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Notice City Commission Regular Meeting - City of Traverse City

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Notice City Commission Regular Meeting 7:00 pm Monday, April 3, 2017 Commission Chambers, Governmental Center 400 Boardman Avenue Traverse City, Michigan 49684 Posted and Published: 3-30-17 Meeting informational packet is available for public inspection at the Traverse Area District Library, City Police Station, City Manager's Office and City Clerk's Office. The City of Traverse City does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Penny Hill, Assistant City Manager, 400 Boardman Avenue, Traverse City, Michigan, 49684, 922-4440, TDD: 922-4412, has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the ADA Coordinator. If you are planning to attend and you have a disability requiring any special assistance at the meeting and/or if you have any concerns, please immediately notify the ADA Coordinator. City Commission: c/o Benjamin C. Marentette, MMC, City Clerk (231) 922-4480 Email: [email protected] Web: www.traversecitymi.gov 400 Boardman A venue Traverse City, MI 49684 The mission of the Traverse City City Commission is to guide the preservation and development of the City's infrastructure, services, and planning based on extensive participation by its citizens coupled with the expertise of the city's staff. The Commission will both lead and serve Traverse City in developing a vision for sustainability and the future that is rooted in the hopes and input of its citizens and organizations, as well as cooperation from surrounding units of government.

Notice City Commission Regular Meeting

7:00 pm Monday, April 3, 2017

Commission Chambers, Governmental Center 400 Boardman A venue

Traverse City, Michigan 49684 Posted and Published: 3-30-17

Meeting informational packet is available for public inspection at the Traverse Area District Library, City Police Station, City Manager's Office and City Clerk's Office.

The City of Traverse City does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Penny Hill, Assistant City Manager, 400 Boardman Avenue, Traverse City, Michigan, 49684, 922-4440, TDD: 922-4412, has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the ADA Coordinator.

If you are planning to attend and you have a disability requiring any special assistance at the meeting and/or if you have any concerns, please immediately notify the ADA Coordinator.

City Commission: c/o Benjamin C. Marentette, MMC, City Clerk (231) 922-4480 Email: [email protected] Web: www.traversecitymi.gov 400 Boardman A venue Traverse City, MI 49684

The mission of the Traverse City City Commission is to guide the preservation and development of the City's infrastructure, services, and planning based on extensive participation by its citizens coupled with the expertise of the city's staff. The Commission will both lead and serve Traverse City in developing a vision for sustainability and the future that is rooted in the hopes and input of its citizens and organizations, as well as cooperation from surrounding units of government.

City Commission Regular Meeting Agenda

2 April 3, 2017

Welcome to the Traverse City Commission meeting!


Any interested person or group may address the City Commission on any agenda item when recognized by the presiding officer or upon request of any Commissioner. Also, any interested person or group may address the City Commission on any matter of City concern not on the Agenda during the agenda item designated Public Comment. The comment of any member of the public or any special interest group may be limited in time. Such limitation shall not be less than five minutes unless otherwise explained by the presiding officer, subject to appeal by the Commission.

Pledge of Allegiance

1. Roll Call

2. Consent Calendar

The purpose of the consent calendar is to expedite business by grouping non-controversial items together to be dealt with by one Commission motion without discussion. Any member of the Commission, staff or the public may ask that any item on the consent calendar be removed therefrom and placed elsewhere on the agenda for individual consideration by the Commission; and such requests will be automatically respected. If an item is not removed from the consent calendar, the action noted in parentheses on the agenda is approved by a single Commission action adopting the consent calendar.

a. Consideration of approving minutes of the City Commission meetings of March 6, 201 7 and March 20, 2017. (Approval recommended) (Marty Colburn, Benjamin Marentette)

b. Consideration of authorizing a confirming purchase order for unleaded gasoline for City operational use. (Approval recommended) (Marty Colburn, Dave Green) ( 5 affirmative votes required)

City Commission Regular Meeting Agenda

3 April 3, 2017

c. Consideration of authorizing a confirming purchase order for diesel fuel for City operational use. (Approval recommended) (Marty Colburn, Dave Green) (5 affirmative votes required)

d. Consideration of approving a Parks and Recreation Commission recommendation for the use of up to $30,000 in Brown Bridge Trust Parks Improvement Fund proceeds for improvements at Lay Park Associated with the Bryan Crough Memorial Project; and consideration of authorizing a contract for the improvements, to include landscaping, sidewalk around the perimeter of the park and a concrete pad upon which the Bryan Crough Memorial will sit. (Approval recommended) (Marty Colburn, Timothy Lodge, Benjamin Marentette, Dave Green) (5 affirmative votes required)

e. Consideration of declaring an International 7400 Derrick Digger and a Freightliner M2106V surplus, and authorizing purchase orders for their replacement for Traverse City Light and Power operational use. (Approval recommended) (Marty Colburn, Dave Green) (5 affirmative votes required)

f. Consideration of approving the road salt order for the 2017/2018 winter season. (Approval recommended) (Marty Colburn, Dave Green) (5 affirmative votes required)

g. Consideration of adopting a resolution supporting inclusion of the North Cass Street Bridge and South Union Street Bridge Rehabilitation in the Local Bridge Program, to apply for 95% Michigan Department of Transportation program funding in Fiscal Year 2019/2020. (Adoption recommended) (Marty Colburn, Timothy Lodge)

h. Consideration of adopting a resolution recommending approval to transfer a Class C Liquor License from Pangea's Pizza, LLC, to 135 Front, LLC; and consideration of authorizing the City Clerk to issue the registration allowing the continued operation of the license at 135 East Front Street. (Adoption and approval recommended) (Marty Colburn, Benjamin Marentette)

City Commission Regular Meeting Agenda

4 April 3, 2017

1. Consideration of introducing housekeeping amendment to the Traverse City Code of Ordinances, Building Review Fee for Outdoor Cafes, which eliminates reference to the fee which is established by Grand Traverse County. (Introduction and schedule for possible enactment on April 17, 2017, recommended) (Marty Colburn, Benjamin Marentette)

J. Consideration of scheduling a public hearing for 6:00 p.m. on Monday, May 8, 2017, regarding the proposed zoning regulation for the Grand Traverse Commons. (Approval recommended) (Marty Colburn, Russell Soyring)

k. Consideration of accepting a street easement at 122 East Bay Boulevard. (Acceptance recommended) (Marty Colburn, Timothy Lodge)

1. Consideration of accepting easements from Elmwood Township and Leelanau County related to sanitary sewer service within the city along M-72 and M-22, in connection with the previously-authorized agreement acquiring the related sanitary sewer lines from Elmwood Township. (Acceptance recommended) (Marty Colburn, Lauren Trible-Laucht)

Items removed from the Consent Calendar







Old Business

Consideration of approving a policy for the implementation of the amendments to City Charter Section 28, approved as City Proposal 3 at the November 2016 election. (Marty Colburn)

Discussion regarding sidewalks. (Marty Colburn, Timothy Lodge)

City Commission Regular Meeting Agenda

5 April 3, 2017

c. Consideration of authorizing a contract for the 2017 sidewalk gap and infill replacement project. (Marty Colburn, Timothy Lodge) (5 affirmative votes required)

4. New Business

a. Consideration of adopting a resolution in support of restoring funding for the Great Lakes Initiative, which is working to protect the Great Lakes from invasive Asian Carp. (Marty Colburn)

5. Appointments

a. Consideration of approving an appointment to the Traverse City Light and Power Board. (Mayor Jim Carruthers, Commissioner Amy Shamroe, Commissioner Tim Werner; and Katie Zeits)

b. Consideration of approving an appointment by the Mayor to the Human Rights Commission, as recommended by the Ad Hoc Interview Committee. (Mayor Jim Carruthers, Commissioners Amy Shamroe, and Richard Lewis, and Mayor Pro Tern Gary Howe)

6. Reports, Announcements and Correspondence

Please note: For this section of the agenda, when an actual report is included or expected, the item will be underlined.

a. Reports, announcements and correspondence from the City Manager.

b. Announcements from the City Clerk.

c. Reports, announcements and correspondence from the Mayor and City Commissioners.

d. Reports and correspondence from other City officials, boards and committees.

1. Reports from members of the Commission serving on boards.

City Commission Regular Meeting Agenda

6 April 3, 2017

2. October through December, 2016 Financial Statement from Traverse City Light and Power.

3. Minutes of the Traverse City Light and Power Board meeting of February 14, 2017.

4. Report from the Planning Commission's recommendation with respect to its review regarding increasing the Accessory Dwelling Unit limit.

e. Reports and correspondence from non-City officials.

1. Minutes of the Traverse Area District Library meeting of February 16, 2017.

2. Monthly Operations Report for the Wastewater Treatment Plant for February, 2017 from CH2M.

7. Public Comment

a. Reserved.


b. General.

c. Mayor and City Commissioners.

8. Adjournment

The mission of the Traverse City City Commission is to guide the preservation and development of the City's infrastructure, services, and planning based on extensive participation by its citizens coupled with the expertise of the city's staff. The Commission will both lead and serve Traverse City in developing a vision for sustainability and the future that is rooted in the hopes and input of its citizens and organizations, as well as cooperation.from surrounding units of government.

k:\tcclerk\city commission agendas\2014\agenda _ 20140505

The City of Traverse City

Communication to the City Commission




MARCH 30, 2017 -~



Attached are the minutes from the March 20, 2017, Regular Meeting of the City Commission.

The City Clerk recommends that these minutes be approved. The following motion would be appropriate:

that the minutes of the March 20, 2017 Regular Meeting be approved.

MC/kg k:\tcclerk\city commission\minutes

Minutes of the

City Commission for the City of Traverse City

Regular Meeting

March 20, 2017

A regular meeting of the City Commission ofth~itlt~Y of Traverse City was called to order at the Commission Chambers, Govem!ffl~l\tal Center, 400 Boardman . . . ,'!1nnn1j\1 Avenue, Traverse City, M1ch1gan, at 7 p.m. :1!1!!!1Pill!l111hi

'1' '1 'I il I 1,

The following Commissioners were J~1#W~ndance: ~~~pr, Jim Carruthers, · ., J.,L· .. . f,4

Mayor Pro Tern Gary Howe, Brian Haas,,~Jthele Howard, Atri}rJ~pamroe, and T

. w ,,:,l. · ,10

Im emer. '':llilllihi J ~,,1!1!h il!IJ!jil!,, r\,; 1 !:11'' .,di .t;,· !i!l!h

The following Commissio~fin!ln'~t~bsent: · illlfflthard I. Lewis ·,;, 1111: 1nl11HJi1 •1:w1L • ,H,~, ·.1 di </:I,.... ·iinri

The Pledge of All~~1ance was!fi~frite l llUH!hi . 11l!1lll! Mayor CarrutheJ~Wi~ll!'ed at th~iiJheetiu~ !IIUiillUJ1 .. ,,lllii

;. ,- \;L ; -;, i'.J1,1~-'~h ffi· -- ~1jJHlt , - ;rr1:; - -~l~tJPl- ·ni·

Presentation of appreciaMYh cards bJi l(ate Madigan to the City Commission for t~f!}!J ~~q,ders hip liM tJ?iJU»~1f™1: 1 oo~ t~enewable Energy Resolution.

,,din:0:,,,, ,<, ,:,:!:1i1Jik •01l1ln.. ,,nninn, ·111 ii 2. Cons~lit Calendar ·dilJi1t '•1li1Ji1 ·

']' , ... , ;;nn111. ·qlil!Jr'.i Moved ~r· Shamroe, ~~~ndecfby Haas, that the following actions as

recommended on .the Consen11ffl/'lendar portion of the Agenda be approved:

a. the minutes ofthij./ M~r:~' 6, 2017 Regular Meeting, and the March 13, 2017 Study Session, be 'apJjroved

b. the mobile telephones and equipment listed in the memo from Chief Jeffrey O'Brien, dated March 7, 2017, be declared as surplus so it may be physically inspected and reviewed for a potential purchase price.

c. the City accept a private donation in the amount of $12,500.00; and further

City Commission Minutes 2 March 20, 2017

that a budget amendment be made to reflect receipt and expenditure of this donation in the amount of $12,500.00; and further that the competitive bidding process be waived and that the City Manager be authorized to issue a purchase order to Northern Michigan K-9 in the amount of $12,500.00 for the purchase of a dual purpose police dog and five-week handler/dog training, with funds available in the Police ~tt~mr-ent Budget.

d. the City Manager be authorized to issue a:P,~r¢mase order to Dell Premier in the amount of $9,267.00 for three mobi1t c.t~t~ 'tM~nals (in-car computers) for use by the Police Department, wiiWHunds avaiI

1Mtj~ejn the Police

Department Budget. 'I , 'ilih1 I •1011111

CARRIED unanimously. (Lewis ab~~nt).. 111111!!li

Items removed from the Consent Calendar

''l!j!i ',q hHll111iii.1

3. 01::::;ness ,Ill I 11111111111• . 111ii1111 wi1l1111111111111111111

I 111 1 l1 111

4. Ne:::~i~:~~".. IJj:: i 111111!:,::::::ll 111111111111 111%11

4(a). ll.ih . 'ql!lllft 1 l! il '

Presentation by City !<nl~rk Benjamin Marentette of the 2016 Annual Report for the City Clerk's Office. ,1



The following addressed the Commission:

Benjamin Marentette, City Clerk Marty Colburn, City Manager Rick Buckhlater, 932 Kelley Street

City Commission Minutes 3 March 20, 201 7


Presentation by City Engineer Timothy Lodge of the 2016 Annual Report for the City Engineering Office.

Tim Lodge, City Engineer Rick Buckhalter, 932 Kelley Street


'111111111, ,1111lnl!,

•1jh1 11 : ::Ill

,1 I j I. jii' :1111111 Consideration of a request from Comniis sion Gary1~ 9we for the City

Commission to consider a lease with The Workshop Brewing' ~ompany for

outdoor dining p~oses. 1•1 I _ • , . • lilt I 111111


The followmg addressed. the ,<;:omm1ss1ow 111111 1111 !h,, · ,1111 1,i . , c,,lt,

· 'i !f:, 1111! '1Flli. Marty Colburn, City Manag~fi !ihi . . . 11i!ljl , Benjamin Mar~ntf~f, City Ciel'~.

111illllil'l•• · 1llllil!I ! l, I 1.!l)lh

, " ,• • lJI Hi i Moved by Haas, seconded by Howe, that the Mayor and City Clerk execute

a one-year lease with The Work:shop Brewing Company for the lease of City­owned property for outdoor dinins;,purposes with the terms as generally outlined in the City ~lerk' s March 16, :7~,17, communicat,ion, with such lease subject to approy,~~:as to its substaµ.ce b~il~e City Manager and its form by the City Attorney, with alb~.\lol being allo~ ed to r,~l~erved until midnight.

ill, • ii!IH 11111111 , I . ,J

Pete Kirkwood, 862 ,Washington Street, The Workshop Brewing Company Founder and President

1 i

Thomas Darga, 101 .North Park Street Rick Buckhalter, 932 Kelley Street

CARRIED unanimously. (Lewis absent)

5. Appointments


Consideration of establishing an ad hoc interview committee to make

City Commission Minutes 4 March 20, 2017

recommendation regarding one appointment to the Board of Zoning Appeals.

The following addressed the Commission:

Benjamin Marentette, City Clerk

Moved by Shamroe, seconded by Haas, that the;re~ignation of Bradley Matson be accepted and that an ad hoc interview cohin!iiitee be established to make recommendation regarding one alternate. ~~~,~ti three-year unexpired term expiring June 30, 2018 on the Board of Zoni11-gl~tpeaF4h~eat previously held by Bradley Matson; and that Commissioner ke%H:;, Mayor ~~#1fFem Howe and

~':1:~~~:~:. Haas be appointed to sup1~1ri:=ittee: with ·~~~:ssioner Lewis to

:1111111,. . i1111t1111 .. !l1IJ111 CARRIED unanimously!; i(L~''i~ absen't) ,':1111,I •1 ll•

6. Reports and Communicatio~~1.j1.1 '1.11flllil!l ii: ' l ' qf1,h1

. .l'll:!•!1" " . ! lh. . '1::1ll'1111l

The follow,1!rir€Fe f~1i;r ed an~i~i:u:: 1•,,i hl'!llillll• a. Reports, annoum:cement~~and corre'siAondence from the City Manager.

. . ,,i ,·1 ,., ,1!11'1 1U11111 ., ·111r· . •.. t l , •

b. Announcements from:tlie City Clerk. , ,. I• ;; · tfhh·· . ~~iu,rh ~, 1

'•*' I , '!imL :' {. {f1,t1~ . ·· nr !Jh

c. R~J?orts, announc~inents1~fi.d. correspondence from the Mayor and City Coiii1missioners '<r!11l 'l,H!lj·J· . I I I I

,l a. Reports andlGorresporltlence from other City officials, boards and

committee/11111: illjjl!P


1. Reports from members of the Commission serving on boards.

2. Minutes of the Traverse City Light and Power Board meeting of January 10, 2017.

3. Minutes of the Election Commission meeting of October 7, 2016.

City Commission Minutes 5 March 20, 201 7

4. Minutes of the Coast Guard City Committee meetings of January 5, 2017 and February 2, 2017.

5. Minutes of the Arts Commission meetings of October 3, 2016, October 19, 2016, November 16, 2016, December 14, 2016, and January 18, 2017.

. ,1i1ll1Jh e. Reports and correspondence from non-Cil Jgljfu:als.

7. Public Comment 111

!·. •lll!J1•·1il•lllllllljhl . ..1 '. lP,_111 1111,,

The followmg addressed the Con1mj~s1on: l,lllllfJ 11 11·1

I. Reserved. I '''illllllj 1 •1• 1111111• 111iill!!1

None. 1 I !1111!1! . ll1illl.i,.

iltth, 111111111111111 . •111111111,

General. ' U t 'If ll 'l'l'l '11111'• . I'! :,1U 1 t 1hh ,, l·r ,i1ll 1l 11IH11ri n,

Ann Rogers, 123"•J>eninsilla Drive hitl!J· • l~ 11 ·s· Ric~ Buckh;~lter, ~I3~ Kelley· ·1reet

, ,Day,1d Pefop,ti92 .. 881~ leyJ load,jlnterlochen ' I ' ' ., ,1,11 ,1 !, Ii' I l I . ' ' • ' ' ,, !11; i, I ' 11• ' 'Oil

. I • ,,i. i II J Mayor and 1City r(Dbmmissioners .

. , .~ one. ·l·IIIIIJJJ,.1 '''lllllllllllt . , ,,'i\ I h

8. Adjournme'nt Ill, , I Ill ~ ~ . , ti r

There being no otij~btion, Mayor Jim Carruthers declared the meeting


adjourned at 8:42 pm. "

City Clerk Approved: ______ _

(Date) (Initials)

The City of Traverse City

Communication to the City Commission


DATE: MARCH 30, 2017



Telephone I fax bids were received for unleaded gasoline for use by various city departments.

The following is a summary of these bids.

Vendor Crystal Flash Scotland Oil Brenner Oil Company Lemmen Oil Blarney Castle Fick & Sons

City Traverse City Alma Holland, MI Coopersville, MI Traverse City Grayling

Price/gallon $1.52775 $1.5445 $1.61375 Did not bid Did not bid Did not bid

I recommend the following motion (5 affirmative votes required):

that the City Manager be authorized to issue a confirming purchase order in the amount of $15,272.92 to Crystal Flash Energy for 9,997 gallons of unleaded gasoline priced at $1.52775 per gallon with funds available in the Garage Fund.

MAH/kg K:\tcclerk\city cornrnission\purchase orders\unleaded gasoline 201 70403

The previous purchase price on 1/1 7 /17 was $1. 7 482 per gallon.

The City of Traverse City

Communication to the City Commission




MARCH 30, 2017



Telephone / fax bids were received for dyed #2 diesel fuel for use by various city departments.

The following is a summary of these bids.

Vendor Scotland Oil Crystal Flash Blarney Castle Brenner Oil Fick & Sons Gilbert,s Service Lemmen Oil

City Alma Traverse City Traverse City Mount Pleasant Grayling Traverse City Coopersville

Price/gallon $1.7068 $1.7495 Did not bid Did not bid Did not bid Did not bid Did not bid

I recommend the following motion (5 affirmative votes required):

that the City Manager be authorized to issue a confirming purchase order in the amount of $17,068.00 to Scotland Oil Co. for 10,000 gallons of dyed #2 diesel fuel without additives priced at $1.7068 per gallon with funds available in the Garage Fund.

MC/kg K:\TCCLERK\City Commission\Fuel Purchase\diesel fuel purchase_20170403

The previous purchase price on 2/6/17 was $1.66875 per gallon.

The City of Traverse City

Communication to the City Commission




MARCH 30, 2017



Attached is a memo from Parks and Recreation Superintendent Derek Melville regarding a recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Commission for the City Commission to release up to $30,000 in Brown Bridge Trust Fund Parks Improvement dollars for improvements to Lay Park which are in connection with the Bryan Crough Memorial. As indicated by Mr. Melville, we have received $28,900 in private donations for this project- which would be used for the $1 :$1 match for the trust fund dollars.

Also attached is a memo from City Engineer Timothy Lodge recommending the City Commission authorize a contract for this project.

I recommend the following motion (5 affirmative votes required):

that the City Commission releases up to $30,000 in Brown Bridge Trust Parks Improvement Fund dollars as a $1:$1 match for improvements to Lay Park as recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission and generally outlined in the Parks and Recreation Superintendent's March 28, 2017, communication; and further that

the Mayor and City Clerk execute a contractor agreement with Elmer's Crane and Dozer in the amount of $57,589.15 for improvements to Lay Park in connection with the 2017 Bryan Crough Memorial Project, with funds available in the Capital Projects Fund, such agreement subject to approval as to its substance by the City Manager and its form by the City Attorney.

MC/bcm k:\tcclerk\city commission\lay park improvements bryan crough memorial

copy: Dave Green, Director of Public Services William Twietmeyer, City Treasurer/Finance Director Derek Melville, Parks and Recreation Superintendent

Memorandum The City of Traverse City

TO: Martin Colburn, City Manager

CC: Dave Green, Director of Public Services

FROM: Derek Melville, Parks & Recreation Superintendent ~-~---,._..-~-

DATE: March 28, 2017

SUBJECT: Lay Park Improvements and Brown Bridge Trust Fund

On March 1, 2017 the Parks and Recreation Commission passed a 4 - 0 motion to approve a recommendation to the City Commission that up to $30,000 in Lay Park improvement donations be matched by Brown Bridge Trust Fund dollars to finalize Lay Park improvements with final allocation to be determined by fundraising and project bids.

There are currently $28,900 in private donations that were raised for the Lay Park improvement project to be used for adding walkways, a seating area with benches and landscaping. The funds were raised with the idea of matching those donations with Brown Bridge Trust Fund dollars to complete the park improvement project.

Please request City Commission approval for the matching Brown Bridge Trust Fund dollars in the amount of $28,900 for the Lay Park improvements which will allow for the project to be completed this spring.

Memorandum The City of Traverse City Engineering Department





Marty Colburn, City Manager

Timothy J. Lodge, City Engintff 4"­Monday, March 27, 2017

2017 Bryan Crough Memorial Project

We have solicited bids from Contractors to make improvements to Lay Park for the installation of the Bryan Crough Memorial. The request was issued on March 9, 2017 with three firms responding to our request on March 23, 2017 as follows:

Contractor Location Cost

Elmer's Crane and Dozer, Inc Traverse City $57,589.15

Lakeshore Construction Manistee $81 ,636.67

Hallmark Construction Traverse City $99,309.00

The Engineering Department's preliminary estimate for this work is $54,659.00. The project includes constructing a concrete slab and footing that the memorial will be installed upon, brick pavers around the concrete slab and new sidewalk connected to existing around the perimeter of the park. The Artist, DeWitt Godfrey, will be installing the memorial. The project is referenced as Project #33 in the current Capital Improvements Plan.

Therefore, we recommend that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute a Contractor Agreement with Elmer's Crane and Dozer, Inc. in the amount of $57,589.15 with funds available in the Capital Projects Fund subject to approval as to substance by the City Manager and as to form by the City Attorney.

The City of Traverse City

Communication to the City Commission





MARCH 30, 2017 .~



Attached are memos from Dave Green, DPS Director and Dave Courtad, Garage Superintendent, regarding the approval to declare a 2006 International 7400 derrick digger (#126) and a 2007 Freightliner M2106V articulating bucket truck (#122) surplus, and to approve the planned purchases of two new cab and chassis, and new aerial device and digger derrick for same.

I recommend the following motion (5 affirmative votes required):

that the City Manager be authorized to declare Vehicle #126, a 2006 International 7400 digger derrick and Vehicle #122, a 2007 Freightliner M2106V articulating bucket truck surplus, and that the City Manager be authorized to issue a purchase order to Grand Traverse Diesel in the amount of $229,986.00 for the purchase of two 2018 Western Star 4700 SB cab and chassis, and a purchase order to Altec Industries in the amount of $328,385.00 for one 2018 Altec Model ANSSE aerial device and one Altec Model DM45B 45 foot digger derrick for use by TCL&P with funds available in the Garage Fund for these scheduled replacements.


cc: Dave Green, DPS Director Dave Courtad, Garage Superintendent

Memorandum The City of Traverse City Department of Public Services

TO: Martin Colburn, City Manager

FROM: Dave Green, DPS Direct~G

DATE: March 27, 2017

SUBJECT: 2017 L&P Aerial Bucket Truck Purchases,# 122 & # 126

Attached are two memorandums from Dave Courtad, Garage Superintendent, explaining the process he followed to purchase two new bucket trucks for Traverse City L&P. As Dave explains, he bid the cab and chassis for both trucks out using standard procedures and then used the MiDeal process to complete the package and get the required bucket option and digger derrick option as needed. These trucks are scheduled replacements and TCL&P Executive Director Tim Arends has reviewed and approved of these purchases and I concur.

Therefore, please request that the City Commission declare a 2006 International 7400 derrick digger (truck #126) and a 2007 Freightliner M2106V articulating bucket truck (truck #122) surplus and approve a purchase order to Grand Traverse Diesel in the amount of $229,986.00 for two 2018 Western Star 4700SB cab and chassis and a purchase order to Altec Industries in the amount of $328,385.00 for one 2018 Altec Model AN55E aerial device and one Altec Model DM45B 45 foot digger derrick for use by TCL&P with funds available in the Garage Fund for these scheduled replacements.


TO: Dave Green DPS Director


The City of Traverse City Department of Public Works

FROM: Dave Courtad Garage Superintendent

DATE: March 16, 2017

SUBJECT: Equipment Purchase #122

Bids were solicited to Supply and Deliver a 2018 4X4 Truck approximately 39,000 GVW 120CA to be up fitted with an Altec Model ANSSE articulating non-overcenter Aerial Device. Two bids were received and are listed as follows;

Grand Traverse Diesel Ser. of Traverse City, Mi., 2018 Western Star 4700 SB, $111,500.00.

JX Peterbilt of Grand Rapids, Mi., 2018 Peterbilt 348, $109,999.00. With Exceptions to Comply.

Attached please find the Bid sheets, Extended Warranty information along with a copy of JX Peterbilt's Exceptions to Compliance with Bid specifications. Based on the exceptions and other items including but not limited to, the location of where Warranty repairs that cannot be performed by City Technicians has to be done (Grand Rapids, Mi.) I feel it would be in best interest of the City to Purchase the 2018 Western Star 4700SB at the cost of $111,500.00with the extended Warranty protection on the Engine, Transmission and Cooling systems at a cost of $3,618.00.

Additionally please find attached the first page description, and pricing pages of the build sheet that is a MiDeal approved Altec Model ANSSE articulating non-overcenter aerial device with insulating lower and upper boom (bucket truck), along with the State of Michigan MiDeal Contract# 071B2200264, in the amount of$ 148,828.00, along with the option 2 extended warranty price of $2,783.00.

Would you please request of the City Commission to Authorize Purchase orders to Grand Traverse Diesel Service of Traverse City, Mi. in the amount of $115,118.00 and to Altec Industries of Indianapolis, In. in the amount of $151,611.00.

Would you also please request of them to Declare Surplus Garage Equipment #122 a 2007 Freightliner M2106V Articulating Aerial Device.

This is a planned purchase and funds are available in the Garage Fund.


Police Police Police

City of Traverse Cjty, Michigan INTERNAL SERVICE FUND

GARAGE FUND 2016--17 Vehicle Replacement Schedule

Vehicle Description

2011 Ford Crown Vic Patrol Vehicle 2011 Ford Crown Vic Patrol Vehicle 2011 Ford Crown Vic Patrol Vehicle

Police 2006 Harley Davidson Patrol Motorcycle Police 2006 Harley Davidson Patrol Motorcycle Police 2005 Harley Davidson Patrol Motorcycle Streets 2007 Dodge Dakota Pickup Cemetery 2005 F350 Pickup W/Ptow Parks 2005 International Tree Truck with 55' Bucket Water Distribution 1999 Ford FISO Pickup Parks 2005 Ford F 150 Pickup Wa_stewater 2007 Freighdiner FL80 W/Rodder, Vacuum Wastewater 2007 Ford F250 W/UtiJity Body Streets 2007 lntemational W/Dump. Sander & Plow Cigfi! Power Service 200 Freigb1tiner W/S5'1ruclc:et Lig t Power Service 2006:Jntemationa ~ /Pole Di-gge Wastewater 2002 Ford E4SO Truck W/Sewer Camera Streets Streets Police

1991 Sullair Trailer Air Compressor 1992 Swensen Sander System Six (6) Detective Vehicles-First Time Purchase

Estimated Total Replacement Cost


Estimated Replacement Costs



30,000 30,000 30,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 35,000 50,000

260,000 35,000 35,000

420,000 65,000

245,000 290.000 29i.72J l 75,000 25,000 20,000




TO: Dave Green DPS Director


The City of Traverse City Department of Public Works

FROM: Dave Courtad Garage Superintendent

DATE: March 16, 2017

SUBJECT: Equipment Purchase #126

Bids were solicited to Supply and Deliver a 2018 4X4 Truck approximately 39,000 GVW 108CA to be up fitted with an Altec Model DM45B 45 foot Digger Derrick. Two bids were received and are listed as follows;

Grand Traverse Diesel Ser. of Traverse City, Mi., 2018 Western Star 4700 SB, $111,250.00.

JX Peterbilt of Grand Rapids, Mi., 2018 Peterbilt 348, $109,999.00. With Exceptions to Comply.

Attached please find the Bid sheets, Extended Warranty information along with a copy of JX Peterbilt's Exceptions to Compliance with Bid specifications. Based on the exceptions and other items including but not limited to, the location of where Warranty repairs that cannot be performed by City Technicians has to be done (Grand Rapids, Mi.) I feel it would be in best interest of the City to Purchase the 2018 Western Star 4700SB at the cost of $111,250.00with the extended Warranty protection on the Engine, Transmission and Cooling systems at a cost of $3,618.00.

Additionally please find attached the first page description, and pricing pages of the build sheet that is a Millea) approved Altec Model DM45B; 45 foot Digger Derrick with hydraulic extending full capacity intermediate and upper booms, along with the State of Michigan MiDeal Contract # 071B2200264, in the amount of$ 172,258.00, along with the option 2 extended warranty price of $4,516.00.

Would you please request of the City Commission to Authorize Purchase orders to Grand Traverse Diesel Service of Traverse City, Mi. in the amount of $114,868.00 and to Altec Industries of Indianapolis, In. in the amount of $176,774.00.

Would you also please request of them to Declare Surplus Garage Equipment #126 a 2006 International 7400 Derrick Digger.

