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$19 : * ,tK & A k. . f ? .. 9. 0 . lj . ' E/ Eu I Roe THE . ) . . 0F THE COLONY AN9 OFFIIIAL GAZETTE PROTECI'ORATE 0F KENYA Publhhèd under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the f ' ,olony and Proiectorate./f Kexa ' -------. ---- ' - . '' --- . vt?l. Iav- xi,.27 Price 50 cents t t:e o .p.o. NAIROBI,16th June, 1953 R egistered as à Newspaper a publislwd every Tuesday CONTEM Y OFFICIAL GAZETTE *SUPPLEM EN T N o. 45 P 'oclamations, Rules and Regulatlons,1955 Govt. N oticeN o. PAGB g33- Appointm ents, etc. 580 g3zl--obituary . . . . . . . . . ,. 580 935- 37)e Justices of the Peace Ordinance- Appoint.. naent .. .. .. .. .. .. 580 936-940- T11e Cökirts Ordinance- Appointments .. 580 941- The Criminal Procedure Code- Appointment : . under Section 15 . , . . . . . ,. 58 1 942- The Kenya Regiment(TerritorialForce)Ordin- ance- comm ission . . . . . . . . . 581 943= The Kenya Regiment(TerritorialForce)Ordin- ance--Resîgnatfon . . . . . . . . , 581 944- The Probation of Olenders Ordinance-' The Probation Committees (Constitution antl Duties) Rules, lgsz- Appointment .. 581 945-946- 114e Native A. uthority Ordinance- Ap- pointments . . . . . . . . . . 581 947- Tho Land Acq uisition Act, 1894 of India-- A i tment ' ' '581 ppo n . . . . . . 948- Law'Examination- corrigendum . . . .. 581 949- The A frican District Councils Ordinance-- Appointm ents . . . . 582 950- The M ining Ordinance . . . . . . .; 582 951-952- *141e Immigration (Control) Ordinance-- Appointm ents . . . . . . . . ., S82 953- The lmmigration (Control) Ordinance- Revoca- tion of 'Appointment . . . . ' . . . . 582 954- Her M ajesty's Supreme Court of Kenya-- Commissioner for Oaths (Advocates)Ordin- ' ' ance: A Com mission . . . . . . . . '582 955- The Locpl Government (County Councils) Ordinance- N airobi U rban D istrict Coun- cil: N omination . . . 582 '956- Register of Voters- Revision . 583 General Notices G ovt. N oticl j No. ,PAGE 931- Tl Ee Emergency (Emergency Assîzes) Repzla- tions, 1953 . . . . ' . . 523 932- -11 Le Errergency (Emergency Assizes) Regula- tions, 1953--Order under Regulation 3: Em ergency Zones . . . . . . . . 527 SUPPLEMENT No.46 /7 roclamatîons,Rules crld Regulatlons, 1953 Govt. N otic) N o. PAGE 957- T le Emergency (Protected Areas C.P.No.2) Order, 1953 529 958- T le Emergency (Kikuyu Histofy of Emplbp .' m enti Regulations, 1953 . . ' 530 959- 1 le Emergency Regulations, 1952--Order . , . . ' 5' 31 960. . - T le Defence (Control of Prices) Regulations, 1945--Amendment to Fourth Schedule . . r31 961- N An-Disallowance of Ordinance 631 962-1 te Tsavo RoyalNationalPark (Amendment) Regulations, 1953 . . . . 532 963- T le Hotels (Control of Tarifi's and Accom- modation) (Temporary'Provisions) Ordin- ' ance, 1952- N otice . . 534 . . . 586-602 G eneralNotice No. In H .M .Court of Appeal for Eastern A frica at N airobi 1269 Colony and Protectorate of K enya Statem ent of Assets and Liabilities, etc. . . . . ' . . . . . . 1270 The Kenya African U nion W inding U p . . . . . . 1271 Laliguage Exam ination . . . . . . . . . . 1272 Tenders . . J . .. . . . . 1273,1277 African W ages Committee . . - . . . . 1274 Passion Fl-uit Ordinance Passion Fruit' Board . . . . 1275 M ethods of Charye (ETA.P.& L.) By-laws, 1953- Prices of D iesel Engin' e 'Fuel Oil . . 1276 Change of 'Vanae .. .. .. .. .. 1278, 1279 south African M utual Life Assurance Society Loss of Policy .. .. .. ' .. .. .. .. 1280 Jubilee lnsurance Co., Ltd. Loss of Policies . . 1281-1283 W ater Ordinance . . . . . . . . . . 1284-1289 Bankw ptoy Ordlnanoe . . . . . . . . '1290-1303 Probate and Administratlon . . . '. 1304-1309, 1317, 1318 Companies Ordinance . . . . . . . . . . 1310 Local Loan Ordinance, 1945 Loss of Stock Certificate 131 1 Dissolution . of Partnership . 1312-1316 Transfer of Business . . . . . . . . . . . . 1319 N otice of Revocatfon of General Power of A ttorney.w k 1320 G own Lands Ordinance Alienation of Land 1321 961.- 3%. te Births and Deaths(Notïcation and Regls- tration) (Amendmeùt) (No. 2) Rulrs, 1953 535 965.-+ te Pesal Code- order . . 535 966-1 le Tosvnships (Licence Fees) Rules . . 536 Proclamatica Xo.18- The.SpecialTax (Temporary Pro- visions) Ordinance, 1953 536 *PI .blished asa SpedalI@sue ollf 2th June:1953'.


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Publhhèd under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the f ',olony and Proiectorate./f Kexa'

-------. ---- ' - .'' ---

.vt?l. Iav- xi,. 27 Price 50 centst t:e o .p.o. NAIROBI, 16th June, 1953Registered as à Newspaper a publislwd every Tuesday



P 'oclamations, Rules and Regulatlons, 1955Govt. N otice N o. PAGBg33- Appointm ents, etc. 580g3zl--obituary . . . . . . . . . ,. 580935- 37)e Justices of the Peace Ordinance- Appoint..

naent .. .. .. .. .. .. 580936-940- T11e Cökirts Ordinance- Appointments . . 580941- The Criminal Procedure Code- Appointment: . under Section 15 . , . . . . . ,. 58 1942- The Kenya Regiment (Territorial Force) Ordin-

ance- comm ission . . . . . . . . . 581943= The Kenya Regiment (Territorial Force) Ordin-

ance--Resîgnatfon . . . . . . . ., 581944- The Probation of Olenders Ordinance-' The

Probation Committees (Constitution antlDuties) Rules, lgsz- Appointment . . 581

945-946- 114e Native A. uthority Ordinance- Ap-pointments . . . . . . . . . . 581

947- Tho Land Acq uisition Act, 1894 of India--A i tment ' ' ' 581ppo n . . . . . .

948- Law' Examination- corrigendum . . . . . 581949- The A frican District Councils Ordinance--

Appointm ents . . . . 582950- The M ining Ordinance . . . . . . . ; 582951-952- *141e Immigration (Control) Ordinance--

Appointm ents . . . . . . . . . , S82953- The lmmigration (Control) Ordinance- Revoca-

tion of 'Appointment . . . . '. . . . 582954- Her M ajesty's Supreme Court of Kenya--

Commissioner for Oaths (Advocates) Ordin-' ' ance : A Com mission . . . . . . . . ' 582

955- The Locpl Government (County Councils)Ordinance- N airobi U rban D istrict Coun-cil : N omination . . . 582

'956- Register of Voters- Revision . 583

General Notices

G ovt. N oticl j No. , PAGE

931- Tl Ee Emergency (Emergency Assîzes) Repzla-tions, 1953 . . . . ' . . 523

932- -11 Le Errergency (Emergency Assizes) Regula-tions, 1953--Order under Regulation 3 :Em ergency Zones . . . . . . . . 527


/7 roclamatîons, Rules crld Regulatlons, 1953

Govt. N otic ) N o. PAGE

957- T le Emergency (Protected Areas C.P. No. 2)Order, 1953 529

958- T le Emergency (Kikuyu Histofy of Emplbp .'m enti Regulations, 1953 . . ' 530

959- 1 le Emergency Regulations, 1952--Order . , . . ' 5' 31

960..- T le Defence (Control of Prices) Regulations,1945--Amendment to Fourth Schedule . . r31

961- N An-Disallowance of Ordinance 631

962-1 te Tsavo Royal National Park (Amendment)Regulations, 1953 . . . . 532

963- T le Hotels (Control of Tarifi's and Accom-modation) (Temporary' Provisions) Ordin- 'ance, 1952- N otice . . 534 .

. . 586-602G eneral Notice No.

In H .M . Court of Appeal for Eastern A frica at N airobi 1269Colony and Protectorate of K enya Statem ent of Assets

and Liabilities, etc. . . . . ' . . . . . . 1270The Kenya African U nion W inding U p . . . . . . 1271Laliguage Exam ination . . . . . . . . . . 1272Tenders . . J . . . . . . . 1273, 1277African W ages Committee . . - . . . . 1274Passion Fl-uit Ordinance Passion Fruit' Board . . . . 1275M ethods of Charye (ETA.P. & L.) By-laws, 1953- Prices

of D iesel Engin' e 'Fuel Oil . . 1276Change of 'Vanae .. .. .. .. .. 1278, 1279south African M utual Life Assurance Society Loss of

Policy .. .. ..' .. .. .. .. 1280Jubilee lnsurance Co., Ltd. Loss of Policies . . 1281-1283W ater Ordinance . . . . . . . . . . 1284-1289Bankw ptoy Ordlnanoe . . . . . . . . ' 1290-1303Probate and Administratlon . . . '. 1304-1309, 1317, 1318Companies Ordinance . . . . . . . . . . 1310Local Loan Ordinance, 1945 Loss of Stock Certificate 131 1Dissolution .of Partnership . 1312-1316Transfer of Business . . . . . . . . . . . . 1319N otice of Revocatfon of General Power of A ttorney.w k 1320G own Lands Ordinance Alienation of Land 1321

961.- 3%. te Births and Deaths (Notïcation and Regls-tration) (Amendmeùt) (No. 2) Rulrs, 1953 535

965.-+ te Pesal Code- order . . 535

966-1 le Tosvnships (Licence Fees) Rules . . 536

Proclamatic a Xo. 18- The. Special Tax (Temporary Pro-visions) Ordinance, 1953 536

* PI .blished as a Spedal I@sue oll f 2th June: 1953'.

589 'IH E OFFICIAL GAZETFE 16th June, 1953

GOySRNMBNT Noncs No. 933

APPOINTM ENTSPBTER D9UGLAS H ILL M EGSON to act as Chief Grpd'er andlnspector, Department of Agriculture, with elect from ' 6thM ay, 1953.

B/RNARD HOOGESTSYN to be Assistant Soil ConsetvatioriOllicei-/M echanic, Department of Agriculture, with efect from1st April, 1953.' .

W It,TsHIl$j.., DAI-L WARE-AUSTIN to be Xssistant AgriculturalOëcerj D egartme'nt of Agriculture, with esect from 1stMarch, .1953. '

KEITH M OR BY.. W ARR/N to be Assgstaht Agiitultttràl OKcer,Department of Agriculture, with elect from 1st January,1953.

RICHARD Eowu o ' RucK to be Assistant soll Conserkatlonoflice//lnspector', Department of Agriculture, with effect from17th February, 1953.

FRsnERldk CHARLBS YORKE Ju vls to be Assistant Soil Con-servation Oëcer / M echanic, Department of Agridulture, withefect from 29th M arch, 1953.

RICHARD BLOWER to be S0i1 Conservation Oëcer, Department. of Agriculturè, with esect from 1st February, 1953.W ILLIAM ROBERTSON to be Laboratory Assistant, Department ofAgriculture, with efect ikom 2nd January, 1953.

THOMAS LYJ-E M CCI-EI-I-AND to be Plant Tnspector, D epartm entof Agriculture, with effect from 11th M ay, 1953.

JOHN N lcHotAs BRODRIBB TRBSTRAII- to be Assistant A griculturalOmcer, Department of Ahriculture, with effect from 1st M ay,1953. '

NIGEL FRANCIS SHIRLEY FAW SSETT to be Assistant AgriculturalOlhcer, Departm ent of A griculture, with elect from 25thM arch 1953. ' '


ARTHIJR PRATT to be A ssistant Agricultural Oë cer, Departm erit:' df Agriculture, with e/ect from 21st February, 1953.K ENNBTH ALBERT H ARRISON to be Junior Laboratory Assistant,

. Dçpartm ent of Agriculturea with esect from 1st M ay, 1953.GRAHAM HOI-DBN Hvsl-oe, M.A.OIP.MUS. (oxoN), to be Educationlnstructor, . Community . Development Organization, JeanesSchool, K abete, with effoc.t from 13th M ay, 1953. '

JOHN W ILLIAMSON to be Education lnstructor, Com munityDevelopment Organization, Jeans School, Kabete, with efectfrom 1st April. 1953.

JOHN BAlRsl'ow CARSON to be District Com missioner, K waleDistrïct, Coast Province, Mj.,yh..- çfI'.. .ect from 1st June, 1953 .

M Rs. M ARTHA Lucws lo act as M atron, G rade II, M athariM ental Hospital, with elect from 27th M ay, 1913.

THOMAS STANLEY W HITTAKER to act as Land Record Draughts-mana Lands Departmenta with efect from 27th Aprjl, 1953.

PROM OTION SM lss M ARGAR#T DONOVAN BAYLEY to be Laboratory Assistant,'L Depyrtèelx W lgriculture, with efect from 1st February,1953'.

Axoltswr STANrSIAw RocowsKz to be Laboratory Assfstant,Department of Agriculture, with esect from 1st January, 1953.

W II-I-IAM AI-BXAADER Dotrs'r to be Laboratory Superintendent,M edikal Department, with elect from 1st November, 1952.

svoxs'îr GRAHAM SHARe to be Administrative OKcer/Accountant,Community D evelopm ent O rganization, Jeanes School,.lkabete, with çffect from 1st August, 1952.


JAMF,S STANLBY TEMPLBTON ceased to act as Legal Draftsmanwith esect from 10th June, 1953.


Government Notice No. 861 of the Oëcial Gazette dated2nd June, 1953, is cancelled in so far as it relates to theappointm ent of W illiam M ichael G ambier Sandwith, and is '

. rèplaced by the following :-W II-I-TAM M ICHABI- GAMBIBR SANDwITH to act as Deputy Com -missioner of Pölick with eflkct from 5th M ay, 1953.

H . S. POTTER ,èhie

.f secretary.


àln lAkyoThe G overnor regrets to announce the death of M r. Yusufu

Kericho, lorry driver, Public W orks Department, who was killedon the ev' ening of 13th Aprî1,.. 1953, whilst on duty in ShauriM oyo for the' Public W orks D epartm ent Special Police.

Mr. Kericùo joined the Departmen't of the Public W orks on '15th April, 1946, and by his death the Government. has lost theservices of it loyalland eë éiyrit . oë cer.

G PVERNMENT N olqcs N o. 935(SlAdm. 45126.414



IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 2 of theJustices of the Peace Ordinance, 1, Evelyn Baring, Knight Com -m ander of the M ost Distinguished Order of Saint M ichael andSaint George, Knight Commander of the Royél Victorian Order,Governor and Com lhander-in-chief of the Colony'rahd Protec-torate of Kenyaq dp Asala.xappoint-


to be a Justice of the Peace for the Colony and ProtectorateK enya.Given under my hand and the Public Seal of th4 Colony' az

N airobi this 11th day of June. 1953.

E. .BARIN G ,Governor.

GOU RNMENT NoTlcB No. 936 LS.A. .l. tt L. 12I6j1I+



IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by scction 5 of theCourts Ordinance, the G overnor has been pleased to appoint-

JOHN BAlRs'row CARSONto be a M agistrate of the First Class with powers to hold aSubordinate Court of the First Class in the Coast Provincewhilst holding his present appointm ent as D istrict Com missioner,Kwale District, Coast Provincç. 'By Com m and of the G overnor.


E N GRIFFITH -JONESN airobi, . . ,

8th June, 1953. M ember jor fcw and Order.

GovsRxMsx'r NOTICE No. 937 LSLA. J. (f Z. 12161112)


AIYOINTMENT .IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 5 of the

Courts Ordinance, the Governor has been pleased to appoint-ARTHVR Cu lœoRo W MNE

to be a M agistrate of the First Class with powers to hold aSubordinate Court of the First Class in the Central Provinc;whilst holding his present appointm ent as District Oë cm-, M eruDistrict, Centrak Province. .Governmelq N otke.-'Net % 8* of 12th M ay, 1953, is hereby

cancelled:By Command of the Governor.

Nairobi, E.. N . GRIFFITH-JONES,8th June, 1953. M ember jor f,tzw and Order.

GOVERNMENT No'rlcB No. 938 (S.A. J. & L. 121611124THE COURTS ORDINANCE


IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred by section 5 of theCourts Ordinance, the Governor has been pleased to appoint;-


to be a M agistrate of . the First Class,' with powers to .hold aSubordinate Court of the First Class in the Central Province.

By Comm and of the Governor.

N airobi,13th June, 1953.

JovBltxMsx'r NolqcE No. 939 (S.A. J. <t L. 12I6jl(2)THE CO URTS ORDINAN CE

W ap. 3)

E. N . G RIFFITH -JONES,M ember p r Ztzw and Order.


IN EXERCISE of the powers .conferred by section 5 of theCourts Ordinance, the Governor has been pleased to appofnt-

ERlc HBRBERT RISI-EYto be a M 'agistrate of the First Class, with powers to hold aSubordinate Court of the First Class in the' Central Province.

By Command of the Governor.

N aibobi, E. N . GR IFT ITH -JONES,13th June, 1953, M ember /or Lcw and 'grfler.

'%. ':

16i* Juh:, 1953 THE OFFICIAI' . GA ZE'ITE 58f




IN EXERCISE of the powers tonferred by section 5 of theCourts Ordinance, thkt Governor has been pleased to appoint- .

F'RANG S G BRARD IRINCHto be a M agistrate of the First Class, with powers to hold aSubordinate Court of the First Class in the Central Province.By Command of the Governor.

Nairobi, E. N. GRIFFITH-JONBS,13th June, 1953 M ember yt)r Law and Orffer.

(Cap . 79)AND


Government Notice No. 807 oj 1952)APN INTMENT

IN EXERC ISB otf the powers conferred by sub-scction (.2) ofsection 15 ot th: l'robation of OFenders Ordinance and sub-!

.:rule (l) of rtl e 5 of the Probation Committees (Constltution andDuties) Rules , 1952, and of all other powers thoreunto enzbling,the Governol has lleen pleased to appoint-

M R. Bzsxzlst, M lco'rsto bti a mer lbor of the Probation (North, Central and ssputhNyanza) Cas ) Committee appointed by Governmtpt Noticè No.325 dated tb J 25th day of February, 1953, in' .thù place of M r.Neri Richard Arina. ' 'By Com m ; nd of the Governor.

GOVERNMENT NOTICE N(?. 941. (&A. J. tê Z. 12/8)


. APPOINTMSNT U NO:,R SEcTlox 1$IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by eection 1.5 of tbe

Criminal Procedure Code, and of aIl other powers him there-unto vnabling the Governor hjs bten pleased to confer upon:1H arry Churclull Baxter, a M agtstrate of the First Class havingjurisdiction in the Kiambu 'Distriet (being a special district fortho purposcs of the said Code declared as such under. section 14thereofl the power to try Africans (including Somalis andAbyssihians) for any of the olenees mentioned in the Sèhedulchereto and to pass any sentence which the Supreme Court .inaypass in respect thereof.By Command of the Governor.

Nairobi, E. N . GRIFFITH-JONES,8th June, 1953. M ember lt)r fzcw and Order.

Scustm l-reUnlawful oaths to commit olences cvntra section 62 of the

Penal Code.Compelling another person to take an oath contra section

62A, (1) of the Penal Code.M anaging unlawful society contra section 70 of the Penal

Code.Arspn contra seetion 327 of tlle Penal Code.Attempttd arson contra secdoh 328 of the Penal Code.Setting fire to crops and growing plants, etc., contra section

329 of the Penal Code.Attem pting to set fire jo crops, etc., contra sectîon 33O of .

the Penal Code.Being. a m em ber 'of an unlawful society contra section 71 c'f

the Penal Code.

G OVERNMENT NoTlcs No. 942LSIA. Dej. 23119 11 /7fX



IN EXBRCISE of the powers conferred upon the G overnorby section 3 of the Kenya Regiment (Tçrritorial Force) Ordin-anci, a'nd al1 other powers thertunto enabling, the Governorhas l'.been pleased to comm ission, with effect from 6th June,1953, the following person as an oëcer of the Regim ent.

.Dovcœws JOHN' STEPHEN RIEBY, late Royal M arines.

By Command of the Governor.

N airobi,1ot11 June, 1933.

Naîrobi, E. N. GRIPFITH-JONZS,8th June, 1953. M ember J(?r Zcw 'a'nd Ortfer.

--- . . . .. ..



GOVBRNMEN 7 N o'rl cs N o. 945



IN EXEI .CISE of the powers thereunto enabling me, l herebyappoint the persolz nam ed in the Schedule annexed hereto to beOë dal H ek dm an for the area nam ed therein. ' . '

èlakuru,6th June 1953.


