseninsennesasenmapeneseees eeeteseaneeneedeadeanecsaeeseaetenareeeseeens

MAATSKAPPYKENNISGEWINGS ......-cccecgesseecseeeeeeseneeeecanateeseseseenanaes aseaeeseeeaeeecaceennecaneetneenenes vessnenvetssesseesseaseesess

GAUTENG ecccccsssssesesssessssssssssesersssscecssssssanscsescescesssnnusveseseeceeseesenmeiiteseeeesossnuusereccesssssnsneseneessananansestieeeeeen

KWaAZUIU-Nattal ...c.ccccccccccsesececcecesssesscssscsesensuscscsusnesesesescsneseaeseececeesseseeeececensasarecsrsessaninasasenasasaseeessesueseeeneenes

Mpumaianga........ dae veneceeecaseeaeeaeeenesseatinssaeeneesnenenead ssoassusuesnuvvsivvesuevenssesessssenesesesssasatunsasasesececceseeeeeses

WES-KQap -.essccssesecsecseeseeseesscsescassnernseeceneeneenteaneasstancencsassonenensnneesecavasenucanecaseaatansnceaesatansaneanssotaneticegsensees

ORDERS VAN DIE HOF......s.ssssssssescsemenesntntetntenennnetnisiststsiststiststststesesennananananananctanaits GAUTCING....-eeececeeceenceseseneeeeenseneecaesaneseenecasesescesserseteneaeegetas asec ueacevencevaneeeaneceseeeteesepesesseeeeauesaneaseeess sescesenesesen

OOS-KAaD voces cssveseustusesenisannnusnansnseesnnennegoseneenneetvesieeyneseieetaeesnee ceneaeeneeeseesinnnennnene

VIYStOaL...cescecceessseeseeeeeteetenteneesetens deeseeseeesens veessuesaesnees cvesssunsstsssssunsasesnsessnenpnuennestannaneneeevianeeeeeneaset

KwaZulu-Natal ........c soceeneseateaeeeueeseeneeaneeatsarssannanensanseesseanerceceanesnesnrecattanetainaaeeni seeeessseaneneceneacacaeetetenes

NOOrd-K@ap ......ecceececeecececesenenseceseeeeseneseeseeneeneesneres ceeeeaeeeetseeneees sseueceaceaceecareseeuenseeseeeesaneraveesensaveneneentaneenes

WeS-K@ap «oe ceeeeecesecnsteeeenees vanes seven asegeneecaenenaneneeeteanense Leessusaauavaueceserpuoddnsceeseneenenseqensaasesenersanansnssecssaneasess

TERSYDESTELLINGS EN AFWYSINGS VAN AANSOEKE.......scssscsssosssssssersseeseeeersesnneeses Jeettvaeesneanel Neeeeeeseneneeneeeeunse

ALGEMEEN ......0.:-2:cccsceeerecceesatenseeeeeseesaneneenneesnnereeenees seneeecuaeeateeeteees deseaeeseeeeansevennseneeadeessecsesneaeeneas eaaenesaeeetnensbeeeeeeees

Gauteng... ceesateacaneaneseeneesueseneeseneegs vescesuseceasneceesnees Seeceececeaeeaveeeaseanennecaecaueeeeeseesesseenenseneeeaepersssomsenaneaasessanenans

Mpumalanga .........-cecccsesesecceeeseenecseneeeneneeseenenanterretsneersnarenessenees vcssuacessuuceessueersuecessavesssueussaruiersussensveesssases

WES-K@AaD ooo. cecceceestecceeeeeeseseecceeseeneasensansercescasdenseesaauanseasusneasenseaseneeesaeses Leceteeneeeeeeenes Seeeeeeceeeeencenseseneeeenensas


Vorm J 297: Verkiesing van eksekuteurs, kurators en VOOGCE ...secseceseseseereseeeeesnerercenetaees setaaevaeeaeneeaeesenees

WES-Kaap ....:.cecceccssesseenennecereeteieees seceesssneeseessneeseecaetteee sacecaueesacsseeeeneeeeteeneesises deste eee eaenanaeeauseconaensenaeeneaenannes

Vorm J 295: - Kurators en voogde: Meesters se KONNISQEWINGS ........eesescsseseserescecetersreeneereceenetereeessenneanenses

Gauteng .necscsssssesssssssssssssssssssvecsscesesssnnsssnnaseeeseceeesonsnneniisstesessssssivseseeeeecusasnunnnsnecereeeeesennnnnieereessssnnaaranestt

Oos-Kaap .........0 svussuutcsstuvenstusesssueceususceesuuesessucesnanesersasesssnsestanestssnetessseceesueccasaueeesoeteceneneenaees sseeenteenessees

WeS-Ka ap ....sscsecsesessecseseesesseeseetseessesssesesesstnanens seseessanensecsnsateee seneneees vcceseesseessesecasiiuesesseesisasuiseeseecensssnssseses

Vorm J 193: Kennisgewing aan krediteure in bestorwe boedels............ aeseeqeneesesegenseanes cecueveceeceeneavannseeesses

Gauteng... csecsecccssecssseceeeees scsssesseasaceuenacerurnevagensassevensessasssuchavaqarssesesessegeassavessesesesuesenseenteatasaseseeses estes

QOS-KAAP «.eesseeceecsesesesssessessseeeceestenseestanseeey seeeateasesateseesaeesatens Seeseeenenneeniesneasess seseeesesaenaes eonseettteeeeeeeen seseavese

VIYStAaL es escessssssecsceceeesteceseseeeneestesstessesseesiseavenneenetaes sauesscensseeeassssussserseesnceediasnauiseeeeeeenscssuesuntansanensassssessces

KwaZulu-Natal ........ sdeceeeseuavansreeses uunsaceecsaeevecscenenensenacsnenene ses essueesauescsueensascnsnensavennssstennecenneeenatnenecteaiensesecanaey

NOOrd-K@ap o.sreseesseesseereeerees seeeeeeneeneeseeatennenteneeneneeebennensneenees we teeeesenssensaeeacenenasenenneees sacseesasneaeenneceracanes a

NOOrdWES .......escssegessstescesseeeeeens seasesseenssenesseccuceaceesecatesteseeetsuesueeasassensaneneenseeeeesaesaneey sesesneereteeseeesessanesseeevenees

< | Wes-Kaap..i...sesseees senaes sauacuseaeueusecaneaesecaceetaceaeserstsavanseesesauseeceseuansueseeaenersescestaaaaeenestasneaearentagennenensgsecas aeseseees

11 11 13 13 14 14 14

















42 -

45 45 45 46 46 46 46> 47 57.

58 59 64 64 65 -

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 — ° No. 24846 5

; Bladsy

Vorm J 187: Likwidasie- en distribusierekenings in bestorwe boedels wat ter insae 16 oo... 70 GAUTONG 0... cecccceeeneeseeesseenststesnecsesessreqeeetsoes serene eons 70

Oos-Kaap veleveesel ; 80

VY Staats cece cece cece cee ceneeeaedeceneneaseseeesuuscessa causes saeusansssessesseussuusseeseasseesaessepeneuseseseesueeseessecstesseperseecoes 82

KwaZulu-Natal 84 Noord-Kaap 87

. Noordwes ........ feed eeeecevausevenacisaneocanesensenesaseecereeaeianensnsananeneny cee eesesesauseeesensseaaenenever sues eaeesesencaneneseesereeseasiaesnsanss 88

Wes-Kaap............ seesaeanrassenacieesees wanesnes atceeeeiseenennenes oe . 88


Vorm J 28: Boedels of maatskappye wat voorlopig gesekwestreer of gelikwideer IS eeseessnssenstsennsensees Lee 94

Vorm J 29: Eerste byeenkomste van’ skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuldbriefhouers van

gesekwestreerde boedels, maatskappye in likwidasie. of onder voorlopige geregtelike

DOSTUUN 0... eeeceeeen eee eeaneeeeaeesaeeaeeaebaseusnessecseseseeeseusssessssessseessessssussessessnesatesuesstesueseesbersessess 96

BESLOTE KORPORASIES: Eerste byeenkomste van skuldeisers’ en lede van beslote - korporasies i in HKWIGASIC «......s.sseseecrsseennes eee eeneeaesevsaeaeesaeeesenenenseecenesaeeeseeaeesaneesesatesteaeeaseneeess 99

Vorm 1: Aanstelling van kurators en likwidateurs en bewys van vorderings in 1 gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie ....... eaeeeanecanaeeaneceaedeaegessedevaneesneuaaeseeeesneauaaeseaestarnsessesses 102

Vorm 2: Byeenkoms van skuldeisers in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie ..... 109

Vorm 4: Likwidasie-, -distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in. gesekwestreerde boedels of maat- . skappye i in TIKWIGASIS «ooo... ee ecieesetseeeeeeeeeeeeeneees eee ee eeeneee eden eaeeeseenaensnoneenaneceeetsaeesnestaseeeseenss 117

Vorm 5: Uitkeer van dividende en insameling van kontribusies. in gesekwestreerde boedels of

| maatskappye in VIKWIDASIO oie. ctte ee ccseteeececteseecereeseneserensesetetasaensnatesaniveneenesauessnesariesenetans . 126

Vorm 6: Aansoeke om rehabilitasie.......-eesccecssssesessesgesnsesseescnsneceennssnnsesees eee eneeeeeneeeeenene Leneyreendeees — 135

Vorm 7: Kennisgewing van. Kurators.........:. saneeeasaseasecenesaeecursevnenaesenees sasenecssevscensesssseecseessseersrieeedsleeness 139 ~

Vorm 8: Datums vasgestel vir die bewys van eise deur skuldeisers ...........:..000< aeeranatesssuneessatessenees 148 .

- Vorm 9: Kennisgewings van oorgawe van ’n skuldenaar se boedel peseees te caadeseeeeeadteneaneeseceenesdecaensenees oe 148

Vorm VL: ~ Verlore lewensversekeringspolisse nn seneeusenanes besadeneeneaedeseqenacesbaccenneseesnnaeea peteenedeseenes -, 155

6 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003


Closing times GGG ceM UTM Tee ING for


GOVERNMENT NOTICES The closing time is 15:00 sharp on the following days:

12 June, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 20 June 2003 18 September, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 26 September 2003 11 December, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 19 December 2003 15 December, Monday, for the issue of Wednesday 24 December 2003

19 December, Friday, for the issue of Friday 2 January 2004





~GOEWERMENTSKENNISGEWINGS Die sluitingstyd is stiptelik 15:00 op die volgende dae:

_ 12 Junie, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 20 Junie 2003

18 September, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 26 September 2003

41 Desember, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 19 Desember 2003

15 Desember, Maandag, vir die uitgawe van Woensdag 24 Desember 2003

19 Desember, Wryclags § vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 2 Januarie 2004


. STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 No. 24846 7


LiST OF FIXED RATES (In order to bring the cost of advertising of legal notices more in line with the

cost in the private sector, and to reduce the burden of cross subsidy by

departments, it is recommended that the rate be increased by 11%, rounded

off to the nearest rand, and be implemented as from 1 April 2003.)



AN J 187 v..ccccsscesesccessesccsesessueuecueususevevecuuveveseuueauanaeauenearasueseeesenenavaneeeeeeseueuereueeeeeaed

— BUSINESS NOTICES .0....ccccccccccccccscccsscsececeteecencenecsuseseescesceunseueusesenaesedsssercncnaseneenesseene


a0) 01 0S

.N.B.: Forms 2 and 9—additional statements according to the Word Count Table, added to the basic rate. _

Lost LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES: Form -VL........ senesensenereegetnenensens vedeeeeueneseeneneneees UNCLAIMED MONIES—Only in an Extraordinary Gazette. Closing date:

- 15 January (per entry of “name, address and ¢ amount) eduaaebaeuessuneeeseusceeseseseneneesees -


COMPANY NOTICES: . ' Short notices: Meetings, resolutions, offer of compromise, conversion of company,

voluntary windings-up; closing of transfer or member’s registers and/or

declaration of diVIGONS ..0...... i ceceeeeeteeeeteeeeseeteeeneaeessetedbenestersnnende Vine eeesevenaeeteees Declaration of dividend with profit statements, including notes coseeeaeeeaeeeeneeeeneneaes Lees Long notices: Transfers, changes with respect to shares or capital, redemptions,

resolutions, voluntary liquidations .............ccccssesssecsssessscessesesereuseressesesseeseessereees

LIQUIDATOR’S AND OTHER APPOINTEES’ NOTICES ......cccccsccccesessesseedeseteeseeeees

‘LIQuoR LICENCE NOTICES in an Extraordinary Gazette. (All provinces appear on _ the first Friday of each month.) The closing date for acceptance is two weeks prior

to date of publication... eens seen ee nese resanaeeesesansaeseeesnesaeeesssusnenensasenees veeeeeeeeeeeaeneeenens .


Provisional and final liquidations or Sequestrations ...........ccccccseessrsessvesrsesenseeesees Reductions or changes in capital, mergers, offers of compromise..................005 Judicial managemenis, curator bonus and similar and extensive rules nisi...........

Extension of return date... ccccecssscccssssecsssesesseseseeserecesseenssseeeesaneesseneeeeseeenseneeeees Supersessions and discharge of petitions (J 158) ...........::csscsssssessersesessreseesess

SALES IN EXECUTION AND OTHER PUBLIC SALES: Sal@s in Ox@CUtion ..........cccecceseecceeeeeeeeseeseeesnesensseeesesassesaeesaes Leseseeeenees weseeeessneeessneeeees Public auctions, sales and tenders:

Up to. 75 WOrdS....ssscecsssceseeeesapitsssssestecesbssesssseccssecsesseccsesecessecs sesebebeieesdeseueegessennesss _.76 to 250 Words... qyreedeenenegeeess seseeeneneenenseeuenpesteneeaeeaes seventeen deeeeeeees

251 to 300 Words ......cseseseees seseneeesaeeesgestescesnes esseseaveceseaveveuseesseesesevecseessanssevaneens


rate per



20,00 46,00




94,00 206,00


' 74,00



320,00 320,00 40,00 40,00


54,00 140,00 226,00 | Ye

8 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003


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Number of words in copy : One insertion Two insertions |Three insertions

R R R TH 100... cece a ueaeeeeeesuaneeeenenees , 68,00 94,00 106,00

TOA— 150. ee ceenettees densa lencuvsuneesaeteeesees 100,00 140,00 160,00

PBA DOO ec ccceccceseteseceesseeees adeseueeneetevanese 134,00 186,00 214,00

201— DBO. ce ccccccccccecsecceseenssneceueneescesensecsuessenneees 168,00 240,00: 266,00

QB A1— BOO... ccccscesssseeceseceenereeeereeceeeneceaensesees 200,00 280,00 320,00

BOT BBO. cceccsesssscceseseseeseeeesecneneerensteeesnntensanes 234,00 334,00. 374,00 B51— 400... eeeeeeceeecerecceeeeeee seseecesneeeeeceesenteennesee 266,00 380,00 | 424,00 AO1— 45. ecccccesseseesccesncsseeeedescesenersneeneneetens - 300,00 426,00 480,00

AB1— SOO. eeceesessetsssssssseseessessessessessessessesseeeees 334,00 474,00 . 534,00 501-— 550.......... peudueessesaceeaeanacaeceeeeeeeeetaneas veeeeses 360,00 520,00 : 580,00

B51 — BOO... cece ccecccseesesseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevenennenenees 400,00 566,00 634,00

GOT G50. eeecesscssssssssesscerseesseesseesseesseeesssesses 426,00 614,00 © 686,00 B51— 700 ereeseccccsessettessttssssssnnnsneees | 466,00 660,00 | 740,00 TOT TBO. ice cecccccscecceeneneenneeeeeeeseseneneeneeeenenneess 500,00 706,00 |; 792,00

T51— BOO cecssecsccssesscsseeecessneecsssnece seseecene a 526,00 752,00 | 846,00 BO1— B50... cceecceeecceneeeeerceeee eee eer eens enseenessceneaees 566,00 800,00 |. 900,00

851— 900......... asnanaeeansensesesnennaesensebereenanenensaaeas 592,00. 852,00 952,00

QOT— D650. ececccssesecseseeeeeeseeseenens seeseesecsieseeess | 634,00 900,00 || 1 006,00

O51—1 OOO... eee cccceccecceeceee eee eeeeeeteseseesseeeeeeeeenees 660,00 946,00 ‘| 4 060,00 ;

1001-1 300... eect cette cet eeneeeeeenneenneneieeeneeas 860,00 1 225,00 1 372,00

1 BO 1-1 GOO... ccc ccc cc cece cen enee eee eee eeeeneeeeeteneneeeaees 1 059,00 1 506,00 1 692,00 .




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STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 9


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a ~

10 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003








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STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 11


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, to interested parties

and creditors of the intention of alienation of businesses and/or goodwill, goods cr property forming part of

businesses, after a period of 30 days from the last publication: of..relevant advertisements, and of actions,

circumstances or conditions pertaining to businesses or parties or debtors, as mentioned therein.

The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Township or district, division, county; (2)

seller, trader, partnership; (3) business or trade, kind, name and/or style, and the address at which carried on; (4)

purpose and intent (alienation, sale, abandonment, change or dissolution of partnership, removal or change of

address, change of name, cancellation of sale, etc.); conditions, and date or period of time if other than 30 days;

(5) purchaser, new proprietor and/or owner or partner, or contracting party; (6) business and address, if other than

under (3); notes, comment; (7) advertiser and/or agent, address and date.


Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van

1936, aan belanghebbende partye en skuldeisers van voorgenome vervreemding van besighede en/of klandisie ,

goedere of eiendom wat ’n deel vorm van. besighede, na ’n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die laaste publikasie van

betrokke advertensies, en van aksies,; omstandighede of voorwaardes wat op besighede of partye of skuldenaars,

soos daarin genoem, betrekking het. .

Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Dorpsgebied of distrik, afdeling, county;

(2) verkoper, handelaar, vennootskap; (3) besigheid of handel, soort, naam en/of styl, en adres waar gedryf; (4)

doel en voorneme (vervreemding, verkoop, oorgawe, verandering of ontbinding van vennootskap, verhuising of

adresverandering, naamverandering, kansellasie van verkoop, ens.); voorwaardes, en datum of tydperk indien

anders as 30 dae; (5) koper, nuwe besitter en/of eienaar of vennoot, of kontrakterende party; (6) besigheid en

adres, indien anders as onder (3); opmerkings, kommentaar; (7) adverteerder en/of agent, adres en datum.


” SALE OF BUSINESS _ Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 34 of Act 24/1936, as amended, that it is the intention of Petrolium Affairs CC,

carrying on business under the name.and style of Fuel and Fix, situate at 58 Barbara Road, Marlands, Germiston, to dispose

of a share of the business after the expiration of 30 (thirty) days from the last day of publication hereof to Johannes Jacobus

Koortzen, who will carry on the said business “gether with Gideon Petrus Smith as Petrolium Affairs cc trading as Fuel

and Fix at the same address.. :

F.A. Jacobs & Kriel, Suite 1, First Floor, 123 Rietfontein Road, Primrose; P.O Box 343, Germiston. Tel: 011 828-9054/5.

Ref: Mrs Calitz.


Be pleased to take notice that the Feroze Bhabha Trust and the Sulaiman Dindar Trust trading as Steers, of Darras

Centre, Kinsington, intend to transfer the said business to Wits 3 in 1 Foods CC of 421 Marshall Street, Jeppestown,

Johannesburg with effect from the 1st of June 2003, from which date the said Wits 3ini Foods CC will carry on the said

business for its own account.

Dated at Johannesburg on this 30th day of April 2003.

Yousha Tayob Attorney, Sellers Attorneys;::1st Floor, 7 Bonanza Street, Selby Extension 19, Johannesburg; P.O. Box 1427,

Crown Mines. Tel: 838 3342/Fax: 838 4744, Ref: Yousha/0107/YT.


In terms of Section 34 a ) of the Insolvency Act, No..24 of 1936, Quad Installations C.C.. (‘Seller) conducting business

under the name and style of Quad Installations at 45 isando Road, Croydon, Kempton Park, district Gauteng is hereby giving

notice of its sale and to transfer 30 days after publication hereof to Quad Installations (SA) (Pty) Ltd (“purchaser’) of the above

address who will carry on the said business for its own benefit and account.

Account No: 410884. Velosa & Associates Inc., Trust House, Unit 3, Waterfront Office Park, cnr Republic & West Roads, Randburg. (Our Ref: S Torres/ar/BlJ 1/01.) wee tee se .

12 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003



Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, that Armando Jose

Helena, intends to dispose of the freight and haulage business, as a going concern, to Toubra Haulage No 4 (Pty) Limited,

Registration Number: 2000/027729/07 at 304 Munts Street, ‘Wailoo, after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the last date of

publication of this advertisement. _- - & , Le

Dated at Pretoria on this 24 April 2003. Wi . i

Van Huyssteens Commercial Attorneys, 1 Hotel Street, corner Hotel and Meiring Naude Streets, Persequor Park, Pretoria.

Ref: J van Huyssteen RC0201. Tet (012) 349.2306. os .


In terms of Section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of. 1936, AUKK Foods cc, t/a The Matrix Foods, conducting

business under the style of Steers Debonairs & Fishaways, the Matrix Student Mall, at East Campus, Wits University,

Braamfontein, Johannesburg, is hereby giving notice of its sale and of transfer 30 days after publication hereof to Ashaf Ally

& Trencin Robuck (AUKK Foods), who.will carry on the said business for his own benefit and account. ,

AB. Landsberg, 148 Commissioner Street, Boksburg, 1459. Tel. No. 083 296 0364. Account No. 4787690027602035.


In terms of Section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936 (seller) Klipview Farm CC, conducting business under the

style of Klipview Farm, herein represented by Soterios Ghenes, duly authorised, at Portion 5 of. Klipview No. 113, Ktipview,

Vereeniging, is hereby giving notice of its sale and of transfer 30 days. after publication hereof to (purchaser) Sidney Allan

Blecher, at 68 Wilmington Crescent, Lyndhurst, Johannesburg, 2192, who will carry on the said business for his own benefit

and accouni.

Ideal Business Broker C.C., P.O. Box 375, Strathavon, 2031.


Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, that Sundowns F.C (Proprietary)

Limited, intends to sell to Future and. Commercial Enterprises (Proprietary) Limited, as a going concern, its business of a

professional football club, which is conducted by Sundowns F.C (Proprietary) Limited, at the corner of Allandale and Dunlop

Roads, Chioorkop Extension 2, Midrand, Gauteng, together with the fixed.assets and equipment pertaining thereto; and that the

purchaser will carry on the said business at the same address and for its own account and that the_said business and assets

will be transferred to the purchaser on 30. June 2003. . _ a

Singed at Sandton this 8th day of May 2003. ,

Bowman Gilfillan, Attorneys for the Parties, 9th: Floor, Twin Towers West, Sandton City, Sandton. Ref.: Mr N Rissik..


Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge artikel 34 van Wet No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, dat Sundowns F.C (Eiendoms) —

Beperk van voorneme is om die besigheid van ’n professionele sokker klub, wat bedryf word op die hoek van Allandale en

Dunlop Strate, Chloorkop Uitbreiding 2, Midrand; Gauteng, as ‘n lopende.-besigheid, tesame met die vaste bates en die

toerusting in verband daarmee te verkoop na afloop van 30 Junie 2003 aan Future and Commercial Enterprises (Eiendoms)

Beperk, wat daarna die saak by dieselfde adres vir sy eie rekening sal bedryf.

Geteken te Sandton hierdie 8ste.dag van Mei 2003.

Bowman Gilfillan, Partye se Prokureurs, 9th Floor, Twin Towers West, Sandton City, Sandton. Verw: Mnr N Rissik.


Kennis geskied hiermee, ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 34 van Wet 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, dat Visions of Sirene

' Coffee Bar BK, 1999/24477/23 van voorneme is om die besigheid bekend as Burgandys at Brooklyn, wat bedryf word by

Menlo Park, as lopende saak te verkoop na afloop van ’n tydperk van 30 (dertig) dae na die laste publikasie van hierdie

advertensie, aan Jacob Roos Coffee Shop, 2003/030094/23, wat daarna die saak by dieselfde adres vir sy eie rekening sal



Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 34 of Act 24 of 1936 (as amended), ‘that Visions of Sirene

Coffee Bar CC, 1999/24477/23, intends selling the business known as Burgandys at Brooklyn, which is conducted at Menlo —

Park, as a going concern after the lapse of a period of 30 (thirty) days after the last publication of this advertisement to Jacob

Roos Coffee Shop, 2003/030094/23, who will thereafter conduct the business for its own account at the said address. «


in‘terms of Section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act; No. 24 of 1936 (seller) Setpoint Industrial Technology (Proprietary)

Limited, conducting a business under the'style of Gastech,: Balmoral Centre, Main Reef Road, Witfield, Boksburg, is hereby

giving notice of its sale and to transfer 30:days after’ publication hereof to the business of the Gastech Division, including all

the assets hereof, to (purchaser) GTS Technologies (Proprietary) Limited, at 66 Wepener Streei, Ophirton, Booysens,

Johannesburg, who will carry on the said business for his own benefit and account. . . J

TWS Consulting, PO Box 31122, Kyalami, 1684. Tel. No: 4681744. 1

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 13


In terms of Section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, Interactive Trading 223 (Pty) Ltd, conducting business under the style of Honda Wing Hatfield, at cnr Pretorius & Duncan Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, is hereby giving notice of its sale of fixed assets and stock, and to transfer 30 days after publication hereof to (purchaser) Equistock T Trader 121 (Pty) Ltd, Va

- Honda Wing Menlyn, who will carry on the said business for his own benefit and account. Lat we

Honda Wing Menlyn, P.O. Box 67726, Bryanston, 2021. Tel. No. 011 463-7373. .


In terms of Section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936 (seller) Randvaal Farm Chickens CC, CK No. 89/38332/23, conducting business under the style of Randvaal, herein represented by Soterios Ghenes, duly authorised at Plot 107, Portion 8 of Portion 108, Randvaal, Vereeniging, is hereby giving notice of its sale and of transfer 30 days after publication hereof to (purchaser) Sidney Allan Blecher, of 68 Wilmington Crescent, Lyndhurst, Johannesburg, 2192, who wil carry” on the said business for his own benefit and account. .

a Ideal Business Broker C.C., P.O. Box 375, Strathavon, 2031."


in terms of Section 34 (t) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, Class A Trading 370 (Pty) Ltd, Reg, No. 2001/027321/07, conducting business under the style of ta Wimpy Bruma and Urban Pub and Coffee Shop Bruma, at Foodhall, Bruma Market World, Oppenheimer Road, Bruma, Gauteng, is hereby giving notice of its sale and of transfer 30 days after publication hereof to Niclee Catering CC, CK 2003/029475/23, who will carry on the said business for his own benefit.and account.

Lan Lille, 15 5 Robinglen Village, Dukes Ave, Windsor East, Randburg.




Notice is hereby g given in terms of Section 34 of Act No. 24 of 1 936, as amended, that Umtiza Foods CC-has sold the busi- ness known as Umtiza Foods which it carries on in the Eastern Cape (Head Office East London) to Umtiza Farmers Corp Limited which will trade under the same name for its own account with effect from the 15 June 2003.

Signed at East London on 5 May 2003.

Seymour & Co., Chartered Accountants (SA), 36 Berea Mall, Berea, East London, 5241.



NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 34 OF ACT 24/1936 Umkomaas, KwaZulu-Natal. (2) Quantum Leap Investments 174 (Pty) Ltd. (3) Sangita Lodge, 8 Moodie Street,

Umkomaas. (4) Sale of property and business. (5) Tlakanisa Trading 1015 (Pty) Ltd. (6) 8 Moodie Street, Umkomaas. (7) Business Partners Limited, 23 Jan Hofmeyr Road, Westville. 7 May 2003. ;

_B Naidoo (Mrs) Co Westville. (2) New Heights 1103 CC. (3) Total Westville, 35 Westville Road, Westville, ‘Durban, 3630. (4) 14th May 2003.

(5) —: (6) Arulnathan Naicker, 0.b.o. Kerlee CC. (7) A Naicker, 18A Jupiter Road, Westville, 3630. 5/5/2003.


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of the Insolvency Act that Laminated Components CC, carrying on the business of Woodform intends alienating the business thirty days from the date of the last publication to Dertin (Pty) Limited.

Dated at Pinetown on this 30. day of April.2003. . ;

-Mofris Fuller Walden. ‘Williams, 2nd. Floor, Merthyr House, | corner Kings Road & Crompton Street, Pinetown. Ret. Mr Williamis/gh/L171. ) . La


‘ Notice.is-hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended that Fineprops. (1) Pty Ltd, intends to alienate the business known as The Court House at Ramsgate, address 2079 Buck Drive, Ramsgate, 4285; after.a period:of 31 days of last day of publication if this notice to. M J- Nugent w who will carry on business. for his own account as the. sole proprietor. ’ ns we ; Le

Dated at Pietermaritzburg this oth day of April 2003.

George David du Toit (N49D), Geyser Liebetrau Du Toit & Louw Inc., 380 Loop. Street, Pistermaritzburg, 3200.

14 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of the Insolvency Act that Gobisa Ukhuni Trust, carrying on the

business of asset leasing to Woodform intends alienating the business thirty days from the date of the last publication to Dertin

(Pty) Limited. ~ mT po

Dated at Pinetown on this 30 day of April 2003..

” Morris Fuller Walden Williams, 2nd Floor,’ Merthyr House, corner Kings Road & Crompton: Street, Pinetown. (Ref. Mr



Upington/Gordonia. (2) Edge to Edge 1159 CC, Reg. No. 2001/023090/23. (3) Dros Restaurant Upington, Kalahari Pick

& Pay Centre, Upington. (4) Sale. (5) Vredelus Boerdery Upington (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 96/06503/07. (6) —. (7) Lange Carr &

Wessels Inc., PO.Box.6, Upington, 8800. 2 May 2003. ~ a ° ‘


. Rustenburg. (2) Donaid Eric Mason. (8) Matlapeng Game Farm, Remaining Extent of Portion 7 of the Farm Roodekloof

326. (4) Sale. (5) Sacred Earth CC. (6) —. (7) Coetsee van Rensburg Attorneys, Ground Floor, Eastwood, 57 6th Road, Hyde

_ Park (Ref. S van Rensburg, Tel. No. (011) 325-4000).


Western Cape. (2) Unitrade 1021 CC, t/a The Perseverance Tavern. (3) Pub/Tavern, 88 Buitenkant Street, Gardens, Cape

Town. (4) Sale. (5) lan Sutcliffe, 0.b.o. a Corporation to be formed. (6) 83 Buitenkant Street, Gardens, Cape Town. (7) Walkers

Inc., 15 Floor, Pleinpark Bldg., Plein Street, Cape Town. / :

Bellville, Cape Town. (2) Jean Mac Donald. (3) Green Valley Restaurant, Cape Town. (4) —: (5) Stella Zervas. (6) —.

(7) Associated Business Agencies, PO Box 3235,‘Tygerpark, 7536. 29 April 2003.

Western Cape. (2) Unitrade 1021 CC, t/a The Perseverance Tavern. (3) Pub/Tavern, 83 Buitenkant Street, Gardens, Cape

Town. (4) Sale. (5) lan Sutcliffe, o.b.o. a Corporation to be formed. (6) 83 Buitenkant Street, Gardens, Cape Town. (7) Walkers

Inc., 15 Floor, Pleinpark Bldg, Plein Street, Cape Town. 2/5/03. ,

Bellville. (2) Sole Proprietor. (3) “Bag City’, Shop 26, Bellstar, Bellville. (4) Sale. (5) Fuzlin Baderoen. (6) —. (7) Neilsons

Attorneys, 66 Wetton Road, Wynberg. /


Kennis word hiermee gegee kragtens Artikel 34 van Wet 24, van 1936, soos gewysig, dat dit die voorneme is van Mara

Speculasies BK, Registrasienommer CK1991/029006/23, wat besigheid doen as Savannah te Winkel 33, De Ville Sentrum,

Durbanville, om gemelde besigheid met al sy bates en werfkrag aan Claude Descoin & Chantal Descoin, te verkoop wat die

besigheid vir hulle eie rekening en voordeel sal voortsit by dieselfde adres:na versiryking van 30 (dertig) dae na finale plasing

van hierdie advertensie. Be ade Ba wo

Gedateer te Bellville op hierdie 2de dag van Mei 2003.

Bill Tolken Hendrikse Ingelyf, Saret Cilliersstraat'1, Bellville. (Verw: IT/cvs/XD303.)



In terms of Section 34 (1) of the Insolvncy Act, No. 24 of 1936, ME Station Properties CC, Reg. No. CK1996/013732/23

conducting. business at 155 Main Street, Braamfontein, hereby gives notice. of. the sale of its property being Remainder Erf

54484, Cape Town at Claremont in the City of Cape Town, Cape Division, Western Cape Province more commonly known as

34 Station Road, Claremont and its intended transfer’ after the expiry of a period ‘of 30 (thirty) days from the last publication of

relevant advertisements to Peter Repapis or nominee (Identity Number 6611175039088). i

Herold Gie Inc., Attorneys for the Purchaser, 8 Darling Street, Cape Town, 8001. Tel: (021) 464-4700.] (Ret: RM/251548).

7 May 2003. : WPT Seg ae an :

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 15

"NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 34 of Act 24 of 1936 (as amended) that Modern Bathrooms (Pty) Ltd trading

under the name of Modern Bathrooms and carring on business at 7 Malherbe Street, Parow intends alienating the said

business on 23 June 2003 to Gaduron Trading 1028 (Pty) Ltd.

_Delport & Ward Attorneys, 17th Floor, 1 Thibault Square, Cape Town. Tel (21) 419-3733.] (Ret: v9. 2945/E. R. Wardyt)




(Registration No. 1996/15740/23)


Notice is given in terms of Section 356 (2) of the Companies Act No. 61 of 1973, as amended, that at a general meeting of

shareholders of the Company held on 1 October 2001, the shareholders passed a special resolution to wind the Company up

by way ofa creditors’ voluntary winding-up. The Special resolution was duly registered by the Registrar of Companies on

6. November 2001. Nadia Marnitz of Antrust (Pty) Ltd was appointed Liquidator.

~ Nadia Marnitz, Antrust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 413648, Craighall, 2024.



Notice is hereby given that a meeting of members of Miranda Minerals Limited, Registration Number 1 997/021464/06 will

be held at Pretoria on the 13th of June 2003 at 08ho0, to pass, inter alia, the following special resolution:

“That Miranda Minerals Limited which was registered on the 10th of December 1997 be converted from a Public Company

into a Private Company with effect from the date when the Registrar i issues the amended certificate of Incorporation (date. of

proposed conversion is the 13th of June 2003).

The name of the Company will be known after the conversion as Miranda Minerals (Proprietary) Limited.”

By Order of the Board. |

Miranda Minerals Limited, P.O. Box 65294, Erasmusrand, 0165, Solar Place, 5 Eddington Crescent, Highveld Technopark,

Centurion. Tel. 012-665 4360. Fax. 012-665 0878. Ref: Ms-J.-Bennette.





~Kragtens Artikel 386 (4) geskied kennis hiermee dat ’n.vergadering van lede van bogemelde Maatskappy in » Likwidasie

gehou ‘sal word voor die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, op Maandag, 2 Junie 2002 om 10h00. Die doel van ‘die

vergadering i is.om die magte soos: vervat in Artikel 386 (4) van die e maatskappyewet aan die > Likwidateur te verleen. .

P. D. Kruger, TW van den Heever, Mede Likwidateurs.

Pla Bureau Trust, Vierde Vloer, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Pretoria, 0002.

16 No. 24846 ’ GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003








Kragtens Artikel 386 (4) van die Maatskappyewet saamgelees met Artikel 66 van die Beslote Korporasiewet geskied

kennis hierrnee dat ’n vergadering van lede van bogemelde Beslote Korporasie in Likwidasie gehou sal word voor die Landdros

te Vereeniging op 6 Junie 2003 om 10:00. Die doel van die vergadering is om die magte soos vervat in Artikel 386 (4) van die

Maatskappyewet aan die Likwidateur te verleen. |

P.J. Kilian, Likwidateur, p/a Bureau Trust, Vierde Vioer, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan; Pretoria, 0002.







Kragtens Artikel 386 (4) geskied kennis hiermee dat ’n vergadering van lede van bogemelde Maatskappy in Likwidasie

gehou sal word voor die Landdros, Vanderbijlpark op Donderdag, 5 Junie 2003 om 10h00. i

Die doel van die vergadering is om die magte soos vervat in Artikel 386 (4) van die Maatskappyowet aan die Likwidateur

te verleen. |

J ZH Muller & H Kaplan, Likwidateur, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk., 870 Park Straat, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0001.

| ; apne





Kragtens Artikel 386 (4) geskied kennis hiermee dat ’n vergadering van lede van bogemelde Maatskappy in Likwidasie

- gehou sal word voor die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria op Woensdag, 4 Junie 2003 om 10h00.

Die doel van die vergadering is om die magte soos vervat in Artikel 386 (4) van die Maatskappyewet an die Likwidateur te


James Henry van Rensburg, Likwidateur, James van Rensburg & Strydom: (Edms) Bpk., Hadefields Kantoorblok,

Grondvloer, Blok D, Pretoriusstraat 1267, Hatfield, 0083. |




Notice is hereby given in terms ‘of Section 356 (2 ) (b) of the Companies Act, 1973, as amended, that the abovenamed

Company has been voluntarily wound up in terrms of a Special Resolution of members passed on'20 November 2002 and that

Philip Wardel Moorrees Reynoids of Deloitte & Touche Trust (Pty) Limited, PO Box 31104, Braamfontein, has been

nominated for appointment as Liquidator. Lo

Deloitte & Touche Trust (Pty) Limited, PO Box 31101, Braamfontein, 2017.

I \

| i |

| |

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 i7




Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 356 (2) (b). of the Companies Act, 1973, as amended, that the abovenamed

Company has been voluntarily wound up in terrms of a Special Resolution of members passed on 20 November 2002 and that

Philip Wardel Moorrees Reynolds of Deloitte & Touche Trust (Pty) Limited, PO Box 31101, Braamfontein, has been

nominated for appointment as Liquidator. .

Deloitte & Touche Trust (Pty) Limited, PO Box 31101, Braamfontein, 2017: : --




Notice is hereby given that Philip Wardel Moorrees Reynolds of Deloitte & Touche Trust (Pty) Limited, PO Box 31101,

Braamfontein, has been‘ appointed Liquidator of the above Company. .

Deloitte & Touche Trust (Pty) Limited, PO Box 31101, Braamfontein, 2017.



COMPANY NOTICES Notice is hereby given that Philip Wardel Moorrees Reynolds of Deloitte & Touche Trust (Pty) Limited, PO Box 31101,

Braamfontein, has been appointment Liquidator of the above Company.

Deloitte & Touche Trust (Pty) Limited, PO Box 31101, Braamfontein, 2017.



Duly instructed by The Liquidator of Faircell Cellular CC (In Liquidation) Masters Reference T716/03 we will sell the assets

at Plot 111, Dan Pieriaar Drive, Tedderfield, Eikenhof, Tuesday 20th May 2003 at 10:30 am.

Terms: Cash or Bank Guaranteed Cheques only.

Bid-A-Bid CC, PO Box 129, Eikenhof, 1872. Tel. (011) 948-8052/3.- -


REGISTRATION No.. 1994/34454/23



Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 356 (2) of the Companies Act No. 61 of 1973, as.amended, that a general

_meeting of the members of the Close Corporation held on 20 March 2003, the members passed a special resolution to wind up

the Close Corporation by way of a creditor’s voluntary winding up. The resolution was registered by the Registrar of Companies on 27 March 2003. Mrs Cynthia Harding was appointed liquidator by the Master of the High Court.

Mrs Cynthia Harding, Cynthia Harding Trustees, PO Box 65105, Erasmusrand, 0165. [Tel. (012) 998-7789.] [Fax (012)






__Kragtens Artikel 386 (4) geskied. kennis hiermee dat ’n vergadering van lede van bogemelde Maatskappy in Likwidasie

gehou sal word voor die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria op Donderdag, 5 Junie 2003 om 10h00.

_ Die doel van die vergadering is om die magte soos vervat in Artikel 386 (4) van die Maatskappyewet aan die Likwidateur

te verleen. ~- , : me Ss a

. Paul Daneel Kruger & Michael Mmathomo Masilo, Mede-Likwidateur, p/a James van Rensburg & Strydom (Edms) Bpk.,

_ Hadefields Kantoorblok, Grondvioer, Blok D, Pretoriusstraat 1267, Hatfield, 0083. -

18 No.24846 | (GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003



(Registration Number 1930/002425/07)

A special resolution, was registered at the. Registrar of Cempanies on 6 May 2003, regarding the following resolutions:

1. “That the Company be wound up voluntarily in terms:of section 343 (2): (b) as read with sections 349 and. 350 of the compas Act, No. 61 of 1973, as amended (“the Act’), as a-members voluntary winding up.” |

2. ‘That the Liquidator, upon being appointed in terms of section 375 (3) of the Act be authorised in terms of section 350 (3) of the Act, to make distributions to Members.of the Company in. cash or in kind, at any time.” ,

3. “That the Liquidator, be authorised in terms of section 422 of the Act, to opstroy all books and records of the Company after the expiry of such period as the Liquidator:may determine, in her discretion.”

" Unilever SA (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1029, Durban;.4000. [Tel.. (031) 570-2643.) ‘ !


Registration No. 2000/069968/23 :

Erin-Go-Brath Twenty Five & Sixty Properties CC (Registration No. 2000/069968/23), voluntary winding up notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 356 (2) (b) of the Companies Act 1973, as amended, that the following resolutions were passed at a general meeting of members of the close corporation on 27 December 2002: ;

01. That the close corporation be voluntarily wound up by members in terms of Section 67 of the Close Corporations Act.

02. That Anthony John Swaby be and he is hereby appointed liquidator of the close corporation.

03. The Liquidator’ s remuneration be set at R3 000.

04. That the Liquidator shall not be required to lodge any form of security with the Master of' the High Court.

05. That the liquidator be and he is hereby authorised to destroy the books and records of the close corporation six months after the close corporation has been wound up and. dissolved.

AJ Swaby, PO Box 50525, Musgrave: Road, 4062."





Méestersverwysing: 14521/02°

Kragtens Artikel 386(4) geskied kennis hiermee dat ’n vergadering van lede van bogemelde Maatskappy in Likwidasie gehou sal word voor die Landdros te Middelburg op Woensdag, 4 Junie 2003 om 10h00. Die doel van die vergadering is om die magte soos vervat in Artikel 386(4) van die Maatskappyewet aan die Likwidateur te verleen. °

dames Henry van Rensburg, Likwidateur, James van Rensburg & Strydom (Edms) Bk Hadefields Kantoorblok, Grondvioer, Biok D, Pretoriusstraat. 1267, Hatfield, 0083.



Master’ 's Reference No.: 7521/03:°


Notice is hereby given that a general meeting of shareholders held on 22nd January 2003 a spécial resolution was passed resolving that the Company be wound: up by way of a member's voluntary windifag-up.It was further resolved that Laurence Francisco Pereira of Vorster Pereira, P.O Box 78841, Sandton, 2146, be appointed as liquidator of the Company. The special resolution was registered on 27th February 2003.

| L. F. Pereira, Liquidator, Vorster Pereira, P.O. Box #8841, Sandton, 2146.

! |


STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI.2003 . ‘No. 24846 19


" (Registration No. 1968/003252/07) Master’s Reference C37/2003


|, Eileen Margaret Fey, hereby give notice that by Certificate dated 22 April 2003, | have been ‘appointed iia of the

abovenamed company by the Master of the High Court, Cape Town.

PricewaterhouseCoopers, 1 Waterhouse Place, Century city, Cape Town, 7441.

i oe

. J & J BRICKS (PTY) LTD. (in voluntary. liquidation)

(Registration No: '1969/014560/07)

Master’s Reference C47/2003


I, Eileen Margaret Fey, hereby give notice that by Certificate dated 25 April 2003, | have been appointed liquidator of the

abovenamed company by the Master of the High Court, Cape Town:

PricewaterhouseCoopers, 1 Waterhouse Place, Century City, Cape Town, 7441. - -


(Registration No. 1999/006561/07)


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 375(5) of the Companies Act,.No. 61 of 1973, as amended, that Andre Francois Myburgh has been appointed as the liquidator of Omnipless Antenna Systems (Proprietary) Limited in voluntary liquida- tion) and that he is not required to furnish.security to the Master of the High Court, Cape Town. ©

Fairbridge Arderne & Lawton Inc, P.O. Box 536, Cape Town, 8000. [Tel. No.: (021) 405- 7355, (Ret: A.F. Myburgh/292878.

»- * Case No. 3579/03 ~


(Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division) ”

In the ex parte application of: AFRICAN - HARVEST LIMITED, ‘Applicant, in re: AFRICAN HARVEST LIMITED

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration Number 1997/013827/06), Application for leave to convene

a scheme meeting of members in terms of Section 311 of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973 (as amended)

‘Notice is hereby given that, in terms of an Order of Court dated 12 May 2003 i in the above matter, the. High Court’ of South

Africa (Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division) (“the Court’) has ordered in accordance with the provisions of section 311 of

the Companies Act, 1973 (Act 61 of 1973), as amended (“the Companies Act’) that a meeting (“the scheme meeting”) be con-

vened under the chairmanship of Peter Amos Watts, a partner of attorneys Fairbridge, Arderne & Lawton Inc., or failing him,

Peter Eugene Whelan, a partner of attorneys Findlay & Tait, for the purpose of considering and, if deemed fit, agreeing to, with. or

without modification, the scheme of arrangement (“the scheme”) proposed by Coronation Holdings Limited (“Corohold”) between

the Applicant and the holders of its issued shares, registered as such at the close of business on Tuesday, 3 June 2003, other

than Corohold (‘the scheme shares’).

The scheme meeting of the holders of ‘scheme shares (‘the scheme , members”) will be held at 10h00 on Friday, 6 June

2003 at Coronation House, Boundary Terraces, 1 Mariendaht Lane, Newlands, for the purpose of considering and, if deemed

fit, approving with or without modification, the scheme proposed by Corohold between the Applicant and the scheme members.

The essence of the scheme is that, upon’implementationi, ‘Corohold will become the effective beneficial owner of 100% of the entire issued share capital of the Applicant::In terms of the scheme; the scheme participants will receive a cash consideration

of 194 cents in exchange for each ordinary share of 25 cents in the Applicant which. they hold on the record date for the scheme.

. Copies of the scheme, the explanatory, statement, in terms of section 312 of the Companies. Act, explaining the scheme, the

form of proxy and the Order of Court convening the scheme meeting. are included in the. document of which. this notice forms

part and copies may, on request by any scheme. member during :normal.business hours at: any time prior to the-scheme meeting,

be inspected at or obtained free of charge from the registered ¢ office of the Applicant a at Coronation House, The Oval,.4 Oakdale

Road, Newlands. OS et Sp :

20 No. 24846 ‘ GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 !

Each scheme member, including those’ scheme members who have already dematerialised their shares in the Applicant,

may attend, speak and vote in person at the scheme meeting or may appoint any other person or persons (who need not be

scheme members) as a proxy to attend, speak and vote in such scheme member's place. Let

The necessary pink form of proxy accompanies this notice. Additional forms of proxy may be obtained on request fromthe

Applicant's registered office at Coronation House; ‘The Oval, Oakdale Road, Newlands. Scheme members hoiding certificated

shares and dematerialised shareholders with ‘own- name registration who wish to vote by proxy’ must tender the pink form’ of

proxy in accordance with the instructions contained thereon, and return it to the transfer secretaries by not later than 10h00. on

Wednesday, 4 June 2003. Forms of proxy may also be handed to the chairman of the scheme meeting up to 10 minutes before

the time for which the scheme meeting is due to commence. Scheme members who have already dematerialised their shares,

other than by own name registration, in the Applicant shouid not complete the pink proxy form but should contact their CSDP

or broker and furnish them with voting. instructions. If their CSDP or broker is not given such instructions then they will vote in

accordance with the instructions contained i in the custody agreement concluded with the scheme: member in question. ,

Where there are joint holders of any. scheme shares any, one of such persons may vote at the scheme meeting in respect.

of such:shares as. if he was solely entitled thereto; but if more than. one of such joint holders be presenti or represented at the:

scheme meeting, that one of the said persons whose name stands first in the register of such shares and his proxy, as the case

may be, shall alone be entitled to vote in respect thereof, as if he were the sole holder of such shares. oS .

In terms of the Order of Court dated 12 May 2003, the:chairman of the scheme meeting will report the results thereof to

the above Honourable Court ‘at 10h00 or so soon thereafter as Counsel may be heard on Thursday, 19 June 2003. A copy of

the chairman’s report to the Court will be available (free of charge) to any scheme member at the registered office of the

Applicant during normal business hours for at least 1 week before the date fixed by the Court for the chairman to 0 report back

to it. :

"The scheme is subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions precedent stated in the scheme, one of such conditions being

its sanction by the Court.

Date: 8 May 2003.

Peter Amos Waits, Chairman of the scheme meeting, c/o Hofmeyr Herbstein & Gihwala Inc (Applicant's Attorneys), 21st

Floor, 2 Long Street, Cape Town. [Tel: (021) 405- -6000.] {Fax: (021) 405- -6199.] (Ref: Mr Peter Hesseling/Mr Ryan Nelson. )



Case No: 2003/5306

_ P/H No: 1000


~ (Witwatersrand Local Division)

Johannesburg 1 April 2003 before the Honourable Judge Glaassen

In the matter between WAVELENGHTS 1147 CC, Applicant

Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:

It is ordered that:

1.Arule nisireturnable on 20 May 2003 at 10:00 or so soon thereafter as the Counsel! may be heard, is issued calling upon

on any interested person who may choose to do so to object (by way of letter to the Registrar or by: ‘personally, by counsel or

by attorney who is admitted to practice before this court) to grant the following order:

“The Registrar of Deeds is hereby authorized and directed to remove the portion of the servitude of right of way which is

indicated by the letters BaghB on the layout plan of the proposed Eden Glen Extension 73 Township, situate on portion 233 (a

portion of Portion 151) of the farm Rietfontein 63, Registration Division LR. a copy of which is attached hereto, from the title

deed of the aforesaid property”: o

2. A letter of opposition must be received by the Registrar before 9 May 2003. The letter must state the objector’s’ full names, identity number and address and must identify the property or right which will be affected by the grant of the order;

. Aperson who has.a right which may be:affected by the order is normally an interested party to.an adequate extent to entitle him or her to object to the grant ¢ of the order; and.he or. she may do so without ineurrung liability for. casts. Say

3. It is further ordered that: ©! Bae he 2

- 3.1-A portion of the servitude of:right of-way, which is indicated by the letters BaghB on the layout plan of the: proposed

Eden Glen Extension’73 Township, -situate-at portion 233 (a portion of Portion.151) of:the.farm Rietfontein 63, registration division |.R., Gauteng, will be removed fvrom the title deed of the aforesaid property; >


STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 : No. 24846 - 21

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) * ORDERS VAN DIE, HOF (vervolg) _

3. 2 The aforesaid portion of the servitude of right of way affects ten (10) erven, being. erven numbers 1 to 4 and 29 to 34 © on-which the applicant proposed to set out as one property and sell it as part of a proposed development;

..8.3 The removal of the portion of the servitude of right of way will affect the.servitude or right of way 9, 45 metres wide for a 4 distance of 158,5, metres in Aitken Road, which forms the northern boundary of the properiy and will.require the installation of a played corner at the corner of Pallister Road and Aitken Road, which will not affect the servitude of right of way of 9,45 metres in Pallister Road;

3.4 The splayed corner at the corner of pallister Road and Aitken Road, will be parialy on the property and partially on the servitude of right of way 9,45 metres in Aitken Road.

3.5 The splayed corner at the corner of Pallister Road and Aitken Road will be. ‘registered. in. favour of the Ekhuruleni Metropolitan Municipality (Edenvale Service Delivery Centre) at the cost of the applicant;

3.6 The papers in this matter are open for inspection without charge at the office of the Registrar, High Court, Von Brandis Square, Pritchard Street, Johannesburg, Gauteng and at the ‘office of the applicant’s attorneys, Messrs Johan Jacobs & — Malcolm Moosie, First Floor, The Whitehouse, cnr Monument Road & Kerk Street, Kempton Park, ‘Gauteng (reference:

- Mr R Jansen/CUTI/0001);

, 3.7 Service is to be effected by the immediate dispatch of a copy of this-order by prepaid rodistred post to every landowner in Eastleigh at the address as indicated on the list, of which a copy is attached hereto;

3.8 The applicant shall cause a notice to be published in two official languages, once in the Provincial Gazetie of Gauteng and twice, with an interval of one week, in a newspaper circulating in the area in which the property is situate, of the proposed removal of the portion of the servitude of right of way from the title deed of the property; oo

3.9 A copy of this. order, in two official languages, is to be exhibited for a period of four weeks;

3.9.1 on a prominent part of the public notice board at the.offices of the Ekhuruteni Metropolitan Municipality (Edenvale Service Delivery Centre); and

3.9.1 at the conspicuous places on the property.

By the Court. —Registrar

Riaan Jansen, Commissioner of Oaths, Practising Attorney, First Floor, The White House, cnr Kerk & Monument Road, Kempton P Park. R.S.A. . .

‘Saak Nr: 2003/5306


(Witwatersrandse Plaaslike Afdeling) =~

In die saak tussen WAVELENGHTS 1147 CC

Dit word beveel dat:

1.’n n Reel Nisi met keerdatum op 20 Mei 2003.0m 10h00 of so spoedig daarna as wat die Advokaat aangehoor mag word,

word hiermee gemagtig en word enige belanghebbende persoon wat verkies om so te doen, hiermee opgeroep om beswaar te

maak (by wyse van ’n skrywe gerig aan die registrateur of persoonlik by wyse van ’n advokaat of prokureur wat toegelaat is om

voor hierdie hof te verskyn), teen die bekragtiging van die volgende bevel: -

“Die Registrateur van Aktes word hiermee gemagtig en aangesé om die gedeelte van die serwituut of reg van weg wat

aangedui word deur die letter BaghB op die uitlegpian van die voorgestelde Eden Glen Uitbreiding 73 Dorpsgebied, geleé te

gedeelte 233 (’n gedeelte van gedeelte 151) van die plaas Rietfontein 63, Registrasie Afdeling L.R., ’n atskrif welke aangeheg

is hiermee, van die titelakte van die gemelde eiendorm te verwyder.”

2. ’n Afskrif van die skrywe.van beswaar moet voor of op 2 Mei 2003 deur die Registrateur onivang word, die skrywe moet

die persoon wat beswaar maak se volle name, identiteitsnommer en adres bevat. Die eiendom of reg wat beinvioed sal word

deur die toestaan van die bevel moet ook aangedui word.

’n Persoon wat oor ’n reg beskik. wat deur die bevel geaffekteer mag word is gewoonlik ’ n belanghebbende party en wat

dus aan hom of haar die reg verleen om beswaar te maak teen die voorgesielde bevel, en as sodanig sal daar dus géen

aanspreeklikheid ten opsigte van enige kostes vir die belanghebbende party voorivioei uit hoofde van die beswaar wat gemaak

sal word nie. ,

3. Daar word verder beveel:

3.1 Dat die gedeelte van die serwituut of reg van weg, welke aangedui word.deur die letters BaghB op die vitlegplan van

die voorgestelde Eden Gien Uitbreiding 73. Dorpsgebied geleé te gedeelte 233 (’n gedeelte van Gedeelte 151) van die plaas

Rietfontein 63, Registrasie afdeling !.R. Gauteng, verwyder word van die titelakte van die betrokke eiendom. .__

. 3.2 Die voorgenoemde gedeelte van die:serwituut of reg van weg affekteer tien. (10) erwe, naamlik erf nommers 1 tot 4 en

29 tot 34 welke die applikant beoog om as: een n eiendom te ontwikkel. en dit dan as deel van die. voorgestelde ontwikkeling te verkoop. = yore

22° No. 24846 , GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) * ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervoig) 3.3 Die verwydering van die gedeelte van die serwituut of die reg van weg aifekieer die serwituut of reg van weg 9,45 meter

wyd vir die afstand van 158,5 meter in Aitken Straat, welke die noordelike grens van die eiendom uitmaak en welke die

installasie van ’n skuins hoek op die hoek van Pallister- en Aitken Strate te weeg sal bring. Voorgemelde sai nie die serwituut

of reg van weg van 9,45 meter te Pallister Straat beinvioed nie.

. 3.4 Die skuins hoek op die hoek van Pallister- en Aitken Strate, sal gedeeltelik op die eiendom en gedeeltelik op die

serwituut of reg van weg van 9,45 meter te Aitken Straat wees.

3.5 Die skuins hoek op die hoek van Pallister- en Aitken Strate sal geregistreer word ten gunste van die Ekurhuleni

Metropolitaanse Munisipaliteit (Edenvale Service Delivery Centre) welke kostes deur die Applikant gedra sal word.

3.6 Die stukke in hierdie aangeleentheid kan sonder enige kostes, te die kantore van die Registrateur van die

Hooggeregshof, Von Brandis Plein, Pritchard Straat, Johannesburg, Gauteng sowel as die kantore van die Applikant se

Prokureur, Mnre Johan Jacobs & Malcolm Moodie, Eerste Vioer, Die. Withuis, h/’v Monument Weg & Kerkstraat, Kemptonpark,

‘Gauteng (verw: Mnr R Jansen/Cutt/0001) besigtig word.

3.7 Betekening moet geskied deur die onmiddeilike versending van ’n skrywe per geregistreerde pos na elke huiseienaar

in Eastleigh te die adresse soos aangedui op die lys soos verskaf deur die stadsraad, van welke ’n afskrif hierby aangeheg


3.8 Die Applikant sal voorts ’n kennisgewing in twee van die amptelike landstale laat publiseer sowel as een advertensie

in die Staatskoerant van Gauteng laat plaas en tweemalig, met ’n weeklikse tussenval, in ’n nuusblad wat in die omgewing

waarin die eiendom geleé is, sirkuleer. Die advertensie sal kennis gee van die voorgestelde verwydering van die gedeelte van

die serwituut of die reg van weg van die titelakte van die eiendom.

3.9 ’n Afskrif van die bevel, in twee van die amptelike landstale, sal tentoongestel word vir ’n periode van vier weke;

3.9.1 op ’n prominente plek op ’n openbare kennisgewingbord te die kantore van die Ekurhuleni Metropolitaanse

Munisipaliteit (Edenvale Service Delivery Centre); sowel as

3.9.2 op ’n ooglopende plek op die eiendom self.

Case No. 2003/2733 PHO


(Witwatersrand Local Division)

_ Johannesburg, 1 April 2003, before the Honourable Judge Joffe

in the maiter between: L G ELECTRONICS SA (PTY) LTD, Applicant, and POWER AIRCONDITIONING SERVICES CC (Registration Number: CK97/30691/23), Respondent

Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:

It is Ordered:

1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Close Corporation is hereby placed under provisional winding up.

2. That all persons who have’ a legitimate interest are called upon to put forward their reasons why this Court should not

order the finai winding up of the Respondent Close Corporation on 20 May 2003.

3. That a copy of this order be served on the Respondent Close Corporation at its registered office.

4. That a copy be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette and in the Citizen.

5. That a copy of this order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditor by prepaid registered post or by electronically

receipted telefax transmission.

By the Court—Registrar.

Case No. 2002/6443 PH 1000


(Witwatersrand Local Division)

Johannesburg, 15 April 2003, before the Honourable Judge Stegmann

In the matter between: FIRSTRAND BANK LIMITED, Applicant, and


Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:

~ It is Ordered:

1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company is hereby placed under provisional winding up.

2. That all persons who have a legitimate interest are called upon to put forward their reasons why this Court should not

order the final winding up of the Respondent Company on 20 May 2003. ,

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 _— No. 24846 23

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) * ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 3. That a copy of this order be served on the Respondent Company at its - registered office and SARS (South. African

Revenue Service). .

.-4, That a copy be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette and, a daily newspaper circulating in Gauteng.

5. That a copy of this order be forthwith forwarded to each ‘known creditor: Py prepaid registered ‘post or-by electronically

receipted telefax transmission. : ; .

By the Court.—Registrar.


_Case No. 2003/01593 es . PH No: 1000


(Witwatersrand Local Division) ~"- ey

Johannesburg, 21 February 2003, before the Honourable Judge Cassim ©

In the application of: AD BUBBLE CC a BUBBLE SIGNS & PRINT, ist Applicant, and BARNARD DION, ID: 6909175223086, 1st Respondent.

Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:

_-Itis Ordered: .

1.The estate of the Respondent is placed under provisional sequestration.

2. The Respondent and any other party who wishes to avoid such an order, are called upon to advance the reasons, if any on 18 March 2003 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, why the Court should not order final sequestration of the

said estate.

By the Court.—Registrar.

Case No. 11885/2003 ~


(Transvaal Provincial Division)

Pretoria, 6 May 2003, before the Honourable Ms Justice De Vos

In the ex-parte application of PHIL STEYN & FANIE VILJOEN (PTY) LTD Va TILEBA PHARMCY, (Reg Number: 1998/002055/07),. Applicant |

Having heard the counsel for the Applicant and having read the notice of, motion and other documents filed of record.

It is Orderd:

1. That the above-mentioned Applicant company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order.

2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon ail persons concerned to appear and shown cause, if any, to this Court at 10: 00 « on 3 June 2003 why the Applicant Company should not be placed under final winding-up order.

3. That service of this rule nisi be published forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and Pretoria News.

4. Notice to all known creditors.

By. the Court.—Registrar.

Morris Pokroy Attorney, Waterhouse Building, ist Floor, 531 Fehrsen Sireet, Brookiyn.

Saaknommer: 10120/2003


', (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling)

-Pretoria, 39 April 2003 voor sy Edele Regier Jooste WR

in die aansoek van: BRAND & CO., Applikant, en PRETORIA TUINE SUPERMARK (EDMS) BPK, Reg No. 1998/004637/07, No. 2 Keith Laan, hiv Gordon Laan, Florida Hills, Gauteng, Respondent

Na aanhoor van die regsverteenwoordiger | namens. ‘die Applikant enna deurlees van die kennisgewing van mosie en ander dokumente geliasseer.

. Word Gelas:

1. Dat die bogemelde respondent, maatskappy hierbo i in voorlopige | likwidasie. geplaas word.

2. Dat ’n bevel nisi hierby uitereik word wat alle belanghebbende persone oproep om redes, indien enige, voor hierdie Hof aan te voer om 10:00 op 20 Mei 2003 waarom die Respondent maatskappy nie onder finale likwidasie geplaas sal word nie.

24 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) * ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

3. Dat betekening van hierdie bevel nisi geskied aan die respondent maatskappy by sy geregistreerde kantoor en onverwyid eenmaal gepubliseer word in die Staatskoerant en_die Citizen.

Deur die Hof.—Griffier.

709 Steyn, Posbus 21643, Valhalla.

Saaknommer: 10054/2003


(Transvaaise Provinsiale Afdeling)

Pretoria, 6 Mei 2003 voor sy Edele Regter SCEALES (WR)

In die aansoek van: SAAMBOU BANK BEPERK h/a PLANET FINANCE BANK (in ontvangerskap), Applikant, HIERIN VERTEENWOCORDIG DEUR JOHN TOBIAS LOUW in sy hoedigheid as Ontvanger en VECTO TRADE 275 (EDMS) BEPERK, Registrasie No. 2000/002003/07, Leopont Gebou No. 301, Kerkstraat 451, Pretoria, Respondent

Na aanhcor van die regsverteenwoordiger namens die Applikant en na deurlees van die kennisgewing van mosie en ander dokumenie geliasseer.

Word Gelas:

1. Dat die bogemelde respondent maatskappy hierbo in voorlopige likwidasie geplaas word.

2, Dat ’n bevel nisi hierby uitereik word wat alle belanghebbende persone oproep om redes, indien enige, voor hierdie Hof aan te voer om 10:00 op 27 Mei 2003 waarom die Respondent maatskappy nie onder finale likwidasie geplaas sal word nie.

3. Dat betekening van hierdie bevel nisi geskied aan die Respondent maatskappy by sy geregisireerde kantoor en onverwyid eenmaal.gepubliseer word in die Staatskoerant en die Beeld Koerant.

Deur die Hof.—Griffier.

. 90 Van Heerden’s Ingelyf, Kirknessstraat 431, Sunnyside, Pretoria.

Case No. 6626/2003.


(Transvaal Provincial Division)

Pretoria, 6 May 2003, before the Honourabie Mr Justice Botha

In the matter between SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD, Applicant, and DU PLOOY INDUSTRIAL CONTRACTORS (PTY) LTD (Reg. No. 1998/012851/07) Old Sastech Building, Synfields Road, Secunda, Respondent

Having heard counsel! for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record—

itis Ordered—

1. That the above-mentioned respondent company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order.

2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court at 10:00 on 3 June 2003 why the respondent company should not be placed under final winding-up order.

3.-That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the respondent company at its registered office and by publication

forthwith once in each of the Government Gazeite and Citizen Newspaper.

4. Service on the South African Revenue Service.

By the Court—Registrar.

25 Orelowitz Inc., c/o Friedland Hart Inc., Van der Stel Building, 179 Pretorius Street, Pretoria.

Case No. 5075/2003


(Transvaal Provincial Division)

Pretoria, 6 May 2003, before the Honourable Mr Justice Botha

in the matter between ANDRE NEPPER, Applicant, and CANDLE WORLD CC (Reg. No. CK2000/013399/23),

95 Columbia Road, Clubview, Centurion, Respondent

Having heard counsel for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record—

It is Ordered—

1. That the above-mentioned respondent close corporation be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in

the hands of the Master.

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 25

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) e ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon ail persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court at 10:00 on

27 May 2003 why the respondent close corporation should not be placed under final winding-up order.

3. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the respondent close corporation at its registered office and by

publication forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and Citizen Newspaper.

4. That service must be effected on South African Revenue Services.

By the Court.—Registrar.

238 Kokkoris Aitorneys, c/o A. Weyers & Ass., 775 Schoeman Street, Arcadia, Pretoria.

Case No. 5074/2003


(Transvaal Provincial Division)

Pretoria, 6 May 2003, before the Honourable Mr Justice Botha

in the matter between ANDRE NEPPER, Applicant, and CANDLE WORLD INTERNATIONAL (PTY) LTD

(Reg. No. 1996/12136/07), 95 Columbia Road, Clubview, Centurion, Respondent

Having heard counsel for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record—

It is Ordered—-

1. That the above-mentioned respondent company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order.

2. That a rule nisi do issue calling uporr all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court at 10:00 on

27 May 2003 why the respondent company should not be placed under final winding-up order.

3. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the respondent company at its registered office and by publication

forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and Citizen Newspaper.

4. That service of this rule nisibe effected on South African Revenue Services.

By the Court.—Registrar.

238 Kokkoris Attorneys, c/o A. Weyers & Ass., 775 Schoeman Street, Arcadia, Pretoria.

Case No. 9269/2003:


(Transvaal Provincial Division)

Pretoria, 6 May 2003, before the Honourable Mr Justice Sceales (A. J.)

In the matter between CAROL ANNE BRENDA METCALF, Applicant, and PETPROPS 39 CC

(Reg. No. (1996/036477/23), 21 Scott Street, Waverley Pretoria, Respondent

Having heard counsel for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record—

it is Ordered—

1. That the above-mentioned respondent close corporation be and is hereby placed under provisional! winding-up order in

the hands of the Master.

2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court at 10:00 on

27 May 2003 why the respondent close corporation should not be placed under final winding-up order.

3. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the respondent close corporation at its. registered cffice and by

publication forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and Citizen Newspaper.

4. Notice to all known creditors.

By the Court.—Registrar.

287 Strydom & Brederikamp Attorneys, 983 Schoeman Street, Hatfield, Pretoria.

26 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) * ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) Case No. 5964/2003


(Transvaal! Provincial Division)

Pretoria, 6 May 2003, before the Honourable Mr Justice Botha

In the matter of: ABSA BANK LIMITED, Applicant, and BIZ AFRICA 742 (PTY) LIMITED (Reg. No. 1999/020288/07),

Suite B, Rietbok Building, General Hertzog Street, Vanderbijlpark, Respondent

Having heard counsel for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record—

It is Ordered—

1. That the above- mentioned respondent company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order.

2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court at 10:00 on

27 May 2003 why the respondent company should not be placed under final winding-up order.

3. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the respondent company at its registered office and by publication

forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and Citizen Newspaper.

4. Service to be effected on the South African Revenue Services. |

By the Court.—Registrar.

T. du Toit & Co., Sanwood Park, Block 2B, 379 Queens Cresent, Lynnwood, Pretoria.

Saak No. 9380/2003


(Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling)

Pretoria, 6 Mei 2003, voor Sy Edele Regter Sceales (WR)


AGENTE BK (Reg. No. 2001/018170/23), Philirelelan No. 17, Swartkop Landbouhoewe, Gauteng, Respondent

Na aanhoor van die regsverteenwoordiger namens die applikant en na deurlees van die kennisgewing van mosie en ander

dokumente geliasseer— ;

Word Gelas— !

1. Dat die bogemelde respondent beslote korporasie hierby in voorlopige likwidasie geplaas word,

2. Dat ’n bevel nisi hierby uitgereik word wat alle belanghebbende persone opreoep om redes, indien enige, voor hierdie

Hof aan te voer om 10:00 op 27 Mei 2003 waarom die respondent beslote korporasie nie onder finale likwidasie geplaas sal

word nie.

3. Dat betekening van hierdie bevel nisi geskied aan die respondent beslote korporasie by sy geregistroerde kantoor en

onverwyld een maal gepubliseer word in die Staatskoerant en die Beeld koerant.

4. Kennis aan alle skuldeisers. ;

Deur die Hof.—Griffier:

287 Sirydom & Bredenkamp Ingelyf, Schoemanstraat 983, Hatfield, Pretoria.

| Case No. 6403/2003


In the matter between MELVILLE ISAACS, Applicant, and MEL ISAACS INTERIOR DESIGN CC, Unit 2, 1st Floor,

Sunbro Centre, 28 Van Riebeeck Avenue, Edenvale, Respondent

Upon consideration of the application— us

It is Ordered—

‘1. That Respondent be placed under provisional liquidation under the control of the Maser of the Supreme Court.

2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon the respondent and all persons concerned to show cause to this Court at 08:30

on 28 May 2003, or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, why the respondent should not be placed under final


3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the respondent at its registered office reflected above, and be published

forthwith once in the Government Gazette and in a Gauteng daily newspaper.

4. That service of this rule nisi be effected on South African Revenue Services. |

By Order of the Court—Magistrate of Germiston.

‘STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 | No. 24846 27

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) * ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)


2 f

Case No. 912/00


, (Transkei Division)



Respondent, and G B MPUHLU, Fifth Respondent .

I, the undersigned, Xoliswa Faith Nakani, do hereby make oath and state: Oe

1.1 | am an adult female and an attorney of this Honourable Court employed as a Senior Assistant State Attorney by the.

Department of Justice of the Republic of South Africa. | am stationed in the State Attorney's Office in Bloemfontein.

1.2 The facts to which | depose herein are true and correct. They are within: my personal knowledge unless | expressly |

indicate otherwise or the context indicates so.

2. | have read the affidavits of Vuyokazi Valencia Sonamzi and Deon Johan de Villiers and | confirm the correctness of the

contents thereof in so far as they refer to me. | confirm that | am the person who dealt with this matter before | was transferred

to Bloemfontein. - . -

3. 1 further confirm that | made it clear to the Applicant's attorneys that we believed that the interim interdict had been dis-

charged. | left the matter there leaving the Applicants to choose their course of action. Our opinion was based on the fact that’ :

the two cases were argued together as one case. Although there was no formal consolidation the matters were treated as one

matter. The parties agreed that the matters be heard together because the issues wete the same. One set. of heads of

arguments was filed in respect of both matters. They were argued as one matter. Judgement was given and no other judge-

ment has been given up to and including to date. In the circumstances we were justified in opinion that the judgement was in ~

respect of both matters. Even when the Applicants’ attorneys wrote to say that the file in respect of the present matter was still

in Judge Locke’s chambers, our opinion did not change. We were of the view that the file must have been left there inadver-

tently. It has now transpired that we made an error arid advised the Respondent wrongly.

Xoliswa Faith Nakani. . . . ‘ °

~ | Certify that the deponent has acknowledged that she knows and understands the contents of this affidavit: which was:

signed and sworn to before me at Bloemfontein on this 9th day of May 2003. The. deponent having further declared that she .

considers the prescribed oath to be’ binding on her conscience. :

Commissioner of Oaths, Odeite Jothesia Oertel, State Attorney, Fedsure Building, 49 Maitland Street, Bloemfontein,

State Attorney, P/Bag X20630, Bloemfontein, Tel. (051) 647-3157/447-0104.—9 May 2003.

Application Number 1701 |


in the application of FEZEKA BADUZA, Applicant, and HILLTOP HOTEL CC, Respondent

After consideration of the Notice of Motion and other documents lodged,

It-is Ordered:

1. That the Respondeni’s estate is placed in provisional liquidation in the hands of the Master of the High Court.

2. That a rule. nisiis hereby issued calling. on all interested parties to submit reasons, if. any, in this Court on the 28th of May

2003 at.09:00 am why the Respondent's estate shall be placed under Final Liquidation.

3. That this Order shall be published without delay i in the Burger (Eastern Cape) and the Government Gazette.

4. That the costs of this application shall form part of the liquidation. of the Respondent and that the cosis shall be paid out

of the > proceeds of the liquidation of the assets of the Respondent. — ye

Signed at Sterkspruit on this 7th day of May 2003."

Magistrate of the Court. .

28 No.24846 °° _GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) * ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)



oo “ Aansoeknommer 2003/1529


poe n + “(Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling)

, Te Bloemfontein op die Sde dag van Mei 2003 voor Sy Edele Regter GA Hattingh

in sy aansoek van HANREL CONSULTANTS BK (Reg. No. 1998/070315/23), Applikant, en SAMWU-NUM (VIRGINIA)

HOUSING, Ingelyf kragtens artikel 21 van Wet 61 van 1973) (Reg. No. 2000/021785/08), Respondent

- Geregistreerde kantoor te die kantore van Von Wilfling Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeesters, Donald Murraylaan 23,


Na oorweging van die dokumente wat ingedien i is enna aanhoor van 1 die Advokaat vir Applikant

- Word dit Gelas dat:

1. Die _genoemde Respondent Maatskappy hiermee onder Voorlopige Likwidasie in die haride van die Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, geplaas word.

2. ’n Voorlopige bevel uitgereik word wat alle , belanghebbendes oproep om redes, indien enige, in hierdie Hof op die 12de

dag van Junie 2003-0m 09:30 aan te voer waarom die Respondent Maatskappy nie in Finale Likwidasie geplaas sal word nie.

3. Hierdie Bevel, tesame met ’n afskrif van die Kennisgewing van Mosie en aanhangsels, aan die Respondent, Maatskappy

by sy geregistreerde kantoor beteken word.

4. Hierdié Bevel moet sonder versuim gepubliseer word in Die: Volksblad en Die Staatskoerant.

5. n Afskrif van die likwidasiebevel moet beteken word op— - ,

5.1 Elke geregistreerde vakbond wat, vir sover die Balju redelikerwys kan vasstel, enige werkhemers van die Respondent

~ Maatskappy verteenwoordig.” e

5.2 Die Respondent Maatskappy se werknemers deur ’ n afskrif van die aansoek aan te bring op ‘enige kennisgewing op

die Respondent Maatskappy § 86 perseel waartoe die werknemers toegang het, of indien daar geen toegang tot die perseel deur

die werknemers is nie, deur ’n. afskrif aan te bring op die toegangshek, waar toepaslik, so nie op die voordeur van die perseel

vanwaar die Respondent Maatskappy ten tye van die voorlegging van die aansoek enige besigheld bedryf het.

5.3 Die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens.

' Op las van die Hof. —Hofgriffier, Krohn ing. . . - ' (


“s) Case No: 8036/2002


- (Durban and Coast Local Division) |

At Durban on 20th March 2003, before the Honourable Mr Justice Gyanda


Upon the motion of council for the: ‘Applicant and. upen reading the notice of motion and the other documents filed of record:

It is Ordered:

4. That an ordér be and is hereby granted under section.50 (1) of the Prevention of Onjanisad ¢ Crime Act, Act 121 of 1998

(‘the Act”), declaring forfeit to-the State, property. being R61 528, 30 and 4800,00 US Dollars which is presently subject to’a

preservation of property order (‘preservation order’) granted’ Py this Honourable ‘Court on the 29th November 2002 under the

above case number.

2. That the Registrar of this Honourable Court is directed in terms of Section 50 (5) of the Act, to publish a notice of this

Order i in the Government Gazette as soon: as practicable after the order is made.

By Order of the Court. —B. Naidu, Acting Assistant. Registrar. |

State Attomeys, DLM.F. - - oo " |

, STAATSKOERANT, 16 ME! .2003. . , No. 24846 .29

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued):« ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervoig)


(Durban and’ Coast Local Division)

At Durban, on the 23 April 2003, before the Honourable-Mr Justice Galgut DUP

Te In the matter between: ESKOM HOLDINGS LIMITED, ‘Applicant, and HEM-KOM LIVE LINE ENGINEERING (PTY) LIMITED (Reg. No. 1999/005615/07), Respondent

Having heard Counsel for the Applicant and having read the application papers and other documents filed of. record:

It ji is Ordered:

1. That Heri-Kom Live Line Engineering (Pty) Limited (hereinafter called the Respondent) and all other interested persons be and hereby called upon t to show cause, if any, before this Court at 09: 30 arty ron 30th. May 2003, why the ¢ Respondent should

_ not be wound up. oR . ‘

2. That this Order operates. as a provisional order forthe , wiriding up of the’ © Respondent. sas Ds

3. That this Order be served forthwith on the Respondent at its principal place of business and that this Order be published on or before the 23 day of May 2003 once in-the Government’ Gazette and: once in a daily newspapers published and circulating in Durban. .

By Order of the Court. —B. Naidu, Acting Assistant Registrar.

_ Case No. 331 2/2003

IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA | Co ‘(Durban and Coast Local Division)

At Durban on 22 April 2003, before the Honourable. Mr Justice M. Simang.

In the matter between: THE SPAR GROUP LIMITED, Applicant, and NLB RETAILERS cc” . . (Registration No. CK1995/041574/23), Respondent - Z

Upon the motion of Counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the notice of motion and the other documents filed of record:

It is Ordered:

4 ‘That NLB Retailers cc (hereinafter referred to as “the Respondent’) and all other interested persons: be and are hereby called upon to show cause, if any, to this Court on the 4th day of June 2003 at 09: 30 a. m., or as soon thereafter as. the

. matter may be heard as to why the Respondent should not be wound up.

2. That this Order shall operate as an Order provisionally winding up the Respondent.

3. That this Order and a copy of the application papers herein shall be served forthwith upon the Respondent at the address of its registered office namely Suite 302, Hirst Simpson House, 106 Victoria Embankment, Durban, and.a copy of this Order shall be published on or before the 23rd day of May 2003, once in the Government Gazette and once in a daily newspaper which circulates in KwaZulu-Natal including Nongoma.

4. This Order shall also be served upon the other parties named i in Section 346A of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 19783.

By Order of the Court. —Registrar. |

Henwood Britter & Caney.

Case No. 1291 0103


In the matter between: ILIAD AFRICA. TRADING (PTY)-ETD, trading as CITIWOOD (CAPE), Applicant, and ~ SIGNATURE INTERIORS cc, trading as THE. BOARD STORE (Registration No. 1994/037812/23), Respondent,

’ It is Ordered:

71: That the Respondent is placed under a. provisional order-of winding up in the hands ofthe Master of the High. Court.

: 2. That. a-rule nisi is issued calling.upon interested, parties. to show: cause, if any, to this Honourable Court-on.the 29th fh day So of May 2003-at 8:30 a.m.; or:so soon thereafter, why Respondent should not.be. Placed | in. final liquidation. . Ener

To be advertised on or before 16 May 2003.

3. That the costs of this application. be costs: in the winding up of the e Respondent.

Dated at Durban on this 24th day of April'2003. aa eR

Mooney Ford Attorneys, Applicant's Attorneys, 7th Floor, Permanent Building, 343 Smith Street, Durban. i Re CACPIRPY M6028.) ” ; oo a boo :

be :

Do oR

30 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003.

ORDERS OF THE COURT T (continued) » * ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Case No. 9542/99


(Durban and Coast Local Division)

At Durban‘on the 19 August 2002, before the Honourable’ Mr Justice Levinsohn

In the matter between: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS in re: R200 000,00 in cash

Upon the motion of counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the notice of motion and the other documents filed of record:

It is Ordered that:

1. The property, being a sum of R200 000,00, which is subject to a Preservation of Property Order granted by this

Honourable Court under section 38 (1) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, Act 121 of 1988 (“the Act’), by order dated

13 October 1999, be and is hereby, in terms of Section 50 of the Act, by default forfeited to the State.

2. The appointment of a curator bonis be and is hereby dispensed with, and the South African Police Service, in whose _

custody the property remains, be directed to pay same into the Criminal Asset Recovery Account, established under Section 63

of the Act.

3. The Registrar of this Honourable Court is directed to publish a notice of this Order in the Gazette as soon as

practicable after such Order is made. 4

By Order of the Court—B. Naidu, Acting Assistant Registrar.

State Attorney (wo).

Case No. 1686/03


(Natal Provincial Division) -

Pietermaritzburg, Wednesday, the 23rd day of April 2003, before the Honourable Mr Justice Skweyiya

In the matter between: P S Cc GUARANTEED GROWTH LIMITED, Applicant, and ALLEN BLAND BROWNE N.O.,

chartered accountant of 103 Chapel Street, Pietermaritzburg, First Respondent and DOUGLAS KNIGHT N.O.,

12 Oakleigh Place, 313 Prince Alfred Street, Pietermaritzburg, Second Respondent

Upon the motion of counsel for the Applicant, and upon reading the notice of motion, supporting affidavit and the other

documents filed of record:

It is Ordered: .

1. That the Awethu Trust be and is hereby placed under provincial sequestration in the hands of the Master of the

High Court, Natal Provincial Division. .

2. That a rule nisi do hereby issue calling upon the Respondents to show cause, if any, /,t0 this Court on the 30th 1 day of May

"2003 at 09h30, why the said Trust should not be finally sequestrated.

‘3. That itis recommended that the Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg, appoints:

4.1 Etienne Jacques Naude; - - | - 7

- 4.2 Bryan St. Clair Cooper; and To, of “ Aa

4.3 Blessing Gcabasche; 7 - . oe

_ as the joint trustees of the insolvent estate.

By Order of the Court.—R. J. Jooste, Registrar.

Badenhorst & Olivier.

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003. 4 ‘ No. 24846 31

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) + ORDERS. VAN DIE HOF: F (vervolg).



a . oa se Pt "Case No, 380/03

mo ee Annexure “A” IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA ~*~ ws

(Northern Cape. Provincial Division) :

In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and

% , ZHIWE! HE, Respondent

In re: Mithsubishi combi, ‘with Registration numbers JRX 549: GP.




This notice is addressed to all persons. who have an interest in the property listed apove.

_ Take. notice that: 1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (‘National Director’) has obtained a Provisional Preservation of Property

Order (“the Provisional Preservation Order’) ih terms of section 38(2).of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, Act No. 121 of 1998 (“the Act”) against the property described above. The return date of the interim order is 23 May 2003.

2. This means that the property is now at risk:as the National Director intends applying to the Court for a Forfeiture Order within 90 days of the publication of the Provisional Preservation Order. The Provisional Preservation Order or the Final Provisional Order will remain in force until the outcome of the Application for Forfeiture Order.

3. You are advised to obtain legal advice to ascertain if you can protect your interest. If you wish to oppose this Provisional Preservation Order or to apply for an Order excluding your interest in the property in. the Forfeiture Order you must enter an appearance in terms of the Provisional Preservation.Order. The requirements of such an appearance are set out in the Provisional Preservation Order and are dealt with in section 39(3), (4). and (5) of the Act. An appearance must comply with these requirements.

4. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the Provisional Preservation Order or io comply with the requirements laid down in the said sections, you will not be given notice of the Application for.a Forfeiture Order, and you will not be entitled to

' appear at the hearing of the Application. The Court may in terms. of section 53 of the Act grant a default Order forfeiting the property to the State.

4 5. If you enter an appearance in terms of the 5 Provisional Preservation Order and comply with the requirements for an appearance you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the Application fc for the Forfeiture Order, and you will be entitled to appear at the hearing of the Application. -

Towell & Groenewaldt, Attorneys f for Applicant, Rusby House, 28 Roper Street, Kimberley.

’ Saak No. 86/03


~ (Noord-Kaapse Afdeling)

Kimberley: I Die 25ste dag van April 2003 voor sy Edele Regter Lacock

In die saak van: WILLEM JOHANNES ANDRIES THERON, 1ste Applikant, en ALIDA CATHERINA THERON, 2de Applikante

Na aanhoor van Advokaat Bester namens die Applikante en na: deurlees van die betrokke stukke:

Word gelas: °° fe SR 1. Dat ’n bevel nisi met keerdatum 30.Mei: 2003 uitgereik word ingevolge waarvan alle belanghebbendes opgeroep word

om redes om 10:00 op bogemelde keerdatum aan nte voer (ndien enige) waarom die > volgende finale bevele nie verleen sal word nie:

1.1 dat verlof aan die applikante verleen word om ingevolge die bepalings van- artikel 21(4) van .die.Wet op Huweliksgoedere, nommer 88 van 1984, hul huweliksgoederebedeling te verander tot ’n huwelik buite gemeenskap van goed met uitsluiting van wins en verlies en die aanwasbédeling. .

1.2 dat die applikante gemagtig word om n notariéle kontrak te sluit ooreenkomstig die. konsep’ gemerk aanhangsel gemerk “X” hierby aangeheg. : vo

1.3 Dat die applikant die gemelde notariéle kontrak, soos gewysig, laat’ registreer bifine drie maande vanaf datum van hierdie bevel. .

32 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) * ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

1.4 Dat die Registrateur van Aktes te Kaapstad, gemagtig word om ’n notariéle akte in ooreenstemming met Aanhangsel

“X”, te regisireer binne drie maande vanaf datum van die bevel en indien dit andersins aan die regsvoorskrifte voldoen. =:

1.5 Dat hierdie bevel gemaak word sonder benadeling van die regte van bestaande skuldeisers.

2. Dat die bevel nisi eenmaal in.die Volksblad nuusblad en in die Staatskoerant gepubliseer word ten minste 14 dae voor:

die keerdatum hierin.

3. Dat die bevel nisi beteken word op die Registrateur van Aktes, Kaapstad.

Deur die Hof.—Griffier, H. J. Brand.



Case No. 3579/03


(Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division)

Before the Honourable Mr Justice, Foxcroft, Cape Town, Monday, 12 May 2003

In the ex parte application of AFRICAN HARVEST LIMITED, Applicant

In re: AFRICAN HARVEST LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number 1997/013827/06) |

Application for leave to convene a-scheme meeting of members in terms of Section 311 of the

’ Companies Act, No 61 of 1993 (as amended)

Upon the motion of Counsel for the Applicant, and upon reading the notice of motion and other documentation filed of

record: ,

It is Ordered that:

“1. a meeting (“the scheme meeting”) of the ordinary shareholders of the Applicant registered as such at the close of

business on Tuesday, 3 June 2003, other than Coronation Holdings Limited (“Corohold”) (“the scheme members”) be convened

by the chairman mentioned in paragraph 2 of this Order of Court, in terms of section 311 (1) of the Companies Act, 1973, as

amended (“the Companies Act”), to be heid at Coronation House, Boundary Terraces 1 Mariendahl Lane, Newlands, at 10h00

on Friday, 6 June 2003 for the purpose of considering and, if deemed fit, agreeing with or without modification to the scheme

of arrangement (“the scheme”) proposed by Corohold between the Applicant and the scheme members substantially in the form

of the scheme attached to the papers before this Honourable Court; :

2. Peter Amos Watts, a partner of attorneys Fairbridge, Ardene & Lawton Inc., or failing him, Peter Eugene Whelan, a

partner of attomeys Findlay & Tait, is hereby appointed as chairman of the scheme meeting;

3. the chairman of the scheme meeting is authorised to—

3.1 convene the scheme meeting;

3.2 appoint scrutineers for the purpose of the scheme meeting; ee

_ 3.3 determine whether any form of proxy submitted for use at the scheme meeting should be accepted or not;

3.4 adjourn the scheme meeting from time to time if he considers it necessary or desirable to do so; and

3.5 determine the procedure to be followed at the scheme meeting;

4. this Order of Court and a notice convening the scheme meeting (substantially in the form of the notice attached to the

papers before this Honourable Court) be published once in each of the “Sunday Times’, “Business Day’, “Beeld” and the

Government Gazette by not later than 14 calendar days before the date of the scheme meeting. Such notice shall state—

4.1 the time, date and venue of the scheme meeting;

4.2 that the scheme meeting has been summoned to consider and, if deemed fit, approve with or without modification, the


4.3 that a copy of this Order of Court, the scheme and the explanatory statement in terms of section 312 (1) of the”

‘Companies Act may be inspected during normal business hours at any time prior to the scheme meeting at the offices of the


Applicant at Coronation House, The Oval, 1 Oakdale Road, Newlands;

4.4 that the scheme meeting is convened pursuant to this Order of Court; and

4.5 that a copy of this Order of Court, the scheme and the explanatory statement in terms of section 312 (1) of the

Companies Act, relating to the scheme, may be obtained on request by any scheme member, free of charge from the Applicant

at the time and place mentioned in paragraph 4.3 of this Order of Court; ot


STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEi 2003 No. 24846 33

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) * ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

5, a copy of—

5.1 the explanatory statement in terms of section 312 (1) of the Companies Act substantially in the form of the

explanatory statement attached to the papers before this Honourable Court;

5.2 the scheme substantially in the form of the scheme attached to the papers before this Honourable Court;

5.3 the notice convening the scheme meeting substantially in the form of the notice attached to the papers before this

Honourable Court;

. 5.4 the form of proxy for the scheme meeting substantially in the form of proxy attached to the papers before this

Honourable Court; and

5.5 this Order of Court,

be posted by prepaid registered post by the Applicant to each of the scheme members by not later than 14 calendar days before

the date of the scheme meeting, to their addresses as recorded in the register of the members of the Applicant at the close of

business not more than 4 calendar days before the date of such posting; and in respect of dematerialised share-

holders at the address notified by STRATE to the Applicant’s transfer secretaries on a date not more than 4 business days

before the date of such posting;

6. a copy of the documents referred to in paragraph 5 shall lie for inspection for at least 14 calendar days prior to the date

of the scheme meeting, during normal business hours at the offices of the Applicant referred to in paragraph 4.3 of this Order

of Court;

7. the chairman of the scheme meeting shali report the result thereof to this Honourable Court on Thursday, 19 June 2003

at 10h00 or so soon thereafter as Counsel may be heard;

8. in the report by the Court from the chairman, details should be given of—

8.1 the number of scheme members present in person at the scheme meeting;

8.2 the number of scheme members represented by proxy at the scheme meeting and of those, the number presented by

the chairman;

8.3 any proxies which have been disallowed and the reasons therefor;

8.4 all resolutions passed at the scheme meeting, with particulars of the numbers of votes cast in favour of and against

each such resolution and of any abstentions in respect thereof, indicating in each case how many votes were cast by him in

terms of proxies;

8.5 all rulings made and directions given by the chairman at the scheme meeting;

8.6 any relevant documents or reports submitted or tabled at the scheme meeting which relate to the scheme, including

copies thereof; and

8.7 the main points of any other proposal submitted to the scheme meeting;

9. the chairman shall make available, and the notice of the scheme meeting which is published and sent to the scheme

members shall include, a statement that a copy of the chairman’s report to the Court will be available, free of charge, to any

scheme member on request for at least 1 week prior to the date fixed by the Court for the chairman io report back to it;

10. with respect to voting at the scheme meeting—

10.1 scheme members holding certificated shares and dematerialised scheme members with own name registration who

wish to voie by proxy must tender the form of proxy (pink) referred to in paragraph 5.4 of this Order of Court, in accordance with

the instructions contained on the pink form and return it to the transfer secretaries by not later than 10nh00 on Wednesday,

4 June 2003;

10.2 forms of proxy may also be handed to. the chairman of the scheme meeting up to 10 minutes before the scheme

meeting is due to commence; and

10:3 scheme members who have already demaiterialised their shares, other than by own name registration, in the Applicant

should not complete the pink proxy form but should contact their CSDPs or brokers and furnish them with voting instructions. If

their CSDPs or brokers are not given such instructions then they will vote in accordance with the instructions contained in the

custody agreements concluded with the scheme members.

By Order of the Court—Registrar

17 Hofmeyr Hebstein & Gihwala Inc (Reg. No. 1997/001523/07), (Applicani’s attorneys), 21st Floor, 2 Long Street, Cape

Town. [Tel. (021) 405-6000.] [Facsimile: (021) 405-6199.] (Ref. Mr Peter Hesseling / Mr Ryan Nelson.)

003801 64—2 24846—2

34 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) * ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)



(Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division)

In the ex parte application of AFRICAN HARVEST LIMITED, Applicant

In re: AFRICAN HARVEST LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number


Application for leave to convene a scheme meeting of members in terms of Section 311 of the Companies Act, No 61

of 1973 (as amended)

Notice is hereby given that, in terms of an Order of Court dated 12 May 2003 in the above matter, the High Court of South

Africa (Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division) (“the Court”) has ordered in accordance with the provisions of section 317 of

the Companies Act, 1973, (Act 61 of 1973), as amended, (“the Companies Act’) that a meeting (“the scheme meeting”) be

convened under the chairmanship of Peter Amos Watts, a partner of attorneys Fairbridge Arderne & Lawton Inc, or failing him,

Peter Eugene Whelan a partner of attorneys Findlay & Tait, for the purpose of considering and, if deemed fit, agreeing to, with

or without modification, the scheme of arrangement (“the scheme”) proposed by Coronation Holdings Limited (“Corohold”)

between the Applicant and the holders of its issued’ shares, registered as such at the close of business on Tuesday,

3 June 2003, other than Corohold (“the scheme shares”).

The scheme meeting of the holders of scheme shares (“the scheme members”) will be held at 10h00, on Friday,

6 June 2003 at Coronation House, Boundary Terraces, 1 Mariendahl Lane, Newlands, for the purpose of considering and, if

deemed fit, approving with or without modification the scheme proposed by Corohold between the Applicant and the scheme


The essence of the scheme is that, upon implementation, Corohold will become the effective beneficial owner of 100% of

the entire issued share capital of the Applicant. In terms of the scheme, the scheme participants will receive a cash

consideration of 194 cents in exchange fc for each ordinary share of 25 cents in the Applicant which they hold on the record date

for the scheme. .

Copies of the scheme, the explanatory statement in terms of section 312 of the Companies Act, explaining the scheme, the

form of proxy and the Order of Court convening the scheme meeting are included in the circular which has been sent to share-

holders of African Harvest and copies may, on request by any scheme member during normal business hours at any time prior

to the scheme meeting, be inspected at or obtained free of charge from the registered office of the Applicant at Coronation

House, The Oval, 1 Oakdale Road, Newlands.

Each scheme member, including those scheme members who have already dematerialised their shares in the Applicant,

may attend, speak and vote in person at the scheme meeting or may appoint any other person or persons (who need not be

scheme members) as a proxy to attend, speak and vote in such scheme member’s place.

