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Port Townsend, WT, Friday, November 10, 1882. - Washington ...

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Puget Sound Argus.No. 39

J• .A. KUHN.

Dr. L. T Seavey,


Ou. or ntlllllc Ihe.I~, '.tlt_."1" .'_11..",

lJ.avlnA' nCIOl'Ia on lI.e'Ot~, ~~ ......u••r ..It_....


o,"u: Conaer " W.ter .n4 ",My ...-.

Victoria, port Townsend, Seattle, Ta­coma and OlY1llpia.

0'1 TIIS

tOth 20th and 30th,OF EVERY MONTH.

rro~~~I.crO:"1\1" 818mttblpl .tu ..

Geo. W. Elder.tC,\rTAL'l'If. M. IIA\'WAaU.lau4

DAI~or.rA.ICAPr.A1S II. n. "'088C,1

WlII _Il lot

When lbe I tt1'l'r,I_1 Ilayor Mllln. 1Il11ll ••8nntl_r.' Ihtll.OlnJ,un,Y, ...hlpll will .11 Ott tit.t'IIllow n. Ii.,. '1'01l1 \ M:IOrl..

TIc~ttl;'~~I~:l'lfeJI••II. I•• TJlIDAL.'l, Jr.

Tlcll:el AlI"enl tUI' toOI'I TOll't1Il1ed,

Wor1'rllc"t or"""'1. ~~.uJnAIAC::eneral "'.ent tOt' I'q:n b.4

JAn.'l 1WJ.t1.

n.....,. II" ",1",- "'\I4!ItI,,'lI ......d t·.u.. ""'t Ih ",_.

Will" ......... '* ..'9.. t:.s......The CORlpaI\1"llt_Rllbl~

J. F. SHEEHAN,Stoves. Tin Plate

8HEET IRON. .23 Wllter S!rrt!l. 1~lIrl TIIWII'tlIltI.



POR."J' ·I·O~N.:JD%\T%).8rlo'lC""la"enl!on MII't1n lol:olltlellona.

O"I'ICI".-J'l'ortt .hht of Wllr., Il~t. Ol'poetIIICbnlnd llOlttl.

DR. THOll. T. l\UlIIO!l.-.rem - PD. .-ur••OZL


l.'an IltIeon8ulled, nllJht ord":J.llt the Jloepl.1,.

TYPE FOR SALE.A CHAN E FOn pnlN! ERS'100 tL5. or JAng Primer l,ih•

type) completr, with ligures, rJiph.thOIlIC!, ChlrlOCerl, &t:. for .. Id al

25 Cia. per pound. II iI~ctlrpl1 pack..ttd 1111) will he !'IlC on brnrrd nr,lcum.e' at pUrl Towlul'lIll rrfOe ofthllrge.AIIO, 100 tb,"f Un·vitor. ullle OUl­fit, "'lite prloej '1I.1IJpll" hl'll)w.

ArldrfO" Ihill ..l1itl ....Ht'Jl'I!llr Ifll" rfOlII I'of( 'I'ulI'n_l'nd II)

IltwlCt'II....11 1\I.d 1'1'111"1 tn )'nrl UIC(o\·ttr.)',"l'lI'·..III\·' nlill Frhlll.)'~ . .Illbblu" t1Q

r,II' Frt'ljthC or 1·1l·....Il'·. "I'fI')· tilIkrnm (rorll A. (J UlI\;1 H(Jae FaMl

Unlry, No short weiullt. 'l'wo ponnd...in t'Rc:h ,.,11. The lK-tlt 1,t1lltJr in t}wmarket, withoul l'.'IUi-'ptioll.

I"JLDlIlltLU..t '1'.MT••-\leul"

Chas. McDermolt & Co.,C0l.LKCTlOS ASU l'liKCIU.SHmAal~

t1hlP/l1nl( and I!lmpkl)'UlIDt Otic.. TuaipaId tor llOn"rnldenl.ll, Otllee ....llh T. If. Cu,.;I. I'. W"t\ln,too 11,..1, l5NulI, W. T. P.OlMt.I~I. .tl


Telegraphio lIelk.t R.port.


SAl'i FSAlfC1SCO. Nol', 6.-Wheat ilquoted nt II OOqt.66J.(.

Bl\rl('y is excited and riainll; (eed.IlPOL. ARTISTIC$1 B'2 1'Ollti l-{: III No\"cmber, 8100; Inl.>ecem1iCr. 81 011; in J"ntlRry. 81 ..2),. -Photography­U...;n•• 8140f,I"}.!: ChmU". 81 00 - _ ­fJ I M.

Oatil ill '''It'!\\ly Ilt 51 75fT1 00. It ill the llniyeranl opinionlbat

C..rn. 81 6O@1 G:j (or yellolY, And 82 25 HAST I G Stor wbilt'.

Hny llO@17 1' M k th fI I Pb'- •..I'(Ilnt0t"8. river rNIIi. OORr.~ ocnla JM"r .I. 8 ee e nee o".grapUll In

bnMucl: "arlv ro'le. ~11l1 )R: Humbolrltll l """""""""'~"o""""T"n"."n"""n"d"'"""",,,,,,,,.redlt. 8tf1t"M: Ollfl't«y Dovetl. 81 ~I'; I:

P.tnlom..ndTom.I... 81@106. Pacific CoastSTEAMSHIP CO.

A Tlllle·Hollol"l"ll Rl'ml'dr."Uncle l',lmp." ~aid Col. M, to a

former tla,f'. OIL h..ar thll\ ILIm., of 'VouIhlrlHes dowli on the lowll-r i>1~. »rtJ' lof·llidr.ll wlth th.. iu:h."

.. B.:iu' as it'" yUII, lKW," J't'plied nlllPnm/lev. hrl.t:r.tinK"·. "I Dill" (''Oh(,NlIlat lfl LawJ hili ~(...a til to IWlck tlIIl.IMLW;Jy, ttlr a fall·...

.. Ali! ThJin,ll' In,thihg !or it1"

.. )"1, I"h; oh )'t:Il, nit "

.. WllIlt?"II Wit)', ...__w. fllDi ICratclllll' (er


TbCl Swall(l"'.ThMfl are the ligh& Cllovalry o( the vast

"rIlllof birda i aiwills ou the IIkirmkbhue, net' on the moyo-thl'ir wings Ilt\l

tiroleu. From e&J'll mom till nig!lt tl.:e1f0"'le tbe field (J &ir. ConstanC!.r ontbe alett to cut 011' all1 1t.r"G'gler fromthe insect caml*, tbll1 ftIi.... 110 0llpor.tunit1 to destro1 tbeae enemies 0 tbefarmer. The Iwallow., (row time im­memurbl. hAVe heeD the fritllld. andcompanionlof meD. Wberev!lr he hiSbad 1irorntW'e it b.. IlwaYI embalmedtlid IlrrWel (II the Iwallo".. u Th,.twittering of the IwtltlO\'1 in the thnUlb"bu .rOIlIN·llthe pt-.rt& at daybreak torl!l\umo biA dail1lnbor, IUld "wben tbeIwaKoWI homewlU'd .11)"" he hIIIl re­'.U1"UoVl to hill OIIbin kJ uwt. en,. aicee'-''''''' \'I'lll<~. !.I.....j M. l:.O•••J· ....., ..... , ..

III tlHlr oVeu-lllll,.l'r.blll....J, lUll In"Y b.:loUt... h1 C\'lltUrJ~' I '1'lJue 1"1&1'~'" .r..10'" di'l",rat"J lI,r"lI)(huut th" lIrtnulpiliIDU""UlUil uf the ....orld. A 1'1Ibhc IICh "01"".<l l1Jtlic.. t4!d h.v Jill ..Wit .mu:ohlK .lKu,hoarll i III 1"111l'1t IJh C.lr.. r"l,r ·.elllll u".. u.IIlJulildr'lI IJ~c", 101'11 th.. W1Molc r 1l'ith til,lurch·rw, .11 my 811ldll '~lll ill uWk"I,En!:l'b.lr, . gi .... 111m II hr.ltillg I' Aud lI'r'lJut: ....r tlltt h"lbt!. IIlIiW ,hi. IUUUO illI(·rlu,·d: 'Ot,wi" 10"11. /tic '''',' til./)j·ud,.. fI/(Jl'a/••r;' co WblCU J. tolVfll tU,f...Uu .. ,ug trllulIlMtiulI (

.. !o'" pI,,,, t.r 1,,1_" b.... ,.. ·t.. :....14UIU.•r:...."lIlfolll' "4),'

\SYAIIU 01'1"O!1T1': lru;w WIIAltr.j

WA If Str..t. - ParI Tewn,aftd. W. T.New Furnil'hiug-F~verythinir New.'fhil hOtl!O hM jlll't ~'n ",flU"'-1 Jltll.<l

rcntlvntetl thrunllhollt, nllli .'e (ueno" 1'N'll'lrl'ollu 'nrllilllI

f'irst-(!llUlti B'Ard nn,1 1.+OlIr.:inA'.The Unr Lot IIUI'llll,,,1 ..... ich tlle Ill'st ot

Willi.... , 11(IIlOI'!l nll,1 ci::a(1l.VA \' 11) lil'()(1H, l'rOI,rietQr.

lire aud denth, Net1 ne,.er leRviu,lt' hill bedside but (ot a few momentc at a limp.doillll nil in hi' powur 10 allevillto hilllufferinJ{lI. which at timea wertJ inlenllC, .a.~10rD.O'Jl'" n't LoW"null ort('11 brou,qht kotl to Ihae)·etI or Will prolllPll,. Itl~nd '0 _II btJ.lo.. lalru...tbe burly miner&, who wt.mld congt('llale 10 him.after menl. nnlUnd bisoollcll. At leugth 1_.._~_·_"_'_~-'-·_·_'_"_'_'_IlTO-'-'_T_._'_.~'.._._T_.__bedieo.l,anJallhnDds quitworktorol' J. R. L.r.iW10,low ill lIi1ent procCllAioll to tiltllittle ~«ornoy-....~"'lIIIV.gra1'e <lUi' 011 thll 'liltlide. At~er ull WBlI O"IC':-III\llu·. Dnlll.!ln•• f(l(lrn~ 4 an.",oyer amI IlOOr Churlie '!'all 1t1!11 to n!1I'. Jllmtl "1'l~1. OIlPO'ltt\ Occllll;lltial lIot.l.

Ned, hiM nurlfO nwl ,ebnoIDlllte, said: 8£A17I.", WAIlIlI:offlTI'" TlI:RkiToaT."Well, I ll'iIItltke R bath in tbe rivl,lr nndthen getA IIOOd aleep, (Ot I buve 110t hadolle lor t-hree week.."

All hands leattered to tIiffereDt pam

of the lliil'llinll'i didClI~ill~ the manycbnncel a mllll hnt! ror ju,hllob II tune"nl befuro he mode Ids pile. wben aloud cry cawe from the lluma. n rusb waaffillllll and poor Ned w(Ullalllll.v un tb",bar s corptle.

Arter tno fuocnl he Mid Ite wouldtnk" a hnth; lid took "IT hillelothell. W"lItto the llllme ... biob w,," e:tlrl')'illil' nil tberunning Willer of the Yuba river, It'nvinRII K1Rllllllllt ponll un the olRim to hepumped onl. When the pumps wore11IIt ill. h~ jllmpetl oIT hUtl Ii",,, ns bethOll'lht. into a deep bolo. Bllt Ilnll! AIlll'Jl'e Uolllder "'nII bllt a (ew ioaw'S belowthe mudd \. IUftace on whjeh he Itruckhreukillg hia nrek, and c1yillJ{ i08tuntly,\\'ll brulla-ht hiln to camp nlllillrelm,odhim lor tho"rllve. And (hill 1\ hole It. 001l­,.i,le his IIIte friellli Ohnrlie, snd plfwet1them "ido by side. IIOhoohonlee. piny­matcll Roll workmate. now I!Iet'p theirInat aloop on a hill'ide at Linrll· Flat. onthe Yuba miDC8, with no mark but 11cnirn of "t01l1'9 ~t np b1 UU9TLWIL[pawtucket (It. I.) P"1161"1 ple~ oopy.]

R.ltlli"lsor......C&lt OP OLD TIWp;a Ii (l....LIPon·SI....

in the Second, Rnd I)atton io tho Firth,and McOom.. io the Sisth, Uepllblicani.

WA8UUfOTOS', No'" 6. - Durio,l( theweok eoding Novemoor Otb, 4.lBl.UJOItalldanlsil,er dollatl were put in circu·lation by Ibe U. S. mints. For the !ArnePfriod 1aet )'~t but 000,"'00 "'ere eir<lu­Iated.

NEW" YOBK'. No,.. ?-The Herald'sWlIsbiDRton special l"ylJ PorlnUllIter­Oenerlll Howe will. in hilS lurthcomiugroport, llrKe (;oUKl'tlM the 1It'Oe88ity forthe llQ1'ernment euli,.eninK tho domain otpOllial telcgrapb,. He lIIty!! it i.ll bU.IIinllSllof tbe poltotlice dCjlartment to tl\Ci1it.nt~

prolDpt and ropid iutetcOUfW betweentbe people. We have.llll.11 the I)QIL­lI1fltlh:r l(t:uerili. at preacnt l\ lIlonopoh'.iDtaot an nndi!lllutetl one. 01 all the alowmctbodll (or transmitting lettcril, whilethe ooq)Qrlltorli enjoy the escluMivepri,i1ege ot IWnding by tbe rapid IIYlwm.OlCMa/CCtI Mllll bUiliDCIliJ communiuationA.In m)' opinion tbe postoilioo tlclJnrlmentought. to he eqlliplJed with every fMilitylor IlOfItRI wleurapby. The Ilovernnllmtclln do it choRper tbnu comjll\niCfl. nudcertainly only with tbo lame promptuetl!,

NlI:w YORlc. No, 8.-S. S, Cos ill olect.­ed to CouKrelllJ frum the thl.tb Dlitrictby 10,000.-_._-


Br one who wu Ihent.]


Mark '1'wllin and Dret Horte haTemooo them.lCllvcs famous by wrHiDI( pic­turea of old Calirornia. which artl ,cryintetflil~illll,although. InJRII triUiJO oftruth lIt1rround8 thtlir tal68.

111m well 1"'8'" tbat. [ never couldsboot the quill with tho glib ellSe ofmnuy wrilcnl, 'nur du I IUIpire to tbe8baJoW' of tbeir (uma. But tlJinking ut~" r~milli8CellOO8 of the trutLful Ilut1M)' inttlrt'IJt many of your rendel'll, 1tl800 )'00 lbe fullowing:

In '5~ tbe ((foot livor mioi~ era ofOalifornifl, wlieu the Yubu river above[Joverly .liar t.o l.louuc)'vill wu oncIlring of lIumt!8 luJ "'il1~ !.!tuns. Inpl~ mile. of the rivor wore conotlCtedby Itumes by one dam. 'l'utl dama in­crenkd tearfully I\S lI.1e winter llllprolWh·ed. I WWI c(,)Ol,lected wHb \]WOIl Co, to86,·orl1l other OlnI11lOUi08 by ouo dllm,wlJiob 1 Iun lOrry to ~lY Will not 8ulU­eieut. (or Aller we hud dr/l.in~ the ri\"er,toen tUoUltaud duou woul(lullt bol'O beenlulHcient to .·ork ou~ o'Jr wmth. Ya~ ill&holle dUYI to be illl.erestcJ. iu • riverclrtim wall cOlll:liden:.....t" oome Iwh.whiolJ a\·tlr)·Onl5 wnl playing lor, nottbin_ing that moro wdhh lay in what

WIUI t.crllloo tbtliliaillll and dry billa tbanall the "old mined Ilince '49.

EY<lr)'ouo tl.lUu"ht th.., river WIS tholrrBOO depoeit of 1111 til.., bill wlUlhingalinoe Nooh. aud to drain I1l1y part of itWhON there was a rillple Willl a fortune.All they hAd tu tIo WWf to llrain by flumeor wiull dam aud 110(01) UI) tbe gold b,.tho Ihovelhtl. In lnet 1 heard men sayat tllot time toot gold would be I() IliaD­litul t1Jat Ililvar would take iiM plaee.

Well do 1 remember tbe hanl work webnd to tIo; ull Ihe timber and lumberblld to be brOuKbt from a distance; milllworo ACIUOO and tilt IIlmrt ou C"."811 lindraviul!lI whore wnler power could be got.Rondl had to bo ro{ld~. nlld a bundreddoUtlrllJer tboudUd imid or plomillel.1 lIttbe mill, we doing Ollr owu hauliut:, pay­iDg 812 per day for oue ,uh of CRttlC.

All the lumber RlUltimber ""0 deliver­ed on tbe toll of tbe mouutaiu "breMt o(tbe claims. Ilud it bed to be hauleddoWD b,'" hand, ea.ch mlln tllklDlr a Ihor'Ilieee 01 rope nod t}'ina two or threeboarWI toRtlther IU:Id running down hillto the claim. making two or three tri,aa dBl. 011(ln wheu tbe horn blew tordinner meo have IOcgM the Ihade or 11Buckeye, Ilnd rotIted in Ilrefereuoo togoing to diuoer, 10 tirtd lInd "orn outwere they, Ye~ wben the barns. too,lOulld611 "itb hOPfI or futllrtl wealth,tbey Ilbook tberneolv8IJ flnd wOlIl to "arkwitb 1\ will. Ind uillbt IlJllnd mlloy o(

them, after tnking a lew mouthfu!v of \."""""""""""""""""""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,food, ..lcep in Ihllir wet oloth!:lI.

Arter goUiDg in the flume nnd drain·in" tbe eillim. we hBtl Dlllily Ilea'l bould­ers to Iltl.,t io oruer 10 Iel't to tbe bedrock. Our blaatur "nil B young man fromPUlItuc:ket,ll r .• who 'I'lla 03111'<1 "Chnr­lie:' Ho had a purtner IInmed N&IBooth. young Incn RlllJ old I<"hoolmate8.0110 lr.l>rllillU Cbnrlie wall brollflht intoclImll tearfully mlllllttl!d /'y /I premotureblnlto Ned came with bim R8 IlIu8(',andfor wook.! poor Clurlie lingered lJrhl'ecu

Port TO'wnsend, W. T., Friday, November ~O, ~882.

OUA.RunO:f, B. 0., No,. 7.-HeturnllINm oan~rN8)()ualdilltriell indicate theelectiou or Vibble, Tollnlllu. Aukou alldBvalls, democrnts. Dnd Mackey. repulJli·cau. Other districtiJ iu doubt.

Nsw You. Nov. 7...,10 P. It.-It nowlookllll.l if Cleveland's mlljorit1 in Kingcollllty will nearly reach 4U,UOO,1O lur "IIbearJ from lo'ol'fer blS oot oarriet1 11liDgle eleotion precinc~.

BOlJYOlf, M"M., Nov. 7.-General Dut·ler'K mauuer.. tllaim the IItato tor him b)'1500. Hf·l,uuliclIu. Ilope to eloot BilbollL)' fJ(X(J.

WA8U1l'iOTO:f, No•. 7.-S11nntor Oib­Min teh_'8'rlllbI: Hunt aull EUill, demo­orall4, elouted in LouiaiADIl, IUId lhe proa­poohl MCI~ tor tbe enlire .tultl,

,In VirKlllia tLe colered "olai otlberedcluse to Mahone.

Heport.t troUl Pennlllyuuilt. sbowBcl\ver defeAted II)' liO,OOO IOnjorit)'.

llrooklill. New Yurko "i'el Ulevel"lld8100 wajoritr fI, Jemocmtlo Uain or t!GOOover tbe voto for &oorcl!uy ot I!tnte in1~1, •

WILWIli"GTOS, mv G,-The vote fromtwo 11Iludretl nod twcntJ-rour toww ill­lIicatlld II glilllJt rcpubliClIllj.:aiu.

nOCII~'!~n. N. Y.. Nov. 7.-The O('r­mall vote. hel"t!lo(ore IRf~'1!ly republicAU.III bt'i mr (;1I8t Ilml)llt ItOlidly for \he dum­ocratic ltate HckeL

DonoS'. No" 8.-7:15 p. m.-Sis cilie8in MilAlioolnlllCttll gi"6t1 "Ie lollowin)l (or1lO\'oruor: llilllJoll. )U,776; liutler. 11,200.

O&li"l'K"l, Nov. 7.-1'he election ill pm,Rretl8iuk lIuietly. Tho weather ill w.rm.'1'110 tight in ArIlpaboeoounll ill very bil­ter. uWll1Crat(llliu~ i, dOlle In nil ticketlJ.A heavy 'ole iii baillJl polled.

_• .f.-I OULIAH.. Noy. 7.-DIIIIMllebCfliOUlIllOlllhl .1,",' IIllll" 1,,\1 L'flhliOIl or ,U Ullllrll lI~III,lClutio

lonnl dele .• tilill e:'CI'I,t ill thet tnet, ",II I I" n!~:ll\lt!IJ lIl".ubt·fui.

MCSSUI'OLI!L No,., 8.-OullgmamanWllHhuurll 8tnkw thnt his mlljQrit)'1nll be lIut leM tban S.Wl In thu FifthDiAtrict, 1'lClHoll ill nnliulIbl4!\lly elocloJ.making tho A1inllt'll.ln tloll'jj'ntion en·tlrely 11I.lllttblit·lul. 'I'll., j ....".'l~lnture

"ill he Hejmblionu by n IlOmewhnt reo~lucl'!\1 Ulnjllnty. llIld the CtllllllatoJ i" Ihnttlltre·ruurth lIr lbo 1k1I,UI,llcliu Uh:m·herl are in (avor 01 til'" re-ch \l\h'lI uf::ioualor Willdolll, ~

11,\1.1:1011, Nev. 8.-Me~r return i'l­ditlllle lho elootioll u( J.loJuliett, D('m,.\AIliKret'l~mnllltt hURt'. '1'ho DcmocrnlMbav~ tlll'tltc\1 ('YOjry UoII~relslumlll excelltill tllIl Seoolld Dilitri t. where 0'1-1 "a,Hep" hnd llU OlljltMlitiou. 'fIlo Legi_la·ture la Democratic.

Wll.lIIlStlTOS', Del., Ne,., B.-CompleteI1!turna from too cuti~ ~lHle !rivc ~Huck·

ler. Dt!m.• lor Ouverllor, II 1U1iJurity 0,15:15; tor Collgfl.'fU, Lore, Dow.• hM IImajorily (Jt 22\Xl.

NE"'· Yon. Nov, t1.--Tbe 'rim"s e.strnImlll Ole\·oland'. majority at 17o&,lOJ. onrein nilS to 10 A. ,II., lllld mnkCil lhe lAgi,,­Illtnre IJfomoc'ratie strougly. LntelS~ n'­IlOrlH inerc:l8O Ihc !kllllJ\1rntio majorityftver~·wborl'.lind illuicnte oW(lf 00 CtlllutiOtiin the Milito IlOlle Domocrlltio.

OAK80lf, Ney.• No,. 8.-Demoorn13cll1im tile ~late, It ill belie1'll/.\ Adllmll i~

electC\1 by trading un' lbe wbole tioket,Hel'ublicllllM cillim tile t:ill\te with tIleesOOjltiuu ot Governor.

CoSCORD. N, U., Nf)v. 8.-Hall, Rep',.i,prohllbly re-elected (}o,·crnor. rheMeIUIt.-l will atuulltevenletlu IwpubliclllI~

I\nd lKIyen DemocrRtll. 1'he~ ""ill be100re tlllln 60 HopubUcan QllIjorit)' in theHOII~ or l1cprIWlutntiveA. 'rbe Connailwill ltautl (our UellUblienns and 000Democrat. Both Hermblicon Cllnllidatc8for Oollgrcumen am CbOlJOll,

DRl'IVU. Col,. No,. 8 - 'Fort1-nineprooinclillhronghoflt t1~ ~tate olltJIilleof Denver Vivos Orllut. Oem.• for Uov­ernor K Wl\iuri,y or &7lt; W"lIllC6. lleWli­crill. (or UorqlrlJfill W majority. Oralltaotl W..lIlloe will uoooubUldly carr, the~tnte.

CIlI(lAoo, 12~ .... II.-The chairmlln o(the Stnte Hcpllulican Oowmitwe. whohal rllCC!i\'"ed IlriVlte dillpllichee from nilparla ot theltate. any" thot the Bepubli·c:alU\ hl\ve c.rriet! the Btate llnd LewlIlll"ture. and will holl! their owr 011 Oon·,(reMmell. with • JIOMiblo J:nillllt oDe.'fhe committee could furuiRh nil flllUI'08o( majoritil!fl tooiaht. Senator I..oaontold the Wettern MllOOinted PI'CfIlI reoport:!r "bortty arler 120·clock. that in hiaupinion the ltate would a-i,e a~ He­publiCAn majority; t11at oil tbe UepulJli.clln CoDllrctlllWen iD Ohie.NO were eleet·ed. And that thcre would probably he Apiu of ont) in the IlAte, He lJ.d receiv­111\ dilJllatoheeoonoerllilili the !"Nlalt el~·wbero.

BIOIU'OSD.VI.• N0'9'7 bWA. Y.-TheDernoc:rttl8 chum the electiou ot Con­an.!MlDen in Ibe f tIt. thinl. silth antiehl'hth dilt'iotA ConlitiollilUl claim theelf'Ctiun uf Julm P. WlilO l1y Il InrJ:tl m.·000. TII,.y I\IAOclnim Coll~f'('fI;lmen in thl'flf'llt.lf.'Ollllll. 'ourth. tlfth, I'levonlh alUleiJ:hlb dilltricl.il,

Il,ALTUlIJ'U'.. Xn,., 8. Tho Oon~I't"'~.mell f'1f'(,lli'<I,w' ('m'ill-'!'tnll ill the FinctJ)jatricl. HohliLl'lllli tit I Thin!' Findleyiu tho }-·(JIHth. l)'mtCraUli n D'I4Ol:rllt


New YonK. NoY, ?-Throe lIuudredeloOlion dl"tnct.a uut or 6~ give r'olgor~1.3:SU; Cle\'claull iJ,.'i.7UJ.

I'l I'. W, 'l'hd .EJllrl!l>!l. ropublictlll, ea·timlltQd Cle\·...llllllj·tI luajorily in lbatIItlll., Itt (rum tiO.UoJJ 10;1 IIIlJ.UUU, 'l'be .Es·ptel!ll bulMlll ~YII: EJtlOU ill uuJuubt·a..IlyelL'Cted lor mllJor; esliWRtaI mn­jorll,r, W.IIOU.

'l'~o bulldlin nl80 &'lyll Ibat MUlI"c!lU·.UII J:l\'Otl Uulltlr'lI .,leotiuu by a Inrw-cmlj,;rit)'.

'J.'lJe t:rprell!l saYI that Mahonfl cldmllIhtl llIajority on hi!'! \ickel in Virlliuiu ia'""WU.

'l'lIoJ l:ummeroinl Ad\·erliaor.ltalwllrt,admitK thllt Clevoltuul. lle.lllucrnt., (orI'~'" 'rllur, will IlrolJallly IIIIVd tiU,lJULI mll.­jori\y.

CAWl>KS ':ITY, N. J:. Nov, 7.-IlQl)e.IOu, lIle rOI'Il11Ii~IUI candid~te (or oou­4tredll. Jeh!"tcl.l II)' Fen"l, deu\llcndiocall1lidatu,by aWUI 500 uloIjurity. JJrdW·er, lUll ~l'lIlJliclllll'aullillllte t...rcou~rt'il!lfrom tim ~Iud ~Ii.~ri(lt., hi roolllClOO lIyabout 700 llRjority.

}'KOVIDUS'CK, It I.. No\", 7.-lWturntlree".....'d fruru ever, tuwu ill t\ll'U OlIn·6l'rellfllOllal dilitriew. In lirlll ~lillcriol.,

HllIJu!U·r. roplllJliclU. hllll ti,576; L1dhlUlt,I.....Lllj (j(·att.orinll, lUi SI~lUtwr'~ Illltjurit)'~.utAJ, Ju IIL'uuUJ t.h,trlut. JOUUtlUIU(,)llllfiC. relllllJlruUII, :J,tU:.Ij \\'b~lor,demo.

eUlt., IWI.

N.w lU.Ulf, Nov. 7.-Waller'. mnjori·ty about ;H.UW. Lcllil.lKturtl fCjlUuhelDtill joiut uallut.

})ltl'VItlt. Nov, 7.-Es·Sennlnr Cbllffcc.Cb.JlrlUllll of Lb~ replllJlicaUlilal.e(.'4}utrlllOOWlUllk.'e, lU uu IIlten'ltlW with a Welt­eru IIr~ rOllUrll.!r ..(,itl uur tchtllrlllUlI anldcciJe..1l1 tlul,lOU rlll,rfllR' to Lbd rllpubli­C*III1,8 III .u CtJlllilll:lItly prl!llict URlIlp'ball tI (llootitlu for 'Co\'ernor b,.·l,lM) fIU.·jorlly. BloCOlIjj'rl'lIoilUftu G, lU. I'lItter­IkIU. ChlllrTUall Clr tbe delDocratic "IltleCOIllIDiu6C. ~Iitl: "We ~liWIIIIl Ufllut·..olooliull by I~. Neither chllirnlrtuVllllttltt'l\ If, IIU)Jiolion \lU tblllcg~llIturu

or Ct)IlItI1ll!llW80.

WILIIIS'Ol'OS'. N. a. No,. 7. The indi­cuioul Iue tbllt thB dtlmllcrolic IlLlHDticket i!l electoo h)' II I:renter 1I1l1jorilyth811 ill 1&10. '1'1'" l~iI"lllhllUrll ill Uti·duuuledly dtllUool1l.tic. 'l'hu ClJll~N!ti·

aioDall.llllltlllltilJu will probahl1 bt, 1..'010­ptJllt!J. of oiKht demoorlill Dlltl Will repub­liclln. A l'uillllleillhirt lIi1j)akh alivel~'errol a llowoorutio wlljority ", 5()J uyurUOUt!1t011, rellulJliuau cliudidatll f...r t."OU­~red8; lIelUoorulio lIaiu, 17U.

WILlIIHWTOH, Ui.'1., No,. 7.-fllll vote;both purtiOll claim tile Illata. '1'lIe nlll·Jorily "ituer WilY will lie IU the llUUl.ln.'l11lo

ST. LoClIS, Nov. 7.-Woo.lber fiueand vole f,.ir. indiclltiotlll Iweellillg du·mocrllUo Inlljority tbrouRhout UIO .lJltAl.'J'lJe oouut will lie IIlow tid lbcro lite fourt1Crlltcblll.1 cily ticketd.

B.\l'I t~IU.St:lUIOO. Nu." 7.-The I'leoliantn the city i.K very quiot., Rlid all avtJrntle\'ote pollL'l1 owiUil to IClIl{th or tic&.ettrnnd puor IrrangelUen18 for W'lItherillM" N­turllli uotlJiull COil 00 kuu1l'1I or t/itt rot­Mllit kJniJlIi," Much HCrntchiuj( lw OOendotle Bud it ill IlrolJabltl tlun lOUie will beelectal on bolh tickolg, but the com'monly rooeived ollinioll ji\ thllt Ihe de­muer,ltII h"Vd rocein'\\ froiD two to tlir~

thOllllllud mojorit1. I(;JllOrls (rum tLeiUl(lrl(Jr indicalAlli hili yottl. It II 00'!ie'L'll tll"t thtt probibition tluket willbll\'e llbout five tbulUBltd vo~ ill tho.tate lit lorlle, RUJ tbat with llelltlCti"llfrum republicautl Oll llOOOllnt or tbo t3uu·day law is likely tu "ivo the staw to tUlldttmocrata.

n.l.l.LAIC, Nil,. 7.-Dcmocrab lIweptnorthern 1'lJua. Lanham, WiIIlJorll,1·hrocklDOrtoll. Smilh nutl Mills areelected to COII&:rCll8 uy increued majuri.ti~. Irelllnd. tor KOveloor, It.lld the eu·tire dernuor81ic IM.o ticket ia elootal byau enonDOUI m"joritJ. 'fhe k,!gillatuttli, ovenrhelwiullly lIcDlooratie.

8T, r,UlI.. Nov,7.-'rlle elootioD orWhite. WilkftfltllJ. litllllrt and '\'lIl1h·bourDe in the tlrlJl, lIOOOnd, thil'll alllitOllrth diatriciM, Rre eOlllidervl oortaiub, the repllbliefUtL

. DosTO~. Nov. 7 10:30 P. w.-Hl'pllb­IIOIlU" ooncL...lll Butler'. eh'Ctioli lIy 4.'11.­lJW mRjority, J)elOocratll dnilll ~,lIWlor Win, Whitlle). rtlprl~lll.\Il'tJ ttl 0011'IlrelUl frolll tlil' I·le\,,(·ulh tIlritricl. UL'O.lJ, Hoilimton. rt·l'ublJcUll. iit elccle,l flOWtbo t'll'CUUIlIbtrICC.

IS I·UIII.L14111W t;n:uy fUUM.\" AT

r.rt 'J'o"nscllCl, Wl.shlnglOh Tl'frllllrh

AT.T.. I;;S ,VI;:lnEDITOR ASIJ 1'ltul'ItU:rvU.


lIJ T.I.graph.

Vol. XII

llATJo:S or AIH't:IITIJ.lISI::nn.lllI:h. ttl'llt ltl"CIt;\lU ...•.....•. 'I.MI.1,·llllll~"llIt·lltIll.·rllllll .... .... . &0

'I'rl\ll~ll·llllhlfl·r'l ...nlt'IIIJ. III I:'lISUJ(to:Insert!'lll. llllll,' b<·lh'-~llIllllllllt.,,1 II)' \·M·h.CI' "I' Aef' ••lIt........tf>4 ,_nthlV..a


e••• • , -1& '" _.

In Ilh".nl.~·; Kb lll"nth~, .1.,)(1.


41 _ ,

\\'orl. ~l'lJ I frMn


All pnrls e,1 It... ~I)r:s n.



l.IIA I~A NTJo:I':O,

SOA I'S,['0)1 AnES,

PEllFU.IlIm\·.IHIH oIT"';,



And allllr4icles (nr the Toile •.

QUil·k .. 1~II 1I1It! IIn,,1I l,rori",

WliOLEAUe ,I.sD RETAIL D~,~LEIl!l l!'l


SAT] S l"AC'[')()"

-1k.JUU In Iltu-

J3e:-.t 1\ln.nnel',--,\1'--

lln"'Ollllhlc lU·lt.I .....

Watch, Clock andJl'wrll')' IIrlllllrlll:;,


.71>1 1'8, C,·IPS.Farming Implements, Wall Paper, Doors and Windows

Furnituro, Plows, Cigars, Tobacco l etc. Also, n. '

Lnrgo Assol'tmout Or GoodsNot enumerated which we will sell at thaLowest Market Prices.---------•.~~~............. ---.__• - ....;u.~, ..

JOHN LAW,\.9- Watch-maker and Jeweler~

Contra I .Hotl:lO dUnCO"l" Port Townsend. W, T

Dealer in Walth'n1, E1Jh a~.:! Scringiield Watche•.

.""f,..tit @~~ C>;e" . so =e~~rn

C. )I, tlKltlUSII.

a ERR LS H & CO.,

Francis W. James,W,\·{''';II STll E.:T, POll'.· '1'0\1' .\'S.;N n, w. T.

Jo:.I:I'IIIII'I'C lilt :-;;111 1··mllci~,'t1 Hllllghlllllli Sold

)1'lln.')' In /.U;III lit !tIll' filtl'''. till "'11111'11\"',1 :wcIIl'lIyllulll)' UI\lcl'4 nr :'It·,'ll'. :.IIII,F"rul:':;11 I-:XdllJlI:":'·. 1·lIro.:llll""11

1I~ll lldl' 1111.'1:' 'II Ith: 1111,1 \"'<l'cl~ .II,lIl1r",,·d. "1I.11-{1I"lI'ulJ ~"lh'lt, .. 1311111",1' ""IlI!ltl"lln 1l1l1l:1I'l~ ot .:IIJ!hlll(l. :11011 C"II"lIiolli .\1ltdtJ.

&:U. IIlJ:\'UH/'!IU: 'IJo:M.IXG UI',\HA:-I'I'Jo:IW

1111,1 ~}~."~:I~:::~~':c~:' ~;/.lIb'lu"l Tile 11'41'1. of 1Ir111·1! l:uh.llHtJb. r"lollll. \'.


And Ceneral Dealers in

~ ·,!l·~t:~~$r ~\!:(t:(t~it$,Ship Chandler)', CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES. Hats, Caps.Hardware, Cruckery, Furniture, lkdding, Faflliing 111lplclllenrs.Building !\Jatcrial, I'roducc, Etc, 'Etc., Erc.r

ALL Goods will be sold Cheap lor Cash.Drajls JJolt1!'ht IULft :Sutct on aU 1'al'/8 oj' Ute II 'orld.

t::1J"' Wl' will 1'1t)' Hiloj'hcst prices lor Wuul, Oil, Ilides, Furs /IudCuulllry Produl'l!.




OILS,Pl4tcnt Medioines or all kiul.lI l

A LIlIge As!ortment,

~ 1?U,i~'~ ~~-.J:"'-- ~...'\ ",l~i~1ttj "'"

Paints, Oils, Varnishes StationeryWlw\eol:IIt· 111111 1:0:11111. lor

N. D. HILL & SONPort Townsend,



I-Ioui"(" ann Ship CarpPlltpl';-;' Tool5'Ship Chandlery, Croceriefl,



Gen l,,;' FUH ISI-IIXG G 1:CllOUR 1m J l r;L.·lss 11'.1'" H.

Agricultural Implements of all KindsAT THI;: LO\n:~.;T 1'1 Ie .:-:.

POUT TOlrXSf:SV, W:l:::'/lIS(,7'OS Tt:/UU1'Oltf

4'",01'''''1111,. Oil hft,,,l ",e


('!l01·1·. WIIU()l'I:"li I'ot'f,ll "lui 11,..,,,,10111­lIunh·,lllIh·l .. n'lI""',llJ)' /'thll"lJ" l'un', /'<" ••J 10)wllmer.\ l'u.


SYRUP OF FIGS.r~ the hNt lind mlJl'lt plCHltUnt tlf III

l'ur,:lI1in.... It l'lt'lJlItlC~ th05)·"lf'lIl.I,"ri.t1Cl1 thu hloo.l. Clift·.. l.illi'lll .. t/l·~1\ ;&lIdcc)Il~1 ipnti'lll, ,IYlIl'flllqili, 11t'1I11J1I·!l,\:<. c' ,hI,.fever;;:. ,·I.~, Our t'utNI,ri8iuj:C t1rnltl:i~l>I.

)It~fll. N. I). lIil1 ,I;: Sou, ha\'c it 011IlUUU (or 11:.1.,.

fin:D 8&'<1 for ~:tlo at LATlWY.l: ,I(

Co'll ..

Old f,,·lIl"nn'lh, n·III'.II~. aft· r'I,ltlly IIh""~

~1t:~11~. ~~'~l'~i,l IJ~':hr~::~IICj,t.:::. :~:l'~::~,\";~l,i~~p\';'.'rl"n "'1\ ",.'''11. u, '11"'. h"", l~_'1I 'lll"~ ~".1,ItHI.,,1 loy lI,,· "lIf...'." lOr Ih,' 1I"'Jll "'11<"11111,'0111"'10 I"u"~ th,· ",.'11'111. lnll"IUIIl,.,·. III.' Ilf." ....no·nlral!l\>·' m:tlolrIH. d":,,lrttl.·. tIlI,1 "lirh IH" 1Il,'11,,,..1. ",It"',, tI,,, lIwr ·110'11 .1"rlll'lIll.ll\ldl.m.m<th' •• 1t!j!lllllr It Ihll or 1 ly.

~·t>r 'M~' by 'llIt'rn;':1I1.1t IUlII)<'nl'r, !:l'lI~nllr.

--,\-:1,--V fo:GETA H LI,:FI.