Nakuru District, Rijt Valiey Provincé.N ames- Chrysostom K ihagi Runyora.Area-- l éakuru District.Wl-th e#t rf /rtpm.- 1st April, 1953.Remarkl .- special 'duties in connexipn wit

.h the Em ergency.

C. M . JOHNSTON ,Provinciàl Comm issioner,

R2// Valley Prbvince.

. ' : . ' iv':rr .z . 'p .' '. ' J . ' .'

GovBltxsn XT NOTICE No. 946


AIYOINTMBN'J- ' (IN EXI LRCISE of the powers thereunto enabling mey l Vreby.

appoint t ke periion named in the schedufe annexed hereto to beOëtial Ii eadman for the area named thrrein. : ''

Nakuru,6th Ju) ke, 1953.


Nakuru District, Rijt Valley P. rovlnceName. -lkua Kang'ara M ahihu.Area.- -Nakuru 'District. .With ( #ec/ /rtpm.- 24th Aptil, 1953.Rem al kx-- special Duties in' connexion with tho

Govsltx! IENT N oTlcE No. 947


C..M . JOHNSTON,Provincial Com missiol3ef,

Rijt . Valley Provittcei' '



R. G . TURNBULL,Acting Deputy Chiej Xccreféfry.

GOVE> MENT N oTlcE N o. 943(SIA. bej. 301211 /.l jlll'l


RESIGNATIONIN EXERCISE of the powcrs conferred by section 20 of the

Kenya Regiment (Territorial F'oyce) Ordinance, tho Governor hasbeen pleased to accept, with efftct from 23rd M ay, 1953, theresignation of Captain Robert Parlane Brown. 'dovernment Notice No. 1248 dated 31st October, 1950, is

varied àcqordingly.

By Colnmlnd of the Governor.

Naîrpbi,9th ' Jlme, t953. R. G. TURNBULL,Acting Deputy Chid s'ccreflry.

l HE tEBY appoint-

M R. GEORGB JAMES ROBBINS ' ' ' :to perff ln'n the functions of Collector under the L'aitd Ajtttdil-'' 'tion Ac :, 1894, of Ittdi: in relation to lahd ht Vbinbasa Eksttiidty'..the sub Iect of Governm ent N otice N o. 706 of 1953 ' ' '' ?

C. /,. MURTIM FX , . . : .Nairob , M eèber jor f.Vcl//2y. L

.pnds and..

13th J'une, 1953. Local tzt?yer/lmçyf..- .. - .. . - ' ' ' . . .C7

GOUR IMBNT NOTIC, Nö. 948 (X/#. Adm'. 7''/j/2#F1.

' . . # . 1>ê1

' LAW EXXMINATIOM ' .l: ,, . . '

i . , . . . . /


. $. . .. .. c s . !C'oltklùsxouv '

Go: zrnment Notice No. '202' on pàgé *106 of tlfliciaf G.vettqgdattd 10th February :- ''' ' '' .

. v . v ' $ . . ', . : ! .1 'For R, M -. Mttzeod, Adrhînistration, kead as folfo/à : sr ,r


, t; (ut.R . A . M ct-eod (tzeaal codc, cqimlnat l!

, rocskture,code,xatslrkEvideilce 'tmlyl, Labour Deplf tment. ' . . .r.:yj ,. ' .$

N/ro ni, . . H.p S. 'POTTERk .k' .. f?.6th June, 1953. Chiej A creftzry.

J83 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE llth Jpne, 1953 .

GOyERNMBNT No'rlcs Np. 949


. . . . . tsu. jg oj jqso

Aymolxerwtsx'rs'1N ESIERCISE 'of the ppwefs thçmunto enabljng me, l heçe-

by appplnt' the persons named ïn the Schedule annexed heretoto be members of the M achakos African District Council with' eiect from this 6th pune, 1953.

Nyeri, . ' '. 6th Jtm e., 1953.

GovBRxMsx'r NoilcE No. 95l'


A/POINTMBNTIN MXERCISE of the powel's conferred by section 3 of the

lmmigration (Control) Ordinance, the Governor has been pleasedto Itppoins with effed from the 15th day of M ay, 1953-


M Rs. M ARJORIB ENID M ACKAY 'as an lmm igration Oë cer.

Br Command of $llo Governor.

LS.A. fra-. 691101114


DESM ON D O'H AGAN ,Trovincial Com m îssioner,

C'e/zfrc/ Province.SC.HBDIJLI


E. N . G RIFFITH-TON ES,M ember Jtpz' Law c?f# Order.P

resident-District Com missioner, M achakos.

Nottlinàtqd M embers-'

chief Uku M ukim lt.Chief Simeén Kioko.Chief Patrisse M ullzm ba.Chief Jonathan Nz'joka,M r! J. oel M bithi.M r Mutuy Kalovoto.M r, 0 nesimus 'M usioki.M r. Stephen Nzgki.

Eleaed M embers- 'M r. W illiam K im ilu.M r. Philip N zioka.M r. N dalana N gug.M r. Paul M uinde.M r. Francis M asabe.M r. Joseph M utiso.M r. Isaac M akau.M r. Jonathan N tbeke' tba.

Mr. Samson Kalubu.'M '. M èses M bithi.M r. Edwàrd M uthama.M r. M utune Ndolo. ,M r Peter M w' au .

, M r. Stéphen Kilonào.'

M r: Johh Kisongoa'.M r. Elijah Kilonzc.M r. Stephen Kithuka.M r. Daniel N z-ag.


'GovsRsME>a N oxqcs No. 950


XOTICE is hereby given ' under . section 18 (2) of the M ininglördiaance, 1940, that an application by M r. M axwell''M cGuinp'ess of Barclays Bank (D.C. & 0.), N airobi, h&s beenacèeptetl for consideration with esect from 1st M ay, 1953, foran. Exslusive Prospecdng Licence over ttft area of approxim ately90 square miles situated ip the Coast Provgnce and as 'more'

fully desqribed in the, Sohedgle hereto.Objections to the Exclusive Prospecting Licence applied for

will be entertained until close of business on the 1$th dayoi Julys 1953, and should lx Jodged wîth the Commissioner(M ines and Geology), P.O. 3ox 339, Nairobi.

. NAirobi,' 10th June, 1953.

Govsn Msx'r No'nc: No. 952(S.A. Imm. 69110111)



IN EXBRCISE of the powers clinferred by section 3 of th:lmmïgratlon (Control) 'Ordinance, the Gôverhor has been pleasedto appoint with etfect from tlze 26th day of M ay, 1953-

' M R, STSBI'Ir,N Josepu M VJRI'HVa's an lmmigration Oëcer.By Comm and of the G overnor.

N airobi, E . N . G RIFFITH -JONES,8th June, 1953. M ember jor rcw and Order.

GovEm4Mv.Nr No'rîcE No. 953(s.x. zrazr,. 6p/ip/zp


REvocw'rltm oF ABPOINTMBNTIN EIXERCI SE of the powers conferred by section 3 of the

Immigration (Control) Ordinance and all otlter powers there-unto enabling him , the Governor .has been plyased ttl cancel,with effect from thk, 23rd day of M ay, 1953, 1he appointmentof M r. Donald Prosser Higdon As an Immigration Oflker, whichappoinfment was elected by Governm ent N otic'e No. 840 of1st August, 1952.

N airobi, E . N . GRIFFITH-JONES,8th June, 1953. M embcr y(?r Law and Order.

GovsRxkBxT NoTlc: No. 954



A CoMMlsslosTo alI to wbom these presents shall com e, greeting :BE IT known that on the 20th day of M ay, 1953-

JAMES ARCHIBALD M ACDOUGALLan Advocate of Her M ajesty's Stlpreme Cogrt of Kenya, wasappointed to be a Commissioner for Oaths under the above-mtm tioned Chapter for so long as he contirm es to practise assuch Advocate and this Commission is rtot tevoked. 'Given under my hand and the Seal of the Court this 26th

day of M ay, 1953, at Na' irobi.




E. H . COW LEY-LAM B,for Commissioner (M ines tt Geologyt.ScuEplte

'An area of approximately 90 stluare miles commencing at aïpoint quarter of a m ile north of intersection of the northernboundzry. of the M alîntli Township with the centre line of theM alindi-Garsen Road ;


thence in a generally northerly direotion . following the centreline of 'tlle Malfndi-Garsen Road for approximately 35 milesf1o a poirlt where the telegraph line to Kipini branches away. from the M alindi-Garsen Road ; '

thence following the telegraph line in f4 generally north-q>sjçrly dxjrecttiop to its point of intersectjon with the highsprin: tide mark of the north bank of the Tana River approxi-mately 35 miles ;jk 't encç following the north bank af the Tanà River highin ' tièe mafk and the' high spring tide mark 6f the foresllorespr g

to 'R:s Slmka point a distance of approximately six miles ;thehe,e due east to a point two miles from the fow spring tideark of the feresltore ;Yethence in a generally sotîth-westerly direction for a distttnce

of ap/rqximately 90 miles follcwing a give and take line twomiles seàkrards from the 1ow spring tide mark to a point J 1-miles sopth of the centre of the mouth of the Galana River ;thepce due west for approximately two

. miles to the low springtide m ark ) ' ' '


. thertce southwards following the low spring tide mark for''

ro 'imafelf two miles to a point 1 mile nprtlz of tlze ittter-app ;:sèvtion . of the' M alindi Towrisbip boundary with fhe

, foreshore ;. thence ip a westerly direction for approximately .

.1. mileVllowing 'tlw township boundary to the, point of com m encement.

H. H. HEARNE,Chiej Justtce,

F.M . Supreme Courf oj Kenyg.

G ONBRNMB>T N ovncB N o. 955


NMROBI URBAN DisTR1cT COUNCII-- NOMINATIONIN EXERCISE Of the pbwers conferred upon him by section

6 (2) (h) of tbe lvocal Government (Count# Councils) Ordinance,1952, tho M gmber has been pleased to appoint-v

M R. TARACHAND KISHARCHANDto be a mentber of tlw Nairobi. Urban District Council for ttkeperiod com mendng 1st l'tlne, 1953

, znd expiring ()n the day ofthe annual mecting in 1956 of the Nairobi County Council


N airobi,6th June, 1953.

C. E. M OR IM ER,M ember J(?r HeaIth, Lands and Jmcfll

Goveram ent.



(Leg. Co. 40)



' THE Rebster of voters for the undermentioned ElectoralAreas liaving been duly revised in accordance with rule 4 of the.second Schedule to the Legislative Councîl Ordinances theexpungem ents therefrom , the additions thercto and the correc-tions thereof are hereby published pursuant to rule 5 (c) of tbesaid Schedule.

Nairobi,3rd June, 1953.

H . S. POW ER,Chiej Secretary.



P 24 Paterson Jones, Edward Alexander, Civil Servant. P.O .Box 5021, N airobit

P 25 Paterson Jones, Grace Vera, Housewife, P.O . Box 5021,N airobi.

G 15 Gee, Norah Elizabeth, Clerk/Housewife, P.'O. Box1221, N airobi. -

N 16 Nielsen-W ood, Blis Petra, M arried W oman; P.O. Boxl0, Nairobi. '

S 14 Saram de, M organ Reginald, Enginerr, Box 2067,N airobi.

A dditions

B l72 Bagehot, Christopher, Company Dimctor, P.O. B0x668, N airobi. '

B 173 Bagehot, Joan M arjorie, Housewife, P.O. Box 668,N airobi.

174 Cozens, ' George Brown, Com pany's Representative,P.O . Box 310, N airpbi.' '

D 76 D alley, Ethel, H ousewife, P.O . Box 1430, N airobi.IV 117 Haller, Edith, Pharmacist, P.O. Box 618, Nairobi.H 118 Harris. Alexandra Beatrice, Postal Clerk, P.O. Box 72l ,

N airobi.J 4j Johnson, Norah M onica, Business W oman, P.O. Box

310, Nairobi.85 Palm er, Anne Ellen, Private Secretary.. P.O . Box 96 ,

N airobi.R 78 Russell W illiam John, Solicitor's Assistant, c/o?

H amllton, H arrison & M athews, N airobikR 79 Russell, Emma Cunninlham, c/o Hamilton, Harrîson

and M athews, N airobl.S 178 Sym e, M ylrea, Receptionist, P.O. Box 951, N airobi.V .14 Vernon, Reginald Gilbert, Company Director, P.O.

Box 1504, N airobi.W 117 W ebber, John Phillips, Crown Counsel, P.O .. Box 112,

N airobi.W 118 W ebber, Deirdre, M arried W om an, P.O . Box 112,

N airobi. .W 1 19 W ainbergas, Joselîs, Hairdresser, P.O. Box 3507,

Nairobi.W 12t) Wainbergas, Ray Leah, Housewife, P.O. Box 3507,

N airobi.


N 26 For Norrie, Harold James, Civil Servant, P.O. Box305, N airobi.

read Norie, Harold Jam es, 'Civil Servant, PrO . Box 305,

N airobi. .B 159 For Burdon, Heinrich Baldwin, Architect, P.O. Box

890, N airobi. 'read Burdon, H einrich Baldwin, Designer, P.O. Box890, N airobi.

B 160 For Burdon, M arie Erica Johanna, Architect. P.O . Box890. N airobi.

read Burdon, M arie Erica Johanna, D esigner, P.O. Pox890, Nairobi.

R 68 For Rozsaa lmre, Architect, P.O . Box 2309, N airobi:read Rozsa, lm re, D ipl. Engineer-Designer, P.O . Box2309. N airobi .

AdditionsA 124 Arnl ld, Norman, Box 1944, Nairobi.A l25 Arnt 1d, Eileen? Tieasury, Box 1944, Nairobi.B 260 Bridl ,es, Sybil M artha, N ursing Sister, Box 575, N airobi.B 261 Ba11) , Peter ltfilé Oscar, Botanist, Box 1558. N airobi.B 262 Boyl ), M ignonne Russella Clerkess, Box 3237.. N airpbi.B 263 Bayr e, Janzes Smith, Banking, ' Box 281, 'N airobi. ' ' '

b M S Box 1 ''641B 264 Byrr z, Jolm, Civil Servant, c/o . . .? ,. N tirobi. '

B 265 Byrr e, Evelyn M argaret, Housewife, c/o D .M .S., Box6: 1 N aïrobi. '

C 218 Cha moS M artha, W idow, Box 670. , ' N airobi.t jjst sog 38(),C 219 C1a) , Vlolet M uriel Leslie, Jounm ,

D 133 Du1 can, M uriel M argaret, W ifea Box. 870, Nairobi.F 88 Far .ey, Svephen Ellis, Company Director, Box 3382,

. h airobi. . .IR 89 Fra azel, Bernard,' Catering lnspector, Box 306, Nairobi.F 90 Fra nzel, Dorothy Mary, Stenographer/l-lotzséwifey' Box

306, Nairobi.91 Fel rar, G ordon Ernest, Civil Seryant, Box 5021 .

l 'airobi.F 92 Fa ley, Ruth, Box 3382, N airobi.H 240 Ha loran, Eileen Frances, Housewife, Box 4287,

't fairobi. .I 22 lrv ng, Jaae, Journaliqt, Box 380, Nalrobi.L 140 La1 uger, Edward, A çcountant, Box 570, Nairobi.L 141 La) Lger, Florence, H ousewife, Box 570, N airobi.M 298 M f nks, Ellis Thomas, Pharmacist, :ox 1895, Nairobi.M 299 .M t hnks, M argaret Elsted, Business W oman, Box 1895,

'. fairobi.

M 300 M1 erloo, Dora, Company' Director, Box 1665, Vairobi.M 301 M ' d ett, Leslio Archibald, Schoolmaster, Box 1217,

qairobi. 'N 59 N. col, Pllyllis Catherine, Box 2058, N airobi.O 46 Oï v'er, Amy F. yfe, Housewife, Box 31, Nairobi.O 47 0 ) ver, Leslie Rapson, Director, Box 31, N airobi.P 162 - P1 .lfrey, W illiam , Civil Servant, Box 339, Naîrobi.P 163 B llfrey, Edna, Bo5 339, Nairobi.R 129 R lyers, Fred Gerald. M erclmnt, Box 588. Naiiùbi.R 130 R ryers, M arie Valeria. Housewife, Box 588, Nairobî.

CorrectionsA 6 F nr Adam s, Ernest Alfred, Retired, P.O. Box 1038,

N airobi.rf c# Adams, Alfred Ernest, Rttired, P.O. Box 1038,N aîrobï. ' .


B 95 f nr Biddler, M ary Estelle, E, ducation Oëcer, P.O. Box805, N airobi.

r 'ad Biddle, M ary Estelle, Education Oëcer, P.O. Box805, 'Nairobi.

B 181 I or Bristow, Norina K atherina, H ousewife, Bpx. 12459N airobi. .

? rJ# Bldstow, Norma Katherine, Housewife, Box 1245,N aim bi. '

205 j 'or Ctmningham, Thomas Edward, Architect,' àok2736:, N airobi. . ' , '

i ead C'anningham , Thomas Edward, Building Sept., Bqx'2736, N airobi.

F 38 . é'or Filton, Enid Nellie, Housewife, Box 4041,' Nairobi.'ead Fitton, Ehid Kellie, Housewife, Box 4041, Nairobi.

F 39 Vor Filton, Oswald Anthony. Civil Sew ant, Box 4041,N aitobi. '

êead Fitton, Oswald Anthony, Civil Setwant, Box 4041,N ail'obi.

H 52 For Hardy, Gertie, Box 101, Nalrobi.read f Iaritz, Gertie, Box 103, N airobi.

L 136 For Lyonss Florence Lean, Housçwife, Box 1062.Nairobi. ' '

read Lyons, Florence Leahx Housewife; Box 1061,'blalrobi. .

137 For I-yons: Julius Samuel, Asst. . Sales M anaget', Bog1062 N airobi. ' '

read Lyons? Juliuj Samuel, Asst. Saleg M âtlager Box. ?1061

, N alêobi. '

M 109

' 16th Juhe, ' 1953 THE o/FIcIAL GAZE'I'I'E


A 27 Alexander, Hilda G ertrude, Typist, Box 2246, N airtnbi.A 116 Austin, Edward Phillip, Com m erce, Bpx 96, N airobi.G 20 Gee, John Cedric, Oi1 Business, Box 1221, N airobi.G 45 Glennie, Irene, Clerfcal, Box 2823, Nairobi.L 7 Lamb, Grace Pheda, Salesladyz. Box 903, Nairobi.L 26 Lawes, Ernest Frankz Civil Servant, Box 5133, N airobi.L 27 Lawes, Odetta, lnsurance Clerk, Box 5133, N airobi.R 13 Rapson, Olver A my Fyfe, Housewife, Box 31, N airob'i.R 14 Rapson, Olver Leslie, Director Box 31, Nairobi.S 132 Spencer, W illiam Arthur, Clvil Servant, Box 591,

N airobi. .T 4 Tate, Kate llma. Housewife, Box 619, Nairobi.

. 2For M ayor, Ernest Georgey. Architect, Box 651, Nairpbiz .read M ayor, Ernest George, Box 651, N airobi.

. . , (P F

or Parkin, Leonard W illiam Albert, Quantity Sui-vem r, Box 3967, N airobi. . .


read Parkin, Leonard W illiam Albert, Ofli. ce Executiye, 'Box 3987,. Nairobi. . '

P Por Peterson, Ri:hard Edward Jolm, Quantity Sur-verfor, Box 65l , N airobi. '

read Peterson, Richard Edward John, tox' 651, Nairobl.

Y 4 For Yonge, Eileen Mary, Edugation Oëcer Box 490,. >lhl:àirtl ili. . .


read Yonge, Eileen M ary, Education Oëier, Box 8U!,Nairobi.

.5 8'4 TI1E O FFICG L GM BTTE 16th June, 1*95)'

ELECTORAL ARIIAJ.'N ö;. 3>-N AIROBI W EST. vzjda/juyys

A .53. Auste'nx-Edpard Phillip' , Comlizercea Box' 96, Nairobi.13 1.5.8 , Barbcr, syuart Pasteu' f, .La' nd Agens,'' Box 228, Nairobi.13 16'9 Broad, stephen, East African 'Airways Corp., Box 3349,

' ' . x airobi '

1l 160.


Broatf, M arjbrie W inifred, 'Housçwife, Box 3349,Nairobl.

(ii 63 Ge: Nora Elizabeth, tlousewife, Box 1221s Nxirobi.ftt 64 Gee John cedric, Oi1 Businessp Box 1221, Nairobi.

. '5

G 65 Griëth, Catherjne Nina . Grmwilk, M arried W omans.

. . Box 2288 N airtàbi. '- / , :. . ;L . .. 2.G 66 Gibson

, Elàabèth W orsley, Company Secretary, Box7 . .. . 2757, Nairebi. . '

H 7 110 ' Vainflioh Marjol'ie Saràh, Housewifé 'c/o Hamilton,. ' h. . ' .>' , :

' . Rarrison & M athews, Nàirbbi House, Nairobi.

