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RULE BOOK - West Bengal Carrom Association

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WEST BENGAL CARROM ASSOCIATION RULE BOOK 26 PURBACHAL SCHOOL ROAD KOLKATA – 700 078 PHONE : 9831057254, 7003183474, 9831072870, 9231270598




KOLKATA – 700 078

PHONE : 9831057254, 7003183474,

9831072870, 9231270598


The game of CARROM was in vogue in Bengal from

the 17th century, but there is no written evidence

found about it. Initially, carom was being played by

using powder or fine French chalk. Thereafter, a

person named Gopal Dutta residing somewhere

near Amherst Street introduced the pockets as


The size of the CARROM BOARD was initially of 34’’

and subsequently changed to 36’’ for maneuvering

19 men and striker smoothly on the BOARD during

the time of Rakha Babu. Other basic rules and

playing codes were improvised by legends like Netai

Mullick, Sasadhar Ghosh and Ananta Pal from time

to time to it’s present form.

Hony. Secretary



1) C/B - Shall mean CARROM BOARD

2) C/M - Shall mean CARROM MAN

3) C/Ms - Shall mean CARROM MEN

4) Queen - Shall mean Red CARROM MAN

5) Umpire - Shall mean an appointed person

to supervise and to conduct the match.

6) Turn - Shall mean the right to strike

7) Finish - Shall mean the completion of

the board

8) Placing - Shall mean keeping the due or

penalty C/M in the master circle either by

umpire or by the player permitted to do so

9) Due - Shall mean when fine is not


10) Pocketing- Shall mean putting the C/M

and / or Queen into the pocket

11) Proper - Shall mean in accordance with

the Rule Book

12) Improper- Shall mean contrary to the

Rule Book

13) Umpire’s fine- Shall mean penalty for

infringement or violation of Rule Book

14) Fine - Shall mean pocketing the striker

during play

15) Opponent- Shall mean the player not

presently having the turn to play ( against

team )

16) Imaginary Line- Shall mean lines that are

in extension to the arrow crossing the

joints of base lines outside the carom

board diagonally

17) Stroke - Shall mean hitting the C/M by

striker directly or indirectly

West Bengal Carrom Association 26 PURBACHAL SCHOOL ROAD

KOLKATA – 700 078

LAWS OF CARROM The laws shall be known as ‘’ The laws of

Carrom’’ as adopted by West Bengal Carrom


1. Carrom Board

a) Board - The playing surface of the C/B

shall be of best quality, plywood and be of

not less than 8 mm in thickness and of

35.5-36 inches ( 90.23 – 91.5 cm ) square

with its surface completely smooth. A C/B

shall be able to have at least 5 to 7 times

run of a normally smooth striker when

struck with maximum possible force from

one of the base line to the opposite frame

of the C/B.

b) Frame - Adjoining the playing surface of

the C/B there shall be wooden frame of

maximum 3/4 inches ( 1.90 cm ) high from

the playing surface. The breadth of the

frame shall not be more than 4 inches

(10.20 cm ) and not less than 3 inches

(7.60 cm ). The thickness of the frame shall

be between 1.5 inches (3.81 cm ) and 2

inches ( 5.10 cm ). The height of the C/B

from the floor shall be 6 inches ( 15.20 cm)


c) Pockets -The pockets of the four corners

of the C/B shall be in shape of quarter

circle inwardly and be of 2 and 1/8 inches

to 2 and 1/4 inches ( 5.42 to 5.74 cm )

radius. The piece of frame adjoining the

corner shall be cut in such a way that no

C/M may refuse out even if struck with the

maximum force.

d) Base Line- Two straight line equally

distributed on all sides shall be drawn on

each of the four sides of the playing

surface parallel to the frame on each side.

The lower of these two lines shall be 4.5

inches ( 11.47 cm ) away from the frame

wall and upper one 1 inch ( 2.45 cm ) away

from the lower base line with a gap of 1/8

inch ( 0.32 cm ) known as ‘ beneficial line ‘.