AI~o "rt"I,~1 11t.,r Illt,l )'urk. 1'l1l1"k",1~1'·JI18. l'rork 111111 Ilul"',.(1Il1 ";lIlJ~lI;':I'.' IIl!lldrlll""C, TtlllI·. '·Il·., .. IC.

Tho•. Jackrna~ and F. Terry.

tiEN:-::lY LANDES,Commission and

Shipping Merchant, &Rxclutll flC Bro!.:cl'.Sltijl,9 lJi.9!J/f,/WI}f/.

CY.s-.l.."I. "n'" .111'" 11I1,U"nt I:ftlllittl,,' 1.0'" rill ....

Will llell SIOIIT EXL:III\~Ofo~ orrSA~ FHt\~t,;I~CO. 1'01('1'1.1\:\,,1). 1I11t!Ollllllllllruo( lhe uxrn:o :;TA'I'E

Money r~lUitted to nil pnrUl oftho World Ii)" DrIl't Or

telegraphic tmnder.

\V11t I'll)' thc IIIlC1wst Ilrku In COIS. (or



AORK7'For tlill rcnrt\\'m.\1 Hed Stnr nlUl Ameri,

C:lll Lhe tlf (JccAn titl'nlll"rK,l"rellnitl liclll"l~ (mill or tn IUly pnrt 0'

Europe 1lU1JI ot IM:Nt r"to-.J'''''llll' nllllut to 11('1111 for th.-ir trlPnlll

in Euro~, l\'iIl ,Ill w('11 t,) r'lll at m)' 0(,1'k'f',wbNC I willlJl' pll'/\I'll'll loJ\li1(' tilt'lllfull iutomlatioll. IIml ",hero Ihl')' ('all l'llr·l'hlL14l IJffllllliJ tiekl·t" lltlll1\c1llo~ "r rut,...lhllll hllret"fllrt'!. All in the ImAt 411111 tltuInlnre. I'Ilti.fnct:on ~llnraut(\lJ\1.

~-r Udll'f' IU"" 11m,,. 'I) ..... l·nl rll'k-"

""HI" "'."(', "'ftter IlIC .. 1'01'1 'ron I,,, .. ,UI.,""IJ " ..".,('I.ev "Wet', !:It .'.'" JJtt4 'UI'••1''''.

Sh..ippu:g rtemL

Sund:l.Y Reftdil1J.--_._-

\ 'Ilh ,.,tI, ;-",,\, I. .\1 •• "ia,I·~ I "III j.!

,.r f" 'a:1l1 :tl.:I'nl~ Itlllla:"Il"ral lllUIl;t_,.,~

,f r.'ad~ ill I"\lll. trulll: 11Il1"~ III {',oit,rn.I., \r;.IIII'. hll.1 tilt' "',111111,,' ..1"1"11 IIII;r, ad, ....·~·mll'.h~. IIIl llj.!f""!Il"ul \\i'" ....:.1'1,•. ,1.I ','t''''IIIuh''1> "II rrl'j~lll \\l'r"u'JI"'rtl"n,~1,/lh'll,l.' th•• "Iltl"ll" hili''', \\ JI~l tl,,, .. ,

,.'rt'I'1I11lJ.:'''I nn', II1IrIICIIUlllt.~ill I ill' Wl'l'l­

I": ,j"hlll' '" .. lIlt··,

~l;\l' r ..ul':. XO\', 4. Tho uc'tion IIrO.'tlllllll~ III Iln,lllllllilll.,' Ih" illll",rtali.,u"r AUll'rU'lIll [lurk 11110 lhnt ,"lIllllrl'I:II'all~illa: mlll"h C"llJllIt'ut 011 lilt' I'rolliwi',·~,'Imll"l't'. 'I'. IJ. tirfln!, II Iorukt'r illI~ltk. 11111<1: "I "I !lot tbink tht: I'H~ili"lltak"!1 II) till' O,'nnnn j,I"Wrtllllt'UI willJIUV,· IlIl11'h l'lTI'CI UI'HII tllclllurkl't Itere.Wh,'11 IILn Fl'clll'h g'V\'I'rlllllt'lJt 1Il1111t· II'llr"Il ullr lI'lrk tlwru Wll~ ,'l,U:ll' for .1i'I're.J1UIlth 1'1.' ,.t.r Imill.! \l"IIII,1 !Jt' illjllr')II. 1111,1"llch "'lUl thcl'a,.t~ 1111111 litO JlruhihlllOll"'Illi fI·llluW't.1. \\'" ,I.. IIllt ~elld Illi wll"I,,",rk Iv U"1'1II11l1)' 1111 t'l )o'rlll'l~·. 1 Ilunulillillk tlJnllllCro I'" IlI1.v j,loot! rcal'tlllhr tho flt'rlIlHlI l.'i)\'t'rlllllt'UI rClkirtill:: 10,mell 11.. e:.:lrlllllC Illl'lI"ure,"

1'0lrr'l'owssl::slJ. :SU\·. 4.-1'ho Gllr­mllnllllrk 1)<llt I':uriqllu letl Ilelll In"tc\"miul{ in tuw of tho 1I1eUIIwr '1nl'Ohlll,lumlJcr luduli. \\'IJtlll lIc!'J'ft' i'"iul \\ iI.riIIll. curly ill Iho 1IlcnilJl;, 1..IIIlrli!,~ ,\fur.1111. ",,"-'C1I11(11111l1l'. 11'0110 1l.... lsllllg III lioh'1111: lhllllllChur. lcll vl't'rIM,urd JlUlI w.u;,lft'l\'lJ\.~1. Itu WILi II 1JJlli ...u of ':-'vr"·lly.Ulfl..'<IllIJtJlIt au rcnril.

'l'ilU IItcllll1l1lJill Ul'O, W. EI,Il!r brUllRlitlOti tllllS frt'I/oIlit to Port 'l'VWlJilClJll • •">\1,jIVIIII tu :-:'l!lutlt'. ~17 t..Jus rur'1'ucul\l1l Illltl

HiJ I<.lUll (ur OJYllljJill•. l)C;;ide.'i ~·11 tOllStur Victoria, tillu ulilo brull!;11147 l!Ubll'ollKen! 141 Victorul. HI to l'ol'l 'l'uwmttJllt.I.lUI tv :::)etlltle,~ fur 'l'aCUl1l1i /Iud 11'$ 'VI'Olymyill.

A OIllS,~ CllAnTF:n.-'1'ho unr'lClltille.Johu Smith, or 1.UOtJ 101111 clIlJllcity, Jea\1wciuht, owuet.1 ill Sau j·'t1l1H'iscu, un"now 011 her 'oI'U)' "Illl a cur/oCti of IUlIlberfrom 11111111011 & Cu'", mill to tihnuj{llUi,1m:! Ut:ell chllrtCftll1 uy Hill.!: L\,tJ. IhlJlettlJilig t.lJiul!1Ill .\Icrcullllt ul '!Jill city.Ivr tile return \'oyut:c With II Cllr.:o utrIce. tl!ulI/mll ll!>lIVrh:d IllcrohUllJi,;c COli,IlIlllll.'<1 ttl tliecUllll1l1l1iliuli houl'IO uf oSnbm.\0: timlo",", N"I\' 'l'UllOIU!I. SIUj i:! e:tlJl.'Ct­ed to flrri~'e bere llbt.tut tho lirtlt of nexl!\!arch.-Ledyt:r.

Gl:YlIAS ~O\·. '.·-'1·ho IIChooller Ex,ccbliur. l:lljltaiu Wiut.lillll, iii ftll)(lrtell10llt ulT Altllkll Oil til" ~~tll ult. UIIO ufthl! crew "'lIS rouud 011 the reet, 'fheotherA lire IIlljllJOlll.'t.I to bit lUllt.

The iltcumer £"flngd liM Jlru\'ed to beII very llurortullntc emft., l:ItJr IUlellt mis,ImlJOOOurreo.l 'l'uCildllY wbile IIhe Wllil tow­ill:: the bmk MnfY A. Md\'iellUto purt.\\ itll the objL'\:t or geUin" tin lllll 1L<elIidulJr tIm burk, IIhe uttcIIIIJlt."I1 to lIh.!1fIihur IJowiI whilo tim \·0\0Iiltl1 Wlilt IJtill inIllotion. nml WIlS cltllgbt b)' the \'eliiICl'",)'ltn114cllrryillg away hor 1U1IjUJllUII~ 1111\1,IUlllllgillt; her dook hotliW..'tl. 'fhe dUll!­lllle done willlllllOllnt tu about S::ou.

SAS FnAscl800, NlIv. 6.-Dritiilh shillCloomell. lSlU tOllll, whellt tll Corlt. J::..!5A. &.I; shill MermOlll, l~ tous, "hclit tvCork. cust OOUlIt excluded. H,U'ro orAotwnrp. l'2l1l.• or t" Liverpoul, HavreAnlweqJ, Jirect,.1'2:.!Oi1. lkl.

LUllt Iliuut, whila tho UritiKh mall-of­WlU Kill{tlli.1heI'WI'8 ooming 11(, the har­hor.llhl,l struck the pilut bOllt J. Il.AllclI, cUfrying IlWIIY tbu Intlcr'a btlw­"lrit nll(l doiug othf'r tIUIl111~(,. 'I'heAllen wall I)'iug QIlCb"rL'<:l 6t the liml'.below l\Iei~i1 "·Ilrf. It will OO8t severalhUllllrecJ dOUliN to rell,uir tbe c1l1mllllo.

r.h:sDOOIso CITY, Oal.. Nov. G.-TheOhililln ltark Mllriu Mflrino, from VIII·[Jnrniiw. Otlili. WlIlllli,llhtod ulr Nnvo. y~",.

lenin\' mornint:. "ntcflojj'l.'t'J IIllll ahllll'lIonal. Her 8IIi1M were lIJ1Iit. ooalit WJnolind dooklo:ld of II1I11I)('r ':UDO. ~he ill8UPIJOl'l&lto be from 'Pugetl':ionmloouucl'or Ohili. 'J'lltl atelllner CretlCellt Clt,Vtook her in tow. nnll al 7 o'clock thillevel!in.!: tI.lllltollmer FCrlIlllllo met themf)PJlI~it Melltlocillo City' nnd turnedhuck with tholll. Shu iJlilUPIJflt;etl tv hij"l'cIhroe (lr tOllr 11111idftlt.1 ~~101l":1I111 te.Jt orhl/Door ill Lor hold.

J"(;K'M)~"ILLIt, ,Fill., NilI'. 7. Tho~te"lIIcr hi!!. fOlllltll-r,' 1 lud.l)' dl1rill~ IIt:1l1f' Oil Sl. ,101m"! rl\'ur. l"ullr III tllllcrew wcre Ilwl\'llCtI.

A<hel1lily il' Ih~ Iri.l1 of principle.Wilhont it, lllullIlllnrJly kMWK whotlwrhe ill hOIlCilt ur 11111.

LAAt Slllllhl~', l\.'I nn Angtin clrrsr"!"lnnWlllt wontlillK hi.. wu~· t" the illlllCtllnr,..be IiIlW lllJoy with n li..llill;::' pol", liver lliilMhouiller, I:Oillit 11\ Ull OjlllllAitt.l ,lirootiolJ.'l>oo't you kllow )'011 11ft.! 1\ hili buyr'YtlIl,lIir: 'lh:llI't :"'our flltlH~r t'V('f 1II1II'ilth von" '1',,'4. ilir• .L1I.t lII111)IJlcr Ullmlldu me 1.'0 to l:iuUlIII)"lloJhuol t·,\·Ux,:

BndCllVlH tl,I)(1 nhl'll)'i4 plltient uf the(aultH Bud i,npclk'("tionll 11( uthefll; torthou hlUlt tnull.illllll1 impertl.'Cliolill ot thyOWll that ttlqllirtl a rooipnxllliioli of ror·!Jeamllce. It thOll orl DOt llllle til maketbYflelt that which thou willhelit to be.huw CllnAt tlion cxpect to mould unolherin oollronnity to thy \I'iIl P-Ktmpi•.

When Lutber begllll hi.!! r"'tlrIDlilion,eiJ(htv out ot tho "n~·hllT1flt\'l1 millillWlwlm owed nllt:l(illllt'\! ttl Chri."liull rillernWC'l't) Ill1l!N Pnplll mIt}: lJ.f' r<'IDllindcr.f'hi~lIy Ilncl... r the I'atrillf'{'h tit tlltl Orl'elUhnrch. [n .\. 0, IiUlI. til" HOlllllU Oath­olic )IMlllc hnt! ill('r('n~od to 11U.1)t(J,ll4.I,lho J; ~.. tl rll t::bri.tian'lJ I., UMIOO.OllO:whill' t1M)H11 ur PrntL·,tllllt Illith Wf'm1I11mlJen.'1I3'!,lU.I.I_JO, or allflnt nllll·tilthofn'lfuinnl Chrillli.11l pe<'llb. In I':~~,Iht>ro WC'n' 11I1d('~ Ilr.1h"l!llllt l.(O,'cn.­lI1'·ul .... !HI tUJ,fll1l; 1I1,,1~'r PUllnl, mt·IJl~l,lkO: al1ll 11l1t.1cr 1I"I.'rnnu'l1t, owill'!'till' (Irel'k l'hnrch, t.iO.llfltJ.1I0tJ. In 1~71;

tilt' r( l'unl lI~nwi.. n-l (0110\1'11: UIIticrl-ru ....·rlllnl'llf.'1 J1mrt·.~,I1)· HumAn ('nth·oli('. Irlt,t_~I.I)..ltI: l;rf'i'k "'lJ1lrth. !)(j,I~~.­

{!(Ill: ond lIH,I~r rule I'rl/(' M'IlIy Pro­t~tallt, 4fJ'l.tl().).()"l1.


ALLEN WEIR £dlt~' '11 I Pr,'prll'llH

Weekly Argus,

W''''ll:-:HT'':-:. :SOl'. Ii. . EI"'r~'''III\, Ill!\'in' 1,·",,11 r,,,,d,"w,' ulll~ld,' Ill,' 1JI"lrll'l..f1.:('011111.1'111 h:l .. ltl1"" Lnllh' 10 ,·"It'. Ii! rUllItln\1 thul 111:1\·.11 Illlml~'r lit ""Iul1..1Illi'll tl\'lIl 11I'rl' lin",· I~"'ll 1Il1IM'r"~1 t"\'ir~iuHlI,. \'ultlll!:uin"t "lmll,:ILt ".111.

Thl' rllll1tJr u( 1'".. tnru·lt'r,1 "'!"'ralIoIlI',,'! lIllol lltillll 10 r.'·~I"'1I I~ IU::UIl ...WW!"tL 1"''''''1I1~ ('lltinllrt~.I" kll"W, "01.'the rl'tlil.:llllll.111 u( III' '" '11,1' rlllik. n", l·hluj'l.. rk of Ihe ,1"lmrlllll'ul. I~ "I'ulcllt'I' thlllth"u]lllol'UlIllclIIUIl CUUll'lIlplalCII fl,H"w,iu!:.

WA.<lIISITt'lI:-:. :Stl\'. r.,- Durilllf tilt''In'ck clIdiu:.:' ~"". ~tl1. 1:\~t~,\.IllU 11l!"11!n ....1Ilil\'er .I..llaril \\'.'rl' ]1111 Itl cm'ulntliJll It,IUllit~\1 :;tlll''8 mint... Uuring IILl) ~'1Ill!''''f, ..1 IIL~t ~t'llr IJllt :kill. Wi) were CtrCll,btl'\!.

'l'he m\'l'Ulltl IIlnrinc l!el\'il'o nf ,tI/l'Treallury u..'I'llrtlllClJt rt'(','II·\.\1 ndl'lcl'Ilfrom the Cumll1lultJl'r "t Iltc ':'ll'('!lllll I'ulter CVf"·iu. The l'tUUlIIllll1l!ul!Ull Will!

llnlrd Olllul\nJlkn. It .~ll~lilil llill~ I!ICCorwin 11111.1 1IlcUIllt.d w.lhUl n "hort II!",.Ill.nco e,t Point Uatru...... Ull the Amtlt'.~Utl rOllllll olt'lIr WltlN IIiI tnr n,~ limy~)Uld Nlt'. The ('\)llI111nmlcr \'I'II!lHI~the tllliniOi. tUlI! ir IIi} 1)/\41 ht.'ell pWlJnre.1nOO hllli UllY ohjt.'\:t ill IlIl1kiuj,llho "I·tempt, thut he ('(lllill hn~'o tllk~lI lue ,\'~­

I!CI dilf'Clly thruugh to ~Ol\' 'urk. [!ICcomrnlilliclltltlU will btl 11111,111 Ilubllt~.

'fbe lItnleruent that the Corwiu arrivodin /:inn f'rnnciSi.'O Illtely WM errollull~,

I..osooll'. NOI·. G. The Frell~1t III;nm­IIbip HeJllllll. from Il~vru to ~"w ~urk.vut in at Falmoutlt With her oyllmlelbroken.

COPH....UAOES, ~nv. G.-Repoft hagrJaohet.l hure tllIlt the Ullllillh t\mtio.l!x,plotiull expeditiun mat with II 8t!OUlllldi~lt'r b)' the wrook lIf their slelllllcr 011the l:liberilln COll!t.

DUBI,IS Nov.a An frill" 7'jllltlcor,reallvlltlcl:t 8/1\'a ~rcut llistfl*, exillill inCoullty Olnre, 'uwiull' to thtl (Ililnr~ of thepotato croll, tlilidf'mic 1I1l101l;: IJI~. Audtho denr pricl!8 IlSlt ed tur nil kllJtllf offood which nre CllllilCd b)' tht! ellorlllOIl~

tax levied 011 (nrmera by the crilllt::'l lIcl,nnd which hM Ill'Ovet.l1l "el')' hl'll\')' bur·dou, The counl,v preseulii II Olut;t mel·lmoholy ami uninvitinll nppcarllnce,lIel<lil tunl lllellllo\l'lI nre delull'ed withwlilcr. mell.womOh. chiidrell.llill'ii,Cllh·Cl'I.COWII. do,Q'M. OOI'llel', chickenll, ele., nilal'tl hel\led togetuer in misenlblo Jwell­ingll., lIuflt tHr the huhitntioll 0' lilly 1111'IIUIU lJein~ '1'ho prui~h pril'ilt nt Mo·L(lIIn WfllP8 II gloomy letter I.... HIPl.>ubliu ~'reemnn'lI Jourlllll, IItutin,IC thntbefOre II month liltil pfl8IIC(l at leallt olleIUlIlIlred fnmilicll Ilf the poorctlt ill the'Imrhlil will he destitute Rnd OJOlllellel1 tocnU on chnrity for flnbsi..WUl""e. De IIp­'lCnl~ tor lli\1 to Ilnl'fent thom trom stun"ing,

8T PET&fUlBUIlO. No'f. 6.-Tbo wl'l1tberh edfl!J1H!ly colJ, a/}{I na'aMtlltioo i14CI08xL 'j'be rh'Cf Ne\'n ill blt.lckClI withice,

(,"1110. ~O'f. G,-Th'e Comoutteo fOftile pf'OSC(:utiOtl ur the rebel5 are hokliuR'dnil)' M'68iOlli'l her~ nnd hn\'o tried ~pril!ouelM, of whulll UO wcre tound guilty.'fhe, will havo n trinl by conn mnrtialtllI !lOOn M it CRn be com·culll!.

Ei/(ht thOIl.llllllll trOOIl14 nro on theraint of IItlirtillg to Zit:lldm to 0lllltJllCthe new illli1lrroctiOD. A ret;ervo forco ofaoo bl\il been I1llnine,1 to remain at Kern­Aka, oml guurol UUlt IlOint.

Tho King at Coren IUIlI cOllcltldt'll IItreaty o( oomlllerce with Ellglllud UpOIlthe flllmo blUli~ llrl tho Ilre80ni. CoretUl'Amerioan trellty.

W""1I1S0TOS. ~ov. G.-Diapllteh4'8 fO'ceived by lhe Actin:: l:)('CrehIfY of thl'NIlVY tbiiJ Illurllilll:, ttom tbtl ('ommnntlerof tho United SlatCllllhill AIMklllltlln1\'olnlu, rellOrt 1\ eerioUlt ~llltc of nlrr.1fllthere, Ilrowinu out ot thllllnlillfacliollRmOll.ll the IltlWlr Illalltcl'll. The IJIIUllc,.,.}IIlVe formed n IJnltecti\'O union, nndmado.a Jlrotettt to tho Kiuu IJl.'uinst th.'lIt!.lt.'Ctioll o( bill eabiuut. 'nIt',' nrg,.--..I nmore liberal nml prollr~i ...u 1~lie) Ihnniit indicatal L)' the King'" mo\'~ll\enl'l'he King. ill rcpl)inlo'. rl!cOJ,tnizl'Cl theright at nIl to mllko Illlgl{e!lliulL~ it Ule...en1ertaillf!(1 any griO\·flnce. lind ulUIllreoJthe IIIRDte", their 11111>1.-.1 would be l.'(JU'lidered. Me:mlime there IlRs liei'll uooll3l1ge ill the "itllution. lind the Kill/: ill'IIUed a prt.lclamlllioll Umt he will beorownOtI f'ebrunry J2.

RED BAYk. N. J., Nov, 6.-A fire I,,"tnillbt dNtro)'OO twenty stott."'j IllllllJltI­eeL /1'lIe 1,* III U1tIUU~teU ut St:Ju.OOO;partly inlured.

PORTL"SD, No,.. G.-ArticIM were filedtoday illl'Orll(lrRliuN' the Portlund Flour.ill~ Milill. '1'00 CUllltalatook j" ti.ll'C.Illt82llOAXI. 'l'he inoorpontlol'8 Are Wm.M. Latld. Dooald McUlllY, Jllmelt Steele,W. S. StiLton 0.11<1 S. }<'Ilfrell. 'rhe COlll­

I~u" willlmil,J II lnr'ffl II1l'nm mill Jwr<',\\ ork on tho Ilaruo will 00 COIUI\:'CIICet.lutan early dB)'.

Ntw fOlnt. Xo\,. 4. Hcnry WOl'llBeecher. at A Re~"bhC:fID maM ml'Ctlll~tonight, iu the intCR!!t or tlJ~ IUI'aIM'lt,,Q'Overument,lIuL.1 he "'0111\1 new'r \'nlf' r'lr.f'ulger for OO'l'emorrprulolJ'l't'l1 UI'I)lnll.'-I'Bnd hilllliUR'~ ~,)t t!tnt II" .·ne a hat.!tnRIl, And lit Illlothu tlllle Ill' "fluM IjllC'to"Ce llim Oo,·erllor. hnt 11tJ~ now.whether be Wl\A lIomiUIII&1 I.,' 'orJ,'('1\III,PI)I~lltlt! ~ud h~J hn.! :lTIyllLlIlIl 1-1 t.I;1wltli II. 'UI!'y Lod fl O,,\'f'rullt \l'1t" hu,lutlJuinislcf'{',1 bouf.\8lh· tilt' njr.tifll t,r ,Itt't t:lte, 'fit.· lUovern;·l\t tll Mljl[J!nfll 111mWfIlIll eortll!,t 0110 flnd v.hidl lhf'" '''/'Tt'hound tf) fl Lllkl'. III' fB"''1'llPr,'",,,uld\·O.ft for Clucland In\li'llIlh(l 1II~1 11Iw,,"jBuJ he W'ol.IJ urlffl 'WI rr Fl'l'lilJllc..n l~\0 e for l lil'l'L'lul. lIllll picci him I,)' a • t'nr II,,· 1~·.' "II i 111/," fir nil ktl1l14 o(huudred Iholb HIJ l:l... jl,rill, !'\II!,I'mRo 5!:rt ....".II.... 111,,111 "11'. 1.:'110 J:lIII('i .lfllIl".twu billllllll~ , 01'l'V"ltl'l\IlII .. 1 livid. •


'l'liOS. T. MINOR M. D.•.\l~nfl.:.tlnl: ~1Irjjt:!lIn:J,1 If




.4.• .&.. T:EZ0lt4A8."I ll,lr IllI1I,lln\!. t "r IIIh IUJ t. blreell,

WlI·I,lnll'''.11 I'

I ):I,,~:'IT~~~.,: ll~\ ~'~:ll!~i, ',11II~'n~1 ~~:~:~~:~:I~:lm,l, 1111Il~ mlnhllt, 11H'...ml,~lou MlLl hom"II".f\, ,.,. 1""..... "\>'.11" ."." Ill" 1.. li'·....1 1.11",1 orlc...

'~~I:\' ,'I~ll:'l :~~, ':~JI~'1.,l:I':: tr,,~~:':t,~"t~~'~':;-'I~:l;!"I"rllllllli. "'1",IIIIIIll'IlII.." Ifll ..n "'lo..u,II.·'I'" IJlII,1 "~"dlil' IiUllh·h;ll1 ""'III' and 1011LIIl<I. "r 11",,1 .. 'II' I"'" h,·,~1 "",I ,.."I :t.!

1h"I\I"".· In-llllIlluli hll.ln.: I_n pll\,~d Oil tI

t~,: 11~~I::li,::! I~'~'I~::~. ,':,~ I~!:~.,: ~l~:~,j~~jll;~ ~~;rJI\~:I ,~, • 1'" ".",,, h, ~"IIUUm In.: 111.1 n" 1'1111' or ~~I"'"'' "'III I" '1.,.,.1111 1"lul.ll rUl.: Iv .11. IUluf,,'1uuoJ ",,,,,,,,10'1," "r 1,:1"111 1':111, 1I1~

Ihl.l. Ih.· lJ'!.~.1 1"'''lal 11"'Vllnl nprlb or"'" ~ .."", •• ,, ~,.I I.) 1".,1.. "".I"IIlI'lf"!I,,• '1"'1"110 "I Il II~. 1..,,, Ih"ruul:hl) ro·tJtlt!d all<lr'·IIl',oI·tll,1 11'1:' 1"'1111 \\nnl~ hU'f III f'umnu)ftllII"". " r d~,m """ hu",11' ,1 I"II"UI>, ~l1llalO' III''1lIIu~ll ll'I.ll'l! d lur .""" I' tl,url,,!: II... 111.10' till"lull" 1IJ11o hi "1Il1 ",,,.I"nl .1l1~ .. I.l"" .11Imll,·d• ~I'" "'. '1 lou ..• "hu.J, '11,'11" "'''' III 1,0' f"rIll-h.<I",In I,-hm. 1'''''"'- • flll""I) 0<1' ,n'h'IUftl tll.llnn"I " '1l~11l1l,1,llIlu" ..l."'~1

• t- '11,' "\1'·flll..,, ,., mlll~"'n~r' ",,,I 'h..~" In

::I~I;I:;;I:,u'I;II~II'I::::I~ :;,,~~:~i~,:~' ~n~ ~:CI.lt~i~tO!I~;Ito Il' oJ ""1.1.1,' 11111 II< II"'hl .... hh""t "Xpel',,", IIIIll., ......·1

u. S I•• NII Orrle. IT OU.I·I~, W ,. fOeIOIJ;,. lfJ, 1-$

P{otl~ I, h'l'Ilby !;lVl'n 111..1 t "\NII ;lIIfl.ONbaa 11I~d nOlktl II' lnlt'IHlult 10 nl~LII IIn",1 Vrour~ton lUll Jud....... or In Ill. ,1IlWll'~' tl" Ch,.k tlfIhtl 1'/'OlNt.ltll.:tHITI l:IIl hi' ofllt~. III t·rlt1.ly lIu.rllOl.\\' T ,011 WI!\lt""'bo{ II.l>:!llh tL,yot Ih:(~'llber It lJ1:llW. nil II1Imtl.ln,1 'l,v,lr"lluII No. ::.1.1,\ fUT 1110ebtornIlQr"tli«!ll. 101 II ollo« ~'••'IUQW'I'ot II" fl' of II!ctluQ W. lo...n,hlp:l'1 "onh,llllpJ.... ~.I

11"llul&t ..... llnellJoln H. W NliMII.I.o"I.I ,~> .,1 Iml \\ 111.1Il lJrst!OII. ,II of Orl" hland;;;;:~~UW"~:'J;~\.I~~11~:~~o:~&h~.... tll!nt!l. 0

ai-lw J"'UI 1-. t).lWItT n"l(hler

__ 1


U. S. Lnud Omce lit Olyml)ln, W. T.• lAUj.l'lI~l utll, 188~ r

~Ollo~ III 11""'1,, 1Il1l"'lIlh,,1 Ulher O'llllfl'l\h"", IIlcIl ""IIl-e flf Illl"llllnn In lIl11ktl n.:',~~l~t~~ ~r~~,'~i,:,I::~~~tll~~I~~'~: ::I~~~'e;7.;.rhl,\ 1I'lrhur. \\ '1. ull'lhm'llhn Ibollllitlll) nt \"'Ct'IIII" r, ,., II, 1~~.01l IloIII..~It",d lip­,'Ih 1111"" S" '!Il\I. f'lf Ih,· lo'l 4," 11' ,\r or. eqr~I:"!I' htull w.p 01~'Ca:111'at1"0111, runlJe:l

Ilonallll'!IRlwlln.._-.· \\U1lllm 1I()II1'I!ulIort'rl,hl\' 11,,'1001'. \f '1 Olill M \\, Nichol••1.0,,1. 'Ill"" lIu<I AlIn:u Ilur~.1\1l "fUn.'M'l.hUl,I. w. '1'3ti 10", JOIiS }'. OO\\'f:T. Regillt~r.

U. IS I..t ~lJ OffiCI. AT I'Ll·.,rIA. W T'IUC"'lt"" ~'l« I~

~olkll t. hrn'b) ,hl!tllhMt J"u)<, IlnllXJl\'hll' 8lt:ll nOlle.. or hllentlon 10 11IKke naro!~I~",r IJ(!fl'rll lhu l:11!11l uf Ih" I·ralml.

\~~:~~lnJ(~~1llh~~ :~rl~;,.I.~ln~l':'i!ll~~'~I:~~OI~~~II.,)· 01 1"-....~·nllte". It. J) IIlI!'I un lIl1ult:llrodIIIll'lll'IUloli .. S ~'--I .fOOl,IM Ih" n .. qr orof "'-'<:1 I<\u ;.lfllPtll.hll'&1 norlh Nnll'll II Wf'JI

lIu " ..",,!-II 'If wllllUl!&I1'": \\ \I1t"m T CruoJbyII.rry M,lrll" Chl\lh'~ l' Ih.. rrld aOtl 1.)lU.,;:<Ul\llns, 1\11 lit I'Yllh, t. ('hllulll Innnl1. W 1'.

ll:l:4 Jvll s t· (.U"' t y, KflJlIlllr.

V, S. 1,"~tJ UU'let. III IUllhl. \\. 1"1Octoher~, 1&l~,

I,~~~~' h~ ~I~~~?(ll~~\'~~ Illll~~~I~;:I.I~~~aJ~nllllll"'OlJllltlfur~ tllt:t:lerk"flh,·I·rt,I"'Ic.~UI'III ,II hi" o(ltl.'t:. In NIIW l'ulllj:' lIeM. ". T. 011'l"u<:",lu)' Ihll 1.'1h d",-)' 01 tJe\'IlllllJllr A J)II!I!'~. un I'N 1/IlI111lon I' S l\ll. 110.,; fur 11,,,101_I und ~ Illltl" brur" ..... 'Ir UI Ilt-C j 111~1 n. l' 11..... '~I

MIII~~ {,I~I T~I~~lw~II~='~;~JC~ I:::'~ 1~~Y'r~l~t:l...I., Idl III \')'" hi. Unl""l I "un,), 1\."

3ij.4.. Jon!'! 1" OO\\E~, Jl.eUlllter.

l;.n'IUST~T'I DUT&I,.,.I'''''1I0r'Il'. fvl)'U\I'I". \\ ... 1+11'101"" 1 ~rrllu",

Ih~ ;~~:I~i,,~:I:~YI~~"'~~II~. ~~~IIl!~b.nll(tl':II~~J lin. 3. 111;11••utlllfCl ".\11 All tilt S::Ill'" or TIIiI.

~::::~~\t~::~':I~,t,tl.i :~~:,I; ~!l"~ll~~ ~"t'i"~..~:.UI "llftllll·oullt,. WIIoI1tlnlJlon T,nllorJ'. 1I1I.lali,lilylU8f1la 1111. Umltl 1".IIlI'I1<-.llvll \v I',,'tb•••lbilf !1olft'" nl •....: It; .11<1 II '_of uw. !,.,of.ooctl.,,, SI). :!J (U lutl ~). In "",ul.blll ';n ll~nortb. ~Illt' :'\0 I ....·.t .:.1 Ib~ Yo I1L'lIlo11W )I.rI·<1ll1e

'1~~:~fl~d'I~;,rJ;o~~,C~~~~:::f,~~~rr~~~~~:~~I'l'iJnll""IIU III.. llI.oolr CIIIIIII~ 10 Illl.lIl11,1t ",llllIll.hlYltiJ) dl¥' trow dal. Ito',... t

U11t1l1l1ulfl!t illY 11.,,11 .~ Illy olllet!, In Ol,mpll.\\. T .1111. ~Ih day "t .\u~Il" " l> 1~.

JvtI~ t' lot)V, I;\,.)("1:18'''' III II ... 1"lId umr••

Not co 01 A,IP ICilloll t I Purchau TlmNrVI'iITllOSTflT'''' IIiITIIICTLAlIlDu.t1llr. 1

VI.""I'IA, WAIIll:<o01'OZO Tr:III1ITUMY f:otoll.'tIlIl h~rtlh"lI'lvClll Ihu, In l'Olnptmn\'ll

:I~~I:O~~~I j~~~~Ijl~O':;;~fel1~ill~l~t.~tn~oAI~I"";.j~Iliu "'ile MTlmbnr l.rltldB 11'1 Ih" 51loll" (If G.~If"rnl". Ul"I"!;.m. Nel''lul. nnd Wl:ll~hhll'tl:1IITerrhoQ." JA)fUI t·. III1UCI'WA\, til 1l1,,111n1,ounly. '010 IIl'hh'lI'l.ln 1·~,rIIUl't. l>lUo Ihll "ay"lUll III Ihl. onklllli. IIJlIIIl,"'IIUIl 10 ]lurehuotlill n hi uf 1111. Ilr 01 II\lI llun S". 'tlf, Mud nlIf. of "w Ifr vf !It:!lll..n ';021. In Hlwn'hlp:"iv :11 norlh, I'll,... ';o II we Illf IIll! Wtlill/ll·elle 11"rt,lhm

t;(t;I,'~~tl:~:I'~:;jlll~~t~II'II;llIl~~~Ik:n~~~r:;;llIn1het~lJ\ n"I"lrol! 10 rill' IlIclrch.l!1Ul In 1111.oftl........ 'hl" , x'1 llllll u.., .,mlll dlue 1Iu 1....,(.

1t1"'U Imtle" Ill) hlolu<l. III UI)·tllllt.·,1t1 (1) lU'

\~~. w. ", Ihl~ llthJ~~r~II;, '~.~~~;~y.,\. IJ.:!IclllW !tell'l.ler "flh. 1..."tI VmL'tt.

Ueited Stt\tc8 Dil~net .Land Office. lOl)'lllpil\, WR!lIIlIlUtoll Territor)'. I~oll,e I. herell)'llhen IIml, In t.'tJlIll.llllnc.

...11 h I he l'rovbilc/l~ \llihe .\" or Gotll(n:Il' loll\"pn"eol JUlin So 1....11. f:lultl~<I .. \n ACIIO. 11111.... Ie Ilf 11mhcr hUll"l Itl III.. !:'111t,>L I'f Cltllfl)f·"I." Or«un. S .. llIdll Kn,1 WUlllnl(lon Te.r"Inl)" JAMoU Hlllrll. of Jelr.. .....'1 COUIU).

~~,r.~lt,'r;,I:~IIl~;::~~\~[~(~~~UI~II~I~Ylrl':\~~ Ilhl',r'" ~IIO" 11 ... ,,01 "" llr or", 'I' j'IIoe"Il<1II 3.",<1

~~ ~~ 1~II!h. ~:I1:~ ";;,~,II:"'~~t ~l/f :;:~'ivl:i~~:1:

1I1~~~~I~:::~r. 11III'l'Onli elnlluloi( 1l'I\c~~I)'lhli~~~II~I~~:II~~II~1~~lfl'a:~I~I~tef;~ ~V::,~l:~r~h'[~uf,kll wldllll .. IXI) IllUld••).II'IJlll dllill h"l~'

t,lvl'lI IIntl~rmy 1111"'1, MI Ill) ullt.... Invl) Ill'

\.ha. W. '1., Ihl~ m.h u..) UI ,\11101;"'1, A. I).

~. JUIlSt.IlUnt:\.~.'I.IU'" IlI'KI'lerllIIIIC l.IInd Uftlu


UllItl'11 :$lUtCIi DI8tr1l'1 Laml Oll\{o.·, 1OIYllllll,\. \'t. T. ~

S,Uh, 1'1",,,,hll!l\,·" 110. In, "1"1111,,,,,,.. II It Ih" 1'l\'\I~l<lll~"1 rh, 11,1 "f I ""111'< -~ II'"",,,,,' I II"'" I I';'•• lull • ,I "\11 u' I I.. ' llol'_,I, "I Ih,,'~, hUl,I.ln 'I" ·1"'.~"11 "lIh'III II.". It"" .. , ,1,,11, 1f1·'1 \\,,~IoI,,;t ... , 1.'1.11"1 I, .1,,1,.. 1\,,' ...." "r 1,11~'I""""I'. \\·I~hIIlUl..lt",11"1,111,.1111.01", ul"1 I" '''I~''III., IfI~'''1.1,,111 f\ul"l'"r,I",., Ih' ~"(Ir "I '1' 'II, r.. ' I,,.,, II". 11I"I~"I·<\ .... ! .1 .. I!, "'.\'I If. "1Il~' S".: .....1 '" 110,,\\ 11 'UI" '10 "" r.

111,11\11' un I ,,\I 'lO'NIIl~ ,'ulllllllll 111,. 1'''1\ Ih,'

,,,'I."..,rl·,,,1 11",1 "I '''') "lll"nlh'IH'(r. h." ., I •• "1,, I I" ~ h II" II , Inltlf~ I" 111l~

, ; l'l~ ,~.t;~:;I;, ~I ~I:~ I;,':!,:::',~~ :1~;'::f~:~""I~:" ~,'I'::,.'.1 ... 1' T.II".!lh.t"),,'I.,,r.l,t ,I 111·~~

:l" rllll 1"11': F Il,lUl\. H..•... lIit.:lr.