H., t31., Harrison, Edward . Cayley? Advocate, Box 4926, Njong.'H' '''1:31.* H?igison, Ruth M ina, W ife, Box 4926, Ngong.V' 111' ' flânàilton, J'ames Frederiqk Hume, Advocate, c/o

H amilton, H arrison & M athewsa Nairobi House,Nairöbi.

56 Lean, Eiizabeth Ruby, M arried W om an, Box 4262,. W estlands. .

'M ' i 12 M athews, Rofert Henry, Advöcate, Nairobi House,N airobi. .

M) 113 t M amews, Jennie M ar' glierita, N airbbi H ouse, N aiçobi.M 114 M agbr, ' Julii M argaret Tooth, Housewife, Box 2281:

. N airobi. . -P. .' 76 f'âtterson Jones Edwa.rd Alexander, Civil Servant, Box;: .. ... .

.., .. . q:' 502 1 , Nairobl.

P P-aterson, Jones, Grace Vera, cl-lousewffe, Box 5021,; m . . .- . N aifobi. , . . .J'

.J . . 'P 78 Patléy, Leslie Henfy, Box 115, N#' irpbi.'

R 64 Rhodes, M qkolm Crosby, Enginçery' Boy 662, Nairobi.R 65 Rhodes, ' 'W ra'' Brances, Business Bklx 662, Naîfobi.

. . . :S 129 S>pil'o: Dr- M irçus L>zarus, Btochemist, Dept. of Vet..'

. Servtces, P.O. K qbete. . . .S 1'30 Sapirci,' M elba M ary, H ousewife, P.O . K abete.W 1.5: . W eller, Beatrièe M ay, Farm er, Box 2, K ikgyu.

. .. covvecty ytsS 91 For Stule, Charles, Farmer, Box 4901, Nairobi.

read Steele. Charles; Farrner, .Box 4901, Nairobi.


j:) . : . . , L'ykputtgetttevisA 25 Arnold, N orman, G lcndun Farm s Sotik.A ' '' 76. .Arno'ld', Filen, Glendun Farm,: Sotik. '

. . A dditionslngles, Robert Antony, M edical Practitionktr, P.O . Box

.. , 11, K çricho. .. .. . ,

. '

M '87 - M cconnell, Chaflotte, M arried W oman, P.O. Bok 38,Kericho. . . ,

'M '. '8é ' Mcconnell, ' Kenqeth ' M axwell, Tea Plantcr, P.O . B()x38, K ericho.

S.! . . 81' ':. 'Starttbn, , 'AthoI'- Aspland, P.O, Box' 1 14, Kericho .

S 81 Stanton, Alison Mary, P.O. Box 114, Xericho.T-s.'' 40 . TuTfppk John tiversage, Toroton Fttrm, P.O . Songher.

. .E.u cToRAL ARBA N o. lo-e-l-aàxs N zolx: ' r... q '!' d; (( ' . ' . ' . .. .( .. ' li !' 0 . I. .q -. . .) . :-r' ) ? : ' ; ,?. .E J4.Pl;l?'l#e/NE'l2t' ' .

. ' . 1 ., , z- . . . . . '

# .. 34 W ilsop, C. F.. C,, PyO. Box 29, Kitale.


Expungement:P 7 Patley, Leslie Henry, Box 115r N airobi.W 32 Weller, Beatrii'e' May, Façmer, Box 2, Kikuyu.

nAdditionsB Bird, Charles Edward Francis, Farm:r, Sukari Estate,, . Ruiru. .

B 117 Biid) Felicity Rosemary Lesliez Housewife. SukgriEstate, Ruiru. '

C. 64,. Croùch, Heleri V ary,' Housewifer .P.O. Limuru.

C 65 Calle, Vïolet Mariart, W idow Brackenhursts Lfmurg.7. .

G . .60 . Glassftyd; ' George James,. Planter, Box 12, Ruinl.Cf 61' Glassford, Kathleen M aviss M arried W ùinans Box 12,Ruiru. .

, . . j .. jj . , .H 'è ayes, Margavet Ulive Joyce, Hoùsowkfea EoK 26,

Rbiru. . :1-1 60 Hodson, Hilary Dorothea Douglas, Housewife

a Box' ' Llmuru. . .. ,

J hnstone, Lt.-CoI. Arihibald M eredith, BusinessoExccutive and ttetirdd Ipdian Army, c /0 BarclaysBank, York Street, Nairobi.

L J 36 Lusso, Beatçicv, Box . 912, 'KàirobitL ' 37 Lowis, Pytricia Haniilton, ' M arried W oman

, Box 482,. , N airobi , . . ; .

.. : ' rL 38 Ltkmsden, W illiam Forbes, Retirçd Colonel, R.A., cIo' . ' ' Bok' t8 l ' Naijobi . ' '

L 39 Lum sden, Vera, c/o Box 181s Ngirobi.M 42, M ajher; lrcne fcYjtknoe, Estatz Ajsistan' ti ' Kimunyu .

Estate, P.O . Ruiru. . -

N 13 Norton, P riscilla Anne M ary, M arried W omans Box3233, N aîrobi.

14 Norton, Roger Edward, Ccdee Farmtr, ColonialDevelopment Corp., Box 3233, Nairobi.

16 Nielsen W oods Bliss Petra, M àrried W oman, Box l0,N airobi.

S 83 Stevens, John Aidan, Research Chemist, P.O. Kiambu.S 84 Scotchmer, James Gordon, Retired, Box 485, Nairobi.T 39 Tïsdale-lortes, Lt.-Col. A rthurs lncorporated Valuer and

Survey and Land and Estate Agent, Box 80, N airobi.T 40 Tisdale-lones M aria Beatrix, Farmer/Housewife, Box:

80, N airobl.W 90 W cstlake, Gttorgg Edward, Alxeuntant, Box 3229,

N airobf. 'W 91 W estfake, Nora Anne, School Prindpal, Box 3229.




l l56 Amboobhai Jeram ' Kumbhar s/o Jerambhai, Carpen-ter, Box 2648, Naîrobi.

Ambalal Patel s/o Trikambhai Govindbhai, Ditector,Box 421, N airobi.

B 126() . Bhaichalzd Shah s/o Bhagwanji M onji, Business? 3ox1016, N airobi.

B 1261 Dhirajgavarî d/o Bhikalal Kalidas, Box 1016s Nairobi.B 1 262 Batana Ram s!o Sher Singh, Trgnsporter, Box 1356,

N airobi.B . 1263 Banta Ram Kalsi s/o Kirpa Razn, W orks supervisol',

Box 466, N airobi.B 1 264 Rakhi d/0 Bhola Singh, Box 466, Nairobi.!) 1265 Badrisingh s1o Nathtzram, Tailor, Box 201, Nairobi.B 1266 Kîshni d/o Lalusitlglis Housewife, Box 201, Nairobi.(J 885 Chandulal Sheth s/o Kalidas, Clerk, ' Box 2205,

N airobi.866 Dayakunyer d/ o Pranjivan, Box 2205, Nairobi.867 Chandrakant Somabhai Patel s/o Somabhai Bavabhai

Patel, Salesm ah, xBox 3887, N airobi.D 1259 Dhirajlal Shah s/o Jamnadass, 'Service, Box 687,

N airobi.D 1280 Kashiben d/o' Bhagwan, Box 687 Nairobi.t'D 1261 Dahyabhai Bhatïa s/o Jinabhal, Clerk, B0x

Lim uru.D 1262 Dahyabhaï Keshav Keshav Parbtm, Stteemaker-

Box 19, Em bg.D 1243 Dasondha Singh s/o Bhola Singh, Carpenter

, P.W .D.,Embg. . '

D 126* Dgyalal Sunderji s/o Sunderji Samji, Carpenter, Box21, Kikuyu.

D 1265 'Dhanji' Hansràj Gajjar s) o Hansraà, Carpenter, Box21, Kikuyu.

D 1266 Dhanji Bhimji s/o Bhimji, M agon, Box 1319, Nairobi.D 1267 Dahiben Bhimji ' Varattia d/o Bhimji, Box 1897,

N airobi.D' ' 1268 Dev Raj Cllhibber s /0 Ram Labhaya Chllibber

, Com-pany D irector, Box 2420, N airobi.


D 1269 Krsshna Dev Raj w/o Dev Raj Chhibber, CompanyD irector, Box 2420, N airobi.

Diwan Chgnd Gajree s/o Ram bitta Mtgl, SeniorCompounder, Box 425, Nairobi.

D 127) M egh Banti Gajree n1 o Bansi Lal .Gopal, M arriedW oman, Box 425, N airobi. '

56 Fakirbhai Patel slo Ambalal, Civil Servant, lnlandRevenuc, N airobi.

F 57 Kamlalaxmï, ' all'as Kashijagri dlo M aganbhai Pur-shottam Patel, Housewlfe, c /o F . A. Patel, tnlandRevenue, N airobf .

994 Gàlalbai Jethabhai Patni d/ o Premji, W idow, Box2648, N airobi.

G 995 Girdharlal Govindji Somaiya s/ o Gqwindji RaghavjiSomaiya, M erchant, Box 1989, Nairobf.

G 996 Gaurishanker s/ o Rajaram Pandit, Law Cjerk, Box

3653, Nairobi.997 Prankunver d/o zivanlal Pandya, Housewife. Box

3653, Nairobi. 'H 980 Hassanali Lakhani s/o Hassham M erchant, City Park.:H 981 H

argovind Shah s / o Bhagwanjl Monji, Serdce, Box1016, Nairobj.

H 982 Harnam Singh s/o Rela Singh, X arpenter, P.W .D.,Em bu.

H 983 Hemlata Dgnabhai Patni d/o Daqabhai Valji Patni,M arrîed W oman, Box 6364, Ntdrobi.

984 Hari Krishan Datta s/o' Ch, Prithvi Raj Dattas Radio, Engineer? Box 2420, Narirobi.

1-1 985 Ved Datta w/o Hgri Krishan Datta, Housewifes Box242

0, N airobf .986 Hazara Slngh s/o Surain Singh

, D raughtsm an,' Box79, N airobi. .

H 987 Dalip Kaur d/o Mangal Singhr Housewife, Box 79',N

airobi. .tf 98S Hukam Clland Seda s/ o Gokal Chand

a Electrician,Box 53q0, Nairobb.

H 989 Smt. Kamla Devi d/o ' Karta Ram , H ousewife, Box5300, N airobi. ''


160 .lnder Singh W ahi . s/o Boota Singli, Contractor, Bog491

, N airobi.


$A ,J

16th Junè'. 1953 THE OFFIG W GA ZETTE 585

1 161 Induprasad Trivedi s/o Praniivan, Clerk, Box 1803 ,. N airobi.

I 162 Anila Trivedi d/o Shantilal, Box 1803, Nairobi.J 1175 Jagat Ram Gill s/o Ramjas, W orks Supervisor, D .C.'s

Om ce, Em bu.J 1177 Jagjivan s/o Parbhu, Tailor, Box 22, Embu.J . 1178 Jivan' Parsotam s/o Parsotam Jina, Tailor, Box 22,

Embu.J 1179 Javalben Vanmali Shah w/o Bhagwanji M onji, Box ''

1016 N airobi. ' 'J 1180 Jamit Singh s/o Rela Singh, M ason, P.W .D., Embu.J 1181 Jamnadas Shah s/o Davabhai, M erchant, Box 687,

Nairobi.J 1 182 Jagjivan ' Nandha Nathu, Tailer, Box 1515,

N airobi.J 1183 Puriben Nandha d/o Vasran, Housewife, Box 1515)

N airobi.J 1184 Jaswant Singh Reel s/o Harjinder Singh, Clerk, Box

2102, Nairobi. .K 1559 Kibalal Shah s/o Girdhar, M erchant, llox 687,

N airobi. . .K 1561 Kantilal Shah s/o Dulabhdas, M erchant, Box 687,

N airobi.K 1562 Vijyaben d / o Jayantilal, Box 687, Nairobi.K 1563 Khïmjibhai Singhodia s/o Kanjibhai, Mechanic, Box

6365, N airôbi.K 1564 Kunvar d)o M eraman, Housewife, Box 6365, Nairobi.K 1565 Kartar Singh s/o Uttam Singh, Carpenter, Box 1062,

N airobi.K 1566 K artar Singh Am ar Singh, Service, Box 415,

N tdrobi. ' 'K 1567 'Gurdas Kaur d/o Sapuratl Singh, Box 415, Nairobi.K 1568 Kalyanji Hirji 'Patni s/o Hirji Jutha, Goldsmith, Box

' 2648 N airobi. ,. 'K 1569 M uktabai Kalyanji Patni d/o Gokaldas Jhhakershi,

Housewife, Box 2648,, N airobi.K 1570 Kashibhai . Pate' l s/o Chaturbhai, Service, Box 4000,

N airobi.K 1571 Karsan Mulji Chavda s/o Mulji Vira, Carpenter, Box

' 6175, N airobi.K 1572 Kalyan Premji Patel s/o Premji Devraj, M ason, Box

1319, N airobi.K 1573 Khetshi Kachra Shah s/o K achraa Business, Box 1897,

N airobi.K 1574 Khushi Ram Shinh s/ o Davi Chand, Fitter, Box 422,

Naiçobi. : 'K 1575 Lajwanti d /o L. Ganga Bishan, Housewffe, Box 422,

N airobi.644 Lalji M akanji Karania s/o M akanji, M drchant, Box

' - 643 N airobi..'

645 Paniben K arania d/o Lakhamshi, Housewife, Box 643,N airobi.

646 Lalji Lixman Patel s/o Laxman M urji, Contrac' tor,Box 11, Thika. '

M 1883 Mathura Devï Mohfndra d/o Ramlals M arrfedW om an, Bex 32, N girobi.

.yj 'M 1884 Mohan Sing Reel s/o Harlinder Singh Reql, Clerk,Box 351, N akuru.

M 1885 Harbans K aur d/o Kapoor Singh Saggoo, Box 351.N akuru. . .

M 1886 Mathuradass Lakhan Pall s/o Fakirchand, Mason, BOJL3267, N airobi.

M l 887 Amardevi d/o Prabh Dyall, Housewffe, Box 3267,N airobi.

M 1888 M aganlal Shah s/ o Harichand, Clerk, llox 5362.N airobi.

M 1890 M anibhai Patel s/ o Fulabhai K alidas, Advocate, Box3217, N airobi.

M 1891 Kamalaben Patel d/o M otibhai DahyAbhai Patel,H ousewife, Box 2217, N afrobi. .' '

M 1892 Meghji Lakhamihi Shah s/o Lakhamshi, Merchant,Box 643, Nairobi.

M 1893 Mathradas Pragji Sejpal s/o Pragji Valbhji, Salesman,. . Box 105,. N airobi.

M 1894 M apiben Naran .patni w/o Naran Jetha, Housewife,BoK 2648, N airobi.

M 1895 M angibai Ramji Pan Khaniya d/o Ramji, Housewife,Box 2384, Nairobi. .

N 951 Nirmala Devi Sood d/o Hari Ram Mohindra, Nursz,Box 858, N airobi. .

952 Naranbhai Jetha fattani s/o Jethabhai Kara, Golds-smith, Box 2648, N airobi.

N 953 Nanalal Ka' ntaria s/o Chhaganlal, Shopkeeper,

M aragua.955 Narbheram Ambavi Shah s' '/o Ambavi, Business, Box

5362, Nairobi.956 Nagji Velji Va/ia s/o Valji A. nand, Carpenter, Bo

.y1199, N airobi.

N 957 N arshibhai Gopalji Patel s/o G. opalji K . Patel, Clel'k.Box 1933, N airobi. .

N 958 Jamnaben Narghibhai Patel d/o Makanbbai, House-wife, Box 1933, N afrobi.

P 1254 Parbat Bhoja Patel s/o Bhoja Ratna, M ason, Box.. '

ks l N 'jypu. , ?. .


P 1255 Traz tjivan Shah s/o Bhagwanji Monji, Servke, Boxlt 16) N airobi. . ' .


P 1256 Pur' hottam Shah s/o Bhagwanji M onji, Service, Box14 .16, N kirobi. .

Rp.1' lagavari Shah d/o Amrilal Kalidas, Box 1016,b airobi. . .

P 1258 Par vati d/o S. Bhagwan Sin'gh, B,(?: 919, N airobi.P 1259 Par ihotambhai Shamlq zattan) s/o Shamlabhai

14 alyan, Goldsmith, Bok 2648, vN aiyobi...R 1454 Ra1 Aji Hirii Patel s/o Hirji àamlii, 'Vasony. Box 812,

'1h airobi. ' .R 1455 VaJ bai Devji Patel d /0 Devji M avji,. Vousewife, Box

8 l2, N airobi. .R 1456 Vir llaben Patel d/o Jethabhai M ullkibhai Patel, 3rd

1: arklands Avenue, N airobi.R 1457 Ra tan Singh s/o M alla Singh, Carpenter, Box,. 785.

1 Iairobi . 'R 1458 Ra anbai Kotecha w/o Vithaldas, Housewife, Limuru..R 1459 Ra li Devi d/o Mathra Dass, Housewife, Ainsworth

J Load N airobi. ./


R 1460 Ra hkumm' Sood s/o L. Jai Chand . Sood, Clerk,kinsworth Road, N airobi. . ' . .

R 1461 Sh tkuntala Devi d/o Pyare La1 Bouri,. Housèwife,. tfnsworth Road, N afrobf. .


R 1462 Rc mji Popat Valji Gajjar s/o Popat Valji, Carpenterr3ox 21 , K ikuyu. .

R 1463 RC mji Ilevji Patel s/o Devji, M ason, Box 1371,' Qairobi. '

R 1464 Rl mbhaben Hansraj Shah w/o Khet'sh.i K achra Shah,FD usewife, Box 1897, N aircbi.

R 1465 Rl .mji Dass Seda s/o Tulsi Ram , Storekeeper, Box5300, N airobi. '

R 1466 Ll j W alzti d/o Thakar Dass, Houdewife, Box !300,Xzilrlli . ' '

It 1467 R tmlal Devraj Korp>l s/o Pt. Dev' 'Raj Korpalreaclzer, Box 5046, N airobi. .

R 1468 R lm Labhaya Chhibber s/ o Lakhmi Das, RetiredCivil tqervant, Box 2420, N airobi'. '

R ' 1469 R àm 'Labhaya Ram Khetri d/o Yakhshi M oolrajD atta.. M Arried W oman, Box 2420, N airobi.

S 1450 S ttinder Prashad Talwar s/o Nanak Chand Talwar,Clerk', Box 21, Nairobi. .

S 1451 lk aj Talwar d/o Jati Ram Varma, Box 21, Nairobi.S 1452 S zrajbell d/o M asanbhai Vallabhai Patel, Shiakago,

P.O . Em bu. . . . .

S 1153 S àtwant Singh Sehmi . s/o Bishep . Singh, Railway. G uard, Box 2087, N airobi. .

S 145. 4 I lderjit Kaur Sehmi d/o Karam ' Singh, MarriedW om an, Box 2087, N airobi. '

S 1456 E equeira Carlit: s/o Rafael Sequelra, Civil Servant,Box 921, N airobi. ' '

S * 1457 é equeira M atilde Fernandes, d/o Ama' ndo Fefnandes,5 ,

D om estic, Box 921, Nairobi.S 1458, ! funder Singh s/o Dasonda Singh, Contractof ,' Xox

662 N airobi. . ' ' 'S 1459 1 lanta lsingh Singhota' s/o Ishe'rsingh, Ulerk, Box 211 ,

N airobi. ' . 'S 1460 '. Ahan 'Kaur Singhota d/o S.. Narain Singh, Box. 2. 1 l ,

N i bi ' ' 'a rt7 .S 1461 iundershan 'Kumar Gakee s/o Diwan Chand Gajree,

Teacher, Box 5549, N airobi.1462 iudhangsu Kumar Chatterjeo s/o Ngnda Lal

Chatterjee, Service, Box 19s Naitobi. 'S 1463 sudha Rani Chatterjee d/o Sri Nllmoni Banerjee, Box

79, Nairobi. . ' '

S 1464 suraj Parkash Vaid s/o B. Mehar Singh Vaid,.


Advocate, Box 3439 N aïrobi. '1465 savitri Deyi Vaid w'/o Suraj Parkaslz Vaidy M arried

W oraan, Box 3439, Nairobi. 'T 387 rirath Ram Shinh s/o .L, W adhawa Ram, Clerk, Box

3488, N airobi.388 Saraswati Devi d/o L. 'Arjan Dass, Hous' ewife, Bok''

3488 N airobi. '' ' . ' 7 ''.146 Umedbhai Fulabhai Patel s/o Fùla' bàai' BabarbhAi

Pâtel, Trader, Shiakago, P.O. Emb. #. 'U 147 Urpedchand Harakchand Shah- s'/p . Hjrakchands

H aèrièhand Shah, Clerk, Box 6413, Nairobl.148 Sushily Umedchand Shah d/o Tribhukandas M ...

M e'hta HouseWife, Box 6413, N airobi. . . ... . > !

705 Vrajkzur Bechar Sheth d/o : Becharbhai 'Dungarshi;Holzsewife, Canal Road, Nairobi. - ' ' . ).

V 706 Vijaylal Maganlal Khàkhar s/o' M aganlal. DevrajKhakhar Clerk Box 6'62 Naifobi. ,' y


; .& . .

