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JUNIE A Vol. 384 PRETORIA, 20 JUNE 1997 No. 18068





2 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997







_ (Commencement: 1 May 1995)


Standardised notices


AND J 187 rn nn cn Un nn eee een caneeeenceanenienens

BUSINESS NOTICES. .......ccccccccccessececececcceaneceasecausseueesecscueusdcerecenesescesenseonsecceessieases a

INSOLVENCY ACT AND Company ACTS NOTICES: Forms J 28, J'29 and Forms

N.B.: Forms 2 and 9—additional statements according to word count table,

added to the basic tariff.

LOST LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES: ‘Form Veet tne en eneerieneeiinee .

UNCLAIMED MONEYS—only i in the extraordinary Government Gazette, closing date 15 January (per entry of “name, address and AMOUNT’) .......celeseeseseseeseeeteeenes

Non-standardised notices

Company NOTICES:

Short notices: Meetings, resolutions, offer of-compromise, conversion of com-. pany, voluntary windings-up; closing of transfer or members’ registers and/or declaration of dividends .............ccceseerens peveeeeneeeseaes saeeeseseeseneesaeasanansesnarenenans

Declaration of dividend with profit statements, including notes........ veaunsane veceveeeae

Long notices: Transfer, changes with respect to shares or capital, redemptions, resolutions, voluntary liquidations ............ ccc cee ee eeeeeeeneneeeeeneeeneeneeeereeneneene

LIQUIDATOR’S AND OTHER APPOINTEES” NOTICES ....0...0...escssesseesesneeseessenseen Liquor LICENCE NOTICES in extraordinary Gazette:

All provinces appear on the first Friday of each calendar month ........:::::eeeee

- (Closing date for acceptance is two weeks prior to date of publication. )


Provisional and final liquidations or Sequestrations .......icececseeeseseseeseees Geeeeeenes

Reductions or changes in capital, mergers, offer of compromise.........ceneeee ,

Judicial managements, curator bonus and similar and extensive rules nisi........

Extension of return ate... cccccccccccseclecuuevesuuceeseceseseeseneesuenaaagsesasuseeeeeveneeeneneseseees -

Supersessions and discharge of petitions U 158) voce cece cece eeeee cee eeeeeeeeeeneeeeeeeteas


Sales iN CXECUTION oo... cece eee eee eeeeee veneer eeeseneecenenenscasseesaeseessusanenensaseenseeenasenas

Public auctions, sales and tenders: oO

Up to 75 WOrds.........csees seeeeernsenecctmnneseeennnnsseenennaneneestssseeessinan ceevnneseneaes 76 tO 250 WOKS. iicccecbcscuecevecesevedensceneceeesssnesesssesteeernreneeseseeees acauneusnnaneesensscdeeses ‘

251 to 350 words (more than 350 words—calculate in accordance with. word - count table)............ ee eeneeeaeeeeeeceeeeseaeeeaayesnensaes Seabee ecasenesensesenvaussnsnevaseneveronenenss

Rate per insertion


13,80 32,70


16,50 —



~ 144,80

218,80 49,40





27,60 . 27,60


38,40 - 98,50


STAATSKOERANT, 20:JUNIE'1997 No. 18068 3








Gestandaardiseerde kennisgewings *

BESIGHEIDSKENNISGEWINGS. enessuee eceaecattecieluntieccasettietcsacciaa lt catscrasgenucsclanctaee

BOEDELWETTEKENNISGEWINGS: Vorms J 297, J 295, J 193 en J 187 oo... wees


J 29 en Vorms 1 tot 92008 daveeceeeansseseeceeeaueseecesecnenansesucessusnesvereanuaeacaceseensensaeseaeeees

L.W.: Vorms 2.en 9—bykomstige verklarings . volgens woordetal- tabel, foe, - gevoeg tot die basiese tarief.

ONOPGEEISTE GELDE—slegs in die buitengewone Staatskoerant, ‘sluitingsdatum . 15 Januarie (per inskrywing van 'n “naam, adres en bedrag’ ") eseseens vesees seteeeenaeeetenens

Nie-gestandaardiseerde kennisgewings... Beg oe

DRANKLISENSIE-KENNISGEWINGS in buitengewone Staatskoerant:

_ (Sluitingsdatum van indiening is twee weke voor ‘publiseringsdatum. ).


Geregtelike VErKOPe wees Seadenss waeebhgestes cevasnabaaeeaee cevnaa usvlusuntassentensacses vast ee

-Openbare veilings, verkope en tenders:

Tot 75 woorde 76 tot 250 Woorde .........ceccecccesssneeceeessebes scudbbclaseladeedlededlstliiSbaaceecl habeas

* 251 tot 350 woorde (meer as 350 woorde bereken ‘Volgens woordetal. “tabel =



Kort kennisgewings:. Vergaderings, besluite, aanbod van skikking, ‘omskepping. van maatskappy, vrywillige likwidasies, ens.; sluiting van. oordrag- of I lede-.

Verklaring van dividende met profytstate, notas ingest... denen tet devhdPhedeeeeees

_ Lang kennisgewings: Oordragte, veranderings met, betrekking tot ‘aandele of. kapitaal, aflossings, bestluite, veywllige WK WIEASIOS anise cseeccteignte seeneeeees .


Voorlopige en finale likwidasies Of SekWeStrasies .......ccscssssccsssoveesseseseserssevenseee

Verlagings of veranderings in kapitaal, samesmeltings, aanbod \ van n skikking ...

Geregtelike besture, kurator bonis en " soortgelyKe en uligebreide bevele nisi..

Verlenging van keerdatum .....0..0..5 wiki Ethie eevsandDeibinisantatuibedenes!

“* “27,60 Tersydestelling en afwysings van aansoeke (J 158). eevee eaeeneenes “sdadantanCasdaedidverservares

Tarief per plasing


82,70 13,80


"8,10 _VERLORE LEWENSVERSEKERINGSPOLISSE: Vor VL....iceessuesseiesteennesines 16,50 —

Alle provinsies:verskyn op eerste Vrydag van elke kalendermaand...:cicisctiteee ‘»:. 46;70


38,40 98,50 .

158,70 49,40

registers en/of verklaring VAN GiVIGENCE.........:. ces ssieseieseenegenegeeteieeeeereteenten ©, . 62,90

144,80 —


_ 82,20 218,80 218,80



4 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997



For general ‘notices which | do ‘not belong under afore-mentioned headings with fixed tariff rates and which comprise 1.600 or less words, the rates of the word. count table must:be used. Notices with more than 1 600 words,..or where doubt exists, must be sent, in before publication as prescribed in n paragraph 1 10 ee of the Condi- tions:


Vir algemene. kennisgewings wat nie onder voornoemde opskrifte met vaste tariewe ressor- teer nie en wat 1 600 of minder woorde beslaan, moet die tabel- van woordetal-tariewe gebruik word. Kennisgewings met meer as 1600 woorde, of waar twyfel bestaan, moet vooraf ingestuur word soos in die Voorwaardes, para- graaf 10 (2), voorgeskryf:

- Number of words:in copy One insertion Two insertions | Three insertions Aantal woorde i in. kopie Een plasing | Twee plasings Drie plasings


46,70 .65,80 73,80

68,40 98,50 110,30

93,10 131,30 147,10

115,00 164,00 | 183,60

- 136,80 196,90 220,50

161,20 229,;70 257,20

183,10 262,50 294,00

207,70 | 295,20 330,70

229,60 328,10 367,50

251,40 360,80 404,20 276,10 393,70 441,00 -

' 297,90 426,30 477,50

322,70 459,20 514,40

344,50 492,00 551,10

366,40. ' 524,80 587,80 390,90 . 557,50 624,50

412,70 590,50 661,40

437,30 623,20 698,10

459,20 656,00 734,70

595,90 852,80 955,20

735,30 — 1 049,50 1.175,50

an Meee ead ee : Shae





1. The Government Gazette is sublshed every week on Friday,’ and ‘the closing’ time for the - acceptance of notices which have to: appear in the Government Gazette on any particular Friday, is’ 15;00::on-.the preceding: Friday. Should any Friday coincide with a public holiday, the date of publication: ‘of, the - ‘Government Gazette and the closing time ‘of the: ‘acceptance of notices will bé published’ in the’ Government Gazetie, from time to time. ne



1. Die Staatskoerant word weekliks op Vrydag gepubliseer en die sluitingstyd vir die aanname van kennisgewings wat op ’n bepaalde Vrydag in die Staatskoerant moet verskyn, is 15:00 op die voorafgaande Vrydag. Indien enige Vry- dag saamval met ’n openbare vakansiedag, ver- skyn die Staatskoerant op ’n datum en is die sluitingstye vir die aanname van kennisgewings soos van tyd tot tyd in die Staatskoerant bepaal.

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997 No. 18068 5

2. (1) The copy for a separate: Government Gazette must be handed in not later than three calendar weeks before date of publication.

(2) Copy of notices received ‘after closing time will be held. over-for. publication in in the next Government Gazette. '

(3) Amendment. or changes in copy of notices cannot be undertaken unless instruc- tions are réceived before 15:30 on Mon-


(4) Copy of notices: for publication or r amend: me ments of original .copy cannot:be accepted over - the telephone and must be brought - about by letter, by telegram or by hand.

(5) In.the case of cancellations a refund of the cost of a notice will be considered only if the instruction to cancel has been received on or

before the stipulated closing time as indicated i in paragraph 1 above.


3. Any notices other than legal notices are sub- ject to the approval’ of the Government Printer, . - who may refuse acceptance or further publication . of any notice.



4. The Government Printer willl assume no liability in respect of—

(1) any delay in the publication. ofa notice or publication of such notice on any date other than that stipulated by the advertis- er;

(2) erroneous classification of ¢ a notice, or the placement of such notice in any section or under any heading other than the section or heading stipulated by the a : advertiser;

(3) any editing, revision, omission, typogra- phical errors or errors: resulting: fiom faint or indistinct copy. es


5. Advertisers will be ‘held liable ‘for any: com-

pensation and costs arising from. any action

2. (1) Wanneer ’n aparte Staatskoerant ver- lang word moet dit drie kalenderweke voor publikasie ingedien word. -

(2) Kopie’ van: kennisgewings wat na sluitingstyd ontvang word, ‘sal oorgehou word |

' vir plasing in die eersvolgende Staatskoerani.

(3) Wysiging van. of veranderings in. die kopie van kennisgewings kan nie onderneem word nie tensy opdragte:daarvoor ontvang is

_ voor 15:30 op Maandae.

(4) Kopie. van kennisgewings vir publikasie of wysigings van oorspronklike kopie kan nie oor die telefoon. aanvaar word nie en moet per brief, per telegram of per hand bewerkstellig word.

(5) In geval-van kansellasies sal die terug- betaling van die koste van ’n kennisgewing oor- weeg word slegs ‘as die opdrag om te kanselleer op of voor die vasgestelde sluitingstyd soos in paragraaf.1 hierbo aangedui, ontvang is."


3. Kennisgewings; behalwe wetlike kennisge- wings, is onderworpe aan die goedkeuring van die Staatsdrukker. wat kan weier om enige ken- nisgewing aan te neem of verder te publiseer.



4. Die Staatsdrukker aanvaar geen aan- spreeklikheid vir— .

(1) enige vertraging by die publikasie van ’n kennisgewing of vir die publikasie daar- van op ’n ander datum as dié deur die adverteerder bepaal:;

(2) die foutiewe klassifikasie van ’n kennis- gewing of die plasing daarvan onder ’n ander afdeling of opskrif as die afdeling

_ _ of opskrif wat deur die adverteerder aan- - gedui‘is; *

(3) enige redigering, hersiening, weglating, - <tipografiese foute of foute wat weens

dowwe of onduidelike kopie mag ontstaan.



5. Die adverteerder word aanspreeklik gehou

vir ‘enige Skadevergoeding en koste wat ont-

which may bé instituted against the Government staan uit enige aksie wat weens die publikasie

Printer in consequence of the publication of any van ’n kennisgewing teen. die Staatsdrukker

notice. ingestel mag word.


‘6 No. 18068 . GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997




6. Copy of notices must be typed: on-one side of the.paper only. and. may not -consti- tute part of any covering letter or document.

7. At the top of any copy;‘and.set well apart from the notice the following must:be stated:

(1) The kind of notice.

' Please note: Prospective: adver- tisers are urgently requested to clearly indicate under which headings their advertiseménts or notices should be inserted inorder to prevent such notices/advertisements, rom ‘being

_. wrongly placed.

(2) The heading under which the notice i is s to appear.

(8) The rate fe. g. “Fixed tariff rate”, or Word count rate”) applicable to thé -notice; and the cost of publication.

8. All proper names and 1 sumamés must’ be clearly legible, surnames being underlined or typed in capital letters. In the event of a name being incorrectly printed as a ‘result of indistinct writing, the notice will be’ republished’ only upon payment of the cost of a new insertion.’ -


9. No notice will ‘be. accepted ‘for. publica- tion unless the. -cost..of. the - insertion(s)., is prepaid by way. of UNCANCELLED REVENUE STAMPS.

Franking. machine i impressions, appearing on

the copy are acceptable provided that they are clear. Franking machine impresions other” than the aforementioned, for example, ona separate sheet of paper pasted to the copy are ‘not acceptable.

(1), The cost ofa notice must be salgulated by the | advertiser in, accordance with— ,

‘(a ) the list of fixed tariff rates; or

(b}) where the fixed tariff rate does n not apply, the word count rate.


6.- Die kopie van n kennisgewings moet ot slegs op een kant van die. papier getik wees.en.mag_nie deel van enige begeleidende brief: of dokument uitmaak nie.

7. Bo aan die kopie,en weg van die kennis- gewing, moet die volgende aangedui word:

(1) Die aard van die kennisgewing:

Let Wel: Voornemende.adverteer- ders word hierby dringend versoek om duidelik aan te dui onder watter hofie

' * “hul advertensies of | kennisgewings a geplaas moet word.

(2). Die opskrif waaronder die kennisgewing geplaas moet word. ,

(3) Die tarief (bv. “Vaste tarief”, of “Woor- detal-tarief”) wat op die kennisgewing van toepassing is, en.die koste verbonde Ban. die plasing daarvan.

8. Alle eiename en familiename moet duidelik

leesbaar wees en familiename moet onder-

streep of in hoofletters getik word. Indien ’n naam ‘verkeerd’ gedruk word as gevolg van ‘Onduidelike Skrif, sal die™ ‘kennisgewing alleen na ‘betaling van die koste ‘van’ n nuwe plasing weer gepubliseer word. :


9. Geen kennisgewing word. it. .publikasie aanvaar nie tensy die koste van die. .plasing(s) daarvan vooruit betaal is deur middel van


Frankeermasjien- -afdrukke op kopie is aan- vaarbaar mits. afdrukke., duidelik is. Frankeer- masjien- -afdrukke op enige. ander wyse aange- bring bv. op los papier. wat op. kopie geplak word is nie aanvaarbaar nie.

10. (1). Die koste van ’n kennisgewing moet deur die. adverteerder bereken word in ooreen-

stemming met— . _

_ (ay ‘die lys van ‘vaste tariewe, Of

= (by. indien die: vaste tariewe r nie-van: n.toepas: sing is nie, die woordetal-tariewe.

No: 18068 7


(2) Where there is any doubt about the cost of publication of a notice, and in the case of copy in ‘excess of 1600 words, an enquiry, accompanied by the relevant copy should: be addressed to the

. Advertising Section Government Printing. Works Private Bag X85 Pretoria 0001: :

before publication.

11. Uncancelled revenue stamps representing the correct amount of the cost of publication of a

(2) In gevalle van twyfel oor die koste ver- bonde aan die plasing van ’n.kennisgewing en in dié geval: van kopie met meer as 71600 woorde, moet ’n-navraag, vergesel van die betrokke kopie, voor publikasie. aan die -

Advertensie-afdeling _ Staatsdrukkery

- . Privaatsak X85. Pretoria 0001

gerig word: ta

11. Ongekanselleerde. inkomsteseéls wat die juiste bedrag van die koste van. ’n_ kennis-

notice, or the total of the cost of publication .

gewing of die totaal van die koste van meerdere

‘kennisgewings verteenwoordig, moet_op die

of more than one notice, must be AFFIXED to

the copy.

The following stamps are not acceptable:

(i) Revenue stamps of the old series.

(it) ‘Revenue stamps of other states. -

(iii) Postage stamps.

See “Important Notice” at the foot of these Conditions. . oo

12. Overpayments resulting. from. miscal- culation on the part of the advertiser of the cost of publication of notice will not be refunded,

unless the advertiser furnishes adequate

reasons why such miscalculation occurred. In the event of underpayments, the difference will be recovered from the advertiser, and the notice(s) will not be published until such time as the full cost of such publication has been duly ‘paid in uncancélled revenue stamps. °

13. In the event of a notice being cancelled, a refund will be made only if no cost regarding the placing of the notice has been incurred by the Government Printing Works:

14. The Government Printer reserves the right to levy an additional charge in cases where notices, the cost of which has been calculated in

accordance with the list of fixed tariff rates, are subsequenily found to be excessively lengthy or to contain overmuch or. complicated tabulation.

A ——

kopie GEPLAK word.

Die volgende seéls is nie aanvaarbaar n nie:

i). Inkomsteseéls van die ou reeks.

: (ii). inkomsteseéls van ander state.

(iii)) Posseéis. .

Sien “Belangrike Kennisgewing” onder- aan hierdie Voorwaardes. woe,

12. Oorbetalings op “giond van, ’n. foutiewe berekening van. die. koste. verbonde aan die pla- sing. van ’n. kennisgewing deur.die adverteerder word nie terugbetaal nie tensy die adverteerder voldoende redes aantoon waarom ’n foutiewe

. berekening gemaak is. In die geval van onder- betalings sal die verskil van die adverteerder verhaal word en geen plasing sal geskied voor- dat die volle koste verbonde aan die plasing van die ‘kennisgewing(s) deur middel van onge- kanselleerde ihkomsteseéls betaal is hie.

13. “By” ‘Kansellasie van.’n kennisgewing sal terugbetaling van gelde slegs geskied indien die Siaatsdrukkery geen koste met betrekking tot die

plasing van. die kennisgewing aangegaan het


1 4. Die Staatsdrukker behou hom die reg voor om ’n ‘bykomende bedrag te hef in gevalle’ waar kennisgewings, waarvan die koste in ooreen- stemming met die.lys van vaste tariewe bereken word, later -uitermatig lank blyk te wees of buitensporige of:ingewikkelde tabelwerk bevat.


8 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997



15. Copies of the Government Gazette Which may be required as proof of publication may be

ordered from the Government Printer at the ruling price. The Government Printer will assume no liability for any failure to post such | Government Gazette(s) or for any delay in dispatching it/them.


15. Eksemplare.van die Staatskoerant wat nodig mag wees ter bewys van publikasie van ’n kennisgewing kan teen die heersende verkoop- prys van die Staatsdrukker bestel word. Geen aanspreeklikheid word aanvaar vir die versuim om sodanige Staatskoerant(e) te pos of vir vertraging in die versending daarvan nie.

Important Notice

1. Please post your advertisements early and make

sure that you have attached the correct amount in.

stamps. .

2. Please send a covering letter with all advertise- ments you submit.

3. Please attach stamps, using the gum provided, on. ~

the last page of your advertisement. Do not staple

them. : ,

4. Please do. not. send duplicates of letters or

advertisements. -

5. Applications. for. liquor licences close two weeks |

before date of publication. a

Belangrike Kennisgewing

1. Sorg asb. dat u advertensies vroegtydig gepos

word en dat die regte bedrag seéls daarop aan-

gebring word.

2. Stuur asb. ’n dekkingsbrief saam met alle adver- tensies. |

3. PLAK asb. seéls op die laaste bladsy van u adver-

tensie. Moet dit nie kram nie.

4. Moet asb. geen duplikaatbriewe of -advertensies |

stuur nie.

5. Aansoeke om dranklisensies sluit twee weke voor


STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 4 1997. - No. 18068 9


Closing times G PRIOR TO PUBLIC HOLIDA 43 for



The closing time is 15:00 sharp on the following days:

12 June, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 20 June.

18 September, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 26 September

_11 December, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 19 December

15 December, Monday, for the issue of Wednesday 24 December

19 December, Friday, for the issue of Friday 2 January 1998 vvvvy


Sluitingstye QeGRZTZ NSIEDAE Mg



Die sluitingstyd is stiptelik 15:00 op die volgende dis -

12 Junie, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 20 Junie

18 September, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van. Vrydag 26 September

11 Desember, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 19 Desember

15 Desember, Maandag, vir die uitgawe van Woensdag 24 Desember

19 Desember, Vrydag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 2 Januarie 1998 |


10 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, to interested parties and creditors of the intention of alienation of businesses and/or goodwill, goods or property forming part of

' businesses, after a period of 30 days from the last publication of relevant advertisements, and of actions, circum- stances or conditions pertaining to businesses or parties or debtors, as mentioned therein:

The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Township or district, division, county; (2) seller, trader, partnership; (3) business or.trade, kind, name and/or style, and the address at which carried on; (4) purpose and intent (alienation, sale, abandonment, change or dissolution of partnership, removal or change of address, change of name, cancellation of sale, etc.); conditions, and date or period of time if other than 30 days; (5) purchaser, new proprietor and/or owner or partner, or contracting party; (6) business and address, if other than under (3); notes, comment; (7) advertiser and/or agent, address and date.

VERVREEMDING, VERKOPE, VERANDERINGS VAN VENNOOTSKAP, NAAM, ADRES, ENS. Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van

1936, aan belanghebbende partye en skuldeisers van voorgenome vervreemding van besighede en/of klandisie, goedere of eiendom wat ’n deel vorm van besighede, na ’n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die laaste publikasie van betrokke advertensies, en van aksies, omstandighede of voorwaardes wat op besighede of partye of skuldenaars, soos daarin genoem, betrekking het. .

-_ Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Dorpsgebied of distrik, afdeling, county; (2) verkoper, handelaar, vennootskap; (3) besigheid of handel, soort, naam en/of styl, en adres waar gedryf; (4) doel en voorneme (vervreemding, verkoop, oorgawe, verandering of ontbinding van vennootskap, verhuising of adresverandering, naamverandering, kansellasie. van verkoop, ens.); voorwaardes, en datum of tydperk indien anders as 30 dae; (5) koper, nuwe besitter-en/of eienaar of vennoot, of kontrakterende party; (6) besigheid en adres, indien anders. as onder (3); opmerkings, kommentaar; (7) adverteerder en/of agent, adres en datum.



Kennisgewing geskied hiermee in terme van artikel 34 van. Wet No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, dat Jacobus Frederick Cornelius Reynders en Moria Magdalane. Reynders die besigheid bekend as Hefrens Herwinning verkoop het aan St Anderton Property Holdings BK (Reg. No. CK89/14090/23) wat die besigheid onder die naam van Hefrens Herwinning sal voortsit vir hul eie rekening vanaf 1 Junie 1997.

Die partye gee ook kennis dat alle aanspreeklikheid ten opsigte van skulde aangegaan voor 1 Junie 1997 op die genoemde Jacobus Frederick Cornelius Reynders rus en skulde aangegaan na die datum van oorname, naamlik 1 Junie 1997 op St Anderton Property Holdings BK .(Reg.’No: CK89/14090/23). ,

Geteken te Standerton op hede die 3de dag van:Junie.1997.

Mnr. P. D. F, van den. Berg, vir Van den Berg, Nel & Langeveidt, Prokureurs vir die Partye, Berlanekamers, Andries Pretoriusstraat 16 (Posbus 55), Standerton, 2430...


Kennisgewing geskied hiermee in terme van artikel 34 van Wet No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, dat Paul Michael de Wet Bester die besigheid bekend as S J Video verkoop het aan André Johannes Grobler en Casper Jan Hendrik Roux wat die besigheid onder die naam van Standerton Video sal voortsit vir hul eie rekening vanaf 1 Junie 1997. ,

__ Die partye gee ook kennis dat alle aanspreeklikheid ten opsigte van skulde aangegaan voor 1 Junie 1997 op die.genoemde Paul Michael de Wet Bester rus en skulde aangegaan na die datum van oorname, naamlik 1 Junie 1997 op André Johannes Grobler en Casper Jan Hendrik Roux. = - - , se

"_ Geteken te Standerton op hede die 3de dag van Junie 1997. . . . ‘Mnr. P. D. F. van den Berg, vir Van den Berg, Nel & Langeveldt, Prokureurs vir die Partye, Berlanekamers, Andries

Pretoriusstraat 16 (Posbus 55), Standerton; 2430. an mo '

ce ~ * SALE OF BUSINESS | | Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of Act No. 24 of 1936, as amended, that it is the intention of Diederick

Johannes van den Heever to dispose his membership interest in DJ’s Automotive Engineering CC, after the expiration of a period of 30 (thirty) days from the last publication of this notice, to Tobias Johannes Gerhardus van den Heever who will thereafter carry on the said business at the same.address, under the same name for his own account and benefit.

Ivan Davies Theunissen, Attorneys for the Parties, IDT Building, 64 Fourth Street (P.O. Box 16), Springs, 1560.


STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997 —: ‘No. 18068 14


Kennis geskied ' ‘hiermee ‘ingevolge artikel 34. van Wet No. “Ba van 1936; "$008. ‘gewysig, “dat dit die \ voorneme is van

Diederick Johannes ‘van: deni: Heever om ‘sy ledebélang in DJ’s Automotive Engineering ‘CC te’ verkoop aan Tobias

Johannes. Gerhardus van. den Heever wat die. genoemde. besigheid. vir Sy, eie, voordeel sal dryf onder dieselfde naam, by

dieselfde. adres, met in werkingtrede 30 (dertig), dae. na die laaste. ‘publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing.

lvan Davies. Theunissen; Prokureurs vir die Partye;, IDT-gebou, Vierde Strat. 64 (Posbus. 16), Springs, 1560. .

Johannesburg. (2) Jacaranda Tissue (Pty) Ltd. (8) Jacararida: Tissue (Pty) Ltd, Unit 645A, Rosherville Industrial Park,

Rosherville:.(4),.Sale: (5); Replenish. Investments: (Pty). Ltd,* Unit 645A, - Roshevville.. Industrial Park, Rosherville. (6)—.

(7) Jacaranda Tissue CG,:Unit 645A,: ‘Rosherville. Industrial Park, Rosherville; Lower Germiston Road. (Tel. 626-2145/2133).

“Letaba. (2) Martin Jacobus van- Jaarsveld: (3): ‘Makoetsi Estates (Pty) Ltd; Portion a” and 31, Harmony," 140. (4) Sale.

©) Franciscus. Tuinder. () Syntec, | P.O. Box 426, Edenvale, 1610. (Tel. 6 393- 34147).


Notice is. /hereby given in terms of section 34 of Act No. 24 of. 1936, as amended, that itis the intention of Zoe Papoutsis

trading under the name and stylé of Tinki Tonks Coffee Bar of Shop ‘92, Randridge Mall, Randpark Ridge, to dispose of the

business of Tinki. Tonks. Coffee ‘Bar, together with:all the-assets:thereof (save for the debtors) after the: expiration of a period

of 30 (thirty) days after the: publication ‘of the last advertisement. advertising ‘this'sale,. to Neli lvanova Koprivtchina, Identity

Number 6605160732186,:who-will:thereafter continue the said: business. under the name and:style of Tinki Tonks Coffee Bar

trading as’Tinki ‘Tonks for:her own account and benefit at Shop 22; Randridge Mall, Randpark Pidge.

Dated at Johannesburg on this 6th day of June 1997.

- Michael Krawitz & Co., 27th Floor, Carlton Centre, ‘Commissionier Street, Johannesburg: (Tel. 331- 1794 J (Fax 331- -2070.)

(Ref Mr R. Morson/zn/T M4)


- Notice: is s hereby g given:in terms of section 34 (1). of ‘the: Insolvency’ A Act,’ No: 24 of. 1936, ‘as amended, that: ‘Staefmnar

Vulstasie CC .(Reg.:No. CK87/03648/23) hereby gives notice of the sale andstransfér‘on: 1: May 1997 of the business known as

Glenvista Motors of comer of Sneeuberg and Bellairs: Roads, Glenvista, _Extension 5, to Kodin Motors CC (Reg. No.

CK97/17148/23). ,

Attorney Osman Lachporia & Associates, Suite 1; ‘Third: Floor. 63 ‘Avenue Road, Fordsburg, 2033.

Roodekop. (2) Glassist CC (Reg. No. '94/32738/23). (3) Glassist CC, ‘corner of Smith and Emannuel Roads. (4) Sale.

(5) Purchaser Denish (Pty) Ltd, trading as Eloptac. (6}—: (7), Glassist.CC,.P.0, ign: 17085, FR Randhart, 1457. (Cell 082 493 6071.)


“By: the'p vi iors f section 34 (iyot the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936, Model Packaging cc (Reg. No. 5'¢K93/16090/23),

at Factory 3B, “88 Kirschner Road, Anderbolt, Boksburg ‘North, hereby gives notice of the intended sale and transfer of its soap

powder packaging business as a going concern to Bondi Displays cc (Reg. No. -CK89/01715/23), trading as ‘Bonpak

Warehousing Services, at Stand 228, Brakpan Road, Boksburg, at least 30 days’ after the publication of this notice.

Ivan Lazarus & Co., Upper Level, 4 Greenpark Estates, 27. George. Storrar Drive, Groenkloof, Pretoria. [el (012) 46- 1550. ]


Notice is hereby given‘in terms of Section 34 of Act No. 24’ of 1936; as amended that Cramerview Seafoods CC intends

transferring its business known as Fishermans Kitchen and that Wishbones Grilled Chicken CC intends transferring its

business known as Wishbones, both businesses being-conducted.at 277, Main Road, Bryanston, as going concerns after expiry

of.a period of 30.days.after the last publication of this advertisement to. The. Fisherman’ Ss. Kitchen Pye Ltd. who will thereafter

conduct the businesses at the. same address, for his-own-accounti. : : :

M. L. Benade, for Willerhse & Benade Inc:, 444 Duncan Streét; Hatfield: 0083. rat (0123 342- 6124/5)

” Rivonia. (2) Jithendra Goolab: Gopal, Identity’ Nurfber 6308065101058. 8) ‘Gaucho’ S| Pub and Grill, Restaurant Bar, Cafe,

Snack’ Shop’ and Coffee ‘Shop, Shop 6, Rivonia Centre, 416A Rivonia Boulevard, Rivonia, Gauteng. (4) Sale.- (5) ‘Stylianos

Viachakis, Identity Number 4512015045102. (6)—. (7) P.A. Savage, Jooste & Adams, ‘Savage, Jooste and Adams House,

Hadefields, 1267 Pretorius Street, Hatfield, | Pretoria. 10 June 1997. (Tel. 342- 6346.) (Verw. M. van n Siaden/LP/S257- 7 6776.)


In terms of section 34 of the Insolvency Act, Chris. Raptis at.Polana Cafe, 28 Cobalt Street, Proclamation Hill, hereby gives

notice of his intention to sell and transfer such busine ss to Vernon Slater who. will carry on. the said business for its own

beriefit and account and which ‘sale transfer will take ‘effect on: the 30th day, fo ing. the date of publication ¢ of the last notice

required ji in terms of the Insolvency. Act No. 24... oe .

Weyers & Efstratiou: Attorneys, 775 ‘Schoeman. Street, Arcadia, Pretoria: . cr) 343- “0849)] (Pet Mr Efstratiou/

L/E3155/97)..: hops: cece tah ne ath Tove ney Mh cbaeaes a ae

12 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOPING VAN BESIGHEID Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 34 van Wet No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, dat Andre

Retief du Plessis, voornemens is om sy onderneming bekend as Futurekids Waverley en Futurekids Die Wiigers, wat bedryf word te Lynettestraat 22, Kilnerpark, Pretoria, as ’n lopende saak oor te dra na afloop van ’n tydperk van 30 (dertig) dae na die laaste publikasie van hierdie advertensie aan Vincent Andrew Vlok, wat daarna die saak by dieselfde adres en onder dieselide naam vir sy eie rekening sal bedryf.

Datum: 1997-06-12.

Minnie du Plessis Prokureurs, Lynnwood Galleries, Rosemary- en Dianastraat, Lynnwood, Pretoria; Posbus 6293, Pretoria, 0001. [Tel. (012) 348-6828/5458.] [Fax (012) 348-9926.] (Verw. P. J. du Plessis/JF/ADV.)

NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in term of section 34 of Act No. 24 of 1936, as amended, that Gabriel Bartholomeus Jacobus

Conradie, intends disposing of his business known as Tlang Gape Aigemene Handelaars, which is conducted at the farm Kalkfontein, District of Lichtenburg, as a going concern to Willem Johannes Marais, with effect from 1 July 1997 which he will conduct under the same name and at the same address.

Dated at Lichtenburg on this 9th day of June 1997. _

J. J. Sauer, for Bosman & Bosman, Attorney for Seller, 45 Melville Street (P.O. Box 1), Lichtenburg, 2740.

KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOOP VAN BESIGHEID Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 34 van Wet No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, dat Gabriel

Bartholomeus Jacobus Conradie (verkoper), voornemens is om sy besigheid bekend as Tlang Gape Algemene Handelaars wat bedryf word te die plaas Kalkfontein, distrik Lichtenburg, as. ’n lopenbe.saak te verkoop aan Wiliem Johannes Marais, met effek vanaf 1 Julie 1997 wat die besigheid sal bedryf onder dieselfde naam en te dieselfde adres.

Geteken te Lichtenburg op hierdie 9de dag van Junie 1997. . J. J. Sauer, vir Bosman & Bosman, Prokureur vir Verkoper, Melvillestraat 45 (Posbus 1), Lichtenburg, 2740. Ellisras. (2) Jan Jonatan Lourens. (3) Game Farming, Farms Swartkrans 614 LQ and Tambotievallei 595 LQ, District of

Ellisras. (4) Sale, subject to the fulfillment of the conditions of the agreement of sale. On date of registration of the immovable properties stipulated under clase 3 above. (5) Johan Pieter Myburgh and Cecilia Johanna Myburgh. (6)—. (7) Klagsbrun De Vries, P.O. Box 294, Pretoria, 0001. 12 June 1997. [Tel. (012) 342-7525.]


In terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, Freeways Transport CC hereby gives notice of its intention to dispose of its business to PPC Transport (Proprietary) Limited, with effect from the 31st day following the date of last publication of this notice. ,

Freeways Transport, P.O. Box 10474, ‘Ashwood, 3605.

NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESS IN TERMS OF SECTION 34 (1) OF ACT No. 24 OF 1936, AS AMENDED Notice is hereby given, in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, that Liftparts

Agencies (Proprietary) Limited has, subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions, with effect from 1 August 1997 sold its forklift hire business carried on under the name and style of “Liftpart Forklift Hire” at 19 Fisher Avenue, Epping, Western Cape Province to Sandton Industrial Equipment (Proprietary) Limited which will, from such date, conduct the business for its own account and benefit. ,

Werksmans, P.O. Box 927, Johannesburg, 2000. [Tel. (011) 488-0105.] (Ref. Mr M. Yachad.)

KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOPING VAN BESIGHEID Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, dat TDM

Butcheries CC (Reg. No. CK96/54384/23) (verkoper) voornemens is om die besigheid bekend as “Star Butchery” wat bedryf word te St George’s Sentrum, hoek van Pieter Wenning- en William Nicolstraat, Witkoppen, as ’n lopende saak te verkoop na afloop van ’n tydperk van 30 (dertig) dae na die publikasie van -hierdie kennisgewing aan Leonard van Deventer, Identiteitsnommer 5110185179001 (koper), wat die besigheid vir sye eie rekening by genoemde adres sal bedryf.

Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 12de dag van Junie 1997.

J. J. Hurter, vir Van Zyl Le Roux & Hurter Ing., Tweede Verdieping, Kerkplein 38, Kerkplein, Pretoria. (Tel. 323-0500.) (Verw. Hurter/ZJVR/153583.)

Johannesburg. (2) S. Neophytou and E. Argyron. (3) Best Price Bulk Sales, 540 Jules Street, Malvern. (4)—. (5) P. Katsivalis. (6)—. (7) Attorney A. Xenophontos, P.O. Box 19145, Fishershill, 1408.. 97-06-10. (Tel. 873-4440.)

Brakpan. (2) Tome Geral Sardinha and Joad Manuel! da Silva Geral. (3) Brakpan Cash and Carry Meat Market, 66 Shiten Road, Brakpan. (4)—. (5) Manuel Goncalves Sequeira. (6)—. (7) A. J. Da Silva, 208 Turfclub Street, Kenilworth. 4 June 1997. (Tel. 434-1434/5/6.)

Benoni. (2) Joao Carlos Oliveira Capontes. (3) Pick and Eat Restaurant 1, 38 Rothsay Street, corner of Harpur Avenue, Benoni. (4) Sale of business. (5) Jose Antonio Tetxeira. (6)—. (7) Dias Business Brokers, P.O. Box 14910, Farrarmere, Benoni. [Tel. (011) 849-8792.)

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 197° a No. 18068 13

Benoni. (2) Joao Carlos Oliveira Capontes..(3) Pick and Eat Restaurant.2;:1:Lower Voortrekker Street,, Benoni. (4) Sale

of business. (5) Manuel Perestrelo de Freitas. (6)—. (7) Dias Business Brokers, P.O. Box 14910, Farrarmere, Benoni. _ [Tel. (011)

849- 8792.]

Nelspruit. (2) Talktrade Four (Pty) Ltd, trading as Sentinel Security, @ ): Security. Business,. 24 Ehmke Street, Nelspruit.

(4) Sale. (5) Manetrade 170 (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 97/08351/07). (6)—.-(7):Gideon. Erasmus Inc.;: + Eighth Floor, ‘Rentbel Building,

Bureau Lane, Pretoria.

Nelspruit. (2) Taiktrade Four (Pty) Ltd, trading | as Sentinel Security. (3) Security | Business, 21 Ehmke Street, Nelspruit.

(4) Sale. (5) Manetrade 169 (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 97/08288/07). 6 \— - (7) Gideon, Erasmus Inc., Eighth Floor, Rentbel Building,

Bureau Lane, Pretoria. °

Nelspruit. (2) Siyathuthuka Security (Pty) Ltd. (3) Security Business, oi Ehmke Street, Nelspruit. (4) Sale. (5 ) Manetrade

168 (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 97/08126/07). (6)—. (7) Gideon ErasmusInc., Eighth Floor, Rentbel Building, Bureau Lane, Pretoria.

Pretoria. (2) Petros Nick.Lazarides, trading as Pick a Snack. (3) Cafe and Take-Away ‘Business, -Shop 207A, ‘Pretorius

Street, Pretoria. (4) Sale of business. (5) Manuel Bregoro ¢ da Encamacao. (6 = aa ‘Reoth & Wessels, P.O. Box 208, Pretoria,

0001.-12 June 1997. (Tel.:325-2940.) (Ref. N. K. Petzer.) - : Be 7


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of Act No: 24 of 1936, as: amended that Paddy. Kavanagh Diamond and

Jewellery Brokers CC, duly represented by Patrick Michael Kavanagh and Shirley Kavanagh (the Seller) intend to sell the

business known as Paddy Kavanagh Jewellers, situated at Shop 521, Tyger Valley Shopping Centre, Bellville, Western Cape,

as a going concern to Benlors CC, duly represented by Melvyn Maurice Greenstein. (the. Purchaser), with effective date

30 (thirty) days from last publication hereof, who will thereafter trade for their own account.

Dated at Bellville on this 3rd day of June 1997. -

Malan. Laas & Scholtz Inc., E. C. Jearey, Park Alpha 2, Du Toit Street, Bellville, 7870. (Ref. ECulswva60085


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act No: 24 of 1936, that Defulberry Foods cc, ‘trading

as Richmond. Spar, carrying on business as a general dealer at corner of:Nelson and Chilley Streets, Richmond, intends to

alienate the said business on 2 August 1997, or intends to alienate the said business after a period. of 30 days from the last

publication of this notice to Hendrik Francois Steyn, acting as Trustee for se corporation. to be. formed, of 56 Lamport

Street, Richmond CC, from which date the said Hendrik Francois Steyn, or the close: corporation to be formned, will carry on

the said business for his/its own account at corner of Nelson and Chiley: Streets, Richmond.

Dated at Hillcrest on this 30th day of May 1997. ” ee SRT

B. Berry for Defulberry Foods CC, corner of Nelson and Chilley Streets, ‘Richmond, -3780.° 8 fe et


Neem kennis dat Defulberry Foods BK, handeldrywend as Richmond Spar, wat te. hoek van Nelson- en n Chilleystraat as

’n algemene handelaar sake doen, voornemens is om genoemde. besigheid op; 2 Augustus. 1997, of dertig (30) dae vanaf die

laaste datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, te vervreem, met ingang waarvan genoemde Hendrik Francois Steyn,

wat-as die Trustee vir 'n beslote korporasie wat staan geregistreer te word, handel, te Lamportstraat 56, Richmond, genoemde

besigheid namens homself of die geregistreerde beslote korporasie sal dryf, te hoek van ‘Nélson- ‘en Chilleystraat.

Gedateer te Hillcrest op hierdie 30ste dag van Mei 1997. ; Oe Ey weeks

B. Berry vir Defulberry Foods BK, hoek van Nelson- en Chilleystraat, Richmond, 3780.

Aliwal North. (2) B. H. Gold (Pty) Limited. (3) Doran’s Pharmacy, 48 Somerset Street, -Aliwal ‘North: (4) Sale—t August

1997. (6) N. R. White CC. (6)—. (7) Douglas & Botha, Attorneys for the Parties, P.O.: -Box 66; Aliwal North, 9750. 30 May 1997.

Uitenhage. (2) Uitenhage Restaurants (Proprietory) Limited. (3) Prairie: Eagle’ Spur Steak Ranch, 154 Caledon Street,

Uitenhage. (4) Sale. (5) Andre Tiran Trust. (6)—. (7) Le Roux Cronje, P.O. Box 16, Uitenhage.'10 June 1997.

Grahamstown. (2) Leonardus Kruiskamp. (3) Restaurant Copper’ Kettle, 7 Bathurst Street, Grahamstown. (4) Sale.

(5) Carl-Heinz Queisser. (6) With effect from 16 June 1997. (7) Messrs; Wheeldon. Rushmere. & Cole, 119 High: Street,

Grahamstown. 6. June 1997. - ~ or : a


Kennis geskied hiermee kragtens artikel 34 van Wet No. 24 van 1936, ‘s00S gewysig, dat’ Johannes: Petrus Minnie en

Paulina Margaretha Minnie van voorneme is om die onderneming bekend‘‘as Waterfront Restaurant, Marina Martinique,

Jeffreysbaai, insluitende: die klandisiewaarde en alle ander bates te vervreem:aan.Nelsie van Niekerk, welke verkoping van

krag sal wees 30 (dertig) dae na die laaste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing en welke Koper ¢ die Pesigheid sal-voortsit by.

dieselfde adres onder die naam Waterfront Restaurant.

P. W. Hancke Prokureurs, Prokureurs vir die Partye, Da Gamaweg: 36. (Posbus. 408), Jefreysbaal 6930. (erm P. W.

Hancke.) a

14 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997


Kennis geskied hiermee kragtens artikel-34 van Wet No. 24 van-1936, soos gewysig, dat Adam Adolf Barnard:en Anna Maria Barnard van voorneme is om die onderneming bekend:as Jeffreys Bay Cash & Carry, St Croixstraat 22, Jeffreysbaai, insluitende die klandisiewaarde. en alle ander'bates te vervreem aan Jan Adriaan van der Berg en Jeanette Hendriena van der Berg, welke verkoping van krag sal wees 30 (dertig) dae-na die laaste publikasie van hierdie Kennisgewing ¢ en. welke ‘Koper die besigheid sal voortsit by dieselfde adres.onder-die naam Jeffreys Bay Cash & Carry. .

P. W. Hancke Prokureurs, Prokureurs vir die Partye, | Da Gamaweg 36 (Posbus 108), Jotreysbeat, 6330.’ “(er ‘PW. Hancke:). on


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of Act No. 24 of 1936, as amended, that it is the intention of Bruce van der Spuy, trading as Book ’n Art at Shop 82A Main-Road, Hermanus, Western Cape, to sell the said business, within 30 (thirty) days ajter the last publication of this notice, to Karl Robert Kurz, who will conduct the business under the same name and style at the aforesaid address for its own account:

Dated at Hermanus on this 13th day of May 1997.

De Klerk, MacLennan-Smith & Riekert Inc., Attorneys for. Purchaser.

Porterville. (2) Naomi Investments BK. (3) Porterville Spar te Restant Erf 1054, Porterville. (4) Verkoop van.eiendom. (5) A. en J. M. P. van der Merwe. (6)—. (7) M. J. Vermeulen & Vennote, President C. R. Swartstraat 20, ‘Riversdal. 9.Junie 1997.

George. (2) Frames and Things (Frames .’n Things): (3)- Frames: and Things (Frames ’n Things),. Pick-N-Pay’ Sentrum, Knysnaweg, George. (4) Verkoop. (5) Hester Ellis’ Swanepoel. ©)— . (7) Raubenheimers Ing., ‘Posbus 21 ‘George, 6530 (Verw. T. J. Nel.) 10 Junie 1997.: :

Paarl. (2) Jan Ernst Volschenk. (3) Lady Grey. Liquors, Lady Greystraat 219, Paarl. (4) Verkoping. (6) Izak Christoffel Nel of genomineerde. (6)—. (7) Gaum & Nel, Posbus 259, Paarl. 10 Junie 1997.

King Wiilliam’s Town. (2) Estelle. Jeanette -Rieck. (3). General Dealer’s Business carried. on. at. 1 Warren. Street, King William’s Town. (4) Sale of business. on: 1 August 1997. (5) Christodoulos Charalambous. (6) 1 Warren n Street, ; King William’ s Town. (7) Hutton & Cook, P.O: Box 44. ‘King William's Town, 5600. 11 June 1997. : oh te : .


In terms of section ‘34 (1) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936, Lee-Ann Henning ‘conducting business « as a going concern under the style of Lee’s Hair Studio is hereby giving notice of it sale and transfer 30 days after publication hereof to Johanna Susanna Naudé who will carry on the said business for her own account and benefit.

Johan Sloet Attomeys, 33 tangenhoven Street (P.O. Box 9602), George, 6530.


Kennis geskied hiermee in terme van artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet No. 24 van 1936, dat Lee-Ann Henning die besigheid as ’n lopende saak, handeldrywend as Lee’s Hair Studio verkoop het na 30 dae na publikasie hiervan aan Johanna Susanna Naudé wat die besigheid sal bedryf vir haar eie voordeel én rekening.

Johan Sloet Prokureurs, Langenhovenweg 33 (Posbus 9602), George, 6530.


~ SALE OF BUSINESS oe Notice is hereby given in terms of section’34 of the Insolvency. Act No. 24 of 1936, as amended, that it is the intention of

Jan Hendrik Le Roux van Niekerk trading under the name and-style of Ocean Blue Laundromat of Victory Centre, Kingsway, Warner Beach, to dispose of the-said business to Robert John Jooste as Purchaser with effect from 30 days after the date of publication hereof as a going concern.

Brogan & Olive Atorneys, 7 Ibis Lane, Amanzimtoti. [Tel. (031) 903-5435. ] (Ret. J. Brogan/V8. )

Kokstad T.L.C. (2) Paul Eamonn Claude Flanagan: (3) East Griqualand Printers CC (Reg. No. 88/14657/23), printing business at La Railiday St., Kokstad. (4) Sale of membership and loan account. (5) Douglas Neville Edwards and Maria Petronella Edwards. (6)—. (7) Elliot & Walker, P.O..Box.17, Kokstad, 4700. 9 June.1997.


Notice is hereby given in'terms of section 84-of Act'No: 24 of 1936, as amended, that Margaret Evelyn Jurgens, has sold the business known as Jurgens Store, Kwambonambi; with the ‘intention of transferring same with effect from 30 (thirty) days after the last publication of this advertisement to Themba Bonginkosi Gumede who will thereafter conduct the business for his own account and benefit. : Nord ; Ss mo

G. S. Duvenage, Duvenage & Marais Inc., Attorneys for the Parties, Suite 24, First:Floor, , Partridge Place, corner of Tassel Berry and Lira Link, Richards Bay. :

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997 No: 18068 15


Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel. 34 van Wet No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, dat

Margaret Evelyn Jurgens, die besigheid bekend as Jurgens Store, Kwambonambi, verkoop het met die bedoeling om dit oor

te dra na.afloop van ’n tydperk van 30 (dertig) dae na die laaste publikasie van-hierdie advertensie aan Themba Bonginkosi

Gumede, wie daarna die-saak vir sy eile rekening en voordeel sal-dryf. . -

G. S. Duvenage, Duvenage & Marais Ing., Prokureurs vir die. Partye, ‘Suite 24, Eerste Verdieping, Partridge Place, hoek

van Tassel Berry en Lira;Link, Richardsbaai. DG me

Pinetown, Natal. (2) Grahame Harkess CC. (3) Imperial Bottle Store, 18 Railway Street, Pinetown. (4) Sale 31 May 1997.

(5) Brisktrade 2027 CC. (6)—. (7) G. S. Harkess, P.O. Box 1315, Kloof, 3640.



_Kennisgewing geskied hiermee, ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 34 van Wet No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, dat

The Eye Contact (Pty) Limited, handeldrywend as The Eye Contact te Jeppestraat 20, Johanneburg, hiermee kennis gee van

die verkoop van. die besigheid aan Jack Levin of sy genomineerde, as 'n lopende saak met effek-vanaf 1 Augustus 1997, t

wie daarna dieselfde-saak by dieselfde adres onder dieselfde naam sal bedryf.. oe s

Breytenbach, Van der Merwe & Botha Ing., Boshoffstraat 29A (Posbus 693), Bethlehem, 9700.

VERKOOP VAN BESIGHEID Kennis geskied hiermee dat ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet No. 24 van 1936 aan

belanghebbende partye en skuldeisers van voorgenome vervreemding van besigheid na 'n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die laaste

publikasie van betrokke advertensie, en van aksies, omstandighede of voorwaardes wat op besighede of partye of skuldenaars

soos daarin genoem betrekking het naamlik sekere besigheid bekend as Super. Sport geleé.te Presidentstraat 44, Bothaville,

verkoop is deur Daniél Christiaan Bester Smit aan Francois Petrus van der Linde en Jacobus Cornelius van Straten,

in vennootskap bekend as Bothaville Apteek, wat verder handel gaan dryf by dieselfde adres en onder dieselfde _

handelsnaam, naamlik Super Sport. Bs So no

Mnre Bock & Van Es, Prokureurs vir Applikant, Van der Lingenstraat 17 (Posbus 11), Bothaville.





Notice is hereby given that the transfer books of the undermentioned Land Bank Debentures will be closed as follows (both

days inclusive) and that the interest due om 1997-07-31 will be paid to the debenture holders registered at the date of closing

of the transfer books:

8,75% Land Bank Debentures 1997 Loan 34/72 (Period 1997-07-01—1997-07-30).

8;25% Land Bank Debentures 1997 Loan 35/72 (Period 1997-07-01—1997-07-30). _

Land Bank, P.O: Box 375, Pretoria, 0001. — —


Hiermee word bekend gemaak dat die oordragboeke van die volgende Landbankobligasies vir die ondergemelde tydperke

(beide dae ingesluit) gesluit sal wees.en dat die rente.betaalbaar op 1997-07-31 aan die obligasiehouers wat op datum van

. gluiting van die oordragboeke geregistreer is, betaal sal word: =... ae

8,75% Landbankobligasies 1997 Lening 34/72 (Tydperk 1997-07-01—1997-07-31).

8;25% Landbankobligasies 1997 Léning 35/72 (Tydperk 1997-07-01—1997-07-31).

_Landbank, Posbus 375, Pretoria, 0001.

16 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997



Notice is hereby given that Conshu Technologies Ltd (Reg. No. 05/1 5252/06), intends to convert from a public to a private company. The meeting to effect the conversion will take place at the company’s registered office, being Third Floor, North Sanlam Park, 9 Fredman Drive, Sandton, on 18 July 1997 at 10:00.

Patrick Humphrey—Group Accountant.


(Reg. No. 84/03904/07) Notice is hereby given that a general meeting of shareholders of the Company will be held in the CEF Boardroom, 6 Protea

Place, Sandown, Sandton, at 10:00, for purposes of considering and, if deemed fit, passing with or without modification, the special resolutions set out hereunder:

Special resolution No. 1:

That, subject to the passing of special resolution 2, the share capital of the Company be cancelled.

Special resolution No. 2:

That the Company be converted into an association not for gain under section 21 of the Companies Act, No. 63 of 1973 as amended.

Special resolution No. 3:

That the shareholders approve the memorandum of association and articles of association subject to the requirements of the Companies Act.

Ordinary resolution 1:

That Ms. Michelle du Toit be authorised to sign, give power of attorney or execute any document to give effect to the special resolutions above.

S. J. Grobler, Attorney for the Company, Dyason Inc., Leopont, 451 Church Street East, Pretoria. [Tel. (012) 322-8600.]




[Pursuant to Section 349 (b) of the Companies’ Act, 1973]

Notice is hereby given that on 31 January 1997 at an extraordinary meeting of members of the above Company, the following special resolution was passed:

That the Company be wound up voluntarily by its members, that Roland Johnston Hofmeyr be and is hereby appointed as Liquidator and that he not be required to furnish security for the completion of his duties in terms of the Companies’ Act, 1973.

Deloitte & Touche, First Floor, Sanclare, 21 Dreyer Street, Claremont, 7700.



[Pursuant to Section 349 (b) of the Companies’ Act, 1973]

Notice is hereby given that on 31 January 1997 at an extraordinary meeting of members of the above Company, the following special resolution was passed:

That the Company be wound up voluntarily by its members, that Roland Johnston Hofmeyr be and is hereby appointed _as Liquidator and that he not be required to furnish security for the completion of his duties in terms of the Companies’ Act, 1973.

Deloitte & Touche, First Floor, Sanclare, 21 Dreyer Street, Claremont, 7700.

_STAATSKOERANT, 20-JUNIE 1987 Be Soe oae No. 18068. 17 °



(Pursuant to Section 349° (by of the Companies’ Act, 1973)...

_ Notice: is hereby give nat on 31- January. 1997, at.an exttaordinary meeting of members. of the above Company, the.



_(Pursuant-to. Section.349. (b) of the Companies’ Act, 1973)

-Noti¢e is : hereby. given that on 31 January 1997 at an extraordinary. meeting of members of‘the above ‘Company, the following special. resolution was:passed:

.” That the Company. be: wound up voluntarily by: its members, ‘that Roland Johnston n Hofmeyr be-and'is hereby appointed as Liquidator and that he not: ‘be: required to furnish security for. the completion of. his duties in term ofthe Companies’ Act,. 1973. Me

_ Doloite & Touche, First Floor, Sanolare, at Dreyer Street, Claremont, 700.



(Pursuant to Section 349 (b) of the Companie Act, 1973).

“Notice is hereby’ given that. on 31° January. 1997 at an 1 extraordinary meeting of + members of the: above Company, the following special resolution. was: passed:

> That: the Company. be wound up. voluntarily by its. members, that Roland Jc nston Hofmeyr be ands hereby appointed , as Liquidator, and: that he ‘not be. required to furnish: security for. the: completion of his: duties in terms: of; the: ‘Companies’ A Act, 1973. ;

Deloitte & Tou e, First Floor, ‘Sanclare, 21 ‘Dreyer Stteet, Claremont, 7700...

ae a \ LASER-TEK. my) LTD . . a


_ (Pursuant, to ‘Section 349 (b): OF. the Companies’ Act, 1973):

Notige i is hereby given. n that on.31 January. 4997 at..an extraordinary, meeting of. members of f the ‘above Company, the . following special resolution was: passed:

. That the. Company: be wound up voluntarily by its: members, that: Roland: dehinsten Hofmeyr be andis:hereby. appointed as Liquidator ; and that he. not be tequired to furnish security for the completion of.F his duties in terms: of the . Companies’ A Act,. 1973, . .

_Detoite & Touche,

rt Floor, Sanclare,, ot Dreyer Strest Claremont, 7700, oe foe a



~, (Pursuant to Section. 349 (b). of the: Companies’ Act; 1973).

“Notice i ‘is: , hereby: given that on'31: January. 1997 at an n extraordinary ‘meeting of. members of the above Company, ‘the ° following special resolution was. passed: . we

_ That the: Cornpany: -be: wound. ‘up ‘voluntarily by its members, ‘that: Roland Johnston Hofmeyr be's an : as. Liquidator. and het: he: not: be- required to furnish. security.-for: the: ompletion: of his: ‘duties. in terms: of frthe € companies’ Act, - 1973, ; bo I os

- Deloitte & Touche, First Floor, Sanclaré, 21 Dreyer Street Claremont, 7700.

26058—B : on a

by appointed me

18 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997



[Pursuant to Section 349 (b) of the Companies’ Act, 1973]

Notice is hereby given that on 31 January 1997 at an extraordinary meeting of members of the. above Company, the following special resolution was passed: ,

That the Company be wound up voluntarily by its members, that Roland Johnston Hofmeyr be and is - hereby appointed as Liquidator and that he not be required to- furnish security for the completion of his duties in terms of the Companies’ Act, 1973.

. Deloitte & Touche, First Floor, Sanclare; 21 Dreyer Street, Claremont, 7700.



. [Pursuant to Section 349 (b) of the Companies’ Act 1973] Notice is hereby given that on 31 January 1997 at.an extraordinary meeting of members of the above Company, the

following special resolution was passed.

That the Company be wound up voluntarily by its members, that Roland Johnston Hofmeyr be and is hereby appointed as Liquidator and that he not be required to furnish security for the completion of his duties in terms’ of the Companies’ Act,


Deloitte & Touche, First Floor, Sanclare, 21 Dreyer Street, Claremont, 7700.


(Reg. No. 70/11345/07)

“(in voluntary liquidation)

Notice is hereby given pursuant to séction 356 (2) (b) of the Companies Act, 1973, as amended, that at a “special general meeting of shareholders of the Company held on 18 March 1997, the shareholders passed a special resolution, which was reg- istered on 27 May 1997; to wind up the Company by way of a members’ voluntary winding up and that Mr Robert Hume of KPMG, East London, be appointed Liquidator of the Company. The Liquidator was exempted from furnishing security.

KPMG, P.O. Box 391, East London, 5200.

LIQUIDATOR’S AND OTHER APPOINTEES’ NOTICES Notices by liquidators and other appointees such as executors, judicial managers, trustees, curators or tutors

of appointments, meetings, accounts, claims, leave of absence, releases, etc.

LIKWIDATEURS EN ANDER AANGESTELDES SE KENNISGEWINGS Kennisgewings deur likwidateurs en ander aangesteldes soos eksekuteurs, geregtelike bestuurders, trustees,

kurators of voogde van aanstellings, vergaderings, rekeninge, eise, verlof, vrystellings, ens.



(Reg. No. 94/01235/07)

(Master’s Ref. T26/97) (In Voluntary Liquidation)


1 Akhter Hoosen Moosa, hereby give notice that by certificate dated 29 May 1997, | have been appointed Liquidator of the above-named Company by the Master of the Supreme Court, Pretoria.

A. H. Moosa & Co., Ninth Floor, Standard General Building, 215 Proes Street, Pretoria, 0002.

‘-STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1.997:. -. - No..18068 19


‘Master’ 's Reference No.:13715/96.:

Notice is hereby given that Brian Leslie Gruzd of Gruzd.Zets & ©o., ‘PO. Box 2019, Parklands, 2121, has been " appoirtiad

as Liquidator of the:above Corporation. ae Ok : Rofl Sven st wi leah,

_ Gruzd Zets & Co., P.O. Box 2019, Parklands, 2t2t.


Transvaal Provincial Division, Pretoria

Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, Pretoria.

‘Saak No. 548/97 | i


ereny cm


in die ex parteaansoek van.CHRISTIAAN JOHANNES SCHUTTE, Applikant i

Na deurlees van die stukke enna aanhoor van die Applikant se 6 Regsverteenwoordiger:.

a . . 8 mets Word Beveel:-. ue : : .

~ 1. Dat die Beslote Korpoiasie S. B. ‘Car Sales cc (Reg. ‘No: 0413868123), ‘oot gelikwides! word” ee ;

2. Dat ’n bevel nisi uitgereik word waarin alle belanghebbende. /partye, versoek word om redes,, indien enige, voor die Hof!

aan te voer op 25 Junie 1997 om 09: 00, of so spoedig doenlik daama, waarom die Applikant nie finaal gelikwideer behoort te

word nie. nee wean tue cnennere ee

3. Dat hierdie bevel onverwyld beste! word ¢ op die beslote korporasie by sy geregistreerde adres, aan alle bekende skuld-

eisers van die Beslote Korporasie onverwyld per aangetekende pos. gestuur word: ‘Sowel as eenmalig gepubliseer word in die

Staatskoerant en in die Daller nuusblad.

Op Las.—Landdros.

. Pe Case No. 10709/97;

IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA on . (Transvaal Provincial Division) :

= Tuesday. 10 June 1997, before: His’ Honourable: Mr Justics may Inthe ex parte application of BURGER; ‘PIERRE DU ‘TOIT, ‘Applicant


After having heard the Advocate on behalf of the e Applicant and ater having perused the notice of motion and other

documents lodged: mo Cope ek eS DS svi ge acet ko hate

: “The Court now 1 Orders: - cos pe Lo ae

1. Thata rule nisi with retum date 15. July: 1997, be- issued which: calls, upon: alli interested. parties to object to the granting

of the following Order on the return date, by way of a written notice to the Registrar on or before 10 July 1997.

1.1 That the Registrar of Deeds, Pretoria, be authorised. and ordered. to- cancel the restrictive conditions A, B, D, E and

F with regard to Portion 54 of the farm Koppiefontein: 686; Registration Division bs, Northern Province, held under Deed of

Transfer T66526/92 dated 10 July 1992; namely: - os :

A. Certain Portion 3 of Portion A of the farm Koppiefontein 415, aforesaid:(a portion whereof is held hereunder) is subject

to the following conditions: tees :

“The right of power of the Minister of Lands and which is: 5 expressly reserved to him from time to time by writing under his

hand to authorise and allow the constructions, laying, repair, mainténance and free use of a channel or furrow or pipes through,

over or under the land hereby transferred, for the purpose of conducting: water for domestic, stock, irrigation or other general

purposes from any river.or.other sources-of supply upon. or outside the: said and: to. adjoining or other land, subject to the

payment to the Transferee of such compensation for actual damage-théreby occasioned to as may be mutually agreed upon

between the Transferee and the party or parties for whose benefit the. channet-or; furrow is, constructed or: pipes: laid; or failing

such agreement as may be determined by arbitration in-manner provided by the Arbitration: Ordinance, 1 904 4 (Transvaal) for -

which purpose this provision shall be-deemed:a reference to arbitration. theraundertee 2 soit foes 2 exe ck: *

20 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) * ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

B. Portion. 11 (a portion of Portion 3) of the said farm indicated by the figures A B E F on the annexed diagram and Portion

12 (a portion of Portion 3) of the said farm (a portion whereof is indicated by the figure F E C D) on the annexed diagram, are

further subject to the following conditions imposed by and in favour of the Town Council of Pietersburg, by virtue and in terms

of Notarial Deed of Servitude 527/1945, registered 5 September 1945:

(a) That no buildings shall be erected on the said property before plans complying with the building by-laws of the Council

of Pietersburg, shall first have been submitted to and approved of by the said council. - :

(b) That the type of sanitation to be installed shall first be approved of by the Town Council of Pietersburg.

(c) That no pits shal! be dug on the property unless such pits are drained to the satisfaction of the council.

(d) That should the Town Council of Pietersburg require ary gravel for the construction or maintenance of any roads

’ bordering on the said property the council shall.have the right to obtain.such gravel from the said portions.

(e) That no wells or boreholes shall be sunk on any of the farms unless the location of such wells or boreholes shall have

been approved of by the council.

D. Portion 11 (a portion of Portion 3) of the said farm (indicated by the figure A B EF on the annexed diagram) is subject

“to the following further conditions imposed under the provisions of Act No. 21 of 1940:

1. The land may not be subdivided nor may any share in it or portion of it be sold, leased or disposed of in any way

without the written approval of the Controlling Authority as defined in Act 21 of 1940. ,

_ 2, Not more than one dwelling-house together with such outbuildings as are ordinarily required to be used in connection

.therewith, shall be erected on the land except with the approval of the Controlling Authority as defined in Act 21 of 1940.

': 3. The land shall be used for residential and agricultural: purposes only and no store or place of business or industry

‘whatsoever may be opened or conducted on the land without the written approval: of the © Controlling Authority as defined in

‘Act 21 of 1940. co ’ : f

E. Portion 55 (a portion of Portion 12) of the said farm designated by the figure F EC D on the diagram hereto annexed,

‘is subject to the following conditions imposed by the Controlling Authority in terms ‘of section 11 (6) of Act No. 21 of 1940,

namely: oe

Without the written permission of the Controlling Authority, as described | in Act 21 of 1940:

(i) The land may not be. subdivided, nor may any share therein or a part. thereof be sold, leased or disposed of in any other


(ii) No dwelling shall be erected on the land. .

(iii) The land shali only be utilised for agricultural purposes and no store or business or industry of whatever nature shall

be opened or managed therefrom. . woe, :

F. Subject further by virtue of Notarial Deed of Servitude K5391/90S dated 25 September 1990, the within-mentioned

property is subject to a servitude for the laying of stormwater mains under a portion ofthe property on the eastern boundary, of

the property along a route to be agreed upon together with the right to use the servitude area in perpetuity in favour of the Town

Council of Pietersburg as will more fully appear from the said: Notarial Deed. . oe

2. Any person who has a right which is affected, is entitled to lodge a complaint against the granting of an order as set ‘out

in paragraph 1.1 above and may do so without: becoming liable for costs. : -

3. The complete documents of this application i is available for examination free of charge, at:

3.1 The Registrar of the High Court, High Court Building, corner of Vermeulen and Paul Kruger Streets, Pretoria, Gauteng;

3.2 at the offices of the Applicant's attorneys, being Pratt Luyt & De Lange, 20 Market Street, Pietersburg; and

3.3 at the offices of the Applicant’s attorneys, being. Van der Merwe Du Toit & Fuchs, 14th Floor, Sanlam Centre, Middestad,

252 Andries Street, Pretoria. .

4. Service of this order-shall be effected as’ follows:

4.1 By way of one publication i in Afrikaans and English on or before 20 June 1997 in the Northern Review.

4.2 By way of one publication i in Afrikaans and English on or before 20 June 1997 in the Government Gazette.

4.3 By the displaying of this order in Afrikaans and English for a period of 14 (fourteen) days from 13 June 1997 on the

notice boards of the Pietersburg/Polokwane Local Transitional Council in Pietersburg.

4.4 By delivering a copy to the Minister of Land Affairs. .

By the Court.—Registrar.

Van der Merwe Du Toit & Fuchs. (Ref. JF/GC7 2014.)

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997. -No. 18068. 21

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) * ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Saak No. 10709/97

IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID- AFRIKA - . (Transvaaise Provinsiale Afdeling)

Dinsdag, 10 Junie 1997, voor Sy Edele Regter,

“in die ex parte aansoek van BURGER, PIERRE: DU TOIT, Applikant -

Na aanhoor'van die Advokaat namiens s die Applikant e enna deurleés van die e kennisgewing van mosie en “ander ingediende

dokumente: ws , es

Gelas die Hot: be a, a

1. Dat ’n bevel nisi met keerdatum ‘15. Julie: 1997 uitgereik. word wat alle ‘belanghebbendes oproep.om by wyse van ’n

skriftelike kennisgewing aan die. Griffier voor of op. 10. Julie. 1997 op die keerdatum in die Hof beswaar te maak teen die

toestaan van die volgende bevel: :

1.1 Dat die Registrateur van Aktes, Pretoria, gemagtig en gelas word om.die beperkende voorwaardes A, B,-D, E, en F wat

betrekking het op Gedeelte 54 van die plaas Koppiefontein 686, Registrasieatdeling LS, Noordelike-provinsie, gehou onder Akte

van Transport T66526/92 gedateer 10 Julie 1992, te skrap, naamlik:

“A certain Portion 3 of Portion “A” of the farm Koppiefontein 418, aforesaid fa portion. whereof is held hereunder) is

subject to the following condition:

The right or power of the Minister of Lands and which i is expressly reserved to ‘him from time to time by writing under his

hand to authorise and allow the constructions, laying, repair, maintenance arid free use of a channel or furrow or pipes through,

over or under the land hereby transferred, for the purpose of conducting water for domestic, stock, irrigation or other genera!

purposes from any river or.other sources of supply upon or outside the-said. land to adjoining or other land, subject to the

payment of the Transferee of such compensation for actual damage thereby occasioned to as may be mutually agreed upon

between the Transferee and the party of parties for whose benefit the channel or furrow is constructed or pipes laid or failing

such agreement as may | be determined by arbitration in manner provided by the Arbitration Ordinance, 1904 (Transvaal) for

which purpose this provision shall be deemed a reference to arbitration thereunder”

B. Portion 11 (a portion of Portion 3) of the said farm indicated by the figure A B E F on the annexed diagram and Portion

12 (a portion of Portion 3) of the said farm (a portion whereof is indicated by the figure F E C D) on the arinexed diagram, are

. further subject to the following conditions imposed-by and.in favour.of the Town Council of Pietersburg, by virtue and in terms

of Notarial Deed of Servitude 527/1945, registered 5 September 1945:

(a) That no buildings shall be erected on the said property before plans complying with the building by-laws’ of the Council

of Pietersburg, shall first have been submitted to and approved of by the said council.

(b) That the type of sanitation to be installed. shall first be approved of by the: Town Council. of Pietersburg.

(c) That no pits shall be dug on the property unless such pits” are drained to the satisfaction of the council. -

(d) That should the Town Council. of Pietersburg. require any gravel for the construction or maintenance of any | roads

bordering on. the said. property. the Council-shall have the right to obtain such gravel from: the said portions. hy

(e) That no wells or boreholes shall be sunk:on any of the farms unless the location of such wells or boreholes shall have

been approved of by the council. :

D. Portion 11 (a portion of Portion 3) of the said farm 7 (indicated by the figure A BE Fc on the annexed diagram) is subject

to the following further conditions imposed under the provisions of Act No. 21 of 1940:

1. The land may not be subdivided nor may any share in it or portion of it be sold, leased or disposed of in any way

without the written approval of the Controlling Authority as defined in Act 21 of 1940;

2. Not more than’ one dwelling- -house together with such outbuildings’ as aré ordinarily required to be used in connection

therewith, shall be erected on the land except with the approval of the Controlling Authority as defined in Act 21 of 1940.

3. The land shall be used for residential and agricultural purposes only and no store or place of business or industry

whatsoever may be opened or conducted on the land without the written approval of the Controlling Authority as S defined i in Act

21 of 1940. Looe oe

E, Portion 55 (a portion of Portion 12) of the said farm designated by the figure FEC D on 1 the e diagram hereto annexed,

is subject to the following ¢ conditions imposed by the Controlling Authority in terms of, section 11 (6) 0 of Act No. 21 of 1940,


Behalwe met die skriftelike toestemming van 1 die Beherende Gesag, S008 “omskryf i in Wet 21 van 1940:

(i) Mag die grond nie onderverdeel word nie, ook mag geen aandeel daatin of gedeelte a daarvan verkoop, verhuur of op

enige wyse van die hand gesit word nie:

(i) Mag geen woonhuis daarop opgerig word nie.

22. No. 18068. . GOVERNMENT. GAZETTE, 20 JUNE: 1997 —

ORDERS ‘OF THE COURT. (continued) » ¢ ORDERS VAN $DIE-HOF: (vervolg).

(iii) Mag die: grond slegs. vir landboudoeleindes gebrulle word ¢ en n geen: ‘winikel of: ‘besigheid’ of nywerheld wan water. aard ookal mag op die grond geopen of gedryf.word nie; o.83 er ating Spot %

“FR, ‘Subject further: by: virtue of Notarial. Deed of Servitude. 601/908: dated 25: September. 1990, the within: méntioned property is subject to a servitude for the laying ‘of stormwater.mains.under.a portion’of:the property.on the eastern: boundary of the property along a route to be agreed upon together with the right to use the servitude area in n perpetuty | in favour of the Town Council of Pietersburg as will more fully appear. from. the said: notarial deed.?)-.-.)- 3. oes Sebe, vte jag hoe

‘2. Enige ‘persoon wat’n‘reg het, ‘Wat geraak word, “is: ‘geregtig: om beswadir ‘té mela: teen ‘die téestaan v van ‘die: bevel uiteengesit i in paragraat 1. 1 hierbo « en mag dit doen’ Sonder omt hom enigsins bioot te stel aan aanspreeklikheid vir: koste: a

en- -en Paul Kru erstraat, Pretoria,

Gauteng. ¢ en se Boy Sie uh tt 3.2 by die Applikant s se prokureurs, Pratt Luyt & De Lange, Markstraat 20, Pietersburg: ¢ en

3.3 by die Applikant se prokureurs, Van der Merwe Du Toit & Fuchs, 14de Verdieping, Sanlamsentrum, Middestad, Andriesstraat 252, Pretoria.

4. Betekening van hierdie bevel moet geskied:

4.1 By wyse van een publikasie in Afrikaans en Engels voor of op 20 Junie 1997 in die Noordelike Review.

4.2 By wyse van een publikasie in Afrikaaris ‘en Engéls Voor of ‘op: 20 Junié:1997'in die Staatskoerant.

4.3 Deur vertoning van hierdie bevel in Afrikaaris én. Engels vir'’n:periode:van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 13 Junie 1997 by die kennisgewingborde van die Pietersburg/Polokwane ,Plaaslike Oorgangsraad te Pletershurg.

. 4.4 Deur aflewering van ‘n Kopie é aan die Minister van Grondsake

4 Deur die Hof. —Griffier.. oo

© Van der Merwé Du’ Toit & Flioia rw. JF


6 Pw Be ES a SBEIUUS Sls VE DSU te Case No. 9864/97


above Honourable Court why the Applicant should not bé’ e placed | in ‘final Tiguidatio et

“3. That a copy of the rule 1 nisi ibe ‘published ‘ae once, ‘in nthe Government G

By Order—The Registrar.

Soh g DARL tty besing obsin fae head “Case No. 26803/96 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA on eee

(Transvaal Provincial Division)

"On 27 May 1997, before the Honourable Mr Justice Van Dyk


1. That a rule nisi ‘ibe issued returnable on 124 dune 1 1997 calling upon al interested Persons to, show ¢ cause > why an order

not be made iri the following‘terms: °°"

1.1 That the registration of the Company Mothibi Crushers & & Transport (Propristary) | Limited be restored to > the Company Register in.térms.of section 73:(6) of Act 61-of 1973. ch ferua ws) eS Shee GEPINGH 225 I

- STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE-1997°. No::18068 23

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) * ORDERS VAN DIE HOF: (vervolg)

1.2.That Mothibi Crushers & Transport (Proprietary) Limited is ordered.to: submit form CM22 and C29 in terms of section

170 and 216 of Act 61 of 1973 to the First Respondent within 30 (thirty) days of this Order. mS

--1.3 That Mothibi Crushers & Transport (Proprietary) Limited submit proof of payments of the annual duty outstanding at the

’ date of this Order; ‘in terms of. section 174 '@) (6) of Act 61 of 1973, on the prescribed form CM23" within 30 (thirty) days of this


1.4 That the assets. of the. company are declared to ‘be no longer bona vacantia which assets include the immovable

property known as. Erf 6185 (consisting of Erf 6174 held under Deed of Grant 458/86, 6175 held under Deed of Grant 6170 held

under Deed of Grant.460/86 and 6177: held under Deed of Grant-461/86) which are held in terms of “Deed of.Grant in respect

of an ownership unit for trading purposes” 462/86 issued by the Departement of Locai Government and Housing of the Republic

of Bophuthatswana and situated at Unit 2; Mothibistad, Kudumane.

‘2. That the rule: nisi is to be published once in English and Afrikaanse in the Government Gazette, once in English in the . Citizen Newspaper and once in Afrikaans | in the Beeld Newspaper, which clroulates | in the Mothibistad area.

By the Court. Registrar.

: re -Saak No. 26803/96


. (Transvaalse Provinsiale’ Afdeling) :

-Op2 27 Mei 1997, voor Sy Edele Regter Van Dyk:


“Na aanhoor, van die Advokaat vir die @ Applikant en deurlees van die stukke geliaseer | in hierdie aansoek:

, Word Gelas:

’ 1. Dat ’n bevel nisi hiermee uitgevaardig word met keerdatum 24 Junie 1997 waarkragtens enige belanghebbende persoon opgeroep word om redes aan te voer waarom ’n finale hofbevel in die volgende terme nie verleen moet word nie:

1.1 Dat die. registrasie van die Maatskappy Mothibi Crushers & Transport (Proprietary). Limited .herstel word tot die maatskappyregister in terme van artikel-73 (6). van Wet 61 van 1973.

1.2 Dat Mothibi Crushers & Transport (Proprietary) Limited gelas word.omm CM22 en CM29 vorms in térme van artikels 170 en 216 van. Wet 61 van 1973.by die Eerste. Respondent i in te dien binne 30. (dertig) dae.na datum van hierdie bevel.

1.3 Dat Mothibi Crushers & Transport (Proprietary) Limited binne 30 (dertig) dae na datum van hierdie bevel by v wyse van vorm CM23 bewys voorlé aan die Eerste Respondent dat alle jaargelde en bykomende geid wat aan die Eerste Respondent verskuldig is in terme van artikel 174 (3) (b) van Wet 61 van 1973, betaal.is. .

_ 1.4 Dat die bates van. Mothibi Crushers &. Transport (Proprietary) Limited. verklaar word nie. meer bona vacantia te wees nie, welke boedel insluit die onroerende eiendom bekend as Erf 6185 (bestaande uit Erwe 6174 gehou kragtens Grondbrief 458/86, 6175 gehou kragtens Grondbrief 6170 gehou kragtens Grondbrief 460/86 en 6177 gehou kragtens Grondbrief 461/86) wat gehou word kragtens “Deed of Grant-in respect of an. ownership unit for trading purposes” 462/86 uitgereik deur die Departement van Plaaslike Regering en n Behuising van die Republiek van Bophuthatswana en geleé te Eenheid 2, Mothibistad, Kudumane.

2. Dat die Vvoorlopige | bevel wat hiermee uitgereik word een keer gepubliseer word in die Engelstalige nuusblad, Citizen, en een keer in die Afrikaanstalige nuusblad, Beeld, wat in die gebied van Mothibistad gesirkuleer. word en eenkeer in Afrikaans en _eenkeer in Engels in.die Staatskoerant. to . os .

Op Las. —Griffier. .

7 INeTHE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA oe , “(Transvaal Provincial Division). S ae

a Pretoria, 10 June 1997, before the Honourable Mr Justice Terblanche (wr)

In the matter between STOCKS & STOCKS HOUSING (PTY) LIMITED, Applicant, and MANDEL ONTWIKKELAARS (PTY). LIMITED, Registered office: 204 Excel Park, corner of Lynwood and Roderick Roads, Lynnwood, Pretoria, Respondent

Having heard Counsel for the ‘Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:

: _ It is Ordered: Co

1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company b be andi is hereby placed under provisional windingst up. order.

24 No. 18068... ......... @OVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) * ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court on 1 July

1997 at 10:00, why the Respondent Company should:not be placed under final winding-up order.

3. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the Respondent Company at its registered office and by publication

forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and Citizen.

Service on company at registered office.. °

By the Court.—Registrar. .

Solomon, P.O. Box 161, Pretoria.

Case No. 11789/97


(Transvaal Provincial Division)

Pretoria, 3 June 1997, before the Honourable Mr Justice Roos

In the matter of MARQUES WATT ENGINEERING SERVICES (PTY) LTD (Reg. No. 84/09377/07), Registered office: Lenchenpark 4, Lenchen Avenue, Swartkop Extension 4, Centurion, Gauteng, Applicant

Having heard Counsel for the © Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:

It is Ordered:

1. That the sno mci Applicant Company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order.

2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court on 24 June

1997 at 10:00, why the Applicant Company should not be placed under final winding-up order.

3. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the Applicant Company at its registered office and by publication forthwith

once in each of the Government Gazette and Citizen.

Notice to all known creditors by registered Post.

By the Court. —Registrar.

': Van der Burgh,-P.O. Box 2104, Pretoria... ~

Saak No. 11729/97


(Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling)

Pretoria, 3 Junie 1997, voor Sy Edele Regter Roos

In die aansoek van A. J, GIBBS RESTAURANT BK. (Reg. No. 96/03452/23), Geregistreerde adres: Shop 27, Upper

Level, Palm Springs Shopping Centre, hoek van Vierde en Vyfde Laan, Springs, Gauteng, Applikant

Na aanhoor van die:Regsverteenwoordiger namens die Applikant en na deurlees van die kennisgewing van mosie en ander

dokumente geliasseer: a

; Word Gelas:

1. Dat die bogemelde Applikant Maatskappy hierby i in voorlopige likwidasie geplaas word.

2. Dat’n bevel nisi hierby uitgereik word wat alle belanghebbende persone oproep om redes, indien enige, voor hierdie Hof

aan te voer op 24 Junie 1997 om.10:00, waarom die Applikant Maatskappy nie onder finale likwidasie geplaas sal word nie.

3. Dat betekening van hierdie bevel nisi geskied aan dle Applikant Maatskappy by sy geregistreerde kantoor en onverwyld

Kennisgewing aan ‘skuldeisers per gereisreerd pos.

Deur die Hof. —Griffier:

- Van den Burgh, Posbus 2104, Pretoria.

_STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE: 1907. ao .No. 18068 25

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) « - ORDERS. VAN, DIE. HOF (vervolg)

- ee a, _, Case No. 1284/97


. (Transvaal Provincial. Division). Co

- Pretoria, 10 June 1997, before the Honourable Mr. Justice 5 Terblanché (WR)

In the matter between YNUS SULEMAN, Applicant, and YNUICO LIMITED (Reg. .No. 94/1 0880/07), \- Respondent

Having heard Counsel for the Applicant and having read the papers fled of record:

It is Ordered: _ ees

1. That the Respondent Company be e placed i in provisional liquidation with a return date 8 July 1997.

2. That the provisional Order be advertised in both the Government Gazette and the Citizen newspapers.

3, That the creditors of the Respondent Company be notified of the provisional order.by means of pre-paid registered post.