:SOTl('~: I_ b,·... I... \:1"·,, .hJ\l Ih.. ,ItII'lkal~1\",'··1'" Ilt lUll ..f '("ll, r·,'u I ,'unl' f,ir lifo' '.urI~"': I. nu" In Illy II l1uh Inr Ih,' ."il,' 11,," ." Iii"II"~~ 111'10'1" I,,~.t "ulll Ill •••• "Ill I. ,1,1t"'IU' If\UllllI,' n'l II" "' I"''''mh,'r, I ......:. MI" I' )1lI"'IH"I..·~I"llll'II" ,h,'.I.. 1'/ 1~""lII "UlIIo'",ltl. ,II.. 11,.' 111""1 "Ill, rolul\' 11\·"~I1.'.~' ,I h,1o r, '1 rI,ar,:. ,I ,,1 Ih.' r,l>' ..r ." I"'r', fli 110 '1lllUUIll

lro;~~I!:11 :::~:'! ;~' ,~I,~.'.llh ~;' ',,~ul.~rA "l'l"r II", C""y 11T ... ",u, r. III Ih~ ,,\I "t I'"rl I"I<IJ ". \\ 1

I I 11\1Ir1t.11.Tn· •••II. r ,10 I. I'"'' I." Iy

I ~n, I'''T,\TI~ I \",t'."lll'. tIlhlllll,. \\".\lI"ul"1l1"lrllllll I

... , ,1",1.1",1"1,, Ifl\' n lloul.ln ., ..... H""'t"I, h 1h, .', ... I~I..,,~ 01 II", A' I "I , "II.!"'~· ", ..,,,,,, '1.1",,,,:1. I~;I" "11'1'1,'1 ',\n ... , !", :1"

•. ,1 .... r III"'" r I 'II I~ In lilt" ~III" ~ "f I nlllllrllill'ft 1.1:'"' ..... , "I" Ill' I \\ ,~ ,1',:11"" '1, rill",' ..I"., "h 1'111,11""' '" I 'lIhUlI' ,"ml'. 1\ II~hh':{·"" 1"11 h",). hll~ 11ft. ,Ill) till' I In Ihl~ ,."..~hl~lllll'l"Jl'loll III I,,"\hn'" Ih.. I" ~ -::.1 uno! In,I""I'"(''\I'lr'''-'I''''' '111l111~" II

I"'rlh llltl!-ttl" ",~I ur Ihe Wlllulllt II" 1I1,·n,l·."\ 11) 11'1 I "II 1"'- .....111 .. rh.lllf In" 1"11,, ...'1. Ih,,II I,~"II.. hl,,,I, tlll/l1\ IUI'lu,n Ih,rl'uf,,~ ,1"V '. "'1''''' ,II" Ilh ilu IT' 1,,111\. It, 1111~

, ,,,." l'lnli I'll') 'litll'I", ~ Ir. til .1.'1" h'" .'of

I::I\~ 1'1".' Ili,~.I~:'I:: :;;,I~ ::: :':\,','I~~~ ·tl;-Il~ "i'liS I Ovwcr, Itt·glster.

UllIled State8 Ul~trU't Lund Olliee, t01, mpH\, \. T, ~

~olh~ 1011<'re\), "'I ....·n tlMI In /'OllUl,llltllre... 11 h thll I..... I~I""~ "I Ihll M' I .Il on.:r, I" 1l.1l11·I'n ... , lJUI" 3.I~id. tn,l1lo:,1 '\11 hlll l/lr Ihll"'111:,,( 11m ,..1 I1m,h,11I 1IIIlIIul"·"ll·llllh"nlll.Vl'll(l,Ill ~"'II,lh IIml ",,-~hh';"lll "rlll.,ry,'·

i\I~I:I;:~~:~~ '1~,:'~\:"~ll~)lll~~ .~~~h~::,', ~n~~'I'lrl:11,,1.,••kll 1,1. lll'l.lh;olluu '" I"'.~I,.,!<: Ill .. nhlt,I~ .. '1' UIlIII\l Ilrul.llflrUI ....\:'\v 11­11l11.~1I31 .."llh,11I1l,("'t1 ... e~' uf Ihu \~lllu·

II" lit! "" rhll"n"'. :~11l\1.~·~:1:I~ 'I~:t."~r' li,'."I~' I~Ik~r~~~:,~ r:'f.~r~,I:.:Itl" h"nl"~ ''''I"ln:,1 ". lilt' 111,'11 elltflll" IU I hi.vII" .... llhln .. IXI)-W da)~''''Ill,llIl"I't:I't''\lr

vl,ell lImh r Ill, hllllll .11 UI) tIlll" ,.n VI) UI'pi, ..... r,lhl~:ilh.h.lulU<;IUlJc'.1t Ii 1<):>"

Jl:j.IU'4· JOltS'. UU.....£~, HCl;lsh:r

Umhld St:llCII LJlijtrlet Lnnd om...", tOl)IIlIJlI\, W T. ~

~"tl\~'I~ hl·rt'h) "hen I1ml. I" l~unlillnu~tl

~~:~'~~:'~1:::~':t~l:ri';:'n:, ,: :~~ I~;II .'~ 1~'~~Ii'u~ Hl~~~I~~';,ln 1.1 ~~~~,I~:'~::.I" ;~:~I~I,~~ ~~,i' I~'~~'t~~;;~ ~llit IIr) :<0,,1"'''1 "I Jllkl~"" .uunt). a-llehhlll'111llhrlltor).I,u.lhl~ 'hi) tlle,1 hi Ihl.Ollk" hl:i

"1'1,11.,,1 'till to I,urclm'" I hili U II' 11 WIll". 011hi 01 ..... 'II .,,1 ....... (Irof~ ..... Ilr "I "'''- 111ntil til "" .~ ""'11'. l>llfj,lO ."04 "'t:trL U' IIIC... 111,.,,,,, I' '"lI,ulUn

A"} IIIl1I till 1'~1'I'01l. llnlmlnlC Il'hen'!y Ihe",,1,1 d' ",rlo",<1 hlll,I, ..r IIll) 1.,1'I10U Ih\ln'"f,

:fl~l~u~':'61:;~i~:~'I~~~,~')I~I~le~I~II~I~r:l:~:~~,'11:,::'~~I~I:';~;r,I~;;II~I~,:~~~r' ~~I;~~~' Inl~li;:1~lUw Jul.lS 1". Liu.... £', Hegulwt.

United Stalt.'ti DUJlriet Laml Ofllce. lOI~mIIlH. ft' T f

)\olk'e III ht'rrtl) IlI,e" 111111. In r",u'llIllIlIt.'tI.. 1111 Ih"l.r,n 1",,"""1 Ill<' 10,,1 01 l;..nlC"·~~"r"1"'1\, '1411".:1, lei!!, ~llllll\lli •... n at.:! Illr 1110III'" "I 111111,10, r IlIn,11l III Ih\lII"It'~ull "Ufurnln."1~1t"1I. )ro, \1"1,, .1l,1 "'1l·hlnlJltIll h:rrllur)."I•• "r", sl,h"l>«111 "u~lI'~r...mcuutlly.wl\~lllnlC­'"'' l,rr'I''') hn.:ilhh tllI)'lIullllllll~ UIllIllhl'III'I,n."lltlll IU Illlr, hI.."'" Iho n w'lrCJIk.'Il~(>."tI 1[' 'o~~ IWllh. nlll;U~lIt;1.t(lrllillYo 111"mell" uwrltlb,n

.\n, .." lUll \'+!,.... ",,.,,·t1lml,,g II I/I!n/el) Ihe

:I'~<III~'~~I;:1;:',III:\'II~~I"I~~'I~I~tIl':"~II~~:~I~Illl~ 1-:t.'I~uf I. OJ Wll hill .1 ~I, -lIU _,I ')_ f, UIlI tllOll: lf~r~lJf

IlIHn unllO'I Ill} hUII,I.ut III) "t,I"I',I,,'U) 111'\l1, ..... I.llll~~lh<l"),,fVCI...lJo:l.A I.I~~.

ljI)-lIJw JOII=" l' 1I0WEY, HegllllCr,

Umk!Ll Slatt'll D,,,trlt:t Laud Ollce, ~Uhlll11I11, W. T I

Stllllll I. hl'n'h) IJh I'll I'll ,I. In l.'lJIIII,I"n...... II h Illtt 11\~l\ I~h",· 01 Ih" 'I, I or 1,;on.lre-. al"­l"'h~'IJ'''''' a.I,,; ... ,ulilh',I".\n ~Ihlrille" ...1.· tit IllulM'r mll<l, In Ih' .Inl+:» of l;ulll"lnla.VI~"",Il. ~t:'" II, IUl,1 W'l"hhltcl"1l1~lllwr1 'I"hl'" , Ju,ln "I J"lfl ~Illl'"lnl\, lVu~hl,,:r·Iftll \trlll"r).h.' Ihl'l1n,' I.l.. \l In Ihl.. ufd,t1111'11111'11'-""111 In 1"11'\1l1l1't: Ih"""'I,,,I.,":,\" .~). hI II' :<on -:01 lIuIIII. m,I.1: ~ I'ut ollh>:!.III'lI/Il'IIt: m~rlllilln

,\nl l"hllllll~ I'lO(IU' I'l1Ihllhl" "'<1\'(:1'....1)·1111'""hl ..t......IlI\·II~"'1 "r "") I~'rtl..n tll..,,~,rI... ' h~rl'lJI" 1"IIIlII~III" Ill" 110, II .1"lul.lnlhl.""h~' ",llflln UI) Ilif'IUn}" In,nll ,I"\t' helC"r

1.IVtll un,l~r Ul' 11/111<1.11\ "') "ld...Il.ln .JI) 1IlIJln• Ihl_ :':lIh .III) ulllo.;lo 10 r ,\ II 1:l6'~

~ IO~' JOIIS F. 001"'£\, B(,~I.ler.

UTllted StatClt Dliltrlot Wild Oll'ce, lOI~'lnlJlfI, W. T. r

S~I k'l! I" Ilcre·"· Ifh til I \1 ... 1. In 1""1'1,,1111"'"... \lh Ill" 111O\1'I"nl 01 11m II~I "r I l)IlIU....4IIpI,"l\' I JUllti a. I~;~. ~"I II" ,I "AulI"l I"~ I h.:

~:~J~l~h~~;'~.\~~:~:n~ ::'I:"II'~~~::1:"~~I·~::~I:Il't'I~r 11 1111 r. lIt J, III I... m 1"'lIul\. \I ...h·

:I~~'~[~ ~~·.~~\~~~~nI,"~:. 1:::,,,.dl;:~I~'I~~".I!.I~~;~1~~ so Ii. h. 1..... "~hlll :'\o.~ nnrlli. ntnlCt: •...,., uf Ih" .llhl"INI~ 1I.lIrl tllln

'''''1~:'~,.~I~~~~111;~~1~ ,'rill!~~~ 1:~r~'I~:,~rft:~~~~~~~~I·I~' ~~:'fil~~'~ ~~'I~ ~rl~~~ ~ ~~~n\'~~::~~~~Ir~~; ~

!lit M 1111'11'1 Ill)' hloln<l. rol myuU\('.ln VI} InJlII\.W.T.lhl.'!~lhdll)'nr("'IflI"I.AII l"'fl.

BS·IOw ,lOllN lo' UmUT. HeJilllter.

United Sl,'\tci DlIItflct Lanll Ofti"e. lOl)mpla, w. T I

:Solll'e'~ I... rt'h" jrlvt'n IlIllI, 10 l(lI"pll"n(ewll It I II.. l.m\·I"'I'Jn~ or Ihe At I 01 l·OUle",,·. In­Ilffl\rIIJlllltJ:t. ISM. l'nllll'II""nlU'l f..rlhCl"",Itlo! 1IIIIIIer Ill",h In lite !1.1f''' or I Ililfor_nh. n ..../rfJIl. ~.·\JUhlllllll1\·Ii~hhllrlnn Tf'.rll,"f\," I h .. rlf'. W !I)'h·.ut J .. ll""·OIl etIll11l\',"~lhhl~lo" Terillory. hili llill 'Ia) "If'tllnIhl. "nl,o hl~ 1IJ'IJII~"'1 Ion I" I'llrchue Ihell I,'~t.,,!~~~f~1,~ ~.~i~~t:;,~!:I~II~rh~~or'h. I'\ItlVe

"ny .1,,11111 I~...,n~ clnhnlnlf llf,tver!lf'1r Itul.....Ill tI.,,,, ..,I..,,1 Ilonll.or lIn\'lltlrllon Ihl'.,..,r,

:~.~·::':fil~I:\~:~I~~:: .':~~ ~1~~1~1~~1~:I~~ r'~lf:Illliln Ilnl1f'r Ill) 1l11lltl.l\1 myomC'(l In IJI\ m·

pili. W. T , Ihl!! ~~Ih dJly of OL'lollf"r,lt. I) I,.".:.~-lOw JOKS F. OQWU, Regllicr.


BEI!:I:SO much, Rtl.1 I>Un.flng mllch.nd ,ullIh'lIlK umdl, l\~C lUll turee .,ilIloIfV

of It'4rulIIg.'----

"You \'e 1Iflllkl·l.I ,'cr t"r llIUf"1\ " lIIue1'1111 lilt-a l!1·L'Il.I,· !II run:.; (iller Ilk" ~ vII-tilIlt let tlilit \lUUl.oll I'm~ a ""b~ \11111VielKhll Illgh 11\110 rUII) IllllHlIh, IUI.Ine', l' 1\0 111111 II II:> IIfl' ..1.\ +:1' UlI .."r t J her'l'lInt'li "hilI Mil .. 11l\'."

" \\ II)', .h ... U"h'r n..I,e,1 1tI1t," IilllilLIlIt... ,lll

• 0, "ho .h,III'tl Aml ~ fill lUI,ll1 I Ill'hte.1I ~!lt:lllllldil" vl1l'r lu hdll lid. IJIIlIUIl.. t IIlIlt to htlllll~t·'I."

"\\11",1 Il"ncl thullght Ilf II." 1'..lurn,',1 LlllCI'.U. "I 111\\.1\'11 ..1'1'1'''''' ,I..1m \I;,mlll lid .llntllllu It I II. t, !L,,\I Ilkt-'Ill" 10111.:11 1hu It,dl\, 1,,1' 11.'111' III' 11l11;ulIltcuk H. ur "OlHdhl"~, I'll c.lIrJ 1.1

1J1I~lill"f 'c'11\ fill ~"II, )!lI1r.",. \CII, IWI\," ..,1,,1 .\1.11.'. IlIlt.. rl)·." '\h~ lUll," ..Iud I.lu.. ,I..."It lll.lik~·11 ~"lIt' 1'·bj'''Il.I'·ll :'lIlli"'." ", II. I 1'." kVll \'111 ,ullid I,,,k ""., If

lOU w,lulcrlllh!W , :11'1>:.1, ' t, t'Ji lui Lill'

~lIlrl."I lll~l 11'11 .'011 II IlIIlII I". I\ll<! LIU

I'nlll "crl .1 \llu \'. ", t 1IIl':" If, ,I. "" "IllRU 1111 U Iillu hu II 111I~h.lllll 11\111],1 hll\tl"lfdL'o.1 to ll'~'l1tll"J Illllt Ulllid \I ht'lI htlcoul,l11.~e IU Ul•..tUer \\,~ lI<:.lruuuut hr..,1to "":lth ..

"AUtl I IH,ln't ntl,'r f' ~llhl LIIU'oln,.. ~u, ,'UII chllll'I,' 1t'!>I"llllll!d l\ll.lry."Alld J"u I IOlu'l lit ttl u., u 11II"II,\uJ 1"

8111U [,nl\·ulu." I'h"t'li JII!lt Iho fJ.(·I, ,·OU IlRllll, ,.

811111 ~1'lrr,LUh "IiI tllrllc,l Illlftllt with II llingh,

nnd IlIdll l 111'1H.,l( 10 1II\IIk \Iluch IIlur"o( 11m uultld. Ih: ll"dlc,1 l\lll,}' hi!Iill'~h·. illId IlI111JII .M II lIuflll118 Imll ht'4:11,.llil, I,nt Iml \1"1,111, II" 111I1Iul, muli", n

Ih'rhill" IUIIlI"~~I"II, r It nulll IIIMI tWltttht'lt 11I11111'1"J b"oltll I" 1\tIllC, :11,<.1 lIU, f

;1.'411110 III' It! \\,1> II b~lIel.11 lluder"llllh.l­IIlI; thlll thl\ 1'l\~lI;.rllU>t'lit I\lLIi clUlc.. liI,1Tiler" \101" Il" WlJr" "vllllO ILlovnt tilObllb) , 1 1...:l1tJ\ e. hilt It \1 II!! I I'll lJaIJ,y.aft"r Itll, tllill 1,1,,1,1l lip tl~ m:ltch.

Ai'l1U,S\ lIS 11.1" IhtJ lllJt> nh1l'8 "lnrh"lrUlt.lmH toJ llIl" nnlu 111 ling "orhl,hltl I,H<:01 III ~ 'It 1'1I1}\'rlor.

IlEC ..-;l Vl-;nA IlIl'Ilf'M""llot


lIuutln, to • OrUf'1Srd.Greenwood Cemotary embraces r..oo

acr88, and 111 tfavened 1)1 twontJ mile­of dn'VC8. It ill "ellllRlltoo the Olty ofthe Dead, ror 1t UI alrCMl.r the fin,,1 r~lIt·

ing plaoo of more people thin New Yorkhad wlleu the oomet<lry Vollo'\ started forly;velln ago, or Ilellflv 800,000 ll{lrlOilR. It18 • .110 l~ C(luludernlJ)e hRunt of tho li\'llI,U,mlnl of t1utI\J{\rlloo o( ItII ml1111'lt/llll.llollwmg 00 lItU" trtJuhle to the ('f!lclaltrapper, ~fOfO tlmll 2(),0fI0 ttnllualtt..largo llud 1'1111\11, luwo lwi'b .hol ortrl\JlI.M1 withw tI.II1 oolll..wr1 LoundaIllnea 1870,

'I'hellUgtlt gtlme Wl\~ a f01 tmp)Jed m]878, InJ tbe Ilumllet:lt mol..8 nll,ll:!'mundmll-e, The 01Jl~'1Il1 t1guro.!l1 ror live )'e.1'I:I(lR76-1 ) are IU' (olloWI\: Oroumlllllt'I'.]4.000; C]llllnlllllkll. 2.saa, mtllell, 2.300;1I11I1kt'8. SGO; ral.'l, 20M; c1l18, 300. fl,,~~,

137: IIkllllb. Ill: n1ll8krlds, U; flllc. I;totlil,20,4fl.J. All thll1llllllH'cUl10lltJ ll~'

olle lUau \\110 III cxprc6>lly (!tlallHl~1 furthlll \JIlr l lOllC. Jh~ llllllltl i~ l"rlll Wll~'IIl'f, mt hill! IUl'r" (.ulIiha~ly ~1I0Wll tol!lu 2.10 Dlcll "OIlJlu."PtI ill thu CltlllClf'rJlL'l tue ")1010 Cuteho.lt. "-SclentIJleAllIuicU/l.




At the Lowest Rate. for Cash.CII.\I1LES EIHf:1\UEIS.

Plo::l:l.oor DnJ.E.01·Y.

O\'lnE!r Or \'!a:n!:'1gto!'l Brew'''",:'Ilnnnfnl'lul1'r I,t Iht.' )!t."t Qllflllly (,t

BEER AND LAGER BEER.:7 Sab.:lfllchnll ll11nrl\'ltMl

l~ort 'l'OWIlIClllJ, W T.

.\11 AlI~unl CU..t.oln,ShortlJ l\!tpr tile IUIOOUltlOIl of Jllm~R

the FlI'Ill, wbcll &olch S"1ll11!1llt!U I\~N

ht:'glllning to f ..-el I\t hnme III LOllllull,r~orl1 If"rlll\oud g"'Hlll 111l1ll9r IJluty. toWllll'h we-ro 1U\l1e..1 a l"r;;c,J 11IIlUbcr e,foollrtlCfIi, lU111 olU,·... rs hotlll'l\llulld mil·itary. Aftill' the bottle bnt! OlrclIlllt(,d A

few timeI'. O"n B-. Rn EnglulhtrOO).lor\ 1Ul,1 rl'('klC511 1,,011 111 (l1lt nror-otlmlMi< : .. OOlltlemcn....·hclI [ ~m inmy 0111'_, llml the Renermls Wille ht'I:IllAto '11IltW Ill)' 1,10011. hl\vtl Itn Ithlturd(lulltom of roIling lllllUlIlt Uld S 'Olch.}\UOWlIItt my 'oIet'knc8Il, 1 IJOll~ IIIl ~CII­

th'mnu 1.D thu OOmpI\IlT Will tllkl' ItIlulillll," He Mt {lm\ II. "illl • IJIgltlll1111ehler, Sif Hobert nll·Rla,'. of BlnlrAlholl, IJre6elllulK a flnut !ille lUI uldbaltle·\lorn tOlll:f. qll1ctl:r /ltO!\6 nUll re­lllArked: .. Oout!enh'll. I. \I lIf'n III mrCllpll, and tiJ.. Ki:UerouA WInC bCg11111 10wnrm m1lJlooll, if I hLllf n mllnbeglll totllil aglLlJIst lhe Ht'Otch. llltvl.l nu llbllurllolllltom of klcklDICl IUIII Il.t 01100 0'" 01,·116 cowlJony. lUlflWII1Jl: my ""cp.knell,I hOlM> uo gentlem:m will t.lke It 1\1l\1118 "It WRy ho JlcedlClM to add thut Gen,t)....- Ihll ovt on tblll occ"8iou 8WI"rlu1llIClf to follow IliA WIW CUSt.O'D.--_...._-l"\T\IU:II ('1'111.:11 h~,lItlll,"I.",~" hl'fuh ~."ru"",II,,, ....~II~h. "111" •• 11 1lt-II.lth' I'rln·:.olcoolfl."'A"'lllnp'rIO\' r...... ~ ..1l, \lr lAtini"· k 10~'url,m"II..,k 1If,J,'tJrth'·.III'" ~h11"h·.1·o,,'"''I·l,.h. l'r1r~*,",nl'" ",110' lI.y ""In,,,r k ('n1'IIlIi till" CUI 1111 And I U"!-tl1ll1.lloll 1,;1Il'f I.~jlfl "1"0111\ II Ifll'rlInlllo.· II CH". f'Un.nmll~l(ln~ohl 111 I II!tn.. , " l'o

AYT one df'llumg 10 bll)' n ~hof..Wtn

would 110 well to cunRult JAS. Jos~ be­t"n' "llrClmlllll.t: cl1!01I'hefC. litl lukclI ur'denJ ror any kind "/lutal •

Til te'l TOu.." ",IJ Mar,.•

L1~COM"~ I.Ol'E.

To HI!! tllnt lu·.... well IlvI'r, CornllJ'

liCe I~ guuJ.-_._-

. vLA~" \1Il( Ill. he ~elll'(l, III the'l\JIlI, .' _ .... I lin Itullllllllllt 1111'1 11(llblIll. 'Uu ~nu 110 l\ )l,me 1111"'" ,:-:':­'11t~' kn:p \Ill! I'ml:" hll:<J?" I lUIIlIlr,'d,JIll' filMJr hom}:••1 KIHI nli! head 1115111"I"' 'rcll.-I/'j,~tl)1/ ,/,./11'",

A-; Ifl~h ~(,lltl.lllllll \II tilt! I)(\('tio Huehre.. Illlln',1 lilt' I,d 10,. nll~ t:ltl~ 1111, 101'1','1:.('mnlolllh,1 ,lil'l IlU\I 'ClbIUU ur lUi ul,)

li'-Jdl; f"utlll tllUtO:I H,.I: .." _I .. no 1\00 ul' II 1\111:'",,)':£a~'ll, ,,,hI III'" ".'.a".IIoy,-""nJ:

1t~1!..'J~"r .« ••.Ilil,1 t,. "10 ~ ,1.,,1111,') b I

l:~,r; ~': ~.~ ~'".l.'~~t',~1 •""1•• ,1, I h ""1-0 Ih'" "a,lIl .IIT

A \\Ull"=" \\r1l1r 'I"~: .. nnhil"i'I_I,I,'~M lh"U1 !-IU,' Ib' j\I"t..!I·"t 11u\\.'r" II'II Ih., ", ...nl, ll~' r till.' 1,,1Ih! • \f'ot­., hlu.Oll "'Ill l' -IoUl Ih,·, I,re 11Ill! Ii''''''''ll'f .. h. II till,' c' t '~Hl I'm,ng-II 1,-,[lllll.:k flU-II till' 1~'I .. llt ,,1,'1U .\n,1 Ih,·\',r,' l'lI·a., Cl.\',lI''''''· to cldtnlll." 10..0--:.."1t1'''.IlIIICIH!· \,!!! hlhl tilU" tOlH"pt1,,\\cr--""lill'lillWI\- ,!I" >lh"ullilltl It'll

III th~lr 111110 I .. " .. '\hUll 1I1,Ir )J 11'.'111..,,,tll'l"lIIII11 t'lllt1l.I1Hncu!.-.'tlrllll·

1",( II lIe"lIM.lI"1 ):M. N, II"", " 1"" I~ I 'f I I"r,"" m.L" b.uu""'I"r.l" :. h','I"'I l.i."",u.h ''''I r~""""let. l~u,~11 fl, I" 11,. Vllt.1 u

It "",,r""l d. I,l< rIO' "r g~~.~ I·, 'I ~O ..... "0'11'_' •\,,' • ",~ 1_. It "' .. " II >lIM I" I,. 1'.",.1 I.

I.l" "",I Ii.. I' " ~ ot 1,101,·. ,b,,"I,1 1.1 wI... Illd 1I~1

'" I... •01 .U· ... Ill. ItIl., to 1',. I hl"ll, 1I11u.• 11"1'"'' "11,1I,,.1t "'I U.I,ou .', " ..l "'~~, ,., lo~ • II I. 'r, ,'." I..~ l~lIr.·I .. l"'l."~I II I' ,,,.1,! r" I •III n ,I b.. ro"t/O. "11.1 I" I ft. I

A IUlIl'"I" llll;t'r, \lllu "111'1'1.1,,,1IUlIlII 11",1,"\1,.1 .... nll)<,II.Il.lhIIUlhcK', I ,'r "I 1"1 "1'!'I.· .. t.1I 1\1: .. It "'C' Ill. I,.,II' Ill••t )"11 ""'''11.1 '1"lt tili/O ll)lll~'

"lIl1lh."., .llill W' .,1 /0"111"111111'; \\illll" L~

,1"I ..u "11'flIlH ru Ihl! 11110111." "0 I.1" "1 l.u.III. ... , .' i I til· III ),' ... I\,·lh!l.

Ill.I.\'iIl' '1"111." 11i;HI.. II~ Il" I" ,:c1,1,· II' ,.·tller tu 1"1\\.· 11'\ l"r'nll'I"lI "r

I'" 111 'n 1.1111 til tu II I., 11l"Io'r 1':I1,\'~d UUI",I :,I\\)'t:llt II" I...1 • II II ' jh'.'

A hll Sf! 1m" III B ,_tW' III' I .>o,ill.,t"II hIHlIlll.\ '~I'II' 101 .'1.1....' I, ..,'. '~:.u...ur; .." ..1.~, ...l",). or rlulI ('11). Vuu ~uthll\J' IIIII.'"110'\ II \Ill~ h! Illl!lr.·~, Ul'utl tht'lt 11lllldtO,.Ul/I.: glluo.1 •• h II " III 1" g '1'1110 lil~ tutllrt',\lIt"fl !toc..·Ulr",llc. 1...1' Ihlll tilt' 'Hml10M !kllll1ll'lt a httiu 1/+:.Wlll1I1Itl UUlU!,l"­1"'1,"'"U ,,( lll"II.Uo~. j'lltltlli; til, IjIlCA·

11.'1l t.'tll,·I'/l\n: "1)" VOl! 1l.1l"1V \11mtil" (ulllr.. llll:;.ll.'" til, I'" Wul!,~ dt.'"ltl lit­

1011,'1' r"r 1\ Ull,llIl·llt. Which W411 brukollhy It. lmUhl I tllu 1,.llt.m. '" hu lllllllll)HUg'lll'bh'llII IUlloIht 1Il.·uU ,. ftntlwt 11111.II ullm, III thtl l.od .:d,lwu."

\,,'HIlS httl~ .1 ..IIIIIlI>J \IlLof fin;t lenrlllllRto Inlk. he ll"Jk "P"I'UJ .luHuht III r.:·1I1",u.lllIK ...\lOell,· 1~lwr hI." liitilli' ltuJIIlikl'lllI h!eMIUlol"llUli thu fuu..I, 113 th..fluuli)' 'lit 1111111.11'. Olio lJIl.\. ,~ "'1~llul

lllU1 ....·lth thalli, IlUlI, IUlvlll., IlIlfolnw,1t111~ IItlIVilld llli ,JOlllllllltl'" I~'I" Ihld 1'".rjlU'>llcl1]llm lu tlo. il" \·I....I·d "dIll 1111)"\Ill: "J\W611." '1'1114 \l11li ""uletltlllg thlltJuhnlllit 11111.1 no~ h~1I nccu"tollll•.'11 tu,IIll1t It .1mUllt l'l"k", Ill" Ii'll" ht:J.rl'rite k!nu POllfl'11 IlulIU hiM eli,·eI," ~I'n

(lUIt, lind he turlh·t1I,111 ~fl'IVId !lUlu Ill, C!hlllArlllllllllllllK, wllllu lUll \llICU I'IlM "I­ll1/lf1t chokcl' 1\1111 r'C1l1j ILII Ill' l>Iiltl., Oh, lUllUllllll, hOI ",ull it hkllClf I"

If"•• natl b \\"\10 n'OkCln.I" fl. p,. III Chkalf'" huo. 0<.'+''''''1

l\Ty COU81ll. XIlro1 UrCcl1. hntl lllIff'ntlltrulJI'IOl{ lll\l,y t1mllho lI'/UI III III.! hl~blt

u( luggiug Itoout w!lerewr 8ho \\c-nt.POW'l'lJll Llllt.'Oln 111l111't hn\e n Illl!ll!101lfnr IJRlll~, nt lilly rlill' he "'lUI llOt Inlovll WIth tllhlOU"1 IUlll r reml'mller verywell IUlIt, "IICII 1.111 uwn IIOti 13ot. \I f'S IIItho cl'thllC!, LIll.'olu IIM'II to he on IheIIIM')r rt'U4't:l/o(, IlnJ lut Ih" flltllre s.."Cfd·turJ or \\ 111' ~1,llt 11I~ lungs,. Illllf{ to IIt!Icllrrlt'l'\ UOOllt Ilid hOIlM'. Jf Mrll. LIII'COItI hllI'P"l1f"! 10 nrrhll 110m" noontthill hUlO t1Jcftl W"litruuhl<lln thofnmlivfor 1\ fuw mumt,'"" lint no 1!HIIOlldmllrf'lInr ""VCIlI ... col\l.1 0\/'1' milk!! lum II ""'lidUllrllt!. Hll .... ,,"1.1 r"IIfI. 1\11/1, 110 fl4r 1L:ilil'llI'lIlIl.lI"t'll "'tllli. lao \lUi III'~( II) 1111111 •fllutll~ crhll thut ('lImt' (rollll hid hOJl,·IIIIh~lft\. Whcll 11lu IM"h II Jirow IIIJ n 1'1 •I.IIfI kJlc\l il(llll thing, tb,'," f"lllullll tl" Ihtllcr II. Cllfillmtl\U1I 11m) II rdellll.lm,LUIlV IU1I1 10 1Ullk el..cllhlri' fur II UlIrll...

\VAI. lit 11m tlUlU I UlII IIIUII"II, J,IIIcoIn luul ~"'(lw\I wry 1"lId ur l\I,HVUII·P\l., IInrl ~lhll"'CllIal tu h.ke '1111111 I~

r.,UI! toJ II.1Ul. 'J'huy \\,'ru h'H'ollll~r it.

HI-ol 11lMI, lIud IlIml"', 1111 \11111 Illlllt'I"1I1,""I, bt.oeulllu CllHIIHC....t. Une tI'lY M.,r,'"an,1 ~llUC\' lIr,'CU \\\lru R'01llf{ n mIl" "Il'\IJ tv I~ l;u'l;lIb"I'll. 11\111 Llflcolu \Tellt\I It II Ilieul. All lUll ,I, Klmc." look thll1Illh.y nll,l tr1ll1ij'",IIII.mq with It, thlln dlIt l"ll.'I nlu.!ll\'Y II'clglit fvr hef. l"'rlull"Iihu expect~lthntLincoln \Touhl OI1"f ILlIIhouli1cr tllu Loy luwlllllf fut IJllrt uf lil"l1 ....t,ulcl'. lImlll() rclicvlI hur. but If RIIO

11Iltilluch IlslJllctntlOlIM tlll.'1 Wertlllot J'(llll­lzell, for hll !,Ilt 1116 hAu,l, 10 hi" pock­et, anil ItJlllurdy ~lIllll~ra.l b1 tiltl aideof Mllry O.... CIl., witlioutllol;ltlllce tow.,lIIhe bR01.

l"rtIU1toon ),ra". IIeCAme eol,l, amIan.lwet'lod LlUC.Jlu \11th lIUurt. DoW.l CllrtIIClltt!1lIlt8. '1'11..11 shtf rc(uK<U to talk toUIIl\ at all, anll loy Ihe lillie tho oud ofthtllulIrnuJ WIlli remcllt.'tl.ho fllitly With·IlrL'C:IJlhu wit II 111:1' 1;II&Ilcl:IL LlUuulu dillDot Iwow, or ...·CIU...'Il not 10 kuow, 1I'bl\ttLtI llI11tkr WiIS. aJl~11l1 luallL'tkL-d an u­plln ItlOll.

,. WUKt'81l!>. Mllr~""lIlul he. "Youteem to 00 in II 1J...111llulvr."

"0. IW," Ihu rllllllc.,J, mockingly,,. ['m e& lJurriull'lllll VUOI.I nlltuft.-d e" •kil~...n. Wh 1\ III thuhl It., turn" a boIly.my gmclOUII I "

''It'lillOult:ILing l·"o.lolle, I RUPIJOSe."

.ohl Ltu, vlu." ~u," NIlkd Mnry. f.lril,., "It'l

notlllllS; 'vu\" dou.... It'll \llInt ]l!JIUI,II t Ilm~," lIull lhat. JIl.t wl1l1\" lb.1J,l1\t.t..'r"

,. \\'llll, ~hJ\t i" it?' tllul LllleolD." \'oUl!uu'l kl"'"' uf COIln.e," IClipond­

cd :'IllIry, ,1t",LIlUtlII11·".:\v, .I'lt wllan"...tllf lllo," aaid Lin·

colli•. \....all

II!"""""""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''C'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-''' ••''''-'''._""'_"....':"!.~.~....._._..._"-"-"-...."",.._..,"'''''!!!''''''!':~4.''''''''''l!!! ...''''...l!!!...""""""""""!!!2 A Truo neroull~.

.. }'orJ.:l\ll It, Tom? Yell, aDd fOlaO'it. RIl.d 1010 her to boot I"

,. \ UUtUt! qurttl Imrl!, In" lieu Jilek,tlLM! 1111'1 \'llthu"'llL:lllllilllUIlIt.uaIlI~ , ..

"i\-III !'.r",lllllIlW I".. L'h'll .\IlU bhllll.t'tJ IIC'r.·.. \\"I""t,? Yun tiou't Illf>RU, l'om

tH 'fl' t .. I"ko l\ trlJl ttl 1:"l1nl'\HI;II'" •"JKl·k, 01." !l1'Y, tha.t "tor~' I'M nolm

the 114.'1.k. 1 r. ",I It out of thlll \eUlJr"",1>10 lu·u,l. 'I Ill.! pillet! .\l.!t Ilot l:AhnburghJill! ~11I rnLlhl~I'O, , J"IIIJI{ 1",11\\10" lu,l Allll'll VOl! l~ iut 'f'UUUl<..;••rlolll ...

.. 'lit.· 11':111'0 It 'flU

•• •"Y,'U''''IUl 0111 "lilgf'r, Tum, anll know

l'\,·r~thlillj. J "'llSh ,oti ....uIJ llOritmou1l1l],·...

.. If ,nu'II'\'illllll f'lllr~"""II1I1I1IIll"gf!8.

t\\'o "I Ill" UI"f", 1'11.1.. aU)t1llug lurluuIll" I .." .. '

'" W~l1. Ihrll, I'll lay 1\ TOl\llg _IIlRer,or l~ 1l1l,1,l!a 1.1:.I~cr. lill ~ulI'll ldl we whll.ttulill"

"Willll::'y. AhDll! "IUlt?""LIIH "f tllIU~lI. )'Irllt, ahout t111i'1

riu,:::. »v 1l:1"1I It tl' lito nlllll!!lcf ort!u I Pllt it Uti lilt Iluj.["f 1II"8,,1£?" •

.. Y""j.:I~e II t" IiiI' lmull,tM, lllyboJ'."

.. \\!lllt ,I" I IIM't: I" ~.,?""lull 1,111 III U ,:::, III rill 1111:-mnlne All.

.wcr 1<1 1'\' l\llllllH Ihut I~ H.IIk,·l\ rouHIltI ~11U 1.].·lI.t 11111 I'lull!! Ilr 'lie nihil':!t'r .... Ulhlll,l.v"" )0111' I'mhllrmll'luwnt\\111 1l1l"\I. 'Lilllll, • J. Julu" .10 tuken'd', "'"ru.n, tu lot! n\~ truo aU11 Wl'(ltltlll"·If,·. !tllll ..0 Illrlh ..

.. 1....,,1, 11'11 IlldllllJ like ltdllg len·trul'..tI. III hlllll;l"d. or 1I11ll1tllll\t1g I!f tlulbt'fl, l~lI'111? AIl.1 ... 1I.. t .Iu )uU 110 allthf' 11I1l~?"

"I lUll\( lnl!'U~IIlR throllRh lilt tIle <,('f·

(110011", 1I1"lllIllld Ihu WlIIUlld 1II I;rtltll'11\ Mltl'rllllol.1 "'" I.. thMl :III a gfn"nlltnll\n ,lOCI?""'1hllt I" Ihe ,,11,,10 ,llll>, IlU (lIf&llL

M\·tl. \', r I,,·f'u 111,1" tu 11n'cul 1'1'.""r lPtl~h It WI'" U\I'r, 1'''III?''.. J)"u t I ~ TIt r\"'l1", IlI.V I..,v It IlM;;k,

1\n IlOlIr .Ir Ih.\ IIlII,· "t t:l1ffie out ontim n~rall,l11 alltl cUJ~y J ollr III.,t llllchu·lur {'lgKr .,

"lJu .Illn knol'. 'rOut, thnt IIl"lllndll\lof1l1l1 ,",I~lJlI1. I "lIIl'V 1\111"11" r,·lIuwIj all,'nt lhl~ ..,.rt Qf th,ug Le ougLlu't tolioll tu thlllk •

WI! Itl(ht, d Illlr C'.1R:aNo, and, Ilrl\hngOI1fiK'hts.. "n tllO "·fllll,I". "Ilillked III.ill'lll-" (lOr e "11I11!. At 1"Ug-lli Tvlllllilld·

"U....'1111 rl'llll"I1lIJl'r, Jllck, II C()U\'c-r­utlflll \Ill ha..l hcr~ "liul, u\e.r a yelU'~u?"

"We\/1 IlIu' lID mILn..., Tom. 1 don',tn,l''' 1I'11I1ll1 ~IJIl m,·lill."

"[sl111,I ... 10 lI"mH mM'~t1cti(l1l J (fIIveYflU HI IIlllr.11 1,11I111folHIJ!l\ The IctOllon~lUllnt.·Hllllll, te. I 11llht Illlillh It Uti"'.

1011 IIt'rlllllkl&klllg tlr j\lit-8 (Jvrom'(1 liS'IIn.'II"-"

"I _11"" fonl '1'om""'1'11l1t l'Iliut ~I ro.:!t\vlL'lt to the milt­

terlll\ ,,1l"lher JUtl 1If" !lot &8 great"fool :V"I."

"\\'111lt in tlio wflrltl Ito )'011 mean?".. ¥Olllll(111"l'bt lhen tlmt 110 nmo\lut

of gOUChlCI'1l cOllll1 hul\) hl'r t1gllllt'Q 10TOllr ~IKhi. Ynu tll1l1k 1l0W IllIIt n(l1II1l0unt .If IIgli"i'M CAll lu.l" lI"f !::t00',,1­Ih'll" lu r'lI lOu. rnll.\· IIU n" mUituenHI thlllllllotflnc.11Li lil Ihe oUI\!r."