The necessary. pink form of proxy accompanies this notice. Additional forms of proxy may be obtained on request from the ~

Applicant's registered office at Coronation House, The Oval, 1 Oakdale Road, Newlands. Scheme members holding

certificated shares and dematerialised shareholders with own-name registration who wish to vote by proxy must tender the pink

form of proxy in accordance with the instructions contained thereon, and return it to the transfer secretaries by not later than

10h00 on Wednesday, 4 June 2003. Forms of proxy may also be handed to the chairman of the scheme meeting up to 10

minutes before the time for which the scheme meeting is due to commence. Scheme members who have already dema-

terialised their shares, other than by own name registration, in the Applicant should not complete the pink proxy form but should

contact their CSDP or broker and furnish them with voting instructions. If their CSDP or broker is not given such instructions

then they will vote in accordance with the instructions contained in the custody agreement concluded with the scheme member

in question.

Where there are joint holders of any scheme shares any one of such persons may vote at the scheme meeting in respect

of such shares as if he was solely entitled thereto, but if more than one of such joint holders be present or represented at the

scheme meeting, that one of the said persons whose name stands first in the register of such shares and his proxy, as the case

may be, shall alone be entitled to vote in respect thereof, as if he were the sole holder of such shares.

in terms of the Order of Court dated 12 May 2003, the chairman of the scheme meeting will report the results thereof to

the above Honourable Court at 10h00 or so soon thereafter as Counsel may be heard on Thursday, 19 June 2003. A copy of

the chairman’s report to the Court will be available (free of charge) to any scheme member at the registered office of the

Applicant during normal business hours for at least 1 week before the date fixed by the Court for the chairman to report back

to it.

The scheme is subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions precedent stated in the scheme, one of such conditions being

its sanction by the Court.

Peter Amos Watts, Chairman of the scheme meeting, c/o 21st Floor, 2 Long Street, Cape Town. [Tel. (021) 405- -6000,]

[Facsimile. (021) 405-6199.] (Ref. Mr Peter Hesseling / Mr Allan Hannie / Mr Ryan Nelson.)

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEi 2003 : No. 24846 35

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) * ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Case No: 2278/03


(Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division)

Before the Honourable Mr Justice Louw, Cape Town, date: 8 May 2003

In the matter between: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and

PATRICK ESAU, Respondent

In re: R35 053,00 in cash that was seized on 25 October 2002 ai 93 Lysiter Circle, Robinvale, Atlantis.


Having read the papers filed and having heard council for the applicant the following is hereby ordered that:

1. An order in terms of section 38 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Aci No. 121 of 1998 (“the Act’) is granted preserving

R35 053,00 in cash (thirty five thousand and fifty three rand) (“tne property”) seized on 25 October 2002 at 93 Lyster Circle,

Robinvale, Atlantis and currently under the control of the South African Police Services with reference CAS 661/10/2002.

2. Carol Hendricks of The Investigating Accounting Group (Pty) Ltd is appointed as curator bonis to take control of the

property pending the outcome of the forfeiture proceedings to be instituted in terms of section 48 of the Act or uniil this matter

is otherwise conciuded.

3. The applicant is to cause a copy of the preservation of property order granted to be published in one issue of the

Government Gazette as soon as is practicable after obtaining the order.

4. Applicant is directed to give notice of the preservation order to the respondent and all persons. known to have interest in

the matter.

5. The respondent is directed, should he wish to oppose the making of the forfeiture order, to file notice of his intention to

do so in terms of section 39 (8) and 39 (5) of the Act within 14 days of receiving the application for forfeiture.

6. No order as to costs made.

By Order of the Court.-—The Registrar of the High Court.

30 State Attorney, Cape Town.

Case No: 2279/03


(Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division)

Before the Honourable Mr Justice Ismail, Cape Town, date: 8 May 2003

In the matter between: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and


in re: R46 650,00 in cash, seized on 18 August 2000 at 12 Montaine Close, Summer Greens


Having read the papers filed and having heard council for the applicant the following is hereby ordered that:

1. An order in terms of section 38 of the Preveniion of Organised Crime Act No. 121 of 1998 (“the Act”) is granted preserving

R46 650,00. in cash (forty six thousand six hundred and fifty) (“the property”) seized on 18 August 2000 at 12 Montaine Close,

Summer Greens, and currenily under the control of the South African Police Services with reference CAS 310/08/2000.

2. Susan Dean of The Investigating Accounting Group (Pty) Ltd is appointed as curator bonis to take control of the property

pending the outcome of the forfeiture proceedings to be instituted.in terms. of section 48 of the Act or until this matter is otherwise concluded.

3. The applicant is to cause a copy of the preservation of property order granted to be published in one issue of the

Government Gazette as soon as is practicable after obtaining the order.

4. Applicant is directed to give notice of the preservation order to the respondent and all persons known to have interest in

the matter.

5. The respondent is directed, should he wish to oppose the making of the forfeiture order, to file notice of his intention to

do so in terms of section 39 (3) and 39 (5) of the Act, within 14 days of receiving notice of the preservation order.

6. No order as to costs.

By Order of the Court——The Registrar of the High Court.

30 State Attorney, Cape Town.

36 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) * ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) Case No. 1270/2001


(Cape of Good Hope Provincial)

Cape Town, Wednesday, 7th May 2003, before the Honourable Mr Justice Cleaver


Having heard Counsel for the Applicant and having read the documenis filed of record:

It is ordered that: a

1. Itis declared that in terms of Section 48 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, No. 121 of 1998 the R81 600 (eighty one thousand six hundred rand), which is subject to the Preservation of Property Order granted by this Honourable Court on 21 February 2001, is forfeited to the State. : .

2. Upon this order becoming effective, the property shall vest in the State and Ricardo Reginald Rhoda of the South African Police Service is directed to pay the R81 600 (eighty one thousand six hundred rand) in cash into the Criminal Assets Recovery Account at such time.

3. The Regisirar of this Honourable Court shali as soon as practicable after the date of this order publish a notice of the order once in the Government Gazette. .

By order of the Court—Court Registrar.

30 State Attorney, Cape Town.

Case No: 8654/200 9302/2000


(Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division)

Heard before the Honourable Justice Veldhuizen on the 2nd day of May 2003


Upon the motion of Counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the notice of motion and the other docurnents filed on record: ... .

It is Ordered that:

1. The property specified below, which is subject to the Preservation of Property Order granted by this Honourable Court on 23 November 2000, is forfeited to the State in terms of Section 53 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, Act 121 of 1998

(the Act):

1.1 R39 470,00 in cash.

2. The property wil! vest.in the State when the forfeiture order takes effect and at such time Ricardo Reginald Rhoda of the

South African Police Service is directed to pay the R39 470,00 in cash into the Criminal Assets Recovery Account.

3. In terms of Section 50 (5) of the Act, the Registrar of this Court directed to pubiish a Notice of this Order once in the

Government Gazette.

By order of Court.—Registrar of the High Court.

30 State Attorney, Cape Town. >

Case No. 2167/03


(Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division)

Cape Town: Thursday, 10 April 2003, before the Honourable Mr Justice Pincus (Acting)


‘In re Toyota Landcruiser 4 x 4, with Registration Number CFR 37809, a small fishing vessel, with Registration Number

SW 258 and other: movable property listed in Schedule A-annexed hereto seized on 23 January 2003 at Beach Road,

Grangerbay, Sea Point. / . ;

"Upon the motion of counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the Notice of Motion and the other documents filed of record: .

It is hereby Ordered that:

1. An order is granted in terms of Section 38 of the Prevention of Organized Crime Act, 21 of 1998 (‘the Aci”) preserving a

Toyota 4 x 4 Landcruiser, bearing Registration Number CFR 37809, a small fishing vessel, bearing Registration Number

SW 258 B and other movable property listed in Schedule A (“the property”), currently under the control of the South African

Police Service, Sea Point; ,

' STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003. , No. 24846 37

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) * ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

4 2) Carol Hendricks of the Investigating Accounting (Pty) Ltd is appointed as curator bonis to take control of the property

pending the outcome of the forfeiture proceedings institutedin terms of Section 48 of the Act or until this matter is otherwise


3. The Applicant is- to cause a copy ef the preservation. of property order granted to be published in one issue of the

Government Gazette as soon as is practicable after obtaining the order; and to cause such order to be served on the

Respondent; : se

4. Respondent is directed, should "he wish to oppose the making of the forfeiture order, to file notice of his intention to do

so in terms of Section 39 (3) of the Act, within 14 days of receiving notice of the preservation order. °

5. Applicant i is directed to commence the forfeiture proceedings within 30 days of the date hereof.

6. Costs in the event of the Respondent opposing this application, alternatively, ¢ costs of this application to be costs in the

forfeiture: application; i . oe oe - .

7. Further and/or alternative relief.

By order of the -Court—Registrar of the High Court.

30 State Attorney, Cae Town.—10 April 2003.


- Notice is hereby given by the Master of the Supreme Court of South Africa, as stated, of the supersession of

provisional orders of sequestration/liquidation and the discharge of petitions.

The information is given in the following order: Estate number; the applicant; the respondent; the date of the |

" provisional order granted; the Supreme Court Division; the date of the discharge | order.


Kennis word hiermee deur die Meester van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, soos vermeld, gegee van die

tersydestelling van voorlopige bevele van sekwestrasie/likwidasie en die afwysing van aansoeke.

Die-inligting- word- verstrek in die’ ‘volgorde: Boedelnommer: die applikant; die verweerder; die datum van

uitreiking van die voorlopige bevel; die Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof; die datum van die afwysingsbevel.

- C133/03—Francois Hendrik Snyders, Applicant, Jan Barnard — Bornman, ist Respondent, and Adéle Bornman,

2nd Respondent. 25/2/02. Cape of Good Hope’ Prov. Div. 7/4/03.

7254 9/02—The Body Corporate of Aqua Villa, Applicant, Trodger Tshekedi Thebe, Respondent. 22/05/2002. Master of

the High Court, Pretoria. 25/06/2002.

; C864/2002—Francois Hendrik Taljaard, Applicant, Francois Family Delivery, Respondent. 11/11/2002. Cape of Good

Hope Provincial Division. 11/12/2002




15. A (2) (c) OF THE ELECTORAL COMMISSION ACT, 1996 (ACT No. 51 OF 1996)

A Notice is hereby given that the SOSIAAL ARBEIDER PARTY intends applying for registration in terms of the Electoral

~~ Commission Act, 1996 (Act No. 51 of 1996). -

2.. Date of intended submission of application to the Chiet Electoral Officer: 20 May 2003. .

3. The abbreviation: of the name of the party is S.A.P/S.L.P..

A, The distinguishing mark.or symbol of the party is printed underneath:

38 No. 24846 / GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

5. Anyone wishing to raise an objection against the intended registration must do so by written notice in which are set out

the grounds for the objection and which. must be delivered at the office of the Chief Electoral Officer before or on the

date referred to in paragraph 2. i 1


| |

Arge iDE RS



Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act '(No. 24 of 1956); that a preliminary liquidation

account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Black & Dekker (South Africa) Provident

Fund will be open for inspection for the period 16 May 2003 to 17 June 2003 at the offices of:

1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, 446 Rigel Avenue South, Erasmusrand, Pretoria; and

2. Investec Employee Benefits Limited, Contracts Department, 5th Floor, Fedsure House, 1 De Villiers Street,

Johannesburg; and

3. Office of the Chief Magistrate, Randburg. !

Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing to

the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 30 June 2003. |


Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (Nr. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige

likwidasierekening, ’ n voorlopige balansstaat, en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van die Black & Dekker (South Africa)

Provident Fund gedurende die typerk 16 Mei 2003 tot 17 Junie 2003 vir insae beskikbaar sal wees by die kantore van:

1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Rigellaan Suid 446, Erasmusrand, Pretoria; en :

2. Investec Employee Benefits Limited, Departement Kontrakte, 5de Vloer, Fedsure House, De Villiersstraat 1,

Johannesburg; en

3. Die Hooflanddros, Randburg. rose |

Enige belanghebbende persoon wat beswaar het teen die voorgemelde ‘rekenings en state moet skriftelik sy besware by

die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, nie later nie as 30 Junie 2003 indien.


| i

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 ~ / No. 24846 39


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation

account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Top Tech Voorsorgfonds will be open for

inspection for the period 16 May 2003 to 15 June 2003 at the offices of:

1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, 446 Rigel Avenue South, Erasmusrand, Pretoria: ,

2. Sanlam, Equity Park, Block D, cnr Lynnwood & Brooklyn Road, Brooklyn, Pretoria; and

3. Pretoria Magistrates Office, clo Schubart & Pretorius Street, Pretoria.

Any interested. person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing to

the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 29 June 2003.


Notice is hereby given that urider the provisions of section thirty eight of the Deeds Registries Act 1937, I, the , Registrar of

Deeds at Johannesburg intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Sectional Deed of Transfer No. ST26059/1995

dated 08/06/1995 in favour of Lily Segell, Identity Number 1809120020006 in resepct of certain Unit 34, Woodbury Village as

will more fully appear on Sectional Plan SS 166/1982 which has been lost and destroyed.

All persons having objection to the issue of such a certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the

Registrar of Deeds at No. 2 Rissik Street, Johannesburg within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette.

Dated at Johannesburg this 07th day of March 2002.

Registrar of Deeds a


Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation

account, a preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of the Sweidan and King Provident Fund will be

open for inspection for the period 16 May 2003 to 15 June 2003.at the offices of:

1. Registrar of Pension Funds, 446 Rigel Avenue South, Erasmusrand, Pretoria;

2. Alexander Forbes Financial Services, 61 Katherine Street, Sandown;

3. Magistrate’s Court, Room 1053, Cnr Fox & West Street, Johannesburg.

Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may .lodge an objection in writing with

the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 29 June 2003.


Kennis word hiermee gegee ingevolge Artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (Nr. 24 van 1956) dat ’n voorlopige likwidasie rekening, balansstraat en verdelings rekening van die Sweidan and King Provident Fund ter insae sal wees vir die

tydperk 16 Mei 2003 tot 15 Junie 2003 by die volgende kantore:

1. Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Rigellaan Suid 446, Erasmusrand, Pretoria;

2. Alexander Forbes Finansiéle Dienste, Katherine Straat 61, Sandown;

3. Magistraatskantoor, Kamer 1053, hoek van Fox en West Straat, Johannesburg.

Enige belanghebbende persoon wat beswaar het teen die voorgenoemde rekening, mag sy beswaar indien by die

Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, Pretoria, 0102, nie later as 29 Junie 2003 nie.

. i


Notice i is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956) that a First & Final Liquidation

Account, Balance Sheet and Distribution Statement of Anglovaal Mining Limited Retirement Plan will be open for inspection

for the period 16 May to 16 June 2003 at the Offices of:

-1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, 446 Rigel.Avenue South, Erasmusrand, Pretoria; and |

2. The Fund, 3 Anerley Road, Parktown, and

3. The Office of the Chief Magistrate, cnr Fox and West Streets, Johannesburg. -

Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection i in writing with

‘the Registrar of Pension Funds, ‘PO Box 35655, Menlo Park; 0102 by no later than 16 June 2003.

AF Venter, Liquidator, KPMG Administrators (Pty) Limited; Private Bag X68, Braamfontein, 2017.

40 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003


Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (6) and 28 (7) of Act No. 24 of 1956, as amended, that the preliminary Liquidation Account, Balance Sheet and Distribution Statement of Angiovaal Mining Limited Retirement Plan will lie open for inspection from 4 May to 4 June 2003 at the offices of:


1. The Financial Services, 446 Rigel Avenue South, Erasmusrand, Pretoria; and

2. The Fund, 3 Anerley Road, Parktown, and |

3. The Magisirate, Insolvency Division, cnr Fox & West Sireets, Johannesburg.

Any interested persons who have any objections to the aforesaid Statement and Accouni, may lodge his/her objection. in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, PO Box 35655, Menlo Park, by no later than 16 June 2003.

AF Venter, Liquidator, KPMG Administrators (Pty) Ltd, Private Bag X68, Braamfontein, 2017:


We refer to the above matter and wish to confirm that Mr Pierre Bouwer is currently in our employ as a candidate attorney and by reason of the fact that the writer is also married to Pierre Bouwer’s mother, he being my stepson, he applied for Authority in terms of Section 26 of the Births and Deaths Registration Act, 1992 to assume the surname Kitching.

For the purpose of amending our firm’s letterhead to indicate the amended sumame of Pierte Bouwer which should now read Pierre Bower Kitching we request you to expedite the process as this will have far reaching consequences in relation to the Certificates and Degrees issued to him in the course of his tertiary education and qualification process as a fully fledged attorney.

Your assistance in this regard will be highly appreciated.

AV S Kitching.

| Case No. 8441/02


In the matter between: MAMOKWA MENSON KUPA, Plaintiff, and MARGARET KUPA (Born MORABA), Defendant


Please take notice that the Summons issued by the Plaintiff and filed with the Registrar of the above Honourable Court, Plaintiff hereby institutes action against you and claim a follows:

(a) A decree of divorce.

(b) Division of the joint estate.

(c) Custody of the minor child, Karabo Kupa, with visitation rights to the Defendant.

(d) Costs of suit. . ‘

If you dispute this claim and wish to defend this action you must:

(i) within one (1) month of this application file with the Registrar of the above Honourable Court. or Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court nearest to you a notice of your intention to defend and serve a copy thereof on the Plaintiffs Attorneys, 507 Rentbel

_ Building Bureau Lane, Church Square, P.O. Box 1807, Pretoria, which notice, shall state your address for service upon you of all notices and. documents in this matter.

(ii) Thereafter and within ten (1C) days aiter filling and serving Notice of Intention to defend, as aforesaid file with the Registrar of the above Honourable Court and serve upon the Plaintiffs Attorneys a Plea or Exception with or without a


You are further informed that if you fail to file and serve. notices as aforesaid, judgment as claimed may be given against

you without any further notice to yourself.

Dated at Pretoria on this the 20th day of February 2003.

Mthembu Incorporated, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 507 Rentbel Building, Bureau Lane, Church | Square, Pretoria, 1807.

[Tel. (012) 324-8348.] [Fax (012) 324-8347.] (Ref. TM/mtr/K005.)






| !


The Council for Medical ‘Schemes referred to in Section 1 of the Council for Medical Schemes Levies Act, 200 (Act No. 58

of 2000), hereby confirms the imposition of levies on medical schemes, as set out in the Notice of Levies (No. 24173) on Medical

Schemes contained in the Schedule on medical schemes. |

By Order of the Council for Medical Schemes. |

N. Padayachee, Chairperson: Council for Medical Schemes.

| |

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 41



1. in this notice, unless the context indicates otherwise—

i. “Council” means the Council for Medical Schemes referred to in the Act;

ii. “Levy year” means the period from 01 April 2003 to 31 March 2004 and, subject to the provision of this Notice and any

amendments, substitution or repeal thereof, such corresponding period in succeeding year in respect of which levies are


iii. “Registrar” means the Registrar of Medical Schemes, appointed in terms of Section 18 of the Medical Schemes Levies

Act, 1998 (Act No. 131 of 1998);

iv. “The Act” means the Council for Medical Schemes Levies Act, 2000 (Act No. 58 of 2000).


2. In respect of a medical scheme registered in terms of section 20 of the Medical Schemes Act, 1998 (Act No. 131 of 1998),

the levy for the 2003/2004 levy year shall be set at an amount of R8,74 per member per year, which shall be paid in two equal

installments, the first of which shall be paid not later than 31 May of the levy year, and the second of which shall be paid not

later than 31 August of the levy year. .

3. In respect of the levy year, the calculation of the levy is based on the number of members referred to in item 2 shall

correspond with the latest statistics furnished to the Registrar in terms of or by virtue of the Medical Schemes Act, 1998 (Act

No. 131 of 1998) or with the latest certified number of members sent to the Registrar by the medical scheme. If a transfer of

members is in process and not finalized on 31 March 2004, the transferor must pay the levy in respect of the members to be


. Payment of levies:

4. On amounts of overdue levies, interest will be charged at a rate applicable to a debt owing to the state, as determined

by the Minister of Finance in terms of section 80 (1) (b) of the Public Finance Management Act.

5. All amounts referred to in this Schedule are exclusive of VAT.

6. The levies and interest (if any) referred io in this Notice shall be paid by a medical scheme directly in the bank account

of the Council, the details of which are:

Bank: ABSA.

Account Hoider: Council for Medical Schemes.

Branch Name: ABSA Corporate Branch (Cnr Pretorius and Vermeulen Streets, Pretoria).

Branch Code: 517 245.

Account Number: 405 116 3394.

7. A deposit advice slip issued by the aforementioned Bank in respect of a deposit contemplated in item 7, received by the

Council for Medical Schemes, and bearing the name of the relevant medical scheme, shali serve as prima facie proof of

payment of a levy.


Notice is hereby given that a special meeting took place on 9 May 2003, whereby the shareholders have voied to pass the

special resolution according to the companies act, to change the company from public company to a private company.

Current name/siructure Registration Number New proposed name/structuer

Crown Laboratories Limited 1987/06604/06 Crown Laboratories (Pty) Ltd

Please note that we hereby give time for any person that has an interes! in the above company to object ic the change of

structure. Please note that the objection must be made on or before:

Time: 12:00.

Date: 6 June 2003.

Reason: Changing of company structure from Limited to (Pty) Ltd.

Contact person: Mrs A de Villiers.

Contact details: Tel. (012) 320-2921/8, Fax (012) 320-2920.

42 No. 24846 . GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 |



i i | I t


In estate late: Godfrey Mokgomolela Nakene. co !

Identity No: 1/0996145/1.

Estate No: 7/1/2(61/83). , Be Ge Sd. Last address: Mdutjana, Siyabuswa’ :

| An application will be lodged in the High Court of South Africa, Transvaal Provincial Division, that the following properties:

1. Remaining extent of Portion 7 (a portion of Portion 2) of the farm Wolvenkraal 192, Registration Division JR, Province of

Mpumalanga, in extent 156,9158 hectares, held by Deed of Transfer T24133/1968; ‘and 4

2. Portion 9 (a portion of Portion 7) of the farm Wolvenkraal 192, Registration Division JR, Province of Mpumalanga, in

extent. 156,9158 hectares, held by Deed of Transfer T17057/1957;

be transferred to estate late: Richard Reathes Isaac Rams, 618/1 999.

Any person wishing to object against the application and intended transfer must in writing inform Mariétte Geldenhuys, the

Executor in estate late: G M Nakene on or before 13 June 2003.

Mariétte Geldenhuys, Attorney & Conveyancer, PO Box 35743, Menlo Park, 0102. [Tel: (012) 326- 1989, ] (Fax: (012); 323- 5751 J]






' Notice is hereby given that a Special Resolution has been passed by the members ata General Meeting on 28 March 2003.


That the Company be placed in voluntary winding-up by means of a member’ s voluntary winding- up in accordance with the

provisions of Section 349 of the Companies Act of 1973; and | : \-

that Norman John Osburn be appointed as liquidator with all the power and authority conferred and allowed by the

Companies Act; .

that the said liquidator shall be entitled to remuneration in accordance with tariff B of the second schedule of the Insolvency

Act, 24 of 1936; and

that in terms of Section 422(1 \(b) of the Companies Act of 1973, the liquidator i is hereby authorised to dispose of the books,

papers and records of the company by destroying them or procuring their destruction upon confirmation of the liquidation and

distribution account by the Master of the High Court.

_Webber Wentzel Bowens, PO Box 1820, Cape Town, 8000. [Tel: (021) 405-5000. ] (Ref: N Josburn/1208327. ):



Notice i is hereby given that a Special Resolution has been passed by the members at a General Meeting on 26 February



. |


That the Company be placed in voluntary winding-up:by means of a member’s. voluntary winding- uP in accordance with the

provisions of Section 349 of the Companies Act of 1973; and

that Norman John Osburn be appointed as liquidator with all the power and authority confetred and allowed by the

Companies Act; 4

that the said liquidator shall be entitled to remuneration in accordance with tariff B of the second schedule of the Insolvency

Act, 24 of 1936; and


_ STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEt 2003 . . No. 24846 43

that in terms of Section 422(1)(b) of the Companies Act of 1973, the liquidator is hereby authorised to dispose of the books,

papers and records of the company by destroying them or procuring their destruction upon confirmation of the liquidation and

distribution account by the Master of the High Court.

Webber Wenize! Bowens, PO Box 1820, Cape Town,:8000. . (Tel: (021) 405-5000.] (Ref: 'N Josburn/1208327.)




‘Notice is hereby given that a Special Resolution has been passed by the mernbers at a General Meeting on 23 April 2003.


That the Company be placed in voluntary winding-up by means of a member’ s voluntary winding-up in accordance with the

provisions of Section 349 of the Companies Act of 1973; and .

that Norman John Osburn be appointed as liquidator with all the power and authority conferred and allowed by the

Companies Act; .

that the said liquidator shall be entitled to remuneration in accordance with tariff B of the second schedule of the Insolvency

Act, 24 of 1936; and

that in terms of Section 422(1)(b) of the Companies Act of 1973, the liquidator is hereby authorised to dispose of the books,

papers and records of the company by destroying them or procuring their destruction upon confirmation of the liquidation and. _

distribution. account by the Master of the High Court.

Webber Wenizel Bowens, PO Box 1820, Cape Town, 8000. [Tel: (021) 405-5000.] (Ref: N Josburn/1 208327.)


Please take notice that the First Applicant: Hamidreza Khosravis and Second Applicant: Nasiema Cassiem, intends to

make application, to have their existing matrimonial proprietary system altered to one of out ‘of community of property (exclud-

ing the accrual system). Such application will be made to the High Court of South Africa (Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division)

. onthe 6 June 2003.

Acopy of the notice of this application and the said draft notarial contract will lie for inspection at the Applicants Attorneys

Office, S. Cassiem-Moerat and Associates, situated at No. 73(a) Loop S Street, Cape Town, for a ‘period of 2 weeks prior to the

date on which this application will be heard.


in the estate of Peter John Orford, Identity Number 481210 5045 08 6 and Michelle Orford (born Jacobs), Identity

Number 821116 0225 08 7, who.are ordinarily resident at Landfall Resort 517, Sedgefield, Western Cape.

‘Notice hereby given to all creditors of Peter John Orford and Michelle Orford (born Jacobs), that application will be made

to the High Court of South Africa, Cape of Good Hope Division, on 19 June 2003 at 10h00 for an order in the following terms:

1. That Peter John Orford and Michelle Orford (born Jacobs) be authorised to. execute a Notarial Contract, with the

import of an Antenuptial Contract, after conclusion. of their marriage.

2. That the said Notarial Contract be registered within 2 (two) months from granting of this order, with the Registrar of

Deeds, Cape Town. .

All persons who. wishes to object to the proposed change or wishes to ) make any representation in that regard, can do so

in writing to the Registrar of the High Court, Cape Town and forward a copy ihereof to applicant’s attorney or by appearing .in

Court on the day of the hearing.

Notice is hereby given that the relevant application and contract which the parties wish to register, are available for

inspection at the office of the Registrar of the-Court and at the office of the applicant’s attorney, listed herein below.

All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within

30 (thirty) days from the date of the publication hereof. Shy, ~ ‘,

Dated at Sedgefield on 30 April 2003.

‘Jordaan Attorneys, Attorney for Applicants, P.O. Box 471; Sedgefield, 6573. . [Tek (044) 343-2126.] (Fax: (044) 343- 2268.

(Ref: A. Jordaan/sv/O55.) _ 2

44 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003


Please take notice that the First Appticant: Maureen Maxwell Fisher (born Katundu) and'Second Applicant: Ray Perry

Fisher, intends to make application, to have their existing matrimonial proprietary system altered to one of out of community of

property (excluding the accrual system). Such application will be made to the High ( Court of South Africa (Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division) on the 6 June 2003.

A copy of the notice of this application and the said draft notarial contract will lie for rinepection at the Applicants Attorneys Office, S. Cassiem-Moerat and Associates, situated at No: 73(a) Loop Street, Cape Town, for a period of 2 weeks | Prior to the

date on which this application will be heard. | l i t i



* STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 45



The. estates of the persons mentioned below being unrepresented, interested parties are ‘hereby given: notice

by Masters of the High Court of South Africa, that meetings will be held in the several estates at the places, dates.

and times specified, for the purpose of selecting some person or persons for approval by the respective Masters,

as fit and proper to be appointed by them as executors, curators or tutors, as the case may be,

indicating the particulars as follows: Estate number, surname and christian names of deceased, and occupation;

date of death; place, date and time of meeting.


Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s Office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they wili be

held before the Magistrate. :

N.B.: Items indicated by an asterisk (*) on the left-hand side denote the election of a tutor or curator;

otherwise an executor is to be elected.


Aangesien die boedels van die persone hieronder vermeld nie verieenwoordig is nie, word hierby deur

Meesters van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika aan belanghebbendes kennis gegee dat byeenkomste ten

opsigte van die verskillende boedels op die plekke, datums en tye vermeld, gehou sal word, met die doel om ’n

persoon of persone te kies vir goedkeuring deur die onderskeie Meesters as geskik en bekwaam om deur hulle

aangestel te word as eksekuteurs, kurators of voogde, na gelang van omstandighede, met aanduiding van die

besonderhede in die volgorde: Boedelnommer, familienaam en voorname van oorlede persoon, en beroep; datum

van oorlye; plek, datum en tyd van byeenkoms.

in ’n plek waarin ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester gehou en in ander plekke

voor die Landdros. os

L.W.: Items aan die linkerkant met. ’n sterretjie (*) gemerk, dui aan die verkiesing van ’n voog of kurator;

andersins word ° n eksekuteur gekies,


3932/2000—Lilley, Alfred Reginald, 25 Koorsboom Crescent, Vredekloof, Brackenfell. Magistrate, Kuils River, 28-05-2003,

09:00. Provincial Division Cape of Good Hope.

Form/Vorm J 295


In terms of section 75 of Act No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given of appointments of persons as curators or

tutors by Masters, or of their having ceased in their respective capacity.

The information is given in the following order: Number of matter; person under curatorship, or minor, and

address; name and address of curator or tutor; whether appointment or cease in capacity, and date; Master of the Supreme Court.


Ingevolge artikel 75 van Wet No. 66 van 1965, word hierby kennis gegee van die aanstelling van persone as

kurators of voogde deur Meesters, of van die beéindiging van aanstellings in sodanige hoedanighede.

Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van saak; persoon onder kuratele, of minderjarige, en

adres; naam en adres van kurator of voog; of aanstelling of beéindiging daarvan, en datum; Meester van die


46 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16-MAY 2003


513/03—Esther Enny Mahlangu, Erf Nommer 88, Blok 54, Uitbreiding: Proper, Lesley. Kurator Mariétte Geldenhuys

Prokureur, Posbus 35743, Menlopark, 0102. Aanstelling, 25 Maart’2003. we

2869/01—Sello Lucas Motshegwa, Stand 4941, Phagameng, Nylstroom. Kurator, Mariatte Geldenhuys, Prokureur &

Aktevervaardiger, Posbus 35743, ‘Menlopark, 07102. Aanstelling, 11 April 2003.


Take notice that Lionel ivor Karp of ist Floor, 24 Crescent Drive, Melrose Arch, Melrose North, Johannesburg, has been

appointed as Curator Bonis to Hilton Anthony Spark of Midrand, Gauteng and resident of 108 Pierneef Street, Vorna Valley,

Midrand, Gauteng, Republic of South Africa, with effect from 12 December 2002.

Li Karp, 1st Floor, 24 Crescent Drive, Melrose Arch, Melrose North, Johannesburg. :



| |


(Section 75 of Act 66 of 1965)

Notice is hereby given that Michael Ruben Burmeister of Burmeister De Lange Inc., 12 Graham St, Port Elizabeth has

by letters of Curatorship No. MC151/2001 dated 8th January 2003 been appointed as Curator io administer the property of

Edward Jantjies who is resident at 17 Sysie St, Rosedale, Uitenhage.

S. S. Moodley, Master of the High Court of South Africa (Eastern Cape Division), Grahamstown.




_ MC159/2000—Daniel Frans Weston, Ebrowsingel 39, ‘Delft. Kurator/Voog, André van Eeden, p/a Venter Van Eeden

Ingelyf, Old Dutch Square, Venter Van Eedengebou, Ou Paarlweg, Bellville. Beéindiging, 22 November 2002.

MC333/2002—Curt Justin Diedricks, Heideweg 10, Belhar, 7490. Kurator, Heidi Lies! Diedricks, p/a Van der Spuy &

Vennote, Suite 275, Postnet X7, Tygerpark, 7535. Aanstelling, 8 April 2003.

Form/Vorm J 193


All persons having claims against the estates mentioned below are hereby called upon to lodge their claims

with the executors concerned, within 30 days (or otherwise as- indicated) calculated from the date of publication

hereof. The. information is given in the following order: Estate number, surname and christian names, date of

birth, identity number, last address, date of death; surviving spouse’s names, surname, date of birth and identity

number; name and address of executor and authorised agent, period allowed for lodgement of claims if other than

30 days. ov oe | - .


KENNISGEWINGS AAN KREDITEURE IN BESTORWE BOEDELS Alle persone wat vorderinge het teen die boedels hieronder vermeld, word hierby versoek om hu! vorderinge

by die betrokke eksekuteurs en binne ’n tydperk van 30 dae (of andersins soos aangedui) gereken vanaf die datum

van publikasie hiervan in te lewer. Die inligting word verstrek in die voigorde: Boedelnommer, familienaam en

voorname, geboortedatum, identiteitsnommer, laaste adres, datum oorlede; nagelate eggenool(note) se name,

familienaam, geboortedatum en persoonsnommer; naam en adres van eksekuteur of gemagtigde agent, tydperk

toegelaat vir lewering van vorderings indien anders | as 30 dae. we |


STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 47


.10811/00—Enslin, Willem Jacobus .Smit, 3 Julie 1918, 1807035006086, Frank Mynhardt Quetehuis, Brakpan,

27 Februarie 1999. Alida Johanna van Niekerk, p/a Immelman Visagie & Van der Merwe Ing., 57 Bergstraat, Rustenburg...

-. 5206/03—Kloppers, Johannes Jacobus, 1922/08/22, 2208225013084, Manitoba Mews No. 19, Faerie Glen, Pretoria,

2003/03/07; Joey Kloppers, 1924/11/20, 2411200016084. P. J. S. Koekemoer, Bettie Prinsloostr. 16, Annlin, 0182.

06984/03—Du Plessis, Elizabeth Anna, 1917-10-25, 1710250001081, 17 Viking Road, Valhalla, 0185, 10 April 2003.

J. J. Gey van Pittius, 17 Vikingweg, Valhalla, 0185.

14745/02—Lee, Anna Dorothea, 1926/07/04, 2607040017089, 107 Tulbach Flats, Symhurst, Primrose, 13 Julie 2002;

Adriaan Albertus Johannes Lee, 1922/12/03, 2212035010080. B. Wesseloo, Turkooisweg 112, Lyttelton Manor X3, Centurion,


04418/03—Van Wyk, Martha-Marie, 3 Desember 1941, 4112030025083, Vallyspruit, Dullstroom, 22/09/02. De Villiers

Prokureurs, Posbus 111, Belfast, 1100.

5342/03—Wright, Susanna Catharina, 5. February 1919, 1902050046081, 22 Main Reef Road, Comet, Boksburg, 1459,

4 March 2003. Peter Loeser Muller, 33 18th Street, Menlo Park, Pretoria, 0081.

05754/03—Walker, Mackenzie Henry, 29 November 1959, 5911295001088, 4 Bonlure Estates, Witbank Dam, Witbank,

~ 16 March 2008. PricewaterhouseCoopers, P.O. Box 55799, Arcadia, 0007.

665/03—Prinsloo, Salomon Theodorus, 1958-09-13, 5809135051083, geskei, Posbus 152, Ogies, 2230, 23-12-2002.

Stander en Vennote, Posbus 259; Delmas, 2210.

17943/02—Jordaan, Albertus Jacobus. Johannes, 1928-07-03, 2807035021001, Basoetoekraal, Schweizer-Reneke,

25 September 2002: Strauss & Van Zy! Prokureurs, Bothastraat, Posbus 368, Schweizer-Reneke.

3878/03—Berg, Lillian, 1937-09- 26, 3709260014082, weduwee, Posbus 312, Volksrust, 2470, 23-01 -2003. Stander en —

Vennote, Posbus 259, Delmas, 2210.

3627/2003—Ferreira, Jacomina Louisa, 27 Desember 1918, 1812270003085, Van der Merwesiraat 39, Elsburg, 1428,

3 Januarie 2003. J. J. C. Kock, Kerkstraat 6, Posbus 38, Edenburg, 9908.

19455/02—-Schoonraad, Frederika. Magdalena Susanna, 28/09/1910, 1009280011081, Huis Sering, Rustenburg,

08/09/2002. Fouche Raath Prokureurs, Posbus 3680, Brits, 0250.

19960/02—Klopper, Elizabeth Wilhelmina Cornelia, 30-05-1915, 1505300020085, Dana Home, Wakkers Stroom,

Mpumalanga, 9 October 2002. Johannes Jacob Klopper, P.O. Box 101185, Meerensee, Richards Bay, 3901, 30 dae.

04382/03—Radus, Cecil, 16-01-1922, 2201165026008, 6 Lions Village, 111 Howard Avenue, Benoni, 21 February 2003.

Freda Radus, 6 Lions Village, 111 Howard Avenue, Benoni. ~

3250/03—Kriel, Jeanette; 11/12/1961, 6112110087086, Boekenhoutlaan 15, Flora Park, Standerton, 01/01/2003;

Hermanus Jacobus Kriel, 23/07/1960, 6007235011086. Gustavus Kruger, Posbus 39, Standerton, 2430.

03625/2003—Erasmus, Michael Frederick, 22 November 1934, 3411225026083, plaas Rietviei 600, Grootvlei, distrik

Balfour, Mpumalanga, 22 Januarie 2003. Viljoen en Meek Prokureurs, Voortrekkerstraat 29, Heidelberg, Gauteng, 1441.

. 3686/02—Van Blerk, Carel Benedictus Johannes Zuurvogel, 28 August 1971, 7108285062083, Pietersburg,

22 September 2001: Ou Mutual Trust, Posbus 56447, Arcadia, 0007.

4935/2002—Maibi, Mamolupi Florina, 16 ‘April 1933, 3304160174085, 8282 Unit F, Tokoza, Alberton, 24 February 2002.

H. G. van der Walt, p/a McIntyre & Van der Post, Posbus 540, Bloemfontein, 30 days. 04433/03—Botha, Maria Petronella, 26 Oktober 1947, 4710260018080, Morreesstraat 11, - Vanderbijlpark, 1911,

19 Februarie 2003. Mnnr. M. J. Botha, p/a Rooth & Wessels Vaal, Posbus 21, Vanderbijlpark.

1501/02—Dalpat, Ramesh, 24/09/1941, 4109245024083, 22 Willow Crescent, Brits, 0250, 23/11/2001. Sharda Dalpat,

P.O. Box 813, Brits, 0250. _ 6212/03—Combrinck, Marthinus Stefanus, 19 November 1929, 2911195012089, Venturawoonstelle 205, Steadlaan 215,

Queenswood, Pretoria, 3 Maart 2003; Johanna Hendrika Combrinck, 8 April 1933, 3304080037081. A. V. Théron & Swanepoel,

P.O. Box 471, Sasolburg, 1947.

1724/02—Strydom, Johanna Jacoba, 2701220011085, plaas Wildebeesspruit, Leslie. Vos, Viljoen & Becker Ingelyf,

Posbus 1750, Secunda, 2302, 30 dae.

02710/03—Van der Walt, Jan Matthys, 07/02/1926, 2602075023086, Skatryk, Delareyville, 2770, 30/01/2003. MacRobert

ing., Posbus 276, Pretoria, 0001. . 19660/02—Smit, Johannes Albertus, 1958-09-11, 5809115006081, Rensstraat 860, Booysens, Pretoria, 0082,

2002-08-11; Gertruida Magdalena Smit, 1969-04-15, 6904150228085. Gertruida Magdalena Smit, Rensstraat 860, Booysens,

Pretoria, 0082, 30 dae.

18852/02—Nel, Willem Matheus Johannes Nel, 1923/05/23, 2305235034080, Keeromstraat 560, Daspoort, 0082,

2002/09/13; Johanna Magrietha Nel, 1930/01/05, 3001050046080. Fouche Raath Prokureurs, Posbus 3680, Brits, 0250... * ©

03626/03—Adriana Figueira, 2604210196181, ongetroud, Hendrik Potgieterstraat 20, Ventersdorp, 9 Februarie 2008.

H. J: Nel, Johan Nel Prokureur, Presidentstraat 11 (Posbus 1181), Zeerust, 2865, 30 dae.

‘..Johanna Magritha Prinsloo, 5de Straat 61, Boksburg-Noord, 8 Desember 2002. Dolf van Coller Ing., Rietonteinweg § 85,

ingang Turtonstraat, Boksburg-Wes (Posbus 322), Boksburg, 1460, 30 dae. a

48 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

731/0i1—Van Deventer, Tania, 13 Desember 1975, 7512130086082, 1 Oktober 2000. N. T. Labuschagne, p/a Henk

Hoffman Prokureurs, Sewende Straat 117 (Posbus 913), Springs, 1560.

3756/03—Pereira, Adelino Vasconcelos, 12 August 1938, 3808125076185, 101 Loeriehot, 164 Christoffel Street,

Pretoria West, Pretoria, 3 January 2003; Monica Dolores Pereira, 14 May 1947, 4705140045089. Monica Dolores Pereira, 101

Loeriehof, 164 Christoffel Street, Pretoria West, Pretoria.

Jansen van Rensburg, Theunis Christoffel, 14 Augustus 1933, 3308145059089, Henrystraat 7, Irene Park, Klerksdorp,

2570, 13 April 2003. D. J. Joubert, p.a Meyer Van Sittert & Kropman, Posbus 91, Klerksdorp, 2570.

17527/02—Sihlale, Thunuka John, 1928-01-08, 2801085254083, 6917 Osizweni Newcastle, 2000-07-18. Nomadlozi

Maria Sihlale, p/a Lexforum, cnr 5th Str & 7th Ave, Springs.

4236/03—Hills, Maria Louisa, 1934-07-05, 3407050017080, Paul Davissiraat 15, Barberton, 2003-01-15. Lemmer & Kie,

Posbus 11, Barberion.

Du Plessis, Hester Catharina, 7 Januarie 1907, 0701070005080, Driefontein, Posbus 177, Woimaransstad, 2630, 8 April

2003. Mnre Taljaard, Nieuwoudt & Van Tonder, Krugerstraat 33, Posbus 287, Wolmaransstad, 2630.

19472/02—Van Vreden, Rachel Cornelia Susanna Catharina, 14 Julie 1929, 2907140053087, Plot 42, Lushof, distrik

Tzaneen, 6 Oktober 2002. Francois du Preez, Concillium Gebou, Gen. Beyersstraat 118, Polokwane.

10087/02—Van der Westhuizen, Hendrik Jacobus, 7 Augustus 1957, 5708075031008, Voortrekkerstraat 13,

Poigietersrus, 29 Mei 2002. P.C. Wentze!l, Concillium Gebou, Genl. Beyersstraat 118, Pietersburg.

5136/03—Coetzee, Barend Frederik, 21/2/1944, 4402215045083, Jakkalsfontein, Bronkhorstspruit, 22/2/2003; Martha

Johanna Jacomina Coetzee, 25/6/1939, 3906250047003. B R Coetzee, p/A Blaar Coetzee & Vennote, Posbus 417,


04056/03—Smit, Hendrik Jakobus, 7/22/67, 6707225003080, Lynettepark 18, Doornpoort, Pretoria, 31 Januarie 2003;

Judy Smit, 1970/03/27, 7003270093088. Werner Roos & Immelman Prokureurs, Posbus 16754, Pretoria-Noord, 0116. 30 dae.

1094/03—Boitman, Anna Sophia, 04-04-1938, 3804040058085, Komatistraat 4, Stilfontein, 2551, 27 November 2002;

Frederick James Boltman, 22-04-1939, 3904225022086. F J Boltman, p/a Van Staden Vorster & Nysschen, Posbus 282,


5036/2003—Janse van Rensburg, Pieter Frederik Salverus, 1913/10/01, 1310015007083, Uitspanweg 149, Die Wilgers

Uitbreiding 9, Pretoria, 27 Februarie 2003. Mev AJ Booysen, Middelstraat 321, Brooklyn, Pretoria.

04544/03—Anna Catharina du Plessis, 22 Januarie 1921, 2101220005080, plaas Boschpoort, Carolina, 16 Januarie

2003; Andries Stephanus du Plessis. AL Terblanche, Eksekuteur Testamentér, Terblanche-Pistorius Ing., President Krugerstraat

23, Posbus 2128, Middelburg, 1050. 30 dae.

1710/08-—Snyman, Jacob Petrus, 1941/03/29, 4103295080004, 50 Secot Street, Casseldale, Springs, 2003/01/10.

Charles Sherman, Levin & Prosser, P.O. Box 886, Springs, 1560.

04071/03—Viljoen, Jacobus Petrus, 19/07/1942, 4207195124000, Molenhof 3, Pinestraat, lrenepark, Klerksdorp,

23/12/2002; Aletta Catharina Viljoen, 26/09/1949, 4909260018088. Saniam Trust Bpk, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

5966/03—Goliath, Edgar Berton, 1933/04/14, 3304145072081, 160 Esxceisiorstraat, Reigerpark, Boksburg, 2003/02/01;

Lucy Cathleen Goliath, 1930/05/21, 3052120067089. Malherbe, Rigg & Ranwell, PO Box 26873, East Rand, 1462.

1368/2003—Niemand, Johanna Susanna, 27 Augustus 1925, 2508270016082, Gedeelte 10 vd Plaas Syferbult, 16 Junie

2001; Gysbert Johannes Niemand, 15 Augustus 1922, 2208155007005. Smith vd Watt, Posbus 399, Paardekraal, 1752.

02620/083—McLaren, Evina, 26 February 1927, 2702260041081, Huise Eikelaan, 75 Van Riebeeck Street, Potchefstroom,

2531, 31 December 2002. Neal Wynne McLaren, 3 Steyn Street, Baillie Park, Potchefstroom, 2531.

03832/03—Vorster, Andries Gerhardus Henning, 24 Julie 1916, 1607245016085, Tomstraat 20, Potchefstroom,

3 Februarie 2003. Dieter Werner Wenhold, Wenhold Von Zwietring, Posbus 164, Steenstraat 35A, Rustenburg, 0300.

20151/01—Wallace, Richard William Brian, 10 November 1953, 5311105112086, (13 Acacia Road, Duxberry,

Johannesburg, 27 October 2001. P.A. Wallace, P.O. Box 6, Riverclub, 2149.

4985/2003—Abrahamse, Anna Carolina Magdalena, 25 Desember 1927, 2712250082086, Van der Hovenstraat 979,

Daspoort, Pretoria, 5 Februarie 2003. Mnr. WJA Moller, p/a Posbus 125, Pretoria, 0001.

Kartoudes, Loizos, 03/01/1918, 1801035017086, 65 Third Avenue, Mellville. Karen van Niekerk Prokureurs, Posbus 42,

Woodlands, 0072.

3202/2003—Griinewald, Esther Maryna, 26 Januarie 1942, 4201260016084, Tamboetiestraat 4, Northvilla, Benoni,

01/01/2003; Albert Grunewald, 16/09/39, 3909165038083. Geyser Prokurerus, Athionelaan 24, Dalview, Brakpan, 1541.

02494/03—Adams, Mary Elizabeth, 19-02-1918, 1802190011088, 227 lvan Beckettlaan, Eersterust, Pretoria, 0022,

05-11-2002. A. Nefdt, 377 Danubelaan, Eersterust, 0022.

1137/0i—Schmid, Peter Jiirgen, 4/11/1948, 4811045171184, c/o PO Box 913, Witbank, 1035, 28/10/2000; Daniela

Schmid, 28/10/1951, 5110280164189, John Bailie & Claassen Inc., PO Box 913, Witbank, 1036.

1137/01—Schmmid, Peter Jiirgen, 4/11/1948, 4811045171184, c/o PO Box 913, Witbank, 1035, 28/1 0/2000; Daniela

Schmid, 28/10/1951, 5110280164189, John Bailie & Claassen Inc., PO Box 913, Witbank, 1036.

05118/03—Boden, Paulina Joan, 24 November 1913, 1311240029082, 27A Harcus Road, Bedfordview, 20 February

2003. Calteaux and Partners, 165 Van Riebeeck Avenue, Eastleigh Ridge, Edenvale.

_ 12/03—~Gauld, Robert, 19 January 1937, 3701195072186, 2 Scorpio Street, Van Riebeeck Park, Kempton Park,

26 November 2002. Calteaux and Partners, P.O. Box 2009, Edenvale, 1610.

STAATSKOERANT, 16 ME! 2003 No. 24846 49

5556/03—David, Manuel Baeta Tomas, 1934/12/07, 341207506080, 19 Toerien Street, Vanderbijlpark, 2003/02/01; Maria

Amelia de Jesus David. Mercantile Bank Limited, P O Box 782699, Sandion, 2146.

, -5502/03—Forbes, Leslie Norman, 1944-09-23, 4409235117081, 655 27th Avenue, Villieria, Pretoria, 2003-02-27;

: Charmaine. Beatrice Forbes (born Williams), 1957-11-18, 5711180042084. Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd, 265 Kent

Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg.

-18259/02—Liza Lorandos, !_imasol; Cyprus, 12 March 2000. DW Phillips, Private Bag X40000, Houghton, 2041. 30 days.

5798/03—Chatterton, Christian William, 20 November 1946, 4611205086085, 75 General Hertzog Street, Vereeniging,

03 March 2003. Old Mutual Trust Limited (Reg. No. 1927/000328), Estates Department, P.O. Box 8795, Johannesburg, 2000.

6982/03—Bertram Edward Clarke, 29th August 1920, 2008295013081, 1 April 2003. Jan Johannes Scholz, c/o De Villiers

Scholiz, P O Box 738, Germiston, 1400.

3983/2003—Dickie, Alan Stuart, 31 December 1947, 4712315037180, 9 Fanie Avenue, “Florida Glen, Roodepoort,

7 December 2002. Rupert Gush, C3 The Guild Office Park, 5 Guild Road, Parktown West, 2193. 03895/03—Annegret Weise, 08 -August 1945, 4508080055187, 14 Glanville Crescent, Wendywood, Sandton,

14 November 2002. William Clark c/o Shaban Clark Attorneys, Walbrooke, House 37, Glenhove Road, Melrose Estate,


04366/03—Omar, Abdool Hamid, 12 December 1946, 4612115113084, 5 Shiraz Street, Roshnee, 8 Ocicber 2002.

Rafique Baba & Associates, P.O. Box 21059, Roshnee, 1936. _ 3630/03—Farinha, Mary, 2-8-1917, 1708020050081, Vila St Isobel, Albertonskroon, Johannesburg, 28 July 2002.

J B Hugo & Cronje, PO Box 115, Krugersdorp, 1740.

2422/03—Jacobus Petrus Carlse, 31-03-1961, 6103315125084, Waterval Estates 19, Wasbank Street, Little Fails,

Florida Hills, 1716. Schwelinus Inc., PO Box 2220, Randburg, 2194.

13544/02—-Mihali, Theodoros, 5th July 1927, 2707055082182, 701 Roan Street, Sundowner, 3rd May 2002; Georgia

Mihail. Van Hulsteyns, Primegro Place, cor Rivonia & Boundary Roads, Illovo, Sandton, P.O. Box 653148, Benmore, 2010.

20151/0i—Wallace, Richard William Brian, 10 November 1953, 5311105112086, 13 Acacia Road, Duxberry,

Johannesburg, 27 October 2001. P.A. Wallace, P.O. Box 6, Riverclub, 2149.

13529/01—Aimatial Kuvarjee Madhav, 25 October 1940, 4010255072089, 13 Crow Avenue, Extension 1, Lenasia,

15 February 2001; Dnanuben Narsi Madhav, 5310160053086, Vally Chagan & Associates, 2nd Floor, Dockrats Corner, 65 Lilian

Road, Fordburg.

6358/03—Richey, Albert Leverett, 1927-10-31, 2710315029084, 28 Bracken Crescent, Soetdoring Street,

Brackendowns, Alberton, 2003-03-21. Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 3673, Randburg, 2125.

5523/03—Roberts, Joseph Wiliam, 1930-03-01, 3003015041081, Plot 97, Homestead, Apple Orchards, Walkerville,

Vereeniging, 2003-03-14. Stabilitas Board of Executors, 265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg.

6361/03—Phihlela, Manthlana Alfred, 1938-07-01, 3807015608081, 1951 Mpane Street, Orlando East, Orlando,

2003-03-07; Mashadi Maria Phihlela (nee Selomo), 1950-08-06, 5008060527080, Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Limited,

265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg.

4022/03—Levin, Yvonne Beatrice, 6/08/1922, 2208060026082, 14 Vrey Street, Beyers Park, Boksburg, 1459,

13/12/2002. Sandra Maria Freire, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.

' Makama, Thabo Eric, 01/01/1967, 6701015454082, 113 Honey Crest, 86 Honey Street, Berea, 2198, 07/01/2003. ABSA

Trust Ltd, P O Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

Stocken, Oiga Mary Vigne, 04/12/1930, 3012040030084, 22 Protea Road, Wychwood, Germiston, 1401, 27/03/2003.

ABSA Trust Ltd, P O Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

1501/02—Dalpat, Ramesh, 24/09/1941, 4109245024083, 22 Willow Crescent, Brits, 0250, 23/11/2001. Sharda Dalpat,

P.O. Box 813, Brits, 0250.

3750/03—Penderis, Hanno, 14/09/1924, 2409145038080, 216 Elphin Lodge, Modderfontein Road, Johannesburg,

Gauteng, 30th January 2003. Lister & Lister, P O Box 144, Pietermaritzburg, 3200, KwaZulu-Natal.

3737/03—Nezar, Bernard, 27 April 1970, 7004275291081, plaas Elandspoort, distrik Nylstroom, 11 Januarie. 2003;

Saretha Nezar, 25 Augustus 1970, 7008250004088. Leanna Viljoen & Vennote, Posbus 1146, Vereeniging, 1930.

17096/02—-Andrews, Maria Janeta Debora, 9 Oktober 1938, 3810010033081, 23ste Laan. 676, Rietfontein, 0084,

9 Februarie 2002; Sidney Thomas Stuart Andrews, 5 Oktober 1938, 3810055025083. Mariétte Geldenhuys Prokureur &

Aktevervaardiger, Posbus 35743, Menlopark, 0102.

19994/02—Hiralal, Dayanand, 15 April 1962, 6204155180088, Swartbergsiraat 31, Oakdene, 2190, 11 Junie 2002.

Mariétte Geldenhuys Prokureur & Aktevervaardiger, Posbus 35743, Menlopark, 0102.

18005/01—Barend Paulus Griffin, 18/09/1924, 2409185038081, Andries Pretoriusstraat 1 4(b), Standerton, 2 Oktober

2001; Olga Griffin (gebore Saunders), 16/09/1930, 3009160019087. F.P.N. Hennop Prokureur, Suite 27, Privaatsak X1,

Queenswood, 0121-

3515/03—Niemand, Anna Cornelia, 24/12/1948, 4801240067006, Van Waverenstraat 26, Bendor, Pietersburg, 0699,

7 Oktober 1998; Mattheus Daniel Niemand, 7/12/1943, 4312075018007. F.P.N. Hennop Prokureurs, Suite 27, Privaatsak X1,

Queenswood, 0121.

00360/03—Van der Walt, Patricia Ann, 1952/09/07, 5209070007085, K84, Park Lane, Wes Village, Krugersdorp,

2002/12/02; Stephanus Petrus van der Walt, 1950/01/23, 5001235620088. ‘P.J.S. Koekemoer, Bettie Prinsloorstr 16, Anniin,


BO 'No.24846 °° GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

.5918/03—Coetzee, Louis Johannes; 5 Mei. 1947, 4705055054084, Moorhenweg 2, Helikon Park, Randfontein, 1759,

18 Maart 2003; Elizabeth Petronella Coetzee, 10.Augustus 1949, 4908100058080. Elizabeth Petronelia Coetzee, per adres

Truter Crous & Wiggill-Ing., Posbus.6629, Greenhills, 1767.

Schlebusch, Anna Magrietha Christiena, 14/06/1927, 2706140026089, Koster Tuiste vir Bejaardes, Malanstraat, Koster,

0348, 45/03/2003. ABSA Trust: Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.:

Haarhoff, Johannes Petrus, 16/04/1941, 4104165009081, ‘Hadedastraat 197E, Montanapark, 0159, 24/03/2003;

Christina Herkulina Haarhoff; 20/06/1 942, 4206200004082. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Nienaber, Helena Christina, 30/11/1918, 1811300003000, Moria Sentrum vir Belardes, Krugersdorp, 1739, 12/03/2003.

ABSA Trust-Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Mothibe, Stefane Stephen, 31/01/1936, 3601315148082, 3384 Zone 13, Sebokeng 1982, 03/04/2003. ABSA Trust Bpk,

Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001..

‘Erasmus, Magdalena Carolina, 10/1 0/1959, 5910100040083, Rivierstraat 9, Nylstroom, 0510, 25/03/2003; Abel

Johannes Jacobus Erasmus, 18/05/1957, 5705185015004. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Weideman, Willem Johannes, 21/11/1961,.6111215073080, Bull Bulistraat 47, Rooihuiskraal, 0154, 29/03/2003. ABSA

Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Bryce, Dina Corlina, 10/05/1 922, 2205100043085, 91 Amsterdam Road, Clubview, 0157, 18/12/2002. ABSA Trust Bpk,

Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Mokgabudi, Mokhobo Anna, 09/01/1945, 4501090459085, 13394 Mamelodi East, Mamelodi, 0122, 16/02/2003; Thibane

Dudley Mokgabudi, 01/04/1940, 4004015509084. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Combrink, Salomie Beatrix, 13/10/1 940, 4010130029080, Delaneystraat 22, Koster, 2825, 04/03/2003. ABSA Trust Bpk,

Posbus 383, ‘Pretoria, 0001...

‘McLaren, Johan.. Christiaan,. 02/05/1960, "6005025057087, De Beerstraat 324, Eldoraigne X6, Lyttelton, 0157,

29/03/2003; Elizabeth Aletta McLaren, 23/03/1965, 6503230113083. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Grobler, Pieter, 28/08/1931, 3108285032080, Schoemanstraat 105, Potgietersrus, 0601, 13/01/2003; Heiletjé Maria

Grobler, 19/12/1938; 3812190004080. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001...

' 5848/03—Swart,. Johannes Stephanus, 28/03/1943, 4303285017087, Irislaan 18, Flimieda, Klerksdorp, 2571,

11/03/2003: ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

’ Janse van Vuuren, Christiaan Frederick, 03/08/1940, 4008035068088, Grahamstraat 18, Vanderbijlpark, 1911,

19/02/2003; Rina Janse van Vuuren, 03/08/1940, 4008035068088. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

_. Van den Berg, Maria’ Elizabeth, 30/09/1932, 3209300007089, De Beerstraat 584, Wonderboom-Suid, Pretoria, 0084,

01/04/2003; Hendrik Joachim Kalephs van den Berg, 13/04/1 928, 2804135017088. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria,


Dickason, Anthony Peter, 29/01/1 954, 5401295082080, 72 Anne Street, Glen Austin Ext 3, Midrand, 1685, 16/03/2003;

‘Laura Dickason, 03/06/1 953, 5306030032086. ABSA Trust Bpk,.Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. ,

Dreyer, . Jan Johannes Christoffel, 20/08/1 946, 4603205078089, Esmaraidahof 1, Potchefstroom, 2531, 06/03/2003.

ABSA Trust Bpk, ‘Posbus. 383, Pretoria, 0001.”

‘Roux,. Bertha, 19/02/1921; 2102180010086, Anna Wilsonstraat 211, Ebenhaeser Woonstel 206, Kilnerpark, 0186,

04/03/2003. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Nel, Gezina Catharina Fredrika, 24/06/1911, 1106240030084, Feesweg 11, Erasmus, Bronkhorstspruit, 1020,

06/04/2003; Barend Louis Nel; 27/05/1918, 1805275029081. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

‘Vermeulen, Egbert Johannes, 24/10/1949, 4910245026089, Beauchamp Proctorlaan 1, Pierre van Ryneveld, Pretoria,

0045, 22/03/2003. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

02811/03—Scott, Olga, 26/12/1924, 3412260052084, 25 Swallow Street, Meredale, Johannesburg, 13/12/2002.

FNB Trust Setvices, P.O. Box 6257, Weltevreden Park.

‘Janse van. Rensburg, Wessel’ Wynand, 24/10/1930, 3010245053083, Bde Laan 312, Capital Park, Pretoria, 0084,

26/03/2003; Catharina Petronella Janse van Rensburg, 01/12/1931, 3112010031086. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria,


Pieterse, Johanna “Maria; 24/02/1918, 1802240006088, St iveslaan 6, Mayfair Wes, Johannesburg, 2092, 09/03/2003.

_ ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Prétoria, 0001.

: 5850/08—Thomson, Daniel! David studd, 15/05/1929, 2905155018086, 82 Senior Park, Witpoortie, Witbeeck, 1729,

. 08/03/2003; Elizabeth Cornelia: Thomson, 01/02/1925, 2502010009085. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Labuschagne, Gezina Hendrina Catharina, 28/06/1959, 5906280101083, Kariegastraat 441, Erasmuskloof, 0048,

25/03/2003; Casper Jan-Hendrik Labuschagne, 19/07/1956, 5607195047086. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

. Greyling, Louise Marinda, 23/09/1954, 5409230002089, Erasmusstraat 272, Meyerspark, 0184, 07/04/2003. ABSA Trust

Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

. *.-6300/03—Maloney, Henrietta Dolfina, 08/11/1915, 1511080029080, 28ste Laan 755, Villieria, Pretoria, 0186, 24/03/2003.

ABSA Trust. Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

6320/03—Jordaan, Vernon, 28/11/1924, 2411285023088, Flat 15, Methodist Home for Age, Briscoe Lane, Queenswood,

0186, 24/03/2003: ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383; Pretoria, 0001.

' 4809/03—Clarke, John Arthur,. 06/08/1951, 5108065074086, 10 2de Siraat, Verdedigingsterrein, Pretoria, 0002,

21/01/2003; Shirleen Peggy Clarke, 22/01/1956, 5601220014088. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

_STAATSKOERANT, 16 ME! 2003. No. 24846 51

Brown, Terry Pierce, 26/11/1930, 3011265016083, Karel Trichardt Laan 676, Mountain View, Pretoria, 0082, 31/03/2003.

ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Coetzee, Maryna, 18/07/1956, 56071 80064088, Serenestraat 558, Balginderry 35, Garsfontein, 0042, 28/09/2003. ABSA

Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Nel, Marthinus Hermanus, 23/04/t 961, 6104235075086, Nepoleonstract 20A, Rustenburg: “Noord; Rustenburg, 0299,

13/02/2003. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Booysen, Daisy Elizabeth, 08/1 0/9 936, 3610080078085, Oosstraat 62, Oos-Einde, Rustenburg, 0299, 07/04/2003: ABSA

Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0004.°

6301/03—Niehaus, Orpa, 24/03/1924, 2403240038087, Olienhof No. 4 Woonstelle, ‘Queenstrat, _Zeerust, 2865,

21/03/2003. ABSA Trust Bok, Posbus'383, Pretoria, 0001.

Nolan, Albert Thornas, 27/06/1935, 3506275013087, Friederiche Straat 257, Wierdapark, 0149, 08/04/2003; Martha

Salmina Francina Nolan, 05/09/1938, 3809050021089. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Bezuidenhout, Hermanus Johannes Petrus, 16/01/1944, 4401165069085, 19de Laan 930, Wonderboom Suid, Pretoria,

0084, 07/04/2003; Hester Maria Magdalena Bezuidenhout, 30/01/1947, 4701300066080. ABSA ‘Trust Bpk, ‘Posbus 383,

Pretoria, 0001.

Sithole, Beauty Zinyane, 13/08/1968, 6808130370083, Stand 976, Siyathuthuka, Belfast, 1170, 30/08/2008. ABSA Trust

Bpk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

6317/03—Viljoen, Aletta Cornelia Elizabeth, 07/02/1 932, 3202070037089, Knopfontein, Alma, 0512, 02/03/2003. ABSA

Trust Bpk, Privaatsak X950, Pretoria, 0001.

5460/03—Meere, William John, 03/10/1938, 3810035054088, Sandpiperstraat 16, Floridameer, Florida, 1709,

01/02/2003; Gerda Meere, 19/10/1947, 4710190063081. ABSA Trust Bpk, Privaatsak X950, Pretoria, 0001.

19823/02—Sch6nken, Pieter Alexander, 31/12/1968, 6812315013088, Plot 46, Tweefontein, ‘Warmbad, 28/09/2002.

Veritas Eksekuteurskamer, Posbus 55092, Arcadia, 0007.

3836/03—De Vos, Rose, 07/09/1925, 2509070085087, Eshur Straat 38, Denwoodie, Germiston, 21/07/2001. Veritas

Eksekuteurskamer, Posbus 55092, Arcadia, 0007.

3233/01—Rossouw, Leon, 22/12/1959, 5912225010082, 2 Lions Head, Noordheuwel, Krugersdorp, 08/02/2001. Veritas

Eksekuteurskamer, Posbus 55092, Arcadia, 0007.

18310/02—Grobler, Willem Abram, 3 Mei 1941, "4105035059081, Ermelosingel 313, Faerie Glen X6, Faerie. Glen,

Pretoria, 29 September 2002. S J S Kuschke, p/a D P du Plessis Prokureurs, Posbus 7003, Centurion, 0046. 30 dae.

1733/02—Vermaak, Cina Catharina Elizabeth, 15/10/1922, 2210150018086, Sesdestraat 42, Lichtenburg, 2740,

02/12/2002. Bosman & Bosman, Posbus 1, Lichtenburg, 2740.

06049/03--Steyn, Wilhelm, 28/02/1936, 3602285019089, Oosthuizenlaan 58, Songloed, Klerksdorp, 2570,

15 Februarie 2003; Hester Catharina Steyn, 07/07/1939, 3907070091080. Bosman & Bosman, Posbus.1, Lichtenburg, 2740.

05185/03—Hitge, Petrus Stephanus, 29/12/1959, 5912295126083, Hendrik Poigieterstraat - 60, Lichtenburg, 2740,

16/02/2003; Elsie Sophia Hitge, 16/06/1962, 6206160123003. Bosman & Bosman, Posbus 1, Lichtenburg, 2740. Lo

00873/03—Faller, Cecilia, 06/11/1914, 1411060059084, Nazareth House, Waterkloof, Pretoria, 07/11/2002. BDO Spencer

Steward, Chartered Accountants (SA), P O Box 95436, Waterkloof, 0145. 30 days.

Whitfield, Isabel Elizabeth, 05/06/1928, 2806050007085, 33 Apollonia Gardens, Edgar Road, _ Beyerspark, 1459, 06/03/2003. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

Stawski, Petronelia Susanna, 25/06/1932, 3206250012085, Trichelia . Villa, Flat Tt, West Acres, Nelspruit, 1200, ,

29/03/2003. ABSA Trust Ltd, P O Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

Adriano, Joaquim Jose Teixeira, 06/02/1928, 2802065207083, Plot 7, Robin Street, Hillside, Randfontein, 1760, 02/04/2003. ABSA Trust Ltd, P O Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

04446/03—Rita Cohen, 28 January 1922, 2201280036080, 104 Sunset Acres, Cnr. Viccie & Benmore Road, Benmore Gardens, 11 February 2003. RWFC Financial Consulants Inc, P O Box 1364, Houghton, 2041...

00764/03—Pillay, Sunmugum, 9 August 1944, 4408095071081, 22 Biuebell Avenue, Lenasia Extension 2, Johannesburg, 22 June 2002; Karmachi Pillay, 8 February 1948, 4802080127082. Dangors Attorneys, P O Box 127, Lenasia, 1820. 30 days.

3458/03—Karstaedt (t/a Benida Pharmacy), Benno David, 12 June 1920, 2006125048087, Apartment 9, 107 Katherine Street, Sandown, Sandton, 15 February 2003. | A Karstaedt, c/o Paternostro-Fienberg Attorneys,.P.0. Box 149, Bruma, 2026.

19669/2002—Du Toit, Jan David, 14-07-1920, 2007145026087, 197 Flamink Straat, Naboomspruit, 11-10-2002: Gertruida . Dorothea du Toit, 1929-02-22, 2902220041086. Geriruida Dorothea-du Toit, c/o P.O. Box 33, Florida Hills, 1716..

06215/03-—-Naidoo, Appalsamy, 22 June 1950, 5006225124082, 79 Beryl Avenue, Brariley Park, Johannesburg, 31 January 2003; Bealah Helen Naidoo, 15 May 1954, 5405150018089. The Executrix, c/o Veshay Singh Attorneys, P.O. Box 370, Mulbarton, 2059.

7177/01i—Park, Tommy Whisky, 8th: January 1926, 2601085062084, 40. Lood Street, ‘Eldorado Park, 1813, 24 October 2000; Virginia Limakatso Park, 15 October 1982, 3210150261081. _ Ramontja {ttorneys, P.O. Box 10214, Johannesburg, 2000.

1157/02—Cole, Elena Perez, 9 August 1929, 2908090032105, 29° Sherbourne Estate, Kimbal : Road, _Lonehiil, 11 January 2002; Richard Harold Cole, 24 April 1930, 3004245042089. Tonkin n Clacey, Avonwoid House,’ 24 Baker Street, Rosebank; P.O. Box 52242, Saxonwold, 2142:° . eo, oa

52 No. 24846 - GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

--15216/02—Nielson, Raymond, 08/01/49, 4901085002082, 16 Nakuru. Rd, Sunninghill Gardens, Gauteng; 28/07/2002.

V. Nielson, PO Box 680, Sunninghill, 2157.

06205/03—-Gowan, Litawati, 15-06-1942, 4206150011087, 64:Albatross Aventie, Lenasia Ext .1; Johannesburg, 1820,

11-12-1998; Mr Kandu Gowan, 31-10-1938, 3810315043082. Mr Enver Khan, PO Box:10172, Johannesburg, 2000. ate

:: '03382/03--Chazem, Marilyn, 26 October 1954, 5410260781089, 11° December 2002. IAPA * Johannesburg: ‘Chartered

Accountants, Ground Floor, Auto Park House, Cross Road, Glenhazel. 4

.00347/03—Da Silva, Maria Natividade, 16 April 1917, 1704160019184, 22 cope treet, oye, Jonannesburg; 2 2198,

4 December 2002. N. Batalides & Co, P.O. Box 2218, Southdale, 2135.

. -1511/02—Ebrahim, Ismail, 8 August 1928, 2808085045080, 165 Rose Avenue Extension 3, Lenasia, 1820, 19° soptember

2001: Fatima Ebrahim, 16 December 1942, 4212160076086. M J Ebrahim, 165 Rosa Avenue X3, Lenasia, P.O. Box: 186;

Lenasia; 1820.

17352/02—Hassen, Ismail, - p9/06/1 908, 0806295037089, 8 ‘Smew Avenue, Lenasia, 13/07/1 992; Khan Kulsumbibi,

01/09/1906, 2609010055057: Amina Rahman Attorneys, 107 Queens Road, Mayfair, 2092.

1245/01—Goolam, Essop Mia, 29/12/1945, 4512295456081, 58 Carrick Avenue, Extension 8, Lenasia;- -30/0912000,

Amina Rahman Attorneys, 107 Queens Road, Mayfair, 2092. St

4811/03—Deeb, Julia Mary, 24-02-03, 1902240024089, Old Peoples Home, Woburn Street, Benoni,-16 September 2008.

STRB Aitorneys, P.O. Box 55232, Northlands, 2116.

4808/03—Coney, Patricia Louise Newson, 28 March 1914, no ID. No., 4 Cambridge Avenue, Highlands, Harare,

Zimbabwe, 16 August 2000. STRB Attorneys, P.O. Box 55232, Northlands, 2116.

4848/03—Mendelow, Nathan, 1 December 1919, 1912015051084, 7 Killarney Village, 5th Street, Killamey, Johannesburg,

15 January 2003. Judie Mendelow, 7 Killarney Village, 5th Street, Killarney, Johannesburg.

-02534/03—Dura, Wilhelmina. Johanna, 1908/06/03, 0806030068183, 3 Davies Road, Bryanston, :2003/01/09. BDO

Spencerr Steward, Private Bag X60500, Houghton.

4877/03—Sutton, George Henry, 25- 05-25, 2505255060085, Flat No. 10 Summerfield F Park, Carlton Street, Johannesburg

North, 24-02-2003: Joan Dorothy Sutton, 5 January 1932, 3201050008086. Allardyce & Partners, P.O. Box 2266, Saxonwold.:

02503/03—Barrote, Hermes Goncalves, 04/01/1964, 6401045045089, 16 Casa‘del Sol, Nossob Street, Winchester F Hills

Ext. 2, 27 November 2002. Richard F Reed, P.O. Box 146, Florida Hills, 1716; 1 Penelope Street, Florida North.

035554/03—Batten, Millie, 19 November 1912, 1211190043085, 104 Greenlands-Crescent, Sunningdale, 28 November

2003. Attorney B. S. Friedman, P.O. Box 432, Germiston, 1400... * ™

- 4877/03—Sutton, George Henry, 25-05-25, 2505255060085, Flat No. 10 Summetfield Park, Carlton Street, Johannesburg

North, 24-02-2003; Joan Dorothy Sutton, 5 January 1932, 3201050008086. Allardyce:& Partners, P.O. Box 2266, Saxonwold. .

03518/03—Albu, Cecil'Basil, 27/08/1926, 2608275050084, 10 Gladiator Avenue; Airfield, Benoni, 1501, 14/02/2003. A. E.

Cook, Cook & Falconer, P.O. Box 52, Benoni, 1500.

6702/03—Ismail, Fatima,- 24/05/1919; 1905240079086, .11 Poppy Crescent, Marlbro Gardens Extension, 29/11/2001.

Bham and Dahya Attorneys; 1st Floor, St. James Building, 43 Ampthill Avenue, P.O. Box 2413, Benoni.

- .2452/03—Nicholson, Norman. Garth, 12/07/1 928, 2807125005088, 10 Vth: ‘Street, Linden, 13/1 2/2002. FNB Trust

Services, P O Box 6257, Weltevreden Park.

15268/02—Khan, Abdul Kader;07/12/1 927, 2712075049088, 18 Tuna Avenue, Lenasia, 1827, 16/05/2000; Rasool Bibi

Khan, 22/05/1927, 2705220093084. Rasool Bibi Khan, 18 Tuna Avenue, Lenasia, 1827.

5865/03—Francis, Leslie James, 17/06/1926, 2606175003088, 85 Village Street, Randfontein, 1759, 6/03/2003. Ellen

Julia Nel in her:capacity as Nominee The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.

5868/03—Hamilton, David Alexander, 08/05/1937, 3705085050087, 72 Somerset Road, Kensington, Johannesburg,

07/03/2003. Ellen Julia Nel in her capacity as Nominee The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited, PO Box 1291, Parklands,


03839/03—Van Vuuren, Hendrik Willem, 27 August 1929, 2908275055004, 55 4th Street, Fochville, 16 May 2003. Wright,

Rose-Innes, Box 123, Germiston, 1400. ,

- 3940/03—Richards, Leslie Arthur Lennox Richards, 13/11/1918, 1811135019080, 81 Krinpatk Retirement Village,

Wilrow Park, 03/02/2003. FNB Trust Services, P O Box 6257, Weltevreden Park.

3353/03—Palmer, Arthur James, 08/07/1952, 5207085730089, 14 Allan Road, Glenanda, -s0rt1/2002, -ENB Trust

Services, P O Box 6257, Weltevreden Park.

06204/03—Said, Rasheed Ahmed, 27-03- 1944, 4403275015081, 6 Mercury Street, Mayfair V West, Johannebut, 1 1820,

21/02/2003. Mr Enver Khan, PO Box 10172, Johannesburg, 2000.

’ 3307/03—Kleynhans, Petrus Johannes, 25/09/1925, 2509225019080, Hamiltoniaan 113, Brakpan, 21/01/2003; Johanna

Elizabeth Kleynhans, 26/05/1929, 2905260001001. FNB Trust Services, Posbus 25472, Oos Rand; 1462. ,

- 7/1/2-608/96—Mhlongo, Tshepo Amos, 1958-04-02, 5804025652082, Stand 576, Lakeside, Sebokeng, 2 29 Augustus

4996. Schoeman Prokureurs, 550 Ontdekkers Road, Florida-Noord,.1716.

Krynauw, Dawid Antonie, 13/12/1933, 3312135078083, Rooihoutstraat 52; Pullenshope, 1096, 04/04/2003. ABSA Trust

Bok, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

Van Schalkwyk, Pieter Jacobus, 30/07/1934, 3407305019089, plaas Rusoord, Vereeniging, 1930, 05/04/2003; Petronella

’ Dorothea van Schalkwyk, 29/01/1939, 3901290017082. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus ‘1081, Kempton | Park, 1620. :

- STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 . , No. 24846 83

-EFasmus,: Daniel Jacobus, 21/06/1938, 3806215055085, Barnardstraat 9, Brenthurst; Brakpan, 1540, 02/04/2003. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

“Allen, Stephen Edward, 09/05/1949, 4905095032088,. 14 Messina Street, ‘South Hil s, Johannesburg 2197, oavoar200s,

ABSA Trust Lid, P O Box 1081, Kempton: Park, 1620:

«Man der Merwe, Cornelis Johannes, 08/03/1938; "9803085047086, plas ‘Woestalleen, Middeburg, 1050, 08/04/2008,

ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

*. Brits, Johannes Petrus, 26/10/1931, 3110265018089, Wilro Aitree Oord, Huis 146; Wilropark, 1734, 23/08/2008; 5 Mary

Ann Brits, 21/11/1935, 3511210022086. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

- 3523/02—Smith, David Pilgrim, 1963-12-21, 6312215213086, 22 Cockcroft Street, Honeyhilis, Roodepoort 2001 -09- 12.

Schoeman Prokureurs, 550 Ontdekkers: Road, Florida-Noord, 1716.

17368/02—Matube, Sydney Jonathan, 1943-03-12, 4303125288088, 10832 Dobsonwil, Ext 3, , Roodepoort 1998-02. 13..

Schoeman Prokureurs,.550 Ontdekkers: Road, Florida-Noord, 1716.

5015/03—Mailula, Pheagane Simén, 1964-03-07; 6403075640086, 2050 Lenyenye, Tzaneen, 1998- 02-08. ‘Schoeman

Prokureurs, 550 Ontdekkers Road, Florida-Noord, 1716.

Van der Merwe, Nicolaas Casparus, 12/10/1915, 1510125016086, SAVF Ouetehuis, Middelburg, 4050, 16/03/2003; Martha: Maria van der Merwe, 18/11/1922, 2211180030083. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

Scholtz, Joachim Jacobus, 02/05/1945, 4505025028089, plaas Wederhelf, Roossenekal, Middelburg, 1050, 11/03/2003; ‘Hester Catharina Helena Scholtz, 28/12/1937, 3712280044089. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

Theart, Gert Petrus, 02/09/1946, 4609025097084, Clover Cnr No. 2, h/v Vyfde en De Wetstrate, Krugersdorp-Noord, 1739, 25/03/2003; Hester Aletta Elizabeth. Theart, 06/08/1955, 5508060014088. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

-’ Powell, Eugene, 15/05/1972, 7205155032087, Hulleysiraai 30, Witpoorti, 1724, 14/01/2008; Jarlene Belinda Powell ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

Schutte, Gideon Petrus, 01/05/1926, 2605015012085, Kanarielaan 35, Kanonkop, Middelburg, 1050, 16/03/2003; Johanna Fransina Magdalena Schutte, 17/07/1937, 3707170023086. ABSA Trust Bpk,. Posbus-1081, ‘Kempton Park, 1620.

Steyn, Jacobus Johannes, 22/10/1911, 1110225035084, SilwerJare Ouetehuis, Bethal; 2310, 09/03/2003. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620:

Kemp, Dina Carolina, 26/02/1935 ,;:3502260020088, Blesboklaan 27; Middelburg, 1050, 27/03/2003; Lourens Johannes Christoffel Kemp, 22/01/1926, 2601225023087. ABSA Trust Bpk; Posbus 1081, Kempton Park,.1620.. °

. Woller, Sarah Maria, 15/03/1941, 4403150007084, Pegninmyn Mica, Phalaborwa, 1390, 17/02/2008; Gert Jacobus Wolter, 24/12/1940, 4012245051082. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

Swanepoel, Hester Martha, 19/05/1954, 5405190118089, Schepersiaan 24, Bergbron, Florida, 1709, 24/03/2003, ABSA ' Trust Bpk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

Muiler, Alida Cornelia, 23/01/1938, 3801230005082, G H Franzstraat 8, Vanderbilpark, 1911, 13/04/2003 Leendert Johannes Muller, 10/01/1936, 3601105003083. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.-

Swanepoel, Daniel Pieter, 18/04/1955, 5504185091085, Scheepersiaan 24, Bergbron, F Florida, 1709, 24/03/2003. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

7038/03—Jacobs, Johannes Rudolf Louw, 29/01/1944, 4401295074088; Bioekomlaan 2, >, Nisagie Park, Nigel, 1490, 24/02/2003; Johanna Catharina Elizabeth Jacobs, 29/01/1944, 4401295074088. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

Klopper, Pieter Johannes, 24/03/1 953, 5303245023083, ‘Seymore No. 1, Plot, Middelburg, 1 050, 2asos/2008; Rosemarie Klopper, 05/02/1956, 5602050055084. ABSA Trust Bpk,. Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

Fouche, Gertrijda Elizabeth Maria, 12/02/1943, 4302120086083, Athlonelaan 83, Noycedale, Nigel, 1490, 28/02/2003; Jacob Christiaan Fouche, 25/01/1935, 3501255090080. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

Drummond, John Robert, 29/07/1928, 2807295003087, plas C Doornhoek, Waterval Boven, 1995, 29/03/2003.. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

Botes, Jacobus Nicolaas Lodewikus van Dyk, 01/08/1926; 2608015023086, 6 Mainstraat, Welgedaght Springs, 1559, 17/03/2003. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

705 1/03—Oosthuizen, Stephanus Johannes, 11/08/1940, 4008115112087, 642 Aston Lake, » Springs,. 1559, 01/08/2008 ABSA Trust Lid, P O Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

Naidoo, Khani, 11/05/1952, 5205110171089, 3 Harrier: Close,. Bakerton, ‘Springs, 1559, 25/02/2008. ABSA Ts Lid, P O Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

Maré, Marthinus Jacobus, 30/03/1951, 5103305012087, plas Rietviei, Holmdene, Standerton, 2430, 21/03/2008: E'sio Cecilia Maré, 24/09/1956, 5609240098007. ABSA Trust Bpk; Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

‘Nel, Frans Johannes, 09/05/1926, 2605095020081, 120 Agitiende Laan, Welverdiend, 2499, s0/oa/2008; Maria Ichanna Nel, 11/01/1926, 2601110072082. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus:1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

: Stam, Rixje; 26/05/1919, 1905260039085; Room 4, Flemming Old Age Home, Randjesiaagte, 4 2192, 017032008, ABSA Trust Ltd, P O Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

-.7041/03—Jacobs, Gerald Jacobus, 04/06/1952, 6206045185087, 45 Third Street, Alberiskroon, 2195, oa/os/a00s. ABSA Trust Ltd, P O Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620:::

54 No. 24846 ~ _ GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

7068/03—Thompson, Margaret, 01/03/1921, 2103010019081, Gerdview Gardens 2, Emden Straat, Gerdview, 1401,

’ 49/03/2003. ABSA Trust Ltd, P O Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

7067/03—Tsolo, Florence Lehwotlo, 23/01/1932, 3201230194087, 4231 Zone 4, Pimville, Soweto, 1808, 14/08/2002.

ABSA Trust Lid, P O Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

7016/03—Attwood, Anthony John, 17/12/1941, 4112175050086, 17 Petrea St, ‘Esther Park Ext 1, Kempton Park 1619

- 08/03/2003. ABSA Trust Ltd, P O Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

7065/03—Sutherland, Gwendoline Marion Mavis, 13/07/1923, 2307130039081, 29 The Planets, The Fountains. Moore

Avenue, Benoni, 1501, 20/02/2003. ABSA Trust Ltd, P O Box. 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

Vermaak, Anthony Robert, 17/08/1964, 6408175048080, 35 Blandford Place Blandford Road, Northriding, Randburg,

2037, 04/03/2003. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus. 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.:

171433/02—Chariton, May Elleen, 17/11/1925, 1711250012086, 40. Dion Street, Helderkruin, Roodepoort, 18/08/2002.

Elsie Catharina Yates, P.O. Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006.

03807/03—Smith, Francina Magdalena, 13/12/1956, 5612130016089, Naudélaan 4, Krugersdorp-Wes, Krugersdorp,

26/12/2000; John Lodewyk Smith, 28/10/1964, 6410285057084. Marinus Johannes Hesselink, Schickerling, Bowen &

Hesselink Ing., Ontdekkersweg 352, Florida Park, Roodepoort, Posbus 6431, Wesigate, 1734.

5597/03—Joubert, Helena Johanna Joubert, 21/06/1934, 3406210035081, Buhrmanstraat 7, Horison, Roodepoort,

10 Maart 2003; Andries Johannes Francois Joubert, 18 Julie 1929, 2907185022088. Marinus Johannes Hesselink, Schickerling,

Bowen & Hesselink Ing., Ontdekkersweg 352, Florida Park, Roodepoort, Posbus 6431, Wesigate, 1734. -

7167/03—Maarten van den Steen, 4001085025082, Sanderling 12, Erasmusweg, Edenglen. Pierre Koekemoer,

Posbus 214, Bedfordview, 2008.

7166/03—Hermanus Lambertus Reyneke, 3406165047081, Lucystraat 17, Homestead, Germiston. Pierre Koekemoer,

Posbus 214, Bedfordview, 2008.

6384/03—Buys, Vera Aileen (gebore Leech), 1929-06-09, 2906090057080, Bloekom Laan 3, Generaal Albertspark.

Alberton, 2003-02-21. Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Bpk, Kentiaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg.

, 2424/03—Coetzee, Victoria. George, 30-3-1923, 2303300005085, G37 Willow Haven, The Willows, Pretoria,

11 January 2003. Van Rensburg Executors, Posbus 1220, Rant en Dal, 1751. .

1334/03—Niemandt, Lucas Marthinus, 3-7-1945, 4507035085083, Susannaweg 57, Florentia, Alberton, 30- 12-2002:

Ellen Magrietha Niemandt, 4901060082083. Van Rensburg Executor, Posbus 1220, Rani en Dal, 1751.

04729/03—Louw Edith Edna, 29/10/1 934, 3410290027083, 4 Greenwood Road, Homestead Park, 29/11/2003; Charles

Pearsall Louw, 21/07/1923, 2307215016004. Phillippus Albertus Coetzee, 37 12th Ave, Northmead, Benoni.

01263/03—Stone, Engelina Wilhelmina, 6/12/1904, 131383122, Elm Manor Nursing Home, Canandaigua 14/1 0/2002.

Phillippus Albertus Coetzee, 37 12thh Ave, Northmead, Benoni.

Johanna Magritha Prinsloo, 5de Straat 61, Boksburg Noord, 08: Desember 2002. Dolf van Coller ing., Rietfonteinweg 85,

ingang Turtonstraat, Boksburg Wes, Posbus 322, Boksburg, 1460.

8601/03—Trafford Eric Grobler, 1 November 1946, 4611015115082, ongetrou, 28 Maart 2003. J Odendaal, Odendaal &.

Kruger Prokureurs, Posbus 836, Delmas, 2270. o

6362/03—Poigieter, Albert Francois, 1968-09- 08, 6809035060083, Pebble Springs Nommer 28, Mirabelstraat, Highveld

Park, Highveid, Pretoria, 2003-03-11. Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Bpk., Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg.

6855/03-—_Wessels, Wendelyn, 27-05-1965, 6505270041084, 46 Keurhoek Street, Claremont, Johannesburg,

13 November 2002; Jurie Jacobus Wessels. Phillip de Beer, P O Box 2083, Krugersdorp.

Formaner, Peter, 1938-01-08, 3801085030086, 6 May Street, Cresta, Randburg, S.A, 2002-11-01; Sigrid Elice Formaner

(out of community of property). Mrs S E Formaner, 6 May Street, Cresta, Randburg, 2118.

7165/03—Benjamin Tredoux Poigieter, 4711075040087, Bricelaan 57, Strubenvale, Springs. Pierre Koekemoer,

Posbus 214, Bedfordview, 2008.

13337/02—Pieters, Catharina Gertruida, 7HON6, 1610070003004, Huis van Boards, Klerksdorp, 20 Mei 2002.

Jacobus Ne! Burger, Posbus 391, Ottosdal, 2610. 30 dae. : i

6863/03—Neill, Isabel Sawyers, 31st July 1918, 1807310049082, 397 Malherbe Street, Capital Park, Pretoria, 0084,

13th, March 2003; Edward Dirk Willem Bouwer Neill, 27th February 1915, 1502275014086. Henry Errol Neill, 28 Olive Road,

Valhalla, 0185.

01460/2003—Benade, “Charlotte Georgina, 1920-12-25, 2012250066057, plaas -Doorndraai, Nylstroom,

19 Oktober 2002. Breytenbach-Keulder Ing., Posbus 883, Nylstroom, 0570.

2850/2002—Holtzahausen, Marthinus Jacob, 1931-06-05, 3106055046082, Pleinstraat 85, Nylstroom,

25 November 2001; Wilhelmina Sophia Holtzhausen, 1937-01 -05, 3701050067081. Breytenbach -Keulder Ing., Posbus 883,

Nylstroom, 0510. °

3686/02—Van Blerk, Carel Benedictus Johanries Zuiurvogel, 28 August 1971, 7108285062083 Pietersburg,

22 September 2001. Ou Mutual Trust Posbus 56447, Arcadia, 0007.

5772/03—Van Aarde, Johan Christiaan Jacobus, 20/03/" 947, 4703205061083, Pretoria, 16 Februarie 2003. Ou Mutual

Trust, P.O. Box 56447, Arcadia, 0007. ' 6319/03—Lessing, Jacobus Daniel Bothma, 19/10/1 941, 4110190038086, Germiston, 27: Februarie 2003; Johannes

Christiaan Lessing, 21/01/1943, 4301215028000. Ou Mutual Trust, P.O. Box 56447, Arcadia, 0007.

_- STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 : a No. 24846 55

"06996/03—Du Plessis, Johan Cornelius, 29/03/1947,: - 4703295009083, 56 Poolestr, Rasiow, Pretoria, 13/04/2003;

Sophie du Plessis, 28/06/1948, 4806280014008. Sophie du Plessis, 56 Poolestr, Raslow, Box 15024, Lyttleton, 0140.

.4995/03—Chilton, Clelia Dolores, 02/11/1927, 2711020069183, 308 Univer, 136 Johnston Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria -

02/02/2003. FNB Trust Services, P O Box 40076, Arcadia.

. 5797/03—Coddington, Adrian Bernard, 28/10/1925, 2510285032088, ‘87 Natalie Avenue, Murrayfield, ‘Pretoria,

18/03/2008. FNB Trust Services, P O Box 40076, Arcadia.

_ . 6478/03—Rossouw, Martha Maria Francina, 15/03/1947, 4703150086085, Bosveldsig Fase 1 No. 1, Nylstroom,

03/02/2003. FNB Trust Services, Posbus. 40076, Arcadia.

_,,, 8063/03—Vosloo, Susara Jacoba, 30/07/1916, 1607300039089, Plot 119, Levubu, 22/01/2008. FNB Trust Services,

Posbus 40076, Arcadia.

_, 1890/03—Jansen van Vuuren, Hester Maria, 04/04/1911 , 1104040006081, Rus n Bietjie Ouetehuis, Springs,

03/10/2002. FNB Trust Services, Posbus 40076,Arcadia. -

3169/03—De Villiers, Johan Andries, 13/11/1924, 2411135010087, Silwethoek 17, Bronkhorstspruit, 4 16/1 2/2002. Judith

Magdalena de Villiers, 04/11/1927, 2711040005084. FNB Trust Services, Posbus 40076, Arcadia. —

6343/03—Spieker, Elly Susanna, 13/05/1 933, 3305130014186, 831-25ste Laan, Rietfontein, Pretoria, 10 Februarie 2003;

Johannes Cornelis Spieker, 2803075027107. Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 11287, Hatfield, 0028.

6381/03—Booyens, Theodorus Ernst, 21/12/1932, 3212215003086, ‘Stevensonstraat 52, Uitb. 8, Witbank, 4 Maart 2003.

Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 11 287, Hatfield, 0028. °

1270/03—Difford, Margaret Bruce, 1911-05-12, 1105120028085, Orchards Lodge, 25 Garden Road, Orchards, Gauteng,

09-05-2002. Petra Labuschagne, PGL Administreerders, P.O. Box 7954, Pretoria, 0001:

19335/02—Pelser, Johannes Petrus, 1937/06/02, 3706025100081, Elm Weg 50, ‘Primrose- Oos, Germiston, 1401,

2002-10-18. P.G.L. Administreerders, Posbus 7954, Pretoria, 0001.

13973/01—Wessels, Antonie Hendrik, 1933-08-25, 3308255064085, Plot 121, lanstraat, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp, 2001-06-13; Susara Aletha Wessels, 1951-11-09, 5111090061086. Susara Aletha Wessels, Plot 121 lanstraat, Wilkoppies.

Kartoudes, Loizos, 03/01/1918, 1801035017086, 65 Third Avenue, Mellville, 16/1 2/2002. ‘Karen van Niekerk Prokureurs, Posbus 42, Woodlands, 0072.

7064/03—Swanepoel, Sidney Carl, 1973-06-09, 7306095039081, Myrastraat 619, Moreletapark, 2003-03-31. Standard Eksekuteurs en Trustees, Posbus 1330, Pretoria, 0001.

7061/03—Struwig, Rudolf Martinus, 24-06-1933, 3306245009087, Orkneyvaal . Tuiste .22, Oliver Geldsmith Straat,

Orkney, 2619, 2003-03-26; Heiletjie Hendrieka Maria Struwig. Standard Eksekuteurs en Trustees, Posbus 1330, Pretoria, 0001. 7103/03—Meyer, Joseph Herman Christian; 1937/06/10, 3706105040082, 25ste Laan 636, Viilieria, Pretoria,

2003/04/05; Valary. Grace Meyer. Standard Eksekuteurs en Trustees, Posbus 1330, Pretoria, 0001;>

6638/03—Kollataj, Jacek Hugo, 1941-04-26, 4104265112082; 14 Crescent Road, Waterkloof. Ridge, Pretoria, 2003- 03- 30; Ritva Lisa Anneli.Kollataj. Standard Executors and Trustees, P O Box 1330, Pretoria; 0001.

7092/03—Knoetze Estelle, 13 September 1928, 2809130036082, Gwariebosiaan 68, Wonderboom, 9 April 2003. Standard. Eksekuteurs en Trustees, Posbus 1330, Pretoria, 0001.

7089/03—De Jager, Daniel Jacobus, 21 Junie 1936, 3606215031080, Plot Melodie, Hatboespoort 28 Maart 2003. Standard Eksekuteurs en Trustees, Posbus 1330, Pretoria, 0001. ‘

6639/03—Forrester, Eric James, 1922/12/04, 2212045004081, 21 Springs Avenue, Strubenvale, 2003- 03-14. ‘Standard Executors and Trustees, P O Box 1330, Pretoria, 0001.

7086/03—Holtschneider, Hubert Wilhelm, 1913/11/03, 1311035010180, 18de Laan 230, - Rietondale, Pretoria, 2003/04/11. Standard Eksekuteurs en Trustees, Posbus 1330, Pretoria, 0001.

7088/03—Jooste, Josef Adriaan, 2 Februarie 1938, 3802025028081, Aquilalaan 350, ‘Waterkloofrit. X2, 16 Mei 2003; Emmerentia Elizabeth Joosie. Standard Eksekuteurs en Trustees, Posbus 1330, Pretoria, 0001.

