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LGT - Guitar eBook

Date post: 03-Feb-2023
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Hey…. Welcome to Learn Guitar Tunes newsletter, firstly thank you for downloading my ebooks and choosing me as your teacher, I am totally honoured. As a subscriber to my newsletter you will receive informative emails on a weekly basis which contain exclusive free tips, guidance, and guitar secrets the other teachers don't give away.

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So what can you find in this cool free eBook? I wanted to create a convenient manual which you can print out and take with you where ever you might go, something that is incredibly helpful but also thin enough to pop into your music folder or gig bag.

In this free eBook you will find the following –

1) Quick introduction to your guitar, and the names of the main parts on your guitar?2) How to tune your guitar without a guitar tuner.3) How to string your guitar and general maintenance for your guitar.4) A list of all the important open chords together on one page.5) Three FREE video lessons embedded into the eBook.6) And quick tips to get you started.

Quick Introduction to the Guitar

The Basics: If you want to make good progress it’s important to get the basics right first. We’ll start with the guitar itself. It is important you know all the parts of the instrument, what they do, how they work and so on. This helps you to play properly.

The diagram below shows you briefly what the main five parts of the guitar are and what they are called.

Basic Music Theory

For some people, when hearing the words music theory, this usually makes them flinch when they hear those words. But don’t worry, it’s actually pretty simple especially starting from the very basics.

Here we start with the lowest E (thickest string) to the highest e (thinnest).

The six strings are: EADGBe. It’s VERY important to remember this.

Here is an easy acronym for you -

Every Angry Dinosaur Grunts Before Eating

Make sure you memorise this sequence, as a lot of your ability to play the guitar will build from this sequence.

Tuning your guitar:It might sound silly to mention this, but having a perfectly tuned guitar is one of the fundamental tick lists you do each time you sit down and play your guitar. An out of tuned instrument will sound terrible, and if your guitar sounds terrible you are hardly going to be motivated and want to play your guitar.

This might sound stupid, but in order to tune all your strings you will need a starting base, or reference pitch for the official name. The best string to start with is your low E string (it is called LOW E string because the tone of the string is a low pitch). Click video below:


So, as mentioned above, to begin tuning the guitar you'll need a "reference pitch" from another source. Once you've found a source for this initial pitch (it could be my video, a piano, a tuning fork, another guitar, or any number of other options), you'll be able to tune the rest of your instrument’s strings by using that one note as your starting reference.

Note: the reason why we use a reference pitch is to make sure your E string sounds the same as the reference, so your guitar is tuned into the standard tuning, thus the need for a standard reference pitch. Basically your instrument is in tune with other instruments in standard tuning. The diagram above shows you how to tune all your strings using a piano, which is another option for you to use.

How Often Should I Tune my Guitar?You should tune your guitar every time you pick it up. Playing your guitar can out tune the instrument, there are many other reasons why the guitar becomes out of tune, for example the temperature in a room can affect the tuning of the guitar.

How Long Does Tuning the Guitar Take?At first, it may take you up to 30 minutes or more to get your guitar in tune, but the more familiar you are with tuning; the more quickly you'll be able to do it. Many guitarists can get their instrument roughly in tune in about 30 seconds. Obviously using an electric tuner allows you to tune your guitar in under a minute.

When you have your sixth string tuned to an E note, we need to get the rest of the other five strings tuned. Using just a little bit of very basic music theory, we can see how we'll do that in the next page.

If you still need a reference pitch, check out my video: CLICK HERE

Your sixth string should be tuned to an E note, my video below shows exactly how to tune the remaining five strings:

It is vital, and one of the first things every beginner needs to learn; and that is how to tune their guitar without an electric tuner. Here is our helpful guide in how to tune your guitar by using the guitar notes, frets, all six strings and your ears.

Here is how to tune you guitar by ear:

Watch the video to see how you play above diagram:


Step by Step Tuning Your Guitar (without the help of my video) -

1. Play the sixth string, your E string, by placing your index finger on the fifth fret of the E string, by playing this string on the fifth fret you are now playing an A note. Now tune your open fifth string (the A string) until the E string and the A string sound the same (use the diagram to guide you).

2. Next, place your index finger on the A string of the fifth fret, and then tune your open fourth string (D) until they sound the same.

