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Port Townsend, WT, Thursday, April 26, 1883.

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Tbe O. S. Mail SteUDltlt

in ftllttery. Buving played over twomouths ill Viotoria to good hOllHC!t

we beKI)Cak them good bOllllt!K hen-,We IU'e glll<l to soo Yukiu Olleo again.

'l'he pill)" hOne Htmdrcd Ago" willhe gi\'en in Good TelJlplnrs' H&1l onFridll,)' an(1 Saturday liCIt lor tbobenutii. of the publio llCboolli. All umillvitet.i. Tioket! 60 conts, rellerv~

ll.entM $1. To bo hud at Plumlller &'l'eny'i1.-----

"'••tlle. Depert,[.Q.YJ#.r..lLTaI n', 'J

APlllL~ 1883.-Nuu D,u; [On. m.J-'l'ompcrntllre modernte; ellHt Vt'illd;.cloor. L12 m.]-Clollt;modo.rltte tern·Ilt'rlttllrf-', \"intl ~outh l'tll'lt.

POtlT AS-O£LOII.- [9 a. m.}-ClondYicalm. [12 rn.]-Clollr; lllodf.'.rute tompernturo; wind light, cast.

No r~port from Py80ht.NeAll B.\y, April ~O.-l811.ro.J Tem

1:>M'ntnro lUOtl:>r,ltc; oolm and cloudy'112' In.j 'fl-'lllperlltlire modcrak'.

Light l~SE Willd~ wondy.P'UCUTJ AIJril20.-f8 u, m.]Cloudy.

'1'\'lUJ)orr.tnrl".41l; winds 8Outb; ~bifl

and bark sailing west.[12 m.l Cloudy; moooroto temper­

nttrre-44; wiud BE. Two schoonerspassing east alld 01)0 west.

It i!l in &Orne l'e8poots fortunlltetilllt tlJ~ Ullitod 8tllt08 il:! reprf'sentOl-Iin England b)' a gentloman who Cllll·not be 15USpectod of ~.l·mpalfty withthe dt'llpe.rnte JUea.~url'M resorted toby n tew p('l'IIOn8 ot t1.l0 80 called Irishparty. Mr. LowuU's entiro lIympRth)'witL the EngliSh KOV(!fUlUent HI ilKllleusures to rt:lpr~1:! Ulis irregnlarwarraco will cDuble him to do Amoricnn" ill Ellgluud more Ilernco thon ifhi~ lIympattlies were known to oowitbtlJe other side. The trait of cbllrno­ter wbich the American Miuil:!oorneeds to develo,Y DOW i!'l COIU'Ug'f-',Und('T tho conditionl! which prevllilin England at the present time, it illhardl, pos6ible tbat inllooeut Amencan C1tizcn!1 will suffer 8lTC6t. ThuEnglil:ih Kovcrumeui. will noi. stOJlIVusertllin lbe faotl nbcut every IlUltpt'Cted person before making the IIrI'resl, 'fho American Minillttlr CUll'uot of COUnie eIBwiu8 all thtt CMetlof this ch"racter whiob mil)' COlD€'bt>fore tho pu1.llio; but be will JIlOHi.likely have occnsion to take tl decide<15ullld in f'.I\S(..'f1 ill whicb tho inDO'cenco of tho purty nccu!I(.od is mndllro6llOnllbly 41 pilreut. '1'bo Amoricuni\.Iiniat.er can be of great 1!6rvioo tohia countrymen in tile prC8tJnt mnorgenoy, or he Clln 80 act us to doopenthe impreatlion that onr ~vornwont

has reJued its protection over itsoitizens abroad. Bctwoon twentynnd tbitt,y ,)'Otltfl tlgo Mr: Wc1Jslerwnda tho American Dlltion rept...'Ctetlill .Europe by two or throe TlDgillgIqttcl"H to the AuslriRn }'oreigll Min·ister, but tbe reputation tbell glHlldtlis aoollt oI.baullt.ed, and lW lu hn>lbeen llono tlinco to sutllllin it-Cull.

8e.Ule ••11....11.[Speoial By 'felcgraph1

SEATTLf:, Apri120,-l'bo poople orSeuttle mot Mr, Villard today by lip'poinlmellt Bnd offered him $150,000to build a standard guago rolltl rrolDSel\ttle to coal fields .ia Oroen rivf'\rvnlley. Mr. Villard ncceptod lbnproposition and !Stated tbe rol\d th<,ybuilt would make the Groon rivercoal mines eIclll8ively tributary toSenttl<-', und that it would a]so beopernk-'d ns l\ portion of tbo OnscadoDivildou. Be complimented tho oil·irenll higLt,. for progl'OSiJ Wild., ,iDMhis visit 18 mouths ago; promiil'd toride into Seottle on his own privllUJcar, brought direct from tho CIISt, bytho JUlit of August or firut September.Soomed very friendly toward tbeSound.


Capt. Hnrry Lott, fonnrorly of the

Iitel\mor Ho}X', flod f\ first Clflll!l mil·chinist, nml Mr. N. L. BlIlloroftl 01Seattle, ,,180 n Illllstcr mechanic, hliVOlonned a llarto(lrsbip, find will stnnAmnohiDe Kbop in Ihill place. Theyhll\'o purohl\6('<1 Illnll in tllO lo.w(lrpart of town: contmcl~ for tho build­illgt'lllllTO boca let, nnd on or aboutMoudRy work will commence on them.We ar., infornu..'t:l tllnt Mtl8!lrlf_ LoU.& Dnool'Qft hnvo hongbt out theNorth l)ncitio Iron Works. at Seattle,l\1l<1 will move the mochinery (wdtools to tbi8J>lnce.• A Jnnchillu shophne boon loog ueedod }l('rc, lind, Wtldoubt not, it will provo a IHlCCi!51ifrom the tlrBt.

Tbo gole bero lhismortJingdelu,)'edthe W<>lcome some_ Hor Captaintried to tako hor througll tho ".sWnntossed'l billowR off point Mllrrowstonebut bad to give itllJl tlK 0 b:tdjob, nndtie her I1p to a troo till the welltbermodcrnted. Wo think it nbout tilllethitl pntting "wheelbarrow!", fii. onlyfor cruilling on a very smooth duckpODd \VM lltopped. It tllkC'l't a a/cum·boat to rnn of this rollte this time of

they.". DISPATOH.i; Z&;:;",Till: WnfAs'jj.-Tbi! oompany ot

I JAl1ES MOROAN, Ma:Jlcr,len first c nell nrtilll.ri will piny two. ,. I' T Will IlInve Port TowlIIend for Nellb Dn.,

:Ugutll lit ort owt'lsentl in Oood flod. way ,..or1l evcr)' Mond"y MornillW' .itfeffiplar Hall, Monday nnd 1'u(O!I. ti o'olock, Returniog Will (irrlV", Oil

day AIJril 2:1·2,.1. Thill company ill too Wednu:hI1'" 'l'owilli: autl cbArtertl lOt",uonaQ.e,late,t. AVV1y Oll OOUN. or l< ...

Wf'lI known tor ~ to Hpenlo: ot them L D. UlL'tiD(j'i \lr O. <J. lJllttleu a. ~". ' ... . , .

. .

Lieut. I:'ickerillgllud wifoto Oregon on l\ villit

'l'he lltl'nmer Mi!silllliplli, IInlen with~031 from Hcattle. cullalln hero for It

8 flhort time yNterllny, en rouw to 8nuIo'rRlldBL'(l. 'l'he 00111 trnd." bctwOOll theHOllml 1lt'll1 'FrillOo ill/liItlllmiull imruulllWl11roportiou~ IIDd thf\ lIumllflf of steaIDe,..01l"a,l(1'(1 III tho traffio il boiull eOlll~IDt

Iy ineroa&eJ.-----

• I _, .• .r.. Frtllnlbll 0.11",.

»1J!:D. D~D. t) 'Snll1iU 8lingolhlll\wdueL

At ;'·"tlt;bl~. WI,.:ecm CIIlIn\J'". W. ToO "tl.I~I. In 1111. d:~. flll Ihe :'-"h In.\., )IU1 l'I •• ~".or A ftn6 oow belonging l.o Mr. Oro, DM­i~~1;..Ifa'::I~:;~~~.;li~~~::l;':~:rl~~'J~;:': BUell I \~~~)k.~l Wllllkl\\', .:'~'l! In J""'~ """""'unll tbrop died YCflterUlIy. t'auliO ullknuwn.

1'1Irclltnll!Olici~lttluanl! dothw'" Ulcdi· I 1\11'''' Willldow WUlJ boru io Lo"'oll, Quito n lJ.umbur of I):>c>plo Brauml berocino!! wen, ulikJ Illlnvllilinll. Dl!nlh ~[llf;".! F'eurllnry 5th. l8.i7.lIm} w". the IUI.o 01141.. Wtl lympathi:lit-LnvQ CD.,!c1ftilUcd QlIl'littlll unilinJr,800. look her l'l~efJt {llullChtcr of tho 11Ile~oelUttJaoe oui;leU.ttum Ullt holplCll8 UIl.t<l. Blle wn" lin un· \\. FoJK6, ?f Dover, N. H:' o. tbe 811t Warrto Ulllitiows i~ UO'Wll lrom Sollt.°mllmllJ brilol'ht and intolligent child, tlm Mltrel,l, 18.1s., ./lbe was marred ~nk ~ie on It .,i8it.. It Sl<ema OiJ tbou"'1 /l

(lrilill 01 our henrl8, with Illli"pOllitiull ~ H. WIIll~low III Boelon, Masa. In 'allou, oatmlnillht ImnlM!nm 1188 ~ruclr to. !l

/tuq6lio lhnt 1111 wl.lo allw her 1·'r!\:lllor. lt1'y, 18611, they left Ikl1ton. for SaaFru,,-, Wll.Her ilInC30l l!\Mtnd but n fow dnrlj, 1111(1 ci/ICo, 0 ..1., nnd r08illinqthcro bu.tasll\)r~ Ree:~rvetl hO,ku~ for thl/ IlCh~,1 Vla.vWIIS 1l1111pc>Pt.'d nt first to be n more C(llll. limo they lett JlmllAry 271 1fIJ1; lor .~r~ 4J01~U' oft' llkobot oAkO). AtIlnmmerOtwt.lnIJil1¥ into momLrnnOOli/t cronlJ, it ~lJrt DiilCtl\'{!r)', WlIllhlolCt1JQ. 'l\trilory, ' ferr)'II; everybody 8h.>UIJ. buy Olle,lil-rmin'.ll ~rl1h'llI;o' jn 0 b.::Wf thOe. P\:Or III tbe b.1."k Ann 1'II1'ry,.oa~b."'M"T.~.. ..1'r~ ):eiII1l~Q..4wka.ll·,ly ~ U1'Iitlle "Birdie!" How Ilid our hoarlollll'O f)'re. 'rhey Rrrh-&J. in Purl, Di~cu.or1 (..'Og'IllI11 to JOo"l or thi'l P 10":0 of lhillno hJIL~1I0 (-lin l~ll. rebrllRry j,t l€OJ, end her IlI1uoom1 be- oouutry'onll of th~ YMrl,!. !t'W:llI thonght

.-\rri\ iug homo 011 WeduCll(la.... \\-0 ing in lhe ('mpIOf of Ihe mill oompnny or n~ nlllutl Ilt Ell'pdmlllt:l: I'wl 1I(,IIIrhn\-e receivell tho mOo1t prufnfiO c·lI:lJr~. there, thl.'~· remnined Ibero nlxllIt nine beant, or ieelX'r;.r:i lind bt>r~l'll KU(l,CS, otlJionl 01 f'I}'lJlpalhy from IlII siul'8: hilt. ~'f'I\TS, n portiun of wllirh timo MI'8. tl\l~kucl!ll nUll lll'~uln:ioo. I A IlIml allaIM! Whilo it ia I!OOthing to n'0l1ll11lld Winslow WIIS tho onl)' white 'lfomOIl iu \I:JI~c.h tbo 81m ne.er rtlJioerl, nnd \vheruheartn t,. know tllnt 1l11,l'l'lI nrc touched lho pll1('c. Her h{!lIrt. ami l18nd were olvIll%Cll ptOOlllo could hnrlll)' 4Hlllt. Af·with n felloW' foeling in our srjot, yet m'er open lind willinlJ to minister to tile l.er n time raruorij flf rioh r,'JIII Ji:;;:,ill~"

tho nlJOlCut 0110 cnnnilt ho I'Cdlortltl tll It". 8Ilrr"'rint: nnd 11istre!'lied, nnd whOre thore commenced to circulnlu auJ II ftlw hllrtl~'umillur ollj,tllieh."triokcll M)1I1" Hlle Ho. Wlt~ I;icknesl thero Mrfl. Winslow "'Ilt to nd\'cntnrera lI'f'llt III' I1l1d l,r('~IIf'(lI~:1 Uoa011('1 lJ1Qllrl\illlf for II f cbiltlren, rcftlilo he fWllIJ (lOing nll in her power to nllB- e?untry, Tbo rOl:>y-h Ie.! tot I,'i", I UIOto W oomforte..!. OrlO plnol!lllt ollr tiro. vinle 811!fering humnnity. Hnvill~ no clrcu!Kt601 oau!l~1111 rll'ill to thnt ro~ioll

I!ille is Vll{!lInt; lier lilllo plll)'thine'!l ore uhiltlroll ur her own hor henrt wns Inrgc t~nt hM illcr~nM!l1 to CI\I):lIl11lll4 11rOI)(Jr­111111 ,{\t; lho merry IlrnUlo Ilf htlf chilJ. r.noujJh to 10\'0 nIl ohildren with \I'hom tll1nS, !lutl tllll1 801l801l will probnhly ill'ish "oico i", hUlIlultl foravor! But Th.lnth ahu clime in oontoot, IIUd. nlter Mr, \VOl-H.I urclise 1U0ro tllIm a\'er. Alrt'IItI>' thillhtls nol mhbt.'l.lult eotirely ot alii' child- mO"NI'ds fnmily thero hilililtlo clnugh- month two IItenmahiplI hn\'u lelt Ilonl r....rul1l~' I'CllIovt'A1 her to thu Illmrly ilntcfJ ou ror" Mnmio" nS('(i 10 colI ber by the Alll~kn with rreillht "nd pn88CllgeNl, findthCf,'Oltion ~hore, "\}ore we kllow ril.e nnme or "Anntie Fr"nk," bv wbic:h dnrllJ.lrthunl!Iltwo monthll M)'rindll ofwill WRit. ber litllu henrt Bglow wilh t'J::. Dlime the chil.l1ren over kUIlIV her during people wm llook tbero. Of these n fewpt"Ctlltioll, r"r lilOllO left on earth. Sbe, her Ion" relillolloO tberp. III 1870 bor mllY got fortunu!'I. many will die in theirwilh her lilllo bab)' brother who wnfl ~usbnll(~ moved to Po.rl TowWltlml, 1m", IItllg"lee for WClllth, rmd Iho rast will re­onlled nwny IMl NO\'omber, bave Acor- IU6l' .rt'Cl'llved lUI IlIlPollltmoDt 8A [nSlleo, h~rn poorer tban "'heu thoy 8tartOO. 'l'hill!lflr iuuur hcnrt8 tbat will remnin llralln tor III ,the l..1lAtOln H IUIie. 'where Ihe>' wJ11 but repORt tho C-XllOriellce orall thOM/lllltlll~ n~ IllOlnUry throws hcr tUlJllrilil llR\'oevcr linoo rC8illed. MI'& Winllow ~ho hnvc dol.ed tor the procioull metalsnrounll t1lOll0 o1JjccLol or our RUllI'cme wBit (I:'drnvllgnnlly tond of flowol'l', nIH) In tbe bOlKllll of mother enrth.IlJT...'Ctioll, it '11.',"" hor deli.l:~ht to cullh'olc IIml I,/row 'l'ho Wilmington Inid hero for !leverol

'rho IllIltlrnlooourl'Ol1 011 Woouo!l(I,,)' tho choiC()lIt kill\b, p"rtieulnrly tb080 honrs >'O!Ifenlny dilCburJlinij' frl'i,l(ht, hnv.nttmnMlI from Ihe AI, E. clmrcb, Hov. which c....nld bn llltl'd Ilnd wero mORt no· inu h:tdo.,eronehuotlred toM for Water.$. n, 'l'cltld 9lUcintiol{, Illljjillird b Hov uuptllblc iu dl!(.'Om~luiC tbe conlua Hnd mnn It Katz. She unlouded nt theJohn .Heir!. t\ Inrgo uumber of sorroll" grtl\'clI of deor Incmlll palllled nv.'lI)·. Q liney Itroot wbllrl. The enormoull in.illg rrif'nllR nttollJNI. Aflf'r tho oerenlO. Aoollt lunr )-cnra 1I1ijpe hor health be 'I\n ere/tile ill tbe amount of frrillllt oomilll;'nie!! tho "rocC8llion 010'VOO "lowlv to thc to ruil hllr lIulishc '1\'118 cnmllellal to ('llr' hernshow", 01010 than an)·thintr 01116, theMllll4mio ecmolery where tho littlo botly tlil Rnd diminish her !leeds "f ell/uity grent ICrowlh cr tha townlVithin tho palltwns Illid Bwny to rest-. rmll hllr etr"n.!1 of meroy, bllt tbough tow yenrs. Not. mllDy yt:!lIl'l11Ja\'ft p&Nfed'Pit.n.pnl, tlpllr lillltl fl'et: lrom w6I\k!lCfIll ooir.g nnob.ln to villit ill whon but one Iltcnmer per moutb calltld\V/l'! evor lCo1l1olt.llIlir6l111I1rlin" 10 swoot, pcrllUII yd mnny were tbo little dood.! of horo. aud "steamer dllY" thou WIll! aux.~Vcre (\ler till" ooUlttlfllllllllll.tnt'.r ~kle8 10\'0 llnd merey (It!l'1otmcd Ih~O~llrh otll' hlllsly JookCt.l for, 1\1 beinR lIOioothing::;wool.tlr lIr bluer ~hlill /lllr Jllnhe Il OYl'llP em by her warm Dnd .)-mpathlclhg heMl, new nnd Iltrnuge; now three BWameMDninty and KWloct, ll\l1,llhiDlr nntl 1111)', nnd probably there aro 00110 who will be hnve /lrrived herewith freight within ~wo

1:'!I·n.llllt, "l~'l\·llllt. in mllm':lR-" wOY. miAAet..l in our oonlmunity more tbun will days tlild /lnother is due to.m tTlllthll ~r{'nt IIlln III tho Crltl1!tCl1l Wedt be :\I W' I D' b' .. orrow, yeII lilt blown ant hiK lij:Cut oml ,,'OIIU to real. ,n. 1118. ow. IIflU,lf or Ille..~Cll8 tlus [Ill1'llle8 wlthlinrdJy n WON of com·'rhon tht! Iittlo hlltlll ou mv bren.dtlroul'fJ h~r .lrollg voll pow.ar ."'1lS o~er batthnll m30t. So, to, witb tbo fl'bigbt. Wbtln.

low, - wllh Death lind blddlllg !Inn <lel/Brt. yenl'll ego. the old oroH cume pokingAnll UlO bluo e>'cs drOll thcir Cllrllliull of Ever hopeful. ever cheerful, lbe feared Illong here from 'l-'riKOO (tryinR to wet•• 1I1l0W: • I,Jru lIut, deslrillg only to Iivo for her bore ono month. ond tryio,l( to gut bnok

\\ 1111" tho IlIllI'r stars tbrollgb tho 1V1ll- hIlS1HlUd.·il snke bnvinR a perfect tm8t tbe ned tllUa m k' , . thl Illow !ll't'll '" ' • II mg It rl-mon y 0

At <Jellr IIltle llirllio fUMt nllle!'II, nn,1 eonfldenoo of Il hre b;10nd the her) If sbedlllCbnrjle(11O ton!! or freight"Clf!t40 the door Ii~htl~'. brilllo tilt bl1'lI~h. grn'·o. But when. nt.lust. convlIICC\1 tll"t it:VDllhouJChtwoudorful, bllt !lOW tho roOur lit'lo l'urth angel I!I tulkllll: wltb illere WrntlllJ hOIJe. lind thnt denth WII8 CClpt of two IIllndrod toos per week ia

Ol.'oth; . nCOlr nt h1\1II1. 111m mnlle her pl'1l(lOnltiooll Iltl8llOO by nil not bing, We hOlle. beloreO~nl1y ho Wfl(lll hcr. III6WIKh~ to sla)-. withconlnCllB om! cnlmo{!Y, givillll direc· wo "lIhllflJe off this mortal ooT' toHIS armll orol nbont her. ho henl'S Ill'r. to I f I d I h d I see

nWl\y. t~onll AA ler unern nn w ~om Ie. e· IlllU·a-dozeo largo Itc:lmertl pcr tllty l1ili-'.ne:!r hpr Oll~lIOrtly, oloae the bll1(Hl~'c", 'I~J ~u prtlJ>um Imr lor her hOI~II'C5I111g ohorge Bud IOld bere.No wOlld"r KtlCtJ beRuly ""d' clllimed in plnce In the casket. Hcr IIlfJ'ermj.'8 "'ore

the 8ki~ I J:'Tellt and yet sbo ooro them nil withoutOrON tho hnlllil gently upon tho wbile 1\ mlltmur-without R complaint-tlellir·

Au lik~)r~n:~;lcl spirit IItrllral from tho in,l: filii,. to live for theanke 01 her Jearbk~t." hll!fbllnd; IUld wbeu at I1l8t t.ha momentll

fDedicntod by " IOTtowinJ: porent 10 (hew Ili,::h when slle could keep de"th nothe memory of AlIJ(tl! llirdie.} 10llgcr IlWII)" ond her JiPll were growing

cold. with the dnmlJll or tllIBlb. IIbe em­IJrnct'd her rond. htlllbuud, Slid givill"him f\ IODunnd loving ki88. ank backin Ilor ohnlr, nnd tlOoli ber IllIro llpirilwlllJ.:od its f1i,lZht to ibl loving FatherIIbu'Vo. 8ha IIns P:\8HOO ovor tho rivor.IVO IIboll hl.'f\r her ohcerfnl voioo 1\01U0re. we 1111011 MOO her plell8tlut Hml11l11J11; limile no more, bllt though pn&il(d"wily fore.,er rrom our ea.rtbly Vilioll,yOther memory "ill ovtlr 00 fn.>\h nn(1 W'retlOin the hearts of alltbolWl who kllOw olllyto 10." her. AmI ill this 81\1.1 llOur oftrillllUHI ntllietioll her Ktriokeu 11I1i:loondhll8 Ibo lIymlJllthy of tho whole ('omoltl·nity. Truly mn,. it 00 81lid thnt theworld \I'M !JeUor booUUlKl of ber having1i\·et:1 in it, IIl1d tbis oommnuit~.. whl'reIlhe WllM Ill' well nUll fr.\"ornbly known,will long hn"e in rtlnlembrllllOO the d(lf!(11or lovo Rnd miltoy done by U f8. Wins·low. N_D, II.


In o.kli&lld. (,~I .. April II. 1m. to Iho ,"'{fit nfCo], I.. It. IIrll{l(" &I ,",no )fuu,.r ~nd (blllidolll,II"Il.






TerrHorllll OnJeers.


rlltU't""'U;>."I. c,,,lInM,

Dr. L. T Seavey,



OIIIu: Corner of Water and QUlf'Cr SltOf:ts.

Weekly Argus.I~ 1'L'BLI811EIJ Il\'Ult\· TIIl!W-lIJ",,,

At Pl,ltt l'owll!J(lud,\Vllllhi ugton Territorr


AUor.n.oy n:t Lll'www fll'OlUllll)' aUI'lld UlllltbJJllle" 1111 t1lMIIII!

I"bll••fOTt)W]f.olliU. W '\'1111 ... '11\1 ... Til:: 1I,.,."n1'.

W DuJiverol by m'lil Ot carrier. ~(l;;

Ir •. -' JIm I'I'hret· ,no"'I1 ..~l'('~~~li":,:':.:.... Uill UlI'J munth ..

l:illl;ln enl'r. 10 cent•.

fT ,\I>"'r' III AIl>'''llCl', -fJ

H. H. & J. R. LEWIS,A.110""·D.oy_-at_z..a"'tll'lC"'.

orrlCr.-nllllllr'l lhlllillull'. rllOUut f 1"(1 SoJ,UUll5l1lN.'tlt, 0llllOtlt~ I)t'dtlenllll Iio/cl.

II.\TTU:, W"MUI~(;TON 'l'KltlllTOItT.

lilUII"C:Kll'I'ltlS ""1'1;'"tJ'aJUr 1),'Il, 'I'!II'I-'" IR'lIllh $! ~""81J .JUtl'l.. _•..•..•\.11 I (111,\ 111'111111 .•• - •• - I.\~j

In .\d. 'IK~.

rr I~r lI'o!<tll. ~~ t~III'; <:fIllUlloll~ ClIlOdn IWN)'"'lIlllnl~1'

:'l'll'tI" •. -I.I'",ral ~"lIlUll'~\flll' ""II 1M ftllo"~drt U.'II. ll~"I·"""IIU.K l,n",,,,~ whu "Ill ....LK"

=-~~r,t~':::I~1~."r~:l [;',1 ;:~l::~.II\~tl~~~~~'::'r ~\l~;:'~etl7~,~:llll"~"L~~,~~\:,'.t'If:~~:~llf~~~ .n:'kll:lel~~~'~r"I~;.':l\IQllly. ~.'''III" l:.'l,le. t<llll fr~'lollllllllllfiClulI,

,Al.U:~ Wt-:lH,Kill! f"UNd /'rPJllrj~t"r.

0,\'0'"""'. W'II ..... ~~wtll. Ol}'mlllll,-r..o.'r4rh:-' II. U\\\U;(" •TIN.II ...... 'f.~. !"'Il'II, ..A~"ll)r. 'I'. )/. 1:0'1'\1. "U.If, )1"••11'1. \'h"rl~. ll"I,~ln#. ill".lUI".I:.~, I',,,•••\UII'''''.I ••I. II. .\1l~1I. W.lla 1\';01111,I'.~ ..0\ ••1. .. <.:. II. II nford. ~.ule,

~~ Ju~! l(e. ~~'J\:\~:;;i.~~~:t:'W.II._- .. Jilt>. I'. lluTt, 01111'11: ••

Il.\TI!.8 "..- ,\1J\,RltTl:;{:"iO:

(JM !nrll.llulllloerlllll1 , , $1.:.0~Ieh ,~b"",n~llt In.~rtl,"n· , ....•. , r~I

t OItu hflrlt!lIillfU \I;" II) lllI011R1II'->Ol~1Hl.1<'" ...lbtII:tOlO1Pluilld ,,:!"C'lI,II.

',AU A':C<'lIllt.tjS'cttlcd .lfolilMy.

J. F. SHEEHAN,'Btoves

lTin. Ph-~te Tho lollowiug hna beell COlltribuleo.l by

.,;:... a kind rriolll!:SHEET IRON, "j. IlCtlbl waiting nt thl) portnIA,"

--'-'_\,V~'_"~"~'_"c"'~'~":-::"c"=",'c'=","c"_"'~"~"_' __ I Htnndiuuo with IlnnsexteuJel.l wid6,P. P. OARROLL '1'0 hid woloome to ollr flurliug

IAtt',"ey and aOUnSeJOI'-Q't~low. O.er to tho other lIido,O"ltl,., JIoo,u 4AND~. 1'u.lfau', IIcu.tJl!!lI. 010..1 tile mUJJio thut willllf(l8t her.

Ol)lllll)h'.. • Wnl!!lh. 'J'ur.', Bright the crewn thnt wnilR herthero,~ Uer't1 the joy nnd onr'lI the IIOrtOW,

••••tl,.brptlr<"l.~l"n to lIorl, l'bllllp_.LCu.r!1i, Ol7mlllu. w, ,. _ }let'" the 1>O:lce "nd (Jllr'A the Olire.- - -- Comtlouwiull8oflllory hrillht

C. W. HARTMAN--- Down to earth. to leiW. ourdor!illl

ATTOIlNU ANO COUNSELO'l AT LAW, '1'0 Iltlr homo of" Ilure doll,l(ht."o And wheu stat'll were brightly be"mingJ..:vmpia - .. Wash. Terr. From l\ onlm UIiOIOUlIOt-lllky,

N. S. PORTER, With her ham1!! illlhOllCor angela,AT T 0 8ntll1 did we sny h"OO<l·by.

ItN EY-A T-LA W. Ohnllt" IKIn,ll ot Iltmnlledeli(lht.OLYMPIAl w. T. While we mourn onr little darlillg.

"'Practice lxolore the Lnnd OftleOK She is htll)ll) iu Flillli,ICht.t\ IillOOialt)'. Out wu wtllllot WoolJ l\ortlOTlOw.

~-:-- 4;J.U .F'or !Ihe'tI only ,Il'one bl'Iore;r- ~.IiO\V~, T x IIl':KU Witb the Snvior IIhe ill waitilli

It~KI'I.. rL"nd oma!. Attnr"e7"1.1.~w On that bri.:ht colOlltinl ehul"\!.BROWN & REED,

ulid and Law Attorneys." CU,Y,Br.A, w. T.

01 pr~tiolt boforo thoOollrllt and LandOlrk-eIOr the Territor1'

O'FIC~ Qjlpo,llIllbll'lua. '*1,{




Ague Gure

J!..!T.If'nv('ll Port T"wIII'f'Jlli I "NY ,III)" Ai 2 P.w. It\lIkin~ cl,'t'11 l"•• tlllt',rlionfl w.lth Ihote3mor 1'·.HIIl;,' ltJ. '.I'nkfo)·11 L:lnlhnR'.

W. A. 61~AVEY, Proprietor.

Prepared by 0,. J, C. Ayer I< Co.,rraclleal .nll Anlll,.U.... l Ch.mla....

Lowell. M.It..... '1' .-u. OIlI:..III"'••1" .

"We wlu'r.\at tt when tl'tken lW:'C(lnUlI: todlrectIOl18.

'Ill fhe "Ills;Tf ft:tr" Tea1'hi.. Ir.'llt of ..~ il!\ror1f'd tlir{(~'

h'l1ID .JAI .-11. p.,,1 t~1 1"1 r." ..l,. for W:alf r",,Ill .t ': it,/.. IlItll '1/11.1 IJ.' tlu'u. ~lld,. (IIiI:'lIl'l'1 HOllIIllL I:,·'·r~· IlI1col.ntW III Lrnlllrotl "Wrl!t'llnnn .~.f(: .. I nel:lt j,.'nar,..n­t I hi I .. <;1l!'l'r1Itf tu Iln~ T~ fOhL IU'\·ul-liilll-•• ,,1l1't·rrlhlt.... 'l'1·~ it 1\'\ t c:,m'vi liN' 'Hun...hL""

.Jl:!;l.h,y \\'.T£R\l"~ It K"n.

pOn'(; l)JgUOV}~HY :;TAOE.

CArrljll~ 1:". H. Mnil" AIH! Pa!lSCugCI'3o

For U"er ('olnlllninla. ATttll'1I Ar.ut'lCl'IlIl:, hlcllrl'C't lJI'llol\ Oil thll IIv,.r :lllil 1111·IlIr"Pllar,lUlI. Ilrlnlllolllihe IMII~)n, whlrllJlNtlhlf1llhl'~'II'Olllplnlll".•nd "tltlOullllf'OlWII.,11lI1n 10 • ,·Igllt.ml. IIt:allliy c(ln,lItlon.

b. 1'1I1T11 '~I'IIiMII hltll'r !l1l.1 ltOor,.,.flll&onle. anll L, WUrnulted a IIltttl'lly IUIlI co:r-­taln Clint ror P~\'er IIl1d AlZue. eMII.aull'·eur. IIIIermltl.ellt or Chili )lue... lteo.1II1u,.nt Ffwer. I)ulllb AAUC. l'crlvcll('flr,1or UIIIOII-I F.,'·er. Anti 1111 11II\IIIriai ill""ordef'llo In mlulIlllll" dhlrtct~. II~ r:Jpi,1JIllI~. OOAlecIIOlllt'1l".lhlt'llt.Il\.~-llllll", 1Ot't-' n(allflllllttt./*,In III tht\llI\tlk .n1111l1l18. nrttl 00111·ue..." or I 1ft 1I!l1l1l1 flllli tlXlrem[II,'II. IllU 0111"I'temOnlllllu-I ..r 1l.f1"f'l'l'r 1,1II[IIOIn.. "'l1Ie IlennlnMtl In IIIIl 0:1:110 jramSrlm.ltleee.lllfdby hIgh rtlver 1\IlililrorulO tJenplratlon.