4. That the taxed costs of the application brought under Case I No.. 10903/97 by Pennant Trading CC be costs of the

liquidation. oo

5. That the costs hereof be cosis in the liquidation.

By the Court.—Registrar. -

Case No. 39947/97


In the matter between AUTO. PEDIGREE (PTY) LTD, trading. as PREMIER. AUTO. SALES AND AUCTIONS, Applicant,

and FLAG MOTORS CC, Respondent, “ Be pleased to take notice that the Presiding Officer, Mr P. A. Koen; has made. the folowing ¢ Order 0 on 9 June 1997 | in Court

1013. : .

Application is granted. It is Ordered:

That the Respondent Close Corporation be placed under provisional winding up: in the hands of the Master oft the Supreme

Court. : . Lo. we

That a rule nisi do issue, ‘calling on all interested persons to appear at Court 1013; Johannesbirg, on.7 ‘July 1997 at 09:00,

and show cause, if any, why the Order should not be confirmed.

That a copy of this Order be delivered to the Respondent Close Corporation.

-That a copy of this Order be published forthwith in the Government Gazette and once in. the Citizen a Johannesburg daily


That the costs of this application be costs in the liquidation.

Nathanson, Bowman & Nathan, Applicant’s Attorneys, Seventh Floor,-North State Building, corner of Market and Kruis

Streets (P.O. Box 1301), Johannesburg. [Tel. (OM 333-7540.] (Ref. M. Pattersons.) ..

~” Case No. 49160/96,


In the matter between REUBEN MILLER, N.O., First Applicant, and NEIL BOWMAN, N.O., Second ‘Applicant, and

ELGERDAN CARRIERS cc, Respondent -

Be pleased to take note. that the Presiding Officer, Mr C. van Niokerk, has made the folowing Order on 13 Junie 1996, in

Court 1013. :

Application is granted, .

Itis Ordered: Sl Legis usenet :

That the Respondent Close Corporation be piaced under Provisional winding up i he hands oft ‘the Master of the: je Supreme

That a rule nisiis hereby issued, calling on all interested persons to appear at Court 1013, | Johannesburg: o on 118 July 1996

at 09:00, and show cause, if any, why the Order should not be confirmed.

26 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) * ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) That a copy of this Order be delivered to the Respondent Close Corporation. That a copy of this Order be published forthwith i in the Government Gazette and once in The Citizen, a Johannesburg daily newspaper. re —

That a.copy of this Order be served on.-all known creditors by. prepaid registered post at least ten (10) days prior to the return date. oo

That the costs of the application be costs in the liquidation,

Kallmeyer & Strime, Applicant’s Attorneys, Second Floor, Sanlam Arena, Entrance 3, 10 Cradock Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg. (Tel. 447- -7860.) (Fax. 447-5030.) (Ref. Mr Shapiro/jk/SHF134/CAZ005/C8546.) , and to: The Master of the Supreme Court, Private Bag X60, Pretoria, 0001 and to: Elgerdan Carriers CC, Respondent,’ ‘Registered office: Second’ Floor, Embassy Place, 240 Bree Street,

Johannesburg. oo wo

rr Saak No. 10044/97


(Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) |

Pretoria, 13, Mei 1997, voor Sy Edele Regter Vorster (WR)

In die aansoek van LIEBIEN BOTHA, Applikant, en JALIBO VERVOER BK (Reg. No. CK93/1652/23), . Geregistreerde’ kantoor: Plot 58, , Jochenstraat, Waterkloof Hoewes, Pretoria, Respondent

Na aanhoor van die Regeverteenwoordigern namens die i Applicant enna deurlees van die Kennisgewing van mosie en ander dokumente geliaseer: ts : os,

Word Gelas:

1. Dat die bogemelde Respondent. Beslote Korporasie hierby i in voorlopige likwidasie geplaas word. 2. Dat ’n bevel nisi hierby uitgereik word wat alle belanghebbende persone oproep om redes, indien enige, voor hierdie Hof

aan te voer op 10, Junie 1997 om 10:00, waarom die Respondent Beslote Korporasie nie onder finale likwidasie geplaas sal word nie. Poe, /

'3. Dat betekening van hierdie bevel nisi geskied aan die Respondent Beslote Korporasie by sy: geregistreerde kantoor en onverwyld een maal gepubliseer word in die Staatskoerant en die Beeld. ,

Betekening op geregistreerde adres.

Deur die Hof.—Griffier.

Joubert, Posbus 1198, Pretoria.

Saak No. 10044/97


-.(Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling)

Pretoria, 10 Junie 1997, voor Sy Edele Regter Botha

In die saak tussen LIEBIEN BOTHA, Applikant, ‘en JALIBO VERVOER BK (Reg. No. CK93/1652/23),. Respondent

Na aanhoor van die Regsverteenwoordiger namens die Applikan en na deurlees van die bevel nisi-uitgereik deur hierdie Hof op 13 Mei 1997: ,

Word Gelas: Dat die keerdatum van die voormelde bevel nisi ery verleng word tot 24 Junie 1997. Deur die Hof. —Griffier.. -


<) STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997 — “No. 18068 27

“ORDERS ‘OF THE COURT. (continued)* » ORDERS. ‘VAN DIE HOF. F (vervolg)

Sieh aWhye hh ey is ce - Case: No. 9864/97


(Transvaal Provincial Division)

inthe matter between DELTA: PALLET MANUFACTURING (PTY) LTD (Reg. 'No. '96/05583/07), Applicant

After having heard Counsel for the Applicant, the Court makes. the following. Order:, coe ene ph pe tes

. _ttis Ordered:

*")"That the Company be and sraby placed under


2. That a rule nisi be issued calling upon’ ‘all’ persons: “concerned to ‘appear ‘on 15 July'1997 to ‘show « cause, if any, ‘to the

above Honourable Court why the: applicant should:no be: placed: in-final: liquidation: wate Sf Ob

3. That a copy of the rule nisi be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette and once in The Star newspaper:

4. That a copy of this rule nisi be send by registered post to all the known creditors of the Applicant,

/ By Order.—The Registrar. vi me geet nua cot gehatee «tatuag, SAG MMate ta eR am pomeranian

9: 4 P, order in the hands of the ‘Master of the Supreme

Saak No. 11288/97


oo “ (Transvaalse Provingiale Afdeling) oo

# Pretoria; 10-Junie 1997, . voor Sy EdeléRegter. Ferblanche:(WR) -

_ {n die aansoek van ROMA CONSTRUCTION BK (Reg. No: 'CK91/09630/23), Geregistreerde adres:

mnre. Den Boer & Van der Caan, Suite 303, Mainstraat 270, Waterkioof, Pretoria, Applikant

Na a aanhoor vi van 1 die Regeverteenwoordiger namens die Apolikant enna deurlees van die kennisgewing van mosie en ander

dokumente geliaseer: . ;

( 7 las:

1. Dat die bogemelde Appiikant B 6 ote orporasie hierby inv orlopig Tikwidasie geplaas word. |

2. Dat’ n bevel n rby uitg ik word | wat alle belan hebbendé persone ¢ oproep ¢ om ‘tedes,’ viet Sige voor hierdie Hof

‘gan 'te voer op 8 Julie 4997° 6m‘ 10:00, waarom ‘die ‘Applikant Beslote Korporasie nie onder finale likwidasie geplaas: sal. word


3. Dat.betekening:van:hierdie-bevel: nisi: .geskied:aan: die: ‘Applikant! Beslote Korporasie: by: sy geregistreerde kantoor en

onverwyld een maal gepubliseer word in die Staatskoerant en.die Beeld..: be ets ‘

Betekening by geregistreerde adres van Applikant per. geregistreerde px pos.

Kennis aan skuldeisers per. geregistreerde pos.

Deur die Hof.—Griffier.

Solomon, Posbus 645, Pretoria. -

Set Saak No. 3971/97



5 (Reg. No.. cK88/26821/23), Respondent ..

Na deurlees van: die stukke enna. aanhoor van die Applikant: ‘se: Regsverteenwoordiger:

Word Beveel:

~ ¥, Dat dié’ Respohdent Besicte Korparasie voorlépig gelikwideer word:

2. Dat ’n bevel nisi uitgereik word waarin alle belanghebbende partye versoek word om redes, indien enige, “voor hierdie

Hof aan te voer op 27 Junie 1997 om 09:00, waarop die: Respondent 6 Beslote Korporasie nie finaal gelikwideer behoort te word

nie. . bc eos ws oo

3. Dat hierdie bevel onverwyid b bestel word op 5 die 5 Applikant ‘Beslote ‘Korporasie by sy y geregistreerde kantoor, aan alle

bekende skuldeisers van die Respondent Beslote Korporasie onverwyld per aangetekende pos’ aangestuur word sowel as

eenmalig gepubliseer word in die Staatskoerant en in die Middelburg Observer-nuusblad.

28 No: 18068 | GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

ORDERS OF THE COURT. (continued) * ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) Witwatersrand Local Division, Johannesburg

Witwatersrandse Plaaslike Afdeling, Johannesburg i . oe, Co SDT be - Case No. 11310/97

IN-THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA. (Witwatersrand Local Division)

Johannesburg, 4 June 1997, before His Lordship Mr Justice Goldstein In the ex parte application of MOTSATHEBE, THUTHANS JOSEPHINE, Applicant

Having heard counsel and having considered the matter:

It is Ordered that: 1. The rule nisi issued by His Lordship Mister Justice: Heher on 8 May 1997 is ‘hereby extended to 8 July 1997. 2. In terms of the rule nisi all interested parties are called to.show cause before this Court on 8 July 1997 at 10:00, or so soon thereafter as the Advocate for the Applicant can be heard, why the following order should not be granted: 2.1 That it be presumed that Builemang Samuel Motsathebe of Apex Hostel Benoni, Gauteng, ¢ and husband of Phuthane Josephine Motsathebe died in the year 1986... Feng De Chetan e ; 3. That a copy of this order be published before or on 1 July. 4A 997, once in the Government Gazette, and twice ina local newspaper published in Johannesburg and distributed in Gauteng. The advertisements i in 1 the local newspaper shall be published with intervals of not less than seven days. Lo, Ce Lo, By the Court.—Registrar.

Case No. 14679/97 PH 245

‘IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA | “(Witwatersrand Local Division)

Johannesburg, 3 June 1997, before the Honourable Judge Roux

In the matter between COSA NOSTRA (PTY) LTD, First Applicant

Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter: -

‘Itis Ordered: 1. That the above-mentioned Applicant Company i is hereby placed under provisional winding up.

‘2. That all persons who have a legitimate interest are called upon to put forward their reasons why this Court should not order the final winding up of the Applicant Company on 15 July 1997. . mG , 3. That a copy be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette anda local newspaper. 4. That a copy of this Order be forthwith forwarded to each 1 known creditor by prepaid registered post or by electronically receipted telefax transmission. . : ee By the Court.—Registrar.

Case No. 11237/97 PH 125

“IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA " _ (Witwatersrand. Local Division)

. Johannesburg, 3 June 1997, before the Honourable Judge Roux

In the matter between THE CAR WORKSHOP. (CC, First Applicant, and. PENWEST IMPORTERS & DISTRIBUTORS cc, _ First Respondent

Having read the documents filed of record and having considered. the matter: a

. -It:is. Ordered: Be : 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Close Corporation is hereby placed under provisional winding up.

. STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997 - No. 18068 29-

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) + ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

2. That all persons who have a legitimate interest are called upon to put.forward their reasons why this Court should not

order the final winding up of the Respondent.Close Corporation on 1-July,.1997. .

3. That a copy’ of this Order be served.on the Respondent Close Corporation at its registered office.

4. That a copy be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette and i in a local newspaper.

By the Court—Registrar.

‘Case No. 12658/97

cob PH 1000


~ (Witwatersrand Local Division):

"Johannesburg, 3 June 1997, before the Honourable Judge Roux

In the matter between MINNIE DANIEL CHRISTOFFEL, First Applicant, and OMINISURE (RIENDOMS)B BEPERK, First

Respondent weet

“Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:

It is Ordered:

4. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company is hereby placed under provisional winding up. ,

2. That all persons who have a legitimate interest are called upon to put forward their reasons why this Court should not

order the final winding up of the Respondent Company on 15 July 1997.

3. That a copy of this Order be served on the Respondent Company at its registered office.

4. That a copy be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette and i in a local newspaper. *

5. That a copy of this Order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditor by prepaid registered post or by electronically

receipted telefax transmission.

By the Court.—Registrar.

Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division, Cape Town

Provinsiale Afdeling. Kaap die Goeie Hoop, Kaapstad yy

Saak No. 18/97


“Kaapstad, 12 Junie 1997, voor sy Edele Regter Lategan

In die aansoek | van » PIETER CHRISTIAAN KOTZE, vir’n Bevel ingevolge artikel 33 (1) van Wet No. 47 van 1937, soos"

gewysig, Applikant

Na deurlees van die stukke: OS

Word dit Gelas dat:

1. ’n Bevel nisi uitgereik word. met die keerdag op 16 Julie 1997 om 10:00, in terme waarvan alle belanghebbende partye

opgeroep word om ‘skriftelike redes, indien enige, voor hierdie Hof aan te voer waarom:

1.1 Die Registrateur van Aktes nie gemagtig en aangesé moet word om die aandele van die ondervermelde eiendom wat

nie alreeds in die naam van die bovermelde Applikant geregistreer is, in die naam van die bovermelde Applikant te registreer

ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 33 (1) van Wet No. 47 van 1937, $008 gewysig, en onderworpe aan sy gewone vereistes:

1.1.1 Gedeelte 1 (Duinen) van die plaas Roodelaagte 476, afdeling Namakwaland, provinsie Noord-Kaap.

1.1.2 Gedeelte 2 (Voor Os) vait die plaas' Roodelaagte-476, afdeling Namakwaland, provinsie Noord-Kaap.

1.2 Sulke party nie gelas moet word om die koste van hierdie aansoek te betaal.

1.3 Verdere en/of alternatiewe regshulp nie toegestaan moet word nie. .

2. Die bevel nisi gepubliseer word in die Staatskoerant, Die‘ Burger en The Cape Times (behoorlik vertaal) voor of op

24 Junie 1997. oe .

:30 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

‘ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) * ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) 3. Die Kennisgewing van Mosie tesame met die Funderende Eedsverklarings daartoe ter insae sal [é vir ‘n periode van twee (2) weke vanaf 24 Junie 1997: by die kantore. van: die -Klerk.van die Hof, Garies, die kantore van die Griffier van die Hooggeregshof, Koningin Victoriastraat, Kaapstad, en die kantore. van Applikant se prokureurs, De Klerk & Van Gend te Volkskasgeboti, Adderleystraat, Kaapstad.

4. ’n Afskrif van hierdie bevel asook. ‘n Engelse vertaling daarvan sal per geregistreerde pos aan: 4.1 Eksekuteur boedel wyle Harold Reynold:Gelb, p.a. Arthur Andersen &.Kie., Shellgebou, Kaapstad, 8001. 4.2 Parow Lands CC, Monex.Huis, Tweede Verdieping, Strandstraat, Kaapstad, 8001. 4.3 Eksekuteur boedel wyle Taube Gordon,, Ecklenberg A51, Belmontweg, Rondebosch, 7780, 4.4 D. J. P. Seholtz, Panoramaweg 2 29, 9», Somerset Wes, 7130; en deur gewone pos aan’: ‘

4.5 lan Mark Yudelman, Westendlaan 800, New York, NY10025, VSA, gestuur word. ? @p Las van die Hof:—Gritfier. ” mos ;

Case No. 2288/97


In the application between CRAIG CHRISTOPHER DONNELLY, Applicant, and CAM BEVERAGE DISTRIBUTORS cc "(Registration CK95/18419/23), in.the application for its. liquidation,. Respondent

Having heard Counsel for the Applicant and having read the documents filed of record: ,

It is Ordered:

1. That the Respondent is placed under provisional liquidation with return date of Wednesday, 25 June 1997, on which date Respondent and/or other interested. partiés must show: Cause, if any, why the Resporident ‘should not be -placed under final liquidation.

2. That service of this Order is to be effected by publication in one.issue of the Government Gazette as well as Die Burger. 3. That service of this Order is to be effected at the registered office of the Respondent. ‘4. That the. cost of-this application.be cost:in' the liquidation: i. aa By Order of the Court.—Magistrate.

"Millers Incorporated, Beacon House, 123 Meade Street, George.

‘Eastern Cape Division, Grahamstown: , Oos-Kaapse Afdeling, Grahamstad


in the matter between CROWN NATIONAL (PTY) LTD, Applicant, and KARL’S MEATS CC, Respondent Having heard for the Applicant and having read the papers filed on record: —

te - It is Ordered: 1. That the @ Respondent be placed under Provisional liquidation under the control of the Master of the Supreme Court. 2. That a rule nisi be issued calling upon ‘the Respondent and all interested partes to show cause, on 10 July 1997, why

the ” Respondent should not be placed under’ liquidation.

+3. That ‘a copy.of the:rule his/be-served on ‘the Respondent at its’ registered office at 2.Vincent Road, Vincent, East London, and also be published immediately in the Government Gazette and inthe Daily Dispatch newspaper, circulating in East London.

4. That a copy of the rule nisi be sent to all known Creditors of the Respondent by. registered post. 5. That the Applicant’ s failure to comply with the proyisions. of tule 55 (1) be condoned in terms of rule 9 (14).

:,, 8. That the costs of this application. be regarded. as costs of liquidation.

. 7. Further or alternative relief.

./; Dated at East London this 27th day of May 1997. .. By the Court.—Clerk of the Civil Court..." ==

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997: © No. 18068 31

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) * ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

- South-Eastern Cape Local Division, Port Elizabeth .

-Suidoos-Kaapse Plaaslike Afdeling, Port Elizabeth

Se ae a OS Case No. 1157/97


(South-Eastern Cape Local Division) -.

Port Elizabeth, Wednesday, 4 June 1997, before the Honourable Mr Justice Nettetton (Acting)

Ex parte oO DM ONTWIKKELAARS cc, Applicant

Having heard Mr Huisamen, Counsel for the Applicant, and having read the documents filed of record:

_ itis Ordered: -

_ A. That a. tule nisi do issue, calling upon interested parties to show cause, if any; to this. Court on / Wednesday,

9 July 1997, why an Order in the following terms should not be granted: =

1.1 That condition 1.B5 held by Deed. of Consolidated Title T85072/94 relating t to Erf 536, Fernglen, situated in the

Municipality and Division of Port Elizabeth, and reading:

“4 B5 this Erf shall be subject to the following further conditions provided that where, in the opinion of the Administrator after

consultation: with the. Townships. Board and the local authority it is expedient that the restriction in any such condition should at

any time be suspended or rélaxed, he may ‘authorise the necessary suspension or relaxation subject to compliance with such

conditions as he may impose: : Do *

“No ‘building or structure or any portion thereof except boundary walls and fences, shall be erected nearer than 7.87 metres

to the street line which’ forms a boundary of this:erf;” oe oR

. be deleted therefrom.

2. That service of this order be effected:

2.1 By way. of one publication each in the Eastern Province Herald and Die Burger (Oos- -kaap) and in the Government


2.2 by delivery to the Municipality of Port Elizabeth;

2.3 by delivery to the Registrar of Deeds, Cape Town;

2.4 on the Regional Office for Housing and Local Government of the Province of the Eastern Cape at 55 Albany Road,

Central, Port Elizabeth. ° .

3. That a true copy of the application and annexures thereto shall be available for inspection at the offices of Applicant's

attorneys, Wilke Weiss van Rooyen & Preston, Cavendish House, 2 Cuyler Street, Central, Port Elizabeth. :

4. That should any interested party(ies) wish to oppose this application, he/she. or they should do so in an affidavit filed with

the Registrar of this Court on or before 2 July 1997.

_ By Order of the Court.—Registrar.

C.C. Scholiz (Miss).

_ Wilke W V/R & PL, ,

' Gase No. 1158/97


(South- “Eastern Cape Local Division)

| Expario in the application. of the Trustees for the time being of THE MANIE STEYN FAMILY TRUST (for the removal

, of restrictive condition of title deed), Applicant’ . :

_. Having heard Mr. Huisamen, Counsel for the Applicant, and having read the documents fled of record:

It is Ordered:

1. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon interested parties to show cause, if any, to this Court on n Wednesday, 9 July 1997,

why an Order in the following terms should not be granted: , :

/ 1.1 That conditions B1 (a), (b) and (c) and condition B2 (a) held by Deed of Transfer 717132/94 telating ‘to Remainder Ert

/ 825, Cotswold, situated in the Municipality and Division of Port Elizabeth, and reading: oO

32 No. 18068 . _ GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997.

_ ORDERS OF THE COURT. (continued) « ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (verveta) “B1 as being’ in favour of the registered owner of any erf in the. township:

(a) That this érf be used for shop purposes only. This: restriction shall not, however, preclude the use of. any premises above the ground floor for residential Purposes, provided the. eff is, consolidated with at least on adjoining erf; .

(b) that only one building together with such outbuildings as are ordinarily required to be used therewith, be erected on this ert;


(c) that no more than one half of the: area of this be built upon.

B2 as being in favour of the Administrator: :

(a) That this erf shall not be subdivided except with the, consent in wating of the Administrator” be deleted therefrom. . ’ : we

2. That service of this Order. be effected:

2.1 by way of one publication each in the Eastern Province Herald and Die 6 Burger (Ove Kap) a and in the Government Gazette; com " oo

2. 2 by delivery to the Municipality of Port Elizabeth;

2.3 by delivery to the Registrar of Deeds, Cape Town; ~

2.4 on the Regional’ Office for: Housing and Local. Government of the Province of the Eastem Cape at 55 Albany Road, Central, Port Elizabeth. bs oe .

3. That a true copy of the’ Application and annexures thereto shall be available for inspection at the offices ot Applicants attorneys, Wilke Weiss Van Rooyen & Preston, Cavendish House, 2 Cuyler Street, Central, Port Elizabeth.

_. 4. That should. any interested party(ies) wish to oppose this application, he/she or they should do so in an Aidit filed with the Registrar of this Court on or before 2 July, 1997. :

By Order of the Court. —Registrar. -

C. C. Scholtz (Miss). Ra

WikeWV/R&P Do tn we eet gs

Natal Provincial Division, Pietermaritzburg _

_ Natalse Provinsiale Afdeling, Pietermaritzburg _ OO vente,

Tape ace a So a we IN THE HIGH 4 COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, co |

(Natal Provincial Division) .

Pietermaritzburg, 29 May 1997, before’ ‘the Honourable Mr Justice Boysen : — : :

In the matter of A.R.S. MANUFACTURING cc (CK'No, . 92/07242/23), 3 John Adams Road, ‘Waterfall, Hiterest, hopltcart

Upon the motion of counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the notice of motion, supporting afidavit arid the. other documents filed of record: , .

bie tae: tis Ordered:

“1. That Applicant ARS Manufactutiiy cc be and i is hereby placed under a provisional winding up ordet. . oe 2. That a rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling on-ail interested parties to show cause, if any, before this Court sitting at

Pietermaritzburg, on 26 June 1997. at-09: 30; or oe) soon thereafter as the matter may be heard why Applicant should not be placed under a final winding up order. oo :

3. That a copy of this Order be published 4 once in the Government Gazette and once in the Natal Merouyo oni or before 20 June 1997. a. vee Ei a a ore

4. Thata copy of this Order be served at the Applicant s registered head: office forthwith,

By Order of the Court, —E. M. Kal, Registrar. UE . a

Lynn & Berrange. oe

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997 . No. 18068 33

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) * ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg) Case No. 1418/97


(Natal Provincial Division)

Pietermaritzburg, 5 June 1997, before the Honourable Mr Justice Hurt

Inthe matter of ENGEN PETROLEUM LIMITED, Applicant, and SAIB’S TRANSPORT CC, having its registered office at 16 Harish Road, Marianhill, KwaZulu- Natal, Respondent

Upon the motion of counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the notice of motion, supporting affidavit and the other documents filed of record:

It is Ordered: .

1. That Respondent be and is hereby placed under a provisional order of liquidation.

2. That a rule nisi.be and is hereby issued calling on all interested parties to show cause, if any, to this Court at Pietermaritzburg on 1 July 1997 at 09:30, or so soon thereafter as Counsel may be heard, why Respondent should not be

. placed under a final winding up order.

3. That a copy of this Order be served on Respondent forthwith and that a copy of this Order be published in the Natal Mercury and the Government Gazette on or or before 20 June 1997.

By Order of the Court—A. M. Jarfas, Registrar.

Lynn & Berrange.

- Saak No. 1313/97


(Natalse Provinsiale Afdeling)

Pietermaritzburg, 10 Junie 1997, voor Sy Edele Regter Page

In die saak van COTTON FREIGHT CC, Applikant, en BOSWELL MERCHANTS (EDMS.) BPK (Reg. No. CK05/33476/07),_. met geregistreerde adres te Victoriastraat 47, Dundee, KwaZulu-Natal, Respondent

Op aansoek van Advokaat namens die Applikant,; en na deurlees van die Kennisgewing van mosie, stawende beédigde verklaring en die ander geliasseerde dokumente:

Word dit Gelas:

1. Dat Boswell Merchants (Edms.) Bpk. (Reg. No. CK05/33476/07) hiermee onder voorlopige likwidasiebevel geplaas word in die hande van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Natalse Provinsiale Afdeling.

2. Dat ’n bevel nisi hiermee uitgevaardig word ingevolge waarvan die Respondent en enige ander belanghebbende party opgeroep word om redes, indien enige, aan te voer op 8 Julie 1997. 0m 09:30, of so spoedig daarna as wat die Advokaat aangehoor kan word, waarom die Respondent nie onder ’n finale likwidasiebevel geplaas moet word nie.

3. Dat die Applikant gelas word om die bevel nisi voor of op 24 Junie 1997 as volg te beteken:

3.1 Aan die Respondent deur betekening op die geregistreerde kantoor te Victoriastraat 47, Dundee, aan Respondent se ouditeure naamlik Greenhough, McHardy & Jones te Gladstonestraat 55A, Dundee;

3.2 by wyse van publikasie een maal in elk van die Natal Witness en die Staatskoerant.

4. Dat die koste van bladsye 16-127 en 196-7 word nie toegelaat nie. *

Op Las van die Hof.—Griffier.

Harry Pretorius & Kie.. -

Durban and Coast Local! Division, Durban Plaaslike Afdeling Durban en Kus, Durban —

Case No. 3197/97


(Durban and Coast Local Division)

Before the Honourable Mr Justice McLaren, at Durban on 21 May 1997

in the matter between STALCOR, Applicant, and EVERCOOL REFRIGERATION (PTY) LIMITED, c/o Deloitte & Touche, 2 Devonshire Place, Durban, Respondent

Upon the motion of counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the notice of motion and the other documents filed of record:

It is Ordered:

1. That Evercool Refrigeration (Pty) Limited (the Respondent), and all other interested parties, be and are hereby called

upon to show cause, any to this Honourable Court on 30 June 1997 at 09:30, or so soon thereafter as counsel may be heard,

why the Respondent should not be wound up.


34 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) * ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

2. That this Order operate as an order provisionally winding up the Respondent.

3. That this Order be served on the Respondent at c/o Deloitte & Touche, 2 Devonshire Place, Durban.

4. That this Order be published on or before 20 June 1997 once in the Government Gazette and once in a daily newspaper published and circulating in Durban.

By Order of the Court—R. Scott, Acting Assistant Registrar.

Goodrickes (2).

Case No. 31678/97


In the matter between EBRAHIM SIMJEE, Applicant, and LUCKY 21 FACTORY SHOP CC, Respondent

Upon reading the notice of motion and the other documents filed of record:

It is Ordered:

1. That Lucky 21 Factory Shop CC (herein referred to as “the Respondent”) and all other interested persons be and are hereby called upon to show cause, if any, to this Honourable Court, on 10 July 1997 at 08:30, or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, why the Respondent should not be wound up.

2. That this Order shall operate as an order provisionally winding up the Respondent.

3. That a copy of this Order be served forthwith on the Respondent at its registered office being c/o Mahomedy & Manjee, First Floor, Goodhope Centre, 92/96 Queen Street, Durban, and that a copy of this Order be published on or before 27 June

1997, once in the Government Gazette and once in a daily newspaper published in Durban and circulating in Natal.

Dated at Durban on this 5th day of June 1997.

By Order of the above Honourable Court.—Magistrate.

C/o Enver Motala & Company, 202 Dinvir Centre, 123 Field Street, Durban, 4001.

Orange Free State Provincial Division, Bloemfontein Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling, Bloemfontein

Aansoek No. 2790/97


In die saak tussen DEMETRIOS GEORGE PAXINOS, Applikant, en JIMI PAXINOS CC (CK93/31058/23), Respondent

Na oorweging van die kennisgewing van mosie en ander dokumente wat ingedien is:

Word dit Gelas dat:

1. Die Respondent se boedel onder voorlopige likwidasie in die hande van die Meester van die Hoé Hof (Oranje-Vrystaat Provinsiale Afdeling) geplaas word.

2. ’n Bevel nisi uitgereik word wat alle belanghebbendes oproep om redes, indien enige, op 11 Junie 1997 om 09:00, aan te voer waarop die Respondent nie in finale likwidasie geplaas mag word nie.

3. Voormelde bevel tesame met ’n afskrif van die kennisgewing van mosie en bylae op die Respondent se ouditeure beteken word en slegs ’n afskrif van die hofbevel op die Respondent se geregistreerde kantore se deur geheg word.

4. Hierdie Bevel sonder versuim gepubliseer word in ’n enkele uitgawe van die Vrystaat en een publikasie daarvan in die Staatskoerant.

5. Die koste van hierdie aansoek koste in die likwidasie van die Respondent sal wees.

Op Las van die Hof—Landdros.

Application No. 6846/97


In the matter between H. S. FOURIE, Applicant, and DIAL-A-CLEAN CC, Respondent

Kindly take notice that application will be made on behalf of the above-mentioned Applicant in the above Honourable Court on 2 June 1997 at 09:00, or so soon thereafter as the Applicant's legal representative may be heard, for an order with the

following terms:

1. That the Respondent Close Corporation be placed under provisional liquidation in the hands of the Master of the Higher

Court (Orange Free State Provincial Division).

STAATSKOERANT, 20. JUNIE:1997 - . -No. 18068 35

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) « » ORDERS VAN: DIE - HOF F (vervolg)

2. That a rule nisi issued calling upon all interested. parties: to. give reasons, if any,-on.30 June 1997 at. 09:00, or.soon thereafter as the application may be heard, why Respondent Close Corporation should not be finally liquidated.

3. That the rule nisi, together with the notice of application and ‘annexures: thereto, is served on the Respondent at its registered address, being Coopers &:Lybrand, Suite 204, Nedbank Building, 10: Ryk Street, ‘Welkom.

4, That a copy of the provisional liquidation order be published j in one edition of the Vista and 0 one e edition of the Government Gazette. ; .

Dated at Welkom on this 8th day of April 1997. ,

And to: Coopers & Lybrand, Suite 204, Nedbank Building, 10 Ryk Street, Welkom, 9460.

And to: T. Fourie, 29 Francolin Street, Flamingo Park, Welkom, 9460. -

And to: M. S. Fothergill, 29 Francolin Street, Flamingo Park, Welkom, 9460.

HM. Ungerer, for Arnold De Jager & Partners, Second Floor, Fallanks Building, Heeren Street, Welkom, 9460.

. ee - ee Oe, : “>. Saak No. 2195/97


Indie saak tussen JACOBUS ADRIAN CHRISTOFFEL SWART, Applikant, en R & T Mining Services BK _ (CK94/01 073/23), Respondent :

Na aanhoring ve van die prokureur vir die Applikant en na deurlees van ‘die dokumentasie e geliassesr, word as volg beveel:

1. Dat Respondent Beslote Korporasie onder voorlopige likwidasie geplaas word i in die hande van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof (Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling). . ;

2. Dat ’n bevel. nisi hiermee uitgereik word wat.alle belanghebbende partye oproep om redes dan’te voet, indien enigé in die Agbare hof op 8 Julie: 1997 om 09:00, of so spoedig moonilik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor mag word, waarom die bevel nisi nie bekragtig moet word nie.

3. Dat die Bevel nisitesame met die kennisgewing van n aansoek. en aanhangsels daartoe,. beteken word op ‘die. Respondent se geregistreerde adres synde p.a. mnr. C. J. Geel Ouditeure, Mediese Sentrum 10, Goevermentslaan, Virginia.

4. Dat ’n afskrif van hierdie Bevel gepubliseer word i in een uitgawe van “Die Vista” en die “Staatskoerant’”

5. Dat die koste van hierdie aansoek koste.in. die. likwidasie van.die Respondent sal.wees..

Gedateer te Virginia hierdie dag van Mei 1997. ; : :

Klerk van die Hof.


Notice is hereby given by the Master of the Supreme Court of South Africa, as stated, of the supersession of provisional orders of sequestration/liquidation and the discharge of petitions. -

The information is given in the following order: Estate number; the applicant; the respondent the date of the provisional order granted; the Supreme Court Division; the. date. of the. discharge. order.


Kennis word hiermee deur die Meester van die Hooggeregshof van-Suid- Afrika, soos vermeld, gegee van die tersydestelling van voorlopige bevele van sekwestrasie/likwidasie.en die afwysing van aansoeke. .

Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: Boedelnommer, die. applikant; die verweerder; die. datum van uitreiking van die voorlopige bevel; die Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof. die datum van die afwysingsbevel.

N140/96—Alan James McEwen N. 0. First Applicant; Nel McHardy N. O., Second Applicant, Z. W. Marine and. General (Pty) Ltd, Respondent; 96-04-10, Durban and Coast Local; 97-05-20. -

N467/96—Safcor Freight (Pty) Limited, Applicant; Daniel Jacobus Zietsman, ‘Identity Nuriber 5005065126009, Respondent; 96-11-01, Durban and Coast Local; 97-05-06.

N370/96—Surendra Singh, Applicant; Moonsamy Balakisten Naidoo, :Identity Number 4312145145087; Muniammah Naidoo, Identity Number 5302070168054; 96-09-06, Natal Provincial, 97-05-19.

B142/97—A. L. Visagie, Applikant; Reitz Truck & Trailor (CK94/24490/28), Respondent; 97-05-16; 97-05-23.

T4107/94—Die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Applikant; James Anthony Grant;, Respondent; 1994-12-06, Transvaalse Provinsiale; 1996-04-02. .

T1265/97—Johannes Gert Swanepoel, Applikant; D J Skuldinvorderaars. Finansiéle Dlonste, Respondent, 1997-04-18, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling; 1997-05-20.

T1275/96—John William Strauss, Applikant; Willem Johannes. Barnard, Respondent; 96- 05- 28, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling; 96-08-06.

. T1315/97—Tyrone Kingsley van Zyl,.Applikant; Glen Kingsley. van Zyl en, Levina Catharina van 2, Respondent

97-04-16, Transvaalse Provinsiale; 97-05- 20. a

36 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997




(Witwatersrand Local Division)

In the ex parte application of HANIFF, NAEEM, First Applicant, and

HANIFF, SUMAYA (born ANKIEWICZ), Second Applicant


Take notice that an application will be made on behalf of the above-named Applicants on Tuesday, 21 August 1997 at 10:00,

or so soon thereafter as Counsel may be heard for an order in the following terms:

1. Authorising the Applicants to change their matrimonial property system in terms of section 21 (1) of the Matrimonial

Property Act, No. 88 of 1984, in the form of Annexure B to the First Applicant's founding affidavit subject to such conditions as

the above Honourable Court may deem desirable.

2. Authorising the Registrar of Deeds, Johannesburg, to registered the notarial contract between the applicants in the form

of Annexure B.

3. Further or alternate relief.

4. The Applicants have appointed the address of its attorneys set out below at which the Applicants will accept notice and

service of all process in these proceedings.

Take notice further that if you intend opposing this application or make any representation in such regard, you are

requited to do so in writing to the Registrar of this Court, at Room 008, High Court Buildings, corner Von Brandis and Pritchard

Streets, Johannesburg, and serve a copy thereof on the Applicants’ or appear in Court on the date of the hearing.

Take notice further that the application and the proposed notarial contract are available for inspection at the office of the

Registrar aforementioned and at the offices of the Applicants’ attorneys.

Y. Mayet Attorneys, Applicants Attorneys, Ground Floor, 70 Gemsbok Street, Lenasia, Johannesburg.

Case No. 14327/97


(Witwatersrand Local Division)

In the ex parte application of KAZ! MOHAMED AYAZ, First Applicant, and

KAZI FAZANA (born PETKAR), Second Applicant

Take notice that on 24 June 1997 at 10:00, or so soon thereafter as the matter can. be heard, the above-mentioned

Applicants will apply to the Witwatersrand Local Division of the Supreme Court at Johannesburg for an order in the following


1. The Applicants are given leave to change the matrimonial property system which applies to their marriage, by the

execution and registration of a notarial contract, a draft whereof is attached to the First Applicant’s supporting affidavit and is

; marked “MAK1” and which contract, after registration thereof, will regulate their property system:

2. The Registrar of Deeds is authorised to register the notarial contract.

3. This Order— . .

3.1 will lapse if the notarial contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within two months of the date of the

granting of this order; and

3.2 will not prejudice the rights of any creditor of the applicants as at date of registration of the contract.

Dated at Benoni on this 10th day of June 1997.

A. S. Steijn Attorneys, c/o Marston & Taljaard, Fourth Floor, Bedford Centre, Smith. Street, Bedtordview. [Tel. (011).

425-3205.] ,

STAATSKOERANT, 20.JUNIE 1997 -.No. 18068 37

Saak No. 10909/97


(Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling)

In die ex parte aansoek van JOHN THOMAS VISSER, Eerste Applikant, en KAREN VISSER (voorheen SCHEEPERS), Tweede Applikant

Geliewe kennis te neem dat aansoek gedoen sal word names bogemelde Applikante op Dinsdag, 1 Julie 1997 om 10:00,

of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat Advokaat aangehoor kan word, vir ’n bevel in die volgende terme:

1. Veriof word aan Applikante verleen in terme van artikel 88 van die Registrasie van Aktes Wet, No: 47 van 1937, soos

gewysig vir die na-huwelikse ondertekening, verlyding en registrasie van ’n.notariéle.kontrak wat die strekking het van

huweliksvoorwaardes, en welke kontrak vanaf registrasie daarvan die huweliksgoederebedeling van die partye sal beheers.

2. Die Registrateur van Aktes word gemagtig om die gemelde notariéle kontrak wat die > strekking het van huweliks-

voorwaardes te registreer.’ .

3. Hierdie Bevel—

3.1 sal vervai as die notariéle kontrak nie binne 3 (te maande- vanaf‘die datum van die verleen van hierdie bevel

geregistreer is nie; en : Poss . . re cya .

3.2 sal nie die regte van ’n krediteur van enige van die Applikante soos 5 Op datum-van. sodanige regitasi benadeel nie.

Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 12de dag van Junie 1997. ees wes

A. Brand, for Pauw Botha & Smuts Ing., Eerste Verdieping, One Hatfield‘Square, hoek van Hilda: en‘ Burnettstraat, Hatfield.

(Tel. 342-4182.) (Verw. A. Brand/ylr/DV0068.) a,


Notice is hereby given in . terms of section 28 (7) of. the Pension Fund Act (No. 24. of. 1956) that a preliminary liquidation

account, a preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of Executape Managed. Provident Fund will be

open for inspection for the period 1997-06-11 to 1997-07-09 at the offices ‘of ©

1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, 446 Rigel Avenue South, Erasmusrand, Pretoria; and”

2. The Fund, 14 Mopedi Road, Sebenza; oe ,

3. Office of the Chief Magistrate, Edenvale. ©

Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing with

the Registrar of Pension Funds, (P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102) not later than on 23 July 1997.

Case No. 15136/97

PH 415


(Witwatersrand: Local Division) ,

In the ex parte application of FADEL FOUAD HANZE, First Applicani, and :

SHARKIRA HAMZE (born ABRAHAMS), Second Applicant

Take notice that on Tuesday, 22 July 1997 at 10:00, or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the above-

mentioned Applicants will apply to:‘the Witwatersrand Local Division of the High Court at corner of Pritchard and Von Brandis

Streets, Johannesburg, for an order in the following terms: — : : so

1. The applicants are given leave to change the matrimonial property ‘system which applies to their marriage by ‘the

execution and registration of a notarial contract, a draft of which is. attached.to. the-First Applicant’s.supporting affidavit and is

marked “B” and which contract, after registration thereof, will regulate their matrimorial property system.

2. The Registrar of Deeds i is authorized to register the said notarial contract.

3. This order— ,

3.1 will lapse if the said notarial contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within three (3) months of date of

granting of this order; and So ,

3.2 will not prejudice the rights of any creditor-of the Applicants as_at date of registration of the contract:

Mark Yammin, Hammond & Partners,.Applicants’ Attorneys, Seventh: Floor, Bédford-Centre; Smith Street; Bedford Gardens,

Bedfordview, 2008; P.O. Box 75090, Gardenview, 2047. (Tel. 606-4379/4354.) (Ref. M. D. Yammin/vs/NH5126.)

38 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

Oey al Bla. ong Voce hs ae ot Case No. 13382/97


* (Witwatersrand Local Division)...

In the matter between THORNTON, MALCOLM CRAIGE, First Applicant, and THORNTON, KATHARINE LISA ~ (born SHAW), Second Applicant, and THE REGISTRAR OF DEEDS, JOHANNESBURG, Respondent»

Take notice that on 8 July 1997 at 10:00, or so soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, the above-mentioned Applicants will apply to the Witwatersrand Local Division. of the High Court at Johannesburg for an order in the following terms: .”:

1. The applicants are given leave.to change: the matrimonial. property system. which applies to-their_marriage-by the execution and registration of a notarial contract, a draft of whereof is attached to the First Applicant’s. supporting affidavit and is marked “A” and which contract, after registration thereof, will regulate their property system.

2. The Registrar of Deeds is authorized to-register the said: notarial contract.- --:

3. This order—

3.1 will lapse if the said notarial contract-is‘not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within two (2) months of date of grant- ing of this order; and 4’ ;

. 3.2 will not prejudice the tights o of any. creditor of the Applicants : as 5 at date of registration of the. contract.

P. M. McDonald & Partners, Applicants’ Attorney, 7 Nigel Road, Springs, 1560.-[Tel. (011) 362-5450.]}


Geliewe daarop te let dat die Hoér Hof van Suid-Afrika (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) c op 20 Mei 1997, die 2° volgende Hofbevel op ’n tydelike basis gemaak het, tot tyd en.wyl-die-tussentydse-bevel ’n finale bevel van die Hof gemaak word:

1. Dat ’n bevel nisi uitgereik word, wat alle Pelanghebbende parye oproep om beswaar te maak teen die bogemelde wysiging van huweliksbedeling op 1:Julie. 1997.* mo ee

1.1 Verlof was verleen, aan Daniél Mashele en. 1 Dorris Chabi Mashele om hulle huweliksbedeling te verander in terme van artikel 21. (1) van Wet No. 88 van 1984, van ’n huwelik in: gemeenskap van goedere tot ’n huwelik buite gemeenskap van goedere met toepassing van die aanwasbedeling, welke notariéle huweliksvoorwaardekontrak, na regmagtigde regisirasie, die huweliksbedeling tussen die bogemelde partye sal beheer.

1.2 By Registrateur van Aktes, te Pretoria, béveel word om die genoemde huweliksvoorwaardekontrak te registreer binne 'n periode van 3 (drie) maande na 1 Julie 1997, by gebreke waarvan die gemelde Hofbevel sal verval.

1.3 By die huidige regte van alle krediteure van die bovermelde pariye s se e gesamentiike | boedel, hie in venige wyse benadee| sal word deur ’n finale bevel nie. : . : a ne

2. Dat die genoemde Bevel nisi as volg gepubliseer word:

2.1 Een publikasie in die Staatskoerant: —

2.2 Twee publikasies in die Beeld; . -

2.3 Twee e publikasies in die Citizen, .

4. Dat die koste van hierdie aansoek, ‘betaal word deur die gesamentlike boadel van Danial en. Doiris Mashele, voor

toepassing van die aanwasbedeling wat mag toepassing vind ten aansien van ‘die notariéle huweliksvoorwaardekontrak.

Heystek Oberholzer Louw Ing., Posbus 10234, Hennopsmeer, 0046. ‘el. (012) 663- -2096] [Faks. (01 2), 663- -2085.]



Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioensfondse, No. 24 van 1956, gegee dat ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening,. 'n voorlopige balansstaat .en ’n _voorlopige.. distripusierekening. van die CSM..Voorsorgfonds, : No. 12/8/27705, gedurende die tydperk van 20 Junie. 1997 tot 20 Julie 1997 vir insae beskikbaar. sal wees by. die kantore van:,

1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Rigellaan-Suid-446, Erasmusrand, Pretoria::

. 2. Die Hooflanddros, Paradestraat.9-11, Kaapstad. -- fo :

3. Consolidated Sales & Merchandising CC, Belvedereweg 123, Claremont.

Enige belanghebbende persoon wat besware het teen die voorgemeide rekenings én state moet asseblief skriftelik sy

besware indien by die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo. Park,:0102,.nie later nie.as.28 Julie. 1997.

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997, sss No. 18068 39


‘Notice is hereby given in.terms of section 28 (7) of the Pensidn:Funds Act, No: 24 of 1956, that a preliminary liquidation

account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of the CSM Provident Fund, No. 12/8/27705, will

be open for inspection for the period 20 June 1997 to.20 July 1997 at the offices of:

1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, 446 Rigel Avenue South, Erasmusrand, Pretoria.

2. The Chief Magistrate, 9-11 Parade Street, Cape Town...

3. Consolidated Sales and Merchandising CC, 123 Belvedere: Road, Claremont.

Any interested persons who has objections ‘to the aforesaid:accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing

to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 28 July 1 1997.

aie — SP


Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned intend applying to the District Commissioner for the District of Tabankulu for

the issue to me of a licence to conduct a hawker’s business on a special site to’ be applied for, registered inthe name of Simon

Mtolo, in the Administrative Area No. 19 called Zulu A/A. oS :

Any objections to this application should be lodged with the District Commissioner of Tabankulu not later than 30 days from

._ the date of publication hereof.. SR

Name of applicant: Simon Mtolo.

Address of applicant: Zulu A/A, Tabankulu.


Notice i is hereby given that I, the undersigned intend applying to the District Commissioner for the District of Ngqeleni for

the issue to me of a licence to conduct a café business on a special site to be applied for, registered in the name of Sizakele

Ngcozana, in the Administrative Area No. 15 called Bukwini. | .

Any objections to this application should be lodged with the. District Commissioner of Ngaéieni not later than 30 days from

the date of publication hereof.

Name of applicant: Sizakele Ngcozana.

Address of applicant: Siyabulela Store, P.O. Ngqeleni.


Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned intend applying to the District Commissioner for the District of Umtata for the

issue to me of a licence to conduct a hawker’s business on a special site to be applied for, registered i in the name of Novuyiseko

M. Mayi, i in the Administrative Area called Zimbane:

Any objections to this application should be lodged with the District Commissioner of Umtata’ not later than 30 days from

the date of publication hereof.

Name of applicant: Novuyiseko M. Mayi.

Address of applicant: P.O. Box 1024, Umtata.


Notice is hereby given that |, the undersigned intend applying to the District Commissioner for the District of Mt. Fletcher

for the issue to me of a licence to conduct a hawker’s business on a special site to’ be applied for,’ registered in the name of

Victor P. Dzingwa, in the Administrative. Area called Ezingonyameni. ma

‘Any objections to this application should be lodged with the District | Commissioner ‘of Mt: Fletcher r not later than 30 days

from the date of publication. hereof. oo , ee . See Soe

Name of applicant: Victor P. Dzingwa.. :

Address of applicant: P.O. Box 49, Mt. Fletcher.

‘40 No. 18068 ._—. - . GOVERNMENT T GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997 .


Notice is ‘hereby given that.l, the undersigned intend applying to the District Commissioner for the District of Maluti for the issue to me of a licence to conduct a conversion of residential to business on a special site to be applied for, registered in the name of Lungisa Neville Gwabeni, in the Administrative Area called Maluti.

Any objections to this application should be lodged with the District Commissioner of Maluti not later than 30 days from the date of publication hereof.

Name of applicant: Lungisa Neville Gwabeni.

Address of applicant: Box 46, Maluti, 4740.


Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned intend applying to the District Commissioner for the District of Nqaamakwe for the issue to me of a licence to conduct a hawker’s business on a special site to be applied for, registered in the name. of Nosebenzile Gulwa, in the Administrative Area No. 007 called Ngqwazi.

Any objections to this application should be lodged with the District Commissioner of Nqamakwe not later t than 30 days from the date of publication hereof.

_ Name of applicant: Nosebenzile Gulwa.

Address of applicant: P.O. Box 74, Ngamakwe.


Notice is hereby given that 1, the undersigned intend applying to the District Commissioner for the District of Umzimkulu for the issue to me of a licence to conduct a hawker’s business on a special site to be applied for, registered in the name of Ellias Mthaphani Tshambula, in the Administrative Area No. 17 called Sihleza.

Any objections to this application should be lodged with the District Commissioner of Umzimkulu not later than 30 days from the date of publication hereof.

Name of applicant: Ellias Mthaphani Tshambula.

Address of applicant: P.O. Box 1170, Harding, 4680. °° -


Notice is hereby given that we intend to apply for a certified copy of Deed of Transfer passed in favour of Mbuyiselo Reward Cetumani (born on 19 December 1953) in respect of:

Certain Erf 663, Port St Johns, Port St Johns Transitional Local Council, District of Umzimvubu, Province of the Eastern Cape, in extent one six three five (1 635) square metres.

All person having objection to. the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Umtata within 21 days from the date of publication of this notice.

Dated at Umtata this 9th day of June 1997.

Ntsebeza Inc., 16.Owen Street, Umtata. (Ref. HNVL/nym/0120.)




. Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of the Municipal Ordinance 20 of 1974 and the Land Use Planning

Ordinance 15 of 1985 that it is the TLC’S intention to subdivide Erf 323, Lusikisiki, close the new portion, alienate, and rezone from Public Open Space to Special Residential.

Fuil details of the aforesaid proposals are available at the Town Cterk’s Office, during office hours.

Objections, if any, may be lodged i in writing with the undersigned within 21 days of Publication date of this n notice.

Town Clerk —


STAATSKOERANT,.20 JUNIE 1997 No. 18068 41


Notice is hereby ¢ given that I, ‘the undersigned intend applying to the District Commissioner for the District of Bizana for the

transfer to me of a licence to conduct a café business on a special s site to be applied for, registered in the name of Noxolo

Jojozi, in the Administrative Area No. 16 called Imizizi.

Any objections to this application should be lodged with the District Commissioner of Bizana not tater than 30 days from

the date of publication hereof.

Name of applicant: Zipozonke Msomi.

_ Address of applicant: Redoubt Store, P.O. Redoubt, Bizana.


Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned intend applying to the District Commissioner for the District of Idutywa for the

issue to me of a licence to conduct a hawker’s business on a special site to be ? applied for, registered in the name of Mxinwa

Mfusi, in the Administrative Area No. 8 called Idutywa.

Any objections to this application should be lodged with the District Commissioner of Idutywa not later than 30 days from

the date of publication hereof. : cs

Name of applicant: Mxinwa Mfusi.

Address of applicant: P.O. Box 138, Idutywa.

eiaane arte steel


Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned intend applying to the District Commissioner for the District of Ngqeleni for

the issue to me of a licence to conduct a hawker’s business on a special site to be applied for, registered in the name of Leon

S. Gcolotela, in the Administrative Area No. 2 called Burntingville.

Any objections to this application shouid be lodged with the District Commissioner of Nggeleni r not later than 30 days from

‘the. date of publication hereof. , Oo be

Name of applicant: Leon S. Gcolotela.

Address of applicant: Burntingville, P.O. Burntingville, Umtata.


Case No. 4278/97

IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Durban and Coast Local Division)

In the matter between DEAN ASHMORE, First Applicant and VANESSA ASHMORE, Second Applicant and ex parte

application by the Applicants for the extension of the Registration of the Antenuptial ¢ Contract in terms of section 87

of Act No. 47 of 1937

Please note that application wiil be made to the above Court on 15 July 1997 at 09: 30 for an order in the following terms:

1. That the Applicants be and is thereby granted an extension of time to allow them to register their Antenuptial Contract in

terms of section 87 of Act No. 47 of 1937.

2. That the applicants be and that they are thereby’ granted leave to ‘register their Antenuptial Contract signed and

attested to on 8 August 1996, within such extended period.

3. That the Applicants are accordingly granted leave to change the ‘matrimonial property system which applies to their

marriage from in Community of Property to one in terms of the Notarial Contract with effect from 10 August 1996.

4. That the change in the said matrimonial regime ; shall not prejudice the rights of any of the Applicants Creditors whose

claims arose before 10 August 1996.

5. That the Registrar of Deeds for the Province of ‘Natal be and that he is ‘thereby authorised to register the aforesaid

Notarial Contract. .

Further and/or alternative relief

_ Dated.at Durban on this 10th day of June 1997.

. E. M. van Huyssteen, for Strauss Daly Inc., Applicant's Attomeys, Second Floor, 21 Aliwal Street, Durban. (Ref. Van


42 No..18068 GOVERNMENT. GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997


a _ ELECTION OF EXECUTORS, CURATORS AND TUTORS The estates of the persons mentioned below being unrepresented, interested parties are hereby given notice

by Masters of the Supreme Court of South Africa, that meetings will be held in the several estates at the places, dates and times specified, for the purpose of selecting some person or persons for approval by the respective Masters, as fit and proper to be appointed by them as executors, curators and tutors, as the case may be, indicating the particulars as follows: Estate number, surname and christian names of deceased, and occupation; date of death; place, date and time of meeting.

Meetings in a place in which there is a-Master’s Office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.

_N.B.: Items indicated by an asterisk (*) on the left-hand side denote the election of a tutor or curator; otherwise an executor is to be elected.

VERKIESING VAN EKSEKUTEURS, KURATORS EN VOOGDE Aangesien die boedels van die persone hieronder vermeld nie verteenwoordig is nie, word hierby deur

Meesters van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika aan: belanghebbendes kennis gegee dat byeenkomste ten — opsigte van die verskillende boedels op die plekke, datums en tye vermeld, gehou sal word, met die doel om ’n persoon of persone te kies vir goedkeuring deur die onderskeie Meesters as geskik en bekwaam om deur hulle aangestel te word as eksekuteurs, kurators of voogde, na gelang van omstandighede, met aanduiding van die besonderhede in die volgorde: Boedelnommer, familienaam en voorname van-oorlede persoon, en beroep; datum van oorlye; plek, datum en tyd van byeenkoms. .

In ’n plek waarin 'n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester gehou en in ander plekke voor die Landdros. oe

L.W.: Items aan die linkerkant met ’n sterretjie (*) gemerk, dui aan die verkiesing van ’n voog of kurator; andersins word ’n eksekuteur gekies. —


4685/89—Bosman, Petrus Jacobus, Hartwiglaan 72, Worcester. Landdros, Worcester, 97-07-03, 10:00, Kaap die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale Afdeling. Se


1718/96/4—Meyer, Ivor Eugene, stock controller, 3 March 1996, East London, 97-07-04, 10:00, Eastern Cape. .. _. 26/9/3-44/97—Underhill, Hazel Ursula, teacher, 1996-09-28, Master’s Office, Umtata, 1997-07-08, 10:00, Eastern Cape,

Transkei. , , 26/9/3-17/97—De Kriek, Johan, mechanic, 1997-02-15, Master's Office, Umtata, 97-07-08, 10:00, Eastern Cape (Transkei


Form/Vorm J 295 a

CURATORS AND TUTORS: MASTERS’ NOTICES In terms of section 75 of Act No, 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given of appointments of persons as curators or

tutors by Masters, or of their having ceased in their respective capacity.

The information is given in the following order: Number of matter; person under curatorship, or minor, and address; name and address of curator or tutor; whether appointment or cease in capacity, and date; Master of the Supreme Court.

"=. USTAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE*1997 ~ . No. 18068 43

KURATORS EN VOOGDE: MEESTERS SE KENNISGEWINGS Ingevolge artikel 75 van Wet No: 66 van'1965, word hierby Kennis gegee van die aanstelling van persone as

kurators of voogde deur Meesters, of van die beéindiging van aanstellings in sodanige hoedanighede..

Die inligting word.verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer. van..saak;. persoon. onder kuratele, of minderjarige, en

adres; naam en adres'van’ kurator of voog; of aanstelling’ of beéindiging daarvan, en datum; Meester van die


10527/84—Hester Gertruida van Staden, SASSAR Retirement Village, Kettle Street, Ravenskiip, Witfield. Curator, Lizelle

Mercia Vos:: of 28-Gazania Street; Esterpark ‘Extension: 1, Kempton :Park;.and Marie: Isabel-Stavrinos. of 10.Ebony Road,

Primrose, Germiston. Appointment, 5 October 1988. vot o: he

10083/80—Hyman Israel Groom, 64 Los Angeles, Paul Nel Street, Hillorow, Johannesburg, 2001. Curator, Charles Zell

Rarigecroft; c/o Kessel Feinstein; 137 Daisy Street, corner of Grayston Drive, Sandown, 2196.:Appointment ceased, 9 July 1996

(date of death of Hyman Israel Groom). te

ee, (CAPE * KAAP..

- .9165/93—Paul Andriés Mouton, Huis Berysig, Riebeek-Wes’ Kuratot/Voog, Johann Sadie, Posbus 158, Voikskasgebou,

. Voortrekkerweg 61; Malmesbury;-7299. Beéindiging, 19: Desember 1996: Kaap die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale. “+ os

“’ §57/96/7B--Joriathan Kark; ‘c/o 811: Chaitleigh House, Beach Road; Three Anchor Bay, 8001: Curator/Tutor, Jeffrey

Rodney Flax and Molly Kark,.c/o Sonnenberg:Hoffmann. & Galombik, P.O. Box 2293, Cape Town,.8000. Cessation, 9 April 1997.

Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division. sige yee CS fe a oe


9091/96—Mrs Gwendoline Olive Hilda Castle, Rosewood Estates, Loop Street, Pietermaritzburg. Curator/Tutor, Julian

von Klemperer, Von Klemperer Davis & Harrison Inc., 234 Berg Street, Pietermaritzburg. 23 May 1997. Natal Provincial Division, Pietermaritzburg. oO LEE aT na rn |

6676/95—Narainsamy Thandraya Pillay, 25 Cowey Road, Berea, Durban. Curator, Barathanathan Pillay, Ninth Floor,

Fenton House, 14/20 Fenton Road (off Smith Street), Durban. Appointment, 3 June 1997. Natal Provincial Division,

Pietermaritzburg. . “



70/97—Isabella Catharina Kasselman, van Skoonspruit, Posbus 599, Bothaville, 9660. Kurator/Voog, Daniél Wilhelmus

Strauss, Presidentstraat 13 (Posbus -7); Bothaville; 9660: Aanstelling; *6 Maart-1997.° Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling,

Bloemfontein. - oy. ee a | .

_2215/93-—Willem Jacobus Smit, Die Sentrum vir Bejaardes (Spes. Sorgeenheid), Bloemfontein. Kurator,.J. P. J. Smit &

M. C.-C. Botha, Rosendorff en Reitz Barty; Posbus 41, Bloemfontein. Beéindiging, 10 Mei 1996. Oranjée-Vrystaatse Provinsiale

Afdeling, Grahamstad. ee oS

Form/Vorm J 193 :

NOTICE TO GREDITORS IN-DECEASED ESTATES .. -All-persons*having claims against:the estates mentioned below are hereby. called upon to lodge their claims

with the executors concerned, within 30 days:(or-otherwise ‘as indicated) calculated from the date of publication

hereof. The information is given in the following order: Estate number, surname and christian names, date of

birth, identity‘number, last‘address, ‘date of death; surviving spouse’s names, surname, date of birth and identity

number;‘name and’address of executor and ‘authorised agent, period allowed for lodgement of claims if other than

30 days. ce

44 No. 18068: GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997


Alle persone wat vorderinge: het teen die boedels. hieronder vermeld, word hierby versoek om hul vorderinge by die betrokke eksekuteurs en binne ’n tydperk van 30 dae (of andersins soos aangedui) gereken vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan in te lewer. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: Boedelnommer, familienaam en voorname, geboortedatum, identiteitsnommer, laaste adres, datum oorlede; nagelate eggenoot(note). se name, familienaam, geboortedatum en persoonsnommer; naam en adres van eksekuteur: of gemagtigde agent; tydperk toegelaat vir lewering van vorderings indien anders as ‘30 dae.


McKenzie, Lloyd Maxwell, 14 Desember 1959, 5912145034089, Leostraat 114, Ennerdale, Odin Park, 26 Februarie 1996; Gwyneth Jacqueline McKenzie, 12 Maart 1954, 5403120081014. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria.

2221/97—Johannes Frederick de Vries, 1909065030000, Munnikstraat 34A, 25° Januarie 1997. G. Myburgh, vir De Vaal, Myburgh, Van Heerden & Rudolph, Posbus 246, Louis Trichardt, 0920. 30 dae.

Burchell, Reginald Wiliam Llewellyn, 1926-02-03, 260203501 9000, Warmbadplaas, Sussensvale, Warmbad, 10 April 1997; Johanna Christina Burchell, 3512220052006. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria.

Baloyi, Lucky Velaphi, 21 Maart 1967, 6703215238083, 882 Block BB, Soshanguve, 7 Mei 1997. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria.

18708/96—Joubert, Josua Johannes, 1935- 10-15, 3510155028082, 12de Laan 731, Wonderboom-Suid en Mullerstraat 33, Freeminville, Klerksdorp, 1996- 10-23; Baby Aletta Maria Joubert, 1941-01-27, 4101270017009. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 383, Pretoria.

_ 5961/97—Le Roux, Charl du_ Plessis, 1930- 01-19, 3001195045005, Mansfieldlaan 27, Dawnview, 1401, 1997-03-17; Alettha Magdelena le Roux, 1935-05-20, 3505200039001. Char! le Roux, Mansfieldlaan 27, Dawnview, 1401.

. 7665/97—Rudolph, Petrus Johannes, 4 Augustus 1920, 2008045032001, Plot 99, Weigedacht,. Springs, 4 April 1997. Retief Prokureurs, Posbus 389, Springs, 1560.

7642/97—Wilhelmina. Schultz,.23 Augustus 1964, 6408230034088, Plot 25,. Waterglen, Rustenburg, 23 April 1997; getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met Peter Henry Schultz. Die Eksekuteur, Wessels & Le Roux Ingelyf, Posbus 54, Kerkstraat 111, Rustenburg.

7018/97—Van Heerden, Louwrens Jacobus, 27. November 1922, 2209275028004, Rietfontein, Derby, 25 April 1997. Rootman Nel, Privaat Sak 82302, Rustenburg, 0300.

5980/97—Vangarajaloo, Baikie, 1928-11-20, 2811200088053, 366 Marble Street, Laudium, Pretoria, 12 January 1997. K. Pillay Attorneys, P.O. Box 1031, Pretoria. 30 days. :

10/3/1-1102/93—Modisane, Sefanye Spoor, 5 Julie 1905, 0507050100301, Silverkrans, provinsie Noordwes, 10 Julie 1993. Vandenberg Prokureur, Posbus 126, Groot Marico, 2850.

6168/97—Van ‘den Berg, Gert Andries, 1936-05-19, 3605195020082, Swemmerstraat 767, Rietfontein, Pretoria, 97-01-29. F. A. Luther, Posbus 39450, Faerie Glen, 0043.

1148/97—Daniéls, Valerie, 1930-07-06, 3007060118017, Berthawoonstelle 1040, Pricestraat Newclare, Johannesburg, 96-10-23; Eric George Daniéls, 1922- 11-28, 2211285070018. Mnr. F. J. MacKay, p.a. Hamann Prokureurs, Posbus 14550, Sinoville, 0129.

20488/96—Jacobs, Jurgens Johannes, - 14 Junie 1932, 3206145015004, Cedarstraat 18, Lindhaven, Roodepoort, 3 Desember 1996; Catharina Magdalena Jacobs, 13. Junie 1946, 4606130061088, Mor. Gous, vir Louw & Heyl, Posbus 360, Roodepoort.

3072/97—Massyn, Maria Johanna, 1917- 08- 23, 1 708230013085, Palmsigwoonstelle 10, Lydenburg, 1996-12-24. Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 600, Nelspruit.

7528/97—Gelbart, Hymie, 1915-06-15, 1506155018083, 211 Gleneagles, Second Avenue, Killarney, Johannesburg, 1997-04-12. Sonnenberg Hoffmann & Galombik, Norwich on St George’s, St George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8001.

2051/97—Diepu, Nomusa Khanyisiwe, Ert 3304, Hillsview, Kagiso, Krugersdorp, 14 September 1995. Smith van der Watt, Posbus 399, Paardekraal, 1752.

8521/97—Van Rensburg, Willem Jacobus, 1923- 03- 05, 2303055015008, plaas Vrolikheid, Delareyville, 1997-05-31; Marie van Rensburg, 1939-10-10, 3910100045001. MacRobert De Villiers Lunnon & Tindall, Posbus 276, Pretoria, 0001.

_ 5659/97—Ribnick, .Solly Rudolph, 9 November 1932, 3211095082004, Kortstraat 21, Hendrina, 1095, 29 Maart 1997; Johanna Magdalena Petronella Ribnick, 14 Junie..1936, 3606140003006. Birman & Serfontein Prokureurs, Posbus. 194, Moutonstraat 35; Hendrina, 1095.’

- 3381/97—Els, Jan Coenraad, 6 Julie 1954, 5407065148084, Aluminalaan 27, / Dersley Park, Springs, 4 Februarie 1997; Fransiena Jacoba’.Els, 18 November 1956, 5611180021080. Legatus Trust. (Edms:) ‘Beperk, Blok B206, hoek van D. F. Malanrylaan en Judgeslaan, Randburg, 2194.

STAATSKOERANT,.20 JUNIE 1997 No. 18068 45

3223/97—Jonker, Pieter Daniel. Francois, 7 Junie 1968, 6806075213086, Westerlandwoonstelle 15, Rustenburg,

4 November 1997. Legatus Trust (Edms.) Beperk, Blok B206, hoek van D. F. Malanrylaan en Judgeslaan, Randburg, 2194.

4734/97—Pienaar, Stephanus Andries, 20 Januarie 1942, 4201205006087, Halzstraat.42, Krugersdorp-Wes, 6 Maart

1997; Hester Engela Sophia Pienaar, 22 Desember 1949, 4912220003000. Legatus Trust (Edms.) Beperk, Blok B206, hoek

van D. F. Malanrylaan en Judgeslaan, Randburg, 2194.

179/97—Delport, Herman, 22 Februarie 1955, 5502225040088, Maysonweg 13, Clayville, Olifantsfontein, 24 November

1996; Gesina Sophia Delport, 11 Junie 1959, 5906110042085. Legatus Trust (Edms.) Beperk, Blok B206, hoek van D. F.

Malanrylaan en Judgeslaan, Randburg, 2194.

49685/96-—Moolman, Johan Hendrik, 1951-06- 15, 5106155630080, Losberglaan 60, Fochville, 2515, 1996-08-03. D. C.

Mooiman, Posbus 2353, Northcliff, 2115.

13034/96—Volschenk, Willem Jacobus, 26 Junie 1912, 1206265004087, Leydenstraat 20, Die Heuwel, Witbank, 31 Mei

1996; Elsie Elizabeth Susanna Volschenk, 6 April 1909, 0904060037002. Legatus Trust (Edms.) Beperk, Blok B206, hoek van

D. F. Malanrylaan en Judgeslaan, Randburg, 2194.

4856/97—Jacobs, Hester Jacoba Magdalena, 22 Desember 1944, 4412220028081, Poplarlaan 16, Waterval Boven,

6 Maart 1997;.Gert Stephanus Jacobs, 17 Augustus 1935, 3508175015006. Victor D. Weimar & Seuns, Posbus 11, Belfast,


5041/97—-Korf, Carel Wilhelmus, 2805035024082, Mispelstraat 60, Rustenburg, 15 Februarie 1997; Barendina Johanna

Korf, 28 Junie 1931, 3106280027089. Duren Prokureurs, Privaatsak X012, Vanderhbijlpark, 1900.

Davies, John Herbert Fletcher, 1929-12- 22, 2912225001084, plaas Vienan, Maretsane, Vryburg, 1997- 04-16. ABSA Trust

Bpk., Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620. -

4270/97—Duffy, James, 1919-01-13, 1901135053187, 10 Springbok Flats, Springbok Avenue, Vereeniging, 1997-02-04.

First National Trust, P.O. Box 1538, Klerksdorp. _

10748/96—Magalo, Mirriam Leshata, 1913-08-05, 1308050070081, 34 Mhianga Street, Atteridgeville, Pretoria,

1996-06-19. P. B. Angelopulo & Co., P.O. Box 589, Pretoria, 0001.

6153/97—Van Vuuren, Harmanus Gerhardus, 1941-12-04, 4112045006089, die plaas Catharina, Posbus 259,

Christiana, 1997-03-21; Anna Elizabeth Janse van Vuuren, 1943-08-11. Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 1538, Klerksdorp.

4950/97—Botha, Frieda Elizabeth, 1943-11- 13, 4311130001008, Plot Rietspruit, Nelspruit, 1997-03-13. Eerste Nasionale

Trust, Posbus 600, Nelspruit.

8072/97—Matthews, Geoffrey Bassett, 1947- 02-15, 4702155103002; Plot 225, Wilgeheuwel, Roodepoort, 9 May 1997.

J. B. Hugo & Cronje, P.O. Box 115, Krugersdorp, 1740.

6669/97/Ond.9—Inacio, Luis Manuel, 1960-06-05, 6006055103080, 10 Oaktree Villas, Albatros’Street, Helderkruin,

Roodepoort, 14 April 1997; Maria Anuelia Faria Inacio, 1968-04-16, 6804160169081. J. .B. Hugo & Cronje, P.O. Box 115,

Krugersdorp, 1740.

10261/96—Calitz, Felix Cilliers, 25-03-13, 2503135052000, Wilde Peer Villa 11, Wildepeerlaan 201, Wonderboom,

Pretoria, 96-04-23; Jean Roseline Calitz, 31-11-11, 3111110016001. Sanlam Trust Beperk, Posbus 976, Pretoria, 0001.

6429/97—Elloitt, James, 31-02-28, 3102285002185, 32 Van Reenen Crescent, Vanderbijlpark, 2 April 1997. R. W. Evans

‘A (SA), P.O. Box 202, Henley on Klip, 1962.

7190/97—Hiestermann, Gerhard August, 24-08-11, 2408115023080, Remskoenstraat 494, Die Wilgers, 97-05-05.

M. L. Schutte, Posbus 650580, Benmore, 2010.

4083/97—Strydom, Jaques, 1962-03-17, 6203175076003, “Leadwoodstraat 80, Hectorspruit, 1997- 03+ 02. ‘Eerste

Nasionale Trust, Posbus 600, Nelspruit. ;

4084/97—Strydom, Carolyn Margaret, 1959-05-18, 5905180041001, Leadwoodstraat 80, Hectorspruit, 1997- 03- 02.

Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 600, Nelspruit, 1200.

7232/97—Van Wyk, Johannes Martinus, 14 Desember 1921, 2112145023009, Reitzstraat 15, Warmbad, 20 April 1997.

Van Velden-Duffey, Privaatsak 82082, Rustenburg, 0300.

2445/97—Dustan, Marion. Rose, 5 April 1931, 3104050015087, 5 Buffalo Thorn. Road, Fourways Gardens, Sandton,

7 January 1997. Smith Jacobs & Braatvedt, P.O. Box 781495, Sandton, 2146.

4528/97—Davis, Sabina Rebecca, 26 September 1909, 0909260010089, 89 East Avenue, Athol, Sandton, 2196,

4 February 1997. Leonard Hatzkilson and Len Davis, Executors Testamentary, c/o Brener & Haitzkilson,, P.O. Box 9740,

Johannesburg, 2000. ,

8282/97—Faurie, Willem Diederik, 1931-04-13, 3104135025085, plaas Platvlei, distrik Lichtenburg, Noordwes-

provinsie, 19 Mei 1997. J. J. Sauer, Posbus 1, Lichtenburg, 2740.

7836/97—Tanziani, Ismene Guiseppina, 1917-01-10, 1701100062183, 405 Capitol Hill, 345 Walker Street, Muckleneuk,

1997-05-05. M. G. Burger, for Stegmanns Attorneys, First Floor, Celtis Plaza, 1085 Schoeman Street, Hatfield, Pretoria.

- 7003/97—-Deysel, William John, 1925-11-30, 2511305046009, Olgaweg 5, Valhalla, 1997-04-26; Maria Petronella Deysel,

1929-05-14. Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 40076, Arcadia.

16414/97—Neveling, Arnoldus Cornelius, 1920-09-15, 2009155018087, Posbus 149, Groot Marico, 1996-09-10;

Elizabeth Neveling, 1928-07-07,'2807070009085. Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 40076, Arcadia.

7064/97—Schmidt, Edward Richard, 1939-10-14, 3910145035009, Dan Pienaarlaan 11, Witbank, 1997-03- 15. Eerste

Nasionale Trust, Posbus 40076, Arcadia. 1

6958/97—Oosthuizen, Wilhelmina Dorothea, 1919-07-18, 1907180003001, Bosbokwoonstelle 805, Baileylaan, Arcadia,

0083, 1997-03-23. Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 40076, Arcadia.

46 No. 18068 = = == GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

' '2969/97—Odendaal, Gideon Bosman, 4 929-06-06, 2906065097087, 15 Melkhout Avenue, Geelhout Park, Rustenburg, 1997-01-19; Anna Magrietha, 1942-07-27, 42072701 39089. Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 40076, Arcadia.

" 7049/97—Neytzell-De Wilde, Geraldine, 1922-01-03, 2201030048088, Die Koraal 17, Suidstraat. 191, Pietersburg, 1997-04-07. Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 40076, Arcadia. -

_ 7927/97—Van Staden, Cornelius Frederick van der Nes, 1921-07-28, 2107285005006, Rabestraat 109, Potgietersrus, 1997-04-12; Johanna Maria van Staden, 1926-07-14, 2607140002007. Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 40076, Arcadia:

6862/97—Reynecke, Susara Petronella, 1928-09-24, 2809240012007, Plot Restant 294, Kameeldrift, Pretoria, 1997-03-21. Joeninne Jansen, p.a. Blakes Maphanga Ing., hoek van Alpineweg en South Village Steeg, Lynnwood, Pretoria.

* °13410/96—Pierre Anthony Marais. H. Nijland, P.O. Box 45, Henley on Klip, 1962. 30 days. 4032/97—Tjaart Steyn, 3007225018086, farm Koperfontein, District of Koster. Bernie du Randt & Company, Agents for the

Executrix, P.O. Box 6868, Westgate, 1734. 30 days. ~ oe 5359/97—Moolla, Rashid Ahmed, 1946-10-10,-46101 05036059, 75 Bezuidenhout Avenue, Bez Valley, 97-01-16. Osman

Lachporia & Associates, Suite 1, Third’Floor, 63 Avenue Road, Fordsburg. 7302/97—Macmenigall, William Henry, 24 July 1926, 2607245067087, 35 Mabei Street, Rosettenville, 7 April 1997. Von

Zwiklitz - Wright, Attorneys, P.O..Box 9; Rosettenville, 2130. — — 1726/97—Kevin John Cutler. Melamed & Hurwitz, Attorneys for Executor Testamentary, 70 Oxford Road, Riviera,

Johannesburg;.P.O. Box 9000, Johannesburg, :2000. 30 days. 4464/97—Allegra Christal Grace Lawrence, 1923-12-17, 2312170012006, 6 Willow Glen, Ouhout Avenue, Randpark

Ridge Extension 13, Randburg, 1997-03-01; Allan Colin Lawrence, 1925-12-18, 2512185041003. First National Trust, P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwold. 30 days:

2083/97—Roselyn':Prissman, 1931-06-19, 3106190032005, 100. Silver Oaks, 68 Louis Botha Avenue, Berea, Johannesburg, 1996-12-27. First National Trust,.P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwold. 30 days. .

:. 20092/96—John George Smith, 1908-10-19, 0810195023009, 408 Carlingford, Randjeslaagte, Johannesburg, 1996-08-25. First National Trust,.P.0. Box 52297, Saxonwold. 30 days.

: 13359/96—Carl Adolf Hermann Zarge, born on 1909-08-04, 0908045035080, 5 Rosen Street, Highlands North, Johannesburg, died on 1996-08-04, Final Liquidation and Distribution (Johannesburg).—First National Trust, P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwold. 7

. 2908/96—Maureen Collins, born on 1921-06-14, 2106140056006, 21 Hofmeyr Drive, Emmarentia Extension, died on 1996-01-16, Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution (Johannesburg).—First National Trust, P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwold.

- 307/97—Louis Federick Merritt, born on 1913-10-17, 1301175017004, El Kero Nursing Home, Hillbrow, 1996-11-29, Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (Johannesburg).—First National Trust, P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwold.

1655/97—Lena Martha Hunter, born on 1912-07-10, 1207100030089, Old Peoples Home, 112 Woburn Avenue, Benoni, died on. 1996-12-01, First.and Final Liquidation and. Distribution Account (Benoni).—First National Trust, P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwold. oe yo -

_ 7254/96—PierrePaul Edmond Boisacq, born on 1938-09-29, 3809295110184, 117 Greenway, Greenside, died on 1996-04-14, First Liquidation and Distribution Account (Johannesburg).—First National Trust, P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwoid.

.. 11826/96—Betty Abramowitz (born Berdin), born on 1929-11-05, 508 Tygerberg Flats, Primrose Terrace, Berea, died on 1996-07-16, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution (Johannesburg).—First Nationai Trust, P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwold.

7247/97—George Edward Bond, 1941-02-28, 4102285430187, 34 Swallow Drive, Four Ways, Sandton, 1997-05-04. First National Trust, P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwold. — Ce, pe

" 2451/97—Garland, Patricia, 1918-03-17, 1803170038083, 3 Alberton Village, 40 Trelawny Street, New Redruth, Alberton. 1997-01-31. Versfelds Attorney, 1338 Main Road, Crowthome; P.O. Box 651403, Benmore, 2010. 829/97—McKay, Jessie, 28 June 1912, 1206280037005, Roodepoort Sentrum vir Bejaardes, Robinson Avenue,

Discovery, Johannesburg, 26 November 1996. Francis Christian Goetzsche, P.O. Box 1 945, Parklands, 2121. _ 6872/97—Rahaba, Constance Sediane, 1934-01-29, 3401290211082, 7389B Diepkloof, Zone 4, P.O. Khotso 1864,

Johannesburg, 1997-03-05. First National Trust, P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwold. " 6400/97—Zaidel, Goldie Ruth, 16 August 1907, 0708160013080, c/o Jaffa Old Age Home, Mackie Street, New

Muckleneuk, Pretoria, 15 April 1997. Centner Levine & Company, First Floor, Norwood Place, 66 Grant Avenue, Norwood, 2192. __3045/97—Sousmayan, Gerard, 22 July 1918, 1807225051009, 48 Sixth Street, Houghton Estate, Johannesburg.

31 December 1996. Boss Bloom & Bobat, Second Floor, 37 Bath Avenue, Rosebank, 2196. 6264/97—Kelynack, Jessie Alexander, 21 April 1922, 220421 0060006, 16 Linmeyer Centre, Leeuw Street, Linmeyer,

17 March 1997. Von Zwiklitz & Wright, P.O. Box 9, Rosettenville, 2130. 4636/97—De Gouveia, Adelino Ferreira, 7 July 1932, 3207075030187, 2 Du Plessis Street, Windsor Glen, Randburg.

18 February 1997. Mrs Maria Izilda de Gouveia, 29 August 1934, 3408290092107. Mr Norman Sifris, P.O. Box 1699, Houghton, 2041. :

19447/96—Naidoo, Jothamma, 1938-09-05, 3809050264085, 56 D. F. Malan Drive, Roosevelt Park, Johannesburg. 1993-09-01. Attorney S. G. M. Mia, Third Floor, Victory House, 34 Hartison Street, Johannesburg; P.O. Box 62048, Marshalltown, 2107. 30 days. - oo Be

5270/97—Rose Waterman, 25 April 1911, 1104250018008, 501 Zaranu ‘Mansions, Claim Street, Joubertpark, Johannesburg, 2001, 17 March'1997. Messrs Cobus Bekker & Associates Inc., First Floor, Block B, 37 Harley Street, Ferndale (Docex 79), Randburg. [Tel. (011) 781-3009.] (Ref. Mr J. P. Bekker/oe/GBW 009.)

‘5166/97—Fernandes, Marguerite, 1930-01-24, 3001240031109, 207 Estoril, 6 Hopkins Street, Yeoville, Johannesburg, 24 February 1997. Francis Christian Goetzche, c/o Simon & Goetzsche, P.O. Box 1945, Parklands, 2121.

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE .1997 No. 18068 47

390/97-—-Resch, Johanna, 1 July 1914, 1407010026082, 52 Algernon Road, Norwood, 11 August 1996. Jenny Johanna

Knowles & Ingrid Elizabeth Willemse, 54 Algernon Road, Norwood, 2192.

1514/97—Smith, Freda, 3 January 1919, 1901030044083, 14 Woodburn Villas, Morningside, 25 December 1996. Moores

Rowland, Second Floor, Moores Rowland House, 5 St Davids Place, Parktown.

7353/97—Williams, Russel Dean Poulet, 18 March 1969, 6903185101085, 23 Hortensen Road, Florida Glen,

8 December. 1996; Patricia Williams, 1970-04-23, 7004230172087... Chibabhai Inc., First Floor, Howard House, 23 Loveday

Street (corner. of Main Street), Johannesburg; P.O. Box 61907, Marshailtown, 2107.