This is a planned purchase and funds are available in the Garage Fund.

The City of Traverse City

Communication to the City Commission





MARCH 30, 2017



Attached are memos from Dave Green, DPS Director, and Mark Jones, Streets Superintendent, regarding the approval to order winter road salt for ice control for the winter of 2017-2018.

I recommend the following motion (5 affirmative votes required):

that the City Manager be authorized to approve ordering 600 tons of bulk salt and 400 tons of backup salt through the State of Michigan's MIDeal program.


cc: Dave Green, DPS Director Mark Jones, Streets Superintendent

Memorandum The City of Traverse City Department of Public Services

TO: Martin Colburn, City Manager

FROM: Dave Green, DPS Direct~G

DATE: March 27, 2017

SUBJECT: 2017-18 Salt Order

Attached is a memorandum from Mark Jones, Streets Superintendent, requesting approval to order winter road salt for ice control for the winter of2017-2018.

We purchase road salt through the State of Michigan extended purchasing program, taking advantage of the lowest prices available to the State. We actually have to place our order now for next winter's salt because the State combines the demand from all of the State's municipalities into one large bid. The actual price that we will pay does not become available until the bid is awarded and the salt is ready for delivery. But by placing an order now, we are committed to paying for the salt in the fall. Because funds are being committed, we think it appropriate that the City Commission approve the order that is being placed now, and then approve the actual expenditure of funds in the fall.

Before last year's order we were purchasing on average 2000 tons per year since the 2008/2009 winter season. Because of the increased importance of limiting salt usage for both financial and environmental reasons staff has reduced the average purchase by over 50% during the last two years. We will look for more ways to continue this trend while also keeping in mind that the life, safety and welfare of the public must be maintained at a high level as well.

To keep our inventory where we feel it needs to be, Mark estimates the need for 600 tons of early delivery salt and 400 tons of backup salt. As Mark explains in his memo, we have some flexibility on how much of the backup salt we actually have delivered.

Please request City Commission approval to order 600 tons of bulk salt and 400 tons of backup salt through the State of Michigan' s MID EAL program.






Dave Green, DPS Director

Mark Jones, Stree11/;%~J~. _.

03-24-17 ~

2017 /2018 MID EAL Salt Commitment

As in the past, the City has arranged for the purchase of its yearly road salt supply through the State of Michigan extended purchasing service. The State of Michigan takes bids for bulk deliveries with drop points to various agencies. Every year in March all agencies are asked for the tonnage of salt they will need for the upcoming year. By doing this they can go out for bids and receive the lowest price for bulk salt, this commitment locks the agencies in for the purchase. (MIDEAL Road Salt Contract) Normally in August we receive the finalized contract with the lowest bid price for all agencies. By participating in the MIDEAL Road Salt Contract all agencies are guarantied the quantity they requested.

Please see page two which shows the last nine years of salt purchased by the City, this chart shows the year by year fluctuations of salt prices. Also page three shows annual salt usage for 2014/2015, 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 to date, and inventory as of 3-24-17.

Because of the unforeseen / unpredictable winters, I like to have an inventory of at least 2000 tons available.

Please request City Commission approval for a commitment order of 600 tons early delivery of bulk salt and 400 tons of seasonal backup salt. The salt cutoff date for ordering and changes is April 13, 2017. The commitment to purchase is final, we cannot cancel the order, regardless of final price.

Necessary funds will be budgeted in the Street Division and Highway maintenance accounts for these purchases.

Salt Early Delivery and Backup Salt Delivery

2008 Early Delivery 2009 Backup Delivery

2009 Early Delivery 2010 Backup Delivery

2010 Early Delivery 2011 Backup Delivery

2011 Early Delivery 2012 Backup Delivery

2012 Early Delivery 2013 Backup Delivery

2013 Early Delivery 2014 Backup Delivery

2014 Early Delivery 2015 Backup Delivery

2015 Early Delivery 2016 Backup Delivery

2016 Early Delivery 2017 Backup delivery



2000 300

2000 300

2000 300

1500 500

1000 300

1500 500

2000 500

1000 300

500 400

$48.14 per ton $96,280 $49.32 per ton $14,796

$59.17 per ton $118,340 $60.67 per ton $18,201

$61.24 per ton $122,480 $62.79 per ton $18,837

$65.95 per ton $98,925 $65.68 per ton $32,840

$65.61 per ton $65,610 $65.35 per ton $19,605

$55.63 per ton $83,445 $55.41 per ton $27,705

$70.78 per ton $141,560 $71.05 per ton $35,525

$66.10 per ton $66,100 $70.26 per ton $21,078

$50.81 per ton $25,405 $57.99 per ton $23,196

Annual Total












YEAR 2014 - 2015 YEAR 2015 - 2016 YEAR 2016 - 2017 SALT



November 292.30 November 84.06 November 15.39

December 193.80 December 99.87 December 390.28

January 357.66 January 450.71 January 391.54

February 355.84 February 226.50 February 198.60

March 98.37 March 128.10 March 270.55 ( through 3/23/17) 1014 TONS

April 1.42 April 140.24 April

TOTALS 1299.39 1129.48 1266.36

The City of Traverse City

Communication to the City Commission




MARCH 30, 2017



Attached is a memo from City Engineer Timothy Lodge, recommending that the City Commission adopt the attached resolutions to make repairs to the South Union Street Bridge and the North Cass Street Bridge eligible for 95% funding from the Michigan Department of Transportation in Fiscal Year 2019/2020.

I recommend the following motion:

that the following resolutions be adopted: Resolution in Support of Critical Bridge Support for the South Union Street Bridge and the Resolution in Support of Critical Bridge Support for the North Cass Street Bridge, in support of the City's grant application to the Michigan Department of Transportation (MOOT) Local Bridge Program.

MC/kez k: \tcclerk\city commission\resolutions\cover memo_ critical funding for bridges_ 20160418.doc

copy: Timothy Lodge, City Engineer

Memorandum The City of Traverse City Engineering Department





Marty Colburn, City Manager Rob Bacigalupi, DDA

Timothy J. Lodge, City Engi~~

March 27, 2017

Resolution of Support, MDOT Local Bridge Program

MDOT is soliciting applications for candidate projects for the Local Bridge Program for the fiscal year 2020. The Local Bridge Program will provide funding for 95% of the eligible construction cost for the work with 5% provided by the local agency (City/DDA) along with the necessary design and construction engineering cost. The City Engineering Department recently completed and submitted the applications for improvements for the following bridges. For each application we are required to:

" .. submit a current resolution, signed and dated, from the governing board supporting the project."

Please provide a resolution of support from the City and DDA for the following applications for bridge rehabilitation so we can include them in the submittal to MDOT. We have listed the bridges in order of priority.

North Cass Street Bridge (Rehabilitation) - CIP #885 - FY 2019/20 The work anticipated includes the removal and replacement of the existing concrete box beam supported deck, widening and replacement of the sidewalks, railings, approach pavement and related work. The estimated cost is $1,015,000.

South Union Street Bridge (Rehabilitation) - CIP #186 - FY 2019/20 The work anticipated includes the structural repair of the existing concrete and steel beam supported deck, painting of the structural steel, replacement of the sidewalks, railings, approach pavement and related work. Restoration and repair of the decorative railing and fascia details will be included in the proposed work. The estimated cost is $945,000.

We have received funding from the Local Bridge Program for the West Front Street Bridge ($1,100,000 for FY2013), 8th Street Bridge ($750,000 for FY2013), South Cass Street Bridge ($850,000 for FY2015) and the Park Street Bridge ($850,000 for FY 2017) in previous applications. The only other bridge under the City's jurisdiction, the North Union Street Bridge was rehabilitated in 2000. We plan to package all four bridges and submit to MDOT for bidding later this year with completion in 2018/19.

The City of Traverse City

Office of the City Clerk

GOVERNMENT AL CENTER 400 Boardman Avenue Traverse City, Ml 49684 (231 ) 922-4480 tcclerk @traversec itym i .gov







presently the South Union Street Bridge crossing the Boardman River qualifies for the LOCAL BRIDGE PROGRAM; and

the South Union Street Bridge is an integral part of the City Transportation System and is first priority in bridge rehabilitation; and

the closure or loss of this bridge crossing would provide a considerable hardship on transportation in this area; and

the City of Traverse City has sufficient funds for their portion of the bridge rehabilitation; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the City of Traverse City and the Downtown Development Authority actively seeks participation for this rehabilitation from the LOCAL BRIDGE PROGRAM.

I hereby certify that the above resolution was adopted by the Traverse City City Commission at its Regular Meeting held on April 3, 2017, in the Commission Chambers of the Governmental Center, 400 Boardman Avenue, Traverse City, Michigan.

Benjamin Marentette, MMC City Clerk

The City of Traverse City

Office of the City Clerk

GOVERNMENT AL CENTER 400 Boardman Avenue Traverse City, Ml 49684 (231) 922-4480 tcclerk@traversecitym i .gov







presently the North Cass Street Bridge crossing the Boardman River qualifies for the LOCAL BRIDGE PROGRAM; and

the North Cass Street Bridge is an integral part of the City Transportation System and is first priority in bridge rehabilitation; and

the closure or loss of this bridge crossing would provide a considerable hardship on transportation in this area; and

the City of Traverse City has sufficient funds for their portion of the bridge rehabilitation; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the City of Traverse City and the Downtown Development Authority actively seeks participation for this rehabilitation from the LOCAL BRIDGE PROGRAM.

I hereby certify that the above resolution was adopted by the Traverse City City Commission at its Regular Meeting held on April 3, 2017, in the Commission Chambers of the Governmental Center, 400 Boardman A venue, Traverse City, Michigan.

Benjamin Marentette, MMC City Clerk

The City of Traverse City

Communication to the City Commission




MARCH 30, 2017



Attached is a memo from City Clerk Benjamin Marentette, recommending approval of a request from 135 Front, LLC, dba Pangea's Pizza (Christopher Mohrhardt, Josef Guzowski, and Keith Lupiloff) for the transfer of a Class C Liquor License and SDM License for operation at 135 East Front Street. It is also recommended to approve the registration of this license with the City.

I recommend the following motion:

that the resolution recommending approval of the request to transfer a Class C Liquor License and SOM Liquor License from Pangea's Pizza, Inc. to 135 Front, LLC be adopted and that the City Clerk be authorized to issue a Liquor License Registration to 135 Front, LLC, to operate such license at 135 East Front Street, Traverse City, MI 49684.

MC/kez K:\TCCLERK\City Commission\Liquor License_Regular\Xfer Class C_l35 Front_20170403 .doc

copy: Christopher Mohrhardt, [email protected] Josef Guzowski, [email protected] Keith Lupiloff, [email protected]

Memorandum The City of Traverse City

TO: Marty Colburn, City Manager

FROM: Benjamin C. Marentette, City Clerk

DATE: Thursday, March 30, 2017

SUBJECT: Liquor License Registration Request- 135 Front, LLC, dba Pangea' s Pizza

Christopher Mohrhardt, Josef Guzowski, and Keith Lupiloff of 135 Front, LLC, have requested to transfer a Class C and SDM liquor licenses from Pangea' s Pizza, Inc. to them for continued operation at 135 East Front Street, Pangea's Pizza. They would also like to register these licenses with the City as required under Chapter 834 of the Code of Ordinances.

A Class C license allows a person to sell beer, wine, mixed spirit drinks, and spirits at retail to consumers for consumption on the licensed premises only.

A SDM license allows a person to sell packaged beer or wine for consumption off the licensed premises.

The applicant has paid the appropriate application fee, and this request has been reviewed by the appropriate city departments, including the Police Department, and meets all ordinance/law requirements. The supporting documentation is on file with this office.

I recommend the Commission adopt a resolution recommending approval of this request. This license cannot be operated unless the City Commission also authorizes the City Clerk to issue a registration to Event Beverages, Inc. I respectfully recommend that the City Commission authorize the City Clerk to issue this registration.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or if I may be of further assistance.


Go gle Maps

Boardman Rwer

Pangea's Pizza

135 East Front Street

Pangea's Pizza - Google Maps

-Traverse City Area Chamber of Commerce

Boardman River

d Bank)


0 ~udlos



0 , angc Salon



Green House Cafe


Petertyl Drug Unparalleled Apparel BoyneCountrySport

0s (!) .... 0 G)HarborWear

0 G) Sweetlifeu, ECCO event space

Spirals Boutique


0 TheCameraShop G) 0

Doug Murdick s Fudge Diversions

First Communrty Bank

0 0 ()wooden Gallery

City Opera House

0 Robenson's Hair Center

O union Slreet Station

Q Bootleggers

G> Q


Kayak. Bike & Brew

Pangea'1 Plua Compaict }c:Hnl ror lnno'fatJW:~I



..,. Poppycocks

"'~~ii::~°' G)

80 rdman River

Boardman River

Momentum Outfitters

Captain's Quarters

0 0 0 Pop-Kies

o Macklnaw G) Brewing Company O Gllu & Spurs

Olives and Wm~ , G)vana Dee Store O Daisy Jane Ella s

El O 0

0 0 Roben Frost

Kay's Unique Apparel


Sweet Pea

rent 0 0 E i:rontSl

Eleven The Shop

0 C 0 G)Gllk's G) Raven's ChildG) Trains & Things Hobbies

Orvis Streamslde



ami~I Q Buslhng bls1ro for European cuistnt'

State Theatre


Americana Collection

0 M American Spoon

0 GaiJin

0 Cherry Republic

- Traverse City Wh1lng

G> Espre,so Bay

0 Blue In the race

Plamondon Shoes The Franklin

Cherry Republic care StudloAnatomy $ TartTralls Q G)

Passageways Travel


Q Google 81s1ro Foufou

0 My Secret Stash

n "' "' r/)

0 Rehmann

OAnanclal & Investment Manage~t

Miner's Nonh Jewelers

G)u & I Lounge

Map data ©2017 Google 50 ft .._ ___ __,

https://www.google.com/maps/place/Pangea's+Pizza/@44.7641235,-85.6217382,19z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x881e32a1d6351747:0x3680feee52b43a8d!8m2!3d44.764176!4d-85.622113 1/1

Instructions for Applicants:

Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Liquor Control Commission (MLCC)

Toll Free: 866-813-0011 • www.michiqan.gov/ lcc

Local Government Approval (Authorized by MCL 436.1501)

Business ID:

Request ID: -------

(For MLCC use only)

• You must obtain a recommendation from the local legislative body for a new on-premises license application, certain types of license classification transfers, and/or a new banquet facility permit.

Instructions for Local Legislative Body:

• Complete this resolution or provide a resolution, along with certification from the clerk or adopted minutes from the meeting at which this request was considered.

Ata Regular meeting of the Traverse City council/board ----------------------

(regular or special) (township, city, village)

called to order by Mayor Jim Carruthers on April~2017 at 7:00 PM ---------- --- ------

the following resolution was offered: (date) (t ime)

Moved by and supported by ---------------------- - ------ ------ --

that the application from 135 Front, LLC ------------------------ ---------------

(name of applicant)

for the following license(s): Class C and SDM Licenses - ----------- ---------------------- ----

( Ii st specific licenses requested)

to be located at: 135 East Front Street, Traverse City, Ml 49684

and the following permit, if applied for:

D Banquet Facility Permit Address of Banquet Facility:

It is the consensus of this body that it RECOMMENDS this application be considered for -------------------

(recommends/does not recommend)

approval by the Michigan Liquor Control Commission.

If disapproved, the reasons for disapproval are APPROVAL ---------------------- ---------


Nays: ----


I hereby certify that the foregoing is true and is a complete copy of the resolution offered and adopted by the Traverse City

council/ board at a Regular meeting held on April 3, 2017 (township, city, vi llage)

------- ---{regular or specia l) (date)

Benjamin Marentette, MMC, City Clerk

Print Name of Clerk Signature of Clerk Date

Under Article IV, Section 40, of the Constitution of Michigan (1963), the Commission shall exercise complete control of the alcoholic beverage traffic wit hin t his state, including the retail sales thereof, subject to statutory limitations. Further, the Commission shall have the sole right, power, and duty to control t he alcoholic beverage traffic and traffic in other alcoholic liquor within this state, including the licensure of businesses and individuals.

LCC-106 (10/ 15)

Please return this completed form along with any corresponding documents to: Michigan Liquor Cont rol Commission

Mailing address: P.O. Box 30005, Lansing, Ml 48909 Hand deliveries or overnight packages: Constitution Hall - 525 W. Allegan, Lansing, Ml 48933

Fax to: 517-763-0059 LARA is an equal opportunity employer/ program.Auxiliary aids, services and other reasonable accommodations are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

The City of Traverse City

Communication to the City Commission




MARCH 30, 2017 ~



As a housekeeping amendment to the Outdoor Cafe ordinance, the reference to the fee charged by Grand Traverse County for a building inspection should be eliminated. (Of course, the City does not establish fees charged by the county.)

I recommend the following motion:

that an amendment to the Traverse City Code of Ordinances, Removal of Reference to County Fee from Outdoor Cafe Ordinance, which would remove reference to the building inspection fee charged by Grand Traverse County from the ordinance, which is a housekeeping matter, be introduced and scheduled for possible enactment on April 17, 2017.

MC/bcm K:\tcclerk\city commission\ordinance amendments\platform cafe reference to county fee



ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. ----Effective date: ----



That Sections 1020.10, Outdoor Cafes in Designated On-Street Parking Areas, of the Traverse City Code of Ordinances, be enacted/amended to read in its entirety as follows:

1020.10. OUTDOOR CAFES IN DESIGNATED ON-STREET PARKING AREAS. (a) Permit Conditions. The City Clerk may issue to a food service establishment a revocable

Outdoor Cafe Permit authorizing the placement of the outdoor cafe in on-street parking areas on streets where the posted speed is 25 miles per hour or less, pursuant to Section 1020.07 or 1020.08 of this Code of Ordinances. For Outdoor Cafe Permits where alcohol is not served, the provisions of Section 1020.07 of this Code of Ordinances shall apply in all respects; provided, however, if there is a conflict between this section and Section 1020.07, the provisions of this section shall survive. For Outdoor Cafe Permits where alcohol is served, the provisions of Section 1020.08 of this Code of Ordinances shall apply in all respects; provided, however, if there is a conflict between this section and Section 1020.08, the provisions of this section shall survive. Such permits shall be subject to the following terms and conditions:


(1) General conditions. A. The Cafe shall be located within designated street parking areas

where 50 percent or more of the parking space is in front of the food service establishment applicant. A maximum of two parking spaces will be permitted. Use of the "brick ribbon" on sidewalk is





permitted when applicable. Cafes will not be permitted on the 100 and 200 block of East Front Street. A maximum of 10 permits will be issued for Cafes within the Downtown Development Authority district. A fee in the amount determined by resolution of the City Commission shall be paid prior to issuance of a permit by the City Clerk such fee may be prorated based on the number of days used as agreed to in an Outdoor Cafe License Agreement. A Building Inspection Fee of $110 fee will be applied. A Right of Way permit will also be required. The Cafe shall be established upon a removable platform approved by the City Planning Director, City Engineer, City Department of Public Services, City Fire, and Grand Traverse County Construction Code before being placed in the designated on-street

K:/tcclerk/ord inances/pending/ 1020 .10 _ Outdoor Cafe Housekeeping Amendment


parking area; the platform shall be placed in such a manner to not create trip hazards. Drawings must be submitted by a registered design professional.

F. The Cafe shall be separated from vehicular traffic with a 1' perimeter and surrounded by a barrier generally 36" in height and be approved by the City Planning Director, City Engineer, City Department of Public Services, City Fire, and Grand Traverse County Construction Code, which will remain in place at all times when the cafe is in operation, and shall include markings or other devices or decorations to make the barrier clearly visible at all times. Planters are required.

G. The platform shall not be placed in the designated on-street parking spaces sooner than May 1 each year and shall be removed no later than October 1 each year, At the discretion of the City Clerk, the time frame when the platform may be placed in the designated on-street parking spaces may be extended.

H. The Cafe shall conform to the site plan which shall be incorporated as part of the permit. Such site plan shall show the following: the design, relevant details and location of all temporary structures, including the dimensions of the removable platform, planters, landscaping, railings, tables, chairs and lighting. Permitted materials include, wood, metal, cast iron, steel, and high quality recycled plastic.

I. If the use of a musical instrument and/or sound reproduction system is planned, such use shall be governed by this Code of Ordinances and there shall be no amplification of live music.

J. The City Manager may adopt rules and regulations regarding the construction, use and removal of outdoor cafes within designated street parking areas. Outdoor Cafes within designated street parking areas shall be operated in accordance with the rules and regulations as they may be adopted or amended. An Outdoor Cafe within a designated on-street parking area which is operated in violation of the rules and regulations shall be removed within 24 hours of written notice.

K. The owner of the Outdoor Cafe shall enter into an Outdoor Cafe License Agreement with the City further specifying the terms and conditions of the permit which allows a Cafe to be placed within designated street parking areas. The City Clerk is authorized to execute such agreements on behalf of the City.

L. The Outdoor Cafe will be open to patrons of the licensee and not the general public.

M. Smoking shall be prohibited; and a sign shall be posted within the platform indicating smoking is prohibited.

N. Other conditions established by the City Clerk in the permit. (2) Prohibitions. The occupancy must not:

A. Violate any provisions of Section 1020.07 or 1020.08 of this Code

K:/tcclerk/ordinances/pending/1020.1 O _ Outdoor Cafe Housekeeping Amendment


of Ordinances; provided, however, that if there is a conflict between this section and Section 1020.07 or 1020.08 of this Code of Ordinances, the provisions of this section shall survive. Extend more than seven feet from the curb line.

The effective date of this Ordinance is the ______ day of ____ , 2017.


I hereby certify the above ordinance amendment was introduced on , at a regular meeting of the City Commission and was enacted on , at a regular meeting of the City Commission by a vote of Yes:

No: , at the Commission Chambers, Governmental Center, 400 Boardman A venue, Traverse City, Michigan.

Jim Carruthers, Mayor

Benjamin Marentette, City Clerk

I hereby certify that a notice of adoption of the above ordinance was published in the Traverse City Record Eagle, a daily newspaper published in Traverse City, Michigan, on _______ _

Benjamin Marentette, City Clerk

K:/tcclerk/ordinances/pending/1020.1 O _ Outdoor Cafe Housekeeping Amendment

The City of Traverse City

Communication to the City Commission


DATE: MARCH 30, 2017



A joint meeting between the City Commission, Garfield Township Board of Trustees, and Grand Traverse Commons Planning Commission is being planned for May 8, 2017 in Kirkbride Hall at 700 Cottageview Drive, Suite 200 with the intent of holding a public hearing and to discuss possible adoption of the Grand Traverse Commons Development Regulations zoning ordinance. This meeting is a follow up to the joint discussion on January 23, 2017.

I recommend the following motion:

that an amendment to the Traverse City Code of Ordinances, Grand Traverse Commons Development Regulations, which would approve zoning regulations for the Grand Traverse Commons be introduced and scheduled for public hearing and possible enactment on May 8, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. in Kirkbride Hall, located in The Village of Grand Traverse Commons.

MC/kez K:tcclerk/city commission/ordinance amendmnts/PH Sched _ Grand Traverse Commons _proposed zoning_20170403.doc

copy: Chuck Korn, Garfield Township Supervisor Lanie McManus, Garfield Township Clerk Roberto Larrea, Garfield Township Director of Planning Russell Soyring, City Planning Director

The City of Traverse City

Communication to the City Commission





MARCH 30, 2017



Attached is a memo from City Engineer Timothy Lodge recommending that the City Commission accept the attached alley easement. As explained by Mr. Lodge, during the work the city was performing to improve the alley, we identified that we needed to obtain an easement to keep the alley in its existing location.

I recommend the following motion:

that the City Commission accepts the Public Street Easement from Elly Cosgrove, for property commonly known as 122 South East Bay Boulevard; and that the City Clerk certify acceptance.

MC/bcm K:\tcclerk\city commission\deeds and easements\122 south east bay boulevard

Copy: Timothy Lodge, City Engineer

Memorandum The City of Traverse City Engineering Department





Marty Colburn, City Manager

Timothy J. Lodge, City Engiddj,.__. March 21, 2017

Public Street (Alley) Easement 122 S East Bay Boulevard

Attached, please find a public street (alley) easement executed by Elly Cosgrove to the City of Traverse City for the property commonly known as 122 South East Bay _Boulevard. During the work to improve the alley on the north side of the above referenced project we determined it to be in the best interest to secure an easement to allow the alley to stay in it's then current location. The property owner consented to giving the City the easement and in return we paved a small apron to her driveway. This change reduced the cost for the alley improvement by more than $2,000. Please have the City Commission consider action to accept this easement at their next meeting.




Grantors, Elly Cosgrove whose address is 122 South East Bay Blvd., Traverse City, MI 49684 , grant(s) and

convey(s) to the CITY OF TRAVERSE CITY, a Michigan municipal corporation, whose address is 400 Boardman Avenue, Traverse City, Michigan, 49684, (the "City"), its successors and assigns, an easement for public street and public utility purposes in, over, upon, and under the real estate situated in the City of Traverse City, County of Grand Traverse , State of Michigan, described as:



THENCE S07°33 ' 59"W 3.70 FEET; THENCE N87°34'04"W 129.60 FEET; THENCE S89°11 ' 13"E 130.00 FEET ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 20 TO THE POINT OF


As shown in "Easement Exhibit."

This conveyance includes the right to construct a public street or any part thereof on, and beneath all or over any portion of the land herein described, together with the right to install all necessary facilities in connection with such public street, including but not limited to curbs, gutters, storm drains and catch basins, and together with the right to install public utility facilities including but not limited to water mains, meters, hydrants, sanitary sewers, conduits, poles and wires. This conveyance includes the consent of the Grantors to the removal at any time of such trees, shrubs and vegetation as, in the judgment of the City, is necessary to the construction and maintenance of the highway or public utilities.

The City has the right to temporarily use any adjacent property of the Grantor for ingress and egress to said easement as necessary to affect the purposes of the right of way granted by this instrument.

The right herein granted shall include the right to excavate and to install, repair, maintain and improve all the facilities placed in, over and upon said land.

Consideration for this easement is $ __ l_.O~O~a_nd~o_th_e_r_c_o_n~si_d_er_a_ti_o_n.._, __ the adequacy and receipt of which is acknowledged.

As part of the consideration for the granting of this easement, the City will make a reasonable effort to leave the premises in good condition. This conveyance includes a release of any and all claims to damages to Grantors on adjoining property, arising from or incidental to the laying out, establishing,

altering, widening, change of grade, draining, and improving of the public street or public utilities in, over and upon the land herein granted.

The easement described herein is in gross for the benefit of the public and may be assigned or transferred in whole or in part to another public entity.

Executed this ~' dayof_~--~-__.__ _____ ,201~.



) )

The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this a i day of Ev?~ by

~lh:i, ~to\tt..

, 201],

This instrument drafted by:

Timothy Lodge, City Engineer 400 Boardman A venue Traverse City, MI 49684

, Notary Public 6(.;if)~ ~~rO""'- County,~~

My Commission Expires: 1-~q;- ~o~( I.YNOA K COSGROVE


MYCOMMISSION EXPIRESJu128 2018 ACTING IN COUNlYQf E::,fb,,Jl_ Tl'CVJ~ When recorded return to:

Benjamin Marentette, City Clerk 400 Boardman A venue Traverse City, MI 49684

le Cll C: Cl)







I J_


ALLEY (25' R/W)

&: .... t=,::: A I"\ 'I A 'I I"\ ...... I -,.),.} '"t-v I ·r- IV




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Scale: 1" = 40'

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1280 Business Park Drive Traverse City , Ml 49686-8607 231-946-9191 800-968-1062

• Environmental Services

Chk'd.: CJP Rev. : Fax: 231-941-4603

• Landscape Architecture

The City of Traverse City

Communication to the City Commission




MARCH 30, 2017



Attached is a memo from City Attorney Lauren Trible-Laucht indicating the need for the City Commission to officially accept two sewer easements. This is in connection with the previously-approved agreement for the City to assume ownership of sewer lines and associated facilities along M-72 and M-22, which are within the City' s corporate limits.

I recommend the following motion:

that the City Commission accepts an Assignment of Easement from Leelanau County for sanitary sewer purposes and an Assignment of Easements from the Charter Township of Elmwood for sanitary sewer purposes; and that the City Clerk certify such acceptance.

MC/bcm K:\tcclerk\city commission\deeds and easements\easements sewer line m72 m22 2017

copy: Timothy Lodge, City Engineer

Memorandum The City of Traverse City

TO: Maiiin A. Colburn, City Manager

CC: Benjamin C. Marentette, City Clerk

FROM: Lauren Trible-Laucht, City Attorney ~

DA TE: March 28, 2017

SUBJECT: Sewer Line Easements - M- 72/M-22

As you know, last October the City and Elmwood Township entered into an agreement for the transfer of a sewer line and associated facilities along M-72 and M-22 in the portion of the City previously annexed from Elmwood Township. Specifically, Section IV of the agreement provided for the transfer of any associated easements for the facilities to the City. The City subsequently undertook a title search to determine whether any easements existed which would need to be transferred. It was determined that two easements should be assigned to the City. One of them is currently held by the Township and the other is held by Leelanau County. I prepared the Assignment of Easement and requested it be approved by each of those entities, which was done. In order to complete the process, it is necessary for the City to accept the assigned easements, which are attached.

Please let me know if there are any questions. Thank you.

Page 1 of 1


For and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00), the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned County of Leelanau, a political subdivision of the State of Michigan, by and through its Board of Public Works, of 10550 E. Eckerle Rd., Suttons Bay, MI 49682 ("Assignor"), does hereby assign, transfer and convey to the City of Traverse City, a Michigan municipal corporation, of 400 Boardman A venue, Traverse City, Michigan 49684 ("Assignee"), the following-described real property formerly located in the Township of Elmwood, but now annexed into the City of Traverse City, County of Leelanau, State of Michigan, to-wit:

See Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof,

being an Easement for sanitary sewer pipeline recorded on August 24, 1976, at Liber 185, Page 267, Leelanau County Register of Deeds, subject to the terms and conditions of record.

This conveyance is exempt from real estate transfer taxes pursuant to MCR 207.505(a) and (h), and MCL 207.526(a) and (h).

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Assignor has caused this Assignment of Easement to be executed this~~~day of J~, 2017.


By --r.r fi:-John Popa, Chairm~ County Board of Public Works

Page 1 of3


The foregoing instrume~t was acknowledged before me _thisd~ay of f±e.J:JLu._«.Jv..f 2017, by John Popa, Chairman of the County Board of Pubhc Works for the County of Leelanau.

This instrument drafted by:

Lauren Trible-Laucht, City Attorney 400 Boardman A venue Traverse City, MI 49684

C/}u. ·Llvu"' 12) C,1 o<~ fvl i GA et },v L, . C!.,,nx..h-r , Notary Public

Leelanau County, Michigan My Commission Expires: f J -::?q-c:?017

When recorded return to:


Page 2 of 3


The East 20 feet, lying adjacent to and parallel with the Westerly right-of-way line of Highway M-22 and also lying East of the Leelanau Transit Company Railroad right-of-way, of the following described parcel: Part of Government Lot 4, Section 33, Township 28 North, Range 11 West, Elmwood Township, Leelanau County, Michigan, more fully described as: Beginning at a point 500 feet East of the South quarter comer of said Section 33; thence North 10 degrees West 237.6 feet; thence West 453 feet to a point on the North and South quarter line; thence North 282.7 feet; thence East 697.1 feet, more or less, to a point on the centerline of State Highway M-22; thence South 15 degrees West 529.5 feet to a point on the South line of said Section 33; thence West 67.6 feet to the Point of Beginning.