It hi a IItnrtllllJ;: f,If'I, thnt IIIIInln•• IIl'!Ienlc.BIIII utlHlf/IIl!JIOI\"n'l mlrll'rlllll fur,n Iho bI\/IiJof mOIH u Ihtl" !-e'·.. t 111,,1 1\~lItl rnt~~1I0nll." .. 81It'l·lllr'lt." .. 8)'rllllll." lind" I'un.IClI." In Ihl'llllllrkl't. Thu pr"llIlntllomc mllotlefrom Ih,'fIfl IIIhHm~1 pOlllCllIJI. I\lthnu;;1I UI1'1arll l,alllllllllf'. 1\1101 Illlly hfel\l( tile 1'11111. l10not Cllrll. !tnt ll'll"It Iho lIlalllrlal IUI.l thlltrown llnlll pohl.lll til thn 1I)'"lIh'lll. 1'l'Olllldllrlllllllillm. ,lh:ll.lm"III, rlul{hlK III Thill ,.nn. hUI••Ill'hn. ,·ntl;tu.llllll mll('r ItI~/l'tI{'l'll morll {or­mhlahllllhillllhtJ ,1I'llllUUlhov wt!tlllnttmrl,.lIIII l'lIte'. An:u'!1 Ani K Ci'lll: tltutllllJ::hlycftllllt;altlll th,· 11(1.11o,,11I Itl'IJO(lll~ frmll Ihe'(IWIll.llntlllh,a\·" tllf'" t le fll1,'llre"t .'fl._1 o;unl"III" 1I11'11l1Ililll'. tlllnf'tlll,C1r lUI)' lblnl{thl\t I'(lulll hlJUM tlllt m,lIlt 1I1'1!t'l'hl 1'1\11,.n,;.11I1 11ft "",wllhll( '·IU'ClI~lt"('. 11111I\'" IT ... ,·.r·IlIluly 10 rlltu. t!\ Ih,lllt 1"IlI' tho 1I.'·llWIIl ...Iree hUIII Jl.*I,l.!O u IJeforo lilt! .ttnck.

All Kinde of Choice tv1catt"--Cu U:':!' 1...\ 11 I ". VB IlulIcl.­

.. L. Smith,1'I·f·PI'h..I"I·.

". "'. X.UI, !\U·;.lJJI.I:

~~ .HOPE,J.UU::I UIL)lU:U'~ :\Jl:h'(';.

Will h: \(' t'll.l 'I illl r. •• 1"1I rllr~cwillll1f100:lll.l 1111 1:110 II:" ,IUlle I 011 ~,v('IY }-I"n."III IS .1. 3Il. J;l .lItIUl.J'. !('I.' :-( 1I11ul Ult~)III 1.;0<'111 \l"~ ~utU .. tll~·. Fv,IH,jj:l.t f,!J

1:,""'11",.. lIllI'.' lit. Lt.It.Il.l. :.!;".f

~. A. or~-O:rv.rA:~•.'11. <'1"" I", .,11, • "1\. ~.II ll.t! L t",.rl •.

'.\', II IIlt'lI. I,., .

I) l~,~f/l: ':'::" II;:: ,'....11 '11]'1/,\,:;. ~ (' :::'11: ~:~:~:

1~1" I-Willi. ,II I.:I!. 1'10 '1"1'\;1 II 1:11 I" H.'··l> 11,1• " 11'"'''.I'',,·''I'',''!.''' ,. '.,i' I•. \'.111".,~I ,~,.~.; I;,'i ,I;~, t 1. ~ t., .. ~::':' 1';\, :: ')1; \I!: ~ .. II~: ll'~:I'" I,., Ill. ,. j ,~., 1;' I' 1".'1 l. ,N' I, .11"•.,'.... I, 1,1 1(.111 •• I.. I.... " .,,1 11, ~,' :tIlIl .11lohd."t 'l~dll'lllIll~.",1 I·!,.ltl. :.;::

II'~T :11,'.:: J;f~,~~,,"~,:,:ri,~ ::, I~I~~. ~I?

j '''.! 1,,1 II "I." '"'" 1.. :11..1, ' ". '.". Ill". flol. ,,'.. 'II( . 'It .."I. I."'''. !~ ",.,1,: I· ..,. 1\\,1

I .:0. I.. , 'Illl,:•• , ", ..,. I .,11 'n"l"'I""":' w,· l' I, :••. " "r)lh" .••nu.I."" ",n~f·r I. I,:,· " t,· ,. 11'1 ,:,1.11'·Il• .I"ul..,.~ 1 d·l·. '.~".I"". I,l) '~lIt \t'U" nil,." ~".:, 'I' :,11 r·, L.. t.,..If ,I.h,llu •• "I' ,··,t~I~t111' I ..••"oIa.... I •••• .,' "~·Ir


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rcno\,IIWJ t1lMlIR'hl'lut. nud '01'0 litO!lOW IIrf'purC'tl tu (n,ni..h

j·'i"t ChUl1l limlld nm) I..ofodllillil.fhe Bnr it! II1lfll1Iictl with ~ho IJctlt (If

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By buying al dulers' prices. We. wlB.ell you Iny arlicle for Ilmily or per.BOn.1 use, inanyqu.ntit),81 Wbolu.loPrice. Whatever you ,.,Bnt. aentS rOtour catalogue (free) and you will lintSit there. We uny in alock lbe I.tlut.,.riety of (0011. in tbe United StIIU.

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I) '\'~~tUl~:;Il~:·~:~c~ t,~~1 ~·:;'I~f~~bl~~I:~.~'\(;"ll.·m,IUll"••,,·•• ,.u. IINIOII\I·I.... )t"ullll 1>00\"..••.'ILII. t.v". uf );'·U,0I1. h .... rmihuctll1'. Itnl'~..•.•1\111..""nl.". [Il1J••IVIU. IIt1'tII111Ul'l' n,.l."•. ,;,~ ..,;Ity "'~......"lull....·It...it".., >It "r,·t·lhll·l, "a,"whit II "'"~ lV n,l·,'l'f. dN-lI" .ull d'~'II. lJl" 1'".. 1Jl I'llI'\! Il'I"O'lll ''''''''. t;lI..h b..-: ~'IIII.I"- 011'nlOlllh • It\. .'11"''''. "I:" Ilul:ar II bolO:. '"' .h: I,.,),••for fhll tl'lllar.; ",,1,1 I,,. nl,,11 pIt''''"lld /til ,...... II'lIL.pne... \\ .. Ill~"li:'''' .1' bclll~. l'lll>r,' II'" b'".\I.h~b.rd•• l'lonllr.olllll. rn, ,I"t."·",,,C'M1'1*1l11'l1"llb e1"II1101ltr~.""1l! ..111 .... ,.,1110.· pm',.tu.<r ....t "rt'kll ~".ncllt.:- 10 "'lllm 11,,0 I." ~t lb', 1..,.-.11....·111 ,j,e. ".... """,,1.(111',,. '.lla(:,OI .._"oJ. 0111,. 1..,.

WOOI>\\·AUO.CL.\1I1\ I: 1'0••Whnl......!f1 ",Id Ko·I.aIlIJoni:;.1.I" l'ortllild. 01""'1\0",,',.. b)' IIoIlIJ \I "".:Itov I.II({~. ......If.



J 11';:.S A. UAr\.- t.LD.1·1... 1·.U,I'11t: l.ih· :lI.U tlo "'" I.....I;' ui Ill.'

1,•• ,,110 111'11'.\.1. ,,1 ..1 \I•• l M.."I :-,.t.·. 1.10,."._,"I'~ nh ~"~\,I'''.I ..1 II.,· "_"",,. IIII,d Il\.u' "'~. I1•• 1.... 1,' ...1. 11,,· ,In ~,.~ dill' )"Ul,1. Il.~

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\.'~;::·I i~" ~,J:;~.:~.':\: r~~.li;~:,"·,,:1i·.to '~~~.l~~~'1,1.. 1 'I.NIlll'I.h.·, ... O. ~H"I

£0> /1.~ / u,I;/tlnq(:-L.. I..L1.' 1-1oInl'I< ",J,. 'ClttJ

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...~'·l,,::':' ':L~:~""';,/ ~::,:.: ". :~''':.'.''l;~·); ~~; ~.'~. '.. ;..,,:,•• , ,,·Ir-.. llli' tol ..... ,11 II. III ~ ~ I".'" ,,'

"I, , .. III I.""l 11."""", I.... .I ..""1.1).,. I L. •. j;. ).,II''-Ill·''. Ji.

I ~Imllu·l n. b~" "'IU.I.";"lIl11~·r.



Biograpr.y and Art,II, I Ill' IIl1lh'J,'ur·· Itilf. :,111:1111I1:' la"~1111,hl"~ "I;1.lII" 111"/0' ,I Al 11'1_, II UIIU"~, ;;1.'1, III •• 1', "j,

l.lt, I, "'"h';•• t·hll,II.... !". h'I>;"" (·,1"'11 n·I , • I "·l'•.\ltI I... lJr~', '. I "'.,,·r·, \\ <II,0; "'1,,'01. 1'111' I' I." , l'o .11', '-, ~1 'I "I n

I: ' ~lyi·(,I:,'::;;;~:.' :r ~':'t"I,,~II':. "I,;~'.~r ".' 'I:': .,.'11 •• ]I ,"r. '.1, II I, Ir.~" ,I., "I :.1," I" 'r,I.1 I'. I ,

,,' " .1111' .111. ,,1-. ~" 'I'•.•• U••.,I t· ,I.': ,.'. "',11)' 1I"""IU]o-H '.'I~.".l:I·"I' i------,----------."'ll."II..\ll·t,.··. • I•• ] ~11"lU,1 ,. I· '. '

, .1 .. ' "., I. ""II F,.u,"·C"'.. ~l· ...

'I l~El"",plc "It "lwnl'H on 11".~ k' .Il rot .1II1n". III h.'I"""ll l. "3.nlu~·.•,,·111' 11 ..,·I.... u..·"ulllll): III';, ..' "b.. ,1"""lllDIU""·n...it ..1.1...... Ullltl... ,..ltIlIIllI In 1,"1' rf,. \\u.ol!i·I." ul.Io.Mr I" .., ",

.. -..r. \\ ........1 IP, .... • "n' 'II I .. r ,Illrl. \0 wlltk rOf at ,Iabt 10 Ib!lr OWl Ioc.UII .•••• ~ ~....p,' .... I ..a p_,_" I"·.I",IIJ 1,01" 'r' .~11Ir1. ,.1.., ltg.lu.... 1I1ll\",,. JIll n' ,b.II."n tllll".1I""n••,. &"IMtI..l>\,.ltllllll I.IMl,·llI",1 r ..:'1.1 <til" "he, '·lIp~., f.U_ Ilf lIl.L.. n.r n., npu!l~

'Ill no 11"1011' ,onr .. ho:t' I,m.' t.. lllt' ""'''. ",flnl,. Jmar _I"''''' n ll n.... \<·1111 '"(..nI11l11.,11 .lItl.11 .Li>lj. 1l.~~I", lIt f...... /Hlll, ..... lhl.......!'i.l'0.. l'OIlI.Ilt!. )olllln". -I':" Ir



I............. b ..hl: bill III1Ll hair nil ll\' 11••01 c.nIt,Cf't',,.. lbl' JITl .... lb lor 1I·IIl$l lil. t..o.ll.. l

11 .. Ill .lUll !lulr t.\Ilp.; 1'111 III f"'1Il ftlu .'1 lisdel)., .rod .. Ill .l:u1. n..,r I:r","II'I nt l,u\du

'""'11"",,, Ihn.... ulllnill••II Ul'1'.UanflIQlr III fl\llll ","v.n InTdn 11.,.-.

II ktlel•• lit" l'ulp ,,11',111 all,I IIh,.. Ih.. hR'. ".,.odhf~ltlt. and It "UI 1111' Ih,/ .....I!,lroj1\ IlriJlall·

U •• " nil''' nl'e,~hOlI' r,n' lltt' Ihlr"lid IIhUlild.v III ...."." ~_cr7 ' .. I .

Wll'rt «lit 1rm Mdr• ..., nll.rll };Ol.d (nr Inall.n .moltltl of nvu"n 1'11 II "ul1~ '"t )lmr :r.Tb"to\ .N 1111 lll'l .... noll~ ..nb.. llInl'·~ In Il \\'!In'.· '.."d Itbn he • ..,d .. 11!luut ,In''IIH I" II,,, hnl,. r•~.Ip. A.k ,.our If"IC,,r lOr i1nl¥ltht fllr II ur ""liddl""t t'III'.

PRICN.O.'O; nOt.L/tH l'J:R n07'T/.t.'.(1l1.euUllllo Ibe 1·lllil".1

PtrlOD.wo;r:~~:'lt::.u:.,~V~lUI.'br'z:.I~~:~~ lUOl"1

WILMAM lWRTRIl,MUllfloClarer .od l'Nprl.WI'.

Poc1 To'IJIlMlId, WubllliWa Tenllorr. IN


Dandruff, Prtv<nlS Hair FallingOut and ~l:tkC's H:1ir Grow

On Bald Head,!

People's Mark

t'OflJlUllllt7 QQ hllad Ih,


VEG- ETABLES.."-IM ('orlltcl Ilt.... r .11111 I'nrk. ....Tnflkl'll

''''''1.. I'ork And UoIOJtlllt :;all$llt."t'~. lIea~1rhl'e\t.'. 'I'rlp(-'. ell'" clc.

'I'hos. Jackman and r. 'l'arr~.


\~n' r.... l'lfoRlt!.. I·",,' tnl.ll~M@r .,nd l'nrll.ntlII' tl::-'Il t'",1IC11't'O "",......!""l!!'" 10 ",.I.llullnII,' fuln .... he If" po.to. 'u m..~ 'U"MIII'I, t~lt'f'·ll"l:~. P.1.l:1e .11hl' '00 lor N' 't In n.I,. telr full1'1" P'!rr· <If tltOll'L 10 ,..dlll.11 ......1 _

,t"llrly .Illlf'lrt,"," .,IUp+.'C;lt'tIlO I""" In .,....rt...

l:ardlal. I

ill IiIIfl'tl' 'IIlw IivCfI undertha ]\tIl8·. pIIllWC.-PtJ·

'fit" Ihiefhe ..&lId ofia,..

A NO.l.,,,lh oocnpatlon ouRut to bothe mOBt llronl4tbl~ bot'Anl6 b1.e e:ltiro'BJ'OM reoelpt.a a:o not proflt-4.

WJ bf1t.r a grcallk':lllihout "~rOb (Ifthe hour:' '!tll ''.IT,,1t fit tit... Ir~•• " IH.~

'1 h"t jl!ltlu' .. ).:.'h .....1". Il~'I.t?"

8UTIITICII .how Ihai; thero BrB Ill.'lu,)uty·ltlyOU C!Cllhlluh in tllill C.OUDLI"

'l'Jn: waco"ery 01 wl1..\ i. true and theprlcti:o of what b good ILI'O tho h,oDloat important obiooWl of bre.-------_.-


Good writing hi 1I0t inCOlillifltelit. withgood eOllul:l'; fur olle',j 1 r,lln. rotllertbrivo tbllD IIl1ffur hy hN'tllllg tbe de..manWi of Il betllthr Ilull ht.":lrly appctilAl.To i1halrate tht! folly of tli", etherinl no­tlOll' wwch 1011118 1l1.uieillOlUI1timcitform01 the-ir IIlYOrll<l antiJOU AUJ pOc::18, auEnglWt pnper t,.e.lls IltislltQry of tho waypoor ChlU'luU.o Droll~""1\8 01)00 lli.ecn·c.btLDttd of her b~'ru ~mr~llil)' Tl.tl\(\ke.ray 1\I'U ller flivOritO 11tlhor, BU(j in herJonely !l()(UIl on lho mnullt her Imagina­tion inv8k<1 him 1\Iilh all t1Ut ideAl8f1Il'ell.

011 a Tt"lt. to Lontlnn. litO WA~ liftedto the .umml! or hAIlIJinC". Ly au jllvita·tion b a dilluer whero 'l'hl\Clicl"&}' "''­to be one of tlie W\01.... Sho 'W1l8 intro­duced to the Stel\\ nan au.l anl ned tohim. H,..., a r\!\l·letltlr d:t.r in her lite,'and memory WN on tbe alert. to reillmall w..s bright a:ayinSll. ",~t1 report themto her .i8lcn.. ·rbac:'crtly. hov..ot"or. diJlitJe tslking bill T1uu::b ellliug. 80 hBdnotoUr reccJYerl J lro:o II kinfe Illbelr:of typboid fe.rt. wMcn len hip1 with araTenoua appetikt, while the dWJ:Cf ,..•ueeptioUAlly gooJ.

Obatlotttllooked on in woftdC'f at. h.iJfata, aod the IIllr!.ri.. grtldl1l1ly cblLtlgedto cU.gnsL One OlotO idol boo tarnflllto clAy. lI.he h..t bOWD tbo modernlaw or tbe ClOI.lMrY.tion of torcea, be&"

cunt, Ulia:bt DOt h,,'·e (ailed bert

A tiJJllr'l'lJ:.v IiI1;rATUB,

1I11rr M...1Jos. a lxoantr. 't'wted t.h~

MfonMtl Obamber of the KeotucKy Legulaltln.'. Sellttor Sbtntou'.I1YM 't'-U l:pot.Ler Ilir tbd fln.t time. .. In lou tJml"tLaD It. taket to coP:'" thf'ln, II IIII. Hu.lnuh\'iIIe Umrler·Jllu,nat OJrrM~nu.

enl... btl duh..>d urT t:te followiall lWei:""'tll.r,-.lII,I,. I.lnt.lInu.o.lUJr.""lUI_·to: d ~ bt\.... .,..... b.l ••Itlt~ 1 1.h \I"'''~I*~.,

WMlilll till tth...III.l1Cllk-," .. llWlI .Itb all .*J 1_, ha!alm..t·~_c<>rr_:


1 t..1-.d ....lb:."t .""_tl ..... 'I,M.

TBI rroU'" f.)r allLtlnllicA perftllM.Tnylhin,. Tho mt.I\I_HUlft'S build tbl:lrJ,Ollo.ett ID Iliel'\lJle 1'1 IIllt: :l8~, ~rtl

tb("m in t1u~ "tIl.. u~ llnflth"r l\uJ lur·cWithtt'· ;.. • f " tltir.L

""",.",.,.....,.",.,.....,.",.,.....,.",.,.....~=~='""""""="'F~::"'::=~=I~~~~II~X-L'M-=A"""R=K='1r:--T""!!."'" TilE DARBER. FAr.folE~S\ATlENTlGN! .a.:.to'(IIN'" '".''' ,won ,....." "on£.,. nT"drd••"ell. SADDLE AND HARNES~ ~HOP. _~(~

Tilt' Uhr...1 hu:k·u"to l':ll"fl,n ,\llirb The Kingeof to-dl'1lU'QgroWlJlg~ (}wilt•• "luttlt 0/_ 1"r'oftp'",.., c.,.,.... :J,... ,'S' ·-d •.,. Tb c..... I U'" ..' 01'0 """' ",., ",' .- t', .....:-:--;111"«111:<1 I..,,,,,l I..'ull."'IU' 1;,'11.11 lu.:'11 It 11,1, I'l', L tlOln:u lJ:mlt- nom \:al, DO' t 1"1' IU J' .... e I.NUlJO:'r, C I ..... eD. AUU .. -Q " .-

Ilf'f"I-mn'l!'" r.h<1lJh\·'rUlm.'II~ hnUlu moue\' aDdllCek "inft'lIWcots" after. IJX'Cics. The bslr-tll't'l!Cr IlD(l touAOfial "t~.~~~:;'~~"~~~;"lr.ll'lle hJ 1I.n:..... 5t lh'll~I ' I L"'''", tUhi~~ which W0111d OU("6 havo bt>en MILtt of tho preseut dn... 1U'Q 8uppo;tal, n'.f_...~.Ll.··· "' MI (0 ....... ~.lI.'.hf· .. ilI .....

~r.. l'rtL II" ••'4 01 .. U It " ... !lI. IU' •• J ...... _I" ""I ••" "d.~.

I•• LU. Iol ruill. onlll»u • :UI'I"lIl"e dllt... dCDOUnl..'e.J all mOflt IInroylll. bllt which howevcr. to be IleltCeDtll1Db of Ule \r.lr. li E.Ul:UJ:: W. HLAlili. Prol,ri("tol.I h'k 10 l~.,.,'UI;t.lllluc~ Ii .',m 11"111,1 prohably hM i1~ root in a pt'nnlLDfDt her in rurf!Ct Hue. ,\'lalJO. _.t""l.uW... hi! .l' hi! l ..IITlll,,~ tI.

I hJI' lit III" ,111111~'r IllIII. "It Ii l,rol cr .eD8iJ of ill~'ur . The Llo King of The lnuher L.. A tre-u-hprou.\ crenture. .....1 '·..'1\,1....... , U. \\, T.

I ., 'bo "·10,· • '··1' '. '0"0'" worth.y 01. II " "C"" to'" ,1-I,'c,l-d O~l E10'rl,~."'lilO;". )UII m".... prll!ll' .... III Ill- uc co ~ U II U'l:I~'" I"···1.1\'1~1 h, IIlII II. Ii "Ill' I ut 1~:•• I·llill'l:llre Jew Ilu:lnt'it'r; onr O'l.-n Qneen baa hlWl been kDO'lm to rllt hi.!! lJw.1 rricnel.'&.I "I' r. ,r In!••• n I" :. "I die' I'lIlp I':"l...... growu "'IOllh~' on Ihe lhwoc; t1lt~ Sui· Jl~ IS I"\'llIllrkt,hl,. Iharp in a1m iltCAI"I, ..... ;~II..:~el. rr;~.Y~:11'1I1jl i~ pr,·"oot-'1l tan. acronlillS: to :\Ir. W. Bluitt. hait fa tmn~ctiOD. a'hl will Ilu1'e rOil if ronI 1".'.11 h.,:\"O· 11.11 C·,IIl.lllllrs.lllt,,<l1 hell'·"" !k>er,t ptlf!O in EUC'Iludj tho gh·e Jlim a ('ham'" III (ncl. alHL\·illgI.hll' 111.,1 r .1 >I:'ri I' r,·,l i Uti) .. -:.lkr"l KiDg of Ihll." III on olld OI.'Onowist, anl:1 mny be Buililu be hi, 11II:>iueJI'\.f'\·.rll~ ..1 .ltlltl.ilk~n ril 1,lil "uit. the EUllltNrof Al1!ltn.'\ i, it i!4l'ltid, Theb.'trll('ri!llll!llr:lppi.IUllllt)\',lInlltU I I'. r .. ·1 W .... ,:" 1~',l"t'1Il1 iul<J t~ Ilc\'ur iu 11clJt. HliII, thill ,,'·1 raw U i!l cu_r rCfllly 10 min(' II r ,w. I hare Ire·1"llltll'II tl~.:r. '" ".,., , ...'!I .. 'wl!, fl" It rcwemUt'1'M 11m J::tIlIWf'l.lr Xil'lJl.JlUI, \\'ho qurntl)'McU llim l.II;.·I' 1I111n t'ythODOIWC"llll' : Ill.,. ,lj,j '·:.r. (lUI lit".m_·(,.Jly lpent .£:!,11OIl.00lJ 1L :<·('If on 11.101 iUlllCriaJ "·Jlhont th\} 11'a.~t JlP\\·,,('.lIiuu. •'l:~nl U II .Ill I ,1.,.. ,11 ,1 1111,1 lill·:.Il'\ tnrm,'; bOWICholll; King ,'I('tor EUllltlud, who. 8 ... 1IItlll~'1l W!1UI., hii 1\<1110 .....nr, aDII itlu Iii., !'''Ill '. I· r lit I.' .h\lI..1 itilo with ci~ht or nille ro)al iucomttl and ahn"!1 rl'!trl" fur II I'tl I••

.1.1:1111, r ..:If.·I.... JI 'I", II Ir.,...· t 'lJIl~ll>e.l· estAtL'iI. n~\"C~r 11.,,1 a J)o·l1n)'; tho Em· U~IIll.8ItI~1I"tJrt.OlL;(lJ)'lta., tulto.lIl'l',.1J,1 fnrllwr • ,.11 u"il lJ:J.I t!1II1 (nlUl tilt' peror Nlljlol,.-'oll 1I 1. , whu friurr...J. IUI'1lY nml it Iil.t- tu alit 1IJ1 )·HlIr ItA'lll..r; hut­I nlt"I'" luI. "iJ 1t 11/\_ 'j II" IUt tu .lh"'lll,OOO,OUU" yl'nr, ,,'it-It Iittl~ I'ut rAthd hlJ hu.' n v, r,.,· l'l.I.)o'11i TilllG"11C. lUll kilO"'·.CfIllllllul:!'-IOIlIll. II lI"I,,\r ttl I lllti' IItlh' "u1gnr f.. "tlvlllli lu t..how fur II ; Aud tht.! bul\' to ltl,. "II Ill.' I.ltlll'r.J'lIdia';''lll'llUli.:IlIl1;f I.U () tl!Jt:cl:'ll:lch, l\.ill~ or tho XLth~lhtlul!i, who !C:LUered He i!l Relll r lll.'" IjCllJ~lIt III hi jllllg.111tJ 'U.()IUlt r ,~.td,·,t ill II r"Shwr. !lIJI.l in hi'J enrlk·r youlll II fnrlllllU "\J(')·oud nlent!". IIml Inm'f>Nt ill 1,.,uh·l'tJVltiul{ttn::n-p:n:...\1 fUI'1 b'llI'U.. ~ I\ltd !Itotl"llm ibo iln!I:IIl!l of/I,' .I·i.·..... pOi'ulnrly I'bti· "Imlll'" nnll ,Idll'-'"UII; but- lit 1!lll '''11lI1ltirt·ltuJ LI:rl!!ul-llrllu£ \'flllhll llJ lnmlt mnktl nt .£t:!.OOJ.OOO, nllll ,ltolmLly til1luhlliasht'll tolll:rl'll~dl'1I1ofulllUll'

MllllJlll"lIll') Ill" lIultl! I Stll..l.l tt"''''\lry. 8:lCt'<'t.UllH hnH tlmt 'Im,'llnt, H i~ nol pouinf!..FJ'\.,ln pill)! r "111 h\ .llult thu Jlr,'\'llJu,J fifteen J'e IrII .inc, II. wcu .'. vi.,il to Com- 1 clm't lin)' Ihr.1 iJ~ \\'11" tw'r clll\T~t'~t

palkr 1"1 WlIIC!tl.lllll'l :;lIllr,lt:J aot cart'- )Cigno l,.'OIlt clIch lally .c:.Ol)-twl'uts,olle nitlt lllllnk...., lint Ihl'Il.;lllhlot uf \JL'011[u(1I11~' nli thuu&h 1l,Illh ~lt, c~ W\lr.HUl 0\U1Cf' dre~U!'I nt 1Illillt beiliU dlJ riOfllr-8 nco d.vll iu hiR 1I11l'JI '\*1':111.".of boill. JIM IlIl111Ur~O\llrt' i I (lUO .01 the it was iml'Oi!Mihlo fIJ' 11 l~tl'nolt <.'OlIrticr·iI FO~lill.'rly till! illU'lll'r "ft" l1 t'ollflt..",\ttltolctlt It(!Crett! conucctc~l Idlulhll U,,)I·· wHo to llVI'lId klffl than .£1.000 t\ yelj,r otl .. 1110, IUIiI Illlc 11 III \I" 1,.li,1 f"r hlll'lll11lJL!rlll1ltJut'li moue)' mu:dug'. bor dre5!l, aurl ltint,'c a lnely contelted hiil cn"loUl' IK. X"~"t,hlJ'H 1m .1r$w..

}'tI!llIlho vllllltlt of thu 11.1pcr mill at belore tho courts of PariJJ R Lill for hloJ(\{1 \\ithollt I Xhl dl:lrl:'"o..llou til the 1:1I1'lt1J\}11 .ltJl'crl,...·wIJ IJt th\l .£15,000 flJr tltt:IolILlig lIt:r for lh~ Yl,'lIr.i. '( he blth '1' lio'.·~ n. B'r..at many af­lrt·uury lit. \\,;...,lutiSloli iii bllt II jour- Slte h,.J Illud, M)'S the Quartcrt.v. f,'rtbS I\r't'Utl<. Tlu·lI.! ill n glM1i1 .11'11~,.,. ul Iwo r t!t uUlli. In tho C-Ipl\· .£12,000 into court. I.'f I'tlrtinr. J;Ujl.l::l' t'll C\'l!ry dBy iu hi.i

-cliolls ,"lIulla of Ihl) trU:lSllry bmldmg. The cl'refull)··gulU'(led privnoy 01 hilt 1'.IlWIW1~ guM .-:l,t mlver IIUU copper III.tl modem life, Wo, COlllleR1,1 enormotl8 Cl:. 'Iho IInt""'t "l'M,ltU n·r! uliiA 1\'lll'nllIelt:c1 ~'QiDI, hnlJiulI, P:J.IK't' currency penwtnr"'L \\'0 md;o very Dmcb of ~hiIlC'i::g••nH1l3h II", WilY U:i" tllLlUIlUlI t.Jlldal rccorllf, :rOtt "ill fiod thou- D1'll8IIU!j;' IJrilM, hut Lord Har;3"'·ocxl '1\'111'0 Ill' l"/DWt til tl:.· "t·r;l\dl.blUllU 01 }l'\Ck.lg~ of lito hwlk-not~ lpent .£120,000 in ono Yorkshi.~ eleo- Till' 1000r!Jcr 11 Il ,·.·rv wt'tefivc f.,1Iull·.11ft1.IC.t' Witt ill wIIllllfacturcd at D,11t4l1l, tion; .£.j('I.OOO bll.vO been gi"en for 0. Yun ~ill fiuu 1Ut.':•.J 11\":1") \111\'ro 1l00llt ilL. I[:.comtl in litt!!) iron I:lr I Illt·b L'i are great borough; nnd tho .EJOtLlk1 of Com. 1'1...·'. IU8Cd br the AJ:u,'.u EJ.PI'CM fJqmpallY. mona expo;Ddlt .£~,OOO.OOO eve-r,. timt'l it IlA 1m!!. .I·ry lilt!,' n'f·rp:r,lillll. Curlineand t'l'Cu l';l.Ckligelllltlv,er)· .ueetiJ carn· iI di.IIIlOh·etl. 'Ve rMd ftgliASt of Xf'ro'. i111lis cHt:f IllUll~' Ull'llt.fnlI1t.'oulltetl~rtJrelhe Dl1lnuf~lnre"ll1d bof'll\6 .hod mlh gold. 1LIlJ or n Spt.nisb lie RhnYfl 1\1,,'.,:.. wt,lIm hill prof,-s-the e);preDll C<lml~"oy Artl rolicvoo fRlm V~roy driTlD8 illw Lillla ~·ith (light iun. Yuu ,,·m 6lll' ru:11 llllU hhl111t 1I1efllrlll('C roIlXlQSllJlll\Y. Tba Jnper that mule! aU il..hJd .,th ~i1ver; bul a ftrat. 1.('.1I1,artl\"O:t lO.tl."y tDl'Y lie b ~btt tre:.UIlry' clau raciug'lJtAblu in thi.s country t"OIt5 H.· fin!'r mak(·, ~lIllf\ of hi" "'01'1:.llIt,(,rdoom" 11Ir :"eu.r~. or it m y be !lellt £80.000 II !"CQr. II. ., lil.er:U ...t:l.h!o flfr a '1 I l'ltll I ";r-l~n' .. 'I' .... III ..)· be CO.h.i ler.'111..,.luv UI1~au Colt I:ugnl"iug .0(1 Print- greal. country honl!e IJali been known to .1 rorl' I it ,,( pit-a .1l:1',\'.iugto-worrow.lu return its th.COtt.... COlt .£&,000 llJUluil.lly: lI,a Il\w Loal 'fhch.uu.'r I..", Iu ,. lUI'} a ljf(ntc1",1of u. Dlonth'lIliOle. alegit! tender or kulk Mayo'li .wo bill II.ll \'1~1.l!, of Indin ex- (film Iii" t '",lI.IlI,':~ lJo dOH uln ..'IlI·('.Lott.-XCDI lurk Sull. ceedetllhat. IUln. 111111 ftnr nmu fllJnihnr U1\lI"l;r, I,c.w Illllt'h d.loek t11~J dUI)!Il.'·

with Oo"'c!II ,ull PllIut out IIC'I\m :r....bta II I:id c,t,:Il..Ji.11Il nl. aUI1 Iho llIuruwhich for every mouth tbfY l\ftl t1fI.oot chill tllo! giVtJ hlh. IllI' IJclkr lw lih-l!!t d.cost II.GOO. 'l'h('N tlole mallY mfl.D in 'l'hA IIl1rl/CI'1I ,,,1.1 g,lC.~ Ilhnpl·lng. ju.tEngland wbolll>cUtl.£lOtJ,OOO A:rear PfI'C. Iiltl' other '.UlUdl, thUllgh .hu uught I.,tically ou llJeolll'l,·e. aul1 U:(!lr lumilie. h~ aNe to g.. t lIin.uit lit Iler lIlL..lxmd·daII11, if wo '1'( re \0 ~Iu.lu pucchatif.. '; \,.'tlllaIJlillhlD."UI. 611t11'ruhahIYIlI1l(('rB \.C)

the "'riter 111 litO (/11<.lT:rrl.'I 101M-II, amoug ... hill)"cr louucl cltlu ..·ltcre.Prodigaltt.i6'l, wo 11111f.'t'l't Iho lUIcieot Tltotl;;h the b tJ'Uer truly ha,'O no ehil­nrld wuuhllJoout..!un",,-l.undolt Spec.. lrcn 10 ra-cn"tl his iuheritancc, ther"taWt'o "'to 011\11\1' Illlltll hl\hll allIwent at bIt

..Lop.Tbe bnrber's MotLo ill: II Boor 011.

lOOP 0,"('1'."

