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MDR-1 in Hepg2 cells and its role in the interaction of chemotherapeutic drugs

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By Abul Qasim Asadi

By Abul Qasim Asadi

Abstract: The level of multi drug resistance caused by the expression of the MDR-1 gene and

consequently P-glycoprotein efflux pumps in Hepg2 cancer cells can be determined.

At the mRNA level, the MDR-1 gene codes for an efflux pump called P-glycoprotein

which causes the chemotherapeutic resistance in the Hepg2 cells sine this channel

protein pumps out foreign chemicals. When Quinidine and Doxorubicin are added to

the Hepg2 cells, the expression of MDR-1 gene and P-glycoprotein changes. The

concentrations of the drugs to be used on Hepg2 cells were optimised by an MTT

assay. The protein and RNA of the treated cells was extracted. These were used to

carry out gel electrophoreses and Western Blots to determine the change in MDR-1

expression and P-glycoprotein respectively. The change in MDR-1 expression was

more observable whereas for the P-glycoprotein, the change was more subtle. The

change in MDR-1 expression was further quantified by using a real time quantitative

PCR. There was a link established with relative evidence showing that MDR-1 gene

expression plays a key role in Hepg2 cells with the interaction of chemotherapeutic


MDR-1 in HepG2 cells and its role in the interaction of

chemotherapeutic drugs.


MDR-1(Multi-drug resistance) is a gene which codes for a protein known as P-

glycoprotein. This is found in all animal cells and protects the brain cells from toxins

as well as its involvement in excretory tissues (kidney, liver, large intestine). This

channel protein acts as an efflux for foreign chemicals/substances (Dr. Christopher

Mee: 2015). In some cancer cells such as Hepg2 (cell line originating from a 15 year

old male- (Hepg2.com, (2015) Hepg2 (Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma)) the MDR-1 gene is

upregulated leading to an over expression in the P-glycoprotein. Therefore

chemotherapy is less effective on these cancer cells due to their mutated MDR-1 gene.

Figure 1 P-glycoprotein- is a channel protein found on cell membranes and is an ABC-transporter.

(Google.co.uk, (2015) P-Glycoprotein)

Doxorubicin is a pre-existing anti-cancer drug which is used for many types of cancer

namely: liver, lung, lymphomas, mesothelioma, multiple myeloma and many more. It

can be used with a combination of another drug to enhance its chemotherapeutic

effect on the cancer cells. This is called combination therapy.

Quinidine which was originally used and which is still a widely used anti-malarial

drug, can be used with Doxorubicin to enhance

Chemotherapeutic effects on cancer cells such as Hepg2 cells. This is because

Quinidine acts as an inhibitor to the efflux pump. Since it is a substrate for the P-

glycoprotein which blocks it hence reducing the chemotherapeutic resistance of the

cancer cells.

P-glycoprotein- is a channel protein

found on cell membranes and is an


These ATP-binding cassette (ABC)

transporters are involved in MDR. P-

Glycoprotein/ABCB1 is a member

of the ABC transporter family, and

facilitates the efflux of various

anticancer drugs

Previous studies for e.g. The modulation of ABC-transporter mediated multidrug resistance in

cancer ( Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy and Health

sciences, St. John’s University, (2014) ) have shown there to be a link between the use

of these drugs and their effect on cancer cells. In this study, this link is being verified

and tested by using different concentrations of the drugs.


Main Aim: To see how MDR-1 gene affects the chemotherapeutic

resistance of Hepg2 cells.

1. To find suitable concentrations of Doxorubicin and Quinidine to be

used on Hepg2 cells.

2. Identify the change in MDR-1 gene expression and protein expression

after treatment of Hepg2 cells with Doxorubicin and Quinidine in


3. To observe the change in MDR-1 gene expression and protein

expression with combination therapy of Doxorubicin and


4. To compare these treatments between naïve Hepg2 cells and MDR-

1 over expressing Hepg2 cells.

There were alternative aims such as experimenting on kidney and

intestinal cancer cells. However these cancer cell lines were harder to

obtain for our research project and were more sensitive to drug treatment

for the drugs that were being used. Hepg2 cancer cells were readily

available and had a good expression of MDR-1 that could easily be

identified by PCR and Gel electrophoresis. This is why it was chosen to

focus on Hepg2 cancer cells and its engineered family member which

was MDR-1 over expressing Hepg2 cell line.

Project Strategy:

Spend first 2-3 days familiarising with lab equipment and

procedures such as composition of reagents.

Sub-culture Hepg2 flasks

Determine suitable drug concentrations to use on Hepg2 flasks by

MTT assay.

Extract RNA & Protein from treated Hepg2 flasks.

Image RNA & Protein by Gel Electrophoresis and Western Blot.

Determine MDR-1 gene expression in both Hepg2 cells & MDR-1

cells – treated with drugs by using PCR

Compare results

What was required to complete the project:

Assistance of supervisor and ambassadors

Pipettes and pipette tips

T25 & T75 flasks

Media, PBS, T.A.E, T.B.E & various reagents mentioned in


Machines such as; orbital shaker, vortex, centrifuge etc.

IMS (Industrial Methylated spirit) for sterilising equipment and

experiment material.

