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Varieties of modal (classificatory) and comparative probability

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PETER WALLEY AND TERRENCE L- FINE* VARIETIES OF MODAL (CLASSIFICATORY) AND COMPARATIVE PROBABILITY I. INTRODUCTION 1. Preface The introduction is divided into five parts including this preface. The second part outlines the contents of the paper and indicates some areas of omission. The third part speculates on some of the reasons why the subject of this paper has been so conspicuously neglected and attempts to suggest why the time may be propitious for formal study and rational utilization of the probability concepts we discuss. The fourth part attempts to establish a framework within which numerical probability can be seen to be but one member of the category of probability concepts, a category that naturally includes the other concepts we discuss. The fifth part of the introduction presents some additional reasons to engage in a study of versions of unconditional modal (UM), conditional modal (CM), and comparative probability (CP) concepts. It is hoped that this extended introduction will motivate the reader's interest in the generally neglected concepts of probability whose mathematical aspects we develop in the remainder of this paper. The brief arguments presented below are intended to supply elements of a perspective from which one can study a variety of probability concepts and in particular to: (a) Clarify the nature of a concept of probability and thereby make clearer the possibility for a variety of concepts; (b) View the usual numerical probability concept (NP) and its approximations from a perspective that makes them less com- pelling and the limits to their applicability more apparent; * Prepared with partial support from NSF Grant SOC 7812278. Synthese 41 (1979) 321-374. 0039-7857/79/0413-0321 $05.40. Copyright © 1979 by D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, Holland, and Boston, U.S.A.

P E T E R W A L L E Y A N D T E R R E N C E L- F I N E *

V A R I E T I E S OF M O D A L ( C L A S S I F I C A T O R Y )



1. Preface

The introduction is divided into five parts including this preface. The second part outlines the contents of the paper and indicates some areas of omission. The third part speculates on some of the reasons why the subject of this paper has been so conspicuously neglected and attempts to suggest why the time may be propitious for formal study and rational utilization of the probability concepts we discuss.

The fourth part attempts to establish a framework within which numerical probability can be seen to be but one member of the category of probability concepts, a category that naturally includes

the other concepts we discuss. The fifth part of the introduction presents some additional reasons to engage in a study of versions of unconditional modal (UM), conditional modal (CM), and comparative probability (CP) concepts.

It is hoped that this extended introduction will motivate the

reader's interest in the generally neglected concepts of probability whose mathematical aspects we develop in the remainder of this paper. The brief arguments presented below are intended to supply

elements of a perspective from which one can study a variety of probability concepts and in particular to:

(a) Clarify the nature of a concept of probability and thereby make clearer the possibility for a variety of concepts;

(b) View the usual numerical probability concept (NP) and its approximations from a perspective that makes them less com- pelling and the limits to their applicability more apparent;

* Prepared with partial support from NSF Grant SOC 7812278.

Synthese 41 (1979) 321-374. 0039-7857/79/0413-0321 $05.40. Copyright © 1979 by D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, Holland, and Boston, U.S.A.

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(c) Indicate the roles for, and necessity for, the UM, CM, and CP concepts.

It should be clearly recognized that we have no wish to dispense with the usual numerical probability concept, Rather we feel that the usefulness of NP has been exaggerated, to the detriment of our ability to rationally treat common instances of uncertain, chance, and in- determinate (U/C/I) phenomena.

2. Outline of Contents

(i) Contents

The concepts considered in this paper are unconditional modal (classificatory) probability (UM), basic or weak or transitive con- ditional modal probability (BCM, WCM, TCM respectively), basic or weak or transitive comparative probability (BCP, WCP, CP respec- tively), antisymmetric versions of all the preceding concepts (in- dicated by the prefix 'A', for example AUM), the usual numerical probability (NP), and belief functions (P,).

We indicate that concept A is a restricted instance of concept B, i.e. that every model of type A is also (or gives, by discarding information) a model of type B, by the notation A ~ B . At a crude level we can summarize the relationships between our concepts in the following diagram:


UM -~






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Our exposition of individual concepts is confined to finite algebras and organized as follows. We first present the relevant notation and axioms to characterize the mathematical aspects of the concept. Some elementary consequences of the axioms are then presented. We next investigate the possibility of representing the information pro- vided by one structure in terms of another. This both clarifies the interrelations between concepts and provides us with analytical tools for exploring their structures.

We then briefly comment on the possibilities for frequentist-based objective and preference-based subjective interpretations of the concepts under discussion. These interpretations serve to coordinate the particular mathematical characterization of uncertainty with a source of data for application of the concept.

We introduce axioms for an unconditional modal (UM) operator in Section II. Its representations and interpretations are discussed in Sections III, IV. In Section V we provide basic axioms for a con- ditional modal (CM) operator, and point out a natural correspondence with comparative probability (CP) orders. In Section VI we introduce weak CM/CP, and discuss their interpretations in Section VII. These systems are strengthened to transitive CM and the usual CP, by adding transitivity conditions, in Section VIII.

While our results are incomplete, they do include the following: (a) The modal and comparative probability concepts cannot always

be represented by numerical probability. Hence they are not merely approximate specifications of numerical probability but have an independent role;

(b) Belief functions (superadditive, monotone of order infinity, normalized, real-valued set functions) are capable of represent- •ng most of the probability concepts we address;

(c) Conditional modal and comparative probability seem to be essentially the same concepts arrived at from different direc- tion s;

(d) We can coordinate the modal and comparative probability concepts with U/C/I phenomena through interpretations of the frequentist or personalist type and also with logical inter- pretations, although this latter possibility has not been studied by us.

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(ii) Omitted Topics

We defer presentation of our results on joint and partial specifications of each of the concepts we discuss. The results on joint specifications center around a study of the implications of proposed definitions of joint specifications (e.g., combining experiments about whose out- comes we make modal statements into a single experiment with our knowledge of the outcomes describable through modal probability) and, in particular, independent and exchangeable joint specifications. We have also introduced a notion of cooperating experiments desig- ned to provide a basis for induction principles in a modal or com- parative setting. We note that the feature of comparative probability experiments that there need not exist joint orders (Kaplan and Fine, 1977) no longer holds for WCP. These issues are discussed in Walley (1979).

We also defer a discussion of partial specifications for a probability concept. We can provide partial versions of each of our concepts by weakening those defining axioms that assert the existence of specifications. In effect the usual requirement that we deal with an algebra of events, an assumption in numerical probability, is a sub- stantive one. Whereas we may be able to make some claims about the tendency for certain events to occur, we may not be able to make equally definite claims about Boolean functions of those events.

Unlike all of the earlier studies on modal probability, we study modal probability in an event/set-theoretic setting rather than in the more familiar propositional/linguistic setting of modal logic. Follow- ing Carnap (1962), we prefer the term classificatory to the term modal for it more accurately reflects our orientation towards classifying events as to whether or not they are probable. The use of the term classificatory also deflects expectations that we will study such tradi- tional questions as those of iterated modalities (e.g., 'probably A is probable'), the relationships between 'probably' and such other modalities as necessity, possibility, knowledge, belief, and plausi- bility, and a semantics for the language in which our propositions are expressed. While the questions of iterated modalities and the rela- tionships between modalities are ones worthy of study, they are unnatural ones in an event setting.

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It should also be noted that our focus in this paper is largely on the mathematical properties of modal and comparative probability. We study versions of modal and comparative probability and their inter- relationships but say almost nothing about their philosophical im- plications for induction and epistemology. What little we do say about these important areas is confined to this introduction and our few remarks about the interpretation of the concepts. In effect we do not treat in any detail the application or justification of the probability concepts we consider. For example, in what follows we occasionally refer to a determination as to whether or not to accept the hypothesis of the convergence of relative frequencies of outcomes of repeated experiments without any indication of the inductive grounds on which this determination is to be made.

3. Speculations on the Status of Modal and Comparative Probability- Myths of Reason

The concepts of UM, CM, and CP are prevalent in informal dis- course, rare in scholarly studies, and entirely absent from the formal methodology of inference and decision making. We find the chasm between informal and formal (scholarly) references to these concepts puzzling. While we intend to indicate some arguments supporting our view that UM, CM, and CP, in several versions, should all be incorporated in a formal methodology for dealing with U/C/I phenomena, we have been curious about the failure of this to come about. There is an enormous literature on numerical probability, a literature still growing at the rate of thousands of journal pages a year, and this makes evident a strong, persistent interest in prob- ability concepts. However, this great effort to deal with U/C/I phenomena is a curiously constricted one. Informal discourse and informal reasoning make free use of modal and comparative concepts of probability. Yet formal discourse almost completely ignores those ideas. We speculate that this is indicative of powerful academic myths, what we would like to call myths of reason.

We can find parallel myths of reason in the evolution of deter- minism, (e.g., the situation confronted by C.S. Peirce in 'The Doctrine

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of Necessity Examined' Peirce, 1892), and in the evolution of the numerical concept of probability itself in the mid-17th Century. As we remarked in Fine (1978), in our review of Hacking's stimulating study The Emergence of Probability, prior to the Renaissance the notion of probability that appeared in scholarly discourse was one that only recognized the four levels of never, rarely, frequently, and always. This notwithstanding the extensive experience of individuals in judg- ing probability and their accurate judgements as to, say, which outcomes in gambling games were most probable. It is clear that pre-Renaissance man had a more highly developed concept of prob- ability than he was willing to admit to. A myth of reason operated that denied the possibility for expressing this more refined charac- terization of U/C[I phenomena, presumably on the (a priori?) grounds that one could not find further degrees of regularity in the irregularity of the U/C[I phenomena (Byrne, 1968; Sambursky, 1956). In the mid-17th Century this myth was suddenly replaced by its virtual opposite. A new myth was created that all U/C/I phenomena could in the end admit of a numerically definite statement of probability; we call this a myth for it was not so much a product of reasoned reflection as it was of wishful thinking and it operated to limit further thought. At its establishment in the mid-17th Century this myth had little to recommend it beyond the great respect for number that seemed to attend the post-Cartesian replacement of certainty by mathematical precision. It seems clear on a reading of Hacking that, say, Leibniz had no real idea of how to construct the numerical scale of probability he claimed to establish; he tied '0' to impossibility, '1' to certainty, a notion of greater confidence to a larger numerical value of probability, and invoked a notion based upon appeals to enumera- tion of equally likely cases and balance of arguments that could at best have occasionally led to the identification of rational probability fractions. It was left to James Bernoulli at the close of the 17th Century to develop the equally likely cases argument into relative frequencies, whose limits could be any number in the unit interval, and whose assessment circumvented the unreliable process of determining which cases were equally likely.

