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V e K h e t^ to m o r r o w : P r o b t M j f t i r , v t r i a b lo w in d s .

■ 4 - ••'■ V

'w mLAST EDinOIi

ITUMBER 9.190 N E W A R K , N . J . . T H U R S D A Y , J U N E 5 . 1 9 1 3 . - T W E N T Y - S I X P A G E S . T W O C E N T S .


Rassell Sig« Foradatioa Investi- la tor Fmds Mack to Criticize in


*Vocs*«rt B «ai4 Dlr*c<la« Bx>• c a t l n " C a lM B«kia4 th a l i K a . D«flliirr- T echnical Kn«w1-m§g9 la Mat l l* ta s Appllad t*C atla A tte a tla s t* 1V*«4 of R tforpw Mow Uodof l¥ a ir—Sow* BoirctotloM ,


Analysis of Fmger Prints on'Hateket Famishes Authorities More Eri-

doice in Cereieilo Slaying.

A aanaral rahabuttatlon of th* do* OartiiMDt of public hoaltb, from tho board itaalf down to th* hum bto t emplor* of th a adralnlitratlv* tjritom, 1* advocaud by T rana Schneider Jr., *anltarlen of th* departm ent of lurveye and exhibit* of th* Rumell Sac* Foundation, In a volu- inlnoui report mad* to th* commute* on financ* of th* Common Council l**t p icht, Aceordinc to the rvport th* way th a board and It* health officer con­duct departm ent affa lri leave* much to be deitred.

"Tb* preient Kewark arran fcm an t of a larp*. inexpert board dtrecUnc an In- axpart axaeutiv* certainly doe* not mak* fo r either * oon*letent nor propreiilT* policy," th* report atatei. At another point It **y*:

"The p r* i« ^ health officer 1* hired m eraly a* ap ■xecutlve, aa th* ***¥*01 of th* board, while the board aaeum** to direct tha work of tha departm ent, a yaaponalbUlty which. In th* llcht of mod­ern development*, II le not competent to d lo ch arfa The reault la th a t th* nao**- aary toohnlcal knowladce la not halni SppUad to th* work."

In eotieludoa Ur. Schneider reoom- n * n d i *e a eoluUon of the problem:

"A trained and eiperlenoed »p«cl*Ilit In public health ahould be endowed with th * r**pontlbl11ty for th* policy and tnathodi of the department. A «me11 board of carefully choeen m em heri may Vafbauard th* ordlnanee-maklnc power and advlua and couneel the health of­ficer, but It ahould be clearly underatood th a t the health officer ahould be ilven a fra* hand In health matter*, and ahould bp p u t entirely beyond th* reach of fac- tttm al Influanc*.’’

Ifplthar Dr. Herm an Ck H. Hepold, prae- Ident of the Board of Health, or Health Offleer David D. Chandler would make an y comment on the report today, poth Saolatlna they had not read It In Ita en- tira ty and ao were not willing to talk at th ia thne.

The sage foundation arorker wae en- ■a«ed by the acoountlng firm of Price, W aterhouae A Co., whoa* expert* are at praaent angaged on a general audit of

' th* otty department*. I t waa thi* Instl- tu tlo s which made the report on th* play- Sround ayatem th a t reaultad In Ita reor- Sanliatlon. Ur. Schneider himaelf read th n ^ e p o rt, which took up In detail the depaytmenVe thirteen branchea of work.

Tb* report maaaura* tha departm ent'a Work by "^ha adequacy of It* acope and puipo**, and th* effldeney of tt* meth- O da" Th* lubleots traated ara:

ICadloal I n a p ^ o n of parochial achoola. tubarculoal* aanltarittin, tnapactor nuraei fo r tabarculoala dlapanaary, dlatriet phy- aloU na bureau of contaiglona dlaeaaea. dIgtnteoUng corpa baclerlplogteal labora­tory , meat and m arket inapeolton, food, m tlk and drug InepacUon. chamlat, n#- taorologlat, rabla* work. ^

Msr D tvtelos CUhtta*Chief* of the ta dlvUton* do no t axtft,

In' U r. Bchntider'a oUniom though ,h*. aosaada* th a t ‘■hdmlnaT h»M* o f dfrCitow hav* bean c r* h t* d "-w the aupartntetideet of the bureau of oontaflou* ditaata*. chlPf of th* plumbing dlVillon and dark • t th* aanltary dlvikioo. B ut th e n men have MtUa real auth tority and refe r mat-

, t a r i of even trivial detail to the health .yefflear fo r dadtion.

‘I f projiar dlvliion bead* were eraatad," K r . Bohaalder aayi, "andowad wttli au- tho riV and dubjected merely to educa- tltm And •upervltlbn by th* health offl- ear, tb* U ttar’a time could n* rdeaaed to r th* la rg tr need* h t th* health work, auch a* tb* «tudy of health oondltlopa In th* e ttr, the formulation of oonatructiv* polklaa, and th* proaecotlon o f vlgorou*

I nempalgna. I t I t poor economy to an- «tuau)*r thd bigheat paid man in tha da- paytiaaBt wllh m atter* of detail which eotlld b* oArded by l**a expanalv* eubor- Slnatoa."

A u th o r orltleiaffl i t baaed on the tact th a t related work la not properly drawn togatbar and corralatad. To Illustrate, tb* repo rt e lte t th a t tb* work of th* bureau a t oontaglouB dlaaaie t^ li not under the o o n tid a f the auperlntw dant alone, but I* divided W w ee n him and the chief of th* dlalnfaotktg oorp*. Th* la tte r do** not tak a ondera from th* auperlntandant, i t la pointed out.

H r. Schneider find* ■* a raault of thla condition th a t the work of th* bureau li u n ia ttitac to ry and auggeata th a t It b* re arg an ltad Into five or e ll dlrtelon*, placed tn eh trg* of oompetont chlefa

B oard la T ea L arge.''A nother aerloua defect In tha pratent

form of organliaUon ralate* to th* board i t ta l f ," th* report goea on to aay. "The ipfeoent board 1* too large and la endowed*~~(0ontlnu*d on M paga l i t column.!


Analyala of the flnger-prltili on th* hatchet found near the ecen* of the m ur­der of Mra. Alvire Cerclello, who wae elain In the Silver Lake aectlon of Bloom­field. haa afforded added link! In th* chain of evidence th e t comprl*** the caae against Angelo Cerclello, the huaband, and Vincenao Cerclello, brother-in-law, of the woman, under arreat a i her a lar ere.

Detective* hurried from the proaeoutor'a office to Bloomfield thla afternoon. It wua underatood they would probably make another arreat In the caea before their return.

The Intended arreat, It waa aald, waa to be of a woman, related to the 'w o men now accueed of th* crime. Th* name of Mr*. Roae Cerclello waa mentioned In connection with the Incident.

The detective* went to the heme of Mra. E lm er Carlaon, of 421 Cheater avenue, a abort^ diatano* from th* Cerclello home, to Inveatigate a atory th a t aha had aeen A m an reaembllng the huaband of the murdered woman pai* her home on the night of the m urder carrying a package which in ell* and shape may have con­tained a hatchet. Mrs. Carlaon agreed to go to the Jail to eee If ahe could Identify Cerclello.

The flnger-prlnta, on the handle of the hatchet, accoiding to Edward H. Bchwarti, of the local Bertlllon bureau, contain the aame number of whurle as th* Impraaelon taken from th* third finger of Angelo Cerclello'e left hand and other pronounced almllarltle*. '

On the third finger of CerdeUo, Bchw arti avera ha found a water bHater and a Blight Bear both Juet outside of the whorl* a t the tip of th* finger. Both of tbea* mark*, he declared, he found In the p rin t on the hatchet handle, which, he aaaerta, ehowa th a t It wae Cerclello s finger th a t caused the blood print on ihe hatchet handle.

Th* authorlllea heve teken poeeeealon of th* clothing of the murdered woman and will submit It to an examination In an effort to dlecqver linger mark*. The clothe* will be turned over to Mr. Schwart* -today.

Although Prosecutor Loula Hood would not divulge the fornial report said to hav* been made to him by Mr. Schw arti, I' 1* known th a t the expert ha* positive­ly Identified the finger prime on the handle of the hatchet as corresponding with thoae of th* accused huaband.

The authorltle* are not relying aolely upon the flitger print evidence In their effort* to fasten the crime on the accused huaband. Nor have they ceased Inveetlga- tloiW aa to the bon* button found near the scene of th e murder, which la aald to correspond with th* button* on a g ray sw eater worn by Angelo Ceiclello, one of which la mlaalng. Efforts are now being especially directed toward probing the domestic affair* of the Cerclello family.

Although th# detective* *mp!oy*d In the case have refused to Intlm ite the ch a r­ac ter of the Information they hava ob- t ^ e d in Iht* connection, It It known th a t they have euccessfully run down certain atari** told by neighbor* to th* effect th a t the home Ufa of th* young brid* waa not a happy ona

Cuatom ari a t th* UtU* Cheatar avanu* grocary ator* kept by Cerclello and his artfe hava bean retponilbl*, it Is aaJd. for■toilH t H ^m onths WA* on more thsn on* oeoaalon

t !■ eawaiy wirti* litfwwiirtnai-h— **■»__ohtata*4 o o h o ti^ n f teU anc* of m *r-

IfAl IhfdUettM od th* ev* Of to* murder.tnv**tl|Atfmi Along th is Una haa itece*-

ta rU r boon slow, but Iti oouraa hAs bean Inarkod. to It la aald, by th* gradual weld- Ing of All the link* in a chAln of evidence.


Member* of the special commleslon *p- polntad to arrange the New Jeraey rv- htblt a t the Panama Expoaltlon, to be held In Ban F rtn d sco In ItlB, left for th* P i- cHlo COAtt on Ihe Commercial E ipreei over tha PannsylvAifla Railroad thla morning, going by way (^ Chicago. Three boarded th* train a t the Manhattan T ransfer and tho other* were taken on In Trenton.

Th* party Include* Curtl* R. Burnett, form er president of the Baard of Trade of thla city: Robert S. Hudapeth and W alter P Gardner, of Jersey City; Cap­tain A. C. Baker, of A tlantic City: Ed­ward E. Groaecup, of W enoneh: Johnston Cornish, of W ashington: Mayor Fred- erlck W. Donnelly, of Trenton; C. E, Breckenridg*. of K ackeneach; General Dennia F. Collin*, of Elizabeth, and Joeeph K. Waddlngton and Chaflea F. Panroaet. of Balem, Form er Governor J. Franklin Fori, who waa named a* head of the commission, did not go


Todair Is the Day W hn It lays Its Cards on Table Before



Tells Police Conmisnooers He Fa­vors that Procedqre in Selecting

Successor to Corbitt. WKldeclined to be


Mayor Hauwlln? I> unqualifiedly of the opinion th a t a f^hlef of police to iucce^d the late Michael Corbitt should be chosen by means of the refuJar procedure laid down by the civil service syslem. In con* ferenco with John Gaader, president of the Police Board, and Commlaaloner Philip Bcanlon, held thla afternoon, the Mayor ■aid the board would "please htravery much" If It would abide by the civil aervlce regulallona In selectlnif a new head of the uniformed force.

The question of a new chief of police was discussed at length. The two com- mlsjtloners asked the Mayor for his opinion regarding appointing a chief re­gardless of civil service.

Ma^or HauasUng said that was a ques­tion the law department would have to decide. But he told them, In diplomatic terms, th a t he wished them to be guided by the civil service regulations, declaring th e t he believed this Ihe beat principle to follow,

The commissioners la ter attended a meeting of the Police Board, where they made known to their colleagues the a tti­tude of the Kxecutive.


ADA. O.. June The premature dis­charge of a cannon which was to be fired as a salute to Governor James M. Cox, th is afternoon caused Injuries to Daniel Best, of P itcairn, Pa., a former student a t Ohio Northern University, that probably will be fatal. The accident took place on the campus.

Best was handling the ram m er and had JUBt pushed In the powder charge when the cannon went off. The burning pow­der struck him In the face, destroying his sight completely and otherwise crit­ically Injuring him* The rammer wae throw n several hundred yard*.

Governor Cox had come to Ada to at> tend commenesm^Pt exerclsea.

This Is u«y when (he B M Ia Com­pany la to present Its meal ticket to the Board of W orka. The commissioners laid over the aw ard of the contract to pave Springfield avenue last week until today to give the "Bower. Miirtaugh, Le Vine Co'* a chance lo produce C. P, Bow^er. of New York, who Assemblyman Joseph B- Gloom described as the practical man who Is to finance the company.

Mr Bower le supposed to be the head of a big oontracUng firm In New York, ac­cording to Mr. Bloom, who Incorporated Ihe m ystical B- M- L- Co. Mr. BlOom said that a t present Mr. Bower's finan­cial Interest In the concern la only MOO, or one-third of the total stock paid In, but that la ter he will become more deeply Interested financially.

W hether Mr. Bower is going to appear before the board remains to be seen. W ill­iam J. M urtaugh, alias "Billy Murths, the prealdent of the new company, approached today, but he Interviewed:

Since the Sward of the Springfield ave­nue Job a t a figure slightly lees than J&D.DOO. was held up two weeks ago, the speculation hen continued ae to w hat con* tractor besldea the "rlgJjt Bower" In New York Is Interceted In the firm. Tn apke of the denial of Jam es H. McMahon that he has any Interest In the company hla name li still linked with the concern by a good many people who pretend to know what they are talking about.

That such a company as the B. La was In existence was firs t known wh«‘n "Blllj’" M uriha, a former prealdent of ike Joeeph J . H siihea C onlrartln* Coinpa'iy, tried to get In a bid on the Broad street wood block Job but arrived a t the Board or Work* meeting live mlnutea late.

There was a small row In th , corrltor ouUtde the meeilng-rooin when Murtha appeared with hie bid, which was refused.Il l.v uiideretood that he was accused of diiulile dealing by Joseph J. Hughe*.

While M urtha la ter denied having any knowledge of (he hid of the Hughee con­cern, Mr. Hughes, It Is understood, e c - ; cused him of having tide Inside knowl­edge and attem pting to underbid Iho fig­ure. I t le Incidentally reported that tt-e n M. 1,. hid on Broad etreet would have hfen the lowest received If It hsd not t t ’cn late.

I-eo McMahon, a son of James H. Me- Mahon, wa* secretary of the Hughes concern and be als't became Involved lit Bome difficulty with Hughea when the latter attacked M urtha, according to ’h* story, and the senior McMahon Took part In the squabble and acted In the role o ' peacemaker or a t least blow preventer.

In addition to the B. M. L. question the board will have another paving row a t It* meeting this afternoon, for Commis­sioner Charles P. Gillen m tendi to make another a ttack upon the Standard BUu- mhlo Company. Mr. Gillen has gslhercd a lot of Btatietics, he saya, which he pro­poses to spring upon hi* colleagues In an atU rapt to prevent th e paving of eome six street* w ith bitullihic.

Mr. Gillen said today th a t he would also try to have th e board reconsider It* ac­tion In m aking other award* recently to the S tandard Bltulltbtc Company and It hr 1* unsuccessful he declared that he will bring the m atte r Into court.


TiONDON, JuB* (,-O r«C fl an<l Giilfari* hav* agra*4 \n priaelpl# lo aubmU thalr coTirlietlBf elalnw to arb itration Bulgaria drilrea to lUbnilt bar claim to Balontca f t th* ilx graat powara, but G rtac t want* th« triple en ten te-O real Britain, Franc* onri R u u i t—to fettle the dlipute.

A dlfpatch to th* Dally Telegraph from B urhare it eaye tha t the Cahinfta of all the Balkan Btatef are preparing t* realm, leaving tffb tangled affa irs of th* allUnc* tn the hand* of the n«w governgient*.

Tnatead of making fo r p«ace. the new Cabinet of Bulgaria may be more bellleoM than the prevloue one, for lat* report! In­dicate th a t Premier Gueehoff resigned be- cauie of the Irrllallon ahown In military and pnlUlcal d rv le i over hi* conceiilon* to Groece and Bervla- Another dUlurblng fea(ur<^ in the growing Indication that H u m a t^ Is barking Bulgaria, and diplo­m ats believe th a t Humanl* hsa already offered to Join with Bulgaria In c**« of war.


Sa^ragette Who Seized the King’s Horse Conscious for Brief In-



Secretary McAdoo Recomoends De­lay in Gastons Reorganization

Until January 1 ,1 9 1 4 .COMMERCE COMMITTEE ASSENTS

Detectire’i Slayer, Acquitted, Tams Witness Against Fictim’i Daugh­

ter i n ^ l n o j ^ .BOLD CONFESSION STUNS JUDGE

C O liO H W i, 0-, ^ n « Ctg*.tweint w of th* Iron Mold*t*' Union of .WhooUnt. W. V*., eonf*Mod la tho Unlt*d ■t»tM DlstTlot Court h«ro to4n]t th a t h* 'k itltd DoteoUv* John 3. IMfirdan, of ^ tfto b n rfb , a t BtouhonvUlt, d ., to UMi

Tho km ing o c e u rr^ durtog » porl«d,ot tabor Iroubto '

I t d«votop*d th a t Ca«o had b«oa M od a t ^toubanvlUo moro than a yoar a t« on b ebarco of h av to t muidafod Boardon, and th a t ho « a* aequittodi ho rofuMiic to taka tb o « ttn « M ■tand. Cafo'a oonftu lon today 4va* mada to.eonnaetton with a civil h t* r- to ( bafetro Judgo Satar.

H av to f b«*n tn }ooP«)4y oBoa, anothor tr la t on tb* a tn ia o b arc t 1* h a rtad und*r th* JCdnaUtuUon w d law* of Ohio.

C uo'a oonfuwlon r**nlt*d to *p«edy dl*- I B l ^ of prooeodUft. «hloh « w t P«ud- tod hOftiTo Judfa Satar, tovolvlnc tha dla- IK)*ltlon of t6,CW toward moneF ottarad M tb* edaunl*4rion«M a t Jaffaraan Oom- ty. and anoOiar salt by Batirdon'* admln- titflttor to aoUaat H,(Mdaniid*a from JM- fertoD aJoUntr btoanat o f Boardon'a

- d e a tt . ^1 roH ow to t Caca’i admtaahm th a t ha Orod th a dboti which praotloaliy rtddlad the

of the FUtchtIrgh detoctlv*. an ordar am* entarad, allaarlDC tha

df«d .tnan’a babra tl.no. x 'The appaaranoa of Caca an th a witaaaa

-p tand ' came aa a sn r i^ a a to attarnajfa ' 'fw Baardoa'* aatate. B o doctorad th a t

be had eoma Into oourt voluntarily." i ) you w ato not aatlaflad w ith bavtog

klllsd P fta o tlto Bsardon, b u t now oomo In to oourt ap d em taw tb th a t ertma ab

yop may ba(p to d a tn n d tha lltUa 4bn g h ta r of your vioilto o iit o f w hat > tghtfnuy W onga to t f r r onoriod Atioiv a ia r Law la '* tO b, I dod 't bjww a* r am ." ratoriad

■■■Truia-ju d g a datar, apparantly atuimad by f* unaotpactad adadM lao to a t ba '.B aardom aald: .

taally maan to tall tbla oourt aaaaagtoatad th a t m a n r rafor-


Out o f throa candidataa tha prison com- niltte* uf tha Board of Freeholder*, a t a mooting today, lOleeted Joseph C. Cap- rlo. of i n Bightb avanu*, and H arry A. Vaughan, of « Mo*n plae*, a* keeper* a t th* penitentiary, «tt«ctlve from May U. Caprto'a averag* wa* TLII, while th* a v e r s e o f Joseph Makawiky, of 541 Flf- t«*nth aeanu*. who w*s net appointed, w as Tt.n. V aughan 's averag* w *i 71 IT.

Tb* appalnUnent of Caprlo -wa* no t tnede w ithout oppoaltlon from Freeholdore Quinn and OUbert, who objected on tha ground th a t Caprlo, becaus* of an Indict­m ent returned against him on May 10 last, waa unfit to be a keeper.

Director W alter A. Evana who haa heretofora been opposed to the aelaetlon of Caprlo, today rovoraed hla a ttitude and farored th* appointment.

The m eeting of tho board wa* precedod by a eonferono* of tho Republican tr«e- holders. Befor* the board got into ee*- ■ion a delegation called upon the free­holder* to urge Caprle'* appointment.

Tho Increaee In tha force of keeper* wa* adopted io th a t the keeper* may worlt In •Ight-hour Bhltta,

Th board authorised Chairman M attla to appear before the emergency committee and recommend tho purch*** of another «tnne oruriieiTt whtoh will co*t about 53,006. and will have a capacity of ISO ton* daUy.


gpsctol f i tn le t af tte MITS- HOBOKEN, June 5.—Refusing to work

under a man who, they daelars, had In­sulted the American flag, ISO boiler­maker* a t the m arine shops of W, ft A. Fletcher, foot of Twalfth atreet. w ent on strike th is morning. An effort will be made tonight to get iSO machtnleta to Join tho atriimra.

Tha m an tha workara ebjaot to la Jeaeph Fletcher. They aay he waa employed a* too)k**p«r a t the plant for elgbt y*nra ending about two month* ago. W han about to iM vs they daoUtre, h* pulled an EngUih flag from a pocket and ax- filslnif?*

“TMa ta th* only flag w orth living im dsr. r m going to Canada on th a t ae-POWta’* .

Im m ediately a tU r tbl*, It Is a isartod , ha dbmtoyad an Amorican flag and mad* tho I t h b w ohjeotad to.

sbar returnad from Canada y**- and waa glvan hi* lob bgals, da-

j tv . th* man. A. notice waa th e p lant this morning, th*

_ lalm. th a t t t any one didn’t bito to work under Flatohar h* oould quit.

The ttrlk e rs claim their number repr*- ••nt* a lt In th* dapartoMUt whare H « teh - • r is «raployed. iTittobiril* snld to b* noralattva. th* ra*f*b*rs of th* firm .

A L U G E S D U n i l F R O I G A l a A D E f t B U D A N I D H I T

JBBBET OITTi. Inn* 5,-A lleglng th a t through a a Injury which hi* mm *u*- tallied when itnu ih by a ea r of the Pub- Uo Barvlo* Railway Company th* boy h«- earn* •peechl#** and IdloUo, F ra n k Keo-

W**t Mew Tbrk., a tarted wilt tbacoom pany today t o r -*^,006

damaigaa Tb* ease I t being triad bhtoto

' t u S ? ^ ) to * “ liiTi1fllii* ****In ttia bill o f contoWnt H ia alleged

th a t F ra n k Keenan Jr., eight r a a n old, ■ ftar Btspptog out o f th* w ay o f on* troUar car a t Bergen l-ln* avenue and

:Mlnth a tr ja t, W e*t New York, Deeembar * laat, wa* atruck by another e a r going

't o a a Dppotila dinetioA Testim ony of an axpart aa tu r* waa

•Ivan a t th a trial tbl* toorntog. and I

C O l B M S K m U t l l S I O( p i E i m i j u n M s i i

NEW YORK, Juno 5.—WlliUm Wllltama, commlaeloner of Immigration, announced yaeterdsy ' th a t R esid en t 'Wilson has sc- oepted his resignation with the requeit th a t be continue In office until June 16, the a n d of the fiscal year. Mr. Williams wrote to the President on May 6, asking th a t his resignation tak e effect prior to June 1. as h!i term ended with the month of Slay. Replying to th is request, the Prealdent said :

T wish to express my appreciation of your conaclantloui and peculiarly Intelli­gent *ervice In handling one of the most delicate and onaroue position* in th* gov­ernm ent service.”

Mr. William* ha* served seven year* as oommlssloner, thres years, frtjm 1902 to 1*05, under President BooseveU, and th* four years now ending, as an appointee of President Taft..

WASHINGTON, June 5.—John W. Kel­ler of New York, ha* been recommend­ed 'to Preeldent Wilson by Senator O'Gor- man as commissioner of Immigration at E llll Island to succeed Mr. Williams.


WASHINGTON, Ju n e S.—Secretary McAdoo's cleanout of R epublican cus­tom* officials a t San F rancisco la taken to be the fo rerunner of o th e r sw eeping changes In a reo rgan iza tion plan to be w orked out one port a t a tim e.

I t wae k e rn ed today, though treasury official* made every effort to keep it •ecre t, th a t a t San FrancU oo Mr. Me- Adoo haa demanded not only the resig ­n a tio n of Collector S tra tto n , bu t also those of Naval Officer Qborg* StonA Surveyor Duncan E. MoKlnlajt and Ap- p ra laer John Q. M attoa Jr .


WASHINGTON, June 5.—The schooner H arry Morsa towed by th* tug Pan- American, Is en route from Tampico for Galveston with 168 fugitive American*.

MEXICO CITY, June 6.—More than 166 Americana, whose financial condition ren­ders It iroposiible for thqm to p»y their way to the United' Btata*. will be *»it from her* to Q ilveeton by w*y of Vera Cruz today, as th* reauH qf representa­tions made by the American Ambassador to the administration a t Washington. Tha sttam er L a Mexieana ha* been o h a rtu ed tor this purpo** and B*d Cross funds employed. ___________


f n m iHt W«Mw»*a g « to * af A* gYgJf, IlfO NBfW». _

W A SH ^O TO N , Jim* ft—4b* itomla*- tlon of ganator J. W arren Davie, of Salain. N. J„ a* fedarai distriot attorney for New l a n t r , wa* rsotivad by th* Sonata tht* aftsniobn. R w as ra to m d to tb* Judiciary commlttaa. ^


COLUMBUS, 0-. June 5—I 4 ^ l n g guilty of ueing th* Tnalia' to defraud, and of having oollectad Ufa ItMurane* on the


Finil Witnesses in Dynamite Plot Trial Verify Story T»!d by Law-


fffrriff ftf (Ae yBYYM.LONDON, Junft S .-M loi Emily Wtlrilnf

l>ii\*lMn. the Northumberland luffravattm who alnioat lent her Ufa In a ipaotacular attem pt to break up ysa tarday '! Epmoni Down* Darby, whan aha aelaad or at- irm pted to Vflie tho bridle of Antner, the K ltif'e horer, today waa aald by phyal- clana to have a bare chance for recovery.

Until near noon Mlee Da%1*on rftmtlned unconerioua and then ihowed e ljn i of ra lly ln t A few mlnutee la ter the waa partly ^ cIouh for r brief Interval and took 1 ^ i nourlabment. but waa unable lo speu. Boon lapsed into a atatc ofcoma. The allm dlng phynlclaiia, hoaever. found her pulse, tem perature and reBplra- lion more aatlafactory and w ere hopeful.

A arnre or more prom inent ■uff-roKcUei called a t ili#- liospllul where Mice Davison Is being r-nred for, but they were not ad­mitted and the attendante refueed to give them any Information concerning the pa­tient. The woman li v irtually a priaoricr, and If she ti-covera will be proieculed.

Jockey Jonee, the K ing's rider, eho WftB BArlouily hurt when Mlta l>av‘m>rii performed her aatontahing feat at the Tottenham corner of Epeoni l.H)wnB courae. wa* eald to be progreaelng fa­vorably. HI# Injtirlaa conelst «f a illght concufulon of the iH^lh and niimerou# brutHee. At the hospital to which he wai taken, phyalclane aald he would recover.

According ■ lo eyewitneasea of tins affair. Mlea l^avienn fought with eeveral spectator!! before she dodged under the rail and out Into th# course. Standing In front of the onruahlng Anmer. iha flung up her arm. and It wa» Imposalble to tell whether she actually groaped the bridle or mlRied her grip. When the frightened animal finally v.'aa halted both the Jockey and the woman lay tjneon- ■cloua and bleeding on the track. The horse waa not badly hurt

King Ouorge waa told of the Incident before he and Queen Mary and their a t­tendants left the royal box and be gave order# that MIbb Davleon be given every possible medical attention and also that Jones be cared for.

W hat with the sensattontl m ilitant epi­sode and the dltquall|icatU>a of Craga^ n#ur, tha favorite and appatiM t winner* y«itai‘day'B Darby was regarded o j one of the moat unsatisfactory In the his­tory of fipoom t w o * . Aoco«dlng .tPi, spectators there whs much unCglir. if not actually foul, riding, and Craganour was not the only horse th a t bumped, they said,

Johnny Relff, the American Jockey who rode Craganour, wa* unofficially accused of bumping several tim es before the Inci­dent In the etralght th a t caused hi# oraunt to bo diequallfled. There were no American horaei In the field of fifteen and fewer Americana than usual weri* In ihe crowd.

BOSTON, June 6.—A fter Introducing several w itnesses to corroborate the testis mony of the defendant yesterday, the defenae of Frederick E. Atteaux In the dynamite conspiracy case reeled today.

Among the w itnesses for A tteaux xvere William B- W atts, fom ier chief Inspector of the Boston pollc#, and A. A. Corby, of Lawrence. Their stories tended to confirm the version of the dynamite affair given by A tteaux, who set up th a t John J. Breen and E rnest W. Pitm an hatched the plot to "p lan t" dynamite on the premises of tex tile strikers a t Law­rence.

Later, the defense claims. Green drove Pitman to sulclds by th re a ts qf exposure, and then used the some tactics In an a t­tempt to blackm ail A tteaux ahd W'ood.

W atts testified to an Interview with Breen, In which tb s U tte r told of dam ­age suits b rought against him by thoae In whose houss* dynam ite had been "planted." and said th a t what he had done was for th e mill men, and he thought th a t A tteaux ought to get him $11,000.

On crosB-e lam ination the wltnees said th a t he thought th a t Breen was trying to blackmail A tteaux.

iuDpoied deaths Of perfOM who novi Isted, WUUatn Vokoleki an attotpi fhttshurgh, Po-o i»as today uMitaiir Cnltsd S tatH Dlstiiot Judga Jahn tor to serve eightson vnonttis bi tha tenUory a t MoundovUlo, W . Vo.


JERSEY C ITT, Jun* B.—The polle* o( this city are today lnve*tt*atln* the dt*- appesrsnee o f H enry Thompson, fifty- nine years old, of 137 W est KXth street. New York, one of the employes of the New York Edison Com piny, of 6B Duane etreet. New York.

X receipt book a t the Bdl*OR company beerinf ’Thompion’* nam e ws* found to the pocket of * s r s y taok odst left on the rea r of the Paonaylvuil* Railroad ferryboat New Brunsw ick a* aha lay In her Jeraey City dock a fte r e ro ttln f from Desbroises atreet 1st* y ester day a fte r noon. „

About an hour a f te r the egat wa* found a member of tb* CTtw Of tha tngboat Btuyve*ant reported to Captain Elder, of the Penneylvacl* ferryboat P Ittaburc, th a t be had teen a m an lump from th* New Brunawlok *a ah* «at«r*d her slip In Jersey City. Th* body ha* not been re o o v a r^ _

BICYCLE VICTIM « HOSPITALdperiol fleftoe* of tht JTgWg.

MORRISTOWN, Jun* ft^A rth u r Wine- low, vtettm of a blojtol* acetdant las t n ith t a t Kenvll, was brouch t to Memorial HM total. th is place, today fOr en e jam i- nation of hi* injurte*. Mr. Wjnslow 1* a civil aoktneer, who w a*,,at -work ott tb* private railroad beln f o6tl*tructed for the Du Pont Powder Company a t KenvIL He waa r ld to f bis wheel In the v lllate and to aoin* unexplained way waa thrown. He waa unoonsclou* fo r aaveial houra


■WASHINGTON, June B.-Reforma de­signed to system atize the methoda by which appropriation bills, aometimes run­ning up to th# hllllon-doliar rnark, are fram ed and presented lo the House were taken up today al a meeting of the Houae budget commttjce-

Representatives Underwood, of Ala­bama. the Democratic leader; palm er, of Pennsylvania, the D e m o rra tlc ^ u e u s chairm an; Fitzgerald, of I6ew York, Chairm an of the approprlatlone commit­tee, and Sherley, of Kentucky, one of the original budget reform udvocates, had agreed lo choose between the Fitzgerald and Bherley plana of budget reform.


PARIS, June D.—The quf<stton of (.he protection of working wom^n In France during motherhood cam# up In the Cham­ber of Deputies today and gave rise to a lively debate. Deputy Fernand Rngerand Offered a meftaure to rnmpel employers to continue paying the wages of working women during four wfipka In oa#e they are absent from their employment owing to motherhood.

"Prance and Turkey are the only Euro­pean countries In which motherhood la not protected," he declared. "The death rate among children put out to nurse In France I# atxty per cent., while that among children nursed by their motheni la only twelve per cent. The number of births in Germany cxcF^eds th# death# by 800,000 annually, in France the excel# Is only 40,000."

"If Prance had pas#'‘d a measure of thl# kind twenty years ago." said Deputy Henri Schmidt, "the Chamber of Deputies would not b« obliged now to vote a law com­pelling Frenchmen to serve three year* In the army nor to appropriate the many bllHoni we are called upon to ipend."

Fn)m (Ae iroiiAlniFroe Mrimk of tAo EVSN*lv(7

Wa s h i n g t o n . Jvme B.-Thai th*Wllaon adnilnlstratlnn is at least dls- poefd to delay n»e exeeuilon of the Taft order for the reformation of the cuatoms aervJce. beeiua# of (he protest of New­ark and various other cominunitiea which are adversely affected was further sTvnwo today, and shown In a way th a t bo* heartened the opponents of the scheme.

Secretary MrAdoo, who undoubtedly spoke with the approbation of th« Pres^ dent, approved of Senator Fiet6h«r's bill,V hlch defers (he op«ru(1on of the order Mr. HcAdoo approved, In order to give the Executive snd himself better oppor­tunity to go over the whole sttuailon and modify the Taft order according to th% Ideas of the present reglme-

Mr. McAdcKk's Letter was sent to Senator Clarke, chairm an of th# commerce com­mittee. which he# the Fletcher bill, as well as other bills and resolutions aimed a t the order. In hand. The committee g»et this morning, made amendmenta th a t Mr. McAdoo suggested, and voted to report the bill favorably to the Senats-

The principal amendment conceme the duration of the period of postponement. Senator F letcher proposed two years In his bill, w ith a view to giving the order a Blow death, but M r McAdoo said, os was lis ted In these columns yesterday, that the Taft plan, aa a whole, waa a bettcr- ipfint of the present layout.

McMcAdoo suggested that the legisla­tion be expedttid, because the time when the order goea Into effect is nearly a t hand, and It was In accord with this suggraiion th a t the committee acted favoraily.

Senator F letcher presented the commit, lee’s report and the bill to the Beimte and on motion of Senator Jones the re­port and Mr. McAdoo'# latter were o r­dered read.

Senator Jones, who hall# from Wash- inglon-~lhe Pugei So\jnd d lstfld —objected tu the com m ittee’# request for unanimous consent for Immediate consideration, and cunsequently the matter went over.

Senator F letcher servfrd notice th a t ha would move to take up the question a t the cHrllest available opportunity, which may come tom orm w If the Senate has a se#- fllon

The action of Mr. Jones Indicates that iTi# bill Is not to have the easy sailing that Its friends hope fo r The Republl- cRns can be expected to be found In the opposition. '

The six m onths’ p ^Hod of suspension | would give a fine fighting chance (oNew* ark and o ther opponents whose local In- ttre sts a re Injured by the T aft order.

Mr. McAdoo^* Letter.The le tter of Mr, McAdoo, which can

be taken to represent th# adm inistration’s attitude, le as follows:

“Honorable Jam es P. Clark#.Chairm an. Committee on Commerce,

United States-Menate."Sir:•“1 have th# honor to acknowledge re­

ceipt of your communication of th# 9 th ultimo, subm itting bill B-SS68 for com* menta and racommendmtlonv.

"The plan o f reorgADlSAtloti adopted by President Taft, on Maroh E, lost* pro^U m for an organ tsatlon of tbg oUitoSM ogVV'» lei, which on the whole, It an Iraprdva- m in t on th# pr#o#nt arrangem ents of cus- tonu^Ast riots and ports. Th#r# or#, soma dlWiadiiB td the ptah Whioh caulA uh* doubted I y be pvaroome U tha tlma Should be extended fo r putting It Into oparatlon.

“The reorganlBatlon as adoptt^ U an extension of th# plan followed t v Cofi- g rfss In the creation of the praiant Pugdt Sound D tstrlct, which Includes the whole of the S tate of Washington and com­prises tw enty-tw o ports with headqusr- ters a t F o ri Townsend. Beattie, In ihle d istrict, collect* about one and one-half million dollars In duties and has exporla of over twenty-two mil* iione. Some of the ports afe seaports and othera are frontier porta and all pha*c.a of customs practice are presented. Th# large volume of huelnSss tn this district Is transacted with expedition and with great economy# and th# plan followed In the reorganleallon


S A y S J p i A NChainDaii of Committee D

dares It Powerfiil and Concerted.


nmltt**, *fter this m orn in t't


.'B**rton,.Inirlol a ftto t tt*Yf*

.UUureotliftt th* botr w « t *0

thx t b* tocMu* u Off w a n k .' W H 'W #-]#* I

F R O M E TRIAL OFF I D JUNE 1 4getcial SelvUv of f i t

^SlfcABBITB, Jim s 5 ,-m i* titol o t B*». Ynm* B. UfoBori*, k M«toodM: n to lfte r Of M t Roreb, near TloiaflOM. (or « s «l- t* n d offMii* tovotvtot • yoan t von u a ot hi* oDBfrtfAUoo, ftojotmitd toftir BOtll Jun* U. . r

Nrithcr th* Stoto nor Bo*tor iC, Teor>h***, H*«Reri*'* ODun*«l. w m tw tf r t»;proc*nd with tM trtol- '

aov*rnm «nt ob**rv*f* u d th* Contrnl BUih School we*th«r hurenu ■ (,*• th a t f»lr w**th*r will oonUna* tonicht M d toBioTrow. w ith toodfM to ,v * ri* to wtod*.

Th* to»P*i»*“ '* •* f till* toort)-


to* WM » d ir* * * . * t T o 'c lw k 10 M d o t S o n -ni* humidity T ‘ekick w m s i 'p * r o*nt. nnd n* n o w * i Tho wind n t U o'clock w *s *outhwMt, w ith 0 M tootty

n (IMPI** th* loW**t 6# th« cvom c*H A ^ h * a«xtoiuiB humJWty w m « y«r oSEt, th* t n l n t o ^ ■ *»4 to* WWmi* « Hi* nr*v«lU at Wind w M d ^ w e A w hb n mnyliDittB velocity o t ••* •* alio* *n botiT.

A. M t f OSD tb# tsftpestmPB m g


Who will live up *nou*h skin to cover * sc*r on the (»ce of tw«-ye*r-old Bez- zle Korbitz, of 1S6 Boyd e trae tt

Th* father, Loul* KorWtz. h* i placed an advertiiem ent In the News axkln* for volunteers, whom hs will p*y for their Mcrtfice.

Five week* ayo Bestls, w ith her filte r Dor*, fain' year* old. whll* playlnif with matcheSi w is burned about th* face *011 arm* when * llyhted m atch Igntted her drcM.

A t Bt. Barnab**’* Hospital, where the Httl* ^ r l w as taken, the borna have healed, all except n *pot on her right oh««k about one- tocli ■quM*. I* to cover thl* th a t the akin t( WMtod-

■ -------- -T ---^


WIKBBADEN, Germany. Juna l.-T h * Gentian team defeated the French team t o the elimination conteet fo r th e Dwight F. Davl* toternaJlonal tennte trophy, which ha* bean tn progrea* her* for three

. day*. Th* German* won tw o out o f thr*e match** In atofle* *” <1 toe doubl** match.

Th* G w nan team waa oompoaed of H. KlatoMdiToto, r . W. Bah# and O tto Kreu- zer. whll* th* French team contoriaid

ito cu tla M. Germot and Andr* H. O obert ^

KneO PROTESTS AiffiONA LAWHBXICO CITY, Ju n e *.-'»Tb* lllnl*-

ta r o t F o r t ic h Jl^a lr* hM aen t a n c u of p ro tM t to W a*hln*tot a lien law r*e*ntly of A rliona. I t n

Is. therefore, not anexperiment

"The departm ent has received a num­ber of communlratlons from v a r lju i Senators and Representatives In Con­gress. Boards of Trade. Chambers of Commerce, and Individuals, adverse lo Ihe proposed reorganisation, but most of (hfse protests have been based either on erroneotiN conceptions of the actual work­ing nf the plan or upon feelings of local pride, Th^y do not ^one, In my opinion, proflcnt valid or serloui grounds for de­ferring the operation of the reorganlxa- l!on.

"However, the plan has also been sub­jected to the criticism that It does not < nmply with the law. In that the estimate of expenditures under It Is in excess of llO,IM,OQn the amount which, under a strict {'onstltutlonal construction of tb# act, might possibly be considered OS th# uiaxtmiini am ount suthorIzM. While this criticism may bo unsound as a m atter of law, atm, In view of Its exlstencg, and of (he fu rther fact that the reorganisa­tion OB adopted by the President dO#s not compreliend. several adm lnlstratlv# changes In the cuatoms servlc#* which should bo Included In order to m ake a thorough and efficient organisation, 1 have the honor to recommend that the htU be paaeed, subject to th# following amendments:

A m eadm enta ftsggested,"One—T hat the time of the taking ef­

fect of the reorganization be postponed to January 1, 1914, instead of July 1, 1813; and

"Two—T h at the limitation placed upon the estim ate of expenditure# ahaU be to an amount not In excess of the amount actually expanded for such service In th# fiscal year 1918. As thus araecdsd. It would read a s follows, In which form I recommend th a t It he adopted:

" 'A B lll^To extend the proposed re ­organisation of the customs ssrvlcs for a period of six months.

" 'B# It e n a c m , etc., that th# tlm# for th# ex«outlon of th# provtslons of choptor 856 of the s ta tu tes s t Large, sntitlsd "*An se t making appropriation# for sundry cIt H #xp«nB«e of ,th« government for the fiscal year ending June ID, and for oth#r pur­poses,’' approved August 94, 1912, insofar os they r«late to th# reorganisation of th# custom# service* ahall be extended until January 1, 1914,

" T h a t estlmai## submitted In com- pllanca w ith such provisions ahaJl bs on account of th e s«coi^ half of the fUcel year 1914* and the reorganisation ordered by such provlstone shall constitute for th# iOOODd half of the ftsoal year I91A and until otherwise provided by Congresf* the perm anent organHation of the oua- toma service* provided th a t tb« eittm atae to be subm itted therefor shall show a reduction In the total cost o f such service per annum to an amount n o t In excess of the am ount actually expended to r such aervlc# in the fiscal yM r lilSi loss 1500,000.'

"In view of the #hoitosss of th* tim s be­fore Ju ly L I beg to suggest th a t If any action Is to be Uken in thla rtgard* It bs cxE ^lted a s fo r o« possible. Awpsctfully.

tdigned) "W ILU A K O. McADOO* '^B#or#tary.*^

Senator M arline presented to the Senate today the pro test of the tfework Board of W orks against the abolition of the etistom house. By request of th# Senator, it wo* referred to the comnztttee on coin- m oraa T

If ton a c a fo s t to* *ntl' j a a a M ^ J th e Mtot*

u . A riion*. I t t* reOhrt*d tbAt s t iM s r th ro e TeriKOktlon* t n to* C sblnet w ill bo f re*«nt*ft M to r* tb * o t to*w«ok.


W OBCB8TBB. ju n * l.--Jo # « hU. CMiMwfU, who wa* ^ obart* of tlM •trijt* th e p lan t of th* Dntpor oorapany

■at Hopadal*. « M touiMI guUty IMtoy of uwortnc roenne** *o< c b m te n te i *pMeb** u d wnt«nc«<l to thr** aumtb* In to* Hob** o t CotnoUon.

i CoMwell WM to* eudU tot* to r t»*Mur*rloB'th* BoelalM tta i* tieli*t la UQ.

Insidious Beesnsn of MisinfomaGos and Misrepresentatioa, He


JVA8HIN0T0N, Jun* 6,—Th* leM t*'*- lobby lnv*atl**tion h* i *Ir«*dy dl*c|o*Ml th# activity of pow«rtul lobbyto^ lnt*y- • i ta of * "new ch*r»cl»r." Thl* w m Ui* (>PjJl^i*Ur**i*d by Chairman O vm nan, of Ine*W tnn ••■•Ion.

"W* h*vc d*v*lop«d theroufhly *h* f*ct that th*r* I* powerful and sone*rt*d lobbyini," h« (*ld. " I t I* not th* par- *on*t *pp«*I to Senator*, bu t tb* na^or form of orsanlHd aotlvlty to mould pub­lic ••n tim .nt *nd to tofluanc* banator* by maan* of public pr***ur* from varlou* lourca*. It li Inaldlou* to th* *xt«nt 'h a t th is publicity and org*nl**d compobiH often partsk#* of ml*r*pr*Mntatlon and mlzlnformitlon."

Senator Ovtnnan'* •tAt*m«nt WM an Individual one, but he added th e t h* had Bom* "decided vl«wi on th* ouecllon'' a* to what he would raoommend for th* conimlttee'i report to the B*n*t*.

Teitlmony a* to Ihe ezlltenoe of a tariff lobby waz continued today w ith tha call­ing of more Senator* by the Senate fub- commlttee charged with th* lnv«*llga- tlon.

Senator Mok* Smith, *A*r • ta lk wtth Pr«dd*m Wilton a t the W hit* Houf* today, defined * lobbyiet

"Every on* la antltlad to hi* day tn court," laid th* Senator, "and I hgv* atw ayi contiderad th a t * lagtalgtlv* body BBt a t a court Any attem pt to Influ­ence Ui Judgment a tta r th* argum ent. Ig^ preienled, by aeehlng again and again10 create lentlm ent and work npmi tb* Judgment ot th* mamber* of Congr***,11 inridlout and highly objactlonalil* lobbying.

"1 think It will b* perfectly a p p u a n t that *t tb* end of the lnv«*tla*tlon noW being conducted that thare hav* be«ii or­ganized fore** here on auger and wool which hav* maintained thalr offlc** long after they had preaented thalr argam in tft 1 hav* alw ayt held th a t a lagtalator ought not be approached any M on than a court, eutiid* of the courtroom.

"Th* *G*et of thl* inv**tlg*tfon will reach, I am aure, leglglatlv* bodle* throughout th* country, and wtU radlat*- a purifying Influence on laglalatlon.'’

Senator Goff, th* flr*t wltn«*a today, aald h li W**t Virginia cogi p n p a rty brought him about 06,006 a year to roy- glti*f, whtta hl6 Ml I * # Wffi -abouf |5Q,0W a y#ar. ^ .

'*W# sell our dt1 to snbslA aries ofstandard <Ml C onpahy t <*l*« to 1*11 to,- Ka p a l l and hi* property IntoiMU m ight I aff*ot*d by th* tariff, but h* did not ak- p*ct It, No on* had appraaohad hlta o» ta r iff and that h* knew of no lobby |a - fluenca In W Khlngton.

Senator Goff had no In taria t afftetad. Several delegation* and tndlvtdoal* had called on him. Including F . B. Hi^toKway and Henry T. Oxnard on th* au#ar tariff.

Senator Sherman aald hi* lnt*r*rt fn Ihe tariff wa* limited to farm prodiiet* and only beraua* he made ftria .loaM He had no proCeailonal conn«Ctloh # |th any one affected. ■

perionz who had called on h lA about the tariff Included H enry Otbmer, Chi­cago; R. K. Aikew, Kan**a C ity ,-E .'K . Armitrong, Detroit; H. A. Lerelt. Balll- more; J. C. H artm an. Uncoln. Neb-i John C. Reeve and John W. Caatlemmrt; SI. Louie; H. E, Cox. E. C. Young, F. M. Brenane, N. K. Falrbank and H, WaUto, Chicago, and H, W. Browne, Cincinnati:J. J. Berry, of Chicago, waa tb* only •ugar man who called, he laid.

"T liBve seen none of tha eugar lobby, *0 called," he n ld , "but I hav* received a great deal ot their litera ture and hava preiervad every (crap of It," ' '

Chairman Overmen a t once aeked San- a to r Sherman to fornlih the llteratura to the committee. I t will probably fur- nleh the baale for more reaaarch Into the "eugar lobby" activltlea.

"The only Improper intiuence* ever brought to bear on me were by repr*- •entatlvee of labor unions," Mr. Sherman added. "They threatened lo exterm inate me."

Ha knew of no organ I ted lobby her*. Senator Shlelda aald ho rained dva

Block, eheep, grain and angora goati, all affected by the tariff. H e had not lougnt to Influence any one and no Improper IHr fluonce* or lobbying method* had been uaed to affect hie action on the ta r lll bill. Those who called on him Included Herman D. Rubin, N iagara Falla: R . D. Llndaay and Peter Blow, Knoxville, Tern., and Lewi* M, Parker, GrOenvUl*, B. C. 6 ^

Senator Hoke Smith thought he wa* not financially Intereitad In anything "lub- etantlally" affected by the ta r iff bill, but •aid ha owned eoma farm land* apd city real eetale. He had aeked Fuller Callo­way, a Georgia cotton factory prealdent, to come to Waahlngton, and had * conr ference with him and Lewi* M, pgrkgr. of South Caroltn*. Mr. P ark er’* view* favoring lower cotton dutte* were aub- mltted to the finance aub-oommltte*. He gave a long H*t of caJlen.

Senator Smith eald no one had attem pt- *d Improperly to Influence him on any laglalatlon and he knew o t no ua* of money or any lobbying neya or other* made with the legitimate preaentatlon of argument*.

aubpoana* had been * e r ^ o’clock today on th* following wKn#SB#s callfcA to appear before th# com-

"tto o rg ^* '® ?” Om*'*"'*' Waahlngton) Charle* Hamilton. W M h ln g tw J®''™'' Congreiiman Chari** B. Landle, of In ­diana; Robert Crain. Baltimore; Truman O P a lm e r , Waahlngton, a leading llgur* In the fight for the against free lugar. and P rank &Jtow York, who oonductod * D"** fight for the "committee of whole**!* rrocer*" and aald to be an employe of the irM eral Sugar Refining Company,


NEW YORK. June !.-^YX*trlct Attorney Chert** S' W hitman announced thl* af­ternoon th a t ho would *“ *PA ally nomination for th* approM hlng patgn t t offered to him Iv any regular political organtoatlon." v.


®SCC. W « ‘' ^ S v t o t o r Mftd a p a fteM tr vrsT* kn!*d %W* oftex*!S?n w h e r ^ rB » r i l% Wplan* to fn ji turtt* In ihtdallf and cra»h** ,to *t|* ground. ■

j m m j m m mBWMt to*

detaotlvO, w M _.rite^*d^n pri- irat# ouMltte# Pop# Ftap ^


• M L OF STRIKERS STILL DRAGGING ON Essex County National Bank of Newark

lia« MAMBAfia Iflla f iu in # v in h s i i l t^ *

K nered Some Slurp Connuttees WiD Tdl Geoenl Board To^y ^

le n A n to R o iu e W o it.

W h e th e r y o u r b u t i n e i s h s s e e u m u w i th IcUe m o n e y i n b i n k — O r w h e th e r i t t im e s y o u r b u s in e s s r e q u i r e s l ib e r a l i d v s n m — I n e i t h e r e v e n t th i s B a n k c a n s e rv e y m i ; sA th e r p a y in g in<

t e r e s t o n c h e c k in g a c c o u n ts o r e x te n d in g g e o e r o u a c r e d i t w h e n r e q u i r e d , o r b o th .





Capital, Surplus and Profits, 52,660,000

T w o a h ra B lue, Befierid Doe to Cuelees Smdwr, W redu Fac­

tory of Ifoe Brodiefs.

Nalumal Underwritort* AteociatioD bformed that City b Satisfied Its

Machmes Are Well Kept.

Agio Supply Dealer to Answer Charge Tonorrow Aritiag fn a i

loan Suit by Servant.

Intruder, W o r l^ a i His R e a ^ Gats Goad Hanl in

D a ^ i^ Veitare.

V ictUi

GIRl LEADER AGAIN SENT TO JAHc h a s . l . rA n itm .* .- Pr*»ie*»t. c n o . r . n w s v n . v u » > F rw U ra tr B. AOANt. V lca-e taosra* . ATHA. V ia * .r r« a l4 a t.

A. r . R. HARTUI. CwklM .

SIMIWI SrHe* at i»« JftWK.rATBM ON. Ju i» S.~T*tttmony )• (till

b*ln( tAkM In defanM of th* forty-two irtTfkon ta d •trllM irm pA thlw ri trm lo d Abetil MVMi m *kn t ( o on • chart* ot unlawful u itm bJy nt Uw H ird in t milt. M d It h likdy that tb* cam will not tw lb th* ju iy i bind* bafor* tonlfnt.

Ona of tb* faity.twD li not now al- taad ln f bar nwn trial, havlne baan aan. tanaad th ii raom lm to twanty d a n In Jail. Bh* la Hannah BUvarman. laadar o f tb* plekati, who created dlaordar in Kaeordar Carroir* court.

Tb* racordar war try tn i H arry Frtc* •n a charf* of obatnictlaf pataaa*. H* wan fuppoaad to b* on* of th* man who had attacked aom* woman ratum tna from work laat n i th t Th* woidcm- aald h* aran not tba man who attaekad than), but | bald ha atoppad tharo and damandad why they war* not on atrlk*. H* (Ot thra* BOnUu In Jail.

I t la raportad b ar, today—aJthoukh with what baaia of tkot can not b i laarnad- Ih a t wban tba tanaral atilka commluaa maata ttala aftarnoon tb* abop commlttaa* of twOBty mtlla will daclira th a t thay have raaebad aaraanaanu with thair *m- ployara aod Intand to go back to work Monday. Thla 1* acoutad by th* I. W. W. laadara, who contlnu* to aoy th a t there to no danger of a break In tb* atrlka.

Th* BUvarman glrl'n aeotanca waa Im- poaad bacauat, whU* Prtoa'a tria l w ai on. aba mad* aavaral clucking tounda, appar- aatly lodleaUva of bar diaballaf in tba itatomoiito of oonao o t th e wttoooaea Tha roeordoT wao ansoyod, and baagad on hla daak w ith hi* faval. A Uttl* la tar tba aoundi oootlnuad.

"W ho dU th a t r ' bo damandad, and bad tha HrL who waa pointed out, arraigiiad hofor* him.

W hoa tha roeordtr aakad har raatoo for aotlng 00, oh* rapllad la tanna h* thought war* ImporUnant, t a d ho tharaupon ion- Unoad har to twenty day* In Jail.

A t th* trial of tb* forty-two, one after


aBOtbor o t tb* aoeuiod 1* taking th* ttand A lnoat i l l aay thatla hla own datooM.

they did not go to th* mill to gtekat, but th a t thay "inat happosad" to ba In tb* vleliUtr. Moot of tboao an aa tad proiataad go t to bo aegoalntod w ith tba o tbara

Tharo wUI a* uaoal b# a m oatini tonight o f th* ladnatria) Workar* of th* World a t UM W atar atroat lot loaoad by th a t or- JHMkliMtton*

Avonrtng tb a t matbod# Hava bH o am- ploywl g g ilg n tb* m ta r io g otrikaiv ot miok a *art to rale* tha aitoatlon trom a looat Induatrial eonfUet to ona o f f ra w natianaJ eoMoyn. thM b y tha authority of loogl offWal* poaootul gatboringi for fiwo dloonaMon bavo boao provantod. a pottUon aakiBg for an inunodlat* tavaa-

euloil*. but crltlclaaa th* board for not giving a r*laUv* amount ot a ttention to food, milk and drug Irapaetlon. The ac­tivity along varlout llnaa 1* aot out in achedul* form, ahowlng th* comparaCv* amount of money devotad to «ach.

|* M >*rl*aa Omlaaloa*.'iCarUln abaanca* from thla achaduia

ar* *van mar* tignlfloaht than the rela- tlv* ( lie of the Itaaia Hated." the report oonttnuea. "Soma of th* omiaalooa from th* dapartm ant'a program ar* aartoue and vital, perhap* th* moat aarloua la tha anllra aboanc* o t any attam pt to combat Infant morUllty. And thla da- aplt* th* fac t th a t In 1110 over l.JOO New-

I ark Infant* diad bafort raacblng tb* age I of on*.

"Aocordtng to the eatlm itaa of aom* of I our b*«t authorlila*. vary probably a

fourth of thaa* bablea, and poaelbly aa m any aa a halt ot iham. might hav* b**n tavad by proper pravantlv* maaaurca. Bavaral hundred prevantabl* death* In on* year 1* nothing abort ot a profound tragady and cannot much longer b* ra- la rd ad w ith Indltfaranc*

"M any of th* Infant* dl* from Impropor faadlng and lack of aultabt* c a n . and th* maana ot aavlng them ar* atralght- torward and almpl* of application. Prom pt raporhng ot birtha abould b* raijulacd. mldwlva* ahould ba axamlnad and ragu- latad and nuraaa abould ba amployed to aducat* mothar* In Infant bytten* b a to n and after the blrth-

'T nfant watfara atatlooa ahould b« **- tahtlahad and a aanltary milk lupply a«- cured. Th* value of thla lln* of work baa baan racognlaad within two yaara by th* county public walfara committee, and a baglnning in th* direction o f a eolutton of tb* local problem ba* baan mad*. During th* laat yaar th* com- mltte* perauadatl th* health departm ent to defray the axpenie of one nurae. whoa* aetivltle*. how«var. war* directad by th* commlttaa.

"Th* reality df thla opportunity naad* no axpoaltlon. Th* work ha* baan ra- cantly amphaaliad aa a daflnlta oppor. tunity for haalth department* by Oov- arnor Sulaar'* commlaalon on public haalth. and It* value li welt eatabllahed throughout the country. I t It ctrang* In­deed th a t tha Newark departm ent, ao clot* to New Toik C lly-w here eo m«av valuable meaiuree In thla field hav* been Inatltutad—ahould atUI entirely undervalue tha Ifflportanc* of oombatlng tba haalth h atarda tb a t thua itrik* at the very be­ginning* of life and claim ae a fifth of

Public Bath Aaaoclation, and Mlal C. P.Curtlaa. ot th* Nalghborheod Houaa, urged llbaral traalm ant ot th* batha In tb* an- > a thla morningnuat budgat. and Mlaa Curtlaa aapaclally aakad th a t prortalon b* mad* tor a naw bath In th* aaatam aaetloo of th* city.

Praaldant Algernon T. Bwaeney, of the Playgroilhd Cm m laalon, with an array of apaaktra rapraaenllng varloua Improva- mant aatocittlon* and th* Idunielpal Ath. latle Aaaoclation. aakad th a t th* commla- alon'a budgat of JIIT.tH b* grantad with­out a cut. Th* ImpoiVanca of aultablc racreatlon to properly develop the child waa dwelt upon at length.

On behalf of tha Northwaatarn Im ­provement Aaeoclatlon. Pradarlck C F it­te r aaked that a police aub-atatlon b, eatabllahad In Orafton avenue. He ba­ll,ved till* would be an Ideal location for th* poilc* In that aectlon. No action waa taken by th* commltta*.

Dr. Jamea C. Corllaa, preaidant of tha Humane Society, aaked th a t the annuel appropriation to th* orgenltatlon be In- creiatd from M.00a to M,!la0. Laat year only M.MO waa granted, but that waa be- cauae there waa a balance a t the time of almoet t2,0on from tb* year before,

A tw o-alarm fire th a t atarted on th* tecond floor cauaed damag* eatlmated at from n.OtlO to 1100,900 In th* warehouee of Ifoe Brother*, manufacturar* of ateel wlr* and nail*, a t Polnler atraat and Avenue

Whit* the cauae of theknown. It la by a careleae


tlgatlon waa pnaen tad yeatarday to Praa- U a a t WOaon by Tradano C Bow t, dlrao-tmr «( tha Paopte'a InatUute, Naw York.

Th* InalrumaBt sata forth th a t more tfegg 1.4M trraa ta have been made, that a g i « than m PWMd* have bean fined or tmpri*oB*d far no o ther ortana* than wtOMng th* atraat tn n paaoafut mannar. g ad dateribat th* eonditkm* aa tubv tr- atva o f th* Ooaatltutlon of th* U nlud M * M tn th a t th* f« id a m « a u i luaian-

I « t th* bin * t right* hav* b**n ov«r- i td d m h r local authorttl*a

tb* t*r«Dtr-*ight naaiM ap-

r lad to t t e patttlon ar* tho«* o t Aiaa* 8 . Pinehot. John 8 . Aadraw*. *ae-

ro ta rr *f th* Amarlean Aaaadatlon tor ' t a b o r lAgiaUtion: B ew ard B. Wooiaton,

K o f aaaof of aodoiegr la th* CoUtg* of . th * O ltr of Naw T orki John Uaydan . ilo ia* * , gdalatar of th* C h u n h of th*

Magatoh, Naw T ork ; John A. n to h . gdttor of Tho lu rv a r . and oth*r promi- H in t piHpoot.

Aa a p i ^ from lut oeavlottoa by a fury Tuotdv ha tba obarg* of wioattraflngh o o tin g ^ j g v w nniaBt ^ ba mad*, it it•a id , bp A iigand tr Beott, *dltor of Th* w to k l r iH uA H* wilt h* lantMUMd to-aaan iaw i^ ig /ar,r««adv* g tnagtm um M hea lw « t t in i t h y*ar«' inpriaaiuntn t.

Tn* tr**hold«r* a t P a tia la County hav*

■ of h t in i attaokad and th a t In ea** of ■ago don* tha company w in look to

q io oouatr for n tm b u n w ao at. About a ': ago tb* fr**keld*ri rvealvad a flm^

ttg r wanting from Oompaay. Ttwa* t

th* 0*dar Cliff Bilktw o min* ar* in Hal*-

Th* paDo* ar* angagad In a a a tfe rt to do taimlao wkothar o r a o t an txploalon frto ad ad tha tiro w hkh ooeurrod Monday Bight to A tk rte-ato ry houa* a t tw

. Btooight atraat. ooouplad by four famlllt*. Polio* Captain IfoBrld* and Datactiv* C aptain Traeay ar* divided to opinion, the (arm or holding th a t th a n waa an ax- plMden, while th* la tte r d tdara* tb a t tha Bola* giving ria* to th* axploilon atory W*g oauaad by th* UoUng tn o f a window.

tb* city'* eptijr* m cruilty , children under if age.''

Sperlcl Ketrlra rtf (fw SBWB,JERSEY CITY. June i .—Aaaemblyman

Jemea C. Agnew ha* a tk ad hla fallow- membare of the Hudaon County Aieembly delegation to aid him In hie cendidacy tor th* Democratic Benatorlal nomination next tall to aucceed Acting Ooverncr Jamaa F Fielder H* aay* In hla letter tbat hla friend* hav* Inalated that he enter the race.

Aaaemblyman Magnue Bredenbek. of Hoboken, today eent the folloadng reply to Hr. Agnaw'e letter:

"I received your le tte r of June 2 acking tor my eupport tor your candidacy for Senator. Had you aaked toonar 1 would have been happy and reeponded to your requeat. but I pledged myaelf to Mr. Egan and am coiutralned to flva him whatever little help It le In my power to five. My reaped and perianal feeling for you are not aecond In any degree to my kindly feeling toward Egan, but w hir* I promlae I perform, end 1 know you will not let thle ta c t lever our trtend- ihlp."

b lu e la no t eartatoly ' thought It waa atarted

amoker.I During tit* aarly part ot tha fire tha 1 firemen wer* handicapped by dene*.I (tinging maaeea of amok* from aeverol I balaa of tn o « u * (ticks which had become ! Igniftd. I t waa tmpoaalbl* to atand up in I front of thea* fumat, which enveloped

th* fir* tighter* frequently aa tha ahlft- ing wind blew In thair dlracUon.

Ifoe Brother* are dlalrlbutors of the In- cente atick*. which ar* u u d tor driving away moaquttoea. The conoern made rub­ber roofing tn addition to being ininufao- turara of wire, wlr* cloth, netAng, nail: and other artlcla* of wlr*

The w arehouie, to which th* firemen •ucceeded In limiting the fir*, la a larg* flructure of brick, conalstlng of two atorlae w ith an air chamber above In thla was stored a large amount of goods, principally m anutaoturad wire. The dam­age to thla w as caused principally by water Th* Interior of the building was wrecked.

I t waa a taw mlnutaa after I o'clock when the fir* w at dlpcovared and at that tim* it had attained conildarabl* headway. The watchman of th* factory made hla l u t morning round at E o'clock, a t which tlm a no alfh of tire waa ap­parent. On* of the driver* reporting at th* liab le, aaw amoke tieulng from the upper part of the warehouse and sounded tha alarm.

Owing to th* nature of th* building's eontants tha flam** wer* difficult to com. bat aud It w as about three hour* after the f lr il stream of water waa turned on when th* tire was completely out.

Becauee of the character of the gooda. It waa daclared by marober* of the firm that It waa impossible to reach anything more t han an approximate eetlmit# of the logs, outalde of th a t to tb* building. Th* wire, nail* and manufactured commodi­ties ware In roll* and cue*, rtndering It Impracticable to learn w hat damag* th* fire and w ater, particularly had done.

on* yaar ot *g*L«ck o t proper Invaatlgatlon of housing

oondltlons Is deplorad In the raport aod th* fac t th a t of th* alty's fourtaan lodg­ing housas but thra* are Ucepted la oommantad on. Th* tac t th a t the board neglects to conduct an alaborat* eyatem of popular education In health m attera I* condemned.

Milk R egalatloa ."The fact th a t It la only within a yaar,

and then as a result ot a publicity cam ­paign conducted by a local newspaper, th a t th e departm ent ha* taken steps of any Importance toward th* aupervlelon o r Improvement of the milk aupply, we are convinced that th* omlaelona of th* departm ent have been Indeed grave. In fact, oonaldering the clty'e liberal flnan- olal treatm ent of th* dapartment, they ar* Inezousabl*.

"Aad aside from their Inherent lerioua- ness a i omlaalone, they have a special algnlricano* u Indicating how fa r out w (tap with oqrrant prograat 1* th# policy and ip lr l t of th* dapartmant. I t la claw th a t tha dapartm ant ha* been m arkln* tlma, and giving Uttl# head to th* recant advance* la publlo health sclenca.

liaforrlng to th* load and drugs da- olalbn the report aaya;

"The dlvlafon la now in a position to m ake a s ta r t on th* Important work of milk Inapaotlon, and th* departm ent la aeeklttg to pass a milk ordinance to give point and authority to Ha atforta. The movement In Newark la, however, clearly to H* tolaney. and the exlatlng sta ff will



gpwHal dervlce of the NBlTg.HACKENSACK. June Th* body of

a man believed to have been Fred Stover, a butcher, ot Grand street, Hoboken, was taken from a p o n d ^ t the plant of th* New Jersey and N w York brick yardi a t C arlitadt last n igh t There were weights tisd about ths fset and tha authorltlee are satisfied tb a t tb* man committed tul- Clde.

Stover left Hoboken May 23. Th* po­lice of that city eay they have been told that he was In financial dltticultlaa.

On the bank of the pond trom which the body w ai taken th* polio* found, with some other clothing, a h a t In which waa the name "B tovsr" J H. Chippendall, a Cartetadt saloon-keeper, says tha victim stopped a t hla place Monday and Tues­day. He appeared to be In needy clrcum- etancea. Chippendall adds, and aald that h* had come from Hoboken.

Tha Fir* Board went on Twoord yeatar­day as being opposed to th* testing of the engine* of th* dapartm ent by repre­sentatives ot th* National Fir* Undsr- woiters' Aasoclatlon. who a re grading ths departm ents of various cltlae.

O. XP. Booth, chief anglnaer of tha oommlttes on fir* prevention, who ap­peared before th* board, waa told that the board w ai aatlstled th a t th* officer* of th* dapartm ent could look afte r th* angina* and knew when they wera op to requlramanta.

Cominlutoners S tratton and Burk* op­posed th* proposed teste afte r Mr. Booth had told th* coramlaslonsrs that th* underw rltsrs were trying to srade ths varloua cUlea for sfficlancy and that thla city la practically the only larg* city In the East wher* the testa have not been made.

Mr* Burke and Mr S tratton queetlotted Mr Booth ae to the damage dons to enginea in other cities by the te ite of the board of underw riters Mr. Bursa partlculaily wanted to know If the teats In the Jersey City departm ent had not ruined a number of boilers. Mr. Booth had no daflnlte Information on this sub­ject.

When th* m atter was brought to vote and permission refused. Chief Engineer Paul J. Moore leld th a t It th* commis- iloners had agreed to allow the lest he would hav* protested and made an effort to Induce the board to rescind tho action.

The board adopted a reaolutlon which will bo senl to the Police Board, ex­pressing sorrow a t tha death of Police Chief Michael Corbitt. The late chief was eulogised a* a competent command­ing officer, and one who always had co­operated with the tire department.

th* latter.


CAP AND GOWN FOR GOVERNORBta/t Oorretpondetic*.

TRENTON, June 6 —In order th a t h t may be attired In properly fitting cap and gowrn a t th* commancemsnt sxarclsss of Princeton Unlveratty next week. Qov.

Rpeelat gervios of the JflfW*JERSEY CITY. June J,—Before the ad­

vent of commission government, June II, n Is sxpsctsd th st th* Jersey City street snd w ater commleslontra will receive a request from the Common Council ot Boon ton for permission to use th* top ot th* dam a t th# waterworka near th* lat­ter city for a public road, wtilch would olrsctly connaci Boonton with Hanovar Townahlp. and afford a shorter toad to Newark.

None of th* commlaalonare will positive­ly s ta te hla attitude until such a proposal Is form ally preaented. At the office* of the board thla mornlna Prer 'L. Flnke waa a t flrat Inclined to view th* proposition with dtatavor. but finally declined to declare hla poaltlen.

II le understood a proposition to use the top of th* dam for a public road would be likely to be vlawed with disfavor by the present otfidala. The Ineraaaed den- geri of pollution and th* neeeaalty of providing prtvat* police along such a road to protect th* reaervolr property would eerve aa two reaaona to deter th* com- mlsaloners from granting BoontoiTi ex­pected requeat. In addition to building the road along th* top of the dam. It would be neceaeary to bridge the spillway In tha centre of the dam. which la about tevenly-flv* feet In width.


PABIB, June B.-Th* literary grand prise ot 12,000 was awarded today by tb* French Academy to Boroaln Holland, playwright, novellet and hlatorical writer. He Is the author of a series of dramas on the Italian and French Ren- alsaance and wrote "Jean Christopher." a noval, which has been irauislated Into English and other languaget and which created a sensation In literary circles two years ago.

F ran c ii w . Maaia. praildent and dlfac- tor of L. J. W urth, Inc., dealer* In auto aupollew a t H William itrea t. h as baen ordered to appear before Judge Thomas J. L Intott Id the Bwond D tetrict Court tomorrow for coqteDlpt Ip eonosctlon with hie alleged failure to pay a Judgment for tM . aecured aem* time ago by Mary Lyon*, a aervant. .

Aooordlng to Ulig Lyona. Keet* bor- rowad money trom har during ISCT-I, amounting to ovar OMO. A large p art of this sum (vaa returnad from tlma to time, it w as sold

A fter th* Judgment Reece failed to pay and was examined by Horae* Grice, aa apeclal m aater In aupplementary proeead- Ing* L ater Judge Ltntott ordered Seeao to pay MUe Lyons tlb a week. Aceueed of falling In thla two weeks ago Judge LIntott leautd a contempt order.

On May 2T Rees* was ordered te appear In court and failed Thereupon Judge LIntott granted an order tor hla arrest. Although Rees* did not employ counsel a t flrat he reeponded to th* a rre s t w ar­ran t by appearing yesterday, represented by W, Howard Demereet. Th* court pa­roled Re*a* In the ouatody of hla counasl until tomorrow.

In hla testim ony befor* th* spsclel m aa­ter R***e declared that he lived with hla parent* In th* Rlvsra Apartment*, ISIth street and Riverside drive. New Tork, and paid U t . a week for hla room and board. Ho adm itted owning stock In a*v. sral companies, but aald much of it had bean deposited a* ocilaieral for loan*



of W ar G arrison declared yesterday th a t th* selection of R ichard L. Met­calfe. ( t Lincoln. N sb , to be a mem­ber ot th* Panam a Canal Commlaslon In charge ut the cIvU ad m ln lstrstlen did not Tnean he wa* to be Governor of the zm e w hen th* perm anent *a- tab llshm ent w as created . Mr. Garrleon said th a t Mr. M etcalfe w as simply to replace Maurice M. T ha tch er as one of the m embtr* ot th* commlsMon.

WASHINGTON, June S.-A ttorney-Gen­eral McReynoldB said today th a t he re­gard* the Standard Oil dissolution decree as inadequate to meet the Intent of the Sherman law. Thla was the first definite Indication Of the Atiorney-GeneraT* a tti­tude tow ard an Investigation now being conducted go determine whether an "Oil T rust" atlU exist*.

HI* objection* lo the decree, like those he ha* expreaaed agalnat the 'Tobacco T rust" decree, are baaed on the ground th a t a real dlaaolutlon o( a tru st cannot be accomplished by a dlatrlbution of the (lock pro ra ta among the earn* ahare- holdert, ^

From Charles B Morrison and Oliver E, Pagan, his apeclal aaalalant*. the At­torney-General ha* 'heard the results of their Investigations of the oil Blluatwn, and la now deliberating whether the De­partm ent of JuaUce will be Juatifltd In taking fu rr ie r action under tb* Bherman law.

Should Mr. McReynolds reach th* con­clusion th a t a trust still exists. It l> pointed out th a t three plan* of action ar* open to him: A civil *uU for th* die-aoiutlcn of any new combination. Indict­ment ot Indlvlduale, or contempt of court proceedings. If action is taken. It I* be­lieved. It will be more likely of a crim ­inal nature.

Discovered aa h* w ai collecting a b o u t ' |3 » worth of Jewelry and n i.to cash In the apartm ent at Conrad Toung on tb* first floor ot M Madison avenue y**t*r> day afternoon a well dressed th ief heal- taled long inough to get aU the booty and then mad* hla aaoap*. Furwiad by Mr*. Young, ha diMppeared before ah* could mak* an outcry. U

A ttar rifling a dreasar In th* bedroom, the Intruder went to tb* bathrodn and washed hla hands. H * went back to th* bedroom and atarted to gather up tb* money and valaablaa, whan b* w*g gurr prised by Mr*. Toung- Vb* bad Man raid ing In a* adjotnlnc room when *h* baard th* water and went to Inveatlgat*.

Mrs. Young demanded to know w hat tb* straag*r w i* doing He anawered by lelslng bis plunder and running. Mrs, Young rushed to a front window, but by th* time she raised the ecreen th* stranger wa* out uf eight.

It w as shortly aftar 2 o'clock when th* robbery occurred. Hr*. Young waa s il­ting In th* kitchen reading a t the tinw. C arpeours were working I j ill* rear o t th* house, and th* nol** lb* thief mad* In breaking In w as deadened by th«lr hammering.

Hr*. Toung sold the Intruder was about five fe«t ten Inchaa tn height and wore a gray ault of clothe* and e brown hat. H* took an elgbtaen-oarat gold watch valued a t tl2E, t pair o t ear-rings worth KO and a brooch containing twelve pearl* valued a t tu . Thar* were Iwalv* pieces of Jew­elry altoaether.

Three houses In the vicinity ot Hlgb and Summit streets wer* antarad by bur­glars last night or early th is morning. At two of th* plac«« clothing containing money or valuables was taken trom th* bedside of aleepera. In th* other place the Intruders wer* acared away. Entrance* In all placas were th roufh windows th a t had baen left open.

The biggest haul was at the home of Henry Alleger. 11 Summit street. Mr. Alieger woke up a t « o'clock this morn­ing to find th a t a blue serge suit con­taining a gold watch valued a t IN) and 111 In cash wer* gone.

The other bedroom theft waa a t th* home of Charles Donaby. M High str**t. From her* a pair of trouMrs containing a email amount of money was stolen. At 191 High atreel Mrs. William J. Bahr* waa awakaned about 3 o'clock by a nola* downjtairs. She found th a t the plac* bad be*n enterpl, but nothing taken.

Several ptecua ot Jewelry and aoma sil­verware were atolan from th* apartment* of Mrs. Joseph Taylor, of IM Bigelow street, while she was out watching th* circus parade yesterday morning Eh* told tha police a crescent pin. slgi'.rt ring, heart-shaped locket and chain, o 's l pin. blua enameled pin. allver knh *i aod forks, allver manlcur* set. ha t brush and a r'lvar patiar cuttap were ttolen.



WASHINGTON. June 6.-Ai?oth«r i«rl- ov i «U4e In Culebra cut waa reported to the Iithm lan Canal Commlaalon from Faniima today Falling earth, the die- patch tU ted . had partially burled a train and two steam ehovela,

The commlBeion waa Informed th a t the roaMlve cement watie ol the Gatun lock ware complatad yw terday and that the locki are now ready for opanlng of the &ea gate*.



n a td t« be Ineraaaed, and the aupervlelon ( ernor Fielder has been aakad to Inform o f th e work placed under competent dircc' **“ — -* — i——...........the aacrettry c f the univeralty ae to tb* Hob. Th*"pre**nt 'ohr*f of 'the dlvlalon I ala* of hU haad and hla height, deservta credit for bis endeavors, but i The request tor th is Information oame needs th* advice and tncouragem eni of In a latter Invltlnx th* Governor, who Is a man wall informed In Ihl* lln* of work. | •x-effloo prteldent of the board ot

"Thirnlng now to « oonald*r*tion of the | trust***, to participate In th* commeno*.



Bpeelal Berofce of tb* VBWS,JBRKBT CITY, June A—Hudsoa County

.Progreaalvf* a*«ni to b* v»ry much In th* a ir ov*r the Gubernatorial situation tn the ir party, bu t It la bellavea by them th a t aom* definite idea ot what la to occur will be poaalbl* arithln th* coming Rioatb.

In th* mean tlma George L. Record Is pushing hla single tax Idea and le almost certain that thla will be on* of th* Im­p o rtan t planks tn the Progresaive State platform. I t la thought %y the Hudaon men th a t Edmund B. Osborne will meke hi* stand upon ths plank. Mr. Record will go to Trenton Saturday afternoon and arill discus* th* alngl* tax there a t th* monthly dinner of the city 's school teach­ers' organlaatton.. The announcement of former Congreaa- m an Charlw N. Fowler th a t h* proposes to enter th* Gubernatorial race la caualng much dtacusslon among tb* Progresitves, a* well a* the clash between Mr. Osborne and Bverett Colby.

Th* Jersey City Progressives announcs th a t they expect to "get buay" ae loon as tho eommltilon government election 1* over In thl* city next week.


(Continued from F lrat Page.)

arlth raTOonrihlUtlc* and power* which m ould be delegated to a competent health oUlcsr. w ith tb* recent developments In twcteriology and 'vital stAtlstldd, and wltb th* eeubflshment of g reat reeearcb lab­oratories devoted to quecUona of sanita­tion, public health adenoe has become a decidedly technical subject, caUIng in IM administration for expert knowledge such aa cannot he *xp*ct*d of th* avareg* clt- IHH, or, for tb a t m atter, of the aver*** ibyiSclAxu

"Aj* * reauU the eiperleno* of dtle* mow* more and more th a t not only la a board ol a* many m ten unwieldy, but th a t It U dim eult o r Impoealbl* to secure •dch a group who ar* auffldently expert to h* made reeponslbl* for the progreaa a t th* hetJtb deparUnant'a policy. U «e*ang much artaer to eaour* a health ofO- g # x r ith apmlal retarenca to training, ax- Mrigne* and ahlUty in pubUc hygiene and to gtva hto> to rt* aatbnrity and reapen- tfalHty. Th* ordUiance-makln* power may

character at th* city’* milk aupply, ih* evtdenc* atjpwt every naed of the usual program of milk tnapactlon. The analy­te s mad* during 1913 Indicate tb a t the olty'a eupply la ta r from w hat It ahould b*. Out of UB aampla* analyaad In that year IM, or tbirty-**v*« per cent., con­tained more than a million bacteria to the cubic centimeter. ®ven allowing to r th*■omowhat peculiar method of analysis em­ployed by th* department, thla representa a surprisingly serious condlilon.

"Th* Importance ot milk aa th* food of Infant* and the young m ust not he forgotten. Many ot the count* were over CO million bacteria to the cubic centi­m eter, and some reached as high a s ICO milllona. I t ahould be borne In mind th a t 900,000 per cubic centimeter Is con­sidered a liberal legal maximum and that In many cities the figure la 900.000 or lower. Newark Is avidently In real need o t Its belated milk campaign.

"Th* dlvjtlon. though perhaps five yaara behind time In Its milk work. Is to be commended for having msde a atari a t a n up-to-date system of reco rds"

C onplltng Statistic*.T hs report contains a critical arraign-

tre n t of the method* of compiling vltel •la tlstics . The fact that the city clerk la by law th# reglatrar of vital sta tle ttcs la decried by Mr. Bchnelder. who points uut th a t It la necessary for th s board lo our- row the city , clerk's records In making up ita tlatleal reports.

"Assuming an eftlclsnt bsalth dcpsrt- ment. there seem to be good reason* for establishing In Newsrk the usual pro­cedure of entrusting to the departm ent the registration of vital sta tistics If registration were transferred to the health departm ent the present running back snd forth to borrow records would b« elimin­ated, the actual work snd th* legal re­sponsibility for Its proper perform ance would be united, and rasiatratlon would be with the department which is vltaliy latereatad in its results and their accur­acy.

"The city elerk 'i office Is not trttally concerned with the facts as to th* causes of death, whereas th* healih departm ent la. and would feel more keenly it* legal reeponalblUtlea In the m atter If entrusted w ith the actual work a t first hand. There la certainly room her* for easy Improve­ment in thl* branch of aervle*,"

Mr. Sohneldar comments favorably on the work of th* plumbing Inepcotorg. and says the department le * good on*. Ha. however, criticise* th* tac t th a t fre ­quently the Inepectora' mltnga ar* not uniform, but charges this to th* plumbing oode, which, ha says: should be revleed and brought up to d a ta

Importance ot axtandlng th* Inspection ot m eat aupplle* and alaughtar-housei Is p .aniarged upon and criticism Is made of i^srre, lack of records of thla branch o t work a* now carriad on. Mathods of conduct­ing the bacteriological examination of w ater and milk ar* critlclibd es not being In accordance with the standards In other cities. Th* report .says th a t while the local methoda may be good, th* fact th a t

ment and advising him In datall aa to the part he would be expected to take In th* proceeding*.

The annual faculty meeting a t which Governor Fielder will preside will be held In th* faculty room of Nassau Kali at 10:15 o’clock naxt Tuesday morning.

At that time Governor Fielder will tsk* the oath of otllc* oa th* preeldent of the hoard of truitee*. In the academic pro cession preceding th* commencement ex- erolaea. Governor F ielder will walk at th* right of Pr*«ld»nt Hlbben and will alt at hla right during th* exarcisas.

Upon the occaclon of hi* visit lo Eomer- vlll* on Jun* H. Governor Fielder will be tendered a reception a t the Teneyck House. The hour* of th# reception will he from T to 10. There will be a almlUr reception a t the M etropolitan Inn, Bur­lington. when the Governor visits that city June 13.

The Governor has alao accapted an in­vitation to attand a dinner to be tendered him by a number of Camden Democrat* on June 19. Th* dinner will be served In the roome of Post No. *I o t the O. A. R, Secretary of W ar Llndley M. Garrleon, formerly a realdent of tnvtied to attand and ther* Is lowa likeli­hood of hla balng preaent.

In company with the rtparlen coramla- slonera the (Jovernor hae arranged to go to Perth Amboy June 3* to make an

Kpertfl! Ferrtce of Ike Sliwp.HOBOKEN. June 5.—From paper* found

In hie pocket It I* thought by the police that a men who tell from a trolley trestle here and waa badly hurt last night m ight be W tllltm I. Popham, su­perintendent of th* COurtney-Hyde Mill. Flemington Junction.

Inform ation from Mr. Popham 'i home tn th a t place iB- th a t he le cut of town and was expected lo return today. Th* vletlro has been unconscloua since the fall, being a t SL Mary's Hospital her*.

'The trestle leads from ths Lackawanna ferry term inal to Jersey City Heights. The accident happened about I o’clock.

The wife of Mr. Popham la at Annapo­lis, Md.. where their son la a midship­man a t th* Naval Academy. Mr, Pop- bam telephoned to hla horn* from New York early last night eaying th a t he would not return until today.

From tke Waakteplrts Stjreau of Iks FV£.V- i.ve iiEWB.

tvAEHINGTON. Jun* S.—Th* Senate thla afternoon passed Senator Martino's rsaglutlon to g ran t six months salary to the survivor* of W tllltm W. St. John, th* late aecretary of Mr. Martin*. Mr. Martin#'* resolution originally provided th a t Mr. St, John s alaier, Mrs. Charles Ttate. ot Bath. N. T., wa* to be the rc- cepleni. but the committee on contingent expenses amended It to read "executor, admlnlatrator. or legal heirs." y

The money will go to the sister.

GLENS FALLS, N. Y.. June 5.—Pree- Idenl Wlleon hopes Naw York Btat* will enact a State-wide direct primary law '•without delay." according to Henry Mor- genthau. of New York, who accompanied Governor Bulier to thl* city last night In ths Executive's campaign Into Republican territory in the Interest of his direct nom­inations bin.

"Lost Monday I had the pleasure of hear­ing the Preeldent of the United State# tell me h* believed In Governor BulXer, " de­clared Mr. Morgenthsu, a fter tha Gov- ernor had completed his appeal for hla measure, " th a l he, himself, was an ardent advocate of th* State-wide direct prlm*ry aystem. and that he hoped Now York State would put such a eta tu te on It* frUnds, In the vernacular ot th* day, 11'* up to you."


Jollui Llehtman, against whom two Judgments aggregating 9125.0CO have been obtained by th* Corona KM M anufactur­ing Company of Boston, has been ordered to allow cause nex t Tuesday why he should not be compelled "to make discov­ery ot hi* property end things In action'’ betor* Prederick F. Guild, ae refarea in Chancery.

Th* order to show cause w as mad* by Vlce-Chancallor Howell on *h •ppllea- floo by Corwin Howell, of Pitney, Hardin & Skinner. Th* vice-chai»e*UOr alao etgn- ed an order dtawctlng Julius Uchtm an db Bon, Inc., to artiom.th* Llehtman leathar plant on Frellnghuyten avenue w t* re­cently transferred by JuUua Llehtman. to show caue* next Tuesday why an In­junction should not laeue raatralnlng any tranafsr ot the properties the conearn ac­quired frcuit Lichtman, except auch mdr- chandise a t I* sold In th* ordinary coura* of buslnea*. pending the Corona concern'* Bulta.

A temporary restraining order 'wa* In* corpoTsted In the order to show cause.


batueahlp* of the Atlantic fleet arrived off Annapolis today and are anchored in tha roadstead, where they will await the embarkation of the midshipman for their summer practlc* cruise.

The cadet* will go aboard a t tb* clot* o t the "June week” exercise* now In progreaa a t th* Naval Academy.




A TLA N 'nC CITY. June (.-D eciding to end her life hecauae of unrequited love. Mr*. M arie Campbell, eighteen year* old, who came here from Baltlmar^ drank Iodine yesterday In her apartment a t 2705 Atlantic avenue. The proprietor ot a tho* store on the ground floor, hearing

epectlon of th* riparian altuatlon In that | (j,^ young woman'a groan*, burat open city At thl* tlma the city 1* particularly | ^ tr door and found her uncon»clou* on Intereeted In preserving It* riparian rl(h ta ; i),* floor. She tightly d u p e d the photo- and the Oovertior 1* dealrou* of having ; of the young min with whom th eflret-hand information aa to the situation, j , ,^ (4 to have been infatuatod, and by

WEDDING DELAYED A FEW HOURSfiperial firtmlce of f*e XBXPS.

CHATHAM, June Becaui* th* bride­groom wee not fam iliar with th* law* of thl* e u t* there wa* a delay In e wedding her* yeaterday. ’The Leroy KIrkendall Honeywell, of Blmi- ^ h P i . and hi* bride Mlt* Hulda Thoramen, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Emil Thommen, of King* rM d

When the couple applied for a m arriafe llcenw »t the office of

Cra^’ford. Tueiday u lih t, expectinc

found a note, settinga chauffeur, ot

forthher aide woe that F rank lin McMahon 22 South Georgia avenue, had proved felthlesB and that ehe wished to dle-

Bhe wa* ravlved and was allowed to leave th* Inttltutlon lite r In th* day. de­claring th a t th e would not make a almlllar attem pt on her life for ell the men In th# world. She Is eold to have been sepa­rated from her huebino some time.


Hto be wed a t high noon were Inforniad th a t tb«y _would_ htodTtowatt twenty-four hour* bator* th* cer* mony could be performod-

The wedding tbolc pl*ce H th* b r td r ihome a t 8 b'clock to rt night and wformed by f h S JS 'peator of the 'O gden The b**t man w ia E m e it Thoromem of

c iiv and MIga Anna Tbommen, of to* brld*. acted a* mold of •Th* ^ P l e will reelde In Wllkee-atater

they mak* domperltoa ^ t h o ther place* practically Impoaetbl* la untortunato.

Look of proper fire protection a t to* Veron* Tubercutoili Sanitarium I* con­demned and the luggaatlon la m ade that th* ingt'itutlon la not adequate to the de­mands upon It. No criticism 1* offered of the management ot tb* Im tltu tlon ex­cept In th* medical supervUlon. This, th* raport statea. is below standerd. Bxamln-


h . d e ie ra td W a ainalt eaiwfully nlMn of patleota Is not thoroughly con-dhogan board, wklch may alao advia* and chedk tb* bealtb officer.

.’T M eggontlal point la th a t It t»H bean ttu n d decidedly best to a-speclal-Ift, giving torn a tree band, and making blm raaponalbls for tb* departtbent.’’

RMaiXtng to lb* amount of the deparu grant's apprqpriatlolt, Mr. Bchnelder con-

'’/'g lders It g tnetona and deolMsa tb a t New^arit tiak * tolrd ■atong ciusa of th* coun­try at mara than Ibitw) population in Itapaym aats far publid hegltb. Tb* amount (Igurgt to appraxlmatoly torty-flve cento pbr capita o t population. aoiordlBg to tb*

' I S ? ' tocw tlggtor predicto th a t the /•mount, o t numey annually a p ^ ^ a t e d .to tba/deparUttent will goon bava to bo iDertaged ag now tteldk o t activity pro- gagt tbMMglvga Ob prgagnt funds,' tb* «Uy ivanUtled to begltb Bepgrtment s tr- v i p g ^ a t Mntpgrgg favKobly wltb tb* best Am” *” '? prgdtlCA tb* report de-

.. Claree:

ducted: fever patient* are not takan propar caro Of, and axarcts* I* se t properly rtg - ulatod.

Methods ot record keeping in all depart­ment* ar* ciittcleed. I t la pointed out tha t In practloalW non* of tbe dgpartraenta ar* th* records of a proper or Uj^to-dat* oharactor.

A fter bearing tb* report read, tb a oom- m ttlee placed It on tb* table fo r on* month. A t the next jBeellng it ariU bo taken up and dlscuoaed.

I rgport flnAa tbM cqnbnondable efm> 19 to toegtm w t of tuber-


gpedol Semice of * # NiTirS.HACKETTBT013W, Ju»* ( —Deapon-

dency cauaed by an nine** wteka. le believed to have prompted for- mor Mayor Elgin Ayer# to attem pt aul- dde yeaterday a t h ie home her*.

Mr Ayera to 0 contractor and builder, and yeatarday had *p« it the morning directing work a t a new bouw beHw erected not fa r from hi* hom* for L*wl* Bchenck Boturttlng bow*. K to M d, h* went to th* oellar and took a dote of polls grotn. and, going upatalra, in­formed bis wife of hi* a c t

Medical aid Watoratlve* wet# applKd. Although Mr. Ayer* Is aim In a aerlou* eondWon. hla recovery la expeottd. _____

fiprrtal Sertrie# of ike VEWS.f l e m i n g t o n . June 5.—The graduaUOB

exi-rei&es of the ctiildren'a choirs of Uio I aptlat, Methodlit and PreahyterUn ehurche* 'were held In the B a p H a t^ u re n last evening. Diploma* were pntodnted to fourteen graduatee.

Thee* who graduated into the senior choir! of the different ohurche* were: Itoptlat, Percy Miller, Luella Rlttenbottoe, gadi* Bird end Eleanor Primm; Preeby- teriaii. Elsie Chamberlin, Fred Siulto. Alice Etoe, Ruth Cate, Howard Godley gnd Olive Hortm sn; MethodlaL M ary Bo. dint, L inda Poet. S u siey Vodin* and Mar- ton Galvin. *

R obert Lunger, of Boston, Wttt the bari­tone goiolst. Profeetor Norman Landis end Mlse Grace Leeds DanteU played the organ. A muelcal program wa* rendered by the combined choir* and a quarte t compoied o t Mra DonOM T. Connat, Mrs. A rthur F. Foran, Utsa Helen Thoraae and Ml** KelWI YPIlllama

0GDEN86URG, Jun* ( —Although thlr- ty-flv* etriking employee of MOsaa Bige­low. of Hamburg, a t the whit* llmeslon* quarry here, have been paid oft and driven from the property. Marsha! Mat­thew J. Buckley, of Franklin , and a force ol deputlea ore on guard.

Tha strike occurred Tueeday after thirty-live out of K* men employed had been persuaded by an 1. W. W. repre- aentatlv* to quit. Th* elrlkera were ell new men. but the slxty-ftve old employe* rmalned at work. The men demanded tl,S( a day tnetead of 11.75 and a nine- hour day Instead Of on* of ten hour*. New men to take their p lac ti or* *x-

WASHINGTON. June Kellof. a student ot t' dlan. told to* Senate m lttee today th a t i was abolished and fight ou t hi* own would th* redman place he once oceupll the eatabliehment of be conducted by th*

Mrs. Kellog cendem: cation ayatem and eaj a failure.


ra cam- bureau

allowed to exiatenc*

the proud g* suggeatod

vlllegea to hamaaivee. Indian adu-

lU bad proved

MORGANS DEUY UNERNEWY t o r k , Jun# 5.—The lA lilng Of

the lin e r F ran ce for H avre wa* delgyed ih lriae n m inute* today to a llow J' P. M organ i" bid farew ell to b is sis eh.Mle* Anno Morgan, who w ill spend \H* sum m er In ner v illa n ear Pari*. Mr.M organ Jumped from an autom obll* and ran acro i* the gangplank Ju*t a* It wag abo u t to bu ralted . Mlaa M organ wa* w aitin g to r him a t the rail.

A nother p a a e trg e r on th* ve*a*l waa Dr A lexia C arrel, o t the R ockefeller In s titu te . Dr C arrel w ill epend the sum m er In Pari* and Berlin, w h ere he w ill m ake experim ent* tn tr a n ip la n t- log organ* of the hum an body.


Bridge 'fVarwmaB nrow acd .CAMDEN. June 6.—Stricken with orampe,

Jama* Cooper, aged twenty-five year*, of New Sharon, w as drowned In th* New­ton Creek, on th* Mt. Ephraim pike, be- low Camden, laet night. The body waa not recovered. Cooper waa employed with a gang ot men repairing the bridge which epana the atream. After the day'* work was finished he went in swimming and it waa while disporting In the water that Cooiier BUddenty aanh from view befor* aselstance could be given bim.

Madison P roM essIvet to Meet.MADISON- June S.—The Frogreulve

Ltague of Madtoon will meet tomorrow night In tha Central Avenue School. The prlncjMl speaker wlR be Everett Colov. I t la expected th a t J. A. M. Hopkins, of Morristown, chairm an ot tb s couuty com. mlttee. wiu apeak.

V Auto Stolen from Ogvog*.OLD BRIDGE. June ( —An automobile

valued a t about 970(1 wgg gtqlen from th* garage of galvator* Thom, ot thla place, laat night. The number on tb* boity 1*


F lea i for appropriations to ptoygiound*. bath* and to to* Humane floolety were m ade to the Common Council eoaiinltt** on flsaoo* toat night. No aotlon was token, the requeet* belag told over for eonelderatlon when tba city b u d g e t, It

Jeaklown, tb* tJew eit

gpsrlol Serekie of **• V tW i .HACKENBACIC. Ju n e ( - A dectol

freeing Patrolm an WIHtom J. Bergen, a Paterson poUeemga, n< th e c h a w of gefr tfhg fir* to an antotoobUs to get Insur- anoe, was given by Ju d l* Seufart today. The cae* had been t t W Without a Jury.

Tb* auto, wbicb betoliged to tbe efflcer, wga burned on DariUigtoa rood February IT tost. The defeo ia o t th* peUeemon we* to s t ths engine gtopped. "btok-fired’' and then Ignltod tbe body of tbe ear.

Tbe mother of R e f Cook, a ehaufleur. had testified th a t Bergen bed .otferad her co n e y to keep h er eon itleilt In regard to knowledge bg wag kum^ te togvg bad kbottt the b u n r ia t e f the e ir .


6-Passenger Touring, $1,2254-Pas8enger Touring, $1,025

2-Pas8enger RoMSter, $1,(^ ^F. 0. B. Newtrk 2-Paswenger Runabout, $775

T t i o i u B o r W r i t « f o r D « m o m t r a t i o t i

H. J. Koehler S. G Co.291 HAL9EY STREET. NEWARK, N. J.

SL U A B E T H . June A-nAI a apbolai m eeting o t the trusteee o l tbe Evergreen Cemetery resolutions of vondnleno* were adopted on tba daeth at former Judge E dw ard B. Atwater, wbO for many years aarvad on toe board. The m lnata w as ordered spread upon the rgoorda o t tho cemetery aaaoclation end a oopy wae te n t to tb e relative* of Mr. Atwator.

A brief ravlew ot the w w k of the de­cedent tn the Intereat* Of tb* eemetory Is contelned la th e r e s ^ a t l ^ Et eboand

Mf. AtwEtoF;th a t aince 1979 M 4 ViHB ^ membar of tb* board i« tto itae s and foryears bod baen a e c r* * ^ gad trg tou rer of th* OMioclsUon. '*'■ y

The tto fg of th* Uidon Oounty O ew t- hoo** aim tbe city n tn a ry a t hatt*maat beeatise ot tb* deaths o f llfr. Atarater and form er Bhirlff Robert O. BOustos.

F te td a r te apaeli tn R ed E aak .J B M E T CTTT, JuM l.'-:A«tliig OoOer-

nor Fielder thla m owing toft for Hod E tetk. when* bo wtlt dddrago th a T om u H en 's Club at the Freebytartea obnran th is even ing .' I t to paeilble th a t 'Mr. Ftoiaer (riU spend to e atteniooi) a t tbe W iarrid a o p sg 'dbree dayg



iTHE 6EER that b u ild s



\i dEBploymnt

Hid Mncl s m i


[ANAFOU6. June (.-tV om en In ^spoils who w ear the new style skirt also mu*t wear undergorm enu.

:nd th* traffic squad Of tb* police force has been asked ta tnforce tbe order, which w u given out by Buperlntendeut ot Police Marlin J. H j’land today.

■fbe order w** issued after Bupertb" tendenf Hyland bad received a letter signed "the todies." end wbtob read a* follows:

"As w* know you ere tb* bigbsat au ­thority In the city, we. os tbe letJtoe, oak tb a t you prohibit the wearing of *put eklrt* without undergarment#. W e hope tb a t you will taka thin eerieuely."

Superintendent H yland said be felt th a t the matter deserved attention and asked th e traffic squad to a r t ae censor of feminine wearing apparel.

SALT LAKE CITT.( U tah. June (-.pTbt annual oonferenee of tba Gavernora of Wostarn Bt*teo, which will bo to ssaelOB for three day*, wa# eponod bar* thl* morning with oddrosaas of weleom* by gomuel C, Park, Mayor o t Balt Lake City, and Governor 'WttUiun Bpry.

Several of the Ctovarsotg did not arrive until today and tho program aa e«he<- nied was not carried out. th s Msalon being devotod to m ost p a rt to rouHne work ot the organtoation.

Mrs Mary B. agency get hri shout a year a committee oF ( nlfht on her bi

, the fact that s drcumsiBHcea which Che has months, was gr fciiimtt builn€M

II In MPU tiburfh m»r rtfited de&k ipi n en t with an e

under M rr Men whom Ti

ply with poaltlo collected office ho service, and the time wwi a Boctety, became Oroy called lU her acency for paarlng before i eallafled tha mi filed by Mr. I. on the fact ihi number of peop

Mn, Grfty, h ment of m, nun elffntd w pr^t' delay In the gr duced proof th h«r Indefatednei her cllenti wf* eume buslneBs. were Involved, the commltlc? and In no way n««i.