"Xcv..r, 'rum, nuver I""1'''111' \'ery 1I.1I1\"cr 1\ renr AgO. JAck,

Anll [ I'J, 1111 I ~llllllhl'n, t1l0 (Illure 114II. great g,uIIMn\·.,l' or thot1uhtlt'll'l IIlt~r­

lUlt.'CR. A hulo I\tor." I wIll "'111 I't thfl.ttlUle hrouuht rllu rlf{ht, if IU:.f\!llftcryou IIhoul.1 1'\I'r fe"l )tllln14:.M ~'tJlugWl'Q111!' JIWIr, !lUlt ltlllllQlllurv WR.J IlrlllgJOII llilht IIglLiu I h fll a 11: old 1.(0)'­ruy crowning 1l1,1Iltl\'CIU{'Ut-tho gr"llt.l:'A)1II1'lIrKh 1111l1111lCtl Itt • MOlher Mu.~avll'l CIIlIJ,' II L"Q of runl hfe, m l\

Vlngle rh"i'h'r. 1IfJlh aU the on~1tl1l1 8111­lua .lId cl1ecte, Wlltldl nut nuc1 houndand rmwenl.t.'tIIJ.Y tlm Alilhor tuI II wed:",,'It ,,1'1 IV".... ""I'I'J llll-,l,MlllO VI 11.411t'1tll>l'1"

lin Itttn,lrcl m" " "ttlo mnnn.~ril'tvohmlt', d"l.l'iIlUly bOll1l(IIU 111'lJiJltl 1llU­r''''(~I.

"'10111, (1M fl'UllW, how (lun I evcr_".. lit It tthnrt, J,I\.:k. Drup lit ll<.'Ule­

tml'A II/lfl till.. ' 11 "n1Ukli "'llh \ou~I'nlhl",d 01,] ltX>tlH1Ult... it Will Letlivullll."


CooPER 'WAS II .taTtDlf fOOll wnrer.WAllS II COW "luck! Hie bucket," lb.

t1IulLlIy tllfnl a little PlUl.As lnclinn Cldef caliA hill mMket

"Book .'\gl'nt," becauaa It 15 UQ old,-mool Ii bofe.

'fn", Gouty mll~ iR Rl'norally lookedlliion a" a 11I~h h"'f-too hhrb to beh:M.Cill'tl by ,,!l\~f tliid.

J. WRMTEIIS hccum hM come to the<'OllCltNnll. Mr1l..r ~~lIllllllth'o retCMcli.tll.. t tlte nlntht.r of YlIlrGl&f i:'l a Widow.

":\flw. Lex ItK'ljl'llrcllll"etl hAirmatob­e..i 1'il·1I \\lllllhut WI,",,11 jtroWIl 011 lier111'11\1," IInl,1 t) to J) .. 1'l'1f 110 welltllMt I Olll t t.ll \\lllch ill lI\+itClJ "Walltile "4Ih.ltJ rCIII.v '

WO ... 'T IIH!llle rllt'Olist in"ent I f&OOIlOWll11 thl\t .1'"'11 u"t l'OUllllll I,,"rlillul1R.t~1 /(I)olll? 111' ","ug llI"1l Ill~ 011 tly.lUll' Cit 1t'1l11 POIIl\.llllllg, 11011 kilWomg 1IIjo!oUlg Ollt uf fIL~IIIOll.

As old h"'helm lu·,.j,!clltl\l1y ,1roppe..lIli\t"f'th linn Illrtllu fir llllrUlll~ cOII.II\.:: ~f'\' ~ IIttl1.1. lIu... I..... l\.llIl 11I~ nephl'l\f,

It 1~1l t tilt' fUjt IUUll 1'v<t kuo.... u youtl1 jlfllltJ .Iuur Itl'lh."

"Sr"~UI,n IlHI:,"IlAi 1 2111 old lady,I"'a(hli~ Ihont til!' wr"t1Wi nt tile l'OllC~,. .-1.." I"m Ill! luUlll! j'IIo,r f..,lluw I i1\"IlPV:it! IhuM fII~t'lllly agcUl:t Iill\o ltv­l~n 1111 1,1" .-It/lh''a.''

A IlUOrHI;llltffl.'(' Ill" wCt:kl)" l,rn'l'r·~'''- 1!1l1' \11 :-;'w J,rlO:y "1ll1 "lu,l.

Blolllrlll. Volhll I l'I'U'lmr Illu I\lItlltII' .... "I lilt'. I r,~ Ill.! I( I Illig-ilt hj' 1.11\1 IIa& I~ "n,l.l.·tll~·, IlhC! Athll'! 11111", Uight. .

"1'\1111\," ",,1.1 "J"k,'r. "\lily ,11I11'1·ml ... t.',Jur "10'" "r'I'I"ll? '11U'v,u'tlell Ir.. l, lu,-, 10"'" lut 1.1. Willi" :, AIl.1\ ...111">," rt'jJ:I.·,1 1',11. "ought tu hoI nt<lheued-tho1 o.ru 1,,0 .1I'At (or III..... "


)0•• Cl•.ll' P.

Wood llml Willoww.,eCOlIl!.'c:tiuner).. •

l'h:turo Fro.l'l1ll1


Brllish Barl Osseo·


.\m. IInrit 1If'lItrire IIliffllf!r.

Chillall Ship Jnlia,..u· ,)I I' \1.1. \".

N.,:LI,~:~II ~:,I,~,T ll,~;,,~;;: ~"~r\ Ii~,~ ~III~.\~J1,~~ ,~;~i•·..r.lo·1 wIll ,~, "·.1"",~1I'11llOr 110"'" "01111""1(4

•·••• ·'11.:..... Qr I·r.· ....I. 11, Wll~'I(J~. !lj'htU.

II. W 1.t:1.I0~.t ('n., ,'lItlllllJ,I·.'rt ''''''''11<-.·,,01. ~I"r. '.L~. I""':.

.'",,,,, 11""1( I\Ollll. viII \'10.:1""1".

N ~;II.~;.~~~·II,~.T1 ~~~"I~;·~ 1;,1;.\,I~•.)\.::~~:,~III~I~;~i\ 1'l'",'1 willi", r ..·,"'"_II,Io' (I'r ,1\·lIt., \tIll ruch:1II,)' I fL" "rn""I'~ "f .'ro· ...

II I'. f!AIUM, lholrr.II. W.I,,·I,ItHI.t 1'0•• 1111""'.,

l'un '1"wll"Cml. JIl"fl u. I~:.

CHILIAN SHIP lDTA.l'ronl \'lIlllnrniM.

Neither tlUl IIlltnil! nur 1116 IIl1dl'r­IItlrllf';I.I\I-'IllltJO. will 116 1'(·,ltJllllllltblo fornn,. dt'hM cllulrllrl,.,1 b,. the CI'IlW of theIlbove unDlllti v('fW'1.

A. liVfo:~SF:~. Muter.Il W. D.:1.I"'1 .~ V.I.• A.l!"!nt",

Porf'l'owIU!i'lIll. I\U~. Zl. I~l=::;:;---

Ship Detroit.~'",," 1tt",I' JI\' .. l,~ •.

/,:,Ithrr 'It.'I'.I,,nl;1 I~" lh~ "",t k".. 1" ....ft!.. lIIl,oo ..... ".,,,.11.... r"r '"'J .1.1, ~"I ,~.l b) 1~en'" ur llt~ ;1....0 1'.1;1"..1 ...·-1

.1 \\ \1\"'''',)I.o:,r.It \\. ,!>-r.I""~(-'" ~,·"l.

1'..1. To ... "...·',.:. lJ(~ •• 1. 11>\':

Chlllan bark Moria Moreno.~'",m l·.I1••". I'~",.

S~lIlL~r III" I.·KI".ln "n, I.h~ un,lio..lt"nl'd .-\1.·.. 10will "" "".W",·II.ko (, ...."Y ''''ltl, ..""Iratlt'd It! Iii.(AI'" or tl...I"'''1 !!llm,'ll r~·,,'I.

IU':IlM.-\N t;. ~f.t::llIlOll, :.t.tIIr.It.W. "1I;1.1"'II.ll·" .• A1(O'''b.

"url ....."'" ..."d. ~"IJI. ':'. 1"Ib:.L"-':.C~=--

/3 .. ;11/;11 })urk JJury J. HaJ,tT.

Prulll e rill'. All~trllli[l.K,·ithl.'r the cOlllnid lIor tho limier..

llontiJ.:llcol nw.'nIM will be rf'lIplln~iblo ror"n~' ,1t'!JLi l'vutrucll'J loy thu crew of tb.IilJll\'OII'Bm.~l \·l'''llel.

Port 'l'uwl1lM'ud. AUl.'lIJ1L I, l&o'!.TUII3tMI Sl!TTO~. l\ilUitor.

n. W. nr.(..lOs ,Ii: Co.• AI.!l!llhl.

.' ..n", llUO'llU_ .\)r.·.... hl ,\.Iol'ln."t:I1'II.:11 Tin: 1"'1"',\1'" :o.:1/1t TIU: ff~.' 'lo'I"II(,,~,1 ~:r~1Il "I "'WH,, '111111".1 v,'•....1.111 11\' ,·.·.t...n_II.I<l "'I' Ilclo,. llllli ",L'ed I,t,.1t'flllnkt:h "rl·TIl ..·.

!". ",II.I.IA"..., )I~~I, r.It. w. 1'~:I.I":o.:.\ '\1I"101~.1'"rl,''''''''''l!n,l, JU,,,·il. I~~!.

l.a:IO.l.\N n,\111\ l'~W~.

~'f{iln MiclI. Chili.Krilhpr tIll' C111ltili n llI)r Ihe 1I11l1~ntilrn­

l!\11lJ:Clltil \'oill he re"lJulI~ible !or(/tll"",l.'1lnlrUClhl 11\' thl' en)"" of ti,e llll<,vlt nuw'1.\1. VI'l'It{'I.· .1. 'flY.~OIO.l'b.ter.

It W. UELION ,\' Uo.. 1\"culiS.Port 'l'UWlhtClld. An.... Ii. IHWl


German hark Don EariQne,

:\'0 1 '0 "... c·' I; Ii, iSnS.

Feui t-F01'eign and Domest.ic.

A. t\. I'Lt,;MllEH. JIl.


Chilian Bk. *,-concagua.rBO~[ Vi\ LI't\ itA 100.

~'''''''''''-----''''-''''''''''''''''''''''---''''''''''_ ..~-----''''''"''-''-'

II. W; il~;I.IOI;o;••\1:"0111'._"'_"_'_T'_"_'_'._'"~ .\lll'lI 1:1. l~~ _

,\ llKl:LI(. )b_Ier.II. W.II,I.I""" I'n. \PIO''4.

I'QrtTo\lll ·n".I<:,,).;~,l.

""TII&,~i\iM ~~t~ ~,r~~o,~i' Til" ''S.I' (h'I"IItIl~ I ,,:.r""" ",111 Iw' reol."".lI,l" f"r,h'l,t~ ("nlmcl,·,II,>, llie , ,

·rll,," n"ltl>l'. )ln~lcr

I~. W li.:I,m~.\ I'" .':.l""'~.

5 TOR E!..I.. W DUNGl::NL~S, W.T.

rUIn' HEt:EIVEU l~ AUDITION 1'0 QUit U:-;U.\LI..Y FULl. A~D COX.t )llcte ~Iock uf li~lwrnl Ml:lchumlise tlill Lur~'8t nnd Ikllt 1St-looted St.v..:k ur

Oluthillil tH'ur lJrull~lIt 10 UJuh,m Conlll;-.Uclme nUll 1100 our Sll).IJ1) liuits. I Come uml !it'll OUf Cutlery.

.. .. • .. IJry UllOllij, .. .. .. •. FUTuituru." .. .." BOutl' IIlld ~hol!lt. 1 .. .. " .. i"iIU\t'M IIIW 'l'iuw_... .. "" HiIlI',. :\1)11 Sh{j~ GUlIIJ. I .... .. .. (·Iucl.e:ry wart!... " .... tiruetlrict!. I'" .. .. " HllllllllLd <':II(*.

.. " .. .. r-iC1J Hewiltj.j H...Cl It ell. II' 1Jt'lit BUll cheltl)(,llt in 1110 wor1l1. Mlllli on el18Y tillle without iuterea.

N r·o:. ('ome lind lee the only !If'rSl1n on I',,~t i::I"Ul\lI who Will hllY 0ClF\hill,r Hrtli ol'ely Illin.: fTrlm 8 VOO~ ..HKI N 10 II FAHli.

t:'"n lJrnfll! bought and r.oloJ un lillerul terlUl.)7 .. le

~:. ,\. "' A'I'f1l, 111l~lrr.

It. W.I1,·t,I",",' '· .... lllf.·III~.1',,,·, '·o..·" ..·",I,J",w 1\. I..,..~.

ship Iroquls.nt'HI ~~:w , .....Uli.·

~'.tltwr IlW"lllhtu' nOlr 1I1lJ 1111( ..·,..1;:11..11n~"IlI .. ,,'111 llij ,..... II<ll· ..II'I,: for 1111)' 110101""'111In.ch:li ll)' Iho .'rcw "t I!lu I\.WltoJ ".m'I',1 I'hl".

,\I.Il,"r \'. ~ •• "'''l.....lh...lu..,.n, W. 1~·I.llm.llI(Cnl~•• ~~~

I'urt TO"'·IO:.11,l!. lli,~ lit. 1",,3,

Ship Syren.}lll')1 111'..... I\V:'o'11,

Vi;, "117'\111 \.S"lllwr llle "l\l'llOlll llU" II", "nlh·l"'Il:.ln,·tl

"k,·nl.~ will I", ""I"'Il~II,I': fur 'UI)' ,1,,1,,_ l·U".I",ull.'lIIt) lllc c"'w ..r IIII' "I."" nlllll ....1\'1'"lIf·l. Ih,... W. lIn....... :.- • .liI1I~1'·'.

II W 1\,'1,1"" .t 1'0. "IfCIH~I'orl TI'''·lIl!t'lltl. :01"') .;.I~J,

Chillan bk. Valdivia,Fr"lIl i\lIt"f(lUlIIIIR.

N ~:,I,II :~:I~"'~II :,~,.,:; ~ ~:ll ~1:'~11 ;~~ ~~~,JII,:,~i••·_'1 will I.., r....I",,,,".1~ I"r "II)' ,lu',I. ,"InlCILli I.), Ihe ,·ril".

n:ITllt:ll'I'lIt: l'AI"rAIN NUl( '1'1": (;;0;.N 'l<lr.IIl,,>:d ".I'·II'~ "~I Iho "1,,,\,,· '''.'' ... ·1v>'oloto'l will hot 0"':011<111,1"10 lor .11Il>LJ ~lllltl"'t.Il!d

lJ)' IILltll;lll'1lTlo "rcO',''''',Jom" (iIIlPYITIIT. :\Ina(er.

It. ,\'. lloLiuli .Ie U".• 1I"l!Ule.Port 'j'oWIII!CIIlI, JURy :lilil. 1SR'l..

Am. bart Charlotle A, Litllefield,t'rolOl \'"II,.1>1\1II1l 1'111 \'Idorln.

l\i~:;'N~?r ,II::~ 1~;~~'::I~II~~~:~II~~~'•.::,III';."lrilr;'~!:~~..:~;~I~:~O lur nil) 1\,;.(j::.\~';::~~~~,11~1~."1I~~r:;:rt

It. w. Ilto-I.IO,s.t t'o. ,\II'·fll~.

!'Ol'l ,·....·11...:"'1, ,\1111. 'lJ. Il!I'J.

SHIP INDIA..·IlH~1 l'III1.AI .:1.1'111",

:0.:.:11'11 ~:Il II,,· I'"pl"u, lI"r II,,· lll11h'rooll:n",1'01("" I~ \\111 I'" n'_lw,,,_I"IO' u'r ,h'hl I"'" 1......·" ..1l'r Iho .·L"· ... llr lIlt' at"'H, \lnl"",1 •.,.~....,l.

J, ~ 111011, ~11l"Il)r.

:'Irllhr:o fl~~lj""~~~'II~'I\~:'::~J;,r:~i'HI""'i"Mi.I"'1."'I1'~ nr II,,' nlw,\~ "WIIl,~1 \· ,.1'1 will I'" 1'01-~1~",.11'1o. rIO' "") ll""I~' onl", II·,1 11\' II",olt.o.:r .... or ....1'''. J. W. "",·r.:'o'.:M, )Cul~"

n. W. lJdMllol .'f CO., A",..nU.Potl.·I·II1'lll\rfltl. W, 'l'.•~u~•...!-I.~

(lEHMAN BJt }'EDElllCA.E'roD) VnlPRmiHo, Ohm. .

Neither tile Clli'tltill uor the 1111dertlg'D'etl o~elll!l of tho nllO'fe nllmed 'tltel

:\""i'~;!:~~~L~tl~~I'~~:;·~I~":'I;'.,I~,.o~.~:I,IIIl~~,I,,~~.:~~ "ill bo 1'('l!/Xlu9illle tor debt! controoteJ..oJ1 WIlli ... rc~fllJll~llllll roJr !lttl!l~ ..'O:mlrnch'u IJ) by tile crew.1l1\lCr".... WloI.I.l>u:<ouurr. 0. OU'..In:s. :\IlUlter,

H. w. lit 1.10:'1 "I·n.••\ul'lI.... )lLuoh.t, R. \V. DII:J,ID~.t Co~ A!:f'ntfl.I'urt '·nWII'lCIHl,t)I.·l, 11.I:lo'tJ. Pllrt 1'0\\,11111'1111. July W. 18kl.

Ship. hallengor. (.'Jl/UAN JlUIG J1/l/(Ilfo'J.ONf;S.

rilll\l rll ..... llUI'U1~. to:lTIIl:lL ,rm:':·:~WT~\I~tk~·IK Till': I'~.:oil'ltlter I.... i·.pl.l" 1or Ihe "llil~r.l:ntd"~"'''I. N lI"nolllooJ" will I~ ro·"I>on~II,lll I"r I\ny

~-,:;~t:t7h~w:I~:}\I~~,~~~,=I!':~~II."o.:"'Jt"",I~,I"r Lh.. .1,o\'I~ I "nlm~t .. ,1 II)' lloe ..1l1o\'1'" or "nl_1Of Ib"II )I, )I"'\TJ'\IllI' • .'tI~.ler. 1I.1>O\l'il nnmell v "'1.". I;' !iIU'IlIl". )1.~ler.

It. W.I).I.lfJ'II.l i'll. ,\~..'nt... II W. 1l.:I.IO~ /( 1'\1•• ,\I(P"'"I'url TOlin... "d. lit't. ;, I"'~. 1 'l'nrl'l nw....·hll. Jill) ~. I~":.

British bark Ellzaboth. 1I0.VVUJitl8 BK. IJOLO,lIIJURA.I',om I~h.n. I'rlu, ........m 1',,11110. ",rl!. 1 Ill': u~

S'~llh~r Ih.' C'."I,,1t1 ,,"r Ih~ 1l1l,I~r'!I("...1 " ...nl. Nt;lTln:K TIn; 1'.\I'T·\I'11"I,K . 'I"r.­Qt' til, .I.,,~ nn",..,1 ...·.·.'1 wll\ hIo "-l"",·th,.i r..r 1'1 '~'ithrne't "1(:~'I:~:'ln~I:;~jll~~.~· ..~r'~~~~1 b1.n! ll~bl' eUWttut'\I Itl Ih~~lr:;{'j.:'¥r,r1jIYI,r. :i'ol~ml:~~-;.r~~.., uf Ihll.~'lol IL.rk.•• w. 11'1.1".... PI, ...~...",.. J ••\!lUlllln... )IU.I~.

~T""n.,.rnl.ll ..III,llI.I...J It·l.~t 1~.~~I~~~Il~.I~:ii\~t;~.i.

Chllian Bark Avoetruz.(o'rolll ' .. lltltrnl.ll. t.hlll.

:S.Uher thOlI'I"t.l" lOOr Ih~ und.·,.llIll-,1 ":"tilt.ur ll,,, .lo"u ".I~I<'lt 'r....1 ..·111 "" r~,,,,",.lbl. fIn"lOy ,I~"I" ..>Iunclo:!l hYIlIllC\O,.,. .., rf1'lI.

~'. 10.11•• )Iatler.It. W. 1.~1.",., It: Cu.•\I:'III>t­

I'.." TowOl_n<l. i'oo'l,t. U. IIMJ.

l:. I... TEtlin

PLUlli7:1VZEn &. T~llItY,()1·1'()~I·1 J.: (.'O..... :\fC ...OI.I·I·A:s IIO...J.:I....

POUT l'O/l'XSHNlJ, 11'. '1'.New Stock, F'resh Goods, Low Prices.

-UE.\LEHS IN-l"ro"lsions, Flullr nlll! Fet'\I.

Ch:l\flj, CiI:Url'ttt'~. ,'-'c.Sclwol Book~, PictlJrl:K 1\1\11

Bark Martha McNeil,


Pori 'fO\ll'II8CUd, W. T.


nit. c. W. HUNT,


Maison Dore Restaurantl


Ilonn.1 allli LxhlinU' hy the clay. weck ormouth. Mcnlll eorvoo tu urJur

lit all !lOlll"lt.

"'1t"11 Ul·~...·t:U," t~ ~'·"Ul'.ttn·Lr..

001 Mns. l.~:AH~ED. Prol,·r.

:> t:ITll ~.ll IIIl:!l'lllu"ln .\t,r t ..... 1l1l,11'1"'lol"P'1'\I("Ilh. will .Ill H"I~,u~II,lll lor ,1~I,t, <'I"lnlo.:l,,1 It)' Ill{\ 'llll",r~ Ot lru"'- IJt'lun:{ln" toIlnllllJO./"u 'HIUlI',I"""l'I.

1'11.\0; \1,1'.\ '.\1., ~llIitln.

II, W I'~I.I"'\, \It,''"~'

/'"rt T"" " ...'11 I. '/\'I,.'kl. I"~:

Will he in Port 'I'owulI('ml n~nin on urIlbOlit NOVI':~IIJlm '.!1.1t, 'rbnnkini: lI'ajlllulio for lillcrul lI11lnlllllUC. 1 111I1>tl toooulmnull thcir cOllthlclIl.'e in fttltm!.

ucl tJ. w. HU~'1'.

Ship Carrlo Clark.:...I'hl'r II", l'tll.ll\l!l n"r Ihl:! n,\,h·r·hrn<l'1

I..rroll~ "Ill 1... ro" ....,,_11.1" rnr"'l\~' ,I.",,~ .~",.

IrAck"I"'\' IlIlll"'IlW U(ll1t' "'10\" nil"" ,I " ....I.d Ill ... A. s·ru/u.lt, ll'litcr,

11. W. Ilt:l,IU~ .. , 'J. ,\1(""'"I'm·t Town~n,I. Ue!, ~~, 1_,<:,

\'·BIII. It. ".. , dlll.l"n. l'lIl'l, ~;. A. ~ld,,·I~

l·apl. J. M. t·".hI"'I.

R. W. de Lien &. Co.,SnVEll:lRES,

I. 1111 1'11'1" lu l'lll(l!1 Nltlnd.

*~ippiIl9~ ~Olllllli>siOIl'Jfl~l(:lalib~'t"Il' our 11111'( p ....lI'rl'·lII'01 In thill1m»lrleJI',

Wlll(llUnll.lt'lJ lMItblacll"",OFFICE tolew Wharl. QIlinc1 Slrt'll.


The Magic Doll,Jl!tr".lu<¥1L1l tht,J j:L'llJlI tlf the

POpUlul't 'omiu UpUl·n:-l.Tbe tnll'1I1..'li lllid IJClIlllirulllrimn donlln.

1l1·..,.lu L"ul .." J'tlllor,~'

A!I "DorulllY. n :Millinllr" Ill,d "TheI)'lll," lind Ii CUlllllaUY orUnquestionable Excellence.

Brlt:l~h Sh;p Nlnovah..·nml ll)dltl'r.~.~.w.

~l!llhpr II,tj t'I\I"'ll" ""r Ih,"nller~l/{netl"'I:'ml~ .. 111 I... "".I~,,,.lhloJ I.. r JcI'I~''',"ln.. ' lo:,11J)' III., 0.:1'\1....· of tlll' I\lw,. 0 IUIUI"'\ • ,........1.

JUlI)Oi I.. t.:1.l·I,VW.lI:I~lu.II. W. ll~:I.HJ~ .t~u..\H"lOt •.1''''ITOI''0I>O\·..,I,Ucl.3Io.llIi't

A,ll\Iiuioll. OUlJ dollar. flo oJ.lrn chM~efor rcsf!n'.."l1 MCII88. 1110 6lIlo \11'111 upennt 0. C. lJsnltiU ok Co.'~ on MOIllJuy. ut1l) u·clock. A. 11.

O. M. lInow~. Mnn8A'er,TIl09. C. LlIMII;\lID, A.'lliocintc :\lnufL/lcr

I, " ,\ ,1.~· II

Wh:J.t Tornol'row Will Do.

.'" u _"".••_ ""~. -:-_"""'._P'!" "''''''' '''"'''''''''''''' '''"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!III:"'~I. f"r 1.,,,I,at.· Jlhl~,', :!,~~I to '.!'.!ll fllr

II lit' 'II,. 1111''''111 t••r ",'11",,1 "'Illlt'rill1.·,,,1,'111, 1\17 I,,'~IU {,'II )Il'lo. lIuh'..'Iur­I.",r" {'IT 1i"'"c,,,... Jr, '.!':l lu '.!\S fur :illuf!·l'raft.

UI) III lIur tilll~ uf jjuiul: to prt'!S. thefuJl...wcriu~ IIro full rctuTIlit 1111 far IIIi

Ilcani ff<IW thruughout J ..I1~n~uu Couut)·:

l'I.HlT TOW~SI::~lJ 1'llt:CI;\ot.:''.

:~:~j:~:~y~~::tI:':;-}lll.~"t"'h~;I~~.lIulh11:1.l,:uuhcJlm,'u-KlIlr I ....: .1I,·lk,,~·}·1f.j.

JOlllllwlll\l>Mtut.hllvlI-C..m",· IIJ; J\~hn I~J.

.\UOt.llH' Ii...,')' I~I: II I. T,bll"••• j_, Il~.

:-h.·,IIf_I.lIlJ"Ul!,<lltu: :,I'''''II,ul 1<1:,TI'I-",l.,ufl'r_UarIIIlU Iii: 11,110:1,l'o\.huol l'4ujll._W"lr I'll: Coulu.Il",e... Culuu"..Io"., ..._:hLlIIb. 1:1,11 '\ILrld~'fI Iii;

l'ntmln'" j'!"!: Jllm". III; 'I',lIba.I., ~r. llU: Ill.lwl'II:.; t'~1nOl !III.

