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Please provide your full name. Merry Sylver Adriana Guerra ...

Date post: 30-Jan-2023
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Please provide your full n Merry Sylver Adriana Guerra Sandra Mejia Deborah de los santos Tooba Khan Steve Ketchum Nadim islam

Please provide your full name.

Merry Sylver

Adriana Guerra

Sandra Mejia

Deborah de los santos

Tooba Khan

Steve Ketchum

Nadim islam

Catherine Chaney

Alisa Girardin

Sara Corey

Penny Roberts

Sheri Woodford

Camellia Charles-McNeal

Connie Greer

Pedram Mehdizadeh

William Douglas Moore

Lori Salinas

Lillian Elalee

Iesha Lancaster

Christi Wargo

Iesha Lancaster

Penny Morris Smith

Peter Fontana

Natalie Beegle

Gabriella Brooks

Jennifer Marie Sparks

Farzana Shamsuddin

Maria Garza

Erling Holm


Ryan Dennard

Ann Gonzalez

Stefanie smith

Feng Hsu

Brandon Law

Lara K. Forde

Marian Adams

Karina Eversley

Clint Raney

Heidi Wrights

Michael Contreras

Michael Contreras

Rafaela Barbosa

Jodi Jarmosco

Mia Figueroa

Michael Contreras

Jack Koss

Kelly Thrasher

Marian Adams

Annette Caballero

kent sullivan

Lacy Johnson

Michael Contreras

Robin Doussa

Kimberly cathey

amy hatch

Robbie Bourgeois

Evan Richards

Michael Contreras

Lara Forde

Erika Efferson

Dave Marquette

Heather Strawser

Kaari Ivanov

Janet Giron

Reshma Khatri Solano

Clinton Thrasher

Michael Brown

Kelly Thrasher

Sarah Sturrock

Jennifer Flores de Stephenson

Ivy Jody-Castillo

ivy Jody-Castillo

Yousuf Khan

Zahra Virani

Elena Skelton

Andrea Stone

Amy Hansen

Robin Doussa

Bailey Dippel

Lorri Pennington

Alex Frederick

Johnnie Foret

Daniel Morrow

Jack Henderson

Mandy Morgan

I would like to provide my answer electronically. The information below will be

shared with committee members.

I want my son to be able to attend school as a senior and also be safe due to covid. I

believe that in home learning and learning in the classroom would keep him both

involved in the school atmosphere and home safe at the same time. Seating the kids 6

feet apart and having him attend every other week would help to eliminate the

chances of getting this virus. But if we have to do schooling at home all teachers need

to use the same formats and be given the proper tools to properly teach the kids

remotely. We’ve had three broken devices and the tablets do not keep up with the

demand the kids are are put under. Teachers need help and the websites need

updating so they’re not constantly being booted, work isn’t submitting, and we aren’t

waiting on the district to issue yet another lap top that may or may not work. Please

address and fix these issues BEFORE school starts again. We want our kids to be

successful and feel confident about their work.

I would like for the school year to resume on campus. Due to both my husband and I

being essential employees, we are unable to provide homeschooling to our daughter.

Como madre quiero que mis hijos estén a salvo del coronavirus y de cualquier cosa que

ponga en peligro su vida pero si hablamos de aprender y que sean productivos en un

futuro ellos deben tener una vida normal y asistir a la escuela todas las mañanas como

lo han venido haciendo y jugar y abrazar a sus compañeros y maestros pero no puedo

yo decidir sobre si abren la escuela o no eso es algo que el distrito debe decidir

basándose en la recomendación de los profesionales de la salud.

I prefer online classes for the next fall. Kids and teachers will not follow orders

everyone will start to forget the protocol orders and get to relax.

Online learning

Open school as normal.

Extra cleaning and provide hand sanitizer in every classroom.

Please open the schools. The kids need to learn and need the peer interaction. The

risks to youth are very low. We have to move forward despite this virus.

So first off thank you all so much for making it possible for our children to finish out the

2019/2020 school year from home due to the pandemic.

I honestly wouldn’t be letting my children to return this year just yet until it’s safe with

a vaccine or a decline in number which we have neither of just yet. If anything our

cases are increasing by the day. Think about it.... 1000 deaths a day and what if one of

those is you, your spouse, child or loved one and it was because you didn’t follow the

guidelines properly. Is it really worth the risk to send the children out there to expose

them to a deadly virus that has already taken 116k lives in the US and is rising. I know I

couldn’t! Or what if my kids immune system is super strong and they don’t show any

symptoms but bring it home to me who has underlying health conditions such as

cancer and an compromised immune system and I get deathly sick. Is it really worth a

life by opening the school doors up when they can receive the same education

virtually?!? The answer in my eyes is NO! You shouldn’t put even 1 life at risk and your

exposing a lot of ppl in closed buildings and the bathrooms the cafeteria? Let’s be

realistic you can’t. Keep it virtual till it’s safe and trust me I want them doors open

ASAP bc these kids are driving me CRAZY but I’m not willing to risk their lives for my

sanity! lol I hope this helps y’all make a SMART decision! Thank you! Catherine Chaney

I would like for CCIS to reopen My Husband and my self both work full time jobs with

my husband out of town most of the time I found it hard to do the online schooling.