V 707 Velji Xva s/o Jiva, W atchmaker, 'Box .22, ' Embu.V 708 Valibsn Khimji Fatania d/o Khimji 'Narshi', House-

wife, Box 6175, N airobi. 'V 709 Vallabh Dharamshl Chavda sl o Dharamshi Kurson,

M ason, Box 2384, N airobi: . . . .

710 Vir Singh Nathasingh s Jo Nathasigil. Aramsipgh,överseer, Box 21, Kikuyu.

V 71 1 ' Virji Kanji Patel 's/o Ktznji Premlia V asori, Dox 1319,N airobi. '

Y 25 Yashbir Chand Soni s/o Lala' Amar Chand Soni,Civil Srrvant, Box 31'1, Nairobi.

26 Yatya 'Vati d/o Chaipn S'hgh, Houselif-é,


Box 311,N 'airobi. .

) ; '-- '--c ' --' -- -' '- ' ' -. -( rz

586 TH E OFFICIAI, GA ZETI'E 16th Jùney' 1953

Expungem ents

B 1 196 Bttdh Singh s/o Tilak Ram, Sawdoctor, Box 1308,Nairobi. '

K 1 183 Shakuntlal Devi K . Ram d/o Karamchand, Box 721,N airobi.

L 1 14 Lahori Ram Dhiman s/o Behari Lal, . Photographer,P O N anN ki. '

M 1427 M ohinder Singh Jaswal s/ o Ram Singh Jaswal, Asst.Station M aster, Box 5û23, N airobi.

M 1144 M ilkha Singh Chana s/o Udam Singh, Transporter,Box 3364, N airobi. . '

N 98 Nand Singh s/o Battan Singh, M ason, Desai Road,N airobi. .

N 918 Nirmal Singh s/o Uttam Singh, Business, Box 5623*,N airobi.

P 261 Partap Singh s/o Labh Singh, Building Contractor,Box 5792, N airobi. '

R 650 Ram Kishen Sharma s/o Lachhman Dass, Station' M aster, P.O . N anyuki.

R 512 Ramji Parbat s/o Parbat Premji, M>son, Box 900,Nairobi.

S 1255 Sukhdev Singh s/o Sunder Singh, Carpenter, Box1776, N airobi.

S 266 Sardar Singh s/o Jiwan Singh, Foreman, Box 5457,N airobi. '

S 61 Sadhu Singh Virdee s/o Sham Singh, Cbntractor, Box1899, N airobi. .

V 541 Virpar Khetshi ' s/o Khetshi M eghan, M erchaat, Box38, K aratina.


B 297 For Baluirani s/o S, Gandamal, Civil Servant, Box571, N airobi.

read Babu Ram Sofat s Jo G. Gandamal, CivilServitnt, Box 571, Nairobi.

B 298 For Tara M aty d/o S. Gurdit Singh Nair, Housewife,Box 571, N airobi.

read Taramaty Sofat d/ o S. Gurdit Singh Nair,H ousewife, Box 571, N airobi.

D 485 'For Desjabhai Visawadia s/o Premjibhai, Draughts-m an, Box 5866, N airobi.

read Deojibhai Visawadia s/o Premjibhai, Draughts-. man, Box 5866, Nairobi.

R 370 For Surajben d/o Feshangbhaî Muljibhai Patel,H ouseholder, Box 540, N airobi.

read Surajben R. Amin d/o Jeshangbhai MuljibhaiPatel, Box 540, N airobi.

R 736 For Ram Parka' sh s/o Rulia Ram M aini, Advocate,Box 142, N airobi. '

read Ram Parkash M aini s/o Rulia Ram M aini,Advocate, Box 142, N airobi.

R 739 For Savitri Devi d/o Gion Chand Vohra, Housewife,Box 142, N airobi.

read Savitri Devi M aini, née Vohras Advocate, Box142, N airobi. '


Expungem ents

A 180 Abdul Haque s/ô Nizam Dïn, Carpenter, c/oP.W .D ., Langata.

C 28 Chirag . Din s/o Noor Mohammed, Mechanic, East-leigh Section 1, N airobi.

Y 14 Yashbhir Chand Soni s/o Amor Chand . Soni,. M erchant, Box 311, N airobi.

Y 15 Satya Vati Soni d/o Chanan Shah, Box 311, Nairobi.

A dditions

K 377 Khan, Afzal Khgn Amirkhan, Clerk, Box 35, Kericho.M 1235 M agan M anji Prabtani s/o M anji M eghji, Merchant,

P.O . N ambare,M 1236 Dolat Khanu Muljibhai d/o M ulji Lawji, Housewife,

P.O . N am bare,M 1237 M ubarik A1i s/o Khadim Alis Guard, Box 94,

Nairobi.R 259 Rehmat Bibi d/o M ohd. Rude, Box 94, Nairobi.V 39 Valli lsag s po lsaq, Engineer, Box 111, Kisumu.V 40 Battabhat d/o lsaq, Housewife, Box 111, Kisumu.V 41 Vadsaria Ismail Bltimji s/o Bhimji Jiwa, Business,

Kem ilil, P.O . Broderick Falls.V 42 Vadsaria Hassqm Bhimji s/o Bhimji Jiwa, Business,

Kcmilil, P.O. Broderick Falls.W. 56 W alibai bhimji d/o Bhimîi Jiwa, P.O. Broderick Falls.


M 5:1 For Mohd. Abdul Chapur s/o . Aziz Bux, Draughts-man, Box 19, Nairobt.

reV M olka.med Abdul Ghaftu % / o Aziz Bux,D raughtsm an, Box 79, N airobi.

M 562 For Bashiran Bibi Chafur d/o Aziz Btix, Housewife,Box 79, Nairobi,

read Bashiran Bibi Ghafur d/o Ch. Umar Dinj. House-wlfe, Box 79, Ngirobi.

GBNSRAL N oTlcE N (). 1269


CAusE Lls'r

Tuesday, 16th June, 1953, at 10.30 a.m .

Bejore. Ni/lf/f, P., Jenkîns, Xcffn: F.P. andFor Hearing (/rtpz?z Kenya)

Cr. A. N o. 131 /53 Regina v.&. Thuku s /0 M uchiri.Cr. A. N0. 132 / 53 Regina vs. Mucllendu s /0 Mogo.Cr. A. No. 133 / 53 Rex v.&. W ambogo s/o M aina.Cr, A. No. 134/ 53 Rex vs. Ngongire s/o Njora.Cr. A. No. 135/ 53 Regina v:. Nderito s/o W ambogu.Cr. A. No. 109 / 53 Rtgina v,:. Nderitu s/o Gikaria.Cr. A. No. 110/ 53 Regina vJ. M bogo s/o Gitabi.Cr. A. No. 111/ 53 Regina vs. Gitahi s/o Kihama.Cr. A. No. 1 12/53 Regina vs. Kangethi s/o Kibara.Cr. A. No. 113/ 53 Rex vs. M acharia s/o M agondu.Cr. A. No. 114/53 Regina v.C. Ndirangu s/o Kariuki.Cr. A. No. 1 15/ 53 Regina vs. Buruku s/ o Kongu.Cr. A. No. 150/53 Regina vs. Njehia s/o Buru.Cr. A. No. 151 /53 Regina vs. Thuo s/o Kibathi.Cr. A. No. 181/53 Regina vs.. Gacheru s yo M bogo.Cr. A. No. 128 /53 Regina p,ç. Karaya s/o Njonji.Cr. A. No. 129/53 Regina vs. Gachui W aithaka.Cr. A. No. 130/53 Regina vs. Kamindo s/o Kiwa.Cr. A. No. 136/53 Regina vs. Mlzchugu s/o Kago.Cr. A. No. 137/53 Regina vJ. Nderitu s/o Thega.Cr. A. No. 138 /53 Regina vs. Njugljna Kagari.Cr. A. No. 153/53 Regina vs. Daudt s/o Nyakundi.Cr. A. No. 154/ 53 Regina %?s. Benjamin Joel Khayumba.Cr. A. No. 155 / 53 Regina v,v. 'Kipkemei Arap Toromoik.Cr. A. No. 94/ 53 Regina vy. Benedict s/o John M usome.Cr. A. No. 104/ 53 Regina vs. Xamau s Jo Karokoro.Cr. A. Ko. 105 / 53 Regina v,&. Nganga s/o Kanyara.Cr. A. No. 106/ 53 Regina vs. W atuika s/o Kahiu.Cr. A. No. 116/ 53 Regina vs. Kiligei Arap Tonuî.Cr. A. No. 117/ 53 Regina v:. Tito Abdhi Odach Jemus.Cr, A. No. 152/53 Regina r.?. Haji Noor M ohamed Valji.Tuesday, 231.d June, 1953, at 10.30 a.m .

For Hearing (jrom Tanganyika)Cr. A. No. 70/53 Regina vs. Supea s/o Nyanda.Cr. A. Nd. 71 / 53 Regina v:. Yousefu s/o Ramazani.Cr. A. No. 98/53 Regina vâ'. W ilibardi s/o Mwambeki.Cr. A. Nb. 99/53 Regina vs. Laurenti s/o Kato.Cr. A. No. 125/53 Regina vs. M webesa s/o M salamba.Cr. A. No. 126 /53 Regina vy. M ubiligi s Jo Chikaka.Cr. A. No. 144/53 Regina vJ. Gopa s/o Gidamebanya.Cr. A. No . 145 / 53 Regina vs. Barabara s/o Missa.Cr. A. No . 146 / 53 Regina 'vs. Dudu s/o Gidamesha.Cr. A. No . 147/ 53 Regina vs. Kidabung'eda s/o Endagahu.Cr . A. No . 14S / 53 Regina vs . Kisi-Hosu s/ o Gidasaiöa.Cr. A. No. 149/53 Regina v,$. Kidabulalida sJo Kilarai. .Cr. A. No. 107/53 Regina vs. Paulo s/o Busondo.Cr. A. No. 108 /53 Regina vâ'. Ngegeshi s/o Busondo.Cr. A. No. 118/53 Regina Iz.ç. Edward s/ o M arseli.'Cr. A. No. 119/53 Regina vs. Abdi s/o Lesio.Cr. A. No. 142/ 53 Regina vs. Athumani s/o M ohamed.Cr. A. No. 143/53 Regina v.ç. A1i s/o Saidi.Cr. A. No. 180/53 Regina vâ'. Barnabas s/o W illiam.

C . G . W REN SCH , Registrar,9th June, 1953. R.M . Court t>/ Appeal Jor Eastern A/rfcc.



TENDERS are invited for the right to remove a quantity ofcypress and pine thinnings from com partment: N os. 2 (f) and2 (v) -in M enengai Forest Rmerve.The trees concerned have already been felled ' and comprise

the folloWing :-Pfne.--compartment 2 (/) : approximately 1,500 running feet

of pole-sized trees, i.e. 6''-8?r basal diameter.Cyprelx.- compartment 2 (v) : approximately 10,500 running

feet of pole-sized trees, i-e. 6/'-8'' basal diameter- .

Tbe basis of tender will be the royalty to be paid per 100running feet.The succcssful tenderer will bo required to pay 50 per cent of

the cstimated royalty on acceptance of his tender and the re-m ainder as soon as th: trees are m easurcd

. He will be requiredto remove a1l these tre'es before 31st July, 1953.Prospective tenderers may inspect jihe trecs by arrangem ent

with the Forester, Bahati Forest Station, P.O . Box 480, N akuru.Employees of the successful tenderer will not be permitted

to reside overnight in M entmgai Forest Reserve.The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.

Tenders enclosed in a sealed envelope and marked <:cypressand Pine Tender- M enengai'' should be addressed to reach theDivisional Forest Oëcer, Thom son's Fallss before 9 a.m . on22nd J'une, 1953. '

R. M . GRAHAM ,Conzervator t# Forests, E tuf oj Af//,







S/tement of Assets and Liabllities as at 31st D ecember, 1952


E ,y. c' ts. f s. cts. f s. cts. f s. cts. f s. cts.A IYROZO ATED FuNos:- APPROPRIATED FUNDS :

African Trtlst Pund 136,503 5 66 IXVESTMEN'PS :-Cotton Sales Procteds . . . . 654.01 1 5 72 Africart Trust F'und . .' . . . . 4,500 0 00Custodian of Enomy Property . . . . . . 215,208 4 23 ' Edttcqtlon and Scholarship Funds' . . . . 1,758 10 08Departmental Fines Fund . . . . . . 2,555 4 28 Judlclal . u

- . . . . . . . . . . . 520 0 00'

E A War Bonds-unclaimeè Iaterest and Capital 22,243 0 27 Mechanical Transport and Plant-Renewals Fund 155,895 15 58Educatiop and Scholarship Futlds . . 8,327 17 11 M edical Funds and Donations . . . . . . ' 28,442 6 66Immigratlon . . 107,936 ' 8 30 M ombasa W ater Sktmply Reserve Fund . . 84,767 15 16Judiclal . . . . ' . . . . . . 44,971 16 86 Nairpbi City Council W ater S

..pu p1y Sipking Fund . : 78,964 12 92W idows' and Orphans' 323,757 2 42Kenya Loans- u nclaimed lnterest . . 201 17 70 Penslons Schem e- Europeart

Levy Funds . . . c . . . . 1,135 3 62 Proyident Fund- Euroqean Civil Service . . . . 1,277 10 58Mechanical Transport and Plant Funds 355,936 18 07 Registrar General, Pubhc Trustee, etc.' . . . . 38,380 11 56Medical Funds and D onations . . . . 28,682 16 76 Renewals Fund- Kltale W ater W orks 34,379 6 24

Mqmbasa Water Suppk Reserve Fund . . 84,767 15 16 Renewals Fund-Minor Water Works 84,488 :! 34Nalrobi City Council '% ater Supply Sinking Fund . . 78,964 12 92 . Ronewals Fund- M om basa W ater W orks 263,294 2, 17

Pensions Fund- European Oflicers' Contributory . . . 269664 2 01 j k Savings Bank . . . :. . . . . 7,337,268 5 04Pmksions Scheme x-Epropean W idgws' and Orphans' 386,935 1 34 il Stamp Duty Reserve Fund . . . . 7,750 0 33Provident Fund- Aslan Civil Servlce : . . . . . 3,825 4 99 i, 1, Supplementary Sinking Fund . . . . 304,670 19 42Provident Fund- European Civil Servlce 2,723 14 33 M iscellaneous . . 125 0 00Registrar Qeneral, Ptlblic Trustee, etc. . . . . 155,112 18 10 Unallocated 1,572,442 18 00Renewals Pund- Kitale W ator W orks . . 34,401 2 99 10,322,683 2 50Ronewals Fund- M inor W ater W orks . . 84,488 3 34 ' Cwsii ox .DF,PosIT :-Rcnewals Fund- M om basa W ater W orks . . 263,387 15 76 African Trust F'und . . 11,868 12 25Savings Bank Depqsits . . . . 8,000,242 2 95 Cotton Sales Proceeds . . . . 404 4 37Savings Bank Earnlngs . . . u . . . . 241,846 5 55 Custodian of Enemy Property . . 49,859 9 87e-

wwlcl nx.ex'zwwz'ictc -A-'?.miolotwo flnn Ordinances . . . . . . 16,980 8 66 Departpental Fines Fund . . 166 15 29HFStamp Duty Reslrve Fund . . . . . . . . *. ,'7 uf'sr ! ! 1 1 Educatlon and Scholarship F'unds . . 296 12 91Supplementary Slnking Fund . . . . . . . . 3 17,341 > 04 Judlclal . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 q97 6 00Trlba! Police Remards. and Fines Fund . . . . 567 19 02 M edical Funds and D onations . .

., . . . . ; . 203 13 54

Miscdlarkeous 746 6 00 ' Penjions Séheme-Eurqpean Wiuows' and Orphans ' 89 14 251 1,284,594 13 85 xeglstrar -'ueltel'al, P ubrle Trustee, etc. . . 61,412 10 44


Renewals Pund- Kitale W ater W orks 21 16 75Renewals Fund- M ombasa W ater W orks . . . . 93 10 59Stamp Duty Reserv! Fund . . . . . . . . 395* 1 58Supplem entary Sinklng Bund . . . . . . . . 11,693 0 00(Miscellaneous . . . . , . . . . . . . 571 18 55

153,474 6 39CASH olq CURRENT Accotlx-r:-Custodian of Enemy Property . . . . . . . . 21,172 14 36E.A . W ar Bonds- u nclalm ed lnterest and Capital . . 22,243 0 77

l Immigration . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,171 8 301 Judicial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28,054 10 86

e j Kenya Loans- unclaimed lnterest . . . 201 17 70Reglstrar General, Public Trustee, etc. 55,319 16 10

. - 227,163 7 59 .

TOTAL APPROPRIATEO Fuxos INVESTMBNTS Axo CASH . . . . . 10,703,320 16 48

Carriedforward 11,284,594 13 85 carrîed forward . . 10,703,320 16 48


Statement of Assets and LiabiBties as at 31st December, 1952.- (Ct?/91#.)

IJABILITIES A ssE'rsf s. cts. f s. c/x f s cts.. â T.' cts

Brougktforward . . 11,284,594 13 8j . nroughtforwarâ 10,7:3,320 1.6 44OTHER F'trxos:- Accoux'rs AVITI.I UTHER ADMINISTRATIONS, ETC. : 474,478 10 35

AMiculttzrql Land Rehabilitation Fund 150,000 0 00 Aovzm cls:- . , 'C!v!l Contmgencies Yund . 250,000 0 00 Kenya Farmors' Asiocjation-Maiz: . . 212,592 4 ()5C!v!l Servants' Buildqng Schemt 56,722 1 1 68 Konya Farmers'' Asjoslatlon- W heat, etc. 511,984 3 89

Clvll Servants' S'alarles Arrears Pund 48,047 17 98 Kenya M eat Comm lsslon 107,414 17 04

Croyrn. Estates Development Fund . . 39,753 IQ 12 Land Banks-çrop Productipn . . . . 525,000 0 00Ethlopian Border Raids Trust Fund . 37,584 1 62 M ombasa Instltute pf .M usllm Education 36,492 0 00

Excess Profitb Tax Fund . . 10, 122 19 00 Pensions Fund- Aslan Oflicers' Fam ily 3,634 12 61GoldrM ines D evelopm ent Fund . . . . . 39,683 15 00 Provident Fund . . . . . . 5,705 1 00Hppsing Fund . . . . . . . . 62.258 19 57 Sundry . .. . . . . . . ... 1,166,179 0 81M llltary Buildings Fund . . 127'

,302 4 30 ' 2,569,001 19 40821,475 19 27 SIJsPENsE:- .

Accotm 'rs wITH OTHSR Aosflxlszrlu 'noxs . . 293,494 3 80 Adyances Pending the Ryising of a Loan 7,391 12 (13

Airports- Land Acquisitlon 116,394 16 $3DElvoslTs:- . E.A. coroals Pool 339,247 9 37Colopial Deyelopmlnt and W elfaro Vote . , 185,025 4 82 Fakmine Relief . . . . . . . . 25 2 05Penslùns Fund- Asàatic W idows' and Orphans' 3,423 19 25 M ll'ltary- .K .A R. Clothing Reserve- London 3,705 0 00Spçclal D. eyelopm ent of Cotton Areas 359,852 1.9 08 Savlngs Bank RFserve 795,042 10 96Sundi'y 806 594 12 1 1 Sugar Equalisatlon Account 117,729 15 44

. '1,354,896 15 26 Sundry . . 93,969 2 50D

RAFTS AND REMITTANCES :- - 1,473,505 9 18Drafts . . . . 25,242 1 1 56 1NvEsTMENTs;-Faniily Remittances 449 18 3 1 Reservo Fund 468,320 12 34

25,692 9 87 Surplus Balances . 5,381,168 5 50SuspEpsi:- . 5,849,488 17 84

Livestpck C ontrol- Liquidation . . . . . . 20,455 19 86 CASH ox Djll>oslT- .stlRpLvs BALANCES . . 500,000 0 00Supplles Accqunts Balances . . . . . 26,292 17 45M llltary Penslons - 5,729 19 95 lvpltss'rs 693 3 63Emergency Expenditure Fund . . . . 478,723 3 89Sundry . . . . . . . . . . 91,k75 15 98 CAsH:-6

22,477 17 13 Rrmittanceq between Chests 34,566 2 99LOANM- UNSPENT BALANCES :- Jolnt Colonlal furid . . . . 3,806,000 0 00

f 6,070,000 Loan, 1951 . . . . 1 1,123 12 50 Crown Agents . . 409 13 75:6,115,000 D evelopm ont Loan, 1952 1

,401 6 12 Bombay Agents 2,346 15 6212,524 18 62 K arachl Agents. u. . . 4,951 7 90

RBseavs Flyxo 500,000 0 00 cash on Hand and at Banks 3,186,863 18 23


,720,696 14 79

GENERAL RtlvExuE Accoux'r :-Balance at 31st Decem bor, 1951 . . . 7,23 1,661 12 12

f s . c z .sAdd Revenu: for 1952 . . 20,548, 149 8 80Less Expçndlture for 1952 18,858,620 19 65

Surplus for 1952 . . 1,689 528 9 15

8,921,190 1 27Add Appreciation of lnvestm ents . . 40,583 1 51

Balance at 31st Deeem bor, 1.952 8,961,773 2 78

TOTAL f 28,605.626 15 '37 ' TOTAL . . f 28,605,626 15 37

There wei;e contingent liabilities amounting to f 3,416,500 in respect of bank overdrafts which had been gaaranteed. C. L. TODD ,Accountant General

Nairobi, 29th April, 1953.