Hepg2 cells and MDR-1 over expressing (engineered) cells.

Laminar – flow cupboards

Safety & Precautions:

Whilst in the lab some strict safety precautions needed to take place

otherwise immense damage to project work could happen and possible

risk of harm to people working in the lab. Every time the laminar – flow

cupboards were used they had to be sterilised down with 70% IMS along

with any equipment or reagents that would go inside it.

If disposable equipment was being used (single use) I would make sure

that it was discarded after the single use each time despite the fact that it

could be reused. I did this to prevent any chance of contamination or

mixture of reagents which would invalidate results.


Day 1:

Buffers were made for the different processes to be carried out over the course

of the placement.

MTT (3-(4, 5-Dimethylthiazol-2-Yl)-2, 5-Diphenyltetrazolium Bromide) assay

was prepared.

Protocols for the following buffers was given: PBS (Phosphate buffered

saline), T.B.E, T.A.E. Equipment required to compose these were: 4x500ml

glass bottles, weighing scales (+/- 0.0005g) and weighing boat-of varying

capacities, spatula, auto clave tape, measuring cylinder, stirrer & magnetic flea

and pH adjuster.

PBS recipe:

4g of NaCl

0.1g of KCl

1.445g of Na2HPO4.12H20

0.1g of KH2PO4

500ml of R/O water.

T.B.E recipe:

10.8g of TrisBase

5.5g of Boric Acid

0.95g of EDTA-Na2.2H20

Adjust pH to pH 8 using the pH adjuster*

Add 500ml of distilled water(i.e. R/O water)

*pH Adjuster: This is a device which with the aid of known pH solutions can

assist in the adjustment of a desired solution (i.e. T.B.E for this instance). The

pH meter must be calibrated first with pH 7.0 by swirling the pH probe in

distilled water. Then the probe was swirled in a pH 8.0 solution so that pH

meter knows what pH 8.0 is. Then probe re-swirled in pH7.0-distilled water

(prevents contamination). After that, an alkaline solution- NaOH(Sodium

Hydroxide) was slowly added -drop-wise to T.B.E solution with probe

swirling, until the meter read 8.0( +/- 0.1 pH). This meant the T.B.E was

successfully calibrated.

Sub Culturing:

The remaining cells in the T75 flasks were to be sub-cultured. This was done to

maintain a stock of Hepg2 cells from the same original sample for future treatments in

the project.

1. Remove old media from flasks

2. Wash down with 5ml of PBS then discard PBS

3. Add trypsin enzyme 3ml – place in incubator for 3 min

4. Check for movement of cells under microscope in suspension – otherwise

manually dislodge

5. Add 9ml of media to original flask so now there is a total of 12ml

6. Pipette out 6ml, from each of the two T75 flasks being used, and pipette into 2

new T25 flasks.

7. Take 12ml of fresh Media into new pippeted and add 6ml to each new T75

flask so that they both have a total of 12ml of solution within them.

MTT preparation:

HepG2 cells cultured in T75 flasks were acquired at the start of the study. Some of the

cells from these flasks were to be used to be treated with drugs on a 96/well plate.

96/well plate preparation:

Flask preparation:

Firstly, 75 flasks were gathered from the 37 degrees C/ 5% CO2 incubator. The

laminar flow cabinet and all materials were completely sterilised in 70% IMS before


Then the flasks were washed down with 8ml of PBS to remove any dead cells and any

leftover media that would inhibit trypsinisation. The PBS was discarded after wash.

To complete this destruction 2ml of Trypsin (an enzyme which breaks down proteins)

was added to the flask and then it was placed in the 37°C-optimal temperature-

incubator for 3 minutes to optimize the action of the Trypsin and re-suspend them in

solution. After 3 min 8ml of fresh media was added to the flask to stabilize the cells

since the media contains essential substances for the survival of the cells such as

glucose, FBS (Foetal Bovine solution).Also the media inhibits further trypsinisation.

Cell counting:

To ensure full re-suspension of the Hepg2 cells, the flasks were given a firm tap on

the sides to dislodge any remaining bound cells otherwise the cell count can be

inaccurate. The flask was put under microscope for a quick check as to their

movement showing that they are suspended. Then a 20µl sample each of the T75

Hepg2 flask was obtained and carefully pippeted into the cavity of a haemocytometer

for cell counting.

Figure 2 Haemocytometer (Ruf.rice.edu, (2015) Microscope Counting Chamber).

On Haemocytometer there was a grid on which the cells in the sample could be

counted when placed under a microscope. The sample was x10^4 smaller than the

actual flask therefore the mean of the cells was multiplied by this factor. Therefore the

actual mean was 68.75x10^4 so 6.88x10^5 cells in standard form. These cells were to

be added to a 96/well plate evenly. The optimal number of HepG2 cells per well is

4x103 and 100µl capacity. Therefore the following calculation was used

(4000/6.88x10^5) * 100µl = 5.8µl of Hepg2 solution per well.

However for convenience the Hepg2 solution was diluted 10 fold so 1ml (hepg2):9ml.

Once the wells were filled the plate was left to incubate in 37 dC/5 % CO2 incubator

overnight so that the cells could proliferate and form a monolayer.