Not enough time after working all day. My daughter wasn’t able to participate in any of

the zoom meetings due to the fact that I was I was working she felt very left out and

alone It’s was also challenging to do some of the assignments because our Tablet and

computer weren’t compatible with what the teacher was assigning

Please take parents who MUST work full time to earn a living when considering this

upcoming school year. As a widow I dont have options for my child that is safe and

appropriate during the day. My child also has autism and has deteriorated greatly

during the closure of school.

My daughter derserves a quality education that prepares her for college. Remote

learning does not provide that quality. CCISD’s decision to implement a pass/fail

system for her junior year has already been a significant detriment to her by

eliminating any opportunities to improve her GPA. She spent the first part of her

second semester working hard to advance her only below A grade from an 87 to a 96.

All of her hard work was of no value in terms of advancing her likelihood of admittance

to the higher education institutes. Her interests are such that interactions with her

classmates and teachers is invaluable. She should have a choice in decisions regarding

her future. One size does not fit all. CCISD should find flexible solutions that allow the

students and families who want to attend classes be able to do so.

Do not reopen until there is a vaccine. Could be devastating to our community if you do


Will Bus Drivers/Monitors be provided PPE from employer without it coming out of our

pockets to pay for PPE? I personally don't think it is still not save enough to be going

back to work. PANDEMIC!!!

A modified school calendar with transitions to online learning in the event of a COVID-

19 resurgence

Myself and a number of other parents agree and would like our children to start the

Fall semester as we have in the past. What can we do in order to make this happen

without any changes to the schedule and the school calender?

Yes, I believe that all people (employees, students and 3rd parties) that work for or

attend a CCISD school or building should be tested for COVID-19, prior to being allowed

to return to school or work. Otherwise, we risk spreading this deadly disease to others

that may die from such exposure.

my thoughts and concerns for my child to go back to school in fall is very troubling and

concerning me yes I know he needs his education but what is an education if you don’t

have a life to live it I feel that my sons life is more precious then anything else .I feel

that we are putting children and teachers in danger Without having a vaccine We are

going to spread this virus even worse and don’t forget the other viruses that follow in

fall . What I’m trying to say is that we need to sacrifice this time in life we have to keep

our families our neighbors safe and by doing that we need to continue doing online

.When we are out there we have to remember we may not get sick we may not even

know we are a carrier and you give it to somebody that is elderly or suffers with a

condition you are killing that person and that person can be a child a mother a father a

grandfather So the ultimate sacrifice is to sacrifice your life to save another . Stay

home and continue online until there’s a vaccine.thank u Lori Salinas God bless us all

In my opinion I prefer online learning I know it’s not going to be easy because it was

hard doing it from March to May but it’s ok because I need to keep my kids safe and

healthy, if the district decided to open the school I will not send my kids because my

kids have asthma and weak immune system, my husband is diabetic and I’m

hypertension so getting the COVID-19 might be so bad on our family so I always be safe

than sorry.

Children can’t be so careful at school they might share pencils they will go to the

bathroom using same toilets and sinks , kids can’t practice social distancing no matter

how they try they will forget at one point , using masks at school for long time will be

difficult and they will keep messing with the mask with their hands, It’s not worth it

putting our children and our families at risk , let’s try handling the online learning I

know it’s very hard but we have to , I know many parents have to work and can’t stay

home with their kids but we need to help ourselves and try to stop the virus so we all

can go back to our normal simple life and get back to school and work , if we all can

follow the rules and stay home and practice social distancing this virus can stop or at

least not get the virus until doctors can find medication and vaccinations for it .

Thank you!

With Children returning back to school. It will be pretty hard for elementary children to

stay up to code with mask on. We do not want to send our child to school with mask

on. Another topic is children always putting toys and fingers in mouth. Will there be a

check in point. Will the nurse check kids, staff and incoming visitors daily for any

symptoms? If the kids have to wear mask, I say no we can do virtual schooling or a

better Avenue. We are open for new avenues.

I am for proper symptom screening and precautions but feel strongly that children

should return to school. I am a practicing pediatric nurse practitioner. If children must

cover their nose and mouth, please consider a shield versus a mask.


I feel that the long term psychological distress of children being out of school will lead

to long term detrimental effects. There is concern of higher cases of child abuse due to

children being out of school during the COVID-19.

Let the kids return to school. My children attend Landolt elementary.

Thank you,

Christi Wargo

More information is needed before answering question on returning back to school.

Do the students have to be in attendance at a certain time online for virtual?

What are the guidelines for hybrid?

What are the hours for hybrid and virtual learning?

Strongly suggest hybrid and thereby reduce student population classes. Students must

wear mask, half the school attending MW and 1/2 day Wed, other half Wed afternoon

and all day Thursday Friday

Online school work for everyone. Hand sanitizer in all rooms, entry and exit. All desks,

tables, chairs cleaned daily.

Advocate for normal school schedule with stay at home learning plan of pandemic

comes back.

Partnering with parents, and giving clear check lists etc. needs to be the first priority

with distance learning.

Covid19 CCISD

As a Registered Nurse of 22 years and a tax paying citizen in the CCISD District I find the

talk of online school, partial online school, smaller class sizes, alternating classes, and

the wearing of masks detrimental to our children.