At the time of stroke the striker must

touch the upper baser line and one of the

lower base line i.e beneficial line.

e) Arrow - Four arrows shall be drawn at

each juncture of the base lines at an angle

of 45 degree pointing towards centre of

the pocket.

f) Circles

i) Centre Circle- Exactly in the centre of

C/B there shall be a circle of 1 and

1/4th inches ( 3.18 cm ) in diameter

drawn red in colour. It shall be called


ii) Master Circle- There will be circle

known as MASTER CIRCLE with the

radius of 3 and 5/16 inches ( 8.60 cm )

from the master point ( centre point

of the board ). The diameter of the

Master Circle shall be 6 and 10/16

inches ( 16.80 cm ).

iii) Marginal Circle- There shall be two

Marginal Circles drawn inside and

outside of the Master Circle for the

variation of the diameter of the C/Ms.

The gap between the Master Circle

and the Marginal Circle shall be 1/8

inch ( 0.32 cm ) inwardly or outwardly.

iv) Beautification Circle- There may be

one circle nearest to the Centre Circle

and other two in between the Master

Circle and the Centre Circle.

2. Carrom Men

The Carrom Men used for play shall be

made of good quality wood and circular in

shape. The diameter of the C/M shall be

from 1 & 1/4 inches ( 31 mm ) to 1& 1

inches ( 32 & 1/2 mm ). It shall not less

than 3/16 inches ( 0.50 cm ) thick and not

less than 4.375 grams ( 6 annas ) and not

more than 4.750 grams ( 6.5 annas ) in

weight. There shall be nine white C/Ms

and nine black C/Ms and one red ( called

queen ) C/M and they should be as far as

possible uniform. The C/Ms shall have

smooth movement on the surface of the

C/B when struck by a smooth striker.

If a C/M breaks into two pieces during the

play, the larger part’s position will prevail


3. Striker

The striker shall be smooth and round with

a diameter of not more than 1 and 11/16

inches ( 4.30 cm ) and weighting not more

than 13 grams (no relaxation in respect of

weight shall be allowed). Striker made of

ebonite, ivory, plastic or any chemical

composition may be used. Any metal

substance fixed on stroke in any part of a

striker shall now be allowed for playing. .

4. Nets

The pockets shall be fully covered from

beneath by nets fixed suitable at the

bottom of the C/B.

5. Light and Shade

The shades shall be hung at a convenient

height above the centre position of the

C/B so that the light shall fall evenly on the

C/B including the frames. The bulb used

shall be of not more than 60 watts or if it is

LED bulb not more than 14 watts. The

height should be so decided that the naked

light does not strike the eyes of the


6. Toss

There shall be a toss by the Umpire by spin

of a coin before the match. In singles the

player wining the toss shall have the

choice of side or option to strike first.

In doubles the toss will be twice. The first

toss will decide the opening hit or choice

of side and the second toss will decide the

sitting order of the players, which will

remain same throughout the match. Those

who will loose the second toss will sit first

and then the winners of the second toss

shall seat as per their will.

7. Break

i) Break shall be taken by the player who

has chosen to strike first.

ii) The player who is to break shall have

the white C/M, during the board and

the black to his opponent. The queen

shall be the common coin.

Anyone/team when lawfully pockets

the QUEEN, that will remain with

his/her /team for that particular


iii) The break shall be considered to have

been made if the strike touches the

C/M in the circle.

iv) A player can not break without the

permission of the Umpire. If such

infringement occurs, the player will be

allowed for a re-break only once in a

round after which all 14 points

(including queen value) will be

accounted in favour of the opponent

each time of such infringement/


8. Sitting position of players

i) In singles the player shall sit opposite

to each other.

ii) In doubles, four persons comprising

two teams, the partners shall sit

opposite each other.

iii) Turn of play will rotate anticlockwise.

