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V(D)J recombination: how to tame a transposase.

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V(D)J recombination: how to tame a transposase Vicky L. Brandt David B. Roth Authors’ addresses Vicky L. Brandt 1 , David B. Roth 1,2 1 Program in Molecular Pathogenesis, The Skirball Institute, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA. 2 Department of Pathology and Cancer Institute, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA. Correspondence to: David B. Roth NYU School of Medicine, SKI 2 540 First Avenue New York, NY 10016 USA Tel.: þ1 212 263 0945 Fax: þ1 212 263 5711 E-mail: [email protected] Summary: Since the discovery that the recombination-activating gene (RAG) proteins were capable of transposition in vitro, investigators have been trying to uncover instances of transposition in vivo and understand how this transposase has been harnessed to do useful work while being inhibited from causing deleterious chromosome rearrangements. How to preserve the capacity of the recombinase to promote a certain class of rearrangements while curtailing its ability to catalyze others is an inter- esting problem. In this review, we examine the progress that has been made toward understanding the regulatory mechanisms that prohibit transposition in order to formulate a model that takes into account the diverse observations that have been made over the last 15 years. First, we touch on the striking mechanistic similarities between transposition and V(D)J recombination and review evidence suggesting that the RAG pro- teins may be members of the retroviral integrase superfamily. We then dispense with an old theory that certain standard products of V(D)J recombination called signal joints protect against deleterious transpos- ition events. Finally, we discuss the evidence that target capture could serve a regulatory role and close with an analysis of hairpins as preferred targets for RAG-mediated transposition. These novel strategies for harness- ing the RAG transposase not only shed light on V(D)J recombination but also may provide insight into the regulation of other transposases. Introduction Chromosomal translocations have long been recognized to be a hallmark of lymphoid neoplasms (1, 2). Many of these translocations involve the immunoglobulin (Ig) and T-cell receptor (TCR) loci and are thought to arise from aberrant V(D)J recombination events (3). Circumstantial evidence implicating the V(D)J recombinase in these translocations has continued to mount over the past 20 years or so, but the ‘how’ remains elusive. In 1998, both the Gellert (4) and the Schatz (5) laboratories discovered that the recombination- activating gene (RAG) proteins are capable of transposition in vitro, providing an elegant mechanism by which the RAG proteins could cause chromosomal translocations. Yet, it has been difficult to identify unambiguous examples of RAG- mediated transposition in vivo or to pinpoint RAG-mediated transposition events as a cause of actual lymphoid tumors. Immunological Reviews 2004 Vol. 200: 249–260 Printed in Denmark. All rights reserved Copyright ß Blackwell Munksgaard 2004 Immunological Reviews 0105-2896 249

V(D)J recombination: how to tame a


Vicky L. Brandt

David B. Roth

Authors’ addresses

Vicky L. Brandt1, David B. Roth1,2

1Program in Molecular Pathogenesis, The

Skirball Institute, New York University School

of Medicine, New York, NY, USA.2Department of Pathology and Cancer Institute,

New York University School of Medicine, New

York, NY, USA.

Correspondence to:

David B. Roth

NYU School of Medicine, SKI 2

540 First Avenue

New York, NY 10016


Tel.: þ1 212 263 0945

Fax: þ1 212 263 5711

E-mail: [email protected]

Summary: Since the discovery that the recombination-activating gene(RAG) proteins were capable of transposition in vitro, investigators havebeen trying to uncover instances of transposition in vivo and understandhow this transposase has been harnessed to do useful work while beinginhibited from causing deleterious chromosome rearrangements. How topreserve the capacity of the recombinase to promote a certain class ofrearrangements while curtailing its ability to catalyze others is an inter-esting problem. In this review, we examine the progress that has beenmade toward understanding the regulatory mechanisms that prohibittransposition in order to formulate a model that takes into account thediverse observations that have been made over the last 15 years. First, wetouch on the striking mechanistic similarities between transposition andV(D)J recombination and review evidence suggesting that the RAG pro-teins may be members of the retroviral integrase superfamily. We thendispense with an old theory that certain standard products of V(D)Jrecombination called signal joints protect against deleterious transpos-ition events. Finally, we discuss the evidence that target capture couldserve a regulatory role and close with an analysis of hairpins as preferredtargets for RAG-mediated transposition. These novel strategies for harness-ing the RAG transposase not only shed light on V(D)J recombination butalso may provide insight into the regulation of other transposases.


Chromosomal translocations have long been recognized to be

a hallmark of lymphoid neoplasms (1, 2). Many of these

translocations involve the immunoglobulin (Ig) and T-cell

receptor (TCR) loci and are thought to arise from aberrant

V(D)J recombination events (3). Circumstantial evidence

implicating the V(D)J recombinase in these translocations

has continued to mount over the past 20 years or so, but the

‘how’ remains elusive. In 1998, both the Gellert (4) and the

Schatz (5) laboratories discovered that the recombination-

activating gene (RAG) proteins are capable of transposition in

vitro, providing an elegant mechanism by which the RAG

proteins could cause chromosomal translocations. Yet, it has

been difficult to identify unambiguous examples of RAG-

mediated transposition in vivo or to pinpoint RAG-mediated

transposition events as a cause of actual lymphoid tumors.

Immunological Reviews 2004

Vol. 200: 249–260

Printed in Denmark. All rights reserved

Copyright � Blackwell Munksgaard 2004

Immunological Reviews0105-2896


The consensus in the field is that there are multiple levels of

regulation to prevent the RAG proteins from exercising their

transpositional tendencies. In this review, we revisit what is

known about RAG-mediated transposition, putting our own

laboratory’s work in the context of the field and taking into

account the diverse clues that have been accumulating.