3974/03—Labuschagne, Pieter Jacobus, 1915-07-15, 1507155010088, 9 Sarel Cilliers Street, Paul Kruger F Resort,

Springs, 2003-01-23. A. J. S Attorneys, Unit 4, Netwater Place, 252 Oak Avenue, Randburg. 17644/02—Botha, Johannes Hendrik van Wyk, 10/02/1927, 2702105010085, Basseaweg 11, Gerdview, Germiston,

1401, 22/09/2002; Evelyn Louie Botha, 08/12/1931, 3112080004088. Mev. Elma Louise Schonieldt, ‘Privaatsak X1045, Benoni 1500/Huis No 10, Modderbee, Benoni, 1500.

7025/03—Clegg, Susan Erica, 4-06-1944, 4406040044189, 10 Kiepersol, 870 Disselboom ‘Avenue, Wapadrand, Pretoria, 19-03-2003. Standard Executors and Trustees, P O Box 1330, Pretoria, 0001.

3116/03—Pool, Susanna Magdalena 11/6/1918, 1806110030086, Marbie Woonstel Nr 20, Akasiastraat 830, Marble Hall, 0450; Posbus 505, M/Hall, 20/1/2003. Catharina, MS Wessels, Woonstel Nr 20, Marble Woonstelle, Akasiast 830, M/Hall.

- 6804/03—Cilliers, Johannes Hendrik, 17/12/1936, 3612175021087, 24 Little Eden, Waterberg Street, Noord-Heuwel, 11 April 2003. Johannes Hendrik Cilliers, 95 C/o Ronél Street & Jean Avenue Doornkloof, P O Box 17132, Lyttelton, 0140.

,02385/03—Williams, Henry Christopher, 1944/09/15, 4409155060089, Kronkellaan Nr 49, Magaliesvillas, Magalieskruin, 25 Januarie 2003; Wilhelmina, Louise Williams, 1946/10/05, 4610050050089. Deidré ‘Williams, Pirokseenstraat 704, Elarduspark X6. 30 dae.

6147/03—Boyi, Kolisile Henry Boyi, 4 September 1939, 14 Charangura. Street, Saulsville, Pretoria, Gauteng, 28 September 1999; Nontembiso Nancy. Boyi, 19. Mei 1942, 4205190275082. N. N. Boyi, Pla Rudolph. Botha Prokureurs, Posbus 17232, Lyttelton, 0140. ;

56 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

7072/03—Vermeulen, Mercia, 27/04/1947, 4704270060083, Markonetie Woonstel 2, Golfpark, Meyerton, 24/12/2002;

Charles Jacobus Vermeulen, 07/04/1943, 4304075006082. Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis 1685.

6687/03—Viljoen, Daniel Phillippus, 1931/02/10, 3102105047089, 52 Hans ‘Strydomiaan, Lyitelton Manor, Pretoria,

2003/03/15; Myrtle Annie Viljoen, 1932/09/10, 3209100039084. Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

Vorster, Gertruida Magdalena, 08/06/1930, 3006080071081, Berghill Woonstel No. 10, Derde Laan, Florida, 05/02/2003.

Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Haifweghuis, 1685. , Ce

4417/03—Weiman, Aibrecht Pieter, 09/12/1944, 4412095080084, Theunsstraat 19, Birchleigh Noord, Kempton Park,

05/01/2003; Cecilia Carolina Welman, 23/09/1941, 4109230070083. Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

6061/03—Venter, David Daniel, 1939/09/21, 3909215020081, Plot 67, Leeukuil, Polokwane, 2003/02/20; Martha

Elizabeth Dorathea Venter, 1943/11/24, 4311240015088. Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

1863/03—Van Rooyen, Hester Catharina, 05/05/1928, 2805050041086, Hawaiirylaan 3, Randjiesfontein, Midrand,

10/01/2003. Saniam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

Spies, Marius Rens, 15/03/1962, 6203155039088, 84A Kerkstraat, Potchefstroom, 02/03/2003. Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak

X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

Uys, Johanna Jacobina Catharina, 1913/06/22, 1306220037089, Boxwoodweg 12, Primrose, Germiston, 2002/11/19.

Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

6686/03—Smit, Cornelius Wilhelmus, 1930/06/25, 3006255001087, 27ste Laan 731, Villieria, Pretoria, 2003/03/25; Annie

Hendrika Smit, 1930/06/25, 3006255001004. Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

6284/03—Tenquist, Alexander Charles MacDonnel, 24 August 1923, 2308245040089, No. 11 The Manor, 27 Centre

Road, Morningside, Sandton, 21 March 2003. Maitland Trust Limited (attention A. Addison), PO Box 781396, Sandton, 2146.

05039/03—Sebba, Andrew James Simpson, 27 May 1946, 4605275024083, 5 Zan Street, Blairgowrie, Randburg, 27

February 2003. Maitland Trust Limited (attention A. Addison), PO Box 781396, Sandion, 2146. °

03601/03—Lamb, Ronald, 02/08/29, 2908025039084, No. 13 Westhaven Retirement Village, 81 Goldman Street, Florida,

1709, 24/12/2002; Cornelia Johanna Lamb, 18/05/31, 3105180034088. Jan van der Merwe Attorneys, 65 Hendrik Verwoerd

Drive, Randburg; P.O. Box 1183, Pinegowrie, 2123.

6558/03—Kallmeyer, Lawrence Arthur, 17 September 1948, 4809175008085, 3 Vaughan Close, Sunningdale,

Johannesburg, 17 March 2003. Sloot Broido, 1st Floor, Babcock House, 173 West Street, Sandton.

04389/03—Sugarman, Stanley, 1921/04/03, 2104035036084, 415 D Corlett Drive, Bramley View, Johannesburg,

15 February 2003. Grant Thornton Kessel Feinstein, Private Bag X28, Benmore, 2010.

5702/03—Scheepers, Hermanus Lambertus, 24/09/1950, 5009245071085, Kerkstraat 4, Swartruggens, 05/03/2003.

Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685. os

03533/03-—Bredell, Rudolf Phillipus, 10/7/1916, 1607105009089, Plot 6, Kampersrus, Noordelike Provinsie, 17/10/2002.

Gerhardus Jansen van Vuuren, Posbus 66504, Highveld, 0169.

7046/03—Marsile-Medun, Quinto, 22/06/1936, 3606225037184, Plot 20, Kalkfoniein, Pietersburg, 25/03/2003. Sanlam

Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

Lubbe, Johannes Hendrik, 28/05/1950, 5005285062083, Andries Pretoriusstraat 24, Witpoortjie, Roodepoort,

28/092/2003. Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685. /

Maartens, Paulus Johannes, 23/11/1977, 7711235072084, Woihuterstraat 3, ‘Kinross, Secunda, 07/03/2003. Sanlam

Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

4715/08—Kennedy, Gideon, 25/02/1959, 5902255059083, 302 Wonderzicht, De Beerstraat, Wonderboom-Suid,

06/02/2003. Saniam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

Kgare, Mokgadi Isaiah, 31/01/1930, 3001315167085, PO Box 5085, Lissa Kgare Village, Bochum, 17/02/2003; Maphuti

Sarah Kgare, 04/12/1942, 4212040322080. Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685. . .

Khan, Farida HWahibux, 02/08/1943, 4308020081082, Plot 104, Rietfontein, 14/08/2002; Gopaul Naidoo, 06/09/1932,

3209065096087. Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685. '

Joubert Benjamin William, 15/07/1945, 4507155096084, Tennysonstraat 19, Uitbreiding 8, Witbank, 15/01/2003;

Catherina Wilhelmina Johanna J. Joubert, 09/02/1954, 5402090149082. Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

Faurie, Hendrik Jacobus Nicholaas, 09/04/1951, 5104095012089, Heuweistraat 2, Rustenburg, 13/02/2003. Sanlam

Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

5172/08—Fourle, Almira, 09/02/1974, 7402090071086, Kwartelsingel 13, Rooihuiskraal X7, 23/02/2003; Leon Marius

Fourie, 09/07/1973, 7307095023083. Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

3011/03—Hoffend, Wilhelm Johann Friedrich, 27/04/1923, 2304275011082, 30 Riverberg Lodge, Bergrivier Drive,

Terenure, Kempton Park, 17/01/2003. Saniam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

Coetzee, Pieter Hendrik, 14/11/1930, 3011145055087, PO Box 166842, Bracken Downs, Gauteng, 24/03/2003; Shirley

Ann Coetzee, 02/07/1935, 3507020050085. Sanlam Trust, Privaaisak X187, Halfweghuis, 1685.

513/03—Combrink, Frederik Christiaan, 27/11/1941, 4111275035088, Johanstraat 10, Def Judor, Witbank, 18/01/2003;

Sylvia Ann Combrink, 12/04/1944, 4404120033089. Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

4543/03—Du Plessis, Pieter, 01/06/1935, 3506015017083, Doringhoek, Thabazimbi, 09/12/2002; Johanna Petroneila du

Plessis, 14/09/1938, 3809140016008. Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

2597/03—Moodley, Poobalan Ganesan, 23/12/1959, 5912235081081, 87 Oberon Street, Sunward Park, Boksburg,

45/01/2003; Shamilla Moodley, 03/06/1963, 6306030220086. Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 57

7059/03—Reynecke, Martie Cornelia, 16/02/1965, 6502160032081, 1 Adiastraat, Dewetshof, Germiston, 10/02/2003; Anion Adriaan Reynceke, 22/06/1965, 6506225023084. Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X17, Halfweghuis, 1685.

. 1336/03—Quinn, Nellie Ruth, 1953/08/23, 5308230102008, Maliestraat 1139, Wilgeheuwel, Roodepoort, 2002/12/24. Stephen Vorster Quinn, 1952/08/20, 5208205092004. Sanlam Trust; Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

Palmer, Susanna Fredrika, 14/11/1925, 2511140004080, 429 Wonderboomstraat, Pretoria-Wes, 19/04/2003. Sanlam Trust, Privaaisak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

_ 7086/03—-Pieterse, Elizabeth Louretta, 1954/05/15, 5405150065080, 23 Viola Laan, Flora Gardens, 2003/01/12. Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685. -

11777/02—Scott, Dorothy Joy, 17. February 1930, 3002170037082, 17 Verdi Avenue, Risidale, 27 January 2002. Hans Klopper Trustees (Pty) Ltd, 367 Oak Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg. .

00996/03—Cassim, Sattar, 23 May 1945, 4505235061086, 34 Mysore Avenue, Laudium, 0037, 21 October 2002. Muhammed Hussain Sumro, Box 14033, Laudium, 0037.



249/2003/2—Oberem, Marion, 02/09/1926, 2609020028003, 5 South Wynd, Kennersiey Park, Bonza Bay Road, Beacon Bay, East London, 05/01/2003. FNB Trust Services, P O Box 1537, East London.

78/2003—Sokujika, Nombuyiselo Silverlock, 29/09/1933, 3309200191081, Ngwabangu, Cofimvaba, 05/02/2003. FNB Trust Services, P O Box 1537, East London.

1131/2003-—Land, Mavis, 12/07/1915, 1607120023081, Flat No 7, The Woodhoime, Esplanade, East London, 20/03/2003. FNB Trust Services, P O Box 1537, East London.

833/2003-—Fonitein, Nicholas, 25 April 1926, 2604255061084, 3 Eland St, Geivandale, Port Elizabeth, 16 January 2003; Regina Margret Frances Foniein, 4 November 1930, 3011040041083. Wheeldon FRushmere & Cole, 119 High Sireet, Grahamstown. , .

508/2003/3—Bryant, Anthony Leatherland, 25 December 1918, 1812255008085, Tarkastad Home for the Aged, Tarkastad, 4 February 2003. De Waal-Baxter, P O Box 1022, Queenstown, 5320.

779/2003/1—De Villiers, Daphne, 28 Novernber 1916, 1611280007082, Huis Tarka, Tarkastad, 23 February 2003. De Waal—Baxter, P O Box 1022, Queenstown, 5320.

987/2003—Pauls, Lewis Peter, 9 June 1937, 3706095008081, 7 Freesia Avenue, Cotswoid, Port Elizabeth, 24 March 2003; Susanina isabella Pauls, 24 August 1941, 4108240036084. Ferreiras, 1 Geard Street, North End, Port Elizabeth.

1071/2003/1—McNamara, Jacoba Magrieta, 14-05-1937, 3705140074080, 3 Rhodes Avenue, Komga, 19-02-2003; Aiden Bernard McNamara, 3211105020002. Old Mutual Trust Lid, 64 Govan Mbeki Avenue, Port Elizabeth.

902/2003—Daya, Vasantee, 04/07/1929, 2907040046082, 94 Agapanthus Street, Malabar, Port Elizabeth, 15/02/2003. Sanlam Trust Beperk, Posbus 27428, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth.

628/2003/2—Du Plessis, Theunissina, 6 Junie 1938, 3806060002083, Wolwekraal Plaas, Kareedouw (Oos Kaap), 4 Februarie 2003; Gabreiéi du Preez Du Plessis, 16 November 1936, 3611165001083. Rian Viljoen, p/a DC Fourie Prokureurs, 10 Peelstraat, Sentraai, Port Elizabeth.

909/2003/1—Lotiering, Rachel, 5 August 1940, 4008050141083, 11 Jasmine Street, Victoria Park, Queenstown, 5 March 2003. De Waai-Baxter, P O Box 1022, Queenstown, 5320.

1122/2003/1—Verner, Mary isabel, 28 March 1915, 1503280015084, Flat 4, Fairiands, Cambridge, East London, 28 March 2003. Cooper Conroy Bell & Richards Inc, P O Box 19272, Tecoma, 5214.

1053/2003/1—Kreusch, Marjorie Merle, 1923-09-04, 2309040021084, RGS Old Age Home, Kabega, Port Elizabeth, 17 March 2003. Christopher Johan Booysen, c/o PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc., P O Box 27013, Greenacres, 6057.

1189/2003/1—Haigreen, Jan Ress, 30/8/1930, 3008305068082, Hoof Seaviewweg 30, Seaview, Port Elizabeth, 4 April 2003; Juliana Helena Halgreen, 19/8/1938, 3808190054083. G du Preez & Kie, Posbus 28302, Sunridge Park, Port Elizabeth, 6008.

1083/2003/3—Herseiman, Christiaan Albrecht, 17-11-1919, 1911175001087, Handelstraat 5, Despatch, 25 Maart 2003; Orpa Herseiman. Mnr. P. Kemp, Conradie Campher en Kemp Ing, Posbus 12, Despatch. 30 dae.

820/2003/2—Orr, William Donald, 11 March 1914, 4 403115014081, 30 Reservoir Road, Belgravia; East London, 19 February 2003. Standard Executors & Trustees, P O Box 13281, Vincent, 5217.

100/2003—-Nokhaya Nongoku Ntsholo, 25 April 1961, 6104250740085, 239 Sandile Street, Duncan Village, East London, 25 February 2003; Mtateni Nisholo. Dewey & Associates, P.O. Box 13230, Vincent, 5217. 30 days.

544/2003/2—Strydom, Johannes Jacobus, 20 April 1931, 3104205009084, 40 Van Zyl Street, Dordrecht, 14 January 2003; Emma Elizabeth Strydom, 02 September 1936, 3609020047085. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 72560, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057.

134/2003—Henrard, Agnes May, 16 May 1919, 1905160046081, Cottage 38, Thereafter Frailcare, Virty Place, Lorraine, _ Port Elizabeth, 28 December 2002. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 72560, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth,

' 6057.

58 No. 24846 - GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

1003/2003/2—Grobler, James Hertzog, 12-12-1931, 3112195044086, Glukstraat 6, Despatch, 7 Maart 2003; Christina

Catherina Grobler. Mnr. P. Kemp, Conradie Campher en Kemp Ing, Posbus 12, Despatch, 6220.

795/2003/1—Dreyer, Wouter Gerard, 10-07-1940, 4007105009006, Farm Welverdiend, Adelaide, 09/01/2003. F. Dreyer,

c/o FNB Trust Services, P O Box 1537, East London. | os

913/2003/3—Strydom, André, 1951/07/19, 5107190098085, Voortrekkerweg Nr. 61, Humansdorp, 6300, 28/09/2002.

Christo Swanepoel, p/a Mnre. Peter Cooper & Seun (Humansdorp Kantoor), Posbus 34, St. Francisbaai, 6312. 30 dae.

1108/2003/1—-Odendaal, Piet, 14/08/1937, 3708145018086, Myburghstraat 15, Aliwal Noord, 5530, 15/12/2002; Philda

Susan Odendaal, 18/01/1949, 4901180127081. Anna Magdalena Brand, p/a Brand Prokureurs, Posbus 11612, Universitas,


636/2003/1—Smit, Gerrit Johannes Burger, 30-08-23, 2308305018082, 403 Park Plaza, Victoria Park Drive, Port

Elizabeth, 8 February 2003. Liesel, nominee of Greyvensteins Nortier, St George’s House, 104 Park Drive, Central, Port

Elizabeth. ,


1139/2003—Mbule, Mhlopheki July, 01-07-1919, 1 907105101087, 963 Molefestraat, Bohlokong, Bethlehem, 29-01-2003;

Ntsoaki Elizabeth Mbule, 19-06-1946, 4606190476085. Harringtons Ing., Lindieystraat 29, Posbus 255, Bethlehem.

" 4424/2003—Du Preez, Christoffel Philippus du Preez, 16/01/1943, 4301165010081, die plaas Zendelingsfontein,

Koffiefontein, 18 Maart 2003. Andries Spangenberg Ing., Tweedelaan 46, Westdene, Bloemfontein.

3710/2002—-Radebe, Msongelwa Freeman, 04-10-1924, 2410045129086, Twalastraat 451, Theronville, Bethlehem,

02-05-2002. CC Harrington, Harringtons Ing., Lindleystraat 29, Posbus 255, Bethlehem, 9700.

522/2003—Bouwer, Daniela, 25/8/1929, 290825001 4083, Brandwagsingel 57, Uitsig, Bloemfontein, 25/12/2002. Vermaak

& Dennis Ingelyf, Posbus 12801, Brandhof, 9324.

1458/2003—Van der Berg, Johannes Nicolaas, 13/1/1951, 5101135002088, Kommandostraat 11, Wilgehof,

Bloemfontein, 12 Maart 2003; Gertina Margaretha van der Berg, 23/7/1955, 5507230098088. Vermaak & Dennis Ingelyf,

Posbus 12801, Brandhof, 9324.

3635/2002—Feni, Mhlopheki David, 24 July 1965, 6507245347081, 32 Karp Crescent, Bloemside, Bloemfontein, 3 May

2000; Elizabeth Mamoratei Feni, 21 October 1972, 7210210272082. Webbers, P O Box 501, Bloemfontein.

2905/2002—Janik, Johannes Heinrich, 3-8-1964, 64080300017, 4 Paul Nash Street, Windhoek, 3-11-2001.

F M Oehl-Trust CC, Box 90290, Kiein Windhoek.

4177/2003—Muller, Pieter, 26 April 1932, 3204265002084, Willowglen, Bethlehem, 4 Maart 2003. Breytenbach Van der

Merwe & Botha Ing., Posbus 693, Bethlehem, 9700. 30 dae.

Du Plessis, Sarel Jacob. Philippus, 14/2/1930, 3002145023001, Boswellstraat 5, Kroonstad, 31/3/2003; Elizabeth

Emmerensie, 7/3/1932, 3203070016081. W J Botha, Du Randt & Louw Ing, Posbus 26, Kroonstad.

1739/2003—Olivier, Elizabeth, 08/02/1947, 4702080050088, Via Felix 48, Heilbron, 9650, 13/03/2003; Ockert Johannes

Stephanus, 04/05/1943, 4305045041083. FNB Trust Services, Posbus 12619, Brandhof.

1381/2003—Coetzee, Marthinus Mattheus, 15 Augustus 1953, 5308155042080, Van Riebeeckstraat 4, Steynsrusi,

provinsie Vrystaat, 16 Maart 2003. Henry Crowther, Crowther & Pretorius, Posbus 245, Senekal, 9600.

1098/2003—Tjabane, Mojaki Everrit, 19/07/1956, 5607195384083, 400 Seksie-K, Botshabelo, 9781, 10/03/2003;

Ntebaleng Emily Tjabane (gebore Rampheng), 16/03/1958, 5803160656080. Kramer Weihmann & Joubert Ing., Posbus 12322,

Brandhof, 9324. 30 dae.

4409/2003—Courtnage, Desmond Edwin, 5 July 1928, 2807055019083, 185 Serinitas, 51 General Hertzog Street,

Bloemfontein, 22 Maart 2003. M.G.R. Rafferty, Attorney for Executrix, P.O. Box 559, Bothaville, 9660. 30 days.

3681/03—Krishnan Pillay, 2810015076086, died at Ladysmith on 28 March 2003. Vishnu Moodley and Company, Suite

1, Hillside Park, 74 Alexandra Street, Ladysmith. 30 days.

3936/02-——Marimuthu Moodley, 3408120328085, died at Ladysmith on 9 January 2002. Vishnu Moodley and Company,

Suite 1, Hillside Park, 74 Alexandra Street, Ladysmith. 30 days.

1754/03—Van Niekerk, Wilhelmina Johanna Catharina, 15/07/1916, 1607150002088, Avondvrede, Vrede, 2455,

15/02/2003. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

1741/2003—Du Preez, Cornelius Frederik, 14/06/1927, 2706145008082, Woonstel 3 1B, h/v Eland Visserstraat,

Quetehuis, Vryburg, 8600, 01/04/2003. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

1788/03—De Lange, Watts Alfred, 08/11/1970, 7011085188084, Buffelstaat 91, Brentpark, Kroonstad, 9499, 08/04/2003;

Johanna de Lange, 29/12/1974, 7412290721083. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

1727/03—Kotze, Christiaan Burger, 02/02/1926, 2602025008088, Najaarsrus, Woonstel 21, Parys, 9585, 10/03/2003.

ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

1740/03—Van Tonder, Martha Elizabeth, 07/02/1936, 3602070005087, Bredelstraat 4, Parys, 9585, 04/02/2003; David

Benjamin Johannes Jacobu van Tonder, 02/05/1935, 3505025004081. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003. No. 24846 59

1092/2003—Tetolo, Bafana Meshack, 09/06/1971, 7106095469084, 22 Brand Street, Bothavilie, 9660, 19/11/2002; Makonka Miriam Totolo, 28/07/1970, 7007280524081. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

790/2003—Le Grange, Susara Wilhelmina, 26/07/1941 4107260105084, Coghlonrylaan 10, Seemeeupark, Weikom, 9460, 24/01/2003. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. . sO

1714/2003—Van der Merwe, Dawid Erasmus, 21/12/1948, 4812215043088, Goue Gerflaan 3, Pellissier, Bloemfontein, 4 Apri! 2003; Johanna Lodewica van der Merwe, 16/08/1951 , 91081600111080. James Roelof Dennis, Vermaak & Dennis ing., Posbus 12801, Brandhof, 9324. , . / , :

' 842/2003—Oosthuysen, Hendrik Gericke, 16/08/1920, 2008165034084, 1 Dunlil Court, Verona Avenue, Glen Harmony, Virginia, 23/09/2002. Maree & Partners, PO Box 123, Virginia, 9430. ° , /

1494/2003—Snyman, Lodewyk Stephanus, 10/11/1915, 1511105025089, Fichardipark Aftree Oord, Stollreitherstraat, Bloemfontein, 09/03/2003. Standard Eksekuteurs & Trustees, Wesburgerstraat 12, Bloemfontein, 9301.

4184/02—Van Niekerk, Sarah Christina (gebore Cronje), 1937-08-11, 3708110005084, Shortstraat 9, Deneysvilie, 2002-07-15; Joachim Jacobus van Niekerk, 1932-04-03, 3204035013080. Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Bpk, Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg. -

1632/2003-—Miarais, Ernst Jacobus, 5 Augustus 1916, 1608055003087, Bethlehem Aftreeoord, Paul van Gentstraai 47, Bethlehem, 9701, 30 Maart 2003. Ferdinand Andries du Preez, Rouxstraat 36(b), Posbus 264, Bethlehem, 9700.

1775/03—Gerber, Frans Antonie, 31/07/1 938, 3807315055082, Pigeon _Hole 7, Riebeeckstad, Welkom, 9460, 01/03/2003. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

1772/03—Khiba, Motheuli Petrus, 13/06/1946, 4606135272086, 6817 Constantia, Kroonstad, 9499, 26/03/2003; Mamashala Elizabeth Khiba, 02/12/1948, 4812020555086. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

1392/2003—Louw, Susanna Magdalena Elizabeth Louw, 15-06-1939, 3906150035082, Lucernplek 20, Virginia, Vrystaat, 5 Januarie 2003; Johannes Adriaan Louw, 31/10/1 942, 4210315015082. Mrs S. A..de Lange, vir Naude Prokureurs, Posbus 153, Bloemfontein, 9300. ,

1819/2003—Du Toit, Sare! Johannes, 24 Augustus 1931, 3108245034085, Huis 210, Sally Martin Park, Parys, 9585, 7 April 2003. Elizabeth Ann du Toit, p/a Coetzee & Barnhoorn, Posbus 5, Parys, 9585. .

1392/2003—Louw, Susanna Magdalena Elizabeth Louw, 15-06-1939, 3906150035082, Lucernplek 20, Virginia, Vrystaat, 5 Januarie 2003; Johannes Adriaan-Louw, 31/10/1 942, 4210315015082. Mrs S. A. de Lange, vir Naudes Prokureurs, Posbus 153, Bloemfontein, 9300. “ OO .

3907/2001—Motaung, Peter Mosoeunyane, 04/09/1966, 6609045912088, 17572 Hillside View, Bloemanda, Bloemfontein, 09/12/2001; Nontsokplo Anna Motaung, 24/02/1969, 6902240651084. Anna Magdalena Brand, p/a Brand Prokureurs, Posbus 11612, Universitas, 9321.

362/2002—Matthys Jansen van Vuuren, 25 Augustus 1924, 2408255021084; 14 November 2001. Callis Prokureurs, Parkweg 30, Toerisme Sentrum, 2de Vioér, Willows, Bloemfontein; Posbus 1 2993, Brandhof, 9324. 30 dae. .

1763/03—Naude, Maria isabella, 23/02/1913, 1302230010083, Quetehuis, Heilbron, 04/03/2003. Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Haifweghuis, 1685.

1755/2003—Michalow, Morris, 12 June 1912, 1206125026080, Bays Valley Retirement Village, Bayswater, Bloemfontein, 31/03/2003. Leslie Neil Sakstein, p/a Israel & Sackstein 26/28, Aliwal Street, Bloemfontein.

1191/2003—Van der Colff, Petrus Albertus Lourens, 1937-09-03, 3709035040081, Philsonia Flat No. 11, Parys, 2003-03-04. J. van der Colff, PO Box 31334, Wonderboompoort, 0033.

3579/2002—Burger, Anna Susanna Catharina, 19/02/1917, 1702190023085, die Kapstok Tuinwoonstelle, Parys, 20/99/2002. Fourie Prokureurs, Posbus 3122, Bloemfontein. oo

926/2003—De Bruln, Johannes Petrus, 1957-11-20, 5711205062083, Leslie Sentrum, Leandra, 2265, 2003-01-27. Cornelius Martins Lube, Posbus 51, Senekal, 9600. mo, . , ; ‘ -

1031/2003—Jacobs,.Magdelena Jusina, 2 September 1919, 1909020013083, Rooibekkiestraat 33, Garien Dam, 9922, 18 Januarie 2003. Gideon Johannes Dédhne, vir Déhne & Fourie Prokureurs, Murrystraat 5, Posbus 211, Colesberg, 9795. 30 dae. i

1793/03-—Eagar, Susara Catharina Johanna Magdelena, 14 July 1939, 3907140020085, Steablerstraat 11, Harrismith, 9880, 23 Maart 2003. J. |. Behrens, p/a Ou Mutual Trust Beperk, Posbus 12124, Brandhof, 9324.


3554/03—Mayisela, Vusumuzi Benjamin, 29-01-1957, 5701295526089, 390(A) Oliver Lee Drive, Carrington Heights, Durban, 30-01-2003; Gezekile Alter Mayisela, 04-01-1950, 5001040737085. R. S. Singh & Associates, 2nd Floor, 40 Masonic Grove, Durban. .

3064/03—Thokan, Rafik Ahmed, 20-01-1952, 5201205034084, P.O. Box 1, Lions River, 3260, 5-11-02; Ayesha Bibi Mahomed Thokan, 5-2-1954, 5402050099087. Mukhtar Dawood (C.A.), P.O. Box 1508, Westville, 3630. :

2820/03—Matthys Gerhardus Esterhuizen, 25/07/1926, 2607255027088, of Flat 18, Jacaranda Lodge, 107 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. E R Browne Incorporated, P O Box 346, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 30 days.

' 3532/03—Gordon, Hazel Margaret, 11/02/1925, 2502110005082, Juana Maria Old Age Home, Francis Road, Ladysmith, 28 February 2003. Ewan William Cameron, c/o Christopher, Walton & Tatham, PO Box 126, Ladysmith, 3370.

60 No. 24846. - . / a0 oo GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

7 -3192/03—Bobat, Dawood ‘Sulliman, 1928-08-07, 2808075193080, 289 Grove End Drive, Phoenix, Durban, 31-10-2001,

. Pietermaritzburg; Rahima Bee Bobat, 1929-10-18, 2910180225086. F Dawood Patel & Company, P.O. Box 70063, Overport

City, 4067, oe, | oe

3105/03—Myende, Muzikayise Allaric, 1967-07-18, 6707185460080, No. 11 Winifred Close, St Winifreds, Kingsburg,

2003-03-06; Neamisile Elien. Myende, 1971-06-26, 7106260408081 . Johan Jooste and'Company, Ground Floor, Masonic Grove

Chambers, 32 Masonic Grove, Durban. 30 days.“ a : et

. 1046/03—Naidoo, Moonsamy, 25/02/34, 3402255175080, 17 Sirhod Road, Raisethorpe, Pietermaritzburg, 09/01/03;

Muniamma Naidoo, 03/05/41, 41 05030198082. Govindasamy & Pillay, 211 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg. ys

6271/02—Singh, Narsingh, deceased (widower), 01 May 1938, 3805015326084, 205 Trenancepark Drive, Sastri Park,

Phoenix, 11 February 2002: Rajesh Hiralall Attorneys, PO Box 60267, Phoenix, 4080:-21 days. co

9846/01—Louw, Katherina Johanna, 20-11-1921, 2111200150087, 58 Cycas Road, Merewent, Durban, 23 September

2001. Livingston Leandy Incorporated, 2nd Floor, The Square, 250 Umhlanga Rocks Drive, La Lucia Ridge, 4051.

10619/02—Naidu, Daya, 4 August 1952, 5208045047085, 121 Ganges Road, Belfort Estate, Pietermaritzburg,

19 November 2002; Suseela Naidu, 8 July 4 961, 6107080135053. Preggie Moodley & Company, 476 Longmarket Street,

Pietermaritzburg. , OS —

3393/03—Kneale, Sheilagh Gwendolyn, 29 November 1938, 3811290025086, 202 Amberfield, Howick, KwaZulu-Natal,

20 March 2003. Venn Nemeth & Hart Inc., Attorneys and Agents for Executor Testamentary, PO Box 600, Pietermaritzburg,

3200. oo,

3441/03—Rigby, Frank Charles Hudson, 31-10-1913, 1810315031080, The Astra, Russell Street, Durban, 12 March:

2008. Livingston Leandy Incorporated, 2nd Floor, The Square, 250 Umhlanga Rocks Drive, La Lucia Ridge, 4051.

- 3440/03—Rondin, Milena, 19-10-1915, 1510190056181, 415 Bill Buchanan, Morningside, Durban, 14 March 2003.

Livingston Leandy incorporated, 2nd Floor, The Square, 250 Umhlanga Rocks Drive, La Lucia Ridge, 4051.

3105/03—Myende, Muzikayise Allaric, 1967-07-18, 6707185460080, No. 11 Winifred Close, St Winifreds, Kingsburg,

_ 2003-03-06; Ncamisile Ellen Myende, 1971-06-26, 7106260408081. Johan Jooste and Company, Ground Floor, Masonic Grove

Chambers, 32 Masonic Grove, Durban. 30 days. — a , 7

_ 2817/03—Drabbie, Basil Ralph Theodore, 10/02/1939, 3902105025088, 84 Columbia Road, Greenwood Park, 4051,

2/3/03; Gabieba Marais (nee ‘Arendse), 17/12/1963, 63121 70243086. Bradley Aliphon, 12 Sagewood Way, Glen Anil. 21 days.

2321/03—Pengelly, William Ernest, 13-01-1927, 2701135077080, 8 Moth Cottages, Grosvenor Road, Pietermaritzburg,

20-02-2003. D E.Pengelly, 8 Moth Cottages, Grosvenor Road, Pietermaritzburg. - .

3481/2001—Coovadia, Ayesha Mahomed, 22-03-1921, 2103220048086, 87 Haipin Avenue, Reservoir Hills, 4091,

2001-03-26. Bux & Associates, P.O. Box 1515, Verulam, 4340. a ,

8700/02—Govender, Sudanbaram, 15-01-1927, 2701155091036, Rietviel Farm, Izotsha, District Port Shepstone,

43-08-2002; Muniammah Govender, 24-06-1923, 2306240133081. Grobler & Moors, The Chambers, 68 Escombe Street, P.O.

Box 73, Port Shepstone. ~ oe . oo -

3190/03—Dawood, Mariam, 10/10/1951, 5110100166083, 212 Road 701 Montford Chatsworth, Durban, 13/06/2002.

Attorneys N. Maharajh & Associates, 73 Burlington Drive, Burlington Heights, Queensburgh, 4093. 30 days.

_. 3332/03—Pillay, Kanakamma, 03/08/1947, 4708030126084, 223 Florence Nightingale Drive, Westcliff, Chatsworth,.4092,

45th January 2003; Coopasamy Pillay, 11/01/1945, 4501115123088. M. Chetty & Associates, 290 Arena Park Drive, Arena Park,

_ Chatsworth, 4092. 9-0 oo, -1424/03—David, Rutha, 10: November 1936, 3611100113084, 31 Equality Avenue, Croftdene, Chatsworth, 9 July 2002.

Vijay Kooblal & Associates, 101 Stamford Hill Road, Kooblal House, Morningside, Durban.

_ $203/03—Govender, Moonsamy, 1942-10-27, 4210275113083, 46 Lily Pond Ave, Sundial Park, 2002-06-28; Kogielambal

Govender, 1949-06-01, 4906010106080. Attorneys Aggie Govender, 36 Todd Street, Verulam, 4340. 30 days.

* 2084/03—Volschenk, Jakobus, 17 March 1930, 3003175062083, 2 Mangrove Villas, Pembroke Road, Durban North,

4051, 1 February 2003. Kobus: Volschenk, PO Box 1097, Highlands North, 2037. , So

» 3113/03—Nkosi, Lincoln Mpostoli, 28 July 1935, 3507285137080, House 7257, Madadeni Section 4, KwaZulu-Natal,

19 July 2001. S G Maritz, De Jager Steyn Maritz Ingelyf, Posbus 117, Newcastle. 30 dae. © ;

': Chouse, Vasacarie, 11 November 1947, 4711110615083, 43 Road 707, Chatsworth, 4092, 5 June 2002; Abdool Hak.

Chouse, 13 March 1946, 4603135540083. EB! Moolla & Singh, 284 Pelican Drive, Chatsworth, 4092. Co

3065/03—Naicker, Soobramoney Munsamy, 1954/10/04, 5410045075088, 67 Softwood Crescent, Trenance - Park,

Verulam, 2002/12/30; Muniamma Naicker, 1953-05-06, 5305060777081. Pillay, Nair, Srineevassan & Pillay, Suite U20, Adams

Mall (Citi Mail), 69 Wick Street, Verulam. - coe oe Do

41437/03—Juvaloo, Sanasi, 1 6-06-1937, 3706165110080, 62 Rainbow Cresent, Westcliff, Ghatsworth, 9/10/2002; Shantha

Juvaloo, 10/03/1940, 4003100118082. Nolan Naicker & Company, P.O. Box 56804, Chatsworth, 4030. —

3642/03—Dean, Helen, 1/9/1905, 050901 0012086, 7 Tuinsig, cnr Botanic Gardens & Sydenham Roads, Durban, 28/3/03.

C/o E.R. Browne & Sons, 73 Musgrave Road, Durban, 4001. CO

' §934/02—Kanny, Packreeammah, 15th January 1919, 4901150153086, 165 Ginger Road, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg,

3201, 1st August 2001. A. K. Essack, Morgan Naidoo and Company, 311 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg.

3537/03—Wakerley, Phillip Albert, 27-01-1922, 2201275065086, 8 Ambleside, 16 Parklane, Kloof, 12-02-2003. Maitland

_- Trust, 30 Albany Grove, Durban, 4001. : : oO -

: STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 . . ’ No. 24846. 61

--3206/03—Singh,. Jugdev,. 1940-04-01, . 4004015555087, 81. .Charclay Gardens,, Clayfield, Phoenix, ‘KwaZulu-Natal, 2002- 02-12; Sabitha Singh, 1952-02-02, 5202021174088. Sabitha ‘Singh, ‘81 Charclay Gardens, Clayfield, Phoenix; 30 days. ©

2956/03—Heimel, Jean, 6/03/1932, 3203060036180, 614 Edenroc, 119 Snell Parade, Durban, 9/03/2003. Lester Hall, Swan, Inc., Private Bag? X1016, Hillcrest, 8650. WEY -03. 6201030556086, 98. Unit J, JA7 Road, Imbali Pmb,, 8 March 2003; Vusumuzi Emmanuel Goba, 1958- 07- 23, 5807235409086 Ngcobo- Poyo. B. Diedricks , inc... _ 3rd-.Floor, ABSA Building, -240,Church Street, Pietermaritzburg. ..

3623/03—Buthelezi, Lindiwe Judith, b, 4 May 1952, 5205040914087, Ownership. Unit 1483, Osizweni, Newcastle, 2 March 2003.,Agent: Stuart, Saville & Co., P O Box 2960, Newcastle, 2940. .

- 2321/03—Pengelly, William Ernest, 13-01-1927,.2701135077080, 8. Moth Cottages, Grosvenor Road, Pietermartbura . 20-2-2003. D-E Pengelly, 8. Moth Cottages, Grosvenor Road, Pietermaritzburg. .

3501/03—Allly, . Cassim. Abdulah, .06/07/1 953, 5307065761086, . 10 “Tattord. Road, ‘Suntord, ‘Phoenix, 12/03/2003; Zainab Ally, 23/12/1958, 5812230103080. J. Kissoon Singh Inc., P.O. Box 93, Durban, 4000. , © 1838/03—Rajaruthnam, Dillyambigai, 01/09/1948, 4809010120087, ‘19 Panorama Road, Silverglen,, Chatsworth, 23/10/2002; Ponnusamy Rajaruthnam, 29/09/1943, 4309295134085. Ponnusamy_ Rajaruthnam, 106 Victoria Embankment, 1st Floor, Grinrod Mews, Durban, 4001. 30 days.

2179/03—Ramsamy, Lutchanna, 08/11/1941, 4111085091081, 45 Eldon Street, Havenside, Chatsworth, 05/02/03. Kogiela Naicker, 106 Victoria Embankment, ist Floor, Grindrod Mews, Durban. 30 days.

. 3596/03—Pearce, Ellen Florence, 19/05/1912, 2307020055080,. 43 Milldene. Park, 65 Prospect Hall Road, Durban, 20/03/2003. Syfrets Trust (KZN) Lid, P O Box 50686, Musgrave, 4001...

5861/00—Bishenden, Hercules Francis, 18 November 1941, 4111185066082, 4 Manta Place, Newlands East, Durban, 4037, 19 December 1999; Hazel Hilda Bishenden, 2 March 1943, 4303020069088. Kruger, Ncobo Incorporated, 1102 General Bldg, 47 Field Street, Durban, 4001. ©

3791/03—Devaroyan, Thandroyan, 15-09-1931, 3109155076082, 11 Chootoo Place, Malabar Hills, lsipingo, 20- 03- 2003; Angamma Devaroyan, 21-12-1936, 3612210102058. Attorneys Singh and Gharbaharan, P.O. Box 293, Umzinto, 4200. Attorneys Singh and Gharbaharan, First Floor, Allybro Centre, Centenary Road, Umzinto.

, 3814/03—Ningayi, Goodman Mhléngi, 11/08/1972, 7208115429088, 26 Jolan. Drive, Highridge, Stanger, 31/03/2008; Zamekile Mnaayi; 05/03/1972, 7203050673089. Zamekile Mngayi, 26 Jolan Drive, Highridge, Stanger.

. 3982/03—Bothma, Cornelius Ronald, 16 September 1920, 2009165022087, 137 Flametree Lane, Banner's Rest, Port Edward, 4295, 2 March 2003. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P O Box 917, Pietermaritzburg, 3200., :

3829/03—Marcus, Loretta Kathleen, 24 December 1943, 4312240073085, ‘3 Woodhaven, 16 Hesketh ‘Drive, Pietermaritzburg, 20 March 2003; Errol Marcus, 17 October 1942, 4210175077008. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P O Box 917, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. ~

' 5569/98—Naidoo, Venkatasen, 04/09/1920, 2009045055083, Glenville, Sianger, 26° October 1997; Parvathy Ammah Naidoo, 20/03/1928, 2803200237084. Subramoney Vehkaiasen, 81 Playglen Road, Silverglen, 4092: 5

3545/03—Quist, Simon, 2 September 1930, 3009025020189, 13 Rosewood, 170 Loop Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, 5 April 2003. Miss GC Ford, PO Box 22274, Mayors Walk, Pietermaritzburg, 8208.-

3779/03—Cwirko-Godycki, Susan ‘McNeilage, 1 February 1926, 260201 0042183, , Vilage of f Happiness, Mareme, 4275, 22 March 2003. Mr J Cwirko- -Godycki, c/6 Box 3, Margate, 4275.

_ 3978/03—Van Blydenstein, Sheila-Mary (aka Van Blijdestein), 21 December 1929, 2912210074187, 4 Villiers Drive, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, 21 March 2003. Garlicke & Bousfield Inc., P O Box 121, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320.

3868/03—Guard, Beatrice: Annie, 25 Septernber 1913, 1309250062084, 20 Bend Road, Umtentweni, 4235, 27 December ‘2002. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P O Box 917, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

2614/2003—Jacobs, Elizabeth Catrina Maria, 30/12/1925, 2512300032085, 54 Alkenaar Road, Glenmore, Durban, 28 February 2003. King-Essack & Associates Inc., P O Box 82, Pinetown, 3600. coe

3594/03—-Naidoo, Subramoney, 11/12/1936, 3612115091083, 99 Road 707, | Montfora, ‘Chatsworth; 4092, 19/14/2002: lyma Naidoo, 28/04/1949, 4904280093088. Sentinel international Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, and/or Dirk Martin van Ryneveld, P O Box 1598, Durban, 4000.

2368/03—Wadee, Zaid, 23/6/62, 6206235045082, 601 Solace Place, Nathaniel Crescent, Durban, 1 7108. Yusut A. Wadee, P.O. Box 1029, Crown Mines,.2025. °

“3524/03—Atkinson, Minnie Gwenneth, 26-03- 1914, "409260008086, NCW Home, Winterton, 3340, 11 March 2008. RG Powell & Co., P O Box 95, Ladysmith, 3370 (Agent). ms

2826/03—Howell, Clyde George, : 11/08/1938, 3808115024088, House No. 20, “Church Street, Winterton, 9340, 09/03/2003:.Diane Elizabeth Howell, c/o-75 Phillip St; P.O. Box.865, ‘Estcourt, 3310. :

813/03—Masters, Audrey Burgess, 31/8/1914, 1408310012087, .No..:7: Jacaranda : Lodge, Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, 18/1/03. Darryl Masters; ‘3 Westriding: Road, Hillcrest, 3630; ; Margaret McCulough, J J-Leslie ’ Smith & Co, P.O. Box 297, Pmburg.

- 33222/97--Kadwa; Goolam Hoosen; 08/06/1969, 2806085056057, unmarried G H Center, ‘Umzinto; Erf 90, Porton 1, 21/03/1997, S M O'Connell, c/o-O’Connell & Co Attorneys; RO Box 3067, Pietermaritzburg,-3200. :

:10357/02—Nothard, Sally Melissa, 09/09/1960, 6009090002085, Morelands Farm: n Harding, 02/11/2002. Nei Witton Bowles, 6 Hawkins Street, Harding, 4680.

' 62 No. 24846 - : ; GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

- 3583/03—De Moura, Pedro, 7009195021088, 303 Cozumel, North Beach, Umdloti, 27 March 2008. Christopher Stuart

Finlay, Carlos de Moura & Marine Aline J de Moura, c/o Barkers Attorneys, 2nd Fioor, Clifton Place, 19 Hurst Grove, Musgrave.

8849/02—Naidu, Mariemuthu, 1946-05-03, 4605035069089, 20 Temple Road, Craigieburn, Umkomaas, 4170, 28 June

2003. Sameera Cassimjee Attorneys, PO Box 8269, Cumberwood,:3235. ve

; '3664/03—Griffin, Kenneth Carol, 25 July 1925, 2507165008089, 6 Davidson Street, Howick, 27 March 2003; Liezl Shaw

(Assistant to Executor), Ernst & Young House, 163 Loop Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

3437/03—-Kennedy, Robert John, 4601015115182, 70 Entombeni Drive, Amanzimtoti, 3 February 2003; Julie Theima

Kennedy, 1 January 1946, 5609130190187. Julie Thelma Kennedy, c/o Barkers Attorneys, 2nd Floor, Clifton Place, 19 Hurst

Grove, Musgrave. Po m m3

2768/03—Niebuhr, Anna Maria Katharina, 22-10-1978, 4810220012083, Jubileum Old Age Home, Afrikaner Sireet,

Vryheid, 18-02-2003. J. M. Steenkamp & Partners, P.O. Box 863, Vryheid, 3100.

11048/02—Chetty, Lutchmee, 18/08/1955, 5508180143080, ‘5 Denver Place, Clare Estate, Durban, 18/10/2002.

P. R. Maharaj & Company, Suite 1601, Nedbank House, 30 Albert Street, Durban.

4038/03—Maharaj, Bisnath, 01/09/1934, 3409015043086, 635 Westcliff Drive, Westcliff, Chatsworth, 04/03/2003; Kunthi

Devi Maharaj. P. R. Maharaj & Company, Suite 1601, Nedbank House, 30 Albert Street, Durban. .

- 2749/03—Ramiall, Denise Grace, 27/12/1957, 5712270196087, 30 Primrose Terrace, Mobeni Heights, 31 March 1995;

Balkavan Ramlall, 23/06/1949, 4906235143057. Balk, Renu Seupersad Attorneys, P.O. Box 74357, Rochdale Park, 4034.

30 days.

3040/03—McKenzie, Joyce Mary, 9 October 1923, 2310090026080, a widow, Banners Rest Retirement Village, Port

Edward, KwaZulu-Natal, 10 February 2003. Messrs. Elliot & Walker, P.O. Box 48, Port Edward, 4295. 30 days.

4207/03—Jacobsz, Hendrik Johannes, 13/01/1920, 2001135008080, Republiekstraat 77, Vryheid, KwaZulu-Natal,

21/04/2003; Magrietha Maria Magdalena Jacobsz, 19/03/1925, 2503190002080. JC Steyn Prokureurs, Posbus 34, Vryheid,

3100. 30 dae. ue ,

1253/03—Sithole, Dominic Mandla, 1957-11-27, 5711275845086, House Number 5555, Madadeni D, Newcastle,

KwaZulu-Natal, RSA, 2002-12-05; Philipine Sithole, 1964-04-24, 6404240282085. Philipine Sithole, c/o T C Kuzwayo Attorneys,

No. 6, 1st Floor, Beares, Arcade. Oe ' :

3794/02—Shembe, Daan Daniel, 1932-01-17, 3201175101089, House Number'6989, Madadeni D, Newcastle, KwaZulu-

Natal, RSA, 2001-12-22; Nomasonto Maria Shembe, 1933-08-22, 3308220217081. Nomasonto Maria Shembe, c/o T ©

Kuzwayo Attorneys, No. 6, 1st Floor, Beares Arcade, 67 Scott Street, Box 756, Newcastle.

307/03—Boyers, Mary Kathleen, 27 May 1924, 2405270029084, 205 Summerhill Lodge, 40 Williamson Street,

Scottburgh, 29 November 2002. Kevin Waiopie Boyers, P.O. Box 1258, Fourways, 2055.

3595/03—Paulus, Gwen Doris, 5/04/1932, 3204050026082, 13 Cornelius Road, Sydenham, 4091, 3/03/2003. Sentinel

international Trust Co. (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 1598, Durban, 4000. :

3827/03—Mazwi, Nonceba, 1970-10-28, 7010280989080, Lot 1862, 19 Lionel Street, Margate Ext 3, 12 March 2003.

Douglas Priestly Kent, P O Box 1034, Margate, 4275. m

4021/03—Gifford, Albert Andrew Edmund Patrick, 17 March 1943, 4303175023088, 2 Beryldene Road, Kloof, 1 April

2003. Old Mutual Trust Limited, P O Box 50840, Musgrave, 4062.

'2575/03—Naidoo, Kesevan, 1973-12-12, 7312125155087, 5 Greyling Mews, Greyling Place, Wentworth, 4052, 2 March

' 2003; Susan Debra Naidoo, 6601160195086. Halse Havemann & Lloyd, P.O. Box 343, Pinetown, 3600.

353/00—Ntusi, Thembile Cynthia, 1960-07-06, 6007060556080, 11 Gemini Way, Marriannridge, 3610, 6 December 1999.

Halse Havemann & Lloyd, P.O. Box 343, Pinetown, 3600.

4024/03—Hughes, Margaret Phyllis Cleland, 1912-06-04, 1206040010086, Waterfall Frail Care Centre, Hillcrest, 3610,

4 April: 2003. Halse Havemann & Lloyd, P.O. Box 343, Pinetown, 3600.

-3565/03—Lilje, Ronald Bruno, 04/07/1954, 5407045155084, 23 Saturn Valley, Empangeni, 3880, 12/02/2002. ABSA Trust

Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

' 3566/03—Hadfield, Christopher John, 26/10/1947, 4710265094086, 23 Edgeley Road, Greenwood Park, 4051,

28/02/2003. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

3567/03—Maharaj, Lalitha, 17/02/1960, 6002170150080, 42 Agrard, Ladysmith, 3370, 20/02/2003; Kamrajh Simonath

Maharaj, 26/12/1953, 5312265076087. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

3407/03—Tennant, Joseph Rene, 23/08/1927, 2708235010184, 601 Musgrave Heights, Berea, 4001, 12/02/2003. ABSA

Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. ,

3568/03—Sapet, Henry Michel Amable, 29/09/1924, 2409295098081, 13A Neville Road, Gillitts, Durban, 4001,

_ 04/02/2003; Maragaret Winifred Sapet, 1942/07/11, 4207110125082. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

4131/2003—Abdul Karrim, Dawmathee, 11/10/1946, 4610110110089, House 241, Road 2, Malakazi, Isipingo, 4110,

26/03/2003; Shaik Farid Abdul Karrim, 23/11/1934, 3411235064082. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

- 3871/03——Hibbert, Errol Clive, 12/10/1947, 4710125126086, 21 Brighton Green, 101 School Road, Wentworth, 4052,

96/03/2003: ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. - -

2755/03—Bezuidenhout, Thomas Jacobus, 31/01/40, 4001315001 085, No. 4 Green Meadow Hillcrest, KZN, 27/02/2003;

Ellen Dawn Bezuidenhout, 23/03/43, 4303230035002. Johannes Hendrik Kruger of Kruger, Haralambous & Co., 2nd Floor,

Wearcheck House, 16 School Road, Pinetown, 3610. 30 days.

STAATSKOERANT, 16MEI2003 LES “No. ‘pas4e: 63

- 3296/03—Johnson; Kenneth, 30/06/1929, 2906305065084, 402 Effingham Road, : Redhill ‘Durban.’ ‘20 March 2003. Standard Executors and Trustees Ltd, Durban Branch, Private Bag > x31, Standard House, Umhlanga. Rocks, 4320; 1 1. Millenium Boulevard, Umhlanga New Town: Centre. : :

3802/03—Varley, Hilda, 05/08/1923, 2308050029086; 705 Bill Buchanan: Heights, Durban; 27 - March 2003. “Standard Executors and Trustees Ltd, Durban Branch, Private Bag X X31, Standard. House; Umhlanga Rocks; 4320; VMilenium Boulevard, Umhlanga New Town Cenire. Y

3822/03—Freese, Merwin Frederick | (Frederich) Herman, 07/08/1917, 4708075001 088, 46. ; West 1 Ridge, Umhlanga Rocks,. 4320, 02/04/2003; Helena Francina Freese, 24/12/1923, 2312240015088. Standard’ Executors. and. Trustees Ltd; Durban Branch, Private Bag X31, Standard House, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320; 1 Millenium 1 Boulevard, (Umblanga New. Town Centre.

4019/03—Floressiotis, Lambros, 45 January: 1933, 3301155064180, 6 McAlpine Place, Escombe, 27 March, 2008. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X31, Umhlanga Ridge, 4320.

3798/03—-Simpson, Elsa Gertrude, 5 February .1912, 1202050028084, .25. St Annes Crescent, . Famningham Ridge, Pinetown, 18 March 2003. Standard Executors and Trustees Ltd, Durban Branch, Private e Bag X31, ‘Standard | House, e, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320; 1 Millenium Boulevard, Umhlanga New Town Centre.

3867/03—Griffiths, Findlay Quentin, 10 March 1931, 3103105047087, 162 Rocoa Marina, Argyle | Road, North Beach, Durban, 25 February 2003. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X31, Umhlanga. Ridge, 4320.

4144/03—Peatling, Paul, 23 July 1909, 0907235010184, 66 Sandown Village, 27 Harvey Road, Pinetown, 3610, 14 April 2003. Standard Executors and Trustees Lirnited, Private Bag X31, Umhlanga Ridge, 4320. °

10505/02—Gounder, ‘ Subramoney, 21 December 1925, 2512215027089, 24 31st ‘Avenue, Umhlatuzana Township, Chatsworth, 4092, 13 July 2002; Anjalai Gounder; 10 September 1931, 3109100150081. Premilla Singh. Daniel Vengtas & Associates, 296 Woodhurst Drive, Woodhurst, Chatsworth, 4092.

-2066/02—Lefrere, Paul Edward Bowen, 1917-02-10, 1702105026082, Unit 25, Ramsgate Retirement Village, Village of Happiness, Ramsgate, 2001-08-15. The Board of Executors, P.O. Box 785442, Sandton, 2146. ae

Marais, Andries Jacobus, 08/04/1917, 1704085017081, 3 Lutheran Gardens, 3 Bester :Street,. Pietermaritzburg, 3201, 14/02/2003; Susan Janet Marais, 06/07/1923, 2307060053086. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus’2174,.Durban, 4000. oe

Withinshaw, ‘Stephen, 10/05/1927,’ 2705105079182, 5 Highcourt Street, Lot 1270; ‘Margate, 4275, 28/12/2002, _ ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2174, Durban, 4000.

Manglanandhan, Kumaresan, 10/03/1956, 5603105200089, Road 726, House 100, “Montiord, Chatsworth, 4095, 24/08/2002; Vasanthee, 22/01/1961, 6101220217087. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174; Durban,-4000.. .. :.

Wedderburn, Annie Catherine, 20/12/1919, 1912200056088, Twilanga, 89 Herrwood. Drive, Urrlanga, 4920, 25/02/2003. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. ;

4178/2003—Du Plessis, Kathleen Elizabeth Julia Linda, 08/07/1912, 1207080082088, 6 Hilside Road, New Germany 3610, 23/02/2003. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2174, Durban, 4000.. .:

3685/03—Swanepoel, Frederik Jerling, 12/02/46, 4602125001080, Garmouthlaan. 456, “Brighton & Beach, Durban, 4052, 25 Maart 2003. P.J. van Schalkwyk, Durban Bay Trustmaatskappy Bpk; Posbus 2199, Durban. ,

5579/01—Puckree, Vengetsamy, 1943-06-12, 4306125106085, 51. ‘Georgia ‘Road; Northdale,” Pietermaritzburg, 2000-12-05; deceased, Mariegamah Puckree, 1948- 08- 01,. * 4808010105080. ‘Volsum: _ Chetty. 8 ‘Lax,: 4. ‘George Street, Pietermaritzburg.

2817/03—Drabble, Basil Ralph Theodore, 10/02/1939, 3902105025088, 89 Columbia Road: ‘Greenwood Park, 4051, ., 2/3/03; Gabieba Marais, 17/12/1963, 632170243086. Bracury Aliphan, 12 Sagwood Drive; Glenwood Park.’.

3985/03—Coeshott, Brenda, 15/06/1914, 1406150063186, » Village of Happiness, Shelly Beach,. 19/08/2008. FNBT Trust Services, P O Box 3409, Durban. .

3977/03—Arnulphy, Marie Jospehine Noelle, 25/06/1927, 2706250062188, 7. Samson Place; Woodlands, Durban, 05/03/2003. FNB Trust Services, P O Box 3409, Durban. ©.

4003/03—Roos, Dorothea Johanna, 26/11/1911, ttosze002082, Room 153, The Astra; Russell Street, Durban, 24/03/2003. FNB Trust Services, P O Box 3409, Durban.

4004/03—Ramsaroop, Rampall, 25/03/1949, 4903255136088, 88 Cardham Drive, Brookdale, Phoenix, 27102/2008; Poolmathy Ramsaroop, 24/08/1952, 5208240130082. FNB Trust Services, PO. Box. 3409, Durban..

4221/03—Pierrus, Adriana Johanna, 21/12/1948, 4812210053082, 21: Malton: : -Mews, . Malton. ‘Road, Sea. View 31/03/2003; Robert Merwyn Pierrus, 27/08/1947, 4708275060089. FNB Trust Services, P.O-Box 3409; “Durban: .

4027/03—Liebenberg, Johannes Hendrik, 3 May 1918; 1805035030080, Flat 1 Deodar: Place, 5 Geekie Road, Meriva, 3 April 2003. Herbert Helmut Schulz, Schulz Wiesinger, Box 33, Wartburg, 3233. °

5652/2001—Uys, Johanna Maria Aletta Sophia, 13/09/1 937, ‘s70st3o04s086, 34 Elizabeth Steet Ballito, 5106/01. Schulz Wiesinger, P O Box 474, Ballito, 4420.30 days.

- 5579/01—Puckree, | Vengetsamy, 1943-06-12, 4306125106085, 51 Georgia | Road, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg, 2000-12-05; deceased Marieamah Puckree, 1948- 08- 01, 4808010105080. ‘Volsum Chetty. & ha, 4. George ‘Street, Pietermaritzburg.

2684/03—Surjoo, Choonoo, 25/07/1 957, 5707255235082, 58 Schoolside Crescent, ‘Caneside,: Phoenix, te/02/2008; Shamkalli Surjoo, 18/06/1959, 5906180826086. K T Soni & Co, 250 Grey Sireet, ‘Durban, 4001. a te Vt

64 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

3558/03—-Ramdass, Roy, 24/11/1958, 5811245261081, 8 Chorley Street, Bonela, Mayville, 22/08/2002; Susan Peggy

Ramdass, 29/12/1958, 5812290147084. K.T. Soni & Co, 250 Grey Street, Durban, 4001.

2166/03—Naidoo, Gopaul, 05/06/1942, 4206055614084, 5 Mazarin Place, Moorton, Chatsworth, 4052, 26//2002.

Jeevarathnam Naidoo, 5 Mazarin Place, Moorton, Chatsworth, 402; Umhlanga Rocks, 4320.

2891/03—Walljee, Walljee Farouk, 17/07/1950, 5007175176080, 15 Timmerman Road, Collingwood, Wentworth, Durban,

08/01/2003; Rashida Patricia Walljee, 01/02/1956, 5602010162087. K T Soni & Co, 250 Grey Street, Durban, 4001.

2846/03—Swan, Clive Alfred, 26 October 1928, 2810265054080, 8 Woodbury, 9 Bartle Rd, Gillitts, Natal, 3 March 2003.

Lyle & Lambert, P O Box 1123, Durban.

3037/03—Kuhn, Ewald Wilhelm Werner, 14/02/1930, 3002145010081, 27 Stavenger Road, Port Shepstone, KwaZulu-

Natal, 2 March 2003. Nola Gilberta Kuhn, c/o Gird Mowat, PO Box 2456, Port Shepstone, 4240. ,



353/2003—Petrus Hermanus Hiisselmann, 23 September 1912, 1209235025083, Budilerstraat 10, 6 Maart 2003.

Mnr. M Hiisselmann, Posbus 5031, Ausspannplatz, Windhoek, Namibia. 30 dae.

482/2003—Swenson, Eric, 13/04/1918, 1804135028086, Eureka, Keimoes-Eiland, Keimoes, 24 Maart 2003. Raymond

Swenson, Voortrekkerstraat 57, Posbus 321, De Aar, 7000. .

245/2003—Du Plessis, Dirk Jacobus, 5 November 1932, 3211055011 084, Huis Theresa, Bremerstraat, Hartswater, 8570,

03/12/2002; Adéle, 6 Oktober 1936, 3610060014084. C J Wessels & Kie, Posbus 299, Hartswater, 8570.

243/2001—Van der Ryst, Jeanette Elizabeth, 23/12/1955, 5512230104084, Perseel 1 L6, Magogong, 8575, 4 Desember

2000; Jacob van der Ryst, 18/04/1956, 5604185049081. Bennie de Bruyn Prokureurs, Bosmanstraat, Kirbot Gebou, Posbus

477, Jan Kempdorp, 8550. 30 dae. ,

503/2003—Wilson, Petrus Jacobus, 29/05/1930, 3005295051086, Perseel 1.P.1, Jan Kempdorp, 8550, 19/03/2003.

ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. :

451/2003—Twigge, Douglas William, 14/06/1933, 330614501 7081, Nederburglaan 35, Royldene, Kimberley, 2003/02/18. ~

Etienne D. Viok Inc., P O Box 7309, Westgate, 1734.

Bennie, Anna Francina, 05-07-1917, 1707050007086, Huis Theresa No. 10, Hartswater, 08-04-2003. Engela Anna

Groenewald, Prokureur te Van Zy! & Groenwald, Hertzogstraat 14, Hartswater.

72/2003—Myburgh, Valerie, 21 Oktober 1937, 3710210015005, Oranjehof Ouetehuis, Upington, 14 Junie 2002. Moller

Ing., Posbus 92, Upington, 8800. 30 dae. -

392/2003—De Jager, Johan Petrus Jacobus, 29 Julie 1947, 4707295001081, Uap, Upington, 9 Maart 2003. Nel &

Vennote, Posbus 1331, Upington, 8800.

2023/2002—Oito, Wilhelm Ernst August, 1 November 1914, 1411015017088, plaas Steenkampspan, Upington,

13 November 2002. Nel & Vennote, Posbus 1331, Upington, 8800. —



3064/2002—Skhosana, Devisa James, 04-08-1958, 5808045917086, 1927 Manyeleti, Temba, NW Province, 12 August

2002; Skhosana, Mmantwa Ellinah, 28-08-53, 5308280849086. Madiba Attorneys, PO Box 419, Pyramid, 0120.

'171/2003—Mametse, Phillip Matsie, 29-06-1944, 4406295214089, 877 Mmatotobele Section, Marapyane, 17 October

2002; Mametse Moshidi Engelinah, 06-12-1953, 5312060897083. Madiba Attorneys, P O Box 419, Pyramid, 0120.

385/2003—Mashiloane, Amos Motshabeng, 28-04-1966, 6604285510080, 120 Unit D, Temba, North West Province,

14 December 2002; Mashiloane Elsie Mmatau, 25-02-73, 7302250408088. Madiba Attorneys, P O Box 419, Pyramid, 0120.

697/2001—Panane, Ketsia Monica Andronica, 1968-08-07, 6808070088083, 1615 Unit 5, Magwase, North West,

2000-05-05. Schoeman Prokureurs, 550 Ontdekkers Road, Florida Noord, 1716.

“ 1197/2002—Garenamotse, Onkabetse Mandy, 13 March 1966, 6603130928083, 2687 Montshiwa Extension Mmabatho,

18 February 2002. Kgomo Mokhetle & Tlou Attorneys, Suite 0108, First Floor, East Gallery, Mega City Shopping Complex

Mmabatho. 30 days. .

' 339/2003—Mogapi, Mokgoela Solomon, 1944-08-28, 4408285451085, 1021 Itsoseng Unit 3, 04/09/2002; Keoboetswe

Ida Mogapi, 1956-11-15, 5611150887080. Keoboetswe Ida Mogapi, 1021 ltsoseng Unit 3. Chris Maritz Attorney, Private Bag

X2103, Mafikeng, 2745. : . :


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~ 1903/2002—Tiro, Sempotseng, 4 October 1930, 3010040393080, Dinokana Village, District Lehurutshe, 18 November 2002. Gura Tialetsi & Partners, No. 15 Forsman Street, Zeerust.

- 333/2002—Ratsie, Sello Johannes, 6 July 1935, 3507065252083, Stand NO. 590; _Ntsweletsoku ‘Village, District Lehurutshe, 9 October 2001. Gura Tlaletsi & Partners, P.O. Box 32, Zeerust.

1197/2002—Garenamotse, Onkabetse Mandy, 13 March 1966, 6603130928083, 2687 Montshiwa Extension Mmabatho, 18 February 2002. Kgomo Mokhetle & Tlou Attorneys, Suite 0108, First Floor, East Gallery, Mega City Shopping Complex, Mmabatho. 30 days.

339/2003—Mogapi, Mokgoela Solomon, 1944- 08-28, 4408285451085, 1021 Itsoseng Unit 3, 04/09/2002: Keoboetswe Ida Mogapi, 1956-11-15, 5611150887080. Keoboetswe Ida a Mogapi, 1021 Mtsoseng Unit 3. Chris Maritz Attorney, Private Bag X2103, Mafikeng, 2745. °

408/03—Morua, Tsholofelo Maria, 1959-07-14, 5907140888083, 3651. Unit 12, Mmabatho, 2735, 13/04/2003; Mothusi Walter Morua, 1955-01-21, 5501215801087. Mothusi Walter Morua, 3651 Unit 12, Mmabatho, 2735.

886/93—Matlala, Nothumo Simon, 1916, 100021183, 2563 Block B- -Mabopane, North West Province, 3 June 1993, Lebo Rikhotso Attorneys, 2006, Zone 2, Ga-Rankuwa, 0208.


3623/2003—Barkett, John, 25 August 1921, 21 08255025081, Sea. Point, Cape, 19 March 2003. Haydn Elmes & Elmes, 26 Hope Sireet, Gardens, Cape, 8001. 30 days.

12395/2002—Johanna Botes, 4407170094083, Birkenheadstraat 12, De Kelders, Gansbaai, 6 September 2002; Christian Ludolf Botes, 4112175079002. Guthrie & Theron, Kerkstraat 42, Gansbaai, 7220; Posbus 35, Gansbaai, 7220. 30 dae.

1615/2003—Bezuidenhout, Johanna Magdalene, 17 July 1930, 3007170059085, 74 Lawrence Road, Athlone, 31 October 2002. Cliffe Dekker Inc, P O Box 695, Cape Town, 8000.

1939/2003—Wiese, Johannes Cornelis Mulder, 18 Maart 1951, 5103185007082, Beethovensingel 15, Sonstraalhoogte, Durbanville, 7550, 28 Januarie 2003; Gesie Maria Wiese, 13 Oktober 1952, 5210130021008. G. M. Wiese, Beethoven-

- singel 15, Sonstraalhoogte; Durbanville, 7550. 2725/2003—Molenaar, Debra Jane, 2 March 1971, 7103020280083, 4 Non Pareille Street, Paarl, 7646, 21 February

2003. H. N. Molenaar, P O Box 5, Paarl, 7622.

1555/2003—Chitter, Henry Albert, 27 December 1929, 2912275069080, 105 Sonata Street, Steenberg, Cape Town, 10 January 2003; Elizabeth Joan Johanna Chitter, 2 December 1947, 4712020603086. Albertus Attorneys, P O Box 46818, Glossderry, 7702. ;

7 2960/2003—Schmid, Ambiga, 19 August 1946, 4608190061081, 4 Rondebosch Mansions, Station Road, Rondebosch, 7700, 10 March 2003. Diarmuid James Baigrie, as nominee of Fairheads International Trust Company (SA) Ltd, 15th Floor, 2 Long Street, Cape Town, 8001.

2749/2003—Wlotzka, Siegfried Karl Georg, 19 March 1940; 4003195012083, 20 Waveren Avenue, Somerset West, 7130, 8 January 2003. Schliemann Inc., P.O. Box.1503, Somerset West, 7129.

697/03—Smith, Joan, 11/8/1945, 4508110013081, 20 Peak Drive, Pinelands, Cape Town, 7405, 19/12/2002. Gareth Paul Griffiths, Van Dyk Poigieter Finesione Griffiths, Mezzanine Floor, Bank Chambers, 144 Longmarket Street, Cape Town.

7765/2002—Dymale, Michael Xolile, 15 June 1954, 5406155794088, 2651 Phillipi Village 4A (Browns Farm), 7785, 10 November 2001; Nompumelelo Nomsaphi Victoria Dymale, 8 June 1958, 5806081018082. Plougmann Inc, 9-Vredehof, 179 Kloot Street, Cape Town, 8001.

11984/2002—Van Dyk, Stefanus Lourens, 13 dunia 1953, 53061 35124085, Da Novawoonsielle 6, Da Gamastraat, Mosselbaai, 6500, 11 September 2002; Ella Beaulah van Dyk, 25 November 1941, 4111250041002. Mnr Daniel le R Moolman, Hoogstraat 118, Mosselbaai, 6500.

3142/2003—Mereyotlhe, Olebogeng James, 29/3/1952,. 5203295658087, ‘Groenkamp, Vredendal ' Noord; 23/1/2003; Moreetsimang Netty Meryotlhe, 5/1/1961, 6101051107084. Kruger en Van Coppenhagen, Posbus 36, Vredendal, 8160.

3011/2003—Genis,. Dirk Kotze, 03/06/1928, 2806035002086, Hanepootsingel 58, Sonstraal, Durbanville, 7550, 01/02/2003; Anna Maria Genis, 12/04/1931, 3104120003089. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

3895/2003—Abdurahman, Rita, 17/11/1915, 1511170034081, 104 Lawrence Road, Crawford, Athlone, 7764, 06/03/2003. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

3555/2003—Griffith-Green, Anthony St John, 06/02/1940, 4002065068084, 18 La Motte Street, Strand, 7140, 15/02/2003. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

3762/2003—Hartzenberg, Pieter Schalk Jacobus, 10/10/1917, 1710105037082, Andante Aftree-Oord, Kuilsrivier, 7580, 11/03/2003. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus. 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

. 4099/2003—Williams, Edward Alfred James, 06/01/1917, 1 701065053086, 19 Grassmere Street, “Athlone, 7764, : 18/02/2003. ABSA Trust Limited, PO. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532,

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3843/2003—Erasmus, Christian Jonathan, 10/05/1930, 3005105063081, Pioneerstraat 10, Kraaifontein, 7570,

26/03/2003. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

3882/2003—Wessels, Francois Jacobus, 19/07/1926, 2607195004080, Duinesig 1, Haylettstraai, Strand, 7140,

13/03/2003. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

4141/2003—Taljaard, Jacobus Jochemus, 09/12/1914, 1412095029084, Heemstede 59, Bellville, 7530, 29/03/2003.

ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

3794/2003—Van der Spuy, Johanna Lydia, 22/09/1927, 2709220004086, Huis 8, Dramastraat 50A, Somerset-Wes,

7130, 23/02/2003. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

4120/2003—Le Grange, Rutger Johannes, 24/04/1912, 1204245015083, Huis Kweekvallei, Pastoriestraat, Prins Albert,

6930, 09/03/2003. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

4058/2003—Boshoff, Irene Margareth, 19/05/1913, 1305190002081, Tuis Huis Siekeboeg, Oudtshoorn, 6620,

13/03/2003. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. ;

3756/2003—Conradie, Violet Emily, 06/08/1928, 2808060021080, Tehuis vir Bejaardes, Huis De Kuilen, Skoolstraat,

Kuilsrivier, 7580, 18/03/2003. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

3992/2003—Dicker, Johannes Petrus, 06/10/1949, 4910065094084, Marlinique Woonstel 12, Oudtshoorn, 6620,

21/03/2003: Elizabeth Sophia Dicker, 16/07/1951, 5107160073084. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

2181/2003—Du Toit; Johanna Catherina Christina, 26/05/1934, 3405260022080, Ons Tuiste, Dreyerstraat, Bellville,

7530, 11/02/2003. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

3904/2003—Human, Johanna Maria Elizabeth, 01/06/1921, 2106010026089, i6de Laan 3, Mosselbaai, 6500,

26/01/2003. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

3752/2003—Alberts, Stefanus Johannes Paulus Kruger, 15/04/1921, 21 04155010083, Temayhof 5, De Villiersstraat 21,

Beaufort-Wes, 6970, 07/03/2003; Anna Johanna Alberts, 21/03/1922, 2203210005086. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032,

Sanlamhof, 7532. 7908/2002—Solomons, Robert Norman, 26/11/1946, 4611265129080, Fakier Hassiemstraat No. 14, Strand, 7140,

3 Junie 2002; vooroorlede. Georgio Solomons, Kantoor No. 1, Tainan Sentrum, h/v Gordon- en Forestweg, Bus: 114,

Eersterivier, 7103. .

1344/2003—Norman, Michael Heugh, 8/08/1918, 1808085039084, The Annex, Fairmead Court, Rondebosch, 7700,

2/10/2002. C K Frielander Shandling Volks inc., 8th Floor, Greenmarket Place, 54 Shortmarket Street, Cape Town, 8001.

7361/2001—Damonse, Julia Doreen, 30 Junie 1966, 6606300210018, Waboomlaan 15, Wesbank, Malmesbury, 7300,

5 Mei 2000; Joseph Gabriel Damonse, 25 Januarie 1970, 7001255175086. Lionel Frank & Seun, Voortrekkerweg 47,

Malmesbury, 7300.

3413/2003—Mathews, Willem Johannes, 30-03-1958, 5803305155089, Blok G5, Roodevosstraat, Houtbaai, 12-03-2003;

Dorothy Mary Mathews, 08-09-59, 5909080214015. Dorothy Mary Mathews, Blok G5, Roodevos Street, Houtbaai.

1632/2003—Laubscher, Willem George Petrus, 05-09-1922, 2209055017003, Romilly Woonstelle 93, Kusweg, Strand,

7140, 5 Februarie 2003. Du Plessis & Hofmeyr ing., St Jamesstraat 36, Somerset-Wes, 7130 (Prokureurs vir die boedel).

30 dae.

13536/2002—Youd, Cyril Albert William, 12-09-1935, 3509125045083, 19 Da Vinci Street, Marvin Park, Macassar, 28th

August 2000; Ellen Maria Youd, 07-10-1937, 3710070033080. Michael Davis van Niekerk, 18 Van Ryneveld Straat, Strand.

2570/2003—Van der Meulen, Jaap, 18 March 1939, 3903185035088, 8 Muscadelle Road, Somerset West, 13 January

2003. Old Mutual Trust Ltd, 1st Floor, Liesbeek House, River Park, River Lane, Mowbray, 7700.

3356/2003—Theron, Isak Johannes, 1 Desember 1933, 3312015030089, McFarlanestraat 58, Onrusrivier, Hermanus,

22 Januarie 2003; Johanna Maria Alletta Theron. Ou Mutual Trust Bpk, 1ste Vloer, Liesbeekhuis, Riverpark, Riverlaan,

Mowbray, 7700. 7

3545/2003—Schlosz, Joan Elizabeth, 26 March 1928, 3001060013088, 16 Derinekamp, Salisbury Road, Kenilworth,

7708, 16 February 2003. Old Mutual Trust Ltd, 1st Floor, Liesbeek House, River Park, River Lane, Mowbray, 7700.

3545/2003—Schlosz, Joan Elizabeth, 26 March 1928, 3001060013088, 16 Dennekamp, Salisbury Road, Kenilworth,

7708, 16 February 2003. Old Mutual Trust Ltd, ist Floor, Liesbeek House, River Park, River Lane, Mowbray, 7700.

3738/03—Petersen, Peter Frank, 17 April 1930, 3004175078087, Kerkstraat 73, Strand, 17 March 2003; Rita Petersen.

Ou Mutual Trust Bpk, 1ste Vioer, Liesbeekhuis, Riverpark, Riverlaan, Mowbray, 7700.

-3545/2003—Schlosz, Joan Elizabeth, 26. March 1928, 3001060013088, 16 Dennekamp, Salisbury Road, Kenilworth,

7708, 16 February 2003. Old Mutual Trust Ltd; 1st Floor, Liesbeek House, River Park, River Lane, Mowbray, 7700.

3356/2003—Theron, Isak Johannes, 1 Desember 1933, 3312015030089, McFarlanestraat 58, Onrusrivier, Hermanus,

22 Januarie 2003; Johanna Maria Alletta Theron. Ou Mutual Trust Bpk, 1ste Vioer, Liesbeekhuis, Riverpark, Riverlaan,

Mowbray, 7700. .

2570/2003—Van der Meulen, Jaap, 18 March 1939, 3903185035088, 8 Muscadelle Road, Somerset West, 13 January

2003. Old Mutua! Trust Ltd, ist Floor,:Liesbeek House, River Park, River Lane, Mowbray, 7700. ,

3738/03—Petersen, Peter Frank, 17 April 1930, 3004175078087, Kerkstraat 73, Strand, 17 March 2003; Rita Petersen.

Ou Mutual Trust Bpk, 1ste Vloer, Liesbeekhuis, Riverpark, Riverlaan, Mowbray, 7700. .

3545/2003—Schlosz, Joan Elizabeth, 26 March 1928, 3001060013088, 16 Dennekamp, Salisbury Road, Kenilworth,

7708, 16 February 2003. Old Mutual Trust Ltd, 1st Floor, Liesbeek House, River Park, River Lane, Mowbray, 7700.

STAATSKOERANT,. 16 MEI 2003 . No. 24846 67

+12458/2002—Zamek; Anne, ¢ 05-09-1914, 1409050041088, 56 Three Anchor House, Glengariff Road, Three Anchor Bay, Sea Point, 8001, 2002-10-26. Avril Wood, 7 Parkvilla Road, Observatory, 7925. ,

- 993/2003—Jooste, Elizabeth Christina, 13 March 1929, 2903130041000, 8 Sonnet Cresent, Arauna, Brackenfell, 7560, 20 ) November 2002. S S Brink, 4 Langenhoven Street, Durbanville, 7550.

’965/2003—Minter, Florence Ivy, 24 November 1916, 1611240065188, The St James Retirement Hotel, Main Road, St - James, 1 January 2003. Norman, Wink & Stephens, 50 The Chambers, Keerom Street, Cape Town, 8001.

.3212/2003—Geel, Gysbertus Henning; 8 July 1948, 4807085190084, 753 Duiker Street, Scarborough, Cape Town, 6 March 2003. Johan Conrad Lombard, 13 De Villiers Street, Caledon, 7230.

1984/2000—Lorden,. Robert Alexander, 20/11/1944, 4411205054088, 5 Van Reenen Hof, Newlands, Cape Town, 17/12/1999. Syfrets Trust (KZN) Ltd, PO Box 50686, Musgrave, 4062... _

2975/2003—Leeuwner, Francina Johanna Susanna, 25 Julie 1926, 2607250003084, Huis Maudie Kriel, Van Riebeeckstraat, Ceres, 6835, 15 Desember 2002. Hauptfleisch & Kotze Ingelyf, Posbus 6,. Ceres, 6835.

. 1474/2003—Smith, Walter Kenneth Paul, 28 February 1920, 2002285037085, 52 Gordon Road, Somerset West, 23 January 2003; Joan Daisy Smith, 3 September 1922, 2209030060086. Mrs June Rose Theron (Agent), c/o Buchanan Boyes Attorneys, ‘Trescoe’ 1 Cornwall Place, Wynberg, 7800.

2955/2003—Elliott, Tyron. David, 27-03-72, 7203275129081, 172 Heron Ave, Table View, Cape, 7441, 16-02-2003; Delveen Elliott, 22-04-69, 6904220169087. MaCleod’s, Box 294, Sea Point, 8060.

4243/2003—Lombard, Aletta Petronella Johanna, 02/05/1916, 1 605020022088, Huis Martina, Parow Vallei, 18- 04- 2003. . Aletta Margritha Nortmann, Nortmann Boedeladviseurs, Posbus 4463, Old Oak, 7537.

1929/2003—Piek, Willie, 2° Mei 1981, 8105025218081, Cornwallstraat 39, Gordonsbaai, 15° Desember 2002. S.AP. , ' Dreyer,-Posbus 39, Strand, 7140.

- 1718/2003—De. Villiers, William Johannes, 10/06/1936, 3606105078084, Delphiniumstraat 27, Eersterivier, 23 Desember 2002; Florence Mary de Villiers, 06/08/1940, 4008060404083. Marais Miller Ing., Posbus 36, Kuilsrivier, 7580.

- 2372/2003—Van. Wyk, Louisa, 14-11-07, 0711140001 084, Helderberg Lodge, Somerset- Wes, 27/01/2003. Marais Miller . Ing., Posbus. 36, Kuilsrivier, 7580.

.2194/2003—Apollis, Elaine Dolores, 27 February 1948, 4802270084010, 60 Welby Road, Greenhaven, Athlone, 7764, 21 June 1997; Johannes. Daniel Apoliis, 4 July 1952, 5207045086084. Johannes Daniel: Apollis, 60 Welby Road, Greenhaven, Athlone; 7763, .

. - 6307/2002—Louw, June ‘Magdelene, 16 June. 1932, 3206180054082, 25 Loxley, Third Avenue, Grassy Park, -7945, 17 7 February. 2002; Andries Bernard Johannes Louw, 15 May 1930,. 8005155112010. Andries Bernard. Johannes Louw, 25 Loxley, Third Avenue, Grassy Park.

- 3943/2003—Fourie, Johannes, 16 November 1930, 3011165035001, Gamka Wes, Catto, 6660, 29 Maart 2003. Barry & Mouton, Posbus 15, Calitzdorp, 6660.

-1777/2003—Hans, Abraham Arthur Frank, 9 May 1955, 5505095107085, No. 152-8th Avenue, Kensington, 7405, 24. September 2002; Diana Hans, 22 July 1961, 6107220208083. Y. M. Patel &- Company, No. 17 London Road, Salt River, 7925.

_ 5297/02/7D—Hans, John Phillip, 30/11/1904, 0411305023011, 14 Grotto Close, Salberau, Elsies River, ‘Cape, 7490, 25 5 April 2000. Staniey John Hans, 54 Margaret Street, Gaylee Estate, Blackheath, 7581.

_ 3680/2003—Liickhoff, Anton Daniel, 1920-01-09, 2001095019085, 8 Panorama Avenue, George, 6529, 2003- 03- 17; Alida Ltickhoff, 1921-09-22, 2109220030081. Delia du Toit, c/o Millers Incorporated, P O Box 35, George, 6530... “

. 3657/2003—Goldin, Bennie,. 05/08/1918, 1808055067081, 503 Twin Towers, Beach Road, Sea Point, 8005, 20/03/2003. _ Sonnenberg Hoffmann Galombik, 5 St. George’s Mall, Cape. Town, 8001.

3293/2003—Rudden, Patricia Janet, 30/01/1927, 2701300044089, 12 Cottage Mews, De Grendel Road, Miinerton, 7441, 23/02/2003. Angelique Brénn, PO Box 622, Edgemead, 7407.

° 3378/2003-Esau, Hendrik, 27 Junie 1934, 3406275186084, Venusstraat 18, Kuilsrivier. 22. Junie 2002: Susan Esau, 23 September 1942, 4209230408083: Hickman Van Eeden Phillips, Posbus 158, Kuilsrivier, 7579. __

855/2003—April, Katrina, 20 Mei 1929; 2905200078085, Alfastraat 18; Malmesbury, 17 Januarie 2003. Eduard Wium Mostert (ur), p/a Pierre du Plessis & Mostert, Posbus 5, Malmesbury.

1460/2003—Du Plessis, Roy Frederick, 26 September 1966, 6609265275083, Gardeniasingel 46, Belhar, 19 Desember 2002; Belinda Catherine du Plessis, 29 Desember 1970, 7012290130085. Deon Oliver, p/a Village Trustees, Bosmanstraat 16, Kuilsrivier, 7580.

, 3567/2003—Magaret: Patricia Yule, 2402140031085, 5t Buitendag Street, Monte: Vista, 7460. “Norman Marais, 51 ‘Buitendag Street, Monte Vista, 7460.

582/2003/3—Van Dordrecht, Bernardus, 22/08/1916, 1608225033009, 64A Frere Road, Vincent, East London, 2 Jefuary 2003. Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 44774,-Ciaremont, 7735. »

2748/2003—De Villiers, Johanna Adriana, 23/02/1929, 2902230013083, Chris Heunis Huis, Somerset- Wes, 23/01/2003. Sentinel Internasionale Trust Maaiskappy (Edms) Beperk, 5de-Vioer, Fedsure Terrace, Proteaweg 25, Claremont.

1597/2003—Wright, Rodney Rutherford, 25/03/1934, 3403255021084, 7 Distant. Waters, Barlinka“Avenue, Somerset West, 3/01/2003. ‘Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Limited, 5th Floor, Fedsure Terrace, 25 Protea Road, Claremont, no 7735. wae, ,

68 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

2366/03—Valentine, Donald Edward, 7/12/1908, 0812075023083, 502 Bowenvale, 175 Beach Road, Sea Point,

26/02/2003. Ulrich Wermuth Hoffmann, as nominee of Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Limited, P.O. Box 44774,

Claremont, 7735. 1765/2003—Stander, Emily Hilton, 2/07/1926, 2607020023081, Barnardstraat 13, Bellville en Dan Bellville Senior

Sentrum, Jessiestraat 25, Chrismar, Bellville, 13/11/2002. Sentinel Internasionale Trust Maatskappy (Edms) Beperk, 5de Vioer,

Fedsure Terrace, Proteaweg 25, Claremont, 7735. a

- 3533/2003—Kent, Janet Patricia, 25 January 1916, 1601250038084, 14 Mains Avenue, Kenilworth, 7700, 21 February

2003. Fairbridge Arderne & Lawton Inc., 16 Foor, Main Tower, Standard Bank Centre, Cape Town, 8004.

3919/2003—Schluge, Theodor, 7/6/1913, 6850 Dorbirn, Vordere, Achmuhistrasse 24b, Switzerland, 26/8/2001. Bisset

Boehmke McBlain, Cartwrights Corner House, 19 Adderley Street, Cape Town, 8001.

7472/2002—King, Johanna, 20 February 1928, 2802200221080, 64 Calendula Road, Silvertown, Athlone, 3 July 2002.

Fairbridge, Arderne & Lawton, 16th Floor, Main Tower, Standard Bank Centre, Heerengracht, Cape Town.

11613/2002—Joseph, Linda Siena, 04/12/1931, 3112040087082, 10 Kies Lane, Belhar, 3 Augustus 2002. Jan S de

Villiers, 1ste Vloer, Ecclesiagebou, Pleinstraat 71, Stellenbosch. ,

2975/2003—Leeuwner, Francina Johanna Susanna, 25 Julie 1926, 2607250003084, Huis Maudie Kriel, Van Riebeeck-

straat, Ceres, 6835, 15 Desember 2002. Hauptfleisch & Kotze Ingelyf, Posbus 6, Ceres, 6835.

3191/2003—Steenkamp, Anne Caroline, 4 October 1930, 3010040057081, 33 Paradise Park, Arauna ‘Crescent,

Brackenfell, 7580, 8 March 2003. Cliffe Dekker Inc., P O Box 695, Cape Town, 8000.

2562/2003—De Klerk, Hendrina Magdelena, 23 March 1923, 2303230013084, Kervelstraat 17, George, 21 Februarie

2003. H Ade Klerk, vir De Klerk, MacLennan-Smith ing., Posbus 113, Hermanus, 7200: .

1575/2003—Engelbrecht, Gertruida Maria, 28 Maart 1915, 1503280032089, Eden Park, Letrus Str, Kuilsrivier, 7580,

6 Januarie 2003. Maria Helena Blignaut, 5 Pincushion Close, Bellville, 7530. :

3056/2003—Van Deventer, Elizabeth Rachel, 1923-01-02, 2302010040085, Du Plessisstraat 24, Paarl, 2003-02-21.

‘Sanlam Trust Bpk; Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

12008/2002—Stanford, Phoebe Elizabeth, 2/10/1922, 2210020026087, White Bridge Farm, Wolseley, 22 Oktober 2002.

Rauch van Vuuren Ing., Posbus 79, Voortrekkerstraat 84, Ceres, 6835.

2923/2003—Oschmann, Jacoba, 1947-02-27, 4702270034082, Janestraat 79, Touwsrivier, 2003-02-06; Jan Albertus

Oschman, 1941-12-29, 4112295043086. Sanlam Trust Bpk, Posbus 4260, Sanlamhof, 7532. , me

3055/2003—Crous, Christoffel Hertzog, 1920/01/27, 2001275003081, Meadowstraat 13, Heidelberg, 2003/01/27; Maria

Fesina Crous, 1935/01/15, 3501150001083. Sanlam Trust Bpk, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

4551/2003—-Oggel, Aukje, 6/7/1918, 1807060036180, Berghofstraat 505, Hofstraat, Tuine, Kaapstad, 10/4/2003.

Karl-Heinz Christian Haussman, Posbus 5185, Kaapstad, 8000.

4541/2003—Bonorchis, Marlene Gladys, 19/12/1934, 3412190041081, 109 Riverside Manor, Howard Drive, Pinelands,

Cape Town, 19/4/2003. Mr I. C. Bonorchis, 39 Villa di Legno, Laurentia Way, Hout Bay.

4261/2003~Boonzaaier, Jacobus Christiaan, 28/1/1927, 271285022084, Amsterdamstraat 23, Parow, 11/4/2003.

Mev. E. A. Boonzaaier, Amsterdamstr. 23, Parow.

41554/2002—Hardcastle, Edith Monica, 22 November 1914, 1411220038085, Lyitleton Frail Care Centre, York Street,

George, 5 September 2002. Dudley King-Chartered Accountant S.A., P.O. Box 393, George, 6530.

763/2003—Walker, John Lovering, 17/02/1921, 2102175035007, Room 26, Stella Londt Residence, Cassia Drive,.

Sunridge Park, Port Elizabeth, 14/02/2003. Sentinel International Trust, 5th Floor, Fedsure Terrace, 25 Protea Road, Claremont. .

3514/2003—Lingenfelder, Andries Thomas Philippus Lingenfelder, 25 Julie 1921, 2107255024086, Kerksiraat 3,

Villiersdorp, 15 Maart 2003; Magdalena Jacoba Lingenfelder, 12 Mei 1924, 2405120021083. Fanie Maritz Prokureurs,

Adderleystraat 32 (Posbus 905), Worcester, 6949. ,

1265/2003—Feris, Hendrik Johannes, 25/06/1926, 2606255035083, Loopstraat 5, Piketberg, 06/12/2002. FNB Trust

Services, Private Bag 512, Nuweland, 7725, Rondebosch. - :

: 3872/2003—Smith,. Terence Clive, 21/11/1939, 3911215131082, 91 Pluto Road, Plumstead, 15/03/2003. FNB Trust

Services, Private Bag 512, Nuweland, 7725, Rondebosch. oo

, -9232/2001—Ward, Lydia Virginia, 25/05/1954, 5450352, Coyden Park, Sydney Australia, Cape Town, 13/05/2001; Fred

James Ward, 13/03/1955. FNB Trust Services, Private Bag 512, Nuweland, 7725, Rondebosch.

3462/2003—Schreuder, Stephanus Francois, 17/12/1940, 4012175023085, C Blouzee, Willowstraat 8, Bloubergrant,

23/02/2003; Jeanette Schreuder, 02/12/1941, 4112020035084. FNB-Trust Services, Private Bag 512, Nuweland, 7725, .

Rondebosch. ; :

1686/20083—Van Loggerenberg, Anna Maria Jacomina, 11/07/1908, 0807110036009, 22 9de Laan, Vishoek,

24/12/2002. FNB Trust Services, Private Bag 512, Nuweland, 7725, Rondebosch.

2559/2003—Johannes, Johanna, 10 Oktober 1926, 2610100028087, Adamstraat 4, Mamre, 7347, 20 Januarie 2003.

Desmond Johannes, Adamstraat 4, Mamre, 7347.

_1825/2003—Essop, Mogamat Allie, 16/05/1950, 5005165119006, 5 Bamford Walk, Crawford, Athlone, 10 February 2003;

Latiefa Essop. Gaironesa Davids Att., 13 Gleemoor House, Belgravia Rd, Athlone.

— 8335/2002—Williams, Abdulla, 22-11-1948, 4811225065081, 28 July 2002; Galiema Williams, 28/11/1947,

4711280058080. Althea Stevens Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 31396, Grassy Park, 7888.

8335/2002—Williams, Abdulla, 22-11-1948, 4811225065081, 28 July 2002;: Galiema Williams, 28/11/1947,

4711280058080. Althea Stevens Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 31396, Grassy Park, 7888. — ,

~ 4825/2003—Essop, Mogamat Allie, 16/05/1950, 5005165119006, 5 Bamford Walk, Crawford, Athlone, 10 February 2003;

Latiefa Essop. Gaironesa Davids Att., 13 Gleemoor House, Belgravia Rd, .Athtone.

- STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 ‘No. 24846 69

4022/2003—Stevenson, James Frank, 6/10/1929, 2910065068080, 18 Silvermine Village, P. Bag .X1, Noordhoek, 7979 and 11 Ceres Road, Bergvliet, 28/03/2003. Antonio Rolo, as nominee of Standard Executors and Trustees Ltd, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. , a

, “4070/2003—Henze, Emmie, 12/10/1916, 1610120029082, Huis Luckoff, Almaweg, Rosebank, 28/03/2003. Antonio Rolo, as genomineerde van Standard Eksekuteurs en Trustees, Posbus 5562, Kaapstad, 8000.

3865/2003—Notley, Alexander Hector, 7/10/1911, 1110075030086, Huis Disa, Van der Stelstraat, Tulbagh, 25/03/2003. Anthony William Hakime, as genomineerde van Standard Eksekuteurs en Trustees Beperk, Standard Eksekuteurs & Trustees, Posbus 5562, Kaapstad, 8000. ,

3640/2003—Pedro, Henry Johannes, 9 November 1935, 3511 095047083, 26 Gross Road, Penlyn Estate, Athlone; 6 March 2003; Janet Rebecca Pedro. Standard Executors and Trustees, P.O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.

6142/02—Knight, Jack Thornton, 26/03/1911, 1103265034083, 3 Pickard Street, Knysna Heights, Knysna, 26/03/2002. _ Syfrets Trust Limited, P.O. Box 582, Johannesburg, 2000. ‘

3159/2003—Allan, Roy David, 19 December 1927, 2712195071087, 157 Kloofnek Road, Tamboerskloof, 10 February 2003. Abe Swersky & Associates, 10th Floor, Picbel Parkade, Strand Street, Cape Town.