' - - zU


Stockholders (Ordinance No. 43 of 1930)Sinking Fund


33 1 tlkiattlltzzu vu o r w a vuaawxxw..- - . - . -.


(t8 E3,400,000 1930 Loanf s. cts.

3,400,000 0 00 COLONIAI- DEVELOPMENT :-790,961 5 67 . Public Buildings

W ater Supplies . . . .Loans to Local AuthoritiesComm unications .. . . .Land and Agricultural Bank . . . ;Developm ent and keconstruction Authorlty


HARBOUR D#VELOPMENT :Constructlon of Quays and Oi1 JettyPort Improvem ents

Expenses of lssue and Deduction for Discount . .11' SllKxllqq. FTJND :-

Investm ents

f - 4,190,961 5 67

(b) k305,600 1933 Loan

305,600 0 00 jj Land and Agricultural Bank'Cro Dnfa z: KQ j I j' ya o .jaq yja '( aaa j A jjtjj oj'jtke% . . . .'

j j Water Supplies . . . . . . . . . .Public Buildings . . . . . . . . . .11 Development and Reconstruction Authority . .

Expenses of Issue and Dé 'oucuon fol' Discountslxxlwo Fsxoi-

lnvestm ents

. . f. 378,399 6 58

cts. f, s. cts.

957,223 8 90225,556 10 82490,847 0 00'239,537 17 39240,000 0 00

. . 17,124 1 56 .2,170,288 18 67

f s. cfs.

287,000 0 0025,000 0 00

626,018 7 15194,862 12 85

1,132.881 0 0096,830 1 33


3,400,000 0 00

790,961 5 67

. . f. 4,190,961 5 67

260,000 0 0015,734 0 004.009 0 ()020,265 14 MJ5 '0 97

5,595 5 ()0


. ' 72 799 6 %

. . f 378,399 6 58

(c) :J75,ppp 1936 loaa ..Stockholders (Ordinance No. 9 of 1936) 375,000 0 00 1 Land and Agricultural Bjnk 250,000 0 00NinkipR Fupd . , 57,604 0 00 Loaps to Locyl Authoritles . . . . 111,251 0 47..' ' =' .

' ' Pùbhc Bgildings '' . , . . '. : , , ' 10,378 0 0 0: ' '

.. 1 ' ' ' Development and Recùnstruction Authèrity 879 1.8 03'

' Expenses of Issue . . . . . . 2,491 1 5dslxluxo y'uxoi-

In 'vestments 57,604 () ()()

Torrws .

. .. . . .

. . :... .. ...4.1.7,604 0 f)--0 l . . . Tonc. . . . . . . .k 432,604 () p0-

Statkmeat qf Loan Accqunts as at 31st Dacemher, kgsb-jcontd.j


Stocyholders (Ordinance No. 22 of 1945)Sinkm g Fund


(#) k600,000 1945 Zola'f s . c

...:/ s . ) I600,000 0 00 Elzropean Settlem/nt Scheme . . . . ..: : . . .79

,879 6 33 Repayment of Kenya Government 6 per cent lnscribed Stock, 19:18-56SINKING FUND :- '

Investments . .

. . f 679,879 6 33 TOTAL

('e) E1,820,000 Conversion 1946 Loan1,820,000 0 00 1 Repayment of :5,000,000- 1921 Loan103,780 15 ()8 ' SINKING FUND :-

' Investments . . '

. . f 1,923,780 15 08 TOTAL . .

(/) î3,710,000 Cotlversion 1948 Loan3,710,000 0 00 Repay'm ent of f 5,000,000- 1927 Loan '161,586 5 58 SINKING Ftrlo :-

lnvestments . .

. . f 3,871,586 5 58 TOTAL

(gj f.6'JZ(?JPI) 1951 .Locn6,070,000 0 00 Development and Reconstruction Authority . .91,289 13 58 Bxpenses of lssue

SINKING #'uNn :-Investrpents . . . : . . . u. . . . . . : . .Cash Held zn Joint Coldhial Fund

, London, or at Bank, Nairobi . .

f 6:161,289 13 58 TOTAL

(hj f 6,115,000 1952 Loan6,115,000 0 00 Developm ent and Reconstruction Authority . .

Stock Transfer Stamp Duty Rrserve Fupd . .Expenses of Issuy and Deductlon for Dlscount . . . r . .Cash Held in Jolnt Colonial Fund, London, or at Bank, N airobi . .

. . f 6,115,000 0 00 TOTAL

k. s ctsb (x;250,* 0

350,4* 0 *

79,879 6 3:1

f 679,479 6 33


SfocyholdorsSm km g Fund


1,820.000 0 0t

103,780 15 08

é: 1,123,780 15 0à.

StookholdersSinking Fund


3,710,000 0 00

161,58d 5 58

f 3,871,586 5 58

Slocyholders (Ordinance Ko. 17 of 1950)Smkm g Pund . .

6,000,000 0 00' 58,876 7 50


91,289 13 581 1,123 12 50

.. . k 6,161,289 13 58

Stockholders (Ordinance No. 43 of 1951)


5,980,000 0 0020,000 0 00113,598 13 881,401 6 12

f, 6,115,000 0 00

(i) 21 oZo East African War Bonds, 1952154Bondholders Serjes t'A'' . . ' 3,100,670 0 00 Loans to Her Majesty's Government 3,642,595 0 00Pondholders Senes 4çB'' . . 541,925 0 00

TOTAL . . f 3,642s595 0 00 TOTAL . . E 3.642.595 0 00


Statement of Revenue and Expenditare ln the fear 1952 under Head: as Compared with the Fysh'mnte,s


Over (+) or Original Over (+) orHEAD Estimate Actual Under (-) HEAD Estimate Actual Under (-)

thç Estim ate the Estim ate

f, f, 's. cts. f, s. cts. f, f. cts. f, s. cts.

PART ACustom s and Excise . . 7,445,000 8,375,810 13 85 + 930,810 13 85

Licence ,s D uties, Taxes, etc. . . 5,816,630 7,233,841 3 26 + 1,417,211 3 26 The G overnor . . . . 32,907 . 33,051 14 51 +. 144 14 51Fees and Paym ents for Specihc Servïces . . 544,050 593,947 6 84 + 49,897 6 84 Judicial Department 123,879 140,810 13 06 + 16,931 13 06Earnings of Government D epartments . . 483,945 550,2:0 9 04 +66,335 9 04 Legislative Council 40,905 39,052 11 89 - 1,852 8 1 1Revenue from G overnm ent Property and Audit D epartm ent . . 65,927 68,514 15 48 + 2,587 15 48Royalties . . . . 246,570 344,055 12 19 +97,485 12 19 Chief Secretary- M ember for Develop-

Sale of Govelyment Property 387,700 697,070 16 21 +309,370 16 21 ment- ' 'Board of A grlculture - 913 0 37 + 913 0 37 Central A dm inistration . . 80,755 89,037 6 89 + 8,282 6 89M iscellaneous Receipts l 36,100 677,540 17 29 + 6419440 17 29 Administration . . . . . . 757,328 823,348 8 99 + 66,020 8 99

Fo res t Depar tment Revenue 1 2 5 1 , 1 40 308 , 67 7 1 4 1 2 + 5 7 , 5 3 7 1 4 1 2 j j Apjryijcyao nwlnofrgsmsa taipoanr tsmeTevyjitces j j ,4/:24 ,,,1 5605 j j , tj 3x1 ,, 94 472, 1 9, 0y 5., j y ; u ,j)l 7,, 75 0, 9: 5,yInterest and Redemption f' 246,125 413,913 18 26 + 167,788 18 261 702,646 ' 848,153 3 82 + 145,507 3 82 tj Public Works Recurrent j 357,370 j 397,478 18 78 +40,1 08 1 8 78RcimbursementsLand Sales

. . . . . . . . 60,000 1 1 3, 7 5 5 i 9 7 i 1 + 5 3 ,,7j 5, 5y 1 9, 75 a1






ren t j 1 4 3, 222 3 56 , 3 8 2 0 70 l + 2 1 3 , 1 60 0 70Reimbursements (W ar Fxpenditure Civi )1 1 17,723 115,539 10 48 ip - 2,

Othçr Governments' Share of Joint Seryices p Oflice of M ember .for Law and Order 5,480 5,437 7 71 - 42 12 29Expenditure - 280387 274,649 3 36 1 -5,937 16 64 lmmigration Department 38,125 44,612 14 08 +6,487 14 081

Legal D epartm ent 24,020 23,978 1 04 --41 18 96,( Police . . . . 1 051,551 1,185,677 14 74 + 134,126 14 74

I ! Prispns Dep>rtment . . . . 522,486 504,729 1 20 - 17.756 18 80.

j la zgztrr.r Geeaornl'v n-mrtment 18,850 21,126 15 26 +2,276 15 26l l I I 1 .Mxt': ''- -,,-- tzat-t '';'''-----,'----a-l , s o - p a - t - - -, t t 9a ea ,,

4,, (,s (,5 j :, 9, 9, ,


6, 9,9, 1 4,, ,, 8, j .,.-t 9, ,, c,4, 4, l 4, 5, s,( Loans lkom ltevenue . . 1 2

lnland Revenue Dqpartment 67,055 68,366 12 49 + 1,31 1 12 49M iscellaneous Servlces . . 2,078,969 2,650,093 1 60 + 571,124 1 60Pensions and G ratpities 808,800 758,793 17 56 - 50,006 2 44Public D ebt . . = a . . u 624,784 633,155 10 14 + 8,371 10 14Rent and lnterest to H .H . Sultan ofZanzibar 16,000 12,000 0 00 -4,000 0 00

Subventions . . . . 135,902 167,353 17 20 + 31,451 17 20Em ergency Expenditure . . . . 750,000 0 00 + 750,000 0 00

M ember Jbr Agriculture and NaturalResources-

Oë ce of the M em ber for Agricultureand N atural Resources . ! . . 16,005 16,547 6 06 + 542 6 06

' Services under the M em ber for A gricul-' ture arnd N atural Resources . . 107,420 127,999 5 22 + 20,579 5 22

Carriedforward 16,618,216 20,548,149 8 80 +3,929,933 8 80 Carriedforward j 8,526,410 j 10,707,936 2 25 j +2,181,526 2 25 ta*



1 .Original Over (+) or 'j Over (+) or

HEAD Estimate Actual Under (-) HEAD l Estimate Actual Under (-)the Estim ate ' the Estim ate

f. k s. cts. f. s. cts. f f s. cts. f J. cts.

Broughtforward 16,618,216 20,548,149 8 80 + 3,929,933 8 80 Brouglltforward . . 8,526,410 10,707,936 2 25 +2,181,526 2 25

Agricultural D epartm ent 429,313 444,037 3 38 + 14,724 3 38Forest D epartm ent 212,050 21 1,310 18 10 - 739 1 90Gamq Department . . 60,615 63,650 5 64 + 3,035 5 64Vyterlnary D epartm ent 423,365 399,247 19 40 - 24,1 17 0 60!


Deputy Chl.ef Secretary, M ember forLabour-

Coast Agency . . 15,590 15,873 14 37 + 283 14 37Labour D egartm ent 151,872 148,960 1 l 41 - 2,911 8 59Lands Department 74,510 148,871 12 67 + ,74 361 12 6)Suàzey Department 98,580 99,399 3 75 + 819 3 75M llltary . . . . . . . . 694,370 728,658 15 90 + 34,288 15 90M pcellaneous Selvïces . . . . '. . 60,920 87,539 2 54 +26,619 2 54Prlnting and Statlonery Departrqent . . 207,875 227,847 5 85 + 19.972 5 85Registrar of Co-operative Sotiettes 12,065 1 1,443 8 12 - 621 1 1 88

M ember for Education, Health and LocalGovernnwnt-

Oë ce of the M em ber for Education,Hqalth and Local Government . . 14,875 14,896 14 59 14 59

Services under the M em ber for Educa-tionu

.H ea1th and Local G overnm ent 1 7,846 18,249 18 84 + 403 18 84

Local G overnm ent D epartm ent 13,383 12,910 l 1 60 - 472 8 40Education Department . . . . 1,977,713 1,999,375 7 72 + ,21 662 7 72Government Chemist's Department . . 4,735 5,217 1 1 87 +462 1 1 87Locjl Government Contributlon 579.295 607,291 14 15 + 27,996 14 15M edical Deparlment . . . . 1,123,534 1,227,614 16 14 + 1 ,04 080 16 14Town Plannlng Departm ent . . 7,070 7,776 13 48 + 706 13 48i

, .

M ember for Commerce and Industry-'

Oë ce of the 'M em ber for Com m erceand lndustry . . . . . . . . 15,035 15,873 9 85 + 838 9 85

a Services under the M em ber for Com -m erce and lndustry . . . . . . 7,676 12.548 15 98 + 4,872 15 98

Mines and Geological Department . . 41,330 41,246 3 32 -83 16 68! 1 Weights and Measures Department . . 12,990 11,788 13 36 - 1,201 6 64

Carriedforward j 16,618,216 j 20,548,149 8 80 +. 3,9. 28,933 8 80 Ctirriedforwap y . j 14,5783,037 j 17,269,566 14 28 j 2,486,529 14 28







. -


Original Over (+) or Over (+) orHEAD Estimate Actual Under (-) HEAD Estimate Actual Under (-)

the Estim ate the Estim ate

f, f, s. cts. f. s. cts. f, ' L s. cts. ' f. s. cts.

Broughtforward . . 16,618,216 20,548,149 8 80 +3,929,933 8 80 Brought forward . . 14,783,037 17,269,566 14 28 2,486,529 14 28

, PART B 1Contribution to Cost of High Commission (Services . . 990,925 f 1 032 931 6 03 l +42,006 6 03: >




jl War Expenditure Civll 282,445 281,473 15 98 - 971 4 021 l l Total parts A, B and c t 16,056,40,7 18,583,971 16 29 y +2,52-/,564 16 29( t 1 .1 .---....--.

t. 1 1 11 othev (;ovc?-,?,?kc,?/,- share ol'loint ski-lifcex t ! !) j . yygegtvygve. j y

y y jy rsJudityal Dcpartment 18,352 12,414 3 78 1 - 5,93t2 235 262,234 18 58 I --4

. 2Publlc D ebt . . 2 ,

- - - - - -


- - . .- - 1TOTAL 16,618,216

...20../48.,..149 8 89.. .....y- 3:.929,933 .! 80 TOTAI- ) 16,336,994 1 ,8 858,620 19 65 J +2,521.:56 ....y1 65>


l 11 over (+) or

Hiuo Estimate Actual Under (-)the Estim ate

â l : s cts. â s. cts.

Revenue 16,618,21 6 ( 20,548,149 8 80 1 + 3,929,933 8 80Expenditure . ; 16,336,994 1 18,858,620 19 65 $ +2,521,626 19 65Excess of Revenue over Expenditure 281 222 1 689 528 9 1 5 1



.)- 1 408,308 9 15=

- -,= A = 2= = 7 - H = = - -1 k

N airobi,29th A pril, 1953.

C. L. TUDD,Accountant General.


594 ' TH E OFFICIAL GAZEW E 16th June, 1953

Q;BNERAL èkoTlcs è4o. 1271


TAK E N OTICE that all persons having claim s against theabove-named society are required Eo lodge and m ove suchclaim s with the uttdersigned on or before 31st August, 1953.after which date the claim s so proved will bo paid, and anysurplus assets disposed of in accordance with the provisionsof section 74 (1)' of the Penal Code.

G FXERAI- N o'rlcl N o. 1274(SIA. Lab. 24111 I9)

AFRICAN W AGES COM M ITTEE1T' IS notised for general inform ation that the G overnor has

appointed the followfng persons to be additional m em bers ofthe Com m ittee set up to consider and report upon the adequacyof African Cash W ages and other conditions and benefits ofem ployment-

J . E. Clari.dge, Esq.

J. G. Njoroge, Esq.General Notice N o. 841 of 14th

ingly.April, 1953, is varied accord-

R. G. TURNBULL,M qmber J5r Labour.

M . N . EVAN S,African Courts Omcer,

Secretariat,Box 621, N airobi.10th Junc, 1953.

G SNBRAL N o'rlcs N o. 1272(Lan. 1011 I1)


TH E following results are notîtied for general inform ation :-PRELIMINARY ORAL SW AHILI .EXAMINATION

R . D . Andrews, Agriculture.D . H . Drakes, Agriculture.D . D . Nicholson, Agriculturv.H . Brittain, Education.M iss E. M . Cruickshank, Education.M rs. B. G legg, Education.M iss Goldie, Education.M iss E. C. Lees, Education.W . M acGregor, Education,M iss D . H . M cG owan, Education.M iss N . R. M ulcahy, Eduçation. 'M iss K . Pèrsich, Education.M iss M . Sim ons? Education.W . C . S. Bainbrldge, Judicial.M iss A . Hunter, Judicial.1. Rosen, Judicial.T. L. Condron, Lands.D. H . Price,, Lands.j. Van Der M erwe, Lands.D. W . D . Y. Farquhar, M edical.M iss L. M orrison, M edical.G . G . Powell, M edical.R. B. Simpson, Police.F. T. Steele, Police.J. W . W ylie, Police.J. C. Yolland, Police.A . W . Reader, Prisons.R . F'. Clark, Public W orks.A. Bverett, Public W orks.B. 1. Granet, Public W orks.P. J. H ennessy, Public W orks.E. C. V . K elsall, Public W orks.D . C. M lzllins, Public. W orks.P. Scott-M artin, Publid W orks.R . B. Seville, Public W orks.T. S. Tem pleton: Public W orks.A. W ilson, Pubhc W orks.R . R . M ann, Survey.E. K . Stebbing, Survey.M . S. Thompson, Survey.M . Blasdale, Veterinary.J. H . Byrd, Veterinary.D. T. Collips, Veterinary.

N airobi,10th June, 1953.

GENSRAL N o'rlcE N o. 1273


TEN DERS are invited for the supply of-

Three 4-ton lorrks with hydraulically-operated steel tippingbodies.

One wheoled tractor, approxim ately 30 draw baT horsepower.

Two 3-ton capacity rear tipping trailers.

Tenders m ust include the dato of delivery, general specifica-tion and price delivered at Nairobi. An .adequate and continuousstock of spares must be guaranteed.

Tenders in sealed envelopes, marked iivehicles'' and bearingno indication of tbe name of the tenderer, should reach theundersigned not later than 12 noon on Saturday, 13th June,1953. '

Tlzc lowest or any tender need not necessarily be accepted.

L. F. G. PRITCHARD,Secretary, Languages Board.

N airobi,11th June, 1953.

GSNERAL N o'rlcE N o. 1275(S.Agr. 4119)

Tl4yl PAssltm FRUIT ORDINANCEW ap. 203)


IT IS hereby notiEed for general information that tite under-mentioned persons are the members of the Passion Fruit Boardconstituted under section 7 of the Passion Fruit Ordinance :-

M r. E. Bruce-l-lay (Chairrnan).The Director of A griculture.M r. H . H . M arshall.M r. C . E. Onslow.M r. C . H . Terry.

Government Notice No. 437 of 9àh April, 1951, is cancelled.

N airobi11th June 1953.

R . 0 . HEN N IN GS,Secretary for Agriculture and

Natural Resources.

GSNBRAL N on cE N o. 1276


PURSUA'N T to By-law 6 of the M ethods of Charge(E.A.P. & L.) By-laws, 1953, notice is hereby given tlmt thclatest prices paid by the company far fuel oi1 delivered durin' gthe m onth of M ay, 1953, are as under :- '

Per tonDeiivered to the /?geJ oil storage fclzk.s at Sh. cts.Nairobi South Power Station 363 83M baraki Power Station, M om basa . . 307 10M ereroni Power Station, N akurlz Area . . 366 94Eldoret Power jtation . . . . . . 397 45K itale Power Station . . . . . . 392 26K isum u Power Station . . . . . . 374 73N anyuki Power Station . . . . . . 429 43

For and on behalf of the East AfricanPower & Lighting 'Co' ., Ltd.

GEORG E C . REED ,12th June) 1953. ' Secretary.

G SNEM L N oTlcE N o. 1277



TENDERS are invited for the purchase of a second-hand6-cylinder crude oil 55 h.p.. Atlantic m arino engino com pletc,less starting batteries. The engine is available for inspectionat the prem ises of the Africa M arine and G eneral EngineeringCo., M ombasa.Any inquiries potential tenderers may wish to make regarding

this engirte should be addressed to tlze Assistant Fish W arden,M alindi. ' .The successful tenderer will be required to rem ove th: ongino

at his own cost within 48 hours of receipt of notification of theacceptance of his tender.