Preparation of 2 new Hepg2 flasks:

Firstly, fresh media, PBS and trypsin had to be gathered from the fridge and

heated in 37dC water bath to bring the solutions to the appropriate temperature

(i.e. 37dC) for the Hepg2 cells.

1. Remove current media from the T75 flask and wash down with 5ml of

PBS to initiate the breaking down of the protein monolayer formed by

the Hepg2 cells by breaking the calcium bonds between the cells, then

discard PBS.

2. Add 3ml of Trypsin to further breakdown the protein monolayer. Then

incubate the flask for 3 min at 37dC in incubator.

3. Observe cells under microscope for movement if not manually


4. Add 7ml of fresh media to the T75 flask so that there is now a total of

10ml solution – 3ml Trypsin + 7ml media.

5. Pipette 5ml each into 2 new T25 flasks. Then add 5ml of fresh media

to each new T25 so that each has 10ml volume of solution.

6. Flasks labelled (Hepg2 AQA 24/7/15) and put into incubator (37dC,


T75 flask from 22/7/15 used to extract 20µl sample for 96/well plate. Same procedure

as above was used up till step 4 inclusive.

Then transfer 10ml solution into a sterilin.

Centrifuge sterilin for 5 minutes at 1500rpm, this will cause all the cells to

converge to the bottom of the sterilin creating a pellet (white deposit).

Then using automated pippeted, re-dissolve cells- this should leave any dead

cells at the bottom so only the living cells are now in the solution.

From this solution pippeted 20µl of solution onto a haemocytometer.

Place haemocytometer under a microscope and count number of cells on grids

(4 sections) and obtain a mean value.

Therefore mean = 24.25x10^4 cells i.e. 2.43x10^5/ml cells.

1. For T25 flask – 5x10^5 cells required

Therefore (5x10^5)/ (2.43x10^5) = 2.06 ml

2.06 x 1000 = 2060 µl required in flask which is ~ 2ml.

2. For 96/well plate 4x10^3 cells required per well.

Therefore (4x10^3)/ (2.43x10^5) = 0.0165ml

0.0165 ml x 1000 = 16.5 ~ 17µl/well in 96/well plate.

For 96/well plate it was found to be very time consuming to use a single pipetted to

add 17µl of hepg2 cell solution into each well. Therefore a 4 fold dilution was taken,

so 1ml of hepg2 cell solution: 3ml of media mixed together. Now 68-70µl was added

to the wells using a multipippete. 70µl of extra media added to each well to sustain

the cells over the weekend since some media will evaporate off.

The remaining cells were sub cultured.

30x10^4 31x10^4

18x10^4 18x10^4

Preparation of Drugs:

Two drugs were to be used: Doxorubicin and Quinidine. The whole MTT assay is

solely to identify which concentrations of these drugs are most suitable to be used on

the cells specifically later on for further procedures.


Doxorubicin was acquired 1mM.

This was made into a 5µM solution by a 1:200 dilution since 5µM is 200 times more

diluted than a 1mM solution. Therefore 10µl Dox was added to 1990µl of media

which gave 5µM solution.

A serial dilution method was used so the previous step’s concentration was diluted to

make a new more diluted concentration.

1. 10µl Dox + 1990µl Media = 5µM

2. 600µl Dox (from step 1) + 400µl Media = 3µM

3. 333µl Dox (from step 2) + 767µl Media = 1µM

4. 333µl Dox (from step 3) + 767µl Media= 0.3µM

5. 333µl Dox (from step 4) + 767µl Media= 0.1µM

Two 5µM solutions were made so that if there was ever a lack of the drug for a

particular concentration the stock version could be used and this proved to be useful.

Quinidine originally came as a 60mg/ml solution.

This was essentially a 60µg/µl concentration when both units are divided by 1000.

1. This concentration was diluted 60 fold by 1µl Quinidine (60µg/µl) + 59µl

Media which made it into a 1µg/µl concentration.

2. 1µl Quin (from step 1) + 999µl Media = 1µg/ml

3. 2µl Quin (from step 2) + 998µl Media = 2µg/ml

4. 3µl Quin (from step 2) + 997µl Media = 3µg/ml

5. 5µl Quin (from step 2) + 995µl Media = 5µg/ml

6. 7.5µl Quin (from step 2) + 992.5µl Media = 7.5µg/ml

The drugs were stored at 20°C.

Drug addition:

The diagram below shows where the drugs concentrations were added on the 96/well

plate. Two of these plates were used for the two different cell lines- Hepg2 & MDR-1.






Control 0.1 0.3 1 3 5 Control






Control 1 2 3 4 5 Control

Original copy

Figure 3 96/well plate MTT assay

The outer layer of wells was left empty to optimize the reading of the plate in the

absorbance reader.

Once the drugs were added to the 96/well plate, the plate was placed in the 37dC/5%

CO2 incubator for 24 hours.