The basic contours of V(D)J recombination

Functional Ig and TCR genes are assembled from separate

germline coding segments by V(D)J recombination (reviewed

in 3). Recombination is targeted by specific recombination

signal sequences (RSSs) that flank the antigen receptor gene

coding elements. These RSSs consist of conserved heptamer

and nonamer elements separated by either 12 or 23 nucle-

otides of spacer DNA (Fig. 1); efficient recombination requires

two RSSs, one of each type, which are recognized and

assembled by the V(D)J recombinase into a synaptic complex.

The recombinase itself is composed of the lymphoid-specific

RAG1 and RAG2 proteins (henceforth referred to together as

the RAG proteins, because they act in concert), along with the

high-mobility group protein 1 (HMG1) or HMG2 which act as


These RAG proteins nick one DNA strand between the RSS

and its adjoining DNA to generate a 30 hydroxyl (OH) on the

coding segment that can then be used to attack the opposite

strand in a transesterification reaction (i.e., the energy of one

phosphodiester bond is used to create a new bond, with no

extra input of energy into the system) (Fig. 2). This reaction

cleaves the DNA, producing a hairpinned coding end and a

signal end terminating in a flush double-strand break. Because

cleavage occurs efficiently only in the context of a synapsed

pair of RSSs (6), the cleavage step produces two hairpin coding

ends and two blunt signal ends (Fig. 1).

The two hairpins must be opened and processed in order to

form a coding joint (which creates the rearranged antigen

receptor gene), while the signal ends are simply ligated to

form a signal joint, a product which has no known immuno-

logical function (Fig. 1). Joining depends on the participation of

proteins known to repair other DNA double-strand breaks, the

so-called non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) factors (3).

V(D)J recombination can also produce two other kinds of prod-

ucts, termed hybrid joints and open-and-shut joints (7). Open-

and-shut joints are formed when the same pair of signal and

coding ends is cleaved and rejoined; hybrid joints arise when

an RSS is joined to the coding segment of its partner RSS (Fig. 3).

Germline Igor TCR locus





Coding joint Signal joint Coding joint Signal joint

Deletional recombination Inversional recombination

Fig. 1. The basic steps of V(D)J recombination. The top of thefigure shows a stereotyped immunoglobulin (Ig) or T-cell receptor(TCR) locus with colored boxes representing coding segments. Whiteand black triangles represent 12- and 23-recombination signal sequences(RSSs); one of each type of RSS is recognized and bound by therecombination-activating gene (RAG) proteins (depicted as orangeovals). Although a single RSS can undergo RAG nicking, synapsis isnecessary for RAG cleavage to take place. Once cleavage is completed,the RAG post-cleavage complex remains bound to the signal and

coding ends for an indefinite period, allowing the non-homologousend-joining (NHEJ) factors to perform end processing and joining. Thecoding ends are ligated imprecisely to form a coding joint, which formsthe new antigen receptor gene. The signal ends are ligated to form asignal joint; in deletional recombination (left panel), signal joints areexcised circular products that are lost from the cell during division. Theright panel depicts inversional recombination. The steps are the same,but the orientation of the RSS dictates that the signal joint be retained inthe chromosome to maintain chromosomal integrity.

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250 Immunological Reviews 200/2004

The formation of these non-standard products provided the

first clue that the broken DNA ends might remain bound to the

RAG proteins after cleavage (7). We now know this to be the

case: the RAG proteins are thought to maintain both coding

and signal ends in a post-cleavage complex in vitro (8, 9) and in

vivo (3, 10–13). Because the only sign that an open-and-shut

joint has formed is the loss or addition of nucleotides to the

junction, which is likely to occur in only a subset of these

joints, the actual frequency of formation of these non-standard

products is impossible to gauge.

Similarities between V(D)J recombination and


V(D)J recombination possesses several features characteristic

of ‘cut-and-paste’ transposition (discussed in 14)(Fig. 4). Like

the V(D)J recombinase, transposases recognize short, specific

sequences adjoining the mobile DNA segment and introduce

double-strand breaks between these recognition sequences

and the flanking chromosomal DNA (the ‘donor site’), liberat-

ing the transposable element. Elegant biochemical studies

from the Gellert laboratory (15) established early on that the

second step of the RAG cleavage reaction, hairpin formation,

occurs via a one-step transesterification mechanism that bears

a remarkable resemblance to certain transposition and retro-

viral integration events. Indeed, several cut-and-paste trans-

posons excise themselves via a hairpin intermediate (16, 17).

V(D)J recombination and transposition are also similar in that

the broken donor (or coding) ends in both reactions are

joined by general cellular DNA repair mechanisms. For the

purposes of our discussion here, the salient difference between

the two reactions is that in transposition, the transposon

integrates by transesterification into a new target site, whereas

in V(D)J recombination the signal ends bounding the excised

fragment are circularized via a ligation reaction.