l·mb;U.. Judl._V.n Iklk~p.lo'n I:AI: l"mltll ';'J.

~~~~~!.:~.:jr~~~~n:':JJ:IfJlill~~~lir;l~ III.W,,·rkmll~h!r-llll.lhllt".I.jlJ,1)~I,lttrdIlQlIO.

It/''ltle,,.-V.ll UukktllOlulllI, l:h'~lIlw; Clln."!!r

l'lln""bho-"ltm ~Ill.• FIlF.~OIl MU811R(X})IIJ. Durkee's Cell'ryPOUT DIHCOVEIlY.-BrenbS; l\IcHeaTY Snit. Lucca Oil. Unkf'T'8 C!tot'Ollllc.

6; Kllbll 14; Seavi 4; Sheehnn -lUi Hill Croll8O .t ll1nckwell'll l'il'C'l\liIIi, ChowIU; UoIJillll bi - mojoritieli. J A Chllw. ,tc.• Ihlzard't1 Cnl.~llI'd IlIIlinll.~llIith 47; AUri,h:e 32:; Plummf'r ir.• IV; lIno choiuu I;rUCerif'M of nil kindM litl'ayno 66: lJilllJOP~i JnmMUI; V W PI.nIMl:1l & '1't:lIIlT·:1.::huith ~;); Vlln Uokkolell DUi I,'ortmllll 1---------------­ifl; llJokcsloo 67.

lIlosoAM,.-nrentfl 10i Burke 0; Mel'llerilOll 10; Vinsoll 0; U'Uril'u IV; VobanDi J H Smith II; Uowen U: Wll5h II;UrlIlllIhaw1:O: KerrUj l\IcUllltvy IU: KlthllI; Ottllo'T U: Kllbn 11; l:iellvy 12; '1'iblJnlRJr. \I; Jill!. Smith U; Attrid$fe 1·&; Plumtner jr. 1; JalMlJ 1Oi.~ PII)'116 t.i; Bi8holl10; 'l'iblml, Sr.3: l) W Smith:l: VUIIDokkclen 17: Littlelll'ld H; Sheehan l:l:llartlctt 16: Hill 5; Weir lUi VollilllllO:HOlie 10: ' ]jnlter 10; Fortmnn U: HJnk.."lea 11; HU8lingll 1M; lklll'.l",lulJ 4;D1ancharJ tii KlilItlb 1.

['OIlT LUDLOw.-llurke. 8: Ilrcntl4. l~:

McIlcavy. i; Kerr. 1~; Cllllow. IU; Kuhll6: Seavy. 20: Tibbaill. Jr: 4: Litt~ul\cld1!J: Sbe<>hnn. 6: J. A. Smith, 20: Altrll.lll'(l21: PI\1mmer. IU: ['nyne. 6. Jnmeil. 6:Bishop;~: D. W. Smith.~: VUli llokkeIco. ~U; HrIlJ8hn..-., ~I.

CllUUCuM.-VunUokkclen.25; D. WSmilh. J7; Weir, 2; Urcu~ 12; Brl'll8ha",·. a'J; Kurr, 11 :Culluw. IiI; Ben,'y, :llIi

mlljorily. Smilb, 1'J: AHri\llle, :t'J;Plummer. 2-&: JUIll~ 11; 1'IIYlle. lu; BiMIi Ip. 1M: Hh~han. II i Litllcflcili. U:1iHIli. H: HunleH. ti

DruxADlsu.-nrf'nhl. 12i DlIrkf>, fl;I1rlldllbliw. 14: Rt.'lf. IH; Callo..... 1-1: WATER STREF.T,

Kllbll.7; Weir. IS: (,;01 im'. b; Sea~'~

II: Littld\elll. 11; HlIrth:tt. 17: J08dmith. 18: AUrid",oe. 14: Plummer, 14iVall Jiokkeleu, 1'1.

])usfltl'1I'S!\,-DrentA, 33: IJllrkro. ?oJ:Kerr, :H i .UcHel\v.y :''7; Calluw.:J.&: 1\11110;,..

J~"CV~:SP.R. Nnv. B.-Six IlrflCincts illWhntcolll coIIllI~·. 111\11 UI'ClLlnd,. um.!;it:IIlWUOlI. ",ivtj j'"w('r for ('tJ\lIIcilmUIlI\bout t""o 1t1lhf!t\7.! lI'lIjllrily. KillCluoJIIllll 0Iu1I..Iil'r. flit tho IllJU!IC. nre elol'('llWlltli WIll 11Ii\'l' anout It:lO Illlljurity iuWhntcoull.:Ollllt)',

COllrr.'·u.LF.. ~ v R. It.cturnll trt'm 1l1l'III:nd ur lhfl i~lli.ud nre lIot ill. BurkehalfS majurity in C',,\clnlld L'te.:illct. IItie at Ut'l/lllll1y 1'rC('illl'l, fnun'" lu 7 illOnk Unrl)l'r J·rt't·inrt. II mujvrit,. ul11011111">4 Hllrhor Pn>i·iud.. lll'l.·h·.... UKyI'rroillct i1lllut Ilrlml frulII. but "Ill 'crylikl'l)' "h'c fn11l1 a lu 7 ma;nrit! forBurkf'. l'rt;I..lht~· Iltulw'" lunjority illthi14 CUIIUI\' "'111 he to). J. C. l'.J"'I'T. furA~!VIor.18,.1I'·"'\JiJ. H, f.ihher. furAmhtor. IInll.l. Cl. PiH1'Cr for SberllT. A)), BI"wf'n1 fur Tremnm.·r. will Ilrolmblybe elf'CteJ. For ConllulMilillllTll then!lIro no ,jellnile returnl. hut John W(ldlc~llic "ud Jt'rlllne Ely nr8 problllJlyelE'OttU P. ,1. Jom,>', election illl illdoubl. D1ackmau. iu thid llreeinot hM.. majority It,'er Po...er. P. J). Joruli.for llepreiM'nt;\tive. liM I'l O\'er rerp..lII,uml in Utol8I1\l1)' Precinct bo blLll 2.jum"inl rl·tnrllH ('UIlIlOt IJo hnd untilMOlllhl)' Nuv. IUth.

Covelal1d pre<'il1ct ill blnnd oount)Il"l\'o !irelltiJ t3 lIml Hurkll aa. ~I\Wl eachuf thu Hcpuhlicau <llll'.dillllt()8 fQr Miliht\ (Jeul'tl\1 'r1 81\1.1 nll"l' to their 01>PO1It'1I"'. Hrn.L!lmw 'l'ot -II). For Conncilmun 1'1 wo lwt 2t '1\~1 Blnckrnnu 3.'inllli FHj,IUo. 11 for llellrClocntlitive. got1:ll(ll!5 ",r IIl.'Jorl p.

OI,nll'l'. N· 1'. .Il. Ho fnr ne henr,1fr III. Ur,·' I" hi' 2il. Burko:> IGR. bnlet. W C

_ "" ICliting IilwtlW)'. I!"I I III 2tI.J fur Al't1orlo~n Uurk W. . ropo,!f"Fndd'lI. Wa d. fur 1'''1Il Cill1l1U, '1'1.7 t''''"1 \·""'lll""u.10 21D r"r Iln]+'. Ilr"I'lJ. fur r. 'ltt'liI n',I' "'l~"~.h';~.\~~,~;I~;~..I;'.;lO;,::--,;:.'~~I;f:~::~~:~j."~;II. ~ ,.. '!",';' r•• r 'I'llrj.m. I'lnllilltl, for LI.t,U'" "I L1... ~lJon"ll '~''''~~''ii~({!IH'' ll.~t"fAud.lor. :.!l:1 trtj:~1 rOlr .'I1'JI'If'. HIIlull,' u. \\ hill,,,... I" \1/"'''1.f , "I' .111. _ 1 III _:!! rlOr !tilth. C·rll..h. I' J "

IL r In...,llr ., _~_ti 10 :.I~J lur .\1 U 011010, I ... l I.... ". - . U." .-J, ....

Weekly Argus."!-......"...,..._.-....-_.. ,_.......... ,.

IT ill thought thnt the 1lr\'81"\llt r(' ..publican CoUKfC5!I lillli :)en3te \'tilladu,it Wusbiuj;ton to fitnt('huod Lt..­LWeen now Bod tho 4th of )[111('11next--en lI~oonnt of tho Jlrob \\'ilit~·

tbat the democralll will contr JI th('JJwer Hou!O IIhl."r that ti tIL'. Theyoto todlly throughoul the h':'rilur)'will demon trato thut w,, nrl' '·l;'Jt.Jlltor" a repuLlicDu Con;;n.... ~IlHlII nndtwo repnblioan :"i(,lllttor!l.

TIJAS \"'-'-'~'I~'-"~L­Oetooeof 1I,.. Uttl,·.fl\t lurlcl'vsllt

C. C. 0 ... 11 LEn' .t C J.·1to

O-'FIQAL PA!;I(Q 0': .JEF'EIl!OI\l C::' 1",llIUlTl)" \\ III \\ 111l"M' :11,· "I·, ,1l11of HOlll. T. II. I:fl'lIh ll~, I),·I,·;':ILII' 10

l'ol:TI,A~Il, :-;,,,\,, ';'. nfl'·. .'I1'M,d~·IIII'"ALL£ N Vv £1 R. EJltM ~n.J h"pll' I I L·"nrir,·~" fUI' II tllir,1 t"rllI by 01/'1'011110,.1 'I h,,~ ..\. ~h'Bnd(' IJI""'>i·ulllll.,'_ i I.. /lIujllril.v. It wdll""\'llu' ..lpI·dna 'Ill" II'" f"r II .., littll ,1i.trWl •• i<'~' 'I', c.

FHl1J.\r. ~t)\ j·,:IlIH.lI Ill.I~': ,,[ a l"ITiltll'ial 1••~!i~la'ur., that Ill/llj II hI!' Ir,'ll-lr. r,..,tl '0 lilt! ll11wh' Orl-lIl1".. I iz;',I ... i1lh di,tric!. •_. ·----1 II· ,'ulh...1 1I1'"n I" dhNlol' t·, S. :-iI'Ill! --

The Result. "'1;0 :,,1' Ih,' II'''.\' .;tatl'liC WlI"hillri"IH j',mT .'II \Ilh"". ::~I \lOll'~. Brl'nl;o. 17: Choit't,l GrIK'l'rielt,Dud,,·. :!I: .'I11·1'11t'T.... Il. :\'!: 11,,!,LtlL.., :\.1;

TIll'hl~tt[I' i~on'.r. J,.rrl'r"~H1C\)UII H.'1111'hIIJl'I· ll.i<.< r.'pul,lil'lllll'>.. Wh"11 '1111111. :;;1. 1,·!trit'lI. Ii; Jj n, "haw, ~l: 'roth,,(·(·u.tr 11Il:oo 1011\'l'n Ill'II\·lt'r n'llIIhhc'llll Ill,. ;"'''1'1 ... 1 I, \Ul" .lIr:,.1 'lIIVllral1\l WI lit·, 111; 11'.11 :101',1). '.!M: :'1C'!{'·11\'~·. ~: !':iuuiunery

U I Y"'II'/o.', :~J.joritit'li thnn!.k·t..m· fUf ~·l'anl. II Y i..l.ill\'tl 1·'lIl,!i'IlV'. 1'.1IIhllT,'W will ..two lllUllll Ilrl'l:'illCI" IIr" ~'I't I" l'I'[u' ,'IV'\' th•• ""I',~,'II,!,, ,\J1' I }o'I, IJllith';> ill

trolll. nll\l Ih,·)· will Ilot Illllh'I'ial,)' .JL'lll'rl'.'III,.'UlIl\: i: \.ill s,'., must lit 6000 TEMPLARS J HA.LLehlllll:U tLt' fl·"ult. Ur"llhl 1111" L:t !Ill' rl,plIl,lm'll; ,'IUI IHI'Lh"~ ••J ,·, ...1

Il k I IOXE :'\1 .1[1' U~LY.

IUlljority. HO fllr. wher\.' lIr I' 1111 II WI' fl,pllik".' l')'I'llil'Ullg' thu 1,1t'I'Hull

mfljtlril~'utS or 1U tWlJ )'I'III'l! Itl;o. "fll:'lI'IUrt:'/lIh1r "IU'l"r" wli.........id 1'~·tI"rsl;(I.'J. ,\'f)f'. I.;/h.']'hl! n'llIIhliClIll 1('J{islnth'l' ti,·!.:"t il' .'t<'I'\'1! till' 1"'UI'I.,· rlllth~lIi1)' ulhl w"11clccidt!Jly ahend. I\l'rr Il'ullilll,j 1\1~ I'Ill11UI'fuI.' \\jll "".,. lbl' JoIJ-l'ldll'II"iu Two Hours and a HalfJt('u")'l1 "otCll nlld (;Illluw Il'ltliln,..: .1 'pl'll<ll'l.I,'· II tj\.lIlt'llt Luri"11 1i""11 uP

F \ I· 10:. upaO.(\,Rl0t79 Irl1l'1'1.Klltlll 9 \'ott~", ur : tI, l(Hr, ·~'lIV\Y ,llIth'r:. I'ilo V( 1·"jlllh.i..:alJ Yute". >:vis llhl'l\tl of Hllrr~' Til.JI'III.. [H "u!l·". just ;;o'UlIlIll.i han.: 1"'('11 ~;iv(.'n for u Th<l B(i<,.~I,tdl Music of the OJy, Su-For Trl'lIsurE>r, Frnllk Ullrtl ..'lt !t·a.l,. t"JllLrlllfl' frUlll til\' purl)' 11)' nil)' I t..I P .Ibly Rcnd ..:rt~d.R C. Hill GS '·otl'l'I. For I'rouale I'l'/lllblic<1I1S-uul t·wu H 1,llLllsillJu ('1. TI;;Fa~ous

Judgl', "nil Uokkl.Jl'll h'lIlbl 1>. W. Ul!'l..•. S\.Ithill"; bill. g'1....·ull aur pu\\.·r B:JSTJN MIt'" O?ERA CO:)mith Ui '·olt·s, tho lntt,'r hn,'ing IIllLI d ....:<ilv lo coll(,'I,1 tho pllrt) :':0" ~ .,pol"..",1 but liD \'oteS ult~olhl'r, tiu (luulll JIlL"I' II1\.1\'l.'I.1 lIlull tu nlliJint~ UnJ\'r lin.: IIIhllH;{' III t "rfar. For (;o\lunissiOllt·J'lol, lho \'010 Wilh thu dlJllIUIH'lItiu IMrl)' wl.io'li thl',) F. W. ST€CHHAN, E50,Iitand.~: Attrillgl'. :.!l:J; J~ Smitll. 2i.~1: wOllkllll1\'o lIuurut!J. il.S UiJ.UllJ.UI' UIJ, )1 ,1IlL;~, :0.:"" 11,,'~ ..1TI... ~t,'r, l'lIrlll\lIll,

n U' I I....~ III B. E. WtJolr~ intclISI.'I)' 1I1ll11l\inl:A, J\. PhlllllUtll', jr,. I"l; llilOp, 0'-'; othur circullI:ltuncl!s.l'a)·uc. 178: Jnmell. jG7: H. L. 'fib-bah~. Hr.• 4:1 'tho lirst tlJrl~U llUllI ..'l1of the toregoillj; nCll 11m rl'I:l'"lur reopublicnll llutnino..'C3, nuJ their dl'Ctioniii ailtltlrro oo)'on<1 n rl'usollnblo \Iouht.l:'or Snno)·ur. tho racu i.. 010":0 00twt.'Ou F·ortUltlO. rcp=.otlllJ. ntnkeshe.dem.• with c.lu\IlC"j in 11I\'or ot thl'former. 'IIIlI!! it will 00 11('1'0 that

nearly the whole tick..t hIlS lKlf'O Cllr­

ried by lho regulllr rtlilublicllnsagainst deinocruh~ lind IIOrehcnd:!eombinod. For Sheriff, Shoohall,

dem,. lends Liltlelield, rop.! 45 votes.Strong pleas were lIsOO-thnt Little­

.tield Wall boldJng n Incrative b'O"ern­ment l:lOfiition and had iJCOo tor ')'ears'PMl, tbllt Sbeehan WIIS nu old and'Worth)' citizen who hod 8 largo fumily 011 hiB lmndR, &0. lIr. Shoubunwill "cry probably IJrovo an eflicientofficer. We hope 80, at least.. H~

hll8 the credit of dotealing It popularand worthy opJlOuunt. As to SchoolSuporinlendent, the returns 8r only!)Ilrtially in, Enough is kno.....n. ho.....­liver, to pineo Mr. Collin8' majority Ittabout 30. 110 tar, andhe ill uudoubtoo­ly 0100100. His mnjority in Port Dill'covory WG!I 57, thnt being the 0111)'prooillct carried by him all far 118heard froUl. Mr. Collin!) if! a v('r)'estimable aoo capnble gtmU('D1all.ubove reproach, alld ot COUr8C the

'mill hands, with whom he workedIItood by him nJmO!lt to" mnn Add~to thill tho pion WUlJ nrged that heW88 poor M well 811 desening: thutho 111uJ Blargo tnmily; that Weir lmda "cuslom boWIe bilJet," eto. Th('new Supcrinteudont 1..11\9 onr bestMabee for a Btitistactory nnd 1I11CCC89'

ful tenn. For Curoner. bllt Iittlo if'known l though Clinger, dOffi" Illigtbus fur 15 volCll more thun Hoxsie.rep. Capt. UnlilingJi, rep.• It:'oU8 CilptDalgardno, dem., tor WrflC!.:mtlsler.70 votes, aod iii of OOUJ"IIC elccteO. JIt

this prooinot MeMrlL Van llok!.:l'lclland Swnu, botb repuhlicans, IIrtllllectcd Justices 01 tho PClIlCl',by the tollowing "ote: YIlII

Bokkulen. 148; Swan. 160: Cling-l'r,82. Mr. Finll is our Uftxt COllslablt·.hllTing b~n on bolh tickets. "'orProsocutillj; AUoru€lY. 1lr. Drad8haw).101100 nearly tho elltiro "oto of lhecounty, irrespt'Cth'e of Jlnrl)·.

Ouo thiu~ lIJX'Cinll)' lIoticeBblC' ill1be fl."!\ult i., thu complete rout of tilt'eo-cI\IINI loindt'oponJput>\.'· D. W.~,mith wn!' rightl)' oonliillrorN! tho in­htij;ntor lind mainsprinJ.\'of thill InUvo,weill. and hill 11l1ll1ilinting dafcnt~bo'A'A theeiJliltintion the pnblit' plncl'ti111)00 811ch conduct; or, mUlor, thntl1eDlocrilhl a.!I a rul~ would Ilot HUI>­port a republican who Willi nl('rt'I)'~killg t1ll'ir vot~. evell tbough nom­inated 1I1 their com·oution.



CANNED GOODS-All I\lml<. t,;of1i.''tI.

Cllolt'\! 'I'I'II~ nf 1111 "11111.<. J~o;ct 1It1111(1.4 of

fo:XI'lIt·ll!. QrnUlllllIlUI \\'holtl SII1u.."'I. Hal.

Ill~, Zliutu Cllrtlll1l'. Full • .:jIlrlluellt 01

Sn'~II!I. ·I'uHt't. \\'a<hlnl{. ~al ~IJ. Flint,t Co:Jriltl J.h·er/lout 8>tJr. ColurtlhllllUvttr~i1111l01l. Co.!:11 Ulllmtl Clllullt'il.


• FrOln '·III(llfntlJlO.S..llhtr Ihl'! CIIoIIIR!n liar lhe nnlle""hrM'

;~~~;~,~~I~t:I~":'ll~II~~~~~;tb~Ii~~~~I,:-:::~II veI·el.

Wx. t .•'aotiT, )luler.1l0lhlK'hllfl,t ('0., "'1«/01'"

l'OIl 1 "wl\<ttlnd, J,lly U. liIll'!.

A.UERlCAN SHIP HOPE..·1'01lJ (\11111>. l'l·rn•

Seilltl'r rlill !,;j,t)t.ltl 01' 1I1u 1l1"IUTlI~I}I' I~1I"nt.or Illu IIb(IIU nRnlel vC!I,,·I. Will he"~11tI1I.11i1l! rflr ,h'httt ':011I11'111"1,·,1 Ity 'llu """..,, ....nu .·N'" Ihc.....uf.

If, II, Cll.T'lI.lIulcr.Itnl ha:lllitl .t (''n., IIIlCIIIL

l'fIrt TOll"llo\:lt.l1 July" I$3'J.

811. S7'R, GI_AMlS CAS7'LE,.·mlll ~llllllI1ll0. It C.

~)~~JI~EI.tc:)lil;I~~~~~ ~~~I~~r ~~~~Irs~f,~r..:~~::~nllhlll rur delill t';r.lS.lv.e;!~a·,'~~;;:.Ol'

flOlh«!hrhl .t t·O., "\I(enl!t.I'llft ""'wlI"tllld. J"nu. U 18lfJ.

8111(J 7'. 11'. 1>(J(;J1S.~'rUlll f:UlI}'lIl1l'.

N):~J~,I, ~;~t..~ l:11~~I~:.~~~I~'~r,;,~'~~~n~~7:fu~~I~COIlII'IIl'IIJ,I hv Ihu unk:t!n orcl'Il ... uf lhlt 1IlJt),Unllllllll1l·_I.

c.... "HOIWItIl, 1II ....ler.1l01l1Jf('hl"l.t 1'.:0., f1l1tlnlll,

I'ort 'J'OWIl!lllntl, Jul)' I, IIlS'.l.

B!otlah Bk. Star of Peace.)Ull)1 )1t:1.IIUUlC';t:, ,\I·~K.\I,I"

S Io:ITII),11 II.... t:Ml,ll"n l1f1r' h" I'l\llt·...h.",.'tA\Ccll .... will"" ....... ''''n~IIII'' r,or IkJhl"'1111I:'t1T'

~.~~~llllll oltkt" urr:'i~.!::'~1~~~~""~r..:~~.o:·11l0·llhl'11II.1).t I·U.. ll"e" .....

Port Townsend, W. T.

\Vholesnle and Rotail Donlers in


O ....tn .·llltd nllb IIhptlk'b.

rT Pr~.t'riJlliollli CllrtJl'ully <':OIllJlUUIIl.lt't1, DIlY or Ni~ht.~

Undtr N~. Cllitom House Building. 'Wllhlr ., ••••'trt 'l~ownot.,.,d. \V.

)rugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines & Fancy ArliclesPaints, a/Is all Glass-u'Ore;

Pure Wine. and Ll,um [,r Medl:al Use.

.Iu~a: 1. ISSI If


I have Just added a rull Line of Groceries to my-iwck II( Slaliullt'ry. &U •• lIlltJ illltllltllll :;ELLClIEAI" FOH HE;\J)¥ P.""

In Either Produce or Cushll:oll• .I~thl~11l IIIIH nl

Fine wines and liquors;

fly.o. IIoTo,lllUll .. r.IIU1'II'I(,IIII.1) .t ('0... '\lJelll".I'or! 'rO...I.5I11hl. JUIIIl~, IlilIl.

IInke Bullt'r. Ch(.'t~. 1IIlllrr, rlln'ljCll

luLl Vlllllt'~ttc "rlllt~, I"rovl·lofl. 111111 Slip.

1111..,. f'lonr, O:n 11I111 Corn ~ll'III" Dr:III,

IJft',\(;'l1 AI'I,lc~, Ilrll'd .·rut'll.•1I101J\11I.

STATIONERY, 1l1'OlIllllcle Slot'l••t Chenll.

I'liu 1I1':SL' IIr:llltl.i 01 Clgllri .lIti To


AgE\11t fOI' tho Celebratoct"WILD"WOOD" ·WHISKY

CovJn,:,~on, Kontucky,Fop POI't To'\vl1:"lend and Vicinity.

W ·.lUS'I' IUX,EI \' EIJ- A.Jarl!Cc lot n( IIIIIlOlllod 111.1 J)olllu~lh: l'jp,'11 or tb,t .h,·,r Lf~IUI••

::rr Sutl8criptiOD!'I rcceivCtl tor Rll boob, UewlPMpelll Bod periodioola publi: oed i.the Unitcd ::Itates, nt publiil.herll· prires.

RiflCtl, t:artridgl'tl. Shells, Powdcr, Shol, wad. and coJ18.

B01!llSCH.I.&1J tf CO,Port Townsend,

SHIPPING- and CO:M:MISSION :MERCHANTS,·Custom House Broker Ships Disbursed

AGE~T FO)t sn:,u.1 TUGS.

Goliah, Blakeley and Politkofsky.1.7 l.elll..r~ lIuLl Tdt"rl.m'l rnltlrtllill.'d t(, ollr C:'ro will be ptVlnl'tly t.fllll."re\i 1111'


A.lI. SUIP MA TIC.DA."mm l'Iul'lltl!. PI'rll.

~.:ITIlF.U Ih"Cllllllln no, Illli und~nrllned,\1,("111. will loe "'''''lO,ulhle 'M IllllJIJf conlrno;­t ...1 1l)"llllL'tlfll or l'rllW or til" ulooWI 'IMUlt!11'·cll...lI('l. J. H. ll"IUIUIAlI', 1I115hr.


D. C. H. nO'l'HSCHLD,CO~:;1.iI.An 1\0.;:-1'1' rw t·HANCr.. I COX ·UI.Or.CO~TA RICA

\'ICfo;'CO~SUL 01-' ~ICt\HAG UA, CO~~U).f,,\H AGE:';'" 0.' P£1.:·";


British bark llaliuche,• •...ltll ('"Ih,/). I·urn.

N~~,~~~::':~,J ~~~:nll::\:;'~ ~1!~~~~tnJ'II:~1 \::,.:...·1 wUllitl rt"'llllII!llJle r(\r tlcllil L·...n.....,ltltI tI)·t1JIl ol'll~..,"m·cl.., ....

1,,1'11"11:11,\11, )1.51\:r.IlO·rll~II1I.1l ,t ('0., .\It't:III~.

1'1Il'1 1·uwn-eIl,I. Junu H. I"<r..


N t:\IJ~I~~~I,!ril~II::~:::.I';I:~~:,::~t~.~~rl;;~~::Ill) l'OlJfIMHI .. II,It: lor t1uIJl~etmll'llCIWIi)' 'he om.alTIIOI'II",W,

NORWEQI~'~~II~A'~~'II~Y~~ISTSMITH, ---~hlp Harvestor.S.:ITlrt·lr I til' , 111'11.111 n"" Ihu lIll'I"r.l,cllf"1 • ,"In l·lol ..l~rpIU"

.\":'·111~ ". 'Ill' 1I1.'1~~nmn''l.1 1·,·· .. '1 .. til I". I'" :s 'il""rlh" I ~\t!\la Ih"lb~ Iln,t.·,.it:'I,~I.\ ....nl'., "".I"lc rm tll'l'l~ lUIlI"'~.I"" I,) Ilh' ,,In.er~ 11.Jo. ""I"'U'IO' 1"1 <I," ,. 'onn........1 Ii) II.~lOr <I,''', II of II,· ~ '''''' lI..nl"11 , ....·1.

.1 )~ j'llllt ·TI. \"1.';, :'I1.I~rl1r. /'. ,\.Ll.t: S, lla-tc'!l"!!,,,,·hl',l.' I ". \·r'·I~~ 1""'11" 1111 H.t 1"" A"'111'

l'ort 'rUII U8ClIll, ,1uly ~, .lVI:.!. 11'0;1 T""'II~llil, Ilfpi. Ii, I !oi.

A 4'''''11.

Americ ,u ~hip SUlllitra.

French Bark Prosperc,

Fusels "'. JUII:S.rur~ To,,·cllenJ. W, '1'., Nov, 9th. I \

Ttl tl~ relli,l.mt.-t of JelTcrllOli C\lllUIwho ,lllriUI: tho Into CIUIVIWl, "'itlllllll~lInl1a! liulioitulioll c!UlllJ me the huntll,fCRlltiul.' Billir VIIII'll for mc. I bt'lltt'lIt!tlr I\lYllPllreciutiollunJ m,. very lll'thonks.

For a ?'lo. 8 \\-illlOu'" imllN\'lltl !jo,,·inl: J'tlrlChinc, lit 8H'i 1f!8M thllll l1lotllUj,riCetl. ,,"'0 to U. 0, B.nTLrrr, Cu..'!f.

t.l&w Im:39

Steamship Restwrant

}!CJiS 31 • All Hours,J.ltOJ1l.':n'l't'!l,,fN, '~"Oll.·lutul·

tiOlil'S.-O)·.I", ."lIP, ~ulla('Ot(ln. aoup.)·ISll.-II~lIblit Ilid S.lman.

IIQIU:U.' IUT.....-t:.ufn'lllllel!f Iml ClIrlled l'oriItU.\I"1' .vb:.\T~.-(;IIIt:lI.l!n, Ilt!>lf, ~utWn, !'url.UltUll.I::LJ ~lo:,\1·S._I..mh ChOI". \"'lIll'lIl1~1

bf\!lld".J, I';).IH <tUol! Sh!uk. ·Jel\l!t:.lul.. SIU\'II.UI "~D EliWi. MUllan Chop•• !'ork Chup­

\"e.."' ....hl... lIf .U d......'rpllol' •.l'Ir,1i, C.\K~l! ASLJ J'UlJlJl~O!l.

F'UIt S,\LF;.A tine lIMLlrlmellt or water cnllk!l. trolL

40 to a~u I("UUU:I, botk OllE aud llpruoc,for lIulo chelll). Apl,ly lit

HOTIISCIIII,D &: CO.Port 'l'lIWlI&eUJ, SCllt. I, 1ij,'S,L

Brit Sll Bar.< Loyola,)·IOI1lI.h·,~tptlOl 1'1.. Wlh"IIlj;lnn.

St!lth~r'lIu ('Ulltliln nnr lit" 1l1l11cllIIglIl'lIllte,,11I of , II.. ,,1"'1'., 1111 .....,...1 I·........cl "Ill II" l?., ....".'1,11. (or ...... Iu .....1111"''''10''1 I,~' IIU' orlk..·",ur .. row. ,.\. It. 1'.\ /lIlt'I'1I ),It.', )1 ..~It:I·.

It' (r'l.oICIIII,11 ,\ l:u .\:.l"·III~,

I'ort ·j·uwn"'l..l, 00:1, :lU, l",,~.

'-'~"'I!IIllI ... Cnll,."IIolIlOd to. HUTHSCHILU c\G CO.

German Dark Sldla,l;>rom Uuuotlliu.

S 1':11'11 ):It Ih\l 1:1l11l11111 ll'l~ .he 1I11dCrthtllCt!'\lI'cIII" will !Ill 1'C.llOlll.I....I" Itlr,lt1lJltt"lIll nllllt'tllJ)' .'IIll..'UI'II 01' cl'Clt· ulilic ul.lOl tl Imlllilt/ ,.~J.

II S. T. fIoI.lfJll:tt, :W~tur.1l01'FISC1IILII,t 1:\).• ",{'UII".

Amer,G3ll Ship Theohald,,From !:I. }'., BouuJ to SbBlilthni, Chilill.

S .:11'11 ,.:n III" ('lilulltn \lor 1110 IJltu"l'l'btllcd.-\lI'elll~ 1'1 I lit: lIl>OllL' IIlllUc.1 1·\.....-.:1 will I'll m·

~,~"::~~~I) lur <lIlU,.y~~:~ I~n~:l~i~J,h~I~~~~~:1'1IIt' ~l'll,;cllll.lll:('u '\lolt:lll~,

!'ort '1'oVo'lI""lId, W. 1'" uct. ::II. 1&1:.

t31hJ.p Elu.UJ.o:n.~ rum l'llll"u~ll'hll.

s"rlh Ih~ t·"I'I.'n no, lh" und~,.I~n&d Ar:ellu... 111 be '"'"&1111" ru. otebl~ \"lllIfll\"It~1b7lb_ ol!l·c.!r. IIr CNII' "f Ih" .lIuv" l>l'lnell, ....,·1.

J. I'. 1lt,;t:1.I.1huln.Ito~lIH'm .t c .......~nl••I'un "OI"II lId.lWI'I. I~. lltt!.

Corman bark Johnn Ludwig"nllil Ar.pulcu. }Iuloo,

~fllller lh.. C....I.ln nor Ihe \lodl'.... I!:".., AJ:eIlI.\1·111 be ""polI"lI,le tor delll! tOlll'ICIN by lh.tl"<lWor III" ,WI-I! nlllllOld '·u..el.

n, U:SZ. :'IIMller.1l.tTIIOCIULn ,t ('".. '\~III"

l'Or! TU ...·II ... lltl. !:Ie!'l. II. l-l!l:.l.

)'r'()m !'fIll ~·.,.nd""'ll.ll\lI.ltld loH}·dm'7. s.s.w.Sui' hur 1"" "'lttllllor" lI11r I h" ",ulerlhtlll!t1

1I~1'1I1~ I" Ihe't1/01I"IIIUlll,,1 .......:'1'1 willi ... rtlo

:"I~I;:~~e ror Mn} tl"IJlJf "::~lm~I~~.I'li~II~~~fllII ..TlJO<I'U.t,IJ.t l·o., ....IlCnIL.I'url1'uwnoteml, Ut·I. I "'i,


:o;"f1'llcr III" 1'111.1111111 l"lf Ihe nll,I .. ,...lll'neltfll:~nl 'III I,., I"c'I\I.oO.11I11I Inr lI..hll ,..,11.IfIIl· ,1 "}' Ihe ufl1t'efll ur t·"'w "I Iht! IIWVIlIllllllt!\1 'eNCl.

Jnll:o;' 8TUltt;\". )1lt5!er.BOlhK'hll<l .t CO.. IlIt'C'Il~.

British Bark Slrch~rove,)'lhlM SYlI:\):" s. 8. WM,);S.

X .:ITII ~:tt I he t'I'I'I"1II .It\(' I he UIl,I"I'lI'..ntt!AI",,,llItl! Ihltllllll\'11 rlllll"" 1·,......·1 will tll)r1"I<llun ..1I11" rorlluhlll ,..mlnll'll..1 'Ir. ,n.. nnk'Cnurcn·w. J . .II. )·U.\St:I.!:l. )1i~lur.

IIU1'II I1CIIlI.n.t Cd...\lI'clll<.

Barquo John Worster.~'ltO)1 ~):WI·\...1'I.):. s ~"'

111\ 'r,\IIITI.i\ '1'llhl'r I!lf! 1111"11\11 11111' Iho lIll'lur;tlllIlCd8ltelll. 1I'1ll IJIl .. l"toIlll~ll'I.· I"rtluhl~"III.

,nll:lell h) Iholel'll"" "flh,' UI"W'·IllIIIlI',IHo",'1 )' ,\ II' It'I,IIT'J;<O, )luTeI'1l01h~hll'lItt C.... '\\f,nll

elf.... c .....

,f. 1-:. 1~lIlo:h.


L 1.11"'1 :\"GS.


A Bnro Oure Ouaracteoo.

W. M. DUlld.

CO!Vf!!lllre J"illg olT in Wlutmall e,t·t, 'r",lU bhll.1lt IUj(,

Tho Paris minillcry i~ l!i"jlled III0llinit:n upon the IIUC!!Itillll uf l\llIIOrilll.:III tile Ilulle)' u, jllillt collLrul "'itlt Lng'laltJ ill lKrl'tiuunJlllirs,

'I'Wf'ut,. merehalllH ...·ore 10llt nnd 0 01'11) I s.,i:orll dllrinll thy wrrilJle h'/,hOlJIlwhich Lot,.'eurr....1 t)ctulJt'r :.!Oth lit j\ alliin.

It it! relJOrtell that Elll.'tUlltl will call IEUffilJeall coufcrCQoo (,(lrly ill J .!lImr.1to IhlJllllt the E~)·IJlialllllltltltion.

Eij:ht C"utjl /)("r IIOI1UJ ill om,retl fnlIlllllhlllo: freil:'bt from till! clul 0' the N. 1'.tfllck tH :\tiii.'!UIIJa, I~ mill'!\.

Et·':i(lU\·crnor WillArd P. Hnll, ",U'l'rIJor 0' .liHh uri dnriu!: the lalt4.!r IJlut (JIthl! N1hdlioll rlllli rucmlil"r ill CClll.l:rf'.;o.fjthl'\..'6 jerll1~, tlit.'I1 nt:it. JOIl4..'llh. r !Cntl)·

The a!lllimllr Ah)·KSinill trom Li"erpoulbroul:ht .fW Mormon p,1if.'IofllJ,(CI'8. 01WIIUIll 2H 'Nll-fe rtltumill.',' miifsiolloril'8.

Orrmllll}' I\ntl l'illnill aro 11('llOtintinvfor a rllllewnlllr the Ctmllllercial trIJUly\\'lIil'h t'.lIJircM lJeC(!mbcr nell.

11m ::;nnl"rnnri8co Immil:rnlion Ann­eilliinn report;j tho ImmLer of O\'erhlmlimlnilotrlwtoI fur tile "'Pek lit 031, Illltl tortllll luouth of Oclober -1005•

Ptllltmulrr OClll'rlil Hllw~ hn.. ~lIhmit.to),1 to tim St.'ert·lury "f till) 'rl't!l\IlIlr\' Clli·lIlflteti tor 1~ 1-4. 'I'!I,,)· 11ft) nil tollo"·lI:Ih..\'~iIJtll, S;,lI'JjjO.MG.~1 : N­l!I!Iitlilqrl!f1, S4r..7~ I.IIL:!:"!, Iltoving a DOl

1I11rlllutlof S:J,1rl'J,lI45.

I'n... Y.I\I:>'.;I.

!l1.F.EI'I.":'S Slfllll·:4. nlldp mt'~r,,1011' II:" Ihlt11'1I(.;<11'.. r"ll~ll. :-lIlIlIh'. Clf" l~ Ib~ l"n'e'l17 fUf)'00. Su"t bJ yllmpr & (.: ...

COlllmi/l.~ioller itfcFArlnllt1. ro"lyin.c to(Ill ..tiull~ lit II luml nttorney. ~n·8. ruIn­live tu tho 1'101111011 or lIulJiur'it hOUlO·litulld riuhhl "c I\tlu-cllntiulIOW:l hlll\1.tllll~ the laml uffice dfle~ not oowltrnethtl lull' 110 Ull to re'cr 10 lraetlionteretlolher Ihlll l'Olililllltlll!l. In rCU'lIrd tohtlml~tl'Rlhl IIA huH:! it to 00 It 'uulIIl­IlIlwtlll Jlfineillie or la" thut entries "hAll110 111(lllu (JIII~· 'ur the use, OCCUIJIlliuli Rnt.foondituf Illll ltulI1Oo1waolinlt Il1\rly.

The Mlllllllllr IIll!inli Hetler\'o!ion. or1lI1firly nil (It it, hUll lit IlIlIt been rt,<;tttJrl"(!tu the plllliio t1otlllliu. 1'lle torrUM)'thus olJl'lIed to IIettll'llIellt iii abuuttJi:n)'mile", 1lI/llate, aud lie~ partly ill U JklH('itY"OI pnrtly ill OtKllt oUliutY.lIl1ltuta MmallllortilllJ bcinU' ill tho latter. Jt i!ll)wlUlhly ~he beiit 1I!,x:1t COUUtr, today ine ultcrn OrIJj,"on. while II con8illerab/oIlI\rt II' it i~ lItl:lpted to tho Iol'ruwth of1<11I1111 j,'rllill. 1'110 Or"'-'1)11 Sb,)rt LineHlIi!ruSl\1 will Im,.11 within 'urly or OttynlilM of it. AnJ plllllibl)' llllly er4..-,. till!trnet. 'I'he cltcculh'e""ler rf!lftorillK 1114)rt:l\I'rvntioll to the puhlie t10lmlin beLlrs1I11td of ~I'tcmhf!r 12th.

):I'I'l(.;UI'.\I.l·lIUItl'1I IH:It\'ln:!I:

EIlitlC't1lnti CllIlrcll Sef\'icc~ St.}'aul'l~tll"l. Sunt.lRY lifter 'J'rinity.Mnrnill" lWl,..ices at 1.1 o'oluck. 'ol/owed

II)' ~. oolubratioll lit Ih" Holy COlll­mut1lOll.

J.':'·eniuU' llervioo nt 7 o'clock.SuUtlllY IIChoulut 2, I'. Y.

Hv.\·. J, H. ALF.US'Pf:K. M. A.H:!8iJence,lHlL't. f;' S.l,'owull

l'Ii~:1l,Il\,,..:t:I..\Sl'IIt·Itell li"'It\'ICt;~

Morninll Aer.. iee, W::JO A. 1\1.Hllhhl'lth Sdwul, IBW A. "lit.Ev,'uilll: Service. 1 P. M.W:':lk.llight Scrviee, 1'hllfll4ll1y, 7::tO P.~.

nr.\·. Jso. nEW, PlIIWr.

.\It:TIlOUlIIT t:1'lllCOI·AI. ClIrlC(·I!.

Rer\'i4'el' fit. tlto 11I11I01 honl'8, mornin.','nnn t'\'ullinlot, cllll\luotrll Ii,. J~\', S. II.l'odJ. ptlliwr, HulJl.JlIth&lloul at 2:151'.11.

BUill I4.Wd for llale at LATnum kCo'II. •


Thl~ 111111.... I" XI'I\' ~11I11 XI'\\'I~'1>'1Ir111'111'f1,

111l,lt"h"'~:l\.'lI nlllhll HIl11l111l1IHl'III:1 01 A

Fir... 01.na_ :rJ:o'tol...

1\11 hnr i'l I!UIJllliCtI with tho bellt 0'Willet!, li'lu"rH RIlII dUMlf. 'l'heru i!l II1I1l1t.c1IL'l1l billinru lnble nnd rElmlinJr­room in tho Hotel, NlilhinK "'ilI IIC' : 'ft1I1llloll(! tlllll(lke thilllloltllll'I.'Qml lO 1/1,;11.iLl thtl'l'orritor,..

N E "V 0 U' DE. IlL I T Y.

D~:r~;~I;;n~~I~~(~r::~:;I~'~~)IIl~lfll~~!~t·on'llr.loll., S~r~"'IJf HUCUfb.·. )1~1".1 !lep,..,­.lon. 1_. ot \1'1110'1. MI"'n1I.III.h.... 11IlIHllt!II('7.

~;'~r~~':1~7~~l~:t·I;:]i:I~r::·~~":.~~~_I~Tl;1~~':~.. hlch 1• .,1. '" ml...ry. dtH'17 .mlllulh. 0"1 hoi_ill flirt! h'l''''!1 fI",'. t:Mfh hUI ronlllhif linemonlh·. 1",.lrnent: aile d"llItr MOO'. or .'1 bou.t", rh" dull••• : .M!nt by nl.ll p"'VDld on ....u11'1 ot

f\~:l;·,.::~-O:;I~.nI=,:~t::;~:: ~~,C\l.h !~:~;:.;::ro,,,plnl,d "'III ft,!! 11"II11U. "II wtll"'lltl Ih!' pur­.. II...... ,,~.... ,11"" IlU,,"'Ul'~ 10 '.'urn III~ 1110'''_1If lh" 1...,lnl'1I1 II"". nOI tlr...:1 a CUi'll. 1t1l..rlnll:'l!l!ulIell oRly h7

\\'(lOIJI\'AltD,C'I.AIlK.t £'0••Wh"I'Jf.it Inti 11Io1""Ullru: :1'1'. 1'lII1llnot. O"'~"On.urdlluu} mllli "1'~l"~1U II rll.... a:~lt

Weekly Arg~

...ann:!" LOCAL IT~~~t,,;.

I'".,u "·....11'.11"'· • nil,..PoLITI':" "might)' OUSlittill,"

H I: )011 hellrJ lhu uc\'; mill "'hilltll!~

,'EIIY lew iutor:il'ntl'J meu were lleClIOD our ,1n'C~ )i·"tenilly.

Wit 110110":1 fll .... 1'"r( Di (l(wery peo·plCl ill lu ....·11 tllllll)'.

MIL Ilrn'\slm...· Imll polled 1Io \'ory htla\'yNt\) throUj;UOllt too J.,nriM.

WOSI.I:1I wlmt th,) ·'ilulcpeIllII.'Jlts"

think 1\4'W' 'I'llt'ir ItlN.h:r dill lieNlbOllC 7lJ ,'"Ul" 011 e1ectioll !.by 8tllllUOrl\

too-ditJu't Ii!!!

.\. L. .·Il"S~IH, llrot\'l&~lflll"t pi"notuncr, \\'iIIlJo in Purt TUWll~llJ abuuttoo J'llh IUllt., tv Mttcnd to 811 bU:lillCVIliu hill llUl!.

Ir OClll!ral "1IU"r i.~ really electedQuvunor or l'lIussllclllUettli this ;'('lIr it..iii be llwihutabltl lu hill lllllirillll Ilt!f'.i..tl'lnce. Ho Iiall llol:~d tlmt UnJL'C tm7,,:lf<l.

PI:OF Kr.Il11 ill very likely likely coun·C1ilmallel,ctfur thill 11i.~lri('t. Ilill IIIR·jority in thill COli/lly will Ilfl flOrnethiul.'like 7;, \'Ut.'I, llull ho will l,roLaldy l'lir yboll! iJllilum 111111 SUII J UUlI (·uullti(.'S.

I',' ill llt!llurllli eOUIre\If!l1 thllt Ihe

baud,'iOLUd rlll'ublicau In.ajorili~B IU Jt·f·feNIJIl C<.lllllt,y Ihill)'(!Krnre dlie IlIr~I'lytu t!lelll'le lII·Ulll.llemunt of 11011. C. l\I.IJr3ll~hn., chair/uJlII lIf thu cuunt)· cell.trllll'OlIllllitt«>.

JI' Mr. Callow hns jJollrd a ~ood vote1lf:11l.I1l COUllt.\' he iN umlollhtL'lII) r.lrcteJJoiot H('llrcllellU4ti\,o tor lIhUlllll JeITor&J11and Ololaln. Kuhll ill 1} "oL0>4 heh IItl nthi~ CUll Ill.\', Ill) fnr, with QlIlIcillti nmlDuckllUoo» to henr frLllu.

'rur. \'oto iu Purt l'own~1I11 thi"" )'U8riDdilllllll~ 1l1'11lI!litlernbl,' ~uitl i . IHJllula.tion, Two yt*nu lIJ.:O tlm \,ole Ca.tlt wuIG7; YCitterday 2·t!.I votOI werlt 'HJlk'tl.

An!tllgiog aC(lurUiui: to estillllltCllelsC'wbera, thill wfluld iUlliellwa Iiolmiuliolloll.2W. _.

........ TI........,.-. o...u,.MRIl. M. A. l'tfcDoulloll il to IIbrt 1I00n

for Null' Otlcallll, Ln.

WUOOP-EE I Mr. Kcrr'8 mp,jorit)' inBnn Juan county ill nhont 80.

h i~ Ilrolin\)lo thnt tho Ilt!W nlill willbe turned ovor to 111e oWllcrstor moo,Jpt.anoe thi" "·rek.

SO)!I,.trCtltimIJrovenlcnlll hn\'o 1JC(l11made lit thelwnJ. ot the "rntle lentliugup fruln Quincy 8troot.

Mil. J,U'1tM lIhow" hill opprocintion ofhOllorJl by II enrtl of 11I1IUb to IholWl whovllt&1 'ur him 'l'1I~ny.

WI'. htnr 11 vllr)' 1,lcllllnnt rOllOrt from

the Prt!lIbytorilllJ ~J('inl 11I8t U\·olliu~. AmOlit elljoyRble time WR'" lutd. The 001_JootiollllUlollntctl to $9.50.

lJnO"·NIU>.-'\'o ICllrn thllt a telli,l!'ntI)l Orcus 'slaml, known a; "01l11. Smith,"

Wwt dro"'U4.ld 8 few 1111)'11 II~"O, whilo rc­turoinl.' homo from LJIK'Z ill a I>ont.

TUEIIr6lfeDt is what de!lllOotl811t reo

plllllilJlllllI CIIII(III "uIT lear" ill I'oliticll­81ll11l18t ill uno rOIlMHI why )'011 iIIhUIIIllbe oIT to ClinlC\lr'lI Ruction lltoro to !JII,.cbrall gooJl. •

Wv. hA\'e ret'ch·etl Aoopyo' 1I'iI/orrr.•1lil'rtl('{1I1III, A "('r)' inll'rl'~tillU' lI('iclltinonwntilly lluhlHIOtI h)' I-Ildl .l Co.• :!:J,I).lrk ltow. N. Y., ROil flliited by A. Wil·'onl Jlllil. "rir.o $1.00 fler )'eor. It ill""cll ""ortll)' of ))Iltwml,:le.------

Shipping Item..

BAS ~RASCIHOo~\'. 7.-l\rri\'l.'\l,b Irkellltu@ Amulia. from HOllolulu.

l:o'l"f l>1.fICOVEIt\'. NI)\'. 7.-Snilf'(l.oork.elltlDe QUU'bhlll, tor ::1,11I }'runc.I.'\).

----T'I \1' 1/ H'l~ <:-;rOU '1;;-'" flllh:'ll~ f~-'";.~.I~~,t~,~wl::'.t: .. r_. \h Ie ...r..~"", II. ~.d 1)7

~'ILL YOt' :4"I'''P'11 wllh 1I7~I"'PIIIi Ind I ..7 II:"~ n·..~h~~:~~.~'n~~~t ,~ ~ Ir lU W

Tn. 1111.010 DOLL.- AI wi:! be IIOOnI?y IUlIl'JlUIU!1ll 'lIl dlltlwut'rc, the Uo.~1t n(kunia OIJelll UIIIllIIflIlY will "rulilloo thol'mlllllCml ntm\'IlIo:'IUl7J\, "'rho Magio l.lol,"nt 0'10(1 'remlllflflC' 111111, IJII Wl...lnei41lnyCvoninll tlelt 'I'ltu IJtut uf thill l'iL"CO IIIIII!tnlrllhl)' ndllptctl tor II~ illttOi uetioll01 oolllicalllilllllti"Il~. An olJ toy.mllk,·rof ~ur.·llllllrll holie'l'4.!lIlu'clili cuJow oneot bill to)'. wilh lifu hy ('alliuM IlIMJlI hi!'~Iauill roll~Cllt1 tor ll'\l<istallce. liy a CII­rlOllll cuillCltl"mce hi.. 1Io1'l'renticfI RIJpNlrtfbetore him. dre~1 tor 1\ mU8fjl1Cra 10 Mill\!ltl,hilllolibelell., alltl hi'! AWct!tuenrt JOlleIhncl(Jthell uf lite tin I, AI.d cnuvill('l'ftth3 Oltllllllll tllRt ~he ill Iho rl!ilult of hift11Iullliwllrk nllli eo'l\llllCt with the ovil1)110. IIc dOl'B Ilut 6 III his Ilc,lIy p'rtlll"tlon, tor i1hu nonrl)' 1f0rrie.<1 him t, denthWIt I her miilCbiovou~ prank,., lII.t I befiD'\lI)' r ·O.(lltl'll her to Llookillill ill a'ee '" IV ,1'0 i~ irre:tiptihl1 '"uny. 1'ho,lllOIt faillug nlr. trom tho 1IOIIIIIIlr comin°10 III 0' too unr. aro intrU\lullt.od williIfll'iuK clrool. T 10 COllll18I1Y cum4!8 to 1111,,' I tho hilol'llCllt l,lUIIUllItlmeontil frolll til£'Ilfell'" nlll.lllil they llRVU llivcll thllroll.ll'hiIltillrllotioll _Iu-rtlvt'r thcy have allPt"nr&1a treat lIIAy liu t'.'I:Ik.'Ct&.!.

..6 , ;at I+, HI '9

IT 13 rOT r'ARCOTl:,

afotli.... l...!.o JUld I"::,..1e.1a.tuf'ecomDlnud It.


CEXTAt:~: Ll~t:"tIl;;STS;

t:lf'l "·orhl·s I'-:'rf':lt ralu~ne-­

lI"t·!t11; rf'lII('d: .... The)' hf'...tll.bUOUIe nuLl ('urc HlItu:i.\·,·UIIII61". ":t·:::. nad.:: tun!!:hculltl.lthl:II:;IUU ':':un, DudSJlralll". (;:.l:i-l cud UUIICUCNI

.I1K1.11 I:~.o.~~~. <. ::CUll flulc:':~nd reliable.


C?UR-r3 (r ~J.:,,",:aa~,,,::':~Clt:".

!j:l~••• C~:":":'n:: f'...:z.~ b t~o

':cal1. I'et;d L:·cll.t:t, 1:'0:..:':l051.

:-.:111 A:l7 Cllta::'~cl COUl~:wt.

r~u 'boo od-el"l:CnAtcd 1:,. ~·c-I 1:0l'.:e,..r·/1 CatAr:'h Cure. I"- .o:ntl­~ut!onlll .J\Dt::lloto, 1J7 /_~aor'l·

Con Tho UlO:.t Jm"lo:of.I\ut Dfa~00"1')' ..Lao. Veo"lm"tloll.


Cathartic PillsCOlnloh", lhe .I.olrl'..t ('IIlhllflk- rrlnrlrl~III nll'llN-hlt'. In rrol'''rll"n~ "'fumltl)' I'll.JlIIlI ....1 III IIN'IIn III:lh'i1r. I·.. fuhllf. 11111llnllonnlly of fffHI, TI"'1 .rll Ihe ",.ult01 "":u'I uf rIIf'-·fnl "'lll'"1ll1 IlfIVlk'a1 ex·[ll'rlm..n1. ,11101 Ani Ill" 'n.... t ,IT.'I'ttlAl rtlll­('''1 Jtt .1l"f'Cl.,..ml fur dlsf'a5<'ll, noUM:d 1'1,Ie",m: m"I1\ 01 11.11 ~h,nUlth. UHr. andIIOWl!IJI .... llkh r''i!IlIM IIf\-lnl,t .1111 fft'I'(ILIlIlffnalml'lIt, Jon:Il!O 1·llI." arot ~1«btllY ap­Vile.tle 10 11,1" ..In.... of .liM:L'ICS. Ttuo)' a~'tlllW:lly nn Ihft .11;:0·,11.'(1 .n.1 ..,.!lnllalll'Orroc:nara. Ill)lt rIo", I'o1.!1111Ir LoraJtllJ Ill>liolt. Thf'lr utrn he U"O I v rll) kianllntllelr praclll'f. al)/I "1 all (\\'1111.... \ lIat!oDt.II one of tho ",.n,."rro r, flf Illdr ",llle ..,a ute. IUN. and lId ,-'C'lly ft.\lalole purptll'l.IInttlklll,", 1s,.1~ ('l11ll11'-'U1IlIe<1 or lhe WI"~fI"Ucd 1'11'1111'. of I"'" 11 n'tt'oet.w. '\ll~'11t~. tl,,"y are ,••hIVt'I,. ,'" 'min MIll;m"l. til' any lnJnrl"IL'i rfOflrl'1l.... anti rail to­IIt1mI.Dl.sto.red to c:hllrlren ..-I~b l~rCect Afelr·

ATl':It·. I'1I,U am an ..lTcdw tllM furConJ'llHltloll or t.·oall\enru, lud1lt:Kolion D)'IIM!fl"11'-o Lou or Appetltr.Jt·ou\ 810nl... 11 Ilnll BreRCll, Dlulaeu.Jln.dacht".I.od of ~1C'mory,NumbDeu.Uillou.aeu., ,11"111111('''. IClleum.'I_m.t:ruplloDI and ~k\n I)JM'"R" DroPll)'·Tunlo.... '''ornls, I\l'u""llIl&, Colle.OrlllHt OlarrluJ:K., 1J)'ft'I1IC'''1. Gout,l'Ues. Obordrrtl ot the ••he... ".111 InOlhn ,11....."-""" f\';IIult,nlt rm"l a t1l1or'llert.,!Italo or tllo IlIgralh'll Irt' r,lllu.

A. a Olnnt:r 1'1\1 they hIll no Mtull!.

Whlll'l A'CAlle In thf!lr ",,'loll. th_ l'ItI_i

Ire tbe nilltli Ihorou"h lu.1 M'.lr.-llllllt mtlUlr·lie that enn l>e "mllloJt'll. '"111 1lI·••-r Itln'rein nnl .."" Ihe 1l('''''l'!1 Mil lnlll\mcol. anl(Ihl'n 1II('Ir lollll!"n"" 14 hl'llllll6:'. Thfy.tlmu­lato Ihe "11'.... lllft ,unl ,111," ~Ih'" o~nc: Ih"1nfJrrn.llllo pnrlry IIn.1 rurlth Ih.. 1,10001, IInllhll\llIl\ fl'lI"Wr'l1 hllllih all\1 I'l"our to lilawllole ly,tllIU.

Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer t.4 Co.,1·,.dh:.1 IIn(t ,\nlOlyll..,,1 C:II ..I,,'.I ••

lo.... ll. Mils.10'-0 ... UI. nIH'IOlllU r;n.llnrIlIU•


or 0lIIn. I ~ llul M&ia aW

W.b .,,, ,..j'e~-tbb1;:;-~~ Ytc", bettltlttc'.J&..,ttld rorl .. IblIuo\ lb. )I"1111q bll "IIC~" aN W.....,.:ADd lllIl.' .-I,all' "",.1\. lllJ. 01, ,•• r 1I\,.,.,a)'.A..J .\au ..... "Iatlur IWJ b..lltllll 1..1.... WI L,b1

o dt.),

",,' II .. ..., '.1-•• I ~ II ".1 nl,1 1"rtOIl. Ill. Ilec~ .11'1 ...._'11" .. 11.1 ...

,\ 1.1lI' h ,.. 10 ... III III.lfll.~e•• 1o)1I'1I·1'O/l~ In Ill.uM:

\,,'IIl< \......"". 11.,:1'1 d""~"ltr.I'l"'lI .U' llI'v..... ,1''',....

II bll h"I".1 ... aboUld blI boN·). ""t •·..n'l aUI:II,."... ;

\100)' II' ••••• '. Ill' 11'0 I.......h" IIn.Il,_lII.11o~ll""

1"1" :1;;:. 1~,~I'd "1' " ""'110 '" ,: llle,rAn' "',,,. , ••" ...·I".·l.h" I,,,,,,,, I~•••In·olll·1 1111

I" "'.·.·111.' Imu.II III, on....f tlll III ..·.u ~ 11'1....:,.""" It .... ,,'t h~m;

T....N .... Juur olll f.II"r. ,11'l'_" apm ..tlI11Il'·1i_10'.

III ,til. I." It'lm''I.nlt 1\...,. Il>al 10.. ",..1,11011••11'',·r·I~:

"III ).,,,, d '·beo.I'IN ""'Ille•• 1M ,ulltl~b1 "r.. I', ' !..

1'>l,..".. II",,,, 'h I~••b ' " leIIII"'I"" UI\.h'Il"ll "trb,,.,t~ lt,~:

)had), ~I .. b.1 I ••• ,!I'\ .... J"ol atlJ J.a,. t.tI.....hkl~ t':~.~"~tl.i ILt.'l;1. .1<' )I'lIItIll' L)' l.ool

I'" 1111'" "')",Illa ~ II,..,...... DC,c;e m)' 'r'CIlt-.£II',,~ ... ,.... 1 "".n ,,It.lIl~.ILoo .b...lto••u II""IIll/t'!f'lh_

Tr••,1.• "("0011 ..u' ltnL"I:e..... til,.. 1m. a......•'I .

I:, II _,1 ....1'.. , f .... " ~I •• l~· ,Ito 01111')'''''':~ .. "''' b'''' 11.. 111' ',. -u I Io,luI "UI'l.uI m••,..~:'I-.b burt ',\ 1._"""" Il .......,! )"~ ,......:.

s.. Ih""I.II II ~ I. I ~Ur,.lf;l. 14' Ibl"G\l1lb u..~I.....a .I~ .

An bill.;, 1,~~:'~;'ll ,,' Ill,"". 1M .I~ I·f m)' ,Ioar.

Thl""' ••·.''''l ""r lto-r ,10-0. ,,, ""'J'INA_<HI tlito.by b.. "Il"l,~ \.;,.. .....,......1 Iol.c~,,,,,"

Ar.d til.!' !'Cr COUloIr)' ...<I,III>:-Ln..rul 0' .rw.r.11 I ....

WUh f" I) PI .. a'l~ 1t'1I' .a· .t'~ .n· J'''' .It· In.. '1 b· 11:'" ol ..'.ft'r ... "I 1tl.'1 ,~"._, '.I f~... II '_....

Ih,.· lui· ,1.·1..."be.. c: "",I. 1.••• ,·L.o",d ~...b I'Ilwr uro- th.




~::I,"::;-~.: ~"\Z~"~L:~;~ :;Z:'~tn:'~H

Do:! '"'. '. dl bo_... blbtn kKl. tll'1"..,1,:


Wal.. ~etl,"'c!11Ie1<lulru .. b... l'OIIoeJ til......11.)1<1' '.

£0.101.-. In_ ,I"" ...t ht,..." lip I.. f'N aDd )'I:lrtw.nd .bl·,:

tlhe b&ll .111·_1 be....I' toru....Ife-tlM'oa'."'d'll·rl.,""......"'~-hd "" """I t..,J." 'I )'OUIII:'" tIwI '.11' U ...... t..



TIIoo I",. 1.....1. IItttrII llll Lrllltbto 10 ,-. 1:fl;1d,",',,'.n .I~ ·_TtII ... ·• I' 1~ I..t IhI blKf.....J "' .. hJJa w\lll

!t•• Ion.:.. ".lbooW1I • .rbe~U..... th....11 101 tllf, ...

·I't'l,r ..rlb .1·'''r'I,....~llIfnf ...... lIillflllll.'~lboo


Eu and linin.The sal.fl\l\cll ot thl! fullo'll'iIl8I1tato.

menU! ""itb r. ({i'rd ttl thu tl.lr lIu.1 IonlilliJII rl'lJIII III 11Il1,,·r ill tb.. ~1'W York Melli<'ui JI/IWIltl/, Io~' ))", ,\\lllr,.w". "urg''IJ1Ito lhe I\1llllhattuu .l::J": Il.llll t::..ar HlHII/IIlII.S"", turk,

Elir IliflellAClI l\f11 11lIIl'h ""orllo til""tllo.;tj of tllI't')'C. 'n",)' nrtt" Ilrill\'I~~11CAU-ill of ,Iellf lIH1ti.lIl. 'l'h<:,v IIrll '11toO"nwlIg tho lIlt/,it fr..~lu..llt ,]lll-l':l'" 4 ('If"!lil,lhllo.I.lwillj.;d('\'.·lul't'lll\IlllJll.tll. rm .whuo'I'llIJ,:'-l.'Ough, !il'Mrl"I, 1'1\',·r. 1I1"lUtlt'l!,}m.. n"i'IJ. t~VlllIll ("", r, lUlhh·Ul.ll 161...1tlllMu'clllllr Rrt~'I"IIIlI" uf tllll hlll'~M.

Imlt.......1, 1\ "iollll., .:'IIltl in 11m 111'11,1 ...:tll'\Nl thrut\\ t:tl,illl,r '111",\1(1. M.1ullij' tillInnO\lll. D1f1IU1,r.III.· 01 li... l.lIIttnl .. 1<11·

plUUVlIll t .. tlhu ..I tllu I nr. :·u." ~Il.

1111 l'ft/f. C:l:lrk. 1,1' Jlllr'Ilf,1 UIl,Vur-U,"."M ilallolrtllut i. I,r,,)o'r 1I1tt'l1:' ull t.. the..fir .htrlliJj: 1I11,ll\fkr lIoI'lIt" ...I 11lll1mn'· ...(,l~'tI au..n,I, ..1 wllh rll~ll) tlial Ii

1'111,,1011111 'Whu It,'lll" plI'" I,I-.c•• "'1.1Ilo'a;ll'l!1t1 to ""lVll li.I" KllcI,b'll. C..IIU<l1I,. N'lill lu p.:rfllrw III.. 11I1t)" t, hii I' ,.ll"n""

but the m~t fMl't:Ol1I1 (lIl·t II1JrMH tli.......,h...,fIIo\l!II sru"" uut Oil IluI ,'ur) IUti~.'"

'Olllh'cli.llt lJct'A"""U II,,· ...r lIud tit."rain. lI.-t ,.f I,;.. UtlU." ":011 ",h.oll......utaju. chll inkfll"j .... r li~ III .!lfl"l·1~lntI&C' ""nb thot IIII' \I IrAllIhol lilY IlrOliIl.iouoll lJ&I'~ of t1w ...",llIf" toI.l Ihlll .." t ..~ t",~JllU\'.ut. Tlldll aN! al..o upt"u·.t1~. Ihl'Ollgb it for the lJIU'Wgtl or u",".·.lIod Liuod-"t!I' .•IIl, al1t.l .)ft~n I",rla tJ ItII.nt wiWtWl thruugb UTht 01 den'.lIJI"mr.uL

Henee. purulent inftamm'ttiona of the..r ull!l1t.l f't!Il{liIy: 1o the b,.iu-IhtltOure lIO, tbe ,oQl.ljler the C~liliL TIH!!kIWII, en.UM I.Imll:u iwt\AlUDJatiutl of themt'Ulhflllll"ll, Illthmltllatiuu of IUK. ,....11 ..11100_I~ of tIJ. brllU,