'I'here lire wlIoy morll tllioga I mi811tlell yOIl of tho barber. hut ho iM a gr&:\tf:onven;ntiooillillt.. Mod ftmply able tC'11~u.k for him~If,-JJQllon 'Pt'anlCrlpf

·n.lo layer de"elop! iueU under the('pidl-tnu. of the oork·OlIk. Thia tree.,.·Jlicb bclouga to tho region of the )JC\1.1tt:rrl.lh:&U. ia ve.ry alJwJdn.nt in SJnin,II&1y. tbe South of Fra.noo and Algarin,... lllfet it ..lonG forml oouaiduable fur­l:IlIIfo

UIJ to tho "GO of l2 retm. tho trt'eJ,rodIlCClll "bard. irregular. tough kill{)l.!( oork, ",hi/lh oon only be lU1C'd for tI Jlt.tK

or Luuys; but. arkr tlll:t it cArelully r\,."­1II0VcJ,.1Io new Iny-ar form, itsell, which.1JcJ.lUll" 1.10 longer colUllrutlMc1 by tbe 'pill.erttlia, il rCHulllrJy dov~loped, aud gro,,'"l\llio lrull oorll tor ootllCll.

JII "bout teu 1('f\fII it gnin. Ihe b<'OP&­

.llIy tluckllclW. when it ia en' ronnd UlI!trUllk 110' 111" top lind ooltom. and, Il~

verticill iuo,.ioIlS1 6lnpveJ, otT in 1)lank-."'blcb aru Il!nt loJ wll.fkd. The lllUUCul.ICt.~iol.\ b rlJ(Xlnk,'d every ten yeotrll;It) that allinglo t1'Nl Sh·u in 160 yellr.I W't!h"u or fotlrtOl'u han-ollta, producing /I

rtoT<llUu bcUcr than any IliJ.U.I ClUl aaor.1t() tli;, own"r.

IlJ./~tf"',I,' /'lUES.

Too .lUcn OJrU ,,·l.tu.ky wakes tll..TOIOO IIl1lky,

'rll_UJI .hOllld bel vrt'y (~V" rOllgh.1\IIIOUg tJle Poli.h propl3.

lfoNu ian't e:l3c't:,. tiRbl, bu' it lo,pubn{* a hullt s.lUllllliUlJ.

WSAT kind of mltbcrr ill not d.wgor.001' A 'lIfo robhury, o( (loa,...,.

IT it wo for w.lU1ell, it i.I laid, to alllkI, plJttolll, for Litu1 .,.,. unor UOWD tooba.e joekjaw.

YOOlfU men Bhould be oarofttl aboo~

clrollpiog remAru. ':thor mar be pickpd~bla bunl'8r m:LlL



• o\lw'''11 dl'In."".~_I'l<

.,.. TO

WEEKLY ARCUS·Jk.r I' , Y dnra.TlIe omc.&.oo ~.][LT lB....

NOO..a!n4 ...pa _ •• I1lUeN ..aU the NQIUnID of ..~joun..U... It 4. ...plo.....moq Ut. \DetropOUt.. JoUB&la .ftil. OOVoIlt.ry ... coanlle.. ".•"••,....11:1 the ••uo.. of tel..-nphll ..mea.ka.ur.« tb.....,....1:1,... 01 MSBMtka.Ub lbe C_ICAGO DAII. r ."'.S,t, It........ OOlllaazut all tbe clbpa.....of '''JW ••tva -.taW .r.... ~t..........,. mo. ., lpe<dal 'No-ecnao bOlD all taporYD.' ~ta"'l.6........'P..OIr' It .... 110 ..,.rt".lIt 10 IlfD'I'INDl.'lr t. :PoU,__, 1'1".1...U~ all PoUtloal .... ,... fro_Ip&Rl'" t.1u ... 00101'11:11'. u4 aN""t4I17 witbo'llt r..r N "'y.w .. w,....tl...

n 1o, 1Il dI. ftlllHt .....,...AII1LW'1!'APllR. lIa.eb 1Inl eODt.&lIlI ......,..,1CO.1'LfT6D STOIl/U. I UltlAL ,rD., oratNIu'tllq laNn.', _4 II. rld ..n.""of OOD.4.1l.M4 DOlollo OD .allblo••• M\,ll.tluatr1... Lt......t'U1I••1.lIM, .....k. n. Kuket Quotattoll."'o~11'1-., _4 LO h nl100 upon.

Xl 10 ...urp....e4 ... "It .Iltllrprh·tal', hi'll ...4 TnYtwonb,. QUa"'1, /l.r .,"S',H'II. Ow'nlKlaS 01~" 'hnu briD« It w1tblll tho H6U.r all. IpMUua 1.__ ..,. M ......t tbleom...

pr""'ha4 .ube-t~.. t.hs. ......


01,", " .,," 'J'ri<».1..iit No.~ hal Died.h. al1pean.ne.-implOndaad ClilarJ(llJ. OVtr 200pGgtL O"er3,OOOm..trations. ConiaiDl quotl­

tiona, dtllCriptiolll acd i11l11tratiou 01ncul1 .11 .rtidd In f;t'II~ UN,; bolaAd:lm atld £ve to Siulng Bull and lira.lotlngtry, It eDIU UI ~ mIlA br enryC1IP1 •• maU-n8llrlr f:jO,OOO peraODU",

It Q1;l!.:ft OW' hah red to t1lint of it. WeIhouid h....e LhaCClll of prodlldloD, n..book is rull of braiu Send ilr it...Ddencbe 2:i centl-4nlthlng or nothUll'­Ld; UJ hNr from JOO. R p«tfull;r.MONTCOMERY WARD 10 CO...l' ,,_c ....



POAbsolutely Pure.

,.~r\~,1:::t.II;.~,~~~~~~~:.'·i~~~G~:~.~.~fTl:~>II1I~'~:h~ ot>I.tI"r~ kh.t1•. :uIII <:IUll·'11H1. H ,II ~" ..p.hm .,1111 ih. mnllllud~"II" t,· 1 .1",rt '" 10;111um fir ~h"'II,,,'I. llll••h,).. 1f"1./, ·If lit ....t.

• "" '1'''.. 1'''', \\, ., 'N. r.



OP cAI.lroll:"\I.\.


1:.l:UHI·ull.\'1Y.1I I......

D, 8. BUSH. Jr.,t:1'ECI,II. AOE='T.


\\ l1kll "1~0I1 ... 1.



.)011.' FITZ~>.\TIHCK.


DII. Co W 1It;l"'f.


_\nylhiDJ{ boolt:C'lI1I'iIllJrit.....•.

~t'1':~;,:~~~:,j~:~~::.::·::::::::::::.S ~li;~~.I""'mi ,...." '1""" '01'1' •• 11 I,I~,~J:I :t.,I•• ' p;alll.httew,;'nl.... llo"....•... 1~.!I..U"'.

Ore~on BranclCor: First &t Stark Ste.,

l'VItTLA~Il, Olt.

Fir.1: 010.•• EEo1:o1.

lit bh' ill 8ltlllllhxl with tho beet arWill!!", Iiqllol'H null CiltHffl. '1'hl'ro i". nll'Al·j,lnM hillinrli Inl1lo nn,1 rentlin::.~'tI"'nl ill the Htll.. l. :~OIhinlt will Ue lefl11II1Ilnct.olllltkc t1.lill HottJl'lf'clmJ to uow'III lho Tcrritory.


rrr. GIN 1 A. ~·F."J...EAVEl~ PORT TOW~SE:S 0

For Troool\lC' nt ~ ". .v.: rJ5t'I tor Wbidby!.i1nnd at 11 A. M.

Eor lrondnle nt 4 P. 1I. every dar.For lrf'i.llbt or plAIlIIJ:C npply on boord.L. n. UAoC;l'INO!$, Jr.• MMler.

ItECF.IVED.\ l.IIr':ll~IOC-ll:I)f



At the Lowest RateB for Cash,t;1j,\HI.ES ~;ISEI'UEIS••

pJ.oneor Daho1"'Y,

OWMr of Washington Brewery,

Will be in Port. Townse:1C1 i\;:nin on or1bollt !\lAY l:1t1l nC:J:t. 'fhllnkit1~ Ulepublic (Clr Iibcl'lll ".,tron:l,",'. I M'pe 10COlllnutDIl tlleir cllntiuell/!e in ruluft'.

ucl O. W. 1l1l~T.

l\rAnul/lCturcr or the Ull8t Quality 0'

BEER AND LAGER BEER.~.. SuU8fnctioll gtlllrntltoo.I.

PtJrt '.ruwlllICnd. W. T'

NOT,,,r. I~ Ill!nltllt U( .. r.lI Tn IT Tllr. UlIlIr.ll­.11111' II. 1"''''-'1''1'" ... "1111 uf lloot ~~I(lKHn~l'_

"r lhu tlnn of II. W. Dcllull ,t C,I.• h.J1hllf111'1"'~1'" I.f .11 n,y lu\.. r".., III _~I,111"'1l. h;o..u11,1_ 11"." 10111\011'1'''11 Ib, r.. f""m. All \iI hI. ,,"01lll.'l'l\llUI~ tI"" "r I" 11':':00111 11'111 are In 00 I'f't·111,1 hy It. W, IJooI.lrlll It ('u" wit.. Will C'I'Illlhm..Ill.. I"'~II""'~' 1111,1 .. hllm I 1~lIrdlpll\' r,·I.'IlIIJUIUHltu Ill)' fllclllh f"r IlII>llliuUllnl't· ..f r'r, ......

'\UIl"""'lllCml, W. T.• ~~r~; 'l~~~J.XO.

TU1l Cnnotca D, i••o'Jjoct to fa.inti~

fltA, hilt wben .lullO ehe recover. (romUIl'm "~TJ quickl:r. "lIow til) you ,.OIlyer COUSCiOUlleM 10 eUil)'r'" frienllMlletl al her, "Oil." reepondcd t1wCOt.wteu., Hit is a mdto, of lut.bllWJlt!O I am .Iollc. IlIll1p my 4aDdlr, 1Io1lodUwt 1IOO11 Lri.ISl me to."

"IC"TJurr.1f1 uP oIUUN.Y"LI,r••

The jC'lm&1iat ""hllot write... IKde.....fnt .. Ilail;r parer it ptI'Ciuly in tIte po.1.tiou, at reprt.!1 politic.ll De",.., of theI:oetot witb rCli(lect to dllK'nae. or tbe11l1il'i'.cr witb ll'lf!K.'('t to pmctioe: heIm<l"'11 a Iittlu moru tlu\II Ibtl lKJrlOD wboconlull1l him. He ma,. not III\1;'e balf ofthu llhility af his patient Of his CHOllt.I.mt 110 knmu lIl.wflthins. much or little.1I'11Il1b thu other "'Imh III know. Au Jm.

Ix>rliut tdegrtllll rOOt.'h'l,.'<t Bt niJ::ht in tb.I.i. 'Ii or I~ wt>ruiug !,:oper tuKlI, fall!! intoIltu IUlliclaofakindo(oo'1lOrltiulI. BoUlenU'l U1embur of Ihu .t:1!J' prob.lb!y know.t1lllI11l·.4lilJll fairly \II·llll. lin wlltcheJ th.1"'ellt" 1u."IUlg up 10 11.18 O"cut r..-eoNooin the tt>!f'UrlllJl ftlr )·ellor". "Sol" dislirloti.I~A "'hnt the !lc .... '!D('I\!I". and bll.lt1lflt1gbt oul. ImperiluillJly it is true, blltetlll with .U:U'l tli~tll.l.l~n",u, ""hnt 1'8­..uh ~lIch ..n OI-'ClLrrenO<l ,I"tJl1lu probablyproJul.'(l. LOllg h:lbit 01l~1.16.i bim l.o

put Ili~ f\pilliwil 00 !),\pe.r quickly. elear­Iy All,1 p\'·IIJ:ull1.Y. onol hI! U,>(lII put i~:

!WIllI h~ ulI\·en JIIO'nll! t'ulIlpolent hurearlui ueu w',ru:u;: b,'(u KIl11,.thillg1 ,.i 10 uon. "hic'b iuc~ the VNUlio! thit 1I.WII ItJ tll....U. 'J'111' Ill" 110m.t'fus way II ,t h" U ,·I\!n:lble M lilo0. c!lur'l opini.,'1 nr In" 111t1'1Cr·. UlAr l-eIntC!.IJeCIl,u»,J 11m l,mrnll,illt·. r04uge isept to) b'J tllol \\lo,!' f.r ''qllDIIY·ll.%Unta

..lIJ 11.IOIltl' 1,.",).. 1 j'g... ; but It hu "IL1Qt\.ot.l\"llrlhl·I~·u.-Jo,'~,·I, .1"0:'

Oecillrntal lIotel!

(~ Enrl-tml tb~ hf'rtluliJeofac.burc:h.T!,rtll" "IoJ"l·t,.,.1 tI> iIII a ..l. e" of lllIl1,,1.lUl' u'" 1'\.'1·1'''Il1IU.1ll'1l1 ro-AIlOlI i thil!:"llw III-l Iii U"il'lI ,J,le...1.It'1'ti HIliIllflll..' i, ~,·t: Ill .. w, II' i'l 111410" .tJ~ tileOill", tl I,f 111 . ti,utllc~, lh~ lIOuth II' the~"~",, f th !lllll'l" IIllll (If the' 8J)irilJlIlI .. iejll..I,',,h,n-Uh1101ID Ibllll'tl Uilltfat, ·l1glil. I 11'1" r:h '" dl" cI"\'l1'l!I I,hle.-.III."'" :-- III I ,41...1 hlJ:ll""101l I'll II: luc.tcb,l'" II 111" .rr." :"lomc dlllr,'hl'lllltv" IItill••• ,It·\ II'...1001" III t1.l,. Ikll::: ,. all, which.... UI (pu.,I,.'Il Ilt hJptb:lli Io.lli OOllllllIW.."It.. til j. t ,,~ d \.1 .,.lL .'Jilu !::\'I!r­dtJ • II J.i~" J.'r.I~1;l1: I, r tUli I.>t;ad"A. U. 15.;, M.h.: •• Ai t1.l'1:f ,11\\ /kIlIlll~1lI •yilt,...·; il III hlllli ITI tlnl Lulil. to...~:J lhu",~:· :1. • • • IUhlalutil arir.oII ,.I,.r.,; .II IU uull\ lil·r, • • • ~

wl:rJ lilt! uoltb, Iheu llJ.e tUcY }.lWlL ..U11,,1'(. .. .

'l'nr. di'iprO\lOllint1 af tbe Mit. of aIIl',,,.I.It. III I'll (1IlIIlR!;!''' "hl4iillc.J "''"I)roll,,',l., It· ,., I' ('rUll'l' lillUi iu " CIllKI"r:;lll ,I I,~ \'.111:1111.1 If, ~l"..artl in hW'l~ n"u"I'IIP' I' .hl.lft'l'i..... 'I.lw It. .\h~. Fdton1\>1111(·,·..·\.·11 lit rtw HJ r~U5tI VUbtoflluc.J'ho,! 1...... lim..l, r Idll"'~'l.1 W d,AI\,'r the1'1lp I '" Ith..Ut 1"lt· I' P "'tug,·. 1!>l'1'1I1htll tholIutl... i., ..1 ll.f! bI :111 r IICl\lll1o tllu 'A'ntl'"l)fr. till' ilUl~ "'I .110 II JUIllic.J·1l L'Ourth,rth.·,,,lIl.. ~t I"" p"l.er, 1l1nl WIIJl1I1I'lIr,le'l Ii 1"'ul14 ,I"I.lI':e~1I. 1'h·, Pu..t.·1I11u.ld :41111.,,1<',1, 11ll.1 Uw f'W'l \VUIl ,'lIr­"'-11 ..11'·1·.·.....1' I,)' II> 11l1\ Cut,rt uf Cl'OI'UlOll 1'1,11", til" 1:i1Il.rdn'J Ct.lurt ur thu!o>lnl\', tllll t,Hll·t lit '\I'P.,.d3 lIlIll tJluU"llo.l :;mt.:11 :-)uprl'llht Uonrt. "lIO'1 I\f­tirrllwg til" ",illolUIII ,1 ...'1 Ullllil. Wh"11 thot:llllO ('ul~'11'tI Uw 11I,t IrlllUlml SIUU,!'tJ lit(~,h' Illlt.ll.... ~'1I 1,.111.:" t<l11l" (j cllUl..1 olllUl'• l::I:'-a,

'I·ltll l'lll'tl~lle tlf SllIltrill,Prnl'. T~'I\I'tIlIl. I,f lho )1,·,11' Schonl

of Yl\I,It'-t,im-...:·, l"lH 1'1Ibll<II>'II 1\ ",..dEt11.'acn"lu~ ,,11,'1 III ("0111"-1,1, rt tv Ill".Hew Ill4rlll.lt.1 .. hid1 hu ilL" IUlIUll h 1118WtX><luf lJt,!rl··11 Illf.'I.ll;(hl wltil 1I11Iul..,1l<j'·cr. A U":lC.· I,f Inll Ih">t'UI ..rv 1\'tIl

""I\IWlIUil'lIl"IIIo,1 t' \('UI"lUYIlr'U til­c 1I11IW lUll": ,-'0 It" S"'I·ulllt'r. 1 .' • hilt.it ~1'l'llI'''IIIU 11.1\ 'lltl A·E." l.n1l, Ill:...:!·,ilm. 1,~1II (th".I:h' t, I.., "nul,l) .... lltt orIlLtt U1ll1h:luUl ~1.ll'oIa 1~·!lI'.lII~ 11lILtie ofhit,. ',·IUl., IIr 111.' t1 .... ,\. r., "f till' C-4I1H!

uf ulillllrh. ",I .•~·h "r"1'· U II.. · Inti I',J.lla'l' un 10,1l,,1.1tk"'. 'flIt! "r:.lilli~r.1 U~

..c:lil...,1 I,,· I·,,,t. 1....I\·cl""'lI i~ II mum:"M·i1, III J:~lI"" I 1I1'11l·ilr.olht: "'" , ..... IutIilll' :1 \\ III" 1,1.....1 ''''rjhl''''!'·. 11111 III \'.ltI~, Ii .. 'II. 1I101.,·I .. ti,1 IU"l'rll ,·ul~. I1dl"lIl,lli.1 r.. It '" I., 1111'111.11 I,,~'lt', .111ILl'f't'J::. t .1, .. illl':',,: Ill, r. "III '·oI·tlll. thl'ru1'If"f'fl' 1" I,,· 1," ..11.',\'1.'111 .:......11,,1..,·-.),11.·i!ar.', J:t< .. I •• ,·~

hi pr0ptWtlUD to It.... ..1_ II.., lile otJCtuy C:J:I.IOfU u nut....y ClltUIl ,eltrly ..&tIS COlltA.lUell ill I:u.,;IItIIlL '1 hOI .nhl11ialiwd if IIIIUiUl.'I.1 ",ulllll 1100 hut 10\1 .udU1relHluarlt'rll 111111·... 1"111'11 .... ,. Il.Illl y.'th" ~n.uIlJf IN: I tll\u. 111'.!.IW 1i1'",.1or eaUI~, l!Iho...·lu~ Ill.. t tl,,· L,nt!u!'r••',Jt:I'I~! clttle .llIII.I.lIIl:;" I... lIl'l'ull nUll1.11::1*\101 t1.l0 1'~'11 0·,,1"'1"11 ,11I1t1 ..'\,II. toucb ..elll 1eu..rI'-1I ,11,1'11'11'101 lIUI"-lUlIledlJ,lU1oy WU.lilry t/.l tLo' ..... tI,1.

'J "'A",n fJll tho gl)IIIILl.lrp lIon,llhf) }'enpl0 "'HI w'llIi~. ,vu:.tt 1I'I~iuc:-Rwru("oI"

C"LlroIlHU III Iha f"'fnrll,. !'iIRlll 1\'IWuw imwIHflllll ... I"m,g .. "'11." t'.>lIU·

try wltb Ii wllJ ChllllOt., r"J\llhu( 11.Ia& litI,,",.

COLOtuDO II... IhA 101\I1l:h'lIl bflnd('/ldeLl, 816.000,.u,J OrllROlI lhu ,,11111111',,1grOllll dabt 0' IIU! Ilf lilt' I"lllllcr\ 116.6011.


Weekly Argus. i rACTSrO~CVlllOUIl. '~Unt.......,OK. 0Ieter Ilt&I J&I" 111&111 .. 2,000,- AltroDomen 4iTid. mtteon iDto .... !

000 eggs n reu. tnl ole aerill meteen." YiDcII, ,A BLOW from IbB I., 01 IB ootri,b ....odoeo, Bid; oq..... m......... Firelnsurance CO.

will break & man'. JCR. top. rUn. aDO.... bail, eta.; luminouAWOL", Jike •. tiger, bmg oooe met.eore, or lhmo dUll to the actioo at

~tetI tullD, 1?refera him to all elae for a elemenb in the air. . bo Lodinnu. and If be attAcu • mao it L. . . • 'I ram ..... -0-. (,'APIT.\L I'IIoldapln (;fll.n(·'.I••••• !-'nl.cro ...proof that L~ Lilli alnsad,r tliued otr 0118 parhelwr., mJragM. etc.; el.etrictJ m.- '-'",.1_ .'M"I('f~. ".u'y. 1~1 '717.rS(U."or had hydrophobia. I teon," lightnWgI,.~eta.; IoD4l

TRB eta cucumber, Oft. ollbe curiou I iguttOtU mdoon....hooting or r.mn,jell,. ~iM lilat ~.bit t!lf! ~aD. can stan, Itu·.ho"en, boUdee N' a:..~pnctlCiUI~ I'.trace blmaelf when C1 danger IlierolitC!ll ...r mdeontcl to. I.a ,by 8CJ.u~.t.Ing the ..ler out of hil bOdy , e pneeIl :'\ET lil'IU·I.l'~ $'!l7~ 1aDd lOtting himae.lt into. lIoUl'OW craek tlIoI.ge. 1a)'1i Prof. NllwtoD, the term m. :~ l/f.m.. ~IUt1.1 "0 ltto I--eo DarrowlLJ'Dot to bc't'itlible toUUt tear is gener.U,1imit.'xl to th. laat ...1.11•• •...1••1. p,~I"I'd r..r':'':I':'. II:e:::.··:,Dabd t.re; .n~ can tbrow.ouL llearll group. or to the fgtlfl(rtUl meteon. The aN Ioo~.

hhole. or bu lmIJe, and relhveandgroW' blele\.ritN ..r" ,"1 l'.id,·ntly fNp1eJlLlt I OFFICEIlS:

:1lD1l'fO to a writer in "a/lln: tb DoL H!pr.ntle forNllllion.. The,. are ,. J. P. "m·lInTtI". - - - - - 1'11.11011" lOT.mall . " b' .• t" , • ~I e the IlAmO ant.horitt' in the heal' to 1.1•. '>.1'1111\1'11 \:m. - - - "I~ 1~·I.:' t,wwn ory tru. ua Ctnt U.D&u e to .' "11'1" V."IL ""01:\'. l'l.·r...'_ '!~rr~ Ihu tlifthL 01800 miJ-.aaroMlho IOll)e edent I\t. Ic.l.6t., gronped Wi.buar.u.I It. n. 1I \UIU... - G~_l.\~ :lH.Wterrallcan &ell are carrit'd &Cl"OM on ..long tbe orbiLoi of knuWIl eome~ ud OEO. L. STORY,the hackl of cnJletl" In tbe "UtUIDO brll{'ti havll a C"I'lnItnnu Olillin wilb the...11111.11y tt'l{'ktiof Cntm's mA:" I~ -oon ClOm. . • -0 1II.\'l'.\(,UIIIlg [film 11.10 uorth, ..oth the tll'lt cold Tbe COntiD'luty ~r tbl10 .tr8m•• th.IhIKbt..fl·lIdl tll ..t IJ.llluter, flying low. lIod ,lonhltt and multiple cbarneter ~f Bi..Ia'.t1tl.'rlU(( ~ 1"- cuhar cry• ....it of 1lo1nrm. Ilnd ulh"r comet.!. aad the dead,. dim.~ they ~rcld U\','" Ill", CUhl"lIted Jllllin.. iuutiou of comeh iu uriJli atI.ltlle Inl\1t of e\'dy I'Ipeet@8 roilY be' &UOJ' no-k'e? t!yiu~ upt" Hlenl. while the twit-- l~tllVIS ~tur.u.lI, ~IUS loargu•• ClOO-\c::nug a..,I1~.....l th,~ultl~'~ COOifortabl, hOlltoUl brl1:l:uu;; \:Il or the comet into~ttJN lIpvll Ulen LJa':'lH ml\;rl.Mt du- fr"gtl.ll'ntA b)' ltlCl" c"n'tC. IJ1'Obably byb.lledy Iitlml. Uut. for tuu Idlld Il~ tll~ IUU'S l1el\1. l'his ,·ie.... is Itrellolrih. PHILLIPS« lULL. Ar...-.nts."UIlOU or IlRl1U'U t1tl!UI'rotIi \'Il.rictit!ll or O' ~.ll.trl:ill hir,l!! w~,dd lxooorne ntmd in enoJ by the ft\:t tbat. .t!lu 1l1eteoria ilOQl Port 1'0WDI!l'ud.northcnl ('<.untried, ItS luu cold ~'i.uten Mil ItOII~ 'nUll; Wllb litem C!lU'bonia -::\\c••-,c,-.-"'-'-h-I.~':--"':':"":"".~,.:"">::,:r~"="='-"-W~ldkill t1.uJm. adJ, which ill known to form eo promi.Th~K Ot' 1~"Or."SD notCtI are ml\do ncnt u. turt of tho eo01~t'. tail. It i.a CENTRA.L HOTEL,

trolll }.lllru wluw Iincn cuttjll8'II-Ullv~r uow ulli\·erMlly .. lmiltal thnt i<J'lleoU' l'C"OUt 1"1)(," Hmt 111l\'U t.el1U 1\'f)n1. So. . 1:1' • l.JoUT OW~SESD, \r. '1'.,cMr\lfully ill th(· pll1J'lr 11rol)lIrt1l1 that even mlltco~.l'ilCntl!!C'~h,.ml.1l bodlel whiob Thlc ll'lll!+(' III Xew nlnt Newll' t-·llrlll~llO'Il.tilo 11111:111('1' III ill 11ft iuto t1l0 }lull' wfu.lo hll\'e OO'D tri1\'clmg .bout tbe .uo l.D llll'l l'OIN'C~K:l1I 'he 1I111"lluinh'lllc"lllb.\· ~·.I,·h 1:,lli.\·il\ntt( workwl\lI iM rl'f{i.. thpir orbit'l, hnt now come illto thell,rl:ll I·U Ii. ,h.tI It,)' IJllltlhitlN'" lUlU l1.ll1 curth'e 11lIIOIIl'hrro. and. in gODonJ~U'.!'I!ft lUll l'llr,.rull~· L'Oll11tt:tIIIUll h"ok~J burn lip TI' to ~t'l I . 'to e:o.ch l;tJl'.oll llirlluHh who'ltj llllll,b • Ie I! ur ml; eon <CI .laTe 10tlt..y II"'~' 'J uu IlrilltlllR ill dOlle by R gul,eral tho eLlIl1t! n[ bl'okeu [raament.Ull~t Ylltiull~ pr.oCt:ttl whhlu the btluk o[lIton(". The nuuhie ill 1181\allycoyorodbtullllUg. The..., "'. lUI ~Il\bor.te nt· with II. tllin,1.I,lclt CnJht. which i. evi.liUI~"t:Il.hDt lur slIcurllll; tlmt 110 noto d' U d I' f I '.1111011 llIll..1J\ctl)' Ilku all! tothl'r in cdlt- ttl y ue to a me hllg a 11ft lurf.eIl tD.

tlU'U; ("oo~ ·IIUt:otl)· th, re Ilc'o'crhae beeu the ItmOllI"her~. Them ha\'o heen foundlI.,duI,jjcat'. 1'lI.uk.uoIO CIC.'pt by forger,.. at vlJiOUI liwOl and ploce.i:'OOStI UOD1 ho . t>1\tCk of lJIud lIotel fur II.-'fcn ye..r. m IlIlIN that Ilre IlIm.,.\ to he of W\!to-II! Ilud til AllJOUllL 10 111.000,000 tuld t.o Iltic origin l)(!C1.u.w tb . r f1111 W.clUO !.MHNI, "lIit'll, if 1)'~llIide . '. tlr IJeCU lar orm.lor tolol,'. "ulllJ 0..1'\.1' U\i.:l Uu.:o U1ill!A ill thelt pecultar r.ompo",itioll. aDd theird'CI I. lM..oculhlr crJ.talhn8 .Iltl1lCtltrll are like

thOle or the iron tna3!e¥ tbat bue beeDacen in Ml'eral i06tJtDOO5 to come doWDfrom m('wo.... Shouting .Utl are seeD

on an;r clear. ml»olIliRI.t. nigbt; theyleA"e beb.inJ. ma:tJ' or tllo!m, a brigMcluutl 01 Jlho>'l/hou't!I.·lmt li,;ht; the m~iroN aoJ Ult!lJ' thuua hal'a variouacolors-white, t:r~eu, bIll", yellott'. scar.let, ete.; thl!l ,Iur.tho~ o( tbe fhgbt isgent'rallJ' I~~ Huw a .-eond of time. buttbo brighkr OUeli lU:ll bit 16ye.ral

aeoonde; tho meteorites cont.in no el.mellu, 110 far as we ltuo... whioh ba,..not bLeD fUlwd 03 t.hc ('lIrtb, but theMel··tr1l'llta .. rl!l omnl»OUDIl dift'erentJyfrom WrTf'i:ltri\l mi.aeral.; llOmetim.(l.:ey reacu tue earth, ami again are 00A0IUllh.~ In their ctonlh.

t'< I.:·... 1\ ,I • I~.illt U'I'" 'Ilrsl.,t fl.!) t:l!I 1\ 110'1\ tllIl'I,ly,,,'hidl C.llI " "', PI,' r,·~t INffi

,I,e),- 0, ,: I , ~, .,,1 for lUll 01:'1011,\'111"11. , .. , rt,;;":llilly, com·}~ II lilt 11 • .\ v Ie tirecl 1M)

, 'I:'lt 1.1" " 'II "t /I .. ' 114 (OOn1ltnll""lhI he II' t '; I' ••.•• I hI h tJt Hf \h...J.·ll··'lt!, bl.. ,~ '" I ,ll,rJ. AUflI.lYl1f"'1lf

in II rot-II[' .,.10'1.1; lIto·,. fllke

".'J hi. i' ... '1 :I, II "y o(lmli;lltllull. hlOt '1 I ~· ..t ... licb tj the11'~nlt of u • " lJI. IlI'lt,".C it i, 110IlrIICc~' h .... 'I.I .4 .rl,arial ~Il!k p,11"1 lIllCU~ ••1 I' Irh"'b ij 1ll1;llIot-'r.t! l'a'II'N t" I'", Ii II; h,'lU)U t.ltu1rutJI II II." It"" UI"'rol\j~ of thi,C"lllI'Ie; !1·lI.lll.lll ~l. '·,H.. lllt.... (row Illu• :t1.11:nll·f .111 If tit' ..Irt:ll,:t'\ of the 1101.11ill \·I.r., tI f\Jl'lc~ III ~""rcu.e.-Jlalf.

J,.u.r-.al'f 1/..., ,It.

now ro 8£If«P WIr££"

No healthful eloop OOl1letl t.IOlilpt thatwbich follow. 'f'olulla". or in'f'oIWl.t&:ryaction of the lJnfly. POOl'lltriAnl fallinto .c>D.D(1. d('('p tk'Clp. ."00'" put tobtod. at Lbo al,poiuh.'<1 timo for rNt..This iJt tbe .ll1ei'P frum TohmWymulCUw ez. t"ClItf', A pcf'lOll iogood bealth litH arooud U.ll3 bouae ..nda,.; &lI in\"lllill LJal ..II d.'y lit and10000ge attJ Hol J"WII frolll morning un'til nigbt .'HIt lilt ,Il'tl l ins; Dud boLb. u...bea.h.L.)· muu 1II11l1 lblJ illqlid. in th."0111'118 of tll'" \'~'o Il'~, will b,com4l l1eep1and fan into Itll,lJ.l r, IhljO'. ttm result ofUle W'l,!l.n'l." '" ··II! .uIolll1l1l.lry actionbrw@'8al""ll ; f'l tit'· \ '" 1"I's org..o. oftile !JodY. Ill' ' ... ' I I I.\"l,!r th~ ,tom-sell, U.lO l,\' '. '" 'r;'; to\t!.l\lily eyer.,lillo", Th~ I' ;1' • ",.. 1>1<0 Co..'ll.!ltll(8-'l intheir motinu 'Uh~ \ \. ~ III the «ef\1I;

tL, th.eijd hilt, I r,' .,1 ... 1\11 ,t:l,lllng to­WAnI the "1,,,,, ." iol l!ld t-rt.'lIot vil'OerealfUllclljllor~ \ " ""rluus, "orkmg,IJlllihiug til' .... ,. ,. t.,,_, ll<.11\y,lo"l\-wml nn.ll'I' • f . II< lhl ftr"t lJrcathof ll,.ll1on,. 1~. Iflll'lI llf liff'.'fh, r~ i. Ill< "\.,. ; d tho "~'lIkUl,

n,llItltl\l'y • ;., ~'J:lnm" orillkrtml. " ,.ll"irll t")werto ('IUI~ iL II l~,'Il'I' ill tl) l\

1'1 rt ,ill .'.1:1· -.., 1IIr>lln,·t brillgtt(Ill tli,,~: ' , ll,l~, ", lI'hil.lh Ii

the n'l'lllt oJl ..... i .. WI I" illh wledh.Y 11/\1IIt'(.'.... ,.Ir t1 ..,' , .......... liIlU fwm"cliYil)' ",1,1'''' l\,·~ I ;'" t'lr rL'Cl.I~rl\,o

tlflU. \'I'IY t I:' I l~ 'I III ,n lI'IL" I'UIII f:ltI~ ",·hil· lito" II ,I I', 101', "II ..'" to gtI~

t-Irun",cr to. Ill., "'llIiu Wu {::tt up intht! lloorllh .\ II , 1\ 1.. 'I1n.·u lltullUOt of1'-1'1 rn!.1 ,of .'1 I"~ .•,.,j "trl'u.'\..h; int! " ('0"111\.·.1 1\ 11:.,t ,,\1', ll)th 1)80

----1:1 II', I , '.Kl .I L·Ud.