Let’s start by discussing the plethora of infectious disease that have been around over

the past several years. This is not a complete list.

-MRSA: multi resistant staph


-Flesh Eating Disease



-The Swine Flu




-Influenza- which we will delve more into shortly

-Ebola which has a very high mortality rate and was in the USA in 2014

-And 6 other corona viruses...yes I said 6. Covid 19 is the 7th corona virus. Did you

know that? Did you hear about all those other infectious diseases? No, because of

these cell phones media sensationalism.

Now let’s discuss the immune system:

How do our immune systems work? Our bodies have a microbiome otherwise known as

normal flora that is full of bacteria and yeast. It has germ fighting abilities in our tears,

saliva, mucous, and the ph of our stomach. We also make very specific antibodies to

every exposure/ antigen our body comes into contact with......and our body has a

memory so that when exposed again it will recognize the threat and eliminate it. These

antibodies are so specific you can compare it to a lock and a key. If you remove all of

I would like to see schools open again with of coarse rules such as lunch in class and

instead of children moving classrooms maybe teachers can move ex. music art etc.

Require masks for children who have a cold like symptoms check for fever as they

enter school . I also didn't notice hand sanitizer or lysol on school supply list i feel it

should be added .

I am the mother of 2 bright students that have been in CCISD since Kindergarten. My

daughter is an ambitious rising Senior at Clear Springs High School. She is very driven

academically and in all her extra curricular activities. Her greatest joy in life is to sing!

She's been involved in Varsity Choir and Rhythm and Blue, and after making the

difficult decision to end her time in Varsity Tennis, she will finally have the opportunity

to participate in the Musical Theater class and High School Musical her final year....Her

Senior year. My son will be in 7th grade at Creekside Intermediate. He is looking

forward to playing his 2nd year in Percussion and taking the Culinary Arts class. He's

also preparing to try out for multiple sports. Online School, in my opinion, is not an

effective option for our children. My daughter told me she didn't feel engaged at all

with the material, and they piled on so much work, we barely saw her. My son has

ADHD and even though both my children achieved A's for the Spring Semester- without

the recognition, I saw an emotional/mental decline from the lack of socialization with

fellow students and their teachers...especially in my daughter. All of our children

desperately need the opportunity for socialization and all the activities that make

school fun! This virus is not life threatening to our children. There are safeguards we

can put in place like hand sanitizer, taking temperatures, and not allowing students to

come to school sick. Separate safeguards can be put in place for the staff to make

them feel safe and comfortable, but the worst thing you could do is keep these kids

home. You will have several students that will be dealing with depression or worse if

you take the activities that bring them the most joy, away. Some students need school

as their safe place, and full time working parents cannot possibly school their children

at home. Children with special needs that don't have parents that are willing to work

with them, are missing out on so much! Masks would be miserable to wear all day for

our students, and the medical experts say it's not healthy to wear masks for long

periods of time. Also, you can't participate in sports, dancing or singing with a mask on

your face!

I understand your job is to make sure everyone is safe. The more we learn about this

virus, the more we understand that it is very rare to spread it from an Asymptomatic

Kids should have regular school. Vertical was really hard for my son to learn. My son is

in 12th grade and it was very difficult for him to understand teachers. Specially math

was very difficult.

Yes. Electric

I am concerned that schools will allow practicing strong safety measures on a voluntary

basis (not required), thus rendering any other student's attempts to practice safety

measures to be rendered innefective. Wearing masks is a good example that wearing

masks only work if everyone wears them because they largely protect the people

around the wearer not the wearer themselves. I am also concerned that young kids will

need adults in school to be watchful and help ensure kids wash their hands 20 seconds

with soap, actually keep apart and understand that even quick violations are not ok,

and watch to tell kids don't put your hands in your mouth/eyes/nose as young kids do.

If left to themselves I fear the young kids can spread the virus quickly. I'm fearful that

upon entering campus no one will detect if someone has high temperature or other

symptoms and could spread the virus unnoticed unlike other businesses and schools

which have contactless thermometers and checkpoints to enter buildings. If parents

could help out to volunteer and (be checked) help to check kids be safe and stay safe

that may be a good solution to some challenges I've identified above. I am one of those

parents willing to help.

My name is Kane and I am an Emergency Room nurse. For the sake of brevity and

simplicity, all of my facts and figures are from only two sources: The World Health

Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). I have

heard it said that the current SARS coronavirus outbreak will affect more change than

the influenza epidemic of 1918. Now that was a pandemic. An estimated 500 million

infected and 50 million dead. Although I am not sure why. In comparison, there are

just over 8 million confirmed cases and less than 450 THOUSAND deaths. And even the

CDC admits that those numbers are padded with additional "probable" coronavirus

attributed deaths. 500 million infected and 50 million dead versus 8 million confirmed

cases and <450 thousand dead... in a world of 7.6 billion people. The CDC reports

approximately 650 thousand people die globally every year from seasonal flu. I do not

understand why there is the unprecedented and, in my opinion, unwarranted response

to covid-19. When I was discussing the survey and mentioned the possibility of

students and teachers wearing masks in the classroom, my 5th grader asked "how am I

going to understand my teacher? I couldn't even understand our waitress." I watch

everyday as people all around me fail to use proper mask wearing techniques. If your

are looking to some change to make, keep it simple and effective. The CDC states that

1:25 hospitalized patient will contract a hospital acquired infection. To combat the

spread, the CDC recommends "hand washing as the simplest and most effective

approach to preventing the spread of infections and needs to be incorporated into the

culture of every healthcare setting". I recommend encouraging proper and frequent

hand hygiene and wiping down high contact surfaces with disinfectant regularly.