Nearly ona·halt of tho IlItkr an dOltto ,bill CtIUNl, ('hroaio ia8amwI'tion tlflb. eu_lio.... lnJ; iwlt Ilt!rhav- lilli, ID11 .Iill'bt hcalll..che--bi!iag • ..,,111 BIOI.lanM'dfJWI thlUl ac1J~-YUllth·. C\nll'panion.

"Dol. tb~ .....-•• 111_ .lellI.·•• ~.....n~d ...- •• h .hld "..It'~"lo .1I·1o,,~.

'11'1 h .1<' ......." •••·lIh tlrU"r no ..r roWeo., "p.b,~.. ;

Alt' II" n! It .. nIl /1ft" "'''IlI.tlnUl' .. 1Ill.....b111'1111''''11 d I••

Au'lho", ~ .. I I.d bt.fo....., &lid 11M", .....''''Iud .....

1\·U. ~',~~lt..: III.. lfO'II.t.l"t. dill 11111...... _ \.to

:I~'",,::, ~ \roli~~ ll,";.,::-~:~ :;:'_:,bl :ac:~~:~,~hl,A.1M b_ d<tl.C ... Oltla .!II·. lilt) , ...... I~dar.

\' .~_I"""·.e:nuPOII')'CI'm,lIl,l-.r d.UI'~ta...••,'our .....'.:

T1Iot:'lll'. J obll. ..I Jon_••n I t..1..,.•••' aU thdlltl-I@ It..... ;

A..d J ...." @••boo .. II be Ito" ... lit> In .Ion Kn" doJUI

'"1""'"" ....\ Co-up"nJ ••u nzo ")lIA ,,_ 0.1 tIM""l;

I~:;~:~ 1~1s:.11:~~1r.~~11;~1I:1~.~:~.i1r~:",,,UlInlftl ... Il.rllClltln.

OFPICE-'I'llb Ilolh.tblld j: ('0..;u.1f l'un T\JlllltClld. W. T,

cos.'m) ron TilE LUllt~.

The 1:A.Il'r Un"n"l.lIl..n ba<t '111:... '.r '''''''" I

tll>..I_I·'. tI) .1.. 1111,.:Iblll ',,1 rll'l·ort'lllrd ... l1-

ON,l ,.1......1 .,..... , Illhwl

TIIl':lll': lIrll 1.0l>J lilt hn welhlln 011,IrOll in. HloO or lllt,'m hl'illK"itnatoclln lhe8allll, VIMII' "'1'11'1. Tilt! 11"l'lh of Lor·II "" 1".\ rllie: f.l·w.I 1:.0 to ~O f~o'"

11' ia .tatOt.1 that thtl &uk of Francebu a1WOIlt entirely abllU{loue..l obemltaltesl. in fnrtr of tflfll'8mcra for detect.­ing fvrgerit'e. TllI~ letllliti", Ilia.. DoLonll l,rochuml forl11",ltl.l the doing ofthe ('ruer IIr Jl&ukllire, Imt rreqnentl1IhoWII, IInd"r tbe bol.1 ftguf'M 01 thefurgl'r, lhllAam originally home DO tbechO!C-k. So r@ad, illhee.t.lIIl'ra to d.tee'ink matkll thllt a l''1rfe·d,.·u{.ltOf iucl<»edin R Illller m'l.y t" Ihu Cl~'0 npllt'lIr whllollt1,I;>ml~h. wbil., ft l~'I" of it ill Ihll clun·'r:t wi Ilu"lullly N,h'b,t IrrWt!1 uf 1I'rit.­illg II .t\J<I~ Ilttl rll'''', .. her,ilt 1i"1 I.llflrl!I'y? .."CII ill c"nfad oe.il I thl.l writtelJ pllge,

•.......",. 'ha' I,.'rr ,..... Ih' .. ', ..","' 1.".,.1.. ;

., , , uo>l"l 1111.h .. , ~,1 "I .... :

P,.II I•• : '.1.'...11 ".1 ,\ahI ) I ,.. ,~.I.fl­

Colo'u·.I.·.l·. ~.• ,...,1l ..ltltto.,.lU),~,,~,.'r;J\'

III'all IIwtIl1I,IIl.< .rnl<'O' ,,,'",,Ull1..'''''1,,111.1\10 IIl1flh ...

£ ..01 .... " r .... I " ." ,Al-d u..ltt....I.t\ ~ .-l '" W.__ !

ro·._m-rmf· '." 11 If:t·.I., N' \1I'anlll.. lu,,"_

£"l;~"'IIl..11 'lpl"'"I.I.,,"J.IM.. khl liP'" <I....dl.

".111 hi "••.••,hl.... "I 11-:!i'.U""' .....' .. ,'!I, r' lot r ".1"',,'. title:.... loot I. ,·'lIr.t. "·lht.. ,I.I.I,"c11 M

,'0.;0;.1.&1 Al.l ... "'''1'10,,-. n.,<l,

\\'11'1'11 the I...U,'. "I)'''''' d ......n·_

\·.~::~~I':ll~)1;;'!;,;..-:J':l~~U-or lbo! 1-.111 .1l,1. ,1) All\l~

"'.nllen·~ IIIUIII".TI,e ('f\fr""IIIIlI.i,·nt ""lllIusk1 it \lomf'1l

1111'" th.1 I. gal rillill 10 IH'lI.r nU'II'1I

clnthCi' bltlle 8lrll'1I4 i.. inf"rmftl thlllIhc~' Ila\"~' 'I'htr.· i~ 1I.,lhillJ.: ill lour 1II\loll"..h,ch IJr"lICrllJeil h"w IIIcl! Ull.! \\'11111.'11~i/llll.·ttt, Ilrlllk, Ilr"01~ Ilr ~lInrtl. If n.w"mllll witllll'lI tllllrl·lttt lik" f!. IIUtI','flrri"r..110 l"lII. 'J'urlh'll'll\' lrulI·crt Illttl 1'1111hM"', IIIh1 rI'.! IIllnlll' .. Iml , .• r·rall··,'naif "l,e OlllMIII''''. RllJ III! <1111'1';111 UUI"" Ilt'rRrmid. \\"'1111111111\'0 jllllll\,. g'~'hlll riijhtI" m.ko II" 1Il~.'h·.·III·I.lil·llloll' nllli kl6kup II ruw 111,,1 K rlllllptill 1111 l\ Prt"..I\lr'lltuf tl I' Unit.>,1 Shl!l·I\.-St III )'(or1.: (.um·merci(l{ .·lrll·..rti" I',

A .·AIIIII, 1:llI .. lIitj·,A ",ife fullowllil her j,usllftlld 110Wlt to

the gltlll lUI lIu WliJl IlnrlillB fvr do\\'.11toWIJ. lIud kiwll" ulll to him:

"·I'.:i,III1l, JUIl ..lItlW IJvW"lt1,] IJCCtIa hlu" IJIIlllillK tln'u."

.. r ..., 11,'ur." "" N'lllllrkf.ll, .. littty.ltlknO\lr I.ow IlIlr.l tip Illln. ,u 1lOO.II RI 1M\ll lie., my \l'll'y (l1"IU 1')11 IIhll.lI hfl'fe thelin· IIlhl n Ilew IIRt I•• lKI<It. He 1':1'milt. I". ~Ut.IoI, IIUJ yuur rll",.rtl .111111I~, Io:'r'':ll,''

1 urty mil Itt.." dt,r tblt h" !"1Itcrgf'ilIrl.lfU II I...lll11rllllt \11th II 1Jl.l{ 1,n.Jiel. .u,11\ i'1l"V "", I.........1 I·I,lh..! rl"er. In thoI'llI-k"l ,"' .... 1\ ('l,,, ....u, ),i,·klt...., CAlw.fllut. 1,"·1lI1.111 It.,I.I· "I IhllJi.1 of _ rioli,.. ·Iur. 1111.1 h.' 'Al'~ jll .• lliKI,tlDS I. 2().l...·Utei;;ur "h.'l1 Ill!'- '" .(.J "IlI:U Illilflg.

.. WIIl.I! ~'''l I l'1,' !'. 101' .~I·l.lime<L

.. YI"", I "II • .I Itl lC I" t1MJ markl'&.Wlll'I"" "ru ~Ulo L"/IIll:i-wl.cIlt'. iu U•• lHut­...f:t}"

•. [.t, ~uillR til rflr", t"iIl fl,h'JlOle.rmn.• III·1I rtll . Jdl'cfIoUll AV..OUI·."'Il' 111..1("11,, 61"... • r.~t.

••.\ 11<)11, It I, lltk..t f'"Tiull l>llolk,::_"',11 [ YM goiDg to

1:I:te It til th" orpluUl 'ti~lwu "-" _ 1-"'ut t..J thl! ..lul.IrcH. It ill _ dow-tionfWUI .iJ !l'ftWII[I' t!itlto'n....

.. WiI,Lonl. I ,Iun't L..·li.,Cl il"

.. Mil I lJoa't t6llk 10 10lkt I""WlliLuli. ( al,an l.tlk loutter "t I"

~hfl nclliiwetl. .. l'U bd fOil.,.. PJIibld.lli[ :"


A" Aultlf.l. "t ""..'u" "'nine".Ho\\' 1l"ti\"'l.'lIh16 IIlUIl\' "I the llo~tnll

\\,olll,'n nil'. '.I " •• \, IIr6 llighlv clllturt.,''I11lI1t·lll~·tlml. nhuilllfl ill Ih;'nri"11 I~llli0llilliunJl. lIu.I lire \·... r,. inl.'r,"'tiug t.)III k fo. AlIII ho\1' 1m"y tllor /l.re. 111111lmw rull of I}'ptl'!n, Thll" h"l1 h~' rille'Ih~,v hll'ullul,our flUllll. ·1I1I1l1l16'l.Ir 0":er~·thiug; tlu:ir 1IlllilltillR c1rt'tW ill Icitttlley 10l0tl II. l..inlltu uf '" IIl1hll! time. Ilike Ih. nt. 'l'Iwy nro 1'1l11llillt Iillldi~:

tll(01 1\.'11111 .nuw~·ai", 'lhey a(lI'0:U loJlune 110 1IC1l11ll1U1lt. hilt Ilii')"10 filII ofIt. 11Ie\' ki."-'lI It f"r Ih'I' hllllhlllllbIWfull1or·IIlII....lIli..1. 1~'lIeath all at thei~1'01Il1)()fiUlll II.. ~, ate iU1t'II..· ntlll fmill,Mild l-"piIltl.·. '" L"n aul1Jc·i.utl, move.1nf "olt::ll.llIc (,fllP'iOll', Whf'll the lJotI:1011 "uwon klll,]I." IIhll bUfljlfl into a,nmd "OIltlag1l1tlolinud i.. liang roau.­T/:r JJ(Jur.

ItU\V ....h" thell Utili.

'Tho ~OllU~ 11);11.1 "'II» 1'\'i~lltly 1I01Je.\tin haa iutt'lltIV"',. Inl~ lhl'rlJ .'COI'I'- of l'OlI·11.llt ClIl1rtllll; 111..1 f:tik..! to OVl'lCOlilOiliA 1'.Iet._I'U l,aahfulu.."1I,, 'flll'v werdt.ittint in chair. lit II. r. '11t.~t1til dl!­liIne.l _parr. tifli.l the y"u.IK IIU.II. Ita\'·iug "p"ut the WlIIIltC!l ill aClU'\:b of IItlllbjl'<:t:

"lim" do yeu j;'d alo:lS wilh yourcookiug?"

., Siccl'y," rl'pUNI tile yOtlllB mi8s,"I'm lWl'rO\lli;J wOIl<Io;rfllJl)", 1 CUllwl\ke.pll·udlil l."Ulttluu\l,"

•• C6I11 JOIl t· lo.u,I th•• ~Olll1g mati in II

r.IC~l t1UlllnCr; .. II hilt kiud do )'UU

Lku be.t.t?"" Iliko 0110 IIIQ.lo ,lith flour, na,] III·

gnr, IUld ,·iIIOIi. IUhl r"illjull. IU.I.I cur·rllllt,. 1011.\ Ill:. uf til ....." thillgtt, IItIllI~ltutirut fl'O:It,ug Oil lUI'," n_j'Uu..!L'l1 theJUIIllJ.( lIIi~M.

.. WIlY. llutl'~ n wf',ltling C'ltko." fiX'e1nilll''11 IIIiI )'(lUlIIC 111"11, II. tV.IUlll'y.

"I Dl~IIllI wt:dd.1tH," IIoLiJ lllol youngllli.!'-.dl~ly. .'lL~1 urolllll1Jlu,I.l{·u.


1.1' ",I.,11,1'1'

.1. 'I'

'W"'\it -;.


f.bi 1 m,1U11' B rk-:,."-·· I hilt! mllier118 ILl \...I\'r vf Ill)' 0.411 lillll! th lU w~,i.I IIdu..I"w.··

S-ii\1 OI.\I!fIuith-" t ~'m 10 II"vtlh.-.!ull....lltlu .'lfI'lllll!,·rl'll"o. ami whirltllldl...,.,grw.,hl.\· r":III,I. I&.t if HIll ",Lirli~g."

Snirl 'fho~lllI-" J "'olil.lnuher .it ottt 11111Ullll.lu. IIllll " "It it an to mJlIIllf.th I to be (OJ'lI\l.I.,1 011 " \'.·I",·t ctu.hioo.I t It d.".i......!.., tli If " m'lli IIVd iLl 1111 ro­..V'!t.-"" Ill) C .mlmdl" Ihllt, if all eWlm..­Like ,116 1011'11. h'l un 'l'Illk unt tlte sa"..",.......1I.nll....l \Ollhllllt IIluil'll'."

,,1,1 ,.11 '1.,1 I .• U ,.I,.~I I ,,1_ I.;,r,,~

f ".\ \\1' , "'I1.Ull". HI.... 11 III ... · ,11'1 ••1I' H ~.,lll'j, I•• I I ... U'~'III, Ill. u ,·r" \,'1."


A P.AP•• laid before the BioiogicIJ.Bt--'i\:ty 01 Faria ~I~ IIA. frulQ Illcientiftolout or "iew. _I..t it I.. 10 be u Ilef't1drunk." h aeoWJII tbfl\ tW. coodJtioouiata whea the "ita! lIuid rre.cot.a the"",,,,,,tloo .1 I 01'-, 10 Ill,; 01blOt.lt1. 1& Lt at thia ltage th.L mOiltdrnukard. eeue dri.D.klng. or we .hauldbUtt 1001'. decr.tba from a1cobolism; forwben the inebriate contiOlu,. to d.riokaatil Hob 100 Illuta of LI<.IOd eont&iD1 1pan of alcohol. death io...riably e.1III11eII.

MDletltlll' ~'otth Kllo"I_,.The Frueb pape... announce the ilia­

'JOnryof a tfDltll'1, lntttlUlt&neotl.l in III.fJlCI.C1, for burn. oct'aaioned Ly oU 01"ltr1ol-.lOft Pllll~ of calcine.d tt111gt1..IiI. aa.1 w.ter, "ith which tbe parwLUJ'Ded arll oovoroo to the tldcknOlll ofan inch, Tho l)O.\n iA almOilt immedifltel1IUe"ialcd, .lIll flfter a rew hoon, wbeallie 1JU.litu i. rawovl',]. au IICIU' rt'maill8.

IT mUlt 1.)(' "I'(,llfl'tl I,! 1~l'ftt oomfor'to tro.veliug IllI!Il 10 relleet Lho.! (.rrJ8r ilBeavoll'l n...,lltw ,

III nlll 1.. 1,,111.·!>.d. I'r"I\lI.lly 1'1 III10 111m·. t J" l"r,·:II;.o1.1,1 \I;~I"''' \t • _'1\"11 t')l'rllil.tJlt· f '&'if

11!'1l" ... I.· I' ' •••b~I"lt, ~.I, I , ·ulllo.n."t.,, , .~I \1'1: I"'" ::' til hH

111,1".111 ..·1,'1..1\,11,,,,,'IUl' II' 1\'. II .. llro' It_ ,1.., I'


:,0 LO\II n~ 111'''' I'll 11,,'1 _.1'1. lIr I.lml ttl ,tIl. <1 , lIuLI.1L.r F,j'II'J,

'I'll .. ~'·IIf'fIlj,I.'· nf "1i'l1lm,,', lil..· "llln..'1". 1,"'111 I'rul"UI," "hlt'lI ehll.lil'e:Itr,',nl t.. IIJ,:I,I.

I'. ".... \II,. '1'. I'... III till •.....,:..... 1-1,.. " •• ll·l.~" ...'oIt.o ••"':It ,.•••,.•, "'~ !lip

,--~-~--_.__. -'*.__.~...,...,-........---~ ...--;~-........._-.",-"'.... ~----..

TtJ I; t.:U',IJr.~ \l'EDO'~U,

AUttupleci A n. Inatlon or rl't I·dt'nt .lad. on.

TholllM U. Ilentou, in hi. exc.,lIeutltt'Vk, .. Thirl.r, YeanJ in lhe Ullile.1Stille, S'llllte!•• giv~ a Iidailt!tl lWl'Ollllt

I of an Illtl'mllt 10 I\...~ iUlltl.l GI'U. JILek·.on. "'hil'lI ""L~ 1I1l1l16 ill lh.. \'f',lr 18:l.i:

011 !·ri,llIy. till! atllh of ,'lluulIry. thoPre.1hlcllt. \.lilll 0101111' of hill Cul,ill"", lIl·!('uI!cI!thc flllletlll t"l'reIllOllil'll of WllrrCIIn. J)lId~. EIHI.• ilt th{' 1I1111 uf th.· UOltlMlof ltCllfl·:l.ClIllttl\'I·K. of wlJil'h llO\l~' Mr,1)ll\'il4 IUlll bl'.'u Illllcmhcr fwmlillJ SllIleof Soutll Curnlhm. TliP prul~'lOIiiull IlIIdIUIl ....I) out wllh the hOII.v, lind it.. frontlUl\.l r.'llel"'ll the flMll uf lhiJ lIrOtullttiJl)lIof lhe \·I,-.. t,'ro Iklrill-ll. I\'hcu triO I~rt:lli·

dl'nt, witll :\Ir, WUtlIllmrv, &-c.rt'bryofthe ·l'rl'II.;Ur.v. IIlld .\Ir, !\iRhl(Ju Dwkor.ifill, Sucr~tHTYollho Xa.\'~'. \I·crtl ilMui!lgfr.'111 Illl' dOtlr uf lhe gro;lIt ftltlllldu,\\'111£'11 °11"'101 upollthe POltiCO. At thlltill~llIlIt lll.... rlt..u "tellllt'li fr"m the eW\l'dinto tilt! 1m It! opeu alluce ill (rOllt of IhoJ>rc~i.lt·lIt. 11'\'.11'(1 Il Illlitol III, 111m at alIL.hlllCl! ur .Ittillt eight ft!l:;t. amI III·t.·wl,le,l j,) Ill'\~. 11 'All' a fell in..lock, lIutllhe ('1\1' 1'.11'100111 Wllhout tlr·iag tlte I)f)..·lll'r IU the u,IITd. 'rho n·ploaiou of tho ('Ill) "". 10 loud thiltmall.Y penoM 1I101II;hl tlio Illialol Ladrirl'll. r IICllrd it lit tlie root o( tbe alep8,far frow Ihe plllt·l'. and II g,....t cro"'d be­h·een. hlllllllll," lhlt 1."'f'loOD droppt.'tlt~8 pillol ",·j.i,·h hnl1 wl:wlt>fl firo; took.nothlr ~'blch Jle had ~..II cuckt'\1 ioIL'lldl hAnt'I. colll't'alt"ti 11)' • c_I4k_le\t·L.,] if, f11l..llmlll.'l.1 tiletrlgg.'r. It "'Ill.11ll) a 1)O;l"l'la.ioll lock. IUhl the ClIp t'J:'

r,JUthl 'A'llhOllt ttriUH' thl! powf1er in theMlrrcl. 'fho I'R"-lllt"llt 1Il11l11l11, ntllhed

ul)I,n him .Ilh 11111 UII:lrtt.'tl ('.Olt!. thew••u ~Lrullk II1ICk ; Ur. W(,O.lbur'f1im,'dII lIlolt' lit km; J..it.nt. O...<1ne)" of thuUII", kUo.!lu:lI hun d...,,"; 1111 Will ae..l>nh~ Ll tlil.l 1,."tul1l1"",, .. 110 dcltt'l:'~1Lim to tll8' llkt.:fIlof ll1ll1ioo fur )u,-liclal.uUlhh.Hull. 'lhe U.UIlU.IIutlltll touk}l1,"'tl IJduN tho Chid JIIlllice of the+Jiatrict, )Jr, Cru.llt'h, b~ ...·holJl 110 Wlllf

t.'O.IIIWiU\·lllU It.'tanh ot hnil. Hi. nAma""u tu>Ol'rlall\('ll to be HlChilfJ .LI\...rell~.an Engli.lhllllln "1 liirlh, Ind honseIlIlnt r hI tu.le. nt prdk!ut out or eOl­Jt:0)ment. mcllludllJl1' and ~ible.

1'l.t!I pi-Itoll ,"t.:re I.'ZI~nlinc<-l, au,] fOlllJd toI~ \1..11 JooJ\!ll; .nd IIr..," .ftt'rl\·nnl",itllotlt fflil, j'lmying th..ir 1.IIIIIchi trno.Ilnd driyiug tllllll.l IIlftJlIgh inch lJonr,lailtIllIft, ft''- t Ilt"tlllll'C; 1Ior coul.! anyr. aiQU 1)1) f,ltlI.ll! f,lr tho two rflilurt'l .tIii" ,]IIOf Ilf tl,,, rlJtllll.IK. On hia oJ:luui·lllllioll til\: pr,·.HII,·r ll4.'l-Ul I IV W at hia"IL'tf'. 'Ullr 11IlI~II,aCUOIlIl IIf Ila"ixlg 11000lUl~·thiug \l rl.lll.:c-lc(lI"in~ to Ctf'fi8­eJlIlllilltl Ih" "itl,I'HCII \\ho lebtilll.'tiIIH'lIl.1l3t hilli. Hr til gue llI'y cJphml,-lionIII hI_ l·Clhlnl'l. 'n'll 111"10 lit lUI t1fUJoutldwi 11,1 ,t:-OllJ.,l'y illlp 0 lIiug i:IolU npoll thoplIltllll UlIIUlIlIl. 11111 M ,1'1I11ll1 uf tilt! ])UI'lri, t hl,lto.! tl\lI of Ihe llll'fit rellllCCt­Ihltlljll~·ai .. ililllllJf Ih., ci~.v (Ur. CItU~llin

lIud lIr. '1'110". He\\ell) to "utit hilll IUldt'xl~milltl iulo hilllll".Iltlll l'OUllltIOIl.

L"wll'llCd \lIUi dl'l,llIrcll lUt.l1t1e. anti&l;uef brulIl'lbl to tflKI.

•,r;";"',J·i :~., '.'.:~~~J.:?,'\~J"-'AI,I ..,~ T.h"'.ho••••1,.

\' I 1If,.J alf .ri".1 d'M

7 b"~M '-'IIU,~I In••u "" ... ' .,..1 ,.• It 11 ,.;

Ii "II',,, ..~I~ I' ..I II· ....1-. M".\.•>-. ".. 01 II .I.}, "f )"N._"..rN'" C".._


Taa _,Item of drliUaRe for lh,-eIliLg.hoUlMll c:annot be too ptl.rfect.

No DYll.LLlyo-ROUS. ia really babita·hie wdMl properlr yeDtilateJ,

M'L& which lll\l hl1tled ma, be aweel.­!'Dodl or nmdl'.rW fiJ for 11M. bJ ItitriuSIn a Itlle aotIa. ,

8.Ut" 'rill CIlNIe Ut'''' milk; hence illpreparing milk porridgt!, ft11'viee. ett"the Mit Illluuld uut be adu(l(ll.IutiJ tlluluticle U PrtlIMlred.

OllO881' .slllrch il ~)fl'PiU't!d lly furwlIlJ{tbe follOll'wg (Imnl.iIOIl, wbieli III &luh:dto oue-qunrter I)()UUII .II boiled ~hlrch

I""toe ill Ibe I)mportion of t,.·o to tim',k'Mllooaful.: 9U6 "att IIlltlrmltOO!li. oueput gum aralll<',ouo IJMrt 1)()11IJ:, t.wolIad one-balf l)3rhglycl'tine, twenl'y fllurand one-balf IlIU'ta ",·Mllr.

OLD tan wk maku A cool Ind 11....JigllUuI ""a1k uooc.r tilt' ~hal16 af lrl-'f!tIl,11 mt18t be laid "IJ a dl"J botlow. ,r itlIeoeOllle. "ety ul.lpl~nt in wet woollll'r,tilag fl'OllJ fllfUCt'I!, ground III' Withubea, it the "err l);>flt waterial for lI'ar·de. walb. aDd the orler it fu more~blt! in bot wealher il.um gra"el,Not.ithltAodillg itl. lI..rk rotur it is Ilot.0 ho~ aDd it doea nut l-.ck' qUite iIIO

hard .. t1Wl ffgtIturOCkl mllt~riaJ. Han.I.OIl the other bud, t1lOllgh i I dOC'll uutI_k at all. iI ve'r1 hut, 00 GI't!UUut ufthe ftf1 hard UatUN of 11M l-.rt~lt...

To foUotring ill " very valv.ablBhOUlte-willfl'l tabw. b1 ",·liicb peflO1la llot.lIaYin, ecaI" and ""tighta at hand 0\&'l"Ifodi1y m.MnN tlie Irticle ""anted toform an, rea:.il'l Without tile trout,1e ofwl'.ilbiDs. a110 MCI to he Ul;1of111 for an,

J.lr.ordmary d.,.,.DfU or moiature 01 theartide ",-aiin or meuured' Wb",atRoor. 1 pound it 1 'ltwl: 1D4.lin.u'meILI, I110000 2 OQlX* ...Cl I (IDlllt; butkr.b"u aort. I powld i.,,1 '1tI.LI": loof,upf:broken. 1 pouoo aa I quart' _hlte auprIJO.d",red. I pound and I' OUIiCil are iIIUlrt; be" browu hllS'ol. I pound ~UlIIK'e1l ani qwut; 10rgg. are 1 pound'Aeumme;m tUUllA..r hult!. blllf a IIIDI; ~1~>('Up IA t gtll: a urSU 1I'i.Ilt!-gl.&&.~ u Igill; 40 drol.an· t!t.jluJ to I tllhllllOUIul.

A ROOM: In wLich tbe'" '" an Oiroell"ivd.well ma, be dcu.lnriz.cd Ly huruillgcutree lItrriea Of rugll 6r tven Lro.-·u11&1'(1, 'fhlfl "mok" f~lm theM _ub."lilllee. IkIt oilly n~utr;llLz till! odoJnIhut reali, ad.. &II IL tlb.U..tc,·I.Dt to ~hlight "L'IlL LI LuruIDg l"UtT.'OJ. )lAper(If nlb'1l for L11l'" l'UI')..... car.. mu.at beltkt-ll to jlrf'Voent tla '111 rr,,1U IJllMiilllo( toufhclr. f th'1 Lllru wlthK It'i' l,rlKh\lll1lJ1I', thflPhJl°cr 1'IT.. :t will nut'lJe l/rD­dUl.....t 'rlJ,,> .l.tlu!,] bu allow,.1 10lil.llold~r f(ui<:t1.v. JlIIII thel llv tl,Li 1tl'At,..11,'11 tllt'y am 111IuIIII 011 huL c""'!Il, ..r .111l1t ..!1m..!, Iillol ~o:t Ull rir... A1I .,x~«I.11'1It .ul",~ lute lur 111""111... i., hl·.I\)· l,r""11I' .;It'r .h:eL Ii... Lo..u ililill't.ll I,' II , ,III.

7 1r'~'.,.1 r.,.·' , ." 11'\.'b ,,1·, 01,,'11 •A .1. ~., 1;) 1" ... l ' '. I' ' .... f.

A•• !I•• llw.11 ,·10: •.

I.' II"" tohl." "I' ' ••\11, ••1 ~' I • H".

,.. .'.a ..1 ,.." •••1.'1., '1 al. '" .11.~ "I. • ..

'-Ih' •• "."11 .I.N ..............~""t..... "'1 I' I •• I. ~

'·U•• 11 .... ~ •••. I ...,• ..-.1... 1 ... .1 I')' I It ~ It .t.,.1,., I II.'U:I· • • "".1 , ",.'

'''1.1I1. '11"":':.""''''llor.,..l ...... 1'f.~,I';"':1;<" lUi

fal,lurlnlr )lonk",~.

The monk.'Hlllr.. rrt'tI"l.'utlJ ('lIptnrN'III 1l00llM'1I In,llnillft "mit in the Ah~lJ6 .,fhOIl'- Thl! ,,"ly "Illrnu~ i~ " Ifl\P"•luor in Ih.. rl'Or. ",llkh C'OlUmlluicllt••wllh l\ lrl$:t:'.,r ... I "1"00 the ground,roo.l i.llltt\.llli ftbmlt ill"i,l.,. ti", U10Il'kl'VI f'llh·r. IIn.l. likinlli lung IIwuntl,.li~(llrl, lit" Iri/lC!',·r. IIlhl Ihe Imp ,,1m tilIh;>m in. Thl! t1Ul'IllLlI't1111.1 fur cntch·llIM th.'nl L~ a 1lI,,"t Imlit"fOWi "II", An01.1, IIMrl1 t'11('illllllt III llilil'll. Mn.1 11 ", ty,,11\1111 h.llll IllIII!" iu till' sh.~II. Jo'llrublll'tiwith lliia nnd " 1)OI'kfOtf1l1 III huile,) rit·l·.the lll)Ort"llllll1 ~nllicll imo the rurt'st.1101111(01)11 1" III'ltih Il. trl'" ICllnnltJ IIflliOllkt"Jll. Within IlllllliR'hl of till'!\/! in·'luillili,'c I'prctllton lio IIn.l eols 0 11111011<:e nlld UIIlI! )1It11l a fllUmlit, illio the1'OCOI\lllll 'Ailh 1I111he OIlh·lllali"IlI'l)lllli.hle. TI18 llUt i~ It eu laid UPOll lliegroun(l. alllllhtt bunh·r rmin.. 10 Ii fOil·\'f'uiellt amhu.!Ih, Thl.l rl'Nler mlly boIllllU that flO lIOOuer ill the man out ofMight thflll the monkeys race helteNk"'­ler for the OOCO&nnt., The fird atrj,'flll)Ccpl into it, .xu1. teeing the plclllifulIllora of riM in.iille, IfJUet'.ZH hi. handin through the ti~,lloll!. and r1uwhe. aIUUllltul. N01l'.10 p;uawOlwt ia gr<*flOl'er ever, olher reeling connected 1I'i.UImonkey n.tufe, that nothiug will inducethe creature too relinquilh bi.ll holttWith hia Ii.ml thai duped be e&Dno\~ibl, estraot i~ but the t1lough\ Ihat.tf he lea"8 go ODe of iliA Inetbren willobtaiD the reut is O"ell)().eriDg. 1'helportaman tOOQ Ippearl upon tile ltene;the unincnmbered monk!"rl 8l in aU dj.rec:UODJ. bat the unfortunale rutf!, who.till will oot let the rioe hO. ia tbt"tfth,hanWcaPl)fJd bt:rood hope witb a ooroa·uut u large u himaelf-a atat~of a6airaIiuite fatal \0 rlpi.l looomouon. eithertel'T'eltrial or arlJortni. The teqQeI ialba\ he falla an ""y rlpture to th@hunt·O'r, • fletiDl to his OYD greed. 'EnDwhen ce.ugb\ he reaM in we actiods f'fhia ClIp&or • design 10 rob. him of lUIrioe, and1Je dutcllel it all tho hanJer ;Ilud the "ery tiNt Ihmg be dOft 1I'heuth. uu\ ia ..rachel and the baJ:ld Nlea.."fldis to ('rlUl it. ooutcuUl into hw momll.Tbonghtl of NnIMlt rom. aherward.­London Pltld.

'Ill:'"\.0, ' ·1 ~,

.;<., '.


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OIII~jl~'~':'''\~~ll:~i'':'~I~:;~~u:~tH'~(; ftr\~' ~"I;U~~~OIl th" lont .1It1111.Co·P. "!lkh \II\"I"'Ul Cll~lr t:nICt

WI';;l,~'iiIl~t~i) ~·~I~~:-;?~.~.'n~,\~~~ ~~:;~l, "J:I:"'~Ioi"lheln 1~~tl1l"~ Il"'ll l"l~.... lUI......11\Ullllh~, 1l1J,,1~ mn,l... "'.

n'll1'l,\I.r. In' Al.l. 1H':,\l,"H~.,\1.1. KlSlJ1'l llI'UU~;1l IH:I."I~tI. l'''CI\I~,;

1l0S~. 1~i1'~t~~~;~t[O~:~·,I·~II;~(l. llOO":j


~l: 111: :;~~\.~:t.r. ~ A:.,'ltllh.:'I\n ""urI.,·".

I'rlnll' Qm,n,.v lind 1\ "'nlr ~ll\'ko'[ f>r1rl! r. rIl' ~,y .rllrlll "1",IIl ur ..,Ill.

'fho ClItavlICO CuresI'II'YHI,\ .... I~. or I.,'ulmn·, \\Jlll \I hid,

1lI11nl' "''I' nltlh·I'·11.,\ 1.01 'Et.; 1,\, "r Il:lloillt.'u, 111"'1 1!r'IW'IJ,I,

'11"'111 II r'lI'llllll ,11'.II'nll'l:: II'lll"M,! Orl'...hllh·. A "I"'t 11111\' tll"<l 1,rl~1' \\11"10 t1r~1

lu"enlI11"1, '111'1'1,01111:: III II 1!l"ulllr r'lr",11lltl lin 1'"lllr)1llli(' br 11.-)'11"'. Ill.It II",\\,111111· hAIr I~ "WI'I,t 11\\'11.1', 11'1\'lug' II Illl~.[(.'11111): .~·:lIII; nr. 1[,1',11·",,·1,.' lllll.\· t1r<t:lI"!"'Ilr III l:ll'\OIl< I,I/lt't·~. 'I'll" h"lr i- ,11111ltll.IIII·lrcle·~ 111111 ,'.,.Ih· '·Slr,,·t~li, IIr It1"'j:IIl~ III f:d!. awl prollrt'o'.htJ,: h)' ,1,,_Itr,"'- 1.011011 Jo.t HIIII"" 1"'IlIl'IIiHI

Th" Cnlll\'1h~' 11111 ~'.. " .... rlll~ Il1Ilr If)i:l'1H1'. 1.ll"~lIIllC 1111/ hllL'I' 11,.. r"'r' rllt' "r,eudllljr Cllll-e \\'lIkll Ilt"\"'llr~; Ihe hillr l~11/ HIlL'H I'rt·."t'r\"11. 111111 JIll' /'C11II' 'Iml hull ...11I~.I,·I,t"lllh.'· nlld \'IK"r"U-. t'urll,,~rn""l' ,1I'IIlIlL'U I/IIFt 11<'1,,1 Ih,: I,rl..:u or /JOtt!t,·11111, lllO:! ""'.. r. "Ill'!' ;,'1"''''111'. •

l'I'I'lmI'L"Illlhll ,"oltl ".\'\O!. liOH'I'Elt

1'. O. n.\:( $(1, ",Irt '1'011'11""11'1. W. T.


.1. E, I'U~IL









1S.iS. "'\tJ

L, H. CArS,


It )"111 Wlln!to 1l0HltO", .\lOSEY,fIr10 BUY I.OTH ill 1'''1'1 'l\)Wll'"'Il,I. or II(nrlll ill Jctr<'tl'lllll ("lIltll)', 1l1'111)" tv

D. W. SloIITU. Port'l'vwIlSf'lIl.l


1" S. 'Mil. ~1·1·:,'''.:1:

"''''"IT,' I-1 0 PE,J.UII'JI Gll,UOIU~. Mlliltcr.

Willll'll\'e Jlml Tm\'lIfWl1\l fllfHl'lIIinlllllfJol'11Ihl nil illtl'fmedillil' purt;! l'\'I'f¥ Fd.laylit HA.)I. Hctllnlilll.!, I('nw'" Hl'liliahlll(~nl lLOlln 6\"er~' Hntnrlltl)·. For frl'iltllt orJlRliSltl.'1! Rilply 011 bOllnl. ~,j-tr


Cnrrying U, S.l\IuiI.lIl\l1u l'nssengof'!l,

l.,eIlV~1l Port 'l"II\'lI~(!mt l!\'('Q' llny III 2 I'.M. makinA' clo:lU COllllCC!iu1I9 ..... illl thetU::Ull')r ("auuio lit 'I'ukefll LllUdillg.

W. H. SfaVEY, Proprielor.

All Kinde or Choleo Me.te­

--Con:-:l.:llltly on Jlnnc..1.-­

Smith" Cays,.".·1I1Jl·lcl tit·""


('aU And 'I'~ Ihe 80.. lmprol't'd I'at{"ul C"ll.hn'.lklll~ IIftrll.....

.\11 kin,!. or "'p"l"" ,Inll" lU hD"lI"~ II 1I.'ln:lflIl~.. IIlr1l"'~ '"ft,l,' lu t/fil~r. :-",htl"!1 "dll IJtt..,hl lit .... M1 ,I"...,," Il,k~.,

OEonGE W, BLAKE. l'rolHietor.A1l1im, &In't'l. OllPO~llll_lOIl~ ('n,m lIu"....

:r: Ir l'IIr1'o"n ... ,\rl, W. T.


VIRGIN.LA, ~,'r;'"

LE:\VE.~ pom' TO\\'1\SE~D!o'or lrondnlc nl 8 .... ~.: 1I1!1O tor Whidby

hlnnd lit II .... :If.

Eor lrontlnlo nt ·11'.M.evcry tin)'.For freil:ht or JlnSSI11:0 npply on hollrl!.L. 11 H.\.SI'lS'03, Jr., .\h9~or.

1\11 Ihe 111'1111'11'..1 1"~1 ...·t' Mnll I,UIUIU""r! f""­,~·ln..I, II".llll"'r Ih,' I~. nf J"II" nl'\I1111 )","',1\' -nl'-crhlllur....'llllM''''~ ,'1.,"1 rll" """ 1'1.,,1.",11<'11 01 h'~~ 11"'11 l·nhJl.. Il,·,·~' ~·' ..I Ilrll'c 1(')1"', ~ ,\n~·I.~,1. nr 1,,,I.II,,lIk,, If.IlI~,I.

Viti lluol..lJtJlUrIll .....1'1 nr L'llduUlj(t·,tI;Ell!Ua: U,\UI'IIHUI',

l'ur( Tn..',,~r"d. W. '1'

lS~·ARI.Y OI·I'Oi'IT.: ~..:w WII,\lll'.;

Wa er tlrCl'l • Por, Tow"send, W, T.N,·IV Furui"llillfC-EI'I'r)'IIIiIl,lj ~tllV.

'l'hi. hOll.'lO hrLol jUi!t beon rollttcil !lullnlDuvRtetl thmu,ll'IJIIUI, nUll we lim

now pn'IlHrt'll to fnrniilhFil'1lt·clll.'Id J$oUHt Itnll ulI.lgin".

Tlte Bur ill IIUI'JlIiE'11 with the !Xllit ofwia(';;f. liflllorl'llnd C;"II .....Jh\ \'10 HPOOU, Pr,l))rietor.

CENTRAL HOTEL,l'orl'r 1'O\\,SiiI::SD, \\'. '1'.,

Thl· It,," , I,~ X"I\' 111,1 ='ewt,v Fllrnl.lu'II,uud 1"' ;-0.81111 Iho :'I'I'"lIlIUIl'III. 11/1\

Filr..t O~RIIU. :Et:oto~.

JtIJ IJ." i~ 811pp!iNI with the ~t ofwilll't!, lifl'ltInt> null ei~aNt. 'l'here i", GUI1It-cllllt8 billilln! tllble IInll rrndillJl­mom hI tbo Holt,1. NUlbinll' willlJo leftundf1nclomllko thisHotellWl.'Ont1 to 1\01\1'i!l tho Territor}'.


Boot & Shoe St..ore




"Your mind is in II twili'fht Illllle," ob­8t'rt'l.,1 II ,,'\)011 n1lln. "YOll Cllll11vltlitrerentinto tho j{rnill!l or mi~lru ... t fromthe mulooulcs of II TeRlOllnhh'ctllliltll'IICe.Yun 111'1) trnw'lillll tho Uorder-hilld. Ihflfl'l1lJti"r bclll'Nlll the f)llrn.1i1iO or fnithrllitl ti,e Arrlio r'~llionl4 of ill('rt....lnlit~·,YounTt' ItII 8,1lIlOlltic." "Divil R bil,"Muitl Pllt with mingled IlnlltZi'IllCllt Rudindi,l./'nnlitlll. I'm l\ Dillllll)'Cl'llt. ive!')'iuch o'me.

BUTTY.II from A. U. Daviil' HOlle FurmIlllin·. :Sll IIhort wf'ilthl, Two 1}()lIl1dllin l,iwh wit. Tho IWllt huller in tllUmarket, wilhnllt exception.

l'r.u,u),llm.t Tf.llJl'·, ,\,qClltlt.

WitT should )'011 oollb'h whileeRn j.(et II f1revonlllth'o b)' loI'oilll: to

LATI,\fY.11 .\: l:o'iI~ •

\\'F, life 110"1 rl'(.'(li\·inll' h)' m','r)' Iltcllm­cr trom Sun ]~rlllll'i~oo Illill NulV York,our Full nlill W1uler IlnOt.!lI, cOl1ioliRliuj,t ornn' (1(10111', FIIIlt')' UI)\II"IIoI. TrirnmilU.'lI,SUllim,~, UIOllkll, Cloukilllti!, ,{-c. 1\1011'11

nud Jitl~'Il' Clothill/t lind Furniilhill~

(lOOth!. !lilt! 0 lllntu 8toek of "II kind... ormerl'lllllldi!iC. Will lJO "le!HIl'l1 lu 1111'0',.O\'I'ryllorl)' ('1111 und (\Xn1l1i1lO our iltockheroro 1l1lrChudin/t I'l1lOwherc.

3'!:lm ,'. O. DAIlTLGTT It. Co.



1'"IIIId -'ltll"" no 'UIII"••~'\." "'1l.I"C'~I'".l·.I".Iul,ll'h. ll'lll.

II. II. \\'.u'!illl ,\: ('".: :ol1n<_1 h~ ..• &lIll"'n'd"1l1..M IO\I"h' f,om II" .If,'lllnll or chI' khl ....,.~ /11111hblll,l.. r. I """h~',l 110 n'lIl'r llul1l1 " .. ·.1,·<>1,10 It,. "ifill"\' '1I1l1 1.lv", e".... I'ohl~h 01101 IIh' I1l"N~'~MI thllnan th.. ~I,rllI::' ull,I' ,lok·ln,. c<lmhh,,~J.1"",.101",11 Ill,' ~r":th-II1"'llIcl" .. urlh"lI;.lcr<l'1.J,hlO'y ,mil bIll hi!', lfOl.hll!_,

I'••\.1"'1101. llllXll.el\\','nll'orch ."1,

Thllnk" nnll luJomlioll lifO OUO nwlwill be hOllrlilj' renuNe.1 to t\lmi,ll'hl)'On~1 for Ihll manifold berlOrllCtiOl\i1which Ho hUH beillowhi UpOD us nil 1\jJcopl(O.

P'J8.~(~ed or Illrl;o domuilUt replotowith 1111 olOllwntii or ogriclIlturnl, 1I1in·ernl, 1II11llllfllrturiult IIml commorcialIlMp<'rity Blltt ~r('ntnl.'f'"l', l,cnltlJful ill­lIuclliICclllulll fmiUullllH\'l'818j o,er 1Jx..('mpt from puver'y, opidemic tli!k:IIKt,...t<!mPl'dtll, lloo.ll:l. or ~Imllllhilt. utoillL't1with rrlJt1 H'lf'llO\'PrllIl10I1tj wilh lil.Jcrl)·In w"r.iltip (t.M!. ~Mcll inhllbit1ut rrumltillUwu ~lnlldlMtilit or COllliCiulll.'6 nndllnt\·, ull tht"lt! iU!'piro 11;( whit I.:'rut­illillonmi COlhltraill Ull to ofTer OIlr trih.ulel4 tlf Ihullkfullu.'M with willing heartsto Iho /til'llr or nil 101'0011.

The l'f'('i1illunt IIf the United Stat/os11I1~ ~tl'~illlll\ll'tl 'I'hun,lill", tht! 80th dll~

of No\','rubl'r, I"'~:.l. ttl be olHworvcd l\ll (\

lIn)' of 'Ihalllr",~h'ing nlld pl'Ubtltllrollllhou{. the untioD.

'fht'rpf"re [WiIIilull A. N('well, Gov­l'rnor or Wa"hinl{tou, do rL'COInllll'Ult 10thu pMl'le or tho Terrilor)' that theynlJi4tuiu from tiL'Clllar plll'!tuil8 on thatIlny, IUllt 1I~~(,l11lJl0 in th.eir plBCeB ofpuhlic U'or,thiv to KiTo UlIHlks 11m!h',m3I:tl to tho I Jrf'ntor lind Bonl.'fllOwrot l11Rukin,1 for Hi.! merciful torbcllr':lUCO llud lcmlcr care.

(livl.'u lit Ob'mpi(\ on IhiH.lho !Kldn)' tlf NovefUUer.IMS'!. unller the J(root fl(llilor \Vn!lllingion 'I'erriior)'.

WM, A. NEWELL.U)' thtl Oovcrnor: •

N, H. OU.·I~-OH,

St-crctary of the Territory.


'l'1l~: ~f'W 1'llCtnlll S",r.~ h:L'J 1)(,'('11 en­lun.,'i't1 IUlll lat'lltly illllll\)\'\,'ti. It will1lI)\\' he IIl!l~ .. if'r IIlfllll.\·~r.

;\lll,JSo. COIlSl"ll cuma 11]1 frolll SailFra/l"i·;(.'O "II til" la.. t OCI!IIil IIteaml'r.11,' i~ ItJollldnll \\'t·1I ltlld Imll llIet IIIIlU~'

oJ.! tril\llll~.

I'r ill sllid tbRt n rnllncil nf tllrkl'~'11

!Itt'" b'('ll l'II11l'lI. HlI,l tlmt II tlWIIt)tlitillllIII rtlll..t hj~h"r ill \'i(lW or the ulicertain­I}' nltt.'lJdiult lIuulk"J;h'illl; 1Ie1l~OIl illlJuillltijpriuu!'I)' di"C"lIs'4L~I. A re,;ohllioll of1"'Il~IUO 1ll''''1 I'n'l:li~lr'lll Arthur Illld

I ~'I\'erIl0r NO\1'(011 iJi nliU on the poillt ur!)('illg IlIn~lo IlIlblic.

0,,£ lIih/tt tlmt grliliilClI ,11lr citir.cll!lloJa)' wns Hun. H. A. \\'elltltcr cominlttluwll tn tho tlOlll tl) Wlto Iho lIrt!t timc,1'0 belie\'e, that ho hUi! l)e(lll out HII the,;trcet llillCli ho rfOlurulili fWIIl ::illn Frnn.t'i!lCO. He wallllrj\'ClI 1l0\\'11 ill olle ofMr. lIamlllOlul\1 ('nrriu),'\.'6, IIml WII~ n.elill trtlul or tho ~11l14 liy 11m in;.pt'Cturwh.. l'uurlt'UlIl4ly rt'Cl'ivClI Ido( \'010 fnlllltho l'arri:lIlC, f;\...'ryhllll)' i~ I:ln~1 Il'nt.\Ir. Web-Icr ill iIllJl",\'ill}l.

EXI'I.... S.'·IIlS, Illn r('Cl'llt nrti(·lo i'tllll4 JmtlLh, III't'lIne,1 tllo follu\\"ililol' IlIIru~rl1lJh: "WI) ,11.1 n'Il IIolic\'o itril.:'ll· 10 inlr"t11l0o tho WIlle Ilromil4uu­ul1l1l~' iu th" plIlJlio lK'lluols, where IIIl'mUllI'y "f inlicll·I"" frCQ thinkerg, Cntho.lieli, Huhr':II'llllll ClJUl1li jll~t th611:Ulllt nJlt1mlof Chrl~tinnll tor &Iulmlionlll pur·i'1J.~I"':' A ",cutl~llIrtn Ohjl'clll to tbeu1l,,\'u UI:lIM'illll' "n implltatiull h)' inf,'r'cl1t'u lImt IIUIlU uf Iho:lO Illlmtiull~l hyIWIllI' lIro Chri6limUt. Wtl will lOiml,ly4lly thllt tho tertii "OllriJ!tillll" W:114 1I:41."!

It'4l11llhljl'CIl\'O to d&litwnte tho'KJ he·Illll~illl{ to whlll nm called orthodOJ:chnrclll'lt, mnl WlIOl lwt inkmll!\1 tu cUlilall.,\' rcllrelioll wlmtu\'I'!r IIPOII un)' Illhers.

.\lEr Ifl" P,\TV.. HHrr.v Slltton, wh')mlIIlIll)' of Imr rU:ld(Ors ,.'ill rel1lelllbora~ Ihl.'IIhl~·I'. of Ililut Jluwnrtl at I!losalool\ 011

Ullilln whnrf, nn,1 who fiulJ!mqnolltl)' (Oil­cupel1 froul tho jnil ill tlli~ cil)' llullrl)'live yenrll n!:". ill rOI)(Jrt(\1 hy n lol ...,l.:rlIl1l

in II S. F. 1l111'('r, to Illl\'U 1)(.'Ou fat/ill)' Ilhutn~ ~nl.l'al~, n millinl.' \(1111'11 in Aril'.onu.hy0110 JlIllll Briukwuud, IlrolH c~or IIf II

IZ11mlJlilll.l' Kalnoll, A ('ul'tllll'r'" jllr~' r~'I1·

dcrel1n \'crlliet or jll:ltilbhlu homicide.'1'11110( hnll anuther dc~pnrlldll met n rntonot IIneommon wilh 111" cl.1~'i. 'l'llo lie­eillratlllll ill holy writ that "wlt",'''lw,'rIIhOtllltllh mUll'" LIUlld, b)' mlln 1I11ll1l hilllJhHI~IIJo,dll'(I" i'! a rnlo that 1m'! few t.x­eelltiulili. Sulton wmlll wild. tllrhnll'ulIIl'iritwlm yieltillt.llohill bll.~'r !,n~"iIJIIO( lillfhNI'I\'II.i 110 III'lIth ur illi<lIlily tllll ItI"fur hilli. Ili'! f,lttl lI'i1Iuot hu Illlrl,ri"iu!t10tllllllO who IUlew him.

Gon:mmll Kl:.\'I:r.I, rotllrn",l fro:'J1\li/·tmill Thllr<ll.IIIY, nlUl elllk..1 011 110(

Fridu)' JIIoruiuJ,:, 11Il\"iuj,t Ueou Ilrc~elltOtI

to tllo (Jm'tlrllOr-O\!llurlll of (Janlldll nTllll~rinces!l LoIli.'Il'. He invitl'tl them to \'illitWlIilhiu!I'ton Turri tory which, fur WlUlt oftime, tlH~)' 't\'tH\J ouli/tOlllo dl!(llino. TheQO~'crllor IIp.:·lIko( of tflo illwn'icw 1111hllvili:t IICCu vory plOa'l1nl. He Wllo( :le.cortlj>OU1h.ld b)' Mr.•forllan, U,8. N.. nmlhill lluu,ll'htert!, MI'I4. .forrlnu nlld Millll~uwt!lI. Wu lire 1:r:llifl(lt.1 lu kllOw thnl011 r U'n'ernor hilll thu 1t00i1 ta~to to (Ox·tUlUllUI iuvitation to Briti:dl Oolllmbin'lltli~tinl{lli~hl.'tl vi>titllnr 10) Clmn 1\11\1 ~'C

Wn..ihiu1(t...m forth.JllI1Ch·i)jJ. Our oiti7.uu!l!lellernH)' w,J1II~1 "",rlUly ~ltl,t 811(lb nninvitlilioll, ll'ul w,ml-l IItrivu to make thu'''')'111 d&itorol Welcollld it tho Oi'IJOrllll1ityufloJnrt.

E:o:porhl fmm thl' Hawaiinn Kinf.r\lon1llllriuJ,t I Ill' ~'l'Ilr tllllt e:lltcll S'lll(1l1llJcrnUth hLJt WRll II Iill Ie ow~r 87,fIUO,UIJO, ulurl:(Ir (':o:tlurt in IHuporlioll to the 1101'11­Intion thnn thlll uf 11Il)' otl.er country ill11m world.

Ex-Qo\'erllOr HOllllcriellli. of lllllinnn,ill "ulft'rin", with ~miJt! /t1UlI.:'ICne in timlett r'JOt, 1111 nilmf'llt of which hill fllthl:rJied. OIlU ur tho IIttellllinll' ph)'lliciuU8NI)'II fhnt then, i~ not 0110 clmucc in ubUlIllrd for rl.'C!IVCr)·.

A Jlfilll'r JluhliRhL....1 ul Tumpa, Fin.,In)'I4: 'I'here i.ll Mil 01~1 ,ll're>: mulu in thoalnlJlel'l nt Furt Broukll t111l1111 furty yeMitoltl IUKI more. 'l'lti!t nlllio 8llnoo throughthe Mexicnn war Rlill nlllO tho III to war.Ho is nllowed n rntion nml n Imlt, Ruddues nu work except iu ctulOa or noc"l!8'Ility.

It. ill aunOllllt'e!) thllt three new ImperilliN Ilhortlv to tlf' Iltllrtl'tl ill PorthulIl. viz:'bo tinily" OVl'lIill'.(' '1'I'mc/l, by Irelllnd.~Untll;l' t!m Aryill', tll i8tUle lIt 10 1\. M.•1H'l'ol. I ron~; lI",t the tinily lIlurlling.\'''Ir~, lJf Nntlllln Cole, with full klc·Itmphic 110""11, All lire t.J be lltnlllonrtrepuhlicnu tlRjlCl'I:l.

Th.' .1t'lIlOl'rnt" nro nlrf'luly di'lCtI'l~ill~

tho dlllUt't'>l lit till' SIIo'uk"n4hil' in Ill,'n.·,t IIUIl"I' of 1:,'!,n'l'lItlltiH'". ft 1I('{I1l11ltn ho 1II11l1iUf'd lint the choice Iil'lj l.lt'.lII'l't'n H:1I1I1nll, of l"·llIl'lyh·anill. allll('urli~I{', IIf Kf'lltlll'ky. '1 ht· folillwiuj,t nr"rlch i~ I'() IItrulI", Ihnt ~11II1' nl}ol('l'\',,1"lI 1M'.lil··..'1 Ih.lt l',IIWI'f'!I, uf t1hitl,,, ill l:lilltho place ill tho IIlrllC'!.I, lwll\&.'lIlllctIl').

?Ililtoll !l.1wrnill, Illt Hr:lH'o 11(\)' willrt'tllltlw tlu' rnltill,il' of Illlollt'r 011 ornh..nt 'h~ 1"1 fir JIIIlU"Ir~'. Thill mill hlill''',,'ullhn' d""'n fur 101'\"'1':\1 ,H'arll lin·lh'rlll1b11i,h' III the LIIIIII!"nnlln'" A~Jlr"rilll;, ':I "f " Itt' PaciHc ('r ast, rt'\"f'i"i1J1,"Ilt flrst 8iOO II tl!l nth fo.r IIH ililellru,

OFfiCiAl P',PER OF p\ Hr TO\~N3ENO,

eBRlI·:F LO(JA L ITI·:~I:-;.

l'rulIl M"",I.,·~ 'h,U,·,[IE.\\'Y rllil:ri tilt' Ill"~ rew tiny....

Jh: lIure .mll \'otc fur 8UJI1tlUo.lr 10­morrow,

'rill': .\Illikll !Itellllll'r will 1I11il rr,lln tltis"Itwe llUuln the I·HII or l,j iUHt., IIU enl,t.'ribhnlll lllt'Jrlll;i liS.

:'lIIl,J. Eo 1'IJ'0ll, or Port ULoteO\'cn'.....ho rtJtllru(l~1 rrulII C;llifurnin r,'(.'\'utl):.is looldll-.:' Jllllch impru\'oJ ill Ilclllth.

A'r till' 81'hool ell'CHon (III Snhmlnv,C.:'II. Urll,t~hll\'" IVIL~ ulectcll Dirt:cl'lr iotlllt'CI'ilt.! Dr. .'tliwlr,rtmIJllO. LnwClt!rk tuIlucueed I). II. !lill.

Mil J. Mt;CUllln' nl1(1 fumily of Snn.Jmlll, lIrri\'t-d h~t 'I'hunIIllly, lIil1cC whichlime '\[r. McCurlly Imii lx.'C1l 11(1 tlieSOUll1lllUli mlllrIJL....I.

l'::l. 1'. !:hm,v,y, tltu Io:l'lItll'1l\nnl)' n~clIl

I)l 'I'lltulIl ,t-, lit,wcn, S. F.. ('allcl! 'Ill III'

f'ri,IIlY. lin ha1'l beell lIIakiul{ a IIIICC'·,,'"rill tuur of thu l)1I1U111.

\\'E IIro) n"llll'~lc,II" 1lllllOllllC(' n lIocial10 IJO 11('11 at tho I'r~llh"'It'riall !,nrll"I1­n~ (1I1 Wc.lul,..,lay f'\'l'uiUI; Il~~t. 'l'llt'jmbhc j"c"r,lilllty iIH·ilt!d.

T(lO,\\' tilt) rf'J,tlllnr i."illll.of tim OAII.\·

AHllt:s ill rc~lltlll.. l, IIncr a rC>l1 lIf foJllrllay". With rollirnluu /ll'nltli \I'tlll"IK' tolIhortly rt.'1'IU1l1t! ullr u>l11111 ~llIil_\' lussl:l.

DUUlSll 1110 mllulh IJr 0I'tolocr 12.:1,'l!IlilClli Cllt,'rl"lt lluLl cll'arf'tl nt tho I'url'l'owIJSI.'llll elllollllll 11I'\llIl'. 1)uriul: thu81UII8 tillltl S,j,ifd wall colJe<:Il..,1 in cus­tom lIut'1l.

W.ll'lltll Hint ;\I{'fjI;1'll J. ,\. I\uhn 1111,1'1'. '1'. Minur Im\'O ..Illd tlll'lr 11111\' mitlstock til Mr. AI. l'lummer. An 1l1(l(.'ti<l11for t,re"idellt IUl~1 dIrector will of L'01i1'!;1)btl in OilIer,

LooK OUT. Sl,t! to it thut yun nre !JotimJlOlkl,1 on by lin)' uf tho hll~ull tidtotriiu circulnlilln. All tllo I:cnuilltt rt>puh­!illlul tickuIJI hln'o flout, of nil t.'1I1:111 uttheir 1t!!lId.

10'110,11 Mr. 1I~'rmnl1 Zanl, Ilf Ihill conn­f)" WtJ Il'lIrll thnt Ililllllu!llcr 111111 Ilr,"hJ­mot1H'r Uri' hulh Ii\'ing lit \\'ncrdl'l1,1I"II11lld, tim Ilidt Ilnnu"Il hciul.l' lit yellril01.1. Quite II IOlll: livell family.

Wv. ret'(lh'L,1 II Ilrcllt"ut tho Il~hcr (111)'trllln Dllfl;';U1H"~' It,lhll1ut pro\'ct"lJtJa ::IeaHlo ,ll'irJ'" Ilhoo hUIll, IL"I \\'110( nt J1rllt1l111111O:K't1, hUI W[1,14 rlluml tv be " IItOUil.troUIl l",tllto or thu lute ro • \'arioly, rromMr. IInll DIl\'ill' \Ioir)' furlll, It woiUIIL'l1-1 IlIH., IltruJl~, SClit!

'1'1Il: lI'elltrrll I'/olrman. R VCr)' ex·cclJ~'nt tllrm journnl. IIOW ill itil Ht:.'Cond\'ohllnn, h,,~ r.l.lchOt.! IJ1Ir tablu. It illpllblidl&1 at Moliull, 111.. eVlIry Illouth.contniuK ~ixtecn JlUw.~clU84Jl)' 111lcd "'itlleXL'(lllufl~ remlililol' multor, 111111 COiltl4 butW cellO. u )·cur. Try it.

JSlHq'P.SD~STli (~) objecl to I'mf. Kerrl);)cllll>iC Ito Ilnll ~jlled hero Imt rOllr"CUI'!; yet thu)'t'UrUin.JI)·lllll'llOrt "Ir. It0. Hill who hUil hL'CU heru but Il few111011111". WI) hafO ItO l!1ll'Cilll wnr 10

mukf, 011 Mr. Ilill, bllt wuullilike to Hee11l'OIJlu ~'II!liHlef1t -lk)m~.thll~'ll.

WI( learn that Mr. J. l\I, IIl.'rllllmlez,It fl!t"t.Mmker lucnloo hero for a ycar ormore IIII>!t, Wll!! lIuik'l1 ill mRrrillgc ul1:illllll'\tllY last to II lIiHter of Mr.•JIl~.

Hinltll.i; (wu llill nut lenrn her Ulllllt.')."'l'wu 110111" (1IOICiI) with Imt n lIiuJ:h'IhouJ:hl." It ill hOIX.... l that thoy ureR",1ill IIIYI t I CUf'h oilIer, nmllr/ll/. tlllll1(.(h

f10t Ica>!t, lllllt Ihcir lovo ma)' lI'(I.r

drOIl1{t'r froUl )'mr tu year.

'rut: delllolJrnl~havo fWlUill1l1et.1 Ju,lj.{oSWUIl for uno uf Ihojll!tticcll ot tho 1IO'1l(,'Ufor tlds pl't.'Clncl. Wcure illforlllCtI Ihllttho relllllJlican cOIlIlly eUlllll1itiw willtlllllurilO tho 1l0milllltionl})' pllttitu: thoJlIJ~e'" 1ll1l11U Oil ~hll n'tmlJlicnn tieklJt:"1110, thnt tllO)' will run ,\1l1jor \Inn llut.kelell lignin fur justiL'(l, ho bciDR litPrt'8Cnt eomllliltilt,q' mn(l~trRte. 'rhe)'ll'ilIllrolJRltly both lJo fllccto~1

AT Iho t('lIchent' f!Inmiuntion on Wet.!.nC8tlny ami 1'ltul1!t.lpy, conducloo lJyMills V. UIUlOOOk, coulIl)' 811Ilerinlf'l1­tleut, "!llliatcd by Prof. Kerr nnd Mr, .J,J. ('"Ihonn, lilt) ft)Il""il1~ ('('rIifJronh,'Hwue "ranlcd: ht j.:'rnde. Mi.." ComnA~h; 2,1 IUIII!I', I\JiJl8 :\lcPhee: Uti ,ll'rallt',Mill." :\(nry Wood. MilO" 1I1'/l.. i... 1Jill'Il,j\fiM I\Ill1nJOl1ef1, "'i"fl I.mio :\Iitter nnLl.1IiAJi 11IOf:Aem Hh,~\ltall.

.·ro," ·rllt'!'l'Il'.)'·1 Unll,)'.

QtlrtT e!LoctiOll.

,\ 110l'.il'(,1 rtlN'ting WitH It..ltl nt SenttlrMoullll)' (O\'~'nilllt

DO'(T forlo'l't the IIIll'inlnt tlt'1 Pri',,:J\"t('rinll Jl;tr~l}nlll.(('. tomorrolV llij.ih •

Mttr lI11tTllIllll' IIn'4 h.....n ('oufllw,1 tohis room \I'illl :IMtrtlkt' ot parnl)'lIi"'-

A T,ATUong ")1)' Ile1rt I':utlol forThc(!:' ill 1\110111 to IJe lll.~tiCll('t1 III Ur.i\lnr}' Wnlker.

l,;~lnu~tAtulll~rltl''TIA~UIIl,.'', tV'ytlll.l" \'ll·lIhll/l"" r ..,.h"r, ,

,~~~;I!i.,I,~:r'<',:7 l~:;"~,~h~,lf ~!':,~~,l.P!!~~II~;t<~,I~~J"n.. ·1 I...", ~"llll...t . \n .'rl t, •• I;;~ ..I" "I "Iln

~:~: :::~',~l~~~..~;,~:: ;.:::.:;~~~': ..,:;~ ...~~~111l~1 ~:,.NA Y. nr Klh~1I \'''''1Il' 1\ ,,11I11I,:I<>n I ~..I,,,t,. I",.