T rillAl thr

them pptrona i haa laauad an her peraon#! an ihe expUina th dac-vd bwi'k (0 rented the del

consented: to llcenae. She > Ttu&eck'B met)

• and requchted with the Dome

Referring to day against h< soon after

. her place the Inspector W ar her over a tz i

' acted from a had been given plained, tn a g' malned only t1 he was entltti fifths of the U

* The basts oi -p la ined by Mr

cslpt given tn ' be had paid dl

' It the laws go clca. The pen

- 126. but Mr*, proved to Jud{ clnot Court, tl A short time t proposed enfoi the law. and Bubmltted pro< plying with case was dtsm log th a t the fi

MMrs. Gray (

had been done Ucatlon of th< 8hs wgs repoi «nd declared year she had 1

. bssn fined S30- fully from a i

Mr. Laddey’a to why h t h have her fined as negligent. J he “wanted to

Dwelling up Mr. Laddey’s Gray declared when she ap y ea r In obji t^e permit, th coupled her m who, a t the same buslnesj own name. 1 After exonerat th9 manner i

. hta&ch of,the J. ths male dei

"■ righting the v Letters froi

others, showlr rsiponslble in Ing to Mrs. Gi dsy from prod hsr. Abandon tlraly, she dec

. duced svl'dencf to g number th* g ran t of t th* first rstu. Gray stated^ i clients togethe

. m«nt bureau. SKplaltilng

Qrky told how a capital of II' lar* of debt Bi

^Clal difficultly Kuiband. who th*.C entral I

' City. She Bta' *on a t tho tin

, a ea*h settle) th* death of case was |iQn

; r«.*iv.ed a dol waa tho bi m ay iiav o mi had paid a nu a t a itme w h th* money to hu*ln*sa.


f. f Following to 1 given over to I F arr, of Ph: I Ctomtng of Ch ' convention ot

.1 Christian and '. ontored upoi I Tabentaele li ' ‘g ill continuef Rav. T, P. * prteehed todi ' a t 10:90 O'clc - o f this attei

.laddraos on t ' I China by M

1 soon to retu i .1 HISS Drain* ' teachte in E i again ttoturdi ' Hav. J . E.

d t r . will prs lowing the I vie*. wIU be r S l ^ , of PI

W S«* Who stone tom on

- ace Rev. V. 1 atpi topeak oi Hudson Balh t iM * win Cbriat’s Retu

mlslso Cplttto. end I •(firk. Th* dkV night V conducted b ,

.In .hti sgrm ed out the '•toeqond con BlBle, there renirtt o t Cl ■lone, where at tn In to

, . 'books of th mention Is

' Iq nineteen 0 toillef to tl

*f.; gatd.' SM e m r ae no i Eager being tetehing* of

TiiliMi ere bn




I tihoul » » b In on tM yMtor>

a bMl* aty>y Mr*.• could

«idrooni, MU M d

to th* up ttao '«• <urr d b*«n 1*0 th* KtlMU.* wb»t *r*d by

Mr*, but by

•n th*

hen th* rw *u- 1* tim t. r**r ofIf m«d*ly th*lr

it about wore A

Hot- B*1 va|u*d KD and

I valu*d of I* * '

If Hi«b by bur- nom lnf. ntalnlng rom th* ilaee th* utrane** iw* that

home of »t. Mr. a morn- uit eon- I and t l l

a t th* h str**t. o taln lnc I atolan-]. Bahr*’ a nolM le plac* tan.KIRI* all- artmentaBlcelb'f

hln( th*I Eh*II :l rln(- 1 '*1 pin.

e* and ruah and

m[I CASEiO(H two ave baeit lufaetur- 1 ordered why h*

* dieeov- i action" efare* in

mad* by Bpyllca- Hardin

*1*0 alfn- htm an * n U ath tr

w*» r*. itman. to r an in- itilnd any noern ac» uch m fr- ry eottre* conetm *

' va* In 'cauae.

EAREBSomen in *w *tyl* rannanta. lie* tors* tin order, «ndeat of

Sup*rt»- A lott«r

I read aa

c h a tt a u . adlaa. a*hf ofW e hep*

ly.”t fait th a t Hid aaktd canaoT of

M 1.4,/nM wnior* of In iiiNiwi bar* thS* tleom* by lalt l« k *ry.not arrltf* aa K had '

1* aaiaiento routtn*

■ \


u Entploymnt AgencY Proprietor Has Had Much Difricaltj in R ^




I AM, by trdinliig, experience tad practise, competent to

test, prescribe and make correct glasses for defective eyesight. Since 1895 I have done these things in Newark to the perfect satisfaction of thousands. May I not prove my ability in your


1 Ft'S 11 r - -

f e !

■I t i

W 1 1 - 'II S ; : '*p

w w w■7- ^

^ 1

‘ f c \

M n. Mfcry B. Gray, whoae employment eseney ro t her Into a peck of trouble about a year afo , convinced tire IJcenee committee of the Common Council laat n lfh t Of) her hotieaiy of purpote and of the fact that ahe had been a victim of

‘ clroumetaticea Ai a reault, a llcanae for which ahe has been itrlv ln j for many month!, waa fran ted to her and ah« will ffiiim a builneu .

It waa In &fta Gray'e office th a t a PUtibyrgh man. known aa “Tauaack." ranted desk apace and befan an aapert-

f roent with an employment bureau, work- In t under Mra. (iray 'a license.

Men whom Tauaeck had ag^reed to aup- ply with poaltlona and from whom he had eotlscted office feta cumpUlived of fetUntt

no service, and John V. Laddey, who at the time waa attorney for the Legal Aid Society, became Intcreated In what Mra Gray called the Domeatlc Service Club, her agency for helping the Idle. In ap* pairing before the llcenae authofitlee, ahe aatlafted the memh^ra that the objections filed by Mr- I*sdiky were based mainly on the fact th a t ahe w ai indebted U> a number of people.

Mrs. Gray, however, wUh the Indorae- tnent of a number of her pairona. w-ho signed a protest againet any fu rther delay In the granting of the ilcenae, pro- d'uced proof th a t ahe could pay half of her tndebtednees immediately, and th a t her cUenta w rie aaliafled that ahe eume buslneaa. Some of the bills which were Involved. Mrs. Gray explained to the committee, were strictly personal and In no way identified with her bust- MSS.

Telia of Her Troubles*At the regueat of her friends, lome of

them prtrona of her agency. Mrs. Gray baa laaued an open atatement regarding her personal and business affairs. In this she explains that her buitnesa dlfficuUiea dated back to August, IB12, when she rented the desk room to Tauaeck, and

^ conaented to let him work under her 'tkeenae. She declared ahe found that

j Tau&eck'a methods were contrary to law ' and requested hlAi to aaver hla relations

with the Domestic Service Club.Referring to the aouvltlea of Mr. I.ad '

day against her. Mrs. Gray stated that soon afitfr she ordered Tauaeck out of

. her place the a tto rn ey ' induced Ucense Inapei-tor W ard to bring action agaitiit her o^'e^ a |2 fee which Tauseck had ex-

' acted from a foreigner. The forelgn»'r had been given a position, Mrs. Gray ex« plained. In a garage In Montclair, but r«< malned only three days. Under the law he was entitled to a rebate of three- fifths of the fee of 92.

t The bests of this action, it was ex-- plained by Mrs. Gray, was that the r.*-

cslpt given to the foreigner for the money bs had paid did not bear on the back of It the laws governing employment agen­cies. The penalty for such omlsalon Is

- 936* but Mrs. Gray fald that when bhe proved to Judge Hahn, in the F irst Pre- clnot Court, th a t the agenci-is had only a short time before been notlfjeo -if the

’ proposed enforcement of thid J titu re of the law. and th a t printers niij already aubmttted proofs of receipt forms eom- piylng wUh th is section of the law. the case was dismissed with the understand* lo f th a t the full fee of 12 be returned.

W rji Not Fined.Mrs. Gray declared that an Injustice

had been done her by the erroneous pub- UcstloD of the disposition of this case. She was reported as having been fined, and declared th a t aa late as May this year she had heard people aek If she had

t bean fined 9^ for "taking money wrong- g fully from a man Ignorant of the law."

Mr. Laddey> reply to her question aa to why he had persisted In trying to have her fined, when other agencies were as negligent* Mrs. Gray emed* was th a t he "wanted to m ake an example of her."

Dwelling upon w hat she regarded aa Mr. Laddey> persecution of her, Mrs. Gray declared th a t be next Interfered when she applied for her license this year. In objecting to the granting of t^e iMrmlt, th e lawyer, Mrs. Gray said* coupled h e r ‘nam e with tha t of Tauaeck* who. a t the time* was engaged in the same business under s license in his own name, t h e w'oman explained (hat after exonerating herself of all blame for tbo manner In whteh Tameck ran hi* bf»nch o t.the work, ahe tried to coatlnu#

, th* male departm ent with a view or ' rlXhtlng the wrong*.

Letter* (com Prosecutor- Mott and other*, showing th a t *he wae In no way raiponalble In the Taueeck ca*e, accord­ing to Mra. Gray, did not deter Mr. Lad- dey (rom producing a new charge agatnat h*r. Abandoning the Taueeck m atter en­tirely, she declared, the lawyer then pro-

; duced evidence to show ahe was Indebted to a number o( persona and urged th a t tha g ran t of the license be denied. From th* flrat refusal of a new license. Mrs. Gray stated, she endeavored to hold her client* together by running a free emplcy-

,iB«nt bureau.Explaining her personal affaire, Mra.

' Qrhy told how she started in bualne** on a oapltal of MO, and with hundreds of dol-

f la ra of debt sta ring her because of finan- , «lal difficulties experienced by her late ^husband, who was killed by a tra in 'In

(h*.C entral Railroad terminal a t Jersey City. She Btated th a t she had every rea ­son a t the tim e to believe ahe would get a cash lettlem ent from the railroad (or

the death of her husband, but th a t the cas* waa non-autted and that ahe never rKSived a dollar. Sh« explained th a t she wa* In the bualneu only four year* and

* May' ^ a v e made mtatakei, but th a t *he had paid a number of th* oldest creditor*

i a t a lime when she ehoutd have devoted ’ th* money to th* capital account of the y-hualnees.


{ ---------------Vstlowlng a n opening seretea last n ight

f l v « over to a dlsoouree by Rev, F. 'W. F arr, of Philadelphia,.;on the "Eeeend Cpinlnf of Christ." the annuel m lialonary convention of the Newark Branch of the ChriatJan and Hleilonary Alliance, today entered upon *esalona in the Ooepel

B*v, T. P . Gate*, of Aabtiry Park,

of th is a ttem oon 'a eeeeloii will be an addresa on m laalonarr work' In C entral Oblaa by Idtie Lillian D rfln i, who ta goon to retu rn to her mlsalonery labor*. NIM Dratne w as to m erly a eohool Uaehdr in Blooklyn. She will apeak again Saturday afternoon.

Bav. J . E . Jedeniulft. of New York C#tr, will preach tonight a t T.>«. and fol*

vjc.'i l o i ^ g the eerroon an evangalletio eer- ■ >.;. vlee-wltl be conducted by Rev. t t Vernon

:h , B a n , e t PbUadeiphta. r ' ' o n w e who will tak e part In the aea-

gltna tomorrow. Saturday and Sunday .;W ah* B*v. V, T, Jeffrey , of New York, who if^WjSl ^peak on "T ull Salvation;" Rev. J . S i B udion Ballard, o f Nyack, N. Y.. whoa* ^ t t a * win be 'Yh* Two Stage* of i iS C ^ l» l'* R e tu r n H * e . R. H. 01oy**;,*n-.;

m lationary, bom* from Oentral •nd Rev. A. B. Simpson, of N*W'

irk. The convention will cloaa SuU' |4 d )^ night w ith an evangelistic eervice

otadiUoted by Rev. Mr. J*tfray.'' I n h li eermon leat night Mr. T a rr point­e d ' out the frequenoy with which the

. 'Jgeoond coming:" l i reteyred tO i;^ i t e ..re: Bible, there being 3U rn|er«ne*i td fn*

' rbtern of Christ In the New T saU m ent B*. w hereas bapttwn t t not alluded to a ll in fourteen out of tifgnty-one Kib of the New Teatament, and uo

iwenflon It mad* of the Lord'* *upp«r Inbkieteen of th e twenty-on* book*. 'IM U f In the aaeond coning, th* speak­

er* laid.' *af«goar4* the MUerer from * m y a* n« o th e r dooMo* doe*, euoh be-

' B |m i> being aouBtl *a W (u ad an ea ta l tMpklggg of *vaBg*Ueal C b rlrau ittr .

p**hep*, however, yon prefer e wedlcel eye doctor's p riv e ts exew le- •H oii. By reclprocel arraaaeiB»B t. cee give you o a o rder o» one of lev - r ro l ocniu te whose e iam ln e tlo e end preecrlptloo will eo le tl no root to

L B . H I L B 0 R N , 0 . P h . D . / w 2 " KESTABLISHED 18W- OPEN SATURDAY TILL 10 P. M.

openSatu rdayE v en in g s

*lhe ^Better Kind of Clothes for Men and Boys

op enSaturdayEvenings


Men’s $35 and $40 Suits Elsewhere, Are $25 Suits at McGregor’sOur cash policy and m anufacturing a d v a n t^ e s

enable u to sell clothes at wholesale price. The size of our business insures you of a wide choice of patterns, models and sizes. The styles are right and we guarantee absolute satisfaction or wilt re­fund your money.

At $25 our assortment of up-to-the-minute clothing is complete. We have G ray Checks, Gray Plaids and Gray Pencil Stripes, silk-lined Blue Serge, English-cut, soft-finished Blue W orsted and a great variety of Tans and Browns from both imported and domestic fabrics.

Two More Days of the Boys’ Clothing SaleStarting tomorrow morning, and during F ri­

day and Saturday, we will sell broken lots and odds and ends of this season's clothes a t reduced prices.

60 B oys’ A U -W oo! S u i ts , f o rm e r ly so ld a t $6 .50 , A H C $7 ,50 an d $8 .50 , n o w ..................................................................... T t i O

N o rfo lk a n d d o u h le -b re a s te d m o d e ls . All s i r e s fro m 6 to 18.

■ 45 B o y s’ F in e W o rs te d S u i ts , f o rm e r ly so ld * 1 7 7 ?

O n ly in s iz e s f ro m 11 to 17.

Wash Suits, 95c.Linen Crash and Duck Suits, $1.75.Boys’ All-Wool Sweatere, $1.85.Russian and Sailor Suits, $3.75.Boys’ Reefers, $3.75.Extra Knickers, $1.50; Caps, 50c.Special $7.50 Boys’ Raincoats, $3.75.Blue Serge Suits at $5.50.

\ Better Ones at $7.50, $9.50 and $12.

McGregor & Co.c 4 Minute from Market Street

848, 856 and 852 Broad St.

Play hard — or rest quietly— in the

t h o u s a n d

Islandsa vacation land of infinite variety.

F ish in g is good; conditions ideal for boats of every sort; there arc fine golf l i n k s a n d t e n n i s courts. O r, you can just steal away to a quiet little island- spot, and rest.

Our foldora deacribe tfie Hiou-

George, Lake Charaplaiiu

If yott will tell «« la i

SOMral way (be aamber I yeur pttiy, about the uttount cf inotiaf you

wont to ipaad. whit y<mBoat like to 4o* w* will pro- poM ooa or two tripe ler jrbpr coBiIderitloB. w ith complite latoraiitioDi and rood doMrlptlva fo lder* . Addreit.

N «v T w it Cewtrol U a u Tmml Bweee, Groai Hil TtfiBhil, Nmt Yorh.

T A X M O T i e eYea *(* b tn h r r**«l**< t* tetera die M ai

p e v pwenaal m e e t r a* heU ika M b t o <iMC*r 1* tb* ■eai


A S E T(Ml nmM ttj

' wstwiiu ...

$6 Each(U «I


5 0 o-J

'*■. leatWe f » to i-e lam -to

American Dental Piurlors;787 Btoal $1.

It DR. MoBaiOe, PrM, -S .Y .0 ick 3 4 d lS L « h iN ^SMdreWia.SSSh!ln3i.'n!

Monei;~Sai>inff Uinta fromThe Lace Sale

Reg. 75c. to 11.25 Laces— 49cReg. 50c. to 88c. Laces....... 59cReg. 59c. Lacw, per yard . . 38c Reg. 35c. Laces, per yard. . . . 25cReg. 95c. to $1.25 Lacea__ 68cReg. 15c. to 25c. Laces........lOc

Store Close* Seiurday 6 P. M. Other Day* 6-JO

(■Tha R*o U iup” Men ana Phone Orr1«ri R*m1?* 1 ne D ee nive p ro m p t * i a C *i*lul a ium O on .

Sales in ProgressSale of Shoes

The Great Silk Sale Sale of Silk Fans

Sale Boys’ Clothing Sale Knit Underwear Sales of Fine Linens

Sale of Summer Draperies

Muslin and SheetingsFRIDAY ONLY—Rev. 8 4 c Bleached Muslins. 36 in. wide, pure white, close weave, splendid laundering, correct weight for every home use. underwear, etc., leading 8>4c. grade, special, yard .. U /* LFRIDAY ONLY—Reg. 20e. Pillow C u e Muslin. Another new lot nnesi quality, 42 in. wide, bleached pillow case muslin, unusually 6ne weave, beautiful soft percale finish, I heavy, close stocky cotton, special, yd. I “FRIDAY ONLY—Reg. 32c. Bleached Sheeting. 2 ' j yards wide, absolutely new, fresh and per­fect, firm stocky fine weave, free from starch and dreailng, full width, positively regu- 'J'Jp Isr 32c. grade, special, yard.................. L L ^FRIDAY ONLY—Regl lOc. Unbleached Muslin.Uncommonly fine close tight weave muslin, firm, medium, heavy wei|ht, one of the beat grades, 3ft in. wide.' splendid for every use for which good muslins are practical; 2 to 9 yard ' I IUp mill lengths to close, special, yard. . . . * /■*LFRIDAY ONLY—28e. Unbleached Sheeting. 2'/i yards wide, cloae weave, heavy weight, will bleach while after few washings, same qual­ities from regular stock 28c., mill lengths, I Q - decided bargain, special, yard................ I V C

39c. Plain and Nubbed V oilesFRIDAY ONLY—3ft inches wide; fine, superb assortment of colors in two different qualities; one entirely plain weive, the other with irregu­lar nuhbed ratine effect; white, pink, light blue.lavender, gray, Ian, pongee, old rose,

perfect fullcadet, navy and black pieces; special, yard. . .

50c Bathing Suit SatineFRIDAY ONLY—Heavy weight, lustrous fab­ric, of exceptional durability; one of ihc leading bathing suit materials; 32 inches wide; black, brown, navy, tan, several shades of gray “J A _ and while; will retain its beauty after ( J 7 L coniinued use; special, yard...............

30c. W hite P ique CorduroyFRIDAY O.NLY—Exceptionally fine quality, stylish wide wale cord, pure while, heavy, firm, distinci weave, soft finish; one of the most prac- lical piques; decidedly stylish; proper | A — skirt, suit, dress and waist materials; special, yard..............................................

Reg. 2.25 E n glish NainsookFRIDAY OM.V— 12-yard pieces; 40 inches wide, soft, sheer, free from dressing; specially suited for fine underwear and infants' dresses; close weave; beautiful finish; | O r t leading S2.25 special brand nainsook; special, piece of 13 yards..................

30c. N at’l Color Linen SuitingFRIDAY' ONI.Y^v36 inches wide; one of the very best qualities; pure linen, rich, golden flax; stylish and retftied; in great demand fo- presenl and future wear; suitable | A _ for full suits, sjfirts, etc.; special, yard .................. ....................................

Reg. 59c. M ohair SiciliansFRIDAY ONLY—50 inches wide; bright, lus­trous finish; close weave; eminently popular for suits, skirls and dresses: rich, refined shades—gray, brown, garnet, royal, navy, marine blue, cream and black; coolest, most durable of summer dress fabrics, A v Q special, yard ..........................................

Four Linen ItemsFRIDAY ONLY—1.75 Bleached T*Wt Napkin*.Size 20x20 inch, sturdy quality, fine all pure linen Scotch damask, made from finest flax, closely woven, free from dressing, pure white, handsome rich luster, wears and wasnes I J C well, special, this sale..............dozen.

FRIDAY ONLY—Reg. nVt^- Hemmed Huck Towels. Extra large size, heavy weight, cloaj weave, heavy mesh, thoroughly abiorbent, free from all dressing, in all while with fast color red borders, sire 32 x 44 inches, special, each . . . ..................................................FRIDAY ONLY—1.75 All Unen Hema. Breik-

I fast ('loth*. 58x76 in., all linen Austrian da­mask, made from best flax, light weave, heavy weight, soft, free from dressing, rich luster,

1 pure white in one or two washings; I “I C special ....................................... .......... • •■twFRIDAY ONLY—Reg. 1.00 Table Linens, 70 in, wide, heavy weight, Scotch pure linen table

1 damask, made from fine spun flax, beautifully I finished, smooth surface, rich satin luster, *11- I ver bleached, wide variety of choice de- I signs; Friday only, yard........................... O O v

25c. M ercerized W ash PoplinsFRIDAY ONLY—Handsome, new, this season’s wash poplins, will remain luslAtus after re­peated washings; 27 In. wide; colors are pink, cadet, light blue, white, wine, leather, brown, reseda, old rose, rose, hello, violet, Copenhagen and gray; special IOCyard ...........................................................

Phenomenal Sale of Tots’ White DressesI

This ts a most opportune time (or mothers of little girts ranging from 1 to 5 gears to procure beautiful dresses for June Siindap at little expenseT h e r e a d v r e s p o n s e an d u n s t in t e d a p p r e c ia t io n a c c o rd e d a s im i la r s a le a few w e e k s a g o is re sp o n s ib le fo r th i s r e p e a t o ffe r. All b r a n d -n e w g o o d s in th e p r e t t i e s t s ty le s im a g in a b le ; m o s t ly lo n g w a is t e f fe c ts , h a n d s o m e ly t r im m e d w ith in s e r t io n s a n d p a n e l s o f p r e t ty v a l. a n d c lu n y la c e s a n d g o o d e m b r o id e r y ; so m e h a n d e m b r o id e re d , so m e m ad e o f e m b r o id e r y ; m o s t a ll h a v e r ib b o n s a s h p s ; s k i r t s t r im m e d w ith v a l. an d c lu n y la c c i n s e r t io n s a n d e d g e , a ls o e m b ro id e ry tr im m e d . N eed w e s a y : m o th e r s , d o n 't m is s th is c h a n c e .N o m o th e r o f l i t t le d a u g h te r s c o u ld r e s i s t b u y in g o n c e e y e s a r e s e t u p o n th e se e x q u is i te t i t t le d re s s e s . On Sale in Infanta’ Wear Department, Second Floor

Values from 5.00 to 12.00

R eg. 35c. Satin Taff. R ibbonFRIDAY ONLY—Elegant quality, pure allk; bright and lustrous; 5K Inches wide; white, blue, pink, cardinal, nile, iliac and black; you'll find plenty of use for beauti­ful ribbon like this during the summer, and it would be wise to take advantage ' ^ 8 ^ of this offering tomorrow without ^ | C fail; special, yard..............................

Friday Only NotionsR«ir. 0c HdwIbe s i lk —The L- F P lan t A Co.

brand, lOO ysrda. b lack and w h ile ........ . . . , « cfUa* 4c D r^ a la g P l*a—360 In a paper, regu lar

flliet. Bpeclal....................................... ....................Reg* 5c Safety Wma—The "L a u re l,’ 1 dozen,

amall. medium and U rg e ...........................2 for 5cHag. 25c D etachable D rc i! sb te ldo^N ainaook In ­

terlined, i l te a 3 and 4 ....................................21eHcg, I2c H a ir Pin CabtBet—400 aa to rted wire

pine, Bpeclal...............................................................DcReg. to 45c S bearo^A m erlcan make, la rge alsen,

nickel flnUh. Bpeclal.............. 2BcReg* 15c Dr«aa Ahlelda—L ight w eight, alzea 2. 3

and 4* B pecla l................ 10cReg* lOc 5«w-om S upportera—W hite o n l/ wUh

button* tp e c la l ..........................................................ScReg. 5c Iro i^ a g W ax—G randm a perfum ed, glvea

a h igh g loaa ...........................................................8H cRegs 10c F a ld lu g C oat H an g era -^E x tra Hooka.

easy to ca rry aw ay w ith you ............................ * eReg. lOc W lilte Shoe D reaalsg—F or w hite can*

vxB. buck, b u b u c k ...................................................I5c

Reg. 98c. Chiffon V eilingFRIDAY ONLY —Waterproof; best quality; double width; suitable for automobile and general wear veils and scarfs; white, blue, pink, lilac, Alice blue, old rose, gray, cham­pagne, cardinal, American Beauty, myrtle, emerald green, brown, navy, taupe, 47A ^ purple and black; special for Fri- | v C day, yard ............................................ '

1.25 R enaissance ScarfsFRIDAY ONLY—in these scarf* we present a bargain nf beauty as well as uaefulnea*. Indeed, at the low price we ask for them you should not buy teas than two. Elaborate pattern; three-piece hand-drawn medallloii centre: deep lace border; size Q Q ^ 18x54; for buffet or dresser; Q o L ■pedal .................. ......................

XW om en’s 16-Button R eg. 50c. C ham oisette G loves

FRIDAY ONLY— In natural and white; practical for summer wear; Paris point backt; full arm size; a glove that gives satisfaction In fit and wearing qualities; very aiyllsh and wash better than _ some gloves higher in price; 0 0 ^ sizes 5'A to TV}', special, p a i r . .auli


Again We Offer 1,500 of Those

Reg. 40c ShadesComplete with a 1 Qc CrochetRing Puil 1 UF R I D A Y ONLY—Dark green only, these have slight imperfections, other­wise you would pay 35c. for the shades and 5c. for the crochet ring pull. Other stores charge as much or more. D o m e s t i c dark green Holland window shades, 3x6 ft. cut length, guaranteed spring roller and crochet ring pull, both for 19c.

We cannot guarantee to fill mail and 'phone orders

Reff. 2 5 c F a n c y C u r ta in N e tsOnly 800 yards fancy curtain nets, 40 in.

wide, in fancy designs for long and cottage cur­tains, very good quality at 25c„ our I 'T U j y special price, yard.................................. * “

StiO Tapestry Chair Seats and Pillow Tops— Manufacturers' samples that by the yard would sell up to S5.0O, enough in each piece for a pil­low top nr chair seat, 22x22 in., newest and best wearing tapestry made.

Our reg. price 98c., each.............60cOur reg. price 75c., each.............59c

Silk Sale Ends V S rRegnlar $1.00 Dress Satin Messatine. 79c Regular $1.25 Black Moire Velour.. . . 1.00 Regular $1.85 Black Satin Charmeuse l..8875c. Grade Pure Silk Dress Taffeta__ 39c$1.25 Value Glace Chiffon Taffeta. ..68c 85c. $1.00 and $1.25 French and Ameri­

can Foulard Silks ........................ 59c


B oys’ 50c. Summer S h irte^FRIDAY ONLY— Boys’ summer shirts in fancy colors and white with neckbands and attached collars of good quality per­cale; the boys like these Summer shirt* because they're dressy looking, neat and will stand a great deal of wear;sizes 12 to 14.................................. 4UCChildren’s R eg. 19c. H oseFRIDAY ONLY—Misses' and boys’ black ribbed cotton hose, in light and heavy weight, with double heels and toes; it’s cheaper to buy a dozen pairs than to con­sume time and eyesight darning; t i p

6 to 9; special, pair.............. H t

A Remarkable Sale of Girls’ HatsJ u s t in t im e f o r S u n d a y -sc h o o l p a r a d e a n d J u n e S u n d a y e x e rc is e s . T o m o rro w ( F r id a y ) a n d w h ile they la s t we p la c e o n s a le (in o u r M ill in e ry D e p a r tm e n t! o u r e n t i r e s to c k o f g i r ls h a t s a t r id ic u lo u s ly low

.p r i c e s . E v e ry m o th e r th a t w a n ts to se e her l i t t le g ir l f i tte d w ith a b e c o m in g h a t f o r th e f e s t iv i t ie s S a t u r ­d a y a n d S u n d a y sh o u ld co m e in to m o r r o w a n d h av e h e r fry o n s o m e o f th e s e h a ts . T r im m e d an d re a d y - to -w e a r m o d e ls in a v a r ia t io n o f b r a id s a n d sm a rtly tr im m e d e f f e c t s : b la c k , w h ite a n d c o lo rs .

Girls’ Reg. 69c to 98c Hate at

50cGirls’ Reg. 1.25 to i Girls’ Regular 2.98

2.45 Hate at 1 Hate at

1.00 1.50Girls* Reg. 3.50 to

4.98 Hats at

2 . 0 0

Another Great Sale of Men’s ShirtsEqual to Manp Exploited as Good Value at$lON SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY —T a lk a b o u t n o b b y s h i r t s ' Well, h e r e 's a th o u s a n d s t r o n g t h a t a r e w o n d e r s a t th e p r ic e . F a c t is, we’ve seen s h i r t s a d v e r t is e d a t $ 1 .0 0 ( c a l le d “ g re a t v a lu e s " ) t h a t

weren-’t « whit superior to th e s e a t 69c, All y o u 'v e g o t to d o is to look th e m o v e r to convince yourself of the t r u t h o f th is s t a te m e n t . M a d e o f a m ig h ty g o o d g r a d e o f fancy and colored p e r c a le in th e r e g u la r n e g lig e e c o a t m o d e l w ith cu ffs a t t a c h e d ; th e r e are alio plain w h ite tinong th e m ; th e se s h i r t s a r e a l l c u t fu ll an d la rg e , a n d th e workmanahip Is such t h a t would do c r e d i t to m uch h ig h e r p r ic e d g o o d s ; s iz e s 14 to 17.

Men*! Silk Scarfs; Value 1.00 Men’s Silk Socks, Value 50c.A abdrt time tco we held a sale of fine altk

Karfs at 55e. eadi; Itvroved t big hit; this time we are going to offer the same grades at lOc. lower in price. Can you imagine getting a pcrfeotly $1.00 scarf, tilfc at that, for only 45c.r ' sut you ean if you will come in

ilect the one thatonly 45c.?' tomorrow andappeala moat to you. Take net one, A sir. but three; for a chance like thia, but three; for a chance like thIa may not come again in a hurry..,.

Alt silk fashioned socks with double lisle soles, all sizes, in black, some size* in navy and tan. There are many silk socks offered ss bargains, but rarely of such excellence as these; they're perfect in every detail and good enough for the most discrimin­ating; pair.................................... 39cMen’s 25c Washable Neckwear, 15c

yonRetfVdktf Woe Fanen White Ooode *;

You will mirvol at ttm complata aatortmept; beautiful new ahwr and dainty wearea in lawna and'batiste, praity alripes, liitle check pai- ttma and thegMWitti^gte atripes and plaids, hand, .a r \ \ •om* materials, M int wItbwpMwbrfc, others with iac-

i t t s K :

Floor Bargain SquareR e g u l a r i s e W h i t e l U p g l e t t e e ' ’

3,500 yards pure white greatly in demand t*n4)jne

quard, figure and dots, eple^d for suimmr.dretsei, , wirisfS, etc,; all regular U k fdpd*. special, yardv

t t

20 yard mill lengths, dffered positively,less than regm cost, splendid assortment single and eluster strlpca, clean, neitiy feli|ed, perfeot tn every psC pHiar.; excellent, wearing mstsrisls, can be isundebed anilidow not quire ironing; speclel, yard.......... v ‘"

t t

t '-

irpt .. i. ..-sv

; - - • X . ‘•l.v.

. '1 r . - a .



H iuner Soa{)it by Sberiff u Well u A a ^ ritie s at Orer-


H tv ln i •oeceMtiilty «%’ad«d ev«ry tf to rt t» hitr,* Mlfh«el H im ner. tti»p ttK nt who e«cap«d from lli« Echk County Hoipltol a t O w brook, la«t Tu»a- d<^, U atm a t lar*». Etnployn of the IraMtutlon and oonatablea furnlihed hy tb a iheriff continue to learch for the itian, who prior to hla being declared In- aana waa Indicted for aanaull and batteryand ttareatenlhd «• kill.

After H a u « r ‘a dlaappearance from the hoaplul he waa truced to Pateraon. and la ter to Now York. Efforta lo locale him in altbar place were unavailing.

Inquiry a t the hoipltal developed the fact that Hauaner. who waa aiifferlng from a mild fortn of Inaanity. had made anch good progreaa toward recovery that th a queallon of hie early diacharge wua under cOnalderaltoii. The man. It waa atptaiV. had halluclnattoni of pcraecullnn and might, (rreapecllvo of hla ap(uirent r«Mvery, aualaln a recurrence of the al- taek.

Alked If Ilia ^act that Manener was under Indictment waa known to the hoe- pltnl authorltlea, Dr. Quy Pnyne. medical aiipailntendenl. admitted that It waa. He alac aald the records ahowed that Haiia- nar had bean a patlant In (he aaylum on ■Ward'i liland. N. Y.. prevloua to hla Ihoarcaratlon In the local liotpital. and th a t hla m other had died while a pa­tient In an aaylum In Bavaria.

(^eationed aa to (he Hberly allowed patlentt under Indlcyhiint or conviction, the superintendent slated that they were egerclselt about the Initttutlon u.nd that caution waa observed to prevent their asMPS'

‘T h e ueual caution waa not carried out In Mauaner’a caae." Dr. Payne contin­ued. "beoauae of the fact that ho had praetlcally reached a normal atate of mind. He waa given a parole of the groundi, and on Tuesday waa out un­guarded by an a tten d an t Thia freedom waa allowed him, as It was planned lo Mcommend hla discharge from the hoa- p iu i "

Hauaner was arreaied In April, Ull, charged with aaaauu and battery and threatanlng Mrs. Amite Huber, of 6C: South Eighteenth street, with a revolver. IVhan arraigned In court he was admit- ted to ball and then disappeared. I.al*r h t tra i arraated in New York and hla aanlty tested, following which lie waa aegt to W ard 's Island.

Xitamlng th a t he was wsnted by tha local au thorltlea the New York otflclala «ft.ered -to surrender him. Before he Could bd called to r he waa released and cam* to Nawarfc In June of th a t year. H a than visited Mra. Huber and Impor- tunad her to elope with him. Upon her rg(uaal to do so. It la alleged, he drew a ravolver and thraaiened her life. His a r ­re s t followed and after Indictment ha was oommlited to tha hospital by order e t Judge Davla.

M i / l TO M O R RO W , F R I D A Y / V 9 A

^ Summer Dress Sale *• Lii^eries, Foulards,

Voiles, Wash Crepes,Ratmes and linens,

$ 8 a n d $ 1 0 V a lu e s


Bit Police lienteiant Still Suspects Valnible Was Stolen Diriog Fire


We desire eapfciiily lo pre­sent this remarkable offer to our regular patrons, who will resllie in advance the worthineat of the stunning models thus assembled.

It is in t h e w id e s c o p e o f th e p r e t ty s ty le s d i s p la y e d t h a t th is s a le p a r t i c u l a r l y e x ce ls .

n t s$ 1 0


Separately or collectively, these dreeses offer beauties of de­sign and trimming never before deemed possible with s price so tb- surdly low.

Alterations FREES A L E A T f ^ E W A R K S T O R E


'yboogh comprising tb s usual three-ring (rieeUi production the Carl Hsgenbeek and W allace ahowa wars presented yesterday I n 't t l i city a t "popular" prices, the tirt* tim e In yaara th a t a reduction In udmls- alon rataa has been effected by any of UW big ahowa. The performaneec th is aftam oon and, tonight will term inate the atay of tha olrcua here,

^ there w as lacking any of the ele- ,)ganti th a t go to make up a circus show of tba firs t class It was not noticeable ai.' tha performaDCea yesterday afternoon add las t night,, each of which was pfe- Bcptad bafora capacity audiences. I t u prababit, taowever, that the cut In prises Is 'd u a to tba faot th a t the show w as ptapadad by two odher productions of the

645-651 BROAD ST NEWMRBrooklftt, York oad Pblladolphla.



A!t#ndr»t hy jiboul JRW) ppopln of ftll nud BKCB tlio opd'nin* rpcrptlon

wnn hflfl iHat nl*h! In th r new recrratlOTj houne connectfd with Ht. Thomnf> Epls- fopal rhuTirh. Rorevlllr and Park avenues c'onfcrttulatory addrf>BBe9 w€r^ made by Blehop Lines, Arrhiencon Jam es A. Mu;- Uleary. of Df>ver. head of tlie mlaalonary department of the Newark rUoeese. and Rev. John R. Atktnaon. rector of the church. Archdeacon C arter, of Montclair, WBB also present.

Mr. Atkinson hae auccenfuDy conduct* ed Blmilar enterprlaes In Beranton. Pa > and Elleabeth. The bulldfnt. which wa« built by the pariah a t a cost of approxl* mateiy Ifi.OfNA Ik open to people of all be­liefs. The "open sesame" to all la good character nnd decent behavior,

The bishop in hla address paid a tribute to members of the parish for their work and Initiative fn undertaking the project. H e told several humorous stories and oiR- Itned In pleasant vein his appreciation bf w hat had been accomplished. The bish­op’s address was preceded by a reception a t which the parishioners were presented to him BJid to other visiting clerics. Arch­deacon McCJeary exhorted the men of the pariah to continued effprt and Mr. Atkin­son paid a tribute to the service rendered by the women In furthering the plans for expansion and entering into the spirit of the chufch’a undertaHlng. Refreshments were served hy the women of the parlsri, with the gIrN acting ae floaters. Ther%i waa dancing an d .an orchestra, screened by palms, furnished the music. The siagti w as decorated with many roses.

Mr Atkinson, as the host of the house, extended a welcome to all. He la planning a weekly program, which wilt provide en- terU lnm ent almost every day for mo commonlty. In general, the program will embrace lectured, movlifk p icture shows of hjgh class, dancing, haskelball and in­door tennis. . ^ .

Built of brick, the recreation house is one story high and m easures thirty-five by seventy-five feet The auditorium can be used for theatricals, there stag e which will be equipped.

Thnt hanks niAklni paym ents to persons prodberng paMbooks, using reasonable rare to prexent fraud, ere not responulble for loBseM sustained by depositors ibroiigh alleged forged checks, was a derision made today by Judge MacMahon In (he F irs t n ts tr lc t Court,

Tke derision was given In a suit brought by John RaymanKkl, of T6 'Wharioii sireetwho had an account with the W est F lde Trust Company amounting to SI06.AT. Jam iary the bank paid out a check for t&O. charging It to Bsymanskl's bankbook, which WBH presented a t (he time.

Siymanekl rlattns tha t a former boarder, who Ik now In Europe, forged his name, took possesHlon of the book and cashed the check.

Oeorgk- Fur»t. represenUrig the deposi­tor, brought suit on the ground that the bank had not used proper diligence. In quoatlonlng the claimant and requiring identification.

In rendering decision. Judge MacMahon stated that ns the bank had jo,200 depost- tom It was not reasonable to expect that the raahler should have personal ac­quaintance with theTTi all. fic added that the Klgnaturei of Ssymanskl and the ah leged forgery were aufflclenlly similar, notwithstanding the lack of proof that the signature was a forgery* It was con­tended further that the hank had not been notified th a t the paHSbook w as mlHslpg.


The conirovsriy between Deputy Klre Thlrf Matthew P. A- McDermltt and I'o- llrp Lle'ilenint Henry Frey as to whether Frey K Masonic Jewel w as stolen during a fire In hla home a t 6AS Hunterdon street promises to grow warmer. It may Invoh'e the Police and Fire boards t>efore it ii ended, for McDerml^t declared today that If l''rey does not'apo log ise he will for­mally bring the m atter before Fire Uhlef Moore-

MclJerinltt visited the Frey home yes- [erday .ind told the lieutenant that he hud heard l>e had found his jewel. He wanted hJm I ■ apologise for u etatemeni insOo to the rircinen In the house after the blaze xses extinguished The statement Ihdf Trey admits he made la: ”Thc man whri iimic that Jewel had b c itfr g h e it up. S(»me one here b a r 'l l . ” McDerniltt says tliat ill I he place a t the tirne l-’rey imdo his stalJtnrMl were onl> flrem m and rtieml'prn of rlie Bglvagc t\)rp»

Frey refused yesterday lo make h Male- menl. but (odny he declared that he found I he .tew*'l last Saturday, hidden un­der ilie (stair carpet of the front hallway of hU homo. The discovery was made wJiHe F'rey *rvd hla wife were tearing up the carpel. Frey declares thsl he etlH belleveM the Jewel was stolen, beciiuse two hours Ufure the fire ha hud looked at it in ilH reae In a closet In his bedroom. The next he saw it woa when he tore up the carpet, lie declares tlml he tried to avoid publicity In the matter, berause he did not want any scandal which might Implicate Hie firemen, or at k .isl cast BUNptclim i>n them.

Frey uildod th^it when the fire waa dla- covered, he gralibrd his jewelry from the | closet, passed It across a narrow alley- ' way to the homw of his mother, and then clambered out the window across the al­leyway ami ran to the street. He sayi< he Bitddenly remembereii th a t he liad for­gotten hla Masonic emblem, and rushed back. He says that he dlacovered the esae was empty and the plush lining torn as though the jewel had been hastily taken. The pin had torn the lining of the case. It waa then that Frey made his statem ent to the assembled firemen about the re­turn of the Jewel.

The policeman says th a t he cannot eea why he should apologize to McDcrmltt

. or anyone elsf. because he put the Jewel In Us case and later found It hidden out­side hlB*aparlnicnt. McUennlH s ld 'h a t (he circumstances of the recovery of the Jewel as Frey describes them are known only to Frey and Ida wife, TJic deputy chief also declared th a t Frey told him conflicting stories aa to when he saw llie Jewel last before the fire, first saying that li was three days before tho fire and that he was not sure where he pul K and later that he had looked iil the Jewel In the case aevcral hours before

I the fire.“I win report this tn Chief Moore,

I McDerniltt said, "and ask the Fire Board ' to lake It up with the Police Board and [ have Frey explain why he accused the I firemen of taking the Jewel and then why I he refused to make public Us recovery."

Rsplstrrsd Tntdi ir«rk Jf«f/ « Uafiirg

T o ile t And Bath T o w e ls

For S u m m e r U seAttention is directed to our exceptionxlty full issort- ment in both of these lines.

B a th T o w e ls Domestic, English and French makes at $3.00, 4.20, 4.80, 6.00. 9.00, 12.00, 15.00 and up to 3600 per dozen.

B a th S h e e ts — A t $ 2 .5 0 , 3 .0 0 , 4 ,0 0 , 4 .5 0 to 7 .5 0each.

H a n d and F a ce T o w e ls -F ro m the smaiiindividual lo the luxurious hand-embroidered and lace trimmed individual towels at $3.00 to 24.00 per dozen

H e m s t itc h e d H u c k T o w e l s —For gen­eral use. $3.00, 4.50, 6.00. 7.60, 9.00, 12.00 and upwards.

iB a t h M a t s —in all colors and qualities, $1.00. l.SO, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 5.00 each.

James McCutcheon & Co.,5 th A v e ., 3 3 d & 3 4 t h S ts ., N . Y .

1 i = a f = i r = j | = i i = i r = J r = i r = i t = : .

made. Tji this way. it was polnt*.<l out. the nelghboihood could become acquaint­ed with the fact that tha picture hovise la tu be establisf.rd.

Two petitions were received, one pro­testing against the granting of a license for a house a t Fouih Orange avenue and ^Vhlt^ley/’et^e€l and the other Hsklng that II be granted. The license was granted

been alterwJ and enlarged. Bowling a l­leys and other recrealJon*! fRcIHtlee have been pmivdetl. thene changes being In purtHuance or the Idea, of aoclillxlng re­ligious work. While holding Ka relation to the F'lrsl Church ^ k part of the col- leglnte system, the Tabarhacle will en­deavor to eetabllah Itself on a BelC-sup- porUng basis

Going away for the sum ­m er?

O r perhaps a few weeks’ vacation?

M ountains — seashore — sum m er camps—ocean travel — all appeal in this w eather.

And hot weather is here to STAY.

Likewise its none too early to select your luggage NOW even though you go away later.

We offer some tem pting values in Dependable Lug­gage this year.

w ardrobe and D r e s s T runks for the long trip — Handy size and steam ers for a few weeks’ stay.

W hile good Bags and S u it­cases are ALWAYS handy.

W e’ve a full stock to selectrom—or, for something spe­

cial, our factory is at your disposal for promptness.



Organisation of (be W alter A. Evans Business Men’s Association of Essex County has been c<miplettK3. The pur- pOM of the asiocieiloii In to advance therenomlnatlon and re-election of Dlraclor W alter A. Evans, of the Board of Free-



onl*r. TlK>UDUMUidi w«r« MtUClad yea ttrd iy by

tb« a m r Of ^ IP T in e r* . lmm»n and m l- mikl, HUi-tha'cOrlal trupew i. in tha r ln c i and aq tba i tw a a . And not tha ladit con- tpldoob^ by UtvlattatiUaii tkay qommand- ad warB'IIla d id j^rtlnc alowna. ...

In p im llfu l lupply wera preaanlad ar-


t t a ^ trlw hdva m u ta rad tha a r t of aqul- Ubrlutduitt •n d by thair aflUty, daring and atMKfth parfonnad aerobatic faata of all m tu . In tha r ln ( i tha equine auts heU away, tha pertornilnc horaea andaqtMttHana dividing the aflenl^un of tha gpectaton between the ringa and itagM .


Bolding th a t charges of mlarepresenu* Wwi as to rental value had not ^ e n sus* tolnedi Vtce*Chancelior Btey^ne has ajfned on order for the dismissal of a MU filed by N athan Klein, through Me* C^rUr f t Sngllsh, against Herman f t Co., loot! bUlldJof contractors, on which a hearing w as recently had before him.

Klein traded a lot with a frontage of eighty-five feet on Washington avenuo. aod running through to Lincoln ave­nue. for a six-family apartment house a t 94 and M W ashington Hve^nue, owned by Harpnan ft Co„ mortgages on both prop­erties figuring In the deala. Klein even- tually came to the conduaton that he

At the request of counsel fo r the young woman complainant on examination on a cHarge of assault and battery and rob- l»ery which was to be given ,W ebster Crsno In the Ph-st PTwinct Court this morning waa postponed for a

Crane Is alleged to have attacked Mrs, Bvoia Hudson at S Columbia street two weche ago. According to the ]>0Uce Mrs. Hudson was thrown head foremost Into a stationary washtub a t which she wi-j standing. Her assailant held her he:i«i under water ujttU she became uncon- ■Clous. *l'he woman told the police that she recosnlEcd Crane as her lasaailain, Crane avers th a t he found Mrs. Hudson trying to drown herself In the tub.

The wotnan was In court accompanied by Dr. Hesaer G. McBride, who h*u treating her since the assault. He aa d th a t the woman had been critically m aiid la yet In a highly nervous state.

The Judgn a t first intended to go oh with the hearing, but felt th a t the com*

holders.p lans for a teetlmoniaL banquet to be

tendered the standard-bearer of the or- gablxaUon are now under way. This will be given In Krueger Auditorium In Au­gust. According to an announcement to­day County Counsel Benjamin F. Janes win preside a t this function. Former State Senator E verett Colby will be the principal spjjtiker.

The asiOfSatlon, which will have quar­ters In the Kltmey building, bavi) elected the following officers; Pre«Uleht, George Hubichm ldt; secretary. Frederick Sny­der and treasurer, Valentine B. Kane.

The Motion Picture Bxliibltors’ League presented a petition to the license com­mittee of the Common Council last night asking tha t the committee adopt a rule sgulnst gr'intlng licenees for picture housee within eight blocks of each other. They also asked th a t lloemie fees be col­lected yearly Instead of weekly. No ac­tion was taken on the petition, which w ill be discussed at a l i te r meeting.

The committee adopted a resolution pre­sented by Alderman Ducey. compelling the placing of a sign on property wliere a show Is to he operated at least two weeks before application for a license Is

Rev. Andrew Hutchinson Nellly was o r­dained last night pastor of the F irst P r«byte rla ti Church Tabernacle. Lafay­ette and Tyler streets,

The progrum begun with a Scripture reading by Rev*. Dr. D. Stuart Moore, of the Scots* t.’hiirch. PlilladelphJa. ll wns foliowe*! by a bernion from Rev. Dr.' W. J. Dawson, of the F’lrst Church. Taking as hla subjeL't ' The Marks of the Lord Jesus." Rev, Dr Dawson said a minis­ter must have three things above all others—character, conaecratloii und Intel­lectual humility.

"The world expects these from minis­ters, and hla should be the higher type and wiser mode of life," Dr. Dawson con­cluded. The Lonstltutlonal questions to the new clergyman and the people were asked by Rev. Joseph Hunter, of the PTfth Avenue PrcKbyterUn Church.

Rev. John J. Moment,* of the High Street Fresbylerlan Church, offered (he ordination prayer; Rev. Frederick ■ W. L*ewls, pastor of the Forest Hill Church, delivered the charge to the minister, and the charge to the people '-vas said by Rev. Dr. W. Y. Chapman.

The services closed with a benediction by Rev. Mr. Nellly.

The new pastor, who succeeiJs Rev. Robert T. Graham. Is a graduate of the irnlverslly of Uemiaylvanla and of the Princeton Theological Seminary. Rev. Mr Grahank Is now pastor of the Knox Church, Keiirny.

The Taberaacle building recently Jias

ulalnant was nut physically fit tu taka Ihe stand. Her face still bears marU^alleged to have bet-n sustained a t th« lima of the u»b»uU.

hod gotten the worat of the bargain and bnDught aul( to undo the tratuiactlon. oluirgtng m lsrepreunutlunB had beai, inede ae lo the amount of rent paid by jtba tenanti.

At the hearing Joteph ar,1 Louis Her- n U . teatitled th a t they had represented M Ktetn th a t they hold the property a t tn,CM and th a t the annual rental ap- jitM ltnated tl.MO.



Reading Wrought Iron Pipe /

What Is the use of ex- periraenting with pipe? Every one who knows any­thing about metal knows that wrought iron is supe­rior to steel for pipe, that it works easier and lasts longer.

Admitting, then, that you have decided to use Wrought Iron Pipe, why

tno t have the best? Ex- ' perimenting with pipe is a mighty expensive opera­tion.

i When you are ready to , buy pipe, look into the “ 'merits of READING

WROUGHT IRON PIPE and you'll decide at once that it is the BEST pipe to

r.buy. We KNOW it is the best, or we wouldn’t have the age^icy for it and guar­antee it!

G O O D T O O L S~W e ^ handle all sorts of tools. ¥ Contractors’ Tools, Ma- % tona’ Tools, Cement Tools,

tee Tools, Carpenters' ..Tools; in fact, tools for

every trade. Also Garden Tools. Qualities here are

f ntways'n^e highest and '. prices scaled to the lowest

iiM iiih le IavaI ■^ ^ o w u r r o NETTING In Copper, Galvanized and B la^ Wife.,

W ater boy for the elephants and horjes w as too great an attraction for William W agner of Summera Place, thla Stare, and Philip Smith, of Philadelphia, so they both left thiUr homes laat Monday to east their lot with the Hagenbeck * Wallace Circus. They were arrested to- day by Detectives Hortcr and Teiiore. who found them In Broome atreet trying to dispose Of a watch.

The Smith boy said the watch belonged to his niotlier. Both boye averred they got a job with the olrcua last Monday in Trenton and intended to travel through the count A' with It. They were sent to the House of Detention and their parents wej-e notified.


l a . . .

Of Thoroughbred Stock

A man standing th re t feet from the edge of a iJlaTform n ea rr tt the tracks of a railroad atatlon le within the dunget zone of paafiing (rains, was declared by Judge Frederic Adumw in the Supreme Court O rcult this afternoon in granting a nun- suit In favor of the Penhiylvanta Railroad Company, In (he suit for IKO.OOO danuigea on the death of Lewis C. Green, of Nor­walk, Conn. Mr, Green was killed at Ell*- ttbeth two years ago.

This ntlliig VsUR made a t the conclusion of an argum ent that consumed part of yesterday afternoon and this morning’s session of court by Albert T. Walir for the company; tieorge W. Glaxe. of the New Y’ork bar, ami Howard MaeSherry, who appeared on behalf of Vdclus M. Munroe, executor of .Mr. Green'H catatc.

The action waa baaed by the plaintiff on the theory of suction. It v'aa contended that Mr. Green was caught in the-swlrl of wind arising from a pasiring train. Mr. Glaze In his argum ent h ^d that It w as a reasonable Inference th a t Green wsh drawn toward the train and was struck on the head hy some projection on ano of the coaches. H was admitted that he stpod about three fre t from the track.

After diijcusslng platfonn conditions the court sa id ;

"My conclusion Is that to stand a t ' point within three feet from a train

passing at a rate of ninety feet s second Is to occupy* a position of datif<rr. none the lees real because I t ta Invisible and the cause of which la not exactly de­finable, f do not deem the defendant coni-

I pany at fable as to these conditions ind- dent to railway operation, and I find thuL the facta ua detailed here do not justify a legal action against (be railroad.**

Mr. Glaze said a f te r the trial that the case will be taken to the upper courts.

Don’t think^ of going abroad without one o f our W oven Fibre O verland Trunks.

L^nless you're fond of pay­ing for Excess Baggage.

They’re lighter and strong­er than the Basket H am pers used abroad — cost less money—and have a much more handsome appearance.

See them, anyway, before you decide.

Full size Trunks 36 inch to 42 inch.

Steamers, 34 inch to 42 inch.

Ever have to “ tie up” your T runks to get home from a trip?

Don’t do it this year.Use the “ounce of preven­

tion’’—take Bal built Lug­gage.

W lL J v l A M B A L . I n c .(71 Broad Strest.

Newark. N. J.


WOMAN’S COMPLAINT COSTS MAN $5At the request of an unJdentirled wom­

an. Patrolm an Dowd, o l tha Slath Pre­cinct Station, .irreeted John Mulllfan. nlneWen years old, of SS7 Central avenue, last nleht for cruelty to animals.

The woman told Dowd th a t MuHlann waa whipping a horse which he was driv­ing. After protesting against the treat­ment given the horse, ehe notified Patrol­man Dowd, who eays he (bund many welts on the side of the horse. Dowd said the woman boarded a car before he was able to obtain ber name.

This morning Mulligan was arraigned In the F irs t Precinct Court on a charge of cruelty to nnlmals, made against him by Theodore A, Blauvelt, of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Mulligan pleaded guilty to the charge and was given a severe reprimand by Judge Hahn and fined 1,7. which 'he paid.]

HnveYou Decided On the Gift?


If you haven’i decided on what to give the Bride or Graduate, tel our flne show­ing suggest something suit­able.

You'll 6nd choosing easy among our varied collection of the newest designs in Jew- eiry. Watches, Clocks, Silver­ware, Cut and Engraved Glass and An Wares.

You'll be impressed with the reasonableness of our prices.

W eddfns fftafS m o d era te ly priced.rs . ‘5|ritodMSCsra<r.-

. tl'

M x d m et f t D or em usC om pany

E tnry th iM t bt H v d w a n

There ■was a sequel In thv Second Pre­cinct Court ihlfl mornltijf to u. baseball game at Branch Brook Park yeaterday between tlu Franklin ahd Hummer Ave­nue school team.

The umpire, Henry Chadwick, twiftity- nlne years old, of 31 Highland avenua, and a rooter for the Summer avenue nine, George Kopshaw, sixteen years old, of 74 Wakeman avenue, were each fined $5 on charges of disorderly conduct. After the game Kopshaw gnl Into a fight with (he umpire over decisions- Both struck blows, and were arrested by Patrolmen Jewell and Clarkson, of the park force.

Y ou know what that eapres- Bion means when applied to a horse—esp ^ ia lly if used by one w ho knows horses.

W h a t a th o rou gh b red is am ong horseflesh, the Chal­mers “ S ix ” is among motor


sors—C h alm ers “ 3 0 ” and Chalmers “ Thirty-six”—were winners before it— victors on track and road; record break­ers in sales, too.

Ten nurse* were presented dlploms* hy Dr. R. O. gy' DIeffenhach. president of the eonvmlttee. a t the twenty-second com­mencement egefclses of the training school of the Dorman Hospital last night In the nurses’ home. President August Qoerts, of the hospital board, made the Introductory address. Rev. Oeorge Me- Neely, pastor of the Hllsaheth Aveiiue Baptist Church, addressed the nurse* on their vocation.

The graduates were the Mlssee Loqna Stauffer, Anna Kroener, Ellzsbeth Calmer, Anna Tlioma*, • H attie Coiiray. Julia Heck, Pauline Engel. Lena Miller. Anna Franssen and B arhara Ttoegel.



JEWISH TEACHERS ORGANIZE IHaving for 1U purpose preserving the i

education 4ud tradliiona of the Jewish | race, the Jewish Teachers of Newark. ] organised a t Oheb Shalom Synagogue - last night. Leon Kohn wae elected pres- [ ident and Miss Freda Mendel secretary. Dr. JuUna H. Greenatone, of Phlladel-. phia, addressed the gathering on "Meth­ods of .Tswish Education."

Investigation of the educational train­ing of children In m atter appertaining to Jewish subjects and customs will be made by the organisitloh and a series of | lectures will be arranged. |

care. A n d w e use the term exactly—as the old hoiwm an would use lt—and not in the careless speech o f khe grand­stand.

The "Six” is built in Chal­mers shops under the direc­tion of m en w ho take as much jride in a fine m otor car asprhorsemen ever took in fine racing stock.

In a quarrel, the cause o f which the po­lice have not yet learned, Anton Soologo, about fifty yeare old, was ^tabbed In the head thie afternoon and hi* alleged aasallant was taken to the Plftl) Precinct Police Station.

The prisoner la Monnal Gfldo, twenty year* old, oif 45 D rift street. The flith* occurred In High stree t and the police declared th a t the man and the Youth, were employed In a butted shop in the neigh­borhood, and had a dispute In the place, doing Jo the etre«i to settle their dif- ferenee. The vlcUm waa rtmoved to th* City Hospital.

F o r th e C halm ers “ S ix rings true to the thoroughbred



Denial* of every charge of cruelty con­tained in a divorce petition hrougnt against him. and a drrIaratJon that ho would be pleased to have hla wife and two children back with him, make up an answer filed in Chancery Couyl. by ’Wlii* tam Dorney, of South Nineteenth street* through A. Tjeslle Price. i

One grievance se t out by Mrs, Miry Dorney was fault-finding om the part of her husband over her going to churoh, Bhe wya he muved to 8outh Klnsteenth street to make It more difficult for her io attend church.

rings true to the thorougnored dennition’- ' “pure bred and of running stock.”

Staunch of frame and sinew, powerful, full of life, alert and ea ^ r .Y ^ t easily controlled— this ^ e a t car has all the thor- o u ^ b red qualities.

A n d th is ^reat car, w ith such “ stufiT in it (as the horsemen say), w ith such line-

II DO viTBP lom ofrownliiK by St. Harig»T*t'« k'l Rpisoopat Church, nd tlld s« ttt« « t. Th*

age behind it, such qualityf line of

CHAPTER OF ACCIDENTSTripping an the s t ^ i today In hla

haardlng-hout* a t 65 TBotik atreet, William Curamlnge, forty-two yoora old, atruck# hie heed ogalnet a doorknob and waa i bodty cut to-er the eye. He wae taken ' to 'th e City Hoipltal.

ttro w n when the chain on hla bicycle b S m thla morning while be wae riding tn 'tw to n . near Baldwin avaiiue, william Rautber, nlnnttoq yeora old. of m Avon avenuo, oUghtew On hla bead on the pave, ment. Me wga taken to the City H o ^ to l and then to hla booM.

C lean-cut in appearance, s f i i

the “S ix” ^ v es the same eye-tnm , l l , w e U -g ro o m e d ,

delight as a handsome, proud, blooded race-horse.

and breeding in every it; w e s e l l ^ u at a medium price— 6 0 0 for the 7-passen- gcr Touring Gar.

More tatisfaction, aervice, pride of poweraion, you cannot buy.- Better performance you canhotfind in any car men haye‘ yet built. EveryAing in the way of co^venieiice and luxury this

lupplies you.

Qnllit lo Mav* L m a ir«ta.'y,;. ,;A law n (eta w in ' be glvan tom orrow

afternoon and evonln* b; jO u tld of St. M ark'Heller Parkway and featurea w*!l Include the aale ot 'atraw,- herrlea, Ice cream, cake and plea. The fete win take place on tha grounda ad­joining the church. In the event of uh. pleaaanv weather the entertainment win be in the community rpoma of. the church.



^And th e “ S ix ” is a p ed i­greed car. too . Itspredeces-

May are oifiicr you proof in the car ilaetf? Please phone or call at euTMlearoom. ^ ’

‘Paddock-Zusi, Motor Car C'',215 CLINTON AVENUE. v Phono B6Q9 , *»ariy ' m

Alderman Franli W. Caon, of th* Ninth Ward, ii 111 at 0t. Jamea'a Ko«- pltol. and ptofaably will he then tor' ten day a. ,

A lighted gaa etove aet fi^e tb aeme rega lit Uiie rbbma of Ouatav Wagner, of in Orange etreet, loat night. The dem* age woa.lt.

Delegatea to tha high court will Im elected at the meeting of Court Freling- huyafn No. 1638, Independent Order i of PdFeotera, tomorrow night,- at M Bell«- vilia avenue.

A number of epnkera of the,older and H|n breheetra will take part in‘the bpdn imeeting end muMcnte of . Peter

' Cbbper Council No. Ud, Jft Q. t t . M-. in Cooper Hall. og-Tli Springfield dvehudi Monday night. Tho committee in cHerga of the entertainment eqneiett.: of iP, M.W irnamn F. C. 3 ia rri* u r 'a tid Jocej^h'-'C. Loeffltr. * ”

At the eervlee In Obeh Bhalom Syria, gogue, tomorrow night, ttabht Chariee I. Hoffman win p n o n b on the " ’Work o f Jewioh aduoetlOn.'' and Saturday mOn)' lifg. Jila theme will M "The Velu* K'umbere,':. On Sandair night the Jewleh Man'e.CSttb gUi in tof « f toe ernggogilK

, * ji5 fr Tork'JouN

L a rs e tt Jew eler on th e H ilt

Buying the Wedditig Ring Heremeans ntpre than't substantial tsv. ing will

nun , In pricI have a Veddmg Ring of high


ce, It also means that YOU Peddmg Rl

and correct in shapejuatity (Inlth.

We carry an unusual assortment of Wedding Rings, in Solid I4k and 18k Seamless Cold, of every sizd. weight and width.

Wedding GiftsThis is an economical gift ttore.

You can always save here, no mat­ter whether you buy Dlamondo,- Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, or Stiver m t Ware. It wilt pay you to se* our Silver Knives and Forki In handsome ctses.

Gift* of Jitetiry hi Littto Prim

AURNHAMMER224 Spriagfiald Avt.^'S


M O iiT aTOG


A .kers’ Course

ties and'EXERCISES T(

Broad St, at West Park SL

There will be pitted a 4wo-ye New Jersey Stei clolr Height! a; teon week* of Ing, will recelvi tutlon e t th* c( be held in the e June IT.

Of th is numbe: In Sjl grade* In Btate end the a course designed nera and lowerplOKaa to he r k o v ^ -y ea r St*Tboae who con' taaaloa after «e dlplomaa endon

Tho full proi graduating axei orrangad.

Rav. Edgar Church, Montcli with prayer * Strayer, of the voncement of moko the prln will ba "The ' Soclsl Progreie fsur, of Lakew, Board e t Educ ptomoa.

Cloaa Pretldci o t^ . will preei wUI conalat of will be receive C harlei B. Cha o u t eloee gifts of Ita tusry .

The pupil* t( given rapreient four Diunlclpel pupil DOW hoe State. Thote

Uontbiali^M I erons Dunlhe. 7 , EUel, n o rec m an, N atalie Pi

N ewark—Flop Bgner, DorothyK ory E. Wllli OItva A. Voibui

Orange—ClareH cN erney. Mi Woeke.

E oat Oram B nuna F. Wa Hoxel F. Breei Je a n n e tte Y. B aldw in. Hllei

S outh Orang L, Knox.

Weet Orsngi D orothy Plere

Bloomflald— Hoxel K. M on r l e . L. Taylor H elene M. NIc

BoUevllle—I Do Puy, Olsd B urn t.

N utley—Flo Thom e.

Caldw ell—C N orth Csldw L lvlageton— Je raey City­

line B irnbauir hello F. Ange

H oboken—L D leterlng . Ms E lfreda G. D, gelke. E thel M aoa. Mary L. : teraoa, Anna Glahe, Georgl Ooech. There: Sw andem sn. h

W eet Hobol C arrie Llebep

Bayonne—FB. M alian, Ssi

C arla tad l—‘E Eoat Ncwai Tow n of

E th e l W eill, Benaonl. Blan

P n tereon—V R aym ond P. coldo, Hajina PSrry, Margu Kayee. H a i t i

Paseaic— HeC. B rain . E tl Heyjioldi, Ms

Hkledon 1* nob B. Roe.

U t t l e Folli- CUfton—All

Jsjlem e. tA kevlew — Ito ck en u o k -

R, Slake.Snglewood—t

B, Cnllver. 'IToauthertord—:

Bldgofield-H Proctor, Agnei to st.

Morrtatown— , l e King. Hel, I Btoveni, Etnlli

Butler—Mabe Flaud*r»—Lu Oreen Vlllag Dover—Dorol P ine B rook- lCUxab«th-FI Plainfield—Ji

Midland Pari Weetwood—<j Woodbridgei- K Cyport-U ll Tome Hlvop- A ^ n t lo City w oahlngton- MiaachvlUa- m g b Bridge Igukg lalond

Wbon M>Mm um her tatZIn Hoboken, t a Dong Itleni owMl'i eixpecta.i


t h a t an unk at ths Comr p o M d bentoi sgU) River m pmtod to tho tlta. tMoy,

Tho man, m ht watchin Iftn trve ' Of the T street

owuhoard. W hen theth s n

. gpot with a ll odeild be (cun^ ^ t h n t h

ttTHOUCw-s. A. to tal of I ye OHurehea of t

Ohio flood a cciiipiste Hat

r . : ,b y Blahop O' liedntrlbutlon i

I t l io church ----- »,M to the

wsut on* retptwi* e Bible buiinsM-inani^,^ this city to act aa our

agoDt and sell suppUaa of indi- r Tidoal drinli.iQg cupt to hotels, hoapitala, achoolg, olBoii.£ictiir- ieaj'theatrataiid patto.

“t h s ' * U t y - O th U a f Ohf5 which m* moiratacmra, Is tb s bsM god m ort ocwMmksI ts r i t i ry c a p h i to* world sod ewr dispiMtog ana vanduix mm g h l ^ .w s v l d s a moiwpQly of w h s t is fo en 'an flg ta h to n soenno is hoabtsss.

.Writs , tie sbeat jgar fariHUst fer hoBdlhtgtht cttis <t«mde tas h m daoeriMikapd if ymsesn stow qg toet- yet ott copihls of n]ii«as4 tinf m pfopfriy, ws wfll put you U too way ofdovtlepliig a very proT

85! top 1 BHsaheth cfaiPatoMon/ a M ranging fron:

syt from soventy dlooaao.

•n,- ly. IjITI> SSBOM 11

tha proviiion oM ba Otate o to outhortie posprovad F*bip k i i n L ’

MthmUaxat t ths Jiama e t I


lU r 4 wiJVM c iW fc s ;

n o tm i i t i

XegpHSItn tl

f UM MWtfl i M ift

■ > ■ ■ ................


f l

TO GRADUATE 133PBpiU Who Hafe Completed Teach^

e n ’ Course Represent 12 Coun­ties and 44 Municipalitiet.


arlyO Wway


e s s trip



9 p e -y'our






your Dm a

jven*L u g .


*ly a


lerell fgVr•t you r t ) i |h « end

r tm e o t tk tn dI liljE^

•tore,0 iM t .nondtt'Sllverto MOrki In

T h « * will be 113 puplli. who have eotn- pitted t -two-year aoademlr eourae in the New Jeraeiy Stale Normal School at Mom- olair Height! and who. havinc done ala- taap weaka of eucoeaaful practice teach- In ti will receive dlploraae from the Initl- tuUon a t the eommencrnient eaerclaea In be held In the achool tudltorlum Tuesday. Juoa IT.

Of thia number, 113 ara prepared to teaen Id ajl trad ca In the public actiogla of thn S ta te end the other twenty took a'epoclal courae desltned for proepccilveklnderiart- n a ri and lower grade tcachert. The d!- plomaa to he received are equivalent to te v ^ -y e a r S tate teacher.' certificate!. Thoae who continue In the teaching pro- faaaloa after seven yeare may have their diplomaa endoraed aa life certlficatea.

The full program for the forttn-omlng trad u a tln g axercliea hea nbl a t yet been a iran ted .

Rav. Edgar Swan Wlert, of Unity Chtiroh. Montclair, will open the eiarcltc.. w ith prayer and Profeoeor Qeorga D. Strwyer, of the departmem of school ad- vancam ant of Columbia Unlveralty. will malca the principal addreea. Hla topic will b« "The Teachere' ContrlbuUoh to B ^ a l Progreie." Dr. William C. Bchauf- faur, of Lakewood, preeldent of the State Board of Education, wilt preaent the dl- plomai.

Claia Preeldent Edna J. Robbia, of thle otty, will preaent the claee gift, which will co n tltt of two patntlnge. The gift will be received for the achool by Dr. C barlta B. Chapin, the principal. Prevl- o u t elaaa g ift, have conalated of piece, o f atatuary.

The puplle to whom dlplomae will be gtvan represent twelve counties and forty- to u r munlclpalltlee m the State. One pupil DOW has her residence In another B tata Those comprising the d a ta are:

Uonfclalr—Mildred H, Bayne, H Boetn- orana Durilfea Marlon A. Elmer, Cecilia F . BUal, Florence E. araham , Julia Kohl- Bian, N atalie Pohle, Laura E. Wellg.

Newark—Ftopence L. Clark, Anna E. Bgnar, Dorothy MItchall. Edna J. Robbie, M ary E. Wlllever, Viola M. Peel and Oltva A. Voiburg.

Oraoga—Clare M. Allen. Mary A. KoNarney. Marie A Egner. Effle M. W aeka.

E a s t Orange^—Orace M. Hoppen. B m n a F. W ard, Oladya 1. W laelnger, H aael F. Breaanan. M arcia B. Stillw ell. J e a n n e tte T. Ferguaon. M argnarlte BiUdwIn. E llen A Clark.

^ n t h O range—Alice F, Cooper, Ellen L. Knox.

W ait Orange-Dorothy A Applegate, D orothy Fleraon.

Bloomfleld—H erm lnla O- Doacher, Hagai K. Morrja, B ertha E. Serex, C ar­r ie L. Taylor. E lisabeth F. H arrlspn, H alane M. Nlcholeon, Madeline M. Noll.

BaUevUle—Roae M. BuUer. E dith L. Da Puy, Gledye Cooper, G ertrude M. B um a.

N utloy—Florence U Dolan, Mary B. Thorne.

Caldw ell—Clara U Condlt.N orth Caldw ell—Florence M. Flecher. L lv lngaton— Anna E. P arkhura t. J a r te y City—Ella R. B alantyne, P au ­

lina B lrnbaum , Marie M. McOurr, lea- bolla F. Angermeler. Irena J- Quinlan.

H oboken—Lillian V. Campbell, Ida E, D laterlng . Mary E. Agnee Delaney. E lfreda O. Doomiann, Helen A. Eii- gelke, E the l M. Heffernan, E dna A Jen- len , Mary U 1. Murray, Agnea M. Pat- taraon, Anna E. Foley, F lorence M. Glebe, Georgina C. Gongalea, Olga A Ooach. T h e re .! F. Rabold. Mary H. Bwandeman, Mabel C. Allen.

W eat Hoboken—Monica J. D. Flynn, C girie Llabertnan, Helen L. P latt-

Bayoniie—Floaale E. M angan, Edith e, M atU n, Sadie I. Burgeae.

C arle lad t—■Sophia F. Ohler.E aat N ew ark—B ertha Negar.Tow n of Union—Minnie Blrbaum.

E th e l W ells, F re lda W elts, E lv ira A. B enionl, Blanche Crawford.

P a le reo n —W allace M. Broadbent, R aym ond P. Connori. F rancte L Fue- caldo, U apnah C. Huime, E ste lle L. P drry . M arguerite 1. C rane, E thel B. lU yee, H a ie l J. T erh u n a '

Paasalc— Helen 6. B anker, K atherine C- B rain , E thel M' Green, Melleaa L. Rey^olde, Mabel W alling.

H sledon i-Iaabella McGlaaban, H an ­n ah E, Roe.

U t t le Falla—Agnes J. M atchei. C lifton—Alice Claire Young, A nna B.

JoJlatne.tA kevtaw —W illiam McLean ,

Uackenaack—Lotta H. M. Plnke, Mary R, Blake.

Bnglewood—Marlon a. W. Baker, Edith E, Chllver. TTatheryn G. Tierney.

BUthertord—Edith E. Btevene. Lola Ger- aril.

Bidgefteld—Helen E Ferine, Minnie pyoOtor, Agnee E. Damks, Ju lia U Bur- ta s t.

Ito rrla to n n —Mary P Deinpaey, Elsie , l e lon g , Helen B. Price, Luella C. f Btovena, Emily E . Moody.

B utler-M abel T. Dagllan.F lacdera—Lulu D. Conkllng.Green Village—Ella E. Jackaon,Dover—Dorothy E- Jenkins.Pino Brook—Ellen A. T, O'Dowd. E llsabeth-Flarence E. Ware. Plainfield—Jeannette Neal. Zella A

Bfurgla.Midland Park-M arlon L. Worlendyke. Waatwood—Grace Wyman.Woodbridge—Katherina M. ^ e e m a n .

I K eyport-L llllam V, (jimpVieil. ’Tome Hlvoi—Dorothy A. Hyera.- •- ■ A u n t i e City—Maud C, Wilson. W ashington—M argaret W. P o « . > M ianchvlU^VIrglnA B. ,Molt.M g k Bridge—Alice M- GreehfielA igm g Island City—Eistiiar Koalte Dla-



m a


ban Mlai Dleterle wie enrolled as piigll her talbar was pastor of a. church In ^boken. ' The father later removed ta tionc Island City. Miss Dleterle, hoN-

eixpecti to teach In thle State.


That an unldentl^ed mad,.fell overboard t i i the Commercial Whaif and dIsap- paarad beneath the surface of, the Fas- algo River early tMe morning was re> pwted to the Third Precinct Police Sta­t i c . t«ay,

.. Tho man,’aooordlng to Josgiih Howard, aMht watchman on the eicuralon steam-

Minerva, waa walking Mlong the a tta «f the wharf, at >the foot 9! qom- mgroMl street, when he itumbled and fell owrtioard.

jmien the night watchman reached the agdt with a lantern no .traca’.ot the man adnid tM found. Howard declared to the pMiva that he bad seen the ’mah. enter W ^ night moving around the'wharf, aM had warned him not to go too near the edgA The watchman aald because t i the dartoem ',ha Was unable to de-

the stranger, except that he was In war kina alothea, 1

itnlmen HtUer and Bell aiw invea-

w r o n ^ - ■ ;

Ki our If ifidJ-r"-b c i t ^ ^ -

yWhifitl 1 nert s woHd B f nw- w h e t la ■ nafaieai.

• hRVe T- n a tiietv.. lin e M h e wa^ u e i d ^ .

ttTH0UC a00DGIFIS$9r5fil.79 ;A total of M.5Cl,n wa« taken up In the

• 'ehurohek of the Newark Djoceee for tha : Ohio flood sufferers, aocordlng ' to the owpleto Hat of aontribuUoM announced

" hlf BMop. O'Connor today,- .Tha largeit I ogntrlDiirtioit enw from Qt Mary’a Church,

1- -TO M iboken, which gave MU.'v^fea 'flhntchea ,ia thla ijiiy oontMhuted

^ ’ MWN io Che fund; thoie In Jersey City, - .thp HohotiU- W a ia ' (hi

BHaamth ohunhea, IIU.H, and those |n

Tnkleru d Sup

M a d e of heavy brass, heavily nickeled andpolished

Prompt AttcDllon to Mail and ’Phone Orders


Glass TowelBar18-inch 24-inchloc 7Se


50c Bath S eats

G la ss S he llHeavy plate glass, 20

inches long, nickeled brackete and icrewi. . . .

r P

B a t h S p o n g e slOc-, ac .. 36c.. tOc-, Tic-

5 0 cN E W A R K

usd CUSS CO.223N aite($LN lW R K

B P O (q] ti'ij Ig) [nj [n] [Ti] [Ij] [n] •*lke Pioneer Route of A 'e tc o r A ." — B ro a d a t C e d a r S t r e e t 0 iql [f? ■ K'll N li-ij |fJl li;i] In; l!b

We Give and Redeem SuretyCoupont

M a r s h a l l ^ B a llH i t h t s i l y p e o f H e a d v - 'n ~ W e a r

----------------------------- S 0 7 -S I3 Erojuf S t r t t I -------------------------------

A nother G reat Sale of

B . V . D .U n d erw ea r for M en

59cS p e c ia l E achp at

Sold E veryw here a t 5Sc th e G arm en tThis great sale of B. V. D. U nder­

wear needs little from us but the an­nouncement.

There are over 5,000 GENUINE B. V. D. GARMENTS in this sale, with the trade-m ark on every one, and all strictly perfect.

All men know B. V. D, U nder­wear and most discriminating men wear them, so th is lot won’t last long and you’d better come in early.S h irts or Dr&wers. Reg. 50ct Spec. 39c ea.Sale Starts 8:30 Fri. Morning

W eek 'F n d Sale 150 T ailored Suits

For W om en an d Misses

At Half PriceThis great H alf-Price Sale of

Tailored Suits is the biggest suit op­portunity you ever saw.

There are 150 suits in the lot, all of them this season’s newest and most wanted styles in Silks, Eponge Cloths, Bedford Cords, Serges and Fancy


You can m ake no'm istake, The .original pric6 togs are on the suits- A ll you need do is to cut the price in half.

R .e g . $ 1 5 Suits, Sale Price . . 7 . 5 0 R ,e g . $ 2 0 Suits, Sale Price . , 1 0 . 0 0 R .e g . $ 2 5 Suits, Sale Price . . 1 2 . 5 0 R .eg* $ 3 0 Suits, Sale Price . , 1 5 . 0 0 R .e g . $ 3 5 Suits, Sale Price . , 1 7 . 5 0 R .e g . $ 4 0 Suits, Sale Price . . 2 0 . 0 0

0 Q B a n ^ s e i BB

@!' Patafspn jtiMU.M. '.Other-.feiAnglng^from W fo m " i t b t m ' a^autr-four ;.

14 ' .T^oninbutlom, wei9 npeivofi

l/£OAE irotidBis.TO VIHTM IT lU T CXINCWIN-POreeinI is„ tM provleloM dC.as A^t Of the.lAflehiiTiu* '!*<«(.iMWMite or New Jornty, gnttM' "aA'get twwutlHriM ponopt tp oheng* their MmU,'.’


T h is bank Is of benefit to both the capitalist and the small

business man. The same courtesy ® extended to both.

Two per cent, interest on balances of 1500.00 and over subject to check.

Safe deposit boxes provided at $5.00 a year and up.

Mffchants’. National Bank7 7 0 B r o a d S t r e e l » N e w a r k

, V

Capital and Surplus ■^Resources ?, •

$ 1 , 2 5 0 , 0 0 0


M. KIlMr. Pru. .> Artlwr L. PhUltp*. C«»h. ,B. RIppBl, Vlcg-Pm. Ww, H. Wsroer, A u t CMh S

Win. C. Mortoa. Supt. Sale Deposit Dtpfc „ Ia g B Q C ^ S jO ^ l

,'f, ' tJ!OAti''lln)TIOBS t

S jl^uaM tA iJ



\ I T

. i f giVlB by Hex saiertviti eng Leae BUen- i t t l . t i l wlffc to JkoekKeMUpneii, acu tlth a l««W p-eM Oey H M ruaiyT i ^ ' w

i « s « a t. CM.

' h

Bllvihii ceriels lot.LEGAL NOTTOES

__ ______ —- ptoc* or PCDHI of ___aM pfemlwi iltueto. lyms eM boinx is tbo a lt /,it Newem; .eouDty of Bwex eeaWtato of

"I aeroeyt f . -Tpflii M iM oaetwiy nae of south ru* etroot e tw fPSSSiA*'*"*

. tveaty giiuiwy «a»t i t tn ilie to Pateeelt ewett an. iMiiwM aM llVe

etrooT^^w«Ne feat a i buitaradthe^ etooetrllMeea aem ktxty;ilx 4 iarm '’;uri«tK, i^ ilM Woa« hei Jtm tk w M g a -W P ^ ’ forty Wtauioe a io t .sww m wiBf, ifhtSuM aoNiemw-lWlaU»er^i

r-t«0 .h004f00tlMr of m' ........ iWiifity miaul

So i I. CfM 9 m t Ai* WCP7 W att9 wiire« DoitbU StAifipa w i m •v ary lOe pur- chuta, In tha forenoon: olnvla itam p a In iha afternoon.V lalt omr P ren* l a * P a rla r 0a th e F a n rih F laor


The Practice of True Bconomy ia to Shop Here.

i«r NnuimB nabla yaa lo buy re rr lg tre - lora. ctalnewera. a • w I n g mg- chlnee. ruga, car- p«la. m etiing , etc., w ithout tha Im m edlele o u t­lay nf large em nt. .lek w haut I hie D.w plea-

Friday’sSavingOpportunitiesLo n g established custom having made Friday a special Bargain Day in Snyder's, the shopping public has learned to take

advantage of this weekly economy event and reap the benefit of our reductions and price concessions on seasonable and dependable merchandise. [VhiU it i t a nofeirorffiy fact that every day in the week is a good day to shop in Snyder's,

the saving opporfunfff« especially are good on Friday, as the announcements below will indicafe. In addition to ihe best values we give double S. & H. Green Trading Stamps in the forenoon and single stamps in the afternoon.



Great Friday Bargain Sale of RemnantsArt T ick ing R em nantsSilk R em nants

Included are 40-inch crepe de chines, 40- Inch charmeuse, 40-inch faconne foulard, 38- inch black silks oI ell kinds, 24-Inch plsin, plaid or fancy silks, 36-lnch silk poplin, 3o-!nch tub silks and 36-tnch silk warp fua- A | sahs; values from 50c. up to $2 a yard; Friday, JSc yard to, yabd..........

Table Dam ask R em nantsOver 600 lengths of all linen, union linen

and best qualiiy inerceriied damask, 64 to 72 inch widths; lengths t ’A to 3 yards; a r t 50e. 10 $2 values; special, 29c yard ^ l , l U to, yard...............................................

Bl. and Unbl. M uslin R em ’ntsLengths 2 lo 8 yards; qualities

-elling regularly at 8c., 10c. and G12I)C.; offered special for Friday, yd.

(Main Floor)

T ow eling Rem nantaIncluded are all linen, union linens, linen

finish and coHon twill loweltnga; | F — lenglhi 2 10 9 yards; special,yard, 4h e yard lo. yard.........................

Dress Goods R em nantsReculai; Si to S1.2S Qualities

42 to 54 inches wide; included ire shepherd checks, plain colored serges, uffeitt, voiles,

I batistes, Egyptian crepei. prunellas, In j colors or black; while they l« i,

W hite Goods R em nantsAH our white goods remnanis aelllng until

I now up to 29c. a yard offered in one big lot on I special bargain tables, while goods I A / / . -

aisle; widths range from 27 to 36 | \ | * v 1 Inches; special while tot lasts, yard

(Main FJoor)

Juat in lime for summer use; excellent for coverings of all kinds; largo assortment of de­signs lo choose from; lengths of I lo f A I/«5 yards; regular 19c. and 25c, quail- l U ’/^ C lies; apecial, yard ............................ ^

M ercerized Sateen R em nantsFor linings, pettieoals or fancy Q //« —

work; all colors and black; regular I2hc. quality; Friday, yard.............

W ash Goods R em nantsincluded are 45-lnch bordered ratines. 46-

inch plain colored ramie linen, voiles, pongees, ginghams, linen ratines, lawns, hatistes, silk and cotton novelties; values from i A ^ 7l4e. to $1 a yard; Friday, 4 V Cyard, 5c, to. yard....................................

(Main Floor)


Women’s and M isses’ Wash Dresses

Values U p to$3.95 at $1.95Made in over 12 differenl

styles, pretty combination dresses and coat effect dresses, dresses of gingham, chambray and linen in a large variety of colors and sizes.

Girls’ Wash Dresses, Vais. Up to $2.50, at 79c

Over 100 pretty styles in this collection; we bought the sur­plus stock of one of New York's prominent manufacturers at a great sacrifice; all new models made of ginghams, percales, and linens; sizes 6 to 14 years.

(Second Floor)

$1 W a is ts 69cMade of voile and

baliaie, high or low neck, tong or three- . quarter 1 1 e e v e e, y also linen waisit, with laundered col- y Iirs and cuffs; the ^ voile waists are embroidery trim- med. b a t i s t e waists finished with Bulgsrian colored embroid­ery fronts.

1.50 Waists, $1Of fine bstlite.

voile or linen, some striped silk mull and silk striped madras included, low and high neck styles, long and three-quarter length sleeves; also the new Dolly Varden ef­fect, trimmed with laces and em­broideries.

(Second Floor)

[ H

Men’s & Young Men’s $4 Blue SergeTrousers $2.98

Made of strictly all-wool indigo dyed blue serge, every seam stitched with silk, all have belt loops and side hip straps; all sizes from 29 to 44 waist measure.

Men’s and Young Men's$1.75 Khaki and White

Duck Trousers, $1.25Jusi the kind for oullng

and vacation wear, made of tan and drab khaki and plal.T navy white duck, all have bell loops and side hip straps, with cuff sizes 29 to 44 waist measure.

Bovs’ $1 Khaki Pants, 75cKnickcr and bloomer styles, made of flnt qual­

ity tan and drab kbaki, cut full “peg top," with watch pocket, belt loop and patent suspender but­tons; sizes 5 to 17 years.

CThird Floor)


M illinery$5.00 Trimmed Hits i t $2.50

The p re ttlee t beta In N ew ark e t the price. All delntlly trim m ed w ith nowers. rlbbone, velvet!, etc.. In chips. hempB end Im ltetlon Pen- em ae. made up In our P A own w orkroom by ekllled j jM e O v deelghers, value IB.OO. et

1 Sreoea Floor,)$1 Chip Hats, 49c.

In sev traj, d ifferent elylee. J A mall colors excepting white,value 31.00, specia l..............

tF lee t Floor.)

Art Goodsitaiaped R«adr*t«*w*iir ih lr t-

Watofia fknlthed w ith Itce. open and closed fronts, lilffh end lowleck. la all the up-to -date 59c

1m ateria i. iarffe enough to fll

etylok, 4Salnty ilealgna.value IT sp e c ia l....................

K am ped NI«htirowna. on flns

any alae. Bood aaaortm sntof 4$eal^Tii, T5e v a lu e ..........

Bum ped SB-Ipch Cent^plceea fo r carnation braid, snail and cable stitchinffe. also scarfs to match, reg. at

(Mala Floors)

350 Pair Women’s 50c. Pure Thread Silk Hose, Three

Pairs for $1, or, Pair, 35c.F u ll faahlo&sd boot a llk hose,

double Hale g a rte r top. sole, heel and toea, high spliced i l lk heels, s ta n d a rd 60o grads, some trifling Im perfectloni, s lie i to 10. In bU ck, tan . white and some even­in g shades, special while S60 pair la s t 3 for |1, o r ^ | ) Qp a ir ......................................

<llalB F lo o r)

T oilet SpecialsIB* Peroxide •« KydroBe*, tl. lA g

g. P. extteepttc, fu ll t- lb , b e t .Hot W etex B ettlee. w hite rubber,

3 -quert else, sueranU ed . re*- u le r 76C, e t ............................ ..French Ivory DreeBln* Combe, eoeree and line, or all eoeree, I S r ex tra heavy beck, re» u le r S9o *

I M ala Floor.)

A uto G oggles, 10c.Auto Gogglea, alum inum f f A -

caps w ill nt qyer eyegiaas, O U CipecU l .......................................

Very liorgc Coqallle Amber Lenaesr fitted w ith alUTnInum - skeleton fram es w ith cable f u C tem ples, including c a se ..- -

(M ala Floor.)

50c Long Lisle and Cham ’te Gloves, 29c.

16-button ftne llele end c b u n o l- ee tte slovee, atltched becka, opening e t w rtit; llele In w hite only ; chem nleetto In net- u re l end white, ell ilxee,

to 8. regu lar 80c valueIH aln Floor,)

V oile R obesBeautiful voile robe pttterns: will id--'' very pretty graduation and •ummer dresaei; tufficlent ma­terial to make any dreaa pattern; conslai of Z'A yards 45-lnch flouncing, 2 ' / i yards Insertions, 2 yards plain material, 40 -Inchea wide; exceptional value i n at S3.25; sale price___ IV

Caoibrl*, N elaeoek ae d iMrUaedaea and tneertlona, from I A .> IH to 7 Inchea wide, value 1 | I C l6o y a rd .....................................

4B<leeb Voile F loaac tn g , band- aomely em broidered In roae S A - end scroll designs, va lue TSo d V C y a r d ...........................................

R enteante of Em brolderlee, In ­cluding edges, tneertlona, gellooiie, flounclnee and e l lo v e n from ti to 3 yard fengthi, a t le ie th en usual price.

(M ala Floor.)




E x tra G ood F o o tw ear V a lu es in O u r B asem en t S to reMisaea’ and Chlldren’a White Canvse But­

ton Shoes, well made, good solid aolee; $1.19Women’s and Miiaes' Oxiorda and Pumps ^

in Patent Colt, gun metal calf, Cuban and col­lege heels; this sesson'a Uteai styles; $1.98

sizes 8) to 11, I I ; sizes 11}4 to 2. . , , ^ | sizes 2)4 to 8, atWomen’s and Misiei' Oxfords and Pumps, some with strap buttons and blucher style,

•Itleathers and styles; all sizes in the lot; values up to $3.00; special, f lj| JApair, HI ......................................................................................................................................................... •

To wind up a large purchase of Children’s Barefoot Sandals and Play I Oafords, in lotus calf, smoked horse, tan Russia calf; many are welt Isole; values up to $2 ; sizes 6 to 8; special a t . ----

In Our Basement

Fsetozy Checked Boya’ Shoes, regular values up to S2.9S; Goodyear welt soles, gun metal calf, patent colt and tan calf; the imperfec- n o tions are not bad enough to hurt the wear of the shoes in any 'v a y ;^ |^ ” Q sizes 3 to S y i, at ...........................................................................

Growing OIrta’ Roman Baitdals, seven straps, patent cott, gun metal calf and black velvet sandals; made to sell for a q $3.00; all sizes in Ihe lot from 2V, to 5, a p l . 7 0at ......................................................................................

29c200 Women’s Union Suits at.Fine spring needle knit or awits

ribbed, low neck, no ileeves, wide umbrella knee, trimmed with torchon lace or cluny, strictly per­fect, very apecial while 200 latt, each 28c.

(Main Floor)

Men^s 18c. H ose, 12^*cBlack bn lr, fu l l eeemleaa, double

•ole and toes, h igh epilced heels, perfect qiuU4t]r. alaei a l i to U,

M en’s 35c. Pure Thread S ilk H ose, 25c.

Black .U n, gray , navy and hello, double Itfle lolea, hoola dnd toes, h igh iptlded a llk baela, good w elsb t, ju s t the took (or the sum ­m er eesson; alaea' IH to U)t<

(Mato tra«r.)

$20 Seamless W ilton V elvet Rugs $15These Seamless Wilton Velvet Rugs sre 9x12 feet and unequaled

for their wearing qualities and bcautifuh patterns and colorings.

1.50Matting Rugs,SS Matting Rugs, 9x12, In greena, reds and PAbrowns ......................... 4»0 .aJU

$15 Seamtess Brusaels Ruga,9x12, tultable for dlning-rooma,living-rooms, ................$9.50

Small Old-Faahioned Log Cabin Rag RugsSize 22x39, 75c. value, at....... 40e Size 27x54, $1.00 value, ai.

Size 35x60, $1.25 value, at 98c (Third Floor)

5,000 yards of Extra Heavy Linoleum, regular 50c. grade, for this atle, square 38c


B argain lisMiesShadow LaM JUlarena In whlta

end ecru , aitltahl* f o v i F - w aleta end yokel. Tie value, 4 w C yard .............. i , , t .

■hadow Tor-- C e ttea andehea and Vat, L iana torebon■Mnea and In- adges and la -■ertlona from nortions, (r«milU to i Inchai X to Iv i Inoh

vJm iOc %te. 5cxi€) yd. yard

Cotiea LMm In W Uta and Been.from 3 to a tnohnt wide, iv lth b la Tor trlM m lnF Uoea an d a ra tin e dreaces; v a lu e l i e , | « ) Cyard ...................... ..

' (Mala n a a n )

F rid a y ’s H o u seh o ld H in ts

BaUirnniB Set, conalatina ot 64*ounoe labeled bottlee w ith atop- per. beveled plate g la i j aJiaW, >• fnehee long; O f t / ,b rack e t!, n ickel plated, all(or ............................... ............

H edet Gaa Coeker, controlled by ue In N ew ark, the Ideal w arm w eath er etove, targe, wide top, 1- tup a la r drilled burnere, w ith oven and broiler, ex tra burner fo r ro a s t­ing and ex tra oval burner (or b ro iling underneath, g re a t gas •av e rs: every etove t i m A Qfu lly w arran ted ; special / » y O

^ m e In nickel (i n lilt a t . .M *a-hurner Cooker sty le a t ..........1L»*

New elevated 8-burner stovew ith ovsn above a t .......... .,.lfcS8

"Sanl n a a b .” the genuine, 2 { ^ can, a t . . , . - .......... ......................

aSe te BSe Pei-fcct G ray Baam el W are S p e^ e le (nr Tomer- row ~ Guaranteed Enam eled C 0 o k I ng U tensils a t m anufac­tu re r 's price*. Pots, Pans, K ettles, etc.. In the s tie s you use every day. Here are the item a:Covered B erlta Cook

F a t, S-qaavt e le e ... Deep IHeh Fee. M-

qaarS alee.T ea aad Cotice Pale,

• o r 4 q a a r te ..........Chaaaber Pall, with

Cover ......................F o o t Tube, aval alee, D ouble Rice B ellec

Choice ot Any

lavcrtcd L igh t!,made eipeclally for

i ue by the Lindsey L ight Co., com plete w ith regu letlon braea burner. U o r a ll froated globe -^ A — end pow srful L y C mantle, M ....

Best Ribbon Values4H, 5y, and 7 inch Pink, Blue

or Ni'hite Satin Ribbon, regular 22c., 29c. and 39c. a yard, specialdi................ • -20c. 25c and 3 ^

SVi-inch Moire Ribbon, in white, pink, blue and cardinal, special,y»rd ..................................... 24c

6-inch Satin Edge Taffeta Rib­bon, in white, pink or blue; regu­lar 39c. yard.......................... 35c

5'/j-Inch Criap Finish Taffeta Ribbon, all colors or whlfp, spe-'cial, yard................................... 19c

5 -inch Pink, Blue or WhiteBrocade Ribbop, yard..........-29c

Also 7-inch Saab Ribbon; value35c. and 45c„ yard................39c

A nice assortment of Ughi Floral Ribbons, 4 ' / i and 5 incheswide, yard................25c and 35c

4^1-inch Satin Edge Moire Btb- bon, all colors or white, special,y*rd ..................................... 19cBlack Satin Back Velvet Ribbon144-inch, value 25c., yard...... .I9c2W-inch, value 29c., yard....l22e2 'A A ncti, value 3Sc., ysrd........27c

(Main Floor)

Friday N otion sBeet ften llty Freefc W 'oler Feerl

_H tteee, llnee 14 to Z8, b l­end nicely finlehed on botl sldeid e l .

B uttoee, llnee 14 to Z4, e ll heery■ oth I A

sldee. reg u la r t c Uoxen, ape- 1

G ee i eee ltty D t w l e a Plee,400 count £/•

a (or

. . . . . geeen *orE xlee beevy

Shoe Leoce.1 doiaii (or

Geoa HeehlHc Cotfoe, ell nutn- bare.' black knd w hite, apeclel ^

a spoete Ar34 Varda W hHe 'I'epe. W- k r

Inch wide. Friday only, pleoe,,, (Mata Floar.) - .


0 0 i J 0 0 0 0 0 1 -'; 0 0 0 0 In] 0 !n;llOp^VCharge Accoimt at Snyder'ag0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 P 0 ly! :0 [;i] 'j

Met '■ :aoa***edi w rsiLEHAL NOnOBS

m M . aeideati* to ike dlreetloae el an eefftW ^W a i t ( » f ^ ^ rtllef ef creditors smuMd .AB aM S t Sektete'” 'It'

MVID Lrisik . utakltaTT :I Uer

V4 ta t^ ta S g t OF »tlW JEWSF-To » »el «he,tlI||RSj(j4iww

LEGAL NDTTCK*M r u( New Jeney, n iS t oe the to te kiieet ta b uUee WIMMIB The Juneiton Cmitrection Canpany u ooeiplalaanl end rou end tiinire ate -dettedaBte you art required to

i i '- I k

ii)d. plM3. esiwvr or dam iir'to 'tis conuSSt^ anPaldU of cnireielnt m er W fna Juty J n ^

L B ti(U -‘A O T IO A

fleb*rt^*wiJuly 4»iot»-ri*i stki you.exe. m


elseteen h I pvAMSM erty.


40ft Wl’iWiCWu..........................



ifimttxk (C h im in g 3 ^ e s )5 .INMUM dmllr. nw»< br


M u«n4 «t «1» K»w»l*. W. J , m»»“

M « rlio « .M l l l t rk .^ -F t tn W Brmnob. B i.b .1 # . All 4«AArtiH«AtA.

HAIL unW CmmOKJ-TlwAfty Miifti tdv tnoolbA two Aollofo otta nriT md > SlTyMr. i r T S i l i ^ ^ ? « W t* foP#lf» w iotrtM *44*A

|r>v T*rfc 0 * « l l l ' l t l »T«Mwlok buliainfi H i fifth amoua. TaL >IU -tlil UaAIha .

ChitA I* OHoa, I H t TrilniA* hoflAlAC. WArtlArtsn Bamaa, h i OolAtAde hulldlnc. oTAh^ B !« .h (W£^ iHUfA BHACh OHca, 1.1 HAIA nraat.W i, OTAAfA IM*. HArkAt I0«». PriAAtA brAdch AICbAAfA

AAAAAetlAC All dApATUBAAlAHArrtttAira BrASOb OBaa. U BMtti Atm t. TaL 111. ft«AlelAlr BriAch OWei, IH OlAArid*A aaaoua.* TaI. l i t Mm*ArB.fbflA««Ald BrAAAh o«CA, CArapiMlI-A drur AtOIA BAH*

k ^ d l i t , UlllbAn AVAAUA T*l. M Hlllbur*.KAAAtAA Bnnoh OBo*. H I I f tin* itrAAt TaI, II.■umailt Brhneh 0«M. BOAm I V. O. hulldlut, TaL IIK.Davat BrAAAh OlbCA. I Laaait AtrAAt TaL III. m N T O N BtmlSAtr—IT w « l BIaIa itrAAl. TaL 111 TrAiit^n.m e n j b m b t h a i r o i i b o f

AAfAAr B t n f l AYAAUA (OAOHjA . . . V .L L ,^ O . .V AfflcAl, Aff. AiW pAAtoBA*. 1*1. TT4 AJburir PArk, ATLANTIO c u t —TbA DArlABd AdnrtlAta* A**ner. W*lt*r B.


LOCAL BRAKCH OITICM i BaIIavII]* avadaa h a UAmburf p Iaaa II.

S^ iS r A t r .* " III. U m l* Av.. H (BaaavUIa),S " ai« 1 IIIH. f /u tb « . t h At. 111.


THUB8DAT, JU N E 6, 1111.

H i n i WO T B E B 10O S8T H E A D F O R GOOD LDOK.Til* till* th * t tiM been l iv e n to th ia edUorlkl

«xpr«BMa In * p h n a * w h a t I* believed to be a fnir daaoMptlen e t the p lan by;.jrhloh A tto rn ep -O e n era l Me- R ayaolda aayi he w a n ti to iv e n u p M^e b a lan ce on the govartunant'* ltd* In th e f lfh t to dlaaolve th e "Tobacco T r u f t "

W hen th e cou rt h an d ed dow n ita d ecree b re a k in i u p th e fo rm er oom btnatloii. H r. M oR aynoida, w ho waa th a n In eharga of th a oaa* fo r th e lo v e rn m e n t, under A ttom ey-O eneral W loheraham , w aa dlaaatlaHed w ith th a a r ra n itm e n L H a haa rem ain ed dlacatlafled w ith IL H e h aa lu a t o h arao ta iiied th e d ecree aa an "obvloue BUbtarfug* and a m lacarrlag* of Juatlca.” H ence hie daaira— and tt li a w orthy one— to re p a ir w h a t he ballevaa to have been a n e r ro r ooatly to th e people w hom h e now aervea In a co n tro llin g capac ity .

A t th a tim e of th e d liao lu tlon , th e U nH cd S tatea e o u r t n fu M d to leava ^ w ay open fo r rev talon of th e dM raa ha antarad In caaa it ah o u ld tu r n o u t th a t, In • o t i ^ . wor)(lBg, the. dlaaoluUon d id n o t dlaaolve. ThIa ap p an ra to maMi th a t th e w ay o f a p p e a l la p e rm an en tly o to a ^ to th e governm ent. H la h a n d a tie d aa to rem edy th ro u g h th e -eo u rta , Mr. U oB eyno lda now propoaea a g raduB led aaola* tax on p ro d u e tio n aa a m eana of dla- oeti^agliHr*tha eea tin u an eo of th e com b in a tio n th a t, aa h e beHavila, haa auecaaafully rea la ted th a g o v em m en t’a effo rt to d ttru p t IL /

T h e tro u b le w ith th a euggeated rem ed y la th a t It eW ta M ndem nation up o n m ere a lie . T he la rg e r th a bueineM i—w holly regardlea* o f Ite c h a ra c te r— th e b e e r ie r th e tax i t w ould pay. It* m e th o d m ig h t be n e v w eo ebund, Ita aervlo* n ev e r ao ah tlafac to ry , atUl I t arauld b* penallaed atm ply becaua* It w aa b ig , . .

fn our judgm en t tU * p la n la th e red u o tio ad a h eu rd u m of the T e f t view aa re g a rd * t r u a ta T he for* ■her P realden t o f tb* U nited S ta tae re p e a te d ly deolared

>(kat h e bad no purpoea o f a t ta c k in g m a re alio , and yet ^ d id m ore th M an y o th e r P re a ld e n t alnoe th e enaot- a ta n t b f th e S herm an law to g lv* th e tm praaaion th a t Iti th e In d u ftr ia l w orld th e p ro p e r polley o f th o govern- B iont WBt a modUled D o n nybrook F a ir d o c tr in e of lU tth ig a iM d w herever you aaw It, prorvtdad It waa W ly b ig aaongh.