Thank you for your time and energy regarding this matter.

My name is Ryan Dennard. My wife, Melissa, and I have four children in CCISD, from

elementary through high school.

There is a constitutional obligation to provide a quality public education. The programs

provided by CCISD in the spring of 2020 did not meet that standard. The circumstances

were unique, and the efforts of local education professionals were commendable. But

it is not possible to achieve the quality education needed by local children without

returning to full, in-person instructional learning during the 2020-21 school year.

Eventual universal exposure to the coronavirus is now inevitable, in the same way that

exposure to flu, pneumonia and other sorts of infectious diseases is inevitable.

Encouraging fear while struggling to postpone such exposure is emotionally hurtful,

and destructive to the educational and professional routines that children and adults

alike need to succeed.

School-age children are not at material risk from this coronavirus. Literally and

statistically, our children are more likely to be killed from a lightning strike than COVID-

19. If elderly or otherwise vulnerable adults choose to remove themselves from group

settings, they should do so. But children and healthy adults should be able to continue

our lives, accepting that risks come with living. The World Health Organization

estimates 320,000 people drown annually, but our children swim without life jackets.

40,000 people die in car crashes in the US annually, but we drive everywhere.

Texas was built with boldness, by people who embraced routine danger and

understood that progress is made with some measure of loss. Our own children’s

future and their success depend on imparting boldness and steadfastness—not a

huddling fear—to their generation.

Staggered start time, especially at the high school level, should be offered as an option.

Allowing parents and students to elect later school start time can put the accountability

for transportation on the parents/students, instead of the school bus system. Those

who elect for later start time can sleep later, which helps boost immunity and also

helps reduced class size to allow social distancing.

Detailed plans should be offered before “voting“ should happen. Having parents vote

on choice without details is pointless.

Can we reopen earlier so they can be off during the winter?

I would like to see the CCISD and the VLI to reopen for all classroom instructions by the

beginning of this fall (late August or early September) as usual. The virtual learning has

lots of issues, so an extended learning from home is not going to substitute

conventional teaching and learning from the classrooms!

Thank you!

Dr. Feng Hsu and Mrs. Hoen Sai

Parents of 7th grader at VLI

713 513 0423

The students could wear masks in the classroom also we could spread the students out

6ft apart.

My son is in 3rd grade at Robinson. While we missed interaction with

teachers/classmates, we were relieved to have virtual learning and believe the

teachers/staff did a fabulous job of transitioning this spring. Our family would prefer to

continue virtual learning until there is a vaccine or unless there aren't cases in our area.

Elementary students cannot distance and avoid touching their faces all day. Just a few

cases, will exponentially increase, exposing our students, teachers, staff and their

families. Please err on the side of caution. Thank you for considering our input.

Will class sizes be smaller? Will daycare students be separated from non daycare


I found it very disjointed to navigate ItsLearning because different teachers put things

in different places within the platform, and it was not always clear what was actually

due, vs optional practice or additional resources. Similar to the recommendation to

"Consolidate communication to parents of secondary students from multiple teachers

to a single communication platform", I think there needs to be some work to make this

platform much more user-friendly and ensure that there is some consistency as to how

assignments are posted.

First: How are attendence reqirements adjusted, if at all, for the hybrid or online

attendance options?

Second: What consideration, by CCISD or TEA, has been given to single parents who

may not have dedicated resources available for hybrid or online learning during the day

while the single parent is at work?

Consider the students that will be going to daycare, when they are not in school,

because their parents are essential workers and can't stay home with them. What

support will be offered to them? So they don't get behind academically from all of the

other kids who have parents that can stay home and work on lesson plans with them

during the day.

1. Requiring students and teachers to wear masks is totally unacceptable. The virus is

smaller than what the N95 mask filters. Medical "experts" have reported wildly

different opinions on this. Long term mask wearing is unhealthy, as it requires one to

recycle its own waste product! And, they would be massively inappropriate and dirty

for younger children, as they would surely be dropped on the floor, endlessly touched,


2. Increase in positive Covid test results is due to the increase in testing itself.

3. 25+ countries NEVER locked down, practiced only common sense sanitary practices,

and they ALL turned out fine. "Herd Immunity" is a scientific reality, and this is exactly

what happened in these countries. I guarantee that at least 75% of the USA population

is Covid positive, but without symptoms. This was inevitable, but should not be a death

sentence for closing down the country over and over.

The woman speaking right now, the one giving data from Sweden and the CDC, is

absolutely correct. The results of not opening our country and schools are just as bad

or worse than opening. Herd Immunity is a reality.

I agree with the parents who spoke and said school should open with the fewest

restrictions possible. Not all children can online learn and they do not need to mask and

social distance.