13600/2002—Lewis, Theys Frederick Adam, 12 Januarie 1928, 2801125002088, Rose Innessiraat 9, Paarl, 7646, 20 November 2002; Lydia Pauline Lewis, 22 Februarie 1928, 2802220003088. Keith Sheldon Prokureurs, Posbus 3303, Paarl, 7620. Slegs 30 dae. Lo

3743/2003—Visser, Johannes Petrus, 07/11/1950, 5011075050080, Koeroebeestraat 6, Springbok, 8240, 02/02/2003. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. :

3840/2003—Duthie, Jean, 1914-06-02, 1406020032080, Leisure Gardens, Leisure Isle, Knysna, 13/03/2003. Standard Executors & Trustees, PO Box 765, George. ,

1995/2003—Cairns, Sylvia Irene, 24-10-1939, 3910240091089, 32 Church Street, Lansdowne, 7780, 8-02-2003; Ronald Edward Cairns, 23-08-1934, 3408235042084. Johan van Zyl, PO Box 12540, N1 City, 7463.

404/2003—Du Toit, Willem Hendrik, 1 Julie 1914, 1407015038082, Nuwerus, Russelstraat, Worcester, 1 Desember 2002. Legatus Trust (Edms) Bpk, Evapark Blok B206, hv Beyers Naudelaan & Judgesiaan, Cresta, 2194: Posbus 3351, Northcliff, 2115. -

12993/2002—Willem Samuel Louis, 25 September 1914, 1409255064083, 101 Bordeaux Marais Road, Seapoint, Cape Town, 6 November 2002. lapa Johannesburg Chartered Accountants, Ground Floor, Auto Park House, Cross Road, Glenhazel, 2192.

985/2003—Petersen, Ismail, 30 August 1932, 3208305079085, No. 8 Grootkop Road, Heideveld, 22 February. 2002. R:Dadarker & Associates, 12 Belgravia Road, Athlone. . , —

3650/2003—Swart, Gwendoline Marion Gertrude, 19 Junie 1920, 2006190003082, .Ruimte Park 4, Faganstraat, Somerset Wes, 21 Maart 2003. Minitzers Prokureur vir Eksekuteur, 2de Vloer, Arcade House, Lady Greystreet 43, Paarl, 7646. 30 dae. a . ee

1720/2003—Smith, Doreen Albertina, 5 October 1934, 3410050093085, 70A Inkblom Street, ' Kalksteenfontein, 7 December 2002. Fairbridge, Arderne & Lawton, 16th Floor, Main Tower, Standard Bank Centre, Heerengrachtt, Cape Town.

_ 2379/2003—April, Pinnie Susan, 31 Augustus 1947, 4708310102086, Amandelrylaan 33, Kuilsrivier, 7580, 27 Desember 2002. Sandenbergh Nel Haggard, Golden Isle, Durbanweg 281, Bellville. . oo,

620/03/2A—Newton, Dorothy May, 13-11-1935, 351 1130036083, 5 St Francis Rd, Hurlyvale, 1610 and of 78 Camps Bay Drive, Camps Bay, 8005, 6-12-2002. Wendy Newton, 78 Camps Bay Drive, Camps Bay, 8005, Cape Town. So.

1808/02—Clifford Derrick Festus, .4502075082082, Carriemstraat 12, Cloetesville,; Stellenbosch; Margaret Elizabeth Festus, 4704170159084. Raymond McCreath Ing., Brightstraat 24, Somerset Wes. 30 dae vanaf 16 Mei 2003. - oe

' .4713/2003—Adams, Monica Minnie, 25/05/1942, 4205250074086, 106 Oasis Road, Hazendal, Athlone, 03/01/2003. Gerrit Jacobus Visser, c/o Malan Laas & Scholtz Inc., 2A Hibiscus Road, Durbanville. oS

7159/2002—De Wet, Hendrik, 28/02/1921, 2102285041085, George & Annie Starck Tehuis, Frans Conradie Rylaan, Bellville, 13/06/2002; Miriam Valerie de Wet, 07/08/1 924, 2408070034080. Dion Pieter Kets, p/a Malan Laas & Scholtz Ing., 2A Hibiscus Weg, Durbanville.

7159/2002—De Wet, Hendrik, 28/02/1921; 2102285041085, George & Annie Starck Tehuis, ‘Frans Conradie Rylaan,: Bellville, 13/06/2002; Miriam Valerie de Wet, 07/08/1 924, 2408070034080. Dion Pieter Kets, p/a Malan Laas & Scholtz Ing., 2A Hibiscus Weg, Durbanville. ;

3665/2003—Shaked, Israel, 11-11-1934, 3411115040087, No. 8 Oscar Schindler, Bat Yam, Israel, 01-11-2002. Sonnen- berg Hoffmann Galombik, 5 St. George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8001. a | oo pe

9323/2002—McPherson, Henry Paul, 30. November 1941, 4111305427081, 1A Dorreen Crescent, Leighton ‘Park, Worcester, 20 July 2001. R van der Linde, Louwville Place, Vrede Street, Bellville. .

141/2003—Mayaphi, Nceba Herbert, 1943-06-24, 4306245464083, P 253, Site B, Khayelitsha, Western Cape, 7784, 24-10-2002; Gertrude Nomzamo.Mayaphi, 1947-11-16, 4711160205082. L.G. Nuku, Nongogo & Nuku Attorneys, 10th Floor, Pleinpark Building, 79 Plein Street, Cape Town, 8001. 30 days. . , - :

70 No..24846 ; - GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

2715/2003—Fisher, Sydney Colin, 23 December 1932, 022166061 K, 4 Dunsheen Road, Wynberg, 30 October 1997;

Olga Mary Fisher, 1 January 1933, 3301013662084. Hofmeyr Herbstein & Gihwala Inc., 2nd Floor, Kismet Plaza, Old Klipfontein

Road, Athlone. 12991/2002—Simpson, Peter Basil, 2 December 1913, 4312025009083, H-11 Peers Village, Private Bag X2, Valyland,

7978, 26 October 2002. George Hudson Findlay, Findlay & Findlay, P.O. Box 472, Simonstown, 7995.

396/2003—Prins, Jacobus Gert van Zyl, 02-08-1952, 5208025062088, Burlingtonstraat 59, Oakdale, Bellville, 7535,

- 04-04-2003; Maria Elizabeth Prins, 11-07-1951, 5107110095088. Smal Tolken Inc., Posbus 5527, Tygervallei, 7536.

€ Clifford Derrick Festus, 4502075082082, Carriemstraat 12, Cloetesville, Stellenbosch, 9 Desember 2001. Raymond

McCreath Ing., Eksekuteur, Andries Petoriusstraat 82A, Somerset Wes. 30 dae. : ,

Form/Vorm J 187_



~ In terms of section 35 (5) of Act No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distri-

_ bution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection

of all persons interested therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date

specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the latter, and at the offices of the Masters and

Magistrates as stated. oo : ms

Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors

will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts.

The information is given in the following order: Estate number, surname, christian name(s), identity number,

‘last address, description of account other than first and final; if deceased was married in community of property the *

- surviving spouse’s names, surname and identity number; period of inspection (if shorter or longer than 21 days),

Magistrate’s Office. ,



lrigevolge artikel 35 (5) van Wet No. 66 van 1965, word hierby kennis gegee dat duplikate van die likwidasie-

en distribusierekenings (eerste en finale, tensy anders vermeld) in die boedels hieronder vermeld, in die kantore.

van die-Meesters en Landdroste soos vermeld en gedurende ’n tydperk van. 21 dae (of korter of langer indien |

spesiaal vermeld) vanaf gemelde datums of vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan, welke ook al die laaste is, ter

insae Ié van alle persone wat daarby belang het.

Indien binne genoemde tydperk geen besware daarteen by die betrokke Meesters ingedien word nie, gaan die

eksekuteurs oor tot die uitbetalings ingevolge gemelde rekenings. i .

Die inligting word soos volg verstrek: Boedelnommer, familienaam, voornaam(name), identiteitsnommer, laaste

adres, beskrywing van rekening.as dit anders as eerste en finale is; indien oorledene in gemeenskap van goedere

getroud was die nagelate eggenoot(note) se name, familienaam en identiteitsnommer; tydperk van insae (indien

‘korter of langer as 21. dae), Landdroskantoor. _ oe


2497/2003—Badenhorst, Christa Johanna, 5810070003089, Andries Potgieterstraat 39, Vanderbijlpark, 1911; Maitheus

Johannes Badenhorst, 5609275141003 (Vanderbijlpark; Pretoria) ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532;

Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. - — -

_* 17508/02—Moss, Stephen Leslie, 1312015051087, 22 Jacobsz Street, Ermelo (Ermelo; Pretoria) —MaCaulay & Riddell,

P O Box 107, Ladysmith, 3370. oo, , "

Phyllis Mary Gleimius, 1507280024087, Centurion, died on. 28 December 2001, First and Final Liquidation and

‘Distribution Account, 21-days (Pretoria).—Robin Hugo Incorporated, P.O. Box 98181, Sloane Park.

George Reinhardt Gleimius, 1309035031081, Centurion, died: on 12 June 2002, 21 days (Pretoria)—Robin Hugo

Incorporated, P.O. Box 98181, Sloane Park. co oo ES we a

_. _7623/02—-Swanevelder, Edna May, 2205300041087, 61 Gold Reef Gity Village, Boksburg (Boksburg; Pretoria).—De

Jager Kruger & Van Blerk, Lexforum, cnr 5th Street and 7th Avenue, Springs. . re


STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 71

12042/02—Bohmer, Alberth Heinrich, 2512085009087, Benjaji Woonste! No. 5, Piet Retief, 2380; Roschen Emma Auguste Bohmer, 3107160004081 (Piet Retief; Pretoria).—Olivier van den Berg, Posbus 55799, Arcadia, 0007.

__ 14926/01—Bodenstein, Richard Carlisle, 5704285089084, 17 Tromp Crescent, Elardus Park, 0181 (Pretoria).— PricewaterhouseCoopers, PO Box 35296, Menlopark, 0102. ,

_7209/02—Eloff, Jan Daniél Olckers, 4807015105087, Genl. Hertzogweg 190, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging, Eerste en Finale, 21 dae (Vereeniging; Pretoria).—T J Botha en Kie, Posbus 393, Alberton, 1450. co

3404/01—White, Alexander, 6311155115087, Kelvin Woonstel Nr. 4, Kelvin. Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark (Vanderbijlpark; Pretoria)—Rooth & Wessels Vaal, Posbus 21, Vanderbijlpark.

17138/97—Abraham Christiaan Duvenhage, 2911185023088, pensioenaris, ongetroud, Rhenosterfontein, distrik Marico, oorlede op 2 Oktober 1997, Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Pretoria; Zeerust)—Johan Nel Prokureur, Presidentstraat 11, Posbus 1181, Zeerust, 2865. a

10816/2001—Swanepoel, Gabriel Hermanus Frederik, 1707275026085, Rustenburg; Alida Magdalena Swanepoel, 1704040024081 (Rustenburg; Pretoria)—J A.C de Klerk, p/a: Immelman Visagie & Van der Merwe ingelyf, Bergstraat 57, Rustenburg, 0299. .

14699/01—Pretorius, Barend Hendrik, 3503205091085, 2de Laan, 13 Lichtenburg; Nell Shirley Pretorius, 360203008100 (Lichtenburg; Pretoria).—Helen Coetser Prokureur, Posbus 48808, Hercules.

13064/02—Lombard, Harriet Mary Ann,:4412020045087, Jamestown 128, Crosby, Johannesburg; Stefanus Hermanus Lombard, 4208275061088 (Johannesburg; Pretoria) Mev N Sutherland, Wessels & Smith Ing., Posbus 721, Welkom, 9460.

1745/02—McCarogher, Catharina Adriana Dimphina Maria, 5801120929183, Kerkstraat 8, Lichtenburg, 2740; Frank ‘ Kimble Lloyd Mc Carogher, 5209145742088 (Lichtenburg; Pretoria).—Taylor & Richards Prokureurs, Posbus 139, Lichtenburg, 2740.

- 12591/02—Blumberg, Ingaborg Maria, 2408230060181, Eenheid 79, Schoonspruit Aftreeoord, Rosinstraat, Freemanville, Klerksdorp, Gewysigde Likwidasie- & Distribusie (Klerksdorp; Pretoria)—Oosthuizen du Plooy & Vennote, Posbus 22, Klerksdorp,

13249/98—Attwell, Louisa Christina, 3410200017000, Presidentstraat 26, Christiana, 2680 (Christiana; Pretoria).— ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; iste Vioer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. .

1/98—Murunwa Peter Nthabalala, 4803055654084, Erf 696, Thohoyandou P West, died on 5 January 1998, First and Fina! Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Thohoyandou).—H H du Preez, Executor, Booyens du-Preez & Boshoff inc., 653 Mphephu Drive, Thohoyandou P West, Private Bag X2358, Sibasa, 0970.

16645/01—Van Niekerk, Petrus Johannes, 1702155025083, 461 Wonderboomstraat, Pretoria-Noord, Pretoria (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Connie Marais Prokureurs, Posbus 1202, Richardsbaai, 3900. .

5586/02—Fourie, Martha Sarah, 3406180050086, Trevisahof 1, h/v Faraday- & Hertzboulevard, Vanderbijlpark; Abram Petrus Johannes Fourie, 3209195039007 (Vanderbijlpark; Pretoria)—Rooth & Wessels Vanderbijlpark Ingelyf, Posbus 21, Vanderbijipark. oe

' 4326/1995—Jerushalmi, Shlomo, 6306245118083, First and Final (Johannesburg; Pretoria)—Matus Michael Garber, P.O. Box 59162, Kengray, 2100.

_ 9$219/02—Maleke, Thabea Maria, 6305170781089, 2842 Taustraat, Ikageng, Potchefstroom (Potchefstroom; Pretoria). — Sanet Ras Prokureurs, Privaatsak X1268, Potchefstroom, 2520. — . .

13381/02—Yeates, Maria Cecilia, 3311100040086, Jaagbaan Plot, distrik Potgietersrus; Henry John Yeates, Identiteitsnommer 3301055044001 (Potgietersrus; Pretoria).—Borman, Snyman & Barnard Ing., Voortrekkerweg 100, Posbus 42, Potgietersrus, 0600. - Se : SE ns .

+ 2149/03—Roper, John, 4804205021083, 14 Lajuma, 482 Walker Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria (Pretoria) —Old Mutual Trust Bpk, Posbus 56447, Arcadia, 0007 (Willicah Phaka). co, : Do,

3686/02—Van Blerk, Carel Benedictus Johannes Zuurvogel, 7108285062083, Pietersburg (Pietersburg; Pretoria)—Old Mutual Trust Bpk, Posbus 56447, Arcadia, 0007 (Unita Visser).

167/03—Pallas, Johannes Hugo, 6707045101080, 29 Gazette Street, Fauna Park, Pietersburg; Verna Pallas, 6808010087088, First (Pietersburg; Pretoria). —Old Mutual Trust Bpk, Posbus 56447, Arcadia, 0007 (Willicah Phaka).

4925/2002—Jonck, Frederik Lodewyk, 3301095011085, Van Riebeckstraat 66, Potchefstroom (Potchefstroom; Pretoria)—DUT du Toit & Swanepoel, Posbus 43, Parys, 9585.

18705/01—Mac Farlane, Louisa Andrissa, 1307030038085, Summerfield Aftreeoord, Sandton, iste, 21 dae (Randburg; Pretoria).—Futurum Finansiele Groep (Edms) Bpk., Lombardstraat 75 & 77, Posbus 1993, Potchefstroom, 2520.

10255/02—Husted, Shirley Edna Dawson, 1302260015085, Elandsvallei Old Age Home, Rietfontein Road, Primrose, - Germiston (Germiston; Pretoria).—H M Husted, P O Box 1513, Boksburg, 1460. :

14039/02—Ofman, Rosie Ellen, 1608030061088, 9 Magnolia Court, Flamwood, Klerksdorp (Klerksdorp; Pretoria).— Waks & Brady Inc., PO Box 1861, Klerksdorp, 2570. . ee

' 12668/02—Reid, William Wallace, 2441185027080, 28 Pretorius Street, Nest Park, Bronkhorstspruit (Bronkhorstspruit; Pretoria).—Gishen Gilchrist & Reid, Eagle Place, 89 Elston Avenue, P O Box 356, Benoni; 1500.

18037/01—Luckhoff, Leslie Cecil, 181102503482, 135 Howard Ave., Benoni; Dulcie Luckhoff, 2107080053003 (Benoni; Pretoria).—Malherbe, Rigg & Ranwell, PO Box 26873, East Rand, 1462. ,

72 No. 24846 oo GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

45999/02—Van Eeden, Johannes, 3808025017081, Rupertstraat 3, Nylstroom, 0510; Anna Catharina van Eeden,

4105250042005 (Nylstroom; Pretoria)—J.G.G. Horn, Posbus 13200, Hatfield, 0028.

16001/02—Schalkwyk, Sophia Elizabeth, 3303310045088, Erf No. 3, Doornfontein, 2094 (Pretoria) —J. G. G. Horn,

Posbus 13200, Hatfield, 0028.

’. 415/2002——Moima, Lebotsa Paulos, 5712165210084, 4608 Stinkwater, Hammanskraal, First and Final, 21 days. Madiba

Attorneys, Old BNDC Offices, 4347 Unit 2, Temba; P.O. Box 419, Pyramid, 0120.

7142/01—Theledi, Mohale Jan, 4501025195085, 1610 Monsterlus; Masekholowane Elizabeth Theledi, 4406250189086

(Nebo; Pretoria). —Oniccah Nkoe Attorneys, PO Box 1863, Groblersdal, 0470.

18130/02—Lourens, Andries Johannes Viviers, 2512165032089, Cloisterweg 11, Meerhof, Hartbeespoort. Eerste en

Finale Likwidasie- en Disiribusierekening, 21 dae vanaf 16/05/2003 (Brits; Pretoria) —GL de Wet, Posbus 8915, Edleen, 1625.

18673/01—Jansen, Catharina Elizabeth, 2812060021082, weduwee, Du. Plooystraat 83, Potchefstroom, 2531

(Potchefstroom; Pretoria). —Kok & Van Staden, Posbus 2546, Potchefstroom, 2520.

12186/02—Holtzhausen, Christo Henri, 3807185084089, getroud buite semeenskap van goedere, Kiepersol Woonstel 3,

h/v Neethling & Piet Cronjestraat, Baillie Park, Potchefstroom (Potchefstroom; Pretoria) .—Kok & Van Staden, Posbus 2546,

Potchefstroom, 2520."

11453/2002—Van Oordt, Ludovicus Gerrit, 1508275039080, Faraday Boulevard 2A, Vanderbillpark: Teije Klaziena van

Oordt, 1401250046009 (Vanderbijlpark; Pretoria) —G T van Oordt Pokureurs, Posbus 29474, Sunnyside, 0132.

14955/02—Hugo Maaren, 3709245006088, datum van dood 28/08/2002. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-: ‘en Distribusie-

rekening, 21 dae (Pretoria; Pretoria) .—Friedland Hart Ingleyf, Posbus 1003, Pretoria, 0001.

3114/02—Piet Viljoen, 6605085235083, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere, datum oorlede 6 Februarie 2002, Eerste

en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Anneline Viljoen, 7504040071080, 21 dae vanaf 16 Mei 2003 (Witbank;

Pretoria).—A L Terblanche, nms. Eksekutrise (Tstamentér), Terblanche-Pistorius Ing., President Krugerstraat 23, Posbus 2128,

Middelburg, 1050.

3416/02—Kalla, Abdool Sataar, 3809155136089, Flat 25, Miriam Mansions, oth Avenue, Laudium, First & Final; Hawa

Kalla, 4101070096088, 21 days (Pretoria) —F. Saint & Kader Attorneys, 507 Ollivetti House, Schubart Street, Pretoria Central. _

13366/00—Khan, Bashira Bibi, 311002013037, 458 Sonneblom Street, Erasmia, Pretoria, First & Final, 21 days.

(Pretoria).—F. Saint & Kader Attorneys, 507 Olivetti House, Schubart Street, Pretoria Central.

2199/02—Taljaard, Mathys Johannes, 4207255050087, 451 Jan Groentjiestraat, Randvaal; Jacoba Johanna Taljaard,

4910070103086 (Meyerion: Pretoria) —Odendaal & Summerton Ing., Posbus 1, Meyerton, 1960; Lochstraat 16A, Meyerton,


13714/02—Moeng, Boykie Uriah, 3003305435084, 2996 Block B, Mabopane, Gauton (Pretoria. —Solomon Nicoison

Rein & Verster Inc., P O Box 645, Pretoria, 0001.

593/02—Dippenaar, Maria Elizabeth, 2507240002081, Knysnalaan 305, Sinovile, 0182 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—

Botha Rekenmeesters, Posbus 15700, Sinoville, 0129.

17747/02—Botha, Jacobus Peirus, 3307305003085, 1 Flemming Street, Stilfontein, 2551 (Klerksdorp; Pretoria).—Meyer

Van Sittert & Kropman, P.O. Box 91; Klerksdorp, 2570.

7852/73—Winshaw, Charles, 3311788929, 206 North Athestone, ‘North Avenue, lllovo, Johannesburg, Supplemeniary;

Simone Marie-Colette Julie Winshaw (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—Cluver Markotter Inc, PO Box 12, Stellenbosch, 7599.

18151/02—Doris Rose, 67 Silwood Place, Silwood Road, Bramley, Jhb (Wohannesburgs Pretoria).—Charles H Cohen,

P.O. Box 95260, Grant Park, Jhb.

2023/02—Du Plessis, Willem Jacobus, 3810035179083, 26 Mountain View Avenue; ‘Aldara Park, Randburg; Catherine

Lee en Fah du Plessis (Randburg; Pretoria).—Van Hulsteyns, P O Box 653148, Benmore, 2010; Primegro Place, cor. Rivonia

& Boundary Roads, Illovo, Sandton, 2196.°

2432/02—-Okkie Johannes Barnard, 2306170020084, 43 rynfield 6, Rynfield, Benoni, First and Final Liquidation and

Distribution Account, 21 days (Benoni; Pretoria) —Testator Trust CC, P.O. Box 2386, Bedfordview, 2008. . :

5218/98—Gosher, Esther, 1508070022083, 1 Fifth ‘Street, Orange: Grove, ' Johannesburg, 2192 (Johannesburg;


12979/02—Faure, Anna Francina, 2609010035083, 7 Farnham Court, 60 Johannes Sireet, Fairlands, Johannesburg,

First and Final, 21 days (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.

12279/02—Border, Annette Pauline, 210228003083, 51 Oak Avenue, Robindale, Randburg, First and Final, 21 days

(Randburg; Pretoria): Standard Executors. and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.

15725/01—Potgieter,: Francois Jan Jacobus, 3603085039087, 8 Sandstone Avenue, Waldrif, Vereeniging, First and .

Final; Carroll Poigieter, 21 | days (Vereeniging; Pretoria). —Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands,


12359/02—Kidd, Peter. Robert, 2406145037187, 4 Rosslyn Avenue, Randhart, 1449, First and Final; Kidd, (Alberton

North; Pretoria) .—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.

_9565/02—Du Preez, Hercules Petrus, 5008165045087, 30 6th Street, Orange ‘Grove, First; Pamela Ann du Preez, :

5204220034089 (Johannesburg; Pretoria).

18042/02—Buckland, Reginald Charles, 3302185047005, UK (Pretoria; Pretoria). —Standard Executors & Trustees.

. STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 ‘ No. 24846 73

“49447/01—Katz, Phyllis, 3502140034085, 2 Study Road; Glenhazel, Johannesburg Arthur Katz, 3107085024008 (Johannesburg Pretoria).

-13544/02—Mihail, Theodorus, 27070550821 82, 701 Roan Street, Sundowner; ; Georgia Mina (Randburg; Pretoria) .—Van Hulsteyns, P O Box 653148, Benmore, 2010.

~15855/02—Davids, Naomi Sarah; 5904140111087, 52. Sheila: Street, Meredale, 2091: Patrick Vincent Davids, 5701025089010 (Johannesburg; Pretoria)—Theart Mey & Partners, 7 Landsborough Street, Robertsham, 2097.

- -8191/02—De Klerk, Marthinus Jacobus, 4007265001082, Robbertstraat 25, Riebeeckstad, Vrystaat, 9469; ‘Valerie May de Klerk, 430217001081 (Pretoria; Pretoria) -Schoeman-Bosch Attorneys Inc., 289 Charles Street,. Brooklyn, Pretoria.

8103/2000—Leong-Ho, ‘Yvette, 7612030033083, 14 Greenwood Road, Homestead Park, Johannesburg, First and Final (Randburg; Pretoria) —Van Hulsteyns Attorneys, P.O. Box 653148, Benmore, 2010.” :

- 14965/0i—Johanna Petronella Engelbrecht, 4508280081082, Zebrina Crescent 33, ‘Nelspruit, Mpumalanga, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Waterval Boven; Pretoria). — —A. Cc. Bremner, Hough & Bremner, Park Fourgebou, Nelstraat 4 (Posbus 642), Nelspruit, 1200.

2901/02—Francois Gideon Janse van Rensburg, 2501085025083, datum van ‘dood: 16/01/2002, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Friediand Hart Ingelyf, Posbus 1003, Pretoria, 0001.

4191/02—Steyn, Willem Christiaan Venter, 4807205011087, 65 De Bruinstraat, Ermelio, 2350 (Ermelo; Pretoria). —Rooth & Wessels—Menlyn, Posbus 35494, Menlo Park, 0102.

- 2988—Mogogole, Mokhine Achas, 2506045138082, 289 Zone 1, Diepkloof, Soweto (Johannesburg; Pretoria) .—Mariétte Geldenhuys, Attorney & Conveyancer, PO Box 35743, Menlopark, 0102.

. 11649/99—Watson, Anna Susanna, 4407190004088, Plot 12, Shere, Pta (Pretoria) —Rautenbach & Van Niekerk, Jan . Andreas Rautenbach, Xcelpark 204, Lynnwood, Pta.

8946/01—June Inez Sandenbergh, 2710020020089, Crane Creek Farm, Waterval Boven, Mpumalanga, Eerste en 1 Finale Likwidasie en Disiribusierekening, 21 dae: (Watervai Boven; Pretoria).—A C Bremner, Hough & Bremner, Park’ Fourgebou, Nelstraat 4 (Posbus 642), Nelspruit, 1200.

13622/02—Eleanor Alice Warren, 01/09/1924, 2409010034180, 78 7th Road, ‘Kew, Johannesburg, date of death: 08/07/2002, First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Johannesburg; Pretoria). —FNB Trust Services, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold.

18445/02—Eileen Viviers, 2309100023087, 10 Wemmerpan’ Road; Regents Park, Johannesburg, date of death: 24/09/2002, First and Final- Liquidation and Distribution Account, 24 days (Johannesburg; Pretoria) —FNB Trust Services, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold.

2851/03—Hiscock, Kenneth Maundrell, 1903105033181, 9 Wilro Park Retirement Village, Roodepoort, First and Final; Lilian Elizabeth Hiscock, 0904300006007 (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—Old Mutual Trust Limited (Reg. No. 1927/000326/06), Estates Department, P.O. Box 8795, Johannesburg, 2000.

20052/02—Tunnicliff, Stanley George, 2711025071085,.9 Ceasars Street, Die: Heuwel, ‘Witbank, 1035, First and Final (Witbank; Pretoria) —Old Mutual Trust Limited (Reg. No. 1927/000328/06), Estates Department; P.O. Box 8795, Johannesburg, 2000.

514/03—Burns, Ann Burns, 3501110017008, 65 Kei Road, Farramere,. Benoni (Randburg Pretoria —Sytets Trust Limited, Executors Department, P.O. Box 582, Johannesburg, 2000. -

19259/02—Pannall, Mary Donaldson, 2812240012084, 27 Newlands Park Village, Gloxinia Avenue, Newlands, Pretoria (Pretoria; Pretoria) —Van Hulsteyns Attorneys, P.O. Box 653148, Benmore, 2010, Primegro Place, 18 Rivonia Road, Illovo.

9476/02—Le Grange, Samuel Johannes, 25/06/1945, 4506255044085, » Vilersingel 8, West Acres, Nelspruit (Nelspruit; Pretoria).—Seniors vir Seniors, Posbus 648, Silverton, 0127..

7858/99—Strauss, Abraham Johannes Stephanus, 2305045007086, plas Doompan, distrik Schweizer-Reneke; Johanna Dorothea Strauss, 2609160014085 (Schweizer-Reneke; Pretoria). —Gericke & Rackmeyer, Posbus 6393, Bailliepark, 2526.

17186/01—Shahia, Marie Annette, 4504180061084, Bosduiflaan ‘99, “Wierdapark, Centurion; Mrad Shahia, 4506245071008 (Pretoria).—H. M. R. Becker, Posbus 35078, Menlo Park, 0102. 7 -15195/00—Oberhoizer, Maria Magdalena Hendrina Elizabeth, 2506120041086, City Gardens 110, Ludorfstraat,

Brits (Brits; Pretoria). —H. M. R. Becker, Posbus 35078, Menlo Park, 0102. , 18209/01—Viviers, Cornelia Sussana, 3809010023084, 19 Valley Avenue, Jacanlee, Randburg, First and Final

Liquidation and Distribution Account; out of community of property to Johan Stralka Viviers, al days from 16 May 2003 (Randburg; Pretoria).

Cairns, Johanna Hermina Pritchard, 0711080020086, Roodepoort Sentr. vir Bejaarde, Privdatsak X2, Ansfrere, 1711 (Pretoria). —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.

Koekemoer, Michiel Frederik, 5403085066083, Schullerswaat 36 B, CW 6, Vanderbijpark, 1911; Beatrice Emily Koekemoer,: 5807080025086 (Vanderbijlpark; Pretoria). —ABSA Trust. Beperk, Posbus 383; Pretoria, ‘0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria; 0002: :

3257/03—Aliers, Arthur John, 3404155057087, Koedoebergweg 951, Don-Rose Woods 20, Faerie Glen, 0043; Johanna Jacoba Allers, 3704160049080 (Pretoria) ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste. Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002... :

74 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

4987/03—Bosch, Johanna Catharina, 3109300055080, Arcadian Heights 202, Pretoriusstraat 735, Arcadia, 0183

(Pretoria) ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria,


3272/03—Barrett, Clasina Sophia Maria, 2112250055085, 4A Donnelly Straat, Turffontein, 2190 (Johannesburg;

Pretoria). —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vioer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria,


3514/03—Mamabolo, Nkoana Silas, 5405125703088, 17 Mankweng Zone B, Sovenga, 0727; Annah Phutti Mamabolo,

6001220747085 (Sovenga; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum,

Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.

4087/03—Etchell, Markus Jacobus, 5603165018082, Miltonlaan 202, Orkney, 2002; Johanna Susanna Etchell,

6006270096085 (Orkney; Pretoria) —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der

Walistraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.

12370/02—Koen, Barend Jacobus, 3306135028080, Snuifpeulstraat 27, Onverwacht, Elfisras, 0555 (Ellisras; Pretoria). —

ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vioer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.

4107/03—Swanepoel, Pieter Johannes, 3809215097081, Johnstonstraat 147, Linaria Woonstel 403, Sunnyside,

Pretoria; Lorna Swanepoel, 4110130063087 (Pretoria) -ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer,

Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. -

5526/03—Steenekamp, Elsie Carolina, 3411130035088, Posbus 72, Maanhaarrand, 0346; Petrus Stefanus Steenekamp,

3305095022083 (Krugersdorp; Pretoria) —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum,

Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. ,

3327/03—Nosworthy, Leila, 1008290043084, Winmed Sub Acute Centre, 746 Riet Street, Wingate Park, 0001,

Eerste (Pretoria). —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vioer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230,

Pretoria, 0002.

3311/03—Leus, Anita, 7010190022089, Kampstraat 157, Potchefstroom, 2531 (Potchefstroom; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust

Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Walistraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.

653/02—Coetser, Philippus Jeremeihs, 3109135040083, Ben Viljoenstraat 443, Pretoria Noord, 0182; Dina Margaret

Coetser, 3307160078081 (Pretoria-Noord; Pretoria). ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vioer, ABSA

Gebou, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. ;

3278/03—Campbell, Dorethea Francina, 5709150013085, Westwaithof 19, Oubertstraat, Vereeniging, 1939

(Vereeniging; Pretoria)—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vioer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat

230, Pretoria, 0002. .

4858/03—Oberhoizer, Magdalena Maria, 3301270013088, Presidentstraat 57, Potchefstroom, 2531; Carel Nicolaas

Oberholzer, 3203245029084 (Klerksdorp; Pretoria) —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vioer, Volkskas

Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.

11474/02—Erasmus, Jan Hendrik, 4802135124084, 18 Bay Place Village II, Baystraat, Doornpoort, 0017 (Pretoria-Noord;

Pretoria). —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria,

0002. .

19888/02—Madonsela, Muntu Gibson, 5402075283088, Stand 5004, Extension 2, Mhluzi, Middelburg, 1053;

Ntombikayise Dolly Madonsela, 5601270356082 (Middelburg; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001;

27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.

6302/03—Kitching, Gerhardus Stephanus, 2404025011083, Chamfutistraat 1159, Méregloed, Pretoria, 0186; Wilhelmina

Adriana Kitching, 3004010012085 (Pretoria). —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum,

Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002. oe

1321/03—Pieterse, Josef Erasmus, 2802295008087, Perseel 157, Noodhulp, Warmbad, 0480; Susanna Maria Sophia

Pieterse, 3506020036003 (Warmbad; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 27ste Vioer, Volkskas

Sentrum, Van der Waltstr 230, Pretoria, 0002. 7

3435/03—Bamberger, Barend Jacobus, 4110105012085, Witfontein, Ottosdal, 2610; Cathrina Susanna Bamberger,

4611130019007 (Ottosdal; Pretoria) -ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der

Waltstr 230, Pretoria, 0002.

13814/02—Kruger, Jacob Johannes, 4508185073085, Aqua Laan 12, Aquapark, Tzaneen, 0850; Antoinette Estelie

Kruger, 5004030101080 (Tzaneen; Pretoria) —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 27ste Vioer, Voikskas Sentrum,

Van der Waltstr 230, Pretoria, 0002.

5030/03—Penny, Dudley Clive, 2504235025086, Summit Village 98, Roodepoort, 1711, 49016 (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—

ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 27ste Vioer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstr 230, Pretoria, 0002.

2224/03—Otto, Elizabeth Catharina, 1606300015081, Southstraat 741, Wingatepark, Pretoria, 0153 (Pretoria) —ABSA

Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstr 230, Pretoria, 0002.

7047/02—Van Dyk, Maria Gesina Christina, 2006290022081, plaas Blokkloof, Swartruggens, 2835, Tweede & Finale;

Jacobus Cornelius van Dyk, 2001215018082 (Swartruggens; Pretoria) ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

27ste Vioer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstr 230, Pretoria, 0002. |

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 “75 _

ve 2726/02—Liebenberg, Schalk Leopold, 1303205040089, Van Eedenlaan 34, Rissiville, Vereeniging, 1939 (Vereeniging; Pretoria). ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstr 230, Pretoria, 0002. , .

~ °16982/02—Barnard, Anna Susanna Christina, 2308240007083, Wrentmorestraat 52,- Danville, Pretoria, 0183. (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van. der ‘Waltstr 230, Pretoria, 0002. So

5052/03—Weideman, May Eliza, 3102220038088, Caledonstraat 9, Stilfontein, 2550 (Klerksdorp; Pretoria) —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstr 230, Pretoria, 0002.

17127/02—Arthur Alexandrina, 1412140026085, 9 Alquin Mews, Celia Nestadt Rd, North Villa, Benoni, Supplementary to 1st & Final (Benoni; Pretoria)—Malherbe, Rigg & Ranweli, PO Box 26873, East Rand, 1462. :

7188/02—Maisch, Gerhard, 3806255036185, Hythelaan 50, Mulbarton,: Johannesburg (Johannesburg; Pretoria).— . Bosman & Bosman, Posbus 1, Lichtenburg, 2740. . ‘ :

3363/03—Smithers, Mary, 1511110030082, Unit 15, Kronendal, 650 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 27008 (Pretoria; Pretoria)—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620. 12th Floor, Trust Bank Building, c/o Voortrekker and Wolffstreet, Kempton Park, 1620. a

-9844/01—Thomas, Agnes Mary, 2901220033085, 17 Volstruis Crescent, Strelitzia Village, Randparkridge, 2000 (Randburg; Pretoria)—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620. 12th Floor, Trust Bank Building, c/o Voortrekker and Wolffstreet, Kempton Park, 1620.. , .

7052/03—Oats, Agnes Evelyn, 1607020032083, Unit 125 Elphin Lodge, Modderfontein Road, Lynhurst, 2192 (Johannesburg; Pretoria) ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620. 12th Floor; Trust Bank Building, c/o Voortrekker and Wolffstreet, Kempton Park, 1620. ,

4160/03—Buys, Anna Catherina, 2003020014082, 63 Melville Street, West Turfontein, Southdale, 27092 (Johannesburg; ' Pretoria)}—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620. 12th Floor; Trust Bank Building, c/o Voortrekker and

Wolffstreet, Kempton Park, 1620. oo - 11736/01—Oertel, Athol Chris, 6408055023088, 30 Roux Ln, Glen Marais, Kempton Park, Eerste en Finale L & D

Insolvente Bestorwe Boedel i.t.v Artikel 54 (Kempton Park; Pretoria).—Vorster Le Roux & Louw; Posbus 1925; Pretoria, 0001. 17966/01—Cohen, Gertrude Rachel, 1206270100086, B209 Golden Acres, George Avenue, Sandringham,

2141 (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—Horwath Leveton Boner, P O Box 652550, Benmore, 2010. ° 10886/02—Farrant, Rupert Reynolds, 1705145017086, Farm Culumpine, Vaalwater, Limpopo (Nylstroom; Pretoria).—

BDO Spencer Steward, Chartered Accountants (SA), P O Box'95436, Waterkloof, 0145. 13872/02—Godrich, Irene May, 1812040003086, Plot 92, Durley, Bronkhorstspruit (Bronkhorstspruit; Pretoria) —BDO

Spencer Steward, Chartered Accountants (SA), P O Box 95436, Waterkloof, 0145. . 13965/02—Jacobs, Rofail, 2003215037088, 312 Ceres North, 229 Jacob Maré Street, Pretoria; Drury Vickers Jacobs,

1801300033081 (Pretoria)—BDO Spencer Steward, Chartered Accountants (SA), P O Box 95436, Waterkloof, 0145. 00921/03—Van Rooyen, Rita Joy, 2205210059088, Room B111, Masonic Haven, Die Wilgers, Pretoria.(Pretoria) —BDO

Spencer Steward, Chartered Accountants (SA), P O Box 95436, Waterkloof, 0145. a 19690/02—Nel, Johannes Nicolaas, 1712115016080, Renaissance Aftree-Oord, Pretoriaweg 684, Silverton, Pretoria

(Pretoria; Pretoria).—B. Pieterse, Kieserstr 115, Rietondale, 0084. 13277/02—Kilian, Gezina Johanna, 0912190001087, Susan Strydom Tehuis, Colbyn, Pretoria (Pretoria).—J S Neuhoff,

Neuhoff Prokureurs, Bronkhorstsstraat 62, Groenkloof, Pretoria, 0181. at oy CG 5946/00—Bham, Sabara Banoo, 4502180005085, Unit 9, Lakeside Manor, Mayfair, Johannesburg (Roodepoort;

- Pretoria)—Kaka & Kaka Attorneys, PO Box 2272, Roodepoort. , oo oe, 12302/02—Martin Victor Johannes Rindel, 6010215016083, 103 Frere Road, Bryansbrink, Bryanston, 24 June 2002,

First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Johannesburg; Pretoria)—Schoeman Attorneys, P.O. Box 2233,. Florida Hills, 1716. . a a _

_ 8256/02—Perold, Guido Werner, 1803315036083, 11 Hyde Park Hill, 30 Ruth Avenue, Hyde Park, Sandton, 2196 (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—Raymond Tucker Attorney, The Borbereki House, 32 St John Road, Houghton, Johannesburg, 2198. : :

5512/03—Richard Edward Moss, 12/10/1912, 1210125009088, 103 Golden Harvest il, Randburg, 03/03/2003, The First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Randburg; Pretoria) —FNB Trust Services, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold.

- 11328/02—Maureen Tonkin, 2502010027087, widow, Methodist Home for the Aged, Garden Village, Bordeaux, Randburg, The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Randburg; Pretoria).—Routledge-Modise, Executors’ Attorneys, P O Box 78333, Sandton, 2146. — . - a,

5530/03—Jean Morrison Walker, 13/12/1911, 1112130031083, Elphin Lodge, Modderfontein Road, Edenvale, Johannesburg, 06/03/2003, The First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Johannesburg; Pretoria).— FNB Trust Services, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold. , co “

' 5869/03—Hazel Cynthia Keating, 25/03/1930, 3003250008084, Queenshaven Old Age Home, Outspan Road, Unigray, Johannesburg, 28/02/2003, The First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Johannesburg; Pretoria).— FNB Trust Services, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold. -

18855/00—Rosen, Frank, 1808015072007, “Kendale”, 99 Winnington Road, London N2 OTT England (Pretoria).—Fisher Hoffman PKF (JHB) Inc, Postnet 200, Private Bag X30500, Houghton, 2041. , , ce

76 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

20031/02—Pappadogiannis, Haralambos Harry, 1411205024084, cnr Main and Battery Reef Rd, Robinson, Randfontein

_ (Randfontein; Pretoria).—FNB Trust Services, P O Box 6257, Weltevreden Park.

" 1997/03—Cachia, Vincent Anthony, 1003285035005, Kronendal 231, Wessel Str, Arcadia, Pretoria (Pretoria; Pretoria).—

FNB Trust Services, P O Box 6257, Weltevreden Park. : ;

18251/02—Jeena, Munca, 1211225072083, 21 Heron Street, Extension 1, Lenasia, Johannesburg (Johannesburg;

Pretoria).—Atts J N Bhana & Assoc., P O Box 769, Lenasia, 1820.

44139/02—Horitzauer, Josef, 0710165049184, 31 Eleventh Avenue, Parktown North, 2193, The First and Final

Liquidation and Distribution Account, twenty-one (21) days (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—J. L- Robinson, Box 3269, Randburg,

2125. -

7752/02—Burmeister, Brett William, 7311165327085, Air Force Base, Hoedspruit, Phalaborwa District (Phalaborwa;

Pretoria).—Trevor Bouwer, Bouwer Cardona Inc., P.O. Box 30706, Braamfontein, 2017. os

266/02—Raimundo, Fernando Morais, 6312075870082, 17 2nd Avenue, Bezuidenhout Valley, Johannesburg; Maria de

Fatima Matos Raimundo, 6709130193102, Finat (Pretoria; Pretoria) -MFM Raimundo, 17 2nd Avenue, Bezuidenhout Valley,


10512/02—Isobel Thomas, 2812300067085, 122 Beyers Naude Drive, Roosevelt Park, The First and Final Liquidation

and Distribution Account, 21 days (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—J van Zyl & N Beyers, PO Box 972, Florida Hills, 1716.

6241/98—Michael, William Romeo, 2303265024089, 42 The Avenue, The Gardens, 2192, First & Final (Springs;

Pretoria).—E. M. Kalic, c/o Bruce Morrison & Associates, Box 1233, Springs, 1560.

11001/02—Viol, Peter Karl, 3010315024188, 50 Curvy Road, Blairgowrie, Johannesburg (Pretoria).—J. L. Robinson,

Agent for the Executrix, Box 3269, Randburg, 2125. !

6587/00—Roma, Luigi, 1805165040107, 23 4th Avenue, Parktown North, Johannesburg, Amended First and Final

(Johannesburg; Pretoria)—Dr JF Uys Attorney, PO Box 29745, Danhof, 9310.

9216/1999—Van der Merwe, Aletta Gertruida, 3412300028085, 89 Briggs Street, Westonaria; Cornelius Johannes van

der Merwe, 3307265024006 (Westonaria; Pretoria).—Cornelius Johannes van der Merwe, c/o P.O. Box 33, Florida Hills, 1716.

20409/98—Domingues, Manuel, 2706115080087, 43 Eighth Street, La Rochelle, Johannesburg, Amended First & Final,

' (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—Cliffe Dekker Inc., Private Bag X7, Benmore, 2010.

3266/02—Allanson, Doreen Phyllis, 26062710031083, Unit 214, Kruinpark Retirement Village, Umgeni Road, Wilropark,

Roodepoort; Andrew Hawxby Allanson, 2410045025086 (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc., Private Bag

X24, Sunninghill, 2157.. -

4238/03—Karakatsanis, Eleni, 331282252, Greek Old Age Home, Orange Grove (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—FNB Trust

Services, P O Box 6257, Weltevreden Park.

20271/01—Naidoo, Danasagren, 7010275397083, 240 Kerk Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg (Randburg; Pretoria).—

Schoeman Prokureurs, Posbus 2233, Florida Hills, 1716. ,

2123/03—Chemaly, Cornelia Dorothea, 2008050025080, 24 Andre Brink Street, Vorna Valley, Midrand (Randburg; ,

Pretoria).—FNB Trust Services, P O Box 6257, Weltevreden Park.

18111/02—Schoeman, Stephanus Andries Ignatius, 1802095010086, Huis Dien Bothma, Jansen Park, Boksburg

(Boksburg; Pretoria) —FNB Trust Services, P O Box 6257, Weltevreden Park.

6310/99—Vermaak, Louis Almero du Pisani, 3709015052080, Main Reefweg 3, Mindalore, Krugersdorp, Gewysigde

(Krugersdorp; Pretoria).—FNB Trust Services, P O Box 6257, Weltevreden Park. : ,

8772/02—Alblas, Ulriech, 470225501 6088, Warwick Str 40, Chancliff, Krugersdorp; Gezina Maria Alblas, 4801 280098085

(Krugersdorp; Pretoria). —FNB Trust Services,.P O Box 6257, Weltevreden Park. °

4852/03—Nel, Margaret Adelaide, 3104040053081, Pionier Tehuis No. 6, Human Str, Krugersdorp; Pieter Cornelius Nel,

2807185043086 (Krugersdorp; Pretoria).—FNB Trust Services, P O Box 6257, Weltevreden Park.

13477/01—Storms, Robert Alexander Wilhelmus Hendricus, 74 Sixth Street, Linden, Johannesburg, Second and Final

Liquidation and Distribution Account; Ingrid Clementina Maria Storms (Johannesburg; Pretoria) Nelson Borman & Partners

inc., P.O. Box 21, Cresta, 2118. :

1372/02—Kirchner, Karl Heinz Franz, 4004195042182, 87 Dower Village, Edenvale, First & Final, 21 days (Germiston;

Pretoria) —Milton Stoloff, 7th Floor, Kelhof, 112 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg. :

402/02—Ayres, Joyce Bellaby, 1406130020082, 14 Village of Golden Harvest 1, Pres Fouche Drive, North Riding

(Randburg; Pretoria) —R. L. Ayres, PO Box 2272, Parklands, 2121. : ,

1775/00—Rothschild, Bertram Peter, 2712305012088, 175A Anderson Avenue, Northcliff (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—

Papilsky Hurwitz, PO Box 46319, Orange Grove, 2119. |

328/03—Alethea Joy Wright, 29/12/1926, 2612290046085, 16 River Lodge, 1 Douglas Avenue, Craighall, Johannesburg,

08/12/2002, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—FNB Trust Services,

PO Box 52297, Saxonwold.

20030/02—Ronald Arthur Potterton, 11/07/1942, 4207115064088, 23 The Crest, Soetdoring Street, Bassonia,

Johannesburg, 22/10/2002, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—FNB Trust

Services, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold. :

5497/03—Beukes, Jan Andries, 3703185082084, Venturalaan 15, Standerton, 2430; Susara Elizabeth Catharina Beukes,

3610090095087 (Standerion; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620, 12de Vloer, Trust Bank

Gebou, h/v Voortrekker en Wolfistraat, Kempton Park, 1620. oe

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 . No: 24846 77

‘»\8342/03— Otten, Willem Nicklas, 4201045087087, Mimosa Straat 58, Van Dyk Park, Boksburg, 1459;.Maurita Elizabeth Otten, 4602100075081 (Boksburg; Pretoria) —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620, 12de Vloer, Trust Bank Gebou, h/v Voortrekker en Wolffstraat, Kempton Park, 1620. /

5520/03—Potgieter, Pieter, 4110205031084, Chris de Villiersstraat 93, Ermelo, 2350; Catharina Hendrina Potgieter, 5212090111085 (Ermelo; Pretoria)—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620, 12de Vloer, Trust Bank Gebou, h/v Voortrekker en Wolffstraat, Kempton Park, 1620. oO wo

5513/03—Myburgh, Barend Christoffel, 5806185006082, Shonestraat 12, Secunda, 2302; Cornelia Johanna Gertina Myburgh, 5605240031089 (Secunda; Pretoria) —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620, 12de Vloer, Trust Bank Gebou, h/v Voortrekker en Wolffstraat, Kempton Park, 1620. oo,

2461/03—Stevens, Johannes Jacobus Martinus, 3512245001087, Laventelstraat 19, Northmead Uitbr 4, Benoni, 1500; Maria Magdalena Stevens, 3911200001001 (Benoni: Pretoria)—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620, 12de Vloer, Trust Bank Gebou, h/v Voortrekker en Wolffstraat, Kempton Park, 1620. re 7

~- 3503/03—Van Wyk, Johannes Petrus, 5502175010081, 5 Kliprifplek, Brackendowns, Alberton, 1450; Valerie Margaret van Wyk, 5805310130080 (Alberton; Pretoria)—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620, 12de Vloer, Trust Bank Gebou, h/v Voortrekker en Wolffsiraat, Kempton Park, 1620. os

5785/03—Ihlenteldt, Johanna Hendrina, 1510010065008, Witwatersrand Tehuis, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2000 (Johannesburg; Pretoria) ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620, 12de Vloer, Trust Bank Gebou, h/v Voortrekker en Wolffstraat, Kempton Park, 1620. , . oo

-3262/03—Van der Bank, Andreas Johannes, 2309115014089, 24 Adelhof, Jan van Riebeeck Straat, Middelburg, 1050; Susanna Magrieta van der Bank, 3006300024084 (Middelburg Tvl; Pretoria) —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620, 12de Vioer, Trust Bank Gebou, h/v Voortrekker en Wolffstraat, Kempton Park, 1620.

5533/03—Kellerman, Jan Abraham Christoffel, 4106245038089, Davelweg 7, Bethal, 2310 (Bethal; Pretoria). —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620, 12de Vloer, Trust Bank Gebou, h/v Voortrekker en Wolffstraat, Kempton Park, 1620. :

. , 3320/03—Miller, Dina Johanna, 4309160049087, Elias Place No. 5, Ravensweg, Beyerspark, 1459 (Pretoria). ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620, 12de Vloer, Trust Bank Gebou, h/v Voortrekker en Wolffstraat, Kempton Park, 1620... -

. °° 2155/03—Smith, Gert Jacobus, 2404155003082, 19 Aldeia Meenthuise, Chopin Straat, Vanderbijlpark, 1911; Johanna Hendrika Christina Smith, 2707260001084 (Vanderbijlpark; Pretoria) —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620, 12de Vloer, Trust Bank Gebou, h/v Voortrekker en Wolffstraat, Kempton Park, 1620. oo

5810/03—Koize, Alida Johanna Jacoba, 4502250027084, Kragbronweg 56, Klopperpark, 1429; Daniel Johannes Kotze, 3704255036083 (Germiston; Pretoria)—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620, 12de Vioer, Trust. Bank Gebou, h/v Voortrekker en Wolffstraat,. Kempton Park, 1620. ok,

, 5041/03—Serfontein, Johannes Frederik van Blerk, 1409235035088, Golden Harvest Siekeboeg, Randburg, 2194 (Randburg; Pretoria). —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620, 12de Vloer, Trust Bank Gebou;, h/v Voortrekker en Wolffstraat, Kempton Park, 1620. 4 - .

18035/02—De Bruyn, Hendrina Johanna, 3501170010080, 9de Laan 31 A, Lichtenburg, 2740; Andries Johannes de Bruyn, 3402195032003, Gewysigde (Lichtenburg; Pretoria)—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620, 12de Vloer, Trust Bank Gebou, h/v Voortrekker en Wolffstraat, Kempton Park, 1620.

18036/02—De Bruyn, Andries. Johannes, 3402195032086, 9de Laan 31A, Lichtenburg, 2740, Gewysigde..(Lichtenburg; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620, 12de Vloer, Trust-Bank Gebou, h/v Voortrekker en Wolffstraat, Kempton Park, 1620. .— - , co

424/03—Oosthuizen, Gerhard, 5512295012081, 10 Sunnyway, Kelvin, Sandton, 26758 (Johannesburg; Pretoria).— ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620, 12th Floor, Trust Bank Building, c/o Voortrekker and, Wolffstreet, Kempton Park, 1620. po

ae 01014/03—Mc Luckie, Kenneth Joseph, 2103195028089, Manie Alberts Home, 21 Edward Street, Wesidene, Benoni

(Benoni; Pretoria).—P. A. Coetzee Prokureurs, PO Box 10258, The Falls, 1522. : 15993/02—Andrews, Charles Joseph, 5302155042083, 17 Lembombo Street, Eastvale, Springs (Springs; Pretoria) —

P. A. Coetzee Prokureurs, PO Box 10258, The Falls, 1522. , 585/2002—Cornish, Dennis William Cornish, 2403185066101, 1 Oaktree Village, Cormorant Drive, Blue Gill, Glen

Marais, Kempton Park; Diana Yufang Cornish, 510211541209032 (Kempton Park; Pretoria)—Jacobus Johannes Slabbert, Schumann Van den Heever & Slabbert, 32 Kempton Road, Kempton Park, 1619. a

5413/02—Seutts, Arnold Roy, 5402165082085, Plot 41, 2de Laan, Vischkuil, Springs, 1560; Elsabe Susanna Schutts, 6201220012080 (Springs; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620, 12de Vloer, Trust Bank Gebou, hv Voortrekker en Wolffstraat, Kempton Park, 1620. ve ao

4195/03—Viljoen, Willem Wouter, 3312165013083, Miltonsingel 7, Randhart, Alberton, 1449; Sophia Jacoba Viljoen, 3811170010083 (Alberton; Pretoria).ABSA Trust. Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; 12de Vioer, Trust Bank Gebou, h/v Voortrekker- en Wolffstraat, Kempton Park, 1620.

16083/02—Cronje, Daniel. Johannes Cornelius, 1407025014081, Malraisonstraat 8, Dunnottar,; 1590 (Springs; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; 12de Vloer, Trust Bank Gebou, h/v Voortrekker- en Wolffstraat, Kempton Park, 1620. -

. 78 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

_ 7323/02—Newman, Barry Clifford, 4901275668189, 17 Margaret Avenue, Buccleuch, Johannesburg (Johannesburg;

Pretoria)—Van Rensburg Executors, Posbus 1220, Rant en Dal, 1751. . ”

-19188/02—De Wet, Jacobus Stephanus, 6301235037088, Wilde Amandellaan 185, Wilropark, Roodepoort; Bonita de

Wet, 6802120153086 (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—Van Schalkwyk & Vennote, Posbus 901, Krugersdorp.

17927/02—Le Roux, Anthonie Fourie, 3003045015089, Groenwiigerswoonstelle No.’ 5, Meulstraat 17, Potchefstroom,

Gewysigde Eerste en Finale (Potchefstroom; Pretoria).—Old Mutual Trust Limited (Reg. No. 1927/000328/00), Estates

Department, P.O. Box 8795, Johannesburg, 2000. , , Oe

417521/01—Rudolf Johannes de Beer, 4901135024086, Smutslaan 74, Vereeniging, 1939, 26 Augustus 2001, Eerste en

Finale Likwidasie-. en Distribusierekening (Vereeniging, Port Shepstone; Pretoria)—Jacobus Petrus Bekker, Eksekuteur

Testamentér, Pobus 2514, Randburg, 2125. ; ,

15022/02—Liebenberg, Pheir William, 4910145125080, Heidelberg 37, Jan Meyerstraat, South Crest, Alberton (Alberton;

Pretoria) —Legatus Trust (Edms.) Bpk., 12 Boskruin Business Park, Bosbok Road, Randpark Ridge 2156; P.O. Box 3351,

Northcliff, 2115.

18401/02—Massyn, Hendrik Stefanus, 4006155028080, Vosstraat 98, Rensburg, Heidelberg, Eerste en Finale; Elsa

Massyn, 3607070009088, 21 dae (Heidelberg, Transvaal: Pretoria)—Legatus Trust (Edms.) Bpk., Evapark Blok B206, h/v

Beyers Naudelaan en Judgeslaan, Cresta, 2194; Posbus 3351, Northcliff, 2115. ,

1237/2003—Hanekom, Gert Christiaan Jacobus, 2904115056088, Van Reenenstraat 17, Sasolburg; Gertie Hanekom,

2911230035087 (Sasolburg; Pretoria).—Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms.) Bpk., Posbus 3673, Randburg, 2125.

11288/02—Strydom, Joseph Johannes Fourie Strydom, 4703245070086, Gedeelte 48, De Wagensdrift, distrik Cullinan

(Cullinan; Pretoria).—S. B. Coetzer Ing., h/a Coetzer & Vennote, Farendenstraat 343, Arcadia, Pretoria; Posbus 6023, Pretoria.

5679/02—Bredell, Anna Petronella, 1409160030088, Plot 6, Kampersrus, Noordelike Provinsie, Eerste en Finale

Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Phalaborwa; Pretoria) —G. Jansen van Vuuren (Agent), Posbus 66504, Highveld, 0169.

- 10825/02—Pretorius, Francois Jacobus, 591211501 8088, 854A Quailstraat-Wes, Helderkruin X20, Aanvuilende; Martina

Johanna Pretorius, 6106170051089 (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

18857/02—Pretorius, Willem Johannes, 6101185112083, 19 P. A. du Plessis Straat, Norkem Park, Kempton Park; Eileen

Pretorius, 6102150041000 (Kempton Park; Pretoria).—Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685. ,

18892/02—Berry, Josina Cecilia, 3309260010089, Versveldstraat 42, Vanderbijlpark; Frank Berry, 4306045432082

(Vanderbijlpark; Pretoria).—Saniam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685. ,

18793/02—Gillett, Grace Mary, 0308070007080, Unit 213, Nazareth House, 1 Webb Street, Yeoville (Johannesburg;

Pretoria).—Saniam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685. a .

18810/02—Joubert, Johannes Jacobus, 3407175017080, Suikerbosrandwoonstel 21, Uniestraat 30, Heidelberg

(Heidelberg; Pretoria)—Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685. . Do,

454/01—Maritz, Leon Gerhard, 6411265154081, Neptunestraat 10, Atlasville, Boksburg (Boksburg; Pretoria).—Sanlam

Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

' 45158/02—Vorster, Alida Johanna Elizabetha, 3904120004080, Vleistraat 35, Wakkerstroom, 2480 (Wakkerstroom,

Pretoria) —Coetzee Spoelstra & Van Zyl Ing., Posbus 86, Volksrust, 2470.

19587/01—Hobbs, Ronald Neal, 3409185018082, 19 Abbey Drive, Craighall Park, Johannesburg, First and Final

Liquidation and Distribution Account (Johannesburg; Pretoria)—-Mrs R. Soutar, Maitland Trust Limited, P O Box 781396,

Sandton, 2146.

1169/02—Hall, David Henry, 3411225060108, 4 Curzon Mews, Blackenfen Crescent, Bryanston, Sandton, First and Final

Liquidation and Distribution Account (Randburg; Pretoria) —Mrs R. Soutar, Maitland Trust Limited, P O Box 781396, Sandton,

2146. i 3317/01—Petersen, Robert, 4003275010080, 6 Gebhardt Avenue, Florida Glen, Gauteng (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—

- Wertheim Becker Inc., P.O. Box 2277, Houghton, 2041. -

8699/89—Demetroudhiou, loannis Christou, 4607305088104, 3 Vrede Avenue, -Northcliff Extension 19, Roodepoort

(Roodepoort; Pretoria).—Wertheim Becker Inc., P.O. Box 2277, Houghton, 2041.

_ 6952/02—Wulfsohn, Abel, 3005085024087, Nix Hotel, 222 Visagie Street, Pretoria (Pretoria; Pretoria)—Norman Berger

& Partners Inc., 84 6th Avenue, Highlands North, P O Box 250, Highlands North, 2037. —

2687/01—Vercueil, Gloria Lorraine, 3612150022084, 143 Minuach Road, Harmelia, Germiston (Germiston; Pretoria).—

L. A. Kernick, P.O. Box 1766, Houghton, 2041.

5125/00—Mayet, Ahmed Fakir, 2104035046083, 7894 Perseus Street, Ext. 9, Lenasia, Johannesburg, 1827; Fatima

Mayet, 2610090064050 (Johannesburg; Pretoria) —N. G. Patel Chachalia & Loonat, ‘Central House, 70 Central Avenue,

Mayfair, Johannesburg, 2092.

_ 20486/02—Rumbak, Louis, 2104015028085, 2 Muirfield Avenue, Emmarentia, 2195 (Johannesburg; Pretoria)—Louis E

Kaplan & Company, P O Box 1893, Parklands, 2121. ' , oe

6052/02—Serfontein, Dawid Daniel Malan, 4909115087080, Kirknessweg 45, Posbus 42285, The Orchards X2,

Boordfontein; Neeltje Huijbrecht Serfontein, 5006050065087 (Pretoria-Noord; Pretoria)—Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137,

Halfweghuis, 1685.

16797/02—Smit, Jan Eduard Pieter, 4603145112089, Mopaniestr 18, Boordfontein, The Orchards; Sharlotte Francina

Smit, 4505051086083 (Pretoria-Noord; Pretoria):—Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685. ‘


STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2008 © . No. 24846 79

. 14534/02—Van Nugteren, Janna, 1911170038183, Arendstraat 59, Naboomspruit, Gewysigde (Naboomspruit; Pretoria)-—Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685. .

14720/02—Venter, Amelia Lucille, 7410310049089, Naboomsingel 112, Moreletapark, Pretoria; Johannes Jurie Venter, 7407205094089 (Pretoria; Pretoria). —Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

.10277/02—Moorhead, Rupert Alexander, 0011215001006, Frail Care Section, Rosendal Retirement Centre, 585 Pretorius Street, Pretoria, First (Pretoria). —Macintosch, Cross & Farquharson, P-O Box 158, Pretoria, 0001.

194 22/2002—Burger, Barend Frederik, 2309265016082, Corner Crescent 2, Wespark, Pretoria, 21 dae (Pretoria).— André van Rensburg Prokureurs, Spuystraat 519, Sunnyside, 0132.

_ 255/2001—Steynberg, Barbara Josephine, 4202170029084, Okkerneutlaan 57, Edleen, 1619; Christiaan George Steynberg, 4008175032084, 21 dae (Pretoria).—André van Rensburg Prokureurs, Spuystraat 519, Sunnyside, 0132.

616/03—Castle, Yvonne Susanna, 3004300065082, Plaas Nadria, Pietersburg Distrik (Pietersburg; Pretoria).—Standard Eksekuteurs en Trustees, Posbus 1330, Pretoria, 0001. .

8594/02—Garratt, Josephine Isabel, 1903230066080, Rusoord Retirement Centre, Potgieter: Street, Lyttelton ' (Pretoria).—Standard Executors and Trustees, P O Box 1330, Pretoria, 0001. ©

20357/02—Jordaan, Hendrika Christina, 4106060005080, Redelinghuysstraat 6, Flamwood, Klerksdorp; Gert David Daniel Benjamin Jordaan, 3105205010089 (Klerksdorp; Pretoria).—Standard Eksekuteurs en Trustees, Posbus 1330, Pretoria, 0001.

17999/02—Silver, Willem Adriaan, 3007155065081, Buxtonlaan 5, Stilfontein; Susara Maria Silver, 3709070010080 (Klerksdorp; Pretoria).—Standard Eksekuteurs en Trustees, Posbus 1330, Pretoria, 0001.

17876/0i—Van Wyk, Stephanus Gerhardus, 4308125074081, Kiepersolstraat 13, Nylstroom, Gewysigde; Elizabeth Magrieta Dorothea van Wyk, 4311170060088 (Nylstroom; Pretoria)—Standard Eksekuteurs en Trustees, Posbus 1330, Pretoria, 0001. .

3846/03—Venter, Johannes Petrus, 2101075020085, Persenslaan 11, Reyno Rif, Witbank (Witbank; Pretoria).— Standard Eksekuteurs en Trustees, Posbus 1330, Pretoria, 0001.

911/03—Wright, Ame Elizabeth, 1712070056089, 26 Joey Avenue, The Orchards X9, Akasia, Pretoria; Eric Alfred Wright, 1702215053083 (Pretoria) —Standard Executors and Trustees, P O Box 1330, Pretoria, 0001.

8770/2001—Swanepoel, Jacob Johannes, 3905015023085, Plot 80, Broederstroomadrift, Tzaneen (Tzaneen; Pretoria) — - Thomas & Swanepoel, Posbus 1834, Tzaneen, 0850.

8719/00—De Beer, Roomenia, 2903170056082, Collinsiaan 1204, Waverley, Pretoria.—Gildenhuys Van der Merwe Inc, 2de Vioer, Brooklyn Court, Langestraat 301, Brooklyn, Pretoria.

18059/00—Geldenhuys, Jurie Johannes, 4808095012086, Rietfontein (Pretoria)—Jacobus Nel Burger, Posbus 391, Ottosdal, 2610.

8543—De Korte, Gillis Johannes, 2008095023082, Plot 83, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp; Aletta Dorothea de Korte, 3601140040086 (Pretoria) —Jacobus Nel Burger, Posbus 391, Ottosdal. ‘

15660/01—Luck, Hans Hermann Alfred, 2112165036089, Parksig Retirement Village, Centurion, Pretoria (Pretoria).— Old Mutual Trust Bpk, Posbus 56447, Arcadia, 0007 (Wanda Bosch).

167/03—Pallas, Johannes Hugo, 6707045101080, 29 Gazette Street, Fauna Park, Pietersburg, First; Verna Pallas, 6808010087088 (Pietersburg; Pretoria).—Old Mutual Trust Bpk, Posbus 56447, Arcadia, 0007 (Willicah Phaka),

6431/02—Lourens, Engela Anna Johanna, 7410070099084, Naboomstraat 01, Witbank (Witbank; Pretoria).—Old Mutual Trust Bpk, Posbus 56447, Arcadia, 0007 (Wanda Bosch).

03798/03—Nono Alina Senyasamore, 4002280269087, widow, who died on 10 February 2003, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Vereeniging; Pretoria).—Mpoyana Ledwaba Attorneys, 870 Park Street, Arcadia, 0001; P.O. Box 12774, Hatfield, 0025.

16754/02—lan Boris Watt, 2312185059083, married out of community of property to Denise Ursula Watt, who died on 23 August 2002, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Randburg; Pretoria) —Mpoyana Ledwaba Attorneys, 870 Park Street, Arcadia, 0001; P.O. Box 12774, Hatfield, 0025. Oo

04503/03—Lieketse Emily Zwane, 4805151269080, widow, who died on 17 December 2002, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Pretoria) -Mpoyana Ledwaba Attorneys, 870 Park Street, Arcadia, 0001; P.O. Box 12774, Hatfield, 0025.

17550/97—Noormohamed, Dawood Ebrihem, 3712175062089, 310 Jewel Street, Laudium (Pretoria).—F Vally Attorneys, 418 Standard Bank Chambers, 12 Paul Kruger St, Church Square, Pretoria.

13099/02—Bester, Jacobus Marthinus, 4303205017084, Klerksdorp; Johanna Jacoba Bester, 4401310070087 (Klerksdorp; Pretoria) —Old Mutual Trust Bpk, Posbus 56447, Arcadia, 0007 (Christine Smit).

6471/02—Lourens, Jacobus Hermanus, 6712065104089, Naboomstraat 01, Witbank (Witbank; Pretoria).—Old Mutual Trust Bpk, Posbus 56447, Arcadia, 0007 (Wanda Bosch). .

20919/02—Burger, Gert Christian, 3211155028087, Van Riebeeck 13, Lyttelton, Centurion, Pta (Pretoria) —Old Mutual Trust Bpk, Posbus 56447, Arcadia, 0007 (Christene. Smit).

.3868/02—Van Blerk, Carel Benedictus Johannes Zuurvogel, 7108285062083, Pietersburg (Pietersburg; Pretoria).—Old Mutual Trust Bpk, Posbus 56447, Arcadia, 0007 (Unita Visser). _

5797/03—Coddington, Adrian Bernard, 2510285032088, 57 Natalie Avenue, Murrayfield, Pretoria (Pretoria; Pretoria).— FNB Trust Services, P O Box 40076, Arcadia. ;

80 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

13353/02—Du Plessis, Cornelius Rudolf, 4606305011082, Ottostraat 105, Klerksdorp; Maria Jacoba Fransina du

Plessis, 4902170007085 (Klerksdorp; Pretoria).—FNB Trust Services, P O Box 40076, Arcadia.

12876/02—Fourie, Cornelia Carolina, 5306200138085, Yulandastraat 18, Flamwood, Klerksdorp (Klerksdorp;

Pretoria) —P J Fourie & M Dahms, p/a L’‘Ange De Waal & Freysen Ing, Posbus 59, Klerksdorp, 2570.

17522/02—Rooijen, Andre Anton, 6109075067002, Johet Hof 5, Zeerust; Melissa van Rooijen, 6201 080090002 (Zeerust; .

Pretoria). —FNB Trust Services, P O Box 40076, Arcadia. i

1758/03—Zwiegelaar, James Izak Johannes, 3508255043084, Sabiestraat 2, Kinross (Secunda; Pretoria).—FNB Trust

Services, P O Box 40076, Arcadia. . . . oo

15596/02—Hildebrandt, Hendrik Petrus Jacobus, 3003305017080, Klopperstraat °73, Rustenburg; Martha Catharina

Hildebrandt, 3305140044082 (Rustenburg; Pretoria)—FNB Trust Services, P O Box 40076, Arcadia:

16418/02—Grobler, Piet, 2006075029087, Ons Herberg, Kamer 87, Eerste Laan, Bronkhorstspruit (Bronkhorstspruit;

_ Pretoria) —FNB Trust Services, P.O Box 40076, Arcadia.

1330/03—Snyman, Jacobus Stephanus, 4207095001084, 15 Schoemanstraat, Pietersburg, Limpopo (Polokwane;

Pretoria).—Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, Posbus 11287, Hatfield, 0028.

1296/03—-Gatzke, Edward, 4901135039087, 114 Clydesdale Road, Casseldale, Springs; Susanna Christina Johanna

Gatzke, 2508130035082 (Spings; Pretoria).—Sentine! International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, Posbus 11287, Hatfield, 0028.

20528/02—Lavery, Phyllis Ann, 2112030045083, Unit 74, Village of Golden Harvest (Two), Randburg (Randburg;

Pretoria).—P.G.L. Administrators, P.O. Box 7954, Pretoria, 0001. .

20576/01—Pienaar, Gert Jacobus, 4710255104085, Louisestaat 876, Pretoria-Tuine, 0186; Petronella Katrina Pienaar

(gebore Viljoen), 5202170084088 (Pretoria; Pretoria)..


1445/2002/1—Allison, Bibiana Wilhelmina Elizabeth, 6206100006086, 30 Court Meadow, Rotherfield, East Sussex,

England (Port Elizabeth; Grahamstown).—H.W. Lerm, P.O. Box 2576, North End, Port Elizabeth, 6056.

1445/2002/1—Allison, Bibiana Wilhelmina Elizabeth, 6206100006086, 30 Court Meadow, Rotherfield, East Sussex,

England, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Port Elizabeth; Grahamstown).—H.W. Lerm,

P.O. Box 2576, North End, Port Elizabeth, 6056. ,

Triegaardt, Johanna Elizabeth, 2704240001086, Kliniek Huis van der Horst, Durbanstraat, Aliwal-Noord, 9750

(Aliwal-Noord; Grahamstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; iste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou,

h/v Zastron Straat en Donald Murray Laan, Bloemfontein, 9301. :

944/2002/i—De Ascencao, Manuel Pedro Fernandes, 2910195042088, House Louisa Myburgh, Van der Stel, Port

Elizabeth, Amended (Port Elizabeth; Grahamstown).—Old Mutual Trust Ltd, PO Box 386, Port Elizabeth, 6000.

3235/2001/3—Grant, Marian Joan, 43092201 13006, 3 Van Wouw Road, Pari Park, Port Elizabeth, Second and Final (Port

Elizabeth; Grahamstown).—FNB Trust Services, P O Box 27521, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth. |

403/2003—Rankin, Thomas, 5006025175185, 5 Myrdal Crescent, Lovemore Heighis, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth;

Grahamstown).—FNB Trust Services, P O Box 27521, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth. ~ - ;

427/2003—Schickerling, Hester Elaine, 2312080011080, 416 Walton Park, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth (Port

Elizabeth; Grahamstown).—FNB Trust Services, P O Box 27521, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth.

4025/2002/1—Farr, Vernon Neil Lincoln, 0707045012085, Huis Silwerjare, Somerset East, 5850 (Somerset East;

Grahamstown).—Abrahamson & Reynolds, 8 Nojoli Street, P O Box 27, Somerset East, 5850.

1366/99/1—Frances Johannah Coetzer, 3312010070080, plaas Kaffirsleegte, Hofmeyr, Oos-Kaap, 5930, Eerste en

Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Hofmeyr; Grahamstad).—Theron du Plessis, Posbus 704, Cradock,

Oos-Kaap, 5880.

1830/2002/1—Coetzee, Gabriel Maartin, 3709185048082, 2 Kei Crescent, Komani Park, Queenstown; Johanna

Catharina Coetzee, 3904100017086 (Queenstown; Grahamstown).—Bowes, McDougall Inc., P O Box 639, Queenstown, 5320.

4464/2002/2—Wolmarans, Sarel Johan, 4504295028085, ongetroud, Juhan Villas 5, Uitenhage, Eerste en Finale, 21 dae

(Uitenhage; Grahamstad).—Conradie Campher en Kemp Ing, Posbus 12, Despatch, 6220. ~ ,

491/2002/B2—Parsotam, Manilal, 4310245071088, 61 Thomas Street, King Williams Town, 5600; Narmeda Manilal

Parsotam, 4703140008082 (King Williams Town; Grahamstown).—Charteris & Barnes, P O Box 137, Queenstown, 5320.

2024/2002/2—Bekker, Tinus Smith, 4301155008087, 28 Smart Street, Sydenham, Port Elizabeth; Magdalena Dorothea,

4704270082087 (Port Elizabeth; Grahamstown).—Greyvensteins Nortier, 104 Park Drive, Central, Port Elizabeth. .

1511/2001/1—Rippon, Alison Juanita, 4011180003082, Proctorsfontein, District Albany, First, 21 days (Grahamstown).—

Dold & Stone Attorneys for Executor, 100 High Street, Grahamstown. , ,

448/2003—Stewart, Valerie, 2807240033080, 88 Hudson Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth;

Grahamstown).—Sanlam Trust Beperk, Posbus 27428, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057. ;

t STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 81

543/2003—Galant, Cornelius, 5005115091088, -Lodewyk Straat 24, Bloemendal, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth;

Grahamstad). —Sanlam Trust Beperk, Posbus 27428, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057.

-., 3668/2002/1—Verwey, Albertus Jacobus, 3006145050088, 8 Humewood Villas, Humewood, Port Elizabeth; Yvonne

Johanna isabella Verwey (born: Campbell), 3107040033086 (Port Elizabeth; Grahamstown). —Johan (Cronje Attorneys,

25 Upper Drostdy Street (P.O. Box 143), Uitenhage.

2166/2001/2—-Macpherson, Martin, 4105315078082 (Murraysburg Grahamstad). —De Jager & Lordan, Posbus 1100,

Hartenbos, 6520.

3769/2002/2—Drescher, Alida Catharina, 2606025026180, “Aandmymerings Ouetehuis, Uitenhage (Uitenhage;

Grahamstad).—Lessing, Heyns & Kie Ing., Bairdstraat 14, Uitenhage.

3715/2002—Sunn, Leon Boris, 2010235034086, 19 Bonnie Doon Place, Bonnie Doone, East London (East London; .

Grahamstown).—FNB Trust Services, P O Box 1537, East London.

34/2002/3—Carey, Edward Vincent, 3506045066084, 8 Edge Road, Beacon Bay, East London, First Account (East

London; Grahamstown).—FNB Trust Services, P O Box 1537, East London. - «

589/2003—De Swardt, Gideon Archibald, 2306135020088, 16 Hebbes Street, Cambridge, East London (East London;

Grahamstown).—FNB Trust Services, P O Box 1537, East London. | .

1960/2002—Wood, Gladys Elizabeth, 1212140002080, Portion 3 of Farm 9, Komga, Supplementary First & - Final

(Komga; Grahamstown).—FNB Trust Services, P.O Box 1537, East London. .

507/2003—Schoonraad, Stephanus Esias, 3902095044081, Whiteleafrylaan 186, Algoa Park, Port Elizabeth; Anna

' Magrieta Schoonraad, 4606060042082 (Port Elizabeth, Grahamstown). —FNB Trust Services, P O Box 27521, Greenacres,

Port Elizabeth.

1877/2002/1—Burton, Alan Robert, 3003315050188, 110 Cassia Gardens, Sunridge Park, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth;

Grahamstown).—Howard Collen Attorneys, 11A Shirley Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045.

1828/2002—Bester, Johannes Jochumes, 3103065015082, 16 Delphinium Street, Uitenhage; Eleanor Christina: Bester,

4108270006080 (Uitenhage; Grahamstown). —McNaughton- Frielinghaus & Strydom Inc., P O Box 142, Uitenhage. °

2439/99/4—Van Heerden, Jacobus Petrus, 3305305078081, Turveystraat 8, Mount Croix, Port Elizabeth, Gewysigde

Eerste en Finale, 21 dae (Port Elizabeth; Grahamstad). —Piet Delport Prokureurs, Hurdstraat 7, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth,


. 890/2003—McIntosh, Marcella Comfort, 1512290030082, Kennersley Park, Bonza Bay Road, Beacon Bay, 5241 (Oos-

Londen; Grahamstown).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1199, Port Elizabeth, 6000; 12de Vloer, Sanport Gebou, Govan

Mbekilaan 140, Port Elizabeth, 6001.

991/2003—Van Heerden, Alan Zane, 5101195121083, 45 Louis Botha Avenue, ‘Sandringham, Queentown, 5319

(Queenstown; Grahamstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk; Posbus 1199, Port Elizabeth, 6000; 12de Vioer, Sanport Gebou, Govan

Mbekilaan-140, Port Elizabeth, 6001. .

502/2003—Smith, Derrick Sidney, 3009035019080, 10 Davidson Street, Komga, 4950, 12892. (East London;

Grahamstown).—ABSA Trust Beperk, PO Box 1199, Port Elizabeth, 6000; Sanport Building, 12th Floor, 140 Govan Mbeki Drive,

Port Elizabeth, 6001.

3983/2002—Artz, Michael Glen, 3810085065083, 64 Sanctuary Avenue 64, Lorraine, Port Elizabeth, 12700; Anna Maria

Artz, 3911210052085 (Port Elizabeth; Grahamstown).—ABSA Trust Beperk, PO Box. 1199, Port Elizabeth, 6000; Sanport

Building, 12th Floor, 140 Govan Mbeki Drive, Port Elizabeth, 6001.

743/2003—Cowie, Cynthia Maureen, 2302160051080, 106A Amsterdamhoek, Bluewaterbay, Port Elizabeth, 12932 (Port

Elizabeth; Grahamstown).—ABSA Trust Beperk; PO Box 1199, Port Elizabeth, 6000; Sanport Building, 12th Floor, 140 Govan

Mbeki Drive, Port Elizabeth, 6001.

536/2003—Olivier, Anton, 4802055043082, Smartstraat 5, Sydenham, Port: Elizabeth, ‘6001 “(Port Elizabeth;

-. Grahamstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk,. Posbus 1199, Port Elizabeth, 6000; 12de Vloer, Sanport Gebou, ‘Govan Mbekilaan 140,

Port Elizabeth, 6001.

540/2003—Verrall, Winston Franklin, 4104195048083, 130. Albert Road, Walmer, Port Elizabeth; 12897 (Port Elizabeth;

Grahamstown).—ABSA Trust Beperk, PO Box 1199, Port Elizabeth, 6000; Sanport Building, 12th Floor, 140 Govan Mbeki Drive,

Port Elizabeth, 6001.

313/2003—Kruger, Martha Margaritha Elizabeth, 4806150007082 Shalott 2, Bridnoreweg, Linton Grange, 6025 (Port

Elizabeth; Grahamstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, : Posbus- 1199, Port Elizabeth, 6000; 12de Vloer, Sanport Gebou, Govan

Mbekilaan 140, Port Elizabeth; 6001..

4060/2002—Tegmann, Petrus Steyn, 3711125092089, Gutschesingel 6, King Williamstown, 5600 (Ki ing Williams Town;

Grahamstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1199, Port Elizabeth, 6000; ‘Tede Vioer, Sanport Gebou, Govan Mbekilaan 140,

Port Elizabeth, 6001.

3107/2002/2—Herringer, Evelyn Grace, 1505020028087, 24 Springs Avenue, Uitenhage (Uitenhage; Grahamstown).—

Sellick & McIntyre, Posbus 94, Uitenhage, 6230.

. 88/2003/1—Lyons, Matthew Wiiliam, 3012315063083, 8 Jeffrey Street, Uitenhage (Uitenhage; Grahamstown). —Sellick

& Mcintyre, Posbus 94, Uitenhage, 6230.

643/2002/3—Roman, Vera Jacoba, 4509280126083, Merinostraat 22, Graaft- Reinet (Great Reinet; Grahamstad) —

V. Dercksen & Vennote, Posbus 17,, Graaft- Reinet.

82 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

577/2003—Luhabe, Boniwe Adelaide, 2803310164087, 9 Gassan Marina, Vista Quigney, East London, 26926 (Oos- Londen; Grahamstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; 12th Floor,. Trust Bank Building, c/o Voortrekker and Wolff Street, Kempton Park, 1620.

2592/2002—Cumberlege, Maria Petronelia, 2605010030082, 5 Humewood Sands, Glengarry Crescent, Humewood, Port Elizabeth, Second and Final (Port Elizabeth; Grahamstown).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057.

121/2003/2—Schott, Evelyn, 2302040038083, Rose Munch Old Age Home, 10 Victoria Street, Uitenhage (Port Elizabeth; Grahamstown).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057.

530/2002/1—Van Eeden, Frederick Jacobus, 2510205006089, 14 Olga Avenue, Providentia, Port Elizabeth; Johanna Magdalena van Eeden, 3009220088080 (Port Elizabeth; Grahamstown).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 21560, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057.

2352/01—Purse, Timothy David, 4612245103005, 1 Agulhas Place, Miramar, Port Elizabeth, Second and Final; Sandra Purse, 5109200104085 (Port Elizabeth; Grahamstown) .—Standard Executors and Trustees: Limited, PO Box 27560 Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057.

4225/2002/1—Palmer, Anna Barbara Wilhelmina, 3404160049087, Farm No. 398, Nooitgedacht, St Albans, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth; Grahamstown).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057.

697/2003—Holder, Trene Lydia Emily, 1607190038084, Parsonage Street 12, Graati-Reinet (Graaff-Reinett; Grahamstown).—Mr. P. W. Meyer, c/o Derek Light Attorneys, 26 - 28 Church Square, Graaff-Reinet.

577/2003—Luhabe, Boniwe Adelaide, 2803310164087, 9 Gassan Marina, Vista Quigny, East London, 26926 (Oos- Londen; Grahamstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; 12th Floor, Trust Bank Building, c/o Voortrekker and Wolff Street, Kempton Park, 1620.

2195/2002/1—Wewege, Owen Marshall, 2810045015005, 27 Wincester Crescent, Winchester Gardens, East London (East London; Grahamstown).—Squire Smith & Laurie Inc., P O Box 511, King William’s Town, 5600.

553/2002/3—Marcow, Hyman Dixie, 1808015035089, 51 The Seagull, Marine Drive, Summerstrand, 6001, Second (Port Elizabeth; Grahamstad).—Jankelewitz & Scharges, 30 Bird Street, Port Elizabeth, 6001.

1974/2002—Jacobs, Karel, 4104155079086, Stormy Ways Stables, Middelburg, Oos- -Kaap (Middelburg, Oos-Kaap; Grahamstad).—P W Meyburgh (names eksekutrise), Marksiraat 31, Posbus 124, Middelburg, Oos-Kaap.


470/2001—Du Plooy, Susanna Magrietha, 2709020024083, Kromellenboog, Bethiehem, 9701, Gewysigde, 21 dae.— Breytenbach Van der Merwe & Botha Ing., Posbus 693, Bethlehem, 9700.

181/2002—Tsoeu, Tankiso Enock Tieho, 7011125886085, 1541 Mahaustraat, Bloemanda, Bloemfontein, 9323; Mankuku Rebecca Tsoeu, 7109150375089 (Bloemfontein).—Henry Johnson Prokureurs, Posbus 29825, Danhof, 9310.

4310/2002—Crew, Magrieta Aletta Elizabetta, 4009260023087, Erweestraat 14, Ficksburg; Joseph Andrew Crew, 4408135011089 (Ficksburg; Bloemfontein).—Du Toit Louw Botha Ing, Posbus 11, Ficksburg, 9730.

1357/2003—Markgraaff, Hendrik Frederik Johannes, 2003035016080, Najaarsrus Tehuis, Parys, 9585 (Parys; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vioer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastron Straat en Donald Murray Laan, Bloemfontein, 9301.

772/2003—Mlangeni, Mcenekelo Petrus, 5310055344087, Makwane Village, Phuthaditjhaba, 9866 (Harrismith; Bloemfontein).—-ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; iste Vioer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastron

Straat en Donald Murray Laan, Bloemfontein, 9301.

1356/2003—Gunter, Christiaan Frans, 2011115049087, Parkstraat 19, Marquard, 9610 (Marquard: Bloemfontein). —

ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; iste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastron Straat en Donald

Murray Laan, Bloemfontein, 9301.

1165/2003—Momberg, Christiaan Frederik, 3101045055087, Turnerstraat 25, Kroonstad, 9499; Maria Cecilia Momberg,

3503160049086 (Kroonstad; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA

Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastron Straat en Donald Murray Laan, Bloemfontein, 9301.

4340/2002—Molalugi, Masehoana Anna, 2511080114089, 4388 Tumahole, Parys, 9585 (Parys; Bloemfontein).— Coetzee & Barnhoorn, Buitensiraat 25, Posbus 5, Parys, 9585.

4390/2002—Jansen van Rensburg, Johanna Helena, 1908290014086, 27B Jajaarsrus, Doltstraat, Parys, 9585 (Parys;

Bloemfontein) —Du Toit & Swanepoel, Dolfstraat 63, Parys, 9585.

3675/01—Sans, Johannes Stefanus, 6 Mei 1937, 3705065036007, datum oorlede 4 September 2001, Eerste en Finale

Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Bloemfontein).—Louis van Niekerk, p/a Henk Hoffman Prokureurs, Sewendestraat 117, Posbus 913, Springs, 1560.

3059/2002—De Bruyn, Gert Christiaan Johannes, 3812055036086, Louis Hurleystraat 3, Herizogville, iste & Finale, 21 dae (Hertzogville; Bloemfontein) Maree en Bernard, Posbus 115, Hoopstad.

, STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 83

- 3612/2002—Nel, Phillippus Daniél, 2309075010085: die plaas. Nebo, Glen, Bloemfontein; Maria Catharina Nel,

2502250075002 (Bloemfontein; Bloemfontein) —J.H.D. Bloem, Posbus 29418, Danhof, 9310.

297/2003—Griesel, Willem Hendrik Jacobus, 3710175057083, ‘Natalie 14, Andries Prétoriusstraat, Bloemfontein, 9301;

‘Elena Susanna Griesel, 4205080024087 (Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer,

ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastron Straat en Donald Murray Laan, Bloemfontein, 9301.

763/2003—Bam, Elizabeth Wilhelmina, 2410160023080, Kareestraat 36, Bothaville, 9660 (Bothaville; Bloemfontein) =

‘ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastron Straat en Donald

Murray Laan, Bloemfontein, 9301. ‘

1163/2003—Bezuidenhout, Catharina Johanna, 2708070020082, Pasadenahof 10, Pres Reitzlaan Westdene,

Bloemfontein, 9300: (Bloemfontein)—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; iste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale

Gebou, h/v Zastron Straat en Donald Murray Laan, Bloemfontein, 9301.

3898/2002—Pretorius, Elsie Wilhelmina, 1605170022086, Imperanipark, Ficksburg, 9730 (Ficksburg; Bloemfontein) —

Du Toit Louw Botha Ing, Posbus 11, Ficksburg, 9730.

2245/02—King, Peter Denis, 2402215062189, 12 Futcher Street, Waverley, Bloemfontein; Lya Magdalena King

3409090055088 (Bloemfontein) —Hugo, Strampe & Bruwer, 129 Zastron St, Bloemfontein.

3995/2001—Coetzee, Johannes -Tobias, 3001015006088, plaas Krugerskraal, distrik Bothaville, 9660; Johanna

Catharina Coetzee, gebore Botha, 3807090005088, Eerste Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Bothaville; Bloemfontein). —

Richter & Hill, Bus 20, Viljoenskroon, 9520.:

2743/02—-Steyn, Bernardus Gerhardus, 2810145002085, Wintethoek Wis 17, Kroonstad; Alice Margaret Louisa Steyn,

3003200007087 (Kroonstad; Bloemfontein).—Posbus 26, Kroonstad.

433/2001—Kruger, Roelof Andries Kruger, 6304205033087, plaas Dangrove, Bloemfontein, ook bekend as

Ted Deanelaan 10, Ferreira, Gewysigde Eerste en Finale Rekening, 21 dae (Bloemfontein) Honey Prokureurs, Posbus 29, «

Bloemfontein, 9300.

4039/2002—Alt, Eugene, 3406155025089, “3YSahara Meenthuis 3, Langenhovenpark, Bloemfontein: Vivien Lila Alt

3906050045082 (Bloemfontein; Bloemfontein). —FNB Trust Services, Posbus 12619, Brandhof.

643/2002—Craig, Kenneth, 3301205088007, 8 Woodside, 8 Park Lane, Kloof (Pinetown; Bloemfontein) —The Voiksblad,

PO Box 267, Bloemfontein; The Natal Witness, PO Box 362, Pietermaritzburg. - :

2905/2002—Janik, Johannes Heinrich, 64080300017, 4 Paul Nash Sireet, Windhoek (Bloemfontein). —F M Oehl-Trust

CC, Box 90290, Klein Windhoek.

4047/2002—Robertshaw, Lancelot Valentine, 2203215020080, Voortrekkerstraat 33, Heilbron (Bloemfontein).—

Standard Eksekuteurs & Trustees, Posbus 1248, Bloemfontein, 9300. -

4250/02—Struwig, William Henry, 3202065066002, Voortrekkerstraat 33, Heilbron; Elizabeth Cornelia Catharina Struwig, .

3512120044087 (Heilbron; Bloemfontein) .—Standard Eksekuteurs & Trustees, Posbus 1248, Bloemfontein, 9300.

4044/2002—Muller, Sheila, 2506160071084, Anette Park E, Glen Harmonie, Virginia, 9430 (Virginia; Bloemfontein).—

Haasbroek-Willemse Ingelyf, Haasbroek-Willemse Gebou, Posbus 195, Virginia, 9430.

464/2003—Badenhorst, Martha Maria, 1908120036085, De Kiel, Koffiefontein (Kofflefontein; Bloemfontein).—

AH de Villiers, Posbus 53, Jacobsdal.

4303/2002—Conradie, Jacobus Petrus, 6703255096086, Oakhill’ 4, Werdasingel, Uitsig, Bloemfontein; Charmaine

Conradie, 7311170127082 (Bloemfontein; Bloemfontein). —Sanlam Trust Bpk, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

2057/2002—Jacobs, Anna Katherina, 3310290005081, Kuhnstraat, Vrede, 9835" (Vrede; Bloemfontein) —Pretorius &

Bosman, Posbus 160, Kerkstraat 56a, Vrede, 9835.

' -2052/2000—Johns, Cornelius Niklas, 5806045055086, 6866 ; Unique Homes Area; ‘Phahameng, Mangaung, 9301,

Likwidasie- & Distribusie (Bloemfontein; Bloemfontein).—M R Trustees & Executors, Posbus 20292, Willows, 9320.

' 2757/02—Desa, Antonia Pereira, 2910075084085, Tibbie Visser Avenue 21, Estoire, Bloemfontein (Bloemfontein) —

Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd, 12 Boskruin Business Park; Bosbok Road, Randpark Ridge, 2156; P.O. Box 3351, Northcliff, 2115:

1381/01—Gerber, Amanda, 5404010215084, Malherbestraat 9, Kroonstad, Eeerste & Finale, 21 dae. (Kroonstad;

Bloemfontein)—Legatus Trust (Eams) Beperk, 12 Boskruin Business Park, Bosbok Weg, Randpark Rif, 2156; Posbus 3351,

Northcliff, 2115: 1105/03—Van der Westhuizen, Petrus Coenraad, 4207225024089, Komgabergstraat 14, Vaalpark, Sasolburg; Adriana

Petronella van der Westhuizen, 4610080016084 (Sasolburg; Bloemfontein) —Siabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Bpk,

Posbus 3673, Randburg, 2125.

280/2002—Nienaber, Martha Johanna, 5206100047081, Fonteinstraat 38, Boshof (Boshot; Bloemfontein) —

Veritas Eksekuteurskamer, Posbus 55092, Arcadia, 0007. ,

3453/02—Breytenbach, Nicolaas Casparus, 3002095011089, Charl Cillierstraat 14, Vredefort, 9595, Gewysigde .

(Vredefort; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat

230, Pretoria, 0002.

'609/2002—Graham, Elizabeth ‘Maria, 5011280015001, _plaas “Viakwater”, Wesselsbron, 9680 (Wesselsbron;

Bloemfontein) —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413,-Bloemfontein, 9300; 1sté Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, hiv Zastron

Straat en Donald Murray Laan, Bloemfontein, 9301.

, 1556/02—Weideman, Maria Magrietha _Jacoba, 5511030162086, Landstraat 232, Hilton, Bloemfontein, 9301

(Bloemfontein; Bloemfontein).—Van Rensburg Prokureurs, Posbus 7770, Bloemfontein, 9300. ,

84 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

3707/2002—Ebrahim, Yaquoob Goolam, 3511055084084, Brandstraat 25, Lindley (Lindley; Bloemfontein) .—Du Plessis Bosch & Meyerowitz, Posbus 563, Naudestraat 24, Bethlehem.

2601/2002—Ford Irene Violet, 1306170016083, never married, Huis Ede!kroon, Kroonstad, First. & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account, 21 days (Kroonstad).—E J Garbutt, Executor, PO Box 1097, Welkom, 9460.

322/2003—Bonthuys, Willem Adriaan, 4204215009089, Villa Del Mar 3, Memoriamweg, Uitsig, Bloemfontein, 9301 (Bloemfontein).—Ou Mutual Trust, Posbus 12124, Brandhof, 9324.

954/2002—Van Haasteren, Cornelius Jacobus Maria, 2010167414 paspoortnommer, Pienaarstraat 11, Ladybrand, Maseru, Lesotho (Ladybrand; Bloemfontein)—RD du Plessis, p/a Symington & De Kok, Nelson Mandela Rylaan 169(0), Posbus 12012, Bloemfontein.

2974/02—Molefe, Jantjie, 4805095623086, Stand 41, Vredefort (Vredefort; Bloemfontein). —Mnre Grimbeek, Van Rooyen &.Vennote Ing., Presidentstraat 42, Posbus 1282 Kroonstad, 9500.


2622/03—Naidoo, Asothi, 5202200182084, 66 Saunders Circle, Belvedere, Tongaat, 21 days (Verulam;

Pietermaritzburg).—S. R. Sivi Pather (Attorneys), 10 Luxmi Court, Arbee Drive, Tongaat.