. 5266/97—Thomas, Harry Joseph Francis, 1929-10-03, 2910035010089, 57 Barrow Avenue, Riverlea, Johannesburg,

1996-09-08; Iris Cordelia Thomas, 1929-10-18, 2910180223081. Chibabhai Inc., First Floor, Howard House, 23 Loveday Street

(corner of Main.Street), Johannesburg; P.O. Box 61907, Marshalltown, 2107.

Ntikinca, Rose Tabia, 1922-09-19, 2209190139084, 11002 Extension 2, Dobsonville, 1997-04-02. Kathryn Adie, as

Nominee of the Standard Bank.of South Africa Limited, Private Bag X21, Garden View; 2047. 30 days.

10169/96—Van der Knaap, Arend (also known as John), 13 June 1912, 1206135051086, 16 Thembalami, 127 Daisy

Street, Sandown; Sandton, 2196, 11 May 1996. Fisher Hoffman Sithole, FHS House, 15 Girton Road, Parktown, 2193.

5850/97—Sack, Rebecca, 12 April 1926, 2604120032088, Room 332, Courtleigh Hotel, Abel Road, Berea, 27 January

1997. Fisher Hoffman Sithole, FHS House, 15 Girton Road, Parktown, 2193.

16444/96—Welgemoed, Gertruida Jacomina, 1917-12-09, 1712090024000, Pioneer House, Vanderbijipark, 2 August

1996. René Gray, c/o Maritzarift, Plot 4, District of Kaapse Hoop.

- 6757/97--Poppesqou, Edward Charles, 1938-01-18, 3801185067004, widower, 21 Kuhn Road, Albemarle, Germiston,

4997-03-26. Fluxman Rabinowitz Raphaely Weiner, Fourth Floor, Allianz House, 33 Baker Street, Rosebank, Johannesburg.

6933/97—Hale, Roger Martin, 1939-12-12, 3912125056088, 17 Mikro Close, Randhart, Alberton, 1997-03-28; Cheryl

Hale. Anna Bruno, as Nominee of the Standard Bank of South Africa Limited, Private Bag X21, Garden View, 2047. 30 days.

7985/97—Howorth, Harry, 1935-01-19, 3501195038181, 7 Fourth Street, Orange Grove, Johannesburg, 1997-03- 09.

Kathryn Adie, as Nominee of the Standard Bank of South Africa Limited, Private Bag X21, Garden View, 2047. 30 days.

6290/97—Jansen van Vuuren, Christina Georgina, 1921-01-26, 2101260001080, 6 Pienaar Street, Elsburg,

1997-02-14: Jan Gerhardus Lodewicus Jansen van Vuuren. Kathryn Adie, as Nominee of the Standard Bank of South Atrica

Limited, Private Bag X21, Garden View, 2047. 30 days.

Van der Merwe, Maria Dorothea, 1925-10-17, 2510170051003, 27 Reginald Avenue, Primrose Hill, 1997-04-07. Kathryn

Adie, as Nominee of the Standard Bank of South Africa Limited, Private Bag X21, Garden View, 2047. 30 days.

Bawden, Johannes Jacobus, 1928-07-26, 2807265034088, 148 Galteemore Street, Malvern, Johannesburg,

1997-05-03; Yvonne Josephine Bawden. Kathryn Adie, as Nominee of the Standard Bank of South Atrica Limited; Private

_ Bag X21, Garden View, 2047. 30 days.

9763/94—Antonio Berardi, 1938-08-20, 3808205039103, 3 Skyway, 16 Pope Street, Bellevue, Johannesburg, 30 March

1994. Angela Berardi, for Peter W. Wentzel, 82 Richmond Avenue, Auckland Park, Johannesburg.

6521/97—Kuming, Basil Stanley, 1937-01-04, 3701045059003, 11 Danya Road, Victoria. Park, 2195, 1997-04-05.

Mrs J. E. Phillips, P.O. Box 32800, Braamfontein, 2017.

4662/97—Patel, Mangi, 1907-11-11, 22 Impala Crescent, Extension 5, Lenasia, 30 January 1996. Mervin Messias,

P.O. Box 46008, Orange Grove, 2119.

6258/97—Compton Jack Godfrey, 1926-12-31, 2612315035006, Unit 14, Forest Glen,.38 Holt Street, Forest Hill,

Johannesburg, 1997-03-31; Margaritha Compton, 1919-11-08, 1911080038000. Milton Stoloff, Seventh | Floor, Kelhof,

112 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg. 30 days.

2039/97—Bird, Ivor, 1915-04-12, Unit 23G, Bayview Shores, 1 Ocean Street, Runaway Bay, Queensland, 95-06-08.

Krowitz Perlow Attorneys, Second Floor, 14 New Street South, Johannesburg; P.O. Box 2642, Johannesburg, 2000.

7028/97—Knight, Mavis Beryl, 1905-09-16, 0509160016002, 16 St Andrews Road, Glenadrienne, Sandton, 1997-04-05.

Langstatfe, Bird & Company, Fourth Floor West, 158 Jan Smuts, 9 Walters Road, Rosebank, 2196.

- 4700/97—Clayson, Edward Frederick George, 31 October 1917, 1710315022007, 28 Argyle Street, Waverley,

Johannesburg, 2090, 10. March 1997. Edgar Salmon & Salmon, P.O. Box 4199, Johannesburg, 2000.

4277/97—Govind, Hasmukhlal, 12 March 1938, 3803125082085, 133 Nightingale Avenue, Extension 1, Lenasia, 1827,

13 August 1996; Puspa Govind, 17 June 1937, 3706170055080. D. K. Motiram & Company, P.O. Box 42123, Fordsburg, 2033.

8855/97—Smit, David Muller, 8 September 1930, 3009085009007, Boschfontein, distrik Rustenburg, 10 Junie 1997. Mev.

Louiza, Dolley Schmutz, Bruarfossweg 4, Valhalla, Pretoria.

Rossouw, Michael Anthonie, 18 Oktober 1937, 3710185013001, Klopperstraat 302, Rustenburg, 0300, 1 Mei 1997;

Martha Ryna Rossouw, 8 Desember 1941, 4112080026007. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001. ABSA Trust Bpk.,

Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001. —

6688/97—Reintsbok, Jan Johannes, 12 Desember 1927, 2712125019081, Burgerrechtstraat 74, Christiana, 1997-04-01;

Susara Martina Aletta Elizabeth Reintsbok. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001.

6140/97—Smit, Roelof Frederik, 1960-03-24, 6003245003080, Naudestraat 14, Orchards-uitbreiding 11, Akasia, 1997-03-11;

Annemie Smit. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001.

Augustyn, Riaan, 1973-05-22, 7305225107081, Elbarwoonstelle 14, Orkney, 1997-05-05. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680,

Pretoria, 0001.

7026/97—Kies, Aletta Dorothea Frederika, 1929-08-13, 1308290049085, Ines Place 7, Joubertstraat, Vereeniging,

1997-04-24, ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001.

48 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

Roos, Gert Lukas, 1911-04-23, 1104235015087, Peperboomstraat 2, Herfsoord, Vanderbijlpark, 1997-04-15; Petronella Magrietha Roos, 1919-12-29, 1912290051080. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001. ot

Human, Anna Susanna, 47-11-27, 4711270097080, Japie Krigestraat 47, Unitas Park, Vereeniging, 1939, 13 April 1997; Willem Hermanus Jakobus Human, 1942-09-08, 4209085099086. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001.

Oelofse, Christoffel Roudolph, 1944-05-09, 4405095084080, Stegmanstraat 123, Randgate, 1763, 1997-04-13: Petronella Danellina Catharina Magdalena Oelofse, 1944-04-12, 4404120067004. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001. :

Benade, Gerard Michael, 34-08-12, 3408125013088, Kowiestraat 9, Drie Riviere, 97-04-27; Maureen Banade, 1946-12-23, 4612230012005. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001. /

Van Jaarsveld, Willem Sternberg Otto van Rensburg, 20-05-18, 2005185014005, Pleinstraat 7, Coligny, 1997-04-02; Hester Elizabeth Maria van Jaarsveld, 1925-05-21, 2505210007007. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001.

7130/97—Van der Linde, Hercules Marthinus, 1953-03-18, 5303185031088, Roy Campbellstraat 27, Vanderbijlpark, 1997-04-15; Hester Magdalena van der Linde, 1956-05-22, 5605220007000. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001.

Mayne, Robert Peter Mayne, 1958-03-01, 5803015088000, Alidalaan 4, Mooinooi, 0325, 1997-04-04;. Evelyn Mayne, 1958-03-08, 5803080008008. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001.

Swanepoel, Roelof Hennie, 17 Junie 1957, 5706175083085, Hedieraweg 14, Rustenburg, 0299, 19 April 1997. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001.

Koekemoer, Gottlieb Rudolph Koekemoer, 21 April 1926, 2604215010007, Snymanstraat 18, Collerville, Klerksdorp, 8 April 1997; Elizabeth Francina Koekemoer (gebore Pretorius), 5.September 1926. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001. : .

Venter, Neeltje Sophia Maria, 1912-10-06, 1210060046087, SAVF-aftreeoord, Hartebeespoortdam, Schoemansville, 1997-05-08. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001. ;

Strydom, Delilla, 1932-09-03, 3209030026003, Klopperstraat 70A, Rustenburg, 0300, 1997-05-11. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001. ,

Hechier, Elizabeth Susanna (gebore Steinberg), 23 November 1961, 6111230138009, Marloweweg 63, Orkney, 30 April 1997; Carel David Hechtern, 24 Desember 1955, 5512245011084. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001. ,

Van Rooyen, Willem Johannes Jacobus, geskei, 40-02-01, 4002015004080, Tugela Karvaanpark; Tugela Mond, 29 Maart 1997. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 4680, Pretoria.

Hugo, Stephanus Jacobus Daniel, 33-09-13, 33309135048009, Bloodwoodstraat 52, Melodie, Hartbeespoort, 97-04-21. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001.

Victor, Theunis Gerhardus, 24 Maart 1952, 5203245074088, Badenhorststraat 6, Vanderbijlpark, 1911, 17 April 1997; Hennelia Fransien Victor, 7 November 1948, 4811070101007. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001.

De Lange, Amos Joseph, 34-02-16, 3402165015087, Pelicanlaan 33, Rooihuiskraal, 97-04-18; Victoria Johanna de Lange, 35-03-16, 3503160030003. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001.

8095/97—Theunissen, Nicolaas Jacobus, 6 Julie 1927, 2707065002006, Spoeletralaan 6, Sannieshof, 29 April 1997; Hester Gertruida Johanna Theunissen, 1928-06-24, 2806240007086. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001. —

Coetzee, Georg Eduard, 1922-07-15, 2207155009086, Greeflaagte Lichtenburg, 1997-05-04; Carolina Petronella Coetzee, 1926-03-13, 2603130006009. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001.

Swart, Jacobus Gerhardus, 28-05-07, 2805075002006, Vierde Laan 970, Wonderboom-Suid, 1997-05-19. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001. ,

Van Staden, Susanna Catharina, 1931-03-17, 3103170015001, Ou Sials Hoogte 103, Hamiltonstraat 116, Arcadia, 1997-04-20. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001. :

8209/97—Coetzee, Sarel Johannes, 1927-10-02, 2702105036080, Erasmusstraat 3A, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp, 1997-05-20. Andries Johannes van Tonder, vir Anstelle Trustees, Posbus 552, Klerksdorp.

5200/96—Korff, Suzanne, 1972-11-04, 7211040102085, Gretanpark, Woonstel 14, Jorrisenstraat, Pietersburg, 1996-01-26; Abraham Johannes Korff, 1970-12-25, 7012255206086. Joaquin Thomas Grobler, Posbus 13124, Hatfield, 0028.

8633/97—Jones, Geraldine Graham, 7 July 1915, 1507070028082, 246 Glenhaven, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, 31 May 1997. Syfrets Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 13731, Hatfield, 0028.

6778/97—Van Wyngaarden-Lindhout, Christiaan, 1912-11-04, 1211045017086, Pinehurst Drive, White River Country Club, Witrivier, 1240, 1997-04-20; Alida Elizabth Johanna van Wyngaarden-Lindhout, 1922-07-06, 2207060057089. A. Bekker, Coetzee Prokureurs, Posbus 7231, Pretoria, 0001; 15de Verdieping, SALU-gebou, hoek van Schoeman- en Andriesstraat, Pretoria, 0001.

7/1/2-46/97—Rangoanasha, Elizabeth Dikeledi, 1967-04-17, 6704170335088, unmarried, 10 Cadrille Flats, 281 Jacob Mare Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria, 1997-02-07. Mr A. J. G. Hobbs, c/o P.O. Box 1014, Pretoria, 0001. a

6868/97—Reynders, Mannine Priscilla, 1927-04-24, 2704240051008, Limbalaan 22, Kempton Park, 23 April 1997. Car! Lodewicus Koekemoer, Consilitor Trust en Finansiéle Dienste, Vyfde Verdieping, Bureau Forumgebou, Bureaulaan (Posbus 5873), Pretoria.

7163/97—Zietsman, Hendrik Albertus, 29 April 1911, 1104295018088, Lichthuis-ouetehuis, Lichtenburg, 29 April 1997. F. A. Jonker & Vennote, Privaatsak X12038, Lichtenburg, 2740.

7478/97—Roos, Paulus Petrus, 26 Oktober 1920, 2010265003084, Parktown Mews 35, Greenstraat, Parktown, Pretoria, 11 April 1997; Mavis Mary Roos, 26 Junie 1926, 2606070031089. Mavis Mary Roos, Parktown Mews 35, Greenstraat, Parktown, Pretoria.

__ STAATSKOERANT, 20. JUNIE 4997, ....... No. 18068" "49°"

‘Hyslop, ‘Humphrey John, 1910-01- 11, 1001115029008, 337 Julius Jeppe Street, Waterkioof, Pretoria, 1997-05- 16."

Standard:Trust Limited,-P.O.-Box 1330, Pretoria, 0001. . Hutton, Pamela Patricia, 1 October 1958, 5510010012083, 30 Zaymel Court, Earl Sireet, Windsor West, Johannesburg, 2

3 January’ 1997. Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1330, Pretoria. -- _

:: Willmans, Peter Melchior. Jacobus, .20 Junie 1917, 1706205043087; Kopperstract 33, Rustenburg, 14 ‘Mei. 1997; Sophia .

Elizabeth Fredrika Willmans, Standard Trust Beperk, Posbus 1330, Pretoria... - os

Thomas, Wanda Meiring, 21 Mei 1924, 2405210016084, 4 Villa Petite, Retioflaan O41, Lyttelton, 22 April 1997. ‘Standard. .

Trust Beperk,.Posbus 1330, Pretoria. “ ' Eyssell, Hermanus Jacobus; 14 July 1934, 3407145011080, 3 Springbok: Street, Louis’ Tricharst, 6 6 May’ 1997. 7, Standara “

Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1330, Pretoria, 0001. ne Dolfing, Aibertien; 4 Desember 1907, -0712040005084, De Meerpaal- bjeardosentum, Stelenbergeg, Willow Gien, pede

Pretoria, 8 Mei 1997. Standard Trust Beperk, Posbus 1330, Pretoria, 0001. , ae

-7858/97—Botha, Deidre, 1969-06-29, 6906290219080, Jack Hindonstraat 1718, -Pretoria- Noord; 997- 05. 04; Petrus ope

Johannes Botha, 1969- 09-08, 6909085002083. Standard Trust Beperk, Posbus.1330, Pretoria. : oe

7860/97—Barnard, Thomas Charles, 1941-10-07, 41 1110075083082, Van. der Stelstraat 8, , Nigel V997- 0s. 04: ‘Standard 3

Trust Beperk, Posbus 1330, Pretoria.

7368/97—Fourie, Gerhardus. Ignatius, 1928-05- 21, 2805215038084, Plot 208, ‘Kameeldrift 313, ‘Hercules, Pretoria, °

1997-04-17; Sara Maria Fourie, 1929-06-15, 2906150006001. Lourens Petrus Pretotius, vir ABSA Trust st BPk., ‘Posbus 383, Pretoria. ”

Van der Walt, Martha Johanna Susanna, 31 Oktober 1909, 0910310008081, Impalaweg, 16, Irene, 9 Mei 1997. 7. ABSA :

Trust Beperk, Posbus:383, Pretoria.

Maree, Christiaan Lourens, 12 Oktober 1933, 3310125042086, Osdicwoonstelle 614, Paul Krugersraat 596, -Eloftsdal, oe

0084,.12 Mei 1997. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria. - Oosthuizen, Petronella Johanna, 22 Augustus 1923, 2308220043082, Nanro Court 309, ‘Sunnyside, 14 April 1997. ABSA.”

Trust Beperk, Posbus 383; Pretoria. - 7759/97—-Van Eck, Jan, 16 Oktober 1911, 11101 65030087, 78 22ste Straat, Menlo Park, 27 April 1997: ‘Susarah n Isabella

van Eck, 17 Oktober 1918, 1810170037007. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria. --..

7799/97—Maré, Hugo ‘Smit, 21 Desember 1937, 3712215076008; Hoewe: 34, Lusthof, Rosiwal; Pretoria-Noord, 3 Mei 7

1997; Wynne Harriet Elaine Maré, 10 Desember 4938; 3812100077085: ABSA. Trust. Beperk, -Posbus: 383, Pretoria. ,

' 7816/97—Pieterse, Susanna Catharina, 1918-02-04, 1802040015008; Biessiebosiaan. 181, , Wonderbgiom, 1997-04- 30, .

Lourens: Petrus Pretorius, vir ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus: 383; Pretoria. o

4073/97—Els, Charlotte Amalia, '3 Junie 1967, 6706030114082, Grobbelaarstraat - 41, Pierre van. n Ryne, ‘Centurion,

Pretoria, 22 Februarie 1997. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria. _

Swiegers,. Willem Johannes, 14 ‘Oktober 1940, 4010145092008, Cunninghamlaan 1054, Villieria, ‘13° Mei 1997; Alida “

Maria Magritha Swiegers, 3 Maart 1937, 3703030087007. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria. .

- Bergman, Patricia Sophia, 1923-07-29, 2307290040085, Protea- aftreeoord. 5; Cliftontaan, Lyttelton; 1 Mei 1997. ABSA’

Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria. a

~ 8102/97—Watermeyer, Philip Barend, 1929- ‘04. 44, 2904145014081, 29ste Laan 486, Vilieria, Pretoria, 4 4-Aprl 1997. we

ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria. . os

42309/96—Lockem, Susara Maria, 1913-03-07, 1 303070002083, widow, c/o Vaudele: 9 Redhill Avenue, Selection Park, -

Springs, 1996-07-12. Anton Valdemar de Swardt, Executor, c/o Hammerschlag Attorneys Inc., P.O. Box 184, Springs, 1560. —

5140/97—Zacchino, Victorienne Valance Beryl, 10 -November 1938, 3811100066007, 18 Vimy Ridge, Delville,

Germiston, ‘6 March 1997. C. Nedda, c/o. Stupel & Berman, P.O, Box 436, Germiston. ..

. 8835/97—Parsons, Hester” Helena, 1919-01-24, 1901240011005, -Silwerjare- -ouetehuis, Du Plooystrat, Bethai, 2310, :

1997- 06-02. Price Waterhouse, Posbus 378, Hameniksentrum, Andersonstraat, Bethal, 2310. ce,

7195/97—Hands, Johanna. Etresia,. 1922- 11-16, 2211160018009, Ons Tuis, Soutpansbergweg,. Riviera, Pretoria, —

1997-05-07. Mnr. P. Hands, Posbus 40051, Arcadia, 0007. a

5461/97—-Lino, Ezequiel Duarte Damiao, 11 February 1932,. 3202115047086, 36 Pretorius Street, Noyoodele, Nigel,

28 January 1997. RMRD Lino, p.a. 793.23rd Avenue, ‘Riétfontein. . . Le

7560/97—Wessels, Hermanus Johannes, 14-03-13, 1403135045081; ‘30 Sixth Avenue, Geduld, Springs, 97. 05- 09.

Charels Sherman Levin & Prosser Iinc., Seventh Floor, Standard Bank Building, corner -of.Fourth Street and Third Avenue ° -

(P.O. Box 886), Springs, 1560. - 8286/97—Schmidt, Stephen Carl D’Heil, 35- 03-04, 3503045048006, Unit 72; Brentwood Gardens, Metalaan, n; Goedeburg, .

Benoni, 24 Mei 1997. Heinrich D’Heil Schmidt, for: Hammann’ & Botha Prokureurs,.Derde’ Verdieping,. Bureau Forumgebou, we

Bureaulaan, Pretoria, 0002. -

' 3409/97—Redelinghuys, Albertus Nicolaas, 1907-08: 18, 0708185020086, 30- ‘Marais Street Bailey’s Muckleneuk, “

Pretoria, 0181, 1997-02-23. A..L. Redelinghuys, 30 Marais Street, Bailey's. Mucleneuk, Pretoria, 0181. 30 days.

: » 7826/97—Van Staden, Johanna Magdalena, 29 Julie 1943, 4307290021000, Andries ‘Pretoriusstraat 20, ‘Bethal, 4 Aci

1997; ‘Christiaan Phillipus van Staden, 10 April 1938, 3804105039004: ‘ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus: 383, Pretoria.

_. 3904/97—Becker, Jacobus Johannes, _ 20 April 1939, 3904205014004, ‘Bartholomew Diazstraat 3, Constantiakloof, -

Roodepoort, 1709, 16 Desember 1996. Petrus. Fourie du Preez, Visagiestraat 32, Pretoria, 0002: , “


50 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

6487/97—Boshoff, Jacobus Albertus van Zyl, 5 Julie 1953, 5307055051084, Vyfster. Meenthuis, ' Parkstraat. 25B,

Chroompark, Poigietersrus, 20 April 1997; Heather tynette Boshoff, 12 Junie 1953, 5306120048083. Sandra’ Coetzer,

Goudstraat 4, Chroompark, Potgietersrus. oh

Pretorius, Anna Jacoba, 1931-10-12, 3110120020080, Vyfde Straat 4, Marlands, Germiston, 1997- 05-02; - Cornelius

Johannes Pretorius, 1928-04-29, 2804295030087. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620. Coetzee, Philippus, 1927-05-19, 2705195014081, Proteaweg 4, Kempton Park, 21 Mei. 1997; Rebecca Elizabeth

Coetzee, 1937-07-02, 3707020032006..ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

Coetzee, Dirk Petrus Stephanus, 8 Julie 1925, 2507085021089, Palmsigwoonstelle 7, Lydenburg; Dorothea Wilhelmina

Susanna Coetzee, 2 Augustus 1932,:3208020021081. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust

Beperk, hoek van Wolff- en Voortrekkerstraat, Trust Bankgebou, Kempton Park.

Gouws, Margaretha Louisa (Isabella), 1922-01-22, 2201220072088, Moorelaan 1i, Benoni, 1997- 03- 45. ABSA Trust

' Bpk., Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620. Booyse, Mary Ann, 1936-04-28, 3604280022084, Anitahof 6, Vosloostraat, Birchleigh, 1997- 03-21; Josephus Johannes

Booyse, 1935-11-25, 3511255020003. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park.

Du Preez, Adriana Maria, 11 Julie 1910, 1007110017088, Huis Die Bothma, Boksburg, 8 Mei 1997. ABSA Trust Beperk,

Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Beperk, hoek van Wolff- en Voortrekkerstraat, Trust Bankgebou, Kempton Park.

Van der Merwe, Petrus Willem, 15 Julie 1943, 4307155017002, President.C. R. Swartstraat 10, Ermelo, 5 April 1997;

Mona van der Merwe. ABSA Trust Beperk, hoek van Wolff- en Voortrekkerstraat, Trust Bankgebou, Kempton Park; ABSA Trust

Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

_ Becker, Hester Magdalena Johanna, 4 Februarie 1943, 4302040009009, vyfde Laan 24, Geduld, Springs, 8 Mei 1997.

ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Beperk, hoek van Wolff- en Voortrekkerstraat, Trust

Bankgebou, Kempton Park.

Miller, Gert, 1924-12-01, 2412015038081, Kemptonweg 74, Kempton Park, 1997-05-13; Nicolaas de Waal Miiller. ABSA

Trust Beperk, 12de Verdieping, Trust Bankgebou, hoek van Wolff- en Voortrekkerstraat, Kempton Park.

Esterhuyse, Adriaan Christiaan, 1959-01-25, 5901255046082, Kamferhoutlaan 12, Birchleigh, Kempton Park,

1997-03-11; Johanna Elizabeth Esterhuyse. ABSA Trust Beperk, hoek van Wolff- en Voortrekkerstraat, Kempton Park, 1620.

De Villiers, Theunis Theodoris, 1927-11-18, 2711185073087, De Bruinstraat 6, Witfield, Boksburg, 24 Februarie 1997;

Johanna Wenzilla de Villiers, 1932-02-12, 3202120083083. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620. Jooste, Francois Nicolaas, 1914-04-03, 1404035009086, Rapportryerstraat 9, Trichardt, 1997-03- 12; Aletta Johanna

Jooste, 1919-03-12, 1903120015007. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

Delport, Clement Berry, 1911-01-02, 1101025013009, Pioneer House 271D, Stephensonstraat, Pk Henbyl,

. Vanderbijlpark, 1997- 03-27. Anna Bruno, as genomineerde van die Standard Bank van Suid-Afrika Beperk, Privaatsak X21,

Garden View, 2047. 30 dae.

2758/97-—-Goosen, David Stephanus, 1929-08-11, 2908115071088, Derde Laan 54, Geduld, Springs, 1997-01-07;

Johanna Elizabeth Susanna Goosen, 1951-08-13, 5108130164086. Anna Bruno, ; as génomineerde van die Standard Bank van

Suid-Afrika Beperk, Privaatsak X21, Garden View, 2047. 30 dae.

Gerber, Clemens, 1936-03- 09, 3603095030084, Pienaarstraat 27, Dan Pienaarville, Krugersdorp, 1997-04-08; Maria

Magdalena Gerber. Anna Bruno, as genomineerde van die Standard Bank van Suid- Afrika Beperk, Privaatsak X21, Garden

View, 2047. 30 dae.

- 6736/97—Harmse, Pieter Johannes, 1911-12-20, 1112205003082, Nelliestraat 31, Krugersdorp-Wes, 1997-03-10;

Helena Susanna Harmse, 1927-10-31, 2710310011004. Kathryn Adie, as genomineerde van die Standard Bank van Suid-Afrika

Beperk, Privaatsak X21, Garden View, 2047. 30 dae.

Meyer, Adriana Christina, 1916-01-26, 1601260019009, Kamer 64, Vriendskap-rusoord, Randfontein, 1997-04-16. Anna

Bruno, as genomineerde van die Standard Bank van Suid-Afrika Beperk, Privaatsak X21, Garden View, 2047. 30 dae.

3926/97—Heyneke, Frederika Martha Johanna, 1917-09-02, 1709020010083, Mpumalanga- -rusoord, Woonstel 4,

Nelspruit, 1997- 02- 14, buite gemeenskap van goedere. A. W. Heyneke, Gedeelte 30, plas Alkmaar (Posbus 5802), Nelspruit,


11350/96—Oelotee, Susanna Sophia, 1946-06-28, 4606280147000, Roy Campbellstraat 62, Brackenhurst, Alberton,

1449, 1996-06-13; Johannes Jacobus Oelofse, 1945-07-23, 4507235063088. ABSA Trust Bpk. (Reg. No. 01/04665/06),

Empireweg 65, Parktown 2193; Posbus 61488, Marshalltown, 2107. ,

'7686/97—Lambert, Alice Constance, 22 November 1908, 0811220019004, Silwood Place, Silwood Road, Bramley,

Johannesburg, 6 April 1997. Webber Wentzel Bowens, P.O. Box 78158, Sandton, 2146.

16586/96—Melles, Guy Phillip, 1961-07-19, 6107195116006, 18 Glenny Crescent, Lonehil, 1 7 August 1996. Aaron

Stanger & Associates, P.O. Box 1103, Houghton, 2041.

7915/97—Richards, Alfred William, 13 November 1915, 1511135049083, 19 Orchards Road, Orchards, Johannesburg,

11 May 1997. Arthur Anderson & Associates, P.O. Box 41294, Graighall, 2024.

7477/97—Rock, Bertha, 21 March 1917, 1703210026009, 404 Brenthurst Court, Third Street Killamey, 2193, 18 April

1997. Michael Karp, c/o Cranko Karp & Ass., P.O. Box 2585, Johannesburg, 2000.

7029/97—Looi, Tommy, 30 October. 1949, 4910305036085, 41 Sarie Street, Fidgeway Extension 3; Ridgeway,

Johannesburg, 2 May 1997. Alec.Oshry, Seventh Floor, 66 Smal Street, Johannesburg. :: :

6802/97—Brooke, Brian, 1911-09-27, 1109275033080, Brooklands Farm, Broederstroom, 26 por 1997. J.T. I. Speirs, PO.

Box 256, Lanseria, 1748.

. STAAFSKOERANT, :20 JUNIE /1997. No. 18068 <©51

2301/97—Watt, Alan: James Robert, -1910-11-09, 1011095029001}. 150. Douglas ‘Avenue; Oakville. Ontario Led. 3H8,

Canada, 20 April 1996: Bowman. Gilfillan Hayman Godfrey Inc., P.O..Box:785812; Sandton...

3293/97—Faerber, Gerald Isidore, 1912-02-11, 1202115023005, 45 _Gorringham Road, Golders ‘Green; “Londoi,

1996-02-27. First-National Trust,.P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg. -' i

4194/97—Calligaro, Gabriella, 194211 -23, 4211230018185, 833 Michaét Brink Street; Villieria, Pretoria; 1997- 02. “04; Elio

Calligaro, 833 Michael Brink Street, Villieria, Pretotia, Friedland Hart & x Partners, 201 Van: der Stel’ Building, 178 Pretorius Street,


7596/97—Hattingh, Cornelia Aletta Sophia, 17 Februarie 1915; 1808170061000; Murtonstiaat 7, - Cindstela, 2 Boksburg

‘23 April 1997.-A. A. van Dyk, Posbus 16, Wapadrand, 0050.:

. 6880/97—Venter, Hermanus Hendrik Steyn, 1936- 09-22; 3609225092084; ‘Paulinestraat 2; “Constantia. Kloof,

Roodepoort, 1709, 1997-04-09; Anna Cornelia Venter, 1936-08-07, 3608070058000. ‘ABSA Trust Bpk: (Reg. No: (01/04665/06),

Empireweg 65, Parktown, 2193; Posbus 61488, Marshalltown, 2107.

‘6559/97—Van Vuuren, Christoffel Botha, 1944-06-24, 4406245039008; ‘Peperboomldan 35, Welteviedenpia “4715,

1997-03-19; Louisa Isabella van Vuuren, 1953-03-21, 5303210141 001. “ABSA Trust ‘Bk: (Reg. ‘No 01/04668/06), Empireweg

65, Parktown, 2193; Posbus 61488, Marshalltown, 2107.

' 6528/97—Makane, Elizabeth Sekogo, 4959-11-03, 5911030454089, 101 ‘Mikhatini Section, “Tembi a;

Trust Bpk. (Reg. No. 01/04665/06), 65 Empire Road, Parktown, 2193; P.O. Box 61488, Marshalltown, "2107.

6542/97—Petrus, Meta, 1928-07-07, 2807070045014, Old Age Home, Vrededorp, | 2144, '1997- 00:6. ‘ABSA Trust’ Bok.

(Reg. No. 01/04665/06), 65 Empire Road, Parktown, 2193; P.O. Box 61488, Marshalltown, 2107.

-7882/97—Goosen, Johannes Daniel, 1923- 02-17, 2302175032000, Northworldweg | 34, “No

Raridburg, 2155, 1997-04-19. ABSA Trust Bpk. (Reg. No. '01/04665/06), ‘Empireweg 65, Parkto

Marshalltown, 2107.

Smit, Johanna Maria, 1918+ 06- 22, 1806220071087, Herfsakker 43, Grobi

1081, Kempton Park, 1620. _7325/97—Strydom, Doreen Annie, 1927- 05- 06, "2705060006089, Ww

Bpk., Posbus 1081, Kempton. Park, 1620.

7291/97—Loots, Basil, 1930- 10-12, 3010125020087, A105 Dennis, Conradie Residentia, 2|

1997-04-24. ABSA Trust. Lid, P.O. ‘Box 1081, , Kempton’ Park, 1620.

Clinger, Friedrich, 1937-07- 02, 3707025041085, 23 ‘James ‘Wright A \ y Park, 1997- 05+ 17;

Irene Sigrid Olinger. ABSA Trust Beperk, 12de Verdieping, Trust Banik-gebou, hoek van Voortrekker- el Wolfistraat, Kempton

Park. —

: Olivier, Benjamin Jacobus, 1918- 04-30, “4804305030086. “Magnoliawoonstel 1, Killianlaan, , -Cinderella,. Boksburg,

1997-05-24. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 1081, Kempton.Park, 1620. Coes “

2753/97—Ebrahim, Abdul Satter Sheik, 1941 -09- 07, 4109075130059, nemone Avenue, Extens Lenasia, 1820,

1996- 12-10; Mehrooneissa Ebrahim, 1946-03-04, 4603040115054.. Dasoo Attorneys, PO. Box 1756, Lenasia, 1820. -

. 7065/97—Scholtz,. Georgina Elizabeth, 1955-03-04, 55030401780 8h. Mica., Street, _Ennerdale,; ‘Extension 14,

1995- 04-18; Clarence Matthew. Scholtz,, 1957-05- 10, 5705105087083. Van, den Berg &. Kotzé, 377. ‘Qnidekkers Road, Florida

Park Extension 3, Roodepoort. 7

7014/97—Holloway, John Charles, 1952-08-03, 5208035090004, 34ste Laan, 8, Rietkuil, 1097, 22. Maart 1997: Isabel

Farinha Holloway. ABSA Trust Beperk,, 12de Verdieping, Trustbank. Gebou, hoek. van Voortrekker- en Wolffstraat, Kempton


Whiteman, Jacoba Johanna, 1918- 01-21, 1801210010005, “Oranjezight 5, Nelspruit, 16 ‘April 1997. ABSA Trust. Boperk,

12de Verdieping, Trustbank Gebou, hoek van Voortrekker- en. Wolffstraat,-Kempton Park... °

De Ponte, Manuel Fernandes, 1931-12-04, 3112045042181, Portion, St kfontein, Vereeniging, 1997. 05- 07: Maria de

Jesus de Ponte. ABSA Trust Ltd, P.O.. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620. . wes

Swierstra, Cornelis Jacobus, 1908-03-20, 0803205024083, Martinstraat 25, Tedstoneville, Germiston, 1997- 04- 09:

Minnie Swierstra. ABSA Trust Beperk, 12de Verdieping, Trustbank Gebou;:hoek van Voortrekker-.en,Wolffstraat, Kempton Park.

Venter, Jacobus Cornelius Henning, 1920-08-05,.:2008055027081 ,..Marmanet..15,. Bergrivierlaan; .Kempton Park,

1997-05-03; Dinah Johanna Venter. ABSA Trust t Beperk,." ‘Tade. > Verdiepings -Trustbank. Gebou,. hoek -van- Voortrekker-. en

Wolffstraat, Kempton Park. | ~ Sth

Pelser, Abraham Petrus Cornelius, 1926- 04- 10, 2604105017088, Unionist 45; ; Sings uibekng, 1 1997- 02- 15. ABSA

Trust Bpk., Posbus 1081, Kempton Park,:1620:.

Dell, Cecil John George, 1932-04-21, 3204215013009, plas = Goedgonoeg, Standerton, 1997. 04:20, ABSA Trust 5 Beperk

Posbus 1081, Kempton Park. : - ph sR a ba retyy

Campbell, Bernard Reginald, 1906- 08- 97, 0608275004083, 47 Selbourne Avenue, ‘Brakpan, 14: May 1997. ‘ABSA Trust

Beperk, 12de Verdieping, Trustbank Gebou,. hoek van. Voortrekker.en Wolffstraat; Kemptoi Park.” oe

4373/97—Iqbal Ansary Ismail, 5 February..1997,.4210065076052, 126. Hydrangea: Avenue, Lenasia,. 1942: 105 06;

Daisy. Ismail, 4308250069054. Coovadia Attorneys, Lenz City’ Centre,: 24° Rose Avenue, Lenasia. :

7703/97—Partridge, Brian Evelyn, .14: July 1925,-2507145053007, 626: Ibis ‘Place, : Hazyview; "Netsut, , May: 1997:

Ivy Yvonne Partridge, - April 1931, 3104070036089. Syirets Limited. (Reg No.°: 04/31741/06),"Exeécutors~ Départment,

P.O. Box 32697, Braamfontein, 2017. CyTE apa el

1997- 03- 30. ABSA

orld, Uitbreiding 11, i" . 2198; Posbus 61488,

ersdal, 1995-12-23. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus

jel, 2271, 1997-03-26. ABSA Trust

ilway Avenue, Benoni,

52 No. 18068 , GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

6871/97—Schmidt, Thora Proctor, 1 September 1912, 1209010018006, Primrose Place, Elm Park Village, Suzanne

Crescent, Northcliff, 3 April 1997; Frederick Charles Schmidt. Old Mutual Syfrets Tust Ltd (Reg. No. 05/00328/06), Executors

Department, P.O. Box 32697, Braamfontein, 2017.

643/97—-Seale, Wayne Ashley, 12 August 1964, 6408125043009, 26 La Gratitude Circle, Lonehill, Sandton, 29 December

1996. Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 3485, Randburg,-2125.

7828/97—Silman, Leslie Frank, 25 February 1927, 2702255046087, 15 Roxdale Gardens, Lloyd Ellis Drive, Houghton,

11 April 1997. Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 3485, Randburg,.2125. 4379/97—Luther, Gert Stephanus, 1938-05-12, 3805125027085, 10 Schreinerstraat, Parkrand, Boksburg, 97- 03-10;

Anna Elizabth Jeannetha Luther, 1941-01-21, 4101210038081. Mev. A. E. J. Luther, Posbus 17115, Sunward Park, 1470.

370197—Jane, Ernest Ronald, 1943- or 06, 4301065051003, 134 Minaar Street, Balfour, 1997- 02-02. First National Trust,

P.O. Box 1301, Benoni.

5116/97—Malan, Jacobus Jurgens, 1935-03-05, 3503055003081, Scarboboroughstraat 25, Ferryvale, Nigel,

1997-03-09; Anna Maria Malan, 1939-09-17, 3909170068083. First National Trust, P.O. Box 1301, Benori.

6797/97—Geoffrey Powell Beynon, 1923-02-01, 2302015025008, 3 Craig Avenue, Malanshof, Johannesburg,

1997-04-18. First National Trust, P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwold, 30 days.

5800/97—Irene Grace ‘Vardy, 1906-07-07, 0607070018009, Lichthuis-ouetehuis, Gerhard Maritz Street, Lichtenburg,

1997-03-16. First National Trust, P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwold, 30 days.

13758/96—Arthur Owen Bockel, 1925-08-31, 2508315057083, 12 Johannesburg, Kew, Johannesburg, 1996-08-16.

First National Trust, P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwold, 30 days.

8378/97—-Cornelia Maria Louisa Mulder, 1964-06-22, 6406220141087, Valleistraat 7, Mindalore, Krugersdorp. Mittendorf

& Partners, P.O. Box 783100, Sandton, 2146, 30 days.

7462/97—Makaluza, Alfred Siphiwo, 1954-01 -25, 5401255793080, 9 Victoria Court, 10 Daisy Street, Rosettenville,

1997-03-16; Elizabeth Nomfanelo Mafaisa Makaluza, 1959-04-14, 3552238. ABSA Trust Bpk., P.O. Box 61488, Marshalltown,


Swart, Barbara Jacomina Elizabeth, 1922-03-12, 2203120056005, Lismorelaan 102, Crosby, 1997- 05- 01. ABSA Trust

Bpk., 65 Empireweg, Parktown, 2193.

10741/93—Francis Constance Gwendoline, 1941-01-01, 4101010015008, 25 Sirissa Avenue, Roodekrans Extension 2,

1993-07-15; Edmund’ Claude Joseph Francis, 1932-10-30, 3210305042006. ABSA Trust Lid (Reg. No. 01/04665/06),

65 Empire Road, Parktown, 2193; P.O. Box 61483, Marshalltown, 2107.

7873/97—Coetzee, Hercules Cornelius, 1953-02-06, 5302065094000, 160 Jacqueleen Avenue, Randpark, 2194,

1997-05-11; Marie Coetzee, 1945-08-27, 4508270450081. ABSA Trust Ltd (Reg. No. 01/04665/06), 65 Empire Road, Parktown,

2193; P.O. Box 61483, Marshalltown, 2107.

6616/97—Van Staden, Joseph Johannes, 15 August 1925, 2508155016009, Ged 5 van die plaas Elandsfontein 427,

Nylstroom distrik, 2 Oktober 1996. Executor Services (Pty) Ltd, Posbus 11287, Hatfield, 0028.

6861/97—Roets,, Ninon, 5 Mei 1944, 4405050035002, 46 Gordonstoun, Gordonweg, Bergbron, 12 April 1997. Syfrets

Limited (Reg. No. 04/01741/06), Executors Department, P.O. Box 32697, Braamfontein, 2017.

8630/94—-Valentine Irene Mary (voorheen Titmarsh gebore Valentine), 1945-10-27, 4510270128188, Montraywoonstelle

82, Lilly Laan 27, Bearea, 1993-11-04. Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms.) Bpk., Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg.

7620/97—Olivier, Ockert Petrus, 1942-12-03, 4212035002089, Carterstraat. 14, Vereeniging, 1997-04-29. Stabilitas

Eksekuteurskamer (Edms.) Bpk., Kent Laan 265, Ferndale, Randburg.

6101/97—Harmse, Christina Yvonne Susanna (gebore Gerber voorheen Brink), 1939- 09-28, 3909280055004,

Koedoestraat 12, Sunnyridge, Germiston, 1997-03-06. Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Eams.) Bpk., Kent Laan 265, Ferndale,


6434/97—Hattingh, Frans Ettienne Gericke, 1961-01 07, 6101 075208082, Sandsteenlaan 6 en Park Acres 60, Eugene

Maraisstraat, West Acres, Nelspruit, 1997-03-24. Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms.) Bpk., Kent Laan 265, Ferndale,


.7233/97—Van Zyl, Jasper Lodewyk; 1939-11-10, 3911105049089, Brindleystraat 39, Vanderbijlpark, 1997-04-01;

Maria Magdalena van Zyl (gebore De Jager), 1941-03-08, 4103080041088. Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms.) Bpk.,

Kent Laan 265, Ferndale, Randburg.

7039/97—Mocker, Volker Jong Mécker, 1962-06-26, 6206265220085, Cartwrightstraat 20, Elandspark, Johannesburg,

2197, 97-04-01. ABSA Trust Bpk. (Reg. No. 01/04665/06), Empireweg 65, Parktown, 2193; Posbus 61488, Marshalltown, 2107.

Van Staden, Reuben, 1926-10-13, 2610135045080, 16 Marthinus Road, Florentia, 1449, 1997-04-18; Joyce Eileen van

Staden, 1930-04-25, 3004250021085. ABSA Trust Ltd (Reg. No. 01/04665/06),.65 Empire Road, Parktown, 2193;

Posbus 61488, Marshalltown, 2107.

Olivier, Johannes. Hercules, 1935-06-14, 3506145017086, Weertweg 30, Sunnyridge, Germiston, 1997-05-03;

Anna Maria Olivier, 1935-02-15, 3502150041004. ABSA Trust Bpk. (Reg. No. 01/04665/06), Empireweg 65, Parktown, 2193;

Posbus 61488, Marshalltown, 2107.

2941/97—Van Wyngaardt, Jan Daniel, 1929-12-22, 2912225047087, Collinnsstraat 85, Brixton, Johannesburg, 2092,

1997-04-27; Sarah Engela Frances van Wyngaardt, 1932-07-31, 3207310027006. ABSA Trust Bpk. (Reg. No. 01/04665/06),

Empireweg 65, Parktown, 2193; Posbus 61488, Marshalltown, 2107.

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE :1997 No. 18068 53

Bower, George Henry Granville, 1932-03-17, 3203175069084, Dieringstraat 57, Kenilworth, Johannesburg; 1997-05-16;

Magdalena Catharina. Bower, 1935-06-05, 3506050012007. ABSA. Trust Bpk. (Reg. No..: _01704665/06), Emprreweg 65,

Parktown, 2193; Posbus 61483, Marshalltown, 2107.

7913/97—Janse van Rensburg, 1911-07-19, 1107195030004, ‘Huis 3, . Roodepoort. Sentrum vir Bejaardes,

Robinsonstraat, Discovery, 1709, 1997-04-23; Hendrina Johanna Cecilia Janse van.Rensburg, 1909-07-22, 0907220028001.

ABSA Trust Bpk. (Reg. No. 01/04665/06), Empireweg 65, Parktown, 2193; Posbus 61488, Marshalltown, 2107.

7067/97—Stiefel, Klaus, 14 November 1939, 3911145025107, 75-Collet Street, Raceview, Alberton, 10 March 1997.

Executor Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 91, Aucklandpark,. 2006.

7980/97—Govan, Kathleen Florence, 15 October. 1914, 1410150034003, A7 Silverstream, 9 Heath Street, Malanshor,

Ranburg, 15 March 1997. Executor Services (Pty) Ltd; P.O. Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006.

7557/97—Utton, Andrea Helen, 3 March 1920, 2003030040002, F1 Three Rivers Retirement Village, Bashlee Street,

Three Rivers, Vereeniging, 9 April 1997. Executor Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006.

6157/97—Webb, George Sydney, 19 November 1927, 2711195077011; 683 Elands: Drive, Noordgesig,- Johannesburg,

1804, 30 March 1997; Ellen Webb, 3401020104011. Executor Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 91, Auckland: Park, 2006. ,

3020/97—Kelly, Iris June, 12 September 1940, 4009120128019, 113 Winze Drive, Fleurhof, Florida, 4 February 1997;

Vincent Cyril Kelly, 4510225093016. Executor Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 91, Auckland Park,.2006..

5034/97—Erasmus, Abram Carel, 1940-05- 02, 4005025018081, Elandskraal 369, distrik .Rustenburg, 97- 02-26.

ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 61488, Marshalltown, 2107.

10854/96—Richards, Johanna Adriana, 7 Julie 1912, 1207070035001, ‘Retiefweg 12, Lehtenbur, 2740, 30 Junie 1996.

T. P. Taylor & Vennote, Posbus 139, Lichtenburg, 2740.

4481/97—Roodt, Martha Maria, 23 Mei 1925, 2505230027001, Lesterweg 67, Brenthurst, Brakpan, 1540, 3 Februarie

1997; Petrus Johannes Jurie Roodt, 10 Mei.1921, 2105105035005. Coetzer & Vennote, Farendenstraat 343, Arcadia, Pretoria,


7388/97—Parshotam, Parvathie, 4001250337080, widow, 351 Himalaya Street, Laudium, 0037, 6 February 1997.

V. J. Khatri, PO. Box 4157, Pretoria, 0001.

8597/97—De Beer, Jacob Potgieter, 1961 -09- 12, 61 09125085004, Perseel H204, Marble Hall, 22 Mei 1997; Cornelia de

Beer, 1964-01-13, 6401130006087. Cornelia de Beer, Herefordstraat 9, Groblersdal.

35/97—-Charlotte Louisa Kruger, 4001190009088, 19 Januarie 1940, getroud buite gemeenskap van n goedere, Hildalaan

5, Mooinooi, distrik Rustenburg, 14 Junie 1996. Wessels & Le. Floux Ingelyt. Wessels & Le Rowegepou, Kerkstraat 111

(Posbus 54), Rustenburg, 0300. SC , .


3551/97—Van Niekerk, Sheila Margaret, 1 March 1934, 3403010347089, 91 Orion Road, Surrey Estate, Athlone,

23 February 1997; Leslie Ralph van Niekerk, 29-March 1937; 3703295055087. Watkin & Kaplan, P.O: Box 3057, Cape Town,


4289/97—Honeyman, Dudley Cecil Cambell, 19 November 1915, 1511195016089, 301 Oak Glen, Lower Nursery Road,

Rosebank, 7700, 13 April 1997. S. L. Gordon, P.O. Box 23502, Claremont, 7735.°

12890/96—Saal, Katrina Elizabeth, 6 Oktober 1944, 4410060025084; Enieraldstraat 13, ‘Harmony Estate’ Bergsig,

Springbok, 8240, 14 Desember 1996. Old Mutual Syfrets Trust Beperk, Waalstraat'24, Kaapstad, 8001.

- 4431/97—Cook, William Frank, 18 April 1912, 1204185004089, Tuishuis, Baron van Reedestraat, Outshoorn, 6620,

25 April 1997; Stoffeliena Cook, 15 Auguatus, 1 1923, 23081 50002009. Duvenage Keyser en 1 Jonck, Posbus 104, Oudtshoorn,


4618/97—De Groot, Dirk Frans, 1910- 08-04, 1008045026103, Woodside Sanctuary; Lawson: Road, Rondebosch,

1997-05-11. Matz Watermeyer, P.O. Box 23304, Claremont. .

9866/96—Cohen, Frances, 1908-07-06, 0807060019088, 76 High Level Road, Green Point, Cape 7 Town, 1996-09-19.

S. L. Gross, for Arthur E. Abrahams & Gross Inc., 2: Long Street, Cape Town..

1382/97—Carrington, Paul Justin, 2 July 1996. Hester Stewart MeConnachie, 5 Greenwich Grove, Station Road,

Rondebosch, 7700.

11659/96—Parker, Aziza, 1931 08- 01, 3108010089181, 20 Boundary Road, ‘Cravenby Estate, Cape, 96- 08- 26. Parker &

Mohammed Attorneys, P.O. Box 174, Gatesville; 7766. . .

4621/97—Keay, William. Roy, 1927-03-18, 2703185051007, 1 Koring Street, Onze Molen, Durbanville, 1997-04-27.

Silberbauers, 8 Riebeek Street, Cape Town, 8001.

8150/96—Marthinus, Jan, 18 Januarie 1950, 5001185148080, Philippi-Kamp KMR, : Constansiaweg- -stasie, Kaapstad,

15 Augustus 1996. Bill Tolken Hendrikse Ingelyf, Sarel. Cilliersstraat 1, Bellville; Posbus 687, Sanlamhof::

3286/96—Halliday, Idina Lillian, 6 September 1938, 3809060047009, 16 Sondal Road, Eversdal, 24 March: 1997. Old

Muiual Syfrets Trust Limited, 24 Wale Street, Cape Town, 8001’.

4772/97—Willis, Veronica Frances (born Thompson), 1921-02-26, 2102260033008, 10 > Culemborg 2 25: Ednam. Road,

Newlands, Cape, 1997-05-01. The Board of Execuitors, 4 Wale Street, Cape Town. L

‘54 -No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

3620/97—Fortuin, Paulina Magdalena, 23 April 1934, 3404230044019, Langstraat, McGregor, 6708, 10 Februarie 1997.

Marais Miller, Posbus 36, Kuilsrivier, 7580.

4457/97—Phillips,.Colin, 1920-01-11, 2001115021004, 14 Acacia Street, George East, 1997- 05- 03; Mavis Anh n Pips,

1928-05-24, 2805240017004. Standard Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 765, George.

- 4463/97—Janse van Rensburg, Wood, 1938-07- 29, 3807295076009, 7. Seekat Street, “Tergniet Heights, 1997- 05-01.

Standard Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 765, George.

4500/97—Chetty, Nadasen, 1928-11-01, 2811015067083, 20 Bamberry Road, Crawford, 1997- 04- 27; Veronica Valerie

Chetty. ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

4721/97—Bailey, Alexander Christian, 21 November 1922, 2211215043010, 20 Innes Road, Wynberg, 3 30 D April 1997;

Mavis Emily Bailey, 26 September 1926, 2609260076019. ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532:

4634/97—Verster, Alta Hendrina, 1931- 12-10, 3112100007087, Kudulaan- 5, Woreester. ABSA Trust : ‘Limited,

P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

4456/97—_Novitzkas, Valerie Elizabeth, 1934-07-27, 3407270054004, 20 Ray Mansions, St James Street, Vredehoek,

Cape Town, 1997-03-12; Basil Ernest Novitzkas, 1986- 03-08, 3603085083002. ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Saniamhof,


5020/94—-Simons, Gasant, 56-11-30, 5611305164021, Queensrylaan 4,. Colorado Park,..94-05-07; Cheryene Louisa

Simons. Jan S. de Villiers & Seun, 16de Verdieping, BP-sentrum, Thibaultpléin, Kaapstad:

2255/97—Mather, Ismail, 30 April 1930, 3004305077082, 12 Moses Street, Welcome Estate, 1 January 1997; Fatima

Mather, 31 October 1935, 3510310087080. R. Allie & Associates, ‘corner of Kromboom Road and Fourth Avenue, Rondebosch


3938/97—Holland, Norman William, 1940: 02- 16, 4002165102080, 5 Edward Street, Avondale, Atlantis, 1997- 03-23;

Gwendoline Esmarellda Sheila Holland, 1949-03-26, 4903260011086. ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

1077/97—Rheeder, Fransina Magrietha, 1942-08-14, 4208140060083, Kightleystraat 2, Brandfort, 1997-04-12; Benjamin

Vredeman Rheeder, 1940-08-08, 4008085075082. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032,.Sanlamhof, 7532.

4223/97—Van Heerden, Richard Benjamin, 30 Augustus 1937; 3708305041084, Abrahamstraat 44, Ravensmead,

10 April 1997; Cathrine Paulina van Heerden. ABSA Trust Bok, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. -

3750/97—-Sergeant, Michael Graham, 27 December 1938, 3812275064082, 39 President Swart Street, Panorama,

Parow, 24 March 1997. ABSA Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532:

3281/97—Donnelly, Owen John, 17 December 1950, 5012175090018, 14 Bomite Road, Peniyn Estate, Lansdowne,

4 March 1997. ABSA Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

4600/97—Ascoit Laetitia Gwyn (voorheen Van Zyl), 20 Januarie 1946,: 4601200093087, Jopie Fouriestraat 37,

Parowvallei, 23 April 1997. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

4163/97—Wright, Anna Maria, 1913-12-23, 1312260041080, The Reach, Box Road, Muizenberg, 7945, 8 April 1997.

Hofmeyr Herbsteins Inc., 17th Floor, 2 Long Street, Cape Town, 8001. 30 days: —

4250/97—Theronh, Bessie Beyers, 22 Februarie 1909, 0902220027004, Huis Disa, Van der Stelstraat, Tulbach, 6820,

20 Maart 1997. Dr P. A. Olivier, Posbus, 6695, Pretoria, 0001.

1836/96-—Dentin, Ralph, 1954-05-20, 5405205194083, Gorridonstraat 33, Stellenbosch, 1995-05-07. Boland Bank Bpk.,

Posbus 236, Paarl.

7575/96—Edross, Rogaya, 18 September 1923, 022838 379 M, 6 Sigal Street, Cape Town, 14 August 1995. Banard

Katzef & Co., 451 Albert Road, Salt River.

2943/97—-Lanzkowsky, Elaine, 1926-09-29, 2609260042086, 8 Bellwood Road, ‘Sea Point, 1997-03-16. Banard Kaizef &

Co., 451 Albert Road, Salt River.

12481/95—Johnman, Dorothy Mary, 12 February 1906, 0602120019008, 8 Herte Street, Stellenbosch, 17 November

1995. Jan S. de Villiers & Son, P.O. Box 1474, Cape Town, 8000; 17th Floor, BP Centre, Thibault Square, Cape Town. 30 days.

3038/97—Booysen, Elizabeth Gertruida, 1901-05-03,-0105030010000, Huis Zenobia du’Toit, Heidelberg, Kaapprovinsie,

1997-02-05. Sanilam Trust Beperk, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

2835/97—Fortuin, Fred Joseph, 1926-02-25, 2602255070014, 67 Mayfield Village: 10 Abbott Road, Ottery, 1997-01-30;

Hilda Fortuin, 1931-12-02, 3112020032017. Buchanan Boyes'Trescoe, 1 Cornwall Place, Wynberg, 7800.

4038/97—-Crawford, Geesie Maria, 1919-12-12, 1912120010009, Konstitusiestraat 4, Beaufor- Wes, 6970, 21 April 1997.

Mnr. A. B. Crawford, Konstitusiestraat 4, Beaufort-Wes.

6098/96—Muller, Helena Cornelia, 1917-02-04, 1702040022006, Heatherton House 56, Somerset-Wes, 1996-06-12.

Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

4526/97—Steyn, Frans Daniel du Toit, 1915-02-15, 1802185013000, Hoctweg 18, Riviersonderend, 1997-03-29. Sanlam

Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

3786/97—Scott, Leo, 1910-09-15, 1009155041007, 35 Andrews Road, Hout Bay, Cape Town, 1997-04-08. Kathleen Moira

Scott, c/o Spiro O'Dowd & Sonnenberg Inc. 30 days.

3943/97—-Landman, Benno, 1916-07-20, 1607205060107, 302 Angra Pequena, Grove Avenue, Claremont, 22 April 1997.

Buchanan Boyes Trescoe, 1 Cornwall Place, Wynberg, 7800.

' 1245/97—De Villers, Francois Jacobus, 20 September 1929, 2909205051089, 23 Norfolk Road, Lakeside, 7945,

28 November 1996; Maria Aletta de Villiers. C. E. Rutherford, P.O. Box 42, Cape Town, 8000.

- 3069/97—Slabber, Coenraad Frederik, 2 Desember 1943, 4312025020004, Damplaas, distrik Worcester, ‘26 Maart 1997.

Muller Terblanche & Beyers, Posbus 7, Kerkstraat 66, Worcester, 6849.

--STAATSKOERANT, 20: JUNIE :1997.: No. 18068 55 |

- 2478/97—Carstens, Godfried Johannes, ‘2902065028008; Vréiheid; Moorreesburg,” 1997- O1- 17. Saniam - Trust, Posbus

1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

.2574/97—Barrows, Elizabeth Alice Jane, 1906- 04- 08, 060408004008", ‘Serelda Steyn, Pinelands, 1996- 42. 05. Heyns &

Vennote Ingelyf, Vasco Boulevard 168, Vasco. 3642/97—Van Romburgh, Teresa Colina, 1948- 06-22, 4806220036004; Gladiolussingel 18, Mountainside, Gordonsbaai, -

voorheen van Listasingel 27, Vredekloof, Brackenfell, 1997-04-03. Sanlam. Trust, Posbus’ 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

12827/96—Cleghorn; Jocelyn Mary, 15 July: 1922, 5411295123081,’ The Garden House, Whitney-On-Wye, Hereford

United Kingdom, 24 September 1996. Norman Wink & Stephens, Ninth Floor, Church Square House, Chureh h Square, Cape

Town. 3146/95—Titus, ‘David, 1946- 12-27, 4612275060083, 125 Yvonre - Street, - Morgenster, Mitchells Piain, 1995-03-25;

Margaret Titus, 1952-05-16, 5205160193017. Buchanan Boyes Trescoe, 1 Cornwall Place, Wynberg, 7800.

2564/95—Florence, William Jonathan, 1929-08-07, 2908075064081, 10 Arbeid Street, Penlyn Estate, Cape; 1995-01-31;

Yvonne Harviet Florence,. 1931-03-16, 3103160199088. F. Kyriacos & Company, 311. Main: Road, Kenilworth, 7700.

2039/97—Tucker, Athanase, 1921-08-14, 2108145043005, 61 Coronation.-Road,. Plumstead; Cape, 1997-02-20; Hazel

Tucker, 1934-03-28, 3403280036008. F. Kyriacos & Company, 311 Main Road, Kenilworth, 7700.

, 7833/95—Oerson, Hilda, 21 Februarie. 1951, 5102210136080; Esterstraat 54, Morgenster, Mitchells Plein, 10 Junie 1995.

Saambou. Eksekuteurskamer Bpk., Edward Ill, Edwardstraat 70; Bellville; Posbus 3883, Tygervallei, 7530.

5858/96—Wentzel, Magdalena Jacoba, 9 Mei 1922, 2205090050082, MoCarthystraat 9, Bothasig, 24 Mei 1996. Legatus

Trust Bpk., Edward Ill; Edwardstraat 70, Bellville; -Posbus 3883, Tygervallei, 7530. ,

. 1733/97—Thiart, Gideon Johannes Jacobus, 10 November 1916, 1611105025004, Kunene 9, Groenvallei, Bellville,

17 Desember 1996; Anna Gysbertha Fredrieka Jacoba Thiart, 21 Junie 1926; 2606216013001. Saambou Eksekuteurskamer

- Bpk., Edward Il, Edwardstraat 70, Bellville; Posbus 3883, Tygervallei;“7530. :

4386/97—Devey, Rowland Harold, 24 March 1918, 1803245185182, Kompanieweg 5, Melkbosstrand, 14 April 1997.

Silberbauers, Southern Life Centre, 8 Riebeek Street, Cape Town,: 8001.

4228/97—Koff, Norman Richard,..1936-01-21, 3601215041015, ‘Sunset Crescent Extension 3, Hawston, 7202,

20 February 1997; Henrietta Sarah Koff, 15 September 7 1931, 3109150019012. Silberbauers, Southern Life Centre, 8 Riebeek °

Street, Cape Town, 8001. ~~

610/97—Ruch, Barbara Sheila Ruch, 1948- 04- 80, 4804300087005, Glendale—Home fort the: Handicapped, Bergvliet,

18 November 1996. Brian Genn & Associates, 805 Henley’ Manor, Beach: Road, Mouille Point.

4283/97—Greenhalgh, James Arthur, 1921-07-07, 2107075032103, Gardens City Clinic, Pinelands, 7405, 1997-04-30.

Mr J. C. A. Bonarius, c/o McDowell, Caradoc Davies, MeD. House, ¥ Howe-§ Street, corner of Howe Street and Nelson Road,

Observatory, 7925. 3388/97—-Lerm, Maria Cornelia Elizabeth, 13 Julie 1926, 2607130004088, Blignaultstraat 4, Calitzdorp, 6660, 18 Maart

1997; Hendrik Willem Lerm, 6 Junie 1925. Barry & Mouton, Posbus 15,.Calitzdorp, 6660.

4557/97—Hansen, Walter Olaf, 1927-10-23; 2710235132083, 63 Tafelberg Street, Bothasig, Cape Province, 1997-04-25;

Eunice Mildred Hansen. Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town; 8000.

3966/97—Everingham, Mary Freda Churchill, 20 June. 1911; 1106200037001, widow, Helen Keller Home, Link Road,

Pinelands, Cape Town, 18 April 1997. C/o Van Niekerk Wessels & Weber, 356 Pretoria Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg, 2196.

4574/97—Manser, John Arundel, 1924-10-26, :2410265038009,° 44 Hamilton’ Road, Claremont, Cape Province,

1997-04-14; Veronica Blanche Manser. Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. .

Napier, Mildred, 1912-09-09, 1209090023009, .604 Protea Glen, Glenhoff:Road, Newlands, Cape, 1997- 05-20. Standard

Trust Limited, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.

3694/97— Pick, Bella, 1899-12-16, 9912160011333; 12 Bethel Street, ‘Paarl, 97-04-12. Faure & Faure Inc. 31 Lady Grey

Street, Paarl.

4114/97—Trent, Ernest George, 24 March 1927, 2703245047086, ett ‘Rusdon. Park, College F Road, Rondebosch, 29 April

1997. Syfret Godlonton-Fuller Moore Inc., P.O. Box 695, Cape Town, 8000.. es 4247/97—Steele, Ann Katherine, -1933-04- 06,. 3304060045005, ::21. Mountain: Road, Claremont, 7700, 2 May 1997.

Walkers, 15th Floor, Pleinpark Building, Plein Street, Cape Town. :

4291/97—Hunter, Hendrina van Huyssteen (born ‘Theron);.:14 August 1910, 4008140004088; 412 Vonke House,

Lourensford Road, Somerset West, 28 March 1997. Cluver Markotter, 4 Plein. Street, Stellenbosch, 7600. .

-3350/97—Muller, Isaac, 1902-08-13, 0208135013000, ‘Highlands:.House, 234. Upper. Buitenkant Street, Cape Town,

_ 27 February 1997. Kessel Feinstein Consulting, P.O. Box 1450, Cape Town.

1147/97—Wagenheim, Desire, 44-04-13, 3304130048088, 10, Selborne Road, Claremont, 10 0 January 1997. Kessel

Feinstein Consulting, P.O. Box 1450, Cape Town, 8000.

1974/97—Schwabe,. Ludwig, 13-08-02, 1308025016102, KSera 4 Knokke ‘Avenue, Table View, 97- 02-23. Kessel

Feinstein Consulting, P.O. Box 1450, Cape Town.

4278/97—-D6rnbrack, Maude. Blanche, . 1909-10-15, 0910150002087, ‘Lote Theron- huis, Hermanus, 1997-02-10.

Standard Trust Beperk, Posbus 1928, Bellville, 7535.

5058/97—Correia, Firmo Rodrigues, .1933-10-25,: 3810255082104, 61 Keurboom Crescent, Parow; 9 April 1997.

Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box.1928, Bellville, 7535. tebe

2600/97—Papworth, Dudley Noble, : 1906-07- 07; 0807075029100,, Ad Ole bu: 1 Can, Pollsmoor. Road, Kirstenhof,

1997-03-09. First National Trust, P.O: Box 512, Cape Town: is

56 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT. GAZETTE, 20 JUNE-1997

8550/97—Niddrie, Annie: Elizabeth, 1912-05-28; 1205280037106, 815 Block .F,..Bordeaux, Beach Road, ‘Sea Point,

1997-04-14; Alwyn Evan Niddrie,.:1930-01-04, 3001045025009. First National:Trust, P.O: Box.512, Cape Town.

.3411/97—Berman, Edward Mayer, 1913-02-14, 1302145004007, 12 Hove Road, Camps Bay, 1997-03- 31. First National

Trust, P.O. Box 512, Cape Town.

4514/97—Keytel, Henrietta Martha. Stigling, .1907-09-27, 0709270004084, Huis Luckhof, “alma Road, Rosebank,

1997-04-13. First National Trust, P.O. Box 512, Cape. Town..: :

3883/97—Barsby,. Carl Christian, 1922-05- 13, 2205135049081, 45 Shaddock Street, Ysterplaat, 1997- 04- 03: Soveig

Caroline Barsby, 1927-11-07, 2711070064001, First National Trust, P.O. Box 512, Cape Town.

3379/97—Hamilton, Sheila, 1911-10-10, 1110100028089, 4106 Cle Du Cap, Polismoor Road, Kirstenhof, 1997- 03- 29. First

National Trust, P.O. Box 512, Cape Town... ... »

2932/97—Botten, Eric Oswell, 1919- 04- 12, 1904125020000, Siiwerkruin, Fonteinstraat, Wellington, 1997- 03- 19; Hester

Johanna Petronella, 1923-11-13, 2311130041089. Eerste Nasionale Trust,-Posbus 512, Kaapstad.

3643/97—Ross, Egbert Jacobus, 1926-06-29, 2606295008082, Townsendstraat 72, Goodwood, 1997-04-06; Maureen

Ross, 1928-04-26, 2804260023083. Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 512, Kaapstad.

361/97—Miles, Robert, 1946-08-28, 4608285134082, Cliftonstraat 3, Macassar, Somerset-Wes, 1997-01-07; Katie Miles,

1950-11-04, 5011040142087. Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 512, Kaapstad..

4818/97—Steenkamp, Alfred Nicholas, 11 December 1917, 1712115086083, 23 Innis Road, Wynberg, 14 May 1997.

Syfret Godionton-Fuller Moore Inc:,'P:O; Box 695, Cape Town, 8000. |

4282/97—La Grange, Cecilia Francina Martina, 10 Junie 1932, 3206100049089, 2, Drosdystraat 50, Kraaifontein, 28 April

1997; Jacobus Petrus la Grange, 10° Desember 1937, 3712105057084. H. A. Conradie & Vennote Ing., Posbus 12,

Stockenstrémstraat 23, Worcester.

4365/97—Steinwender, Hilde’ (geboré Robra), 23 Mei 1914, 1405230027005, ParadysKloot V Villas 25, Paradyskloofweg,

Stellenbosch, 1 Mei 1997. Ciuver Markotter, Pleinstraat 4, Stellenbosch, 7600..

2901/97—Jonge-Poerink, Jacoba Deborah (gebore’ Van: Deventer), 31 Mei- 1929, - 2905310045008, Kerkstraat 13,

Struisbaai, 14 Maart 1997. Executor Services (Edms. ) Bk. ‘Agent vi vir Eksekuteur, Vierde Verdieping, 107 St George's Wandel,


7965/96—Robinson, William - Charles, 1913- 12- 24, 1312245042088, 3 Fitzpatrick Street, Parow, 5) July 1996,

predeceased. Audrey Findlay, 3 Fitzpatrick Street: nos

1564/97—Cahill, Dorothy, 41-10-14,.4110140062087, 19 Wattle Grove, Pinelands, Cape Town, 29 2 January 1997, Andrew

Justin Cahill, 97 First Avenue, Harfield Village, Cape Town.

3148/97—Robertson, ‘Naomi: Maria, 18 “November: 1910, 1811100032084, 3 Van Niekerk. Street, Strand, 7140,

1996-12-14. Sonja | Lotz 2 Attorneys P.O. Box 1574, Somerset West, 7129. :



599/97—Ferreira, Jean, 20 Augustus 1923, 2308200012008, Berteystraat 23, ‘Old Oak Clusters, Oak Glen, Bellville,

21 Maart 1997. Gert Terblanche, Posbus 254; Hartswater; 8570.

495/97—Adhikari, Anand Dev, 1 March 1926, married according to the laws of Scotland, Marrick Farm, District of

Kimberley, P.O. Box 2850, Kimberley, 8300, 18 ‘April 1997. A. B. Horwitz, clo Adrian B. Horwitz & Associates, Ground Floor,

Barnet House, 45 Du Toitspan ‘Road. (P.O. Box 1601), Kimberley, 8300.

593/97—O’ Callaghan, Jacobus Cornelius Burger, 1921-02-28, 2102285020006, Bainstraat 2,. Upington, 1997-05-02;

Johanna Catharina O’Callaghan. Standard Trust Bpk., Posbus 1248, Bloemfontein, 9300.

565/97—Ludick, Henry Peter, 1950-01-23,°5001235143016, Tortelduifstraat 15; Wrenchville, 1997-04-13; Marlene Ann

Ludick, 1953-02-01, 5302010018013. Duvenhage & Van der Merwe, Posbus 63, Kuruman, 8460.

522/97—-De Villiers; Johannes Jacobus, .22. Augustus 1951, 5108225078001, Wildebeesstraat 18,. Upington, 8800,

24 April 1997. Du Toit Van den Heever, Posbus 204, Schréderstraat 18, Upington, 8800. 30 dae.

487/97—Cloete, Floris Johannes, 1932-09-22, 3209225013006, Mangaanweg 1, Kuruman, 8460, 7 Maart 1997; Anna

Susanna. Francina Cloete,. 1935: 08: 25, 3508250074084. Duvenhage " -& Van der. ‘Merwe; -Prokmed Sentrum, Hoofstraat,

Kuruman, 8460.

612/97—De Klerk, Christiaan. Johannes - 5s Bean; 1923- 05-27, 2305275016008, | pleas ‘Kaffir Zwart, distrik Gordonia,

20 Mei 1997. Cornelius Johannes Carr, Posbus 6, Upington, 8800..

574/97—Louw;, Jacobus Gideon, 24 Februarie. 1919, 1902245027004, Klippunt, afdeling Gordonia, 14 Mei 1997; Sarha

Johanna Louw, 6 Maart 1927. Malan & Vennote, Posbus 27, Upington, 8800...

137/97—Van Eck, Johanna, 23 Januarie 1917, 1701230007009, Kafferskop, Belmont, 8720, 15 Januarie 1997. Thinus

Schutte Prokureur, Posbus 137,:Hopetown, 8750; - -.

552/97—Botha, Anna Sophia,-29.:September 1916, “4609290021002, Kudustraat 12C, Olifantshoek, 24 April 1997;

Lourens Rasmus Botha, 8 Julie:1923, 2307085032008. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

Van der Merwe, Petrus Stefanus, 21-11-16, 2111165023006, Stellenberglaan 8, Royldene, Kimberley, 97-04-25; Naomi

van der Merwe, 25-11-15, 2511150011009. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001.

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997" No. 18068 57

i 555/97—"Peterson, Eugene Everhardus, 8 April. 1942, 4204085053019, Hoekstraat:2,;° Upington, 8800, 10 April 1997;

Wilhelmina Peterson, 23 Mei 1947, 4705230022089. ABSA Trust Beperk, ‘Posbus 2413, ‘Bloemfontein; 9300. *

” “605/97—Golding, Jeremiah, 5 November 1910, 1011055024083; 14 Belgrave Lodge, Kimberley, $ Mei 1997. ABSA Trust

Limited, P.O. Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

* -"'506/97--Thirion, Frederik “Johannes, 4913-12-02; 1812025010081,’ “Ptesident Steynstraat 9, Upington, 1997- 04- 07;

_ Johanna Maria Elizabeth Thirion, 1921-08-07, 2108070011084. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. -

*'483/97—Van ‘Wyk, Thomas, ‘1947-08- 10, ‘4708105014082, “Annemariestraat 10, Kimberley, 15 Januarie 1997; Elizabeth

Sarah van Wyk. E. F. Saffy,. Honey & Vennote Ingelyf, Posbus 29, Bloemforitein, 9300. :

583/97—Adendorff, Clive; 12 May 1942, 4205125043084, 2'| Giardini, 5 Daws Avenue, Bedordview, 2047, 21 Apri 1997.

Hi. P.A. Venter, p.a. Duncan & Rothman, Permanentegebou, Jonesstraat, Kimberley. ee


-4415/97/4—Lyons, James William, 14 4 duly 1901, , 0107146002088, 27. “Molteno Street, Utero, 6229, 25 April 1997.

Sellick & Mcintyre, P.O.:Box 94, Uitenhage; 6230... ;

Hodgson,. John,..2. November 1911, 4111025031000, Bit Berea Gardens Valley, Jarvis. Road, Berea, East London,

24 May 1997. Standard Trust Limited, P.O..Box 996, East London,. 5200.

- .522/97/1—Hoffman, Hans, 38-12-24, 8812245117010; ; Eureka, -Adendorp,, Graat-Reinet (©os-Kaap), 97- 01-16.

C. J. Bouwer, Posbus 215, Graaff-Reinet, 6280... Coe

'1473/97/1—Dolley, Abraham Morris, 1926- 05-04, 2605045068016, 40 Beetlestone, Road, Gelvan Park, Port Elizabeth,

1997-04-24; Margaret Ann Dolley, 1936-05+10, 3605100081010. Fidelity Bank-Limited, 94 Main Street, Port Elizabeth, 6001.

543/97/2—Cloete, Beatrice, 1917- 11-06, 1711060012086, Rockclif, Dordrecht, 5435, 1996-11-28. Metcalf, Sahd &

Conipany, 8 Grey Street (P:O..Box 127), Queenstown; Cape, 5320. . ts

506/93/4—Zaayman, Veronica Norah Zaayman, 17 September 1951, 51091 70049088, 69 Seallan Street, Somerset East,

7 January 1993; George: Joseph. Zaayman, 28 July. 1952,- 5207285047086. ‘George Joseph Zaayman, 26: Goliath Street,

Gelvandale, Port Elizabeth. :

1498/97/4—Van der Watt, Reynier. Emmanuel, 28 Junie 1926, 2606285019008, ‘Wieloweg 24, | Humansdor, 10 Mei

1997. C. W. Malan & Kie., Kerkstraat 37 (Posbus 3), Humansdorp,” 6300.-:

1489/97/1—Thompson, Henry Arthur, 16 September 1921, 2109165045003, Dirk Postma-ouetehuis, Burgersdorp,

6 Mei 1997; Elizabeth Magdalene Thompson, qT Januarie- 1922, 220101004082. ‘Mnre. Hanekom & Bester, Posbus 19,

Burgersdorp, 9744.

1407/97/1—Griffiths, Lloyd George Singleton, 1916- 07- 24, “4607245008009, Cotiage A7, Fairlands Home for the Aged,

Cambridge West, East London, 1997-04-16. First ‘National: Trust, P.O: Box 1537, East London.

1227/97/1—Hall, Lorenzo. William, 1929-01-01, ‘2901015018085, 11. Mopanie Street, Oviston . Venterstad: and 318

‘Dinsdale Road, Heniey-on-Klip, 1997-04-08, First National Trust, P.O, Box 1537; East. London.

. 1449/97/1—Thorburn, Peter Graham, 1938-05-07, 3805075004084, farm Aloe Grove, Komga, .1997-03- 15. First National

Trust, P.O. Box 1587,.East London. we

* 4276/97/2—Louw, Willem Petrus, 22 November: 4921, 2111225048001, 1 Stadium. Heights, Cathcart Road, Humewood,

Port Elizabeth, 10 April 1997. Standard Trust Limited, P.O..Box 27560; Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057.

-,- .1295/97/3-—Robertson, - James. Douglas;: 6 January.1923, 2301065054 108,,. 250. Laubscher. Park West, Main Road,

Walmer, Port Elizabeth, 4 April 1997. David Spencer Wilson, P.O. Box 1092, Somerset West, 7129...

-1618/97/3—Iverson, Joyce Lilian, born: Westaway, :27 May 1916, 1605270008001, 18A Somerset Street, Grahamstown,

27 May 1997. Messrs Wheeldon Rushmere & Cole, 119 High:Street, Grahamstown.

.. 1566/97/4—Scholtz, Joachim Hermanus, 11.-February 1919, 1902115023000,: 74 Red. 4 Wing Drive, Western Hills, Port

Elizabeth, 2 May 1997; Erica dean Scholtz, 1t: May 1949, 4905110059009. ‘ABSA ‘Frust-Ltd (Reg. No. 0, 01/04665/06), P.O. Box

1199, Port Elizabeth, 6000. :

1629/97/1—Briscoe,. Frances Catherine, 12 Oktober 4917, 1710120036002, 5 ; Kragga kKamma Uitspanning Fernglen,

Port Elizabeth, 30 Januarie 1997. ABSA Trust Beperk (BTW Reg. No. -01/04665/06), Posbus 1199, Port Elizabeth, 6000.

- 1592/97/2—Louw, David Frederick Johannes, 4 April’1940, 4004045031000, Plasketstraat 37, Graaft-Reinet, 26 April

1997. ABSA Trust Beperk (BTW Reg. No. 01/04665/06), Posbus 1199, Port Elizabeth, 6000. a .

1568/97/2—Smith, Petrus Ignatius, 9 Oktober 1925,.°2510095005001 “Solenstraat’ 14, Jettreysbaal, 1 April 1997;

Antoinetta Maria Smith, 21 Oktober 1936, 9610219063007; ABSA Trust t Beperk (rw Reg. No. 01/04665/08), Posbus’ 1199,

‘Port Elizabeth, 6000. 1177/97/2—Harris, Cyril Ivor, 23 January 4 1926, 9301265048087, 19 Elaine Crescent, Mangold Park, 20 Apri 1997; Gloria

Helen Harris, 22 March 1940,-4003220073084. Moores Rowiand, ‘P.O: Box: 285; ‘Port Elizabeth;- 6000. :

1596/97/3—Du Plessis, Ella Georgina, 4 April 1934; ‘3404010010008, :Louwrens Strydomstraat. 4, “Humansdorp, 20 Mei

1997; Hercules Stephanus du Plessis; a Februatie 1929, “2902675007000. c. W: Malan’ & Kie., ‘Kerkstraat 37 (Posbus 3)

Humansdorp,6300. 0 i :

58 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

1467/97/3—Trudgett, ‘Muriel Gladys, born: Elliott;:27 November 1 906, 0611270031002, Somerson Retirement Village, Admiralty Crescent, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth, 27 April 1997. Dold & Stone, 100 High Street, Grahamstown. 30 days.

165/95/2—Wilhelmina Adriana: Emslie, :170526005080, 8 Okehampton Road, Stirling, East London, 6 October 1994. Emslie & Co., P.O. Box 19144, Tecoma, 5214... 0 cate : . ,

252/97/2—Florence Clarke, 1410070070008, Kennersley:Park, Bonza Bay, East London, 4 January 1997. Emslie & Co., P.O. Box 19144, Tecoma, 5214. cee ae an

26/9/3-50/97—Nelson, Donald Selwyn, 1927-08-31, 2708315028080, Coffee. Bay, Transkei, 1996-09-05. Hughes Chisholm & Airey, P.O. Box 36, Umtata, 5100. 30 days. .

1128/97/4— Forbes, Dorothy Isobel, 1 April:1916, 1604010079083, 3A Jason. Moyo Drive, Mutare, Zimbabwe, 4 March 1997. Executor Services (Pty) Ltd, Agent for Executor, Fourth Floor, 107 St George’s Mall; Cape Town. ~~ tO,

1470/97/2—Hartley, Dorothy Mary, 28 August 1915, 1508280028003, 88 Aldersgate, Pheasant Road, Greenshields Park, Port Elizabeth, 7 May 1997. Executor Services (Pty) Ltd, Fourth-Floor,.107 St George’s Mall, Cape Town.

.887/97/4—Kaltenbriinn, Charlotte Esther,.6 September 1918, 1809060002089, weduwee, Aanmymering, Uitenhage, 9 Maart 1997. Conradie Campher & Kemp, Posbus 12; Despatch, 6220. 30 dae.

1060/97/1—Veldtsman, Petrus Hendrik Stephanus, 1924-04-27, 2404275028001, ‘Karoostraat 2, Graaff-Reinet, 1997-04-01; Hilda Elizabeth Veldtsman, 1932-05-19, 3205190026080. First National Trust,.P.O0. Box 27521, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth. oo Ck vn

1221/97/4—Collender, William Kelsey Ffyner, 1921-01-10, 2101105012086, 28 Nile Road, Perridgevale, Port Elizabeth, 1997-04-17. First National Trust, P.O. Box 27521, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth. re .

_ 1379/97/4—Anderson, William Brown,. 1910-08-12, 1008125021081, 150 Cape Road, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth, 1997-05-04. First National Trust, P.O. Box 27521, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth. oe .