The successes of, and new vistas opened by access to, numerical

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probability suggested, perhaps, an endless succession of successes. Perhaps all U/C/I phenomena would yield to numerical probability? Certainly this seems to be the thrust of Laplace's famous Essaie

Philosophique sur les Probabilites of 1795. Today the mainstream thought on probability still flows in the

channel suddenly opened 300 years ago. We can discern at the root of some of the controversies in present-day statistical theory some flickering recognition that there may be limits to the use of numerical probability. Albeit there is little sign of a clear conception as to where these limits lie and what lies beyond them. At best we seem to hear appeals to 'total ignorance' as the alternative to an approximate specification (due to ignorance) of the 'underlying' numerical prob- ability.

Ramifications of this current myth of reason include: (a) There is nothing of substantial mathematical interest in the

(weaker/simpler) concepts of UM, CM, CP; (b) At best, UM, CM, CP would represent informal approximations

to NP, approximations that are better handled mathematically through specification of a family of probability distributions, that is through the formulation of a compound statistical hypo- thesis;

(c) Attempts to cope with the naively apparent diversity of U/C/I phenomena either through recourse to a notion of error to account for some discrepancies with characterization by NP or by declaring the phenomena to be unamenable to probabilistic analysis;

(d) Controversies between different schools of the foundations of probability and statistics that show little sign of progress towards resolution;

(e) The few analytical studies of modal and comparative concepts of probability by such researchers as P. Gardenfors, K. Seger- berg, and P. Suppes, have rested on an underpining by prob- ability measures. In the end the new concept was tied to the old o n e .

If our speculations and beliefs are substantially correct then we are now within reach of a corrective perspective. It is only fairly recently

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that the tools have been developed and the arguments advanced that can enable us to examine from an external viewpoint the probabilistic methodology in force for almost 300 years. Elements enabling us to achieve external perspective include:

(a) Studies of the history of probability like the one by Hacking; (b) The development of an abstract theory of measurement, as

represented by Krantz, et al, (1971), and especially by the research of P. Suppes and his students, that has provided some of the necessary technical apparatus as well as the viewpoint of measurement as a homomorphism between an empirical rela- tional system and a numerical relational system;

(c) The long-running debates on the interpretation of probability have provided alternative interpretations and thereby enabled us to stand back and look at the question of interpretation itself as coordinating a mathematical concept with an "empirical" concept.

(d) The debate between the Bayesian and frequentist (Neyman Pearsonian) schools of statistics suggests to us that the limita- tions to the use of numerical probability are beginning to be felt if not yet perceived. We can no longer feel that persistent work will enable us to embed all reasonable questions concerning U/C/I phenomena in the familiar mold of statistics based upon numerical probability.

(e) Finally, the last ten years have seen the growth of new insights and techniques for confronting mixed evidence or resolving conflicts between multiple experiments. A concern with mixed evidence (evidence simultaneously supporting and opposing an hypothesis) is explicit in the Ars Conjectandi of J. Bernoulli and discussed in Hacking (1975), Sharer (1976, 1978). The recent work of G. Shafer carefully addresses the issue of mixed evidence. We shall defer a fuller explanation of our own views on this issue, formulated in terms of multiple experiments rather than in terms of mixed evidence.

Regrettably we can enlist little of the extensive philosophical lit- erature on the foundations of probability in our cause. While prob- ability has been carefully considered as regards its interpretation and

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its role in inductive reasoning, there is an uniform disregard for the formal analysis of probability concepts that cannot be reduced in some fashion to numerical probability. The efforts we are aware of on modal probability either treat it as virtually unformalizable (e.g., W. Kneale) or as reducible to numerical probability (e.g., P. Suppes, P. Gardenfors). The several studies of comparative (qualitative) prob- ability, with the exception of our work, uniformly reduce CP to NP.

4. Concepts of Probability

(i) Probability as an Element of a Methodology for Reasoning about Indeterminacy

We view probability neither as science nor as mathematics, although we note that it is often confused with one or the other. Probability is part of our apparatus for reasoning (we are not claiming an epistemic interpretation) about U/C/I phenomena and as such is an element of a methodology for dealing with U/C/I phenomena. Probability can be studied by use of mathematics 'and applied by science but is not contained within either of these areas. Revisions in concepts of probability are therefore revisions in methodology, and such revisions are difficult to achieve. New methodologies or modes of reasoning cannot be defended through proofs, as can theorems in mathematics, nor can they be refuted by critical experiments, as can laws in science. A substantial methodology is also capable of resisting re- vision. The methodology may claim to supply the means by which its own successes or failures are to be determined. This is especially true of methodologies for probabilistic reasoning. Our probabilistic methodology, through statistics, provides the yardsticks by which we measure error, determine whether evidence confirms hypothesis, and judge whether phenomena are amenable to probabilistic analysis.

(ii) U/C[I Phenomena

An analysis of the notion of a probability concept should start with the category of U/C/I phenomena. We could indicate what is meant by this category through a list of examples. While we will not do so

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(see M. Black (1967) for elements of this list), we hope that the reader agrees that there are a great variety of phenomena which ordinary discourse classifies as uncertain, chance, or indeterminate and that this classification is largely free from controversy. Common to these phenomena is a characterization via an observer and an information state which at a minimum enables the observer to discern the phenomenon against its background. The information state, while identifying the phenomenon or experiment, does not enable the observer to deduce the answers to certain questions. From a descrip- tion of a coin and coin tossing apparatus the observer is unable to deduce the outcome of a coin toss. From his experience with lan- guage and a speaker he may be unable to deduce the speaker's next utterance. From a complete description of a physical system he may be able to infer its quantum mechanical wave function or state qr but not the result of a measurement on the system. (This of course was used by Einstein to argue against the completeness of quantum mechanics as a description of physical reality.) In sum, from the most complete description of a U/C/I phenomenon available to the observer, a description sufficient to identify the phenomenon and separate it from its environment, he cannot deduce aspects (e.g., outcomes of events, truth of propositions) although some of these aspects are eventually determinable. For some U/C/I phenomena all of the observer's efforts at description through an information state are not sufficient to determine other aspects which are (become) knowable; such phenomena (e.g., quantum mechanical phenomena, the longevity of individuals, or the speech utterances of individuals) can be referred to as U/C phenomena. There are also U/C/I phenomena in which the answers to the relevant questions would be deducible but for a constraint on the observer's knowledge peculiar to him rather than to the phenomena themselves. A classical view of probability held that it only characterized the ignorance of the observer, and thus this view recognized only U[I phenomena; such U/C/I phenomena can be referred to as U/I phenomena.

Our experience with U/C[I phenomena usually enables us to clas- sify them. Elements of a typology for concepts of probability have been discussed in Fine (1973), Ch. I, and in L. J. Cohen (1975). For our present purposes we need only note classification of concepts

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according to:

(a) Levels of precision with which claims can be made about the unpredictable aspects or the syntax of statements expressing

such claims; (b) The nature of the claim that is asserted (e.g., whether it is

object ive or subjective, empirical or a priori);

(c) The use that will be made of such a claim. The classification of U/C/I phenomena must then be such that we can respond to (a)-(c) and thereby select an appropriate concept of probability. Insofar as there is recognized variety in the categories of

U/C/I phenomena, so must there be recognized variety in the asso-

ciated probability concepts.

(iii) Probability as a Representation

What is it that is represented by probability and what is the nature of

the representat ion? If we adopt the viewpoint of measurement theory

then we must identify an empirical domain ~, a set of relations R on

~, a representat ion domain N usually taken to be a subset of R", a set of relations p on N, and a homomorphism f : ~ ~ N mapping relations in R into relations in p. In our case ~ would typically be a Boolean algebra of events or a set of propositions forming a Boolean pro-

positional algebra. The basic empirical relations in R could include tendency to occur for events or a relation to truth (reflected in the

German word Wahrscheinlichkeit for probability) for propositions, as well as such other relations as those of independence and cancellation (i.e., if the tendency of A to occur exceeds the tendency of B to

occur then so does the tendency of A - B to occur exceed the tendency of B - A to occur). It is of course the delineation of R that is critical and difficult and involves both principles of inductive reason-

ing as well as contingent aspects of the particular category of U/C/I phenomena being modelled. Examples of N are as follows:

(a) N = [0, 1], when we consider NP; (b) N = [0, 1] z, when we consider upper (P*) and lower ( P , ) prob-

ability; (c) N = Z, the set of non-negative integers (ranks) when CP is

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considered; (d) N -- {0, 1}, when UM or CM is considered. The relational system p on N would contain elements correspond-

ing to the system R. Thus 'tendency to occur' in R might be reflected in N = [0, l] or N = Z by numerical 'greater than or equal to' and independence in R might be reflected in N = [0, 1] by a set of triples {(x, y, z)} where x, y, z ~ N, events A, B being independent, f(A) = x, f(B) = y, f (A n B) -- z, and z = xy. Observe that in this setting it is a substantive statement that if A and B are independent, and C, D, C n D have the same tendencies to occur as A, B, A n B, respectively, then C and D are also independent.

Finally, the probability is f, the homomorphism between (~,R) and (N,p). The case of a homomorphism to R 1 with numerical 'greater than' representing 'more probable than' is the starting point for the usual numerical probability concept. However, this alone does not yield NP. In fact all of the probability concepts we discuss in this paper can be represented by a real-valued superadditive set function P . that is a simple generalization of NP. What distinguishes our various concepts of probability from each other and from NP are the empirical relational systems that characterize each category of U/C/I phenomena and that are then homomorphicaUy embedded in a cor- responding numerical relational system. This may be clarified by examples.

(iv) Examples of Probability Concepts Emphasizing the Role of Con- tingent Features

Consider the usual setup (ei} for repeating an experiment E in unlinked fashion and observing the sequence of outcomes {Ai}. While the repetitions are performed identically, that is are characterized by the same information state, we find that the outcomes vary. Failing to be able to correctly deduce the outcomes, since the same information state yields distinct outcomes, and being unable to augment the information state, we attempt to characterize the tendency or pro- pensity of the experiment e to produce a particular outcome A. If it is observed that the relative frequencies (proportions {r,(A)} of occur-

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rences of A in the ordered set of repetitions) appear to be conver-

ging (see Fine, 1970), then we might wish to conclude from the (contingent) empirical evidence {r,(A)} that there is a limit r(A). This hypothesized limit would then represent the value of the propensity

of • to produce A. On our account the concept of probability P to be

coordinated with the U/C/I phenomena represented by •, r, would represent this propensity through the value r. But one must be careful

to distinguish between the probability concept P and the hypo- thesized limit r. This distinction is easily overlooked since r itself is a

numerical quantity and P has the same values as r. If the relative frequencies of all events in • appear to converge then r will be a finitely additive set function and so will P. We could just as well

though have measured tendency for A to occur by, say r2,. Had we then equated P(A) to the limit r2(A) then P would not have had the desired homomorphic properties, although an equivalent relational

structure could be produced, nor would the resulting P have been an additive set function.