7481/02—Moodley, Rukumony, 2910170205080, 54 Oribi Circle, Mobeni, Chatsworth, KZN (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—

V. Chetty & Company, 206 Moore Road, Durban, 4000. — 7265/02—Walter, Bobby, 4201115142085, 31 Jadefern Walk, Redfern, Phoenix; Lutchmee Walter, 4804170146089

(Verulam; Pietermaritzburg).—Zubeda K. Seedat & Company, P.O. Box 48154, Qualbert, 4078.

420/03—Jithoo, Devraj, 4302245073081, 32 Woodview Drive, Woodview, Phoenix; Chanmuthee Jithoo, 5108230102085

(Verulam; Pietermaritzburg).—Singh, Pillay & Assoc, Suite 205, Gem City, 54 Parthenon Street, Phoenix.

5522/02—Chinnasamy, Govindasamy, 4607055082083, 2 Cochin Place, Merebank, Durban; Ponammah Chinnasamy,

5004040110089 (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—V. Chetty & Company, 206 Moore Road, Durban, 4000.

10479/02—Dos Santos, Antonio Freitas, 1609065009083, 37 Evergreen, 118 Chase Valley Road, Pietermaritzburg,

KwaZulu-Natal, First Liquidation and Distribution Account; Kathleen Cora Dos Santos, 10 July 1922, 2207100050086

(Pietermaritzburg).—Venn Nemeth & Hart Inc., Attorneys and Agents for Executor Testamentary, P.O. Box 600,

Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

11358/02—Mbense, Phikisiwe Gertrude, 1 August 1968, 6808010610087, 1858 Banda Road, Unit 3, Imbaii,

Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal (Pietermaritzburg)—Venn Nemeth & Hart Inc., Attorneys and Agents for Executor Dative, P.O.

Box 600, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

6551/02—Salik, Kantha Kumari, 4101070048089, 66 Burlington Road, Reservoir Hills, 4091, First & Final; Ranjith Salik,

3710035069054, 21 days (Chatsworth; Pietermaritzburg).—J. Bachoo & Co., P.O. Box 56554, Chatsworth, 4030.

3347/02—Gans, Gusta Rosa, 1510270009001, Bethshalom, 85 Vange Road, Durban, Liquidation & Distribution (Durban:

Pietermaritzburg) —D. R. Adams C.A. (SA), P.O. Box 444, Gillitts, 3603.

3795/00—Pillay, Neelavathie, 3711080102080, 12 Drosda Road, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg, 3200, First & Final

Liquidation and Distribution; Moonsamy Pillay, 4305295142052 (Pietermaritzburg). —Sameera Cassimjeer Attorneys, P.O. Box

8264, Cumberwood, 3235.

8532/02—Carter, Richard James, 2004285060000, Sandown Village Manors, Pinetown: Doreen Daisy Carter,

2712210072003 (Durban; Pietermaritzburg) —Mooney Ford Attorneys, P.O. Box 442, Durban.

_ 6905/89—Kaldeta, 800309549A, 4B Sherringham Road, Overport, Durban, Amended First & Final Liquidation Account

(Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—Attorneys T. C. Melita & Co., P.O. Box 137, Durban, 4000.

1584/01—Arnold Morris Abroms, 1926/09/02, 2609025034006, Lot 353, Southbroom, KwaZulu- Natal, First and Final

Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Port Shepstone; Pietermaritzburg) .—Bester Viljoen Incorporated, P.O. Box 1070,

Margate, 4275.

4355/02—Naidoo, Valayathum, 3909185107082, 23 Wren Street, Kharwastan, Chatsworth; Govindamma Naidoo,

4412030102084 (Chatsworth; Pietermaritzburg).—J. D. Vedan and Company, Julie’s Court, 103 Klaarwater Road, Shallcross,


128/02—Perumal, Joel, 6207235246084, 49 Valehaven Gardens, Unit 21, Phoenix; Jedny Perumal, 6107020232051

(Verulam; Pietermaritzburg). —Rajesh Hiralall Attorneys, P.O. Box 60267, Phoenix, 4080.

876/03—Palmer, Dinah Elizabeth, 1012310011089, Eventide, Dundee, 3000 (Dundee; Pietermaritzburg).—Acutts,

P.O. Box 42, Dundee, 3000. 5629/0i1—Radebe, Game Michael, 5002205323083, B1093 Mpumalanga Township, Hammersdale, 3700 (Camperdown;

Pietermaritzburg).—Sinclair & Co., P.O. Box 891, Pinetown, 3610.

9157/01—Ameeka, Rajmuthi, 3405050371085, 36 11th Avenue, Forderville, Estcourt (Estcourt; Pietermaritzburg).—

Van Rooyen-Lalparsad, P.O. Box 515, Estcourt, 3310.

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 85

10649/01—Theron, Danie John, 3509145025083, TM Drakensberg Capital, Champagne Valley, KwaZulu-Natal (Escourt;

Pietermaritzburg).—A. V. Theron & Swanepoel, P.O. Box 471, Sasolburg.

2266/01—Naicker, Govindsamy, 1911245077083, 34 Pirrip Street, Westcliff, Chatsworth, unmarried, First and Final

Distribution (Chatsworth; Pietermaritzburg).—Ash Haripersad & Partners, 163 Rd 701, Montford, Chatsworth, 4092.

10738/01—-Govender, Nimaren, 5807315086085, 29 Balsan Avenue, Ladysmith; Magaswarie Govender, 6105290151050

(Ladysmith; Pietermaritzburg).—Macaulay & Riddell, P.O. Box 107, Ladysmith, 3370.

-9130/98—Naidoo, Faith, 6001110025089, 68 Silvergull Drive, Lotus Park, Isipingo (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).

Asiya Khan Attorneys, Flat 5, 22 Booth Avenue, Overport, Durban, 4067.

781/03—Lauderdale, Thelma Mary, 1112040037089, 70 Montclair Road, Montclair, Durban (Durban; Pietermaritzburg). —

Thorpe & Hands, Attorneys for Executor, P O Box 2047, Durban, 4000. _

- 3833/02—Govender, Poongavanum, 5202290648085, 91 Caneside Drive, Phoenix, Durban (Durban;

Pietermaritzburg).—R. S. Singh & Assoc., Suite 200, 2nd Floor, 40 Masonic Grove, Durban.

10844/02—Govender, Balakisten, 2501215048088, 46 Raj Mahal Road, Merebank, KwaZulu-Natal; Munimah Govender,

3308080053089 (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).

8963/02—Moore, Meryll Aylith, 4504200146089, 10 Aloe Avenue, Westbrook, Tongaat, KwaZulu-Natal (Verulam;

Pietermaritzburg).—Knight Turner Inc., P.O. Box 70893, Overport, 4067.

1190/03—Uvinundan, Dhurumacela, 2411070024085, 52 Palmiet Road, Clare Estate, Durban, First Liquidation and

Distribution Account (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—Chapman Dyer Incorporated, 10th Floor, 300 Smith Street, Durban.

343/02—Naidoo, Poobalan Krishnasamy, 4511115107080, 38 Lakhimpur Road, Meresbank, Liquidation & Dist.;

Kamatchi Naidoo, 4007260089082, 21 days (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—Ras Ramsakan & Co.,.P.0. Box 1076, Durban, 4000.

8174/01—Hubble, Joan Isabella, 14 Caister Lodge, 264 Musgrave Road, Durban, Second and Final (Durban;

Pietermaritzburg) —Chess Financial Services CC, P O Box 496, Westville, 3630.

1739/03—Sanders, Mavis, 2006040025083, 32 Evergreen, 118 Chase Valley Road, Pietermaritzburg (Pietermaritzburg;

Pietermaritzburg)—FNB Trust Services, P O Box 13527, Cascades. ,

6443/01—Raghgnan, Samlall, 4903015184089, 57 Clayside, Unit 20,. Phoenix; Chanwathi Raghunan, 5412170085080

(Verulam; Pietermaritzburg).—Rajesh Hiralall Attorneys, PO Box 60267, Phoenix, 4080, Docex 6, Phoenix. -

3807/01—Inderjeeth, Haripersadh, 5908035135085, 204 Houghton Road, Clairwood; Regina Inderjeeth, 6501160227089

(Verulam; Pietermaritzburg).—Singh, Pillay & Assoc., Suite 205, Gem City, 54 Parthenon Street, Phoenix.

8082/00—Coetzee, Stephanus Petrus, 5908165087080, Moodielaan 37, Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal, Eerste; Susanna

Elizabeth Coetzee, 5804140004086 (Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg).—Hannie van Wyk Prokureurs, P OBox 5, Newcastle,


8495/00—Munnie, Dewanthi, 20 Lockstone Place, Unit 11, Witestone, Phoenix; Sewnath Munnie (Verulam; Pietermaritz-

burg).—Rajesh Hiralall Attorneys, P O Box 60267, Phoenix, 4080, Docex 6, Phoenix.

1829/03—Maharaj, Mohinia, 2408220155082, 12 The Knoll, Kenville, Durban, 4051 (Pietermaritzburg).—T.D. Maharaj &

Associates, P.O. Box 20846, Durban North, 4016.

7928/01—Cassim, Zuleka, 3604120093089, 4 Skylark Road, Bayview, Chatsworth, 4092; Ahmod Cassim, -

2509285063085 (Chatsworth; Pietermaritzburg) .—EBI Moola & Singh, 1st Floor, Nagiah’s Centre, 284 Pelican Drive, Bayview,

Chatsworth, 4092.

7221/02—Reddy, Anjanammall, 2909170067086, 27 Ocean View Avenue, Silverglen, Durban, 7th July 2002, 17th

September 1929 (Chatsworth; Pietermaritzburg) —Livingston Leandy Incorporated, 2nd Floor, The Square, 250 Umhlanga

Rocks Drive, La Lucia Ridge, 4051.

11308/02—Israel, David Roy, 5111105075089, 53 Northberry Avenue, Phoenix K.Z. Natal; Diana Devi Israel,

5508160139082 (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—A.S. Singh, P.O. Box 32, Umgeni Park, 4098.

6426/02—Schoeman, Lea Francis, 3803220006088, Somerset Park, Umhlanga Rocks (Durban; Pietermaritzburg) —

Durban Bay Trust Company Lid, P.O. Box 2199, Durban.

~ 6500/01—Wood, Virginia, 2601260080083, 44 Rocks Road, Austerville, Durban, 4052 (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—Laing

Frank & Mac Donald, P.O. Box 2997, Durban, 4000. -

.2373/02—Ngcoya, Maqhude Hezekia, 4312255198082, Lot R583, Sub 5, Kwadabeka, KwaZulu- Natal; Ntombifuthi

Gladness Ngcoya, 4604260328088 (Pinetown; Pietermaritzburg).—Ngwane & Ngwane, P O. Box 5613, Durban, 4000.

5678/94—Naidoo, Druraj, 3206175096052, Flat 302, Maluti, Snell Parade, Durban, 4001, Final; Lutchmer Naidoo,

3708140117057 (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—True Blue Inc., 6th Floor, 159, Picko 57, Durban. —

. §445/02—Richardson, Sabrina Margaret, 5611070064083, 16 Moorehaven, 375 Moore Road, Glenwood, Durban,

4001 (Durban).—Bradley Oliver, Wybrow Oliver Attorneys, 49 Edward Drive, Gillits, 3610, KwaZulu-Natal.

10753/02—Jasson, Edna, 2906290069083, 44D Abacore Crescent, Newlands East, Durban (Verulam;

Pietermaritzburg).—P.R. Maharaj & Company, Suite’ 1601, Nedbank House, 30 Albert Street, Durban.

10854/02—Mathura, Bissoondut, 3312305143089, 5 Aloe Street, Craigieburn, Umkomaas, 4170; Sabathri Mathura,

4906120563089 (Scottburgh; Pietermaritzburg).—Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd - KZN.

855/03—Beechey, Maria Elizabeth, 1202030010087, 66 Belveder, 137 Cato Road, Glenwood, 4001; Theodore Beechey,

1406165017086 (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd - KZN.

" 2096/02—Priest, Doreen Stella, 0305030011087, 12A Nordbury, 130 Marriott Road, Durban, Second and Final (Durban;

Pietermaritzburg)—Ewing, Adams & Associates, P O Box 59, Hillcrest, 3650.

86 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

6150/02—-Abbott, Lucie Kathleen, 0604020016183, 2 Knelsby Avenue, Hillcrest, 3610 (Pinetown; Pietermaritzburg).—

Ewing, Adams & Associates, P O Box 59, Hillcrest, 3650.

9016/02—Wallis, Geoffrey Alan Robert, 3006195092089, 145 Kingsway, Warner Beach (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—

Shepstone & Wylie Tomlinsons, 165 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

9440/02—Mitchell, Ada, 0505050013083, Zululand Homes for the Aged, POBox 13, Eshowe, 3815 (Eshowe;

_ Pietermaritzburg).—W E White, P O Box 131, Eshowe, 3815.

322/03—Steyn, Erasmus Petrus, 1511225011084, N.C.V.V. Huis, Vryheid (Vryheid; Pietermaritzburg) Standard Trust

Beperk, Posbus 917, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

778/03—Khoosal, Jumna, 1811090046086, 38 Whittaker Avenue, Reservoir Hills, Durban, First & Final; Ishvar Khoosal,

1803035052089 (Pinetown; Pietermaritzburg).—Rajan Moodley & Associates, Attorneys for Executors, 1401, Durdoc Centre,

460 Smith Street, Durban; P O Box 48378, Qualbert, 4078.

4842/02—Speirs, Beryl Elaine, 2510290037080, 2 Staffard Mews, 31 Anne Stafford Drive, Pietermaritzburg

"(Pietermaritzburg)——-Desmond Mayne & Co., 237 Berg St., Pietermaritzburg.

2509/03—-Van Heerden, Lourens Johannes Rasmus, 3308305047080, Prospect Park No. 33, Huttenhoogte, Newcastle,

2940; Susarah Johanna van Heerden, 3612280058081 (Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg) ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383,

Pretoria, 0001. 27ste Vioer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstr 230, Pretoria, 0002.

6060/01—Randall, Richard James, 1308295010181, 313 Garden Grove, 211 St Thomas Road, Durban, 18285, Amended

(Durban; Pietermaritzburg). —ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 17th Floor, The Marine, 22 Gardener Street,

Durban, 4001.

’ 1579/03—Murray, Maria Jacamiena, 3511220061082, 41 Belluno Court, Pinetown, 3610, 19661 (Pinetown;

Pietermaritzburg)—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 17th Floor, The Marine, 22 Gardener Street, Durban,


11277/02—Silva, Alma Leslie Mildred Joy, 1304110025082, 16 Windsor Court, Queen Mary Avenue, Umbilo,

19526 (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 17th Floor, The > Marine, 22 Gardener

Street, Durban, 4001.

11125/02—Hirsch, Werner Franz, 2906125006185, Stralenberg Flats, Margate, KwaZulu-Natal, First and Final, 21 days

(Port Shepstone; Pietermaritzburg).—lan Saleem Kalil, c/o lan Kalil & Co., P O Box 245, Margate, 4275.

. 6334/02—Mudaly, Candasamy, 4803315106081, 48 Nathalal Crescent, Shallcross, Queensburgh; Cogilambal Mudaly,

6407260167086 (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—Standard Executors & Trustees, Private Bag X31, Umhlana Ridge, 4320.

7994/02—Craigle, lan Robert, 7005175267089, 31 Linscott Road, Athlone Park, First; Andrea Craigie, 7112100260088

’ (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—Standard Executors & Trustees, Private Bag X31, Umhlana Ridge, 4320.

10801/02—Murray, Patrick Christopher, 145 Josiah Chimanano Avenue, 6th Street, 24 Luangwe, Harare, Zimbabwe (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—-Standard Executors & Trustees, Private Bag X31, Umhlana Ridge, 4320.

4136/02—Anderson, Dean Bruce, 7301035041081, 33 Waltdorf, Town Bush Valley, Pietermaritzburg; Sandra Anderson

(born Edwardes), 7402070146080 (Pietermaritzburg)—-T Lowe, PO Box 21671, Mayors Walk, 3208.

' 3354/01—Sheik Osman Suliman, 3603165032051, 532 Longburn Drive, Eastburg, Phoenix, First and Final Liquidation

and Distribution Account; Farida Suliman, 4401250014087, 21 days (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—Lockhat & Associates, Suite

700, Nedbank House, 30 Albert Street, Durban.

10643/02—Herschel, Donald Joseph, 4312095090085, Ouispan Caravan Park Winkeispruit (Durban; Pietermaritz-

burg).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, P O Box 50840, Musgrave, 4062.

' 11287/02—Haarhof, Beryl, 5505100124083, 19 Ellis Road, Malvern, Queensburgh, ‘Durban, Amended (Durban;

Pietermaritzburg).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, P O Box 50840, Musgrave, 4062.

7205/02—Bonfiglio, Anna Maria Petronella, 2808070035088, 6 Morcombe, 150 Percy Osborne Road, Durban (Durban;

Pietermaritzburg).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, P O. Box 50840, Musgrave, 4062.

2576/03—Sheppard, Patrick Joseph, 570309573818, 24 Sher Crescent, Queenslyn Gardens; Kim Sheppard,

5908190154103 (Pinetown; Pietermaritzburg). E Jacobsen & Associates, P O Box 82, Winkelspruit, 4145.

772/03—Von Gogh, Cari Friedrich Joachim, 1907165016085, 17 Greenacres, 2 Edwin Swales Road, Kloof,

19592 (Pinetown; Pietermaritzburg). —ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 17th Floor, The Marine, 22 Gardener

Street, Durban, 4001.

1543/03—Singh, Annob, 3701 235072089, 19 Burlington Road, Reservoir Hills, 4091, 19628; Ramilla Annobsingh,

4101080082086 (Durban; Pietermaritzburg)—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 17th Floor, The Marine,

. 22 Gardener Street, Durban, 4001.

2389/03—Threadgold, Harold Arthur, 2502115026083, 6 Milldene Park, Prospect Hall Road, Durban. North,

19712 (Durban; Pietermaritzburg). —ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 17th Floor, The Marine, 22 Gardener

- Street, Durban, 4001.

2538/03—Williams, Leslie Gordon, | 3501065046082, 36 San Raphael, Illovo Glen, : “Kingsburgh, 19718 (Durban;

Pietermaritzburg) ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 17th Floor, The Marine, 22 Gardener: Street, Durban,


1889/03—Lee, Donald William, 2101295041085, 10 Wilden Place, La Lucia, 4051, T 9673 (Durban; Pietermaritzburg). —

ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 17th Floor, The Marine, 22 Gardener Street, Durban, 4001.

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 87

783/00—-Gappoo, Urmela, 3011130268083, 12 Turfwood Place, Hauenside, Chatsworth, Durban; Nunthkissore Gappoo,

2401285125082, (Chatsworth; Pietermaritzburg).—Pat Naidoo & Associates, Suite 1018, Sangro House, 417 Smith Street,

Durban, 4001. 10483/02—Leech, Brayton Addison, 1908065033089, 635 Marine Drive, “Brighton Beach, 4052; Edna May Leech,

2101120039080 (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—Standard Executors & Trustees, Private Bag X31, Umhlana Ridge, 4320.

9468/02—Breeds, Bridget, 2508250062080, 23 Newlyn Road, Glenwood, Durban (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—Pedersen

Bartlett and Co., PO Box 47058, Greyville, 4023.

4040/02—Paola, Desre Anne, 5601060052081, 1 Geldenhuys Road, Hammarsdale, First (Cato Ridge; Pietermaritz-

burg).—Ewing, Adams & Associates, P O Box 59, Hillcrest, 3650.

994/2001—Williams, Jacqueline Aletta Caroline, 6608230173087, 64 Syringa Road, Woodlands, Pietermaritzburg;

predeceased (Pietermaritzburg; Natal Provincial Division) —Volsum Chetty and Lax, 4 George Street, Pietermaritzburg.

7511/2002—Van Niekerk, Cornelius Lovell, 1703155024084, Flame Lily Park, 565 Stella Road, Queensburg, 4093

(Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—-Roger Brown, P.O. Box 35299, Northway, 4065.

6022/02—Williams, Elsie May, 1509270059180, Poinsettia Place, 90 Barrow Street, Umkomaas, 4170 (Scottburgh;

Pietermaritzburg) -—Schulz Wiesinger, Box 33, Wartburg, 3233.

~ 4431/1999—Pillay, Paranjothee Anthony, 3605075049083, 16 Lavery Crescent, Overport Durban (Durban;

Pietermaritzburg).—Samuel & Singram, Docex 39, Durban.

641/02—lreland, Kenneth Barr Steel, 3105235043084, 13 Portman ‘Avenue, Westville (Durban; Pietermaritzburg) —

FNB Trust Services, P O Box 3409, Durban.

10170/02—Smith, Constance Mary, 2802080114082, 2 Paterson Crescent, Maidstone (Stanger; Pietermaritzburg) —

FNB Trust Services, P O Box 3409, Durban.

’ 10796/02—Hande, Enid, 1609110028088, The Astra, 26 Russell Street, Durban (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—FNB Trust

Services, P O Box 3409, Durban.

1285/03—Pienaar, Robert Leonard, 3507175041087, Unit 24, Mill Park, Margate (Port Shepstone; Pietermaritzburg).—

FNB Trust Services, P O Box 3409, Durban.

3161/03—Daugherty, Louise Kathleen, 3107240044081, 1251 Shirley Avenue, Ramsgate (Port. Shepstone;

Pietermaritzburg).—FNB Trust Services, P O Box 3409, Durban.

5456/02—Ganda, Samthoo, 3701085070084, 7 Universal Place, Crossmoor, Chatsworth; Pospathi Ganda,

4210160088051 .(Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—Preggy Govender Attomeys, Suite 115, 1st Floor, Salisbury Centre, 349 West

Street, Durban, 4001.

9645/00—Theunis Gert Jacobus van der Merwe, 3608265038080, 60 Gemsbok Street, Newcastle, died 3 November

2000, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg) -—Deon Kriizinger Attorney,

39 Voortrekker Street, Newcastle, 2940. :


99/2003—Van Wyk, Schalk Willem Jacobus, 0912295029082, Sonder Sorge Te Huis, De Aar, 7000; Gewysigde Eerste

en Finale (De Aar; Kimberley).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou,

h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.

2046/02—Bloem, Johannes Petrus, 3905165001089, Perseel 25C5, Hartsvallei, 8534; Martha Sophia Bloem,

4507020001087 (Warrenton; Kimberley). —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; iste Vioer, ABSA Provinsiale

Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.

301/2002—Coetzer, Johannes Jacobus, 5111255103087, Steenboklaan, Upington, 8800, iste & Finale, 21 dae

(Upington; Kimberley)—Du Toit Van den Heever, Posbus 204/Schréderstraat 18, Upington, 8800/8801:

1671/2002—Bosch, Quintus Orlando, 2711075010082, Erasmusstraat 3, Posimasburg (Postmasburg; Kimberley).—

FNB Trust Services, Posbus 12619, Brandhof.

1557/2002—Schnetler, Hendrik Ignatius, 2205215002083, Bainstraat 23, Die Rand, Upington; Hilda Magdalena

Schnetler, 2611140032089 (Upington; Kimberley).—Lange Carr & Wessels Ingelyf, Posbus 6, Upington.

, 797/2002—Liebenberg, Matthys Willem, 4003275040087, Malanshoek, Keimoes, Tweede (Keimoes; Kimberley).—

Standard Eksekuteurs & Trustees, Posbus 1248, Bloemfontein, 9300. ,

1307/2002—Allies, Samuel Peter, 3601215176084, Patrickstraat 5, Upington (Upington; Kimberley) Lange Carr &

Wessels Ingelyf, Posbus 6, Upington.

915/2000—Swart, Jan Hendrik, 2808035023005, Bothastraat 21, Kuruman, Tweede en ‘Finale, 21 dae (Kuruman;

Kimberley).—Jordaan & Mans Ing., Posbus 27, Bearestraat 26, Kuruman, 8460. :

955/2002—Van Niekerk, Mader, 2504145016084, Du Toitstraat 6, Prieska (Prieska; Kimberley). —M & M van Niekerk

Ingelyf, Prokureurs vir die Boedel, Van Riebeecklaan 2 (Posbus 34), Prieska, 8940.

1673/2002—Flemmer, Sarah Margaretha, 2903060054080, ‘Nuwerstraat, Carnarvon, 8925 (Carnarvon; Kimberley).—

G B Kempen & De Wet Nel, Victoriastraat 9/Posbus 4, Carnarvon.

88 No. 24846 ‘GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003


3432/02—Mogobye, Vuyiswa Clara, 3005030331085, Saulspoort (Mankwe; Mmabatho). —Gumbo & Co., PO. Box 7232,

Rustenburg, 0300.

45/03—Kgengwana, Lebogang Johannes, 5812035977084, “455 Unit. 1, Mogwase; Kgongwana Naledi Esther,

5801170924084 (Mankwe; Mmabatho).—Gumbo & Co., P.O. Box 7232, Rustenburg, 0300.



1491/2002—Van Schalkwyk, Johannes, 1412275114086, 1 Civic Way, Matroosfontein; Georgina Margaret van

Schalkwyk (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Barnard Katzef & Co., 81 St. John’s Street, Cape Town.

_ 4832/2002—Oosthuizen, Catharina Petronella Francina Magdalena, 2304030036085, Coronationweg 145, Maitland,

7405, Eerste; 21 dae (Kaapstad).—Minitzers Prokureurs vir Eksekuteur, 2de Vloer, Lady Greystraat 43, Paarl, 7646.

5982/97—Holz, Erich, 0609065024000, 35 Kenridge Avenue, Kenridge (Bellville; Cape Town).—Banard Katzef & Co.,

81 St. John’s Street, Cape Town. . 2229/99/2D—Patel, Badrunnesa, 5806171025088, 94 Middel Road, Rylands Estate, 7764, Amended (Wynberg; Cape

Town).—Gafsa Patel (Executrix), P O Box 44946, Claremont, 7735.

1740/2002—Heiser, Hildegard Marie Wilheimine, 1211120006087, 21 River Glade, Ravenscroft Road, Parklands, 7444

(Cape Town).—Dieter Jiirgen Heiser & Gerhard Fritz Otto Heiser, 88 Crassula Road, Table View, 7441.

12818/2002—Cupido, Myrtle Magdalena, 3404110314086, Greysbokstraat 27, New Orleans, Paarl (Paarl; Kaapstad).—

Faure & Faure, Hoofstraat 227, Posbus 20, Paarl, 7622. _ 790/2002—Mannion, Patrick Leonard, 2811185087085, 502 Norfolk Place, Harfield Road, Kenilworth, 7700 (Wynberg;

Cape Town).—Cliffe Dekker Inc., P O Box 695, Cape Town, 8000.

2245/2003—Schreuder, Francina Elizabeth, 2409040004088, Van Broekhuizenstraat 10, Noorder Paarl, Gewysigde

(Paarl; Kaapstad).—Boiskin & Joubert, Posbus 40, Strand, 7139.

10870/1999—Hendricks, Bennie, 6408165210088, Summersingel 18, Hillview, 7100; Charmaine Hendricks,

6312110948083 (Kuilsrivier; Kaapstad).—Sandenbergh Nel Haggard, Posbus 1, Bellville, 7535.

13957/2002—Flack, Roger James, 4011045087080, 22 Kings Road, Brooklyn, Cape; Joan Denise Marguerite Flack,

' 4605110072081 (Cape Town; Cape Town).—JDM Flack, c/o PO Box 15581, Viaeberg, 8018.

7903/2002—Oosthuizen, Kathryn Elva, 5209180010086, 38-6th Avenue, Mossel Bay (Mossel Bay; Cape Town). —Old

Mutual Trust Ltd, PO Box 386, Port Elizabeth, 6000.

10912/2002—Pritchard, Thomas John, 2902055027085, 5 Witboom Road, -Kenridge, Cape (Bellville; Cape Town).—

Alison Pritchard, c/o P O Box 15581, Vlaeberg, 8018.

4684/2002—Abrahams, Isaac Edgar, 2207235042081, 170 11th Avenue, Retreat, 7945, Gewysigde Eerste « en Finale

(Wynberg; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road,

Bellville, 7530.

31/2003—Barnard, Gerhardus Johannes, 3505265044086, Viakteplaas, De Rust, 6650; Susara Catharina Johanna

Magdalena Barnard, 4204270042082 (Oudtshoorn; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532;

Grondvioer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.

7480/2002—Burger, Isabella Jackson, 0708090006089, Huis Heunis, Somerset- Wes, 7130 (Somerset-Wes:

Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.

13369/2002—Le Roux, Francois Johannes Daniel, 2909215033085, Gorrannestraat 8, Groenleegte, Noorder Paarl,

7646 (Paarl; Kaapstad)—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14,

Bellville, 7530.

' 12737/2002—Seitshegeco, Poncho Angelina, 2608270146085, M 1085 Sibini Avenue, Nyanga East, 7750 (Mitchells

Plain Noord; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building; 14 Strand

Road, Bellvillé, 7530.

1935/2003—Smith, William, 4009175101085, 72 Mozart Street, Steenberg, 7945; Lilian Smith, 4808290097080

(Wynberg; Kaapsiad).—ABSA Trust Beperk Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14,

Bellville, 7530.

1539/2003—Swanepoel, Lodewicus Jacobus, 5604175053085, Bossie Alleen, Geelhoutboom, Blanco, distrik George,

6531; Doreen Bertie Swanepoel, 5609210068089 (George; Kaapstad)—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532;

Grondvioer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 89

464/2003—Walters, Schalk Willem, 3102065039084; ..Leonahof 5, Kusweg, Strand, 7140; Elizabeth Walters,

3411230028082 (Strand; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1082, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou,

Strandweg 14, Bellville,-7530.

396/2003—Rademeyer, Theunis Hendrik, 5612255065085, Buitekantstraat 32, Oudtshoorn, 6620 (Oudtshoorn;

Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.

. §83/2003-—Pretorius Wilhelmina Christina, 3203150001086, Van der Bylstraat 39, Bredasdorp, 7280 (Bredasdorp;

Kaapstad) .—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.

1390/2003—Cyriacus, Edith Olive May, 1001100007084, Disa Place, 70 Orange Street, Gardes, 8001 (Cape Town).—

ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.

168/2003—Booker, Johanna Jacoba, 2209070011080, Huis Klippe Drift, Sarel Cillierstraat, Napier, 7270 (Bredasdorp;

Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.

13610/2002—Van Heerden, Elizabeth Jacoba, 3310160042081, Protealaan 20, Stilbaai, 6785 (Riversdal; Kaapstad).—

ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.

1227/2003—Potgieter, Jacoba Francina, 1704210022089, Tuishuis, Baron van Reedestraat, Oudtshoorn, 6620; Matthys

Du Toit Potgieter, 1404075021082 (Oudtshoorn; Kaapstad). —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvioer,

ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530. *

1452/2003—Lukas, Carl Jacobus, 4109195125088, Oakstraat 99, Garden Village, Somerset- Wes, 7130; Jeanette Lukas,

4501020116086 (Somerset-Wes; Kaapstad). —ABSA Trust Beperk,: ‘Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvioer, ABSA Gebou,

Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530,

1127/2003—De Wet, Magdalena Johanna, 2212140013086, Huis Le Roux, Robertson, 6705 (Robertson; Kaapstad).—

ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof,'7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.

13254/2002—Hall, Rosina Antoinette, 2904150087089, Carlisle Lodge, Kommetiie Road, Fish Hoek (Simon's Town;

Cape Town).—Guthrie & Rushton, P.O. Box 22087, Fish Hoek, 7974.

3413/2003—Mathews, Willem Johannes, 5803305155089, Blok G5, Roodenos Straat, Houtbaai; Dorothy Mary Mathews,

5909080214015 (Wynberg; Gape Town)- —R. van der Linsi, Louville Place, Vrede Street, Bellville; P.O. Box 2863, Bellville,


Fowler, Cecil James Minchin, 2107255085186, 145 Silvermine Village, Private 5 Bag 1, Noordhoek (Simon’s Town;.Cape

Town).—Old Mutual Ltd, 1st Floor, Liesbeek House, River Lane, River Park, Mowbray. -

Fowler, Cecil James Minchin, 2107255085186, 145 Silvermine Village, Private Bag 1, Noordhoek (Simon’s Town; Cape

Town).—-Old Mutual Ltd, 1st Floor, Liesbeek House, River Lane, River Park; Mowbray.

9497/02/7C-—Bongers, Eric, 3401245006009, 51 Peninsula Road, Zeekoeviel (Wynberg; Cape Town).—G. V. Myburgh,

7 Morris Road, Claremont, 7708.

8717/2002—Hawthorne, Jennifer Jean, 4409270025082, 14 Brampton Mews, Tiverton - Road, Plumstead, 7800

(Wynberg; Cape Town).—Cecil Kilpin & Co., P.O. Box 222, Cape Town, 8000. :

7501/99—Visser, Christiaan Johannes, 1406025009000, Brandenburg; Graafwater, 8120, Eerste, 21 ‘dae (Clanwitiam;

Kaapstad).—Stone—Jacobs Prokureurs, Posbus 40, Clanwilliam, 8135.

7699/96-—Edwards, Latiefa, 4904290161081, 8 Park: Road, Woodstock (Keapsiae. Deon Oliver, p/a- Village Trustees,

Posbus 869, Kuilsrivier, 7579.°

” §98/2003—Bestbier, Susannah, 1910130047086, La Provance Aftree- Oord, Welgelegen, 7500, , Gewiysigde Tweede en

Finale. (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Ou Mutual Trust Bpk., iste Vioer, Liesbeek Huis, Riverpark, Rivierlaan, Mowbray, 7700.

598/2003—Bestbier, Susannah, 1910130047086, La Provance Aftree-Oord, Welgelegen, 7500, Gewysigde Tweede en

Finale (Bellville; Kaapstad):—Ou Mutual Trust Bpk., 1ste Vioer, Liesbeek Huis, Riverpark, Rivierlaan; Mowbray, 7700. -

--'442/2002—Rudolph, ‘Margaret Helen, 3609250090086, 134 Grasmere Street, Athlone; John Hermanus Rudolph,

2911295073080 (Wynberg; Cape Town)< —Pincus Matz & + Marquard, Pincus Matz House, Wynberg Mews, Brodie. Road, Wynberg. :

571/2003—Pote, Joyce Beattice, 2402110043086, 15 Churchill-Road, Plumstead: Desmond: Milton Pote, 2507155058086

(Wynbera: Cape Town).—Pincus Matz & Marquard, Pincus Matz House, Wynberg Mews, Brodie Road, Wynberg.

- 12049/2002—De Kock, Maria Catharina, Huis Maudie Kriel, Van Riebeeckstraat, Ceres (Ceres; Kaapstad).—Conradie,

‘Davids en Vennote, Stockenstrémstraat 23 (Posbus 112), Worcester.

11678/2001—Van Heerden, Gladys Ellen Elizabeth, 1806260045082, Tweefontein, Hermanus, 7200; Abraham Johannes

van Heerden, 1907085039001 (Hermanus; Cape Town).—Mnr. J. T. van Heerden, Clydestraat 9, Houtbaai, 7806.

8310/2002—Fullard, George Henry, ID: British, 4 Burfield Drive, Warlingham, Surrey CR6 9JS, England, U.K.; ; Suzanne

Mary Fullard (Cape Town).—Jonathan Ralph Hayden, P.O. Box.4420, Cape Town, 8000.

; 6995/2003—Visagie, Willie, 2506235036088, Fraserville, Koelenhof. (Stellenbosch; Kaapstad) -—Pieter Steenkamp, pla

Peritus Trust, Posbus 225, Stellenbosch, 7599.

7632/2002—Bosman, Ulrich Emmett, 2603295059009, Fynjbos Park 14, Hermanus (Hermanus; Kaapstad) —Guthri &

Theron,. Posbus 37, Hertnanus, 7200: .

. 7629/2002—Bosman, . Elsje Susanna, 2901200061007, Fynbos Park 14, “Hermanus: Ulrich Emmett Bosman,

2603295059009. (Hermanus; Kaapstad). —Guthrie & Theron, Posbus 37, Hermanus..-

.12012/01—Battison, Leonee. Valerie, 4408160047081, First and Final (Knysna, Cape Town). —Matus 5 Michael Garber, a

P.O. Box 59162, ; Kengray, 2100. 4

90 No. 24846 . GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

_ 9853/2002—Thomas, Fatima, 2812300040082, 16 Leeukop Sireet, Tafelsig, Mitchell’s Plain, 7785 (Miichell’s Plain; Cape

Town).—E. Moosa Waglay & Petersen, Perbro House 85, Klipfontein Road, Rondebosch, 7700.

8480/2002—Gutterud, Theodore Clarence, 17 November 1924, 9402, 45th Avenue, Seattle, Washington, USA; Rita

Gutterud, 20 May 1929, 22 days (George; Cape Town).—Millers Incorporated, P.O. Box 35, George, 6530.

6708/2002—Starkey, Jean, 1502140035084, 62 Woodside Village, Norton Road, Rondebosch (Wynberg; Cape Town).—

Cliffe Dekker Inc., P.O. Box 695, Cape Town, 8000.

13154/2001—Payne, Cynthia, 1709010031081, 22 The Spinney, Hout Bay (Wynberg; Cape Town).—McKenzie Gibberd

Attorneys, 3 Benjamin Road, Wynberg, 7800.

11854/2002—Bouers, Margaret Alida, 4209290392086, Kraastraat 557, Louwville, “Vredenburg; Willem Bouers,

3605025087084 (Vredenburg; Kaapstad)—Swemmer & Levin, Hoofweg 833, Saldanha.

7561/2002—Raman, Raymond Govindrajh, 3607015143083, Monte Carlo Farm, Ceres, Western Cape; Anemay

Androvina Wilhelmina Raman, 421118010701 2 (Ceres; Cape Town). Woondroffe & Kleyn Attorneys, P.O. Box 50397, Musgrave

Road, 4062.

7449/2002—Du Preez, Martha Wilhelmina, 0611130004082, Huis Stilbaai, Perlemoenlaan, Stilbaai, 6674, Gewysigde

Eerste en Finale (Riversdal; Kaapstad).—Mnr IJH du Plessis, Posbus 12246, Die Boord, 7613.

_ _7867/2001--Singh, Haridev Nasib, 1908135039082, 1 Klaver St, Sybrand Park, Cape; Tara Devi Singh, 2905010078085

(Wynberg; Cape Town).—Tara Devi Singh (Executrix), 1 Klaver Street, Sybrand Park, 7700.

954/99—Johannes, Peter, 4012125654088, Joyce Orbrownstraat 26, New Woodlands, Mitchells Plain; Helena Johannes,

4505310088087 (Mitchelis Plain; Kaapstad).—Deon Oliver, p/a Village Trustees, Posbus 869, Kuilsrivier, 7579.

10800/97—Ariefdien, Ismaail, 6109295039088, 26 Bishopstone Way, Ottery (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Deon Oliver, c/o

Village Trustees, P O Box 869, Kuils River, 7579. 2614/2003—Joubert, Mauritius Johannes, 1801175911089, Genevafontein 55, George (George; Kaapstad). —Adv John

Levey, Posbus 9510, George, 6530.

1807/2002—Fuller, Iris Constance, 2003030214188, 6 Spearhead Quay, Marina da Gama (Simonstown; Cape Town).—

Musto Brindley Inc, 43 Tokai Road, Tokai, 7945.

10162/2002—Guttler, Kate Eugenie, 1006060048184, St Johannis Heim, Frans Conradie Drive, Parow, 7500 (Bellville;

Cape Town).—Richard Alexander Came, BDO Spencer Steward (CT) Inc, PO Box 2275, Cape Town, 8000.

961/2003—-Maré, Margaret Mavis, 3205270034087, Frankfortstraat 119, Parow (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Legatus Trust Bpk,

Edwards Ili, Edwardstraat 70, Bellville; Posbus 3883, Tygervalley, 7536.

381/2003—Hasson, Acher, 27 Avenue, Pumbu, Kinshasha, Congo (Cape Town). —Sonnenberg Hoffmann Galombik, 5 St.

Georges Mall, Cape Town, 8001. 7146/99—Wyle Lodewyk Adriaan Truter, 1 September 1935, 3509015079087, Bergstraat, : 'Saron, Wes-Kaap Provinsie,

datum van afsterwe: 15 Julie 1998, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Kaapstad; Tulbagh). —Appies

& Vennote, Posbus 16, Kraaifontein, 7570.

9452/2002—Van Lill, Audrey Sylvia, 3303220028083, Nederburgstraat 35, Welgemoed, Bellville; Jacob Jacobus van Lill,

2312185012082 (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Kessler de Jager Ing., Vasco. Boulevard 171, Goodwood.

4024/2002—Vaaltyn, Lena, 1701020146082, Craterstraat 22, Elsiesrivier; Hans Vaaltyn, 3210275185082 (Goodwood;

Kaapstad).—Kessler de Jager Ing., Vasco Boulevard 171, Goodwood.

8564/2000—Willemse, Emerald Felicia, 5605160154010, Vredestraat 28, Tuscany Glen, Eersterivier (Kuilsrivier;

Kaapstad).—Kessler.de Jager Ing., Vasco Boulevard 171, Goodwood.

1108/2003—Jansen van Rensburg, Merle Alice, 2610010020083, 58 Broadway Street, Strand (Strand; Kaapstad).—

Sanlam Trust Ltd, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

.3174/2003—Van Dyk, Gideon Petrus Jacobus, 2405225015089, Altena 109, Altenaweg, Strand; Petronella Hester

Cicilia, 2801140020081 (Strand; Kaapstad).—Sanlam Trust Ltd, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

2519/98—Griessel, Gerrit Diederick, 2701215070088, Sevenoaks 228, Mainstraat, Nuweland (Wynberg; Kaapstad). —

Sanlam Trust Bpk, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

13061/2002—Wenizel, Wendell, 4607295088080, Posbus 9988, Bergplaas, George (George; Kaapstad).—Sanlam Trust

Ltd, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

12209/2002—Ginsberg, Jack, 2612245057088, 4 The Gables, 17 Glengariff Road, Three Anchor Bay (Cape Town).—

Minde Schapiro & Smith, Tyger Valley Office Park Building No. 2, cnr Willie van Schoor & Old Oak Road, Bellville.

11806/2002—Glynn, Dilys (non-resident), Flat 1, 37 Marlborough Place, London NW8 OPS, UK (Somerset West; Cape

Town).—Maitland Trust Company, P.O. Box 3741, Cape Town, 8000.

5099/2002—Pickup, Millicent May, 1606270011003, Hampton House, cnr. Aliwal & Main Road, Wynberg, Cape (Cape

Town; Cape Town).

7520/2000—Prins, Samual, 6205215051086, Disastraat 1, Protea Park, Mosselbaai, 6500; Gewysigde; Gerry Anne Prins,

6003140160086 (Mosselbaai; Kaapstad)—Erasmus & Moolman, Hoogstraat 118, Mosselbaai, 6500.

11829/2002—Alida Antonetta Maria Sterrenberg, 2012080031084, ’n weduwee, Chudleighstraat 38, Plumstead, oorlede

op 16 Oktober 2002, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Wynberg; Kaapstad). —E Grobier, Gys Louw

en Vennote Ing., Edwardgebou I, Edwardstraat 74, Tygervallei, 7536.

1981/1999—Cilliers, Leon Pieter Cilliers, 5303115053087, Wilderness Heights, Wilderness, District George, 6529,

Amended First & Final (George; Cape Town).—Raubenheimers Inc, P O Box 21, George, 6530.

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003. - No. 24846 91

. §246/2001—Thorpe, William John, 6202215171089,:°50. Schneider Street, Sandbaai, Hermanus; Sophia Magaretha

Thorpe, 7012190113082 (Hermanus; Cape Town),—Hannes Pretorius & Partners, 9-on-College, College Road, Hermanus.

-273/2002—King Charles Cleveland, 011-16-0838, 38 Heath Road, Oakland, New Jersey, USA; Carla King (Cape Town;

Cape Town).—Peniagon Financial Services, P.O. Box 433, Constantia, 7848. ‘

. 9037/2002—Kitching, Leonard, 3308035068083, 5 Bato Street, Glencairn (Simonstown; Cape Town).—Guthrie &

Rushton, P O Box 22087, Fish Hoek, 7974. - ,

. 1900/2003—Baard, Henry Frederick, 4607105571085, 4 Mostert Street, Melkbosstrand (Cape Town).—Sentinel

International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd—Cape Town, P.O. Box 44774, Claremont, 7735.

13453/2002—Koize (ook bekend as Dirk Kotze), Dirk Arnoldus, 8610195215085, Robertsiaan 104, Ravensmead;

Magdalena Petronella Kotze, 4208140096087 (Bellville; Kaapstad). —Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd—Cape

Town, P.O. Box 44774, Claremont, 7735.

5635/99—Henry, Rodney Edward Warren, 4110125035082, 9 Rooi Karee Avenue, Karee Park, Brackenfell, -

Supplementary; Carol Francis Henry, 46083100043088 (Kuils River; Cape’ Town) .—Sentinel International Trust Company,

P.O. Box 44774, Claremont, 7735.

1978/2002—Olivier, Jacobus Johannes, 6104125056089, Greyville Square 9, Milnerton Drive, Milnerton Ridge,

Milnerton, Supplementére (Cape Town).—Sentinel International. Trust Company (Pty) Ltd-Cape Town, P.O. Box 44774,

Claremont, 7735.

12407/02—Erasmus, Elizabeth, 2508240199083, Pienaarstraat 2, Paarl, Eerste & Finale, 24 dae (Paarl; Kaaptad).—

Lloyd Fortuin Prokureur, Allie Sentrum.8, Jan van Riebeeckweg 67, Paarl.

1775/2002—Rossiter, Ena Mary, 1107110016088, 93 Plattekloof Road, Monte Vista, Cape (Goodworas ‘Cape Town).—

Cinoy-Lou Forster, P.O. Box 299, Edgemead, 7407:

13/2003—Hirst, Gwendoline Gloria, 4003230070080, 13 Glasogie Street, Sedgefield, 6573, Cape; Ronald Vivian Hirst,

2110105061084 (Knysna; Cape Town).—Walkers Inc., P.O. Box 254, Cape Town, 8000.

2073/2002—Hollins, James Rimer, 2103295059083, 6 Hyde Park Avenue, Noordhoek Manor, 7975, Cape Town

(Simonstown; Cape Town).—C P W Robertson, 3 St Andrews Road, Cape Town, Claremont, 7708:

‘7212/2002—Wood, David Lawrence, 4501165012082, 11 Barbarossa Crescent, Sonstraal, Durbanville (Bellville; Cape

Town).—Minde' Schapiro & Smith, Tygervalley: Office Park, Building No. 2, cnr Willie van Schoor & Old Oak Road, Bellville.

-3941/2000—Ellen Truter, 17 April 1937, 3704170076081, datum van afsterwe: 3 September 1999, Bergstraat, Saron, Wes-Kaap Provinsie, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Tulbach; Kaapstad).—Appies & Vennote,

Posbus 16, Kraaifontein, 7570.

10841/2002—Van der Westhuizen, ‘Ida, 2409060040087, Huis Uitsig, Kamer 513, Me Rothmanstraat, Parow Noord

, (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Malherbe Hanekom Ingelyf, Durbanweg 297, Bellville.

6840/02—Gomersall, Gloria, 2904070048187, Erf 16977, Sunnydale, Western cape, and 31 Voortrekker Street, Grabouw

(Simonstown, Grabouw; Cape Town).—Michau & Yonoutsos, PO Box 1221, Sunvalley.

822/2002—O’Connor, Eugene Roderick Carrington, 0309155036085, 8 Lismore Avenue, Tokai, 7945 (Wynberg; Cape

Town).—Clive Kempton-Jones CA (SA), 17 Alphen Way, Bergvliet, 7945.-

557/03—Honiball, Aletta Maria, 2607270037088, Herfsvreugde Woonsteile, Bonnievale, 6730 (Bonnievale; Kaapstad) —

Van Niekerk en Linde, Hoofweg 79, Posbus 49, Bonnievale, 6730.

3144/02—De Klerk, Yvonne, 4004240063089, 5 Drummond Close, West Beach, Bloubergrant, 7441: Roeloff Erasmus de

Klerk, 3604115085082 (Cape Town).—R.E. de Klerk, 5 Drummond Close, West Beach, Bloubergrant, 7441. .

39/2003—Goosen; Nicolaas Johannes Albertus, 1403135007081, 15 Rosehaven; Queen Str, Durbanville. (Bellville;

Cape Town).—Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd—Cape Town, P.O. Box 44774, Claremont, 7735.

-562/2003—Louw, . Jacobus ‘Wynand, 4107175077089; Buitekantstraat 19, Oudtshoorn | (Oudtshoorn; Kaapstad). —

Duvenage Keyser & Jonck, Posbus 104, Oudtshoorn.

8178/2002——-Van Staden, Theunis Johannes, 6001055072088, Buitekantstraat 155,. Oudtshoorn (Oudtshoorn

Kaapstad). —Duvenage Keyser & Jonck, Posbus 104, Oudtshoorn.

7201/2002—Ladouce, Leon Louis, 4903215151086, Eikelaan, Barrydale; Johanna, Gertruida Ladouce, 5101230054083

(Swellendam; Kaapstad). —Maritz Murry & Fourie, Adderleystraat 26, Worcester.

. 2176/2003—Preiss, Kenneth Andrew, 4403085100081, 25 Hoog Street, Darling, Cape (Malmesbury Cape Town).—

Bisset Boehmke McBlain, PO Box 76, Cape. Town, 8000..

1322/2003—Davis, Lucy Dinah, 1605170001080, vat 1 Woodside Village, 21 Norton Way, Rondebosch, Cape, First A/C

- (Wynberg; Cape Town). —Cape Town, 8000..


9130/2002—Smuts, Peter Maskew, 2001175012083, 34 Alphenvale, Constantia (Wynberg: Cape Town). _ Peter Leight .

13 Greenfields, 34 Greenfield Road, Kenilworth, 7700.

-10443—De Wet, Trudie, 4001070046085, 126 ‘Wallace Street, Goodwood (Goodwood Cape Town). —Allan Jones Inc,

P O Box 12978, Nt. City. - “ .

14032/2002—Swart, May. Hope, 4108270041087, BO7 Dolphin Beach, ‘Marine Drive, Bloubergrant, Gewysigde Eerste en

Finale, 21 dae (Kaapstad; Kaapstad) —T J Botha en Kie, Posbus 393, Alberton, 1450.

3216/2002/6D—Murphy, Norman Campbell, 3105015062106, 5 Rosemary Rd, Kidderminster UK (Cape Town) —Miltons,

_ P.O Box.139, Bloubergstrand, 7436.


92 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

10368/2002—Russo, Edna Veronica, 1002170028083, Helen Keller Hosiel, Links Drive, Pinelands, 7405 (Goodwood;

Cape Town).—Low and Co, P O Box 187, Rondebosch, 7701.

6622/2002—Green, Ada, 1212200042083, 7 Sydney Road, Mowbray, 7700 (Wynberg; Cape Town). —Low and Co, P oO

Box 187, Rondebosch, 7701.

6142/02—Knight, Jack Thornton, 1103265034083, 3 Pickard Street, Knysna Heights, Knysna, 6570 (Knysna; Cape

Town).—Syfrets Trust Limited, Executors Depariment, P O Box 582, Johannesburg, 2000.

81/2003—Lavelle Victoria Jeanne Macian, 4512060084084, 54 Schoongezicht, 1 Scholtz Road, Somerset West, First

and Final, 21 days (Somerset West; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, c/o P O Box 1291, Parklands,


5665/2002—Stoffels, Frans, Macassar, 3802125399085; Minnie Maria Elizabeth Stoffels, 4002150383086 (Somerset-

Wes; Kaapstad).—Cluver Markotter Ing, Posbus 12, Stellenbosch, 7599.

13515/2002—Meyer, Elizabeth Magdalena, 1410250007085, Langverwag 109, Morkelstraat, Stellenbosch (Stellenbosch;

Kaapstad).—Cluver Markotter Ing, Posbus 12, Stellenbosch, 7599.

1016/2003—Mulder, Wynand Fourie, 3001315017082, plaas Leliehof, Herold, in die distrik George; Johanna Mulder,

3603300010087 (George; Kaapstad) Standard Eksekuteurs en Trustees, Posbus 5562, Kaapstad.

3942/2000—Visser, Barend Frederick Andries, 3708165032082, plaas Botmansdrift, distrik Malmesbury, Supplementére

Tweede Gewysigde; Anna Alida Visser, 4011290050080 (Malmesbury; Kaapstad) Standard Eksekuteurs en Trustees, Posbus

5562, Kaapstad.

11419/2002—-Gotz, Peter Bosco, 3410265052009, 34 Nineth Avenue, Kleinmond, Hermanus, 7200, 21 days (Hermanus;

Cape Town).—Standard Executors & Trustees.

17/2003--Nieuwoudt, Petrus Johannes, 4009175008082, Clevelandstraat 58, Boston, Bellville, Eerste; Levina.Cetrina

Nieuwoudt, 4603230058080 (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Standard Eksekuteurs en Trustees, Posbus 5562, Kaapstad, 8000.

2187/2003—Olkers, Abdurahman, 2210045073080, No 3 Zelda Close, Lost City, Tafelsig, Mitchells Plain (Mitchells Plain;

Cape Town).—Gairowesa Davids Att., 13 Gleemoor House, Belgravia Rd, Athlone.

9540/2001—Herbst, Margaretha Johanna, 1010200039087, 3N Hoofweg 43, Clanwilliam (Clanwitiam: Kaapstad). FNB

Trust Services, Private Bag 512, Nuweland, 7725, Rondebosch.

4094/2003—Lotz, Anna Christina Elizabeth, 3110010003087, Clifistraat 499, Agulhas (Bredasdorp; Kaapstad).—FNB

Trust Services, Private Bag 512, Nuweland, 7725, Rondebosch.

2061/2003—April, Clare Magdalena, 3701300249083, 62 Buall Walk, Hanover Park, Phillip Johannes Fouche April,

3609155293082 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—FNB Trust Services, Private Bag 512, Nuweland, 7725, Rondebosch.

6807/2002—April, Phillip Johannes Fouche, 3609155293082, 62 Buall Walk, Hanover Park (Wynberg; Cape Town).— —.

FNB Trust Services, Private Bag 512, Nuweland, 7725, Rondebosch.

1673/2003—Flint, Hazel Cynthia, 2907080037082, 18 Hare Road, Woodstock (Cape Town; Cape Town).—FNB Trust

Services, Private Bag 512, Nuweland, 7725, Rondebosch.

5949/2002—Van Niekerk, Izak Malherbe, 3803085025082, Jakarandalaan 6, De -Doorns, Eerste (Worcester:

Kaapstad).—FNB Trust Services, Private Bag 512, Nuweland, 7725, Rondebosch.

5493/2002—Lubynkski, Mair Rhys, 0905050031087, 27 Anchusa Annex, Howard Drive, Meadowridge (Wynberg; Cape

Town).—FNB Trust Services, Private Bag 512, Nuweland, 7725, Rondebosch.

4201/2001—Iveson, Ernest Anthony, 2104095037089, 12 Constantia Place, Southern Cross Drive, Constantia (Wynberg;

Cape Town).—FNB Trust Services, Private Bag 512, Nuweland, 7725, Rondebosch.

3443/2003—Howell, June Daphne, 3612220052087, 85 Oak Bridge Village, Somerset West (Somerset West; Cape

Town).—FNB Trust Services, Private Bag 512, Nuweland, 7725, Rondebosch.

1571/2003—Cable, Colin Leith, 1012235022088, 401 Rushdon Park, College Road, Rondebosch (Wynberg; Cape

Town).—FNB Trust Services, Private Bag 512, Nuweland, 7725, Rondebosch.

1672/2003—Durham, Elizabeth Sophia, 1202270043087, 224 7th Avenue, Elkendal, Kraaifontein (Kuils River; Cape

Town).—FNB Trust Services, Private Bag 512, Nuweland, 7725, Rondebosch.

12274/2002—Kruger, Annie Elizabeth, 3004230117083, 19 Danube Street, Primrose Park, Athlone (Athione; Cape

Town).—FNB Trust Services, Private Bag 512, Nuweland, 7725, Rondebosch.

4525/2002—Cloete, Joyce, 4105060048082, 16 Bishopscourt Road, Claremont, Second (Wynberg; Cape Town).—

Standard Executors and Trustees, P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.

1413/2003—Pieterse, Joyce Henrietta Elizabeth, 1008080002084, Suideroord Ouetehuis, Smith Street, Bredasdorp,

First (Bredasdorp; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees, P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.

1734/2003—Coller Edwin Charles, 2502175042087, 12 Boundary Road, Square Hill, Retreat, 7945; Joyce Alice Coller,

2405120030084 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Standard Executors & Trustees, Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.

622/2003—Von Patzowsky, Herbert a.k.a. Herbert Walter Franz, 2906175070107, 15 Upper Orange Street, Oranjezicht,

8001, First (Cape Town; Cape Town).—Standard Executors & Trustees, Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.

3184/02—Mentu, Charlton, 3212025054089, St Peterstraat 8, Lambertsbaai; Alletha Mentu, 3605290052086, First

(Clanwilliam; Kaapstad)—Standard Eksekuteurs en Trustees, Posbus 5562, Kaapstad, 8000.

12624/01—Slimmert, Lydia Rebecca, 3808080005088, 16 Vanrhyn Street, Vredendal, 8161; Abram Daniel Slimmert,

3507195003083 (Vredendal/Caledon; Cape Town).—Standard Executors & Trustees.

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 _ ' No. 24846 93

9045/2000—Pentz, Johannes Jacobus Adolph, 3005085014085, Plot 99, Theoville Park, Van der Bijlpark, Gauteng,

Supplementary (Vanderbijlpark; Kaapstad).—Standard Eksekuteurs en Trustees, Posbus 5562, Kaapstad, 8000. .

7483/2002—Van Dyk, Jean, 3203255024082, Papkuilsfontein, Aurora, 7325, First; Christina Gesina Jacoba van Dyk,

3701030011084 (Piketberg; Kaapstad) Standard Executors & Trustees.

-.. 13924/2002—-Grobler, Maria Martha, 1906160024086, Cormorantweg 15, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging en Van Eyck Singel

25, De La Have, Bellville (Bellville/Vereeniging; Kaapstad).—Standard Eksekuteurs en Trustees, Posbus 5562, Kaapstad, 8000.

- 5222/2002—Rossouw, Martha, 3111100007089, Binnekringstraat 27, Dalsig, Stellenbosch, Second and Final

(Stellenbosch; Kaapstad).—Standard Eksekuteurs en Trustees, Posbus 5562, Kaapsiad, 8000.

3591/2002—L6tter, Rosa Hermina, 1909100051086, Agtiendelaan 16, Boston, Bellville (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Standard

Eksekuteurs en Trustees, Posbus 5562, Kaapstad,.8000.

12719/2002—Dallas, Evan Cameron, 3305315049080, 10 Popham Sireet, Bloubergstrand, First (Cape Town; Cape

Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.

1340/2003—Levy, June, 3606040004088, 6 Mitchell Baker Drive, Somerset West, First (Somerset West; Cape Town).—

Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.

10291 /2002—Evans, Richard Nicholas, 2612055057087, 11 Swannack Gardens, 121 Lourensford Road, Somerset

West; Rita Yvonne Evans, 2712120033087 (Somerset West; Cape Town).- .—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 5562,

Cape Town, 8000.

10529/2002—Smuts, Sidney Delville, 2007185053082, B&A Lawrence Home 40,.7 Broadwalk Road, Pinelands, First

(Goodwood; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.

551/2003—Emstie, Wendy May Sibly, 3902220008084, Flat 38, Jubilee Retirement Centre, Oranje Road, Tygerdal

(Goodwood; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.

14023/2002—Van der Merwe, David Jacobus, 2808115011086, 16 Sunset Boulevard, Marine Drive, Table View, 7551,

Eerste; Hope Ardyce Mildred van der Merwe, 3112290034081 (Kaapstad; Kaapstad). —-Standard Eksekuteurs en Trustees,

Posbus 5562, Kaapstad, 8000.

’ 9580/01—Cain, Beatrice Helen, 071004006086, Suite 46, St James Retirement, Main Road St James, Cape Town, 18417

(Cape Town; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000; 17th Fioor, The Marine, 22 Gardener Street,

Durban, 4001.

7084/2002—-Payne, Johanna Alida, 2708270046085, De Beersweg 113, Strand, Wes- ‘Keap (Strand, Wes-Kaap;

Kaapstad).—PB Fourie, Posbus 664, Wierdapark, 0149.

363/03—-Scheffler, Walter Franz Ferdinand, 3104175004180, 3 Old Vineyard Road, Constantia, 7848; Hilde Gard Marie -

Lina Scheffler, 2512190002107 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Johan van Zyl, PO Box 12540, N1 City, 7463.

11766/2002—Tielkemeyer, Johan, 2502065045182, 13 Georgian Court, Dirkie Uys Street, Somerset West (Somerset ™

West; Cape Town).—Johan van Zyl, PO Box 12540, N1 City, 7463.

7581/02—Ederies, Ernstina Johanna, 3309040068084, 150 Loeries Avenue, , Bridgetown (Wynberg; Cape Town).—

Mumel Terblanche Trustees, P © Box 323, Cape Town, 8000.

9677/2002—Blake, Norman Cyril Edward, 1301213036088, 6 Jan Louw Street, Prince Albert (Prince Albert; Cape

Town).—Standard Executors & Trustees, PO Box 765, George, 6530.

5066/2001—Paterson, Robert, 1107215026081, Huis Lettie Theron, Hermanus, _ Supplementary (Hermanus;

Hermanus).—First National Trust, Private Bag 512, Nuweland, 7725.

3361/2001—Weeder, Abdragman, 3407015071081, 19 Tay Street, Woodstock, Cape | Town (Cape Town; Cape Town).—

C. George &Associates, 1 Koffiepeer Close, Eastridge, Mitchell's Plain.

452/2003/2C—Kriel, Winifred Noranna, 3712260072084, 8 Rembrandt Avenue, De la Haye, Bellville, 7530: (Bellville;

Cape Town).—Balsillies Inc. (Ref. Mrs L Kriel/emcd/EC0854), 3rd Floor, 33 Church Street, Cape Town (PO. Box 3092, Cape

Town, 8000).

1425/2002—-Lazarow, Duncan, 0806225038009, 301 Cambourne Flats, Kei Apple Road, Sea Point, 8005 (Cape Town).—

AML Financial Services CC, PO Box 16370, Vlaeberg, 8018, 316 The Foundry, Cardiff Street, Cape.-Town, 8018.

- 7520/2000—Prins, Samual, 6205215051086, Disastraat 1, Protea Park, Mosselbaai, 6500; Gerry Anne Prins,

6003140160086 Mosselbaai; Kaapstad).—Erasmus & Moolman, Hoogstraat 118, Mosselbaai, 6500.

12542/2002—Hendricks, Abdul Ajies, 2712105063083, 27. Bamboeberg Road, Heideveld, 7764 (Wynberg; Cape

Town).—Cornelius Attorneys, P.O. Box 12852, N1 City, 7463.

12551/2002—Parker, Mahmood Omar, 4410115060086, 68 A Mabel Road, Rylands, Athlone: Amina Parker,

4611090079088 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Cornelius Attorneys, P.O. Box 12852, N1 City, 7463.

11879/2002—L6tter, Mattheus Lukas, 1009145030086, Huis Lettie Theron, Hermanus, 7200 (Hermanus; Kaapstad).—

C Heystek, Posbus 732, Caledon, 7230.

11569/2002—Opperman, Brunhilde Johanna, 2506020002089, Swartrivierweg 53, Kleinmond, 7195; Daniel Petrus

Jacobus Opperman, 2411295021080 (Caledon; Kaapstad).—C Heystek, Posbus 732, Caledon, 7230.

10621/2001—Eksteen, Hermanus Jacobus, 4810115119081, 39 Crawford Road, Crawford, 7780 (Wynberg, Cape

Town).—Valentine & Associates, PO Box 18332, Wynberg, 7824.

11247/2002—Sass, Frederick, 3904065098089, Waterbokstraat 57, Paarl, 7646; Josephine Sass, 4412060118083 (Paarl;

Kaapstad).—Fred van Wyk ing., Jan van Riebeeckweg 57B, Paarl, 7646.

' 94 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 |

9823/2002—Fredericks, Kathleen Vera, 1705300042085, Kloofstraat 12, Wellington (Paarl; Kaapstad) .—Fred van Wyk

Ing., Jan van Riebeeckweg 57B, Paarl, 7646.

-219/2002—Human, Frederick David, 3808065023080, Volmoed, Posbus 8, Protem, 7281 (Bredasdorp: Kaapstad) —CA

Smith, Villet & Smith Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeesters Ingelyf, Dirkie Uysstraat 23, Bredasdorp, 7280.

1518/2001—Dekkers, Elise Henriette, 1604130037185, 50 Avenue de Mist, Rondebosch, Cape Town, Province of the ,

Western Cape (Wynberg; Cape Town). -—Reillys, Attorneys, Suite 302, 35 Wale Street, Cape Town, 8001 (PO Box 3126, Cape

Town, 8000).

11892/2002—Sampson, Batbara Jean, 2301010062081, 3-11th Street, Elsies River, Cape (Goodwood, Cape: Cape

Town).—Ince Wood & Raubenheimer, 8th Floor, 33 Church Street, Cape Town, 8001.

13623/2002—Snyman, Veronica, 3604240017083, Kluestraat 82, Worcester, 6850 (Worcester Kaapstad).—L

Terblanche, Posbus 711, Worcester, 6849.

6282/2002—Africa, Muriel Gertrude, 3612030056088, 13 Livingstone Avenue, Ruyterwacht (Goodwood: Cape Town).—

De Vries De Wet & Krouwkam, PO Box 871, Worcester, 6849. .


Form/Vorm J 28 . | ‘


Pursuant to section 17 (4) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, and section 356 (1) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice

is hereby given by the Masters of the Supreme Court that the estates or companies mentioned below have. been:

sequestrated or wound up provisionally by order of the said Court. : |

The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company: name and description of:

estate/company; date upon which and division of court by which order is made and upon the application of.



Ingevolge artikel 17 (4) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, en artikel 356 (1) van die Maatskepoyuet 1973, word

hierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof kennis gegee dat die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeid

voorlopig op las van genoemde Hof gesekwestreer of gelikwideer i is. ;

Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van

boedel/maatskappy; datum waarop en afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is en op die aansoek van.

’ N496/02—Supermix Property Holdings CC, CK/86/18149/23, 57 Gokul Road, sipingo Rail, KZN, 4110. 05/09/2002,

Special resolution. |

N13/083—H R Heydenrych (Pty) Limited, t/a Numark, 2002/000901/07, Suite One, Heritage P Park, 51 Norfolk Terrace,

' Westville, 3630. 17/02/03, Magistrate, Pinetown. Hentiq 2893 (Pty) Lid, t/a Healthwize.

N539/02—Parvathy Naicker, 27051500940522 and Estate Late: Dharman Naicker, Estate No. 6876/98, .Midnite Café,

Hull Valley, Umkomaas, KwaZulu-Natal. 22/11/2002, Durban and Coast Local. Siva Naicker a.k.: a. Dhanpallan Dharman.

N573/02—Chance Brothers (Pty) Ltd, '1973/02173/07, Nqapawla Farm, Nkwalini, KwaZulu- Natal. 20/12/2002, Natal

Provincial. Farmers Agri-Care (Pty) Ltd.

C215/2003—S P Bouers BK, CK 89/10119/23 en CK 1992/029042/23, Berglandpark, falopsaa George, Industria.

11/3/2003, Landdroshof vir die Distrik te George. Christoffel Johannes Broodryk van Heerden.

_C218/2003—Prince Alfred Hamlet Investments (Edms) Bpk,’1965/006713/07, Hamlet Hotel, Voortrekkerstraat, Prince

Alfred Hamlet. 25 Maart 2003, Kaap die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale Afdeling. Firstrand Bank Beperk.

C238/2003—Newave Digital Junxion (Pty) Ltd, 2001/016608/07, 3 The Crescent, Durbanville. 07/04/2003, Cape of {Good

Hope Provincial Division. Neville Charles Kleinhans.

: " .C198/2003—Glass Repair Centre CC, CK 96/00091/23, 2 Koeberg Road, Maitland. 5/2/2008, Magistrate’s Court, Cape

Town: National Auto Glass (Pty) Ltd. :

~ €203/2003—CT Marketing BK, CK 4998/050469/23, ‘hoofplek van besigheid te Atlasstraat, Ceres en p/a-J. E E Cronje,

Atlasstraat, Ceres. 14 Maart 2003, Landdroshof vir die distrik van Ceres. J E Cronje Rekenmeesters BK. :

_ , ©239/2003—Kittu Developments (Edms) Bpk, 2002/00395/07, registered office: Millennia Park, Stellentia Avenue,

Stellenbosch. 8 April 2003, Cape ot Good | Hope Provincial Division. Otto Raadgewende Ingenieurs BK.


STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 95

C823/2002—Wine Cask Sales CC, CK94/34542/23, principal place of business: 601 Migdal, Worcester Road, Sea Point,

Cape Town. 2 December 2002, Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division. Transworld Cargo SA (Pty) Ltd.

C223/2003—Maitland Abattoir Functions, 1997/20600/08, registered address: Berkley Road, Maitland, Cape Town.

1/4/2003, Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division. Ex parte.

C715/2002—De Zaak CC, CK1998/054325/23, 5 Clarens Road, Sea Point. 27/8/2002, Magistrate’s Court for the District

of Cape Town. Meindart Paul Honig.

C234/2003—Juays Consultants CC, 1995/042809/23, 26 Newforest Crescent, Table View. 4 April 2003, Magistrate’s

Court for the District of Cape Town. Tony Richard Jufays.

N93/03—Ally Baba’s Factory Shoppe CC, 1999/027733/23, PO Box 18801, Dalbridge, 4014. 06/03/2003, Special


B57/2003—Hendrik Josephus Lues, ID Nr 7105265085084, getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met Wika Lues,

ID Nr 6001300071083, woonagtig te Klaradyn Woonstel Nr 3, Suidrand, Kroonstad. 17/04/2003, OVS Provinsiale Afdeling.

Grimbeek van Rooyen & Vennote Ing.

B55/2003—Marthinus Johannes Kotze, iD Nr 5207075038092, ongetroud, woonagtig te Van Wouwstraat 30, Sasolburg.

17/04/2003, OVS Provinsiale Afdeling. Florus Petrus Kotze (ID Nr 5904205020082).

B56/2003—Hendrik Stephanus van der Walt, ID Nr 5406295003002, getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met

Catharina Elizabeth van der Walt, ID Nr 5601280031006, woonagtig te Van Bruggestraat 29, Sasolburg. 17/04/2003, OVS

Provinsiale Afdeling. Molenaar & Griffiths Ing (Reg Nr 1993/00240/215).

E61/2003/1-—-Bo-Karoo CC, CK 98/17750/23, registered office at and main place of business at Piet Retief Street,

Burgersdorp, Eastern Cape Province. 3 April 2003, Eastern Cape Division. lan Willem Streicher.

T1102/03—Engineering Reconditioning & Design Services (Pty) Limited, 1993/000857/07, 19 Michelin Street,

Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng. 31/03/2003, Transvaal Provincial. Anthonius Wilhelm van Rijswijk.

T607/03—Tsemeng Phillip Lethuba, 6801015751088, Huis Nommer 67, Bonganstraat, kwanHlanga. 18/03/2003,

Transvaalse Provinsiale. Ex parte.

1704/03—Alexander Tertius Osmers, 6102025018084, Gedeelte 3 van die plaas Doomkop, Lydenburg, Mpumalanga.

25/3/03, Transvaal Provinsiale. Ex parte.

T408/03—Deborah Moloko Cheune, 6611180652081, 11 Wallnut Street, Chantelle, Pretoria North. 11/3/2003, Transvaal

Provincial. Ex parte.

T598/03—Henning Hermina Christina, 5602070142003. 25 Maart 2003, Witwatersrandse Plaaslike. Henning Hendrik’


T799/03—Havenga Jan Hendrik & Linda. 4 March 2003, Witwatersrand Local. Ex parte.

T995/03—HLA Plasterers CC, 1996/039576/23. 19/2/03, Landdros, Germiston. HLA Plasterers CC.

T1193/03—Johannes Gerhardus Brummer, 5401305048089. 01/04/2003, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Johannes Jacobus Enslin.

T4190/01—Schalk Cilliers van Wyk, 71 04105069085, Plot 1, Garathdale Street, Kliprivier, Alberton. 11/9/2001,

Witwatersrand Local. Ex parte.

T986/03—Johannes Marthinus Jonck, 5912105101084, Wag ‘n Bietjie Str 32, Clubview, Pretoria. 18/03/03, Transvaal

Provincial. Twoline Trading SA (Pty) Ltd.

T885/03—Leon Loock, 6301195123084, 8 Candlewood Street, Vandykpark, Boksburg. 08/04/03, Tvi Provincial Division.

Ex parte.

T1183/03—Willfrik Motors BK, CK98/38663/23, Idastraat No. 32, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 20/3/2003, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Bafana Petroleum Verspreiders.

T4630/01—Gregory James Plotz, 6412245093084, Waverley : Court No. 204, Markstraat, Boksburg. 8 Apri 2003, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. Ex parte.

T910/03—Jetvest 1077 BK, CK2001/010280/23. 7/3/2003, Landdros: Middelburg. Phillip de , Lange. T539/03—Stanley Arthur Rick, 7604215070089, 4 Vygie Cresent, Groeneweide, ‘Boksburg, ' Gauteng. 25. March 2003,

Transvaal Provincial. Ex-parte.

T859/03—Alec Andrew Heymans & Aletta Johanna Hendrika Heymans. 8 April 2003, Transvaal Provincial. Ex-parte. T679/03—Antonie Christoffel Botha & Jolene Botha, Tambotiesiraat No. 29, Tasbet Park, Witbank. 25/3/03, Transvaaise

Provinsiale. Ex-parte.

T59/03—Willem Jacobus Jacobs, 6902075025081, Wolfaardstraat 933, Daspoort, Pretoria. 4/3/03, Transvaalse - Provinsiale. Ex parte.

T429/03—Petro Anna Elizabeth de Koker & Riaan Johannes de Koker, 7203160051085. 4/3/02, Transvaal Provincial. EX parte.

1528/03—Michael Joseph Ahern, 5705075236181, Kentweg 242, Randburg. 8/04/03, Tvi. Provincial Division. Ex parte. T948/03—Enigma Industries (Pty) Limited, 1997/005532/07, Terrano Motors at Shop 1, Corporate Corner, Gordon and

Church Str, Pta. 18/3/2003, Transvaal Provincial. Ex-parte.

T777/03—Olea Trust, |.T. 4610/97. 1/4/03, Transvaal Provinsiale. Ex parte.

14527/02—Quality Engine Components (Jhb) (Pty) Limited, 99/00585/070. 15/10/2002, Witwatersrand Local. Adam Mohamed.

96 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

‘T677/03—Johan Jaco Streicher & Renier Wilhelmina Streicher, 6511225038082 & 6509060112087, die Plaas Viakpan,

Leandra, Mpumalanga. 8 April 2003, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. Ex-parte aansoek van JJ & RW Streicher.

T267/03—Johan Martin Jacobus ‘Troskie en Judith Nicoline Troskie. 19 Februarie 2003; Transvaalse Provinsiale.

Ex-parte. T1166/03—C M Welding CC. 03/04/2003, Landdros: Boksburg. Claassen: Hendeline Peggy.

' 71226/03—Alida Magdalena Boshoff, 5502100141084. 09/04/2003, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Jan Francois

Bezuidenhout. _

T426/03—Prevesh Haripersadh & Vijay Oodit, 35C The Avenue, Orchards, Norwood,’ "Johannesburg. 04/03/08,

Transvaal Provincial. Ex parte.

T46/03—Mosimanegape William Kheswa & Olibile Victoria Kheswa, Waboonhot 804, ‘Kracistraat, Kwaggasrand,

Pretoria. 12 November 2002, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Ex-parte.

T1115/03—Serent Properties (Pty) Lid, 1999/013608/07. 1 April 2003, Witwatersrand | Local Bruma Close Body

Corporate. |

T1075/03—Raee’sa’s Trading CC. 18/3/03, Witwatersrand Local. Ex parte.

_ 7325/03—Lourens Coetzer & Amanda Coetzer, Marconistraat 5, Vanderbijlpark. 25 Maart 2003, Transvaalse Provinsiale.

Ex-parte. - .

7315/03—Gerard Mark Pietersen, 6705215675081, Waterboksstraat 230, Kwaggasrand, Pretoria. 25 Februarie 2003,

Transvaalse Provinsiale. Ex-parte.

'T234/03—David Spangenberg & Esther Doreen Spangenberg. 18/03/03, Transvaal Provincial. Ex parte.

T64/03—Benjamin William Holder, 6208185045088, Plot No. 1, plaas Interminne, Hammanskraal. 25/2/2003, Transvaal

Provincial. Ex-parte.

T674/03—New Heights 36 (Proprietary) Ltd, 2000/018018/07. 26/11/2002, Witwatersrand Local. Ex parte.

7444/03—Geral van Jaarsveld, 7512165049088, Natasha Str 851, Moreletapark, Pretoria. 25/03/03, Transvaal Provincial.


T864/03—Arno Pienaar, 6505015015086, Plot 298, Kameeldrift, Pretoria. 8 April 2003, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling.

Ex-parte aansoek van A Pienaar.

7T964/03—Ivanprops No. 30 (Pty) Ltd. 18/02/03, Witwatersrand Local. Ex parte. -

T14/03—Die Groente Kombuis CC, Registration Number 95/035144/23, Perry’s Farm, Portion 9 of 21, P O Box 202,

Hazyview. 17 December 2002, Transvaal Provincial Division. Ex parte.

T923/03—Charles Street Properties (Pty) Ltd. 21/2/03, Witwatersrand Local. City of Johannesburg.

74572/02—Lynne Margaret Alexander. 15/10/2002, Transvaal Provincial. KNA Insurance and Investments Brokers.

T812/03—Soajida Properties (Proprietary) Limited. 29/1/2003, Witwatersrand Local. City'of Johannesburg.

T4942/02—Schrade Lawrence Edward, 5703295042083. 27/8/02, Witwatersrand Plaaslike. Venter Quintin.

71332/00—Alex George Lucas, 5910265246087. 12 January 1999, Witwatersrand Local. Peter Millson.

: 7T442/03—Zoleka Badi, 630508096088, Cameron Court No. 35, Wessel Street, Synnyside, Pretoria. 04/04/2008,

Transvaal Provincial. Ex-parte.

T861/03—Eleanor Theodora Nero, 6803130003081, Redwoodstraat No. 74, Waterglo, Randfontein. 8 April 2003,

Transvaalse Provinsiale. Ex-parte.

C71/03—59 Beach Road (Pty) Lid, 2000/016675/07, 316 The Foundry, Cardift Sireet, Cape Town. Special Resolution

registered 08/04/03. ‘

C68/03—Morituri CC, 1995/001000/28, 316 The Foundry, Cardiff Street, Cape Town. ‘Special Resolution registered

03/04/03. °

C72/03—Col ‘Cacchio CC, 1992/022392/23, 316 The Foundry, Cardiff Street, Cape Town. Special Resolution registered

- 03/04/03.

- T1191/03—Ebit Solutions (Pty) Lid (members voluntary liquidation), 2000/002516/07, 155 5th - Street, Sandown.

10-4-2003, Transvaal. . Se

Form/Vorm J 29




The estates and companies mentioned below having been placed under sequestration, being wound up or

. having been placed under provisional judicial management by order of the High Court of South Africa, Masters of

ihe Supreme Court hereby give notice, pursuant to sections 17 (4) and 40 (1) | of the Insolvency Act, 1936,

sections 119 (3), 125 (1) and 196bis (4) of the Companies Act, 1926 and sections 356 (1), 364 (1) and 429 of the

Companies Act, 1973, that a first meeting of creditors, contributories, members or debenture-holders of the said

estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims

against the estates or companies, the election of trustees, liquidators or judicial managers or for the purposes

referred to in section 364 or 431 of Act No. 61 of 1973, as the case may be. 7!

24846—-3 ray

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 . No. 24846 97

The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name. and description of estate/company; date of the provisional and date of the final order, and division of court by which order is made, and date,.hour and place of meeting.

Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate. . :


Nademaal die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika gesekwestreer, gelikwideer of onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur geplaas is; word hierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof ingevoige artikels 17 (4) en 40 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 119 (3), 125 (1) en 196bis (4) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 356 (1), 364 (1) en 429 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat ’n eerste byeenkoms van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuldbriefhouers van genoemde boedels of maatskappye op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld, vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye, die verkiesing van kurators, likwidateurs of geregtelike bestuurders of vir die doeleindes bedoel in artikel 364 of 431 van Wet No. 61 van 1973, na gelang van die geval, gehou sal word. .

Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; datum van die voorlopige en datum van die finale bevel, en afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is, en datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms. -

In ‘n plek waarin ’n kantoor van.’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou.

C948/2002—Johannes Matthews Delport Poolman, 6201115015081, Shillingstraat' 13, Vierlanden, Durbanville. 10/12/2002—06/02/2003, Provinsiale Afdeling Kaap die Goeie Hoop. 30/05/2003, 11h00, Magistrate’s Court, Bellville.

C78/2003—Henning van Aswegen & Maria .van Aswegen, 6106085023082 & 5805080042085, 7 Van Niekerk Street, Paarl. 7 February 2003—18 March 2003, Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division. 26/05/2003, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Paarl.

C125/2003—Markos Paul James Markides, 5503245752082, Blyithwoodrylaan 32, Plattekloof Glen. 21 Januarie 2003— . 5 Maart 2003, Kaap die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale Afdeling. 30 Mei 2003, 11h00, Landdros, Bellville.

N573/02—Chance Brothers (Pty) Ltd (1973/02173/07), Nqapawla Farm, Nkwalini, KwaZulu-Natal. 20/12/2002— 13/02/2003, Natal Provincial. 22/05/2003, 10:00, Melmoth.

N539/02—(i) Parvathy Naicker, 2705150094052, (2) estate late: Dharman Naicker, Estate No. 6876/98, Midnite Café, Hull Valley, Umkomaas, KwaZulu-Natal. 22/11/2002—26/03/2003, Durban and Coast Local. 26/05/2003, 10:00, Scottburgh.

-N13/03—H. R. Heydenrych (Pty) Ltd, v/a Numark, 2002/000901/07, Suite One, Heritage Park, 51 Norfolk Terrace, Westville. 17/01/03—17/02/03, Durban and Coast Local Division. 22/05/03, 10h00, Pinetown.

C59/2001—Sean Ivan Vercueil, 6702175187082, 7 Hugo Street, Goodwood, Western Cape. 3 February 2003— 25 February 2003, Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division. 28/05/03, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Goodwood.

N82/03—Maryna Sylvia Greyling, ID 5310180043083, 11 Summit Road, Camperdown, KwaZulu-Natal. 25/02/2003— 03/04/2003, Natal Provincial. 30/05/2003, 10:00, Camperdown.

B26/2003—Renos loannis Eliades, ID Nr. 7509075252083, residing at 21 Derrick Street, Naudeville, Welkom. 20/02/2003—1 7/04/2003, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling. 28/05/2003, 10h00, Welkom. / ,

B44/2003—Frederick Hendrik Killian, ID Nr. 6609015023080, marries out of community of property, residing at Lakeview- woonsielle 14, DF Malanlaan, Sasolburg. 20/03/2003—1 7/04/2003, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling. 02/06/2003, 10h00, Sasolburg.

B35/2003—Steve de Villiers, ID Nr. 5606075087089, married out of community of property, residing at 23 Smith Street, Harrismith, Free State Province. 06/03/2003—17/04/2003, Orange Free State Provincial Division. 27/05/2003, O9h00, Harrismith. , Se ,

E32/2003/2—Jan Hendrik Nel Page, 6211245015000, residing at 3 Thompson Street, Adelaide. 20 February 2003— 3 April 2003, Eastern Cape Division. 22 May 2003, 10h00, Adelaide.

T4403/02—Antonie Michael & Jacqualine Fredrika Kritzinger, 6910295254084 & 7110170231088, Cassiastraat 333, Doornpoort, Pretoria. 29/10/2002—29/1 0/2002, Transvaaise Provinsiale Afdeling. 30/05/03, 10:00, Meester, Pretoria.

T103/03—Insolvente boedel: Pieter Arnoidus Geldenhuis, 6812175110081. 14 Januarie 2003—18 Maart 2003, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 30 Mei 2003, 09:00, Landdros, Ermelo.

1589/03—Tomsure (Pty) Ltd (98/10068/07), 4 Alpha Place, Ereeway Park, Boksburg. Final order: 04/02/2003, Witwatersrand Local. 29/05/2003, 11:30, Magistrate, Boksburg. .-

N124/03—Insolvent estate: Lumbertrade CC (CK1987/018796/23) (in liquidation). 25/09/2003—25/09/2003, Magistrate, Pinetown. 05/06/2003, 10:00, Magistrate’s Court, Pinetown.

003801644 CO . 24846—4

98 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 |

T709/03—Amanda Richards & Alfred Philip Richards, 6610180155087 & 6404265077089, Kingdonstraat No. 68,

Krugersdorp. Finale bevel: 25/03/2003, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 30/05/03, 09h30, Landdros, Krugersdorp.

7997/03—Landman Francois Eloff, 730226503082, Gedeelte 47, De Kroon, Brits. 1 Apri 2003—1 April 2008,

Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 26/5/2003, 10h00, Landdros, Brits.

14897/02—Hans Jurgens Oberholzer & Cornelia Susanna Oberholzer, 54041; 25126082 & 5410160129082,

Ramsbottonstraat 5, Vanderbijlpark. Ex parte: 03/12/2002, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 29/05/03, 09: 30, Landdros, Vanderbijlpark.

7T3896/02—Jacobus Johannes Pienaar, 5611165023002, Breedestraat 389, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria. Finale bevel:

26 November 2002, Transvaaise Provinsiale Afdeling. 29/5/03, 10:00, Meester, Pretoria.

T1040/2003—Paulo George Oliveira, 65060225224080, 77 Albert Street, Turffontein, 2190. 3 September 2002—

26 November 2002, Witwatersrand Local Division. 29 May 2003, 09:00 am, Johannesburg.

7T4190/01-—Schalk Cilliers van Wyk, 7104105069085, Plot 1, Garathdale Street, Kiiprvier, Alberton. Final order:

11/9/2001, Witwatersrand Local. 28/5/2003, 09:00, Magistrate, Alberton.

T5350/02—Vote for Africa (Pty) Ltd (1971/010598/07), 26 Wellington Road, Parktown, (Gauteng Provisional order:

10/12/02, Transvaal. 29/05/03, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria.

T410/03—Bongani Nkululeko Maluleka, 7614105644083, 10 Teuhnissen Str, Dawn Park Boksburg. Finale bevel:

04/03/03, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 30/05/03, 11:30, Magistrate, Boksburg.

T1220/03—Source Commodities (Edms) Bpk, Polarislaan 398, Waterkloofrif, Pretoria. Finale bevel: 08/04/03,

Transvaaise Provinsiale. 29/05/03, 10:00, Meester, Pretoria.

73770/2002—Johan Sypkens, 7008075069084, Davidlaan 12, Kempton Park, 1620. Finale bevel: 17 September 2002,

Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 28 Mei 2003, 09:00 am, Kempton Park.

75139/02—Joseph Anthony Nathrass & Natasha Nathrass, 7511185006086 & 7207010046080, Van Wykstraat 25A.

Finale bevel: 25 February 2003, Transvaal Provincial Division. 6 June 2003, 09:30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp.

T819/03—Nomuso Sarah Zimo, 7409150990089, Salvakop Woonstel Nr. 703; Van der Waltstraat 577. 04/03/2003—

01/04/2003, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 28/05/2003, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria.

T5969/02—Antonie Johannes & Dina Johanna Susanna Troskie, 6007315083088 & 6110090036089, Josef

Bosmanstraat No. 558, Silverton, Pretoria. Finale bevel: 4/12/2001, Transvaalse Provinsiale Atdeling. 28/05/2003, 10h00,

Meester, Pretoria.

7T2349/02—Advance Global Marketing (Pty) Ltd (1991/00362/07), 8A Production Road, Amalgam, Johannesburg.

22/5/02—6/8/02, Witwatersrand Local. 27/05/2003, 09h00, the Magistrate, Johannesburg.

7949/02—Urenro Properties (Pty) Ltd, 1st Floor, 1 West Wing, Block A, Saidhoven Office, Park 712, Pongola Crescent,

Eastgate Ex 7, Sandton. Final order: 19/02/02, Witwatersrand Local Division. 4 June 2003, 09h60, Magistrate, Randburg.

7T2048/02—Kekana Sefako Edwin, 7105125369082, Elandsdoorn C, Dorpsgedeelte Dennitton, 1030. Finale bevel:

28-5-2002, Transvaal Provincial Division. 28/5/03, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

7T448/03—Buletwa Nandi, 6905290719081, 203 Sackville Court North, 135 Vlok Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria. Final order:

04-03-2003, Transvaal Provincial Division. 28-05-2003, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria.

74027/02—Stephanus Johannes van Eeden, 5904025103084, George Anton Str 233, Sinoville, Pretoria. 4/9/02—

29/10/02, Transvaal Provinsiale. 29/5/03, 9:00.

T467/03—Michiel Stephanus Christiaan Botha, 6109275105008, Kielblock Straat 59, La Hoff, Klerksdorp. Finale bevel:

4-3-2003, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 28-5-2003, 10:00 (Woensdag), Landdros, Klerksdorp.

7677/03—Johan Jaco Streicher & Renier Wilhelmina Streicher, 6511225038082 & 6509060112087, die plaas

Viakfontein, Leandra, Mpumalanga. Finale bevel: 8 April 2003, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 9:30, Evander. ,

15457/02—Sovereign Leisure Ranch (Pty) Ltd, 1994/000234/07, c/o Hanny & Tuine Streets, Pretoria Gardens, Pretoria.

Final order: 10/12/2002, Registrar of Companies and of Close Corporations. 28-5-03, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

74957/02—Marthinus Johannes Grobler, 4603305011089, imberbe, Waterpoort, Louis Trichardt. 3-11-02—26-11-2002,

Transvaalse Provinsiale. 30-5-03, 9:00 (Vrydag), Landdros, Louis Trichardt.

74437/02—Systec (Pty) Ltd, 99/26650/07, 36 Jorissen Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg 08-10-02—19-11-02,

Witwatersrand Local Division. 29/5/03, 9:00, Magistrate, Johannesburg.

76237/02—Adam Ezra Wolfson, 6601085084084, Villa Alpha No. 4, Kanniedoodstraat, Weltevredenpark, Roodepoort.

15/10/02—-12-11-02, Witwatersrand Local Division. 28/5/03, 09h00, Landdros, Roodepoort. |

T4547/02—Grobler de Witt Petroleum (Proprietary) Limited, 99/08773/07, 4th Floor, Sterland Plaza, 497 Pretorius

Street, Arcadia, Pretoria. Final order: 13/08/02, Transvaal Provincial Division. 28-05-03, 10h00, Meesterskantoor, Pretoria.

T5137/02—Sureel Maharaj, 7701248172081, No. 13 The Fields, Silver Fields, Krugersdorp. Finale bevel:

25 Februarie 2003, Die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Transvaalse Provinsiale Atdeling). 30/05/03, 9:30, Landdros,


T1057/03—South African Fire Protection Services (Pty) Limited, CK83-00483-07, 56 Ronald Avenue, Linbro Park. Final

order: 26-03-2003, Witwatersrand Local. 28-5-2003, 9:00 (Wednesday), Magistrate, Randburg.

1926/03—Investor Relations (Pty) Ltd, Kukard Building, Suite 10, Cnr Jan Smuts & Jan Hofmeyer Streets, Florida Park,

Roodepoort. Final order: 11 March 2003, Witwatersrand Local Division. 28 May 2003, 9:00, Magistrate Roodepoort:

7516/03—Limfrie Joiners and Builders (Klerksdorp) (Pty) Ltd, t/a Limfrie Timbercity, 1961/002094/07, 18 Fabriek

Street, Klerksdorp, Industrial Area. 11 February 2003—11 March 2003, Transvaal Provincial Division. 28 May 2003, 10:00,

Magistrate, Klerksdorp. |


STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003_—C - No. 24846 99

*7656/03—Frans Hendrik Hermanus Petrus Schutte, 6609075176083, 6 May Sireet, Risivill, Vereeniging. -Ex Parte— 25 March 2003, Transvaal Provincial Division. 30 May 2003, 10:00, Magistrate Vereeniging.

T946/03—Moneyline 385 (Pty) Ltd, 98/000464/07, Suite A, Rietbok Building, Generaal Hertzog Street, Vanderbijlpark. Final order: 3 December 2002, Transvaal Provincial Division. 29 May 2003, 9:30, Magistrate Vanderbijlpark.

‘T1016/03—The Cyberian Toxic Ratmans Media Factory (Pty) Ltd, 00/012812/07, 57 West Road South, Morningside, Sandton. Final order: 24 March 2003, Special Resolution. 28 May 2003, 9:00, Magistrate, Randburg. |

7426/03—Prevesh Haripersadh Oodit & Vijay Oodit, 5611055190085 & 5809070276083, 35C The Avenue, Orchards, Norwood, Johannesburg. Ex parte—4 March 2003, Transvaal Provincial Division. 27 May 2003, 9:00, Magistrate Johannesburg.

T1646/02—Jan Adriaan Opperman, 6704265012089, 3 Indaba Flat, Naboom Street, Louis Trichardt. Ex parte— 7 May 2002, Transvaal Provincial Division. 30 May 2003, 9:00, Magistrate Louis Trichardt.

7326/03—Vanessa Michelle Erasmus, 7802190157083, Michael Brinkstraat 8, Mindalore, Krugersdorp. Ex parte—Final order: 25 February 2003, Transvaal Provincial Division. 30.May 2003, 9:30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp.

T534/03—Jan Albert van Niekerk Joubert, 5102275083086, B22 Pinedale Woonstelle, Pinelaan, Bronberrick, Centurion. Finale bevel: 11 Maart 2003, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 27/05/03, 10:00, Master’s Office (Pretoria).

_ T5174/02—Johannes Marthinus Gerhardus van Biljon & Lorna Margaret van Biljon, 7001195012084 -& 7305130007087, Jurgenstraat 30, Sonlandpark, Vereeniging. Finale bevel: 25. Februarie 2003, Transvaal Provincial Division. 30/5/03, 10h00, Magistrate, Vereeniging.

15474/02—Oosthuizen Cornelius Coenraadt and Denise, 7504055063089, 43 President Krugerstraat, Middelburg. Ex parte—25 Februarie 2003, Transvaal Provincial. 27/5/03, 9:00, Masters Office, Pretoria.

T4074/02—Mann Anthony Ashley, 3904020509080, 94 Honingklip, Apricot Hill Farm, Kromdraai, Krugersdorp: 3 September 2002—1 October 2002, Witwatersrand-Local Division. 30/5/03, -9h30, Krugersdorp Magistrate Office.

14774/02—Eugene Andriaan Jacobus, |D 7908115033083 and Anna Sophia van der Merwe, ID 7808040045089, Gholpark, Meyerton. Ex parte—26 November 2002, Transvaal Provincial. 30/5/03, 9h00, Magistrate, Meyerton.

-T3573/02—Ernest Daniel Paine and Ester Adele Paine, 680617511 2089 and 6910250017088, Kitzinger Ave 66, Brakpan, Gauteng. 30/05/2003, 9:00, Brakpan Magistrates Court.

T864/03—Arno Pienaar, 6505015015086, Plot 298, Kameeldrift, Pretoria. Finale bevel: 8 April 2003, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 10:00, Pretoria-Noord.

1763/03—\zak Johannes Badenhorst, 4907105015086, 10 Dal. Fouche Gardens, Dennewes, Dal Fouche, sprigs. 4 February 2003—11 March 2003, Witwatersrand Local Division. 30 May 2008, 10:00.