TRk T if t m ethod, how ever, h a d to ahow , In o rder Ht aveoeed, th a t th a in d u itry U iua ae t upo n w aa aoma- tU n g m e n th a n auoeeaatally la rg e . R w aa fo roed to •M ab ltah u n d aa re a tra la t o f t r a d e o r tlM poaaeaalon of B tonopoly pow er. T h e M oR eynoIdi p len , on th o o th e r b a n d , .reg u lre i n o th in g b u t th e v o lu m e o f tr a d e la o rd e r to ge t Into p u h tttv e o p e ra tio n . f O ne doee n o t n e e d to ho ld a b r ie f f o r th e "Tobaooo

' Traat**—(f th e re le auoh a th in g — In o rd e r to objectU ahoh a p rtnelp l* in th e a t te m p te d oon tro l o f Indua- t r la l u n d e r ta U n g a I f th e g o v e m m e a t h a a b ean fooled H r th e tobaooo o aaa o r th e S ta n d a rd Oil caae, th a t la

: th in g . R wlU n o t h e lp m a tte r* to p u t a t w ork an. e itg in* o f re ta lia tio n th a t h a s n o m o re aoltd eoonom lc

llB tlfle ^ e B th a n oplean.B eetSaa w h a t a r e th e fao ta o n w h ich H r . H oR ay-

notdB eaka OaogreMlonal In d o raem en t fo r h ia p ian J Ought ndt ha to make th e m p u b lic T

w n la U ^ IA W A in rA le e n title d to oom e eym pathy to n o Qght B iH M rto o offlotat paao. Paoaca a t th e very n ao t oavor e t t o ro ra a n d land thonw alv** to tb * ootord|( SfBft. T hore l i alwaam a "a o m a th ln g fo r n o th in g " Btew a h e i |t tbam . I f I t w o re p raoU oable. th o S ta tea h o u ld allow towreUng expenaea, e i th e r b y item taed y tou too ie o r In a hu lk aomene* a llow ane* . A t leaat, th e SM N B ahould be k e p t a t th e eaaen tia l m in im u m , a very h a rd , th in g to do. B u t to a llow th e L eo k aw an n a 'a p lea t h a t t h e X eglatatur* c a n n o t m a k e a lte ra tio n * in th e rw fu lrem anto o f ita c h a r te r l i w uiae th a n dangeroua. Ob * *T)artm outh C ollege" oae* la en o u g h .

j h J f OPP O R T CHBI O O m O ID B irO E .: P e rh a p a t t w aa m erely a oolnoldenoa t h a t th e D e­

p a r tm e n t t t AgrloulturB’i r e p o r t ahow lng th e g rea t ■hortap* 'In th e anpp ly o f m e a t-p ro d u c in g an lm ala in th e U nited S tatea w aa leaned off* th o aam o d ay th a t B w oldont Wllaon Inalated t h a t b o th live c a t t le and

. ^ areMOd m M t ahould go on th e f re e Hat, b n t If ao It waa oertaih ly . opportune.

T he eonatantly tn creaalng o ^ o f m e a t la a dla- tfn e t fac to r In th e h ig h coat o r liv ing . T h o re aeema BP d o u b t th a t thl* Increaae la m oetly d u e to th e n a tu ra l I fw Of aupply and dem and , a n d n o t to t ru e t ex tortion . I rae D epartm en t of A grlou ltu re’a b u lle tin n sa e rts th a t in th e laat ilx year* th e re ha* b een a d ec lin e of m ore th a n th ir ty per cent. In th e n u m b e r o f b ee f c a t t le In th e U n ited S ta tea and th a t In th e flret th r e e m on tha of th ia y e a r there haa boon an a p p ro x im a te decreaao of th ir te e n per cent, in th e n u m b e r of m e a t a n im a ls kilted tin d e r governm ent aupervlalon aa co m p ared w ith th e to n to period In l f l 3 . ‘*The tim e haa com e.” aaya The B u lle tin , "w hen wo m uat conaervo o u r m ea t aupply ."

N u t only haa th e tim e com e w hen we m uat conaervo p u r dom eatlo supply, b u t w hen w e m uat e n c o u rag e the Im p o rtin g of m eat an d ca ttle f ro m ab ro ad . W h en It la rem em b ered th a t th e decrease in hom e su p p ly of m ea t W co inciden t w ith a largo Increaae In population , tho c e u a e o f h igh prices a n d th e necessity fo r seek ing o th er aourcea of aupply a re bo th se lf-ev iden t.

T h e high prices received by m e a t p ro d u ce rs In tho HMt few years haa ten d ed to th e s la u g h te r o f Im ma- to r* u d breeding a n itn a la th u s red u c in g th e prospects ^ supply. T h is evil can bo checked by th e

fro m A u s tra lia an d tho A rgentine, - and Mexico, b u t th e re Is a lig h t d a n g e r th a t tho

f.fro m th ese aourcea will ev e r be la rg e enough to laly In terfere w ith d om estic p ro d u c tio n ,

u tting Uve ca ttle on th e f re e lis t w ill benoflt th e ao -p o w er* of tho We*L w ho w ill be ab le to Increase

, A uflu w ith young stock g rb w n a c ro ss th e border TThue. Beeause o f c lim atic dllTerences a n d cheaper

fa tten ed m ore p ro fitab ly in th e U nited Btete* th a n In C anada, b u t th a t c o u n try oan ■uppjy a large num ber of young c a ttle th a t only need « y e a r in tho W estern corn b e lt , to m ak e th e m prim e m w m ,

l e e t year, fo r th * d ra t tim e , o u r tm p o rta of an l- l ^ s an d antm al p ro d u c ts exoasded o u r ' ex p o rts . W hen th e TC untrys neoeasttlse dem and th is ad d itio n a l food W P ^ , e v e n jr t th th e U rlff co s t added , It la h ig h tim e t p a t t lis ta riff w ere rem oved.

'1'2 ? * ” * * 'A V 0B 8 R E C IP R O O IT T w ith th e U nited

« a t ^ apparen tly . A ccording to T h e R ep u b lican Ad-

J* * "* ?" B^nanco " to r e m it a charitab le

0* esteem fo r o u r keeping

- P kyton , 0 ., w ill d o u b tless be duly

RETHnEMENT O F ORUEI/rY.■ T e ti ia t toeughtleae, asin ine p ra c tic e o f m an y per-

r 2 r ! , - PonaerouBly p lay fu l m ood, to In-' ' ’*‘** *■ * p rospective

^ ^ (o r aha) is a b o u t to h a v e h la "nose 522?IL A ttrib u ted th e d ea th of aP * th e taO m ato fao ta b a c k o f th e abock-

a5 « , ^ « (rl in fa n t d ied , bearingInflicted by a

- »>roa»r. a p p a re n tly because of w f u y , ,1> to e d fo r g rim , aober th o u g h t on tho

«<P*o*hnt p a re n ts a n d t r te n d s of par-

•n e e M S * ^ *A J* om bryo ao f a r aa aehae anafO. In. * ^ l d Bot y e t o u t of th e bab y stage

0* p e to n ta l lo v a and.

paaal^n f a r m o re eonaum lng an d unk easo n ln g th a n in a parson o f m a tu r* y e a ra

Too m an y person* taka aom* m yetariou* k ind of Joy In Im praaalng on a ehlld, stflt a bab y Itself, th a t 111 "nose will be broken" on th e a r r iv a l o f a n expacled little s tra n g e r. Too m any p a re n ts n eg lec t th e older children In (h e ir attentlveneea to th e n ew co m er. They all fall to rea lise th a t baby h e a r ts a r e te n d e r , th a t lenae of responsib ility h a s not yet oome, th a t t i t t le children caim ot u n d e rs tan d w hy the fu ln ts s o f m o th e r 's and fa th e r '! love seem s to have been a lie n a te d by ano ther. In k indling Jealousy In a baby b raaa l I* (h e redn em en t of cruelty.


- j , p siA u n u lo v a and,oO lpflng l i

-?******"*" **: tortew e eon**9u*no** ofr # _ ? ? n . ^ •X Btotod In a n JnlknL for'■:y * ,y .!* * * * !* » OBly w ith te a c h in g end

S l u f l ^ J II th e U t ta r la an

' t o m ay b e aa id to b* thb■ i m y u t a a ^ h i ln a n n a tu re , U nren tnU had by a

a f r l» i i . hnd w rong , a r e a lla a ttm o f eon.Jealausy to a eUM may be lagarM aa »

IN THE A IRB y 1— . H aF ^ a

SOLEM N MORTALS.t ^ e gruduaiee In grave array.How yuiiihful they appear today! Mars llltle Uoya they itAtn: but when W* went from college, we were men!

T here waa n o th in g unuaual a b o u t th e goings on In Walt S tree t yeete rd ay when com pared w ith th e m ove­m ent of sto ck price* for the la^t nin* m o n th s , except

4 h s t th e re w as m ore of It com pressed In to a m uch sh o rte r sp a re of tim e.

It waa a case of throw ing off th e b ra k e of the speculative m o to r c a r a f te r going dow n hill slowly and care fu lly to r a long way on a very ro u g h road, and suddenly to h in g a declivity, bad oa It w as, on h igh gear.

T het Is a p t to a ttrac t a tten tio n no t on ly from the occupants of th e vehicle, bu t from o n lo o k e rs . And It did. E v e ry b o d y w anted to know w h a t w as the m atter, w h a t hart h appened—Im m edia te ly . ,

Aa long ag o as last Ja n u a ry It w as p o in te d out Ih these colum rfs th a t a dnanclal and In v e s tm e n t oondl- tlon existed th e world over w hich , eo o n er o r later, would be like ly to have Juat su c h a n effect a t ha* been show ing Itaelf ilncei one w hich p ro b a b ly h as not even now ru n Us course.

W aste, by reaso n of w ars an d ex ces ilv e a rm am en t; overexp lo ita tion of en te rp riee i of a' sp e c u la tiv e ch a ra c ­ter: loo f ree borrow ing of cap ita l by tra n sp o r ta tio n , m an u fac tu rin g , com m ercial and m u n ic ip a l a u lh o r ltle s ; ex travagance an d indifference to need fo r eoneervatlon of cap ita l; th e o u trunn ing of d e m a n d fo r financial accom m odation aa com pared w ith th e a v a ila b le aupply of Investm ent funds, and, m oreover, th e p ro sp ec t for ex treo rd tn a rlly heavy dem and In th e n e a r fu tu re to reh ab ilita te n a tio n s and e n ts rp rlse s a n d businesses w hich h av e b een racked by conflicts a n d need fo r up ­build ing— all th ese considerations h a v e b een pointed to as p ro m is in g a day of flnanclal re c k o n in g .

Kor n e a r ly a year a process o f a h o r te n ln g sail has been go ing on a t th e hands of In te rn a tio n a l bankers who h av e been an d ere m aking effo rte to c u rb over­extension. H a d It no t been for th is th e s i tu a tio n today would be t a r w o rse than It Is.

T he d isease, It It may be called au ch , la In te rn a ­tional, a n d th e U nited S tates Is h av ing I ts s h a re of the trouble. I t Is acce n tu a te d w ith u a o f co u rse , by reason of th e tm p re aslo if created arnoAg c a p ta in s o f finance and In d u stry t h a t political and l ^ l s l a t l v e a n d govern­m ental re g u la tiv e functions haws been u se d Inadylsedly; have been p u sh e d unwisely to th e In ju ry o f business. W h eth er th is op in ion Is jto ttflab le o r n o t la n o t of so m uch Im p o rtan ce as th e fact th a t su g h Im preselon prevails, W h a t people th in k Is so g e n e ra lly h as a* m uch to do w ith Influencing th e ir a c tio n a s w h a t m ay be the a c tu a l s itu a tio n .

M eanw hile, th e course of In vestm en t a n d apecula- tlon w ith us h a s been checked by w ise m e th o d s In the banking w orld . L iquidation w h ich w a s needed has gone ste ad ily on. Stock m ark e t t r a d in g h a s been of sm all p ro p o rtio n s , perhaps JKO.OOb s h a re s dally fo r a long tim e , so th a t w hen nearly t h a t a m o u n t o f trad - Ing b roke loose In one h our on W ed n esd ay m orning, an d price* b e g an to go oft by s lu m p s in a te a d of f ra c ­tio n * W all S tre e t sa t up and old t im e rs b eg an to flock to th e s tre e t to a sk w hat It was all ab o u t.

W hen L ondon began to d u m p m o re A m erican atooks Into W all S tree t, aa It o ften h ad b e fo re , It w as m erely th e p ilin g o f Oaaa on F ellon . A fte r th e long ■lege, th e p ro lo n g a tio n of the d ep ression w ith renew ed preaaure got on th e nerves of W all S tre e t. I t was a caae of cond ition* intensified. L ack of fu n d s needed In m any d irec tion* , renew ed dieguat w ith auoh drags as th e U n io n -S o u th e rn Paelflc d ivo rce p lan , the St. L ouls-San F ra n c isco acandal, th e fa ilu re o f th e ending of th e B a lk an W a r to give an u p w ard Im p u lse to stocks anyw here , th e con tinued h o a rd in g of go ld In E urope an d g ra b b in g fo r gold by E u ro p ean b a n k a , no tw ith ­sta n d in g th * c lose o f the w ar ab ro ad , fndeclelon w h eth er A m erican ra ilro a d s would g e t out o f th e e lo u g h of w hat they p roclaim Inadequate f re ig h t rate* a n d . over and above a lt, th e in ab ility of th e a tree t to see d ay lig h t w ith rsapae t to It a l l— these ar* th e s tim u la n ta w hich b ro u g h t a b o u t th e foreign an d dom eatle aelllng tide w hich flooded W all S treet yes te rd ay a n d b ro u g h t quo­tation* dow n to th e lowest av erag e level alnce th e low irecerd fo llo w in g th e panic of I90T.

A nd th a e n d does not seem to be y e t T here Is BO reason fo r be liev ing th a t th e p sycho log ica l m om ent po in ting to th e en d o f the e ra o f-m isdoing, econom ically and flnanclally , h a s been reached . W h e th e r the c o r­rec tive pane la to go ilnw ly b u t su re ly , a s fo rm erly , or

^be h as ten ed b y reason of m e n ta l 'a g g ra v a t io n of tho lym ptom a of tro u b le , will prove a m a t te r f o r th e fu tu re to develop. , .

W s AAV today th a t w* are man.But ■ometlmsA we tnay intlle agsin; "Thute earnest m ortal!." we may say. "How youthful they appear todty!"

W HICH S H E CERTAINLY WAS. The fair iteno*r*pher wore a ilashAd

skirt.They spoke of her a t a visible type­


A CAR TRACT.It I* not A lubject to mention In tbl*

refined departm ent, but the rule pre­venting Bay avenue conductofa from ac- repilng transfers from the Montclair line la I rule Ih il badly needs buryitig

Mr. McCarter, pleaae eotialder how you would Ilk* to transfer a t BloomflAld cantr* from a Montclair car to a Bay avenue car and have your tran ifer rtfuaed by the Bay avenue conductor. Mr. Danforth, pieaas think how you would enjoy riding don-n from Bay avenue to the earhouae at loike street and hsv inf to pay another far# to flnlih the trip into Newark.

A conductor explains th a t It Is Impos­sible to transfer a passengAr from a


tie for American Independence was fought here ycsi-rday and a glorious victory was won for the cause of liberty.

Shouting the new bsttle cry, "Freemen need no umpires!” a mob of sis thousand persons, armed only with umqrellag. bot­tles. seal cnshlona. hatehall bats and fence pslings, met Umpire Johnstone, formerly of Newark, and completely routed him with heavy loss to Ills sealp.

Tile pop bottle that laid hla head open has been preserved by a collector of Amerli una and will be presented to soma mnscuni of patrlotlo relics.

Mr. Johnstone had ordered a popular player off the field for Indulging In IhS ponslltulliinally guaranteed right of free speech Tills ac t of despotism the Mil­waukee patrlota could not brook. They could d.im It hut they could not brook It.

The losses on the side of the sweet lend of liberty were negligible.

Montclair car to a Day avenue gar. "Ain't they both Bloomfield cars? How can youm ake a Bloomfield tranafer good on Bloomfield c a r t It can 't be done,'

They have aome am art men In the Pub- tic Horvlce offtcee. If one of them ahould apply hls mind to the problem for k day or two he ought to be able to figure out e aolutlon.

AN ACTIVE GIRL,P ear Editor:

Pleaae announce the engagement of Miss Birdie Blank and Mr. Ed­ward O'Connell Whatehlsname. both of the Roeevllle aectlon. Please put the Item on the page devoted to women's activities, and oblige, youra truly,

b i r d i e BLANK.


Down In H yndm an, Pa., th e re la * f ro g tw o feet high, verac io u s observers say. i r th i s b e t r u e en d said fro g req u ire s a Jug o' rum any n ig h t. I t w o u ld be well fo r th e denlxena o f the neighborhood t o aev* th e ir sleep by p ro v id in g th e dem ijohn fo r th w ith .

In p u ttih it J a c k Johnson aw ay f o r a j e a i \ Jud g e C arpen ter, o f Chicago, did aom ath lng t h a t h o w hite ho p s h as aaoceeded In doing,

WAIT FOR TH E BIG SHOW .The June walk of the In tho Air ste ff

will teke piece In firosd street tomorrow afternoon, the w eather being fair. The proceaaion will be made up as follows:

Professor Prewins.General Gasbonds.Captain Bill.Zachary Mellek.w m ie Woodalde, the City Child.Helen Woodside, hie bright sister.Mrs. Rcnnlt.Contributors on foot.Friendly automoblliite In automobiles.S taff muse, driving The Gang'a GoatInhalation aquad laden with heavy

yokes.The Ambassador to Paris.



The tickler het Just the thing for street cars and other Jammed places.

PASTORAL.Mrs. J. Perclval Hunttlng is entertain­

ing the Round Table Club and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wtldsoose. of New Bruns­wick, have gone home after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hawkaworth, of Myrtle avenue, according to our Nutley correspondent.


Ven Mlsther Nugent helmveg comes From roaming jn dera 'Vaderland.

Wtd shamrock leavea ferijlnat hla chlsl And Irish roses In hla hand.

Ve all shall choln mJt glad acclaim To meet him liel der dampfboat pier,

And Ivry lad shall clasp the fist That trod the aod av Erin dear.

■WT5 NBW ETT all the time. Mr. R., though it Is a little late to tell you.

- ............... - /

Garrison and the Army

I F T H E IN m A T T V E and re fe re n d u m a r e essential p a r ts o f th e P ro g ressiv e creed—th a t Is. a r e to be used aa o rd in a ry m ean s of legislation, a n d n o t In tho "gun beh ind th e d o o r" sense— C hairm an O sborne need not w orry ab o u t fusion . Nobody will fu se v e ry m uch . The tru th ab o u t th e se devices In o rd in a ry leg isla tio n Is th a t th ey a re , a t th e best, m akesh ifts , conceived on the theo ry of a n Irresponsib le, boss-ridden a n d defian t L eg­isla tu re . T h e b e s t way Is th ro u g h th o se te s te d m eans w hich m a k e leg isla to rs responsive— th e sh o r t ballot, for Instance,

T H E MURDOCK B IL L . 'T h a t a like ly outcom e of C a lifo rn ia a n ti-Ja p a n e se

legislation m ig h t be th e assertion b y th e F e d e ra l G ov­ernm en t o f th e po-wer to fix, reg u la te a n d con tro l the r ig h ts an d p riv ileges of aliens a n y w h e re th ro u g h o u t th e U nited S ta te s w as a prophecy th a t h a s com e true . T he bill Just In troduced In C ongress by R e p resen ta tiv e M urdock, o f K ansas, the P rogressive le a d e r , Is a step In th a t d irec tio n .

Mr, M u rd o ck 's bill provides fo r a com m ission of five C ongressm en to m ake a n a tio n -w id e Investiga tion Into tho n a tu ra liza tio n laws w ith a v iew to passing new law s govern in g aliens and th e i r ad m iss io n to c iti­zenship. A provision of Ihe h ill w h ich d ire c ts th e

, oom m isslon " to Inquire Into th e s ta tu s o f a lien s with respect to • • • acqu irem ent an d d isposition ofp ro p erty " In d ica tes a belief th a t stieh p ro b le m s as th a t p resen ted In C a lifo rn ia are p ro p e rly m a t te r s fo r fe d ­e ra l reg u la tio n an d control.

C ongress, u n d e r th e C onstitu tion , h a s exclusive Ju r­isdiction In th e m a tte r of n a tu ra liza tio n . I t h a s p re ­scribed c e r ta in ru le s to bo follow ed a s to len g th an d p roo f of residence , bu t the re is no u n ifo rm ity o f p rac ­tice In th e se t’e ra l S tates or Indeed of d iffe re n t courts In th e sa m e S ta te as to the ap p lica tio n o f th e se rules. Much Is le ft to th e court's d isc re tion In Ju d g in g as to th e q u a ltllca tlo n s of an app licant. Som e g ra n t papers w ithou t q u es tio n w here th e legal re q u ire m e n ts a re satisfied. O th e rs Insist th a t a p p lic a n ts sh a ll show a fam ilia rity w ith tho principles of o u r g o v e rn m e n t an d a know ledge of Its Institutions th a t v e ry m a n y n a tu ra l- born citizens do no t possess. C oupled w ith th is lack of c e r ta in ty a r e th e Inoonventencas a n d expenses * ti ten d an t u p o n o b ta in in g the two se ts o f p a p e rs w hich In m any cases a r e enhanced by tho Ind iffe ren ce , Indolence o r s tu p id ity o f c o u r t officials, and w h ich 'a r* ta k e n ad ­v an tage of by' sw indlers, who d e fra u d m a n y app lican ts by p rom isin g th e m a short and easy ro a d to citizenship.

I t Is sa id t h a t th e re are now In th l* c o u n try 4,000,000 ad u lt a liens e lig ib le to citizenship, T h* a ta tu s of each of th is e la fixed by tb e laws of th e S ta te In w hich ho Is dom iciled. In aome he has a ll th * r ig h t* a n d privl- lege* of a c itizen , even Including th e f ra n c h is e , a f te r ta k in g o u t h la flret papers. H e m a y b u y , sell, hold and devise re a l es ta te , and even h o ld p u b lic office a f te r Simply d e c la r in g h ie Intention to r e n o u n c e h ls foreign allegiance. In o th e rs hls priv ileges a r* m o re restric ted , and w here , a s In California, an e ffo rt la m a d e to dia- o r lm ln ite a g a in s t on* race o r n a tio n a lity , th e F edera l G overnm ent find* Itself In an e m b a rra ss in g a ltua tlon .

Tho m a tte r Is one th a t both a s t o r d lw o f n a tu ra liz a ­tion an d r ig h ts o f aliens dem ands u n ifo rm ity th ro u g h ­ou t th e U n ited Statea. I t I*, n a tu ra lly -an d p ro p erly a sub ject fo r fe d e ra l regulation, and, so o n e r o r la te r , will be so accep ted .

That "we are not even prepared to pre­pare for w ar” and that "there Is nothing more Inieneate than to refuse tp.prepare for an emergency, heoause we do rtot bao It coming, and trust to luck that It won't come to us," are two of the many sta te ­ments made by Secretary Garrison In hls first statem ent outlining the policy of the W ar Department under hla direction.

Mr. Uarrlson'e statem ent Is a compre- henalve. "hit from the shoulder" expla­nation of conditions as he sees them and of changes needed, and Is considered as *n Indorsement of the policy of Major- General I-eonard Wood, chief of staff. Since the Wilson administration has take hold, the arm y has been apprehen.'ilve th a t the adherents of General Ainsworth, re­tired, might succeed in getting through schemes that would he aimed to oust Wood, hut might hurt the service gener­ally. The last fight between these two officers saw General Wood trium phant— and General Ainsworth on tha retired Hat.

One of the first statements in the re ­port le a blow to the Ainsworth backers, for MT. Garrison says that he has found the high officers of the army opposed to nillltarlam. Rome of the Ainsworth adherents have aliegsd that General Wood waa attem pting to establish a mili­ta ry system of huge proportions for hls own glorification. Before going Into the genorsl situation, Hr. Garrison makes It clear th a t the problem of the m ainte­nance of the arm y Is In no way to be con- fueed With the International disarm am ent plans. Tho new Secretary says tha t so long as the law provides that there shall be an arm y, the work of those In charge of m ilitary affa irs Is to bring th a t arm y to aa high a grade of efficiency as pos­sible. ti

"I was not. when I came here, a tnlU- tarlst," Mr. Garrison aays, "and I am not one now, and 1 do not find In the leading men of our army any desire for or tend­ency toward militarism. On the contrary, the things which they describe as neces­sary and urgent, and which they prop­erly and strenuously adrecats, are the very revere® of militarism. Militarism, as T understand It, means the exlatanca of a large standing army, and leads Ita advocates Inevitably to constantly seek Us expansion."

After thia eipreaalon of opinion, which la ganerally taken as an Indoraement of General Wood. Mr. Garrison goe* Into tho preSAtlt condition of affairs, offers a suggestion to r a change In th e present enllatmant regulation, apeaka of the urg­ent neoeaslty of an adequate, mobile trained reoorve, urges tho adaption of a working syetem for the organisation and equipment of volunteers In time of w ar, and Indoreea the present system of the training of the National Guard and th* increase of th a t branch of tha am-vIo*.

Mr. OarriAOn aaya also that W est Point Military Academy ahould be utilized to ite full capacity, th a t many more young' men tbould be sent there, and If more than are needed to command In the arm y

A Successfi^y Operated Gas TurbineA auccesetul In ternal combueton tu r ­

bo-generato r i t claimed by H . Holz- w arth , a German engineer, and a m a­chine of 1,000 horsepow er hae been p u t In operation In Germany. I t eonslata of a vertical gas turb ine In an an- la rged base w ith the electric g en era to r Burm ounting It.

In the production of ga* torblnee. a serious difficulty baa been th e h ea tin g

of th e ga* cham bers by the exploelene and this is overcome by using eeveral explosion cham bers, brought In to action Bucceaalvely. th u s g iv ing eaeli a lltrt* tim e for cooling. Any k in d 'o f gae or an oil spray can be 'used.

I t le efated th a t th e gae tu rb in e ex­ceeds th* gas engine In affiolenoy and th e w eig h t le only a fo u rth 'o f th a t o f i gae engine of the eame p i^ e r .

TOLD IN A LINE OR TWOM agletra te w h o eantenoe'd y o u tliru l p r iso n e r to have

hie h a ir c u t tw e lv e time* du ring t lw c o m in g y e a r a p ­paren tly b elieves th e re le a . tim e '*wh*n m e rc y aeasone Justice," w ith a p a ir o f iheare.

Dr. M unifon, of “there Is hope” ta m e , h av in g sued hie y o u th fu l «pouee for divorce, th e la t te r , undouhted ly . hea re tu rn e d to h e r "Paw Paw ,"

F or tb# nine montha ending March »1 tbe merchant veasela built In th rU n tte d State* comprised 1,114 of H0.38I grose tona

« « « 1 • y /A Penneylvenla atatlallclail eatouleies

th a t in the last year ua.«0)l,nO ton* of w ater were pumped out of th e ta lnei of one company In the anihraclU region...

. W hite H ouse , N, J,, «bw adop t* * laffiking lu n b . A nd th * ly ln f ( lo o k * 'Ilk * , i t a n ^ o w ) a n d th e k m b Mien It* dow n to g e th e r .

in nine yeara the Camegl* hero fund baa rewarded TJS heroee Iq th e ..United Bt'atei and Canada,

A A A ■ - .Of Ceylon's ILSOTilMi) aere* .*^ l » d only

about 3d70.000 a re under- eaW mttM l. <.

B rooklyn In s titu te mueeume ofliolel n d v o ee te* label­ing *11 a r t ga llery pioture*. B u t w b e t 'e th e u se w h * * Ignorance le blieiT

B uttle '* hop berveet wr:toU'.W *e AH4 ton*. ‘ai, ''-V

I t 1* eetlmeted th a t'.O h le 'e tTnothere’ penalm law aviii. coiL'ctba' S tate noOiODO a 7 e » . ■

The Atlantic Ocean h*e an area of R - eM,000 iq u a re ’Tulle*.

B eeu lt «< E n g lleh euffragettq,’* a t to m p t to b re a k up :«k* D arb y rao«e wgg p t f u m e a to * M qltoiw U g..


.Jtear’ A*

.Tbe.eaioke nuieanqt la said to duet Chl- eago htoriy JH,i>H .> w ly. , ■

I The Italian Oovemment make* a a an- nufU appropriation of tSO.OOO te r tha m ain­tenance of a botanical gatflen a t Bala, In the Congo.

Sweden In UIO produced agrlcultum l m achinery valued a t t<tm»lS.

A Strange Region of the SeaIn th e m U et of the AUantIc Ocean,

ab o u t w here th* tw en ty -fif th m erid ian w aet from Greenwich croeaes th* eq u a ­to r, th e re Ilea a region of m ystery . I t l i on th« line th a t ship* la k e on the robt* from Madeira to B ra itl. Only w ith in th* lae* century, aaye T odth 'e Companion, haa It been sounded and Ite s tra n g e phenomena reported by m arin ­ers.

One Investigato r declared th a t he saw the saa about half a mite from Me vessel suddenly dtaturbad. F o r abo u t tw o m inutei It boiled up v io len t­ly a* from a aubtarranean spring. T hroughou t th* day there w e r e ob- aerved g raa t patchaa of discolored w ater, w hich had exactly the a p p e a r­ance of extentlve ahoala.

Thee# and aim llar phenom ena a re frequen tly observed In thia p a r t o f the ocean. Often a ahip report* th a t she

ha* azperlenead • -violent ehock, e lm l- .. U r to th a t w hich le fe lt when a rook 1* s tru ck . Uometlmee a g re a t rum bling la heard, Ilka th a t o f a heavy chain ru n n ln r th ro u g h th e hawse-pipee, end the vessel quivers Ilka a leaf In th* wind. At an o th e r lime. In amoelh. w ater, a vesiel haa been known to h te l - over euddem y aa If she .had run on a . Bend-bank.

Before tbl* p art o f th* ocean we* ** thoroughly sounded and lurvayatL as It j It now. th tac pbenom ena w ere a t tr ib u ­ted ti the preaence of unm arked sand- i banks and rocky ahoala. and the old ' ch arts were m arked accordingly. RuJ It m uat have eatonlahed the m ariner ■omewhat to tlnd th a t he got no aound- Inga w ith hls deep-sea lead im m ediately a f te r e ip e .la n c in g one of the ie shock*, a

I t la now genera lly believed th a t eub- m arlne ea rth q u ak es a re th* true cause of these convulalcine.■ f


V Belter An \ j \ CiUs for G

Real In


iCanada's Increasing Population

gtoat Me WeeMJ90 n aw a .

■WABBINGTO protect th* cl from fraud ihi sled and mlal

■ y bed to IncreaseAccording to Canada's latest cenaut re-

lurne the people of British origin In tha Dominion Increaaed from 3,0«,1M In 1*01 to 3.BM.M6 In Itll. a gain of «33.il6. or 37.22 per cent., aaya the Toronto Globa.

Among tha British the English make the beat record, with sn advance fromI, 2I>0.3»9 In M l to 1.833.UO. s gain of Ue.2Sl. OP 44.H>-per cent. Tho Scottish population Increased IV7.7M to 397.830, the Irlah In­creased 81.M3 to 1,060,334, and the WelahII. 7M to 24,3G. this being * gain of it.TT per cent.

Next to the English the population o t.j French origin made the moat Important Incresaa, the figure* being 1.M0.371 In 1M1 and 2.064,890 In 1911. a gain of 406,619, or 34.66 per cent. The Qermsus made a - steady advjeqce from 310,60] to 333,320. ■

The only other Euimpesni making olx- flgure records In Canada are Austria- H ungarisnt. 129.101, and Beandinaviane, 107.636. Both the Indian and negr* raoorda are decreasing. Tha total popul*-< tiog of th* Dominion waa 6.371,116 In IM and 7,206.134 In U y, a gain of IgU.XH, or 14,16 per cent.

tb# Importxtlaz


Keeping Bread Fresh by Scientific Methodtnay b« prevonUd for ■ ev m l

d«yi from 'becoming It ftppMrgs byft auit&bl« d«tre« of either bagt or cbld.

At th« Univerelly of Amaterdgm. Dr, J. R. K ats haa m tda axporlmetita tn which

braad w m kept mor« thgn forty houra In tha now condition by a temperatur« of HO degrees rahrcnhelt. and was coolad balow frecifng with the aamo rosult.

At thoae tomporaturea the aboorptlon of water by tho cruat le provonled.

Sunday. J utio 22. bolng an tl'd g aro tta day, wo ha VO prepared tho aocompanylnr pledge, which our roadora aro Invited to algn and mail to ProfoHor ProwlTia, antl- dg are tto editor of "In tho Air.'* Several prominent men have already decided to do without dgarottoa on tho day In quaa- tton Included among thorn are Richard C. Jonkinaon, John L- 0 ‘TooIo. Edward B 'Whitehead. ea<Oovomor Fort, Frank* lln Murphy and Lathrop Andoraon. All aro urged to follow the example of theae repreaentatlve cittaena. Ladlea are In­cluded In the Invitation.


I am haw ing a hard time lernlng to rede ao this mourntne father eald. If you lern to rede good thia munth I will gll you the reel goff ball th a t you want ao bads io thta earning he brot home the ball, mother eald, why dldent you malk Willie trn tt flrat. but father eald, If 1 pay him ft then put him on hta enner to em the piiae ft will be a dubble victory for him, mother eald you two are a pare of noodelheda.

The bail ooet a kw arter, after father bot ft he aald to the cilrk, haa thie ball got any aild tn It, 1 dont w ant my lltel boy to have one With aild In becoa they a re dangerous- The clirk aneered die- gueted like, Naw, Ita them their good batla th a t haa the aeld In. Father wlehea he had aakd him what had bekum of the polite clirk that uet to be a t th a t counter, bu t he dldent think of U untlll he was 2 blox away.

THAT THE DOCTRINE of hell fire la to be abandoned la eapeclally atartllng new t when It cornea from Hot flpiingi.

are turned out. ao much the better, for they will make the nucleua of the offlcera' reserve.

H r. Qarrlaon approvea of the aeven* year enlistment, which waa the result of Qenerai Wood's wo.rk, but aaya th a t a working reaerve could poealbly be eetab* Hohed quicker, if the men, inatead of eernng four years with the colors and three as a reaerve subject to recall to the color*, could serve two yeara with the colora and five yearti on the reaerve.

He then seta forth tha t there Is urgent necessity for a well-oiled eyatem by which the reaerve could be quickly mobilized, or It would not be effective. W^hlle dwelling on this phase of the attua- tion, the new Secretary' refera to the g reat loaa of life on both aides during the firs t two yeaxB of the Civil War, inci­dent to atekneaa, and from general cauaea th a t grew out of iiatng untrained men In warfare. The difference now la, according J.o M r Garrison, that every European nation haa a large trained ahriy, while we have practically mm#. ' ‘tJnieaa we prepare In advance, and have a reserve of trained men to make an

"ftrmy of respectable size and efficiency, w« literally send men out to acquire their eduoation -In armies under th^ fire of an enemj"—an enormity th a t haa only to be stated to cause one to shrink from It," Mr. Garrison says.

Ai the end of hie statement. BecretAry G arrison call* nttentlon to the fact that he has not mentioned the cost of Ira- iTovement In the army, and adds that thie Is not because of the possible cost, "but because of a real sense of ahame, If 1 had done so." Mr. Garrison declares th a t he wants the Improvement of the arm y to appeal to the patriotism of the peopla *‘And, surely, we would all of us be ashamed to count any proper coat to doing all tha t we could reaaonably do to prepare our nation as It Should be pre­pared, If It i* to continue to occupy the position th a t it occupies." Mr- Garrison then says th a t the cost will be but little greater than the present cogt of m ain­tenance.

Secretary Garrison has shown by. hls firs t report th a t be intends to take the people Into hls , confidence In the ad- m lnletratlon of army affairs, and will depend on their patriotism and good sense for Indorsement of hls policy-

The last paragraph Of the statetnent calls on the people for help. Mr, Garrison saying th a t 'T earnestly ask all our oltl- sans who wiah to do their part to give consideration to this pressing, important, vital niatter, and to aid tn the rectiflea- tfon of th e situation, which literally cries for a remedy."

'^Letting the people In’* on the policy of cdhductlng the army l i something new, and no one welcomee this system ..more th a n th a army men, wbo would n ither have the moUvss of changes known to the public than have politicians wrench the arm y apart in settling private grudges and paying private debts.

The United Statea aupsiUes U par e«At. of the imports of fordUhi oouatxiaa, or |3e875zd?e.0Q0 worth.

A t the baflnning of in i 'th e r e ware lap- ItfthrtmMtely 12,433.000 telephones and 2*,

ndlei of telephone wire tn iiM in th e woclds

-. r, . elaA Angeles If to have a . oottoii fao*

toi7 to oost |l.0(n.0i» and to employ AdOo worgera

bnttlaflabe, dried, ahipped from Japan .laat rbw*. weighed l i j n pounds* worth W4BOAOOO. an inordaoe' of A000,000 p o u b ^ and tIOOfOOO over UU.

> e e •Coal-agp9ft« from the United States in

fiscal vyear win apprmUiuaU



New Leuter B uild ing a t B91-I9S Broad S tree t

W orth Whi l e R e d u c t i o n s

It is ein'lleint that some day next week wc shall move from our present wtrerooms to our new building at 591-593 Broad Street. The PRICE CONCESSIONS that are in force now will cease on the day we move. It is worth your while, therefore, to buy your piano NOW.

These CONCESSIONS apply on every instrument in our warerooms, whether new or second-hand, whether a Lauter Grand Piano, a Lauter Upright Piano, a Lauter-Humana, or some one of the dozen other new makes of instruments we handle:

Amori G lngib

O en A m o al Apron I ham, bla w hite c re e u la r yard, at.


Pianos at $300 and'0ver,$50 Reduction Pianos at $ l0 0 and Over, $30 Reduction Pianos at $100 and 0ver,$20 Reduction

M « K » !Danu5S - i

B 1 ea< M e ro i Damask pattern*utar 40i Mle F yard,

You can thus have a Llewellyn Piano that we sell ordinarily at $195 (and at this price it is exceptional value) for $!7S. You can have any piano costing less than $300 at $30 off the price. You can have any piano costing $300 and over at $50 off the price.

There is a collection of slightly-used instruments on which the special CONCESSIONS apply.

You can arrange easy terms on any piano you may like., We accept as little as TEN DOLLARS in cash and SIX DOLLARS monthly, with relatively attractive terms on higher priced instruments.

Our warerooms will be OPEN EVENINGS until we move.

A 25

\A\m CO. 657-659 BROAD ST. NEWARK

4 0 .l iSheelUnbl«

Sheetln iochea mill en 10 or ti lengths n i a rquality, FrrFriday,

nBefore loeg «t S91-593 Broad Street

A World

The A m erican U nderw riter N ew Y ork, says o f T he P ru d en tia l: "In th e la st decade it has n ot on ly outstripped a ll bu t tw o A m erican life com panies in th e n et in ­crease in a ssets, a ll but on e in th e n ^ crease in tota l ittcom e, and a ll A m erican com panies in th e n et increase in volnm e o f business, bu t h as led a ll im portant life co m p a res o f th is cou n tiy and probably a ll estab lished life com panies on th e other sid e o f th e A tlan tic , on a ll three counts in point o f th e percentage o f ga in s. To a g^)od m any p eop le, even life insurance m en, th ese fa c ts vriS b e real new sj but fa c ts th ey are, n on e the le ss .’



' T H B1 \ ' . f c , i


Forrest P. Dryden* President


B lea i1.....She

Slag] eh* good I w e l l regnlei eecb.M dey, ei

• i’’, Vc



eele «t, y«



l i


PunTmilh la*Inches togula y fl r 4 Pride] yard

25e„ I

N E W A R K E V E N IN G N EW S. T H U R S D A T . ,TTJNE 5, 1913.

■Iial*.. 1 rook m bllna

choln m, and In tha moolh. lo h«« l’1 OD a .

tftM aa1 aa I t I t tr ib u - I

■and- I hn old . Ban larlnar nound- [llat«ly ihorkd. t it aDb-


tloti o t.j K) r ian t In IWl

,(tB, or lada , • ■ CO.1( itx-u a tr la - .a v i a n i ,

n « * T «raput*.. In n n .m . or

hourt tura ofcooM

1.tion of


i. Fklcber A aend im t to TiriN B i l 'CiDs for GoTonuMDl Stamp on


ffufeo* iXi fTffV*JjfG ifjnrg.

W ABHtNaTCN, Jun* taprotect the d # » r eir-okeri of Axnortoo from frkud through the *f *t«4 4nd mtvlAbelad "H evuie"

I ^ iMd to tnerouo the federal revenue from the IttportftUon df Oiban tobaccoa, Seo-

ebw fleteher* o f FlotidA, ho* propoeed u ew eS m ee t to the odmtolotratiTe cdfeipM of Iho peAding te r lff bill th a t will peobohir bo aeeepied bT the f ln a n u c^tO‘ m ltteo

The BenoAor propooee to ooootnpUeh for th e dg o r omobore eubitotitlally the tame thing th a t waa aecompllehed by Pr. Har- way W, Wiley and the pure food om- •adiT* through the enaeim ent of the pere food law.

The ^ e to h e r amendment providee that the irOTemment ehall InepOet and itamp all elgaTi m anufactured In America of pure H avana tobacco The acpenie of the Itupectton ahalf be bofne entirely by the tobacco m anufacturer* themeelvei. Senator Fletcher believes the effect thle Inapeotlon and labeling will be ^ Inoreaeo the Importation of tobacco from Cuba Is the earn* proportton that the enforcement of the law will clear the jilger market of rnlebrand^id and fraudu­lent "Imported" ctgarn He thinke that quite a tidy atim of revenue will he Ihue rataed.

It ha* come to (he attention of Sen­a to r Fletcher, who represent* large Hgar

sunufbetlulTW InterM U iltuftlad M T»mp> and K «r W «tt, th a t R lllloni of "Imported" o i n n mad* of dam«*Uo nil*r lUid Porto Rle«n wrftppan, • !« ■old to lb* " u n o u a w tln s omoklBf pub- lio" •T*r7 year. Tb« imokorthink! b* l i fa ttlo * b e)«br H o w ib , and peya aocordlnplr. Tha renoumar doaan't pat w hat ha pwya (or. ond tha sovarn- m rn t doaan't ( a t any twvanua from tha “Unportad " tobacco.

" ir It la raaulrad by la v th a t a ll oKara made of Imported lobaoco or oold aa ‘olaar K avanaa' muai baar tha (OT«ni. leant atamp. a ( ra a t maaaur* of protao- lioft wilt ba affordad tha conaom tix pub­lic.'' aald Baoalor Plalchar. 'T h a m arket would ba ltd of mllllont of frtudulant c ita r t. Tha Importation of tobacco from Cuba would Inrrcaaa oorraapondlndy and the (ovarnm ent would reap a b l( rav­en ua."

P raad a leB t P ro ttia Laeaa.■Whan U U conalderad that Iasi ya»r

thera were manufactupad in tba Tinitad m ates nearly rOh.OOO.iWO worth of rigara, and that a la r je parcen tata of Iheia ware made of ''Imported ' tobacco, tha axtaiil

of tha proflta of tha traudulam c l f i r m akata trtll ba appraelatai.

Tha tariff laa on (anulna Imported ta- baeco. practically all d which comae from Cuba, la U .tt a pound on wrapp.ra, and W oanta a pound on lUlor. It to un­known and of coureo tmpoailbla to aatl- m ata tha number of fraudulent ''Im port­ed'' r lfa ra manufactured In America, rut It la ta fa to aatimala that tha (ovam ment lo it mtlHona of dollar! In.rovanua throush the mtabrandliK of clpara.

A la rto proportion of tha (anulna ‘‘eJaar H avana'' cl(ara manufactured In Amariea are tha product of the factorial at Tampa and Koy West. The total output of elpars of tba factories of thaaa Florida c ltia i last year approilmated BOO.OW.OOO Tha Key Waal and Tampa raanufaeturora complain that they cannot conllnua to compete with ihe fraudulent c l ( i r m anu­facturer!. and that Is one of Ihe reaauna they are behind the Fletcher etnendtnarl. I f the product of their factories beara the govemmenl stamp, a guaranty iM 'n Uncle Bam th a t their cigars are aa rap- rosenied. tha i they feel that other manu-

facturara will hava to maat their eompa- Itilan or null builnaai.

Thera la eonia oppoililon to the F letch­er amendment. It comae oatenalbty ftom tha grow ers of domoatic tobaccu, moat of which la uaad for filler. It la not ba- Itavad, however, tha t they a 111 luffar arty actual loaa, or that there will ha a ms- larlally laatened demand lor their prod­uct. There la unqueatlonably ■ market, for domeattc clfarF. and If the domeitic filler la placed oil an honeal basis It Is I'elteved that the supply will he e ih au lt- ed every year by the m anufaeturers o( domeatto cigars.

It ta contarded alao that the domestio tobacco (rowers will recognise Ihe Itn- poriance of Improving their product, and that In time the American c lia r tobacco rt.ay eompala with tha Imported weed.


well aolemnlied the first 'a n ll-g ra a '' m arrU ge yesterday since bla recent a n ­nouncement that he bclleted fees ac.

oapdad by m lnlitara for ofttolatlag a t waddings ware oothlng leas than a graft.dnd that In tha tu lura ha would maka no charge for this aarvlce. Ha also as­serted tha t couplea must "preaent claan bHIs of health from rapulabia physt- clani."

Mlaa Dorothy Malaa. of Oak Park, a ■uburb, and Cllftim W alker Hunt, of Cleveland, were tba principals a t the wnddlii(. The fatbar of the hride ai- teiuptcd to force a fee upon the clergy­man. hut waa unauvcessful. .

"! gat a salary for my aervlcaa and couples should not (eel that they are receiving charily,'' nald the preacher.

Falla GIgkl Btarlea ta Death.NKW VOBK. June i — Dr. Btephen

O Storch. a d en 'la l. Ihlrly-lVve years (lid. wai killed early today by fa ll­ing .ir Jumping from Ihe eighth floor of ail apartm iT.I-houae on W est F ifty - e ighth stree t where he lived w ith hla wife and 1*0 children The police re ­ported the case as a autetde, but the fam ily gsvr out no Inform ation con­cern ing It

Doctor Tills Hokf to Shod 9ad ComptixioH

I ’. 'f if tn tv A r e t t o N * « g * M t* ( * d ( i « U l d « iiM 4 0 / <M»M l l t i o Wtt n o r M t o t* i l o c i t lM * .■j t o i t t v o i p l %• ft rw g w f tf t i

iftl« ft MW oM, TIjft grcKe r d u r * Ift (o ro iD ovo (Am c O D g l o z i o f t - I t * * ' ' * rfftinT* (ft* rLviclo. Kot kR Maltloftlru f i i i i i , ^ i w t v o r , IK tb o o f t t t f i r l o *th io , to o l« A * tr . to w lt t tc t f t f td iQ B f t f lK t* O p o f t- u rfi A p p l j l i i g o r J l a i r j r m t t r o i l M * « f t l * tlU f r « d u 4 l lR i tM o rb tb « o l T t * d l f t | r a t l c N e fiR 4 t* f r r e t . i h f « , / o u t b f u l ftb if t t p p a v n ; ft i l t t f t ftoFt ■ till d » l t r f t t ^ j t i n t e d ft* ft ro M p fttf tl

No I t t R D«»d h ro l t f t t* ro i r j t h l l . F i M i t f t ID o u a c * o f m m -c f lk M d w u o l t b a d n t n l a l .HprMd (W ft tbln 1«r«r b r t o t*tirlft|s ram or^t b l i Id t b « UMTDiq* w i t b ao ftp f t« d w a t a r . !■ f ro m M e t o t w o w a a k o th a c o u p l a t k i a l a aW * p la fe ljr t r a n i E n n a e d

A d a p p r o v a d ( r a f t tm a a t f o r w r i a h l H la p ra - k id f il bjr d lM u lT lo f a n n t in r ? o f p e w d a t a d n ftitt- l i t« to a b t l l p in t o f w H c b b f ta a l. g f tlb lf iV (h * f a r e Id ( b a m Iu Md d l i r l o o p ro D Jp t a n d n ik ia . rk a ' h la R u p e r t I f l c V a n i l a I d r n tM il t rktedklD*. —AdTartlaaioaBt

T H E D A V ID S T R A U S C O . f 68S B R O A D S T R E E T | T H E D A V ID S T R A U S C O . | 21 W E.ST PA R K S T R E E T | T H E D A V ID S T R A U S C O , | 6»5 B R O A D S T R E E T | T H E D A V ID S T R A U S CO .,

Everybody Will Read the Friday Bargain Ticker TonightStaple merchandise takes a general fall all along the line. Many choice b ^ k s of s t ^ th ro ^ on the market at prices that will bring thousand* of investors. This is the only Stock Exchange that guar* antees that aU speculators will win. The “Exchange” wiU open at 8:30 Friday monung, “ < * / “ expected that the buying will be strong the opening hour until the close of the day. Read the“Ticker” reports of where the most sensational trading will occur.

fa d

, u V S - '

■ s


* I .'ili']

I k - , 3

Amoekesff Giitg^um O e n 0 1 Ha

A m o g fca icApron Ging­ham, blae andwhite cheek; regular 6}^e. yard, at, yard,

6 /2CMercerized

Damask58 - l o t h

B l e a c h e d M e roeiized Damask, good pattorna; reg­ular 40c. ya., sale Frldt yard.


. Uii-T - •

' 5ll> ..


Sheeting Unbleached

Sheeting, 40 Incbea wide, mill ends, 5. 10 or 15 yard lengths; reg­u la r lOo, cuallty, sale Friday, yard,


Bleached ... Sheets

Single bed, site 54x00, good mtuUn, w e ll made; regular SOc. eacb.eale Prt day, each


Ftoonel27^nch Do-

m e t, w a ll fleeced, mlU lengtha 2 toS yard#; ’ «al 8H 0 ; -JOTto, gale ' Friday at, yard

MiiaaiT o m H i i * -

h u e U iw i .Toweling, fill h i a t eh, 18 Inches' Wide; regulars 15c. y a rd # ea le Fndey e i>er yard- '

VFor Real Value See These Girls’W ash i'T p D resses a t * ■ ^

Sizes 6 to 14They are of a splendid quality

percale in an immense variety of bright, fresh looking pat­terns. Attractive bands of solid colored materials lend smart trimming toiiches. They all have low necks and short sleeves, and have a delightful summery air about them.

Splendid Values in Wash DressesFor Women and M iss^ 1 1 0V alu es 1 .98 to 2 .98 , a t . . . * *

The styles are really delightful, and there are so m any unusually sm art models to se­lect from th a t you may feel sure that you are wearing something different and better than the usual sort or dresses sold at this price. T here are jaun ty models of linen crash, striped voile, tissue and pure linen, made up into most attractive styles, fin­ished w ith sm art touches of embroidery and black velvet ribbons.

Newark’s Most Wonderful Silk SaleThis assorted lot of silks go on sale Friday at

a price th a t ought to sell them in a few hours. All perfect and new, 32-inch Corded Tub Silks, 40-inch Crepe de Chine in all colors, yard-wide Liberty Silks, 27-inch Bulgarians, Natural Color or Black Shantungs and 27- inch O riental Black W aterproof Jap Silk; values 75c. to $1.00 yard, sale, yard ............................................................

H e m p H a t s 9 5 cFor Friday only, w® will p1ac«

on Bale, our entire line of colored hemp shapes now selling up to $2.45, at this low price. They in­clude all the new late summer shapes and are not old styles or shopworn hats.

Infants' White Nainsook Dresses

19cWindow ShadesAmeriian, Holland,

green, ecru and olive mounted on a strong roller, regulation siee; sold reg, for 20c., but slight Itnper- | O fections reduce R O v I heir price to

Men'sAuto Dusters Made of self-

stripe linon; have high dust protect­ing collars a n d close-fitting cuffs, full roomy coats, all sizes. Worth $1.08. Spe­cial .............

- ’98c

Trimmed with embroidery and line tucks, size 6 months, I snd 2 years; vil.25c., spe-

__________ dll ,

M o sq u ito N e t t in gBeat grade A A net, cloiest mesb.

two yards wide; black, white ana green; eight yifd | to the piece. Special i t 89c, or, y C yard ...................................

Ohildran'i CambriaN ig h t G ow ns

Trimmed with embroidery an d clusters of fine tucking: sire 2, 4 and 0 years; value 25c., spe­cial .........

Men’s Porosknit Union Suits

A standard one dollar s u m m e r underwear, short sleeves and knee length; a slight defect which does not affect the wearing qualities puts them in t h e seconds class; F A _ special p r i c e per su it ,...........

Men's Bitbriggu UnderwearOf good quality yarn;

shirts have short sleeves; drawers have double seats and ankle length; all perfect goods; regulai 25c. I Q « quality ..................... lOW'

Inlaid LinoleumRegular $1.10 at 59c. Square Yard

A carload of Genuine Inlaid Linoleum, the kind where the patterns and colors run clear through to the back. This will be cut for you from full rolls, two ^ r d s wide, and is sold elsewhere at $1.10.

Special tomorrow, square y a rd ...................

Hen'f CriTOiiet AtltOMblle ttloTesFor Summer use; made of

fine quality cravenet cloth, with leather cuff; all sizes; 'IQ y , val, SOc. a pair............. i t 7 \ ^

Cut Prices at Our Umbrella Repair Dept.Your Umbrellas recovered with linen R C r

gloria; regular price $1.25, for this sa le ..........Recovering Umbrellas with silk and linen will

outwear any all silk; regular price $2.25, 1.35this sale o n l y .......................................................

New ribs put in your Um brellas; regular I A « price 25c., for this sale o n ly . ............. ■ ...........

j . J . Clark’B Cotton,black or white, spool.. . .

Btack Mohair38-inch black mohair,- im­

ported fabric, high, finish and reversible; useful for skirts, bathing suits,dusters or dresses; always sells at 49c. yard;'sale Friday, yard......... 4 7 1 /


* WCRMB’n Canbrie^l

B r n n l a r e s

T rl'm aad v^tb enbroid-1

Remnants Dress GoodsEvery piece In this good lot are

all wool; most of them are 50 to 54 Inches wide; plain or fancy weaves; lengths for skirts, chil­dren’s wear and some large enough fo r . suits; plenty of navys and blacks; value 79c. to $1.00, C A ^ sale, yard.......................... t J v v

Women’s Genuine Leather Hand BagsValue $1.00 and $1.25, seal

grain leather and moire fined; plain and fancy frames; some have 3 fittings ..................... ....

23c ___G uaranteed Alarm Clock

—regular 59c., spe- icial ...........................

American-made, accur­ate timekeeper; nickel fin­ish; extra loud alarm; guaranteed one year.

Boys’ Khaki and Linen PantsFull cut bloomer and knicker

style, sizes 6 to 16 yesrs; strong quality regulation make army khaki, and fine linen crash, cool serviceable pants, Reg. A H p 75c; special.......................

W omen’s W hite Voile & Striped M adras W aists, value $1, sp e c la lv l/V -

The white voile wiists ire frimmed with the new frills, new turn-down collari and three-quarter sleeves. The madras waists come in pretty blue, lavender and black stripes, with tong sleeves and turn-back cuffs and new turn-down collars, trimmed with small pearl buttons.

Draw String Gerfuan S i l v e r M e s h A i p Bags ....................

4 inches wide, fine ring m esh; value 59c.

House Dresses ,Made of percale, in an as­

sortm ent of stripes, In light and dark sfiades, nice full model, square neck, sleeve, sizes 36 to 46; w orth CQfr to $1.00, sp ec ia l.. . . . -

Bleached SheetsMill sample line of seamless

bleached sheets, all double bed size, 81x90, various brands; all perfKt and clean; real 66c. to. 76o. values; Friday at, each". . T . . 4/ m v

8igh Class Wash Fabrics.Sample pieces, not all colors In

each style, futl range of colors in the lob Sdftfltripe voile—yard, vide ratine, tub silks,, yard wide tuasah silks, 27-indi brocades and others; real 39o. to 5P®- values, Friday, y a rd :. . . , . « t / v

Women’s SweatersMade of good quality yarn,

plain mannish weave, high or low collars, two 'pockets, and trimmed with pearl buttons; all sizes, in all the wanted | colors; value $2.50, spec. *** ■

Women'sShaped Underwear

Made of good quality, bleach­ed white cotton; vests are low neck and sleeveless; a few have short sleeves, lace trimmed;, knee pants to match; slight mill defects; regular and extra sizes; 25c. and 29c. values; spe- | 7 / » dal at ........................... l i v

J (CSl O !0■... a-.-,:

\. W jA ''vWVkA''

'SiiwV * ’' S" S

S .' r .'lA-''.;'; ^ } }( “* J /

V - ' - a / V ^ 'a ' w V V A , ,

Beautiful Genuine Tepee Indian RngsThe first day’s sale has been

wonderful. These are rugs whose mikers positively restrict the prices. They are selling fast, as we predicted they would. Better come at once if you want one. See the prices. But see the rugs. You’ll buy one.

Size21x45 in

26x54 in.

50x60 in.

36x72 in.

4x7 ft.

Restricted Price







Every Rug Guaranteed to be Perfert and Genuine.


2 to 5 Inch W idthBeautiful designs in

shadow, filet and cluny effects; most suitable for dress and waist trim­mings; there are a great variety of patterns to choose from, in white, cream and ecru; value 10c. to 19c. yd.

5 to 10 Inch W id thThe designs are a little

more elaborate, and would look beautiful on sheer Summer dresses. There are shadow filet and cluny ef­fects, in cream white and ecru; value 25c. to 39c. l A p yard, a t . . ............... lU L

Linon. jtMt Ramlo Unon Suiting*— Idolis fike tta* «tl-linon In oolor and Bnbli: 27 inches wide, four, teen plain colors to choose hem ; regular W /fi grade, sale Friday, yd. 8 ^

Misses’ & Children^ Strap Pomps

In Gunmetal C*R) P*f- Coltsidiii and White Canvas, In sizes to n , 11 Vi to 2; value Q A m special at, a pair............... 0 7 w

45-incbEmbroidered Flooncing

Suitable for confirmation and graduation dresses; the derigns ere very attractive and come in t variety of pat­terns; value 50c. yard, 39c

Vliylk.i I • N I.ai

Satin Back Black Velvet Ribbon2 inck width, valve 29c yd., at 2} Hxdi width, valve 35c yd., at |3 inch width, valve 39c at 3< inch w dA , valve 45c yd., at

/ tRhioeitrae Hat Pins

Pretty designs; brilliant stones; value 25c.



Women’s low ,'ShoS'

and gnmnettli vttg;12, at • a'a «.'• a a a » a


Long Cfaainotsefte y . G loves; -

W a s h a b l e , 16-button length,,black, ^titte and nat­ural, Paris point atid pRe row ^embroidered' b s e k ;’ l | s o t :]$tmtber: oif 'purei stlk lisle

tn the assort- 3jQ : iT rtfei itPegular 56c., at.

Infints’ White lawn CapsTrimmed with embroidery,

tin*itucking, lace and dainty bq.V8 of pink or blue rib- A ^ p bon; yalub 59c.; special,

- . W o m e n ' s

Muslin Brassieres i/-Arm holes and top of bras­

siere trimmed with fine em- btoidery, reinforced under srms and four bones in front; I8cvalue 29e.; special.

Women's Cambric Drawers—With two clusters of fine tucks and trimmed with torchon lace; value 25c.; I8c

Women's Long Cambric S k lrt^ - Jrimmed with deep or narrow flounMS of fine embroidery, with dust ruffleor underlay; value,79c.; special 59cat


Size 2 vein only; some made with ruffle with hemstitched hem ind some trimmed with

.embroidery; value ‘ ISc.; very speclil

I t . . . . . . . . .

H o s i e r yWomen's Silk Hosiery

A heavy quality boot silk hose, with double sole, high spliced heel and lisle garter top, in black, white and tan shades;- value 25c. to 35c. a pair, 18cMen's Cotton and Lisle Socks

Medium weight with double sole and spliced heel and toe, in black, tan, navy and t ^ p gray; v^t 19c. pair, a t . , Iw C

Children’s SocksFine quality mercerized, lisle

finished socks, with fancy-col­ored tops, in a variety of colors; value 19c. to 25c. pair,at lOc

7cM 3'ft Initialed Handkerchiefs

Soft finish, ready tor use, i/i-lnch, hemstitched hem ‘and neat embroidered ini- i _ fial; val. 10c, each ....

Infants' Soft Sole ShoesOdds and ends of good selling

styles; value 60c.; spe- 22ccial

M c ^ Cheerfully Refunded for an DnaMiafactMT Furdiast

iittfaig Shit Cases

aa a»va-

1 . 0 0

f,z H-t

, JPib*f*.iuattiii| eaae, 24 ia., very • deep; ba** tob strong (trapa all around; metal coT- non, atnnit lock* *»d alda eatkboa; well H ud: reg. $1.49; aseo,

I '-Lfa 1

TRUNK SPECIALA purchase of a lot of manufac­

turers' sample trunks, at a big sac­rifice to them, enables us to sell you a ti;unk when most needed, right at the beginning of the sea­son, at a great price saving. They are all strongly made, canvas cov­ered, full box size, strong locks and catches; some have.twb extra sole ibkdier straps;: sizes 80 to. 36;. were

< iSJIfr to $7.98. ' Spe-' cial at^ fc*

Wax Paper0 d orlest,

t a a t e l e s a , airproof, for w r a p p I ng

luncfaaa, spe­cial, roll,

stamped linen

Centres18, 24, 27

inch floral or c onventlonal designs; vat. up to 50c.; special, each,


Baby Capspique with

floss lo em- b r 0 i d e r same; spe­cial, each,

15cC a a t l l a

Soap; regu­lar 10c. cake,

6cS a n i Ury

Aprona, spe­cial,

21cP e a r l

Headed HatPina, special, each,

VhQL i n g erie

Tape, b 1 u e, p i n k or white, spe­cial, spool,

8cD r e s s

Shield Pine, special, 4 o i.,

3cM a c h ine

Straps, spe­cial, each,

8cM a c h ine

Nfpedles, spe­cial, paper,

2cHook and

Eyes, black or w h i t e , special, each,

2cShell Hair

Pina, waved or straight; regular lOc., special, box,

5cPearl But­

tons, 16 to 24 line; reg. 5c., special, dozen,


S o c k I e ta , pink, blue or white; rag. 10c., special, ptttr,

6cWire Hair

Pins, waved or straight; specia),

2 for IcWhite Biaa

Seam Tape, sizes 7 to S; special, pair,

7cWomcii’g Camfaik',:; EVswen '

, With c l t # t e r he ht- s t i t c h e d tucks and b 0 uatftohed heiiMj* viltn, l«c..

f .


■ t '



C iAm i! Understood to Be Stickiit to m ic luw *’ Leeder’i NeiAew .

in B{oMiM P. 0 . Contest.WILSON lE N VICOROUSLY OPPOSEIVmi Oh ir«,Mpi«tM (HrM« cf (A, gTBS’

ISO niwa.W AtHINdTON. JuM L -T h * quMtIan

wta4tb«r « Wllsan Damoerit or ana i(- niUta4l with tha gmllh-Nufant wln« It fo ta c ta land In tlia Bloom field ro ttm a t. tarahip It atium lnc liIgMy Intaraatlnf prapartlant hart. Atkad w hath tr ha would raeommand an o rttn ita tlo n m ta o r • Wilton adharant. Repraaentatlva K lakaid today astd thla:

'"I make no twch dlitinetlon In BIwm- flatd. t hava reaton to know Iha tl'tuw- tlon (hart and eoma of th* man charac- tarltad ta ortanltatlon man a r t far bat' lay. WUaoii man than ihoaa » ho haar tha tp ^ lla tlo n .

That w at all Mr KInktad would nay at thla lim a Ha win not maka public hit dadtilop unlll. parliapt. a trly n a it waak. whM tha reciiminandatton (oac to tha Poatoffica Dapartmant

Tha oommoti undarilandlnt atnona Ja r. ta y n e n ham It that Bdward K H litln t. ntphaw of M Irbjtl N Hltglna. 'niaehina" orctniaatlon Itadar in that part of l^ a a i County, contlnuea to ba Mr. K lnkatd'a eboica. Tho manihari of tha Ja rtay dalar aalion arn kuanly Intoretted In Iha titu- atlen

Xhara It mora than a tllin rhanca ot HiM lna wlnnlni out ovtr h it oppnnanla. { OaOrft Idia and Ja taa t .W .. Crltp. fd lt


mV A L E N T I N E 'S

SJbSM will for YOU

G reeneSof N ew ark


For •

For t varnish that will last,For a varnish cities fast,

varnish that from water won't turn white; For the doors, or porch, or stairs,For the tables, desk or chairs,

There is Valspar, sn<l its use is s delight.

For the Eye of the BrideMAKE THIS HOME YOUR OWN


When you think, for eighty years We've made varnish, It appears

U'e should know that what we claim is surely true; And we guarantee that none Other varnish 'neath the sun

Will do the things that Valspar does for you.

There are dealers by the score Who will gladly tell you more;

Don’t you think that it would be a splendid plan To Improve each dingy door,Spread a coat upon the Hoor?

Though it costs a little more—try a can.l i b8ek«i4 8y (orm«r A lM tnl^n\«n Jftm tt

WUfoti i««darP. 3drlo4, whd iiM bMti ^In th a t Mction. The only tTiU« th a t \m batnc urged ag itn it Hlgglni i» hie po­litical oonneoUoaB. but 1i m being u rg ^partU tently itnd airenuousSy by mtfuwha. In behalf of the Wtlaon element, have opposed the efforts of Michael N H lgglni an organisation leader Of the two ab‘uaUed Wilson cUn candidates. Idle la conaidered to have the better enow at thla ttina.

You cm test V tliptr ai our risk, try ii. Reid our guarantee.

a can from your dealer

Mr. H lasln t denied icday that he !■ coonectad with the Bmlth-Nuuent ma- chips sod declared thet he had been a lu im r tc r of the President on tha two oc- Gaafont when tba latter ran tor office Mr, H lftln s also ssld he wsa a member o t tha WUsoD orfsnlastlOD In Bloomtluld.

" I hava bean Jutt as consistent a aup- p o rtsr o t tha Prasldant as have the oilier two pestmastarshlli e tnd idatss ," added Hlaalps. "I voted for him when he ran to r Ciovamor and sia ln to r President, aivd was a wember of the cumin it tee


Valspar is guaranteed to be satisfactory in every particular.[f you do not find It so, the dealer of whom you bought li will

refund your money.F o r S a lo by L e a d in g D e a le r s in N e w a rk a n d V ic in ity ,

PRICES: G allon Can, S4.60; Half G allon, S2.25; Quart. S1.2U; Pint, flOc.lfaDii(Acla?«g by

VALENTINE & . COMPANY4M F eu rtb Av*.» }f«w Yorli City

LA fgM t MbnufActureri^of H lgh*f rAde_ V arn iih in tb^ World.FiitgblUh«d i m .

VAINIIKESw h k h arrittgad for the nfeetlnt In Bloom- f la ld d i ■

TRADS m a r k

T h in k of establishing yourself in a co^ little home of three handsomely fur- niihed rooms that cost only ninety-five doUats a t an outlay of only $1.50 per week! Cash is not necessary today. Is there any reason, then, why John’s

salary, modest though it may be, cannot provide the proper home?Is there any reason why the happy event should be postponed?The bride-to-be is warmly welcomed here, for we know that here is the out6t

that is pideed with exacting care to meet her requirements.It consists of the three essential rooms—the Kitchen, the Dining-room and

the Bedroom—completely furnished with quality furniture; a pretty little home to which you’ll be proud to invite all your friends.

Vkltpwr Ii U ovinc T u t.du rin t t c im p tlfn i t wlilch he wai

A •pw ket."



P m ii Me WieMnskm Sereiu of thi BVIcy-,• r.vo SEwB.W ABMINarON. June t .-T h e re It one

m an b i n who U p irttcu lirly e lited over th i wUCRi.if PrdtIdMt WtlMn tn Infill- enelna tfi* S tn t t t flntnce cbminittee to piktd WbAf, dntti* ta d ok ti on ih t free i n t Tlmt perton U RepTtMnUUvt Kfn- k«wL who Am dtvoted much o t h it time to th* Iw t y tn n to lontditlttc tb t t tM p e t tiM ‘‘B«tr T n iit" on th t u l t lm tu cow um er.

Mr. K lhkthd ttugh t tor t r w 'c tu i* nnd f r* t n w it i b tfo rt the w ars *>0 mande c o a u a it tn a t th t Ifoutt. wid when h« toit o u t h* Chirltd Ih t rlfht to j t o te ip a e r t t le esiteut. and whtn h t la it nM jn h t wai AhMivtd from tht cituout p M s i to iiip-



CQKaritUCTED o r b r ic k and ito nk Will e m for.lta otoonO hamb oo

S M W , JUKE 21, 1913

p«rt tU* MjrtleuUr. whtdult and tri t aUnd tht bill tn tht floor. |1« ttatn Ui Ms MM b tfo rt th t S tn t t t e c N a iltt t t and tht Whit* Houm.

*‘I ru ftrd thla ehtns* In th t hill," ta ld Mr, XtaUmad. ‘M Uit b t i t Uiat x w id pMUMy b* SklSt. I t ought to bring to m t m gsaurt of r t l l t t tn d th t r t oan b t nolb- IMf mof* M tlitae to rr to n t than th t lue- ctagrui eonaunmatioB of th t right that w ta btgun tour year* ago." .

nor AND COLO aSA WATSR BATHS Superior Culelhw White Service

. 'L ott Diitaiue Telephonee Uadtr the n u ife m e a t of

FRANK F . SHUTEa DEMNIS. Aw‘fc U«nag«r.

DOW in atundanct.


M K O ,


Nev., JbBt t —A d tc re e 'o f 'dl-' v treo was j t a n t t d W U U ta.I. David from J a n t t '^ r M r M i .a r m NAdlaen a tr itt , PgssawTupon'iVt'biaintirr'i uatmotiy ot astraM t.'driM lty. I h ty .wort BAirlad in N ttrso h -1 n NOvsiabtr. UM. ThSy have twb eWIdran.

OphS ALL THI YSAB. Ito lrieett eeoden. Tible eieellat.

The Itid iei Semllr Betel te eterf f r«ip«ct.

feMhUt tnd r«t«i upoD niiutit. n iA K C fB YARBiALL, H « u g « r .

T iirro L Y M A N T lO U S E


THE B IL L O W Seicicli from Oinn. Cipeclty IM; oMOartte rtlet; etcepilooel cui,ln*i booklet, A. riCSCB. Prop.

riCVO.VPORX IRMDirectly on beech. Flneet pJSaeee on ooeet,

C e te r^ it,.* . pelMoete, Hot endcold

HOTKL RICHELIEUiUUi Ave, neer Beech. lUmning eeier In

BMk*l. D. H. gTBKl--------roome fKLAND.

h o t e l ST. aCORGC^ iM 8ICOND AVa.One block from oceen. Beth on every ftoer.

Rtiee on ejipileatiaD, B. S. L BALLARD.

RttltEYNOlDS £Ln%"____________to r ^ l i ^ e)l*fi(«ilf, FofmWIy jv w l i r w ' tht Rtynoigi, BdOkUt K. H MAC RITNOLM-

AV*. ; 9V«rl00lllAf 6utu«t L«1I9. C«toPlDf

H aRa] A p^IaJjiv 34 Avr. tildck uinoiei AVQUey 4inntn-.ling]* room*: mufio. danclflf; whit* urvlct. ThOM a«T. J. T. JOHNSON.

THE MARrUND'Kim* 2oej„ BMitkt. .1

4th At*., «mblock (ren b«arL

A. CttOPFER, Qwa*r,

H O T E L A M STE R D A MOp*a M*y to Oftohr. Alhtrt B**r, Prep.



u ... . i IH0.060 INVISTltENT.w a t i r i n all Ba t h s


fURHXlHEX) KOOU—Roum, vodtra. tll tm> proYrmtiiti; rhom* iar|* a&d wall aiiulppod.

No m«i4s nBrnlahcd D6r light bouMkarpiog | |. lowod. np* blodf from Au^torlun. thre* block*

Ptrh Btitlon. MM. a. w. D.. wOe««a OroT*, N. j.

OCEAN SIDE% (k*ap ar*., o« oc«*Q froiit. uaobitnirtid ti«w of 000*0 from gutiti' room*. Bovootb miroo,


FOUNTAIN HOUSE Caoittt on Co«*t. m,ea- e V . f >_•. Modepot* prico*.PrtYato bath*; ogp. aw. cotit loeitod for Oc*an Orov* A Aobtiry Park. B*itd for booklet and map ahowtng both p1»CM.hoi*1a A hmuMmenta


directly o.s beach.Elerticr. CLEMENT A CLEMENT,

THE ALASKAUsatelruetM vlaw of tha ocaan. Prlv«t* hath*.iuQa amMrlor, lArg* coo) v a rendu and pfomeuda!

a b Pltmizi Ava. M. A, VAN CLEVE. Mat.


0p9H bli yMr. CbpAClty 350.Alao

K ami Ir M«tt n M t T r« c li PUmt,IKDIANAPOLIB. JuH« i.-e-FlTb bgrly

taU ay destroyed t puftlon of tb s M alt Cetecliy

THE MARLBOROUGHIfg tg s Triu.k pianL csu tlttg a I s u e t- t lg ia t id a t tlo.uoo. The cn ls f a f i i r ■

Lcidlni All-Tear Hetel. ISA. Bleveter.

A. M. gEXTOn. Fret.lo st. Id

idttton ii> t h t uulldinga w a t in bat- 'Dl. m any of which w S rt b u rned InI atoekruvm . A large n u m b er of un* abed m a o b ^ e t in the ito ra g t- ro o m


The LafayetteW ert d a ttro y e d t

Eiclnelve Mtroeese: ierte Buietier public ihawcr end Btedle beth.


Now OpPD.of prirett Nithi, , . , ^lwch*rdr *partin«ol»: room* wHh ruDPlog «*i*rJoAt r*fe*. Whit* tarvic*. - Boolil*t.u. B. riOBT.




Eve's 10c;i5c„& 25cFoyii mmmii oiy





B ig V au d ev illeNEWEST PHOTO-PLAYS

ABBURY PAHX. N. J. Overleokint eeeen end Eeplenadc. Open.

June II. White lervlee. Cepeclty. foo. Heeutiful eultee ertth heihe.



THE REGINA:r H, V , . T . C L O U DIS- ^k'et™ '“VTSSnrv"' **' '■np” ve»e«e-troB, Dookitt. r. I,. oODBy. | Jqn* r « t^ tJ.SO day: 17 to IIO w*«kJv. book-^ J 'PhoR* IMR. U C. MINTONI V E ^ W B U R Y

303 3th Av*. Full ocMR vl«w. n u i bAth* In ham*. MKB, ,y. nuiioiwr


GRAND V IEW31E 2i Av«., .bom* cookirtfli-k block to oeMn; bountlfql tobla,

[jVwkrot. M. B. CHBflKROUOH


A U D ITO R IU M H O U SECoDtrtl and HcCIlntoifk 6t.. botw. Auditorium kn4 hooch: Improvod: altoL Hjhta; apec, retoa. 3T-YS to July 30; op«$ii Jun* » A.M.Von fklt*.


filh Av«.. facing 8uni*t Lak«: me4«m Improv*- ! mantf. Apply f«r raiM. Hr*. 1. fl. Hutohlows. '

Broidwijr and Cratrol Area. Uoobftnjctod tlcw ot ocean. %7 p«r w**k tor Jun«; • xc«11*ti ttable.


ASBURV KENILWORTH.^;_ - . block-.e ^ ■&«! Ooaao.Porm«rly of 10 Park p|.. Nawarh, M. J.

S t * ^ i m o T7 Main Av*.I - * - i / * * * * A j g<mi oetan vi*w.I Special rate* tor J ud* aud w**k‘ea4.

____ ______________ 0. N. HOLHBS.

N E W P ^ E R R E P O N T , tittewtil Ave.

tl per diy. fat June A. W, KELSEY.SUNSET LODGE

Hotsl Ralelgh«^i'',:„*''us«iEuropaan. Spec. Juti* rat*f. H. A. LDONtT.

C4dtlr*l Av«.e frem Pitman to SicClIntock at,: 3 Mocty from baaoh. j. B. SWEET-


OB OCBAH Spedil JtM Ri Ih $15 WmUi

Ciptdj300. M I m. J.KEUEY~

LKHMiraiST J iJ 2d Ave.lArnUAe *:

Special June Rate*.Bloefc from Ocean$3 And If.M per >)a;.

Booklet.I^ Iv O Y rb H O U « H >

■peelal D e c o ra tlo t D ty R ate t15,90 from T h u rid a y night to Sund&y P M, or M ondty A. M.



Ah«olut«iy ftrit-elamt Bavaior to *ir**t i«v*i, room* an auh*. with bath. 8 Bakar Brooka

TH E H A M ILTO NYAMILT h o t e l - w h it e gEttVICE.

Roome, «llh or without beth. Shtded M. MelLWAINt.

N A SSA U h a l l 1----------------Cepeclty a» . Booklet. J. QODEB HAKLOB. M E L 1 T A

Ocatn Qrovt; near b«ach and audltorluan: tAbl* umurpaaaad; alaetric lirhta. K. H. ALCOCK.

Av*.. btock toHOTEL ATIANITC AasurynUlUi AIUUIIIV beach: taW*; rrtflgg. ‘cool room*! faaamtAbif. K. C. Gwaar.

HOTEL ELIZABETH «£■*n»*r waaoe botna cooking. B. ^ liflX4*KKi

P R I N C E T O NCookmen Ave. Reetonehle rtlee. W.

theh Ho. l i t V. C, EWHM.

HOLLAND H A LL T M :BfiLt A 8UXm% block* to eofis.

A L H A M B R ABeecii end Cielne; Id'io t l l wteljiy. KtiaMe

MADISON VILLA >,“ 1,Horn* cookibg: fNah vag*tahl*a. B. yOLKi

THE NEWPORTI n c n e m r y i f ibjjcfctxcalicQt tibic, botaa etMkUgr

pOTche* Btmklai.

H O T E L P A R K V IE W3(h Ara., 1 block from ncrep rm AUlQttr Bq Kociat. aingie or <a ault*. with bath: •MTttor k*rrlca; rapacity 3D0bfpt EVANS. I4gr


M o n tau k H o te l. modi

Ccr ftrrt Art. aud BoctS Bt.

ktJacL modarn, ttom<l)ka; rat** tl' up: $3 P*r day; capacity 150l 13th ickAon aamt!

^ klel. HCNRV y. UILLEB.

Mo.es Side VIIIbbeach; cofiv*nient to tyollsyf.

Tlh «i|d Fkrk Av#a.tto 111: «mr a . Burtatimw.

A L B E R M A R L E HefTGeuklet on appllciUon, HAHN A KO f IE

G L A D S T O N E |{®“ *’**ocean. Bvtntng dinner*. MaRlat. M. V.

biMk rmn • nalBlSF.GLEN WOODfacing lake; tomUy h<>m. H/O. WIFT,

a l a n d a n eRmeonable. Baoklat.



THE PENTUCKETFarmerly Baur Au Lao,

3tO 7fh Ave,Block to ocean. Modem Family Koiel.

TH E W ILLARDOn* block to beach: ibih . ..

Ib. Si>*c. June ratee. A. F. KE't open* Jmia “ WKIRIC

•cAfs a l li«Gt«y*s i to ra

O L Y M P I C P A R KEgtlacfUld Of Bro»d C*re ‘ * *

Dandiy;. Motion PIcturosB fglA tleg T aalghL '

1l»tl* t f e a d Eandax.BOCCACCIO

■ea, F1r*mea> t^baruiaey

C H A T E L A I Nsi6 Third avc.

Muck tft oceao. B«kIe^^on *jS. B. CITZLBB



! NEW-r-OO*Qceth front.

of the

Select FasatlF H dt«l «o

THE W ellington *|1 Koomi with bath. 'Phosa 853.



TH E WYANDANKnor a boardlng-bduM. Joat a Ao^niiQodatlnf TO congenial

Nelthar a hotel nor a boardlng-bduta homedlke plac*.tolitb iw'bo wleh to enjoy "thelf vacation.

I Modartte. OenUlar

Ttfincrly led l*t Ava Block DOtt oeoan.

H A. SMITH.THV IMPBRIAL-Sd OBd 0«*M Av«Li rate (or

tiacoretlon ^Ttoar to l llPdaymorcingr H. WID®

THE ANNESLEY near Graiid. SpeelaJ early ratat: tookML 70PD B HALL.

The Seventh Ave. InnTvro min. to oceaci. BOokliA B. Q. WiyLLB-

THE R ICH LANDNew n u s ifn e s f . ijepuftr l lg r l . J. Yreifb.

B ium -A N D S. B. 1.


II Main Ave. Full Dceaa view.

Now hCKwa: all ImptA; light, airy roorni; homo cookint. Bpeo. June rate*. A. D. LAIKO-

L IL L A G A A R D •ooikn and bathingighly • ■groondi airy room*; thoroughly oleaned; oa- ptclly lt5: iVdiL June ratal. L. D- penwardan.

STRATFORDOcean Ofwo. N. J-; flo fett to ocoon: foot of Uitn Av*. BAYNES 4 LAYMAN.

GRAY GABLES 71 Stockton Ave. 2 rooLBi end private

of lake and ooean, |T per w«Ak tor Judo;exoel- leui taU*. U. BBNNIG.

THE BOSCOBELMala avt* Now open. M. L BIORBN.

THE GRIFFIN_____. Spaolal MayJurtB reiea 17 sp*_______

knlM'tBttol Amarir-aR 5 European pltD,21-37.38 Oita St..

1 block from ocean, rreannahle rate*; booklet.WALTIB J. MULFOBD, Owner A Mgr.

All This lo r Only $95$1.50 a Week Pays for It

Greene’s helping hand is particularly e.ttended to young couples. We take particular pains to please you because we know that once stmted upon the high­way of life your n e ^ s will grow with the years and your future patronage is the object in view.

We Extend Credit in a Business-Like Manner. No Red Tape. No Disagreeable Features.

J.W.Grecnc&Co.31-37 M arket St., N ew ark , N. J .

O pp o site C o a rt H ouse


The Meel Hotel »t «hldi te e i^y He BuBuner nr tha week-end. Eleretlob 1.4C0 ft. Ne Btalirl*. no oioiqultD**. Only 1 boar froti

N V. via D., L. a W. B. B.

New Hotel BreslinOn UkB NopatGoiig, ML Irllnjtoii, N. J.

Vow apen oMIer atlrely Mw zunggeme^ oeterlng to dltorUnlMtlng pstreiUfe. 300 room* with hot and cold mnnlag water. 100 prlv*te b«ih fuUe*. Motor boating, vtnoelng. bathing, fleblnf. golf, tennl*. »t<ld1e horeea. ezealtMt motoring. Orcbcatft. Cefe, Grill. Booklet with auto map* and *pecitl June aod family rate* mailed. 'Pbon« No. i Hopttcoog.




West End. N, J.


Thi* upHCkibo-mlout* hotel of oouereto ooa- etriiction and poeseiaing g1) improvainento of the bast city hoyeca. eomioulng under the agma mankiameiil.

W ILL OPEN AUlfB U ’fH.U appeal* re all eppraelatlng exuulalU mu*le.

dauclng. idbote, golf. ci^u*t. kurf bathing. TQotoriDff tuperior kocI i I attrectloa*, tad * moal excelleat celalrre and eervloa.

i . D, THHUCKMUIt'rofh* »O lt.,ew Terk Booking Office, l]8n Broadway.

'Phone MadlPUB 4744.


Orerlo^lnj; lake; boating. bethiM, iablng; excellent table: large, abady groUM*: accom- modattone for automoblllata; boSiiet. JOHN B. MACDONALD, r. 0 Mount Arllngtoa, N. J.

H o l l y w o o t i T S o t e TWIST EKD. tr. J.

Uo*t aaagnifictrnt betel on J*r*er Coaat; jol--- ---------- ---- ----opeQf DeMretlon Day under new managemcqt. et Tnoderar* weekly *mi acaaoii rate* for the drat Urn* la Ita blatory. CiUtlaa tad aooom- modatlona ungurpaaecd. 300 aulslta, e*rb

.with private batb. WRITS FOR BOOKLET.

DiLAWARE. ninr, A Summer Home for

THaciimlnatiDi people.3 Ilf*, frura N. D,

W. R.L, 4 W. R._B, 0om* of the

atlAWNEB COITMTRY CLL'U a4 It* tomoua

G O L F COURSEOpen, JuneT. i . »l, WINO. Mjrr

W.2t* 5th *r,


H otel D urban f". _ __ HsphtMDt.t . O. Lindtiii, N. 1.

opvn <11 t in u a t H tronullsiii ran-fgruhla roomi: Urt<__________________________O. PETEnf.

HOTEL COLUMBIAluaiegMiLtM with pri-


CASTLE EDWARD facing Lake;batglng, larg« verandek

dancing pavlllnn, eicelleat table: Ilb-IIB ' itTifuniiabfdIM.

boating,andaa,Dtcely I

B E L M A R , N . J . New MChtrnlni iMailan on o c u a : 30 tv

valv btthi; •l•v»tom!..*l«^rle iffhti; mb-


o«U; diovlaA: aB«c«1Iea ealalae; am elty m . BOCkljL E, I . JONES. Prop, N. X. offiM, M &■( te tr» t, T.I, Mfr StuvvM

HOTEL COLORAEiOruimlsg vtater: accotant^ate*


“ T H E S U N N Y S ID E ”Directly vn Lake Hopetociig; sow opra: modern, bomtllke; boating,Booklet


e^AJUD v r r I A /IP Uent tornlabed tenti C A /V lr V lL U A U tl aometbloi new; low rate*, A«k oa ibour It P. O. n i , Newglck.

LEE HOUSEon lake ehore; bnme eodiforte.

Lake RoMteoggmoutioo of

Opes forgae*ti;

J. LEE 4 BON.-

THE WOODSTOCK "good table; boattni, bathtag. JQHN

Cbeerj_ ;

Shady Lawndlna<r, 50c.: I8,|10. * ' J, SM tirrSTYX v il l a , 18. *■’home comfort*: booklet.

lake: exc*lleat Uble: MRS- W. H. CLARK

New PhlladalphiaVeramdag evariookhig tea.

Ocean Pathway.on Jrtach.MBS. COX.

NORMAN HOUSEand Auditorium. Booklet, c.

Bath Ava..PRIEST.

A m h e r s t H o u s e » « « » « < •» •« a« ,beach. Spec- ratei June 4 July

few door* from A -il^ Aring.

CARROLLTON Pathway.I Maun.yoHE.33 Ocean

Opes sU Y«r. BMhltt. S. t . KjE lBIT *'WASHINGTON VI LLA

E M P I R EE V B R e T TAtrtUprtum! «l«ci, >i|hu. w.M. w tw s . «m w .

W ilm ington Hout#Bpeefai Jvna ratee. Booklat lOchaeL

B EA U M O N T_gi«»*K ,Auditorium. Bi>ec. to July U. l i B

Pathway.V. N av

p . Op B«X 177-em ctir modern. tatot» 110 up.ui ‘ " ‘ *Svcelleut table.

.......... . Blactrtrity.Ifaala «araad to tragaltdta.

HOTEL MARTIN wK:sll rtOlBi; ■si«W.AM Utlurc tnd fivirliltAlne. M. aKiltlBAclt

SH R EW SBU R Y COTTAGEOn watar front Batoa. |3 Ptf H tn IIO weakly. German ennklag- ST mM A A

8EA C R 0PTa«VH uirlr bum. BoakUt.

14 M tKw A n., taU M«k u ««ut. SatekH A BoIm.

WINDSOR HOUSB°»U8Sft,* S?*-M««B SBd l«k»i rstw II ,p. J. eoWNtl«a.PsthwW: s ta M n o d tinilOO, T ^l* b«Lt*r ihsn ------ ^ ..........benM. rr;?’d?ES£5!!

H IG H L A N D H O U S E ^ l

THE COLONIALBdoklat: rale* noderat*. <. ftg^i OMPI

oMahn Orovn,

a«4. Okhm,. »: bln; home comf4Mrtfr


-r-r f |ln.‘

NKWiiRK itiE P A Y ' I O N

FIFTH .AVENUE HDUSE i nivrimfnF ftnusE4th An,, tselu AtHntlc 6gu»» lunnt * CitWlUE, lussHimB

T H E P A IR V IE W' Hbbw eowfarU; pl«sBfu| UtUi ■Mtnis nlW

>U 4th A n,, tselnp AtldUlc 6qiMn tsS luiutt UkA bipok trom /H tss A roJi: ^ t .n5 t(* i r t tn . M. C. S A. B J»Wt

Op M tw frost, H ttn H la fib au .R iu itu lss Ubla. .WOLi '

■usPtaieaBt. ■Mlp. <}t LKAY e WlKNBS.

Li IUJ Zh 0 !

by t»vM Bt-■asA-fcjs-i.'a;'I S I ^ | M k n , L h . r f « .5d ,


THE FENIMOREW&hlat* ****'tMOB*SWL**"tMOf.


■tktaii. MuiMptf IwonnA-for is. ____*■ Boprptrptt.


KO glitb ITP. itva bloeltl to bu tb l; Bsc ««. oaai,awidati<ni*. aulect Jewtah patrangge.

HOTEL COLONIALMotth AobsiT f tfk , fselPi orool pps | tSMt rtsUoatUl soctiop. Mtn M botho. OvboNMU Wlllli»W»»t. Flr«t*

ORSBMUAND HOUI traat: inoilBs. botbl SCHNEI»BHrVrop.. *


BTO*. B. e. ,.THE EYLVANfor Juao; ucolloBt uM et b M U | MBuitinm. bit* PtwoaiiMhisUtui, C. * hi ICBAKTiWi.


A » eiIS ANU tW IB H O B T;iin« « wm ------ -

■a n . iM e b tsn , m r -SUMMERFIELDpathway; mod.; __________

OCEAN■t«4. ro le to portltt, Bl 4 tf u m O , Bp-ntspali

O e e A N R B STTpbi. ttBoktoUoa,

• A n.. bopoU,OfVn.

K B A B te ilB a , K.'-!.

'T O iioueB,boAob: 1. promaootsL ippip,

wltb tkbow froo:

a. 4,-O b

R«ttpr«*-iuS m - v i e w H o u m



M riT P i

I S L E S W O R T HVirginia are. and Boardwalk: elevatyr, exten-

aUe Mrcbte: eroheatra; EurepcaD plan. 4pecUl American plan, $2 30 up daUg; IllfiO up w«eb>1 pi ......................ly. No cbarie for frnab er eea wafer bath*, Booklet.

NOTED ron rre tablVo

BCLAfAR. n. Js, pentad on ocaan front: well lumwn for Iti culilnt and mualc^ entertelnmantg; open Juoa 33 for Tth eeagon; modernte ratei. btow York addreee. Carlton Hall. lOfl w ITTih at.



Most Attractive House o* CoastHOTEL PANNACINow open, Larga a lot Carte HeaUatnnt. ^ W et,


THE CARROLLTO NOOM>K«.the botitb. Foist Flctiint. N. J. Oscsi

Jiiso 33. Booklot. C. U. BROOI


O U tll r01R> B O t ^ Ke«t0DB3lAl4iUitsBo 1,043 (t. Sitr-- JDasclsi. TOsslo. Pool,

—— ----- , ™ —. -----—.sumw, N. j .;ItitsBo 1,043 It, Bstblot. Floblbi, Otsaotot.

~ ' Bowftit. Writi - -laout,1 ^


^ruviiiouaiy Liuen,eu t While aervice. 11. weekly, eatabilibed 34 rnarn.


UAUHM UuuUpu- ,S ll* ., IT upL

ISL Uuis«*r.


THE WILTSME Virginia Av« m l t e e i t Ocenik View. QrmtV ihtr

prffvnd Capeeity 330. Pflvgtn ' “ iR rooma elevator, eio.

UA50 up weakly. $3.60 up dell; year. Booklet- BAf

v w * w ftg i HAw eR w irefA i___ ,


Hotel KeBdmon£siT!5,*^aib' SS|LAKE W O O D FARMpitr; family howl; prtvato bAthn, nnean *1*w, ‘ *•Invator. fine porchea. h '~low ratii: Mi up weekly.

ito bAthA *1*Wp Wthnat OGCoplnd ity- rrtvain lahwi

flOarltoroiighofiliiilKiaJO FIAi' W HIT8 * eONS COUVAKT

HOTEL CLAItllNDONVliflBli STo,, soil Uouli. Utpv.ity, MX), qpos 311 m r . RsotU os nlto. P rlrtlt b tus. BtutHo flfbtt, Blorttor. BmI

Prlrtlt ■___ ____ikttfc Howto BateblaiM, pyo.

HOTEL FRANCISHIcMpu 1T4.. io«r boicbi 3tl

J. r . A H. 0. IlOmVAK.


F O R E S T M O U S EB u d d L a l t o . N . J .DIUSCTI-r 0?f tAKB opnNT

rito lor noBUi M Jn

VJBMT HODPBi BM.1 I-Woi R. J. Bo. i l . OMP txetliPnt tuili. PAvStlMMB. Mliiiaw.kttunr tttutioi. oMP

•~‘ 1 on ro-jitOrt.MiKKIMTA HOUaS-AMOBUuMttoo W ;'M i3

ttblo: outaldo roomtt bonklot oo o » M 9 « > ; ftoutllu only.___________ R. C. rBASCK.

Ml , TAHOR. B, 1.

THK ARMMOTOM- ----------OB. S. J,



Hotot on4 Cbtttito. tlon Id lulllron Coosty. fM U ur mtiDifleoiil IoortolB. mtrletlopo- _____ ___tppiTuUoD. Juno U 10 Octobor 1.r ------ET giiAVKB. Hlrr..


olovp.ocopoiy: ukoct p tM upo:

■ooklot oJHt tormt -ipoo

l u m u rsjbu. *. v.SUNSET PARK INN

Am« Clt i io t t i . U ln o t Folio. N. ,T. .AeoomniPitlM 315. BM ai^wItll btUBl-Oioo. Mo UuUtOl/CMt T o w I tB o tt ls t . F loU u. Orohuin Dwolnt. nrom U r. BttooSt*- ortto. Robklot T. r. BT1WX& Proprltliir.


SALMON’S PLACE oro««“c:SS5,.S, y,I KAUHt. ' mAtl

^ Ortwwota t-oki,XtStUUn, ,oo3-ro,ro?'SSS

ooUmnloUeM for bortu 303 wi collto 3d4 Uuutb' Mrvo3 t t sti sd3 0t3 to.

Oil bourt.' Hop

.(.A K B OBORGB, K. T .


sveniiLio ptm) oeuNry. r*.

, i BAIT. l|T |IO n D IR I} lia

“i ^ w i a i iKK- isioTPtoti,


-.m .as:

“URWICB IKK- ISIOTPtttL moaorn: tfOl-)4T S ootruMO) fo ra otlMbiU; ■our,


m i p i i i i s’".tOS'SiiBiUr..

Now faiip open. Ca* paciiy 600. Culalnp of highest Btaadnrd: owhaaira. New. bnai)* (1^1 l^im Court aa4

Cafe, tteioriato racnlve *ama tarm* n* other gua*ta. Booklet and auto map* malted. Owner* ahip wanageiBaat. JOHN PUypY COPJ.


Now «pei «&4 UAtli uacvmtHir. Under an- urely. new mangfemeni ot dwaar. Improvnd Lhroughout. Every botal cqiofnrt aa i a»- gointment; eJevator. p r tn te baitia. etenoi__ _ ato.3 ci^ lan a fnaturn.

®*'chaatre.__Ear|y aenaon Cale and rata*,. Bookl? ArtUi

CHABLE3 H. WBITB, of A U u tk


MILFORD. ”“ ® Opens Ju n e 26

115 MILKB FKOJl NBW y«BK CfTT,AGcornmndetan mogt charotiig r*-

eort on bank of DalawaFn Rlvnr; roomi •n ittliA with bath; orabtatra: baaAbtiL (*nn!a; maftilttoont road*:

’ling, alO.;bathing. fUKlng, alOoi nob a d for ______

P. N. BOURMWJUm__ Prawn

teotlo*.t r



H«M oa* ■Motartata ATLANTIC CITY. N, i.


WaeNGRSVlLLA, PA.A nrot^lM b HottI wUh tonitoolnolMoetitows.

r. 1. YOUFfSToMtlwl Mff.

PODOSO Pi;in i« , v * .


A rtlsM NniottlD S tu r t t t pepilir rsHt. Oit 3 tbno-BUlo Itkt. Blor3t)ao 3,005 tjtt.natn. $vinfraPii> inHvnMa. «wi gititn, u a t iprlBo m ttr . di33*o. TomTi , B «dw . & 3 I^ . fWlioi. a u to t AaoUatsy. I s t tr itti li <------ .................. ....... . - ..

T0l3|Y3P3 UlnbMO.'. dipif*.... , __ _ ahttot A _______ __■tut li uobMctlon ■!





I « 3 t l i 01SBOH

«* «* tbl- *"5nuTWfJo3^Lb L Ownrard ntTSgeg^iiunmnp qranthe at tadrecin.tha jo

^ oett g| It. lav

■t MtntilSiLU, buta nwdirin ^. Nfttg read;^S«fK"j»)fjtern '3t~ li 'M Ylnncn. * itT » L. efid

!8Y a -ir< s a a ,:'B u ja ?■V. CFFV AnvistvnssMnYfTe

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Tht Hilooiof It t S % «(HMm 334 flMIU at boititui Utoniot Mftinw i3 311 Alii tun hM*3 u Wu bturtTw ih3 |lUM^ .to t3U iiMtoivo .vioooi:

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m orsu ti.

iMpian*iK* place f?■i

President Will est Note of F



loo wQI h3T3 3 ex Vlieouot Chinao, Jopaa, Id dlicutfl3t3lt BOtO of p: fornU anU-3llen tlma that th t / blmiblt ot hit prl ■tlf dirtctly to tb Btataa a t the pa b it tovwalgn. Et

I t alto B t t 0 Bryan ihouid coi •on batora th« , but U wat not would ba I3CIODI tlv a to tho Fraale rajolndtr to tha Stataa. raltorallni la a dtacrlmlnAtl of tb# treaty of diaelalmtr of the

Tho rajolndsr Cablnit o( lu r t Inc tomorrow. I tha t th« Cabint lolndtr only In EeofWary Bryan toon after th« to attend a banc rlt, tha newly a Japan Vlicount tador, alto will lion, but will i<

The next »tep reply to Ja p a r’i peetod to taka u: re lttra ted center It In contra vrnti darofatory to tt Japan exotpi u and. therefor#,. Th# whol# tone iDVIUnc furtb*r oontrovarted po Wkahlncton mop


fpatUI fbrtfnt of PITTSBCBOH

from Preildent viewa oh the C tlon, wlU bt r>s< Bryan a t th« ti VF. Uuthna_AD; tomorrow'nlght.' oepaotad tb da Japanata iltuatl

Afflbaaaador C: on tha toatt Hit

Concreavnan Panniylranla; V tary of Labor, foliHb aaililant


WABHTNOTOl afbttratlon tree Italy and BpaJi favorably repor ralatlont oommi be referred to

An extradltior almott, It not al the world whbi now Is safe fr< proved.

Senator Bacon tlon .at Madrid Ota t i t r a t e lai Paraguay, wart

The proposed ragua was not


fayatta College revived. If the

. elaaaea, Juit u The matter ha t during !he entl

.declaton wat ai eomijiittke mad< body. Should t Offenders are i cenlor dais. T factory to the I

Tha "death o maan, howovnr, to ba wiped, ou oloaaio will , not tha andan t ouol


Booketeller evl any lower eott eratlc admlnlati klak a ta in tt hli t t North Tarry tK,00(|, whloh w

The board o: aafaiaroant on b m il K0.M0, but board inat to

' yactarday tha a


-Itiml atylke ordt ployaafof the ( w hloh. waa dri Vadaratlon of a a c t Monday, i log the outcom

An elght-houi df Um unlona.


Prealderil Man day with the ! of law s 'b y th Carolina. He i dlraw before t t U i3 ManbAll b frh t to r K no


/ J

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'I. Jabte.


.. -•■bfcalt -3‘.‘I(

* smite It

5 '" andmal

A Iand

Bxi“ in the f'.)r A'

Il»ful l ni



Pruidest WiO Diictui Japta*t Lat­est Note of Protest with Ambas­

sador Late Today.


Cardry ami lafaitry, with Mach'me Gans, Stadoaed ia Budapest

to Prevest Riodat.


■ — 1

Democratic Senators Declared They Won’t Yield to House on

Soldiers’ Homes.


WAtHIKOTON, Jun* Pr«ild*nt W1I- ■OD wUl h4v« ft contar«ncft IftU today with Vltoouht Chindft, tha A thbanador from Japan, to dlacutf tha Toklo Govarnmant'a la ta it nota of p ro ta it apalnat tha Call- fo rn lt antl-ftllen land law. I t la tha (trat tima that tha Am baaiador haa avallad IilmiaU ot hli p r tv llv a o f addraaaliif him- ■alt dlractty to the Praaldant o t tha UnItaS Btataa a i the paraonal repraaaDtaUya ot b it ■ovaralfD. Etnparor ToiU hlto. /

I t tU e wftB arraoced th a t Sacratarr Bryan ihould contar w ith Praaldant WU- ■on batora tha A m baitador la raealvad, but It WU not eontamplfttad th a t ha would ba praaant latar. H r. Bryan will flv a to tha Praaldant hla vlaw i o t Japan 'a r^olndar to tha la it nolo o t tha Unltad Btataa, ra lta rttln i th a t the California law la a dlacrlmlnatlon and In contiavaniiop of tha treaty o t Ull. notw lth*landln( tiM dlaelalmer of the State D epartm ent. ,

The rejoinder will be preaented to tpa Cabinet at lU t n u l a r leml-waaltly ma*t- ln ( tomorrow. It la more th an prohaWa th a t the Cabinet will eonelder^ the re ­joinder only In a prelim inary way, aa Eeofnary Bryan expecta to leave the *lty aoon after the meetlns to r P ltiaburgh to attend a banquet to Oeorge W. Guth­rie, the newly appointed Ambaesador to Japan. Vlecount Cblnda. Japan 'e Ambaa* aador, alio will be a gueat a t the fune- tlon, but will go on an earlier train.

The next etep In the nagotlatione la a reply to Ja p a r’t rejoinder. Thia le ei^ peeted to take up the Toklo Govemment'e reiterated contention th a t the Webb law la In contravention of the trea ty of LSII, derogatory to the equal treatm ent with Japan except under Ibternattonal law, and, therefore,' a racial dlacrlmlnatlon. The whole tone of the Japaneie note, iDvltliif further negoMatlone upon the oontrovarted polnti. Impraeaed official Waahingten more than favorably

Baaelal SarHce of Aa JfffWB.BUDAPEST, June 6.—Datachmenta of

cafa lry and Infantry, w ith machlnaguna, guarded all approachat to tha H unga­rian Parliament bulldlnga today to pre­vent a repetition of the rlotoua and bloody auenei tha t preceded the raalgnp- tlon of th e Cabinet.