MTT Addition:

After the 24-hour incubation the media from the 96/well plate was removed and 50µl

of MTT solution*1 was added to each well along with 50µl of fresh media. The plate

was left to incubate overnight (37dC 5% CO2).After the overnight incubation, the

media&MTT solution was removed from the wells and 50µl of DMSO( Dimethyl

Oxide) was added to each well. DMSO is a substances which lyses cells and is

miscible in a wide range of solvents); therefore it was used so that the level of

formazan produced, representing the number of living cells*2, could be released into

the wells. Now the plate had varying shades of formazan (typically purple could be

observed) corresponding to the varying concentrations of drugs used.

1*MTT protocol:

5mg/ml vial of MTT in PBS

*2 MTT assay explanation:

The MTT solution is metabolized by the Hepg2 cells over the 4 hour period

and a purple substrate called formazan is produced within the cell. The

mechanism by which this happens is when NADPH-dependent cellular

oxidoreductase enzymes reduce the tetrazolium dye-MTT to its insoluble

formazan. The level of this formazan found by absorbance reading, reflects the

number of viable cells within the wells. Therefore the MTT assay is

technically a proliferation assay, however the negative of that can be used to

observe the chemotherapeutic effects on the Hepg2 cells. DMSO is required so

that the cells lyse and the purple formazan is released into solution. After this,

the 96/well plate is placed in a microplate reader machine which reads the

absorbance of the purple formazan and gives arbitrary values relative to a

known sample for the formazan.

In order to determine the chemotherapeutic effects of the drugs on the Hepg2

cells, the wells in which the drugs were added are compared to the control set

of wells in which 0% drugs was present. Therefore the control wells have

100% cell viability and 100% formazan production relative to the drugged

wells. So the wells with subsequent lower absorbance readings have lower cell

viability which is what reflects on the potency of the drugs.

RNA& Protein extraction from naïve Hepg2 cells:

In order to determine the effects of Doxorubicin and Quinidine on the cells other than

general cell viability, the protein and RNA was to be extracted to observe what

changes have occurred. This would show changes on the mRNA level (for MDR-1

gene) and subsequent protein expression for the P-glycoprotein.

Reagents required:



75% ethanol(in DEPC-treated water)

DEPC treated water(BIO-38030)

Methods: (Bioline.com, (2015) Bioline)

Phase Separation:

1. Remove media from the treated T25 flasks

2. Wash the flasks down with 2ml of PBS- discard PBS

3. Add 1ml of TRIsure (lyses cells without damaging any of the organelles and

components such as the RNA and protein which is to be extracted), to the


4. Incubate at room temperature on Orbital shaker for 5 minutes

5. Add each 1ml of TRIsure Hepg2 solution from the T25 flasks into 1ml


6. Add 200µl of Chloroform per 1ml of TRIsure added- so 1ml.

7. Close eppendorfs and shake vigorously for 15s

8. Open cap and incubate for 3 minutes at room temperature however within the

sterile compounds of the laminar-flow cupboard which keeps the air sterile (to

prevent any pathogenic or human protein contamination)

9. Centrifuge samples at 12,000xg for 15 minutes at 4dC.

This is the general method of obtaining separating the protein& DNA from the

RNA. This is because at this stage, within the Eppendorf there are 3 distinct

layers observable. Organic phase below-containing Protein &lipids. White

interphase containing DNA. Aqueous phase above containing RNA.

Figure 4 Cell phases after lysis with TRIsure (Google.co.uk, (2015) Protein&RNA Layers

on Extraction).

Organic phase: Protein &


In order to obtain just the aqueous phase for the RNA. A combination of P-200

and P10 pipettes were used in order to extract all of the aqueous phase from the

Eppendorf but not take up any of the lower phases. For maximum RNA yield.

Once the aqueous phase containing RNA is extracted, it is placed into a separate

Eppendorf and 3 further stages are required.

RNA Precipitation:

Precipitate the RNA by mixing with cold isopropyl alcohol. 500µl of isopropyl used.

Then incubate samples for 10 minutes at room temperature. After this centrifuge at

12,000xg for 10 minutes at 4dC.

RNA Wash:

Remove the supernatant (aqueous content) leaving the pellet at the bottom of

Eppendorf. Wash the pellet once with 75% ethanol, adding at least 1ml of ethanol.

Then Vortex samples and centrifuge at 7500xg for 5 minutes at 4dC.

Re-dissolving the RNA:

Air-dry the pellet and dissolve in DEPC-treated water by pipetting the solution up

and down. Incubate for 10 minutes at 60dC. Store RNA at -70 ̊ C.

From the original Eppendorfs with the phases separations, there should only be the

DNA interphase and Protein &Lipid organic phase remaining. From there the

following steps are taken:

Protein Precipitation:

To the retained supernatant from step 2(Phase separation) add 1.5ml of isopropyl

alcohol. Mix samples for 10 mins at room temperature. Then centrifuge at 12,000xg

for 10 minutes at 4 ̊ C.

Protein Wash:

Pellet should have formed in Eppendorf from previous step. Remove the supernatant

and wash the protein pellet twice. To wash the protein add 2ml of 0.3M guanidine

hydrochloride in 95% ethanol. Mix for 20 minutes at room temperature then

centrifuge at 7500xg for 5 minutes at 4 ̊ C.

Following these steps, add 2ml of ethanol and vortex. Mix for 20 minutes at room

temperature then centrifuge again at 7500xg for 5 minutes.