. T63/03—Johan Frederick & Helvettia Gesina Holder, 3912035018004 & 4006300044081, Plot No. 1, Plaas Inderminne, distrik Pretoria-Noord.. Ex parte—25 February 2003, ‘Transvaal Provincial Division. 29 May 2003, 9:00, Pretoria-Noord Magistrate’s Court.

74771/02—-Petrus Dawid Properties (Pty) Limited (in liquidation), 249 Nestpark, Bapsfontein. Final order: 29/1 0/2002, Witwatersrand Local. 28/05/03, 9h00, Kempton Park.

C219/2003—Hoosains Plumbing: and Drainage Contractors CC (in liquidation). -20/03/03—1 5/04/03, the High Court of South Africa (Cape | of Good Hope Provincial Division). 05/06/03, 09:00 am, the Magistrate Court, Wynberg.

T1166/03—C.M. Welding BK, Registrasie Nr. cK/1 999/060348/23. Finale bevel: 03- 04- 2003, Landdroshof vir die distrik Boksburg. 05-06-2003, 11h30, Landdros, Boksburg.

T188/03—Jastoet Holsteins (Pty) Ltd, 1998/010743/07, 1" “Anderson Straat, Bethal. 20. 01 -2003—11/02/2003, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. Vrydag, 30 Mei 2003, 09:00, Landdros, Bethal.

1721/2003—Simunye | Sandblasting and Maintenance Contractors BK (in- fikwidasie), “Registrasie Nommer: CK1996/025831/23.. 11/11/02—11/11/02, Registrateur van | Beslote Korporasies—Registrasie van CK 6—Spesiale Besluit. 18 Junie 2003, 10h00, Landdros, Benoni.

T1183/03—Willfrik Motors BK (in likwidasie), Registrasionommer: CK98/38663/23. 2o/03/2003-—-20/32008, Transvaal Provinsiale Atdeling: 26 Junie 2003, 10: 00, Meester, Pretoria. : ‘

Form J 29—Close Corporations


The Close Corporations mentioned below having been placed i in liquidation by order of the High Court of South Africa or the. Magistrate’ s, Court having jurisdiction, and pursuant to section .78 of the Close Corporations | Act, No. 69 of 1984, read together with section. 40 (1).of the Insolvency. Act of 1936 and. sections 412 and 356 of the Companies. Act of 1973, notice is hereby given that the First Meeting of Creditors and Members of the under- mentioned Close. Corporations. will be held on the dates and at the time and places mentioned below, for.the

following purposes:

0 100 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 |

(i) The consideration of the statement of affairs of the Corporation lodged with the Master of the High

Court; De | |

(ii) the proof of claims against the Close Corporation;

(iii) determination by creditors of the necessity of the appointment of a co-liquidator and, if so, the

nomination of a person for appointment; .

(iv) receiving or obtaining directions or authorisation in respect of any matter regarding the liquidation.

The particulars are given in the following order: Number of Close Corporation; name: and description of Close

Corporation; name and address of liquidator; date, hour and place of meeting and period within which debts must

be paid, if this is not done forthwith. | oo

| '

Vorm J 29—Beslote Korporasies



Nademaal die Beslote Korporasies hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika of die

Landdroshof wat bevoegdheid het, in likwidasie geplaas is, en ingevolge artikel 78 ivan die Wet op Beslote

. Korporasies, No. 69 van 1984, saamgelees met artikel 40 (1) van die Insolvensiewet van 1936, en artikels 412:en

356 van die Maatskappywet van 1973, word kennis hierby gegee dat die Eerste Byeenkoms van Skuldeisers en

lede van die ondervermelde Beslote Korporasies gehou sal word op die datums, ure en-plekke hieronder vermeld

vir die volgende doeleindes:

(i) Die uiteensetting aangaande toestand van sake van die Korporasie wat by die Meester van die

Hooggeregshof ingedien is te oorweeg; .

(ii) eise teen die Beslote Korporasie te bewys; |

(ili) te besluit of ’n mede-likwidateur aangestel moet word en indien wel iemand te nomineer vir


(iv) opdragte of magtiging ten opsigte van enige aangeleentheid betreffende die likwidasie te ontvang

of te verkry. ;

Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van Beslote Korporasie; naam en beskrywing van

Beslote Korporasie; naam en adres van likwidateur; datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en tydperk waarin skuld

betaal moet word, indien dit nie onmiddellik geskied nie.

C159/2003—Sixbar Trading 26 CC, in liquidation; C P van Zyl, c/o Progressive Administration, P.O. Box 4134, Cape Town,

8000. 30 May 2003, 11h00, Magistrate, Bellville. .

7T4523/02—No Sweat Sport CC, c/o Peter Charles Bothomley for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg,

2000. 08/10/2002—1 7/12/2002. 27/05/2003, 9h00, Johannesburg.

'T1085/03—Power Structures CC, in liquidation; FG Gay (Liquidator) c/o CA Trust (Pty) Ltd,'61 4th Avenue, Melville, 2092,

Tel (011) 726 7002/5. Special resolution—25 March 2003. 30 May 2003, 10:00, Magistrate, Vereeniging.

T1082/03—Cement-Ref CC, in liquidation; FG Gay (Liquidator), c/o CA Trust (Pty) Ltd, 61 4th Avenue, Melville, 2092, Tel ~

(011) 726 7002/5. Special resolution—25 March 2003. 30 May 2003, 10:00, Magistrate, Vereeniging.

C183/2003—Multi Mechanical Engineering CC, in liquidation; R Engelbrecht, c/o Progressive Administration, P.O. Box -

4134, Cape Town, 8000. 30 May 2003, 11h00, Magistrate, Bellville. | -

C715/2002—De Zaak CC t/a Waka Mundo (in liquidation); M H Ricciardi, c/o Cape Trustees (Pty) Ltd, Bellfour Office Park

Block A, Unit 2, cnr. Rogers & Edmar Streets, Tyger Valley, 7530. 30 May 2003, 9.00 am, Master of the High Court, Cape Town.

7004/01—Ekabricks CC; PC Koen & A Labuschagne, Equinox Trustees BK, Posbus 308, Menlyn, 0063. 06/06/2003,

10h00, Master, Pretoria.

C237/03—Billelec CC, CK1998/13878/23. 04/04/03—02/05/03, Magistrate’s Court, Knysna. 13/06/03, 09h00, Magistrate’s

Court, Knysna. |

74932/02—Café Novo CC, 65 North Road, Linden Extension, Randburg. 6 August 2002—17 September 2002,

Witwatersrand Local Division. 11 June 2003, 9am, Randburg Magistrates Court.

15496/02—Jager Computing CC t/a Microhard Computing, in liquidation; A W Freeman, TBT Trust (Pty) Limited, P O

Box 1729, Randburg, 2125 and Harry Kaplan, First City Administrators, P O Box 744, Highlands North 2037. 10 June 2003,

09:00, Johannesburg.

1312/03—Special Clearance Trading CC faV&A Enterprises, in liquidation; A W Freeman, TBT Trust (Pty) Limited,

2nd Floor, NBS Building, 310 Oak Avenue, Randburg, 2194. 11 June 2003, 09:00, Randburg. j


STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 . No. 24846 . 101

-- T1075/2003—Raeesa’s Trading CC; EM Motala, SBT Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 3119, Parklands. 18 March 2003, Witwatersrand Local Division. 05 June 2003, 9:00 am, Johannesburg.

13720/02—RPC Painting Projects CC, in liquidation, CK1992/001593/23, registered address: 43 Main Road, Eastleigh, Edenvale; C F de Wet, Kaap-Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd, Doornfontein, 2094. 14 August 2002, Witwatersrand Local Division. 11- 06-2003, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park.

C22/2003—Turtle Trading CC, Registration No. CK97/68297/23; Mr Gary Donovan Wallace & Mr Eugene Bryan Wallace, c/o Wallace Trustees & Administrators (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 4726, Tygervalley, 7536. 03-06-2003, 09:00 am, Master’s Office, Cape Town. - .

N306/02—Ulundi Building Agencies CC, CK1997/1 8878/23, in liquidation; P J Schoerie, c/o Schoerie & Knoop, 181A Burger Sireet, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 9th June 2003, 9h00, Magistrate, Vryheid.

- T2027/02—RLS Engineering CC, in liquidation; M Bryden, Unity Trust CC, 3 Abor Place, Northcliff Ext 12. 30/05/03, Friday, 10:00, Magistrate, Springs.

T4161/02—Sam Dam’s Business Centre BK, CK87/06419/23, in likwidasie; E Wagner, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 12/09/02. 12/06/03, 09:00, Landdros, Johannesburg.

. 1786/03—C and D Plant Hire BK, in likwidasie; Pieter Joubert Kilian, Kruger and Van Rensburg (Edms) Bpk, h/a Bureau Trust, Posbus. 2232, Pretoria, 0001. Finale bevel (CK6) - 5 Maart 2003. 6 Junie 2003, 10:00, Landdroshof, Vereeniging.

T5344/02—Partition Designs BK, CK1997/009662/23, in likwidasie; CAS Maartens Sentrum 15, Wavelstraat, Vereeniging. 02/12/02—02/12/02, Spesiale besluit geregistreer by die Registrateur van Beslote Korporasies. 6 Junie 2003, 10:00, Landdros, Vereeniging.

1776/03—APC Administration CC, in liquidation; LT Cordero of Taxfin Trust CC, P O Box 1941, Southdale, 2135. Special - resolution registered on: 04 June 2002. 11 June 2003,.09h00, Magistrate Court, Roodepoort.

1935/03—Security Without Any Trauma CC, in liquidation; LT Cordero of Taxfin Trust CC, P O Box 1941, Southdale, 2135 and MM Masilo of Lefatshe Trust CC. Special resolution registered on: 26 February 2003. 05 June 2003, 09h00, Magistrate Court, Johannesburg. ,

14686/01—Northern Province Foods CC, 2002/00744/23, in liquidation, 239 Pretorius Street, Southern Life Bldg, - Pretoria, 0001; L.M Malatsi — Teffo Boitshepo Trustees, P O Box 1 2272, Vorna Valley, 1686. Final order: Friday 6th June 2003, O9h00, Magistrate, Pietersburg.

T951/03—-R & R Brake & Clutch CC; JA Fisher, Van Rooyen-Fisher Trustees, P O Box 2230, Brooklyn Square, 0075. 09-06-03, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

1T4840/02—Compumedix CC; JA Fisher, Van Rooyen-Fisher Trustees, P O Box 2230, Brooklyn Square, 0075. 05-06-03, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. . —

T5328/02—2 Con Construction CC; JA Fisher, Van Rooyen-Fisher Trustees, P O Box 2230, Brooklyn Square, 0075. 06-06-03, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp. ©

T783/03—JA Hydraulics & Engineering CC; AW van Rooyen, Van Rooyen-Fisher Trustees, P O Box 2230, Brooklyn Square, 0075. 04-06-03, 09h00, Magistrate, Middelburg. Oe

' 134/03—Counterpoint Trading 272 BK, CK1987/015174/23, in likwidasie, Plot 67, Tierpoort Pretoria; Johannes Zacharias Human Miller, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk., Posbus 2101 Pretoria, 0001. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria op Dinsdag, 3 Junie 2003 om 10:00. . a a

1585/03—Regents Park Liquor Store BK, in likwidasie; Elsje Barnard, Randpark Trustees, Posbus 3667, Honeydew, 2040. 11 Junie 2003 om 09:00 die Landdros, Randburg. , 7

11168/03—N N Sanitary Materials BK—in liquidation; P B van Rooyen & HJ Quinn; Xirimele Trustees BK, P O Box 12535, | The Tramshed, 0126. 30 May 2003, 10:00, Magistrate, Springs. , SO _

15310/29—M W D Systems BK—in liquidation; P B van Rooyen & HJ Quinn, Xirimele Trustees BK, PO Box 12535, The Tramshed, 0126. 29 May 2003, 10:00, Master, Pretoria. - - - , -

T619/2003—D E D Distributors CC; E. M. Venter, P.O. Box 3189, Witbeeck, 1729. Special Resolution—20 December ' 2002. 2 June 2003, 09h00, Magistrate, Tzaneen. oO : Co

71202/03—AD Denner International Enterprises CC, Reg. No. 1995/052853/23; in likwidasie. 02/04/2003—Spesiale Besluit. 30/05/2003, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. . uo a

T1365/03-GR 5—Heering Training Consultancy CC (1994/34454/23), in liquidation; Cynthia Harding, Cynthia Harding Trustees (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 65105, Erasmusrand, 0165. 28 May 2003, 09h00, Randburg.

11024/03—JZ Jordaan Bouers BK (in liquidation); Chavonnes Badenhorst St Clair Cooper, Cooper Trust, PO Box 411529, Craig Hall, 2024. 30/05/03, 10h00, Thabazimbi. ,

T910/03—Jetvest 1077 CC (in liquidation); Barend Johannes Jacobus Bezuidenhout, Cooper Trust, PO Box 411529, Craig Hall, 2024. 30/05/03, 10h00, Witbank. oo, a

T1210/03—Eenheid 3 Basden BK (CK98/35591/23); Omni-Vaal Trust, EL Bester, Ingrids Isle No. 2, Eldoraigne X3, Centurion. 29 Mei 2003, 10h00, Meester. ;

T915/03—Voils Eiendomme BK (CK94/28234/23); Omni-Vaal Trust, EL: Bester, Ingrids. Isle No. 2, Eldoraigne X3, Centurion. 30 Mei 2003, 09h00, Landdros, Meyerton. noe ,

T880/03—Wes Transvaal Response Services BK (in likwidasie); Deon Marius, Corporate Liquidators, PO Box 28675, Sunnyside, 0132. Wednesday, 4 June 2003, 10:00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp.

_ 1394/01—Ettienne Hartslief Associates BK (in likwidasie); Deon: Marius, Corporate Liquidators, PO Box 28675, Sunnyside, 0132. Thursday, 5 June 2003, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. ae =

102 No. 24846 . GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

Form/Vorm 1



Pursuant to sections 40 (3), 56 (3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 129, 179 and 182 of the

Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339, 366, 375 (5) (b), 386 (1) (d) and 402 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice

is hereby given that the persons mentioned below have been appointed trustees or liquidators, as the case may

be, and that the persons indebted to the estates or companies are required to pay their debts to them forthwith

unless otherwise indicated. .

Meetings of creditors, members or contributories of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates

and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, for the purpose .

of receiving the trustees’ or liquidators’ reports as to the affairs and conditions of the estates or companies and for

giving the trustees or liquidators directions concerning the sale or recovery of any parts of the estates or assets of

ihe companies or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof. : :

The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of

estate/company; name and address of trustee or liquidator and date, hour and place of meeting and period

within which debt must be paid, if this is not to be done forthwith. ,

Meetings in a place in which there is a Master's office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be

held before the Magistrate. oe



Ingevolge artikels 40 (3), 56 (3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 129, 179 en 182 van die

Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 339, 366, 375 (5) (b), 386 (1) (d) en 402 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word

hierby kennis gegee dat die persone hieronder vermeld as kurators of likwidateurs aangestel is, na gelang van die

geval, en dat persone wat enigiets aan die boedels of maatskappye verskuldig is die skulde, tensy anders vermeld,

onmiddellik by genoemde kurators of likwidateurs moet betaal. , oS

Byeenkomste van skuldeisers, lede of kontribuante van genoemde boedels of maatskappye sal gehou word

op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye,

vir die ontvangs van die verslae van. die kurators of likwidateurs oor die sake en toestand van die boedels of

maatskappye, en om opdragte aan die kurators of likwidateurs uit te reik betreffende die verkoop of invordering van

gedeeltes van die boedels of bates van die maatskappye of betreffende aangeleenthede rakende die beheer -

daarvan. oo

Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van |

boedel/maatskappy; naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur, en datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en tydperk

waarin skuld betaal moet word, indien dit nie onmiddellik moet geskied nie. .

In’n plek waarin ’n kantoor van 'n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor

die Landdros gehou. -

N48/03—Insolvent estate: Karamjith Ramlochan; K R Vengadesan of Vengadesan & Associates, P.O. Box 48680,

Qualbert, 4078. 3 June 2003, 0900, Magistrate’s Court, Durban. —

C313/2002—Marine Electrical Supplies CC (in liquidation); Tuesday, 3 June 2003, 09h00, Master, Cape Town. Further

proof of claims. . : :

C159/2003—Sixbar Trading 26 CC (in liquidation); C P van Zyl, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape ). (Pty) Ltd, P O Box

4134, Cape Town, 8000. Friday, 27 June 2003, 11h00, Magistrate, Bellville. .

_°. 73389/02—Anjode (Pty) Ltd; PC Koen & MM Masilo, Equinox Trustees BK, Posbus 308, Menlyn, 0063. 06/06/2003,

. 09h30, Landdros, Ermelo. , Ce, ,

T1670/02—Insolvent estate: LV Randall; Elizabeth Margaret Edwards, c/o Lynn & Main Financial, PO Box. 87748,

Houghton, 2041. 23 May 2003, 09h00, Magistrate Court, Pietersburg. a

C732/2002—Insolvent estate: G & D.E. Hendricks; Don Ozinsky & Rynette Pieters, c/o Trident Trust, Box 667, Constantia,

- 7848. 28/5/2003, 9 am, Magistrate, Kuils River. ce os

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 103

C650/2002—Insolvent estate: O.J. Kruger; Don Ozinsky, c/o Trident Trust, Box 667, Constantia, 7848. 28/5/2003, 9 am, Magistrate, Strand.

C949/2002—Global Prepaid Solutions (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); B Raziya & E M Motala, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Friday, 30.May 2003, 11h00, Magistrate, Bellville. .

C817/2002/7A—Maenad Investments (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); C P van Zyl, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P.O Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Friday, 30 May 2003, 09h00, Master, Cape Town.

C862/2002—Vardus (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); B N Shaw, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Thursday, 5. June 2003, 09h00, Magisirate, Wynberg. -

. T939/02—-EB Shelf Investments No. 107 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Peter Charles Bothomley, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O, Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. 29/05/2003, 9h00, Johannesburg. 72171/02—Superweave (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Kenneth Gordon Moses and L.F. Pereira & F. Langford, for Westrust

(Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. 28/05/2003, 9h00, Roodepoort. T3668/02—Foremost Futures (Pty) Lid (in liquidation); Allan. David Pellow, for Wesirust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527,

Johannesburg, 2000. 29/05/2003, 9h00, Johannesburg. ee 13873/02—Insolvente boedel: A D P Breedt; RD du Plessis, p/a Symington & De Kok, Posbus 12012, Brandhof,

Bloemfontein & D M Botha, p/a Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, Pretoria. 4 Junie 2003, 10:00, Landdros, Klerksdorp.

E45/2003—North & Robertson PE (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); D J Klerck, Liquidator, Klerck & Maritz Trustees CC, P O Box 7615, Newton Park, 6055. 28/05/2003, 14h00, Magistrate, Port Elizabeth.

E224/2002—Insolvent estate: Quality Walls Trading Trust; D. J. Klerck Trustee, Klerck & Maritz Trustees CC, P O Box 7615, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6055. Wednesday, 28 May 2003, 14h00, Magistrate, Port Elizabeth. — ,

E51/2003—K C Auto Centre CC, t/a Executive Body Works (in liquidation); D J Klerck, Liquidator; Kierck & Maritz Trustees CC, P O Box 7615, Newton Park, 6055. 28/05/2003, 14h00, Magistrate, Port Elizabeth.

C183/2003—Multi Mechanical Engineering CC (in liquidation); R Engelbrecht, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000, Friday, 6 June 2003, 11h00, Magistrate, Bellville.

C138/03—Atholl Mitchell & Associates CC (in liquidation); B W Smith, c/o Cape Trustees (Pty) Limited, Block A, Unit 2, Bellfour Office Park, cnr Rogers & Edmar Sts, Tyger Valley, 7530. 29 May 2003, 9.00 a.m., Magistrate’s Court, Malmesbury.

C35/2003—DFC Building Contractors CC (in liquidation); J C Gijsbers, c/o Stanhope Trustees, 214 Stanhope Building, 227 Main Road, Claremont, 7735. 29/5/2003, 09h00, Magistrate, Wynberg.

C534/2002—Forest Fair Twenty Five CC (in liquidation); Ms M Roux, c/o Balsillies Inc., 3rd Floor, Wale Street Chambers, 33 Church Street, Cape Town. 27 May 2003, 09h00, Master’s of the High Court, Cape Town. Second meeting of creditors..

14938/01—BB Mpeka; PC Koen, Equinox Trustees BK, Posbus 308, Menlyn, 0063. 04/06/2003, 09h00, Landdros, Kempton Park. . oO

15298/02—Ru Reid; PC Koen, Equinox Trustees BK, Posbus 308, Menlyn, 0063. 04/06/2003, 10h00, Landdros, Benoni. 16004/01—Ekabricks CC; PC Koen & A Labuschagne, Equinox Trustees BK, Posbus 308, Menlyn, 0063. 06/06/2003,

10h00, Master, Pretoria. : os a, C154/03—Strand Racing Club CC (in liquidation); Mr H MM Terblanche, Muller Terblanche Trustees, 5th Floor, Huys

Here XVII, 157 Longmarket Street, Cape Town, 8001. 11 June 2003, 10h00,,Magistrate, Strand. C777/02—Insolvent estate: Waheed Samsodien, ID. No. 6608105161081; H MM Terblanche & L.A van Zyl, c/o Muller

Terblanche Trustees, 5th Floor, Huys Here XVII, 157 Longmarket Street, Cape Town, 8000. 19 June 2003, 09h00, Magistrate, Wynberg.

C61/03—Fixtrade 1758 CC (in liquidation); Mr H M M Terblanche, Muller Terblanche Trustees, 5th Floor, Huys Here XVII, - 157 Longmarket Street, Cape Town, 8001. 24 June 2003, 09h00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town.

C178/03—Fulloutput 1035 CC, t/a Clutch & Brake Supplies Helderberg (in liquidation); Mr HMMTerblanche & Mr P Carolus, c/o Muller Terblanche Trustees, Fifth Floor, Huys Here XVII, 157 Longmarket Street, Cape Town, 8001. 18 June 2003, 10h00, Magistrate, Strand. Se oO

_N9/03—Gizelle Trading CC, in liquidation; G.J. Sherriff, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000. 27 May 2003, 9 am, Durban. N45/03—Quadretti Investments CC, Reg. No. 2000/028357/23, in liquidation; G.J. Sherriff, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000.

27 May 2008, 9 am, Durban. , N555/02—Insolvent estate: Barend Jacobus Nel, Identity No. 4005045023044;.G.J. Sherriff, P.O. Box 1050, Durban,

4000. 29 May 2003, 10 am, Estcourt. N273/01—Concrete Project Holdings CC, 1999/39886/23 (in liquidation); Stuart Monty O’Connell; c/o O’Connell & Co

Attorneys, PO Box 3067, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 5 June 2003, 10:00 hours, to be held before the Magistrate, Pinetown. C675/2002—Insolvent estate: Nurun-Nisa Hamdulay; Sian Stradling & Ismail Shaik Hassan Parker, c/o MBA Trust

insolvency Practitioners (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 5331, Cape Town, 8000. 11-06-2003, 09:00 am, Magistrate’s Court, Goodwood. C27/2003—-Y Shmaryahu Trading CC (in liquidation); Bernard Gutman, c/o. MBA Trust Insolvency Practitioners (Pty) Ltd,

P O Box 5331, Cape Town, 8000. 13-06-2003, 09:00 am, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. : - ~ -1100/03—Baron & Vicar CC (in liquidation); M Bryden, Unity Trust CC, 3 Abor Place, Northcliff Ext 12. Thursday, 29/05/03,

09:00, Magistrate, Johannesburg. General meeting. ee me ¥3000/02—Insolvent estate::L F Haenel; M Bryden, Unity Trust CC, 3 Abor. Place, Northcliff Ext 12. Thursday, 29/05/03,

09:00, Magistrate, Johannesburg. rp a ;

104 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003



12167/02—Compusense (Pty) Limited (in liquidation); M Bryden, Unity Trust CC, 3 Aber Place, Northcliff Ext 12,

Johannesburg. Wednesday, 28/05/03, 09:00, Magistrate, Randburg.

74413/02—Crocodile River Granite (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); GC Gainsford, Liquidator, c/o KPMG Administrators. (Pty)

Ltd, KPMG Crescent, 85 Empire Road, Parktown. 02-06- 2003, 10h00, Magistrate, Brits. oe

7706/02—N & NF Mtulu; S Christensen, Trustee, c/o KPMG Administrators (Pty) Lid, 85 | Empire Avenue, Parktown.

13 June 2003, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

74280/01—JH Thomas; S Christensen, Trustee, clo KPMG Administrators (Pty) Ltd, 85 Empire Avenue, Parktown.

10 June 2003, 09h00, Magistrate, Johannesburg.

74126/02—CJ_ Matthee; GC Gainsford, Trustee, cio KPMG Administrators (Pty) Ltd, 85 Empire Avenue, Parktown.

03-06-2003, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. .

N566/0i—Marina Palms Share Block Ltd (m members voluntary liquidation); D P Kent, c/o Kent Robinson Du Plessis Inc.,

P O Box 1034, Margate, 4275. Date of appointment: 2 May 2003.

74226/02—Stand 41 Wadeville (Pty) Lid; T. Tylcoat (MS), c/o Resolution Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, 446 Main Street,

Belgravia, 2094. 04/07/2003, 09h00, Magistrate, Germiston.

1T3020/02—P.C. Knezovich; T. Tylcoat (MS), c/o Resolution Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, 446 Main Street, Belgravia, 2094.

03-07-2003, 09h00, Magistrate, Johannesburg.

T4932/02—Café Novo CC (in liquidation); G L Warricker, Golden Trust Services, P O Box 9460, Johannesburg, 2000.

11 June 2003, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg.

T4039/02—Insolvent estate: Jorue Manuel de Aleida Mendes; GL Warricker, Golden Trust Services, P O Box 9460,

Johannesburg, 2000. 12 June 2003, 10h00, Magistrate, Pretoria North.

T502/02—Prompt Cuisine (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); SL Anticevich, c/o Admiral Trust, P.O. Box 781145, Sandton, 2146.

- 28/5/08, 09h00, Randburg. °

71024/00—Méllerkon (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Bernardus Gerhardus Smit, Ground Floor, Block 1, 299 Pendoring Road,

Blackheath, Johannesburg. 30 May 2003, 09:00, Nelspruit Landdroshof.

T312/03—Special Clearance Trading CC, t/a V & A Enterprises (in liquidation); A W Freeman, TBT Trust (Pty) Limited,

P O Box 1729, Randburg, 2125. 11 June 2003, 09:00, Randburg.

7T5496/02—Jager Computing CC, t/a Microhard Computing (in liquidation); AW Ereeman, ‘TBT Trust (Pty) Limited,

PO Box 1729, Randburg, 2125, and Harry Kaplan, First City Administrators, PO Box 744, _Highlands North, 2037.

10 June 2003, 09:00, Johannesburg.

T4219/02—Bambuku Trading CC (in liquidation); A W Freeman, TBT Trust (Pty) Limited, P O Box 1729, Randburg, 2125,

and Selwyn Trakman, Highveld Trust & Management Co (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 652550, Benmore, 2010. 11 June 2003, 09:00,

Kempton Park.

T4435/2002—SMM Machinery (Pty) Limited; G.I. Smit, Liquidator, c/o Maurice Schwaltz Venier & Associates (Pty)

Limited, P.O. Box 1474, Johannesburg. 27-5-2003, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Johannesburg.

76586/2000—Insolvent estate: A.K, and M.A.M. Atala; G.I. Smit, Trustee, c/o Maurice Schwartz Venter & Associates (Pty)

Limited, P.O. Box 1474, Johannesburg. 28-5-2003, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Randburg.

T1029/2003—Uniqu Petroleum cc; G.1. Smit, Liquidator, c/o Maurice Schwartz Venter &. Associates (Pty) Limited,

P.O. Box 1474, Johannesburg. 28-5- 2003, ogho0, Magistrate’s Court, Rustenburg.

T1075/2003—Raeesa’s Trading cc, in liquidation; EM Motala, SBT Trust (Pty) Ltd, P 0 Box 3119, Parklands, 2121.

5 June 2003, 09:00 am, Johannesburg. -

C789/02—Michael & Stravroula Lulu Fitzpatrick; J J Steenkamp & B St Clair Cooper, fo KPMG Administrators (Pty)

Ltd, MSC House, 1 Medeterranean Str, Foreshore, Cape Town, 8001. 06-06-2003, 09:00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town.

N306/02—Ulundi Building | Agencies CC (in liquidation) (CK1997/18878/23); P J Schoerie, Schoerie & Knoop CC,

181A Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 9th June 2003, 9h00, Magistrate, Vryheid.

C161/2003—Curinvest Four CC, f/v/a Moley’ 's Discount Liquors (in liquidation); A van Heerden, P O Box 1139, Cape Town,

8000. 05/06/2003, 09h00, Magistrate, Wynberg.

T4999/02—Insolvent estate: C & J F Albasini; ‘CF de Wet, Kaap Vaal Trust, Siomertweg 74, Doornfontein, 2094.

41-06-2003, 09h00, Magistrate, Alberton North.

T4998/02—Insolvent estate: J & R Albasini; C F de Wet, Kaap Vaal Trust, Siemertweg 74, Doornfontein, 2094.

41-06-2003, 09h00, Magistrate, Alberton North.

73720/02—PRC Painting Projects CC (in liquidation); C F de Wet, Kaap Vaal Trust, Siemertweg 74, Doornfontein, 2094.

11-06-2003, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park.

15344/02—Partition Designs BK (in likwidasie); TJH Potgieter en PB Mokwena, p/a Alto Trustees, Posbus 2377, Brooklyn

Square, 0075. 6 Junie 2003, om 10:00, voor die Landdros, Vereeniging.

_ 71388/02—Insolvente boedel: L dordaan; TJH Potgieter, p/a Alto Trustees, Posbus 2377, Brooklyn Square, 0075. 4 Junie

2003, om.09:00, voor die Landdros, Roodepoort. i

7423/02—Terapro Construction & Management Services CC (in liquidation); PG Totre & SE Lehapa, Torre Trustees

(Pty) Ltd, P O Box 36073, Menlo Park, 0102. 04/06/2003 at O9h00, before the Magistrate, Alberton. Second meeting of creditors.

7T805/02—Insolvent estate: DM & SK van Aswegen; PG Torre, Torre Trustees (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 36073, Menlo Park, 0102.

06/06/2003 at 10h00, before the Master of the High Court, Pretoria. Second meeting of. creditors.

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003. .. . ,. No. 24846 105

T6092/01-—Motswedi Business Services (Pty) Ltd (in iquidation); PG Torre, Torre Trustees (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 36073, v Menlo Park, 0102. 04/06/2003 at 10h00, before the Magistrate, Randburg. Second meeting of creditors.

T4286/02—Insolvente boedel: JA & SE Putter; TJH Potgieter, p/a Alto Trustees, Posbus 2377, Brooklyn Square. 0075. 5 Junie 2003, om 10:00, voor die Landdros, Vanderbijlpark.

15303/01—Insolvente boedel: JB & VE Cloete; TJH Poigieter, p/a Alto Trustees, Posbus £ 2377, Brooklyn. Square, 0075. 6 Junie 2003, om 09:00, voor die Landdros, Standerton.

T4616/02—Insolvent estate: Mohammad Adil & Zaeda Uppel, ID Nr: 7212095748081 and 6411100230088; Lex Star Trustees, P O Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001. 20/05/2003, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T4619/02—Insolvente boedel: Jacob Petrus Kruger Wolmarans; Elsie Wagner, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 356, Pretoria. 4 Junie 2003, 10:00, Meester Kantoor, Pretoria. -

T284/03—Van Huyssteen & Kriel (Edms) Bpk (in iikwidasie), Registrasie No: 1998/012983/21, geregistreerde adres: Murraystraat 151, Brooklyn, Pretoria. Datum van likwidasie: 6 November 2001; K J ‘W Swanepoel, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. Donderdag, 5 Junie 2003 om 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. °

7451 5/02—Insolvente boedel: Gerhard Jozua van Niekerk; K Swanepoel, Tutor ‘Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. Donderdag, 5 Junie 2003 om 08:30, Landdros, Groblersdal.

T2646/02—Insolvente boedel: R S Strydom; Elsie Wagner, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 356, Pretoria. 11/06/03, 11:00, Landdros, Heidelberg.

T1004/98—Insolvente boedel: Hannelore Eva Seppa; K Swanepoel, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. Vrydag, 6 Junie 2003 om 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

- T849/02—Insolvente boedel: M G Steckoll; Elsie Wagner, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 356, Pretoria. 11/06/03, 09:00, Lahddros, Randburg.

T4677/02—Insolvente boedel: Coenraad Frederick Stoltz; Elsie Wagner, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 356, Pretoria. 30 Mei 2003, 10: 00, Landdros Kantoor, Springs.

T5076/02—Insolvente boedel: H Rasego; Elsie Wagner, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 356, Pretoria. 10/06/03, 10:00, Méester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

7T4458/02—Insolvente boedel: André Michael Rademeyer, 5506265089087; Elsie Wagner, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 12 Junie 2003, 10:00, Landdros, Pretoria Noord.

T3568/02—Insolvente boedel: C Muller; Elsie Wagner, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 356, Pretoria. 11/06/03, 11:00, Landdros, Heidelberg.

T3237/02—Insolventée boedel: T T Moagi; Elsie Wagner, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 356, Pretoria. 13/06/03, 09:30, Landdros, Krugersdorp.

T3671/02—Market Information and Data Scanning (Eams) Bpk (in likwidasie), Registrasie No: 1997/13351/07, geregistreerde adres: Corporate Equity, 93 Sandton Drive, Sandton. Datum van likwidasie: 14 Mei 2002; K J w Swanepoel, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. Dinsdag, 3 Junie 2003 om 09:00, Landdros,. Johannesburg. .

' 72537/02—Insolvente boedel: Leya Baby & Ngarimela Piet Mahlangu, ID 5808055442082; Anton Strydom & Elsie Wagner, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 20 Junie 2003, oghoo, Landdros, Nebo:

T3939/02—Insolvente boedel: Rudolf Saul Johannes & Annie Johanna’ Ludick, ID 5610245071080 & 5904180041087; Anton Sirydom & Elsie Wagner, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 18 Junie 2003, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria.

~ T4882/02—KSM Pharmaceuticals (Edms) Bpk (in likwidasie); E. Wagner, F Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 356, Pretoria. 12/06/03, 10:00, Landdros, Pretoria-Noord.

T5044/02—Insolvente boedel: Maria Johanna Knoesen; E. Wagner, vir Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. Dinsdag, 3 Junie 2003, 10: 00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

T4522/02—Insolvente boedel; F J Scholtz Trust; Elsie Wagner & P. G. Torre, ‘Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 356, Pretoria. 13/06/03, 09:00, Landdros, Nelspruit.”

74893/02—insolvente boedel: Christina Petronella Klue; E, Wagner, vir Tutor: Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Donderdag, 5 Junie 2003, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

T4295/02—Insolvente boedel: N J J Joubert; K. J. W. Swanepoel, Posbus 26598, ‘Gezina, 0031, Docex 356, Pretoria, 11/06/03, 09:00, Landdros, Roodepoort.

T6855/99—Vaal Vacuum Services (Edms) Bpk, 88/02622/07 (in likwidasie); Elsie Wagner, v vir Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 5 Junie 2003, 10h00, Landdros, Vanderbijlpark.

74161/02—Sam Dam’s Business Centre BK (in likwidasie); E. Wagner, Posbus. 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 356, Pretoria. 12/06/03, 09:00, Landdros, Johannesburg.

T986/02—Insolvente boedel: LI Botha; Elsie Wagner, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 366, Pretoria. 13/06/03, 09:00, Landdros, Brakpan. | v

T4398/02—Insolvente boedel: Julius Edwin & Lorraine Zeelie, 1.D.: 6603285023086; voorheen woonagtig Maroelastraat 19, Middelburg, 1050; Paul Daneel Kruger, Bureau Trust, 4de Vloer, Bureau Forum, Burealaan, Pretoria, 0002. Woensdag, 4 Junie 2003, 10h00, Landdros, Middelburg.

; T5078/02—Insolvente boedel: Johannes Cornelius Shyman, ID. No.: 5712145064004, woonadrés: Bellstr 191, Noordheuwel, Krugersdorp; Maria Petronella Yssel & Maria Jacomina Viljoen, pia. Bureau Trust, 4de Vloer, Bureau Forum, — Bureau Laan, Pretoria, 0002. Vrydag, 30 Mei 2003, 9h30, Landdros, Krugersdorp. ' ,

106 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

T2822/01—Sightfull 181 (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No.: 2000/016198/07 (in likwidasie), geregistreerde adres: Rautenbach &

Van Niekerk, Ecelpark 204, h/v Lynnwood & Rodericksweg, Lynnwood, Pretoria; Paul Daneel Kruger & Theodorus Wilhelm van

den Heever, p/a Bureau Trust, 4de Vioer, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Pretoria, 0002. Maandag, 2 Junie 2003, 10h00, Pretoria.

T786/03—C and D Plant Hire BK, Reg. No.: CK87/015680/23 (in likwidasie), geregistreerde adres: Victorialaan 38,

Vereeniging; Pieter Joubert Kilian, vir Bureau Trust, 4de Vloer, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Pretoria, 0002. 6 Junie 2003,

10:00, Landdroshof, Vereeniging. ,

E3/2003/2—Insolvent estate: Andreas Bottinger; Gary Shrosbree, for Shrosbree Trustees, P.O. Box 34619, Newton Park,

Port Elizabeth, 6055. 28 May 2003, 14h00, Port Elizabeth.

T2448/02—Insolvent estate: C W D Janse van Vuuren; H. Kaplan, for First City Administrator, 204 Corlett Drive, Bramley,

4/06/03, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg.

T2165/02—Robert Martin Vusumuzi and Makgatso Annemarie Molapisi; L. T. Cordero, of Taxfin Trust CC, P.O. Box

1941, Southdale, 2135 and M. Bento of Bentu Inc. 5 June 2003, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court, Johannesburg. 1. Proof of claims.

2. Adoption of resolution. 3. Receiving the Trustees report. Second meeting.

T4881/00—Jacobus Johannes Koen & Chantal Wanda Koen; L. T. Cordero, of Taxtin Trust CC, P.O. Box 1941,

_ Southdale, 2135. 20 June 2003, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court, Springs. 1. Proof of claims. 2. Adoption of resolution. 3. Receiving

the Trustees report. Second meeting.

7935/03—Security Without Any Trauma CC (in liquidation): L. T. Cordero, of Taxfin Trust CC, P.O. Box 1941, Southdale,

2135, and M. M. Masilo of Lefatshe Trust CC. 5 June 2003, 09:00, Magistrate's Court, Johannesburg. 1. Liquidators report.

2. Proof of claims. 3. Adoption of resolutions. Second (General) meeting.

1776/03—APC Administration CC (in liquidation); L. T. Cordero, of Taxfin Trust CC, P.O. Box 1941, Southdale, 2135.

11 June 2003, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court, Roodepoort. 1. Liquidators report 2. Proof of claims. 3. Adoption of resolutions.

Second (General) meeting.

7T4686/01—Northern Province Foods CC (in liquidation); L. M. Malatsi—Teffo Boitshepo Trustees, P.O. Box 12272, Vorna

Valley, 1686. Friday, 6 June 2003, 09h00, Magistrate, Pietersburg.

7783/03—JA Hydraulics & Engineering CC; A. W. van Rooyen, for Van Rooyen- Fisher Trustees, P.O. Box 2230,

Brooklyn Square, 0075. 04-06-03, 09h00, Magistrate, Middelburg.

T4846/02—Polparts (Pty) Ltd; A. W. van Rooyen, for Van Rooyen-Fisher Trustees, P.O. Box 2230, Brooklyn Square,

0075. 06-06-03, 09h30, Magistrate, Ermelo.

T951/03—R & R Brake & Clutch CC; J. A. Fisher, for Van Rooyen-Fisher Trustees, P.O. Box 2230, Brooklyn Square, 0075.

09-06-03, 10h00, Magistrate, Pretoria.

T4840/02—Compumedix CC; J. A. Fisher, for Van Rooyen-Fisher Trustees, P.O. Box 2230, Brooklyn Square, 0075.

05-06-03, 10h00, Magistrate, Pretoria.

75328/02—2 Con Construction CC; J. A. Fisher, for Van Rooyen- -Fisher Trustees, P.O. Box 2230, Brooklyn Square, 0075.

06-06-03, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp.

T4940/01—Lethuthu Simon & Matilda Refilwe Makgoga; A. W. van Rooyen, for Van Rooyen-Fisher Trustees, P.O. Box

2230, Brooklyn Square, 0075. 04-06-03, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg.

T160/03—Meridian Systems (Pty) Ltd; J. A. Fisher, for Van Rooyen- -Fisher Trustees, PO. Box 2230, Brooklyn Square,

0075. 05-06-03, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T5344/01—Timdavric (Pty) Ltd (in likwidasie); Johannes Hendricus du Plessis, c/o Newcor ‘Trustees, Posbus 2585,

- Randburg, 2125. 13 Junie 2003, 09:00, Landdros, Germiston.

T4584/02—Bosmond Konstruksie (Edms) Bpk, Reg. Nr.: 1981/03502/07 (in likwidasie). ‘Gereg. Adres: Eerste Vloer,

Rietbokgebou, Gen! Herizogstraat 5, Vanderbijlpark; J Z H Miller & H Kaplan, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, 870 Park Straat,

Arcadia, Pretoria. Donderdag, 5 Junie 2003, 10:00, Voor die Landdros te Vanderbijlpark.

734/03—Counterpoint Trading 272 BK, Reg. Nr.: CK1987/015174/23 (in likwidasie},: ‘Reg. Adres: Plot 67, Tierpoort,

Pretoria; Johannes Zacharias Human Miller, p/a Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Parkstraat 870, Arcadia, Pretoria. Dinsdag,

3 Junie 2003, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

T3224/02—Deecol Trading (Pty) Ltd (in likwidasie); Elsje Barnard, c/o Randpark Trustees, Posbus 3667, Honeydew,

2040. 13 Junie 2003, 09:00, te die Landdros, Germiston.

7585/03—Regents Park Liquor Store BK (in likwidasie); Elsje Barnard, c/o Randpark Trustees, Posbus 3667, Honeydew,

2040. 11 Junie 2003, 09:00, te die Landdros, Randburg.

T5310/99—M W D Systems BK, in liquidation; P B van Rooyen, Xirimele Trustees co, P O Box 12535, The Tramshed,

1026. 29 May 2008, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

13257/02—Chase Tools (Edms) Bpk, in liquidation; P B van Rooyen & C M Cloete, Xirimele Trustees CC, P O Box 12535,

The Tramshed, 1026. 6 June 2003, 10:00, Magistrate, Springs.

1746/03—Trade Windows No. 22 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation, P B van Rooyen & CM Cloete, Xirimele Trustees CC, P O Box

12535, The Tramshed, 1026. 6 June 2003, 10:00, Magistrate, Springs.

T1132/03—Trade Property Ventures No. 31 CC, in liquidation; W van Rooyen, Xirimele Trustees CC, P O Box 12535, The

Tramshed, 1026. 6 June 2003, 10:00, Magistrate, Springs.

75439/01—Republic Stamp & Coin Accessories BK, in liquidation. P B van Rooyen & CM Cloete, Xirimele Trustees CC,

P O Box 12535, The Tramshed, 1026. 10 June 2003, 09:00, Magistrate, Johannesburg.

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 107

T2782/02—Insolvent estate: Tshuketana: Mahlaba Masungi; C M Cloete, Xirimele Trustees CC, P O Box 12535, The Tramshed, 1026. 29 May 2003, 10:00, Master, Pretoria. a“

..- T1168/03—N N Sanitary Materials BK, in liquidation; P B van Rooyen & H J Quinn, Xirimele Trustees CC, P O Box 12535, The Tramshed, 1026. 30 May 2003, 10:00, Magistrate, Springs. : - a

13705/01—H C Canvas Services (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; M L Mhlongo, Xirimele Trustees CC, P O Box 12535, The Tramshed, 1026. 6 June 2003, 10:00, Master, Pretoria. , aoe

15445/02—Rashtronics Car Sound CC (in liquidation); E.M. Venter, Liquidator, c/o Ventrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 3189, Witbeeck, 1729. 6 June 2003, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Vereeniging.

15061/02—Vicnic Investments CC; E.M. Venter, Liquidator, c/o Ventrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 3189, Witbeeck, 1729. — 3rd June 2003, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Johannesburg. -

T1815/02—Insolvente boedel: R A en G AM Els; J N Bekker & H J S Bekker, p/a Nicolaas Bekker Trustees, Posbus 8550, Pretoria, 0001. Donderdag, 12/06/2003 om 10:00, voor die Landdros van Bronkhorstspruit. ~

T1647/02—insolvente boedel: F J & C A van der Merwe; B Gcabashe, p/a Zuza Equities BK, Privaatsak X3, Northriding, 2162. Woensdag, 04/06/2003 om 10h00, Die Landdros, Middelburg. ,

14430/02—-Cablecom (Pty) Ltd, Reg. Nr. 1971/002346/07 (in likwidasie); TAP du Plessis/A Smit/BD Berman, p/a St Aden’s International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 04/06/2003, 09h00, Die Landdros, Randburg.

T4480/02—Insolvente boedel: Johannes Petrus Joubert (1.D. 6001125082083); Jerry Sekete Koka, p/a St Aden’s (Pty) Ltd, h/a St Aden’s International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 09/06/2003, 10h00, Voorsittende Beampte, Landdros Piet Retief.. ~~ ,

71329/02—Insolvente boedel: George Robert van Dyk & Anna-Maria Elizabeth van Dyk (1.D. 5503235142005 & 5610160164001); Petrus Jacobus Maryn van Staden, p/a St Aden’s (Pty) Ltd, h/a St Aden’s International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 13/06/2003, 09h30, Voorsittende Beampte van die Landdros, Ermelo.

13142/02—Insolvente boedel: Solomon Monyai (Id. 5704125563082) en Cybel Dorothy Monyai (Id. 5808290804088) M Haywood, St Aden’s International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 10/06/2003, 09:00, Die Landdros, Johannesburg.

11202/03—-AD Denner International Enterprises CC, Reg. Nr. 1995/052853/23 (in likwidasie); PJM van Staden, St Aden’s International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 06/06/2003, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

T1370/02—Insolvent estate: Gerda van Eck, Identity No. 6405270061083; Theodor Wilhelm van den Heever, Box 31101, Braamfontein, 2017. 4 June 2003, 10h00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp. a

12360/02—Midfence (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 95/068823/32, in liquidation ; Jayant Daji Pema, Box 31101, Braamfontein, 2017; and TSD Mathebula. 6 June 2003, 09h00, Magistrate, Pietersburg. mo

T493/03—The House of Mandalay CC, Reg. No. 2002/014115/23, in liquidation; Theodor Wilhelm van den Heever, Box 31101, Braamfontein, 2017; and Enver Mohammed Motala, Box 3119, Parklands, 2121. 4 June 2003, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort. uo,

N154/03—Stephanibyx (Pty) Ltd (in voluntary liquidation); Elizabeth Ann Bagley of P O Box 783347, Sandton, 2146. 1910/03—Jetvest 1077 CC (in liquidation); Barend Johannes Jacobus Bezuidenhout, Cooper Trust, PO Box 411529,

Craighall, 2024. 30/05/03, 10h00, Witbank. — , 71024/03—JZ Jordaan Bouers CC (in liquidation); Chavonnes Badenhorst, St Clair Cooper, Cooper Trust, PO Box

411529, Craighall, 2024. 30/05/03, 10h00, Thabazimbi. oo, so B4/2003—Insolvente boedel: Pieter Jacobus du Toit; Mnr CBStC Cooper, p/a Cooper Trust, Posbus 27, Bloemfontein,

9300; Mnr. CF de Wet, p/a Kaap Vaai Trust, Posbus 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. Woensdag, 4 Junie 2003, 10h30, Landdros, Clocolan.

73363/02—MC Jansen van Rensburg; J F Fourie, Pendulum Trustees, Posbus 24886, Gezina, 0031. 30/05/03, 09:30, Landdros, Krugersdorp.

T5145/02—JN du Toit; J F Fourie, Pendulum Trustees, Posbus 24886, Gezina, 0031. 28/05/03, 10:00, Landdros, Potchefstroom. .

T4521/02—Complete Industrial Services (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No: 2000/003265/07 (in likwidasie). Gereg. adres: 11A Selons Rivier Str, Middelburg; James Henry van Rensburg, James van Rensburg & Strydom (Edms) Bpk, Hadefields Kantoorblok, Grondvloer, Blok D, Pretoriusstraat 1267, Hatfield, 0083. Woensdag, 4 Junie 2003.0m 10h00, Die ‘Landdros, Middelburg. : ,

T3793/01—W & L Security Services (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No: 99/21606/07 (in likwidasie). Gereg. adres: Podium 1, Grond Vioer, h/v Atterburystr en Menlynweg, Menlyn; Paul Daneel Kruger, Micahe! Mmathomo Masilo, p/a James van Rensburg & Strydom (Edms) Bpk, Hadefields Kantoorblok, Grondvloer, Blok D, Pretoriusstraat 1267, Hatfield, 0083. Donderdag, 5 Junie 2003 om 10h00, Die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

_ 75227/02—Round-Up Property (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No: 1984/001195/07 (in likwidasie). Gereg. adres: Skilderstraat 446, Silvertondale, Pretoria; James Henry van Rensburg, James van Rensburg & Strydom (Edms) Bpk, Hadefields Kantoorblok, Grondvloer, Blok D, Pretoriusstraat 1267, Hatfield, 0083. Woensdag, 4 Junie 2003 om 10h00, voor die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. . oo

7120/03—JN de Beer, ID 7808275081080; MJD Breytenbach, P.O. Box 1990, Pretoria. 30 May 2003, 10:00 am, Vereeniging. - oe oo . ,

14179/02—Pacific Lithographers (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; A V Hamman Trustees BK, Posbus 11344, Tremloods, .0126.. Op 4-6-2003, 10:00, te Meester, Pretoria, vir die volgende redes: 1. Bewys van eise. 2:-Ontvangs van die Likwidateur se ver- slag. 3. Aanvaarding van besluite. , =


108 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

73074/02—European Chemical Industries (Pty) Ltd; A V Hamman Trustees BK, Posbus 11344, Tremloods; 0126.

Op 27-5-2003, 9:00, te Landdros, Johannesburg, vir die volgende redes: 1. Bewys van eise. 2. Ontvangs van die Likwidateur

se versiag. 3. Aanvaarding van besluite.

T3280/02—I. J. Roodt; A V Hamman Trustees BK, Posbus 11344, Tremloods, 0126. Op 5-6-2003, 10:00, te Meester,

Pretoria, vir die volgende redes: 1. Bewys van eise. 2. Ontvangs van die Likwidateur se verslag. 3. Aanvaarding van besluite.

745/03—Sipack CC (in liquidation); M Bryden, Unity Trust CC, 3 Abor Place, Northcliff Ext 12. Thursday, 29/05/03, 10:00,

Magistrate: Pretoria-North. T317/03—Insolvent estate: § W Esterhuysen; Hans Klopper Trustees (Pty) Lid, 367 Oak Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg.

Wednesday, 4 June 2003 at 9:00, The Magistrate, Randburg. ,

C1114/2001—Giza Projects CC (in liquidation); R Pieters, c/o Hans Klopper Trustees, P O Box 820, Stellenbosch, 7599.

11 June 2003, 09:00, at the Magistrate, Stellenbosch.

C563/2002—Iinsolvente boedel: Nicolaas Johannes Walters; J F Klopper, c/o Hans Klopper Trustees, P O Box 820,

Stellenbosch, 7599. 04 June 2003, 09:00, at the Magistrate, Kuilsriver.

T977/02—Strydom, PJP; JCW Roelofse, Forum Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 3127, Pretoria, 0001. 6/6/2003, 09h00,

Germiston. , ,

75177/01—Engelbrecht, B J; JCW Roelofse, Forum Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 3127, Pretoria, 0001. 2/6/2003, 09h30,

Lydenburg. T1191/03—Ebit Solutions (Pty) Ltd (members voluntary liquidation); Norman Klein, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000.


76360/01—Cyril’s Stores (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Kenneth Gordon Moses, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527,

Johannesburg, 2000. 05/06/2003, 9h00, Johannesburg. !

T4909/02—Insolvent estate: Isidingo Investments Trust; Kenneth Gordon Moses, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527,

Johannesburg, 2000. 06/06/2003, 10h00, Pretoria. ,

72538/01—Aviation Maintenance and Technical Services P/L (in liquidation); Kenneth Gordon Moses and Lot Nijipa

Mahlangu, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. 06/06/2003, 09h00, Germiston.

74909/01—Neeuwfan, Julian Candice; EL Bester & CV van der Waitt, Posbus 7445, Centurion. 30 Mei 2003, 10:00,

Landdroshof, Nelspruit. ;

7T4408/02—Erf 1706, Cavendish Square BK; EL Bester, Posbus 7445, Centurion. 27 Mei 2003, 10:00, Landdroshof,

Johannesburg. !

72631/02—Koize, J & L; EL Bester, Posbus 7445, Centurion. 26 Mei 2003, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof,

Pretoria. T915/03—Voils Eiendomme BK; EL Bester, Posbus 7445, Centurion. 30 Mei 2003, 10:00, Landdroshof, Meyerton.

T1210/03—Eenheid 3 Basden BK; EL Bester, Posbus 7445, Centurion. 29 Mei 2003, 10:00, Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T2573/02—Insolvent estate: Leontios Savvas Christodoulou; M Bryden, Unity Trust CC, 3 Abor Place, Northcliff Ext 12.

Wednesday, 28/05/03, 09:00, Magistrate: Randburg.

N185/02—Insolvent estate: Jozef Markus Fourie; AJL Geyser and KR Knoop, Geyser. Liebetrau Du Toit & Louw Inc.,

380 Loop Street, Pietermaritzburg; Schoerie & Knoop, 181A Burger Str., Pietermaritzburg. Thursday, Sth June 2003, 10h00,

Magistrate’s Court, Port Shepstone, Second meeting. 1. Proof of claims. 2. Acceptance of trustees report and adoption of

resolutions. 3. Enquiry for interrogations. ;

T4016/02—Insolvente boedel: Anthonie Phillippus Erasmus; Deon Marius Botha, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675,

Sunnyside, 0132. Woensdag, 4 Junie 2003, 10:00, Landdros, Klerksdorp. ;

T4154/02—Enkel de Bosch Belange (Edms) Bpk (in likwidasie); Gail Karen Wessels, ‘BUJ Bezuidenhout & J Muthanyi,

Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132. Woensdag, 4 Junie 2003, 9:00, Landdros, Middelburg.

T3486/01—Insolvente boedel: Hester Catharina van Tonder; Deon Marius Botha, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675,

Sunnyside, 0132. Woensdag, 4 Junie 2003, 10:00, Landdros, Ventersdorp.

T991/03—XHRS Beleggings 13 (Edms) Bpk (in likwidasie); Deon Marius Botha, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675,

Sunnyside, 0132. Woensdag, 4 Junie 2003, 10:00, Landdros, Klerksdorp.

7394/01—Ettienne Hartslief and Associates CC (in likwidasie); Deon Marius Botha, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus

28675, Sunnyside, 0132. Woensdag, 5 Junie 2003, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

7T880/03—Wes Transvaal Response Services CC (in likwidasie); Deon ‘Marius Botha, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus

28675, Sunnyside, 0132. Woensdag, 4 Junie 2003, 10:00, Landdros, Klerksdorp. ;

T3327/02—Insolvente boedel: S M Janse van Rensburg; Mnr APJ Els & Me E Wagner, p/a Posbus 276, Pretoria, 0001.

26 Junie 2003, 11:30, Landdros, Boksburg.

T1183/03—Willfrik Motors BK (in likwidasie); A Lohse en AP J Els, p/a Posbus 276, Pretoria, 0001. 26 Junie 2003, 10:00,

Meester, Pretoria. :

1721/03—Simunye Sandblasting and Maintenance Contractors BK (in likwidasie); A Lohse en AP J Els, p/a Posbus

276, Pretoria, 0001. 18 Junie 2003, 10:00, Landdros, Benoni. !

75288/02—Insolvente boedel: Jacobus Phillipus Snyman; Mnr A Lohse en E Wagner, p/a Posbus 276, Pretoria, 0001.

_ 23 Junie 2003, 09h00, Landdros, Lichtenburg.

1T1993/02—Spencer Engineering CC (in liquidation); MM Masilo, C/o Lefatshe Trust, PO Box 14072, The Tramshed,

0126. Friday, 06/06/2003 at 09h30, before the Magistrate of Germiston. ;

B324/2002—Insolvente boedel: Willem Joseph Robinson Brink (ID.Nr: 41040951 26080), getroud buite gemeenskap van

goed, woonagtig te Westraat 19, Hobhouse, Provinsie Vrystaat; HH Carshagen, p/a Symington & De Kok, Posbus 12012,

Brandhoft, Bloemfontein & HJC du Plessis p/a Rosendorff, Reitz Barry, Posbus 41, Bloemfontein. 18 Mei 2003, 10h00, Meester

van die Hooggeregshof, Bloemfontein. , i

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846. 109

‘Form/Vorm 2


Pursuant to sections 41 and 42 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926, ‘and sections 339 and 366 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors will be held in.the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up mentioned below, indicating the number of estate/company; the name and description of .estate/company; the date, hour and place of meeting and the

purposes of meeting. - -

. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master's office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.


Ingevoige artikels 41 en 42 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 339 en 366 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat-’n byeenkoms van skuld- eisers in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie hieronder vermeld, gehou ‘sal word met aanduiding van die nommer van boedel/maatskappy; die naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; die datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en die doel van byeenkoms. /

_ In’n plek waar ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en in ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou.

' C137/2002—John Aloysius Botha & Kathleen Botha. 5 Junie 2003, 08:00, Worcester. Bewys van eise. oo C254/2002—Bredko (Edms.) Bpk., in likwidasie, v/h/a Suidhoek Huis/Home. 28/05/2003, 09h00, Landdros, Bredasdorp.

Bewys van eise.

C821/2002—Plascorp CC, in liquidation. Tuesday, 3 June 2003, 09h00, Master, Cape Town. Further proof of claims. B375/2001—Franri Cupboards BK. (CK2000/20005/23), in likwidasie. 28 Mei 2003, 10:00, Meester van die

Hooggeregshof. Spesiale vergadering: Verdere bewys van eise. E203/2002—Doemania Twelve CC, tla La Leonessa Restaurant, in liquidation. Wednesday, 28 May 2003, 14h00,

Magistrate, Port Elizabeth. Further proof of claims. , B85/2002—VJ. I. de Wet. 28 May 2003, 10h00, Master, Bloemfontein. Prove of claims. K15/2002—Insolvente boedel: Gideon Petrus Johannes Joubert & Shantell Pearl Joubert. 26 Mei 2003,

Landdroskantoor, Vryburg. Bewys van eise. , 74016/0i1—KNA Holdings (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 27/05/2003, 10h00, Pretoria.:Further proof of claims and ‘for the

adoption of the following resolutions: ' Resolved: , 1. That the Joint Liquidators be and are hereby authorised to engage the services of attorneys, accountants, counsel, the

recording agents and/or such persons as may be necessary for the purpose of commencing or continuing the— 1.1. seeking of any legal opinion that may be considered by the Joint Liquidators in their discretion to be ‘necessary; 1.2 institution or defence of any action or other legal proceedings of a civil nature; :

~ 1.3 conducting of enquiries or examinations in terms of the Companies Act, No: 61 of 1973 (‘the Act’) as read with the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936 (“the insolvency Act’) and to examine any persons in connection herewith as the Joint Liquidators may in their sole discretion deem fit;

1.4 all and any legal proceedings that the Joint Liquidators in their discretion believe to be in the interests of the general body of creditors.

2. That the Joint Liquidators be and are hereby duly authorised to agree to any tariff and/or scale of rates to be used in the determination of legal fees of attorneys and/or counsel and to this end are authorised to enter into a written agreement with the attorney/s as provided for in Section 73(2) of the Insolvency Act as read with Section 339 of the Act.

3. That the Joint Liquidators be and are hereby authorised to sequestrate the estate of any person or liquidate any company in order to recover any monies due to the company where they consider it necessary and in the interests of the general body of creditors of the company, costs in relation thereto to be costs of administration. ; ,

4. That should costs be incurred for the use of a recording machine where the Government of the Republic of South Africa does not provide this service without cost, the costs incurred herein and the costs to obtain copies of such Court Records be allowed against the company as costs of administration. ,



i 110 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 |

5, That the Joint Liquidators be and are hereby authorised and empowered to investigate any apparent voidable and/or

undue preference and/or any disposition-of property, and to take any steps which they in their discretion may deem necessary,

including the institution of legal action ad the engagement of attorneys and/or counsel, to have these set aside and to proceed

to the final end or determination of any such legal action or to abandon same at any time as they in their discretion may

consider appropriate and that all the costs incurred in terms hereof be treated as administration costs. : .

6. The actions of the Joint Liquidators to date be and hereby approved of, ratified and confirmed. a

75295/00—KNA Insurance & Investment Brokers (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 29/05/2003, 10h00, Pretoria. Further proof of

claims and for the adoption of the following resolutions: oi Dt

Resolved: - . i o

14. That the Joint Liquidators be and are hereby authorised to engage the services of attorneys, accountants, counsel, the

recording agents and/or such persons as may be necessary for the purpose of commencing or continuing the—

1.1 seeking of any legal opinion that may be considered by the Joint Liquidators in their discretion to be necessary;

1.2 institution or defence of any action or other legal proceedings of a civil nature; :

1.3 conducting of enquiries or examinations in terms of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973 (“the Act”) as read with the

Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936 (“the Insolvency Act’) and to examine any persons in connection herewith as the Joint Liquidators

may in their sole discretion deem fit; oS :

1.4 all and any legal proceedings that the Joint Liquidators in their discretion believe to be in the interests of the general

body of creditors. : oo

2. That the Joint Liquidators be and are hereby duly authorised to agree to any tariff and/or scale of rates to be used in the

determination of legal fees of attorneys and/or counsel and to this end are authorised to enter intoa written agreement with the

attorney/s as provided for in Section 73(2) of the Insolvency Act as read with Section 339 of the Act.

3. That the Joint Liquidators be and are hereby authorised to sequestrate the estate of any person or. liquidate any

company in order to recover any monies due to the company where they consider it necessary and in the interests of the

general body of creditors of the company, costs in relation thereto to be costs of administration. :

4. That should costs be incurred for the use of a recording machine where the Government of the Republic of South Africa

does not provide this service without cost, the costs incurred herein and the costs to obtain copies of such Court Records be

allowed against the company as cosis of administration.

5. That the Joint Liquidators be and are hereby authorised and empowered to investigate any apparent voidable and/or

undue preference and/or any disposition of property, and to take any steps which they in their discretion may deem necessary,

including the institution of legal action ad the engagement of attorneys and/or counsel, to have these set aside and to proceed

to the final end or determination of any such legal action or to abandon same at any time as they in their discretion may

consider appropriate and that all the costs incurred in terms hereof be treated as administration costs.

6. The actions of the Joint Liquidators to date be and hereby approved of, ratified and confirmed.

C328/2002—Yellowstar Trading 1033 (Edms.) Bpk., in likwidasie. 5 Junie 2003, 08:00, Landdros, Worcester. Bewys.van

eise. :

E109/2001—Insolvent joint estate: H. A. & D. E. D. McGowan, fta Makarismos Transport. 30 May 2003, 10h00,

Magistrate’s Court, East London. Special meeting of creditors for proof of late claims. oo! ; ,

N260/0i1—Tetracon Shipping (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 30/05/03, 10:00, Master of the High Court. Further proof of claims.

N157/02—Status Shopfitters (Gauteng) (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 30/05/2003, 10:00, Master of the High Court,

Pietermaritzburg. Further proof of claims.

E1/2002/2—Amwan CC, in liquidation, with registered office at 8 Gray Street, Queenstown, formerly trading at 24 Church

Street, Aliwal North. 28 May 2003, 10:00, Queenstown. Further proof of claims. ,

C343/2002—Pryce Drive Property Holdings (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 30 May 2003, 11h00, Magistrate’s Court, Bellville.

To prove claims. pots . nO

E170/2002—Insolvent estate: Nolene Schoeman, fta Hy-Torque. 28/05/2003, 14h00, Magistrate, Port Elizabeth. Further

proof of claims. 7

77991/99—Montana Park Clinic (Operating Company) (Pty) Limited. 5 June 2003, Master, Pretoria. Proof of claims.

7569/99—Amalgamated Bricks (Pty) Limited. 5 June 2003, 10h00, Magistrate, Potgietersburg. Proof of claims.

C295/2001—D & R Derbyshire Brothers CC (Reg. No. CK90/1 9469/23), in liquidation. 13 June 2003, 09h00: Magistrate,

Knysna. Interrogation of members and/or witnesses.

C459/02—Insolvente boedel: C. J. Oberholzer. 30 Mei 2003, 09h00, George. Spesiale vergadering van skuldeisers..

N680/01—Prestaren CC, t/a Prestige Auto Renovators (Reg. No. CK1993/28152/23), in liquidation. 27 May 2003, 09:00,

Durban. Proving of claims. ' -

. N478/02—Hyper Hatcheries CC (1987/021292/23), in liquidation. 30 May 2003, 10:00, Master of the High Court,

Pietermaritzburg. Proving of claims.: .

C757/2000—Vitex Beleggings 26 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 30-05-2003, 11:00, Magistrate’s Court, Beliville. Proof of claims.

C1233/2001—Millennium Knitters and Dyers (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 05-06-2003, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court, Wynberg.

Proof of claims.

C1007/01—Magari Safaris (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 30-05-2003, 09:00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. Proof of

claims. ; | oo

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 111

C€243/2002—Invent the Future CC, t/a Enoteca & Wine Warehouse, in liquidation. 27-05-2003, 09:00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. Proof of claims.

12392/01—G. L. Willmore. 11-06-2003, 09h00, Magistrate, Middelburg, Mpumalanga. Proving of late claims. 15801/01—Bruinette Griessel Best (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 4 June 2003, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. Further proof of

claims, special meeting.

€318/2002—Emerald Technology (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 05-06-2003, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court, Wynberg. Proof of claims.

£146/2002/2—Umzi Wombona CC, in liquidation. 30 May 2003, 10h00, Magistrate, East London. Proof of claims. €942/2002—Canvass City CC (in liquidation). 27-05-2003, 09:00 am, the Master of the High Court, Cape Town. Proof of

claims. oS 13825/02—Intespec (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 04-06-03, O9h00, Insolvency Magistrate, Randburg. Further proof of


71216/02—Insolvent estate: Grant Terrence McArthur. 05-06-03, 11h30, Insolvency Magistrate, Boksburg. Further proof of claim(s).

N264/02—Life-time Glass Works CC (in liquidation). 30 May 2003, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg. For proof of further claims. .

C93/2003—RJB Airconditioning CC (in liquidation). 3/06/2003, 09h00, Master, Cape Town. Proof of claims. C925/2002—Abavelele Properties CC (in liquidation). 30/05/2003, 11h00, Magistrate, Bellville. Proof of claims. 11110/02—Murdoc’s Motor Cycles CC (in likwidasie). 11-06-2003, 09h00, Landdros, Randburg. Algemene vergadering:

1. Bewys van eise. 2. Vir die hou van ’n ondersoek in terme van Artikel 412 van die Maaiskappywet Nr 61 van 1973, soos gewysig, gelees met Artikel 64 (3) van die Insolvensiewet Nr 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, en Artikel 66(1) van die Wet op Beslote Korporasies Nr 69 van 1984, soos gewysig.

11215/03—Barviv (Edms) Bpk (onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur). 29-05-2003, 09h00, Landdros, Johannesburg. Algemene vergadering: 1. Bewys van eise. 2. Om die verslag van die voorlopige Geregtelike Bestuurder te oorweeg.

T2901/00—Dings Property Developers BK (in likwidasie). 05-06-2003, O09h00, Landdros, Johannesburg. Spesiale vergadering, bewys van eise. ,

T4825/01—Insolvente boedel: S Muller. 05-06-2003, 1130, Landdros, Boksburg. Spesiale vergadering, bewys van eise. T3208/02—Insolvent estate: Christoffel Frans Niemand. 29 May 2003, 9:00 am, Johannesburg. Proof of claims. 15574/99—M J Linde. 30 May 2003, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp. Further proof of claims and adoption of resolutions.



4. That the Trustee be and is hereby authorised to employ auditors to investigate and write up the books-of the company to the date of liquidation and to produce an audited balance sheet as at that date, and to complete any necessary Income Tax and other Government Returns and that all costs so incurred shall be costs in the Insolvent Estate. ,

6. That the Trustee be and is hereby authorised to dispose of any movable assets of the Estate by public auction, private treaty or public tender and that the mode of sale for any one or more of the assets shall be determined by the Trustee and that

all costs incurred in relation thereto be costs of administration. ,

8. That the Trustee be and is hereby authorised and empowered in his discretion to hold an Enquiry into the affairs of the Insolvent and/or any matter relating thereto, should he deem it to be in the best interest of creditors, and to employ Attorneys and/or Counsel and/or Recording Agents, to assist in the said Enquiry, and to summons any person who they should deem necessary to be present at the Enquiry, all costs so incurred to be costs of administration.

12. That the action of the Provisional Trustee/Trustee in utilising the services of a representative for the purpose of tracing assets, compiling an inventory of stock and taking possession of the asseis, be and is hereby confirmed, that his remuneration plus travelling expenses, be paid by the Estate.

19. That the actions of the Trustee in accepting the offer by private treaty, with the consent of the Master of the High Court for the immovable properties Erf No. 281, Lewisham, Gauteng and Erf No. 147, Princess A H Ext 3, be hereby approved, ratified and confirmed.

The Trustee is authorised to sign all relevant documentation thereto, with all costs so incurred ranking as costs of administration payable by the estate.

Conversely, the powers of the Trustee be and are hereby authorised to sell Erf No. 281, Lewisham, Gauteng, and Erf No. 147, Princess A H Ext 3, by public auction..

The Trustee is authorised to sign all relevant documentation thereto, with all costs so incurred ranking as costs of administration payable by the estate.

' 20. That the actions of the Trustee in disposing of the motor vehicle being a 1995 Mercedes Benz C250, Diesel Elegance, A/T by private treaty pursuant to consent obtained from the Master of the High Court be and hereby authorised.

1723/97—Badenhorst Transport (Pty) Ltd. 6 June 2003, 09h00, Magistrate, Germiston. Further proof of claims and resolutions to be adopted. -

112 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003



1. That the Liquidator’s actions in that arrangements were made for banking facilities to meet the necessary administration

expenses be approved and confirmed.

2. That the actions of the Liquidator to date hereof, be and are hereby ratified and confirmed. -

3. That the Liquidator be hereby authorised to engage the services of Attorneys and/or Counsel and/or Shorthand Writers

for the purpose of:

(i) taking any legal action that may be considered necessary in the interest of the Estate;

(ii) instituting or defending any action in respect of any matter affecting the Estate in any Court of Law;

(iii) instituting an Enquiry into the affairs of the Estate and/or any matter relating thereto;

all costs so-incurred to be treated as administration charges of the Estate.

4, That the Liquidator be and is hereby authorised to collect any outstanding debts due to the Company in liquidation, and

for the purpose thereof either to sell or compound any of these debts for such sum and on such terms and conditions as he in

his sole discretion may deem fit, or to abandon any claim which he in his sole discretion may deem appropriate and that all legal

costs so incurred shall be costs of the Estate. ,

5. That the Liquidator be and is hereby authorised to dispose of the movable assets of the company by public auction,

private treaty or public tender and that the mode of sale for any one or more of the assets shall be. determined by the Liquidator

and that all costs incurred in relation thereto be costs of administration. o

7. That should costs be incurred for the use of a recording machine where the Government does not provide this service

without cost, the costs incurred herein and the costs to obtain copies of such Court Records be allowed against the Estate as

costs of administration. ;

8. That the Liquidator be and is hereby authorised and empowered in his discretion to hold an enquiry into the formation,

-and affairs of the company, and/or any matter relating hereto, should he deem it to be in the best interest of creditors, and to

employ Attorneys and/or Counsel and/or Recording Agents, to assist in the said enquiry, and to summons any person who they

should deem necessary to be present at the enquiry, all costs so incurred to be costs of administration. ;

9. That in the event of any assets which are subject to a Mortgage Bond, Pledge or other form of security not realising

sufficient to pay the claim of the secured creditors plus the pro-rata share of the costs of administration in full, then the Liquidator

be and is hereby authorised in his discretion to abandon such assets to the creditor concerned at an agreed valuation, subject

to the payment by such creditor of a pro-rata share of the costs of administration in terms of Section 89 of the Insolvency Act,

as amended.

10. That the Liquidator be and is hereby authorised and empowered, in his discretion to compromise or admit any claim

against the Estate, whether liquidated or unliquidated, as a liquidated claim in terms of Section 78(3) of the Insolvency Act, as

amended, provided that proof thereof had been tendered at a meeting of creditors.

12. That the action of the Liquidator in utilising the services of former officials of the company and/or representatives for the

purpose of tracing assets, compiling an inventory of stock and taking possession of the assets, be and is hereby confirmed, that

his remuneration plus travelling expenses, be paid by the Estate.

13. That the Report, submitted by the Liquidator in terms of Section.402 of the Companies Act No. 61 of 1973, as amended,

is hereby approved and adopted and that the further administration of the affairs of the Estate be left to the discretion of the

Liquidator. , :

14, That the Liquidator has the right to cancel any or all Lease Agreements entered into, and that any action taken by the

Liquidator in the cancellation of any or all Leases before the holding of this Meeting is hereby ratified and confirmed.

15. That the costs incurred by the Liquidator in furnishing the Master of the High Court with the required fidelity guarantee

and/or any renewal thereof at the rate prescribed by the Master of the High Court or at a rate in excess thereof be and is hereby

agreed and ratified by the creditors.

16. That costs incurred by the Liquidator in maintaining, conserving and realising any assets of the estate, be and is hereby

ratified and confirmed and that such costs be costs of administration and/or costs in-terms of Section 89(1) of the Insolvency

Act No. 24 of 1936, as amended, if applicable and payable by the estate or the creditors, as the case may be.

14121/00—Bosteapart Enterprises (Pty) Ltd. 28 May 2003, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. Adoption of resolutions.



3. That the Liquidator be hereby authorised to engage the services of Attorneys and/or Counsel and/or Shorthand Writers

for the purpose of: ,

(i) taking any legal action that may be considered necessary in the interest of.the Estate;

(ii) instituting or defending any action in respect of any matter affecting the Estate in any Court of Law; -

(iii) instituting an Enquiry into the affairs of the Estate and/or any maiter relating thereto;

all costs so incurred to be treated as administration charges of the Estate.

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 113

11. That the Liquidator be and is hereby authorised.and empowered, in his discretion to compromise or admit any claim

against the Estate, whether liquidated or unliquidated, as a liquidated claim in terms of Section 78(3) of the Insolvency Act,

amended, provided that proof thereof had been tendered at a meeting of creditors.

13. That the Report, submitted by the Liquidator i in terms of Section 402 of the Companies Act No. 61 of 1973, as amended,

is hereby approved and adopted and that the further administration of the affairs of the Estate be left to the discretion of the


T75/02—Iinsolvente boedel: Leeuspruit Familie Trust. 3 Junie 2003 om 14:00 voor die Landdros, Fochville. Bewys van

verdere eise.

75887/01—CSS Eclipse (Edms) Bpk. Vrydag, 6 Junie 2003 om 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Bewys

van eise.

T1498/02—E Bilchik & Co (Pty) Ltd.5 May 2003, 09h00, Magistrate, Johannesburg, Further proof of claims.

11428/02—Insolvente boedel: Kurt Heiz & Therona Elizabeth Heiz. 29/05/2003, 09h00, Magistrate, Pretoria North. Proof

of claims..,

T4448/01—Skoubou Boukontrakteurs cc (in liquidation). 28-05- 2003, 09h00, Magistrate, Randfontein. Proof of claims.

__. B184/02—Bourommel (Pty) Ltd. 28/05/03, 09h30, Magistrate, Kroonstad. Postpone meeting for purpose of an enquiry.

General meeting.

T3016/01—Insolvent estate: Gerald Mindel. 5 June 2003, 09h00, Magistrate, Johannesburg. 1. Further proof of claims.

2. *Adoption of Resolution. Special and general meeting.

*9. That the Trustee be and is hereby authorised ‘and empowered in his sole discretion to compromise or admit any claim

against the estate, whether liquidated or unliquidated, as a liquidated claim in terms of Section 78(3) 3) of the Insolvency Act, as

amended, provided that proof thereof has been tendered at a meeting of creditors.

T914/01—Insolvent estate: Liza-Bianca Wolmarans. 11 June 2003,.09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. 1. Further proof of

claims. 2. *Adoption of Resolution. Special and general meeting.

*9. That the Trustee be and is hereby authorised and empowered in his Sole discretion to compromise or admit any claim

against the estate, whether liquidated or unliquidated, as a liquidated claim in terms of Section 78(3) of the Insolvency Act, as

amended, provided that proof thereof has been tendered at a meeting of creditors.

- 15711/0i—Insolvente_ boedel: J J & L P Lowings. 27 Mei 2003 om 09:00 te die Landdros, » Johannesburg. 1. Bewys van


T661/01—Insolvente boedel: A en ES Myburgh. Vrydag, 06/06/2003 om: 09: 30 v voor die Landdros van Evander. Bewys

van eis.

T1970/02—Insolvente boedel: Theo Karl Klingenberg, ID: 4911135034084. 28-05- 2003, 10:00, die Landdros, Benoni.

Verdere bewys vaneise.

T4658/01—Price Right Investments (Edms) Bpk (in likwidasie). 4 Junie 2003, 10:00, voorsittende beampte, Meester van ,

die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. 1. Bewys van eise.

- 74861/02—Anjati Mining Services BK (in likwidasie). Woensdag, 4 Junie 2008, 09:00, voorsittende beampte, Landdros:

Middelburg. 1. Bewys van eise.

, T2431/02—Remalia (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 1999/23281/07, in liquidation. 6 June 2003, 09h00, Magistrate, Witbank. 1. Proof

of claims. 2. To be adjourned for an enquiry. 3. The adoption of the following resolution: That the Liquidator is hereby instructed

to investigate the whereabouts of the assets utilized by the company and or entities which the company. represented.

T624/00/4A—Voermeester (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No. 83/04250/07, in liquidation. 6 June 2003, 9h00, Magistrate, Standerton.

Proving of claims.

T4376/02—H J C Siviele Konstruksie (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No. 90/00021/07,,. in | liquidation. 3, June 2003, 10h00, Master,

Pretoria. 1. Proving of claims.

£29/2003—Ashkar Investments CC, formerly trading as Pricemart, in-liquidation. 19 May 2003, 41h00 am, Magistrate’s

‘Court, East London. Special meeting of creditors for purpose of interrogation.

T3736/02—insolvent estate: Thora Johanna Barnard, Ideniity No. 5309170090088 and Alwyn Barnard, Identity No.

' 4805215145002. 6 June 2003, 10h00, Magistrate, Springs. 1. Proving of claims. 2. Adjourn for Enquiry. 3. Adoption of tte

- following Resolutions: That The Trustree be and is hereby authorised to engage the services of attorneys, accountants and/or

counsel and/or recording agents as they may deem necessary for the purpose of:

(a) Taking any legal.opinion that may be considered necessary in the interests of the estate;

(b) instituting or defending on behalf of the company any action or other legal proceedings of a civil nature;

(c) conduct enquiries or examinations in terms of the Companies Act No. 61 of 1973, as amended or as read in conjunction

with the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936, as amended; as the Trustee in his sole and absolute discretion may deem fit and that

the Trustee be duly authorised to agree any tariff and/or scale of rates to be used in determination of.legal fees or other fees

and in their sole discretion to agree the quantum of such fees which legal fees shall be on an attorney and own.client basis. All

costs so incurred to be costs in sequestration: In so far as the Trustee has employed any of the above, these actions are hereby

approved, authorised and ratified.

T1652/02—Insolvente boedel: P JR Stofberg. Donderdag, 05/06/2003 om 08: 30 voor die Landdros van Groblersdal. Sien

’ Aanhangsel.

114 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003




1. Aanvaarding van die aangehegte besluite nommers 1 tot 18, soos voorgelé op die Tweede Vergadering van Skuldeisers.

2. Bewys van eise.

3. Ondervraging..


1. Dat die verslag van die Kurator/Likwidateur goedgekeur, geratifiseer en aanvaar word en die handeling van die Voorlopige Kurator/Likwidateur en Kurator/Likwidateur hiermee goedgekeur, geratifiseer en bekragtig word.

2. Dat die handelinge van die Kurator/Likwidateur met die ingebruikneming van 'n verteenwoordiger om voorraadlyste te maak en bates in besit te neem bekragtig word en dat sy fooie uit die Boedel betaal word. :

3. Dat die Kurator/Likwidateur gemagtig word om Boekhouers en/of Ouditeure aan te stel vir die doel om die sake van die Insolvent te ondersoek en Inkomstebelasting-vorms en ander inligtings-vorms wat deur die Owerheid verlang word te voltooi en dat die koste uit die Boedel betaal word.

4. Dat die Kurator/Likwidateur hiermee gemagtig word om in sy diskresie Prokureurs en/of Advokate aan te stel vir die doe! om enige Ondervraging te doen en dat die koste uit die Boedel betaalbaar sal wees. Geen taksasie van die koste sal nodig wees nie, maar ’n fooi goedgekeur deur die Kurator/Likwidateur sal betaalbaar wees.

Dat die Kurator/Likwidateur gemagtig word om Prokureurs en/of Advokate aan te stel om die Boedel te verteenwoordig en enige aksie of geding deur die Boedel ingestel.of enige aksie of geding te verdedig en dat die koste uit die Boedel betaal word.

5. Dat die Kurator/Likwidateur gemagtig word om in sy diskresie regsadvies | in te win en dat die koste uit die Boedel betaal word.

6. Dat die Kurator/Likwidateur gemagtig word om enige aksie, geding of eis teen of ten gunste van die Boedel in sy diskresie te skik sonder om goedkeuring van skuldeisers te verkry.

7. Dat die Kurator/Likwidateur gemagtig word om enige regsgeding aanhangig te maak of te verdedig.

8. Dat die Kurator/Likwidateur gemagtig word om die dienste van ’n Prokureur en/of Invorderingsagent te mag gebruik vir die invordering van Debiteure, en dat die koste daaraan verbonde, koste van administrasie sal wees en dat die kosie in ooreenstemming sal wees met die koste van die betrokke hof.

9. Dat die Kurator/Likwidateur gemagtig word om enige eise teen of ten gunste van die Boedel in sy eie diskresie te skik en om enige eise in terme van Artikel 78 (3) van die Insolvensiewet, soos gewysig, toe te laat, nadat sodanige eis behoorlik voorgelé was vir bewys op ’n vergadering van krediteure, sonder om goedkeuring van skuldeisers te verkry.

10. Dat die Kurator/Likwidateur gemagtig word hiermee om die bates van die Boedel per Publieke Tender, Publieke Veiling of uit die hand te verkoop op voorwaardes en na sodanige advertensie soos wat hy in sy diskresie mag goeddunk.


Dat die Kurator/Likwidateur.gemagtig word om die vaste eiendom te verkoop, by wyse van openbare veiling, tender of uit die hand, op sulke voorwaardes en bepalings as wat hy in sy diskresie mag goeddunk. Dat die Kurator/Likwidateur in sy eie diskresie die eiendom aan die Verbandhouer mag verkoop teen ’n ooreengekome prys in volle en finale vereffening van die gemelde Verbandhouer se versekerde eis teen die Boedel.

11. Dat die Kurator/Likwidateur gemagtig word om die meubels te oorhandig aan die Insolvent of sy naasbestaande na sy goeddunke en dat die.Insolvent of 'n familielid in die Boedel sal betaal vir die meubels die bedrag wat gelykstaande is aan die

bedrag waarteen die meubels gewaardeer is, deur ’n waardeerder. i

12. Dat indien kostes aangegaan word vir die gebruik van ’n bandopneemmasjien waar die Staat nie die diens kosteloos

verskaf nie, die koste hieraan verbonde en die kostes om afskrifte van die hofrekords te verkry as koste van die Boedel

beskou word en toegelaat word.

13. Dat die Kurator/Likwidateur gemagtig word om gebruik te maak van 'n Opspringsagent indien dit nodig mag wees om

Debiteure te vorder of waar die Kurator/Likwidateur dit nodig mag ag om ‘n Opsporingsagent te gebruik.

14. Dat die Kurator/Likwidateur gemagtig word om enige boekskuide as slegte skuld af te skryf indien hy dit beskou as

oninvorderbare skulde, of as skulde wat nie die koste verbonde aan die invordering daarvan regverdig nie.

15. Dat die Kurator/Likwidateur gemagtig word om enige van die versekerde bates in die Boedel aan die versekerde

Skuldeisers terug te verkoop op enige voorwaardes in sy uitsluitlike diskresie om hulle eise te bevredig.

16. Dat indien die Borgakte premies verhoog sou word, die Boedel die verhoogde premie sal betaal.

17. Dat indien. die verhoogde gedeelte van die Borgakte premie nie deur die Meester van die Hooggeregshof toegelaat

word nie, daardie gedeelte wat nie toegelaat word nie, as ’n pro-rata gedeelte van Krediteure se dividende afgetrek sal word.

18. Dat die verdere administrasie van die Boedel in die hande van die Kurator/Likwidateur gelaat word.



STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 / No. 24846 115

T981/01-GR -11—Ukukhanya Mobile Technologies (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 1996/03817/07, in liquidation. 29 May. 2003,

09h00, Johannesburg. Proving of claims.

€250/2002—Claassen Vervoer CC (in liquidation). 04/06/2003, 10h00, Magistrate’s Court, Oudtshoorn. Further proof of


C547/2002—Botes & Van Blerk Construction CC t/a Simco Construction (in liquidation). 04/06/2003, 10h00, Magistrates

Court, Stellenbosch. Further proof of claims.

1675/2002—Anchor Stud Welding BK, CK1990/03351 8/23 (in likwidasie). 29 Mei 2003, 9h00, Landdros, Johannesburg.

Bewys van eise.

T1030/2002—Insolvente boedel: Josef Karl & Anna Maria Hlawatschek, ID: 5011015004007 & 5102170022080. 30 Mei

2003, 9h00, Landdros, Ermelo. Bewys van eise.

T4395/01—J Maree. 30 May 2003, 10:00 am, Koster. 1) Proof of claims.

T4120/01—Dynamic Entertainment Systems CC. Op 11-6-2003 om 9:00 te Landdros, Johannesburg. Vir die ‘wolgende

redes: 1. Bewys van eise.

-T1146/02—V. G en A. E Valentyn. Op 10- 6- 2003 om 10:00 ie Meester, Pretoria. Vir die volgende redes: 1. Bewys van eise.

~ 72203/02—G. S. Painters and Decorators (Pty) Ltd. Op 11-6- 2003 om 9:00 te Landdros, Randburg. Vir die volgende

redes: 1. Bewys van eise.

T2443/02—Perigrini Beleggings (Edms) Bpk, in likwidasie. 26 Mei 2003, 10n00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof,

Pretoria. 1:.Om eise te bewys. C814/2002—T H Staal Konstruksie CC (in liquidation). 06 June 2008, 10:00 at the Magistrate, Moorreesburg Further

proof of claims.

74526/02—Fulloutput 1077 CC. 3 Junie 2003, 10h00, Meester Pretoria. Spesiale Vergadering; bewys van eise.

72797/02—Van Rouen Opties CC. 2/6/2003, 09h30, Lydenburg. Verdere bewys van eis.

. 15256/01—Boproc (Pty) Ltd. 03/06/2003, 09h00, Landdros, Johannesburg. Bewys van eise.

T2511/02—Dalben Properties (Pty) Ltd; EL Bester, Posbus 7445, Centurion. 28 Mei 2003, 10:00, Landdroshof,

Randburg. Vir aanvaarding van die volgende resolusies:. 1. Dat die Kurator gemagtig word om in sy eie diskresie sodanige

huishoudelike meubels en effekte in terme van Artikel 82 (6) aan die Insolvent vry gee of om daarmee te handel na goeddunke.

2. Dat die kurator/Likwidateur gemagtig word.om in sy diskresie die bates te realiseer per publieke veiling, tender of uit die hand

~ en dat hy alle dokumente vir oordrag mag teken.

T2511/02—Dalben: Properties (Pty) Ltd; EL Bester, Posbus 7445, Centurion. 28 Mei 2003, 10h00, Landdroshof, ,

Randburg. Vir die bewys van verdere eise.

7T1749/0i1—Kempton Park Ceramics; EL Bester & CV van der Watt, Posbus 7445, Centurion. 28 Mei 2003, 10h00,

Landdroshof, Kempton Park. Vir die bewys van verdere eise.

~E45/2001—Insolvent estate: Jan Hendrik Fourie. 28/05/2003, 14h00, Magistrate, Port Elizabeth. Further. proof of claims.

T4036/01—Joint insolvent estate: M JJ & P A Ramatlapeng. Wednesday, 30 May 2003 at 09: 00, before the Magistrate,

Randburg. Claims to be submitted to a special meeting of creditors. PB

Claim No Name of Creditor Amount Reason

2 Technical Services Cater Marketing CC t/a Caterama R117 826,44 ‘Good sold and delivered

T4036/01—Joint insolvent estate: M J J & P A Ramatlapeng. 30/05/03, Wednesday, 09:00, Magistraste, Randburg. Proof

of claim.

T3803/01—Kirf Treg Landgoed CC (in liquidation). 06/06/2003, @10h00, Master, Pretoria. Special meeting for the

purpose-of proving claims.

7T5425/00—Group Twelve Investments (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Tuesday 27 May 2003, 9:00, Magistrate, Johannesburg.

Adoption of resolutions 1,2,3,16,18 & 20.


GROUP TWELVE INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) 1. That all-actions of whatsoever nature heretofore taken by the Liquidator/s and provisional Liquidator/s,and also as set

out in the report to which these Resolutions are attached, be and are hereby confirmed, ratified and approved of, specifically

but not limited to all actions taken with reference to the Section 311 Scheme of. Arrangements and all resultant actions therefrom.

2. That the Liquidator/s be and is/are hereby granted the authority and shall be vested with all the powers mentioned | in the

Companies Act 61-of 1973, as amended. °

3. That the Liquidator/s be and is/are hereby authorised to engage the services of Attorneys, Accountants and/or Counsel

and/or Recording agents, as she/they may deem necessary for the purpose of:

. 8.1 taking any legal opinion that may be considered necessary in the interest of the estate;

' 3.2 instituting or defending on behalf of the Company any action or other legal proceedings of a civil nature, and subject to

the provisions of any law relating to criminal procedure, any criminal proceedings;

116 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

3.3 holding Enquiries and examinations in terms of Sections 415, 416, 417 and 418 of the Companies Act number 61 of

1975, as amended or as read in conjunction with the Insolvency Act number 24 of 1936, as amended, and to appoint Attorneys

and Counsel and also Accountants and any other advisers, to act on her/their behaif in regard to such enquiries, at the cost of the Company to assist her/them in regard to such Enquiries and particularly to hold and Enquiry as of envisaged in the report to creditors, to which these Resolutions are attached;

3.4 to draw any contracts and sign any documents as may be necessary;

3.5 for any purpose, in doing searches at the Deeds Offices, Registrar of Companies and any other registry, as she/them in her/their sole and absolute discretion may deem necessary, all costs so incurred to be costs in the liquidation;

3.6 for any other purpose whatsoever, as she/them, in her/their sole discretion may deem fit; :

3.7 that the Liquidator/s be duly authorised to agree any tariff and/or scale of rates to be used in determination of any Legal or other Fees, and in her/their sole discretion to agree the quantum of such fees, which legal Fees shall be on an Attorney and

own Client basis. ’

16. That the actions of the Provisional Liquidator/s and or Liquidator/s in having disposed of assets, shares and-loan accounts, prior to the date of this meeting be and are hereby approved and ratified, all costs incurred thereto to be costs in the liquidation. .

18. That the costs incurred by the Provisional Liquidator/s and/or Liquidator/s in maintaining, ¢ conserving and realising any

assets of the estate, be and are hereby ratified and confirmed and that such costs be cosis of administration and/or costs in terms of Section 89 of the insolvency Act 24 of 1936, as amended, if applicable and payable byt the estate or the creditors, as the case may be.

20. That the Liquidator/s is/are hereby authorised to take all such other steps and to do such other acts as he/they in his/their sole discretion on behalf of the Company may deem fit, and at the cost of the Company. '

T5425/00—Group Twelve Investments (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Tuesday, 27 May 2003, 9: 00, Magistrate, Johannesburg.

Adoption of resolutions 1, 2, 3, 16, 18, 20 & 21. !



1. That all actions of whatsoever nature heretofore taken by the Liquidator/s and Provisional Liquidator/s and also as set

out in the report to which these Resolutions are attached, be and are hereby confirmed, ratified:and approved of, specifically

but not limited to all actions taken with reference to the Section 311 Scheme of Arrangements and all resultant actions therefrom.

2. That the Liquidator/s be and is/are hereby granted the authority and shall be vested with all the powers mentioned | in the Companies Act 61 of 1973, as amended. !

3. That the Liquidator/s be and is/are hereby authorised to engage the services of Attorneys, Accountants and/or Counsel and/or Recording agents, as she/they may deem necessary for the purpose of:

3.1 taking any legal opinion that may be considered necessary in the interest of the estate; |

3.2 instituting or defending on behalf of the Company any action or other legal proceedings of a civil nature, and subject to the provisions of any law relating to criminal procedure, any criminal proceedings;

3.3 holding Enquiries and examinations in terms of Sections 415, 416, 417 and 418 of the Companies Act number 61 of 1975, as amended, or as read in conjunction with the Insolvency Act number 24 of 1936, as amended, and to appoint Attorneys and Counsel and also Accountants and any other advisers, to act on her/their behalf in regard to such enquiries, at the cost of the Company to assist her/them in regard to such Enquiries and particularly to hold and Enquiry as is envisaged in the report to creditors, to which these Resolutions are attached;

3.4 to draw any contracts and sign any documents as may be necessary;

3.5 for any purpose, in doing searches at the Deeds Offices, Registrar of Companies and any other registry, as she/them

in her/their sole and absolute discretion may deem necessary, all costs so incurred to be costs.in the liquidation; ~

3.6 for any other purpose whatsoever, as she/them, in her/their sole discretion may deem fit;

3.7 that the Liquidator/s be duly authorise to agree any tariff and/or scale of rates to be used in determination of any Legal

or other Fees, and in her/their sole discretion to agree the quantum of such fees, which legal Fees shall be on an Attorney and

own Client basis.

16. That the actions of the Provisional Liquidator/s and or Liquidator/s in having disposed of assets, shares and loan

accounts, prior to the date of this meeting be and are hereby approved and ratified, all costs incurred thereto to be costs in the


18. That the costs incurred by the Provisional Liquidator/s and/or Liquidator/s in maintaining, conserving and realising any

assets of the estate, be and are hereby ratified and confirmed and that such costs be costs of administration and/or costs in

terms of Section 89 of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936, as amended, if applicable and payable by the estate or the creditors, as

the case may be.

20. That the Liquidator/s is/are hereby authorised to take all such other steps and to do such other acts as s he/they in

his/their sole discretion on behalf of the Company may deem fit, and at the cost of the Company.

21. That the further administration of the affairs of the Company be left entirely in the hands and at the discretion of the Liquidator/s.