We can pursue this example somewhat further and show that it need not result in just the usual NP concept. We start with the same

setup consisting of a sequence of experiments {•i} and the sequence

{r,(A)} of relative frequencies for outcome A. Only now we assume that {r,(A)} does not appear to converge, but rather it appears to eventually persist in fluctuating between a lower limit r(A) and an upper limit ~(A). In this case the data would suggest use of an interval-valued probability concept with perhaps r being represented by a lower probability P , and r by an upper probability P*. Whether

or not P . should have the additional properties of a belief function would depend upon our reading of the data and our acceptance of certain 'regularizing' general inductive principles. The introduction of such principles would also force us to invoke a concept of error so as to justify a likely discrepancy between the 'raw' data and its 'smoother' characterization by P . .

For an example of a more 'radical' variety we can indicate how the UM or CP concepts might arise in the objective context of physics. In Fine (1974) we suggested that CP might provide a more natural probabilistic basis for quantum mechanics. Our argument was based

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upon the observation that CP has structural properties that share aspects of the principles of complementarity and of uncertainty. As is well-known, we cannot simultaneously measure quantities whose measurement systems are represented by non-commuting operators. One can, however, approximate such a joint measurement of, say, momentum (P) and position (Q) by measuring P first and Q second, QP, and comparing the results of this sequential measurement with the sequential measurement PQ taken in the other order. While the measurement QP is not the same as that of PQ, for some questions they might both give the same answer. For example, take Px~ to represent a measurement as to whether the momentum of a particle e lies in I1, Qx2 to represent a measurement as to whether the position of e lies in/2, and A = Is x I1 and B = I~ x I~ to be rectangular subsets of position-momentum space (classical phase space). It is then possible for measurements on an identically prepared ensemble of systems to reveal that more of the systems satisfy P~Q~2 than satisfy P~jQI~ and more of the systems also satisfy Qt2PI~ than satisfy Q~PII. We could then reasonably conclude that A > B where > is a CP relation of likelihood for finding e in subsets of phase space. It is also possible, we believe, for the CP relation estimated in this fashion from the data to be of the non-additive type; that is to say > need not be interpret- able as any approximate specification of NP. Hence we have an objective basis for CP of a nonstandard type. In fact even when > is of additive type, while it is mathematically possible to interpret it as an approximate specification of NP, it is strictly incorrect to do so in this example. There is no true probability for position-momentum of which > is an approximate specification.

The probability concepts introduced in the preceding frequentist- oriented examples could also be introduced in the subjectivist/per- sonalist context. The Bayesian analysis is well-known and leads to a representation of the strength of an individual's beliefs given by the usual NP concept. If, however, we wish to avoid excessive idealiza- tion and account for the unavoidable finite limits to any individual's ability to discriminate in his preferences, then we could be led to employ an interval-valued probability concept associating the real

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interval [P,(A), P*(A)] with the individual's strength of belief in the truth of proposition A (e.g., Smith, 1961).

Once we admit the possibility of versions of interval-valued prob- ability, then from the results developed in the remainder of this paper we see that we have access to various versions of UM, CM, and CP. The coordination of a particular probability concept with a particular category of U/C[I phenomena will depend heavily on the empiri- cal/contingent features of the phenomenon and cannot be determined a priori. Nonetheless the choice of probability concept is not com- pletely determined by the empirical features. The methodological character of probability is such that additional considerations are allowed to enter into the choice of a probability concept, con- siderations we find it difficult to explicate. It is here that it becomes clear that probability is not part of the domain of science. While this issue is yet unclear to us we find that reflection on logical probability is informative.

(v) Remarks on the Role of A Priori Principles

Logical probability or degree of confirmation, as conceived by Carnap and as later developed by him in his Continuum of Inductive Methods, was to be an a priori or analytic concept representing the support lent by an evidence sentence to an hypothesis sentence. The construction of such a concept involved appeals to general inductive principles including coherence, simplicity, and various symmetry or invariance principles. Unfortunately (?) there existed no concept simultaneously satisfying all of the inductive principles, and this forced Carnap to choose between them. Eventually he settled upon a parameterized family of numerical probability concepts. The selection of a member of this family would presumably be guided by exploring the con- sequences of such a choice and how its assignment of degrees of confirmation matched with our strong intuitions or experience. These intuitions or experience reflected contingent features of the world and perhaps contingent features of us as reasoners. Our reading of this approach to logical probability is that it exhibits a blending of

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empirical or contingent features of the world together with methodological features incorporated in the selected inductive prin- ciples, and thus it fits within our viewpoint on the nature of a probability concept.

There is a correspondence between concepts of probability and categories of U/C/I phenomena. But the selection of the appropriate probability concept always involves appeal to inductive principles or idealizations that go beyond what any data examples drawn from a particular category of U/C]I phenomena may suggest. There is, if you wish, a sort of smoothing of the data implied by a probability concept, for otherwise probability might amount to no more than an uninteresting report of experimental outcomes or raw data. This smoothing operation then induces a species of error to account for the residuals or discrepancy between the actual data and the probability model that is fitted to that data; e.g. the limit of {rn (A)} is unlikely to agree with most of the terms in the sequence. Thus a notion of error is implied by a concept of probability.

5. Unconditional Modal (UM), Conditional Modal (CM), and Com- parative Probability (CP)

We view the versions of UM, CM, and CP we will discuss as fundamental to reasoning about uncertainty, chance, or indeterminacy and as logically prior to the familiar numerical probability concept. Our examination of the issue of representations of one concept by another will not only introduce convenient analytical tools but also indicate the extent to which the newer concepts can appear to be approximations to NP or P , .

The UM, CM, and CP concepts can broaden the domain of U/C/I phenomena amenable to rational analyses. Possession of a spectrum of probability concepts will enable us to avoid strained attempts at modelling all uncertainty by reference to a probability measure (e.g., the cramped Bayesian position) as well as enable us to minimize the occasions on which we have to fail at a formal attempt to treat a category of U/C/I phenomena. The frequentist-oriented statisticians, for example, often find themselves in the awkward situation of

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declaring a parameter to be 'unknown', thereby implying some kind of 'total ignorance', whenever they fail to model knowledge about the parameter as a set of probability distributions. Clearly there is an uncomfortable chasm between the two leading schools of statistics (Bayesian and frequentist), where one abuses prior knowledge to force it into a precise form and the other ignores prior knowledge that is too vague to cast into a particular form. The probability concepts we discuss can narrow this chasm.

In the course of our examination of UM, CM, and CP we will expose properties of these concepts that distinguish them from just approximate specifications of NP. These properties are aspects of inductive reasoning that have been largely ignored by the long tradi- tion concentrated on NP. Hence UM, CM, and CP provide us with a means to uncover and explore new principles of inductive reasoning. For example, the possibility that there need not exist joint orders in CP is one that cannot be explored within the formal structure of NP; any two probability spaces can always be combined into a single joint probability space. This property of NP encourages us to believe that all sources of U/C/I can be similarly combined. Hence we can form a joint experiment between N tosses of a fair die and the phenomenon in which both of the authors live to be more than 80 years old. If we can indeed form such joint experiments then, at least in principle, we are committed to being able to assign arbitrarily precise NP to the event concerning the authors. However, from a CP perspective the formation of such joint experiments is a substantive undertaking, as indeed it is.

If one is nonetheless firmly committed to NP or P , , then there may still be value in our discussion for the light it sheds on these more familiar probability concepts. UM, CM, and CP provide, as has been recognized by R. Luce, P. Suppes and others, a starting point from which to proceed to NP. The characteristics of NP are revealed from a different perspective through the derivation of the constraints that need to be imposed on UM, CM, or CP for them to be reducible to NP. We have elsewhere commented on the CP perspective on NP; reduction of CP to NP requires a postulate that all experiments having individual CP descriptions admit of combination into a single

338 P E T E R W A L L E Y A N D T E R R E N C E F I N E

joint experiment having a CP description. We find this axiom un- palatable and perhaps inconsistent with the spirit of quantum mechanics.

Finally we believe that we have a novel approach to the justification of an interest in UM, CM, CP versions of probability through reconciliation of the reports of multiple experiments. At present we suspect that statisticians of all persuasions would treat data conflicting with a NP description as indicative either of error or of such instability as to render the data source unanalyzable. (There is another alternative based on the use of computational complexity ideas, but this alternative h ,~s little support at present.) At least in some of those instances we would expect to be able to reconcile the conflict through recourse to a version of UM, CM, or CP. While we defer a fuller explanation of this line of argument to a future paper we can indicate the content of the argument as follows.

It is possible to view probability concepts, including NP, as recon- ciling conflict that appears at the deterministic level. For example, the frequentist-oriented NP concept may allow us to reconcile the conflict apparent when we observe different outcomes after repetition of the same experiment. A determined determinist would be forced to view the fluctuating outcomes as a sign that the repeated experiments were in fact not identical, e.g., they differed in initial conditions~ While such an explanation of conflict through error (we claimed that the experiments were identical, but they were not) may be tenable for macroscopic experiments, it is no longer fashionable at the micro- scopic level where quantum effects are significant. A NP probabilist would attempt to reconcile the conflicting outcomes by proposing that the identity of the experiments only guaranteed the equality of the tendency to produce certain outcomes and that this tendency should be displayed through convergent tong-run frequencies. Should it be that the conflicting outcomes do not display the desired convergence, then the NP-probabilist would be driven either to asserting error or to rejecting the experiments as amenable to analysis. Our position would be to attempt coarser reconciliations, once the NP reconciliation failed, though recourse to UM, CM, or CP as representing the relational structure of the purported equal tendency of each experi-


ment to produce outcomes. We might also fail to establish a recon- ciliation, but there are instances where we would succeed although the NP-probabilist failed. Note that our success would not be of a radically different nature from that sought by a propensity and frequentist-oriented NP-probabilist.

We have been suggesting that rational consideration of the in- formally recognized wide variety of U/C/I phenomena requires a variety of probability concepts. While present-day literature on the foundations of probability recognizes a variety of interpretations of probability, albeit most writers adhere to one interpretation and scorn the others, there is very little recognition of the need for a variety of structurally different probability concepts. The pervasive and per- sistent emphasis on numerical probability alone, originating perhaps in an historical accident, has blinded reason by invocation of a powerful myth and provoked some useless controversy. The need for a variety of probability structures is forced on us by the variety of empirical relational systems exhibited by the U/C/I phenomena. It seems to have been an assumption that the requisite relational variety should be satisfied by approximate numerical probability specifications and that any U/C/I phenomena which could not be so described lay beyond the pale of scholarly, formal reasoning. Of course, it remains to be seen how many of the U/C/I phenomena presently exempted from formal analysis, or crudely modelled by NP, can in fact be better treated through the concepts discussed in this paper.


The next three sections describe some basic properties, represen- tations and interpretations of a formal system for unconditional modal probability. In this section we introduce axioms for this system and present a few of their simple consequences.