Re-dissolving the Protein:

Vacuum dry the protein pellet for -10 minutes. Dissolve in 1% SDS by pipetting up

and down. For difficult samples, incubate at 50 ̊ C. Remove any insoluble material by

centrifugation at 10000xg for 10 minutes and then transfer the supernatant to another

tube. The protein sample was then added to sample buffer so that it could be loaded

into the western blot gel.

Nano Drop-spectrophotometer:

This was a device which was used to determine the volume of protein/RNA extracted

per µl/ml of sample. The device first must be blanked with milliq water (i.e. purified)

to prevent any contamination which could lead to undesired peaks in the results. Then

2µl of the protein/RNA extract sample was pipetted onto the small reading spot on the

device. The device then emitted radiation that was absorbed by the sample and the

relative remittance was converted into meaningful peaks which would show the level

of protein/RNA in the sample.

Figure 5 Nano Drop spectrophotometer device (Google.co.uk, (2015) Nano drop


Gel Electrophoresis:

This a process by which the levels of RNA in a sample of cells can be seen. The gel is

of a converging porous nature with pores sizable to RNA, DNA and protein.

Therefore the smallest macromolecules will travel furthest and larger molecules will

stop progress closer to the start of the gel; this is reflected in the UV image of the

bands of molecules shown.

The set up consists of: a tank, a gel, gel box, electrode buffer, electrodes and an

electric supply.

The RNA travels from negative electrode to the positive electrode because it has a

phosphate head which makes it negatively charged. Therefore the RNA molecules are

attracted to the positive electrode and repel- therefore move away from the starting

position which is close to the negative electrode.

The gel was run at 72V, 60mA so that the RNA could slowly disperse across the gel.

Figure 6 Gel Electrophoresis tank (Google.co.uk, (2015) Gel Electrophoresis)

Making of the gel:

Mix 40ml of T.A.E with 0.6g of Agarose in a 100ml glass bottle.

Microwave this for 1 minute with the cap lose to prevent overheating and possible

explosion. Then let solution cool down to 50-60 ̊ C.

Pour gel solution into gel box and let the gel set.

Once the gel is set remove sides of gel box and place it in the main tank.

Then pour 50ml of electrode buffer into cavities of the main tank- this maintains the

pH whilst the current is passing through the tank.

RNA sample calculation for Gel Electrophoresis:

In the Eppendorf containing the RNA sample there was found to be 886.5 ng/µl.

1500µl of sample was required for loading into the wells of the gel.

Therefore the calculation was 1500/886.5 = 1.7µl of RNA sample required.

Western Blot:

The Western Blot is a similar process to Gel Electrophoresis. The main difference is

that Western blot shows specific protein bands rather than RNA or DNA bands.

Making of the gel:

There are two types of gel required for the western blot process.

Resolving gel:

This was the main part of the whole gel; this is where the protein bands separate and

show. This is an 8% gel.

It is composed of the following reagents:

4.7ml of milliq water

2.7ml of Acrylamide

2.5ml of gel buffer

0.1ml of 10% SDS

100µl of 10% APS & 10µl of TEMED to initiate polymerisation

This gel solution was poured into the glass slide cassettes for the western blot

chamber. Once this resolving has polymerised the next gel can be made.

Stacking gel:

This is the top part of the whole gel where the samples are loaded into the wells.

This is a 4% gel.

It is composed of the following reagents:

6.1ml of milliq water

1.3ml of Acrylamide

2.5ml of gel buffer

0.1ml of 10% SDS

100µl of 10% APS & 10µl of TEMED to initiate polymerisation

The stacking gel is poured into the same glass cassettes. A plastic comb was carefully

placed into the stacking gel; this comb indents the loading wells for the protein

samples. Once this stacking gel has polymerised the comb is taken out without

disrupting the shape of the wells.

Figure 7 Western Blot tank with loaded wells

Preparing the protein samples for Western Blotting:

The protein that had been extracted previously from the drug treated Hepg2 cells was

to be used for western blotting. The protein had to be denatured into its

primary/secondary form so that it could be easily transferred through the gel.

The protein extracts were defrosted from the -20̊C freezer.

Then the following steps were taken:

1. Mix protein extract with 25µl of sample buffer

2. Add 19.5µl of 1% SDS

3. Sonicate for 10-15 seconds to completely denature proteins.

4. Heat 20µl sample to 95̊C for 5 minutes; cool on ice.

5. Micro centrifuge at10000xg for 5 minutes.

Now the protein samples were ready to be loaded into the wells of the western blot

gel. The samples were added in the following order:

Control, Doxorubicin (treated cell protein), Quinidine (treated cell protein), Mix of

drugs (treated cell protein) and a ladder sample (containing all the proteins within

cells so the other samples could be compared to in order to see which proteins are

present within them).

Wells containing protein samples.

Blotting onto membrane:

Once the gel had fully run through; this meant that the bands from the ladder had

reached the end of the tank. The gel was carefully taken out of the cassette and placed

on filter papers.

Diagram below shows how the blotting chamber was set up.

Figure 8 Blotting chamber configuration (Google.co.uk, (2015) Western Blotting).