Tenders, in sealed envelopes m arked éçel-ender for M arineEngine'', should reach the Secretary, Central Tender Board, notIater than noon on M onday, 29th June, 1953. Tenders m ay besent either through post or placed in tho tender box in theTreasury Buildings, opposite the Law Courts, Nairobi.Tenders not so addressed and endorsed are liable to be

rejected and tenders received after the statéd time and date willnot be considered. The highest or any tender will not necessarilylx accepted.

N airobi, '13th June, 1953.

Nairobiz -10th June, 1953.

R. T. W RIGHT,Clerk to Council,

County Coundl Omces,P.O . Box 1362, N airobî.

G . Ck TH OM AS, Secretary,Central Tender Board,

The Treasury, P.O . Box 591, N cîrobi.

16tb June, 1953 595

GIINERAL Nfm cs NG. 1278


1, M ohanlal Sura, a m erchant, heretofore called and knownby the first nam e of iEbfokar'', aged 37 years, residing at N airobiin the Colony of K enya, hereby give public notice that by a deedpoll dated the 18th day of M ay, 1953, duly executed by me,formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned tie use ofm y said 'lirst name of .ûtM okar'' and in lieu thereof assum ed andadopted the first nam e of tçM ohan' 1al'' for a11 purposes, and Ihereby authorize and request all persons to designate and addressm e by such assum ed srst nxm e of T%M ohanlal''.

N airobi,18th M ay, 1953. M OH AN LAL SU RA


GENERAL N o: Ics N o. 1280



Poli'cy No. 4 )6365, jor f 1,000, dated 4th August, 1944, on thefi/e oj tzrlff the property ()/ John Victor Grant

NOTICE i , hereby kiven that evidence of the loss or destruc-tion of the lolicy has been submitted to the Society and anypzrson in p' lssessilln of the policy or claim ing to have anyintertst then fn should comm unfcate ïm mçdfately by regfsteredpost with the Society. Failing any such comm unication a certifiedcopy of the policv (which shall be the sole evidence of thecontract) wi1 . be ibsued to the owner.

T. A . M U RRAY ,. General M anager,

N alrobi, M utual Buildings, Dtzr/frl: Street.5th June, 1953. Cape' Town.

G ENBRAL N o'rlcs N o. 1279


1, Johannes Petrus Roux-N el of 01 Kalou in the Coiony ofK enya, heretofore called and known by the nam e of JohannesPetrus N el, hereby give notice that on the 30th day of M ay.1953, l renounced and abandoned the use of m y said surnam eof N e1 and assumed in lieu tlzereof the surnam e of Roux-N el,and further that such change of nam e is evidenced by a deeddated the 30th day of M ay, 1953, duly executed by m e andattested.

30th h4ay, 1953.



TENUERS are invited for the right to cut Eucalyptus (Gum)fuel in the K itale Township Forest Reserve for a period of threeyears . comm encing on 1st July, 1953, in such plantations as theForest pflicer may decide.The basis of tender is to be a royalty payment per 100

stacked cubic feet of woodfuel, cut to a m aximum length offour feet. The average m onthly cut shall be not less than 10,000stacked cu. ft. and shall not exceed 20 000 stacked cu. ft.>

A11 trees shall be felled at ground level with the saw ayd shallbe' crosscut into billets by saw.T*e successful tendereç will be required to open . a deposit

account with the Accountant, Fore:t D epartm ent, N airobi, andshall also deposii the sum of Sh. 500 before any cutting iscarried out, to be held as a security for the perform ance andobservance of the term s of the licence under whibh he shallwork. This latter sum of Sh. 500 shall be liable to forfeiture asJiquidated damages in the event of a breach of tlw conditionsof the licence. '

JOH AN NES PETRU S ROUX -N EL,Jcfe Johannes Petrus N el.

GENBRAL N ( 'l'1cE pko. 128 1


(INCORPORA-I'BD IN KBNYA)Polky No. ' 349, klpr Sh. 4,000, on the Jf/td of M r. Kassam M ur/f

Jutha ()/ M oshi, Tanganyika TerritoryNOTICE having been jiven of the loss of the above policy,

a duplicat'e Aolicy will be lssued unless objection is lodged at theoffke of thk com pm y within 30 days from this date.

M . R . H OSAN G ADY ,General M anage..

Mombasa, Head O'ce, P.O. Box 220,4th June, 1953. M om basc.



tlNcoReoRATEo IN KENYA)Polt'cy No. 5218, kbr Sh. 5,000, and Policy No. 5997, IorSh. 5 00( , on the ff/e oj M r. Sadruddin Hasham Rajan t# àlM osht, î? angan

.vika Territory.

N OTICE having been given of the loss of the above policies,duplicate p nlicies will be issued unless objection is lodged at theoflièe of tl e company within 30 days from this date.

M . R . H OSAN G ADY ,General M anager,

M ombasa, Head tl'ce, P.O. Box 220,29th M a E, 1953. M ombasa.'rhe successful tenderer shall bo allowed to comm ence opera-

tions on 1st July, 1953, and all fuel cut shall be rem oved fromForest Reserve before 30th J'une, 1956.The Chief Conservator of Forests reserves the right to cancel

the licence at any tim e on thret m onths' notice being given.'

Any labour camp constructed within the Forest Reserve m ustbe to standards approved by the Labour Oflicer- and on a siteapproved by the Forest Oëcer.The succ'essful tenderer shall not be allowed to sub-let the


Tenders should be forwarded in a sealed envelope m arkedttW oodfuel Tender, K itale'', to tlle Divisional Forest Oë cer,P.O . Box 41, Eldoret, to reach him not later than noon on 22ndJune, 1953.The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted


Londianl,5th June, 1953

GBNSRAL )' rolqcB No. 1283


tlNcoReoRATEo IN KSNYA)Policy Ns . 11415, for Sh. 2,000, and Policy No. 11416, jtlz'

vb'h. 8,00 ), on the lije oj M r. Ahfrto z Alimohamed Jtz//e'r ojN fzfrtplaf, K enya Colony.

N OTIC) J havilzg been given of the loss of the above policies,duplicate policieq will be issued unless objection is lodged at

the oëce lf the ccfm pany within 30 days from this date.

E. . J . HONORB,Conservator .tp/ Forests,

W est of Rf/f.

M om basa6th J'un ), 195:5.

M . R. HOSAN GADY,G eneral M anager,

Heatl O/sce, #.0. Box No. 220,M om bafa.

GSXBRA'L Soaqcl: N o. 1284


Kablsi R îver, Trans Nzoîa D istrictAPPLII -'ATIO'N by the European A gricultural Settlem tnt

Board o; N aircjbi for a water perm it from the K abisi River onL.R . 20% for net quantities of 8,700 and 5,200 gallons per dayof norma E llow for domestic use and general irrigation respec-tively.

Plans 1 nay b4) seen at the Public W orks Departm ent H eadOë ce, N tirobi, and at the om ce of the W ater Bailis

, PulnlicW orks D lpartment, K itale.

GexsRwc Noncs No. 1000

HER M AJESTY'S SUPREM E COURT OF KENYAN OTICE . is hereby given that the foilowîng Sessions of Her

M ajesty's Supreme Court of Kenya will be held at the placesset out hcreunder ;-

SUPREMB COURT CRIMINAL SsssloNs AT ELDORET, 16-6-53Cr. C. No. 2/53 Regina v,$. Romut s/o Marakwon.Cr. C. No. 58/53 Regina v,y. Christiaan Gerhardus Joubert.Cr. C. No. 69/53 Regina vs. Namanyi s/o W anditebu.Cr. C. N o. 71 / 53 Regina v.$. Kibor Arap M usicbe.Cr. C. No. 84/53 Regina vy. Chemeisi Arap Busienei.Cr. C. No. 85/ 53 Regina v,s. Chumo Arap Lïmo.Cr. C. No. 87/ 53 Regina vs. lsaak Petl'us de Nysschen .Cr. C. No. 90 / 53 Regina vx. Chebii Arap Katam .Cr. C. No. 96/53 Regin: vs. Henry W afula s/o Lusambo.

Cr. C. No. 124/53 Regina p,ç. Ebbrom s/o Ekweny.

T . R . PEN N Y,Registrtkr.

Objecti Jns stctting speciflc grounds therefor should be filed induplicate with the W ater Apportionm ent Board, P.O . Box 662,N airobi, within 30 days from the date of publication of thisnotice an l a. copy served ort the undersigned.

8th June . 1953.

F. L. M EGSON ,Lawjully Authorized Agent,

P.O. Box 1507, Naîrobi.

THE OFFICIAL GAZE'IV E 16th June, 1953

GSNSRAI- N o'rlcE N o. 1285

Tl'1E W ATER ORDINANCE, 1951M aji M tamu, Nakuru Distritt

APPLICATION by Câpt. H . M . H arlies of Lake Solai for awater right from the M aji M tamu River orj L.R. 1650/2 for anet quantity of 538,453 gallons per day of normal flow forgeneral irrigation purposes. .Plans m ay be scen at the Public W orks Departm ent H ead

Om ce, Nairobi, and at the omce of the W ater Bailiff, Pubiic. W orks Departrnent, N akuru. '

Objections stating speciiic grounds therefor should be. filed induplicate with the W ater Apportionment Boar/, P.O. Box 652,Nairobi, within 30 days from the date of publicatioln of thisnotice and a copy served on the undersigned.

H. M . HARRIES (C&eT.).Applicant.

8th June, 1953. #.0 . Lake Solai.

Gsxsltxs Nöilcs No. 12g9

THE W ATER ORDINANCE, 19$1' Sositlni River, L/tzug/r/ Gishu District

APPLICATION by J. H . Englebrrcbt, of Eldoret, for a waterright from the Sosiani River on L.R. N o. 5742 for a net quantityof 1,100 gallons per. day of norrpal flöw for domestic use.Plans may be seen at the Public W orks Department Head

Oflice, Nairobi, arld at the .oflice of the W ater Bailiff, PublicW orks Departm ent, Eldoret. .Objections stating spoco c grounds therefor should be fled in

duplicate with the W ater Apportionm ent Board, P.O , Box 662,Nairobi, within 30 days from the date of publication of thisnotice and a copy served on the undersigned.


J. H . EN G LEBRECHT,Applicant ,

P.Q. Box 204, Eldoret.

G SNERAL N oTlcs N o. 1290

GSNERAL No'rlcs N (). 1286


N undoroto Rfrcr, Uasin Gishu D istrictAPPLICATION by M vita Estates of Eldoret for a water

right from the N undoroto River on L.R2 No. 3061 for a quan-tity. of 40,000 gallons per day of normal flow (80 per centreturnable) for industrial purposes.Plans m ay be seen at .the Public W orks Department Head

Otlice, N airobi, and at the othce of the W ater Bailîtf, PublicWorks .Departmetlt, Eldoret.

' Objections stating specitic grounds therefor should be liled indvm lioate with tbe W attr Appoytionment Board, P .O . Box 662,N airobi, within 30 days from the date of publication of thisnotice and a copy served on the undersigned.


Debtor's rltzrnc.- Fazleabbas Taibali M ulla Daudji, trading asçd-faibali M ulla Daudji & Co.'', debtor.

A Jlrc-u.- N dia K uu, M om basa.Dcycrfp/ftprz.- M erchant.Court.- H .M . Suprem e Court of K enya, M om basa.No. o

.f (natter.- l of 1949.

Amount per f .- Sh. 1 /68.First or Jntz/ or tp//zerwzf.çe.- First and final.W hen payable.- gth J'une, 1953. .W here. payable.- Ak my oë ce, Iltlatld Revenue Building,Box 366, M ombasa.

M ombasa, A. C. BECTOR,1st June, 1953. Agent oj the O'cfc/ Receiver.



Debtors' rjtz-el.- cajetano Romeo Antao and Adelina SilvaAntao, trading as C . Rômeo & Co.

Address.- old K ilindini Road, M om basa.D escription.- oenezuj m erchant and married woman resptc-tively.

Ctpur/.- suprem e Court, M om basa.No. (?J ?'n(Iffer.- 22 of 1931.Last #JJz for receiving proojs-- lsth June, 1953.Name oj fruw/ec.--oflicial Receiver.Wtff/relxa- lnland Revenue Building. Fort Jesus Road, 8ox366, M om basa. x

M ombasa,4th Juoe, 1953.

For M vita Estates. 'H . G . FOSTER,

Lawjully Authorized Agent,P.O. Kaptagat.5th J une, 1953 .



.sergoit nRiver, Ur frl Gishu D istrîctAPPLICATION by J. T. and M rs. C. G . Costhuizen of

Eldoret for a watsr permit from the Sergoit River on L.R .Nos. 781 / 1 and 6488 for net quantities of 3,900 gallons porday of ' norm al flow and 1,000 gallons per day of norm al llopfor dom estic use an'd m inor irrigation respectively.

Plans m ay be seen at the Public W orks Departm ent HeadOmce, N airobi, and at the oëce' of the W ater Bailiff

, Public'

W orks D epartment, Eldoret.

Objections stating specific grounds therefor should be filed induplicate with the W ater ' Apportionment Board, P.O . Box 662,N airobi, within 30 days from the date of publication of thisnotice and a copy served on the undersigned.


Applicant, .8th June, 1953. Box 387, Eldoret.

A . C. BECTOR,Agent 5/ the Omcial Receiver.

, . >.GENSRA'L N oTlce N o. 1292


Debtor's n/vle.- Tapulal K alidas.zd.llrclz-- Yala.

Description.- Yoçfneçly a trader.

Date oj hling pctition-- l3çd M ay, 1953.Ctpz/r/.- Resident M agistrate's Court, K isumu.

No. 6,/ matter.- l of 1953.Date tp/ (?r#cr.- 4th June, 1953.W hether debtor's or credi tors' pcffffon.- Debtof 's.

Act or acts of lma/crifp/cy.- presentation of bankruptcy peti- .tion.

Nairobi,11th June, 1953.



K am asai River, K ericho DistrictAPPLICATION b'y Charles Cattle .of Songhor for a water

rlght from the K amasai River on L.R . 4836 for net quantitiesof 1,900 gallons per day of normal flow and 500 géllons pefday of norm al flow for domestic and m inor irrigation purposesrespectively and quantities of 2,000 gallons per day of noTmalflow (80 per. cent returnable) and 72,000 gallons per day ofnormal flow (100 per cent returnable) fôr industrial and powerpurposes respectively.* .

Plans m ay be seen at the Public W orks D epartm ent H eadOflice, Nairobi, arld at the omce of the W ater Bailiff

, PublicW orks Department, Kericho .Objections stating specifc grounds therefor should be' flied in

duplicate with the W ater Apportionm ent Board, P.O . Box 662,N airobi, within 30 'days 'from the date of publication of this

notice and a copy served on the uadersigned.

CHARLES CATTLE, Applicant,6th June, 1953. Box 15

, Songhor.

* These quantitles are in addition to 1,000 gallons per day

of normal qow (8f) ptr cent Teturnable) for industrkal purposesélrea:dy 'sanctionèd.


D . J. COW A RD ,Acting Olcîtz/ Receiver.

GSNERAL N oTlcs N o. 1293


Debtors' zztzracd.- lçanji Ladha and Hansraj Ladha, tradingas çtltanji Ladha & Co.''.

z'Itflrell.--Njugu Lane, N airobi.Court .- supreme Coùrt of Kenya.Trusfees'. rrtlnzes.- M r. Baldev Sahai M ohindra and M r


M adhusudan Shankar Chitnis.Address.-b.o. Box 3848, Nail'obi.Date of certipcate of ifppoflelfr/len/.--6th June, 1953.

ï bàtb rsLih'e, 19.43 4-HE OFFICLNL GAZETTE 391

GENERAL NoTlcil N(). 12.94


Debtor's Fllzz?c.- M radulaben w/o M anubhai ChunibhaiAmin.

zltftfrc-sx-- lalot No. 209/2820/33, Park Road, Nairobî.D escription.- M àb-çied wom an.Date oj Jilfn.g petition.- àfb June, 1953.C tpffrf.- H .M . Supreme Court of K enya, Nairobi.No. qj m'atter-- ss of 1953.Date oj (?r#cr.- 8th Juner 1953.''Vhether debtor's or creditors' petition.- Bebtoç's.Act or acts t7/ f?ca/çrrfpfc-p.- presentation of bankruptcy peti-tion.


No'rlcy. op' . kl>liolNTMs&'r oip Tktisl'y.E IJNDER A COMPUSITIONDebtor's rt: rne.- lvloham edali A hmed' Lila.Address.- -. 'anga; Tanganyika Terzitory.Description .- lklel'chant.Court.- kk. W . Suprem e Cöurt of Kertya, M om basa.'No. oj rnt't/ 'cr.- l of 1953.Date oj tv pointment oj trustee.- z4ttl April, 1953.Name oj J rlfyfgc.- vithalbhai P. Patel, B.coM.Address.--ç lo V. P. Patel (Accountant) & Co., oppösite NaazCinem a, M akallara Road, P.O . Box 729, M ombasa.

M om basa, V. P. PATEL,11th June, 1953. I'rustee.

N airobi ,9th June, 1953.

D . J. COW ARD ,Acting Omcial Receiver.



Debtor's rllrne.- chimanbhai Purshottam Patel.Address.- pîot No. 209/2820/33, Park Road, Nairobi.D escription-- cjeçk. -Date oj hling pct/l/t?n.- 8th June, 1953.Court.- H .M . Suprem e Court, Nairobi.No. // matter-- kn of 1953-Date oj tprtfer-- 8th June, 1953.W hether debtor's or creditors' pclffftprl-- D ebtor's.Act or acts oj JltRa/g/v/z.l/cy'.- presentation of bankruptcy peti-tion ' '

. *

Nairobi, D . J. C'OW AR D ,11th .luhe, 1953. Acting Omcial Receiver.

GBNSRAI- N o 'Ics N o. 1300



Debtor's n zrzlc.- ltassam s/o Premji.A ddress.- çyeri.Descriptiol .- M erchant.Court.- kj M . Supreme Court of Kenya, N airobi.No. 0/ cat, rc.- 41. of 1929.Date c'/ or /cr.- 2',6th M ay, 1953.Nature oj orderc-lbz bankrupt to be granted discharge sub-ject to ùs copsentïng to judgment beîng entered againsthim for Sh. )00, together with the costs of the judgment inthe Sul: rem e Court at N yeri in favour of the OflicialReceiver The bankrupt having consented 'to the .judgmentdischarp is gTanted to him accprdingly.

W . F. BROW N E,Nairobi, Deputy Registrar,8th June, .953. Supreme Court of Kenya.

iasxsRa,- xc rlcs èlo. 1301THE IANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE

FIRST M SETING oF CREDITORS AND PUBLIC EXAMINATIOND ebtor's ?' (?r?7e.- -H . G . George.-x1 ddress.- K ilindini Road, M ombasa.Descriptio z.- -rrader, M om basa.C'tprfrf.- ll .M . StLpreme Court, M om basa.No. 0/ mc tter-- ? of 1953.Date oj j rst meeting oj creditors.- lbtb June, 1953.Hour.- l. 5.Place-- u f oëce, lnland Revenue Building, M om basa.Date t?/ / ublic examination-- l6th June, 1953.H IC a m 't7I.f1*.- - . .

Place.- sk preme Court, M om basa.A . C. BECTOR,

Agent (# the O/Jcfc/ Receiver,9th June, 1$ 53. P.O . Box 366, M om basa.

Gex'sRAL N! 'Tlcs N o. 1302


Cosfposlvrlcm 'Debtor's ntzzzlc.- purshottam M aganbhai Patel, trading asEtM otor & H ardware M art''.

Address.- -OfI Salim Road, M om basa.Descriptic n.- M otor spares, hardware and general m erchant.Court.- k '..M . Suprem e Court, M ombasa.No. 0/ m, If/cr.--7 of 1952.Date t7/ public examination and consideration // composi-lf(?a.- : 6th day of June, 1953. '

H our.- Lç , o'clock.Place.- kj .M . Suprem e Court, M om basa.

A . C. BECTOR,M ombasa, Agent 0/ the O/.#cftz/ Receivel',8th June, 1953. #.0. Box 366, M om basc.

GENSRAL N 7TIcE No. 1303


Debtors' pztzvles.- Nand Singh s/o Battan Singh and PartapSingh ' / o Labh Singh, trading as Tscity Building Co'ntrac-:

,, .tors'' : nd ttN/idewood W orks .Address-- .-Nairtlbi.D escripti '/z-- carpenters.Court-- ? I.M . Supreme Court of K enya.Nt?.- 14 7f 1951. .


Date 0/ r)r#er.--1st day of June, 1953.Nature ?/ ortier-- rkbe debtors' proposal for scheme ofarrangt m ent is approved. The receiving order and theadjudil ation order made against them are hereby discharged.

W . F. G . BROW NE,Nairobi, Deputy Registrar,8th June 1953.. Supreme Court 0/ Kenya.