A system of modal, or classificatory, probability deals with state- ments of the form 'A is probable' (or, in the conditional versions treated later in this paper, 'A is probable, given B'.) Such a concept of modal probability is a natural starting point for the development and explication of the richer concepts of comparative probability and

340 P E T E R W A L L E Y A N D T E R R E N C E F I N E

numerical probability. As well as contributing to our understanding of these more refined structures and their interpretations, a modal prob- ability concept should provide more realistic descriptions of U/C/I phenomena about which our evidence is scanty, imprecise, or con- flicting.

Most occurrences of probability judgments in ordinary language involve 'probably', rather than the comparative or numerical concepts. Philosophical analyses of 'probability' and related concepts often start by analysing ordinary language uses of 'probably'. (See Black (1967), Carnap (1962), Day (1961), Hamblin (1959), Kneale (1949), Rescher (1968), Totqmin (1958), and White (1975).) Axiom systems for modal probability provide a suitable formal framework for both sorts of analysis, and have a natural setting in modal logic (Hughes and Cresswell, 1968). Surprisingly, given the large volume of work devoted to the logic of possibility and necessity, the formal analysis of a modal concept of probability has been largely ignored. Axiom systems for 'probably', close to the one we present here, have been proposed by Burgess (1969), Fine (1973), Hamblin (1959), Res- cher (1968), and Suppes (1974). These systems (except for that of Suppes) axiomatise an operator 'probably' on propositions; in this work we discuss a similar operator on an algebra of events, to emphasize the relationships between modal probability and the stan- dard numerical probability concept. Consequently, we ignore some aspects of modal probability that have been discussed in previous studies, and are better treated in propositional systems of modal logic; in particular, we ignore questions of decidability (see Burgess), the relation of 'probably' to other modalities (Burgess, Hamblin, Rescher), the interpretation and reduction of iterated modalities (Burgess, Fine), and 'possible worlds' semantics for probability.

We start with axioms for an unconditional modal (UM) operator ~ on a space (~, M). We assume throughout that s~ is a finite algebra of subsets of the set fL [Our UM results require only that ~2 ~ ~g and

UM1. ~A and (A C B ) ~ B

M O D A L A N D C O M P A R A T I V E P R O B A B I L I T Y 341

UM2. ~A or ~ A c

UM3. not ~d~.

Call (~, M, ~) for which UM1, 2, 3 hold a UM space. ~ A may be read as 'A is probable', or more correctly as 'A is not improbable', since it is consistent with UM1, 2, 3 that both ~A and ~A c when A is non-trivial. ~ thus 'classifies' the events in ~d into two classes: the 'improbable' events, and the 'not improbable' events. It may seem more natural to consider the dual operator ~, satisfying UM1 and

R2. not (~A and gtA c) R3. ~f}

with ~A interpreted as 'A is probable'. Previous axiomatizations for unconditional modal probability have treated versions of ~2, rather than the UM operator ~. Our discussion will be in terms of UM spaces; this will facilitate a subsequent connection to comparative probability. It is clear that the operators ~ and gt are equivalent, through the correspondence

~A iff not 9tA c.

To strengthen UM3 we might require that when both ~A and ~A ¢ then removing any atom from A renders it improbable. The resulting system will not be discussed here. Instead, we consider a further strengthening of UM3.

UMY. not (~A and ~AC).

Call (O, .d, ~) satisfying UM1, 2, 3' an antisymmetric UM ( A U M ) space, and ~ an AUM operator.

Axioms UM1, 2, 3 (but riot UM3') seem appropriate for other modal operators, notably possibility and plausibility, which should satisfy the additional condition:

~(A U B ) ~ A or ~B.

Another class of modalities, including necessity, knowledge, and justified belief, will satisfy the axioms given for the dual operator ~,

342 P E T E R W A L L E Y A N D T E R R E N C E F I N E

and also

~A and ~ B ~ t ( A l'l B).

These two additional conditions are clearly inappropriate for a modal probability, and thus it seems possible to distinguish probability from related modalities at the level of the UM axioms. Relationships amongst these modalities are of interest, but not treated in this paper.

We suggest that there are no other axioms for 'probably' of comparable simplicity and generality to those already mentioned. It is shown in Theorem 4 that all operators satisfying UM1, 2, 3 may be induced, in a simple way, by sequences of imprecise observations, which suggests that the UM axioms cannot be strengthened without significant loss of generality. The weak conditional modal (CM) structures treated in the second half of this paper should be regarded as extensions, rather than as strengthenings, of the UM structure, in that all UM models are consistent with some CM model.

We now give some simple, but useful, properties of UM and AUM spaces. The following example establishes the consistency of the AUM axioms.

EXAMPLE 1: For any fl and ~/C 2 a, define

~A iff oooEA,

where ~o0 is some fixed element of fl. Then (~, ~¢, ~) is an AUM space.

DEFINITION: If ~ and ~z are UM operators on the same space (ll, ~/), define their lexicographic composition ~,2 by:

~.2A iff (not ~ A c) or ( ~ A and ~2A).

LEMMA 1: Let ~l and 3~2 be operators on (fl, ~/).

(a) If ~1 and ~2 are each UM then ~,~ is UM. (b) If ~1 is AUM then ~1,2 = ~1. (c) If ~ is UM and ~z is AUM then ~1,2 is AUM. Proof. Proofs are either given in the Appendix or omitted when

they are obvious.

M O D A L A N D C O M P A R A T I V E P R O B A B I L I T Y 343

The following Lemma gives a simple way of checking whether a

given partial UM assignment may be extended to an AUM space.

LEMMA 2: If ~ C M, there is an AUM operator ~ on (f~, M) such that

(VB ~ ~ ) ~ U

(i.e., ~ is a sub-class of probable sets for ~ ) if and only if

(*) (VA, B E ~ ) A A B # ~b.


We now consider the representat ion of UM or AUM operators by

probabilistic structures on the same space, structures that are 'stronger ' than the UM structure in the sense of containing more

information. For example, most previous writers on modal probability seem to have regarded any UM operator ~ on (O, d ) as consistent

with some numerical probability on (O, ~ ) . We think that such an attitude both unduly restricts the class of possible UM models and lessens the interest of the UM structure. We show in (1) that not all UM operators are consistent with a numerical probability measure,

and suggest in (3) a more general numerical representat ion for UM.

1. Numerical Probability

Let ~ - : J ~ [ 0 , 1 ] be a probability measure on (ft,~d). Define an operator ~ on (f~, .d) by:

~ A iff 7r(A) -> A.

If 0 < A -< I, ~ is a UM operator. If ,~ = ~ and ~ /con ta ins no events A with ~r(A)= ½, then ~ is an AUM operator. (Generally, ~ can be made into an AUM by substituting its lexicographie composit ion with an arbitrary AUM.) Thus, the UM axioms are consistent with all numerical probability assignments. However , the class of AUM

344 P E T E R W A L L E Y A N D T E R R E N C E F I N E

models is strictly larger than the class of numerical probability models: there are AUM operators incompatible with every numerical measure.

DEFINITION: A probability measure 7r:~¢~[0, 1] agrees with an UM ~ on (12, s~) when:

~ A iff 7r(A) -> ½.

~r nearly agrees with ~ when

rr(A) > ½ ~ ~A.

T H E O R E M 3: (a) Let ~ be an AUM on (f~, ~ ) . There is a prob- ability measure ¢r on ~ that agrees with ~ if and only if


(V{Ai : Aj E ~/, 1 -< j -< n}) IAj >>- n/2 j=l


(~I -<j ~< n)~Aj.

EXAMPLE 2: Let II = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g}, ~/= 2 a, N = {efg, abg, adf, bde, ace, edg, bcf}, where 'efg' is used to denote {e, f, g}. By Lemma 2, there is an AUM ~ on 2 ~ with

(VB ~ ~ ) ~ B .

(31 <-j <-- n )~A s.

(Here, Ia(w) = 1 if oJ ~ A = 0 otherwise,

and E~'=I Iaj >- n]2 means E j%11aj(~o) >-- n/2, Vw ~ 123 (b) Let N be an UM on (~, sO). There is a probability measure ~r on ~¢ that nearly agrees with ~ if and only if

~ IAj> n + l ( V { A j : A j E A ' I < - j < - n } ) j=l - T

M O D A L A N D C O M P A R A T I V E P R O B A B I L I T Y 345

(In fact, this AUM is unique.) But there is no nearly agreeing measure; invoke Theorem 3(b) and note that

I B = 3 ~ ~ I e ~ = 4 > INI+I. Bea Be~ - 2 "

Thus, ~ is incompatible (in a strong sense) with every numerical probability measure. We will argue that such ~ may still be useful models for uncertainty.

This incompatibility with numerical probability is quite different from the sort of incompatibility advocated by Hamblin (1959): whereas all operators ~ induced by numerical measures satisfy our UM axioms (which therefore generalize numerical probability) not all such ~ satisfy a theorem of Hamblin which becomes, in our notation,

~(A U B ) ~ PA or ~B.

2. Comparative Probability (CP)

Axioms (and references) for comparative probability will be provided in Section V. We note here that if ~> is a CP order on (I~, M), we may define a UM operator ~ on (12, M) by

PA iff A ~ A c.

If ~> is antisymmetric, N is an AUM. There are AUM operators with no almost agreeing CP orders, in the sense that

~ A ~ A ~> A C.

(Example 2 gives such an AUM.) In Section VI we show that all UM operators have agreeing weak

conditional modal operators and weak CP orders.

3. Belief Functions

We shall be concerned in this paper with representations of our modal structures in terms of a special type of set function studied by Dempster (1967) and by Shafer (1976).

346 P E T E R W A L L E Y A N D T E R R E N C E F I N E

DEFINITION: (Shafer, p. 38): a set function

P , : ~ [ O , 1]

is called a belief function on (~, ~¢) if there exists a set function

m : ~¢-~ [0, 1]

(called the probability assignment for P , ) with the properties

(a) m(¢ ) = 0

(b) EAE~ re(A) = 1

(i.e., m is a probability mass function on the sample space ~¢), such that

P , ( A ) = ~, m(B). B C A

One (frequentist) source of a belief function is a sequence A1, A2 . . . . AN of set observations, Aj E ~. If we take

re(A) = II{] : Aj = A}I[/N


P , ( A ) = [{{1 : A 1C A}H/N then P , is a belief function with probability assignment m. Such an interpretation for m and P , , which is closely related to Dempster 's

multivalued mappings (Dempster, 1967), is discussed in the next section. In the usual frequentis t set-up, the observations Aj are singletons, and P , is a probability measure on (tL ~/). It is shown in Theorem 4 that the possibility of observing larger subsets of f~ allows us to represent all UM spaces through set observations.