There were 7 sheets of filter paper either side of the gel. The diagram above shows

how 2 gels can be placed together in a larger chamber. However it is the same


The blotting chamber was placed in the blotting machine for 20 minutes (optimized

time since 10-15 minutes did not give clear results). The membrane was then placed

in a 10ml sterilin with 7ml of 5% milk in the fridge for 24 hours.

The milk was added to block the membrane completely so that there would be no

unspecific binding from undesired protein antigens for the next step.

After 24 hours the membrane was washed with 10ml of TBST solution 5 times for 5

minutes each time whilst placed on an Orbital shaker device.

Then the primary antibody-P-glycoprotein monoclonal antibody (C219) was added to

the blotted membrane for 1 hour. During this time this specific antibody bound to its

specific antigens of the P-glycoprotein.

After the 1 hour, the primary antibody was taken out and 5x 5 min TBST washes were

carried out again.

Then the secondary antibody was added- this was a fluorescent antibody that would

fluoresce as a green colour once bound to the primary antibody. This anti-body acts a

marker and means that the location of the antibodies where the target protein is can be

seen. This 2̊ antibody is left on for 1 hour as well.

Then 5x5 minute TBST washes are carried out once more to ensure that any unbound

antibodies are removed to prevent inaccurate results.

Now the membrane is almost ready for imaging. Then 500µl of an enzyme called

HRP (Horse radish peroxidase) reduces the secondary anti body so that it releases the

green fluoresce onto the membrane so that it is visible for imaging.

PCR (Polymerase chain reaction):

The extracted RNA from previous procedures must be converted into CDNA for

PCR. PCR essentially isolates the target DNA section and amplifies it- so that it can

be seen clearly and quantified in terms of its level within the sample used.

CDNA = 8µl of master mix solution + 12µl of milliq water and according RNA


Master Mix contains nucleotides and other DNA forming material such as reverse

transcriptase enzyme that converts the mRNA into CDNA.

The volume of the RNA sample required is determined by the following calculation.

What is required/what there is = xµl of RNA sample.

Therefore for Doxorubicin treated cell’s RNA, 1500/525.5= 2.9µl of RNA sample. So

12-2.9= 9.1µl of milliq water added.

Control = 1500/1438.9 = 1.04µl of RNA sample therefore 11µl of milliq water.

Quinidine = 1500/1310.1= 1.14µl RNA sample therefore 10.9 µl of milliq water.

Mix = 1500/330.9 = 4.5µl RNA sample therefore 7.5µl of milliq water.

CDNA put on heating block- 50 ̊ C then placed in -20 ̊ C freezer to denature.

The PCR that was to be carried out was to test for 4 sections of the cDNA or also

known as genes which code for specific proteins such as MDR-1(main gene of

interest) codes for P-glycoprotein.

Below is a table representing the 96/well PCR plate used.

































































































































































































































































































MTT assay:

Figure 9 MTT assay results for varying concentrations of Quinidine.

Figure 10 MTT assay results for varying concentrations of Doxorubicin on Hepg2 cells



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8







ge A



ce (


Quinidine Concentration (μg/ml)

Effects of varying concentrations of Quinidine on HepG2 cells after 24hrs.



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5



ve P









Doxorubicin Concentration (μM)

Effects of varying concentration of Doxorubicin on HepG2 cells after 24 hours

From the MTT assay the following results were observed.

Figure 9 MTT assay results for Hepg2 cells

This graph shows the relative cell viability which has been normalised to the control

set of wells. The control have been given 100% cell viability, therefore any

percentage less than 100 means cell death and above 100 means cell proliferation has

taken place.

Figure 10 MTT assay results for MDR-1 cells

Gel Electrophoresis results:

Figure 11 First Gel Electrophoresis- preliminary attempt for optimisation

Figure 12 Gel Electrophoresis with both cell lines. L=Ladder, C=Control, D=Doxorubicin, Q=Quinidine,


MDR1 Hepg2


Nano Drop spectrophotometer results:

Figure 13. Hepg2 first RNA extraction

Figure 14 Hepg2 first protein extraction

Main results from RNA extraction:

Figure 15 Hepg2 control

Figure 16 Hepg2 mix

Figure 17 Hepg2 doxorubicin

Figure 18 Hepg2 Quinidine

Western Blot Results:

Figure 19 Good image 20 min blotting

Figure 20 20 min blot ladder _ High molecular weight

Figure 21 Blot over exposed image

Figure 22 Ladder at lower exposure

PCR results:

Google.co.uk, (2015)

Protein Bands

Figure 23 CYP1B1 results

Figure 24 MDR-1 results

Figure 25 Melt curve of whole PCR

Discussion of results:

MTT assays:

The first set of MTT assay results show how varying the concentrations

of Doxorubicin and Quinidine separately affect the number of viable

Hepg2 cells. The controls were set at 0% of the drug therefore were given

100% cell viability and the corresponding percentages for the increasing

drug concentrations were made relative to this- normalised.

For Quinidine the cell viability did not change substantially overall, it

generally stayed near the 100% cell viability mark. This trend was

expected of Quinidine since it is not specifically an anti-cancer drug.