Whan Count Tlexa, tha dueling Speaker Of the chamber, and tha retiring P re m l^ ,Dr. Von Dukaci. entered the chamber yeaberday they were greeted with blAAe and epithet!, and the Parllameiltary guard w ai called In. Count Rhuen von Hedervary, former Premier, raid the act was Indecent, and called Captain Oerce, commander of the guarde. a “ecoun- drel."

Captain Gerce etruek the count acroea tha face with his saber, bu t did not aarl- outly Injure him. While pandemonium ensued. Count Tlexa calmly look down tha names of the protesting depuUea and then the Cablnet'a resignation wae an­nounced.


VIENNA, Jun* B.“ Dr. LmsfliUu* von th« Hunr&rliJi Premier. tod*7

evn* to th* Austrian capital and handed la th* resLanatlon of th* H utifarlan Cabl- n*nt to Emperor Francli Jo«eph. a* Klnf of H uofarr-

WASHINGTON. JuM 6.-D em ocratic Senator! declared today they would Ut th* Ul-fated lundry civil appropriation

' bill dl« befor* ^'leldlof to the demand ot the Home that the memberiblp of board* of fovernon of ecldler*' homei be re­duced.

Vetoed by former preeldent Taft and left unacted upon by the la*t Conarea*. | the apparently "hoodooed" bill ha* lett Prealdent Wlleon In a quandary a* to ' whether to approve lU much dlseuated j provliion to exempt fa rm en ' organl**- tlon* end lebor union* from prosecution under the Sherjnan l*w. by mean* of the fund It Is allotted to the T>epartment ot Justice.

Tha bill uam e* fU6.0M,000 and provide* for the custom* service, life eavinc. im­migration and public heelih lervicei. Interstate Comnfterce Commlsaloas mine rescue work and many other important branches of the government. If It is not paiied by July 1 emei:gency appropria­tion! wiu be nceeseary.

637 Broad Street Newark’s Great Specialty Store The Store of Qoalitv and Economy Near New Street.


fffwtat 8irvh» of tVePITTSBUBOH, Pa., June IL—A letter

from Resident Wilson, eKplamlng hli view* oh the OaJlfornla-Japajiefle altua- tion. will be read by Secretary Wllllem J. Bryan a t the farewell dinner to George W. Guthrie, Ambeseador to Japan, her* tomorrow"night. B ryan 's a^dreas is alao tfpeoted tb deal prim arily with the J^ taneas idtuatlon.

Ambassador Chinda will apealt. Others on the toast list are:

Congresgman A. MUchsll Palm er, of PaonBylvatilai William B- W luon. Secr^ tary of Labor, and Jam es I. Blakealefv

asalatant postm aster-general.




WABHITJOTON, June 6.—Renewala of •rtftra tlo n tree flea w ith Great Britain, Italy and Bpaln. about to expire, were favorably reported today by the foreign relatlona oommittee. and doubtleaa will be referred to the Senate.

An extradition trea ty with Partguay, almott. If not absolutely, the les t #lace In the world where an American criminal now IS safe from Justice, also wae ap­proved

Senator Batcon‘1 bllla to raise the lega­tion .at Madrid to an eiAbaaav, and cre­ate separate legations for Uruguay and Paraguay, were approved-

The proposed canal trea ty with -Nica­ragua was not dIecuMed.


B T -

HAZING DEAD AT UFAYETTEEABTON. Pa., June 5.—Hexing g t I * ,

fayette College U dead, and never will be revived. If the rules a t the three lower

> claraes. Just adopted, rem ain In effect The matter haa been under conalderatlon during the entire college year, and the

,dedalon was arrived a t when tha rules committee made Its repo rt to the student body. Should there be an Infraction the offenders are to be dealt w ith by th* aanlor class. This arrangem ent Is satis­factory to tha faculty.

Tha "death of basing" edict doea not maan, however, th a t college tradltlona are to be wiped, o u t Uembera of the lower niaaaia will not be allowed to dlaragard the anden t ouatoma of the Instttutloo,


Booketeller eyldentty doea not look tor any lower ooat ot living under the Demo­cratic adminlatratlon, fo r he haa made a ktak agaln tt hla aascaament In the village a t North Tarrytown, and had i t reduced tic,009, whloh id ll aav* him tICO a year.

n i a board o t truateea Inoreaaed the aaaaaament on hla new manalon on KykuK tu n 1U,000, but he could no t aee It. Tha boart Met to c.onalder g rierancea and yaattrday the allow anoe w as made.


l(''‘ rB l strike order, affecting the 10 000 em- p io M jof the General Bleotrlo Company,

was drawn u j, by the American ir* to a |lo n of Labor to go Into affect

, a a s t Uonday, was postponed today pend- ing the outcome o t negotiations.

Aa eight-hour day la the only demand <tt a * unlona.


Pregldent Marshall w&i Invested yesten* Aay with the honorary degree of doctor of Ui.ws*by the University, of North CatoIIqo- He delivered the principal on-

I dregg hefore the grAduAtlng qIam . W ith Vtg. l lv s h tU the Vloewpretftdent lest n ffb t to r SnoKyine* Vemk*

NEW YORK. June B —A Colurnble Uni verslty mystery of 1910 wes revived today by a letter received by E H. Osterhoul, of 66 Ceder street. It rsm e from John O'Brien, former ’10, who hsd registered at the college es a resident of South Or* enge. N, J.

On * May evening, one week before he was to have been graduated with honor*. O'Brien, etor athlete and scholar, walked from his dormitory. From that day to this not one of his college friends, so far os known, has ever seen him.

Oatflrhout president of the clsea of IWD, today received a letter addressed In a feminine hand. Inidd* the envelope van another* th is one also addressed to Oster-r hout. In a handwriting he Instsntl)' rec-^ ognlsed oa O'Brlen'e.

Within the second envelope waa a cor­dially worded note. Inclosing a money order for IBO whlch» the writer explained, he wished to contribute lo the expense of the annual olas* reunion. There was not a single word about O’Brien hlmaelf. h it present occupation and position, nor any­thing to clear uj> the mystery th a t for three years has pussled hie claesmatee.

O’Brien was well Uked in the class, but his friends knew very little about him. He never spoke of his family or home.

One one occasion be asked his room­mate. Robinson, to accompany him to a house near upper F ifth avenue, where, he said, a lawyer wanted him to sign away his claim to certain property-


prepared today by counral for Charles Becker lo h li motion for a new trial. Becker, who Is in Bing Sing Aeath house fof the murder of Herm an Rosenthal, la to have hi* case argued before the Court of Appeals on June 16.

Joseph Bhay. counsel for Becker, ap­peared before Justice Goff yesterday pur­suant to notice filed several months ago th a t a now trial would b* aeked for on the ground of newly dlaoovared evidence, and fo r other causes, in the argument on the motion. Law yer Bhay was opposed by A salitsjil D latrtct Attorneys Frank Moai and J. Robert Rubin.

Mr. Shay preaented four general rea­sons tor reopening the case: Ftrat, the discovery of new evidence: second, that the verdict was contrary to the law and to the weight o f the testimony; third, the alleged misconduct of a Juror, Samuel H. Haaa, and fourth, th a t the new trial ■hould be granted "In the Interests of Justice"

The lawyer submitted more than twenty- four affidavits, moat of which had been made publlo prevtously, In aome of them are related conversations th a t it is alleged were held with Jack Boee and "Bridgey" Webber after the trial-

The attorney said an antagonistic ssn- tlment had been created through the utterances of Mayor Gaynor and tb s pub­lications In newspapers, which had pre­vented Becker from obtaining a fair trial. Justice Oort'S speed In conducting the trial. Mr. Bhay added, had worked against Becker's Intersats.

H r. Shay theii aakad for one month to submit briefs, bu t was refused and given until Monday.


NEW YORK, June 5.—Mayor Qaynor end Pblln'e Commifsloner Waldo were again *ttark*d In w-hat we« Intended to be the le^ond nertlon of the final report of the Curran aidermsnlc committee which b*! heen lnv#Btlgatlng police can- dUlon*. The Mret eectlon glvtn out esrlv this week urged the ^emo^al of Waldo from office. It was Intended hy Alder- tn.in H. H. i'*urran, chairm an of the ctnn- mittee, lo put through the second eec- iloii yeilerday afternoon, but * majority of tine member* ruinflined away from the meeting and thert-fore it could not be (lUthorlied.

The abeenre of t*ii of the nine members of the rommltlee, hnwe^•eT. did not pre- \en t Curran frnni giving out W’hat he Intended to be the second sei.'tlon of the attack on Gaynor and Waldo The etatw- meni contains alJegailonfl hesrlng on gam ­bling and the aoclaJ evil

Here are the conclusions reached by the three memherB of the coinmltfee;

Althnugli the preoeni Mayor and police commlsBloner have endeavored to enforce law* against gambling, their effort* have not been effective

"It haa been their policy to enforce Idw* against prostitution only where outward rrmdltlonB were disorderly or upon p<“r- filsteni complaint.

"There has been widespread hlackmstl levied by iwllce officials upon the keepers of gambling and disorderly houses.

"Thle extortion has heen made poAsible by weakened diaciplln* and a failure to employ proper adm inistrative methods, TV> readily underalood the alliance be­tween policemen and violator* of the la a when our inveatlgailon revealed the fol­lowing:

"A total failure effectively to chet k the work of police of/tcUls and to dlicl- pllne ihoae officers fthnw’n to be negleri- ful of their duties.

T he com m issioner^ stubborn confi dence In the Integrity of men selected by , him to Buperrite this work. |

A system of referring letter* charging officers with mleconducl *nd crime to the very men accused for their own Informa­tion.

"The Commissioner'* Isck of Informs* ' tlon concerning actual conditions.

"Ability of Inepectors and captain* to keep im portant complaints from the com- j miasioner and hi* deputies

"Faulty methods of handling compialnta sent to the commissioner.

"A hostile attitude toward cltlien c^im- plalnant*.

"No Buper\dsl0Q over testimony of po- llctmen In the courts."

The Great Removal SaleC O N ' T I I V X J E J S

While we occupy our old building. N ever before was it possible to purchase from a stock as complete and up-to-minute as ours at reductions averaging

10% toThan Our Former “ Lowest Prices In the City”

Of course, this great price concession has meant big business for us at a greatly reduced profit, and we hope to handle the great throngs of tomorrow and Satur­day even better than we did last week.Free and prom pt deliveries to a ll points in New Jersey.About June 10th we get possession of our new store,

657 and 659 Broad Street(T h e t a u t e r P ia n o Co.)

After extensive alterations we will occupy same with the best line of “Dry Goods Only" in this State, and where we hope to serve our patrons better than ever before.Our A ssortm ents of the newest and best spring and summer fabrics is com plete in every particular. - ■ r\Please N ote the extraordinary sale and display of the hit of the season in the Dry Goods world.

O p p e n H e l m ’ s C r e p © R a t i n ©Designed, m anufactured and sold exclusively by this firm.



than a thousand delegake* representing nearly every State, were present a t ^he opening In K ansas City, Kan., today of the tw enty-first national convention of the Methodist P ro testan t Young Peoplu's Union,

The delagelen were mostly from Sun- day-schoolB end OhrlstLan Endeavor ao- oietleS' The convention will continue four days.


nesB m anager to r Richard K- FoZi of The Police Gasette, and Adolph Chudobo. an­other employe, were arrested today on a w arran t leaned by Judge Foster In the Court of General Sessions, based on charges of grand larceny In the second degree.

I t Is alleged by Charles E. Blmihi, a t­torney for Fox, th a t a shortage of 4£O,DO0 to tIEiOOD, extending over a .period of yeart, tiM been discovered on the books.

LONDON, June B.~The Parliamentary committee Inveeiigatlng the scandale con­nected with the wlreleBs contract! be­tween the Marconi company and the Brit­ish Government, after several secret ses- itoni, met In open seaelon today for the examination of a new witness named Balsman. Hla testimony showed that Lord Murray of S llbank had purchased In April and May. 1912, some 3.000 American Marconi shares a t 3^.

The conservative newspapere of London recently started an agitation to have the Marconi committee uncover Lord Murray of Ellbank's connection with the scati' dais. I t le pointed out In the press th a t he resigned his position es Liberal whip In the House of Commons when the M ar­coni contract firs t came up for dlecue- ilon in I^rllam ent and th a t he was railed to the peerage on hts resignation. He then went to America on business, where be hoe since remained, maintaining silence concerning the Meroonl trouble#.


Austlo, the late poet laureate, who died Monday, waa cremated a t Oolder's Green today without any ceremony.

By permission of King George a me- mo^al service was held In the Chapel Royal. &t- Jam es Palace, a t the same hour, and was attended by the members of the Austin family.


>lasel Qerow Deyo, of Hoboken, N. J* has been chosen w inner of the Ivy poem oom petttlon am ong the Bmtth College venlorn. The verses w ill be su n g a t the iinniial Ivy p lan ting during com* menoement.

MIsa Deyo w as g raduated from the Hoboken H igh School In 1D09 and the sam e year en tered s t Smith. She Is the dau g h te r of Mr. and Mrs. W alter C. Deyc,

,L i '.-'' 1

■y %

of>xr nttts. 000ISit iStk

im a* at ,:i (mae« aiMl

kterss eg


Wife and IAre Friends


'■■■j. ■■ /

There’s a Reason”

I used ti^ H n k coffee^wts nervons tnd Irrl*.


wife sild so’Sif'•f-.



ITTI, lOIS. Dsi, n s |.ICMIS M i.

•rsW ai IlfS&A'SidSMftSL.■msplara I inwMiM *IRIS p l« M -ims pltcs £,

"SeLWhen the new'food-drink, Instint Postnia,; v%(oaflle Bloflg she Slid to hsrself; 'Here’s wbere l

:jsok of,the coflee hsbit.* 'i . .I;: "Instsnt Posnttti Is food stuff. I s!fO(p»etter,

, * .smile more, snd tnlss my Indigestion." ,Ifivel toMpeenfttI of fiutant Poitititt tn ordlntry cup of, hot water dlasolvea ittattntly

- f..,- y: ‘ ,

A big Clip t^n im mors snd some, people who like strong things put lo s buplng spoonful





21ST ST.,




106-7Market St,



Great Sale o! ShoesW hen our buyer g o es to the shoe market, the m ere fact that he represents Frazin & Oppenheim w ins for him b ig price concessions from the m anufacturers. Though he acts as the agent for Frazin’s, you are the real purchaser in the transaction. It is for you he buys, and the advantage of price is Your Saving. The sale started last Saturday and we have sold Thousands of Shoes, Take advantage o f your opportunity and bring your entire fam ily , and let Frazin shoe them at the actual price that the w holesaler charges the retailer. Sale in N ew York and N ew ark.

LOT NO, 1 LOT NO. 2 LOT NO. 1 LOT NO. 2These Same

Bargains In Our

New York Store

Tomorrow P A IR

This Great Sale

6th Ave. ead ; i* t nt,


M arketN E W A R K

SaleNew York

andNewarkStores A PAIR

7,500 Pairs W om en’s $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Pum ps, Colonials, Shoes, G ibson T ies and O xfords. To begin this Sale w e have

^ 1 1 sizes in each style, but considering the low price

4 r >

it would be w ell to com e early, as some styles will ^ not last long.


50c & $iJ)0 PAIR St.00

50c an d$le00

DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS BEFORE NOONDr. Cushman’s Famoua $3.00 Shoes and Oxfords All leathers. All sizes.

( L 6 08

' t B \ /

Misses’ and Children’s White Canvas 2-Strap Pomps. - Regularly sold for $1.50; while IS O a they last............. v i F C

UBKm Miwee & Children’* D |H Button end Lace Shoes; W M rcjtular $3 crade; ahout

26s pair* in this lot; while they last only

69c sVMisses’ and Chll- A A ^ dren’s Pumps & Ox- L U I 1 fords. $1.50 Values. 11 711 ■ All leatheni.......... W w U

1000 Pain BUitea' & a J R fl CMMrm’B fS Pump*. \ 1 M il Tan, Gun MetaL Pat- Y | ent Leather, All 1 Sius. All Sinda.... *

Women’s $1.50 Juliettes, made ^ of fine Viri Kid, m L ^ rubber heels

and flexible soles; for thU sale only C Q *

pair D v U

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Boys’ Shoes & Osefords, $3.00 grades, made of Colt Skin, Patent Colt and Ikn Russia Calf...

Boy Scouts’ Shoes. Made by a Specialty House to sen for $3.00; tomonow 800 Pairs—


M isses’ and Children’s W hite Canvas H igh Cut Button Shoes, m ade to sell for $2.50. About 900 pairs. WTiile th ey la s t ..................... ......................................................................... .. • $ 1 . 0 0

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i-xiSAio VALLEY f in r ip A a s oommis-moNUiu-NctiM t» *o«t><ftj>andWK Nstle* It hiritir t lv w U>i!l to* r t i u l e

Vftiiw-'t.wwi*! CMiiini*i|oMr* h»x»B .M 111! "n* dur M Jaljq dJb^. . . . . * 1111011 1ft

tftiidlali'. CliMen !l»««,, **••<15'!.: N. * . .*o rt-

.xSmS8f»Blratlon lA of - RlWftrk,


( f t l l o i i ! * « r M J i o f t r i r a i i f t t ! U R o l .<0 ( r a t . u d It ftU TfttM .Th* l o m o l f t lr a p f t r i t i n m i i . 1 u d t o n o m l r a w d b r n i l U l i l . t r l f t l A , .tii. oratnciqT! bid rmiii ftlio Inelnd. v»r- t l c f t l i D t . n i f t l l r ' f u r a . ( 1 r . . t u b . b e l l . r i , H f - flelisl Id Bumbra rad fli* i* lu lly dP*™** Ibt Ultra .DtlBM X'hra iniintfD*: tb.1tftiftxlBxbiB m . tftftiMt uwlr Biraimum iltt. jj- ■•Uier witit thrra tddmonil M l.nftt ;b*ri»*••lift Ahra. MB ■! m*fflf*ik fdr dupUCaden and th* i ttsss eC ih* eittiSBir a tPtur hsittr*. a travatiDg cran*: piping

Cull o^mosaissr; feed ' fMd

jratiiBtl "«Bd«Brara •Bd in Brararaxjr nwifl*.-—~-,1 liiB ou fiHud In namplDC iiftOniu <u

' bM muw b«u^ fBOdi.tiM ftI»1l!BtbtM M UA

__ t*0


PROPOSAltSofnra tromtftiBtd »i th . w m iB lM lratr* '<

WiliitBi M. Brown, cbl.f .n f lB ^ .Th. cnminlraioBet. r.rarv . tlw rl*M to «•


■lOHEKS. _ ^jDbn H OIBBQN. a .rk .April as. 191!.^___________



■ r a l r a p r o p o i a l i w i l l b * ra c d lv w f l . t i b . n f* n r a n t l b . t i r a r i l . b e t w . n I m a d 9 0 0 ft’p l r a k P. M. Jun. 1*. 1013, ftftd Ui«D PBbUtilK

Puriir draki, t.achm ’ dRdn.BM* aad radStorluBi ediftin*LuHUr, birdwuft ten Hral, pMaH**u « r a w o i t l t t l B i —

V JWOFOaAUHftChtB. tM ift woodworkln* BifteblraRF .!bd

printini ptMft . ", ‘SAl'-s-LtboraiBtVftftd BritoMlraaott.fuxaltBift. K lratrlrat wiBlniBrat.OraiBuiftai ftppftntn* rad *tral IbbAm *. PHBtM BMtUw. Hftt)aD«T. m w «M WH* ^

booki,' drawlD* ta»(rii9Matii •((. Ai«<o-4.H»4rFW*»«t- .J '’ '

■nut qt ftnwUra,. th ln l ll^ iv prOiiBftftl b iu k . ftSd DtlHP aftiK bft obtahMIdL ■ , ' .

A dranrit of Uij Bind RON

- -m ^ -


. . ’t





Lm ni Up to h i Happy RcpotalioB for Brag tke Mootii of

Bridos u d Roses.

lAUUAGE RECORD OF ONE DAYJ qq* It k ttp ln f up (h« p«c« It Mt when

t t W f tn Ut trlumphetu coure# la^t Sun-* 4tr> Th« pnontb of hrtd«# end ro ite m w A M hor d ty of weddInM vetierdiy, with f^ fO litp p f eoupki M'ilting to iak« their tu rn 4t th« o ltar rail.

Hlekol(-RhDad#i.liiM Florenca A. Rhoades, daujrhter ot

Mra. Sarah E. Rhoadea. of W) ^VrMvlafde «v*nut, and HtJlay r . HIckok. of 200 Qraylook avanua Balkvtlle, were married iM t flijrbt In th f home of the hrlde's m etbar, Rav, Oeorga Donovan, of Rooky Hill, offlclatlnc.

Tha brtdo. who wal liven In marriai^e by h tr brother, WiUiam L. Rhnades, wore a yown of whUa eharmeuin trlTorrml with Chaotlliy lace, and a long tuiJr ^eii clui- tared with oranga blouoms She carried A ahower bou<iu«t of bride rotes and IMIet ®f tha valley. Mlat Lottie E Rhoadet. who attended her aJater aa maid of honor, v p ta a yellow etlk gown (linimad with , 'v«de cream lac* and caufht with yellow •klffon rOH*. and carried an arm bouqutt a f yatlow lea rotee

Charlea w . HIckolc. of N»w York CKy, •ttandad bla brother aa beet man. and (he Ulhera wer* Elbert J. Rhoadea. a brother W Iba bridt. and Harold C. Buekelew.

Tba haul* v a j dleoratad with patina, yallow roaea ana white paunlta. About ninety tuee ta attended the reception end . ■upper followinc the ceremony. The bride'* m other wore a lavender allk (own I trimmed with lac* and eniffon maea, and , Mr*. Alice Hlckok. th* bridegroom a motber, wore black aatln |

A fter a wedding trip in Newport, Mr , and Mri. Hlckok will he at home at vx) Oreyinck avenue. Belleville

H rrrlrh -B rlaaa .Hlaa Beulah Brlggi. daughter of Mr.

and Mr*. John Edgar Brlgga, of Cd N'ortli Bleventh atreet, and Ituaiell Purdy Mer­rick, aon of Mr. and Mra Daniel Mar- rtek. glan of Chia city, ware m arried laai alCht I t k:Kl o'clock, in the Roaevllle Mettaodlat Kplioopal Church, by the paa- Wr, Ktv. I>orr K, Dlefendorf.

bride, who w ai given In m arrlege by her father, wore a gown of while erepe m eteor, trimmed with princeBaa ■a m and chiffon and cut an tralne. She wara a tulle vet] edged with lace and ! e tu g h t up with orange bloeaome and | ■Md* la cap effect Her bouqilet waa a . ■hewer of llllet of the valley and aweet

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Hr*. Charlea A. Slalchor. th . bride'a aun t, waa m atron or honor. Her gown waa of white brocaded ealln. Hhe car- rt*d an arm bouquet of pink aweet peae. HIM Perela Kendall, who w ei maid of honor, wore a gown of pink brocaded •a tln veiled In lace, end carried pink and w hile eweet pete.JM Iat Qanavleve Kolb and Mlea Lillian Xopp, both of tb it city: Mile Leah Squire, of je raep C ity Height*, and HIM Helen am itb , of W eft Brighton. Long itiand, war* tha brldaim ilda. They wer* gowned a lib i In w hita Uce made over pink etlk AM trimmed with chiffon roeebuda They Wdoa pink brocaded eetln laah** and car* Had arm bouquats of pink and whit* ■weet p e a t

A rthu r S rlg fA pf Hoboken, a eouiin oC th a brida, waa DMt man. Thoa* whotorvad aa u th e r t were fran k lin K rout I M A rthur Hutchlnaon, of tnla city: n w n k Van Horne, of K ait Orange, and W bttflald G ray, of Hoboken.

A recaption followed the ceremony In th e horn* o f the h rlde 'i parent! to r mem- h e r t o f th* Immediate famtllea. Th* brl- Sa] gkrty w aa aealated In receiving by th* parent* o f th* bride and bridegroom. Mr*. Brlgga wore a gown of Copenhagen W ut allk motre. trlmined with lace, and th* a o th a r of the bridegroom wore wlg- ta r la crepe charm euH ., Hr. and H ia Marrlok laft on a wadding trip to Can­ada. and a f te r July 1 will be a t home a tisI ji ■■ - ................doHh BIghteenth atreet. B a it Orange.

Sw aaw lek-N aeC elLTh* m arriage of U lu Jotaphlne Mac-

Call, 'daughter of H r. and Mr*. George M. MaoCall. of ts U t JPleaaknt avenue, hlkd C baH et H enry SwtnwJek. eon of Mr. gkd M ra Ambfoae H. BwtnWick, of Tkoma* atreat, waa aolenmlied laat night a t S ill o'clock In the home of the bride'* M ran tf. Rev. Lucaa Boive, of the North Itaferm ed Church, aaelited by Rev. Rob- a r t R. liltte ll, of the Blith PretbyteriaiiChurch, pertorm ed the ceremony beneath an a rch of American naga. The bridal( a r ty ateod on an American flag rug. fUrnUbad fo r the occaalon by the J r . O. U. A. H .. of which the bride'a father la ( g a t S tate councilor.

The b rid a who waa given la m arriage h(r her father, wore a gown of white ■aun. qut tn tralne, end draped with poin t d’appllque laee, with trlmmlnga of pearif and rhlnaatona* She wore a tulle vtU, m ade in cap effect, and caught up w ith oranga bloeeomi. Her bouquet waa a chowar of bride ro*ei. She wore the gUt of tha bridegroom, a diamond brace­let.

Mlat Florence Byrne, a tuualn o f the bride, waa maid of honor. Her gown wee Of plnlt charmeuto, veiled with pink chif­fon. She carried a. shower bouquet of pink K lllam ey ro u a

M in Edith Thelma MacCall, a alatcr Of th e bride, who led the flower glrle, wer* a pink allk frock, trimmed with Jh tdow lace, and a butterfly hair bow. I h t carried a baaket of pink aweet peae The o ther flower glrli, Mice Helen Ball and MlM Edith Bell, couflne of the bride­groom, wore frock* of blue allk, trimmed ■with ihadow lace, and butterfly hair howf, and carried ahowere of white eweet

Charlea M. Ball, the bridegroom * uncle, wa* boat m an. The wedding march wae played by Mr*. Corwin MaoCall Mabey, of Hontolalr, a eoualn of the bride. Her gown waa of black aatln, trimmed with

iot and laee. Th* bridal party were at- lited In receiving during the reception,

which followed the ceremony, by Mr. and Mr* MacCall. Mre, MacCall wore black aadn, trimmed with black ehadow lace and Jet.

The decoration* of ihe houie conslated of a profudoti of white roees. hnney- tucklea. margucrltee, palma, ferne and th* American flag. After a wedding trip to Canada, Mr and Mre. Swanwich will reatda a t is Mt, Flaaaani avenue for the •ummer.

Eckhoaee-M eyer.The m arriage of MIbb Florence L.

Meyer, daughter of Mre. David Meyer, of I t ABtor Btreei, and Solomon M. Eck- houte, aon of Mr. and Mre. Slgmond Eck- houae, aleo of thl* city, wee eolomnleed la i t night af. ( o'clock In the W ashing­ton. Rabbi Solomon Foaler performed the Cortmony.

Th* bride, who wa* given In m arriage by her brother. Joseph D. Meyer, of thip City, wore a gown of while crepe aatln channeu**, draped m th point Milan lace, gad out with a court train. Her veil waa algo trimmed with lace, and wa* uaught up w ith orange bloeeonna and worn in cap e tfa e t Sbe carried a ahow’er bouquet of aweet peas and llllea of the vasiey.

M ra Herm an Oeleman. of Hoboken, attended Her alater as matron of honor' She wor* a gown of brocaded crepe m e­teor, trimmed with pale pink chiffon and M baauan lace. She carried a shower bou<|U9t of pink •wvBt peu.

E lm er L. Eckhouee, of this city, brotner *( tb* bridegroom, was the b**i men A wedging eupper followed the ceremony, a f te r whieb H r, and Mra Eckhouee left 00 a wedding tilp. They will bs a t home a t W South atreet o tter July i.

B uker-M ollsy .Florence

i f 1 Motley,M W 8 ^ t h 0«veDth EraptueWo'-"!?, H o lla n dB w ker. Rnievllle avenue, took place

m u te r . Th* ctremony was performed by ?SV.^H*hry Harrlaon Hadley, rector of

W * coj»1 Church, and the ’T 5 ■ •» marriage by her

hrbthar, B e rry Jameq lloUoy. She wore * draped

Barkar left an a Southern weddiM trip, and after September 1 will be at home in We»i Nmley.

HarlemaB-Hdiiisiell.)J1*e Mayme TrarKee Rummell. daugh­

ter of Mr and Mre. John A. Rummell. of 148 Penneylvarilt avenue, end Ernett A rthur Haricman. of Lohlghton. ya., were married leat evening at 8 3d o'clock !n ihe bride’a home. Only the membd*re of ihe two famlilee attended the cere* mimj. W'hlrh waa performed by Rev. KIley A. Voae. paalor of th« Clinton Ave­nue Gapilai Church There wai no retb-u- tioh The bride, who waa unaUendou, wore a hMnd-e-mhroldered charnieuse gown anti ('cEirrled a ahower boinjuttl of white roien Afler a wedding trip Mr fliid Mre Marlenmn will be at home after June 10 e( 148 F’ennaylvanla avenuu.

Cwieeay-Epbroa.Miet Grace Ephron. daughter of Mr. and

Mre. Alexander Ephron, of H unter­don atreet. and Herbert Klugene Conway, poll of Mra. Theodore Conway, of Sufi • 'Mnton avenue, were married yealerday In the home of Rav. T. Atrd Morfat, pa«' !or of the Flrai Congregational Churrh.

The bride wore a white laca robe, with a draped coaT and a black picture hat, and carried g ahower bouquet of bride roaea Owing to the recent death of the hrtdegroom'H father, the ceremony waa attended by immediate relatlvea .only. After a wedding trip Mr. and Mra. Con­way will live at <143 Adama atreet, Elisa­beth.

TouDir*ltelger.Mils Sidle B. Ralger* of & W arren

•treet, and Ruaee]! Young, of 104 Bleeeker btreet. were married yesterday afternoon In the parsonage of the Halacy Street Methodist Episcopal Church by the pas^ tor. Re^. Dr. Jam es Clayton Howard. The bride was attended by MIsa Evelyn Young, sister of tha bridegroom, as maid of honor, and B. L. Relger, a brother of the bride, served a s best man Only Tnamberi of the Immediate families were p resent


M ill Eleanor H unter Rlker. daughter ut former Supreme Court Clerk end Mri. WilUaps Kiker Jr., of 111 Clevsiend slre tt. Orange, wae m arried lest night a t the home of her parent* to Hugh Campball Barrett, eon of former State Senator and Me*- Michael T. B arrett, of Newark. Thv ceremony w et performed by Monslgnor Isa ic P. -Whelan, of St. Patrick'* Cathe­dral, In th* reception room, before *n Improvised a lta r in the midst of white K lllam ey rctei, epitea and while hy­drangea. Thu bride **a given In mar- ring* by her father and wai attended by her slater. Mlf* Edith Rlker, a* maid of honor, Howard Gilmore, of Newark, w*i best man. A reception followed th* cere- siony. Music was rendered by *n or­chestra.

Th* bride's g6wn was of white char- mtUio draped In white ohlffon with trim ­mings of duchess and point applique lere. H er bndet veil fell from a cap of ]a:e edged with orange bloaiom* and she carried a ahower bouquet of lilies of ihe valley and while orchids. Her sister wore flesh colored **tln and chiffon, with trim- mings of ellver and carried red rote*. Mri, Rlker wore a gown of orchid latln; Mr*. Barrett, mother of the bridegroom, wore in Imported rob* of cream callot lac* over pal* apricot satin i Mr*. Erneet Pierce, of Providence, R. I., sister of the bride, wore her wedding gown of while •atln and MIsa Caroline J. Bhiw, the bride's aunt, who Uvea with Mr. and Mrr. Rlker, wore white illk over oreped In white chiffon with touches of light blue velvet.

Th* decoration* In the house were palm* and pedniee in the hallway, peonlei and rose* In the dining-room; Lady Hllllng- lon roa** In Ihe library. Mr. and Mre. B arro ll have left on an extended wedding inp. In th* fall they will live in Orange.

nient waa a rope of paarla, Th* brld**- mald onrried an arm bouquet of yellow roa**, and was atllred In yellow char- m*uaa. About 8» gueita wltneoied tha wedding. After th* ceremony, fh# bridal party and gueita partook of a wedding b reak fast at the home of the hride'a parent*. The young couple will go lo N orth H arrisburg. V'l„ and on their re­tu rn will reilde In Nulley.

Drury-M aklh*.The m arrla te of Mist Caroline Mahlke,

doaighter of Mr and Mr*. William K L, .Mahlke, of 170 North Centre itroet, Gr­ange, and Palrlrk F. Drury, also of' that city, look place yesterday ifle rnoon In Bt- \ enantliifl e Church, Ihe rereinoiiy being performed hy th* rector, Rev Peter Kurz Mlee Bertha Franck, a coiiBin of the hricle, waa the maid ot honur and the beat man wae Aaron F. Biirlt Jr. John J Cowell and Jam es Langion were the usJiera The bride wore while ellk trim m ed with ducbeise lace and a tulle veil with o-aiige blnaioma ami tarried a show er bouquet of hride roeea The maid of honor was In blue allk with * black plumed pjriure hat and carrleo ivd rosea. A reception followed th* cereniony In Oerman-Engllsh School Hall On their re tu rn from a wedding trip Mr. and M rs D rury will realde with the bride a parent*.

CeweD-LesTenguth.Miss Ellaahelh Leavenguth, of IS I.ln-

wood place. East Orange, and John Cow'en, of E»01 Main atreet. Orange, were m arried In the Church of Our I-ody Help of Christians. East iirange. yeeterday af.topioon, by Rev. Mlchssl J. Core. Ih* ae- a ilta n t


y — ~ .r wee-w*!** .Av arAuvQo v » Mthlta eblffOB and duchess lace, and

/ g long tulle veil arranged In cap eifecLduchtae lace, and caught with orange

HMMm H ar botpittetirt* Of bride rota* gnd *«Mt* orehlda

, ..T h* • * ! * of honor was Miss Bhtrioy <H**S|On, of Passaic, who wore a Amped w w a M pink e**p* d* shin*, with pearl M ntnlB gs, and carried t o arm bouquet • f pink K lllam ey rogea Robert Lewie Of Gfffg, of th is city, atteaded Hr. Barker g* h**t man.

Thii hoii** ,WM d*oerated with mor- BUffltMi, pbth ro*** and palm*. Th* cere­m ony w as followed by a smitn r«c*ptloB

. and w td d ia f rapper for m«mbeni at tb* inuafd iM* tamlire* only. Mr. and H ra

Mia* Carolyn M. Schmidt, daughter of Mr, and Mr*. George Schmidt, of teg Springfield avenue, Irvington, married Frederick Crane Jenkins, ot W1 Ellis avo- hue. In the F irst Christian Church, Irv­ington, last night. The ceremony was performed by Rev. William H. Halnei.

The bride, who was given In tnariiag* hy her fether, was attended by -Mina Etta Wurderaan as maid of honor, and the Mlssee Eleanor P flite r and Mellla Helm, aa brldeemaldi, Alicia Jenkins, a cousin of the bridegroom, gefed as flower girl. The best man was Edward Schmidt, brother of the bride, and Ihe ushers were Clarence B. Jenkins and Fredsrkk Dicker.

l.'pon their return from a trip to At­lantic City, Mr. and Mrs. Jenklne win live a t 7«8 Springfield avenue.

S tlber-W rlghl,Miss Ida May W right, daughter of Mr

Snd Mre, William J. Wright, of .South street. Orange, was married last night tn Albert -Milton Sllber, of 3S Watson avenue. West Orange. Rev. David O. Irv- Ing. paalor of Bethel Preebyteritn Church, performed the ceremony at the home of the hrlde'i elaler. Mr*. Frederick K. Tap- pan, 106 Rlggi place. Weet Orange. Th* bride was given In marriage by her fether, and waa attended hy her elster, Mias Linda Wright, as bridesmaid, and Mis* Florence Curyell, of Belleville, a nlecs, as flower girl. 'William Sllber, of Connecticut, brother of the bridegroom, was best m in. MIsa Elsie IVrlght, a sla­ter of Ihe bride, played the wsdding music. 1'hft tr id e wore a draped gown of whit* crepe de chine with pearl and roae point lace trimming. Her long tulle veil was made In cap erfret and waa caught up with orange blosioms. Bh* carried a shower bouquet of bride roses and lilies of the valley, and wore as her only ornament a diamond lavalllere, th* gift of the bridegroom. The bridesmaid wore a pink crepe de chine gown trim ­med with venlse lace, and carried an arm bouquet of pink carnation*. Th* flower gin was in white ehtrette trim­med with German vgienclennea lac*. She carried a basket of rosebuds and sweet peas. The ceremony wa* performed be­neath a bower o t honeysuckle vines, palms, fern*, pink rambler roses and peonies, the color scheme being carried out in pink and whit*. After the catk- mony there was a supper, followed by ■ reception. The bridal party was asslated In receiving by Ihe bride's mother, who wore a gown of delph blue charmeuse with venlse lace; Mlae Minnie Sllber, ■ sister of the bridegroom, who wor* y*l- low brocaded voile; Mrs. Cornellui Cory- ell, w ho.w a*.in blu* meesallne; Mr*. F. E. Tappan. in pink silk trlmmsd with shadow Uce, and Mr*. WlllUm J. Gor­don, in pink chiffon. Miss Blais 'Wrlfhl wor* a gown of pink charmeuse. Bolos were rendered by Frederick B. Tappan. The bride'* gifts to her attendant* war* gold bar pint, and a gold brsoelst to the flower girl. Mr. Sllber gave hli best man a pearl atichpln. On tbelr-fetivn from a two-week Itay a t A ibury Park Hr. and M ra Sllber will reild* In Watoon avenue Weet Orange.

'WaIk|er-0*BMUr.Ml** Anna Donnelly, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs, John Donoally. of It Bark streat. O range and S. Neville Walker,' of Bloom­field, wer* married yeiterday In Bt. John’s Church. Orange, by Rev. NIeholit A. MirneU- Th* bride wge given in mar- riog* hy John F, McCarthy, a cousin, of Brooklyn. Th* bridesmaid was M itt Ells- abeth T. Dounslly, a alster of the bride ra d Ui* t a t inon wag David Jonee, of B l i^ f le ld . The bridti wjst attired In whit* ebam uute and carried white raa«i and Ulleg o f the uitllw . H er only oma-

rector. M lit Power#, ofOrange, was brlde#niAt<1a and Jam es Chrlstlano, atio of Oranfe, acted a# beat m an. The bride wax attired In a tow n of white aatln. draped with mull, end wore a w hite picture h a t She carried a shower bouquet of white rosea. The bridesm aid’s fow n was of blue crepe de chine, and she wore a picture hst and carried pink roMa* After a short wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Cowen will reside At Trlnce straet* Orange.

D urr*ualU gh*r.M iu Mary Oallsgber, of Orange, and

Michael D u rr of Newark, were married In St. John 's Church. Orange, this m orn­ing, by the rector, Rev, M- J- NicDonald. Miss Mary McGuire, of Orange, was bridearnald. and the best man was Patrick Conroy, also of Orange. The btida wore a blu* traveling suit snd picture hat with willow plumes. Her a ttendan t's dress w as of whits embroidery trimmed with Irish la c a The bride's gift to the brides- m sid w as a bracelet set with pearls, atui the best man received a dlsmond scarf* r tn from the bridegroom. After the cer- emony, Mr. and Mrs. Durr left on a wedding trip abroad.

E llo '-B arcley .Owing to the death Tuesday of tha

bridegroom 's father, Joseph W. Sllor, of E a s t Orange, the wedding of MIsa Louise Barcley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H arry W illiam Barcley, of 819 South Twelfth stree t, aad William H. Ellor took place quietly yesterday In the home of the bride s parenia. All Invitations for the wedding, which bad been sent out, were racalled, and only immediate relatives were tn attendance. Rev. Berrym an H. McCoy, pastor of the W atsessing Metho- dlst Episcopal Church of Bloomfield, per- formed the ceremony,

M elsler-Stelaer.Miss Anna J. Steiner, o f l& R u th

a tree t, and John T. Metzler, o f Ihb O r­ange avenue, both of Irv in g to n , w ere m arried yesterday afternoon a t the rec ­to ry of 6l, P eter's Homan Catholto Church, m Belinunl avenue. The cer­emony was performed by Rev. Matthew A Thtnim es and the a tte n d a n ts were Mlae L ou isa Steiner, s is te r of th e bride, and T heodore Metzler, b ro th e r of the brldflgroom . A reception follow ed a t the new h 'in e of the couple in Ruth stree t.

S h e n e r-ild m a a N uptials,Miss Susan Ellaa Bldmah* daughter of

Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Sldman. of 84 Ball street, Orange, will be m arried a t her home tonight to W alter Ford Shorter, also of th a t city. Rev. Otho F. Humphreys, rector of Holy Trinity Church, will per­form the ceremony. The bride will be a t­tended by her ititer, Miss Ethel E. Sld- ma[i, as maid of honor, and W atson M. Shorter, o f Orange, a brother of the bride­groom-elect* will be best man-

E lders-D avle.The wedding of Miss M argaret Davis,

daughter of Mr. a'hd Mrs. John DmvJs. of Greenwood avenue, Montclair, to John E. Elders,' of Winnipeg, Canada, was sol­emnised a t the home of the bride 's p ar­ents yesterday afternoon. Reml J.Huttlnghauseh, pastor of R trk Avenue German Presbyterian Church. Bloomfield, Officiated. The couple will live a t W inni­peg-

Bbj neS 'Sekulta N uptials,Mr. and Mrs, Caspar Schulti, of U v-

Ingetvjn avenus. Northdeld. have issued in v ita tio n s for the m arriage of their d a u g h te r Ida to George L eonard Barnes, of W est O range, June 24. The cerem ony w m tak e place a t the l^ome <yf the bride- elect. A reception w ill bo held a f te r the cerem ony.

91nger-Koeok EngageiacBt*A nnouncem ent has been m ade of the

en g agem en t of M 'is F rieda J. Koeck. d a u g h te r of Mrs. M argare t Koeck* of 13S Valley streetr Ofangs, to G eorgs A. S inger, of th a t city.

I Mrs. Frank N. Van 8/okte, of Andover. 1 Mr. Van Bydtls is ampt«yed in tiis gen­

eral offices of the Lehigh and Hudson Railroad After a wedding trip Mr and

{ Mra Van Syckle will make their home in Warwick. N. Y,

Cadw alleder-N eebitt*Ipsridl dsrrics ef Ike

I 1X)N0 BRANCH, Ju n e l.-M lss Ivah ' Ray Nesbitt, daughtar of former Post­

master £• S- Nesblfk, of ieabrlght, and Wsyne Cadwallader. a druggist, were

j marrisd a t 8eabrtght yesterday a t the brides home. Rev. O, B. Duffleld offt- clated. Mr. and Mrm. Cadwallader are now on their honeymoon to Atlantic CUy.

Sew B>C ra«Sa gperiei fimwe of iho .V£ir8.

PIsAINFIELO, June S.~Harold R Brown, of Plainfield, and Miss Elsie (>sne, daughter of Mrs. J. Burnet Crane, lit Washington, were m arried yesterday at St. Alban's Chapel, Washington, by Rev. Dr. O. C. F. B ratenahl The couple will reside In ibis city.

Three W eddlB vi f a r JQue lA. KPfHfll Serrics of t)m NEWS.

fLAlNFIELD. Juno B.-Beveral wed- dingi are aht:ounced fo r June 18. < n that rvenltig Ulas Florence Dtekeraon, daugh­ter of Mrs. Frederick T. Dlckorson. ot |;t*t Second street, will be married to Ralph C. JCeller, of W’lJkee-BHrre, P.i. Another wedding will be tha t of M iu Helen Fowler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fowler, of Fslrvlew avenue, and

t>eelle PowUson. son of Mr. and Mra. J A rowllson. of Somyrset siren . The C t r e m o n y will be performed i t tlie home of the brfde-elect's parents. Miss LlUlan C E>unn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs John E Dunn, and Leland Manning, son of Mr snd Mrs. J. C. Manning, both of Plainfield, will bs m arried a t the home ot the bride-elect's parents. West Fro it street

To Re M arried In Phllllpsburg ..I'MILf JP9BUHO, June 5 —.MIbb Mildred

Denn. of North Main street, daughter of Mr and*Mrs Richard ttenn, of Wilkes- Barre. Pa . and Charlea Rush, aon of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Rush, of DelaT^are Park, PhJlllpshurg, will be m arried At S o'clock rhii ^selling Bt the parsonage of the Firifi Bapllat Thurrh by Rev. E. It Tilton. Mias Huhflle Rush, a sis ter ot the hridu- prooin and H arry I ’lendonlei. nf Laaio-.i, r».. ■Rill he the artenddnis Mr and Mip Fash ■F.'lll live In Phllllpsburjr Tiie forntor Is a [iroresslons] baseball player

Teachers lo W ed W ednriidny. gpeHo/ AVn>tc« of tA« .V TIVF.

BLAIRSTOWN, June 5.--The ^^eddiiirf or r la ra Ellen Dunn, ot L'liUon, N. y , ft iPacher In the HHndlinn High School, and SyU-nnuK Zimmerman, liead of the science departm ent wi BUIr Academy, will take place at Fulton next ^V>d^eaday .MIbji Dunn Is a graduate of Byrac'UBe 1 nlverhlty of the oldf>s of 1510 and for the last two and a liwlf years has been on the teaching staff at the Himlimn school. The enupio will reside here

National Therapentic InstateDR. I. R. BOOTHBY

9 7 1 B r o a d S t r e e t

Dost and throat $pociali$t


j senblei at Asbory Park for ; I07A Annual Meeting.


\ Upper Mont( Record ofl


0 * * a B o o t l i t s > ' x w s - l l t . t r « c « t C r a t c i r t * l n . , F t r o t r s o F a t t l a v m a , H a x F ' e ' v e r a r i d a l l d l * - e a « « « o f t l i o & t T i x r o t s t

m e t l i o d * e t i t l r ^ l j r r x o ^ i v ,a n d b y t l k l * t r e a t m « n t lig ®« * r a a a r ® g * t t i e > m o a - C © f f e o t l v o o *1 c l a i a t l a f a o t o r s F c a v a l t *

O f f i c e H o u r s , D a i l y 9 A . M . t o 6 P . M .



Sfifrial /Ifn-li-t nf (ke NEWS,HACKETTBTOWN, June 5 - rhirtv-

llirae youna women received tlielr dl- ploirisi jasterday at tha Ihlrly-nlnlli com. mrncfment exercises of Centenary Col- Itglate Institute

The commencernent address was de­livered by Rev. Dr Charlea E Jefferaon* pastor of the Broadway Tabernacts, New York, who npoke un "The FUce and Power of Little Things." The dtp1oma,a were presented by Rev. Dr. Jonathan Mtgle Meeker, president of the Institute.

Musical nunihc-rs were given by Misses Ruth ft. Rust, Augusta P ra tt, Ruth E. Dunlap. EJaie C atharine Mueller, Mary E. McCarter, Jeeaie D. Van Horne. LllHsn 8. Vouh|, Marian Mount and Gladys E. OllmsTi and Professor Frederick A. aMets. director of the nmaical department.

The high honor merabors of the grad­uating class were Miss Dorothy Lillian JCeeney, of Syracuse, and Miss Grace Feck Llutchinson, of Rochester Honor members were Misses Hop* EUaworth, of New York; Phebe E. Hedden, of liN’esi Orange; Mary F. W allace, Indiana, Pa.. Elisabeth B Reynolds. Carbondale, Pa.; Marlon E. Welch, of W estfield; Ruth \^ Pierson, of Madtson. and Marie E. Plumb, of East Orange.

The first elocution prize was awarded Miss Elisabeth Thomson, of New York, while the second was won by Miss Mary Bacon, also of New York. Miss Wallace was awarded the p rlie for the best story In The H ackettstonlsn. the school publi­cation, while Mils tfartta Schilling, of Kapketlstown. won the prize for the best poem.

Scholarship prizes were awarded as fol­lows. Voice culture. Mias Lllllen fl. Young, of New York; expression. Miss Mary W. lx)we. Washington. D. C.; home eco­nomics, Miss Reynolds: a rt. Mias MadC' line Benbrook. of H ackettstow n: senior prise. Miss Keeney; Junior, Mias Anna PuUinan. of Fulton Chain, Pa.L sopho­more, Miss Adeline Camp, of Brooklyn; freshman, Miss Carol Fearn. of New York: special, Miss Sara Derry, of Dover.

The Hocker athletic cup was swarded the junior claea, while the haiketbatl trophy was given the sophomore team.

Five graduates have registered for en­trance to Wellesley College They are Misses Ellsworth, Hodden, Keeney, W al­lace and Susanna H Stew art, of Engllah- town. Miss Josephine H. McCormick will go to Goucher College, Baltimore, and Miss Florence A. Martindale. of Camden* will enter Smith College.



8TlI.XrWATER. June 6 -M lss Miriam Emm ans Roy, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Roy. was m arried yester­day afiernooD to W alter W ilson Seals, son of Mr. and Mra. Theodore Seals, of Hope, W erren County, e t the home of th e bride’s parente. The bride w es given In m arriage by her father. The ring oere- mony wee performed by Rs'v. J. D. H ill­man. of the local Presbyterian church.

During the ceremony the b rld tl party stood beneath e bower of evergreens. Miss Emily Meigs* of Newark, played the wedding m sfch from "Lohengrin*" and during the ceremony the played "O Prom ­ise Me."

The members of the bridal party In­cluded Mrs. Earle Clarke, of New York, m atron of honor, and Raymond Palm er, of fitewartsvllle. best man. The ushers were H arry SMila of AnnandaU, brother of th e biidegroom, and J. Clinton Roy, bro ther of the bride.

The gifts of the bridegroom to the best man and usbere were gold icerfpina with pearl setUngg. The bride's g ift to the m atron of honor was a brooch w ith peart Setting, and to the organist a se t of gold Pina . . .

Guests were present from Btawartsviiie, Annartdele, Clinton, New York, Newark, Blairstown. Newton* Delaware* E ast Stroudsburg, Pg.; Dlogmene, Pa., and Hope.

JaekMM»Rtler.gpfrici Ferrice 0/ the NEWS.

KCrOn*.a •k'AfT June 6.~M1ta Maud B. Hiler, daughter of SJr. and Mrs. WltlUm Thom as HUer, of Danville avenue, was m arried th is sfLernOOQ to Joseph H. Jack- son, of Prinoeton* a t tbe Methodist par­sonage. New streat* by Rev. Austin E. Arm strong. Miss J’eknle Orr w as the bridesmaid end BUsi H ilar best man. The bride wee attired in blue and carried a bouquet of bride roses. Mr. and M ra Jackson left oa . a . wedding trip . Mr. Jackson Is a edrf^hter and buftger. They wtti live a t Roekawgy.

V aa grskle*W eiehstpocktl 8enio$ of As NEWS,

A N D ovE iL (June g -M Is f Pranees Welch* of EdinvUtA N. T.* ivai m arried yeaterday a t tba heme of her pnnMU to Carroll Van BycklA third te a o f Mr. and


NEW BRUNSWICK, June B.-The an ­nuel publication of the Junior class. The Scarlet Letter, appeared yesterday afte r­noon. There is an Innovation In the form of a leather cover end the letter Is larger. Edward Elmendorf, of th is city, Is th« editor-in-chief, and Donald Gesse, of Clean. N. Y., Is the buelnssi m anager. The sophomore class held the election for The Bcerlet Letter board for next year with the following resuli: Editor-ln-chlef, R. B. &eerie, of th is city; buslneea man­ager. Philip R itter J r , of Brooklyn: a th ­letic editor. C. R. M artin, of Bloomfield: nonsensla editor, John C. Green, of Hack- eltstown, art editor, W ard S . Melmsr, of Brooklyn; literary editor, William H. Campbell, of Ocean City.

A new fraternity has been formed at Rutgers as the Phi Zeta chapter of the Lambda Chi Alpha F ra tern tty . The fra­ternity at present has nine chapters. It wee founded a t the Boston Univeralty.

Exemln&ticna for the th ree lower claesee began this morning and will continue until June 14.

For the first time In the history of the college, an alumni day will be ,held June 14. All of the undergraduate classes wlR march In a parade In costume* and many of the graduate rlM ses will be hank, also In costume. Rutgers plays Hs final game with Stevens on that dey-

Sprdal of tht VFTT8JERSEY CITY, June 6.^A verdict of

won was ghr^n Alvnh Parke, twenty-seven years old, of 12 Manning avenue, this city, bv a jury tn a suit for damages against the Iveckawanrift fteilroed, which was tried lo the Supreme Court Circuit before Judge Vull iodft>. I’arka. who la a par- afytlo. averred that he wae technically as . saijJled and fali'eiy Imprisoned whll« e passenger nn a train of the railroad com­pany December 31 lael. He sued for C.OIF damages

Acv.ordlng lo ihe testimony adduced et the trial. Parks boarded a train at An­dover, Sussex t.'ounij*. and had bean on It but a short time when he waa accoeted by Conductor James McCabe, of Newark. The la tter ■‘groran t of Perks's affliction, thought he '\a s liito.xlcatcd and advised Parke to go Into the smoking car.

Parks refiised to comply with the order, er^d. according to the lesUmony, McCabe took him by the arm and led him into the smoker .Wter Parke wae In that ra r for ab'HJl half an hour the con­ductor learned of the mistake and a1- J.owed Parks to take a Beat In one of the ^iher coaches.

F'arks a5*erred in bis bill of complaint that he was technically assaulted, and hy being forcibly taken to the smoking (.ar was falsely Imprlaoned and deprived of his liberty The Jury that tried the case was out but a short time



Stricken with apoplexy, while discuss­ing the future musical career of livr daughter, Mrs. Mabel Andereon Roes, of IW Alexander avenue, Upper Montciair, fall into the nrmfi of Mra. A. Dougla.ii Brownlie, a neighbor, and died before medical attendance could be secu re , to­day.

The women were alone In the house. W. Wljlei Roee. husband of Mrs. Roee, was on the lawn. He was called In time tu eee his wife before she died, in addi­tion to her huabsnd. Mrs, Rose le su r­vived by one daughter. Miss Frances Stanton Rose, who is studying vocal music In a New York conservatory.

The Rose family have lived In Upper Montclair about ten years. They went to tho suburban town from Manhattan, where Mr. Roi« formerly conducted a buelnese. Mrs. Roae waa forty-six years old. She wae a member of St. Jam es's Eplicopel Church. Upper Montclair.

Funeral services will hte held from the Roae home a t 11:30 o’clock. Saturday morning. Rev. Nassau S. Stephens, i>*c- tor of Bt. Jam es's Church, will offIcUie. Burial will be In Mt. Hebron Cemetery. Upper Montclair.

NETV YORK. June B.“ A cable dispatch from Parle today announces the death In P aris of Charles Kohler, a wealthy piano m anufacturer and turfm an, of this city. News o£ Ur. Kohler's demise j'ee- terday w as received In a private message to David Leary, trainer of th* Kohler horses a t Belmont Park The death of Mr, Kohler was due to heart disease. Hla body will be sent to Ihle city on the steam ship Lorraine, selling next Sat­urday.

Mr. Kohler was born in Newark, N. J . In ],t68, the son of John J. and Caroline Rouse Kohler. ^ entered Princeton, but e-aa forced to leave college after hla firs t year because of business reverses Ui h li father, who was a m anufacturer of felts. A fter leaving Princeton he en­tered the piano manufacturing business and formed the Kohler A Campbell Co., which has a large plant a t Eleventh ave­nue end F iftieth street. He also was an officer In several other piano firms here and abroad. He was a member of the Now York Athletic Club. Coney lal- and Jockey Club and the Turf and Field Club.

Rome years ego Mr. Kohler bought the Dooner estate of 600 acres In the Ramapo Volley. Darlington, N. J., near the New York S ta te line. He built up the great Ramapo Stock Farm, and. after racing was stopped In New York, he purchased (he stable of Samuel 9- Hlidreth He then sent the H ildreth string and h li ownthoroughbreds to France and England, where he won many stakes. A few weeksago he bought a dozen yearlings which August Belmont had In Franca

In Jan u ary of this vear he won two races at Nice with Va Tout and Camyro, In March the Prlx de la Sarthe a t Eng- heim with Rcsttgouche. three hurdle races a t Aiiteull with Vico and Pugglrve; In April, the Corporation P late at Alex­andra p a rk wtth Spied Foot, and a still more recent race i t Newmarket with Coronts.

Mr. Kohler w'as married In 1893 to Mist Veronica M. Byrne and they have three daughters.



A high maea of requiem was celebrated

PHILADELPHIA. June 5.-M1chael J. Murphy, known to athlete* as "Mlgr." and probably one of the most famous coaches In the world, died here yesterday afternoon at 2:15 o'clock. After a solemn requiem m ass a t St. Jam es's Church next Monday the body will be taker lo Hop- klnton, Moss., for burjaJ.

Death came after Murphy had struggled for life for years, ju it as he nad taught the Univeralty of JtennsylvajUa athltJioe lo struggle for victory.

^ Murphy was probably the best known ccack In the world- His euccesaee with the men a t Vale and Pennsylvania, with many ath letic clubs and with the Olympic team, which he took to diockhoim josc year, were phenomenal.

The veteran coach's health hod not been good for years. I t become woroe

fipec/af S m l« of tfte NEWS.ABBURY PARK. June fi.-*-The gfM ri

synod Of the Reformed Church began lOTth annual meeting here tc^ay. Rav. William P Bruce, of Yonkers, p resld tn l| of the synod, opened the meetliig and to­night will deliver tbe tyiiodJcal sernian.

Tha principal business scheduled (gr the day Is the election of officers. A hum- ber of ministers a rs candidates for tbd presidency and a spirited contest Is ex­pected. Prominently mentioned as possd- blMtles are Rev. Henry J. Veldman, o( Holland, and R*v. Peter Moerdyka, o l South Bend, Ind.

Interest In the meeting centres In thg report to be made by a comanlttse ap­pointed to revise the constitution and t i ^ discussion over the use of the g rtdad Sunday-echooi lessons. Concerning both there is likely to be a dash between th* conservative «nd progressive wtngs of tbe denomination.

The constitution to be changed l i th a t drafted by the synod of Dort In MU* which, many members of the church de­clare. Is full of amblgultlee and omis­sion* and Is unsulted to the modern church. The committee has already pre­pared Its report, which provides for no radical changes, but the fight la expected from those who oppose any devlatiOS from the law formulated by the Dutch forefathers of the denomination.

The g lided lessons were a source of lively discussion a t the recent general a s ­sembly of the Presbyterian Church, which, after considerable argument, ordered them withdrawn The objection to the leseons come* from the conservattveo* who derlare they deviate from the Blbla'g teachings to the extent of smbodylng modern Tnaterial. \

The constitutional revision conimlttM 1i expected to make its report toroorroir a f ­ternoon and the dlscuaelon of both th* principal topics to come up will oeoupy the larger part of tomorrow and Botur* day.

’Tomorrow night there will be i meeting In behalf of the young people's work. A d­dresses will be made by Rev. J. G. G*b- hard, secretary of the Board of Educa­tion, and Rev. Milton J. Littlefield, of Brooklyn. Mr, Opbhard wtU apeak on tb* need of ministers and bis address will b t Uiustraied with etereopUcon plctu raa

A report of the standing commlttoas will be made tomorrow New business wtll be taken up Saturday. The delogotti Sunday will celebrate the aacram eilt of the Lord’s supper. Monday has b*an s«t aside for conalderatlon of foreign mlsilong and domestic missions will be tha T‘J*s- day evening topic.

These delegatee will represent tb* clasalfl of Newark; Rev. Frederick B. Pullan, of the Hyde Park Reformed Church; Kev. Cbavlea Beach Condlt, T |in - lly Reformed Church. Newark: Rev, YV* W arren Giles. F irs t Reformed Chorch, E ast .Orange, Rev. Lucie Boeve, N tr tb Reformed Church. Newark; Elder PhfllF Gleee, Plainfield; Elder C. H, N *v|u^ E ast Orange: Elder Claude Obnod oiHl Elder Robert Clark Jr., Plainfield.

The East and the West are the geo­graphical divisions of the k Refomncil Church In America. The East has 8R,t7P members and the Weal 29,SK. Of th* 'dc- nomination’s 691 churches 488 *r* In N*w ’ Jersey and New York. There *r* 8*IM members In the clasFla of Newark and a score of churches.


MORRISTOWN SOQETY*j>erto( of Iht NliTfS.

MORRISTOWN. Jun* .1 - Invltsitlod* h»vc b«en Issued bj' Sir*. John Wc»l*(f Ca*llea for th* marrlaff* of her dsiijlU. ter, Mis— france* Castle*, to Pointtoy Tucker rianclB. of T,oy. -N. V. on th* afternoon of June 'J3. at St F ile r 's ijhurch. A reception a t th* home nf the hrldt-eiert's mother. In Notinantl'* Heights, '*■111 fallow the ceremon.v at in* church. Mr. p'ranci* I* a sun uf Jit*.

■taff ConttpomBALTTtSRCiI

MILLS. Jun* m tlonal «iid 1 U bllih td a nc IlBk* h e n thla th* fourteenth g«m*m of th* ■oclatlon. B*f Snl*h*d h* r< ■troke* better m*da her* Mt Vleek.

Tb* pouiblll ■hown from tl inmrkable tcoi *n* a t th* fir lliteen th . H* a t tb* long naab l* thot a th* long grti tb* other h*i auinber of brt and (ixth. fo l i f t bins pu tu he aaally n*gc th* ninth laft half.

etarUng the b«gan wtth fi a*qti*nc* with yard fourteen i thara waa *ul ihot. (0 deadi a s ao* of Rolr r a t t of the taanth, whsre Baar th* *dg* a* follow*Out ...............In ..................

CfcanploiOiwald Klrh

ant State chi enough «xc*p p u t A fter rplayed finely an approach tailing to gel U* mad* the oat* wa* Mat tin ohampton, and failed to Howard Olffe ■ooUtlOn cha ■nort* w*r* a

F. Bmlthar*. B. D o u flu , : L. Fullerton, WUd, Cranfor Fnglawood, ti County, 45. 4t wood. 43,» , M-ei; E. : 15; r . H. Tho 100; William ’ C- E. Van VI I. Rowland. 1

W. E. Man W. Baker, PIi mona, Uentcl terlll. Cranfoi J r„ Suburban BiUtuarot, ET, Baltuarol. 47. tuarol, 60. 43—1 41, 64-91; Dr City, 40. SO-90 to*,, (0. «-,* County, 46, M Baltusroi, 43, Morris Count: rls County. Younlakfth. ^ luffol, 48. 43- County, 47. -K tuirol. 53, ti- soak, 56, £i2<-lC « . 48-91; A. 1

Francis end the late Charles B. Kram-i'-tleiuro -.fof Troy, and is one of the proprft

a Troy newspaper. He wqm g ra d ju u d from Yale last June.


thle morning In St. Cecilia's Cethollo i than usual In the fall of 1911. At that Church, Keam y, for William Wiggins, time ha caught cold while with the Pennaon of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wiggins, of th a t town, wnose death Sunday resulted from a blow on the temple from a pitched bntl.

The pallbearers were Christopher Lud- lum, John Rowland, Jam es Casey, Tim­othy Hefferon, Mark Wiggins and George McCarty, the first four being members of the parish dramatic tyceum. Interm ent was in Arlington Cemetery.

Hr*. K llaabeth C. Tr*Tla,The funeral iorvices of Mrs. Ellzoibcih

Cooper Travis were held this morhlng a t her late resldance, 180 Amherst street. E ast Orange, and were conducted by R*v. J. William Ryder, pastor of the Sanford Street Methodist Church. The interment ■was at Basking Ridge. Mrs. Travie, who was tne widow of Jam es M. Travis, died Monday night from a conpllcatlon of dia- eases, after an Illness of several months. She was born in Millington fifty-three yeera ago. She is survived by four daugli­ters and a son. the Misses Mildred, Made-

fooiball team a t Ann Arbor. During the wimer of mi-12* "Mike." os be wu* known everywhere, was kept in the house. H e rallied last spring and coached the Red and Blue track team to a vic­tory. Then he performed the crowning feat of hla career by taking the Unitod S tates team to the Olympic games. H* barely kept himself olive during the trip and collapsed In the fall.

During the winter, Murphy was in the South. This spring he made another ef­fort to resum e work, but had to give it up, end he was ordered by Dr. Robert G* Torrey to remain In his hor-ie.

The victory of the Penn team a t H ar­vard la-it ^ tu rd a y caused Murphy lo rally, and on Monday he received mem­bers of the victorious team. Yesterday morning he, lapsed Into unconfcloueness, and death followed early in the afternoop.

Murphy firs t branched pul into the seri­ous side of athletics in ISH, when he took a place a s physical director a t Yale.

IfU. A. M. residing in Hillside w|j| b t beld a t ihe home of Township Commltteemaa J. Elliott Hail, in Clark street. Lyons Farms, either Monday or Tuesday night, when the m atter of forming a local i s e will be discussed.

A meeting of tbe Connecticut Form f Improvemeiit Assoclailon. Union, wlH be held In the town hall tomorrow night.

The Christian Endeavor Society of the Connecticut Farme Presbyterian Churcllt Union, will hold s strawberry festival in the town hall negt Tuesday n igh t

ROSELANDDonald Hall has returned to his hema

In Orange after visiting his parents, U L Slid Mrs. David Hall, of . Passaic.

Miss Minnie Roll, of Brooklyn. M v|g^ Itlng Mrs* C. R. Roll.

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Braunworth havg returned to their home in New ’York a f te r v isiting C harles B raunw orth and family, of TJvlngston avenue.

lelne, Olive rad Auqueta Travl* of Eaet i *'* developedOBrage, and Lloyd C. Tr*v1a, ot thla city I champion runner In Amerlc*. withwr, . . . . . . . . _ _ . ‘ I 4 nf MAUIafa*. nt UairatApa



of the vorlouB municlpoliUos throughout Hudson County have received notices from Prosecutor Hudspeth ih a t the la tter will hold them responslbl* fo r failure on their part to see th a t the law Is ob­served. These notices a re th s outcome of a letter of complaint se n t to the prose­cutor by Samuel Wilson* of the Anti- Saloon League, two week* ago. Mr. WlL son claimed that a num ber of lodges and social clubs were violating the sxclie laws by selling liquor w ithout the neces­sary iicensi^.

Along with the notice of warning sent to the police by the proiMoutor the la t­ter included a copy of th* Wilson letter.

Two iisterR. Mrs. Charles K. Cook, of Mil ilngton, and Mrs. W. C. Plocker, of Den­ver, C ol, and a brother, William C. Coop­er, of this city, also survive,

Pnvera] of W ltllam gheedy.The funera l of W illiam Sheedy, hus­

band of Mrs E lisabeth Sheedy, of 638 N orth F ifth s t r e e t H arrison, who died Monday, w as held today from the Chnrob of th e Holy CroM, wher* a high m ass of requiem W'Ob celebrated. In ­term en t ,n ths "Cemeiery of theHoly Sepulchre

Mrs, itlary J. tt«Ddolph VaoNula.PLAINFIELD. June 6.-Mrs. Msry J.

Randolph Van Nuls. aged eighty- four years, ■widow of John Van Nuls. died yesterday a t the home of her dau.fh-. ter. Mre, George T. Harris, of Clip'.in avenue. She w as born in this city and was educated In tbe public schools. ‘Jtie lived here until October 25, 1854, when

th* exception of Hollister, of Harvard.At the end of three years Murphy went

to the D atrolt Athletic Club as coach. A fter th ree years there he w'ent to Yale again, and in 1896 he was secured by the University of PenneyIvasla. During the following four yetre he remained with Penn. Then he returned to Yale, but Penn secured his services again a t the end of a five-year term with the New Haven athletes.


Jull* F rank, aeventy-two. better known t* "'M othfr Frank, " I* d*ad a t her home In W**t Stony Cresh. She adopted and reared ten children and for forty year* had attended Memorial Day aervloea In thle village and had decorated the grave

ntmiLE STITEV >Fin<l« Help in Lydia E Pink*

ham's Vegetable , Compound.

Bellevtid, Ohio.—“ I. w u In • tanibis state before 1 took L|fdte K Pinkboa’a

V e g a t a b l e Con*

Of every soldier burled here, she Was married and removed to N^w | Miss F ra n k 's eweethearl, a soldier in T. a*. Union army, was killed a t the battleBrunswick Mr. Van Nuls died about th irty years ago. Mrs. Van Nuls was a member of the Fli^it Reformed Church.New BrutiBwick. She leaves three daugh- ters, Mrs. Harris, Mr*. Christiana Evan* and Miss Laura Van Nuls, of this city, ' his death, and two sons, F rank and Charles Van I The farm • w'here she spent her life Nuls. The funeral will he held tomorrow | is bequeathed to an unmarried sister on afternoon from the late home. Burial ' condition that the light be kept burning

of Bull Run and for more than fifty years she kept a light burning In her win­dow in anticipation of hla return. She never accepted as authentic the report of

will be in Willow Grove Cemetery, New Brunswick.

GOY. FIEDER TO SPEAK IN DOVERstaff CorretpondtHtt.

TRENTON. Jun* A—Governor, rield*r ha, aceptad tha InvttaUon to ' tu e n dth* annual banquet o( th* Woodrow WIJ •on Aitoolatlon or D ovtr, to b« held In that elly Jun* IT. tn Aeeordanc* with th* Invitation he 1* to m ake an addr**i on State lB,uea th a t or* before the p«0' pi* at present.

Invitations to a tten d 'th la itunctlon hav* also been forwarded to M ayor H. Otto Wlttpenn and F rank H . KAtienbaoh Jr., th* other Democratic G n te rn a to rltl aa- ptrante, but It I* not khowra irh e th tr th*y have decided to be p ra ra a t a t the hra* quet

Hort WMI* SccUoc liMt Mrothet.ANDOVER, .run* i.~ 'W b ll* on hi*

way back to E aetoo. P A . a f te r a valrt search In Newton fo r 0. lonK.loat brother, John S aiM aJl. of Oiraaow, Sootlantt. (ell th ro u fh a hoi* In th e platforn oi th* Ipohlph an d U udion Railroad S tation a t A ndover Junction , and wa* aerloualy In ln rad . Dr. J* e th a C. C lt 'k . of Andevwr. w a* o*ll«d and had th* unconielonf ip a n ta k e n to th* VMton Hoonltau

Raai*«ll did n o t r a ^ l n oonidouantM i to r moT* th an tw e lv s h o u rt. H t w as h K fraper In bqaaM C ounty. Ram-

Rev. N athan E d u tI Dead.Sparta I Streiet of tht SEWS,

Ha m b u r g , Jun* G.-’ Word wa* re* celved her* yeiterday of tho death ot Rev. N athan E d u l] a t hi* home In Hart-land Corner*, I t . A (all from a ladder caused hla death, after a week's auffer- Ing. He Wa* elshty-one years old. and wa* born near M im burs, a ion of Geors* and (Loretta) Smith IMuU. Although reared a Baptlat, h« btcam e a Quaker, and ww* ordained a mlnl*t«r of th* Friend*' ’Church.

Lew is A, Snvareool.Sportal Serviet of tha ifS V S .

NEtVTON, Jun* i .—A fter a long Ulaes* Lewi* A. Bavercool, a farm er In the T*llow Fram e district, died ye*t«rday. Mr, Bavercool w»* *l»ly-eight year* old. H« wa* a aon of the lat* Frederick M. and Barah Cook Savercool, and had lived many year* near yellow Frame. Besides ht* widow a son, Eugene, who live* a t home, survive* him. Th* funeril will be held a t the bom* a t ]tl0 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Rev. Isaac H, Coudit, pastor o f tb* Tellow Fram e Pr»»bytacira Church, win offldat*. Intarm ent will B* made In the Yellow Fram e Cemetery.

W iiltaB P ra t.TRENTON. Jun* A—'Wllllant Paat,

nlpety year* old, died g t hi* home. 46 Carroll street, yeiterday. having tiurvlvcd his wife a fortnight. Mr. P ast wa* horn In Buck* CounfF, P*.. January 4, U2l. tn 144T he established a bam* her*. He Itaves a aon, Benjamin, whose home i* In Wisconsin.

Mr*, Lout* CIbww,gpeeiol fiertJlce of tt* yews.

ELIZABETH, Jun* 'll__Mr*. Wli-helm lna Clan** P .dow e t Lool* C lauu ,

for the soldier.G eorge F. D lcklaion .

NEW YORK, June 6,-Oeorg« Fo* Dluk- Inson, a retired stock bn'ker, died yester­day a t hi* home, 12! East Thirty-fourth atr**t, a fter a long llln«*s, during wh>oh time hi* heart became affected. He wu*

y r . i . . w.onw or L o a n Clausa, died y s iU ra a y a t h a r hfqii*, i « | | 4 u g . ;?** '',»T enuo Sh* w aa an old rM ldant o f E lU ebeth Uor huahand w m *n- g u e d for m any r*ar* In tk* w lnaral ■vatar bunnaaa.

sovtnty years old. Mr. Dickinson was bom a t the Herm itage In Trenton, N. J. He moved to New York snd became a member of the Open Board of Brokers, vthieh lOOn conaolldated with th* Now York Stock Exchange. He kept hi* seat 00 the exqtiange until IKT, when he re­tired. In 1644 he married Mis* Jana Ar­den P arro tt, of Greenwood, Orange Coun­ty, N. T „ th* niece o t ^ b o r t P, P a r­rott, Inventor of th s gun whfob t a r e hi* name. H e la survived by hi* wlf* snd one lau g h te r, Mr*. William C anon Kana, of New York.

G n e r a l John p . Donaho*. g|l*cldl Bnrvite of (he BEWS.

WILMINGTON Del., Jun* 6,.^G*ntr*l John P. Donahoe, former national coni- j m andar of tlie Union Veteran Ltglon, ' died at hla homo here today. H* had been UI fo r two year*. He w as seventy- . three year, old. He wa* one of Dela­w are’s best Known cltiseni and hsd an enviable w ar record.

Mr*. B U n ta k tk m g n * .Speefal fierclce of tt* NSII'S.

BOONTON, Ju n e (.—^Urs. E lisabeth Saundeis, w ife of OM rg* siMindtrA diod y s tle rd a y a t b ar home, I f l Church ■troet: Ur*. SnundHr* waa seven ty-■eveu y so rs old She w as born tn Boonton an d had Hved h e rs a ll her Ilf*. Beside* h e r husband ahe leavM. a bro tb«r, W illiam ManssU, o r Soon- ten, and four chUdren, Ooofg* W. J ^ a d s r a , o f B oentosi Mra. F ra n k Gould, t ( M orris P la in t; Mrs. Georg* H lllo n o f E gtorraa. and f T a a i t C ■ te u n d s ra . o f Ifo rih S tra h M ld . H ast. Tho fo n o ra t sorvtiMa’iidlt ^ hold to- a rarrow afto rao o h a t | ^ ; | i t t o jm b o . ,

pound H y b to k achedantllltluHi^e ft would b re tk illud pains gl] over Bi% norvouB feelings util peiiocUe troubles. X w si very wesk u id run down uid w u losing hope of evaic b e in g w ell g n d strong. After talk- ing Lydia E. ’Pink-

nun’s Vegetable Corapouiid 1 bnproveS rapidly and today am a well w o n ^ I cannot tell you how happy I feel sod Xcannot say too snidi for yonrCompoundWould not be without it in the himse ff it CMt three times the amount'’—Mra. Cra& Cbafhan, B. F. 0 . No. 7, Belle.'

Dr. S. M. I H, D. Htbba H. Llpplncot W, T. Glenn: EndlcoM. At Webb. Engle rell, Macken* F treiit Hill. Baltuarol, 64,

Oscar tv'ooT. B. Wheeit V, Meserol*. Allsupp. Balt mond, Eiiglei Glen Ridge. Canoe Brouit ford, Atlant Swords. Mori Mitchell, Gift son, Canoe B Englewood, 4 tutrol. 46, 61 Hill, HI, 49-1 en»ack, 44, 44 County, 44, 6

CandlUuut 1 eighteen-hole Ifylog In (out o f their Scot dlvlBlon will th* chaniploi scheduled foi

Wtth BUchwisely dacidi the first pal Morrl* Couni home club, o'clock. Th< sent away al

Coincident team match qualifying sc In th a team champtonshil holea except thirty-Blx ho!


'wnu i

of ra nHoUtni

Tue, Ohio,Because your caaa b a dUBeutt one,

doctors fagviiig done you no good, do not “ rithocontinue to suffer without fti'tisg

B. Pinfcbam'a Vegetable Compound r trlaL I t surely nag remedied many cases of female Sts, eudi aa.inilatiims. tioo, ulceration, displacemgnta, tanwriL Irrcgulaiitiet, periodic pains, baekadia. and itin iy baexactiy wbat y w a M ^

The FinkhuB raeord is a proud g#4 peerlewone. itleareim rdof (wnatuil victo^over tiu obatinata ilia of wtMita —Die fbatdtal out deapalr.

sta ff fiorrMm GLEN c o t

Ion Kollln*.Gsorglanna 1 meet In the Metropolitan thip tournar of th* aeml- Unka of tha

,ls* Blebo ntury. 1

Ins cllml nef, ot the I tin-

Ml** Hlsh( her epponen

. - was reacheipcsitlon of 1 proved the

1 reflisad to b ■ foittlsr natlc

I »-■■< holdtir won ;■£ th* twelfth,

.. wen . the to , pultail Into I

. ■ tse Shot oul . -f&taenUt, and

v'4 oantury won , 1. J . * lt* r all but

n aieh.Mis* Holll

, ? Mr*. 'tohUn, p ground to tl

.VI After that S ,, In! dJstanctni

i;' : >/- susninerl**! fr- .Chainplona

Broaklawn, tury, S up HdUlDi, W*j'4c. iSWi


- K . ’ibgat Mrs. I

tt u d a to MS

—-w -WWW■ 'w*aM|MkCp* t a b M e d f a c t t h a t L yd ia B. P to lc h ta h V sm ta b le C o n fo u n d baa r i b e u ti i to thonaandg o f g ^

■ ^ i f h e mysb ’.•’.UK lha pelloe d

4- 4aaverl«g u I wa* ela*r«d

Woman. W hy dftn’t you t r y I t need n i a « m e d i c a l

toPh BUrke, J «ny. tb* ow V baek to K r

Th* maohl frM tt tb

’ OeasHe, o f ) youag th*h, 'wait laanu “ told

__ ,bl*I k*t E«rMut Fa ‘ fa m a t of . .This non . |m «w all t: t waa, hot b*

; T

inatioD A»- ’irk for i f t i f .



AT m s OU) TRICKS IV p ^r Montclair Golfer Sett New

Record of73 for B a ltw d Course in State Tonmey.


-Th* ( t i t t r a ch b«can today. R«y. r*. pretM M lJ •tint and to* ] .-•I *«rin«n. ;b<tful*4 t « r ) c m A iiuni> nice for cb« >ntcit li c i ­ted pon l- Veldmin. o( focrdyki, ot

n ied u th a t Sort In IfU,• church da- I and oinll- the modern already pre- lidca for no t la expected y deviation f the Dutch Iona eouree o t t icneral ae-lurch, erhieh, nt, ordered ciion to the onaervattvea. n the Bible'*’ embodylnf^

coinmlttaa I t omorTow a /- . of both th e I will occupy

' and Satur*

be a m eetlnf I’a work. Ad-

J. O. Oeb- d o f Educa- ilttlefleld, of apeak on th* dreia will bn ilcturaa. nm ltte ti will >uilneaa wlU le delatat** le rao eo t o ( haa baan aut ilfn mleatona le the Tuee-

present th* rredertek S.[ B e to m ed Condit, Trln- rk; Rev. "W. led Chureh. loeve, N orth Elder Philip H. N iv lub OOnod and

nfiald.ire the geo- > Reformed

at hae 9.1 ?P Of tha 'dc-

are In N e w ' &ra ere iwark and a

ETY- InvItatiDM ohn Wcaley her ilaujl i-

(0 PometuT Y.. on 111*

81 F .lcr’r home I’f the

Nonnaiid a pon.v at lna M)n of M j

a. Kranr, ■oprieiurt mI ri iradJuL. d

the Jr, 0. will be held mmitteeman reel. Lyoiia •Bday night. i tocal t i ^ e

dcut Farm* Ion. wlH ha >w night, d e ty of the Ian Church, try feetlval y night.

Ilaff Corrupoadeere.Ba l t u s r o l o o l f l i n k s , s h o r t

HILLS. June h ^Jerom e D. Travere, th* national and m tiropolltan champion. *t- tabllihed a new record for the Baltuirol llnki her* th li morning. In th* opening ot the fourteenth annual chtm plonihlp tour- gam em o t th* New Jereey State Oolf Ai- aoelatlon. Before a third of the field had Bnlehed h* returned a card of 71, two ■trokea better than tha am ateur record made here Memorial Day >by C. E. Vanvieek. ;

The poaaibtlltlea ot Travere'a game a r^ ■hown from the fact th a t ha got hie re. m arkable icore. deepite a couple of Ij. On* a t the flrec hole and another a t tbe aiiteenth. Me got trapped a t No. « while a t th* long aiiteen th e half-topped maable ehot aenl hi* ball to a bad lie In the long grace beyond the green. On the other hand, "Jerry" brought off a number of brilliant etrokee At the fifth and f ilth , for tnetance. hie approaehee . left him p u ttj of a club'e length, which | he aaelly negotiated for le. Another 1 e l i th* ninth left him a 36 for the outward half. !

Starting the homeward Journey, Travere began with tour te end then broke the lequenc* with a rem arkable 3 et the UT- yard fourteeoih. An gnueualty Ion* drive there was aubetituted by a rare maahle ah o t ao deadly that the ball came within an ace of going Into the hole. Him Longeet w t t of the round came at the aeven- taenth, where he "eank" one on a 3 from Bear the edge of th e green Hie card waa a* follow*:Out .................a « 1 t 3 8 ( 4 1-36Id ....................4 4 t 4 a 6 6 3 4-87-71

Champion K lrk k r Dove Well.Onwald Tflrkby, of Englewood, the pree-

ant State champion, went along well enough except for an occaalonal extra p u t After reaching the turn In 40, he played finely until the eeventeerth. where an approach landed him in a trap, and, tailing to get onl well, regletered a 6. H e made the round In 71. Not so fortu­nate wae Max Harcton, the Interacholaa- tlo obamptOD. who waa alack going out and failed to get round better than 86. Howard Olffen, a former East Jeriey Aa-

. abolatlon champion, made a 71. Other acorec were aa followa:

F. Bmlthere. Atlantic City, 44. 4d-00: D. I . Douglaa. Princeton, 47. 6 1 ^ ; F W. Ih Fullerton, Baltuerol, 52, 47—96; E. M. Wild, Cranford, 41, 4o -« ; John Naethlng, Englewood, 46. 42—17: Paul Moore, Morrl* County. 4S. 44—86; E. M. Barnee, Engle­wood. 41, 36—67; R. r Faber, Baltuarol. » , 4S-66; E, B. Schley, Baltuarol. 42, 43- 15; F, H. Thomae, Morrla County, 49, 61— 1«); William Wataon, Baltuarol. 47 , 47-94; C- S- Van Vleck, Montclair'. 41. 43-64; B. g. Rowland. Plainfield. 46, 4S-63

W. E Mareua, Montclair, 69, 43—93; J W, Baker, Plainfield, 63, 4«-69; J. 1. 81m- mona, Montclair, 43, 49—97; M 8. Wel- terlll. Cranford, 46, 46—90; O R Graham J r„ Suburban, 60, 60-100; P. Fuller Jr., Baltuarol, 67 , 65-112; T. W. Satterthwalie. Baltuarol. 47. 49—96; Jamea A. Tyng, Bal­tuirol, 60. 43-93; tV, N. Sinclair. Baltuerol, 41, 6ii-91; Dr. A, W. 'Weilley, AUlntlc City, *0. 60—90; W. N. ROthacUlld. Prlnce- trw, 60, «--»6, C, W. O'Connor. Eiee* County, 45, 4gr-90; C. E Van Vleck Jr., Baltuarol, 43 . 44-67; F B. Rtchardaon. Morrie County, 49, 46-94; Max Behr, Mor­rla County, 40, 4t»-8n; M. M- Michael. Yountakah. 44. 44-66; F, A Wright. Bal­tuerol. 46, 48-91; J. F. T.iylor, Eeaei County, 47. -W-M. H R, Towneend, Bsl- tugrol, 63. 43-99; Jerome Paul, Hacken- aa«k. 66, 62-106; L. B. MeWhood, Madlaon,

(g-M: A. F. C. Milligan. Suburban, 41.

I c d o D i D d s t n

The best is none too good for you, especially when it costs no more than the average. W iedenm ayer’i on your table is the test of critical judgment.

Order a case to-day.G E O . W . W I E D E N M A Y E R , l o c .

' N E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S . T H U R S D A Y , J U N E B , 1913.

S 9 6 M a r k e t S tr M t

Drink ^N e w a r k ^ F a m o u F Bottled Beer

N a w a r k , N . J .

O r d e r from yourDealer orPhone d aoMarket


Morris aod Essex Association Com­mittee Turns Down Resolution


E .n n k >J e i

n a taiTfbli Fiakbsm’s

ibl» iCeta* U y b s e k lillthfHigfat JNgJc.lhvl i Dvo mgi, feelingitiMt bfoublas. X ' w eak a n d a sad w u 'pe of arsE N « U a n i l A fter tek> s £.>PinIc* Iliniiroveil w o m ^ X fml and X

ComponniX baboihMif n f - M e g u

Scolt <m*, nod. do not v ln g f^y d ia jtnpoirad a died BUiqr .inflgibmae ts, turnon^ btekaeju^


p n m d n tif 4ienstu|| nf wqgiiii I t k a o « t e P ln k h b ^ 'l ' • ■ t o e j a

H I '

Dr. S. M, Hltiman, Cranford. 47, 44-91; H, D. Hibbard, Plainfield, 49, 61—100; J, H , Llpplncolt, A tlantic City, 60, 51-101; W, T. Glenny. Plainfield, 49. « - » ; T. P. Endicotl. Allantic City, 4S, 47—95, Koy Webb, Englew-ood, 45, 46—93; Alfred Mof- rell, Hackeiiaack, 55. 49—09; H. 0. Christl, F ire a t Hill, 18. 4b—M, Theodore Keor. Baltuarol, 53, 62-lOS. ,

Oacar Woodward, Baltuarol. 46 . 47—93: T. S. Wheeler. PJalnfleld, 61, 56-117. B. V Meserol*. Englewood. 43, 49—K; H. Alieupp, Baltuerol. 46, 48-94; B. F. Rum- tnond Englewood. 45, 43— 88; H- D. Smith, Glen Bldge, 65 45-100; R- F. Decker, Canoe Brook, 51.'OO-lOl; W. E, Shackle­ford, Atlantic City, t6, 46—91; X. D. Swoi-da. Morrla County, 44 , 41—85; Kcberi Mitchell, Glen Ridge. 41, 54—95; J. H, Hog- aon Canoe Biook, 48, 52-100; Frank EnOs, Englewood 45, 40-68. 1C. F. Alleopp. Bal­tuirol, 45. 51-96; Paul E. Heller, Foreet Hill M 49—105; A- W. Maine J r , Hack- enaaok, 44, J- H. MacDonald. EaiexCounty, 43, 50—6j .

CondiUuna for today'a affa ir call for an eighteen-hole teat log rt.und, player* gual- IfylBg in lour alxteene, according to merit o f their ecorea. Xhoo* making the top dlvlelon will continue a t .match play for the chaniplonohlp, the t lr i t round betas echeduled for thia afeernoon.

With ouch a large fieid th* committee wieely decided to make an early atari, the first pair. Frederick H. Thomas, ot Morris County, and B. B. Schley, of the home club, teeing up *• early a i 8;30 o'clock. Thereafter the couples were eent away a t four-minute Intervali.

Coincident with the testing round la a team match of four men from each club, qualifying scorei of the playera to count In tha team a f fa ir Match rounni In the champlonehip will consist of eiglitsen hole* except th* final on Safurday. when thirty-six holes will be decldtd-


Bftifi Cffrrwmnfufvnrt.OLEN COVE. L. X.. June B.-Miat Mer*

Ion' HoUlna. of W est Brook, and M!$i OeoFflenna. M. Biahop, of Brooklawn, will t te e t In the final round of the Women'a Metropolitan Golf Afleociatlon champion* •hip tournam ent tomorrow* ae the reiuU of the 8emi-fihtl matohee today over the Unki of the N aieau Country Club-

!•• Biehop defeated M n. A. 8. Roieln. ientury* 2 up and 1 to play, while Mlie

,__JlM eliminated Mre. Howard F, Whit* he^, of the home club, by a 6 and 3 mar* fflB*

Itlee Btahop took an early lead over her opponent and by the time' th e th ia Will reached stood lo the comfortable

' pelltlon of 3 up. Mm. Roesln. hOwevor, proved the pereonlficaUon of pluck aiid

^ r e l i e d to be dleconcerted even when the fofnrer natlonel and meiropotiten tltle-

^ holder won the tenth, 3lri. RpMln took - i the twelfth, but loet the next and then A V « o n , the fourteenth when M l» Bllh ip ' pulleil into a tpap. The la tte r pulled her

iM Nhot out Of bounds and lost the flf* teeMh, aad it began to look t e If the

5.1- oeatury woman mldiht pink up loetsroum l a fte r t i l but two halved h o lti eettied the

” JSie Holltna aoon became t up over t- llrf* W itn ey , but the iM t named gained k iround to the turoj BUndldf but S down.

V Xtt«r that Ml«a KoUlne had no dfffleuHy iQ 'diitandnf the K w iau woToan, The

- -^ •u ttu n a r le a ;.plvlelon, Semlfflbal

Qeorfflatma U. B le jm Braaklawn* beat Mrs. A. 8. Roetln, Cen*

lay; M in Marian Howard


'cahn. Cen

Several member! of she reeolatlone committee of Uie Morrie end Eeeex B aptlit Aeeodetlon oppoeed p ttaaae of a reeolution Indorelnf the work ot Ibe Anil‘SaIoon L ra iue at the annuel meet- Inc held yeaterday and laet n lfh t In ibe FIrei Baptlet Church. Bloomfield. A c«m- promtie reaolutlon wai adopted follow* in f conalderable diacusaion

Accordltvf to Iiaac R. hlareon. of Mor- rlMown, who acted as clerk of the reeoin- tion committee, and who drew the rfeaoiu- tlon, membera thereof who opposed flv- Inf Indorsement to the league eaid they took exception to the method! ueed by the Antl'Saloon organlaatlon lin carrying on Ite campaigm.

The compromlae readlnUon etatee (hat the B aptlati Aeeoclatlon "oppoaea liquor (refrlc In all Ita forma, especially aa rep- reeented by the legalized saloon, and we pledge ouraelvft! to bring about Its aboli­tion by every proper meanB.”

Rev. Dr. W. T. Stackhouse, secretary of the B ap tlit I.aymftn’a Mlaslonary Movement of the Northern Baptist Con­vention. gave the concluding addresa a t (he evening Beaalor!. was also a•pfctal muelci] program by the full

I chorus of the Bloomfield church, and in organ recital.

i T hat the church owed a duty to the non-churchgoer was asserted by Rev Alexander Blackburn, in an addresa. A great many folk ilevote their Sunday morning! to newspapera, he said, and the afternoon (o autamohlle riding, present* Ing a problem which the church must m^et seriously ami (honghlfully

Mr. Blackburn said he was not an advocate of poctaliam, hut there was one thing «torUii8tf aimed at which Impreaped him—brotherhood and sisterhood. The church could neither laugh nor frown On loclallem. he declared.

M inistering to the eoclal needs of the community was urged by Mr. Blackburn. He advocated a campaign which would be carried on In factories and even to the streets. Thousands were longing for what Is claimed to be represented In the church, he maintained,

Rev. W, H Btwden urged greater ac­tivity by voung folk to spread the gos­pel in thel’r ’ornnuinlty. declaring the op- portunltlea for doing effective w'Ork and securing reflutls were greater now than ever In the hletory of the church.

The report of the permanent couned w ai presented by Rev Daniel H Clare One of the ru lei adopted, he said, pro-

candidate for ordination


Belleville Council Caucus Sud to In­terpose No Serious Objection to

Second Shortage Accounting.ANTl-lMHOFF ACTION IS URGED


The neceMtty of a more complete rtg* tetratton of Infanta born In tha commu­nity, improvement In aanltary condUloni about public huUding! and the adoption of a elaughter-houia and randerlng plant permit with greater regtrlctlont wera among the matters dlscuiaed by the Kaarny Board ot Health laat night.

A warning wa! also glvan against a poaaible pracUca of daalera Improperly Icing milk on the ground of the high price of the latur commodity. Suoh an excuaa ahould not be accepted, it waa held-

Commlaalorter Kennedy aald the ordi­nance regarding the regiitry of Infants waa too often vioiated and expretfed lha belief that nri more than two-tblrde of the children horn In Kearny were ragU* (ered aa required by law. Thli. It waa pointed out. might have been The result of Ignorance antong tome famltlei wb«r* a phyilcUn was nor employed

The m atter wai referred to Dr. Rleck, with a reqifCBt that he devtsa a plan to overcome the difficulty.


An Institution opened In Foreat itreet. Arllngtcn. a few moniha sgo for tha pro- feRsed purpose of raring for homalea’S women and destitute ‘Mldmi. and eald to hs'-e lireh undrr tlir I'lTltdlctlen of the l.'niled ('hiisian “'li.ircii, oloaed Its <lnora yesKnley A "Tn l»r card Is on the building

Coincident with the sing of the home Rev William Clark f’ne of the principal orricers. hae left Arhiifton with hli fam- lly. rtie furnUhmgs of iha m m iatar'i home and thoan of the ho»illta1 are aaid to be atoreil at liarriaoti

Persons m Harper place. wher«»Mr Clark repide'l, iiald today ha hail gone !o New Vork where hii wife It re­ported to ha\p TFiathei O theri aay hg Is either in this '‘liy or a t Highlands Mall addressed to Clark waa returned by tha carrier to the Arlinijioti poaioff1r<-. I'he pn£.(i'il fit e Llerki say Mr Clark did | not lua^'e any forwarding iddrees at th» office.


le tha two naateet eafreel aiuwera ac­cording TO eur best Judgment; all ether •orreot aisawere will recalvt a IIoe rredtl eheck oh the purrhaee of our IU l lola at UNCOLN HBtUHTi. aear Plalafleld. N. J.





To Physicians and Nurses Desiring Pure Foods for the Sick and Convalescent


_______r a n * l. roni10*rtB* w wlaetIII n eith lr which k, la pa.lni ter talee«4 XO« »* well- Anewer above puaale. 'oAv enaount iron Is 10 l i v in tae b * vHe*,efwbea (hey are added together the total will he M l. ae the eqelvaleat pt eMmonth's rent I3y noi uee (he same uuinhar (w|o» All diiawer* luuet o» m hr

TKKBK U WORK FOB RVKBTROOTc TH* BriLT iir a e r n o s . sh o b t w a l k fbo m *ta ti4>!4.

Uncein hM wvarel U r j, fic lcrlr, W. heve heeutUol river frenUie. eBerd- tni exc.iUci beatlar bathin*. e.hte*. freded e t» e u eed Diehl, */ ;h»da lAtid la hleh. dry end lev*!. I,*ti In Hi* vlclolty ere for HOD up, Tk.hie cut la ear prtoea la (or t limited tlm, e a l, and will he raUad to tbelr antuel" *** ,,JY BCrOBE rm il'E* ABS *D¥*N<5*».

Write er cetl at oaca Inc furthar perticulera end fr*a rellread tleketeEQt'ATOn BCILOINfl K DBF. CO.

n : i Ma*t From Bi , riainiuld. N -I

Pur* Faoili era preuered not ontr l t t conformity wllh the Fur*


Glen Ridge Democratic Body, Re­fusing to Indorse Non-partizan

Slate, Loses President.

Orange to Adopt Drastic Measures to Force Payment of Past

Due Bills.

At an executive conferenoe prf^ceding the meeting of thn Belleville Town Coan-' Cll lx«t mghL the m atter of employing an expert accouniant to verify the figures of the apparent shortage In the general lAx account# of former Tax Collector A. Howtrd Oeborn* wxe dtscueaed.

It la understood that no serious objec* llOQ wM interposed to the plan, as toid yesterday, and that a conference wUl be held today between the committee on finance and auditing wllh a firm of ex­pert accountants.

The roauer wa! spoken of by Town At­torney John De Graw. who told of the suggestion of Proseculor Hood that a cerUfted public accountant be engaged to verify the figures of Lewis Huxtable, of bellevillei wlio has made a ssp irs te re­port. covering the last five years of Mr. Oebornt's term.

Councilman Frank .J Csrragher said today that he wants tn acquaint himself fully with the situation In relation to ih« attitude of the prosecutor, and will prob­ably see Mr. Hood today. Mr. Carragher said he hesitates about spending addi­tional money in connecUon with the Os­borne audit.

Speaking of plans to prevent the loca­tion of an Imhoff sewage disposal plsm within the borders of Belleville and Bloomfield, by Montclair. Orange and L ast Orange, Mayor Denison told the council a t the upen meeting (.hat In the coining fight on the propi>eltion he does not want the situation left tn the hands of a few men. but wants all the council and the people of the coJnmunity to sJd.

The Mayor said he had been Informed by Mayor WllUsm Hauser, of Bloom­field, chairman of the Joint committee of Belleville, Bloomfield and Nutley, that a meeting of the committee will be called for tome time next week, at which Alex­ander Potter, an engineer, will be present and explain operations of an Imhoff plant In a Massachusetts town This meeting will be held In Bloomfield


Non-active members of Locals No. 4 and 1". United H at Makers of North America, who have been In the habit of


arrested >e!ii&rday ns a susp«ct when IM store, at 2?» F‘rospet‘1 place, Orange,woe bijrncu out. was adjourned today (a

After the Hlen Ridge Democratl'* Olub had voted dni^n a resoinllan offered by Prealdent Thomas 1* Masson, at s spsclsl mesttng isec night In borough hsll, to ap-

glve City rrjuneel Borden D. W h iting time 1 the srtloiv of the Glen Hldgs civiclo .irqu^ihit him-elf with the case. He Is ,.opf«r^.,ue ommmee In naming non- in to ’MlU't ihe prnse.'ution. The rom plti'i- | partisan borough candidates. M r Masson ant will he Fire T’hlef W illiam E M ark- ' lendered his reilgnstloii and left ihi.' hull, with Mirier wiks released on ball of • yhe club refused to accept ihe reslgna-

for apPf srsnee Tuesday morning. ! and laid it on Ihe table. It Is expected when Me (^lll he represented by former I effort K ill be made wUhln a few (JhvbJudge Thom ss A Da'^is. | to hg\e Mr Masson reconsider and agfee

The invesilgatMuis of nelcctlve David ! lo anotiier conference wllh the ch lc com-J T^>hr]e! Who vflB SMlgned 10 thft case after the arrest, h4\e developed no nsw facts, It was raid today, pointing to the guilt of the sri'iisietl

MONTCLAIRMr and Mrs Thomas Lim b, of Chirry

Bireel. Moniclfllr, h4'*e lasued inviiatlons for the mairlAge of Lhilr daughter, iflss Annie E. Lanib, to Thomas M. Ander­son. alBo of the mounialii town Th« :eremony will take place In the Church of the Immaculere Conception. Montclair, Wednesday, June 2£

Mias Julia t. Lathrop. head of the Gov­ernment Children a Bureau, will lecture on the work of tJie bureau in the First Baptist Church Sunday night.

W atchang Lodge No 184. I 0 . 0 F . will attend a memorial service in the First Bapiisi Church. Sunday night. June 15. The service will be conducted by Rev. H arry Emerson Fosdick. pastor of the rhurch. Arrangements were made at a meeting of the iodgr last night

Robert Dow, of 2S Porllund place, has sold his home and Is now closing out h:s business preytaratory to going lo Alberta, Canada, where lie will Join his son, Charles Dow. owner of a large whe*ii ranch. Mr Dow has lived In Montclair more than forty years

WEST ORANGEJiju ta Calhoun, of Brookbn. It lilt­

ing Polli'fc' t^crficiiu Frank McOulrk. of ^ 'h€f.ler htreet.

a i t l f T '* '''."* th .tr due, accuniula... aaO thearepresentative of the church, calling the council together, who shall sla te tite edu­cational eqtilpment and other qualiflca- llons of the candidate. Persons examined are Rev. Alfonso Corbo. Rev. Raymond N. Crawford, Rev. J. George Batzle and Rev, Carey 8 Thomas, of Mlllburn. j

Rev. T. J. Winslade, of Oliver, w as i ihelr names on ih* roll.BtJected to give the address u t the 19U | jp the past there has been no limit to meeting, w ith Rev. Mr. Thomas as al- ■ the lime when a non-acUve member, or ten ;a te speaker, The meeting will be held in Caldwell.

paying In a lump sum, m ust pay bp be­fore July 1. and every two years there­after. or lose all standing In the organUa- tlon. Notice to that effect Is being gdver- tlsed by the locals, as a means of giving

, non-aettve members a fair chance to keep

0rM uaw n« oeax mrsi a . b. nvMii« turr» 9 up tn d l to play; M in '

. HtomoK Wa*t Btook, beat Mr;. I '■ WMteair, N *»f* ii,« up and 6 te -■* M B tan Champlonilblp

bJ6 *teu>flnat Raujid—Mr*. A. 1>. Cs-ariunr, t K n - C. W. ftasdlf*, MldUpd,

A. 'W. Chllv**, Dunwoodle,

HI E i s r o f H U K i s m

t i ^ t Mri. a . T. Banjamtq. Centurr, s up1 to may. ■ >h . ■ ■

' m i n c u n s A i m i u F T

R''"''’-*' . . . . . .!-v -:» iffM tapatarr o t an automobile wblob

^4 Ui* Mltu* ot aaat OiMK* had bt«n *o> .* to aoio* tor th* la n t « tlw*S Ite* oioOTod up thU momlnt, wh*n Jo-

hw h Wirk*. o f • HuattrdOB atratt, thl* . X'ltltr. th* oirner. oallad for It and took It

tts 'K#wvfk* }A- Th* maohta* 'waa. latt Tuaaday n lih t In

.■fisasnfjif vHie- ■>»(

teOIMk i t tbop M w t ttfp -

'»** P« ni*ht d u v . aMiUfhon b* Tfported 'lor v o tk tw t . b u m h* told

I S a r n u t ^ tta r io n tho moohlnt «*a atili ‘ fa m is t ot ha homo.: TbU « o n W Ht«. Burfco m l hor oen

kneir all the «ft8* share U* teKCbtn* t WM, hot baiS tMdaptad, b«an)H 4< o ttw! aaSm. t* do » a*** tf i t . FT


MIeeins hie footing ae h* was mounting an automobile truck in Eelmont avenue, in the Sliver Lake Bection of Belleville, late I 'esttrday afternoon, Henry Krauee, seventeen years old, of 338 Central ave­nue, thie city, fell under the wheels. The truck passed over his body and he dlsd twenty minutes later, before a physician could reach him.