T H E O R E M 4: If ~ is an operator on (f~,s¢), there is a belief funct ion P , : ~ ~ [0, I] such that

NAe:~ P , (A) >- P .(AC).

if and only if ~ is a UM operator. In particular, any sequence of set observations A1 . . . . . AN induces a

UM operator ~ by

~ e iff [l{./: e j C A}[I >-11{1: Aj C A~}H.

M O D A L A N D C O M P A R A T I V E P R O B A B I L I T Y 347

Theorem 4 establishes that any UM operator may be represented in this way (by observations of just the probable sets). This belief function representation is used later (in Theorem 8) to connect the UM and weak CM structures. The representation is further exploited in Walley (1979), notably in constructing joint UM spaces from arbitrary UM marginals. Finally, the simple relation between UM operators and belief functions asserted in Theorem 4 provides sup- port for the acceptability of our axiomatization of UM.


1. Based on Frequency of Occurrence

An interpretation of belief functions in terms of set observations, with subsets (rather than elements) of ~ observed at successive trials, was mentioned in the previous section as a generalization of the usual class of finite relative-frequency measures. (Note that any belief function on finite J may be approximated arbitrarily closely by belief functions derived from set observations. Thus, the distinction be- tween general belief functions on (~, ~ ) and those induced by set observations is irrelevant for our purposes.)

If we assume that the order of observations A~ . . . . . AN has no significance, inferences from these observations should depend only on the function

re(A) = II{J: Aj = A}II/N

or, equivalently, on

P, (A) = I[{J: Aj C A}II/N.

The model of an objective UM governing the observations through

~A iff P , ( A ) >- P , ( A ¢)

then seems reasonable under weak assumptions about the sequence of observations. In particular we need not assume that the successive observations are independent or identically distributed in, say, the sense of a probability distribution on ~ estimated as m; for example, some trials may be known to yield observations having greater

348 P E T E R W A L L E Y A N D T E R R E N C E F I N E

precision than others. Nor need we commit ourselves to statistical

stability. These comments apply as well to the special case where all the observed sets are singletons, so that the induced UM has the

usual finite relative frequency measure as an agreeing probability

measure. Adoption of a UM model compatible with a probability model does not commit us to belief in an underlying (but unknown) numerical probability.

Two issues may be distinguished here. As stressed in the previous

section, some UM assignments have no agreeing numerical prob- ability measures. To accept a particular weak structure (here, a UM space) as a model for uncertainty may be to rule out the use of a stronger structure (e.g., numerical probability) as a model. We argue

that there are phenomena, such as experiments with imprecise out- comes and beliefs (see next section), for which models incompatible

with numerical measures may be appropriate. The second issue concerns the restriction to weak structures as models when com-

patible stronger structures exist. Any UM space has an agreeing belief function (by Theorem 4), and an agreeing weak conditional

modal operator (by Theorem 8): thus we may always find models consistent with a UM model but stronger than it. The UM model may even be derived from a stronger structure (such as the belief function induced by set observations) by discarding information. The choice between compatible models of different strength should be guided, as argued in the Introduction, by our recognition of, or beliefs about,

appropriate empirical relations in the U/C/I phenomenon to be modelled. To use the strongest or most precise available model may often be misleading. The model chosen should reflect the degree of

indeterminacy or imprecision inherent in both the phenomenon modelled and the inference process to the model. Beliefs, for exam- ple, are typically vague, and this vagueness should be reflected in their representation. The amount and quality of data available also limits our choice of model if we wish to avoid a charge of 'overfitting' the data by an excessively precise model.


2. Based on Preference for Gambles

By analogy with the definition of (numerical) personal probability through preferences between gambles, we might define a UM opera- tor through a desirability operator on a simple class of binary gam- bles. Suppose P1 and P2 are fixed payoffs, with values independent of the events in d . (It may help to think of PI as losing $1 and Pz as gaining $1). Define the binary gambles GA, for A ~ ~, by

[ P2if o~ E A GA(O~) = [Pj if to E A .

Consider personal judgments of the desirability of such gambles. If P~ and P2 are chosen appropriately (in a way to be discussed below), and @G is interpreted as ~gamble G is not undesirable', the operator @ might be expected to satisfy:

D1. ~GA and (A C B ) ~ G B D2. @GA or @GAc D3. not ~G~

If we make the obvious identification

~A iff ~GA

axioms D1, 2, 3 are obviously equivalent to UM1, 2, 3. We may therefore ascertain a person's UM assignment on events by noting his reactions to a set of simple gambles, provided the axioms D1, 2, 3 apply to him. These axioms represent a sort of minimal rationality. Since each gamble in the class considered is easily grasped, and gambles are compared only to the status quo and not each other, these axioms may provide a more realistic description of the vague beliefs and judgments of decision makers of limited discrimination than the much stronger axioms of Savage, et al. A focus on desirability rather than on preference may also find support in the notion of satisficing introduced by H.A. Simon.

The choice of payoffs PI and P2 needs some comment. As noted, their value must be independent of the outcome in ~. By D3, the constant gamble P1 must be. undesirable, and (by D2) P2 desirable. DI will then be reasonable. For D2 to hold, an equal mixture of P~ and

350 P E T E R W A L L E Y A N D T E R R E N C E F I N E

P2 (i.e. each with known probability .5) should be desirable. The 'accuracy' of such a structure, for the measurement of beliefs, will be improved by making this equal mixture as close as possible (in desirability) to the status quo. This should be achievable in practice by taking PI and P2 to be the loss and gain of small equal amounts of money.

While a Bayesian could not disagree with the preceding, as it is implied by his beliefs, he would certainly wish to refine the represen- tation of the individual's preferences beyond what is contained in ~. The Bayesian would require the individual decision maker to inquire further into his preferences for gambles, either as regards the desirability of more complex gambles or through comparison of the desirabilities of pairs of gambles. (See Section VII.2) We find nothing in the above theory to prevent refinement of the model. The ap- propriateness of a more refined model depends rather on the precision inherent in the decision maker's belief structure, which should be reflected in the precision displayed by the chosen representation, and the consistency of the decision maker's responses with the claims of the model. Rationality conditions stronger than D1, 2, 3 may well apply to most belief structures, but we doubt that axioms sufficient to guarantee the existence of a unique numerical measure have general applicability to beliefs. Perhaps the best indicators that we are using overly precise models are violations of the axioms of the model, or the decision maker's confusion or lack of clear preference when asked to make sharp discriminations.

If P~ and P2 are equal amounts of monetary loss and gain (-+$1, say), and the decision maker is willing to accept any number of desirable gambles simultaneously, it follows from Theorem 3 that he may be forced to accept a system of desirable gambles which will certainly result in a loss [not in a gain] if and only if his AUM ~ has no nearly agreeing [agreeing] probability measure. In this sense, may be incoherent. If the decision maker is forced to open a book on (12, s~), then, he has a strong motivation to settle on a ~ or ~ with an agreeing numerical measure. If, however, the decision maker has a choice as to whether or not to open a book then he could refuse to make a book according to any numerical measure incompatible with


9. For some ~ he would refuse to make any book-surely not an irrational attitude, even for a professional bookmaker. An insistence upon coherence at all costs can force us to act against genuinely held beliefs and even lead us to accept a set of gambles all of which we judge to be undesirable. For further discussion on the force of 'coherence', see Fine (1973, Chapter 8), Levi (1978), Vickers (1976).

3. Based on Con~rmation

Burgess (1969) presents a system of axioms involving the modal operators ~ ('probably') and L('necessarily') which are (translated into set notation) essentially the UM axioms augmented by

~ A ~ L ~ A

i.e., probability statements are taken to be analytic. Hempel (1945) and Carnap (1962) have discussed a modal concept

of conllrmation: 3~A would have the interpretation 'A is confirmed (on the available evidence).' A similar interpretation is available when

is induced by a belief function P , ,

~A iff P. (A) >- P . ( A c)

and P , ( A ) is a measure of the evidential support for A, as in the approach of Shafer (1976). A UM model would seem appropriate whenever there was insufficient evidence to justify commitment to stronger comparative or numerical probability assertions. We have nothing new to say about such logical interpretations.


The rest of the paper is concerned with a particular extension of unconditional modal probability to conditional modal probability (CM), and with the related notion of comparative probability (CP). In the following sections we approach the usual formulation of com- parative probability (e.g. Fine, 1973) by successively stronger systems of axioms for CM/CP: these will be called basic, weak and transitive CM/CP. We start by considering a binary conditional modal (CM)

352 P E T E R W A L L E Y A N D T E R R E N C E F I N E

operator ~( . [.) on s4 x ~. ~(AIB) should be read 'A is not improb- able, given B.' We show (in Lemma 5 and Theorem 8) that the UM spaces are just the restrictions of the basic (or weak) CM spaces in which we condition only on ft. Thus, the UM operator may be defined in terms of the CM operator. Whereas conditional and unconditional numerical probability may each be defined in terms of the other, the CM operator cannot be defined in terms of the UM operator; the former contains more information than the latter. One interpretation of the CM operator is that it tells us how to update a UM operator, given the partial information that a subset B ~ .~ has occurred, by conditioning on B.

In this section we present axioms for a basic conditional modal (BCM) operator, together with some of their consequences, and introduce an important correspondence between conditional modal (CM) and comparative probability (CP).

We call a binary operator ~( . 1.) on (~, ~ ) a basic conditional modal (BCM) operator when it satisfies the following three axioms.

CMlc. CMld.



CM1. (monotonicity) If ~(A[B), A N B C C n D, and D - C C B - A then ~9(C[D).

[CM1 is equivalent to the conjunction of four simpler conditions: CMIa. ~ ( A I B ) ~ ( A N BIB). CMlb. ~(AIB ) and A C C ~ ( C I B ) .

g~(AIB) and A C C C B ~ ( A I C ) . ~(AIB) and C C A~g~(AIB U C).]

~(AIB) or ~(A~]B)

not ~(&lfl).

Define the operator M on zg by

/~A iff not ~(¢[A).

~r may be interpreted as a sort of epistemic possibility (see Section VII). Note that it is consistent with the basic CM axioms that

I~-IA c:~ A -- l"l.

M O D A L A N D C O M P A R A T I V E P R O B A B I L I T Y 353

To avoid this, we may strengthen CM3 to an ant isymmetry condition.

CM3'. B ¢ ~b~not (~(A[B) and ~(ACIB)). Given a CM operator ~ ( ' 1 " ) on (~, ~ ) , define an operator ~ on

(12, ~ ) by:

~A iff ~(A[fD.

L E M M A 5: If 9~(-I .) satisfies CM1, 2, 3, then ~ is a UM operator. If

~(" I ') also satisfies CM3', then ~ is an AUM operator.