9. Change of Side

i) In singles game the players shall

interchange their sides after

completion of each game.

ii) In doubles game the players shall

occupy the side of his right hand

opponent without changing the sitting

order, after completion of each game.

10. Score

i) A game shall be of 29 points and the

player/s who reaches 29 points first

will be the winner of the game.

ii) The number/s of C/M of the opponent

on the C/B (after pocketing all his C/M

with or without queen) shall be the

points gained by the player. If the

player has scored the QUEEN also he

shall get an additional 5 points

provided his score in 23 or less.

11. Fine ,Dues & QUEEN

i) If in a stroke, a player pockets his

striker alone, his turn shall be lost a

C/M shall be taken out from the

pocket for placing it within the Master

Circle by the opponent. If it happens

before any C/M is pocketed, the due

shall remain outstanding and shall be

taken out soon after the availability of


ii) If in a stroke, a player pockets the

striker together with his own C/M, the

C/M so pocketed plus one C/M shall

be taken out for placing side by side or

separately by the opponent and player

shall continue his turn. If more than

one C/M is pocketed together with

the striker, only one C/M pocketed

plus one C/M as fine shall be taken

out. The double fine shall be placed

both at a time.

iii) If a player pockets the striker together

with the C/M of his opponent, a single

fine shall be collected and placed in

the master circle by the opponent

immediately. The player shall loose his


iv) In case a single or double fine (i.e 2

C/Ms of his own) remains due and the

opponent finishes the board, the

fine/s due shall be added with the

board points provided the board point

does not exceed 9 points.

v) In doubles game the fine shall always

be placed within the Master Circles by

the opponent sitting on his right hand


vi) The time limits for placing 20 seconds

with a warning of 5 seconds. After 25

seconds is over, all the remaining

board points shall be accounted in

favour of the opponent/s. It is the

duty of the Umpire to ask whether the

player has completed his fine placing.

vii) If the player pockets his striker along

with one C/M or two C/Ms, double

circumstances Umpire’s fine shall be

levied fine will be given and the

double fine will be placed at a time in

the circle by the opponent during the

turn of the party who has made the

double fine. The player will continue.

All fine/s shall remain due till it is


viii) In the case of double fine with QUEEN,

the QUEEN with one of his own C/M

as fine shall come out. The QUEEN will

be placed by the umpire in the centre

of nearest to it and the fine shall be

placed by the opponent. The player

will continue. In case of double fine

with QUEEN and no fine available, the

QUEEN shall come out and be placed

by the umpire and the fine shall

remain due till available. The player

will continue. If double fine is made

with QUEEN and other C/M, the

QUEEN and one C/M as fine shall

come out.

ix) QUEEN shall not be allowed at

pocketed during break or hit, under

any circumstances. If it goes into

pocket during the break it shall come

out and placed in the centre of the

board by the Umpire.

12. Umpire’s Fine

Under the following circumstances

Umpire’s fine shall be livable. All Umpire’s

fine shall be placed on or nearest to the

centre by the Umpire in such a manner so

that the offending player does get no

advantage out of it, or disadvantage to the


i) If the stroke is made touching the

single line.

ii) If the stroke is made touching the

arrow by the striker.

iii) If the elbow or shoulder comes inside

the playing surface and or any part of

the body, except the playing hand

(upto wrist only ) crosses the

imaginary line of the arrow, at the

time of stroke.

iv) If a player places the striker on the

frame, after one warning during the


v) If any part of the body rests on the

C/B during his turn of play except his

playing hand.

vi) If a player during the strike displaced/

touches any C/M on the C/B (The

displaced C/M shall be placed back to

its original place by the umpire

provided they did not collide with any

other C/M).

If any moving coin touches the hand

without colliding with other C/M, it

will be placed on or nearest to the

centre by the Umpire

vii) If the moving or vibrating striker is

touched/ stopped or lifted by the

player. If in the opinion of the Umpire

the moving striker would have gone

into the pocket, an additional fine

shall be collected.

viii) If the QUEEN or his own C/M or C/Ms

is/are pocketed by infringement is

made after pocketing the QUEEN, his

own C/M or C/Ms, then only one

Umpire’s Fine shall be collected. The

player will continue.