111e-e lit"l ""UlI) 111111~' to lJo urgOil illh.,IUll! I'! !,ufl'r"', l'Ill! tit tho "hi f ul"llich I" 11"lt otlt! I' ',ot lI::noJ'1.'41IJy IJeJr.pin/{ 1,.1:, rtl. A rt,!:~,11'f or t!lll NowY'lrk .11",1. r,h·, \1'1&11 14 Il~ tv wakl.l l'l'r_bill n.. luiri uf M IIhi~·tt 1I0k.'t1 for hl~

hh"I,.lit.l ·11< .. hllWll Il ltlw t'1k.'eimt!lI11 oftb.dlllli,·rlllltlti tI f·r 1...11' IIlulll8~' tllliJy\l\lI.llu 10.1,1:1,\1, .\OlOlig tJIOHO ho "'ltllL1­

jllll'l',llu l' 1'.... ''''':'01 "It"h lH Ill" fullow­h:V, llm I " It i:lrfOl"'lltuS 1....UK rl·tiliuc,l:.. l'liluk. ;run tJ.,l1 ,I ,I" ~ lhllhlP-tilf J'lm""11 ,11,",}·.1ll It lllllltJII'{Ol ur iUG 011 aIhllll tit 111111 l'I"Il{' 1lI,.'1 ill tho H Ii'ti~

~jllllClll tl ... ~ w, ")11·1" II." "Wollil hlto)''''1\ 10 ... ·1111 1.1I~1 IU"II .:\· t'"l FJO to) l'OIl,'SO""11." .. "lIuI.. t"I,,· 1l1'1101't.....1." "II"r1'lhll.. u,1 htl.1 HI I 'Ill Ilia 11I:.lllllh t I.UlI/~

,-I UU~ tll,,1 tolltl '';'1,,,:,1 !lot I\~k 110 mau

Ill!' "lli kW1 if ...111, 11101 ""l think Le l.lIllla1.IS 1:'Irt. II, r ;'11..1"11111 ut,lvcr dfunk 110intc:J:I('lltill" III 'Ill ... II~ \"'r g:"llDhletl. DCV.t'r nlC'll III' II;l.ollulle IlUf{t', lIo\'(~r UI..'t1 to­1'liCI'U" 'U uoyer hu.l aIo Illlbtlit." "Would.I h )011 to HU anti *-'U all tlio C"pwn.Of tho lX\;au al.t-1ullUllll)l'nIOU&I ..nd 1lt.'U if101l C"'l£Ot. lall.O Cllu:!gb mOIiCy to IIlIlt.l(lft till) Gralldlli~ of -." "luluQ}OQ trou;J lilto t..~ h';V8 him IDODO,. to go"" CLt:tlalkl" .. WouJu like 10U to ge'-w juttrDl\1 bt,x lAl.eutet:l for 111m.''Would ruu 11lI.\·0 Lllo kindlleea to Jund

tlUn 84,000 t ' "Wou!J like 10U to inyeala :!,Ot..~ he",' nf U.dUI'."

---~~.~.. ---..--._---


C. 1.. 1'EHHY.



.~----- ..--_.."..-~._-



ROYA,L(AbIoIuUl, PIt",). ...

GRA~rs (Alum Po.lIar). . ..

ava.·OUD'S (I'bOliphaLe) trwb

JIDDJ:1D·S , .

COU" (Alum flo"tler). •••••

<... .u:O~ (.Llum Fowu.rl. • ••


Plonl:UlSan P'rlUltilCO) , ..

{.I'D ..

D& PBICI'8 .. " ..

BXOW fUICP(oroll St. raul;

UWU· .




BUFORD'S, .be- aot trMh _

....i:~~~~~~:.(::~~~ ..~~:'-IItU. (Powder MIld 100M}.......

IlC_)·OUIl'!i..1uur Dat trelb .. _



I have just added a full Line of Groceries to myStuck or Stllli\lll,'r~'. &1'.,1111,1 illll'ruJ III SE I.L CII K\ I' 1,"1)1{ IU:.\I1\' PA \'

In Ei Lh '1' Prodneo or Cu:-<h!t:~H~I.llll~.lll llllrl ul


Cnnuf"'t.1I'i" nml Tnbl(' rillitO(. (,;lIunl't! HOll.:t lk-.,r Chil.k"11Jdli(><-:, C:tIllH'1.1 \"I·;.{l'tahla..... Slli(,('t.1 Pig'" F..",t,C-ook, J C~rn Bet>t

J'rl'uch •·:mlil':. Uliw:o. I~ . Lob:-~{.~. O,y,.le~ HlJriml~._____D,2vilt'll Ham. ,\('. :-ilJIC...... "hoh'lIud grvum1.

Oahu(,lll, CUflllllf'al. whil<> lind )'1·110...... Cf!I(·k£''t.1 \\'hmt.lhckwh,,·tt FnrinUo,\:.lIixl't1 1"1.-<\'t1• .Bran nul! !'lour. Ollt~ ulld UtlWf I'roUlICI'.' .

COF I~E l.1 j AIIl;r:uI,'M ul (in't'n Coif/'(' frum 12~ (."(:nl~" pound up.J .... I \\;m1. AI'"\") Honl:'tNI nnd Groulld Coffet'H.

Tho I)('o't 01 (jolou/-."tI, EIt;.;Ii~1J lIr..:tI:f(~'\1. rrt'lI IT}' A r.flml l'ucolul'('tl Jnpan i "J ~

;~.4'. \\"(\ fOi:t)f'Cinll)' couunpnd" OUR F'AVORITE:' ror 10111(' on Iv by1)t1n;('I\'('S. w)1I'·h hn'! ;,{i\'I'li th.. hl~4 sntil"fnction of a:l} It'll (,,·ftr pluc;'l! Olithi!i IIl1lr!:('t. Being flill wl'i;.rhL :Ull! pun'. il i.; nt.onCfOl'l'OUOlllicul lllltl ht'lllthfnl..:lI\cllh(' qUlllity or lhn l~'lIf i't !'ollC'h tllllt. tu /lll.·t'llltl-l' II trirdp0!1Illl, ill toro'glst£'r U-i n cOll~um('r of tIll'; It·;u~o 1l1)Projll"l:ltf' y c.i1I,'tI'·Ollr I'!woritc."

Ut1m~,"llllunition. Fi ..hin~ 'fl\ckll'. <':rOt'lll'f\·. LIIl0p-:. Cntlt'ry. WC'l()(1 (\fld\\'iI1U\~Urt" Blnnl.: Hook!'. Schunl Book~ HtatlulJf'r~', Drnwiuj: PrtlX'r. enrd.ho; rtliol. &c.. tonll of which w(' i1l\'ito )'lJur Ilttl'ntioll, with ;Il\."un:ncl' or cnrl!'­Inl nnd CoJurtcolts nUl'olioll Oil our pnrt, loO'cllll'r with"'~uw P..i\.'t'!t aud Fairncalin~. 170

HrCoOO! d )Iin'rcd to nil purl't or tho cits, l:'re of Chut'g6.




British bar~ L ..lUd0rdale.


BRJTlSlf BAI/I>: 1/,1 VELOC:K.

S,illtt'r lll.. l'~lll.hl II'" IIMl ulld~",I~"I1 • :t>nllnt u.e .t.o.~ 1l~1lM!l1 ..,· ...1. II btl 1l'·IIo!~.lto", turIllY I!<ou•• t lltr~('~~Sl:~Trl~'::",llh;·I;(~I:'''''~~'I..r.

It. w. d.· ". n,., "'~",Il"P,,,I " ~ Itd. W". Ilk I....!

SIIII' )1" 111:1, T.' ,·I.nR.Fnllll Wlhllll1l:1tull.

Sl'lIlw:, lllU tlllllllin nur Ihe nDII, r~ll"n"ll

,1::'1I1"uI Ih"UlIt:JH'II11lrlt' I \l"'-el ",Ill I", n""1'..tI~lhJ'· lflr 1111)' tJ'-".ll" ,·nll.'nl~·lt·'.1 !'\. I h.' :l!U...,.~ or ,n'",. • • t.. 1' 1,\~I.t. \ .MfI,~lel.

H. W. m~LIOl't.. k Co., AI,WIl '.Port 'fuWIl~CIItI. W. 'I'.. ,11111. 17, I, ~I.

Ship John Bunyan.1,'ralIO SllUllll'll[li.

"rEITlIt:1I '1'111: I'.H'T.US SoH Tilt: usl' 'h·rot11ol1ll' IIl'l'unl.UI lhlt '11"1",· IlItIllC'\ \'C.... ·1 .. III I"" 1'C-"I~'II.. llohll,,",Io'hl~' ''Illll,ch:ll lo)'II,u "'1\1o..,·I... III·CI'\· ..· ..1 lilt· N,ll Ih'lk.

, 11.\1-. 1:.111 Ula.l::. ;\11\!!1.\r.1:. W.IlI'.I.I.IS Itt'.,.. "l/t·III~.

I'ur~ 'I'U"ll ... II,I.Jfll'. II, I~~~.

Chlllan bk. Valdivia.,"'m18 A t1tnfllC'R~tn.

N '.-:IT1H:1t Tilt: ,'\I'r\l" sun TIH.r: "n'" I'tohtlli'.1 "~'nl~ nr Ihf'III~"",. lInlth"IJvl·~'I ..1Il I.., ,.·.,.. ,,,.11'111 lor ."1 !lulll. '01In.ch.,t I"y llle ,.""".

A.{;lt~I,S. )I ....I~.It. \\'. 1I1I1.IM".t ('Il. Ar'nl.,

I'ort Tn.·no.~n'l. 1"'1.11. 1<4."':..

Ship Challenger.PI;OIl 1'1Iu...:turIIlA.

.. \~I',l~h~~~";I.~~f~I~;~ ~ll~~ :~~l~I~~~~~~~ ~~l~C/'!'W 'If IIii' ll.or. n;lIll''lI .'e...... l.

11. )1.1lI"~",,,1W • .\1"I~r.R. W IIIII.III' ot l;u.• ,\:,... I'h.l'I"11·",,n"'lIti. Ocl.1. nt~.

BARK lfitNNAU W. DUDJIF.l'.:'t"eltlwr llie C"PI,,'" 11M tho IInlll!"",."etl

::;~~~I'b~IlI~,:~:~.I~te~~I\~ :~~ltl:~~nlllnOO 1""iiIIC4.

Il. w. DUUI.J::\·. lolll.le,.It. W 1111 1.1.". AlI'lI'lf~I'on Totnueoo, So... 1111"';-

Y""m llllCUO"I .\y.... ,!feltherlbn C"'lhlln Illlt tile 1I11,1,·rttlllT\e<1

~:~~I :~I~~~;::':t:~~ :Il~,-::I ;:::::;t1':;~Iol!I ttl. I, YoIUI~.M~ lel·.

n. W.IlJlI.IC)JO/olCu..\lCtltll'"I'or! 10",ntol'"tl, No,. ~'ll~

Ymm""..llrrllnl.~f'ltMr lhe (...."1.1" IlOr Ihl" nJl'~r.h(n~

aMi I' "1111", ~plln~l~e rnr nn" Ilelll" ...,n·tnlcltll1 by 100 Cl\t" uf tll"l .'IU,·it 1I"1Uf',1 ,"eo!lei. JOnS JV:"~. )I.tler.

It. W. nrJ,lo<l" l·". ,\':rnl•.l'OX't TotrnM'hU. :'(0... 11. l'llt.

REPORTS OF GOVERNllIENT Cm:mSTSA..'l to Purity Rml Wholesomeness uf' tllo n03'l\l DnkblK' powder.

t! I hut teeltd a pack~ ot Rol1l1 DaIIllli;' rowtler, wbleh I purdlMed !olblfopen m.n.el, ancIdad It tolflpo.etl to I'll"' amI vlIult'IOWfIlugredleuu. It t.. c,.mof tartar po.der oC • hij:b dfO,lT'tU 0 'DUlt, _lUI. tloea 1I0t coalaln eltber a1~~ orpbotpb.tu,« otber 111Juiiou'lub6t4u~ E. G. Lov., Ph.D.

,tIt It. tdenlUle ractlhat tb.ltoyal Oaldo: Powder lI.bIolutely pure. ltD""U. A. lolon, f'b..

"I han namlnMl a paebft; ot Re,al Daklnjt Powder, purebued bl myaelf !IIthe trW"ket. 1 !!atilt eDtI""'ly (iflJ trom aluln, terra "ba, or any ulber lajurIo~" lair,ataDcc. UC~II' lJOaT(.t:\" 1'11.0., J'l'bId~llt IIC SlcTd8 ItulltuPA or T«llAo og'.

•• I baTe a.aaly&ell :l packaQ'e of Roy.1 Dd,ln.c Powller. Tbll matelal. of)["h!C;:I~ IJ C!Ompoled U'II Ilurtl and wbol(!fOwe. 8. Ilul. U.rD. 8tal1l A"'ru, ...

The Re,.1 B~ltlnl: Powdn r-ece.l",d the hll!":1II11l a.a"1 O1"("r all M:Ilret\lon:ttbe "!emla World'. ESlIOl!Illon, tt413; at ltlll Centunlal, J'hlladlllph!2, I,OU; a' t_eAmeriuo IOWlllle, and at 81altl .·al~ Ihrou~tlOUI the couutl')'. 1 I

Nu oillerartk:le or Illimu food hat Cfl'r rec-el"el:l neb hljrh. empbl!c;.,'m.~.~~iTeml nulotHment trom emlneut chelfllly, pll)a1datu, aclcDSIlU, anJ~Iltaltb allover tbe world.

Non.-Tbe atro..e DUGR.Ulllhutr:ll.e,sbo colflPllrdlve worti.l or nrlOt" Cilill;rPowden. U .bo1nl b1lbemlcal A:1:111111 .ul eX;Jerilneul.l m&llu by I'ror. ~bedl(r.A Qn. poand can or ea.cll po.Jrer was tlilirell, tllO 10uIICIl\·tll~lItt tlOlII'cr (lr \'oIUlIIa:oucb C&It. CaleuJued, Ihe relult belnr .. lntllC1tcll, fbll l.ractlt:lI1 tc¥L tor wOr'7


I'ttIf. Schedler onl1 proTei what nery obH".nL co:lJu:ner of Ibll tlor~·1 Du. IPowJer kno"l by pmcllul ezptrtenee, t!l,,~, while It coal. a rew ccnU ptr pollOImore tbll.lll onllilarr kJndl, It I. tu 1fI0:'ll coonomlcal. '0'1, besltl~'••north the lIlIYan·t&jl'e of beUu work. A lingle trial or tho RoyllJ Bilking powder wm eoo.lnco ~1lair mSndl;d ptl'lOlI at Iii '" racta. r

• Whn, tbe dlqranllllow/llOme or the alum rowtlCr3 to 110 (It • h'J:'bt.r t!ceretTat Itrt.nJ(th tbM olber llOwden r'lIked "ulo.... tbelu, It 1.. no~ III 1HI tlll.cll :11 !rldk.l·

:Il.ltt't Marl'a McNeil. t111!f tb.t they h"o IIny \';lllIe. All alum p.J",Jen, 1I111l1attur bow bt;:b tbulr Ilf"IUi1b.DlIJ ~ U aNto be ''''allletl u dlUl/Ct:roUJ.

I"""""""""""""""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-''''''''''''...'''...''''~~-::IO:lTnt:lllh. ":.rllltin n\lr IIIl' nn·I,,",I.nl'll =--

Alfi!nt ... will IJtl tlI"f1/1'1lllhkt (or !I.'lll~ ...." ._

:~~~,~Yn~-:e~;~~trcr.... hl'l"narlnw- \U NOTICE. I ST~.u"'lIM IIniliuK fn,m Hnrnl·l1r.lf, '~l'nAIl :N. l'AItC.\I., 31iL4ler lll1lr.. tl) S"n' Ymk. lI11riCU t~le-ltl<H1th '.

n. w. n",IO,,", AMI·nl<. PlirtiNi \TAnticKllllrllctil'nl 8SI)()rlenONI AI'ril willi",' It hf'lu't1. l;lItll"ln. Jlb:t4.'l'ort """n"~II,I. \).L Ill. 1"'l!1. Cllllol'incer. f'itlllJr 'or IIlftHlIIt'r (If lIa"'lnlll, j Hllmmnllin. OrlltJll, Hllllia, WClItvha I.S·~".~ ~11.I"t.:l ~!f, IlflitT !ftI1"Ha: 1)1'''l1l(I1111111" tIl nOTIISCrl! LV .t CO, 1111111 Jo'U:lI... l'ur II,lIlIl<lIte Rpplr I..t.o


"'l'VC"\TCI;'''~'~' 14 'k\;w~; I, Ilt:Rllt.'Jll. Port TOW\~IlJ, Allril U, l$:t, • \Vn&1UI.L'('" 1.-

R, W. de Lion &. Co.,S'I'llVEDOllES,

III IUt "~rl" Itl .·UII"" !'Utlliltl,

)'m,u .Klr 1t11ll' 1''I;! ...r~lll:tl III tllllllUilneH..... UIlIII'lll,Il'v tI;lft~l.cllon.

OFFICE Hlw Wharf, QlIlne, $Ire?l


Ship Ismlr.I'rntnO..ym....

SEITlum I he 1..'all'.ln flor the IIndl:rtllfnt'tllI.e"l. Will 118 rMIOOfl"llhl-e ror <I"lIt l'QltU,.clt"ll1>)' thvCl"aW or tblJlllMIo' nlllGlllt 1·~I.

U. O.(;.\:"S, )Idler.


Fine wines :mnd liquors;Chu!t't Dull('r. CIll'o'~". ""IU'~·. F('tl'!'lj;th ICAnNED DODDS -All 1\11111.. Coffm.

lllllll)olllr·lit' Frllll~. I'..wl·lm." 1I1l11. '11"'1('111:111", T,·a. nr III: l.hlll~. H,·.l Ikllllh III1,llI"', Flfllll. Oill :11111 ("~ru )11'111(•• 1111111'1 Extru\.'!"'. (:"mlltlllllli W(lflll! ~111l-e). Hill.

01'1':.\"1111 AI'I"t'~. I Irh'll .. Itlll~. 1111 I\iluili. ~Ill~. 7.:\llhl CurF-II".. ,,'.. 11 "·....rlnlf'nl Oil

STATIONERY," 1'fl1ll1l1H., Slllt·'.to C!lc.'p. ~I~P" '1',,111'1. WIl~1111ll:, s'li :-.noh. nileShip Carrio Clark. The UKil' 1Ir:\lIIJ. nl 'I;:olt. II Btl TOI"t tdllr..c !.h,'rllonl s,.U. CIlIlllUblll RI1'l:r

M~~~~:~Il"::' C;:~~~'.~~ll~~rt,::I:,:~',::~;~l: ..~~:~ bal'\.'fl. ~IIIIOll. C,II tllIlIutl C;lIlIIIt'(.tral:Led h\'lhu ere. lOr Ihl' ."m·,. IUOIIlt'.1 '1.-_"'::. w. 1lP.1.I(lS"IJ~.~ ~~;JI~~I.It, lolll!lICr. A !.!P1I t fOl' 'he olebl':ll (I

>lA,:'_"_' ED. 1'0" T..w"~, ..1, ",••• ",. ,"'. "WILD"v-0 0 D" "\Vl~ISI{YOllllw 11l!'1_ br l:to... A. I...abetb.•1 Utili:"," Chilla" 3ark ,4vestru:r. Covln~4;on. Kontucky.

Itt'.· IJ~I IIll.". ("1'1 lh'lbotlm ItMoI. or Pmm\'.lpu'IIIIC).(·blll. ~ FOI' POI.t To\-vl1:-lcnd allfl \~i("il1it\".I:..allltr lI.k·lI. lUlU .MI... ~'tUHl )lttrtl:~D. • ",IIt'..., ,.. C"l'ltIl'l lour tli' IUlll~,.I;:nfdA.I.... III-1 •CaptAia ceo WIth h•• 00111'1)' acquu'('(l .., I•• abIlftl n.,,'.1 .t.... l .. 1111,,00 """"'iIli'Jlllto rllt" ti7" .IUST HIo:t..EIV EII- A Itrge 11Ilur IUlllOllt.,IIII,oI 1...lU.....lk l·i~,.of u..• U I _.. .. "1I1d.>"I~c:.lllr ..tll'\lbJ'uIIIntrou,e:'t<.. blo I'-mlllll ..bflfle.r.tunenp\.-e.. IIl:BU.aymomlD~Qponl fI, hil:IL.~1-;18I'. • •

the DiAllateb. from Dungeneou J.i~ht ~~ ~.~~~~~J~ :"~:iir.;:.I~. Suhsf'riptioM roct'iVN for all booltk, nC1I'iIl'P'-IJefS 11m! reriuJieallllabH "till i.HOlllt'. and len that llfterDooD UPOD too tb41 Onited Staw.. at publifbers' j)rK'e&

Belen for tlJeir new howe in Pott Dis- German Bark Don EBriQnc. Rifles, Cnrtrid~'CII,SbfOllit. Powllcr. Shot. w:w.l" oml cupa.oofcry. We join their mao,. friend;) in 'lIo:ITrlt.ll Tilt: ('.\I"f.\lS SUit TilE u~.1 ii iiii ._._,;;;_;<;; _wi.bi". tb.m • 10D" pro,peroo. DDJ """~"'"~I.'."'...r'"••'~""."''''' ,... COMPARATIVE WORTH OF BAKING POWDERS.. . D._ lel.'l! llll 1'\;"11O>n.lbl., ror ,krl.I~lvntl'l\l:tt!IJ byhappy hfe.•\10)' t1lOlr n.wD for e\'etr 11I:Iecru.. \I'•• I.I-IH'"O"".thlnR'de&irnble iu tbitt world be SIICcelII-- II. W. IlnIM".t Ct\.. AlfrllLOl, lhillter,tnl. I\lUl mKr ther flnally reall the ro- I'..rl 1~;;'u·ltll.Ul:1.v. ~.WGtU or wull'llpout liVe!.

Ship Henry Failing,'rolD Wilmiu.l:ton, Cn.l.

"l'llh"l lh... Cotlliain ...or tbOl IlDI1rI·k""J ArnU11111 b.. , ...pon"hko ror In,- dtolll.. t:U\tlnltl"" 117 liltCI'II. or fll••t"HI' 1I11U't'O! .......j

J,H':OU lo't:ltKUI.\:tl, :'d.:l"ln.It W. ",'1.1""&1;,,.• ,,~...nt~.Port '1'0'-'" t1M!ntl, April 4. '88.

Ship Austria.t'ronl At"tl"tko.

N~;:J~~~I~.1'1~:;1~"T~~';.;~?ll~l~I::r ~~.1\(010" conlraelltd II)' 11m flt:k~nt ur cn:w I~f Ih...I»,e nJuneti ._1.

0. 1':. I)r.l."o. !tWIICl'.R. '" I't:l.ln~ A f·()•• AII..nl...

J 01'1 'ro.nHtlI\J,AlIril t.llII"J.

Weekly A rg~s.f'n.. l'lI', WJllll Quill'lIt,· wilDt .... i~ pdp-

. . I .., I I ,,'lllirr 11\" OII'lIIln Il'lr II,,· IIn rll'l"-II:IlC'1ulntiou tu IJnug t H' 111'1\'1 f'br(':-lllll al - 14.:""I~ ... llll~'I'''I'''II.'hlo' lur !,·IJI"I~,u'nlCtt't.1

I . II -'''1' 1'~t'l·tlt,"·.'llb~~b,,\.'nlllllc,I,.·.·.J\,tII111;.:"· llr ",\'i 1/:111011. .'r "". .' T. II. 1I0"EII. JoI,,,n,lI.It.rilll: lll.·r" )Ul"" Ii",,,-I b'n'for"n- II. w m:I.III', C11. \1:.~"1lI".

r b r, I l:lKl ""'.II<,'n·' )llIr.::l, I"JIIItlr"lIl"111 1111' hUp"'i I,) I" II tiro _

Editorial Notes. !1I111ll 1111' n4lhzntlou" ur the ~t. ~l BI:ITI.,U }).1 UK TIBl::/t..- j ... lrlll' tlmt \"'r~' hUI,· IIC tb· Jnnd II> FrollliiiudfJUII(";,.ill, ria \'j/'tQria.

IT j..: bI11'lt'tl tbut 'WIl "ill Dill !'Olin "un \\~I:i" \d. Ollt I"0PUI.lli"UlllUl ~~'I:~!~:;~~'II~'~":'I~I~fl:~'I~~:~,~Il'~:II~;~~ihll\,' I" qlh"r brt':J' IJJ uru~· rOl1lillf' ",:II";III'UI "·illl';U1.... ' IhiliOhjt'('liull 10 \t'~'1 .'1111... """,Ill~lhlV ((lr Uc"P ,..",1 1l....1..,1Iu. Ih \1 lIt tlit, Iii.... ' f,· ....· tl.l~", Sit-kIlo'"'' 1'1'1".,111.\ \jllli ..h. L ,t bl'f lIdnlO.:a~r(>S It)' Ihuultk'enour t\\': H. On!R. )(astN.t1Utll,·rt':lH·llh·U1 haw up.•d Uli t"f I", lId\"'fli.,t'illLl.ll 1"'1 prc:'IX'r 1.1t"lhllf'~ It W.UI'Li'lU .~ Co.. ltl.,'l'lIt1!.libh'. .\ .. I'wn as Wi' ('au ;';"1. Ih.· 1,11' ,r.I\·,.11fJ IIml IrUlliUI'r '-'ruml l'l: _Pllrt TUlI'l)M·IltI, l"dJrlt.;lrJ 1~. 1 1._IJI.;lt';tlmo! tlur tllft·:!,1 "f dti,'''' l'au~I'u(:.raLJI,.lum.1.. bt'f>ro,·id('t1 f"r SUU'U,U,It;I, uUt~.:"'.

, I . I :"I'lIl\O'r II" 1111"IIOIT\ T\("OI' nil' 1II1.1·'rool::no..1'" r1: \\" \'iilll·ndl'a\"(lr t.l "t"·l' t 1(' tli"l'uhlil·. nll,1 oUt word fuc II :-IU ,".. 'IlI. "llll~. n-1"lI.,l".. IIIr ""l' ,I., 'I-,.,.n.

"ht:t'i~ mo\in ~,,~ uf ) uri'. "lllbl~JIl OIlI~rlJw 1110 ll.'ading I'trillk-'l- ~~t"I ....1U) IL'·,l'. ~~ ,1,lll:.;,IJ~,:I-'·ltW~:II,.~~"'''

Arn:n ~I:t\" bt t!J<.>!"t' \\ ill bo four Iufllt'l' Jlrl·,~I'IIt. iUl'ipit':JI l::W\\ tho J:...~~ ·J·~·~:~~:":~l~j:;l::.f ..:;~:: j

l'lINIIDt'l'!'l 1\ I;loutb from ~all rf~ucijo,co - • - -- DlI iIiIf 11 1Jl:;:,."-';JC,J,'"J''",-r/',-c-·/7,-(.-:,-.y-.1 Pro~mm~.

in tl.,' I'. C. Co.'s Iilll'. ill!>h'l\,l ur t IrN' -- "t;I1'III.1I l'I~tlll~.~~\'~:'\~",~Ull 1'111: I'S.R~ uerl'lofort'. Trn\'el 11M 1)C('n 1'0 Till' f"lluwilll.! j", tb~ I,m~l'"lmme rf the :'\ 1"'I~tlllll~1 Il;.: 'Ill~ llr Ih,' \' 'fl,' 1111111",1

I · 'I ,r ""',,11 ~ e!lt('rIRinmcnt. lin thl' Ol.'C:L"lioll of 1!1I! \<.....'I .. lIlb"u·..l.on..lh;cIHr,klll~u ..IIIllU...,1lal'.~(,1 unng u' )u<; ,'W ... 1 l,)lll ... om.."r.. "r,.r.....thut lIlt' I-t('au~lSlJiru;: 1)I.villg 011 tltt> Cah..'(l HlllI uut! Ctonccrt to be lol'il"cll in t;. '·.\I.Ii, )Iu..lf!r.

,- I Pllrt Tuwn"fOUit OIl \\"l"lIIJ~ltl)· ('l"cnillll ro',", ~,~:;~.~~':::i.'~.~::·~~.~r~~t·rUlItt:'. n.lthou~h Inrg..\ havo 1t'C1l tuII

' . f II IicJ:t. )11')' ~1. Thl) Concert will (.'Um ..tnll~' ill~.t1Uql11\t('. 0 an' In orm(' IlIelll'iJ lit ~ (,'c1uck; l1nucin(: nt 9:;JO,th.ot th(' IStel1mer .\Iu;tico \\ill ~ 'fick('!s rot bolh. SJ-rur Ilnlllll! Wlll..r.

111nt'&1 all duty. IUUll k Kull·. ~hum: by MCi3dal;·51Qllllti.

AnT:l'L ClllsF.s~-SiIlOO thf' PIlS.q rillo Ordlf'~trll. of S\.·attle:1. Q\'crlme I.nlltR!JicJ 1\c1l'r Dl'ln.

I\ij'O or Ul(' nnfi ..Chin(',,(' r(lRtrictiolllWt. \·1lI1l,1. "iull<J mill (.'Orllel.our ulOllgolian l1l'ighoors huvo !J<o('11 2. rinlill OI:li~:lto.... ; .... lIl'ro\·l\tore.UIOft} noxious thau c"('r to ('njo)' tim By 1.'. ~l('iol.ll\g.

:1, HoprlllloSolo Procto.pri\'ilegl' uf neiitlin&, untlcor Uncle "s By .'11'1'. Pcnrhnnll.witl~. 'J'IH! boundnry linn b{'tw(>c1l ·t Alllol'l'Ir" H.'rclIlllln Bmgu.

ISuprllll1l r-,11u willi violin OI,Ii/-tRtl"British Columbia ulld Wtl!ihill:,:tOIl liy 1Iff!\. Penrlm'ul rlllt! '1'. i\l('lI(llllol'.'J'cnitory tlu'nishos nn inviting' lif'ld 6. Ou thtllll':Iullflll Uhin!! ... Kelcr Ildn.ror e\'nsion of the Inw. It ,,('(lUll> thnL Violin. IJinno lIIltl cornet.

C Wo (WllRrnllt!utt' Ollr fril'mls ill ['t'rtInq~"'l' numbers 01 hlnnlllcn lIro con Tllwnscml llJ.'foll 1Ill' treat in l'-t,lr!' fllrgregating in and about l)ort :\Ioady th~m, (luJ 'IN coufl.lent thaL the entm·lind Sew Westmiustef, from which Iltillmeut WIll be 1'I grauJ 8t1(.-c~-l')~llt·

., b' ~ rts ~~ k nero II II" ClmJ/lieJe,pOlO !I t mr CnO W' 110M ~ Tho Rbovlt refcrtl to tan onterhinmonttho line nre uDeeMiog. WenrocrOll ill qUClltiou, ami ill txu;cd upon theiuly informed that they h",'o olfcft'tl kllowlod,t,'O of the umgui6cent SIIl'Cl'SA oftbo ownec of 11 ccrtaiu fillhing sloop l1esdou', Quadrille Oroh6itr:t in OllrUS high 88 a hundred dollllf'8 toalOug sillter town. Of course tbere will be"

gle thelD l1Cl'O!8. A few h8\'0 t1Ddoubt lotJ:'e nttendaDce froln Port DUcol"eQ',4.'(Uy bOOured p8SSRgCin IndinD cnnOOI ChimACum, frondnlc Rnd other point".nlready~ a! Uleir mysteriou'J llppcar Let tben_ lest lUlaUreJ that nothing willIIDee upon the Americau sido could he left uotlone by the enterllfilinll'nol be explained on otber grounds 1Ul .. bo,.." (If Port 'ro"'u'~:Jd to minider to

Uicir huPVilleM.leal thcy dropped (rom the clouds-and Mongols don't u!ll18.lIy arri\"o bythat route. OllI' object. in thi. COllnection ill to call the attention of thoproper authonlies to tho atate ofnfr. i~ to the end tbahsuOicicntnum­oc't' of go\'ernmeut officilllis way bo:.tationoo wong tbo bol1odlU)" lino toin3tu'", tho l5uceouful enforcement oftho !&'w.