GENERAL N o'rlce No. 1296


AOMINISTRATION O RDF,R' Nalne oj deceased.- soszçb Victor Bentley.Address.- Blue G um s Farm , K iam bu.D escription-- Yaçmeç.Dcy oj #cJl/z.- 21st February, 1952.C/ur/.- H .M . supreme Court, Nairob. i.No. oj matter.- ll of 1952.Date 0/ tpr#cr.- 5th June 1953 .:

. Date oj petition or appllcation yt?r fransjer-- s6ttï July, 1952.W hether' wtll or other testamentary dispositiàn (with datethereojj or letters oj (ztfr/ff/l/x/rfz/ftp//.--t,etters of adminis-tration with will annexed, date of will 8th M ay, 1948.

Date when prob'ed .or rrcafeJ.- 26th M arch, 1953.

N airobi, . D . J. COW ARD ,11th June, 1953. Acting O/cial Receiver.

G CNZSRAL N ()Tlcs N o. 1297


D ebtor's rlcznc.- loseph Henry Clement Langlois, a partnerin the firm of çxN di Sisal Syndicate''.

A tflrcr .- taim uru. 'Description.- M eçcttant.Court.- H .M . Suprem e Court of K enya, N airobi.No. oj zntzf/er.- ll of 1949.A mount per f .- cents 47.First or hnal or otherwise.- piçst and final.W hen pcycJ7/c.- l6tlz l'une, 1953.W here ptzytzh/e.---oflice of the Oë cial Receiver, Law CourtsBuilding, N airobi.


12th June, 1953.

G ENERAL Noaucs No. 1298


FoR A Coso oslrloxDebtor's ntzzne.- Ramniklal D ahyabhai Shah.Address.- p.o . Box 1981, M om basa.Description.- M eçcbznt.C(>ur/.- H .M . Suprem e Court, M om basa.N o.- % of 1952.Date oj meeting.- l4ttt June, 1953.H our.- Your o'clock in the afternoon. 'Place.- omcz of M essrs. V. P. Patel (Accountant) & Co,,opposite N aaz Cinema, M akadara Road, M om basa.

V. P. PAYEL B.coM.,. . >M omfiasa, ' . . Trustee.12th June, 1953. P.O. Box 119, M om basa.

D. J. COW ARD ,Acting Omcial Receiver.

59$ TWE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 16t* Jtme, ,1953

GsNsRAt,.N o'rlcs N o. 1304






TAKE NOTICE that application havipg been m ade in thisCourt in-

(1) CAUSE NO. 138 ()F 1953By M essrs. Stephen and Bickerton W illiams, advocates, of

Nairobi, as an attornoy of the executors named in the will ofthe decoased, for letters of administration with will annexed of'

the estate of Geoffrey Canning Bernard, of Nairobi, who diedat N airobi on the 28th day of D ecem ber, 1952, testate.

(2) CAUSE N(). 139 OF 1953By M essry. K aplan and Stratton, advocates, of N airobi, for

and on behalf of M arjorie Daisy M archant, of Nairobi, theexecutrix nam ed in the will of the deceased, for a grant . ofprobate of the will of W illiam Sydney M archant, of Nairobi,who died at Nairobi on the 1st day of February, 1953.

(3) CAuse No. 14(J olp 1953'

By M essrs. Kaplan and Stratton, advocates, of Nairobi, forresealing in the Colony of K enya the grant of probato grantedforth of Her M ajesty's High Court of Uganda at Kampala ofthe will of Vassos H ippocrates Georgiadis, of K ampala, whodied at Nairobi on thc 30th day of April, 1952.

(4) CAusE No. 141 olp 1953By Messrs. Shapley, Barret and Co., advocates, of Nairobi,for and on behalf of M ay Letham , of N airobj, the executrixnamed in the will of the deceased, for a grant of probate of thewill of Thomas Edward Letham, of Nairobia who died at M om-basa in the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, on the 8th dayof M ay, 1953.


Notice oj application p r administration oj estate oj LavenderClaire Loudon-shand, Iate t# Nakuru, deceased

TAK E N OTICE that application having been m ade in thisCourt by Stewart Gordon Logdon-shand of Thom son's Fallsfor tl3e adm inistration of the estate of Lavender Clarie Loudon-Shand, late of Nakuru who died at Ukunda on the 30th day:of N ovem ber, 1952,, thls Court will proceed to issue the sam eunless . cause be shown to the contrary and appearance in thisrespect entered on or before the 30th day of June, 1953.

R . M . H . RO DW ELL,D istrict D elcgate,

Nakuru, . H .M . Supreme Court ï?/ Kenya,8th June, 1953. ' Nakuru District Registry.

N ote.- The will above named is now deposited and open toinspection at the Court.



cAcss N o. 8 oF 1953 -

Notice tz./ application Ior letters oi administration with willannexed oj the estate . oi Jivrai Gokaldas t)/ Luandn 'in theColony o/ Kenya, deceased.TAK E N OTICE that application having been m ade in this

Court by Kantilal Jivraj Gokaldas of Luanda, , North NyanzaDistrict in the Colony of Kenya, the son of the deceascd, forletters of administratlon with will annexed of the estate ojJivraj Gokaldas, late of Luanda in the Colony of Kenya, whodied at Luanda aforesaid on the 14th day of M ay, 1953, thisCourt will procced to' isstie sam e unless 'caùso be shown to thecontrary and appearance in this respect entered on or beforethe 25th day of June, 1953.

K isum u,4th June, 1953.

H . G. SHERRIN ,District D elegate,

N yanza Province, K isum u.

G BNSRAL N oncB N o? 1306


(5) CAusE No. 142 oF 1953By M essrs. Sllapley, Barret and Co., advocates, of Nairobi, as

instructed by M essrs. Gray, M ùirhead and Carmichael, ofDalkeith, Sçotland, for resealing in the Colony of Kenya thegrant of conûrm ation issued at Edinburgh under the seal of theOpice of the Commissariot of Edinburgh, of the will of M rs. ' uH elen M acfarlane, of Dalkeith, Scotlanda who died at D alkeith '-'' -''aforesaid on the 8th day of M arch, 1952.

(6) CAusB No. 145 tjk 1951By M essrs. Daly, Figgis, advocates, of Nairobi, as an attorney

of the executors named in the will of the deceased, for resealingin thç Colony of Kenya the grant of probate éranted fors ofHer M ajesty's High Court of Justice, District Probate Repstry,

at Lewes, England, of thç will of John Brind .El1is, of Hastings,Sussex, whe died at Hastings aforesaid on the 29t.1: day ofN ovem ber, 1952.This Court will proceed to issue same unless cause be shown

to the contrary apd appearance be entered on or bofore the30th 4ay of June., 1953.

W . F. G . BROW N E,N airobi, D eputy Registrar, Suprem e Court10th June, 1953. oj Kenya.

N t?/c.- The W ills above-named are deposited and open toinspection at tlze Court.

GSNSRAL N owzcs N o. 1309



TAK E N OTICE that applicatioq having been m ad: to thisCourt in-

CAusB N o. 20 oy 1950By M arii bin Saleh Al-Amry of M ombasa, K enya P#otec-

torate, the executor of the sole heir of tho deceased, for letters

of administration de bonis non of ' the estase of M barak binA li bin A bidun, late of M om basa, K enya Protectorate

, whodied at Tarba, Hadramuth, Arabia, on the 19th day of October

,I 949, intestate.



In the matter oj the 'estate oj W illiam Henry Carlyle Bell,deceased

TAK E N OTICE that letters of adm inistration of the estateof the above-nam ed deceased, who died intestatc at Eldoreton the 22nd day of October, 1952, was granted to Digby Green,' lawful attorney of Alexander Langton Carlyle Bell, the brotherand next of kin of the said deceased, on the 29th day of M ay,1953, and that a1l persons having any claim s against the estateof the said deceased are Tequired to prove 1he sam e with theundersigned on or before the 5th day of July, 1953, after whichdate tho claims so proved will be pald and the estate distributedaccording to law . *

5th June, 1953.

D . GREEN ,Advocate /()r the Administrator,

P.O . Box 14, Eldoret.




G usB No. 28 oF 1952

Catiss N o. 40 OF 1953By Haidar bin Mohamed Vlmandry and Mohamed bin lssa

Elm andry, b0th of M om basa, K enya Protectorate, the relatives

of the deceased, for letters of administration of the estate ofKhadija binti Salim bin lssa Elmandhria of M ombasa, K enyaProtectorate, who died at M ombasa on the 20th day of M ay

,1953, intestate.

This Court will proceed to issue the sam e unless cause bcshown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered onor before the 30th day of Jgne, 1953.

W . H . G OUD IE,M om basa, Acting Deputy Registrar

,( tth June, 1953. S .M . Supreme Court 0/ Kenya.


(Cap. 288)PU RSU ANT to section 284

, sub-section 5 of the abôve' Ordinance, it is hereby notified that the undermentioned company'has this day 'been struck off the Register of Com panies and thecom pany dissolked :-

Exhibition Prom otions, Limited.N airobi, D

. J. COW ARD,12th June, 1953. Acting Registrar t# Companies


/?z the matter // the estate JJ Gwyneth Francis M cry Agate,also known as Gwyneth Francqs M ary' Agate, tfFcetwçcr/


TAKE NOTICE that probate of the will of the above-nam eddeceased, who died at Eldoret on the 14th day of July

, 1952,was granted j;o Basil Somerton Agate and D igby G reen

, thcexecutors therein named, on the 6th day of M ay

, 1953, andthat a11 persons having any claims against the estate of the said'd d are required t'o prove the sam e with the undersignedeceaseon or before tht 15th day of July, 1953, after which date theclaims ào proved will be paid and the estate distributed accord-

ing to law. .

11th June, 1953.

D . GREEN ,Advocate J(?r the Executors,

P.O. Box 14, Eldoret.

16th June', 195) S99

GENERAL N o'rlcE N o. 1311


Loss OF STOCK CERTIFICATEIN PURSUANCE of the provision of regulation 17 (2) of the

Local Loan Regulations, 1945, notice. is hereby given that theundermentioned 3 per cent Kenya Stock, 1970/ 1975, StockCertilicate has bcen lost and that it is proposed, after expirationof 30 days from the date of this notice, to issue duplicate ofsuch certificate.

Three Per Cent A'euytz Stock, 1970 / 75N o. 1, for f400, M rs. M avis Jean Buxton.


C . L. TO DD ,Accountant General,

The Treasury, P.O . Box 591, N drobi.

GENERAI- N oTlcB N o. 1312


N OTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore sub-sisting between Lalji Premji and M anji Dhanji Raghvani carry-ing on business as' stone quarry owners and stone dealers onPlot No. L.R. 209/ 136/38, Cross Road, Nairobi, under the firmname or style of çftzalji and M anji Company'', has been' dis-solved by mutual consent from the 1st day of June, 1953, byretirement therefrom of ' the said Lalji Premji.The business is bqing carried on by the said M anji Dhanji

Raghvani under the sam e style or firm nam e, and a1l debts dueto and owing by the said Iate partnership will be received andpaid by the said continuing partner, M anji Dhanji Raghvani.

M . D . RAG HVAN I,Continuing partner.

N airobi, LALJI PREM JI,9th June, 1953. Retiring partner.


DISSOLUTION OF PARTN ERSH IPN OTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore sub-

sijting between Dahyabhai M otibhai Patel and Ram anlalH aqsadrai Rawal, carrying on business of printers under thename or style of M essrs. M odern Printers at premises onPlot 192, Section IXX , off Salim Road, M om basa, has been dis-solved by mutual consent with edect from the 31st day of M ay,1953, by retirem ent of the said D ahyabhai M otibhai Patel fromthe said partnership.The said Ram anlal H arsadrai Rawal will continue the said

business in the sam e nam e and style of M essrs. M odern Printersat the safne prem ises and will collect and pay a1l assets andliabilities henceforth.

D . M . PATEL,Retiring Partner,

Mombasa, RAMANLAL H. RAWAL,31st M ay, 1953. Continuing Partner.

G ENERAI- N olqcE N o. 1314

D ISSOLUTION OF PA RTN ERSH IPNOTICE ïs hereby given that the partnership heretofore sub-

sisting between Naranjan Singh Vîrdl and Chanan Singh Virdi,both of N yeri, carrying on the business of photographers underthe firm's name of ttNaranjan Singh & Bros.'' at Nyeri, hasbeen dissolved by mutual consent as from 1st June, 1953, bythe retirem ent of Chanan Singh Virdi.A1l debts due and owing by the said tirm will be received

and paid by the gaid rem aining partner, and he will continueto carry on the said business under t13e sam e nam e and styleof Naranjan Singh & Bros.

CHAN AN SIN G H VIRDI,R etirîng Partner.

NARA NJAN SIN GH VIR DI,Continuing Partner.


G ENERAL N oT cB N c.. 1316

1 IISSOLUTION OF PARTN ERSHIPNOTtCE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore sub-

sisting betwee 1 Narltnjan Dass, son of Ralla Ram , and RakhaRam son of ltalla Ram , carrying on business under the name orF


style of tttaeat ing Cashion & Furniture House'' at Plot No. .97,Grogan Road, N aircbi in the Colony and Protectorate of K enya,

. has been disst plved l)y mutual consent as from the 26th day ofM ay, 1953, 1: y' the retirement therefrom of the said NaranjanDass, son of 1 Lalla Ram . ' .The said bti siness will be carried on by the remainlng partner,

Rakha Ram, ;on of Ralla Ram , under the same lirm pame andstyle at tho' s: m e place and address.A11 debts d ae to and owing by the said partnership Fill be

received and J haid b)r the said Rakha Ram , son of Ratlla Ram .

The said N tranjall Dass, son of Ralla Ram, does not assumenor does he i ztend to assume any liability whatsoever that m aybe incurred b' the continuing partner after the 26th day of M ay,1953.

Nairobi, N ARAN JAN DA SS,26th May, .953. Retirîng Tartner.

GENERAL N ol CcE Nf). .1317


PURSUAN F to tlle Trustee Ordinance N o. 28 of 1929, ' allpersohs havit g claim s against the estate of the lAte W illiamNeill Blain, l tte of Thomson's Faljs, Kenya Colony, who diedon 2nd June , 1953, at Thom son's Falls,' K enya Colonys. arerequired to kend Ilarticulars thereof to Trustee Departm ent,Barclays Ban t (Dominion, Colonial and Overseasls P.O. Box1120, Nairobi Kenya Colony, oh or before 16th Augqst, 1953,7

djstnbute theafter which ( .ate tlte executors will proceed toassets, having regartr only to valid claims then notified.

TR USTEE DEPARTM EN T, .Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial and

Overseas, N aîrobi.8th June, 19f 3.

GENSRAI- N o1 IcE N tn. 1318

M RS. AGN ISS FORBES HORTON , DECEA SEDTAK E N C TICE that al1 persons having any claims against

the estate of the allove-nam ed deceased, who died on the 16thday of N ovel aber, (952, at N airobi, are required to prove suchclaim s befor: us tlle undersigned on or before the 30th dayof June, 195 9, after which date the claims so proved will bepaid and the estate distributed according to law .

C . K EN N ETH A RCHER ,for Archer tt W ilcoek,

Advocates jor the Executors.Nairobi, W hittaker's Buildingj,8th June, 1 )53. P.O . Box 4224, W estlands, N airobi.

GBNERAL N oT IcE No. 1319


NOTICE i 9 herrby given that the business c>rried on byNarshi Laklu mshi Shah and Bhagwanji Hemraj Sbah under thefirm nam e al xd stylz of ç'N anyuki Silk Store'' on Plot N o. 13,Nanyuki, hat , as from the 25th day of M ay, 1953 been soldand transferr ld to Govindji Kanji Shah and Khimli RaichandShah, who w 11 carry on the said business under the same nam eand style of ç4Naqhruki Silk Store'' at Sectiop 5, Plot No. 5,N anyuki.The addre! 5 of the transferors is P.O . Box 1735, N airobi.The addres ; of the transferees is P.O . N anyuki.

The transi lrees are not assuming nor do thej intend toassume any liability incurred by the transferors in the saidbusiness up t ) and including the 25th day of M ay, 1953, and thesam e will be paid and discharged by 1he said transferors. Like-wise a1l debt , owing to the transferors up to and including thesaid 25th da) of M ay, 1953, should' be paid to the transferors.Nairobi, A . P. SH AH ,12th June, 1953. Advocate J(?r the Transferors.

GBNERAI- N o' 'Ics N o. 1320 ,


NOTICE i 5 hereby given that the general power of attqrneydated 24th J: .nuary,, 1946 (Rgd. as No. I.P/A. 2314/ 1), eyecutedand granted by me the undersigned

, Jayantilal, alias JethalalKrishnaram Triveclys to Shantilal K rishnaram Trivedy andBhanushanke ' K rishnaram Trivedy appointing them as m yattorneys, is revokthd and cancelled, and that the said ShantilalKrishnaram Trivedy and Bhanushanker Krishnaram Trivedyhave no au' hority to represent mo or to act for me or' inmy name or on my behalf in any manner under the aforesaidpower of att; lrney. ' .Nairobi, JAYAN IRLAL

, alais JETHALAL10th June, 1953 . KRISHNARAM TRW EDY .

N o'rlcE N o.

D ISSOLU TION OF PARTNERSHIPN OTICE is hereby given that the pértnership heretofore sub-

sisting between Noorali Sidi and Shivji Kanji, carrying onbuslness of . garage, fuel and paoenger bus service at PlotNo. 93, Section 35, M umias Road, K isumu, in partnership inthe firm name or style of ççRoadways, N yanza'' has been dis-7solved by m utual consent of the aforesaid persons as ffom the20th day of M ay, 1953, by retirement therefrom o'f the aforesaidN oorali Sidi.The said business, as from' 20th ' M ay, 1953, will be carried

on by the aforesaid Shivji Kanji, the continuing partner, undcrthe same firm name or style and at the salpe place.All debts owing to and by the said business up to and includ-

ing 20th M ay, 1953 will 'be received and paid by the aforesaid>


continuing partner.

K isumu, S. S. BH ASIN ,27th M ay, 1953. Advocate Jor the Parties.

60û TH E OFFICIAL GAZETTE 161h Jtme, 1953.

' .



T EN DERS in term s of stand premium are invited for thedirect grant of the plot describçd in the attached Schedule uponthe term s and conditions following : -. 2. A plan .()f the plot may be inspected in the Public M ap .

' Oë ce of 'the Survey Departm ent, N airobi, and at the oë ce of'the District Comm issioner, N anyuki, or a copy may be . obtainedat the oK ce of the Director of Surveys, P.O . Box 1766, N airobi,on' paym ent of Sll. 3, post free.3. Sealed tenders m arked ççrfender for N anypki G arage Plot''

should be submitted to the Commissioner of Lands, P.O. Box89, Nairobi, on or before noon on M. onday, 6th July, 1953.

CONDITIONS obt SALB1. A successful tenderer shall pay to the Cgmmissioner of

Lands, within 14 days of notification of acceptance of histender, a sum equal to 25 per cent of the amount tendered, thesurvey fees, the rent in advance for the year 1953, the feespayable in respect of preparation and the registration of thegrant (Sh. 12*) and the stamp duty (approximately 2 per centof the' stand premium and annual rent).2. In default of paym ent within the specised tim e the pur-

cha:er shall have no further claim to tlze grant of the plot.3. The balance of the purchase price will be payable on

demand prior to thr issue of title.4. The grant will be issued in the nam e of the allottee in

accordance with the information ïupplied jn the tender whichshould contain full necessary details.

should be accom p' anied by a statement

with a roohng of tiles or other permanent materials to be ap-proved by the Local Authority and the Commissioner of Landsand shall maintain the sam' e in good and substantial tenantablerepair and condition, including external paintwork to the satis-faction of the Local Authority, during the continuance of theterm .

2. The plot sàall be used for the purpose of a motor garageand for no other purpose whatsoever, provided, however, thatresidential quarters m ay be erected on the lirst floor of anybuilding.3. The grantee shall not at any time during the term of the

grant erect any building so as to cover m ore than 90 .per centof the plot, if used for business purposes only, and 50 percent if the plot is used for the com bined purposes of businessand residence.4. The grantee shall not at any time during the continuance

of the term of the grant subdivide the plot.5. The grantee shall not sell or transfer the plot nor enter

into any mortgage charge (other than with the consent of theCommissioner of Lands for the raising of a loan for buildingpurposes) or agreement for sale in respect thereof, sub-let orotherwise dispose of the plot or any pà'rt thereof or anybuilding erected thereon unless the prior consent of the Com -'m issioner in writing has been obtained.Nairobi, Y. E. FIEMINGER,3rd June, 1953. for Acting Commîssioner t# Lands.


AreaPlot Sect. Acres Stand Annual SurveyNo. No. (approx.) Premium Rent Fees

S h . S .# Sh .78 XlI 0-457 7,955 1,591 191/50

GSNERAI- N o'rlcs N o. 1321 a. .k



APPLICATION S have been received and others are lnvltedfor the direct alietzation of the land noted in the Schedulehereto, and this intim ation is published for public inform ation;Any rem arks on the applications or counter claim's from per-

sons interested, including persons who have previously subm ittedapplications, m ust-be submitted to the Special Com missioner andActing Com missioner of Lands, P.O. Box 89, N airobi, beforenoon on 16th July, 1953.Plans of the areas m ay be seen at the Public M ap .oë ce,

Survey D epartm ent, G overn.m ent Road, N airobi or m ay beobtained on payment of Sh. 3 each, post free.