K rause had been in the habit, like other drivers, ot Jumping on a step of the truck oa tt was moving. Th* driver of the machine, Levi Strouee, nineteen years old, of 26 Sussex avenue, thia city, was on the seat a t the time and had atarted the vehicle.

The truck, which le owned by George H, Frit*, an lee cream m anufacturer, of T9 Burnet street, ihle city, was flopped In front of the store of Anthony Vereelta, in Belmont avenue. Krauee had left Bome goods in the store and had sighaled to Strouee to go ahead. The lo iter s ta r t­ed the machine, but Krauee miecalculated the etep and fell.

The driver applied the emergency brake, but the wheele paeeed over Krauee'* ab ­domen. Strouee etopped tha machlna and carried the injured youth lo the drug store of Louis Capilo, Bloomfield and Belmont avenuee. Silver Lake. Before Dr. C. L. O'Neill, ot this city, arrived Krause was dssd.

Th* county phyelctan viewed the body and ordered it* removal to Mullin'* morgue- Chief ot Police Flynn and P a­trolm an Bonnello, of Belleville, a rree tjd Btrouae. Arraigned before Recorder Ash­worth, In th* Bellevlll* polio* Court, last night, S trou te was held w ithout ball to aw ait th* action of Prosecutor H o ^ Thl* m orning he was released on M,(l0o ball, furnIshM by hi* employer.

Ktisuee wa* th* eon ot Krneet KrauM. There a re six younger children In the family. Th* funeral will b* S atur­day, from St. Joeepb'* Catholic Church In thia olty and burial will be In th* Ceme­tery ot the Holy Saputchr*.


R ushing into the home of Mr*. Jfa ry Peto, o t 1 Cortlandt itre e t. B»|I*vflle. last night. Miebael P lunkett, th lr ty tb re e year* old, eiC the aame ad d re tt, wa* etabbed tn the arm by the woman. 8h* hM K t*n-tnch breid-knlf* In her hand with which she wa* cutting broad, and when tb* eaw th a t P lunkett was pur­suing her ilgt*en-y*ar-old eon ah* went to the youth'* reecu*.

Th* Patel woman adm itted th* tu b b in g in th* Ballbvil!* Pollae Court last n ig h t Bb* wag Krtagtad on a obarg* mMl* by P lunkatt «ng fater mad* a eountar- ehargp. bo th « t aaaault and battery- The woman waa plaead undar ISM ball and P lunkett t m fa r th* action ot th* grand Jury,

A t told to th* oenirt, P lunkett and John P ate had an argum ent ovar eom* ohll- d rea In th* taaemant-houa* In which they live, and Plunkett 1* alleged to have h it the boy. Then th e la tte r threw b^oke and the man la eald to hav*fclekad him. >

NEEDLE PIERCES MAIPS KITE .I t . It probahi* that Phaak w iM ir . of

l i t Cfaaaa « r** t, thte city, WJQ lea* th*

r ; e l tea r l ih t *1* b y ah HtorhUig. argah ~~

by a needU. _Wufbwe I* amplcyed by Thomas gga

it^aeoiM, a junkman, of NO south atr«*t OteMte t« tme up bag* contattitng ragi. E * « M a t work hater* 7 a'oloek thia morning, when a* h* yanked at th* fag naadt* it poilM through with graatm sag* .than ha hag tkaught and his band earrfag tha sheHi point to h b ay*. 'Ha wa* takan to tha @tMg* Memorial H w tetel te tb*

members employrd In other trxdea. m lflit straighten out their account with th* union, and this led to lonie d(*ath bene­fit problema that were hsu'd lo deal with. Often such msmber! would lei their ac­counts stand un^eltled for ten years and then pay ln-t30 In a lump.

In 1911, a t the last national convention, the national by-laws were changed so aa 10 place a llmli of two years when a member would autom atically suspend hlrneelf by failure to pay up. T-hla act becomes effective July 1.

H atting le unusually dull Im Orange Valley. Most of ihe factories are prac­tically at a Bundstm. While this Isnormally a slack season. It i i less active than uiual; less active even than It waa U st year. The condition la hard to ac­count for, ae (he Industry la free from labor troubles and there seems to be no reason why the trade ahould not be normal. ^ ^

The prospects are th a t Ultl* will be done before the middle of July, when the fall trade orders should pour tn*


The movement Inaugurated two month* ago by Mlae Bernettie P. Colt, vloe-preel- dant of the Irvington Boerd o t Edunatlon, Ot Institute parents’ aseoolations In th* public schools of th a t town, cu lm ln a t^ laat night In the am alfam atlon of the Msodallone Into a Central Home and Bohool League.

■The new organisation was started with a memberahlp of about «0 and Included the officers and membera of the associa­tions connected with the High School, Central, Florence Avenue, Coll StreeL Grove Street and Mt, Vettion Avenue echooli. together w ith parent* not already affiliated with a ny of these.


Upon hi* admieeion th a t he eet on t ire th* bam in which he lived wlUi hla father Wlltlare Oelier J r., thirty-eight year* old. who we* arreeted In TVeet Or­ange yeelerday, waa committed to th* Ov*rbroi>k Atylum las t illgh t He waa examined by Dr. Bamual A. U iiu and Dr. W. H. "WarDer. '

Three day* ago tha phyalciatia pro­nounced OelMr aane, a f te r h* had bean held twenty hour* for obeervatlon,

INFANT HYBEN ELlA G lIE INIKHISEDThe plan and form .of orgaataatlon a t

th* Infant Hygiene League of t t* Or­anges received the Indoraement laet night of the direetore of the Orange Bureau of Aieoclatod Charltle*. The bureau will co­operate In every w ay It can to carry out the palicla* ot the new league of in fan t Walfare eoolatle*. Uanaral Becr«tary W al­te r W. W hitaon waa appointsd to repre- tan t the bureau.

Upon a raport made by leaae C. Ogden and Hr. Whitaon, who repreeented th* bureau a t a meeting « f ilelegatet from Beeex County organlaatloa* Intaretted In th* widow*' penalon act. the bureau dl- rectore deolded to lend t t* facllltiea ot th* bureau to the S tate Board of Chll- dran’e Ouardlaoa and t t * Ju ^ e * In th* m atter o t locel etipervliton and gatioh *o tk r a* auoh aarvic* m ay he daelrM-

Wwltcr L'oillii*. of PleaEanldalc. .*ae I raaeed arrvsled yeaterdiiy afternoon by Poltce- nian Bernard Heelln for driving his auto- mohllu ul a rate of more than thirty irlles on hmir. He ".as fined JiO by RfrArder McLaugrilln

511*8 Anna Mcl'lillllps. of Edlsonla Vfc-rrace. has r^iurned from a stay wUli relatives * l Pln«huvjst, N. Y.

Mr. ond Mrs. Chsrifes D. Phillips s rd thtlr <iausht«r Mias Blanch* Phllllpt, of Berkshire, Y.. hivn returned home after spending three weeks with Mr, and M rs W aller Blackmsn. of 29 Northfls’.d road

I mltiee. which Is composed of represema*I lives of the Frogreaslve, Democratic and I Republican d u bs and civic orgsnlxstlons.I anU report back (o ihe Dem ocrillc Club I The conference commltlee was formed a ! month ago lo select ih* b*sl avsiiabi*I randldsies for local office without regard I to political belief, The Idea was declared ' unique and attracted corjalderabU aiten-

tli>n In outside munlcipaltlles.Mr. Masson today s i frsl refused (o

discuss lilt* Hjiuatlon, but later said he had no lt:leiillon of wllhdrawlng Ills

: resignation. He declared the purpoae of I th* conference conunlliee, of which he 1*' publicity agent, was not understood by ' tha Democratic Club. As non-partlian ' uandldiilea are being taken up In several

sections of the country, he believed the i Deiiiocrail*: party would gain by adopt’' ing the plan In Gleu Ridge


Allen, a member of the Union Township Board of Education, for his criticism of

i th* act of thr board In voting to borrow 1 money In anticipation Of ths proceeds of : a bond sale, was passed by ih s school hoard last night.

M r Allen, who was present, stood by ' his past declarations that hli roilaaguea ' were violating the law. and ran a chance

of being held guilty of malfeasance. He said he hoped the resolution would bf

U w

Confronted with water bills In arrears am ounting to more than 120,1X0, the w-ater and street lighting committee of Uit Ot> sn g s Common Council last night dscldod to resort to drsstlc measures In oidsr lo fores delinquent property owners to se tils their accounts. Unless ths bll^s are paid within ten days lha water IV 111 bs turned off. On June 1* a Hat of a]l property owners who hav* Ignorvd iMt final warning will bs turned over to \N altr Buperlniendsnl Isaac N. Travis, with inslrucllons to shut off the supply.

Comptroller F rank O- Coughiry sub- TTilitsd to (b* committee a iLsi containing the names of 66D property owners who have foiled to pay their water bilia. W hen this list was Inspected. m em Nrs of tns committee expressed iurprise, ba- esuse among delinquents wers found several proimnent and suppoasdly well-to-do cltlsens. Such people, de­clared President John C. Flneran, should be shown no leniency, as they are in a pvislUon to pay their hills promptly.

On the recommendation of Alderman Freeman, chairman of th* coitimlltee. it was decided to replace a four-inch main with a sfx-Inch pip* on Cleveland street. The larger pip* is needed to conn*''t a fire hydrant In Yront of ih* Cleveland Street School with ths slx*inch main on W sshlngton street

In executive eeaslon the committee in­structed Mr. R«rg to secure supplies wherever the lowest pr.lces were quoted. I Methods of securing suppUes have been under cnnsldsratlow since a meetitig of the committee early in March, when I President F tnersn dsclared that he had been Informed th a t a t Police Commls- ' Stoner John S iJndaley's hardware store a higher price for rope was quoted the city than was charged a prlvats con­tractor.

Thia claim w*^ vigorously denied by Mr. U ndiley. who #ot only lovlted sn In- vtstlgatlon hut made a counter charge th a t the city had pc Id U*t prices for vnives last year. w‘he.n hs wa* offering a discount of forty-seven and one-half p*r cent There has he^n no Investlgstlon or | denial of Mr. Llndsley’s statement .

I.AWI. but to meet the sta tidard i o( p u rity and high quality exaeieA by trained dietitians.

Lcgie1l*s PrealerWEATAL

A breakfast food containing a ll e ( the wheat.

Lejvjiett^a F re s te rCALVES’ FOOT JELLY

In*p*cl*d calvBi' t**t ar* uwd ln*t«*4 or n latln . Klavorod with Ihoriy ar Fort LBg»*iF*Br**al«r

EN TIRE W HEAT MlALCut ao rtn* ili i t It can h* M I«d. TF* mak* alto Fr*mlBr Grakam Flour, tb* •am* thlna but ra a m r

Ltaaotf* Pr*sl*rOLD-FA SH IO N ED

OATMEAL Not *iram»(l or rolled; ih« ntlural *rtln pr*r»rfd in th» Irlah »tyl».

Logjtttt’* FfBOilarCLAM JUICE

A molt dr11*titfal c|»*r bouillon, lull- fli|Vorod and dolicioua NotblDff but thV Julo* of tb* rinctl rlama.Aak fo r th ta* P ram . far P u r* Footlaat th«•Ifii o f th* KToear w ho diaplayi the S tar. If you cannot an d a P rem lar O rocar, c a l l 22SO F n n k lin .




* IH 6UU4 ITKBBT.opiKi*ii* ci**Bi*iid attH*.

BuitiirH *lft« *4>«a uiitU t P. M. datir. AdvorttHOMDl* r**«lv*4 l*( peMl**tie*

til 11 A. tL Otanx* woo Mark** HM

Mia* dtx luiti

T*1b. j Friratt llr*n*b B ir h ia n i.ooaat*ilaa all ilaiiaHaNrta

SUFFRAGISTS TO TELL THEIR SIDEIn introducing the resolution. Just b*' fore ad,!ournmenl. Trustee A. Bernard Headley said th a t while he had much r reapeci for members who differed with his colleagues on the rrerila of any con- rroversy. he had no respert for "a mem­ber who will rnabcloualy Insult the mem- Ivers of a Boafd of Education for holding views contrsry to those lield by that member.'’

After Mr. Allen responded, as stated, iIh* resolution P«t aud ^ | , , i „ fr#m Colonel George I>. Olcoll.

The m atter of difference c«ntrei tn the , ,g . . . , . ,

Convinced of the fsrt that their pres­ence under any circumstances in th* seml- 4jentennlsl parade would bs unwslcom*. the suffragistr. of E ast Orange have wltli- draw n from the celebration entirely and are preparing a formal stslem eni of their position.

The cause of the scllon, according to the conim11l.ee of the suffrage sockltes, is

AMPERE^Fraas. 4| Fourth Svs. T«h 41HW. Grlmsay, II Fourib av*. Tel.

BIIICK CHURCH - B. Block. Dll Main *1. Tel- Nfsrks, l l RaJiruad pi. Tel Rubin. St Wsshlngtus pi. Tel. 4 l«w * Teeger. I4S Main et TsL HIM

CAST ORANOiJ—P. Bleck, 113 Main si- Teh t t tU llrodlt & kolfidln, i:o Main et.^Teh IIIl* Fplrdhurg. IN Orernw<ko«J sve, Tel. IISTW, Morris. U l Main s(. Tel- I litR .Stim sn i i \ Msin si. Tel- ItSD.Rtiisn. l&l Mein st. Tel. I6«IW.Soptr. U4 MsIn st, Tel. fltuis. TN Mein *t. Tal. YitJ

m a p l b w o o u —Van Winkle, KPsentaeJ siora BaUer si.

and M*pl«w>ooiJ avs.(j )UVOF: V'AJ.l.KV^ ___

OnlMsan. 12 Forest st. T*l- S itU Kf^irr. AH •ueiiand sr T*l- Ufil CIptllmsn. High. Ava. tfistlon. ^TsJ, J i l l . RHtrrmsn. T5 Forssi si. Tel .gBOJW,

t .OrTH ORANGK— .WaMscp Sourh Orangs sv*.. nr. RsllroaA

WLfIT ORANLiU—Branflls. s Main st. Tel- llBaW- Mai-iln. IS Valley ro*d. Tel. JTiiW.


Taxpayers in »uburb*n town* dapaisd, ....................... - uBon the Eveninu New* to keep theni

t t . " « ; ; n , i ' i t “ ‘; , m fom .ed on 'h*permit no floats In the pageant except mumcipa] councils becaUK tnc those of business men seemed lo settle a || the iTTlporiant bUSlfTCSS-the question ______ _ _ wwSs

The women s oommlltee held a meeting last mght at which (he matter uas due- cussed and finally decided, and steps taken to prepare the statement of their case

anticipation of a bond sale- The bonds were ordered before Hillside Township a#paral^<l from Union, but had not been executed before Hillside became a seps rate municipality. The IsbUe was subse quentJy declared Illegal.

Mr. Allen bad vigorously opposed bor

Mrs Frederick E. Heckle, of IR Oakland avenue, hk! been appointed to receive ■ contributions for the Day Nursery.

The annual picnic of the W estminster mowing any money In anticipation of the PresbyierUn Church Sunday-school will ' bonds, declaring such a practice to be be held June 2'. Members of the school unlawful In any event, Other membersTrill sail up the Hudson on the steeinboat gf board said they were willing to ' cfkrfCTV iN finFN T^ IN THFWirnam atorle. leaving Commercial - take a chance .' snd did so, The d lB - ,o U l l t l l in H U tP lia IPI I f l t UlVftnUUwhsrC, Newark, a t 9 o’clock In the morn- , uaniing trustee cited court decisions In ,Ing. ........................... ' support of his contention


M liii I.o iili* B liver 8 h»w. rt«ugtit*r of Mr, aiKl M ri, WllliBn, 6 ahsw, of 6,76A m?etlnc ot Alpha Clrcls ot ihe F im Eartter in the meetln* Mr Allen anrt „

Preebyterlan Chureh wa* heM yesterday \ Trustee I^awrence Townley hart voted l W est Kishiy-flfUi etreet. New

F is h ! F is h ! F is h !5 l b s . P o r g i e s ........................ 2 5 c

ork, 5 l b s . F l o u n d e r s .....................2 S cafternoon a l the home of Mrs Ward. II P ark place

T- H


a x a l n a t a renewal of the 16.W0 note which ' torm rrly of Reynolds lerrai'C. O range, W A n l f f i g h l b , l O CT h e y were in t h e ml- , w a a m a r r ie d s e » t e r d a y a t l l i e home of her ” C « R I » n , 1

I parent* to Frederick W. Jarkeon, _*oji of B u t t C n i S n . I D ............................ S i Cla due June 22. norlly.

____ I \jT and Mrs George T Jaclison, of W<-«t

m A C C S S iS TRUANT OFFICERA flharc* at tiHBnlt tad tettanr m a

BHtimd t u t tBonum fa tb* Baat Oww*pall** Court acafaat U lehbS Ctarkoa. truant oftfawf ot t ta i ottp. bjr Tbamaa O'Orady. mt**n r * * n aM. ot It lU r lfa f *tr*«t. ciarfetn aril) b t arnUtnte b«f«r*Recorder Nott tomorrow mernfaf.

Th* eoroteainoiU avar* (Mt 'lM wa*Illthtiaf with anotlMr boy on TQiaaday ateht a t tr H Uatt atreat, wb*n Otarhm cam* afanr and itopped thtib; Attar tb*tfaht WM oaar. aooordlpir to ttii tiofar --------- ^ , ■ .pjeiMnt, ctaiMn alawM hla fate mm ipittiburB irow *249 Blaot O0N|gpaiir t tthr*w M « *■ HBu r w ir t Boebiftar. P*.

Mlsa Catherine Neienn, of C urtlia place, haa returned from Ilackettatow n, where ahe had been attending eohooi.

An Inapectlon o( all tho hydrant* In th* townahlp will b« mad* toon by F7re Chief William K. Campbell and a repreeent*- tlve of the Commonwealth W ater and Light Company.

Mrs. T hom ti R. 339*1-*, of Woodland road will l**ve Saturday for a vlalt to Atlantic City.

Jacob Helf ha* been appointed epeclal policeman by the townahlp committee.

IRVINGTON AND HILTONMr. and Mre. F rank G rltfen and Mil*

Margaret Grlffen. of Grove itree t, Irving­ton, are home from a v litt to Ford ham. N, T,

Dr. M Oeborne Chrletlan. ot Stuyve- ■ant avenue. Irvington, ha* returned from a irip to Boitoo.

Mr. and Mre. Edward H. Higgln). of Orange avenue. Irvinston, have gen* to Keaneburg for the lummar.


End s\<‘nue This ceremoTiy wu! per-

KEARNY AND ARLINGTONThe blue and gold degr*** will be con­

ferred by Loyal F«llowihip Lodge. I. 0. O, F.. Mancheater Unity, o f Kearny, to­morrow night

M l»*i Ruth and Grac* Huabel, daugh­ter* of John A. Huebel. of EU*h«m!ut avenu*. Arlington, ratureed y**tar4oy from Aibury Park, wher* thay apant aev. eral weeka.

Rev. Henry Jackoon, ot Arlington, at one tim* a Mcthodlat mlaalonarr In In­dia. addreiaed th* eoinmercfal geography elaea of the Kearny High School thia morning.

Th* motorcycle ridden by Patrolman Jamea Colllnt, of Kearny, broke down yeatirday afternoon at Duke* ttrett and Davla avanii* while the poliaiman wai on hi* round* Th* maohln* wo* token to tha pollc* itatlon In th* patrol wagon for repair*. ____________

HARRISON AND EAST NEWARKHimbari of Atty)*-Lodge, Daughter*

ot Scotia, win b* •atarteliMd at a fank tea tomorrow nlgh| by H rg Helan Pro­ven. a t h*r horn*, in narrtaoD avanuA

Ur. Md Hr*. ThomM a*inpb*ll. ot 60 K*w atroet, Harrliop, laft ibdxy (or Nor- rlatown, F*.. to attthd Ui* grttiluAUan «x- erel*** of Che clae* of traUted. Bur««« of tiM Norrletown that* Hoopltai. Hli* Uarlt Lennon, their nfac*. fa on* of th* groduat**.

Tb* Watt Hudson Conaty Beard ot Trad* ■will m**t tonight m th* oMo* el jOMph A. tUordan. SU HaTTfaMB avonue, H a r ^ n . , , ^

Supreme Court Clerk tvilllatr. C. Geb- hsrd t spok« In the jt ^qual suffrag^ a t a rally In SprlngfJ«ld Tow'nshlp yesterday afternoon, wkh .sjx u tk trs Idfn- ilflfid with the wonian suffrage move­ment. Tho rally was h*ld on the lawi:In front of the home nf Mrt Louis Gil­lespie. In Morris av«nu^. ths suburban I own.

Mr. Gebhardl said thr main irasan why women have not j-eci^Krd tha vote is that the great majority havf» declined to take an activa intercAt In the quertlon Their Inactivity, hf raid, haa hcen wrong' folly construed hv the anlifl to meon a lack of dealre for ihi» ballot.

MIe* Alice Carp-uter. of New I'ork, | }’|!g“ i;i'und'ry""an argued th a t becaus'^ of laws and or- ' dinancei affecting the health and w«ifarfi of children, wom^n should have some power In polltloi, attalnahl! only through the rlch t to voir said the ballot Isthe only weapon against white slavery.

Mrs. PTank Smith of Wpstfleld, spoke on "Votes for Women from the Stand' point of the Mr<; Fvirretl Colby,of E ast Oratife, pointed out the necessity of continued hard work to win the ballot

Cth.er speakers TNen- Mrs. Btswsrt HarLshorn. of Short Kills, and Mr. and Mr«, r . . L . Riley, of Ulalnfield. Mrs H artahom jpolce in place of Mm A bra­ham Van Winkle, of this city, chairman of ths W oman's Political Union, who was unable to attend.

_ _ _ S e a B a s e , l b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 cformed hv Ret . Dr. Jumee T DI.-ktn»on. R „ i l 1 4 cof Brooklyn, formerly paaior of Ihe Norih ^ O Q M) D U II, l U ............................Orange Baptist Churchy ; C o Q S t C a k , l b .................................1 4 C

The etigageinem has been announced of H a l i b u t S tC S R , l b . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 CMies Martha Muir, daughter of Mr and lU 1 flf.Mre Henry Muir. of Bristol, Conn,, to 15111611811, ID.....................................6 - ^Bayerd W BetiiieU. of t unonttu rt, I*a.. R o g t o i l M a C k C r e l , l b ..............1 6 Cformerly of Eaet, Orenge. and son of Mr. r v t i J / t | __and Mre. Horace T Bennett, of Maple L a r g e T IF B I S la iU l L l a i l l g ,■ venue The wedding will take place, ...........................................

WookaMUl Foil* » foo t, ! .* « StolieB .U l loft leg (racturod, th * n a a i t o t a

tsU a t twaBty teet. Cfavof aiwwa, o f Pufaikl. Va., wa* token to l i jantM 'a aoaplto l fa Ih* Harrfatm a»hqfahc« from Ufa p lant ot th* Cruclbl* Btoft Company yoatateay attunooan- Broios fa an l,-an. w arkar aod wa« a t wjork on tta ..i« o t of a saw teowfaf utfaor congtruettott by tt*


M«ntclalr LKuodry Losss Mult.A .1iidpm«nt «‘f *7 W4B Elvsn for 8sm-

uel rilhsoM. nf 47 WftlTiut str<‘f!‘t, Mrml- r ls lr . by Judke Mvlnd in & su it SES-Inst PrisdiTli'k H aight prcprlt-tor of (hfl Armi L t'in d ry Montclair, tn ths DIs- ii-irt Tniiri In Monfclalr yftuterday. The pUlnMff ^ bedspread toth e laundry anu m a t ths spread w as not retu rned ii* addrd th a t when he demanded the spread the laundry re ­fused to deliver It or pay for It

]tlra. H enry T. PsTt««.Mrs Henry T. Pailon , of Washington

avenue, Blooniflc-ld. died yesterday at her home froh^ inflriniUes Incldant lo old awe. hh« was e lfh ty 'ona years old. and ems of the early resident! o( the suburban town. Mrs Paxton wa* a member of F irst Usptist Church. She Is survived, besides her husband, by one son and a dauffhlui-.|-

d o z e n

ROTH & CO.2 7 6 M A IN STe* O R A N G E

firaouetea tn Have Laaeheon.The grartuatlon exercitee nf Mlea Baii-

wln'6 iichool will be held tomorrow morn­ing in the VVoman'e Gtub houee, Ea*t Orange. The graBuetes and faculty will fc* entertained a t luncheon at th« elute 01 the progretn by Mist Elola* O idliell F its Gerald. *i her honte, 211 North Seventh street. Newark.

ORANGE IDYERTISEMENTSA break in the trolley wire over the

eoatbound track, near Erie Depot, (7*!d. wall, th li morning, caused a great deal ot anitoyanc* to th* resident* of western |S isex who depend upon the etr* of the i,Publle Service Railway Company’* RIoom- jeoTBZRS. who during fatir sbeeac* »Uh to field avenue lln* to convey them to Mont- | letv* home end csildw#, In^^ati* of__eefalr and thl* city.

On* car only wee run over tho Ito* from Caldwall for nearly two hour*, i l ia one

___ _____ kindly tilephens L. H .Tsnoe; h«et refereiwee givse: irtO uau kin-

dergertener.Hurrah! AuctlenI AaetlenI Oiore

petellt pertoti. Or*

oar th a t did run w ai pu*h*d pk«t th* | HURRAHl Huirahl Auction! Auetloal itore brook In th . wire by »bout JM anxioue ■panengere. Owing to a curve in th* track ,very* nl*ht untir an soodi ir* sold. ALwhich a dooen or more eUlled ear* had p tR T K- RGBtNgOW, Auctioneer._________not yet rounded, it was Intpowible to push j ] j- r rumtoh rour hotitei caeh or eredit. tt*m p««l They had to wait until a re- ] a a rGN t(ilAPIR& the rellahle funtlture pair wagon came from Orange to fix the o u . l»-*'broksn wIt*. ‘ i*»rtiffoSTSs wm systy jyrptjswt __ _

On« rsstUt of th s Krsxk w m th a t many Tch ickc n wlkic- ^e. torn roJri ebtexfn commuter* who ueuslly go to N*w T w k "* “ *** ” ”” ™v ia lha Laekawann* Railroad from Mont- [ t?iv. clatr, took train* over th* ktrl*. Th* Pin*Broo’j automobll* stag** took mau)i to Montdlalr. Many w*lk*d to Varona L ^ fa o rd tr to get car*. P»e**ng*r* 'who did not w ait for t t* repair* to M tjiKKP thaik a a hour fa fa ttin i: to t&Rf

MraUhlsiTe OrSoas H«r4wsrk Ttub^r II iyi roll.

I S ' . H S ’iitbsd sash. mfiMlsgSe 4*srs. weSk A, K WI^Ll. CO-.


F irei tfa«wfat »*d«r Now IJoi*.Bulldtikg iwpoctor Georg* P. Aobarfa,

of oiang*. Isfawd the first iMmIt thl* Biomltig u»td*r the amuidmiot to th* buUdlng ooflA aHowfa* •'‘W»**Uo garage* to b* erectod within fiffasn f**t ot a dwatifag. Th* n am lt waa agownd by H. A- JteoWMik. of CantraJ aoifiH , who '■e|rt4^di| ^ g .atodl-ghaathod ggriite •


_____inMEWTk FOB tA t* . F. • . BAVALKa FAnt3rrrw a v s„ ORAmMB.

SPEOAL NOTICE TO UNItED HATTERSIt leoai* No- 4 sod d at other ocduto* yetra or mere. wM'

y menihir dues sad «e._______ tine, at* hereby ifau.par esBie' in full o* or hetote July or ho aeisiMnded (tow BwaNrwp Oi ' .Hatlfm. opopidliig to ArtMo gg

Alt.noa-ecilre Ri<__lIV tIsa memhert *m:iteiaTdiirlna fat post

fB£''dunitg tfei tliuA on A

Bugge’sDryGoods Store569-S71 Main S t , Eait Oraoga

R*T» rou stt*n4«6 (bs grest m1»7 This f*-mwltUns ssl Dffr*! tb* grMitsft srrsy sf 6tyRuit funvy ffNod riluvf tn 7«irv. smwdshsv# (br»af#d our »tsrs slsf^ tlw SDMOXf f' mml of thlk lale tud lo heST,r bss bssn tbs bijyiDX Tbit ■ Tlribls Inapresslon w!s nsds tn tbs ■1M3 of our stock. It Is sbsnlutslr nsssnssry (b4( w« niiicklj rsdtiM our str>ek. Tbs sptrs- tlor>! of the wurhmfo «rf gDlng to rsmod*'! our stars tbr«u(»n to ruin mueb obr OMr- chSTwtli*. snd r*ih#F than hirS that dans wf iSd'riOr'S nur proOt and cut pricss down to bars L-oat or Isa*.

r o s iVVX WALK AVS JUKE ftWWOAT wf Mtv offsfiDS sr<!t hsriSlBS In eblJdm's IxstB. drtsMi iDd muiliQ uqdsrwsnr. 8v»rj mothrr Bbauld rot thrao gariaaats to spsrtoUts UsKr ftsst TSlut.

CITY OF ORANGE, N. J Water Department

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY g i v e n to all proptfty owners who are in arrears in their water bill*, that units* Ihe same gre paid on or before June 14,1913, the water will be turned off without further notice.

By direciion of the 'WaterCommlttod,FRANK G. COUGHTBY,

CotoptroHdr-— A......I___ I - . I r l l raBTtB8;

CRABS and l i t •# «Pood Frash Dally

E F F E N ^ R ^ S M ARKH2 6 S J f i t i S t m t , O f t t R

■I , "


BIJOUFIFK Nt«''tVfanKITii M JliK W r

M O T I O N m O T U R C B* m p jt* 9 !te .# 6 « y 5 g w « «« Aim J* IRUI1

I W i ':



Ntrili Eld Baanets Hen Form Tnist C M ^uf~W iskhiftoo Trust


t l 0 « K*lin<naiT to MUbltPhlnf two MW tM k tn f tm lltuU oni tn lh« northtrn t a i t a t thla oltr war* u k * n a t mMtlniti h*M TMt«n>*r artfrnoon and latt nltbl W ttb a lat(« number oC North End btitU MM man In attandatoe, a nieetlnf waa hold a t 7t Bell«Tllt* avenu* at niaht, at wbloh 1h* tam porary ortanlaatlen of the l i t ^ w a n n a Truat company waa formed, l a tba aftarnoon tha Incorporator* of the MW Waatalnfton Truat CompanT "'*• ** an Iroad atraet, o rianlied and elerted diMetera and offloara

Soeofnlilnf the neroaalty of a bank In t t a t Piud of the rity near the Junction of N lavlU a and BlaOmflrM aveniiei, the boaloaaa man bahind the I.ar1<awarina Truat Company, project hroughi about thair tamporary orpanliattop. rlei:tlna a* dtroetora Charlaa J. Klaran. Nlcholae J H M tr, WlUlam Idunsle. Abram H. Cor- aitl). m e U I n L. Lawl. J ghermin SolUf. rreda iisk W . Kroerar. Charle* T. AUpman, Dr. Oamant Morrta and John t t , Walfh.

Tba otfloara are aa followa: Prealdant, Hr. Ktaawn; ylaa-praaldanta, Meaari. Lawl, Nunifla and Ballff. aecretary. Mr Hapar. Tha maattnim wtu b« held for the praaent • I n Batlevtlla avanua Tha bank build' lag will ba loeatad ta near aa poealMe to tha Junetlaii gf Ballavtlla and Slooin- flald avanuaa.

Tha W aablartm Truat Company alaotad W dlraotora John C. Elaale. Fradarlck W. Xinar. Edwin Ball,'Uuhaon 0. Dora- ■ma Olaraaoa a , Appleton. Pater B. f i n , Edwin C. ra ltanapan . Edward M WaMron, John L. Dennally. J. WllUam H att, W tUlaa O. Hannan, Edward F. riood. William Handel. Jacob L. Naw-

and John H ow a the letter of Nut- Tba oftloera are: Preeldent. Hr.

ytea.precldenta, Meaara. Ball and aaoratary and treM urar, Thomaa U

K. Orooka xI t w u daotdad th a t the new truat oora-

panr will ba tla buaintaa a t 4T7 Broad atraat about Ju ly it. The praaaat briok tra c t ot tha buUdlns will ba raidaced wttb-marbla and thy InUrlor will ba tu t ' nIahM tn brania and marble. Tha oom- pany wU Mart w ith a capital of tlM.ino and a ■urplub..tff ISditHl. Tha dlractort and o lilcera‘will meet Juna U, whan tha capital atook, all o f which haa been auo- acrlbad tor, will ba paid In.


HALTED AT STARTCorapllcatlona which hava baaat tha

m Loula and Ban Frandaco Bill- m ad are different from iboee which dtaturb other railway corporatlona. and It 1* (ortunala lhat aurh U tha caaa.

For yuLn it* l>rf^ ttfiM ofbetter caliber aa to management have bean under aome alraaa lor lack ot capital for naadad improvamenla and termlnala, and In aome Inatancea (or eitenalona They bare not been able to aecure the ragulred ceplU l for luch purpoeei eicept when outlaya w«r« *ruJ th tn notanything other than raiea for tunda

efblrh h»vi been reiarded ae onet-Olll-

Theae eaacttona bealdaa added tAUftB i»ni rtid'iclJon* of n«t r«venu#t, du« to h l|h*r of tvoryth lfif • • lerlnf ln?o Ih* opor*Uoo of Ih*

lnolu<Hnf waf** labor,have ht*o back of the lia t app«at to

Tnl»riUl« Commerc* CoramlMlon for »n Bdvanc^ nf flvs p*r cent, in «v«riciR fr«fht rtt» t.

But tbt* rtpr«iontaMon with raipoct to railway* will not apply aa an a i- planatlon of tha tmuhla In which tha fit. Loula antS flan Tranrlae'O findi lUalf Tha battar managad llnaa ra- farrad lo h iv a had ih# advanU ga of not having undartakan unwlaa aatan- alona or gona Into any other un-

oacaaaanr azpto tu tk in of thalr poa^ •ihintlaa

On ih* other hand, Ih t Frlaco haa dona nothing of iha kind It haa dona all th a t It ahould not ha\'a don* tn th f way of agtangloii and acquir­ing paw linta at any oo*t upli) It haa built up on loir of liaalf a moun­tain of obllgalton which waa bounda aven tn gin>d Umaa, ao catlad. to cauaa unaaalnaaa. and la tlmaa tik* theaa waa aura to peault 1« Juat w hat haa happahad-

T htra haa baan nothing ooniarvg- tlva about tha managamant of tha ErJaco Whan it purchaaad th* ChL cago and Eaatarn Illlnola, to gain « rbloago aniranoa, during tha tight money iriurkal* of ID07 and 1W8, and iriftA to fu a ra n u a ten par cent, dlvl- denda, H did w hat la now raeognliad ‘■that which ought to hava haen ra- a lU ad-aa a foollah financial thing. Ita managara knoir It npw, and iha ( ’ A E. I- and tha Frlaco a ra already aaparktod-

Then* when U jumped Into T«xaa and on down to Maxlro with a road whinh w iin ’i needed and for which there waan't much bualneaa. though at a profit to th* Immediate projact- or*, it waa Inaertlng #o many tnop* rradltora batwaan tha Friaoo and Ita ownerablp aa to auggaat tha ultim ata divnrra of tha lattar.

Tha Prlaeo la aaaantlallr a whaatand cation road, and whan tha ayf- tern waa formed, after th a violent panle of lOT, ' t £ naeaaaUy 'could not )aal long, It ought to htv* been ao formad and ftnancad th a t It could taka car* of Itaalf tn fairly good crop yaar*. lA it ra itr waa an axcaflent oca, and th la y ear promtaca lo be agcellant, aiTtculturally* In the flouthwaat, whara tha Frlaco haa ita habitat Tat a t aueh a tlm a It find* Itaalf waghted dowa to th a point of dlaaoluilon.

Th* aakad for m crata* In freight rate* hy jCaatern roada, aven If eX' tended to th* country a t Igrga, would hardly help the' Frlaco, even If U hadn't gona down. Tha outlook la for a long drawn out a tn iggl* by rallroiula before they ra n get .wall upon rheir feat again.

Fortunate la It th a t tha ra ara not many linaa of railroad which have been.hulit up and conairuclad of late year* on the loose prloclplaa of fiiian«'e tvhich have eharnclarlsad the n u 111 pul a Hon of tha Frlaco. Tha other Important gyatema ara moaily safer, primarily bacauaa they have gone alowly and stopped all ezpendl- turaa which war* not abaolgtely aaaantlal.

Buying for (BTestment Checks Liqui- dut'ioB Which Caused Upset m

WaU Street Market.


A C abinet Official’s Opinion

War DepartmentW a s h in g to n

Heaiare toModeW

Ur. T



a u f f OerreepoeaiMe VTnEN TO n. Ju M I.—UpOB the rround

th a t they bed vieleted the proviidoiie of •eeUtm a of the oorparetlon act, h r •ervbw u Judge end Inepeetor ec the •taekhotderi' m eetlnf e t irMob th e r were •UoUd, H ag r , W irt* end Belli Oppeh- hlim er were todey dliqueliaed by the •upreme Court (ram eerlvng te dlreetgre of the AtUe IClnerel end Meehine Com* peny of Bound Brook.

oourt refueed to dltquillfy the third diraetor, Cerrle £ . W trU. wt>o wee elected e t the eeme meeting. H er election, to-

flpeHel tm ie * i t <** HBWB.ELIZABETH. June t —"There will be

no waiving of e heertng. W e will de­mend th e t It be mede e* public ee poiet- ble, " eeld Bamuel Bchlelmer, couneel for Mre. Nelton L Pollerd. eherged with w riting detem elory letter* to Mr* Cherle* Jonee.

There bed been reporte th e t Mre. Pol­lerd would welve e police court hoering neet Monday morning end illow the ce** to go to the October grend Jury. Refer­ring to the itetem ent of Thome* Cerey. the delbctlve who erreitod M re Pollerd. th e t B relative ot her* tried lo bribe him, Mr. Bchlelmer made thie eteteoient:

■'The etetement of Cerey th e t he wee offered e bribe le ebeolutely fetee Thet ite tem en t le mede now by the detective to boleter up e week ceee. II le e dei- pere le attem pt on hie part to detract euen llon from the mein leeue."

The namee of heir e do*en other per- ■one who ere elleged either to have re­ceived le tte ri or to heve been roeolloned In them now figure In the ceee. No verl- flcetlon cen he obtained of the etory th e t tom e of the lettere written In Ink were tha work o f .e eehool girt.


te ther with th e t o t the o ther two, wee e t . tM hed upon the edditlonel ground the t eee member of the prevloue boerd ehe bed filled to oompir w ith the provlelona of tlw (prty.tblrd leetlon « t the corporation

rawulrinf e n entmal report to be riled with 9 0 eocretery pf S te te In conitruc- lac tu n eevtion th e epnrt held th e t It e t- t iP ik i 'S re u n ^ for dlegueUtylng e dlrep- to r ^ l tF In the event o f .e wilful retuiel to lilt the report. A i there w u no evl- dttwo ef thie. the contiptlon of the oom- plelngnt* Ip th li reepect w u dlimlteed.

TBe h leetlon . of the dlteotore w u nt- teoEed by B dger a ra u e r t, of P lioetew ey; rradertek W. Dovoe. o t New Brunawloh, and ItuteSn » . Wetnbn, of Highland

' BUK t h e . m tao rltr ennd idetu for the diraetory. T h e ' oOurt held thM although

lOn wee vltleted U , to Men *Oltn Dppenhelmer, It did not

t in - th e complelnente tovteka I flieiilen will therefore neoeo- |iT'''«Wptioa. *

the W lrte I entlU hl otfloe:lllA tl' I


BT. PAUL. Minn.. Juno A -T he Union Peclfls Rellroed Company applied in BL P au l today to Fedorel Circuit Judgee Benborn, Hook end Smith, sitting In the D letric t Court for the Dletrict of Utah, fo r en order fixing the time to r the hearing on the firet end eocond emended p len i for the dlepoilUon of the stock ot the Bouthern Pacific, held by the Union F u l t l e Company, In the m atter of the d lno lu tlon of the comblnetlon between th e two oompenlee. Tbe time end piece of hearing were fixed e t W A. M., June U, In B t Paul.

Ao order w u mede th e t th e petition to r the hearing ehould be tiled with tbe clerk o t th e D istrict Court tn Utah.

SENATE.In eeeelon 1 F M.Lobby Inveellgetlng committee con­

tinued hearing*Commerce committee voted lo fevorebly

report e bill to delay cuetom i ettvloe re- orginliellon until Ja nuary 1, 1111.

Mre. Lour* tCellog. before Indian ef. felre committee.'condemned Indian edu- cation *y»tem and Indian Bureau

Finance committee continued conetdera- tlon of tariff bill.

HOUBE.Not In leiilon : meet* f t noon FrideyBudget coirunlttee began conalderatton

of plena tn reform melhode of framing appropriation btlle.


LOfflXiN. Juna 6.—Tha stock m*rk*t op«n*d 4*prf*B*<k a^min today iindar gen- arai liquidation. American ahafe*, Mex­ican rail! and ccoaola were tb« weakest Bpota during tb* fonrenoon, but a batter tendency developed later on ihe belief thWt itrong Intareat* had taken over m v - oral weak poaltloni. Consols recovered S-16 and home rails and K affirs hardened on bear coverlnf, ^ u t Mexican aharea continued weak. Tha m arket la ittll tierv- oua ragardlng tha outcome of tha aetUa* matit next Tuesday.

American aecurltlea opened uncertain with prlcee around parity. Aeliv* liquid­ation followed and aelJlnf order# from Wall Btreet war* axacuted. landing prtcea from half a point lo two points low er After i isiiea o t rapid fluctuallon* tha M rk a t recovarad sharply In the late trading and closed firm.

Money was fa demand and diacount rate# wqra atrong owing to the uncertAtn flnandai situation.

Stiff Ccrrttpondtnco.NEW t ORK, June B.—Thar* war* not to

many people In the W all Straat broker­age offices today as yesterday, for aome raaaon Nelthar was the same excitement there whii'h waa observable yesterday. The stock market had opened Irregularly, with a lowar tendency, but soon showed algna ot Bhort-rovering and moderate buying for Inveatment and steadied. There wau no marked rise but there was aeen lo be support and the feeUng of nervouanabs was noticeably les*.

Comment lan mostly to the McKey- noids plan for levying a graduated excise tax on tobacco m anufacturea and was noiicadbly bitter. It w as conatnied as a pehtky on efficiency and proficiency, a tax on doing well on a large acale, some­thing which no one who waa talked with In Wall Bireet found himself able lo jug- tlfy.

It was of cDurpe thd prospect for (he enforcing aueb a policy all along tho line and Its inferred unfavorable affecla on bunlneps which brought out the crili- cism which may be called caustic without doUig any one an Injustice among crillcaiJetenad to- \

NEW YORK OUTSIDE SECURITIESThe following quotations ware furnished

by William F. Muth & Co.: 1NUU6TBIALB.

Cloilng I HO Yesterday. Today. Bid.Asked. Bkl Asked.

N3 W YORK. June I^ W 'ill fltreat transactli^na today Indicated that severs liquidation, such i s has upset the m arket recently, had been arreated.

Ijondon sold sboui :)6,ooo shares here at the opening, chiefly Anislgamated, Steal and itnlon ParlM<' Thla aalilnf was largely reaponsibl^ fnr th* excited fluc­tuations of the first few minutes. sL though bear apcrulalora helped along the derllne until they discovered that stocks were being taken by su h itin tla l Inter­ests.

The inquiry was heltpr. as the recent ■av^re slump had brought Into the m ar­ket buying orders nf an rnveaimenl char­acter. The demand, however, waa not keen and trading tapered out on tha recovery ^

flailing of stocks on s large seals w as re- aumed at the o p t in g and many new low record* wera reached Largs block# of tha favorite ahares ware unloaded. The principal loases were: Colorado Fuel, l%j Canadian Pacific, }. Best Sugar, 1%: Chas- speak* and Ohio, m ; Erie and Baltimore end Ohio, 1^; Great Northern Ora, A na­conda Steel, Louisville, flt. Paul. Northern pacific. G reat Northern prefarrad. R ead­ing. Can. Arnalgamited and Genera! Elec­tric. 1 A fter tha first rush of selling or- dara the m arket rallied.

The evldanta of support under the out* pouring of selling ordara a t the outsat created a batter feeling In apeculativa circles and there was more general buy­ing for long .acoount.

Bear* covered freely and the combined effect of theaa purchases soon lifted the m arket above yesterday's closing figures.

Prices continued to rite *durlng the morning, ileapUa the weakness of the pe« trcJlaum stocka, Csn and Smelting pre- ferr<^d, the la ttar losing 1 points. Bonds were heavy

Liquidation which had been suspended In certain minor railroads and Induatrlala broke out again with some violence. This development cauaed the standard stocks to again break ground, all of the active leauee falling back to below yeaterday e closing. Tobaci'o dropped 8 polhta and Chesapeake and Ohio, Republic Steel pre­ferred. MexlLaii Fetroleuin and. Great Northern Ore 2 to 2%

Raiding ittcllca were resumed by the beam, who threw large blocks of atock on the m arket, cauelng prices to crumble In every direction Reading, Union Pa­cific, Amalgamated. Smelting and Sled bore the brunt of the attack, the last named touching M. a new low record. Hasty a irp o rt was extended and tbe list rallied sharply and grew dull.

The m arket dosed weak. Stocks bought to support the list In the afternoon break were sold again* but prices did not reach the previous low levels. Steel was acute­ly depresaed* and there was perBlstent selling of Baltimore and Ohio, which broke below &3.

M*rch t9, t9t3My deaf Mr. Bergen :

' 1 am in receipt of your very pleasant lettertendering me your congratulations upon my appoint- ment as Secretary of War* 1 thank you for your trust in my ability to fill this important position with credit to myself and the nation.

In regird to your inquiry as to my dealings 'tpith the company which you represent, I can only say that they ha'Pe been utterly and absolutely satis­factory in dPery TPay, and I have the highest regard for the men in charge of it and for the way in which they manage it. You are at liberty to use this if you so desire.

Sincerely yours,LINDLEY M. GARRISON

}. A. Bergen, Esq.,803 American Mechanic Bldg,,

Trenton, N. J,


Paper .




BT GITT. Juno S.—* 7 * o y of p » - n r tha inveottgotlon Into tho e i-

, oad practlcoo o t tho ollofed coat w. tho oomnilttoo oppotntod by tho

Aliinhbly » o i bold i t i f t m mooUiw to- t f t o w .tn tbo'-oftico of AttomblrniaB C ^ t o i i f . E can bora.

M r.^Sfon, who Introduecd tho roaoin- UoQ ^0 authortio tho probe, wo* op- nnUltgl chairm an of the cainm ttua hy S ^ k o r Taylor. Tho other membero oro AHoablymen HcDermott, of Hudoon Gounty; Zlocon, of Berion. John A. llhttbewB, of Eseex. and MIoority Lcadar Rlohardo, of Atlonttc. Ml . Blchorda lo oohyalooclnf trom a critical lllneoa and may not be able to attend tho hearlnfo. The Lofliloturo provided an appropria­tion of tt.(R)D for tha committee.

Bollof lo hold by the member* of tha owunlttoo th a t piicoa charged for cool In tbo State are ta r In o iceai ot w hat the fuW ocutd bo fold tor a t a reteonable p r ^ . The- ita tem ent wa» made by Chairman E (a n aome time ago that cor tain rtto ll coat men wera ready to teatlfy to tho oxtetoneo ot a coal combine which prrrontod competition and practically oompoUed the aole ot coal at a uniform price tn any opooltlc territory..'Ilio Inquiry will cover both the whnlo- ■olo and retail bualnooi. A* to the fOtBMr, tt to probable that uie will be mode of tho Information brought out In tbO 'tulto by the federal government ogalnot tho coal railroad*, but It 1* tho Intontlon to go more deeply Into condl- Uon* within the S tate among retail deal- Ofi and the coal exchange*. The rllafolu- tion of tho Newark Coal Exchange will probably he Inquired Into.

N E W YORK, Juno S.—tt would ba o phyllool ImpooBlbtllty tor tho United BtatM Steel Corporation to drive It* com- po tlto ri out of bu*lne.i, according to Perotvoj. Roberta J r one-tlm o. preeldent of th e Atnorlean Bridge Company, and now a director In the corporation. Mr. R o ^ r U oo. toitlflod today' In tha govorn- m ant'o dfOaohiUon’ outt ogalnet the cor­poration. '.

T he nature of the oteol bualnooi to auob, ho added, th a t ihould a trade w ar be tn- o u g u ra to ^ tho oorporatlon would auffer o i much oa th a omall ooncorni. Ho dented th a t tho corporation had over attem pted to cru .h a rival by cutting prtceo In the rlv a l’o territory.


NEW YORK. Juno 6.—nour-B to o d y , with demand alow.

W hoat-Oood roino In Kaniao, ohower* In the Northweot and lower c»hleo re- oulted In a m oderate decline In w heat thi* morning; July, DiliSDS.

Pork—Steady,Beet—Firm.L ard-E a*y: Middle West. lo.«911,<».Bugon—Raw. eteady: Muecovado, 2,S3;'

centrifugal, I B . molaeses. 2SI. Refined, steady

Pet ref aum—iltaady.Molaaaea-Steady.H»y—Quiot.jatdoa-S toady-'Leathep—Firm.Bultor-Eoator;

creamery, extroi,BAcond*. I

Am Writ.Anglo OilAm. Marconi .........Buckeye Plpo Line.Borden s C. M.......Borden’* 0. M., pr. Brlt.-Am. Tobacco,.Can. Marconi .......Creicent Pipe U n aQOlena Oil...............H avana Tobacco— Havana Tob., p r...Houtton Oil............Houeton Oil, p r ......Inter. Rubber......N. T. Tran*............Ohio Oil ..................■Otl* Elevator.........Otl* Elevator, p r__Prairie Oil...............BUndard Oil. N. J..

Tob, Pro., p r.........Unina Tank Line.

United Cigar Store*

rooelptp. 1S.34N tube; 2TH02T11; flr*t>, 2<H02T; State dairy, flnoil, 2T;

good to prime. I5I4®26m common to fair.proceai ex tra i, 2DH; f lr i t i , 2ili®

JS; Imitation creamery, flrete, 24^k®25. factory, first*. £314

Chooio—J*lrm and unchanged; rocolpt*. i.Md boxea /

Eggo—Steady and unchanged; receipt*. S.M3 caie*.

Dreesed Poultry—Steady; freeh killed, W estern fowl*. turkey*. 1S®10.

Spobtol Serrte* of lA* S W 8 .LONDON. June D,-W lnoton Chtuchlll,

F i r s t lasrd of the Adm iralty, addreSstog th e H ouee of Common! th la afte rn o o n aa ld th a t the B ritish O ovarnm ent would Im m edlato ly begin th* conotruotlon of th e th re e worahlp* provided fo r In thla year'o naval budget. Instead of w attin g ' u n ti l nex t March, oa o rig in a lly In­tended.

T ha L ord of th* A dm iralty explained th a t tbo doterp ilnatlon to ley down tbo o h ip i a t one* w as esueed by th e C ana­d ian Benote'o rejection of tho nave] bill.



FINANGIAL POINTERSOoorg* J. ’Whelan, of tho United Cigar

Storo*. Ju it home from Europe, predlcta hlghor price* fo r cigarettes because »f th* Balkan 'war end Its Interference with Um oulture of Turkish tobacco.

Th* oountry'* volume of bank ex- ohongM In May deercosed 4.9 per cent.. OMnparad w ith May, 1912, according to the Sun A Co. report for 1£9 cities, which ahewod a total of ll4,(lilb.92t.6Sl. New York, BMton, Boltlm ots and Et. 1-outo reported a taiuag off, while Philadelphia, PUU- burgh, Konsa* City and San Franclieo bottorod last year's figure*.

N EW YORK. Juno B.-At tho meet­ing of tha fltockholdara of the 6tan4- erd Otl C o w p en v New T<^rk W- day the propoeal tha directors was ratified. Increasing the capital stock of the company from |lS.OOn.rt)0 to JTS.OOO.ftW from the surplus of the company. With The Increase In capH*! each shareholder of record meet# a bopu# of 400 per oent. of hi# holdings. At a meetln* of director* tom orrow the dlitrlhullon of the new stock In the form of dividend# wlU be or. dered for June IB

Mines Co. of AmNevada HIHb....... .Nipplaa'g Mines Co.uhio Copper............Pacific Bmeller#......fltevk^art Mining........Tii-BulHi>n ...... .Tonopah Ex.«...... .

CHTfAOO, June S._W all atreet depres- et™ ond lower cable* dragged wheat “P'’" ’p ,,;;down grade today. Although oelMng was | W ettlauftr Silver., not heavy, oupport proved inadequate.Additional roolaturo In Kanoa* and Ne­braska counted agalnel the bulls. The opening waa the same so laat n ight to t i off. July s ta rted a t 8M4 to i9%®«9Ti,

•Am. U ght A Tr...Am L A T , p r...

M lN IN a.Alaska Cop.............. BBraden Cop.British Cot.Butte-N. T.Con* Arlx Davis-DalyEly Con*..............F lr it Nat, Cop...itiroux Cons........Grsene-Cananea Jumbo Extension•Kerr Lake ......Lb Rose Cons

1 1% 1 li*16H417%3% 4

164 m m 170114 114% 114 U4%

197%21% 22 21443% 4% 3% 4%

59 62 t>.l 63ISB IBH 185 ISO

2 2 46 10 6 10

16 17 l« IT66 6B 55 »8% 10 9% 104 6 4 b

137 129 127 12911 80 T7 8096 98 96 96

295 m •JfH S9-J363 360 £9 361694 m tu> 70063 36 se67 70 67 66

176 177 H6 17987% k7% «i% 8P4

ROADS,STD 380 J70 S30106 106 106 106


Secretary of War Garrison Is Insured for $25,000 wUh The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., of Newark, N. J.

This insurance was issued through the Newark General Agency while Mr. Garrison was Vice-Chan­cellor at Jersey City. At that time Mr, Bergen, who is now the Company’s General Agent at Trenton, rep­resented the Mutual Benefit at Jersey City.

For information regarding other prominent Mutual Benefit policyholders in New Jersey see

DAY & CORNISHG eneral Agent* fo r N o rth ern New Je rie y

Office* in the H om e Office Building

750 Broad Street Newark, N. J.


Frost fRa WaaklISO \KWS.

WASKINUTt liW prepared t kan railroad U Congr aa. T! Ltcn eUended Iha Senate wii br reported ti committee In a eon haa baU U loglalatlon ut ment*

Two bill# lu knext itsdf ah syatem in Alu K^uLh ftavetoMi tioduced In lh< cm aeaalou, ar riaa committee lain, of Orrgor Jonea, of W est

After i'onxlde weak#, and Iiol commlLtae app five, the Stnef It, to drofl a r tt^atlniony iak< criUciBniis and other *oijrcea.

The Buh-cor with Prealdcnt qludcd Ua woi full eommlttet which time 11 expected, wll) ebly to (he Bt ^het bill right qpflnlalied hui Inaurirtg debat boualy until di

It la hoperl t believed .will i b a u it Ueolf by m lttee la read th a t ihe bill w moat no oppos Chairman Uru House augges the HoufsS ce wance any fuqueetloD.

LaQ4 Having give

•rovai, tne Pi b# will bf too

The range of today'e prices for tbe more active aecurltlea in the New York market*In con trast with last nlghCa cloalng quotations (• laet sale), aa furolabad for the New# by Post St Flagg. I# given be l ^ j

— Today’#---------9 nightopen. high, low- cJoie. rioie

Alll*-Chal- -. . V * J 1 , l) t Amal. Cop ...

$15,000m , pr.St F..

Am. Be«t Sug Am, Can,Am. Can .Am. C Am. Cot. on. Am. H. & L . Am. H. & L .prAm. Ice ........Am. L. OI!.... Am. L. Oil, pr Am. Loco. . . Am. Smelling.

Manhattan Tr#n». .17-16 17-11McKinley-Darragh. 1 \ 1IS-W 1% 113-1^

A 2 4

RA4 3H 9-liS 11-169-1-16 W lU 1 D-i61-16

i Yukon Ciold.- •Ex-dlvldand.




» 3*i9-t8 11-ISIH 1 9-lS

3-ie tiBhi

104^ 19



Th* Iron Age >*ys th a t "curtallmont of j l f Iran output ho* htgun. In May the output of coke and an tluacits Iron w-oa x m tiT ton*, o r 91,<119 ton* a day, against 22I2K1 ton* In the th irty daye of April, gr k W tono a day. The dlsooura^ng condition* In pig Iron have not yet had more than a sentim ental effect on th* eteet trod*, though naturally rum ore of wanhMM In prices o t certain ftniehed mahuiole ootne up more frequently. 8emi- fltWMd itee l yield* alowly to the grad­ual reduction tn ordera on tbe booka.

fitoff Oarruponitnm.TRENTON, Juno B.-Flne* aggregating

£91.9B and one revocation were the penal- tie* Imposed by CominI»*loner Llpplncott yealerday afternoon (or violation* of the automobile laws, ’ The fines collected were under the provision* of the lew permitting the commissioner of motor vehicle* to Bit

committing magistrate.

unchanged to a ohad* lower, touched 89'e. end then fell to £BDj,#*9L4

Improved w eather eased oom. July, which opened a ilxteonth to tiO H <9own a t to doicended to BSVk.Lightness of demand allowed oats to droop, July. 4Htor opening t t to H off et S*t4 to'tlsit. dropped to 38ti.

provisions w eakened, with hog*. F irs t sales van*d from 8c. Icttrer t* 9ti advance, 'With September a t 10,9Jtt for lard, and 11.B714 for rib*. Pork was nominal.

Subsequently big cash sales of wheel hero and Improved export prospects at Duluth helped bring shout a rally. Tho close, however, was weak, with Ju ly ot 90, a gain of ti® ltc. not.

Prices of corn atrengthened la te r with wheat. Th* close, nevertheleii, w as easy a t BSHtIfiHt tor July, a net advance of


est. Ing.




The following today’s quotations, close being at 2:16 P. M.. New York time, were furnished hy Byrne A McDonnell:

At the Chicago Board of T rade;Yesterday s

a s a

l e l u g i f l i i a l E veate—F ram Noon To­day *• ' lieea Tomorrow.

June S. During June evenings, a t shout gjH o'clock, w* Shalt have In the aouth- y e ^ t h * oonitetletlons C rater and H ydra; la the w oat .Leo and Cancer; and in the eertinreet, Lao Minor and Lynx.

Max Bamberger, of Long Branch, for operating a car without a llcenio and driving on unllceneed car wa* fined I8.W. Bamberger pleaded guilty to tho charge.

Another pleading guilty w as Dr. Edgar J. Haines, of Medford. Burllngion Coun­ty. He was charged with driving two cars with one HeeMe set. The commis­sioner collected 16,66 tor thl* r-lolatlon.I The largest penalty collected wee £19 (8 from ’Wlilietn J, Hager, who pleaded guilty to driving hi* machine a t the rat* ot forty mile* an hour on the Middletown turnpike. Monmouth County.

The llconaa of Richard S. Conner, of Camden, waa revoked. Tho complaint against him was made by Qeorg* E. Btrouee. e Justice ot tho peeee, ot Ham- monton. Btroueo Informed the oomtnle- atoner th e t Conner wa* brought before him tor violating the motor vehicle lew and that he had Impoeed a tine.

Conner led the JuBttce to believe ha would call la ter and make aettlement, but had failed to do so. Although cited to appear yesterday Conner tailed to put In an appearance end th e oommlesloner re­voked hie Ucenoe. Thl* oese wlU he token up by one ot th* litipeotora In a day or ao.

W heat— July Sept ..

Corn— July .. Sept ..

0*1*— July .. Sept ..

Pork— July .. Sept .

I j i r d - July . Sept .




68% 68%69 9 89!4



The following quotations were furnished by Post & Flagg;

Op^en-Hlgh-Low-ClasAm. Smelt Sec. 6e 193Atch. « .................. 93%Atch. cvt. 4s ............ 99A. new cvt. g.4s 1960. 96Atch. cvt. 6s..........Allan. Coast L. isB. A O, cvt,...... .B A 0. 3%»........B & 0. 4s..............B, a T. t*............Beth. Steel 6e...........I’em. Leather 6e.,..

B. & Q, 4*.,..C. & O. tv l ..............t ,M. & fl. P. C 4%3C, M. & S, P. 4*......C ,H.I. * P. c l t 4s .I.’., R, I. & P .a R .ts t'ol. Industrial 6s...Col. 4 So. 414s........Erie gen. Hen 4*...Erie cvt. 3e..............Inter-Met, 4ti^.........Inter. Rap, Tr. 6s ..Int. Mer. Mar, PA* ■K, C„ P. S. * M 4»Lake Shore 4s. i9ia..Lake Shore 4s . .Liggett & Myers 6*.Manhattan 4*...........Mo. Pac. cvt. 6s ..M, , K. A T. 4s.................K. T. Central 3‘4s..N. Y. Central 4e

1914 T9%

98 98914

30.W g:l5 » .in19.66

tft.DTU .9 ifl9 .R M.06#I1I .«

10.9aU .t»



Am. Sm elt,, pr laoL Am. Sugar ... 107% Am. T. it T ... 137% Am. Tobacco . £09 Am. Tob pr. 101 Am. Wooten . 17%Anaconda ...... 34Atch.................. 96%Atlon. C. I, .. tl7%B. 4 0 ............ 93Beth. Eteet ■ ■ 30 Beth. Steel, pr 87%B. R. T ........... 98%Can. Paq........216Cen. Leath .. 18%C. Leath., pr. 91%C. A 0 ........... 60%Chi.. O, W .... 10% C. G, 'W., pr. 26Vi C.M. * St P- 102% Chi. * N 'west 127% Chino Cop . . 36% Col F. * I ... 26%Col. South...... 25Con. G as....... 129%Corp P rod___ 9%Corn Prod., pr 64 Del. * Hud ... IWPi Den. & R. a , .. 16Dlst, Bee......... 11Erie ................ 23%Brie. 1st p r— 37% Erie, 2d pr ... 29% Gen. Elec. Co. 134 Gt. North.; pr 122 Gt, North. Ore 30% Goldfield Con. 1%Qiig. E x ......... 44%m . Cent ........ IllInter-M et........ 1214Inter-Met., pr 46% Inter. Harv, . 102 Inter. P ap ..., 8%Inter P j pr. . 87% Inter. Pump,. 7%K. C, South.. 31% Vehlgii Va!,.., 158% L!g. i t Myers. 197L. ft N ............ 129it. P. * T , .. 63>.4 Iflem l Cop.... 2t%M. ,B.P.fta..H,M ll9-% M.. K. ft T, .. 19M. .K. ft T.. pr 64Mo. P a c ......... 29%Nev. Con....... 16N. T. Air Br. 69% N. T. Central. 97% N.Y.,N.H. &H- 105 N.T., O- ft W. 26 Nort. f t W...103% No. Pacific .,.. 108% Pacific Mall.. M Pac. T. ft T ... £7 P. Lorlllard ,.199%Penn ■.............. l«%Feo. Gas ........ Hi6%Pitta.- Coal .. 15% Pitts. Coal, pr 79

210% 201%



w ill p u rch a se fu ll c o n tr o l of g o in g

b u sin e ss , free fro m all liabilities.

W ith proper m a n a g e m e n t large

p r o fits per a n n u m ca n be m ade.

O n ly rea so n for se llin g , in ab ility to

g iv e p erson a l a tte n t io n . N o a g e n ts .

A d d ress C on tro l, B o x 10, N e w s O ffice.

103 126 i 36 vS




23% 23% 3S% .3*% 29% 29%




R E S O U R C E S O V E R $9,000,000

Morristown Trust Co.M O R R IS T O W N , N. J .

Pays 3^ Interest on Accounts

O f $ 1 0 0 o r O v e r , S u O j e o t t o C h e : X

D E P O S IT S over $ 7 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0EAMUCL fR C E M A N , P ra a id e i i


Pr. S t Car By. Bt- Sp.Hay Cons........Reading

TheFutureofan Investment

etRep.E,- I. ft 9., pr

in d ..

N. Y. C, ft L, 8 8%iN. T„ 0. ft 'W. 4s..




to know, when you retire ftir the night or

fcpfpe for , | tim e, tlwt your ■iM pdvgie pgpen are .Mf*

A Bgkcr Hoosb S8f» tbii feeling of te-curlir, 'Im a C i hoaHaome in uppefty gftoo u 4 . f i b m o i» | n i i ) . . •

NEW YORK, Jon* 8.—The cotthn mer- ket opened steady a t unchanged price* to an sd'-ance o t I point*, w hich we* -about In line with th* Uvorpool cable*. ’ Bu*l- nei* •was vom paratively quiet on tha cell, but became more active during th* fitet few minute* end the feature wea heevy buying of July by local and Liverpool hou«e». which een t th e price of th a t po- sltion 11 point* above 1 the d o lin g figure* of laat night, while the new crap »ho'wed net gain* of some five-to *lx point*.

Humors th a t prom inent operator* wer* buying July contrgete, owing to a better trade denjand and continued th tpm enu from the local ito ck end talk o t excee- elvely high temperature* In the Bouthweet oeemed to account fo r the advance. Other- wla* w**th*r oOttBfttoni were considered very favorable, however, and th* m arket met enbtigh c e tM irto ehook th* upward movement, and cuia* m o » -o r log* Irregn- tarlty after th* tlr* t half hour.

Trading wa* letw active le ter in the morning, bu t prloeg. held eteady and about 6 to 11 polptf net higher.

A-rre»h flurry .o f covering se n t, July coNjtracte up’- to- -.ll’.il, 4ir 38 -point* net higher during-the early afternoon, end the

Nor, Pac.Nor. Pac. 8s............N. ft tVeat 4e.......Pac. T. A T. 6s... Penna. cvt. 3%a isi6Pub. Serrtce 6fi ......Reading 4*...............Bt; L. 8. w . eon. is St, L. I. M, 4s.. ,, . Seaboard adj. s*— ^ u th e rn Pacific 4a. So. Pacific evL 4a,. Southern Ry. 4a — Bouthern Ry. 6a.... Third Ave. new 4*..Texas Co, cv t------Union Pac. 4*—


Rook Island Bock Idand .pr Bt.L.ftS.F.jMprSt. L. a. 'W. ..Pl.-Bhef .........South, Pac .. South. Ry .... Bouth.. By., pr Studebaker ... Tenn.. C op..,..Tek. C o ......... 1Tex. f t’ pac ..Third Ave......Twin City R. '

more Importonct then Ita naet Th*' rest 1* of Importance only' *o for *1 tt tndleate* preient condition* and future proepeoti.

I t le for Ihle reaaon that we select tnveetmenl* ’Which ample eecurity and yteld for the time hetn*. but which, from our study of condition*, we are •atlefied will aoorue to the benefit of our euetomeie tn the fntur*. v

'«% e6% H54 T ti

Union Pac. ovL 4s.. U. B. Steel 6*.■Vi- RailwayWabash 3d .............Wab., Pitts. 1st otfWabash 1st 6s.........’Wabash 4s ............W. Maryland 4s ....

I Union P ac ...... 143%Union- Pac-ipr. «U. S. R ub...... 68%0.s.H ub ..is t nr i«aU, 8;, S teel...... 64%U, S.'Steel, pr. 104%Utah Cop....... 46%W abaeti. p r ... 9%W»»t. M d........ 84■West. Union.. 63% W estinghous* M 'WlB. Cent

IFrit* for Cimiar No. 888

A*BlLeach&G).In v e t tm c i i t S ccu r)t|eg

149 Broadw ay, New YorkCUeogOi.

....." J

DYKE & CAMFIELD;C a s s e s

T r a d e m a r k s a n d C o p y r i g h t s

Kinney Builditf^^Comer Broad and Mai£e£

NEW ARK, _N. .f. r t

I I tr . . ‘ " - ikt 1 '

■ Vt.

:i'.ij -I./'.,.. ! ^4 ;-|M 1 ' ' t ■ ;

b u t that X>#ptrtmentl « •Being to deti Vfith House ar lo tlm r, as i V'll] malf^ #1 President’s n; re tary ha-'* gls •cheme of way# In Alaai bill which Is 1 eommlttee.

T h a t bill pn tg ( r6 |a tm g ' V Ifjr Kiy p a r t th is io be tel PrasnlenV, ivh fall charge ol had in the btii Indaad. (he bl th# canal a<.'i R esiden t I# ('

I t la planne 600*006 a t his ba -«bls to bl

It way. a t t h k h li belle |t#r taking i aphlc d lffk

hy i throug^h bln tad out, i

£19,000 a mile eiruetton In more dlfflcull American end

Twenty ihoi gurded as a I experts. If thl would have a 1,000 miles In be able to b wall wlthltf fact 1* the mi Mlp> expert# j

. o!j|)y 897 m ll« •dry to open i g manner a#

Ttw bond#-,c bh ■ecured b; t^O of public (|ve per cent all public le the bond red to fe in the c gb* Increeie ( re a te r afgui the fdvernme t it m oke good

A condemna ln%he bill, w1 AUthorlted to teody built I'l tk* governme tieoesaary to t t b Fiealdenl

. railw ay to r tj£* A lu k e ' Mllof long, I W U much ot Mbi* copdemni

I t l i bellev bin ahould bl geaalon or nei In the exerclt rout* for a ■

5*o**gary. thi lortheru. Tl

th e Freatden f t lu k a Rail*

, 0^ with the n a n d , will d

eH drthern Lin Mon Boy, t t

eno t t I Veil coal f

Thl* "would th e Tonana gjgo hdleved ' om Klnlk t

, and the on the

- a line i m land* th r would *1*0 I“ otiiiitla *i

g | jDlteagc.-„neh, 0* • c ienator Joi

o tra o from 1

t f in t

th* blll..;iM inlemoomt*. ghat a t too* UcMU tu th* 9 ^ . Cbambei iH tt at pr* IWnpciraM,

Th* Wit * g u l land*. A n t m ay *a thw . The II j l ^ Ih* .coal■ A wfntor-W raduoed

- - ilphli. BuriwA LoBdoB, tkit.4 HaltliuOf#. For Sale7t-t*

■ ’ '! M

ttaWr-poMib TCpnrtid to t

• re.

IKscriminating InvestorsSnull BItitik ot cHaoufacturerft’

Nailoaal Bank Stock.

SUFFRAGETTES REACH BERLINAre aH ordei *> M oaaol «p»ortu*tty hy yr*e*>t drieca. lend for ear anggeafton at High OnO* U v e n ^ B l ■oohHilea


furnlihed by ft 8.

BtaH Correspoodeece.TRENTON, June 8.—T he Board of Pub-

llo Utility Commlseloner* h u approved an ordinance of tha Monmouth Boerd ot Freeholder* granting permission to th*Fartnlngdele Lighting Company to oper- . _ ----------------------a te Ha eyetem on the road between Free- new crop sold about 8 to-13 pomta abovebold and Fartitlngdiilti.

Approval ha* a lso .b e ^ given to on or- dlnoitce o f Mulllfs Townohlp, Atlantic County. fTOntlnf th* Delawom oad- At- lonUc Teiegrapb and Talaphenp Cotlipany th e right to'Operate In. th a t municipality.

I«et night's loosing figure. Favorable;de­tailed w eather-'reportg checked ‘themed-' vgne*. but only gllghti reaction# occurred a»d July remained T*lgHvely flrm ,i Li

The foUewllig ad by Post ft


' 0


S g fe D djM ftncttt

M ER 'PRINTING C a2 5 t M a rk e t S t r e e t

«»*71-7S a ia to fl S tree t

.Cm eiR N A TI., Ju n e 8 .^ u d g o Caldwell Itif -Bl* ..Common Ipieii* co u rt here this afternoon suetolned a tnqtlon m ade by the defense to dlsmis* the case* of deorge B. Cox end four other offlesrs an4 -director* of th* Clticlnnatl Trust Company, obarged with obatractlng a note, i Of fratq th* ho tO l-fT h*metkha wea-med* a t Aha eoMld*t*a ot m ttotiiBoiiy eoir t u irgaeciiUou yea-

lU rdojs, , ■ , ........ ..

Gpeh.' 1 July Ih47s i : - l i o l ’JOB, « .«

-weM turtlteh- * t» T»tdy%

I 4[riL O i u . « u «

today wer*RIppel; '

e t! Bld.Aeked. Amor. Dock ft Imp. 8s I«%Cent. R. R. Co. of N. J .. 8e IW U4 118Csllulold ..........................................l a mContoUdeted Traction ..,,...,.1 78% 74% Coneolidtted T raction 8t 101% toj% E itex ft Hudson Q as Co. ...,..-185 187Oa* ft'E lectric of Ber. Oo. ... . ffl 90 O ts ft Elec, of Ber. Co. 1st 5* I9I KS Go* ft Elec, of Ber. Co. gen. 8* 97 98Hackensac-k W ater 4s 84 S6Hudson County Goa Co ............ IM 130Hudoon County Oes Co. 6g . . . . 16C 10£J. C„ Hob. ft t ’et, 4 * .............iv. ’73 79Long Dock ft 6s 1936 ....... 183 133Lehigh Vel. Term. Ss 1941 . . . . . . 110 112M. ft E. R. R. 1st 7s m i . . .e . , . , JUS IDS M. ft E. Con. 7b 1918 . . . . . . . . . . . . IM 196

Newark Faes. Railway Co. to.. 108% 107 Newark Oa* Co. eg ., . . " r . . ' I H 126 North Jersey 81. l ^ w a y la ... mt,P e t ft Pas. O. f t K. C o .......... 10

— - - - Co. S*....

SprdiiJ S4n-[fV of (lie MBirg.'’BERLIN, June B.-^A ecor* of American

■uffragettee, iocludlng Mr*. Carry Chap­men Catt. Dr.. Anna Shaw, Uie* Alice P erk and other*, arrived ‘ here to^ay on their way to tbs womeg'g vongToe* a t 'Budapeet.

Post & Flagg

NEW YORK MONEY m a r k e tn e w YORK, Ju itg ‘8.—H oney on e*!'*

'■U eitger; 88 d a y t. *i »* W K *14l ♦. rtaeatbA IO I.M , . . .

Fat, ft Pae. O. f t B. . UO ;

- e r t e y ....... .........Bo. Jersey Qas, El. f t T .’Co. 8*., 89 Bom. Union f t Hid. L tg. Co.— , n Som. Won ft H^,U|g..CA.JI. Jg

.'C.0V #•*! ee «*i-*ee* '•#,^ U g a a t .4 i3 l f t . ' | |

- atook* s rc 'rM .

____ Vubllod«g aostad 'h a t tat««gt'~

■ M


# f lie Y. t«M k

ALFRED L. DENNIS'' -'•asIftH rt PartO w .

.K lN M E y B U ILD IN G J

STOCK AND BOND 8R0KERS,«1 T S r S ro td 8t% Nawiiik. N . J , m

T eL jR sN r^ S I M a r in t .


Miss Mildred Lindsay .rotMrtwd, yoiter day to her home In O ernantoifh , P*., a fter a vlalt to her sitter. Hr*. Oeorge Turrell. of Turrell-avenue. - -

EL C. RoasmoBBler and tgmtty, of 335 H artford road. wtU leave tomorrow to spend the sum m er'In Pennsylvania.''

Tbe high-sebDol-bgiellaU team will plag Lakewood High Gaturdiy a t Lahawdod;

Folio* UerahahTIlOnia* F t l CagUlra, ' Qt Riggs place, will leav* Monday fo r W ash-' .ington, D. C„ when* h e wHi 'a ttbod the codventlon of thatpdloe chiefs.


TRBNTON, June 8,-Invo lun tary pro* oeedlnga In ^ n k riip lcy have been iRS.tl- tutad In the United State* EttiWct Cburt Bgatnat th* Herma% Cahdy Co., o£ J*r**y. City. 'Th* peililimers w h o se .c la lin g iu a^

-E llz # Jb « 0 i;(8 k T r e i i i i i r i '. d tH u M n ■ 5 to d c .6';. ■ *5?

' K o o fh t 4 ii4 SoW ' ■‘-'k''*!;Hanion A Dldrlchseli

“SfS i

t-c*t* tl.0i» era .Patrick X. fibinnoti, Cleofita, « ; C u a tfle ll and r y (WIlA



Mis* Oabrtelle Prout, of Stockton plies, daughter of Colonel and - Mre, Henry O P rau t. is home from HIM HllUard'* aebeo* a t W stertowji, Csnn.‘A lia. Axthoft B, CHodwIn, fbrm erly of-. HntMiy,-'Mw hC SprtngtleM, KMft. tova

.Mtmt- ot Hro. Oeors* Bk-OtaftiMB.v'at. U tah fia ld iM ft » .

S 'I

SlASCONSBtr, Jpoe-A-rPregldeB*Lincoln, Moiilburg. Dock New York F ri­day. ■ "I '

N B w Yo r k ; June i —Arnvod. oceanic, Govlhauptotir t ' ' '

KBW T018K, June A -M ahw taulft U r - **port.^Ddbh'>7*w T o th Friday, M i . ; ! ■- NKW YORK, loae |.'4ha)dal*4^M;ptoft ,P d |k New T oih; iMnivUg;. . , . '

■ VIA- . . ■ .’ k ■■ ■ tef •- -.7 .' 'T H B - i r R A l^

koob'JTiMR ». WU, n £B'«;ciAKac jtooii jTiLT'i.

BM igl StrollfAffBlIUlO

1M ,^er*aa*o a s iii io n ii loaatiM. tb4 ogtahUahtd I th* Civil M ^O oth and * LtoN nptlya Phn leotlon ,Jk£ .tha Cl*

. S ? S S l . £diiton 1* Bl

00* to t

Bt-hOa tM tn th s 'tn i reign rat] pria, ' Clili

rtto.'.Ti oavlaUe r« i ab£p. It wa ta tu n : - i i . t g | ^ to r jta t b * 'A »J U ip ^ n g 1

r ‘tiliS ^E T A R T .

Owner wHlI .MoriSeo ton or tWipty jk a rw * t ^ fc . ft* maw g**d«y -M r *Igg. jCft-a* Nd'pagr g>g*g* iMwaiit; fog:

h o r or oiai peato t.» ri the N«f«rsilbta.4hp ph

The ICHboo fln t matihipreosdlBg b:

Tha'omall ailoced.


N E W A R K E V E N fN G N E W S. T H U R SD A Y , J U N E 5. 1913. 13


Heaure to Be Reported\Sooi It Modeled m PUn of Panutt

Canal Ad.m. —


E TC . ■


Stit■rf'f.' ^•’ J t

A SwV . i h l

l'*rojii <Aa ITdaAfnfrfoit Rurrau of ihe EVES*ISO SKVS.

.Wa SHINUTON, June &.-Th* way U ba- Inir prepared fui- the enactment of Alas­kan railroad levialiatlon a t (hla aeialon of Congreas. The prelimtnarlea have all t te n lUended lo. and the bill on whloh the Senate win pracikally be avreed will tr> reported hack frum the Territurlea eommlltee In a few days. President Wll- aoQ has bald that hr In ra fe r for ALaakaii loulslalion a t tht available mo-men U

Two bills provldlm that the (overn* HU'Ht Itsvir Ahuuki cunatruct a raUro«d ■yvtem In Alaeka. and guarantee the botula necaaaary to for tl. were In­ti oduced In the Senate early in the prta- *ni Bcsalon. and referred to the Territo­ries committee, one by Senator Chamber­lain. of Oregon, and the other by Senator Jones, of Washington.

After conaiderlng liiree blile fur leversl weeki, and holding emended hearings, the committee appolnied a flUb-coinmlUee uf five, the Senators named being a part of it. to draft a new hill, hi the light of the tdstlniony taken at tlie hearlitgrt, and of criUclims and suggestlona coming from other sources.

The siih-comimtlee. ufii-r conferring with President Wilson, liiis at la.si con­cluded Us work, and will report to (lie

•full committee probably lonionow. at whloh time the bill agreed upon, It Is aipected, wM) be ordered reported favor­ably to (he Senate The plan Is to give ^hat bill right of way. by making It the unfinlahed business of the Henale, thus Insuring dabate on i^a provisions contin­uously until disposod of.

It Is hoped that the dehatc, which It Is bellevsd .will not bS protfacted. will ei- liaust lUelf by (he time the finance com- nUttee Is ready to report (he tariff, and th a t the bill will pwet* iho Sensto with ul- Biost no opposition. This being the case. Chalrmsn Underwood will. If The whUe House suggests it. place (he bill before the Houae caucus. W hether It will ad­vance any further a t this session Is a QusatloQ.

Lane to T ake Charge.Having given this legislation hls ap­

proval, tne President lias Intimated th a t' DS will be too bu^i to follow It in dt?tail, b u t that 8 ^ retary l.,ane. uf the InlerJor Departmenti will be hls represeiitalU f In •eelng to details. Mr. i.an(j.wLll rotifer %ith House and ftenate leaders froni time to time, as occaylun may feunlic, and will make suggeatlons, subjti-l n> ihe President’s ipproval Already the Rec- te ta ry hnM g h en hls_ full approval to Uie gcheme of f?deraf uonstruriloii tif mil- ways In Alaska and to the compromlMi-. bill which Is to '‘go hefmn the Ttnllurh'M committee.

T hat bill provides for the sale of bondn kg*r«fatfflg ' »4>T,T»ff.(D(r. T5\Jt doesn’t spec­ify any partfcuiar” amount of mileage, th is lo be. le ft .to the discretion of the Prasraen?. who Is to have general and full charge of the plans. Just as lie h;iB hja4 In the building of ihe Panama ('anal- iRdsed. (he bill has been paUerned nfter tb s canal act. so far as (he part the Peesldeni Is lo have-In U Is concemeU.

I t it planned, however, that with l+>,- (500.000 a t hls disposal, the President will bs -able to build at least l.OUt miles ul

■Iway, a t the rate of 140.000 a mile, hlch Is believed to he most liberal, even flsr taking Into consideration the topo- ,aphlc dlfficaltles of Alaska. The rall- hya through th^ Rocky Mountains. It is

^^Intsd out. did pot cost anywhere near 140,000 a mile on the average, and cun- •iruetton In Alaska will In no case tm iRprs difficult than It haa been In the American and the Canadian Rockies.

Twenty thousand dollars a mile is re­garded as a fair average price by many experts. If this be accurate, the Presldenl would have a big leeway In provtdtng for UgOO miles In Alaska, and would probably

able to build th a t number uf miles wall wlthltf the bond allowance. This ta c t la the more Important because Aias-

experts estim ate that, a t the moBt, crijy 89T m U « 'o f railway will be heces- litry to open the Territory In as complete k manner a s Is now desirable.

Tha bonds-.of the proposed railway will b | secured by a fund realised from the aals of public lands In Alaska, seventy- five per cent, of the gross proceeds of gU public land sales there going Into tb a bond redemption fund. The percen- tag a tn the original bllla w as fifty, and Ihe Increase to seventy-flve Is to give a tfraatar ajaurgnee to the Investors that ^ S 'government wStl never be called upon l a m ake good H t guarantea..

A condemnation clause has been iiiaerted iD^tba bfli. whereby the PresWciU will AiithorUed to condemn any railway ai- gaady In Alaska, knfl acquire It forth a governmenA provided ruch railway Is to sew ary to complete any trunk aystem tils President may have In mind. The rktiw ay to which th is clause refers t«

‘ Ik s Alaska Northern Une. seventy-two m Um long, from Reward north. There M B much opposition . to the insertion of Ibis condemnatloii claiise. ,

I t Is believed that, if the compromise bin should become a law, either a t this ■eMiOQ or next winter, the President w J. |h 't b s exercise of hls discretion, select a xtnits for a trunk line which will make B scssstry the acquisition of the Alortca KoilherB. The gSBaral Improssltjn la that tb a President, with the report of J h e A laska Railway Commission before him. M d the additional d a ta a t hls com- S i d . will decide lo extend the Alaska S S S e r n Line, which begins a t B «urrec- {ton Bay, through the ^ *- a n i th e agricultural lands of the

, Valley, Broad P ass and the coal fields, to Fairbanks.

»hin for the iwpic*( weather that is just now playing hlde-and-aeek around the corner of the calendar.Soft, light, durable weaves, with silk jacquard stripes and rich Rus­sian cords—griy and pink mix­tures, French blues, lavenders and other eye-pleasing and bosorti-cool- ing effects. Either negligee or pleated bosoms and French cuffs.

Lots—hundreds of mert take my word on any shirt labeled "White."

' You needn't— come and see what your own word will be. The shirts satisfy or back they come.


5ilk-w arp V Madras

Shirts, $ ^ . 5 0

4 for $13.50

4ld St., w««t of ath Av«. y|t] St.. Rrnidwty.BnudwiJ.cnr . LmiiuM 8(. Bro«iJw«7. cor. » t b 81 Ki m u . M ir U tw rtj S t

I'u iloB Shirt ractorr—7* O r a a c St.. Nataark.

N. T. fCoptiafldt. o t if Chpreli it itor««r 1


BY PUBUC SERVICEChose in ‘Seven Sisters’ Enables

Holding Company to Contuine Control of Subsidiary.


fitotf ('orrrupnnrlmrf.TKKNTON, Jimt' p —The Puhllr Service

(.'01 poratlon. In the Judgment of the Board of Public rUJjty ComnUasloTiors, la not prohibited b) Ihe new rorporallon lawi* direrted agair>f»t mouopr»lie8 fron^ coulln- ubig to artjuiro and bold stuck uf Ita buIi- ktldlary companlefl. But h as the Public Service Clfls (.'ompany

Th.la ilevlfilot( vKftfl hantled down yeal<r- day In fipprovlng a propused Issue of OOfi of (he capital stock uf the Public Ser­vice Ga« Company, the bulk of which will preeumaldy h« taken over by th* J2ulillc Servli 'e Corporation.

In disposing of this question the public utility commliiloners drew a clear dis­tinction between the situation as regard the Public Service Corporation and Ita aubsldlarlPB and tlial Involved In the peti­tion of tlie Monmouth Lighting Company for ptrtniBslQji to transfer certain share* of ltd rnpKal slock to the Eastern UlilHj t.'orporaticm. ,

Tlie distinction between the two cases Is that while the Public Service (■Corpora­tion had actually acquired the right to hold the stork of the Public Service Ga* I'onipany before the corporation laws, known as the Seven Sisters, became op­erative, February 19 last, the Eastern T’tlllly Corporatloh had not acquired that right as to the slock of the Monmouui I^lghllng Cofjipany. Therefore, U was held that the Public Service Corporation came wllhtn the exemption provisions of Chap­te r IS of Hie laws of this year, and the Eastern Utility Conjoration did not.

The appUcalton for .approval of the pro­posed Issue of JTSh.Ofift of slock by the Public Service Gas Company was m<ide in accordaace with Chapter- of the

- law s nf 1911. The proceeds are lo be used for the extension and betterment of the p lan t of the rompany, In accordance with


Martin Commends Sanitarium Man- agemenrAfter Assembly Commit­tee Inspects Hudson Institution.


atoft (.’oreejfpfisdwe.JEKBET CITY, June 5 .-A fter the As­

sembly coiiiniltlbL> which Is Invesilgating the Hudson lk)uiily Tuberculosis Uob- pKal had cuju hided a porsoiial Inspvctloti of thu Instltutmii M.t Rnakv Hill lat« yes­terday Bllernai.>r;, Ur. Gordon li. Dlckln- sun. priiieliJenl uf the board of mariHgerN, In the prfcipjice or the News reporter. ttpT'Fpactied Asstrnblyuian Mardp, chair­man uf the Investigating committee, and said:

"M artin. I undvrslatw] s mi have been criticizing Ihb managers In your paper. Nhm. after thin inspertlan. what do you think Hbunt the place? "

■'This trip han been a revelation to me." answered Mr Martin, "and I reah it that you tiavu been doing wonderful work You deserve cuinmehdatloii."

Mr. Martin Introduced In the House the resolution calling for the Investiga­tion. It was said lie had received in- form/ulon whlcli jiromlaed to bring about the dlscloBuru of bad conultlons. The acknowledgment that the worn was praiseworthy Inetead, coming froni Mr. Marlin, therefore carries great weight and hie declaration to Dr. Phktnst^n abuul summarizes tlie vdewb of «U the meinbers oC the conmilttee.

W hat the formal decision of the com ntitlee may he will not be known until subsequent meetings ire held. Tbe coin- ntiiiee will uoi mee again until next Wednesday a t 11 o'oo^W In the fact that the next meeting has been po«i- poned until aftei thjj Uection ol comntls- plonere In Jersey City next Tuesday, ad­herents of Sla>'or Wltti>enn see consider­able signlflL-aiicc.

When trie hearings were comnienced, with a promptllude tha t Is unuaual, Ihe W ittpenn men conalrued It lo m ta n 'lh a t Mr, Martin, who la a bitter opponent of tha- Iljayor in Hudson Clounty politics.


Bnrhn Organiutions Onperate with Kaiser lo HfiiillitHMffs

Special C om n^ieo.


BERLIN, June B.- T he unpret'edenUdly lavish eniertainmc*n( extended by Uie Kaiser snd th f t i e rm a n QovernrnciU to the special Argerdinu coniiulstiioii. whir.h has been here lor ilie week, is umki*' stood to be H p a n uf ihe Uermaii proti«»d to oust Grcai n r l i a lu from the leader­ship In Aigerilimi'N foreign ttadr.

Germ sny is proud of liavlng crawdcil the I'nlted HUut> out of eecond p la te and will rroi be cuntPiu uuiil aha wrtRt.i the primacy from Knglarul The 4‘OU»- r.uirslon left Hcriln ikt*1 niahi for Hstni- huig It will pj'orefd lu Esacii bvforo going to Kiiglund next w«-pk

Nu foreign 'IvUgution lias ever receiver n more sunTr'DitniH wvlcouip in this chy, not CVCI: W'iicii htucLiSil l>y a moOuiTlr I'hc l\nlH4 r'. iiiP-ritliui sM-niN to hav^ tf-eii lu Net a pwce rhat Mu- English will find n hard to ruIUiw. (^kiug advaniage. perhaps, ol the fai't lum wi h-n (he com- tnlKslon lands on Hridhii muII iheLr hosis will be preoccupied with th<> t-ngagenients of the I.undoir ' icrtbon '

While liero. the niemhprs <»( the commis­sion occupied ihe ruMil sultps at tlis Hotel Adlon on the Kuiscr'a perioiuil gufkis. An a rm y of court a t tendan ts wo* plfl«ed St lli'-'lr heck uud call In adtlllluU to the regu lar h o u l A gala operuwas a rranged in Icmor of the cominlbbj- r wiiJrli was lunched aritl dined by lb* KdiNcr. Ttai)*- I'OtiruN. commerce BBSotia lions, parllanii rtj irv organizations, nu i - chants and m anufacu in -rs co-operu ed with one anothi'i m honoring the A r­gent hi I

The ce|el)r.-ih''n In without an equal a* a dcmonairannii uf ilu- txuu t i u> w h u h German imjUiichI, social and hiduatiiul orgiiiiixut.on* ‘ O-operate (u Necure eoui- mt-rtlal oppuriunl ilea foi the GeriuHU people.


f r o i H (fif Wo*htn0tnn Huronn of 1h«f\'ii Y/.-H'j?.

V\ A S H l Vg T o N. J u n e f» .-The dlffli ully th a t lOi' ifrenia n e p r c s e i i l a f lV e s who w^ftild b r ing b efo re th e p r e s e n t sess ion of fun* greea a n y bills o t h e r th a n th o s e dealre*! hi the a d m in i s t r a t i o n . Ihds f a i r to ha l t the rem edia l a m e n d m e n t c o n c e r n in g the N e w ­ark PostofflcH pro je c t ( h a t I le p re se n ta l lv e Nfc(’oy sp o n ao re

If Mr. Nfr<'ny f in d s hln w h .v I)Ui< ked. it will nY»*a/i th . i t hlK a m e n d m e n t will h ave to a w a i t the r e g u l a r sesBlon In I)ecenil>er. en ta il in g (he lu^s uf a t leas t hal f a y e a r before n< ( ls l iy s p r i n g s out of tin N e w ­a rk II j^ 'ropr li itlun T h e r e in nm- ch an ce , hnw evei , :jjid th e Je raC j r n n g r e a s tn a n ij ilemis (o m a k e th e inOJBl of 11.

Besides c u r r e n c y n u d ile tldeni j, in a t - lere. It 1b ihc br-llef of (he l a w m a k e r s th a t r j i a l r m u u r i i c le rw o o d will not o p ­pose a n y MiewrtureB t h a t are s i r l c d y •em ergrm -y ." Mr. McGoy InteiidH to use

all Ii Ih |)ower lu h a v e U\e N e w u ^ pont- offlcc a n i e n d m e n i ao clfJBBfd. ami will th is w eek Intr- rview m e m b e r s nf the new ro m m lt t e e on p u b l i c liuil ' ilngs and grminde, w h o now h a \ 'e (he dUpoalt lon of tlie bill In thc li h u n d a .

Ntr McCoy will a r g u e t h a t the anieiid- nieiU In ItNcIf Is t r u L an ^me.rgency raa l- t^r, hecaiiNc li c o r r e c t s a n In ad v e i tcn t ni in take t h a t c a m e a b o u t tiirnugli f au l ty w o rd ing of the o r ig in a l Bectlmi (n the s u n d r y d v i l bill I ’h i i i r m a u F ran k C la rk , of th e co imii ll tee , it is r-xpecU‘d, 'will back Mr. M K 'o y up. a n d Die New J e r s e y RepreB enta l lve on t h e co n ib i l t e e . J o h n J . E a g an , h a a a g r e e d to lend I i I n aid.

If the r o m m U i e e ' s InJorNenieiil ca n b t ga ined , th e n e x t m o v e will be to secu re th e c a u c u s o r d e r u p o n th e cm ninUtee lo r ep o r t th e m a i l e r \o v Be lt lemenl o n the floor o f (h e l lo u ae .

c J a e i e o f t h e n ^ m t A n v , I n a c c o r d a n c e w u n ■ r —wh rh have Mrwrty h «B c o n . ld , re a ‘o " f . ( iom eth lng" on the WUl-

* . ______.. Titiuter f-nm. f penn candidates for ci ty commissioners.


iMdf A EtitnaTW» would be the "'***’

th e Tanene Velley. The Preetdent, It le ■ In bdlered , will provide a 'ff®*',®’' ^

Sm Kfnik tbrouBh the Kuekobwlb Vel- “ ?d the IdlUrpd .Old flew*. ® M on the Tuxon Blver n*»r

line would not only provid* tot S S l^ndB through Which It would run, but would »leo be »n outlet for ®**®i** FwtMUl*. »nd- Ihe Nome dUtrlot, The w to l mlleo.0 of th li trunk lino end one C a c T u .to ted , would bo m -mll«. " i S S r t o r Jonoe r« fo line up Kopubltcans A t (1)0 hill, ond Boootor Chomb^Jkln the Dontoomtt. I t lo tho opinion of Mr. Jono* ■ e S io t loMt tw o-thlrdi of tho Bepub- Itnnfi- in tho Boneto will lupport U. ond act., dpiinborloln ho^eo to eoeuro the lup- |M t ot tn'OOtloOHy kll oi tho Boiato SMnooroto.

« ,* Mil m oke, but ono reforonw to londf. I t provldoe th a t tho Proel- w y ootobllib o navol cool reiorvo-

Uoa,. Tho Intent of Con«#ooi lo .to t ^ o w Iko oool quoitlon in o.. ooporote bll> e & t wirnor. Such o bill hoo d lreodr boon u B ^ u n d by ^ u o to r RtHinan, of No- STS. « i,o will proao It i t the rogulor S f e n , bowtimlnf In DtoeMbor.' I t ' l i an- tm ly . pofOtUo th o t ho moy n t the bill Y ^ortod to the Sofuilo during tho prOaent

m \, m f


T B a i 'f f 'tf-;Jrti..,',


LSlrf.lETOn. ,,

■ ■.y e ";-.

: * ^ » ya o r-fF ito■«ht lift

P U H ISM P A T O o i i m t m

I Im rte t of Me VaWB.'3N , Jttn t (.HNoottoo :Ot tho

I la buolnaib «f>A » • foot ttlot to Impooitbls in tho prootat;

toM iM .': th* BofOM -LbibOMtlv* Wartto, MtohlUhod h a r t by Jooabj..Rogoro before tl}« Civil WfUf, w ill.m . i^ a tto n o d \hi 0)b«th onA 0 oonoolldotiiSB ¥ l tb the Cooke ItoA n o ttv a Company Ip tb f South Fatar-. pipa.aaetton at tho ally will ba offietod.,Jto:;tha..Cookt .plantutlwio to .an«ilo 19-

p a lA a ity to r battorlnf tteO lttol of tW'SMBMaad faetorlas a n i tfao 'Doaioll-

I to ■ aao tan r f o t ^ » 4 aa advan- pa to tb t city and t ^ oawipantoa. t'

p tpa paat yaar and jt ha ft tba Jtosora i . ha* M en oashiod U m aW 'M lualvo-

f.in tb* toanutootur* « t l«eoil|>ot(vaa for H S ir n U ro M i. 'pbrttoulaip||' to iton-

ftotoa, Sowth A t^ a ^ M to ' Soutb : ' TBt toefa 'workif'Mitt iS h o d th

j l a m i i t a t t a a J a r axport workmab- U W at Indirectly due to tb la npu.

end a].proved by the Public Ptlllty Conj- mleeinn.

Having determined thet the proceeds of the propoeed Issue were to be ueed In accordante with law, the board remarked thot since it w as the probable purpose nf the P u b i l c Service Corporetion lo eub- errlbe for and take Ita pro ra ta part of the ieeue, i t would he well to consider a t thia time the effect of Chapter 18 of the lawB of leat winter.

In its opinion upon this question the board said:

tlin l ty Board's Rollna."As Public Service Corporation is a

‘holdinf company.' organlied under the genernl corporation act of this Stale, and public Service Gas Company is a corporation of this State engaged in tlie m anufacture and distribution of gas. what was said In the meniorondum fiied by tills board in the Monmouth Lighting Company proceedings In general, aa to Ihe constriicilop and appllcatidn of Cliapter IS of th e lawa of 19H, is applloable here.

"The Public Service Corporation of New Jersey however, prior to February, 1913. the data on which Chapter IS of the laws of 1913 became effective, acquired, and on th a t day held, substantially al! of tho outstanding shares of capital atook qI tho Public Service Gas Company.- *'lt acquired dhd held these shares of capital stock under the authority of Sec­tion El of the general corporation act, aa It stood before its aniendreent by Chap­ter » of the lawa of 1913, which contain­ed, with respect to stock acquired in pursuance thereof a provision that, while owner of the stock *0 acquired, the cor- poraction might exercise alt rights, Itow- era end privileges of ownership, Ineludlng the right to vote thereon.

"One, of the rights, powers and pHv- lieges of such ownership by the Public Bervleo Corporation of New Jersey was that of lubsertblng for and taking, in pro­portion to ito holdlng(f a n y new mr ad ­ditional laauee of the capital itjok of th* public Service Gao Company.

"This rig h t.so acquired by the Public Service Corporation of New Jersey la pte- served by the exception to Chapter IS of the lawa of 1913, which provldea: 'N oth­ing herein contained ahill be held to af- feet o r impair any right heretofore ac­quired In purauktieo o f the section hereby amended, by any corporation created un­der the lawa oif tb li State.’

"In the Judgment of thi* board; there­fore,’ the Public Service Corporation of New Jersey J* not prohibited by C h a p ^ 1* of the law* of I»13 from aubacrlbtog for and taking It* pro ra ta allotm ent of the laaue of tbe capital stock of tho PUb- lli n r s lo e Oa* Company, which I* hareoy apptoTid."

sntllffi’s TUU TO CO M,•THOIKI UVItX ninESIS

gpectol SentiM of Me X fW t.MORRIB'TOWN. June 8. - Jh o m a a

Brown, of floun**l for Chari** 1,. Wll- «on and oth*r ■trik*'* u d tttik * tym - p a th isa ri Indlbtad by th* r S q u i to B t^ Jury, yesterday afternoon i*qu«t«o J u d n Jo th tta^B .' Salmon to tpo itpon* to thu ]i*xt term th* tria l of. the Wltoon w ee, wMob w*e called.-,- end o l the dtner* growing «ut of the Mt. Hoipe-W hirton troubW. I'1 M r. iSttrwn declared th a t Blmer Ktnw, Id h to 'ad d reg f to the court .yeaterday mdifntaf^on, the mailing of op^ea of the Morria County Bduoator to Juxora, had created a phejudlee. In theimlmto .of th* ju ro ra . which would be hgiMtol to hie o llan t

Mr. Brown eatd he waa -M t to court In.morning.:. b u t . Jho

« ^ .U W b T (l|« , WM4 'tor ionio time nfCor It wag Mtd

paiM .»r ’ro iiin « r:^ .t)u ir bn li<nuiO'

aeddih-p a sM .»r ’ro isn «r :iU * .t)u ir bn bunt to the Bognrn nbop, a a l M ibto erne tmpew-. ■lbtn.-tbn plant w a* otoMd..

Th* Ibwmotirn workn were nlnwat .tb* f in t mntmftctory to-locate In tba olty rrt«tai.sg by eome tbne the nllk wnrkn.