Besides the similar chemistry of transposition and V(D)J

recombination, there are other reasons to suspect a common

mechanistic ancestry. The RSSs resemble inverted repeats at

either end of a transposon, and the close proximity and com-

pact nature of the RAG1 and RAG2 genes suggests that they may

once have had to fit onto a single transposable element (4, 5,

18–20). Furthermore, the sudden appearance of RAG genes at

the level of sharks (no homologous genes have been found in

any lower eukaryotes) could be readily explained by positing

their horizontal transfer from a donor organism (20–22). As

Normal coding andsignal joint formation

Hybrid jointformation

Open-and-shut jointformation

Coding joint Signal joint Hybrid joints Open-and-shut joints

Fig. 3. Standard and non-standard products of V(D)J recombination.The usual products of V(D)J recombination, illustrated at the left, are codingand signal joints. Some percentage of the time, however, the recombinaseforms non-standard products. Hybrid joints, shown in the middle panel,arise when the coding and signal ends switch partners: the coding end thathad been paired with a 12-recombination signal sequence (RSS) becamejoined to the 23-RSS and vice versa. The right panel depicts open-and-shutjoints, which arise when the recombinase cleaves the border of the RSS andcoding flank as normal but fails to complete rearrangement and insteadsimply re-joins the same coding end-RSS pairs. Non-standard junctionssometimes lose and/or gain nucleotides during processing, betraying thefact that the coding segment and its RSSs have undergone cleavage andre-joining. Nucleotide changes are represented here by gray hatch marks.

Repaired donorDNA

Transposon inserted

into target DNA(transesterification)

Transposition V(D)J recombination


Coding joint Signal joint(ligation)


Target DNA


Fig. 4. Comparison of V(D)J recombination and transposition. Intransposition, a section of DNA is excised from a donor site and inserted intounrelated target DNA by a transesterification reaction, using the 30 hydroxyl(OH) groups from the transposon to cleave the donor DNA. Similarly, indeletional V(D)J recombination, the recombination-activating gene (RAG)proteins cleave DNA strands and remove the signal ends from thechromosome. A principal difference between the two reactions lies in thefate of the excised fragment: whereas the transposon is inserted into targetDNA, the signal ends are ligated to form a signal joint.


Hairpin formation (cleavage)

Fig. 2. Nicking and hairpin formation. The recombination-activatinggene (RAG) proteins nick one DNA strand precisely between therecombination signal sequence (RSS) and its coding segment, generatinga 30 hydroxyl (OH) that is used to attack the other strand. Thistransesterification reaction cleaves the DNA by forming a hairpin on thecoding end segment and a blunt double-strand break on the signal end.

Brandt & Roth �How to tame a transposase

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compelling as these evolutionary considerations are, however,

one significant question had yet to be answered before the

RAG proteins could be considered a full-fledged transposase:

can they catalyze transposition?

From RAG-mediated hybrid joint formation to RAG-

mediated transposition

The first hint that RAG transesterification could catalyze a

reaction akin to transposition came from analysis of joining

products formed in NHEJ-deficient mice and cell lines, which

are severely defective for the standard products of V(D)J

recombination, coding and signal joints. Hybrid joints form

at normal levels from extrachromosomal substrates transiently

transfected into Ku80-, DNA-PKcs-, and XRCC4-deficient

fibroblasts (23, 24) and at Ig heavy-chain loci in Ku80- and

DNA-PKcs-deficient mice (25, 26). Intriguingly, most of

these hybrid joints retain all nucleotides from both ends, and

many show evidence that the hairpin has been opened close to

but not precisely at the tip (23–25). These observations led us

to suggest that the RAG proteins might be capable of joining

the 30 OH of a signal end to coding end by transesterification

in a reaction that is a form of transposition (23, 25)(Fig. 5).

We termed this reaction ‘RAG-mediated joining’ to distinguish

this reaction from ‘true’ transposition, which by definition

involves capture of a free target molecule (at that time, the

signal end was thought to attack the coding end that was

already present in the RAG post-cleavage complex, but recent

work calls this assumption into question; see below). In vitro

experiments soon confirmed that purified truncated RAGproteins

could indeed catalyze formation of non-standard joints (27).

The key question then became whether the RAG proteins

can capture targets other than hairpin coding ends. The coding

ends might be considered merely a target of convenience, if

they remain trapped in close proximity to the signal ends in

the post-cleavage complex. The answer came through closer

examination of what had been an unexplained product on a

gel that appeared in early in vitro V(D)J reactions using core

RAG proteins. [The full-length proteins have been difficult to

use in purified form for biochemical studies, so until recently,

in vitro experiments relied on truncated or ‘core’ RAG proteins

that retain apparently normal catalytic activity. Possible func-

tions of some of the ‘dispensable’ regions of the proteins are

discussed below; other potential functions are discussed in

(28)]. Within a day of each other, the Gellert (4) and Schatz

(5) laboratories published evidence that this product resulted

from a bona fide transposition event: the RAG proteins can

integrate signal ends into random targets, at least in the test

tube. No preference for particular target sequences was noted,

except for a slight preference for G-C base pairs on both sides

of the integration site (4, 5).