Annexure 12

a) QUEEN shall be always placed on or

nearest to the centre by the Umpire.

b) Normally all Umpire’s Fine are to be placed

on or nearest to the centre. But if the

Umpire thinks that the player may get

advantage for placing the fine or it will

disturb the opponent’s C/M he may not

place the fine at that moment and wait for

proper time, only in the case when the

infringement is made after pocketing the

QUEEN, his C/M or C/Ms.

c) Under no circumstances more than 3

(three) fines can be drawn out (provided

there was no dues earlier).

d) If more than one C/M is removed without

striking the whole board point will be

gifted to the opponent of the offender.

13. Common Rules

i) Time limits- A player shall not take

more than 25 seconds for making a

stroke from the movement of the C/M

and or the QUEEN/ the striker has

come to rest and or after placing the

C/M or QUEEN. However, a warning of

10 seconds will be given by the

Umpire. In case the player fails to

strike within 35 seconds, his turn will

be lost. If this happen 3 times during

a board, the board points will be

accounted in favour of the opponent.

ii) If a player deliberately does not touch

any C/M, he has to touch in the next

turn, otherwise he will loose the

board point/s. In a double game, if

one player does not touch any C/M by

the striker, his partner must touch any

C/M by the striker on his turn. Else

they are loose the board point/s.

iii) Change of Striker- The change of

striker shall be allowed once only

during a match duly approved by the

Umpire as soon as the particular game

is completed. If the changed striker

also is considered unserviceable in any

reason, he may be permitted to use

his original striker only. Anyway, in

case of any striker being found

unserviceable during any game the

Umpire, if deems fit, may permit the

player to change his striker for only

once during the match. Ultimately the

Umpire may ( or may not ) give

permission for change of striker twice

in a match- first the original replaced

by a substitute and if the substitute is

unplayable, that be replaced by the

original. Hence, only 2 ( two ) striker

will be acceptable from any single

player. Any player using one striker

must deposit the other to the Umpire

during play.

iv) The allotted C/Ms can be changed in

case the Umpire declares it

unplayable. Otherwise the players

have to play with allotted C/Ms.

v) If a player pockets his opponents C/M

only, he will loose his turn


vi) The Umpire may assist a player to

remove his striker from the board,

only if the same is out of the reach of

the player.

vii) Uses of powder, chalk, dry lime, ash,

dust, cream, Vaseline etc on the board

are strictly prohibited. If found doing

so, after a warning the whole board

point will be awarded to the

offender’s opponent for the same job

done for second time.

viii) In case the QUEEN is not on the board

and the player pockets his striker with

his last C/M or C/Ms along with the

last C/M of the opponent, the board

shall be considered as finished.

ix) In case C/M jumps out of the playing

surface of the C/B the same will be

placed on or nearest to the centre by

the Umpire. Any C/M going out of the

C/B or resting on the beat, it will be

declared as jump. But any C/M goes

into the pocket rolling on the beat

shall be consider as pocket. If any C/M

stuck / touches the lamp shade shall

also be treated as jump.

x) Both hands can be used during play.

xi) The player may ask for any

clarification of laws of the game or

points in his turn only.

xii) In case of any C/M being lost or found

unfit for play in the opinion of the

Umpire, that C/M shall be replaced in

course of play by the Umpire and shall

be placed to its original place as far as


xiii) While taking the strike if the striker

jumps or remains untouched by the

C/M, the turn of the player shall be

considered as lost. This will not be

applicable at/before start of a board

i.e at/before breaking.

xiv) The Umpire shall not help or guide any

player for placing the fine/s.

xv) If a C/M resting perilously at the

mouth of a pocket is actually tingling

and falls into the pocket due to any

reason it is not be considered as duly

pocketed, till it touched by striker or

other C/M during play.