My son learned nothing during the shut down and needs interaction with his friends

and teachers. Let’s not lead by and instill fear.

I would like the school to reopen . I don't think kids should ware mask i think that the

mask will cause more issues. if we have no other choice but to do school online . I think

there should be a one one video conferences were the teacher and the student can

actually speak and learn a real lesson. Maybe they can do zoom calls with 5 students at

home time. I read an article that said kids only really need 1 hour to 3 hours of learning

depending on the age. maybe we need our teachers to do a CE course regarding home

schooling . In China they have online schooling where the teacher is on the video

teaching the lesson and the child interacted by completing the task on the screen

Lockdowns have not affected the spread of Covid:


From the article: "Comparing the trajectory of the epidemic before and after the

lockdown, we find no evidence of any discontinuity in the growth rate, doubling time,

and reproduction number trends."

As cases have not stepped off a steady rise yet, our country is failing on every step of

the way, indicating that there may still be need for cautionary measures in many

months to come, and the mere fact that our district is holding a conference in person

on this issue shows just how ill educated and suited this panel is to deal with a virus.

My children are rising 1st graders at Ed White Elementary. Coming from a dual-income

household, I am very hopeful that in-person school opens in August. However, I am

fully supportive of PPE for children. I know from experience that it's difficult to get

young children to wear masks. I do think effort can be made to find a way to prevent

aerosols being spread. My goal this summer is to find a mask that fit my kids and they

willingly wear. I hope that non-special needs children are very strongly encouraged if

not required to wear masks.

I want to add I am 100% pro go back to school as normal. I am against masks it

prohibits learning and scares the young kids. The is a spike, people speaking that there

is not are not speaking correctly especially in Galveston County. What the issue is, one

lady mentioned one kid goes down the entire school goes down. There has to be

accommodation for smaller class sizes and limiting mixing the kids from one class to

another. Eat lunch in the classroom, have non daycare kids go in the morning, daycare

kids go in the afternoon. These kids can't mix, there is no proof that kids do not spread

this. We have to consider sealing off pods and keeping kids in certain areas, focus on

learning, PE, art and music are important but those can wait until things improve.

Thank you.

My daughter is in 2nd grade at Stewart. She is an only child, so I know she needs the

socialization opportunities that a classroom provides. Isolation is very hard on her. I

also know that distance learning may be required in case of a shut down or in

combination with classroom learning. That being the case, it is important that teachers

actually teach even through distance learning.

To those concerned

Some observations and thoughts.

Concerned parents may want to keep students home for safety reasons and request

distant learning, I do know of

a few who are in this situation.


If a choice is given and the numbers are sufficient, would it be possible to create a

section of teachers that deal just with distance learning. This would take that load off

classroom teachers. Doing both as a classroom teacher would be an overload.

That being said, if for some reason we do have to go full distance learning we will have

a huge source to guide and help the teachers.

How can we find the survey results?

The lady who was just on (the small business owner) is correct. A slipshod, rammed

through vaccine should never be mandatory for anyone. You're going to have a huge

problem, if mandatory, because millions are smart enough to reject it. Safe vaccines

cannot be created in less than 5 years.

I'm a teacher with a heart condition who is very concerned about catching Covid and

about the lasting impacts it might have on my health. I have a child, and I'm concerned

that I may have to choose between my job/keeping my home and being healthy and

alive for my family. I keep hearing parents say that children need to be back, but where

are the considerations for teachers and staff? If a teacher becomes infected, will we

have pay cuts if we don't have enough sick bank? Of course we'd all love to go back to

normal, but that's not going to happen with Covid around. My fear is that it'll take one

transmission in schools for us to lose one of our own. Please assure your staff that

they're being considered as well.

Thank you for all of your work on keeping our students and staff safe. As an employee

and parent of the district I implore you to not make any recommendations optional. I

trust that there will be a plan in place to start school but we must have universal

compliance and enforcement of safety measures across the district. We cannot safely

leave these up to parents to choose, i.e. masks. I have seen it not work already at the

end of the year with employees not heeding the recommendations laid out by our

district. We all want to return and we must do so safely. We will not be able to appease

everyone. Thank you for your time.

Please hire more cleaning staff. That has always been my concern. There is not enough,

and you cannot expect a few cleaning ladies to thoroughly clean and sanitize the entire

school 2 to 3 times a day with with the staffing that is provided.


I have a daughter enrolled in 2nd grade in CCISD. I have been listening to the public

comments tonight, and while I appreciate the push to return to normal, we are simply

not in normal times right now. I fully agree with the gentlemen who advised the district

to carefully follow the CDC guidelines. We must place the safety of our children as a top

priority. We need to listen to the experts. It isn't acceptable to simply ignore this

outbreak and rush back to normal.

I totally agree with the guy giving all the facts right now. Freedom not tyranny. Hell,

yes! NONE of the dire predictions by the "medical experts" came true. And, there is

not ramifications for them being wrong. That is offensive.