TIm 'nnwlBsmatian of iiu 'tw d pleat*. U ■Itorndt 'wtU Aftoid

broke Into' * the Joroi*. Thin meOiod.nt eVPlyto* to r a rule. Mr. Brown contwaM t we* Im ­proper, ' , 'M- ■'

Judge Salmon told Mf. Brown th a l he b%4 .b**n ip tetn lom ed;-that Mr. King had not broken Into e nor bad lit .nd- d reW d the Jurore. Re % d 'm a d e hie,

'* "in open court, the-Judge a e t ' M r r cnee wee tekeh-dlh. JV-Ji; ‘-t-dW-

HefiPlB 'to occupy the bod a t M>- b t o % . King ■aw not eddret* |t '> ' t.-n- lerly. geU Judge 8*Jni<jn»"*«d b'-' Hnv dtoroloped t u t ooutd -b* T>k«n-«* p reju - d k le i t o the pitom er* t o be tnpd. t,.,.

Jim c* *«lmoa aaJd he would-not w der the cnee* deferred unleet -the S tate ediw tor' -Proeooutor fiharlwn Ai Rood,didi.pt agree to th a t propotUlon. >

j j r . Brown moved th a t ib* Indlotmewt be-oueehed on th e grounde.tbet Uic-de- fenden t'i tight* bave baon dUcouregad

,mede In npM oHirt

" J - ‘

penn candidates far city commissioners, at^d to "Set’’ It in time to be used as m aterial against the W lttpenn men lu tha ejection campaign, which la rapidly approaching the climax. The statem ent by Mr. Martin, therefore, tha t the man­agers deserve coinmenOation Instead of criticism, haF been seized upon by the W ldpenn men with an avidity (hat U only natural, and of which they intend to make the greatest use.

Yesterday's session of the comqjlties was brought to a close with a declaration by Dr, Dlckmsnn of the falsity of a statem ent in a Jersey City newspaper Tuesday night. Ele was said to have Stated tliat the conditions a t The hospital were "a tragedy. ' On the stand he de­clared that what he had said was that the entire tuberculosis problem was a tragedy- He also a s s e r t^ th a t an edl- , tcrial yesterday uu the "tragedy’' was false. I'hen he concluded by declaring "It is immaterial to me what the paper satd."

Before Pr. Dickinson made hls s ta te ­ment. the principal attention yesterday afj^ornooii was devoted to an Inquiry re­garding the action of the freaboldera In charging tho tuberculosis hospital for cine-quarter of the w ater consumed a t Bnake Hill. Clerk W alter O'Mara, of the freeholdarH. explained tha t this had been done in accordance with custpni. At Snake Hill there are four Institution!—the tuber­culosis sanitarium, the almshouse, the penitentiary and the hospital for the In­sane. The water ts supplied by Jersey City* and there is only one m eter for the entire place. Last month the county re­ceived a bill for titi.ooo for w ater used during eleven months, from January 31 to December 30, 1912.

The freeholders charged the tubercu­losis hospital with one-fpurth of this ■um, but the m anagers protested Ahat the proportion was too great. They did not wish to ^ a v e their available funds de­pleted more than they felt the reaources should be, Since the rendition of the Mil, there h a s been a controversy, which la yet unsettled On account of the size of the bill Joseph E. Bernstein, chairm an of the finaobe com m ittet of the board of managers, thought th a t it covered more than the period indicated on the face of the b ill Mr. O'Mara sold th is opinion w as not correct, because ha had .a bill for water used from October 10, 1911, to Ja nuary 31, 1M2. am buntim u M,087.

IMr. O’Mara believed the proportion of oneHjuarter for the sanitarium woe rea­sonable, despite a disparity lb the-number of inmates of the dlffarent iDstltutiom. He said the. other three Initltutlona used water for riuihlog purpooss, which was talqui from the river, wbll* th« fanttarloin used the city water for gn purpptea*

Combiilssiofiar Finke, of the Jotwey City Board of Works, cHsInman ot the water eomialttee of ths tv body, woe also .on th* eland. He told hbw, of^r a oohfereode bet!Vfesn the p ^ rd of Works members Odd County Supervisor O'Mm Uk* the price of watar for the future hod bgeti flged^t 91 ^ thousand cubic IfSt for aH the waUr used by the county* Tbe average for mil the county InstltutlOM heretofore, he said, was about ll.SS.

Bupefvfeor O'M^la Infolrtned Dr. Dick* Inson during the visit io the' Initltutioa that tbe Board ot ^reeholdere had ar­ranged to liiauii separate in«te» for each Inttltutten, oa that th* exsot oensump- tion in each oan be osoertolned oogurate- ly hereafter. . #

TEMPS AND naff Ali''^IKinE lUtoMTE u n n s

NBW TOBK. Jim* E.-Jfhs im iergw ckerged ageJlut in e n , teacher, end eome prlnctpela by the committee on aohool in-


(Ac TV<7MAi»ifffi>n ftHTMU 0/ Mr fVfiA/- ISO KFWS.

WASHINGTON. June &-H enry F*. Al­exander, of Trenton, who yeaterday a f­ternoon Indigiiantly resented the action ot the Senate lobby commlitee In connecting him with (he lobby Inveptllgatlon, caljed at the While Houpe today anil conferred with Hecmtary Tumully. It waa stated that the ^sll In no way related to the episode on Capitol Hill.

Mr. Alexander was ono tif tlii>ae served by the avrgeant-at-arni» with subpoenas to appear before the lobby Inquiry coin- rnlttee. He was editor of the Trenton I True American during the Wilson cam­paign. Mr. Alexander broke In upon the Senate Investigation yesterday with the statement th a t he had been mallgiisd-


Bptcial Service of tSe JfEtPS,NEWTON. June 8.—Five caiidIdatM

among Iho Dem ocrats ot Sussex County are already after the vacancy to bo made In the Sussex County Board of Taxation, when Judge Allen E. Shay resigns. The aspirants who w ant the 11,0(10 a yi-ar po- sltlnn are Nicholas Farber and Smith Simpson, of H ardyaton Township: Acker- son B. Mackerly. Aagamhtynian Henry T. K av, and Robert T. Johnson, ot Newton.

I he last nam ed' three candidates are lawyers. I t haa been the custom In this county to have a t least one. member of the har on the county board, and the res­ignation nf Ju d g e -S h ay will leave the hoard without one. ____________

Stouten b iffgA^ll

qulry, whSh reported to thq Board o( B i d e t s ysgtordey. >* M^eited b f tt)* toftbw ipf '.'hintible exeiapl**'" Titeif are tekeiv troth ever 300 letters w ritten In on* m onth to the cli» peym *«*r. o v e r tM rty or tbo letter* contaln ln t . idertoc.. errors.

Teechers wrote: ■ . - .syw ta ,•" I w h sn tto ' the sahol t o dy:F" ■ .*«■. :

• "I-, have eurjwlaed.to-.lesim o t dls- «ridisd> cornspondettce.” ‘V -ii . . . .w . . . ;

•H oplnR’ tfieito TtoformeMon .mill • fco- of

$12•'■■.tiirj toV


I H c t o— - . -I'■ n irf ie b ta e tv veisrot*.i;"TrusUm.thl* wfll moot mtut your %

poruvnJ." ;-r-On* letter was so full ot e sn r* u ^ to

bo elmoet onlnUUIglble' '•Tho retiiif of-oeeh of tbo tonober* wW

wroto theso' quotad IMtoiri 'wmi on reoord as "fit end msrdtorioui,"

B . A l t m a n $c CUn.(■ ' "E fs'-' ■' ^ I. -n «*


Men’s Oiitang: Trousers and BatlhiSinig Suiits

at remarkable concessions from the usual prices, as follows:

Men’s Outing Trousers of Flannel or Ser^e, reg;ullar prices $5.00 & 6.00,

at ^3 .7 3Men’s Worsted Bathing Suits, regular price $3.50 per suit . . . at $ 2 .5 0

Boys’ Suiits RaSneoatsoffering exceptional values a t the following^

prices:Boys’ L ight-w eight Norfolk and Double- breasted Suits, w ith extra pair of knick­erbockers . . . . a t $ 5 .5 0Also a quan tity of H igher-cost S u its (the g rea te r num ber h av ing ex tra knickerbockers), reduced to $ 7 .0 0Boys’ Rain Coats at the special price

Chamo3s Usie Gloves

MOusquetaire, D6-button length, a t the unusually low price of 70c. per pair.

Women’s Trimmed Hatsin desirable S um m er styles,w ill be offer­ed in the D epartm ent on th e F irs t Floor, at the special prices of $ 3 .5 0 4 .00

Also U ntrim m ed Hats a t $1,75 ^ 3 .0 0W om en’s O uting Hats of Ratine, Felt, P anam a, etc., a re show n in the reg u la r stock a t m oderate prices.

Girls’ WashaWe Dressescom prising a large asso rtm en t made of th e popular w hite and colored m aterials, orig inally m arked at $2.25 to $113.50, will be offereda t $1.25, 1.75, 2 .4 5 f 3 .75 5 .50

Get a Suit at Sioutenburghs

Save your money by spending it for the be^ suit you can buy.

A Suit that will wear well and look worth $3 to $5 better than what you pay for it.

Summer Suits so well made that there’s noth­ing “cheep” about them, except the price.

. ’..iV _ ■

B l u e Sei^e Suits, $12.50, $15, up to $25.

Worsteds a^d cheviots in many choice patterns, $12.50 to $30.

Handsome dub checks and 8hephardj>laid8, $15 'te'$25. ■:

I’s CottoiTB Dressesfor S um m er wear,

(sizes 58 m onths to 4 years) in several desirable styles, will be placed on sale a t th e decidedly low prices of

75c„ 95c. $1.35The rem ainder of the stock of Little Children’s S um m er Short Coats,Colored W ashable Dresses and Imported H ats h as been m arked a t g reatly reduced prices-

Furs, Rugs, Draperies and! Lace Cyrtainis. received for Storage,

Jifll) Aanutf, 34th‘hnb 35th S»t«ft0, t o Uor*.

Norfolk . Jackd Suits, to$20^:



The Best We C a n Do

It doesn’t nutter vhirt soft"

(o'make itthe best possible with tfaetlnih' tatioiiH imposed by our patron and the price he is willing to pay

The best we esn do for the money” is our motto—.and it isn’t such a bad one, is it?

We’d like to figure on your next job—big or little.

the E s s e x P r e s s

Printers Extraordinary1 ^ OOLAWRENC* 1 0 - ^ ^ STREET -

One Block Irom Merkel ’Pboo* 5S0

Ne«eik, N, J.

The World’s Confidence inany article intended to relievo the ButTerings of humanity ia not lightly won. There mugt be continued proof of value. But for three generatiuns, and throughout the world, endur­ing and growing fame and favor have been accorded -


«because they have proved to be the best corrective and preventive of disordered con- ditiona of stomach, liver, kid­neys and bowels. The first dose gives quick relief and per­manent improvement follow tbeir systematic use. A trial will show why, in all homes, the use of Beecham’a Pip*

Continues To Increase

SeU an rrw k an . Da kasas Ma., * k n . U nat « k et u s ■aSSa. S . M 4*41

t X b m e i W a n d t o e t o m f r W

Sold by

JJ.KQCkEliJOSCOHNOAU N1HCET Makers. Flillsdiilpbla.

Tharnson Wood FlnlKhl/iif Co,. I

u B ( b r m \x C L & tT u u n i liM?. H o te u a i. M tu r v vav* u r t t u i i e . m «>i i* jss- R s t r * . B y T w i n tio iw w n, H H K R M L l M .^ N . li la A lf t f o i w d t e p l a c e m H i i t . E l i - c i r l r f e n S '. u ' l r « k * k u l e g r a p h ; MUbiTTHolnr BSMruitW' F ! D ,t e s ( , n e w « . i s n r i o n l y t o t m m f r l e iH l ln ) i p a M trn a e y M a t the d«H»k I n f l t ^ r m n d a u U n s t i H I r a n u f r r . H s i l i n g e « » v ery fiv** riu y t* I n v u n » n a c t l n n w U b K . M 6 F C o . T l r k e - t ^ t n i e r -c h a n i w f l b l * .

. MllPhif TKII'H

Q u a l Q C Cv i s H s l i f i i k . N . Hi, iiioM i d x < | |^ h t r i .< C fu lH ^ tti1,500 iiiilKa. UugnlfluDtni Brenirryt (.lul (ir- Cauiko. Norihumberlafiil atPult. tiulf snij. Utvwr Bi- l,*,wr«noe and far-fHinrd lA,pfuA|By R l T e r . S .B , "T rlr ilc lm !* * f r o m T o r k . t i l l y6ib sfd August 2nd and 1«1h. KromQurnev July lUh ami 25ih. AugUNt $lti S'mI

fiifl I t i r r s r m H t ln n a p p i v t o A . K- O l 'I ’ -KKOKIINiE * CO.. Agrilf* OKwhH* R- * f # .l t d - . H r o a i lw H y . N r t r k n f k : J u i c i i l i M, B v r n r C o .. 77H R n i n r i S I i .1 K A l a y r r . S t C l l r t t f O S t . , o r a n y T l r k r l A g ^ n l .


■ ^H U D SO N n RiVER

D a y L in eHtramm teave rjaabrosap* Kt.. 8.10 A. ,M ..

W 41M «(., 0 A. M.; W. 12l»tU HI.. A. H. I.«n«llnic Mt Vonkwra. Wm ! Point. T*iMighk«'p«l»'. Klngitott Potnt. I’urnkllU Hwti' ton anil Albeity. Dally en ’fpt Bnnilitr. Dir^rt . rail conoecllou*. Muatc. IlMitattnint.

Steamer Washington Irvingiu fegulu oommiaaios on Oatardoy. Juar ■ making up trip# Tuaaday*. Iburgisya aiw Satur­day *>

Steamer Mary PowellAft^ffooou boa( for \ »s l Point, Nowlmug,

P<iitgbk(‘*T»le, Kingiton and way teiirtl.ftg# laavv* I>e*br<»aeei» fit., 1 :4o P. M.i M.:.W llH>tb R t. 2:20 V. M. Itelly esLcopt Humlny. Idrsi outing (o Weat Pulot, retunildg by boat dV rtU.

Tropical wdgfat fwo- piece 8uUs $8 to $20.

White aild ^ t e idriped flanndl and siatfe outing tronadtafS to $5.

7*7-80* BBOAD

UUMHOPXTC.......Tjui re im St. 9.0* M l , ■ , 1

n. NewJeney CentraliMweaeaM in. S—e.3, toiwswi I



"Tlw P^bUe Ba Ftaaacd.-


PROVtTlw Osfr -WsttoYays eito HAilaxa ei a;t* P. A., toem

.« I r a* N It. tf-w . •« « *

. . ^ $ * . 6 5$1.75Olmt

,____ _ iJe* Uuaratjee^qik aad M*« Itosteae.

ANCHOR LINENaw Twin-Straw Btshrruihlp*

c«EWiiiA.''CUjroiifiW.' ■cAiJi)sm,'‘tdu)itttV‘S a l i lu x tn iB i N a - V o rh C v a r v b i u n l i , *

6LASG0W MovMI* LONDQHDERRY:r « r twohi of Tuur. fUtm. M C ,.p D jr IS

H.nd.rt<m BrMh.rx 17-16 n r™ d *ir . N ^ . . « J. U Byrn. Co.. TT« Btoaa Sl-i .1- H- Harsr. ■ M Climon 8L : ,v UnivtU. 7R Prn.vl)lS a v a l B. Garmanui, ST Marowr St., ftu rwrra f l , „


Bermuda & West IndiesKof s.illn*. ana'Kata'e’ Et'e.. *pplx ./j; .

t e a EojaJ Mall toean Teekrt C o . '^ BASUKESON A 60S, Oon. **t*X. V., or AXX STKAMBHIP TiCKBT AUKNT.

s t e a m b o a t s "■■ -'Sii

a ll 4.Tlehota, . . — . . . . . . .

■rK. as* saw. B. MolCe HaiTlsgo.«T Harrlfun av*..

aiMt e<tiwtot|)i a r l< ^ * y . t i j t l t . t o iCait nivnnAal*,^ Vore. nan. d^^W toonce.npleva - WsSist OUce.

.S'?;.% *'<V

aA-14 N B W A R K E V E N IN G N E W S, T H U B S D A T . J U N E 5. 1913.


n BoOm, i>r iu».' P ' .Ki taw kiar «f U n. LouIh Q Hh ;b >• Ctwwcti *011 of Mr. Mr* junw

of IM* ellir.

' MjDERMOrT-A Hnntli't Mln4 Kljh M»« of Rw.tKiJiim will U offrrrd tor tin* ropOM of Ilia KUI of tht Uia Kn.llr UcDonnoii (n« Crmwtordr ol Ft. Jom.t o Mil, «t I A U Rolotl.ai onil frlondi or* klndW itivittd i<j Atttnd


ASAHS-AI OioftunB. Jf. J., o» J«“HHIIIM W. ASmbo, It* ! T4M n tan wHI t>* boll »t hliRowao, a* Tburotar. J«do «. Ot 3;» P M.loBniiMl PoIrmuiUit Cimolorr. Mtmrb,H TJ., at i f o'olooV nW«T montm*.

rARB ei.I,T-rirol ^ nnlviroorr iotOBii H irt M iu of Htqulim will ho ulUrod for tto rw pooo of tha tool of tho Uti Cotborlno Rorrollr fnoo Ktlljl. 01 Rl. Alojiluo'i <-l'“rrb on tol- urdoy, Juno 7. ot 8;»1 A. H Btltllioo ond frt«ndi tr« kindly invH^ le Ait*nd

A crataAQBNTS- Local biiulloro woniod tor Critor-

rntft th« stuff that kilt#•v(*ry kind of Insauc. itsairoya iwjorw. olMiia b«1htuk«, w4ah«t clcrthM. p 'UshM furtiJtur«. m k Im duit. maksi duattsM dualari. dofi ail thaa# IhlDft (harouihly. find* riwd^esi ail« Imaflnabia vbal* ysKr niund: Tlluitra(a<li lltsrw- tura and aaniflf halna rre\lded; •leluah* i*r> rlmry iramad. PRRD e H.ILU Incorporaicd. 7dd ftontarvilla art . KomprvlJiw. Uaai

HuriflCtfUotan- ritv^rman. aiaady Job-B. K. /tast Orand at . k:HaabatB.

llfaiRANt'K agania, hold your pMlUon; douhi# >our lACfJin*. aoAhlaf (o atU; aasy

mun*r. <all before b Kl A. U.. dr batwaeii h and T t* M fib UfA hard at-

H E l iP WTANTED— MENtt, OODWOltK UR-'fS'ar.trd, tragon wiioclwork'

cr. Apply WHaMAW * ^rlND1T. 4tJT HUB •1 , Can Ontima.n RITRR4—Ifttwlllgml ‘ large In^^ne orra*

apondlng for Bc»»p.ii>an, no ran^a»ali*C- Pdr patileulara Praaa gyndkata. 710 ljock|>"r(.N-Y.


t\ATi'Jf|IAN wanted; <mr wh>) umlertLaiuli hollera: refarerK* reouiiatl .Vifdms ^ alch■

man. Boa 21. Nawa ufirke.

HjsAUr!»l--Oi> Jana $. IM*. 113 Pattar- *d(i atraaU Hairliw. J-. Hanry C-. a'n eMtiMT w d Itiary Bltulua. KotM of furaral IwidfKr.

» M - A juM I. m i . Maa AHa daughiar H iB liSaJoaquin J. and Ef«mk I*S lIanr"^*lM raaa\nd frtandi ara Invltad lo AttMad tha fm rA l at tha r^ldanca of h**"W la AAd auDf. Mr and *i**'7 'd it Nhnh Joraiaafoo itraal. FallaTnit. N. J... m Imdar. Juna fl. »i l:ih P. M. Imermaat U N«ap Torli Bay Cauaatary.

OJLVIIMOND-On Juba I, l»llr Halan I. Mdrad daughtar ot tha lata f>trirk and IMdiat DrumoMnd- Ralatlvaa and frlanda ara n a ^ iDVlUd to altttfd tba funara). frorn bar « ta raridaoca. la Norfolk itraet, on PTlday, luma C at aw»> a . U.., to tha Cnurch of tha

Haart, irhera a High Haaa of Haquiam Will ha adfarad for tha rapoaa of bar aotil Jn- laiVBanl la tha Cematery of iba Holy «apuicbra.

IN MHMORIAMIn loving mimory of our darling. Prankla W

Knoa. who diad Juiva b. Iblt.We had a lovaly iraaaura onca.

Ha waa our Jov and pnda. __Wa lovad him-oh. parhaM too wail.

por aogn h* alapt and dJad Toe lovaljr In hit bright young yaara.

For lu on aarth to kaap:Navar ahall ha ba fofgolta^

N>var ahall hit manwry fada Aweatatl thought# ahaJI aver llAgar,

Round tha araya whareBIREAVKD PARKNTi. UR. AND MRi.


AGKNTB—Paa your ipara Uma to hutid up a mail ord*r hualnaaa of >t>ur own wa halp

you atari, for a abara In pri>tHi iwemy ea^an opporlunltlaa. parUeuJara fra# Mutual Dppor> tuhitlaa Kaohant*. Buffaiiv N. Y



AOKNTS-Naw gaa and ojirMn flai irnna btr- fail how on; big rnonay. new acMhif aya-

lam, aura winner, mtinay aavr> day, work dk raft from martufacturar. Call aftamooni I'pi). Sh Oranga at.

JPWTT.KR waniad. axnartancad on Ihkt psn- ilanis AfpJy H I^K L A WOOLF, fh Oliver

AOF.N'TB—Band for fra* wnrnpla (.ataniad apa riaU> . gala you Into every home and Offlra

a«M« at eight big profits PULA n Oa Y tOHD, liH Mapla ave Mi-htf-lalr. N J

jrwj.i.tTR-i/yckti-makar wamad at A JDMON. M Uarthill •(

AQENT5 to toUf'lt Ordari f<ir a rallgloue pla- tura. Juat on tha market, i-arluelve territory

given Lo riret t^llcanls OAT^LY A PITZ - OCRAl.D, 119 Waihiniiot) si.

JKtVt:(.Kni! on j'Jailnum and gold Jewelry. ,7 r 4 F KEullfR. 43 Marihatl at

J1.W KL.KR. Mrai'Ciaaa Jj:v U>2 Murray ei.

KCUrig.DT A ArK-

rtj loving memorr *ho died June 6. 111!

memory af Frank W. Knox.Qnca our home waa bright and happy. Oh. how dreary and aad today.For our kind and loving grandaon

AGENTW-lntelllgeni people who ri*a<1 an In- foma aaod fqr my free d: ‘ ‘

tha Mair Order uUaliieM N JH3S I^kport. N. T-

■CKE3lLJN~On Juna fi. IbU. Margaraih. widow of rrodarkh l^karKn, aged k1 >oara. UAttvaa and friahda ara ratparifuJiy invited to Mtand tba funeral from her laia raaideiKc, 49 Wtlaey atraet. on Raturday. June 7. at 9 T . HI. Ifltgimitit In Woodland Oameien'

Hae forever paeeed aw y .Vou are not forgotten Frank, dear,Xor ever will you ba,For long aa life and memory last We will remembar ihea.


AOSiNTH-^jur houao hai been auroaasful with n,v plan, lai ua aiart you in ihe mall order

buBinaae. write frae information MOOFIK. 241 Harlland. Ml.AOSNTg wanted. Iwo men to aall houMholdy

apci'laJrlea oq aaay paymenia, atendy i>oal' Uon to right pafllet. C. T Ah*M« ‘'ft #« Hktkel at.

|K>WARDB—On Juna 4. IVlS. noranca, be­l l ^ daughter of Robert and Ella yJdwanlc

vaiantUie),fMi ValantUie), aged S yeara 7 moniha 24 4af«. Raiativee and trlenda ara Invltad (o ei. tai|d tha funaral from (ha rteldan 'A of Mr. O. A- VAkntlna. 136 QuKmin atrcai, on F:l- dgip. Juaa 6, at 3 P. M. Iniarment in cha Coasatary of iha Holy fiepulohra.

8LL0X—At Bradley Beach. N. J.. Juna S. tttiL Jpapb IV., huaband of llartha Ellor (no# Jwiialay). Punargl aervicaa ai h1i late ree- IdBlifk, W Dodd a^raai, Baat Omnge. Friday. J m » C at 2iav F. H. Relativaa and friandB ■ n tavUad. Inianwcnt in Rlootnflald C^metary. At deavattlanoa a t family.

In loving memory of VaSantlna Johnann. who diad Juna 8. IPOB.

Elemal real graatt untn him, O Lard,And tel pervetual hghi ehine upon him.

Gone, hut not forgotten by hie wife.MARTHA JOHNBftN

AGENTS wanted to eell to tha manufeciurrr.high-grade «)ecirl''al Ihtirumantac Addrvas

Fyroineiere. Hox M. Newe office,

Ing remembrance of m/ dear hueband. Chrlatlan Henriefa, who died Jun

In Invln na 8. l»oa. but ri«H forgotien^Juit aaleep.

From hta loving wife and toneMART HnNRrCH.

MASONK' NOTICE9CdfNON>iOn Juna k. Ifl8, Johii balovad

•Ml Of Mlehaal and Sllah CIlaDnon tnea Rumvi. BJM • F«ar* h moniha 4 Bayi. ReJatIvaa and fnaoda ara invltad to attaod ika ftmaral frjin tbs paygota’ raaldanca, 175 Panneylvanla ave. ■WS, «■ Biiurday, JtMo 7, at T:dn A- U . to St. Oalmba'e Church, wharg a Uaaa of Raqulfm wiU ba offerad for tha rapewa of hla aoul. In- lanMBt In the Camatary of iha Holy ttrpul- ahra

sj|*d N) yaara, beloved wife of Oact. Punenl aalurday morning. Juna

JM.. from Bt Mary'e VL C. Church, IniarmaiK. in Naw York Bay Came-

wAt her raaldjanca, lOl Broadway. Bay< J., an Wadnaaday, June 4. iboil, Cath-

K-,On Juna 4. ifllft. Dora Oraher, ,Uya. Ralatlvaa and irJanda ara kind*

’ IVTltM to attand her funara! aervloai from ^ ‘"Ibur'a raaidanniw It Marla place.

Juna 7, St 3:30 P. H , Interment CemMery,

OJ^UIf-Oh TuaadAy, June 8. 19U. fYaderlrk^OJUUle C, t e u l .bji iM s I . . FHisy. Juft* ft. at 8 FC, 0mul. Funeral earvjiM will tw had at

bona. n i North Savanth etraet.__ ..... . onki. Frtaniia. ilao offl-

«Wi ftod mambara of Roaavllia Lodge No. 143, 7 . 4Uki A. are isvllad to stIenA Intarmenl ftt tbs convanfanoa of (ha family.

m U intB -cyn

Mranta' raai^nca, No. 70 1 jr ld sy . JuT^ft. at 3 P. M* (Tametery of the Holy Bepu!<

.frlSBis art ftmii the ftWssL -on


Juna ft, 1018. Gaorga. beloved Sfid Catharlfta Halnaa <nea Lake- 3 yaara S month* Relativea end

kindly InvHad to nttind th# funeial Hartford

Inter- Bepulohra.

M n n i l^ i id d s n ly , at Skwmflald. N. J.,81 JBna 4. 1911. Riapnen M.. *on of Leonard

. AM CaroHne T. “Kibhan. . Xatativa* andfrtagda ara -'lftrltad to attand tha ftinaral from Ml jftr«»(*'-jr«f!B4nci. 73 Montgomerr atraat

y, Juna 8. at 3:80 P. M. tmermeht ^ '■ C«n«ipy.

iddanly, on Juna t, 1814. Eiiaabath . wife of Hany nilf (formarlr of 9o atrakt), aged 81 yam . Funeral *ar- " b« belA at tha raaldenea of Mrs.

Ill, H Fourth avenue, on Tburaday una 8, at g;i6 o’clock. A«!atlvaa_ ara kindly invltad. Further ter- Intarment at CltaUMit N. J., at tha

eanvanianca,June' 4l tftift. Junaa J., beloved

bMhaim ftf Annie t , Ltwi* inaa Kannadyl- iM itIUii * M ‘mc ............ *- ■ -..............land* ara kindly invited to at-

tba fttnani, from hla laia raaldanca. 478 atnat, on Saturday, Juim T, at 8 a.

Jamas'# Cburch, where a Botarant6 Hi _ _ . __RM|Utim vfU tw otfwM tor (b,

„ J Mol. Intarmml tn th , Cem«t,rr k* B*lr Im iickt,.

S ranT —Os wtdDSiOUiJ . . Jjlrapsrt, bil( ■ -

«rt 'tu* 0.MM).______4Usi 4,

bilwM hniksnd of Annattia.

, - ----------- m). u o tS y « ri. R,V«-Stt, Avi(MaD*> Non

f.lcslchta n I , * » kindly in-k t u ^ tiM Ml HU rMdi

It »rW A. li.. 11

1 1im f OB Ssturdoy Jun,*IM to

a'. H. thor* »Tll bt . I f i n J u n of lUqsMai offorod lor tho nm o, • C ^ MSI. biUmont In Bt. M ny 'i Cm»>

dnoo, Ko. a DIokorKB (behca to Bt. Auguatlne'a

■■ ■ Til

__'-On Tlfiindsjr, Juno S, lU I, Julio, JSSUO L. Uukoy. KotlM of fuotnj

•So.*njst#’irn l*(M , john^oB uid ■Qisiti t u i BBS*, ;* n » |ir , ' N. T ., on /rtday ofunaoon. Juso 1 'O'oibDk. Silotlvo, ond frunto

u>, .:^ iiji«os

J u u A 1MB, Dould OortoB, •od Konl E. tiBith Moton, «(,d

Fnnorol oorviooi will bo b«ld ot

,— ^ jn , *, l*ll. Dbuth- lUtbfn of Harry W, ond Ron

ta n Burn*), «iid B wioko. lUl*-I k l'-- ------- *__ drtoiulo Or* kindly IbvUM to ottmd

I fm o n i tRim k*r pounti' ulodonco. Ho. B3 “ ‘ adon itm t. OB Frldoy, Jun» *. ot 3

Intarmont la tho Conotory of tho Holy

OXOKSOR.KRAUai>-OB WodnMdoy. Jun, V .t tU , J»nioo Honrv, bolovod fon of Julio O’QoBBor'XauM, ond ib« lot, Thonwi P. O'OBUor. S M IT y « n , B montho. Ral,. tlb n osd frtondo o n wpoottnlly Invitu to aisafiA the funeral from tha raaldanca of hlapftrau. lift Caatnl avenue, Baturday, June 7, M l Aj M.. Joaaph'a Church, where aBU«b Maaa of .fUqultm will ba offerad for Iha ftnoiie of hi* aoul. Interment Ih Cemetery uT tbo Holy Sapulchre.

O W iC N '^ June' 4. 18X8. Cltarlei J. Owen, M arad ton. of Cluurlai end Barths Owen, aged t .FeArt. 8 dkyt, Reiadva* and friends are iRilted to attend - pweate'

7HC mambara of RoesvMIe uodga No 148.K and A M . are raquaalad lo aiaambla

In (hr Ifrdga room en Friday evening, Juna B, at T So o'olack for (ha p u r^ a of Conducting ih» luneral aar»lca* of our laia hrolhar. Fred- arick tlreul

DAMKL M. BROW^, Acting WorthlpfuJ Ueatar

A B Jewel, ftacretary


Al a utri.'lal tuevling uf the Board of Dirac- lora of rhe Ironbound Truat Coippany. hold on the fourth day of June, nlnatean hundred and thlriaan. iha following rwiplqilona ware adopted:

The dlraotor* of the Ironbound Truet Com­pany have laemad wiih profound sorrow of Iha death of their colleagua, Ur. Edward Kuii

Mr. Zuai wia one of tha orlgltial Lneoreora- (or* of tha company, a member of the Board(if Dlrte:-iora from the beginning, and the chairman Of the Real Elitmte ApjprSlaal ^ m - ntluar. Ha wag a warm fDand, a larga- heartad, puhllc-aplriiad rItiMn. a man of the highest paraonat chararter. and a aafa andpalnaiaking director end rommlttaaman.

NOW. THEREFORE. BK ITRaaolvad. That wa, tha dlracton of tha Iron-

bound Truit Comtam. tacord our da^p aorrow at bit death, and extend lo hi* fimlly our elncara ijmpathy.

BE IT FURTHER Rgaolvad, Thai Ihia mlbUta b* publlaHad In

the prwi ot ih* oUy. and an angrOiMd copy be •ant to tha beratvM family.

n. KEIBLIR JR-.^ ^_gac^re tarF



extra fine black broadclruh. white or allver gray pluah. caaket. with Biaaalva bar handle#, engraved ngmaplai#; caakat beautifully lined with fine allk or aailn; ouUid* ceea. advartla- ing, ambelmlns- drraalng. ihaving. crucifix, candelabra, glovaa, chaira, haar»a and three ceaebaa to any cliy c«m*iary.


a funeral that meaaurea up lo any high price undertaher'R tOO funerel. Funeral paylora frae.



684 Broad at., hatwaen Bridge and Lombardy ata., oppoilta W^tihington I^rk.

188-CQMPLETE FUNERAL-188.BlacK hrokddoth. while, pluah or Imitation

oak eSHkat, handlai aad plate, lined with ellk or eadn, outalda case, advartiflng, ambalmlng. dreailng. ahavlng. crucifix and candelabra, glove*, chain, haarae end three coach#* to any city eamatary. Fimarak paricrf* fra*. More for laaa money than offered eieawhara. Special attention la directed to our flrat-claM livery.Higher prioed funeral# If dealredNat--------— - - ---------------iWARK BURIAL rOMPANT. 888 BrtAd a t

Tal. MCI Market.HAF.BERLE A BARTH, iUoe*NOn to Ha*-

berla Brot>.. funtral diractora (letchanbeatat- ter). Hugo Barth. Albert Haaberla Jr.; open day and night; prloaa moderate. 488 Spring- field ava.. Newark. N- J. 'Pboaa 1078 W'a- variy.ADOLPH PFEIL; for |T8 I will fumlih a firat'

fla»t funeral. Including grave or cremation 178 Court gt.. naar Weat at., undertaker and profeagipnftt ambalmar. L. D. 'phone 144t Mar- kat. Open day and' night. Funeral parlors free






Private Funeral Parlor,678 BROAD 8T.

Talaphona 181 Market. Newark. N. J.RICHARD HAEUERLB. funeral director, now

at 486 16th ave..June.of Springfield ava., for. mar jjartner of Haeberle BrOf. Bcrvlca* at rea- ■onable raiea. Tal.S04bWav. Funeral chex>e1 frae

0 South Eighth Btreet. on___,, - ........ 16W. at 3 P. U Interment

IB Falrmbunt Camatery.. e' r«fl4«noe. .........

Nfttvftajy Jane 7, 16LS. at 3 P. U

KUCTOX—Btiddanly, at Bloomfield, N. J,, eit J m ft 1813. Rachel aarrabrant, wife of Beary J. Paxton, aged 8i year*. Funeral ger-vieet from bar lata home. 306 WaBhlngton gtgeaL on Saturday. June 7, at 3'.8D o’clock. flaUtlvea and friend* are kindly Invited. In-

nt at Mt. Hei)run Cemetery.MULLT—On Jtlne 4. 1613. at hii reaMenca.

J» Bo; ..............................................lylan aireel. Vallahurgh, *?h*rlei. belfi%-ed nd of Har.v Reilly tnce Muriaghl. Notlco ;eral hereafter.

ROSE—Euddciily. at Upper Montclair. N. .1 , ■*y, Juno 4, 161B, Ma^l AnderMon

ll (Wedmwife wilier Rom. Ftmerai aarvlce* winba bald a t Tier raeidaaca, 188 Alexander ava- BU4, on nturday. June 7, at 11:90 A. M.

1818. r«t*r Wllliacn, beloved hugbatid of Teresa SaiNrarse. afted 8ft year*, 8 month*, 12 dayi. NaMeftr of funeral heraafter. Newark Starftftd Rllsabath papara plea«e copy.

iOOIRMAN-^m Jun* 4. 1613. Julia F. Sker- In -her S3d year. Funeral servlcea will


0pp. Grove St. SlBtlon, Salt Oraag*. Gao. B. Callaji In aitendanca. Tal. conn


CHAPEL FOR SERVICES.Tel. T88 Wav. 4M Springfield ava.

A. STANLEY COLE. Undertaker and Embalmar.

:)runga i il. 1183 B. 13- and 164 Orange.

WILUAM F. MULLIN.fu n k b a l d ir e c t o r .



brNjklet. "Facta About HEACOCK. Rea

KIT* HENMAN wanted, on* (hat can rivk 'ir>ler* muat ba aobar and competent Kk)

Mi|!i>erry bL.U .N' Hll.VN wanted. German prafanvil. ha-

:hrrii lo and 8. with exparlenoe In ihori dlitn^tr, apply, ataling Mlary, etn. Addrai*

, K H..» I* Nawe offica

AdEN'TW—Don’t Witt utUII V'jur larrltupy i» liken. g«i my Itlon rt»w J H

T\ ILDRH'K. Waihlngtpn. N J

AUTO liiairucMon, prft<tl(all>. niekhanM«:|v.le-hniiaiJv. atar now, (-oefl Ittauuoilnn

GKIhl.Klirt faragf<. 41-4A Freunghuya^n a\eAI’TOMOOILE tnachanlo wanird, none l>u:

firai-..laae man need apply, Harrlaon garegr H (ihOSHMAN. 339 Jaraey at.. Harr1»<<n

A uro r e p a ir in g , d r iv in g , pr a c tic a lME''H.(N1CAL; fOMPLETS rOlTtSF. L'A

CAHPBNTLR. lOT QEU,.EV1UJ£ AVEBOYS and Men—Large manufacturing com'

pany wanta boya I5 and Ift at IlgM. ri««n ork; 1C tn iiarl; alao man, 17 to 4u. at I |0 (c begin; goad opportunity (or bettei r»ai(lon and pay, only atrlatlv aobar men in

good phyalcal rondlUon. aeaking *t*ady *in bloymant. read apply; am* In own hatirlwrll' rng, age, nationallly and where lait «tr)' ployed. Addr«*a Manufacturer, Box 10. Newe


SOTS Wa n te d , i4-i« t b a m o l d . paid TVHILE LEARNING, APPLT ULARK

t h r e a d CO. Passaic av*,, ea st New ­a r k .



1,ABI'HCF( Kandy man for braaa foundry: willing to w-ork SHA^' Bros . 43 Hention

MKV wunted, fr.r U ft »rmy—4M*-hiMllM un- mame>] men. between agea of 18 and 16,

run 'hi f United Htatea ■-■( good eharartar end I'liiperetJ habiLa. whn can apeak, read end write the Rngliah lanxuegn. For Infor- meil>n bi'i'lv to recruiting nfftre. 266 Mar­lin . ^«•«..rk N. J.MEN-Itn 1 ■ ,»«r yuur Income from home wnrh ,

•-tfrll*rii 1‘rnfli. no experience re<iulred F't f'iil jiarti. ■jim ► and reliable reference# wrile 47 Wee' I liirty-ffxirth at , New York Ully r-i'rr H»2flMNN peuplc who need m Incomt

lesiil f"r n , free UHtklri. ■ Farti About Ihe Mall f'Tijii Rualneoe." HEACOCK. Boa M, 1 2.1 [>5<kpnrc N. TME.N He a detective:

mnnti< travel o er world. Write flupl Vi'H, Ml Wfftover bldg., Kanaaa City. Mg.

ant 178 to 1300 per d. Write Supl Li;i3-

MEN warned that know about euUing lawn. Pfm Bloomfield av«.. Olen Ridga N. J

MAN An inielligatit man to collect and ao- !|. |i. I v^r 2h. married, ar.d able tn ipeek lh«

Sla^lr, IfuriKarlen and Lithuanian language# iiiiiki gisr he.-urliy and (Iiit-ctaaa referencaa, lAtf a m'.nih ealarv and good eommlaelon. Ap­ply rogm 6.7. A48 Bmad at.HAN wanted, w’ho can do to taka ful) charge

of timber and lumbar company; exparlanoa not ne-‘*jaar>-, muit have proparty or ihow rallabllliy tn aoma way Addrae* Opportunity Box tv N»i»i offiew, Oruiga,MAN wAnted, handy with paint bruah and

touli, 10 wrurk hi country for two weeka; muet furmah referrncta and atat# ealary «x- l ected Wirt he bearded on pramliea. Addrava

P»4, henvHle NMAN to unltjad charcoal cara; ataafty work

for fcober ntAn *2 Vincent tt.

BOT, about 18. to work In edltoiial room of a local newapap*!*: Btcady poeltton. with chance

of promotion (or bright hoy. reference re- lulrad. Addrea* Newapaper, ^ x 16. Newi uf- 'loftBOT wanted, not under 18, to work In dairy

and grocery •tore Oarman-Amerlcan pre­ferred; muit h*ve fofKl referencoe ea to hnn- OBty. Apply to SEILER BROS . 373 Plan* «iBOT wanted to maha himeelf ueaful aenund

Jewelry atnre. good wage# and tieady am^loymwt; ohance of advancemetU to right hoy.

Market at.. Newark. N. J.BOT wanted, about 16 year* nid, to work In

chamteal laboratory. Central Dyeatuff and Chamlcal Co., Plum Point lane, next to Hay Foundry.BOT. n or 1ft, to deliver arorerlea. al*o maka

hlmealf uiaful Inalde; good, ateady poaltlon; good pay; referem.-#. PrIMAS. 141 Kim at.BOT to make himself uaeful In law offir#

Addraaa, aiallng age. experience and salary axpacied, Lawyers, Box 2. Newt office.BOY wanted, about 18 years, for good homo In

country; b^rd, clothes, wage*; light work. Addrea* Farm. Far HUIa. N J.BOT waniad tn laa.'m machinist trade.

pay (fom atari. Uullnary Mfg- ‘-'o Mein at , Drang*.


BOT—t^rga boy. to halj employer. 132 Profpe<

Irvington.help milkman; board with

et ave . near Fourth

BOT wanted, to atrip tobaccou Inqfulre J. G.GLUTTING, T76 South Sixteenth at., near

Bpringfleld ava.

MAS wanted wYio can Iiandta pick and Aowal 181 nidge ar

MfJl.LHNG rriarhln* oparatort wanted on power 4Que**er macnin^f. In Jobbing foundry, about

seven ndifs from Newark. Aftdrraa. filing4Que**er macnin^f. In Jobbing foundry, about

experience »nd wegee expected, Holding, Box38. New* offt'-eMANAGER HNYDER aay*: Wanied. a man­

ager (or hla new Newark hat flora: mutt hav» experience Addrtaa. by letter, to SNT' I»ER'B, Inr . AO Houston st., New YorkMA< HINIF.T( — a/i(ed at Perth Amboy, N

.1 . three goM machlnlsta. for repair worksir-oly employment to right men. rm h Amboy. Box 4. Nek's Office,


MArllJNIfiT watUed Apply by leller lo Gen eral Electric Company. Boyd st. and Se'en

lermh ave.MKI’KANICAL d r a ftsm en (3> wanted.

imist have had a wide rang.* of axpsrienra. Apply In parson. THUS A. EDISON l.a,bora lories, Orange. N JNIGHT WATCHMAN for aales alable: good

reference!, alio eiahleman (day) H. F. HAYES. 26 Bridge at.OPERATOR, first-'-laes on Reece button-holi.

marhlne; men'* and ladles' line ihoee. AP' ply TVUriMAB ci^RT, Inr, Fourtsenlh ave and Tweutieih it

WAITER—Two waltera wanted In Walter's leataurant. 24 Main st East Orarr*

T’^UNG M.4N warned lo assist In offji'e, must hSN« exiwirjonre in bookkeeping and be nub k

8 IC I .e W A S T E D — W O lIK JfHOIltlcwoRK - Rniwelibti

^or c*n*rHl»hti«

tt" uatwork, Irctp I A. U. uay ifitrnoon or Hundav

Apply klW ftautntd .» P. M : no Saturday lUernoon or Hnnda: Work. German prefarr^.Nlneieanlh at., viiy.itOl'SEWoHK—Reliable, capable woiinan (cr

general housework go^d i-cok ami lati(iiireaa< •mall fa*nll>; w||1h:g to go t-r I'MJtitryi good *a«<* MRS. J. A iiRKUOBV, »4 Otarllon st . l^at Uranga.H4.H REWORK--WiJnian warned to do gonoral

bt-ueeworli afiernoopp: cook >\enlng nu'gl. tel;e - *r* of the rivk. HoscvHI'- sSi'UwO. Ad- drisi .\mcrUan. Bo* 34. Niwa ufftre.

end tcvuraie at flguiee, permanent' -------- --------- • * kiar:'ferencae rei^uhed; state age and salary eii-

pst'ied, Addrras 1'ermanent, Uoi Mi. Saea offUaTOUNfJ MEN -Uat your apara ilme in hu. 1

up a mall order buslnaa* of your own. ea help )nu siatt frti a there In pr^ifiis. 77 op- portunltlea. parllcnlsrs fTtc. Mutual Opper- 'tinlilif Exchange. Buffalo. N. Y.

UUUHEM ORK—ttxi>arlaTu»d a hile girl fvf a*nera: hciuaewnrk in prlvair (amfly. no

vnelimg tnusi uiideraiind corking: raftrcniaa. 41 Franklin si., near city hall.IR11 REWORK—A neat gl*'l for h&'

ran cook have a man for helTrework. *he

................. . leiTy clem ’ng;thus! have refereiU'e. MRS. SMITH. >87 tujuth Kiavetuh st.. near ninlon ate.

TOl'Ntl MAN. axierlenced in aelllng farm* and acreage; lo aailai In our fouotry depart-

manl. aatiry end •'•mmlsslnn. Apply sny morning, between and id o’clock. FEIBLE- M A N^ftjja. 138 IJr-ad Si., city. _TOVNO MAN—llmart young man wanted m

sm Isi with hookd ujid general office wm-k. muft have r*t*erUmr epi'Jy In gwn hendwrli- Ing. staling age. salary wanted, etc Addrese Ambitious. Box 3L. News office.

1(1 il'ttCWOKK—Waniril, white girl fur general houeework tn family nf three adults: muai

1.« good cook and laundress. Apply MRA. J I. Ill i.L, 781 ue Oraw a^e.IlDUSEWGRK^^ Oman. wdTlta or colored, for

general housework In x amill Amcr1>-en fa»ly. Apply MRS. GRADY, 33 Weat KlPi- nes st., 3d floor, front.

a m . p w A N TEif-M viN Aifi> W f n a o fBOT or girl. N *r |ft. wanted at 874 Cllsteo

sva.. irvtDgtaii, oti rliy line: aftetk OarrasnSlid BktglJsh.MEN agd womas wanttA few canvaaMne. BfCM

BROS.. Laurel ave,, irvlogteei. W. J.______RAGTIME ar Mpular piano p1a/lD| (augkU

fraiu lU lo 30 lasaOQi; write for booklau ' C’l^K K , tag Walnul •(■ ‘f^wna TIMM Market.TEAi'HEftft iiudefiia and otbara. deaJriag

light work for spare time, only those arils' tlraily IncUnad amJ wKb other n a a u of aUft-port nea«l *uply: full partlculara aud ralkable ■ ' [iv* ■ ■' ' ■■rafercTua* kI^sd KALug MFO. CO.. 8 Ham* jlton pl.. IloUtg). ■'

i :m im x >v m k n t w a n t e d — m e w

ASSISTANT-Ufiderlaker's aaeieuni. a n Jh.ilealrrs ptAItlcn; sxperKnead. bJ THilngbsal

at : ‘phone Wav I&83U'IKKiK-KKKFER- Young man. thoroughly ex*

perlrnced: cipabla, reliable, trial Ealenoaa,tic. Addrsas Ambitluua, Hox 64, New* office.BARTENDER—Rntiable man wishaa poaItJm

as bartrnJrr. reference furnlshviJ. Adiirets Busincsi. Hox dh. N*w t office.

YOUNG MAN wllh aotiie ‘iperlenca on stgaw machliia and turret leallis; fH to start, also

young rntQ with ubout 3 years' rxpdrloncf on looJs Apply OIIAMEbRS Works. 2 uernmerd*! ei.

U(K’>p;u m rk -W anted, girl to do general boi'ssw'rk. c.'hite, entail family; no washing:

in lify apply two da>e. 3iS Warwick av* ,hoinh Mrsn*p. N J

YtIUNG MAN-Warn ^ f'-r iioail stockn'fim a )oung ruan lo assisv 'iiler cUih. itilsiy. |7 ir week, b*»l irfer^n.p* ieiju|»Hl Atl’lresi r Iftrfr only J M gL fNBV ft CO. New­


ilUUHEW'nllK - •'■pable woman wanted for general houiesvutk. references required, email

famU) . g-H-d vinges Apply 24 anuUi Mapl**v« , £*■( rirang-H>M iEWuIlK -IV

ilMlel vs ith hoU'adultsflihjr

ir>te<1. young uhlii* gtrl to unrk, no liiiindSy. family 3

iTK Apartmen:, !.'( Hroad si first

TnirNG MAN single fo irave) In Jersoj, visil- Ing eiiabhshed i rad** on vommljislnn heels, trnlngs low In atari pi rsonal Hppllcillon.

morniiLgi 'inly Q. l>iH.cajde avp . Oriinge.

H''l HL^^'1P K Vnuna girl for general houet- lAi.rk. i-leep |i- me nighte. Spply linmedl*Irlj ,

refermifH ii'uiiireO t^.VilNEK. 23 Thlrte^^nlh *< r

Vril'N'l MAN wanted if> mke charge of gen eral bunding work. oM and new , steadv and

sober, must tpvesr leiuht} ; liigliealwagei Address . H< i 74. New* •iffU-e.

H’"'SEW ORK - Mlddle aied woman, lanerul h-iu*evv'>rkei, in <sfe i ne who underaiands

plain c'voltiug *iul <*[v of r<;omp *47 Green

yorNG MKN wjiniL'd. amhitlnijs lo become traveling sBlepnieii, hundre<1n of gnod OF*n-

Inga, write for (>artl-ulars. Bradatrset Train­ing Svsirm. Rocheaier N. T.

HGl bEW ' RK Relhjhk girl for general h«->U*r- Wiirh, In Ismily -if twi till heiween M and

12 A M l7w NorOi Tw»-ltUi at MRH SMITH.

Vm NG MAN with knowledge of douHs en­try bv-gk-kreplng, on* with aniblUnn lo learn,

n'.Ubi be good penman Address Pep. Rax A, News nffh'*. Orsng*.TOt'NG MAN wajired. ona svlth one nr two

years at carpenter or paiern work: state age and wage*. Addreas TOOTS. Box 76. New* office.YOUNG MAN wanted as factory clerk: mu*i

ba good at figure#, one ■ccuatemed t» coats preferred. Address Uost, Box 76, New# office.TGt’NG MAN, With experience ei artUcl'lng

orders for groear and butcher LEI RMAll'' BROS, 8S Farrow at . Orange.

H(')1 SKtN't'iRK N.ai. competent, while girl wanted for general housework, lo go to

ccuniry fi>r the auinmar 21 Roseville aveHOUAEWOBK-Touiig girl (white) to aielat In

IlgKi houMwork tml tak* car* of haby, going to Ih* country. Apply 03 Thlrteanih *va ___KOrSEVVORK-Mlddle-aged wonvan for gan*r-

al housework: aleep hon a or b'.ard Thifteanih •t fttid Park ave . UHARLKS NELINS.Hnl'SEWORK Elderly woman for houaewark;

one pref*rTlng good home lo wages. Call al Ml LAl ilHLIK'S, 137 Norfolk at., city.

YOUNG Man aa chauffeur, no colored, elate eatery expected and references Addreis Em­

ployer. Bo* 7H. Neei officeYOUNG MAN wanted, to make himself ueaful

In confactlonery store: one who Is noi afraid of worli^ e:ia cilntnn aveYOUNG MAN. about 16 or 20. lo learn drug

bualneaa and aealat at soda fountain. Apply Market and Mulberry sta.YOUNG Man wanted who Ea experienced In

butcher and grocery bualneaa. L. FISCHEL, 302 Huasex av*.YOUNG SIEN wanted to work tn pottery.

ply at W Fifth BtAp-

H E I jF w .w t e d — w o m e n

AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER warned One with experl«nce need apply. STERLING

Phrto Co.. 446 Broad •(BRASEIERES-Experienced xlg-iag operaiora

fnr braesjeres. Apply WEINGARTEN BROS’. Braaslere Co. 4!il High st.COOK, neat colored, 135, also colored waJI-

rese-pErlormald, 328. (or family at Summit; Infant’s nurjc. t3(i; working houetStraper for eanliarlum. 825. bathroom Wuman for large hotel In Penna^'lvania.

GKRMAN-AMEBICAN AGENi-y,EnMre Second Floor 16 (.‘edar St

CGOk S—2n firei-cls*s cooka. all natl-^nsHtles.chambermald-'vetlreaee*, for country; 4<»

houaeworkera. and colored, tiwn andcountry STEVEN. En:ploym*nl Agency. %83 Broad si

HOUSEWORK-TVtntad. * bright whit* girl general houaework; email family. Apply

third floor. 8ft Nelaon pl, i refarances,HOl fiEWaRK^Olrl for light housework, good

Call athome and eaay work, no washing once, CHENEY, 170 Montclair a\e.HOUSEWORK—Competent young

nn laundry 600 Highland ave. Pobspect ave. car. Haller p a ^ w y

ahlta girl; taka Mt

HGchetvORK -Colored girl .with rafarenir*.for genera) houaework. to go to country for

July. 2 Grove pl.. East Orange.HOUSKJtVORK—German girt for geberal houaa-

wurh, good wages; aTnall family; good homt. H. PFAFF, 120 Bowery at.HOUSEWORK—Woman wanted for general

houaework: (wo In family. Apply at 36 Fair' 1 law ave.. South Orangal-tOTREWORK White gtrl for general hoiiae

wr<rh. Il adults: reference* r*<]iilred Call 224 Rnwevllle ave.HOUSEWORK—Girl for general houaework, to

go the L'liuntry. no washing dft Chestnul. at.. East Orange.

CHaCFFEI'R, axperlentwft wiehea poaltioe at olther iJriUng Pearleu, Locomobile, Keynest

f1ud«oi> or ('adi)lac cara; van furnish b«a( r*f- erahC'S- Addrea# Chauffeur, Neua off lea, Suits* ml(< HAl KFFCR. inechanlr, wllh long axparl-

»fi<e and iboroughly rupabla of nraklttg *11 repair*, wishes pi'sltlfn. Addrea# TamperaU. hox tXJ. News office.CHAUFFEL'R-Young man wlihei poelOob a*

chauffeur: ijrivate or rummarclal; own re­ps In. Address A. Box 34. News oftlce.CHAUFFEVn-Sitigls, colored, caiHtbla Uking

oar# of sny I'ar, AI references. Addrea* Experienced Box 74. News office.('HAUFhKUH-Ex-painter nnd handy men *i

chauffvur. two gears' roferenve. AddriS* Chauffeur. Box 68, News officeCMAI'FFECK wants pcslilun in private family

Address Autoa, Hox 48,oj on rfelHeiy irutk. Neu » Office.e'HAl'FFEUn ■ (>'ira n repairing; coMntrF,

seashore. 'Phone 3816 OrangeCHFtTKKR AND SHIPPER. aiperiettced.

having railroad experience wants poillinn with some good, reliable firm. Addrea* Ex­perienced, fJni 8T. Newe officeCHAUFFEL H-M*fhsiilii. expert driver: com*

peivht In nil ways; now employed, deilraa change; t-lty or country Addrea* Chauffatlf. Hf>» 47. Newi officeUARl’ENTERJN,;—Old and new work; aereana

made or repaired, rtietel calHngi; up «nd painted. AddrsM Mecbanlc, Box 34, Newa offli*.CARPENTER, axparlonced In any kind of

building cooatructlon. wente new or repair work; day or contract. Address 148 B ^w avt.CARPENTER tilahea itaady poaltloB tn fas*

lory or wlili a builder, can also do Otbor general work. K. B , 76 Hayaa at.LOuK, nrst-clBM, like to hev* a atead/ poel-

In< ■ilur. for Sunday aa extra cook, JOHN LEMARTIN. 84 CUmon at.


COLL£CTOR--Uan. married, wlabea poiltlon ee collector nr other outald* work. Afidna*

W.. Box 74, Newt office.CHEF-Position wenied aa ebaf-cook; etrletly

eoher: flrsl-claae service. 118 W'lchliff* at.DRUGGIST—Young man, reglalered experi­

enced; cJiy or country: re'erence*. brugglit, lid Berry *|. Brooklyn. N. Y.DklVER-Toung married man (M) wtske*

position. Adareai F, H. AJINOX-I), It Cot­tage at., cUy.DRUG CLERK, vegielered aaalataat. wlahe*

steady rosiiion. Addrea* Drug*. Box 82, New* office.ELECTRICIAN—Experlanred, with beet ref­

erence: German, cannot apeak English.JOHN REFKL, 3<) |'ler*on at.. Orange.

HOUSEWORK—Young Catholic girl for hou*e> work. LATITER. lOO Eleventh ave.. near

South Tenth at.IKiL'aEWOHK—Girl for general housework,

terrlly of two. eparlment, call morning bib UUflon aveHOl’SEWORK—Girl wanted for general housa-

worh. Apply 18 South Walnut at.. East Or­ange.iiOL'FLVVORK—Vnung Garmin girl to asilst

Call 662 Bergen at.,with light houaework atnre.

FAKER BOX makar wanted; young man to operate small Jprlvate plant, must under*

■tand double aeirrlng and ending machines, itxie ag**. experience, wagaa desired and refir- encet In your reply or no attention w|U be paid lo same A-Jdrei* Paper Bex Maker, Dnx 6m. Neva office

COOK—Middle-aged woman wanted a* rook In email country hotel, wagea 120. also girl

for waiting and upsiairs work, wagen »16; at om;e MRS JOHN J. RUPE. High Bridge. N. J-

F1A)P 1ST—Practical florist wishes altuatloft: German; married, urulcrsunda n>ee*. canta-

tloria. niumi. violets. Address J. P.. Box t8, Yi’esi Orange.FOREMAN Would Ilka poalUon on tawer.

i-oad. other concrete w-nrk. In or out of city. Address Poremaii, Box 64. News offloe.FIREM.AN wishes poeltlon; sober, steady; good

reference*. 84 i.'llmon at.GROCERY CLERK—young man daalrea a PO'

altlon *• grocery clerk; experienced. Ad*- dreaa Grocery. Box I. News office.

BCTft—Small boy* wanted; American pra- '■ ■ ■ f^LARlC Blade end Ra*or Company.ferfefl. . __

M Summer av*BOT-^WsAtad. boy, who knows or want* to

learn tha bicycle trade 13 Vose ave,. South Drang*.BOT wanted, *trong boy. I7-IS year# old. Call

after 7 P. M., 73 Cuinmlnga a t, Irvington.BOT-»N«at, bright errand boy wanted

ply to 8. W. ROBERTS. 63S Broad gt.Ap-

BOT—Bright boy lo work In lea aiur*, dreea Briglil. Box 1. News office.


BOTB—Two bora iranted: ona to drive bakery wagon. 162 tmeatnui at . Nutley

BOT'^BriEht boy wanted to help around store, Apply STUART. 6S8 Broad tl.

BOY wanted. Apply to MAI8BL Grocen’. 10 F.n at., ElWaghingtr.1 Eaar Orange.

BOTS—Bootblacka wanted at once. krt at . and 600 Broad it.

196 Uar-

BOT Wanted for produce wagon. Inquire 161 Court at., third floor.

BOY-Neei errand boy wanted. W. A. WTRTH & CO . S29 Broad it.

BOY—Wanted, bright boy. foot of Centre at.


BOY wanted to drive baJear wagon, pl.. Irvington.

83 Park

BUTLER, valet. |08 month, board, room, f1rftt< rlasa referertce* required; also eecond man in

private family. |30 month, hoard, room; p*il- Isher and plater on nickel plate work: receiv­ing clerk, underatanrllng general liardware. $12 week: six weed pattern iftalters. 43i'. hour, flrat'clsas die makfr, 4Iic. hour; carpeiilers siid laborer*, go Bayahor*. L. I., carpenter, iin-

PHOTOGRAPH PRINTER for amateur work, four expert printers wented at

once Sterling Pnoto Co., *40 Broad at.

POCKFTBDOK-Pocketbook maker on flna leather goods; also helper; only experienced

help need apply; steady work all year round LUDWIG HUMMEL. ftftO flchuyler ave . Arl­ington. _______PIANO TUNER wanted at once; must be of

good appearance and a oober induetrlnua worker Apply lo MR. JOHNSTON. Btegar ft Sons' Plano Mfg Co., 741 Broad st., dty.PAINTERS—Good painters wanted: etsady

■»vork: Call t^lween 6 and 8 P. M FRED NEfDKATlT, 84 Nineteenth ava., corner Saven- teenth *t. ______POWER preaa hands familiar with eettlng,

blanking anJ drawing dies. Addfea* Preia, Box 97. New I office. ___PRESS FEEDER- experienced on Gordon and

UnlvsrMl presses. Arlington Co., Arlington, N. J.PRESS BOT wanted. VON DER STBINEN-

STROMBAril i.’O . Orchard and Bcoll sts.PAINTER AND PAPER-HANGER—Only

flrst-clai* man need apply. L. W. CLARKE, 34 Wright sUPAINTER—Yrtuiig man. Inquire at M Haliled

eve.. Irvington: Open until Saturday after-neon.

dersianding wood working machinery, for fsc lory. 82c. hour; aecutui cook. |16 week; ^rter*^ kitchen men, firm hatidi. GEIHMAN-AMUR-*ICAN AGENCY, enilre aecond floor. 19 Cedar el.; oldest established and bualest agency In New Jersey: two ’phones. 2618 and SH3 KkiBUTCHER—Hcine»t. eober, Inriuatrlous; me

who can meaiura up to good poaitlon and w'agea; muat conts recommended. Address Honest, Box 21. New* office.BUTCMl rR—Young butcheV wanted; alcady.

iweltlfm ROTH CO.. Woodild*.


44 Thomas at. Tel. 770 Wav*rly.GtSTAVUS L ERB. ,


ba at the parlor* of C. H. Terrill ft Ron. IMh - BpHngflela avenue, on Friday


at *.F. M. Hy.

Jun# fl.Interment at eon\ehlftnce of fern-

SMITH—Entered loto eternal rest June 2. 18|^ Ethel htary. only daughter of Alfred H.1813., _ .......................BJ>d Amelia, C. 8mlth. 6li Napoleon sfreel. New wk. N. J . In the 2Slh year of her age. Inuiacal aan lcea will be held at h*r hnme,08 Naj[>oi'’'>b atreel, wi Friday afternoon ai 1:88 o'clock, and at Chrlat EpIsooDal t'hurch.p i^paci afreetmaauMrs nf th- _____ _ ..M klDdllf’ Invited! to attend Interment In---------- ^ --------

. at 2 o'clock. I^-lends and tha Hahns ft Cn. E M B. A

gTfraan- Cemetery. Salt Lake City paper* Plata* oepy.

8TRICM*-On Thuredey, June 8. IDlfl. at tha MaMapoa of her children, 67 Thlrteanih nva* ftua, Johanna fiertah, beloved mother of Mr*- Aaaa Ramahagen and Mr#- Chariot Ferlmen (MS Wolf). In her T4th year. Rom in Brea- lau, Oermany. NoUca of funeral hereafier.

■rmUBLE-On Juna 4. igiB, John A., hua- baad of Mary E. Goodrich Struble. aged 71 araars. Fubanii aen'iuei will he held at his lat* rasldanee, 82 Eagle atreat, on Friday •venlng. June ft, at 8 o’clock. Releflvra en.l frtoada, alia membcri of Northern Lodgv. K- of H.. and employe* nf Public Borvlt-e Ran- way atra kindly Invtted. interment at Kair- noodt Cejpetery.,

Intxi r*»V o*i Tburaday. June I tlf t Oaorv* Wolt aged 60 years T months

i day*. RelatUinas gna friends are respect' tollY invited to attend .the funaral on Sstur- ftay. June 7, a t 6:18 A. M.. from the residence


d y e r s . 233 FERRT ST.; OPEN EVENINGS. L D ’PHONE 6608 MARKET.


l^u , ht.(w«en Newark end Ellteheth; on Main Lins rrtiUey route; fare 8 cents; not a stock <-ompany; money spent In Improvements, beautiful section recenlly laid out. permanam care nn lawn plot and la* n crest loti, raah and partial payments, Addres* HENRY M. l/)OKLR, Superintendent, Rlliabalh. N, J.

BUTCHER wanted. NECKER BROS, ivft Market. Bloomfield Centre.

BUTCHERS wasted. Apply FINGER ft CO.. 106 Mulberry at- _____

BODK-KlIEPZiW'Young man. undentanillnidouhja antry; must be good penman; opnor- - - • - - - Addrese Books, Betuniiy for advancement

B. Newi office, OiBOOK-KEEPER^Muat be experienced and

come well recommended, state salary expect­ed. Address U, Elov 18. New* office.BUTLEK^Wented. white man. butler and use­

ful man about tadusa; reference* required. Apply 148 Harrlaon at.. East Orange.BU8HKLMEN-STOUTENBURGH ft CO„ re­

quire two competemt bushelmen. See MR. JOHN RUPP, tblrd floor.HENUU HANDS wanted at r»ash and door

(Iioiorj-, fURTIR BROS,, 86 Main tt . East Orange.

p a in t e r - boy with two yaara' experience, G. H JONES. DftO Bprlngflald ave., Ir^'lng-

lon.POLISHER—First-class polisher on gold end

sliver novelties. BATTIN ft CO,, Third ave. and Ogden siPORTER, neat, sober. Steady worker, wanted;

all year round, alngl* man. 429 Broad at.PLUMBER‘8 tielpar wanted; call after 6 P.

M L GILMAN. 28ft Hrorma atPFEIFFER errand boy wanted; steady Job; tft

week. 117 Academy ef-




fiA[,E6MAN. man-lad man, between agae 2ft and dfi, td eoilclt Insurance on guaranteed

jalary, t7ft month, and full commleilon; with or without experience. Addreu Corporallon, Box 38, New* office.Salesm en wanted, to sen Hupmobllea in

Newark, Orunge and Montclair, on atrlotly commlsalon baals. liberal mminJaalcai to ca- peblp mep. H ,F, KOEHLER a. G. CO.. 261Hiil.Hey at.P.M.EFMEN. with ability and good rsfaffneea,

n-Riited; steady poeitjona; lea.de furnished, where denjonerretlon Insure* quick aal* of nper-ialty Apply Room ftir. Union building.

EAST RIDGEIJIWN CEMETERY. Peiawaima. K. J.—Ort trolley llrie between Newark util

Passaic, ihneat m 8taie. Perpetual car* tree. Loti of four graves, W5 up. 'Phone 172ft Pas-ealo. Newark office. 828 Broad at ; tel.ftftTftMkt.HOLLYWOOD CEMETERY. Stuyveeant ave..

south of Springfield are.; largest asd highest elevation; 50 per cent, clieaper then other twm- eterlra, perpefiia] care; cash or Initalments. Office 414 I ’nion Bldg.. '.I Clinton at.ARLINGTON CEMETERY. ARLINQTON.N.J.

'Phone 17, Taka Kearny car to Arlington D»pot, thenee five mlnutaa* walk to cemetery.


«iuu« I, «L oiitr A, m., xtui|i iir« ...... . ,«f htb daughter, Mra. Anna Ruehie. No. OSA- - — ,Jf.......... - ' - -------- -SMtth Twelfth etrest, to Bt. PateUs Church,

‘ar* at 16 a. M-' a Haas of Requiem will ba Jardd the raiMe of hla aoul, latcrmeat I Ihe Cemetery of the Holy Sepulchre.

J. V, HARING. 174 Bummer ave. Tal. T07R B. H.; pan arilst. Illuminator, examiner of

queetloned handwriting.


|r<801>*-At Baat Oraitge. N. J.. June 4, 1618, Montrovllie, yountaat ohtld of Charle*

I X ora M. wood nea Teague), aged 8 I 4 daya Funeral servlcea prlvaii* at

. ,t famlljr*# reatdenca, 46 Mercy avenue, Frl« Basr. ftuoa ft. liiKrment In Bloomfield Ceme-

TOUMQ«Ob Juna U I61B. Alfred R.. belo\-adA. .Buchman Young, in hi* 48d ye.\r,* -- • . . . . . . . . . .Vuaral aeralata will be held at hla laie^ome,

SI Oaklaad tarraca, on Friday evening, Juu* 0i a t 8 o.cloek. Relatives and friends, olioaMmkara of Century Lodge, Fv ft A. M.; Lu- aVM Lodge, t. O. O. f ., and Eaatern Star CmumH. Jf. O. D. A. M-. are kindly Invlii^. SntanMOt at Falnhount Cemetery at the fom- Ur*# eaftwamleoce.

TOUNO—On June B. I9ia. je dlth L-. deugh- J S oft JMvta D. and • Catharine T. Young tnea Yndtw: IWaUvca and' friends are kindly in' vMad t« attend thr>(im*nl from the residence of har gareou. IBB Biosa atreei, Friday. Jv w 8. at 8:80 A. M-. to St. MlchaaPs CUurob, MMra a Boiemn High Maas of Requiem will ka cCfaead for tha raeoee of har aoul at o.30 Jl H. Interment la tha Cemetery of the Holy Bapadchra

SSU IFF jrftt JisklnatowR, Fa., on Tuesday, IfDaa I. Uatfgarftt A.,, widow ot Daniel A-

o A .a F ^ n . Funeral aervlcae. at . .'CMnatary -Chapel.. Bloomfield, on

y; IT a t 2;80 P. IM. Relatives and M M idft to attend.

e O a p O X T H A N X en * '

■■WtlWILilTril trifOM Mid amliloyM r f f f m tW r W!W»*tiy «rt-uMifw fjajid ifttniiHt*, tft* ruoan) -M

batorpd haAwul - tMbvr. Jkoih r. BiMclu IhuAi to t)i« Bov. H. B.

dC lit. B*niob*i'»-’Oburph, tor hJi iympdtby/uid to Potor B. Cuontni- ---- , oonlMO.

DAUaHTBR.hsM, ftlMrM dtrdetor. for hit kind wnlcto.

lOW: JAWXIK 8PBKCBR ANDDMmlBf I t Intponlbl* to Uutok oil In Mroon,

t tn ln Ibla roMba to ibinr b t *|)toAolAtloD t< BWiv roUtiToo Mtd totond* for Aholr doop•tky m d b n utltul floni offtrlnc* M ibo

',id( BP bdlowod mcM ^.'-IdA. ‘' . MHI. u i o ^ f A L Itpa




BARBER woo.od, or hplf borbor; otoHdy, - . . . . . gj^Artnr. n v.‘AT)(ef]i or na*i uaiiwirSaturday and Sunday. 276 Van Burai

sauK8MEaN—Twahf live aaiesmeo.■lell Punoh'TfU for a'.itnmobll«s; a gnod

•filer. *.an 'Ufike good mi>nev, Cell for J. M ni-: UAMP. *82 Hein^v ■! . Newark.

MARBER-Half barber wanted for Saturday and Bundey. 86 Kearny ave.. Kearny.

BARBER-A good barber dr half barber. Cal] ready for work, 944 Bergeot e l._____

BARBER wanted; flrlt-olas* only, berry *t.





CHAUFPEUB—Hurt bo ««porlfno*d; (ood mechonto on comm«rc|oI ooj. , Apply,

■toilnf reloronco ond tiABo' of loat em-? loyor: (1» aolorV oxpocted. AddrcH

hpuKovr. Bon A. Kowi oftlefc Pronto.CHAUFFEUR wAbtod. lo Uiko toro of pUwo;

elate experlenceo raferonoe and salary; eingla man; country. Addrsaa J- H-, Box 86, News office,CHEMICAL_____ ___ WORlCS-Wanted. experianced

man, as hclpcrr In ohaotlcal laboratory; , mar- rlrt man prafarrad: atata fully ager experience, ealary expected end fefarencea; injftdy poeltlon.Addrea Poaltlon, Box 8. Kewi

et ealesronm. 18 Arlington sL, near Market; emlrf- furhlehtnfi of a large apertmenl, to* gifthcr with large asaortmanl of iihimltUre from Ollier consignors. Including Parlor and Library Furniture. Dining-room Furattur*. Buffet*, u]iina Cloaeta, Sxtanalon Table*. Dining Chairs, Bldaboardfl, Coucha*, BrIc-a-Brac. Mir­ror*, Picturea, Lampa, Rug*. China, Curtain*, eic.; Brea* Bede, Dreaeera and Cbirfonlers, In mahogany, circabilan, walnut end oak; Waril- mbes, Knemakd Bede. Springs and Uattr*aa*i; large axiorin-.enl of Rafrlgeratort! Oarpati, Rugs. Matting. Biove*. «lc,; 100 ioU of Ua- dlum FumUtira, Store Flxiurea. etc.

IK THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT -ioThc ecUre conlant* of a rearaurant and Ice

cream eatabllihmeni on Saturday the aevemh day of Jun*v at 10 ft. M.. at 2\ Wcat Jaraey saraai. ISilaabaih. N. J. Gauds cotaiat of chalra, tables, raataurant fixture*. ia« ersaua frfeaar*. motors, marble*, eountcrA bora**, wagam. ham*** and all the peraonai prop­erty oti said premises twlonglng u> eeid tenk- nipt, to ba sold, at awilon wUhout raaerve to tiift hMHMt bidder.

HOBART L BEaN ^IC T, H«aMY«r.rb N. J.Daeld Beftkfr. Atiomey for IUmIw a

rtramstt'a bqlldltia, Newifk. N. j TSAMUEL VAN l^OZNAK, AkeOmaw.

FCOPLra Loan Co., m Market mL , lUmnsed loan brokara, will aell at publto itH tm all

unredceemed pledge* on Monday. Juiaa 8. 16Lii at van FOBNAICS Auction .Rooms, 42 SouiliOraagGUC

a^-v at 10 A, U. m a c , BMMER

CARRIAGE FATNTBRS-Wanted, exMrlanced ompblia work. Apply T- F.helper* on auta

RODGE R8. 6 AUattttC *t-DROP HAND tboroughty 1 experienced et

•lamping *m*II povaltrea; must ba fully » • pabie ef setting own die*. Apply. 138 Ot^an *r.DRUG CLDiU£-4aittor drug dark wanted;

Address Gentian,

LEHMAN, thofmighly wpericnoed In ih* Rc>nis' (umlsh^il III)*, for Saturday aftsr'

tif.nriA end evenlnfi. Apply 312 Main it., Or-ftTlgrt,SALKSMaN—Good prnpoelUnn far man wllh

■ailing ability; ex parlance Ih real estate pra- Address Sairsman, Box ft8. New* of­fer r*d

flee.8ALESMEN^Wam«d, three good Mlaomen at

once. Addrea* Paleamen, Box 10, Ketva office.SHIPPING CLERK lo take charge Of shipping

d steady; n<>f hard Work, only one ha'

poal ....... ......J, c h e IN ft CO.. 810 Pasuio avg., Harrison,

room; good packer, reliable and atetdy■ ___ritn reference.

•'t>CJK wanted, to go to Bridge Hamplon, Lo' g Island for the summer, must do washing;

three In family; 12ft. Apply MRd. KALB- I'LEISCH. 47 Ashland sve.. East Orange,COOK, laundress, small family, where another

maid It kept; must have good referern'e; carfare paid 824 fteleiu ave., Ellxabsth. N. J . ; Main Line carCOOK -Middle-aged woman to cook snun for

a seloun. half day's work, strady positlun:German preferred.; inusi be clean. .142 Chestnut st.


roO K -Far July and Augual, for hoerdlng- hous* in the CauklUs; referencee t all Fri­

day or Runday, Bloomfield.

SIMPSON, Farrsndila ave .

COOK and laundress, to go to Asbury for Bummer. 7 In family: wagee |25. AT Wat-

Bon ave.. East Orange.COOK0. 'Aaltresa. houoe waltrasi. Coil at

onoe /Ashland Ajgency. 23 Ashland ave., Best Orange.COOK wanted for Small place; East Orange;

slate wage*. Addraii Cook, Box 3, NewsOfflcs.COOK, axnarlenred, for boarding-house In

country, .\ddrees Country. Box Nswi of­fice.

H^JUliElt’ORK—Neat, while girl for generalhousework 13 eknersmi st , EAst Orange

HOi;si-WORK—Young girl iwhlta) to asels: With houof work; wage* ID Court st.

MAUHINIST~A11 around machlnlat: rightyears' experience: benrh lathe mllHnf ma­

chine and eleclrle work. 10.1 Niagara, at., •**- f»nd floor

HfiUKEHOHK—Girl for general housework. 3<> Fulton st.

Man wishes to help painter and imper-hangar: hei soms Pxpt;rteTtue. Address Willing, Box

40, News office.

HOME WORK—Ladles can earn good money home, spare time: no canveselng. Send ad­

dressed envelops for parllculars, Hutusl Pub­lishing Co., Scranton. Pa.




La d ie s—An exceptional opportunity offered ladles to introduce into homes a household

specialty, absolutely sells on merit, easy •*!*•. good profits, good territory. Home Supply Co., 488 Orange «l.

COOK—Wanted. a girl for plain cooking and washing and Ironing. 1076 Broad st.

CHAMBERMAIDS to do laundry work, hous*- workers, waitresses. (22, $20; also 2 8candi-

navlan or German glrle. cook and weltresa. $30 and 125: family nf 3. OtlTTRUp’B AGENCY. 76 Centre at.. Orange; i lde entrance. Hours, 6 to 5.ch a m b er m a id and waltreis for boarding­

house m country. Address Experienced, ftft. News office.CHOCOLATE DIPPERS wanted; iiendy work;

good pay; muel be experienced. FRITZ, Jay and Dickerson its.EXAMINER wanted, on Infants'

JOSEPH ft BONPL 16 Lafayette et.




w est in g h o u se la m p CO., WATSE8SING STATION. LACKAW'ANNA











wa went oooki. charabarrftaidi. waltraieea. housawbrkers, ate.; bring r^erance*. JThe


STELADY tVOBK AND HIGHEST WAGES PAID. WM. E. CAIN CO.. 16 LAWRENCE ST.__________________ __________________IJktfiJiDBEHS-CKAMBERMAID, while, W)]

private family. OUTTRUP'S Agency, 78 Centre it.. Orange; aide entrance.LAUNDRY—Mangle operaiari, experienced.

focHd wages and hours. Sterling Laundry, 4-10 Park sL, Orange.MESH LINKERS—We have opened a branch

office at 6u Ann at. (tacond floor); baby, madlurn and jumbo at same Dries* as tha fac­tory. U3 Lafayette at.MKtilT- i^perlcnced nicih bag linker* on gorni

worxlng nsby ind medium Bailey meah. 67South Twelfth al.; tCip floor; caih on delivery.MESHBAG llnkara wanted, good pay, e«ady

HIGGINS. 767 South Nina-work. MRS. teenth at.MACHINE SE7WER8—Women to da home ma­

chine eewing on bathing caps, P. 0- ^ x 461 Newark,MAID—Wanted, a colored maM to take care

of two children. Apply 38 Hillside ave.. Or­ange.m a n ic u r e wanted, Courthouse Tonaoiial

Parlor. t9 Market et.Ma n ic u r is t warned in barber shop,

ford2 Bran-

NVR8E MAID, white or colored, to care fur fcur-yaar-old girl; may have mostly every

evening out. Will remain home; all aumm>ir; 2 mlnutea* walk from South Orange car; Must ftrnlah aatlafootory references. Apply 117 Voae ave., South Orange.OPERATORS on khakt and white duck cloth­

ing. automobila duatera; glrli with eeparlenc*on machine; t l day laaralng our wisrk; iteedy work. The LOE'^NBEBO CO.. 66 Colden at.OPERATORS and eximlnera and hand buttc-n

aewerv ns ahlrta: only experienced need ap­ply. Charter Bhfrt Co., 8S Anatln at.

PHOTOGRAPH PRINTERS for amateur work; four expert prlniara wanted at

once; g o ^ salaries. Sieting Photo Co.. 446 Broad at.

Orova Employment Agraoy, 148 Main sLa B u t ------- ’ jlhon



VblWTto UiUVIV/JUVlJl Af)9UUr, (IMIU IOrange; 'phone 840S; open till 8 p. M.GIRL—Wanted, refined young gtrl. to take

charge of baby and to aoeiet with ehaciber- work; good home. Apply 801 South Thirteenth ft.. Friday or Saturday, between 10 and 13o'clock.



afraid of hard work, only one having held atml- Jar poaltlon before r^rd apply,

bKlPPiNG i :LERK wanted. Arlingum. N J

Aruagton Co,.


106-107 MARKET BT.

SHOE CLERK wanted: expertenetd man; per­manent jKiflUion and good pay to nght party. Addreei Aioe Saleftman, Box 81. Naw* olhc*.SHOE CLERK wented. experienced Fiia only

need apply. "The Famoua** Comfort SbM Store. 29 Market st.SHO® ealeemau. Junior: steady pefUlon. BUR­

NETTS, 166 Bprlngfleld ave. _____SHOE aaleaman wanted TAPPER'S. 283 Mar­

ket at.SUITCASE MAKERB wanted, «xperl*no«d on

leather aultcaae*. euiu trunkA etc.i Itondetdwages; eleady work, apply ai.ono#. KRICK, DUROER ft CO., t4 Johnaoik 'U, city.

must come iwnwft*hded. Box 6 Naw* olQiiiaDRIVBR-Waniea; young man to drtr# waffli

wagon M. W. 0 0 ’fCB, 84 Tappan at., Kearny. ______DRIVER wanted. ROTH ft CO.».27fl Main el..

Orange. . _____ ____________FARM' HAND-Sober, Tellable man for gen-

aral work on fruit ahdl truck farm: must bafliwt^cioas (camater, understand plowing, cul^ Uratlng and car* of :b(irs«A Call or address ORBBNBROOKB r»rin, North C»Mw«ll, hi. J.FtRM HGI-FIER w»ntt4. liiU* b{ mad rallk-

tr. 420 Union »v*„ Ih r ie g tw v N ^FORBatAN w»nt«a ta.B«Ii»lold ooroOto wortti;

mtn tiianeDctd on IrattOBt. JOHN N. WHITIHOUen «0., IW.> **-Btnit« oi,. How.At*.FBBDKB-tor Job pnM *. Towo IWk Pt».

Co,. 44 Mwmnle «t.. •GARpEKIKO-Handy oun hnlddl»-*f*d,wtilt»>,

wbo UTvdrrrtkndi fOrdonlOf UMt’ Onn orlowna, to Ditkf hliOMlt uMtui on fontlomon'n plAoo. Inouir* S4S O ran^ rd.. Monwlolr,S P. B-. Thund»y w. FrHUy. ___


OOMUrO E V E N T S ______________________________ ____‘ K4BMNBR ■EDoHowood on fliatlllo rUoi. I ** .

OBOCKHY CLBRK—SapaHfthced jpfWsery Clark waattd acquainted in the (hhogei. I f

Famyw *i.. Oranga ,CaR aflar ft o'clock.

STBa w b e r RT picker wantad. MAN, Burnett ave., HIUm .


TOOLMAKBRB-Just recelvad ofcaaei; prices from 16 up; to ta* on eu ^

terms; agents wanted: open avanings until - o'clock. Sundays 10:30 A. tt. P- M.E^ttarn Cabinet and Supply Cb.(‘ 838 Warran It,. cMppeiUe Tkvalfih at-TOOLMAKER, flret-daaa, a t b&e«: on#

familiar with dial preeaaa oa *1**1 but­tons preferred; alao eat hlf tool*. HsU Button Co.. 271 Grant ara., Jfraey city; take Central R, R, to Waft JHda Ay*. Sta­tion.TAILOR-Wfnted, an all-aroidM.^lor on old

and new worli: jciod pofUlon fbf the right map. Apply 6CKAIT ft 80HB. pitn Ridge Store building, EiloomHeld av»,,- Olftn ilUdg*.TAILOR-Good lallftT wanted to'woWi on fine

ooatf.and prsialng; good pay tor right mao. Cali at 207 fearmatt av*. ________ .TAIIJIR-Wanted. flrflwciiaa! tailor: ataady

pneitioi) to tifhi: ip*n< A. DIDCICRNBACH' ft Cone tt.. Orange.





GIRLS—Smart girl* wanted, IS to I t ytari.

d e pTEN_ .FORE 10 A, CO.



for work in factory; steady worh. Apply at enrt. collar and cuff dfpt.. The CfUuio*d Co.,37 Aihbrldge a(.GIEL-Wantad. bright young girl for oUrlotl

work In mani^acturlng houee; nm*t be jgbdat DactiOfts and figures. Addreea Figurea, 46, Nawi oCffca.


HEIM 108-107 MARKET 8T.

GIRLS wanted, )ft and 18 y*ara; wagee I to start. CLARK Blade and Rawr '

pany. oft Summer ave. WANTED.OlRLft—Experienced bread wrapperi wanted.

MANGELS ft SCHMIDT CO.. 348 Hunter-dun at.GIRL-Small girl wanted: muat b« neat and

clean. BTERUNQ Photo Co.. 44y Broad M.



GIRL—Capable cdored girl work. Can 384 RoaaYlTl* to do upelalrt



HELP—Female apjpIleaDta ef tho Bureaa of Employment of ine city of Newark, vne are


deaftoue of speedily securing place* In Nrst- claas famniee a i houeekeepers, cuoke, ohamber- inald*. nuretfl, etc., win ptiHUe 'celj at the bureau's ladief' recaption-room, in the elty hall, annex bnlldlng, on F¥ankllh et., «v*ry



afterndb (exeaiAlng Siturdoya' Stin&ys Mhdeys)^ bftwfM th* hourt'or l.and. A whanthey wUl meat iaillef needlog tbair wirvloca. " - - - -------- -----" ployinebt.


MASRIBOK, N, J40 charge for procuring etnpk



WANTED, two yottag or mIddM Age ft Wilt edocatfd laUff ot r«flnem«nt to caavaia tha

homes for ea sipadaily attractive propeelUon dlffialfled and auttc out at tha olaag of Ordi­nary oanvoaeinir: nu books, merchoadlae or ineuraoee.. Addrae* with reftrancM aiu 8 ---------- 4,.- — . H*ara ofnoe.ary rettulrad. Refined. Box TA Naava ofri

HOUBE'WORK-OIH for general houiawoHi In South Orange family of tour: nice country

houee and good wagee to right party: must be good cook and laundre«a. and able to furnish reference, Call a t 'offtba* 16 Green at., tor particulars.

WOMEN—Increase your Income from hagt* work, ikcelUnt proGt: no experience ' ' '

qulred. For full perticuiart eod reltable eranc**, write 47 west Thlrtr^feurth'et..York City, room 1086.

nCUBEIVOAK-RelfablO Whitt f in Or Wi on tor general hotuwwocfc In femUy of

iduiti; houaa in country has #]] moa4fn i

WOMEN—fltert iasoinatlAg- hehie JmtlMet.

two................ _ . _____ CM1-.veoiaucea. -Cal) .ai"jM..f!lfPton at., Room 83, on Friday, between 9 BAd 4 P, H.

tinting pqot card*4 pietnraa, eto, epon lime meny make 113 Fetftly: no eanrassJiv: eam* rite, 10e>, particulars free. ARHNt « DtM180 ttaitirnttarir .N«w Tork>

h o u sew o r k - bettM .white girl, about 80,

ta ilo rs wanted, throe coat inihtN. two buaNflmen at once. 141 F>*ry *<> ,

TAlt40n VaiuedV flrit-<dftW vi^tmaktr. ,Ap-

l^ ttMpia;p cook. etc.: iimlly of two: raft

destrihi* plaeei NuGey car to V____ _ave.. (hen two blocks, west. TURNBULL. 184 Vrstland av*.; fare patt.

WRITEBS-Intamgent. large Ittcamt: o0tf8< epondin* for m w fpaM : Yio oaitraiamg. m

particaiare; Prase Bmdtofttt. 108 Loc1ifjNl.lf.T.WiNDER-ExporitiKM seft eUk winder. fDvoH

Bill: Hoetun* Co/,- 401 tthlbtrry e |' -

ply 69 Delmoni ave.'t e l e p h o n e b GT—Muit uederttand sw4ch'

board; good chance oF..adraa'uafneAt R. ft L CQm 90 Central avft

HOUBR-WORK-A Catholic 4tq|bkn for light hoaeeArork end plain-cooking m email family

rthree): no children; good wigei and good hofrteJo tiw ’right pereon., Adftrtoe iMtanl, t Addi 90* 77. Nawg. ortice.

TOUNK f j tD Y ^ ^ a r t young lady want- o i, to eeelet with booh* and gtneral* efflo*

worttf muat hav* sKperiancar apply In ownhandwriting, atating ag*. ealary wftntod, eta.

ArkbitlouA Box 81, News ■nffloe.::

OFFICE M.^NaGEr and ftr*t-clesa book­keeper, '‘xpertent'ed in all branchea purchaa-

ng. produciien, traffu-. Hc . went# poaltlon of trust Sibere energy end cloee attention to buelneai will be rewarded; ran furnish Al refereitran, bond, etc.; w-nl consider propo­sition anywhere In United State*: salary $1,800 to 12.000 prr annum, aged no agenclea. Addflw* tnve*(, Bax 7l, News offlie.BALE8MAN^Havr! inItletW*. patience, push.

pluck, rood appraram*. pleasing address.‘ ■ - ------- ’ ’ vlai'— ■' -----corking fine general knowUdge of merrhen- dtFC gained by long sen ice In printing and ad- virtlslng builnaas; add to this faith In self, end a conviction that a man gets whal he goes after, and there you ha 'e a type picture of a man w‘ho wants and needs a Job. AddrM* HuilLer. Boi A. News office. Orange.SALESMAN, with uulo. •.vouJd like traveling

Job with good firm, boat of reference given. Addreee Aulo. Bo* u. New* offU-.S-WATCHMAN—Reliable man wiriiei position at

alcbman; reference furnished. Address F.. Bex 44. News office.WHITEWASHING;

ave.all kinds. 28 Highland

YOUNG MAN. 24 years of age. w|*hea poaltlcti

iSas stock or shipping rlerk: four years' ax- rience: Nat of reference*. Addreia Stocit,

lox New* office.YOUNG MAN, 24. Tnarriad. wiahei position In

office or factory; best raferencM. Addr**a E DAVIS. Box 6 . News office. •YOUNG married man. aged 2S. of neat ap-

peerance, wlihaa poaltlon. Address Am- hlltoua. Box 5$. News office.YOUNG MAN—A atrnnii young man wiehas

work OR a farm. Address Slrong, Box 1. N«we office.YOUNG MAN. fflghtly lame, wlabea light po-

■Itlon: prefer factory, OTTO ORUND. 113 Miller at. sYOUNG MAN (301, well educated, lyishit Ruri-

tion at anything. At^dreu X., Box Oft, New* office.YOUNG MAN, 2£. wtahea poaltlon at any-

Qilng. Address BteadVi Boa w. News office.

e m p l o y m e n t w . \ n t e d — W O O T NCHAMBERMAID, experienced, wishes poallkm

in privtLie family; beat of raferencM. Ad­dress Chambermaid, Box 87, Kswe office.COMPANION or nurs* girl; can give Inaixuc-

liont In hhiglJjh, German and music. 348 Warren si.; storaCHILD’S NURSE—Mlddla-agad colored wpoian

wlabe* pMltioTi *■ cblid’a nurse. Call South Fourteenth at., apartment 4.COOK—Wanted by a middle-aged womop. a

pnsftloD 14 cook or walud do general hausa- work In a small family; h u the baat of ret* arence. 6 First at,. Newark.COOK—Flrat-claas Garmtu-Arearican. with,

city referenca. wlabea position; OrangM or* khpfi Hills preferred; wages Bank■I., top floor.COOKS, houaeworkeri. waUreassa and -cham­

bermaids. always on hand, for city or coun­try, ^KOPPEL Employment AgcBcy. 58 ,/onatat.; 6b Mkt.COOK—Oarman wonuin would like poaltlon os

*1 Inner or lunch cook. «t general bousfc>worh. MRS. CAHRLBTED. 117 Cottage kt„ Irving­ton.COOK—Good cook (wL..., ---- - ,,_____

■mall family; no washing or ironing; eeamtfp ' , Bog 18. News offl^APfefarrsd. Address Cook,

wants poaltlon Jft;; e<— ‘—

News 4COOK—Rfanted by wonton,

in cliy or seesbore. .C... good reterenca; 530 Ridge et.. Wawark,

. a pcwitlon ta coo8 .Coll tor three d an ;

COOK—German woman wiohaa poiltlon tft pooh: perfect I in

rafarancea. A H.,Uv,*i.ni4 «4W»4*«4 X* i

pooh: perfeoti In privat* fanily or howi *-------- ‘ " 87 Garrison at.

COOK-Wantadr by a woman, a poaHlearU aook;. email family. Addrtos tt. B>. 181

Fifteenth at. East Orange.COOK and Uundresa wants, work. ...........

caye MRft STAAT8, Bl Walnut a t, Nfitlfty.COOK-'Women wants poaltlon. Coll 378 Noxth

Fifth si,^tlANlNO-Honaat, reepeaubl* woman wantt

elaanlRg; five hours wtekly. A ddrm TrttftWorthy. Box 67. News, of flea.


d r essm a k er , expert fitter. Wlabea engaiemanU. Addraee Droismaker, Boot

News office. aDRESSMAKER wishes oBgagomanta bf 4ka

day. Address Reference, Box 54, Kewg oittoftl>RE&B14AKft|t. oonpetent, wieftaa engOEft?

mento. Address T., Bog 24, N ew office, •DRESSMAKING, ltoia«. iB iT c S S iC S T ? .

Ws«t Klnn*y sL, near Brood.

DAY'S WORK-CohwH woman wMiah wwrk and amail waebes. MRS. WILDER^ n

BomerarieU *' *PAT'S WORK—Woman wants

kl ■ " • “ - “aoyliiiad. Addreai Work. Bok 7, ^ a w o ^ H ^ DAt!S WORli; waated. h a s . ttO F lfA N N i^’•

Ktrosr court.PAT'B work of any kind. MRS. KERKING*'

548 Ora^e at. i- . i. >KOUSBWOEk>^WomaR, with- m u ilf ''wtth«f wortc at j i a n i ^ houjiew ^,

covhtn, ttRE FFAZERAB. E. F. D44 BEM! 10ft. Blinbeth. K, J.h o u sew o r k , young ftri wat|ta

general kooaework or waiting. All atnreeent employar, 35 Coraeftla^ ora.* Eaot OranI K K l

HOUeBKEEPER-Hlddle-iged German wonftW wiihea poaltlon aa working houseketper tn

amail fqmUy. yit^. A. WIRTH. S3 RnrwH at.

DRESSMAKER, out by day. 81J». A4dr«aaL„ Box 18. News offlcs.

HGUSBWORX—Totmg Gorinan 0 r t wtofteg -og- altlon for genaral honaework and help oJsnfti '

with wei^ng and irotilng. 40 aarrlaok fttj -

n a n j O Y M E

HOUnSWORK- t!Miar«l house*

UiA Bt.. MoatohROUftBUBPEl

Molttoa. Inqi R im in g . N. JHOUftB^'OHE-

and sew. Ad< rira.HOUiEWORK-

•hora or ootint ave.HOUSEWORK^

family prf fant^UNDRKHS-l

v lahes Monde Orange.LAUNDRES8 ti

take horns. V

poiUon to inv away for tha ei a family: rafaj panton. Box 2.NURfiE-Hracti

cigifinementoellt answartd terms. MIIK BNURSE-Fnicti

finamam and tiiodarate pricesRVRSE—Garma

Other oaoea. d don at.

, lUlE^.Wnfnalome. 107 Ito'

OFFICE ASSIE aad bualne^

some atanograpl Box 84. News <BTENOORAPHI

on* year'a ax draae stano. BeSTENOGRAPH)

of UpaaU Bel Kaullworth. NTBACHER-Ati

tutoring durl Newark, Bloon clalr. all BUbJ< praparad to tra tally defective too 51. NewsTEACHING-A

raading, > will ■or, Vot term leg. Boa 36. NTELEPHONE

position os I* expericnc*. Ac sffiaa.

FIVE REA80DRT 8ERV1C1 perfected syitorf 'ou aoad—deliv t—each cloea c

flannels are lau method—wa ha handilag FAMI and hav* lean house holda,

AT I•vary bit ot yo etc., will be Iro clotnea will bef roceee. will b4 ag. Hot much

WE-LL t a k eThe Laundr

HILLIBR RC 418 Market 1

ROUGH I Does your wi

Or do you hav will do your w of this work ev

THlEach family'i

comportment. W* do not ml We UM only We do nil th< largsot and h Wo do 16 poi ^ c r 15 poun WARDELL £


WASHING - 1 flat -work iro

water chetged cMhea, maiUni saparote; NO INK or TAGS I all ever 16 at 4 Service Co., 13(WASHING—Btc

let tha UNE) 331 High st.. < 60 cants: letur tbs line; give t:WASHINO-W<

by the day. Sev^th st.WASHING—All

and ironing.WASHING, iw

wnta (» CUBTieWAITRl&BS-av

reaa In privat Address PoaltlcYOUNG LAD

fpaaks Fnglli iHmbufg_pt.,.»j


ABSIBTANT-Ii Amartoan, wi

and to, wants with view to k ate: wife capo aaeiet In houM News office. 0CHAUFFEUR

ble. now ent]COUtttiaVe.,

untrr. Addii e., Rutherfoi

0017PLB fScaj ooOk and ua<

James a t, flraiCAttlSTAKER


family, city < husband useful «r Waltrew; d drees Capable.YOUNG Auetr 4| i batter or

*me as cook j


NOTThe **illg Y

atts# yon to tal than tan be doi nortatlon, that to ts t ■long w btULoreda of eo tors, salesmen 1 Yale. wlU tell

—or wtlto for cainton ave.

REBleyolM ore g lead,,. In everywith poputar ] alao eell Ivertoiia, M o m ^IIU, 8800. 831 •u t^ e e at ro< Junk, GHA8. doors from W1818 BAYOTCa

tor Are year ftBoed king of liltmlt Penaan guranteed; •« goon (MOd blcy< change. 46 up ----- I, 68c,:


S e e ---------_JCCSLBIOB tk t iMpt; aonS r i a T T V :«nd* tar EX layge oseortma hfthd maeblMi h4cycles from OOp, 8«B Vroo^



dFcOaif tw effa

A'/ - goner

1818 of aoltrabharry

]Tha Wo

S H. f BUiB ft ttABIG 6ALB m

eteend-haad m1s« thli eat

A 8NAP-18II hast overhai


Offer IV sixth «L


ttOTORCVCL good oondJt

at. and SlevtTWO-CYUNI

168 , or aeare S-U vknaht .r u r f K o II ’ >8rtng frtmi

oiriiilOTytijr " e i i le ^ %spCTEPlSnTflUiwtlsii w. « r « o tn u im , tiy etaani AMrpn h a l l Xt t a n :J4ltf (t.

U X r K K t U i■ Ml* ekMp,

HOUfttTOtlK-.Tff,. Hiihlnrliin firi*. *n* ilwtiant ^ Eii0U|i. s tin t (wtlly, fflM

l»u«t«Wti.: 104 V*). Bitr*n M.HOU»EWDnK-04r| wtIhM jS i5S iT 'i.T

1- Afpl. I llot an IrnlOf: «ltl mmlh. KUmt;- llrtL (Iter,

* m W’w«rt,

S»T I•ftl


lurailun. : l(OUBEWOttK-<3


laltt withTQUk W Q h m MI # : .

1IQUfiEWORIC..UIH w*ni. |r*i*t*l hMMwolk

mm- s ,




4MlriEj( « artU* AfrAtteblA I U aa’

a n Jk,Ulnflwai

rhly a<* laUiioaa. oirioa.


lltlAR fl( Haynaa, >«M r*f-»a. $ui9<

•xgwl-kitit: ali mvaraU.

•Itlotl !■ Awn f»-

• laktafAddrai*

e family Hoa 4*.


»rl anted,pO*l!lr n

r«M Ea-

er: com*, dalira* lautfaur.

: ■eraanauj> and.

I, Na«a

kind of ■r r«palr mw ava.

In fa** do otbar

ad/ 9oal-. Inqulra


; ftrletly llfta at.


I wlakea 1! Col-

, wlahnBoi SS.

b«at raf’ Enfllak.

altuatlofi: a. cama-


n aaw«r. t pf city. loa.ady; (ood

‘ XS;

1 . ^Ktlt litng m*' L at.. Me-

r*-hang*f: ling, Boa

iM book- purchaa-

» poaltloji entlon to imlah AJ sr propo* ary »1.|00


r«. puflt. iddroa*. a marchin-

f and ad- 1 in aalf. ii h« iroet ■lure of a


travallng ica given.

•oaltton aa ddreaa F .


>■ position years' «x- ;iB Stock,

nfillon In Address

naat ap<rasa Am-

irt «1ahas.r. Box 1.

I light PO­UND, 111

IshM poyl- Nawt

I at any- >wa officr.

SCOMEPfM poalilon itaa. A4- ifflca,r« Inatruc-□tic. 348

ad woman Call 188

wore*;i. * ral 'houM- »it of roC-

an. wUh. 3rangaa or

S » Bank

ind -ohaRi- y or eouii- , 58 Jonm

poattkm at nouabwork. t.. Zndni-

;>oaltlon ia, g; cemilrr awa oftlcAm a* cook ireo dayt: rk.otiumt' "m

or hot*}:-

Miltloa 4* I B.. I l l

E. k. C ’rUNjiUjy.I STS

ibw d iIt, Box

<* bx Ik* ottM-

» onitf*,I otfleo., ■m u S T R .

1. Addr*f*'


'a worit of lawa dftioi.n c I iw T * ;


»U oMM.rt, eMjr br. >. D.. Box

I notUloi'Ckti a


J X V S iirrlu ii it.;


HOUeBWonx—Touo* gM turn Norm r « x au wrral houwworb or w ilu w . n trr-

■L, MoaUlolt.f jS jSHOUiEKMPEIt^Worklng hwaakMgar

^ t f o a , iMutra P IE ^ B . U yrlH Wyoming. N, J.HOCdfl^'OBE^^lorad clrli aaalct boua«worti

and aaw. Addrtia L. SI., Box IT, N*wa of* fU«.HOU9BWOBX!—OIrl wlahoa houaaworkt **a-

•bor* or ootmtiy; rafarrnc'c. 90 lit Praapaci ave.