The discovery that the RAG proteins can catalyze transpos-

ition was exciting for two reasons. First, it supported earlier

speculations about the evolutionary origin of the vertebrate

immune system. Second, it suggested interesting new models

for RAG-mediated oncogenic chromosome rearrangements (4,

14). In addition to straightforward scenarios such as gener-

ation of chromosomal translocations by single-ended transpos-

ition (a reaction that occurs readily in vitro) and insertional

mutagenesis via standard double-ended transposition events,

Gellert and colleagues (4) suggested that the branched inter-

mediates formed by transposition might be resolved by further

RAG cleavage, fragmenting the chromosome and potentially

leading to translocations that lack RSS elements and thus

leavenomolecular fingerprints that betray recombinase involve-

ment (see figure 4 in ref. 14). Subsequent work revealed

that the RAG proteins are indeed able to resolve branched

intermediates of transposition in this way (29), and chromo-

some translocations that can be explained by such a mechan-

ism have been discussed (4). The inability to prove or disprove

its origin in a recombinase-mediated event leaves open the

possibility that RAG-mediated transposition may be more

common than we realize. Nevertheless, Hiom et al. (4) suggest

A Hairpin formation C Transposition

B Hybrid joint formation







Fig. 5. Different outcomes for recombination-activating gene (RAG)-mediated transesterification reactions. (A) Standard hairpin formationas it occurs in the context of V(D)J recombination: RAG nicking liberatesa 30 hydroxyl (OH) that then attacks the opposite strand, forming ahairpin and effecting cleavage. (B) This reaction can operate essentially inreverse: a 30 OH group on a signal end can attack a hairpin coding end,leading to the formation of a hybrid (or open-and-shut) joint. (C) The 30

OH groups of either a signal end fragment or a transposon can be used toinsert the donor fragment into target DNA.

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that translocation by such a mechanism is likely to be rare

because most signal ends are ultimately incorporated into

signal joints. More recent work from our laboratory calls this

view of signal joints as a protective mechanism into question

(see next section).

Shortly after the discovery that the RAG proteins could act as

an authentic transposase, additional mechanistic similarities

between the RAG proteins and the transposase/retroviral inte-

grase superfamily came to light. Members of this superfamily

employ three acidic amino acid residues, two aspartates and a

glutamate (the so-called ‘DDE motif’) to coordinate catalytic-

ally active divalent metal ions in the active site (30–32).

Because DNA cleavage by the RAG proteins is dependent

upon the presence of divalent metal ions, it was reasonable

to suppose that the RAG proteins might also employ some

combination of acidic residues. In the absence of structural

information and because sequence comparisons with other

transposases yielded little useful information, we decided to

undertake a comprehensive site-directed mutagenesis approach,

mutating all 109 evolutionarily conserved D and E residues

from core RAG1 and RAG2 (33). This approach, while labor

intensive, had the singular advantage of testing all potential

catalytic acidic residues in both proteins and would thus enable

discovery of an active site shared between the two proteins or a

metal coordination scheme that employs a different combin-

ation of acidic residues, such as that used by the TnsA protein of

the Tn7 transposase (34). We identified three catalytically

defective mutants affecting positions D600, D708, and E962

in murine RAG1. Biochemical experiments provided evidence

that at least one of these residues, D708, contacts the catalytic

divalent metal ion (33). Further confirmation that the two D

residues contact the catalytic metal was provided by elegant

iron-induced OH radical protein cleavage experiments (35).

This result is what one would expect if these residues participate

in a DDE metal-binding motif. Crystal structures of the HIV

and avian sarcoma virus (ASV) integrases in the presence of

divalent metal ions suggest that the carboxylates of the two

aspartates are critical for positioning a metal ion to facilitate

cleavage of the scissile phosphodiester bond (36–39). The

catalytic core of RAG1 thus bears at least a superficial resem-

blance to that of the DDE motif-containing retroviral integrase

superfamily members. This resemblance subsequently received

further support from secondary structure predictions, which

identified a region of RAG1 encompassing D600 and D708

that bears some similarities to members of the retroviral inte-

grase superfamily (40). As expected for a member of a DDE

motif, E962 is clearly required for catalytic activity but not for

DNA binding. There is as yet, however, no direct evidence that

this residue in RAG1 contacts a metal ion (33, 35). Indeed, such

evidence has been difficult to come by for many proteins in the

retroviral integrase superfamily (32, 36–39). A recent structure

of the Tn5 transposase clearly shows the aspartic acid coordinat-

ing one of two catalytic Mn2þ ions (41); it is quite possible that

E962 in RAG1 also serves to contact a second metal ion. None-

theless, structural characterization of the RAG proteins will be

necessary in order to place them definitively within the DDE-

containing retroviral integrase superfamily.

Do signal joints protect against unwanted


The principal difference between V(D)J recombination and cut-

and-paste transposition lies in the fate of the excised fragment:

rather than being inserted into target DNA, the RSSs are ligated to

form a signal joint, which ismost often an excised circular product

that is lost during cell division. At some antigen receptor loci, the

orientation of the RSS necessitates inversional recombination in

which the signal joint is retained on the chromosome to preserve

chromosomal integrity (42) (Fig. 1), but the result is the same. The

signal ends are joined to one another rather than to target DNA.

Until recently, it was reasonable to assume that the raison

d’etre for signal joint formation was to prevent the potentially

reactive OH groups from being inserted into target DNA (4,

14, 43). The signal joint (at least in its most common, excised

form) has no other known function, and joining certainly

seems like a handy way to neutralize the reactive 30 OH

groups, which could engage in either transposition or illegit-

imate joining events. So convincing was this rationale that no

one questioned it for years, despite a curious observation that

suggested the truth might be a bit more complex.

Signal ends are much more abundant than coding ends in

the thymocytes and bone marrow cells of wildtype mice

(44–47). The Gellert (48), Roth (44), and Schatz (47) laboratories

all proposed that signal ends must have considerably longer

lifespans than coding ends, although none could explain why

this would be the case, especially in light of the fact that coding

joint formation entails a greater number of steps (and DNA

repair factors) than signal joint formation. Nonetheless, signal

ends persist until RAG expression is downregulated (47, 48), at

which time signal joint formation takes precedence. These in vivo

observations, along with the fact that the RAG proteins remain

tightly bound to signal ends after cleavage in vitro (8, 49),

seemed to support the longer lifespan model.