3. Repeat again by playing the D string and G sound the same.

Now we do something slightly different this time4. This time play the third string on the fourth fret to make a B note (see diagram)

5. Lastly, play the second string (B string) on the fifth fret again, and then tune your open first string (E string) until they sound the same.

NOTE: The diagram above shows you in each circle which note you are playing when pressing down on the fifth and fourth fret of each string. Try using my video s guidance first, and then try this yourself without my video.

How to string your guitar?

There will come a time when you will need to change your strings, or a string. Strings do not last forever, they can discolour and go rusty within a matter of months. One of the more common reasons for changing a string is you might snap a string, beginner guitarists might snap a string if they are new to tuning a guitar. But I often change mine because a new set of strings make your guitar sound brighter, and generally make it easier to play.

Are Electric and Acoustic guitar’s strung the same way?Electric and Acoustic guitars are both strung slightly differently from the bridge of the guitar, but the rest of the re-string process are the same. The actual strings are different though, generally electric guitars have lighter/ bendy slinky strings. Acoustic strings are more robust with a softer sound, and the gauge is normally thicker.

General Maintenance & wellbeing

I advise that general maintenance of your guitar should start with what you should NEVER do to your guitar as oppose to what you should.

Never subject you guitar to extreme environmental conditions: Heat and moisture can loosen glue joints, dry or cold air can crack wood or the finish.

If you prop your guitar against wall, make sure it doesn't fall over. The best guitar maintenance is preventative, and the safest place for your guitar is inside a hard case that has been properly fitted to your guitar. Or wall hooks which I use in my house.



All the important open chords you need:

E minor chord (Em) E chord (E) A chord (A) A minor chord (Am)

G chord (G) C chord (C) D chord (C) Dm chord (Dm)

This is a MUST read

It’s a sad fact that most people who take up learning an instrument quit within the first few months, and this is due to rushing into playing the instrument. If the first thing you have done since owning your guitar is playing chords and a few songs, you might have just made a HUGE mistake.

But don't worry if this is you, all explained in the next few days!

Day 2 (tomorrow)

In your FREE five day guitar course tomorrow, you are going to learning the following:

Video lesson on Music Theory: music theory is crucial to learn when trying to improve on your instrument, in my free video tomorrow you will learn basic music theory in NO time at all, and its easy as well as fun.

I make learning music theory fun, NO boring regimented text. Simple & fun step-by-step video lesson with my own method of teaching, I have taught many students how to over come their fears of music theory so you will do just fine.  And there is no better time to learn, the earlier the better.

Final thought, my teaching method.

I don't want to be a bore, but maybe you would like to read some info on me/ my teaching method and my theory towards teaching:

I have this theory, there are two types of guitar students. Some people spend so much time learning music theory, reading lots of books, instead of just playing and letting things come natural. They generally get frustrated by over learning and complicating things. Trying to learn too many styles of guitar playing, and overwhelming yourself can result in you quitting because you think you’re not good enough.

I have come across many students like this, and with most I have to wipe the slate clean and start again as if they were novice players -

Then you have the other type of student who learns with structure, in a step by step process while building confidence overtime. And once they reach a certain level they soon venture on new styles, learning faster and improving and having much more fun.

This is my teaching method at Learn Guitar Tunes, my lesson videos are structured, based more on practical learning, and not heavy reading. I DONT show you how to play, I teach you how to play. With a combination of practical lessons, tablature presentations and close up visual teaching. My method helps you learn quickly and properly, as you will see more in a few days.

What is NEXT:During the four days you will receive even more amazing free lessons which will help you progression to the next level.By day five you will see my philosophy towards teaching guitar, and hopefully engage an insight to my teaching method. I am more relaxed than most teachers, so instead of the strict regimented instructional versions of books & DVD’s, I teach you in a relaxing environment, at you pace, in your time.

I believe it is important that you let what comes out of you naturally, instead of someone telling you what to do, this way you’ll end up playing songs/ learning your instrument while having fun.

NOTE: if you are still uncertain as to what Music Theory is, or what the guitar theory is, or you found my explanations in the eBook confusing…..??? It never hurts to run through ares more than once, and hopefully by day five you will have more an understanding on your instrument.

That’s all…..

Remember, this free eBook guide is to help you feel more confident and help you understand a little bit more about your guitar.

Thanks again and remember…. Keep Rocking… !!!!

Check your inbox tomorrow!