1603/97/3—Hopewell, Cecil John, 1910-06-23, 1006235020001, 45 Kruger Gardens, Admiralty Way, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth, 1997-05-06. First National Trust, P.O. Box 27521, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth.

1272/97/1—-Catherine, Beatrice Joyce Dudiey, 1911-09-23, 1109230002089, 150 Laubscher Park East, Walmer, Port Elizabeth, 1997-04-22. First National Trust, P.O.-Box 27521, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth.

998/97/3—Muller, Anthony John, 25 September 1930, 3009255040089, 16 Mayfair Avenue, Fernglen, Central, Port Elizabeth, 5 March 1997. P. Septoe & Associates, 184 Mankur House, Stanford Road, Korsten, Port Elizabeth; P.O. Box 4450, Korsten, Port Elizabeth, 6014. Be a

26/9/3-44/97—Underhill, Hazel Burmadette Ursula, 51-09-30, 5109300026089, 75 Cumberland Street, Umtata, 28 September 1996. Hughes Chisholm & Airey Inc., P.O. Box 36, Umtata, 5100. ’


2528/97—Dewaid Johannes Martens, 25 March 1925, 2503255006083, Lot.235, Opposition Street, Melmoth, 19 March 1997. Mr Dewald Johannes Martens (jr), P.O. Box 212, Melmoth, 3835. ,

2653/97—Van den Berg, Louis, 1960-05-18, 6005185112086, 294 Wellfreer Street, Bluff, 4052, 22 March 1997; Maria Francina van den Berg, 1960-09-26, 6009260109009. MacRitchie & Buck Attorneys, 177 Stamford Hill Road, Morningside, Durban, 4001. Co - :

2748/97—Kader, Kateeja Bibi, 1931-01-27, 3101270162087, 35 Lucknow Road, Ladysmith, KwaZulu-Natal, 1997-02-28. Farouk Khan & Associates, 174 Murchison Street, Ladysmith.

2846/97—Ramraj, Manilall Ramraj, 5 January 1936, 3601055087052, 48 Platrand Avenue, Ladysmith, 24 February 1997; Sonney Ramraj, 15 July 1944, 4407150033051. Sonney Ramraj, c/o A. Sibran & Associates, 63 Queen Street, P.O. Box 639, Ladysmith. ae oo - ee

2842/97—Moodley, Dasha, 1964-12-04; 6412045144087, 43 Tanjore Road, Ladysmith, 16 March 1997; Komicilla Moodley, 1967-01-24, 6701240070059. Messrs’A. Sibran & Associates, 63 Queen Street (P.O. Box 639), Ladysmith, 3370.

3012/97—Mackan, Rampersad, 1911-11-04, 1111045040080, Road 516, House 24, Croftdene, Chatsworth, 4092, 1997-02-07; Sindhamoney Mackan, 1949-02-10, 4902100766081. Sindhamoney Mackan, Road 516, House 24, Croftdene, Chatsworth, 4092, Bn -

1487/97—Moodley, Gunasakaren Deyvasigamany, 30 November 1954, 5411305057055, 6 Duiker Draai, Wildenweide, Richards Bay, 7 February 1997; Murniniammah Moodley, 19 March 1956, 5603190098059. Clive Kelly, for Truter James de Ridder, P.O. Box 36, Empangeni, 3880. Ee —

2984/97—Sonny, Soobramoney, 1939-06-17, 3906175054084, 81 Buldana Road, Merebank, 1997-02-07. M. Chetty & Associates, Suite 316, Queen City, 54 Queen Street, Durban. © :

1776/97—Chandikapersad, Mahabeer, - 1936-07-30, 3607305080086, 35 Dinapur Road, Merebank, 1996-09-06: Chanderwathi Chandikapersad, 1942-04-02, 4204020105056. M. Chetty & Associates, Suite 316, Queen City, 54 Queen Street, Durban. mo, a RED Ty . . 7 : : :

7103/96—Ramen, Jaganathan, 1942-09-24, 4209245109080, 214 ‘Himalaya Drive, Chatsworth, 1996-07-12; Savathree Ramen, 1947-07-01, 4707010586085. F. A. Valodia & Company, Docex 15, Chatsworth; P.O. Box 56752, Chatsworth, 4030.

3073/97—Dittrich, Dorothea. Magdalena Mathilde Auguste, 31 ‘January 1906, 0601310017004, 180 Pine Street, areytown, KwaZulu-Natal, 6 May 1997. E,W. Buhry:P.0. Box:2,-Port Shepstone, 4240.

_ STAATSKQERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997. No. 18068 59

:4985/97-—Hesom, Edwin Newbold, 30: November 1928, 281130501 8085; + Corby | Rock, Dundee, A: Marchi 1 1997: ‘Standard

Trust Lid; P-O..Box:2743, Durban, 4000.: os

« :2776/97—Keyter, Adam Johannes, 1 1962- 01- ot, 6204 01801 6080, Waterbok: 47; -Newcastle;: 2940, 1907-04: 01: Johanna

Key 1964-01-12, 6401120018033. ABSA Trust Limited, Fourth Floor, Tolaram House, 2 Aliwal Street, Durban, 4000: ,

*, 2770/97—Buys, Izak Daniel, 1920- 40-08,.2010085044003,.167-Lynnet Road, Yellowwood Park; 1997- 04 09. ABSA Trust

Limited, Fourth Floor, Tolaram House, 2.Aliwal Street, Durban, 4000.

« 1517/97—Naude, Sarel ‘David; 1952-08-19, 5208195053081, 3 Culbin Place, ‘Bluff, Durban, 1997- o1- 15: ‘ABSA Trust

Limited, Fourth Floor, Tolaram House, 2 Aliwal Street, Durban, 4000. Jf

<2497/97Black, Edward Norman, 1934-07-12, 3407125098081, 22A Kloot | Road, Forrest Hil, ‘1997- 03- 01. ABSA Trust

Limited, Fourth Floor, Tolararn House, 2 Aliwal-Street, Durban, 4000.

‘Henderson; Rosetta Shaw Cochrane, 1913- 05-19, 1305190017006, 11 Strathallen, Killarney Tertace, Pietermaritzburg

1997- 05-07. ABSA Trust Bepeérk, Viérde Verdieping, Tolaramgebou, Aliwalstraat 2, Durban, 4000. ” : ‘

.3197/97—Laas, Teunsina Jacoba, 1936-02- 05, 3602050015080, -hoek van’ Lady- en- Boelerstraat, Louwsburg,

1997-04- 13; Johannes Andries Laas, 1936-01- 13, 3601135107087. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2174, Durban. ~

» -3203/97—Phahia, Lucey, 1927-69- 01, 2709010124083, ‘House 31, Road | One, Chesterville, ‘Durban, 1997- 04- 03. ABSA

Trust Limited; Fourth Floor, Tolaram House, 2 Aliwalt Street; Durban. © as

3128/97—Vorster, Johannes Wilhelmus, 7 November 1919, 1911075049004, 4, Kruinsig 3A, Kruinsingel 23, Durban- Noord,

14 Maart 1997. ABSA Trust Beperk, Vierdeé Verdieping, Tolaramhuis, Aliwalstraat 2, Durban.

8325/96—Kohn, Johanna Maria Aletta, 1914-12-10, 1412100013008, Huis Van de Graaff, Stockenstroom 19, Graaff-

Reinet, 1996- 09-18.’ ABSA Trust Beperk, Vierde Verdieping, Tolaramhuis, Aliwalstraat 2, Durban:

47/97—Mallett, Johanna Dorothea, 30 November 1927, 2711300043080, 38 Linwood Road, ‘Boughton, Pietermaritzburg,

15 October 1996; Hendrik Christoffel de Wet Mallett, 6 February. 1919, 1902065035004. ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174,

Durban, 4000.

“3308/97-—Janse van Rensburg, ‘Nicolaas Esias, 28 ‘March 1920, 2003285011088, 11 Oyster Park, Channel View Road,

Bluff, Durban, 11 April 1997. ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. oo.

Cronje, Louis Francois Jacobus Nell, 1912- 08- 24, 4208245004088, Amtoti 208, Tumerstraat 18, Amanzimtoti,

1997-03-27. ABSA Trust Beperk, Vierde Véerdieping, Tolaramgebou, Aliwalstraat 2; Durban, 4000.

3397/97—Robertson, John. Edward, 1948-01-19, 4801195076085, 15 Penberton Road, Monitclair, 4004, 1997- -03- 23;

Jennifer Carol Robertson, 4953-01 -03, 8301030094087. ABSA. Trust Limited, Fourth Floor, Tolaram | House, 2 Aliwal Street,

Durban, 4000. .

3270/97—Kruger, Frans, 1930- 02- 10, 3002105082005, Hillsideweg 197, Seaview, Durban, 1997-04-24; Maureen Jessie

Kruger, 1938-03-05, 3803050097082. ABSA Trust Beperk, Vierde Verdieping, Tolaramgebou, Aliwalsiraat 2, Durban, 4000.

3157/97—Mackinnon, Malcolm Neil, 1939-09-29, 3909295079080, 67 Old Main Road, Kloof , 1997-04-14. ABSA Trust

Ltd (Reg. No. 01/04665/06), P.O. Box 2174; Durban, 4000. «

_ 3189/97—Fourie, Francis Fyson, 1928-05- 10, 2805105024087, Sentinelweg 3, Howick-Noord, 1997-01-10; Cornelia

Christina Adriana Fourie,’ 1929-05-02, 2905020024086. ABSA Trust. Beperk. (Reg. No. 01/04665/06),. ‘Posbus 2174, ‘Durban,


"3101/97—Bell, Arthur Clarence, 1916-07-25, 1607285029085, 72, “Manor. Drive, Manor. Gardens, Durban, 4001,

1997-03- 29; Kathleen Susan Bell, 1928-08-16, 2808160012088. ABSA Trust Limited (Reg: No. 01/04665/06), P.O. Box 2174,.

Durban, 4000... ~ 2668/97—Mayoss, Stephanie Joan, 1963- 02- 19, ‘6302190042006, 94 Round the Green, Sunningdale, KZN (oreviously

31,Palms Royale), 20 April 1997. Syfrets Trust, P.O. Box 135, Durban, 4000. “

1377/97—Naidoo, Appalsamy Ramnannah, - 1925-02-18, 2502185061085, . 19° Crest Road, Watsonia, Tongaat,

1996-12-08. Messrs Krish Naidoo, Haricharan & Company, P.O; Box 127, Tongaat, 4400. 30 days.

_ 2785/96—-Amor, Robert Leslie,. 1923-11-14, 2311145050083, 14. Galmour Court, Drake Road, Durban, 4001, 1996- 08- 48.

Stowell .& Co., Attorneys for Executor Dative, P.O. ‘Box. 33, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. .

.3260/97—Carter, John William Bimpson, 6 January 1925, 2501065034089, 1 Welingion Road, ‘Westville, 3630, 3 May

1997. Dickinson & Theunissen, P.O. Box 691, Pinetown, 3600. . .

'2625/97—Richardson Kenneth John, 6 June 1930, 3006065113189, 3 Lyngarth Lodge, Nyala ‘Road, “Kloof, 3610,

30 March 1997; Hazel Mary, 2 April 1934, 3404020092103. D..R: Adams C.A. (SA), P.O. Box 444, Gillittes, 3603. ;

- 3237/97—Van Heerden, Helmie. Pieter, 8 February 1951,: 5102085084084, 7 Brewer Mansions, 36 Mazeppa Sireet,

Durban, 8 April 1997; Sarah van Heerden. Standard Trust Ltd, Durban Branch, P.O. Box 2743, Durban, 4000;,320 West Street, ;

Durban, 4001. a

3039/97—Gourel de Saint Pern, Louise Isabelle Josee, 30 October 1926, 261 0300059080, 34 Courtleight t Heights, Snell.

Parade, Durban,.30 March 1997. Standard Trust Ltd, Durban: Branch, P.O. Box.2743, Durban, 4000; 320 West Street, Durban,

4001. cea

3199/97—Markham, Gwendoline Esther, - 1 May 4 1921, - 2105010022080, The Outspan Retirement Centre, 24 Sarnia

Road, Umbilo, Durban,:23 Apri 1987. Standard | Trust Ltd, Durban Branch, RO” Box. 2743, -Durban, 4000; 920 West Street,

Durban,;. 4001. . on ,

--3100/97—Blyth, Beryl. Madge ‘Hugh, 42 February: 4922, 2202120072087, 4 Caroline Gourt, Caroline Lane, Scottburgh,

4180, 15 April 1997. Standard Trust Ltd, Durban Branch, P.O. Box.2743, Durban, 4000; 320 West Street; Durban, 4001.

60 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

3193/97—Herschel, Mary, 29 December 1919, 1912290039085, 904 Far Horizon, Beach Road, Doonside, 4 May 1997. Standard Trust Lid, Durban Branch, P.O. Box 2743, Durban, 4000; 320 West Street, Durban, 4001. ,

' 3440/97—Clapton, William Stephen Thomas, 21 October 1920, 2010215063089, 4 Sunbird Avenue, Yellowwood Park, 4011, 3 May 1997. Standard Trust Ltd, Durban Branch, P.O. Box 2743, Durban, 4000; 320 West Street, Durban, 4001.

~ 5051/96—Moodley, Poongavanam, 16 March 1932, 800379325A; 40 Road 323, Chatsworth, 18 June 1995; ‘Sarundhela Moodley, 2 August 1942, 4208020384082. Sarundhela Moodiey,:40 Road 323, Chatsworth.

738/97—Murugan, Bathmanathan Rajamanikum, 15 November 1947, 4711155008087, 33 Cradien Gardens, Lenham, Phoenix, 23 December 1996; Rachel Hurugan, 4 November 1950, 5011040152052. Rachel Murugan, 33 Cradlen Gardens, Lenham, Phoenix.

6183/96—Govender, Kuppusami, 23 December 1942, 4212235065080, 27: Road, 745 Montford, Chatsworth, 21 August 1995; Chintamoney Govender, 10 October 1947, 4710100075050. Chintamoney Govender, 27 Road, 745 Montford, Chatsworth.

6025/96—Thaver, Anand Sadayan, 27 Febiuary 1935, 3502275057083, 24 Sanddollar Crescent, Crossmoor, Chatsworth, 22 June 1996: Vidyavathee Thaver, 13 May 1945, 4505130104056. Vidyavathee Thaver, 24 Sanddollar Crescent, Crossmoor,

Chatsworth. - 7225/96—Pather, Pragason, 13 August 1962, 6208135177080, 375 Arena Park Drive, ‘Chatsworth, 27 August 1996;

Shireen Pather, 18 January 1967, 6701180188085. Pregasen Chetty, 76 Glencroft Place Longcroft, Phoenix. 2145/97—Parsons, Jessie, 1 April 1905, 007632087C, 176 Pine Road, Clairwood, Durban, 16 December 1996. Louis

M. Podbielski, 1008 Sangro House; 417 Smith Street, Durban, 4001. 3326/97—Spratt, Antonia, 3 April 1926, 260403001 9001, 88 Erskine Street, Scottburgh, 4180, 4 May 1997. The Board of

Executors, P.O. Box 4743, Durban, 4000. 2950/97—Sollier (also known-as Rasamal Sammoogam Sollier), Rasarnal Sanmoogam, 1911-02-27, 1102270023081,

No. 2, 115 Panchal Court, Crescent Street, Overport, Durban, 1997-04- 17. Attorney Mervyn Millar, Eighth Floor, ABSA Building, 78 Field Street, Durban, 4001.

2199/97—Clark, Audrey Joyce, 21 July 191 8, 1807210026081, 102 Caribbean, 25 Old Fort Road, Durban, 4007, 2 March 1997. Woodhead Bigby & Irving, 650 Mansion House, 12 Field Street, Durban, 4001...

2959/97—Isolano, Giovan Battista; 19 ‘January 1912, 1201195052181, 44 Cutwill House, 104 Smith Street, Durban, 4001, 8 March 1997. Woodhead Bigby & Irving, 650 Mansion House, 12 Field Street, Durban, 4001.

' 941/96—Govender, Lutchmi, 1929-07-14, 2907140045083, 88 President Street, Bayview, ‘Chatsworth, 29 September 1993, predeceased spouse. S. Harrylal & Company, P.O. Box 45008, Chatsglen, 4012. 30 days.

2594/97—Gilio, Faustino, 1928-08-16, 2808165062088, 212 Seventh Avenue North, Morningside, Durban, 1997-03-28; Angela Gilio, 1936-09-06, 3609060102089. Syfrets Trust Limited, Fourth Floor, Nedbank Centre, Durban Club Place (P.O. Box 135), Durban.

2757/97—Wyatt, Wilton, '4909- 08- 11, 0908115018081, 702 Parkview, 17 Boscombe Place, Durban, 4001, 1997-04-13. Garlicke & Bousfield Inc., P.O. Box 223, Durban, 4000.

1131/97—Taylor, Greta Babette, 8 October 1930, 301 0080029081, 455 Umhlanga Rocks Drive, Durban North, 4051, 3 February 1997; Dudley Austen Taylor. Gavin Gow Jenkins & Pearse, Suite 15, Chartwell Centre, Chartwell Drive, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320. 21 days. , c

2149/97—Sharma, Narian Parsadh, 1931- 11- 16, 3111165119084, 291 Grove- End Drive, Grove End, Phoenix, 10 November 1996; Yogani Sharma, 1936- 05-25, 3605250062083, Vijay Kooblal & Associates, P.O. Box 47028, Greyville 4023. 21 days.

3215/97—-Farnden, Norah Alice, 1913- 12- 21, 1312210019103, clo Vilage of Happiness, Margate, 22 April 1997. Walter George Robinson, Lot 3159 (P.O. Box.1034), Margate, 4275.

3405/97—Bobee, Krishna, 14 November. 1933, 3311145053086, 34 Litford Road; Sunford, Phoenix, 25 March 1997, Pietermaritzburg; Muniamma Bobee, 13 December 1935, 3512130073084. D. » Murugasen, Rajan Moodley &.Associates, Attorneys for Executrix, Suite 214, Queen City,.54 Queen.City, Durban. |

2094/97—-Pappas, Nestor Denis, 1922-08-15, 2208155002089, Highover Estates, near Mooi River, 1996-08-20. Deloitte & Touche, P.O. Box 27, Nelspruit, 1200.

631/96—Mundree, Govendasamy, 2 24 September 1932, 3209245079086, 84 Trisula ‘Avenue, Arena Park, Chatsworth, 19 January 1996; Nimiavathy Mundree. Scobramani Hanamantoo Mundree (also. known: as: Soobramani Hanamantoo), 86 Dahlia Road, Asherville, Durban.

3305/97—Dean Jacqueline Margaret, 1943-11-04, 4311 040404088; 116. Silverton Road, Berea, Durban, 1997-04-25. Shepstone & Wylie, 35 Aliwal Street, Durban, 4001.

3078/97—Hedder, Magdalena Susanna Maria, 1918-02-11, 1802110018080, 114 Summer Hill Lodge, Williamson Road, Scottburgh, 1997-04-15; Heinrich August Johannes Hedder, 1920- 07-21, 2007215032080. Gifford & McKeown,. Unit 2, Burnside, 1 Builders Way, Hillcrest. .

3244/97—Govender, Agasphranandhan, 1945- 10-24, 4510245005081, 15 Helwin Street, Shalloross, 4093, 1997-04-23; Nagapushnam. Govender,. 1951-08-16; 5108160148058. J.-D. Vedan & Company, Julie’s Court, 103 Klaarwater Road, Shalicross, 4093.

3048/97—Richards, Irene, 1931-11-04, 3111040050017, 64 Walmer Avenue, Sydenham, Durban, 4091, 1997-03-11; Cecil Reginald Richards, 1922-06-16, 2206165050015.. Laing Frank & MacDonaid,.P.O. Box 2997, Durban, 4000.

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997 No: 18068 61

- §$147/97—Carey, Constance Magdelene, :12 July 1928, 2807120239088, 24 Streathem Crescent, Woodlands, Durban, 16

April 1997. De Villiers Evans & Petit, 44 Acutt Street, Durban, 4001..

3387/97—Bird, Leonard Adrian, 1936-04-26, 3604265045084, 257 Wellfreer Road, Fiynnlands; Bluff, 4052, 1997- 05- 07.

Ditz Incorporated, 50. Masonic Grove, Durban, 4001.

3051/97—Van Zyl, Andrias (ook. bekend as Andries) Johannes, 1918- 11 03, 1811035045008, Aftreeoord,

Paulpietersburg, KwaZulu-Natal, 1997-04-21. Hannah, Schoombee & Steyn, Posbus 34, Vryheid,.3100.'30 dae.

2927/97—Bender, Jean, 29 November 1931, 3111290034182, 5 Hills Place,,. Northdene, Queensburgh, KwaZulu- Natal,

2 April 1997. Colyn Townsend, P.O. Box 1432, Linkhills, 3652.

2330/97—Van der Westhuizen, Abraham Charles, 1997- 03- 18, 3702265007086; 836 Bluff Road, Bluff, Durban, 4001, 18

March 1997; Jean McGilchrist van der Westhuizen, 1937-05-04, 3705040095102. Goodrickes Attorneys, P.O, Box 5244,

- Durban, 4000. 30 days. 4

1498/97—Monitgomery, Betty, 1911- 11-23, 4111230012001, 89 Henderson Road, Pietermaritzsburg, 1997- 02- 16..N.M.

Fuller, Advocates Chambers, N.B.S. City Centre, 145 Commercial Road, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

2781/97—Monk, Milly, 1908- 10-14, 0810140023005, Beth Shaiom, 85 Vause Road, Durban, 1997- 04- 14, J. H. Nicolson

Stiller & Geshen, P.O. Box 641, Durban, 4000.

3149/97—Dickson, Lesley Alison, 1956-10-01, 5610010015106, 3 Leighton Hall, 363 Moore Road, Durban, 4001,

1997-04-25. Livingston Leandy Incorporated, Second Floor, Granada Centre, Chartwell Drive, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320.

3402/97—Van Zyl, Christiaan Jacobus, 1925-11-14, 2511145004002, 22 Hubert. Road, Boughton, Pietermaritzburg,

KwaZulu-Natal, 1997-04-28; Maria Johanna van Zyl, 1935-06-26, 3506260024008. Lister & Lister, P.O. Box 144, Pieter-

maritzburg, 3200.

3353/97—Slater-Kinghorn, David, 16 January 1909, 0901165019083, Flat 91, The Astra, 26 Russel Street, Durban,

4001, 1997-04-10. Dawsons, 19 Theatre Lane, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

3420/97—Du Sautoy, William Reginald, 1909-05-14, 0905145011003, 129 Garden Grove, 2i1 St Thomas Road, Durban,

1997-05-16. Coopers & Lybrand, P.O. Box 1945, Durban, 4000.

2855/97—Harding, Denzil Edward, 1925-06-17, 2506175043086, 815 Claridge Court, 4. Smith Street, Durban,

1997-04-28. Syfrets Trust Limited, Fourth Floor, Nedbank Centre, Durban Club Place, P.O. Box.135, Durban.

3226/97—Muhl, Emma Bertha Elfriede, 13 February 1903, 0302130015001, Altersheim, Port Natal, New Germany, 13

April 1997. Trotter & Houston, P.O. Box 16, Vryheid, 3100.

2522/97—Hinton, Wilhelmina Jacoba Hinton, 2 November 1927, 2711020032082, 161 Laguna Ridge, 307 North Ridge

Road, Durban, 31 March 1997. Deloitte & Touche, Deloitte & Touche House, P.O. Box 243, Durban, 4000.

1622/97—Atchiah, Muthusamy,, 24 April 1951, 5104245096080, 39 Croton’ Road, Brindhaven; Verulam; 4340, 4 February

1997; Asothie Atchiah, 1 October 1953, 5310010153052. Gavin Gow Jenkins & Pearse, Suite 15, Chartwell Centre, Chartwell

Drive, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320. 21 days.

2896/97—Johnson, Edmund Charles Kerby Johnson, 7 October 1923, 2310075025008, 331° Prince Alfred’ Street,

Pietermaritzburg, 22 April 1997. Marwick, Gould & Ash, P.O. Box 1540, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

8506/96—Sookha, Morar, 10 April 1990, 0904105065083, 117 Warwick Avenue, Durban, 4001, 2 June 1996. Desai

Bhagat and Jeena, P.O. Box 37324, Overport, 4067.

2703/97—Maharaj, Heeramun Ramlucken, 1938-09-02, 3809025080087, 85 Sastri ‘Circle, Belvedere, Tongaat, 4400,

26 March 1997; Sarojinee Maharaj, 1946-11-30, 46113001 07059. Messrs Krish Naidoo, Haricharan & Company, P.O. Box 127,

Tongaat, 4400. 30 days.

8017/96—Moodley, Sagadevan, 1925-05-29, 2505295057083, Spioenkop Farm, Upper Tongaat, Tongaat, 1996- 08- 01.

Messrs Krish Naidoo, Haricharan & Company, P.O. Box 127, Tongaat, 4400. 30 days.

3409/97—Kanapathi, Sivananthan, 28 March 1953, 5303285131085, 98 Road 501, Chatsworth, 4092, 12 April 1997;

Malliga Kanapathi, 23 May 1953, 5305230149088. Malliga Kanapathi, 98 Road 501, Chatsworth, 4092. 30 days.

689/97—Hill, Trevor Warwick; 1952-02-11; 5202115121003, 259 York Street, Greytown, 3250, 2 January 1997. D. J. P.

Scott, of Van Rooyen & Forder Inc., P.O. Box 56, Greytown, 3250. .

3314/97—-Moffat, Beatrice Hilda Moffat, 24 April 1915, 1504240034009, 6 Pinehurst Gardens, Church Lane, Pinetown,

12 May 1997. Woodhead Bigby & Irving; 700 Mansion House, '14 Field Street, Durban, 4001: mo

2692/97—Bernon, Queenie Elaine, 1917- 09- 16, 1709160021080, 54 Payne Road, Congella, Durban, 1997- 03-25. First:

National Trust, P.O. Box 3409, Durban.

2911/97—Stroebel, Johnathan Edward, 1956-06-11, 5606115107087, 43 Harrison Drive, Glen n Ashley, Durban North,

Durban, 1997-04-21. First National Trust, P.O. Box 3409, Durban.

3560/97—Naidoo, Subiah, 12 March 1940, 4003125091082, 142 Moss Street, Verulam, KwaZulu-Natal, 10 August 1996;

Amina Naidoo, 8 June 1945, 4506080125059. Aminda Naidoo, c/o Woodroffe & Kleyn, 351 Windermere Road; Durban, 4001..

2296/97—Peet,. Arthur; 1905-01-15, 9501155003004, The Astra, 26 Russell Street, Durban, 1997- 03-29. First National

Trust, P.O. Box 3409,-Durban. a

1088/97—Khoza, Sandile Reginald, 1962- 10- 13, 6210135840089, 3 Braby Place, Cowies Hill, 4996- 12- 09. First National

Trust, P.O. Box 3409,:‘Durban.

451/97—Spearman, Eric Denis, 9 October 1922, 2210095041003, 7 Camarvon Place, Durban North, 4051, ‘29 December

1996. P. V. Furness, 7 Carnarvon Place, Durban North, 4051. 30 days.

1907/97—Lynch, Patrick Desmond, 1910-03-01, 1003015017000, Village of Happiness, Margate, 1997- 03-18. Syret

Trust Limited, Fourth Floor, Nedbank Centre, Durban Club Place, Durban; P.O. Box 135. Do

62 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

~ 2852/97—Campbell, : Joan : Lucille,..10. -Septémber 1918, 1809100010100, Clivia Place, . ‘Sweetwaters Road, Pietermaritzburg, 30. March 1997. Richard Power Inc., P.O. Box 122, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

2488/97—Sookdew, Tejpersad, 1938-11-01, 3811015091082, House 8, Road 741, Chatsworth, Durban, 4092, 1996-08-13; Nakmathie Sookdew. ‘Executor Services (Pty) Ltd, Suite 802; NBS: Building, 300 Smith Street, Durban, 4001.

2907/97—Ross, Graham David, 1940-06-15; :4006155085080,. 15: Nidderdale West Riding, Durban, 4091, .1997-04- +24. Executor Services (Pty) Ltd,.Suite 802, NBS Building, 300:Smith Street, Durban, 4001.

1950/97—Howroyd, Hugh: Tomlinson; 1934-01-15, 3401155102087,-7 Flack Place, Durban North, Durban, 4051, 1997-03-18. Executor Services (Pty). Ltd, Suite 802, NBS Building, 300 Smith Street, Durban, 4001.

2480/97—Wilson, ‘Dudley Jessup, 1925-03- 16, 2503165037087, 545 Main Road, Escombe, Queensburgh, 4093, 1997-04-04, Executor Services (Pty) Ltd, Suite 802, NBS Building, 300 Smith Street, Durban, 4001.

' 2351/97—Merifield, Michael Patrick, 4951-11-27, 5111275039089, 1 Virgo Street, Newcastle, 2940, 1997-03-27. Executor Services, (Pty). Ltd, Suite 802, NBS Building, 300 Smith Street, Durban, 4001.

~~ 2092/97—Newman, ‘Lynette Elizabeth, 1918-04-04, 1804040037008, Shorts Retreat, Walter Hali Road, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, 23 March 1997. Executor Services (Pty) Lid, Suite 802, NBS Building, 300 Smith Street, Durban, 4001.

1699/97—Rajparan; Paladh, 1936-41- 15, "3611155096085, 6 Willow Grove, Mobeni Heights, 4092, Durban, 1997- 02- 21. Executor Services (Pty) Ltd, Suite 802, NBS Building, 300 Smith Street, Durban, 4001. ‘

~ 866/97—Rice; Velma Audrey Rice, 1927-11- 09, 2711090041088; 22 Stirling Crescent, Durban North, 1996- 12-30. Francis Victor Rice and John Aylmer Nel. 30 Days.

845/97—Yenkasamy, ‘Ramanha,: 52-09: 26, 52092651 70052, 4 Cassia, Empangeni 24 December 1996. Serfontein en Richards, Posbus 101648, Meerensee, 3901::

5694/96—Du : Plooy,. Adriaan ‘Jacobus: 1936- 04- 13, 3604135010003, 105 Shepstone Street, Richmond, 3780, 1996-08-01. G. C. Ford, P.O. Box 11931, Dorpspruit, 3206."

..8008/97-—-Govender,. Subbiah, .4- May. 1947,.'.4705015190051, -112. Clayton Road, Asherville, Durban; 10 April 1997; Annamah Govender, 3 November 1945, 451103044, 2086. Louis M. Podbielski, 1008 Sangro House, 417 Smith Street, Durban, . 4001,

3263/97_—Emary, Lily Marjorie, 1 7 ; February: 4912, 4202170017082, 124 The Caister, Musgrave Road, Durban, 27 April 1997. John Hudson & Company, 303 Florida: Road; Durban...

1571/97—Atkinson,, Edmund Fred Norman, 12. September 1916, 4609125033081, Section 1, Bracken View, Shelly. Beach, 12 January 1997; Estelle Atkinson, 26 August 1920, 2008260029088. Walter George Robinson.

5502/95—Gerritz,. Willem, 2 August 1923, 2308025049086, 21 Imbambala Flats, Bushlands Road, Bluff, Durban, 17 July 1995. Liasides & Associates, First Floor, Price Waterhouse. Place, 102 Essenwood Road, Berea, Durban, 4001.

_ 3426/97—Perry, Winifred Mary, 26 July. 1908, 0807260007008, 43 The Walk,. Waterfall, KwaZulu- Natal, 12 May 1997. Louis M. Podbiels 1008 Sangro House, A17 ‘Smith Street, Durban, 4001.

2671/97—Naidoo, Loganayagi, ‘1949- 02- 07, 4902070649085, House 95, Road 710, Montford, Chatsworth, 4092, 96-10-04; Ramen Naidoo, 1943-05-11, 4305115127085. House 95, Road 710, Monitford, Chatsworth.

1252/97—Ten Hoorn Boer, Jannes, 4 April 1923; 2304045038183, 60 Blackburn Road, Durban North, 4051, 4 February 1997. Reiniéra Theodora Ten Hoorn Boer, 60 Blackburn Road, Durban North, 4051.

3043/97—Ramsami, Subbamma, ‘1910-07-17, 1007170096089, deceased, 1 Sunset Avenue, Woodhurst, Chatsworth, 4030, 97-04-04; Monimundrum Govender, ¢/o Matlan Naidoo & Associates, 907/908 Maritime House, Salmon Grove, Durban, 4000.


1129/97—-Booyens, Elizabeth Katriena, 29 > Maart 1935, 3503290033000, Serenitas 18, Bloemfontein, 1 Mei 1997. W. C. Janse van Rensburg, Computax, Posbus 3381, Bloemfontein.

' 1237/97—Van Niekerk, Adriaan Erasmus, 1926- 08- 04, 2608045015003, Andries Pretoriusstraat 4, Bloemfontein, 1997-05-02; Anna Maria van Niekerk, 1927- ‘1: 12, 2711120052006. David Johannes du Toit van der Merwe, Lady Smithstraat 18, Dan Pienaar, Posbus 1062, Bloemfontein: 30° dae.

Scheepers, Stoffelina Elizabeth, 4909-10-03; 091 0030029005, Eerste Laan 8A, Parys, 1996-11-02. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria.

Van der Walt, Joseph Martiens, 1923-0241 1, "2302115025080, Dolfstraat, Jolensiawoonstelle 6, Parys, 17 Mei 1997; Anna Maria Elizabeth van der Walt, 4206100022085. ABSA Trust Beperk; Posbus 383, Pretoria.

Vermaak, Louis Izaak ‘Zirk, 12 ‘Augustus 1965, 6508125147088, Torontowoonstelle 19, Navelsig, Bloemfontein, 16 April 1997. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria.

1202/97—Vogel, Adolph: Johan; -2306105022080;: ‘Coetzeestraat 18, Reddersbure, 1997-04-28; Johanna Jacoba Wilhelmina. Standard Trust Bpk., Posbus 1248, Bloemfontein, 9300. ,

- 893/97—Fenwick, Alexander Daniel, 7 Januarie 1922, 2201075027005, Hoogestraat 58, Dewetsdorp, Vrystaat, 5 Maart 1997. Potgieters, Posbus 90, Smithfield, 9966. 30 dae. Ce,

+ STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997 : No. 18068 63

. 982/97--Smuts, Zagharia Johanna Petronella, gebore Barrett; 18 September 1931, 3109180003002, Olivierstraat 20B,

Kestell, 9860, 28 Maart 1997; Theunis Frederick Smuts, 17 September 1922, '2209175005086. Eerste Nasionale Trust; Posbus

17.14, Bloemfontein, 9300.°

1110/97—Raath, Gesina Maria, 21 Mei 1915, 4505210015084, Rosestad-tehuis, Pasteurylaan, Hospitaalpark,

Bloemfontein, 29 April 1997. Delport & Le Roux; Posbus 792, Nelspruit, 1200. ,

865/97— Prins, Thomas Johannes Albertus, 1941 -03-25, 4103255065003, Lindenbergstraat 2, Senekal, 1997- 03- 24;

Maria Johanna Prins, 1943-02-01, ‘4302010062004. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

1061/97—Janse van Rensburg, Zacharia Gertruida, 1914-10-08, 1410080026087, Syimanvoonsiell 4, Harrismith,

1996-03-10.‘ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

941/97—Vorster, Daniel Petrus, 1909- 11 14, 0911145006001, Huis Uitkoms: 10, Joubertstraat, ‘Bethulie, '1997- 03-22.

ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. oi

783/97—Scilipoti, Giovanni, 1926-02-15, 2602155016182, ‘Nyalastrast 13, Doorn, Welkom, 1997- 03- 03; Craziella

Scilipoti, 1940-02-04, 4002040047187. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein. ,

1070/97—Hills, Lucy Antoinette, A Oktober 1915, 1510010015003, Voortrekkerstraat 26, Hennenman, 16. April 1997.

Kalla du Plessis & Kie., Posbus 672, Hennenman. : .

516/97—Manning, Cynthia Isadora Bruce, 1925- 07- 29, 2507290013087, Kort. Street, Clarens, 1997- 01- 17. Syfrets

Limited, 65 Maitland Street, Bloemfontein, 9301. .

_ 794/97—Capitao, Pedro Inacio, 22. February. 1938, 3802225024187, 2 Roosmaryn Street, Jim. Fouche Park, Welkom,

17 March 1997. J. J. de C. Wessels, c/o Wessels & Smith, P.O. Box 721, Welkom, 9460... ;

. 1011/97—Kok, Johanna, 16 Mei 1918, 1805160006004, Millenstraat: 25, Jan. Gilliers Park, Welkom, 15 pon 1997.

J. J. de C. Wessels, p.a. Wessels & Smith, Posbus 721, Welkom, 9460.

-973/97—Nel, Maria Barbara Helena, 1914-03-09, 1403090012001, Wilgerus- -ouetehuis vir Bejaardes, Beckwithstraat 1,

Frankfort, 9830, 9 April 1997:-M..P. de Jager & Vennote,; Kerkstraat 18 (Posbus 14), Frankfort, 9830.

925/97—Martin, William Mathieson, 18 Oktober 1935, 3510185187189, Cillierstraat 3, Clarens, 8 Maart 1997. Danie du

Plooy, vir Breytenbach Van der Merwe & Botha inc., Posbus 693, Bethlehem, 9700. _

3352/96—Van Niekerk, Maria ‘Magdalena, 1941-06-30, 4106300043081, Okkerneutlaan 33, Edleen, Kempton Park,

25 Mei 1996; Adriaan Pieter van Niekerk, 19420 08-09, 4208095041005, mnr. Paul Dreyer P. a. Coopers & Lybrand, Posbus 818,

Bloemfontein, 9300.

"- 1322/97—Du Toit, Anna Sophia ‘Adeline, gebore’ Du: Plessis, 23 Oktober 1923, 2310230038086, Kiepersol- -aftreeoord 12,

Bloemfontein, 30 Mei 1997. Andries Louis Jacobus du Toit, p. a. Symington & De Kok, Voortrekkerstraat 169, Bloemfontein.

952/97—Muller, Lucia, 28 Maart 1944, 4403280031008, Besemboslaan 86,, Pellissierpark, Bloemfontein, 15 April 1997; |

Sarel Jacobus Muller, 12 Mei 1942, 4205125022005. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

1063/97—Buitendag, Frederick Edward, 31 Januarie 1969, 6901315182082; ~ Schumanshof 3: ‘Schumanstraat, ;

Riebeeckstad, 24 Maart 1997. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

1069/97—Wilson, Engela Catharina, 25 Augustus 1924, 2408250034082, Limpopolaan 20, Vigna, 9430, 30 Maart

1997; Stafford George Vernon. Wilson..Edeling & Immelman, Posbus 25, Hennenman, 9445.

. .153/97—Manning, ‘Arthur Patrick,: 1913-03-18, 1303185018089,° Kort Street, Clarens, 1996-12-31. Syfrets Limited,

Syfrets Centre, 65 Maitland Street, Bloemfontein, 9301. -

1044/97—Bothma, Hertzog, 1913- 03- 10, 1303105008087, Willelaan 21, , Frankfort, 9830, 1997-03-08. Mev. M. E. Bothma,

Willelaan 21, Frankfort,.9830.

- 1217/97—Gouws, Heila Levina, 28 November 1912, 1211280017007, Westerbloem 43, , Haldonwes, Bloemfontein, 14 Mei

1997. J. U. Fick, Plettenbergstraat 10, Dan Pienaar, Bloemfontein.

1082/97—Van Eden, Theunis Jacobus; 22 Mei 1939, 3905225279089, Van Andelstraat 32, Ventersburg, 16 April 1997.

ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.'

1191/97—Pienaar, Johanna Hermina, 1918- 02- 09, 1802090026087, Ons’ ’ Tuiste, Westerbloem, Bloemfontein,

1997-05-10. ABSA Trust Beperk, Volkskasgebou, hoek van ‘Aliwal- en Maitlandstraat, Bloemfontein, 9301.

474/97—Aletta Maria Zietsman, 16 November 1907, 0711160020006, weduwee, pensioenaris, Cloc-in- -quetehuis, Piet

Retiefstraat, Clocolan, 7 Februarie 1997. Steinbach & Oelofse, Charl Cilliersstraat 5 (Posbus 5), Clocolan, 9735. :

955/97—Terblanche, Maria Gertruida Elizabeth, 28 Maart 1928, 2803280020004, Melville Krigelaan 8 (Pobus. 17145),

Bainsviei, 9338, 16 Maart 1997; Hendrik Johannes. Terblanche, binne gemeenskap. van goedere, 4 Julie 1925. Mor. H. J.

Terblanche, Posbus 17145, Bainsvlei, 9338.

310/97—Olivier, Hendrik van Loggerenberg, 1916+ 04-13, 1604135019089, Landdrosstraat 8, Welkom, en voorheen van

Senekal, 11 Januarie 1997. E. F. Saffy, Honey & Vennote. Ingelyf, Posbus 29, ‘Bloemfontein, 9300.

1225/97—Pepler, Hendrik, 26 Mei 1929, 2905265041002... Glendale 61, Fairviewstraat, Bloemfontein, 16 Mel 1997.

H. G. Human, Posbus 7132, Bloemfontein, 9300.

-1171/97—-Marais, Johanna Cilliers, 1923-07-20, 2307200016084, Perdehoek,, Tweeling 1997- 04- 14, ABSA Trust Berk

Volkskasgebou, hoek van Aliwal- en Maitlandstraat, Bloemfontein, 9301.

286/97—Van der.Walt, Johanna Catharina, 1922-02-11, 2202110044005, Haldonweg ‘60A, Wipes, Bloemfontein,

1997-01-13. Legatus Trust Beperk, Posbus 4304, Bloemfontein, 9300.

64 _No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

- Form/Vorm J 187.



: In terms of section 35 (5) of Act No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distri- bution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below, will be open for inspection ‘of all persons interested therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the latter, and_at the offices of the Masters and Magistrates as stated.

Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the \e specified period, the executors : will proceed to make Payments in accordance with the accounts:

“The information is given in the following order: Estate number, surname, christian name(s), identity number, last address, description of account other than first and final; if deceased was married in community of property the surviving spouse’s names, surname and | Hdentity number; period of inspection (Ws shorter or longer than 21 days), -Magistrate’s Office... : mv



Ingevolge artikel 35 (5)' van Wet No. 66 van 1965, word hierby kennis gegee dat duplikate van die. likwidasie- en ‘distribusierekenings (eerste en: finale, tensy anders vermeld) in die boedels hieronder vermeld, in die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste | soos. vermeld en gedurende ’n tydperk van 21. dae. (of korter of langer indien

" §pesiaal vermeld) vanaf gemelde datums of vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan, welke ook al die laaste is, ter insae lé van alle persone wat daarby belang het.

“Indien binne genoemde tydperk geen besware daarteen by die betrokke Meesters ingedien word nie, gaan die eksekuteurs oor tot die uitbetalings ingevolge gemelde rekenings.

“Die inligting. word. $008 volg verstrek: Boedelnommer, familienaam, voornaam(name), identiteitsnommer, laste adres, beskrywing van.rekening as dit anders as eerste en finale is; indien oorledene in gemeenskap van goedere getroud was die nagelate eggenoot(note) se name, familienaam | en identiteltsnommer; ‘tydperk van insae ’ (indien korter. of langer as 21. dae), Landdroskantoor.


At the office of the Master, PRETORIA, and also of the magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses, . By die kantoor van die Meester, PRETORIA, en ook van.die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakies gemeld

word. ..

9430/96—Botha, Antonie Christoffel, 2004135039089, “Reidweg 5, Florentia; Alberton; Hendrina Sophia Botha, 2305190016080 (Alberton).—Prokureurs Chris Fourie, Posbus 2279, Alberton. .-

14042/92—Pretorius, Johan Christoffel Petrus, 3809015029086, Hoewe 110, Tweede Wea, Cloverdene, Benoni, Maria Susanna Pretorius, 4207020118003 (Benoni).—Posbus 3046, Benoni, 1500. .

7905/96—Roothman, Marthinus Johannes, 3810015036089, plaas Middelbutt, Lichtenburg, Noordwes- -provinsie; langslewende eggenote Susanna Vohanna Roothman, 3811010017009 (Lichtenburg). —Bosman & Bosman Prokureurs, Posbus 1, Lichtenburg, 2740.

16067/96—Scott, Joyce Helen, 1811290040087, Andries Potgieter Boulevard 13, Vanderbiljpark, 1911; William Marthinus Scott, 3004115050089 (Vanderbijipark).—Rooth & Wessels, Posbus 21, Vanderbijlpark, 1900.

15807/96—Van Zyl, . Petra Marié, 471180046086, ‘Weshoekwoonstelle 14, Vredestraat, Fochville (Fochvi). —Van Schalkwyk & Vennote, Posbus.901, Krugersdorp. -

15731/96—Pretorius, Wynand Johannes Beyers, 1905275007002, Protea-aftresoord 95, Swaardloisaan, Die Wilgers, Pretoria.—Niland & Pretorius Ing., Posbus 10, Pietersburg, 0700.

11714/96—Roos, Hester Adina, 1109300007083, Gannet Place, Huis 503, Hazyview, 1242 (Witrvier) —Sola F Fidé Prof. Dienste, Posbus 2256, Pietersburg, 0700. i

16482/96—Hodges, Arthur Douglas, 1901085020087, 113 Hartebeesfontein Road, Stilfontein (Klerksdorp). —Alice van Aarde Attorneys, P.O. Box 1039, Klerksdorp.

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997 yp v No. 418068 | 8s

1117/97—Smit, Melanie Rosalie, 6702240001086, Kaolinstraat 47, Oberholzer (Oberle. —Eerste Nasionale Trust,

Posbus 1538, Klerksdorp. bee

3670/97—Van Zyl, Jan Harms, 3009205040081, “Maureenstraat 42, “Wilkoppies, ‘Klerksdorp Elsie Adriana van Zyl,

3111220004081 (Klerksdorp).—Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 1538;. ‘Klerksdorp.

. _.,16929/96—Van der Westhuizen, Ronel, 7003040238088, Beestekraalsprutt, distrik Graskop (Graskop). —Eerste

“Nasionale Trust, Posbus 600, Nelspruit, 1200. 7

. '6142/96—Remacle, Maurice Victor, 2006245065185, 128 Ninth Avenue, ‘Syndenham, “Johannesburg; Marguerite h Marie

“'Grislance Remacle, 2504090069104 (Johannesburg).—J. G. van Niekerk Prokureur, Posbus 6262, Nelspruit, 1200.

2 43412/96—Van Rensburg, Jacobus Josias Jeremias, 2105105059005, Van Deventerstraat 70, Randgate, Randfontein,

1795; Johanna Hendrina van Rensburg, 2501050048003 (Randfontein) —Truter Crous & Wiggill, Posbus 116, Randfontein,


11811/95—Dayal, Daloo (also known as Daloo Dayal Mistry), 2001285038085, 43 Kingsfisher Street, ‘Lenasia Extension

1, Johannesburg; Snantaben Daloo Dayal, 2311100051050 (Johannesburg). —M. D. Mistry & « Company, 64 C.N.R. House,

22 Cross.Street; Durban.-

. 20306/96—Struyf, ilva, 2312270005108; -Erasmusstraat 13, Florapark, Pictersbirg, en Pangananiveg 23, Lusaka,

Zambié (Pietersburg).—Niland & Pretorius Ing.,Posbus.10, Pietersburg,-0700. :

7720/96—Kassel, Raymond, 4912225056086, Desmondstraat 20, Silverfields, Krugersdorp (Krugersdorp): —Prokureurs

Louw & Heyl, Posbus 252, Florida, 1710; Churchstraat 15, Florida, 1709.

7052/96—Roos,. Andre, 5903175001080, Portion, 28,. farm -Langespruit: 22, Kiepersol; Mpumalanga. (Nelspruit). —Deloitte

& Touche, P.O: Box 27, Nelspruit, 1200.

4753/96—Kempen, Stephanus Johannes, 1608215002006, : ‘Maroelawoonstelle 2, Retiefstraat 8, Potgietersrus

(Potgietersrus).—Prokureurs Borman Snyman & Barnard Ing.,. Voortrekkerweg 100 (Posbus 42),. Potgietersrus.

12637/96—De Ridder, Gert Christoffel Snyman, 5208215052089, Haarhofflaan 3,.Rustenburg; en Swaarverdien,

distrik Rustenburg. —Van Velden- -Duffey, Biblio Plaza, Van Stadenstraat (Privaatsak 82082), Rustenburg, 0300.

- 2090/97—Claassens, Johannes Petrus, 6903285021084, Rietpan, distrik Delareyville (Delareyvill). —Herman du Plessis

-& Seun, Posbus 23; Delareyville, 2770.

4210/97—Jansen, Helena Elizabeth (gebore Koorts), 1502240021000, ‘Voortrekkerweg 144, Poigistersrus: Frederick

_ Antony, Jansen, . 1307245016009. (Potgietersrus).—Prokureurs. Borman. Snyman. &. Barnard Ingelyt, ‘Voortrekkerweg 100

(Posbus. 42), Potgietersrus, 0600.

5994/97—Brasé,. Wilhelm Arthur, 4104055035006, Kraspoort \Vakansiedorp, Middelburg Maria: Elizabeth Brasé

(Middelburg, Transvaal).—ABSA Trust Beperk (BTW Reg. No: 01/04665/06), Posbus 1199, Port Elizabeth; 6000.

... 4808/97—Raath, Beatrix Johanna, 2004200004000, ‘Thomas Hodgeson-tehuis, ‘Klerksdorp (Klerksdorp). —Eerste

Nasionale. Trust, Posbus: 1538, Klerksdorp; 2570. ° ~

411/97—Van Vuuren, Christina Aletta Cornelia, 1404290005001, Nooitgedacht Plot 63, Kieiksdorp (Klerksdorp).—

Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 1538, Klerksdorp.

10766/96—Park, Evelyn Alexandria; (0206030012085, 32 ‘Klaburn Court, Krugersdorp (Krugersdorp).—J. B. Hugo &

Cronje, P.O. Box 115, Krugersdorp.

13863/94—Joubert, Wessel Christoffel, 1304285018086, Ons Tuis, ‘Soutpansbergweg, Rietfontein, Pretoria: Catharina

Elizabeth Joubert, 1703250014006 (Boksburg).—Die Eksekuteur, pa. Galloways, Commissionerstraat 245 (Posbus 322),

Boksburg, 1460.

16171/96—Willemse, Jan ‘Hendrik, 2511185014009, Rhodestraat 13, Krugersdorp- -Noord; Martha ‘Maria Willemse,

4003170022008 (Krugersdorp). —J.B. Hugo & Cronje, P.O. Box 115, Krugersdorp.

16786/96—Naude, Susanna Lucia, 2009210006002, Ons Tuis, Soutpansberg, Pretoria; Supplementére Rekening te tot die

Eerste en.Finale; Roelof. Macobus Naude, 0903175001002. —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus-2413; Bloemfontein; 9300.

7270/96—Dalley, Francina Hendrina Barendina, 2908250081 009;. Joubertstraat 190A, Rustenburg, Eerste en. Finale,

21 dae.(Rustenburg).—Legatus Trust (Edms.) Beperk, Posbus.3351, Norheliff, 2415..

1079/97—Van der Linde, Johannes Alwyn, 7205025104082, D4 Dryce Cannon, Kloof en Dal, Eerste en Finale, 21 dae

(Roodepoort).—Legatus Trust (Edms:) Beperk; Posbus 3351, Northcliff, 2115. ° -

_ 17400/96—Oelofse, Johannes Michiel, . 2712295060089, -Karlweg. 1, Veraeniging,” Eerste en’ Finale; Petronelia

Wilhelmina,. Oelofse, 3203070063000, 21 dae (Vereeniging).—Legatus Trust (Edms.) Beperk, Posbus 3351, Northcliff, 2115.

_ . 19685/96—Mooiman,. Johan - Hendrik, 5106155630080, tosberglaan 60, Foctwille, 2515, 30 dae (Randfontein) —

D. C. Moolman, Posbus 2353, Northcliff, 2115.

*..8634/96—Opperman, Renier van Jaarsveldt, 1102235019083, Joubertstraat 19, Rustenburg; J Johanna Susanna Adriana

Opperman, 2105190012000. Van Velden- -Duffey, Biblio Plaza, Van Stadenstraat (Privaatsak 82082), Rustenburg, 0300.

- 18166/96—Fischer, :Anna Johanna: Frederika, 2801020010083, Zonstraalwoonstelle 12, Morgenzon (Ermelo).—

Bekker, Brink & Brink, Privaatsak X9018, Ermelo. .

16214/96—Gillan; Roger, 30 Julie 1939, 3907305118187, Klip Aftree- ord, Redan, Vereeniging, 1939, ‘datum v van dood 23

Mei 1996; Judith Gillan (Vereeniging). —Snijman & Smullen, P.O. Box 38, Vereeniging. —

- 9560/96—Da Costa, Maria da ‘Silva Gouveia, 3608280060184, 23 Taling - Road; * Sunward Park, Boksburg: Antonio Gonsalves da Costa, 3109105105080 (Boksburg).—-Manfred Jacobs & Husted, P.O. Box 331, Boksburg, 1 460.

66 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

.-, 17168/96—Stewart, Ronald Ivor Myles, 1204165013084, Hatfield Close, Grosvenor Street, Hatfield, Pretoria. Mosse &

Stewart Inc., Wolkberg Building, Danie Joubert Street (P.O. Box 242), Tzaneen, 0850.

6944/96—Arlene Dawn Leach, ongetroud, 4003180023087, 23 Generaal Lateganstraat, Vanderbijlpark, datum van dood

26 Januarie 1996, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Vanderbijlpark).—L. P. Swart, vir Pienaar, Swart:

& Nkaiseng, Tweede Verdieping, Ekspasentrum, D. F. Malanstraat, Vanderbijlpark.

Kruger, Hilda, 5803080098009, die plaas Vrystaat, Duiwelskloof; Carel Hendrik Kruger, 5404165046003 (Tzaneen). —

ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria.

10507/95—Meyer, Elna, 5304240093089, Rustenburg; Johannes Jacobus Meyer, 4711255122002 (Rustenburg).

ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

5340/97—De Jager, Hilda Elizabeth, 1201090006084, Dirk van Deventertraat 109, Wonderboom (Wonderboom).—.

ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

847/97—Venter, Gerria, 2509100226081, Fanie Lombard-tehuis vir Bejaardes, Amsterdam (Amsterdam).—

Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 40076, Arcadia.

645/97—Schutte, Johannes, 4705045006087, Cloisterstraat 8, Meerhof (Brits).—Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 40076,


7057/97—Riekert, Gerhards Martinus Maritz, 7307275224089, Enkel Kwartiere 3, Swartklipmyn, Swartklip

(Thabazimbi).—Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 40076, Arcadia. ,

19371/96—De Lange, Jacoba Sophia, 1909140005001, Mancelaan 721, Mayville (Pretoria)—Eerste Nasionale Trust,

Posbus 40076, Arcadia.

3116/97—De Villiers, Jan Albert, 2206045036002, Uitzichtrylaan 49, Duivelskloof (Duivelskloof). —Eerste Nasionale

Trust, Posbus 40076, Arcadia.

177/96—Risimate Wilson Hlongwani, 26 June 1947, 470626557080, Moeka Village, District. of Moretele, died on

16 March 1996, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days from Monday, 23 June 1997. If no objection is

made against the said account within the stipulated period, the Executor will be making payment in terms thereof (Temba).—

Gildenhuys van der Merwe Inc., 15th Floor, Saniam Plaza East, 285 Schoeman Street, Pretoria.

15159/96—Di Domenico, Gloria Magdalene, 3310310027081, 236 Kruger Avenue, Lyttelton Manor, Verwoerdburg.

Edelstein-Bosman, P.O. Box 1096, Pretoria.

4839/97—Rautenbach, Martha Hermina, 1506030014000, Huis Hoéveld, Pleinstraat, Albertsville, Johannesburg

(Johannesburg). |, M. Rautenbach, Surreylaan 220, Ferndale, Randburg, 2194. ,

13470/93—De Gouveia, Alberto Mendes, 2902065053188, Farm Nooitgedacht 177, Daleside, Transvaal, Second and

Final (Meyerton).—Maria Caldeira, Caldeira & Associates, P.O. Box 11406, Johannesburg, 2000.

10456/96—Festenstein, Melvile Henry Sydney, 0603265027004, 109 Roxdale Gardens, Second Avenue, Houghton,

Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—Boss, Bloom & Bobat, Second Floor, Kuehne and Nagel House, 37 Bath Avenue, Rosebank,


17214/95—Denekamp, Graham Frederik, 4605025003080, 424 York Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg (Johannesburg).—

A. D. Walker, 13 Wellington Street, Parktown, 2193; P.O. Box 8813, Johannesburg, 2000.

3148/96—Fleming, Keith Richard, 3709155045084, 6 Dittberner Drive, Bedfordview (Germiston).—Norman Sifris,

P.O. Box 1699, Houghton, 2041.

4187/90—Van Rij, Ernest, 1701065024004, 33 Sixth Street, Houghton Estate, 2196, Second and Final (Johannesburg).—

Mr P. E. Nicolaides, P.O. Box 618, Parklands, 2121.

5162/97—Dodkins, Patricia Anne Le Ber, 2708220035089, 49 Kruger Avenue, Discovery, Florida, First and Final, 21 days

(Roodepoort). —Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag X21, Garden View, 2047.

6509/97—Feldman, Ria, 1004110031003, Sorg Sentrum, Waterfall Village, Roodepoort, First and Final, 21 days

(Roodepoort).—Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag X21, Garden View, 2047.

6390/97—Scaife, Valerie Edith, 3503010003002, 217 North, Rose Acres, Johannesburg, First and Final; Harold Gorringe

Scaife, 3206295010003, 21 days (Johannesburg).—Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag X21, Garden View, 3047.

'11304/96—Becker, Guy Leask, 3012085029082, 14 Athlone Avenue, Sandringham, Johannesburg, Second and Final;

Margaret McArthur Becker, 3203090058105, 21 days (Johannesburg).—Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag X21, Garden View,


11289/96—Shawzin, Felicity Shirley, Social Security Number 573-61-4366, 1800 Embassy Drive, Apartment 129,

West Palm Beach, Florida, USA, Amended First and Final, 21 days (Johannesburg).—Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag X21,

Garden View, 2047.

6672/97—Jones, Myrtle, 0609280039007, Fairhavens Old Age Home, 351 Main Street, Fairview, 2094, First and Final,

21 days (Johannesburg).—Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag X21, Garden View, 2047.

1467/95—Salet, Salome, 2207170044084, 25 Dalene Road, Raumarais Park, Sandton (Johannesburg).—Harvey Nossel

Attorneys, Eighth Floor, 162 Anderson Street, Johannesburg.

6575/94—Kyriakakis, Vassiliki,, 1510170037102, 3 -Langenhoven, Montgomery Park, Johannesburg, 2195

(Johannesburg).—Attorney B. Zygielbaum, 304 Oak Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg.

2057/97—Hoffman, Beckey, 1409140034002, 16 First Street, Abbotsford, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—Raymond

Tucker, Eighth Floor, Kelhof, 112 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg. 4024/98—Gimpel, Woolf, 3504205029083, 45 Pentrich Road, Victory Park, Johannesburg, Second and Final

(Johannesburg).—Papilsky Hurwitz, P.O. Box 46319, Orange Grove, 2119.


_ STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997, «CN. 18068 -67

“:49577/96—Kavin, Jacob; 0605055008003, 48 Ghiswell “Crescént, Willowdale; Ontario, ‘Canada _Wohannesburg) — Raymond Tucker, Eighth Floor, Kelhof, 112 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg. * ‘ :

18992/96—Burns, ‘Florence Cynthia Rose, 2104160034085," 48 Mackay ‘Street, Blairgowrie, Randbur (Randburg). _

Cliffe Dekker-Bell Dewar; Trustee Department; 10th Floor, ‘Sanlam Centre, Pretoria Street, Randburg. © 8737/95—Long, Lai Yen (also known’ as Peggy), 3812290064083, 13° Eighth Avenue, Bezuidenhouts ‘Valley,

Johannesburg (Johannesburg). —Fluxman’ Rabinowitz ‘Raphaely Weirer;. Fourth : ‘Floor, “Allianz House, 33 Baker Steet,

Rosebank, Johannesburg. ,

19804/94—Elmes, Chery! Gail, 6608100146087, 27 Fountain Road; Beverley ‘Agticutural Holdings, Sandton, 2062, in. terms of section 34 (Johannesburg). —Fluxman Rabinowitz Raphaely Weiner, Fourth Floor, Allianz House, 33 Baker Street, , Rosebank, Johannesburg. *

8980/96—Karp, Jettie (also known as Yedda), Als Shai Agnon Street, Ra’Anana, Israel Wohannesburg). —B. H. Barrett, "

133'Oxford Road, Saxonwold, 2196. 2533/96—Finlay, Joyce Shaw, 2410250037, 2 Zeiss Road, _Harveston,. Honeydew, ‘Gauteng, (Randburg). —Marshall

Finlay, P.O. Box 786886, Sandton, 2146. ° 13152/95—Samson, Veronica Irene, 44012140091088, 504 Palamor Place, Kloof. Street, Observatory . Extension,

Johannesburg: (Johannesburg). —Leveton Boner, P.O. Box 7269, Johannesburg, 2000. - 7 __ 17600/93—Elias, Esther, 007973774W, 34, Adrian Street, -Harmelia, ‘Edenvale -(Edenvale).—Livingstone. Crichton,

P.O. Box 786563, Sandton City, 2146. °

7569/96—Masam, Mohamed Saleem, 5512165152082, Flat 5, Mosam Flats, 16. Harold Street Roodepoort, First and Final (Roodepoort). —Kaka & Kaka Attorneys, P.O: Box 2272, Roodepoort, 1725. . '

7882/96—Haas, Elsa Thekia, . 1108170037188, widow, c/o 202 Cornelis Street, Fa rlands, Johannesburg (Johannesburg). —Van Hulsteyns, 11th Floor 1066, 35 Pritchard Street (P.O, Box 46), Johannesburg. . . ;

, 9163/96—Horwitz, Lily, 1409100049081, 207 Vaude, 18 Waverley. Road, Gresswold, 2090 (Johannesburg).—J. M. Flaum,

P.O. Box 1007, Saxonwold. |

17222/96—-Jackson, Denis. Patrick, 6603045040081, 42. Eno. Street, -Risana (ohannesburg)-—Lazzara-Leicher P.O. Box'1412, Parklands, 2121. —

., 17027/96—Evans, Leslie, 1607090045080, Cosmos, House,.. 4 ‘Nottingham ‘Road, Kensington, “Johannesburg

(Johannesburg).—Freda Evans, P.O. Box 696, Olivedale, 2158.. oe,

..12091/96—Ramsden, ‘Charles Robert, 1206115036008, . At. Rowe. Street, Rayenskiip,, Boksburg (Boksburg) — T. CH. Ramsden, P.O. Box 61392, Bishopsgate, 4008. . 2 A

..272/95—Maxwell, Eleanor ‘Maimie, 1111150047003, 28 Johanna Street, ‘Fairlands, Johannesburg.

H.. M, ‘Gordon, 8 Marico. Road, Emmarentia. Extension, Johannesburg, 2195.. i -

- 19023/93—Mofulatsi, Timothy, 6410106361087, 1459 Sunflower Place, ‘Westbury; ‘Geroma Ethel Salomons,

7301100096085 (Johannesburg).—A. K:.Mia,.P.O. Box.62033, Marshalltown,.2107..._

14049/96—Toker, Alec, 1103175013003, . Sandringham. Gardens, “George. Avenue, Sandringham, Johannesburg:

(Johannesburg).—Lewin, Krawitz, Sacks: &. Oshry, Agents for Executor Testamentary, P.O.-Box 84484, Greenside, 2034,

16790/94—WMiller, Roy Henry David, 4108135043088, 94 Berg Street, Rosettenville, Johannesburg,. Amended First.and

Final (Johannesburg).—Mrs D. H. Hall, Agent for Executor, 17 Westminster Drive, Graighall Park;.2196. ;

10713/95—Henry, Edward George, 3404105098017, 30 Morenaberg Crescent, Eldorado. Park Extension 2,:

Johannesburg; Mrs, Nancy: Audrey Henry, 4007130136014: + Wohannesburg). —Mrs:: = Maney! Audrey: Henry, 30 Morenaberg

Crescent, Eldorado Park Extension 2, Johannesburg, -1812.:

_12177/96—Visagie, Susara Magrieta Petronella, 0809090012000, Magno Haven; Magnolada, Pretoria. —. Misagie,

22ste Laan 918, Rietfontein, 0084. :

-3507/97—Breedt,: Adriaan. Jacobus, 4007145043007, Stegmanstaat 61; andgate; Catharina. Sophia: Louisa Maria

Breedt (Randfontein).—_ ABSA. Trust Beperk, Posbus.4680, Pretoria;,0001.. 7

-. 6363/97—De. Lange, Barend Johannes, 2610055034080, _ Blyvoorstaat 20, Oberholzer (Oberhoizen —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001...

20226/94—Eloff, Isabella Elizabeth, 2808130081008, Koedoestaat 48, Venterspost (Westnaria. ABSA Trust Boperk, .

Posbus 4680, Preitoria,.0001..:

:. 7711/97—Swanepoel, Jacoba Petronella la Swanepoel, 3410200001087, Gedeelte 7 van. ie’ plas Nazungongo, Ellistas,. 0555; Stefanus Johannes Marthinus, 2712285004089 (Ellisras). ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001: * ’

,2722/97—Roos,. Maria .Magdalena Elizabeth, 1101300018004; Tehuis : vir- Bejaardes, Rosaristraat 6, Klerksdorp

(Klerksdorp). —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 4680, Pretoria. . 3

: 477/97—Oberholzer, Pieter Machiel, 2011295018084. Kirstenbosstiaat 17,’ Witpoomti, Roodepoort (Roodepoor) — ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 4680, Pretoria. ;

. 3946/97—Prinsloo, Susara Jacomina, 3305130063001, Plot 20; >, Soovaly, Vander Wanderer) —ABSA Trust

Beperk, Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001.

*-6494/97—Du ‘ Toit;. Louis: Johannes; 0108045005007; Dootnstraat 26, Potohiefstrooin; Sopt

1408300017005 (Potchefstroom).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus'4680; Pretoria; 0001." . :

°8537/96—Jordaan, Johannes Christoffel; 1103135017087; Wolmaransstraat 3 32, Utorein gs

(Oberholzer).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 4680, Pretoria..*?. 8." >.


feta du Toit,

Carton, Aanvullende

68 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20: JUNE 1997

633/97—Van Vreden, Hendrik Petrus Johannes, 0908085032088, Leaskstraat 28, _ Klerksdorp: Johanna Catharina

Cornelia Jacoba van Vreden (Klerksdorp).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001. ;

5510/97—Dalziel, Douglas Stark Howell,. 4712045051006, Elandsheuwelstraat.. 114, Songloed, Klerksdorp

(Klerksdorp).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 4680, Pretoria. e 3

7660/95—Coetzee, Martha Francina Fredericka, 2302040009001; Elandsfontein .31, Fochville, distrik Potchefstroom,

Tweede Gewysigde (Fochville) ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001.

6364/97—Labuschagne, Susara Magrietha, 2602220050083, Eerstestraat 29, , Maraisburg (Roodepoort —ABSA Trust

Beperk, Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001. 7090/96—Bredenkamp, Johanna Petronella, 2503040013006, Homerstraat 40, Rustenburg, Gewysigde: Francois Alwyn

Bredenkamp, 2603175007003 (Rustenburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 4680, Pretoria,.0001.

6128/97—Louisa Catharina Oberholzer, 2509100048089, Ameliastraat 34,, Roodepoort, 1725 (Roodepoort). _ABSA

Trust Beperk, Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001. 6962/97—Du Plessis, Petrus Jacobus, 2802165045003, Floralaan. 30; Adamayview, Klerksdorp; Elizabeth Johanna du

Plessis, 3109220043000 (Klerksdorp).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001.

4137/97—Pieterse, Frans Paul, 1903235001082, Penquinsingel 288, Wierdapark, Centurion, Pretoria; Maria Petronelia

Pieterse, 2009020037007. Executor Services (Pty) Limited, Posbus 11287, Hatfield, 0028.

5491/97—Smith, Joyce Eleanor, 2008290069088, 31 Zambezi Street, Three Rivers,, Vereeniging; Charles Reginald Smith

(Vereeniging).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 4680, Pretoria, 0001."

4260/97—Attorre, Paolo, 3102195031100, Krugerstraat 206, Rustenburg, 0299; Cornelia Johanna Petronella Attorre,

4206260012009 (Rustenburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001...

5514/97—-Groenewald, Anna Susanna Maria, 1305030004008, Lotzstraat 12, Vanderbillpark: Johannes Petrus

Groenewald, 1405175016005 (Vanderbijlpark) —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001.

2742/97—Bosman, Martha Ryna, 2105230044005, Drie Riviere Afree-oord 14A, Basheestraat, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging

(Vereeniging).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001.

6360/97—Koekemoer, Willem Johannes, 3610095114006, N. J. van der Merwestraat 13; Vanderbijlpark; Anna Dorothea

Koekemoer, 4408230042005 (Vanderbijipark) —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001.

5489/97—Spamers, Marthinus Johannes, 2312035022000, plaas Schoongezicht, Meyerton; Anna Sophia Catharina

Spamers, 2601150015009 (Meyerton).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001.

20118/96—Jansen van Rensburg, Leon, 7310025128089, Ambience Ad, _Doringstraat, Wilropark, Roodepoort

(Roodepoort).—Taxlex Trust BK, Privaatsak X103, Hennopsmeer, 0046..

3022/97—Lottering, Christiaan Willem Broodryk, 2310105001086, Sunward Gardens 22, Sunward Park; Glennise

Lottering, 4301060028089 (Boksburg).—Taxlex Trust BK, Privaatsak X103, Hennopsmeer, 0046.

1439/97—Beukes, Gladys Ethel, 2507150041004, 7. Riethaan Street, Florida: Lake (Roodepoort).—Taxlex Trust CC,

Private Bag X103, Hennopsmeer, 0046. 7591/87—Tayob, Ismail Abdul. Carrim, 2612155080054, 322 Salmon, Street, Laudium, 0037, Second Amended

Liquidation and Distribution Account; Kulsum Carrim Tayob (died on 9 April 1986) (Pretoria).—V. J. Khatri, P.O. Box 4157,

Pretoria, 0001. 17359/95—Rappard, Johan Heinrich 2101155001088, Robertsonstraat 63, ‘Warmbad: ‘(Warmbac). —W. A. Theron,

Posbus 14, Delmas, 2210. 11479/96—De Beer, Leonard, 2806305035089, Perséel. 75, “Marble. Hall, “Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening

(Groblersdal).—F. P. N. Hennop Prokureurs, Posbus 2269, Pretoria, 0001.

19149/95—De Sousa, Domingos Fernandes, 7005075573081,- 100 First. Avenue, Dunvegan, Edenvale, 1610

(Germiston).—Bloch Gross & Associates, Sixth Floor, 28 Church Square, Pretoria, 0002.

17223/95—King, Paulina, 3109260052085, .Devalerastraat, Schoemansville (Brits). -—Diamond Prokureurs, Posbus 937,

Pietersburg, 0700.

15517/96—Kruger, Jacobus Cornelius, 2809085014084, Loslapdoorns,. Lichtenburg; Judith Elizabeth Kruger

(Lichtenburg).—F. A. Jonker & Vennote, Privaatsak X12038, Lichtenburg, 2740. |...

14565/96—Annandale, Jacomina Cornelia, 2003250010008, Rusoord-ouetehuis, Brits (Brits). —Standard Trust Beperk,

Posbus 1330, Pretoria, 0001.

16715/95—Duffey, Edward George Emil, 1510055009086, ‘plaas | Friedenheim,. Nelspruit Gewysigde (Nelspruit).—

Standard Trust Beperk, Posbus 1330, Pretoria, 0001.

2966/97—Van der Merwe, Matthys Jacobus, 4110205087003, Diroba Gardens 28, Del Judor, Witbank; Anna Katharina

Francina van der Merwe, 4305080078008 (Witbank).—Standard Trust Beperk, -Posbus.1330, Pretoria, 0001. .

11501/96—Jacobsz, Anna Maria, 4011090025084, Terblanchestraat, 1104, Villieria, Pretoria; David Hermanus Jacobsz,

3707145030000.—B. J. du Toit, p.a. Van Sitterts, Posbus 1751, Pretoria, 0001. .

360/95(a and b)—Selebogo, Bojosi Daniel, 4306130100440, 476 Block U, Mabopane; deceased (Odi, Garankuwa).—

Sekati, Monyane & Partners, P.O. Box 7680, Pretoria, 0001; Seventh Floor, Die Meent Building, corner of Andries and Pretorius

Streets, Pretoria, 0002.

20215/96—Van Looy, Aloysius Josephus Cyrillus, 2710205067186, Uitloop - 28, Potgietersrus,. 0600;. Carolina Rosalia

Van Looy, 2602030043187 (Potgietersrus).—Naude & Dames, Sanlamgebou 6. (Posbus 405), Potgietersrus, 0600.

13261/91—Mrs E. V. van der Walt, 4706170094088, -Brakpan, in the District.of Gauteng, 6 June 1996, First and Final

Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Brakpan). —Master of the Supreme Court, P.O. Box 15002, Farrarmere,. 1518.

” STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997 ss. 18068 69

18791/96—De Jager, Stephanus Johannes Nel, 1907265013008, President Steynstraat 549, ‘Pretoria-Noord, Pretoria, Hester Wilhelmina de Jager, 1903280024005 (Pretoria-Noord). —Tutor Trust BK, Posbus 26598; Gezina; 0031.

-'2740/96—Van der Vyver, Helena, 5601280046087; Van den Steenstraat 29, Tzaneen, Eerste (Tzaneen). —Joubert & May, Posbus 35; Tzaneen, 0850.

4108/94—Bakker, Jain, 4010185018004, ‘plot Hartbeesfontein, distrik Brits; Posbus 1196, Brits, 6250, Eerste en Finale; Jeannette Louise Bakker, 5001670144004 (Brits).—B. H. Swart, Posbus 95038, Waterkloof, 0145.

“' 8794/96—Cilliers, Maria Aletta, 0409220019080, Dien Bothma-tehuis, Rietfonteinweg, Boksburg. —Jan van Rensburg Prokureur, Posbus 2704, Brits, 0250.

*- 3716/90—Burn; Adrienne, 4108010001003, Smithstraat 6, “Nylstroom: ‘George Charles Burn, 16 Desember 1946 (Nylstroom).—Ehlers Ingelyf, Vierde Verdieping, R & J-gebou, Kerkstraat 421, Pretoria, 0002. °°

~ “De Jongh; Johannes Jacobus Lesley, 4910015036003, Heuwelstraat 3; Capital Park: —ABSA Trust Beperk Posbus 383, Pretoria.

4290/97—Louw, Lydia Johanna, 2207030037088, 22ste Laan 877, Rietfontein, Pretoria. ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 383, Pretoria,

” 7319/97—Scholten, Frances ages; 1707710015004, Fleurenville- attreeoord, Pretoriusstraat 679, Arcadia. —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria.

7063/97—Swarts, Maria’ Magdalena, 2210170039005, Posbus: 72278, Lynnwood —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria.

‘1705/97De Wet, Jacobus de Villiers, 2704015018083, Plot 254, ‘Haakdoomboom, | Onderstepoot Pretoria-Noord (Pretoria-Noord).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria.

'. 5573/97—Fourie, Maria: Elizabeth Esterhuizen; - 2008270038087, '34ste ° Laan: 480, Villieria, ‘Pretoria; Louis’ Johannes Fourie, 2509055014003.—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383; Pretoria.

‘Snyman,- Johan _ Alfonso, 3410195092083, Morkelstraat 63, Danville, Pretoria. ABSA Trust t Baer, Posbus 388, Pretoria.

1469/97—Honeyborne, Brenda, 5205300096088, Plot 25, Mona Voni, Verwostdburg. —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria. ,

4752/97—Wilken, - Eugene. Colin, : 3108305013003; 25ste Laan 814, Rietfontein, Pretoria; Catharina Maria Wilken, 3412060015082 (Pretoria-Noord).—ABSA Trust Bpk., -PosbuSs 383, Pretotia. - ,

“: 5846/97—Van Schalkwyk, Johanna Aletta; 3612050055085, 22ste Laan 675, Rietfontein; Ludvig Christo van Schalkwyk, 4310295062003.—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria. |”

15519/96—Kotze, Johannes Jacobus Petrus; 5801015163088, Ben Swartstraat 123; 3, Moregloed, Pretoria, —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria. a

_6864/97—Rieger, Herta-Maria, 1501300031180, “Fleurenville- aftreeoord:; ‘Pretoria: ABSA Trust Boperk Posbus 383, Pretoria.

-7209/95—Naude, dohanries ‘Antonie, 3708035037006; Muiderstraat 7, Meyervlle (Standerton), — BSA Trust Beperk, Trust Bankgébou, hoek van. Wolff en Voortrekkerstraat® (Posbus 1081), Kempton Park. =~ outs

5524/97—Du Plessis, Jacobus Johannes, 0505135017083, Potgieterlaan 6, Paul Krugeroord, Geduld- “uitbreiding, Springs; Hester Johanna ‘du Plessis (Springs).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620:

6311/97—Boshoff, Hendrik Jacobus, 2903285023084, Bosleigh Lodge Fase 1 No. 4, Tigerweg, Birchleigh, Kempton Park; Paulina Jacomina Boshoff (Kempton Park):—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081: Kempton: Park.

4200/97—Engelbrecht, Susanna Catrina, 3010230067080, Pinestraat 3; Grootvlei; - Albertus Jacobus Engelbrecht, 3008165041088 (Grootvlei): ABSA’ Trust Beperk, Trust Bankgebou, hoek’ van Wolff en’ n Voortrekkerstraat (Posbus 1081), Kempton Park. ,

§310/97—Colyn,: Hendrik Jacogus Reinier; 5302115014005; ‘Moutonstraat 29, Horison, Roodepoort (Roodepoort) — H. M. Nel, Posbus 7441, Westgate, 1734.

» 2285/97—Steyn, Jacobus’ Daniel, 3405275033007, Pleinstraat 9, Albertville, Johannesburg Susanna Susara Steyn, 4207140272086 (Johannesburg).—H. M. Nel, Posbus 7441, Wesigate, 1734: °

5133/97—Smail, )Robert ‘Wilson, 3411255062107; Peacockétraat 13, ‘Atlasvillé, Boksburg; Waltroud Luise” Smail, 4303270087103, 21 dae (Boksburg).—P. A. Coetzee Prokureurs, 12de Laan 37, Northmead, Benoni, 1501.”

~ 19584/96—Meiring;: ‘Arnoldus Mauritius, 66071255013085; Klipbankstraat 718, ‘Wingate Park, 0153, 2t dae (Pretoria). — P. A. Coetzee Prokureurs, 12de Laan 37, Northmead, Benoni, 1501.

' 12369/96—Wolff, : ‘Erna, 4207080046089, : ‘Elphin Lodge, ‘Modderfontein Road, Satiringham, 2192 (Johannesburg). — Louis E Kaplan & Co., P.O. Box 1893, Parklands, 2121.

* 4951/97—Breakspear, ‘Marjorie. Agnes Sinclair, 1703310039100, 23 Rosebank Road, “Dunkeid, JoHannesburg, First Liquidation and Distribution Account Wohannesbutg). —A. Addison, ‘for Webber Wentzel_ Bowens, P.O: “Box 78158, Sandton, 2146.

» 11934/96—Laser, Michael, 0702175022004, 808 Crest Hotel, Abel Road, Berea; Johanesburg Wohannesbur) —Kessel Feinstein, Private Bag X28, Benmore, 2010.

10752/96—McPhail, ‘Athol: Venie;: 2210095016005, 6 ‘Robyn : Place, Horiey. Hill, Rosdepoot, 1709 (Roodepson) — ‘ Bowman Gilfillan Hayman Godfrey Inc.; P.O: Box 785812; ‘Sandton,’ 2146.

-14790/96—Brooks, Lydia’ Wright, 1711110029080, Alan Woodrow Park, “Jubilee Road, , ‘Boksburg (Johannesburg). — B. J. Dowden, P.O. Box'651129, Benmore, 2010: 9

70 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

14723/96-—Johnston,. James . Martin, . 0507165013008, 65. Fourth. Avenue, Parktown . North, Johanneburg

(Johannesburg). —S. B. W. Professional Consultants CC, 99 High Street, Turffontein, Johannesburg, 2190. +.

.5463/96—Shapiro, Pearl, 0504100010009, 302 Devon Place, North Road, Killarney (Johannesburg). —Gutkin, Fisher,

Jofie & Co., P.O. Box 785602, Sandton, 2146... 2. |

1213/97—Rosman, George Gordon, 3507235040087, Aviestraat 999, “Toekomsrus, Randfontein, 1761: Maritshenyane

Jeanette Rosman, 3610290269086 (Randfontein). —Van Ryneveld, Seforo & Kie., Ing, Villagestraat 57 7 (Privaatsak: X35);

Randfontein, 1760... .

5606/94—Joubert, Rudolph Daniel, 3409135105005, 76 Tweedy Road, Brenthurst, Brakpan, Amended First and, Final;

Phyllis Ann Daisy Joubert,-4602020152103 (Brakpan). —H. R. McLaren.& Banks, 108 North Park Centre, Third.and Seventh

Avenues, Parktown North, Johannesburg. .

14318/95—Gerryts, Hermanus Francois, 5910285076084, Sunnyrdgelaan 13, Kriel (Ke). —Van “Huysstoem & Kr

Prokureurs, Posbus.4806, Pretoria: Does

11849/96—Higgs, Johann Davel, 4511135087007, Plot 2, Allenweg 8, Glen Austin, Midrand (Midrand) —Van. Huysstoen

& Kriel Prokureurs, Posbus 4806, Pretoria... - :

973/96—Doran, Kenneth Edward, 5608305172004, Rae Frankelstraat 126, Brackendows, Alberton: Susanna Hendrina

Greyling Doran, 5804040062002 (Alberton).—-Fourie & Botha, Posbus 20300, Alkantrant, 0005.