Page 3 of 3


ZU17 FEB 17 BPl 10 01 Leelanau County STATE OF MICHIGAN Dorothy M. Miller Register of Deeds ~ RECORDED ~~" February 17 , 2017 10:02 AM

-;,~~~-1iM,Ml~Druluii11H JG Liber 1287 Page 366 ~2017000882


~ - No o+h=-- {;,f · For and in consideration often dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable

consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged the undersigned Charter Township of Elmwood, a Michigan Charter Township, of 10090 E. Lincoln Rd., Traverse City, MI 49684, Michigan, does hereby assign, transfer and convey to the City of Traverse City, a Michigan Municipal Corporation of 400 Boardman Avenue, Traverse City, Michigan 49684, the following-described real property located in the City of Traverse City, County of Leelanau, State of Michigan, to-wit:

Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof

1. Easement for sanitary sewer pipeline recorded at Liber 242, Page 279, Leelanau County Register of Deeds.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Granter has caused this Assignment of Easements to be executed this~ day of [eh , 2017.


By~~ JeffS~rvisor

By ~;t.1f1. '11w±m Connie Preston, Clerk

Page 1 of2

STATE OF M ic:.htg a.n ) COUNTYOF Lee(anou )

The foregoing instrument ~as acknowledged before ~e this l~ day of f;;bfluu.ry 20 17, by Jeff Shaw, Supervisor for the Charter Township of Elmwood.

STATE OF I ~dnu!'.,. COUNTY OF _LL __ L#___;_YL_UvU.,-~

) )

&rm~ -m. /Jkif;j(I , Notary Public ,Cc:,nri1~ M-Pt1e::s:fon

Leelanau County, M{di(gaa

My Commission Expires: I cJ - 7- Z O l C(

The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this £]~day of £f.&Y'iJIV]7 20{1_, by Connie Preston, Clerk for the Charter Township of Elmwood.

~J fu,,v,NotaryPublic

This instrument drafted by:

Lauren Trible-Laucht, City Attorney 400 Boardman A venue Traverse City, MI 49684

0~e:-l$lms . ' ~ T@[VJ2-, County, /4W-!~~ My Commission Expires: y,.1.(-- Zo Jf

When recorded return to:


Page 2 of2


TOM'S FOOD MARKETS, INC., of 1201 South Division

Street. Traverse City, Michigan 49684, hereby conveys to the

Township of Elmwood, County of Leelanau, its successors and

assigns, an easement to lay, construct, maintain, repair,

substitute, remove, enlarge, inspect and replace a sanitary

sewer pipeline with the usual services, valves, manholes,

connections and accessories, in, through, along and across

the following described land in the Township of Elmwood,

County of .Leelanau and State of Michigan;

That part of Government Lot 4, Section 33, Town 28 ' North, Range 11 West, ~ore fully described as: Commencing at the South quarter corner of said Section 33; thence East, along the South section line, 498.68 feet; thence N 12°46'3S" East, 51.27 feet to the Point of Beginningi thence West, along the Northerly line of State Hi9hway M-72, a distance of 10.25 feet; thence N 12°46'35" East, 48.34 feet; thence N 3°20'3Stt West, 104.47 feet; thence Southerly, along the Westerly line of the Leelanau Transit Company railrcad right of way on the arc of a 2342.01 foot radius curve to the left~ a distance of 133.01 feet (the chord of said arc being S 8°S0'43" East, 132.99 feet); thence S 12°46'35" West, 20.53 feet; thence West, along the Northerly line of State Highway M-72, a distance of 10.25 feet to the Point of Beginning.

Said parcel contains 1,271 square feet.

IJQ!llediately upon completion of any construction, maintenance,

repair or other work performed from time to time with respect

to the easement, the Grantee shall restore the surface of the

premises subject to said easement as near as practicable to

the same condition as it existed prior to such construction,

repair or other work, and Grantee shall pay the cost of such

restoration. Further, Grantee shall not take or schedule any



,! •

l!SER 242 JE280 a=tion with respect to such easement without prior notice to

and consultation with Granter, and shall take all reasonable

steps as ~ay be practicable to minimize any disruption of

Grantor's business or inconvenience to Granter, or Grantor's

ongoing use of the property.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this

easement to be executed this 3rd day of OCtober, 1983.

In the Presence of: TOM'S FOOD MARKETS, INC.

By~tl./JI~ A. MacNeal


--k f/(k'<.fl... },rt, u..b~/..t:: Sandra K. Wright

. " () .

fa:;vi,.ci.aO., c~ Pat::ricia A. Corden



On this 3rd day of October, 1983 1 before me appeared John A. MacNeal, to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn, did acknowledge that he is the attorney-in-fact of Tom's Food Markets, Inc., the corporation named in and which executed the within instrument, and that

· said instrument was signed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors, and said J6hn A. MacNeal acknowledged said instrument to be th~ free act and deed of said corporation.

C" i an@~ J1.1_. lLl~t11'tt-sandra M. Wright.Nd> ~+--t-a~r-y~=P-ub-:-,l~.1~--c~~ Grand Traverse County, Michigan My commission expires: 8/10/86

Prepared by: John A. MacNeal, Esq. Merunuir, Zimmerman. Rollert and Kuhn 122 West State Street, P.O. Box 987 Traverse City, Michigan 4968S-0987 Te1ephone: (616) 947-7900


REGI9.'£R'S OFFICE LEELANAU COUNTYa MICRJGAN )SS. Received for record the 15 day of November A.D. 1983 a~ 4:00 P.M. and ~~~242 of Records on Pages 279 and 280.

~4?V 2 Register of Deeds.

The City of Traverse City

Communication to the City Commission




MARCH 27, 2017



At the City Commission's December 12, 2016, meeting, I was directed to work with staff to develop a proposed policy for implementation of the language which was added to Section 28 of the City Charter by the electorate at the November 8, 2016, election. The City Commission established a deadline of April 12, 2017, for the policy to be presented to the Commission. As you know, 326 Land Development Company filed a suit in Circuit Court related to their development and the applicability of the new City Charter provision. The Court has ordered a scheduling conference for April 6, 2017, and indicated it expects the city to have adopted an implementation policy by that time and indicated it desires to see how the City intends to implement the new City Charter provision before it rules.

To develop the proposed policy for the Commission's consideration, I assembled a city staff working group consisting of: Planning Director Russell Soyring; City Clerk Benjamin Marentette; Assistant City Manager Penny Hill; Zoning Administrator Dave Weston; City Attorney Lauren Trible-Laucht; Downtown Development Authority Executive Director Rob Bacigalupi; and myself.

The language added to City Charter Section 28 at the November 2016 election is: "It is hereby declared that buildings over 60 feet in height are generally inconsistent with the residential and historical character of Traverse City. Therefore, any proposal for construction of a building with a height above 60 feet, shall not be approved by the City or City Commission, until after the proposal is submitted to and approved by a majority of the City electors at a regular election, or at a special election."

In our earnest attempt to develop a comprehensive policy for your consideration, our working group developed a list of questions for the group's discussion in order to form the basis for the policy. The questions stemmed from possible scenarios that we tried to anticipate in the implementation of the provision, although we identified

City Commission March 27, 2017 Implementation of new Section 28 Charter Provision (City Proposal 3)

that it is quite possible that we did not anticipate every scenario. We met multiple times and had in-depth, robust, and extensive discussions. The questions we discussed included:

1. How do we measure a building?

• Do we measure from the lowest grade, mid-grade or highest grade?

• What part of the building do we measure to - the roof peak, mid-point of

a sloping roof, the roof deck of a flat roof, top of the parapet wall surrounding the roof deck?

• Do we measure to the top of the staircase tower or elevator tower? Do

we measure to the highest point of a steeple or clock tower?

• If an industrial building needs a smokestack that is taller than 60 feet,

does the smokestack need voter approval?

Answer/direction provided in the policy: We will use the methods of

measuring a building height contained in the current applicable zoning ordinance.

2. How do we treat pre-existing buildings, such as additions to a building or complete/partial reconstruction of a building?

• If an existing building over 60 feet in height submits plans to add an upper story but not increase the building's height, does that need voter


• If a building over 60 feet has a fire and destroys the upper floors, in order to restore the building's height to above 60 feet, would it require

voter approval to reconstruct?

Answer/direction provided in this policy: Any lawfully-constructed building that was constructed prior to November 8, 2016, that is the subject of this policy is not considered subject to the Charter provision or the policy, with the following exceptions:

If a building subject to the Charter provision is damaged or destroyed and the damage exceeds fifty percent of its true cash value, exclusive of land an foundations, as determined for property tax assessment purposes or destroyed and proposed to be re-built to a height above 60 feet, it would require voter approval as outlined in the policy. The same holds true for an existing

City Commission March 27, 2017 Implementation of new Section 28 Charter Provision (City Proposal 3)

building with a height below 60 feet that is altered in such a way to increase the height to a height above 60 feet.

3. If a Special Land Use Permit (SLUP) has been approved for a building over 60 feet prior to approval of this Charter provision on November 8, 2016, but other permits/approvals from the City have not been issued, is the building subject to the Charter provision and this policy?

Answer/direction provided in the policy: Any such proposed buildings which are part of an approved SLUP would not be subject to the voter approval requirements contained in the City Charter. However, if any such SLUP expires, a future application for a building with a height above 60 feet located on the properties within the expired SLUP shall be subject to the Charter provision and the policy.

4. How should ballot questions under this Charter provision and the policy read and how is it binding on the proposal?

a. What, if any, aspects of the proposal must be approved by the electorate?

Fa9ade? Scale? Setbacks? Other? How would those aspects be incorporated into the ballot language; i.e., would certain information be required to be on file and referenced in the ballot language?

b. What if the electorate approves certain aspects and those are then

changed by the City Commission (if it's approval follows the electorate' s)? Do those changed aspects need to be approved by the electorate before approval could be given, etc.?

c. What type of detail is required to be on file before the election, and what is the deadline?

Answer/direction given by the policy: The Charter language establishes the sole requirement that buildings over 60 feet in height may not be approved by the City or City Commission and allowed to be constructed until voter approval is obtained. Therefore, the ballot questions would read as follows, so they focus on the sole requirement: "Shall a building with a height above 60 feet be constructed at [insert address] ? Therefore, the only aspect approved by the voters is allowing the construction of a building at a specific location to be in excess of 60 feet.

City Commission March 27, 201 7 Implementation of new Section 28 Charter Provision (City Proposal 3)

5. How do we address the timing of the ballot question, number of ballot questions allowable and city approvals?

• What comes first, the review and decision on a SL UP and then the


• Can we approve permits "subject to" approval by the voters?

• What if the electors approve a building over 60 feet in height and then

the City Commission finds the SLUP standards cannot be met, does the

City Commission decision hold or is the voter's decision binding and

overrides the Commission's decision that the SLUP standards cannot be met?

• Should there be a limit on the number of times a proposal may be

submitted to the voters? Should some (what) aspect of a proposal must

be changed in order for reconsideration, and in what time period?

Answer/direction provided in the policy: The voters must first approve the proposal; if the proposal is not approved at the election, no public hearing shall be held and the proposal shall not be considered by the City Commission. There is no limit on the number of times an applicant may request to place the proposal before the electorate; and therefore, there is no aspect that must be changed in order to resubmit a proposal before the electorate.

6. How do we address the 'shelf life' of voter approval and voter rejection? • How long is voter approval good for? In other words, should construction

be required to commence within a certain period of time before voter

approval must be gained again?

• What if a proposal is rejected, may it be resubmitted to the electorate, and

should there be a minimum amount of time that elapses before a proposal can be resubmitted?

Answer/direction provided in the policy: Voter approval is perpetual; it does not expire. If a proposal is rejected, there is no minimum amount of time that must elapse, or any aspect of the proposal that must change, before it is resubmitted to the electorate. While not a subject of the policy, it should be noted that there are three dates in a calendar year when an election may be held, which is in May, August and November. Additionally, the applicable deadlines for placing proposals on a ballot apply - meaning, there is a deadline by which proposals must be finalized in order to be placed on the ballot.

City Commission March 27, 2017 Implementation of new Section 28 Charter Provision (City Proposal 3)

7. How do we address costs related to proposals submitted to the electorate under the Section 28 Charter provision and the policy?

• Should the City require reimbursement?

• Will the City require full reimbursement?

• How will reimbursement be made - i.e. on incremental costs to the City

or full costs. (If we require full costs to be reimbursed, that would be for

all staff time expended by the City Clerk's Office Team in preparation

for the election, even when done during normal business hours.)

• How will we require reimbursement in the event there are multiple

proposals on the ballot, particularly a special election?

Answer/direction provided in this policy: If the proposal appears on a regular election, there are negligible costs to the City and therefore, no costs will be charged to the applicant. However, in the event the proposal appears on a special election at the request/discretion of the applicant, the applicant shall pay the incremental additional costs to the City for the special election. In the event multiple proposals appear on a special election at the request/discretion of the applicant, the applicants (if more than one) shall pay the incremental additional costs to the City for the special election, with the costs shared proportionately among the applicants based on the number of proposals appearing on the ballot.

In conclusion, I share that there was not unanimous agreement among the working group on all aspects of the proposed policy; I expect that there would not be on the Commission either, as these questions, when critically analyzed, could be reasonably answered in different ways. As directed by the City Commission, we developed a policy for your consideration. It is important for staff to receive direction from the City Commission on the implementation of the Charter provision; and therefore, I ask that the Commission adopt a policy to provide the needed direction.

I recommend the following motion:

That the City of Traverse City Implementation Policy for Charter Section 28 Building Height Restriction, be adopted.

MC/bcm K:\tcclerk\city commission\policies\proposal 3 section 28 charter language implementation 2017

The City of Traverse City GOVERNMENT AL CENTER 400 Boardman A venue Traverse City, Ml 49684

Office of the City Clerk (231) 922-4480 [email protected]



1. Background: The following language was added to Section 28 of the City Charter at the November 2016 election:

" It is hereby declared that buildings over 60 feet in height are generally inconsistent with the residential and historical character of Traverse City. Therefore, any proposal for construction of a building with a height above 60 feet, shall not be approved by the City or City Commission, until after the proposal is submitted to and approved by a majority of the City electors at a regular election, or at a special election."

2. Purpose: The purpose of the City of Traverse City Implementation Policy for Charter §28 Building Height Restriction is to establish a procedure for implementation of the above referenced Charter provision that may be relied upon by property owners, City administration, staff and the public to ensure consistency and predictability in the administration of approvals related building height, as required by this provision.

3. Procedure: a. Measurement: For purposes of determining whether the Charter provision is

triggered by a proposed building with a height above 60 feet, the methods of measuring building height contained in the Traverse City Zoning Ordinance shall be applied.

b. Timing of election: 1. If the proposal is required to obtain a Special Land Use Permit, the

election shall occur after the public hearing of the Planning Commission, but prior to the public hearing of the City Commission required pursuant to Traverse City Zoning Ordinance Section 1364.04.

11. If the proposal is required to obtain a Planned Unit Development, the election shall occur after the public hearing of the Planning Commission if one is held, but prior to the public hearing of the City Commission required pursuant to Traverse City Zoning Ordinance Section 1362.02.

c. Ballot question: The question appearing on the ballot for consideration of the electors shall be "Shall a building with a height above 60 feet be constructed at

(address/property description/tax ID number] ? d. Election costs: If the question appears on a regular election, there are negligible

costs to the City and therefore no costs will be charged to the applicant. If the question appears on a special election at the request and discretion of the applicant, the applicant shall pay the incremental additional costs to the City for the special election. If multiple questions are placed on the ballot at the request of

multiple applicants the incremental costs shall be divided equally among the applicants.

e. Approval/Disapproval of Electors: 1. If the proposal is not approved at the election no public hearing shall be

held and the proposal shall not be considered by the City Commission. The proposal may be placed before the electorate at the next available election, at the request of the applicant. There shall be no limit on the number of times an applicant may request to place the proposal before the electorate.

11. If the proposal is approved at the election, the proposal shall be scheduled for public hearing before the City Commission within a reasonable time following certification of the election results. Voter approval shall be perpetual.

4. Pre-existing Buildings. Any lawfully constructed building that pre-dates the Charter provision that is the subject of this policy shall not be considered subject to the Charter provision or this policy. However in the event such a building is damaged such that the damage exceeds fifty percent of its true cash value, exclusive of land and foundations, as determined for property tax assessment purposes or destroyed and proposed to be re-built to a height above 60 feet, the Charter provision and this policy shall apply. Additionally, in the event an existing building with a height below 60 feet is altered in such a way to increase the height to a height above 60 feet, the provision of Charter Section 28 and this Policy shall apply. Finally, in the event an existing building with a height above 60 feet is proposed to be altered in such a way that increases its height beyond its current height, the Charter provision and this policy shall apply.

5. Pre-existing Approved SLUPs. Any property which has received a SLUP for a taller building prior to adoption of the Charter provision shall not be subject to the requirements of Charter Section 28 for voter approval. If any such SLUP should expire, a future application for a building with a height above 60 feet located on those properties shall be subject to the Charter provision requirement and this policy.

6. If the zoning regulations regarding buildings with a height above 60 feet are amended, this policy shall be revisited and updated by the City Commission as necessary.

I certify that this policy was adopted by the City Commission for the City of Traverse City on

- --- --, 2017 at a regular meeting held in the Commission Chambers, Governmental Center, 400 Boardman Avenue, Traverse City, Michigan.

Benjamin C. Marentette, MMC, City Clerk

Page 2 of2

The City of Traverse City

Communication to the City Commission




MARCH 30, 2017



The City has been working on gap and infill of sidewalks based on a ten (10) year improvement plan. We have since identified that this plan was not all inclusive of open gaps and the City Commissions' goals and objectives were inclusive of accelerating the plan. The additional investment and this proposed plan focuses on all six of the Commissions' categories-goals of Environment, Health/Welfare, Infrastructure, Public Safety, Community Development, and Economic Development.

We furthered our research of the City's sidewalk gaps by conducting an analysis rating the City sidewalks from very poor to good, total for gap and infill is 115,017 feet. The 2016/2017 budget allows for $300,000 for gap/infill work and $100,000 for existing sidewalk repair. These areas to be completed in this years' bid is 3,620 feet leaving 111,397 feet of gap and infill. We have identified 15,391 feet of sidewalk that fit the rating of poor and very poor, which in itself places a liability on the City.

The highest prioritized location to service with new sidewalks designated by the City Commission is the neighborhood of Traverse Heights. This proposal addresses the majority of this neighborhood, inclusive around North Traverse City elementary school. This proposal is inclusive of 48,348 feet or 9 .16 miles of sidewalk. Additional components are connecting Front Street to East Bay in the East Front Indian Neighborhood, of 2,878 feet, 0.55 miles and South Garfield Avenue South of Boon Street, 3.338 feet, 0.63 miles.

The breakout of costs for this project is estimated at $4,500,000. Sidewalk construction costs $3,825,000. Engineering, legal and fiscal (bonding) costs $675,000.

Overall costs: Estimated for gap/infill 85% Repair of existing sidewalk 15%

City Commission Sidewalk Improvements

2 March 30, 2017

Potentially, we can gamer additional funds to direct towards gap/infill through the Safe Routes to schools program. Once these sidewalks are in place, Public Works Director Green expects the necessity to purchase one (1) additional Holder and/or Wacker Nelson and one additional employee - minimally, seasonally to meet the need and expectation of snow removal.

The funding model staff has developed demonstrates the infrastructure, engineering, legal, and bonding costs estimated at $4.5 million at a .0275 interest rate over 15 years. This established a bond payment of $366,455.

On Monday evening, I would like feedback from the Commission on this approach so that we can bring back a formal package for your approval at a future meeting.

Note: Item C, Old Business addresses a bid for this years' sidewalk project, which is separate from the above listed issue.

K:\tcclerk\city commission\sidewalk improvements

copy: Timothy Lodge, City Engineer William Twietmeyer, City Treasurer/Finance Director Dave Green, Director of Public Services Russell Soyring, City Planning Director

Memorandum The City of Traverse City Engineering Department

TO: Marty Colburn, City Manager

FROM: Timothy J. Lodge, City Engineer

DATE: March 20, 2017

SUBJECT: Future Sidewalk Replacement and Gap Infill Project

We have discussed accelerating investments in our sidewalk infrastructure. The remaining sidewalk replacement/repair to improve them to be fair or better and the remaining sidewalk gap/infill is considered in the "draft" CIP recently adopted by the Planning Commission. Project #946 includes $4,500,000 to accelerate the investments in sidewalks as follows:

Sidewalk Construction Cost

Engineering, Legal and Fiscal (Bonding) Cost (15%)

Total Project Cost

This investment of $3,825,000 is further detailed below. We recommend that all sidewalk replacement/repairs that are currently identified as poor and very poor sidewalks be replaced/repaired. It is essential that this existing infrastructure be replaced/repaired. These locations are shown on Map 1.




Sidewalk gap/infill locations are noted below and shown on Map 2. The focus is the Traverse Heights Neighborhood, East Front Street between Munson Avenue and East Bay Boulevard and Garfield Avenue between Boon Street and the City Limits.

Poor and Very Poor Sidewalk

Sidewalk Replacement/Repair (15,391 ft City-wide) $573,750

Traverse Heights Neighborhood (48,348 ft) $2,845,790

East Front Street (2,878 ft Munson Ave. to East Bay Bid) $204,000

South Garfield Avenue (3,338 ft Boon to City Limits) $201,460

Total $3,825,000

Future Sidewalk Replacement and Gap Infill Project March 20, 2017 Page 2 of 2

After the completion of this project there will be 56,833 feet of sidewalk gap/infill remaining which is presently estimated to cost $3,166,750. The remaining locations are ·shown on Map 3.

Work is continuing for the City's participation in the Safe Routes to School Program of MOOT. Audits for walking and biking have been scheduled for Eastern Elementary, Immaculate Conception and Traverse Heights Elementary schools. This program is promising for improving walking and biking within the City. A significant portion of this remaining sidewalk gap/infill could be eligible for this Program which could reach $2,000,000 over the next three years.

During the adoption of the current budget $100,000 was allocated for existing sidewalk replacement/repair and $300,000 was allocated for the sidewalk gap/infill work. We expect bids for the current budget sidewalk project on March 23 for consideration at the April 3 City Commission meeting.




J !

z 0 -l-o w ...J ...J 0 u ~ <( Q ~ ...J

~ w C u, U) T"9 0 N

• 1 inch = 800 feet

0 3·15-17


TCAPS Traverse Heights School District

(Exel udi ng Centre St. From Woodmere to Fern)

Footage: 48,348

Miles: 9.16

Estimated Cost: $ 2,845,790

East Front Indian Neighborhood Segment

Footage: 2,878

Miles: 0.55

Estimated Cost: $ 204,000

South Garfield Avenue (South of Boon St.)

Footage: 3,338

Miles: 0.63

Estimated Cost: $ 201,460

Proposed Sidewalks


/I /I 11 11 ,, JI ,, 11

JI 11 JI 11



MAP #2 -ATTACHMENT TO 3-20-17 ii I / 11 /




South Garfield Avenue Segment


TCAPS Traverse D Heights School District

East Front Indian D Neighborhood Segment


-- Existing Sidewalks

"CJ X E -ci Q) V) ·;;: Q)

a:: !1 .s:: C> .iii I

~ Q) > e! 1-(J) a. c3 -- Proposed Sidewalks ~

---------~ C 8 Q)

a:: ii': E ~


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E Q) C> <ll C <ll :iE C: Q)

E Q) > ~ 6 z w ~ 9 i£ :5 <ll a. C: Q)

E :::, g Cl

0(1 Revised by: BMG

1 inch = 1,000 feet 3/15/2017 Th s map is based on digital databases from the City of Traverse City.Traverse City cannot accept any responsbility for errors, ommissions or positional accuracy. There are no warranties expressed or implied.





...................... ..................... _____ .......


-- Existing Sidewalks

-- Proposed Sidewalks

Neighborhood Locator

LJ Airport




Civic Center

Oak Park

Old Towne

D Peninsula Orchards

LJ Slabtown

D South of Fourteenth

D Traverse Heights

O wastEnd

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o--A_PA_e_:_~--t, Ui e .. I.MG _____ ....__.1 inch = 1,500 feet 3/15/2017

This map is based on digital databases from the City of Traverse City. Traversa City cannot accept any responsbility for errors, ommissions or positional accuracy. There are no warranties expressed or implied.

The City of Traverse City

Communication to the City Commission




MARCH 30, 2017



Attached is a memo from City Engineer Timothy Lodge recommending a contract for the 2016/17 Sidewalk Replacement and Gap Infill Project. As explained by Mr. Lodge, this project includes the replacement of existing residential sidewalks based upon a condition assessment conducted by city staff and target areas identified by the City Commission in October, 2016. Further, the project includes sidewalk gap infill areas as noted in Mr. Lodge's memo and depicted on the attached map.

Mr. Lodge also recommends that the contract include alternate items for retaining walls and pedestrian railings.

I recommend the following motion (5 affirmatives votes required):

that the Mayor and City Clerk execute a unit prices contract in the amount of $413,079.35, more or less, with Elmer's Crane and Dozer for the 2016/17 Sidewalk Replacement and Gap Infill Project at the unit prices indicated in its bid including alternate items for retaining walls and pedestrian railing at the unit prices indicated in its bid in the amount of $57,685, more or less, such contract subject to approval as to its substance by the City Manager and its form by the City Attorney, with funds available in the Public Improvements Project Fund.

MC/kez k: \tcclerk\city commission\agreement\2016-17 Sidewalk Replacement and Gap Infill Project_ 20170403 .doc

copy: Timothy Lodge, City Engineer

Memorandum The City of Traverse City Engineering Department

TO: Marty Colburn, City Manager

FROM: Timothy J. Lodge, City Engin¥:i/i,.-

DATE: March 27, 2017

SUBJECT: 2016/17 Sidewalk Replacement and Gap Infill Project

During the adoption of the current budget $100,000 was allocated for existing sidewalk replacement/repair and $300,000 was allocated for the sidewalk gap/infill work. City staff identified the highest priority sidewalk replacement/repair location to be 1,804 feet on West 10th Street between Division St. and to Union Streets. We have also included the sidewalk replacement/repair on the West side of Division Street between Randolph Street and 3rd Street in conjunction with the school project proposed by Grand Traverse Area Catholic Schools as was discussed during the project approval process.

After feedback from the City Commission in October 2016, we examined sidewalk gap/infill locations in the Traverse Heights Neighborhood, performed field observations to confirm pedestrian activity, mapped student locations in conjunction with meetings with Traverse City Area Public Schools and identified Centre Street between Woodmere and Fern Street as the sidewalk gap infill location that is proposed for the current budget project for the reasons noted below. This location includes 3,620 feet of sidewalk gap/infill shown on the attached map.

• The location is within the target area identified by the City Commission • The location adds east-west pedestrian mobility in proximity to the school • The location is centrally located in the neighborhood • The location will serve the student population of the school • Pedestrians were observed walking this location

A map showing these locations is attached for reference. Sealed proposals were advertised for and were received on March 23, 2017 for the above referenced project. Plans and specifications were provided to contractors and/or suppliers with two bids being received for this work as follows:

2016/17 Sidewalk Replacement and Gap Infill Project March 27, 2017 Page 2 of 2


Eimers AJ's Excavating

Office Bid Amount Alternate Location Amount

Traverse City $ 413,079.35 $57,685.00 Honor $ 387,369.50 $33,275.00

The Engineering Department's preliminary estimate for this work was $468,951.00 plus another $79,550 for alternate bid items including retaining walls and pedestrian railing. Since we have never worked with AJ's Excavating we requested examples of similar work and references. We also asked for any sub­contractors they anticipate employing on the project. We found that although they have completed satisfactory work, we could not identify any projects in which they self-performed concrete sidewalk construction to the extent required for our project. As such, we cannot find AJ's Construction "well qualified in the type of work which is included in this bid" and do not recommend awarding the contract to them.

Elmer's Crane and Dozer, Inc. has satisfactorily completed sidewalk work as part of capital improvement projects for many years. They are "well qualified in the type of work which is included in this bid". Therefore, it is recommended, that this work be awarded to the lowest qualified bidder, Elmer's Crane and Dozer, Inc. and that the proper City officials be authorized to execute a unit price contract with the above-mentioned low bidder, in the amount of $413,079.35 more or less, with funds therefore available in the public improvements projects funds.

We also recommend that the contract include alternate items for retaining walls and pedestrian railing at the unit prices provided in bid for the amount of $57,685.00, more or less, and would be used if grading easements are not able to be obtained.

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2017 Sidewalk Replacement & Gap Infill Proiect




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City of Traverse City Department of Engineering


Replacement - Locations

Gap Infill - Locations

ea Revised by: BMG

~===~~~~~~ 1 inch = 1,500 feet 2/22/2017 This map is based on digital databases from the City of Traverse City.Traverse City cannot accept any responsbility for errors, ommissions or positional accuracy. Jhere are no warranties expressed or implied.

The City of Traverse City

Communication to the City Commission




MARCH 30, 2017



Attached is a resolution in support of funding for the Great Lakes preservation effort. As noted, President Trump's proposed budget indicates a reduction in funds to the Environmental Protection Agency which would greatly reduce, if not eliminate funding for the Great Lakes.

I recommend the following motion:

that the Resolution to Support the Restoration of Funding for the Great Lakes Initiative, be adopted.

MC/kez k: \tcclerk\city commission\resolutions\cover memo_ Great Lakes Initiative_ 20170403 .doc

The City of Traverse City

Office of the City Clerk

GOVERNMENT AL CENTER 400 Boardman Avenue Traverse City, Ml 49684 (231) 922-4480 [email protected]










Resolution to Support the Restoration of Funding for the Great Lakes Initiative

the City of Traverse City along with its partners on the Boardman River Implementation Team have been diligently working to clear native fish passageways on the Boardman River including the removal of invasive species, and

the City intends to continue work with the Great Lakes Fishery Commission to meet its goals to remove and deter future invasive species from passing through the river utilizing a bidirectional fish passage, and

due to Asian Carp's voracious appetites for plankton (also consumed by native fish), their rapid rate of reproduction, and their relatively large size, Asian Carp have had devastating impacts on native fish populations, and

today, bighead and silver carp are the dominant fish species in the Illinois River, which connects the Mississippi River to Lake Michigan, and

there is concern that if bighead and silver carp enter the Great Lakes, they may cause significant ecosystem damage, and

in addition to ecosystem damage, the threat may devastate the Great Lakes fisheries, currently valued at $7 billion per year supporting 75,000 jobs in the region, and

proposed cuts in the President's first budget would eliminate federal support for Great Lakes restoration efforts that have made a tremendous difference in the health and vitality of this worldwide resource, threatening not only funding to combat the Asian Carp menace, but also threatening the world's largest surface water supply of fresh water, and

our Great Lakes are too important to our Nation to divest at the Federal level in the hopes that local and state government and non-profit entities will find the means to effectively protect this irreplaceable treasure; now there, be it

that the City Commission of the City of Traverse City urges Congress to restore all funding to the EPA and NOAA, including $300,000,000 for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative; and further, be it


Resolution to Support the Restoration of Funding for the Great Lakes Initiative

Page 2

that our representatives in Washington are implored to place the highest level of importance on the protection of our water resources as we rely on these waters for our very existence.

I hereby certify that the above resolution was adopted by the Traverse City City Commission at its Regular Meeting held on April 3, 2017, in the Commission Chambers of the Governmental Center, 400 Boardman A venue, Traverse City, Michigan.