: 'l\,rE1TIlt:ll Tilt; I,;AI"TAIl't"' ~Oll Tilt: V;';:·I _1_" .1k""U'leIl":l·nl_ or fl ... "lXI~'e "1I1..tJ'I,"t:~.

Ho Foa QOIU1lT.-This will bo the Uill~~~:;~;::~'''' '... oI.-bl.<:Vt1lnoeled I.)

next watchword of es:peetant immi. Oh. Ob18cn, Mastec.R. W. 1""l.Inn A I',...1f"111~

grllnts in &ellreh of land for bome> l·unTuwuumJ••pr. 0. IIlt:LM thl:l rate of their J>rt~mt ingre!1I ------.-neither Whatcomconuty nor.nyoili CfJlLftLV ,r;PIP lNSPEC1·OR.tlr portion of tbe Puget Sound ba in Yro.lIn Call1IoOocall long bold them. Wbut tbt'y ,V~~~:~:~ ~r'II':~::I:~ ::~~~(~",.~~~r;II'rr':JJellcch fOf ID08t eagt'rly jg flU'lIliog ~~.~.ltllll(OI'de'ltt'rtln:~~l'lt::li~I~~:1"II

land, and I\ny one who aid.'. them ill l'l~i ~ro~~~~~~ ~I~;:i·~~~;~;t·lindieg the objl.'Ct of tbeir punmitwill be doing them n Idndru,'flK bob;des 4lOBi tin,l{' in developing Wash,ington Territory. In tbe Quil(tutovallo)' ilioro ill 10L't of room. All fiDeriver boUuDlt prairie ftlld uplood nK

(tin ho found Allywbcre,l\n nbuul'lliuooor ~pleudidtimbor for milling pllrI~ !mro water and plenty of it,with all ilie other aUendaant a<1vantag,)8 or BIlNWitlg lind prosperouil com­tJtoaw6'JJtb, indudingtish, g(lmf', tiCcn,

Ma. Villard saecoedoo durinc; IllSrecent ,iaitto Pugot Sound in the footof DlIuing tho l'el!IidenlB of Seattle nudNow 1acomo modefllt.ely hnppy oy('rtlJe railroftll question at ono and thuNamo limo. 'fo th080 at tho latterpoint he promines vaguely somethingi'1 tbo dim future in tho way of grain U'lll. II. W. 111I1.\0n.dovlltorij. in ndilition to the UB8ur8ncothllL New Tacoma shall remain 11 fllil­rond to.rminu8; to thoRO of tberorml'rpineo be promisca n speedily builtbrunch lino or ~J.teo9iou or tho N. 1:'R. )t~ in lien or tho long Wi8bcd~tor

coon(!t}Uon with Eastern \Vll8bingtoll.S:!lltllo people have tnken boldotlhomatter of a subsidy of $150,000 withIl right hoort.y good will, M their on·

terprise beretofore would load one to -v••u",;Cont1lned to R~ W. d.Lkra " Co.upeot. Mr. ViIllU"d blUl demonstrat·ed muterl! ability ft8 a railroad mlln·ager RDdfinancier. OpcrntingoD tbe~c8od scalo now embraced by the un,wieldy lran.econtinental company ofwhich he i8 tbe head. no emergencyhllllyet been preeented to which beh not been equttL There CAn be Ship ConODOBE.11) doubt tho.t we shan have throngh 11M ~ C I hB """I~ too

or~L~la~ na:::: ~~II "1I~i:. "",poo.,bC"OItonoection acrou the oontinent M "ttl. Cttal~l~by till oII'~ or """•.lOOn u meD aDd IDOllOy clln oomplete IL W. DltI.lM.t Cn.~A~n~~~wn:1t,Kutef.

tho work. aod a lioe coooeeting Wal- _""'_~~"f!:.II..\prtll~.I""':'1'1 WI\Ua with Pnget Sound alao inthe ncar future. Let it come andlilatehood next..

__ 2:...-



British Bark !.nyola,Y'lon' 1.1.' 'IJIOIlI vLa WUPllnrton.

Xl'llhu Ih. l'~l"llll" nflr tho DlI\lt':1"I11C 11'<1K:t'tlll~ 11.111••hO\·t! nlUnL.... \l~ .,11 be r.--~~...I!~~~. fur d~~l~.~~~~II}~~irrJ~~I:~~7.I ..

J:uTn'O(;lltLII.t «':0. ,l.l!l1hl,I'on ·J'o"'lltt'nd.lklt. 10, ItlIfJ.

AmerICan ~hiD ~nmatl'a,


.JU~O~ 1. l~J t(

t'I'UIlI \·IIII.lrll~",

Srlllirr Ihl' 1'1I0l1,,1t, 1l1'r II tlll'h'r,;I\:IlQ'1'\ll,.nl~ '" III IIII ru.'~'II.l1,:(' r',r I r"I"tllnll:hlllh~ Illtl ern'" or nlll n1JrI\'" I1MIl'" IJ· ••·I.

r. 1,1l.'S ... :-, )J~Glo.:r.


o OltLSZ~, »""1",.

:1~:IIr,~~~:.~~{~:..~,:l~l~ni ~1. l-.q.

-A.1Jlcrieun :sIifi"l'1\o BliOTUER8,I'!om \'o~ohl!l'u.

"l~ell~he~'~~I~T~,~~I~..~loru:~~ U~':~f~.1 :r~~:ItCI""" of Il~ "11("",, u.....1........1.

h' O. 1l,1 \"DI!:.'\", )J"I~r.11,,"""'1,11. ,.I. (·n. A..... tl'~1'011 '1\''''11' 'IHI. "'1,r\l11' lll:l.

Frencb bark l'elix Eslim!.

ROTlISOH1LO &. 00.

Nor.,;e!)ian Bark \",\.u_trorTt O"."lrllil. Scuador.

,n:ITnt:lt Tilt: l",\1"T,\I.'\" Suit TilE 1-"'·" rleNIKnetl w:rnl"Orlhll.IIO,·e n.\net,l,_

... ,1 will Ill' ""~llOn.lhklltJr u"h,,, wnlnat:lctJ IIUIC utlk.'IInlor .:I'Il'"


And Ceneral Dealers in .

8"~:Ol brs m, ~:';'1:t;.~



Port Towns~nd,W. T.

Under N€w Cuslom Hense Building_

\Vholcl""ale ancl.Rctnil DO:1.lo1'8 itt

Goliah, Blakeley and Politkofsky.rd'" l.elleN alltl "fcle,:::raln'i mkl~ k our o;Ire wilt I.Il! linulllltlr Ilelly('"~i 'M


llfJllBSIlJUI/i;O & f!JtJ~fPort Townsend,

SHIPPING and OOMMISSION MEROHANTS,Oustom House Broker Ships Disbursed

AGE:~'l' Fon STEAll 'l'I,;Gs.

Drugs, Chemicals, Palenlll1edicines &Fancy Arlie asPaints. Oils an G/ass-ware:

Pure Wlnez and l.lquors for Medl:ol Uze.O",t'n rUI~.1 WIUl DI"p"ld"

Preseriptioll$ C.re(ull,)· Compounded, O"y or Nigbt.-Ma


Ship Chandlery. CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES. Hals Caps,Hardware, Crockery. Furniture. lkdding. Farming lmple'menrs.Building .bterial. Produce, Etc.• Etc.• Etc.t

ALL Goods will be sold Cheap lor Cash.D/'ltj~s BOIL;!ht ,m,t Sold on,all PlL/'ts of tho II '0/'1<1.

W(' will pay Higb"!lt price.os for \\"001, Oil, Hille!!, FUl'l 1111Clllllllr)' Produce..........;..-..",.~,...----."'"""'..,~,,.- ------,-

- ._-

t', 1MB .!tAlUr"",,·.1JIM1I7.

We nre told tbe mill will bcltin run­ninl: 011 fnll timo roRaili Mondo,·. 1'111:'ClIlOll:Ju" hn\"e obtained n hugo uumll'"of 1C,l~"", ",nma of which nrtJ in their I)()ndand olhl.'re on Wl,ill!.l~· I&lIlUd wlliriug t.oIJo towell o~er.

'fhu Ooli:tb bronght llown frolll PoriOawhh In:rt ni.c:ht, II Ilirgil qllontit)' (I'~lll'Ciully ri(!l wJ Jnlnoor (or Oallt. H.W.I)cLi()n. wIll' wil1l1sc H mtlle construo­lilln of n l11r~t.l nllll eloA'UnL d w(lllill~

houlllJ un tho) hill, 1\11'I-onll nfO lit worlllaying II ~tonQ foundation ror lho builJiu.r;.

Somotuno "illOO n llleroltnnt or tIJi.plnco cOUllilellccd lleliverjn~ ,,"OOt11l fl;lldill the ltore free of ebnrA'C. 'rhie .lltnrtetl~ho refit (Iud uow mosl aU Jelh'er liooJ~

mllny bn.i1ijl tlleir own ll'ngon!l. 'l'h....IIUlL to Iltmt ~tlclil'err of 'heir own i!Pltlmnler &. Tt-'rry ",110 h:lVing obtainedII haolt:llnl'. "<111Ull" WrD)' bof!lO nnd ••,Iron". .~II bltllt WllJeOlI, per(~tly

ndaflletl r,..,r Ihe bu ..iul!bI, eommencetlorerations this morninl1. It will be al:rAud :t.tln.'rti&ealent for their bu.iueu.

'1'116 C!tdico ballllpolr:en or R fl!W da,..nl:u will rome olf un the first \\'cdul'!'tlAyin lin)". 'Cheoommittee"f nrr:lolllOeOJl.'IIb!haVUllftrN no pain iu tbcirattempta W10 lib '~IJ e'f'tl.l,n.: oojJjlJ1 e. Ttl l\8tIi.i1olhlll ubit'C\ t~)' ha\"tl arnnj,,-w ror B C,Hl­C'l'rl in e:mo'!Ction with the d~nC(', L.Jl',m' olfiDl'tl,ji:ltcly preecJiQI: i". 1ft!>.11 \~'i\ or _'Ite"tr3. or Sn lttl·. oo'l-IIidtreJ.toe bc!t ill t!l~ turrit ,ry. h:lll ldlm Ill­11"l1.,'e I to fnrniib rnruic for tJIll ball,lIcdwill Ill! 't'<IUJll~t 11m C,)of','rl Oollltl·mt'u nnd bdk", arc l"t.'f)lI<'itl' I. if IWllf ­hlc', to ap~ar io cnlil."O snits. 'l'1C1u.'II.53. fo)r~..lo:nlt C. C. Uurtitott'III111ll1 Wlter­mnn .t KlIu·. :SOIlO hul holdeN IIfl~cketA to the 1".111 11 ill btl ntlmiued toIho COIII...·rl.

Fon THE LADIES.Lndil'i !'1nn{oritl~ (rolll p;jck Ill'ml

1I("\1t':l. nt'urnb,:ilt. c0IJ'i. feYl'N, iu.li":l"itioll uud. hll.lJihllll cvu'lil'lItion "'illlillJl S)'rUfi or 1"i;.:" 11M l'ffllcth'l' in uf,v....liub'tt.lil·f n.. it is I'II'awlllt to IIIl'11\1,11', It nets lhorutl~hl\' yl't !:W"tI)·,II ",'ry lllmll ljn:\Iltit)' 1I11{licill/.: to rt'­llJOVO nil inlpUtitir''' frulllllH' lIY'hll'lIl.liurl IllllkeD Ollr' (1,('1 happier lUll Ihrij.(htllr. L/lI'~N hottl(·t4 f"r Kul(' IllUltrifll b"Wl''' fl"',) : t X. D. Hill & SOfl'tjUI'l1~ Storu,

P,.lD )I.I,d"7·. n..II"..The Pl,)rt '1...I...... II-t01i1 AIO:lteur Band

will fnnlish Music Friday Dud SOl.tunluy(lVcnitl!o'8 in conn lioo witb tho IClauoldramn.

'fho ilvamer Ph:lntom, from Solloock,caine dOWll Snnlln,·. She i:l a much 001­t~r lookinJ.: cr:t.ft t1mll aile WIlli wheu Bllflf1lllll:ao rollW between h'~re onll ~eah


The W)'mlln Comedy Co. cowmNlceth.cir IJerrorrutlnc,~ llcre tOOlJ,:ht 'Idlh"\'lIkio, fir the Ellligrallt'a Oalh." 1lon;:llt to 00 &;,00,1' rOt it ~'1I1l written u)"n 1l11\\'llpnpcr IWlII,

Wcuro illformed thllt )lr. StewurtCnlllplJcU, whum we Ull'ulioucd a tow":u)'~ 1I':U U11 bI·;OlC LaJI)' injllretl at l'orlHlnkuly W,I8 80 loll' UIl ::illlurJII)' Ihat Id..life Wlhl i1clIj)t1:rl'll of.

'fhOlilclIluer I1cIon is to be bnulell Ollt.

till TubeY'llahi[1 waY8, oml thotOllw-hl)'1l"erlJaltl",1 and rcpuitoo, IlrtlllUrlltor)'for the lumlDer work, which, jUllgiugfrom 111\.'8(Iul int.llcationi i.8 going to 1J.,hetlv,.

:\Ir. H, A. 1'ucker completed the foun­lIulion of Mr. lo'. :\. Hartleit'li new relli­lienee, Anti ""ill put the unildin(l' UII Mralli.lly lUI po;wible. Mr, 'l'ueker iii 1\

DUllller at hill trado aod will jmt 01111lirbHlllil8 bolllltl,

We aro informed Pmt the £-tOY, Mr.8p.1.D~ler. of lhtk UorOOr. iueriuu.sl)" ill.Or. lliuor W{I.;\ cJlllcd 011 tH atlcnd him,alld .·ent 'CroM JCflterd:\y. by "'n,' ofl)l'CeptiOO PRiIS, on tbe Disp.1.lch. Withthe boo.v)' ll'ind bJuwiug tbld must havebeen anything but:l plcaA:t.n1 trip,

(}eo. P. Wnll.llllvuoo a!oouul ror Lao'.Llenl PleD,ure Purty, is in town. orrllng­in!: ror the allpt3rooee ot hi!t comP'ln)III tbid pI:let.', on 111.'01111:" uext. ThiAl.'OIU(lIIUY eornes to tl.l., Sound "'itb aolIurinllcd reputahon, IUlvin.'!' K.uuedthe rrputelion of I eing the "gmlllle"t81:1l",llntion of Lekooll'!l."tlb..w IlI-eeinllyAlaN tlwr rongregllt....J Winther:'

sa per UXX) 'or ei""1L1'ft IIn<18 Cl'n18 ptrpotlod for tobncco. Ulanlla will IJe forni:tbetl dealers 011 which to tn'lke uutthcir ICheJule, They willllleu l"lve 10llftiX II lab 11.0 ench pacL.n,;c, eootniningtho unme, Illnce lind collcction diltrieLThl!SO lubela will .1.,.. be furniaboo inemac l)I,Irtietl tlo not .i h to hue th...ir(I",'n IAbe11l printed to Atl~e work of writ­ing. The Cull(.'dor'~ OmCtl bere will notbe@nplllieJ with these I"belit )Ia,. ilL 011

l\tCOllnl of the illlposllilJilit)· of printinglhe "uormons qUlIotit)' needed. Ilt.ItLotILl it set'ma n"Wi the uol••11. to lIo willbe to hnl'e lb" tobftcco (I~d C!i~nrll con'lt­ed aDd 1i!ta1 Ma)' lst. aud Illbeh printf'tlfor tb...mselvt.'fl,.

... .... Tnf't.'M7·. HftU7

Jf tLi.. i n't fino \lI'I!IlHK.'r. what .oukl)'OU call it?

A, the deall chilJ of Mr, Wo'r will belllmeJ t.oworrow tillS (I3pet will llUt 00i: uGJ.

Mr_ Joh.n J..eMaistre hM oomtnCllceJtilt') Wllrk of I:fllJiuu the loug toIId ICLd­10(: np lhe lull (ltllilll8r••\I~ertl· hou!ll!.

TI,e lfteallti!r OipHY 11M bct-n 111I1'('h48­

cd uy the O. H. k S. Co. 10 carry coolfrom ::iall JU!l1l blandlilo Scw 'flleuwa.lind will arrh'o 1141011 10~ on tho rOdle.

Foil urchestm ill cullueclion llilli thetlmmll, "One Hundrl!\l Yt.'lIrtl 1'4.'0" ilLGOtXI "femliliril' Unll, ~'riJMr and Sntnr­lillY tm~nill){. DOII'L rllrl:ajr it.

We am ver)' IIOrr)' to l(-'l.rn thnt noimllrovemellt ill the conJltiuli of MN,Frank Winlllol\' ill vittible. l'lIl"L WlUS'low bas [,cell very ill fur It lOlllot' limo,

~{r. Hellry Morrell, who h:ld IIi .. ht'uJterribly Itwcrnled by n snw at PMt (1l11D­

hie i.'J nenrl)' rooo\'Cred.llllll CJ:~lA tu uca '0110..1 ill n COlllllt.l ot wt.'ckll.

Tho 1ltiitU ,,"otIIWlI)' \'ory II\Lo 011 herAnacorleil trip lhill "",'Ok, Shu Wttlf

uground nt lllu wllllrf thil4 morniull',lIuddill nnt lellve till t(lIItolntc. OliU dny uo­!liud lillle,

'fravcl ha'! iucran~et.llVonderflllJrol\ therollte belVo'uell 'fll/.'OlQ!I null Vlclorin dnr­ill~ tho P:lflL ,'car. nn llhe Sorlh I'nl'iftoWll.i CN'II"lIf't1 wiLh pn~il!O"e~ 011 her nrri·l'nl hero Ibi~ lUornillj.l'.

SA'Llm.-Schr. John ('. Sunh.luUlberIlulen: bldne. Wledtltr, lumber I.,Jt>n;bk. Tidal Wnl'C. lumber hulen, nnd llCllr,Goo. C. l'etkinlJ, lumber h!Jen, 011 forSan Francit>l'U. INuied Yl!8tenln,..

The sbill Oraclo, 1a50 tons. built alB.lllJ in t870, 1'.0 1 owned by';. llitch·cock "nd olher&. i8 nlllortCtI a totnl.'reck off (':ape lIorn. Too Oracle wn.oommaolled IJy CapL Morriltlln.

A TomlJp,Wn. AriwnH, di8p:lt~h of tbt2"'..dI':l'V~ th3t n. 11. WIIOI~. I~ditor or tbeEpitaph, .ll~"triekeu Iludlt;uly u~-blill.l·OetlB, eln"tXI. hL~ Ill:ayllicinnl !lay. hrtood~ 81lIIIic:ltiun tu ~U(l \llltiCll ue hi.proft'" iUII,

Mr. Villard, in hill &1M!('("b nt Tacomll.~1tI0t1 his be.retlllh,~t thllt clly Wl1ll Inlie the 'It.'ricillll'i. U~ IlI'\lIoi'il'll ~lIt\le

the llUmtl tllin~, nud 1m" uf!Cft 11\11) thoBalDI' ur P,Jrtlllud. Mr. Villar,1 ,'m~ to1)(1 n f1f1ll~lMe hnoJ M ll~triIJulill~

·.,.:nG'."O. Slunrt l'nmptK-II.lh(' ~"mnll 111111)

who Io:(lt iliA If'U ('fn~hN lu"t WI'·I/: lit ~bl'

Port B1l1 lo cly mill. \IlUtI nt I'rO\i,lcllcoI(1l pital, Senti Ie. nt i l'-c1,)(k "'ojLer,luymornill,ll, 1J]ood plliVlIlilll( II('L iu imme·dint<'I)' lifter he N.!CI'h·l~1 hill illjuriL"" aniJit WIUI from thnllw dif'll.

flntnrda)' /1110111. miJulI.:hl II mlln h)' till!

IHtUlO of l;;. F. Hbllrl'~, whn orrin..1 I\t

&-'nUic from Pnrtlrllld, Wll" ntlnl'!((',1 hytW(1 r.lO~ Illltill who cnlllo 1111 Ilf'hintl hill!nud klll)('kcd him CeUtol'II,,4~ \1'1111 11 11111111('htb. presullllllJly, llllll th(lI ....ihl)l'tl hilllof n Inr/.:o sum or motley; ruil! tu btlIluuut $iOlI.•

Tbe Wyman (:omt'll.~ Co, 1Illille it, flNOtnppI'nrnllcll in (10,....1 'r....lDlllar Hull IMtel'6nlllJ: ill "Y"kie, or lho fOllIlllrnllt'aunth." A "ory 1110:111 boull6 grcctl.'d litem.Wd wl!ro IWrr)' to Ileo lI\loh r. FUlnll nl­t lII,llInl'f! 'ur tho Illny Wllll1l'cll r"l1lereo:l."Yakic," ",. renill'r I IJy Mr. AI W,'mIlD111'118 imml"ur.e, and th" otllt-,;r cb r"Ctl'\"a"'ere wull renllerod, l""pLcillJly lIllli"l"kllo IJy Uoe Inllies. 1'olli~htthe trolll'6.ill appoor in KlltblOl.'D ~lavnnrlleen,IID

intf'retelinJe Jri~h drun)~ };\'ery uno,.'hoIJOISibly CIlII. "hun III at:~nll.

A di patch frum SlIlI Vr:Ull'i....o. dnttdApril ZOo! AtntpI' fhnt lhe Itl'hoonf'f T\foBrothertl l'nIJlli7,""tl utr n"del:zn 110301 At "

11.01. Mnd ~ 11CI.-1,·iuK nl nllchur ill L\i.de..:a u.IY. 1Io11l0lm np. 1111 Imlldll 1000l,The IInfnrtulIllte l'e .(.'1 Wnol ow oed b,.Ul\nii'llhlg.-'. 811., Clirriaol II C~W uffive be loJC'!4 UI4" lIIMfl'r. CIlPI. F. 8.llk('.aad a IJ:lWOIll:f>r,I'npt/l1ll Schu·)II;IIIl" 'flit'DUmtl of 111l' crp\Il' nn' IIl1knOl.·II. "heYJ~t'IWM5Gtou.. nll\ll' rt't:I~t,'r, Im,1 ~;)I­

u 'I At !-tmo. :-;hCllM inl4urN fur twu"Ihir.bllbisllllm. It i""nitlfhnl tlllJ 11101.

Rile wn.. enn'lCd h,. whnt ill Ulllrillf! pAr·lineA ."Il kWJwn II" "triIJllill~ 10 ttk·fi8a."

HIl:'D 1'11"- !)(',l!fl", ill cillttrll nnd itl'bUC("Q, who 11:1\'6 IIklC.'k'" till hllnJ lhnlHuw w.."h tn ~l't l\ rt'hnto Oil, II1I1"t lieCllreflll to ,my 1I11'ir 1I[lt'Cilll tn~ (Ii{'f'IIMOIIJrl"r Iu 1'1lly lilt. or th<\" will lIullll'"llcnl,.",," in tllO fOp'" Clf till' In..... nn,1therefore not olltilll'<l til Ih(l rl'hnll'.HlJblllo will nllly bu nU"Wl.,,1 on "tock f)1Ihnnd or in l.n\l\Ilit )Ill) 1111, ami nn claimfor leM t!lnll 8lf) Will bc con~i\ltm... 1.thcl't"foru ~ donlcr mn"t hnV8 on 1111nrl:\,1,')0 ('iunrlt. or J:U; l)-lIlll,l" or Inlll\('eo, orCluoulth or the twu to aruount tu 8lf).t


ArrrlOS ule of tho Jmnt'8Illorc build­ill;: IOwllrtOW, Salu rtln~·.

).(tt. II:lJIl......·ij lICutt 11M heen Imlucbe.JIlUlllll'lll Moon re..-ei"o her mncIJiuo.'ry.

OrK \re~kly ~Iilitlll j~ J"IRye..J f\ tinythi't weel/: fur N'M.)n8 til It W'ht be <1,)­


lhls. It. O. Dllubnr haa .1l1X«'J~1 W.L. Amell nM l.'tillflrof tho Klickihtl &/1''tlltl, at Uoklt..ndlllf!'.

Mil'.. Ill'ut)' Ihn I\nd bet 11:U1ghler!Ili"i f'ollnie H,U1, 01 lilu Frllllei o. nrcvi!litimlZ"lIt lb!t huma (Jf Mr. 01111 :\lr"­Jll'nry L..·UIJ

11lI':LA.~·1) 11AA her trouIJlclI ~I ill-An,1tbe)" arc !Seriuus Olll'll hlU tllll Clill~cr

&llll.i jU!lt nil cllClIlI DJ' 6\"Cr. Cnll un flilDDod 'ftrify our "'lIlemuuL to

!hl. Wm. Wurcl. of J)tllljjCnf'AA" whob~ 1)l'('11 intbo I~~illil' IJllllillf'fl3 ncltrtbn' place, '!I'll! ill tmvu yea'erd,,~'. 1m\,·IUr: 1JC(!Jl to J'urL DiiICil\'NY ... ilb 1\ hoomof fl.1.W IQ~!4 l!.ll\t wa; towed tbero u,)' tholull' .)ItlStiok.

SOI.l). -We lonnl tlmL i\A r. JJnrllett hR!IMId tlto hlll1 of thn \\'rcch<1 O. L. T,I)"

lor t I partiN ill Victorla, Illlli I hill ~1l('

will 110 ('oll\'orlall into /I ennllJarl!o, TIl('Iu :llwr thlll W;!.i in hllr, wo l~arn, hllllwen Ilhuut nil "oIJ.

A ~'tlC. Whilt', II 1I111chilli~, who wn~

hNll ~1l1l0 ll(\l'k UI;I1 lonkillil nrOlllld,11ll'i rdUIIi 'II, lIUJ Wl! luarn ho ('(JlIlfOlIl'1111I1.I.llturlin..: iu Imllillt,..,;j h,'w, LeLhim he 1IIr"rded ('\'I!r) lltWOllraucUloll!.. 1111

Ite t~"lcm~ to the chtiUI of hu"i l.l'8! menthat Pori 'rownJemllllOfl~nccdiL

Mil. G. L. DioQ'I('~. of Snll Frnuci~'O,

oml ;\fr. 13001. of MiddlemaMc 8001. nt('illll,,~m. \\'1' lenrn Ihnt lhl'1 nre "t'rydr.i'irous of iDtfOllncin~ tile imluhlry' ofII lip bui1l1ill{l ill OOllut'Clion with thl"Port '1'OWIl nJ I!ftW mill. h ill to beh ll"..d lh.,. Ploy mnkc 84lillfnctory nr­r IUI,"em.'ut.. wilh our mill oWlltrs, rhlP lint !IuJ"l()n C!llI't be heaten for 'hlYun­tHltlIltltlJe loo;lttou of a sbip yard.

S,.w Sc.'lul;lu.-The follo.iDU Is theae. achNtlle of 100 lltt'umcr lIollc furL(lr l'lf'mi..-eekl,. trip,,- 'lII'bich went iutol'ffl'Ct on the 16th ill~I,: Leave PortTu"n"('l)tl Mond:l", !l ...... arrivo at An­noortt'fl Tn lAy," Jo..... l.ene Anncor­t:>t 0 4 )I. 1.·IlMkla~.llrri.('at Purt To __ n­Mlltl 9 r. 11. IlIme da)'. Leue Port'rowlI!W!nd U 4. ,Y. TIIll",J~I", :uri\"e lit8emiDltmoo FriJny 11 A.... Lea"e 8"lJI­iahmoo~e lIn)' lit a P. 11 .. nn,l :urh'Cat Por' '('owI1ICDd BaturdD.1ltt:; P. H.

On llcoouuL or M••. Willlllo.·lI tlt'aththe t'uttlrLallllllclll, "Ono JJnudred Yew",AIlO." I.a" bet'll poat11OUP11 n w('ek

Judge 1>, W, Rl.aith mnkf'll an imror­t lut fUlIIOUllCiJment ill too',·8 AIlt11'8 illrdcrcuee lo d('1lirnulo tC,lwn 10Lot. Booo~t; you IIllly IluJ 6OUlCtllilll: of 81'H.-..::i:lo1llll(m'st,

'fho fllmmtl or tho lato ?II",. Willlilowwillllllw "lIcU(! tUluorrow llrtorlloon lit ~u'oluck, frulIl lliu Illtu residl'llCe or lI&­ccnllCtl. l"el nil "'bu ClIU turn Ullt. nuJJI,l)' rl'ltllOOt to 0110 who Iivod ao 101111here In IIliuli II uUU)(.'.llllfjIOllfl.

Mor.JOlllo,'.1 rOllllllut or lit Xlk letl in hi.~toro WIIJI 110M At nuotlun lOti ny, 'J:w11lrel'lor~ uf Ihu hUlik IlrulKl to 11"11 theLllUltllllllllt OIlCI!. (lml hll~6 It rerno\'l'llto ruuku W:l)' tor lh~ir 1i1llHltuntini "tuneIlllildlll/.: Iu 80011 to ornament lhBt Jlor­tiou o~ our cily.

Pror. A. L. FrAncia, pinno tuner, wlloha. been in tC,lwn III" 1I"8t fe .. dllrl Ul.:P(u'L'lMlioUlIlItUiliueII8, Will leu'Vo fur tipl:)oluh.1 tomorrow mortling. On hia reoIUlllft fe. weekll bene of whicll dueDuilCO wiU be gi'feu-be will remaiu Il8)UII'::~ un·iul!fwl will warra.nt. 'J'ooM!WIIIlIIQR' "(Irk in hi" line rnay le3l'e or-dent.t 'bo ulnal Hulet.

TIt4YKJO&IUlau.-:'ifr. M. O. Ml\rail1iot.for !e'fe",1 )cafl OOJllllyill~ tho JlOlIition(Jf lsi _~tallt ('1."lDeer on tbe U. S.h1l"eunc culter Wollkllt. hM bee. trnn",.f ·rred to th, Iltoamer Hnrtley.t 'Aujo·rauci8Ck>. 'roo )lU8ilioll l"alIU ~AContby thi. trllllllfer will, wt learD. be tllloob,)' Mr, Horace Unuoll. "'bo wiJI be IItll­t\oneJ alJl()nK u. Illlllin. Duriog Mr.:\IlIr,tiliiol'lIl1tIlY 011 thia ~talioll ho wluluma~y vert warlO tricnJII wilD will fe2ret'ftr,. mueh to Joole hilt Kellial aooicty.He left thi. lU()rnill" for bi.llew posL ofd'lly where wo hope hu may Hlld It IJolbIllu'Vllltllnd prullt",blc.

Nr.w lAooc o. A, O. U. W,-On'f1I1U'loIiln1 nOlling, April 10th, Whnll."OmLot.IKt, A. O. U, 'V., wnA or"nnilltd IIIWh.lItOOIll, W. T" uy AII('1I Weir, Di8trictn"il ll lya"mJ \ IUlter ror tho jnril:ltlic·liQn or 01"(.'"011. W. '1'. lind n. O. SomelKl,outcenlllllllic:&1I1H hnJ been nooclllA..'1lrOt thiH Ltklljll, unly tWl'lv*, hom,wtlrIJ(lillll Ilrc'Mlu\ ftl tho Illiltitu~ion. Th~.oftl~.."' tiro 1111 tollo"'l: W. 1. SteitIWf'1C.flLlt lIt1l1tor; \V. 11, I'enfiold, MUlltctj

r.lIU~;F LOOAL lTI·:Mt:l.

PUGH SOUND ARGUS. O. DonovAlI, H{'Conln IUnfortunntel)'."'ololit. UUf nU'IUOfamlUII1, nil I cllunolgive the li"t ['omlllct.o.l The Lo\I~o

.lnrb out witll flnlterillJ: proelM'clil, nnd,,__--...:.------------\ B.!Ilhere Oft' more nnsinllllto join it. Dnu

two or three 0111 D1cmOOtll to transfer toit h)' (8nl. it "'ill hlLve tweut)' or woreWb(,ll full fh·d,,"t'd.----


(,1', «J.1l J'J',






Etc.Aut! .11 tlrdclea (or the Toilet.

Quick lillIe. "lid small proSti.






t )llelo sLock of Ul'nprnl Morcllluu!i"c the l.llrj.:f'I.t IIml Bt.:Ii~ Sclt.:ulctl Stock 01Ololhinl,' eTer llrouKIJt I" ('lnl"'11 ('\luIII\',

ComOAlld 800 uur 510.00 IIllil& I Come nnd ~I'U ollr ('t\tlU'~·..• Dry OoodM. .. .. .• "lo'lltllitUN'.

.... UOfJUt lllll) Hh()Cf\. I .. HtO\·,· ... m.d Tinwt~ •.., .. Uilll.!!l nud Shot QIIllK. I " ('ll)ckl'rv woro.a " UNCoriCIl. I .. HtI!.tt VI,il Cup,,,

.. Ncw I'),·v.in,: )tn­I,inlll\ thc lX!ftt Ilnd ChCI\J)Cilt in the worM. 1HJh1 un l'lllJy tilll.., wjlhunt. iulcrut ..

N. e. tl,t a nnd 11"0 t hI' olll,· pt'n'lll\ fill [1'(I.t &1I1:d .... J t.. \\ ii. Imy Lll'lilli' l'nil 1:\('1\ , in.L:' from It (;OUN-~I\1N 10 II I A!.i\!.

n iJ Ultl.nit Ix. IIl;lIt wud IlOltl ou)illcrnll.crlll"­17 ·tf




OILS,Pliloni M..dicinclI ot 1111 killllll1

A J..'Ul!I' A~,,"rt"H·IlI.