_ ,5748/97—Herrmann,. Robert Karl, 3902145042101, ..11 -Maselspoort: Street, Brackendowns . ‘Extension 5,. ‘Alberton

(Alberton).—Executor Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006.

-1878/97—James,. Llewellyn George,: 5109235141086, 5 Petzer Street, Elsburg (Germiston). —Executor Services (Py)

Lid, P.O. Box 91, Auckland: Park, 2006. -

18725/96—Potter, Mary Archdale, 4012200035180, 78. ; Seventeenth Street; Parkhurst, ohanneburg, Second: and Final

(Johannesburg).—Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 3485, Randburg, 2125. :

.. 12609/96—Frost, Cyril, 1911025025089, Lakeside Lodge, Dundark Avenue, Parkview, Johannesburg, Supplementary

(Johannesburg).—Standard Trust Limited,. P.O,.Box 3485, Randbuirg, 2125. :

5733/96—Dirk Johannes Swanepoel, 1920- 05-28, 2005085082086, 8 Clarence Street, Regents Park, Johannesburg,

date of death 1996-02-18, Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Maria. Louisa: Magdalena Elizabeth Swanepoel,

1920-11-09, 2011090077004, 21 days. (Johannesburg). —First National Trust, P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwold.

13927/94—Suliman Mahomed Cajee, 1920-12-05, 2012055065059, 52 Third Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg;

1994-06-09, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Rabina Rabia Cajee, 1924- 09-21, 2409210150083, 21 days

(Johannesburg). —First National Trust, P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwold.

13462/94—Horace. Richard Higgins, 1915-09-22, 1509225051183,. 82 First Avenue East, Parktown, Johannesburg,

1994-07-01, 21 days (Johannesburg). First National Trust, P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwold.

19003/96—Olga Vera.-Hayward, 1928-01-06, 2801060038089, 91 Garden Village, corner of Republic and Garden Road,

Bordeaux, 1996-09-16, Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Randburg). First National Trust, P.O. Box 52297,°

Saxonwold. vee

5351/97—Joan Elizabeth Tallis Lee, ‘1919- 12- 09,. 1912090085080, 42. Darrenwood Village, Linden, 1997-02-12,

First and Final Liquidation _ and Distribution Account, 21 days. (Johannesburg). First, National Trust, P.O. Box 52297,


5334/97—Jack Vivvian Hoar, 1911-03-22, 1103225010009, 4 Jonkershoek; Canary Street, Horison View, 1997:03- 24,

First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Roodepoort).— First National Trust, P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwold.

20372/96—Wilson, Cecil Manuel (also known .as Cecil Arthur: Manuel), 2111105043080, 9 Kalomo Street, Riverlea.

(Johannesburg).—Executor Services (Pty) Lid, P.O. Box 91,-Auckland Park, 2006.

5050/97—Stone, Anne, 1011180057008, Old Peoples: Home, Stella Kermack House, “109 Howard Avenue, Benoni

(Benoni).—Executor. Seryices (Pty) Ltd, P.O. .Box.91, Auckland Park, 2006. vod

4775/97—Eustace, Terence Henry, 9904105020089, 4 | Pemray [ Drive, >» Chisipite, Harare. —Executor Services (Ply) Lid,..

P.O. Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006...

1100/97—Peduzzi, Marjorie Edith, 0308290020004, ‘Nazeth House, 1 Webb Street Yeoville (Johannesburg) —Executor.

Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006: :

17616/96—Smith, James Dudley Gee, 1707265049089, 4 The Lodge, ¢ Grosvenor Road, Bryanston: (ohannesburg.—

Executor Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006.

_ 1881/97—Kempen, . Susanna Elizabeth Cornelia - (born Louw), 4302090040089, 4A. Fuller. Street, Bertrams, :

Johannesburg (Johannesburg).- —Executor Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 91, Auckland Park,.2006. .

2864/97—Garratt, Marie Sadie; 1603020035002, +50 Smit Street, Fairland, First and Final (Johannesburg). _old Mutual

Sytrets Trust Ltd (Reg. No. 05/00328/06), Executors Department, P.O..Box.32697, Braamfontein, 2017..

5971/97—Shepherd, William Hamilton, 3701055083182, 33 Homestead Villas, Cambridge Street, Benoni, First and Final

(Benoni).—Syfrets Limited: (Reg. No. 04/01741/06), Executors Department, P.O. Box 32697, Braamfontein, 2017.

5744/97—Gamble, Frances Margaret, 4804250039089, 53 14th Street, Orange Grove, First and Final (Johannesburg) — —

Syfrets Limited. (Reg. No, 04/01741/06),.Executors Department, : P.O. Box 32697, Braamfontein, 2017.

12781/96—Odquist, Gustav Hjalmar, 2002095043182, 57 Four Gables, 139: Rivonia Road; Sandton, Second and Final

(Randburg).—Syfrets Limited (Reg. No. 04/01741/06), Executors Department, P.O. Box 32697, Braamfontein, 2017. .

1654/97—Hewitt, Norman, 2109265045002,.131 Colorane Avenue, Rivonia, First:and Final (Ranaburg). —syhets Limited

(Reg. No. 04/01741/06), Executors Department, P.O. Box 32697, Braamfontein, 2017.

_» STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997" "No. 1806874

. 19083/96—Manning, Thomas Henley, 2411085040084, 186 3 Highland | Road, Kerisington, Johannesburg (Johannesburg) — First National Trust, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg.’

17484/96—Koertzen, Daniel, 2002155065083; Plot 86, Totius “Road, Poottview; ‘Woodfall ’ Agricuitural Holdings, Roodepoort; Anna Koertzen, 2402010075006 (Roodepoort).—First National Trust, P.O: Box 2036; Johannésburg: °

4557/97—Munro, Ruby Kathleen, 0701220024007, /.Snyman House, Rynpark, Ryntield, Benoni ni (Berioni). Firs National Trust, P:O. Box 1301, Benori. .

5828/77—Innes,. Alexander Grant, 1703105040107, 450 ayn Street, Hetil Pretoria — Standard: Trust Limited, P.O. Box 3485, Randburg, 2125. AN EWEN EL

18270/96—Van Graan, Margaretha Martina Isabella, : 2907020068007, EH 119, ‘Wheatlands, ‘Ranidfontein: Emest Jan _ Adam van Graan, 3104195016008 (Randfontein).—Koos Mouton Attorneys, 2 Stoker Street, ‘Ontdekkérspark, Roodepoort: *

18803/96—MacPherson Roderick, 6601175047082, 8:De Haas Street, Suideroord; ‘Joharinesbutg: (Johannesburg) — ABSA Trust Ltd (Reg. No. 01/04665/06), Empire Road, Parktown, 2193; P.O. Box 61488, Marshalltown, 2107. - -

6245/97—Worroll, Leslie: Adrian, :2108155049082, -10° Great’ Britain: ‘Street; Turf ‘Club, Johannesburg, 2190 (Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Ltd (Reg. f No. (01/04665/06), Empire Road, Parktown, 2193; P.O. ‘Box 61488, Marshalltown, 2107.

5055/97—Jansen van Vuuren, Eben, 6609155111083, Le: Paradis, 40° Laubsher’ Street,’ ‘Glenvista, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Ltd .(Reg. No.: -01/04665/06), Empire Road, Parktown, 2193; ‘PO: Box’ 61488, Marshalitown, 2107.

9701/96—Joubert, Johanna Magrieta Petronella, 3009290009081 ; Grysvaalkloot’ 248, Celtisdal, Verwoerd, —ABSA Trust Bpk. (Reg. No. 01/04665/06), Empireweg, Parktown, 2193; Posbus 61488, Marshalltown, 21078

6468/96—Grobbelaar, Stephanus Frederick, 6104115024089, 162:Landaniane, Krioppiesladg Midrand. ~~ABSA Trust Ltd (Reg. No. 01/04665/06), Empire Road, Parktown, 2193; P.O. Box 61488" Marshalltown, 2107, » °°"

5055/97—Jansen van Vuuren, Eben, 6609155111083, Le Paradis, 40° Laubscher’ Street, ‘Glen Vista, Johannesburg: uitbreiding 4 (Johannesburg)—ABSA Trust Lid (Reg. No, 0t104685/06), Empire F Road, Parktown, (2193; PO. Box 61488, Marshalltown, 2107. vt

5772/97—Norval, George ‘Henry, 2802165048080, 25 Shelly - Drive, ‘Kloof-en- Dal; - 4704: | Anna’ Jacoba Norval, 2802160087083 (Roodepoort). —ABSA Trust Ltd (Reg. No. 01704665/06),, Empire Road, Parktown, “2193; PO. Box 61488, Marshalltown, 2107. ve “

6359/97—De Kock, Wilhelmina Fredericka, 1902240018008, Post Oflaan 14, Bardene, Boksburg (Boksburg) —ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

6582/97—Clarke, Elizabeth Petronelia, 3806080001081; Stokroosstrat 26; Northmead- “uitbreiding 4, Bénoni: (Benoni) — ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park. °° - Tes :

379/96—Schultz, Elsie Sophia, 3303080037000, Delponstraat 6 63, , Eloburg, Germiston, Gowysigde (Germiston). —ABSA Trust-Bpk., Posbus 1081; Kempton Park, 1620. pone

. 2224/97—Viljoen, Jeanette Hendrina, 5304060083087, Jopie Fourestrat 4, “Rensburg, Heidelberg, Gewysigde (Heidelberg). —ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus' 1081, Kempton Park, 1620. ~ ve

5432/97—Blignaut, John Edward Richard, 6902255036080, Boekenhoutladn'3 33; Dal-Fouché, Springs (Springs). —ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

: 20624/96—Burt Mattheus van der Westhuizen, 3112075044081, -Matroosbergstraat ‘50, ‘Noordheuiwel- -uitbreiding 6, Krugersdorp, oorlede 2 Desember 1996; Alida Johanria van der Westhuizen, 3304230030085. Phillips & Osmond, Eksekuteur se Prokureurs, Tweéde Verdieping, Trustbanksentrum, Burgerstraat; Krugersdorp; 1739°° 8

11280/96—Nunes, Nuno Alves Pereira, 3612055132087, 7 Sixth © Avenue, Orange: Grove, Johannesburg _ (Johannesburg).—Leon Herbert, P.O. Box 47298; Parklands, ‘2121. .

6375/97—Du Preez, Nicolaas Johannes, §503166063007, Gootherstraat’ i, ‘Secunda, 2302 ‘(Evade —ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, ‘1620. .

10463/94—Thabethe, Moses Mzwakhe, 6304265765084, 10683 Kagiso E Extension 6 , Kagiso, ‘Krigeredoep (Krugersdorp). — Phillips. & Osmond, P.O. Box 168, Krugersdorp; 1740.-

-15651/96—Van Rensburg, Maria Elizabeth, 9803180013086, 40 Buffalo” Road, Emmarentia, 2495 ‘Wohannesburg) — J. van Rensburg, Posbus 2142, Primrose, 1414. ~

10801/96—Jacob van Walsem, 3311135077004, 3 Tielman'‘Roos Avenue, Florida’ Park, Florida, ‘died at Florida Park, on 8 July 1996, First and: Final Liquidation and Distribution Account,’ ot days (Roédepoort): —Maryke van Walsem, Executor Testamentary, 3 Tielman Roos Avenue; Florida Park, Florida, 1709; P.O. Box 1653; Florida, 1710.0

- 19940/96—Scott, Margaret, 1101040027109, Rand Aid~ Old “Age Home, Wedgewood Gardens, Edenvale (Johannesburg).—Norman Barling, First Floor, North Wing Highlands Centre, corner of | Louis 8 Botha Avenue and Athol Street, Highlands North, Johannesburg.

19118/95—Anne Patricia. McElroy, 4906120171180, “divorese, 1A Mons oad, Belews; Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—Blumenthal & : Slotow, P.O. Box 11245, Johannesburg, 2000.

3068/97—Jones, Martha Maria Magdalena Jones, 1301080009005; 406 Valhave until 95-12-01 and then 20 Webber'Avenue, Morison View, Roodepoort (Reedepoon). —Van dent n Berg & Kot 56 Road, Florida Park Extension 3, Roodepoort. 7 : a

18763/94—Venn, Martin Neil, 7004085016082, 61 Koorsboom Avenue, “Heuwelo Julian Pokroy Attorneys, P.O. Box 338, Groenkloof, 0027... Hoe

Cromwell Road, ‘Glenwood, Durban,’

877 Ontdekkers

District of Centurion (Pretoria) —

72 .No. 18068 oo GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 b JUNE 1997

18136/96—Arrowsmith, Alfred, 3907135117102, ‘13 Mars. ‘Street, Atlasville, Boksburg; Marissa May Arrowsmith,

5505010244005 (Boksburg). —Eerste Nasionale Trust, ‘Posbus 2036, Johannesburg.

16959/96—Hayes, Anna Susanna, 2504130002081, Frederickstraat 10, Meyerville, ‘Standerton; Izak Albertus Hayes,

1907205010007 (Standerton).—Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 2036, Johannesburg.

5793/97—De Scally, Leslie Clifford, 4303145043083, 7 First Street, Cullinan; Maureen de Sally, 4708120040088

(Cuillinan).—Executor Services (Pty) Limited, P.O. Box 11287, Hatfield, 0028. —

19730/96—Mabiletsa, Shimane David, 4201155634082, ‘Jericho Village, District Brits; Tshire. Ruth Mabiletsa,

5003310698088 (Brits).—Executor Services (Pty) Limited, P.O. Box 11287, Hatfield, 0028.

5382/97—Strydom, Petrus Jacobus, 5411205096005, Plot 69, Kendal, distrik Ogies; Anna Sophia Catharina Strydom,

5602020127005 (Witbank).—Executor Services (Pty) Limited, Posbus 11287, Hatfield, 0028.

4531/97—Ehrensperger, Helena, 2311010030087, Tuinhuis 25, Ben Pienaarstraat 3, Potchefstroom, Eerste en Finale;

Alfred Ehrensperger, 2103015012008 (Potchefstroom).—Old Mutual Syfrets Trust, Ltd, Reg. No. 05/00328/06, Executors

Department, P.O. Box 32697, Braamfontein, 2017.

8835/96—Strydom, Johannes Andrew, 5601185101086, Danie Smalstraat 109, Kookrus, Meyerton,. Gewysigde; Juliana

Strydom (gebore Putter :voorheen Van Zyl), 6104110204009 (Meyerton).—Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms.) Bpk., Kentlaan

265, Ferndale, Randburg.

6129/97—Petzer (gebore Bownes), Katie’ Georgina, 3906260070086, Osdic Sentrum: 111, Paul Krugerstraat 596,

Eloffsdal-Wes, Pretoria; Graham: Victor Petzer, 3603035072089 (Pretoria). —Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms.) Bpk.,

Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg.

20430/94— Jansen van Vuuren, Chrisjan Jacobus, 4108245076002, Fleurstraat 8; Arconpark, Vereeniging, Aanvullende;

Johanna Sophia Jansen van Vuuren (gebore Kriel), 4510100066087 (Vereeniging)— —Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms.)

Bpk., Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg.

9657/96—De Villiers, Johannes Francois, 5912195101085, Ramsbottom 86 en Carterstraat 35, Vanderbijlpark,

Aanvullende; Wilma Jacoba de Villiers (gebore Ackerman), 6103010031082 (Vanderbijlpark). —Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer

(Edms.) Bpk., Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg. °

13489/95—Rink, Albert Paul, 3410105067084, Hibuskuslaan 45, Arconpark, Vereeniging (Vereeniging) —Stabiltas

Eksekuteurskamer (Edms.) Bpk., Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg. .

1204/96—Lubbe, Hendrik Albertus, 4105295045085, Jan van Riebeeck Boulevard 9, Vanderbijlpark, Aanvuliende;

Sagreya Catharina Lubber, 4310310029086 (Vanderbijlpark). —Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms.) Bpk., Kentlaan 265,

Ferndale, Randburg.

2528/97—Esterhuysen, Hendrik Abrahatn, 2504195025001, Nicolene Tuine 23, Boswellstraat, Birchleigh, Kempton

Park; Anna Adriana Esterhuysen, 2806010023008 (Kempton Park).—Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 2036, Johannesburg.

3314/97—Viljoen, Petrus Jacobus, 3712305015080, Drakenslaan 46, Northcliff-uitbreiding’25, Florida; Martha Jacoba

Viljoen, 4110170033081 (Roodepoort).—Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 2036, Johannesburg.

13406/96—Venier, Petrus Jacobus Stephanus Johan, 3302105014002, Murraystraat 6, Ermelo, Supplementére Eerste

en Finale; Anna Cathariena Venter, 3406270081009 (Ermelo). —Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 2036, Johannesburg.

17075/96—Steyn, Renier Stefanus, 0903275017007, Rus’ n Bietjie Tehuis, Geduld, Springs (Springs). —terste Nasionale

Trust, Posbus 2036, Johannesburg.

2584/97—Schabort, Henry Lucia, 1607130042089, Cranestraat 10, Tweefontein Myn, Coalville, Witbank (Witbank).—

Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 2036, Johannesburg.

1567/97—Du Plessis, Susanna Seugnette, 6405100006007, Gewysigde (Johannesburg) —ABSA Trust Bpk., Reg. No.

01/04665/06, Empireweg 65, Parktown, 2193; Posbus 61488, Marshalltown, 2107.

906/97—Malan, Johanna Christina Wilhelmina, 2304010031007, Protearif 59, Krugersdorp, 1740; Trynko Joosten

Malan, 1304015015006 (Krugersdorp). —Swart, ‘Redelinghuys, Nel & Vennote, Posbus 297, Paardekraal, 1752.

6179/97—Botha, Johannes Jacobus, 4212125085008, Huis 11, Apiesdoorn, Burgersfort, 1150; Matilda Botha,

4612240088086 (Burgersfort).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

6365/97—L6tter, Schalk Willem Naude, 1808125020086, St Josephs Home, Middelburg; Andriesiena Petronella Létter,

1812230332002 (Middelburg). —Birman Boshoff & Du Plessis, Posbus 13, Middeiburg, 1050: .

9714/96—Magro, Gava, 3711290109080, 33 Maraisburg Road, Bosmont (Johannesburg). —Executor Services (Pty) Ltd,

P.O. Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006.

1866/97—Cassie, Stella Alberta, 9912270014001, 23 Leigh Avenue, Sandringham, Johannesburg (Johannesburg). —

Executor Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006. oO

6123/97—McDaniel, Violet Kathleen Mary, 0607130018007, 32 Bosch Avenue, Kempton Park: (Kempton Park).—

Executor Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006.

16302/96-—-Groenewald, Johanna Susanna Maria, 3712010017082, Bothastraat 13, Ranagate, Randfontein

(Randfontein). —Executor Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006.

10211/96—Marais, Jacomina Jacoba, 9606050005086, Norfolkstraat 22, Kensington, Johannesburg, 2094

(Johannesburg). —ABSA Trust Bpk., Reg. No. 01/04665/06, Empireweg 65; Parktown, 2193; Posbus 61488, “Marshalltown,


2211/97—Steenkamp, Elizabeth Francina, 1803080003003, Holzgenstraat 70, ‘Brackenhurst 1449, Alberton (Alberton).—

ABSA Trust Bpk., Reg. No. 01/04665/06, Empireweg 65, Parktown, 2193; Posbus 61488, Marshalltown, 2107. 7

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE. 1997 No.. 18068 73

13217/96—Koen, Hendrina Johanna Elizibie, 1704240010088, Carolinestraat 77, Brixton (Johannesburg) —ABSA Trust

Bpk. (Reg. No. 01/04665/06), Empireweg 65, Parktown, 2193; Posbus 61488, Marshalltown, 2107.. |

6565/97—Wolmarans Petrus Jacobus, 3909125109081, Kentstraat. 88, Claremont, Johannesburg, 2092: Johanna

Susanna Wolmarans, 1503270067087 (Johannesburg). —ABSA Trist Bpk. (Reg. No. 01/04665/06), Empireweg 65, Parktown, 2193; Posbus 61488, Marshalltown, 2107.

" -3296/96—Hester Susanna Josina Paulina Cronjé, 3306120008006, ‘Bergsigstraat. 1308, Mountainview, Pretoria,

31 Desember 1995.—Jurie Gildenhuys, Posbus 60737, Pierre van Ryneveld, 0045.

. 18800/96—Malan, Stephanus Petrus, 2906185019003, Bainesstraat 1, Ryntield, Benori; “Anna Thomasina Malan

(Benoni).—Kaap- “Vaal Trust (Edms.) Bpk., Posbus 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. ,


At the office of the Master, CAPE TOWN, and also of the magistrate of the district when:stated in parentheses. By die kantoor van die Meester, KAAPSTAD, ven ook van die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakies. gemeld


10135/96—Le: Roux, Rachel Jacoba, 0701270049086, Serenitas; Strand, vanaf 18 Junie. 4997 tot "1 Julie 1997

(Strand).—H. Kriel, handeldrywende.as Jan.de Munck & Genote, Posbus 1038; Stellenbosch, 7599. °:

5775/95—O’ Kennedy, Jacobus Hendrik Louw, 3206105040000, Kerkstraat, Loeriesfontein, 8185, 21. dae (Calvinia). —

Louw.&. Muller, Posbus 56, Loeriesfontein, 8185. .

12684/96/4D—Bright, Ebrahim, 3211145063087, 34 Comyn Road, ‘Silvertown, Athlone; “Juwayda. Bright, born Hendricks,

2508250096021 (Wynberg).—R. E. Ellis & Associates, Premier Centre, 451 Main Road, Observatory, .

4390/95—Doutle, Ebraheima,. 2607145070025, 38, Seventh Avenue, Belgravia Estate, Athlone, Cape, ‘Amended

(Wynberg). ——H. Mohamed & Associates, corner of Old Klipfontein and Belgravia. Roads, Athlone, Cape:

8555/96—Ismail, Ebrahim, 3609285119082, 14 Sirius Road, Surrey Estate, 4306120472086 (Wynberg). —H. Mohamed &

Associates, corner of Old Klipfontein and Belgravia Roads, Athlone, Cape. ~ .

673/97—Stead, Peter Bathard, 3108085255188, Karibuni, 6 Gilquin C Crescent, Northshore, Hout Bay (ynber) —Syfrets Limited, 24 Wale Street; Cape Town.

3280/96—Van . Kerken, Lorraine Gertrude, 4311280058089, 44, Fairbairn: Street, Glencain “Heights, Simon’s Town

(Simon’ s Town).—Guthrie & Rushton, P.O. Box 22087, Fish Hoek, 7974. ,

_ 10547/96—Kretschmer, Brian Malcolm, 3905285005085, 4 Boekenhout, Mews, Boekenhout . Road, Milkwood Park,

Noordhoek; Joan Audrey Kretschmer (Simon’s Town). —Guthrie & Rushton, P.O. -Box 22087, Fish Hoek, 7974.

12689/95/8A—Curr, Hugh Gordon Kenny, 2701275062082, 15 Morgenrood Road, Kenilworth, 7700 (Wynberg). —Curr,

Vivier Incorporated, 10 Morgenrood Road, Kenilworth, 7700.

9616/96—Riley, Frederick Thompson, 0712125019182, Far Sawrey, : 2 Oleander Way, Constantia F Hill, 7800: (Wynberg).

9239/96—Botha, Angelique Maria Tertia.(gebore Steyn), 2008240046004, Fountainweg 3, Bergvliet, Kaap (Wynberg).—

‘Die Eksekuteurskamer, Waalstraat 4, Kaapstad. .

333/97—Rogers, Peter Percy, 5110045026087, | Jenningstaat 78, Strand (Strand) —Guthrie & Theron, Posbus 37, Hermanus, 7200.

7919/96—Whate, Joaquim Julio Bernado, 5602085163187, NY75, No. 13, Guguletu (Mitchells Plain). —L. Kadish &

Company, Fifth Floor; De Waal House, 172. Victoria Road, Woodstock... .

1904/97—Kennan, Sheila Vivienne, 2201090052087, 38 Eddystone Drive, Plettenberg Bay, 6660 (Knysna) —Stanidard Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 765, George.

2813/97—Terblans, Marthinus- Christoffel Botha, 2509215029068, \Klifrevier, Wittedrit; Aletta Maria Christina Terblans,

3101200029000 (Knysna).—Standard Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 765; George.

1001/97—Boltman, Helene, 3012210031003, Kaapse Draai 21, Ridgoworthrlaa, Bellville, 7535 (Belvil). —Van Niekerk

Groenewoud & Van Zyl, Posbus 3888, Tygervallei, 7536.

10608/96—Melck, Charlotte Ella Marie, .0508160022002, Bay Biew, Gill Road, Muizenber, First and Final (Simons

Town).—Fairbridge Arderne & Lawton Inc., P.O. Box 536, Cape Town, 8000. 3

7431/96—Meyer, Bertram Lester, 2312095059108, 7 Costa Del Sol, Beach Road, ‘Sea Point, Cape, First ‘and Final. —

Bernadt Vukic Potash & Getz, 10th Floor, BP Centre, Thibault Square, Cape Town.

284/97—Strauss, David Josephus, 0711045017003, Rusoord- ouetehuis, Calvinia (Calvinia, —ABSA Trust Beperk,

Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein.

1077/96—Smit, Dirk Jacobus Smit, 2412215060000, Steynbergstraat 5, ~ Parow-Noord, Parow, 7500 (Bellville) —

D..J. Smit, Niehaus & La Grange, Eerste Verdieping, Belray Arkade, ‘Durbanweg 39, Bellville.

3732/97—Hart, Dawne, 3904040057085, 5 Groendal, Edgemead; Alan Carrington Hart, 4101105070009 (Goodwood). —

ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. a

_ . 3851/97—Jacobs, ‘Rodger Stanley, 6508245218082, aéste Laan 27, Elsiesrivier (Goodwood). ABSA ‘Trust Beperk,

Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

2449/97—Lotz, Daniel William, 2510225060017, 18 Maidstone Road, Heathfield Aviynbera)- —ABSA Trust Limited,

P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532...

74 No. 18068 _GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20: JUNE 1997

3747/97-—-Rossouw, Jan Stefanus, 161 0095023003, -Postmasiraat 5, Oakdale; Johanna Margaretha Hendrika Rossouw

(Bellville). ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

3755/97—Viljoen, Elsie Catharina, 4404290031004, : Protea Park 603, M. E. Rothmanstraat, Parow-Noord; Schalk Willem

Villoen, 4311125034006 (Bellville). -ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

2975/97—Beckwith, Daphne Myra, 3507120049003,°5 Piince Charles. Street, Southfield; Robert Bramwell Beckwith,

2612095062006 (Wynberg).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532:

~ .3002/97—Nel, Frederick Rudoiphus,. 3907045010009, Agtste Laan 61, Kraaifontein; Aletta Maria Nel, 5110210035087

(Kuilsrivier). —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof,. 7532.

.1651/97—Davids, Walter Wilfred, 4205315115080; 48 Leeubekkie Street, Lentegeur: Johanna Maria Davids

(Wynberg).—ABSA Trust Ltd; P.O. Box:1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

.2856/97— Janse van ‘Rensburg, Jacobus. Gabriel, 3909125050004, D30, Groenvallei, Bellville; Hendrina Petronella

Janse van Rensburg, 4207080025080 (Bellville) —-ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

10563/96—-Schroeder, Marjorie- Gertrude, 3705200203082; Lynerstraat 157, Worcester, Aanvullende (Worcester) —

ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

12018/95—Samuels; Alfred Leslie, 2812035088083, 4 Japonika Street, Ravensmead, Supplementary; Eunice Henrietta

Samuels, 3111290083015. (Bellville). ABSA Trust Ltd;-P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

3757/97—Ward, Audrey, 3503010067080, 97 Oldenland Road, Somerset West (Somerset West).—ABSA Trust Ltd, P.O.

Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

12463/96—Cloete, Alida, 5006270032016, Humboltstraat 41, Kleinviei, Eersterivier, 7100; Jakobus Jakob Cloete,

5208315062087 (Kuilsrivier).—Beyleveld &Kie., Gannabosstraat 6, Amandelrug, Kuilsrivier, 7580.

3808/96—Oelofse, Leon Harold, 4911135160004, Mydrechtstraat 27, Bothasig, 7441 (Goodwood). ——Beyleveld & Kie.,

Gannabosstraat 6, Amafdelrug, Kuilsrivier, 7580: - ue

1567/97-—-Cooper, Alexander Haman, 1206085014001, Kloofstreat 8, Caledon; Anna Salmina Paulina, 2211150024009.

(Caledon).—Sanlam Trust Bpk:; Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. °° ,

_ 1002/97—Broekhuizen, Theodora Hendrika Johanna, 2404190064008, Lyttonstraat 7, Goodwood; Gerhardus

Franciscus Broekhuizen, 2406115022003 (Goodwood). —ABSA Trust Bpk., Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

7530/96—Manken, Eric George, 0505075037083, 11 Harries * Street, Plumstead, Cape, 7800 (Wynberg).—KPMG, P.O.

Box 4609, Cape Town, 8000.

12484/96—Oosthuysen, Jacobus, 0708105010001, Huis Edwin Theron, Kerkstraat, Albertinia (Albertinia).—D. Acker,

p.a. Rauch Gertenbach’ Ing., Posbus 3, Mosselbaai, 6500. ,

8275/91—Taillard, Florence Maria, 3104110089029, widow, Auwen, 12 Bellmore Avenue, Peniyn Estate, Landsdowne

(Wynberg).—Banard Katzef ‘& Co., 451 Albert Road, Salt River.

3449/96—Bruwer, Hester Salomina, 1807100065009, ‘Langstraat 17, Albertinia, (Albertinia)—Saniam Trust Beperk,

Posbus 1260, Sarlamhof, 7532. 1304/97—De Villiers, Barbara Helena, 0012240012000, Huis. Mimosa, Ruben de Villiersstraat, De Doorns, 6875

(Worcester). —Hexvallei Agentskappe,' Posbus 127; De Doorns, 6875.

12233/96—Wilkinson, Ormsby Clifford, 1702075007088, 58 Voortrekker. Street, Beaufort ‘West (Beaufort West).—John

D. Crawford & Son Incorporated, P.O. Box 25, Beaufort West.

5161/96—Homan, Cynthia Mary, 2302250058086, 4 Grosvenor Square, College Road, Rondebosch, Second and Final

(Wynberg).—Fairbridge Arderné & Lawton tnc., P.O. Box 536, Cape Town, 8000.

4136/97—Engelbrecht, Jan Stephanus, 4010115017084, Aalwynweg. 102, Danabaai (Mosselbaai) —ABSA Trust Beperk

(Reg. No. 01/04665/06), Posbus 1199, Port Elizabeth, 6000. —

4246/97—Stander, Christina Magdalena, 1508150008085, _Ysterhoutsingel 32, Heiderand, Mosselbaai; Adam Botha

Stander (Mosselbaai).—ABSA Trust Beperk (Reg. No. '01/04665/06), Posbus 1199, Port Elizabeth, 6000.

1130/96—Jack, Doreen Constance, 2410140037085, _ Sparrow Crescent, 17, Flamingo Vlei, 7441.—Van der Spuy &

Vennote, Thomstraat 36, Paarl.

741/97—Davids, Agnes, 0708050058088, 10 West Avenue, Gleemoor, Athlone. (Wynberg).—Silberbauers, Southern Lite

Centre, 8 Riebeek Street, Cape Town, 8001.

_ 1180/97—-Samuels,. John Peter, 3202255067018,, ‘Sanderlandstraat 86, Kensington, Kaapstad; Olga Mary Elizabeth

Samuels, 3412280053012.—Visagie Vos & Vennote, Posbus 90, Goodwood.

11910/96—Steyn, Angelique Maria, .gebore Cillié, 1403160013087, Nuwerus Tehuis vir Bejaardes, Worcester

(Worcester).—G. D. de Vries & A. Scheepers, Eikelaan 12, Sonnendal, 7500, ;

5085/95—Louw,. Anthony Albertus Henry, 3507065012081, Tweekuil. Plase, Malmesbury, 7300, Gewysigde

(Malmesbury). —Lionel Frank en Seun, Voorirekkerweg 47, Malmesbury.

1056/97—-Cronjé, Susanna Wilhelmina, 1105040014009, Ametis 120, Strand (Strand).—Sanlam Trust Bpk., Posbus

1260, Saniamhof, 7532.

88/97—Smuts, Beatrix Hendrina, 2108050021004, Skaketweg 2, Bellville (Beil). —Sanlam Trust Bpk., Posbus 1260,

Sanlamhof, 7532... i 1820/97—Van Rensburg, David. Izak, 2710085049007, idlewild, “Hoekwil, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en

Distribusierekening; Anna, Magdalena, van Rensburg, 3612070048003 (George)-—Muller Terblanche & Beyers, Posbus 7,

Worcester, 6849.

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997. No. 18068 © 75

‘, 2125/97—Van Ravesteyn,. Johannes Jacobus, ‘0109065002080, Huis” ‘Vergenoegd, “Hoofstraat: 188, Paarl (Paar!) — Sanlam Trust Bpk., Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

2219/97—Van Zyl, Salmon Pienaar, 2503015006084, Twieekuilen; Albertinia: Jeanetta Catharina van nih 3111030004008

(Aberin) —D. Acker, p.a. Rauch Gertenbach Ing:, Kerkstraat 10 (Posbus 3), Mosselbaai, 6500:.’

-.1074/97—-May, Jacobus Carolus, 1209255085082, 1 Sylvester Road, Retreat, First’ “and: Final, 21 days (Wyner) — Buchanan Boyes Inc., P.O. Box 18014, Wynberg, 7824.

‘-(2465/96—Cruickshank, : Mary Helen, 6201290161080,: 47 Bryn Road; Lakeside, First and” Final, 21 days

(Simonstown), —Buchanan Boyes Inc., P.O. Box 18014, Wynberg, 7824. -

'.42305/96—Jafta, Valelo Victor, 3010045241086, 6 Yellowwood Street, Forest Village; Eerste River, First and Final; Jean

Jane Jafta, 3712270114231, 21 days (Kuils River).—Buchanan Boyes. Inc.,.P.O. Box 18014, Wynberg; 7824. :

' 1349/96—De Villiers, Andries Stephanus, : 2611085019083, P.O. ‘Box 603, Hermanus. (Hermanus) a Mr. A: Milton, PO. Box 2799, Cape Town, 8000,

: 2874/96—Du Toit, Timotheus, 4503095057088, Hoogstraat 13, Worcester 2 (Worcester) —v J. Beyers &-Vennote, Posbus 706, Worcester, 6849.

-1829/97-—-Stander,. Adriaan Hendrikus . Johannes, - 2706295037006, “Taaibosstraat, Wildernishoogte, ‘Posbus 139,

Wilderness, 6560; Gertruida Eliesa Stander, 3005310079088 (George). —G.. E. Stander, “Eksekutrise;, Pa ‘Heunis Botha &

Wiggett Ing., Van:Kervel Huis 3, Yorkstraat-117, George;6530; 2.

1301/97—Du Toit, Johanna Magrieta, 2506090002001, Fynbospark, Hermanus (Hermanus) ~ Jan S de Villers & Seun, 16de Verdieping, BP-sentrum, Thibaultplein, Kaapstad. -

4051/94—-Michael, James, 3008015069081, 75 Rouxton. “Road, “Landsdowne, Cape. Town “(Wynberg). =_

H. M..M. Terblanche, P.O. Box 323; Cape Town, 8000. . _- 2 7

2016/97—Leonardt, Walter, 0804105010081, Huis Vergenoegd, Hoofstraat, Paarl (Pear) —Saniam Trust Bpk., Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

226/97—Mouton, Willem Johannes, 0305235005082, Lyttelton Frailoare, York. ‘Street, George, 6530. (George).—

Raubenheimers,. P.O. Box 21, George, 6530... “

8551/92—Malan, Anton Daniel, 5208255136081, Annanlaan 5, Caretonvile “ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081; Kempton Park. .

5403/96/3C-_—Masson, Winifred Alston, 3109110186182, 31 Farmsedge Pekalmy Road,: ; Berovt (Wynberg) —

lan.H. M. Masson, Executor, 2 Soetvlei Avenue, Constantia Hills, 7800.

9802/96—Myers, Jack, 1012055041002, non- -resident, emigrant, . 3430. West ‘42nd Avenue, Oty

Columbia, Canada, First and Final.—Mr |. Karro, c/o Zeller Karro, P.O. Box 43, Cape Town, 8000.

4205/95—Benting, Anna Dina, 6008300180087, 9 Chrystal Street, Devon Park, Eerste River: Se

6107205124016 (Kuils River).—Silberbauers, Southern Life Centre, 8. Riebeek, Street, Cape Town, 8001.. .

' 8860/95—Sasman, Jakoof, 6509135193088, Amdenslot 6, Lotusrivier, 7945, Tweede (Wynberg). —-Beyleveld & Kie.,

Gannabosstraat 6, Amandelrug, Kuilsrivier, 7580. Cos

462/97—Zietsman, Johan Philip, 6705095068084, Truterstraat 33, Malmesbury (Malmesbury). —MrJ, McNaught Davis;

c/o Tinsley McNaught Davis Inc., P.O, Box 2006, 10 Lourensford. Road. ~ 178/97—Penn, Jack, 0908145025007, 157 Kloof Road, Clifton, Cape Town, First Liquidation and Distribution. Account.—

Attomeys Maurice Phillips, Wisenberg, P.O. Box 2407, Cape Town, 8000. oo

" ' 42068/95—Rudman, Ernest Richard, 1602025042005, 2 Fountain Drive, ‘Hout Bay; 7800 (Wynberg). —Geott Rudman

Attorney, P.O. Box 26835, Hout Bay, 7872. . -

2320/97—Sher, Marcus (also known as Monty), 1612025035081; 3 Duniobin, Kloot Road, Sea Point, Cape Town. —Kaiz,

Salber & Company, Agents for the Executor, 4 Church Square, Cape Town..

~ 2447/96/7C—Fourie, Johanna Jacoba, 2401130036088, Welgslegenwoonstele 5, ‘Kuswveg, Strand, 7140. —Ss. s. Fourie,

Lantanastraat 5, Heldervue, Somerset: Wes, 7130: .

* 550/97—Oliver, Walter James, 3911305003002, Hermonweg 44, ‘Riebesck Kasteel (Malmesbury) —Standard Trust

Beperk, Posbus 1928, Bellville, 7535.

~ 4604/96—Becker, Udo Adolf, 3909235070108, 128 Tennyson ‘Street,’ Kraaifontein; Jennifer Ann Becker, ‘4512120081005

(Kulls River).—Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1928, Bellville, 7535. _

'4751/97—Dywili, Eunice’ Nonzwakazi, 2707170166084, Ny3e: Room 46, Guguitu cP. (Mitchells Plain, C.P.).—

Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000..

'12062/96—Dawson, Elizabeth Susanna Louw, 0407160003080, Carmicheelneg 38, Vistioek, K. P (Simonstad, K. P.).—

Standard Trust Beperk, Posbus 5562, Kaapstad, 8000. ~ .4413/97—Winn, Peter: Westgarth, 2006035037006, 1 83 Sea Point t Place, Beach Road, Three Anchot Bay-—Standard

Trust Limited, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. oF ~ 1242/97—Toerien; Ervin Johann, 3208055032003, 10Etica’ Road, Murdoch Valley South, - Simonstown, CP.

(Simonstown, C.P.).—Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. - 7393/92—Gool, Hawa Halima, 1916-09-30, 1609300066021; 18 Belgravia Road, Athlone: Capé Town, ‘died'on 13 August

1992, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days fr from 20 dune 1997. 7S. I. Vawda & Company, Suite: ‘G6, Uysuf Centre, 58 Ireland Street, Vérulam:" ~:

- ~ 3877/95—Murtray, ‘Anton: Ronald ‘Andrew, 2204305021004; Claremont House: Claretnont, E Cape Towri’ m-(Wynberg).— —

Executor, A. U. Barnetson, 434 Lawley Street, Waterkloof, Pretoria, 0181. .

ncouver, British

Arthur Benting,

76 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE. 1997

6022/96—Bell, Abraham (Alex), 2001165053105, Flat 114, Nerina Gardens, Recreation Road, Fish Hoek, 7975, First and Final (Simonstown).—Mr I. Karro, c/o Zeller Karro, P.O. Box 43, Cape Town, 8000. -

4038/96—Ward, Doreen Mary, 1107290031006, Silvermine Village, Silvermine, Cape (Wynberg, Cape).—T. D. Doyle,

P.O. Box 85, Maitland, 7404. 6748/96—Basker, Joshua, 0610195020009, 2 Hollandia Court, 27 Davenport Road, Vredehoek, Cape Town, 8001.—

C. Gurland, P.O. Box 6005, Roggebaai, 8012. 5625/96—Spektor, Arthur Abraham, 0906275020004, 9 Alphen House, Milton Road, Sea Point, 8001; Sarah Spektor,

4306280027004.—Sindler & Barishman, 7 Upper Durban Road, Mowbray, 7700. 10082/96—Menezes, Joseph, 6705275083085, 7 De Tuin Crescent, De Tuin, Brackenfell (Kuils River) Executor

Services (Pty) Ltd, Agent for Executor, Fourth Floor, 107 St George’s Mall, Cape Town. ° 8003/96—Crawford, Janet Hannay, born Anderson, 0612170025086, Selous House; Queen Victoria Road,. Claremont,

7700 (Wynberg).—Executor Services (Pty) Ltd, Agent for Executor, Fourth Floor, Equity House, 107 St George’s Mall, Cape

Town. 8604/96—Dugmore, Arthur Henry, 201125501 9080, 58. Santos Haven, Mossel Bay (Mossel Bay). —Executor Services

(Pty) Ltd, Agent for Executor, Fourth Floor, 107 St George’s Mall, Cape Town. ; 381/97—Levinson, Simon, 0603145010089, Highlands House, 234 Upper Buitenkant Street, Cape Town. —Executor

Services (Pty) Ltd, Agent for Executor, Fourth Floor, 107 St George’s Mall, Cape Town. 6884/96—Fourie, Elizabeth Jane Pringle, 9612030006004, Huis Andries Hamman, Baringstraat, Worcester

(Worcester).—Maritz Murray & Fourie, Posbus 25, Worcester, 6849. , 3133/97—-Harper, Joseph Emslie, ;2303015072107,:6 Holly Close, Hazelwood Park, Sun Valley, Fish Hoek

(Simonstown).—First National Trust, P.O. Box 512, Cape Town. » 12877/95—Harrison, Olga Patricia, born Abel, 2904180045009, 3 Sunbird Close, Bloubergrant, 7441; Anthony Jordan

Harrison, 2907265010003.—The Board of Executors, 4 Wale Street, Cape Town, 8001. 4422/84—Davids, Daniel, 20ste Laan 5, Elsiesrivier; Rachel Niewenhuys, voorheen Davids, gebore De Bruyn,

2211200173087, 21 dae (Goodwood).—Fourie Basson & Veldtman, Toplinhuis, Voortrekkerweg 219, Parow. 7871/96—Mathys, David Jonathan, 5607045125017, 15 Pinetree Street, Rosedale, Eersterivier; Susan Elizabeth Mathys,

5702020131088 (Kuilsrivier)—Granwell Smith Prokureurs, Posbus 752, Kuilsrivier, 7579. 9369/95—Isaacs, Asa, 3609040327087, 22 Yellowwood Road, Bonteheuwel; Mustapha Isaacs, 3506065523089

(Goodwood). 10447/95—Kling, Gerald John, 2212115064007, 5° Avenue, Drelincourt, Fresnaye, 8001 —Sonnenberg Hoffmann &

Galombik, Norwich on St George’s, St George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8001. 10977/96—Miller, Stella Stacey, 0106190011085, Room 20, Anchusa Court, Annexe Howard Drive, Meadowridge

(Wynberg).—First National. Trust, P.O. Box 512, Cape Town. 132/97—Warren, Frederick, 1804175024086, 18 Belmont Road, ‘Seaforth, Simonstown (Simonstown). —First National

Trust, P.O. Box 512, Cape Town. 10964/96—Horsman, Florence May, 0405160029105, 48 Borghorst ‘Street, Monte Vista (Goodwood).—First National

Trust, P.O. Box 512, Cape Town. 12639/96—Stallard, Anthony Ernest, 4210165057184, 16 Palm’ Street, Tokai (Wynberg).—First National Trust, P.O. Box

512, Cape Town. 5969/96—Van der Heyde, Philippus, 2909225027011, 152 Eden Lawsen Road, Crawiord, Supplementary; Charlotte

Emily van der Heyde (Wynberg).—First National Trust, P.O, Box 512, Cape Town. 5553/96—Simceox, May Doreen, 1111240047005, 28 Strubens Road, Mowbray (Wynberg). —First National Trust, P.O. Box

512, Cape Town. 820/97—Peens, Pieter Abraham, 1306275035087, Ceres Tuiste, Ceres (Cerés). —Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 512,

Kaapstad. 9476/96—Pretorius, Dirk Jacobus, 4902095037084, Colombarstraat 10, Vredenidal (Vredendal).—Eerste Nasionale

Trust, Posbus 512, Kaapstad. 2647/97—Le Roux, Elizabeth Frederika, 2412200043086, Tuiniqua-tefuis, George: ‘(George).—Mev. G. E. Koen,

Porterstraat 53, George. 5326/96—Lakey, Peter Ariel, 3611145085081, Stikland Hospital Bellville, > Cape (Goodwood). —Bisset Boehmke McBlain,

P.O. Box 76, Cape Town, 8000.


At the office of the Master, KIMBERLEY, and also of the magistrate of the district when stated i in parentheses.

By die kantoor van die Meester, KIMBERLEY, en ook van die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit. tussen hakies gemeld

word. .

410/97—Pretorius, Abraham Nicolaas, 3505085006000, Leonardstraat: 1, _ Danidiskl ~Magrietha Aletta Pretorius

(Postmasburg):—Standard Trust Bpk.; Posbus 1248, Bloemfontein, 9300. we

214/97—Minies, Jacobus, 4801175094082, .Huis. 106,, Boegoeberg; Mieta. Jacoba Minnies, 5003060063087

(Groblershoop).—Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 1014, Kimberley.

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE: 1997 No. 18068 77

_ 115/97—Ferreira, Christina Maria Susanna, 0309050021083, weduwee, Ons Huis, Kimberley.—Elliott Maris Wilmans &

Hay, Posbus 179, Kimberley.

243/97—Koekemoer, Elizabeth Maria, 2611250038082, Loubserstraat 13, Kuruman; Louis Jacobus Koekemoer,

4705125030080 (Kuruman). —Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 1014, “Kimberley.

1496/96—Basson, Petrus Jacobus Nicolaas, 4303015020088,. die ‘Plaas Tampan, oor Upington, afdeling Gordonia

(Upington).—Malan & Vennote, Posbus 27, Upington,. 8800.

399/97—Visser, Jurie: Hendrik, 2609135026009, Kameeldraai, Louisvale: Margaretha Maria Visser, 2807040035004

(Upington).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus,2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

1113/96—Jacobs, Christiaan Johannes, 5301215067007, Melkbosstraat 31, Kathu, 8446; Denise Margaret Jacobs,

-5802140091004 (Kathu).—Syfrets Beperk, Posbus 355, Bloemfontein, 9300.

1090/96—Van der Merwe, Anna Jacoba Elizabetha (Elizabeth), 1306010029080, Andalusiahof, Jan Kempdorp (Jan

Kempdorp).—Mnre. Daan van Romburgh & Kie., Grensstraat (Posbus 180), Jan Kempdorp; 8550. 1332/95—Pietersen, Niel Terrance, 4302285096083, 56 Innes Street, De Beers, Kimberley, 8301; Lorraine Day Pietersen,

4606200087005.—R. D. Isaacs & Associates, P.O. Box 480, Kimberley, 8300.

653/94—Terblanche, Daniel Johannes Jacobus, 3812045014003, Plaas Arbeidsgenot, distrik Stella; Margaretha

Johanna Magdalena Terblanche, 4106170024005 (Vryburg). —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001.

505/97—Myburgh, Christiaan Wynand, 3806275012083, Malherbestraat 35, Upington, Maryann Isabella Myburgh,

4110300010009 (Upington). ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein.


At the office of the Master, GRAHAMSTOWN, and also of the magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses.

By die kantoor van die Meester, GRAHAMSTAD, en ook van die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakies

gemeld word.

2272/96/4—Pearson, Heather Gladys, 3005100026000, 41 Thompson. Street, Adelaide, 5760 (Adelaide)—De Beer &

Meyer, P.O. Box 20, Adelaide, 5760. ~ 3264/96/3—Horn, Eileen Catherine, 9911070011001, Kloof Hotel, Joubertina (Joubertina). —Wolmarans Kruger, Posbus

7560, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6055. 3280/96/4C—Wilson, Sylvia. Maude, 1412260040007, 9 Silver Oaks, King Street, East London, 5201 (East London).—

- Russell Esterhuizen Nel & De Klerk, P.O. Box 1092, East London, 5200.

- 3688/96/1B—Oosthuizen, Jacoba: Petronella, 2708240008082, Waterkantstraat 53, Jeffreysbaai, 6330; Oosthuizen,

Johannes Hendrik Schoeman Oosthuizen, 2010045036006 (Humansdorp). —C. W. Malan, Jeffreysbaai Ing., Posbus 273,

Jeffreysbaai, 6330.”

_ 2855/96/1—Prins, Thomas Johannes, 6102095186084, Southeystraat 1, Tarkastad (Tarkastad).—Sanlam Trust Bpk.,

Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

_ 828/97—Smit, Catharina Maria, 0808290009006, Huis Louisa Myburgh, Assenbergstraat, Kabega Park, Port Elizabeth

(Port Elizabeth). —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

415/97/2—Joubert, Daniel, 2204075015087, 7 Mackay Street, West Bank, East London (East London).—Drake Flemmer

& Orsmond Inc., P.O. Box 44, East London, 5200.

3758/95/2—Lawrence, Joseph. Henry, 3211065033086, 17 Elba Crescent, Buffalo Flats, East London (East London).—

Bax Incorporated, Octoproc House, 34 Argyle Street, East London.

4246/96/3—Dyer, Kathryn Mary, formerly Filby, born McGill, 2305090035081, Fairhaven Home for the Aged, Woodhead

Drive, Humewood Extension, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth): Standard: Trust Limited, P.O. Box 27560, Greenacres, Port

Elizabeth, 6057.

2944/96/2—Manthe, Rita Mavis, 3404050007008, 26 Market Street, Elliot; Eric Manthe, 2306135013083, Amended First

and Final Liquidation and Distribution (Elliot).—First National Trust, P.O. Box 1537, East London. -

493/97/3—-Bufe, Ellen Maria, 2502160021005,'3:Smithen Road, Rosemount, East London ‘(East London).—First National

Trust, P.O. Box 1537, East London.

4006/96/2—Maclachlan, June Neser, 3106010017004, Amatola Haven, Hill Street, Stutterheim (Gtutterheim), —Elliotts

(P.O. Box 67), 35AHill-Street, Stutterheim:”

3803/94—-Orphanides, Janet Emily Delia, 3710130241087, 10 Colgate | Street, Port Alfred, Third | (Port Alfred).—

Rushmere Noach Incorporated, P.O. Box 100;-Port Elizabeth, 6000:°

4187/96—Smit, Antonie Michael, 3402285024001, Brakfontein, Alexandria, Verbeterde Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en

Distribusie;; Susanna: Elizabeth:’Smit,.:4001300010083" (Alexandria) - —ABSA Trust Beperk (Reg. No. 01/04665/06), Port

Elizabeth, 6000.

- 78 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

1318/97/2—Létter, Louis Daniel Marthinus, 1503055003083, De Wetlaan 9, Uitenhage; Cornelia Sofia:-Létter,

2411070040859 (Uitenhage).—ABSA Trust Beperk (Reg. No..01/04665/06), Posbus 1199, Port Elizabeth.

1277/97/3—Moolman,. Jacomina Hendriena, 4506240007007, Avocet 3, Swarkops, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth) —

ABSA Trust Beperk (Reg. No. 01/04665/06), Posbus 1199, Port Elizabeth.

128197/1—Phipps, Barrie, 3110295032084, 18 Lanark Street; Kabega | Park, Port Elizabeth: (Por Elizabeth). ABSA Trust

Beperk (Reg. No. 01/04665/06), Posbus 1199, Port Elizabeth.

_ 863/96/1—Els, Samuel Nicolaas, 2808195016005, Woekestraat 4, Graatf- Reinet, 6280 (Graaff- Reinet). —ABSA Trust

Beperk (Reg. No. 01/04665/06), Posbus 1199, Port Elizabeth.

: 85/97/3—-Van. der Merwe, Sarah Elizabeth, 3010250059082, Kingston Mews 46,-Noord Avondaleweg, Port Elizabeth:

Frederik Johannes Hendrik van der Merwe, 2811175009008 (Port Elizabeth) — —Mnr. F. J. H. van der Merwe, p.a. Posbus 15834,

-Emerald Hiil,.6011. :

3126/96/1—Larkin, Edna May, 1111070033000, 103 3 Ridgewood, Cape Road, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth —Rushmere

Noach Incorporated, P.O. Box 100,.Port Elizabeth; 6000. :

1080/97/3—Beets, Daniel. Jacobus, 1201095014000, 41 Worraker Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth; Petronella Jacoba

Beets, 1712010012002 (Port Elizabeth).—Rushmere Noach Incorporated, P.O. Box 100; Port Elizabeth, 6000. -

558/96/1—Herbert, John Alan, 4508285481188, 175 Villiers Road, Walmer, Port Elizabeth, married according to the laws

of England (New Law Courts, North End, ‘Port Elizabeth). —Wilke, Weiss, Van Rooyen & Preston, Cavendish House, 2 Cuyler

Sireet, Central, Port Elizabeth, 6001.

699/97—Lawrie, Heather Maureen, 5110090074008, 6 Rochester Road, East London (East London).—Syfrets Trust

Limited, P.O. Box 466, Port Elizabeth.

_ 1276/97—Louw, Willem. Petrus, 2111225048001, 1.Stadium Heights, Cathcart Road, Humewood, Port Elizabeth - (Port

Elizabeth) .—Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 27560, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057.

3490/96/4—Fletcher, Recardo Jonathan, 7308275073088, Oosstraat 9, Kroonvale, Graaff-Reinet, 6281, Eerste, 21. dae

‘(Graaff-Reinet). —Mnr. E. D.-G. Kivedo, Posbus 3011, Kroonvale, Graaff-Reinet, 6281.

26/9/3-88/93—Maud Lilian, Makaula, 13030165001006, Niijini, Administative Area, Mount Frere (Mount Frere). —S. S.

Tilay & Associates, Main Street, Mount Frere (P.O. Box 267). .

792/97/2—Wright, Mary, 2903290039083, 26 Church Road; Walmer, Port Elizabeth 1 (Port Elzabet) —Anthony A. Gingell,

Executor, 208 Felsted, 14-Bird Street; Port Elizabeth, 6001.

592/96/3—Cecchini, Quinto, 7401305039086, Plot 98, Waterootweg Groenbossies, ‘Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).—

Brown Braude & Vlok Ing., Posbus 3073, Port Elizabeth.

1102/97/1—King, John Cawood, 1812175024089, 24 Hansen’ Avenue, Greenfields, East London (Fast London).—

Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 996, East London. .

982/93—Strydom, ‘Denis, 3807245003004; Krakeelrivier, Supplementére Eerste en Finale (Joubertina). —C. W. Malan &

Kie., Posbus 5, Joubertina, 6410.

132/37/1—Ball; John Leonard, 2608305007005, 9 St Jamés Road, East London; Natlie Norma Ball (East London). —

Cooper Conroy Bell & Richards Inc. (Reg, No. 83/1 9472/21), Attorneys Notaries & Conveyancers, P.O. ‘Box 136, East London,


4198/96/3B—Russel, Daphne Miller, 2802260009086, 28 Smith Street, Gonubie, East London n (Eat London). —Brown

Hurly & Miller, P.O. Box 421, East London,.5200. . ,

1155/96/2—Meyer, Charel David, 3604045012008, 5 Karisma; Tas Stréet,: - Femglen, Port Elizabeth; Cecilia Maria Cornelia

Meyer, 3409280013004 (Port.Elizabeth).—Harry Lamprecht Attorneys, 39: First Avenue, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth.

2274/96/1—Richardson, George, 3009255036087, 16 Cowie Street, Sidwell, Port Elizabeth (Port: Elizabeth). —First

National Trust, P:O..Box 27521, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth.

2629/96/2—Fisher, Selby Neil, 4401065018000, 1 Du Plessis. Street, Cradock; Delene Fisher, 4801050077087,

Supplementary (Cradock).—First National Trust, P.O. Box 27521, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth.

253/97/1—Defever, Jacques Daniel Julien, 2902055033109, 35 Goedehoop. Avenue, Riebeeckhddgie,- Uitenhage:

Jeannine Marie Theresa. Defever, 3307170032102 (Uitenhage). —First "National Trust, “P.O. ‘Box 27521, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth.

4275/96/1—Herselman, Michael Olivier, 2302205009085, .Dennehoek, ‘Joubertina; Beatrix Joanna Herselman,

2503130007009 (Joubertina).—Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus 27521, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth.

99/97/3—-Chetland, Irene Evelyn, 2306290004109; 20 Amatola Street, , Sherwood; Port-Elizabeth: (Port Elizabeth). —First

National Trust, P.O. Box 27521, Greenacres,: Port Elizabeth:

686/97/4—Mardell, Doris May, 1407060043185, Fairhaven-Old Age H Home, Woodhead Drive, Humewood, Port Elizabeth

(Port Elizabeth).—First National Trust, P-O. Box.27521, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth.”

4127/96/4—Randall, Alan John Dell, 3103065068081, 13 Garden Park, Warbler Street, Westering, Port Elizabeth (Port

Elizabeth).—First National Trust, P.O. Box 27521, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth. .

1818/96/2—Hayes, Vernon Bejamin, 3811205002006, .62 Murray Street, Middetbur 5s (Middebur). —Eerste Nasionale

‘Trust, Posbus 27521, Greenacres; Port Elizabeth. .

294/97/3—Candido, Colin Kenneth, 3201045007086, Highview, “Mimosa-Dale, Uitenhage; Iw Elizabeth Petronella

Candido (Uitenhage):—Executor Services = (Ply) T Lid, Fourth Floor, Faulty House, 107 St George's Mall, Cape Town, Agent for

Executor. =. wl

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997 -No. 18068 79

243/97/2—Bailey, Cyril Marcus, 4910245097080, 4 Hawkins Street, Heath Park, Port Elizabeth; Pamela Ann Bailey (Port

Elizabeth).—Executor Services (Pty) Lid, Fourth Floor, 107 St.George’s- Mall, Cape Town, Agent for Executor. : 26/96/A—Emslie, Gertrude Wilhelmina, 2006130012086, S6 Woodholme, East London (Queenstown) —C. S. Fiveash &

Cloete, 40 Ebden Street, Queenstown.

. 55/97/4—Nuttall, Marion Eileen, 4008040020085, 26 Lotus. Avenue, Bonza. Bay, East London (East London), —Fisher

Hoffman Sithole, P.O. Box 7606, Newton Park, 6055.

316/96—Thomson, Kathleen Isobel, 1604030065005, 1 Bell Street, Aberdeen (Aberdeen). —Emst & Young, P.O. Box 859, Durban, 4000.

3604/96—-Stewari, Lorraine Faith, 4408030100086, 16 Beach Crescent, Port Altred, Supplementary First and Final (Bathurst).—Executor Services (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006.

3382/96/3—Bath, William Charles, 5402165014005, 2 Metcalf Road, Cradock, 5880; Sharon Bath, 5608240007000 (Cradock).—Gerber Botha & Gowar, P.O. Box 69,Cradock, 5880. . :

26/9/3 57/96—Qwalasela Nyantsa, 6110035875088, member of the. South African National. Defence F Force | (SANDF), of Zimbane Location, Umtata, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days’ (Umtata). —N. 4 ‘Mtshabe Incorporated, Attorneys-At-Law, 33 Elliot Road, Umtata. os


At the office of the Master, PIETERMARITZBURG, and also of the magistrate of the. district when stated in parentheses.

By die kantoor van die Meester, PIETERMARITZBURG, en ook van dle landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakies gemeld word.

5510/91—Dhanilal, Mungan, 5204225211054, 7 Samana Road, Samanaville, Petermartzburg Prihiprageshi Dhanilal (Pietermaritzburg).—Siva Chetty & Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg.

5988/96—Pillay, Kisten Murugan, 2405215149088, 33 Hawk Street, Kharwastan, Chatsworth, First and Final: Gengammah Pillay, 2902250238081, 21 days (Chatsworth).—Messrs J. Bachoo & Company, Suite 8; Midas Centre, 176 Chatsworth Main Road, Umhlatuzana, Chatsworth.

6986/96—Dekker, Frits, 2402195042185, 10 Glenarvon, 324 Moore Road, ‘Duiban (Durban). —Robert Brislin & Co., 198 Blackburn Road, Durban North.

1210/96—Tibhu, Dayal, 3012285105088, 137 Olympia Way, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg (Pietermaritzburg). —Siva Chetty & Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg.

235/96—Tibhu, Chamalay, 3501010154080, 137 Olympia Way, Northdale; Pietermaritzburg (Pietermaritzburg) —siva

Chetty & Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg. —

426/97—Crone, Leeland, 4404065140089, Little. Switzerland Resort, Oliviershoek Pass, formerly 6 Colenso Road, Woldsview (Bellville).—Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 917, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

908/97—Quinn, Madeline Adelaide Paget, 1507180037007, 24 Elizabeth. Gardens, North Road,. Howick (Howick) —

Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 917, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

419/97—Bennett, Doris, 1408140058003, Camelot Richmond, Natal (P.O. Box 148, Richmond) (Richmone). Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 917, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

1904/97—Chater, Thomas Lionel, 2011245031005, Claridge, Pictermaritzburg, 3201 —Standard Trust Limited, Po. Box 917, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

3589/95—Mannie, Subdei, 800/4331 52A, 27 Keerath Road, Isipingo Hills (Durban). —Messrs Ajit Several & Associates, Ruchira House, 26/28 Cypress Avenue, Stamford Hill, Durban.

3746/96—Turrell, Donald Alfred, 0907055027086,. Juana Maria Home, Frances Road, Ladysmith, 3370 ) (Durban) — Morris Cohen Chartered Accountant (SA).

579/97—Wahab, Sheik Rahimal, 4202165062082, 6 Trayfern Place, Redfern, Phoenix, First and Final; Rashida Wahab, 4608140053089, 21 days (Verulam).—M. Chetty & Associates, Suite 316, Queen City, 54 Queen’ Street, Durban.

3635/96—Govender, Subramoney, .2508185077088, 5 Shalimar Road, Merebank, 4052; Chintamoney Govender, 3912140070056 (Durban).—Attorney Logan Naidoo, 208 Dinvir Centre, 121 Field Street, Durban.

2616/97—Mangaroo, Thotharam, 4609015156056, 22 Sixth Avenue, Forderville, Estcourt; “Deomathee’ Parbhoo Mangaroo, 5208270135050 (Estcourt). —ABSA Trust Limited (Reg. No. 01/04665/06), Fourth Floor, Tolaram House, 2 Aliwal

_. Street, Durban, 4000.

45/97—Laybourne, Helene Ernestine, 2309080031084, 124 Seventh Avenue, Morningside, Durban (Durban). -——ABSA Trust Limited (Reg. No. 01/04665/06), Fourth Floor, Tolaram House, 2 Aliwal Street, Durban, 4000.

8353/97—Rowe, Eric, 4604205150084, 28D Retreat. Street, Austerville (Durban). ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. ‘Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

2281/97—Pretorius, Sarel Rudolph, 1 808275036080, Flat 51, South Sands, 39 Prince Street, Durban: ‘Martha Carolina Pretorius, 1801060017001 (Durban). —ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. .

80 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

* 41760/97—Lowe, Elizabeth “Fergie Duff, 9605300011001, 391 Azalea Gardens, ‘Bisley, Pietermaritzburg. “ABSA Trust

‘Limited (Reg. No. 01/04665/06), Fourth Floor, Tolaram House, 2 Aliwal Street, Durban, 4000. .

2273/97—Fawcett, George Ewing, 0905135005007, 86 Harding Street, Newcastle (Newcastle): —ABSA Trust: Limited

(Reg. No. 01/04665/06), Fourth Floor, Tolaram House, 2 Aliwal Street, Durban, 4000... :

. 1607/97—Double, Irene, 5103220155033,. 44 West Street, Pietermaritzburg; George Edward : Charles: ‘Double,

4904275071081.—ABSA Trust Limited (Reg. No. 01/04665/06), Fourth Floor, Tolaram House, 2 Aliwal Street, Durban, 4000.

345/97—Cooper, Donald Peter, 3609135068083, Pendulawoonstelle 604, . Newcastle; Dina . Maria Cooper,

3203080071001 (Newcastle). —ABSA Trust Limited (Reg..No. 01/04665/06), Fourth Floor, Tolaram House, 2 Aliwal Street,

Durban, 4000.

' 4817/96—Archer, Hazel Reid, 3707030025005, Clarendonstraat 13, Ladysmith, 3370, Gewysigde (Ladysmith). ABSA

Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

“1798/97—Potgieter, Dorothy Susan, 2003120033008, 2 Logie Drive, Amanzimtoti; Jacobus Frederik Comélis Potgieter,

1803265034088 (Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. —

1994/97—Naidoo, Narainsamy, 4112285077086, 64 Elsford Road, Foresthaven Drive, Phoenix, 4068; Balamall ‘Naidoo,

4503010098084 (Durban).—ABSA Trust Beperk; Posbus 2174, Durban, 4000. . °7930/96-—Briggs,: Trevor. John Patrick, 4503115033085, 23 Avonwold Drive, Cowies Hill, Pintetown’ (Pinetown).—

Shepstone. & Wylie, 35 Aliwal Street, Durban, 4001.

- -7293/96—Maharaj;: Sivecharran, 1507295031085, Road 706, House 295, Unit 7, Chatsworth, Durban (Chatsworth). —

J. P. Maharaj & Company, 61 KMS. House, 173 Grey Street, Durban.

, 8467/96—Logue, Cecily Geraldine, 2102090014004, 3 Falcon Glen, Drew Avenue, Howick, 3290, Liquidation and

Distribution, 21 days (Howick). —Austen Smith Attorneys for the Executors, 191 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

8135/96—Hamid, d, 3405295073082, 12 Leafpalm Place, Palmview, Phoenix, Amended First and Final; Sugra Bibi

Hamid, 3502150098053. (Verulam). —Lockhat & Associates, 5 Joymati, 24 Joyhurst Street, Town Centre, Chatsworth, 4092.

' 5836/96—Gill, Margaret Mary, 1309260048081, Hillcrest Hospital, 50 Hospital Road, Hillcrest, 3610 (Pinetown). Lester

Hall, Swan Inc., P.O. Box 52, Hillcrest, 3650. °

914/97--Urbasch, Lauwrenes Stephanus, 3105105062081, 43 Main Road, Malvern; Maureen Urbasch, 8405230050005

(Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited (Reg. No, 01/04665/06), Fourth Floor, Tolaram House, 2 Aliwal Street, Durban, 4000. -

- 1078/97—Hambridge, Frederika Petronella Christina Johanna, 1901060017082, Tuinsig- -ouetehuis, Coweyweg 12,

Berea, Durban; Gerhardus. Phillipus Hambridge, 1803015011089 (Durban). —ABSA Trust Beperk (Reg. No. -01/04665/06),

Posbus 2174, Durban, 4000.

rd,. Trevor Ross, 1507095041086, 307 Tabor Flats, Middleton Road, Winklespruit, 4126 (Durban).—

J; No. 01/04665/06), Posbus’ 2174, Durban, 4000. ly, Thamodaran (Thamodran), 3811085182084, Unit 95, Summer Sands, 1501 Harris Crescent, North

Beach, Durban; P yagi (Perianaiyagi) Mudaly; 3909150275088 (Durban).—4J. Pe Maharaj & Company, Suite 61, Sixth

Floor, KMS House, 173 Grey Street, Durban... 8968/96—Hatting, . Stephen Thomas, 411135025006, Moordkraal. Farm, Colenso; Thora Ciarrissa Hating,

4704260083004 ( nith).—Standard Trust-Ltd, Durban Branch, P.O. Box 2743, Durban, 4000. 6242/96—Moody, Waiter Herbert, 2503155139083, 21 Tafta Park, Bellair, Durban (Durban). —John Hudson & Company,

P.O. Box 730, Durban.

522/97/1D—Cammidge, John, 1410085029007, Allister Smith Eventide Home, Grell, Durban, 4001 (Durban) —

Berkowitz, Kirkel, Cohen, Wartski, Greenberg, P.O. Box 2188, Durban, 4000.

' 421/97—Burgess, Athene, 5512170215106,-9 Dambadraai Meer en See, Richards Bay (Empangeni). —ABSA Trust

Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. .

2776/97—Keyter, Adam Johannes, 620101501 6080, Waterbok 47, Newcastle, 2940; Johanna Keyter, 6410120018033 -

(Newcastle).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 7956/96—Mossop,. Charles: William, 1406215028083, V6 Bencorrum. Towers, - 183 Prince Street, Durban, 4001,

Supplementary First and Final (Durban). —ABSA Trust Limited (Reg. No. 01/04665/06), P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Fourth

Floor, Tolaram House, 2 Aliwal Street Durban.

' 2497/97—Black, Edward Norman, 3407125098081, 22A Kloof View Road, Forrest Hill (Pinetown). ABSA Trust Limited,

P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

1865/97—-Dyason, Arthur, Dennis, 2202065025082, 11 Dickenson Mews, Dickenson’ ‘Avenue, Lincoin. Meade,

Pietermaritzburg; Vernora Dyason, 2304080045002. —ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000... |

1519/97—Riley, Grace Doreen, 1707160002001, 55 Hyde Park, Gardens Hyde | Road, Ladysmith (Ladysmith) —

ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. ° sO

1632/97—De Bruyn, Theunett, 501126052080, Crocodile Close 3, Wildenweide, Richardsbaai; Nicolaas Johannes

Jacobus de Bruyn, 4801025019081" (Empangeni) _—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2174, Durban, 4000.

2270/97—Buys, Izak Daniel, 2010085044003, 167 Linett Road; Yellowwood Park (Durban). —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus

2174, Durban, 4000.

1517/97—Naude, Sarel David, 5208195053081, 3 Cubin Place, Bluff, Durban (Durban). —ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box

2174, Durban, 4000.

. 61 07/96—Pather, Krishna; 4901305100088, 27 Membrey Road, Clare Estate, Durban, First and Final: Kogiamma Pather,

5608040185089; 21: ‘days (Durban). —Kessy Pillay & Associates, Suite 154, 15th Floor, Guildhall, 25 Gardiner Street, Durban.

_1737/95--Govender, Lingum Doorasamy, 4905265578084, 18 Stagcastle Place,: Castle Hill, Newlands West; Radha

Govender, 560122095053 (Durban).—Suren Naidoo & Company, Suite 1417, Durdoc Centre, 460 Smith Street, Durban.

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997 No. 18068 81

-6017/95—Mannavalian, Asogan, 6103215172087, 65 Fairlight Road, Malvern, Durban (Durban). —S. R. Royan &

Company, P.O. Box 72256, Mobeni, 4060.

5238/96—Pinheiro, Helder de Sousa, 4412145147180, 11 Maurice Nichols Road, Pinetown, Durban; Marilia Maroues

dos R. S. Pinheiro, 4205300107100 (Pinetown).—Mercantile Bank Limited, P.O. Box 782699, Sandton, 2146.

3147/96—Goble, Peter Richard, 3002245007086, 34 Colwyn Drive, Salt Rock, KwaZulu-Natal (Stanger)—Kevin Larkan

& Co., P.O. Box 71, Umhlali., 4390.

176/97—-Gangapersad, Dewraj, 5009025099082, 232 Varsity Drive, Reservoir Hills, Durban, 4001; Evelyn Gangapersad,

5303160140086 (Pinetown).—Louis M. Podbielski; P.O. Box 173, Durban, 4000.

8967/96—Govender, Ruthnam, 4201305085052, 24 Rushly Street, Havenside, Chatsworth, 4092; Thamandari Govender,

5008120107089 (Chatsworth). Livingston Leandy Incorporated, Second Floor, Granada Centre, Chartwell Drive, Umhlanga

Rocks, 4320.

303/97—Mintungwana, Dennis, 2707135109088, 1 Phillip Street, Harding, 4680, First and Final Liquidation and

Distribution Account, 21 days (Harding).—Messrs Elliot & Walker, P.O. Box 17, Kokstad, 4700. *

8611/96—Govender, Jayaseela, 5411165471080, 45 Northbury Avenue, Eastbury, Phoenix, Natal; Krishnavelli Govender,

5603270135086 (Verulam).—J. Kissoon Singh Inc., P.O. Box 93, Durban, 4000.

6857/91/4A—MacKenzie, lan Imrie, 3810195029003, Shepscombe Farm, P.O. Box 392, Howick, 3290, First and Final, 21

days (Howick).—J. Leslie Smith & Company, Third Floor, Brasfort House, 262 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg.

462/97—Petrie, Robert John, 1005285007007, 16 Myrina Court, 144 Musgrave Road, Durban; Rosamond Petrie,

2311020023007 (Durban).—Cox Yeats, P.O. Box 3032, Durban. .

4110/96—Suknanan, Sebadree, 3708220242080, 266 Flower Road, Clairwood, Durban; Durbar Suknanan (Durban).—

Mooney Ford & Partners, Seventh Floor, S. A. Permanent Building, 343 Smith Street, Durban.

6284/96—Gurupershad, Mothilall, 4107085077088, 29 Bargreen Place, Newlands, Durban, Amended First and Final

Liquidation and Distribution Account; Ravitha Devi Gurupershad, 4410160072085 (Durban).—Old Mutual Syfrets Trust Limited,

Fourth Floor, Nedbank Centre, Durban Club Place, Durban.

8462/96—-Goby,. Bill, 1712155013088, 74 Palm Bay, St George’s Street, Durban; Cathliein Goby, 2504140054007

(Durban).—Pearce, Lister & Co., P.O. Box 5645, Durban, 4000.

7396/96—Taylor, Joan Mary, 3201010003086, 79 Station Road, Umzumbe (Port Shepstone).—Syfrets, P.O. Box 135,

Durban, 4000. .

5030/96—Chetti, Rajen, 6512275080081, 18 Van Rovd Road, Shazia Gardens, Tongaat, 4400; Pathma Cheliti,

7008130052083 {Inanda Verulam).—Old Mutual Syfrets Trust Limited, Fourth Floor, Nedbank Centre, Durban Club Place (P.O.

Box 135), Durban.

'4846/96—Gibson, Eileen, 0908260016005, 4 St Clair Road, Gillits, Natal (Pinetown).—Deloitte & Touche, P.O. Box 243,


7415/89—Panday, Boudhnarayan, 3202185099057, 318 Varsity Drive, Reservoir Hills, Durban: Saras Panday,

4105290106056 (Pinetown).—J. P. Maharaj & Company, 61 KMS House, 173 Grey Street, Durban.

241/97—Tountas, Virgil luan Nicoll, 4008235032082, Shekinah Farm, Eston, Natal (Camperdown).—Geyser Liebetrau

du Toit & Louw inc., 7 Greathead Lane, Pinetown, 3610.

8623/96—Ally, Shaik Mohideen, 1803245044082, 11 Shepstone Street, Richmond (Richmond).—Lesier Hall, Swan Inc.,

P.O. Box 52, Hillcrest, 3650.

7648/95—Naidoo, Narisamulu, also known as Narasimulu Naidoo, 800367568, 17 Wren Street, Knarwastan; Monogarie

Naidoo, 17 Wren Street, Kharwastan, 800149201 (Chatsworth).—Asiam Mayat & Associates, Second Fioor, Halvert House,

Greenacres Passage, 412 Smith Street, Durban, 4001. ,

7085/96—Lupton-Smith, Brian Cecil, 2602075059007, Sunnyside Park Home, 57 Sweetwaters Road, Prestbury,

Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, Second and Final_—Lister & Lister, PO. Box 144, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

2397/96—Chetty, Govindamma, 3301040307083, 66 Train Street, Crossmoor, Chatsworth; Marimuthu Cheity,

3705135241082, 30 days (Chatsworth).—Ramjathan, Beharie & Co., 275 Pelican Drive, Bayview, Chatsworth.

45/45/96—Ramliakan, Rewashanker, 1406275028080, 44 Inwabi Road, Isipingo; Kawalapathi Rewashanker,

1907260131086, 30 days (Chatsworth).—Ramjathan, Beharie & Co., 275 Pelican Drive, Bayview.

7126/86—Govender, Kistasamy, 0701025037055, 2 Prospect Road, Umzinto, KwaZulu-Natal, Amended First and Final

Liquidation and Distribution (Scottburgh).—Taylor & Finlay, P.O. Box 50203, Musgrave, 4062; Suite G51, Musgrave Park,

18 Musgrave Road, Berea, Durban, 4001.

5346/96—Triegaardt, Gordon, 5903125216085, 14 Mileman Place, Blackridge.—Marwick, Gould & Ash, P.O. Box 1540,

Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

1764/97—Richards, Christopher John, 4103205115007, 25 Evedale, 126 Percy Osborne Road, Durban (Durban).—

J. J. Thornton, 10 Hazel Road, Durban, 4001. ,

311/97—Wentzel, Ada, 3512120048088, Bidefordweg 11, Bluff, Durban, 4052; Danie Wenizel, 3210095001006

(Durban).—Halse Havemann & Lloyd, P.O. Box 343, Pinetown, 3600.

2287/96-——Naidu, Eir, 33 Rustfern Square, Redfern, Phoenix; Sathiabama Naidu (Verulam).—Govender, Pather & Morgan,

1022 Durdoc Centre, 460 Smith Street, Durban, 4000.

7560/96/3C—Naidoo, Morgan Velioo, 5210295748081, 60 Wocdview Drive, Woodview, Phoenix; Patchamma Naidoo,

5401180036084 (Verulam).—Perumauls Attorneys, Suite 1, Second Floor, Gem City, 54 Parthenon Street, Phoenix.

82 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

4292/96—Moir, Peter, 2502045032003, Lot 1645, Uvongo Extension 2; Patricia Rogers Moir (née Lee), 2808160026005

(Port Shepstone). —Louis Hansmeyer Attorneys, Second Floor, Margate Sands Building, Marine Drive, Margate, 4275.

8006/96ASRII—Van der Linde, Hendrik Theunis, 6901105203080, 744 Marine Drive, Durban (Durban).—ABSA Trust

Beperk, Posbus 4680, Pretoria, 0001.

507/97—Newbu-Fraser, Doris Mary, 0607300036003, Edenroc Snell Parade, Durban (Durban).—First National Trust,

P.O. Box 3409, Durban, 4000. .

19/97—Peterson, Gustave Seth, 1008135039008, Flat 3, Meriden, 226 Clark Road, Durban (Durban). —First National

Trust, P.O. Box 3409, Durban. 2112/97—Kotze, Anna Elizabeth, 1710260003002, Bill Buchanan Home, Goodwin Drive; Durban (Durban). —First

National Trust, P.O. Box 3409, Durban.

1877/97—Muir, Phyllis Hazel, 1302150027000, Villa Bruno, Mbango Retirement Village, Port Shepstone (Port Shep-

stone).—First National Trust, P.O. Box 3409, Durban.

7009/96—Smith, Flora Katherine, 2606170041083, 359 Sparks Road, Sydenham, Durban; James Ernest Smith,

2312245037087 (Durban).—First National Trust, P.O. Box 3409, Durban.

_ 8585/96—Skirving, Aileen, 1004090095085, .5 St Andrews, Reynolds Street, Umkomaas. (Umkomaas).—First National

Trust, P.O. Box 3409, Durban.

8587/96—-Brown, Moira Rae, 4807260059088, 36 Vindol, 29 Ebor Road, Glenwood, Durban (Durban).—First National

Trust, P.O. Box 3409, Durban.

1438/96—Friese, Wolf Matthias, 6709175174085, 42a Balmoral Drive, Cowies Hill (Pinetown).—First National Trust, PO.

Box 3409, Durban. 8911/96—-Petterson, Ronald Walter George, 1004125039082, 14 Moorlands Court, Moore Road, Berea, Durban; Nancy

Petterson, 2410020049085 (Durban).—First National Trust, P.O. Box 3409, Durban.

6666/96—Bennetts, Benjamin Raymond, 1809125016082, 40 Perch Road, Ramsgate, Margate (Port Shepstone). —First

National Trust, P.O. Box 3409, Durban.

535/97—Lavender, Irene Blanche, 1306260017009, District Road 246, Cato Ridge, Endeavour Farm 9 (Durban).—

Pearce, Lister & Co., P.O. Box 5645, Durban, 4000.

1695/97—Naidoo, Moonsamy, 3802035111083, 15 North Street, Ocean View, Stanger, First and Final; Kanakamma

Naidoo, 3901050106059 (Verulam).

3507/95—Bremner, James Reid, 3002205002085, Merrivale, KwaZulu- Natal; Cynthia Margaret Bremner (Howick).—Will

& Drummond, 13.Main.Street, Howick, 3290.

8608/96—Willcock, Victor Ernest, 2008115022080, Surrey, Vancover, Canada (Port Shepstone).—Patrick Eliot & Co.,

P.O. Box 1229, Port Shepstone, 4240.

7088/96—McIntosh, Christine Valerie, 2402140018082, 702 Seychelles Flats, 47 Beach Road, Amanzimtoti (Durban).—

Brogan & Olive Attorneys, P.O. Box 291, Amanzimtoti, 4125; 7 Ibis Lane, Amanzimtoti, 4126.

8493/96—Lewis, Charles Barend Petrus, 1806225031086, 299 Blackburn Road, Red Hill, Durban, 4051; Evelyn Matilda,

Lewis, 1807020048002 (Durban).—Garlicke & Bousfield Inc., P.O. Box 223, Durban, 4000.

41/97—Aken, Isabel Dorothy, 0507090020003, 34 St Patricks Road, Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.—Executor

Services (Pty) Ltd, Suite 802, NBS Building, 300 Smith Street, Durban, 4001.