I H ou icho ld G addi am i PurfilCara • FINEST aanortmaol af aacond-hand fumltur*

««. I !*• gopAa Ilka naw at lowaatWindow *cr«ai!i pHat, which win oot clof «p prieaa; la i^ kali tack, W2.IJ;

h* tBiih. i blnger sawing machine, tIA; Domaa-

A. c. o i r o n u E . m MAmXR BT.

Omain-taad roofing, gunrantaod as feUowai I ply for i ytara. I t 58 par mil 8 Nr for 10 yaara, M pm mtL 8 ply for U voara. d o o par r«U.Wa hava radnead our prldoa oa nalota and

ealom and can aava BMFoay<

HUli8CWORK<'Rrhab1a colored wosian, amallfantlly prefarrad ILt t iok at.

UA U m w icSs^raV cIawlabaa Monday out.


a l l kinda of plumbliig. tteam and factory auppitcr. hath-tuba. kith and low pattarti

I water ckiaate, lavatortaa, Utobaa elnke, rangtA German lanndrtaa bollam. waahtrart. naotina atomga tank! for

garagaa: agent for nigh jraiatura waitr aiip-Call 70 Wallace at., ■««» fw- nign vnm ut■ ply, eauntry uaa; rapaira for gP Mumbiag fit----------------------- ----- - luraa; all goods new. guarantewi the hlfhaet

LADNDRERS wants day's work or washing ta grad*, lowest tioc nsces^Qry to betaka homa. WALKER. 9 South Bixteentli at.

Kt/RRC—Paaltlon as practical iiurae or com­panion to invalid or saml-lnva)|d. or to go

away for the summer or refined poihion wtih a family: refbisni'e hirnlsheU. 'Addresa Com­panion, Box 2. News office.

plumber to obians saniti astimates givai for matartal for n«w bultdligr asn repair work. B. ti. LEONARTt, U l«mhardy at., App. Wasbiagton Park. tal. W a Kkt

(Ic sawing tniihlna, drou head, tIA. mahog­any parlor lulta, tl8‘. gold framr pier mliror, IlH: mlRsioii wine cabinet. M; burrei, |0: round table. t&; sideboard. 118.80: .fle'-top desk, $8: china cloaei. ltd AO. MonHs rhslr M- Portland range, IS: large and small k*ehoxM, It.AO up; carpsta and rugs. 11. J. HI NT »8 Orango aC|T>R BAIJC-Usttrese, arrinfe and bed. P i

(hlffonler. alinoei new |i0. cost 123. but cotuK. P i gae osen, 7V MARCELL. Blgelowsf. ____________________ __FOR 8A1-E—Three Iron txditaad* sod epringfi

reatohable. Call S3 H >llywo< ave . t t s iOrens*' _Ft>R Black walnut book casa with

desk sti'l ihree drawers. J., 2Tit Qarslds si.

ALWAYS ON TLUiDNi7RBS^Prartlcsl nurse desires engagements: Large nuahtitles of e*cond-hand bulMlRff Ma-

vrniflnement and other rases: rmergea‘'y f leiial. Boards, joists Umbw. aaeh and doors- alls answertdr good reference: reasonable

rOH h.\Lt'--rouch. oak bed and wssh stand. I Call JTW NcrUi 3a«#nlh St-I LOT of household goods; parlor, dining-room

and licdnMini furuiturt. cheap. email lceb"see rttundard t 'srehouaw, Ta Sonh Kourtreurh et . Eaei Orange. ______ _

ealli answertdr good reference: reet terms MllH HIU.V:R. S42 Bergen w1NURBB—Pmctlcal ilcrman woman lor con- j

flnemsni end iitlier i sbc»: best reltrsncoi I tjtoderats prices. 7 Kipp st , MKd. PRSt?8H 1


TEl^PKONB 2310 HABH180S-

ARB you looking for rixturaa, ruck ** ceuin- , Ura, scalsi. show'Sata, shalvtag, gTbcarw*

Icfboxesi also far Icsbost'S, oyciar bar, hallfiURfE^-Garman-AmerlcBn. confinement aud

Other eases, doctors' rerersnoe. hlv Hunter*' itanda. raaiaursm fittureaf RultsbLe terms

_______ 1W Mouth E-«n,l »l.______ ________ KIMMrM »l«i m»d. toO m C B A«maTANT-l4l.1y »Hll » t» r1»nro (vi^n^ihlo* th»t OMd.

and business ability of Irusi. lypewritlng, soma attnogrs phy: references. Adtlresi Hteno.Box 34. News office.bTEN'OORAPHER—SKuatInn as stenographer.

one ysar'a experience, f;ood referenres Ad­dress Btsno. Box 02, N>w» nfflieETENOaRAPHHri wants position, iraduais

of Upaala flehoot of t'ommeri.-e A 8 Z . Xepllworth. N L________________________TBIACHEK—An expsiiencsd tssohsr desires

tutoring during the suntmer; chlldrart, In Kswark. Bloomriatd, Qlen Ridge or Mont­clair. all subjscts ill grfide worlc: ipsclally

' or men- Tutoring.

prsparsd to train epileptic, parilytlc_or men­tally defective chlldiBox U. Nswa office.


TEACHTNO~A iiuallflsd woman teaching lip raadlu. > will take pupils during Ihs sum-

■sr. Vr^ terms and particulars address Vm- itx , Box Sfi. News offles.TBi^lPHOKB Upsrator—Young lady deslrws a

pdcliion sxpsiicncs.

pdcliion as switchboard operator; five years' Address RellsbJa, Boa 3*. News


DRT SERVICE is the most aailtfartory. A pi^sctsd syitam gives you back all ths clciihasf 'cm s*od>-de11vsry Is mads when you expsci t saeh class of linen la waehsd separately^

flannals are laundered by our "soft and fluffy" nasthod—ws have had len yeare’ experlencs handilDf FAMILY RCUOH DRY WASHING, apd hava learned how to nleaae over 2.'AO housaholdia.

AT 6 CENTS A POUND seary bit of your bed and table Itnen, towels. Stc., will be Ironed ready for use. All the other clotnsa will bs dried—many of them, by cuff iroesss. win be duUe fit for immediate «Rg. Not much Ironing left for you.

WE'LL t a k e AS LITTLE AS SOn, WORTH.The Laundry wllh the "Blue" Wanna

HILLIER ROUGH DRT LAUNDRY CO.. 4!3 Market at. 'Phone Market A2A3.


Doss your washwoman ever dlMppolnt yr>uT Or do you have trouble geltlng a maid who will do your -»stshlng. We arc handling terns of this work every week gnd still grnuing

THERE'S A reason .Each family'B washing Is kept In a aeparate

sompartmsnt.Ws do not mark ^ny of your goods with ink- Ws usa only the very best soap, etc- Ws do all ths wuhing and the largsst and hardest part of the lri,inlng Ws do 16 pounds for TR cents.V .

ver 15 pounds 4 cents per pound extra. ------------— " — idry, ““VARDELL Steam Laundry. 39-38 Cross at.,


WASHING — Family washing by electricity: flat- work Ironed; other pieces rough dried:

watsy charged with electhcliy steplllxea the clof has. mSKlng them crisp and sweet: wash asparats: NO ACIIL . m.EAi'^L MARKING In k or TAOS USED; 15 pc-unds. 5c. per pound; all over 15 at 4c.; nothing less tha” 50c. Home SerTle* Co., ISO South it.; tel. 24 Market.WASHING—Bfop iweatlng over the washtubj

1st the UNBEDA WET WAPH LAUNDRY, 281 High a t, do your entire family wash for 80 cants: returned within 24 hours, ready for tbs line; give us a trial Tel. 2901 ____ _WASHING—Woman wants waahing: to go out

^ the day. Addrcis MRS. M O , 150 South Ss>^th at.WASHING—Arne rfcan wuman wants washing

and Ironing. Inttulre’fl* Arlington it.WABHlKa. Ironing at home or out. Call or

writs c u s r ie , 262 Bank «t.WAITRBbB-Bwedlsh girl, ha flrst-claes walt^

reaa la private family: wages |25; reference. Address Position. Box 22. News officeYOUNG LADT wishes position In a store;

fpsaks English and German. Inciuire 153 llamburg_pl.. upstairs. , __

E B iPLO Y M EN T W ANTED — M E Na n d w o m e n

APFHAL'r rvcifihc |l 35 per rail: no sernnds;aud remeu* free; asphalt Ne' '^rlrtk

r-iofing rsini. red 9-ic . hlark Aik* r*c gSl- Let u* estimate to coier your old «*ninffr»‘d' ronf. f ii ' innf fartoi-v ami ^pub! '’ b'jHflins with <*ur Mn-ysar gtiarsute# \ vi-'ior Rw/flna Co.. IT Wright at. Tel tlW* Waverly.a sph a l t flint rot flng teH, II Ni rr,Jl lOd

Square feet, market prlr»* M: ^lan-lar'l g'V>'1s. remnants. |1 r^ii, en 'ehtrt ' ’ er ehmtle* nr lln rcMjfi: asphall metallic paints, hisek led Tftc. gallon, largest d-.iler In New Jarwry: city dcllverlei free, citahllahad IWH Factory. 164 N J. R. R. avs.; tel 0957 Uarkat.

Large femgeralor, mahogany and wal- rui tlreaser. whh large mirrors. J19 each.

niiarl<in risk sldrbr^^rd. |I5: almoat new 218 T'lint atUAt{ hall Bland with mirror, oak vbirfonler

with mirror, parlor aulte with covers. S15, 4* Fail Kinney st., neSr Brosd.________DN account of laavlng town, will sell furnl-

lurs of wilre housa of four rooms, cheap. slmiHt new. 50 I'ltdd si.. Baal Orange.VELVET ni'G. little worn; siw» Hnissels and

fin>- atnir larpei. rsr(>eia I'leaned, made and laid. WEST -7 South Orange ave : ’|*hon^2«ilH. Murkri

AB»)lTT ROOFINGT We do It right: prires are right: repairing or new; ask for eitlmatas.

W. M. BEtrKHORN. 4th tL ; tsi. *fl0R.DB.AUf KINDB of rivoftng paper,” roof pslnL

metal palni; ail of best quality. J. G. HET- ZEL. 57 Mains at., Newark, N. J.ALL TROLLEYS lead to ROSE Press Print­

ing: carda T5r, up, Halsey and Market, over Gaiety Thrarn; 'phone ItU MarketATTENTTON-f buy all kinds of store and

offli’v flxluras; blgheit <. ah psid J. NIB- MAN. :*13 Klfteerth as#, tel. «T0 Wsv,ATTENTION—Wlrdow and porch Screen*, rust-

leas wire 1»«*t wo’lt- lowest price, sL N-rwirk Herson Worka 75-7T S,chl#y stBILLIARD and pool lanlea bought, sold, rented

and renslrwd. siippiloi. tic LUDL/iw Psc- lory, 88 Market kI.. cor. 'H'aah.; tr). 3464 Mht.BILLIARD and pod tahles: bought, sold.

ranted, repaired: supplies; renting 48 up; covering M up A. CANFIELD, 11K> Usrhet st.BARGAINS — For sale, clothlnf: ladles' end

gents' slightly worn. I’liU st 117 South Or­ange ave.. two doors from Norfolk.BABY CARRIAGE—Maroon leather; as good as new; price in. 1154 Broad et.. city.Cir.ANrE lo make liig money; will ie;i el g

Mg bargain lUfi-fooi steam >mchl. all ready In go In conimlselon. ineke a fine iiariy buai. ^ nuld cnnvldsr smal'icr brjif or automobile in pert payment. Been at MA'XT H'ELL’S. 141 Rlverrlrtft ave.VAPH REGISTER?-Twenty Narlontls: like

haw; up-to-date check throwr-rs and detail 'lips, each machine gusrardeed: will sell half original cost, cash or Instalments, registers hcrught, sold and exchanged. Essex Offlca, 26d Market wt ; 'phone 25.Hn Market.UT’TTINQ T.4BLES--3 very fins cutting tables

with drawers, good for tailor or clothing store; cost |55 egi'h: will uH for IT-50. l35Halsey st.COFFEE MILLS, hand or elactiic; latest Im’ _ptoved: easy payments; send catalog. LE FllRrsE. 53 BellevlDe ave ; 'phooa 1&55 B. B.COMBINATION oak boc^case and desk, cost

Sell for 18. If sold at Once: in good con­dition. 18 Williamson ave., BloomfieldF* >R RALE, chrap, one set Ifl-mesh

bronae porch screens, g feet 2>>4 locnein**ver used Rchley st.

Newark ScreenRoman

les high; Work a. 75-77

FOR SALE, angle dial computing scale; only used throe months. wMlI sell cheap. Oin bs

seen at 2!l Harrison avt?.. Harrison.FOR BALE-12 Ice cream tables. Call 31fl~ML

Pleasant avo.OAh RANGE, cost 880, sail for |10; almost

new tooking ranje. S4-50:. baby’s carrlagi. with top. $4..Ml; large and msdium else safe, flat tup desk, cheap; also National cash reg­ister, cost |76. will salt for $85, almost new. MR. CASH, 64 Academy st.GARDEN HOflK. TENTS AND CANVAS,


CLAY AND OGDEN BT8.GOLDEN oak bookcase. 5x4; thin glass doors;

Bond as new; cheap, Inquire 47 South pt., Janitor.HEXAGON gas dome; cut glass fringe; por­

celain lighlf>. cost $45; hand wTought gsa flxlliras; whole hnuse; aacrtflce lot. $30. I Linden ave.. near Joralemon, Betlevllla.

ASSISTANT—Intelligent inan^ Protestant-Aioartcan. with wife aad tw6 bcra» aged 9

U d XO. wants to assist expert poultry keemr. 'With visw to learslng builneH; saiary moder- ais; wife capable, efficient, able to direct or aaalft In houaahold- Addresi Poultry. .Box C, Kewa office. Orance-CHAUFFEUR AND WIFE, colored ejid relia­

ble. now eniployed, wish to change: city or oouaby. Addreci J- A. SPRAGUE. 175 Ijhlon ave., Rutherford, N. J.__________________OOUPLB (Scandlnavlati) wtah position; good

000ft and useful man; good refereneeo. 51 James at., flret floor.CAABTAKER or Janitor, experienced; wishes

position. PHILLIPS. !62 Morton st,_____YOUNG CGUFUS desire poaltlcos In private

QnllF. city or country; willing and capable: hiuhatia useful all around, wife chambermaid cr waltrass: do anything around house. Ad> dreas capabla. Box 12. News office.YOUNG Austrian couple wish posltlonsrvxnan 4P butler cr gardener; bandy all around;

sma M ubok and laundress; city or country.

H ( m ) B 0 Y0 t , i£8 AND B I C V C l ^YOU CAN'T ArrudD

NOT OWN1NO A YALt.The **Blf T" saves so tsuo Utlme snd ea«

awee you to take care of so isticb more buslnesa tbaa can be done hy any other method of trans- poftatloD. that It Is rsekless extraTtfanoe to ti7 to get alopg wUhout this micUloei any of tbe buiiBrecIs of eoilecton^ telephone men, eontrao- toi^ ealesmau and others who ars now using tbe Ykle, wlU tell yen ao; wblls you are buylnf a ee tw jc le , get tbe mofft for your mcMFr ibe Yale w eri tnaolutclr tbe most raloe tier doUer Uvettijdl drop In at this etore and 8na cut bow, -Htt vtlta for eatUofue, r. C, COBNIBH, 219

RAADINO STANDARD BtevoSse are guaiantsed for ihrss ytara; they lead., lo tvery way; tlia only standard make with popular prioss. tn , |M and 160; we aleo eell I m Johnson. PJtrce, Pterlees, A«- toiia. Ucaarub. Vlndex eto.

MOTORCTOiaS. -IX8L 8800, 8815 and 1 ^ , dash or easy tsrmi: euadriee at rook bottom prices: good stuff, sot Juitt. GHAB- KREBS. 61 wllltaxn st„ two doere from Washlagton.1911 lAYOrCLEB. better thaa‘«rar. fuarasteed

for Ore years; Tribuas ead Belment Racers, klag of toe road; Peerlses. 8tar, Bafle,

I m w P eaau t, otc.. at year own tergMi fitly f«w»8teed;-ao repair ebarges for use n a r : (oeR eaad bleycles. wbkb have te n tatea u ei* riiaagsi< |6 upj good tires, IX.25; la m ^ 60c.; Mgdlatf 880.1 boUt-ap w h s^ 1^*80; ooaster m S T ^ 84| expert teMlrlog tad Tuicaaltlng. m m ia t G^le 6e., 845 groaf at., oor. Bellerille.T U HBWAAK POUCH are rldlnt the *‘1918

EXCSL8IOR Aato>cyo]r‘ becauas tbey aro the beat; oome and see tbsee wonderful tiot ohlaaaL wo oelT for cash or crsdlt; aevau polio# 18Xi sale twIa-ayliAdcr macblnee. takeo In Utdo ter VXCBLSIOini, for sale cheap; a layge axeortment of different makes of seccod' bated mapblBta, 140 up; a large eeieoUou oC Hefyk* from 116 up. UAVEB>0RD CTCLH go,, 9*8 Broad at.; I818W, Market__________

. CRA24CB*-On aooouat of slokueea, and ~i an overttook. wa must etU at a eacri-

I an8 I5Q bleycles. | 86; $45 and MO nTnO; IS6 and ISO blcyolte. $22.60;

L6D: oome a t $18 up*. seeoBd-Mhd bl* i | 00 offer* refused; sundries and firm at

prleao: we need tbs mouiy.D I^*B CycleiT, 4T South Oraage ave.

HAND flQveior, complete, will carry 8,006;con he seen at 205 Bouth Orange ave. ADAM

W. HAHTH. 313 Hatsey et.MEAT GRINDERS^EJeelric. latest Improved*

eaiy parmejits: send for catalogue. LE PURGE. 63 Belleville ave.; 'phone B. M. 1566.MUSIC BOX for tale; also grapophone; reason­

able. 44 Pennington qf.

KAkK ih*ime fiT h jU*«-kM*i'Cr« St IIEIDS RiniTi;s. 15 Arllngii-n . near Mer­

kel ”U' r<etular furnlturv tal*« each Tuesday end F'rwjav, commenrliif M* ;ti) A. M . art Ml#-1 iMih fiiriitrurv and houp h iM g<odi of Sll l.lniis. trtiii) virloue consigncrt. and sold at ■. i-jt I II prive to ihi hlghf'il bidder; a visit 'vjll r*A}' viiij liri thn habit.f<E\V|NG MAGHINK, Improved While. |7. all

inehee re|>alred rtghl Iti your hi<ni«. 25 years’ t’lpeffetu't t'ail or writs. MR MITt’MELL 4u Thirfirnth a^s. 'Phone 65T5J Market.tiKt\ l.VtJ MA'‘llINBH-PoniesMr,|4. Singer and

oih#-rs 1.1 up; repalrtni.huylna. 'Phone HERR- LING t l>i)rGLASH, 2«2 Norfolk sr . IT years.

PKRHUNALJOHN BBNNBt- tf you will call oh. or ssnd

your addreaa la ihr AdverrtlaiRg Manager of tile Bretilng News, tntnrrnallan aA*d for will be promptly glv<en. it may be neoecMry for you lo advert lae for rscomtiMndailon. Ntser send orlglna! rtoommendatloo when answering an advsrtlaeineni. t^ubmlt a i-opy and stale your w|lllTigii«ss io show (ha orlalnal.TAKE NOTK’K ihsi I hava (his day .

chased the Mlixm buaincaa of David Goldberg $86 Bloumflelrt aw rreksnt til rlHlm* agalnet him to me LviM-e June 7. lUH. at above s>l- drsiS._ WAMVEI. Wr'NDERMAN1 HAVE sold tny nsloon at i2H Belmont svs.

to Martin Geniki All rrtdltore present their claims wiihin -i da)s st 1S3 Helmont ave-

Dattd June S. 161.1______________PKLAGIA ZHlKOWdK^KT wife. Emn>i Msy#r having left my home

and bon i. 1 v u: not t>f r<*siif'nsible far any debts i*ontrai'’>-it U; her after this date, Jun* 5 1913. JOH.S' iUl 1‘eshihv ave..Nee ark, ____X01 K'L—We. fh» ijiul'TsIghed. have pur-

rhaseil tli< husIneMi nf Anion PlanK, 29 Kalrvlew ave I'lediii.r* prcscnl hills wllhln three days. WELNii.UtTNER & FRAAB.

D. PAHRV lia» l>nught (he liuelnfsa c( T. Bc'hwind. !W XlHili>Am ave , anil will net ba

rsaiKinsIbie f«' d-his contrarleij by preHoue owner June ■'». Il'i::rtlLVEKMAN S runfevilnnery scnre. 206 Bank

at,, eojil by lAeon Isrsel, pr'-xem claims to June T- Jl'sTP'l-: blMuN. 217 • nun si.WILL five $2:1 (o |»eram who Is willing to

glre i«ne Inch square of aktn L. KORBlTZ. IM ~Boyd pf.

Bualoesa P cn innala

n n s iMLUA.Mia ^ 'T> r,rtnMI,T.HIT.t'MLldTH. I-EMAl.K' .\1I,MENTP.

TRAlM'.li Nt'HSK ATTF\t>.sST. PKl- \ ATE M RHINt; ARlt,s,‘.«il.!i IF NEf- KSfJ.VnY •'llARtlE.’i \ i:ry REAifkiN- AHLE Itfl'IlH, lie J^l'MiAYP, |n 4.TAKE HI !it AV SI itK .vi: OR KLE- A ATKIi \\l< Ti * Ii II TH ST. 8TA TION M\F TWt.NTV KMHI WE5T 6 5TH fiT. NEW YnUK 'TTY.

flEJW ING maphlns. Domeitlo, 5 drtwer. Jn perlet't enter, with all atuchm em i, $5, 88T

Bank et., first fl<xvrWILL sacrifice sll my household goods at my

sister's home, 'JiX! North HllLide ave., Olen Hidxe: BloomfleM «ot almoei I'aises door.WjtRDROPE for sale cheap. IT ttchley at.

f'lilekrndATTENTION-?!omrthlnf ne* every day.

I hl' ke. 110 ;>#r lisi. Puff and White Orping­ton rUcka. 4 to Ti weeks oM. 8Hk;-: get my prices on poultr>' birds. iXegs, gcldrish. acqua- rlvims, HLnglhg cansrlvs. cevtes, rabbits, pig­eons. diickilngs. snd pel stock; scarlet eagr plants. HAc- dozen; H-stdisge, pep w-r, eggo. rel- sr). aster Mii'i lOEnsin plsnle. 15c deaen. leo yesr-olil bushes, lOr.; poultry wire for•'hlrkea runs, all kinds Of pouKry JourtialS> 5>'- copy. chicken ecrmtrh, 10 lbs.. 2tk'., Egg Ba­llon. to lbs. 25c., Park A Pollard's |o>ultry foods, Lav or Bust, 10 lbs., NV. chick food, in lbs., 50c.; No. S Chlcfood for chicks sfter four weeks old, 10 lbs., SOc.. try my growing footl, 10 lbs.. 30c., and you will buy no other. Spraii's t''hlcgrBiti 10 lbs. 3Dc.; E z rat f<iod kitts mil. 15< box; whitewash sr^rayere. dt'liih' jng fountains or feeders. 2 for 2o<;.: egg b»iee, AVhlipIrig's white diarrhoea remedy will save your rhicks; If you have nny slrk chlcheba bring your troubles to me; your money hack If 1 cannot satisfy you with ih« ''dnkey line; orders delivered; give me a tflal. sailafafttcin guaranteed at the Reliable Poultry bupply House. New Jersey's l,eaiii|i|i; Rird Btnra snd Ph Stock Baiar. RLWARU (MT'HER, llH Mulberry et . err iTJnlon st., NewarkABOVO POULTRY FARMS CO. (Inc.). Chat­

ham, N. J.—For sale, l.&on 9 AVTilte l.,eg- horn chicks, all ages; day old chicks. lOi- each; month old chicks. 26c. each: other ages in proftorllcin.BUFF ORPINGTON, forty chicks, two weeks

old, will sell cheap. Buff Orpington Poultry Farm. 21I> Randford ave. Irvltigton; tel 254h Waverly.PHirKB. 600 Bsrrsd Rocks. R. I .Re<Js. While

l.«gho)Tis. Ht'ff Leghcrni, and mixed. Lotit Fine Hatchery. 'F’hone 1046W Waverly. 13.5 LranR© ave,. IrvlngicfiCAMPINEB. Golden and Silver, chicks and

Iiatching eggs, for sale. BrERTUEMPFEL 41 Avenue L, city.EVERY DAY—Houdans. l5o.; R. I. Rrds. Iflr

Barred Rocks 13c.: White Leghorn and mixed chl«2is. lOc. fTiREY. 434 Union a \e . Irvington, 'Phone 1823M WaverlyGET eeme March or April young pullets from

Columbia Poultry Farm. Tome Fiver. N- J . ; these pulleta wUl lay you (he winter eggs you want: order now before loo late.MIXED chicks at 10c. each WILLIAM

QaHR. 14W Fortieth at. Irvington.________TWO mated canary birds, with cage, etc.,

$3.50: four young birds. $4; or will euhange for chlckena. 45 Mott at.W'.\,NTED, one-year-old, middle dkit Berred

Rock rooster. Thompson's Ringlets; must ba well bred. Address, with price. Rooster. Box 7.. N^ws office. Orange, or telephone 232 Orange.WHITH WYANDOTTE riUcks for SlU

Olympic Poullry Farm. 140 Fordeth et.. Irv- nlgton.

spec lahas remorn) u 5(ki Broad si Newark, N. J .

optiosite Shubert Theatre fourth door st)«ve r'entra) ave.; no elevator one flight UL. Hours dally. 3 10 4 P M 6 to 5 p M ; ailo Tun day and Friday mt'rninga. It 30 to 11. Office closed Bundays Advice free.

U O M lCft, CARRaAniills, ETC. W ANTED \

UULL'b IlKAD t'OMUIHBUJN HTAHI.N.The Greaitti lloree kltblts In New Jersey.

4Mri8T Oread st , Newark. N J. ewot) rubber Urea. a*d Hi g« ........ .Thla 1e the safest etict Ust pikes m the Uast Price, which must be moderate, anil where J*

WANTJGD-A secoed'heiMI Invalid*! wheel k'twir. for otrest use ifor Udyi; must hate

guod rubber Urea. a*d Hi good condlilon; etgtelo buy 01 sell hitreee.

I'tivete Hates at AM Times lUtgular AuctUm bak* L>erv Tt.n->I»AV AND FimiAT

i-'ommsniLiiig at luao a . U.. rain nr shins, at which Him we iiffr* v>wr MJII-HISAI) OF

of el1 de^crlptlcjnsFr>r each Mis ee rccelvi <.i.-:isitnmcms ol

burets fram the farms of Pennsylvania. Ohio, Jii'llsne, Virginia and New Jereey selei'ted t>v ' tiiwrt horse luviges, and are Ittflrucied by ■'■■r itilppere t«i p<>a|(|vtly tell these hurecs tu I be hightat hlddtra.

WUh verb aal« go«e Ix.>na fids guaranty, which msana horts le esscMv as raiunaentevl

CP) smI# 'I«k> Mfa'OND-HANM MOR:(K6~IOO

Kt-nerxLy (lUl up ■( aucihn at ibesa «nlcg.These horaea are hroughl here by private

tlrn:a mid indivhluelaOUR niAPtANTY PTlOTErTit Y til. ALL MONEY REKI SUKlt IF YOU .\HK niAHATlUFILD WITH YOL’h PlIlU'HASi:

lloraee. Mules, Wog. ns erd Ha^iiets r*<'*'ived frnm sn.v uns (o be told on conimtsslcn, either al auction or private sale Horsts for sals or ixchanga at all timea

5u set# of new Harneaa for *ale chtap.TUGS II HOY IMtlM'.

Ilium A l<^rl(hiir^. William A. Pauet'son, He M* amen.

J 6 ll.LL\$1t(. Auciuin*ar.



Always cn har.<i to seie' 1 frniii. ail arades and pTicef ranging from l.tM) to l.MO iV* . In weigh' klany maltil palrh. All sC cIlmaied.

Just “•vt'hej iwu' special loads of drift andgeneral piirtHvke h'^reea

VS s rtvMve wtekly ebtpmcnts of Pennavlvaria hoiaei. i-p<n>4s'!ng of t.,at hva^ draft guoil farm i.iintiai urul many !,*mL t‘iif1nesa Korsee SS'e ran the i.e* VJ*i»i*ly al (»''PUlar|.rii-*e rail and »-a*in.p* -Mir iiock tef»relurt-hsalng

Lot of BSi jnd-han't Mpir'Ct alwayp tm nandMl'l.rif

Of whtch we carry n. Urge varrity Young and rlnsely n>ater| lee.ria $♦" Yheee before purchasing.

75-H 'pHHKH for HlUtt-76 NuRSEB LU.>ARDED


nan be Man. Addrcea A- V. S., T4 Hruniwluk et-, cite. ______________ ____IIIGlifCAT ^ah prii'ca paid for lailies\ gents'

and ohildrsna caat>of| clothing and shots; ■iH'clut prices paid for gentitnntn'e aiiUs and Udisa' summer dreaaee. aend imatal for prompi call. Iin DAHN, 117 South (^n g e are.; >h<inc 4810 Market _____ALBOLl^itBLY hlghet iirkce paid for winter

and aummer kdla*' and genie'. al»> vbil- dren'e casNyff clothing and shueai eand puaial ■ ni win uall at once. MR. CHAHLK5. no btjijth Orange ave.; 'phone Market 4810W.1 HADING atatr.ps bought. 12 per 1,000 lOiiae

In good copdlHon: higbeat prioee paid for l-(KkB, ml'k labels soap wrappara, etc. New Jeraey Cnupatt Co., 350 Plane at , near Maraet.IflilHEbT prices pa.id for cwJt<oft clothing.

haia and -h<Ms. U. MAX. eesond-hand dnehea for ladles end genca, III Hartford at.; 'rh^ini 4T74W. Markat; eend poelgl.liitJlILSI' prUes pa.M for cast-off olothlhg,

hatJ and ihoea. M. MANBON. senond-harri clothes for ladies and genta. Il5 Hartforil si., 'phnne 4774W Market, «end postal.DIAMOND wauled, must be pure White and

perfect, wrlffhlng U, to 3 t-nrst*; uo agents nr fakes neeit apiiSy. slate prli'e. Address P. 11 G.. Box K. Ne>HB i»ff1ce.Wa n t e d , Tolimp d«ek and nffti'e f|xuire«:

raali rvglatsr. stie. will pay price If In gfKHl roruiitlon. UH ('ASH'S. 04 Academy si.. •|ihone 05WW MarketKtiLl'ING CHAlRb. new i>r svi-niul hand, sin­

gle or at'i'iiune. about Rni. or vummoh chair foi hotel dmi -e liall, ataie prii r AddrvM <) . Hi*a 4. Nrwa otfk#

f'HlRorolJlSTM, E hll,SI?Y. 20 ''KDAF AT.

Manh urlttg. fme and ia'a1|> maasage. them mltiK Mild hnkr. ilreaslng. with a full line "C all' gnuds.FiRttT Gl AI.ITV .VNl’ rF R F E rx MATCH U.VHANTEK

JULIUS GLASRR'Is a l e and exchangv

ktadle .REAR IA-20 nniDGE BY.

THAlilNU KTAMI'H bousM. $3 l.mXt Iwwa;hlyhcal prl'-eS ]«?tld for b .nike. coup^uis, milk

i.’ihrL. iMiai- ]ir.t Market n riKim 21clea n oui your wardri-ibee, eitraonllnary.

hishest (irlces i>ald. ladles', geni'a ille- ardM rloihes COHICN.IJO Mulberry s( . (el 330:.R MktillLIIL'ST prices paid (or ladies' suo nents

• ast-off rli'ihlng, ahL ee and traihet*. bend |v«1al to J Iri.i KKR, 50 Montguinery nt,IF you have anything to sell, consult MAX

BIJ4U. 92 Msrkst at. Ttl. ITS* ^Market.HlGllEh'J' prices paid for i;s»l <iff clothing

and Shoes, e*ni1 piiaisl FRANK, 57 Uer- I er el , or hy 'plione TU58W Market-

B U «IN ¥ » 6 O P P O R T D K lT IS iATTBNTION-^At N41TCHRLL*M. meUeMg ■«».

Itieas Prokef oe (ha filit, M Bouih Orange eve., you get quick reeulta; buyere iJwgpg ea hatni. Tekipbone Merieet-BAIoOON. with B rumlshed rooraa; own fOM-

llne llffttai sella C! hilvea weekly; wfiiiEy trad*, recelr^e |1M: price UBS: tuee oonier Miooti. with U itema. sella 8(1 helve* w esl^,f ond wnielnr trad*, receipts Hf6 weekly, pnoe

rao. M W HELL'8. 3< &iatb On«g« «v«-iiROCKRV; good section; (rede; laieet

flxturee. rerelpis flMt weekly: price MM; Block, flxturra worth IDOO. MIYCHfeLL'lTlI Huuih Orange eve.$575 BUTB dellcetessan. fancy groceriee;

----- I , ceslTtiOr­ange at. aerikut: fully sloHttd,

rent $15, recslpie $175 weekly. MITCHEU/I*3d South Orange ave.HPEi'iAL confertlotiery, sporiliif gecxlg. pepfr

fountain i storerooms: pen.irrt'elpta $168 wfekly; price $1,400. SLL'B. 25 South Orange ave. MiTOfcf-

tMm RUTS confectionery, onaln avenue eectloa;Ice cream nerlor, own fountain: good cigar

trade, rsi'otpie $|M weekly. guerant^-J.MITCHELL’S. 25 South Orange ave.HT5 BUYK candy, vjgaps, fancy fruit eU&d,

Khoe ehlnlng uerlor, 5 dhalra. hear car traf­fic; rereikUa $12.1 weekly, girad for ttel$en or Gieak. MlTUliELL'S. SQ South Oranjte ev*.RESTAURANT, busy seollon; beat peying

place. In heart of Newark. wUh 14 reoma; rraeonable rent; nice funtllure. raata register, rlot'trk fans, rvceinis |«a daily, giving trial: price $M0 ect quick. MITCHKLLV » tOUtft Orange ate.A'TTKNTIUN—Halixm. rent rally localed,

OLD GOLD, silver, ecrapt of jewelry, dia­monds. and platinum bought TRl Broad at .

Q>er Petty's E. tt BaLBVRE.

Hoiiiirhotd Csooda W en trdTSU IMU MahhkT; HAVE JUBT RE- } aT MR ' AtMlK M Academy •(. What have

CSIVED A CARIajaD o f PENNSYLVANIA 1 jou ri«i 1“ '>1 for cash? We buy anythlni NORSKS WF.HIMINO FROM L5M0 TO I.WX); end cnT ythlnx («*r vaah: atcond-hand fuml-


WORKING iMiimer arid dei-;oriior. h*'«neai, Ih r cugh and 'Ono Lenilous. having alt tools aiid

several good inrihstili-s. will do new houtiea. shops. nff1r*s anil private residence work .it very reaa<'nahle prli-ri during Ihe suminwr months, we do furtory i»alnUng by mtrhinery , also reliar wtiiiPKeahina. ebiindanco of r -r emru’es prire* rvaeotvaole. Addreea Worksr, Box 54. Newa office

arPFRFLUOUB HAIR.W'lrt*, Moles end Birthmark* removed fnrFver ty Eleclrli-llv 'Jl year*' eiiierlence.

MUE B. WRf«TF::RVKlT.313 Washington st.

LADIES' PRIVATK M'RHING. oonflnemfnt ''tses. MRP. MARY HARMON, nrtvsie

home. W'esf Twvnty third st near Ninth hvr , take tjirkawanna, r'entral or Krt. R. H.

at > ferrj- to New, York; or ITuilsnn tube To Tweiitv-thtro al and Hixth ave eailly found, hours 0 to P Aundny, 1 to tl.

LAUILS' GKNJTNE PANAMA HATS. RJsBvherl urvd IdDcked In Knox styles, soiled

while hall "f mH kIniU clotned ami hincked. Men'e Panentan a hpedally.




AGENCY. NEWARK. N. J.This agency has ihe advantage of more than 8ft years' expeilence In civil and mattm. Ex)>ert dictograph serviceMATTRESSES renovated at customer's resi­

lience the Improved method: a full alee maitrees. we handle & fuU line of l>«*d-dlng and sell retail at wholesale iirlces. HfiFF- MAN & I’ASHKOW. 31 Market at.. Newsrli, N'. J.; 'phone 0591 Market.

o'RoiT^k e s h e e t m e t a l ro ..VENTILATION AND HEAVY


'Phone 3t«4 Market. NEWARK. N. J.

10c. UP—Chicks of quality; one and two waeks old; niiite Leghorna. Blade Mlnorcss, Rhoda

Islaeid Reds. TVhlte Orpington*. HII>L Hatch­ery. 2W North Beavnth at. Tal. 235J Branch Brook. . "

n o t ic e to owners, bulldera end conlractora;beat grade of Bangor slate roofing; also

large lot of akyllgbt glaaa for sals cheep; at FIrat Regiment Armory building. Sussex ave. and Jay at, For particulars, apply R. HAMP­TON A CO., ISA Norfolk at.OLIVS OIL^If 'vou want to grow ^ t aad roty

use Lily Brand, absolutely pure altve oil, of Nice, France; a poalitvc flMh and bloodjiulld- st; no rheumatism, kidney, liver or eninach trouble* can eiiil where Ihta oil la used; It Insures perfect hssHh- Sold only at Olive Branch. 110 Newark Arcade, Broad a t. oppoalte Arcade Theatre. W. B- TURNBIR,OFFICBJ FURNITURE—Rolltop dsek. riO: flat-

Lop, $5.50; high book-keeper* a dealt. $6: of­fice tables, chairs, ruga. letter prees and filing cablnatj, cheap, 185 Halsey st.PERSONAL^Wardroba trank, practlcatly new;

reason aelllng, too large ter my use; sell for third cost. 140 South Eighth at., aecoml floor.PHONOGRAPH. 96 records and cabinet; good

condition. 70 IlYllMy t t . 2d floor.ROSE PRESS, ths Mulberry at., printen.

moved to Halsey and Market, over Gaiety Theatre: tell your frienda; oarda, from 76c. up.

BBCOND-MAND BUILDING MATERIAL Of swery deecripllos, from founditlon atone to roof, all bulldlngBt 74 to 82 Park pL, and Pine • t . being wrecked by WV. H. A. RSILLT, office and yard T8-M Lock »t_________SECOND-HAND bnlldlBg material: buildings

bought and removed, a P. HAMBLEN, 110 Main at., Bas*. Orange; $t68J, Orangs,s c r e e n s for porch or wfndowa; sash and

doors and moldings; can fit them In. Ad- drsN Owner, Box S7, Nawa offlos.t e l e p h o n e BOOTHfj-Wo have 8 booth!,

rlrft.Qlau condition oticrtcrcd onk; ooit nA inch; will m II nl 1»6 H nlu j « .

T JO M AKD COBHIM.U ftKL n n ««1BC tc rid* • n t Qm

- '- i ; It In ehmpnnt is tbn nnai res nunt iHn s sv s Urn bwt; nil our *hnbl> sr« nurr-

»nsnrtlMs: out wbnnli tnknn is nubsiin : nsA InnUlBMStni compintn Ust of tiiss titt a s s ■rtl wpsirint. CORWIgH, *U CUntos STS.

.AT s barfsln, IftlS tv ts KxotMor nwtonsmin, H 'A l E d ition . USOj t i n tmt-nmnd twin

ISIS Thor, run Ina w b SW mlltn, t t Uit prlM ot » l la f it i s M trrla-, fu t and s s m t hlU climber: i t tn (rhb 3 to TiM 1’. IL IM Itnlr bttry tt.

HARlOT-DAVIOeON, t h t WorM'i OnttM l KatarOYClt.

t H. P. t& l t t : i H. P. twist.BUSH A MACDOUOALU » tt HAUBT BT.m a SALB «b btenlw; t m biq llADOi

ttaesA-btna ♦* Mo. tttb , ns; aos'ta b . l i t •outb o tssa t sv*.. 8.




H onaebold floods s o d F u r n l t a nAT HR. CASH. M Acndtnir tt., cemtr W ub.

Istton-Tb* UrfMt ttcona-hind, furslturt Acalor in tb . oftrj coma and aea for rouraaif and ba convlncH: tumitura alishtir uaad; acid fer laaa than bald la t my srlca flrat, tban try otbtra. MR. CASH, M Aoadamy at.BNAM^HD bada, trimmed wilb bnta, $1,

coat |T; haayy bad aprlnaa, |I , coat fill mat- iraataa, fait top, t l . coat M; wstbatandi, DOo.--------*•!*■ bWf»r **a W,>PI. eO» IP« ..

: rockara. Bftc., coat | t . MR. CASH, M Acsdtmy at,DRBBSBR, wllh m im r, M HO, coat |1S; ax-

lanilcn dlnlnt-rocm table, wllh learai, boat l i t : kiteban cbalra, Me.; baby blib chair. ^ At MR. CA8R. « Audamy at., eersar W'aahinften a tCOOKING I*n«a,ji4l

ra trtsara tm M-ft.It. coat |l9 ; alldtiiL____ . ___ _____fl.lEi. coat t i l . HR. CASK, M Aoadamy at.

raM stratm ''ii.B >.' fl2 ; baby^curtaSi ' coat |U ; alldtiiE couch, taltta natlraaa.

OABPET RDG, MU. Ml elocka, J{, coat

coat |1S; fancy mas- ------------ibtda. to r.AVI tuvea*, et, wab *ej siqwra $*#0

«Mt Ste.i cmnonler4 84, eoet iU i vrindow eenMOfly ICki.: window ehhdee, lOe., ead w* lULve B girrab m«ay other bnrttlng. MR, CAbh , 84 Arademy * i, eoraer WMhlnftoni open erMiinn uyil 8 P. M.ANTTHINO tn the line of furnUttra or hMiS-

hold goods -you want; Me ui; we will poit^ tlvsly MVS ruu money.

IdOOk st aoms of our prieeai Beds. |1 gad tip; drssiert, t t and up; enif‘

‘ ■ S S a i S - *, -hlffonisrer t t and up.

__ ____ _ .. and up: Qhalra, andup: rot*. ItikOleuin; ta fact evnrythlng alee atutearion tab: up: rage. Itno lowest prloegPrioi.

A visit te^i^^etaiw iriU iv tA yc____ ___ aI ade

b coRneetloit with aaywther atore.AfJADEMT iT.

HAR-1813 T T ladlaa,M l oYertkauiedi full aaupnaaL INEJ 881 WaehtBVtoa R<

i-hersepower;va£ i « k -

M il TWIN Sseeleler, good, ooadttltm; first offer near ilSOkiftat It; must ssll. IM fleuth

n £ h st,; cd l.after 5. .IfGTORCYCLB; Marab; SU-U. 9.i mtw ibrast

gopd M^tiQQ. Atapare drug stera, ifiath at. amt S ltT fau .ave.

san wemiR icketper ta j '

Burnet et.ta poaldrii'TSd to Iki^'at., ottfids hi

rradh Wi

TWO-CrUNDEK. T H. P. R. I. stotenyciia.M .« r saaraat cffbri twn saw tlraa. <au>c*.

B-l»,-Wrisht al. '

MOTOKCTCbalator, 19

S . 8 flw cosdltlea. Os- Boath; Twantlatb at.. Nawtib. ^

•AXTBROdi as)a ebaap. U, 116 Rid(a sL, City.

«irit, «na !utty, with i

: no aul.b^ly Hi Wait'

bauMwuik Boydas ft..

|(0 t(B « T d « s Bad B ikes W imtMlin i iL 8s r Mb' «wsh far f*ad n ^ r c y t

A » I J , sftar lllb p. H , T. F, S n o t t IW ay tn tS B AWAfcTkb. s "toad motareyclt er antsBohlla;

eSafe to* bsyja ln . Box u , Statloa O, Naw

tHi kiM B

xlfficit s A bona at s aacrttloa; alatsnt asr- .or. bedroom and dlslsc-rcam tatsltarti ybca, iw i(bt pUnc; aapntsnly or tontbw ; (scl ;hsium t n nupla atartlof bootakatplnt: ennba tten today or tomorrow; no daaltra South Tblrttbutta A

AT SlitTH'B, W PaeHIa A —IMrtltinsi drttt'*r, f t : b*u. aprtnsa. t l i m attnii, tl-

eblflhmler, |4; wbrdrobt, H : bsrlor ault, t t avwytblst vary chA»; omH and ana im youtialf._______ ■AT 1 » nUaay A , oA t AAtaB^Houaataold

sooA, saw snd aceosd-basd AwRtns, osr- M A rttta. atoTH,, all klnda. .vary itMastblA iw na W ««t yes buy._______ ' ...

E re*

of_ 16' good hitch guaranteed. OoTdibora. Md.VBP

0 per al H. F.


HOSPITAL FOR DOGS AND CATE.10, 12, 14 Orchprd rt. 'Phone 3060 Market.FOR SALEL-Beaullful white malteee poodle

(Riate): house-broken: reasonable. MRS.SMITH. 871 Bank ai.8NOWT white FYench pet poodle, 10 monthly

male: finest breed: must aacrtflce. Addresi Poodle, Box 10. News office.TMOROUGHBREP fox terrier pupple*, nicely

marked, for sale cheap; ilsa oue-famtiy house, good condition. 186 MorrEa ave.

T ipcnvrtter« an d SuppllegALL makes $10 up; largest auuek In N. J.;

lUppilee for all machines; repairs guaran­teed; rentals $2 end $8: oold easy payment plan: save 40 to 76 per cent. GEO. M. JUDD, 17 Academy at., Newark. N. J . ; tel. 7367 Mkl-

NEJW and REBUILT Typewriters ef alt maftee

8old, rented, repaired, guaranteed. ROTAL TYPEWRITER AGENCY.

707 Broad st., over Crescent Drug Store,NO 2 SMITH Pramlef iTpewrIler for sale; #15; ■ good condition. Call Immediately. New Jef* eey Accident Upderwritere, 107 Mfrket «t.«city. _____ ______ ______________REMINGTON typewriter. No, t model, with

deek; sacrifice ffi; taken for debt. WAL­LACE, 850 Elm at., nesr Quioey are.. Kearny.REMINGTON typewriter, late etyle, mod coo>

dltlon; alio new stand; sariirioe ^ t h 16; moving. 660 Elm si., near Quincy. KearnyjREMZNQTON typewriter No. 6; tnachlne la

perfect condition: will Mcriffee very cheap. Iff Verona ave., city.BACRIFICE-Several Bllckenederfer lypewrlt- - era: alec one Bmlth-PremEer and one ’Welling­ton visible. FA VET. room 20. 643-S46 Broad it.Vi'l! mH, rents repair, end exchange all makes

of trpterritsra: we guarantee to give eatle- factlon or to refund ynur money: Imiutlon typewritten letteri of highest quality at low* eit prieea. Newarii Typewriter Exchange. 8 ,Beaver et. 'Phone Market M8Q.

L sd d « n , D trrickb s n d F lso p o lesPULLET LINE POLES BET, K ANP UP.






SULTANA. l>lnk check tint, for tinting cheeks ■iJid lips, ahsoliitciy harmicse and will not riih

off. has slovd the (ret for 25 years. Al any (Ipparlir.enl store or al MMK. R. WEiTl’ER- VtLT. 218 Waahlngtqn st.. Newark. N. J.PRIVATK maternity home, auperlntcndul by

trained nurse, twtmty years' cip**r1fTu:e *lih motbere snd infanta; site aged Invalid Isdls# lo board. Tel 76h5W Market: 4P Celumbli suMATTREt*0ES. boa* springe made over, cus­

tomer'* residence, $1 60 up; beii work guar- enleed: matiri'«s<-», bed springe, factory prlces. I. LONDA. 3W Springfield ave. Rend pcsul.WE REPAIR, renovate furniture, baby '-ar'

rliges. scH'lng machines; also sxtermlnare roQches, bugs, from whole apartments. ADLFR

. 645 Fifteenth ave.HKIDELBEJIQ PARK has eeveral open dates

for plcnlca and otiilngs. Including July 4 in­quire J. RCHLORft. room 600. Qrdway building.MRS. ANNA ORUlU'H, midwife; Jadlei’ pri­

vet* pursing; confinement cases; irfStmeul at home. 66 South Orange ave.MBB. DRBWZfl, midwife 1B3 Mulberry at..

corner Market: private nursing; hlgh-claiaexperience; careful treatment.MRS. E1ICKHORN, German graduate mid­

wife; takes confinement catea; private nura

LOSTautom atic BTE-GLfeA88 HOLDER, with

glawea lost while going from Second ave. to Arlington ave.. oily, H CLINE, 441 Bummer ave.BEACELBT—Lost, a gold curb bracelet, with

gold padlock, on Prc.enect at., between Ferry and Walnut stS-; finder will be rewarded M18B KANE, l.M IValnut si.


ture , old catiieis. chairs tables, pillows, ijuUta, with

HARHY F HAYES *L. I) Thona 4406 Market.


Alea.vn on hand from 100 to 160 bead of ac- cUmated Pennsylvania horses to eelsct from. W« wiR receive May 16 one freah load of rirst-claas ilraft horses, weighing (rum 1,400 lo 1..Hts). s>mie nUe driver* and sonis flue mules. MitH. ijtload uf cheaper horsea.

Tt\<J DAYS' TRIAL OIV13N All h<irBes njuii be s* rrpreNsnied or money

refundedE. E RUUD. Ralesmsn

Rir.dKRT H.tR«:.4INS ever offered, as I am compelird to ijnc is ry ll^ndw»ll^e gentle

jKin.v, '*i Inches ^ igh . '<*ry safe for any one lo drnu , $70. also gtxri chunky 'work horse trifle sorr !>ij11 farmer. |4li ‘ nshiislnus* In rs'* i .iit r<,»a'-l t'^n to tw *l\o miles Hii h'liir $4.’i, g'lOd WI rk hcrsc. s'lli funner.

$70 J 'H IN REM -.\H . Mltlbum sv# 7*n4l Maplev<N;-d tm lley uars. formerly Amerl- cun HouHe

Bill KT«» K BEi'OND-HAND HARNFSH- Glanl snai’S $l THt dns.; backer snaps. H-.'ip

rios . T>ietB Hi 1l» laniwus. reg. ftCk- , etw’lal. ;y>c . Fra/cr'i ailn grsHW, 15 lb. f«Ms. bCk-.; summer bridle*, vrgiilar 50t-., ipecial Itfe.’. Ni vvMrk'h ht’:ei atinked lismesa slore. coHsrs iimdfl On ihe i remlae* AS<''H1'jNnA('M- 64ft riRim el . near Market- rild barnesu isken Inirufle _____W.SGONKTTK sc-ii eight people steel tire

wltli lirake. In RurMl order t2f, '>0 wagons and iru' ks "f ull flesiTlptlijns and Int ot gro­cer Hugons. 1^'' issni Ice wsKona, 'cheap; three HOls of ic-ain harnrsi. lot of slngla har­ness. all kinds of wagons to hlrs. JOHNMIvSfiNKR. r»f>7 Hpringfiald ave_______F<iR B.4LE -r<3^ horse, tor family use, ab­

solutely sch(l<w also harness and mbas and depot tBirlftgi-: all In fine rmidlilon, owner leaving ftiwn sell at a bargain. U*H Thurs- dav or Kridjy aflernoons ot M L GRAY'S. 21> Rrosd *!., eltyTRl'i'K for sale, cheap; heel mads; selling on

ticounl of changing (o autos. ROBERTA Mfg . IhVi f nrUandt si , BellevillefOR SALE-Slnxlc and douhls set of har­

ness JOHN BRADY, U John st.. Harrison: call evening or Saturday sfierncxm.FOR Runabom nnd trap; rubl>er tires;

sood r-omlJtlon. viill aril cheap. Address l.'ar- rugr Rn\ Z. News offl'-r. Orangr________t h r e e horiss for sale; any offer taka* them;

ni-ed «h« room. Call .r. MORRIS. Ift South Fflurie^ntb si., near Orange. ___________tjOOD horse and wagon, elan runabout, ault-

abla fnr express or delivery. Cell at J. BMITH'S. 341 nioomfleld ave.

sntlqu* Biui sn)ihing you want to sail for cash; 1 pay iban any dealer or suctloahousa In ihs iii)-. I have m> aienla tn pay oommlaalon; 1 call mysalf peraontlly; tbai'a why I can pay mor« Ibau others gel myP Ticfia first; send postal. I will call at onca;

uslnrsa sirlctly confMrntiai. Tel tUUklW Mkt.ALWAYS tha htghoat prices paid for furnliura

of svBry description; wa buy rontanta of aiorea and inerriianaiaa; wa will sand our agent or call pert>onn!ly. and wa will pay you inora than any other hou** In the city; aond (or F. BIUON. tbs man w*ho pays you cisb and daali fair and squara; aend poaUl, r. SIMON. 78 Acad^y_at.; 'phona dteM UarkatALL KINDS*"OF HOUSEHOLD*oboDB*AND

MBPCHANDlflK. ENTIRE CONTENTS OF storsa. houses and flau or anything you hava to salt, bought for 0*1!): consult us before sail­ing; esriiratei i-beerfully given: sand poalal or 'phona Markst.

REID'S AUtmON ROOM.______ 16 Arllnglon *1.. naer Market.ALW'AYH RELIAHLE. VAN POZNAIC BUTS


WK WILI, BUT FOR CARMh'.-usthnid goods, ronients of your otora, etcr-sca rerrlpti ' — - •Realty Investsea rerripts or anyihlng of valua. Kutuoi

Co.. l»2 MaAat at.: tal, 1764 Mk*Ti) get what you want for your aacond-hand

furnliura. or aiiyiliing and avarylhtng. sendf>>r MR. CASH, who will iNty you Ihe highest prices. MR. CASH. H4 AeSdamy at.; 'phona fi:,.vi\v Market.\VM llHY your second-hand furnliura and pay

you whai you value them, ws need them fur furnished moms: |)ay more ihan (laelsra. MR PKRRY. 311 Washington at

.GOOD lott-wheeled rubber llra buggy. t26: also a two-wberled racing carl. HO. W. WITTEL.

33 Rthfnrd uv e-. Irvington._______________ _DtlPOT carriage, remodeled re-upholstered

and palmed for sale. A. McLAUGHLlN A RRO . 153-157 Hurlpon Sl.TWO HORSF8 and dump wagon lor sale,

Ing up business. ROB Erl''5!lft rtcuth Twelfth i1


SOUND hnrs'*. year* old; surrey and har- n«sa: price reasonable. RRAUN. i.>nirai|ai e,

and Rccn>nd *i.FOR RAl.E--Ten eeli heav}-, seerntd-hand

truck harncea Cheap. TV. E. DOBFUNH, 356 Rruad at.

BROOCH—Lost, during week of May 21, Can- tral S.VS. or Broad at.. French enamel orchid

TWO horses for eaia cheap, CHARLEfi TV. ENCL15H Liberty avs., Lyons Farms, N J-

brooch; reward. News off loft.

Address Brooch, Box 67.

CERTIFICATE-Lost, certificate No. 1868. 6 ■hares, 21>t1i series, of the Norfolk Building

and Loan Aosoelatlon of Newark. N, J. Re­ward paid If returned to E. FRANKUN. i!i2- Beymour ave., city.DOG—Femaia bull tsrrler pujk una brindia

eye; reward. Return to PRANK J. BOCK, 17 Custer eve., cor. Cueter pi,____________ _DOG—IxMt. sisill black dog, yellow legs, white

breist; oame on collar. GEORGE WOLF, ftO

FOB—Lost, fob, gold buclile and silver rigour cutter: Elk'a head. Reward, return lo w,

C. ROANE. 16 Cona it., Orange, N, J.KEYS—L<^. a bunch of keya. on Prellnghuy*

ten ave. or Runyon at.. June R. Reward If returned tp Carncgla Steal Co.. Newark.PACKAGE-On northbound Mt. Proaped car,

yesterday tuornlng, package containing two checks aud cash. Liberal reward if returned lo 85 Renner ave,, dty-PURSE lost, conUfoIng mon^, on Broad st,

car Reward 1$ ratumed to TRACY. Box 63,

frt^AMP—Lost, pocket stomp on Ward pi.. South Orange. Finder notify 286 Main at.,

Oranga.________________________________UMBRELLA—Loet, last week, Iti one of the

depertmant atoraa, atlver-handled unibrelia, marked "E. 1. D.:" reward If returned. 156 Washington iL, cUy. ____%VATCH fob loM. with inttlals H. E. C.,

Sunday, on Kearny ear, or between Brood and Market and V'totorla Lunch, plaaia re­turn to H. E. CHARL6S, T4 Eaton pi.. East Oranga: reward.WATCH—lioat, lody^t fOtd watch and chain,

with locket ittachedi Brood and Market, at 12 A. U.; $10 reward, JENIKE FTELBR. 776 Broad at ; Union Credit Co.WALLET—Wallet, lost 'Wedneeday night, con­

taining money, MawnlOi card*, autotnofalle llrenae; liberal reward. 9Se euparlDtendeht, 46 riintonat;____________ ' __________



Awnlngfl. W tnGow filutdeft End ScreetwiCRlIBNS. SCRBENa, fiCRBUNB-^en't w«k

till the last minute: order your porob a&d Window eoretBa now: all klndi ot rapalrlng and oarpwttNT work. Send poftal to DAVID PRINCE, 4T9 atuyvaeant ave., Irvtfl4gtoa.WINDOW and porch ocfteu to oidal'i.tuotea^

tm i iotnUi direct from mill. JOHN KOPP, 432 South Nlftth et. TeL W Wgverly.

V m D nllaSt T n ia k s , L fta tlie r G oodsUMBIUBUift repairing, by lone eigpert4iioed

woitmeiri te«t materieli prompteotoanrlco randered. meet Mtlafoctory wteft denailowest ptloea ohorged. G R V ^, the UBbrtlla man. 7 « Brood i t , opp. “ * •" - - . - •emy o ti tranko reared .

iteitoffloo and Attedk

C o w s ' ' t 'OOWII OOWW o o w s i-w ii n«*lv* FHSif ,

JtdM B, IMS of n t n efcole* tiMli cmw. siid tMum ■pHiiiw*. It in* n * In m M mt a* t a in bis tnlilur, Mia* and In b m «*«r and II *rm MT K u 1* at** wt a ealti ear pHe« a n , IUm ear «Mr*, H |b t MDSBUS fe lU in i- ABU S end S lOH rood, Ir.ln,can. 'RtoM lot WiTarlt. _____ ______ .

> T S r r 5 3 ? V S S tu td a it. N. J.

BDFORB see bar TOW besaalwld.«edi. fur- nttera, eoisat* « niae <nr a t US U ltajr i t

WI a n n e n w ar If tou tied u ir tb ls t im' 2 ? i -BABGAlN'-dHaUl tiBDitB* *1 •la-rooM fleti

n u it a feeld; e* daalan., Mlddl* (lat. St SUrtlns at., eaar Ho*ard a tCONTENTS et aa alnoat D*«r a ta r tn u t af

hlfb tn d e and oeatTs (ernlter* u s aaorl- flat; paHer, badnom and dlnln,-reoei MnU-. te n ; n s . bet t>*<a: aiw iew ir *r teettbar; B9 d * ian . SI Sontb Tkinaamfe at.;


WILL rac iln Tbertday, Jum S. e ebdo* ear- load i i rt*«b eowfand apitMin. tor aah e r

uA aes*. MAX MEIER. V U SoeUi Etahtemtb a t, near Sprinsflaid av».

Om sFOR SALE—b l a fln* blua NarMao felUana.

Mdlsned, raseebbla) eata beerted: eat rem- •dtair^lTd Gantda at.; 'pboM U R Eneeh Bieeb.

A H n sn o StGNI. ttew eaida ead ta t ta r tu S f t j ie -V E SION& aeo. te Ban-A-Ter. %

Bttod, Mar H^1iati~eluna sms Kaifeat.

OM Ooine E»d n m n ip s■TAKFt and eetei baesbti i

elHuifad; tan* aiedc t ANDMBr iirM aaA iL ,

PO U N DDOG—Found, female dot. rod aatter type.

Owner can have Mma br ealUns a t imi ^'e*tCllni-on ave., irvlostMi.

R E W A B P 8|10« REWARD-Btelan Wadtieiaday nlatit E-

.paHenaer Ford lauriea ear, IblE model; l|- oenaa oumbtr II5TM N. J .; anaiiu No, 1SSCKI6; body No. IbiSH); bnuu bbeiinr and robe n il; alactrie IlihM; bare and naw ten . alren; larte •lae tool bet on left-hand runnln* beart; all Dtcaaaarr toola under t«eb eeaU 2 eamoatMIi, euHalna end two new tubaa. BAL^TGRE

X O ^ E S , O A B H IA C Ila , ETTO.HORSES. HORSES, BONSEE-Jen rccal<red a

caitead et driti and teU ral purpaae heraaa; fer aalc or eachaan at tha towaat matbat prlMa at OUB LEWIS'S i j a r U «th ava.. Naarark; tab '

«n« ivwH44S Elib-

JOKH KOPTTA rtcelvM UHM «srl«da ef CbhmiMa. the beat-inade waiena^ auttabla tat

aer kind of hiiilnaaa: a ta if ^rtcen la aeld witb a SuarontH. 8U-MB Saett O nnsa aee. ___ .HU^OBILE runaboutreseeUaDl numlBf eoe-

' " “ '"lite, auetrladltlon; top. windiJilaHhem, iMademettr. lu te third oott. TelaphMia /

f ; fell at'ene-

POR SALE-Horae, bessFi two aeta et har­neaa; one almoel "* • ™MWr'tlredj”eab<’W.t,

(ptelhar er eeparata: alwtp.BiaMe, M DIvIHon pi. '


FOR BALE-Two-aeated (etdlec toB aumT, le firet-elaaa cendllloD; (er •*)• Maap. Ad-

d i ^ E u. LEONARD, u Lombardr at s’idioo* SBOi Market.FOR SALB-HandaoiM e o B H b U te N I^ and

drieles horee; aoand and SUM; « (* (or anydrielbs" U ' to' I .

fee. Oraete.ladr te^ditv*. Addreaa tleMt. B « A, Nawi otfleFOR SALE-Pol* p w . shaoM aU fdiiua;

•nitabla tor woman er otdld la hsmaM er ebdw ^ d le . Addreaa' L. BURDICK. Boec- land. h TA • ' - .

iKfcT.bltr.FINE twe-«aalad epan top oarrta«a. rundata

.taahi: i t . a banaUi; oaO' be sa*n aaur time. FRANIuW ». VAIL, IrrlBSlan ---- -Orante.

ev*., Sottih

_ _ _ _ _ _

FOR SALE>-Brown horwi, 14 hxtids. 7 years old. 114 rhestnut st . Egat Ornngc,

GOOD heavy work horse for fsrm for sale, msonable. Apply 854 Plane st.

HOnBF- for salft. r-iteap. Clinton av*.


F i r Bale n r E ic h a tc eTHOFOCGIITmEri Thl'O-TEAH-OLD TROT­

TING st a l l io n pvm sale , p r ic e tiso, o n WILL EXCHANGE FOB GOOD, HIG tPORK HORSE.


B o rsc s , C arriSEea, Etc., W an ted■WANTFD—Rubber-ilrefl runabout and htr-

ness; must he In good condition and reasmie able. Addreas Runabout, liox 58, Neva office.

BUBtXKSS NOTICESARB YOU going to have your roof repalrerl?

We paint and repair all kinds of old leaky roofa and put on new roofs and guarantee water-tight for ten yoers; we gst- beat aiphalt- um elnailc palm msds; old, worn-out roofs covered with our aaphali flint roofing: all work giisranteed Hllsfactory nr no pay; let uft oitlmato on your work; we can save you ons- htlf (h« cost. Ndwark Hoofing and Manufac­turing Company, 2 Cotl«ge st ; 'phone A46B Market.ATAK bootblack Parlor will open new store

at IB6 Market s t., 20 chntrs for either ladle* Or gentlemen: clean 4M kind* of hate: spcoioj Panama bleach and trim them; hgv* been located comer of bro.-id md Market ate., foy 16 year*: our customrrs will receive oe good service at the new place as thty ars now ri- cftlving It iho old. N)0 Hrood st. end 194 MarkM i t LOPRATF ft CALIUANO, Pro- prfatoni. _ ___ _______N ^ ’ JERSEY Roofing and Cirpenterlrig Co.—

We will do al] work on tbe (op of your house at the lowest price; our eloaltc roof paint and asphalt flint rooring hss no equal: old roofs coveriid or painted, and chimneys repaired, anywhere wllhln fifty mllei of Newark, and guaranteed Lt ten ^tars; estimates cheerfully furnfshed; a card will bring oar representa­tive to your door or uffica. Address uS R11m > beth ave., Newark. ____________________SAVE monoy by having us reflnlih your rilrer-

ware, chendeflera and brass bedatsad«, nuft- Ing them like new; anything In (he metal line reflnlehed and re tired : « superief Oliver pollsli always on hand, write or 'phone 8647.

NEWARK NICKEL PIRATING CO,,Rear t t and 40 Wsinat at.________

CONCRETB sldewalki. cetier bottemo, stepOb •tc.; chimney* rebuilt, repairtd and Gleaned:

plaiteilng and Jobbing done, drop postal and get eedraate. b . 7. ROBINSON. 7 Summer

^ ________CaRPBNTDR and builder; don't bnlJd or have


GEO.-HARRIS, rntpart dMmiify hallttr: elAUi- «5 h im lop to bottom, U pw flB«l oWBiMya

IMlItaBa impaired; amoltv cblmnaMjrbArbntiad U j^ w . ISI Sunret avt,; tel, «ITw. lOit.___WHT hot btva a m m ian door to w ar more,

batbnom. iliobmi.KdWArk .Commwltlon Floorln* Co.. IBS Bow Tdrt ova Tol. * » ______ _________KIRRORE ro-*l!vorod; old «iid d u u t td iBlr-

te n mode llto naw; olw portoor wonted. Write er coll Mirror ailvnlnx Co., M Blooeltor ot,. oUv. •_________ __________mason WORE; cblminyi rsbullt, , rew ind and. oMonod: ploMortn*, NliWiw end owreni

wdrk ol ihort nothtt. HORNECE. BS Fair- vlgw ftv*. _____ .MASON WORK--Olmi>wo rebnllt, r e M ^

Biotorliic.oltorotToiu im jobblitf o opwloltF. DERWODr, ISt Holwlr i t j tol. ifciM Mamet.CARFENTSR wore; jobblpf 0 ^ lo T W l aNJ-

hw in i |T « i p i t n rrewHioblo. T._Dy BEN- DER ^C ff. #B Bulbetiy rt.. Or (IS Thterovo.

c o n c r et e Mdowalfe. Otow. iWtor. flA |i** ;•liKon woife. old homo houioi: tobbth*

Mllmaioa Miy E LOMAOBQ. BB Moaroo »t.Miittr, U Bitookor ot-iI d ^ ljo rn s b r o w n s . '

’efeoM Ib rM t "Mmailoo Btvoa-

•AT HMIiH'S, ,A« Poclflv .l.-W e buv •«ond- huniJ furnliura; everyihlng and anything yen

*unt lo lel). 1 psy mure tnan any ijesler; get ii-y 1 rkee first, send postal.tVANI'ED—Furniture and household goodi, le

furnish AO-room hotel; will |isy more thai any deelar. S, LEARMAN. 66 Blratfard piFITiMTURro vmiited In siiiaH nr large lotei

will pay good prices; aend postal. 78 Bruns* w|rk rt.. nr 'phgiia 4796 Wsrhet.

iiU&lNKSS OPI^ORTUNITTESIlLACKSMITH SHOP for sale, eelllttg 00 ac­

count of eicknesfl. good stand; Aery cheap; all tnachlnes for wsgon works. U Adams it.•'.'ONF^CTKiNKRY store, flrst>clats neighbor­

hood: best of rraeons for wanting (o sell; go.jfi iocalJiin for right i»arty; rent <m1y $16, price tSOfi roeh. full particulars. A. ft P. Tea. <’n J t re. All Woodelde sve

- - • • S.-4V — i’«i,i r«Ilf _ _ _I enire Markel, IJenRler'i beer 5 IWiog

nxuns. rem |fk). largo hill, where roeetlngm aM parDrs err hrld. peya the rent, presNtt ewnof has Imslneea 6 years. $226 average wetedy rt* 'filMfe, KicH'k. $40u fixtures; reasonfiring. th(s buslnrsn la worth $2,4)011; quirk m I# p,MO hVr pftrtlruUrs #»•* LfcX>N IMRAKL l-ualnB’iie lir'ikrr. .11 Thirierrith as-e

AT klACAULArBI'l 61NE88 rU \rfc« * HEAL FkTATE ftOLO,



TKLKPHONK t m MARRKr.ATTLNTION—1 buy rmire rontejfte of atone

of til descrtpilona, pay the b lfhnt Miree and act quick, full Mllsfsrtlon J. NElHAff 111 Kifteemh ave Tel. 6lo Wiverfy.AIRDROME, i-ompteiriy equipped, on oftt ftf

the inshi svenuiw of the rtty, Parilcqlaft. cell Royal Kiltn Exchange. ^ Market eft.ettr-

8ALCX>Nf!.. IIOT'^UI. ROADHOUflEt.AU otht-r IftgitJma'if huslnrM crpportuhltfee;

■ee the old ri-liablf if you went to sell or teiy.Market at.. Newark. N, 1.

HMaLL conf »ri1onrry. k# em m , cigar store;twi- fth'iw windows, two room*: half block*

nrar srhoni; rent $14; price tlK . Addne* Kd Agem« pos 65, News office.THT our high trade fao eimlle typewritten Iri*tare; I) 86 up. iditresitng, foMing: promtd eftrvice. Hall Co . 223 Market ■(. Tel. Mkt, 7U»T

WORK with you; whan wo execute your orders for printing, multlgraitelaf. addreee-

ing or mailing LIsii, w« beemtie your emnloyt. subject 10 your Inslructlont. oonslftiMhF ^ e - gusrding yi!>ur miereei#: we work with yow— nnt merely for you. Tbs PRICE ft LEE OO., 838 Broad st.WHOLBhALE and ratalt loe ereani bmelness

for sale; fully equipped factory; good route:E ood family trade; lodgei, churehee and stera

uslneM; best of reasons for eelling; ownn* has othsr bustaeii. Call evenings, Sl t r v i^ et,, cILg-WILL aacrinee a gr>od paying comer Mloen

buolnesi, with property If dealred. on ac­count of 111 hsalth; beat offer takes It; no agents. Inquire 35! South Ninth *t., comar Fourteenth ave.WANTED, a good peylhg buelnees In *x<

change fur eUy property. Addreaa BuslBesOt liox Ad. New a nfflta.


7.61)0 POPULATION: »0 UILICB FROM WSW YORK. ON CKNTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JERREY. ADDRUflS B. B, BOX 43, N lW t OFFICE._____________________ ________$7,600 RUYR Mlnon. ftiElng 30 h7lve« weeklyj

good whlskv (ridCi rent cheapj reeelpte gno weekly; good chance fur Oerman. flililreaa ggjoon. Box »■ Newa.offhK.




CONFECTIONERY, itstlonery, notloni. cigars, tobaccos and commiailon i^kery store for

sale. 3tH Warren st.. city.CONFECTIONERY and Ic* cream parlor for

344 Ferry st,- - - - ------- nai... __

sale cheap tn <)ulck buyer; at railroad tla- tlunC.^NItT, tobacco and grocery atrire: rent wllh

four nwuift. $16; nice nelghburhood; lyrtt* $175 ur bfei offir. 5fiO Warren at , Harrlaon.DELICATE8BRN, grocery: must be sold on 00-

B'uunt of sickness; good prlvaLe neighborhood. Inquire wholesale candy dealer, 610 Paterson

_W’dflt Hoboken.DOCTOR'H offlaa; static machine, motor, drug

closet and Yale chair; for sale; good location; bargain, .\ddrcas Doctor, box 5 . New* office.FOR flALE—A good chance for somebody; on

old-eaiabllshed grocery end butcher fauainaas; owner wants to retire, will sell st Inventocy. Addresi Grocer and Butcher. Box 71, New* of­fice.Fur KALE—Houle vending machines Jn north­

ern Jerrey; big returna; plaeasnt » ib bual- nets, low price; easy term*. Advance Vend­ing Co.. 257 EssI Furty-fifth at.. New York.rOFl BALE or lent, corner grocery store:

double hnuse: 11 Tr oms; two atorca, with nil ihipruvemenls: will sell cheap on sccounl of old age. D, Box 6l. Heworlh. N. J.Ff)R BALK-FIrn-deM livery In good condi­

tion; death In femlly esuse of a«l1tng; call any day In CJlntnn, N- J,. and gel pries. LE ROY DUCKWORTH.FOR SALE—Bsifthllebed lea and coffee route:

commlfeiHlMn nn' rx sitlon, iin dead stock, horse and wagon furnished. Address Te&, Bex 6. News officeFOR 8ALE. a modem, up-to-date barber shop;

fuMy equipped; ready for buslneia. Apply 1044 South Orange ave., Newark, N. J.F*OR BALK, resaonuble. good Ice buslneia, In

Roseville, (earn and two wagons. Addreaa BM,rgaln, Box 61. N»‘wn offire.

F. CONNOR, noted for lie dtsp, rioH tMe and * wearing quilltlei; ibe calsbratM Balieyi

told everywhere, ttfig; * l^ n ( new yw|ght. TH ociavt, real mshogany. Ivery kegs. liTft |8 unonlhly: all pianos winranted for ten yeare> stool, scarf or cover, one yieOf'e tunlAg flWij slightly used uprlghta on bond; open evembin HENRY HORN'S Estate^ 61 Steitb Orau« ave,, corner Howard i t ; cqbm and heft* Wilton Invisible Player. ,p r iv a t e family must Mil $800 mahesegy

upright piano, 11261 good as new; 7tk-octkFe: mseolve case: brsss mounted:' brilliant knd (•pwerful tons; twinging musk desk; TMJig* fseturer's guaTanise. Realdetice, 6) Bryant otv* near Hellsr parkway and Hummer ave.GOOD upright piano, $6A: slap mahogainy par­

lor suite, .Y placet. $2$. CMt $76: PriigeSM dresser, maple; bTMs bM, spring, hftlr mak- Lrees, $26. 12 Hill sl.. noar Broad.HERE Is a great bargain In a play*F-pki$M:

paid |7Q0 about yatr ago: leaving olty, gtfd will sacrifice. Cell 20 Jacob et,, .near Spring- field gyp., block balow Hevegth e^TWO-MANUAT. reed organ, with pedale; ■scei''

lent for practice or atntU church; very ohekp;can be seen In Newark. OOD6HALM. M W WForty-aocond at., New York.PIANO TUNER-Praoileal pteno m eter: rf>

pairing all branohn: new itrlngft fslM,tM«.F. W. CANN, 112 Brunswick et.; 2ttM W *v.PIANO TUNING, repairing, venii^lnc. ordara JyrcHnptly attend^. A. H, RlBHiiAN, 89

Montgomery at.; *phone 2688W IftirkaLWILL sell $900 mahogany p1ayer*pl«QOj new

•even months ago; cheap quick oask iwyeT.Write Bargain, Box M, News offlee.MAHOGANY Upright pliiM. Mrfect ftmdftfeft,

one year old, site) stool, tor 8100. AMreel Plino, Box 40, News of (lea.I65--GOOD upright piano; aplendld tone; aloQ

viotih and music oabinai; cheap. Call N«*. 4 Belleville av«., tO till 8.PIANO, stmost new, mahogany upright; car­

pets and buffet, pictures. 425 eouTh Pour* teenih at., city.$1 FIAMOB, organs, tuned, rw ired , expert;

86 yean' exptriance. HENRY fSWALD, t t James e t

GHT n lt„_ , .....


FOR BALK—Lunch wagon on the stand; trial grtntfid. iJa)l e^vnings. B CT.ARK, 68 Court

UNIVERSAL, plain and hand milling ma- oblnee. shapers, planers, aorew cutting, apaai

and spinning luifaes, power preaaea, drop hanv- men. single and muUlpl* spindle drilla, aorev*

FIRST'CLA$H ronfertlonery, Ics cream. Cigar and si$)rtlng goeds ntore In Ehiabeth; catsb-

tihhftil 1!0 years, bcrgaln st $1,44)0. GEO. E. l'0\S'Nfl. 2:l Dellrvlllc #k*.FimNlSHBL-RnOM HOUSE for sals;

house It Kltto ei.full

OROUKRY and butcher hiiflneea, doing $260 we 'kly. wiH sell ri>a§r»rable; horse and

wagon utKj rcufe thrfiugh Foreet HIM; no agents Address Orocen'. Box 7ft. News office.GRCu’KHT bUElnts* «n tVashlngion sve.; near­

ly iill >1111 trade, will iiai'rlflce at $44>0; rent with Iflur living roo;ne. $26. Hee PARK, Un- Jon buildinpGOOD paving saloon for Mle; fine location;

SkMIng on account of stokneas. Ut. Pleasant ave., tVeii Orange, on top Second MourUaln.HA'VE from $900 (u 1500, with acrvlcep, to In-

vest In buslnraa that will stand Investtgatlon; no agents. Address Inveat, Box Tl. News of-

________________ i_HAIR DRESSING and manicuring parlor for

sale; fully equipped; centre of dty; fine business. Address !•., Box 38, News office,INDEPENDENT ^A LO ^-Tour oWn lease ^

licenses; free and clear. WM. W. GILLEN. 142 Market i tLUNii'HROOM for sate or rant at teoahore.

Highlands, N. J . ; good location; fully equJp- ^ Apply HRg, UAH9HALL, Highlands,

MAN wanted, to manage and taka in term tn good paying business: small outlay re­

quired; also two reliable men; Indoor work; good pay; steady. Apply 2<4 Market st.; second floor froaLMAN or woenin ws;nt*d with lAOfi, to Join me

In a good builneaa anterprlae. For dtrtleu- liFs and reference addrSK R-, Box 41, News office.

____________ _____ . 1 orjobbing done until you have my eatlmate:

pMtal or tal. 2704W, J . B., will get me; sboftWoodalde pL B. MARSHAlX. 4 teventb ava, ---------‘“ "-E--------------------------

• ' -------- tt— it;-----------z m m ov in g KCTU^RB thaatra for sals. Ip townWHY not apply • Hiatal celling over tb* 5 *ck-1 of 12.000r very dailrable; cheap for cash-ad plaster In your ftUchen, bathrooms, olere*, ------ - —

etc.? HENRY C. TRAUTWEIW, V ^ l Ooptractor, Id® Pashlne ev*.: tal. ttteW We*.

very dailnrble; cheap for cash' cannot attend to ll. CHARLES BENDALL. Lcriic Theatre. Rahway, N. J.UGVINO PICTURE theatre and property for

sale; aeatlni eapacJty SB®; price 14.000. In­quire 1 Peshipe ave.M1UC tlOUTE, In good luburbsn town; net ^ phrfU 160 psr week; averj-thlM complete, hereto wagon, etc. BUTHERLAND,* 8l i Union bulldfAg; 'phone T646tV MarketMUST BELL—Good corner stlooD; good reason

for ealllhg; no agents. Addrara Cafe, Box 10, News office._________OWNER will sscrlflco ten or tiraqty sharee

atobk of the Now Jareejr Ffre Tnourance Company at $46 per share; bdught for $60. Addrtea Hurry, y x 40. News office.ON aceotint of other huslneoi, wlU oell aatab-

llih tt meat aM irdeery market: weekly re* cMpte 1600. Addrase F., Bom 84. New* office.OLIXrEBTABLlBffEb well Stocked "groeerjr

for sale. cKosp. 622 Boutft Eighteanlh it.; nft,Pfente.t _______________PARTNER wanted for neyv household nac4*-

a[ty: absoluU monopoly: take aettva inter, esc largB profits; potaTblHHss unlimited; |1,60G tnVsetm«nt required. For partlrulara ind rtlsttfioea address Monopofr* Box ft NbWs Of- flito. ______• . _______PARTNER, nian or woman. erlCh |3i)0, to buy

out routing partner In bftttaaas paring |U w g i^ r^ ll trtHind. A4db«isi Qniok. r a t

J.. wghttt IR a light Ikinutkptttrtdg BBT; have patenUd trilcsla, now asniag;

___ ^ ER wanted for thrsa of mr etofasor will sell, one sf tpeiftfe to® m ws for cm*

niftb*to handle.' Addi Newaotftde.

> Opportmliy/ ftpx 80.

machlnee. genersiors. motors, bollero, engines, plating Unks, window fans, blowers, iewelenf toolo, polishing spiirdlas. emery grlnderf, aft*tools, polishing spmdias. emery grmderf, aft* Vila, vises. forf*t, wood working moohimenr* tinsmiths' tools, leather belling, fakogera* shafting, pulleys, etc,ENTIRE PLANTS OR PARTS THEREOF PURCHASED.NEWARK SECONDHAND MACHINERY

CO., tt-106 CHBRTNUT IT,'phone* 6410-6411 Ukt.

THE machinery and material formerly belong­ing to Tha Briscoe Ufg. Co- I* offered a t pri­

vate sale on ihn prenilsea, corner BleSbkar and Bummit ate., Newark. N- J - ; tnacblnary eew' sleta Of 15 Zeh ft Hahneman, alio BUaa power pretsee. 60 tinsmith toola, such as briikea. squaring aheari, turning end beading machlnee, screw-outtlng lathee, drill pressea, pollahtng room: office furniture, (ypawritera. safe, etc.; forty thousand Iba. ahaet brasa. copper, alunil- mim, bar solder, tin, etc,_________________





26 AND 1^ horse gasoline ecglno. connoeted to pump: aurfsda grinding machlna: Gat

rollo, 7-ltieh diameter, lO-lneh face; boilers, atnglvea, putnps, at lowest prlceo.

tl WARD 8T._____________100 H. P. Corllas engine. ' built by Wells

Campbell Co.: mu*t ba sold, as we are in* stalling a iargef one; can be seen running At Hudson Hat Mfi. Co., New, Hoyt and Aa;> Ing its,________ __________ELECTRIC MOTORS bought, aofd and ax-

changed; deairmble slandard makaa at sav­ing prices. Eleoirio Repair and Utdor Oe.. 264 Halsey t t : 'phone W 4 Mkt.PRlNTiBRft-fttia.

nresa: 14x22 UnlveMStl .'OUtliKr- ftlmoat nswiprase; 14x22 UnlYtype, elo.; cheap,city.

New Yoric

LIGHT double action and Dial power preeaas;oteo several email foot pr«satii excoltent coo-

dtUon. HUESCH Machine Co., 401 Mulbemr at.

plMiOB feiut Urttoilfe W u MWANTED, uprifeilt plitM, not particular about

conn Won: •tato nub*. ouh pric*.AddroM B. B., BO* W. K tou -o ri-l_______

e r o i iA f lSBTDIUOP.

riRST MONTH riU H .BU BanlWfr UKlwd Booma,

fl.Mi nnd up.ViM (or Uovinr.

(Exporlancrd u d Careful Blit.W)W BATEa.

Carp«t» Tafctn Up, Cl*«n*d and RtiaM. COWTMRTHWAl'r ftV A N ttORH Ctt,

(S MARKKT r r ,.■p h o n e ■ « HARIUni

rUBNITURB nnd p iam tnwal la padM \-ana: ilond In olaan, drr, iscfeM, nfetuataf

rooiaai i^* a n d M p .■^(plal^A, tfep National I to rep iO ^Mb k b atorap,.. on* lUMtlii. i i ' oHuiUltet' too

WABHIHGTOK B«>* tnfetoB •ioref*i llAO a nm tb;




WHO osTB r r r



THAT BT7ICH UntD CEUVART CAR.Pwlltvaljr ciMiM ,11 cirboii oul ol moior

wlilieui nUlni hoijl or Ityini up «r,nKKol' fcl«ri fi«y in • 01 wMinsr.


h o x m

110 a nd u fw a sd *TO

iC U U SIlN O n, F ftM L&ini KAtcii. v i c s - ^ n u ?


L o v ii »CHiAE«iiraB]i. m e.REAL. MTATS, A P F R ^ tA ^

MORTOA^ l^ N B .g e n e r a l ik iu x a n c s .


DweUlncoOCHEERXit AVK.-i-A bMUtlful n«w boupe;

nine U rft Ufbt roomp wUh b«th, pte«mb*«t. ffOP, PlPCirlcKr. par^upt Iloort. baam iu<iii&(a, i^iMiipd dlnlnx-room; wai ukPii Ir ficbanf* for butinpM property; party haa no t<»t far tama. cao atll for Itaa than It woiila i-ntt you to byilrt; on your own terma; mak« l uffar C E. 8HIPUAN. Oil Empk faulldlnc *

REA L G irrA T E E O R iMIiiT iB A S H O R E


At vat efftca will ba raducad W OO 1b prio* SW RT DAT tmlll aoM.


DliTFlBUTORB FOR NEW JEREBT. ■ • "IBIfE............. ..

(b* AMERICAN a aurpHaluly dlffartnl liMtt* “ narr


(utloB frozu tha ordloafr tbap company yiHI I baar or raad abuul. Oairiaoiu amployvA


U'EEQUAHIC PARK-^)n*-rani11y alate roof, iiocco hoiiaa; hardwood floora and trim,

H p « h*T* t d«rmii» i<i» o( tt. ui dwu.lt tb .t .roouni .nd ih . w r win p.KT. It lUIlbH tb .t flfUTA

«UIm n

W« » » . uwd Mnini«tl.I e.r* of mir *wn u d «th« n iA .. . t low U t ’t* *■>*•] w awdi.

Truck, for r«tt by Ih. bour. d.y o' w«k. L B. C. MOTOR ■XPRMS rOUPANT.

fSED CAR BaBQAINS lOlO flv^'paaeanfir I.ocomu'lJila. 30 n. r .

sor.1 tondJilun. rapainlad uIPIO ivpa I. LoenmohU* chaaala, 40 H r .

pood condIhGD. . . . . . .If'lt 4'adlllaf- flva-ptaaanfar. food condmon. full , ,imi KrankUn landaulat. aparlal barcain foi clah .UU2 1vf-piaf^n**r Hupnioblla. ar*d condl*


T*i Marhat

rataa you caa afford to say, maka ua dlffarawt. If you hava ntsar burruwM. or If ycair aapari' «Qca with othar coinpanlci haa not baan ta- tira aattafictcry, wa wane you to ca I and aaa ua. I at ua aipiaio tha AMERICAN aya> taoo. It will plaaaa you.

ja u e b'PH0N9 T# Mafbat.


parlor, dTolni-roora, pantry, kilrhap, four iltaplni rooma: ilia bath; plot finalocation. prUa III.000; aaay terma. W. T. ,

' JENNINOB. M Waaquahle ava._______ I



tPS lM Halaay at

Talapbona TUO Markac

SIX LITTLE TANKBEH. SIX LITTLE VAN- liaea, lha craat carLm klllara. will nd a

motor of carbon aa quick ta you ran chanxa a lira, will mereaaa Mwar, iiava laa. and ai'« amoolh runnlni anylna; aach boa of Six l.ltlle Tankaaa runtalnt etmufb to riaan a four-c;ylln- dar moior ihraa llmaa; prica H a boi. no lluulda, no a raplni For aaJa In Newark by MILLER A ro ., 13-14 WllUam al.. and CHA8, K MILLER. 274 lUIaey at ____

NO PUBLICITY w h a t e v e r Call Wnta or 'Pbona. Informatlas Praa


-pbODa 323d Markat.Om b Monday aad Saturday EvaniofA


WILL xacrtflce houaa worth 116,000 If woM uaw for I15.M10; requlra $2.(K» caah; three

► lory and bt§'‘rtient; brlrX. detached: 34 rooma ami three l>iiih a(t.«m heated, rotio for tl'kl inomhty: lot 23xltO; ran ba ae«n any Hm* I'UE.NIN. hO Hlecrkar at., furnlihlnia T«a#t..n' ; able ir dealrid





at d ea l LAKE—Naw. modam. nina-room home, with larfc sarape; nouaa haa all IfU'


t e l e p h o n e IlSl UAREQT.

I NEW two-family houaa. NMO caab. balam-a I mortgnira- 6 rixima flral flvof: S room a aec-

ASd: two nnlibed m attic: built day'a work by I Owner, and muai he aoldt Plank road or South < OrwafO ava. vai to ftokth Riataantb at., then

abort eralk lo 521. comb aby day or Sunday.

provr.inanta. Indudluf ateam haat; attraotlvoly fumlphed; lot T6i21B; will aall at a %ary low Myure ronaUlerluf value; Immediate pnaaei- alon IT dealrad. Ltqulre Owner. 40? Union biiiidiny; telaphona 72Ci Markat.



Dl54T’ERT-Four‘ey1indaf chaaata

Pope-Hart ford

New can Ml per cent. uff.New foredoor fib p*r cent, off.liiiO rebuilt cara, all makea. IICO, IS.hOU. New Frtrd tom. Hth I'lhera. all a1»ea.

______ Ford ami other eJartilc M|M (mulu. 13Ith onen expreaa body, very pow- Redlaiura. ete»r'f t*t>| i«Afia, Tft per f*eni oft---- ™ y.-l -------- •IH...........A.l. r*. tAayfbl; bargain at Modal F. Buirk, fl!-^ Lei wa*«>n*. I16u up wdah .lt, epetil’m f*,

saaaaCiger' pracilcally new. been run 1 500 Time paymenia Pradra made ■ art bfUgbutelMa 1825 Modal P. Bulek. fJv«-paaaen*fr , 20th Ceniury. 170i IVway, M fr.wj, N Y .tBlkaa, 1825; Modal . . .................. .ora.r, (130 ’•T.lltl," f^ur Bo.il- •tar, baan uxad for damonatratlTii. juat nvor. bauiad, M60. WARD CO.. 45 Harria«n at., Xaat Otwnga.LOCOMOBILE iruck. rabullt from Lbcomoblla

touring caf ftna l.pytO-pound truck, wirh ttaka body and top; 12 faet long, chain drl\'e. aoUd t'oaj' Hrat. Buahe misnato and rapaiptad, In fo ^ condition; price MS6. 1911 ?*■ touting ear: fully anuippad and rapalntad, g35<> SSli Moonifouring cor: fully aoulppad and in Ai joodlildiK A P. HETER W .. Montclair.

PUNCTUREFIX lira liquid, wblcb la forcadlain tha laoar Uba; iHU not solidify

uMKftaasi; dots not Iniarfara with air ouwion. will nst Intarfata with tba working talvw and you art atlll riding on air: oaii at m Halaay at. and aaa It damonstratad, daal- ara wantad ts bSandla ibU. Call for J. M. D> CAMP. 2SS Halaay at.. Newark.



a l l Work ahsoli tely g u a r a n t e e d . L I.AWRENVE * <'0.

203 HAUSBV HT . NEWARK. N J.BT'ICK runaboul, 1611, very mtle uaed, fire'

I'laat cnndltlnn, fJ.Vi W C BKARF’. 41 "Ward it , Orange ___FOR SALE ehaa[v aa^en-poaoengar Fr«nch tar

Call aft«r d W P. M.. or Saturday afternoon,3ao Liviatiton atOLDBMOEILB roadatar thoroughly ovarhuul-

Ad. vary cheap lo quick huyar. 130 Siauben

Dvarr oat ntada inooay at chla aaaaoft. Any boneat man or woman may obtain a loan from ua abeoluialy wltbmjt dalay or publloltf. at the following mtoa:

Real Ealaia DR. OLUCK.100 b ro a d sy


VAlLfiPHROH-Slx-fumlly. two yeara old built Aiwl « ccup|(Hj by owner; abaolutaly par-

fi('t oontlltlon: room for garden and chickari*: no agante. IS.StiO; aa«y terma. rant 1924. In> quire owner, DAKBR Plano Co., third floor, IIB Market at

KKANbUrmi, N. 4 - lM lt from |1W> up. lu- I chiding b->ai craak and beach front; ala<r

— a I furnishi'd Kouaea lor aata or rent. FLOURNOY' A HAWKINS, 538 Broad at.ahrurv p a r k a a ll en h u r h t c o t ta q es JACOB A. KING CO . 7d William at . N. Y.

^ \^ ril^A » b u rj^ 2 rl^(O ggoalti^i^[^

r u i tH u u u c D u o u e s a t o u e x — OUT o r T O W *

FOR RCNT» lor UM Masso. turaUkad oamp not Ufa at Budd Uka, M. J .l auiubla (Or

family of foar ta alki abo Plaau af ri am m gyoundg (or tesla. oU.r oemuortasia outfit ao4 prWata location, Addrtaa R- N. MERRY, Kao- ratary T. M. C. A., Aihol, Maae.FOR RBNT-^Flnely fqrnlahed and baatitlfglly

locatoU raaldanct. In Maplewood: convenient to depot; for tha auimoer and aarly fall, lo party without email ohUdran: nltranoag n f Quired. AMraaa H-, Boa 42, Ne.va cfflee.TO RENT—WaU fumlibed ooi.aga (or stuS'L

mar; t rnome, balb. la u n ^ ; ruualif va(«r:| fine view of taka; bttblug. boating, eie. *nq. MRS. PSELLE. 819 Monroe at., Ib-ookiro.ENGLEWOOD—Fumiahad; eJavan rtemvi; da>

alrabla located raaldenca; all convenlancci; rant S45. apw'lai rata to deairabla parly. IJYDKR. 50 Church at . New TorkLAKE H0PAT(X5N0—For rent, for lha leaaun,

turnlahed bungalow, five rooma and t«orch, r»n ahorr nf Uke. Inquire C. SCHAKE. HO Court at , Newark, N. J. *

ir*.momha. modem eleven-ronin furnlehrd houae.

with grotinde. Apr'y C- K. WVCKOFF. udabStroudaburg. Pi.

La k e HOPATCONO—Four-room bUDgaJow, furniahad. Including rowboat. |T1S for MMaun.

Inquire LOUIS ZEIv 38 Murray at., 2d flooi.



510 Loan $ paymenU. 116 L>en. 6 paymenta.i'Jifi L'Di. k favnienlB.1 25 Loan. 6 peymenia.

.10 lAjnn. 8 pajmeniai4ti l oiiin H iiev<i)*n(«,IN' IkOan, I payments


Real Ritlatc. Irit , Lcaih ind Appraiaala.

IkOQK at thla houia; l«l WainwrUht n , aavan-rooiTi aiucco hnuaa: bath, ateam lieat.

electric llghte. aM modern Improvemvnta; ,#rUe, ISBXi; ttrme t» eull JOHN J. BERRY S PRO. 77h flroad a-

R K .M j k s t a t e a t a u c t io n


lK?rHAVCp; RFAl, FyTgTE t>^ANk

CLARK AT . ont Jen.'y krlrk. f1 moTtiB..|4.2hO Kighih ave . nne-fsnilly. frame, d rn<>rr*a 8..I1X)

Billr''U'* kve . corner rriual ne'l . .. .I2.IXM»GEliiKB A I't-l'M, Msliroad *t

Call, write or 'pbobe Market IIBT.MUTUAL LOA-N an d in v e s t m e n t 00

SOT-Nig Wlta Ndg. fMS Broad at

Entrance ntvi tn Chlld'a Lunebmom.


LYONH AVF.-On« r«mllv, *1.500. Baymour Ave —On*- I’eirilly $4.1«l

Van N*ae Pl.-Ope fi»mil>. Ill CkCl.OEJSnB * <45 BROAD ST


rNtlE. nPPOplTF. ORANGE PARK, SATUR- lUV. JUNE 7 :) 1" P M SHARP, Vary good Liiiiae ninfl rcumi *11 Imppovemenla; gootl hern lot T.IvL’lD, ceidt't and aomt- fruit. For fufih''T p?trn« u;uri api fo Allamoni neejiy <'o h:s Tl«> lhorne a^e ■ orner Canlral ttxe . Laii Mrmipe 'PIvmr t2M Orange.

>1 ,1 fi S SONH. A*»ctlnne**r*


ar. Feat Orange.

aiAMW ODTB *Aiitu Itia" Oarage; epao day iM sd«bt Aabttry Park, N. J.


BtTTS tha gmaiaal bargain ever offaradVMuttobllaa; four-poaeenftr Regal, fully_ ____ L__ ^ . -A AM. I — k A 9k _

sra iwjpoed; new top; wlndahleid etc.; deml-ton- iktype; thli ear la well worth iwn; If v ai

Moklng for a reel bergaln thla la your t4 . H. WARTHEIHER, RH Grant at.. Newark, N- J.; 'phone SIMM Marrtaow.

MERCEDES; 18-3a-M P.; 1 about, In perfect ahape.

Belleville avefine littia run- DOBBINS, 9UU


tin LOANSand upward aecured for aalirled employwuwner#' of furniture and othere

....... ...........“ ONT,NEW COMPANEW RATES.

NEW PLANSOrgenlied hy cuiaen* for the purpoee of

Lvenlng money at reaaonable rate* to men and women, whom banka will nn| rxcommodate.

if ymj have a loan alaewhere, bring In yourOVERLAND ninahmiti. fl36 and 12.V», alao a ' retelpu and »« will ehow you how much you

1912 model D9 al a bargain. DOiiwiNS. 30u ! ‘ ■ fj ^ v e by bon-..wing from ua ___BaJIavlII* avt Having lotna rljewhera doea not prevent1913 LANUAULETTE Uilcah, Al condition.

GRAY Mow Car Co. 287 lUUey at. Phone i«7d Market.rtlALMERS for akle; fine ahepe; complete:

new paint; 1435 Addreaa Chalmara, Box 69. Newa offlce-

VATIONAL AUTO TOP CO., manufgeiurara of StttP tope, ellp oovart and niranilnf; apeolal

retrlmmlng of llmouelnaa. landaulattaa and ~ Soirtaf eSfi: ertera promptly attended to at ■idireto prloaai aipart rapefrlng. 45 Beeehar SL. Mneg RsiMy at.. Newark. N, J.. near UMSla Pkit. L. D* ■Phone iSSS MarkeL____

Ma x w ell mnabout. in good'running order;will eell cheap. Cell 4S3 ViMay road. Writ


W» aeCOMBTRUCT. repair and m*ka new BsSklen, Booda, Faodara and Oaaollna

Tm Ib i d> MpuBhif tn4 slclul puiliui: vm * (BMtil auu iw i ol M»H uhI brwMi r,nDi,h ill b(4«tit MTU o( u (uloowbl)*.

tAKOCANT Mro. c a ,Bmnnilt (ad N»« (ta. _______

v a u n n . l l i x M H. P., 1b p*r<>ct (ondUlmi — a ilr MW ■■ ■ ■ - - .......rm ailir AMO riIIh ; futijr (quipped. pr«to

Uik. ElMon bora, ap((doin*tar. *((t » v m . diaouaUbli rlma, ( i t n I (n ( (bow, tubM.

' N. chdiu; ((II oa (ceauat at dcb.- ss«t IM N . A U m a Vdla, Box X.

A OrmSMIlM m oftla*. «nfi.

Bl BxioiiNAUiia wBLDiNa 00.,IM HALEXr IT.

■II BUiUI part( ot (utDinoblKa andK rtlM fT i •lamlaum work ■ ipaetOtTi MdukUr n m UwiKfU lonth tri «ll m tk fu •ntMd. ’P(Km( V M Marwt.________

OMtnllr IMUd (Utamobtl* (>t(ar«<>m UM ■■(■>• la tb* baud ot tha <dtri m ly ooa

nlaut* from Mraad and Markat ata. i bulldlna MV and «p te data la uam raapaot; tnodamta (w W ta'nbaduH lal party. raraiiEMAM A CO., TW Broad a t, eitf.________________

400 rnll,l,at.

‘"\t' J. SCiiWALBfirun eboui 683 Hruail

yr>iir uetdne Inane here.Credit nno* «itnb1|thrd with ua 1e aa foud

Bl a bank irr'’'uni Ip time of nerd Dur- iRiea anil rime have proved to be the

i>ett 1>et'tu»« our cueiomera are gled to enmeWRITtt op TELEPHONE

OUAHANTEn c;flKDlT CO ,Room lU. btli.mr bulldini, BECONU FLuuR

H,nl«i)li«r-8KC0Nt) EUXJHBr^ad al , npp<j»Ue puitoffice.

rda;Houra k tu S. Saturday, 8 to 8

BUICK runebdut for aale cheap. FRANK- TON'B Hotel, Springfield ave, Hilton


FROM tA u pw a r d .Wa prefer to obtain new cuatoniera hr ot-



'PHONE LSMR. BRANCH BRiXJK.WE aupply the beet at loweat ratei. weddlngi,

ohrlalenlng. touring a apeclalty. 'Phone il8u B. B.. or B288W. R. B. GEORGE LEE. man­ager.NEW 6>peaMnger car fer hire by hour, dey or

weaAt. MENUS BEDELL, cycllii. 417 BoutbBievanth at., cUy, Tel. 1138W wavarly.PEERLESS CARS. UHOUIINE TOURING:

HOUR. DAT, MONTH. 440 CENTRAL AVE.. EAST nRANGE. TEL 18SI ORANGE.Packard se r v ic e tort rented by hour, day

or month- H. R, BALL Oarage, 'phone 8988 Markat; 278-280 Holaey at.

(•ring low iBtea rather than paying for big * ' ■ with If ■adv«rtiaem«ntx. I>u hueineei with Ibla com­

pany, If you need money. No worry after- warda tiuaineea done with ua la atriotly pri-vata Eixplanaiiona coal nothing here.

h o u seh o ld loan CO.,118 A 132 Market n.; Wood hulldlag.