Dear CCISD/safety committee: I appreciate your willingness to let parents share their

stories. Throughout this meeting, I heard anecdotal stories from parents which were

touching but lacking evidence and inconsistent with CDC/NIH guidance related to

safety for the spread of COVID-19. Examples include a parent who has dreamed of

watching her kid go to kinder (touching but not based on data and her emotions to not

outweigh CDC recommendations and the health of the community), incorrect evidence

stating that there has been "no spike in fatalities since May 1st" (please validate ),

parents who don't want masks because their kids need to "breathe air" (CDC

recommends masks for a reason). I understand this is a traumatic time for everyone;

however, I sincerely hope that in making a decision, the Board will prioritize

recommendations from the CDC/NIH to minimize risks to our students, faculty, staff

and their families.

I would like to see my child start school in the fall, however my main concern for his

safety comes first. We have been social distancing, wearing mask, proper handwashing,

etc. I also have a brother who is an adult with special needs whom when its necessary

for us to go to the store it is a true hassle because he likes to socialize and touch other

people so we have to keep his hands to himself and keep him at a distance from others.

My thing is even if the decision is made to send the students back to school with a plan

in place to keep them safe, we can't keep them safe outside of school because not

everyone is practicing safe measures. As I watch the meeting live there is only a

handful of people wearing mask. So whose to say that the students and their families

are not out socializing with someone that is positive for COVID-19 or that may be

asymptomatic. Once that child goes to school it will spread then we will get a letter or

email sent home saying a child has covid19 just like we do when a child has lice, but it

will be too late because other children has been exposed. So basically we can keep the

children safe in the school but we can't monitor what they are doing away from school.

That is why I say online learning is best until the virus is gone. I also believe that if there

is a vaccine for it that it should be optional if the parents want their children to have it

and not mandatory.

Please, please, please, please, PLEASE don't listen to all the emotion and opinion and

frankly, whining, from tonight's speakers when making your decisions. Wearing a mask

is NOT that big a deal (it's better than dying!). Please use SCIENCE and DATA,

interpreted by the EXPERTS in the field when making your decisions. Some people

downplayed the reported statistics, but let's be fair: due to some people not going to

the hospital, the actual deaths HAVE to be higher than what's been reported. School is

important, but it's clear some of the voices tonight are just tired of having the kids at

home. Good luck; I don't envy your position.

JSC hasn’t reopened yet. I don’t expect my kids to shoulder more risk than my husband.

I have a risk factor for death should I get COVID-19: high blood pressure isn’t a rare

condition in our society. If my kids have to go to school, we’ll have to distance at home.

No hugs and kisses, no bedtime snuggles.

I understand nothing has 0% risk, but I don’t intend to send my kids to school unless

masks are in place and social distancing is taken seriously.

NORMAL school year calendar, please.

MENTAL and EMOTIONAL health MUST be the priority!

NO face shields or masks (unless you're okay with traumatizing kids for life).

'Mr. Infectious Diseases' wasn't even wearing his mask correctly, so I call 'bologna'.

REASONABLE precautions (Hand Washing and Frequent Cleaning).


Quarantine ONLY SYMPTOMATIC students/faculty.

I would also like to see 'the data' from CCISD that the committee is looking at.

Extra-curricular activities/organizations are ESSENTIAL to the health and well-being of


FAITH over fear.

Hello, I think it is important to have a plan to educate the parents on how to conduct a

distance learning plan from home at the beginning of the school year in case covid-19

gets worse during the fall. I just ask that if there is not going to be any precautions set

at the beginning of the school year for there to be an option for distance learning from

home for those who would not feel comfortable sending the kids to school. Thank you

for allowing us the opportunity to provide our input. Hello, I am a former CCISD student (CLHS '96), and my oldest child will be entering

CCISD for the first time this coming year. She is transitioning from a small Montessori

school to WAVE at Westbrook. WAVE is a wonderful program, and we are excited.

However, as you can imagine, going from a small school to such a large one, meeting

new teachers, making new friends, will be stressful. But I believe that we are up to the


I am concerned, though, about the effect of masks on the ability of students to connect

with one another as well as their teachers. How can a teacher teach without being able

to see that look of understanding -- or confusion -- on his or her students' faces? How

can a student connect without seeing her teacher smile at her? How can a shy child in a

new school make friends, when she cannot even see their faces?

I do understand that masks can help reduce the spread of droplets, but my

understanding is that droplets are produced primarily through coughing, sneezing, and

the like. What if only those with these symptoms wore masks? (For example, a child

with allergies who is sneezing, but not ill, and certainly not symptomatic of COVID-19,

and therefore, not needing to stay home.)

If you do decide to require masks of all, then please consider a way for students and

teachers to see each other without masks as well, perhaps through videoconferencing.

Though this is an imperfect solution as well. I can't imagine students making new

friends through Zoom meetings.

I would encourage you to look into other creative social distancing solutions, such as

allowing those students who do well with distance learning and whose parents wish it

to continue learning from home, thereby reducing the number of children in the school

as well. (I would still include those children in videoconferences with classmates.)

Let me start by saying I desperately want my kids to go back to school in August, both

for their own good and for personal, selfish reasons.

My biggest takeaway from this meeting was people's aversion to masks. My 5-year old

twins just graduated kindergarten, and I agree that getting them to wear masks is

difficult if not impossible.