4198/96—Ndondo, Simphiwe Nelson, 4804255429088, 373 Klaarwater Extension, Pinetown, 3610, Natal; Winlove

Nomasonio Ndondo (Pinetown).—Executor Services (Pty) Ltd, Suite 802, NBS Building, 300 Smith Street, Durban, 4001.

3941—Mackeller, Joanne Mary, 5409040173088, 2 Chancellor Mews, 34 Chancellor Avenue, Berea, 4000 (Durban).—

Woodhead, Bigby & Irving, 700 Mansion House, 12 Field Street, Durban.

5289/96—Scheepers, Colleen Muriel, 4904060090007, 25 Uplands Drive, Kloof (Pinetown). —Ernst & Young, P.O. Box

859, Durban, 4000.

3101/96—Sukdeo, Rabikissoon, 3202065110081, 11 Lindenwood Place, Woodview, Phoenix; Rookmani Sukdeo,

4107300117057 (Phoenix).—Legatus Trust Beperk, Posbus 4304, Bloemfontein, 9300.

8743/96—Gray, Ronald Henry, 1609055086182, 11 Gardens Place, Uvongo, Natal; Irene Grace Gray, married according

to the laws of England, 2010280167187 (Port Shepstone).—Robinson & Associates, P.O. Box 1034, Margate, 4275.

7169/96—Hemson, William Reginald, 1208275030086, Edgehill, 23 Warwickshire Crescent, Bothas Hill, 3660

(Camperdown).—Garlicke & Bousfield Inc., P.O. Box 223, Durban, 4000.

1976/96—Brooks, James, 0205235012007, 19 Tudor Gardens, 55 Scott Street, Scottburgh (Durban).—Barkers Attorneys,

57 Kensington Drive, Durban North, 4051.

4740/95—Matches, Dean Rowen Carl, 6001315136087, 5 Dawn Lane, Greenwood Park, Liquidation and Distribution;

Nolene Janiera Matches, 8012050193086, 30 days (Durban).—Samuel & Singram, 1705 Eagle Building, 359 West Street,


461/97—Matross, Annette Wilhemina, 3705270085088, 47 Syringa Road, Woodlands, Pietermaritzburg.—Vather Chetty

& Mastross, P.O. Box 8948, Cumberwood, 3235.

= STATSROERANT PUNE 867 NO. 18068. 83,



At the office of the Master, BLOEMFONTEIN, and also of the magistrate. of the district when stated i in parentheses.

By dié kantoor van die Meester, BLOEMFONTEIN, en. ook van die landdros van die distrik wanneer. dit tussen hakles gemeld word. © :

97/97—De Beer, Nicolasina Hyla Johanna (weduiwee), 1207280006081, ‘Ons Tuiste, ‘Aandrus, Bloemfontein. —Mnre. J. G..Kriek.& Cloete, Posbus 299, Bloemfontein,:9300.. :

2122/96—Wessels, Magdalena Deiillah, 4209260017005, Sentrum vir i Bojardes, Haldonweg, Bloemfontein, Eerste. =,

Mnre. Van der Merwe & Sorour, Posbus 1063, Bloemfontein, 9300. .

- 1029/97—Henning,” Margaretha Maria Zagharia, 1405210017083, “Kerksiraat 148, ‘Odendaalérus; Johannes Alwyn Henning, 0803225005005 (Odendaalsrus).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein. -

-2836/96—Meyer; Jacobus Pretorius, 3412225016082, Burgherweg’ 13, Virginia, Aanvullende; Petionella Olivia Meyer, .

3807040021086 (Virginia) ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein.

-.1035/97—Wallace, Victor Joseph Francis, 1406015048001, 7 ‘Prosper’ Court, Brompton Road, Bloemfontein; Mabel Florence Wallace.—Standard Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 1248, Bloemfontein, 9300.

- 439/97—Schultz, Herman, 0901235013009, Myngebied. 3,:Jagersfontein ° (Jagersfontein): erste: Nasionale Twist Posbus 1714, Bloemfontein, 9300.

877/97-—Jordaan, Bernardus. Izak. Gerhardus, 280131 5006006; :Voortrekkerstraat 30, Winburg;: 9420; “Maria Johanna Jordaan, 3408170023008 (Winburg).—Eerste Nasionale Trust, Posbus. 1714, Bloemfontein, 9300. © sae :

824/97—Van Niekerk, Van der Merwe, 3307055042085, Gloria Mansions, 15, Van. Riebeeckstraat, Dagbreek, Welkom; Martha Magrietha van Niekerk, 3505060021081 (Welkom). —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

643/97—Van Jaarsveld, Cornelia Elizabeth, 1112240058008, Majubawoonstelle 9, Du: Preezstraat, Bloemfontein;

Johannes Mattheus Wessels van Jaarsveld, 0810085018008.—ABSA Trust Bepetk, Posbus’ 2413, Bloemfontein: .

686/97—Coetzer, Wenzel Nicolaas, 3101285080001, Malanstraat’ 8, _Milgehot, | Bloemfontein; Rita Coetzer, :

4108030052002.ABSA Trust Beperk; Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein:

556/96—Douglas, Robert Eddy, 2611125021081, 7 Strauss Street, Riebeeckstad, , Welkom, Second 1 Supplementary

(Welkom).—Neumann van Rooyen Inc.;:P.O. Box.799,.Welkor; 9460: .

562/97—Bruwer, Eduard Christiaan, 2409205007082, plaas Kransfontein; Warden, Viystaat: Elizabeth Jacomitia

Susanna -Munich. Bruwer. (gebore Odendaal),-.3509210013089 (Warden):—Steyn | Enslin, Finansiéle. Dienste, Posbus 357, Bethlehem, 9700, .

_ 958/97—Van_ Zyl, . Jacob, 0709155003003, De. Bruynstraat .9, Universitas, ‘Bloemfonte 1

0710130027000.—H. G. van der Walt, p.a. Mcintyre & Van der Post, Posbus 540, Bloemfontein, 9300.

940/97—Vick, William Stanley, 3101305067103, 82 Lucas ‘Meijer Street, Sasolburg (Sasolburg). —ABSA Trust. Ltd, P.O. Box 2413, Bloemfontein. ,

2538/96—Smit, Francois, 1102036039083, , Bramieysinge! 4, ‘Wilgehof, Bloemfontein —Rosendort & Reitz Barry, Posbus” 41, Bloemfontein.

2479/96—Erasmus, Barend Frederick, 3804055041000; Ryno Kriellaan 19, Universitas, Bloerifontein; Martha Elizabeth

Johanna Erasmus, 3507220035001.—Ou Mutual Trust,:-Posbus 355; Bloemfontein; 9300.: :

3225/96—Nel, Louis Willem :Andries, 5303145053081, .-Swaeltjiestraat 3,. Fauna, Bloemfontein. _c: Je Stander,” Gemagtigde Agent, p.a. Lovius-Block, Grondvloer, Standardbankgebou, Wesburgerstraat 15, Bloemfontein:

28/97—Van Eden, Susanna Johanna, 4408110069086, Van. Andelstraat 32, Ventersburg; Theunis: Jacobus van. Eden, 3

3905225279089 (Ventersburg). —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413,. Bloemfontein, 9300.:

' 785/97—Van der Westhuizen, Carel, 2301015016009, Rooiwalsingel 27, Uitsig, Bloemfontein. —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

oo 2257/96—Mathee, Chrisiaan’ Johannes’ ‘Jacobus, "4203215054007, ‘Damplaas, Bloemfontein, Verbeterde Eerste en.

Finale; Margaret Magdalena Mathee, 1909190094004. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. , '2252/96—Barnard, Adam: Christiaan, 4510045055088; Zangwilistraat 19; Kroonstad,’ Aanvullende; Charlotte Stefanie,

Francina Barnard, 4311170045089 (Kroonstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus' 2413, Bloemfontein. \ ” ‘ ’ "869/97—Vosloo, Frederik Theodorus, 2804265002009, Verwoerdstraat 10;° Presidensia,: Kroonstad Maria Vosloo,

3302100037008 (Kroonstad).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. : : oo 1188/96—Bezuidenhout, Jan Andries. Jacobus,. 3409035033083, Welkom, Gewysigde; Jurina: Comelia 1 Magrath

Bezuidenhout, 3703130024082 (Welkom).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein; 9300... Sot 4 _,-2766/96—Eloff, Johan Niklaas, 2311095016001, Monsweg 27, Bayswater, Bloemfontein,, Gowysigde; Fredrika Elizabeth

Eloff, 2111240057003. —ABSA Trust. Beperk,. Posbus: 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300... .. “ "'9213/96—Ferreira, Louisa, 2505070035007, ‘Savagestraat 6, Fichardtpark, Bloemfontein. —aBsA Trust Beperk, Posbus .

2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

“ 1251/96—Steyn; Elsabé Maria Frederika, 3901010012083; Kalliwoonstelle 2, Heilbfon (Heilbron) —Cornalius & Vennote, Prokureur vir Eksekuteur, Posbus 205, Heilbron, 9650. :

. * Janetta. van Zyl,

84 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, :20 JUNE 1997

404/96—Mokotedi, Moipone Mary, 38071 00138085, Gelukwaarts. 1395, Kroonstad, 9499 (Kroonstad). —Syfrets Beperk,

Posbus 355, Bloemfontein, 9300.

646/97—-Neyschens, Michiel Hendrik Petrus, 32101 45001089, Siegfried de Jonghstraat 26, Sasolburg; Elsie Fredrika

Neyschens, 3602200031086 (Sasolburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. | .. 3360/96—Olivier, Nicolaas Jacobus, 2903225014003, Caudreystraat 7,. Kroonstad, 9499; Elizabeth Magdalena

Willemina Olivier, 2808040021002 (Kroonstad).—Syfrets Beperk, Posbus 355, Bloemfontein, 9300.

2542/95—Van Blerk, Jannette, 3807310062083, 34 Langenhoven Street, Jan Cilliers Park, Welkom, Second (Welkom). —

Langstaffe, Bird & Company, Fourth Floor West, 158 Jan Smuts, 9 Walters Avenue, Rosebank, 21 96. 2261/95—Santana, Antonio Luiz da Silva, 5603305038081, Roosmarynstraat 16, Jim Fouche Park, Welkom (Welkom).—

Mnre. Grimbeek, De Hart & Van Rooyen, Posbus 1282, Kroonstad, 9500. 2860/95—-Heldens, Magdalena Scholastica, 3306050068186, Serinusstraat 27, Flamingo Park, Welkom, 9460, Tweede

(Welkom).—Wessels & Smith, Posbus 721, Welkom, 9460. .

897/96—Burger, Hendrik Albertus Jacobus, 2201195018089, Gerrit Schoutenlaan 48, -Royldene, Kimberley —

W: P. Strauss & Vennote, Derde Laan 3, Westdene, Bloemfontein, 9301.

2525/96—Beneke, Johan Knobel, 2709135031080, Maartensstraat 12, Universitas, ‘Bloemfontein. —W. P. ‘Strauss &

Vennote, Derde Laan 3, Westdene; Bloemfontein, 9301.

-{806/95—Theron, Wilhelmina Catherina, 1712210012083, Bezuidenhoutstraat: 42, Kestell (Kestell).—Cloete & Neveling,

Southeystraat 29A (Posbus 69), Harrismith, 9880.

- 41426—Van der Merwe, Jacob Francois,. Ferndale, distrik Senekal (Seneka). George Frederik Wessels, p.a.

Symington & De Kok, Voortrekkerstraat 169B (Posbus 12012), Bloemfontein. _ . 2892/96—Badenhorst, Petrus Johannes, 2412265002001, Jacksonweg 9; Ficharatpark, | Bloemfontein, 9301, Eerste en

Finale, 21 dae.—Hill McHardy & Herbst Ing., Posbus 93, Bloemfontein. :

- 263/96—Frade, Elias Rodriques, 4604285148180, Beckwithstraat - 46, Frankfort, 9830; Lidia Jesus Frade,

5704130065081; (Frankfort)—Claasen, Van der Watt & Visser, Strydomstraat 11 (Posbus 7), Frankfort, 9830.

92/97—Ralil, Winnifred Rose, gebore Fourie, 6402080012000, plaas Driehoek, distrik Harrismith (Harrismith). —Cloete &

Neveling, Posbus 69, Harrismith.

112/96—Hodge, Alexander, 4001135079188, Tienie Louwstraat 2, Sasolburg, 9570; Elizabeth Hodge, 4103170079105

(Sasolburg).—PVE Ingelyf, Posbus 1340, Vanderbijlpark, 1900. 2134/93—Van Niekerk, Gert Petrus, 3901295070086, Brandstraat 9, Dewetsdorp, Verbeterde (Dewetsdorp). —Legatus

Trust Beperk, Posbus 4304, Bloemfontein, 9300. 913/97—Terblanche, Elizabeth Johanna (gebore Grobler), 2207270003006, Rusoord-tehuis vir Bejaardes, Brandstraat,

Brandfort, Eerste en Finale, 21 dae (Brandfort). —Mnr. P. J. de Waal, Mede Eksekuteur, p.a. Hendrikz & De Vletter, Posbus 17,

Brandfort. . 662/95—Van Aswegen, Johannes Francois, 3912245026003, plaas Nooitgedacht, distrik Bloemfontein, Gewysigde. —S.

O’Hagan, Posbus 1001, Fourways, 2055. . ’ 995/97—Roos, Petrus Albertus, 1705275010000, Brenton 1, Beststraat, Hospitaalpark, Bloemfontein; Catharina Fredrika

Sophia. Roos (gebore Ras), 1812020027006. —ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein.


Form/Vorm J 28 a . ee ——


Pursuant to section 17 (4) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, and section 356 (1) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given by the Masters of the Supreme Court that the estates or companies mentioned below have been

sequestrated or wound up provisionally by order of the said Court.

The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of

estate/company; date upon which and division of court by which order is made and upon the application of.


GELIKWIDEER IS ° ee Ingevolge artikel 17 (4) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, en artikel 356 (1 ) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word

hierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof kennis gegee dat die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld

voorlopig op las van genoemde Hof gesekwestreer of gelikwideer i is.

Die besonderhede word verstrek i in die volgorde: ‘Nommer van boedel/maatskappy: naam en beskrywing van

boedel/maatskappy; datum waarop en afdeling van hof waardeur order.gemaak is en op die-aansoek van.

'-STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997: ~~ No. 18068 85

' -K35/97—Robert Clarke, van Clarkes Den, Windsorton. 30 Mei 1997, Noord- -Kaapse. Suidwes Kodperasie Beperk. - E110/97—Royal Outfitters CC, place of business and registered offices at 62 Durban Street, Uitenhage, 6230. 14 May

1997;:South-Eastern Cape Local Division. Ex parte ‘application. C344/97—Francis Stephen Caine, Identity Number 6601045208005, 15 Tiverton: Road, Plumstead. 15 May 1997, Cape

of Good Hope Provincial Division. ABSA Bank Limited, trading as Trust Bank. ; C354/97—Track-lt Import/Export cc (Reg. No: 93/14657/23); clo Chase Stewart, 8 Speke Road, Observatory 21 May

1997, Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division. ‘Michael John Lane, NO. C350/97—Impact Dense Concrete (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 8501229/07), 901 BSE Centre, 89 Voortrekker Road, Bellville.

97-05-20, Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division. Robert Pieter John Nel. _ C235/97—M. J. Lubbe Bouers CC (Reg. No. CK94/22637/23), 15 Karel Kielblock Street, Strand. 3 April 1997, Cape of

Good Hope Provincial Division. Helgard Muller Meiring Terblanche, NO. - C275/97—Sterling Marine Engineering & Shipbuilding (Edms.) Bpk. (Reg. No.. 90/07632/07), geregistreerde adres te

Rodenrijsstraat 1, Houerterminaal, Kaapstadhawe, Paardeneiland, Wes- -Kaap..24 April 1997, Kaap die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale Afdeling. Sterling Marine (Edms.) Bpk.

C295/97—Cornelius Louw en Sharon Eleanor Louw, Idéntiteitsnommers 5906305019005 en 62102601 26007, woonagtig te Van. Bruggenstraat 4, Soneike, Kuilsrivier, Wes- -Kaap. 29 April 1997, ‘Kaap, die Goeie Hoop. Provinsiale ‘Atdeling. Peter Erasmus Moffat.

, B145/97—Quattro Pops BK (Reg. No. .CK89/39587/23), met vernaamste besigheidsplek te Oranjestraat 20, Boshabelo, en met geregistreerde adres te Joubertstraat 17, Vereeniging, provinsie Gauteng. 97-05-20, Oranje-Wrystaatse Provinsiale: Afdeling (Landdros, Botshabelo). Free State. Development Corporation.

B150/97—Harmse, Gerhardus Cornelius, Identiteitsnommer 6412135052083, getroud binne gemeenskap ‘van | goedere met.Harmse, Marinda, Identiteittnommer 6707010024085, woonagtig te Wagnerstraat 18; » Sasolburg. 97-05-22, Oranje- Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling. Gerhardus Daniel. Harmse.

B155/97—Human, Marthinus Johannes, Identiteitsnommer 4202255027086, getroud binrie gemeeriskap van goedere met Human, Jacoba Jacomina, woonagtig te die plaas Execelsior, distrik Bethlehem. 97-05- 22, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale ° Afdeling. Annali van Zyl. :

B144/97—Jimi Paxinos. CC (Reg. No. K93/31058/23), wat ‘handel gedryf het te , Hoogstraat 31; Bethlehem, en met geregistreerde kantoor te Tweede. Verdieping, Maseroeugebou; Louwsiraat 28, Bethlehem: 97- 05- 24; Oranje- Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling (Landdros, Bethlehem). Demetrios George Paxinos. -

_ Ka4/97—Chris Muller, woonagtig te Sesde Laan 21, Prieska. 23 Mei 1997, Noord- aap. Blackrsée é Investments (Edms. )

Bpk. —

C321/97—Terry Daniels, trading as .T &N Suppliers, 73 Ixia Street, ‘Tygerhof, Milnerton, Cape Town. 7 May 1997, Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division. Vicam CC. oe

__ €331/97—Alson Somciza, Identity Number 5302255708040, 10. Montana, Road, Colorado | ‘Park, “Mitchels Plain.

97-05-07, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. Division. Small Business Development Corporation Limited. N214/97—Loganathan Arumugam and Lutchmee Arumugan, Identity Numbers 5402105032059 and 6002180225088,

25 Denham, Shallcross, Durban. 27 May 1997, Durban and Coast Local. Govindsamy Chetty. N194/97—Dolling . and ‘Hardwick Kitchens Close Corporation. (Reg. No. CK95/06784/23), clo. Coopers & Lybrand,

Mnodi House, 25 Union ‘Street, Empangeni. 97 05 07, Durban and Coast Local Division (Magistrate, Lower Umfolozi). Craig Harold Hardwick. «

N204/97—Sudika Service Station cc (Reg, No. “¢Ko4/3453023), Special resolution: 97- 05- 13, N207/97—Some Like It Hot CC (Reg. No. CK85/03506/23); 10th Floor, Maritime House, Salmon Grove, Durban, KwaZulu-

Natal. 21 May 1997, Durban and Coast Local. Ex parte.

N205/97—-Imtiaz Ahmod: Bux and Yasmin Bux, Identity. Numbers , 5607175142055. and 5709230179088, 23 Palmer Street, Shallcross, Durban. 97-05- 20, Durban and Coast Local Division: Yacob’ Salajee. -

N170/97—Tholsienathan Shanmoogam Pillay, Identity Number 6408155060089, 235 Desai Crescent, Effingham Heights, Durban, Natal. 97-04-23, Durban and Coast Local.’ Shatish Lowtan.

~.N179/97—Ahmed Randeree, ‘Identity Number 3601255106042, Flat 405, Goodhope Centre, Queen § Street, Durban. 97-04-29, Durban and Coast Local. Shelving Master CC: ‘

Bi30/97—Martha Elsie Aletta Zietsman, Identiteitsnommer. 6301180101004, gebore op .63-01-18, “getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere, woonagtig te Jutastraat 15, Heuwelsig,. Bloemfontein. 97-04-30, Oranje- Vrystaatse Provinsiale. Paul ; Zietsman.

B152/97—Henry Arthur Barnard, Identiteitsnommer 3702165096007, gebore op 37-02-16, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met’.Mathys <Pretorius: Barnard, Identiteitsnommer: 4710100044007, gebore op 47-09-10, . woonagtig te Donaldbainstraat 20, Bedelia, Welkom. 97-05-22, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling. Ben Jacobus Burger.

B153/97—Yvette Robertson, Identiteitsnommer 6710220016081, gebore op 67-20-22, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere, woonagtig te Cypressingel 41, Welkom. 97-05-22, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling. Winter & Botha Prokureurs.

_ -B143/97—Bramter Watches CC. (Reg. No: 90/08088/23). 97-05-16, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale. Afdeling (Landdros, : Welkom). Bramter Watches CC.

B141/97—Jan Abraham Moolman, Identiteitsnommer 4601085048008, gebore op 46- o1 08, 3, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere met Aletta Hendrika Mcolman, Identiteitsnommer 5208050120009, gebore op 52- 08- 05, wooni i 48, Virginia. 97-05-15, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling. Alettha Hendrika Moolman. = = as

86 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

'C352/97—Jean Luca Falchetto C (Reg. No.-CK93/13255/23), 4 The Crescent, Durbanville. 20 May 1997, Cape of Good

Hope Provincial Division. Mark O’Connor & Mark Neil Solomon.

-C322/97—Willem Johannes van Rooyen, Identiteitsnommer 5704035004003. 97-05-05, Kaap die Goeié: Hoop

Provinsiale Afdeling. Franz Joseph Fischer.

' ©342/97—Nordan Equipment Co. Pty Ltd (Reg. No. 94/04714/07), c/o B. D. O. Spencer Steward, 902 Broadway Centre,

Hertzog Boulevard, Foreshore. 15 May 1997, Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division. John Peter Collins.

7T1690/97—Dackt Steel Specials BK (Reg. No. CK93/14329/23), geregistreerde adres te Ou: Doringweg 19, Fourway

Gardens, Boksburg. 20 Mei 1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Christiaan Marthinus Lodewikus Heyns. - |

7T2100/97—Carl Daniel en Veronica Elizabeth Storbeck, 6508035139084 en 6803210169083; woon tans Shorimarket

straat 24, Newlands, Gauteng. 13 Mei 1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Ex parte.

T1700/97—-Pieter Reinhardt: Steyn, 4402265050082, Kandelaarlaan 272, La Montagne. 20 Mei 1997, Transvaalse

Provinsiale. David Hermanus Nel:

T1059/97—-AMK: Technologies (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 59/02961/07), 21 Wrench Road, Isando, Kempton Park, Gauteng.

97-04-01, Witwatersrand Local. Corporate Acceptance Financial (Pty) Ltd.

T1349/97—Lucas Willem: Jansen van Rensburg en Aletta Catharina Jansen. van Rensburg, : ‘siver Ridge 2,

Presidentstraat, Silverton, Pretoria. 97-05-20, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Ex parte.

T1697/97—PWV: Pamphlet Distributors (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 94/02200/07), registered address at 381 Ontdkkers Road,

Florida Park Extension 3. 20 May 1997, Witwatersrand Local Division. Start to Finish CC.

T1698/97—Gavin Gerard Hewson, 6702015163004, 789 Montrose Avenue, : Little Falls Extension 2, Roodepoort.

13 May 1997, Witwatersrand Local. Claire Elizabeth Rose. ~

T1701/97—Anna-Maria Petronella Swanepoel, 4611020004008, North Gardens 703, Rachel de Beerstraat 482, Pretoria-

Noord. 20 Mei 1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Regspersoon North Gardens.

T1510/97—West Street Optometrist CC, registered address at 83 Hurlingham Office Park, William Nicol Drive

Hurlingham, Sandton. 18 March 1996, Witwatersrand Local. Hill Optics (Pty) Ltd.

T1750/97—-One World Investments 2000 CC (Reg. No. CK95/10782/23), geregistreerde adres te Pretorialaan 356,

Ferndale, Randburg. 5 Mei 1997, Landdros, Randburg. Jakobus Daniel Duvenhage.

T1560/7—Derek Allan. Baldwin en Julie Lynn Baldwin, 6407185068088 en 6810290043088, 45 Linksfiel Road,

Bowerglen, Edenvale. 13 May 1997, Witwatersrand Local. Geneva Financial Services CC.

T1691/97—Marthinus Johannes en Louisa Johanna Els, 5303155118006 en 5403260085005, Steynbergstraa 353,

Erasmia, Pretoria. 21 Mei 1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Johannes Petrus Bekker.

T1692/97—Andries Petrus Groenewald, 5311055072009, Marianastraat 268, Sinoville, Pretoria, Gauteng 20 Mei 1997,

Transvaalse Provinsiale. isabella Susanna Groenewald.

T1693/97—Travel Bound (Edms.) Bpk. (Reg. No. 06/09236/07), geregistreerde kantoor te Blinkblaarstraat 49, 2wartkop-

uitbreiding 8, Centurion. 20 Mei 1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Ex parte.

T1694/97—Gauteng Industrial Shotblaster and Painters BK (Reg. No. CK95/37899/23), geregistreerde. kantoor te

Oudoringweg 19, Fourway Gardens, Boksburg. 20 Mei 1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Christiaan Marthinus Lodewikus Heyns.

. 71792/97—Francois Venter, 5711195084006, Leipoldstraat 271, Groenkloof, Pretoria, Gauteng. 28 Mei 1997, Transvaalse

Provinsiale. Jan George van Dyk.

-71754/97—Bulk Meat & Biltong BK (Reg. No. CK95/22468/23), besigheidsadres te Koekoeweg 1486, Eastlynn, Pretoria.

27 Mei 1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Ex parte.

T1654/97—Moore’s Motor Spares (Pty) Ltd, registered office at c/o Messrs Eksteen, Louw & Badenhorst, 34 Webber

Road, Germiston South, Germiston. 21 May 1997, Witwatersrand Local. Ex parte.

71634/97—Mr Fruity CC, registered office at 7 Little Place, Sunnyridge, Germiston. 13 May 1997, Witwatersrand Local

Division. Letaba Citrus Processors.

T1344/97—Lies! Liebenberg, 7009080312089, Hans Strydomlaan 67, Lyttelton, Centurion. 20 Mei 1997, Transvaalse

Provinsiale. Ex parte. - T567/97—Shoredits Civil Contractors (Pty) Ltd, registered address at-14 Bloubekkie Street. Koedoespoort Industral

Area, Pretoria. 20 February 1997, Transvaal Provincial. Ex parte.

_ 71737/97—Mactab. Squared (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 95/10699/07), registered address at 121 World’s View, Prospect Road,

Berea, Johannesburg. 27 May 1997, Witwatersrand Local. Hyprop Investments (Pty) Ltd.

71717//97—Paul Stephen Balfe, 11A Patrick Road, Hurleyvaley, Edenvale. 8 May 1997, Witwatersrand Local Mark

Gerrard Vincenzo Ceruti and B. G..V. Ceruti:

. 71428/97—Diane Lidchi, 2 Upper Park Drive, - Jan Smuts Avenue, Forest ‘Town, Johannesburg, 5 May 1997,

Witwatersrand Local. George David Ezra Kahan.

T1348/97—Brenda Lorraine le Roux, Identity Number 6110290004085, Eugene: Maraisstraat 46,, Rensburg, Heidelberg,

20 Mei 1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Ex parte. :

71578/97—Hester Florina: Joubert, 6403115117087, Keuningstraat 202, La’ Concorde, Pretoria, Gauteng. 13 Mei 1997,

Transvaalse Provinsiale. Johannes Nicolaas Stephanis Strydom.

T1738/97—V E $ Trust (Reg. No. 1T4670/94), Oosthuizenstraat 10, Potchefstroom, Noordwes- “provinsie. 27 Mei 4997,

Transvaalse Provinsiale. Virgilio van Staden Soru.

- 71748/97—Eduard.-Kars,; 4812295080109, B603.-Sandhurst Gardens, 5 Fredman Drive, Sandton. 20 May 1997,

Witwatersrand Local. Kempster Glen.

71238/97—Pieter Barend Pieterse, 6908185035084, Phoenixwoonstelle 206, Schuurmanlaan, Pretoria-Tuine Pretoria.

13 Mei 1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. Ex parte.

7T1319/97—Erns John Langer, 5606085004003, Verwoerdstraat 5, Kinross. 20 Mei 1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale.

Ex parte.

‘STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997 — , ‘No.. 18068 87

T1679/97—Anthony John Gibbs, Identity Number. 5007035049089, 27 La Gratitude Circle, Lonehill, Springs. 23 May 1997, Transvaal Provincial. Merlyn Cad Solutions CC.

71749/97—Kevin ‘John and Felicity Mercia Adams, 62. Bellairs Drive, Mulbarton, ‘Johannesburg, 20 May 1997, Witwatersrand Local. Dean Thomas Frame.

7T1345/97—Riaan Liebenberg, Idenditeitsnommer 7001295211081, . _ Hans ‘Stydomlaan 67, Lyttelton, Centurion. 20 Mei 1997, Transvaaise. Provinsiale. Ex parte.

T855/97— Pieter Hendrik Rudolph and Louisa van Brakel, ,Broodboomstraat 49, Kanonkop, Middelburg, Mpumalanga. 13 Mei 1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Ex parte.

T1735/97—EB Exports CC, registered office at 39 Koster Street, Booysens, Johannesburg. 27 May 1997, Witwatersrand Local. Haggie Rand Ltd.

T1655/97—Balfour Bakkery (Edms.) Beperk, geregistreerde hoofkantoor te: Tweede. Verdieping, Rivonaweg 90, Sandown, Sandton. 20 Mei 1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. Die Dorpsraad van Balfour.

, 7T576/97—Hallat Schoeman, Identiteitsnommer 5807015007084, Bil Paveyweg: 13; Lakeside; Benoni. 20 Mei 1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Ex parte. _

‘T916/97—Gerhardus Nicolaas van Blerk en: Patricia. van - Blerk, . _Identiteitsnommers 5009050002084 en 4809055017008, Bitterbessiestraat 100, Annlin, Pretoria. 15 April 1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Ex parte,

T1636/97—Coenraad Cornelius Spamers, Identiteitsnommer 5112115051086, lrislaan 1, Fochville. 15 Mei 1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Ettienne Spamers.

11714/97—Warren Tracy en Anna Maria. Holtzhausen, identiteitsnommers. 6404295141087 en 6909180052082, Dieterstraat 20, Birchleigh-Noord, Kempton Park. 20 Mei 1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale. M H Planthire.CC. .

71744/97—Heiletta Levina Matthysen, Identiteitsnommer 5911100133084, plas: Dennebos; Witrivier, Mpumalanga. 27 Mei 1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Prinsloo Foods. BK.

T1651/97—Izak en Peggy Olivier, Identiteitsnommers. 5707175021000 en 6012170009004, Franktortstraat 20, Evander. 20 Mei 1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. Herman.Smalman. --

T971/97—M C Roffing CC (Reg. No..87/16595/23), registered office at 40th Floor Lippert House; 104 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg. 18 March 1997,.Witwatersrand Local. Bran Pearson.:

T871/97—-Paul Jacobus Nel, Identiteitsnommer 7001065053085, Louis Rive 728, Montana Tuine, Pretoria. 8 April 1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Ex parte.

7T1211/97—Ron Hardman Sales CC (Reg. No. CK94/14139/23) registered office at alo Marwick Gould and Ash 101 Chapel Street, Pietermaritzburg. 25 March 1997, Witwatersrand. Local. Ex parte. :

T681/97—Sharison (Pty) Ltd, registered address at Second Floor, Central House 70 Central Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg. 20 May 1997, Witwatersrand Local. Mr Nazim Sulieman Essack. --

11733/97—Waltloo Modern Butchery. & Wholesaler CC (Reg:'No. CK92/1 7505/23), principal place -of business at 349 Zasm Street, Waltioo. 27 May 1997, Transvaal Provincial. Barry Norman Heathcote... .

71673/97—Anri Daniel, Identity Number 6610170191084, 334 Boeing Street, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria. 20 May 1997, Transvaal Provincial Division. Magdel Oelofsen.

E117/97/2——Manzi Timbers (Pty) Ltd, registered offices at-c/o Fisher Hoffman Sithole, 27 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. 21 May 1997, South-Eastern Cape Local. The Commissioner for Inland Revenue.

E129/97/1—Kel Cars CC (Reg. No. CK94/16855/23), Tegistered head office at 15 Bank. Street, Aliwal North, 5530. 29 May 1997, Eastern Cape Division. Ronaid Peter Edwards.

_ E126/97/2—Andrew Kelk Mager, Identity Number 6509295122083, residing at Peace Farm, District of Queenstown, and Sole Director of Mapassa Meat Industries (Pty) Limtied. 29 May 1997, Eastern Cape Division. Barend Johannes Sahd.

E120/97/3—Karl’s Meats CC, 2 Vincent Road, Vincent, East London, 5247. 27 May 1997, Eastern Cape (Magistrate's Court, East London). Crown National (Pty) Ltd.

E121/97/4—Roger Flangagan NO, jn his capacity as Trustee of R. B. Builders Trust, residing at corner of Alexandra and Maitland Roads, King William's Town. 22 May 1997, Eastern: Cape. Edward Barry Goetsch.

1T1672/97—Easy Walk BK (Reg. No. CK95/38200/23), geregistreerde kantoor te Hellostraat 667, Moreletapark, Pretoria. 20 Mei 1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Ex parte.

T1472/97—Rayhel Construction and Civils CC (Reg. No. ea/2i612/29), registered ofice at 52A First Avenue, Alberton North. 29 April 1997, Witwatersrand Local. Inprosec (Pty) Ltd.

71532/97—African Residue Stainless (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 83/00101/07), ‘registered office at Fourth Floor, Acacia Grove, 196 Louis Botha Avenue, Houghton Estate, Johannesburg. 6 May 1997, Witwatersrand Local.-S. J. Hochschild.

11772/97—Landoa Investments (Pty). Limited, registered address at 36 Park Street, ‘Benoni. 27 - ‘May 1997, Witwatersrand Local. ABSA Bank Limited.

T1312/97—Louis Johannes Esterhuizen, 19 North Road, Morningside, Sancton. 22 Apri 1997, Witwatersrand Local. First National Bank of Southern Africa Limited.

N192/97—Hisun Carriers cc, 505 Teachers Centre, 113 Albert Street, Durban. :97- 05- 08, Durben and Coast Local Division. Syfrets Bank Limited.

N212/97—No. 10 Advertising and Professional Services cc (Reg. No. cxsa/20031/2), 10 Frere Road, Glenwood, Durban. 97-05-22, Magistrate Durban. Karel Johannes Hofland:

N209/97—Sepra Tech CC (Reg. No. CK92/30277/23), 212 Murray House, Dales Avenue, Pinetown, 97-02-28, Magistrate Pinetown. Allan Graham Bullard.

N206/97—Bilbo. Fashions (Pty) Limited (Reg. No. 95/07232/07),. 10th Floor,. Maritime House, “Salmon Grove Durban. 21 May 1997, Durban and Coast Local. Ex parte..

‘N215/97-——Precision Flangers & Profilers (Pty) Limited, 3 Severn Drive, Westville, 9610. 97-05-22, Durban and Coast Local. Nazeer Anmed Dawood Moola.

88 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

Form/Vorm J 29




The estates and companies mentioned below having been placed under sequestration, being wound up or hav-

ing been placed under provisional judicial management by order of the Supreme Court of South Africa, Masters of

the Supreme Court hereby give notice, pursuant to sections 17 (4) and 40 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936,

sections 119 (3), 125 (1) and 196bis (4) of the Companies Act, 1926 and sections 356 (1), 364 (1) and 429 of the

Companies Act, 1973, that a first meeting of creditors, contributories, members or debenture-holders of the said

estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims

against the estates’ or companies, the election of trustees, liquidators: or judicial’ managers or for the: purposes

referred to in section 364 or 431 of Act No. 61 of 1973, as the case may be.

- The particulars: are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of

estate/company; date of. the provisional and date of the final order, and division of court by which order is made,

and date, hour and place of meeting.

Meetings ina place. in which there is is.a Master’ s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be

held before the Magistrate.




Nademaal die boedels of maaiskappye hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid- Afrika

gesekwestreer, gelikwideer | of onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur geplaas is, word hierby deur die Meesters van

die Hooggeregshof ingevolge artikels 17 (4) en 40 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 119 (3), 125 (1) en

196bis (4) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 356 (1), 364 (1) en 429 van die Maatskappywet, 1973,

kennis gegee dat ’n eerste byeenkoms van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuldbriefhouers. van genoemde

boedels of maatskappye op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld, vir die bewys van vorderings teen die

boedels of maatskappye, die verkiesing van kurators, likwidateurs of geregtelike bestuurders of vir die doeleindes

bedoel in artikel 364 of 431 van Wet No. 61 van 1973, na gelang van die geval, gehou sal word.

Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van

boedel/maatskappy; datum van die voorlopige en datum van die finale bevel, en afdeling van hof waardeur order

gemaak is, en datum, uur en: plek van byeenkoms.

In ’n plek waarin ’n kantoor vari ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor

die Landdros gehou. .

C154/97—Kevin Andrew Ray, Identity Number 6307125030083, and Deborah Gaynor Ray, 6501170197082, residing at

135 Livingstone Street, Kraaifontein, Cape. 97-03-06—97-04-24, » Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division. 2 July 1997, 09:00,

Kuils River.

C249/97—Abdurahman Moollajie, Identity Number 6405015044055, 36 Crawford Road, Crawford, Cape. 9 April 1997—

15 May 1997, Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division. 3 July 1997, 09:00, Magistrate, Wynberg.

C214/97—Stanley Rossouw, identity Number 5604235082009, Golfstraat 22, Bredasdorp. 97-04- 01—97- 05-19.

97-07-02, 09:00, Magistrate, Bredasdorp.

' B126/97—Strydom, Joseph Frederick Marthinus, Identiteitsnommer 4802255092087, getroud binne gemeenskap van

goedere met Strydom, Catharina Johanna Susanna, woonagtig te Olifantskopstraat at, Vaalpark, Sasolburg. 97-04-24—

97-05-22, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling. 97-07-07, 10: 00, Sasolburg.

B114/97—Marnewick, Thomas Bingle, Identiteitsnommer 7111015193087, woonagtig te Hoewe 29, Roselaan, Bloemdal,

Bloemfontein. 97-04-17—97-05-15, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling. 97-07-02, 10:00, Sasolburg.

B106/97—Engelbrecht, Petrus Johannes, Identiteitsnommer 4612135005088, woonagtig te plaas Denemarke, distrik

Vrede, provinsie Vrystaat. Finale bevel: 97- 05-22, Oranje- Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling. 97-07- 04, 10:00, Vrede.

_ B86/97—Streeter, Derek, Identity Number 51090651 87100, resident at 28 Ednau Street, Bainsvlei, Bloemfontein;

97-03-27—-97-04-24, Orange Free State Provincial Division. 97-07-02, 10:00, ‘Bloemfontein.

B84/97—Crous, Eduard Johannes, Identiteitsnommer 6201095023006, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met

Crous, Catherina Aletta; woonagtig te Theronstraat 24, _Kroonstad. 97-03- 27—97- 04- 24, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale

Afdeling. 97-06- 25, 09:30, Kroonstad. . -

_STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997... ..,..., No. 18068 89

C192/97—Dewald Visser, Identity Number 691 0155064086, 16 Molenzicht, Schroder Street, Stellenbosch. 97-03- 19—

97-04-23, Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division. 97-07-02; 09:00, Magistrate’s. Office, Stellenbosch...

C80/97—Louis Petrus Kleynhans, Identiteitsnommer. 4504075074085, en Sophia Magdalena Kleynhans, Identiteits-

nommér 4508230054007, woonagtig te Nelstraat ‘9; Wellington. ‘97- 02- 10—97- 04- 09, » Reap’ die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale Afdeling. 97-07-02, 10:00, Landdros, Wellington.

T986/97—Barend Jacobus de Lange, Identiteitsnommer 6907015013089, en Elizabeth Gertruida de Lange, Ic Identiteits-

nommer 6906060037084, Felsietstraat 566, Elardus Park, Pretoria. 18 Maart 1997-—29 ‘9 April 4 1997, Transvaaise Provinsiale. 97-03-07, 10:00, Meester, Pretoria.

1586/97—Tribhovan’ Kalyan: Ramjee, Identity Number 4708235075002, 100: First Street, Ettvillas, Louis Trichardt.

97-02-18—97-04-08, Transvaal Provincial. 97-07-04, 09:00, Magistrate, Louis Trichardt: : ...

C717/96—Cassiem Abdullah, Identity Number.5011275061051,.61 Mabel Road, Rylands Estate, Cape. 96-10- 21—

96-11-25; High:Court of Cape: of Good.Hope Provincial Division:.97-07-03, 09:00, Wynberg.

C197/97—Louis, Jacobus Wessels, Identiteitsnommer 6409115088004, en Etresia Wesseis, Identiteitsnommer

6703030196003, Middeldrift, Albertinia. 97-03-26—97-05-07, Kaap. die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale Afdeling. 97-07-03, 10:00, Albertinia Landdroskantoor.

C57/97—-Rodney Pallister, Identity Number 5209235201102, and Joan Anne Pallister, Identity Number 6402260189081,

2 Rustin Close, Park Island, Marina da Gama. (97 01 -29—97- 05-07, Cape of Good Hope Provincial: Division. 97-07-04, 09:00, Magistrate’s Simonstown.

C207/97—Andries Gerhardus. Terblanche, Identiteitsnommer 5403235101087, en Hendrika. Helena Susanna

Terblanche, 5603030055087, woonagtig te Murraystraat 135, Free Landan, Durbanville. 1 April 1 19978 Mei 1997, Kaap die

Goeie Hoop Provinsiale Afdeling. 4 Julie 1997, 09:00, Bellville.

C97/97—Henbase 3215 (Proprietary) Limited (Reg. No. 96/1346/07), Blok B605, BSE- sentrum; Voortrekkerweg 89,

Bellville..97-02-12—97-04-30, Kaap die Gaeie Hoop Provinsiale Afdeling.-97-07-04, 09:00, Landdros, Bellville.

C181/97—Tygerberg Drukkers (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 710752007), Thermo Street; Stikland Triangle, Bellville. 97-03- 19—

_ 97-05-07, Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division. 97-07-01, 11:00, Magistrate, Bellville.’ os

E12/97/1—Star Bag Manufacturers CC, registered offices at c/o Cohen Morris, now Moores Rowland, at 30'Bird Street,

Central, Port Elizabeth. 22 January 1997—19 February 1997, South- Eastern Cape Local Division. 3 July, 1997, 14: 00, Port Elizabeth.

E50/97/4—Jacobus Johannes van Vuuren, . Ideintiteitsnommer. 5303215052080, en- ‘Anna Maria van Vuuren,

Identiteitsriommer 5211 140044080, woonagtig te Tamarisk Plein 32, Wave Crest, Jeftreysbaal. 5 Maart 1997—2 April 1997,

Suid-Oos Kaapse Plaaslike Afdelinig. 9 Julie 1997; 14:00; Port‘Elizabeth. ©

E62/97/4—Hermanus Lukas Joubert, Identiteitsnommer 5201095061007, woonagtig te Melon; distrik Hankey. 1 19 Maart

1997—21 Mei 1997, Suid-Oos Kaapse Plaaslike Afdeling.-4 Julie 1997, 14:00;.Hankey.:

E76/97/1—Vincent & Lee Electronics (Pty) Limited, registered. office at 123 Parliament Street, Port Elizabeth, sale and

servicing of radio communication ‘equipment. 9 April 1997—21 May: 1997, South-Eastern. Cape Local Division. 3 July 1997, 14: 00, Port Elizabeth. ‘

E82/97/2—David Benjamin Naude, Identity Number 4110095026004, residing at 3 Vaal Street, Baysville,| East London.

10 ‘April 1997—8 May 1997, Eastern-Cape Division. 4 July 1997, 10:00, East London. -

E100/97—Pamela Doris Roux, identity Number 4011090075006, residing at 13 Lanarth Avenue, Bonza Bay, East London,

5200. 24 April 1997—15 May 1997, Eastern Cape Division. 4 July 1997, 10:00, East London.

'. E97/97/4—Petrus Solomon Stroebel, woonagtig te Claudesingel 3, Blouwaterbaai, Port Elizabeth. 23 April 1997—14 Mei

1997, Suidoos-Kaapse Plaaslike. 2 Julie 1997, 14:00, Port Elizabeth. :

B112/97—Van Vuuren, Hein, Identiteitsnommer 7209095012084, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere met Marna van

Vuuren, Identiteitsnommer 7206030062083, woonagtig te Tabita.9, Memoriumweg, Uitsig, Bloemfontein. 97-04- 19—97- 05-22,

Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling. 97-07-02, 10:00, Bloemfontein.

B22/97—De Jager, Jacobus Hercules Jordaan, gebore 49-11-02, 4911025012083, getroud. buite gemeenskap van

goedere met applikant woonagtig te plaas Helpmekaar, Warden. 97-01 -23—-97-02- 20, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling. 97-07-08, 09:00, Landdros, Warden.

B53/97—Marthinus Gerhardus Burger, Identiteitsnommier 52061 35008009, en Denise Gail Burger, Identiteitsnommer

5501040096085, Roggeveldstraat 42, Vaalpark, distrik Sasolburg. Ex parte—97-03-27, Oranje- Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling. 97-06-30, 10:00, Landdros, Sasolburg.

. B103/97—Petrus Jacobus Cornelius Jacobs, Identiteitsnommer 3610225025001, “gebore 35- 10-22, getroud | buite

gemeenskap van goedere met Ria Jacobs, gebore Maré,. Identiteitsnommer. 3806040056001, woonagtig te plaas Lente,

Bloemfontein. 97-04-10—97-05-08; Oranje: Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling. 97- 07-02, 10:00, ‘Bloemfontein. B113/97—Adriaan van der Linde, Identity Number. 5506225089003, born 55-06-22, . married out of community of

property with Michelle Bianca van der Linde, on 97-12-12, resident at 18 Frans Rumph Street, Heuwelsig, Bloemfontein. 97-04-17—97-05-15, Orange Free State Provincial Division. 97-07- 02,. 10: 00,. Bloemfontein.

B81/97—Francois Jacobus Nicolaas Viljoen, identiteitsnommer 5007015037005, getroud i in gemeenskap van goed met

Maryna Viljoen, Identiteitsnommer 5212190036000, gebore . 62- 12-19, woonagtig te Piet. Retiefstraat 14, Ficksburg.

97-03- 20—97-05-08, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling. 97-07-04, 10:00, Landdros, Ficksburg. B101/97—Johannes de Buis Els, Identiteitsnommer 4706145108005, geskei, woonagtig te Rorichsingel 43, Fichardtpark,

Bloemfontein. 97-04-09-—97-05-08, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling. 97-07-02, 10:00, Bloemfontein.

90 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

B122/97—Maxime Boeredienste, met hoofplek van besigheid geleé te die plaas Weltevrede, Bainsvlei, Bloemfontein.

_97-04-24—97-05-22, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling. 97-07-02, 10:00, Bloemfontein.

B133/97—Amperplaas Boerdery, ’n veninootskap wat sake doen te die plaas Kenilworth, Bloemfontein. Finale bevel:

97-05-02, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling. 97-07-02, 10:00, Bloemfontein.

B102/97—Fourie, Jacob Petrus, Identiteitsnommer 4809155012081, gebore 48-09- 15, getroud buite gemeenskap van

goed op 71-03-27 met Hester Danelia Fourie, Identiteitsnommer 4705030069009, woonagtig te plaas Naudanna,

distrik Boshof. 97-04-10—97-05-08, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling. 97-07-01, 10:00, Boshot.

C182/97—Chade Broadcasting, 16 Molenzicht, Schroder Street, Stellenbosch. 97-03- 19—97-04-23, Cape of Good Hope

Provincial Division. 97-07-02, 09:00, Magistrate’s Office, Stellenbosch.

C42/97—W S & H Travel (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 89/06785/07), Merindol Centre, Oakdale Road, Bellville. 97-01-23—

97-03-20, Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division. 97-07-04, 11:00, Magistrate Office, Bellville.

C229/97—Theodore John Christensen, 4106125002007, 10C Clam Road, Bloubergrant. 97-04-04—97-05-13,

Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division. 97-07-01, 09:00, Master, Cape Town. N155/97—Durban. General. Wholesalers... CC, trading. as Durban Price Busters (CK92/32608/23), in liquidation.

K. R. Knoop, 380 Loop Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 8 July 1997, 09:00, Magistrate, Durban.

7T359/97—Marcell Snyman, Identiteitsnommer. 6808025135008, Leydstraat 212B, Rustenburg, Noordwes. Finale bevel:

97-02-11, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 97-07-02, 08:30, Landdros, Rustenburg.

T449/97—Abraham Adriaan Storm, Identiteitsnommer 3812035056006, en Sussanna Johanna Petronella Storm,

.Identiteitsnommer 4303220040004, De Bussystraat 5, Vanderbijipark. 97-04-29—97-05-20, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 97-07-03,

10:00, Landdros, Vanderbijlpark. ’

T839/97—Brian Churchyard, Identiteitsnommer 6912215142084, en Charlené Elizabeth Churchyard,

Identiteitsnommer 7202010215080, Garrickstraat 86, Kenmare, Krugersdorp. 97-03-04-——97-05-20, Witwatersrandse Plaaslike.

97-07-04, 09:30, Landdros, Krugersdorp. T609/97—Dells Transport (Prop) Ltd, 477 Anne Road, Glen Austin, Halfway House, 1685. Special resolution registered:

1997-02-24. 97-07-01, 09:00, Johannesburg: .

T1609/97—E. C. Liebenberg (Edms.) Bpk. (Reg. No. 81/02492/07, Jakaranda | Apteek, Michael Brinkstraat, Villieria,

Pretoria. Spesiale besluit, 97-05-14. 97-07-04; 10:00, Meester, Pretoria.

T907/97—John Willem Minders, Identiteitsnommer 5501175115007 en Martha Maria Magrietha Minders,

Identiteitsnommer 5709070082004, plaas Makouspan, Schweizer Reneke. 97-03-11—97-04-29, Transvaalse Provinsiale.

1997-07-04, 09:00, Schweizer Reneke.

1T408/97—Actonville Hospital (1993) Ltd, 1522 Soma Street, Actonville. 1997-02-11—1997-04-22, Witwatersrand Local.

1997-07-02, 10:00, Benoni. T1059/97—AMK Technologies (Pty) Ltd. (Reg. No. 59/02961/07), 21 Wrench Road, Isando, Kempton Park, Gauteng.

97-04-01—97-05-13; Witwatersrand Local. 97-07-02, 09:00, Magistrate, Kempton Park. 71349/97—Lucas Willem Jansen van Rensburg en Aletta Catharina Jansen van Rensburg, Silver Ridge 2,

Presidentstraat, Silverton, Pretoria. Ex parte: 97-05-20, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 97-07-02, 10:00, Meester, Pretoria.

7T397/97—Hugh John Charles. Thwaites,..Identiteitsnommer 5602205027087, 1 Pineway Avenue, Kelvin, Sandton.

97-01-21—97-04-01, Witwatersrand Local. 97-07-02, 09:00, Landdros, Randburg. T689/97—Martin Taljaard, Identiteitsnommer 704105082086, Viking Villas 11, Steiltes, Nelspruit. Finale bevel: 97-03-24,

Transvaalse Provinsiale. 09:00, Landdros, Nelspruit.

T989/97—Andre Olivier, Identiteitsnommer 5802255132000, Grimbeeckstraat 96, Capricorn, Pietersburg. 1997-03-18—

1997-04-08, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 97-07-04, 09:00, Landdros, Pietersburg.

T1006/97—Martha Susanna Magdalena Maria de. Bruin, identiteitsnommer 6109090042006, en Lucas Johannes

Andries de Bruin, Identiteitsnommer 5211265073088, “Breéstraat 221, Amersfoort, Mpumalanga. Finale bevel: 97-04-22,

Transvaalse Provinsiale. 97-07-03, 09:00, Landdros, Amersfoort.

T1301/97—Jacobus Hermanus Greeff, Eimastraat 14,° Quellerina, Roodepoort. 1997-04-17—1997-05-06,

Witwatersrandse Plaaslike. 97-07-03, 09: 00, Roodepoort. _ ,

T501/97—Toxice Ratman Publishing Corporation (Pty) Ltd, First Floor, 147 Hendrik Verwoerd Drive, Ferndale,

Randburg. Final ‘order: 97-02- 04, Witwatersrand Local. 97-07-02, 09:00, Magistrate, Randburg. .

T1639/97—Computer Installation Group (Cape) (Pty) Limited (Reg. No. 82/08927/07), 34 Monkor Road, Randpark

Ridge, Randburg. 1997-05-13—97-05-13, Witwatersrand Local. 97-07-02, 09:00, Magistrate, Randburg.

T1360/96—Johannes Hendrik Hattingh, Topazwoonstelle 7, Gracelaan, Murrayfield. Finale bevel: 96-06-11, Transvaalse

Provinsiale. 97-07-03, 10:00, Meester,.Pretoria.

_ 71240/97—Antonie Louw van Niekerk, Identiteitsnommer 6106265211002, Plot 4, Grootvlei, Pretoria, Gauteng.

Finale bevel: 1997-05-20, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 97-07-03, 10:00, Meester, Pretoria.

T291/97—Elizabeth Martha van Dyk, Vivierslaan 11, Sonlandpark, Vereeniging, Finale bevel: 1997-02-25, Transvaalse

Provirsiale. 97-07-04, 10:00, Vereeniging.

T1391/97—Frederick Coenraad van Heerden, Identiteitsnommer 6210205004087, Simonsbergstraat 14, Secunda.

1997-04-29—1997-05-20, Transvaaise Provinsiale Afdeling. 97-07-11, 09:30, Landdros, Evander.

' " 7975/97—Johannes Cornelius Cotzee, \dentiteitsnommer 5610275024009, en Catharina Cornelia Wilhelmina Cotzee,

_ Identiteitsnommer 5508240131000, Jakarandastraat 3, Stéelpoort. 18 Maart 1997—29 April 1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale.

97-07-03, 10:00, Landdros, Pretoria-Noord.

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE: 1997 - 'No..18068 91

ben 155/97—Charmaine Mostert, Jan “Meyerstraat - 162, “Meyerspark, ‘Pretoria. 1997-02- H=A997- 03-18, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 97-07-01, 10:00, Meester, Pretoria...

: ,.1:1076/96—Repsta. Holdings. (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 82/11337/07), Second Floor, FHS House, 45 Girton Road. Final order: 96-04- 17, by special resolution. 97-07-01, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court,. -Johannesburg. - .... [8756/96—Connie Elisabeth Rheeder, Ben Swartstraat 1159, Moregloed, Pretoria. 10. Desember. i996—4 Februatie 1997... 97- -07- 01, 10: 00, Pretoria. “ / ~’"236/97—Bond and: ‘Manson (Pty) Limited, 90 Rivonia Road, Sandton. 1997- 01-28-41 997. 03- 04; Transvaal Provincial. 97-07-01, 09:00, Magistrate, Johannesburg. .

T446/97—Stenekamp Jack Tom, 10° Francolin Close, _Francolin Drive, Bluegill Village, Glen Marais, “Kempton Park. 97- 02-11—97-04-08, Witwatersrand Local. 97-07-02, 09:00, ‘Magistrate; Kempton Park. - \

’' 73736/96—Beverley Anne ‘Hort, 86° Daniel Malan Avenue, Florida: Park, Rosdepoort. -1996- 12: N1—1997- 01- 14, Witwatersrand Local. 1997-07-02, 09:00, Magistrate, Roodepoort.

T235/97—Pin and Pint (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 95/08947/07), Suite 68, ‘Perseus Park, Lynniwoodridge, Pretoria. 1997- 01: 28 — 1997- 02-25, Transvaal Provincial Division. 1997-07-01, 10:00,- Master, Pretoria.

72552/96—Classic Civil Surfaces (Pty) Ltd, First Floor, JS Centre, corner of Voortrekker and Fore Streets, New Redruth, Alberton. Final order: 8 October 1996, Witwatersrand Local. 97-07-02, 09:00, Magistrate, Alberton. - :

' T252/97—Intercontinental Small Plan Jhb (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 95/10436/07); 18/38 Richard Drive,- Haltway House. 97- 01-28—97-04-22, Transvaal Provincial. 97-07-02, 09:00,’ Magistrate, Randburg.

«7862/97-—-Michelle Hamilton Spratt, Identity Number 5407100017088, 54. Lowrie Road, lone Edenvale, Germiston. Final order: 97-04-15, Witwatersrand Local. 97-07-05; 09:00,'Germiston. ;

T962/97—Con Craft Constuction CC (Reg. No. CK87/06100/23), D. C. Snyman & C0., 62: Reid Street. Wednesday, 1997-07-02;10:00,- Magistrate, Private Bag 1013, Benoni, 1500:.

T1532/97—African Residue Stainless (Pty) Ltd (Reg, No. 83/001010/07), registered office: Fourth. Floor Acacia Grove, 196 Louis Botha Avenue, Houghton Estate, Johannesburg. Final order: 97-05-06, Witwatersrand. Local. 97-07-03, 09:00;- Magistrate, Johannesburg.

~ 71122/97—E F van W Beleggings (Edms.) Bpk., Tweede Verdieing, Randpari, hoek | van Dower-« en Oaklane, Ferndale, Randburg. Finale bevel: 97-03-25, Witwatersrandse Plaaslike. 97-07-09, 09:00, Landdros, ‘Randburg...

E96/97/2—Cecil John Ker-Fox, Identity Number 4701315048008, residing at 8. Palamos Road, ‘Santareme, ‘st Francis. Bay, District of Humansdorp. Final-order: 14 May 1997, South- Eastern Cape Local. 2 July 1997, 11: 15, Humansdorp.

E73/97/2—Richard Alexander du Toit, Identity Number 6410035101000, residing at 20 Carpente Street, Linton Grange, Port Elizabeth, 6000. 2 April 1997—14 May 1997, South-Eastern Cape Local.’ 2 July 1997, 14:00, Po Elizabeth,

E99/97/3—Philippus Johannes Malan, Identiteitsnommer 4207135038088, eiendomsontwikkelaar van Strandfonteinweg 16; Somersetstrand, Port Elizabeth. 24 April 1997—22: Mei 1997, Oos- -Kaapse. 2 Julie 4 997, ‘14: 00, Port Elizabeth. —

71363/97—Hendrikus Wilhelmus Gryzenhout, Identiteitsnommer 6901295051083, Olienhoutlaan Birchley, Kempton Park. 97-04-23—-97-05-20, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 97-07-02, 09:00, Landdfos, Kempton Park.”

T883/97—Petrus Francouis en Leonie Amelia: Erasmus, ' Ridderstraat 81, Rustenburg: Finale - bevel: 97- 04- 29; Transvaalse Provinsiale. 97-07-02, 09:00, Landdros, Rustenburg. ©.» y *

71484/97—Prorep Structural Services (Piy) Limited, Dippenaar Coetzee & Partners, 4 Lenchett Park 2029, Lenchen Avenue South, Zwartkop. Extension.4, Centurion. 97-04-29-—-97-05-20. 97-07-03, 10:00, Master; Pretoria. °°." -

T1385/97— Orbit Productions (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 82/07546/07), Posbus 1408, Paulshof, 2086: Regtsirasie v van spesiale besluit: 1997-05-22. 97-07-03, 09:00, Landdros, Johannesburg. ~

T881/97—Andries Johannes Kunz, Identiteitsnommer 6108165145082, en: ‘Hanlie Kunz, ‘Identiteitsnommer 6202190005088, Bonsmarastraat 13, Potgietersrus. Ex parte: 1997-05-20; Transvaalse Provinsiale. ‘QF. 07-03; 10: 00,. Landdros, Potgietersrus.

» 1 1481/97—Francois Malherbe, ‘Identiteitsnommer 5612045052005, Gerdastraat 41, ‘Modelpark Witbank. 97- 04- 29— 97. 05- 20, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 97-07- 04, 10:00, Landdros, Witbank... - .

~ 71263/97—Aletta Sophia Mynhardt, identiteitsnommer 48052001 09005, Kerkstraat 42, Standerton, 97- 03- 04—97- 04- 15, i Transvaalse Provinsiale. 97-07-04, 09:00, Landdros, Standerton..

T773/97—Norman Ferdinand Pfister, Identiteitsnommer 5912255073084, en Gayle Dawn Pfister, Broodboomstraat 8, Middelburg, Mpumalanga. Finale bevel: 1997-04-01, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 97-07- 02, 10:00, Middelburg. -

1473/97—Cornelius Johannes Roos, Identiteitsnommer 5811095069006, en Aletta Dorathea Roos, identiteitsnommer. 61 04250151002, Dr. Malanstraat 32, Ermelo. Finale bevel: 29 April 1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 97-07- 11, 09:30, Ermelo.

11043/97—Alexander Williamson Salmond en Elizabeth Pake Burnside, Bonetéboksiraat 13, ‘Van Riebeeckpark, Kempton Park (Gauteng). Finale bevel: 1997-05-20, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 97-07- 02, 09:00; ‘Kempton Park.

1483/97—Carpenter and Paterson Pipe Supports (Pty) Ltd, c/o P.O. Box 1744, Parklands, 2tat. Date of special resdlution: 1997-02-13. 1997-07-01, 09:00, Magistrate, Johannesburg. ~ ,

C191/97—911 Service Centre BK (Reg. No. CK89/34957/23). 97-03- 20—97- 04-17, Kaap die Gocie Hoop Provinsiale (Bellville Landdroshof).-97-06-27 om: 11:00, Béllville-Landdroshof. -

; T922/97—Semi-Pack CC, in liquidation. 19 March 1997—23 Apri 1997, Witwatersrand Local Division (agisates Court, ‘ Germiston). 11 July 1997,.09:30;:Gérmiston, °

N58/97—David William Burrows. and: Kerry Janine Burrows; Identity Numbers. 6207185022089, 6306100269088, 8 Hardy.Road, Rosehill, Durban.North. 97-02-13—97-03-19, Durban and-Coast Local. 97-07-01;'09:00, Durban...”

‘N23/97—L M Pillay.Family Trust, 80 old:Main.Road; Isipingo: Rail, Durban, 97-01 23--97a( 03- 04, Durban and 1d Coast Local..

97- 07-01, 09:00, Durban.

' 92 -No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

Form J 29—Close Corporations -



The Close Corporations mentioned below having been placed in liquidation by order of ihe Supreme ‘Court of

South Africa or the Magistrates Court having jurisdiction, and pursuant to section 78 of the Close Corporations Act,

No. 69 of 1984, read together with section 40 (1) of the Insolvency Act of 1936 and sections 412 and 356 of the

Companies Act of 1973, notice is ‘hereby given that the First Meeting of Creditors and Members of the under-

mentioned Close Corporations will be held on the dates and at the time and places mentioned below, for the

following purposes: .

(i) ‘The consideration of the statement of affairs of the Corporation lodged ‘with the Master of the

Supreme Court,

(ii)... the proof of claims against the Close Corporation;

_ (iii) determination by creditors of the necessity of the appointment, of a co- liquidator and, if ‘so, the

nomination of a person for appointment; ,

(iv) receiving or obtaining directions or authorisation in respect of any matter regarding the liquidation.

The particulars are given in the following order: Number of Close Corporation: name and description of Close

Corporation; name and address of liquidator; date, hour and place of meeting and period within which debts must

_be paid, if this is not done forthwith.

Vorm J 29—Besiote Korporasies



Nademaal dié Beslote Korporasies hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van: ‘Suid-Afrika of die

Landdroshof: wat: bevoegdheid het, in likwidasie geplaas is, en ingevolge artikel 78 van die Wet op Beslote

Korporasies, No. 69 van 1984, saamgelees met artikel 40 (1) van die Insolvensiewet van 1936, en artikels 412 en

356 van die Maatskappywet van 1973, word kennis hierby gegee dat die Eerste Byeenkoms van Skuldeisers en

lede van die ondérvermelde Beslote Korporasies gehou sal word op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld

vir die volgende doeleindes:

(i) Die uiteensetting ‘aangaande toestand van eake van die Korporasie wat by. die. Meester van. die

Hooggeregshof ingedien is te oorweeg; gee

(ii) eise teen die Beslote Korporasie te bewys;

(iii) ‘te besluit of ’n mede-likwidateur aangestel moet word en. indien wel jemand te nomineer vir

aanstelling; »

(iv) opdragte. of magtiging ten. _opsigte van enige. aangeleentheid betreffende die likwidasie te ontvang

of te verkry.

Die besonderhede word verstrek i in die volgorde: Nommer \ van Beslote Korporasie; | naam en beskrywing van

. Beslote Korporasie; naam en adres van likwidateur; datum, uur en 1 plek Van byeenkoms en tydperk waarin skuld

betaal moet word, indien dit nie onmiddellik geskied nie.

11109/97—Top Compressor Services CC, in liquidation. G. W. Harris, ‘clo Executive Trust Management CC, 31 Princess

of Wales Terrace, Parktown, 2193. Final order: 97-05-13, Witwatersrand Local Division (Supreme Court, South Africa).

97-07-24, 11:30, Boksburg. .

B136/97—A Zietsman Beleggings BK (Reg. No. CK94/00230/23), in likwidasie. 30 ‘April. 1997-30" Mei 1997, Oranje-

Vrystaatse Afdeling (Landdroshof, Bloemfontein). 2 Julie 1997, 10:00, Meester, Bloemfontein.

“" 7248/97—First Edition Projects CC, in liquidation. G. W. ‘Harris, c/o Executive’ Trust Management CC, 31 Princess of

Wales Terrace, Parktown, 2193. Final order: 97-01-28, Witwatersrand Local Division (Supreme Court, South Africa). 97-07-23,

09:00, Johannesburg.

'. . £58/97—Wonder Ice CC, who carried on business as Cafe: Dule, Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch. 2 duly 1997, 10:00,

Masier’s Office, Grahamstown.

C254/97—Kafani Clothing CC, in liquidation. 14 April 199726 May 1997, Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division (Master

of the High Court). 8 July 1997, 09:00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. —

' STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997 , -.No. 18068 .93—

C253/97—Frank Fin Active Clothing Manufacturers CC, in liquidation. 14 April 1997-26 May 1997, Cape of Good Hope

Provincial Division (Master of the High Court). 8 July 1997, 09:00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town.

11220/97—Camil ‘Chem CC, in liquidation. Elsie Wagner, ‘for:Tutor Trust, P.O. Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. 7 July 1997,

10:00, Magistrate’s Court, Brits.

C286/97—Meton Investments CC, in liquidation, 97-04-25 —97-06- 05, Cape of Good Hope. Friday, 4 July 1997 at 09:00,

before the Master of the High Court, Cape Town.

C287/97—New Corral Investments CC, in. liquidation. 97-04- 25—-97-06- 05, Cape ‘of Good Hope. Friday, 4 July 1997 at

09:00, before the officé of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town.

C288/97—Paix Investments CC, in liquidation. 97- 05- 20—97-06- 05, Cape of Good Hope. Friday, 4 July 1997 at 09:00,

before the office of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town,

C268/97—Phosware Lighting & Electrical Wholesalers CC. L. Beddy, clo Republic Trustees, 10th Floor, Pleinpark, Plein

Street, Cape Town. 3 July 1997, 09:00, Magistrate, Somerset West.

- €266/97—Nic Nic Trucks.CC. A..Lombard, c/o Republic Trustees, 10th Floor, Pleinpark, Plein Street, ‘Cape Town..3 July

1997, 09:00, Magistrate, Somerset West.

C283/97-Bonnelo Investments CC, in liquidation. B. J. V. Durandt, c/o KPMG Administrators (Pty) Ltd, Wesbank House,

21 Riebeek Street, Cape Town, 8001. 97-04-25—-97-06-05, Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division. 97-07-08, 09:00, Master of

the High Court, Cape Town.

C299/97—Venor Investments CC, in n liquidation. J J. Steenkamp, c/o. KPMG Administrators (Pty) Ltd, Wesbank House,

21 Riebeek Street, Cape Town, 8001. 97- 04- 25—97- 06- 05, » Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division. 97- 07-08, 09:00, Master of

the High Gourt, Cape Town.

C282/97—Avorio Investments CC, in fquidation. J.J. Steenkamp, clo KPMG Administrators 5 (Pty) Ltd, Wesbank House,

_21 Riebeek Street, Cape Town, 8001. 97-04-25—97- 06- 05, Cape of Good Hope Provincial, Division. 97-07- 08, 09: 00, Masier of

the High Court, Cape Town.

T2751/96—Super Engine Exchange BK. F. A. Luther, Posbus 39450, Faerie Glen, 0043. Woensdag, 9 Julie 1997 om

09:00, te Landdros, Kempton Park.

71460/97—The Lamp Shop Electrical Maintenance & Wholesalers CC, in liquidation. 97-05-06—97-06-03, Transvaal

Provincial. Division. 97-07-03, .10: 00, Pretoria: ;

7545/97—Rina’s Tyre BK, in likwidasie. J. z. ‘H. Miller, vir Cape T Trustees Beperk, Posbus 2290, Pretoria, 0001.

CK 6 geregistreer op 17 Februarie 1997. 11 Julie 1997 om 09:30, Landdros te Ermelo.

T1553/97—Credo Trading Enterprises BK, in.likwidasie. J. H. van Rensburg, vir Cape Trustees Beperk, Posbus 2232,

.Pretoria, 0001. CK 6 geregisteer op 13 Mei 1997. Vrydag, 4 Julie 1997.0m 10:00, voor die Landdros, Naboomspruit.

T963/97—Grayleo BK, in likwidasie..J. Z. H. Muller, vir Cape Trustees ‘Beperk, Posbus 2232, Pretoria, 0001. 18 Maart

1997—22 April 1997. Maandag, 7 Julie. 1997,. 10:00, Pretoria.

' €284/97—Daboo Investments CC, in, liquidation. C. M. Hathorn, P.O. Box 1139, Cape Town, "8000. 97-07- 01, 09: 00,

Master, Cape Town.

_ €294/97—Plated Chevron Investments CC, | in Hquidation. C. M. Hathorn, PO. Box 1139, Cape Town, 8000. 97- 07- 01,

09:00, Master, Cape Town.

C285/97—Mirandus Investments CC, in liquidation. C. M. Hathorn, P.O. Box 1139, ), Cape Town, 8000. 97- 07-04, 09:00,

Master, Cape Town.

T1892/96—New Era Milling CC, in likwidasie. J. H. du Plessis, vir Newcor: Trustees, Posbus 2585, Randburg, 2125.

97-07-03 om 10:00, die Landdros; Vanderbijlpark.

T1166/97—Roselli’s Pizzeria & Coffee Shop CC, in likwidasie. J. H. du Plessis, vir Newcor Trustees, Posbus 2585,

Randburg, 2125. 1997-07-09 om 09:00, die Landdros, Randburg. =’

T1735/97—E B Exports CC, in liquidation. Oliver M. Powell, Liquidator, c/o National Trustees and Administrators (Pty) Ltd,

P.O. Box 652735, Benmore Gardens, 2010. 31 July 1997 at 09:00, Magistrate, Johannesburg.

‘ -T1491/97—Carpeting &- Vinyl Flooring “R” US CC, in liquidation. M. Bryden, for Unity Trust CC, 3 Abor Place, Northcliff

Extension 12, Johannesburg, 2195.:.Final order:: 1997-06-05, Witwatersrand Local Division (Magistrate’s Court, District of

Boksburg). 1997-07-10, 11:30, Magistrate, Boksburg.

T1545/97—_Nick’s Transport CC, in liquidation. M. Bryden, for Unity Trust CC, 3 -Abor Place, Northcliff Extension 12,

Johannesburg, 2195. Final order: 1997- 06- 10, Transvaal Provincial Division (High Court of South Africa). 1997- 07- 07, 09: 00,

Magistrate, Lichtenburg.

1439/97—Raymond. Fashions BK, in likwidasie. Mr B. J. J. Bezuidenhout, for Cooper’ Trust, P.O. Box 411529, Craighall,

2024. Tuesday, 15 July 1997 at 09: 00, before the Magistrate, Johannesburg. | ,

T1839/97—Festive Foods Marketing CC. M. Schmidt, c/o Resolution Trust Company (Pty) Limited, “Seventh Floor,

66 Smal Street, Johannesburg, 2001. Final order: 97-06-03, Witwatersrand. Local Division. 97-07-03, 09:00, Magistrate,


T975/96—Middelburg. Petroleum: Depot CC, in liquidation; Pp G. Torre, for ‘Coopers & Lybrand Trust (Pty) Limited,

P.O. Box 139, Johannesburg, 2000. 9 July 1997, 09:00, Magistrate, Middelburg.

- T1020/97—Lot. 3232 Empangeni: Eiendomme BK (Reg. -No. CK93/21383/23); B. G. S..de Wet, pas Kaap- “Vaal Trust

(Edms.) Bpk., Posbus 16185, Doornfoniein. Finale bevel: 97-03-25. 97-07-10, 10:00, Meester, Pretoria.

94 .No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

71019/97—-Projek B Elendomme BK; F. A. Basson, Posbus 7486,;Pretoria, 0001. 9. Julie 1997 om 09:00, Landdros,

Middelburg. 1728/97—Dibabas Chickens CC, in liquidation; M. Bryden, for Unity Trust CC, 3 Abor Place, Northcliff Extension 12,

; Johannesburg, 2195. Final order: 1997-05-27, Transvaal Provincial Division (High Court of South Africa). 1997-07-09, 09:00,

Magistrate, Randburg. T1529/97—Travel Best CC, 5. Burke House, 6 Burke Street, Kensington B; G. H. J. Venter, P.O. Box 1474, Johannesburg.

Final’ order: 97-04- 18, Witwatersrand Local Division (Magistrate’s Court, Randburg). 9 duly 1997, 09:00, The Magistrate,

Randburg. 71441/97—Millions Chickens CC, Plot 19, Randfontein South, Randfontein; é. H. J. Venter, P.O.. “Box 1474,

Johannesburg. Final order: 6 May 1997, Witwatersrand Local Division. 10 July. 1997, 09:00, The Magistrate, Randfontein.

T1527/97—Decor Style CC, 711 Sixth Street, Wynberg; E. M. Venter, P.O. Box 1474, Johannesburg. Final order:

97-05-12. 9 July 1997, 09:00, The Magistrate, Randburg.

T1513/97—Town and Farmers Supplies CC, c/o Leslie Cohen, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O: Box 10527, Johannesburg,

2000. 97-05- 07—97- 06- 06. 97- o7- 08, 09:00, Johannesburg.

Form/Vorm 1


_. Pursuant to sections 40 (3), 56 (3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, ‘sections 129, 179 and 182 of the

Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339, 366, 375 (5) (b), 386 (1) (d) and 402 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the persons mentioned below have been appointed trustees or liquidators, as the case may

bé, and that the persons indebted. to the estates or companies are required to pay their debts to them forthwith unless otherwise indicated. :

Meetings of ‘creditors; members or contributories of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates

and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, for the purpose of receiving the trustees’ or liquidators’ reports as to the affairs and conditions of the estates or companies and for giving the trustees or liquidators directions concerning the sale or recovery. of any parts of the estates or assets of

the companies or concerning any maitter relating to the administration thereof.

‘The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company; name and address of trustee or liquidator and date, hour and place of meeting and period

within which debt must be paid, if this is not to be done forthwith.

- Meetings in a. place in which there is a Masier’s- office, will be held before the. Master: elsewhere they will be

held before the Magistrate.



Ingevolge artikels 40 (3), 56 (3) en 77 van die. Insolvensiewet; 1936, artikels 129, 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 339, ‘366, 375 (5) (b), 386 (1) (d) en 402 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word

hierby kennis gegee dat die persone hierohder vermeld as kurators of likwidateurs aangestel is, na gelang van die

geval, en dat persone wat enigiets aan die boedels of maatskappye verskuldig is die skulde, tensy anders vermeld,

onmiddellik by genoemde kurators of likwidateurs moet betaal.

. Byeenkomste van skuldeisers; lede of kontribuanite van genoemde boedels of :maatskappye sal gehou word

op die datums, ure-en plekke hieronder vermeld vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye,

vir die ontvangs van die verslae van die kurators of likwidateurs: oor die sake en toestand van die boedels of

maatskappye, en om opdragte aan die kurators of likwidateurs uit te reik betreffende die verkoop of invordering van

gedeeltes van die boedels of bates van die maatskappye of betreffende aangeleenthede rakende die beheer


Die besonderhede word verstrek i in die volgorde: Nommer van 1 boedel/maatskappy; naam .en beskrywing van

boedel/maatskappy; naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur, en datum, uur:en plek-van | byeenkoms en tydperk

waarin skuld betaal moet word, indien dit nie onmiddellik moet geskied nie:

__ In’n plek waarin ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die.byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor

die Landdros gehou. .

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997 __ _ No. 18068 95

T607/97—W. C. Steenkamp; F. A. Luther, Posbus 39450; Faerie Glen, 0043. Vrydag, 11 “Julie 1997, 09: 30, , Landdros, Ermelo.

T318/97—B. M. Link; F. A. Luther, Posbus 39450, Faerie Glen, 0043. Woensdag, 9 Julie 1997, 10:00, ‘Meester, Pretoria. 71271/96—Insolvent estate: P. M. C. Egerton; G. W. Harris and A. Resnick, for Executive Trust Management CC,

31 Princess of Wales Terrace, Parktown, 2193. 97-07-17, 09:00, Johannesburg, second meeting. C863/96—Insolvente boedel: Dirk Jacobus Kearney en Dawn Ingrid Kearney; Adriaan de Waal, } P. a. Marais Miller,

Posbus 36, Kuilsrivier, 7580. 97-07-02, 09:00, Landdros, Kuilsrivier. T2967/96—Insolvent estate: David Richardson; G. W. Harris, for Executive Trust Management CC, 31 Princess of Wales

Terrace, Parktown, 2193.-97-07-18, 09:00, Brakpan, second meeting.

7248/97—First Edition Projects CC, in liquidation; G. W. Harris, for ‘Executive Trust Management cc, 31 Princess of Wales Terrace, Parktown, 2193. 97-07-23, 09:00, Johannesburg, general meeting.

13588/96—Thiba Communications (Pty) Limited, in liquidation; G. W. Harris and A +H. Getz, for Executive Trust Management CC, 31 Princess of Wales Terrace, Parktown, 2193. 97-07-17, 09: 00, Johannesburg, second meeting.

71228/97—Top Compressor Services CC, in liquidation; G. W. Harris, for Executive Trust Management CC, 31 Princess of Wales Terrace, Parktown, 2193. 97-07-24, 11:30, Boksburg, general meeting.

13503/96—Quality Meats (Pty) Limited, in liquidation; G. W. Harris, for Executive Trust Management CC, 31 Princess of Wales Terrace, Parktown, 2193. 97-07-17, 09:00, Johannesburg, second meeting.

T3389/96—Insolvent estate: Mahomed Safie. Ismail; G. W. Harris, for Executive Trust Management CC; 31 Princess of Wales Terrace, Parktown, 2193. 97-07-16, 09:00, Randburg, second meeting. -

B61/97—Insolvente boedel: N. J. Torrance; A. H. Taute, vit Schoeman Maree Ingelyf, Posbiis 3099, ‘Bloemfontein, 9300. 2 Julie 1997, 10:00, Meester, Bloemfontein.

C180/97—-Hyperfresh N1 City CC (Reg. No. CK95/55068/23), trading as Hyperfresh, in liquidation; Mr H. M. M. Terblanche, P.O. Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. 97-07-13, 09:00, Magistrate's Court, Goodwood:

C21/97—Insolvent estate: Johan Bonthuys, Identity Number 5807195163004, ‘and Catharina Cornelia Bonthuys, Identity Number 6408160060082; Mr H. M. M. ‘Terblanche, P.O. Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. 97- 07-18, 09: :00, Magistrate's Court, Caledon.

C589/96—Insolvent estate: David Jacobus. Victor, Identity Number 5902155139084; Mr T. P. Glaum, for Mr H. M. M. Terblanche, P.O. Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. 97-07-09, 09: 00, Magistrate’s Court, Kuils River.

_ E27/97—Insolvent estate: Brian and Gladys Sheridan; Deborah van Rooyen, 12 Voortrekker Street, Alexandria, 6185. 9 July 1997, 14:00, Magistrate, Port Elizabeth.

B11/95—Caprice Investments (Pty) Limited, in liquidation; Floris Johannes Lordan, 12 Voortrekker Street, Alexandria, 6185. 4 July 1997, 10:00, Magistrate, East London.

_ B8/96—Zakhe Timber Products (Pty) Limited, in liquidation; Floris Johanes Lordan, 12 Voortrekker Street, Alexandria, 6185. 4 July 1997, 10:00, Magistrate, East London.

C198/97—Cobaker Properties Close Corporation, in liquidation; Mrs M. Maré, clo Cape Trustees Lid, 18th Floor, 2 Long Street, Cape Town, 8001. 97-07-04, 09:00, Master’s Office, Cape Town.

B59/97—Sentra Auto Spares BK, in likwidasie; mnr. C. J.-Venter, p.a. Naudes Dienste Trust, Posbus 182, Bloemfontein, 9300. 2 Julie 1997, 10:00, Meester, Bloemfontein.

C58/97—Wonder Ice CC, who carried on business as Cafe Dulce, Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch; L. N. ‘Sackstein, P.O. Box 256, Bloemfontein. 2 July 1997, 10:00, Master’s. Office, Grahamstown.

C98/97—Insolvent estate: lan Robertson Knight; B. N. Shaw, for. Progressive. Administration (Cape) (Pty) Limited, P.O. Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Friday, 4 July 1997, 09:00, Magistrate, Simonstown.

C738/96—Insolvent estate: Michelle Wendy Davenport; C: P. van Zyl, for Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Limited, P.O. Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Friday, 11 July 1997, 11:00, Magistrate, Bellville,

C108/97—Bye-Rhod Car Hire & Tourism CC, in liquidation; C. P. van Zyl, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, Eighth Floor, The Strand Tower, 66 Strand Street, Cape Town, 8001. Friday, 4 July 1997, 09:00, Master, Cape. Town.