xvi) If C/M or QUEEN stands on its rim, it

shall be allowed to remain as it is.

xvii) If two C/Ms and or QUEEN overlap

each other they shall be left


xviii) If the C/M and/or QUEEN rest on the

striker, the striker is to be removed by

lifting the C/M and/or QUEEN

replacing it as far as possible by the

Umpire in the position where it would

rest, if the striker was not there.

xix) A player can move right or left during

play but any part of his body should

not cross the imaginary line of arrow

of two sides. A player’s head can only

cross the inner frame of the board

while playing.

xx) While taking a stroke, the position of

the hand by which the stroke is made

up-to wrist only, may touch the

playing surface.

xxi) No smoking/ any kind of chewing or

alcohol is allowed during the match in

the playing zone.

xxii) If anyone pockets any C/M ( including

QUEEN ) lawfully and after pocketing

any other C/M or striker touches his

hand – In that case only one Umpire’s

Fine will be collected. But, if in the

opinion of the Umpire the touched

striker would have gone to the pocket,

the C/M or QUEEN pocketed plus one

Umpire’s Fine will be collected ( In

such case players/ others opinion will

not be granted, only Umpires decision

should stand final ).

xxiii) If the QUEEN is pocketed taking any

sort of advantage the QUEEN plus one

Umpire’s Fine will be collected.

xxiv) When a player finishes his turn ( not

finishes the board ) his right hand side

( in doubles ) will strike and his

opposite player ( in singles ) will strike.

14. Loss of Turn

i) If the Umpire thinks that a player has

deliberately made an infringement or

used unfair means, the Umpire may in

addition to his fine can also terminate

his turn.

ii) In doubles game the partners are

forbidden to talk, direct, insinuate

(any indirect hint by gesture ) or

suggest during play. Any violation in

this regards shall result into a

Umpire’s fine and termination of turn

of the player.

15. Loss of Match

A player shall be liable to loss the entire

match for any act of indiscipline and/or

break of any of the laws, if he:

i) Uses unparliamentarily, slang, filthy,

communal and/or threatening/

frightening languages while playing

match or inside the playing arena to

anybody ( i.e. to any player, any

spectator, any official, Umpire or

anyone else).

ii) Leaves the seat during the game

without the permission of the Umpire.

iii) Fails to abide by the time limit given

for the commencement of the game.

iv) Refuses to abide by the decision of the


v) Passes insulting remarks against the

Umpire and/or authorities before or

during the match.

vi) Discontinues the game during the

course of the match.

vii) Disturbs or distracts the attention of

the opponent while at play more than

once. At the first instance the

offender shall get a warning, which

will be treated as first and last/ final


viii) If a player is found under the influence

of intoxicating drinks, drugs and or

smells alcohol.

ix) None can pass any substance to any

player during the game. If found so his

match may be offered to his

opponent. If anything is urgently

required, a permission from the

officials must be taken. Additional

striker/s are to be kept with the

Umpire during the entire match. Even

if anyone leaved the board

temporarily for any reason or other,

the used striker also shall have to be

deposited to the Umpire.

16. Rituals, General Rules & Warnings

i) If the Umpire thinks that any player/

spectator/ any other is disturbing in

play and/ or in conducting the play, he

may eject him from the playing zone,

just giving a warning.

ii) All the terms and conditions directly

related to the game of carom is

applicable only when the break is

done and ends at finish of that board.

iii) Any player shall/ can not for go a

registered tournament for attending

an un-registered tournament. If it

happens found, WBCA reserves the

right to suspend him with immediate

effect without showing any cause of


iv) Any player does not attend his playing

board within 10 minutes of the

Umpire taking the game to conduct,

his match may be gifted to the


v) Good/ Sober behavior, vocabularies

and respectfulness to others are

expected from all concerned ( i.e

Players, Umpires, Council Members,

Club officials, Spectators and all others


vi) Any protest has to be made paying

protest fees only.


Price : Rs. 100/-