However, I do believe that all non-special needs students must be required to wear

masks. As an analogy, vaccination of the population helps protect those who cannot be

vaccinated. I heard several parents of special needs students speak of the difficulty

keeping masks on their children. If non-special needs students (analogous to

vaccinated population) wear masks, it will help protect those who cannot wear masks

(analogous to those who cannot be vaccinated.

When it comes to masks I think we should get creative. My son loves wearing his

Incredible Hulk mask. I think we should allow children to wear whatever mask they

want, so long as a cloth mask is present underneath. This will make it fun for kids while

also providing them protection. This will be disruptive at first, but the kids will get over

the hilarity of a class full of masked kids in a day or two and get back to work.

During the meeting I heard far to many people dismissing the transmissibility of COVID-

19. Regardless of whether or not this virus is "airborne" or spreads easily on surfaces,

everything I have read says that aerosolized droplets (i.e. from coughing or sneezing) is

predominantly how this virus spreads. Distancing, shields, and masks are the best way

to inhibit this primary infection route. Yes, masks are uncomforatble, but heaven

forbid our kids have to "suck it up", and if we make it fun they might actually like it.

I'm disappointed but not surprised with some of the public commentary giving. For the

record, I firmly believe that we need to engage in distance learning for the upcoming

school year, as evidenced by the rising numbers of cases in Harris County and the

continued lack of adherence to guidelines given by the CDC and local government.

After the second outbreak (which is happening), if school must open, everyone should

be required to have a mask or facial covering and social distancing measures followed.

Watching the parent feedback session, I was fairly surprised and concerned with the

number of attendees that seem unconcerned with the spread of Covid-19. I heard a lot

of selective facts shared, and I hope that the committee is consulting with experts and

uses that data to make decisions. We need to keep in mind that all of the numbers are

with 2 months of restrictions that helped reduce the spread of Covid.

I want my children back in the classroom. Distance learning was very difficult for us. I

want kids to stay in school. I am very much willing to take measures to ensure that

schools don't need to close again. I would much rather have to get them to wear masks

than have to deal with distance learning again.

We are a dual income household, and distance learning is tough, because my 5 year

olds (rising 1st graders) can't do the work without help. We sent our kids to YMCA

summer camp on June 1st. They check temperatures, enforce social distancing, and

practice strict cleaning. They do not require masks. On June 12, we got the first

notification that someone tested positive for Covid-19. On June 14, another person

tested positive, and we just got another notification that additional persons within the

camp have tested positive. It took 12 days, and only 30 children total attend. They are

closing the camp for 2 weeks, understandably. I don't see how this will not happen

when schools open back up if we don't do everything possible to reduce transmission

of aerosols. Masks need to be mandatory. For safety, and as a measure to try and keep

our kids in school.

I am an educator. I think we need to approach this pandemic together in unity and not

divided as in teachers/staff versus parents/students. We all hopefully are striving for

the greater good for humanity. This is a global crisis. We are all affected by these

circumstances. Absolutely I want to be back in the classroom and teach, but is it what is

best in this moment and time? Is it what is safest and healthiest for our students? Our

staff? Our own families at home? Or are we trying to act like it’s not as big of a deal as

it is and just accommodate parents because they want their child back in school for a

variety of reasons. Again I am all about going back to the classroom if it’s what is best

for everyone. We have to think about teachers who care for elderly parents and

grandparents whom they could be putting at risk. We have to think through so many

scenarios. I know this is unchartered water. I know it must be terrifying and challenging

to decide what to do next. I know I would feel more at ease if we had a vaccine first. It

makes me uneasy with all the uncertainty. I live in Galveston and just yesterday several

custodial staff in Galveston, several restaurant employees, etc. were positive for COVID

and businesses are voluntarily closing to prevent the spread. This is not just going

away. Thank you for listening.

Hello, thank you for all the hours of work you have put into the committee. My family

and I appreciate what you are all trying to accomplish so that our students can have a

successful 2020-2021 school year.

Currently, I teach first grade and have taught 16 years, I have experience with students

in Kindergarten through 12th grade. I also hold my Masters in Educational Leadership.

My son will be starting his 3rd year with the CCISD family, and my little one is set to

start Prekindergarten-4. I don't only have my students to be concerned for, but also my

own children.

As, I listened to the comments tonight, I thought about the following things:

-> Masks, there is nothing wrong with wearing them. Why not wear them? As a

teacher, I would wear a mask or a face shield, if it meant that I could possibly be

preventing someone from getting sick. Somone, tonight mentioned that we shouldn't

"shame" the students into wearing the masks, I ask...is it truly "shaming"? People wear

masks for Halloween and Mardis Gras, and is that "shaming" too?

->I can only imagine the tight timeline you have, but it would be amazing if we could

hear from districts who led their distance learning in different ways. How did they

handle all of their unique populations? All of our students have needs, some more than

others, how did they find success?

->I applaud the district and the academic team for assisting teachers with a framework

for us to deliver lessons to our students. I think that for this being the first time we ever

went through something like this, we did great! Was it like being in the classroom? No.

Was it the best situation? No. Did all students do their work? No. Did they try? Yes, (my

students did). Were all parents cooperative? No. Did everyone have the best attitude

about distance learning? No. Could it have been better? Sure, everything has room for



My son will possibly be attending Ward Elementary as a kindergartener. He has never

been to school before and I fear that sending him to school for the 2020-2021 school

year will make him hate school because of the extended school year, extended school

day, and if he is kept in a single room all day with no outside play then he will be in a

prison atmosphere and expected to learn. Please dont make the school year or school

day longer.