C39/97—Summertime (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; C. P. van Zyl, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, Eighth Floor, The Strand Tower, 66 Strand Street, Cape Town, 8001. Thursday, 10 July 1997, 09:00, Magistrate, Maimesbury.

C849/96—TNP Commodities (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; C. P. van Zyl, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, Eighth Floor, The Strand Tower, 66 Strand Street, Cape Town, 8001. Tuesday, 8 July 1997, 09:00, Master, Cape Town.

C766/96—Insolvente boedel: Samuel Walters Bredell; Andrew Harrison, vir Harrison & Vennote, Posbus 271, Goodwood, 97-07-09, 09:00, Landdroskantoor, Stellenbosch.

T2528/96—52 Etosha Crescent BK, in likwidasie; J. N. Bekker, p.a. Nicolaas Bekker Trustees, Posbus 8550, Pretoria, 0001. Dinsdag, 97-07-29, 09:00, voor die Landdros, Johannesburg.

N513/96—Insolvent estate: Swalaha Bibi Saib; Mr P. J. Schoerie, for Geyser Liebetrau Du u Toit & Louw Inc,, 380 Loop Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 8 July 1997, 09:00, Magistrate, Durban.

N3/97—Insolvent estate: Nicholas Albertus and Hester Susanna Magdalena 1 Theron: Mr P. J Schoerie, for Geyser Liebetrau Du Toit & Louw Inc., 380 Loop Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 11. July. 1997, 10:00,. Master of the High. Court, Pietermaritzburg.

1T2525/96—Gemco Trade (Pty) Ltd, in likwidasie; J: N. Bekker, p.a. Nicolaas Bekker Trustees, Posbiss 8550, Pretoria, 0001. Dinsdag, 97-07-29, 09:00, voor die Landdros, Johannesburg.

96 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

72527/96—R. T. Intervideo (Edms.) Bpk., in likwidasie; J. N. Bekker, p.a. Nicolaas Bekker Trustees, Posbus 8550,

Pretoria, 0001. Dinsdag, 97-07-29, 09:00, voor die Landdros, Johannesburg.

T859/97—Insolvente boedel: Esme Nortje; J. N. Bekker, p.a. Nicolaas Bekker Trustees, Posbus 8550, Pretoria, 0001.

Woensdag, 97-07-16, 10:00, voor die Meester van die Hooggeregshoi, Pretoria.

N176/96—A. R. and S. Dambha; J. D. Michau and B. ten Brink, P.O. Box 33, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 8 July 1997, 09:00,

Durban, second meeting. ~

T3426/96—Stan Tak Invesmtents (Pty) Limited, in liquidation; T. A. P. du Plessis, Liquidator, c/o KPMG Administrators

(Pty) Ltd, c/o 24th Floor, Carlton International Trade Centre, Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. 97-07-11, 09:30, Magistrate,


T572/97—Management Insight (Pty) Limited, in liquidation; T. A. P. du Plessis, Liquidator, c/o KPMG Administrators (Pty)

Lid, c/o 24th Floor, Carlton International Trade Centre, Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. 97-07-08, 09:00, Magistrate,

Johannesburg. ,

T2838/96—H. C. M. Wybenga; T. A. P. du Plessis, Liquidator, c/o KPMG Administrators (Pty) Ltd, 19th Floor, Carlton

Centre, Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. 1997-07-09, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T193/97—Alan Peter Cross; G. C. Gainsford Trustees, c/o KPMG Administrators (Pty) Ltd, 19th Floor, Carlton Centre,

Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. 1997-07-16, 10:00, Master, Benoni.

N14/97-—Insolvent estate: D. J. Barnard; F. B. Pretorius, c/o Raulstone-Pretorius, P.O. Box 536, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

18 July 1997, 10:00, Magistrate’s Court, Utrecht.

C203/97—Ludifio Investments CC, in liquidation; B. W. Smith, c/o Cape Trustees Ltd, 18th Floor, 2 Long Street, Cape

Town, 8001. 1 July 1997, 09:00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town.

C707/96—Insolvent estate: Johannes Dreyer; E. D. James Trustee, c/o Republic Trustees, 10th Floor, Pleinpark, Plein

Street, Cape Town. 97-07-04, 09:00, Master, Cape Town.

C174/97—Albion Restaurant CC, in liquidation; H. M. Sangiorgio, c/o Republic Trustees, 10th Floor, Pleinpark, Plein

Streei, Cape Town. 97-07-01, 09:00, Master, Cape Town.

C135/97—Designer Shades CC, in liquidation; E. D. James, Liquidator, c/o Republic Trustees, 10th Floor, Pleinpark, Plein

Street, Cape Town. 97-07-03, 09:00, Magistrate, Wynberg.

C34/97—Elgo Trust (Pty) Limited, in liquidation; R. J. Walters, First Floor, Norwich on St Georges, 5 St George’s Mall,

Cape Town, 8001. 4 July 1997, 11:00, Magistrate, Bellville.

C857/96—Debs Novelties (Pty) Limited, in liquidation; R. J. Walters and Ms S. J. Bruins, First Floor, Norwich on St

Georges, 5 St George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8001. 4 July 1997, 09:00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town.

C800/96—International Security Marketing (Pty) Limited, in liquidation; J. A. Matthews, First Floor, Norwich on St

Georges, 5 St George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8001. 9 July 1997, 09:00, Magistrate, Kuils River.

T3000/96—Cast Mining and Construction (Edms.) Bpk., in likwidasie; C. V. van der Watt, Posbus 36898, Menlo Park.

4 Julie 1997, 10:00, Landdros, Vereeniging. .

C138/97—Tasse Investments CC, in liquidation; Patricia Anne Grobbelaar, c/o Stanhope Trustees, 201 Stanhope

Building, 227 Main Road, Claremont. 1997-07-04, 09:00, Master, Cape Town.

C68/97—Castle Upholstery (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; B. J. V. Durandt and R. J. Walters, c/o KPMG Administrators (Pty)

Limited, Wesbank House, 21 Riebeek Street, Cape Town, 8001. 97-07-16, 09:00, Magistrate, Goodwood.

C646/96-—Graham Ronald Deakin; B. J. V. Durandt, c/o KPMG Administrators (Pty) Limited, Wesbank House, 21 Riebeek

Street, Cape Town, 8001. 97-07-11, 09:00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town.

C37/97—Trevis Roy Macrady and Anna Rebecca Bennet Lomax; B. J. V. Durandt, c/o KPMG Administrators (Pty)

Limited, Wesbank House, 21 Riebeek Street, Cape Town, 8001. 1997-07-16, 09:00, Magistrate, Qudtshoorn.

N92/97—Van Wyngaard & Geassosieerdes BK, trading as Aloe Pharmacy, in liquidation; F. A. Krause, for Coopers &

Lybrand Trust, P.O. Box 54, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 11 July 1997, 09:00, Magistrate's Office, Newcastle.

B31/97—Insolvente boedel: W. W. van der Walt; A. H. Taute, for Schoeman Maree Ingelyf, Posbus 3293, Bloemfontein,

9300. 2 Julie 1997, 10:00, Die Meester, Bloemfontein.

T3541/96—Insolvente boedel: Gert Pieter Barnard; C.Wilsnach, p.a. Pretorius & Wilsnach, Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.

18 Julie 1997, 09:00, Landdros, Wolmaransstad.

T76/94—C. D. Gillespie; F. A. Luther, Posbus 39450, Faerie Glen, 0043. Donderdag, 10 Julie 1997, 09:00, Landdros,


7118/97—C. J. en S. van Heyst; F. A. Luther, Posbus 39450, Faerie Glen, 0043. Woensdag, 9 Julie 1997, 10:00, Meester,


72751/96—Super Engine Exchange BK; F. A. Luther, Posbus 39450, Faerie Glen, 0043. Woensdag, 9 Julie 1997, 09:00,

Landdros, Kempton Park.

T1194/97—Insolvent estate: Johannes Petrus Lodewikus van der Walt; P. A. Cronjé, P.O. Box 17300, Pretoria North.

97-07-18, 09:30, Ermeio.

72736/96—Insolvente boedel: Robert Henry, Identiteitsnommer 4608115030009, en Fredrika Jacoba du Peez,

woonagtig te Plot 84, Magaliesmoot; Johannes Zacharias Human Miller, vir Cape Trustees Bpk., Vierde Verdieping, Bureau

Forum, Bureauiaan, Pretoria, 0002. Dinsdag, 8 Julie 1997, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997.0 0c oenn vs NO.18068. 97

3/ redo-“Trading: Enterprises ‘BK: (Reg.- No: “CK93/00340/23):. kwidasie;” egistreerde adres: Boekenhoutstraa 4, Naboomspruit; James Henry van Rensburg, vir Cape Trustees Bpk., Vierde Verdieping, Bureau Forum, Bureaulaan, Pretoria, 0002. Vrydag, 4 Julie 1997, 10:00, Landdros, Naboomspruit.” =

_.,g/2832/96—Insolvente, boedel: Matthys, Jacobus Bester,. Identiteitsnommer 5308035002080;. en Johanna Gertruida 5 auna Park, Pietersburg; James Henry van Rensburg, vir.Cape.- Trustees. Bpk., Vierde. Verdieping,

Bureau Forum, Bureaulaan, Pretoria, 0002. Vrydag, 11 Julie 1997, 09:00, Landdros, Pietersburg. ; .-'t ,C823/96——Insolvent.estate: M. Toefy; N..A. Sansom, “P.O. Box 1139, ‘Cape Town; 8000:-10:July"1997; ‘09:00, ‘Magistrate, Wynberg,

C140/97—The Media Lab (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; C. M. Hathom, P.O. Box 1139, Cape, Town, 8000.. 10 July 1997, 09:00, Magistrate, Wynberg.

T605/97—G. J. en L. du Plessis; M. J. D. Breytenbach, | Posbus 1990, Pretoria.18 Julie: 1997, 10: 00; Pretoria: 13338/96—M. J. J. Bean; T. M. Wouda, Posbus 1990, Pretoria. 16 Julie 1997, 10:00, Pretoria. -. oe

799/97—E. M. van Aswegen; T.'M. Wouda, Posbus‘1990, Pretoria: 9 Julie 1997; 10:00, ‘Klerksdorp. T914/97—Adrian Colin Cullingworth; M. C. Chasey, for Oak Trust (Pty) Ltd, 756 Gateside Avenue; Dainfern, Randburg.

97-07-08, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court, Johannesburg. , T1166/97—Roselli’s Pizzeria & Coffee Shop cc, in likwidasie; J. H. du Plessis, vir Neweor Trustees, Posbus 2586, 2125.

- 97-07-09, .09:00,-Landdros, Randburg... ©... e “'T1892/. 96—New Era Milling CC, in likwidasie: J. H. du Plessis, vit Newcor Trustees, Posbus 2585, 2195, 97-07-03, 10:00,

Landdros, Vanderbijlpark.

T1735/97—-E B Exports CC, in liquidation: Oliver M. Powell, c/o National: Trlistees afd Adrhinistrators (Py) Lid, P.O. Box 652735, Benmore Gardens, 2010. 31 July 1997, 09:00, Magistrate, Johannesburg... ve! —

T3663/96—Rion Export and Import (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; Oliver M. Powell, ‘co! National I Trustees and Administrators (Pty):Ltd; PO.:Box. 652735; :Benmoré’ Gardens, 2010. 17 July 1997, 09:00, Magistrate: ‘Johannesburg.

T1057/97—A. G. Rossouw; J. M. Oelofsen, Privaatsak X10, Westgate, 1734. 1997-07-22, 09:00, Johannesburg.

T1848/96—S. F. Morris; J. M. Oelofsen, Privaatsak X10, Wesigate,. 1734, 1997-07-23, 08:30; Rustenburg. “'73543/96-A- ‘Henirico; M. |: Oelofsén en J. M. Oelofsen, Privaatsak X10, We tgate, 734.. 1997-07-21, 10:00, Meester,

Pretoria, ” ~ wn A 1899 Pretoria. —

T1199/97—Academy of Markmanship CC, in liquidation; M. Bryden, Liquidator, Unity Trust cc, 8 Abor Place, Northolt Extension 12, Johannesburg. 97-07-10, 09:00, Magistrate, Johannesburg.

T1331/97—Verwes Vervoer BK, in likwidasie; T. J. H. Potgieter, p.a. Alto Trustees, Posbus 8536, Centurion, 0046. 7 Julie 1997, 09:00, Landdros, Lichtenburg.

T2285/96—Geltrade (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; J. D. K. Reitz, Posbus 6128, Johannesburg, 2000. Woensdag, 9 Julie 1997, 09:00, Landdroshof, Randburg.

B318/96—Insolvente boedel: Emiele Spillman; C. J. Raath;-:p.a. Hill; McHardy: & Herbst, ‘Posbus 93, Bloemfontein. 2 Julie 1997, 10:00, Meester van die Ho Hof, Bloemfontein.

T664/97—Insolvent estate;’Patricia:Sue Rider; “R: Miller; ‘for RUM'G ‘Trust’ éc: BO: Box 783601, Sandton, 2146. 8 July 1997, 10:00, Master’s Office, Pretoria.

2¥2628/96“Insolvente boedel: L. en D. N. Visagie; F. Zondagh, p.a. Fort Trustees (Edms.) Bpk., Posbus 4636, Pretoria, 0001. Donderdag, 97-07-10, 10:00, Landdroskantoor,:Pretoria-Noord. ..... ..

C594/96—Masterpieces (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; A. W. Bosch, for D. Ss. Ozinksky, P.O. Box 1529, Durbanville. 97-07-08, 09:00, Master, Cape Town.

T439/97—Raymond Fashions BK, in likwidasie; B. J. J. _Bezuidenhout, vir Cooper,” Trust, Posbus 411529, Craighall, 2024. Dinsdag, 15 Julie 1997, 09:00,'‘Landdros; Johannesburg.

T3550/96 Nele Buildi (Edms.) Bpk., in likwidasie;.B. -St-C. Gooper, vir, Cooper Trust; :‘Posbus 411.529, Craighall, 2024. Woensdag,° 9 Julie 1997, 09:00, Landdros, Roodepooit.

_1899/97—Insolvente. boedel: J. W.. Venter; L. J. Strydom, vir Cooper Trust,. Posbus, 411529,. Craighall, 2024. Vrydag, 14 Julie 4 '997; 10: 00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Prétoria.

T3771/96—Donut World Franchise Holdings (Edms.) Bpk., in likwidasie; L. J. Strydom, vir + Cooper - Trust Posbus 411529, Craighall, 2024. Maandag, 14 Julie 1997, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

T1339/96—Insolvent est A. A. & J. , Wessels; T G. _ Hodgson, for Justice Trust, Co, _P.Q.: Box:,397, Paulshof, 2056. 97-07-04, 10:00, Witbainks) 2°

:. ».F2600/96-—Interschool, Foods. (Pty) Ltd, in. liquidation; s. Trakman; iclo" Highveld Trust & ‘Manageinent Co. (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1 Jo purg,.: 2000. 97-08-15, 10:00, Master. ofthe Supreme-Court;‘Pretoria? : 1s. : .

‘ T918/97-—Marivan Share Block (Pty) Limited, in liquidation; B. B. Nel, c/o Coopers. &. Lybrand. Trust Py) Limited, P.O. Box 139, Johannesburg, 2000. 31 July 1997, 09:00, Magistrate, Johannesburg.) ~

. .«£920/97—Four:Victoria.-Road_ (Pty) Limited, in liquidation; B.’B. Nél;- c/o: ‘Coopers’ & ‘Lybrand: “Trust (Py) Limited, P.O. Box 1 39, Johannesburg, 2000. 31 July 1997, 09:00, Magistrate, Johannesburg.

1975/96—Middelburg Petroleum Depot CC, in liquidation; P. G. Torre, c/o Coopers . & Lybrand Trust Py) Limited, P.O. Box 139, Johannesburg, 2000: ‘OJuly’ 1997, 09:00; Magistrate, Johannesburg.

N106/97—Shellac (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; Graham Bryan Perry, P.O. Box:388;:Durban;-4000./8 July.1997! 09:00, Durban. E3/97—McRae Clarke & Associates CC, in liquidation; Deborah van Rooyen, 12. Voortrekker Street, Alexandria, 6185.

9 duly 1 1997, 14:00, Magistrate, Port Elizabeth.

7—=R. w. Cawood; M. Oelofsen enJ,M. Oelofsen, Privaatsak X10, Westgate, 1734.'4997- O7- 23, 10:00, Meester,

_ 98 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

11020/97—-Lot 3232 Empangeni Eiendomme BK (Reg. No. CK93/21383/23), in likwidasie; B. G. S. de Wet, » pa. Kaap-

Vaal Truts (Edms.) Bpk., Posbus 16185, Doornfontein. 97-07-10, 10:00, Meester, Pretoria.

T31/97—Galaktiou, Alexandros and Brenda Cathelina Thelma Galaktiou; C. F. de Wet en G. W. Harris, p.a. Kaap- -Vaal

Trust (Edins.) Bpk., Posbus 16185, Doornfontein. 97-07- 08, 09:00, Landdros, Johannesburg.

E42/97/1—Insolvent estate: Vincent John Theron, Identity Number 6704255016082, a plumber by trade who, until 1995

traded as Tap Tap Plumbers-in Johannesburg; Gary Mark Shrosbree and B. K. S. van Zyl,.c/o Shrosbree Trustees, P.O. Box

3419, Newton Park,’ Port Elizabeth, 6055. 2 July 1997; 14:00; Port Elizabeth.

N529/96—Insolvent estate: P. and M. D. Bishoon; K. R. Vengadesan, for Vengadesan & Associates, P.O. Box 48680,

Qualbert, 4078. 8 July 1997, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court, Durban. . -

_. N133/97—Valjees Jewellers CC;. Mir G.-J. Sherriff, PO. Box 1050, Durban; 4000. 97-07-01, 09:00, Durban.

- N86/97—Ebel Creations (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; Mr G. J. Sherriff, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000. 97-07-01, 09:00, Durban.

N141/97—Classic Joinery & Hardware CC; Mr G..J. Sherriff, PO. Box 1050, Durban, 4000. 97-07-01, 09:00, Durban.

, 1T2666/96—Insolvente boedel: W. van” le Cluss; A. V. Hamman Trustees BK, Posbus 11344, Tremloods, 0126. Op

97-07-15 om 10:00, te Meester van Pretoria. 11013/97—Projek. B Eiendomme BK; F. A. Basson, . Posbus 7486, Pretoria, 0001. 9 Julie 1997, 09:00, Landdros,

Middelburg. 72208/96—W. J. Vrey; ‘Anne-Marie de Witt, Posbus 5801, ‘Pretoria, 0001. 97- 07- 10, 10:00, Landdros, Pretoria-Noord. |

C751/96—N & M Security BK, in. likwidasie, Adriaan de Waal, p.a. Marais Miller, Posbus 36, Kuilsrivier, 7580.

1997-07-02, 09:00, Landdros, Kuilsrivier: 'T922/97—Semi-Pack CC, in liquidation; Arnold Hillel Getz, clo Premier Trust Board, P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg, 2000.

25 July 1997,'09:30,.Germiston..

T4066/96—Insolvente boedel: J. C. Stewart; A. V. Hamman Trustees BK, Posbus 11344, Tremloods, (0126. Op 97-07-16

om 09:00, te Landdros, Randburg. -. - T2768/96—Insolvente -boedel: E. P. Marais; ALY. Hamman Trustees BK, Posbus 11344, Tremloods, 0126. Op 97-07-16

om 10:00, te Landdros, Nigel. . T2893/96—Insolvente boedel: L. C. en C. Goosen; A. Vv. Hamman Trustees BK, Posbus 11344, Tremloods, 0126. Op

97-07-16 om 09:00, te Landdros, Kempton Park.

T2894/96—Insolvente boedel: P. F.en S. E. Cornelessen; A V. Hamman Trustees BK, Posbus 11344, Tremloods, 0126.

Op 97-07-17 om 10:00, te Landdros, Boksburg.

7T2818/96—Insolvente boedel:” P. B. en P. J. Botha;. AV. Hamman Trustees BK, Posbus 11344, Tremloods, 0126. Op

97-07-16 om 09:00, te Landdros, Alberton.” | 7T573/97—D & D Commodity Brokers CC; in liquidation; Ailan David Pellow, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527,

“Johannesburg, 2000..97-07-09, 09:00, Randburg.

T3658/96—Rona Fashions (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; Neil Bowman, for Westrust (Pty) Lid, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg,

2000. 97-07-10, 09:00, Johannesburg. - 7T3591/96—Rattlesnake Ringside Diner (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; Neil Bowman and Ivor Lancelot van Diggelen, for

Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg; 2000. 97-07-11, 10:00, Springs.

_T999/97—HNH. Brake ..&- Clutch Distributors CC, .in liquidation; Peter-Charles Bothomley, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd,

PO. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. 97-07-09, 09:00, Randburg.

Form/Vorm 2


Pursuant to sections A and 42 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926,

and sections 339 and 366 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors will be

held in the sequestrated . estates or companies being wound up mentioned below, indicating the number of

estate/company; the name and description of estate/company; the date, hour and place of meeting and the

purposes of meeting, . ,

Meetings in a place in which there is a Master S Office, will be held before the Master, elsewhere they will be

held before the Magistrate. . :


Ingevolge 2 artikels 4t-en 42 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926,

en artikels 339 en 366 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat 'n byeenkoms van skuld-

eisers in die gesekwestreerde boédels of maatskappye in likwidasie hieronder vermeld, gehou sal word met

aanduiding van die nommer van boedel/maatskappy; die naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; die datum,

uur en plek van: byeenkoms en die doel: van byeenkoms. -

In ’n plek waar ’n-kantoor van .’n Meester, is, word. die byeenkoms voor die Meester en in ander plekke voor

die Landdros gehou.

_STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997 No. 18068. 99

°<CK91/02674/23—Vaalharts Onderdele BK, Delmaysiraat’ 1, "HartsWater. 47 “Julie: 1997, “10: 30, Landdroskantore, Hartswater. Algemene vergadering (bewys van ‘Vvorderinge). we

‘'C926/96_Bonnievale Ingenieurswerke CC, in liquidation. proved,

B288/96—Insoivente. boedel: E. A. L Botha. 2 Julie 4997, 4H: Landdros, ‘Heilbron. om eise, ete bewys. T2218/96—Basic. Props: 1034 CC, trading as. Kaya. Homes CC. 97- 07- Master, of.the: ‘High Court, | Cape T Town.

Proof of.claims. -. a op AS Liss we Bo C673/96—Flasheor cc, in liquidation. 1997- 07- 04, 09: 00, George. Proof of. claims... C500/96—Insolvent estate: Derrick: Arthur Beck..Friday,4 July 1997, 09:00,. ‘Master, Gaps Town.. Claims t to. 5 be 6 proved. Bi93/96—Insolvente boedel: Jacobus: Nicolaas -Herselman (jr-), - Identiteitsnommer: 6906275038083, van die” plaas

Vlakplaats;.Petrus Steyn:.97-07-04, 10:00, Landdros, Petrus Steyn. Bewys vari ise! N365/96—Exquisite: Gifts (Pty) Ltd, -if” liquidation: 11° July 1997; 10:00," “Master of the e High court,

Pietermaritzburg, 3200. interrogate the directors of the company. -T1220/97—Camil Chem BK, in likwidasie. 7" Julie 1997, 10:00; ianddros, ‘Brits. Eerste én ‘Algemene ‘Byeenkoms. Vir

skuldeisers en kontribuante vir die volgende doeleindes: 1, Bewys van, eise. 2. Om, die versiag te aanvaar. 3. Om: die bestuite en opdragte té aanvaar. *. - . .

T5010/93—Insolvente boedel: u H. Wiegand, viydag, ‘97- 07: 14 10: 00, ‘Landdros: ‘Vereeniging. Bewys v van eis. _N255/96—D. L. and P. Pillay..4 July 1997, 10: 00, Master ofthe. High Court, Pietermaritzburg. For- further proof of claims. "N58/96—R. W. and A. M. Burns. 4 daly 1997, 10: 00, Master of the > High Court, » Pietermaritzburg. For further * Proof of

Claims.. : C53/97—Porterville Motopart CC, in + liquidation, 9 9 July 1997, 09: 00, Porterville. Proof: of. claims, C1092/92—Motorvia (Pty)-Ltd, in. liquidation: 8:duly.1997;:09:00, Cape. Town::Proofof claims. ” C694/96—Featherman CC, in liquidation. 8 July 1997,-09:00, Cape Town. Proof of claims.: C729/96—Borderline Trading CC, in’ liquidation: 10 July-1997, 09:00; ‘Someiset West. Proot of claims. C817/96—Kuils River Hotel CC, in liquidation. 2 July 1997, 09:00, Kuils River. “Proof of ‘claims. oe C691/96——Total’ Transport (Pty) Ltd; in liquidation: T July'1997, ‘09: 00; Cape. Town. Proof of claims. ¢799/96—Today’s Clothing CC, in Jiquidation. 4 July 1997, 09: 00, Cape Town. Proof of claims. are “K9/97—Willem Adriaan” én “Magdalena: Magrietha de Witt: ‘Wrydag; 97-07- 41 10: 00, ‘Landdros, Upington. Tweede

Vergadering van. krediteure vir. die bewys van.eise.en die. -goedkeuring van. die- ‘kurat sverslag. . : E111/86—Insolvent estate: Susanna Magdalena Meyer. 1997- 07-02, 14: 0, Magistrate, Port. Elizabeth, Further =r proot of

claims... :

N499/96—Dummer industries cc. 4 uly + 1997, 10; 00, Master of the igh Cour, Petermartzburg: For further proof of claims... :

N309/96—B. Pp. Human. “4 duly. 1 997, 40: 00, “Master ¢ of the. é High Cour t; Pietermaritzburg. For further proot of claims: ee N477/96—R.'A. and’ D.:D::Bothma. 4 July 1997;-10: 00; ‘Master of the @ High Court, ; Pietermaritzburg: For further proof of

claims. . N372/96—Leo. Combrink. Properties (Pty).Ltd.. 4. July.4 1997, 10: 00, Master. of. the -High..Court;-. Pietermaritzburg. For

further proof of claims. 7 T1832/96—Insolvente boedel: S. E. Kok. 2 Julie 1997, 09:00, Landdros, Middelburg. Bewys van eise. 11635/94—Insolvente beedel: Cornelius. Johannes Smit. 1 Julie 1997, ‘09:30; :Landdros,:Evander;. Bewys van eise. £269/96—Coastal Distribution & Sales Close Co poration . ny 997- 07-02, 14:00, Magistrate, Port Elizabeth.

Further proof of claims. * : E86/96—Pioneer Liquor Store CC, in liquidation. 2 July 1997, 10: 00, Master, Grahamstown. To Prove claims.

~C733/95—Hume Tra sport (Pty) Limited, liquidation 8 July 1997, C ) Magistrate, Willowmore. To Prove | claims. N408/96—Insolvent « estate: H. F. Edgar. 97-07-04, 10: 00 Piétermaritzburg. Proof of claims. ° .

_13628/96—Insolvent estate: G A. and A. D. ™. Grace. A July: 1997, , Magistrate, Brakpan: ‘Adoption of resolution. 2. Proof ‘of claims. :

1619/97—Adriaan Boshoff ft Galery (Edms,) Bp, in n likwidasie, 2 Julie 1997, 10:00, Meester, Pretoria 1 anvaarding van voorgestelde resolusies, 2.. Bewys van eise.. : : oy

T1773/96—VDM Truck Services BK. 2 Julie 1997, 40: 00, Potchefstroom, Bowys v van cise. ket oats T890/96—P. D. Jansen van Rensburg. 2 Julie 1997, 10:00, Potchefstroom. Bewys van eise. 11824/96—DV King Die, ‘Sinkers & Engravers (Pty).Ltdyin i uidatio 97: 07-08, 09:00; Magistrate; Roodepoort Proof of

claims and interrogation of witnesses. a 13397/96—Insolvent estate: John Bennett: 97- , 09:00, Magistr.

-..1286/96--Insolvent. estate: ..Terrence Kelth: -and: Angeline. Ashwin. Proof of claims. an wvhe . 7 13585/96—Insolvente boedel: E. R. ‘Tischer. 22 Julie 1997, 09: 00, Landdros; Johannesburg: Bewys van. verdere eis.

sy -,7344/97—Insolvente. boedel: G..E..en. H.-F: Y¥ssel, 4-Julie 1997, 99:30, Landdros,: Germiston. Bewys:van:verdere eis: T49/96—Insolvente boedel: C. A. W. Wienand. 3 Julie 1997, 10: :00,. -Landdros, Vanderbijlpark.;Bewys van verdere eis.. T888/96—W. J. Swart. 1997- 07-04, 09:00, Alberton. Verdere bewys van eise.

'T2755/96—-Insolvent estaté: Lancé Kotton. 4997-07-08; 09:06, Magistrate; ‘Johannesburg: Further p of of claim. 11523/95—Insolvente boedel: C. A. Bisschoff. 7 Julie 1997, 10:00, Meester, Pretoria. Bewys van verdére eise: ©

lay, 14 July 1997, 09:00, Mastéi Cape own. Claims to be

Private Bag x901 9,

ourt, Randburg. Proof of claims.

7-01, ‘09; 00,.: ‘Magistrate's. Court Johannesburg

100 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE.1997

7418/96—Producers Television Network (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 97-07-29 and 97-07-30, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court,

Roodepcort. Interrogation of witnesses. , : a

71247/96—Gauteng Four Business Management (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 97-07-08, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court,

Johannesburg. Proof of claims. Be - .

72442/96—Interman Timber (Edms.) Bpk., in likwidasie. Dinsdag, 97-07-08, 09:00, Landdroskantore, Sabie. Bewys van

verdere eise. , , : 7 a .

-'[72746/96—-Business Communication Specialists (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 1997-07-10, 09:00, Insolvency Magistrate,

Johannesburg. Further proof of claims. Do a

C563/96—_Insolvent estate: C. J. and C. Groenewald. 97-07-09, 09:00, Magistrate, Kuils River. Proof of further claims.

C116/96—Renaissance Resorts Sanbonani (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 97-07-04, 11:00, Magistrate, Bellville. Proof of

further claims. : Bo , os

7873/96—K W Plase BK, in likwidasie. Maandag, 14 Julie 1997, 10:00, Landdros, Piet Retief. Bewys van verdere eise.

T3102/95—Landboukredietboedel: J. H. Visser. 4 Julie 1997, 08:30, Landdroskantoor, Delareyville. Spesiale vergadering

vir bewys van verdere eise. mo i

_ 7337/96—Insolvent estate: Nadia Jacobs.. 10 July 1997, 09:00, Magistrate,.Messina. Proof of claim.

13375/95—Kaan Eiendomme BK. 30 Junie 1997, 10:00, Meester, Pretoria. Om eise te bewys.

_ 7417/96—Sidney Henry en Johanna Susanna Moorcroft. 3 Julie 1997, 09:00, Landdroskantoor, Piet Retief. Spesiale

vergadering vir die bewys van laat eise._ oO

7T254/96—Roadgrip Gauteng (Pty) Limited, in liquidation. 97-07-11,.09:30, Germiston. Further proof of claims..

_ T2484/94—Insolvent estate: Hendrik Stephanus Coetzee and Sylvia Coetzee. 16 July 1997, 10:00, Benoni. Proof of

claims. B342/96—Insolvente boedel: C. R. Steyn. 25 Junie 1997, 10:00, Meester, Bloemfontein. Verdere eise te bewys.

” 73473/95—Van det Hoff Paneelkloppers BK, in likwidasie. 97-06-30, 10:00, Meester, Pretoria. Bewys van eis.

13720/95—Insolvente boedel: F. R. Merrick. 97-07-03, 10:00, Meester, Pretoria. Bewys van eis. .

- 71854/96—Shabulala BK, in likwidasie. 97-07-01, 10:00, Meester, Pretoria. Bewys van eise. —

T2082/96—Almax Engineering (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 97-07-08, 14:00, Fochville. Further proof of claims and interro-

gation of witnesses. re

- 72823/96—Slash Clothing Company (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 97-07-08, 09:00, Johannesburg. Further proof of claims and

interrogation of witnesses. SO ~

.73357/96—L G Metals CC, in liquidation. 97-07-11, 09:30, Germiston. Further sproof of claims and interrogation of

witnesses. oe, oo oe,

T1026/96—Elastex CC, in liquidation. 97-07-09, 09:00, Randburg. Further proof of claims and interrogation of witnesses.

72416/96—Spicer Edwards (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 97-07-08, 09:00, Johannesburg. Further proof of claims and interro-

gation.of witnesses, ; _ . cE A

Form/Vorm 4


Pursuant to section 108 (2) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 136 (2). of the: Companies Act, 1926, and

section 406 (3) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the liquidation. account and plans of

distribution or contribution in the estates or the companies mentioned below will lie open for:inspection by creditors

or contributories at the offices of the Masters and the Magistrates stated therein, for.a period of 14 days, or for such

a period as stated therein, from the date mentioned below or from the date-of publication hereof, whichever may

be the later date. “ ms

; The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and-description of estate/

company; description of account; account for inspection at Master’s.and Magistrate's office, date, period (if longer

than 14 days). os re



Ingevolge artikel 108 (2) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel 136 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel

406 (3) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat: die. likwidasie-, distribusie- of

kontribusierekenings in die boedels of die maatskappye, na gelang van die. geval hieronder vermeld, ter insae van

skuldeisers of kontribuante sal 1é te die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste daarin genoem, gedurende

tydperk van 14 dae, of die tydperk wat daarin vermeld is, vanaf die datum hieronder vermeld of vanaf die datum

van publikasie hiervan, watter datum ook al die laatste is. a

Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam.en beskrywing van

boedel/maatskappy; beskrywing van rekening; rekening ter insae by Meester- en Landdroskantoor, datum, tydperk

(indien langer as 14 dae). ;

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997, No. 18068 101°

B229/94—~Tielman van der Walt en Seuns Bpk., in likwidasie. Derde en Finalé Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester, Bloemfontein, en die Landdros, Boshoff. _ a. — re a , T298/96—J. G. en B. H. Coetzee. Eerste Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Pretoria, Brakpan.

T629/96—Benex Mining Supplies BK. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening.. Pretoria, Rustenburg. T61/96—Protea Labour Consultants BK. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Pretoria, Brakpan.. _13278/95—Reef Oil Supplies CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation. and Distribution Account. Master; Pretoria; — Magistrate, Alberton. 20 June 1997-4 July 1997. - a a 1367/96—Stand 502 Illiondale (Pty) Limited, in liquidation.. First and Final: Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Johannesburg. 20 June:-1997—4 July W997 T1007/96—Bowmet (Pty) Limited, in liquidtaion. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria; .

Magistrate, Germiston. 20 June 1997—4 July 1997. eT a es : T1524/96—Giomar Condiments CC, in liquidation. First and:Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria;

Magistrate, Randburg. 20 June 1997-4 July 1997. el Te, 13183/95—Insolvente boedel:.S. J. Robinson. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-:en Kontribusierekening. Meester, Pretoria;

Landdros, Johannesburg, vanaf'97-06-20. -2° 0.0 bn ed . oe Pee

C437/96—Temba Clothing (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation: First and Final’ Liquidation ‘and Distribution’ Aécount: Master, Cape Town. pe ee

E147/87—Gavin Eugene Everitt (now deceased), who traded as Gee Sales at First Floor, Brands: Building, corner of Oxford’ and’ Stephenson Streets, East London.’ Supplementary “First and’ Final Liquidation “and ‘Distribution Account. Grahamstown, EastLondon, 5 ea - oe

C286/96/6D—South Mechanical Contracting Company (Proprietary), in voluntary. liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of the Supreme Court, 14 days of date publications. Se E30/96—Jack Booty Electrical (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation, with registered office at 9 St Georges Road, Belgravia, East London, and formerly trading as City Armature Winders at Shop 28, SBDC Industrial Park, Arcadia, East London. Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Grahamstown, East London. OO So

£338/95—Astra Building Materials CC, in liquidation; formerly trading at 29 Calderwood Street, Queenstown. Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. Grahamstown, Queenstown. 7 oo poh, E131/96—Power Press E L CC, in: liquidation. with registered office at. 15. St-Matthews. Road, .East London, formerly

trading at Unit 8.5, SBDC Industrial Park, Arcadia. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Grahamstown, East London.’ *:.. > a

C453/96—R D D Consulting CC, in liquidation: First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account: Master, Cape Town. C615/94—Polera Construction (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Fourth and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master,

Cape Town; Magistrate, Bellville. L ve ae awe Ce a C218/95—Mewa Manufacturing Company (1989) (Pty) Limited, in liquidation. Second Liquidation and Distribution

Account. Master’s Office, Cape Town; and Magistrate’s Court, Goodwood, Durban and Kempton Park. _ C1213/94-Klix, Carpets (Pty) Limited, in. liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation and Contributi

Office, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Bellville; Goodwood: =) Ce C63/96—Steelwin Industries (Pty) Limited, in liquidation: Second Liquidation and ‘Distribution Account. Master's Office,

Cape Town; Magistrate’s Courts, Bellville, Stellenbosch. oe C608/95—Insolvent estate: Elizabeth Rene van der Merwe, Identity Number 3901100057088. First and Final Liquidation,

“Account, Master’s

Distribution and Contribution Account: Master the High Court; Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Wellington: C290/96—Berry & Donaldson. Freighter Services (Pty) Ltd.(Reg. No. 95/07223/07), trading as Chartfreight, in liquida-

tion. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the High'Court, Cape Town... , cu _C897/95—Insolvent estate: Dieter Dedekind, Identity Number 621015515708. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution:

Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town. , Joa C150/96—Insolvent estate: Evert Philipus Jakobus Terblanche, Identity Number 5004025072080. First Liquidation and

Distribution Account. Magistrate of the High ‘Court) Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Wellington. m8 -E183/94—Agricultural. Crédit Estate: .D: .H.. van Rensburg. Second: Liquidation. and. Distribution. Account. Master, -

Grahamstown; Magistrate, Graaff-Reinet. - , ; E184/94—Agricultural Credit Estate: J. C. van Rensburg. Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Grahamstown; Magistrate, Graaff-Reinet. © 2 oe em ay iS E186/94—Agricultural Credit Estate: Johnnie van Rensburg.Landgoed (Pty) Ltd. ‘Second ‘Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Grahamstown; Magistrate, Graaff-Reinet. . oe E187/94—Agricultural Credit Estate: Damplaas Landgoed (Pty) Ltd. Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master,

Grahamstown; Magistrate;:Graaff-Reinet. «.- mee ak nN ve E188/94—Agricultural Credit Estate: Addo Landgoed (Pty) Ltd. Second ‘Liquidation: and Distribution: Account: Master, :

Grahamstown; Magistrate, Graaff-Reinet:)- 2 0. eee St no E185/94—Agricultural. Credit. Estate: R:. van Rensburg.’ Second Liquidation’: and Distribution Account. -Master, —

Grahamstown; Magistrate, Graaff-Reinet. eT ey ka SY a Le tad Se 13878/95—Ventura Export Agents (Pty) Limited, in likwidasie. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie-

rekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdroskantoor, Randburg. EN C491/96—Insolvent estate: Johannes Petrus Winckler; First and Final Liquidation ‘and°Contribution Account. Master’s | Office, Cape Town. pees

n Kontribusie-

102 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

C418/95—Bowven Industrial Supplies CC, in liquidation..First Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master

of the Supreme Court, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Simonstown.

C383/95—Trans Cellular Systems (Pty) Ltd, in fquidation. First Liquidation ar and Distribution Account. Master, Cape" Town;

Magistrate, Bellville.

T2007/95—National Education. Co-Ordination Committee. First. and Final. Liquidation and Contribution Account.

Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Johannesburg. 97-06-20.

E185/96—Insolvent estate:. Jacobus Aucamp Snyman, formerly. farming at Tip: Tree, Elands River. First and Final

Liquidation and Distribution Account..Master of the Supreme Court, Grahamstown; Magistrate, Uitenhage.

N437/96/4B—Thompson Commercial Investments (Pty) Ltd, in voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and

Distribution Account. Master, Pietermaritzburg. -

N235/94—Ray’s Furniture Manufacturers and Distributors CC In. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution

Account Liquidation. Master of the High Court, Private Bag X9010, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate, Port Shepstone, Private Bag

X845, Port Shepstone, 4240.

N103/95—Insolvent estate: K. V. Berry. Second and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of ‘High Court,

Private Bag X9010, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

C486/95—Metropolis International (Pty) Ltd,. in liquidation. “Second and Final Liquidation and. Distribution Account.

Master, Cape Town.

E112/96—Look Good Clothing :CC, .in. ‘igudaton, First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master,

Grahamstown; Magistrate, Port Elizabeth.

C359/91—Insolvent estate: Werner Oehl. Supplementary Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master,

Cape Town; Magistrate, Bellville; Magistrate,.Robertson; Magistrate, Hermanus.

B105/95—Insolvente boedel: P. J. W. Buys. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, Meesier, Bloemfontein.

E29/93/3—Estelle Joan Pretorius. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Kontribusierekening. Grahamstad, Elliot.

E178/96/2C—Chavarim Investments CC. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master, Grahamstown;

Magistrate, Port Elizabeth,-from.20 June-.1997. _

72379/95—Insolvent estate: Rodney Aaron Selesnick. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the

Supreme Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Randburg, 20 June 1997 to 4 July 1997.

C1228/94—Patech (Pty) Limited, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Cape

Town; Magistrate, Stellenbosch... _

N232/95—Aloefield Property Investments (Proprietary) Limited. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.

Master’s Office, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate’s Office, Stanger, 20 June 1997.

E198/96/2B—Hamilton Trio. (Proprietary) Limited, in members voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account.

Master’s Office, Grahamstown.

T1088/95—Silverdale Plastics BK, in likwidasie. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en 1 Distribusierekening, Meester, Pretoria.

C97/96—Erf,459. Hawston (Pty) Limited, in liquidation. First Liquidation and: Distribution Account. Master, Cape Town;

Magistrate, George; Magistrate, Hermanus.

72606/95—Dabry. Restaurant BK. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-. en Kontribusierekening. Meester, Pretoria; Landdros,


T2614/95—PHD Projects (Edms.), Bpk. | Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- ¢ en Kontribusierekening. Meester, Pretoria.

C721/95—Insolvent- estate: The Elgin Trust. Amended First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Cape Town.

72794/94—Insolvente boedel: P. C. H. Jansen. Supplementére Rekening tot die Tweede en Finale Likwidasie- en

Distribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en die Landdros, Poigietersrus.

T1507/9—Insolvente boedel: R. en E. M. de Vries. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Kontribusierekening, Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en die Landdros van Evander.

_74445/94—Insolvente boedel: J. P..en P, A. Kotzé. Tweede Likwidasie- en -Distribusierekening. Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en die Landdros van Witbank: :

N567/95—West End Properties CG. First and Final. Liquidation and Distribution Account. Magistrate of the Court, Durban,

from 20 June 1997 until 14. July.1997 and Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg.

B331/95—Insolvente boedel: Jacobus Reinach, Identiteitsnommer 6201015042003, van Blouberglaan 34, Bainsvlei,

Bloemfontein. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-.en. Distribusierekening.. Meester, Bloemfontein.

£407/93—Fortlaide Motors BK (Reg. No. CK91/16127/23), in likwidasie, wat. handel gedryf het te Adelaide. Finale

Aanvullende Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester, Grahamstad; Landdros, Cradock.

£289/95—insolvent estate:.Larry John en Linda Elizabeth Rieder. Second. and Final Liquidation and Distribution

Account. Magistrate of Port Elizabeth and Master of Supreme Court, Grahamstown.

=204/96/B—Duncan van der Poel Investments (Pty) Ltd, in voluntary liquidation. Liquidator’s First and Final Lguidation

and Distribution Account. Grahamstown, East London.

C808/95—Insolvent.estate: D. J..en H. C. Africa. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Master of

the High Court, Cape Town, 8007.

C751/95—Insolvent estate: H..C,.K: Butcher. Third and Final Liquidation, and Distribution Account. The Master of the High

Court, Cape Town, 8001.

C868/95—Insolvent estate: D. A..V. and L..van Tonder. First.and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.

The Master of the High Court, Cape Town 8001; Magistrate, Strand.

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997 - Se No. 18068 103

B168/95—Drakensberg Botteliers (Edms.) Bpk., in likwiddsie. ‘Eerste Likwidasié-:en Distribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Bloemfontein; Landdros, Bethlehem, vir 14 dae vanaf 20 Junie 1997.

T1806/96—Clague, Marian Ann, vroeér van Zeerust. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en Landdros, Zeerust, 20 Junie 1997.

T1536/93—Van Rensburg, K.:S., vroeér van Klerksdorp. Eerste en Finale- Likwidasie-- ‘en Distribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en die Landddros, Klerksdorp. 20 Junie‘1997. - aa

M20/96NWP—Specifico (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution Account, Master; Mmbatho. T1903/92—Bearing Requisites (Natal) (Pty) Limited. Second and Final | Liquidation and: Distribution Account. Master,

Pretoria; Magistrate; Brakpan. 1T549/91—Douglas & Barry (Pty) Limited. Supplementary Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master,

Pretoria; Magistrate, Johannesburg. T331/95—Stuart David Atkins. First arid Final Liquidation and: Distribution ‘Account, Master, Pretoria: Magistrate,

Johannesburg. T2764/95—Insolvente boedel: Susanna Maria Magdalena van Schalkwyk.’ Eerste Likwidasie- en Distibusierekening

By die Landdroskantoor, Lichtenburg; en die Meester, Pretoria. N327/96—Leo Combrink Properties (Pty) Ltd. First Liquidation and: Distribution Account. Magistrate of the ® Court, Durban,

from 20 June1997 until 4 July 1997; Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg. C1004/94—Insolvent estate: Katz Salber & Company. Fifth Liquidation.and Distribution Account: Cape Town. C973/91—Insolvent estate: Barend Jacobus Engelbrecht. Fourth and 1 Final Liquidation and Distribution Acccount. Cape


C246/91—Sure Management a and Finance Services (Pty) Limited, in liquidation, Fighth Liquidation and Distribution Account. Cape Town, Goodwood.

C145/91—Robert Katz Factory Engineering Company (Pty) Limited, in liquidation. Second Amended, Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Cape Town, Wynberg:

C82/06—Mosselbank Ontwikkelings BK, in liquidation. Second Lavication and | Distribution ‘Account. Cape Town, Bellville, Vredenburg.

B304/96—Amarick Landgoed BK, in likwidasie. Eerste. en Finale Likwidesie Distribusie- “6m Kontbusiorekening, Bloemfontein, Koppies.

T3219/96—Jon War (Pty) Lid. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the Supreme Court, Pretoria; and the Magistrate’s Office, Heidelberg. For a period of 14 days from: Friday, 20-June'1997. ’ ,

T2318/96—J A La Grange Voélpark (Pty) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account: Master of the Supreme Court, Pretoria; and the Magistrate’s Office, Heidelberg. For a period of 14 days from Friday, 20 June 1997.

B276/94—-Ronnie Reed & Company Bloemfontein (Pty) Ltd, in vrywillige likwidasie deur ‘lede. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Bloemfontein. :

‘C642/96—Biesenbach and Africa Engineering CC, in liquidation: First Licuidation and Distribution Account. The Master, Cape Town; and the office of the Magistrate of Bellville.

T395/96—Insolvente boedel:Abraham Johannes Pistorius, woonagtig ‘te: Posbus 117, “Alma: Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Verdelings- en Kontribusierekening. Pretoria, die Landdros, Nylstroom.

11778/94—Insolvente boedel: Phillippus Daniél. .en Anna: “Susanna.: Christina Ackerman, woonagtig te | Hammersfeststraat 7, Valhalla, Pretoria. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie- en Verdelingsrekening. Pretoria. © ;

T3019/95—Insolvente boedel: Hendrik Barthlomeus en Francis Crous, woonagtig te Pointer Crescent 31, Garsfontein- uitbreiding 10, Pretoria. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Verdelingsrekening: Pretoria:

T4080/95—M I S Stationery Services Edms. Bpk., in likwidasie, geregistreerde adres te. d5ste | Laan 281, Villietia, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Verdelingsrekening. Pretoria.

T3680/94—Insolvente boedel: Johan Christian en Linda Viljoen, vvoorheen woonagtig te Wilheimstract 1146, Booysens, Pretoria. Tweede en Finale. Likwidasie- en Verdelingsrekening. Pretoria.” . °°.

11524/95—Insolvent estate: Claude and Martha Dorathea Beukes. First Supplementary First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Office of the Master of the. Supreme Court, Pretoria; and office of the Magistrate; Pretoria North.

72210/96—Insolvent estate: Jurgens Jacobus and Johanna Maria Viljoen. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Office of the Master of the Supreme Court; Pretoria; and office of the Magistrate; Berioni.

T1439/96—Insolvent estate: Abdul Aziz Hassim. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Office. of the Master of the Supreme Court, Pretoria; and office of the Magistrate, Middelburg, : Mpumalanga. «

N409/96—E E Transport Systems CC, in liquidation. ‘First Liquidation and Distribution Account Master's Office, Pietermaritzburg. : C84/96—Insolvent estate: D. E. Topham. First: and Final ° Liguidetion and Distribution Account. Master, Cape Town;

Magistrate, Wynberg. C933/95—Insolvent estate: N. J. Gloyn-Jones. First and Final Liquidation: and Distribution Account Masier, Cape Town;

Magistrate, Wynberg. C628/96—Autosense (Pty) Ltd, ‘jin: liquidation. -Second ‘Liquidation and: Distribution Account. ‘Master, Cape Town;

Magistrate, Stellenbosch, Jan Kemp- -dorp. C507/96—Insolvent estate: C..N. Karsten: Amended First and: Final ‘Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Cape Town; Magistrate, Bellville.

(104 No. 18068. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

C83/96—Insolvent estate: R. J. ‘Topham, First and: Final Liquidation and Distribution” Account. Master, ' “Cape Town,

Magistrate, Wynberg. ©

C17/97—Duraform Office Furniture cc, in nHqudation. First Lauidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master,

Cape Town, “Magistrate, Wynberg: : *

T2025/96—Wheather Woods BK. Eerste-en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Pretoria, Witrivier,

T2069/95—A. Christodoulou. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Pretoria. - -

7493/96—G. J: en Y. de Ridder, Eerste:en. Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en. Kontribusierekening. Pretoria.

T642/96—A. J. M. Kruger. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Pretoria, Klerksdorp.

7T3269/95—L. J. and M. A. Dyzel. ‘Second Supplementary. First and. Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master,

Pretoria, Magistrate, Brakpan. oe

T1295/96—V E B Nel. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. ‘Master, Pretoria.

1641/96—J. D. Bosman. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account: Master, Pretoria.

72674/96—N. M. Kwatsha. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria.

T1139/94—Welding & Cutting ‘Equipment (Pty) Lid, in fiquidation.” ‘First and Final Liquidation and. Distribution Account.

Master, Pretoria, Magistrate, Kempton Park. .

‘+ 7467/96—Specialised Publications (Py) Ltd, in’ liquidation: First and’ Final. Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master,

Pretoria, Magistrate, Johannesburg.

T2926/95—Wisdom Travel (Pty) Ltd, in: liquidation. ‘Supplementary First and: Final Liquidation. and. Distribution Account.

97-06-20 to 97-07-04, The Magistrates Court, Johannesburg and The Master of the Supreme Court, Pretoria.

7200/96—Wulf Sussmann. Enterprises (Vereeniging) CC.. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester,

Pretoria, Landdros, Vereeniging.

7426/95—Media Graphics (TvI) (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation, Amended Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution ‘and

Contribution Account. Pretoria and Johannesburg.

7195/95—Insolvent estate: Henry Arden Ford. First and Final’ Liquidation and Distribution Account. Pretoria arid Benoni.

, T2931/94—Insolvent éstate: S. and W. M. Lowton: First and Final Liquidation and: Distribution Account. Pretoria and


7416/96—Insolvent estate: Jacobus Maritz. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Aecount. Pretoria and Roodepoort.

-N83/95—Nic Estates CC. 97-06-03: Dividend . being. paid... B.. L. Kurz’ Stowell . ‘&Co., 295: Pietermaritz. Street,

Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

72830/95—Insolvent estate: Stephen Eric Gibson. :First and: Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 97-06-20 to

97-07-04, The Magistrates Court, Johannesburg and The Master of the Supreme Court, Pretoria.

T3639/96—Saxon Rigging CC, in liquidation. First.and Final Liquidation and Contribution, Account, 97- 06- 20t to 97-07- 04,

The Magistrates Court, Boksburg and The Master of the Supreme Court, Pretoria.

7100/97—Kragbou Konstruksie. BK, in. likwidasie. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, _Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening.

Meester van die Hooggeregshot te Pretoria. —

T121/96—Insolvente boedel: G. J. van der Merwe. Eerste Likwidasie- en _Distrbusiorekening Meester van die

Hooggeregshof te Pretoria en Landdros te Pietersburg. Se

7849/96—Erfplaas Landgoed (Edms.) Beperk. Eerste en Finale. Meester, Pretoria, Landdros, Brits.

T4742/94—Insolvente’ boedel: J.-M. Bezuidenhout. Gewysigde Eerste en: Finale Likwidasie-- en. Kontribusierekening.

Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, en Landdroskantoor, Ermelo.°-

72735/92—E.. D. Engelbrecht. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie- en Distbuslerekening Pretoria,. Pietersburg, en


12760/95—Koolguard (Pty) Lid, in likwidasie. Eerste en 1 Finale Likwidasie~ en : Kontribusierekening. ‘Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, vir 14 dae vanaf 97-06-20.

T361/96—Flashwood CC, in likwidasie. Eerste. en n Finale Likwidasie- Distribusie-¢ en Kontribusierekening. Meester.van die

Hooggeregshof,. Pretoria, vir 14. dae. vanat 97-06-20.

T1143/96—Insolvente boedel: J. c. Nieuwoudt. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, en n Distribusierekening Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, vir 14 dae vanaf 97-06- 20.

' T1973/96—Insolvente boedel: E. D. Phillips. Eerste: ‘én Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester

van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, en Landdroskantore, Johannesburg, vir 14 dae: vanaf 97- 06-20: oe

72243/95—Insolvent estate: A. H. -and:E. ‘M. ‘Olivier. First t Liquidation and Distribution: Account. Master, Pretoria; and

Magistrate, Heidelberg.

7297/96—Insolvent estate: D. and. £. M.:- Fourie: First. and. Fina Liquidation ‘and Distribution Account. ‘Master's Office,

Pretoria; and Insolvency Magistrate, Alberton; 97-06-20 to’ 97-07-04..- en Doe

72872/95—Insolvent. estate: W. L. and. C. A. Cheek. First and Final Liquidation and Distibution Account. Master, Pretoria:

and Magistrate, Middelburg.

T3408/95—Insolvent estate: NV. A. and N..J.. Pentz. Sedond, Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria; and

Magistrate, Johannesburg.

72884/95—Da Gama Essential Oils (Pty). Ltd, in liquidation. Third, Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria;

and Magistrate, Nelspruit. . OEE ORS CS hae 1 ees

’ 72307/95—Insolvent estate: Bastian. Philip and Ann Francis Lanser. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution

Account. Pretoria, Germiston. POR Si

/- STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 4 1997, No. 18068 105

-7563/96—Insolvent estate: Howard: Leon Croock. First Liquidation. and Distribution Account Pretoria, Johannesburg.

11256/95—Insolvent estate: John Montgomery h Moller. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Pretoria,

Randburg. ss me : Mage nea

T1 021/92—Insolvent estate: H. M. Kirchner. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Account: Pretoria, Brits.

T3454/91—Insolvent estate: George Hatzigeorgiou,: formerly: trading as Bimbo's. Rosebank. Redrawn First and Final

Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution’ Account. Pretoria, Johannesburg: ° Pee Ne Ba aha ce

74701/93—Insolvent estate: Colin C David Eustice. - Supplementary First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution

Account, Pretoria, Germiston. , - PU a

" 72644/95—Insolvent estate: J. J. W. and L. iM M. Marais. Amended First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master,

Pretoria; Magistrate, Brakpan.

T4009/95—Insolvent estate:: Johan Brits.. First. and Final. Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master,

Pretoria; and Magistrate, Springs. .

. 74344/93—Response Security cc. ‘Supplementary Second and Final Luin and Distribution Account. The Master of

the. @High Court, Pretoria; and the Magistrate, Benoni.

73201/93—Harhol ‘Property: Developers (Pty) Limited. ‘Second and: Final, Luin, ‘Distribution, and Contribution

Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; and the Magistrate, Germiston.

T2088/96—Carlo Conti. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. ‘Master of the High C Court, Pretoria ‘and the > Magistrate,


. 72820/95—Joseph John Ziade. First and Final” Liquidation: ‘Distribution and: Contribution Account: Master of the igh

Court, Pretoria; and the Magistrate, Johannesburg. _

T3505/95—Inter Commodity Trading CC. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the

High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate’s Randburg. and Johannesburg. :

T3272/92—Matwood Industrial. Painters. (Pty). Ltd, in liquidation, _Suppmentary. Second and ‘Final Liquidation and

Distribution Account. Pretoria, Germiston.

“11267/96——AL Electrical CC,:in liquidation. First; and ‘Final Liquidation Account, Pretoria, Evander, a

' 71912/93—Pinpoint Graphics (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation... First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.

Pretoria, Johannesburg.

‘T1960/93-——Pioneer Waterproofing ce, in lqudation. First and: Pinal Liquidation, Distribution cand: | Contribution Account.

Pretoria, Johannesburg. mS

” 72526/90—Klipbou (Pty) Ltd; in liquidation. Supplementary First and Final | lgudaton and Distibution Account: Pretoria,


: 74918/93—Kinetic Technologies (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Pretoria,

Kempton. Park. . .

. T3048/91—The ‘Roadhouse CC, in “iguidaton, First and Final Liguidation and Distribution. ‘Account. Pretoria,

Johannesburg. LS

T1954/93—Eastvaal: Hydraulic. & Preumatic CC, in -Niquidation.F First. and Final Liquidation ‘Account. Pretoria, Nelspruit.

T3116/93—Insolvent estate: William Robert Brits. First. and Final Liquidation, J Distribution: and Contribution Account.

~ Pretoria, Benoni: ees ve ee Sete

K57/95—Queen’ ‘s Loft BK, in likwidasie. Eerste e en Finale Likwidasie- en Ditibusireering Meesterskantoor, Kimberiey;

" Landdros, Kuruman: Ban a _ _€©763/90—Insolvent estate: John Walter Hammond, Identity Number 3609065014002. Third Supplementary Liquidation

and Distribution Account. Master’s Office, Cape Town; at the Magistrate’ s Office at Wynberg. e ;

_ _ €472/96—BCS, Wishbone CC (Reg. No. _CK95/39459/23), in. iguidation.. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution

Account. Master’s Office, Cape Town; at the Magistrate’s Office at Pretoria. oo

T466/92—Ancom Aviation Beperk, in likwidasie..Derde.Likwidasie- en sing Meester, Pretoria; Landdros, Johannesburg en Germiston, 97-06-20. to 97- 07- 04. = “4

T2090/95—Hectora Fruit:Products (Edms.)} Bpk., in: likwidasie: “Tweede- en Finale Likwidasie- en Distibuserekening

Meester, Pretoria; Landdros, Randburg, 97-06-20—97-07-04. : :

75187/93—Steyn’ Koekemoer Beaven Property Developers BK; in_likwidasie. Eerste en: Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie-

en Kontribusierekening. Meester, Pretoria; Landdros, Germiston: 97-06-20—97-07-04-.. :

* 72709/84—Insolvent ‘estaté: Albert’ Clegg, also: known as Albert: ‘Conroy. : Sixth Liquidation a and Distibution ‘Account.

Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Johannesburg, 97- 06- 20—97-07-04. ; OS

T3112/93—Lar Investments. (Edms.) Bpk., in likwidasie. Tweede Likwidasie- en Distibusierekening Meester, Pretoria;

-Landdros, Johannesburg, 97-06-20-—97-07-04. _ oe : : “

. E233/94/B—insolvent estate: Ludwig Llewelyn Strydom, an adult niiale attomey who fortheriy traded as Ludi Strydom and

. Partners Attorneys and a member of Bonzai Cash & Carry. cc. Fifth Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master's Office,

Grahamstown; Magistrate’s Office, Port Elizabeth.

106 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

E236/96/4B—Insolvent estate: Gavin Basil Olivier, Identity Number 6408125073057, formerly trading as Ark Industries,

and Helen Joy Olivier, Identity Number 5901020211185, formerly trading as Tam Sing Hardware who, at the time of seques-

tration resided at 14 Waldorf Villas, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master’s Office, Grahamstown; Magistrate’s Office, Port Elizabeth.

E5/95/1B—Muscovy Agencies Close Corporation, in liquidation, which corporation previously conducted the business of

specialist spray painting. Fourth.and Final Liquidation and-Contribution Account. Master’s Office; Grahamstown; Magistrate’s

Office, Port Elizabeth.

E36/96/3A—Escape Civils and Engineering Close Corporation, in liquidation, which corporation operated as a civil

engineer from premises situated at 94 Sutton Road, Sidwell, Port Elizabeth. Second Liquidation and Distribution Account.

Master’s Office, Grahamstown;: Magistrate's Office, Port Elizabeth.

E83/96—Insolvent estate: Jacobus Diane Moolman, First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.

Master, Grahamstown; Magistrate, Port Elizabeth.

7939/91—Hendrikus Koenraad Jurgens, Identiteitsnommer 3207225067105. Sesde Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening.

Meester, Pretoria; Landdros, Johannesburg.

N.204/96—E4-Ann Textiles CC, jin liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master,

Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate, Pinetown.

N419/96—Mikes Supermarket CC, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Pietermaritzburg;

Magistrate, Pinetown.

N354/96—Intent Property Developers (Pty) Ltd. First Liquidation 2 and Distribution Account. Master, Pietermaritzburg;

Magistrate, Durban.

N23/96—Coo-Ee Bottling Natal CC. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master,

Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate, Pinetown, 20 June 1997—4 July 1997.

T1093/93—-Language, Francis Joseph (art. 27) (estate i.t.o. section 27). Supplementary Second and Final Liquidation

and Distribution Account. Pretoria, Lydenburg.

T4180/93—insolvent estate: Kruger, Desmond Rudolph. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Pretoria, Middelburg.

T4463/93—Insolvent estate: Serfontein, R. K. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.

Pretoria, Graskop.

T799/95—H. F. dos Reis. Sesde en Finale Likwidasie- en Distripusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria;

Landdros, Lydenburg.

486/94—Insolvente bestorwe boedel: A. J. de Klerk Testa. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester,

Kaapstad; Landdros, Paarl.

T2743/95—Insolvente boedel: Castings & Paterns (Edms.) Bpk. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Kontribusierekening.

Meester, Pretoria. oe T38/96—Insolvent estate: C. J. Williams. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the Supreme

Court, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Alberton, 1997-06-20.. , 72290/96—Build Plumb and Tile CC. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the Supreme Court, Pretoria;

Magistrate’s Court, Johannesburg, 1997-06-20. ;

T2460/96—P. Joubert Bouers CC. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the Supreme Court, Pretoria;

Magistrate’s Court, Johannesburg, 97-06-20.

T2198/96—Goldstream Stores (Pty) Limited. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of

the Supreme Count, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Johannesburg, 1997-06-20.

T715/96—Eyescope CC, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria;

Magistrate, Johannesburg.

T2274/96—M & A Interiors (Pty) Ltd, in iquidaton First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria;

Magistrate, Johannesburg, Randburg.

7924/95— Insolvent estate: Jacobus Phillipus Vorster. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master,

Pretoria; Magistrate, Johannesburg.

7T3792/93—Insolvent estate: Lieb Johannes Rudolf van Jaarsveld. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution

Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Bronkhorstspruit.

72484/94—Insolvent estate: Hendrik Stephanus Coetzee and Sylvia Coetzee. First and Final Liquidation and

Distribution Account. Pretoria, Benoni.

T2642/95—Insolvent estate: Sharon Cooper. Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Pretoria,


72792/96—Insolvent estate: A Cc Barnard Trust No. 2716/93. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Pretoria,


. 73458/95—Sentinel Fencing Systems (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. Pretoria,


7T1281/92—Tiger Clothing Manufacturers (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.

Pretoria, Johannesburg. ;

T905/94—Time Land (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Finat Liquidation and Distribution Account. Pretoria, Johannesburg.

. STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997. .~- No. 18068 107

Form/Vorm 5..


The: iquidaticn: accounts anid plans of distribution: or: contribution it in: 1 the sequestrated estates or companies... being wound up, as the case may be, mentioned below having been confirmed on the date therein mentioned, -

notice‘is -hereby given, pursuant to section: 113 (1) of:the - Insolvency Act; ‘1936; ‘section 139 (2)-of the Companies Act;'1926, and séction 409 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, that dividends: are in the course of payment or contri- butions are in the course of collection in the said estates or companiés as ‘set forth’ below and ‘that every creditor” liable to: contribution is required to pay to the trustee or liquidator the’ amount’ for which he i iis liable a at the address mentioned below. . na -

. The ‘particulars are given in “the following order: ‘Number of ‘estate/company: + name. and description of.

estate/company and account; date when.account confirmed; whether a.dividend is Ss being paid 0 or contribution 1 being collected, or both, and name and 1 address of trustee or liquidator. ne ee tt



--Nademaal die likwidasierekenings en distribusie-.of kontribusierekenings. in die’ gesékwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie, na gelang van die geval, hieronder vermeld op die datums daarin vermeld, bekragtig is, word hierby ingevolge.artikel'113 (1).van die Insolvensiewet; 1936, artikel 139 (2):van die. Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel 409 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat uitbetaling-van dividende’ of insameling ‘van * kontribusies aan’ die: gang: is’ in genoemdé -boedels ‘of ' ‘maatskappye : soos ‘hiéronder’ uiteengesit en dat elke konttibusiepligtige ‘skuldeiser die bedrag ‘deur hom m verskuldig by die adres hieronder genoem aan die kurator of

likwidateur moet betaal. ,

Die besonderhede word verstrek i in die volgorde: Nommer van 1 boedel/maatskappy: n. naam en. 1 beskrywing van, boedel/maatskappy. en. rekening; datum waarop..rekening .bekragtig: is; of ’n dividend uitgekeer. of ’n kontribusie ; ingevorder word, of beide,.en naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur. roy

12177/96—Berg Berg Investments CC. 19 May 1997, Dividend paid. A. Levenstein, PO. Box’ 782712, “Sandton 2146.

_K2/96—Marguerida Smith, Mainweg 12, Kimberley. 1997-02-11. Beide. C.. J. de Jager, Posbus 609, Kimberley.

' N336/96—A.C-P. Manufacturing CC, in liquidation. First: Liquidation and Distribution Account. 30 May 1997. A dividend i is,

being paid. BOB Ten Brink Coopers & Lybrand, P.O. Box 54, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. oo

72375/96--Pressex Wholesale Distributors CC, in liquidation. ‘First and Final Liquidation’ ‘and: Contribution. 1997-05-27.

Contribution being collected. S. _ Trakman, clo Highveld Trust & Management Co. _ (PHY). Ltd, PO. Box A 10463, Johannesburg, 2000. |

C887/95—The Waterfront Wood Corporation CC, in liquidation, Second and Final Liguidation ahd Distribution Account. ~

1997-05-23. Dividend paid. B..N. Shaw, c/o:Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P.O: Box-4134, Cape Town, 8000.

C323/96—Lanoptics CC, in liquidation. First and’.Final Liquidation and Distribution: Account: 16:May 1997. Preferent..

dividend being paid. B::J: V.Durandt; Liquidator, c/o KPMG Administrators (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4609, ‘Caps ‘Town, 8000. : C33/96—Camdun CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 97-01 “07. Contribution - “being. collected. -:

Mr-H. M. M. Terblanche, P.O.:Box:323; Cape Town, 8000:

E64/95—St Aidan’s Court BK, in likwidasie. Supplementére. ‘Eerste en Finale : Likwidasie-, Distbusie en

Kontribusierekening..4-April 1997. Kontribusie gevorder. De Jager &,Lordan, Voortrekkerstraat.12, Alexandria, 6185. .

E357/93—CDL Beleggings BK, in likwidasie. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. 12 Mei 1997. Dividende - uitgekeer. De Jager, & Lordan, Voortrekkerstraat 12, Alexandria, .6185. . ——

T3302/95—Insolvente boedel: Jan Frederick Jacobus en Susanna Maria. van ‘Brummelen. ‘97. 06- 03. Versekerde

dividende. Constant Wilsnach, Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007... . Soe ,

T1074/93—Arkiko (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Second ‘Liquidation and Distiibution. ‘Q7- 05-23. Partial award to. a secured

creditor only. D. M. Lindup & 7. B. S. .Giddey, clo Highveld Trust & Management Co. (Pty) Ltd, PO. Box 10463, Johannesburg, 2000.

13259/95—Pam Zimerman Decorators CC, in liquidation. Second Liquidation and Distribution. 97-05-15. An award toa preferent creditor only: S: Trakman; c/o Highveld Trust & Management Co. (Pty) Ltd, ‘P.O: Box 10463, Johannesburg, 2000.

C525/95—Montenorm Building Systems (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation ¢ and Distribution Account:

26 May 1997. Preferent dividend being paid. 'B. J: V. Durandt-& J.J. “Steénkamp’ Joint Liquidators’ c/o" KPMG: Administrators (Ply) Ltd, P.O. Box 4609, Cape Town, 8000.

- €1021/95—Joint Home Investment Services CC, inliquidation. Sécond Amended First'and Final Liquidation, Distribution

and Contribution Account. 30 May 1997. Secured dividends being paid and contribution levied. B. J. V. Durandt; If Liquidator, c/o"

KPMG Administrators (Pty)‘Ltd, P.O.:Box. 4609, ‘Cape Town,’ 8000. - BOT EL LUE Sg i

108 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

£210/96—Insolvent estate: Enver Gora Mohamed, who formerly conducted business.as Q8 Auto, at 113-Cathcart Street,

Queenstown, and at 87 Buffalo Road, King William’s Town, and: King Auto Centre, at 11. Ayliff Street, King William’s Town, and

- resided at 9 Dan Pienaar, King William’s Town. 4 June 1997. Secured awards due to be Paid. Andrew Stuart.Paterson, Third

Floor, CNA Building, 37 Union Street, East London... .. «.

B353/95—Insolvente boedel: J.J. P. Labuschagne., Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en. Distribusierekening, 2 Junie 1997.

__Dividende word uitgekeer. A. H. Taute, vir Schoeman, Maree Ing., Posbus 3293, Bloemfontein. .

T1377/95—FCS. Olifants BK, in vrywillige likwidasie. 1997-06- 04. Dividend. uitkeer, Lubbes, Posbus 1353, Pretoria, 0001.

C522/96/2B—J.. A. L. Convenience Stores CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution

Account. 1997-04-22. Dividend paid contribution levied. B. N. Shaw, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4134,

Cape Town, 8000.

B326/96—Naude Vennote (Edms.) Bpk., in vrywillige likwidasie. 97- 05-16. Dividend. A. J. Comelissen, p.a. Cornelissen

& Vennote, Posbus 555, Welkom, 9460.

T1752/96—Furniture Enterprises (Pty) Ltd. 97-05-15. Dividend. Dave Oshry, Second. Fioor, RB House, 141 Greenway,

Greenside, Johannesburg, 2193; P.O: Box 84484, Greenside, 2034. -

T3714/94—Ruimsig Project Management (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.

23 May 1997. Dividend to secured and concurrent creditor. T. A. P. du Plessis, Liquidator, clo KPMG Administrators, 19th Floor,

Carlton Centre, Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. |

T564/96—La Vie Nouvelle (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution and Contribution Account.

- 27 April 1997. Contribution to be collécted. T. A. P. du Plessis, Liquidator, c/o’ KPMG Administrators, 19th Floor, Carlton Centre,

Commissioner Street, Johannesburg.

B241/95—Insolvenite boedel: Ronald van Domimelen en Hermina van Domimelen, voorheen van Adamstraat 35,

Sasolburg. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. 97-05- 27. Dividende uitgekeer. R. D. du Plessis, Posbus 12012,


K48/95—Wilko Kontrakteurs BK, in likwidasie. 3 Junie’ 1997. Dividende betaalbaar. A. P. A. Venter, p.a. Duncan &

Rothman, Posbus 64, Kimberley, 8300.

C620/95—D’Argent Jewellery Manufacturers 5 (Pty) Lid, in “liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution

Account. 20 May 1997. Preferent awards. L. Beddy, Republic Trustees, P.O..Box 4300, Cape Town, 8000.

C1044/95—Insolvent estate: A. J. Fourie, First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 2 June 1997. Contribution

- levied secured. award. E: D. James, Republic Trustees, P.O. Box 4300, Cape Town, 8000.

C74/92—Insolvent estate: M. E. Patel. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 30 May 1997.

Concurrent Awards. E. D. James & B. Smith; Republic Trustees, P.O. Box 4300, Cape Town, 8000.:

C49/96—industrial Frozen Supplies CC, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 97-05-23. Dividend to

secured creditors:.John Chippindall Crook and. Patricia Anne Grobbelaar, c/o Stanhope: Trustees, 201 Stanhope Building,

227 Main Road, Claremont. ~

C591/96—Viewpoint Distributors CC, in n liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 97-05-27.

Contribution. payable. by applicant creditor. John Chippindall. Crook and Patricia Anne Grobbelaar, c/o Stanhope Trustees,

201. Stanhope Building, . 227 Main Road, Claremont. .

'. 748/95—Four Queens (Pty) Ltd, in voluntary liquidation. 1997-05- 29, Dividend being. paid: Leonard C, Furman, c/o Levitt

Kirson, P.O. Box 1523, Johannesburg, 2000.

T3971/95—Metal Agencies (Pty) Limited. First Liquidation and Distribution ‘Account. ‘97- 05: 28, Dividend paid.

J. L. C. Fourie & F. G. Gay, c/o Antrust (Pty) Limited, 15th Floor, Metal Box Centre, 25 Ow! Street, Auckland Park, Johannesburg.

T4694/94—Varsitech Sports BK, in likwidasie. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Kontibusierekening. 3 Junie 1997. Geen toekennings. Constant Wilsnach, Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.

N151/96—Fernandez Family Trust. 97- 05- 26. Dividend being paid. J. D. Michau, for Stowell & Co., 295 Pietermaritz

Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. ,

N258/96—12 Kloof Villas CC. 97- 06- 03. Contribution being collected. M. J, ‘Hancock, for Stowell & Co., 295 Pietermaritz

’ Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

N451/95—Data Site Projects (Natal) (Pty) Ltd. 97- 06-02. Dividend being paid. J. D. Michau and B. L. Kurz, for Stowell &

* Co., 295 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

K40/95—Insolvent estate: Willem Johannes Andries Bergh. 1997-06-02. Dividend being ‘paid. J. ‘J. Rousseau and

C. J. Venter, Trustees, for Cape Trustees Limited, 18th Floor, 2 Long Street, Cape Town, 8001. ~~

' ¢€979/93—De Kock Beukes (Edims.) Beperk, in Jiquidation’ 1997-05-30. Dividend being” paid. J. J. Rousseau en

-G. C. Kachelhoffer, Liquidators, for Cape Trustees Limited, 18th Floor, 2 Long Street, Cape Town, 8001:

C828/95—National Retreaders (Pty) Limited, in liquidation. 1997-06-03. Dividend being paid. R. J. Walters, Liquidator,

for Cape Trustees Limited, 18th Floor, 2 Long Street, Cape Town, 8001.

T1354/96—Insolvente boedel: ‘G..'H. en- A.: M. van Heerden. : Eerste “en Finale: Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en

Kontribusierekening. 9 Junie 1997. Versekerde toekennings. Constant Wilsnach, Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.

C123/96—N MT Control-CC, in liquidation. 97-06-05. Dividend payable. S. W.:de- Wet, c/o S. W. Trustees, Ninth Floor,

Sanbel Building, Sanlamhof, 7532.

N625/95—Insolvent estate: Michelle & Ashley Christian Fourie, Identity numbers: 6203250041088 and 4909275098002,

25 March 1962:and 27 September 1949. 29 May 1997. Dividend is Payable. « John: Morland Wallace, clo Venn Nemeth & Hart,

281 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg. Lay boy Le

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997 ~ No. 18068 109

: N231/96—Gocke Textile Manufacturers CC, in liquidation. First Liquidation and. Distribution Account. 3 June 1997.

A dividend is being paid: B. Ten Brink, for Coopers & Lybrand, P.O. Box 54, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

‘B272/95—Insolvente boedel: Joharines Wilhelm Nicolaas Slabbert, wie voorheen handel gedryf het onder die naam

Ju’s Cycles. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. 97-05-21. Uitkeer van diwidend: aan voorkeurskuldeiser.

Gersohn & Paola-‘Ing., Grondvloer, Fairview, Mansionsgebou, Steynstraat 33 (Posbus 101); Kroonstad, 9500.

B102/96—Insolvente boedel: Johannes Petrus Smit, en Anna Magdalena (Annetjie) Smit, getroud binne gemeenskap

van -goedere met mekaar, ‘tydens: ‘sekwestrasie woonagtig te Hartleystraat 37, Kroonstad, en wie handel gedryf het onder die

naam Die Kosplek, te lide Laary 40, Welkom. 2 Junie 1997. Dividende slegs aan voorkeur/versekerde skuldeisers. Francis

Jpseph Errol Paola, p.a. Gersohn & Paola Ingelyf, Posbus 101, Kroonstad, 9500. a B505/93—Insolvente boedel: Robert Bernard Millward. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie- en ‘Distribusierekening. 19 Mei

1997. Konkurrente dividende betaalbaar. Charl Johannes Stander, Kurator, p.a. Lovius- Block, Grondvioer, Standardbankgebou,

Wesburgerstraat 15A, Bloemfontein.

E100/96—Basic Props BK, in likwidasie. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. ‘20 Mei 1997. “Preferente

_ dividende. Charl, Johannes Stander, Likwidateur, . P.a. Lovius- Block, Grondvloer, Standardbankgebou, Wesburgerstraat 15A,


T4134/94—K-LAB cc. 13 May 1997. Dividend. Stuart Willian Esterhuysen, ‘c/o Stuartrust (Pty) Ltd, PO. Box 1091,

Magaliessig, Bryanston, 2067.

E362/95—Insolvente boedel: John Henry Stow Bosch. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. 30 Mei 1997.

Dividende uitgekeer. De Jager & Lordan, Voortrekkerstraat 12, Alexandria, 6185.

E31/96—Insolvente boedel: Jacobus Johannes Kruger. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-- en Distiibusierekening. 14 Mei

1997. Dividende uitgekeer. De Jager & Lordan, Voorirekkerstraat 12, Alexandria, 6185.

E152/96—Juneels Hardware BK, in likwidasie. Eerste Likwidasie- en Distibusierekening. 27 Mei 1997. Dividende

uitgekeer. De Jager & Lordan, Voortrekkerstraat 12, Alexandria, 6185.

E190/89—Insolvente boedel: Arthur Philip Milns. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie- en Kontribusierekening. 30 Mei 1997.

Kontribusie gevorder. De Jager & Lordan, Voortrekkerstraat 12, Alexandria, 6185. .

E105/95—Insolvente boedel:. Francois Jacobus. Lotter. Eerste Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening.. 30 April. 1997.

- Dividende uitgekeer. De Jager:&.Lordan, Voortrekkerstraat 12, Alexandria, 6185.

T3619/95—Insolvent estate: Trevor. Venter. First Liquidation and. Distribution Account. 97- 06- 04. Secured award paid.

P. A. Cronjé, P.O. Box 17300; ‘Pretoria North:

T944/96—Jet Aviation Two CC; ‘in liquidation. First and Final. Abatement Account. 97-05-30. No distribution made.

P. A. Cronjé, P.O. Box 17300, Pretoria North:

7T2829/94—Leeukraal Edms. Bpk:, in likwidasie. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie- en Verdelingsrekening, 97- 05-29. Dividend

betaalbaar aan versekerde en konkurrente. skuldeisers. Mnr. P. D. Kruger, p.a. Cape Trustees Bpk., Vierde Verdieping, Bureau

Forum, Bureaulaan, Pretoria, 0002. -

72207/94—P C Ontwikkelars BK, in likwidasie: Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en. Verdelingsrékening. 1997- 05-30.

Dividende betaalbaar aan voorkeur en konkurrente skuldeisers. Mnr. J. H. van Rensburg, p.a.. Cape’ ‘Trustees Bpk., Vierde

‘Verdieping, Bureau Forum; Bureaulaan, Pretoria, 0002.

T2194/96—Goedvoor Boerdery BK. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- ‘en Distribusierekening. 29 Mei 1997. Dividende word

uitgekeer. W. Hogewind, Posbus: 70866, Die Wilgers, 0041.

- -71341/96—H. M. Blignaut. Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. 1 18 8 Apr 4997. Geen. J..H: du: Plessis & W. : Hogewind,

Posbus 70866, Die Wilgers, 0041. 9° ee 7440/96—Trekpad Boerdery Edms. ‘Bpk., in likwidasie. Eerste en: “Finale. Likwidasierkeneing, .1997-06- 04: Tekort

Mnr..J. S. Venter, p.a. Cape Trustees Bpk., Vierde Verdieping;. Bureau Forum, Bureaulaan, Pretoria, 0002. —

T1530/94—Insolvente boedel: H. K. A. Kok. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie- en Verdelingsrekening. 1997-05-23.: Dividende

betaalbaar aan bewese skuldeiser. Mnr. J. Z: H. Miller, p.a. Cape Trustees > BPK Vierde Verdieping, Bureauforum,. Bureaulaan,

Pretoria, 0002. oe sd

T1423/92—Insolvente boedel: wu P. Smit (Snr). “Supplementére Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en 1 Verdelingsrekening,

1997-05-30. Geen dividende betaalbaar nie. Mnr. P. D: Kruger, p.a. Cape Trustees BPk Vierde Verdieping, F Bureauforum,

Bureaulaan, Pretoria, 0002. T946/92—Insolvente. boedel:. N. P. Je ‘en E. H. Kriek. Eerste en Finale. Likwidasie- en \Verdelingsrekening, 1997- 05-22.