There is, of course, another obvious possibility: signal joints

might be re-cleaved by the RAG proteins. They do, after all,

contain an appropriate pair of RSSs. Others had shown that

Brandt & Roth �How to tame a transposase

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signal joints can provide a single RSS for generating rare

secondary rearrangements involving a second RSS located else-

where (50, 51), and there is no reason one of the RSSs in a

signal joint should not be available to the recombinase. But

cleavage between the two RSSs in the same signal joint poses

two problems. First, because the binding footprint of the RAG

proteins covers a few nucleotides of the coding flank (52),

steric constraints should prevent two RAG complexes from

binding simultaneously to both RSSs. Second, because synapsis

of a 12/23 RSS pair is required for hairpin formation (6), it

was difficult to imagine that signal joints, which of course

have no nucleotides between the RSSs, could be cleaved via the

normal mechanism [a distance between RSSs shorter than 40

nucleotides strongly inhibits recombination (53, 54)]. Never-

theless, we decided to explore the possibility that signal joints

might serve as substrates for RAG-mediated cleavage (55).

What we found was rather unexpected. Not only were signal

joints readily re-cleaved by the RAG proteins in vivo and in vitro,

but they are cleaved by a novel nick–nick mechanism in

which the RAG proteins bound to one RSS introduce a nick

on one strand, while another RAG complex bound to the other

RSSs nicks the other strand, bypassing hairpin formation and

forming two blunt signal ends (55). To substantiate these find-

ings, we tested two RAG1 mutants that can nick but are incap-

able of hairpin formation. Despite being severely defective for

cleavage of standard plasmid substrates, these two mutants

efficiently cleaved signal joints, providing strong evidence that

cleavage was occurring through a nick–nick pathway (Fig. 6).

Furthermore, we found that signal joints are excellent substrates

for transposition in vitro, with both ends produced by signal joint

cleavage being integrated into the target (55). In retrospect,

these findings should not have been so surprising, because it

had long been appreciated that the RAG proteins could readily

nick a single RSS.

Signal joint cleavage explains three otherwise puzzling phe-

nomena. First, signal ends are much more abundant than

coding ends in normal lymphocyte precursors, even though

both are produced by the same cleavage event. Signal joint

cleavage is a more parsimonious explanation for this relative

overabundance than the previously postulated longer lifespan

model. Second, signal joints do not accumulate to appreciable

levels until after RAG expression is downregulated. It had been

suggested that the stable complexes formed by the RAG pro-

teins on signal ends might block signal joint formation (8, 47,

48, 56). Our laboratory’s in vivo work with mutant RAG1 and

RAG2 proteins, however, demonstrated that, far from block-

ing joining, the RAG proteins actually form a necessary scaf-

fold for proper joining of the signal ends and coding ends

(10–12). Ongoing re-cleavage of signal joints provides a sim-

ple explanation for the observation that coding joints accumu-

late in the presence of high levels of RAG proteins while signal

joints do not. Third, mutations that inhibit joining have a

differential effect on signal and coding end levels. Mutations

that block coding joint formation greatly increase coding end

levels (more than 100 fold), but levels of signal ends are not

appreciably raised by mutations that block signal joint forma-

tion (44, 46, 56). This paradox is elegantly resolved by signal

joint re-cleavage, because we now appreciate that signal end

levels depend upon the rate of formation, joining, and


Does signal joint cleavage have pathological consequences?

In an analysis of both healthy individuals and individuals with

T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL), Marculescu and

colleagues (57) found that the translocation junctions in the

T-ALL patients derive from ongoing recombination involving

the signal joint. Thus, signal joints can constitute unstable

elements with oncogenic potential and do not necessarily

provide the protection that we assumed. So what does prevent

the RAG proteins from transposing signal ends?

Modulating transposase activity by controlling target


It was recognized that selection of the target DNA molecule

would provide an ideal regulatory control point, because

blocking target capture should prevent transposition without



Fig. 6. A novel nick–nick pathway for cleaving signal joints. Signaljoints are cleaved by the recombination-activating gene (RAG) proteins ina manner that obviates synapsis and hairpin formation. The RAG proteins,depicted together as an orange oval, nick the 50 of each recombinationsignal sequence (RSS), either simultaneously or sequentially. Curvedarrows indicate where nicking occurs.

Brandt & Roth �How to tame a transposase

254 Immunological Reviews 200/2004

affecting V(D)J recombination (58). To begin to dissect this

key step, Neiditch and colleagues (58) identified a target-

capture complex containing RAG proteins, signal ends, and a

target DNA molecule and showed that its formation depends

upon the presence of active-site DDE residues presumed to

coordinate catalytic metal ions. This finding raised an import-

ant question: where does target DNA bind? In the case of

Tn10, whose behavior parallels that of the RAG transposase

in many respects, stable target interactions require cleavage to

liberate the transposon ends from the flanking DNA. This

activity suggests that the target DNA binds to a region of the

Tn10 protein that also binds the flanking DNA prior to cleav-

age (59). In contrast, Neiditch and colleagues (58) found

that the RAG transposase is capable of committing to a par-

ticular target molecule either before or after RSS cleavage, i.e.

target interactions do not require RSS cleavage. The ability of

the RAG–RSS complex to select a target prior to RSS cleavage

implies that target binding does not entail the release of the

coding ends. As Neiditch et al. (58) noted, however, these

results do not rule out the possibility that RAG monomers

not involved in donor cleavage might bind to target. Indeed,

it is quite likely that the active form of the RAG transposase

contains at least a dimer of RAG1 (60–62). Thus, the ability of

the transposase to commit to a target prior to RSS cleavage

does not conflict with the proposal that target binding is

carried out by active site regions responsible for binding to

coding flanks or coding ends (13, 63, 64). Indeed, our recent

identification of hairpins as highly preferred targets (63),

discussed in more detail below, provides strong support for

the hypothesis that the binding site for the hairpin coding ends

also serves as the target-binding site.