Quinidine on its own only inhibits the P-glycoprotein efflux pumps since

it is a substrate for the P-glycoprotein. From the results it was decided

that 5µg/ml was the most suitable concentration to treat the Hepg2 flask

with. This concentration gives ~ a 12% proliferation in the hepg2 cells,

this is appropriate because the quinidine does not aim to terminate the

hepg2 cells. A higher concentration was not used because it would be too

potent and could terminate all the cells and this is not ideal because the

RNA and protein could not be extracted then from the hepg2 cells. Lower

concentrations were either resulting in cells termination slightly or would

not have strong inhibition for the efflux pump therefore 5µg/ml was used.

For Doxorubicin the general trend was that as the concentration was

increased the cell viability relative to the control decreased. This trend

was also expected because Doxorubicin is a specific anti-cancer drug

therefore will terminate more cells with increased potency. For treatment

on Hepg2 flasks, a concentration of Doxorubicin was required that would

terminate a significant level of cells but also leave a significant level of

cells not terminated so the stages of the gene expression and protein

expression could be observed. At 2µM there was almost 100% cell

viability which is too high because some cells need to be terminated so

the drug is not potent enough at this concentration. At 3µM there was 75-

80 % cell viability this means that ~25% of cells have been terminated –

this was slightly too high. Therefore the concentration 2.5µM was used

since it gave 85% cell viability which was more suitable.

The second MTT assay, shows how the drug concentrations identified

from the first MTT assay, affected the Hepg2 cells and the MDR-1 over

expressing Hepg2 cells. The Quinidine (5µg/ml) as expected, did not

cause any cell termination instead it cause cell proliferation by 10%.

Doxorubicin caused a 65% termination of cells – this is significantly high

however this is on the Hepg2 cells which do not have many efflux pumps.

When the drugs were mixed there was an 80% cell termination. This high

mortality was also expected because the combination of the drugs

enhances the overall chemotherapeutic effect.

For the MDR-1 cells, Quinidine’s individual effect was not much

different- only causing 5% more cell proliferation. However for

Doxorubicin there was ~ a 25% decrease in cell termination from Hepg2

cells (which was 65% cell termination) therefore 25% higher cell

viability. This was because the MDR-1 cells have more efflux pumps to

pump out the Doxorubicin therefore are more have more resistance.

When the drugs were combined there was a 24% increase in cell viability

from the effect of the mixed drugs on Hepg2 cells.

Gel Electrophoresis:

From the Gel electrophoresis it can be seen that there are bright bands

towards the middle. This shows the quality of the RNA. 2 bright bands

can be seen in the RNA lane. These are called 28s and 18s RNAs. The

upper band (28s should be brighter than the lower band). Sharp bands

with no small band at the bottom of the gel show no degradation of RNA

and a pure sample. In the first run there was clearly not a clear sample.

In the second gel with 8 samples loaded – 4 for Hepg2 and 4 for MDR-1

cells, it is still not an entirely pure sample. However it can be seen that

for the MDR-1 the Quinidine has the brightest bands. This may be

because when Quinidine inhibits the efflux pump, to compensate the

MDR-1 cell begins to upregulate the expression of the MDR-1 gene.

Nano Drop:

This is quantified the level of RNA and protein extracted. In the first

extraction of RNA there is 886.5ng/µl of RNA- this is a good yield

because the yield should be close to 1000ng/µl. For the protein extraction

the result is even better because 1.79mg/ml was extracted whereas only

1mg/ml was required. For the rest of the RNA extractions there were

varying quantities. This was not something that could be controlled.

However this was not a big problem because they were mostly above the

desired value and for the ones which were not, the higher value extracts

were diluted down.

Western Blot:

This shows which proteins are present in the samples and highlights one

specific protein. The P-glycoprotein was the target protein here. This

protein has a molecular weight of 140 kD. Next to figure 20 in the results

above there is a sample ladder next to the image of the real ladder. The

sample ladder helps makes the bands clearer. However it can be seen that

just under 150kD looking across from the ladders there is a dark coloured

band on the actual treated samples of MDR-1 cells. This means that there

was P-glycoprotein present on these cells. However it is not easy to

distinguish between the intensity of the lanes for the different samples

used. This may be because the cells were only left in the drugs for 24

hours, so although changes at the mRNA level can be observed, protein

expression may not change until 72hours or more.


This shows the level of MDR-1 gene in the different samples. Greatest

relative level of MDR-1 was in the Hepg2 Quinidine sample- slightly

above 1.0 - after the controls. Lowest level of MDR-1 is in Hepg2 mix

near 0.4 relative to control (i.e. 1.0). MDR-1 mix has more MDR-1 than

Hepg2 mix by ~ 0.35 arbitrary units this is because the MDR-1 cells are

engineered to express more MDR-1. The PCR results complement the

results from the MTT assay earlier by showing that when the drugs are

combined there is a reduction in MDR-1 – since MDR-1 Hepg2 for just

Doxorubicin was ~ 0.6 AU whereas in the Hepg2 mix the MDR-1 level

was only ~ 0.4AU, therefore the mix would have less efflux pumps hence

the cell viability with the combination of drugs is lower. The MDR-1 cell

samples follow the same trend however there is more MDR-1 overall

across the samples- this is because this cell line was engineered to have

more MDR-1 expression.