Benjamin Marentette, MMC City Clerk

The City of Traverse City

Communication to the City Commission




MARCH 30, 2017



Attached is a memo from Deputy City Clerk Katie Zeits regarding one expiring term on the Traverse City Light and Power Board, seat currently held by Bob Spence. As mentioned by Ms. Zeits, Mr. Spence is not seeking reappointment. The ad hoc interview committee has recommended that Ross Hammersley be appointed.

This is a City Commission appointment.

The following motion would approve the ad hoc interview committee's recommendation:

that Ross Hammersley be appointed to one five-year term expiring April 4, 2022, seat previously held by Bob Spence, on the Traverse City Light and Power Board.

MC/kez K:\tcclerk\city commission\appointments\TCLP _ 20170403 .doc

copy: Tim Arends, Traverse City Light and Power Executive Director Karla Myers-Beman, Traverse City Light and Power Controller

Memorandum The City of Traverse City

TO: Marty Colburn, City Manager

FROM: Katie Zeits, Deputy City Cle~ ~

DATE: March 30, 2017

SUBJECT: Traverse City Light and Power Board - Expiring Term

There is one term on the Traverse City Light and Power Board expiring on April 3, 2017, seat currently held by Bob Spence who is not seeking reappointment.

The City Clerk's Office had advertised for this board on the city's website, Facebook and Twitter pages. Our office has also contacted all eligible individuals on file for this board. As a result, there are three applications on file from Ross Hammersley, Michael Estes, and Fred Nelson.

All applications are attached for your reference.

The ad hoc interview committee consisting of Mayor Carruthers, Commissioner Shamroe, and Commissioner Werner met and interviewed the applicants and have decided to recommend Ross Hammersley for appointment.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you!

City of Traverse City Application to Become Involved • Thank yott for your interest in serving 011 one of Traverse City's boards or committees! Volunteers help to

secure our community's beauty and promote its enhancement - Be11jami11 C. Marentette, City Clerk

Board/Committee you are interested in serving (indicate up to three) : I ~C!l\lt L'Z:;"f L~t{T kb Q,"" e ;t. f>o& 1t '\>

Name:. _ __.tt_-=-=-o_S s'--!_. -~=h=l't_,_rl.....,f:=l?-'-S=-=l.E:=-1..__ _____________ _

Residential Address: 40Q> ~0 ut. t.\€.'f Sr. t1!. Lftt,a'f (Street) (City) (State) (Zip)

E-Mail Address: __ ___;\l;...;..O_S_S-=-· .L.:.\\AL:.K'--'-,_t1::;;;.,.€tt;;_S_\..=t.;....;~'-@--''"-M-'~...;;:;t:::;...;\.;;.:;. . ..;c.C.O;;;..;;I"'\-'----------

Preferred Phone No.: 2..3L G,J l. (&03 Additional Phone No.: WG'f\l(.: 23\. ct4f.. Q>04"t

Occupation: ___ ....;koM...,. """""-=.;;.e;=...1y ____________ ,(if retired, please provide your career)

Before submitting your application, please be sure to attach a brief letter indicating the following:

• • • •

Why are you applying for a city board or committee seat? How do you believe your appointment would benefit the city? Describe your involvement in the community on a board/committee or in another volunteer capacity . Any other helpful information relevant to your application .

While it is not required, a resunie is 1,e[pful in the recruitment process for City boards and committees.

YES © Are you in default to the City? If yes, please note applicants in default to the City are not eligible for consideration.

YES €g) Do you or immediate family members currently serve on a City board or committee? lfyes, which board? ________________________ _

@ NO Did you attach the required Jetter outlining the items requested above?

.3 £a . l0 ,9-nate

Please return your application, letter. and optional resume to Be11jami11 C. Marentette, City Clerk, 400 Boardman Avenue, Traverse City. MI 49684. If you have a11y questions, pleasefee/fi'ee to contact our office at

(231) 922-4480. Again, thank you for your interest!

Benjamin Marentette, City Clerk City of Traverse City 400 Boardman Ave. Traverse City, Ml 49684

3 February 2017

Via Electronic Mail to: tcclerk@traversecitym i .gov

Re: Application for Appointment to the Traverse City Light & Power Board

Dear Mr. Marentette,

Please consider this letter and the attached CV as my application for an appointment to the next available seat on the Traverse City Light & Power (TCLP) Board. I have been a Traverse City resident since 2010, and to my knowledge I am not past due on any amounts owed to the City at this time. I've included below some answers to the questions posed on the "Application to Become Involved," but if anyone at the City is interested in discussing these or other issues regarding this application with me directly, I'd be happy to set up a time to do so.

• Why are you applying for a city board or committee seat?

I am applying for a seat on the TCLP Board because I have both a professional background in the energy, regulatory, and contractual aspects of the work that TCLP does, as well as a strong personal interest in the environmental opportunities that TCLP and its work present to our community. As you know, we are blessed to live in an area with great natural and ecological beauty, and and we're living through an incredibly exciting time with respect to the development of cleaner sources of energy throughout the world, including here in northern Michigan. I personally believe that there are a myriad opportunities that TCLP could develop and/or take advantage of that would help to demonstrate to our community, which deeply values our abundant natural resources, that the city and its municipal utility share that sentiment and operates itself in a way that is consistent with those values. As a TCLP customer and rate-payer, I am also keenly aware of the need to keep our rates as low as possible while providing a high level of service to our customers, and I would commit myself to emphasizing those goals for our customers if I were granted the opportunity to serve as on the TCLP Board. I am truly excited about the fact that our community has a locally-owned & operated municipal utility, and I believe I' d be a good fit to serve the community as a Board member.

• How do you believe your appointment would benefit the city?

I have been a practicing attorney now for 10 years, and my legal practice has focused primarily on municipal and environmental law, oil & gas leases, renewable energy, and real estate matters-all of which have some relevance to TCLP's work. I have been co-counsel to several Grand Traverse County Boards, including the Land Bank Authority, the Brownfield Redevelopment Authority, Economic Development Corporation, and the Board of Public Works, and have also represented and advised a number of smaller municipal entities, including the City of Frankfort, Garfield & Acme Townships, and t he Village of Fife Lake. I also have experience advising groups on renewable energy development, and have represented clients before the Michigan Public Service Commission on utility rate cases. From development proposals and utility franchise agreements to municipal financing and litigation, I believe that my professional experience would be valuable as a member of the TCLP Board.



Hammersley Application for City Commission 2 December 2016 Page2

• Describe your involvement in the community on a board/committee or in another volunteer capacity.

I currently volunteer my time with several non-profit entities, including four here in TC. Since 2013 I have been a board member with Conflict Resolution Services, which helps provide mediation and dispute resolution services to the community at low or no cost. In 2016 became a member of the Board of Directors of TART Trails as well, which-as an avid-biker (and incredibly slow Iceman racer) and hiker with my family along the VASA trail-is an organization I've held in high esteem since moving here in 2009. Along with many other attorneys in my office and throughout the region I am also a regular volunteer at our local Legal Aid clinic, and finally I've also volunteered as a soccer coach for one or both of my sons with TBays over the past six years.

• Any other helpful information relevant to your application.

I hope the information above adds some context to the contents of my CV, but would like to also to take the opportunity to emphasize the truly deep importance that I personally place on service to others. To me, serving your neighbor, your community, and your country in whatever role you can is amongst the noblest of pursuits, and, if given the opportunity to serve the citizens of our wonderful city as a member of the Board of TCLP, I would absolutely commit to serving in that role with the utmost dedication and effort. Our community is blessed with a dizzying array of talented and motivated souls, whose hard-work and creative, community spirit is truly inspirational. I would be honored to be given an opportunity to give back to this community that my family and I love and admire so very much.

I look forward to hopefully speaking with you in the event an opening on the TCLP Board becomes available, but in the meantime, if there are any other questions I can answer for you, please feel free to contact me at your convenience.

Thank you for your consideration.

Encl. R. Hammersley CV 2016.pdf

cc: City Manager (via email) City Commissioners (via email)


Ross A. Hammersley 400 Baughey St. TC, Ml 49684 ross [email protected] 231-633-6003






Ross A. Hammersley OLSON, BZDOK & HOWARD, P.C.

420 East Front Street - Traverse City, MI 49686 Telephone: (231) 946-0044; fax 946-4807; [email protected]

Olson, Bzdok & Howard, P.C., Traverse City, MI Partner, 2015 to present Associate Attorney, Sept. 2009 to January 2015 Specializing in municipal, land use and real estate, and environmental law, and representing clients in public meetings, before state agencies, in litigation and dispute resolution matters, as well as in transactional work. Representative clients include the Grand Traverse County Economic Development Corporation, Grand Traverse County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority, Garfield Township, Acme Township, The Minervini Group, and the Neahtawanta Resort Association. Licensed to practice in all state and federal courts of Michigan. For more information on the firm, go to www.envlaw.com

Frank, Haron, Weiner & Navarro, P.L.C., Troy, MI Associate Attorney, March 2007 to August 2009 Practiced with boutique litigation firm focusing on real estate transactions, property tax disputes, commercial and general civil litigation at state and federal levels.

Michigan Economic Development Corporation, Lansing, MI Brownfield Policy Intern, June-August 2005 Conducted legislative analysis and provided summaries of pending and recently enacted regulations impacting Brownfield redevelopment projects and community development block grants. Also assessed the efficacy of tax­increment financing and single-business tax credit policies as applied to redevelopment of Brownfield sites throughout Michigan.

Michigan State University College of Law, East Lansing, MI J.D., Cum Laude, May 2006 Editor-in-Chief, MICHIGAN ST A TE LAW REVIEW (2005-06)

University of Michigan, School of Natural Resources & Environment B.S., May 1998

Local Government Regu,lation of Large-Scale Hydraulic Fracturing Activities and Uses, co-authored with K. Redman, Michigan Bar Journal, June 2014.

Going Local: How the Property Assessed Clean Energy Act and Feed-Jn­Tariffs Could Decentralize Michigan 's Energy Grid, Co-Authored with K. Sundt, Michigan Environmental Law Journal, April 2011.

Where will the Water Go? A Snapshot of Recent Changes in Michigan Water Law, Co-Authored with C. Bzdok, Michigan Real Property Review, December 2006.

Council Member, State Bar of Michigan Environmental Law Section (ELS)

Co-Chair, ELS Great Lakes & Inland Waters Committee

Board Member, TART Trails, Inc.

Board Member, Conflict Resolution Services

Volunteer Attorney, Legal Aid Clinic (Traverse City)

Environmental Advisory Committee Member, City of Huntington Woods (2007-2009)


City of Traverse City Application to Become 1nQ"{¥tf)FTRAVER$E CITY

crrv CLERKS OFACE • Thank you for your interest in serving on one of Traverse City's boards or committees! Volunteers help to secure our community's beauty and promote its enhancement - Benjamin C. Marentette, City Clerk

Board/Committee you are interested in serving (indicate up to three):--------------­

-7,l.~./~a C1T'I l-ttrlf'r ~ /JrN,JE"'/2...

Name: Nlc#~t::.7- ~~ff-S

Residential Address: /(! 2 3 /Vlf,Ja>/1111 '1>121 IE_ TC - # I t/-11, tM (Street) (City) . (State) (Zip)

E-Mail Address: ___ -1.;n-=....:e:::.._.s _l~e~s=-_e_ c.:__h_«_r_A_~___:.11 __ /_. ~/J_e_-f ___________ _

Preferred Phone No.: 2-31· '12 <1- tJ$.a-1 AdditionalPhoneNo.: :)3/' 63/# /?It> ------------0 cc up at ion: /£711'4?!) ( /;r.lA-t"t:d) (if retired, please provide your career)

Before submitting your application, please be sure to attach a brief letter indicating the following:

• • • •

Why are you applying for a city board or committee seat? How do you believe your appointment would benefit the city? Describe your involvement in the community on a board/committee or in another volunteer capacity . Any other helpful information relevant to your application .

While it is not required, a resume is help/ uf in the recruitment process for City boards and committees.

YES @)

YES <®::,

YES @)

Are you in default to the City? If yes, please note applicants in default to the City are not eligible for consideration.

Do you or immediate family members currently serve on a City board or committee?

If yes, which board? __________________________ _

Are you or immediate family members currently employed by any branch of any level of government?

If yes, how so?---------------------------­

YES <8§) Did you attach the required letter outlining the items requested above? .·

Signature Date

Please return your application, letter, and optional resume to Benjamin C. Marentette. City Clerk, 400 Boardman Avenue, Traverse City, Ml 49684. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at

(231) 922-4480. Again, thankyoufor your interest!

Michael and Rhonda L. Estes I 023 Nakoma Drive Traverse City, Michigan 49686~2041 (23 l ) 929-0827 Cell (2.31) 6.31-1459 / (2.31) 6 31 -17 l 0 Email: [email protected]

March 14, 2017

Re: Consideration of Appointment to Traverse City Light & Power Board

All :

As a committed and proven community servant, I would be an excellent addition to the Traverse

City Light and Power Board. I have served the City in numerous capacities and haye been strongly supported by voters in elections for mayor and the college trustees.

My appoint to the Light and Power Board would require a very limited learning curve such that

my service to Light and Power would begin almost immediately. My proven publi.c service, knowledge of the community and communication skills are beyond question.

Del ivering reliable cost effective electrical service will continue to be the number issue facing

the Light and Power Board but the most pressing issue facing the board is that of moving the community

forward with reliable, cost effective Wi-Fi. I am ideally suited to address the continued issues facing

Light and Power and to also be an effective player in delivering reasonably priced Wi-Fi to our residents and customers.

Michael Estes



TRAVERSE CITY, Ml 49686-2041 (29 years at current address) PHONE: 231-929-0827 231-631-1710 (cell) e-mail: mestes@chartermi .net

Currently: Retired Mayor of Traverse City and businessman Education: MBA-Economics, Western Michigan University 1980

BBA- Accounting, Western Michigan University 1973 Work experience:


President/Owner: Estes Enterprises Inc. , (private investment firm) Estes Tree Farms: management of timber lands Ford Motor Co: Internal Auditor & various Finance positions State of Michigan: Auditor Lockwood CPA: accountant, tax preparer

Appointments/Boards & Committees: Maritime Heritage Alliance, current Great Lakes Fishery Commission, current Traverse City Health Clinic, current Michigan Mun. Leag.- Land Use Committee, 08-09 Pigeon River County Advisor, 08-10 TC- Talus Board Member, 07-09 City Planning Commission, 07- 09 TC Downtown Development Authority, 13-15 National Cherry Festival 09-11 Board Treasurer, Oryana Food Co-op, 99 to 05 . Board Treasurer, Great Lakes Community Mental Health, 97 to 03 FCC Trustee Chair- FCC, 01 -05 TC Light & Power Board, 1 0-11

Civic Organizations: TC Economic Club of Traverse City member Ruffed Grouse Society, past President, member TC Chamber of Commerce MU CC-Lifetime member Adams Chapter of Trout Unlimited, life memb~r

Elected Offices: Trustee, NMC, Nov. 2016 to current Mayor, City of Traverse City, Nov. 07-Nov. 09 & Nov.11 to Nov. 15

Personal: Married 42 years (Rhonda) w/ three adult children, Vincent, Julia & Meryl, five grandchildren, Ethan, Grace, A very, Lucas & Linden Avid sailor, biker, hunter, fisherman, outdoor enthusiast and world traveler.

RECEIVED City of Traverse City

Application to Become Involved Rl\"ERSE C\TY OF 1 rw ~==

7hank you.fiJr your interest in serving on one of fra verse City 's boards or0\>W1't~fll~;f:Jffelrs 1elp to secure our community ·s beauty and promote its enhancement - Be11jamin C. Marenlet/e, City Clerk

Board/Committee you are interested in serving (indicate up to three): <fr~ ~ ~ 0n: - .. 0 0.. __-,-- ~ " I' I'' ~ c~ ' . ,('~ ~ <v~c-r v,~

Name: ~<cl- Sl). ~'1

Residential Address: J..o q £\ ~ ~ ~Mc4eU'y ....._ f{;( (Street) (Ci ty) t.state) (Zipi

E-Mail Address: S ~--C-~~v ~ Ot~. ft.e.~

Preferred Phone No.: -Z..'> J,.q<-f<- ,..c;_Z6°'~ Additional Phone No.: 2-J l- <.Jo7 -Lf( S5

Occupation: -~(Z..._et{j~~~--J ___ -?)~At_.s.~ __________ (if retired, please provide your career)

Before submitting your applicatio11, please be sure to attach a brief letter indicating the following:

• • • •

Why are you applying for a city board or committee seat? How do you believe your appointment would benefit the city? Describe your involvement in the community on a board/committee or in another volunteer capacity . Any other helpful information relevant to your application .

While it is not required, a resume is ltelJ?fi1/ in the recruitment process.for City boards and committees.

YES@) Are you in default to the City? If yes, please note applicants in default to the City are not eligible for consideration.

YES @) Do you or immediate family members currently serve on a City board or committee?


lfyes, which board? __________________________ _

Are you or immediate family members currently employed by any branch of any level of government?

If yes, how so? --·---···---------------··-··----·

@ NO Did you attach the required letter outli ning the items requested above?

The applicant acknowledges that the City may be requ ired from time to time to release records in its possession. The applicant hereby gives permission to the City to release any records or materials received by the City from the applicant ;ls it may be requested to do so as permitted by the Freedom of lnfor ,1tion ct, MCL 15.231 et I·


Pli:ase return your application, letter. a11d optional resume to Benjamin C. lv!arentette. City Clerk, ./00 Boardman Avenue. Traverse Citv. MI 49684. If you have m7cv questions, pleasefeelfi·ee to contact our o.ffice at

(23 l ) 922-4./80. Again, thankvoufi)r your inlt!.rest!

March 6, 2017

Mr. Benjamin Marentette, City Clerk ,.....:.1. .. - -L-r-.-.·---.- " :L .. \ ••IV l II t l,.,\ff""':I .~~ I ,.11\f -· · J - · ··- · -· -- _ ... .,

400 Boardman Avenue Traverse City, Ml 49684

Dear Ben:

As vrnJ know ;.;nrl r.;:::in SP.e from the ;::itt;:ic:hArl n:~sume' . I n~tirnd e;::irly to c:;::ire for M.:irc.y_

and ended up ieaving the Traverse City Light and Power Board at about the same time, I+ ~-""'+ c,.r, +h,:,+ J t, ,c+ r-ru ,l,..J,....1+ ho. ,:,_u,.-:,\1 u,;+hru ,+ c-.t""tm o r•u•,o o.l c- o ... ~- .. -- .... ,_ ... ,, __ .. ---·-·· .. -- -··-1 : ,,,,,, __ , --··,--,,- -·--

here to take care of her.

Sinc:e she pr.isserl .:iw.:iy_ ;::i yA.:ir .:ind;:; h;::i!f ;:;go, I find th;::it I now h;::.ivP. plP.nty of time to

rededicate to Community Service. i am therefore reappiying for membership on the Light and Power Board. Also, and while I realize that there is no current appointment "':)\/.-:til,:,l••do I u,", ,l ,...J ho in+oro ci, +.o.-4 ~c con,inn ,:,c ~ f'ih , "'3t"\l"'\l""t in+oo +"- +ho. r\ic-+ri ""+ I ihr~,~·\/ -·-··--·- : I ··--·- -- II 1\.-1 __ , __ -- --· 'I' II I ~ -- - .......... ] -!""!""-II It,,-- .. _ ... ·- ,_, , _ .. 1 1 -t. - · -· ....... J


OthP.r th.::in R7 A I think th;:it I sP.r'VAri on AvArv C:itv hn.:irrl ;::it snmf!! iimA or {)thAr hut I'm . . . certain that your records show that. Vv'hiie i have been away from Light and Power for a decade, I am certain that I could catch up fairly quickly, since the mission has not ,.....h...., .... ,,..,.nrl m ""'.'),aJ,,o,••H ,., l"'t, ,rinrt H·,,:,+ +!mo .-:,nn 1 rlir4 },,\,:)HO +uu:inh, \/.O *".',,..C- ovno,-.i.o. n.,-,.o ,:,ll +,,Jrl nn -· ,_ , ·~-- I f· - • 1,--, J --· U f~ \,If- \, \,11 I·-~ -· I- t _,_ I I-• - 1t.l• -· 11t.J ! --· - _,,~-· f -1 ·--! -II \, -1- : -· I

the Board.

I believe that. ii is essential for Traverse City to maintain a viable, and profitable

municipal utiiity, for the generai good of the citizens of the city. w-niie i wouid not wish to r::;:,st ASf)Arsiom, on .::.nynne. I fAP.I th;::it thP. Rmm:I :mrl thP. C:ity C:ommission. ;:;t IAASI ;:is

pubiicaiiy reported, have been somewhat at ioggerheads, and that i couid assist in healing that particular breach.

if you have any questions, piease do not hesitate to caii me.

Very truly yours,

Fred Nelson ')flQ ~ ivth cfroc:,t

Traverse City, ivii 49684 231 -946-6256

Marketing Experience

...... .. .. .. .. ' ... - , ... ounuing !Vk:!nagernt:!!t .:,yste!n~ Commercial Division Sales

Frederick D. Nelson 209 Sixth Street


-Responsible for sales of Airmaster products in Northwest Michigan -Contact businesses and contractors to install our product

PMP Personnel Services Sales/Customer SeNice

- Responsible for all operations of a full -service personnel agency

- lnteNiewed and placed applicants in technical and professional jobs

Northwestern Michigan College

- Marketed CBI training to local manufacturers as a contract employee

StaffPro, Inc \J\Jestern Michigan Account Executive

- Negotiated contracts for placement of workers - Coordinated Job placements with the needs of clients - Doubled the number of contracts in the Western Michigan area

Michigan Works! (Formerly PIC) Business Liaison

- Placed clients in training and fuB-time employment

Cooperated with Chambers ot Commerce and Economic Development Offices Interviewed and assessed job seekers for employers

- Advised Business Clients on Personnel issues and procedures

Blue Care Network Special Markets Coordinator

- Marketed and serviced small group contracts throughout Northwest Michigan

- Assisted m large group marketing

Industrial Management Experience:

General Manager - Coordinated orders with customers and suppliers - Instituted weekly and monthly productions schedules

- Hired and assigned all personnel - Restructured work schedules to minimize energy use

General Manager - Built and operated a cherry processing plant - Employed 35 people

- Scheduled and supervised all orders, production, and shipping

October 1999-May 2002

August 1999-0ctober 1999

February 1998-June 1999

March 1989-January 1998

February 1988-January 1989

Education: BA, Albion College

Former Member and Past Chairman, Traverse City Light and Power Board Former Board Member, Maritime Heritage Alliance Former Member and Past Director, Traverse City Rotary Club ?--crmer t5c~rc ct tjCvcrnors, u~c l ov-:n t-'1;::yncuse Former Camp Roy-El Committee and Staff Former Traverse City Commissioner and Mayor Former Trustee and President, Traverse Area District Library Board

other Qualifications Excellent personal contacts throughout Northwest Michigan Proficient in most MS programs and ACT txcenern ccmmun:ca1:on sxms Extensive Human Resources experience

Traverse City Light & Power Board

Jeff Palisin (City Resident Elector) 975 Pine Ridge Dr, TC, 49686 929-6666 (Res) 499-7655 (Bus) [email protected]

Initial Apt. Date 03/18/13 (Eff. 4/2/13)

John Taylor (City Resident Elector) 05/03/10 307 W 12th St, TC, 49684 922-1187 (Res) 617-532-0944 (Bus) 617-899-1769 (Cell) [email protected]

Bob Spence (City Resident Elector) 307 W, 11th St, TC, 49684 645-4222 (Cell) 947-7824 (Bus),


Not seeking reappointmen~

Jan Geht (City Resident Elector) 715 Quail Ridge Dr, TC, 49686 205-255-1516 (Res) 941-8048 (Bus) geht@travcrse law. com

Patrick McGuire (City Resident Elector) 308 N. Elmwood Ave, TC, 49684 883-2087 (Cell) 995-7896 (Bus) [email protected]

Commissioner Tim Werner (Ex Officio/Full Voting Authority) 400 Boardman Ave, TC, 49684 313-6903 (Res) twerner(a)tra versecitymi. gov

Commissioner Amy Sharnroe (Ex Officio/Full Voting Authority) 511 Depot View #20, TC, 49686 517-930-9999 (Res) [email protected]

06/ 17/13

11/ 10/11



Termination 04/02/18


04/03/17 01f04/22




11/ 13/17

Executive Director and Secretary (Tim Arends - Executive Director) - staff

Non-Commissioner Board members shall be appointed to serve terms of five (5) years from the first Monday of April. The Commission Board members shall be appointed for a two-year term

Traverse City Light and Power

Page 1

bi-annually at the City Commission organizational meeting.

This Board consists of 7 members nominated and appointed by the City Commission. Unexpired term vacancies shall be filled by the Mayor with approval of the City Commission. Not less than one and no more than two of these members shall be City Commissioners selected by the City Commission and shall be ex-officio members with full voting authority.

Members must be resident elector of City, except that one member may be non-resident if he resides within current actual service area of the Department ( current actual service area is defined as an address that could receive service from TCL&P; it is not required that the address is currently receiving service from TCL&P).

Non-Commission Board Members cannot hold any other City office nor can they be an employee of the City.

The City Manager or the City Manager's designee shall be an ex-officio member without voting authority and shall not be counted for purposes of establishing a quorum.

Purpose: "shall have exclusive jurisdiction, control and management of the Light and Power Department and all its operations and facilities, except as herein provided. Unless specifically allocated to the City Commission or to a City official, the Board shall have all the powers and duties possessed by the City to construct, acquire, expand and operate the Light and Power system, etc., etc.," (See Charter provisions).

Creation of the Light & Power Board required by City Charter.

Meets 2nd Tuesday of each month at 5: 15

Traverse City Light and Power

Page 2

The City of Traverse City

Communication to the City Commission




MARCH 20, 2017



Attached is a memo from Deputy City Clerk Katie Zeits regarding the Ad Hoc Interview Committee's recommendation for one unexpired term on the Human Rights Commission. As indicated by Ms. Zeits, the ad hoc interview committee recently interviewed applicants for their board. The ad hoc interview committee is recommending that Suzanne Conner be appointed.

These are Mayoral appointments, with City Commission approval.

The following motion would approve the ad hoc interview committee's recommendations:

that the resignation of Laura Nerone be accepted, and that the recommendation from the ad hoc interview committee to appoint Suzanne Conner to one unexpired three-year term expiring June 30, 2018, seat previously held by Laura Nerone, on the Human Rights Commission, be approved.

MC/kez K:\tcclerk\city commission\appointments\HumRights _ 20170403 .doc

copy: Kristine Bosley, Human Resources Director

Memorandum The City of Traverse City




Marty Colburn, City Manager

Katie Zeits, Deputy City Cler~ 15' March 30, 2017

Subject: Appointment to the Human Rights Commission - Mayoral Appointment

Laure Nerone has recently resigned from the Human Rights Commission, leaving an unexpired term expiring June 30, 2018, available.

As you are aware, after advertising on various City outlets, there were sixteen applications on file for consideration for the Human Rights Commission. An ad hoc interview committee made up of Mayor Pro Tern Howe, and Commissioners Lewis and Shamroe was formed and two individuals were appointed from the list.

The following participated in the panel interview: Greggory McDonald Michelle Bostic (appointed in January) Suzanne Connor Myrna Yeakle Isiah Smith Jr. (appointed in January) Marcelo Betti Lesley Alicia Tye

The following were not interviewed: Donna Stein-Harris Martha Alvarez Kristi W eadock Michael Vickery Lynne Van Ness Rebecca Rogan Caroline Gersch Christina Trogan Aaron Kricher

Rather than hold another round of interviews so soon, the ad hoc interview committee has recommended a candidate from the existing list for Ms. Nerone' s position. The committee recommends appointed Suzanne Conner.

Appointments to the Human Rights Commission are made by the Mayor and approved by the City Commission.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me!

·· ---·-········· · --- ·-·- .. ...... _ ... . .. -- -·--·-··--- ---------·-------------------------------,

RECEIVED DEC O 5 2016 City of Traverse City ~

CITY OF TRAVERSE CITY Application to Become Involved llllJJ Thankyog~9~,Q.ffi~rving on one o_(Traverse City's boards or committees! Volunteers help to

secure our community's beauty and promote its enhancement - Benjamin C. Marentette, City Clerk

Board/Committee you are interested in serving (indicate up to three):--------------

l h-1.11-to.n 1?tj ~ ts C,,,, At 155,-..) Name: .Su.l..<lM. fl. 0>1lrt t> S (~~{o.5h

Residential Address: 5\ 3 ..S · 0 Q,k V___~v-K .\':-€c % (Str7et) (City)

E-Mai l Address: 5"-Z.. '-f !.."\ cc,._ 10 () ';J m,.-tM-1 , CoW}

vm (State)

tl£?J 4 (Zip)

Preferred Phone No.: ('1L~) Sf~S-- 'S-?,, ~3 Additional Phone No.: ________ _

Occupation: fJ?}raj Pourtd.,c:J.t~ ocfl ~f.c::.., (if retired, please provide your career)

Before submitting your application, please be sure to attach a brief letter indicating the following:

• Why are you applying for a city board or committee seat? • How do you believe your appointment would benefit the city? • Describe your involvement in the community on a board/committee or in another volunteer capacity. • Any other helpful infonnation relevant to your application.

While it is not required, a resume is helpful in the recruitment process for City boards and committees.

YES 9 Are you in default to the City? If yes, please note applicants in default to the City are not eligible for consideration.

YES@ Do you or immediate family members currently serve on a City board or committee? If yes, which board? ________________________ _

-'!ii} NO Did you attach the required letter outlining the items requested above?

The applicant acknowledges that the City may be required from time to time to release records in its possession. The applicant hereby gives permission to the City to release any records or materials received by the City from the applicant as it may be requested to do so as permitted by the Freedom of Information Act, MCL 15.231 et seq.


Please returnyour application, letter, and optional resume to Benjamin C. Marentette, City Clerk, 400 Boardman Avenue, Traverse City, MI 49684. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at

(231) 922-4480. Again, thank you for your interest!

SUZANNE CONNOR (Antosh) 513 S. Oak St. Traverse City, Michigan 49684

(773) 835-8283 S11zvCbicago<11'gmail.com



Chicago Communitv Trust

February 2007 - Dec. 2015

Serves Chicago region

• Maintained an annual grant portfolio of$5 million by soliciting, reviewing, recommending and

evaluating over 100 grants per year that advance Trust strategies in arts education, organizational

capacity-building, audience diversity, creative youth development, and creative industries

• Represented The Chicago Community Trust on collaborative initiatives with other public, private, and corporate funders and partners

• Conducted training sessions and infonnational presentations for nonprofit organizations, donors, and funder colleagues

• Designed and implemented SMART.Growth, a management capacity-building grant program that

has impacted I 00 small cultural organizations and been proven effective through independent evaluation

• Designed and implemented the Arts Infusion lniti~tive that exposes, inspires, and connects

incarcerated and court-involved youth to arts programs that are infused with key social/emotional learning


:\ris &_Businl'~S Council of Cltica.gQ

May 2002 - February 2007

Serves Chicago region

Designed, managed, evaluated and secured grant funding for programs serving 300+ nonprofit arts/cultural organizations annually with budgets from $100,000 to $12 million.

• Supervised a staff of 5 to provide workshops and consulting services in strategic planning,

marketing, financial management, Board training, audience development and diversification, organizational structure, and facilities planning

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR August 2000 - May 2002

Edgewater Community Council Serves Northside Chicago community

Led a 40 year-old community-based organization, which developed and funded programs for youth, seniors and immigrants, and supported numerous forms of collaborative community development

initiatives to benefit Edgewater 's diverse population of 60,000 residents.