Recent work from other laboratories supports the idea that

the target capture step can serve as a control point to prevent

transposition, at least in the test tube. Three groups have

shown that the full-length version of RAG2, which contains

approximately 140 C-terminal amino acids that are not

required for V(D)J recombination activity, inhibits transpos-

ition in vitro by blocking target capture (64, 66). Elkin et al.

(64) went on to show that full-length RAG2 blocks target

capture only when uncleaved RSS substrates were employed

(i.e., pre-cleaved RSS oligonucleotides lacking coding flanks

did not inhibit target capture). The authors concluded that

full-length RAG2 inhibits target capture only when the coding

ends are present, and they hypothesized that the full-length

protein retains the hairpin coding ends more tightly, prevent-

ing access to target DNA molecules (64). These data, however,

appear to conflict with those of Swanson and colleagues, who

employed an in-gel transposition assay to show that transpos-

ition of signal end complexes is also blocked by full-length

RAG2 (65). Schatz and colleagues (66) reported still another

way in which target capture can be modulated: the presence of

guanosine triphosphate can block target capture by the RAG

transposase in vitro. It is quite possible that other regulatory

factors also exert their influence at the target capture step.

Hairpin ends are highly preferred targets of the RAG


Although the work described above shows that target capture

can serve a regulatory function, the mechanisms responsible

for recognizing target DNA molecules remained unexplored.

The discovery that the Tn7 transposase can target transposition

to distorted DNA sequences (67–69) prompted us to under-

take a systematic examination of the target preferences of the

RAG transposase. We found that plasmid targets containing

inverted repeat sequences strongly stimulate transposition and

that transposition occurs predominantly at the axis of symmetry

of the inverted repeat (63). We obtained similar results

using three different inverted repeat sequences in plasmid

DNA. Because inverted repeats form cruciform structures

with hairpin tips corresponding to the axis of symmetry of

the repeats, we hypothesized that transposition was targeted to

the hairpin tips. Our studies provide three lines of evidence in

support of this model: (i) targeting to the hairpin depends

upon negative supercoiling, which promotes cruciform for-

mation; (ii) DNA sequence analysis shows that transposition

was targeted precisely to the axis of symmetry of two different

inverted repeats, corresponding to the hairpin tips; and (iii)

transposition was also targeted to the tip of an artificial oligo-

nucleotide hairpin (with a sequence different from those of

the inverted repeats), demonstrating that other features of the

cruciform structure are not required for targeting. The pref-

erence for hairpin ends is quite robust. Hairpins efficiently

outcompete the other sequences on a 2.8-kb target plasmid

in cis (approximately 10 fold), and hairpin-containing plasmids

are preferred at least 10 fold over control competitor target

plasmids in trans (63).

These data have important mechanistic implications.

Because the nucleotides surrounding hairpin tips consistently

adopt a variety of distorted DNA structures [which also serve

as preferred targets for structure-specific nucleases (70)], the

observed preference for hairpin targets suggests that certain

distorted DNA structures are preferentially recognized by the

RAG transposase. This conclusion is further supported by the

observation that transposition is also targeted to single-strand/

double-strand junctions in oligonucleotide targets, and it may

Brandt & Roth �How to tame a transposase

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explain the previously noted slight preference for G-C-rich

targets, which might form distorted DNA structures (63).

Why do hairpin ends serve as preferred targets? We propose

that certain forms of distorted DNA mimic normal reaction

intermediates that are generated during hairpin formation.

From the standpoint of the RAG cleavage mechanism, it

makes sense that the active site would contain a region that

specifically interacts with and stabilizes the distorted DNA

intermediates generated during hairpin formation. We suggest

that this region is capable of binding to the final cleavage

products (the coding end hairpins), likely by making contacts

with the distorted DNA at the hairpin tip. Indeed, we have

found that active-site residues are involved in target binding

and that catalytic conditions are required for stable target

binding (58). If this pocket is responsible for binding target

DNA, it is reasonable that hairpins, in general, would serve as

particularly favored targets. This view is supported by our

observation that hairpin targets form stable target-capture

complexes more readily than non-hairpin targets (63). These

data fit nicely with the hypothesis that the target is bound by

the region of the active site responsible for binding to the

distorted DNA intermediates generated during cleavage and

also to the hairpin coding ends—indeed these observations led

to the original articulation of this model (63).

Could transposition targeted to distorted DNA structures

cause oncogenic rearrangements in vivo? Of the two transpos-

ition events detected so far in lymphocytes, one appears at an

inverted repeat (71). This finding suggests that the transposase

targets hairpin structures in vivo as well. Furthermore, certain

lymphomas commonly contain translocation breakpoints at

sequences forming unusual DNA structures (72, 73). It is an

attractive hypothesis that these rearrangements result from

targeted transposition (63).