A . W . HORN ER,Nairobi, for Special Commissioner Jn#12th June, 1953. Acting Commissioner ol Lands.

Sclu out.sL.R.' Ng.- unsurveyed area adjoining L.R. Nos. 1733 and ;7 3 7 4 / R . . . .=.J,

itpctz/ffv.- M achakos.Area approx.- s,ùèo acres.Stand prem ium -- To be assessed.Applicant .- (i) European Agricultural Settlement Board ;(ii) M essrs. Kapiti Plains Estate, Ltd.

A nnual rent.- To be asesssed.

L.R. N0.- 1732/ 1.ftpcc/ffy.- M achakos.Area approx.- 549 acres.Stand premium -- To be assessed.Wppljctz/z/-- Eurclpean A gricultural Settlelnent Board.Annual rent.- 'To be assessed.L.R. No.- lj.61I 1.Locality.- Wrans N zoia.A rea 4//rtp.x.- 887 acres.Stand prem ium .- hno be assessed.Applicant.- M r. A . W . Hall.A nnual rent-- zo cents per acre per annum revjsable.

5. Each tenderindicating-(a) detailed proposals for the development of the plot illus-

trated by a sketch plan and a description of the proposals,which must be in accordance with the Township BuildingRules ;

(!9 the amount of capital available for deyelopment together'

with a banker's reference in support thereof .6.- Thé Comm issioher of Lands does not undertake to accept

the highest or any tender.

7. In the event of the lrantee failing to comply with theprovisions of Special Condltion N O. 1 below any proceedingsthat m ay be necessary will be instituted for the recovery of theland. M oneys that m ay have been paid in respect of tho plotwill be forfeited.

G BNBRAL CONDITIONS OF GRANT1. The grant shall be for a term of 99 years from the first

day of 'the m onth following the notitication of acceptance of thetçnder.'

2. No building shall be erected on the plot unless planj(including block plans showing the position of the buildingsclearl. y deiined and showing a system of drainage for thedisposal of sewage, surface and sullage water on the plot),drawings, elevations and specifications thereof shall have beenpreviously approved by the Local Authority and thç Com -missioner of Lands or such other person as he may appoint.Suclz plans shall be submitted ia tripltcate to the Local Authorityin the first instance within three m onths of ' the comm encem entof the term .3. The Governor or such other person or authority as m ay be

appointed for the pgrpose shall have the right to enter upon anyplot and' 1ay and have access to water mains, sewers, servicepipes and drains, telegraph and teleplione wires and electricmains of al1 deescriptions whether overhead or underground, andthe grantee shall not erect any buildings in such a way as tocover or interfere with any existing alignm ents of m ains orservice pipes, sewage or the telegraph or telephone wires andelectric m ains aforementioned.4. Thè grantee shall pay such rqtess taxes, charges, duties,

assessOents or outgoings of wbatever description as m ay beirtfposed, charged 'or assessed by any Governm ent or LocalAuthority upon the land or out-buildings erected thereon,inclljsing atly contribution or dtlier sum paid by Govornmentin Ileu thereof .'5. The Xantçe shall be required to pay on demand the pro-

portionate' costs of roads and drains serving the plot, and the

annual cost of maintenance of the roads when constructed willbe paid by the grantee in proportion to the frontage of thepltf. ' 'à. Should the grantee of the plot specilied herein or the

Loc:l 'Authority at any time require the roads to be constructedtù' a higher standard, the cost of this construction will be paidpropprtionately by the said grantee on the basis set out inCondition N o, 5.7. The grant will be made under the Crown Lands Ordin-

anèe tG p. 155 of the Revised Edition of the Laws of Kenya)apk, title will be issued under the Registration of Titles Ordin-a'X C' 'r


: . SesclAt, Coxm Tfoxs1. Tlie grantee shall erect complete for occupation within

24 rppqths of the commencement of the term a building con-qstfuçtW .of stone, burnt brick or concrete on proper foundations

GENERAL N o'rlcs No. 1129


IT IS notilied for general inform ation that the above exam ina-tion will be held on 2nd and 3rd Septem ber, 1953, at centres tobe arranged in N airobi, M om basa, N akuru, N yeri and K isum u.Entries close on 15th July, 1953, and entry forms may be

obtained from the Education Departm ent. ,

ln no circumstances will late entries be accepted and headsof departm ents are earnestly requested to bring this notice,which .will appear in the Oëcial Gazette no less than threetimes, to the attention of their clerks, otherwise a ceriain num-ber Iplay be penalized. ''


ior adrffag Director t7/ Education.

16th alune, 1953 THE OFFICIAL GM ETTE 601

G ENERAL N olqcs N o. 1220



NOTICE is hereby given that the plots shown in the attachedSchedules are available for alienation in the N airobi SouthEstate, south oî the Light lndustrial Area in the neighbourhoodof the Ritle Range. A description of the plots and the varioususes for which they will be alienated are shown below.

2. Applications are invited for the direct grant of thèse plots.A plan of the plots may be seen at the Lapds Department,Nairobi, or m ay be obtained by post on dem and of Sh. 3,postage free, from the Survey Departm ent, P.O . Box 1766.N airobi.

3. Applications should be subm itted to the Special Com -missioner of Lands, P.O . Box 89, N airpbi, on or before noonon the 30th day of Junc 1953, and envelopes should. be clearly:m arked either tsApplicatlon for Business-cum -Residential Plots

'' or tçApplication for Petrol Station Site, NairobiNairobi SouthSouth''.4. Personal interviews will not be granted.

Condîtions oj Sale1. In the case of the plots in Schedule A , the following types

of businesses are considered to be essential but applicants qre. >


at liberty to apply in respect of other businesses :-

Chemist, Dry Cleaner, Furniture Shop, Bakery, BlectricalVittings, and Hardware, Daily, Stationery and Bookshop,Grocers, Greengrocers, Butchers D raper, Confectionei'' Tailorand Shoem aker.

2. Applicants m ay, if they wish, submit plans for the erectionof u

;p to three shops on each plot. lt is intended to secure a

Jontlnuous shoppiné frontage by this concession which shouldnot be taken to imply that later proposals for the submissionof plqts would be considered. Applications to sub-let the shopswould be sympathetically considtred, but preference will begiven to applicants proposing to use the plots for them selves.The type of business proposed in cases where sub-letting isrequested would be carefully considered in the light of Condi-tion N o. 1 above.


3. The grant will 1ne issued in the nam e of the allottee inaccordance wit z the inform ation supplied in the applicationwhich should ( ontain full necessary details.

4. Fees for s zrvey, as set' out in the Schedule, will be payableon dem and, to1 pther with fees in respect of the .preparation 'andregistration of the grant (Sh. 120) and the stamp duty payablein respect of tl e grant (approximately 2 per cent of tho amountof stand premi Im ant:l rent) and all other expenses, if any.

5. No build. ng shàll be erected on any plot unless plgns(including bloc k plalls showing the position of the building),drawin'gs

, elev: .tions and specifcations thereof havq beçn. prerviously appros ed by the Local Authority and by the Com-m issioner of I ands, or such other person as he m ay appoint.Such plans, el 2., shall be subm itted in tziplicate to the TownClerk, N airob; , within six m onths of the date of comm ence-ment of the g ant. '

6. Construct .on ol'. work m ay be comm enced at any tim eafter the accq ptance of the grant and the paym ent of charges,but certilicatef of occupatgon. m ay not be issued by the CityCouncil until :he sewage and drainage systems have been com -pleted.

7. The gran will l)e m ade u' nder the Crown Lands Ordinance(Cap. 155 of ' he Revised Edition of the Laws of Kenya, 1948),and titles wfll be issued under the Regïstration of Titles Ordin-ance. rl'he terr 1 of tite grants will ùe 99 years from thç first. 'dayof the m onth following the allocation of plots. '

8. The gran :ee shaell not at any time subdivide the plot.

9. The gran :ee shall not sell or transfer the plot nor enter intoany mortgage chargt) (other than with tbe cons/nt of the Com-missioner of wands for the raising of a loan for building pur-poses) or agrf :ement ,of sale in respect thereof within ten yearsof the date o ' com raencement of the grant.

% .

10. jubjec to th.e preceding condition, the grantee shall notat any time d aring the tenancy assign, mortçale, sub-let or partwith the post ession of the plot or any bulldm gs thereon sâvewith the priç 'r approval of the Comm issioner of Lands tirsthaving been 6 rbtained in writing.

11. The G( 'vernm ent or such person or authority as m ay beappointed fo the purpose shall have the .right to enter uponany plot and lay artd have access to water mains, service pipes,sewers, drainj , telegraph or telephone wires and electric m am s ofal1 descriptic ns wllether overhead or underground, an' d thegrantee shall not el'ect any building in such a way as to coveror interfere vlth any existing routes, m ains or service pipes.,'

sewers or dre ips or the telegraph or telephone wires and electricm ains aforen entioned.

12. The gr tntee 'will be required to pay any m unicipal ratesupon the wh. )1e of the rateable intçrest, lncluding Goverliment'scontribution .n lieu of rates assessed on the plot.

13. The gr m tee shall duly and suitably connect ' the drainagesystem with àny tcwn drainage system when in fhe opinion ofthe Comm ish oner 47f Lands and the Local Authority the lattersystem is so far complettd as to enable the grantee reasonablyso to do.

14. Any t uildim ; erectçd shall ctm form to a building linedecided upot by thà Local Authority.


Scltlm ut,s A

Special Conditions1. The gr: ntee shall erect complete within 24 m onths of the

date of the comrrtencement of the grant a main building ofapproved de sign, ()n .proper foundations constructed of stpne,l


btlrnt brick Ar concrete with roofing of tlles or shingles or. suchother perma nent rnaterials as may be approyed by the Com-'missioner.

2. The p1d pt sball b8 used for business purposes only or forthe com bine :1 purlloses of business and residence. The businesswill be rest? icted to that of general retail. trade as approved ineach case 13 f the Com m issioner. '

3. At no airrfe daring the term of the grant shall any plot orportion the! zof, or any building erected on the plot, be usédfor the purl ose of carrying on any trade or business which hasbeen or mf y be declared to be dangerous or o/ensive by zanotice in th( Kenya Oëcial G azette. N o business likely to createnoise or to lçcom e a nuisance will be perm itted.4. The gr tntee shall not at any tim e during $he term of the

grant . erect any buildings to cover m ore than one-half of theplot.

5. V erant &hs m Ry be erected within a road resel've with theprevious co1 sent of tlle M unicipal Councii and must èonform toa building 1 ne dellided upon by the said Council. '6. Roads, D rains and s'ewerf.- -fhe developer will be required

to pay on t em and the proportionate cost of the construction ofroads, draft s and sewers servîng the site. Prelim inary estimates .are set out .n the Schedule. A final apportionment will be madewhen the a ltual c'ost is known.

3. Residence on each plot will be restricted one ;at forone fam ily only, and having a m axim um floor area equal tonot more than 50 per cent of tlte area of ttle site. Separateaccess to the tlat must be provided from the footway on theshop frontage. '

4. A/plicants must submit full written details of the type ofdtvelopm ent proposed. The m inimum am ount of capital avail-able for and to be expended on the construction m' ust be statedand must bc supqorted by à Panker's reference. .ln the con-sideration of appllcations regard will be had to tlle relativemerits of !he proposed plans for construction and the financialsuëciency of the ' applicant to undertake such conàtruction.

5. W hilst the wishes of applicants with regard to the locationor size of plots will be taken into consideration, osers will benecessarily m ade in accordance with whatever plots m ay beavailable.

6. In the case of the plots for Petrol Service Statïons ïnSchedule B, each tender should be accom panied b,y a statem entcontaining a detailed description of the proposals of the tendererfor the development of the site. Proposals m ust be in accord-ance with the City By-laws and should bû for a Petrol Service.Station on m odern lines with adequate provision on the s'ite forsvnding vehicles for their re-fuelling off the road. In the case 'of Plot No. 209/ 3804, no access will be permitted to the ServiceStation from the through road on the north-eastern boundary ofthis plot.

7. Tenders for Petrol Service Station Plots must be supportedby a statem ent 'from an established oil com pany, confirming .

the bona fides of the applicant and ïncluding an undertakïngthat the tenderer, if successful, will be appointed an authorizeddealer in those products of the company applicable to the useas a Petrol Servlce Station.

8. The Comm issioner does not undertake to accept anv tenderor to grant any application.

General Condidons oj Grant1. Payments of the am ounts as set forth in the Schedules m ust

be m ade within 14 days of the notification of the allocationof any plot. These am ounts are provisional estim ates. The finalcharge for roads, drains and sewers will be m ade when theactual cost, after completion, has been ascertained.

2. lf the pa/ments set forth in the respective Schedules arenot made withln 14 days of the date of the notification of theallocation of uny plot, the plot m ay be im mcdiatcly rcallocatedand any subsequent application by the person, who has m adedefault, m ay be ignored or refused and no further interest ontlw pgrt of the applicant concerped will be acknowledged. lnaddition 'to the paym ent for roads, drains and sewers, rent till31st Ehtcember, 1953, will also be required to be paid.

602 THE OFN CIAL GAZETT'E 16t1i Jtlnè, .195)


ScHsouLs B

Special Conditions. 1. The grantee shall erect complete for use on the plot within24 months from the date of the commencement of the grant aPetrol Service Station of approved design, constructed of ap-provcd. perm anent and fre-proof m aterial on proper fouhdatitm sin accordance with tlte developm ent conditions im posed on tlleacceptanc: of the tender and shall maintain the sam e, includingthe externàl paint wotk in.good and substantial condition duringthe term of the grant.2. The plot shall be uqed only for the purpose of a Petrol

Sérvice jtatitin for re-fuelflng, oiling and greasing vehicles,normal garage Tepairs Fi1l not be permitted.3. The external appearance, including the, colour, of such

buildings and ltttering thereon to be as approved by the N airobiCity Council.

4. Rpad, D rdftzs ,'and. Seiwerya- rrhe doveloper will be requiredto pay (?n ' dehaand the prôportionate cost of the constructionof roads, dréins and sewers serving the site. Preliminaryestim ates am set out in the Schedule. A final apportionm ent willbe made when the actual cost is known.


20th M ay, 1953.

F. E. FIRM IN GER,1or Special Commissioner andActing Commîssîoner ol Lands.


. (A) General Conditions(i) An applicant or his or her spouse who is already the owner

of land with sea frontage at the Coast is not eligibk for a plotunder this schem e.(ii) The Grant will be issued in the name of the allottee as

stated in the letter of application.'

(iii) Grants will be subject to the provisions of the CrownLands Ordinance tCap. 155) and titles *i1l be issued under thtRegistration of Titles Ordinance (Cap. 160).(iv) Survey fees and the fees payable ia respect of the prepara-

tion and registration of tlke title, together with stamp duty inrespect of the G rant m ust be gaid within seven days of a demandtherdor.(v) The grantee will be responsible for the estimated propor-

tionate costs of roads and drains sorving tbe plot, if and wbenconstructed, and will be required to pay the same within sevendays of a dem and therefor. .

(vi) ln tho event of the grantee failing to comply with the pro-Wsions of condition (v) above any righf.s to a grapt will bc for-feited and any proceedings that may be necessary qill be in-stituted for the recovery of the land. M oneys that may havebeen paid in respect of the plot will be forfeited to the Crowh,(vii) No buildings shall be erected on any plot unless plans

(including block plans showing the position of such buildingsclearly defined and showing a system of drainage for disposingof sewage, surface and sullage water on tbe said land), drawings, .elevations and jpecifcations thereof shall have been approvedby the Local Authority and the Com m issioner of Lands or such .peison as he may appoint. Sueh plans shall be submitted intriplicate to the District Comm issioner, M alindi, i'n the first in-stance within six m onths of the date of the com mencem ent ofthe term .


Roadsstand xnnual Suvvey D<ains kArea

s wersPlot N o. po t Prenuum Ront F'ees eD*1' lot per ploi per plot perplotper'p

a,1 c r e s S .h S .h Sh & f3808 to 38 18 incl. -1 148 3,500 700 191/50 1963645 to .3649 jncl. .1148 3,500 700 191/50 1963704 t

o 379! tnczl .1 l48 3,500 700 191/50 1963644 and 3703 -1332 4,065. 813 191/50 227


. ScHspuLs B

pos s,Stand Anual Survey Drmns &i t N

o. Af*3' Premium Rent Fees' SewersP o Iotper pper plot per plot per plot per plot

.?4 gres Sh . S .h Sh . f3804 .6140 16,045 3,209 191/50 1,0443807 .3343 8,735 1.,747 191/50 568

GBNBRAL No'rlcE No, 1113

f 11 lot' 'will be restricted to tbe erection of(viii) The use o t e pone private residence, with the usual servants' quarters and out-buildings, for use as a private residenco and for no other pur-poses whatsoever.(ix) The grantee shall not at any time . subdivide the plot

except with prior consent in writing of tbe 'G overnor.(x) The Governor or snch person or authority as may be ap-

pointèd for the purpose shall have the right to enter upon anyplot and lay and have access to water mains, service pipes anddrains, telegraph and telephone wires, and electric mains of alldescriptions whother overhead or underground, and the grante:shall not e'rect any buildings in such a way as to cover or inttr-fere with any existing alir ments of m ain or service pipes or thetelegraph or telephone wires and electric m ains aforem entioned.(xil'-fhe grantee shall pay such rates, taxes, charges, duties,

assessm ents or outgoings' of whatever description as m ay be im -posed, charged or assessed by any Government or LocalAuthority upon the land or buildings erected thereon includingany contributipn or other sum paid by G overnm ent in lieuthél'oof

(B) Special Conditiohs(i) The Grant will be for a term of 99 years;(ii) The Grantee shall pay fo tlle Cömrnissioner of Lands with-

in seven days of notifcation that his application has been ap-prol'ed the assessed stand premium in respect of the plot togetherwith rent due for the current year. Sn the event of the applicantfailing to pay the assessed stand prem ium and the proportion of

s.,...>rent due for the current year, together with the amount due in

respect of survey, conveyancing and registration fees as referredto at paragraph (iv) of the General Conditions above within thetime stated, the Com missioner of Lands m ay order that anydeposit m ade by tho applicant be forfcited to the G overnm entand the applicant shall have no further claim .to a lea.se of theplot. . .(iii) The Grantee shall erect complete for occupation within

two years of the date of the com m encement of the term of hisG rant a building of approved design on proper foundations, con'-structed of stone, sawn tim ber, bu'rnt bricks, concrete or coral 'blocks with roofing of tiles, shingles or m akuti to the satisfac-tfon of the Com missioner of Lands.(iv) The Grantee shall not sell or transfer the plot nor enter

'into any charge or agreem ent of sale in respect thereof withinten years of thc date of commencement of the Grant, withoutthe 'consent Uf the Com m issioner of Lands.(v) Tlte area' of the plot shall excludo tho 1(K1 fed Foreslaore


N airobi,8th M ay, 1953.


DisTluc'r- suBolvlsloxs os PLOT No. 548-..-5sA FRONT' '


APPLICATIONS are invited' for the direct alienation of theplois enumerated in the Schedule hereto and this intimation ispublished for public information.

A plan of the areas m ay be seen at the om ces of-

(i) The DepaTtment of Lands, M ombasa.(ii) Thé Agrarian Liaison Oë cer, M ombasa.(iii) The Dejartment of Lands, Nairobi, or may be taken on

. loan frpm the Agrarian Liaison Oëcer, M ombasa.

Persons intending to inspect the plots are advised to communizca'te with . the 'Agrarian Liaison Oflker, Mombasa, before doingstj '-

Unti) sprh time as the plots are properly surveyed, successfulap' plican' ts will ' be issued with a Letter of Allotment

, and uponcpmpletion of survey, grants will be issued for terms of 99 yearsfrom the date of the issuè of the Letter df Allotment.The .sptcial Conditions Mpplicable to tllese plots are set oùt

b 1ow ' ' 'Q ..'The plots have been dhmarcated with stout wooden posts with

num bered iron plates at the seaward end of the two interm ediateboundary lines, but no oë cial suzvey has yet been m ade, and theacreages shown in the Schedule are approxim ate only.

The sta'nd pretrlium and i he annual rent payable in respectof each plot will be subject to adjustment when the precise arcashave been ascertained.

Applicatibns stating, if possible, the plot desired in order ofpreference should be submitted to the Department of Lands

,P .O. Box 53, M om basa, before noon on the 17th Juno, 1953,

with details of the applicant's nationality, age, madtal state,

number of children and ages, present occupation? period of resi-dence in' K enya, whethur occupancy will be perlodic or perm a-nent, funds available for developm ent and any other relevantinformation. '



l RoadsArea Stapd Annual anéProvisional Acres Prpmlum Rent Survey Drmns

Plot No. approx. approx. approx. Fees Copstruc-tlonCharge

Sh. Sh.9'6 1,920/00 384/00 Payable on Payable on

dlmynd dlmyndwlthln wlthlnseven days seven

2 5.6 1,120/00 224/00 ,, ,,3 ' 4.9 980/00 196/00 y, ,,

A . W . HORN ER,jor Spedal Commissioner andActing' Commissioner t# Lands.