• Worked extensively with community Board, political officials, donors and funders

• Supervised a staff of 12 to design and deliver innovative programs and services and secured private and foundation funding

• Hosted public hearings, community meetings, and fund.raising events


Rebuilding Togethcr"l\~clro Chicago

September 1995 - August 2000

Serves Cook County

Led an emerging philanthropic community service organization, which mobilizes Chicago's major corporate resources, both human and financial, to undertake volunteer community improvement projects that promote understanding and empowerment.

• Managed 90 projects annually that engaged over 2,000 people • Built fledgling organization to a budget of almost $1 million by increasing contributed revenue


Traverse City Commission


Traverse City, MI

Elected to two terms of office in the regional hub and county seat of Grand Traverse County, Michigan.

• Chaired Grand Traverse Commons Redevelopment Corporation that saved and launched redevelopment of a

landmark State hospital campus comprised of 1.2 million sq. ft. on 484 acres, preserving both the historic buildings and the open space

• Worked with nonprofit environmental organizations to ensure public funding for the purchase and preservation of more than 300 acres of land as public parks and beaches

EDUCATION B.A. Sociology from St. Bonaventure University M.A. Education from New York University

Pi Lambda Theta (Honors Education Sorority)


• Microsoft Office, Slack, Sharepoint, Smart Simple, Foundation Power, social media, basic WordPress

Suzanne Connor Page 2

City of Travene City Application to Become Involved

ThQflk JO(I for your interest In sen'ing on one ofTrdf!ene CJ,y's boards OI' co,t;m;tttts} '/lcburtm'I }J,lp to s~cure our ~'<lmmv.nity 's oemuy and promote ir.v enhancement - &nptlt C. Marentelte, City Cie'rk

· Board/Committee you ar1: interested in scn'Ulg (indicate up IO tbr«}: -----------

: rhAJ:'4 e:D @..'i,h~ Y>~~ ll .· 1-;1~~.: .. _·7_'.~_;:_:_'_;;·'·~~,)§.'._i_*.-_; -.~.;~-~~~~--;~~.·.:_'.. Ntlrnc: oo~~· Alvs.'ve:i . . . _·· __ ···_·. _· ~ ·---~·-__ .,_._ .

Residential _Address: ~lr w . l ~ TLs~~f' o>Y~~~~1;,. ,~~M(~/i': ~~~: E-Mail Address: ' D?-$\Yexe.?. 4? Meci;:, D (j . ~: ~-,/: : . \ '.'· :'.·::.~~ ~)/:~-!?h'~ Pre:fcm:d Phone No.: ~3/ , /o 3{ (p !> 7 7 Additional Ph~~~~ . - .){ ; {J,,'·_ .;,

- I \.·• :- • > .:~.:/· • • •: .,:'r • • '"!~~· .... ' (if.rCiii!)d;'p~~careci} ' __....-=..,._~_..r:...::.. ............. _,__c.-:..=i.......,.~~-----'.~ ' • .

- : ,<..:.,::; -' ;:_ , ..... ·. - ,-•' ·--~ ;_:~·~:'l,,._


• Why e you applying frir a city bdlltd or commilmo'$Cat? • How do you belic¥e ytlll" ,ppointmeot wOl.dd benefit die city? • Demibc yourn,,;•(lh'ffllCllt in .iheoomllllli1it:y OIi i ~<lrlll__.,~~-• ,.\ny other helpful inflllfflllltion n.1Jtvant !O )IOIIT application. . . .

;.;.:;:, .:.. . . -:i~

Wltik iJ lS ffOl l'fll/Uilld, Q rl!SU/f'Ul U he(p/uf in tJte l'l!Cnlitmmt P,oca& /Oii' Qly fwar(b'._';i;_~!t' wZ.;: . ~ . -

~~ ~ : ~~i~'!==~defdttolheCily aliiiftligi~t~. · ?::.:·!, YES ~ Dol'OO-or inmlediareWl'lily ~lft&'-cummfy setve t'JQ~ City)xlld tt ~? ' 1/

Ifyl!S;whicltboiird?:. -. (' " . . '. ·/ ':·;; _,:f1;;'.' ~ _:;}t':, ·};1/· (i;i)· &b Did you auadl lhe ~ l.etler outlininll the ilemi ~~ ~?

l'h~ applic11nt adcnowledgi:S that the City n1ny be required from time to ti~to rdede records i;;\u poswssion. The applicant hereby gives pennission t.o the City to releate any :iietordil ot·ioaterilib received by the City 1rom the applicant u if may be requeSkd 10· do ao as pttli>ittecf by the Frtedbtit of Information Act, MCL 15. l et $t(j, · ·


Application (Page I of 3)

November 23, 2016

Benjamin C. Marentette City Clerk 400 Boardman A venue Traverse City, MI 49684

Dear Mr. Marentette:

Marcelo N. Betti 505 Woodland Drive, Traverse City, MI 49686

(231) 651-9030 - [email protected]



Please find enclosed my Application to Become Involved in the Traverse City Human Rights Commission.

I am a Traverse City attorney in my third year of practice. I was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and am a citizen of both Brazil and the United States. I have been a resident of Northern Michigan for most of the past 16 years, starting in 2000 as an international exchange student at Traverse City Central High School. I subsequently attended Northwestern Michigan College and obtained my Bachelor's Degree from Grand Valley State University at the NMC University Center. After temporarily relocating to Vermont to attend Vermont Law School I returned to Traverse City, where I now reside with my wife and four-month-old son.

My primary areas oflegal practice are Family Law and Immigration Law. As an Immigration Lawyer, I wear two "hats." First, I work with private clients as an associate attorney at Rosi & Gardner, P.C. I also serve as the staff attorney at the Traverse City satellite office of Justice For Our Neighbors West Michigan, a not-for-profit organization that offers free or low-cost immigration legal services to low-income individuals.

Immigration is oftentimes a social and political "hot topic"; it certainly was so throughout the most recent presidential election cycle, and will probably remain so during the upcoming presidential administration. Although I have never previously served on a board/committee, as someone who regularly works with various immigrant populations in Northern Michigan-and as an immigrant myself-I may be able to add a perspective that the Commission deems valuable.

I appreciate your consideration of the enclosed Application. Please let me know if I can provide any further information. I look forward to hearing from you.


~~; Encls.

-------------------------------------- - ---·-· -- . ..

City of Travene City Appilcadon to Become Involved • Thank you for your interest in serving on one of Traverse City 's boards or committees! Volunteers help to

secure our community's beauty and promote its enhancement - Benjamin C. Marentette, City Clerk

Board/Committee you are interested in serving (indicate up to three): Traverse City Human Rights Commission

Name: Marcelo N. Betti

Residential Address: _5_0_5_W_ood-'-la.;..;n.;..d_D_r_. ____ T--'r-"'av-'-e'-rs-'-e.;..C.;;....,ity.__ ___ M_I ____ 4...c9...;.6.;..86-'----(Street) (City) (State) (Zip)

E-Mail Address: [email protected]

Preferred Phone No.: 231-651-9030 (cell) Additional Phone No.: 231-941-5878 (work)

Occupation: _A_tt_om_e .... Y _______________ (if retired, please provide your career)

Before submitting your app/icadon, please be sure to attach a brief kiter indicating the following:

• Why are you applying for a city board or committee seat? • How do you believe your appointment would benefit the city? • Describe your involvement in the community on a board/committee or in another volunteer capacity. • Any other helpful information relevant to your application.

While it is not required, a resume is help/Ill in the recruiJment process for City boards and committees.

.. YES ( NO I Are you in default to the City?

If yes, please note applicants in default to the City are not eligible for consideration.

YES I NO I Do you or immediate family members currently serve on a City board or committee? If yes, which board? _______________________ _

[ YES ) NO Did you attach the required letter outlining the items requested above?

The applicant acknowledges that the City may be required from time to time to release records in Its p0S1ession. The applicant hereby gives permission to the City to release any records or materials received by the City from the applicant as it may be requested to do so as permitted by the Freedom of

lnform;:o~-~L 15.231 et seq.

A~-/ U/~c/""l..C>!~ Date

Please return your application. letter, and optional resume to Benjamin C. Marentette, City Clerk. 400 Boardman Avenue, Traverse City, Ml 49684. If you have any questwns, please feel free to contact our office at

(231) 922-4480. Again, thankyouforyourinterest!

Benjamin C. Marentette

City Clerk

City ofTraverse City

400 Boardman Avenue

Traverse City, Ml 49684

RE: Application for Human Rights Commission

Dear Selection Committee:

November 26, 2016

I have recently retired and returned to Traverse City where I lived in the 1980s and 1990s. At

that t ime, I served on the Traverse City Housing Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, City Commission

(1990-1995), and chaired the Grand Traverse Commons Redevelopment Corporation. During the last

twenty years in Chicago, I have worked in community development and grant strategy with a special

focus on enhancing diversity and understanding through cultural outreach initiatives., education, and

empowerment. I also have extensive experience in civic engagement activities, both through my career

and my volunteer work with the League of Women Voters.

I wou ld bring this perspective to the Human Rights Commission, along with that of a parent in a

multi-racial family and an advocate for the disabled. The Traverse City area is an appealing place to live

and work and the mission of the Human Rights Commission is essential. I would like to contribute to its


Very truly yours, .

_.4( ..... -c ~ Suzanne Connor (Antosh)


C1\ROLIN E N Gl:RSC!-1 E-mail : ,..;crsd!.'(£htar[!l\\ ,·nm

City Clerk 400 Boardman A venue Traverse City, MI 49684



(23 I) 929-3450 Facsimile (23 1) 941-9568

Re: Brown Bridge Advisory Committee Application

Dear Sir or Madam:

December 1, 2015

I first learned about the Brown Bridge Quiet Area as a participant in Leadership Grand Traverse (Spring 2015). Steve Largent's presentation on the Brown Bridge Dam removal project was, without a doubt. the highlight of my experience in the program. I am applying to serve as a member of the Brown Bridge AdYisory Committee because I want to contribute to the community that I recently began calling home. December 1st marks the one year anniversary of our move from metro Detroit to Traverse City. My husband and f both shared a strong desire to live in northern Michigan, so when I was offered a posit ion at a la,\ firm in town, we didn't hesitate. Not a day goes by that I do not actively reflect on my gratitude for the opportunity to live here. Like most transplants (and natives). one of the most significant motivating factors for choosing to live in Traverse City is the abundance of natural beauty and outdoor activity. I am passionate about environmental preservation and feel particularly drawn to, and intrigued by, the Brown Bridge Quiet Area.

Beyond possessing a passion for The Great Outdoors, I pride myself on being a hardworking, energetic and thoughtful team player. My background in psychology and mediation have provided me wi th enhanced communication and dispute resolution skills. As an attorney, I am well equipped when it comes to researching an issue, particularly in the areas of environmental and zoning law. I eagerly welcome the chance to use my skills, knowledge and energy to serve the city in this meaningful way.


Caroline N. Gersch


City of Traverse City Application to Become Invo~v,ed

O l 2nv, .. U, .. :

Thank you for your interest in serving on one of Traverse City's boards o/com~lttees! 'Volunteers help to secure our community's beauty and promote its enhancement - Benjamin C. Marentette, City Clerk

Board/Committee you are interested in serving (indicate up to three) :

Board of Zoning Appeals, TADL _.,. ........ -.-...-..:.....-.----· ..... .A--i Name:--"'c"'-'· A:...w.../?..=D_U_;,;N~E-'---"-G""-::1t:,=---.,_,R.....,~u.k=+1"......_ _________________ _

Residential Address: _(g__!_{.Q._~_i_Ild <;T ~ 2... \M 1/E./lS. £ l.lT'/ Ml :Ulu8"Lo (Zip) ( Street) (City) (State)

l·- \ lail \Jdn:ss __ ..c_N_c.1e1<..SLtl(!...~MA: IL, C. OM

l're~cfi-;<lL~~onc No. : ("Vi~} ,uS ~ qqq 3 Actdit~a~~~dne No.: (23 () q 2.'f ~ Jt./ So , Occupation: AtTO/ZN£.Y (if retired, please provide your career)

Be.fore submitting your application, please be sure to attach a brief letter indicating the following:

• • • •

Why are you applying for a city board or committee seat" How do you believe your appointment would benefit the city? Describe your involvement in the community on a board/committee or in another volunteer capacity . Any other helpful information relevant to your application .

While it is 11ot required, a resume is helpful in the recruitment process for City hoards and committees.

'il-.S @ .\ re you in default to the City? lf yes, please note applicants in default to the City are not eligible for consideration.

YES @ Do you or immediate family members currently serve on a City board or committee? If yes, which board? _________________________ _

@ NO Did you attach the required letter outlining the items requested above?

The applicant acknowledges that the City may be required from time to time to release records in its possession. The applicant hereby gives permission to the City to release any records or materials receh ed by the City from the applicant as it may be requested to do so as permitted by the Freedom of lnformati~n Act, MCL 5.231

Date j

Please return your application, letter. and optional resume to City Clerk. 400 Boardman Avenue, Traverse Cit1 · A.fl 41Jn84. !(you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at (231) 922-4480. Again,

thank you for your interest!

Caroline N. Gersch, M.A.,J.D.

616 E. Eighth Street, #2, Traverse City, MI 49686 + (248) 705-9993 + [email protected]


PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Brandt, Pezzetti, Vermetten & Popovits, P.C. Traverse City, Ml

Associate Attorno December 2014 - Present General practice specializing in elder law, probate, estate planning and commercial litigation

Levine Benjamin Law Firm Southfield, Ml Amciate Attomry July 2013 - December 2014

Represented claimants in disability adjudication across the nation Interviewed prospective clients, analyzed medical records and prepared legal briefs for judicial review Attended reg1onal conferences as firm representative

Trott & Trott, P.C. Farmington Hills, MI Legal Marketing & Con1mm1icatio11I Officer September 2012 - July 2013

Using the strategic planning timeline model, performed market research to develop new products and services with accompanying marketing collateral Developed and implemented attorney satisfaction tool for largest default servicing law firm in Michigan Conducted attorney focus groups for the purpose of modifying existing policies and procedures With the compliance team, gathered and prepared documents in order to demonstrate the firm's observance of stringent regulatory requirements Researched and interpreted mortgage banking regulations and legislation

Detroit, MI Challenge Detroit Fellow September 2012 - Juiy 2013

Fellows participated in team chaUcnges as multidisciplinary consultants for Detroit based non-profit organizations. Challenge themes included: environmental quality, food access, housing, transportation, education and immigration. Responsibilities included traditional academic research,

surveys, project management, creative design and presentation of proposed solutions.

Free Legal Aid Clinic, Inc. Detroit, MI Chairperson May 2010-April 2012 • Oversaw every aspect of a fully functioning student managed law firm with a

staff of over 20 and a client base of over 200 Prepared documentation and maintained business records in compliance with 501(c)(3) standards Negotiated move of clinic into superior office space on Wayne State campus Developed and managed annual work-study and office expense budgets Acted as spokesperson for the Free Legal Aid Clinic in the wider community Liaised with partner organizations ~n administrative and legal functions Designed and coordinated family and elder law trainings, prepared manuals Organized and executed fundraisers, silent auctions and other philanthropic endeavors

Caroline N. Gersch, M.A., J .D.

Various Student Attorney Positions Metro Detroit, Ml Michigan Unemployment Inrnrance Project (lv1IUI) January 2011 -April 2011 • Represented and advocated for Michigan unemplo}ment benefit claimants Kresch Oliver PLLC October 2010- January 2011

Reviewed facts and law related to action against MDOC for inadeguace medical care of prisoners

Great Lakes Environmental Law Center September 2010 -April 2011 Researched permit decisions related to locaJ coal plants, the July 2010 Enbridge oil discharge and 2010 FREIGHT Bill

Wentworth and Associates, P.C. Utica, MI Cli11iml Therapist September 2008 - November 2009

Provided individual, couples and family psychotherapy

. EDUCATION Wayne State University Law School

Juris Doctor • Warrior Pro Bono Award, 2011-2012 • Mark Weiss Endowed Scholarship, 2011 -2012 • PACE Environmental Moot Court Competition, February 2012

Detroit, :MI May 2012

• Native American Law Student Society, Vice President 2011-2012 • Environmental Law Society, Vice President 2010-2011

Michigan School of Professional Psychology Farmington Hills, MI Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology July 2009 • Master's Thesis: How DSM diagnoses shape adolescent identity formation • Invited to present thesis at 2009 Humanistic Psychotherapies Conference

University of Michigan - College of LS&A Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Outward Bound - Wilderness l .eadership Semester in Patagonia


Team in Training Alumni Network (Detroit Free Press Marathon) Roeper Alumni Senice Corps Leadership Grand Traverse Alumni

Ann Arbor, MI August 2007

Temuco, Chile Winter 2003

l.>rano I raverse 1.,oumy Mall - Murnan ~,gms 1.,omm1ss1on

Katelynne McBenge <[email protected]>

- --- - -- --·------------------- ------- --------- ·-Human Rights Commission ---··--- ·-----.--.. - ------ --·- ·-·-·-·-------·-·----------Caroline Gersch <[email protected]> To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>

Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 8:33 AM

Hi Katy,

I received an email auto-response stating Ms. Zeits is out of the office on maternity leave. Can you address my question below?

Thanks, Caroline

From: Caroline Gersch Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 8:31 AM To: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]> Subject: Human Rights Commission

Hi Kate,

Is there a vacancy on the human rights commission board? If so, do you mind adding that board to my application for consideration?



Caroline Gersch Attorney at Law

Brandt, Pezzetti, Vermetten & Popovits, P.C.

600 E. Front St., Ste. 102 I Traverse City, Ml 49686 1231-929-3450 I Fax231 -941-9568

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and may also be prMleged. If you are not the named recipient,

please notify the sender immediately and delete the contents of this message wnhout disclosing the contents to anyone, using them for any purpose,

November 21, 2016

Benjamin C. Marentette City Clerk

400 Boardman Avenue

Traverse City, Ml 49684

Dear Mr. Marentette,



Enclosed please find my application to serve on either the Human Rights Commission or Local Officers Compensation Commission.

I have had several mentors that have demonstrated the importance of volunteering in the communities

in which you live and work, and I believe I have reached a point in my career where I have developed the

expertise necessary to begin giving back in a worthy manner. As evidenced in the enclose resume, the

scope of my experience spans the entire human resources function. My knowledge of anti-harassment

and discrimination laws, and fair market valuation of compensation components would be beneficial to the city and the committees to which I'm applying.

Having just recently moved to downtown Traverse City, I have not yet had an opportunity to serve, but

am very excited for the opportunity to have a positive influence on the community our family will call home for the rest of our lives. I'm interested in serving in any capacity, and would welcome the opportunity to discuss alternatives if I am not selected for either of the committees.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Aaron R. Kricher



City of Traverse City Application to Become Involved • Thank you for your interest in serving on one of Traverse City 's boards or committees! Volunteers help to

secure our communi~v 's beauty and promote its enhancement - Benjamin C. Marenlette, City Clerk

Board/Committee you are interested in seiving (indicate up to three): k\~t.t.._""" ~~\~ LO""'"'°'~~\~ btri1

u,....~,!.,., o"""

Name: A t,,.·('I"' \l<, .... ~'-./ Residential Address: C, '3 0 Fi+\-\.. ".> ~ T n".v« C\-:\ Mt: ':\ C\. l,t L/

(State) (Street) (City)

E-Mail Address: k.r,t)\f,,/0,..@ ::-\~60 .ulv-(Zip)

Preferred Phone No. : qe{°'p] 1'1" '-7 ~5 Additional Phone No.: __________ _

(if retired, please provide your career)

Before submitting your application, please be sure to attach a brief letter indicating the following:

• • • •

Why are you applying for a city board or committee seat? How do you believe your appointment would benefit the city? Describe your involvement in the community .on a board/committee or in another volunteer capacity . Any other helpful infonnation relevant to your application .

While it is not required, a resume is helpful in the recruitment process for City boards and committees.


YES @)

@ NO

A.re you in default to the City? If yes, please note applicants in default to the City are not eligible for consideration.

Do you or immediate family members currently serve on a City board or committee? If yes, which board? ________________________ _

Did you attach the required letter outlining the items requested above?

The applicant acknowledges that the City may be required from Hme to time to release records in its possession. The applicant hereby gives permission to the City to release any records or materials received by the City from the applicant as it may be requested to do so as permitted by the Freedom of [nformation Act, MCL 15.231 et seq.

s,J~H2= ll·t.1-lt, Date

Please return y our application, letter, and optional resume to Benjamin C. Marentette, City Clerk, 400 Boardman Avenue, Traverse City, Ml 49684. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our o.ffice at

(231) 922-4480. Again, thank you for your interest!

------------ -----·- -·---- ---


Aaron R. Kricher, MSA, SPHR 630 Fifth St., Traverse City, Ml 49684

Cell: 989-714-2725 Email: [email protected]


An effective, value building leader with a broad range of experience acquired in human resources, finance, and operational capacities. Demonstrated strengths in aligning the development of human capital with corporate strategy while outlining the return on investment of HR programs. An open and effective communicator capable of fostering confidence, respect, and loyalty throughout the organization.


Human Resources Manager Continuing Medical Education Manager Central Michigan University Health - Saginaw, Ml March 2015 - Present

Direct all HR and CME activities for ACGME accredited Graduate Medical Education programs and Multispecialty Medical Group. Top HR position in the organization reporting to the Executive Director. Executive Team member responsible for organizational strategic planning, and execution of supporting HR and CME goals and objectives. Supervise a staff of 5 FTEs with an annual operating budget of $2.6M. Ex officio member of the Graduate Medical Education Committee and frequent participant on the Board of Directors.

• •

Redesigned current faculty practice plan, for 40 physician FTEs, to align with mission by utilizing an incentive based approach that values clinical and academic work.

Responsible for all physician contracts including development of fair market valuation reports for new hires and contract renewals.

Implemented point factor job evaluation system for management hierarchy resulting in the use of regression analysis to determine pay grade classifications for newly created leadership positions.

Accountable for the design and execution of all compensation and benefits programs . lead for Executive Director Search, including market analysis and total compensation recommendation to Board of Directors.

Developed and implemented new performance management system resulting in increased efficiencies, greater inter-rater reliability, and improved leadership and employee satisfaction. led full cycle implementation for new Applicant Tracking System . Led full cycle implementation for new CME tracking system.

Human Resources Manager Community Mental Health for Central Michigan - Mt. Pleasant, Ml May 2014 - March 2015

Direct all human resources program~ for the six-county public agency including employee/labor relations, compensation, benefits and retirement planning, recruitment, selection and retention, and HRIS. Coordinate annual personnel budget and present recommendations to the Board of Directors.

Implemented health care plan design changes resulting in a $250k net cost savings to the agency, while minimizing impact on employee cost. Led full life-cycle implementation of Applicant Tracking System to resulting in reduced time to fill and improved applicant experience. Develop data driven workforce analytics models to track quality of attrition and talent demand by job classification.

Managed step based compensation structure, including the continuous collection and review of market competitive compensation data.

Human Resources Consultant Covenant Health Care/Covenant Medical Group - Saginaw, Ml Sept 2011-May 2014

Provide comprehensive human resource management for the hospital's Leadership and 4300 employees. Support strategic organizational goals with internal and external customers through management of employee/labor relations, regulatory compliance, project management, and support for operational strategies.

• •

Led interdepartmental and cross-functional teams in the identification, development and implementation of strategic department initiatives.

Developed communication plans and provided due diligence for multiple network provider acquisitions. Project leader for the selection of the organization's saas performance management system . Project leader for the development of the organization's new physician orientation program .

Vice President, HR and Administration Interim Health Care - Saginaw, Ml Jan 2009-Sept 2011

Developed a strategic plan to increase profitability of existing business units, for Tier 1 automotive supplier and behavioral health services provider, through organizational design and workforce development. Designed formal systems to ensure the effective and efficient use of human capital to accomplish organizational goals.

• Designed and implemented overtime reduction system resulting in a 60% decrease in overtime cost of hourly workforce.

• Led the organization through a divestiture initiative including outplacement assistance for affected workers.

• Developed, implemented, and evaluated compensation structures based upon internal equity and external market conditions that support the organization's strategic goals and objectives.

• Transformed procedures for new candidate application, testing, new hire orientation, and training resulting in reduced time-to-hire and cost-per-hire.

Operations Director Behavioral Health Services Interim Health Care - Saginaw, Ml Jan 2005-Dec 2008

Managed the delivery of professional health care services to over 400 consumers in a multi-county service area, with mental illness and developmental disabilities. Led the efforts of 15 skilled clinical staff with an operating budget of $450K.

Human Resources Manager Interim Health Care - Saginaw, Ml May 2002-Dec 2004

Accountable for the majority of core HR processes including: compensation and benefits, recruiting, and administration. Responsible for establishing critical HR systems and processes within the organization, and providing HR consulting to management teams with a focus on employee relations, recruiting, and training.


MSA (Human Resources), Central Michigan University BA (Human Resources), Michigan State University SPHR, Human Resource Certification Institute SHRM - SCP, Society for Human Resource Management


HR Metrics and Workforce Analytics, SHRM

Transforming Outcomes Data into Management Information, CARF International Six Sigma Green Belt, Villanova University lnfor/Lawson HRIS Sage HRIS Excel Skills for Compensation Professionals, World at Work Excel Dashboards, World at Work


Benjamin C. Marentette, City Clerk City of Traverse City 400 Boardman Avenue Traverse City, Mi. 49684

Dear Mr. Marentette,

I November 21, 2016

This letter is in support of my application for appointment to the Traverse City Human Right Commission. By way of introduction, my name is Gregg McDonald. I am a retiree living in Williamsburg since 2008 and would considerate it a privilege to participate as a member of the Traverse City Human Rights Commission.

My employment experience includes 15 years as a police officer with the East Lansing Police Department. During this time I earned both a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Criminal Justice from Michigan State University. My college advisor and friend was Dr. Robert Trojanowitz who is considered the father of Community Policing. During my tenure with the police department, I was one of two officers responsible for creating a Police Community Relations Bureau. At the time of my resignation I was a Lieutenant serving as a shift commander.

Most recently I worked 30 years as a denominational executive for the Community of Christ. During my tenure I served as the financial officer for Africa. My residence was in Independence; however I traveled extensively throughout Sub-Sahara Africa with an office in Nairobi, Kenya. My primary responsibilities included budget development and management, the employment and supervision of national ministers, acquisition of property, and the construction of various facilities. I also worked in conjunction with Outreach International, a human development agency located in Independence, Missouri.

Over my tenure with this organization, I worked in 33 nations around the world including Africa, East Asia, and Europe. During this time I learned that listening to the world view of others was significantly more important than speaking as the institutional "expert."

During 2011 and 2012, I also served on the board of directors of Restoration Towers which is a 147 unit low­income senior HUD-subsidized apartment complex located in Detroit, Michigan.

In addition I am currently an elections inspector for Whitewater Township, an elected precinct delegate, and am serving as the Treasurer for the Grand Traverse Democratic Committee.

I believe that my life experiences will allow me to make a contribution that recognizes the value of varied individuals and organizations. I believe in a clear separation between church and state, that all people regardless of race, culture or belief should be celebrated, valued, and affirmed as equal members and partners of our community.

Thank you for your consideration of this application for membership on the Traverse City Human Rights Commission.

~~C~IJ? Nov 1J:J)

Ctry 0,: /2 3 20/o C17y C ritA 11€

B836 WH""'"R O AKS DR . • W!Ll.lAMSBllRG. Ml '19690 • 1 ·231-360-7774 OR 1-23 1-360-~f«rs Jf.%. c17y lCs

City of Traverse City Application to Become Involved • Thank you for your interest in serving on one of Traverse City's boards or committees! Volunteers help to

secure our community 's beauty and promote its enhancement - Benjamin C. Marentette, City Clerk

Board/Committee you are interested in serving (indicate up to three):-------------

4/1'//lp' 81173' {jm#//6S /o,<)

Name: ~~C¥-)f ;f • /-?75-'Z)~A,1;"!-k/ Residential Address:a,st,, ~~J(f; ~k:5 u~d/?;1::$~~ di;. ¥96~0

(Street) (City) (State) (Zip)

E-Mail Address:1;}SP1~~,(/.t,~~..ffet/A1/~o.rJ1

Preferred PhoneNo.ocf/-;3@-227'/

Occupation: :-/?eyneG Z::,

Additional Phone No. : __________ _

(if retired, please provide your career)

Before submitting your application, please be sure to attach a brief letter indicating the following:

• Why are you applying for a city board or committee seat? • How do you believe your appointment would benefit the city? • Describe your involvement in the community on a board/committee or in another volunteer capacity. • Any other helpful information relevant to your application.

While it i.'i not required, a resume i~ helpful in the recruitment process for City boards and committees.

YES(®) Are you in default to the City? If yes, please note applicants in default to the City are not eligible for consideration.

YES(@ Do you or immediate fumily members currently serve on a City board or committee? If yes, which board? _ _______________________ _

~ NO Did you attach the required letter outlining the items requested above?

The applicant acknowledges that the City may be required from time to time to release records in its possession. The applicant hereby gives permission to the City to release any records or materials received by the City from the ap licant as it may be requested to do so as permitted by the Freedom of lnformati Act, MCL I 3 t , q.


Please return your application, letter, and optional resume to Benjamin C. Marentette, City Clerk, 400 Boardman Avenue, Traverse City, Ml 49684 . .(/you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at

(231) 922-4480. Again, thank you for your interest!

12/9/2016 DEC 2 9 ·2016 Mayor Jim Carruthers


Cl O Katy McBcngc, Administrative Sp<!cialist City of Traverse City 400 Boardman Ave. Traverse City, Ml 49684

Via e-mail ONLY to: [email protected]

RE: Application to Become Involved

Dear Mayor Ca1TUthers, Mayor Pro Tern Howe, and Commissioners:

Enclosed you will find my (.-omplctcd Application to Become Involved as well as a ~PY Qf my resume. I am

requesting to be considered for my current or future vacancies on the Traverse City Housing Commission, Traverse

City Human Rights Commission, an<l / or the Traverse City Parks and Recreation Commission. At the request of the

City Commission, I would consider serving on other Boards or Committees where the Commission believes my skills might be of value.

I am applying for a seat on the previously listed commissions bccaU.1C I believe my set of skills would prove to be very

hendlcial in discussions of iS$ues that would come In front of these various commissions. After applying for the

vacancy on the City Commission, I realized I do have a lot of skill! that would help encourage more input from our

community members and, perhaps, resolve some conllict before it rises to the level of being disruptive to.the work of the City.

Over the last 26 years I have been very invoht!<l in groups and committee.,,; at the local and state level that has or had a

direct effect on the live, of the residents of T raversc City and the greater Grand Traverse Area. These have Included.:

• Over ,4.0 presentations at the local and state levels regarding domestic and sexual

violence, legal issues facing survivors of domestic and sexual violel\ce, volunteemm,

collaboration, diversity, and mediation;

• Worked with, trained, and supervision of employees; volunte~, and interns;

• Past Board member of the Michigan Coalition to End Domestic and ~!lal Violen~ (2002-2005) including as a member of the Executive Committee and member and

Chair of the Michigan Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence LBGT and

Allies Task Force;

• Past Board member of the Michigan League for Human Services-n/k/ a Michigan League for Public Policy;

• State of Michigan Foster Care Review Board Volunteer, Board #27 (2012-2016)

including serving as Chair of the Board (2015-2016);

• Member ofNAI..S, the association for legal professionals,.NAIS of Micl,.jgan, and the

Grand Traverse Area Legal Professionals (1996-Preaeilt);

• Past Board member of the Grand Traverse Atea Legal Profe.,sionals including as a member of the Executive Committee;

,--------- -···· ------- - - -. - ------ -!