The ability of the RAG transposase to preferentially target

hairpin structures also allows us to view RAG-mediated hybrid

joint formation in a new light. As noted above, the hypothesis

that hybrid joints form in the context of a post-cleavage com-

plex necessitates an (unexplained) isomerization step to allow

the partner ends to be swapped so that they can be joined in a

recombinant configuration. The fact that hairpins are preferred

targets for transposition suggests a much simpler model:

hybrid joints could be formed by authentic transposition

events in which coding ends are released from the complex,

then recaptured as preferred targets (Fig. 7). Capture of hairpin

coding ends in their original orientation would lead to the

formation of open-and-shut junctions, whereas capture in the

opposite orientation would promote hybrid joint formation.

Lee et al. (63) provide evidence to support this model: exo-

genous hairpin targets inhibit hybrid joint formation by the

RAG proteins in vitro, as predicted by the transposition model

but not by the stable post-cleavage complex model. Additional

support for our model is provided by the observation that the

post-cleavage complex retains signal ends much more tightly

than coding ends in vitro (8, 9, 49), as may also be the case in

vivo (74, 75). Hybrid joints can thus form by an authentic

transposition reaction. We suggest that a significant fraction of

hybrid joints might be formed by this route in vivo.

Are full-length RAG proteins capable of forming hybrid

joints by transesterification?

Our previous observation of wildtype levels of hybrid joints in

Ku80- and DNA-PKcs-deficient mice indicates that these joints

are readily formed by full-length RAG proteins, at least at the

endogenous Ig heavy-chain locus (25, 26). When Alt and

colleagues (76) investigated hybrid joint formation in NHEJ-

deficient fibroblasts, however, they made the interesting

observation that truncated RAG proteins generate hybrid joints

In-complex Transposition

(Re)join thesame ends

Flip around,joindifferentends

Open-and-shut joint Open-and-shut joint Hybrid joint

Fig. 7. A mechanism for preventing transposition into an exogenous

DNA target. Observations of non-standard products in mice and cell linesdeficient in non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) indicate that hybridjoints and open-and-shut joints can be formed by the recombination-activating gene (RAG) proteins alone, without the help of the NHEJrepair machinery. The RAG proteins can perform transesterification on anexisting hairpin, opening it and re-joining it to a signal end (Fig. 5). Theoriginal model for open-and-shut joint formation is depicted on the left:the coding end is joined to its original partner recombination signalsequence (RSS), while both coding and signal ends are retained withinthe post-cleavage complex. This ‘stable post-cleavage complex model’makes it difficult to explain how a hybrid joint would arise, as the signalends must be flipped. In our model of RAG-mediated transposition intohairpin targets, however, the isomerization step is not a problem. Lee et al.(63) demonstrated that the RAG proteins exhibit a strong preference forhairpin targets. Thus, that small fraction of RAG complexes that arepredisposed to transpose will find that the nearest favored target happensto be a hairpinned coding end. This favored target accounts for theformation of hybrid and open-and-shut joints and may help explain theapparently low frequency of transposition into other targets in vivo.

Brandt & Roth �How to tame a transposase

256 Immunological Reviews 200/2004

more efficiently than their full-length counterparts. The authors

suggested that our polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay,

which detects DH-to-JH4 deletional hybrid joints, would not

detect products bearing large deletions and that the products

we detected might represent ‘highly selected products of

attempted D-to-JH joints that deleted back to the 50 D RS’

(76). Although it is true that our assay would not detect highly

deleted products, we were nonetheless readily able to detect

high levels of undeleted products in at least seven individual

mice, which shows that formation of these joints is not

affected by lack of Ku80 or DNA-PKcs (25, 26). Sequence

analysis of the products (29 junctions from three individual

animals) revealed precise joining of intact signal ends to

undeleted coding ends. We think it unlikely that random

deletion of coding ends would chew back the entire D seg-

ment precisely to the RSSs in each instance, yielding junctions

that mimic perfect hybrid joints. Production of these joints by

alternative end joining rather than RAG transesterification

seems even more unlikely, in light of the fact that signal joints

almost always form with nucleotide loss in these same Ku80-

deficient mice (25). It is also not clear in what sense these

hybrid joints are ‘highly selected’. These non-coding products

are under no obvious immunological selection, and selection

for chromosomal rejoining would not necessarily favor such

precise joints. Furthermore, the DH–JH4 coding joints

amplified in the same PCR reaction (and probed with the

same JH probe) serve as an internal control; unlike the hybrid

joints, these junctions are severely diminished in the NHEJ

mutants (25, 26). With these observations in mind, the most

parsimonious interpretation is that the precise hybrid

joints formed at the Ig heavy-chain locus in these animals

are generated by RAG-mediated joining/transposition.

One interesting potential explanation for the difference

between our observations in mice and the Alt group’s obser-

vations in transfected fibroblasts is that this phenomenon

might be locus-specific. It should be noted, however, that,

using extrachromosomal substrates, we demonstrated that

full-length RAG proteins can generate hybrid joints in NHEJ-

deficient cells (24). Thus, while we do not dispute the possi-

bility that core RAG proteins might form hybrid joints more

efficiently than the full-length proteins, our work clearly pre-

dicts that full-length RAGs should catalyze robust hybrid joint

formation in vitro. So far, two of three studies support our

model revealing no defect in the ability of full-length RAG1

and RAG2 proteins to catalyze hybrid joint formation in vitro

(64, 65). Only one study found that full-length RAG2

diminishes hybrid joint formation (66); the reason for this

discrepancy remains unresolved. Although consistent with our

findings at the IgH locus in NHEJ-deficient mice, these obser-

vations have led the Oettinger (64) and Swanson (65) groups

to postulate that other factors besides full-length RAGs might

be responsible for the apparent reduction in RAG-mediated

hybrid joints observed in fibroblasts transiently transfected

with full-length as opposed to core proteins. This interesting

possibility remains to be explored.