Great Heduction in prices!--AT--

Large Stock of Mercha,ndisaAT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES

For the next Thirty Da,ys.III or~lor to Ill:~k~ Taom fur ollr Spring Itlld Summor Stock.

AU('ution is particularly called to our IiIit'll of

Dry Goods, l"HLcy Goods, Clut/til/g' £Mul Gel/t'sFrtrtt.ishing Goods, Bools, Shoos, ][(('/8, Cavs,, CtLl'pels, Oilclollts, W'Lll PltIIOt', g·C. rh.

;l'i'IN TIili::it: LINES, WI, on'lm EXTR,\ HmUCmH:NTS~lWOl1ld like tu hul'o nIl cull RIlII Cl:lIlnint~ 0111' /';OOJli lind Jlritll~ und wiU

(lositivul,)' IIulk(\ it no objtlCt {or thoso df'sil'illlj tu UIIY. '

JI/'o tl'ouble to show goods OJ' 'Inole prices.COIllO nntl 1.)(, l.lon\'iucod or tho trnth of om' 1''4!1(trtivll''l. Thill offor holdl

guod tor lLirty da~·1t on!)'.


W.JOL!lI.1.t.!. A:(O DEtAil.. DJUl~lI!l l~

\.i ERR ISH & CO.,c. w. Ul:lmISII.


I-Iou:-:e and o11ip Carpenter. " Tools,Ship C~,andlery, Croceries,


Gan L." F UHNISHI~"(l Ge 1fCltOCU},ll Y; CL.dSS H:rlJU~',

Agricultural Implements of all KindsA'I' 'rUE LOWES'r l'llICE::i.

POR1' 'fOIVNSl£ND, IV.'1S11JNU'J'O.\' TJ·;wurORY.

Dr'CLARK JOHNSON'SIndian Blood Syrup

Oures all diseases of the Stomaoh, Liver,Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and. Bloocl,lJli1Uo'ns testify to its efficacy m heal­ing the above Damed diseases, and pro-

'(IV' Dounoe it to be the ~A'"BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO~"."u. w.... Guaranteed to cnre Dyspepsia.•

",AGENTS WANTED."Laboratory 71 W. 3d S~, Now York City. Drugglst8 Bsnlto

(~~V'\~Uf?tJ~ r::::.::::.~~UK\. :II UJ~'" ........ ::.--J

Paints, Oils, Varnishes Stationery\nlfll('~:llo 111111 Ildall. itT

N. D. HILL & SONPort Townsend, W. T.







DissolutiO:1 of Partnership.

FIW:n'.CL.\tiS l:::-ll'};Hl'AfNlIE~'l',

'l'llt~ p;utll\'~1Jip bClcturnrc l'sislillA' 1111·,... \. c: IUlllltl al!.1 Iil)'h: 01 Url~l:" .\': J':J,

II. J"IIIl! hU~llJl'~lllUII,C \1ir) "f l'",n\.' _,. ,d. I~ lJlil' 0111.\' lh...:~olH'd by 1I1li.

tuul t:1J1l~nt, ~r. f.dgill 1·llirmJ{. 'J hI'IJIi~it".:1>d '1'111 I.Jtl l....IHJlIUh~.1 by.\llJartlll·Lliil;li.

Mp~l8n proverb: The man ~ho .tum~

ble. twice 00 Ule IamB atone 11 a fooL

NOTRlSO ill nch but the iucshauetibl0wealth lJf nBture. She ,bOWl ue onl!IlurflLCel, but Ihe is million f.ltthoWJI deep.

TUE whole ulliverse of Ood will crum­},Ie to pieceIJ beloro God will overlook ordellpise ouo aingltl tear of gelluiJle rc­pcutAIlOO.a.n.r IMulti beI,th JIIJ-rno.jt1Ue, "1l11ble••llIt,CIII,ftrulibl, e.e..uolllll. ral,llll/. m•• lllC Ir...11111 1111 \olI ooalUI'D' Iml.1l ll'I.JubltI, W OOIlolDllntlUr..t thou,btl., ,rut Wou,liw. 14Qu,hloI lutlD. kI

... u<

CUIll;.rl.hll; allthl.'llc 111,,1 'lCI'O~~llcHili.'. rlirt,,-e., ~"u~~ Mild d.u.~~ •

['or PadiGlClu/·>.·, Sec Pj·UY/·QIIIIIICJ.

H"'f,."ll ~"lil....l'~"at "loU·'" ll...r~d III C. C.'·I•• ~l~ •• X l:tl. hI.

I'nrlif'R wniitiullil prllcticnlllXllorlellcedtlUj.(IUllur. l:ltlior rur l\tc:mluf ur HlIl\UlllJ.pkaw :11'1 II:!,' \.) HU'l'lJtil H U,V &: uo.

POl't' ·VIIIl.iClIllI, April ti. ltW.

u 00 I) '.I.' E:\I PLAIt'S Ht\LL.~. \\, I).\;,.\'''~:-'.•.. , l-"..~,j.



U:O'S 11) EA LIJ ~4 i:: :\ ~ U It ~ PAn l' \'.

'rill! Ittl!ll"'1 ll....re;:~llnll of "d,no"l~llt:_'"

SI·I.'CIAl'l'Y SI'.\II~

cnr cnlls::",.;.• I~,1 lO.ieLhr. "h·II''; • ~.ltulld ~r d

Hf RY LAr DES,Commission and

~hiJlping Merchant, &RxclHlllfJC Bl'oker.::ill i./l.~ J) ilifJ ul'.~erJ.

$10 REWARD.TUll i)\llIlll'ri rtlw.Ild will bo Imill fur

lutt,f1II,.lh/ll lcudlul,' til tlio llrr""t 011\1tl"llncliull vf 11m' UIlO lCl.lriulo: JVWll or1U llll\' WH)' dufllliJtl~ t1111I~J ..h.:rll ur lJill"ur ~ll\i \\' \ Il1llll ClIlllct.ly l',).

- IlAlllcY WK.'l.T.Ag'ltlt \\'}llltlll Ciliuc.ly Co.

Eggs FO! Hotch,ng.P\JlUo: BROWN LEO !lons.

Tbe uudufIliyuetl o/furl! II lilllilt.'I1 qunn·tit,. of tlesh egJ:il uf the nbo.o breed. for~uh, lit $2 for llnoh soLtin.L:'. Wdl 1l1ll1ktllem fur IihiJilliug ill 8afbl)' tJ) di>ltuntpnillL;. .Ii. S. HO!;;Il':'tJurt '.1'OWllllOud, Mluoll 6. )~. :!/ll.

~ .'lIII.I. 111111 Qlhl!r nll"""'I~ I!_hetL loH\\" .."Ito,;.

Will ""11 fH(1Il'l' 1;:~CIIAxtl': 011"".'I Fl:AXcIS(;u. I·UJU·I..\~II. 111111UU>iIl"i1IUllf Ih!: U:-;II't:U tiI'AI'I':~.

:i\[OIJOl rCluiUt'l.l Iu 1111 I'lU~ ufUJIl Wvrhl by Draft ur

wle,qmphhl trall~fcr.

Will 1):1)' lin: hl:,:hl'8t I'rlcu III t:OIS. for



For lho I'6nowncil HloU Slnr nml Amcri­ClIO I~illn of Or.e:ll} ~teIUnrl'ft.

Prellllid tiokcl:> from or to lilly pnrl ofr.:urul'tI &OllInl lowt.~t rule.

P('l))llo about to IICi1ti for their rri.·III.hlill I~llrolflll, willliu \\'011 to cnUlIt. my ul·UtlO,whuro I willlJe IlieDROl.1l0.'.llvo thC'1Ilfull inf.nnlllioll, llnl! whurothr')' ('lUi Il1Ir·ch,U'(l jJronuili ti..:kcltlllL lDllCh hmcr mkl!Lhan Luretotorc. All in tho l>l\ill.w in t.i1afuturc, tll\tiBhwtwn jJllo.rnnl{'\1(1.

w..rtUtltc uta' duur 1-ol'llal'llIlrlr"'""'hue "'I,.re, "'"Ier Prol., I·..,t'l ·rQ\fh~.""

." ......'U.C1I~"" .....It'I" III k\l;:l " ..I I lit'''IIItreel.

TO WHOM 1'1' MA Y CO~Ut:H.s.

'J here will be 8 n1CI,tinK of tlw BU.lft!lit I:tumilllliioll lit ,J1l1l"l"IkJll CIIIIU\)', W.'I'.. 011 Wcrhlf'4:11.1Y. Mil)' ~, 111'1:1, ILt IUlJ'cl(J(!k, 0, Ill., nl the )/uhhc M1blKlI 111111"')in Port. 'l'o\\u...·1U1. rur til.., I'IHj" flf u::.IllUilliug 1IlJl,:icllllll'l lur Wlldu,lr'" cc'rlill-Ullt\·lI.' £. A. COLLl;SS.

SUllt. SchOll)';' JefTi,!rtlUIl llv., W. T.

riml ill !ipt"'t.'tl it!! nJr(!atl.,· IJOSSC~ljcd

"gn'y-boullu!! ot OCI'IIIl..-thc .\rizoIlAnllli Aluska: the XlItiulltl! Lim', whichbas COUfllll't(....11I rt'plllllt:un r"nwtoJl~'

lIud its uwn ill "(>I'\.'ll nuJ comfort. ismllkilJ~ llllJitiull": to it:; lIN'I: till' 11·mUll Compnnr il:J l'IIpiul,)' repairingrL'Ccut lliJ'a..~tcr8 h\" tho Ndlliti\lll ulldlips 01 t!J(! ht'!>t~ COIl-ilrucliull anl1linl'il~ IllIltlcl~; the WI.ito SII:r willh6\'0 1I11:tiliuril's to it'! Im.·lll·nl u'Jult·ftrr<\\' or lin.t cllIS:> t-!.t.·1I1l1N:>, Ilnl1 orcou~e tho (;UllllrU is ooUII\1 hI !I<'( Pup itil rllJmtntioli by compl:litioll withtllO UNIt of ih ri\·IlI~. 'f1Jl'fl! 111'1', III1('lIl'It, (vI' tho o<:('nn JlI,~til'lIU('r lI'lIllL'.

nllcn<l)' fli,t ur ('joLt IfllllUtU<llh !'-t~·ll.tll

cr" no..... ill I)m;;rl',;" OiCUlllph·ti(Jll. 01,

tbe stocks, lltllllC:ll'tl 01' n'l~lly f"I'll'ia;trip!! ill Ul'iti"h \\·:ltCl'l'I. \\'llut i~

AmericlL doing'fl.l,j ocean i.ii tho I;rcllt Iii,;llwn~' u:

tbo nntion.;; there is no lUollupol)' ojtIJt\ wutCI"ii. On its brond bo~olll tll('l'L'iH no toll·blll· to iW!l('t.lu tho prugrl'Ii!Oof COllllllcrcc, lind tilu intr<,piclnu\'i­gntors who "{SO down to tho spa iuIlhipg" Cilll move nlJout witbont lut orhindr,Lllc,,, "avo tho imp.,l1illlulliswhich ullJlllculnJ \HaLL will I'lOlllu­

timos intet·posll. t\1u..l tho uatiOlwbal'C not i.K>l!D "low in 1~"lliljIlJC thprJl~ IV"'~ of tbisc;rtlut. p.L(!lW,')' of inter­Ilatiollul COtllUlOI'CC. Tho tin:,,~ of :\:JCOllnlr,ll;,l lIro to Uo Keen throt1gh till!:;moko dat'1wning' the nir ILS it ris!!!:!from bnnJI-ed:i of nhimnoyt;, wlliu~of fjl'~ thJt milk\! th" StOllU1 (or pro­pcllinlo:" tho mighty cngiuQl'I or lll'

le\'illthan 1 of cOlDlUcrcfl-thn Hritbh.Dutcb, Ucr:nall, l.>allish, BAg-iall,t'runch,otc.-out tllllJug tho thrOl'hundl'Lltl or 111:lru thl·I'l..1 nro oulS tOIll'who carry tbJ St-(rJ tlaJ Stripm~, lindthesc, 3d Mr. (;"dllun, in Ull iuter''ht.­iug nud llu;.rgc3li\'u tro:\tillO ou "{o'rl!lShip~1I in:orlllH WI, "wcro Pllt IIflulI:IUniuly nt til,1 eOJl of tho IJouD~)'!Vl!­

nia Hailroad Q.:nnpuny." '1'hrpchUllllltJd sto!1tu3hip:i, omploying litl)'lhuu:'und IUOU, oarlling 1\ milliollllnd(t b:\h~ d ....llur~ moutbl)'j tllllrit! Jr.!!nuupp.lrlillg flud lJuucatiog iamili,':>.nnd thOU1!lcl.c:i becoming n:i4l'r\,(,,;fur tbllir rC!'lp~ctivo 1:01lutric3 to cullupun t\lr n:l\'::\ lIt.ll·vico in time or wnr.Tho conlloquonco is, to tho coutltl'ipHil'olo which tb,'so VOS;,IO!!l hrtil, prOll'INl'it)' or thu workmen nod onrich­lIll,lut of tho cllpital distriblltoJ..Warehouses, roplIirin:; IIbofllll Imild·iot;' )'I\l'dri nnd whartll, thello in Itlmu!.Iaueu iu cvory purt. uf for"gu cunn:.nC8 aro rt'prollchcs of our homo nug'loet..

'l'ho proo~cs.~ of, shipbuiJdin&abroud is nn nppcu! to us to look nthomo, to clllcuJuto the sum of ODt'

lmndrod uud thirty million dollal'l:itlmt lll\~ been nounnlly pnitl to \1:J Loyrurdgners for truudportiug oun;ul VUrt

and luorchundiooT And may we uotlIdu to tilu ILppelll tbe iuquir)'-isl.hipbuil.diuC; n J~t uri in J\llIcriC111ll,j\'e wo gi\'('u tip the moo iu skill,Industr>', unt.lrpri~ lUlU capitlln Andi" it frolU II n~coollitiou ot c)tIr ownillCl\pacit.y 'I'll !J.u·ronder tho fl'Cortiu tho uays wlwu our snilillK pllckcb..dmOilt UJOllovu!iZl.'tl tho OCUlUI on w:·count of t~lJ t'XCelllluoo of ollr UU\'t11

architootul"oJ, :ulll tho skill o( our naval olficcr~ ami seuuleuf Wo shullnot huvu far to go tor UDSW<'l"

AmoDg Ihe bltJdAinb'l:l in di6g'ui:,oIlhoworod upon tho DuHon by thuIJenuty nnd lxltlnty and Williliccuccof He!lUblicuu law.making is tho 111­limit Lut.1I1 uxtiucliou ul thu Ameri­can AlIutltic IIlclchnnt servicc.


EnJ:BI:&KC. is the ut.ra.ct of .utrering,A IO~D 01100 culti.ht.ed will DO~ Jie

fallow lor half an hour. '\P.4TtUCII:, t.he ~Dd bta'fCjf)' orman,

iJ;, perh.p., g1'tlUter tlJao the fln&.

TilE public mind 11 eduoaWtll}tUcklIby eveuta--tJOWIT bv IU'..., .........

U (ae leULI 0( one mercy were Dot thebeaiADing of alIoLber we were undODO.

Lunl'f to take liIe II it ClOmee, but be.ure to mako tho beat of it befOl'Cl itgoee.

Tim wi.ldolll of the wi.5e, and the ex­peri60ClO of 8goa, ma,. bo praeened bIquotations'

Tn 80wen of rhetoric are oaJy 10­

ceptable w1.len backed b1t.be e'f8tgnMlDJ

oltruU, ..d...... = Erilish hI. ROM TJI'~ --~Wa do 101'0 beauty_ drat light, and (rom llPlli,hldl" viII ~un .·mnl'I!It'f'.'W. do ceue to 10,. it if i' it 00' 1OOOal.

panled bI a.m.iable qualitLea.. N~1~~;:I~,J~:::n\:~\~;·~I~,!~I~~I:II,:~,I.:t;1 ~;-:..:..,I .. Ill III! f\'~I1',n .,1,1., 1'.1' .h·"'~ ",.1\1 nl~lutlll}

To vfrlueof ~ 1D&Qoagbl tobe IDeM- Ihll Ilrn~...1'lt url:l·'· ... JUliN &rIm, ~tnatcr.

ured. UcM by hia. eJ.lDorditlUJ eur· I Enrl'!I'!t. It. ?-!rAIJIJII. AUflUlfllU01ll!l, bnt bI biI e'f0l7-da, ooudact.. • I ffn ""1'11011'/1 J, ..\Itllt.~ 11.\;1.

ALLEN WE!R. Edltor •.lIlJP,npllctor

We~kly Argus.

K STLl.'t: IrJOOI:'>S.I,L. D.1'Ui! "'AMOU~ WI!ATUEll I'nOl'lIET.

'fhi~ (muous storm pl,t'diclol' WIIS

born in ~O\V llrun~wil;~. CUUl\l:In, in18.1t9, grudttnting nn ~t.D. 'ill Philu·tll!lpl...iu ill 18GS, alltln fi.A.. nt AlbertCullc;;C, Olltnrio, iu lBU~. He 00cumo no\.ellllit 1m cJnc3tor, hiM mnn·U:;tJfIlllll~ of the Qutntio Institutiontor tho Llillll winning' him high di1'llillcti\Jll. Hi!i dt'(cut for Pllrliuu)i'11l

iu 1878 WUH rewarded by 11 PO!lt inthl! FillltD(~O tlopurtmout nt Ot!!l.WII.11.0 hll.i publillboJ Ull oxcellent Eng­li:.h Grnmmar, !lui! hill 0fl88y on Com­elK/or the \rlltoer Prizo guiut.>Usooond pllllco with 120 c•.)JII!>ctitors. HiMUIICOlitOl''';' {,;(IJlt. 'rho>!, Wigginit, wusa;enl OWl' in lli:Kl to act liS UO\'(!tllQruf dll' MflSSllellluwHs district1'l. Agrent-u-oclo, SWl)hou Wigging, u SttlulHl, ~~. D., luillllJlIllire, (ounded theWig'l:iI18 Malu Orplulll Institution 0:tit. J..,bn. 1n 1l:~7:!.DI·. Wiggin~ Illarried II coU!~iu, l\1iOl'; Susio A. Wigg'ins.,i/Illlolhtr>r of Vincent \\'. Wig~juij, ojNuw BruU!:l\\i.;k. 'fhis ludY8 7.elllUl1tt tah~Jltd procured tbo }J1\SBllgO b,)luu L:.muWUlJ Sounto or tilu bill lu­l;11Jizingo lllarriu6u with u dacOll!'ll.>(1WifO'~ slbll:r, wlncb !K'n'ioo won ber II""idl~ INlllllurity witb her own SCI..

liut it id tbo Dootor'd weatlwr pru·l1iutiollli th:\t have wlm bis questionhlJIIJ !tllUl!. Hu i!l no 81Uu.ll Vl'ophetHill "wrlll 01 Muroh 1Uth, l~ wm..to ritilJ iu tho North l'ucilfo, andHtrikiug AlUel'icu froUl the sOlltb-w(ffit.IlWOOp elL.itward and mong tho Gr~ulLlI.k.m. UCllurnl bavoc wus to blfUUllU in tho lower tit. Lnwrellce roogion Burt tJlO Ol1lfoll\£cxico. Druaduf this ritol"1U iuduced t1.10 Unnudinhand Nuw Euglnud Jildll'.rlUcll to koellin POit until th() time for ittl oeCIU'rOll(:o was 1}I\8l. .liut Wig~';D8 Wtui

uudaunted by fllilul'O- 'fhu ro!Iult,buhUld hull pro\'L>tl tbecorroclucssut JiibthOOly lhut oVpusito tidei! wore cnu!I­ed by thi) Oc.Juu'", vibrntory nJoliolltrow east to wuet. Hu Wtl8 alurml:dby tbu lUe-r\,ln:m of thlJ mOOD's forcl~wnCli udvooe-iug ucrosy tbo (l(luutOI',With tho othl·r planetl!. Lud 11.1

moon'A conjunctiOu with tho tiun 00·curr....'tI. uL uu.., u'cIU.:lk, illdtOlh.1 ot f~Ul

in tbo'morning, Ol'er Wll rucril.1ipu ulLoudon, i.e. lI\'Cl' tho GuU of Uuiueu,mlilclld o( IUa Uhinn Sen, Lbo Atluutic L'OU!lt nnd florida would havo boonul..-mer';L.J lty tho storm which this..:v11i1·ll.h:lnCO would have OCCtlSWUI..."U.

SJlliU da.y liuch a compJiclitioD of(urCo.i I1lU!it happen, llnd wuuld CUUSIJti I.~M vf to.wribllJ d~truc.i~en083. liuhad ba.:Kld his prodictioll ou tbiil pnu·\l.t"'} 1..IJ.Ic1 bu citiOO. tbo I:ltorlU,'t nt vuri·"IIS plucos III proof of ite corrootoOSl!.Bllt lhert! is n broad diritinction w·twoon !\Jl'ootL::\ls of the wllut.bor for ~l,~I 16 houl'S, nud for 8Ovenl1 mout.Utl,Chould tbo theorios of Dr. Wiggiuribo ooaclusivl:lly Iihown to rOAt .npuJl 11~,Jl.IUU(l baaill, the wout.ber, liku mu­tions of tho I'IUD,)l8, coU;ld bo .forctou.lwith certulDly. But tbls point CUll·Dot bJ CODlIioored to huveboeurooch­lU. J1, iii safe to say thut the wtlath\:r of .\[tU"Cb, ll:1&f" bl19 CWft ~'l"U\'1:l

tlou&L! Ol.l tbe lK>UOdllOil5 of Lbo .1)00tor'li vit,Wll. But whatover moy bethought. uf biB peculiar id6WI andcHilWa., h~ ill C()rtlliuly u maD 01 PUlthhUlteltew>ive nttainuloutll, wbo hlllln••udcrod con~picuuml I:ltlrVICU lu tliucllu<:Ul1ounl mtcrCl:lls of CUllOOLL

A 101t Art in America..

A Se ..... York paper 80)'11: .IWe hr~vo

Ldunl us u detailed statement ot thoprogrc:'ri of shipbuilding in England,lrl'\lIod. nuu &oUl1ud, 'l'he 'l'yuc,the LllgllD llud tho Clydo bUl'O, ellchot tb w, now OD tho 5t.ockll or justh.lltlcht-d, IJallltiul Ilteo.ml'1"!'l for tbo1'...1 tL Atlantic u·udc. 'I'ho GuiunLJI,o hM tho Orcb"'Ou. n ship to out





,t{JIlS r,IZI',\1·1:IU\.

lSK FOR" UIR FlVl.IT[" TIl.111111/111..., 110 utller.tWCIl if tN'ommoml­

ed ilK "1"'IUll1l~' ILl! lfUOI.l'l until yUll hltV'-'tried thi!\ fehable I>ru1\I1. It'Of 1111111 by

PLU~IlUlil &. 'i'.unT.

1,1" TIJI':

lft"u'''llIo.1·'", l"'u"~,,', ,.II~...·..' l\: C'hlhlrl'II'l;

j;Ou'l':; ;\.\'11 :-IlU:':~

POl\'!' '!'UvV:\SEl"D

Boot & Shoe S"ore

_.-litH ,ur 1I,~1Ir. ml,~..... l>tI by t"1Ili'1!"110tl, ~"U:-1~1'1;: 11\~~:1~:; :;IH;:r"},;~"'l: ~O~~~!:t:tl~ ......r ':i::;;jI,,. t~lljt.lH.t 1'0.

Will b" i:lold tu lliu hil;b~8t bidJrr,on H.\TUHDAY, APHlli 28th nt 21'.M, tho) huilding {\1\ Wat(1l' L.lrf'('t DOW

UCClllliocl by F, \r, JUlUe8 IUIIL

Gl::-IEUA,L ~LEnCnANDl::ir ..

"torf', 'J','rnl~ (',\Iln, Jt,lilrtil1~

ML,dTJlJ.: In.VOVJ:iJ\\·ithiu tive dll)'Jl

J. G. C',I'stoHlt,.'\.llctiutl....o!r.

LAUGH AND GllOW FAT.Ouo ill !lot :tIlt to Inlljfh nn.l gnlw fn~

,if ho isuot reeliu" writ 'fLo lo,:cioll'lWOll, from habit ani cnllr.tipalioll, Fllll'crNIl.. IClltly fr'm1 hcn,l,w!w-, h'fllil!i)' or1!J.J h\'f'r. d11Jlll1'S!I. f"l'('ri8!lD':>o>. Kll\lr"Itlmnch. I'~C" '1111 lie 1ll'h"llIlilcu to lUllgb"nl)' IIftN I,., J !Ill"" takcn n rew ,lose.. "t~_\rlllllJr 1.·'lj,(lI. '1'r)' it tllt.1!ICC. Fur,,:.lollY Nl'J f~ N. D. Hill & E:uu.


~ KW!J. f"r SJlort~n'I(tl1: Breech lowl·in", HII"t OllU'! noJ l:ifI~ from the Eust1I0\\':lt Wlt,tllrrn!ln.\: K::tz.' •


.." .. Ih1HuU111' ""J,'.I,)'·,. 1f111l 'U1,I th"111'1J1141hllh.. \1 till'" )'Il.·ltl,·",.t c'o·.. t:.c,,,~.

""" l'I''''tl~l\r'M ""'ur.htl'·'GEO· "'<'lV. T'lT <DEB.'

CU'T, 1I.!d, 11.0\YWAIIU.1I.111

D .A. :a:. <:> or .A.f"n.. II. U. !lUJ(~':;:,


ViCluria, Port 1IOIVI!SCn~, Sealllo, Ta·toma ani Olympia,

Ou1be I01b,~Oth.'i;:!t)'bGrcn'r1)foDtll,


~an Francisco via Vicloria,till. or llhfltH Ih"

IUh. rrllll '\4111:111111 Or,,""11 m ...dh,1.'IWIIIlt' "!eluth. 011 Ihtl

10114, 'lOth '"ld 3f)lh ..Ctaf'b RllIalll,

Wlt,n Ih" I (IV'" tt~'1 "It,· nf liUlllnl( fllllJ "" ,~IIII In", Iht' I OIUlllm\"~ ~blr" will lI;.1l 011 Ihp ,I"hvw\u: .... w.)' ll~uu "MII!"lu,

1'~:U.It, ,"JIISIIO:"l,1'1,1."1 All"'llllOr ~"lllil.

II. 1.. 1'11111,\1.1". ,Jr,Tlr""l ,\:,:".. 1r"I' l'..rl T,," '''1I1nJ.

ror f\'t.lIJthc M' 11;\'"-'"11)1"" "I'I'I}' It,II I.. ·t'11I11\I,!l.

0"111'"'\ Ai"nl III~ l'IIIt'" >:0\11\'"JltII.'111~.IJ.

has. Il1cDermoth & Co••

L-;r 'fho C.'elllf'llll)"" ."le,",,-b:f\I will IttlIJ,Irom ~1I11111 IUf

BEST QUALITY AND UTEST PAimNS.;tr ( bllvu n JJrcat reVel'unce for t.'11"iJ,

. clll'lltlmeti4.

•• dE•

, "";'6 .r., U f 41see laeMU'cl

WEI DE r4EY~R'S CA-­':'ARaH Cure, A Con.UtutioJlalJ'..ut.idoto fo,' this terriblo m•.l~·dy. by AbltorptiOD, Tho mo.tId1portaD.t Duoove1T .mec V 40·cmo.t.Jon. OtJaor remecJ.1el' mayl'cU1evo CatlUTh. thI. CHl't'fU c":auy &taco bofGro COnaUD\,t!;::1aota In. -

BUY IT CHEAPNow You Have,a'~hance,

e.:V.o.7J Cllro) ~ 1 neve:- ~lta~·pOiatol, ·;h.ewo~:,:'al::c~t fl:a.1::."r.o:.Jo\'or fo\" :&:n.a 1\=':\ I:CQ'It.

C~/I.:'. cp.1o!z: o:z:.d l.'e~:I.~!.<I.

C. l', Uil.Il1'J,F.T1'.

WilT \\"11.1, YOU elllll:b .~.n Sbl"!t'l ('II1ot'1111 r1ulm'n.,llNllln'l1",t, I'r,(lt IJ 1:1f, t,1 ..1'&litll\, !told II, Lulllllllr.t 1:0.

('.'TAlUll! ('l'RED. h"ftlth an I.","'t 1, ....1" .~'uro,1 "1 Jlht1oh. ('nmnh 1l~1I1 I II I·r" '01/,','110''IMJ Jlljeuor ll'H. CSohl br Ll ,n:",,\: l"u

l'ITCIIEn's CASTOr,W.is not :S:,rcoth.·, ChlltlrClll:l'nw fut llpou,lUothc:":J E::r>,unl4 Ph)'~lciaJls rccom~l1:::::(l

C.\STORIA, It rC~1l13tC:Jl:lO

Dowels, cure! '''-I:u\ Colic,nnn)'g Fevorlshues:l, nml d~1I~ r03·:t '1j\-orml:!.

$8.00 Per M for CASH.

tiif'J1rIt dllt""iii"iii." ''1'8ry .mall t4tbartbook or foldiJlg of paper. from whichabe Cl()pled willi ntremo care. &maelRonri' Ikhioe wu to 1m\e a "ery littleaDd' aeldom-to put it by-and reid "from time to limo, and oopy it prettyoften and ahow it to p:ooc:l jnl1gea,Another oonwmpornry oulhofCfl8. MaryRU.I8el MiUortl, frllnkly OOIl(mIllt!A thatIhe was a1woye a IDOtit slow and labari·0118 writer, "'rhlll~retlice to the Tr~­

ediett" Wll8 W"riUell thrl'o timet overtbrou(lhout. and m:lny pllru vf it fin or8iz. Almost every lino of II Atherton ..hall been writtl:!n throo timell (lver, :t.ndit Ie eertuiDly the lUOIi~ cheerful andItlDlIbiny lltory "1lIlt 'I'lL'! (','er eOll\poiedin flttch a stAte ofhelpl~1I fcobl,'ueli8 aDd,uJ!'a-r\'0l:t


~~,~ ~ ~.c!:lri, C:\:,i'::~~:toll~~;I~lr~:t; ':,i'?I;:~~·~::~;'b1',Allmtlr ,I,: Co.

l'Dl'ULAR EVERYWHEllllI~vcry f,lmily should hnYe II boUlo flf

SWill' or Filtll colllltnntly Ull blln(l II.:tplCllolfmt tl\;ltc unit bencfidnl elTeot mako1\ 1'IOllIIlnr C\'f'f)'whf'rt!. nnd the ,('tmUllllrCl beller hcnlth nlld fo\\'crdoolor'i1bill!l.limn)' be tnkru III' 01.1 olltl )'ouol.!'.lIy!: t'llllUJ wotnl'n, under nlll' nlld llll Clr·('nmltnncf't1. For 1I11lo b)' N. V, HIli &~·on.

~tEH!S,We oontintte to

actMaollaitonfor~tente. c.,.eate,

tflde.mub. OllV,n.hta. eto.,forthe Unlted Blatel, andlo obtalnp.t­cute In Canada England. France,OermlDY, and.lI ollier conntrtOll, I

Tblrt:,.~u:: ,...n· practlee, Nocbllrgf\ tor eumln.don or mDllell or dn1l'-1i . Ad\'lee by mail free, ,~tlJntd ohtalned 1hrotlJlh 111 uo 110110011 In

tbo 80JlllNTlW'JO AMERICA", which hili I'hol.f8'lHI~ c:lrculatloo, Iud te tbe mOl' lotlu­eotlal ne1lt"Ipiper oUte kiod pnbliahed In tho I","orhL Thll .a...atAs" oraocb anetlce etter1pltentee IlIIdenlAnde.

Tblalargo and aplendldlyl1lllltntecl news­Jllporiapublllhet!"WEEKLY .t'S.lIJ a year,~nil Ie admlttetl to be tho belt piper de,oLeato lelonee. mOllblnlel. inYootlola, eD~eorlngworb. allli otber deJllfb:n.ota ut 10dD.trialprolP'ea~. pllbliahed 10' an1 country. Binglo~ru bI mall. 10 ceo., Sold by all newlt- Idillen, .

Addreu, lIunn & Oo.~pllbillbel'l or BeIOll­Mac AmencID1 20l Broan1lt"&,., Ne" York,

Handbook aooll.pat,aIl.Y mallell treo. I

(nlcnd to corrm('r.o~ nnlunllilJ/.: C, L.1'lt)'JOI Imnorl'ow,

1\11: A R O:El:' BOth.IWIl/.:h LI'mb,'r will I.c ~okl Oil QuiuCl

hltl'(!t whnrf (,r ill tllo wlI\er. nt

1'nlt CIlI.VIt!l1l JJ,UlnOo.