STAATSKOERANT, 16 ME! 2003 No. 24846 117°

Form/Vorm 4



- Pursuant to section 108 (2) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 136 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, and

section 406 (3) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the liquidation account and plans of

distribution or contribution in the estates or the companies mentioned below will lie open for inspection by creditors

or contributories at the offices of the Masters and the Magistrates stated therein, for a period of 14 days, or for such

a period as stated therein, from the date mentioned below or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may

be the later date.

The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/

company; description of account; account t for inspection at Master’ s and Magistrate's office, date, period (if longer

_ than 14 days).


Ingevolge artikel 108 (2) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel 136 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel

406 (3) van die Maatskappywet,’ 1973, word hierby kennis. gegee dat die likwidasie-, distribusie- of

koniribusierekenings in die boedels of die maatskappye, na gelang van die geval hieronder vermeld, ter insae van

skuldeisers of kontribuante sal !é te die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste daarin genoem, gedurende ’n

tydperk van 14 dae, of die tydperk wat daarin vermeld is, vanaf die datum hieronder vermeld of vanaf die datum

van publikasie hiervan, watter datum ook al die laatste is.

Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van

boedel/maatskappy; beskrywing van rekening; rekening ter insae by Meesters- en Landdroskantoor, datum,

tydperk (indien langer as 14 dae).

E82/2000/A—Walter Trading CC fta Avis Trading, in liquidation. Supplementary Liquidation & Distribution Account. (1)

Masier of the High Court, Grahamstown (2) Magistrate’s Court, East London.

E141/2002/A1—Ciskei Radiators (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. (1) Master of the High

Court, Grahamstown (2) Magistrate’s Court, East London.

E71/2002/1—Joint insolvent estate: Johannes Augustinus Breedt & Elizabeth Johanna Breedt. First Liquidation &

Distribution Account. (1) Master of the High Court, Grahamstown (2) Magistrate’s Court, East London.

'E115/2002—Insolvent estate: Bernice Tessa Whittle. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master,

Grahamstown; Magistrate, Port Elizabeth.

E83/2002—Insolvent estate: Hendrik Albertus Swart. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Grahamstown;

Magistrate, Port Elizabeth.

E52/2001—Antam Foods CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master, Grahamstown;

Magistrate, Port Elizabeth.

C1067/00—Prospur Industries t/a Bichler Ind. Meipark, Multifoil and Plastech (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Fourth and Final

Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master’s Office, Cape Town; Magistrate, Bellville.

C1067/00—Prospur Industries t/a Bichler Ind. Metpark, Multifoil and Plastech (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Third

Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master’s Office, Cape Town; Magistrate, Bellville.

C161/2002—Imbex CC, in liquidation. Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Master of the

High Court, Cape Town.

N422/99—Scatter Carpets & Rugs CC, CK92/08395/23, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution

Account. Master - Pietermaritzburg.

N290/99—Silver Oaks Entertainment CC, Reg. No.: 96/26845/23, in liquidation. F First and Final Liquidation, Distribution

and Contribution Account. Master - Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate - Durban.

C294/2002—Gridnet Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. The

Master of the High Court, Cape Town.

¢C220/2002—Martin & Steytler Architects Town Planners & Urban Designers. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution

Account. Master’s Office, Cape Town.

- €629/2001/2B—Insolvent estate: H S J van Niekerk. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master, Cape

Town; Magistrate, Kuils River.

T1178/02—Woodcor Shopfitters (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Pretoria;


118 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003


72594/02—Expectra 161 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Pretoria; Springs.

N423/00—Ama-Blokke Blokke CC, 1998/30802/23, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation Account. To lie at the

Master’s Office in Pietermaritzburg and the Magistrate's Office in Ladysmith for a period of 14 days as from the 16th of May

- 2003.

C81/2002—Insolvente boedel: Johannes Barend Michiel Smit. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusierekening

Meester, Kaapstad; Landdros, Bredasdorp.

C896/2001—Insolvente boedel: GJ van der Merwe Trust. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusie-

rekening. Meester, Kaapstad; Landddros, Ceres. ,

T6514/00—insolvent estate: CC & EC Barkhuizen. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.

_Master High Court, Pretoria and Magistrate, Potchefstroom, period: 14 days from 16 May 2003.

E53/2002—ABN Productions CC, in liquidation. First-and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master

of the High Court, Grahamstown; Magistrate, Port Elizabeth.

T7201/99—Laminated Technologies (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Second Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the

High Court, Pretoria and the Magistrate's Court, Germision and Ladysmith from 16/05/2003 until 30/05/2003 liquidator: Pierre —

Berrangé. . ‘

C676/98—Johannes Petrus Masureik. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the

High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Goodwood.

C123/2001—Fraser Buchanan & Co (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.

Master’s Office, Cape Town.

E216/2000—Amanitinde Beer Wholesalers (Pty)) Ltd, in liquidation, with registered office at 34 Western Avenue, Vincent,

East London formerly trading at 316 Tshatshu Zwelitsha..Supplementary Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.

_ Grahamstown; East London. Paterson Trustees CC, P O Box 963, East London, 5200.

C639/2002—Insolvent estate: Craig Walter Young. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High

Court, Cape Town and Magistrate, Goodwood. —

C142/86—Nightingale Lingerie Manufacturers (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Third Supplementary Liquidation & Distribution

Account. The Master of the High Court, Cape Town.

T3281/01—C JS Wentzel. First and Final Liquidation Account. Offices of the Magistrates Cour, Middelburg, 16th May


C992/2001—Henkor Boudienste CC, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master,

Cape Town; Magistrate, Kuils River; Malmesbury.

C483/2002 Legal Property (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master,

Cape Town; Magistrate, Stellenbosch; Somerset West.

N28/02—Regal Casting (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master, Pietermaritz-

burg; Magistrate, Verulam & Durban.

C94/98/4A—Insolvente boedel: Wesbank Boerdery Vennootskap. Supplementére Rekening tot Eerste & Finale

Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester, Kaapstad en Landdros, Oudtshoorn.

7341 /02—Moneyline 30 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master

of the High Court, Pretoria and the Magistrates Court, Germiston from 16 May 2003 until 30 May. 2003. .

T1517/02—Gold Lustre Distributors (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution

Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and the Magistrates Court, Randburg from 16 May 2003 until 30 May 2003.

72263/01—Streef en Wen Monumentpark (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and

Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria from 16 May 2003 until 30 May 2003.

T1491/02—Ivy Clothing Factory CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High

Court, Pretoria and Magistrate, Randburg.

T7084/99—Bevnet Beperk, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Pretoria.

T1601/00—Spiro Cellular Rentals (Pty) Limited, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.

Pretoria; Germiston.

C109/02—Insolvent estate: Johannes Gideon Basson. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the

High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Bellville, 16 May 2003.

C1334/01—Miro Technology CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the High

Court, Cape Town, 16 May 2003.

B167/2002—W.A. Blignaut. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Bloemfontein; Bethlehem, 16 Mei 2003.

B356/2000—L & L Erasmus. Die Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Bloemfontein; Sasolburg, Vrydag,

16 Mei 2003.

N627/01—Balco Auto Colour Ladysmith CC, in liquidation. 2nd Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master, Pietermaritz-

. burg; Magistrate, Ladysmith.

N21/02—Asotnaut Workwear (Pty) Ltd. ist & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master, Pietermaritzburg;

‘Magistrate, Durban. |

N129/2002—Stonehouse Farms CC. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate,


STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 119

N301/98—Twilight Investments (Pty) Limited. 2nd & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master, Pietermaritzburg;

Magistrate; Durban:

‘'N144/2000—Jazzy Investments (Pty) Ltd. Supplementary First & Final Liquidation, ‘Distribution & Contribution Account.

Master, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate, Durban.

N433/02—Africa: Decor & Shopfitters CC. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution: Account. Master, Pietermaritzburg;

Magistrate, Durban.

K73/2001—Dufama Mines (Pty) Limited, in likwidasie.. Supplementére Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en

Distribusierekening. Meesterskantoor, Kimberley.

C645/2002—Erikurtsen Delivery Services CC, Registration No. CK99/21424/23, in tiquidation. First and Final Liquidation

and Contribution Account. Master’s Office, Cape Town.

B377/2000—J H Schlebusch, .|D: 6203065176087. Tweede & Finale Likwidasie- a Distribusirekening Meester van 1 die

Hooggeregshof, Bloemfontein en die Landdros, Parys.

T2610/01—Insolvent estate: F M Naude. First: & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court,

Pretoria & Magistrate, Nelspruit.

T1475/01—Angrit Processors (Pty) Limited, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the

High, Pretoria; Magistrate, Germiston.

C271/2000—Cape Transport Co-Ordinators Trading (Pty) Li Ltd. - Second Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the

High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Paarl; Magistrate, Caledon.

C374/91—Cape Investment Bank Group Ltd, in liquidation. Tenth & Final Liquidation Account: Master of the High Court,

Cape Town.

B391/01—Insolvente boedel: Frans Willem van Beeck. (ent) | N.O., Anna Catharina Elizabeth van Beech (jnr) N.O.,

trustees van die Amor trust van die plaas Amor, distrik Hoopstad, Provinsie Vrystaat. Tweede & Finale Likwidasie-. en

Distriousierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Bloemfontein & Landdros, Hoopstad vanaf 16 Mei 2003.

B65/2002—Insolvente boedel; Julius Georg Lindstrém, ID Nr. 5207095043085, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed,

woonagtig te die plaas Beyersheim, distrik Harrismith, Provinsie Vrystaat. Tweede & Finale Likwidasie- & Distribusierekening.

Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Bloemfontein & Landdroskantoor, Harrismith vanaf 16 Mei 2003.

_ 11102/01—Slip Knot Investments 70 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First Liquidation Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate,

“Kempton Park, 16-05-2003—30-05-2003.

7T6154/01—New Concept Graphics CC, in liquidation. Second & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria;

Magistrate, Randburg, 16-05-2003—30-05-2003.

T6127/00—Dynamo Retail Limited, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Master of the High Court,

Pretoria and Magistrate, Johannesburg, 16/5/03 to 30/5/03.

C553/2001—AFJ Konstruksie BK, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Masier of the High Court,

Cape Town and at the Magistrates Court, Paarl.

T3654/00—Shureprops Pty Ltd. First and Final Liquidation Account. 16th May 2003 at the offices of the Magistrates Court,


T4481/01—Jean Buitendacht Investments CC. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court,

Pretoria & the Magistrate, Germiston.

T5957/01—QD Distribution (Pty) Ltd. Amended First Liquidation’ ’ Distribution Account. The Master of the High Court,

Pretoria, and Magistrate, Randburg.

T3023/00—Brayson Properties (Pty), Ltd, in liquidation. Supplementary Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution

Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Johannesburg. 16 May 2003.

7203/02—Bilchik Masinga (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate,

Randburg. 16 May 2003.

- 76546/00—Bousentrale Proprietry Limited t/a Horizon Hardware; in liquidation. First and. Final Liquidation and Shortfall

Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Roodepoort. 16 May 2003.

T3187/01—Wilkinson Mariri Empowa CC, in liquidation. Amended First and Final Liquidation Account. Master, Pretoria,

Magistrate, Randburg. 16 May 2003.

75865/01—Insolvent estate: Tebanie Trust. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution. Pretoria.

T4335/02—Break Trans CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria;

Magistrate, Boksburg.

T6179/2000—Insolvent estate: S.J. and C.M. Dippenaar. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution, Contribution Account,

The Master of the High Court, Pretoria, and Magistrate's Court, Boksburg. 16th May 2003.

74709/99—Insolvent estate: F. P. van Niekerk. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution Account. The Master of the High

Court, Pretoria, and Magistrate’s Court, Vanderbijipark. 16th May 2003.

7301/03—Maple Freight CC, in liquidation. First Liquidation’ and Distribution Account.‘ Master, Pretoria; Magistrate,

Boksburg. 16 May 2003.

‘ ©466/2001—Claremont Kosher CC, in liquidation: Supplementary Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master’ 8 Office,

Cape Town.

‘N28/02—Regal Castings (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation’ and Contribution Account. Master,

Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate, Verulam & Durban.

120 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

N498/01—CEN Construction (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court,

Pietermaritzburg; Magistraie’s Court, Empangeni.

N176/2000—Altag Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account: ‘Master

of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg; Magisitrate’s Court, Empangeni.

N118/00—Insoivent estate: L Devraj. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High

Court, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate's Court, Chatsworth.

N236/02/3B—Darren’s Trucking CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court,

Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate’s Court, Durban.

N672/00—Insolvent estate: | Pillay. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High

Court, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate’s Court, Verulam.

N683/01—Lot 1420 Marburg Property CC, in liquidation. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation, Contribution and

Distribution Account. Master of the High Court; Magistrate of Port Shepstone.

C873/2002—Imagine That Promotions CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master,

Cape Town; Magistrate, Wynberg; Magistrate, Goodwood.

C84/2002—Coroma Engineering (Pty) Lid, in liquidation. Third Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Cape: Town;

Magistrate, Germiston; Magistrate, Bellville; Magistrate, Port Elizabeth; Magistrate, Knysna; Magistrate, George.

1T1952/01—ASE Services & Engineering (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution

Account. Master High Court, Pretoria, and Magistrate, Vereeniging, period 14 days from 16 May 2003.

T6380/2001—Zeltis Brightstone Resources (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account.

Pretoria, Johannesburg.

T5572/2000-—Goaldata CC, in liquidation. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. Pretoria, Johannesburg.

C385/2002—Insolvent estate: Andy Rudolph Esau, ID No: 6709135229086. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and

Contribution Acc. Master’s Office Cape Town & at the Magistrate’s Office at Simons Town.

72282/99—Professional Defence Security CC, in liquidation. Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master

High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Heidelberg, 14 days from 16 May 2003.

T2763/00—insolvente boedel: A C Scheepers. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie & Kontribusierekening. Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Johannesburg, 16 Mei 2003.

C824/2001—Insolvente boedel: D B & M Damon. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening.

Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad; Landdros, Simonstad, 16 Mei 2003.

T2519/01—Unit 10 Lauder Estate CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.

Pretoria, Randburg.

7385 1/02—Biue Orchid Investments CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account, Pretoria, Johannesburg.

T3208/02—Insolvent estate: Christoffel Frans Niemand. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution

Account. Pretoria, Johannesburg.

T5085/00—Keycom Office Park Properties (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and

Contribution Account. Master, High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Benoni, 14 days from 16 May 2003.

T5920/99—Carhill Engineering (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution Contribution Account.

Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Springs, 16 May 2003.

T3883/98—Insolvente boedel: B J & E M van Wyk. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Kontribusierekening. Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Middelburg, 16 Mei 2003. .

14323/02—Insolvente boedel: MBD Graphix BK. Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. Meester, Pretoria, 2 Junie 2003,


-T2107/02—Insolvente boedel: B P Liebenberg. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester, Pretoria,

6 Junie 2003.

74548/02—Reeds Glass and Aluminium CC, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master's Oftice,

Pretoria, 16/05/2003 to 30/05/2003.

T5247/02—Wilhig Investments CC, in liquidation. Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution

‘Account. Mster’s Office, Pretoria 16/05/2003 to 30/05/2003.

T1509/00—Roy Licht. First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, .

Kempton Park.

7T845/00—Insolvent estate: H J & C E Potgieter. Second and Final Liquidation and. Distribution Account. Master’ s Office,

Pretoria; Magistrate, Potchefstroom.

T3606/01—Insolvente boedel: JD Badenhorst. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester, Pretoria.

T7378/99—Insolvente boedel: WCT Rossouw. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester,

Pretoria; Landdros, Potchefstroom. T1493/02—Relocating Cabling & Network Services Gauteng (Edms) Bpk, in likwidasie. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-

en Distripusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en Landdroskantoor, Randburg. —

13957/02—Winterbach Books CC, in likwidasie. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie en Kontribusierekening.

Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdroskantoor, Kempton Park.

T1756/02—Insolvente boedel:. Hendrik Johannes Venter. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusie-

- rekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 121

T21/2002—Chrisfer Ontwikkelings BK, in likwidasie. F/Gewysigde Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en

Koniribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

.T2639/02—Insolvent estate: Izak Danial Piek, 1D. 5404155701081. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master, Pretoria;

Magistrate, Roodepoort, 16/05/2003.

T2922/02—Insolvent estate: Pala Fire & Safety CC (CK96/16796/23). First and Final Liquidation Account. Master, Pretoria;

Magistrate, Phalaborwa, 16/05/2003.

1782/97—Insolvente. boedel!: J J Nel. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Heidelberg.

1850/02—Insolvente boedel: G J Tietz. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Evander.

T201/02—Insolvente boedel: A van der Westhuizenh. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening.

Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Brits.

T698/02—Insolvente boedel: M S ‘Mashaba. Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, ,

Pretoria; Landdros, Kempton Park.

_ 71555/99—Whidest Trading BK, in likwidasie. Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof,

Pretoria; Landdros, Johannesburg.

’ 15297/01—Insolvente boedel: CM Badenhorst. Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof,

Pretoria; Landdros, Lichtenburg.

T5878/01—Insolvente boedel: J C Bornmann. Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof,

Pretoria; Landdros, Witbank.

T3081/00—Insolvente. boedel: A Boucher. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

72470/01—Insolvente boedel: F Marais. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en | Kontribusierekening. Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Germiston.

T457/01—Kwena Fruit Exporters Edms Bpk (in likwidasie), geregistreerde adres: Sepiko Gebou, Tea Lane, Lydenburg-

straat, Tzaneen. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie- en Verdelingsrekening. Pretoria; Landdros, Tzaneen.

T6640/00—Insolvente boedel: Nicola Ellen Mary Fine, woonagtig te Parkstraat 50A, Oaklands, Johannesburg. Eerste en

Finale Likwidasie-, Verdelings- en Kontribusierekening. Pretoria; Landdros, Johannesburg.

T7998/99—Validtrade 56 Edms Bpk (in likwidasie), geregistreerde adres: Tautestraat 24A, Ermelo. Eerste en Finale

Likwidasierekening. Pretoria; Landdros, Ermelo.

722449/01—Insolvente boedel: Johannes Hendrik & Jaatjie Sophia de Beer, woonagtig te Oribistraat 14, Middelburg.

Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening..Pretoria; Landdros, Middelburg.

T1030/01—Frayton Foods Edms Bpk (in likwidasie), geregistreerde adres: Visagiestraat 32, Pretoria. Eerste en Finale’

Likwidasie- en Kontribusierekening. Pretoria.

T5269/01—Insolvente boedel: Johan Frederik Hagen, woonagtig te Hekpoortstraat 69, Protearif, Krugersdorp. Eerste en

Finale Likwidasie- en Verdelingsrekening. Pretoria; Landdros, Krugersdorp.

T5337/01—Insolvente boedel: Michelle Louw, woonagtig te Proteastraat 49, Piet Retief. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en

Verdelingsrekening. Pretoria; Landdros, Piet Retief.

. T7648/99—Pretoria Sportspark Edms Bpk (in likwidasie), geregistreerde adres: Totiussiraat 75, Groenkloof, Pretoria.

Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Verdelingsrekening. Pretoria.

T6425/00—Graphorn Workshop Edms Bpk, in likwidasie.. Geregistreerde adres: Parkstraat 1109, Hatfield, Pretoria.

Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Verdelings en Kontribusierekening. Pretoria.

_, B104/2002—Insolvente boedel: DL van Eeden. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester, Bloem- fontein; Landdroskantoor, Welkom, 16/05/2003. ~

' B187/2002—Insolvente boedel: GA & BA Chandler. Eerste & Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester, Bloem-

fontein; Landdroskantoor, Welkom, 16/5/2003. T2280/1998—Dick’s Security BK (in likwidasie). Eerste. & Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester, Pretoria;

Landdroskantoor, Parys, 16/5/2003.”

E104/2002/1—Hanshara Developments CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & Coniribution Account. Master of the High Court, Grahamstown; Magistrate’s Court, Port Elizabeth.

E140/96/A3—Insolvent estate: Leonard Randall. Thirteenth Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master’s Office, Grahamstown; Magistrate’s Office, Port Elizabeth.

_, _122/2001/A2—Alray Signs & Sales CC (in liquidation), also trading as Capricorn Studio. Third Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Grahamstown; Magisirate’s Court, Port Elizabeth.

E363/99/A3—Insolvent estate: Herman Daniel Langner. Fifth & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master’ 's Office, Grahamstown; Magistrate’s Office, Uitenhage. .

-T3843/01—Confident Holdings C C (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation. Pretoria, Boksburg. T139/00—Life O 2 (SA) (Pty) Ltd. First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High.Court, Pretoria. 7T3991/02—St Martini Gardens (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Randburg. T4065/02—Condip Properties (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Randburg. 17978/99—Wilcon (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation. Pretoria, Randfontein.

122 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

75446/98-—-Proteam Auto (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg.

T112/00—Papachrys Wholesalers CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution. Pretoria, Johannes-


T909/00—Pioneer Restaurant Management Systems CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation. . Pretoria,


74887/02—Erf 501, Morningside CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg.

T5645/01—Insolvent estate: Hugh Adrian Jones. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Master of the High

Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Randburg.

T5489/02—Jamaican Roastery CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria;

Magistrate, Krugersdorp, 16-05-2003 to 30-05-2003.

T25/03—Russell Oliver & Associates CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master,

Pretoria; Magistrate, Johannesburg, 16-05-2003 to 30-05-2003.

T197/03—The Real Estate Agency (1990) CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation , and Contribution Account.

Masier, Pretoria; Magistrate, Johannesburg, 16-05-2003 to 30-05-2003.

72472/02—Maralie Beleggings (Pty) Limited (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master,

Pretoria; Magistrate, Roodepoort, 16-05-2003 to 30-05-2003.

7T2307/02—Insolvent estate: Olga Demetriou. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution ‘Account. Master, Pretoria;

Magistrate, Germiston, 16-05-2003 to 30-05-2003.

T758/02—Carolina Johanna Havenga. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria.

T1478/02—-Sabie Gideon Mabena. First & Final Liquidation Account. Master, Pretoria. :

™5713/00—Carl Frederik & Anna Fransiena de Beer. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account.

Master, Pretoria. :

T948/01—Antoinette Louise Kukard. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria;

Magistrate, Middelburg.

73613/00—Karel Barend Petrus & Anna Catherina Dexter. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account.

Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Boksburg.

T5719/01—TSE Best Canepies (Pty) Ltd (in likwidasie). Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Johannesburg. .

T3168/98—Insolvente boedel: Davil William Rundle. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening.

Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Johannesburg.

T1715/00—Insolvente boedel: Michael Andrew Graski. Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. Meesier van die Hoog-

geregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Johannesburg.

T1035/01—Insolvente boedel: Robert James Mcintyre. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening.

Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Roodepoort.

T6448/00—Insolvente boedel: Barry Keith Rosenberg. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- & Kontribusierekening. Meester van

die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Johannesburg.

T4613/01—Insolvente boedel: Johannes Jacobus Harmse. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- & Kontribusierekening. Meester

van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Johannesburg.

T4788/00—Insolvente boedel: Bernard Thompson. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-. & Kontribusierekening. Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Roodepoort.

74224/00—Insolvente boedel: Jan Adriaan Jordaan. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening.

Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Vanderbijlpark.

T3425/98—Insolvente boedel: Tersia Estrella. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening. Meester

van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Johannesburg.

_ 74313/01—Insolvente boedel: Brian Harold Sher.. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- & Kontribusierekening, Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Johannesburg.

T4677/98—Insolvente boedel: Mornay le Roux. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening. Meester

van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Randfontein.

T8125/99—Kroon van Leeupoort Ontwikkelings BK, in liquidation. “Third and Final Liquidation, Distribution and

Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria, as from 16 May 2003.

75310/99—M W D Systems BK, in quidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria, as

from 16 May 2003.

75999/00—Floorcraft CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Germiston, as

from 16 May 2003.

T2595/01—Insolvent estate: Cilliers, Jacques Behann & Hendriehetta Johanna. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution

and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria, as from 16 May 2003.

T196/03—Hyproduction Rewinders CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master,

Pretoria; Magistrate, Germiston, as from 16 May 2003.

T105/03—-P P 3 Construction and Development CC, ‘in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.

Master, Pretoria, as from 16 May 2003.

STAATSKOERANT, 16 ME! 2003 _ No. 24846 123

T2983/01—Insolvente boedel: H. P. Coetzer. Tweede’.en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en die Landdros van Witbank.

T3296/02—Insolvente boedel: M. W. Venter. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Meyerton.

T2017/02—Insolvente boedel: Minakshi Jayichund. Eerste e en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Springs.

T1199/02—-Krokodil Suiker (Edms) Bpk (in likwidasie). Tweede en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusterekening. Meester van

die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Nelspruit. ,

T669/02—Insolvente boedel: Johan Lodewikus. Ehlers. Eerste: en Finale Likwidasierekening. Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Klerksdorp.

T4658/01—Price Right Investments (Edms) Bpk (in likwidasie). Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening,

Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

T1404/02—Sylobeith BK (in likwidasie). Gewysigde Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en Landdros, Johannesburg..

T2700/02—Theo Meyer Radio Repairs BK (in likwidasie). Gewysigde Eerste ¢ en 1 Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening.

Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Witbank.

T4418/01—Mobile Fastners BK, h/a Siza Bantu Construction (in likwidasie). Eerste Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening.

Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Nelspruit.

15717/01—Real Media Africa (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.

Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Randburg, from 16 May 2003.

T5250/01—Hanco Property Holdings BK (in liquidation). Amended First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master,

Pretoria; Magistrate, Johannesburg, from 16 May 2003.

T5009/99—Insolvent estate: Johannes Hugo Engelbrecht. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master,

Pretoria; Magistrate, Belfast, from 16 May 2003.

T2386/02/11A—Mership Trade Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 1983/013125/07, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation

and Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Randburg.

1988/006634/07—Merhold Strategic Investments (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 1988/006634/07, in [iquidation. First and Final

Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Randburg.

1936/007962/06—Merhold Investment Corporation Ltd, Reg. No. 1936/007962/06, in liquidation. First and Final

Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Randburg. .

T4796/97—J R Construction (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation, Distribution | and

Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Johannesburg.

75494/00/12A—tlios Biscuits (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 98/21900/07, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution.

and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Johannesburg...

T1794/01/12A—Finesse Shopfitters (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 98/1 9344/07, in liquidation. Second Liquidation and Distribution

Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Johannesburg. .

T1973/01/3D—Finesse Holdings (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution

Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Randburg.

T1974/01/4B—Finesse Aluminium Products (Pty) Lid, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution

Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Randburg.

T1055/02—Insolvent estate: Pieter Gerhardus Botha, Identity No. 4708095083006. First Liquidation and. Distribution

Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Louis Trichardt.

T5941/01—Goldenspot Trading 239 CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master, Pretoria: Magistrate,

. Johannesburg, from 23 May 2003.

T1059/87—AMK Technologies (Edms) Bpk (in likwidasie). Gewysigde Derde Likwidasie- en - Distribusierekening.

Meester, Pretoria, Kaapstad, Boemfontein, Pietermaritzburg en Umtata; Landdros, Kempton Park, George, Port Elizabeth,

Oos-London, Durban, Pietersburg, Potchefstroom, Johannesburg, Witbank, Evander, Nelspruit en Upington.

_ T4009/97-GR13—Insolvent estate: Renier van Dyk, Identity No. 7209185053089, and Dina Carolina, Identity No. 7410280263082. Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria. :

T6857/00-GR7—One Stop Motor Spares CC (in liquidation). Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution ‘Account. Master, Pretoria.

T3898/02-GR 13—Insolvent estate: Peter Chapman Trust, 1T348/86. First t Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Lydenburg.

12314/02—D. J. Maritz. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester, Pretoria, 16/05/2003, 10:00.

T511/02—A. F. van Rhyn. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en yDitbusteekening Meester, Pretoria; Landdros, Alberton, a 16/05/2003.

T4108/02—T. F. & M. M. Marthiti. Eerste en 1 Finale Likwidasie-, Distibusie en | Kontrbusierekening, Meester, Pretoria; 16/05/2003.

~T3026/98—J. C. van Aswegen. Supplementére Eerste en Finale Likwidasie~ en Distribusierekening. Meester, Pretoria; Landdros, Heidelberg, 16/05/2003. , -


124 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

T5149/01—G. C. van Aswegen. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontibusierekening Meester, Pretoria;

Landdros, Johannesburg, 16/05/2003.

T5158/01—Potch Plastics Recycling (Pty) Ltd (in likwidasie). Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. Meester, Pretoria;

Landdros, Potchefstroom, 16/05/2003.

T149/02—A. Brits. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester, Pretoria; Landdros,

Heidelberg, 16/05/2003.

T4554/01—G. V. Lategan. Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. Meester, Pretoria, 16/05/2003. | |

T4781/99—S. Greyling. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester, Pretoria; Landdros,

Brakpan, 16/05/2008.

T6210/01—-Chrisick Materials Handling (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No. 1993/070250/07 (in likwidasie), geregistreerde. adres te

Regdata Gebou, Derde Straat 33, Delmas. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros te Delmas.

T6016/00—Siala Beleggings (Edms) Bpk. First Liquidation. and Distribution Account. Pretoria; Pietersburg.

T3528/00—-Ntando Investments 32 BK. First and Final Liquidation Account. Pretoria; Alberton,

7T5098/01—-M. L. Roos (ID 6012250073086). Second Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution

Account. Pretoria; Klerksdorp.

T2035/02—Ralc Familie Trust. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Pretoria; Brits.

5071/00. G. & A. M. Taljaard. Amended Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Pretoria; Lydenburg.

73581/01—D. J. Smith. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Pretoria; Roodepoort.

75507/01—J. L. Phiri. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Disiribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Te Meester, Pretoria vanaf

16/5/2003. T2185/01—S. J. Mans. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Koniribusierekening. Te Meester, Pretoria, vanaf


T3536/97—Insolvente boedel: Ronald Berne Chambeau. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en

Kontribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Middelburg.

7571/0i—Jeff’s Farming Enterprises CC, in likwidasie. Eerste Likwidasie- en Distibusierekening Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdros, Groblersdal.

T2751/00—M. & E. Casimero. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Kontribusierekening. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate,


T3685/99—S. S. Kellerman. Second Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master,

Pretoria; Magistrate, Roodepoort. i

T1660/02—Mordant Investments (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution

Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria.

77877/99—Super Diamond Computers (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. The

Master of the High Court, Pretoria; and the Magistrate, Johannesburg.

T5308/02-——Kerbyn 186 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Master of the

High Court, Pretoria; and the Magistrate, Johannesburg. |

T4744/00—Insolvent estate: M. S. Madito. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master

of the High Court, Pretoria.

T3176/00—Portion 167 Roodepoort Property Investments (Pty) Lid (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution

Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; and the Magistrate, Roodepoort.

15341/98—Hydro Tobacco Merchants (Pty) Ltd. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening.

Meester, Pretoria, 16 Mei 2003.

T6174/00—Brits Auto Spares CC. Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Brits, Pretoria,


7T5815/00—Lume, J. C. F. G. & A. M. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, 1 6/5/2003.

7T5588/98—Schwartz Sandton Three (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.

Pretoria; Johannesburg.

T1554/01—Glamorock Properties CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distrbution and Contribution Account.

Pretoria; Johannesburg.

T1534/01—Glamotile CC (in liquidation). Supplementary First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.

Pretoria; Johannesburg.

T5256/01—Boproe (Pty) Ltd. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof,

Pretoria; en Landdros, Johannersburg.

T2440/02—insolvente boedel: D. G. Burnard. Eerste en Finale Likwidasiesrekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof,

Pretoria; en Landdros, Springs.

7T3819/01—Shamriet Motors CC. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en Landdros, Germiston. !

T3887/01—FC Pretorius CC. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meesier van die Hooggeregshof,

Pretoria; en Landdros, Lichtenburg. i |


STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 125

' T5544/01—A. N. Robijn. Eersie en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria;

en Landdros, Potch.

T925/01—C. J. C. Wentzel. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

T2558/02—Embroidery Promotions CC. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en Landdros, Pietersburg.

T4934/01—D. B. Steyn. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshot, Pretoria; en Landdros, Brits.

T3546/02—Cleanso CC. Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregsho Pretoria; en Landdros, - Johannesburg.

T1355/02—-One Stop Trading. Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshoi, Pretoria.

71734/02—S. Labuschagye. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

1907/02—A, & A. M. van Niekerk. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en Kampton Park.

T714/02—N. A. R. Palmeira. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en Landdros, Johannesburg.

7T5533/01—J. F. & M. C. Wilbers. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

72422/01—Maxi Grip CC. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en Landdros, Johannesburg.

T324/02—A. A. Pitout. Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en Landdros, Lichtenburg.

T715/02—-J. Robbie. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en

Landdros, Johannesburg.

T813/02—E. & J. Schoeman Konstruksie. Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. Meesier van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. -

T498/02—S. V. van Zyl. Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en Nigel.

T594/01—Break Even 1065 CC. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en Landdros, Johannesburg.

T203/02—C. J. Labuschagne. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en Landdros, Johannesburg.

T2511/02—Dalben Properties (Pty) Ltd. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en Landdros, Randburg.

T2879/0i1—Helinda Trust. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, _Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester. van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

, 1650/02—Buttertield Bakery Pretoria Taxi Rank CC. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening.

Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. ; :

_11351/01—Grobas BK. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en Landdros, Potchefstroom. ,

T4273/01—Profurn Properties CC. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distripusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en Landdros, Randburg.

T3529/01—W. S. Naude. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribuslerekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en Landdros, Kempton Park.

T349/02—Core Productions. Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en Landdros, Johannesburg.

T3939/01—Executive Concepts (Pty) Ltd. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en Landdros, Randburg.

T1312/02—C. N. & M. S. Smit. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en Landdros, Potch.

C261/2000—Insolvente boedel: H. P. Linde. Derde en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester, Kaapstad: en Landdros, George.

T3873/2002—Insolvente boedel: Abel Daniél Petrus Breedt, ID No. 3807135027089, van die plaas Palmietfontein, Klerksdorp, Noordwes Provinsie. Eerste en Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester, Pretoria; Landdros, Klerksdorp.

B319/2002—Insolvente boedel: Pieter Jacobus Rademan, ID No. 2312015045088, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere en woonagtig te Lintotstraat 18, Wilgehof, Kroonstad, provinsie Vrystaat. Eerste Likwidasie- en Distribusierekensing. Meester, Bloemfontein; Landdros, Kroonstad.

B75/2002—Twee vir ’n Stuiwer Beleggings (Edms) Bpk, CK No. 97/06639/07 (in likwidasie), met geregistreerde adres te Boland Bank Sentrum 210, Elizabethstraat, Welkom, en besigheidsadres te Mount Everest, Harrismith, Vrystaat Provinsie. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester, Bloemfontein; Landdros, Welkom; Landdros, Harrismith.

16020/00—Sellout 002 CC, Registration No. 1987/013825/21. First and Final. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Empangeni, 16 May 2003 until 30 May 2003.

126 No. 24846 a GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

T4714/01—Rowan Angel CC, “Registration No. 1995/014945/22. First and Final. Master of the High Court, Pretoria;

Magistrate's Court, Germiston, 16 May 2003 until 30 May 2003.

T932/00—Insolvente boedel: David Nicolaas Gerhardus Kotze. Derde en Finale Lilewidasle-, Distribusie- en

_ Kontribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en Landdros, Morgenzon.

T3270/00—Insolvente boedel: John Fourie Noric Trust. Tweede en Finale: Likwidasie- en Distibusierekening. Meester

van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en Landdros, Potchefstroom.

Form/Vorm 5



Thé liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in the sequestrated estates or companies

being wound up, as the case may be, mentioned below having been confirmed on the dates therein mentioned,

‘notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 113.(1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 139 (2) of the Companies

Act, 1926, and. section 409 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, that dividends are in ihe course of payment or

contributions are in the course of collection in the said estates or companies as set forth below and that every

creditor liable to contribution is required to pay to the trustee or liquidator the amount for which he is liable at the

address mentioned below.

‘The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; | name and description of

estate/company and account; date when account confirmed; whether a dividend is being paid or contribution being

_ collected, or both, and name and address of trustee or liquidator. ’



Nademaal die likwidasierekenings en distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die gesekwestreerde boedels of

maatskappye in likwidasie, na gelang van die geval, hieronder vermeld op die datums daarin vermeld, bekragtig |

is, word hierby ingevolge artikel 113 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel 139 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926,

en artikel 409 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat uitbetaling van dividende of insameling van

‘kontribusies aan die gang is in genoemde boedels of maatskappye soos hieronder uiteengesit en dat elke

kontribusiepligtige skuldeiser die bedrag deur hom verskuldig by die adres hieronder genoem aan die kurator of

likwidateur moet betaal. _ . oo, io

Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van

boedel/maatskappy en rekening; datum. waarop rekening bekragtig is; of ’n dividend uitgekeer of ‘n kontribusie

ingevorder word, of beide, en naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur. |

C82/2002—Insolvent estate: JG & AM Zeelie. First Liquidation, Disiribution & Contribution Account. 25-04-2003. Secured

award only/contribution levied. SM Gore, c/o Sanek Trust (Pty) Ltd, 13th Floor, ABSA Centre, 2 Riebeek Street, Cape Town,


C1144/2000—Insolvente boedel: Ongegund Trust. Derde en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. 9 Apri 2003.

Konkurente dividende word betaal. Gerhardus Cornelius Kachelhotfer, p/a MTB Trustees, Posbus 7, Worcester, 6849...

" —. ©1209/2001—Jacobsbaai Properties (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution

Account. 16 April 2003. Dividends being paid. E M Fey, c/o PricewaterhouseCoopers, PO Box 2799, Cape Town, 8000.

C632/2002/2B—D L W Estates CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 24/04/2003.

Contribution levied on the applicant creditor. B N Shaw, c/o Progressive Administration, PO Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000.

' 72845/02—Stas Electrical Contractors (Pty) Limited (in liquidation). First Liquidation & Distribution Account. 30/04/2003.

’. Dividend payable to preferent creditor only. H. Mayo, Credit Management Solutions (Py) Ltd, Suite 77, Private-Bag X6,

Norwood, 2117.

7T6294/00—Compimport Corporation (Pty) Limited (in liquidation). Supplementary First & Final Liquidation & Distribution

Account. 30/04/2003.. Dividend payable to preferent creditor only. L. Matuson, S. L. Anticevich, N. D. Simon, S. M. Rasethaba,

Credit Managemefit Solutions (Pty) Ltd, Suite 77, Private Bag X6, Norwood, 2117.

B403/99—Insolvente boedel: Pieter Jacobs de Klerk. Eerste en. Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening.

17 Maart 2003. Kontribusie gevorder te word. Francis Joseph Errol Paola, p/a Gersohn & Paola Ing., Steynstraat 33, Posbus

101, Kroonstad.

7T2094/02—Petrus Dawid Engineering Holdings (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidstion Distribution & Contribution

Account. 30 April 2003. Contribution to be collected. Mark William Lynn, Lynn & Main, POE Box 87748, Houghton, 2041.


STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 127

B274/01—Insolvente boedel: R & HSJ Nel. Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution. 25-04-2003. V Johnson, Israel & Sackstein, PO Box 256, Bloemfoniein.

E342/2000—Insolvent estate: Robert lan Cloete, formerly farming of Birdsriver and Rockcliffe i in the district of Dordrecht. Amended Supplementary First and Final. 23rd April 2003. Statutory award being paid. Andrew Stuart Paterson, 10 St Patricks Road, Belgravia, East London.

C780/2001/4A—Insolvent estate: L N Rogers. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 17/04/2003. Awards will accrue to concurrent creditors. B N Shaw, c/o Progressive Administration, PO Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000.

C922/2001—Lion-Cor Restaurant CC, t/a St Elmo's Somerset-West {in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 23/04/2003. Awards will accrue to secured and prefrent creditors. R Engelbrecht, c/o Progressive Administration, PO. Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000.

B238/98—insolvente boedel: B J Bekker. Vierde Aanvullende Rekening tot die Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. 29 April 2003. Dividende word uitgekeer. A H Taute, Schoeman Maree Ing., Posbus 3293, Bloemfoniein, 9300.

C307/2001—Insolvente boedel: Mierkraal Plase Trust. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. 8 April 2003. Versekerde dividende word betaal. Gerhardus Cornelius Kachelhoffer, p/a MTB Trustees, Posbus 7, Worcester, 6849. a

E192/00—Colenray CC (in liquidation). Fourth Liquidation & Distribution Account. 28 March 2003. Dividend paid. Miss M. de Boer, Idec Trust, P.O. Box 432, East London, 5200.

E111/95—VMC Investments CC (in liquidation). Fifth & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 24 March 2003. Dividend paid. Miss M. de Boer, W de Jager, Idec Trust, P.O. Box 432, East London, 5200.

E400/99—Montoya Liquors CC (in liquidation). Third Liquidation & Distribution Account. 27 March 2003. Dividend paid. Miss M. de Boer, Idec Trust, P.O. Box 432, East London, 5200.

_ £3/02—Leopard Milling (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First Liquidation & Distribution Account. 28 March 2003. Dividend paid. Miss M. de Boer, D Strauss, D Moodley, Idec Trust, P.O. Box 432, East London, 5200.

E414/98—Rodlion Industrial Food Consultants CC (in liquidation). Second & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 25 March 2003. Dividend paid & contribution collected. Miss M. de Boer, Idec Trust, P.O. Box 432, East -London, 5200.

C988/2000—Insolvente boedel: Charl Gerhardus Herbst. Derde en: Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. 1 April 2003. Versekerde dividende word betaal en kontribusie gevorder. Christiaan Jacobus Pretorius & Elizna Lourens, p/a MTB Trustees, Posbus 7, Worcester, 6849.

C1142/2000—Insolvente boedel: Zwartfontein Trust. Tweede Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. 2 April 2003. Slegs versekerde/preferente dividende. William George Robertson. & Daniél Ernst Fourie, p/a MTB Trustees, Posbus 7, Worcester, 6849.

C1239/2000—Insolvente boedel: Boschkloof Boerdery Trust. Aanvullende Rekening tot die Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. 7 April 2003. Dividends word betaal. Christiaan Jacobus Pretorius & Elizna Lourens, p/a MTB ‘Trustees, Posbus 7, Worcester, 6849.

T960/00—Genus Concepts CC (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 22/07/2002. Dividend being paid. L T Herdan, PO Box 521, Klerksdorp, 2570.

E148/2002—insolvent estate: Pieter Johannes & Laura Yvonne Minnie. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 25-04-2003. Dividend being paid. H. Maritz, Klerck & Maritz Trustees CC, PO Box 7615, Port Elizabeth, 6055.

B119/02—J J TV Profiles CC (in likwidasie). Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. 10 April 2003. Kontribusie Betaalbaar. S M van Coppenhagen, Honey Prokureurs, Posbus 29, Bloemfontein, 9300.

N63/02—Wood On-Line CC, CK1993/008288/23, in liquidation. 30/04/08. Secured & preferent. dividend being paid. Pierre Berrangé, Lynn & Berrangé, P O Box 2838, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

T4025/00—Tridelta Magnet Technology Holdings Ltd, in liquidation. 24/04/03. Distribution to creditors. Pierre Berrange, Lynn’ & Berrangé, P O Box 2838, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

231/01—Fountaindale Investments (Pty) Ltd, in members voluntary ligitidation. 14/04/2003. ‘Dividend payable. D J Tarpey, P'O Box 1098, Westville, 3630.

K21/2001—Blitz Trok Herstel & Insleepdiens BK, in likwidasie. 9 April 2003. Dividend is being paid. C J Carr, P.O Box 6, Upington.

C290/98—Masonic Motors (Pty) Ltd, in. liquidation. Fourth Liquidation and Distribution Account. 25 April 2003. Secured dividends being paid. JJ Steenkamp & G Kachelhoffer, Joint Liquidator, c/o KPMG Administrators (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 4609, Cape Town, 8000.

E310/2001—Insolvent estate: Lynn Denise Jenkins, ID 4602180150004, who resided at 18 Diaz Road, Seafield, Port . Alfred. Second and Final Account. 29th April 2003. Andrew Stuart Paterson; 10 St Patricks Road, Belgravia, East London.

E277/2001/1—Insolvent estate: Grant Allen Pape and Belinda Andrea Shirley Pape, who reside at 4 Linaria Place, Vincent Heights, East London. First Account. 26th April 2003. Andrew Stuart Paterson, 10 St Patricks Road, Belgravia, East London.

C577/2001—Insolvent estate: The Overberg Trust. Preferent and secured dividends being paid only. Cornelis Ignatius Fischer of Balsillies Incorporated, P O Box 3092, Cape Town, 8000.

T5016/00—Insolvent estate: William Abraham Erasmus. First. and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 9/4/2003. Secured and concurrent awards. P A Cronjé, P O Box 17300, Pretoria. North.

128 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 |

C1071/01—Insolvent estate: Peter Lawrence Freemantle. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account.

25/04/03. Dividend being paid & contribution being collected. Mr H M M Terblanche, P O Box 323, Cape Town, 8000..

C872/01—Insolvent estate: Johannes Daniel van Zyl. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account.

22/04/03. Dividend being paid & contribution being collected. Mr H M M Terblanche, P O Box 323, Cape Town, 8000.

C1031/01—Insolvent estate: Deon Nel. Amended First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 25/04/03.

Dividend being paid & contribution being collected. Mr H M M Terblanche, P O Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. ,

C41/01—Insolvent estate: Christiaan Frederick Hanekom. First & Final Liquidation & Distripution Account. 23/04/08.

Dividend being paid..Mr H M M Terblanche, P O Box 323, Cape Town, 8000.

C1082/01—Insolvent estate: Phil Jacobus & Magrietha Magda Snyman. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account.

24/04/03. Dividend being paid. Mr H M M Terblanche, P O Box 323, Cape Town, 8000.:

C1107/01—Insolvent estate: Johannes Jacobus & Johanna Minnie Herwels. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution &

Contribution Account. 17/04/03. Dividend being paid & contribution being collected. Mr HMM Terblanche, PO Box 323, Cape

Town, 8000.

C852/2000—Stuart Kirk Builders CC, in liquidation. Supplementary Liquidation & Distribution Account. 22/04/03. Dividend

being paid. Mr H M M Terblanche, P O Box 323, Cape Town, 8000.

C620/99/2A—Insolvent estate: F T Saaiman. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 25-04-2003.

Dividends paid. Z Bester, Margot Swiss Trustees (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 1710, George, 6530, and B J V Durandt, KPMG

Administrators, P O Box 4609, Cape Town, 8000.

C839/99/3B—Marx & Halford Hotel CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.

- 25-04-2003. Dividends paid and contribution levied. S A Coetzee, Margot Swiss Trustees (Pry) Lid, P O Box 1710, George,


C573/97/3A—Simola Golf & Country Estate Pty Ltd, in liquidation. Amended First Liquidation and Distribution Account.

29-04-2003. Dividends paid. S A Coetzee, Margot Swiss Trustees (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1710, George, 6530.

N546/01—Ashveer’s Clothing C.C.., | in liquidation. 1st Account. 10-04-03. Secured. G. J. Sherif, P.O. Box 1050, Durban,


N3/02—I/Partnership Supreme Workwear Manufacturers. ist & Final Acc. 23-04-03. Contribution levied. G. J. Sheriff

P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000.

T6181/98—General Business Supplies CC, in liquidation. Fourth & Final Liquidation & bistibution Account. 15/04/03.

Dividends to be awarded. M Bryden, Unity Trust CC, 3 Abor Place, Northcliff Ext 12.

76075/01—Creative Spaces (Cape Town) CC, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation & ; (Distribution Account. 30/04/03.

Dividends to be awarded. M Bryden, Unity Trust CC, 3 Abor Place Northcliff Ext 12.

T2653/01—Insolvent estate: W J Geyser. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 29/04/03. Dividends to be

awarded. M Bryden, Unity Trust CC, 3 Abor Place, Northcliff Ext 12.

74789/0i—Lambton Friendly Grocer CC, in liquidation. First Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account.

31-01-2003. Contribution to be levied. S Williams, Liquidator, c/o KPMG Administrators (Pty) Lid, 85 Empire Road, Parktown,


79/01—Unitrade 645 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. 17- 01 -2003. Dividends to be paid.

JR Galloway, JM Oelofsen, Joint Liquidators, c/o KPMG Administrators (Pty) Ltd, 85 Empire Road, Parktown.

C1360/2000—Skyprops 141 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 29-04-03. Secured award. M Abrahams & MJ Lane, c/o Sanek Trust

(Pty) Ltd, 13th Floor, ABSA Centre, 2 Riebeeck Street, Cape Town, 8001. |

T4975/00—Rotometrics (SA) (Pty) Limited, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 26/11/02.

Dividend to be paid. J L C Fourie, c/o Antrust (Pty) Ltd, 101 Oxford Road, Saxonwold, 2196. || ,

T1614/00—Insolvent estate: L J Fouche. Amended First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 8-6-02. Dividend to be

paid. N Marnitz, c/o Antrust (Pty) Ltd, 101 Oxford Road, Saxonwold, 2196.

T1637/01—Dotcom Trading 121 (Pty) Limited, 24/04/03. Secured & preferent creditors. M. Schmidt, Resolution Trust

Company (Pty) Limited, 446 Main Street, Belgravia, 2094.

72748/01—Anna Johanna Wesseis. 11/04/03. Contribution to be waived. M. Schmidt, Resolution Trust Company (Pty)

Limited, 446 Main Street, Belgravia, 2094.

T1899/01—TIV Technologies (Pty) Limited. 24/04/03. Preferent creditor. M. Schmidt, Resolution Trust Company (Pty)

Limited, 446 Main Street, Belgravia, 2094.:

T1228/01—Investment Facility Company 849 (Pty) Ltd. 24/04/2003. Dividend to be ped to to concurrent creditor. qT. Tylcoat

(MS), c/o Resolution Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, 446 Main Street, Belgravia, 2094.

'T7767/99—Flora Hovsha, 24/04/03. Concurrent creditors. M. Schmidt, Resolution Trust Company (Pty) Limited, 446 Main

Street, Belgravia, 2094.

T8014/99—Kelvinator of SA Ltd, in liquidation. Second Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution

Account. 30 April 2003. Concurrent awards to creditors. L. F. Pereira, Vorster Pereira, P.O. Box 78841, Sandton, 2146.

T3078/99—Insolvent estate: A. J. van der Walt. 17-02-2003. Dividends to be paid. S. Christensen, Trustee, c/o KPMG

Administrators (Pty) Lid, Private Bag X68, Braamfontein, 2017.

7T4391/2000—Insolvent estate: J. M. Jobling (estate late). First and Final: Liquidation and Distribution Account. .

23-04-2003. G. |. Smit Trustee, c/o Maurice Schwartz Venter & Associates (Pty) Limited, P.O. Box 1474, Johannesburg.

15392/99—Insolvent estate: H. S. N..Heyns. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 23-04-2003.

E. M. Venter Trustee, c/o Maurice Schwartz Venter & Associates (Pty) Limited, P.O. Box 1474, Johannesburg.


STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 - _.. .. . No.24846 129

15738/98—Capferat Properties CC. Second & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 11-04-2003. G. |. Smit/R. D. du Plessis, Joint Liquidators, c/o Maurice Schwartz Venter & Associates (Pty) Limited, P.O. Box 1474, Johannesburg.

14478/00—Insolvent estate: B. Russell Gordon Upneck. First & Final Liquidation Account. 06/05/03. No dividends being paid, no contributions being collected. A. |. Surmany & F. G. Gay, RMG Trust CC, P.O. Box 783601, Sandton, 2146.

T982/02—M. D. Retief, born 4 April 1970, 7004040072089. 29/04/03. Dividends paid. C:-J. Maritz, Private Bag X2103, Mafikeng, 2745. .

T983/02—F, J. Retief, born 25 May 1970, 7005255056089. 05/05/03. Dividends paid. C. J. Maritz, Private Bag X2103, Mafikeng, 2745.

C119/2001—Hentiq 1294 (Edms.) Bpk., in likwidasie. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. 08/04/2003. Dividend. Dawid J. Strauss, Strauss Trustees BK, Posbus 202, Joubertina, 6410. _ E193/2001—Karemaker BK, in likwidasie. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Kontribusierekening. 15/04/2003. Kontribusie. Nardus Ferreira, Strauss Trustees BK, Posbus 202, Joubertina, 6410. -

N527/99—Abba Footwear CC, in liquidation. Supplementary Liquidation and Distribution Account. 16 April 2003. Dividends being paid. John Douglas Michau, Stowell Estate Administration Trust, 295 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

N205/01—Gain Discount Centre CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 25 March 2003. . ‘Dividend being paid and contribution being collected. K. R. Knoop Schoerie & Knoop, 181A Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

N453/97—Dan’s Trucking Services CC, in liquidation. Supplementary Second and Final Liquidation and _ Distribution Account. 25 March 2003. Payment of dividends. K. R. Knoop, c/o Schoerie & Hayes Inc., P.O. Box 181, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

N641/0i—Selgro Shopping Centre (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 23 April 2003. Both. S. A. K. N. Mahomed, c/o Shaukat Karim & Co., Docex 156, Durban; P. J. Schoerie, c/o Schoerie & Knoop CC, Docex 5, Pietermaritzburg. .

€149/2001/4A—Express Direct (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. 29/04/2003. C. M. Hathorn, Lynn & Hathorn Inc, P.O. Box 1139, Cape Town, 8000. / :

C702/2002/2B—Provestor 129 CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 24/04/2003. N. A. Sansom, Lynn & Hathorn Inc., P.O. Box 1139, Cape Town, 8000.

C1204/2000—insolvent estate: J. Roodt. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 07/01/2003. N. A. Sansom, Lynn & Hathorn Inc., P.O. Box 1139, Cape Town, 8000. -

€1212/2000—Rac. Trading (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 14/04/2003. C. M. Hathorn, Lynn & Hathorn Inc., P.O. Box 1139, Cape Town, 8000.

T4992/00—MDD Engineering Services CC, in liquidation. Supplementary Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 09/04/03. Secured award and contribution payable. F. G. Gay, c/o CA Trust (Pty) Ltd, 61 4th Avenue, Melville, 2092. an

72127/02—Vanderbijlpark Toolmakers (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 16/04/03. Contribution payable. F. G. Gay, c/o CA Trust (Pty) Ltd, 61 4th Avenue, Melville, 2092.

' T7596/99—Insolvent estate: Robert Wayne & Milani Engelbrecht. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and. Contribution Account. 23 April 2003. Dividend to secured creditor & contribution levied. Trevor Giddey, TBT Trust (Pty) Lid, P.O. Box 1729, Randburg, 2125. - _

12681/96—A G Construction & Engineering CC, in liquidation. Supplementary First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 11 April 2003. Dividend to secured & preferent creditors. Trevor Giddey, TBT Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1729, Randburg, 2125.

T6028/00—R & P van den Berg Broers BK (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 06-05-2003. Contribution to be collected. C F de Wet, Kaap Vaal Trust, P O Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028.

1T6389/00—Insolvent estate: A A & S M Tapia. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 02-05-2003. Secured award and contribution. C F de Wet, Kaap Vaal Trust, P O-Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. .

16288/99—Insolvent estate: M D Matlala. First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 10-04-2003. Contribution levied. C F de Wet, Kaap Vaal Trust, P O Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028, ; .

T97/97—Insolvente boedel: Piekenierskloof Trust. Aanvullende Eerste. en Finale Likwidasie- & Distribusierekening. 28-04-2003. Dividende betaal. C F de Wet & B St Clair Cooper, p/a Kaap Vaal Trust, Posbus 16185, Doornfontein, 2028.

T5350/98—Insolvent estate: F van Snik Buys. Second & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 24-04-2003. Dividend paid & contribution levied. C F de Wet, Kaap Vaal Trust, P O Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028.

15560/01—insolvent estate: G & M.S Carswell. First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 23-04-2003. Contribution to.be collected. C F de Wet, Kaap. Vaal Trust, P.O Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028.

15653/01—Fanie Smit Transport (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 23-04-2003. Shortfall. C F de Wet, Kaap Vaal Trust, P O Box 16185, .Doornfontein, 2028.

7103/02—Viva Steel (Pty) Limited (in liquidation). Second & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 05/05/03. Awards to concurrent creditors. H. Mayo, c/o. Credit Management Solutions (Pty) Ltd, Private Bag X6, Norwood, 2117.

13271/02—Adeka Beleggings (Edms) Beperk. 7. Mei 2003. No dividend or contribution. GPJ van den Berg, PO Box 55799, Arcadia, 0007. oe . T982/02—MD Retief (7004040072089), born 4 April 1970. 29/04/03. Dividends paid. CJ Maritz, Private Bag X2103, Mafikeng, 2745. oe Oo 00380164—5 a : 24846—5

130- No. 24846— GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003


| I

| T983/02—FJ Retief (7005255056089), born 25 May 1970. 05/05/03. Dividends paid. CJ Maritz, Private Bag X2103,

Mafikeng, 2745.

T4129/01—Insolvente boedel: BL Herzfield. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. 7 Mei 2003.

Dividend & kontribusie. C Wilsnach, Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007. woh toe

7941/02—-EB Shelf Investments Number 78 (Pty) Ltd. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. 7 Mei 2003.

Dividende. C Wilsnach, Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007. mo

T3313/00—Keitumetse Bar Lounge CC (in likwidasie). Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening.

7 Mei 2003. Dividend & kontribusie. C Wilsnach, Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007. oo

12772/02—Managedcomp Technologies (Pty) Ltd, in voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution

Account. 28/02/2003. Dividends to be paid. Mr M P McGarrigle, P O Box 95436, Waterkloof, 0145. Se

72786/02—Vecto Trade 362 (Pty) Ltd, in voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.

28/02/2003. Dividends to be paid. Mr M P McGarrigle, P O Box 95436, Waterkloof, 0145. | -

T4140/01—Insolvente boedel: L Nhlapo. 30 April 2003. Dividend en kontribusie gevorder te word. Elsie Wagner, Posbus

26598, Gezina, 0031. . -

74258/99—Insolvente boedel: C E G Schutte. 20 Maart 2002. Dividend en kontribusie gevorder te word. K J W Swanepoel,

Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. a.

_T6673/00—Noord Transvaal Varsprodukte Mark (Edms) Beperk (in likwidasie). 3 April 2003. Dividende. Elsie Wagner,

Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. ,

T1930/02—-STP Transport Carriers BK (in likwidasie). 25 April 2003. Tekort. K J W Swanepoel, Posbus 26598, Gezina,


T3955/99—Insolvente boedel: P F Terblanche. 29 April 2003. Dividende en kontribusie gevorder te word. K J W

Swanepoel, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. |

: T4380/00—Insolvente boedel: J P & M Verster. 25 April 2003. Dividende en kontribusie gevorder te word. Elsie Wagner,

Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031.

74725/01—De Wet Water Features BK (in likwidasie). Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. 25 April 2003. K J W

Swanepoel, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031.

- 76854/99—Five Star Industrial Maintenance BK (in likwidasie). 16 April 2003. Dividende en kontribusie gevorder te word.

E. Wagner, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. | SS

17436/99—Gateway Manufacturers & Suppliers (Edms) Beperk (in likwidasie). 7 April 2003. Dividende. K J W

Swanepoel, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. |

/ 72591/00-—-Master Cutting Tools (SA) (Edms) Beperk (in likwidasie). 14 April 2003. Tekort. KJW Swanepoel, Posbus

26598, Gezina, 0031. ;

T884/01—Insolvente boedel: P A Meyer. 25 April 2003. Voogdyfonds. Elsie Wagner, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031.

T3043/99—M P A du Preez Transport Edms Bpk (in likwidasie). Tweede en Finale Likwidasie- en Verdelingsrekening.

22/4/2008. Dividend betaalbaar aan. versekerde en voorkeur skuldeisers. Mnr JH van Rensburg, mnr A Resnick, p/a Bureau

Trust, 4de Verdieping, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Pretoria, 0002. | :

75687/99—Insolvente boedel: L. Smith. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Verdelings- en! Kontribusierekening. 28/2/2003.

_ Dividend betaalbaar aan versekerde skuldeisers en kontribusie verhaalbaar. Mnr G W Harris, p.a Bureau Trust, 4de Verdieping,

Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Pretoria, 0002. 7 ;

T4261/01—Insolvente boedel: G J Joubert. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Verdelings- en Kontribusierekening. 22/4/2003.

Dividend betalbaar aan versekerde skuldeisers en kontribusie verhaalbaar. Mnr JH van Rensburg, p/a Bureau Trust,

4de Verdieping, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Pretoria, 0002. :

T4386/99—Insolvente boedel: P Jansen van Rensburg. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Verdelings- en Kontribusierekening.

’ 6/3/2003. Dividend betaalbaar aan versekerde skuldeisers en kontribusie verhaalbaar. Mnr J ZH. Miller, p/a Bureau Trust,

Ade Verdieping, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Pretoria, 0002. ; | ..

76003/00—Insolvente boedel: Erasmus Familie Trust. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- Verdelings- en Kontribusierekening.

23/4/2003. Dividend betaalbaar aan versekerde skuldeisers en kontribusie verhaalbaar. Mnr P J Kilian, p/a Bureau Trust,

4de Verdieping, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Pretoria, 0002. a ce

T1863/01—Lenlyn Properties Edms Bpk (in likwidasie). Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Verdelingsrekening. 22/4/2003.

Dividend betaalbaar aan bewese skuldeisers. Mnr G W Harris, p/a Bureau Trust, 4de Verdieping, Bureau. Forum, Bureau Laan,

Pretoria, 0002. |

B98/2001—Insolvente boedel: Jan H Transport BK (in likwidasie). Aanvullende Eerste & Finale Likwidasie- & Distribusie-

rekening. 25/4/2003. Dividende word betaal. S Tsangarakis, EG Cooper & Seuns, St Andrewstraat 157, Bloemfontein.

_ 7518/99—Insolvente boedel: DJA Erasmus. Gewysigde Tweede en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. 11 April

2003. Dividend. W A Koch, Alto Trustees, Posbus 2377, Brooklyn Square, 0075. - oe

75427/01—Devtrain Services CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation. 16/4/03. Contribution being collected.

S L Anticevich, c/o Admiral Trust, P.O. Box 781145, Sandton, 2146. _

- °75638/00—Quality Bearings & Seals Vereeniging CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 4/4/03.

Award to preferent creditor only. S L Anticevich, c/o Admiral Trust, P.O. Box 781145, Sandton, 2146.

: °71485/01—W & G Boerebenodighede (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation. 16/4/03. Contribution being

collected. S L Anticevich, c/o Admiral Trust, P.O. Box 781145, Sandton, 2146. Se oe

72153/00—Petersfield (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution. 3/4/03. Partial

award to a secured creditor and a contribution being collected. S L Anticevich, c/o Admiral Trust,- P.O. Box 781145, Sandton,



.. STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI'2003 No. 24846 131

:.T1:729/02—SIT. Financial Services (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and: Final Liquidation and Distribution. 23/4/03, Contribution being collected. S L Anticevich, c/o Admiral Trust, P.O. Box 781145, Sandton, 2146.

:.T5497/00—Keylock Manufacturing (Pty) Limited (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation; Distribution and Contribution Account. 02-05-2003. Dividend being paid and contribution levied. Liquidtor, LT Cordero, Taxfin Trust CC, PO Box: 1901, - Southdale, 2135.

T627/01—Insolvent estate: Jamie Frank Jooste. First & Final Liquidation Account. 16/04/2003. No dividends payable. Trustee, LT Cordero, Taxfin Trust CC,.PO Box 1901, Southdale, 2135.

T1415/99—PM Mahoko. First & Final Liquidation, Distibution & Contribution, 04- 04-03. . Dividends and contribution. JA Fisher, Van. Rooyen-Fisher, P O Box 2230, Brooklyn Square, 0075.

T45/00—JR Humpries. First & Final! Liquidation, Distribution & Coniribution. 07-04-03. Dividends and contributon, AW van'Rooyen; Van Rooyen-Fisher, P O Box 2230, Brooklyn Square, 0075.

T1382/99—MJ & KL van der Westhuizen. First & Final Liquidation Account. 01-04-03. No dividends. AW van Rooyen, Van Rooyen-Fisher, P O Box 2230, Brooklyn Square, 0075.

T3076/00—JJ Smith. First & Final Liquidation Account. 15-04-03. No dividends. AW van Rooyen, Van Rooyen-Fisher, P.O Box 2230, Brooklyn Square, 0075. oS

__ 12377/00—MJ & FA Rankwe. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution. 09- 04- 03. Dividends & contribution. AW van Rooyen, Van Rooyen-Fisher, P O Box 2230, Brooklyn Square, 0075.

.16477/98—KD Mantsane. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution. 28- 06- 00. Dividends & contribution, AW van Rooyen, ‘Van Rooyen-Fisher, P O Box 2230, Brooklyn’ Square, 0075.

.. 1877/02—MA Joubert. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution. ‘30-04-03. Dividends & contribution. AW van Rooyen, Van Rooyen-Fisher, P O Box.2230, Brooklyn Square, 0075. —

_ 16170/0i1—BBL Distributors CC. First. & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 07- 03- 03. _ Contribution. AW van Rooyen, Van Rooyen-Fisher, P O Box 2230, Brooklyn Square, 0075.

_. .13165/98—Insolvente boedel: J F & H'A du Preez. Eerste ‘en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & -Kontrbusiorekening, 4 Desember 2001. Distribusie, kontribusie. J:H du Plessis, Newcor Trustees, Posbus 2585, Randburg, 2125. _T5482/01—Lavern Properties BK (in likwidasie). Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- & Distribusierekening: 11 -April 2003.

Distribusie. JH du Plessis, Newcor Trustees,Posbus 2585, Randburg, 2125. :T2889/00—The Study Guide Cente (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution

Account. 30/04/2003. Dividends and contribution. P B-van Rooyen & A Roos, Xirimele Trustees cc, PO Box. 12535, The Tramshed,.0126. . ,

T2028/02—Versitrade 242 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account, 24/04/2003. No dividends, no con- tribution: W van Rooyen, Xirimele Trustees CC, P O Box 12535, The Tramshed,. 0126. :

-:T5428/01—Insoivent estate: Terk, David Ellis. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 25/04/2008. Dividends. P.B van Rooyen & G M Cloete, Xirimele Trustees CC, P O Box 12535,'The Tramshed, 0126. . .

17247/99—Insolvent estate: Maritz, Dennis Benjamin. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contibution Account. . 29/04/2003. Dividends and contribution. P B van Rooyen, Xirimele Trustees CC, P O Box 12535, The Tramshed, 0126. .

*: T689/01—Insolvente’ boedei: M en J Kruger. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. 24/04/2003. Dividende betaal en kontribusie gevorder te word. JN Bekker, pa Nicolaas Bekker Trustees, Posbus. 8550, Pretoria, 0001. - 12217/01-—Wendy Centre Construction BK,. in likwidasie. Eerste Likwidasie- en Distrbusierekening. 22/04/2008.

Dividende betaal. J N Bekker, p/a Nicolaas Bekker Trustees, Posbus 8550, Pretoria, 0001. . T3277/98—Insolvente boedel: M C Moremi. Gewysigde Derde en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 2/04/2008.

Divideride betaal. JN Bekker, p/a Nicolaas Bekker Trustees, Posbus 8550, Pretoria, 0001. — T509/02—Insolvente boedel: L A Hanekom. Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. 29/04/03. Geen. K E Lutchmia,, pia Fort

Trustees, P-O Box 4636, Pretoria; 0001. ‘T1607/01—KVS Transport BK, in likwidasie. 30 April 2003. Dividende betaalbaar. JH Botha,’ ‘Sechaba Trust, ‘Posbus

11889, Tremloods, 0126. ,

_T4748/02—Ithuba Cash Loans BK, in lkwidasie. 30 ‘April 2003. Dividende betaalbaar. C Murray, Sechaba Trust, Posbus 11889, Tremloods, 0126.

T1977/93—Insolvente boedel: JH c Swartz. 25 April 2003. Dividende betaalbaar. Cc Murray, Sechaba Trust, Posbus 11889, Tremloods, 0126.

T5577/01/7B—Kisu Investments (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 1976/001310/07) {in liquidation): First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 1 April 2003. Secured award/contribution. Philip Wardel Moorrees Reynolds, Box 31101, Braamfontein, 2017 and Willie L Seriti, Box 12224, The Tramshed, 0126.

T616/00/6A—Insolvent estate: Martin (Late) Janit, Identity No. 4611245057088. Supplementary First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 31 March 2003. Dividend payable. Theodor Wilhelm van den-Heever, Box 31101, Braamfontein, 2017 and Peter Charles Bothomley, Box. 10527, Johannesburg, 2000.,°

-74895/01/12A—Erf 143. Meadowdale Properties CC (Reg. -No. 95/379641/23) (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 10 April 2003. Secured award/contribution. Theodor Wilhelm van den Heever,; Box 31101, Braamfontein, 2017, and Lauro Teresio Cordero; Box 1901, Southdale, 2105. oe,

- 18963/01/3B—Cooperheat ‘of Africa (Pty) Ltd: (Reg. No. 72/03983/07) (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 11 April 2003. Preferent award. Philip Wardel, Moorrees Reynolds, Box 31101, Braamfontein, 2017...

132 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003


T5341/01/1C—Devitt’s Air Conditioning & Mechanical Services CC (Reg. No. 97/1 8894/23) (in liquidation). First.& Final

Liquidation and Contribution Account. 24 March 2003. Contribution. Jayant Dayi Pema, Box 31101, Braamfontein, 2017.

144745/00—PJ Greyvenstein. First & Final Liquidation; Distribution & Contribution. 30/04/03. Dividends payable

contribution collected. A Labuschagne, Bus 13281, Tramshed, 0126. ; fo,

T42/01—-Vet Connexion. Amended First & Final Liquidation. 30/04/03. Dividends payabled. A Labuschagne, Bus 13281,

Tramshed, 0126. . a

73652/00—Au Koch. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution. 30/04/03. Contribution collected. A Labuschagne, Bus 13281,

Tramshed, 0126. oe

75451/00—MT Fumba. First & Final Liquidation, Contribution. 30/04/03. Dividends payable contribution ‘collected.

ALabuschagne, Bus 3281, Tramshed, 0126. , po :

T4063/00—GJJ & SM Boshoff. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution. 30/04/03. Dividends payable. A Labuschagne,

Bus 13281, Tramshed, 0126. I

T7721/99—E Oberholzer. Amended First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 19/03/03. Dividends payable.

A Labuschagne, Bus 13281, Tramshed, 0126. © °

15215/01—Iinsolvent estate: LA Hanna. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 02/05/03. Dividend being

accrued. Chavonnes Badenhorst, St Clair Cooper, Cooper Trust, P O Box 411529, Craig Hall, 2024. me

_T543/02—Insolvent estate: L & AH Page. First Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 02/05/03. Dividend being

accrued, contribution being levied. Barend Johannes Jacobus Bezuidenhout, Cooper Trust, P O Box 411529, Craig Hall, 2024.

T2180/99—Mathieson & Ashley Holdings Ltd, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution

Account. 05/05/03. Dividend being accrued, contribution being levied. Brian St Clair Cooper, Cooper Trust, P O Box 411529,

Craig Hall, 2024. .

B5/2002—Tradequick 1054 BK, in likwidasie. Tweede Likwidasie- & Distribusierekening. 02/05/2003. Dividende te betaal.

CBStC Cooper, p/a Cooper Trust, Posbus 27, Bloemfontein, 9300; LB Saffy, p/a Honey & Vennote, Posbus 29, Bloemfontein,

9300. |

_ B267/2002—Mandes Vleismark BK, in likwidasie. Tweede Likwidasie- & Distribusierekening. 02/05/2003. Dividende uit

te betaal. CStC Cooper, p/a Cooper Trust, Posbus 27, Bloemfontein, 9300; VM Phatshoane, p/a Phatshoane Henny. Ing.,

Posbus 625, Bloemfontein, 9300: .

-75265/00—GC Schuleman. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening. 25/04/03. Versekerd &

kontribusie. Mnr J F Fourie, Pendulum Trustees, Posbus 24886, Gezina, 0031. ;

T544/01—MG Miranda. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie, Distribusie & Kontribusierekening. 29/04/03. Versekerd &

kontribusie. Mnr J F Fourie, Pendulum Trustees, Posbus 24886, Gezina, 0031.

T3046/01—Insolvente boedel: PC Visser Familie Trust. Eerste & Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening.

8 Mei 2003. Dividende betaal en kontribusie gevorder. Mnr Paul Daneel Kruger, p/a James van Rensburg & Strydom (Edms)

Bpk, Hadefields Kantoorblok, Grondvloer, Blok D, Pretoriusstraat 1267, Hatfield, 0083. ,

___75859/01—Insolvente boedel: R Shute. Eerste & Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. 27 Maart 2003.

Dividend betaal en kontribusie gevorder. Mnr Leonardus Johannes Strydom, James van Rensburg & Strydom (Edms) Bpk,

Hadefields Kantoorblok, Grondvloer, Blok D, Pretoriusstraat 1267, Hatfield, 0083. a 7

T8270/99/GR10—Insolvent estate: Gert Petrus Ettiene Stassen, Identity No. 3407045014002. Amended Second and

Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 30/04/03. Dividend. Thomas George Nell, Cynthia Harding Trustees (Pty) Ltd,

P.O. Box 65105, Erasmusrand, 0165. -

. 76589/00—Van Rhyn Steenmakery (Edms) Bpk. 23 Apr 2003. Secured dividend. LM Taljaard, Posbus 1990, Pretoria.

7T2286/99—Rhino Industrial Floorcare BK. 16 Apr 2003. Secured dividend and contribution. MJD Breytenbach, Posbus

1990, Pretoria. ; | Lo

T4485/00—Comb Prop Consultants BK. 22 Apr 2003. Concurrent dividend. LM Taljaard, Posbus 1990, Pretoria.

- 75433/98—Mbuleni Transport (Edms) Bpk. 7 May 2003. None. MJD Breytenbach, Posbus 1990, Pretoria.

T7217/99—DJ & BMG Oosthuizen. 29 Apr 2003. Secured dividend and contribution. TM Wouda, Posbus 1990, Pretoria.

T3130/00—MD Strydom. 7 May 2003. None. MJD Breytenbach, Posbus 1990, Pretoria, oo, ‘

75355/01—CJ Janse van Vuuren, 0839592189. 4 Apr 2003. None. MJD Breytenbach, Posbus 1990, Pretoria.

T1437/00—CD & E Bezuidenhout. 14 Apr 2003. None. TM Wouda, Posbus 1990, Pretoria.

72944/00—JP & B Lamont, ID No.: 4410275028089, ID No.: 4601070027082. 11 Jun 2002. Contribution collected.

MJD Breytenbach, Posbus 1990, Pretoria. oO |

1448/00-—W.J. Swanepoel. 17-4-2003. Kontribusie. A V Hamman Trustees BK, Posbus 11344, Tremloods, 0126. -

T520/02—Eton Agencies CC. 8-4-2003. Dividende. A V Hamman Trustees BK, Posbus 11344, Tremloods, 0126.

_. 781/02—Proactive Precautions CC. 16-4-2003. Likwidasierekening. A V Hamman Trustees BK, Posbus’ 11344,

" Tremloods, 0126. - |

T4971/01—S.D. Koza. 16-4+2003. Dividend en kontribusie. AV Hamman Trustees BK, /Posbus 11344, Tremloods, 0126.

7T1217/01—F.P. en M.B. Saunders. 25/4/2003. Dividende en kontribusie. A V Hamman Trustees BK, Posbus 11344,

Tremloods, 0126. SS .

7T1682/02—Diana Home Improvements CC. 14/4/03. Likwidasierekening. A V Hamman Trustees BK, Posbus 11344,

Tremloods, 0126. | | :

i }

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 _ No. 24846 133

'. T:77/02—Resolute Protection Officers CC. 1-4-2003. Likwidasierekening. A V Hamman Trustees BK, Posbus 11344, Tremloods, 0126.

.G41/2002—The Soma Initiative (Pty). Ltd (in liquidation). 15 April 2003. Dividends being paid. R Pieters, c/o Hans Klopper Trustees, P O Box 820, Stellenbosch, 7599.

K45/2001—Pickro Investments CC, t/a Upington Dros (in liquidation). 24 April 2003. Dividends being paid. J F Klopper, c/o Hans Klopper Trustees, P O Box 820, Stellenbosch, 7599.

- €971/2001/1B—Maliblues (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 23 April 2003. Dividends being paid. R Pieters, c/o Hans Klopper Trustees, P O Box 820, Stellenbosch, 7599.

T3081/99—CJA Beleggings BK. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Verdelings Rekening. 24/4/2003. Voorkeur & konkurrente dividende betaal. JCW Roelofse, Forum Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 3127, Pretoria, 0001.

, T1327/00-—-Mentz, W W. First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 29/4/03. Contribution levied. JCW Roelotse, Forum Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 3127, Pretoria, 0001.

_« . T4221/01—Jupiter Carpets CC. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- & Distribusierekening. 10 April 03. Uitkeer v van dividende. EL Bester & CV van der Watt, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046.

7T5328/01—Themda (Pty) Ltd. Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. 11 April 03. EL Bester, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046. 72783/01—The Neighbourhood South Fourt CC. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening.

24 April 03. Uitkeer van dividende en vordering van kontribusie. EL Bester, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046. T2186/01—M de J & H Potgieter. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie & Kontribusierekening. 24 April 08. Uitkeer van

dividende en vordering van kontribusie. EL Bester & CV van der Watt, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046. T2577/01—G Kambouris. Eerste en ‘Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie & Kontribusierekening. 7 Mei 2003. Uitkeer van

dividende en vordering van kontribusie. EL Bester & CV van der Watt, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046. 15984/01—CJ Calitz. Eerste en Finale -Likwidasierekening. 24 April 03. EL Bester, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046. T658/02—Tramtrade Trading No 2 (Pty) Ltd. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- &. Kontribusierekening. 14 April

2003. Uitkeer van dividende en vordering van kontribusie. E. L. Bester, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046. 13100/01—Electro Swithch Board Products CC. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening.

17 April 2003. Uitkeer van dividende en vordering van kontribusie. E. L. Bester & C. V. van der Watt; Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046.

T2543/01—Somerset Place cc. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening. 22 April 2003. Vitkeer van dividende en vordering van kontribusie. E. L.Bester & C. V. van der Watt, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046.

13633/02—Sibanye Consulting Engineers CC. Eerste en Finale Lkwidasierekening. 22 April 2003. E. L. Bester, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046.

T4499/00—MJ & Mc Kemp. Eerste en, Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening. 7 April 2003. Uitkeer van dividende en vordering van kontribusie. E. L: Bester & C. V. van der Watt, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046. - 74272/01—_Lam Properties BKDMS) Bpk. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening. 7 April 2003. Uitkeer van dividende en vordering van kontribusie. E. L. Bester & C. V. van der Waitt, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046. .

T3012/02—Fulloutput 247 (Edms) Bpk. Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. 7 April 2003. E. L. Bester, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046:

T2103/01—FJ de A Dos Santos Lapa.: ‘Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening: 29 April 2003. Uitkeer: van dividende en vordering van.kontribusie. E. L. Bester & C. V. van der Watt, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046.

T926/01—MJ Wilson. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening. 11 April 2003. Uitkeer \ van. dividende en vordering van kontribusie. E. L. Bester & C. V. van der Watt, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046.

* TH 68/01—PJ Lenonyane. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening. 27 Maart 2003. Uitkeer van ‘dividende en vordering van kontribusie. E: L. Bester & C. V, van der Watt, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046. —

T6113/00—JM & CJ de Paiva. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening. 27 Maart 2003. ‘Uitkeer van dividende en vordering van kontribusie. E. L. Bester & C..V. van der Watt, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046.

T804/02—Aldo Engineering (Pty) Ltd. Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. 27 Maart 2003. E. Le Bester, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046.

T3286/01—Trinity Business College BK. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening, 27 Maart 2003, Uitkeer van dividende en vordering van kontribusie. E. L. Bester & C. V. van der Watt, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046.

T1969/01—Plant Haven Nursery CC. Eerste .en Finale Likwidasie- & Distribusierekening. 6 Mei 2003. Uitkeer van dividende. E. L. Bester & C. V: van der Watt, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046.

T4359/01—Flash Engineering Services CC. Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. 6 Mei 2003. E. L. Bester & C. V. van der Watt, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046. :

T2087/01—F Swart. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- & Distribusierekening. 1 Apri 2003. Dividende betaal. E. Lu Bester & C. V. van der Watt, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046.

T3414/01—AM Jhetam. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening, 10 April 2003. Uitkeer van dividende en vordering van kontribusie. E. L. Bester & C. V. van der Watt, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046.

T6378/00-—TJ_ & MF Ndlaba. Eerste en. Finale Likwidasie-,' Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening. 21 Februarie 2003. _ Dividende betaal & kontribusie vorder. E..L. Bester & C. V. van der Watt, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046. :

7923/01—RA Theron. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- &. Kontribusierekening. 28 Junie 2002: Dividende betea en kontribusie vorder: E. L. Bester & C. V. van der Watt, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046.


i |

| t i |

134 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

74358/01—Bern’s Personnel Consultants & Labour Hire CC. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- &

Kontribusierekening. 7 April 2003. Uitkeer van dividende en vordering van kontribusie. E. L. Bester, Posbus 7445, Centurion,


7T1666/01—JL Kruger. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- & Distripusierekening. 30 April 2003. Uitkeer van dividende.

E. L. Bester & C. V. van der Watt, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046. . a

76486/00—BC Kruger. Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. 30 April 2003. E. L. Bester &:C. V. van der Watt, Posbus

7445, Centurion, 0046. . a

T2086/01—PHA Pretorius. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distriousie- & Kontribusierekening. 30 April 2003. Uitkeer van

dividende en vordering van kontribusie. E. L. Bester & C. V. van der Wait, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046. : So

16458/00—Recie Sure CC. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening. 3 April 2008. Uitkeer van

dividende en vordering van kontribusie. E. L. Bester & C. V. van der Watt, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046.

72905/02—Riscan One CC. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- & Distribusierekening. 6 Mei 2003. Uitkeer van dividende.

E. L. Bester & C. V. van der Watt, Posbus 7445, Centurion, 0046. _ no

C1455/99—Pre Pak (Edms) Beperk (in {ikwidasie). 8 ‘Mei 2003. Dividende betaalbaar en kontribusie vorderbaar.

S.A. Roux, vir Roux Kruger en Haycock Prokureurs, Cathedralsquare No. 7, Cathedralstraat, George, 6530.

C316/97—Albertstraat Motors (Edms) Beperk (in likwidasie). 8 Mei 2003. Dividende betaalbaar en kontribusie

vorderbaar. S. A. Roux & B. J. V. Durandt, vir Roux Kruger en Haycock Prokureurs, Cathedralsquare No. 7, Cathedralstraat,

George, 6530. ; -

B161/2002—In die maatskappy bekend as Oos Vrystaat Meel & Voer (Edms) Bpk, Reg. Nr. 1992/002272/07

(in likwidasie), met geregistreerde adres te Beli, Webb & Vennote, Murraystraat 33, Harrismith, provinsie Vrystaat, en besig-

heidsadres te Blignautstraat, Kestell, provinsie Vrystaat. Gewysigde Eerste Likwidasie- & Distribusierekening: 02/05/2003.

Dividende. R. D. du Plessis, p/a Symington & De Kok, Posbus 12012, Brandhof, 9324, en CB St Clair Cooper, p/a Cooper Trust,

Posbus 27, Bloemfontein, 9300. I Le

_B54/2001—Upper Koppieskraal BK, CK Nr 88/21531/12 (in. likwidasie), met geregistreerde hoofkantoor, geleé te p/a

Pres. Boshoffstraat Nr. 32A, Bethlehem. Supplementére Rekening tot die Eerste & Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- &

Koniribusierekening. 04/11/2002. Dividend & kontribusie. R. D. du Plessis, p/a Symington & De Kok, Posbus 12012, Brandhof,


7267/02—Printvest Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Registration Number: 1995/008973/07. 16 April 2003. Contribution is being

collected. Noel Colin Kersley Vinay, for Core Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Unit 3, 130 Boeing Road East, Bedfordview, 2007.

14584/99—Nicta CC (in likwidasie). Eerste & Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening. 06/11/02. Dividende

uitgekeer word & kontribusie gevorder word. Deon Marius Botha, vir Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.

T4800/01—VDC Civils & Cabling CC (in likwidasie). Eerste & Finale Likwidasie- & 'Distribusierekening. 16/04/03.

Dividende uitgekeer word. Gail Karen Wessels, vir Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.

T1908/98—Meyerton Dagkliniek (Pty) Ltd (in likwidasie). Eerste Likwidasie- & Distribusierekening. 23/04/03. Dividende

uitgekeer word. Philip Fourie, vir Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.

" 2233/0i1—Insolvente boedel: Johan Schespares & Susanna Adriana Pretorius. Tweede Likwidasie- & Distribusie-

rekening. 23/02/03. Dividende uitgekeer word. Deon Marius Botha, vir Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.

11476/02—Tedmond Investments (Pty) Ltd (in likwidasie). Eerste Likwidasie- & Distribusierekening. 23/04/03. Dividende

uitgekeer word. Deon Marius Botha, vir Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.

71248/98—Insolvente boedel: Kurt Harmse. Eerste Likwidasie- &: Distribusierekening. | 17/04/03. Dividende uitgekeer

word. Philip Fourie, vir Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132. ,

71248/98—Insolvente boedel: Kurt Harmse. Tweede & Finale Likwidasie- & Distribusierekening. 17/04/03. Dividende

uitgekeer word. Philip Fourie, vir Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132. |

T3829/99—Insolvente boedel: Daniél Rudolf Jansen van Vuuren. Amended Tweede & Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- &

Kontribusierekening. 29/04/03. Dividende uitgekeer word. Deon Marius Botha, vir Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675,

Sunnyside, 0132. | . T3916/98—Insolvente boedel: Susanna Maria van der Merwe. Amended Eerste & Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- &

Kontribusierekening. 22/04/03. Dividende uitgekeer word & kontribusie gevorder word. Philip Fourie, vir Corporate Liquidators,

Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.

1160/00—Insolvente boedel: Die Werludu Eiendomstrust. Tweede & Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusie-

rekening. 25/04/03. Dividende uitgekeer word & kontribusie gevorder word. Deon Marius Botha, vir Corporate Liquidators,

Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132. ; fo,

. , 74132/97—Insolvente boedel: Nicolaas Willem & Tania Nisa van Niekerk. Tweede & Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- &

Kontribusierekening. 9/04/03. Dividende uitgekeer word & kontribusie gevorder word. Deon Marius Botha, vir Corporate

Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132. , .

_72650/01—Top Info Solutions (Edis) Bpk (in likwidasie). Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. 29 April

2003. Versekerd & preferent. A. P. J. Els & I. L. van Diggelen, Posbus 276, Pretoria, 0001.

C1296/2000—Davidson. Discount Boards Maitland CC (in voluntary liquidations). 6/2/2003. Dividend paid. Mohamed

Hoosain Abbas, P.O. Box 1743, Cape Town, 8000. , |

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 135

Form/Vorm 6 .


Pursuant to section 124 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, notice is hereby given that the insolvents mentioned below will apply for their rehabilitation on the dates, at the times and places and upon the grounds as therein set forth opposite their respective names, indicating number of estate; full name and description of insolvent (including his date of birth and identity number) and place of business or residence; date when estate sequestrated, and address, occupation or statlis of insolvent at the time of that date; division of High Court to which and date and time on which application will be made; ground of application.


Ingevolge artikel 124 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, word hierby.kennis gegee dat die insolvente persone — hieronder genoem om hul rehabilitasie aansoek sal doen op die datums, tye en plekke en om die redes wat daarin teenoor hulle onderskeie name aangedui is, met aanduiding van nommer van boedel: volle naam en beskrywing van insolvent (met inbegrip van sy geboortedatum en persoonsnommer) en plek van besigheid of woonplek; datum waarop boédel gesekwestreer is, en adres, betrekking of status van insolvent ten tye van daardie datum; afdeling van Hooggeregshof waarby en datum en tyd wanneer aansoek gedoen sal word; rede van aansoek.

B97/1999—Weyers, Stephanus Solomon, 27-12-1949, 4912275013086, Jacobstraat 23, Universitas, Bloemfontein, bestuurder, Man Truck & Bus, Bloemfontein. 25 Maart 1999, bestuurder, P.E.I. Enjins BK, h/a Johannesburg Truck & Bus Sales, Dennelaan 145, Boksburg. Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling te Bloemfontein, 3 Julie 2003. In terme Artikel 124 (2) (a) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig. so

T2607/96—Fourie, Victor John, 5501255008080, dieselwerktuigkundige, te Almagamated Bulk, Dalhiaweg No. 80, Welgedacht, Springs. 8 Oktober 1996, Modderoos Boorde 276, Eloff. In die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 1 Junie 2003. Artikel 124 (2) (a) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24.van 1936. Twaalf maande het verloop na bekragtiging van die Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening deur die Meester. oS ~

' . 7159/1999—Pitchers, Lionel Houghton, 24 May 1941, 41 05245085009, estate agent, Remax, 74 The Glen Ferrero Road, Edenglen, 1613. 2 February 1999, 86 Main Road, Eastleigh, Edenvale, self employed. Transvaal Provincial Division, 8 July 2003. Art. 124 (2) of Insolvency Act. - -

.- 11476/96—Swanepoel, Marcel, and Swanepoel, Juanita, 6807295150085 and 7111190061083, 29 July. 1968, and 19 November 1971, both residing at 9 Pelican Street, Elspark, depot manager, and financial accountant. 4 June 1996, administrative manager, and assistant manageres, both residing at 31 Viooltjie Street, Groeneweide, Boksburg. 1 July 2003, High Court of South Africa (Witwatersrand Local Division). Section 124 (2) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936.

B42/1999—Willem Lodewikus Wessels, 7 Februarie. 1967, 6702075088083, Jac van, Rhynstraat 157, Universitas, Bloemfontein. 11 Maart:1999, privaat.praktisyn, Maree Smit Wessels, Empangeni, Blue Buchstraat 19, Empangeni. 26 Junie 2003, 09h30, Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling. Die applikant wil weer selfstandig lewe en word gekniehalter deur die feit dat hy sy.finansiéle posisie nie kan verbeter nie. Die aansoek geskied kragtens Artikel 1 24(2) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24.van 1936, soos gewysig. oe a

E115/1997—Christo Harding, 2 May 1949, 4905025089083, of 84 Fifth Avenue, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. 21. May 1997, conducted business under the name of C Harding & Company, residing at 84 Willet Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth,

_ 1 July 2003, 09:30, South Eastern Cape Local Division. Section 124(2) of Act 24 of 1936, as amended. = | - €1198/98—Du Toit, Ignatius Olivier, 17/42/1965, 6512175035003, boerderyvoorman te plaas Karoolskraal, distrik Swellendam, Wes-Kaap Provinsie, Kloofstraat 3, Swellendam, Wes-Kaap Provinsie. 3 Desember 1998, boer te plaas Napky, distrik Swellendam, Wes-Kaap Provinsie, Kaap die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale Afdeling, Dinsdag, 1 Julie 2003 om 10h00. In terme van artikel 124(2)(a) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig. ’n Tydperk van vier jaar het verloop sedert die datum van sekwestrasie. —_

_ B42/1999—Willem Lodewikus Wessels, 7 Februarie 1967, 6702075088083, Jac van Rhynstraat 157, Universitas, Bloemfontein. 11.Maart 1999, Blue Buchstraat 19, Empangeni, . privaat praktisyn, Maree ‘Smit Wessels, Empangeni. 11 Februarie 1999 om 09h30, Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling. Die applikant wil weer selfstandig lewe en word gekniehalter deur

die feit dat hy sy finansiéle posisie nie kan verbeter nie. Die aansoek geskied kragtens artikel 124(2) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig. :

T1037/99—Tuch, Jonathan, 8th April 1955, 5504085132088, Attorney, 3 Scottbridge Place, cnr Scott Street & Kenneth Road, Waverley, Johannesburg, 16th March 1999; 121 Hyde Gate, cnr Jan Smuts Ave and Ruth Road, Hyde: Park, Johannesburg, Attorney. Witwatersrand Local: Division; 15th July 2003. More than 4 years have elapsed since the final order . was granted. Section 124 (2) (a). Bo a rs oy ~ -73415/1998—Louw, (1) Charl Wynand & (2) Johanna Francina, (1) 5812275072083, building contractor, 11 Rapoport Street, Rustenburg & (2) 6312090130082, housewife, 11 Rapport Street, Rustenburg. 01/09/1998, (1)-Farm Rietviei, District Rustenburg, estate agent, married in community. (2) Farm Rietviei, District Rustenburg, housewife, married in community. Transvaal Provincial Division, at 10h00 on 1/7/03. Section 124 (2) (a) of Insolvency Act. es

| |

136 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

. C231/98—Gelant, Joseph Jerry, ‘5801035125083, Kapelaan, Weermagbasis, Oudtshoorn. 18 Maart 1998, Militére

Akademie, Saldanha; Kapelaan. Hooggeregshof Kaapstad op 9 Julie 2003 om 10h00. Ingevolge art. 124 (2)-(a) van die

Insolvensiewet Nr. 2 van 1936. Skuldeisers ten volle vereffen. : co

T1565/97—Clarke, Willem Wilbrie, 13 March 1958, 5803135122085, transport contractor, Plot 97, Kromdraai,’ Olifants

District, Witbank. 16 May 1997, 29 Mimosa Street, Middelburg, .a businessman trading as WW Vervoer. Transvaal Provincial

Division, 1 July 2003 at 10:00. Section 124 (2) (a) twelve months having lapsed after confirmation by the Master of the First and

Final Liquidation Account. — oo mT

73517/97—Kemmish, Michale David Bowden, 8th March 1953, Identity Number 5303085193087, married to Marietta

Kemmish, life insurance manager, residing at 24 Bloemhof Street, Beliville, Cape. 19th August 1997, previously residing at

30 Kildoon. Road,: Bryanston Extension 7. Witwatersrand Local Division, 1st of July 2003, 10h00. Section 124: (2). of the

Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936. . mo woo

7019/1996—Gona Seelan Naidoo (Master’s Refer N 440/1996), 7 August 1950, Identity Number 50008075065050, an

adult male, currently employed at Coastal. Carries Warehousing, residing at 7 Dunoon Place, Westville North, Durban and

Nithyavathi Naidoo, 13 October 1955, Identity Number 5510130099081, an adult female, housewife and residing at 7 Dunoon

Place, Westville, Durban. 21 November 1996, residing at 7 Dunoon Place, Westville North, Durban and trading under the name

and style of Crown Rethreaders.CC in Durban. Durban and Coast Local Division (High Court of South Africa), 30 June 2003 at

09h30 am, or soon thereafter as counsel for the applicant will be heard, Application will be made in terms of Section 124 (2) A

of the Insolvency Act, No 24 of 1936, as amended. - = a Ce,

C20/1998—Kriedemann, Graeme Brian, 4 May 1957, Identity No. 5705045002085, hotel manager, 10. Lucas Road,

Rustenburg. 8 April 1998. Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division of the High Court of South Africa, 8 July 2003 at 10h00.

Section 124 (2) (a) of Act 24 of 1936, as amended. | ee

N119/96—1. Johan Herman Fouche, date of birth: 24/03/1964, ID No: 640324345010087, residing at.201 Sergeant

Street, Greytown, KwaZulu-Natal; 2. Elsa Johanna Fouche, date of birth: 17/06/1965, Id No; 65061700800089, residing at

201 Sergeant Street, Greytown, KwaZulu-Natal. 27 March 1996, both formerly of “Doorn Spruit” Farm, Umlaas Road, KwaZulu-

Natal. Natal Provincial Division, 3 July 2003 at 9:30 am. In terms of Section 124 (2) (a) of insolvency Act 24 of 1936. _

N321/97—Prakash, Surendra and Neera, 27 March 1947, 4703275095086 and 1 February 1952, 5202010125083, a

representative at Criscol Carriers and a housewife residing at Unit No. 23, Ashren Park,.11 Hycinth Road, Redhill. 25 July-1997,

residing at 49 Devshi Drive, Effingham Heighis, KwaZulu-Natal, a building contractor trading as Samantha and Associates and

a housewife. High Court of South Africa (Natal Provincial Division), Monday, 30 June 2003 at 09:30. Section 124 of Act No.