~~~:~~f,.Il~"'l.I:~tl!:!',~'I:~r'~,~!' ~l'l.~ll::..~I":\t~rll.~·" or ."dlu" loo" ::1 I" \lm"'hll' :0" ':'I1I"lIh.tllU~' Su 1 ...·1 "f II", Wlllu'''l1~ ~1"ltJlln

A,,~ alld III I"'••un., Illlml,,:.: ",h, •• ~I .. lh....101d,,~, flbO'lll.ltud. ". In) 1'....11011 th.'"..... f, II'" I,., ..",r"'llll""llulll,- Ih~lr ,lull,,· In Ihl~ oUlu .. lllIln

.1~.?~~'JU~~I'r.;~~~'II~~I,I.l,'I:.~'r::::un".. h, 01> .'111.W. 'I'. 1M. "~lh J,,~ "f Au,:"'!. ,\ I' 'I~'~ ,

JvHS ~. ',1)\1 "",z.l lOw 1:"'.;I."'.ul ,It.. I "nil ulllr.

\jl>llTlu:lrnh 111.Tlln.. I.ANl!ltrtu •. IllI)"'L.I. \Vlt.hln~lnlll'lrrllC)" f

:"ntlnl b ltt"'IJI th"n Ih., In cnllll,n."..... 1\11Ihe 1"".I.llIn." Ih...\rl or '·m,I.""'~ .111,"""d.Iu".. ~ 1';,0 ..alltl...1 \n ...tt r..... lh~ ul.. ut 'lIn!'I",r I~tlld.ln ,'''' ~I.'~~ "f t'llifotnl" 11'.....". :""... ,,11,111111 \\a-bln~lntl 'Itrr1tor1" I., \\, if"ltl, rot,1~lI'.'r •• " t "'Illl,. \I ..hIIlO(I"11 "".rlIOt, ha. 1111.

~:! ~I.:~ ~'; ~~I'~~~~II '~7 :,IlJ'I::,:l~~" ,1:'Jr"~h~:~tJ'. "t..e, 1\1, lI"d Ih", ,I .. '.. "I".. '. or '~C1lon SO~I In lowtl.lll\l :"" ,II nnrtb. ",Il\:l Su II •••1 ulthe Wlll"m..ll~ )(~.ltllu"

d:~r\j,i b:.1,ll·II~~,r~~"~I,:r' ::~,nl'l~~ Iil:~::,:,..~~ ~,'~;~~~~""lul",,1 H' dl" 'h,'lr d.ln,· hi .111. umr.. "hblll~l.\\y ,lkIld... frum dut" h~rlIt,l.

~''''~II lll"f~r llIf haml II' !lIt "mr... hi 01'"'1.1•.W 'I·.lhlo'.t>lhJ.yuf .... "):".1 A II I"I,C

~Vll;o.~· 1>\1\\.".!:Ill'... 1:",:\'1'" nt ,1>.. 1,.1111 Umff

l,;~I"" ~~T.,';;,I~.';V~~i:'I~·;I~::?~:rrt:;' }SOt!,. II It.....hv :th." llllll III {nlnl,lIl1l1r" ..hit

~I:;',~~ti~~~';n';rll~r..til ,\u!t ;,:~~~~~;~,~. ::r'''r;~:1boo. I.•ml. III Ih.. 1'l1."'• •,t t al1l"rulll U.....nn.:Or

~r~I:,~.I r~:.:',::~:'·\\';:~;~~,~::;;'i::'~I:~~;~ '"h.,I.' ~'I:i.tla) 1l1..,1 In lhl_ nnt, .. hI••Ill,ll'"ll"" ,,, 1m,. II".~Iht!I'.'.nf~ .. ' ••",111 ... ',,,t'~" t. "f ....':"0 II .mln .. '. "I • ~ '. ut '"'" S" III In q,:o;,,:,.Oj II • X.. ~ ... or Ill" 1\lllntlwl\.. !II,·,ldl."