A bamboo. 00 it wll, osn 00 pUl tomore mea Ull\ll lilly otht'r thing of thc"l"cgeillbio l.ilHl ill tho wOII<1. WIIIII'1\'01'1111 om 01",..l\llu lloighhuf» In tho Cu·1l'8til\l tmllirc In \tilhuut it? It i!'! (lUI·)llu~'t.'(l [vr e' ,'r.f clllw,·i \':~blc, Le..i, I"1l0UlO illcOllct!i"I,I,lu l'IIfJII'~'It, UII I tlIll

oUII "·Rtor. 1I11,1 uWl1 ill th" uir: filr kitu,oro IlHUlo 01 i~ ""11110 ON lh\! (]lIetlf lit­till whilitlllll ~llJllull tn Ihu t.UlIG lliS..'1'IL'Ito fl'i,,;htl!lI cr')"',. frun.J LIlli grniu tlcl,18.It e,m hll llSCll UI tIl(' who:" j'lIi1''. illltlri(lIl. ill I!l!gluunll or iu thrO:I",l~, !lUlJ

110 1,llut ("Olllll!t nmiM, '1'hl,\ tubl!,1 m'",IIIUllilhl" f"I' \\'Il.t~·r pip .!t, 1\.'111 ro it 1\0

A\I'.I'. fill' 11.11I.... !lh'~~; It i't~(\ "tWill< thutf,~,t LridH"" IUU "'ll'''U'IIl'!l.1,j or I', 'lIItlli;;l/t CIU'Ug'lI ['jl' rlllt.~; ~.l lI\'lIi l,i,lll lllllt11 \\'h01ull\llIlll 1:1l11 1m Illlil~ of i~-,thc

f:11111". th" 1lllltUit, !tu, Inttict"l:l. the p'lr,titiull_1I1111 It rl:rltj..h,·,1 ItI'lt'Jd'l1 r,u·thu 11~1Jl.:.. 11111\ "!LuiI'" lind MllIIll ui Illl'

1IIcll~ll.. nllll,IIIClJl',llIV J Ilr{lllc~; It I.. !t'

)l\,d. thl~t ku.... .: .. IIrtl llltl',iO allin 111111

tlti\l~", Utl,1 Ml cl. lil','It1 lie It i~ T.1.llJ lI.:('lIry~,l iuto lll,il.ti. .. t u[ Lv,tlll'. Ulh' ,:\1"/1

IhimLks :lUtl n..c~'h~ue.; t:t.l dht,C ~lllt'

11I1I>1:otli 1I1·tl W"I\:U ,,(' It. lltJ iillro.1I. tb'l!it Ulny bo twi~!t:11 illt ... r"p"IIIIII,1 "",·d·0':::-", It Mlllpliu<1 hll\ll~ fur lllu dl..'nIJ(It t..'Il, blrtlud:l fllr Ji..htug ncL-<. bllil"for fau" :&.\1.1 canL'" tillll "lItlll:!11 f,u VlIt.·

ond sl'cllrll R!ltl 1"llulllllllU l~lltll. h l.ll

UIIIl ot tl,c four ~llillbti ",itht,ut wl!le"Chiu:l wOldtl bu Ch,m. IIU IU!lij"r; de\!for food, Ie!' for drinll. 1I!l1l. lor 1\'C.l( L111111.1:1111000 fur c\·crytltiug.

'1'hera oru "'1itl to 00 mom thnn sid,'!'vnrietiCil of thig ...onlll~rhrl llling. wlliu'l

ifll:t:il!rrr grnliUlnf tr,'fl. )'ct ill illlitrucl·urc tikI) grWlil, ",hUll it 1J1"iI1Vl:I ill dCIlSil8rovc~. liko trl'ell• I\u.l Illroot.'l UIl'lloy U[I(J\'~D to lL hl'igllt of lW ft.'Ct.• l1ulllilIlothing after nil !Jut"" bollow, joillllJdl'Ct:(t-lVla., Awake,

flll t.illllJTJ: Yo

Some limo 6inco tho director of tllnroUIOUIU ""l1A grlllllfltl lea..a to Ilrovidllldru~lf witb npl)n.ratl18 alltl chcmlOllllJ j'l:ltdt'r Ihat lie lIligoht UlultO Itomo llltll\lri.:llelllK for tho bondUof thocllll>. Bdlll:now callCfl upon to report proJlT't.....'1. l'bcomo forwurd ,,'itIJ hia tll'llL ul'erimt:uI,Tukillg UI) nil ('gff, ho t'xp!l\illt."l ita pro,!)ortiool ur lime, nlbulD('ll l\1111 _ugnr...uri l'roko it iulo n till dilth, Uti liJ~'u

pc-urcd In n gill of wh6ky.1l\,1Itcltplaiu.,,:,11:lt whillky W:uI tho jniL'e of c,'ru Itlldll'lLS )lriocipnl!y tloft',l lo tOIlO up tho ",I·.. •

tem. PN\'Ollt oollluell~, CIUO lod.jtm 1111,11'1'\IIhl~~ pleu'lint dreaJu-" fIt:! grut..:ll '1:

:I Iiltlu Dutnll!S. nud f'xpll1l1led !lmt tll."~llIK c.mldu't RI~w in Ihi3 clJulltry II!,1t'Ctjlillt. or Jltl! U'uu.tlu-r fuolJn1t nlUIl'I,j

lU muoh, Milk WIlli m1l1l!u withplit COl'":nolll, 1I1ul tlie mis;tllrtl wdll shulr.ell ~u ~

jl(Jurt!llout in l\ tlllllul"r /Iud hnllOlkl II'UrothCrOllftllu~r. lI11gullJ c1 i~lllldo\\'h

with C"illl:llt I't.·!iblt. nuJ r.!tm.rkL't,1 til I~

.:') Ilhol11111lcrellft~r eIlL'Ollr>lg;l CllwUlill.lrywith nIl !JUi migllt.-I.h'lf. i,'il,l (}lb.lJ,

Author. 1\1 ,,"ork,

Harrie' 101lrtincall at fir.~ helievt'deopying W 1)(\ ah'lOlntcly nccL~,ary.

She hud rt'ad nInt. Eil~llworlh'8 accountof hcr nletho;l of wMtiu13-.tt1bu\iUillgher rough Ikelch. ta hcr r~~ller. ,lhl'Acopyins IUld alkrlllg mlUIY tllOl;llll. till 110oml ~l of h"r .. I...t!ollonl" 1I10tJt1 at IlIlltlUi it did at fil"ll. Ullt Jlll!!h 1\ leulIlu'tpr00e88 llilllll.>t 81lit ;\11~.. i\hrtlllClIll''tlmlJJtIt or lhOIJj,(ht. lUlU her Illt-I., 10 lip'penr ill prillt. Btl" fl>UIlII thllt till roWill 110 Ulid l"Op)'illl( if "I", .h,ll1l,t nlkr..tId t!)),t ""·t'll If libu llid nlh.. t ~lIll !Iud tochRugo hlOk 1Ib"1LI11: It" film adoptee!Abbott'l ulluim. "Tu know t1nt \\hlLtyOIl wlIlil to I'll'. RuollheUlIll:V it ill thl!

111n11, w,lfI1II th,,~ ""U/"ltl "1111." We Ull\'U• nry thlT..rf'n~ "t"lu loll" II ,1i:r.'r.mt r~­

1.1l1t IU Chllrlotte Ijntllt...·" ItIll ill lllltlHlr·.bilJ, Sbtl '\'llll ill till' Ilt,hit Itf \lmtll.,

nRnrlUNQ WA1'R&

No acnsible perIOD Deed be told tha'puro wakr is Aa euenUal to good healthlUI pllre nil', Bnd wo OOD not be too care­

rulor thal jmrt of this moat neoelW'Yartiole of clomclttio eexlDomy to be UJedill cookinK IUIlI fordrlnkinB" Water bu:tn Jmolt!ullO llUJI01'billg clI.j)ltClty. llDd th.colder it is the grclIt..r the fllC-i1ity withwhich it tlll\('B tip impllfO glUlO8. An0l.ltlll 'r4?AACI uf wnler "'lI1 rencillt' tho airof l\ room pUtl'r. Imt lho "'otor itself

I"'ilI, ill Jl, fow hour", lfC render,'d totlLlly

IIIUf1~ for ~o lry l'cn30U of tho f.c~ tbD.~

ttlOflt aU tho rJlfl}(mi~id gM and am.~

moniu., tho rI'tIult or rOllpiretl-gMCJl, illtaken IIIl by it. lTelll"t·, Wllt.cr for cook·ing or drinkinG II110nl,1, if kep~ inside,be in tightly-co1'cr..d ..rneb. WhereTl'Cll or ciat('rn 1\'lIter til u:!Cd the lietter1)lnn i8 to lC('l' IllO dl iuking' pail (lU theOIltlliJc.

Cert<lirl it b tit \t no l,rmlen'h~wifo, knowiog thl'lIo fllct~, '(I'iIl uae ".terthllt hl\.S stood lIuco\'crt:'tl, tot 8J1ylengtbof timc, in IIU oocupiod room. WhenItudying clCllnliue81 and vontilaUon doIlot forget the hll(lOrtl\UtBdjUDct to oom­tori And bealth-pura "'ller,

the powor that they are to·doy, Among 1the in8ueneeA tooding to chanae the tthlU'ROter of jonrooliam and to Ille....t4 t

it to ita prelont lugh lttamlll,ro. that oftbe collllr;:ell of lhu L'()IlIItry o.lUl ita hali- 'It.tioua of 101l.ruiug ill UIiO cf tho Itrong.

M' I..The ilTll'ortll.Tll'lo of the in (\ueDoeof tho

l)fofcll~I')ll uf jOllnmliNn 1enda to thecOlllli,l('rntion of tllo rCfl~O",ibUJty of Ulejonnmlilit. 1'hero ill Ilf) other dUll ofprufc8siollul 01('11 00 l\·hom 80 great a roo

bpODT!i1Jilit~· relit:!. 'l'bo 11uty of theiournnlillt lo-uflY i1J 110t only to plCfleU&to the worltlll mirror nf evcnts, to hold Inp 11 reeord llf 1'1'Uh::rul'uI1IIll'01l1l history,but Illsn to 1lrclll'lIl lhhl rcouru in suob •

way that tlJtJ l'rflJ....r ICi'AOII IIIay b.araWTJ. ';\J::I, ,;'" R.tttl-r IIlI(lUllrlll. Wlrnlnan hOltr of tho lime when tho pnpor"nee tu l)relill. thll ellitor hClU'1I for thofirbt limo of IOWO OY('Ilt.of grcllt flll-lionuJimportnnro; on Ihu ~llltrof t1lumor.Jcot,

. Tt'itil<;lIt :imo rur ((·3.I'lllinll, 110 m\1at pre- IIIcnt it to tho worl.l in II is CI11lorinl inlIuch l\ way lilt \\111 ICllli 11m rutdcl'll to ~]uo:t upon ,it in Iho l'i!1ht nlltl 1::tl~JOt I

light, -;I!I('11 W\3 ("lltl~i,lOl' thCM3 tCiq,,,Wll cn:l1lut ,)\'cr,,~tilll 1111 H:u rcS:JOJ1~l:il'l

it.y wIde', fl'~18 npoll him."7110,,:1;1' ·11t.1I"\\·"l'lljl('r to·(laJillllc';tha

mQllth''';W'1 "r Ilt,lilh·UUlli. ur illtt':aJ.cdhI pr"llltJlo tho 11I1II,ilill1llt 01 airSI!) IIIUlI I

who Ctllltrol llll'lll. A.'t n OIUflll. thoMIVli"ft\lO:"l'l uf tn lby nro illtlcpeutlcut,o\\'llt~d llll(l Cllllltul!"l11J! 11\(1: who hllveno ltlXleiul nmbit'P11 1'( Iheir 0'1"11. I1l1d

",,'iTo arCl honc:! :1101" ilCller 10 judgec"clllq , Tho ,.Illtlif' ,.(';I'ice of thiacOlUllr.>· :1I illIPI'IH illl-{ ,hiIJ'. and thie fllll'iM tIllc. III 11 g-r"lIt I..'>.t.. nt. to the <lxillt­ollce of ~ fr('(1 11l,,1 HI.l,·pl-'lItle,lt ptl!!lll, 1

.. I '1'0111.1 IUy t~-,lny to thollO ~'ol1nS

mOll ,,'ho PWI'II'1(' to' clIlf'.r jOlmllllisn..­;on cnllno~ plnc(l ttJO lligh nn eatimnte111.1011 tho (lolhng JIlIl hllvecbo.otQu, Eutorit. with thc i,lt'll Ilf WOI·k. JOUrlln.liatll!to-<1n1 tlenuuu111 n. ,l ....Yotion such nl ntl

1other prdl!lllliull requires, Of thOlls Iwho enter i~ 1I0t more lhllll (lllo-tOllrtbeontinuo to tho cud. Tho (lntdgory.Ole long lIoll",. tho im.'ClllIlWt tllllUaudl!lof jourulLlhtlll II.ro too grut for many toboar, Bllt to him who elltol'll it ablennd prcplLre<l 10 umlerg<l Lho uuccasnry~tl"1\ill PIU} toil the pOMi1.liliti611 01 ra-­ward are grclIt,"

PITH nD POUlT, I, IhsJOtlDS m;;;rn;bil ftn'mutMUblcb down•

TP more flour .. hOQsekeeper bu tW!Dortt abo knelL(l&,

A 0&81 WlthtJl1t .. plI.nUlel is OO&nifMtl1not .. prillWr'1l CUBO.

'WST ill thor!) llnthlnJ{ liie leather'BeclLU50 it is IIHIl!Iole llul'lH\rt of In"n.

A PXOVLI.ull~\' of .tIL" ciolek. is ~h'lt oMlooU .. it alrik<)11 Il S~ 011 With It..

.ork."I'll joill ,'""11 1'""'1('ull,\· ... 1\., the min­

i&t.er Ilid ttl thr- .",tIllS ~llll'lo lIM he Wtll1'lor tlili ehur~h kt:J.

A Ilrlll":FIl~ L'oltf'b'e Qdn·rti.'t('~ g1l1UflQ­t,eeiog wmnko iLS 1'11\'illl"I"JIT~r writen\ban Slml.cll' ...·llTIl III Ji~ pnJllIklot ,1ItyS."

flAnK is IUII,ther i1t1Clll(lt to tlcVrive"OOl_lIl,r lief right.'!: A mnl" \\'r~t('h hugot up Ilil 1lI1"l'lltlllll t" l,ru'o'tJllL tlla "bill­U1iug III ,Iolln;,

Wv. AT" tol.[ tll,l!. tho :l1ll'icnl I~GYPO

t.i.,\u8111'1:0rNl .L ";11 lI'hCIi dCll\l '1'llI1&lI11h:l,ll·:t:n'!I;lll-l knew wlleu II. cat Wl\»IUOIIt t ... 1Jt: bUll' 1'1,.....1.

"h's t>ot \'011 un~. \\in1rr Or lmmlnrr."AA:J the ~tiltl'l,i,.1t wlf" I" 1,0:1' llrllllkun111;.l.>11lt1. .. :\lh1 it's ,."01,1 ,..111 1m', 1I11~'lIlcr or n'iulcl'." liu rcpllt'd wltil II W~11l1o

Wll~ gdu.'1'11r.l:t, nro fiOmfl rXlterienl::e14 In life

whid. 1III1k.· 1\"\ I. III Itku tim hoy who.WhOll h,· ~lllh\f\·,lldlllo,~ 1l1;1.i1lSt II IIhnrptlm)ll. Mi,1 tn' \H\lI too lii~ tv ('I'y n.ud toulLtd!>' lUll I tit J:IIlUII.

'l'r~I" i~ /\ h,'Hudl,,1 IIIIlHlIlt;';-O of our!.Bell Ik~,Ul, Uti' l'c-ti"',1 IJIIUilbt, whoIii! lum".t l'I·'·II,'h('r. i ... l'l\lU:,tllll( liS tho61'I''''''lIul, I' u~ II", l'I'll.tl illig lIllll Ihe CJ.·plllJl,I"1 "f Ill.:: g,,~tocl.

J, \\'. llll.cr hllJol a poem on "The!A:I!lt 1\1.."," II" ,hx':lu't mllkl,l It voryJIlatuu't I" lu,'~ IL" lust il.. 1'l1t it l, IJru­~ulul'tllll"~ IUHIIll'r 1':lIII" lulo tllu l'uomiUJ~ lit llil 'I 1'1 t'llldl I...r ut. it,

""·JI.I r Ll,ll.cs rnll f.. t.l Sil llll("omfort·lbrtl \\11<11 '\;I'll ·1.lt\U dvllO II rullg 'f'AlokOtl II. fd~"I.II· ,.110 \lltll lcdllrins his

IlUl'llll 1>11 I·C:',I:,t'il'1lt'e. ".:\1)' IlIlh"r',~lltl1t'r IItl.ll', :LlI.~w... r.'t1 n htlh' ho,)',A J,~f'\' who hn.d quum,r,',l wilh hcr

ln1cl.h"Il,l,',l ItHer F.:II,I, III ,li!'Hlil\lJllIghil:':. "\I' lI lt i~ Ilt'li~lclilll nl"mt .\'PI.I,Ill! frwllll. I". Ihllt I ttl." Ihllllto 11"1II..1,1~01 JdhlillJ )()ll h .."k All}' Io ....,k" u( hl\lr,

A 1.11-n.I'!'ll'l Wl'Ilt tl!J\lllh' into t\ shopInll :'t·.k, ,I II" ... llOtlJtUllIl hllw mllllJ KhOtJ­ti\l'iul.:~ .1,,, l\Ju\1 b'\ll h1r II !'I'lllIJ." !lowl'dl'.{.l<,~.'11 \1~llttlu'U1?" IUllbkcll. "IWi'lll II" III III :.".1':' \\Olllh" IUlli'tl't:r, llJtI "'Illt' 'l[ .-I:l-il,~ .111 pl'i,c,

t, SCI~~;" :\ Iontl'IIN'~ IIl1lll.l. Bntnhcr:"l,:"U:l', .1"111,, 10,\ !i\',.IJ 11(1\1': h''l'lIk lho)(Illl''t :11 .'11, \\'llli,ll/lli' OliO'....... nn,\ put:.fr. HIIHlh.... I'I\I:- ill tl,lj I,,~kl't fOI' him,"JoIm \10'1 1..1,1): "AlII'IKht, "If, JllJlt "-" frnlf LITTLII IIIItF"1!RD DOO.

-.-m 'UI I\u b"t\c,l 011' lUl':l, M IIrIJIl,.·a 'l'bo boat (If thcM dngs are w(lrth $200:tg."

Tnt: m'wl,.':lrri\'{'(1 cbllmb('n1mitl ht\... or eveD wore. ODD herdor. wbom Wl.'mg 0'" "n'I',1 ht r Illi~tr,-,~'i KUIlig nut ror .lnO~ a~ Colli Spring mneu, "hawed tul !to

tbU\tl1l1LS' W"!flllg II l'lllr or hIOh'L" 'rery pretty ODe that bo ,laid be wouldbtttolJ 1-:101','.'. (',,utlt!"lltllLllv rt'mUrkell not lOll for ~O(l. Sho!lM al th.t tim!)10 tb~ l'unl<: •• Jt. LUh'lI l~ll. Hhllrl' ( r••, 01 . Th . I'I.ifefelll('ctcdtu~","laU1"ltllituckiD'1 , y Ulg~~IJIJItN.. ~ UIKI woar·on bH 1II1UUI~:' 11'11'00 wo "~ltol.l 111'- c"mp, and were

A. M"~ '11w ""It.' ftlhinl; for trout in greatly illtcrCllh~ll In the Iittlll motherthll '!wn,'!'ft'l )"'UUI "1::", fltl thual<>ry nUll lu~r nUrMillg hahit!!!, Amid thOll&runa, "IU1Hh1 hll4 book llIlI hAg uf gulJ wild "Mt mOllllll\1ll1 this li~tlB DUlit ufaDd brUUl.,Ilt. It IIlltel] tv IllulI'\l. AJIl 111, 1 nlOU:erl • ,l(wntiull n:IJ lJ.l1J1 lrtlllt w.,loukl'tillt lll1\ gvhllttl Idlllly !!1I111 : I' Just JIlly lurk: IIt·\·...· "\lllhi o:.'lch nUJ 1Ilih 1"1 'cry b1'IIIl~lflll.

. -Oil (}iI~ 11I'rtil'I.:, Whilu WIj wcre (txclnlO1lliC, tho Mflillt-ALI:AD\·ILt.~ maD iD 0110 '(I'oek W"I ant hf'r,l~r CIltllt! tn II11V t1ULt tlJCIre ""tiro

alllll'\:e>.1 UlJd "crnldlL...1 "1'1\ catlinlOUl1t\1 IllOI'() tllllU tll"'1l1y IIhc~'p 1U;~lliu1(, l'wo~Ilrt lIy lilt t>J.plrIiIV.I. hi\( .-, huwhlt;ll' 1'01 Nalo Ih'b'1'l. Ioo~h 11Irgllr 111"'11 tlJo Iiltlet;Q'tIllI,Jj IUlIlllll,llItl'\'tl III t.WlI 1'1111, tlu,l"lUI kh'ke,1 loy J\ llIult', Alida 100.ml ml- ttlolht'r. \\1'1'" Illltllllllll; nh""t wllb tltell110r 1'I:ll.I'll·k,,,t' tllnt Itu lta,1 ., htlClI 00111(" Imlld" ill lh"lr hrllt'cltf'lI, fllliuG llotbillg,'thltt I\lJlI/)~t:J Ii," l'irClUllllwllCt:'1l; Inll"\ly. '·llIllt. lhu 11,'I'oll'r ~l,icl uetllJl.lt Tuw nor

AQl'I,;l'IOS (,f hllJlpl,": Plu'i..11 alurll: lJlt'k .·III1It! litul llJ,'rll. Jo'I,Jrll UlllitBn.<It \'C"lr~' llh'~1lI1g Oil llw '111.'''~lIl1l uf lL WIlli Ull:)<:tl !ly tllu l'i~'H!:lIIt tlu~t herlR'gIllll!U\\,'rll ~lllllf'/', th'l rll'tul' III lI'dl "dl~r)_" \ 1111 Itt"', ~·If. It hll't ~ If th"11t fUlJ~ TlllJot Ilf'I'O, ,,1111 lllt,l I",cn hard at"a- nnl~' Ihu 11~ll<lI~, IJllt IIlt'ru'll the Tt',II'k:l1l 11,41. 1\11'1 II "l1fl,. \\,urtl ou~. I\lUlO')W\Il' III 1\1,11 1;"111' Mit. lUhlthll 'Jllmll..t!~ I CIlIlll'lll'ldu hl'r 1'11111'14:.., 'rho 00311 ill'WlllthCllllIl.\'I"llltl.,l 111lJ 1'''1111II1I 11110(1 1Io I 1I:"t!.tll:l.t III lJ llI11tL 1;" 'fJlU 1111\ W.1Il

"Ou'llr[ul ,11,.01 c)' 11'11I1I !"-I'll1II.II, I~ uiu'" 'i1' . r 0 10 10M'Ih: ~R' nt.l,,,-,tlkro\,,,' Wrf'lulin' with n ~I 0)' 1l.11 "n~ IJ') WI •

ri.cce "f r'llll'llkJllll.v.'toIlAh "I:!~1. IMllll!llIrll l¥nll c:,I ...,I, llllll lo,l.1 tu 1;1I11t. ft,(,"fll flll,llollIlll. ":. 1It1llh\iI)'llllllY tJl('ru'~ IJIilt 1l1000"r. wll\ltl hN 111IUtd 9uIIlted ~()IO!'Ittlllh~ tn h,\ 111:~1I~rlll f/Jr ill uvery· I B KILIlt r"I'""I, IUI't>llj(h tilt: \lUKI'J oftlung. ,J/RU"] yOlll! l"-ll)llZ.:lll~l tv th"l I\"fllllh t1Ii'V hllii 'JUI'1'111l1l !llllir w'y U;),_tlIll1ut-; Iv lJ<1 tit \Ilkflll fur in ~hu.t 3 ..' . I . I .1'eIt1," " X'Jllll 1111," 1m ~h,~cdlilly ro'l hll uut, I.. l' Irl'W • hl\~ ""I1\UOI volry~POtl(l"'lI, IlWIJpiug II hre:Jtlll': .. i W&II b:h L? l.,u~" !It'r 11,,1, .'11. rim lIUlllI"all<l1111~l tl..illkJll;{ !l(1I4 c:ll\t"ful w,' t;hollid be dm"';Jly l<1l,u:, I:;.\u tillil'. IUllll.iug ti~d

"II met i~ WlJ{'ll it WIlIf ~UUllg." 11:111 low.IIl!llrllc I, IV":I ih'l~l Ilu.! hulAlII1I1UCll. lh", otht>r 1'\'(·nlDg. 110 clOYII, IIU.I'L"lt.I.I.1 \lll,l,:.Ii tJJf ""wuril luu

:~ 10ltotIUtlI.'tll\' :t. "er,\' I~ ~lIliuq' 011_, IU;:t.'81. 1 ~1l111:h'l hO. uf c...urllt'. W,l>I .lullIK hill hOljt toI' " I

!"ent hll.l;II.It1 hll'k. F"t'l'1l11~ n htldlhm ,. ThL, !11 t, •• Imd,1JlditllCllltion, leu el,.'lt!'!c" hUlul\.lf for t\ "Oh, II!UI'.! 1.tl riE;llt lJl~~. She'll~~~u~t.!', IIllll, 'Ill )'111111111)(, \\,nlj iu tho 1:::;htullIg fill IIt!ll)' 1l!,lI"I',"I" 'hnlIlVVIJ1.::t l~, fl'w kl'lllcli. of cOI!euj '1'h" IIC30L toorU;uG 1 \\,ullt o..er to

ID .. IN VCb~ jlOCA,'I, \4 h,'ll tllO dllmllel .' I:-'1011l~lJl,1 Ililll h." Ntyilll{: .. Don't JOI\fn Ttl!uot!I"r hum hloll ftJll~ltl ~~ltIhOIil'"thK1; I 11I1l11'..1I,,'r ulldl lho DOW IItl11", Whllo Wit IICnl lIIp~ali.lIlg bU'

ruin. no tJiJll·LIt.lJU!ugll'lJ. tbeep ....eN re~Il,;"1I'D3, uClYlllI lI,Y" :t~~lt,j dcg, 91ho tl:t1 uo~ !1l.1tU liur hml DtJr l"oK

illr~ hcnk of "Ohi~t&go englcr C4llgM h.n blJ. c\'ell wLtJll ft!)vkl'n t.u. =Il~J:Qj~6 COIlRr of " cleml wlI.n. Gnd he t.....r!o I to Il": 1"1}'lli II /lllllll)' dUI't',t!; vyto UtO oody to 111101'0 Ilthl wen' np • . . L t~" Iil'Ii ~Qd Itll..l lbllt ho ClI.lIA'hl n. rorp~o t,~,-,-to, vll'ur:ug \u... I:~~llj .t:lUlJ~y re-::- .",~blU" OOu IIt>IIDtl,l. 'i'ltt! rt>too ot 8.16 hou 1)1,)(,1; out llJl UI13ht, lUId, "',uluGJc:.:,.11 crull ou~ under tho ir&....1 lJu: fillllBfJ lHJ,bl~a Vo,'lv tug~illg 1!."i1....

Ja. tanceL rd! "Icc?, 1 h""tl lIU\'ur IiCOD cllyc.hil:g1'1l0lrllUJO,Y or JOUBzrA.LI!J•• lJC bl.lelul1g, ~u fur ll.tl I 1·.wI collcorued.

At, oollego commencement dinner, .. tuore \1'1&l!I nut I. dry ':0 ill t·lJ., h,Jtuc."I'" 1 Z. 1". WWte. ediLor of the Fran. I Hew ofkn tlmL '~,lUu C:lI.Qt!!I b:lck til

4enae{R. L) Eru., 'WM called upon &0 rno-tll'J VlIllt, li1o-1::J] hre.!ll. Dt'd tJlc.~Ipeak .for tho profOllllotl of journalilrm, little orr.lL~llrc, with tbo 1I0rd foot nndHe laid. in 8ub.Laneo: ".1 h...e boon liN ltOl'tl'~,crY:"lg for h·;- bl.:"'lo." Ji.nllll&laked to lay a word for II profeuloD a~ ~ep:ll~ (4t.JtJUt ill t;,o wad 0,,-""ru;1

b.ich ~08lI not Daed spellking for I the anJ throngl: t.~!o ItJllg, .\i... 1c. !J()Ut'.l. lil.d·like tha poor, 10U ht.t'll a1wIL1' iug Il.lld lj:uthcl':'.ng ill t~1j 1000t .becp I

til 1OU, IUtd it neetle no word from mo I r/Oodor if lIlly pn'o.che:o! Ultol gc:Jo!)~tintroduce it., Thu profellSton of jour-- 11"':&' Iotllri'beJ for 1000t ,l..roo11 UIlOor c::·

baa grown np almCNIt within the OlOllllau:OlI 80 hard and viLlI uc:" J'1Iot:.,

h ery of th.- p..-enL It fa only. PRumn-r OAll7w.l1" flLft,lrite poll'rear, "SO U1a~ uawrrpapert were nol ,... Tenoll1OD.

UllIlt',l fit,ltCtl lJlstrll't J,and OllieI', )OII·wpllL. \\ 1I,,1'11,V:011 '1', rnl'lr}, f

;o;"'I."I~ II1'I"t .\ ::1"'11 llull IIl,"IIl'lllmtOWllh,t, 11l1I,I.t""""IIhe \,I"\lnn'\I"~III'_

I'r,'" I I"'\ll J I:<'il'l ,nll,I",l' \11 ',(Hlrllu..... It' "t Ilmlor'l 1.111111" hi ':11 .. """<If I nl\l"1111'."1\11,,11. :OO1lIl,IllI"I.l \\n·lll""IUII 1'1".lur).· •• I'\\.'\lll. t \\ 'I.I.\\.-¥. " 1'1<'.'1'I ImlllY, W 1~1i 1Ilfhlll 1", trlll'!\ hll~ Ihl< .11I,Ille.1 In , hl~ nlf''''1 III_ 111 '1,,1, III Hill 1"1>111, 11ll"Clh",·IIr"I~,,~~r.Il""lr't"·llt _1,1:11'11,1 HI."'Ir "T -~'Ih,n :\(' J '. I" I"V 1,~Ii'I' :\1' ~, , rlli."'"1:" :Oro, 1 "~'l "r II f' \\ II n" I,' \1",1 III I

,'11\ /1,,,1 nil l"'I~(l" ... IIIlllIlllll ... II'·''''''I) Ihu

~~' Ihl~,~~,:~I:-;"11Il I~l~~il i.~'~ j~ ': l\l'\~ ': 111"1';1, ~ I;;,I:"i,'{.;

"111,,, \\ 1IIIh' _I ~I)' II., Ih.~" 11,,,n ,Inll' 1"',1 ,,'

f11::,I\\:I'.II':'lli;:_'~~\l~' :L:f~ .~I V~r~r:;~/~ ',1"1 :"I~I.:JUIIlI 1',.,0\\ t \"

I: 1011' ne:rI~lt r till he 1"'"1'1 Ville.,.

U:riI"t~O ~TATI'! I)I-Ir!cr J.nl1ll ollloo.l01'1111'1\11, W,,;ohinKton '('terl!nry. l

~nllt.. l .. 11(,n1h)'ltlvoo IImt, In """1'"1\1100with 1I1r. proll"ro'lllC n( llie "'cl 0' tOnlfn.....AI'I,,",v,,",'1 JlIlIf\ 3, 11171\ !llllillt tl ".\n lIl"1 (or t111:l8lI1e or 'flll1lJer I.lUltt, In Ihe 1'411111" of t:llhfOrIIlrl.Un·KIlII, Nr.nda .,.,1 Wll~hlngr'lII T.rrr,IMy, " AnlU'II AI XI u or KII".r, Comlt)'! \'ill-'hurlionTerrllnl)', II ... thl" II)·IU.ul II ,hlllnfllCf'l hll MI'lllle.llon 10 IIIIn:hll",1 lit" ~ Itt II'.'hf ..rM4'llnll~u.ll, In 1""Il~hlp :0;0 :!'l nort,1.n(\'ll. Sit I W""I nf IIlu WIlIIUIWIt. 111",,11.11.

/\'IY 1I11tl.U !1C1'1M)"" tJlIIIUhll(lUhl 1,""ly llln"'hi ,),.... rlht'll "lIlIIl, nr 1111" I'"rll"" IIW"f~1"lllf!rlllo)' rf!Jl'lh,.,111") fllo tlieLl c:llIllIl~ln I. I,nnl, 0 wllhln "IJlty lOOlltnyll. (rom llnlfl II· ..... ' .

,:lvfln llnclermy hlllltllli mvnrl"l'l'.ln UlY,II'pilI W. T till'" til dll)' ot 'F.uruIr1 A 0.,

18$:1. Jnul'l' F. Ilt'.II1'.• 1o" "," I"'ter of 111,0 1.1I1loJ orooo

U:Ul'l!:lJ 8TAU.J1 DI8TlUCT LA~n OITJlICr., }Olyllllllll, WmllllDj.(loli Tt!rrllury.