T H E O R E M 6: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix)

The following are consequences of CM1, 2, 3: ~(AIA)

~(AIB) and A n B C C N B ~ ( C I B ) ~(AIB) and A n B C C C A U B ~ ( A I C ) ~°(A N BIC)©~(AIB n C) C C A U B ~ ( A I C ) or ~(B]C) not )~&

/14rA and A c B ~ )VIB ~ A and A C B ~ ( A I B )

If CM3 is strengthened to CM3', we have also:

(x) IQA C:~ A ~ ¢ (xi) C ~ ¢, ~(AIC) and ~ ( B I C ) ~ A N B N C ~ g5 There is a natural correspondence between CM operators on (12, ~g)

and comparat ive probability (CP) orderings on ~ , given by:

A ~ B iff ~ ( A - BIAAB)

(where A - B = A n B C, AAB = (A - B) U (B - A)) and ~(AIB) iff A n B ~ A c n B.

We see that MA iff A > ~b,

where A > B means: A ~> B and not B ~> A. (and A - B means: A ~ B and B ~ A ) .

It is easy to show that CM1-3 are equivalent under this cor- respondence to the following axioms for CP (without the transitivity condition):

CP1. A ~ B or B>~A

354 P E T E R W A L L E Y A N D T E R R E N C E F I N E

CP2. (cancellation) A ~ B,C~A - B ~ B - A

CP3. f~>~b CP4. (monotonicity) A ~> B and B 3 C ~ A ~ C.

Given this axiom system, CM3' is equivalent to: CP3'. (antisymmetry) A ~ B ~ A = B.

Because of this correspondence between CM and CP, the following development of the properties of CM applies equally to CP, and casts some light on the theory of CP studied principally in Fine (1973) and Kaplan and Fine (1977). In particular, we can examine the role of transitivity in CP.

VI. W E A K C M / C P

We shall now add to the basic CM/CP systems further axioms, weaker than transitivity, necessary for a belief function represen- tation on the lines of the representation for UM given in Theorem 4. The type of representation sought will automatically guarantee can- cellation in CP, but not transitivity. Cancellation (CP2) will be taken to be a characteristic property of probabilistic structures. In this section we introduce two additional axioms to characterize weak CM/CP (one is a weakened form of transitivity, the other a technical condition concerned with null-equivalent sets), and then develop some basic properties of these structures. In Theorem 10 we show that the weak CM/CP spaces are just those that can be represented by belief functions, and are thus conditional analogues of the UM spaces. A frequentist interpretation of this result, in terms of set observations, will be found in the next section.

As motivation for our weak CM and CP axioms, consider a particular type of set function representation. Let N : M ~ R ~ be a set function with the properties:

Ni A C B ~ N ( A ) <- N ( B )

Nii N(I-I) > N(4~) Niii If A n B = ~b and N ( A ) = N ( A U B) , then

C C A ~ N ( C ) = N ( C U B) .


[Ni-Niii are satisfied by belief functions, but are much weaker than the conditions defining a belief function. It will be a consequence of Lemma 9 that for any set function N(.) satisfying Ni-Niii there is a strictly increasing real function f such that f (N( . ) ) is a belief func- tion.]

Define N( ' I ' ) and ~> on M by

Y'(AIB) iff N ( A (q B) ~ N ( A ~ (3 B)


A >~ B iff N ( A - B) >- N ( B - A).

Then ~( '1") and >~ satisfy CM1-3 and CP1-4 respectively (note that cancellation is automatic) and are related by the correspondence mentioned in the previous section. ~ ( . I . ) and ~ can also be easily seen to satisfy the following conditions.

CM4. If (Vl ~<] -< n - 1)A i ¢3 A~÷~ = ¢, ~(A~IA ~ (3 A~+3

then ~(A~tA ~ U A.).

CM5. If {A, B, C} are disjoint, ~(AIA U B), ~(BJA U B L3 C)

and D C A, {C, D, E} disjoint, then

(i) ~ ( C U DIC U D U E ) ~ ( D I D L~ E) (ii) ~ ( E I D O E ) ~ ( E 1 C O D O E).

CP5. (weak transitivity) If (Vl --< ] -< n - 1)Aj (q A~+I = &, Ai >~ Ai+~ and A1 ~ A, = 4~ then AI >~ A,.

CP6. If {A, B, C} are disjoint, A - B, B - A O C, and D C A, {C, D, E} disjoint, then

(i) C U D > . E ~ D & E (ii) E ~ D ~ . E >~ C U D.

CM4 and CP5 weaken the usual transitivity property of CP to apply only to sequences of events in which successive events are disjoint. CM5 and CP6 require that if there are disjoint A, B, C with B - A,

356 P E T E R W A L L E Y A N D T E R R E N C E F I N E

B - A U C, then C has 'negligible probability' in the sense specified.

In many cases CM5 and CP6 will be trivially satisfied. Call ~ ( - [ . ) satisfying axioms CM1-5 a weak conditional modal (weak CM) operator, and call ~> satisfying CPI-6 a weak comparative probability (weak CP) order. Under the correspondence mentioned in Section V, the weak CM and weak CP systems are equivalent.

T H E O R E M 7: The following are theorems in weak CP:

(i) (ii) (iii)

(iv) (v) (vi)



A>~¢;~>.A A >. BC:>B ~ >>- A ~

A D B ~ A > ~ B CD A, A >~B, B D D~C>>.D CDA, A > B , B D D ~ C > D AC C, B N C = ¢ , A ~ B , B ~ C ~ A ~ C If (V1 ~ j -< n - 1)Aj- f3 Aj+l = ~b, A i - Aj+l and A1 f3 A, = & then A~ - An.

If (V1 - j -< n - 1)A i N Aj+I = ¢, Ai >-- Aj+l with A i > A~+1 for some j, and AI (q An = ~b, then A1 > A,.

T H E O R E M 8: Any UM operator ~ on ( ~ , M ) has a (non-unique) agreeing weak CM ~ ( . I ') and weak CP >~ on (12, M), in the sense that

~ A iff ~(Alf l ) iff A ~ A c.

If ~ is an AUM operator, the agreeing weak CM and weak CP may be taken to be antisymmetric.

Weak CM/CP allows all numerical probability assignments as

models. Given any probability measure ~r on (12, M), define

~(AIB) iff 7r(B) = 0 or ~r(AIB) >--~. Then the corresponding weak CP satisfies

A >~ B iff 7r(A) >- 7r(B)


MA iff zr(A) > 0.

It is an immediate consequence of Theorem 8 and Example 2 that not

M O D A L A N D C O M P A R A T I V E P R O B A B I L I T Y 357

all weak CM operators have numerical probability representations. In fact, the class of weak CM operators with agreeing probability measures corresponds to the class of additive, hence transitive, CP orders studied, for example, in Kaplan and Fine (1977).

We have indicated that all set functions satisfying Ni-Niii, and hence all belief functions, induce a weak CM/CP in the way intro- duced earlier in this section to motivate the weak CM axioms. We now prove, as the conditional modal generalization of Theorem 4, that all weak CM operators have a representation in terms of set functions that can be taken to be belief functions. This result establishes the weak CM structure as an appropriate extension of the UM structure.

We first prove a lemma enabling us to characterize those complete orderings of events that can be represented by a belief function.

LEMMA 9: A complete, transitive, and reflexive ordering ~ on an algebra M has an agreeing belief function P , , that is

A ~BC:>P,(A) >- P . ( B )

if and only if ~ satisfies the following three conditions:

(a) A D B ~ A ~ B;

(b) ~ ~ ¢, where A ~- B means A ~ B and not B ~ A; (c) I f A N C = 4 ~ , D C A a n d A ~ A U C t h e n D ~ D U C ,

where A ~ B meansA ~ B a n d B ~A.

We now use Lemma 9 to prove our main representation theorem for weak CP, by constructing from a given weak CP order (which satisfies cancellation but may not be transitive) a complete transitive order (which may not satisfy cancellation) which has properties (a), (b), (c) of Lemma 9 and agrees with the weak CP order on disjoint sets. Such agreement is possible because of the weak transitivity axiom (CP5) for weak CP.

THEOREM 10: lf~>is a binary relation .~, then there is a belief function P , : J ~ [ 0 , 1] such that

A ~ BC:~P,(A - B) >- P . ( B - A )

358 P E T E R W A L L E Y A N D T E R R E N C E F I N E

if and only if >-, is a weak CP order. Similarly, if ~( . I') is a binary operator on ~, then there is a belief function such that

~(AIB)C:>P , ( A n B ) >- P , ( A c N B )

if and only if ~( . I') is a weak CM operator. The belief function P , constructed in the representation Theorem

10 is a measurement scale for the weak CP or weak CM it induces. The transformations of P , which preserve this representation are those which preserve both the belief function property and the sets

A ~ = {B : B n A = 4~, P , ( A ) >- P,(B)}

for all A E ~¢. Some non-increasing functions of P , , which change the complete ordering on ~/ directly induced by P , , may nonetheless preserve the representation of ~>. We only require that P , correctly compares A - B to B - A and not that it correctly compares A to B.

The ability to represent UM and weak CM spaces in terms of belief functions is useful in exploring the properties of these structures. One application of Theorems 4 and 10 is to prove the existence of joint UM or weak CM spaces with arbitrary given UM or weak CM marginals, and various weak properties of unlinkedness (see Walley, 1979). Of course, a joint numerical probability distribution can always be formed from given marginal distributions (the unique independent joint distribution, for example); but it is an important feature of transitive comparative probability that there may be no joint tran- sitive CP order with given CP marginals. It is therefore of interest that joint weak CM or weak CP spaces can always be formed from given weak CM/CP marginals. Other issues, such as the justification of induction principles for estimating a UM or CM operator governing repetitions of an experiment, can be conveniently examined in the framework of joint structures. Some results on these questions are given in Walley (1979).


Since weak CM/CP is connected to UM through the belief function representation, the interpretations given for UM in Section IV carry over to weak CM/CP. Only the new issues raised by weak CM/CP are treated here.

M O D A L A N D C O M P A R A T I V E P R O B A B I L I T Y 359

1. Based on Frequency of Occurrence

Any finite sequence of set observations (A~ . . . . . Ak) E j k induces a belief function as before, by

P , (A ) = II{J : Ai C A}ll/k.

The belief function constructed in Theorem 10 takes rational values (the ek in the appended proof of Lemma 9 are integers), and can therefore be induced by some such sequence of set observations. Thus, as a corollary to Theorem 10, any weak CM operator or weak CP order may be induced by set observations through

~(AJB) iff ll{J: A; c A N B}II I> II{J: Aj- c A c D B}II.

o r

A >~ B iff II{J :Ai C A - B}II ~ IIU :Aj c B - A}II.

Note that when ~'(. I ') and ~> are induced by set observations,

~rAc:>not 0'(051A)

¢:~A > 05 ¢:~]}{j: m i C A}]t > 0.

Thus fi]rA iff A is known to have happened in the observed sequence: A is 'possible' in the sense of being known to happen occasionally. As ~(" I ') is an estimate of an underlying objective (CM) probability, ~r is an estimate of objective possibility.