Volunteer Mediator at Conflict Resolution Services (2009-2013) as an ,Adult

Guardianship, Child Protection, Domes.tic, GeneralCivil, and Special Education Mediator;

Michigan State Court Administrative Office approved Domestic Violence Saeening

Protocol Trainer (2009-Present) and served on the 201S Committee that updated the states Domestic Violence Screening Protocol; and

Member of: Grand Traverse County Domestic Violence Task Force, Grand Traverse

County Community Collaborative, Grand Traverse County Eviction Diversion

Committee, Antrim County Community Collaborative, Benzie County Human

Services Collaborative, Leelanau County Family Coordinating Council,

Wexford/ Missaukee Human Se.rvices Leadership Council, Northwest Ml Continuum

of Care, and the t l'k Circuit Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee.

As a result of my work with sunivors of domestic and sexual violence, l wai; honored with the Liberty Bell Award by

the Grand Traverse Leelanau Antrim Bar Association in 2003 . The award rc..--ogrtizes oubtandlng service performed

by a non-lawyer citizen who has given their tin1e and energy to strengthen the effectiveness of the American system of

freedom under law. Such service may include acth•itle, which encourage greater respect for die la,v in the courts or

stimulate the deeper sense of individual responsibility to the end that citizen, recognize their duties u well as their rights as it relates to the legal system.

In 2015 I was honored to receive the Legal Professional of the Year presented by the ~rand Trav~.Area Legal Professionals (GT ALP) . Each year, members arc nominated hy their boss or Board who write an anonymous letter

outlining what they believe sets the member apart from othcn. The letters arc then sent to a neighboring cllapter of

NA LS of Michigan, where a committee reads and judges them with all names removed. The award is a recognition of

the members service to their community, the GT ALP, and the members of the local organization,

Because of my education, skills, and work/ volunteer experience, I am able to read and und_crstand a bu~et, work

well individually and in groups, ask questions, speak up when there might be other positions to consider, and am

willing to listen to ideas and opinions that may not be popular but arc worth considering or may contain important

infonnation to the decision at hand. I would commit to heating the! thoughts and ideas of other committee members

and the community and take all available infonnation into consideration before voting on or referring something to

the City Commission. I also would commit to articulating my decision as much as would be allo~ed and alwar5 maintaining the best interests of the City as my guide.

I look forward to serving as the Mayor and the City Commission sees flt.


~ Jw. llor--Rchccc:a M. Rogan 1 09 Fairlane Dr. Travenc City, Ml 49684 231.342 . 100]

Rrogan [email protected]


City of Traverse City Application to Become Jnvolved • Thank you for your interest in serving on one of Traverse City 's boards or committees! Voluntem help to

secure our community ·s beauty and promote its enhancement-Benjamin C. Marentette, City Clerk

Board/Committee you are interested in serving (indicate up to three): Housing Commission, Human Rights

Commission, and/or Parks and Recreation Commission

Name: Rebecca M. Rogan

Residential Address: 109 Fairlane Dr. Traverse City Ml 49684 --:-:---:--_..;__..;_ ___ ...:.:...=.:.=:.=..=--__:~---.....:::.::.::..: __ (Street) (City) (State) (Zip)

E-Mail Address: [email protected]

Preferred Phone No.: __ 2_3_1_.94_1_.5_8_35 _____ Additional Phone No.: __________ _

Occupation: Executive Director - Conflict Resolution Services (if retired, please provi~e your career)

Before submitting your application, please be sure lo aJtach a brief letter indicating the f ollow.ing:

• • • •

Why are you applying for a city board or committee seat? How do you believe your appointment would benefit the city? Describe your involvement in the community on a board/committee or in another volunteer capacity . Any other helpful information relevant to your application .

While It Is not required, a resume ls Ire/pf ul In the recruitment process for City boards and committees.

YES( NO ) Are you in default to the City? If yes, please note applicants in default to the City are not eligible for consideration.

YES( NO) Do you or immediate family members currently serve on a City board or committee? If yes, which board? _______________________ _

( YES) NO Did you attach the required letter outlining the items requested above?

The applicant acknowledees that the City may be required from time to dme to release records in Its possession. The applicant hereby elves permission to the City to n:lease any records or materials received by the City from the applicant as it may be requested to do so as permitted by the Freedom of Information Act, MCL 15.231 et seq.

~?ft. ~ Signature ~



Please return your application, letter, and optional resume to Benjamin C. Marentelle., City Clerk, 400 Boardman Avenue, Traverse City, Ml 49684. ff you have any questions, please fee/free to contact our off we at

(231) 922-4480. Again, thankyouforyaurinterest!

l 09 Fairlane Dr. Traverse City, MI 49684

Career Profile

Rebecca M. Rogan [email protected]

Cell Phone: (231) 342-1001

Over twenty years of executive and management experience with specialization in operational leadership and legal applications. Manages by example with emphasis on maintaining the highest levels of personal and profossional integrity. Experienced in advocacy work on behalf of vulnerable populations who are dealing with a variety of local, state and federal systems. Active member of the community at the local and state level. Proficient 'with Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Power Point, QuickBooks, Data Base Management, Electronic Case Filing (ECF), internet research and a variety of electronic mail systems.

Professional Accomplishments • As Executive Director for a local not-for-profit, perfonns all functions necessary for the operations of the agency. This includes handling all financials, overseeing all employees and volunteers, grant writing and Lhc requisite fiduciary accountability, overseeing all programs and reviewing new programs for possible inclusion in services. Certified to provide Domestic Relations, General Civil, Child Protection, Adult Guardianship, and Special Education mediations. Approved Michigan State Court Administrative Office of the Domestic Violence Screening Protocol for mediators. Executive Director is directly responsible to a Board of Directors and provides all materials for monthly Board meetings.

• As Practice Manager and Supervising Paralegal for an attorney specializing in family, special education and criminal law, performed intake consultations and made screening recommendations for case acceptance based upon legal merit. Researched legal precedent and orchestrated case management with individuals, other law finns and court personnel. Educated clients regarding the legal process and provided continuous updates and informational services. Fiscal oversight led to a decrease in account payables and an increase in income.

• In 2000, selected by a panel of the GTLA Bar Association as the Liberty Bell Recipient. Recognized as a lay person who was instrumental in promoting better understanding of the rule of law, encourtlging a greater respect for law and the courts, stimulating a sense of civic responsibility and contributing to good government in the community through outstanding performance as the Legal Advocate lit the Women's Resource Center.

• In 2015, selected by the Grand Traverse Area Legal Professionals as the Legal Professional of the Year. Nominated by the Conflict Resolution Services Board of Directors, this award recognizes an individual who has been active in the legal profession and works to advance the legal profession through advocacy, education, and mentoring.

• Competent public relation representative and spokesperson; communicates organizational ~ssion and objectives clearly and concisely through a variety of media, public speaking engagements, commuruty presentations and networking opportunities.

• Personally dedicated to facilitating a work atmosphere conducive to mentoring ,an~ ~~ely S~PF,~ng the growth potential of all employees. Participative style of management that encourages mdiv1dual 1n1ttat1ve, stimulates continuous learning, and builds morale.

Summary of Qualifications Organizational Management

• Assessed organizational structure and revised operations of The Law Office of Thomas Dundon. Designed and implemented policy and procedures leading to functional transitions and a more fluid and productive work flow. · ·

• Manages operational expenditures including capital improvements and all administrativ~ support supplies and services.

• Researches and identifies potential availability of federal grants and local foundation funds; successful grant writing capability.

• Participated in fund raising campaigns with an aptitude for developing innovative strategies for new and existing programs.

• Performs human resource functions including recruiting, screening, training, scheduling, work delegation, counseling, payroll administration and termination. Also, supervises interns and evaluates and reports to educational institutions as required.

• Observes all local, state and federal laws and regulatory guidelines; flawless documentation and report submission.

Communitv Relations • Served on the Board of Directors of the Michigan Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence.

• Presented, Role of Non-Profit Social Service Agencies in Northwest Michigan, LeadC!T$hip G.T., Traverse City, Michigan ( 1998-2007).

• Provides information and training to the agencies service area regarding the agencies services, active listening skills, dealing with conflict. Also provides competent meeting facilitation services.

• Maintains resource contacts with governmental agencies and support organizations throughout the state of Michigan.

Work History

• Executive Director, Conflict Resolution Services, Inc., Traverse City, Michigan. (2013•Present).

• Practice Manager/Supervising Paralegal, Law Office ofThomM It Dund.on,TraverseCity, Michigan. (2007-2012).

Legal Client Advocate, Women's Resource Center, Traverse City, Michigan, (1996-2007).

Education and Community Service • M.B.A. Strategic Management, Davenport University, Traverse City, Michigan, (2009).

B.A. Sociology and Criminal Justice, Adrian College, Adrian, Michigan, (1990).

Rebecca Rogan Page2

I •

Certification, Drug/Alcohol Prevention and Intervention, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, (2001) .

• Member, NALS, the association for legal professionals, Tulsa, Oklahoma; (1996-Present).

• Member, NALS of Michigan, the association for legal professionals, Lansing, Michigan, (1996-Present).

• Member, Grand Traverse Area Legal Professionals, Traverse City, Michigan, ( 1997-Ptesent).

• Volunteer Mediator, CRS, Inc., Traverse City, Michigan, (2009-201.l).

• Board Member, Michigan Foster Care Review Board #27, Michigan, (2011-2016).

Rebecca Rogan Page3

Benjamin C. Marentette City Clerk Traverse City, Ml

November 16, 2016

Dear Mr. Marentette and to all it may concern,

I am writing to express my interest in serving on the Traverse City Human Rights Commission.

I am retired. But throughout my 40+ year career, there has been one central theme - inclusion and teamwork. Working together we can accomplish anything. There will always be challenges, but there are always solutions.

The need to provide equal access, fair treatment, and an unbiased perspective propelled by mutual understanding and respect is not something we can ever take for granted. My work history demonstrates my commitment to this philosophy. And family experience solidifies that commitment.

The last decade of my career was spent developing and administering Safe Communities America for the National Safety Council. I was the Executive Director of this initiative. We were the US arm of the international Safe Communities initiative and accreditation program of the

World Health Organization. The goal and vision of the program was to encourage all sectors of the community to work together regarding all aspects of safety. I worked with municipalities, healthcare systems, public safety, chambers of commerce, park districts, public education and

universities, and advocacy groups in multiple communities in the US and around the world. There is no community anywhere in the world that is perfect. The common denominator for community success is cooperation, mutual respect and a plan for continuous improvement. It was a standard that was never compromised.

Prior to that, I worked for and with a number of healthcare organizations, including my own company, on health and safety issues using a variety of public education and multimedia vehides.

Our grandson, an African American adoptee, is a special needs child with significant challenges. Our family has experienced first hand the difficulties families face. It is a daily struggle on multiple levels - racial divides, access to education and healthcare services, transportation

challenges, and bureaucratic obstacles. This is perhaps my main driver for wanting to serve on the Human Rights Commission in Traverse City. My family lives in New York City. The two locations are uniquely different. But if I can make a difference in serving the community I live in,

everyone benefits. No matter where we live, we can learn from each other.

While living and working in Chicago, we have considered Traverse City our second home for almost 25 years. My husband and I have been full time residents for almost three years and have quickly integrated into the community that is now our permanent home. I am currently on the Board of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Grand Traverse and serve on many committees - Sunday Services, Stewardship, Staff Resources, and facilitate a Death Cafe (a group that brings people together to talk about death and dying). I also serve on the Board of the Newcomers Club. And, I am a new member of the Munson Family Advisory Council.

I hope this letter provides enough information to bring my name forward as a viable candidate for the Human Rights Commission. I look forward to hearing from you about the next steps in the process.

~Jr-~~ Donna Stein-Harris

4444 East Duck Lake Road Grawn, Ml 49637

(84 7)226-5098 [email protected]

RECEIVED City of Traverse City NOV 1 7 2016 • Application to Become Involved

CITY OF TRAVERSE CITY . Thank you for your interest in serving on one of Traverse City's boaW¥'~1inteers help to

secure our community's beauty and promote its enhancement - Benjamin C. Marentette, City Clerk

Board/Committee you are interested in serving (indicate up to three):-------------I


Name: In - rrJ'

Residential Address: 'I z' tY (; a SI i /)(_Ir_ Ltt.k I 17/ G~, IM I i:9'13 7 (Street) (City) (State) (Zip)

E-Mail Address~tJJ1(1JfeC:,,6arrif Q ~,(~YYI.

Prefi;rred Phone !-{o.·(i'f-z)22{,-S"'o9 Y , Adjlitional Pho~e No.:-,-,,--,--.....---:--7--,.=r-~--/ II.rt PP.rda,,,~\ flir, S ti.ft (()mtnur11/-ltf'J /f11'.i-r1CA-~ '/1;, 'drnv,I} '- "(Int.,/

Occupation: tii& r~( -.f'q/2fu w lv A.fll,,17amtftth'l . (if retired, please provide our.career) (tj m;;(v,1(,.:/10 "ns - ~e /efk.c :Gr a.'4tc:-{J ~ rltu.:lt'~

Before submitting your application, please be sure to attach a brief letter indicating the following:

• Why are you applying for a city board or committee seat? • How do you believe your appointment would benefit the city? • Describe your involvement in the community on a board/committee or in another volunteer capacity. • Any other helpful infonnation relevant to your application.

While it it not required, a resume is helpful in the recruitment process for City boards and committees.

YES( NO _) Are you in default to the City? \. "--- If yes, please note applicants in default to the City are not eligible for consideration.

YES ~ Do you or immediate family members currently serve on a City board or committee? · If yes, which board? _______________________ _

~ ) NO Did you attach the required letter outlining the items requested above?

The applicant acknowledges that the City may be required from time to time to release records in its possession. The applicant hereby gives permission to the City to release any records or materials received by the City from the applicant as it may be requested to do so as permitted by the Freedom or

lnfo~'::'.~ct'.M~l e. t~~ t::+~ ~~ ~ ~-/ 11

/ !6/Zol/, Signature Date

Please return your application, letter, and optional resume to Benjamin C. Marentette, City Clerk, 400 Boardman Avenue, Traverse City, Ml 49684. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at

(231) 922-4480. Again, thank you for your interest!

Christina Tregan 1314 Peninsula Drive Traverse City Ml 49686

November 20, 2016

Benjamin C. Marentette City Clerk 400 Boardman Avenue Traverse City Ml 49684

Dear Mr. Marentette:

I am writing to express my interest in the Human Rights Commission board position available with the City of Traverse City. As a resident of Traverse City, what goes on here concerning prejudice and discrimination is of great concern to me, and it would be an honor to serve this community that I love so much.

I am a paraprofessional at the TBAISD Career-Tech Center and setting a positive example for young people is very important to me. In applying to be part of the HRC Board, I hope to be an asset to my community. I see many of the concerns our young people have regarding discrimination, which places me in a unique position to have one eye on the future of our city. would like to help make it a place where young people want to stay and invest themselves.

I would like to make sure all people are respected in this community and that is a safe place for everyone. This opportunity would help me discover more about my community and what its needs are so that I can be more of service.

Thank you for your consideration.



City of Traverse City CITY OFT 9:9 NOV 282016 •

Application to Become lnvolv~tTY CLER,f'KVSERSE CITY -OFF/CE

Thank you for your interest in serving on one of Traverse City's boards or committees! Volumeers help to secure our community's beauty and promote its enhancement - Benjamin C. Marentette, City Clerk

Board/Committee you are interested in serving (indicate up to three): Hu mm vJ Rrz5 h+s Co(Y)m,ss,'cl,'1_

Name: Ch r1Sf1vi 0t Tro3 ctti \.

Residential Address: 13lY Pe Vl 1Vt.Sul Ct L/9 0BJo (Street) (City) (Zip)

E-Mail Address: V'10 3 Or -f @ b o-/ (D Q( i / , {'C) y)Q

Prcferred,Phone No.(Z~ i) 3(oo ·-Y:95.3 Additional Phone No.:. _________ _

Occupation: flil (ot. p (D a t-(h r:1:€ . .e.[-r.e ci1 ~k.r (if retired, please provide your career)

Before submitting your application, please be sure to attach a brief letter indicating the following:

• • • •

Why are you applying for a city board or committee seat? How do you believe your appointment would benefit the city? Describe your involvement in the community on a board/committee or in another volunteer capacity . Any other helpful information relevant to your application .

While it is not required, a resume is helpful in the recmitment process for City boards and committees.

YES @)


@ NO

Are you in default to the City? If yes, please note applicants in default to the City are not eligible for consideration.

Do you or immediate family members currently serve on a City board or committee? lfyes, which board? _________________________ _

Did you attach the required letter outlining the items requested above?

The applicant acknowledges that the City may be required from time to time to release records in its possession. The applicant hereby gives permission to the City to release any records or materials received by the City from the applicant as it may be requested to do so as permitted by the Freedom of Information Act, MCL 15.231 et seq.

Q/L---------···· Signature Date

Please return your application, letter, and optional resume to Benjamin C. Marentette, City Clerk, 400 Boardman Avenue, Traverse City, Ml 49684. ff you have any questions, please fee/free to contact our office at

(23 I) 922-4480. Again, thank you for your interest!

Benjamin C. Marentette City Clerk 400 Boardman Avenue Traverse City, Ml 49684

November 22, 2016

To Whom it May Concern;

I am submitting my application to be considered for a seat on the Human Rights Commission. I am applying for this volunteer position because I am extremely interested in becoming more involved in this community and I believe I can bring a lot to this committee in particular. As a

resident of lnterlochen I was excited to see an opportunity to join this particular committee as well.

For the majority of my adult life the volunteer work and ways in which I have been involved with my community have been through my work in the arts. Before moving to Traverse City I was on the board of a youth theatre group called The Young Actors Company and was heavily involved in teaching and producing children's theatre in Los Angeles. I also volunteered as an actor and choreographer for a theatre company there. I moved to this area first for what was to be a one semester job teaching screenwriting and film in 2002 at my high school alma mater, lnterlochen Arts Academy. I did not expect to be moving to Northern Michigan full time - I had a vibrant life in Los Angeles - but when the Academy decided to move forward with a film department I saw this as an opportunity to give back to the high school that had given me so much. I co-chaired the committee to create what is now known as the Motion Picture Arts department and left my life in California for good.

Since moving here permanently I have been an active volunteer with The Old Town Playhouse, giving my time both onstage and behind the scenes in a variety of capacities, including working with the Young Company to teach playwriting. I have also volunteered with the Traverse City Film Festival including teaching sessions on screenwriting. I've been involved with workshops for Michigan Writers as well as NMC, taught a storybook workshop at the Children's Museum, am an active participant in the Here:Say Storytelling series, and even worked with a troupe of Michigan Girl Scouts who were getting their badge in screenwriting. Arts education and the power of storytelling has been my motivation to connect with people of all ages. I believe that

being able to tell your story, and listening to other's stories, is a fundamental way in which to bring people together and create more tolerance and acceptance across differences. This theme of tolerance and acceptance is at the heart of the art I produce as well, including the three original "mash-up" musicals that I have written and produced here in Traverse City with my husband and our diverse theatre troupe.

Yet, I feel it's not enough. I would like to find more ways that I can be invested and engaged in

this beautiful and vibrant community. I donate what I can financially to a myriad of local organizations and I enjoy being a part of so many community experiences throughout the year, but I see donating my time on the Human Rights Commission as an important next step in being an active citizen of Grand Traverse County and of our country in general.

As an instructor at Interlachen I have the joy and challenge of working with an incredibly diverse student body. Our students come from all over the country and all over the world, and they find a common language through the arts. That common language builds bridges between students who come from different racial , political, religious and cultural backgrounds, and as a faculty member part of my daily job is helping students to navigate through those differences to find acceptance for all. Our LGBTQIA students feel safe to be themselves at our school, and in the past five years I've seen a growth in the number cf transgender students who transition during their time at Interlachen. I believe I have a lot of experience and perspective to bring to the Human Rights Commission in terms of working with and for a diverse group of people.

I hope you will consider my application for this commission. Thank you so much for your time, please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Sincerely, , . ;1 / '; ;1 -(-:--

dW t, !AM t_r Lesley Alicia Tye (213) 640-0615 [email protected]


., RECEIVED NOV 28 2016 a

City of Traverse City CITY OF TRAVERSE C !Iii Application to Become Involved CITY CLERKS OFFIC .

Thank you for your interest in serving on one of Traverse City's boards or committees! Volunteers help to secure our community's beauty and promote its enhancement - Benjamin C. Marentette. City Clerk

BoardiCommittee you are interested in serving (indicate up to three): HLA,t'V\ar e;'(Jhfl ~

Name, L~&IR._,J Al'1Vu 1r Residential Address: _ "34t?J':>. ~ /i:j (~. l V\.ie-f{Q)v2n Q:1 / ~ttlP'fs

(Zip) (Street) (City) (State)

Before submitting your application, please be sure to attach a bruf letter indicating the following:

• • • •

Why are you applying for a city board or committee seat? How do you believe your appointment would benefit the city? Describe your involvement in the community on a board/committee or in another volunteer capacity . Any other helpful information relevant to your application .

While it is not required, a resume is helpful ill the recruitment process for City boards and committees.

YES(§) Are you in default to the City? If yes, please note applicants in default to the City are not eligible for consideration.

Do you or immediate family members currently serve on a City board or committee? If yes, which board? _________________________ _

~NO Did you attach the required letter outlining the items requested above?

The applicant acknowledges that the City may be required from time to time to release records in its possession. The applicant hereby gives permission to the City to release any records or materials received by the City from the applicant as it may be requested to do so as permitted by the Freedom of Inform ion Act, MCL 231 et seq.

Jf /1,-z. / io1 ({) Date

Please return your application, letter, and optional resume to Benjamin C. Marentette , City Clerk, 400 Boardman Avenue, Traverse City , Ml 49684. If you have any questions,pleasefeelfree to contact our office at

(231) 922-4480. Again, thank you for your interest!

To: Human Rights Commission

LyllN> G. Vall Nt!'SS .. t •• S10S i:lOSl'\olOOd - Drivt!',•m

Travtrst!' City, l'\I ',%85

I am making application to become a member of the Human Rights Commission because the rights of minorities and the disadvantaged have been a passion of mine for years. As a matter of fact, I believe I now qualify as one of the disadvantaged.

My appointment as a member of the Commission would benefit Traverse City in various ways. First, I bring the perspective of someone who lived for many years in Chicago, and I saw first-hand how the system did not work for African­Americans, though I lived in one of the few Chicago neighborhoods which had actual diversity. I realize that Traverse City cannot boast of being diverse in most respects, though I have met a number of young people who self-identify as LGBT, and they are a significant minority here. Next, I am a Senior Citizen who has just enough money to get by- not by any stretch the affluence which has permeated most aspects of Traverse City life and government. I have a lengthy background in Education, having taught for a number of years on both the Elementary and Secondary levels in Chicago. I graduated from The Art Institute of Chicago, and hold a BFA with a major in Painting. I also became certified in Art Education. I am currently a Precinct Delegate in Garfield Township, and have volunteered and worked very hard for the election of progressive officeholders who advance people-centered programs and ideas. I also volunteer at the City Opera House, a position I recently acquired. I have also served as Membership Chairman of the Grand Traverse Newcomers.

As you can see, my experience is varied. It would help you to know that I have also been in Retail Management and Sales. I sold Real Estate in Springfield, Missouri for 16 years, and in the course of those occupations, I learned to relate to a broad spectrum of humanity, and to treat them with courtesy and respect.

I continue to be an Artist, and I feel that being that person has brought me a unique perspective on my surroundings, and has taught me to see in a way that emphasizes empathy.

You will probably have applicants who have more corporate experience, but you will not find another who cares more for her fellow man than I do. It would be a great pleasure and an honor to serve on the Commission.

- ..

Yours truly,

~~-- c;;: ,~t_ :Je-<~~ Lynne G. Van Ness 5105 Rosewood Drive, #211 Traverse City, Ml 49685 231-944-0263 [email protected]

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RECEIVED City of Traverse City NOV 2 2 2016 A

Application to Become Infflf4bF TRAVERSE CITY 111111 Thank you for your interest in serving on one of Traverse City's b~d~ ~J.'c~;QfJ~iunteers help to

secure our community's beauty and promote its enhancement - Benjamin C. Marentette, City Clerk

Board/Committee you are interested in serving (indicate up to three): ~11141 Ej'A /r; ;? , ,

{y-ry V)21 sg I ~,;,z

Name: L1 //j/) e G. l4,n I)/.~.$ :1 7

Residential Address: .S/b~ Bs:-~{.}~ ~) ~Cc" {! Y-<~ AJ...:i;;~?o (Street) (City) (State) {Zip)

E-Mail Address: .£r7T,5 f.SJ./-,:C, W efJ.0)41(, (!!?1n I

Preferred Phone No.: ,23/- cf</-/: -c) ,<; ~ -5' Additional Phone No.:. ________ _

Occupation: ~/~1/.ed- Ed)~A;#A-14, ~/e 4:, A-~Jtetired, please provide your career)

Before submitting your application, please be sure to attach a brief letter indicating the following:

• • • •

\Vhy are you applying for a city board or committee seat? How do you believe your appointment would benefit the city? Describe your involvement in the community on a board/committee or in another volunteer capacity . Any other helpful infonnation relevant to your application .

While it is not required, a resume is helpft,I in the recruitment process for City boards and committees.

YES @ Are you in default to the City? If yes, please note applicants in default to the City are not eligible for consideration.

YES ~ Do you or immediate family members currently serve on a City board or committee? If yes. which board? ________________________ _

~ NO Did you attach the required letter outlining the items requested above?

The applicant acknowledges that the City may be required from time to time to release records in its possession. The applicant hereby gives permission to the City to release any records or materials received by the City from the applicant as it may be requested to do so as permitted by the Freedom of lnfo./atioo,Act, M~L 1;231 et seq.

~n11.e~U:+ih.;/ , 11,/..21/Jh ature Date I

Please return your application, letter, and optional resume to Benjamin C. Marentette, City Clerk, 400 Boardman Avenue, Traverse City, MI 49684. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at

(231) 922-4480. Again, thank you for your interest!

Ben Marentette, City Clerk Government Center Traverse City, Ml

Dear Ben:



I'm unsure of whether an appointment has been made to fill the opening on the commission but, if not, th is letter is to express interest in serving on Human Rights Commission.

I know that there are many qualified and committed citizens who are also committed to human rights. My interest in the HRC derives from my own long commitment to human rights issues and to my professional career of teaching human communication and studying the dynamics of conflict and cooperation in groups, organizations, and conflicted communities. What I bring to the table is a history of practical engagement in the educational and practical applications of critical th inking and effective communication to bridge human differences and mend social divisions in order to foster and protect social justice. My training and professional work has all been grounded in questions and practices associated with creating and sustaining healthy relationships, organizations, and communities.

I am happy to discuss my application to serve on the HRC. My phone number and email are listed below.

I have previously submitted an Application to Become Involved to your office as well as a resume/cv. If those items need to be resubmitted please let me know.

I currently serve on the Brown Bridge Advisory Committee. That committee meets quarterly and I do not see that my service would be impacted by any conflicts of time or interest.


'?Pl,~~ Micheal Vickery \ 319 Washington St. Traverse City, Ml 49684 [email protected] 989.400.3229

City of Traverse City Application to Become Involved • 'Thank you for your interest in serving on one of Traverse City's boards or committees! Volunteers help to

secure our community 's beauty and promote its enhancement - Benjamin C. Marentette, City Clerk

' Board/Committee you are interested in serving (indicate up to three): J2:tv.,;..41,.),,c) ,4~

(Zµ-/ky-, ·71 77M-->~(rt ~4R~J-J.,i'fl"~ 1/a-tM~ ~i.Jf?~~

Name: <--;'YI It!.~ vf c:.Ke7ZY

Residential Address: di? 4/d~ 51; ;;:-~ Cf '#/Z ¥<f"~ff (Street) (City) (State) (Zip)

E-Mail Address: J/t e,,kp-'( fr 4/>1.13. · ~ Preferred PhJ1e No.: f 8z 't"'O~. ;J 2,,2.,, I Additional Phone No. :

Occupation(;i~ ,4 re.s:} ~{@dZ~ ;/Jttf:(if relired, please provide your can:er) £.l'Y

Before submitting your appUcation, pl.ease be sure to attach a brief letter indicating the following:

• Why are you applying for a city board or committee seat? • How do you believe your appointment would benefit the city? • Describe your involvement in the commwlity on a board/committee or in another vohmteer capacity. • Any other helpful information relevant to your application.

While il is not required, a resume is helpful in the recruitment proces, for City boards and committees.

YES G Are you in default to the City? If yes, please note applicants in default to the City are not eligible for consideration.



The applicant acknowledges that the City may be required from time to time to release records ln Its ~ession. The applicant hereby gives permission to the City to release any records or materials received by the City from the applicant as it may be :requested to do so as permitted by the Freedom of Infonnatiop Act, MCL 1$.231 et seq.

;?{1~ d#+ Signature Date

Please return your application, letter, and optional reswne to Benjamin C. Marentette, City Clerk, 400 Boardman Avenue, Traverse City, MI 49684. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at

(231) 922-4480. Again, thank you/or your interest!

Micheal R. Vickery 319 Washington St.


Traverse City, Ml 49684 989.400.3229

[email protected]

I have pursued an integrated professional and personal life of engaged scholarship and community involvement. I want to continue working on issues and opportunities that live in the nexus between sustainable and "smart" community development, environmental stewardship, and civic responsibility. My work has focused on environmental and health communication, strategic organizational communication, and participative democracy. My service interests have focused on strategic public and organizational communication, effective policy deliberation, and good governance.

EDUCATION • Ph.D. The University of Texas at Austin, 1988. (Communication) • B.S. The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 1975. (Psychology)

EXPERIENCE Recent Volunteer Experience • Strategic Communication Volunteer, FLOW, Traverse City, Ml • Gratiot County (Ml) Free Health Clinic, Advisory Board • Traverse City Film Festival, Box Office Volunteer, Traverse City, Ml

Current Professional Experience, Alma College, Michigan • Emeritus Professor of Communication • Professor of Communication, Public Affairs & Environmental Studies • Founding and former Chair, Department of Communication

1992-2010 • Co-Director, Center for Responsible Leadership • Associate Professor of Communication

Other Selected Administrative & Service Experience

2013-2016 2012- 2014 2009- 2015

2016 -1999-2016

2008-2012 1992-1999

• Educational Technology Committee (2011-2014; 2002 -2005) (Chair, 2002-03, 2004-05) • Educational Policies Committee (Chair, 2006- 2008; 1994 - 1998) • Environmental Studies Program Committee (1995 - present) • Public Health Program Steering Committee (1998-present) • Alma College Presidential Task Force on the Future (2006-2007) • Council of Department Chairs (1992-2005; 2007-2010) • Faculty Personnel Committee (1999 - 2002) • Alma College Strategic Planning Team (2001-2003) • Board of Trustees Advancement Committee (2001-2002) • Board of Trustees Finance and Property Committee (1999-2001) • Alma College Associate Trustee (1995 - 2000) • Alma College Evergreen Planning Taskforce (1997 - 1999) • President's Advisory Committee (1993 - 1994) • Chair, Communications Committee. United Way of Gratiot County (1995 - 1996)


Available on request


Kristi Weadock 3260 Silver Fanns Lane Traverse City, Ml 49684

November 22, 2016

Katelyn Zeits Deputy City Clerk 400 Boardman A vc Traverse City, MI 49684

Dear Katelyn Zeits:

I hope this letter find you doing well. Attached you will find my application for the

Human Rights Commission seat. Human rights are something I hold very close, both personally and professionally. Traverse City is a wonderful town through which I have developed a greater understanding of unity and cohesiveness. As a social worker and an MSW student, the core values of service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence are values that I have personally held for as long as I can remember. These are the values that help to diminish inequality and make our society a more cohesive environment. On a community level, these values help to build upon strengths that are already there, perhaps just unseen. 1 hope to have the opportunity help our citizens by being a catalyst for equality and unity, while furthering the progression of the town in which we live.