Also, I think that students should get the choice to go back to the classroom OR

participate in distance learning.


I really don’t want my name attached to this publicly if at all possible. People in the

community do not need to know the health situation of me or my family although I feel

it is important to share it with this committee confidentially.

We have two children still in CCISD. One will be a 4th grader at Robinson and the other

is a sophomore at Falls. We are very concerned with returning to school on a normal

schedule. Our daughter has an auto immune disorder that causes her to have periodic

fevers that last for 2-3 weeks, very dark circles under her eyes, swollen eye/dripping

eyelid, limping, lethargy, and listlessness. While normal most of the time, she is more

susceptible to Covid 19 than most people. A larger issue at our home is my own auto

immune disorder. Without going into the specific disease itself, please know that I take

heavy doses of Prednisone and organ rejection drugs every day to try and prevent a

future transplant. I still work and my husband still works but we both wear PPE. We live

six houses away from my 81 and 82 year old parents who require help on a regular

basis. While we crave a return to school and normalcy, we value our lives and that of

my parents more. We also value the lives of our district employees. Are they included

in these surveys? Their exposure and risk is just as important as our children.

While many speak of the flu and the large numbers it kills or affects, they are looking

back over a year. COVID 19 has killed 215,000 people in THREE months. Killed. Dead.

Not coming back. Period. If, and I do mean a big IF, we risk our daughter and my life for

her education, we expect protection. School safety has been a priority in CCISD. We

just have to take it to the next level for a little while. We expect masks, social distancing

that will be tough) hand washing, hand sanitizer, all of it. UT is demanding it. A&M is

demanding it. Hospitals demand it. I know you can do it. I trust you. Make us the best

at it. Set the bar high. Educate safely. Protect our children. Protect our employees.

Please protect my family. Thank you.

My suggestion is yes you should re open school with social distance

Uzma khan

I have a few questions concerning the online school academy. If any student has to go

with the online school option, will we have to give up our electives or extracurriculars

that we worked so hard for in the past few years? And will we be competing with a new

set of students for ranks? I think that if we aren't able to take the same courses on the

online academy we would in regular school, that puts immunocompromised people like

me at a disadvantage, not because of a choice we make ourselves, but because of the

situation we are in. Please consider this and do not give people an advantage and a

larger variety of courses just because they have the option or make the choice to

prioritize school over their health and go to school in person. I really think it would be

extremely unfair if I had to make the choice between my health or being able to do

things I love dearly, like band and debate.

Will the online option be provided for DAEP placements? Can the students have the

option to complete their DAEP terms at home?

I'll have a child at Brookwood Elementary and one at Westbrook Intermediate next

year (I believe both with the same hours). I'm happy to drive and carpool to alleviate

the bus situation, if the schools can be flexible with drop off and pick up times. Stagger

pick up and drop off times in elementary with priority slots given to those needing to

pick up children at other schools with the same hours. Elementary children who are

ahead could have a choice to come late/leave early giving teachers time to help those

who need more attention. That would allow more of us to drive instead of using the

buses because we can't be at the schools at the same time.

Please consider those who are not in the position to stay home with children in the

instance distance learning is implemented. I am a single, full time working mom who

can’t really continue to afford daycare, and who won’t have time to provide distance

learning support.

As a staff member, I'd love to receive information ahead of parents, so we feel as if

we're part of the process. What will distance learning options look like for high risk staff

members? Will the current resignation date be changed to allow for late resignations

due to not having a firm idea as to what next school year will look like?

Will there still be football games? if so then can the drill team perform at the games

and pep rally’s?

More of a suggestion, than question. My student is a Rising Senior, after her summer

classes, she will have TWO required credits remaining for graduation, all of her other

classes are electives. These electives are simply time fillers to keep her on campus the

required number of hours. If Seniors like her could be released after the classes they

need to graduate, that would open up numerous seats for other students through out

the day.

What is the likely of students going back to band and other fall events? When do you

think the final answer will be released. Thanks

How will CCISD handle CTE programs that cannot be completed online, that require in-

person training and practice, such as Certified Nursing Assistant and Cosmetology,

among others? The state licensing requirements for these programs cannot be

successfully completed online, nor can the students be successfully prepared for

entering the workforce by attempting online education. These courses must be

included in the school day as much as possible to ensure program completion. Thank


I just read the update about reopening the schools. If our kids have to stay home again

and be taught by us, then the State needs to give to the parents some of the money

that is allocated to the schools, because we will be teaching the majority of the time.

I'm serious about this. It doesn't make sense to give the school the same amount of

money if they're not the ones teaching the kids. Part of the money needs to go to the

one parent who is not allowed to get a job because we're forced to be the teachers. It's

only fair.

What would be the requirements for getting in the school building each day? RAPID

COVID test at the door?? Temperature checks at the door? Masks?

I would like to receive information regarding the Clear connections online academy. I

just read that Governor Abbott plans to reopen schools to in-person this August. With

the numbers and situation, I have doubts. My children's health is very important.

Thank you for your time.