A",.'·d nlll" toll"- rI.I"ll".: ",I'p".', I"...,ud~;~~~~~'~,~ '~~I. ~~;1~', \:1'~I~'\lil:i,\~ ..~lIi:: ~i~'i,ll~.I.,f, "IUI,IUt" f.."" ,ht~ "",... ,f.wU,~~':I:l~\;~It\llui.:~t'~l~~ll~:~,'\"\'111,I~~()l,lIIpl.,

JuliS ~'. UtI\\ I:L~·10", UI'I/lo,.rllt 111.1.. ,,<1 um...

Umted St"lt"- DI"tnl:"t J.1lI\t1 Ullin', l .OI)'nJlllll, W. T. r

:"(lllr,' t. h......,. \:h"1\ lhul. III '''IIII1'lon, ....h"11l1'1.rtl.l·ln". "f 110,' A, I "f t·"tlllr,··. 1t1"""",1.11I1I" I, I~~l p"tllll'll" ,,, .\'1 f"r 'h"."I.· "t I'lm'11... 1.111,,1. I" lit" "1.1'" "f I .Ut"ml•• 11"'_...... :".~••,h, .,,,1 \\II.hll1~'"'' '.".ll"n . "."11' I W

~l~~~~: Il::~ ~t:t~1~":;:I~I);1I~~'~:~~II~I:.I;,·~'I~:';.'tl~;:rf,;1'"N'ltll'" til.. ~ I. ",:'> 1-:. '...tlld ~ I. "' II Yo '.ur ~,II"n :"0. 1,1. In TIll'l,.hll' S" \to ""nh.rail::" :"" .! ••··1 M Ih" \\ Illnn,..".' ~1'111;1."

.\", and .11 I.......,n•• 1.llnlul( .'h~,... ly Ill.. !.Id11~l\(nl... ,llluI11. nr I"Y 1"JllloII Ih' r,~,t••n' I\~...",""Iul.. d III 1l~'lh~lr ,1~11lI0 In ,M. u'til'tl .. llltl"~ltli,~(~~I,;~~~:~;"ll~~'.'l'l: ~~' ::;~f"rn.... In iIlfllllll.,W.·r .lhl. uUII,h, "t ~"I'I.. tIIh"f. \ II. I~

JOltS Jo" Om"':f.Hl'j.('IRter.



l'~ITlll "UTI_ 1I,.fIIM1' I...." 0 .... I. IW,nLl'lll, Wll.lllnLlll)1I 'I ,'rrlu.". f

l;:~~~:,~~'::~~',r.~.~~:h~i :,·:II';~!,!IM;~,~"~.I~~In,,~ II. I""", tnllll..d ",\Il ,h I r'lf Ih,' ·al .. uf Tim..... r 1... ,,,1_1,, II., lOtlll'" nf t·.lltOl'"I" U",_..", Npt.,h••",1 'N... h'ol:'"'' T..".1torl. '.' 'lol •• t) XY.ll"f )(11011\1 tnUnl,.. VIII' hill' I"" T."n.,'7 hlU IhI.

;Ih! 1~,~"1 ~~dl~'~ ~l~d,;r' ~I; ~1;Pll~rS'~II~/~I'~';"h:;;,.",llnn S.. ~ In 1".. ".1111' ~".I::I ".r I "~.IO?llllI\'IllI••nl.'h· m~rldlNn""V lIlnl ,,1l1~r .. JU' rI"lmlnl: .1I1,·r'fl, 'II' ,.,,1dhnlIN·,II"nd. '"' I"y I"-,nllln Ih.!'"fIf.II"· I......h,",,,111""'1 10 '1>' 11",'r ,1,ln.. l" Ihl. ufllel .. !lllll,

.It:r.~~t,J,,~III!;1~~:'I,'I'~~t.'i;';t..fd••, In OIYMIlI ••W 1 . lhl. I~lb alY or l"I'pt"nlbr, " II I~!.

J ..u" I' 1:"Wlllt,H~I:I.le. ot Ih~ I,."d Ofdel

····l~~~~·,;:~;~~~:-i;;.;·,;,~.;i~~;~;(;;~,,:;:---f·U'/ nll'll. \V~.hl"l:lBn 'I""rllI"7

X"lh~ I.lt~f\'" ~" ..nlh'l, I" wml,llnl"" .. tillII", 1'"" 1_ltIl)...r Ilt~ .'cl ttf •·..11\1 111"......1Jun,.tl. I~:"l, '"lh"'''' Atllll'l tor,1 ~ It< "f TIIII.".t I.lnll_ ,","" !'ll.lt!r of l'.lIfornll. II,.. ........ :".­.ad, 11\,1 W~.hh'I:'"'' T_,.h.u,.· .t~iltllr \V'UTI.nf "'I.~Jl ,~.unl, W".hlnlf\IIt' 'I"UOI"". h•• Ihl.~.: ~1~':I~I~:h,~.:~:~n:;I~.'i~~I:~r.I,';':~ r;':~h~~linn li.mln"qr"r'UlJrllfOl'1'lonl'tt IYII~llId::"nl,::,~)~,:';::II~n:"" ':!l n. f SII I "~"l of 111lI '·ill·

'\"r ."d III I"'TlHln- r1.lmlnl: l\(hfl· ly Ih 101d~-rrll,..,lla!ll1 o••n"I~,rtlon lh_r t~."" !lp h,..."nlr'lll" nl.l IlIplr "~'III. In lhl, onte.... llhln.Ial" ,11111 ,b.. f"",n dllo' ~"""lt.

Oll"ll 'In,,"r m,. han,I.ltt lilt "fn, .. In (l]~rn\ll••W. T. Ihl. IIllt i1., uf 1l.1l,"ml",r " IJ I~J",,, r U"".I.~_.~_2"l:t..t"r ot I~ ~,ltIId uta...

lIS,Ul! I!T.TU Il, ...."".. I,.~" n"ul. I

SrlIlr. I. h~~~~~\~;.~ll~~~~~~I~::II:~~~~:"~lh~I~~:,~nl';;: ;n~I~~" .. 1~1 ,~~I ~;~'Y~::"~I:I:~i'';;;:~bPr 1..",1. In lb. ",,,1.' of I·.nf",nls U,..lt"II, S.....Ill an'l ,Y...IIlnl'llluT"lrhnrr." lhlll> IlUl~lt.llf

~~r:!~,tr~IW,. ~'tn-::'~t::~;~l'.r;.~t~~::rr"l~,~~~~l~:IIt"lolilll .~'."r" ... I."f""'II"n~.'lIllnll~nJln~'lf ~r n"qrnf •..,llotl:O:"'lIlan,tiJlntn..II.hlp .'u '!S n., I "'"01 of Ih~ Wlll.lI"'U~nlf·.hlt.n

AlI,.lOnd In lJl'..ntl~ .llllmln:r ..htr~l,. tho ~.ltl

d...,rlbPlll.&n'l Of .Il! '....nl"'. tb" ......J " ... h••~II,....'1"ll"'d 10 .f,1o! I"rlr , .In,. In Ihl. otdr<' "lIltln.lIlt ,"II ,lit.. fnlm 'Ilih' It~.....,r.

yJ~~·.'il~I'~t'l:'a.~:;1 ~t\lI':;r,r;!~.r~.II~ ~~~TPlil..J"".. t' 1..,Wlt.

t:lo... lI"l;bl.rof Ih" I.ntl Otar<'• l·srriii;MT.U.-!JI""'"''T 1....." OP';": --\'­

011mlll. 11·•• lIln~'to" T..rrlto.,.XOllre.l. Itp,.ht 111"'(1 tlt"l. I.. ,Oll\lllllnr lit

IIt'llrl ..I_lo"o nt Iii...\.t nf ,',mj"".· apl ,"dJ.II'· 'I IIl71I ..nlllIPd •,\n A_I ror 111,· ".1' '"Til"11".1.111,1_ In Ih.. "I.l>" "r 1·~llf""'''It.lh>'tznn.:"~,,,,I••n'l 1I.'hlntl"" T""ltllt')'." U·...nA.t·J.Jr.fit KIL'.11 ro Int) >Ii ••II(n\l1l1" T,'".ltllr). h•• thl.

~I~! e,'::III~~~,j ~r:r'~.~llin:llf~~·I~~::,.~'I'lr;,rr,,~.:'{" ...1.•nd n " '. of tl ~ I, of .....11.." :"n I:J. Inlo"n'hlll :"0. ');11, r 1'0 W...·JI or the 11111.nl..ll"II\l'rldl.lIdf~:~';:I"~~~:';"';~', 'I~~~t: ,~;:;·~~t:~~:i:~I7t)I'~dlt ll~r~~rd:·'~~':~f.lhl. oUc" .llhln

1lr.~1t un,?:, IIIV h.nd .1 m) ofdl't', In nl~mVla,". T. lhl.1I11t d.t, or J'ltll'\l!''' ....... A l) llli<cJ.

J,,"~ ~. lln.Kl'.:rJ.IOw 1ll!~ti,tI'r ot th. l.and Oldre

I"MU" "r.T~~ Ih·rnwT 1•• ,'.0,.. ,._, ,U.)IIIl",t. 1~~'h'''I/I'''' l~trIl ... y I

:"<111" I. h~"'I,) ~l,." lhal. '" ."h11,h~u,,,,,,,1111'0'1",,'1,""" .1 ,t,,· \,1 "I l"IO:I'''''I*''.. ~,1.1",,, I 1~:1I.~n'lIl,·1 '111 \,If"rll" '~~'''l 't"",b' I .",,1. In 1111 ~I~I", "f I ~lIl"rlll~ II"M,:lm. :0 ...H,I•• ~",1 ,.~.ltm .. "., 1""" ,,, ~.'".

r~ll. "I """'". """I). II ~." IIl1"" I.",y.11.· lIli. II ,) "'0'1\ ." I",•• 'I" ~ II· "1'I'h.uIlII" '"I"" I".. · 11,,'1 ',I,r .,. ',,,",1,,.,, "r ... ',III.""1,,,,:".. "~. III '''''''·1111' loo" ~. "...,h. r""~",,:0" I ",'.1 ,,'II.., 'I III "",' ,. "' ..tl.lI.1l

'~") ",,,1 "111",r-",,. (I "'llU,,: ft'[., , •• 1, Ih~ ."ltId.··.t1I....II ..."'I,ltr "") l"'!ll.", th, ,...1 ",,' " .. rO'I.)",qulr.. .! '"Ih,' ,b"lr ,lillm. III II". "UIIIl"LlI,ln'''1) ,'~"d,,). fr"m dll" 11"11"1.

''''"'' '1I,,1,'r Ill) bUIld "I m, nnh~ hi Ol)mplu\\ ,.. Iltl· :).,11 'b) 01 .\".".t ,\ II I ......~

~1J1l:'> ~. " .. \\ t. l',1(.'.:I·''''''f Ih.. I ~1It1 ont,l'.

Of .,...,1.. 1 '''t'' Uu"tooMt>l rO"II\~,....dll'.tl"rutl. !inr1.1, 10 un"lI"rrl.1 "mJ I...~.. ,. h,

~~:r ~~mn./:el~I.L1I.... ,~~o'::'I:II,~~~'\.fl~On~;n;"hr~r'

itr~'", i~~'I~~~'_;. r.:~~~.1r n::,,=:.~n'~"'.:'I;,I:iI~ :,;I~,~,,~1l11'.IrI~nl Inll kn 'wl .. ll'" f,,,, hllll1 "Ion .n4 wn

~');'~_II :).:~:.,.rl~ rul,'l';:';;':I~~:C~~,I~I'..r~,;lal ':::=~~"111.,11".1..1 ,~••,I\I.. ,"ll'nl ,1,·1'''' ""Mnrh b,,"t_rrlll'"'' ,\1,1-:"'" \~ \'i'rl·I\ ,1,~·.,t 1.I...n.rn lo.~!IJl."l.>-I~I I:<.DI I I cl~ o. Ml-IIIw


Assessment Not CO.PUOEI' SOUND IHON t.:O:'tfPAN\',

L::,ln.H :-oTATt;.' {)lnllM' I.ASI' U.·fl, ~ II)I.nll'I .... w A'IlI~OI(lS 'l'nltnfOl}·.

:".I"... I~\I ..n,h)· .. hl!ll ,Iml In .'Om"lllln{1I.llhlhe Iml,·I.I".. of Ihn ,'cl "rt:OUllrn~••1""rn""1 J"n,.:l, 1.0:11. enllll,..1 ',\n A. I fnr Ih..."1,, IIfTlmt",r I~""I_I" Ih.·It.." .... nf I ~llf'Jt.nl.., ,,,.,,,un. loo, ,~dN Itn'~ \\ I~hlnlllo" ""1.dl ..!')·... Jnlllll" K,~'I "f \1" .. ",,'"'w'IY. \.....hlna:lnn Terrll"q. II"~ 1111_ 'I'l111",1 ,n 10 h' •• ,·Ike hl~ "",,11''1\1 ,,'" I" .... rpll"·e

: 1~1I,,:,It~tth~.~\'lh'iI~:I~I~'e~l~~'I:ftIt~~rth r:ltli(".\,1\ 1111,1 Mil I>f'r"'ln~ "IIIII"IUI( ""'''~'I) II".

~~:' IhI,'.;: r,~'" ,'~",',~::~,~i \i."1',Ir" I,\"~!II:": I~!',:'.f: ~riIhl' "'IIt", wllhl" .lll} I) I lltl)' lrolrl ,11110.It,'l't'"t

.11>"11 Iln'h r lin' h'ttl,l. III ·uv ..ml.... I"'ll'I,II"". ". '1. ,1.1. ~;ltlll"l '" llt.;1\JI,,'r..... p l"~

a.."-It/1w' JOIIS ... 00" tn', l1.glllIO![.

!,.lIlt fllllll'" wdll,,· I"'a,l ,11th Illt"rt'llllnt lur,...· ""I~ri •.• e-t" Mild I....) I", rohl'uIII ""r 111111"10· Illl 1111111"'1"111"', 11111111 tu 1111..11 .Ill ;,'li,

Th,· h,'~1 hll~llll'''~ IUllhILll" ill tll,,-'T, rnt"r~ 1-0 1,'t',L\.,,1 h.'r,' It I'" tilt' !tUI.I,ISU .YlI,L!I.

Jlr"III'rl~ lIr t· l·. B.trll,tt. 1':~'1' /tlld l\Ir A Chnl"f. ilf t)ak,,"I.I. t'.ll. II'I" "11111,.1 I (', 'll~l fl1l'I ..,J "t h.'WIi \lltli' 1111.' IJf tl\l' IlIrt.:· ~I "(..,,, ,11 ,.",'.'" III l .e P."11Il.!,,!"!lI:, Ior"ll;:lll f,utu Iltt. Jj"llLuj,t l') I l'.~ IIt·,~. n,' "I til, I" ~l f .r.. 0:11{'ham BlI~ ,plllrr~ till' ..nlllt' ""I' Ilml t~l nlill "1I1'C"-··,,lu. bll~I,,"". 111<:11. f I 1111'

rllrlll~Ilt'.III'''llllt!t'rlltl r,lr Ih,. l'url IlIrmn.m"ltu,·f t't I Ill. la,' lu"ull.lId)"hit le .. h"ll I 1l1'1t.al t, •• 11Il I'~ I I,t "I ~I,'~~I.

Ialld 1',Hfll1iI'" '1'111' hllddlllg. III !~Mlllt tin <:11111'1 rll" I"U "l I .,111_ IId!>ttlJullg:h hll! r'·hWo fl"·:. nn,l t"., 1Il0"klrlll.l. "'''wl!' I l,~., .. ·h"lOti".. III Illdll I'l) .. t llri I'lItcrprilllllj! 1 Co (ur th"lr KupAyof plW IrOll, L~ IU\\lh'r ,:-IP.I""I..tIlolI., II '''I ,. J.:'"otllll· l1l~"'lo:I.""li\cone III t"l"cumwdilJlI\t·~tllll·l1t ":11'11 It '" 1'1I11"1;1"II·.lllut! }'rvlu tho nl.lU'·O bn,f fl'\h w vfIlll' 1'11111'.· hl·ll.hll':, \'ilh hIhl'lIl1'lLt. ill l~uI't 'l'uWll·Pll,l .. ,.1\ II'. ~•• ,l, h , .•••1·'·'I'"I'·" II} l!lr' Ill'lll uf t' C. !lILIIII,tt ht· "'1"'11 thIh 11" 11U1"" 1,1 lim 111\11'>1,... t "'. III 'lhll·11 III Illlll"a{'~ Ilwir iUI 'uu h~ \lU IILI'11l1" LIllil ,'II ,. .. 1111. II ill'll1I,,\n.. ,' \\ h"lt''''1I11' !lnli,· III ~l'lll'rII1 1!1t' .'Ilt,,-·I pn!>." \lUW 1II1U," \\11' /11"-'Jr1t'ldl;llllh~,'. Till' ""'nll'l' 'If tb,' tinll d"\I'lup\'\l, lIIal hlilltl"t'l ,'IlC:I hliu h d.hll" hl'I'1i III "1I"11I1'!>~ Ill·r,· rur l·IIo(!l· th'·l'lt)· '\Ill 1.11,),: ,h IJI1' ul 1111' llJ'''''t"I'1l )·,':u ... ltIlL! III I lllUll Oil 1'1l"I·t llllpUlllllll III \,ll.. ,IUI;.\IUIi UII lI.:';'UII1I111'l llt'tt"-'I kl1ll\\ll ur III1)r., 11I~h. tllo b"hl UllIl'llri :ur II.,' I..,WII I", 111.1I., r""II"I'I ...t thall l'. l' Ji,lrll"lt H" F \\' l·l,a~.., 10"'. tli,· h.lLll,I.:, vI tl tJ

I,unl i .. 11'" g'tNItIIl<t; Iii" homl uow I'I'UI'(lt' U. "1 . OJ, "n !Iud. i"1',,11 'J"I'\II~"lUI i .. 11m' uf 1111' r"w nlsu til" Ii, TId r 0 lilt 'l'owlIll"lhl.

tuwn" ill tilt' 1'1ll'lIiu Xultlnn·",t thatha.. ,It'C''111 Ihltl'1 f1l't'ulUlnUtlatiuliS

'I'll(' "C"l1lml" IS thl' l'ruP£'l'!v urDutld."- Pugh. hn" Illlr!)' TUOIl 8. 1111 :BO'LOO!u. is tbe liD.k th.t unitel maow~lI wlltilntl'l.lltl\(lllH'ht.lm~ LJilhnrJ "illl the brute.rWlll HIllI >l(·t>l II \l'r>' ,,;uuII tnhh· Mr. Tn !thad is • ftslt tb.t wean • lin.IJlllorl l. \\ 110 i,. ul~u l'l'upridur ut tli(' 001110 for a bftCll.bolie.I'vft DI"';U,eI'Y ~luh'l, I!a.. bt<l:ll_al't':>I-1 O~()AR Wlt.!JIIllllllU fllthelic triahman11"nl Ilr lu,:.('t't ~olll1.l~llll''-''I.sh" .\Ir. -a kind 01 Lily Pad "'It wereIJllthl, Mllt'C l/{li!l. Tilt' "<":"lltral" Tuc telephouo bu' dt'vl'lllnAT; an eD.1\11-> etl'l'lt...1 h>' till'S!) J.,:',·utlt·!Ill'll III Itlrt:!v·new school of beJlocl.lt\:;:lh7ll. 1I11li .111 II cn'llit tu tlll'lIlaM wdl &MI one who h... l>eell there remArk.l\!i the f:l1} I tlult • youllg author hvel III all atho bo-

'I'lli'I CUI101ll0rolitlltl'' i<; thfO 1l1'111X'r- (lltuae Olla i. rarelY able to hVll on hisIy of J ,I. Hunt. ~SlI .......ho IllIll lX'en tl.rd ItorI, •1lI hUlt'1 blhllll''>t.~ for ovel' IHt(tNI I ALL perroonl whn inTellt moneJ for

/·.':In!. IIlll1notwlthstunilin,: thllt l,is chauCd 10 turkflJ nam..'tJ are UllIIOlm0I15·IUII~O ha.. rOTty ruom", the" IIrc III. ' )ylll rAVor of dnwu as cowparllU WILli\\ll~~tJC""IIH''1I-1\ V"I.' 1:0 ...1;',ideneo uluJrawll poultry.th/lt III" knuws how to kt'O 11\ hotel I TRI!: bl1ppied iJi.'JI05ilion on record i"

Anoth... r 0110 of I'ort. TowlllIl'lI{l's th6 PIIlI~eIJllli" "oman who ~Illliodmust I'lll,,-'rprisin ~ cltizl':l"': i~ Chruo "ll'ht!D lold of lu:r hu..bllllll'l1 dnth 1&11(1

}:'''f'II~i~, I 81. HI> i" Iln OXlt'll',i' C ~1~~r~lt·~ With tbe unu"rtall."r At In.,!I'n!l'r III !luur IIml proprwlor ur tbe 'Purt 'fowllIwlllllll\!-l'I'r To I'CI'Oll HI': had plupogO£la "tlok of 1t'ood with

•. I polHler aud tI '11 cRrt!1 I t 't J1Il00lato hiS COllstant y il c enK n • It: tJ~K,J I'U I III liSI 1 h

... o"'olto'e. Hut he dlliu t"Ol!lplalD lhom8111l"l'~. 1<.' (11 J.ust COIDI hl tOll R IlI""H:" WIllU'8 lilo U8<'1" ho lllkelL

Inr/-:,o sturl' Ill.ndd'tlon. to 110 a 11111 "NobodJ "ouJiI bt!llt!~e It (l.Dvllo......reatly OCI'I plNI by b."n. } alh I\r(l )T i. 1I1ll-h.'I1 that lJt!rlOI:" ~udl\T thecOIl!ttrlll'tl'l1 u! llmt~rlltl tal en from IlSU or t!llwr AfC prouc to confess tlllnrlhe llclltnghn'u llay ql;urry. cruuell, II thll~ flWt boolllUC8 kuo\1lo It

About six Illil~ rrom Port Towll' to'llJ be Ulll)()~llJte to mduce more tt:lU1fiend, nnd I()(nt!'ll on the 80ffit' bn)'. ilt olle pehOll IU 10,000 to tak... tbc Itll!f.l··ort 'fow1l8t'Il(1. wh(tTO two CUIllJlIIn' "All," he Clcl ..iweil. &9 bo pressedlOS or tho St><:ond Illfl.ntry, uoliN her h:Dllt'rly to Ilim lit llll.rting... 11110111I'Olllll1l\11U of Lt etll. Alex-undor 1I"ld J~ III the:oe "rDlli nglilD t.o-roorrowChnmbrorll, nm p;tnliollf'd. allc! JllllDt ~ur hllur6 1I"Itli the hright IlIW

J II· fi tn'UhlOf Ima~lllllotIOn?" ",S'o,"lIbtJltAoUI

rOllllll'lll IVO Iml,--.s BUilth, but lUI CIIIIlII,v, •• out to-morrow' to-morro\V'.(Jlr(Jl1lll~tIU!C(":j 1'1) OOIlSj'lrNIIO lIInko II wub.dIlI," •l)('rsoll~I."I~lt to tile p ac~ (\ mlltter of TAlC )("'1DP.~'8 ...nvlC&.InlllOSl':llllllty on our part, WtJ usc, YOIlD, 1'1901 .1I..1I1t1I,U ""n".llIl1t .....11l\llh plcasluc. tho following fl'om tim '\\ ....,.,. Il:l~(b 111 "'., _lib llu, ~an.. •I ' I J t II It r II O"'~I,blab,'n'<l"-IIIl.luberl.ltd,.~u..

0If ",. 'W·"(''',.. I!I rom 10 .. 1t1.~"",,,,'lt.. rltllAlOlA.lor,"pen or A 1'. HlH';lel 1'.:llCl' /I cloS6 Fr.d.'ld."J".I ..... ot>dorIlH/fIU;ltl.lf:

b• ' b t J ... ur'en tltUUil blo or 110.1 ...m. 'Ii al IlI'H·t -

o lWr\'('r,IIDu one 0 t 0 mOll IlCCll- '11J.,I ..,d lb. I.......bl'-t'.-.d .... &ll.illtf••rnte dcscrilltive WTlt{lrll In thc Pltcitic "YOII ottllbllolJ~, '(KIMt .11'11" dot."Northwc:lt. A l'IIlOUIIOK of Mr. Mlgg., glauClinfr

• out of Ihe ",miloII', obeerv~ that 6/<11·rro,mlllle!! the JI(Int of oper~lloollof millie mao phlKslug Oi' t e Imot--holOI

the 1 u~et :Sou lid J run Co., al1u III o.ne of in JiLl back fence••:If) veotured to 18k :till' nW8t lllieres,hll.\!' Ill?eC!ll h~"oV!l!lled "Auy hard feelwgsagin the woman neddunn!:, my ~tilY In Wn:l.lll,-:-tOO rerntory, donr?" .. No "roturned MI ga I '11bt'1I1J,:. Bot It 13.lho IIl1tml poUlt, AU to It M' M' 'I • PblCl! y.HllCUk of Iho de,clollmont 'JI wlmt mud • t. I • It got f IlllllJlIIotlll 10 t e ll\w.e"l'nt:llllly IJN"O une of the mORt 1m.•1Il1 t~e doctor laJ_ IIbe mud k.oopportnnt IllllUlilricll or tbe (utllre ~Inte of qutet.\VMluligton The comllf.uy ill 11 Cahrur- "I'M ~OT gOing to IIChool .nI more."11111 ,,--orllumtioll, wllh the, arent otlko In ..idl little ...year.old boy loMI' mlrom",:inu rlUllrl~'(). John A. POJ:wn 18 Pres· OU lua rtllurn Irom bit finlt day at tbltIdcnt. nul! J\.llnlltov secretary, The kllldtrgartell. "\\'11, my dear, 110n'tl(lt'nl OnkN!t oro J. M While. ~Ill'erill' fOll hku to I'e<l the little OOJII andgirl1l1"1t~lldellt, nll,1 JI. L. J~nnclllUlI. l:)cereta.· .. Yes. but I dou't",..nt to RD." penlUtodry. 'I'he lite tlf [rolldola emhrnl'CMalxlut Ihe 001•• , 'callSll my teacher IUIIlhat~ IlCtl'ft QlIll~" nlla/otO UllIIJrU{ll'iuM to morfDW !tho'" going to try to put anup with the ~IIlCli(lTl w,.rk~l\llllo Ul.OCIt:Ull, wlello Illto my bead."Tile lIliUHlI( rc/olillll proper cmlJrncc8lIu.mtlSOJ IICro.~ o! Inn'l I) Illlot' 3llOie tWIlHIlII ono-Imlf milC8 llo.mthe1l9t uf Ihe to ... '1IUl(', W~~Nl oog ore or Ihc t.:JIt 'Illlllily ill[lInml Ul I,rnl'tl<:ull~ C'II:lllUbtle.M quaot··uelt. A rll)IIUY ul :lj celli", Iler lou 18!'.&lulo tlll~ o\tner~ Ilf lhC'l!.lIIllIlI11 for UIClire dtr:w:tc<l autlu!l\....1ct Lhe Ir,JIl works.'1'1<1" llt.;: ul\! ,.. lIUX,.1 \t'ltll 11:0 1I1l1l:11f"tLCi!'t)ultffl broll:.:ht fr"lll 'l'l'XnUlt 11'111111(1, l~Ilule~ llurth tlf !'urt l"J"Il~'n'l, wlllltl tho11lI1l.':IWUtl frvm :-)llll Juno Islam'!' h~ Ulll.:.'llns It lIlIl. 'J lit: .Jclfel'lliHi COllnt.y bou Of0ItMolI)ll from 4:; lu G:1jA:r "'ell!.; the'resn-dtt tlN!tl rrum w ttl 71.. The e1:jll'rlmenhlhitherto mltllo lI'itll 11:016 nrt'~ hM'tJ beenhiKllly .....tllifad.Jry: till' CnJillI yidd ",·jtblha fil'llt /tuu illlJlerfool hh~t lurnace IIW11IlTiu,.. booo IIhout I,'!U) tOlJJl uf \,violirt1u, \'!lIch hA~ l,ruvo:Jn ('J:e<:lIcnt fortou 11\1 ry. Cllt "hCOlJt uu,1 rUllrOllll iron,Tllu f'J:I.lefllnenlal ~Jt"rIOLl III 11 now becOllsltlcn.'t:I. 11U:>t. 1'h2 oltl furnRCe liasbeen denlOhJtt...-'J. nut! IIDW reduction1t'uru r.re wdl alool!' III tho pru(1(!lIo'IofCOlllltructioll. '1'1Ie uew fllrnaco will 1.Ie00 'oot in hlWbt, Itl fl.'Ct (j(llIllre, WIth II1.1&&0 0120 "'ut with HUll Clt.1lllll!'M. 'rileIlDt bll1l:lt wLlI be l!JrtJ fl'Ct 7 lUclwli.withTIlll3IIIVO }IrltuHo fUUlldatlooll flv ft.'o"'tuoop. 'fbu buller nml (,lll(lne bed willI>e ~xl;j feet. with fOUllllatioD 8 feetdtl('p. 'l'ho tumuN i:l eS:lOOteJ to tllrllout forty tonll t.,r I";: lruo per ttny, 'trilleo-t between $1tJ).11l1t1 Rllli 8:.!511.o.AJ. I\udWill have 1111 tlio mo<t~rn InlprovemeutiJ.'l'he COmIIlUl)" 1ItI'0 on hnnu I.Ut~ ton'l ofOIl', J2;1;1J..l bU5heis of chllt'OOftl. IIml :tOO101l1l of hlllCfltOIl8. 'fhe rock IIml III tlle(oundation WiJrklt nml fllrnllNl hi hron,t:htfrom the ClJuekRnnt qUl\rrlelt, UelllUJ::·IIIUli Bay. At IIfl''lCuL ltbuut 'hlrlJ me·ch,lIliclillre flLnIJ!(I,e.1 ill tilll OtmlttruohtJlIof tlie 1tllrk.Jt. the mUllthl~ liUy run ~!Cre­!latin.\!' ltlJout S'l..WO \\ 1.l.!11 iu filII UII­tlr,lhull tlltl \turkl emilloy from 40 tu 4:,m"'n Rt tIm fllrMCo, nut! (rom :JU.1 tv ·lIkJtit the 11l11lC~ ul.\l III tl,e ""0111.111 hUfnill!:dUII'Ct>IlI. f'le . anu thl' 11.'1~' It III fOllt up to1"'IItt:t,'U 812.WU 111111 8IJ,UUO mOlllhl).1',. Aunl up. I~ l)r~llt malUlUt'1lltlllt \'111m.ll,e Ihe Pllj;,,,'t lYItlllll Irtln Comp.1ny It

1_'rllllllWllt 111Iu,,\ry. 1:\'l'r}II11IlJ.: lint>1«' .. 101~lIlt tllf' III' ut lilt' furlln'·.... mao0'11,1 '-~. rntk ('lllII,Jullun" 11111 IIoltll!'f'~,rnehlr,"t lot 111 .....1'(" ullIIUlI,l'':'''I'~ hU"I',II'''' (rum til" \tur,l "l.'''' .'Ir. While,thl. locul 811{ "IIUtl'I•.Il·lot. l'i D lIt'lltlelil 'Il

\ 1',11,'1,1 1I1a~. "n I r, I" - "I' l1"".Il"lt.I~','.'rr"'I,,,1 ", 111,1111 " I ,1,·Ul,',,. 11.1111""11,111, o:r..· "ll1llll~ '1. 1,1I\IH' Ill! ItII ,. ,'Ihllllnlll ~1,,1l' ,I lll~ IIUI1I,' l1n'''f"" II> III 111~ 111'1011< .,11,,11. j'l~ h Ill' ,I~ I~III 0 .. ' .·"un~, Itlhl tilt L,III,1 11~I'lirt111,'111 h.I'I In. ltlllh..rll~ In ,'urr., tIll"1111~11Ik,"


~,E"r.I1\I. (,~"I' 01 FI' r.

W.\'lIIMH.". Jl C., Junt' 1:1, I .....~~

Ur.OI..~r.ll .SlI Hr.,·I'I' Ill.

t'rwk"lulI. :<1'Ullt'>l"tn:(;I:l;Tl ['IF.l;: I lUll ill It'('''lllt of

'p..mr !I\It,·r uC 'I..~. :..'H.II..."'t. IIlUI"l1lltIlll~ Jl;\1t'nll":-IIl't1 b~ 1111'" ulll1·I·. JIlI~'''1 Ih."lll. tu .\h'ltalhh'rl·hn!oui1l.,I., rpl"

;b~. \\. lil.~. E fir. ~. W llr. S I:'Ir,:\' E tjr :-'. W. tp'. S,'(·.l'I, I'!l1",1, H. :~i. 1IPOII l'll~h I'lJlr~ :\0 411,1II11l1,' ul U.'tl,_ut. )llIllI,''''ulll, )Iardlii. ISm .

Acculllpnll~ illl-\' "mil )1:II,'lIt I'" lIlI311ulavlt I·ltl'l.·ul,·d h~ E U S,',lrlt·. 111­I...~III;.: thlll Ill\' ",alll Sl'arl,' I~ th,' Htturlle>' in rw·t fllr thu t'nll')' IlIllt," (nOOP)' of 1111",'1 ur nliorlH'J 1"'11110( 1111'11to corruborato Ilu:! "latt'lilt'olJ: Ilmth)' \'lrtlh' of IllS l>OwPr u! utturllt·)· h",..u, ... rl'll Hill laul! 11I,,.cnlll',1 fur lI:UtI(toh'>' party, nnd MoM tlll\ S:\lIlt· toone JOhll L' '\["rnam, whu is 110" Ih,ola.....!ul oWIl{'r of ll:lIlllanil, Jil' fllr­tbor 11 clardl th.lt tho trllll Illllllf' o!tllu ,'nlr)'lI\lIli III AII'XlIlld"I' t:ollhutl­hez IIIlJ not <..:II[IOOIII,·z, 11M writt"l1 IIIUIO"IIllINlt,nlld ll~ks thnt.llll'llllllHO illsnill pawnt IlIlly ho corrN'!t·1! m.:conlin~l)'. III O\'Pry p!rlCo..Il'I'lll'ru tho IIp­phllllllt'S mlluo upl't'ars ill tho l~qM.. r:;r..latltlg to tllll cas,', l'XCll\)t tho "1;';1l'1lnr~lI, the DlIlIlO is sptollCl. ml ill Ihopatt'nt-<":haboilh'z--chlilrl)' ludIC,LI·lOt: tho 8Ouuclof Iho nnmo ,\hichoorrC8ponds with thnt HI"I'II ill tho!!ltlOlhng' of tim U1\IIl(t by the clrlUlllintIIIUl!leJf-t:bllhboillez .\u 1'I1tIrt'I~'dIO·,.rllDt DalllO is I,jh'on mtlle nt'lI­d[l\'it. or &arlo 'boht'lll'z-llot stUcepbble or IlTOl.llUluiBtion in tho 8nIDOwav ll!t cl:Ullmnt'!l p,il,jllnlurl·.

\vhllo t1ll}thlr~rellC(llnorthographyor tho name bctw(l('n c1lUlIIUUt'li i'ilg­nature Ilild the wrlung 1ll tho j>utcllth~ not 1\ material Olle, I\UU clln ill 110wny I\I1'oot bill title to tho Il\utl, lamof tbo opullon tbai tbe Jllltont mnJbo com.octad tll>OlI propcr .flJll?lica.tion,8u M to /l/:."'t'C'O ",'Itli 11111 1;.11;111\'

turn: but in 110 twcut will" tIIl111fl en·tir!!ly dlffereut from that. Illgn(.'l.l bytho applicunt Ix> lD&'rlt'<l III the pnklnt ]f the clltillumt 1l1J;l.lt'<.1 hisDllllJO llIcorrect.I)' when lIluking up­plil'utiou to euter the Il\nl1, IllS rclilOtiyllt'il in tho courts, /lod thill ofiicohn!i no llutb(1nty to oorroct. hig rulS-t.nka H('iIpcctrull)',

N. 0. MC}~AKI.MI'O,Com.

Gfunal Ln d D~, .Ilon•.

AI.I.X '~\I\:.. \ II 'I 1I11.1.I:Z

Our iIIUStruLiOll8 of Ibo 1l11rround,ingtl of Port TOWDlM!od, however, dotoo salin/.;'. To make n view of thotown I!soU is ulmO!lt" matter of illl­po8slbility. 'rile busiue&Il portion ison a tlat, facing a beautiful bny dlll(>j)l nouyh and large onough to fluat till!entire mercbnnt marino of the lJnit,·tl·tate\. The residtJnOOft artJ 011 table

land, tOO feet "00"0 the bUlllu,,-'Sl:IllUi tKlld IDcludo mally prettJ' plllCl'tJ. Ourview "how8 tho businOlll portiou onl)'M &Oeo from tbo Marine HO'IlutaJ.

Port Townscod i8 the J>ort of en­try for tbe Fuget Sound district.wlthMr, A. W. BUllh B8 the oolll!ctur tJfcllst-om8, anu W M. Harn''t'l Rnd \Y,O. Chapman. d8Jlutietl. Tho U. S.~IBnne H06llitnlls locnted here, Dudperhnpe no -bolter spot ooultlllOSSIble have been 8elootcd ror8ucb DO in­stitution. 'rbo salubrIOUS climate81ld grnudeur nod pleasing (l8{)00t oftbe Imrroundmgs, effl'Ct nil1o·tenlh~of tho curl'll, e8/K'Qinll)' when nssi..todby Allch ,killfll \,b)'ljiciuns f\.'l Dr. T'1. Minor and 1'. W. MemII who nrcin cbnrb"C of the 1Il!i1ttUtiOll.

Tho AIWU9 IS published luore, dnil;ranll w~kly, by Allcll Woir. It umkoltII very cn'l1itllLJlo I\ppeutllnct!-nhl)'advocates the iuten'8lS of thllllocBlJty-aud iJ5, in fact, one of our lDost "ai­

111'(1 f'J:eh81l~

'flll're are two lurge Ill\wmilli illJel1't!rsou CtJUllt)', of whirh PtJrlTowlI!M'od iii tbo l..'Olluty fiO;\t; ono ntPort Di~.:over)·,l\r{' .... IDlles ilOllthwe!ltur the cit)"Rnd the o;Ji'l.r at Port Lui.!low, elsewhere mOliliollOlI A t1linlone was IItarted in DN."elllber !lllSl intbe ~~t)· ))rol~'r, witb a capital Ktockof $55.00u. rhe blllldlll); 1.'1 cuwIIl'l\rl)' colDpll!k'l.! AUl! firsl-clns.~ lilli­l:"!Jilll'ry is hI,'iug put Ill. '1'1115 !l]fl('('1:1 tbe bl!l'd'IUnrtcnt uf tho l~u"WLSuulld Te~l'graphCo.• ,\ ith !lU{!4 QIII­plded to :;"'Il.UI" Ru.1 I'OI·t An;;.,ll·1iDr. T. T. ~tiul!r I~ !'n'·'ld.,u!. It.. \\.·111\1 uf lltt' SllWIlll1I ('.'IIII"tll\. m,d "r\\'I .. t SIUO I'll ... I ' :-, lUll.!

Hlttlruwl ('0 'fh"" r" I "" \.( ill\.'hlllr)·u, !Jut ILIIII,I!>'lldlllo ~ a'I:1 1,111

\\ eo~ IlIlOn.J

It. is ratber diftlcult to delcrmi1lowbich IS tbo most. lovely IIPOt LIDl)lI~et Sount!, famed for maJ~tic UDdYltrlt.'l1IlOODCry. Ono COll but rl.'CallOaY'H-

Port Towmend. W. T,