The weak CM induced by P , is antisymmetric when P , satisfies

A N B = 05 and P , ( A ) = P , ( B ) ~ A = B = c).

In that case, f/IAC~A # 05, i.e. ~r is trivial. As an alternative method of inference from set observations

(A~ . . . . . AD, define

P*(A) = II{J : Aj n a ¢ 05}ll/k A >~' B iff P * ( A - B)>-- P * ( B - A )


~ ' (A IB) iff P * ( A n B) > P * ( A C n B).


Note that


P * ( A ) = I - P , ( A ~)= ~, m ( B ) > ~ P , ( A ) AAB#~

where rn is the probability assignment for P , . We have also

~ ' (A IB) iff Pc,~(A) ~ P~,S~(A~),


Pc,')(A) = I]{J : Ai n B C A}]I]II{J : Ai O B # 6}11

is the belief function induced by set observations (A1 n B . . . . . Ak O B) after vacuous Aj n B have been discarded (assuming that not all A i N B = ¢, otherwise Pc,re(A) =- 0.)

The operator/Q' defined by

M'A<::>not ~'(¢IA)c:>(~i)Aj n A ~ ¢

has an interpretation that differs from that of h~:

h~'A iff A may have occurred.

In general, the operator ~'( '1") defined in this way may violate CM5. If P* takes distinct values on disjoint sets, the induced ~'( . I') is antisymmetric, CM5 is vacuous, and ~'(- I') is a weak CM.

THEOREM l l: If ~( . I') is an antisymmetric weak CM operator on (fl,M), the belief function P , in Theorem 10 may be chosen so that

~(AIB)C:>P , ( A n B) >_ P , ( A c n B)

<=:>P*(A n B) >- P * ( A ~ n B)


P*(A) = 1 - P ,(AC).

The following two examples show that the two suggested methods of inference from set observations may lead to quite different weak CP orders; they also provide examples of intransitivity in weak CP.

EXAMPLE 3: Let ~ = { a , b, c, d,}, ~ = 2 ° . Let P , and P* be

M O D A L A N D C O M P A R A T I V E P R O B A B I L I T Y 361

generated by the set observations

A1 = A2 = A3 = {a, b}, A4 = {c}, A5 = {d}.

In the weak CP >~ induced by P , ,

{c, d} > {d, a}, {d, a} > {a, b}, {a ,b} > {c ,d}

so ~> is intransitive. The CP ordering induced by P* is a complete additive CP, with

agreeing measure

7r({a}) = rr({b}) = 3, rr({c}) = 7r({d}) = ~,

whereas the order induced by P , has no almost or weakly agreeing probability measure.

E X A M P L E 4: Let (~,~/) be as in the previous example, with P , and P* generated by 5 observations of {a, b}, 4 of {d}, 3 of {c}, 2 of {b}, and one each of {a}, {a, c}, and {b, c}. Then the ordering ~> induced by P , is antisymmetric and intransitive ({c, d} > {b, c}, {b, c} > {a, b } , {a , b} > {c, d}), and has the uniform distribution on ~ as an almost agreeing measure. The ordering induced by P* is an antisymmetric complete additive CP order.

It is not claimed that the two methods of inference compared in these examples are the only sensible procedures for inferring an ordering on events from set observations. A third method, which reflects the imprecision of the observations in that the induced ordering may be only partial, is given by


P , ( A ) = II{J : A j C A}ll/k; P * ( A ) = 1 - P , ( A c)

A > B iff P , ( A - B ) > P * ( B - A )

A - B iff P , ( A - B ) = P , ( B - A ) = P * ( B - A )

= P * ( A - B) .


The partial ordering ~> defined in this way satisfies CP2, 3, and transitivity" (CP7), has an agreeing probability measure ~r [i.e., A > B ~ r ( A ) > (B) and A - B ~ r ( A ) = rr(B)], and is a restriction of both the orderings considered earlier in this section. When the set observations are all singletons, the set functions P , and P* are identical, and all three orderings agree. In general, the above partial ordering may be justified (under appropriate independence con- ditions) as an estimate of the unknown CP order governing repeated experiments whose outcomes are the set observations A~ . . . . . Ak. Its defect as an estimator is that it may be trivial if there are enough observations of large sets.

2. Based on Preference for Gambles

The subjective interpretation for UM, discussed in Section IV.2, may be extended in several ways. We might axiomatize an unconditional desirability operator ~ on a class of ternary gambles of the form

I P2if t o ~ A n B

GAin(to) = 1Pl if to ~ A c O B

[P0 if to E B c,

where P~ and P2 are as in Section IV.2, and P0 is the status quo. ~(GAIB) could be read as 'the gamble with payoffs P2 if A and P~ if A c is desirable, given B', and used to define a CM operator by

~(A[B) iff ~(GAIB).

Alternatively, we might axiomatize a preference relation between binary gambles GA (as in Section IV.2, but with no special restrictions on the payoffs except that G, is preferred to G6), in which all such gambles are compared, and define ~ ( A I B ) when GAOB is preferred to GacnB. We omit the details.

M O D A L A N D C O M P A R A T I V E P R O B A B I L I T Y 363


A weak CP ordering is not required to be transitive (Examples 3 and 4). We finally strengthen the axiom systems for CM and CP by adding transitivity conditions:

CM6. A n B = ¢, ~(AIC) and ~ ( B I D ) ~ ( A U BICAD) CP7. A ~> B and B >~ C ~ A >~ C.

We can then weaken CM1 and CP4 to:

CMI'. ~(AIB)c:~(A n BIB) CP4'. A ~> &.

We call an operator ~ ( . 1.) on (12, ~d) satisfying axioms CMI', 2, 3, 6 a transitive CM operator. Axioms CP1, 2, 3, 4', 7 are the usual axioms for comparative probability (see Fine (1973, 1977), Kaplan and Fine (1977)); an ordering -> on (12, J ) satisfying these axioms will be called transitive CP, or simply CP.

The main result of this Section (Theorem 13) is that CM6 charac- terizes transitivity in the conditional modal structure, so that tran- sitive CM corresponds to the usual CP. The appropriateness of transitivity in CP may therefore be judged from the viewpoint of CM, in terms of the equivalent CM6. Before proving this, we show that transitive CM is genuinely stronger than weak CM.


(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)

The following are theorems in transitive CM:

CM1 CM4 CM5 C n D = &, ~(AIC) and ~ ( B I D ) ~ ( A U BIC U D) A n B = &, ~(AIC) and ~ ( B I D ) ~ ( A U BIC U D) ~(&IC)~(~(AIB)C:C,~(A[B U C)¢z>~(A U C I B))

THEOREM 13: Suppose the operator ~('l ') and the binary relation ~> on correspond in the usual way, by

~(AIB) i f fA n B ~> A ¢ N B



A -> B iff ~ ( A - B I A A B ) .

Then ~ ( . I ') is a transitive CM operator if and only if -> is a transitive CP ordering, and ~ ( . I ') is antisymmetric transitive CM (also satisfies CMY) if and only if ~> is antisymmetric CP.

It is known that there are finite transitive CP orders, for example the 6-atom order of Kraft , Pratt , and Seidenberg (1959), without even

an almost agreeing numerical probability measure. Theorem 10 shows

nonetheless that all CP orders have a representat ion in terms of belief functions.

E X A M P L E 5: The 6-atom K-P-S order on subsets of {a, b, c, d, e, f }

has a belief function representat ion with probability assignment

(ignoring normalization factor 1/313):

m({a}) = 10, m({b}) = 26, m((c}) = 27, m({d}) = 40,

m({e}) = 60, m({.f}) = 124, m({de}) = 9,

m({bf}) = 7, m({acd}) = 10.

The weak CP order induced by a set function P , will be a transitive CP order if and only if P , satisfies:

( E N F = G N H = E A G = q b , P , ( E ) > _ P , ( F ) ,

P , ( H ) ) ~ P , ( E U G - F O H ) >-

P , ( F U H - E U G).

A simpler condition sufficient for transitivity is that cancellation property, viz.

P , ( A ) >- P , ( B ) C ~ P , ( A - B) >- P , ( B - A) .

P , ( G ) >-

P , has a


Our conclusions have largely been foreshadowed in our Introduction. What should now have become clearer is the intimate relationship between the modal or classificatory concept and the comparat ive concept of probability. At one level this relationship is a trivial


consequence of such correspondences as

~AC~A >>- A c,

A M B >~ A ~ n BC::>~(AIB),

and P ( A - B I A A B ) ¢:> A >~ B.

At another level there seem to be opportunities for a fruitful interplay between our intuitions and insights concerning what initially appear to be rather distinct concepts of probability. Ideas that seem natural to us in one setting (e.g., transitivity in CP) have counterparts in the other setting that would not have occurred to us; natural-seeming varieties of one concept induce less obvious varieties in the counter- part concept.

We feel that our examination of unconditional modal probability in its most basic version, concerned only with the classification of events and ignoring such other questions as are natural in modal logic and a propositional/linguistic setting, has nevertheless revealed a substantial degree of mathematical structure and potential for significant interpretation.

We are least satisfied with our development of interpretations, especially the category of logical objective interpretations bearing on the notion of confirmation and the process of induction, and hope to address this issue again. We also expect to amplify our mathematical discussion of modal and comparative probability concepts, parti- cularly as regards partial versions of these concepts and definitions for, and implications of, joint order structures. Finally, we are opti- mistic about being able to provide a framework of conflicting experiments capable of supporting all of the probability concepts discussed herein. Some results on these issues can be found in Walley (1979).

School o f Electrical Engineering

Cornell University


LEMMA 2: If ~ C ~ , there is an AUM operator ~ on (fl,J) such that


(VB E ~ ) ~ B

if and only if

(*) (VA, B E ~ ) A fq B ¢ ~b.

Proof: It is easily verified that if ~ is AUM, then

(~A and ~ B ) ~ A f3 B # ~b;

hence (*) is necessary. If (*) holds, define ~1 on (f~, ~ ) by

~ A iff (VB E ~ ) A N B # &

and let ~2 be any AUM on (~, ~ ) (these exist, by Example 1). Then ~1 is a UM operator (UM2 holds by (*)). The lexicographic com- position ~1.2 is an AUM operator by Lemma l(c), and satisfies

(VB E ~ )~ .2B ,

since B E ~ n o t ~ jB c. Thus (*) is sufficient.

T HE ORE M 3: (a) Let ~ be an AUM on (1~, M). There is a prob- ability measure ~r on ~ that agrees with ~ if and only if


(V{Aj : Ai E M, 1 ~ j -< n}) ~ IAj >-- n/2 i=i


(:11 <_] <_ n )~Aj.

(b) Let ~ be an UM on (fl, M). There is a probability measure ~- on M that nearly agrees with ~ if and only if

IAJ> n + 1 ( V { A j : Aj E ~ , I <- ] <- n}) i=l - 2 implies

(31 <-j <_ n)~A~.