24 of 1936. Oo 7 . Oo Se N118/97—Pillay, Suriapragasen Loganathan and Prabashinee, 4 November 1962, 6211045119085 and 5 December

1962, 6212050713088, a manager at TCM and a housewife residing at Unit No. 24, Riverstone, Van Heerden Avenue, Midrand.

20 March 1997, residing at 6 Greenfield Road, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, a debtor’s clerk and a debtor’s clerk. High

_ Court of South Africa (Natal Provincial Division), Monday 30 June 2003 at 09:30. Section 124 of Act No. 24 of 1936.

75333/98—Nel, Pieter, 2 Oktober 1969, 6910025051081, advokaat, Nuwehofkamers 501,'115 Paul Krugerstraat, Pretoria.

12 Januarie 1999, advokaat, Mainstraat 176, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria. Transvaaise Provinsiale Atdeling, 8 Julie 2003,

40h00. I.t.v. Artikel 124(2)(a). ee ;

T1602/98—Antony Cliffton Wayne Lombard, 8 Februarie 1966, 6602085052089, Plot 39, Rietfontein, Pretoria, Gauteng,

Plot 39, Tierpoort, Kungwini, logistieke ingenieur, Advanced Technologies & Engineering. 31 Maart 1998. TPA. Artikel 124(a).

7T2797/1998—Wessels,. Jurie Jacobus en. Gail Jurie Jacobus, 6303275017087; Gail: 6506190107003, projek bestuur-

der te Spescom Data Voice (Pty) Ltd, ist Avenue, Midrand, Johannesburg en woonagtig te Frans Oerdenstraat 42, Groenkloof,

Pretoria. 14 Julie 1998, Swemmerstraat 626, Gezina, Pretoria - Telefoon Tegnikus. Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdéling op Dinsdag

4 Julie 2003 0m 10h00. Artikel 124 (2)(a) - meer as een jaar het verloop sedert die bekragtiging van die Eerste en Finale

Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. - OE oO i.

72851/97—Momberg, Joseph Jacobus & Susanna Christina, 26 November 1955, ID: 5511265041005 & 7 Augustus

1958, ID: 5808070154084, kontrakteur, werksaam te Morsef Projects, Plot 116 Tarlton, Krugersdorp, woonagtig Leymannistraat


813, Montana, Pretoria; adjunk direkteur, Departement Welsyn, Pretoria, woonagtig Leymannistraat 813, Montana, Pretoria.

2 September 1997, Lid van Momberg Enterprises CC, woonagtig Plot 86, Montana, Pretoria; adjunk direkteur, Departement

Welsyn, woonagtig Plot 86, Montaria, Pretoria. _ : .

72639/02—Piek, Izak Daniel, 15 April 1954, 5404155101081, tans werksaam as distribusie bestuurder vir die maatskap-

py Aveny Dennison en woonagtig te Partdridgestraat 35, Horison Uitbreiding, Roodepoort. 23 Julie 2003, besigheidseenheids-

bestuurder, Partridgestraat 35, Horison Uitbreiding, Roodepoort. Transvaal Provinsiale Afdeling, 1 Julie 2003 om 10h00. Artikels

124(3) Insolvensiewet 24 van 1936. - _ .

72787/96—Johannes Stephanus Duvenage, 31 Maart 1945, ID: 4503315025006, ’n meerderjarige sakeman wat ten tye

van sekwestrasie binne gemeenskap ‘van ‘goed getroud was met Marlene: Lucrecia Duvenage, 27 November 1956, ID:

5611270067001, Plot: 26, Homelands, Vereeniging. 15 Oktober 1996, Plot 284, Witfontein, Wonderboom. Transvaalse

Provinsiale Afdeling, Pretoria, Dinsdag 15 Julie 2003, 10h00. Artikel 124(2)(a). oy .

7T4734/00—Kruger, Johannes Jacobus Petrus, 3 November 1962, 6211035003083, sakeman, Ableside Crescent 22,

Plattekloof, Parow. 19 September 2000, Plot 37C, Ajaxlaan, Olympus Faerie Glen, sakeman. Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling,

8 Julie 2003, 10h00. In terme van Artikel 124(2). i so , i i

| |

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003. _ -- "No. 24846 137

_ 7491/99—Van Lelyveld, Maria Frederika, 26 Julie 1968, 6807260061082, mediese dokter, ‘Wonderfontein, Sasolburg, 16 Maart 1999, Natuurzicht 604, 12de Laan 970, Wonderboom- Suid, mediese dokter. Transvaalse Provinsiale Atdeling, 8 Julie 2003, 10h00. In terme van artikel 124 (2):

..13801/99—Owgan, Anne Marie, 25 Mei 1953, 5305250021084, skoolhoot, ‘Wuynnerow NRA, Johannesstraat 50, Fairland, Johannesburg. 6 Julie 1999, Craigstraat 8, Constantia Kloof, Roodepoort,. Gauteng, ‘onderwyseres: Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 8 Julie 2003, 10h00. In terme van artikel 124 (3).

T3800/99—Owgan, Patrick Wilkin, 19 Januarie 1948, 4801195007007, apteker, Wuynnerow NRG, Johannessiraat 50, Fairland, Johannesburg. 6 Julie 1999, Craigstraat 8, Constantia Kloof, Roodepoort, Gauteng, apteker. ‘Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 8 Julie 2003, 10h00. In terme vah artikel 124 (2). -

T3057/99Hills, Daniel Jacobus Lern, 02/01/1965, ID. 6501025013005; and Hilis, Susanna Magdalena, 08/07/15 969, ID. 6807080177082,operateur; vrou, verpleegster, albei van 101 Jan van Riebeeck Weg, Wilkeville, Klerksdorp. 8 Junie 1999, albei van’10 Suikerbosstraat, Klerksdorp; ambagsman; vrou, verpleegster. Transvaalse Provinsiale. ‘Aideling, 1 Julie 2003 om 09h00.:In terme van art. 124 (2 (2) van die Insolvensiewet No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig. :

T5765/99—Enslin, John Harm Morrison, 13 November 1952, ID.- 5211135104089: beroep: metallurg,. adres: Ferrybridgeweg 49, Ferryvale, Nigel. 24 Augustus 1999 en 28 September 1999, adres: Ferrybridgeweg 49, Ferryvale, Nigel, beroep: metallurg. Witwatersrandse Plaaslike Afdeling, 17-Junie 2003, 9h00. Volle betaling—Artikel 124: (5). oe

' ” 72849/97—Wiese, Lynette Dulcie, 16 Augustus 1954, ID. 5408160030086, skakelbeampte, werksaam te ABSA Makelaars, en woonagtig te 47 Steadilaan, The Reeds, Pretoria, Gauteng. 19 Augustus:1997, woonagtig te Kiowa W/s 301, Leydsstraat 361, Sunnyside, werksaam te SAMI, personeelbeampte. Transvaalse Provinsiale Atdeling, 9 Julie 2003 om 10:00. In terme van artikel 124 (2) (a) van die Insolvensie Wet No. 24 an 1936.

T2309/98—Winton Windell, Winton, 3 Maart 1967, 6703035254005, bestuur, Alumni & Reklame, wat ten tye van die aansoek om sekwestrasie buite gemeenskap van goed getroud was mt Leonie Windell van Goudstraat 9, Potchefstroom, Noord- Wes- Provinsie. 22 September 1998, Goudstraat 9, Potchefstroom, Noord-Wes Provinsie: Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 24 Junie 2003. Artikel 124 (2) (a) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig deurdat ‘n tydperk van 12 maande verstryk het vanat die bekragtiging deur die Meéster van die Hooggeregshof van die Eerste Kuratorsrekening in die boedel.

T 4767/93—Annandale, George Andrew, 2 November 1946, 4611025083007, agent: vir Agip ‘Lubricants, Cedarwood Officepark, MT Lebanonroad, Woodmead, woonagtig te 110 Venturawoonstelle, ‘Steadlaan 215, Queenswood. 1 Februarie 1994, woonagtig te Frikkie de Beerstraat 207, Menlyn, Pretoria; City Wheels, Paul Krugerstraat Pretoria, verteenwooridger. Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, Dinsdag, 1 Julie 2003 om 10:00. Art. 124 (2) (a).

T1 565/97—Clarke, Willem Wilbrie, 13 March 1958; ID No. 5803135122085, ‘transport contractor, Plot 97, Kromdraai, Olifants District Witbank. 16 May 1997, 29 ‘Mimosa Street, Middelburg, a businessman; trading as WW Vervoer. Transvaal Provincial Division, 1 July 2003 at 10:00. Section 124 (2) (a) twelve months having lapsed after confirmation byt the Master of the First and Final Liquidation Account.

. T2042/99—Smit, Leon, 63/03/14, 6303145115004, en Margrieta. Johanna, 69/01/14, 6901140053086, ‘contractor at Witbank Abattoir, 18 Kamee! Street, Greenhills, Randfontein. 13 Aril 1999, Nr. 7 Springbok Street, Greenhills, Randfontein, Gauteng. Transvaal Provincial Division, 1 duly 2003 at 10:00. A 124 (2) (a) & A124 (3). - T2340/95—Ferguson, Jannie Frederik, 5505025131080, _meerderjarige nasionale bemarkingsbestuurder, werksaam by Lucentia Brokers en. woonagtig te Rivierweg | 160, Lyttelton, Centurion. 15 Augustus . 1995, woonagtig te Besembessiestr 682,

Montanapark, | Pretoria, Meerderjarige besigheidsbemarker werksaam by ‘Commercial Brokers & Associates BK. Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 1 Julie 2003, 10h00, A124 (2 (2}.(a) van die Wet op Insolvensie, Wet 24 van 1936. .

7222/1 996—Willem Jacobus de Jager,,14 Julie 1939, 3907145006089, Arcon Heights. 217, Phoenix Place, ‘Arcon Park, Vereeniging. 19 Maart 1996, Annemoonweg 25, Vryheid. Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 1 Julie 2003. Artikel 124 (2) (a).

14732/99—Dingaan Paulus Mahlangu, 23 Februarie 1948, 4892235326082, 229. Section: A, KwaMhianga, Mpumalanga. 6 Junie 1999, Prinsloostraat 31A, Bronkhorstspruit, Gauteng, besigheidsman. TPA, 24 Junie. 2003. Artikel 124 (2) (a).

. 13873/00—Van Zyl, Willem Johannes. Jacobus, 18 April 1967, 67041851 27082, bestuurder, c/o Van der Hoff & Elsastraat, Honeyhoff Sentrum No. 2, Hercules, en Brendschia van Zyl, 19 Oktober 1966, 6610190012088, administratiewe klerk, c/o Van der Hoff & Elsa Straat, Honeyhoff Sentrum No. 2, Hercules, beide woonagtig te Rosemarystraat 64, Annlin, Gauteng. 5 September. 2000, woonadres: Ivorlaan 675, Mountain View, Gauteng, werksadres: Plot 39, Akwamarynstraat, Klerksoord. Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 10 Junie 2003, 10h0. Artikel 124 (5).

T5285/99—Volmer, Bertus Willem, 13 September 1963 (6309135114089), hidroliese tegnikus te ‘Vakten: Hidrolies en woonagltig te Harmsingel 63, The Orchards, Pretoria. 24 Augustus 1999, woongtig te. Harmsingel.63, The Orchards, Pretoria, hidroliese tegnikus te Vakten Hidrolies. Transvaalse: Provinsiale Afdeling, Dinsdag, 1 Julie 2003, 10h00. Artikel 124 (2) (a).

T2969/99—Meyer, Jacob Johannes, 6810095033003, konsultant; Raymondstraat 31, Risiville, Vereeniging. 25 Mei 1999, Zealaan 4, Arcon Park, Vereeniging, konsultant. Transvaalse: Provinsiale Afdeling, 1- Julie. 2003. Artikel 124 (2) ‘van die Insolvensiewet No. 24 van 1936. Kurator: Felix Gay. .

72719/97—De . Beer, John, 5212165085008, landdros, Paul Davisstraat 6, Baberton, “4300. 26 Augustus 1997, Hopsonstraat 57, La Hoff, kandidaat prokureur. Transvaalse Provinsiale Adeling, 1: Julie. 2003. Artikel 124° @) van die Insoivensiewet No. 24 van 1936, Kurator: Louis Klopper. ee

138 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

_ N144/98—Steyn, Hendrik Petrus van der Walt, 30 April 1968, 6804305111089, rekerimeester, en Heidi Steyn,

10 Februarie 1969, 6902100021006, persoonlike assistent, beide woonagtig te 149A Suidstraat, Groblerspark, Roodepoort.

25 Maart 1998—22 April 1998, beide woonagtig te No.1 Villa Oiga, Huttonhoogte, Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal, Eerste Applikant:

Finansiéle/administratiewe bestuurder te Assupol te Pretoria, daarna administratiewe bestuurder te Minolta in Newcastle,

KwaZulu-Natal, Tweede Applikant: Dienskontroleerder te Assupol, Pretoria, daarna administratiewe beampte te Minolta,

KwaZulu-Natal. Natalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 1 Julie 2003, 10:00. In terme van artikel 124 (2) (a) van die Insolvensiewet, Nr. 24

van 1936, soos gewysig.

7T1068/99—Grobler, Terence Albert, 3 May 1942, 4205035128009, motor mechanic, residing at 8 Heuwel Oord, Bromhof,

Randburg, Gauteng. 9 March 1999, residing at 7 Kolgang Street, Randpark Ridge Ext. 5, Randburg, Gauteng, businessman,

trading as King Carwash and Valet CC, in Midrand. Witwatersrand Local Division, 1 Juy 2003, 10:00. in terms of section 124

(2) (a) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936, as ‘amended.

T4810/97—Friend, Kevin Patrick, 25 January 1960, 6001255243083, businessman, residing at 180 Landau Avenue,

Boksburg South, Gauteng. Provisional: 5 December 1997—Final: 3 February 1998, representative at Sanlam, residing at. 180

Landau Avenue, Boksburg South, Gauteng. Witwatersrand Local Division, 1 July 2003 at 10:00. In terms of section 124 (2) (a)

of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended. : :

T253/01—Samatha Weimer, 6 Oktober 1973, 7310060243082, Jan van Riebeeckstraat 14, Golfsig, Middelburg. 13 Maart -

2001, woonagtig te Koelenhoff No. 19, Middelburg, Mpumalanga. Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Transvaalse Provinsiale

Afdeling), 1 Julie 2003. In terme van artikel 124 (2) (a) van die Insolvensiewet.

13742/97—Van Niekerk, Barend Johannes van Niekerk, 21 Augustus 1967, 6708215013089, wat tydens sekwestrasie

handel gedryf het as BJ van Niekerk Vervoer. 11 November 1997, tans woonagtig te 30ste Laan 689, Villieria, Pretoria, en

tydens sekwestrasie te Shillingstraat 280, Queenswood, Pretoria, tans werksaam te BR Construction BK, 30ste Laan 689,

Villieria, Pretoria. Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 1 Julie.2003, 10h00. Artikel 124 (2) (a).

' 73742/97—Van Niekerk, Barend Johannes van Niekerk, 21 Augustus 1967, 6708215013089, wat tydens sekwestrasie

handel gedryf het as BJ van Niekerk Vervoer. 11 November 1997, tans woonagtig te 30ste Laan 689, Villieria, Pretoria, en

tydens sekwestrasie te Shillingstraat 280, Queenswood, Pretoria, tans werksaam te BR Construction BK, 30ste Laan 689,

Villieria, Pretoria. Transvaalse Provinsiale Atdeling, 1 Julie 2003, 10h00. Artikel 124 (2) (a).

71476/96—Swanepoel, Marcel, and Swanepoel, Juanita, 6807295150085 and 7111190061083, 29 July 1968, and

149 November 1971, both residing at 9 Pelican Street, Elspark, depot manager, and financial accountant. 4 June 1996,

administrative manager, and assistant manageres, both residing at 31 Viooltjie Street, Groeneweide, Boksburg. 1 July 2003,

High Court of South Africa (Witwatersrand Local Division). Section 124 (2) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936.

K52/98—Swart, Jan Hendrik en Franezina Jacoba Magdalena, 9 Februarie 1949, 4902095068006, en 6 Desember

1953, 5312060072000, werkswinkelbestuurder, Berlynstraat 16, Paarl, Kaapstad, en klerk, Berlynstraat 16, Paarl, Kaapstad.

30 Oktober 1998, bestuurder en klerk, Clarkestraat 44, Rhynveld, Benoni. Noord-Kaapse Provinsiale Afdeling op 25 Julie 2003

om 10h00. Artikel 124 (2). |

-. 6610/99—Arendse, Kevin and Esmeraida, 6108175201016, and 5901150142010, 1st applicant, divorced, 23 Pine Road,

Kenilworth, 2nd applicant, businesswoman, divorced, 7 Lynnwood Gardens, Pinetree Avenue, Claremont. 30 June 1999, 1st

and 2nd applicant, 304 Lynnwood Gardens, Pine Tree Avenue, Claremont, married in community of property, business owners.

Rehabilitation. .

K52/98—Swart, Jan Hendrik en Franczina Jacoba Magdalena, 9 Februarie 1949, 4902095068006, en 6 Desember

1953, 5312060072000, werkswinkelbestuurder, Berlynstraat 16, Paarl, Kaapstad, en klerk, Berlynstraat 16, Paarl, Kaapstad.

30 Oktober 1998, bestuurder en Klerk, Clarkestraat 44, Rhynveld, Benoni. Noord-Kaapse Provinsiale Afdeling op 25 Julie 2003

om 10h00. Artikel 124 (2). ee ce ok

N668/94—Singh, Mohan, First applicant: 18 September 1951, Identity number: 4911025117056, first applicant employed

as hawker, selling Fruit and Vegetable in the Kwa Dukuza/Stanger Area, and Tara Singh, Second applicant: 02 February 1955,

Identity number: 5502020091088, second applicant: housewife, both applicants reside at 118 Ebrahim Drive, Highridge, Kwa

Dukuza/Stanger. 08 December 1994, first applicant employed as shop assistant by Truro Bakery and Take Away at 50 Reynold

Street, Kwa Dukuza/Stanger and second applicant was a housewife, both applicants resided at 118 Ebrahim Drive, High Ridge

Estates, Kwa Dukuza/Stanger. Durban and Coast Local Division on 08 July 2003 at 09:30 a.m., under Case No. 4109/2003.

Section 124 (2) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936 as amended. a

N683/98—Varachia, Ebrahim Ismail, 02 November 1949, Identity Number: 4911025117056, employed as a consultant by

All Kausar trading at 2 Business Partners Centre, Mission Road, Verulam and residing at 21 Avis Road, Overport, Durban,

KwaZulu-Natal. 17 December 1998, dealer in Garments employed at 7 Candleglow Place Tongaat, KwaZulu-Natal. Durban and

Coast Local Division on 04 July 2003 at 09:30 a.m., under Case No. 7562/2002. Section 124 (2) of the Insolvency Act No. 24

of 1936 as amended. ,;

N647/95—Bassa, Mohammed Farouk, 08 July 1955, Identity Number: 5507085036050, first employed as a manager at

Beachware Computers, 121 Old Fort Road, Durban and Farida Bassa, 06 November 1956, Identity Number: 5611060051058,

second respondent is a housewife, both respondent's reside at 17 Somme Road, Berea, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal.

31 January 1996, first respondent concucted a livestock business at Duffs Road, Verulam, KwaZulu-Natal and second

respondent was housewife. Natal Provincial Division on 04 July 2003 at 09:30 a.m. under Case No. 4352/2002. Section 124 (2)

of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936 as amended. -

| | 1

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003° No. 24846 139

N532/98—Kruger, Jacomina Aletta, 31 August 1943, ‘identity Number: 4308310093086, employed as a dress designer at Hooligans Kids Clothing at 5th Floor, Chaminix Centre, 39 Station Road, Durban and residing at 10 Northwood Park, 29 Anthony Road,"Umgeni. Park, Durban, KwaZulu- Natal. 12 October 1998, conducted a garment manufacturing and Wholealing Business under the name and style of Amanique Fashions at 39 Station Road, Stamford Hill, Durban. Durban and Coast Local Division on.03 July 2003 at 09:30 a.m. under Case No. 6232/2003. Section 124 (2) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936 as amended:

Form/Vorm 7


Notice i is hereby given that a period of six months having elapsed since the confirmation of the final trustees’ accounts.in the estates mentioned below, the trustees of the said estates will, pursuant to section 155 of the © Insolvency Act, 1936, destroy all the books and documents in their possession relating to the said estates (except those which are required to be lodged with the Masters) after six weeks from the-.date of this notice.

The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate; name and description of estate; date ‘of sequestration order; division of the Supreme Court by which order is made; date of confirmation of final account, and name and address of curator.


Aangesien ’n tydperk van ses maande verloop het sedert die bekragtigirig van die finale kuratorsrekenings in die boedels hieronder genoem, word hierby kennis gegee dat die kurators van genoemde boedels ingevolge artikel 155 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, alle boeke en stukke in hulle besit wat betrekking op daardie boedels het (behalwe dié wat by die Meesters ingedien moet word), ses weke na die datum hiervan sal vernietig.

Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel; naam en beskrywing van boedel; datum van sekwestrasiebevel; afdeling van Hooggeregshof waardeur bevel gegee is; datum van | bekragtiging van finale rekening, en naam en adres van kurator. ba

C29/99—Insolvent estate: Kerre Dale Koekemoer. 06/01/00, The Cape of Good Hope Provincial -Division. 11/05/01, ' Helgard Muller Meiring Terblanche, c/o Muller Terblanche Trustees, PO Box 323, Cape Town, 8000.

'» 72803/98—The Van Heusin Trust (in liquidation). 19/01/99, Transvaal Provincial Division. 05/08/02. M Bryden, Unity Trust CC, 3 Abor Place, Northcliff Ext 12.

16832/00—Strydom Park Print CC (in liquidation). 14/12/00, Transvaal Provincial Division: 24/04/02. M Bryden, Uniy Trust CC, 3 Abor Place, Northcliff Ext 12. - ,

T1884/98—Insolvent estate: R. H. Flowerday. 19/05/98, WLD. 13/08/02. T G Hodgson, c/o Justice Trust CC, PO Box 130, Hoekwill, 6538.

C1043/01—John Frederick Round. 02. 10-2001, Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division. 21-09-2002. J J Steenkamp, c/o KPMG Administrators (Pty) Ltd, MSC House; 1 Mediterranean Street, Cape Town, 8001. :

T2164/98—Insolvente boedel: T J & B Watkins. 12/5/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 27/71 99. J Z H Miller, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

T2651/98—-Stand 39 Bramley North Extention BK (in likwidasie). 2/6/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling.: 4/1/2002. JH van Rensburg, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau-Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. .

. 1T1931/97—Insolvente boedel: Prosperity Trust. 10/6/1 999, Transvaalse Provinsiale ‘Afdeling, W7/11/1 999, JZH Male p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002;

T5682/99—Insolvente boedel: J C E. Venter. 21/9/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Aideling. 2216/2001. J ZH Miiler, pla Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002.

T5848/99—Insolvente boedel: J J & M S Venter. 31/8/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Aideling. 11/4/2001. JH van Rensburg, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

1931/98—Insolvente boedel: H V Wilson: 31/3/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 23/4/2001..JZ H Miller, p/a Bureau ' Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

T1519/97—Insolvente boedel: D D Watters. 13/5/1997, Transvaaise Provinsiale Afdeling. 21/12/2000. J H van Rensburg, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. a

7T5734/99—Insolvente boedel:. R K Walter. 21/9/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Adeling. ' 18/4/2001.'L J Strydom, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. pe

~ T1305/97—Insolvente boedel: F T van den Berg. 22/4/1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 13/2/2001. P D Kruger, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. - , 4

T4314/99—Vier Vlooie Beleggings BK {in likwidasie). 5/7/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Aideling. 23/5/2001. P D Kruger, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. ‘

140 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

T4074/00—Insolvente boedel: A C van Vliet. 25/7/2000, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 22/1/2002. JH van Rensburg,

p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002.

T2604/96—Insolvente boedel: W D van Vuuren. 13/9/1996, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 12/7/2001. P D ‘Kruger, pia

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002.

14138/99—Insolvente boedel: L A van Meyeren. Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 20/9/2000. A Ww van Rooyen, pla

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

76444/98—Insolvente boedel: M J van der Merwe. Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 11/1/2000, AW van Rooyen, p/a

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

T2106/99—Insolvente boedel: P van Niekerk. 28/4/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Aéeling. 27/8/2001. ‘JZH Miller, p/a

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

72879/99—Insolvente boedel: E Tromp. 4/5/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. zrrer200, JZH Maller, pa Bureau

Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002.

12538/99—Insolvente boedel: C C & C M Visser. 29/6/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale AXdelng 18/10/2000. L J Strydom,

p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

T3314/99—Insolvente boedel: C F van Aswegen. 6/7/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Aideling 16/3/2001. J S Venter, pia

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

14156/97—Souls Old Age Home Edms Bpk (in likwidasie). 22/10/1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 9/7/2001.

J ZH Miller, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

T7418/99—Sage Way Glass & Mirror BK (in likwidasie). 15/6/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 12/6/2001.

L J Strydom, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. j

1334/98—Toto Edms Bpk (in likwidasie). 14/7/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 11/9/2000. PD Kruger, p/a Bureau

Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

T1597/98—Insolvente boedel: J L Torr. 31/3/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 9/4/2001. JZ H Miller, p/a Bureau

Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

72961/98—Sturdy Props Hardware 1033 BK (in likwidasie). 26/6/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 28/3/2000.

JJ Beetge, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. _

16432/99—Insolvente boedel: L Snyman. Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 1/7/2002. L u Strydom, p/a Bureau Trust,

Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

T1978/99—Saddles Steak Ranch Faerie Glen BK (in likwidasie). 25/3/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 5/12/2001.

J ZH Miller, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. |

13737/00—Insolvente boedel: C Rautenbach. 1/8/2000, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 10/1/2002. J H van | Rensburg

& E W Prinsloo, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. |

76914/99—Safe Trade 44 Edms Bpk IKW. 12/10/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Aideling, 18/4/2001, JJ Beetge, p/a-

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

T2064/99—Scholtz Konstruksie Edms Bpk: (in likwidasie) 18/3/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 11/8/2001.

JH van Rensburg, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

T6311/98—Insolvente boedel: S W.& D A Strick. 8/12/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Atdeling. 23/5/2001. J z H Miller, p/a

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

73457/97—Insolvente boedel: N M S$ Prinsloo: 9/9/1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale aiden 10/5/1999. J ZH Maller, p/a

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

77728/99—Insolvente boedel: E P & M E Rothner. 20/12/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Adaling 1/2/2001. J Z H Miiler,

p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

74221/97—Insolvente boedel: E M Rheeder. 4/11/1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 5/9/2001. JH van Rensburg, p/a:

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

7396/99—Iinsolvente boedel: W G & R Roth. 16/2/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Atdeling 5/6/2000. L J Strydom, p/a

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

76479/98—Officers Leisure BK (in likwidasie). 18/12/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Aidelng 19/11/2001. JS Venter, p/a

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

T4088/97—Insolvente boedel: S J Pretorius. 18/11/1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale Aideling. 28/6/2001. J H van Rensburg,

p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

T1757/98—Prop Carriers Edms Bpk (in likwidasie). 16/4/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Atdeling. 22/5/2001. P D Kruger

& Dil do Carmo, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

73286/99—Insolvente boedel: M M Pretorius. 8/6/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Atdeling 23/10/2000. J ZH Miller, p/a

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

7T1760/98—Prop Engineering Edms Bpk (in likwidasie). 16/4/1998, Transvaaise | ' Provinsiale Afdeling. 3/7/2002.

P D Kruger & B B Nel. p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002:

7T62276/98—Insolvente boedel: J S Niemand. 9/3/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Atdeling. 20/4/2001. P D Kruger, pla

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002. ‘

73610/99—Northern Property Development BK (in likwidasie). 28/5/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Atdeling. 8/5/2001.

P D Kruger, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002. | \ i i

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 141

vy 13848/99—Insolvente boede!: L Oosthuizen. 3/8/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 4/6/2001..J H van Rensburg, p/a Bureau. Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. .

-. T6475/99—Insolvente boedel: L Nomicos. 21/9/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 14/12/2001. L J Strydom, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. 2

. T4735/98—Insolvente boedel: M D Ntsoelengoe. 22/9/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 26/10/2000. J S Venter, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laari, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. "

T6203/98—New Way Manufacturers International Edms Bpk (in likwidasie). 3/11/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 31/10/2000. J H van Rensburg, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

'T3152/00—Niel Fourie Vieis Edms Bpk (in likwidasie). 9/6/2000, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 24/1/2001. J ZH Muller & J M Damons, p/a Bureau Trust; Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

T892/01—Maroela Vakansie Oord Edms Bpk (in likwidasie). 21/2/2001, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 26/2/2002. JS Venter, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002. 7 oo

T2511/98—Nakuru Investments Edms Bpk (in likwidasie). 29/5/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 12/4/2000. L J Strydom, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. ,

~ 15016/98—Insolvente boedel: F GJ Mostert. 13/10/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 30/6/2000. J H van Rensburg, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. ,

' T5021/98—Mare-Hanekom Retailers BK, in likwidasie. 14/10/2002, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Afdeling. 05/04/2001. J. 2. H. Miller, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

75410/98—Iinsolvente boedel: E. G. en P. A. Mommsen. 27/10/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 01/11/2000. L. J. Strydom, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002. ; ,

- 71910/96—Insolvente boedel: S. P. T.. McGaffin. 20/08/1 996, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 29/01/2001. J. H.. van Rensburg & P. Bothomley, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

- T6085/98—Insolvente boedel: A. Mulder, 15/12/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 19/10/200. J. Z. H. Miller, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. i am

T4931/98—Insolvente boedel: M. J. Magwentshu. 27/10/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 23/02/2000. A. W. van Rooyen, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde. Vioer, Pretoria, 0002. os

T5088/99—Leeukrans.Ontspanning & Inkoop Sentrum BK, in likwidasie. 05/08/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling: 29/03/2001. J..H. van Rensburg, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

13592/97—Insolvente boedel: F. J. B. P. Laubcher. 16/09/1 997, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 04/06/2001. J.H. van Rensburg, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

T5211/98—Insolvente boedel: C. L. Lombard. 17/11/1 998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 10/04/2001. J. Z. H. Miller, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002. -

T2541/00—La Belle Dame BK, in likwidasie. 12/05/2000, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Afdeling. 12/05/2000. J. H. -van: Rensburg, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. - a

T5953/98—Insolvente boedel: G. & G. C. Lourens. 17/11/1 998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 05/06/2001. J. Z. H. Miller, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer,; Pretoria, 0002. es

T2383/99—Insolvente boedel: S. le Roux. 11/05/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 20/07/2001. J. Z. H: Miller, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002. . oo

- 71807/98—Magoebaskloof Edms. Bpk., in likwidasie. 20/04/1 998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 24/08/2000. J.Z. H. Maller & O. M. Powell, & N. D: Simon, p/a ‘Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

T2385/99—Insolvente boedel: H. J. le Roux. 11/05/1 999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 28/09/2000. J. Z. H. Miller, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. DT oo

T262/99—Insolvente boedel: C. R. Louw. 09/03/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 17/05/2001. J. H. van Rensburg, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. |

16144/00—Lubbe Palm & Kaledi BK, in likwidasie. 14/11/2000, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 28/06/2001. L. J. Strydom, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. .

T4515/99—Insolvente boedel: J. L. Lee. 03/08/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 26/10/2000. J. Z. H. Miller, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002. ; , a

_ 17189/99—Insolvente boedel: L. M. B. Familie Trust. 23/11/2000, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 09/04/2001. J. Z. H. Miller, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. ce

_T8227/99—Insolvente. boedel: C. J. Labuschagne. 14/12/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 08/05/2001. J. Z. H. Miller, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. a

. .15386/99—Insolvente boedel: S. A. Katkodia. 17/08/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 02/05/2001. J. Z, H. Miiller, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002.. Ct

.- ; 16008/00—Karlus Makelaars BK, .in likwidasie. 13/09/2000, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 13/12/2001. J. S. Venter, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002. .

T7704/99—Insolvente boedel: A. Kovacik, 14/12/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeting. 03/10/2000. L. J. Strydom, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. .


142 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

T4674/98—Insolvente. boedel: G. J. Knoop. 30/09/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 17/06/2002. J.Z. H. Miller, p/a

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

76494/98—Insolvente boedel: A. J. & E. C. Joubert. 23/02/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. toi042001.

L. J. Strydom, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

75538/99—H B Cranes BK, in likwidasie. 20/08/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 20/06/2001. Je J. boot, p/a

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. |

T3805/98—Hoéveld Agro BK, in likwidasie. 19/08/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 18/07/2000. L. J. siydom, p/a

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

T1450/99—International Health & Beauty Clinics BK, in likwidasie. 03/03/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiala Afdeling.

16/05/2001. J. Z. H. Miller, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. -

T6/97—Jiva Retail Enterprises BK, in likwidasie. 02/01/1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 19/09/2000. P. D. Kruger

& C. Wilsnach, pia Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

T1903/99—Insolvente boedel: L. Joubert. 16/03/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 26/09/2001. J.Z. H. Miller, p/a

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

T1701/96—Insolvente boedel: H C M & E C Janse van Rensburg. 6/8/1996, Transvaalse Provinsiale Adeting. 3/4/2000.

JH van Rensburg, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

7227/99—Insolvente boedel: S H Janse van Vuuren. 11/5/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Aldeting 15/11/2001. JS Venter,

p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

17237/99—Insolvente boedel: H J Horne. 8/2/2000, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 20vt1/2001. PD Kruger pak Bureau

Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

72689/01—Henque 1681 BK, in likwidasie. 31/5/2001, Transvaaise Provinsiale Afdeling. 22/2/2002. JJ Boots, pla Bureau

Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002.

' 74027/99—Hawkesdene Developers BK, in likwidasie. 28/5/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Aideling. 22 0/2001. J ZH

Milter, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. ;

72704/97—Hydromed Harmelia Edms Bpk, in likwidasie. 6/12/1 996, Transvaaise Provinsiale Aideling. an 0/2000. JZH

Miller, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

T104/99—G J J & W J Konstruksie BK, in likwidasie. 3/12/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeting 14/2/2001. J $ Venter,

p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

T4023/98—Insolvente boedel: A Groenewald. 22/9/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Atdeling. 14/8/2001. JJ Bestoe, pla

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

T5345/98—Insolvente boedel: W H Hanekom. 27/10/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Adeling 3/10/2000. J Z H Miller, pia

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002. |

72148/97—Hydro Information Systyms Edms Bpk, in likwidasie. 24/6/1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 3/4/2001,

P D Kruger, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

74860/98—Insolvente boedel: H & A M Geldenhuys. 6/10/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 9/4/2001. J H van

Rensburg, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

T1401/94—Far North Flooring BK, in likwidasie. 22/4/1994, Transvaalse Provinsiale | 'Afdeling. 13/10/1998. JH van

Rensburg, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

' 15153/983—Ged 7 van Erd 77 Heidelberg Eiendoms Beleggings BK, in likwidasie. 21/10/1 998, Transvaalse Provinsiale

Afdeling. 3/5/2001. J Z H Miller, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer; Pretoria, 0002.

1T2751/98—Insolvente boedel: P J & E Grobler. 28/7/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Atdeling. 10/4/2001. PD Kruger, p/a

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

74330/98—Insolvente boedel: | M Fagyas. 8/9/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 71612001, J-H van n Rensburg, Pla

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002.

75533/98—Insolvente boedel: MM D-C A & J L Ferreira. 15/12/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Atdeling. 14/10/1 999. A Ww

van Rooyen, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. |

T5639/99—End Control Services BK, in likwidasie. 25/8/1 999, Transvaalse Provinsiale: Afdeling. 6/7/2000..J Z H: Miller,

p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

T708/97—Elektra Construction BK, in likwidasie. 4/3/1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 3/8/2001, J Hvan

Rensburg, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002.

7T3986/99—Insolvente boedel: H R Esakov. 17/8/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 26/7/2001, Ld Strydom, p/a

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

-. 78160/99—Insolvente-boedel: S J P Erasmus. 25/1/2000, Transvaalse Provinsiale Atdeling. 20/8/2001, LJ Strydom, p/a

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

: 72920/97—Ermelo Steak Ranch BK, in likwidasie. 15/8/1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale Aideling. 147" 999. JZH Maller,

pla Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

72737/95—Derek Herman & Associates BK, in likwidasie. Transvaalse Provinsiale Aiden, 9/4/1997. LJ Strydom, p/a

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002.

15772/00—Dockies Wonings BK, in likwidasie. 26/10/2000; Transvaalse Provinsiale Adena 9/4/2002. PJ Kilian, p/a

Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 143

. T3595/95—Insolvente boedel: M E G du Plessis. 14/11/1995, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 25/10/2000. P D Kruger, © p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau'Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002. -

. , 13257/99—Dorwind BK, in likwidasie. 18/5/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 7/5/2001. L J Strydom, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002. .

‘T3096/99—Insolvente boedel: C Davel. 8/6/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 7/6/2001. J ZH Miller, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

T6548/98—Duimpie Vervoer Edms:Bpk, in likwidasie. 5/12/1 $98, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 5/7/2000. J.H van Rensburg} p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. coe

T2636/97—Insolvente boedel: M W du Toit. 19/8/1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 11/9/2001. J H van Rensburg, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. .

T4973/97—Insolvente boedel: P T C & M C du Plessis. 9/12/1 997, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 14/6/2002. PD Kruger, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. , a

T1101/99—Insolvente boedel: R & M J de Meyer. 20/4/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 6/3/2001. J ZH Miller, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. a m

-. T2938/97—Insolvente boedel: N L Diamond. 9/9/1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 4/4/2000. J Z H Muller, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

11925/98—Decrete Edms Bpk (in likwidasie). 17/4/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 8/3/2001. J Z H Miller, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

__- 14701/00—Coolcare Verspreiders BK (in likwidasie). 24/8/2000, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 24/7/2001. JJ Beetge, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

16165/98--Insolvente boedel: D B Cronje. 9/2/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 21/6/2001 ..J Z H Miller, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. Se

T2836/96—Corteas Materiale BK (in likwidasie). 2/10/1996, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 2/6/1998. J S Venter, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan; Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002.

T290/99—Coastal & Inland investments Edms Bpk (in likwidasie). 19/1/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 29/6/2000. P D Kruger & LF Pereira, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. Oo

T2701/98—Insolvente boedel: B K S$ Zaayman Trust. 7/7/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiate Afdeling. 15/12/1999. J ZH Miiler, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum,-Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. . Dk

T3044/00—Insolvente boedel: J B & KK Bezuidenhout. 4/7/2000, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 17/8/2001. J H van Rensburg, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. ue

11077/99—Insolvente boedel: M C Beyers. 15/12/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002. bet,

‘ 74378/98—Insolvente boedel: J M Blackburn. 29/9/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 21/7/2000. J S Venter, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan,.Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002. ce

T701/01—Buildlogic 3 BK (in likwidasie). 12/2/2001, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 10/12/2001. P D Kruger, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. , ne

733/00—Brick Art Construction BK (in likwidasie). 9/12/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling.: 19/12/2001. JJ Beetge, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. So ee '.. T375/97—Insolvente.boedel: T C & M Botha. 4/2/1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 1/2/2000. J-H van Rensburg, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002. =. ae

_ 15524/99—Insolvente boedel: J D & E J H-Breedt. 14/9/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 12/6/2002. J ZH Miller, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. . _

72267/95—Beerseun Boerdery BK (in likwidasie). 18/7/1996, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 30/10/1998, P D Kruger, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. : a . vi.

: 14781/97—insolvente boedel: B J A & S M E Barwise. 4/12/1 987, Transvaalse Provinsiafe Afdeling. 7/4/2000. J H van

Afdeling. 23/7/2001. J ZH Miller, p/a

Rensburg, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan; Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. _ .. '. T5099/98—Insolvente boedel: J A Boast.'10/11/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 3/8/2000. L J Strydom, p/a Bureau

Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002. T4320/98—Avalon Motors Investments BK (in likwidasie). 11/9/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 1/11/2000.

J S Venter, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002. a T1595/01—Angelfish Investments 550: BK (in likwidasie). 27/3/2001, Transvaalse Provinsiale Aideling. 14/2/2002.

P D Kruger, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. . T4364/97—Alex Industrial Park Holdings Edms Bpk, ilkw. 14/11/1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 30/6/2000.

’ PD Kruger, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. _ oO co _7.T.1235/98—Anmico Ontwikkelaars BK (in. likwidasie). 19/3/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 31/5/1999.

JJ Beetge, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. ; oy - 11115/99—Ametis Plantasies Edms Bpk (in likwidasie). 16/2/1999, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 13/8/2001. J H van

Rensburg, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. ; i T854/00—AT Office Furniture Edms Bpk (in likwidasie). 17/2/2000, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 28/5/2001.

J ZH Miller & P G Torre, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria, 0002. -

144 No.24846 | - GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

71491/98—Aqueous Plumbing Supplies BK (in likwidasie). 1/4/1998, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 28/4/1999.

JJ Beetge, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vioer, Pretoria, 0002.

T3750/94—Alma Rinwill Townhouse Development Edms Bpk (in likwidasie). 18/10/1 994, Transvaalse Provinsiale

Afdeling. 2/11/2001. P D Kruger & P D Berman, p/a Bureau Trust, Bureau Forum, Bureau Laan, Vierde Vloer, Pretoria,-0002.

M21/97—Babelegi Motor & Diesel (Pty) Ltd. 06/11/97. 12/05/99. H JT Eloff & Sello Rasethaba, P O Box 744, Highlands

North, 2037... | ye.

T5361/99—Sh’zen Aesthetics (Pty) Ltd. 17/08/99. 28/05/01. Harry Kaplan, P.O. Box 744, Highlands North, 2087.

16146/00—Ambi-Rad Heating Systems (Pty) Ltd. 07/11/00. 09/04/02. P. C. Koen, P.O. Box'744, Highlands North, 2037.

73238/98—Golden Crest Residential CC. 14/07/98. 30/10/01. H. J. T. Eloff, P.O. Box:744, Highlands North, 2037.

76258/00—Hair By Colleen CC (in liquidation). Special Resolution: 16- 10-2000. 29-07- 2002. L. T. Cordero, for Taxtfin

- Trust, P.O. Box 1901, Southdale, 2135.

M8/2000—Gaam Associates (Pty) Ltd (in likwidasie). 12/06/00. 06/03/02. J. N. Bekker, a Nicolaas Bekker Trustees,

Posbus 8550, Pretoria, 0001.

T6027/98—Insolvente boedel: P J van Schalkwyk. 17/11/98. 08/06/00. J. N. Bekker, pla Nicolaas Bekker Trustees,

Posbus 8550, Pretoria, 0001.

7T3946/98—Insolvente boedel: R B Rodgers. 18/08/98. 11/06/01. J. N. Bekker, pia Nicolaas. Bekker Trustees, Posbus

8550, Pretoria, 0001.

T11/00/1C—Metalfinish International (Pty) Ltd, in voluntary liquidation. By way of Special Resolution passed on 17/11/99

and registered on 11/1/00. ‘28/01/2002. Philip Wardel Moorrees Reynolds, Box 31101, Braamfontein, 2017.

7T2611/01/1C—Pond Developments (Pty) Ltd (in voluntary liquidation). By way of Special Resolution passed on 30/4/01

and registered on 21/5/01. 15/10/2002. Philip Wardel Moorrees Reynolds, Box 31101, Braamfontein, 2017. :

T4074/99/4C—-Mega Prepared Products CC, in liquidation. 14/06/1999, Magistrate’s Court, District of Johannesburg.

24/07/2002. Theodor Wilhelm van den Heever, Box 31101, Braamfontein, 2017.

T6960/99/10C—Gaggit Holdings (Pty) Ltd, in voluntary liquidation. By way of Special Resolution passed on 1/9/99 and

registered on 5/11/99. 15/07/2002. Philip Wardel.Moorrees. Reynolds, Box 31101, Braamfontein, 2017. .

T1139/98—-N & C van der Walt. 4/08/98, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 19/07/00. J. F. Fourie, pia Pendulum Trustees,

Posbus 24886, Gezina, 0031.

7T1159/98—J D Venter. 14/04/98, Witwatersrand Plaaslike Afdeling. 2/08/00. J F. Fourie, pa Pendulum Trustees, Posbus

24886, Gezina, 0031.

7T3669/99—-H J & MA van der Merwe. 29/06/99, Transvaalse Provinsiale AXdeling. 2210/01. J. F. Fourie, p/a Pendulum

Trustees, Posbus 24886, Gezina, 0031.

73954/99—B J & D N Smith. 13/07/99, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 16/03/01. J. F. Fourie, pla Pendulum. Trustees,

Posbus 24886, Gezina, 0031.

7740/99—P W Nel. 20/04/99, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 13/07/01. JU. F, Fourie, pla Pendulum Trustees, Posbus

24886, Gezina, 0031.

T5264/99—D E & C P Marais. 7/09/99, Transvaalse Provinsiale AXdeling 22/1 of. J. F. Fourie, pla Pendulum Trustees,

Posbus 24886, Gezina, 0031. =~

1T2211/00—E Ferreira. 9/05/00, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 27/07/01. J. F. Fourie, o/a Pendulum Trustees, Posbus

24886, Gezina, 0031. o

T5481/99-—-W AH Peeters. 14/09/99, TPA. 2105/01. J. M. Oelotsen, c/o | Jaap Oslofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Westgate, 1734. > |

_ 76531/00—Locked Out Locksmiths BK, 08/11/00, ke. 10/01/02. J. M. Oelofsen, clo Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private

Bag X10, Westgate, 1734. : .

T1165/99—E M Loots. - 16/03/99, TPA. 20/08/01, J.M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oeiofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate,

1734... ~

T185/999-LA&PA Kuyinu, 2a/a3s, TPA. 06/04/00. J. M. “Oelofsen, c/o vaap Oclotsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

- Westgate, 1734. °°

T4468/97—Leo’s Motor Spares (Meyerton) BK. 30/087 WPA. 04/12/00. J. M. Oslotsen, clo Jaap Oelofsen Trustees,

Private Bag X10, Wesigate, 1734. . |

74698/98—M A le Hanie. 27/10/98, TPA. 04/04/01. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofgen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Wesigate, 1734. 74118/98—E & C E Pienaar. 13/10/98, WPA. 11/04/00. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Wesigate, 1734. .

15670/99—Philsandrey (Edms) Bpk. 16/08/99, CM 26. 12/11/01. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag

X10; Westgate, 1734.: .» -

T3286/98—E T& FS Minnaar. 11/08/98, TPA. 06/06/00. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

‘ Wesigate; 1734. |

T4159/99—R Meyer. 20/07/99, TPA. 05/09/01. J. M. Oelotsen: c/o Jaap Oelotsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Wesigate,

1734. .

1623/99—M W G & H PH Matthee. 13/04/99, TPA. 10/07/01. J. M. Oelofsen, clo Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag

X10, Westgate, 1734. so ! |



STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003. . No. 24846 145

T6062/98—T D McMaster. Ww P A,: 25/11/98. 26/03/01. J M Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private. Bag X10,

Wesigate, 1734.

-74296/99-—Mataniah BK. CK6, 02/07/99. 17/10/00. J M Oelofsen, clo Jaap Oelofsen. Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Westgate, 1734,

-T3492/99—Marianne’s Pies BK. cKe, 14/05/99. 20/04/00. J M Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Westgate, 1734.

T4174/99-L & R Martin. TPA, 22/06/99. 23/03/01. JM | Oelotsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,


T5683/98—G A Marais. T P A, 08/1 2/98. 06/06/01. J M Oelotsen, c/o Jaap Oslotsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate,


7T6351/00—N P & P Makgamatha. T. P A, tor 2/00. 11/04/02. J M Oelofsen, clo 0 Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

‘Wesigate, 1734. 1T5337/99—R P Maher. W PA, 07/09/99. 10 2/01. JM Oelotsen, clo © Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, , Westgate,


74992/98—Magalies Hardware BK. CK 6, 13/1 0/98. 16/03/00. J M Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelotsen Trustees, Private Bag

X10, Westgate, 1734.. :

T5987/00—Loubra BK. CK 6, 02/11/00. 30/4 0/01. JM Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelotsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Wesigate,


7792199—Unitrade 411 (Edms) Bk cM 26, 19/11/99. 25/02/02. J M Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag

X10, Westgate, 1734.

T2786/98—Ultratek Auto Body (Eams) Bpk: WPA, 17/08/98. 22/05/00. JM Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelotsen Trustees, Private

Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.

T972/99-—E A & P E Tromp. WPA, 23/03/99. 06/06/00. J M Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelotsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Wesigate, 1734.

12758/98—D Truyens. TPA, 07/07/98, 31/10/00, J M Oelofsen, clo Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Wesigaie,

1734. po

T2710/99—A Thomson. TPA, 28/04/99. 28/02/00. J M A Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate,


-T723/99—Threeways Gifts & Toys B BK. CK 6, 28/01/99. 07/08/00. J M Oelofsen, c/o Jaap | Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag

X10, Westgaté, 1734. ,

13231/99—Aqua Health BK. CK 6,: 10/05/99. 30/04/02. JM Oelotsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Wesigate, 1734. T5104/99—J L&JD Nel. TPA, 31/08/99. 31/10/01. J M Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, “Private Bag X10,

Westgate, 1734.

T3890/99—-K K & D H Naidu. W P A, 08/06/99. 11/12/01. J M Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen ‘Trustees, Private Bag X10,

‘Westgate, 1734. . T660/99—A & A E Mostert. T P A,: 26/01/99. 05/04/01. JM Oelofsen, clo Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Wesigate, 1734. T5495/98—J G Mocke. W P A, 03/11/98. 04/05/01. JM Oelotsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate,


T4149/99—R A Zanner. TPA, 20/07/99. 27" 2/00. J! M Oelofsen, c/o Jaap 0 Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Wesigate,


T4873/00—Wilfam Investments BK. CK 6, 07/09/00. 14/08/01. J M Oslotsen, clo Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag

X10, Westgate, 1734.

T7052/99—E & ME Watts. TP A, 16/11/99. 28/08/01. J M Oelotsen, clo Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private ° Bag X10,

Westgate, 1734. 74843/99—CM Vorster. T PA, 17/08/98 19/01/01. JM Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, , Westgate,

1734. 7

-75252/99—D J Visser. qT PA, 07/09/99. 23/04/02. JM Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Wesigate,


: T7818/99—J A Venter. TP A, 23/11/99. 05/04/01. J M Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelotsén Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate,


_. . 1616/99—J van n Zyl TPA, 13/04/08, 17/08/01. _ J-M.Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Wesigate,


T6621/99—F W & AM van Wyk. \ WwW P A, 19/1 0/99. 14/1 3/01. J M Oelofsen, co Jeep Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Wesigate, 1734.

>»-.T4012/98—S D van Niekerk. T P A, 22/09/98. 13/10/99. J M Oelofsen, clo o Jaap Oelotsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Westgate, 1734.

- 71943/98—N B van Dyk. T P A, 19/05/98. 16/05/00. J M Oelotsen, c/o > Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag ‘X10,

Wesigate, 1734.


146 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 ,

T6416/98—A. van Deventer. 13/01/99, T P A. 03/01/02. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o. Jaap Oelofsen Trustees Private Bag x X10, Wesigate, 1734.

T2473/99—J. S. van Achterberg. 08/06/99, T P A. 02/03/01. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelotsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.

T3371/99—J. C. A. & L. Schoeman. 15/06/99, T PA. 20/04/01. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelotsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734. a

T1951/99—San-Reh Borstlap Boerdery BK. (CK 6) 25/03/99. 14/11/01. J. M. Oelofsen, clo Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Wesigate, 1734.

15833/00—Safety Label (Reef) BK. (CK 6) 04/08/00. 29/10/01. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Osiotsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgaie, 1734.

T5832/00—Safety Label (KZN) BK. (CK 6) 04/08/00. 26/09/01. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.

T7595/99—J. E. Revel-Reynolds. W PA, 02/11/99. 13/05/02. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o > Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Wesigate, 1734.

T2155/99—Propodeal 32 (Edms.) Bpk. T P A, 30/03/99. 25/07/00. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Je Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.-

- T4898/99—P. C. & M. Raffle. W P A, 17/08/99. 06/11/00. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.

T4500/99—S. J. Biom. WPA, 04/08/99. 11/12/00. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.

1522/00—Bougleigh 222 BK. (CK 6), 15/10/99. 15/08/01. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oslotsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Wesigate, 1734.

T4505/97—M. G. Blignaut. W P A, 18/11/97. 30/03/00. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Wesigate, 1734.

R3114/99—L. O. Bester. w P A, 22/06/99. 12/04/02. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Westgate, 1734. . T5789/99—J. E. Bentley. W P A, 23/08/99. 19/03/01. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Westgate, 1734.

T1537/99—C. J.C. & J. M. J. Pagel. TPA, 07/09/99. 20/11/01. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oslotsen Trustees, Private Bag

X10, Wesigate, 1734.

T4906/98—J. C. & M. S. Oosthuizen. TPA, 03/11/98. 20/07/00. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oslotsen Trustees, Private Bag

X10, Wesigate, 1734.

13552/00—M. P. & A. S. O’Callaghan. T P A, 25/07/00. 18/03/02. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oslofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Wesigate, 1734.

T4808/00—H. J..Olivier. W P A, 29/08/00. 13/11/01. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jeep Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Wesigate, 1734.

T3949/99—P. W. Nortje. T P A, 15/06/99.: 29/05/00. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.

T5298/98—W. J. Swanepoel. W PA, 16/10/98. 23/03/00. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelotsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Westgate, 1734.

T7540/99—Sweet Link (Edms.) Bpk. (CM 26) 19/10/99. 05/10/01. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private

Bag X10, Wesigate, 1734.

T4014/98—S. P. J. & C, Strydom. WwW PA, 17/11/98. 07/08/01. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelotsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.

— -78284/99—A. H. J. J. Strydom. TPA, 25/01/00. 28/02/02,/ J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oeiotsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

_ Wesigate, 1734. i T4600/97—-A. Strydom. T P A, 25/11/97. 23/08/99. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Westgate, 1734.

T1924/00—M. J. Steyn. T P A, 27/06/00. 08/08/01. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oslotsen | T rustees, Private Bag X10,

Wesigate, 1734. . |

17222/99—M. J. Smit. T PA, 23/11/99, 29/10/01. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Wesigate,


'17744/99—Southgate Exhaust & Tyre BK. (CK. 6) 19/11/99.. 10/07/01. J. M. Oelofsen, do Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, . Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.

T6244/98—S. G. Skordis. W P A, 01/12/98. 07/03/00. J. M. Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Westgate, 1734.

T4595/99—Selcratg Projects BK. Landdros, Randburg, 11/06/99. 21/01/02. J. M. Oelofsen, clo Jaap Oelofsen Trustees,

Private Bag X10, Wesigate, 1734.

T4390/00—Die Theunis Charles Zeelie Trust..W P A, 01/08/00. 23/01/02. J. M. Oelofsen, fo Jaap Oelofsen Trustees,

Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734. ' |

| ' I

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003. No. 24846 147

“ [5939/99—L L de Wet. TPA, 31/08/99: 30/04/02. J M-Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate,


: J6400/99—S M Darling. TPA, 19/4 0/99. 11/12/01. JM Oelofsen, c/o Jaap. Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate,


~ 75648/98—A E J Dannit. WPA, 2710198. 15/10/01..J M Ocelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Westgate, 1734.

~T361/99-H R&SM Combrinck. TPA, 16/03/99. 17/05/00. J M Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Westgate, 1734, ;

:.75212/998—T GJ& MME Coetzee. TPA, 17/11/98. 02/01/01. JM Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelotsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Westgate, 1734.

_. 73319/99-J J&A Breytenbach, TPA, 15/06/99. 08/08/00. J M Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

‘Westgate, 1734. : T4145/99—-R:_V. Booysen. TPA, 20/07/99. 29/08/00. J M Oelofsen,. c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Westgate, 1734. .

-, -15422/99—Du Plessis, Pieterse, Scheepers & Van Rensburg Ingelyf. CM 26, 11/08/99. 26/02/02. JM Oelotsen, c/o

Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.

.-- 14290/99—Die Vintage Trust. TPA, 29/06/99. 22/08/00. J M Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Westgate, 1734. — _, 14004/99——P J du Plessis. TPA, 13/07/99. 08/03/01. J M Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Westgate, 1734.

_ 74152/98—E du Plessis. TPA, 25/08/98. 07/11/01. J M Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Wesigate,


T3855/98—A D Greyling. TPA, 15/09/98. 29/08/00. JM Oelofsen, clo Jaap Oelotsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate,


76182/99—H D Galliford. TPA, 26/1 0/99. 15/06/01. JM Oelotsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate,

1734: "

T7339/99—Flexi-Cote BK. CK 6, 04/11/99. 03/04/01. JM Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Westgate, 1734,

T8208/99—A Fourie. TPA, 11/01/00. 08/05/01. JM Oelotsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate,


12123/99—J Finlayson, -WPA, 19/03/99. 29/08/00. J M Oelofsen, clo Jaap Oelofsen” Trustees, Private Bag X1 0, Westgate,

1734: ,

72231/98—M A Ferreira. TPA, 14/07/98. 12/06/00. J M Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate,


T633/99—A Economou. TPA, 11/08/09. 21/08/01. JM Osiotsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate,


76051/99—C & JM Griessel TPA, 05/1 0/99. 11/01/02. J M Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Westgate, 1734. - my \

"T7507/99—Harley Trust. TPA, 07/1 2/99. 04/04/01. JM Oclofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate,

1734. .

11056/99—D A Hanekom. WPA, 09/02/09 31/10/00. J M Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelotsen Trustees, Private Bag. X10,

Wesigate, 1734.

T5108/98—M W Guttig TPA, 10/11/98. 18/07/00. J M Oelofsen, clo Jaap Oelotsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate,

1734, .

T5107/98—E DI Gultig TPA, “40/11/98, 29/05/00. JM Oelotsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Wesigate,

1734, a 74432/00—Holding Number 23 Radiokop BK. cK 6, 11/08/00: 12/09/01. JM Oelotsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees,

Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734. _ . ~ 'T1860/99—HJ & L Groenewald: TPA, 13/04/99. 30/1 0/01. J M Oelofsen, clo Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Westgate, 1734. ”" 74966/99—R Janse van Vuuren. TPA, 24/08/99. 27/02/01, J M Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Wesigate, 1734. ' 7385/99—F Jordaan. WPA, 18/05/99, 27/09/01. J M Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Wesigate,

1734.. T4200/00—Keur Vieismark BK, CK 6, 28/07/00, 21/06/01. JM Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Westgate, 1734. _74506/97—T J Janse v Rensburg, TPA, 18/11/97. 16/11/01. J M Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag x10,

Westgate, 1734.

‘T3116/99—K M Janse v Rensburg. TPA, 01/06/99. 31/01/01. JM Oelofsen, clo Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Westgate, 1734. , * 7970/99—D J & BP Jacobs. TPA, 33/03/99: 13/06/00. J M Oelofsen, c/o Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,

Wesigate, 1734. .

148 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

Form/Vorm 8


Pursuant to section 179 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, section 366 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973; notice is hereby given of the dates or times fixed by Masters of the Supreme Court by which creditors of companies in liquidation are to prove their claims or otherwise be excluded from the benefit of any distribution under any

account lodged with the Master before those debts are proved. !

The particulars are given in the following order: Number of company in liquidation; | name and description o of company; date or time fixed by the Master; name and address of liquidator.


Ingevolge artikel 179 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, artikel 366 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word

hierby kennis gegee van die datums of termyne deur Meesters van die Hooggeregshof vasgestel tot wanneer

skuldeisers van maatskappye in likwidasie hulle eise moet bewys of anders van die voordeel van ’n distribusie

kragtens ’n rekening by die Meester ingedien voordat daardie eise bewys is, uitgesluit word.

Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van maatskappy in likwidasie; naam en beskrywing

van maatskappy; datum of termyn deur Meester vasgestel; naam en adres van likwidateur.

T2670/01—Moduline (Pty) Ltd. 28 May 2003, 09h00. N A Matlala, M W Lynn, H Kaplan, clo Ukhozi Administrators (Pty)

Ltd, 2nd Floor, North Block, Sanlam Park, 9 Fredman Drive, Sandton.

B75/2002—Twee vir ’n Stuiwer Beleggings (Edms) Bpk (CK Nr. 97/06639/07) (in ikwidasie), met geregistreerde adres

te 210 Boland Bank Sentrum, Elizabethstraat, Welkom en besigheidsadres te Mount Everest, Harrismith, provinsie Vrystaat.

28/05/2003. RD du Plessis, p/a Symington & De Kok, Posbus 12012, Brandhof, 9324, en CB St Clair Cooper, pla Cooper Trust,

Posbus 27, Bloemfontein, 9324.

Form/Vorm 9 |


In terms of section 4 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, riotice is hereby given by a

petitioner of his making an application to the High Court on the date and time as stated or as soon thereafter as

the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of his estate; or of the withdrawal of such notice of

surrender previously made and upon having received the Master’s consent, in terms of. section 7 of the Act. —

The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Name of petitioner, occupation and

address, style of partnership or firm, and names and addresses of partners; (2) whether application, Division of .

Supreme Court and date and time of application, or withdrawal of notice of surrender and date of Master’s consent;

(3) date as from which a statement of his affairs will lie for inspection for 14 days, the Master’ s Office where lying

and, if so, the Magistrate's Office; (4) attorney for petitioner, address and date. : !


Ingevolge artikel 4 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, word hierby deur ’n versoeker

kennis gegee van sy aansoek wat by die Hooggeregshof op die dag en tyd soos genoem gedoen sal word, of so

spoedig daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, om aanname van die. oorgawe van sy boedel; of van die

intrekking van ’n sodanige vroeére kennisgewing van oorgawe en na verkryging van die Meester se toestemming,

ingevolge artikel 7 van die Wet.

Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Naam van aansoeker, beroep en adres,

styl van vennootskap of firma, en name en adresse van vennote; (2) of ’n aansoek, die Afdeling. van die’

Hooggeregshof en datum en tyd van aansoek, of intrekking van ’n kennisgewing van oorgawe en datum van

Meester se toestemming; (3) datum vanaf wanneer sy vermoéstaat ter insae sal Ié vir 14 dae, die Meester se

kantoor en, indien so, die Landdros se kantoor waar dit sal Ié; (4) die prokureur vir die aansoeker, adres en datum.

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 149



Notice is hereby given that application will be made‘to the Transvaal Provincial Division of the High Court on the .

10 June 2003 at 10:00 in the forenoon or:so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Johannes Petrus Cronjé, ID No. 5405305006088, presently employed as a technical service. manager,

married in community of property to Elizabeth McLean Cronjé, ID No. 5909270238089, presently employed as a captive

financial administrator, both residing at 73 Hillside Road, Golfview, Walkerville and that a statement of their affairs will lie open

for inspection ‘at the Master of the High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, as well as the Meyerton Magistrate’s Court, for a period

of 14 days as from the 16 May 2003. _—,

Sandars Wilson Attorneys, Attorney for Applicant, P OQ Box 6516, Weltevreden Park, 1715.



Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word na die Oos-Kaapse Afdeling van die Hoér Hof van Suid-Afrika

op Donderdag, die 12de dag van Junie 2003 om 10h00 uur of so spoedig doenlik daarna as wat die aansoek ‘aangehoor kan

word, vir dié aanname van die oorgawe. van die boedel van Gert Jeremiah Coetzer, Identiteitsnommer 4902175006082,

getroud.buiteé gemeenskap van goed, ‘n sakeman wat woonagtig is te Buschelstraat 4, Distrik Queenstown, en dat sy

vermoéstate :ter insae sal lé vir-inspeksie by die Kantoor van die Meester van die Hoér Hof, Grahamstad, en te die

Landdroskantoor, Queenstown, vir ’n tydperk van veertien (14) dae gereken vanaf 16 Mei 2003.

Gedateer te King William’s Town op hede die 9de dag van Mei 2003.

‘Hutton & Cook, Prokureurs vir die Applikant, Sutton Square, Queenstraat, Posbus 44, King William’s Town, 5600. (Verw: .

A. Potgieter/32C061.)



‘Kennis word hiermee gegee dat die aansoek wat gebring was in die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling ‘van die

Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, op Dinsdag, 6 Mei 2003, deur die Hof uitgestel is na op Dinsdag, 27 Mei 2003 om 10h00, of

so spoedig daarna as. wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word, vir die gedwonge sekwestrasie van die boedel van Anna Petzer,

ID No. 4901200085004, ongetroud, werksaam by Shine a Blind, Gezina, Pretoria, en tans woonagtig t te No. 19 Lindie

Woonstelle, Karriboomstraat, Moregloed, Pretoria, Gauteng. . ;

’ Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 8ste dag van Mei 2003.

Quintin Jordaan Prokureurs, reagan | Il, No. 12, Stinkhoutlaan 92, Wonderboom, Pretoria, 0182. . Tel/Fax: (012) 543-0349.]

(Verw: SP001/Jordaan.)

Melicia Labuschagne, ongetroud, woon: Moreletastraat 437, Silverton, Pretoria; werk: Ele besigheid: Moreletastraat 437,

Silverton, Pretoria. (2) Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 10 Junie 2003. (3) 16. Mei 2003, Meester van die Hooggeregshof,

14 dae. (4) Badenhorst Prokureurs, 9de Vloer, SALU-gebou, h/v Andries & Schoemansiraat.

Andries Struwig, rekenaarkonsultant, en Liezel Struwig, data kontroleur (getroud binne gvg), Buffalolaan 7, Theresapark,

Pretoria Noord. (2) Aansoek; Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 10 Junie 2003. (3) 16 Mei 2003, Meesterskantoor, Pretoria;

Landdroshof, Pretoria-Noord. (4) 9 Mei 2003.

__ Clint Vorster, besigheidsman, en Anna Elizabeth Johanna Vorster, besigheidsvrou (getroud binne gvg), Farrisstraat 21,

Selection Park, Springs. (2) Aansoek, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 10 Junie 2003. (3) 16 Mei 2003, Meesterskantoor,

Pretoria; Landdroshof, Springs. (4) 9 Mei 2003. ” |

' Raymond Weapond, operator, unmarried, 189 Saldanha Street, Nasaret, Middelburg. (2) Application, Transvaal Provincial

Division, 10. June 2003. (3) 16 May 2003, Masters Office, Pretoria; Magistrates Court, Middelburg. (4) 9 May 2003. .

Albertus Arnoldus van der Westhuizen, ‘n meerderjarige ongetroude besigheidsman en woonagtig te Boshoek Farm

Lodge, distrik Rustenburg. (2) Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) (Pretoria), 10 Junie 2003 om

10h00. (3) Vanaf 16. Mei 2003 vir.’n tydperk'van 14 dae te die Meesterskantoor, Pretoria en. die Landdroskantoor, Rustenburg.

(4) P H de Bruin; De-Bruin & Vennote Ing., p/a Mnre PRT Rudman Prokureurs, Queen Wilhelminastraat, Lukasrand, Groenkloof,


' Metsiapula Bennedictor Kgaditsoe, werkloos, Johnsonstr 85, Sunnyside, Pretoria, geskei. (2) Aansoek: Transvaalse

Provinsiale Afdeling, 10 Junie 2003 om 10: 00. (3) 19 Mei 2003, Meester, Pretoria. (4) Van der Hoff Prokureurs, Posbus 16004,

Sinoville, 0129. 9 Mei 2003.

Andre Olivier, werkloos, Michael Brinkstraat 935, Villieria, Pretoria, geskei. (2) Aansoek: Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling,

10 Junie 2003 om 10:00. (3) 19 Mei 2003, Meester, Pretoria. (4) Van der Hoff Prokureurs, Posbus 16004, Sinoville, 0129. 9. Mei:

2003. ’ Johannes Hendrik du Raan, kabel installeerder, Tropicana-Woonstelle 101, Ben Viljoenstr 215, Pretoria Noord, getroud

buite gemeenskap van goedere. (2) Aansoek: Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 10 Junie 2003 om 10:00. (3) 19 Mei 2003,

Meester, Pretoria; Landdros, Pretoria Noord. (4) Van der Hoff Prokureurs, Posbus 16004, Sinoville, 0129. 9 Mei 2003.

Frederik Raymond Sevenster, werkloos, Hospitaalstraat 16, Warmbad, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere. (2)

Aansoek: Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 10 Junie 2003 om 10:00. (3) 19 Mei 2003, Meester, Pretoria; Landdros, Warmbad.

(4) Van der Hoff Prokureurs, Posbus 16004, Sinoville, 0129.9 Mei 2003.

150 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

Pieter Willem Coetzer, ID: 5705285062088, en Marinda Elsabie Coetzer, ID: 6407120074084, binne gemeenskap

getroud, woonagtig: Dinkelmanstr. 165, Danville, Pretoria, Gauteng. (2) Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 9 Junie 2003, 10:00.

(3) 16 Mei 2003, Meester van die Hooggeregshof. (4) Wessel Oosthuizen, 1018 Saxby Weg, Eldoraigne, Centurion;: Posbus

358, Wierda Park, Gauteng, 0149. . .

Lumbala Mulolo, werkloos, 5 Lawn Straat, Rosettenville, Johannesburg, ongetroud. (2) Application, Transvaal Provincial

Division, 10 Junie 2003. (3) 16 Mei 2003, Masters Office, Pretoria; Landdros, Johannesburg. . | : Jacob Moagi Modise, verteenwoordiger, 156 Jensen Straat, The Orchards, Pretoria-Noord, en Maoleta Evelyn Modise,

werkloos, 156 Jensen Straat, The Orchards, Pretoria-Noord, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere. (2) Application Transvaal

Provincial Division, 10 Junie 2003. (3) 16 Mei 2003, Masters Office, Pretoria; Landdros, Pretoria-Noord. .

Ntesang Nyati, werkloos, 61 Orange Straat, The Orchards, Pretoria-Noord, ongetroud. (2) Application Transvaal Provincial

Division, 10 Junie 2003. (3) 16 Mei 2003, Masters Office, Pretoria; Landdros, Pretoria-Noord.

Mmutle Henry Mokulubete, sakeman, 19 Tobie Muller Straat, Central West 4, Vanderbijlpark, en Mamorena Anna

Mokulubete, admin klerk, 19 Tobie Straat, Central West 4, Vanderbijlpark, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere. (2)

Application Transvaal Provincial Division, 10 Junie 2003. (3) 16 Mei:2003, Master's Office, Pretoria; Lariddros, Vanderbijlpark.

Charles Bridget Barker (ID: 7206075004081), and Zonique Barker (ID 7409120009085), married in community of

property, 665, 10th Avenue, Gezina, Pretoria, Gauteng, C. B. Barker — traffic officer, Z. Barker — secretary. (2) Transvaal

Provincial Division, 10 June 2003, 10:00. (3) Master of the Supreme Court, Pretoria, 16 May 2008, Magistrate Court, Pretoria,

16 May 2003. (4) Gerneke & Potgieter, 307 Danie Theron Street, Pretoria North.

Karen Odette Kuhn, personal assistant, 15 Saint Beagle Mews, Cnr. of St Bernard & Beagle | street, Garstontein Extension

0. (2) Application, Transvaal Provincial Division, 10/06/2003, 10:00. (3) 16/05/2003, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. (4)

Tears du Plessis Incorporated, PO Box 14239, Hatfield, 0028. 09/05/2003.

Johannes Frederik Willemse, [D: 6610085002087, Stofbergstraat 13, Uitbreiding 19, Carletonville, Gauteng, ’n

geskeide sakeman. (2) Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 17 Junie 2003 om 10h00. (3) Meester vd Hooggeregshof, Pretoria;

Landdroshof, Carletonville, vir 14 dae vanaf 19 Mei 2003. (4) Louw van Rensburg, Kerkstraat 1223, Hatfield, Pretoria. (Verw.

Mev M Botha/NW005.) . Marthinus Hendrik Senekal, [D. 6612095019080, rekenaar konsultant, woonagtig te Mooirivier Woonstelle 22,

Andriesstraat, Bracken Downs, Alberton, getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met Belinda Elize Grace Senekal,

ID 7001190169087, sekretaresse. (2) Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 10 Junie 2003, 10h00. (3) Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, 16 Mei 2003, Die Landdroshof te Alberton, 16 Mei 2003. (4) Vorstes & Brandt Ing., Allied Gebou,

6de Vloer, Pretoriusstraat 250, Pretoria. _

Lekoba Jacob Letshwite, pensioenaris, en Dina Letshwite, huisvrou, getroud bine gemeenskap van goedere,

Tlalestraat 102, Atteridgeville Pretoria. (2) Aansoek Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 10 Junie 2008, 10h00. (3) 19 Mei 2003,

Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

Michelle Goncalves, huisvrou, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere, Tamborinestraat 30, Tasbetpark, Witbank.. (2)

Aansoek, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 10 Junie 2003, 10h00. (3) 19 Mei 2003, Meester van n die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria,

Landdroshof, Witbank. .

Michelle Maree, verkoopskonsultant, ongetroud, Nr 2 Jannie Rouxstraat, Norkem Park, Kempton Park. (2) ‘Aansoek,

Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 10 Junie 2003, 10h00. (3) 19 Mei 2003, Meester van ‘dle Hooggeregshof, Pretoria;

Landdroshof, Kempton Park.

Jorge Alberto Margarido Goncalves, kontrakteur instrumentasie, getroud buite | gemeenskap van goedere,

Tamborinestraat 30, Tasbetpark, Witbank, (2) Aansoek, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 10 Junie 2003, 10h00. (3) 19 Mei

2003, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdroshof, Witbank. |

Daniel Hendrik Kotze, werkloos, en Debbie Elizabeth Kotze, ontvangsdame, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere,

11 Chestnustraat, Cresslawn, Kempton Park. (2) Aansoek, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 10 Junie 2003, 10h00. (3) 19 Mei

2003, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdroshof, Kempton Park.


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op die 10de dag van Junie 2003 om 10:00, of so spoedig daarna as wat die saak

aangehoor kan word by die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) aansoek gedoen sal word om

die aanname van die oorgawe van.die boedel van Pieter Daniél Francois la Grange, woonagtig te h/v Adcockstraat 555 &

10de Laan, Gezina, Pretoria. |

En dat sy verrnoéstaat ter insae sal I6 by die Meester van die Hooggeregshor, Pretoria, asook by die Landdroshof te

Pretoria, vir ’n periode van 14 dae vanaf 16 Mei 2003.

Geteken te Nelspruit op die 8ste dag van Mei 2003.

Rudolf van Niekerk Prokureurs, p/a Giessing Prokureurs, 7de Vioer, Charter Huis, Bosnyanstraat 179, Pretoria; Posbus

1829, Pretoria, 0001. [Tel.: (012) 321-0322.] [Faks: (012) 321-0417] (Verw.: D. Giessing/GV226.)

} f


‘STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 - 151


Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshot

te Pretoria op Dinsdag, die 3de Junie 2003 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word

vir die aanvaarding van die boedeloorgawe van Jonathan Godfrey Nathapo (ID Nr: 6602055688086) getroud binne

gemeenskap. van goedere met Nombulelo Nathapo (ID Nr: 7011201125085), en woonagtig te 4089 Umtholostraat, Birch

Acres, en dat hu! vermoénstaat vir inspeksie ter insae sal lé by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria

en by die. [Landdroshoft te Kempton Park vir.’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae. vanaf Vrydag, 16 Mei 2008.


Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gédoen sal word by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Aideling van die Hooggeregshof

te Pretoria‘op Dinsdag, die 3de Junie 2003-0m 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word

vir die aanvaarding van die boedeloorgawe van Johannes Cornelius Heyneke (ID Nr: 6210115050089) getroud binne

gemeenskap van goedere met Charmaine Martha Ivy Heyneke (iD Nr: 6508140060001), en woonagtig te Herbert Dent-

straat 3, Krugersdorp, en dat hul vermoénstaat vir inspeksie ter.insae sal 16 by die kantoor van die Meester van‘die

Hooggeregshof te Pretoria en by die Landdroshof te Krugersdorp vir 'n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf Vrydag, 16 Mei

2008, po


~ Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof

te Pretoria op Dinsdag, die 3de Junie 2003 om 10h00, of so. spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word

vir die aanvaarding van die boedeloorgawe van Christopher Malama Kalota (ID Nr: 6807215867187) getroud buite gemeen-

skap van.goedere met-Claire Kalota (ID Nr: 7604090983182), en woonagtig te 316 Alpha Height Flat 310, h/v Main & Hillstraat,

Randburg, en dat hul vermoénstaat vir inspeksie ter insae- sal |é by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te.

Pretoria, @ en n byt die Landdroshof te Randburg, vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf Vrydag, 16 Mei 2003.


(Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling)

, Indie ex parte-aansoek van: BARRY CORRIS VERMAAK (ID: 6507235029004) (geskei)

. (vir die oorgawe van sy boedel), Appiikant

Hiermee word ikennig gegee. dat op 10 Junie 2003 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak aangehoor

kan word, by die Transvaalse. Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname van die

oorgawe van die boedel van Barry Corris Vermaak (ID: 6507235029004), geskei, woonagtig te Corn Hall Cresent 9, Bendor Place, Pietersburg, Noordelike Provinsie,.en die vermoénstaat sal ter insae lé by die kantoor van die Meester van die

Hooggeregshof te Pretoria, en die Landdroshof te Pietersburg, vir’n termyn van 14 dae vanaf 16 Mei 2003.

’ Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 6de dag van Mei 2003.

Strydom & Bredenkamp | Ing., Schoemanstraat 983, Hatfield, Pretoria. [Tel.: oy 342-0700.] (Verw.:'M. W. Kets/YM/

MV00385.) . ,




“Neem kennis dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshotvan Suid-Afrika

_op Dinsdag, 10 Junie 2003 om 10:00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek gehoor kan word, vir die oorgawe van

die boedel van Ronel Batts (ID: 6605270027089), ‘en woonagtig te Umfolozirivier Nr. 20, Secunda. -

n Vermoéstaat van ‘Applikant ter insae sal |é by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof van Pretoria, en te die

Landdroshof van Evander, vir 'n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae met ingang van 16 Mei 2008 tot 30 Mei 2003.

- Geteken te’ Pretoria hierdie dag van Mei 2003.

' J. M. Krog, Mathys Krog Prokureurs, Prokureurs vir Applikant, Pierneefstraat 827, Villieria, Pretoria. [Tel.: (012) 329-2247, ]

(Verw.: M. Krog/B78.).



‘Neem kennis dat aainsoek gedoen sal word by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshot van Suid-Afrika

op Dinsdag; 10 Junie 2003 om 10:00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek gehoor kan word, vir die oorgawe van

die boedel van Lance Martin Batts (ID: 6511205014087), en woonagtig te Umfolozirivier Nr. 20, Secunda.

"n Vermoéstaat van Applikant ter insae sal 1é-by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof van Pretoria, en te die ,

Landdroshof van Evander, vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae met ingang van.16 Mei.2003 tot 30 Mei 2003.

Geteken te Pretoria hierdie dag van Mei 2003.

_ J. M: Krog, Mathys. Krog: Prokureurs, Prokureurs vir Applikant, Pierneefstraat 827, Vitlleria, Pretoria. [Tel.: (012) 329-2247]

(Verw.: M. Krog/B78.)

152 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003



. Neem kennis dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika op Dinsdag, 10 Junie 2003 om 10:00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek gehoor kan word, vir die oorgawe van die Boedel van Deon Maritz (ID: 6601145138086) en woonagtig te: Hoéveld W/s 205, Belvedere Straat 581, Arcadia, en ’n Vermoéstraat van Applikant ter insae sal lé by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof van Pretoria vir ’n tydperk

van 14 (veertien) dae met ingang van 16 Mei 2003 tot 30 Mei 2003. |

Geteken te Pretoria gedurende April 2003. I

J. M. Krog, vir Mathys Krog Prokureurs Prokureurs vir Applikant, Pierneefstraat 827, Villieria, Pretoria. Tel: (012) 329- 2247,

(Verw: MKROG/B80.)


Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Aideling van die Hooggeregshot te Pretoria op Dinsdag die 10de Junie 2003 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word vir die aanvaarding van die boedeloorgawe van Amelia Rossouw (ID Nr: 720430009082) ongetroud en woonagtig te Generaal Pienaarstraat Herbert Place 18 Witpoortjie en dat hul vermoénstraat vir inspeksie ter insae sal |é by die kantoor van‘die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria en by die Landdroshof te Krugersdorp vir *n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf Vrydag 16 Mei 2003.


Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling op 10 Junie 2003 om 10h00, of so spoedig moonilik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word vir aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Nxolisi Michael Tshazibahne, werksaam as Inspekteur by SAPD, Johannesburg, ongetroud en woonagtig te 132 Elias Modiastraat Uitbreiding 11 Kagiso, Krugersdorp, en dat sy vermoéstaat ter insae Ié by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria (asook die Landdroshof Krugersdorp) vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae vanat en insluitende 16 Mei 2003.(synde datum van publikasie).

Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 9¢ dag van Mei 2003.

Van der Hof Prokureurs, Marijastraat 211, Sinoville, Pretoria. Tel: (012) 543-0954. Faks: (012) 543-9251. Verw: Ray/DD1186/03. ‘ , ,


Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word na die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika op Dinsdag 10 Junie 2003 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word vir aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van William Allan Hepburn, Identiteitsnommer: 6005245009082., ’n Elektro- meganikus van beroep, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere en wie tans woonagtig is te Proteastr 41, Middelburg.

Geliewe verdere kennis te neem dat die Vermoénstaat van die Applikant ter insae sal lé vir inspeksie by die Kantoor van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, sowel as die Landdroskantoor te > Middelburg vir ’n h tydperk van 14: |veertien) dae gereken vanaf Vrydag 16 Mei 2003.

Philip du Plessis Prokureurs, Prokureurs vir Applikant Town Square Gebou, Winkel 25, Eksteenstraat, Posbus 268, Middelburg, 1050. Verw: Mnr Du Plessis/Jackie/GH2846. . f :


’ Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word na die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika op Dinsdag 10 Junie 2003 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die ‘aansoek aangehoor kan word vir aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Dina Eugenia Dreyer, Identiteitsnommer 600921 0267089, 'n-werklose dame,

ongetroud en wie tans woonagtig is te Renosterweg 6, Kanonkop, Middelburg. - ~ a os

Geliewe verdere kennis te neem dat die Vermoéstaat van die Applikant ter insae sal lav vir ingpeksie by die K Kantoor van die

Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, sowel as die Landdroskantoor te Middelburg: vir ’n tydperk van 14 {(veertien) dae

gereken vanaf Vrydag 16 Mei 2003.

Philip du Plessis Prokureurs, Prokureur vir Applikant, Town Square Gebou, Winkel 3 Eksteenstraat, Posbus: 268,

Middelburg, 1050. |


Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word na die Kaap van Goede Hoop Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika op Donderdag 12 Junie 2003 om 10:00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word, vir die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Andries Daniél Jacobus. Knobel (ID No. 5506205219084) ’n Verhoudingsbestuurder van beroep, woonagtig te Merchant Walk no 10, Duynefontein, Melkbosstrand

getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere.

Geliewe verdere kennis te neem dat die Vermoéstaat van die Applikant ter insae sal lé vir inspeksie by die kantoor van ‘die Meester van die Hooggeregshof Kaapstad, vir ‘n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae gereken vanaf Vrydag 16 Mei 2003. ,

Geteken te Pretoria op hede die 9de Mei 2003.

Shapiro & De Meyr Ing, Prokureur vir Applikant, Shapiro Huis, Bureau Laan, Pretoria. (Ver: J Loots/D4342).


(.. t



STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 , No. 24846 153


(Transvaalse Provinsiale’ Afdeling)

In die ex parte aansoek van JOHANNES JOSEPHUS VAN NIEKERK (in sy hoedanigheid as trustee van die JOHAN



Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 10 Junie 2003 om 10:00 of so spoedig moonitlik daarna as 3 wat die saak aangehoor kan

word, by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof aansoek gedoen sal word deur Johannes Josephus van

Niekerk, ID 5405295048082, in sy hoedanigheid as trustee vir die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van die Johan

van Niekerk Trust-IT2672/1994 met besigheidsadres te plaas Elandspoort, Volksrust, Mpumalanga en dat die vermoénstaat

ter insae sal lé by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria asook die Landdroshof te Volksrust vir ’n

termyn van.14 dae vanaf 16 Mei 2003.

Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 9 dag van Mei 2003.

; _ Strydom. & Bredenkamp Ing., Schoemanstraat 983, Hatfield, Pretoria, Tel: (012) 342- 0700. Verw: MW KETS/mwv/MJ0021.


. (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) o

In die ex x parte aansoek van JOHANNES JOSEPHUS VAN NIEKERK (ID: 5405295048082) (GETROUD BUITE



Hiermee word keninis. gegee dat op 10 Junie.2003 om 10:00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan

word, by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof aansoek gedoen sal word deur Johannes Josephus van °

Niekerk, ID 5405295048082, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed, woonagtig te plaas Elandspoort, distrik Volksrust

Mpumalanga en dat die vermoénstaat ter insae sal !é by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria asook

die Landdroshof te Volksrust vir ’n termyn van 14 dae vanaf 16 Mei 2003.

Geteken te Pretoria Op hierdie 9 dag van Mei 2003.

Strydom & Bredarkamp Ing., Schoemanstraat 983, Hattield, Pretoria. Tel: (012) 342- 0700. Verw: MW KETS/mw/MV0036.


_ (Witwatersrand Local Division) .

In the expert matter of: HAUSER: JOHANNES HERMANUS, Identity Number: 65090751 52086, born 7 7 September

, 1965, married out of community of property, Applicant

Notice is hereby given that application will made to the Witwatersrand Division of the High Court of South Africa, on the

10th day of June 2003 .at 10h00 or so soon thereafter as the matter. can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of the

estate of Johannes Hermanus Hauser ID: 6509075152086, residing at 42 Reedbuck Street, Edelweiss, Springs.

Take further notice that the statement of his affairs will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the Supreme Court at

Pretoria. and at the office of the Magistrate, Springs, fora period | of fourteen days as from 16th May 2003.

- Signed at Brakpan on 30th April 2003.

P-C Scholtz; P C Scholtz Attorney, Attorney for Applicant, pla Nalane Manaka Attorneys, 4th Floor, Sanlam Centre, 213-214 Jeppe Street, cnr Jeppe & Von Welligh Street, Johannesburg. [Tel. (011) 744- -4767.] (Ref. PCS/SW.)

‘Wikus Nel, ID No: 7305175022082, tegnikus en Catharina. Maria Nel, 7512200008081, eiseklerk, Gebadine Gardens 13,

Smutsstraat, Ermelo. (2) Aansoek: Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 12 Junie 2003 om 10h00. 16 Mei 2003. (3) Meester, . Pretoria; Landdros, Ermelo. (4) Herman Swart:Prokureurs, Bloemfieldiaan.4, Ermelo, 9 Mei 2003.

Martin Jacobus de Bruyn, Identiteitsnommer: 5502165040080, werkloos, getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met: Sonia Cornelia de Bruyn, identiteitsnommer: 6103140092081, admin (temp), woonagtig te Blydelaan 241, Sinoville, Pretoria. (2) Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) op Dinsdag, 10 Junie 2003 om 09:45 of so spoedig daarna as wat Advokaat vir Applikante aangehoor kan word. (3) Lé ter insae vanaf: Maandag, 19 Mei 2003 vir ’n tydperk van 14 dae by die Meesterskantoor te Pretoria. (4) Johnsen Prokureurs, p/a HM Botha Prokureurs, Kamer 202, Waterkloof Glen Garden, Mainstraat 270, Brooklyn, Pretoria, Gauteng.

Olivier Frederick Scholtz, Identiteitsnommer: 7305285007088, werkloos, getroud binne gemeenskap_ van goed met Aletta Catharina Scholtz, Identiteitsnommer: 7112250202088, beroep Boekhoudster, woonagtig te: 1 Venusstraat, Wilrow Park, Uitbreiding 8, Roodepoort. (2) Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) op Dinsdag, 10 Junie .2003 om 09:45 of so spoedig.daarna as wat Advokaat vir Applikante aangehoor kan word. (3) Lé ter insae vanaf: Maandag, 19 Mei 2003 vir ’n tydperk van 14 dae by die Meesterskantoor te Pretoria sowel as die Landdroshof te Roodepoort. (4) Johnsen Prokureurs, p/a HM Botha Prokureurs, Kamer 202, Waterkloof Glen. Garden, Mainstraat 270, Brooklyn, Pretoria, Gauteng.

154 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

Carl Human, Identiteitsnommer: 6301245041088, streeksbestuurder, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere, woonagtig

te 976 Olympusstraat, Faerie Glen, Pretoria. (2) Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) op Dinsdag,

10 Junie 2003 om 09:45 of so spoedig daarna as wat Advokaat vir Applikante aangehoor kan word. (3) Lé ter insae vanaf:

Maandag, 19 Mei 2003 vir ‘n tydperk van 14 dae by die Meesterskantoor te Pretoria. (4) Johnsen Prokureurs, p/a HM Botha

Prokureurs, Kamer 202, Waterkloof Glen Garden, Mainstraat 270, Brooklyn, Pretoria, Gauteng.

Johannes, Lodewikus van Heerden, ID: 5107185120084, 'n boer, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met Anna,

Susanna van Heerden, ID: 5308130098009 (gebore Lee), ’n tuisterskepper en woonagtig te Plot 44, Rieftontein, distrik van

‘Pretoria, Gauteng. (2 (2) Transvaalse Provinsiaale Afdeling, 10/06/2003, 10h00. 16/05/03, Meester van- die Hooggeregshof,

Pretoria, 0002. (4) Herman Smalman Standard Bank, ’n (K406) Kerkplein, Pretoria, 0002.

Pieter van Rooyen (|.D. 5805035035083), werkloos, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met Theresa: Catharina

van Rooyen (i.D. 6305250165088) (gebore Cole), en woonagtig te Forest Hill Nr 110, Kimberleyweg, Fairie Glen, Pretoria,

Gauténg. (2) Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 10/06/2003, 10h00. (3) 16/05/2003, Meester van die Hooggeregshof Pretoria,

0002. (4) Herman Smalman, Standard Bank (K 406), Kerkplein, Pretoria, 0002.

Alian David Harvey (ID 5011115008080, ’n meerderjarige konsultant, werksaam te Paradime Brokers, 7de Straat 68,

Northmead, Benoni en woonagtig te 7de Straat 68, Northmead, Benoni, en getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere met Avril

Ann Harvey. (2) ’n Aansoek, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika op Dinsdag, 10 Junie

2003 om 10h00 in die voormiddag of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die regsverteenwoordiger namens die Applikant -

aangehoor kan word. (3) 19 Mei 2003, kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Transvaalse

Provinsiale Afdeling), Santambankgebou, Derde Vloer, h/v Kerk- en Queenstraat, Pretoria en te die Kantoor van die Landdros,

‘Benoni. (4) Van Zyl, Le Roux & Hurter Ingelyf, 18de Vloer, SALU Gebou, h/v Andries- en Schoemanstraat, . Pretoria.

“WV Velden/SA/230082).




(Noord-Kaapse Provinsiale Afdeling) . . ,

In die Ex-parte—aansoek van MARIA GRETEL MOSTERT, ID 3605060021 089, Applikant

Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op Vrydag, 13 Junie 2003 om 10h00, of so spoedig daarna as wai die saak aangehoor

kan word, by die Noord Kaapse Provinsiale Atdeling van die Hooggeregshof, aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van

die oorgawe van die boedel van Maria Gretel Mostert, weduwee, en woonagtig te h/v Arnot & Southeystraat, Douglas.

° Applikant se vermoéstaat sal by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Jan Smuts Rylaan, Kimberley, en

die Landdroshof van Douglas om ter insae te 16 vir ’n termyn-van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf die 16 Mei 2003.

Gedateer te Pretoria op hierdie 9de Mei 2003. ,

Danie Nel Prokureurs, Lorrainestraat 9, Hartbeesfontein. Tel. (018) 431-1856. (Verw. Mnr Danie Nel.)




- (Noord-Kaapse Provinsiale Afdeling)

In die Ex-parte—aansoek van SONIA MARIA MOSTERT, ID 600521 0016005, Applikant

Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op Vrydag, 13 Junie 2003 om 10h00, of so spoedig daarna as wat die saak aangehoor

kan word, by die Noord Kaapse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof, aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van

die oorgawe van die boedel van Sonia Maria Mostert, geskei, en woonagtig te h/v Arnot & Southeystraat, Douglas.

Applikant se vermoéstaat sal by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Jan Smuts Rylaan, Kimberley, en

die Landdroshof van Douglas om ter insae te 16 vir ’n termyn van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf die 13 Mei 2003.

Gedateer te Pretoria op hierdie 9de Mei 2003.

Danie Nel Prokureurs, Lorrainestraat 9, Hartbeesfontein. Tel. (018) 431-1856. (Verw. Mnr Danie Nel.)

Charmaine Mynhardt, ’n meerderjarige tydelike sekretaresse getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere en woonagtig te

Plot 1, Olifantsnek, Rustenburg. (2) Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Transvaalse Provinsiale Atdeling) (Pretoria), op Dinsdag,

10 Junie 2003 om 10h00. (3) Vanaf 16 Mei 2003 vir ’n tydperk van 14 dae te die; Meesterskantoor, Pretoria en die

Landdroskantoor, Rustenburg. (4) P H de Bruin, De Bruin & Vennote, p/a Mnr PRT Rudman Prokureurs, Queen Wilhelmina

Straat, Groenkloof, Pretoria. (Verw. Mnr Rudman.) | :

i }

STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEI 2003 No. 24846 155


Form/Vorm VL

SECTION 64, ACT No. 27 OF 1943

Notice is hereby given that evidence of the loss or destruction of the policies mentioned below, has been submitted to the insurers, and any person in possession of any of these policies, or claiming to have any interest therein, should communicate immediately by registered post with the insurers. Failing any such communication, certified copies of the policies (which shall be the sole evidence of the contract) will be issued to the owners in. terms of the regulations framed under the Act.

The particulars are given in the following order: Name and address of insurer; policy number, date of policy and sum insured; life insured; owner, if other than insured.

ARTIKEL 64, WET No. 27 VAN 1943

Kennisgewing geskied hiermee dat bewys van die verlies of vernietiging van die polisse hieronder vermeld, aan die versekeraars gelewer is, en enigeen wat in besit van enige van hierdie polisse is, of aanspraak maak dat hy enige belang daarin het, moet onmiddellik per aangetekende pos met die versekeraars in verbinding tree. By gebreke aan sodanige mededeling sal gewaarmerkte afskrifte van polisse (wat die enigste bewys van die kontrak sal wees) aan die eienaars uitgereik word ingevolge die regulasies gepromulgeer onder die. Wet.

Die besonderhede word verstrek i in die volgorde: Naam en.adres van versekeraar; polisnommer, datum van polis en versekerde bedrag; lewe verseker; eienaar, indien ander as versekerde. - -

African Life Assurance, P.O. Box 1941, Houghton, 2041

HS40260949—2003-02-01, R673 823. C. Piquet.

HS40063186—1998-06-01, R 29 557. H. M. Kruger. HS40108591—1998-06-01, R100 000. G. Holland.

HS40108881—1998-06-01; R 14 948. C. Lingerfelder.

156 No. 24846 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

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- Government Gazettes - from January 1994 - Compilations of all Indexes pertaining to the past week's Government Gazettes

- All Provincial Gazettes - from September 1995

- Parliamentary Bills - as of January 1999

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included as images.

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160 - No. 24846 : GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003

Printed by and obtainable from the Government Printer, Bosman Street, Private Bag X85, Pretoria, 0001

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