:-'ntki~ l~ hI rrlo) ICI~I'II 11Ial.ln c"ml,lihlll.~·with Iltll prn\l~lllll~ "flho A~I 1'1 \1.l"JI"'Y!'1I1,prfl\l'tl JIIll!'! :I, 1~11i. ellll,INI .. ,,, A' IlorIhOl "'lin "f 1'11Il1"'1' J.lIl1ll~ III Ihl' ~'"t~"ofl ... n1 Illllt U....UCln, NIlVlIclll IInll \\' ..~llhllllOllrl'rrl II,r,." 'In"ItA" 1'1''''1 L nr hlrL: • 'umL,\\n_hl"ltlt1l1 1'I'rrIIOl\, hU_lhl. ,111\ 1111,,1110

Ihl" urr.,'e hi" "1l1'llt:lI.llnn II' llllnlm." III"1.011 lit· 'Jror ...,~rll"d •• hrM n" 'Ir.11I .,,~Ilrlll

;~uII, ,·\\!:l':;:I~It'!r~\y,,~d'I.~· Norlh. 1'lI").~ 'I ,...,1.5.1~r'~f"I~I~:I~!II~~;:~:1~ ~~I~::~llll~,~;II~,~"ftll)r~:::1Irt< 1111" h, rl"lnll~~1 IIJIlIlllIll'Ir llolllll.. llIlhl~Unll u 1\ II illn ",1.-1)' (lir'l 111I) _ ILUllllhll!' Iu 1"'111

Ih\'''ll 111\11. I' Ul) IlilUlt. III Ill) IIf1ll C 1Il IIl\'mIJIll, W '·.llIll1',/.l\I till) (If ~1I1l)'. /\ I' 11'·1.

.JuHN I" OO\\EY,lJ·IOw H..Jt'~I,rnlllll' "'I'I~

l'!oIITIU' "TAn:' IJlornwT I, ... "'UUI"" ~

~QII,,.I~ hQ~tlll~~~~I:·:~,:I;~;:I';~I~:~~r~(:~!wllhIho J!t(,vl..l"'I. ot n:~ An \I( '·"nl:"". lO11pr.,,~,1J"nlt:t, 11l;~. "ml11..'1 'An A,t f!lr In,' ..1.. uf Tim­\>fOr I..nd~ 111 Ill.. "IAlu c,r f .. llflOrnllO. U""I!0Il,:-'''VI,J••nd IVII.hlll:,:IIIn T' Irlli:tr'•• JOIl" t: bu·Y'f, of Kltoilll"lJo'lllly \\a.hln::"'n T'Irll"r, lop,

:~~",~rlt~:~l;'~r'~~'~tlc;w I:il''~IP~~U,~:I::t \~~lll~~;In.lown.hlt' ~l. Ilf\flh 1111111" I \1 .... , IIlld Inl. 'l.t :I"r ~t(llon ~u l\ In It'"I1~hll' Xn 2'l norill. nl'!:"~~I:,"'.llr.'j ~rlt ~~r~~:~~I'~Ya\I~:l~;~::~~I:.UI' Ih. ,.·d<!/ltIf'rll,,'IlI'II,1 DI' l'IIIY!ff't1I",. Iho:"''''••1" 11.,..1,l'>"I"Ir ..1I In nl'l.h'lr (' .Irn~ In Ihl~ Illllc~ "lcltlu"Isl' IlIlIJ ,llv" fl'InI,I.IY 1o'l'''oIf

Hl....n lIIul'.. r hly IIl1n,l, III 1111 "nlrt! In Ol,mlllll,IV T,lhl,::tIlhllu,of.· ..Lru,rv A II loy.,1,

, J"1I1'l I' lji>WEI'.I Uh, n,,!!I.t ..... of 1.1 • I,.nd Ol!l'"

U:"lll'lW "r...Tu'lll_nll 11.... 1111 lImr,.,III) 1111,111, WlIJ!hln.cr11 II 1'prrllnr)'

NOTIt't: II h..ntIoTl(llnll ,hul, IlIrnmllllnn,e.1111 Ihu Ilro\:llIltt"" nr lhu .\1'1 uf ern'

'~i';'ll~~j~\~11 ~~~f~'II::'~;:I:~I\~~,;I ~'l'~~f!Z~}I'"lllornill. t1''f'1l0fl. Nellldn 1ll1tl WII·ldlllltoll'r.'rrllorl .. J.lItU II 'I'u""''''''''. nf KII'~ll.ClOtllnly, WII"hlnKWIl TelrIIOr),lin~ lhl" ,11I,l'lllt"ll,. lbl_ nntl'fl hlfl.I'IIIII,uloli I" llurdlll"il.hfor"''1ror a-ocllon ll,lIntlnbtotnll'lr"f "":­tloll 7 \11 & 71 l'IlIOlYlI."III N• .JOt nnrtb. r~nle N.

I i.¥;;:::Il~\I~~'ll~~~I: r:~t:1111:i~littlVf'1'l't'111hOMlel ,1f'I'I'rl1lefl 1~lIId, or 1111)' 1\OI',lnll "l"rt'f'll,,u'l!IIf'I"'hv ~lnlt1"tlloIll" lhpll I'llIlm"ln till,'oml f! "II hill "lxI) llOt II"y, frnm 'I"l~ h~rl'O

1,1.,," uml"r Ill) 1'"11d, II.tmyon,.,._11I !llyul-

r:~'I8:;' T. Ihl.J;::~ rli~I~\~~:"llt~~i~rcr:",Ow,

United Slaks DIII~rict Lnnd On!('(',lUJyIllIJlll. Wtuihiu(tlllll 'l'crntor) fNul:", I.. 1..•...'1" Itl""l 111,1, In u,lIlpH.llIra

wllh I hI' l'l"twl,,1o ,,- j,1 III" .\" Hfl ..nl(n~~ "'1­l'It'lfdJIIIU' 1.1~1,.,'1I1Ilh·'I ".\n AI' I". Ille"l,I!l or'l 11,,11( r hlUo!_ III Ih,' .. "'1!''' "I ~ niliol.Illn, 01'\::11111. lII"lIla IIn,I '\II~hlllz,:I' 1\ 'r"rll.

l~~t!l~ "li~~~~~:}I~~II\;;II ill'.~I;:I:I~lj ~~:"\i.' 4\~ ~;~hl,nl'III'IIII"lllnllll'rhl·~thl"l", :I"t ~ lllcll ~.mllt,t ....j llUllli'" ~~.Illol' ~u \I I.. II II n.hll' '11".JI110rltl. lin;:!' '"u. II ",.t hI til.. \\II~IlIf'tl":It~rl~l'll.

Anfllllfl ull I" I~tlll~ 'll,!mllllt l1'h el "••,) 11111Hlj'llh .... IIII('.II"IIII. "I 1111) \lflllltntl"ll..r,un IWI'f'I" H"IIIII, 'I In Ill\" , III "hlh,," III till.(J1l\t~' ... 11 hm _ ~I) \I,"I'h,)" fl nhl ,llIl~ h'I\"(

flh"l1 !lll(l", II" Illlllll. III Illl "fLi.p.lu I 'l\lU_

\'111. '\. '1', IhL.. tolh ,h,) vi )I,nh.... I,.It~l. JtlJI:> )·.I:\.I\\').}'.r,.IO" ltl":rl-I.' 01 ,hlll.lI11llt}nToe

l !iITlm !<.1'ATU UI8TlIIL'" LAO(II Ul'rll'C tIlI,lUI11.. 11 ..,hlllll"1ll 'lftTI\llrl ,

Sull,,, I_ h.. n.· ') 1I""''' 111111 III t. nll,lln"ru "'111,hlt 1'",,'I~I"'I. uf I!I.. ,\,1 or \:01'11'.....11l'fUf"t.IUIl~II.I~," ..nIlLI,·,1 '.\11 All iWlh•••Icl.,ITIU\.I"'t 1.I~d. 110 111 .. !'oil.l!'. or I .11f, rill. 0,.." I' X,·.IUliu Illd Jluhlllll:hiIL l~tTll"\, Wlll.I""

~I,~~I;~'l~ ~~~ I1I~rll~:·l;,;~I~~!I: ~11."~;:::fl~~';'~I~'to10 II"" 1111 ...• Ih" ,. IIf "r ~W II' Ilr fOf'r ;\n ~ Ic',d II bt

~',~:~.'ltl~:;\' ~:'~~ ~;'.h:I\I:lI~:II~JI;;,I·\r..t.~~~ll"""

1I':~l~{,=~lldh~,tI~1 ~,;"~~; ~,'~~l~:~~~.:r~;,~~\~ ;:II,~N'lulr<'<ll"nkJ Ill"lr rIll"•• III 11Ii,udll" ".Iulll

IIW.~~I~I\~~f;r::.,;\~~:;.~':': Illlk•• ln (11'"'1,10,lIT. Ihl. ::IILh ItUf or I'"bt",.". ,\ lJ 1<l\;4

• JunO( f tl"..".:\ I , Itta'.lc, or Ihit l.. lItl ('/Ike

UlJllcd Staw8 ])18trlO\ blind Omen, 1Olympia. Wllllhlll~n 'rerrit'lry.

N"tlCflI~ hentll. Il.'h~11 Ihnt.llll'nlnl,lIl1ll('fl"Ilh t hll UrovllllOIl'l or I hl') Al'l 'lll'rll1lln'!I~ Ill­1't'III'" ,1!l1l1I a I~j". entllle'" AI' /\ ..1 ror 1110nlC!nr Tlllll~r 1.l1l1d~ In Ill" "11\11'_ or I lIltlol'nllit,llr"ll'on 11'1"'11'11\ lind IVII.hlnerln" 'I'lIrrl­1M"," WII.I,I/\M 1I"'1.I,":'M' or '(II_liP ro"n,l.'

~~;'I':~~'f~h7~~~~:I\:~~fnnhl;~ ~1111~1~:;': ~lt~~1n~~,~~:~~?~~Ie~~ ~'r;h~h~~Ili'n~Il;:t:)f~'rl'''I~lI.f1lllt~;'~~~~I~~J''j~d~:;II~'~llnr....~I:~:;:-':i:{rZ~lire hl' ....hj' ....'C\t1lno<110 Illn dIPlr rl"hll" III 1I1111ollltll wllhl" a Jll)' 111(11 1111111 fmlll .l",~ 11 .. r .."f

f,,'I'u ullll~r m~ 11111111, II' III) Illllee.ln 01_111_flla, W, T., lha !tIll dll;J'I~~'~Il~U;...~:~ 1llf3.

1:10" Uecblollr ortl.l. I'-lid U~...

UIJI: I: HI \\l'i l>1~tlld l'fllUI on'I\·. lt11~'lll'lH, '\Il~llIllJ.:tHll '1'crrlh'Q f

'I, I "I~ her,h\ t.:I"'Ulhlll.IIl''''''I'lul'''''1tIIl'lhl'lh .. ,I"·U·"I,(I" \,1"'1'''1:0' ~HI"fl"" Il',n,: 11"',I'nl!:",I '111 ~"l"l Illu...,1. "t "u,I', I 11\11'1- '" 1111 "',," ~ "II I'll. ".ll~' "I~).;''''' '1\ 101.1 "L"I W."lolllz,:"" '1, I'·Ill"," '"UI' I' "~I.I"" I,"~" ifill'.W,.hlm.h'" 111111<011.1111' lhl~ ,I,. I ,'1,"1111_,,11." 111'''''1,1<",1.. , 1"1'1",1,". 10,. I,rufll 'I' "",.,l.IUl .. 1,,,1" lu" ,,; '1I1'WI'.I"l':t.. J'" ',;1 Il" ., .,,, I ... " , r "I' ",Imu­"((",w,I,,lim

\n \ ',11 I uti Iwr...1IIt 'lulll,lIlg' 10 II ,·r-. I) Ill.,

~;~ \::'1:,\::1;' :11:i:'II:lt;':'llll:;I:~1I\:': :"I'I'::I~ II~I: iI":nlllll "Ilhm ,''''~' [1"-'1 \1'1)" Irulllel1ll1' h\"I~"I.

1,1',n 1l1l,\jl lU) Illl"",nt lll)lIld"u.lllU'lIIl-\111, W. 't .. Ilull Mil dl~O;~ ~,,):r~llI[I'\\'tt. t,

:l-I{,w Ilt:llrAh,rOllh" l"'l,t1 UIIlCi!.

Um,w 6tyTn~~I~~~\~I~~~IIII~'~'::¥;'~W~n'.r111~~~I~i"II~~I':1 tf~,eg(~h=}, U~~'IJ.~.~~h~:~~~:;~::","," a. Ill•• ~ll\1111'I1 "."n ACI fur ~e Mlu of 'rln,""r 1"'lItl~ In Ille '''.In of C.llfornllt Ur><L,O(\n. ~ ..

~tdK~:~dC~I;::I~ ~f.~I';II:I~~7~::'l'~r~~~~~~~I~~ ~1:il'd:l~Jllfd III Ibl. ull!ce hI, IIllpJlrll.,loli It:> Ilure b,~. Ih.111\ 'Ir Iilf _nclr Olr ,e, lIon ~o \II In l!'11 n_hlll 'Nil ~Ilutl I, r~lI;:l! :-'0 .J 1I.:8~ of lilll WlllllUlllltll ..If#rld1.11

'1.~::l~~dla~:lIr.:~~n:, '~~I~;I~ I~'~':o7~~ ~~ ~:I~~rfflllinociin tllo} 11",1, dll.lm. In 1I11e OITl~b III'hill

11~~~II~lflll~,~~~ r~~';nh~~~i ~~rc:~ orne... I'll Olyulpla.W, T. Ihl.lt~lb dOIy of )IIII'< h \ I' 1!lIl'!

.1011:-' 10' HU\\ KY.SOW" It'ltl.ltr of the 1.lIl1d um(ll,

Vlllteli Stlltei Distrid Lund Olllct!, }Ol)mlllll, WlIlduugton Terrllory

l(OI1l.'t" III. hl'r~11Y 11'1\.11 Iltl\l.11I l.~mll,lhllll'e

II IIII 11111 I" U\ "'1I"1~ 1,1 IIHl ... ..,1 of lUIIl(' I'_~ 1111­III(JVl"~ ./lIllII:J 1.1... t'IIIItlt'lI "/\11 Act for Il,l')~tlll 01 'I'lhllJt.l· 1~'lul~ III 11nl Slllh'~ or e lI11lflt_lilli, 11I'\'l/.0ll, :S"\lItlll In,1 \\n~hhllCltm 'I"rrl-

.,.,rJ;;;I;~:~I~1r;tTI~~:'II:::"llh~.f}~rt:l~~\' I~OI~~:~~

:~~~ ~~I· ~!:r,*ll~I~It,~tlS'~o,:~~~::~r:.~~,,:..'~ y' .::~\or 111l' \\ Illum"II" ~lllrl,llln

..lily luullltl ,l('I...,Il11 elilhnlnl{ n,hc:..,...ly 1110

~~~ II:,I'~I~ lI~tl ~I~:~.:l' 11':~11~'~11~r:1~1~~1:1l~11:. ~ i,'[;ulli. \I WIt~ltl ~ ~I Y r'~IJ chi) ~ rt\'llI ,luI" hpr, n(.

I,Iv.,,, 1l1l,ltlr III)' IIIIIIlI.III LIl) Ullltll .In HI, Ill'fl\", W. '1'., 1111.- ~lh Ih~~)I1fJ")\Il~,~7,\t}~ IltIlJ.

'2)-IUw Ile"llIlI r "I' t Ill! 1.1111,1 Ulric ".

UllIt(ld 8tnlcll DlIltrlct Lnnd Office, }: OlymlllU, Wll.IIlllngtoll 'Icmtory

Xml<lll .. hr.It'hy Ilh"11 Ihnl. In l'fllnl'lliul<"e

~11~~\,1,\1~':":~~111I:~1: I~~I,rm~~IC! ~~ll'~~~'~~~i\~..,ltI of Tlmbt:r I nml~ In '111' ~tlllU nf LlIlllm­11Ill.OI'I·lInn, NClynd.. Mutl Wnl!hhllllOll 'l0l rl-

~~M;;II~~~~~tT~:rrl~~I"\~n'~Ll:'flh~~I~r:)In~II;~?;;till .. olUe\l hi. 11llllUe'lllon 10 IllltdLII"I11 IIC1. lit

~~~\I?i~:I:I"I~lt"~~:III;WD·~d~~r~~,o:ltn·~: :Ir,,~~:of Ih. W,lhuT.Illltt M~rldb\ll

Anv IIllllall 111'"",,11. el.llnllllC IIllvr."",I)" Ihe

:::'dl~~~U::,~~:{ig~I:'a;tlll~~:.~7:;,:111~~i'I':'oM,,. ....U?'lll "lu\'11l1lf Ilu)'lIlrllll1 lln't: hl'N'"r

(.;1\"'11 ',I1t1f'r I'll \' land, hi mtnml"'. In IIl)'lU'III, \V 1', Ihla ::61h dl:?t'I~[::;,.I:~m~; :.~~

3.1010' 1!r..tIlllOr of ttlc! 1~\II..1 ULllt'C'.

tJ. "'. DISTllICT I.ANI.I O~·"'IC".. lOI\·lIljli:l. Wnsilluglmi 'I"'erilllt'·. (

Sntlco II hcrell"!fh,," l1ull. In lllrnplln",·."llh Ihl:l "rovll!lon_ f)( Ihl'! Ac-t .If I·ollf;rc,..l"pJT'I'ed JllUtI 3. UI;8. rnllttllli .....n /\1 I If)\"'11ll "Il~ nf 1 Im""r l.Mn,\I,ln 'h~ ijlllie ,.,1'1 AI_

:1\~:~I:tI,~WF~Il·ll't:\~~':~.i;~l1 ~~Mlt~II~:'II~lII(~'I~::'l' WL,"h'lIlO" 1'''_rllOl)', luu' 11lh"11I)'llrcd III

~ ~ l~fO~tln~I~~~IJ.£'k1~ 1~~"~~~II~,n~:»4~I li::wlb~rnnKtl:-;tt. ll1e~r oflh~ \\'UlulIlI'lIe Ml·rltl!OIl.

AnY 1\1,,11111 f1I r-oonl I"111hnlrlJl 11111'1'1""1) theutltl 111!l1t'rlbt~1 I.lIl1d. ur lln~' I'mllt'li tllllr.... f..Ill hClrphy ""\LIII"II Itl 11111 11utlr .Illhn.. ln llll~nftll .. ,,1111111" lll)'lllllld.)A ftOlIl 111\111 hen",r.

I;h'"" umlo:r Ill)' 111&1\".111 mv ..(IIt"',ln 01)'111'1':1 W. T" Ihlll ~lthJJII~~'~ ~I~;~:".A. II.

:1.10" ltf'M'bllC!r tlf I Ill' r.fOnd UlnOO.


I N TnE DI~Tr.I(:'l' rO(:rrr 0)' TifF.Tlllrd JlI'll~,~1 Dt"rlel or W."hl1llllon

"ltrllllrr, holdlllh lernl" It POtt TOWUlIeUlI,J.rr"r'!KlII cnllUl"'1"~:'~~I~I~~:"ilpJ.ahura, •• ,r""pll W. 1.6...111,

TI,e 11111 ..~1 ~ .. tj'lll fl1 Anll'ri~iIl II.> nU.. t::rr.",lnq10 Jl'llWtph W. I.ewt., Iho &I~,v. I1Aml..1 d,,­fend"'11\'uu art her"hv rl'qn,rllliin IflllOll1t In .n II/'_

1[0)11 l,r'IIIKbl "II'lln"l \011 ll'f thtr al1o.o IllUncIIplill'n1ll1'ln Ihe rll.,rlct COtlrt of Ihlt 'I'hlrll Jll­llic'l\ DI.llletnr Wll.JlllhlRlOn ItnI1nr'f. hnl,!IIll!' tolrnl. II Port 'l'o.ntoellfl, III Ihe cOlInt)' IIfJdl'..rJl(lIJ, {II,. rUllnlv hI "llIcll Ihll 00'"111.1111II 111'~ll, Int'! In iIll1",.tr Ill.. eo'mpl.lnllll"'ltheudn. "hliln .b:tv dll~ rr"01 II, .. II.tlll'f tho" .... t pllhlltlUlun of 11,1" .UlUmon.. lo-WltMarett t'.l<1 IM83. or lntlltlntnl loy 11"f,"lt willlit! IJlktlllll'Alnlll yfln, lIoCCI,"Ulig 10 Ihl;! praulfor the emllllllllli

Tho ..k] actin" I. hronJ!hl ~ (lllt.rn • dtOrttIIf ••1,1 f·"nrr. It!...wl .. ln-: llul I nnll. of mlltl­"'O,'V nn" ell'lIl1l;" hf'I\I'~" YI"I.IlI!ul,1 vlalu­t,1I' I'M lho rplltlf,u_ u al1/'l;:cel m .llll /'''111pl.lIl1. hi, "r 10llr "mfOlI IIn,1 IIIljILuln,lll.Iltlll:lf,lnll /If _.lhll,t.lnlLIT', ILlII, 'M. tit 1!l1i f.,I­llr. to nro'ldll t!lr 11.0 .UI'lIOllamlmlillltn.IIOtor ..lei plllulllI'.

Whl'.... !lID lInnnuhlr n''J:'r !olI, L••• t, G,ft"f', JIltII(Il "r Ih" •• ,.1 IJI.,rlel

emlrl .Ild Iku • III 11'.. rpof, thi.2ltldll, or ahr~h A n. 1!JP,.'1

J.-Dn:~ /ojE,\YEl'. Clerk.J:ruliI.\ Duau, 1'1.1011"', A~lutll_l_ m:J-t2

CKOUI' WnOOI'I~U COt:QII Iud Urollth!ll •~:;~I:I~1J:~I.,ed \I, lill.lloll. Cllrt !fold 0'


Stoves, Tinware,PUMPS, IRON PIPE,

Steam -: Water Fitting,House Furnishing

ll,UUJ\V,\ '·U:."tlnl~ t,llllllllyllll1 11':llr ~:lIl.tl !'nr. flM'.f..r) IIrtlel,' 111.11" or ",,1(1

I' ::.< 1.\lU'I'....·rlt A' Olylitl'U \\'.1' t'\1,,1111, l"bl f

NOliN' I....~nQ'z,:h~n lhilT Il.U,. A 1If:IlShn, 111..,1 1I"11,~ "f Illl"Ulluli II> milk .. ~1l~1

~;n:: ::(:>I~~~~.J('QI,::~~ ;llil~r::iu\;\I:,~ :Jlhll,li~l(nr lI.y. A U.llil'l:l oil 1l,ll'lIljlllOli U.IS ~u.~:~ lorllll,'1I111 0111.... Clfnll,llOI'qrofllwllruf.00c::6.IIIl!II1"Clrofn"llrc.r~.c.J~.lJ.:1IlI.r IIwe-I

III~~ N~~::I ~1l~11\3·~llrt:~,~~~·n:~~1lIt':a;~kJ,lct,leU.IL.llllor I'y_hl, L'IIIII'" '''unll' W 1'.

\I-i.... JUIl:" I' GOWin nl;thh'r..

u. ~ 1.... sl) OrrlCI Ar 01 v.r.... , \\ T. I/\lmJll.I~I. f

No'lctl~ hftl'abv ~hem th.t J'l~"I'li 1'I1l"!'"h~~ dl..... nnLI~e ut IlIh:ullou III 1ll~1;" 111mlillOnr1111:1,"" J A Kubll." SUlllry I'll bile. III bi. um~"dn P"n 'l'lI\1'Il~""d. W '1' ,un I:'lt I 1<111" Ilill I!llh~'o: )hv ~ lJ Il\"ll Oil I'", 1'n1]lII"11 Il 14 SuHI~. for Ih...... elf or In' 'Ir I'll" n" Ilr ror '1,j qr of~'" II. IIIllI ~\I' qr"( II" qr anJ .,1'1' qr of ~It' elr oJrSttc 1:111' J'J II, r ~ lUI'

llu Illun., ,.. IIILIl ".· ~ 1.l\I\baell. JlLlDI',~tll~lI. Jo•. 'I' ~Iek ..,."" '11111 WIlll.ln I..wllill.b,1111 vf }'ort m,NI,'r,. \'l 'I'.

f..I... JUII~ I~ f1()\\ l:r.llt.;l.t.:.r

U, S 1.,\ ~U OFP'ILV- .\1' 111.\'.\11'1.\. W T I'\I>rlIII,I~I. (

Xotloo ill Iltt"h)" 1;11('11 Ihlll (.",lll'" LllllllrIIf•• d.e'" notll"1l "r Inl"IIII')1I Ic, IIInl,lI flrl.1 Ilrouf...,furlll 11Ill Ulurk I)f IhO! P",hllifl ('''Uti. ill iliA ufth~'

~~;"~IW)n~:li;nc'l'~'I~:r ~I~ll;~~~i~~~~~ 1~"~IJ~I~;1tlUlI.);" 1l~1. fllr,hl' 101 ,."'1ilrOrllWllr.lulllnw(lrllt,".qr of"'''!~!llalill rOIl"1~h~ 1I.1Il'~ •• "'I",l'~""" .\111 ....1 U". John

Church. Julin I)unn \lull I,.;bur,u .\Jott", all oSI'un All;:<l,Uo, '" 'I' ,IOIlN~' OOW~:Y.

10 1l'.Ill~l.r M thl! l.nIHI unleo

li ~ J.ASDUrI'LUATOI.llI/,U \\.I".l'\I,nl ~. lltll;l I

NOlll"1' It 1t<'f1:'1.o1 ~1l'UO lhll '\JIL... n... 'I~:su,h~ n~1 uOII"" of IU~'II "n to m~k.. IIn.J

r,ruof I~r"... Ul'~l.lllt lind l(et.l\er.1 !l1<:lr ullk,'

lIUllln/,I•• W.1' un Iorhl.\ III" Illih dnur311' ,\ ) ISltI.on 1'rt·'nlp/lrnIIJ H, Xo r.l'-Ill.rur th., no qr"r tl'C tJ 11IJIL\ r 1'1 "''''1.

II~ t1l1m,,1 .. wILlwP..... , N"Ib.... :-'.ll'tln,"WlU" /\ lIerll. J.lllU If'. tfr()(kwlly IInrl 1100.¥!dl. }ItC16IJ.n,IIU or 1'1.bl. CluJall1 COlllll,. W


U 1I I.AliIlI O"ICI AV ~I~~'~~ I~I T. ftui~~ll~ :l~~~:':I h!I~:~Il,\Ie," n~~~~I":n~1 J~~rl",r"IO' tbtl "L1d:r-.or In hi, .b"'II~, Ihe Clerk orI.h.l IJh1r1c1 COut1,1lI hI, onl,,'. In I'tnt 't o",n·Hud, II 1'./\ 1.1 IlIll.1.01l 110111 '.I1!'~d IIPI,lll.. llolL~Il, :r¥AI, Ind .dllillolllll ""lIIl"llu.IoI :-'0 aoOlJ, rutthe w", ofn" ''t. 101~ 'UllJ n. ""of nllf ''t IltHc:U Ip till. r ~ ,,,!.,,

Ill! MOl!!' ... Wll.nll.fOf" J) l) .'nd",,,,, IiUt·ph"ll tonow. ,\. M. Km.. rltOll .od Cbarte. A z:hullh.

II~j~~'Ort 1J1·CO¥·7ulr~ ~. OOWEY, R"II.ltr

lJrlll-'lh SllIp [!SIner "mvell lnllt nlllhtt\\cnt;':-lle\CII \Ir~~ from OUIl)IllUA. Mel

8i1 wlliloRllllllJlUcr lit Tncomn for VIII·t


Oil hor lrlstlnp to thi.'lllirmo tho MVI·l':tllllpJlI reilClIcl! the crcw or the 8Chooncrl'hwoo Fll)', whloh sho foulll \\4\orlog·~-oo anll .1ifilllJleli. h will l>c remember­cJ tho l~QY (lODlO here BOUlO timo 1I1MO to1;0 e.c:lhng. but. Hpringl1lg u Ie:'" WR!ll!Cut

hackto'..FrlROO,nndlH\!JI)UlllH.l tv t.hnt I onT DrSUOVEHY H'l'AOE.plneu '.11011 abandoned.

Cnrl')'lllg U. S. MOlls fil\d PuS&cngons.StClllllSlJl(I MU11li8S11lPi amved from

&Il Ff/\l/ciSCO Wodllcfklny o\'enlDg wllh tgrriB"large Ilumberof 1lUruillrnnt" tllot couM 1j(':I\'('1I Port TO"!lF1 ml c\"cry un.' nt 2 rnot como 011 tho l"f'g'ular etcnmdt. Sho M. mnk1l\~ clnl!o (,,(}lIll00hOIlIi "tt'. tllsbronght. cOllllulornblo frelgbt lor tim tenmor Fallnle nt Kt.') mClI' LandmJ,l',pilloc. lint look It lip Souml Jnlltcl1l1 or '_v_._5_._5_J_'_\\_'_E_\_'._l_'",...:.p_d_'_'o_,_._tliaclmrglllg it 'acro It belonged, null It

('nlUo buck todU) Oil the Welcome, '1'hoonly rOQ801l for tbls ocllon IS thnt thot"ugsboremou wou1lln't discharge bcrIM8 llllln 81 per hOllr; this the stenmerwouldo't poy; conaoquoutly the morAcltouia had to wlUt for their 80008,

f.ltlJl Two BrothoT'8 hos ~n onlerp.dto Del10rturo Thly to load COlli.

'fho lSlenmor Virginia h:18 been tbor·ollghl}' overhnulcll I'Iml repnlretl, undtnkt:A her 1,100u on tllO rout"} butwconrrondnle, Wbldby blnnd null tillS plnce

10 IplOOlhJ oonliitlon.

Schrs. John O. North null 000. O. Per·k1lt8, bktno. Wrt'8t1er nnd bk. 1'II.1alWave, nil lumber Julien, were forced illbcro for refuge trom tbtl benvy ~nlo }e8­

terdll} .. Shill Sbltley,wltb her foru40p­gnllnnt Dla.8t gOlle. pM8Ild up Saturday;11180, bllrk Vllietto fronl Bnn .FrnoCI.8CO.AtrlvClll-Nut'll'oAfian bark Vole, fromVletorir.

'l'bu Wilmington after ullObllJglng

freight lip Sound returned bere SUII11'­doy niKbt, and lett }'~t.ertll\Y morumiCfor Departllte Day, B. 0 .. wbere ,howill load wlthOO&l. It WI\8 blo;;ing Bheuvy welIlerly gale when the ,leamer'Wont oat, llnd as Ibe "'as Ugh!., the waylIbe rolled and Jlit~hed must havtI madeitlmmensoly mteresting to any inoxpor-iouccdlndlvidll41. Oil boord,and they pro·bably oommeaeed "lookillJ: ror bottom"before Iho KOt bolf a milo. OOlUi aroundPoint Wilton, tbrough the tilio-ripe, tbelteamer would at tunce pnt hor boW8 1111',ler eo deep lliRt bor propeller would b6tbrown colUpletely out of waler. ThisItenmer il~ bUlJdlDg up n JuctI\hverreiKbiing blUlinCM on tbl8 route,

Steamship WaUu Walla arrived here8ut11nlay night eeventy-tour hour. from&n Francl'OO. I:;he o:rpcncoood '\"or}'beavy weotber on tbo pMI8W!, On Sun­dar morning she 1\'1\8 docked at Unionwbart, "lid tllsohorged ooout GO tons ortreight tor the merch.ute hero ftnd tortbe P. S. 00., 01 ltolldllic. Doside thetreiabL the IteRmar brought rrom 'j"riaco24 borsee, twelve ot wblob wore landedhere tor tho Iron Co. The Rll.imnla ac·l'ivtd, JD TOI')' talt condition, oonllderiDICthe roiIGhn~8Iot the trip, althouRb !leV'

eral of them were lnmetl aaililramoo.At one time, w!lIlt1 tbe IItoamer "(IlJ mn­lIiUll in a heavy ~n IIeveral or the maD­(lora _orO brokeu lOGe BuJ It Will fOllr·cd eame ot the honw!8 would (to over·bORnl'tbllt by prompt HttentiOIl tbill no­eident w•• averted. One of lbo ICnnlOIlof the Vl!1Ilk.'1 WRJI qnite 8O\crely mjurcJIly belnR tbrnwll dowl1l1 halcb",'",). He"'1\1 plaeDd In tba bOlpltal nt tbi8 plncefor lrenhnent.

A 8r. broke out on tho Itonmer Wei­eome on ber WRy to thi, place today andin tbe wortb or " plUli!>Olllll!r on l)Ilanl. "itcaused R llic5l:en14 or f\ row t,~r n tirne; thepump wn~ I")nt I")f l:l!af IIDfl1:r,.ot lruublc"'808 elperipnel>d ill ql1pnt'hm" the Hflml'B}' IItrenUl")n~ elTllr~ on the JIM! of thecrow the fire Wall tutlll'flIAhad," 'fhoboat it nQt greatly damn'f8\.l.

C\T \IIRII rl-RXD, b_alill IInli 'W""ll"",.lb ,.,.....""" hy lllltlnb·.l·ll.llrrlll(ltflt3ll.. 1'T1.... -.ul:llllll.•.,..lla).eI(ll'l'Y!'lf .J8ullol by t.. tllllt,,I; 0.,

tVflT Will. YOIl l"lIl1:b ..blla lihllll:t·, {'u,...Ill cl .... llnm...U.te ... lI"f "rl" 10 (l. ~rll',:1 1IJ. Iklld til r..U_t a. CIl,

• J I.l\ :~1