Proof: We use the following Theorem 2.10 of Gale (1960): if S is a matrix, exactly one of the following alternatives holds.

(i) there is a non-negative vector x # 0 with x S -< 0. (ii) there is a non-negative vector y with Sy > 0.

For (a), let the rows of S be the vectors in {IA -- IA~ "~A}. If (ii) holds, y can be normalized to give the required agreeing measure. If (i)


holds, the components of x may be taken to be rational, and hence non-negative integers. Hence, an equivalent condition is:

(i') (3A1 . . . . ,An)VI <-j<-n~Aj


(IA,- IA~)<-O, i.e. ~ IA, n j=l j=l <:2-"

The condition in (a) is the negation of (i'). For (b), let the columns of S be the vectors in

{IA -- IA c : not ~A}. Then (i) is equivalent to the existence of a nearly agreeing measure, and (ii) is equivalent to

(ii') ( 3 A ~ , . . . , A,) not ~Aj (1 -< j -< n) and

IA~ > n/2. i=l

The condition in (b) is the negation of (ii').

THEOREM 4: If ~ is an operator on (~, d ) , there is a belief function P , : M - > [ 0 , 1] such that

~ A ¢~ P , (A) >- P , ( A c)

if and only if ~ is a UM operator.

Proof: Let ~ be any UM on (fLA).

Let ~ = { A ~ J : n o t ~ A c}

m(A)={lo/I]~ll i f A ~ otherwise

P . ( A ) = Y~ re(B). B C A

By UM2 and 3, 11~311 -> 1, and P , is a belief function.

We have P , ( A ) = O C ~ ( V B C A ) ~ B c

¢*~A c (using UM1).

By UM2, P . (A) >- P ,(AC)C:~A.

368 P E T E R W A L L E Y A N D T E R R E N C E F I N E

Conversely, it is easy to check that any belief function P , (or any non-trivial set function that is monotone with respect to set inclusion) on ~/induces a UM operator ~ by

~A¢~P , (A) >- P ,(AC).

THEOREM 8: Any UM operator ~ on (l-l, •) has an agreeing weak CM ~( . I') and weak CP ~ on (~, ~/), i.e.

~A iff ~(A]~) iff A >~ A c.

If ~ is an AUM operator, the agreeing weak CM and weak CP may be taken to be antisymmetric.

Proof: By Theorem 4, there is a belief function P , : ~ / ~ [0, 1], which therefore has the properties given at the beginning of Section VI, such that

~A iff P , (A) >- P ,(AC).

But P , induces weak CM by

~(A]B) iff P ~(A n B) ~ P , (A ~ n B),

and so

~A iff ~(AI~).

If ~ is an AUM, P , may be chosen (in Theorem 4) so that P , ( A ) = P , ( B ) ~ A = B. Then the induced weak CM is antisymmetric.

LEMMA 9: A complete ordering (i.e., a transitive and reflexive relation) ~ on an algebra ~/has an agreeing belief function P , , that is

A ~B~z~P,(A) >- P , ( B )

if and only if ~ satisfies the following three conditions: (a) a D B ~ A ~ B ; (b) ~ ~-~b, where A~-B means A ~ B and not B ~A; (c) If A N C = ~ b , D C A and A H A U C then D H D U C , where

A H B meansA ~ B a n d B ~A.

Proof: The necessity of (a), (b), (c) is obvious from the definition of a belief function. [Note that A n C = c~, P . ( A U C)= P . ( A ) im-

M O D A L A N D C O M P A R A T I V E P R O B A B I L I T Y 369

plies that m ( B ) = 0 when B C A U C, B (1 C ¢ ¢ ; and hence P . ( D ) =

P , ( D U C) when D C A.] For sufficiency, suppose that the ordering is

&=az ~A2 ~ . . . ~A.~-~ A.,+~ ~ . . . ~A.2- ~ . . . ~ A . M =f~

Le t


d(A1) = . . . = d(A , , )= ~1 = O,

t~k = t~k_l + 1 + max ~ ~(Ar). (k > 1) nk-l+l~]<--nk ArCA i

r<~nk_ 1

Because of (c), we can choose ( (Aj)>-0 so that

t~(Ar) = t~k when nk-~ + 1 <-- ] <-- nk ArCAj

(so ~ ( A U C ) = 0 i f A ( ' I C = 4 , a n d A ~ A U C ) . Then Ck > ~k-1- Define m ( A ) = ( ( A ) / ~ M and P , ( A ) = ~ B c A ~ ( B ) / ~ M where C~ =

~Ae~ ~(A) > 0 since 1) ~- $ implies M > 1. P , is a belief function with probability assignment m. Since P , takes values in the increasing sequence (~k/~M),

P , ( A ) >- P,(B)C:~A ~ B.

T H E O R E M 10: If ~> is a binary relation on s/, then there is a belief function P , : s¢ ~ [0, 1] such that

A >~ B ¢:>P,(A - B) >- P , ( B - A )

if and only if ~> is a weak CP order. Similarly, if ~ ( . I ') is a binary

operator on M, then there is a belief function such that

~(A[B)<=> P , ( A fq B) >- P , ( A c A B)

if and only if ~ ( . t ' ) is a weak CM operator. Proof: It is sufficient to prove the weak CP statement: the result

370 P E T E R W A L L E Y A N D T E R R E N C E F I N E

for weak CM then follows by the usual CM/CP correspondence. We have pointed out that any belief function (in fact, any set function satisfying the weak conditions given at the beginning of section VI) induces a weak CP order in the above way: the weak CP axioms (CP1-6) may be easily verified.

For the converse, suppose that >~ is a weak CP order. We sketch the construction of a complete order ~, agreeing with >~ on disjoint sets, for which an agreeing belief function P , can be found by applying Lemma 9.

(i) define a partial order ~ on sg by:

A ~ B i f f 3 A l . . . . . A .E~¢(n>- I ) such that

AI = A, A. = B, A iN Ai+I = dp



Aj >- As+l(1 <- i --- n - 1).

A ~ B i f f A ~ B and B ~ A ,

A ~ B iff A ~ B and not B ~A.


(iii) (iv)




is transitive and reflexive, and ~ is an equivalence relation. If A N B = q5 then A >~ BC:~A ~ B. (using CP5). If A n C = ~b then (a) A ~ A U C iff ( ~ B ) B N ( A U C ) = & , A ~ B , B ~ A U C . (b) If A h A U C , D C A then D U C F B ~ D ~-B and

D U C ~ B ~ D ~ B . Extend ~ by defining D ~ D U C whenever A n C = ~b, A ~ A U C, and D C A, and by adding equivalences ~ to maintain transitivity (this is possible by (iv) (b)). Define A k = {B: A ~-B}. (a) B ~ £ - ~ A k D B k (strictly). (b) C C B E A k ~ C ~ A k (using monotonicity). Extend ~ to a complete ordering of s¢ by induction, as follows: let & = A1 H A2 H "" " ~ A-1 be the sets equivalent to 4) in the partial ordering.

M O D A L A N D C O M P A R A T I V E P R O B A B I L I T Y 371

where the (viii)

(a) (h) (c)

Applying order, i.e.


Suppose this has been extended to a complete ordering

A ~ . . . ~anl"-qAn~+l ~ " " ~ a , 2 q " ' " ~ A , ~ . Let ~¢k = {A~, A2 . . . . . A,k}C ~¢. Find a set A,k+~ in ~ - ~/k which is minimal with respect to set inclusion and satisfies A,k+l C ~/k (this can be done by (vi) (a) and (b): let Bi be minimal in ~ / - s¢~, with Bj+I E B~-~Ck; eventually B~-Mk is empty.) Extend the com- plete order by

A.k-~ a,k+~ ~A,k+2 ~ " " " ~ A.k+,

equivalences are just those of the partial order. The complete ordering of M constructed in this way has the properties:

A D B ~ A ~B(by minimality in vii) 1~ ~- ¢ (since 12 > ¢) I f A f q C = ¢ , D C A a n d A ~ A U C t h e n D ~ D U C . (by (v)). Lemma 9, there is a belief function P , agreeing with the

A @ B¢:>P, (A) >~ P , ( B ) .

A >~ B < z ~ A - B ~ B - A

¢ : > A - B ~ B - A

¢:>P , ( A - B ) >- P , ( B - A) .

(CP2) (by (iii))

THEOREM 11: If 3%1.) is an antisymmetric weak CM operator on (O,M), the belief function P , in Theorem 10 may be chosen so that

9~(A [ B)C:~P, (A (3 B ) >- P , ( A c N B )

¢:~P*(A 71 B ) >- P * ( A c D B )

where P * ( A ) = 1 - P ,(AC).

Proo f : Because of Theorem 7(ii), the complete ordering con- structed in the proof of Theorem 10 may be taken to be of the form

A , -~ A 2 -~ . . . -~ A , -~ A ~ -~ . . . -~ A ~

372 P E T E R W A L L E Y A N D T E R R E N C E F I N E

P , agrees with this order:

P , ( A ) > P ,(B)COA ~- B

¢~B¢~-A ~

¢~P , ( B ~) > P , ( A ~)

¢~P*(A) > P*(B) .

THEOREM 13: Suppose the operator ~('1") and the binary relation >- on ~¢ correspond in the usual way, by


~(A I B) iff A A B >-A ~ N B

A>~Bif f ~ ( A - B J A A B ) .

Then ~(. I') is a transitive CM operator if and only if >~ is a transitive CP ordering, and ~ ( . [ ") is antisymmetric transitive CM (also satisfies CMY) if and only if >- is antisymmetric CP.

Proof: It is necessary only to derive the two transitivity axioms CM6 and CP7.

(i) Assume the transitive CM axioms, and suppose A ~> B, B -> C. Then ~ (A - B I A A B ) and ~ ( B - C I B A C ) give ~ ( ( A - B) U (B - C) I A A C ) by CM6, since ( A A B ) A ( B A C ) = A A C .

But ((A - B) O (B - C)) n (AAC) =-- A - C, so CMI' implies ~(A - C [ AAC); hence A >~ C.

(ii) Assume the CP axioms and suppose A O B = d, ~ (A [ C), ~ (B I D). Then A C = A C D U A C D c >~ AcC ~ B C D U

AcBCCD c and B D = B C D U BCCD >~ BCD >~ A C D U

AcB~CCD (using monotonicity in CP.) (Where we write A C for A N C, etc.) It is a theorem in CP that: (E n F = ~, E>~G, F ~ H ) ~ E U F > ~ G O H .

Hence A C U B D = A C D U A C D ~ U B C D U BC~D

B C D U A~B~CDC U A C D U AcB~C¢D and A C D ~ U BCCD

A~B~(CAD) = (A U B y N ( C A D ) by cancellation. By monotonicity again, (A U B) n (CAD)

(A U B y n ( C A D ) hence ~ ( A U B I CAD) .



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