Could non-standard joints protect against transposition

in vivo?

The ability of the RAG proteins to generate non-standard

junctions (open-and-shut and hybrid joints) by a transpos-

itional mechanism raises the interesting possibility that these

products, while immunologically irrelevant, might provide an

important line of defense against dangerous transposition

events by encouraging the RAG transposase to generate harm-

less transposition products (63). We have considered two

alternative scenarios. In the first case, the decision to transpose

is made at an early step, while the coding ends remain asso-

ciated with the signal ends in the post-cleavage complex. If, as

we have postulated, the coding ends occupy the target-binding

site, a ‘transposition’ event can occur with rejoining of the

signal ends to the hairpin coding ends to produce open-and-

shut joints (Fig. 7). These events would provide a perfectly safe

outlet for the recombinase’s transpositional tendencies and

have the advantage of not allowing capture of an exogenous

target DNA molecule (63). This proposal resembles a model

put forth by Elkin et al. (64), who suggested that full-length

RAG2 may stabilize the bound hairpin coding ends in the RAG

complex, preventing target capture. In their model, however,

protection would be lost as soon as coding joints form. In our

model, the protection conferred by forming open-and-shut

joints would be permanent.

In the second scenario (Fig. 7), the preference of the RAG

transposase for capture of hairpin ends could allow non-

standard junctions to play a protective role even after the

coding ends have dissociated from the post-cleavage complex,

provided that they remain unjoined and available for capture

(63). According to this model, a RAG-signal end complex

inclined to transpose would be able to capture (or re-capture)

preferred targets, the hairpin coding ends, and affect transpos-

ition to form either an open-and-shut joint or a hybrid joint (if

the RSS partners of the coding ends are swapped). This model

provides a simple explanation for the formation of hybrid

Brandt & Roth �How to tame a transposase

Immunological Reviews 200/2004 257

joints, which, if they form in the context of the post-cleavage

complex, would require some sort of isomerization of the

complex to swap the ends prior to cleavage.

Are non-standard junctions formed frequently enough to

serve a protective role? Only a small fraction (0.1–5%) of

the signal end complexes formed in vitro, even with truncated

RAG proteins, undergo transposition (4, 8). Hybrid joints are

quite frequently generated from extrachromosomal substrates

by full-length RAG proteins (up to approximately 30% of

products) (7), and a substantial fraction of these have struc-

tures compatible with RAG-mediated joining (transposition)

(7, 23, 24). Hybrid joints are also found, although less com-

monly, at endogenous antigen receptor loci. Deletional hybrid

joints, which require formation of only a single junction, are

readily detected at the Ig heavy-chain and TCR � loci (25, 77).

Inversional rearrangements that form two hybrid joints, not

surprisingly, are less common, but they have also been

detected at the Ig heavy-chain locus (78, 79). Of course,

only a subset of open-and-shut junctions can be detected

(those that alter the nucleotide sequence at the junction);

even so, these are readily formed by full-length RAG proteins

from extrachromosomal substrates (approximately 1% of the

frequency of standard junctions) (53) and at endogenous

antigen receptor loci (up to 19% at TCR �) (80). Even if

only a fraction of these events are generated by a transpos-

itional mechanism (we expect some proportion to form by

end joining), these numbers seem high enough to make a

significant contribution to protecting the organism against

deleterious transpositional rearrangements.

The mechanism described above in essence uses a ‘safe’

transposition event to defend against transposition to an

exogenous target DNA. Gellert and colleagues (29) recently

articulated another defense mechanism that capitalizes on

features inherent in transposases: the ability to reverse the

reaction through disintegration. This reaction occurs quite

efficiently in vitro at high Mgþ concentrations; it will be inter-

esting to determine whether disintegration occurs frequently

in vivo.


The V(D)J recombinase is clearly functionally related to trans-

posases, and few doubt that the RAG proteins and their

associated RSSs are derived from an ancient transposable ele-

ment. This presents an interesting problem for the immune

system, which wants to put the transposasc to good use

without enabling authentic transposition into exogenous

targets — a dangerous process for the organism as a whole.

Only vestiges of transpositional activity remain, which can be

seen in the test tube under appropriate conditions (4, 5) yet

very rarely in vivo (71) [or perhaps more commonly in vivo in

the form of specialized products, open-and-shut and hybrid

joints (23, 25)]. One strategy common to many transposase

systems is to carefully regulate the expression of the transpo-

sase to prevent high levels of activity, but this regulation is

not an option for the immune system because the RAG

proteins are critical to lymphocyte development. This predica-

ment has forced the RAG proteins and the vertebrate immune

system to take what may be novel strategies to allow transposon

excision but restrain transposition. Some of these strategies

should provide insights not only into V(D)J recombination

but also into mechanisms that regulate other transposase



As this manuscript went to press, Raghavan et al. (Nature

2004,428:88–93) published results suggesting that RAG

recognition of altered DNA structures might be responsible

for some chromosomal translocations. The authors examined a

common breakpoint sequence and found that RAG proteins

can nick one strand of the non-B DNA in vitro. This dovetails

nicely with the earlier work of Lee et al. (63) showing that the

RAG proteins can target hairpin, cruciform, and other altered

DNA structures for transposition and suggesting that such

altered strucutres may induce RAG activity that may lead to



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