In the past I have served as Friday Lunch Coordinator at Grace Episcopal Church, Volunteer Coordinator at My Sister's House, a Safe Harbor volunteer, TCAPS Volunteer, and currently, I sit on the advisory board for The Maple Clinic in Traverse City.

My appointment would benefit the city by bringing the perspective of a newly minted master ' s level social worker (MSW will be completed next swnmer) with the most up-to-date knowledge regarding oppression, diversity, culture, evidence-based change models, and how each component works together to create a more cohesive environment for all citizens. In addition to being thoroughly and genuinely interested in the human experience, I have strong skills pertaining to organization, writing, and consider myself a lifelong learner. I look forward to hearing from you in the future, and greatly appreciate your consideration.


Kristi Weadock

-· . ------- ·---------- -------~

::::::::.: c~ofT~veneC~~ • CITY CLERKS OFFICE Application to Become In . esi Volunteers help to

City's boards or comm1tte tette City Clerk . - on one of Traverse . . C Maren ,

Thank you for your interest m serving . hancement -Benjamin secure OUT community's beauty and promote ,ts en H 0 . ~s

- ..tJl.lUAJwt~~ni...JY)a...-E-J:;:;. ... 1 ---rr-. · (' d' te up to three): --Board/Committee you arc interested m scrvmg m 11:3

O:rwwwlss, (DJ\,.

Name: t\vish \\JJ.~c(OCIL · 4CflPlJ_+ Residential Address: 82 lL O Si l\/(V huiJJS: 1--VJ I :Jyr3\J{V5~sf:e/'j;, ~iip)

(Street) (City)

E-Mail Address: l:in's-t i rno@gmai I . ( c)m Preferred Phone No.: (2.31)v<oB- 2..<J7D Additional Phone No.:: __________ _

Occupation: J'eu·cd Wsv: \l,tV I MS\1) Shv;ll.£\.+ (if retired, please pr9vide your career)

Be/ ore submitting your application, please be sure to attach " brief letter indicating the following:

• Why are you applying for a city board or committee seat? • How do you believe your appointment would benefit the city? • Describe your involvement in the community on a board/committee or in another volunteer capacity. • Any other helpful infonnation relevant to your application.

While it is not required, a resume is helpful in the recruitment process for CitJ, boards 4nd committees.

YES ~ Are you in default to ~e City? If yes, please note applicants m default to the City are not eli"'ble r, .d

e.• or cons1 eration.

YES Do you or inunediate family members currently serve on a City ho _ d If yes, which board? ar, or Committee?

/Q NO Did you attach the required letter outlining the items requ ted· \__ Y r,;.-,, es above?

The applicant acknowledges that tb.e City ma! ~e required from tilJle to possession. The applicant hereby gives perm1ss1on to the City to rel time to release rec d received by the City from the applicant as it may be requested to d ease •ny records or ma or 8 bi its Information Art, MCL 15.231 et seq.

0 so as J)errnitted by th terials

M,Mi}t( lU1Pt4lrlJl..-. e Freedoni or sti}:ature I \ ~ 2

Date .---.~IJl Please return your application, letter, and optional res141ne to B .

Boardman Avenue, Traverse City, MI 49684. If you have any qu ~'!lam in C A{. (231) 922-4480. Again, tha'21cyoufiestions, Pleaa~fi alrentette, City Cl ,..

or You,. · ee free to . er.., 400 lllteresr! contact 0 ,, .. ~0>

To Whom It May Concern,

I am applying for membership on the Human Rights Commission because

the current socio-political climate is more threatening to human civility

than it has been for many decades. The tone set by the recent presidential

election campaign has generated an up-swing of hate rhetoric in a climate

already w itnessing growth in the number of active hate groups. The

Southern Poverty law Center (SPLC} reports a 2015 increase of such

entities from 784 to 892 from the previous year. In the 10 days following

the election, 867 reports of incidents of hate harassment were received by

SPLC alone. While the Grand Traverse region may not, on the surface, seem

to be a hot bed for hateful activities, we are aware that hate groups exist

here and that they are more likely to be emboldened given recent events.

To that point, I see the Human Rights commission as a viable agent of

reason, and I would like to be part of its efforts to maintain safety for all

who learn, work, play and reside here.

It has been my history to be proactive, to take on challenges, and to

achieve satisfactory resolutions. My resume exhibits a focus on human

rights issues. I look forward to having the opportunity to bring those skills

to the HRC table.

;/)JrntL (; '

City of Traverse Cit~g;v O~ TRAVERSE CITY Application to Become lnvmv"IX LERKS OFFICE • Thank you for your interest in serving on one of Traverse City's boards or committees! Volunteers help to

secure our community 's beauty and promote its enhancement - Benjamin C. Marentette, City Clerk

Board/Committee you are interested in serving (indicate up to three): -------------­

Traverse City Human Rights Commission

Name: Myrna Yeakle

Residential Address: 3394 Holiday View Dr. (Street)

E-Mail Address: myeakle@emjch edu

Traverse City (City)

Ml (State)

49686 (Zip)

Preferred Phone No.: 231-943-1117

Occupation: Professor (retired)

Additional Phone No.: 734-276;:4198

(if retired, please provide your career)

Before submitting your application, please be sure to anacll a brief lnur indicating the following:

• •

Why are you applying for a city board or committee seat? How do you believe your appointment would benefit the city? Describe your involvement in the community on a board/committee or in another volunteer capacity . Any other helpful information relevant to your application .

While it is not required, a resume is helpful in the recruitment process for City boards and committ«s.

YES G Are you in default to the City? If yes, please note applicants in default to the City are not eligible for consideration.

YES (§) Do you or immediate family members currently serve on a City board or committee? If yes, which board? ________ ________________ _

s NO Did you attach the required letter outlining the items requested above?

Please return your app · ion, Jetter, and optional resume to Benjamin C. Marentette, City Clerk, 400 Boardman Avenue, Traverse City, Ml 49684. lfyou have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at

(231) 922-4480. Again, thankyoufor your interest!

RESUME: Myrna Yeakle (candidate for Human Rights Commission)

RESIDENCY: Summer resident from 1967 to 2002; permanent resident since



B.S. Biological Science Education (The Ohio State University)

M .S. Public Health (The University of California, Los Angeles)

Ph.D. Health Education (The Ohio State University}


Biology Teacher, Southwestern City School District, Grove City, Ohio.

(2 years}

Professor, Health Education, Eastern Michigan University. (33 years)


-Worked toward the successful establishment of a city non­

discrimination ordinance in Ypsilanti, Michigan.

-Assumed a leadership position in achieving a non-discrimination

policy for faculty and staff at Eastern Michigan University.

-Worked on the task force to establish the non-discrimination

ordinance for Traverse City (Proposition 2}.

-Led the formation of Concerned Citizens for Arbutus Lake whose

purpose was to defeat a proposed potentially environmentally

damaging housing development on Arbutus Lake. That development

was abandoned before ground was broken.

-Served as a volunteer for Inland Seas Education Association.

-Served as president of the NMC Community Concert Band Advisory


-Ran for a position on the East Bay Township Board of Trustees, but

did not prevail.

-I have been engaged in non-leadership roles where volunteers were


Human Rights Commission

Isiah Smith Jr. (City Resident) 208 Boardman Ave, TC 49684 703-967-1671,231-486-6126 isiahsmith 1948(@gmail.com

Marilyn Jaquish (City Resident) 502 Sixth St., TC 49684' 231-929-07 40 (res) [email protected]

Susan Odgers, (City Resident) 612 Fifth St, TC, 49684 392-6843 (Res) odgers s(@vahoo.com

Michelle Bostic (City Resident) 1225 Santo St., TC 49686 231-299-5587 [email protected]

Mattias Johnson (City Resident) 517 Rose St, TC, 49686 883-1456 (Res) tias.iohnson(a),gmail.com

Laura Nerone (City Resident) 619 West Ninth St, TC 49684 676-7600 (Res) 935-3791 (Bus) dog 1 cat4(c<lhotmail.com

Taylor Nash (City Resident) 423 N. Spruce, TC 49684 590-6417 (Res) 995-1139 (Bus) [email protected]

Jodi Stinnet (City Resident) 1010 Nakoma Dr. TC, 49686 929-3894 (Res) 929-7070 (Bus) jlstinnet(m,gmail.com

Initial Apt. Date 01/17/17

05/02/16 (Effective 6/30/2016)

05/18/15 (Effective 6/30/15)







Human Rights Commission

Page 1

Termination 06/30/21







Patricia Nugent (Non-City Resident) 11633 Willow Point Dr, TC, 49686 989-859-9506 (Res) patriciaannnugent(@gmail.com

07/07/14 06/30/17

Kristine Bosley, Human Resource Director, 922-4481 , [email protected], - Ex Officio (no voting authority) and staff.

All appointments are for 3-year terms expiring 6/30. This commission consists of 9 members to be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Commission. At least seven of the nine members shall be City residents.

The City Manager or his/her designee serves on the Human Rights Commission as Ex-Officio; the Ex-Officio is considered a Human Rights Commissioner, although such Commissioner has no voting authority, cannot make motions, and cannot be counted when determining a quorum, per 8/13/04 opinion from the City Attorney.

Purpose "To foster mutual understanding and respect among all groups and discourage discriminatory practices, formulate and carry out programs of community education and information, receive and act as conciliator regarding occurrences of acts of prejudice or discrimination, and secure the cooperation of various community groups in educational campaigns devoted to eliminating prejudice and discrimination."

Resolution reestablishing the Human Rights Commission was adopted by the City Commission on June 7, 1993; amended on December 7, 1998; reestablished June 6, 2005; and amended July 6, 2009 and September 4, 2012.

Meets 2nd Monday of each month at 5:30 pm.

Human Rights Commission





To: Cc: From: Subject: Date:

Marty Colburn, City Manager Ben Marentette, City Clerk Tim Arends, Executive Director October through December 2016 Financial Statements March 21, 2017

Staff is forwarding October through December 2016 monthly income statement in accordance with Charter Requirement, Section 179 (n) Accounting Reports, that states, "The Board, in addition to the reports and accounting that it may otherwise be required by law to make shall furnish to the City Commission a monthly financial statement on an accrual basis comparative with the budget."

Please feel free to contact Karla Myers-Beman, Controller with any questions. At your earliest convenience please forward onto the City Commission for their information.

Operating revenues - sales Residential s Commercial Industrial Public authorit} Street lighting Yard lights

Total operating revenues - sales

Other 01,crating rc,·enucs Forfeited discounts Merchandise and jobbini Sale of scrap Recovery of bad debts MISO income Miscellaneom

Total other operating revenues

Nonoperating revenues Rental income

Pole rental income Reimbursement! Interest income Gain/loss on sale of asset~

Total nonoperating revenues

Total rennues

Generation expense Non purchase power expenses

Capacity costs MISO Lansing Bridgf Stoney Corners M-72 Wind Turbine Combustion Turbine Campbell Coal Plan-Belle River Coal Plan-Landfill Gai Bilateral contracts Purchase power expenses


(A Component Unit of the City of Traverse City, Michigan)



Month to Month Comparison Year to Year Comparison Month to date Month to date J\fonth to date Vear to date Year to date Year to date Amended

Actual Prior Year Difference Actual Prior Year Difference Budget

428.665 s 496,388 s (67,722) s 2,052.220 s 2,003,121 s 49,100 s 6,375,000 1,16 1,01 8 1,255,814 (94,797) 4,908, 135 5,160,514 (252,379) 16,150,000

80 1,831 833,966 (32,135) 3,417.004 3,436,149 (19,145) 10.770,000 19,680 21,791 (2, 111) 138,928 144,303 (5,375) 3 15,000 16,695 16,695 6 1,760 65,374 (3,614) 195,000 8,004 8,259 (255) 29,794 31,642 ( 1,847) 82,000

2,435,892 2,632,9 12 ( 197,020) 10,607,841 10,841,102 (233,261) 33,887,000

4,065 6,649 (2,584) 17,840 23,994 (6,154) 70,000 6,059 21,739 (15,680) 3 1,392 27,431 3,961 64,200 5,050 14,019 (8,969) 8,67 1 21,701 (13,030) 35,000

26 (26) 200 333,136 355,024 (2 1,887) 1,352,988 1,384,347 (31,359) 3,000,000

3,951 3,358 593 13,235 11,224 2,011 35,500

352,261 400,788 (48,527) 1,424,125 1,468,723 (44,598) 3,204,900

1,475 1,475 26,470 32,586 (6,11 6) 40,700 4,420 4,388 33 36,500

7.000 27,638 (20,638) 13,896 67,085 (53.190) 72.000 15,033 3,791 11,242 44,134 89,863 (45,729) 170,000

8,000 8,000 50,000

23,507 32,904 (9,396) 96,920 193,922 (97,002) 369,200

2,811 ,661 3 ,066,604 (254,943) 12,128,886 12,503,746 (374,861) 37,46 1,100

40.2 10 (1.637) 41,846 162,678 38,060 124,617 449.650

3,2 18 12,000 (8,782) 213,630 48,000 165,630 745,000 777,044 (96,017) 873,061 4,190,800 239,360 3,95 1.440 1,401 ,000

503,873 (503,873) 2,020,080 (2,020,080) 241,814 348,942 (107,129) 785,087 88 1,991 (96,904) 3,1 70,000

1,644 4,038 (2,394) 7,099 9,959 (2,861) 37,000 273,505 299,568 (26,063) 978,785 1,137,823 (159,038) 4,272,000 162,196 493,100 (330,904) 428,398 1,832,53 1 (1,404,132) 4,412,000 219,242 429,736 (210,494) 618,576 1,731,589 (1,113,013) 4,187,000 46,260 52,143 (5,882) 174,297 182,460 (8,163) 1,118,000 67.196 (2) 67,198 170,725 147,518 23,207 4,286,000

1,192,m i,ii47,m ,,,,, .. , 7,567,398 s.m.m (663,,is 23,628,000

Budget to Year to date Comparison Year to date Favorable "'/o 0 1

Actual ( Unfavorable) budget

s 2,052,220 s (4,322,780) 32.19% 4,908,135 (1 1,241 ,865) J0.39•/o 3,417,004 (7,352,996) 3 1.73%

138,928 (176,072) 44.10% 61,760 (133,240) 31.67% 29,794 (52,206) 36.33%

10,607,841 (23,279,159) 31.30%

17,840 (52, 160) 25.49% 31,392 (32,808) 48.90%

8,671 (26,329) 24.77% (200) 0.00%

1,352,988 (1 ,647,012) 45.10% 13,235 (22,265) 37.28%

1,424,125 (1,780,775) 44.44%

26,470 (14,230) 65.04% 4,420 (32,080) 12.1 1%

13,896 (58,104) 19.30% 44,134 ( 125,866) 25.96%

8,000 (42,000) 16.00%

96,920 (272,280) 26.25%

12,128,886 (25,332,214) 32.38%

162,678 286,972 36.18%

213,630 531 ,370 28.68% 4,190.800 (2,789,800) 299.1 3%

#DIV/OJ 785,087 2,384,913 24.77%

7,099 29,901 19.19% 978,785 3,293,215 22.91% 428,398 3,983,602 9.71% 618,576 3,568,424 14.77'10 174,297 943,703 15.59% 170,725 4,115,275 3.98%

7,367,m 16,06fi,6lii Jli'.i~fo

Distribution $ Transmission Customer accounting Public service General administration expense Other expenses

Ins u!"'dOCC

City fee Depreciation

Total expenses

Income before transfen;

Transfers in

Change in net position $


(A Component Unit of the City of Traverse City, Michigan)




Month to Month Comparison Year to Year Comparison Month to date Month to dale Month to date Year to date Year to date Year to date Amended

Actual Prior Year Difference Actual Prior Year Difference Budget

338.452 s 319,651 s 18.802 $ 1,215.125 s 1.285,017 $ (69.892) s 3,886,250 29,826 29,125 70 1 123,494 129, 134 (5,64 1) 437,000 46.222 33.921 12,30 1 184,479 162,443 22.036 559,350 25,011 36,131 (11,1 19) 91,678 156,740 (65,062) 486,000 74.247 60,721 13,526 300,731 222,035 78,696 1,187,800

5,6 11 5,099 512 22,542 20,488 2,054 65,500 125,000 125,000 500,000 500,000 1,870,000 192.101 168,912 23.188 768,403 719,313 49.090 2.525,000

2,668,799 2,824,:io~ (bo,,116) lu,936,527 11,464,543 (a,o,Ulb) J>,u,4,SSu

142.863 242,300 (99,437) 1,192.359 1,039,203 153.156 2,366,550


142,863 s 242,300 $ (99,437) s 1,192,359 $ 1,039,203 s 153,156 $ 2,541,550

Budget to Year to date Comparison Year to date Fa,·orable %of

Actual (Unfavorable) budget

$ 1,215 .1 25 s 2,671.125 31.27% 123,494 3 13,507 28.26"'" 184,479 374,871 32.98% 91,678 394,322 18.86%

300,731 887,069 25.32%

22,542 42,958 34.41 % 500,000 1,370,000 26.74% 768,403 1,756.597 30.43%

10,936,52, 24,158,023 Jl.ifl%

1.192,359 (1.174.191) 0

175,000 #DIV/0!

s 1,192,359 s (1 ,349,191)

Operating revenues - sa les Residential $ Commercial Industrial Public authorit) Street lightin~ Yard lights

Total operating reve nues - sales

Other operating rc\'enues Forfeited discounts Merchandise and jobbini Sale of scrap Recovery of bad debts MISO income Miscellaneou~

Total other operating revenues

Nonoperating revenues Rental incomf Pole rental income Rcimbun.emenl! Interest income

Gain/loss on sale of assets

Total nonope raling revenues

Total revenues

Generation expense Non purchase power expenses

Capacity costs MISO Lansing B1idgc Stoney Corners M-72 Wind Turbine Combustion Turhinf Campbell Coal Plan Belle River Coal Plan· Landfill Gat Bilateral contracts Purchase power expenses


(A Component Unit of the City of T raverse City, Michigan)



Month to Month Comparison Year to Year Comparison Mon th to date Mon th to date !\fonth to date Yea r to date Year to date Year to date A mended

Actual 1, rior Year Difference Actual Prior Year Diffcnncc Budget

448,054 s 446,210 s 1,844 $ 2,500,274 s 2,449,331 $ 50,943 s 6,375,000 l,IJ 1,622 1,11 5,634 15,988 6,039,756 6,276,1 48 (236,391) 16, 150,000

768,300 790,657 (22,357) 4, 185,304 4,226,806 (41.502) 10,770,000 15,634 15,840 (206) 154,562 160, 142 (5 ,580) 315,000 16,695 16,695 78,454 82,069 (3 ,6 14) 195,000 8,046 8,107 (61) 37,840 39,749 (1,909) 82,000

2,388,350 2,393,142 (4,792) 12,996,191 13,234,244 (238,053) 33,887,000

4,078 4,842 (764) 21,9 17 28,835 (6,918) 70,000 9,822 4,263 5.559 4 1,214 31,695 9,520 64,200 2,438 288 2,150 11,109 21 ,989 (10,88 1) 35,000

4 4 4 26 (22) 200 205,741 247, 180 (4 1,440) 1,558,728 1,63 1,527 (72,799) 3,000,000

2,542 9,235 (6,693) 15,777 20,459 (4,681) 35,500

224,625 265,809 (41,183) 1,648,750 1,734,531 (85,78 1) 3,204,900

3,875 1,475 2,400 30,345 34,061 (3,716) 40,700 4,420 4,388 33 36,500

62,648 9,879 52,769 76,544 76,965 (421) 72,000 5,778 4,594 1,184 49,9 12 94,457 (44,545) 170,000

559 (559) 8,000 5.59 7,441 50,000

72,301 16,507 55,794 169,221 210,429 (41,208) 369,200

2,685,276 2,675,458 9,8 18 14,814,162 15,179,205 (365,042) 37,461,100

21,0 14 28,027 (7,013) 183,692 66,087 117,605 192,650

70,520 70,520 284,150 48,000 236, 150 745,000 47 1,034 (6 1,767) 532,802 4,661,835 177,593 4,484,242 1.401,000

493,833 (493 ,833) 2,513,9 13 (2,5 13,913) 332,782 358,407 (25,624) 1,1 17,869 1,240,398 ( 122,528) 3,170,000

1.684 4,457 (2,773) 8,783 14,416 (5,633) 37,000 311,713 32 1,713 (10,000) 1,290,497 1,459,536 (169,038) 4,272,000 212,395 383,795 (171,399) 640,793 2,216,325 ( 1,575,532) 4,412,000 319,365 467,495 ( 148,13 1) 937,940 2, 199,084 (1,261,144) 4, 187,000

47,95 1 42,890 5,061 222,249 225,35 1 (3,102) 1,1 18,000 37,663 0 37,663 208,388 147,518 60,869 4,286,000

1.m.10, !,Ulil,m 1sv,,t l,1 S,Jll,>U> 10,!4!,m (aoe,o,v1 zj,o2•,=

Budget to Year to date Comparison Year to date Favorable %of

Actual (U nfavorable) budget

$ 2,500.274 s (3,874,726) 39.22% 6,039,756 (10,1 10,244) 37.40% 4. 185.304 (6,584,696) 38.86%

154,562 (160,438) 49.07% 78,454 (116,546) 40.23% 37,840 (44,160) 46.15%

12,996,191 (20,890,809) 38.35%

2 1,917 (48,083) 31.31% 4 1,214 (22,986) 64.20% 11, 109 (23,891) 31.74%

4 (196) 2.15% 1,558,728 ( 1,441,272) 51.96%

15,777 ( 19,723) 44.44%

1,648,750 (1,556, 150) 51.44%

30,345 (10,355) 74.56% 4,420 (32,080) 12.11%

76,544 4,544 106.31 % 49,912 (120,088) 29.36%

8,000 (42,000) 16.00%

169,22 1 (199,979) 45.83%

14,814, 162 (22,646,938) 39.55%

183,692 8,958 95.35%

284,150 460,850 38. 14% 4,66 1,835 (3,260,835) 332.75%

#DIV/0! 1,117,869 2,052, 131 35.26%

8,783 28,2 17 23.74% 1,290,497 2,981,503 30.21-Jo

640,793 3,771 ,207 14.52% 937,940 3,249,060 22.40% 222,249 895,751 19.884V. 208,388 4,077,612 4.86%

<i,m.3cB 14,!33,493 j!J.671'lo

Distribution $ Transmission Customer arcounting Public sen1ice General administration expense Other expenses

Insurance City fee Depreciation

Total expenses

Income before transfers

Transfers in

Change in net position s


(A Component Unit of the City of Traverse City, Michigan)



Month 10 Month Comparison Year to Year Comparison Month to date Month to date Month to date Year to date Year to date Year 10 date Amended

Actual Prior Year Difference Actual Prior Yur Difference Budget

326.114 $ 243,696 $ 82.418 $ 1,541 ,240 s 1,528,7 13 $ 12,526 $ 3.886,250 38,844 26,421 12,424 162,338 155,555 6,783 437,000 4 1,014 37,961 3.053 225,493 200,404 25,089 559,350 74,201 49,328 24,873 165,879 206,068 (40,189) 486,000 83,574 55,984 27,590 384,305 278,019 106,286 1,187,800

5,611 5,099 512 28,153 25,587 2,566 65,500 125,000 125,000 625,000 625,000 1,870,000 192.101 179,828 12,272 960,504 899,142 6 1,362 2,525,000

2,112,;s1 2,,62,165 (4•,5•>) 1, ... ,.100 14,226,709 (577,oOl) 34,837,550

(27,305) (86,707) 59,403 1,165,054 952,496 212,558 2,623,550


(27,305) s (86,707) s 59,403 s 1,165,054 s 952,496 $ 212,558 s 2,798,550

Budget to Yur to date Comparison Year to date Fa\'orable 0

10 of

Actua l (Unfavorable) budget

$ 1,541,240 s 2,345,0 10 39.66% 162,338 274,662 37.15% 225,493 333,857 40.31 % 165,879 320,121 34.13%

384,305 803,495 32.35%

28,153 37,347 42.98%

625,000 1,245,000 33.42% 960,504 1,564.496 38.04%

1'!,64~.tiiA 21,IAS,442 39.18%

1,165.054 (1 ,458.496) 0

175,000 #DIV/0!

$ 1,165,054 s (1,633,496)

Operating revenues - sales Residential

Commercial Industrial Public authority Street lighting Yard lights

Total operating revenues - sales

Other operating revenues Forfeited discounts Merchandise and jobbing Sale of scrap Recovery of bad debts MISO income Miscellaneous

Total other operating revenues

Nonoperating revenues Rental income Pole rental incon.1c Reimbursements Interest income Gain/loss on sale of assets

Total nonopcrating revenues

Total revenues

Generation expense Non purchase power expenses

Capacity costs MISO Lansing Bridge Stoney Comers M-72 Wind Turbine Combustion Turbine Campbell Coal Plant Belle River Coal Planl Landfill Gas Bilateral contracts Purchase power expenses


(A Component Unit of the City of Traverse City, Michigan)



Month to Month Com11arison Year to Year Comparison Month to date Month to date Month to date Year to date Year to date Year to date Amended

Actual Prior Year Difference Actual Prior Year Difference Budget

$ 566,875 $ 569,414 $ (2,539) $ 3,067,149 $ 3,018,745 $ 48,404 $ 6,375 ,000 1,221 ,336 1,261 ,019 (39,683) 7,261 ,093 7,537,166 (276,074) 16,150,000

774,390 744,984 29,406 4,959,694 4,971,790 (12,097) 10,770,000 10,734 17,390 (6,656) 165,296 177,532 (12,236) 3 15,000 16,695 16,695 95,149 98,763 (3,614) 195,000 7,998 8,014 (16) 45,838 47,763 (1,924) 82,000

2,598,028 2,617,515 (19,487) 15,594,219 15,851,759 (257,540) 33,887,000

5,019 4,166 853 26,937 33,001 (6,065) 70,000 1,818 3,486 (1,668) 43,033 35,181 7,852 64,200 5,061 4,648 412 13,118 26,637 (13,519) 35,000

38 - 38 42 26 15 200 224,486 249,625 (25,139) 1,799,643 1,881 ,152 (81 ,509) 3,000,000

3,128 2,568 560 18,905 23,026 (4,121) 35,500

239,549 264,493 (24,943) 1,901,677 1,999,024 (97,347) 3,204,900

1,475 1,476 (I) 31,820 35,537 (3,717) 40,700

- - 4,420 4,388 33 36,500 18,352 139,283 (120,931) 94,895 216,247 (121,352) 72,000

242 (9,473) 9,715 50,153 84,981 (34,828) 170,000

- 5 (5) 11,051 564 10,487 50,000

20,068 131,291 (111,223) 192,340 341,717 (149,377) 369,200

2,857,646 3,013,299 (155,653) 17,688,236 18,192,500 (504,264) 37,461,100

33,708 44,83 1 (11,123) 226,546 110,918 115,628 449,650

70,520 24,000 46,520 421 ,972 72,000 349,972 745,000 346,212 (119,147) 465,360 3,204,336 58,445 3,145,890 1,401,000

- 524,171 (524,171) - 3,038,085 (3,038,085) -378,309 311,001 67,307 1,492,926 1,551,399 (58,473) 3,170,000

3,637 4,319 (682) 12,930 18,736 (5,806) 37.000 155,138 230,546 (75,408) 1,499,463 1,690,081 (190,619) 4,272,000 338,978 394,680 (55,702) 1,957,116 2,611,006 (653,889) 4,412,000 322,396 388,881 (66,485) 2,123,390 2,587,965 (464,575) 4,187,000

50,665 46,035 4,630 271,103 271,386 (283) 1,118,000 44,175 3,740 40,435 359,826 151,259 208,568 4,286,000

1,710,030 1.808.m (9~.197 I ],j'fj,UQL 12,030J62 \IUl,L,,. 23,628,uuu

Budget to Year to date Comparison Year to date Favorable 0/o of

Actual (Unfavorable) budget

$ 3,067,149 $ (3,307,851) 48.11% 7,261,093 (8,888,907) 44.96% 4,959,694 (5,810,306) 46.05%

165,296 (149,704) 52.48% 95,149 (99,851) 48.79% 45,838 (36,162) 55.90%

15,594,219 (18,292,781) 46.02%

26,937 (43 ,063) 38.48% 43,033 (21,167) 67.03% 13,118 (21,882) 37.48%

42 (158) 20.90% 1,799,643 {1 ,200,357) 59.99%

18,905 (16,595) 53.25%

1,901,677 (1,303,223) 59.34%

31,820 (8,880) 78.18% 4,420 (32,080) 12.11%

94,895 22,895 131.80% 50. 153 (119,847) 29.50% 11,051 (38,949) 22.10%

192,340 (176,860) 52.10%

17,688,236 (19,772,864) 47.22%

226,546 223,104 50.38%

421,972 323,028 56.64% 3,204,336 (1 ,803,336) 228.72%

- - #DIV/0! 1,492,926 1,677,074 47.10%

12,930 24.070 34.95% 1,499,463 2,772,537 35.10% 1,957,116 2,454,884 44.36% 2,123,390 2,063,610 50.71%

271 ,103 846,897 24.25% 359,826 3,926,174 8.40%

11.'i<J'i.m 12,m,m 48.01%

Distribution Transmission Customer accounting Public service General administration expense Other expenses

Insurance City fee Depreciation

Total expenses

Income before transfers

Transfers in

Change in net position


(A Component Unit of the City of Traverse City, Michigan)



Month to Month Comparison Year to Year Comparison Month to date Month to date Month to date Year to date Year to date Year to date Amended

Actual Prior Year Difference Actual Prior Year Difference Budget

$ 427, 143 $ 420,396 $ 6,747 $ 1,9 11 ,542 $ 1,949,109 $ (37,567) $ 3,886,250 48,045 29,623 18,422 212,546 185, 178 27,369 437,000 55,098 42,725 12,373 254,413 243, 129 11,284 559,350 72,185 58,383 13,801 238,000 264,452 (26,451) 486,000

140,563 83,470 57,094 596,203 361 ,488 234,7 15 1,187,800

5,176 5,099 77 33,328 30,686 2,643 65.500 125,000 125,000 - 873,699 750,000 123,699 1,870,000 192,101 179,828 12,272 1,152,605 1,078,970 73,635 2,525,000

2,809,049 2,1<}1,;s2 11,466 16,841,946 17,o24,291 (182,345) 35,094,~~u

48,597 215,717 (167,120) 846,291 1,168,2 10 (321,9 19) 2,366,550

- - - - 175,000

$ 48,597 $ 215,717 $ (167,120) $ 846,291 $ 1,168,210 $ (321 ,919) $ 2,541 ,550

Budget to Year to date Comparison Year to date Favorable 0/o of

Actual (Unfavorable) budget

$ 1,9 11,542 $ 1,974,708 49.19% 212,546 224,454 48.64% 254,413 304,937 45.48% 238,000 248,000 48.97% 596,203 591,597 50.19%

33.328 32. 172 50.88% 873,699 996,301 46.72%

1,152,605 1,372,396 45 .65% 16,841 ,946 1s,H2,i:D4 47.99%

846,29 1 1,520,259 0

- 175,000 #DIV/0!

s 846,291 $ 1,695,259


Minutes of Regular Meeting Held at 5:15 p.m., Commission Chambers, Governmental Center

Tuesday, Februaryl4, 2017

Board Members -



Ex Officio Member -



Jan Geht, Pat McGuire, Jeff Palisin, Amy Shamroe, John Taylor, Tim Werner

Bob Spence

Matty Colbum, City Manager

Tim Arends, Karla Myers-Beman, W. Peter Doren, Kelli Schroeder, Pete Schimpke, Scott Menhart, Tony Chartrand, Gabe Talaga, Jennifer St. Amour

The meeting was called to order at 5: 15 p.m. by Chairman Geht.