Dividende betaalbaar. aan bewese. skuldeisers. Mar. P. D.: Kruger, | P. a. Cape Trustees Bpk., Vierde Verdieping, Bureauforum,

Bureaulaan, Pretoria,.0002. oo

T479/96—Insolvente boedel: N. C. Goosen. Eerste. en Finale Likwidasie- en Konttibusierekening, 1997-06- 02.:Kontribusie

verhaalbaar. Mnr. J.:S. ‘Venter, p.a. Cape Trustees Bpk., Vierde Verdieping, Bureauforum, Bureaulaan, Pretoria, 0002.

T1780/94—Insolvente boedel: N. .J. Barwise. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie-, Verdelings- en Kontribusierekening.

1997-06-03. Kontribusie verhaalbaar.-Mnr. P. D. Kruger, p.a. Cape Trustees. Bpk., Vierde > Nerdieping, Bureauforum, Bureaulaan,

Pretoria, 0002.

T1090/92—Insolvente boedel: F. J. en R..J: Snyders. Eerste: en Finale Likwidasie-,. Veldelingd- en. Kéntribusterekening,

1997-05-30. Dividend betaalbaar.aan versekerde‘skuldeiser en kontribusie verhaalbaar. Mar. P. D. Kruger, P. a. Cape Trustees

Bpk., Vierde Verdieping, Bureauforum, Bureaulaan, Pretoria, 0002. -

110 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 20 JUNE 1997

7314/95—Insolvente boedel: F. J.:Bezuidenhout. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Verdelings- en Kontribusierekening.

1997-05-24. Kontribusie verhaalbaar. Mnr. J. H. van n Rensburg, p.a. Cape Trustees Bpk., Vierde Verdieping, Bureauforum,

Bureaulaan, Pretoria,.0002.. .

T478/96—Insolvente vennootskapsboedel: Sirlion Steak House & Coffee Bar, Eerste ¢ en Finale Likwidasie-, Verdelings-

en Kontribusierekening.: 1997-05-29. Dividend betaalbaar aan versekerde. skuldeiser. en kontribusie verhaalbaar. Mnr. ‘J. S.

Venter, p.a. Cape Trustees Bpk., Vierde Verdieping, Bureauforum, Bureaulaan, Pretoria, 0002. ..

T2814/96—Insolvent estate: A. S.. Cory. 1997-06-05. Awards. to secured: creditors. Verne Anthony van Diggelen, Trustee,

for Limvaal Trustees, P.O. Box 95002, Waterkloof, 0145.

11979/96—Insolvent estate: Willem Jacobus van Schalkwyk. 1997- 06- 09. “Awards: to. secured creditors. ‘Verne Anthony

van Diggelen, Trustee, for Limvaal Trustees, P.O. Box 95002, Waterkloof, 0145.

.11831/95—Solair CC, in liquidation. 1997-06-09. Awards to. preferent and secured creditors: Verne Anthony van Diggelen,

Liquidator, for Limvaal Trustees, P.O. Box 95002, Waterkloof, 0145:.

T590/95—Hi-Gro Saligna (Pty) Limited, in ‘liquidation. 1997-06- 05. “Awards: to. 6 all creditors. Verne e Anthony van Diggelen,

Liquidator, for Limvaal Trustees, P.O. Box 95002,.Waterkloof; 0145.

C463/94/3B—tInsolvent estate: P.'G. A. Johnstone.’ 1997- 05-08: First and Final: Liquidation and Distribution Account.

C. M. Hathorn, P.O Box 1139, Cape Town, 8000. :

T884/95—XL Construction & Manufacturing (Py) Lid. 6 Junie 1997. Voorkeur, versekerde en konkurrente dividend.

T. Wouda, Posbus 1990, Pretoria. :

T3820/94—J. C. D. Potgieter. 2 Junie 1997. Voorkeur en konkurrente dividend. L. Klopper uns, Posbus 1990, Pretoria.

T5286/92—GTW Trading CC. 21 Mei’1997. Voorkeur dividend. 'L. Klopper (Jnr), Posbus: 1990, Pretoria.

73314/93—Ballantine Groblersdal (E) Bpk. 30 Mei 1997. Voorkeur en konkurrents: dividend. V. A. van Diggelen, Posbus

' 1990, Pretoria.

T3804/94—L. R. Dreyer. 31 Oktober 1996: Voorkeur en ‘konkurrente dividend. ‘T. Wouda, Posbus 1990, Pretoria.

-T2421/95—M. F. van der Merwe. 3 Junie-1997. Versekerde dividend en kontribusie. T. Wouda, Posbus 1990, Pretoria.

T714/96—A. van:der Merwe. 23 Mei 1997: Voorkeur, versekerde en konkurrente dividend. T. M. Wouda, Posbus 1990,


7358/96—K. A. and M, C: Nicholl, 1997-06-06. Dividends. P. B: van Rooyen Trustees, ‘P.O. Box 13799, Sinoville, 0129. T2401/96—J. J. and L. du Plessis. 23 Mei 1997. Dividends: P. B. van Rooyen Trustees, P.O. Box 13799, Sinoville, 0129.

T2029/96—D. B: Hepburn. 1997- 05- 30. ‘Dividends and contribution. P.B. van n Rooyen Trustees, P.O. Box 13799, Sinoville,


T3844/93—G. D. Kleynhans. 4997-06-10. Dividends. P. B. van h Rooyen Trustées, P.O. ‘Box 13799, Sinoville, 0129.

T2829/95—Insolvent estate: P. Botes. 30 May 1997. Contribution to be collected. _ 13492/95—Insolvent estate: H. E. and B. Enslin. 3 June 1997. Contribution to be collected, distribution to be paid.

T640/96—Rosenov. Investments (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 97-05-29. Payment of dividends. First and Final Liquidation and

Distribution Account. |

T3543/95—Insolvente boedel: O. Horlacher. Eerste « en Finale Likwidasierekening. 97- 06-04. d. -H. du Plessis, for Newcor

Trustees, Posbus 2585, “Randburg, 2125.

7339/95—Insolvente boedel: A. P. Burger. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. 97- 05- 30. Distribusie.

J. H. du Plessis, for Newcor Trustees, Posbus’ 2585, Randburg, 2125. —

T582/96—N. H. Nel. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. 1997- 06- 02. Dividende uitgekeer. J. M. Qelofsen,

Privaatsak X10, Westgate, 1734.

C1014/95—Insolvent estate: Frank Cyril ltarris “Schuman. 97-04- 02. “Dividend being paid, and contribution being

collected. Mr H. M. M. Terblanche, P.O. Box 323, Cape Town, 8000. lk

CA4776/6A—Lands and Minerals ‘Limited, in liquidation. Ninth Supplementary Second. and Final Liquidation and

Distribution. 22 May 1997. Dividend. J. McClelland, P.O. Box 3262, Johannesburg, 2000...

T1694/96—Lizandre’s Factory Fashions CC, in likwidasie, ‘97-05-21. Kontribusie. Haasbroek 8 Boezaart Ing.

T234/95—Insolvente boedel: D. A. Meintjies. Eerste- en. Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. 97-06-11.

Dividende moet uitbetaal word en kontribusie gevorder word, c. H. J. Barnard, p. a. Fort Trustees (Edms.) Bpk., Posbus. 4636,

Pretoria, 0001. T3902/95—Clean Care Refill Systems CC, in likwidasie.. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Kontribusierekening.- 97- 06- 11.

Dividende moet uitbetaal word en kontribusie gevorder word. Ferdinand Zondagh, P: ‘a. Fort Trustees (Edms.). Bpk., Posbus

4636, Pretoria, 0001.

T1973/95—Robitech (Pty) Ltd, in likwidasie. Eerste ¢ en Finale Likwidasie- en 11 Kontribusierekening, 97- 06- 10. Dividende

moet uitbetaal word. en kontribusie gevorder te.. word... F. Zondagh,. PA. Fort. Trustees (Edms.) Bok, Posbus 4636,

Pretoria, 0001. :

T1517/92—Insolvente boedel: .P. R.. de Wet. Supplementére. Eerste en- Finale Likwidasie- en. Distribusierekening.

97-06-06. Dividende moet uitbetaal word. F. Zondagh, p.a. Fort Trustees (Edms.) Bpk., Posbus 4636, Pretoria, 0001.:

T1839/96—Ypsilanti Autoparts CG, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 97-05-14. Dividend

to secured and preferent creditors only. Reuben Miller, for RMG Trust CC, P.O. Box 983601, Sandton, 2146:

T2521/95—Insolvente boedel: F. en G..M.de Bruin. Eerste :Likwidasie- en | Distribusierekening, 97-03-25: Versekerde

dividende betaal. P. Fourie, vir Cooper Trust, Posbus 411529, Craighall, 2024...

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997-0 NO. 1 18068 111

-72721/95—Insolvent estate: C. B. Nolte. Second and Final ‘Liquidation ‘and’ Distribution Account. ‘97- ‘05- 80. Dividends to

be paid. T. G. Hodgson, c/o Justice Trust, P.O. Box 397, Paulshof, 2056,

T4116/94—Insolvent estate: J. C. Nell. First Liquidation | and Distribution. Account. 97 06- 05. ‘Re ‘dividend to be: paid.

T. G. Hodgson, c/o Justice Trust, P.O. Box 397, Paulshof, 2056.

T1124/94—Insolvent estate: D. E. M. and M. J: M. Janse van Rensburg, Second. Liuidtion and Distribution / Account.

97-05-20. A dividend to be paid. T. G. Hodgson, c/o Justice Trust, P.O. Box 397; Paulshof,; 2056. :

- T3840/95—Insolvent estate: M. A. Kelly. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 97- 06- 05. A dividend to be paid,

T. G. Hodgson, c/o Justice Trust, P.O. Box 397, Paulshof, 2056.

72207/93—Unathi Doors (Edms.) Beperk, in likwidasie. 20: Met: 1997; ‘Tweede Lukwidasie en: Distrbusierkening

B. G. Smit, Posbus 208, Johannesburg, 2000.

T913/96—Astro Crane Hire & Rigging CC. 97-05- 29, Contribution to be waived. M. Schmit, eo Resolution Trust

Company (Pty) Limited, Seventh Floor, 66 Smal Street, Johannesburg, 2001.

T3136/93—Insolvent estate: Susanna Josina Hough. First and Final Liquidation: and. Contribution. Account: 23: 3 May 1997.

Contribution to be levied. J. H. Blignaut, for Syfrets Board of Trustees (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 3119, Parklands, 2121.

7T4041/95—Fibreglass Development Company (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 1997-05-30. Dividends to secured and preferent

' creditors. B. B. Nel, c/o Coopers & Lybrand Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 139, Johannesburg, 2000: : ”

, T4534/93—Insolvent estate: A. H. and E. C. Stander. Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution. ‘Account. 1997- 04- 07.

” Awards to secured and concurrent creditors. S. W. de Wet, c/o Coopers & Lybrand Tr Trust st (Pty) Ltd, P.O: Box 1: 139,: Johannesburg, 2000.

T1442/95—Insolvent estate: J. G. Grobler. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 1997- 04- 24, Awards to secured: and

“preferent creditors. P. G. Torre and B. B. Nel, c/o Coopers & Lybrand Trust (Pty).Ltd; .P.O.-Box:139; Johannesburg, 2000. -

T196/96—Insolvent estate: J. G. Oosthuizen. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 1997-04-08. Dividend to secured

creditors. P. G. Torre, c/o Coopers & Lybrand Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 139, Johannesburg, 2000.

72376/95—Elgar Motors (Pty) Limited, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 1997- 05-30.

Dividend to secured and preferent creditors. B. B. Nel and F. G. Gay, clo Coopers & Lybrand Trust (Pty). Ltd,.P.O. Box 139,

Johannesburg, 2000.

N248/91—Mike Brown Motors (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Fourth, Supplementary. Liquidation and Distribution Account,

1997-04-19. Dividends being paid. Graham Bryan Perry, P.O. Box 388, Durban, 4000. -

N458/91—Insoivent estate: J. G. Billson. Seventh and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 3. June 1997. Adividend

is being paid. B. ten Brink, for Coopers & Lybrand, P.O. Box 54,. Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

T953/96—Botha, Christiaan Alexander Schumyn. 97-06- 09. Uitkeer van dividende. B. G. S.. de; ‘Wet en V. A. van Diggelen, Posbus 16185, Doornfontein.

T1577/96—Mahem Vervoer (Edms.) Bpk., © in: likwidasie. ‘97- 06- 09. ‘Uitkeer, van, dividende,

P. H. Hamman, Posbus 16185, Doornfontein.

T2563/96—Kanimambo Guest Farms BK, in likwidasie. 97- 05- 30. ‘Kontribusie te vorder, C. F de Wei, Posbus 16185, | Doornfontein.

N253/95—Minrod Investments (Pty) Ltd, in member's. voluntary iquidation, 97- 05- 30. ‘Dividend. J E. ‘Ss. Weyiark P.O. Box 859, Durban, 4000.

N91/96—Safco (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 97-05- 29. Dividend. J. E. ‘Ss. “Waymark, P.O. Box 859, Durban, 4000,

N90/96—Insolvent estate: S. I. Amod. First Account. 97- 06-02. Secured award. G J. Sherriff, PO. Box 1050, Durban,

4000. .

N147/96—Insolvent estate: J. and A. Cloete. First and Final Acgount, 97- 06- 04, Secured award and contribution levied.

G. J. Sherriff, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000.

T1533/93—Insolvent estate: Coleman, Samantha Theresa Tracy. 97- 05- 29. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution .

Account. F. A. Basson, P.O. Box 3127, Pretoria, 0001. ,

T1091/96—K. R. A. Frost. 97-05-03. Gewysigde’. Derdé en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontrbusierekening,

Dividende betaalbaar en Kontribusie vordeér. Anne-Marie de Witt;.Posbus 5801, Pretoria, 0001. ,

' 72720/94—Stand 1076 Morningside (Pty) Limited, in voluntary liquidation, Supplementary First and Final Liquidation,

Distribution and Contribution Account. 1997- 03-14. Dividends being paid: Mr K.’E. Taub, c/o Bloch ‘Gross & Associates, . P.O. Box 899, Pretoria,.0001.

T3714/95—Insolvente: boedel: B.°u. en E. Hanekom. 1997- 05- 30. Divideride betaal te word. "Sybrand Slot, Klein- Slot. Trustees, Posbus 33333, Glenstantia, 0010.

T362/96——Insolvente boedel: M. C. Eksteen. -1997- 05- 16. Dividend betaal te word. Sybrand Slot, Klein: Slot Trustees, : Posbus 33333, Glenstantia, 0010.

E143/96/i—Pieter George en Helene Sophia la Cock, Eerste en Finale ‘Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. 97- 05- 30. Dividend. Dawid J. Strauss, Strauss Trustees BK, Posbus 202, Joubertina, 6410.

R96/96—Waterfront Divers, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie= en Distribusierekening. 97- ‘05- 30. Dividend. Dawid J. Strauss, Strauss Trustees BK, Posbus 202, Joubertina, 6410. ,

E330/95/4—Humewood Service Station CC; in: voluntarily: liquidation. “4997- 05- 07. Dividend being paid. Johan v van n der

Ryst, c/o Trevor Wait & Partners, 39 Baird Street (P.O. Box 477), Uitenhage, 6230. : - 787/96—Techniprojects CC. 97-06-04.. First and ‘Final’ Liquidation and Contribution Account. aus sini clo Maurice

Schwartz Venter & Associates, P.O. Box 1474, Johannesburg. a

“GS. s. de Wet en

112 No. 18068... .. ... .. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

7T2824/94—Samuel John Bezuidenhout, Eerste Likwidasie- ‘en’ Distribusierekening, 1997-06-05. Dividende word

uitgekeer. A. P. Senekal, Posbus’ 582, Lichtenburg, ‘2740. :

7T3764/95—Insolvent estate: Johannes George and Sarelda Kock, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.

97-05-30. Dividends..T.,W.:van den Heever, c/o Deloitte & Touche, Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 31101, Braamfontein, 2017.

T3505/96—1 Net Holdings (Proprietary) Limited, in liquidation. 5 June 1997. Neither. Amold Hillel Getz, 0 rT

Board, P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg, 2000. ... 7 . T2144/94—Insolvente--boedel:, Gs Le P, van. ‘Deventer. 97 04-07. Dividende. A. V. Hamman Trust,, Posb |344

Tremloods, 0126. oe T361/95—Insolvente boedel: J. P. L. Snyder. 97-05-14. Dividende..A. V. Hamman Trust, Posbus 11344, Tremloods, 0126.

72196/95—Renmar Paints BK, in likwidasie. 97-05-12. Kontribusie. A.V. Hamman Trust, Posbus 11344, ‘Tremloods, 0126.

T3675/95—Mercantex (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 97-06-10. First Liquidation and Distribution Account, Secured and Preferent

Award. Leslie Cohen for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000.

72767/96—Matkan Properties CC, in liquidation. 97-06-05..First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, Secured

award and Coniribution. Leslie Cohen for Westrust (Pty). Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000.

T396/96—Stockmark Projects (Pty) Ltd, in ‘liquidation. 97-06-03: First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account,

Secured and Preferent Award. Nei! Bowman for.Westrust (Pty) Ltd,.P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000.

Form/Vorm 6 —


Pursuant to section 124 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, notice is hereby given that the insolvents mentioned below

will apply for their rehabilitation on the dates, at the times and places and upon ihe grounds ‘as therein set forth

opposite their respective names, indicating number of estate; full name and description of insolvent (including his

date of birth and identity number) and place of business or residence; date when estate sequestrated, and address,

occupation or status of insolvent at the time of that date; division of Supreme. Court to which and date and time on which application will be made; ground of application. . ,


Ingevolge artikel 404 \ van 1 die Insolvensiewet, 1936, “word hierby kennis. gegee dat’ die. insolvente persone

hieronder genoem.om hul-rehabilitasie, aansoek sal doen op. die datums, tye en plekke en om. die redes wat, daarin

teenoor hulle onderskeie' name aangedui is, met aanduiding van nommer van boedel; volle: naam en: beskrywing

van insolvent (met inbegrip van sy geboortedatum en persoonsnommer) en plek van besigheid of woonplek; datum

waarop boedel gesekwestreer is, en adres, betrekking of status van insolvent'ten tye vari daardie-datum; afdeling

van Hooggeregshof waarby en datum en tyd wanneer aansoek gedoen sal word; rede van aansoek.

T252/92—Steyn, Douw Gerbrandt, 1940-06-01, 4006015150001, bestuurder, Safe Security, Evantaan 140, Fairleads,

Johannesburg. 1992-02-18, Gerdastraat 18, Del JUdor; Witbank, besigheidsman. Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die

Hooggeregshof, 1997-08-05, 10:00, Artikel 124 (2), (a) van die Insolvensiewet,.No. 24 van.1936, meer as 12 maande het

verstryk sedert die goedkeuring van die Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. -

B40/92—Taljaard, Frederik Johannes, 54-05-17, 5405175022082; bestuurder, Frenelle BK, Hiberniastraat 4, George,

Rensstraat 17, George. 23 Januarie 1992, Larkspurlaan 85 (Posbus 786), Virginia, prokureur..Viystaatse.Provinsiale Afdeling, 6 Augustus 1997 om 10:00. Artikel 124 4 (2) (),¢ drie > Jar het verstryk na bekragtiging ¥ van 1 die Eerste er Finale Eikwidasie- en

Distribusierekening. a :

C157/92—Kulz, Edmund, 24 June 1960, 6006248059002, an-adult male who at the ti time of his seqlieétiation Was: s resident

at 54 Maybury Street, Kenwyn, Cape and a partner in Kraft Tooling, which conducted business as manufacturers of moulds.

March 1992—31 March 1992, he is presently resident at 14 Silverton Road, ‘Plumstead, ‘Cape and employed’ ‘as a manager at

Mouldex, Brackenfell, Cape. The Cape Provincial Division of the High Court of South Africa, 11 August 1997 at 10:00. Section

124 (2) (a) of Act 24 of 1936. ,

C1038/91—Peskens, Bert Herwig, 23° October “1958, 5810235012082, manager of guest house in Church Street,

Durbanville, residing at 6 Ruiterhoogte. Street, Vierlanden, Durbanville. 10 December 1991, Residing at 9 Winterhoek Road,

Durbanville Hills, Durbanville, employer at Arwa Leisurewear. Cape of Good Hope | Provincial Division, 6 August 1997, 10:00.

in terms of section 124 (2) (a) of the Insolvency Act; No. 24 of 1936.’

£83/92—McKeniie, Robin: George, 30 October 1948-48103056050839,: editor, 43 Malcolm: Road; Rondebosch, Cape.

9 April 1992, Midgley’s Hotel, Adelaide, hotelier. Eastern Cape Division, 7 August 1997,°10:00.'S124:(2) (a): « :

B242/91—Vlok, Johannes Hendrik, ‘21 April 1941; 4104215007002, bestuurder, Bencor. Masjienerie; | Bloemfontein, en

woonagtig te Frans Wesseléstraat 28, LLangenhovenpark, Bloemfontein. 6 Junie 1991, die plaas Prieskaspoort, distrik: Prieska,

Noord-Kaap, plaasboer. Hoé Hof van Suid- Afrika, (Oranje- Viystaatse Provinsiale Aideling), 7 Augustus 1 1997, 09: 30. Artikel 124

(2) (a) van Wet 24 van 1936, soos gewysig. i “ .

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997 No. 18068 113

.B598/92—Van Zyl, Henry, 48-07-29, 4807295064004, kontrakteur te Natref, Jan Haakstraat, Sasolburg, en Van Zyl,

Susara Maria Elizabeth, 58-06-25, 5806250161085, tuisteskepper te Plot 64, Nelsonia, Meyerton, beide woonagtig te Plot 64,

Neisonia, Meyerton. 1992-10-08, Hattingstraat 58, Vaalpark, kontrakteur te Natref, Jan Haakstraat, Sasolbureg, en tuiste-

skepper te Hattingstraat 58, Vaalpark. Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale Afdeling, 97-08-07, 10:00. In terme van artikel 124 (2) van

die Insolvensiewet het daar reeds meer as 4 (vier) jaar verloop vanaf die datum van sekwesirasie, en het daar reeds meer as

1 (een) jaar verloop vanaf die Meester se bekragtiging van die Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening.


Daar word verder kennis gegee dat aansoek gelyktydig gedoen word vir ’n verklarende bevel waarvolgens sekere eiendom

geleé te Plot 64, Nelsonia-landbouhoewes, Meyerton, distrik Meyerton, Registrasicafdeling IR, Transvaal, Gauteng-provinsie,

groot 2,0661 hektaar, in die Applikante se persoonlik sal vestig en nie dee! sai uitmaak van hulle insolvente boedel nie.

Die gemelde eiendom is van Martha Louisa Strydom aangekoop op 11 Augustus 1995, vir die som van R88 000 {agt-en-

tagtigduisend rand). Die koopprys is in kontant betaal deur middel van ’n lening teen die:Applikant se pensioenfonds.

N405/92—Heyneke, Hendrik Frederik (Junior), 60-12-11, 6012115047002, takbestuurder, Mascor, hoek van Suid- en

Van Riebeecksiraat, Vryheid, KwaZulu-Natal. 15 September 1992, Pivaansbad, distrik Vryheid, KwaZulu-Natal, plaasboer.

Natalse Provinsiale, 15 Augustus 1997, 09:30. Ingevolge artikel 124 (2) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig.

T1708/90—Pretorius, Jacobus Gerhardus Johannes, 18 Augustus 1940, 4008185034005, boer, die plaas Roodepoort,

distrik Bronkhorstspruit. 4 September 1990, die plaas Rietfontein, boer. Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, op .Dinsdag,

5 Augustus 1997 om 10:00. Artikel 124 (2) (a), meer as een jaar het verloop sedert die bekragtiging van die Eerste en Finale

Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening.

T5100/92—Van Niekerk, Jan Hendrik, 8 Desember 1962, 6212085016082, makelaar, Triple Sure Makelaars, Firlaan 16,

Allen Grove, Kempton Park, en Van Niekerk, Felecia, 30 Januarie 1960, 6001300027002, suster, Brunette & Kramer, Kempton

Park. 24 November 1992, makelaar, JHD Makelaar, Kempton Park, en suster, Kolonel Rowland-tehuis vir Dowes. Tranvaalse

Provinsiale Afdeling, 5 Augustus 1997, 10:00. In terme van artikel 124, vier.jaar verstreke.

T5168/92—Barry Joseph Charles Mayes, 1949-08-16, Life Assurance Consultant, residing at 235 Mount Pellan Drive,

Glen Vista, Extension 5, Johannesburg. 12 January 1993, 7 Empress Street, Kensington, Johannesburg. Witwatersrand Local

Division (High Court of South Africa), 15 July 1997, 10:00. In terms of section 124 (2) (a) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936.

T3497/94—Muller, Aletta Elizabeth, verteenwoordiger, Cosheuwel Clusters 3, Jelimanstraat, Noordheuwel-uitbreiding 4,

Krugersdorp. 25 Oktober 1994, Sterlingstraat 3, Bucchleugh, Sandton. Transvaalse Provinsiale Mdeling, 5 Augustus 1997,

08:30. Ingevolge artikel 124 2 (a) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig.

T4642/92—William Henry Cooper, 2 Julie 1945, 4507025041088, Scheepersstraat 25, Leandra, tans in dien as

konsultant by Coop Construction te Cheepersstraat 25, Leandra, wat ten van sy vrywillige boedeloorgawe ongetroud en geskei

is en sedertien nooit weer getroud nie. 1 Desember 1992. Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 12 Augustus 1997, 10:00. Artikel

124 (2) (a). Aansoek sal. gedoen word om ’n bevel dat die insolvent, verklaar word geregtig te wees op dié volgende roerende

bates, naamlik: ’n Sanna Voorlaaier (waarde R200), ’n Luger 7,65 mm-pistool (waarde R400) en ’n Kal Air Diana-windbuks

(waarde R100).

T997/90—Van Loggerenberg, Nicolaas Jacobus Francois, 1962-08-15, 62081 55127089, hoof, Beroepsgesondhied &

Noodbeplanning Technicon SA, hoek van Christiaan de Wet- en Pioneerweg, Florida, en Van Loggerenberg, Lizbie,

1965-12-05, 6512050098084, onderwyseres, Laerskool Kwaggasrand, Kwaggasrand, Pretoria. 24 April 1990, beide van

Alkalien 19, Swartkop-uitbreiding 8, Verwoerdburg, Pretoria. Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 5 Augustus 1997, 10:00. In terme

van artikel 124 (tydperk van vier jaar verstreke).

Geliewe kennis te neem dat aansoek gelyktydig gedoen sal word op Dinsdag, 5 Augustus 1997 om 10:00, vir ’n bevel wat

verklaar dat die onderstaande bates, deur Applikante verkry gedurende hulle insolvensie, onthef word uit die insolvente boedel

en in Applikante persoonlik al vestig:

Erf 658, Zwartkops-uitbreiding 4, Registrasieatdeling JR, Gauteng, gehou kragtens Akte van Transport T55127/1990, groot

1 463 vierkante meter, onderhewig aan Eerste en Tweede Verband ten gunste van Nedperm ten bedrae van R164 598 en

Derde en Vierde Verband ten gunste van Nedcor Bank ten bedrae van R36 000.

T640/93—Hanger-Hill, Dennis, born on 2 April 1937, Identity Number 3704025036009, yard manager, Elway Electrical

CC, 29 Webber Street, Selby, Johannesburg. 9 March 1993. Witwatersrand Local Division, 5 August 1997, 10:00. In terms of

section 124 (2) (a) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936. |

72375/92—Lubbe, Charles Johannes, 1968-02-05, 6802055164001, verkoopsman, te Cartoria Toyota, Vermeulenstraat,

Pretoria, en Lubbe, Elandri, 1968-08-08, 6809080018085, huisvrou. 1992-08-11, Winstonstraat 13, Eldoraigne, besigheids-

man, en besigheidsvrou. Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 5 Augustus ' 1997, 10:00. Artikel 124 (2) (a) van die Insolventsiewet

No, 24 van 1936, soos gewysig.

T848/93—Rautenbach, Archibald, 20 September 1934, 3409225070085, verkoopsman, te Metro Implemente, woonagtig

te Oppermanstraat 1, Rooihuiskraal, Centurion. 30 Maart 1993, woonagtig te Mozartstraat 24, Vanderbijlpark, finansiéle

bestuurder. Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 5 Augustus 1997, 10:00. 124 (2) (c) van die Insolvensiewet.

114 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

7T2268/91—Jan Hendrik Gysbertus Koelman, 1947-10-21, 4710215004003, woonagtig te plaas Kalkfontein, Groblersdal. 13 Augustus 1991. Transvaalse Provinsale Afdeling, 12 Augustus 1997. Artikel 124 (2), ’n tydperk van meer as vier jaar het

verloop vanaf die datum van die finale sekwestrasie.

C1002/91—Khan, Naasier, 27 November 1961, 6111275081023, manager at Swingers, Claremont, First Applicant, and

Khan, Zareena, 10 June 1964, 6406100158081, assistant at Swingers, Claremont, Second Applicant. 15 January 1992,

75 Wetton Road, Kenwyn,. Cape, members. of Family Bargains CC, First and Second Applicants. Cape of Good Hope Provincial

Division (Division of High Court), Wednesday, 30 July 1997, 10:00. Application for rehabilitation in terms of section 124 (2) (a)

of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended.

'” -©760/90—Kelly, Andrew Philip, 1940-10-03, 4010035095004, superintendent, workshops, Cape Town City Council, First

Applicant, and Kelly, Margaret Joyce, 1950-01-15, 5001150110180, clerk, Bateman Water Treatment, 6 Pioneer Street,

Bellville, Second Applicant. 25 November 1991, Residing at 33 Van Passel Street, Bothasig, Cape, adult superintendent and

audit clerk. Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division, 30 July 1997,. 10:00. In terms of section 124 (2) (a) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended. -

T5367/92—Henning, Hermanus Steyn (mnr.), 1948- 07-24, 4807245027002, elektriese ingenieur, woonagtig te

Penhoekstraat 5, Rynfield-uitbreiding 11,:Benoni, en Magdalena Henning (mev.), 1947-12-30, 4712300029002, huisvrou,

Penhoekstraat 5, Rynfield-uitoreiding 11, Benoni. 1992-12-08, Penhoekstraat 5, Rynfield-uitbreiding 11, Benoni, elektriese inge-

nieur en huisvrou. Transvaalse Provinsiale Aideling, 1997- 08- 05, 10:00. Artikel 124 (2) (a) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van

1936, soos gewysig. T1667/93—Abraham, Alexander Philip, 1945- 10- 18, 4510185013087, streeksontwikkelingsbestuurder, Metcash, Omnia

Park, hoek van Sailor Malan- en Aerodromeweg, Aeroton, Gauteng. 1993-04-27, Farmweg 526, Die Wilgers, Pretoria,

administratiewe assistent (voorheen sakeman). Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 1997-08-05, 10:00. Artikel 124 (2) (a) van die

Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig.

T1575/89—Beeslaar, Johannes Petrus, 1953-10-23, 5310235041 009, verteenwoordiger, Carnia Saad, Endicott, Springs,

en woonagtig te Van Heerdenlaan 661, Bethal. 1989-07-25, Van Heerdenlaan 661, Bethal, boer. 1997-08-05, 10:00,

Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. Artikel 124 (2) (a) van die Insolvensiewet No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig.

T441/93—Immink, .Rutherus’ Johannes, 32-02-09, 3202095023007, pensioenaris, Perseel 34B, Levubu, distrik Soutpansberg. 1993-01-27, Die Koppie 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria, pensionaris. 1997-08-05, 10:00, Transvaalse Provinsiale

Afdeling. Artikel 124 (2) (a) van die Insolvensiewet No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig.

T1127/94—Van Scheltema, John Colin, 1953-04-06, 5304065153083, verkoopsagent van sktytbehoeftes en woonagtig

te Gymnasiumweg 581, Elarduspark Extension 1, Pretoria. 1994-03-22, Gymnasiumweg 581, Elardus Park Extension 1,

Pretoria, bemarker van rekenaars en rekenaarstoerusting. 1997-08-05, 10:00, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Artikel 124 (3) (b) van die Insolvensiewet No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig.

T955/93—Hilary . Steinfeld, adult femate,, born on 29 September 1948, Identity Number 4809290068006, jewellery manufacturer for Olde World Jewellery, Shop.132, Rosebank Mall, Bath Avenue, Rosebank. Sequestrated on 30 March 1993,

resident at 296 Cilliers Road, Glen Austin Extension 1, and self employed. Tuesday, 5 August 1997 at 10:00, Witwatersrand

‘Local Division (High Court of South Africa). In terms of section 124 (2) (a) of thé Insolvency Act of 1926, as amended.

T110/93-—Regine,. Artemio, adult male, born on 2 April 1946, Identity Number 4604025015103, works manager for

A&G Engineering : CC,.1 Iris Road, Bedfordview. Sequestrated on 26 Jariuary 1993, resident.at 1 Iris Road, Bedfordview and

at the time self-employed. Tuesday, 5 August 1997, 10:00, Witwatersrand Local Division (High Court of South Africa). In terms of section 124 (2) (a) of the Insolvency Act of 1926, as amended.

E239/92—Bezuidenhout, Johannes Mattheus, 18 January 1955, 5501185060086, industrial paver, Plot 38, Mooiplaas,

Donkerhoek, Pretoria. 23 July 1992, Midic Motors, East London, mechanic. 7 August 1997 at 10:00, Eastern Cape. In terms of

section 124 (2) (a) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936 (as amended). T4848/92—Prinsloo, Christoffel Johan Wilhelm, 4 Oktober 1947, 4710045125085, klerk, 302 Fonteinelaan, Lyttelton,

Pretoria. 15 Desember 1992, Cliftonlaan 7, Lyttleton Manor, Pretoria, siviele kontrakteur. 12 Augustus 1997, 10:00, Transvaalse

Provinsiale Afdeling. Artikel 124 (2) (a); 1 jaar verstryk na bekragting van Eerste Likwidasie- Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening.

7T4619/93—Van der Merwe, Joseph Johannes, 21 Maart 1960, 6003215051085, eiendomsagent, Kirstenbosh 9,

Johanstraat, Arcadia, Pretoria: 7. Desember 1993, Edelbertstraat 957, Constantia Park, Pretoria, opleidingskonsultant.

5 Augustus 1997, Transvaalse.Provinsiale Afdeling (Hoé Hof). Artikel 124 2 (a) tydperk verstryk.

T588/93—Kriel, Ettiene Esaias Koen, 6 April 1931, 3104065039080, voorraadkontroleur, Proteastraat 35, Balkfontein.

23 Maart 1993, Lilaronwoonstelle 16,.Pretoriusstraat 684, Arcadia, pensioenaris. Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling op

12 Augustus 1997 om 10:00. In terme van artikel 124 (2) (a) van die Insolvensiewet, Wet No. 24 van 1936.

T1868/93—Hamdani, Abdul Gaffar, 1959-07-23, 5907235248086, smous, Batastraat 16, Manzilpark, Klerksdorp. 8 Junie

1998, Jeerastraat:27, Manzilpark, Klerksdorp, smous. Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling op 12 Augustus 1997 om 10:00. In

terme van artikel 124 (2) (a) van die Insoivensiewet, Wet No. 24 van 1936.

1723/92—Prinsloo, Hendrik . Petrus, 1953-05-14, 5305145049084, verkoopsbestuurder, Munnikstraat 140, Louis

Trichardt, Noordelike Provinsie. 25 Februarie 1992, hoek van President- en Ruthstraat, Louis Trichardt, Noordelike Provinsie,

werkloos. Transvaalse . Provinsiale Afdeling, 12 Augustus 1997, 10:00. In terme van artikel 124 (2) (a) van die Insolvensiewet,

No. 24 van 1936: 73563/94—Ehlers, Christiaan Frederik, 18 September 1964, 6409185142004, konsultant werksaam te Mr Carport, hoek

van Pou: en Generaal Hertzogweg, Peacehaven, Vereeniging, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed met Johanna Elizabeth

Ehlers, 6505120136082, en woonagtig te Christiaan de Wetstraat 24, Vanderbijlpark. 22 November 1994, woonagtig te _ Swartruggensstraat 20, Vaalpark, Sasolburg, werkloos. Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 5 Augustus 1997 om 10:00. Artikel

124 (2) (a) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24\ van 1936 (soos gewysig).

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE‘1997°°° —- “No: 18068 115

_T74S/80~Aylward, dohn Dudley Egerton; 8 January 1944, Aq 01 085062083, businessman, ‘Plot! 329; _fandiestontein

Provincial Division. Section 124 (2), Act 24 of 1936, ° me

| M1220/92—Botha, Pieter Hendrik, 1956- 01: “02, 5601025041088, argitsk, Neo Dimensions, 185 Olivierstraat, Brookiyn, en

Insolvehsiewet v van 24/4 936.'

.€231/90—Coeizee, Ernest Arthur, 29. Junie, 1958,. Identiteitsnommer 806295187007, “meubelvervoerkontrakteur,

opolaan 26,. ‘Messina, ‘Noordelike. Provinsie. 4, Junie 4990, eienaar van Okaku Silencer Services, Walvisbaai. - Keep die

-H Provinsiale Afdeling, 6 Augustus 1997, 10:00. Artikel 424 (2). van Wet No. 24 van 1936... .

_ ©231/90—Coetzee, Maude Lillian, 1961- -07- 09, 6107090005007, tuisteskepper.van Limpopolaan 26, ; Messina, Noordelike

Provinsie. 4 Junie 1990, Dico Motors (Edms.) Bpk., Omaruru, alleen-direkteur. Kaap die Goele. Hoop. Provinsiale le Afdeling,

6 Augustus.1.997, 10:09, Artikel 124 (2 )van | Wet 24-van 1936.. Ptah felts noticat yy he SNe

Form/Vorm Ti Rs


"Notice is: hereby given that'a petiod of six months having’ elapsed. since ‘the co inmation of the final trustees’

accounts in’the estates mentioned below, the trustees of the said estates will, pursuant to. section 155, of the Insolvency Act, 1936; destroy all the books and documents:in their possession: relating:to, the. said: estates (except

those which:are: required. to be. lodged with-the, Masters) after. six weeks. from: the.date: of this notice. Se

_ The particulars are. given in the following order; ‘Number. of estate; nami e and c de ription of estate; ; date of

sequestration, order; division of the. Supreme. Court. by. which order i is. made; date. of confirmation: of final: account,

and name and address of curator. - biahes mya Sg


~ Aangesien * n 1 tydperk v. van ses maande verloop het sedert die. bekragtiging v van'die. finale'kuratorerekenings

in-die-boédelshieronder genoem, word hierby Kennis: gegee dat’ web kulrators van -genoemde bo dels: ingevolge artikel 158" ma val die Noy be Mees 1936, alle’ boeke ' en ‘stukke 1 in hull y

van sekviestrasiobevel: Pafdeling’ van Hooggeregshot waardeur bevel ge ee is; daturn van bekragtiging van n finale

rekéning, én naam én adres van kurator. © > "

. -'74138/93— insolvent es et, Johannes Cornelius’ ‘Roos, 4708055 1380: 3, Transvaal Provincial. 96- 42: 02:

Ss. Trakman; c/o ‘Highveld Trust & Management Co. (Pty): Ltd, P.O. Box 10463, Johannesburg,.2000. ... - :

-, ,B77/95—Executive Cars (BEN) BK; in likwidasie. 18 Maart 1996, Charl. Johannes, ‘Stander, Likwidateur, Pp. a. - Lovius Block,

Grondvioer,. -Standardbankgebou, Wesburgerstraat 1.5(a),- Bloemfontein, . a “a

..12160/93—Insolvente. boedel:-0..J. Arnold..1993-05- 25, Transvaalse Provinsiale Aetng. *1996- 05- 07 Mn R. D. . Kruger

p. a. »-Cape. Frustees Bpk.;-Vierde:Verdieping, Bureauforum, Bureaulaan,-Pretoria:.,

7 4503/91—Breyton: Properties (Edms.) Bpk., ‘in: likwidasie:: 1994-12-17, Transvaalse’ Provinsiale éstng, 1996- 05: 30.

Mnr. J. Z. H. Muller, p.a. Cape Trustees Bpk.,-Vierdée Verdieping, Bureauforum; Bureaulaan; Pretoria:

-.71874/93—Insolvente’ -boedél: W. ‘Steyn. - 1993-06-08, ‘Transvaalse Provinsiate’ Atdeling.” 1994- 12- o7.- ‘Mor: 4 He van

Rensburg, p.a.:Cape Trustees Bpk:; Vierde Verdieping, Buréauforum, Buréaulaan; Pretoria.’ 7

T1 908/94—Cabile House: BK, ‘in likwidasie. 94 05: 1. 98: 06- 6-27. P. Fourie, for Cooper Trust, “Posbus 411529, Craighall

2024: « eee ,

73784/93—Insolvent éstate: F: W. Adams. 93° 09 10, Witwatersrand Local Divisio 9 10 aa G. Hodgson, ‘clo. Justice , Trustee, P.O. Box 397, Paulshof, 2056. __

- 13793/94—Insolvent’ ‘estate! G. A. F. Gibbons. ‘94- 44-45, Transvaal Provincia

Justice Trustee, P.O. Box 397, Paulshof, 2056. _— 72414/93—Insolvent estate: A. D. Prinsloo. 93- 06- 29, Witwatersrand Local’ Division. 95- 09- 21. T. G. -Hodgeon ofa) Jus ice

Trustee, P.O. Box 397,, Paulshof,.2056. . 52, oye yy ,

fa. 4810/92—Top. Discount Furnishers CC, i in liquidation.. 92-4:

clo Ju ce Trustee, P.O, Box 397, Paulshof,:2056,., ; ac EE eh : ,74366/94—Insolvent estate: P. Visser,:.94-11-22; Wiwatersrand Local Division. ‘95+ 11-09. 1 8. ‘Hod 0:

Trustee, P.O. Box 397, Paulshof, 2056. CE ee SE CORSE Go EP UhoP UE BM UE UL et

116 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

71003/94—African Hosiery Properties ce, in liquidation. 94-03-22, Witwatersrand Local Division. 96-03-19. T. G. Hodgson, c/o Justice Trustee, P.O. Box 397, Paulshof, 2056.

74424/93—Harmen Financial Services CC, in liquidation. 93-10-25, Magistrate's Court, Johannesburg. 96-03-29. T. G. Hodgson, c/o Justice Trustee, P.O. Box 397, Paulshof, 2056.

T3762/94—Motive Office Automation CC, in liquidation. 94-09-13, Witwatersrand. Local Division, 96-08-13. T. G. Hodgson, c/o Justice Trustee, P.O. Box 397, Paulshof, 2056.

T1700/93—M. E. Boult. 93-04-27, Witwatersrand Local Division. 96- 04-11. M. Schmidt, ‘c/o’ Resolution Trust Co. (Pty) Ltd, Seventh Floor, 66 Smal Street, Johannesburg, 2001. -

T3761/92—-H. J. and C. C. Redelinghuys. 92-09-15, Witwatersrand Local Division. 94-11 23, M. Schmidt, c/o Resolution Trust Co. (Pty) Ltd, Seventh Floor, 66 Smal Street, Johannesburg, 2001: ©

Form/Vorm 8 Lied


Pursuant to section 179 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, section 366 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given of the dates or times fixed by Masters of the Supreme Court by which creditors of companies in liquidation are.to prove their claims or otherwise be excluded from the benefit of any distribution under any account lodged with the Master before those debts are proved.

The particulars. are given in the following order: Number of company in liquidation; name and description of company; date or time fixed by the Master; name and address of liquidator. .


Ingevolge artikel 179 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, artikel 366 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee van die datums of termyne deur Meesters van die Hooggeregshof vasgestel tot wanneer skuldeisers van maatskappye in likwidasie hulle eise moet bewys of anders van die voordeel van ’n distribusie kragtens ’n rekening by die Meester ingedien voordat daardie eise bewys is; uitgesluit word.

Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van maatskappy in likwidasie; naam en n beskrywing van maatskappy; datum. of termyn deur Meester vasgestel; naam en adres van likwidateur.

C672/96—Juder ‘Eiendoms Beleggings CC, trading as Quick Truss, in liquidation. 97- 07: 23. Patricia Anne Grobbelaar, c/o Stanhope Trustees, 201 Stanhope Building, 227 Main Road, Claremont.

T3494/96—Gauteng Beds CC, trading as Dream Craft. 97-05-21. M. Schmidt, c/o Resolution Trust Company (Pty) Limited, Seventh Floor, 66 Smal Street; Johannesburg, 2001.

T3700/96—Couch House Lounge Suite Manufacturers Factory Direct CC. 97-06-25. M. Schmidt, c/o Resolution Trust Company Limited, Seventh Floor, 66 Smal Street, Johannesburg, 2001. a _—

Form/Vorm 9.


In terms of section 4 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936,-as amended, notice is hereby given by a petitioner of his making an application to the Supreme Court on the date and time as’ stated or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of his. estate; or of the withdrawal of such notice

of surrender previously made and upon having received the Master's consent, in ‘terms of section 7 of the Act.

The information, where applicable, is given in. the following order: (1) Name of petitioner, occupation and address, style of partnership or firm, and names and addresses of partners; (2) whether application, Division of Supreme Court and date and time of application, or withdrawal of notice of surrender and date of Master’s consent; (3) date as from which a statement of his affairs will lie for inspection for 14 days, the Master’ s Office where lying and, if so, the Magistrate’ s Office; (4) attorney for petitioner, address and date.


Ingevolge artikel 4 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, word hierby deur ’n versoeker kennis gegee van sy aansoek wat by die Hooggeregshof op die dag en tyd soos genoem gedoen sal word, of so

_ spoedig daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, om aanname van die oorgawe van sy boedel; of van die intrekking van ’n sodanige vroeére kennisgewing van oorgawe en na verkryging van die Meester se toestemming, ingevoige artikel 7 van die Wet. .

Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek i in die volgorde: (4) Naam van aahsoekst, beroep e en adres, styl van vennootskap of firma, en name en adresse van vennote; (2) of ’n aansoek, die Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof en datum en tyd van aansoek, of intrekking van ’n kennisgewing van oorgawe en datum van Meester se toestemming; (3) datum vanaf wanneer sy vermoéstaat ter insae sal lé vir 14 dae, die Meester se kantoor en, indien so, die Landdros se kantoor waar dit sal 16; (4) ‘die prokureur vir die aansoeker, adres en datum.

' STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997 Oo No. 18068 117—


Boedel van Petrus Johannes Jansen, gebore 16 Julie 1954, identiteitsnommer 5407165003007, ’n blanke assistent- takbestuurder, werksaam te Vrystaat Korporasie Handelstak, 10de Laan, Warden, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere met Elizabeth Catharina Maria Jansen op 26 Junie 1976, woonagtig te De Bruyniaan 7, Warden.

Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen.sal word in die Hoé Hof van Suid-Afrika ‘op 10 Julie 1997 om 09: 30, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word vir die aanname. van die oorgawe van die bogemelde boedel en: dat sy. vermoéstaat ter insae. gelé sal: word vir inspeksie by die kantoor van-die Meester. van die Hoé Hof, Bloemfontein, en die Landdroshof te Warden, vanaf 20 Junie:1997 vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae:.-:

Onderteken te Bloemfontein hierdie 29ste dag van Mei 1997:

D. J. Nortier, vir Naudes, Prokureur vir Applikant,_ Tweede Verdieping, Trustfonteingebou, St Andrewstraat 151, Bloemfontein. | : . .


Kennis word hiermee gegee. dat aansoek gedoen sal word na die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, op Dinsdag, 15 Julie. 1997 om 10:00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die. aansoek aangehoor kan word, vir die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Daniél Sare! Coetzee, Identiteitsnommer 5208245028000, ’n brandweer- man van beroep, tans in diens van Roodepoort Nooddienste, woonagtig te Bataviastraat 22, Krugersdorp, Gauteng.

Geliewe verder kerinis te neem dat die vermoéstaat van die Applikant ter insae sal la vir inspeksie by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hoé Hof, Pretoria, en te die Landdroskantoor te Krugersdorp, vir ’n tydperk van'14 (veertién) dae gereken vanaf Vrydag, 20 Junie 1997.

Geteken te Pretoria op hede die i1de dag: van Mei. 1997.

.Mnr. C. A.:Steenkamp Prokureur, p.a. Van der Burgh.& Loots Prokureurs, Parkstraat 7 755, Sunnyside, Pretoria [Tel. (012) 343- 09778" [Faks. (012) 343-0293. (Verw. J. Loots/GC01 69.)


_ (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) .

In die ex x parte-aansoek v van n WILLEM JOHANNES JANSE VAN RENSBURG, Identiteitsnommer 6408035033082, Eerste Applikant, en | NICOLENE JANSE VAN RENSBURG (ashore VORSTER). I Identiteitsnommer 6210260093082, Tweede Applikant

- Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 22 Julie 1997 om 10: 00, of so spoedig'd daama as wat die saak aangehoor kan word by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof, aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname-Van oorgawe van die boedel van Willem Johannes Janse van Rensburg, ’n bewaarder in diens van die Departement van Korrektiewe Dienste en. Nicolene Janse van Rensburg (gebore Vorsier), getroud met mekaar binne gemeenskap van goedere; tans ‘woonagtig te Huis 25; Modder Bee Gevangenis, Getroude Kwartiere, distrik Benoni, Gauteng, wie se vermoénstaat in duplikaat ter insae sal \é vir inspeksie by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria en die Landdroskantoor te Spririgs vir ’n tydperk van veertien (14) dae vanaf 23 Junie 1997. .

Gedateer te Springs op hierdie 10de dag van Junie 1997:

W..Rossouw, vir: Rossouw & Rossouw, Prokureurs vir Applikante, Vyfdestraat 60, Springs. (Verw. mnr. Rossouw/il/7063.); Smith & Cronje, ‘Schoemanstraat 851, hhoek van Eastwoodstraat, Arcadia, Pretoria. (Verw. mnr. Cronje.),

‘KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL Geliewe kennis te neem dat Jurie Jansen van Rensburg, Identiteitsnommer 6506115074007, ’n volwasse sakeman,

woonagtig te Plot 35, Shere, Pretoria,:op 15 Julie 1997.0m 10:00, in die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Transvaalse Provinsiate Afdeling), ingevolge artikel 4 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24.van 1936, sal aansoek doen vir die aanname van die oorgawe van sy boedel.en- dat sy vermoénstaat ter:insae sal lé vir 14 (veertien) dae te edie Meester v van n die. Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, vanaf 24 Junie.1997.: .

Geteken te Pretoria hierdie 10de dag. van Junie 1997. ” Mnr. C. J. van der Merwe, vir Van der Merwe Prokureurs, Prokureur vir Aansoeker, Tullekenstraat 27, Berea Park, Pretoria.

(Verw. mnr. C. J. van-der Merwe/AvdM.) : .

NOTICE OF: SURRENDER OF DEBTOR’S ESTATE [SECTION FOUR (1 y Notice is hereby given. that application will be made to the Witwatersrand Local Division of the. High Court.on 115 July. 1997

at 10:00 or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Stephen John Hofmeyr, Identity No. 4505285044081 , an insurance agent of 107 Shawley Lodge, Ley Road, Victory Park, Johannesburg, and that a statement of his affairs will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the Supreme.Court at Pretoria and at the office of the Magistrate for the District of Johannesburg for a ‘period of 14 (fourteen) days as from 20 June 1997.

Signed on this 5th day-of June 1997. at Johannesburg.

Johan Louis Dreyer, for™ Dreyer & Nieuwoudt, Attorneys for the Debtor, Ninth Floor. North ‘State, “95 “Market ‘Street, . Johannesburg, Docex 137, Johannesburg;’ P.O. Box; 2206, Johannesburg, 2000. Tel. 333-1381/2,) (Ref. J. L. _ Dreyer! RdeB/H129.) .

118 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997


Kennisgewing geskied hiermee dat aansoek gedoen. sal..word. by: die Transvaalse Provinsiale ‘Afdeling: van’ die

Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, op Dinsdag,.15 Julie 1997 om. 10:00, of so spoedig daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan

word.in die. aanname van die corgawe van.die-boedel van Wilhelmus Johannes Badenhorst, gebore op 14.Februarie 1952,

Identiteitsnommer 5202145103005, ’n .geskeide.-meerderjarige verkoopsman te Status Motors, -Rustenburg,. Transvaal, ‘en:

woonagtig te Sabierivierlaan 19,-Rustenburg, Transvaal; en dat sy vermoéstaat ter insae sal lé by. die kantoor van‘ dié Meester

van die Fooggeregshol te te Pretoria.en by die ‘Landdroskantoor te Rustenburg vir’n 'n tydperk ve van-veertien (14). dae vanal 20 Junie

1997. ‘ Ca . oe feos vy wy

Geteken te Pretoria hierdie 12de dag van n Junie 1997.”

A. R..Snyman, vir Snyman De Jager & Breytenbach, Sesde © Verdieping, Bureauforumgebou, | Bureaulaan, ‘Pretoria,

(Tel. 326-1250.) (Verw. mnr. Snyman/mb/40/97.)" pe % : i os



- Kennis word hiermee | gegee dat aansoek gedoen’ gal word by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, op 8 Julie 4997 o om

10:00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die. aansoek aangehoor | kan word vir aanname. van die oorgawe van.die boedels

van Willem Jacobus Pelser, met Identiteitsnommer 4912075008088, tans werkloos en Barbara Dorothea Pelser,. met

Identiteitsnommer 5008060150008, tans werksaam op ’n kontrakbasis te die Ontvanger van’ Inkomste én dat hulle vermoén-

state ter insae.Jé by die kantoor van die Meester van die’ Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, vir n 'ydperk van: 14: (weertion) dae vanat en

insluitende 20 Junie 1997 (synde datum van publikasie).

Geteken te Pretoria op :hierdie:12de dag van Junie:1997.:

Coetzee Prokureuts, 15de Verdieping, SALU- “gebou, hoek van Andries- en, Schoemanstraat, Pretoria. (Tel. (320- 8101/

33/5/6.) (Verw. mnr: Bosman/tk/307/97.) _


Kennisgewing geskied hiermeée dat aansoek gédoen sal word by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hoé Hof van

Suid-Afrika op Dinsdag, 22 Julie 1997" om 10: 00, of so spoedig daarna as, wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word. vir die

aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel vari Pierre Goetz, gebore 7 Januarie 1952, persoonsnommer 5201075030006, n

meerderjarige Mannekrag bestuurder in diens van Rainbow Finance, Vierde Verdieping, 56 Pritchardstraat, Johannesburg,

Gauteng, getroud, buite. gemeenskap. van goed ‘en woonagtig te 1: Highveld Homestead,: Blouboslaan, ‘Weltevredenpark,

Roodepoort, Gauteng, en dat sy vermoéstaat terinsae: sal lé'by die. kantoor-van die Meester van die Hoé Hof te Pretoria en by

die Landdroskantoor, te Roodepoort vir.’n.tydperk van veertien (14). dae vanaf-20 Junie. 1997.

_ Geteken te Pretoria hierdie 11de dag van Junie.1997.

N. G. Breytenbach, vir Snyman De Jager & - Breytenbach, Sesde Verdieping, Bureauforumgebou, Bureaulaan, Pretoria,

(Tel. 348-3120.) (Verw. mnr. Breytenbach/svr.) -


Kennisgewing geskied hiermee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Transvaalge Provinsiale Atdalirg ‘van die

Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika op:Dinsdag, 15 Julie-1997 om.10:00, of so spoedig daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan

word vir die aanname van die corgawe | van die boedel van Amorie Botha (voorheen Britz) gebore op 20 Januarie 1950,

Identiteitsnommer 5001200018086, ’n meerderjarige makelaar in diens van P D M Insurance Brokers CC, . Rustenburg,

Transvaal, synde’ n weduwee en woonagtig te5 Bergsig,. Kanatielaan, Rustenburg, Transvaal en dat haar vermoéstate ter,insae

sal Ié by die kantoor van die Meester van die. Hooggeregshof, te. Pretoria en by die Landdfoskantoor te. Rustenburg vir ?n,

tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 20 Junie 1997, .

Geteken te Pretoria hierdie 11de dag van Junie. 1997.

A. R. Snyman, vir Snyman de Jager & Breytenbach, Sesde Verdieping, Bureauforumgebou, Bureaulaan, Pietoria. (Tel.

326-1250.) (Verw. Mnr Snyman/mb/44/97.)


Kennisgewing geskied hiermee dat aansoek _gedoen sal_ word by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die

Hooggeregshof van Suid- Aftika. op Dinsdag, 15 Julie 4997 om 10: 00, of sO spoedig ¢ daarna i as wat die aansoek aangehoor. kan’

word vir die aanname van die’ corgawe van ‘die boedel van Peter’ Derrick Macaskill ‘gebore op 12 Januarie 1997,

Identiteitsnommer 4701125092089, ’n meerderjarige makelaar in diens van PDM Insurance Brokers CC, ‘Rustenburg,

Transvaal, getroud buite gemeenskap. van goedere: op’ 3. Februarie 1968 met Millicent Norma: Macaskill, Adentiteitsnommer

4611190091082, en woonagtig te 20 Hoogland, Cuckoolaan, Rustenburg, Transvaal, en dat sy-vermoéstate ter insae sal |é by

die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te, Pretoria. en by die Landdroskantoor te Rustenburg vir n tydperk van 14

(veertien) dae vanaf 20 Junie 1997.

Geteken te Pretoria hierdie lide ‘dag v van n Junie 1997.

A. R. Syma, vir Snyman | De nog & Breytenbach, Sesde Verdieping, Bureauforumgebou, Bureaulaan, Pretoria. (Tel.


“STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997" sSssSs«N. 18068 1199

John Phillip van der Merwe, Identiteitsnommer 6608275124083, werksaam as verteenwoordiger te Homeware House, Bandjiesstraat, Benrose, getroud binne gemeenskap. van goedere “met ‘Annelize van ‘der Merwe, Identiteitsnommer 7001300219087,. werksaam te Kirtech, Shaftstraat, Roodepoort, as: verteenwoordiger’en woonagtig te. Kisnerstraat 12, Rayton.(2) Aansoek. Hoé Hof, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling; Pretoria, 15-Julie 1997 om-10:00. (3) Meester van die Hoé-Hof, Pretoria, en Klerk van die Hof, Cullinan, 20 Junie 1997. (4): Wolmarans, Taljaard & !Botha Prokureurs, Suit 2010, 20ste Verdieping, SALU-gebou, hoek van Andries- en Schoemanstraat, Pretoria, 11 Junie 1997.

Barend Matthews van Jaarsveld, Identiteitsnommer 6203015034006, bemarker, Ilex-Laan 3, Mooinooi, distrik Brits. (2 ) Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 15 Julie 1997 om 10:00. (3) Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; en Landdroshof te Brits, 30 Junie 1997, Pretoria. (4) Joubert & Carstens, for Pretoria Law Chambers, Van.der Waltstraat 533, Pretoria, 0001. (Verw. Mnr. Joubert/tv).


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat Barend Matthews van ‘Jaarsveld, Identiteitsnommer 6203015034006, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere met Rachel Johanna van Jaarsveld, Identiteitsnommer 6408230105081, woonagtig te llexlaan 3, Mooinooi, distrik Brits, van voorneme is om aansoek te doen by die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling), op 15 Julie 1997 om 10:00, in die voormiddag of so gou daama as wat die aansoek vir verhoor kan word vir die aanname van die oorgawe van sy boedel.

Neem verder kennis dat die Vermoéstaat ter insae sal le virén n periode van 14. (veertien) dae te die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, en die kantoor van die Landdroshof te Brits vanaf 30- Junie 1997.

Cornelius Jacobus Bedenhorst, Identiteitsnommer 5508235005086, *sakeman, .en Jeanette. Mariana Badenhorst, Identiteitsnommer 5706300097083, huisvrou, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere | met mekaar, en woonagtig te Highlands 31, Altheastraat, Lyttelton. (2) Aansoek (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling), te Pretoria, op 15 Julie 1997 om 10:00. (3) Meesterskantoor, Pretoria, 20 Junie 1997. (4) Hennie van Zyl, Parlay § Sentrum, Cantonmentsweg, ‘Verwoerdburg, 13 Junie 1997. be -

_Liebién Botha, Identiteitsnommer. 4911165108089, nutsman- en - Heilbrecht Elizabeth ‘Botha, Identiteitsnommer 5310050136082, huisvrou, van Hoewe 58, Jochemstraat, Waterkloof Hoewes. (2) Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, 15 Julie 1997, 10:00. (3) 30 Junie 1997, Pretoria. (4) Joubert & Carstens, vir Pretoria Law Chambers, Van der Waltstraat 533, Pretoria, 0001. (Verw. Mnr. Joubert). -


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat Liebién Botha, Identiteitsnommer 4911165108089, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met Heilbrecht Elizabeth Botha, Identiteitsnommer 5310050136082; woonagtig te Hoewe 58, Jochemstraat, Waterkloof Hoewes van voorneme is om aansoek te doen by die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling), op 15 Julie 1997 om 10:00, in die voormiddag of so gou daarna as wat die aansoek vir verhoor kan word vir die aanname van die oorgawe van sy boedel.

Neem verder kennis dat die vermoéstaat ter insae sal [6 vir’n petiode | van 14 (veertien) dae'te die’ kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, vanaf 30 Junie 1997. Le : Lo .


Notice is hereby - given that application will be made to the Transvaal Provincial Division of. the High Court on Tuesday, 15 July 1997 at 10:00, as soon thereafter as the. matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the. surrender of the estate of Kevin Howard Nel, a.mechanical draughtsman, and Jeanne Therese Nel, a hairdresser, both of 20 San Sita, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria, and that a statement of their affairs will lie for inspection at the office of thé Master of the High Court at Pretoria and at the office of the Magistrate of Pretoria for a period of 14 (fourteen) days as from 23 June 1997. ;

Savage, Jooste & Adams, Attorneys for Applicants, Savage, dooste & Adams House, Hadefields, 1267 Pretorius Street, Hatfield, Pretoria. (Ref. M. van Staden/LP/NQ3.


(Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling)

In die saak tussen DANIEL JOHANNES DE BEER, Identiteitsnomer 6812225084088 (rekenaartegnikus), Eerste Applikant, getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met MANDA DE BEER, Identiteitsnommer 71 03030046085 (huisvrou), Tweede Applikant

ge boa

. Geliewe.kennis te neem dat die applikant aansoek sal doen na’n n Regter van. die bogemelde Agbare Hof op 15 Julie 1997 om 1 10: 00, vir ’n bevel, vir die: vrywillige boedeloorgawe van die boedel van die applikante. « By

Geliewe verder kennis te neem dat die aansoek ter insae sal lé by die kantore’ vah die Meester v van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria en die Landdroshof te Klerksdorp vir die tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae vanat 20 Junie 1997.

_ ot Gedateer te Klerksdorp op hede hierdie 12de dag van Junie 1997.

Rudolph Lourens & Heppell, Prokureur te Klerksdorp, Hilbrengebou, Andersonstraat 23, Klerksdorp, MacRobert de Villiers Lunnon & Tindall, Prokureurs te Pretoria, Standard Banksentrum 348, Kerkstraat 291, Pretoria.

120 No. 18068 , ~ > GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

Johannes Jacobus Esterhuizen, Identiteitsnommer 5506015146088, ’n meerderjarige man tans werkloos, getroud binne

gemeenskap van goed met Anita Cecilia Esterhuizen, Identiteitsnommer 5911190045081, ’n meerderjarige sekretaresse van

beroep met woonadres te Vaalstraat 17, Carletonville. (2) Aansoek op 15 Julie 1997 om 10:00, Transvaalse Provinsiale.Afdeling

van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika. (3) 23 Julie 1997 by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria en

die Landdroskantoor van Oberholzer. (4) Willie Erasmus & Vennote, Posbus 677, Pretoria, 0001.


(Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling)

In die saak tussen SCHALK BARGER WIESE, Identiteitsnommer 4611285093001 (werkloos), Eerste Applikant, en

MARIA CATHARINA WIESE, Identiteitsnommer 4701120074009 (huisvrou), Tweede Applikant, beide woonagtig te

Loganstraat 5, Declerqville, Klerksdorp, getroud binne gemeenskap van goed ,

Geliewe kennis te neem dat die Applikante aansoek sal doen na ’n Regter van die bogemelde Agbare hof op 15 Julie 1997

om 10:00, vir ’n bevel vir die vrywillige boedeloorgawe van die boedel van die Applikante.

Geliewe verder kennis te neem dat die aansoek ter insae sal lé by die kantore van die Meester van die Hooggeregshot te

Pretoria, en die Landdroshof te Klerksdorp vir die tydperk van 14 dae vanaf 20 Junie 1997.

Gedateer te Klerksdorp op hede die.12de dag van Junie 1997.

Rudolph Lourens & Heppell, Prokureur te Klerksdorp, Hilbrengebou, Andersonstraat 23, Klerksdorp; MacRobert De Villiers

Lunnon & Tindall, Prokurerus te Pretoria, Standard Banksentrum 348, Kerkstraat 291, Pretoria.

Martha Margaretha Kocks, Identiteitsnommer 5211200055083, ’n meerderjarige verpleegkundige, woonagtig te Plot 77,

Parsleylaan, Wonderboom, en getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere. (2) 15 Julie 1997 om 10:00, Transvaalse Provinsiale

Afdeling. (3) Vanaf 23 Junie 1997, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. (4) Buitendag’s Ingelyf, Lynnwoodweg 227,

Brooklyn, Pretoria. 12 Junie 1997.

Hendrik Petrus Leonardus van der Linde, Identiteitsnommer 4001175016082, werkadres, Silencer Auto & Industrial,

Albert Wesselaan 22B, Sybrand van Niekerkpark, Meyerton, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met Anna Chatarina

van Linde, Identiteitsnommer 3607270098089, Genl. Hertzogweg 175, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging. (2) Aansoek om vrywillige

boedeloorgawe, 97-07-22, om 10:00, in Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Provinsiale Afdeling Pretoria). (3) 97-06-23, vir ’n

tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae vir insaelegging | van Vermoéstaat, Meesterskantoor, Pretoria, Landdroskantoor, Vereeniging. —


[Section 4 (1) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936]

Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Witwatersrand Local Division of the High Court on Tuesday,

15 July 1997 at 10:00, or as soon thereafter.as ithe matter can be heard, for acceptance of the surrender of the deceased estate

of Louis Johannes Coetzee (identity Number-4403045026087 and Deceased Estate 11571/96) and that a statement of the

estate’s affairs will lie for inspection at the Master of the High Court, Pretoria, for a period of 14 days from 20 June 1997.

Johannesburg: June 1997.

De Wet — Van der Watt Inc., Applicants Attorneys, Third Floor, Elephant House, 107 Market Street, Johannesburg.

[Tel. (011) 336-0541.] (Ref. Mr Toker/dvn/C293.)

Miriam Olivinia Adriaana Vermeulen, sekretaresse, Barbarastraat 929, Theresapark, Pretoria, getroud buite gemeenskap

van goedere. (2) 15 Julie 1997, 10:00, Hooggeregshof van Suid- Afrika (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling). (3) 20 Junie 1997.

(4) Geldenhuys & Joubert, Sesde Verdieping, Centenarygebou, Bureaulaan, Pretoria.

Dingaan Peter Khumalo, Identiteitsnommer 4012165609083, toesighouer, en Mavis ‘Boniswa Khumalo,

Identitietsnommer 5812100758088, ‘tuisteskepper, Goethestraat 80, Lombardy-Oos, Gauteng. (2) Aansoek, 15 Julie 1997,

Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. (3) 20 Junie 1997, Meesterskantoor, Pretoria, Landdroskantoor,. Johannesburg. (4)

Schoonraad & Pretorius Prokureurs, 12de Verdieping, SALU-gebou, Schoemanstraat 255, Pretoria. 13 Junie 1997.

Johannes Hendrikus van der Merwe, Identitietsnommer 5907145135001, makelaarskonsultant, en Linda Gerbrecht van

der Merwe, Identiteitsnommer 6407070133005, debiteurklerk, Deonstraat 34, Helderkruin, Roodepoort. (2) Aansoek, 8 Julie

1997, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. (3) 20 Julie 1997, Meesierskantoor, Pretoria, Landdroskantoor, Roodepoort. (4)

Schoonraad & Pretorius Prokureurs; 12de Verdieping, SALU-gebou, Schoemanstraat 255, Pretoria. 13 Junie 1997.


Geliewe kennis te neem dat Daniél Wilhelmus de Klerk, Identiteitsnommer 4503215039081, ’n volwasse skofbaas, en

Amanda Magdalena de Klerk, Identiteitsnommer 6603230204088, ’n volwasse huisvrou, beide woonagtig te Larkstraat 7,

Setaria, Northam op 15 Julie 1997 om 10:00, in die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling),

ingevolge artikel 4(1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, sal aansoek doen vir die. aanname van die oorgawe van hulle

boedel en dat hulle vermoénstaat ter insae sal lé vir 14 (veertien) dae, te die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, en die

Landdros, Thabazimbi, vanaf 24 Junie 1997.

Gedateer te Pretoria op hierdie 12de dag van Junie 1997.

Mnr. C. J. van der Merwe, vir Van der Merwe Prokureurs, Prokureur vir Aansoeker, Tullekenstraat 27, Berea Park, Pretoria.

(Verw. mnr. C. J. van der Merwe/AvdM.)

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997 No. 18068 121



Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Supreme Court, Pretoria, on 15 July 1997 at 10:00, or as soon

thereafter as the application can be heard for the acceptance of the’ ‘surrender of the estate of Preston Glen Noton, Identity

Number 6406115066089, married out of community of property, presently residing at Plot 64; Homelands Vereeniging, and that

the statement of his affairs will be available for inspection for 14 days at the Master’ Ss. Offices, Pretoria, and at the Magistrate’s

Offices, Vereeniging, as from 20 June 1997.

Signed at Vanderbijlpark on this 12th day of June 1997.

C. Kirsten, for Gys Louw & Partners, Attorneys for Applicant, clo van der Merwe & Ferreira, Ground Floor, Nicolson House,

Momentum Park, 105 Nicolson Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria.

‘Shaw, Pamela, ‘Identiteitsnommer 6702150066087, ‘handelsverteenwoordiger, Dekkerstraat 31, Krugersdorp: -Wes. (2)

Witwatersrandse Plaaslike Afdeling, 15 Julie 1997: (3) 20 Junie 1997, Kantoor van die Meester, Pretoria, Landdroshof,

Krugersdorp. (4) Lombard, Lategan & Du Preez Prokureurs; Posbus 1190, -Rant-en-Dal,.1751.

Sonja Mennegke, sekretaresse, Rosemore Heights 7, Humanstraat, Krugersdorp. (2) Hooggeregshof:van Suid-Afrika

(Witwatersrandse Plaaslike Afdeling), 97-07-15, 10:00. (3) 97-06-24, Meester, Landdroskantoor, Krugersdorp. od Swart Marais

Redelinghuys, Posbus 712, Krugersdorp, 1740. - :

Jaco de Bruyn, Identiteitsnommer 621 0255060005, n rekenaarkonsultant indiens van Servitron, Secunda, getroud buite

gemeenskap van goedere en woonagtig te Genl. Beyersstraat, 9, “Secunda, distrik Evander, Transvaal. (2) Transvaalse

Provinsiale Afdeling, 1997-07-15, 10:00. (3) 1997-06-20, Meester van die Hoé Hof, Pretoria, en Landdros, Evander, Transvaal.

(4 ) Herman Smaiman, Standard Bank, Kamer 425, Kerkplein.

‘Johannes Petrus Venter, Identiteitsnommer 4806225047089, . n . meerderjarige SA Lugmag soldat, en 1 getroud binne

gemeenskap van goedere met Hester Christina Venter, Identiteitsnommer 4901150042088, ’n meerderjarige krediet kontroleur,

woonagtig te Rietfontein’ Mewswoonstelle 16, Ben Swartstraat 748, Rietfontein, Pretoria. (2 ) Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling,

15 Julie 1997 om 10:00. (3) Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, vanaf 23 Junie 1997. (4) Buitendag’s Ingelyf,

Lynnwoodweg 227, Brooklyn, Pretoria, 12 Junie 1997.5" ce med



Form/Vorm VL

SECTION 64, ACT No. 27 OF 1943.

"Notice is hereby given ‘that evidence of the loss or destruction’ ‘of the policies mentioned below, has been

submitted to the i insurers, and any person in possession of any-.of these policies, or claiming to have any interest

therein, should. communicate immediately by registered post with the insurers. Failing any such communication,

certified copies: of the policies: (which shalt be the sole evidence of the contract) w will:-be issued to the owners in

terms of the regulations framed under the Act. oo 7

The particulars-are given in the following order; Name and address ofi insurer;: policy number, date of policy and

sum insured; life insured; owner, if other than insured.» ee bs :

"ARTIKEL 64, WET No, 27 VAN 1943

Kennisgewing geskied hiermee dat bewys van die verties of vernietiging van die polisse hieronder vermeld, aan.die versekeraars gelewer i is, en enigeen wat. in besit van. enige, van hierdie polisse i is, of aanspraak maak dat hy enige belang daarin het, moet.onmiddellik per aangetekende. pos met die. versekeraars in verbinding tree. By

gebreke aan sodanige mededeling sal gewaarmerkte afskrifte van polisse (wat die enigste bewys van die kontrak sal wees) aan die eienaars uitgeréeik word ingevolge die regulasies gepromulgeer onder die Wet. °

Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Naam: en. adres: van versekeraar, polisnornmer, datum van

polis en versekerde bedrag; lewe verseker; eienaar, indien ander.as versekerde.

122 No. 18068

Commercial Union Life Assurance Co. of S.A. Ltd,

P.O. Box 222, Johannesburg, 2000

849338—91-02-08, R6 280. M. R. Maxwell. BM2007—89-03-01, R6 013. D. A. Platt. a 518595—78-03-28, R30 000. J: H: du Plessis: ~~ * GBK155—95-07-01, R9 600. P. Krokidas. GBK151—95-06-01. S. Krokidas. -BWO0080—91-01-01, R16 969. A. D. Ngcobo. 611493—94-07-01, R100 000. J. J. Noortman. 842412—90-03-15, R9 307. N. E. Ndhlovu. 801767—85-11-10, R50 000. P. C. Buitendag. 602946—94-02-01, R171 396. R. R. H. Hasson. 836241—90-01-09, R7 581. D. M. Griesel. 875839—93-06-01, R59 000. E. Rauf. 401534—88-12-02, R232 493. W. Brown; Colour Repro-


542666—83-10-01, R10 000. A. F. Clouston. 513588—-76-05-06, R5 500. E. Mnguni. 561486—92-01-01, R5 760. J. C. Lotter. 541004—83-03-01,.R2 220. G. J. M. Vbaghs. ~~ 840620—90-01-01, R10 974. A. B. Warder. *.. 843615—90-09-06, R71 429. D. P. Bezuidenhout. 613239—94-08-01, R9 600. Y. Peretz; C. Levy. 605168—95-02-01. C. P. McLaughlin. 404205—94-05-01, R38 400. R. W. Nance.

Pretoria, 0001

370—1960-07-01, R4 000. Petrus Amoldus Borman.

960 0000 3239—1970-09-01, R6 000. Gideon. Johannes



52329—1977-05-01, R2000. Rose-Marie Hartman;

Robert Carlisle Hartman.

831 0000 0848—1991-09-01, R10 000. Petrus Jacobus

du Plessis.

801 0000 0185—1986-11 -01,

Vusumuzi Madonsela.

800 0000 6541—1989-02-01,


800 0022 0502—1992-02-01, R57 908. Gavin Putfet,

R20 000. Stephen

R200 000. Joél Dick

852 0000 0295—1993-04-01, R20000. Marius


856 0000 2383—1994-10-01, R10 000. Mariaan Kruger


810 0000 2802—1 994-02-01, R4 275. Hein Crous.

The Standard General Insurance Company Limited,

Head Office: Standard General House,. 12 Harrison

Street, Johannesburg, 2001, South Africa

_ 783133—1991-08-01. S. F. Ntsomi. 808263—1990-05-01. F. B. Gxabuza, 817588—1990-10-01. A. C. van Wyk.

822492—1979-08-01, R3 500. J. Jaffar. |

" 871059—1989-01-01, R150000. J. J. Haasbroek;

tle Volkskasbank. Rentmeester Versekeraars Beperk, Posbus 408, 888385—1989-09-01, R12 000. E. Mokwena.

‘ -940730—1991-09-01, R58 000. L. D. Stow.

940731—1991-09-01, R58 000. J. H. Stow.

946393—1992-04-01, R165 866. M. van der Westhuizen.

947514—-1992-03-01, R100 000. A. C. Botha.

STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997 No. 18068 123

124 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997

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126 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE; .20-JUNE 1997




STAATSKOERANT, 20 JUNIE 1997, 5 No. 18068 127


- LegaL Notices 9° BF _ |. Page

BUSINESS NOTICES....ccssssssstssssssestestissississisinsssustinnetintenateeneineae! 10 COMPANY NOTICES :....cninsinncntnannintnnsinneinmnninenetitnneien 15. LIQUIDATORS’ AND OTHER APPOINTEES’ NOTICES . _ Gunite 18 ORDERS OF THE COURT vebeagantnene 19 SUPERSESSIONS AND DISCHARGE OF. PETITIONS. | . 35, GENERAL............. songnsabgessseetseebtuseteusseesnnesbnantnnntriisettiniiniiniiediieinia BO.

_ ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES: ACTS NOTICES: Ope | Form J 297: Election of executors, curators and tutors... seessbeen tee we 42

Form J 295: — Curators and tutors: Masters’ notices........ ‘ile 42 Form J 193: — Notice to creditors i in deceased estates... 43

Form J 187: _ Liquidation and distribution. accounts: in, deceased estates : lying for inspection...........000 besataenecacsesesasaiersusatareneasivalens toe, 64

a INSOLVENCY AcT AND Companies Acts. Notices: Form J 28: Estates or. companies sequestrated ¢ or wound up: provisio-. vas

MDAIIY «sssssssessesssesennsavsiennsessssenssnsierssstanesitbicdlespeeeansnssensnenensgasenes “84

‘Form J 29: First meetings of creditors, contributories, members of. deben- oo ~ ture-holders of sequestrated: estates, companies . being °

wound up or placed under provisional judicial management: :

~ CLOSE CORPORATIONS: First meetings of creditors: and

- members of close corporations: ‘being wound UP veeesereesseess

_ Form1: Appointment of trustees and liquidators: and proof: of claims i in So sequestrated estates or ‘companies being wound: ‘Up wise see O4

--Form2: .. Meeting of creditors in sequestrated estates or companies oe being wound up

. Form 4.0 Liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contrib “in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up

Form5: == Payment of dividends’ and’ ‘collection ‘of contributions in sequestrated estates or companies being wound Up vesvessges

Form6: Application for rehabilitation ..:.:........

Form7: ___ Notice of trustees. ............... eesenentnsetaneansstocestdisigansubivbavesteseneens 115"

Form 8: _—_—_._ Dates fixed for creditors to PLOVE C1BIMS .eeicssssesecesesgernessnsnnnn ee

Form9: ——_—_ Notices of surrender of a debtor's estate ..sesscssissssssegeine Form VL: Lost. life i insurance POHGCIOS oasesesessstsserseeesensstaveaseeetennteey 4

128 No. 18068 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 JUNE 1997.


| LIKWIDATEURS EN’ ‘ANDER AANGESTELDES SE KENNISGEWINGS.. .ORDERS VAN DIE HOF... sessaeeees vesneessestsasedersssessstssbessatessesssees cesutesees becleseesteen TERSYDESTELLINGS EN AFWYSINGS VAN AANSOEKE.. seutenueee dotdude — BB° *

© ALGEMEEN .etssuscpecapssisnaferastntenetnetentee Saneecseseeteeete sescsteeussteciseeeee 86






Vorm J 297: s Verkiesing van eksekutel

Vorm J 298: _., Kurators et voogd :

* Vorm J 187: —_Likwidasie- en distribusierekenings in ‘bestorive boedels wat ° ’..terinsae |é

- Morm J 28: Boedels : of maatskappye wat voorlopig gesekwestreer of 3 ' gelikwideer is.......... hesasceeseneusueneeesensesaenaces LeUlacvenees a eyeneneeeenegee

4 Vorm J29: Eerste byeenkomste van skuldeisers; ontribuante, lede ‘of ne skuldbriefhouers: van gesekwestreerde boedels, maatskap- -


je 43.

Vorm J 193: Kenhisgewing aan-k diteure i in. ‘bestorwe t oedels: seneees 44

pye in likwidasie of onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur....... 88

BESLOTE KORPORASIES: Eerste byeenkomste van skuld- ee be eisers en lede van beslote korporasies in likwidasie .......... 92

Norn t?—~ Aanstelling_van’ kuraiors en likwidateurs en bewys van

vorderings in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye, | in : Coe likwidasie : 94.

“° “Vorm 2: », Byeenkoms van skuldeisers | in gesskwestreerd oedels of 7 os Mmaatskappye in likWidasie........ cece eeeeeteeeeneneteeenees 98

Vorm 4:. VS . _. Likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in gese- pe - ‘kwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie ................ 100

Vorm 5: ‘Uitkeer van dividende en insameling van koniribusies in. SO Sho, gesékwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie ee OT .

~ Vorm 6: “* ” Aansoek. om. rehabilitasie eeeeeeeeneeeeeseenes havereees veneeeees beateeees veSeeees ~ 112.

ae Norm.7:° : Kennisgewing van KUPALOTS .....-seessstetetes whee J Aevetaneeeeeaes erat 115°

Vorm:8: - Datums vasgestel vir die bewys van eise deur: skuldeisers... 1 6.

Vorm 9: o i . Kennisgewings van oorgawe van n skuldenaars sé S boedel .. - 41680

Vorm: VL: , -Verlore. lewensversekeringspolisse ... Svaenecbenpassees sccceeseceenee veceees 121. wy

Printed by and obtainable from the Government: Printer, Bosman Street, Private Bag X85, Pretoria, 0001. Tel 323- 9731 X 263, 269 or 273

Gedruk deur en verkrygbaar by die Staatsdrukker, Bosmanstraat, Privaat Sak.X85, Pretoria, 0001. Tel. 323-9731 x 268, 269 of.273

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