CYP1B1 is an enzyme which metabolizes drugs and allows them to take

their effect. Therefore where there are greater levels of CYP1B1 there

should be less MDR-1 meaning lower cell viability. From the results

above this hypothesis is proven to be true because for the Hepg2 mix

which had the lowest MDR-1 expression hence lowest cell viability had

the highest level of CYP1B1 which was 10AU relative to control (1).

For Quinidine which had the highest MDR-1 expression in both Hepg2

and MDR-1 cells, both had less than 1.0AU of CYP1B1 which explains

why they also had the highest cell viability and MDR-1 gene expression.


From this project it can be concluded that Doxorubicin and Quinidine do

alter the MDR-1 gene expression of both Hepg2 cells and MDR-1over

expressing cells. It was found that the MDR-1 gene was almost always

more abundant in the MDR-1 cells than the Hepg2 cells. The P-

glycoprotein expression could not be easily concluded since the results

were limited to a time frame of 24 hours of incubation with the drugs;

therefore, although the mRNA may change during this time period, the

protein expression may not. It may take 72+hours for the protein

expression to adjust. The MDR-1 expression was clearly shown to

change (PCR & MTT assay) across the samples of drugs when incubated

for 24 hours. It was seen that when the drugs are combined the MDR-1

expression lowers and the cancer cells become less resistant;

subsequently a decrease in cell viability is observed. Therefore it can be

concluded that MDR-1 plays an essential role in the interaction between

Hepg2 cells (including MDR-1 over expressing version) and

chemotherapeutic drugs because it determines the resistance of the cancer

cells. To a certain extent it can be said that the greater the level of MDR-

1gene expression, the greater the resistance of the Hepg2 cells,

subsequently the greater the cell viability.

Critical evaluation:

However this conclusion cannot be generalised to all types of cancer cells

since only the Hepg2 family of cancer cells were used and tested in this


If this project was to be continued a wider range of cell lines could be

experimented on for e.g. intestinal and kidney cancer cells.

Therefore the aims could be:

1. To identify whether intestinal and kidney epithelia express P-

glycoprotein and whether they respond to cancer treatments by

modulating P-glycoprotein expression.

2. To identify changes in P-glycoprotein distribution and trafficking

under anti-cancer treatments in liver, gut and kidney cells.

3. To further elucidate the possible mechanism of action of the drug

synergy observed between our compounds of interest.

Other than this the project could have been more optimised. During the

first and second week there was a lot of learning to be done about lab

procedures and methods such as: composing reagents, pipetting, loading

samples into wells, and optimising methods by varying different factors

for e.g. blotting time for Western Blot and so on.

This meant that essentially there was 1-2 less weeks of actual project time

in which meaningful results could be obtained. However results from 2

cell lines were still obtained therefore the project was relatively

successful as some conclusions could be made especially regarding

MDR-1 gene expression.

Contaminations were prevalent throughout the project. Contaminations

were mainly bacteria that would easily proliferate in flasks and 96/ well

plates. This proved to be a very sensitive matter because the slightest of

unsterile practice in the lab could nullify a whole week’s worth of

experimentation. Therefore in future, sterile practice will be emphasised

to prevent any contamination.

What I have learnt from this project is that MDR-1 gene expression is a

big factor for the resilience and resistance of cancer cells to

chemotherapeutic drugs. Cancer cells are very prone to contamination

especially when put under artificial body conditions. Science and

experimentation involves a lot trial, testing and mistakes. However it is

important to understand and know exactly where they were made and

how they could be prevented in the future- not just for myself but for

other people who could benefit from the knowledge. Sharing knowledge

and findings is key because it helps increase reliability.



Asadi, A. (2015) Dr. Christopher Mee [interview by Christopher Mee], 2015

Bioline.com, (2015) Bioline | The PCR Company | Bioline.Com [online] available

from <http://www.bioline.com> [20 August 2015]

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy and Health

sciences, St.John’s University, (2014) The Modulation of ABC-Transporter

Mediated Multidrug Resistance in Cancer: A Review Of the Past Decade [online]

Queens, New York: Elsevier. available from <http://www.elsevier.com/locate/drup>

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available from



yvx9W_xwIVw2bbCh2e7wzU#imgrc=Vmq0Ic896kXGMM%3A> [22 August 2015]

Google.co.uk, (2015) P-Glycoprotein - Google Search [online] available from




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available from




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Hepg2.com, (2015) Hepg2 (Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma): Cell Culture and

Transfection Protocol [online] available from <http://www.hepg2.com/> [10 August


Ruf.rice.edu, (2015) Microscope Counting Chamber (Haemocytometer) [online]

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Supervisor: Dr.Christopher Mee (much appreciated assistance and

providing us with knowledge).

Ambassadors: Eliot Barson ( much appreciated assistance throughout this

project) & Ben Knowles (much appreciated help) & Sarah Siverns (for

keeping up us up to date).

Nuffield staff: Farzana Aslam & Steve Joiner.

Lab Partner: Kashfia Akhtar (much appreciated company and assistance

throughout the project).