Chairman Geht requested item 4a be removed from New Business.

Item 2 on the Agenda being Consent Calendar

Moved by McGuire, seconded by Shamroe, that the following actions, as recommended on the Consent Calendar potiion of the Agenda, be approved:

a. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 24, 2017. b. Approving Board Policies.

1. Equal Employment Oppo1tunity Policy. 2. Social Security Number Private Policy.

CARRIED unanimously. (Spence absent)

Items Removed from the Consent Calendar


Item 3 on the Agenda being Unfinished Business


Item 4 on the Agenda being New Business

a. Removed.

Item 5 on the Agenda being Appointments

TCL&P Regular Board Meeting Minutes 2 Februa1y 14, 2017


Item 6 on the Agenda being Reports and Communications

a. From Legal Counsel.

b. From Staff.

I. Presentation on Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund Annual Report by Venture North.

The following individuals addressed the Board:

Tim Arends, Executive Director Laura Galbraith, Executive Director, Ventme North

2. Presentation on the Fiber to the Premise Feasibility Repmt.

The following individuals addressed the Board:

Tim Arends, Executive Director Scott Menhart, Manager of Telecom & Technology Randy Klindt, Conexon pa1tner (via phone) Jonathan Chambers, Conexon partner W. Peter Doren, General Counsel Tony Chartrand, System Engineer/Key Accounts

6:30 p.m. Jeff Palisin left the meeting.

The following individuals from the Public addressed the Board:

Russell Schindler, TC New Tech, President, 1123 W. Front St., ratepayer Mark Nixon, 224 E. gth St., ratepayer Deanna Cannon, Northern Michigan Angels, Executive Director, non-ratepayer Mike Naughton, North Coast Legal, Co-Owner, 800 Cottageview, Ste. 1080, ratepayer Gary Brooks, non-ratepayer Marilyn Passmore, State Director for Gov't Affairs Chatter Communications, non­ratepayer Rob Newling, Frontier Computer IT, non-ratepayer Derek Smith, CEO, Naveego, Inc., non-ratepayer Josh Lotan, non-ratepayer Jim Selby, Aspen Wireless, President, non-ratepayer

7:28 p.m. W. Peter Doren left the meeting. 7:33 p.m. John Taylor left the meeting.

TCL&P Regular Board Meeting Minutes 3 Febrnary 14, 2017

Chairman Geht removed items 6b (3) and 6b (4) from the agenda.

3. Removed.

4. Removed.

c. From Board.

Amy Shamroe commends the staff of TCL&P on being good representatives to the community.

Item 7 on the Agenda being Public Comment

There being no objection, Chainnan Geht declarnd the ~ng a~ 7.51 p.m.

/~·· ~ Tim Arends, Secretary


Memorandum The City of Traverse City Planning Department







MARCH 28, 2017

On December 6, 2016 the Planning Committee reestablished the Housing Building Committee. The Committee is made up of Planning Commissioners Janet Fleshman, Camille Weatherholt and Brian Haas. One of the work items for this committee is to review the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) ordinance amendment that was passed in 2015 and to recommend revisions, if any, to the Planning Commission. Since that time the Housing Building Committee has met three times. It is expected that the Housing Building Committee will be make a recommendation to the Planning Commission by mid April.

Since 2015, the City has permitted 10 ADUS per year for a total of 30 permitted ADUs as of March 28, 2017.


In 2015, all 10 ADU permits were issued within a week of the ADU ordinance enactment. There was a waiting list for ADU's that was created in 2015 and on January 1, 2016, all 10 permits for 2016 were issued. On January 1, 2017, there were 8 on a wait list and by February 8, 2017, all 10 permits for 2017 have been issued. There are currently no requests for ADU's on a wait list for 2018.

Types of ADUs:

In 2015, there were three new detached garages with upper level ADUs, five second story remodels of existing detached garages, one conversion of an existing Temporary ADU and one interior remodel of a detached building from a play room to an ADU. There was one ADU permitted in 2015 that backed out, so someone from the wait list was moved into that space.

In 2016, there were six new detached garages with upper level ADUs, three second story remodels of existing detached garages, and one ADU added to the second floor of an existing home.

In 2017, there were four new detached garages with upper level ADUs, three second story remodels of existing detached garages and three ADUs added to existing homes.

To date, there have been no complaints or issues with the permitted ADUs.

Permitted Accessory Dwelling Units

2015 1. 311 W. 11th, new detached garage with second story ADU 2. 300 Birchwood Ave., new detached garage with second story ADU 3. 709 Webster St., new detached garage with second story ADU 4. 302 W. 11th, second story remodel of an existing detached garage 5. 529 Washington St., second story remodel of an existing detached garage 6. 143 E. 9th, second story remodel of an existing detached garage 7. 619 Webster St., second story remodel of an existing detached garage 8. 311 W. Ninth St., second story remodel of an existing detached garage 9. 533 N. Spruce St., Convert an existing Temporary ADU 10. 406 5Th, interior remodel of a detached building from a play room to an ADU

2016 1. 720 E. State St., new detached garage with second story ADU 2. 114 Monroe St., new detached garage with second story ADU 3. 118 E lih Street, new detached garage with second story ADU 4. 610 W. 13th, new detached garage with second story ADU 5. 235 E. 10th, new detached garage with second story ADU 6. 1033 Washington St., second story remodel of an existing detached garage. 7. 611 W. 13th, second story remodel of an existing detached garage. 8. 407 N Cedar St., second story remodel of an existing detached garage. 9. 702 Washington St., second story remodel of an existing detached garage. 10. 812 Baldwin, second story remodel of an existing detached garage.

2017 1. 917 S. Union, second story remodel of an existing detached garage. 2. 315 Barlow St., conversion of a bonus room in an existing home. 3. 509 N. Cedar, new detached garage with second story ADU. 4. 1200 Peninsula Ct., conversion of a bonus room in an existing home. 5. 309 Birchwood Ave., conversion of a bonus room in an existing home. 6. 335 N. East Bay Blvd., second story remodel of an existing detached garage. 7. 532 Sixth St., second story remodel of an existing detached garage. 8. 501 Second St., new detached garage with second story ADU. 9. 341 W. Ninth St., new detached garage with second story ADU. 10. 611 East State St., new detached garage with second story ADU.



I. Call to Order

Board of Trustees Regular Meeting MINUTES ( approved)

Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 5:00pm McGuire Community Room

610 Woodmere Ave., Traverse City, MI 49686

The meeting was called to order by President Gillman at 5:00pm. Present were Gillman (President), Payne (Vice President), Kachadurian (Treasurer), Jones (Secretary), Marek, Moyer, and Gersch (Trustees). Also present were Zeits (Counsel), Parsons (Director), and Carpenter (Staff).

2. Pledge of Allegiance All members in attendance stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America .

3. Approval of agenda Payne suggested an amendment to the agenda: under New Business item c, resolution of endorsement for the new building efforts of Peninsula Community Libra1y. It was MOVED by Kachadurian, SUPPORTED by Marek, to approve the agenda including the aforementioned amendment as presented. Motion CARRIED.

4. Public Comment President Gillman opened the floor for public comment. There was none.

5. Approval of minutes a. Regular Meeting of Janua,y 19, 2017

It was MOVED by Marek, SUPPORTED by Kachadurian, to approve the regular meeting minutes of January I 9, 20 I 7 as presented. Motion CARRIED.

b. Closed Session of.January 19, 201 7 It was MOVED by Kachadurian, SUPPORTED by Payne, to approve the closed session meeting minutes of January 19, 2017 as presented. Motion CARRIED.

6. Oath of Office Affirmation - Caroline Gersch, City Appointee President Gillman welcomed city appointed board member Caroline Gersch. Following a brief introduction to the board members Gillman confirmed Gersch's committee assignments and Jones performed the oath of office with Gersch responding affomatively.

7. Reports and Communications a. Director Report

Parsons confirmed her written report and added the following:

• Plans are progressing for April's Funding Future Readers celebration and auction event to benefit the Preschool Interactive Learning Area in the Youth Services Department. Parsons will be meeting in early March with the designer Alyce Riemenschneider, and the mural artist Glenn Wolff. They will be providing visual representations of the upgrade to be displayed at the event.

Page 1 of4

• TADL's Pour For More special event at The Filling Station held on February 2nd was successful, bringing in an additional $500 in proceeds to benefit T AOL. Special events are also scheduled at Earthen Ales on February 21st and Rare Bird Brewpub on February 23rd.

• The Finance committee recently discussed concerns with the facility boilers, however since that meeting Facilities Manager, Bruce Bennett, reported that one of the issues may already be resolved.

• The 20th annual Poet's Night Out will be held April 23rd and the library will be closed on Monday, February 20th, for the annual staff in-service day.

• The Youth Services Department TSO Tots at T AOL event was very well attended and the children really enjoyed it.

• The Brownfield plan will go before the County at the County Commissioner's meeting on March 1st. This plan would redirect taxes collected by T AOL. Parsons encouraged the board members to attend.

President Gillman noted that Administrative Reports were included in the board packet. There were no additions to those reports.

b. Financial Report Parsons provided an update to her December 2016 financial reports included in the board packet, reporting that bills are still coming in for 2016 and that tax chargebacks are also incoming. Overall 2016 was a good year, with $391 K in excess revenues at this time. Parsons will provide the board another update in March which should be close to final figures for 2016.

Parsons then confirmed her January 2017 reports, highlighting the following: • Revenue - T AOL has received property tax revenues of over $2mil to date. There should be

an influx of tax receipts following the February 10th payment deadline. Antrim County pledged slightly less support this year support for Talking Book Library services due to a small reduction in the number of patrons residing in the county and currently using the service. Overdue fines are up a bit over last January and contributions are skewed downward due to the large donation made in January last year. Overall revenues are doing well.

• Expenses- Much of the expense so far is due to the member library allocation payments that are approved and issued at the annual meeting in January. Retirement fund contributions are down significantly due to the change in the MERS plan offered. Overall expenses at this time are in good standing.

c. Member Library Reports • Vicki Shurly, Director of Peninsula Community Library (PCL), thanked the TAOL board for

the member library agreement payment. She briefly reviewed the current status of the new building project: Cornwell Architects will design a building to meet the rural landscape and Zrimec and Wick will handle fundraising. A 2016 year-end fundraising appeal brought in $ l l 2K for the project, with an average gift of $500. Shurly read several endorsements for the project given by many prominent local residents. With thanks to Interlochen Public Library' s board president, Pat Thompson, PCL's new slogan is 'Building the Heart of the Community".

• Written reports from Julie Kintner, Director of Fife Lake Public Library and Renee Kelchak, Director of Interlochen Public Library were included in the board packet.

d. Committee Reports • President Gillman noted that the Facilities and Services Committee and the Personnel

Committee had not met. • Finance Committee - Kachadurian reported that the Finance Committee had met. The

committee discussed and prioritized a list of future goals. Roof repair is a top priority, with other infrastructure projects also high on the list. Relocation of the Teen Services Department

Page 2 of 4

was amongst the list of proposed future plans. The finance committee suggests that the facilities committee review that proposal in more depth. The Michigan Library Association recommends a 17% fund balance. Although by policy, TADL must retain a I 5% general fund balance, the current balance is nearly at 17%. The committee recommends exploring a revised policy to coincide with MLA standards.

• Policy Committee - Marek noted that the Policy Committee had met and discussed two policy items later on the agenda.

e. Other Reports and Communications • Friends' Report- Maryln Lawrence, Friends Board President

Lawrence reported that the recent media sale raised $4000. A Book Sale is planned for the last weekend in April.

8. Presentation: Local History Collection Update - Amy Barritt Barritt gave a brief history of two new additions to the Local History Collection archives: a purple heart earned by long-term resident PFC Alfred Lensen in France in 1819; and an extensive 40-year span of photographs taken by John Robert Williams of the people, products, and places of the region. Barritt explained the preservation treatment that each item receives and the plans for digitizing the most important and requested photographs in the photographic collection. Since the acquisition, over 216 hours of sorting, organizing, and handling this collection has been logged by Williams and six volunteers.

9. New Business a. Policy Revision - 3.2 Borrowing Parameters and Delinquent Charges

Parsons noted that new regulations prohibit libraries from turning over debts to collection agencies prompting a terminology change from Collection Agency to Material Recovery Agency which corresponds to actual practice. It was MOVED by Marek, SUPPORTED by Kachadurian to approve the revision of policy 3.2 Borrowing Parameters and Delinquent Charges as presented. Motion CARRIED.

b. Policy Revision - 3.21 Loan Parameters Parsons introduced loan parameter revisions which include: a slight reduction in the number of renewals; a new distinction in the multi-disc materials loan period; and additional loan periods for new items added to the collection. Several language simplifications were also made that do not affect the terms of the policy. It was MOVED by Payne, SUPPORTED by Marek to approve the revisions of policy 3.21 Loan Parameters as presented. Motion CARRIED.

c. Resolution of Endorsement It was MOVED by Payne, SUPPORTED by Marek to pass a resolution of endorsement for the fundraising and construction efforts of the Peninsula Community Library as well as any committees formed in agreement with the Peninsula Community Library for the efforts to build a library and community center. Motion CARRIED.

Kachadurian noted that as a peninsula resident, he feels that PCL's new building will help soften the controversial closure of Old Mission Peninsula School, where PCL is currently located, and feels confident that the new library will be even better than the old one. Shurly thanked the T AOL board for the endorsement.

10. Public Comment President Gillman opened the floor for public comment. There was none.

Page3 of4

.Jo,JC::S llayne; with agreement from Kachadurian, gave compliments to the staff on the new T ADL website. Parsons noted that the new website was designed and implemented by TADL' s network specialist Bill Rockwood, along with Jill Porter's and Matt Wiliford's assistance.

11. Adjournment With a motion by Payne and support from Marek, President Gillman adjourned the meeting at 5:46pm.

1.~~ V. Carpenter, Recording Secretary

Approve by bo~ d :'", ~a.,ch 16, 2017,

#~--' Board Secretary

Respectfully submitted,

Page 4 of 4


TO: Martin Colburn, Traverse City Manager .John Divozzo, Grand Traverse County Director of Public Works

COPY: Dave Green, Director of Public Services Benjamin Marentette, City Clerk Traverse City Commission Grand Traver e County Board of Public Works Kevin Dahl, CH2M, Manager of Pr:..~

F ROM: Elizabeth Hart, Project Manager ~---,,

DAT _:: YI.arch 15th, 2017

SUBJECT: Monthly Operations Report fur February 2017

Attached to this report are the follovVing items: February's report to the state, which has been submitted electronically and a financial summary for the Traverse City Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Grand Traverse County Septage Facility.



The 'l r ~at n• ~nt Plc> nt ,, a in full compliance through the month of February. The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) performed their annual inspection of the facility in Pebrn nry, below is an excerpt of the report we received back from them. We have add re sed lhe two i sues lhey fou nd in a manner that will minimize the likelihood of a similar issue occurring in the future.

Excerpt frqm MDEQ inspection Jetter:

During our review. we found two issues in the laboratory. which should be addressed as soon as possible. The pH buffers used for calibration were expired and the fecal coliform incubator was above the required temperature of 44.5 ± 0.2 °C (recorded at 46 °Cat the time ot' inspection). Other than these t\.vo issues, the facility seemed well maintained and operated and was in compliance with the permit. We also found that the NEC for the facility is appropriate.

We did not observe romma shaped Gram positive bacteria (CSGPB) in the biomass this month.

OPERATIN(i 11: P U P r

2 I" ' .

We cm tinm· to monitor our biomass closely for any changes, and are working with the University of ~fichigan to better understand these microorganisms.

We are able to permeate at a rate that can more than meet current flow demands and produce an effluent that meets, and for many parameters, exceeds DEQ requirements. (Please refer to the permeability graph below)

Average Permeability for February 2017

2r~ , • k • • • • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • ..,._Train 1 ABP

__..Tra in 2 ABP

........ Train3ABP

----·Tra in 4 ABP

....... Train SABP

...-Tra in 6 ABP

_._Train 7 ABP


Note: Trains that have triangle shaped markers have 500Ds cassettes-Train 2 has derreased pcrmeahili~, in comparison to the other trains with 500Ds cassettes because it has gone the longest duration without a recovery clean. Train 2 will be the first train to be recovery cleaned in the spring.

Synagro hauled biosolich in February.

Main ten '1.nce

We installed two new pumps in the TBA lift station. This lift station upgrade is complete, with the exception of the installation of new cathodic protection which v:ill take place once the ground foavvs.

We received the report resulting from the condition asse sment of Digester #3 and are currently ,vorking on a scope of work pertaining to the recommendations included in the condition assessment report.

- - -- --- .., ____ -TCRWWTP items of importance

------·--·-··--·--·-----·------··--···--···--------------- --- --·-- ----- _ ___ , ···--·

TCR\V\VTP a:tlo 1 it.erns Status Estimated total cost

UV action plJn ,, 2111 ldent,fying options for protecting UV modules from flooding


Membrane replacement (890} fhe City h,1s decided to replace one train of membranes per year unti l all 8 trains are repfoc e<J. We recommend budgetir1g to replace trains at 8yrs of life.

Four trains replaced 800,000/train Four trains remain (updated per GE"s

City approved replacement of 5" Train of membranes ;n 2017 2016 proposal)

Comma·,hdpPd gram-positive bacteria(CSGPB) The University of Michig3n's study of the comma shaped Gram positive bacterla is underway.


Primary he<1d ~• Th<' primary header, or piping that conducts the waste stream from the grit $500,000 cliarnbers to the facrlity', primary tanks. is in need of replacement. CH2M (updated per first indudrd in City·, rapita l improvpments for 2018/2019. (#902) engineering fi rm

proposaf•looklng for less expensive

options} Dlg('c:.tfl r ,crndlt.tJn ,ISSf' 5\tnr-nt and DigPst0rs #3 and 114 haVP been in service since 1959. CH2M recomrnends a recondit ionirg cond1t1on a,sessment and related recondi tioning fm each digester with in the next

th ree yeus . CH2M included this recommendation in the City'scapital improvemen t plJ,1. 1/1966 Condition ,\ssessment, and #948 Recondit ioning)

DiGester #3'; condition assessment was completed and the fo llow-up report was received . CH2M rs developing a SOW for the reconditioning of Digester #3.

Digester u,rs condit ion assessment is scheduled for 2017-2018 $125,000/0igester

TBA Lift Stat.on Pumps, Controls. Pump pit ContracJors have insta lled the new control panel, and the pump pit has been needs n.::'c.ondruo,,,ng. 1eli11ed a, uf 7 11 · 16. CH2M 1evicwed tho punch list for the controls with the

contractor. Pumps and alarms are opera1ing as they should. New Pump, hdve been mstalled.

I flnodt' to be mstalled when ground thaws.

(Capital Improvement. N892) $75,000 - I Membrc)ne need replacing Eight rnembrane gate, and two aeration basin gates replaced as of Spring 2016.

I 8 ;idditional membrane g;ites to rep lace. (#786)

$44,874/ 4 gates insta lled

Front Stret-lt L/t 1)tat1on and mam plant Front St reN and the M;,in plant both have a PLC S that is obsolete and d ifficult to prograrnmablP logrc controls (PLC )5 upgrade support CH2M recommends tho replacement of both PLC Ss in the City's

2017/2018 capital improvement plan . (11899)

CH2M h~s d1•velop,•d a ,cope- of work for this pro1ect and will init iate a closed bid process once the proiecl is ,ipproved. $152,640

Recondiuoning of three Archimedes Screw I Ctl2M recommends replacing one screw per year until all screws have been j Pumps ;,nd trou2h f repla(ed . .and reconditioning the, troughs at tho same t ime. (Capital Improvement

11893 )

2017 Screw Pump 111 has been reconditioned. Screw Pumps #2 ~nd lt3 still need to be n•conditioru~d. $410,000/Screw

Pump West SST needs a new Bio •solrds pump 1 lhe plant ,s required to have a pump that can fill bauling trucks at a certain rate,

) ana th;, piston pump that is currently in use has been in place since the 1970s, ar.d fails often.

i CH2M recommends replacing the current West SS1 piston pump with a new pomp. I his I ecomniendat1on;, included m the City's 6-year capi tal Improvement P:atL ,capital l,nprov1,men1 #894) $104,411

OPER.i\TlNC F'.~P,;) ;~, ·



The l\1DEQ requires that an IPP survey be sent out to non-domestic sewer users every three year . We have sent out the short form surveys to all non-domestic sewer users and upon review 1Jf t lwse snrveys 1,ve, 'ill determined which users need to be sent the long form surveys for the pmpose of gathering additional information .

We are v,orking vvith two new food service businesses on v;etting the required inspection m anh ole i1Btallcd at their locations.

OPE RAT!N(~ FV7. P<JR 'i

5 I ·' ''

GTSF action items

Bioflter ·m,dia re placerTJent

ATAD tank cleaning

Pump pu '. hng capabilities needfid

SNDR pt>mp ,ea! i~ leaking-2016

Pump~ ,,re agirg 2017, 2018. 2019

M odif1Cation to foul a,r - 2018

Grit removal - 2021,2022

Fine screens modification needed to remove rag5 an d net imped-" forward flow - .2021

Rock t, a,; fo r ,;,ease pump-needed to protec t pump trom l,,rge deims 20Ll

Bio solrd, lo;irl out pipe needrd - 2071

Slu dge s101ag€' capacity 702 L 2022

GTCSF items of importance

Status Conipieted



New pump purchase approved by BPW/recieved-CH2M to

instal l when high tem pera ture alarm has been installed-

Pump Replacement Included in the 5-year capit al

improvement pla n fo r Post Equal ization basin, Influent Equalization basin, and both li ft stations.

CH2M ordered replacement pumps and rails for the Post

Equal ization basin to be insta lled in Ma rch 2017.

CH2M included the addition uf grit removal in 5 year capital plan. {feas ibility study needed)

CH 2M recommends the fol lowing modificat ions be made to

the fou l air system: connect Post EQ to system, and redirect

ATAD foul ai r lo SNDR tank. This project is included In t he Ca pital Improveme nt plan.

CH2 M inclucJed the addition of gri t removal in 5-yearcapita l plan. (feasibili ty stmly needed)

CH2M has deve loped a modification strategy/included in the 5-yea r capital plan .

CH2 M developed a plan fer insta ll ing a rock trap in the sL,ct ion !me of the grease pump, and provided a rough budget ing number included in the 5-year capital

improvement plan

CH2M recommends a sludge load-out pipe be installed so semis can be loaded with binsohds fro m ot;tside t he

budding. CH2M included th is recommendation in the 5-yea r capital improvement plan.

CH2M recommends a feasibil ity study be done on the

expansion of sludge stora ge. This recommendation wa s included in the 5-year ca pita l

improvement plan.








MARCH 2"01!

6 1P

GTSF reoccurring projects Project f" · - -· ·---- Estimated Cost ... ..,--~· ...

Biofil ter media replacement Work rnrnpleted in :/.014 and should be bu dgeted for on a 7-year basis . $130,000

ATAD tank cleaning Completed in 2015 and should be budgeted for every 7 yea rs. $46,000

Cleaning of the Unloading Bay rock traps and floor drains as needed $1,200 each cleaning-estimated


Grit r1-moval Ann tr al cleaning oft ,e ,n fluent equalization basin-Completed 1n October 2016 $27,000

Annua l cleaning '"f t 1e post equall,ation basin (note 2016 is the first year t his tank $10,000 will be deaned out, •t maybe mat th is tank needs to be cleaned out every 5 years, but fo r budgeting purposes count on every year)-Completed in October 2016

MBR t,m!<s .::leaned first to b& done in 2018 TBD


The dai ly average effluent BOD loading for the month of February was 2.96 lbs. /day.

In J anuarv, we measured low levels of both Ammonia and Hydrogen Sulfide at the influent and effluent oi the biofilter. We continuing to monitor the odor control system to get a better understanding of how best to optimize removals.

We observed the average unloading time for the haulers in February to be 13.9 minutes, with an average tmloading rate of 163 ga1Jons/minute. The follmving photos show the general condition of the unloading bays. The hays are deaned a minimum of twice a day.



Tor l ,., I. ' · ts ,, ere reading accurately.

PCS d ·uH · H • <',· ,{· disch,1 ·;-:( line bet<.vet·1. r;1c u nloading bay and the ATAD building. In the futu rr·. -h' - ' h,1 (' ll1 i. c , 1 : ,., ncd It : '1 ·n urn of e\ er·, three years.

W ei

Profc ,· .. th <:' kl " The t Fa('!

,'t11•,p p.m·,1i(,i H ,. , ( .\'I I\ f~. Ji l, ., , ,

. I '" , \,

our rt:_' 1P- ,·n(I. , t

''•'.'-.,' ·. i () I )n;,dtl1t

·r~d SND.R pump in inventory as a backup.

· 11 tintcnance they recommend be performed on ·,tr 1 •rh11ilt blovv<"'r~ (ATAD blowers) at the facility. (" .. · budgeted $27,500 in the Septage Treatment

. , Ve\\ ill follow-u 'v\rith a memo that includes


8 ! ::, ,\

Othr··I· Belov, h" . · It· qi pr\ljerts CL2:\, rt>curnm1::1h ls. Items within the table are subject to change as the rn , 'it'~;. 1 11 ,, ~e Fii cil ,ly sn ift and pnoritics arc adjusted. ,John Divozzo and CH2M con th .,1n'i 1, < ··ther to nrio 1t i1 c the f.wi lit\·'s needs . This table has been updated as of ,Janu:

.~:iit ai trnprovernent Recomrnendations-Usted in Order of I Importance

- -·-·--·- - -- -------- · I

Estimai;dcost I Project

,di ,,,,timate $20,000)

11 Pu111p~ Hc'fJ> .·i lf' · 1 to be installed March 2017 (carried $25,000

--· $30,000_ Cc,:nect :'?_~t EQ to ,ystem

·-----"·•······-··-···---··------11--- - ------- j

8bwers 1.2,3 nsp .-·-{rd ,·,n d nr!ed,•d 1na inten;;nce Performed $27,500



• ·., cP ~w::; l i., St ·. on ,,,e, T1,•o -1} T ;in k Submersible Pumps $40,000 ---~--------~----....;...--------------1----------;........:..~.....,1 .id l u:a· D»( u,11 ,ects tor Unlo,v.L·,r. R;; y Coarse Screens/Add Capability for

,,,;0 ',crppn Mnto ·, "n Run in R<'vN,0/ Move and Replace Infl uent and Post $18,000 ~ :::, ·1.ink Eled1 :c<1I 1,mction Boxes - -·-·- .......... __ -.-. .-----+---------~

ldW Hepl,ice:P nt for Seepex Pu nip Used for Wasting Solids (No


"°"' SOOSo

r:tria! tfflucht ( 1)

T «-'I Su~-t>c!i,:<1 !:,ohdl


Pnor ro Oii,nf«:ho,1> (B)

C1111b0-n;B<;.;~,_11; Him:.~,;a!

o~ri"'r: Pemar.,;l (Ce::x>s)


'S.,rTr,I" 1,/<,-,,,~<('IY;l:'I'(

. ,.



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Page 2 of2













TR;\ 'Ee COS TS $




Traverse City Regional Waste Water Treatment Plant

16,936.91 3,943.03 12,993.88


62.50 $ s 62.50

391.67 s 605.14 $ (213.47)

40,4-00.00 $ 60,490.26 $ (20,090.26)

789.2 1 $ 290.60 $ 498 .61

3,044.66 $ 2,98855 $ 56.11

68,262.30 s 62,741 b} s 5,520.63

7,962 85 s 13,907 42 $ (5,944.57 )

7,64.J.08 s 2,8'J7 84 s ll,74 24

14,452.75 $ ·2,5987: .. $ 1,854.04

916 67 $ 379 03 $ 537 .64

850.00 t .> C)87 '~ $ (137.D)

;,S'.11.01 $ ~ 9 27 $ 1.on ·1r.

1,211.'JU $ 5,646 80 $ (4;134.3 0)

Fl,'116.67 $ 11,927 ~.5 $ (1,510.88)

J 74,932 78 s J N.973 18 s (5,0LQ.40) ~~= .. ~· -

f Vendnr ~~~ !~--

Forberg Scientific















s $



484,800 .00








10,200 00

2b,8•12 .08

14,550 .JO

125,0GO 00

2,188,976 78



$1 ,613


$ 2,616.81

$ 403.88

$ 8,80845

$ 222,828.69

$ 10,2.88.53

$ 23,269.16

$ 591 ,989 .67

$ 122,863 21

$ bl,bL8 . .:l(,

s 156,t.61.31

s 15,140.67

s <, 1 '..1G4- 47

~ ~1 ::ir! OS

:, J ',,026.3L

$ l 25,400.90

5 1,475 qn 1 .

$ 2,616.81 $ (2,61 6.81)

$ 653.88 $ 96.12

$ 10,375.12 $ (2,675.12)

$ 384,428.69 $ 100,371.31

$ 13,445.38 s (3,974.83).

$ 35,447 81 $ 1,088.14

$ 889,953.50 $ 429.57

$ 156,552.32

$ 92 ,20{LbY

$ 214.~7:'.31

s 18,807.34

r S}J64 -.17 ,,

~ ~f;;L~LQS

s 1 G,S7G.3G

$ 1(70G7S7

$ ?,?();) l05 r,g 5 (1l'1?ii RO)

Repa ir

Up~e !:_~~fs Data c!~! Influent BuHding Gas Detector


Grand Traverse County Septage Facility


CHEM ICALS 2.76.30 $ $ 276.30 $ 3,315.60 $ 3,221.83 $

CLI ENT PLANT & EQUI P (Non Repai rs) $ $ $ 833 .33 s $ $


EDUCATIO N, TRAI NING, MEETINGS $ 4.58 s s 4 .58 $ 55 .00 $ 669.60 $ 687.93 $ (532.93)

ELECTRICITY $ s $ $ $ $ $

EMPLOYEE EXPENSE $ 65.23 s $ 65.23 s 782 75 $ 678.68 $ 939.60 $ (1S6.85)

INSUqANCE $ 310.94 s 170.62 $ 140.32 $ 3,73123 $ 1,765.72 s 3,009.<16 $ 721.77

LABOR t ,, 9,399.49 s 9,843.03 $ (443.54) $ 122,529.0S $ 74,42 6 .81 s 115,381.74 $

OPF.Hl\TING EXPENSES s 85JJ3 $ 5G2. IE ' 289 95 $ 10,(,48.0;, $ 44,4f'.7.S5 $ l8JL~'J }(5 )

OUTSIDE SERVICES r 2.3'l333 s 1.504 .32 $ 829.01 $ 52,998 (1() $ 5 . .292 .62 $ 14,6?5 qr:,

S01 IDS H/\NOUNG 2,772 .c;O $ s 2,772 50 ( 33,270.0) $ 2:1,457 5.) $ 34 _:,/: 7_ ." j p .,,

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