Room 46. over United Cigar Store

rl.INTnN HlLL-W'Ul e*"!! fr-ur lota, unre ptri‘‘t »i Ti'geiher or aingle. at . hr-

rafpr H>-r|rlpn terrace and uihurnr lernir* htit*! aituiiif-n, one blockck fr- m proi*fje#d Haw

S. m... L*.mwa l . t f j l R d F "Vh->rn*- tt-olley; brokera, uEC'RGE T.lift k »K tf Farley gve.. city.

NSW three-fajTi1l» houae, all lmprovetn«n*e.Thir'e^llih aw. and Twelfth at ; vei - l l f r

fiah raaulred. Meiropf'li'en Realty Co. Market at., i>r1way Mill.llna

I K'N Di.n'r I iriri ihe autilon. M7-280-' 241 f'-MiraI . kiivIVi feet; Wrdneaday

KK.M. *:t.T,dTK. FO R t:XCUANGI£

N’t’E Oaborne terrare and Hawthorneeve -l.-'i* in. :i5. 40. 46 50 ft reeirlrtod to

d«alHngpi terma arranged; apecltl diacouni If >ru h'li.-l FRAN8C L. SMlELDh. 4l2 Union bulldlr f. or Oaborne terrace and Hawthorne ave

IlilO CASH will atari you owning your own home: whv My rwntt All lorationa: write

today; don't dfley: only f*w left. Addreaa Bargain hex 56. Newx office.FOREST KILL—Bevertl fine, new, modern ree-

CX''H A.\(>lNt.r prul>«!!ilea niy aiteclalty, l.OOO pfrjtier'lea tu eelevit from; city and country;

■ftilafiction guaranteM. atate >our wanta. ran Of wriic, BOSBKAMP. 189 Market at., N-»*ark., N- J.

IdetKVB for aale near Ballantlne parkway, taey terma. DEYO * JONES. 31 cUnloo atand SSI High at.

a ,* l!\ar« ln^ . 1" " ^ ' F7TirSA l.^T-o.f,m lly >85 R.d.,w<.«l

AP.ABTMENT-HOUBB for free and clear Iota;ioti for lirproved property: farrei for cIlY

Income; eirhange any real eatata anywhira WALTER MacLBAR 1171 laeex huUdlng

hiill'linfInquire A. FtSCH. 800 Broad at.

ith Irude Oa' hw eld. Broad at.

LOTS for buaineM on tba Nyt trad. Haw- ih-trne eve and Clinton pl : price and terma

■re the lowaat FRANK L. SHIELDS, 412 Union Bldg . or Oaobren ter. and Hawthorne

BERGEN 9T . 7M-Two-famlly: eeparata an irancea. ateam heat, elatMrIc light; all Lm

ffovementa Apply owner, ee -ond floor agenta.



LCrTfl—Conklin ava noqr Oabom* terrace.two lota, SOgJOn each; fine reairlded ierilon;

price fight: terma If deairad. Inquire -InPonklin ava . aecond floor, or 413 Union build- Itig

THRF.E-FAMILT houea. open for Inspection;enura* nf conefrurtinn. on eaay terma; price

gT iitki, will excheng* for lota. IIW Runyon at

HLol LUNi r><’ tVru (HMi.iie« end Iota; kieo Two-famlly 'or one-family; buelneaa prop-

I rriy. terma and lot* for ithrr property; let U* I know -^hat vou went, where you want It; wa

L-.in meich II HLAL'1.'ELT. BtU'Ii Church P*jilon. Keft '.‘tTfliiae

LAFAYETTE PT . HT-rorner property; two- fimity houae. i«arl Impfovementa; for aale on

able offer refuted.eety terma. no reaenjiab

FXCHANGE-Tw'o-famllv houee. ill Improve- menu. LlxlhUi Ini. for >a!e gr eichaiige for

two or three Ids for shop purpose Addre^

OHPORNE TERRACE -Loti, 50*125; eJI re Mr1«-t*cl to one femlly. price IL.Ykl tarmi to

■nil. tnnuJre Otborne ter. and Hawthorne avaCLINT'*JN HILL-t^ne family: n

well locatad: eecrlflce. tn.8o0; Addrea# ClInlQU. Box S6. Newi office

nomodern.Bgema fO l{ eiAl.K CK TU LET

MAPLEWOOD—Fumlihad, 8 roone: all Im- pravamenta, two rarchea; on# alaaplng porch;

month of August, |50. Bdk 198. Maplewood.Mo d er n alx-room new houae and garara: 150

par nvonih; July and Augual. ANDERSON. Lafayeire are . Morrixtnwn, N. J.hOVTIl ORANGE

bath: furctlihad N. J.

Madlarm tv*e.—Sta roccni; F. KNOX. South Orange.

rU R M S K » :D a O L S E S W A N T K IK - OUT O F TO W N

KMAl.l. COTlAijE rr bungalow wattled for reiji at HumiuU or Short HlUi. near atraaro

or la ke. muat havg lots of ahado and be within commuiirR dlilanca: ftiie full partlculora. Ad- dretM Wanted. Boy HT, Newa office.Wa n ted . tor aummer. amal) furniahad

houee. within hour of Newark, prefer Green­wood I.aka aec»ion. or D.. L ana W.: anawer aith fill) oartlcularx. Addraaa P.. Box 31.


A8BURY PARK. ALLEINHURST. DEAL Furnlahed coitagea for rant and eala.

W <' RTTRROUqHS. Aabpry Park. N. J.


FOR nfclN'T. In Ocean Grove, a furnlahed oot* tAge ten rooma pantry, bath, elecirtc

Mghti SIX bedronmi, three blocka from ocean: u«ii-ner Umedwiy and New York avi., rent )42T>- Apply 78 Broadway,Tt.i TiCNT—Furnlahed houaa for aumroer; high

elevution. large porchea and grounda; near the riiorv Addreea J. W. MARVIN, EMt Norwalk, fniin

MOVING to Rorherter, will sell two nicely terraced lota In Valiaburgh at your hwtj

price. Addrew Quick. Box Ifl. Newa office.

KAST KINNEV KT- TtL-Dandy four-room lower Hat (12. whfin propt-rry. prka below

(2.05*) ULROY HEAD-

BOTK AVE.. rjiruon HUl: iwn loia. 35x100 each, cheap fop caah. Inquire Hfl Unnklln


ROSEVILLE South Elervnth M-. lao^Hne on«-fanilly houaa, will ba anld at enurthouse. | value, brick houae

[ Newark. Juno 10. at 2 P. M. _ _! !I(»LLAND ST . £5x100: houte, »even rooma. ~ . ~ TZ

.iln'i t-Ao-lamily Addreet Holland, IC4 klar- FOK OH lO LET^—O L l Ufr'k*t gt . room ___________ __ TOWN

D w elU nsssa.60u.

Bargain offarad from gantral cciiiractorf: build two-and-ona-half-atory frame building! all improvamenta excopt ilaam heat; beat ma- teiiai uned. ilae 23x50; aheated. papered, tided, double porchea. pl«xa«a. pantrlai: plana arid

If1‘arker at , near Bloomfield ^rnm park.

2-H)-243 two block*



apeciflcallone fumtibed; ^ao one-famliy houae \i . r a i i r p r k . tn.sn.,, o e &ROEcan be seen, money loaned for entire coat or > ga utt'cc-ut tth pr\ inx Rr>M«a’iiiA eve bunding. KAPLAlrf RBOa.. 658 South I?th M RoatMll*

ONE of ihe flne*i cornera In RoaevllJa; ten- room ona-famJIv houae: modeim J>l*Sro r

bki bean doing bualneae at 188 MARKET 8T.. NHTWARK.

for mofa i^ n nfieen^^wa.BTILL ON THE

foradoor runaboiit.......Bargain«dBiar. floe abapa..........®**t*i!J

,|L 18M fumbout, vary food......-lia5NOW AJIRIVAtJI DAIUT. __ _

T«WWHWD-9 ADTO m L .W Halaay; a it-lW .MAamBTOS all t r i^ a n d makaai bought,gold,

roE fM aad oebaand; all r ^ l n ^ tour baufa, asd atrtetTy guaranteed, e*

petoapa Diatrltator of M lohlm f f ifo rr . 280 Wtat 49th at.. fC T.


OQOO delivery car with roomy bodri reoently orariiauled; unuaually good tlrea; only k i S r ^ u tlrta alone worth 1125; we are eell-

Ihff Pur entire IptlBana. Cilm u Coafeotlon <S, 848 Broad gt. ^DOSBWi baa tireo, lampi, Preit-o-Ute unka,

iteak abaorban. bumpara, magrteto^ fend- era, r a d la tw P*»l» viTloui avon^Ihg nawad fot tha auto. DOBBINS, 880 BeUerilla ava.fOlU). Chaliaera. Packard. Butok, Frarer- ■ M up poie*Uartferd. Franklin, end nmnar- aue ranaboato, toaditart, tourlna, buaineaa earn

. ^ j j w k a ; pTleag voey lew* OllTOHD. Ml

CARS TO HIRE gve.; 'photia X

Nogiau Oarage. 854 Ctblral B OraDgt.

AttComobUf*# W anted

MONEY for M'tried people and oth*ra upon their own name!; cheap rotea: eiay pay-

menta: confidential. D. H TOLMAN. mom t lS. 336 Waahington et

P aw n b ro k ersONE PER CENT. ONE PBIR CJONT.

On iuma of |25 and over.Two per cam. on aumi below.

Loaned on dlamonda. Jewalry, ataC. BIEFMAN. Eat. Ill 10 Cedar at..

Near Broad at., opp. W,_V._ Bnydw .Eat 1883.

A NON-RESIDENT owner of a flna brickhouae, ten rooma. bath, haai. hta authorlaed t^ 'o m “a .r in ftfip mma 10 exchange hla equity in aame for a five- Oftira.iiour!, 8 A M. to 7.0Q P,M ^8aM Q-Q0P.M.

pawengar euiomoblla. DR. B- GLUCK. 800 ' -------- - .................. ■ -------:Broed at.. room 21L

or ^uraed care for Junk puTfioaaa.«fa| or ‘phoneIng « 5 up

MAYER, ieto 1100; poati Bey a t, Montclair.

“I’« ^ 5 :

'WANTED, itoond'hand light automobile truck Call with truck any time after fl P. M., 713

South Slxtaanlb it., aacond floor.






SCHOOL IN SESSION ALL SUMMERPORTABLE garage wanted; write, giving fuU

particulare. _ JOHN 8. WAL8K. 18 Centre >et.. Nulley, N. J.WANTSlD, at once, euto truck on time; gnod

aecurll)'. Addreei Auto, Box 49, Newa office.

HOttTG& Gli: LU A K B -U l^A Ii ESTA TE

Alit, aiallia a» • » » n d Ja u n laboIU «m<l ra- (•iMd; 4aWktat wwfc by aajwrt

Amneaia'Auto Radiator Werka, 4d Wtlllani w„ aaar Waahlnium ( t i tal. im v ir Karim.OUAUnaUL Cfcalnm ChaAim-Two 10.

— 11; maw paint: tnradoorrall In (Ina nui-ntnir aqu l^ in t; n f ra baraalna taeloaa aat qnlaE tflP'rORDi Ml Halaay a*-

.TORS AND rENDDBR REPAIRED; I a l l s h e e t HETAL, PARTS; WORX --“ b d . c h a se a BOWIE, ia

■T.. E. O. 'PHONE IMS OR.MU Rj C H., t)»a*paiatnfar; Mil Ran, faur-

naiaanaar: Mil Haaw.il, lour naae#o«er; alaa Orwlanaa, Stoddard-Daylnna, Bulaka a t bar- ■au prleaa. DOBBINB. MO BallavlUa v n .•BVBN-PABSENOEB QutnbT alamlnum badr,

lakan air Loalar, MtO « r ; t<»d oasdttlon; *111 taka po <or It if inld thla *aak. K. E. E C e ,..» l Karkat a t, Nawarlt. , _________AmOMOBILES at avarr kind and daaarlpUao;

alaa Una, tubaa. aecaaaortaa. ealla, fanara- lari; avarytklns far tha auto; artcaa trarr ww. (UrFOItD. Ml Kalaey at.POPB-HARTTORD bualaaaa sar. * n k panal

bady: alao ftva-oaaaanaer tourlna body eom- Uatai *101 taod tSraa and twe eodtaa. USD.

OBD, Ml Halaay at.TAAT19R-UILLER. almoat naw ahoaa; naada

(Itaht npalra on fan and aaor la traiitmla- aia^^*lll aal] at b l| aaorlftca aa la. OIF'

Ml Ka1»r at.PEERLESS, aavtn-paaaanxar, 40 P. toanni

food condl 'oar; In vary fo Aatonwblla and Mi Xaat Oranaa

^ ___lIMon Eaat Orant*ladilna Co., 440 Canlral ava.,

mtONO. aarvlcaahla, 40 H. P., tiva-paaaancar toorabout. for oulck caah aala by ownar, IITS.

smCRBVRNS. So. J Waal Thirty-fourth at,. Kow Tork.MAXWELL runabout, eomptaia aqulpmant

ebaap. Call 4S Commonwaalth ava. (near Sanford ava ), Vallaburab.; talaphona SOU-R Markat.IWANKLIK foor-tvllndar. flva-paatangar tour'

Ina. maanato, njll eoulpmanl, naw ahoaa, tint nmolng c^deri only 1 ^ . GIFFORD. 281 Hal- lay i t

MORTGAOB M ^V T ,Agy u to iu t City or auburbOB. Fair AFproleale, Quick oottoiu HORTGAGB DEPARTMENT.


MONET TO LOAN ON BOND An d m ortgaqb .


COUN8ELOR-AT-LAW. __ROOM m , PRUDENTIAL BlTlLDma.REBPONSIBLE pa r t y (Oentl)a) la new In

poaltidti lb lean (85.000 at 8 per cent., private houaee (value 15.000 up), at N) per rent, of fair value; Newgrk only; aend pertlculara, or lime t may call; flret. received firat attended to. Addreaa MINTON, Box 29. News office.

M. P. ROCHE. T78 BROAD ST.Loidia on real eatata. private or building and

- ■ ‘ ‘ -----------'all.loan. Bend poattl. rapreiemative will ran.MONEY to loan on firti end aecnnd mortgage,

•umi to ault at reoeonablr lanna. B SCMECHNBR, (ourtb floor, room 401 Union building; 'phona 9T8 Markat.

B u n new and complete your courae when the beat poaltlona are open and but few are graduating. Call or write for particulare re­garding our Bpeclal Summer School. Ofllee open dally and on Mon., Wed. A Frj. er'n’ga

Academy and Htliey ate., Newark.J. KUOLBR JR . p r in c ip a l

ONK'FAMILY. eight large, light ronjna: ateam heat and electric light In each room: hard­

wood irJm, pappled dining-room; parquet rinora. handaotne decoration; arliatlc chandeL tera: front and rear porch; aabaitci elate ronf: large plot; one block from trolley; Dve mln- utei to D . L. and W. Station; reatriciad mc- tir.n: all itreet Improvernenti; owner will tac- rlflce for $5,100; worth over $5,000. Addreea Hnme. Box fw Newa office.150 Cash , a good reference and then $35

per innnih. wUI purchaae the only remaining dandy up-to-d'Ue new houae, containing mx rooma. hath, ateam heater, decorated Through­out. locaied 121 Alexander at.; 3 mliiutea from [





BtcKimricId$3,006—New houee of alx rooma and bath: every

....wvv- __*... - ............................ , ImpTOvement. eteani heat; white enamelSrjuih Orange eve. irt^lley; eounda good anO plumbing rixiure! used; Thatcher range, dry. h I, lor.j; Melrii I, bellBvIna; thi, doM, up i camBnt I'ellar, .■on.-rvl. ililtwalbi, lot 33ilM our holtl;r(, K,y at 7S w .,t EnO ava., or conv,ni»ni to fveryihln*; ,inul> amouni_of

AliLINOTON. N' .I.'-iloat attractive cornit-r In town, i enii.il 73 Pe»i-h ai.. 5-runt t*rra<!V[

plot ti7xl(a h»uie. niTte rO'inis. I>d'h ellimpru-bemenia li< i »uicr heul, *ar!t<e fn- iwu ix n , rti'i'Th m.ixXi. nixkt- olffr. oc $;i5O. 8 t wrier. Midland and Alpine.or agem. _ . . —

'F tR M S H E J J H O USES W ANTED— -^E A S H O ^ 'E

FO R s a l e o h t o L E T —s e a s h o r e

BELMAR N J.(or rent for aeaeon ofFurnlahed cotiag-a

ial3. lilt on .equot.^ i l or addreab

NEIL H MILLER, Opposite KalJrOaiia Depot

'Phone 540.

BELMAR, N j .Modem Sumnwr ‘.oiiagea for rent or axle,

bend for fleii-rlptlvi* booklet.KONtT. A DUBOIS.

Tenth ave . opp cJrp"l. Belmar. N J.

hLOFMECKB. 185 Market itSOUTH TWELFTH BT-. near Central ave.-

Three-fnmlly flat; all Improvemenii except I-eat; newly decornted; halla carpeted, ecreene. ehidea. etc.; email amnunl of caah, rent can remain on mortgage. Addreaa Tempt. Box 54. NfcW! office.m odern realdence for atte; built for owner'a

ocrupancy; quartered o*k bullt-ln bookcaae*'. ateam heat; attractive grounda; roaea In pro- fuaion; reatrlcted locality; reaaonabla price and term*. Addreaa Bala. Box 24. Newa office.

caah, balnn<"v an reni. ASHLEY A MARR. buildera, op|>oaUe Erie Station. QJert Ridge.NEW iwQ-famify houkei, peax roof; price

$3,000; $5'Vj under cnfi price, builder muat aril lhr»e houses this month; biggest Titrgaln you ever saw. Franklin ave.. near Broad et car. Inquire BENDER. 631 South Seven- ie«ath at.

C h s th sm

HALSEY BT-. corner, near Market.......(35,000T^chenor at-, one-family, frame......... 4.000

Court at., two-famtly. brick, 12 rooma... S.OOu Orleana at., ont-famliy, brick. 9 rooma.. 5.200

GEISER A PLUM. 846 Broad at.



Thorough preparation for any college or acl* entiria achocij, or for bua 1 neat life. ayrnDMlumind athletic field. Number In aach form Um*lied. Catalogue on requeaL

--------- iP ------------------EARLY APPLICATION 18 DESIRABLE. Thu head miater wll' make appolntmenta

die----during June to meet parenta or appilcaata.

Founded DRAKE COLLEGE Incorjj^tadeborihand. Touch TypewrlUng, Book-keeping.

Engllah.Oar record 1e unetiutled. Call and gat par-

tlculara. Day and evening oeaalona. School open Monday. Ikieiday and Thuraday evtnlnga.

Brood and Wait Park ata.Newark, N. J.


Mlee W'hitmora'a Boarding and Day Schoni, T72 CLINTON AVE.. NEWARK. N. J.

College preparatory, literary, aclentlflc, Eng­lish ooureea. Primary department. Languagei under native teaehcra. CatAlogueeNEWARK BUSINESS COUaEOF—$10 paye for

tpecla) aummer course In our night ichool; 3

$500.00(1 TO LOAN on bo&o and mortgaga in aiiina to onlt, at 6 per cent., without bonua.

EDWARD B. BLACK. counaelor,S20 PrudentialI HAVE (2.S00 ahd tS.OOO to loan on firat bond

and mortgage; city property preferred. DORRIS, room 817. 600 Broad at.Its ,000 TO LOAN on firei ahd aeeond mopt-

gaga. Cal] MRS. BERTHA WEISB. 288 We^H^Inney at., Newark.

Alights a w?ek during June. 2 during July and 'Aufuet: day and night seeslona the entire year163 Halsey at,

DRAKE COLLEGE.Hartleon at. and Central ave., East Orange; book-keeping, ahorthand. typewrltlog, iocra* tarig] end pentosnahtp coureat; potitlona

_______ . Shorthand,book-keeping. day aea-

■lo'n. f3 we^jy; evenlngo, tL 89 Hill atBOWDEN Private Buaineaa College

typevrltlnr, book-keeping. Bbj^l

FOR sale:—Bight-room house, near Speedway, Irvington; newly decorated. Improvernenti;

lot 95x100: ehicken-houae for 150 chickens: 18(50 .CMh hequlred, reat mortgage, Inquire SCHULDT. hardware. 17 Wright et.SNAP—$300 caah buya dandy ata-rodm houaa.

good condition; full lot; driveway; paved atreet: off Summer ave; out of town owner; must aalL price $2,850: offer wonted. J.

CRB. 22 CLBWIB FIACRB. 22 Cltnlon af.WILL aacriflee new twc-fimlly house; any

imvmnt of caah; built day's work by praecuiowner; riral Uirgoin aa ownar wants to put

Addrosi BROWN,Rioucy ID buaineaa. IT Newt office.

w A L L P A P E K — P A r a j r a ^ G U f f aHERMAN A COMPANY.

h ig h and h e a l t h f u l se c t io n s .Dealrahle. well located lota. 5ChKl50. and

larger; ncai' statioiv end trolley; munirlpal impruveraenta; nu saaeaimenta: $400 up: terms liberal; your choice from 4 fine borough ox- cloelve lot davelopmenii for hnme building or profitable Investment; 3tl mlnuteu from New­ark. hour from N. Y.: (12 dallv Lackawanna 4-rn tlm« tralna; uommuratlon low; write for booklet and « • the properties. BROKAW. N. T. and Suburban Rrelty Co., Chatham, N> J.. and lOO Broadway. N- Y-

Alao sevaral bargblns and good value, houeea, acreage aud farma.

BBL5IAR. N. J.Modern Summer Cotliise! for rent or i

fiend for deecrlptlve booklet. HONCE A nUitpIS.

Tenth av*.. opp. depot. E eJmar. N. J.

F.'\HMS FO H MALEJERSEY farma and country homea aa low as

$.v>0. easy term s. i«ll or exchange for city property, a poaial brings you full Inform ation' Addrcts Uouniry, tk.ix 72, News office.fiVALia chicken firm *, Htthin rvech nf al'

only flve-crnt fare to N ew ark: hundy to s ta ­tion, up-to dfte house, don't min? ilila, Ad dresi G ardena Dox T2, News ofr(-"e

L'GMf’LETK LIST for summer rente'-Asbtiry Park. Deal,AUenhursl. Ocean Grove. 30lf^R4

A KOMKRS, SfiS Emory it., Aebury Pa'‘k. N. 4-FOR RENT—fill-room bungalow, to J u ^ 15.

5-roDm bungalow, until Beptembw* 10,I3n(110 102 P'ranklln av#.. Ocean Grove.HIGH1 ANDfi N J.—Stone cottage* and tema,

furnlihed. on Bhrawabury River; betting, bathing, fishing. C. WILIJAMB.THREE-ROuM furnished bungalow nr tent <0

lei al Kennshurg MacDONALD BROS , 219 HsmiHon st , Harrison. N J________________

t^'ANTED lo rent sina* furnished eoitago or bungalow ■( Red Batik op vicinity: muit

have shade and be near water; also eiay g«- cess lo trains, stale full particulars. Ad­dress Cottage, Bdi SH. News office.WANTEI). t furnished cottage for nmnth ft

July. In Bradley Beach. Aabury Park or Ocean Gffjve. Apply R-. Bog 19, Newt of­fice.WANTED, furnished bungalow, 4 of 5 rooma;

Jersey cf iet: nu^nth of August: state price. 77 Baldwin st . (7len _Rldje. K J ______

HOUSES T O L ETBHKKFIELU 8T.. W anti 9U'*j; colored tenant:

two houses; six rooms each; all Imptova- m«ii! Ici'.i heal; fine condition. Inquire FE'i I T Realty C,i.. 722 Eae« building.COZY pcven-ruom houae; (driveway: abadn

trees, porch; retldenttal; Al condition; Inv; pro\-em*‘nlB. no heal; $S5; large grounda. Elliot st . near Summer ave.


SCHEETtrR AVE , 144-155—Six room*: tte hnusea. *«l- miprovemenia; decorated; aler

trlclty: excellent locality: rant $26. Apply At Weequahk av#. _____________MODERN house: 11 rooms: for two limllles'

large grounds; near statlcn and tfolleysi^rea • Bonahle to responflblc lenant. 5U North Elev­enth at.

FARM, 149 acres; 2fl ivofklland. hxlanee un­der cnillvaiion: 4o mil#* from New York:

price $15,000, part cash Address Farm . Box P2. News office.FOR KALE—Ifl-arre truck and fruit farm: good

locality; bargain to qiiFk buyer. Inquire GIRARD. 342 Chestnut st.

EAMt O rgnee

$5,300; ONLT gflOO CASH REQUIRED.for a n-w two.family bouse, with large lot; good location; flvt rooms and balh each fl(Mr; ■aptratc enirancei and steam heaiera: Glen-wood ave., Uust Orangr; make an appolotmenl and see ibis house, fl. C. BEACH, 1S9 Mar­ket at.; 'phone dpSTJ. UarkeL

By placing your ordar for paJnting and deco­rating with ua y:>u can save at least 15 per cent Bend postal or telephone 42Q3 Markat,and our reiireoentatlve will call with sampiM

FARM S FO R SA LE O R EX OHAN(#£n LLY equipped farm of aevenjy acres, fifty

miiei o u t jncludaa horses, cows, ImplemeutH and growing crepa. gCK'd ali-rnund place; ow n­er compelled to sell on account of other busl- nvM: wants offer; wMJ conalder a rcagonable exchange for city prci)erty ; cash price (4 ,6tXt. act quick If you w ant a genuine bargain Kee P /.R K , I'^loti building. Newark.

f a r m s W AN TEDFARMS wanted; will buy for cash, or ex­

change; tend full particulars for quick ial#: wiKa. Addresn Buyer. Bog b'3. Newa office.HOUSES POR SALEI

Modern, two-story, home on 40 ft. plot; only 18 minute! by tmijey from ihe centreof Newark, near Houth Orange ave.; p ri« ' rVaa Farm' Box 2.V Newa office, only $6,000: also 2-fnmny house for » la on

tl'ANTHD to rant, for a long period, a medium size farm; location, tecondary matter. Ad-

very eaay terms; visit the property (via South ’ tt'.^NTED. to rent, a small farm, near station; ... ,— Orange trolley), get off a; Arsdale lerroc*; Eeiex or Morris County. Addreaa WILbON,

and frtvt esttmala. 'U'e carry a very large * repreaentatlve vlll ehow you the house. \ Box 4, Newa_pff_ice.MBortment of the lateet design! of decorating, j ftTORMFDLTZ-LOVEILFY-NEVILLE CO.. 30 ( :r~7 . . .also cretonnea to match. Our ahowrooni, | Church st.. New York City. I FACTOHIKB F O R S.^I.E <.(K TO (JK7Iwhich la located In the heart of the cUy, la '

DRLMONT .\VE. 599. ne^r Hawthorne a\*«.»Seven rooms, oath, all Vmproven»#nta; tsm

$25 monthly. Inquire BEYER. ni"> Broad atBOt'TH BELMONT AVE.. C0.V-Ons-ftmliy

ftuoco hoiis*!, serrn rooms and bath; elet- trie light; steam heat; r^nt $22. __COZY rive-ro-tm house to lit: ail Improve­

ments: near trolley line; rent $14 per month- Inquire 2 9 flouth Nm*1e#nth at.____________CLINTON aVS. W--I4rlclf

room; aU lmuD'VB(n'*nta. mauire KTOUTi'lN- Pl’RGH A CO Phi Pmgd a t _________BUMWER AVE-. 497-Nlno roonis. bath and

reL-epilon hall: heat Apply Model Tailoring f’n.. ‘:2J Market it.pljDOMFlEL a v e ;. ($5—Elght»roon) hou«r

aP Imppovcmenta: rent reaionable. Inquire In store,EMMET ST.. 41—Rig-room house; all Im-

prevemenfi; good nelghboi hood. Key at 48y/ rent ?22. '_____fiTATFO ST., 57—An ll-ronm houaa; nicely d#'-

ra trt. all Improvementa: ready to bt occu­pied. ______________________sm a ll house In quiet neighborhood- In-


open for your InepecUon 73 Bank at., near t $300 CASH, halcnce easy terms, will buy fully | RENT or sa lt ; tw o years old: 887 Northto the corner of W ashington it. modern c o t is p on pavei] a tree t; all improve- building: l8x(W; suitable light

m en ls : a t Last Orange terrace, highest eleva- f ,„-n t,# .« j,,rinatlon Oft flouth Orange ave.; ih m inutes from ■ ------- - ----------- —HOTHOUSE A SONS.

High-class palritera and panar-hangera, withM ■ "30 yeara' of axparlence to back It up: over

17,0(X> satisfied ciMtorners; we sre the largMtratalt house of wallpaper In Naw Jeraey: wa poslUvsIy save you 50 per cent, on wallpafier and paper-hanging; we papor r(Xvma for $S.o0'.paper-hanging; we paper..................

~s. $2>5o: two yeara' guarantaa withpaint rooms. , ___ . __ _______Al) our wurk; eatlmatca given free. Call, wrltW or telephiina 7fi28J Mkt. 9 Bouth Oraogt ava.

tO A N S WANTEI><^Rli<:AL ESTATEOWNER want* to borrow $8,000 on ilx-fam'

Hy apartment bousa for three years at six per cent- Addreaa ROBEKTBON, Box 32, Newt office.FIRBT MORTOAOK of $4,750 on two-famlly

apartment; all improvemems; reatr{<ited Ad­dreea CUy. Box 60. Newa office.

FINE oloaod delivery body; $75; this la some- Buslnefts,ttUng fin*; It's like brand-new; would coat

(980 to dupliobie. DOBBINS, S90 Belleville

I WANT a second mortgage loan of $1,000 on central property for six montbo. Addreaa Bnx “ • - — • -

M a d eEMIL HOFMANN, of tha Norma] Colloaa ol

\*ooal Art. A!]8 Broad at., win ooach advannad aingerv for opera, oratorio and concert work.during June and July, covering lone placing, ening and Intvruretation tn English. German. French and Italian.

3. Newa office.

THCMA8 LIMOUSINE, wm sell ohaaala or ttmouaina oopartte at blggaat bartaln ever

offorod tor quick Odla. OIFraRD, 281 Halsey a tAtJTO. 4 cy]ln(Sero, 6 lamps, windshield, horn.

■poodomater. In good running order; must be •old before June 16; $200. PRATT, 171 Ogden • t1907 PACKARD, aeven-paBaenger; alao 1006.

with foredoor br»dy: both repainted and In fine condition. DOBBINS. 39n B«11*vlMe ave.

AUTO BTORAOE.Oorapletfi atcck of auto aunpllei at reaaonabli

prlcoa; Michelln tlroi. H. JEHLB.3D8 Halsey atHAVE two care, will oel] touring; alao portable

garoga', half price; perfect condition; fore­doer; fullr equipped. Call 66 Heller Parkway.FIERCE-ARROW toy tonneau. 88 six; rebuilt

and guaraniefd: a very desirable car at IL75W E1JL16 Motor Cor Co., 418 Central ave.



la How era w« lo get rid of oil small debts and satisfy every creditor and do it all at once?

THIS IB OUR 8CHFME.Figure up your indAbtedneas, then coma to ua

and let ua advance you (he neoaaaary cash to

ARlaE PIANISTS of the college will coach student* In reperlolre.

SEGINNERB oaft take advantage of study­ing in groups, both under Mr. Hormann or as- aiitanii, which reduces liiitlnn to meat all. Aftsnuion and evening sesaions.

JUNIOR CLASSES Sfe held Saturday morn-lng». T'lve dollars for a term of ten lesscma.

STUDENTS for the cultivation of theSPEAKING VOICE are accepted in group! or private.

COLLEGE open dally until S evenings.YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN for church ehdlr,

training given In evehatige for aervlcea; voice culture. Bight singing, fong writing, harmnny, by conlract; church, atSAe, concert and opera poslelonM procure^ MERBFELDER. musical dlrectoi, 425 Fotjflh ave.. near Rosevllls ave.

WS dii fine PaPEJR-HANOINO AND PAINT­ING; we aarry the newest WALLPAPiBRS,

conslitlng of blanks, gflto, embossed, Ingraiim, oatmeals, lapeatries, moire end two-tosa ef­fects; very pretty deitgns; (Int-cloaa work­manship guaranteed, at lowest piioao.

Eatimaies cheerfully furnlihed.TEL 8980 MARKETT. OR CALL


the heart of Newark; valj a t office on llv property a t corner of South Orange ave and Aradalk! terraci*, or write.

BTORM FFLTZ-LOVELET-NEVILLE CO.. fiO Church at.. New York City.

o w n e r must SELL-Rrand-new aeml-bunga- low; seven rooma and bath; all Improve­

menta: itiuaied on fine corner lot. conveniently located to train and trolley; price $5,500; terms to BUtt; owing lo a huatneu change, owmer must Mil At once; an opportunity of a Ufetlma to seour* a home at l«aa than actual coat. PHILIP J. BOWERS ft CO., iM Market ■(.

HAVE the original 6. ROSINBON, SHI Mul­berry at., tel. T2SIJ, Mkt.; rooma papered,

$3 and up: painting and pitistaring wn-k at lowsat prices; all work guaranteed; eet. glveiLJ QAKZ ft CO.—We do fine paparLDg

painting, reasonable prices; all 'WOrV gtsa ;and

paimmai >«KBuitauit; ail wuia _snieed. 6p3 .South Eleventh s t ; aeftdor 'phene SfigfiW Waverly. and we will cal___

THE BROOKLYN WALLPAPER c6 . .win peper rooms from (3 50 up; painting and knlsonalnlng dona at very resoonibla pHoeo, Send poataT or call al 271 Bank at. _ _ _FINE Interior work and outside; painting of

any kind and In any place. GOTTF.fJENTZ, 16 Gould Bve., «or. itih at., ttoaevlUa.

niMt these obllgatlona IN ■ ■THIS WAY

you retain your credit and save the worry nt navlj

FLORENCE ARTHUR (toaclier for three years at the London Ceniervatory of Music}: Bing­

ing mtllan method), voice plaefnga concert, stage and opera; piano and violin luliioa, }54 Washington at.; lei. WSM Market. ________

$150: MAXWELL runabout, full equipment;wind ehleld. electiio light, top, etc*. Inquire

WALT. WLLuS Garage, 85S BeUevIlle ave.AUTOMOBILBS sold on easy paymente; new

or UMd cart. Aut(3 Buyers Co., T. C. MOF- FATT ft CO.. agantB, 818 Eaeez building.MUFMOBUjEI runabout. In good condUton.

IMO. W. L PLUMB, 296 BellevlUe a.ve.. Bloamflald* M. J, Tel, B1(Nmifi«Id 1300.

Ing to make ona dollar do (he work of six. YOU CAN THEN

pay US off tn alther weekly or cnonthiy pay­ments, to suit your inoome. and have money left with which to buy for cosh other necesaU ties of life.

CALL ON USand let ua advise you In money matters We Don give you the advantage of our many years' experlanoe.


ADA M. KENNEDY. 4 Humboldt at. 'Phone Hfi4R B. B. Violin and piano inatniction; I

tench the Ruaaall matholt thla method prMucea the hast possible reauUa In one yearie time.

writs or 'phone and we ihall be pleased to etU----- - - - ..........nfc---------- -upon you and give you any infornusUoa you



w on BALE-1012 Pullman, model 4-44; Mao :iS13 Hupmoblle runabout. See chauffeur,

m e t - ^ --------- "Charlton ava., South Orange, N. J.VIAT. 1906, 45. aeven-poeaenger, fine oondltloik** “ . . .. ^low prloe; aJao tevenu other bargalni.

Motor 416 c^ trg i ave.IF you m a t to got oatlafnetion on auto topf

tttd oUp oeven, go ta F. MATT ft CO,, 491 WaMdii^on eta Tel. T4T8 Market.U18 E-U-F: run but little; revarnlabed end

loolta like new; five-paaarnger; foreiioor body, DOBBINB, 800 Belleville ave.FORD, 1918, brand naw. beughl April 1; eleo-

trie Mghta; axtraa; coat $6S5: aacrlftoe $465. AddroM Ceih, Box 50, New# office.SWERAL chouie; alt roodv to go to work;

MltoMe for eloeed or open bodies; $160 to DOBBINS, 800 Bellaviiie ave.

EAINIER louring cor; fully equipped; good •^ t lO i^ T W . NBWTON-HUMPRBTVl]^

OQ,. IM waablngton >t.^ Newark.

taU U SB -C am ant flow «an(a. SSilOD (Mt,

ottlea aoaclia*: rani Iniiulra ~C O tfSB A CO.._______Control ave.

f tkloa



$iuaIf you need ready money, end own furniture,

pleno, etc., and wont It quickly and privately, you should call on us tor it. We hsv* bean caiering to the public tor

tw en ty -f iv e t e a r s in NEWARK

BANJO. MANDOLIN. GUITAR. VTOLIN.Leaeon, 60c. 6e ^ 0d-h«hd Inatrumenti for aale;.

A. J. tVEIDT. 4S9 Waablhgton at., cw. Kinney,MR. CHARLES TAMMK

teochea the art of ilnglng; ptrolls prepared tor church, concert end operm. 45 Bouth et.. city-RAGTIME, popular, clsaBteal; by my oyateni;

beginners plsy at oner from any sheet muolc. HOMER J. BOLLES. it Weal Park st.OLIVE B. MILLS, pianist; limited numbar of

pupils utiiil August 15, residence studio 55 Avon ave,. 'phone 2714J. Waverly.

WM. WALLACE CANON.Voire culture. Raa. studio, S90 Clifton are.

Te!.-48R B B. Sept t. «t LAuter'a.DRUM. fife, bugle tnatructlon. C. MANGOLD.

studio tfll Bergen at., near Bouth Orange ave.; Instrument's (or aale.

and bur long axpeheDce in SQUARE DEAL matbode, roeaonable rates and sboolute prlvooy \ la appreciated by all who borrow moiiey In jIblB way and

^TOU ARE INDEPENDENT and ufwiar obllgationi to ao one. Tour ood-trset With ui provides that you can pay '.ift your d«ai at any time, and tor every fullmonth paid aooDar than tba time agreed u^p, we will allow ypu a eubatantlal rebate

PAT WREKLY Oft MONTHLYn moka no diffarttuie to ua. We wll\ treat you right at all times, and show you averjr rtoaoueble eourteay and consMaratton durlu tba runnmg of the account, ir uiieble to oalL WHITE or 'PHONE HARKiTT «Mft and w raprsMislaLlva wlU ooll.

FsaUivfly no advance chargoa ^



Prlvata Iiikhii, t t y «r v..aoln«. by anpoint- maiit. Walls and two-sup suaraDteod In ala pHvat, Seasonl. Vany Boatsn. Boston Dip,Tango, One-stsbl. ■ Vonetlan Walts, and othar fancy dnneu, TgtephonefllflSB^B.________JAJfCli'TQ Instruotlona; open all aummar. C. fUCHARDa. 2«<* Washington ’• s..kU^*. • ‘ ■ i t :

danceB"^taught, ahfrieulBt dancing Saturday avtnlng; beat ventilated hall.BKRRV6 DANCING flC*HOOL U6 BROAD.

PRIVATE OR CLASS LESSONS At your coTivenlance, Write, call or 'phone--"IW w

roodoter, „_____________ ___ j$: fully equl

ftgia 449 Ogotral g v .. East OrangeMorly bow;[uipped; gar-

lladar car, with open buaineaa to Drat buyer,

U T TU i tans-aylladar car, with Bdifir; Mod toe room: thla on*

y T a i g i yORIL 961 HaUey at.

PEOPLE'9 loan ft BRQKERAOl 00.. 16$ Usriiet a t

Room. .401, Fmtrth Ftoor,Office |(ourai ioturdai^ avenlnga.

a m w Wgy eriy, ________PRIVATE dancing laaacna a apecw iyTt your

convenience. 7 Belmont av«., near iprlng- field ave, PROF. U BRILL, lost recall even^.•von J

I to I Felook,

nouiibodta to ikioet trom^^our goodsour ■Hew are low; $1^ io gaoa IN WleriUe ava.

SiniaaJkND taorlm $3T5; a b o i^ n . W.U PUnCBs 3N M avllte gva.g BrootaDeld.

Wa FatBloottlleM UK».

LOAN! TO BAL * ON PLAIIlUk I N $J0. $40,

Cboopaat andBORROW


DlMOUtlC luld *noCUtiOD OEO. C OLMSTEADa frafeiMona] Coach, Elo­

cution. atiga tnhiliui* ftm taur theatrieola, vaudevtila acta eo och^ ^eelal itteatlon ele- dUtloo atudems. Itudlc. SH New at.; hours 1 to 9

MANHATTAN Derorating Ou.i lel. 7518 Mkt.;psperlrg rooms, $2,AO up; painting, $1.T5:

ouretda n ork. fi. WAX. n.l fiouth Orange ave.PAINTING; peper-hangiTig: lowsit prices: work

guaranle4d: give me a trial. H, WIENER.10 West s t , near Springfield ava.; tend pbetal.KKILlABIiE Decorstlrg (Jo., U. WAX—Paper­

ing Tpoma, $2.60 up; paint. $2 up, Freemth st. and Valley road; 1 1. 1854 West Orange,J. ROBINSON. 273 Mulberry at.; tel- T25$J

Mkt.-'Rooms papered and painted el lowaM rote; Interior and exterior work; guaranteed.Fa in tin g , paper-hanging, lowest priCM; all

work guaranteed; give me a trial, WBIfiB.294 ficFUth Orange ave.; Lel. 8&tJ Market.

FRANKLTN ST,. 4a-Model two-fam­ily dwelling; 12 rooms; batha; lot 33x150:

police $4,600; easy terms- Abply 954 North Twentieth st.. East Orange.WHO wanta a bargain In East Orange? One-

tomlty 8-room house: lot 40x100; close to Central ave. Particulars, room 734. Pruden­tial building. Newark.

L poiu F an u ftHOLLYWOOD HEIGHTS, on tha Main Line

can ; reetricird 40 f t loia, $300 to $750: 925 down and monthly paymsnta: rameni walk* throughout. COMPTON. Lyons Farma-

IrrlD gton$50 CABH. a good refer«nc«. then $25 per. . . . . . . . . . . .month, buys 24 Maple ave., between CHnlcti and; Bpringfleld ave.; coutatns 8 rooma; bath; ateam heater; decorated throughout: the best proposition In Irvington. Keys next door, or BL^tSMECKE, 1$5 Market at.TWO-FAMILY houaa: five rome end bath;

second floor: tour toome and bath, Drat floor; lot 25 bv 156: henhouse, work aho complete. Apply GREENWOOD, Inc., Devine st., cor. Flftaeoth ave.

DELAUTIFVL six-room houee; every Improve- Chicken houee; fruit freee

W. BUDENBENDER, Cvrtls st., Llndim. N. J.

N uttey

FISCHER A tX3.-W« da painting tt»d paper-hanging at reasonable price*. 163'■Tflf-----Bigelow at. ’PhoTif 478.T Wav

PA TEN TSI’ATKNTS and trodemarka aecured or return

of all faea insured: aend for my free book. ■Jtow to Oat lhere.*‘ JOSHUA R, H, POTIB.

pateot lawyer, $C6> O at., W'takingtoD; ft ftbuth... ---------------- -—earborft at., Chicago; 919 Chaetant et.( Fblla-

LET ME show you how to obtain fl residence, $1,000 to | 2.S(Xi, $6h0 co4di. balance oaine

as rout. Nut ley lotp, $47 lo $94; |fi cash, |2 per month; commission paid to agenta; In Newark or Psteraon take Nutley troHay to cornar Franklin and Centra its.: wulk 'west to my home, l&l BloomfleW ave., comer Htr- rwbn at. L. LEWIS.

N orth A rlln s to a$86 SUY'R my lot, 100 feat from trolley: city

water; $5 cash, $2 per month: title perfect; Newark take Hackeoeack trolley to myIn

FBAENTZEL ft RICHAKOft. PauM Lew HoUcltors of u. S. and torelgn patents, trode-

tnarki. topyrlghta. 749-T at., FederalTrust bldg.; estahMshsd I ^ . Tal. IMl Mkt

hotn*: corner Kearny ava. end Front at., NoriL CoBimlaalon paid to agents.Arlington. N. J.

J. H- stover


l.OOO BQ. FT., north Light, drop miat, frolghi elevator, steam heat, electric power.Ltic loft. 4.0UU sq. ft., light all arooed.One Infi 3,550 sq. ft., Lawrence st.; veto

low rent; ateem heat aud eleciric pnwer, Motors Instahsd free of cbarg« and kept In

order.Will build toctorJee on UecDaoio at. So suit

tenant.JAMES M. SETUOUii JH . Owatr.

Or any broker.51-5S LAWRENCM



CARTER HOWE ft CO., m u l b er r y a n d p a r k STS.


BUILDIKGS-15.000 aquaro fret firat floor;I t ,000 aq'uare feet, cement flpor throiigb^t.

second floor; 6.000 sgiiare feat, centra] i^d handy iu eil R. BL Inquire >m preinl*iiai» ^and High at WU. F. UULLIN.FIREPROOF LOrrS, 897 Market ai.; t block

from Penn. ft. R .; one loft 5 000; also on* t.5(Du aq. ft.: plenty of light, haeri electrirt elevator; with or without power. J. 8TURM ft 60NB 401 Market at

TS'ANTED—Modem alx*room houae, wUh some ground: cUy or suburban; mcMlereW rant<

Addrea* RBX, flo» 28. Newg office.TO L E T —OUT O F TO W N

FOR RENT—Several fine houaea In Montclair, N. J.. from Clovvr Hill pl, to Upper Mountain

ave.. In vnry best locadona; rehiala $25 to $150per month: one In particular, 10-room h«uaa»loflocated 307 North Mountain ave.. alwaya rent­ed, ItiO. «r>il take $40: no bettor location la town. Addreea Owner, Box 35. Newt offtoo.

EAST ORANGB-Fliw 9-roob beuoa; atoam* electric, all Jmpta; fine location: r« t | t40i

Also a 7-room flat; inodern tmpta. $3$. OHAft ORBEN. StO F!rsn>an*s bldg.FOR RENT—New alg-rpom bungalow, CB rlvar,

near autlon; Mongaup. SulUvab County N. T. AddreSi ALLEN. 24 Sandfonl a t, BoM Or* ange. _ __ _____ _

BLOOMFIELD AVB.. three trolley llnea; rent v

THREE MODERN FACTORY LOFTB TO LET- 3,600 SQUARE FEET EACH, »nab|e. inquire oa Bioomneia---------- *TONKfl BROft..

»T-229 HIGH BT.PACTORT room, 3>000 aquars feet with aU

nectsaary machinery tor manufacturing J4W>' ' * " " ■ ' ' • ‘;ie. L•Iry reedy Inatallnd, machinery (or sal

A. BAYRE, Z33 Mulbam' eLLOFTB W T H P0W8R



BROAD BT.. 56t-ftecDhd doer. p * t at whoMtaitentlaia to suit__Inuum ot ctifur ftoaa oe

PHTIT Realty Cd.. 72J Ea*e» l>gtl4la$. >

HOBBS building. Mulberry end Oliver s t i : 16.0M1.000 10 16.0cy) square feet: electric power

and elevator; reasonable rates. Apply Janitor.CORNER atora at 54$ Springfield cva.i rconon-

IN mndtro naw building. $4,500 ft. loft: axcep- - ............ sfilrlional light; high celllRg; aprmkiers; eleva­

tor; cahtraU Paaa Dyt Co.. 60-66 fthlpmanm odern loftai 2.600 oq. (t-i eentrtl locathm;

all improvemente; elevator service: mill con­st ructad hulldfog- GROEDEL. 230 Plana at*

RUSSBLL M. EVERETT, patent lawyer; all ..... .......... ................................ ‘ rader --*—matters reiautig to inventlena, trodamarkg aud rupyrlghta, in the patent office and > Firemen's building Tal. 1494 Market.Eat. 1365. DRAKE ft CG. Tel- DH6 Mkt

KINNEY BLDG,, ROOMS UO-Slt ______ BROAD AKD m a r k et FTfl.______

DifiSOLUTlON O F P A B T N E R S H IPTHE parttiarahlp heretofort aoieung between

Charles J. Hiaenauer and John K, Carr In thebusinaia of the moving pjoture Mrk at No. eiT-dia Avon ave., Keworlf. N. J,.. hat;

S outh Om iiffeSBW HOUSBB.

Two new ooe-fsmily houtof to be erected in Tuxedo Park, near the Bouth Orang* av4. trolley: property entlraly reatrtoted to one- family houaea; to aecuro twenty-five sew homes on this property, we oto allowing a diecount of lUl 1-9 per cent, (or one-third) off the achedule. price; thla opportunity will not last long; prices muat advance os bouaea go up: large force of men now paving itreeto. and doing other ImprovemonM: come out and KB for youroelf or write STORKFELTE- LOVKLET-NBVTLLE 00.. so C hur^ at.,.New York City.

FIRST floor Of amall building; • con b# upedgarage or any manufacturlnf purpoaA

Inquire 884 South Eleventh at.FACTOmSB to rent; If whet we have la not

•ultabTe. will build quickly te eult you. — - 1 . CO., iellevftle.

rent $10 per montA. P. J* BOWERS ft cX).ROBERTS MFG.BEST loft In Roaevltla tor tailoring o rligbt

manufacturing. Inquire J. R. 6EUOMAN, 6 South Eleventh at.factory epiOi In now building, all Imbto.

Newark Second-hand Maobinary Exehangft 99 Chestnut f t

moving picture show acrooa the atrtet: rfoi moderate.. M Migaalae at.

FACTORY # let. about 18.0W) aq f t : ef h th l and air- Apply V 8t. Froncii

Newark, N. J,

this diu', by mutual cooeeat, keen wholly dla- aolved. Mr. Corr will cofillnua the buitneoe •a sole ownar and eetume all ontotandlnt dahta of the partnauhip. Datad dune 8. 1918.



TUXEDO PARK WTS.$660 and upward: moderate reatrlotlona: high

cloaa tmprovamsnis and the moat attractive propeny on South Orange ave.; only twenty mihutirs from the corner nf Market and Broftd ■ta.: viait property to^y oi’ write tor booklet, prices and tariM to

8T0RMFBLTZ-L0VELBT-NBVILLB CO,. ftO Chun:b It.. Naw York Oily-

OOUMEECE ST.-^ceom-haated lofta. Is atw Cemnorot bulidlag. J. a. BCRMIDT. ’M

Cano) aLTHIRD |loor to let, with power; aloe IBj)«(» . niiihed: pi

very l o w .................any bualhau. 92 Market at.



AVK.: ipritit ,THl (umm«r turn now oBwi- Dr«,Bn;ilrii. i.dl**' lAllorrt*. nUlHiwra tfen- oiiflilr tjuitit: ofwri a«lly. l|e#4( r .,tu (» i* r

WORKINKMAN"!! HOME, BBAPT to morn In; your ,,n t iw r( for (u n t; 30 fnln- ulct out by tro!l«y. wfLUAMa, rooni 4J», SK) Filth Ave., corner Tw«ntr-thlnl (t.. New Tork.

HAVE client dealrinc to pumuii* two-Iunliy.Clinton Hill or RoMvltie; mud bAca reom

for ( tn « e : price not over I?.#®; tend (nil putlcalci-* ( t once. E. E. BOND A Broi0., ( t .: "Newtrh't Oldtet Red Betdc Firm.'' lEeUblMiett I84&'


TO RBT. ( t W itt Cddwell, N. J., (IfM- rooni hoUH, with «n(ll barn: % tore nounil;

( 1(0 for (ale, IT-tcre ftm i; nice bouH, with culbunoiny,. fruit, etc. H. F. BACKU3.FOUR-BOOM (h(ok In smilvto ^County. Ktw

York; pure mountain water; occdlent (owj- ary; near raliroao depot; low pent. JOMFH ROOERS. Farmlngdt^ K. J. __________ ^

ROU SES W ANTED— O U T O F TOW NFIVE OR 8tX room houee la Bouth Orthge.

Mlllburn, Maple wood or Short Hills: -good yard; convenient to station; rent not to av- ceed $30; give full paftlcularo. Addrosa ]{ciUf«, Boy 15. News office.

STO RES, O FFIC ES, E T C ., TO £B Tiss—Lwrct (roBiale; very reatoMbla. Ab­

ly Jtnlior on premleot. or I.B8TIDR FINOHR, ■■ Broad et.; telephone raSl Itoltet,

BIjOOMFIEIJ) a v e . - store end elfbt rwnie; stable for three horeea; tar«e yard; rant f,a-

BUSY Juhotton. asi and « 0 Warren el., at Central (vo.; up-to-date atorea, tar** (bow

wlndowf. with roome; rent ranacnabla; anlta~ ble for any bueinoei. ___

BBROBN bt.. SW—Attraoilva ator« with three bMHrtlful deooraled rooma; «*bt and airy;

(uHable for *ny buelneaa; rent *3S _____ -

■bit: (Ullable for druc atora or aw athat kind of builneea. Telephone IW8R Wevfrly;

CORNER eum. loft and taaenm l, forterm of yeart. Indnlu of tlEOROB A. liA l-

TIN, Hehne A Co.. o rey eADESK RCOU—Riot rawaottabi*; aleo prtvaia

room. Boon KHS, RM> Broad at.FEBl T «T.. d« -U » h l. airy Itom In gued

butineia Mellon; wlli k lu r is eult tenant;

a n i B t t e O (

beat bualaeta (aaajtt on a I KATMAN BUIIIA^BNllDNj|c


lO D fiK H O tau d ito riu m

aaiiOHBlai I

«ae.err A n

■TABU for kouMa ala r«

pUoa tor t ptekM aagg. IiTftELB to W

• M wogoa I A tl4 Oarala a

STABLE lor 1 ■oUaviltfaweiiavllta- INa a .a ist^ gA P ftB T M E

ftN uausuet O] Uos lo aacu

ftportminta m poet mod Boooi b iM t iibprovai

ftPAItTVSNT oath ava, I

loy-ftla large, goaftor aorvici up-to-4at«; In $km4 C. £, If tl’ARTUENT

Oriental a(.- v a u hail; all loqulra jonlio tolapboaa 946AFARTVEN1

BaUaviift av rooi&a and bai Irto tlghis; $“ fruIM InquireAPARTMENT

ElHot ata.; I | 4T: oil roomj LWIN. Ill X pfoinliM.AF1UTHEKT

B ^ a n et.-w- ▼lea. atoam 1 Mion flat ChiAPARTMENT

I Uok. dkawoi •r, porch; rai FBItT. FtramAFAjtTVENT

n o m tiled roftt t$ l ana tBXD'i hulhtlaiAPARTMENT

Improvoaoni quire *97 lUi ftta R o mAPARTMENl

broram enta; |W . 103 WaJ

APARTMENT noighhorhooj

Oret floor; raAPARTUBNT

provomanti;IB Clinton avBROAD BT..

of Brood Oh light rooma a

inquire Im c M iT..

1«tBl OPp. I qulr* In otgor B io tt buildingBEAUTIFUL

bolh. pontndooorotad. L. nor ThirtaomlMRIOHT ooraa^^'aS^IMANX BT., :

rcoaii: hotk u u m w E y uBBBOBN SI..

Old floor: ' ftertoMBta: nx m o t t f BT and alz rott IFevoioimta oiBIQELOW A

Pour ond f Jooltor aarvioBBIMONT i

M as Unpro fim d .OOLOBRD T]

Mowthorne i houM: 6 roon yast klK U BprtngfUId ovCOLORED P

rooxoa, both 60S BtlmontOORKBR PL

holh: Otarant throe attrant tzu4*OQRNER


rooms; both ■tore on pron building. 'PlCl in t o n p :

flau ; (It I tatldanUal 1< l i t up.OOMFOBTAB

aanapt baat,■— a; B og^ ed o n Bat; «

aosU i eUcL GBOe KUlOOURT BT.p

ood bath; IOSKTRALLl

qolya J06E:OBARL1

Wti to_iT0N ter col

w e xUiftiICXERBON

It room troll ay

RRIBOANT I ~oiriiL t n I lilqr oervli “ lOronga

SU nA N T tl rout ohoop.

ip S o THIM a


f U move'■coSnSSi.I

r iA T ; la ell. UMht Moeai

ruat~m igftOOBO uMh

I w S i Cwttn J iT at at

a tau i haat iw s iMilay*.V U n n e w a


.Tt~aM IO: ifStmpt: I

rU STIbram (ill Imprtva

« ^ d a■pratttlafcKiAT at Bt

aaatniaBta mtt tim Al

sS Q s? ^

HOW AHD ST., 97—Nloa atora and one moB to let, rent S>*- Iimulre flS Hdward at.

liARUB (tort, with flxtnret, niltable fet«ndy, lea ertatn and dry apsda; o^en air. ----------- ----------------................. ...........

near railroad atatien; tnttablt le. hardware, sent*' fhrOlehinKe. PBRUAN CO.. 3 » Belln ad ave.

LARQE (ter* to let. with i ronme; 111 Bdath Ofuiff av*. Indulre corner Bllihieenfh ave, -

and Boaa tt.. tiorlet. Woodland Cemetery..PABT ot tin t floor and deak>roome: all for-

■ ■ pate alaea troni; beat locational rwit lew to Ihe naht lenanta: i«od for

FESHINB a v e . and Grant ava. com*i'-4NeolarH kt«M and itorarooin: Plata ata,a frrnta;

place tor arocary and barber; t i t

STOBB tn cemar Iwuh: TwiS*TWtt*enUi tv*.! now r -----

wth three rooma end tile

F H R E irO U M X

half tona; new barsaln;




CONSULT MUE, LB ROT">^milhai)tly lo- coied Qrangi- and BroAd ■(«•; $69 Brood at.;

reott ri>nvartr«nt antruca ah Oroiqga (ft., .nast

r S ^ C H . ■■agKMA»iCsfA?|SHi. I?**J^*'

to Lahox Lunch.




epNSULT Mire. DB OI^DBEN. pannaimtlT located In pa flora, da Kew it.i houra, IS A.H .-S P. M.

W est N ew arkSSO CASH b'lya an apple orchard, ISOalU:

balance *10 * RianOi; have lota from *40 tn *1*9; *d eeeh, *3 monthly; tio bulldln* re- atrlctlone; rcnimlaaloh paid to a*enta: tn Newark or Bile'ohetb taka Vain Line car tn Hollywood ave., LyoM Farnte. walk -wwat over railroad brldte to my reetdenca <m Lor* avp.; loaltt upon ,ei|a* ma, at 1 la i alwaya On ■ha iroundi. L A- pEVOB.

BUIUDiNO LOTS w a n t edhouata: |

r alaa. H>________ PfppotT_________ - - -

Addmn Lota, Box *L Newt otDca.

. ......... ......... ; alva failUna alaa. hteathm arid dowaat potTUona acted on Inunedlataly-

tor two and three famUr partleulara ataUna alaa. hteathm arid dowaatcath price; pr - -

: Twenrit-fltM at, a<ri Oecunled aa a arMery:( bathroom.: will makr

..------. ------- . ----- . T - - - -T 41confeetlonan. _M, « D B U ah; talaphona .T*n Markat,leuO; rent O tl aoed for any bualnaaa eiic*«

a .^nCDBU Sas South Sktih

I h ; aMoB Yare stahMi a rt.

STOBE-Nloa M tt ateva and tour ta rn rodmi.■fla..iiil,jAr: ,*o«d. Jocatloitj ona

TWO*FAMILT houae. 10 or more reoma more than 9 feat front of around; don't htv*

to have heat; price nht to noted M.SDO; Irr- infion or Veileburtb. Addreea Manhlnhit, Box

avA; rent 1*0.4 -

Irr-SS, Nawa office.

STORE to Ir. to r th m yeara; iracefy tad cd feotloM^ (tore; foed plact tor rl*b* pari

Call e* Darcy eb ,I HAVE cllentl

ts io CSALKBBl touriu*i price MM. or « -Thfrr* ter runaheat and ' - —

•m S S S , *09 r

CONFlDEJfriALLT,Opap from t A f M. to S F. *1 . .Wad. and Sat. *v** to S

ieATlC modal foredoor *1,000 toorln* car, fullyaquTppad; liho uaw; inw. B. IL O W ^ 4

SPANISH lau*ua*e tau*ht by na ttva-tadcher: •10 a esurta of 12 kwaona. Addroa Sptotih

Taacher. 260 Main at.. Beat Oranie.

MltK. H LEO. l i s t Braid i t f rJmjJS, “

dlhlm W w t O niB ilstSOS CASH, balance aame aa rant. Soya a nice

idoUnt lor toad In- vettmrnU In nal eatata: what hare yon to

offart Send fUU partlouUn or call. reLIDSticat IMl ea

SHALL- atwa' and one room: rantikoMMher or any amall

rent •*. !:-----ISO SIxteealh avAMHu: rant ltd; «ntt butineia; alio ham.

Ir /

STBIH. SOS BHe* balldln*.

SUITE tltv*]*, 1b r o a d --------

AnMlemlc u ic l OolleEiAtB C obtsmC i n L H E B V IC E NOmCBB

two>tamtly houae;- *dod nelihberhm : ,ona Nook from two car Ibiai; reuted tor 22S monih-

Kirim,TUTORINQ In acadtmlo and coUasiata aludHt

KSdfaH.Tnhir.Mr npaclanced tuisr- Newt etifica.

IVAIITBR. meu.tc (M 1vru.

,lAbw. Countunmai

M erudvretifl eamea aa H iifhrvtba omaty of SRIU k^lbliatM *

1 ^ ft;*®' fl o u b n o t a u a w k in r .


ONE or twb-tafnlly houur; will *ivt aa pan payment a**d>aatd nrtUse- free anddlear. in

Benaelear, H. T, Addreaa-F„ Bw Si. offloe.' ' >■'. ■

STUDIO to m i ; hatieat tactloa in Newark. Addreea studio. Boa 99. Newt.Wflce.

TWO atora, end rooinu. 'tSS-rsi south Orante ava,. Vallthurxli.


o«mp 4iiuPte for of CNi

puifit «imI :r by .

iMftUtirttlly eoii\*on<«Dt

riy fftJI, ta^ •r«na«« icfllc*.

tor siu i'>)g iro(«r:| . no. *nq. vvuklyil.rMrmt) i nv«nlrnc«r: bl« portf.

ih« M«Kin. 6 iKJtrh. on . 10:1 Ctiuri

T Durnmrr hrd houiv, •YCKOJ-'y.

bUDfftlPw. ff>r vMion. . 2d (loot.»: al] Im- ilni porch; Lpifrwood.oraro; fWrDERfiON.

f<ix ronmi; uih Orango.


wanl«4 for leor vtrMin d bo wlthlfl Icolora. Ad- e.I furolthrd •rf#r Grwn- W ; gnawer r . ftoK 31.

IR gALK O REr. DEAL ndtrk. W' J

} LET—

rolihH oot' ith. rlrcirto from ocoan:

av«., rent

imm«r; hlkii r>undi; near ^VIN, EMI

nla' -Aabury /* aoif^K4 f Pa»-k. N. 4to Ju^ IB.

ptembli' Id.

tt and tmta, ir; boailbg.

V OT irnt (0 BROS , 210


1 cottago Of ^lnlty; muil )ao «aay g:. 'Ulara. Ad-

□r nsenth tt r>- Park er

or 5 roema; Biota price.

lored taoant; all Improva- >n. Inquire ling.way; abad<%mdition; im- groutida. 51

ronntai fie'* Drate l; rier 6. Apply At

two fitnlllw tfolleya; rea • North Ble*! ■

thornaontenuj rafii 175 Broad alj—Ona-famUj 1 bath; alK-

ail imprO''*- 14 par month-

]qr>no»uia. i-* o fcJTOUTHN-

iia, bath and ulel TaiioririK

room houte; ibie. Inquire

>UB«: aU Jiti- K«y at 43v,;

S', nicely def- to ba oecu-

orhood. In>

ID(t. with aome odarau rant.

■ow irIn UontcUlr,

Uountain Lla »2S to »150 >.room bonia* always rant-

ir locilloB la fawaotoofc1 . J., sight* , acre giound; t houaa, with BACKUS.Connty, Nav kcallai^ e o ^ at. J o w r a

•n: raat Iddi •34. OHAB.

lIow, oa r lw , a County N. I at.. E*rt Oa<


NEWARK EVENING NEWS, THtTRSDAY. JUNE 5, 1913- 17n r o u a , O m e W , K T C , TO

o r r O P i b w nfMt •{K A O « rn U > -« U m Wiu t,M0 N

M BroM A , «11 pM ottlw kgllAIUi k«tt biHlMM locatioii In tevni ta rwpnoilbln (Mwat OB B tH f le w : raO r Ja lr 1. Apptjr HATMAN S r ie s tH . Ino.iU s iu K a r , Oubnl ■».. t l « - « a n u id (our

Toam$ lo Wt; fo«| lor gragarlas. oandy, lot M M . aia. X>. UeLOUCiHUN. ow«ar, t l t t


A V A R T ia E im , aO O M S a n d F L A T ^TO i x r

■ U K m *T.. M -O vt IlMtlt RMBi, nil IH- Brovftnnntii n s t lU. IHITtl. UT Cllatoa

B««.; -ptiBIlo Ita ra . WBTirlY.iSHMION AVB.. 1M->««0B roBBu, DMh. m b -

irf, olaetHa Itckt*. ole. Cill p:*Am era lu t or Bnnr 4J4 Bttorfioonn. MAS. LONOXB.jE r n p u o N tr .-

104 ChatroBB »t— f t m U nn raenu. laoulra

AVDITOWUM—Buiubl, lor lo4ro nad u u r .talaBuetei Wa4anadny as4 h ldny ovoaiau

a d oaeoad mad teunti Moadaya; n a t akod- ■■aio. Apair Ronoviu, True! Componyi Or>

a T A B l£ S , ETC., TO L E T

UTTLKTON AVX.. U l-riTo rooma and bttk: baautlful llaiil reomti

adulU oaly. BtIN'RT ton ayo.

i: all IRipKivamula: (or C. tCXYIlR. 10» U tlo -

■TABU for aona hora-a In tha n a r ; aloe .bowaa. ala roona and ^ p nadar. wltA rood

Maop tor a bottllna oapartataat ar lor a ^cltla taaa. M L.aU it.•T.

MT. PROiPXet AVI , Wl-Now houia. ata roona and tllod ball): middli llaor: front

porahi sisctrlc, atMzn and hot watar funlahadi ingulf dwnar. tin t floof»_________ _MUN.V AVC-. 91 Twp-fAmlly bouaa; first

floor; lawly daoorstad; sJI lmprov«(n«Dta; sapsfmta halls and hfgtars. OUR.VEY. Id Ciia* ton M.

g a s s R p e e m Jii i i p g s g H g s g s g g g .W A R T M E Iirrs. B O O M S AND FLA T*

TO LET— O U T o r TOWWCAST OJUKGK^sw two'Cunliy houas, a 9

South CUntoh fLp aU ImpaMra^ota but Mat; four rooRia aad bath, t14. f1 rooma and baUu ilB. OIT. MT tM lli CltntoB al.EAST ORANOl. Waal a t. t l —rw a rooima

sad bath; aiaam hast, (a s ranc« sapa*rata antranoB, sersaiu gad ataadaa: nawly daeorattd; ragt llO.EXIT OSAKQK. North Onrsa at.. 40S-4CoM

iLpanreant. B larga rooma; both; stasm Mat; auhay agpoMra; rant 440. • loauirs Idl Sark a v a '

TABLE to lat for ons or two baraas; caiTUga a ^ wggoa ahadi with or without hloa rtht

At M Gbrela at., t atwaan Blum and Tenth ata.ETABLE for 10 horata at M2 Washisgtotk ava ,

BaUaviitf' rant UO monibiy. InquTra prtm-' HM,«Ll-AiUL Umon bnildlna. Kanaik.


AN unusual opportuBliy la offand amalt femt- Uas to aacura daslrsbia rour-room>and-balh

Apnrtmanti In eur asw bulldtogs at Mt. Prea- poot SAd fooOMd ivss.; ihs aulaa bars gli tha te isil ubprovamanta. and aavartl of ihaa bgva prtwsiU porobaa. loquira of Janltt^ on pram­s ' orToUN K. BUNN A BONK d>wMrar Flmnan’i building._____________ _AEARTUENTA Faraat HlUa fust baguUful; 4

KOBTH n rT K ST.. M-Four nk>ap light rooiiii gild bg(h: raot ragabCAbla; gdulta only;

Ting middle ball-NOi^ANLDil^lhjf rooma^hd bath; a»Al1aftt

isrrioa; aavaa mtnutaa' wgih from Park Ptaca ar LaolcgwaAna aUtlons; rant US. liRS- WARD, U 2 Bisacliaf sL______________NELdkCN PLr—Comar spanmant; tlx roopu.

bath; rant tU i ttv# minuiw’ walk Broad and Markat. Ipqttlra dT NaJton pi., U TTAUER-NICE four-room fuw. with hath, range gnd

I all Irapig; rant tl$. Inqulra Ud Plekarson ■ t. naar Second irORCHARD ST . tan mlnutei from "Pour Cor-

nera," five plaaaant. alir, rooiu, IIS: first fleer, refined neighborhood. Owner, 23 Court at.

Igrge rooma and tile bath: tSS up; living- man whlta and mahogany; dJglng-room mla- ^ 00. with haam calting; etaga &nd hot water; enmrythtAf for eomforl. 193 Woodalde av«.

PROSPECT COURT, eorner Bloomflald gnd Mt. Proapect av«k.-^s roome. recaption hall,

pantry ana bath; high-claaa ananments, over­looking private court and garden; gll potalble modero Impro 'etnerita; lanltor Mrvioe. Apply to ienitor on premiaei. or lo LESTER FIN

gear Elwood avg: open for loapscUon; Janitor.« GEk. sob Broad at.; talaphone T331 k^rkat.APAIITICSNTG. DEL MONTE. 487-448 S«v-

fgth avgj Roaeviiie. near ataUon and irol- Utr—Big large, liiht roomi with tiled hatha, daalter asrvict. beat and hot wsur uippUed. qp<to-dgta; In tin* ordar tao and $a2'cubcaa- Sfeoa. C. E. SHrPMAK, BU Esiaa buildUn-AJ'AJITMENT. Balleviiia ava.. »1. comer

Onemai ai.-'Onty one left, alx rooma; prl- wats hail; ail modsm IrnprovameAta; rent 429. Inquire janitor or owner, lid Springfield ave, telephone 844 Marhet ____________________APABTIUHTS—Tha Tramont Apartment^ 2d3

BalliviUb av«.. near Third ave-Seven light rooma and bath; ettam heat: hot water, elec­tric Itgbte; gee. Janilor eervtcea; rente |32, Sid, inquire lamtor_____________________AP^TH X N T to let In the Elliot; Bummer and

Elliot fte- i d rooms, heated, qanUor earvloe, S47; all rooma facing atreei. Apply H KD- LODIN, 111 WgahlngtoD ava., Newark, or on pgeiiirilBes.______________________________AFRATHEKT6, Jeannette. Cilnloo ave., near

Biergen at.->-Fiy« or ala rooma; janitor *«r- Tioe; ateam heat and hot water; alao nlne- rootn flat Chadwick ave 4S8 Clinton ave.AFASnCEIfT. eenaer houeg, ItoaevUle; bandy

to Xfaokawanna: alx rooma. bath, steam heat- sr. porch; rent $2A oae moqtb freg. LEON FEMT. Flremen'e bullding-AFABTUENT off CahtnU gve.; sU bright

reoiM tiled hath; begutUul neighborbood: rest m ana month bea LEOK F R 8T. Fire*

PESHINE AVE. and Grant ave.-Nsw build­ing. now finlihed. flata of 5 rooma; all im-

proveirenii. 919 and ltd: hahi fumlahed «M room# decorated. German or American family wanied.TaRKER BT., 241, near Second ave.-An.ela-

gant flat or eight rooma, ell wodem tm* provemtnta, will rent reteonable to a goodK rty. HEWSON. Ordway building, 20T jlar-

t at.PLANE BT.. 33—Four larga rooma. bath, rent

418; EegJee at., 4d. four toome. rent tS- VICTOR JACOBT. IS Brunawick at.; teiephone

TLANE ST., 423-Seven roorai, all Improve- menta Inquire M RRODT. M Elm at.,

53 Stratford pi. D BRQDT______________PEABODY PL, TT-Flai. five large rooma.

bath. Impta.: convenient to trolley and ata- tlon; attam heat furnlahcd.ROSEVILLE. North Slath et IT^Second Dat;

ell deconied, eeven rooma and bath, all Im­provement*. eieam beat; a«nlRg«. front porch, reepectabie neighborhood ___ROSEVILLE. Orange eu. lOO—Fhe large, light

rooms end bath: three eecond. two third floors, tl4. trolley at door.


emenu; very reasonable; po Isqulre janitor, TS Littleton i

AFAjmCEKTn T largg light reoms and bath;iaaprovemania: Mcond floor, near depot, in-

fuirg 1S7 ICgHcet at., u ^ a lra . or 20 walnut S t, BOTB. ________ _______________APARTMENT—Biz very light rooma; all im-

irovementa, halls lighted and carpetkd. rent h 108 Walnut at. m t JOHN foLYER.

a pa r t m e n t—Six-room apartment; ail Im- provemenu; vary reasonable; posaeaalon at

MBS. Inquire Janitor, TB Littleton ava._____APARTMENT—Four large light rooma, quiet

neighborhood, M Bhlpman, near Court at.; Bfst floor, rent low._______________A F A A n a n a rr« rooins and bath: all Im-

Movements; oenirally locatad. M. EISNER, SB CaiDton ave.______________________BROAD BT., iBA^WjtbJn eight mtnutee' walk

of Broad and Market sta.; eeoood floor; fiver rooms and bath; all imnrovementei rant

Inquire Union Building Oc., » Clinton aL 'BBOAD BT., JMk—Third floor; four rooms and

h a a t opp, Bhiberi Theatre; rest SSL In- ottlre in otgar store or PETIT Realty Co., 733 B a ^ building.BEAUTIFUL eortier flat: tour large rooma.

baih. pantry, enclosed private porch; newly deooratsd. LSWIT. 521 Eighteenth ave.. cor- her yhirteemh st.________________________MUGBT oorasT flat to 1st; raot low; ten min­

utes* wglk to Broad and Market, laqulre Mftdy store. >0844 Centra! ave.BANK BT., 228. neag courthouse—Flat, four ^ rowwj^hatt; all Improvementj; flB, Inquire

RIDORWOGD AVE., IM-Flv* end a!z room riate, all Improvemente; new, elegant, dec­

orated; electricity. Apply on preml-' ta, or 33 Weequahio ava________RIDGEWOOD A V t . IM-Poar” a rg e ~ fW

rooma in comer two-family house, ait im- provemenla, with beat; (umlihed. Inquire within.

East o r a n g e . Frankttn at , 43—Modal ipa^* mani, I rooms; bath; larfs lot; rent IIA

Apply 2B4 North Twemleih ef.. Bast Ofaaga.SAIT ORANO0-188 North Fineeuth et.^

Bik rociQi and hath Inquire I tt North Flfleecth it., first floor-Bast ORAMOE, North SevaxtssAtb et.. ITS—

FUe fu ti al] Improvemants: aeparau heater; rent very lo«'.FLAT to let, flret floor U North Nlhsteenth

et.. Eaet Orange—3 rooms, all Itnpro^'eminta eteam host, near trolley and ralirnad nation. Inquire leeond floor, or H- L. THOMPSON, Burnet Htteei Bchool, Newark-_____________F I \^ ROOMA all improvamenU; nice place

for chlrkent: rent llA S3 Arveme terrece. Irvington, N j.FOUR-ROOM apanmsQt on flret floor; 1m-

provemeau, rent U4. 38 Frtnklln ava.. Want Orange.IRVINGTON. Drove at., 38—Bli-rooa flet. el)

Itrjvrovemente except beat; rent | 1T- Inquire 18 Grove It., between Springfield and Clinton

1R\1N'GTIPN—Bix large, light rooms, all Im­provements; rent rtasoAable. lOO Bprlng-

field ave, _____NEW twQ.family houee, Letlle pi.. No. 1;

five end elx rooms, ajl Improvemente, 111 and 110. will decorate. Inquire BOB Belmoat eve , Newtrk-______________________CFIANGE—Reepectabla colored families; four-

room riite; gas. wstaTi toilet: Ift-tlt; Valley mad and Cvoittown cars paas door, inquire 3 Olrard ave., corner Dodd st.- East Oraogt.

f i n e st ., 143-UgM. eheartul i for useitM er light h ^ M e e sU f,

e lr.; nssr Central ava oarSnfront roem gas. bath.

BUTOEBB IT , 43—Two furnished rooms; gss;water: complete heusekesMOf: three win-

dews; ohlld not objeeied, u week: room (or geftUecaB. 11.ROBBIVILLB North BevMitB M>, ITS-Alry

front room, fine location, ooovenlent to oars; private family; one or two; reasoaahle (erme.ROBKV1LLK AVE, IL-Ymy pleasant front

; seleoi neighborhood;rooms til Ins and trolley

ooAveelsat lo

lUMMBR a VB,, 410, near Cbescer s v a —Twowell fnmUhed. Jigbt, atry rooma with pri­

vate tamlJy; aU ceovsiieneos; 13 minutes to Four Comsrs. three Mr Uom ; reesonahle rent; gentlemen en t r 'Pbooe Rraaob Brook SU4.iUUMEJt AVB.. SUk-Twe or three furnished

rooms te let. with light housekeeping prtvilegss: private house.8TATE BT., M—Two connecting front rooms

^ light hom«kesping if desired; or stnglr; all Improvarosots. g ^ aooommo^tloiis; t&ee minutes from Lackawanna Blttlorij______ __ _STATE BT. 47, near Lackawsfina BtatloB—

Baautlful from, alrv room, thoroughly elsan aadbotnelike, all accommndaUoni: reasoxkable.TWO froat rooms, upper floor: 8 mlnutea'

walk to two oar jtnes and minute* to D-. L. and W. Depot; terms reasonable; RotivUle section. Address Particular. Box SB, Nows office.THIRTEENTH AV'E . 46—Froai room: private

femily; ascond floorWAiHtNOTON 6T-, tM. tw-o blocks from poet-

offles—Two Urge coonei'tlng ronioa sSOOnd floor, with laundry tuba, range, link; IS 60; halt room 91 30: bath same floor.WASHINGTON »T.. 872-Nswly furnished

rooms; niea connecting and ilngle rooms; fur­nished for houiekeeplng. also g<tultmefi*i rooms, II 2b up

ORANGE. Wabiter pi., 13—To let. four or five rooms, all improvereenta; fiva minute# lo

Brick Church Btstlon or trolleySIX new large and light room Tat. bath: large

enclosed porch, electric lighta. all Improve m^nte axeep! heat; healthy location, rent 419 257 North Twenly-eecond St . IrslngtonTHREE or four light, airy rloma. In private

houee: cme minute to Springfield snd Broad car; rent reaaonsble. 8 EWwood terrace, Irv­ington.THREE nice, light room# for iraall foinllv;

ga» and water opposite school, one block tfl trolley. Boyden av«., HiltonTO RENT—162 North Arlington ave . Eset

Orange—3u rooma, private house, second floor and third flooreWEST ORANGE Valley road. ifiT-FIve light

rcome, firit floor, all Improvantenlt, one hl-‘C|i fmri fi-oHey ____________

F U K M SH E D ROOM S TO LETBROAD ST, 1108—Two large, comfortable

roome. also email ne^Iy decorated room, |3, hoi and cold water, ahower bath, telephone, three mlnurea (rum South Bt. Station. 10 mlD- utca fretn Hudeon terminal.broad ST . 384. overlooking Military Bark,

comer Rector—Front room, eultable for nne or two gentlemen or refined couple, all mod­em improvemenis; pleasant, location.

BIN R .I bW |

1s t floor,TIT—Six large, tight rooms, lee-

I wash dibs, smli and tsllet; lm> fWTSBMatg; iSDt SlABO, laqulte third Boor.BSEOSN R.n S44, eomcr Custer ave.—Five

and six rooms and bath, decorated, all Im- yOTamSBts aaoept heat; brick housa.______aiQELOW APARTMENTS. 13S Bigelow I t -

Four and five rooms and bath; all Impts.: janitor ssrricH; rent llS-120. Inquire Jaaltor.BELMONT AVE.. SB-Blr Ufbt rooms, with

seas Improvemants: rent i l l : adults prs- (•m d.

ROBS BT., 21-23—Four roema tmprovetneiice;112; 10 mlnutea from Broad and Market eta

Inquire on premlaea, or 63 Stratfonl pi.SOUTH ORANGE AVE . cor, Eleventh it.—Blx

and seven rooma; ell Improvements: bath, etc.; balls furnished; nice condition; rooms pa­pered and painted Inquire J. A. McKENNA. 203 Fourtsenih avenue.BOUTH T W EL F^ ST .~3^d between Booth

Orange ave. and Thirteenth ave.—Five. nic*. light and airy rooms, with bath and pantry; rent 317._______________________________SOUTH NINTH ST , 282, between Thirteenth >

and South Orange avea —Six rooms: rent 415; lsi]>ravemeati, one block from two trol- leya. ______BOUTH SIXTH ST., 140-Slx Urge- rooms,

nicely decorated, bath, pantry: icreene awri' togs, shadse. halt* nicely furnished, rent 41kBOUTM FOURTEENTH ST., 85. one block

from Central ave —Four light rooma and bath; sJI Improvemente; |14; adulta.SOUTH FTPTKCNTH ST. W . near Sixteenth '

ave.—Five large, light rooma and bath; an Improvttnents; rent n s ._________________SOUTH FIFTEENTH 6T., Si-FI^'e roomT

gas and water; |13. GEO. E. VAN DYNE. 483 Orange it. ________ _BIX and eaven room apartmenta; extra large;

all luodam Improvamenca: gas; electric,steam heat; etandard aanitary ^umhlng; rea- aonable rani 8- GRAY 752 Springfield ave.

BROAD ST.. 1137—One alQgla and 2 connecting front inomi, all impts.; private house; ss j^ -

ate entrance: 'phone, elw:lrlcliy: reasotieblaBROaD 8T.. Furniihed rooms, all con-

venlencae, three minutes Bouih St. Station and ten to Park P)., aalect neighborhood.BROAD BT, 083—Double and single roooie;

s ell kepi; all Ixnprovcroenta, every comfort, summer ratesBROAD ST.. 324—Furulahed rooms to let; cen-

tral location; handy to railroad and LrollsyBROAD 8T . 68-Prls ate family wlU rent fur­

nished room, aJl cons'cniencea.BLBEOKER 8T., 89, The Beechwo.id - Nice

front hall room, t l , ^ ; hoi water, baih, gsj, also room for two, 12.50 weekly; use parlor ana plaxio.BELLEVILLE A^’E., 103—Two newly deco­

rated. all light rooma; running water, yai and range, furnlfhed or unfurnished: adulls only.

BEACH ST.. 10. near city hall—Larga pleas­ant from room for light housekeeping; all

Improvamenta; iiantrally located: reaeonsbleBEAUTIFULLY (urnlehed room In private

fauilly; to gentleman: vicinity of Balmont and Clinton a^es Tel. 2242M Weveriy

SPRINGFIELD AVE.; 804-Piva ri>omi. sec­ond floor; Mid water: Improvements. In­

quire first iQor. or MB. MAYLAENDEB. 787 Bergen st.BPRINGFlFliD A'VlL, 373-Fouf light sunny

rooms, with improvementa; |10 30 LEWU'S Drug Store. 154 Spruce at., or 521 Eighteenthare.

OOLDBID TZNAKTB-^FMhUi# av*.. 371, near wwthOTaa gvs.: middle floor la three-tamliy

heoae: ^ rooms; private hAll: all Iwieat impts.: ' y«at ftIL inquire Door, or own^r. IM

BsrtagfMd ave. _____________________COLORED PEOPLB^Hidgeweod ave„ 423 : 6

roomsi baibn All improvements; tIA Inquire 60# Brimont eve.ObRNER FLAT, eeeond floor, alx rooma and

bath: eteam heat; if mere room desired, will real three attio rooms- w. p. BOHMEL. 133 RldfiWDod ave., eomer Bigelow st.CORNER Watioii and Badger ave-: 5 rooms

Ip4 bath, and comer store. Apply A. BIUp IRO. 122 Wataea ave._______________CHADWICK AVE., 7E near Madison ave —Six

rooms; bath, electric light, steam beat. Apply ■tege OB premises or UENDL A OANB, Essex bttlldiog. .‘Phone 4031 Market.CLINTON PL„ U 2-Fiei and four room K«r'

BTRATFORD PL, 0B—Five nice rooms; bath;all Improvemants; rent |17. Inquire DR.

GREENBERG. 67 Btratford pi., center Bose^ _______________________ 3_________STORAGE. 41 monthly; moving, $4 g load; pi­

anos hoisted. 48 each. Newark Storage Ware- ; housa 337 Washington at-; 'phone 4T08 Marke t

BUBBKX AVE., 33»-rive rooma end bath: all Improvemaota; Janitor servlca: rent 118. Ih-

qulre Jahlto? on comer. 26 North Fourth itBOMEBBXT BT., TT-'t^Flve rooms, al! irh-

provemsms. Inquire M. BRODY. 86 Elm it., or B. BRODY. S3 Stratford pi- _______SMAUi APARTMENT TO RENT, at a tow

rental.Call room 3lS Union building.

AVE.ri»-FourTooini7^-lth Improvements, rent 419.50. Inquire BOBIN-

BQl . j t e jlcrgen st.5TIBL1NG ST., SO—Five wel] lighted rooms

and bsth: air ImprovemenU: 423.

UUNTON AVE., 134—The Audrey, newly dec­orated. nicely furnished; ait ImprovstnenTi;

connecting and single rooms; 6 mlnutea from Market sDd Broad at.. Gentlemen only, refer- ence, 'Phone Wavciy U i2j .CLINTON AVE., 10]T-Klt^«n and bedroom,

fully furnished for housekeeping, aiso single rcK*n; hath and laundry. Tel iTTTW. TYa- verly.COTTAGE ST-. JG—Large front room, fur­

nished complete for housekeeping, with con­necting kitchen, ail ittiproveawnta Ainerlcans; resonable to clean psrTy.

WASHINGTON BT . 693-Nicely fumlihedfront parlor for one or people; also light

housekeeping room; all ImN-ovemenls. reason­able.■WASHINGTON ST . 182-Farlor room, wiih

bed. for houseksepltif. room for two: four mlnules from Broad and rormlntl, privateWashington st , iiW-lArge. elean. neatly

furnished front room, luiiable for one ur two, large bathroom, with porcelain tubtVASHINGTON 6T., 20^"iCOMatElRClAL HO-


aO A R O IN OSOUTH NtNTU BT., Ml-*-RMqi a«4 kMtd C«r

two tesmemcB; bowe cooklm-TWO furaianed final roema to let In prl-

family, with nr eichout hoard; illUBeetle!; near Oraate Bex II. News oOca.

Address T-.

THOliUB BT-. 28K—OencieaieQ asA keys nke- ly furnished front reeei. private tan i^ . very

etptral with nr wtihuut hoerdi teima rea-senabla.WABHINOTON BT-. l i t —Front room tor

one or two: French-AmarlMa table board: epeolal. If eaoh per week and upward; p r in ts ; four minutes from Broad and

BOA RD W ANTEDOe n t lVMAN and two boys, ages II and 14.

wish board and laom In private (amUy. Ad­dress Board, Box 4. News office.YOUNG MAN wiahai furnished roam ~^t1i

board. Ln private ItnUly: RoeavUla section preferred: state terms Address Board. Vog a, News office _________YOUNG MAN desires room and board with

refined Jawiah fenniy; HungarlaA or Gar- men preferred. Address Good Homs. Box k4.

-ttlfTi............................... ............... ..........



Trenfan lUrfaor Codeimution, East Declares There Hat Been aaii WiD Jersef Water G se and Canden I Be No Backward Step is

Freeholder*! Seat Argued. | Pure Food Work.


BO A RD IN G —O C T O r TOWNBOARD or (urmshed r«oms. alee. light and

airy, for two men, with use of bath; home comforts; near Edieon and frollsy. AndreasBoard, Box S. News offlcs. OrangeEAST ORANGE, Bouth Burntlt it., l^Rooms

sod board, choioe location, betwsan EastOrange and Brick Church stations, talephone 8734R Qringe ____ _ _EABT 0BAKG,£. Bouih WaJnut it., IT—Com-

forteble accnmmodsu>'>nf ror few adults; ax* osllent home table, near trolley and D.. U aod W. trains

TS'ABMINGTON 3T . 159—Two connecting froni rooms; clein sod nicely furnlshsd complete

for housekeeping; water, gee, laundry.w a sh TNG’TO.v BlTTlT-LighT"housakeeping;

nlfe front w m Jnriuding cooking, gsa 13 30. single room. t 1 50. central.\N’ ASHINGTON“ hT” "]36-Niire"le'rit roon^ all

reedy for liouteheeplng with gas. 42 50. all Impts : also other roomsWASHINGTON ST . 433—One cloan from room I

with gas (or tight housekeeping; also on» | he!l room. fl per «e«kWa r ren Pl u a—two connecilng house’

keeping r^mie. on* perlor sleeping room beih. (res get also one and two houAkeeping rooms IkS Plane stWa r r e n st 72—Nice, clean houeekeaplng

rooii a. 13.25. v{rh running ^aier froiit hall room. $1.23. sll Imrrnvemenia-WaLLACE RT 63. near Bank-Nlcely fur-

nlthed light. bLit room. bath, with small private (amlly, reaionabis to respe<'tahie party. 8TBCKLER

EAST ORANfiR, Souih Clinton at, 40—Very pleiiant second-sinry from room; good lablt.

convenient Brick fliurch Stallori snd trolleyEAST ORANGE. Prospect at.. 17—New mftb-

agement. nicety furnished roema, sxctllem tsbie hoard, table gueets. 'Rhone 24<tl OrtngeEABT ORANGE. 'tViMlem s» . IS-T-arge front

alco 'v rMm, «ithi balcony: for two, board opHonal. near all ufaMons and trolleyaEAST ORANGE ^ 'sbltsr pi . 2G-A!cove room.

second floor; (in* table: (our minutes Brick Church Bullion, :'ln.'ri« 167|J.________ELIZABETH—DeKirshle rooms, to suits ot

iingla; very comrortsble: modsm: csnirally located; exuellem table. 413 South Broad et.MONTCLAIR N’orih FullertOa ava. TS-Ltrgo'

aad well furnished room, or s smaller room, with board, priv.ne fsmilv; 5 mlnuies' walk ta the D., L. and W end Erie Btation .WINDSOR MOTEL South Main and Com­

merce ate., opiosite Military Park. Uraage. 12 per day up. according to iocatlon of rooms, special rales by rhr weak.

Wa ln u t bt , bt—ronnecting or single house­keeping rooms, IS. 43. ga*. baih. hoi and

rold running water central locationw a ln u t BT . h2—Nicely furnished single

room. 11.75. all Impts ; clean house, central, destrebla location.w illia m bt . 91-Neatly furnished rooms,

apply all week$2 50 PER weak, ;w ft. east of Lincoln ParlT

hot water unlimited. Address Home. Box 74, News office ____

FU B X IfiB E l) ROO M 8 W A N TEDFURNISHED room wsnird by yoqng men:

must be very quiet, belween Broad and Ber- ten SIS . state lentts. Address S.. Box 22. News officeFURNISHED room tfroafi »tnred for two

gentleman, wiih private fa;r*lly; privllegea. Addresi F-. Box 17. News officeFURNTSHED room wanted we at of High s(

Address A. B. C. Box 39. News officeL,4HGB, light air?’ second floor room, hot

and cold water with family prafened; handy poatofflce: permanent Address Lady. Box 54 News office

CHESTNUT ST. 25-Large and small ad­joining airy rooms, suitabia for three gen-

Uotuen; also single rooni. quiet, cIcsd; terms moilerate.COURT BT., Bft-rtouMkw ping single or con-

neeUog front rooma; gas, batn; newly papered and painted; clean, ftne neighborhood; ceptiaJ location.«CEDAR ST., 25—Xawjy fumfeJiad rooms to

let: Suitabia for two or couple; cantxaiiy lo­c a te . from 12 up. all oonvanlencas.e x c e pt io n a l two and bath, for very select

. gentleman guest: flneit apartment in city: ■Son'lcea uneiceilcd. Improvements; central: Ice water, etc.: 466 monthly. .Address Rare Oiiportunliy, Box 56. News office.EAST KINNEY 6T.. 44. near Broad—Cool.

airy roomi: also hall room; all convanlanaea; summer rafls. suitable for professional ptopio.

fUU; g]$ tmprovamanu exeept heat; fine ffgtdentlai looatlob: eoraer; brick building:i n up-dXMCFORTABLZI flat, eeeond floor, ati liwts.

«Koept RmaL alee lecation, convenlact to f»l- IWFt; «upl* or emiUt family. 36 MaBlson ave.

TO LET—Comer fial; 8 light and airy room#: alt improvementa; steam heat, dome llgHt,

enclosed porch, garden; near Wait Bide Bark- at 852 South Eighteenth at.. 2d floor.

TO LBT—Four nice roomi: waier and gar; 38 Wjisay et.; rant $10. Inquire 27 Hill a t

TO LET—six room* and bath; heat furniahed; aduUg: tt5- 41 l^uth Beventeanth at.

BAST PARK ST , 2^T hlrd floor; front room: finely furnished; alt oonveniencei; to rent to

gentleman or buBlnem woman: no transients.East p a r k st . 2^U arge, well furnished

front room, euJtable for one or two; all Im­provements and lelephone.EIGHTH AVX.. 5—Large, airy rooma for light

houaekseptng and aleeplng. naxi lo bath.

82 William ft. Til

OOTOT BT.r 153—Above High e t.; eeven rooms Bad bath; firrt floors; reiadiy for oociaianta.

e>i(TB A U /r U1« » room*: u*. Yn-gnte* J08EFK KORN, 1» WMhtinton »t.

JtLTON »T., IM-Fonr n»m>; lU- 2 tor colored fellca. Inquire janitor.

SMCKJER80N 8T.» 185. at Fifth vL-Flve large, UCht rtiomg. and bath: all> improvementa;

IMBf trolley ^ ResavnU Btatlop; SIS.SW5AKT tv*r>mifil; llflit tnd »lrri (h .

■mR. tm npBu t a i b>u; r w t t t op: with J u i t e HtviM. a t Lttllotaa ov*,, eomir y t t O w w p i* .

X .A SuklJLNT tlTf-nsm (lot: k e t u 4 oeM votfr; > j r loot ohMp. 3M South TwolflSot.

W S S r" # • 5 4

jouth Orange, Hllli: -good

at not lo ex- .ddnu HtMfo,

TO L ETrge frentate; •asonable. Ap- 'ER riN O M . rket._______

eight rooms; ardt refit ria- iVQ.; store.barren at., at a, large ahoR enable; agltg"

w whoW: c in t ftwe or lldiM.ore with ittree rht and airv;as.I avt.; rcaaon- of any ether

05H Wavndy;

m, 26x110. for ROI A. MAI-

ali6 private

rtora. In good > suit tenaht: EBB * 00,id one room to ard et._____ _

fultible for !0ds; open olt 0 siraei; rtfii

. BT.. 48-^lva roomo oBa Bgtb, aap- aptsgnoe; raat SIT.________ ________

tpMPU movtd er nered; e te u n i» : 1 mea; eutoi kmc d ltu n n . aOAB'S

. . jnhM tt, 9 to U Cilttoo i t ; e(tlc<, htea hve.; 'pluiM 30W)B. Wev,I mowM IP phddtd Thai, 14 e lead: «i-

M pt pUim jnored ter A h , m . oyeaw oK , W ' fp ra^ h M »*». i i # w w*v.n k T ; ta eltr 'i buhlam oeetiqp: ftvo hrUhTj r ^ T s s tV U .M -M UttMtsn hv*.; elx Iw n . IM t

realm.1 et eevea reean,Co., e ti CegtnU ew.

butt; e le c tstt* OTVtttt CWlUtt, UttiUe UgUettem heats aloMr <KonU4; eeavealeai <

te ^ in lle n e Ui«utr« *84 >«ith CtMBth e tUchts lat te

aeaUi M m oat _ Uitets names eteem heU:

ereiT Impts tHitwo^laaiUy

HI tc«a« beat; eleotrto U ^ti MATE. UnloR Bldg.

TO LET-Flat. ifcrket.

TRTt of the Bnast flata, new, at $13 and | 2Q.to good tenantai all latest Improvements. 31

Stuj^^esant ava, ' take South Orange ave. carTW'O flats for rent; 171 Avon ave-; 3 larga.

airy rocnti and baths; fill improvements.TWO and three rooma to let 40 Camden st.TOURAINB APARTMENTS. 233-28$ Littleton

ave.—Bfx, seven and tea rooms and bath; janitor aervice; rent $a and up.TUBES light rooms, bath, lo let, a t 289 South

Sixth s t ; rfCit |9; qutat neighborhood. Owner, i 187 Rose st.______ ______________ IVBfeT dHlnbl* net. »t« i« ™ usd bath:

r a w ; tuba Inauln Mulbarrr it., aUCTMAim** BilllTnerr utore.____________VINB BT., T, b«t*em 'Wublneun oad Ht(!i

Tour, tlv* or tlx lerte. Ilpbt rMtnt: tduUt tiBly.___________________________________WaaKQTOMN ST.V iit-B w en dwlrabl*

reonif In two.famlly housa; colored tanant desired; rent U5. Xaquire LOWT. BEROEH A g iWGpR CQ-. t oo Broad it.t Globe buiidlog.WASmUOTON r r 7 4S5-*BIx large, light, airy

rooitui. In two-family house: newly decorated; rant 418< Inquire store on premises, or MIL- USR WAaSCTMAN. 33 Centre MarketWEBSTER 8T.—Co» five-room flat, with Im-

provementi; rant 115414; lopm ta antraooa, Inquire 26 Webster e t, flret floor._________WIKTHROP bt., 53—Four nice rooms and al­

cove; bath; icreane: vaesht now. Apply


APARTMENT. S or 4 large rooma. with bgth and all improvemante. for German couple, one

child; near iubee: rent I|6-t2(>. Address Apart­ment, Box Bl, Newg effiM.

- - rREUNGHUYBEN AV£., fid-Ught, plMSam.— nSatty (umlahed sleeping rooms.lof men only;

rti. T53 Improvemenu; bath; Sl.w weekly up.f r a n k l in bt., 65—Two Urge room# on the

second floor; all improvements; also a amail room; near the city h&ll.FULTON ST.. 5T—Choice ISJte room with

southern exposure; thros minutes from Tube.leleci home.GAB81DE ST., 176-*Cholca of three, large,

airy, clean, newly furnished; bath; break- ortvate house, reasonahte. 'Phone 3472

Branch Brook.GREEN GT., 78—Nice large froat housekeep-

ing room with alcove bedroom, 45; also hougakeaplng room. 42.26.HALSEY BT., 553—Sleeping and housekeeping

rooTni; Washington s t , 846; two large niair' ment rooms; no objection to ohjid; improve- inenti; alsd 57-44 Liberty it., Sl.26 up,HALSEY 8T.. 2T—Large, light front rooms:

all improvemems; large, newly furniahed room at 32 New at-: three mlnutea tubes,HALBET and Bank ets , Stag Hotel, corner—

Booms for gents only, all rooms facing tbe ■street; 11.66 up.HIGH BT., 821. between Slnney and Court

sts.—Desirable, furnished roomiL with or without housekeeping; all accMiamodatlens; prl- vat^famlly.MlOK BT., 352-Lerge froat rooin: suitable for

one or two gentlemen: l in t . airy, exceptidn- ally clean and comfortable; Improvemratj: QU^irate.Hioiff BT.. 881—Ne-wly toralehed roonw: ftlos

aldova and elngle rooms, fumlihed (or house* keeping; also gentlemea'e rooma 41.95 up-HIGH 8T.. 43B-Cannectlng roome for light

Housekeeplnt, bath, uae of laundry: trigat. eiean rooms; one block from Market st.

r u i ^ o o e n temllyi tm r alee. Ufht n _3n lawmiaeBUs n o t tts . (raa Uth. ’S i

MJsT t l tlTi lone. U*bt mnox: modan la - '^nttnaBBti: m fe lu a p : a w r Bned u t Or- ■NWetti Apply » Iteiax et._______

m tees e ll __________n o t (8uae; eener Ipriafneld

" ave.. I iuu lr. e4 JonUor-----M, . -.OKIN. ’WiebUsitcii)'itlliht, ae^ tr Aeeanktel N e w . «n tej eerMn* fottii*ta.d: m nuc etr- r t r SOwtea it., «eie %llMb.th

.(tt, 'M»n*«ee et. ,: re«m t» l*ts oU Immmeaieeta OW, t t e teller, 4* tta te et,. ,

eneleied pOntt, note

ttloui tettebli t ‘ taral»Mivssi.' iienrrtd tvc.n» : 11! eeatb tehtfintb e » ,

Ometiry.Do«n.; ell fur- lucemms tent

tes f w ter

' reeme s t u ooa ««ter.

U ; ««e S aw tO tem fu a a i eo premleM, f lm tMtt.

reone e a t betb, teee rest to June

av». Apply

SlEtter «ervt«A nar rifiMBtli gysi

l batk$ IBtta;

St* car*

L, comar-Two ;e flasi frtsiei 4 iMfber; U3

^OOTD MONTH, with all ' H 8 U d

with all Improve* 118. ■»

six lan t.. <*p*

y*flrat a t end I ai a xreem*; om: will make lurlnasa pxtivpt 4 South Blxlh

flttts i)i BPilen In p rn e ia^ ir;■ee: eleettio: leM terater eaaa«tlees un l-■ee: eleettio

loiy slnmbbd eoe.-

t u u 111 n t •pMsueuu

IT I t rn Nema locitlois: one

eat IMS Ml

wely IiM ete- ur rttlit .party.

m tbarn.

iwltb Imprevementi;.___ ____otri r«t:rewoBewa.

atw p tttB im W o O D AV«.,

. U m reellirTSi

Ms In Nnret*. otW .'Boutb Ortitte

____ II—Soseo* now twe*i>nt t iMmt; i l l Isapte. Inquire ar i l l (w tb T n t t eC T ) U y »

iBl T|ie ' i S tT e i*


v ^ . T i r *

CA RSnjU tiddly woman wants <me unfur- nlahed room; water, gas: private famUy:

owner prefen^; RoNvIlle, Juba 16: P ^eraU pay; wompt; feterenec.Box I t; Wewi qffloa.

Juba 16: D ^e._ . Address Guioklyj

FXiAT—Four or five airy roonte; secood cr third iloar: back poreh; good neighborhood:

rent not te exeWM sl5. Addrese 'w., Box 76. Nawe otrtce.GSH4TLI9CAK deelm one or two uafumlihed

room* for the euimiDer. A“Box TBr News offlCA

Addreee Camllna.

t h r e e cr four nice room tor two ladlee, ift •aieot netghbcilaoedi: rent ebeut llO » r

xnoRth: th in er fourth^ floor. Addrese Flat. Bex IB. Newi offloA *TWO unfomUhed rooms wanted by middle-

aged wbmaa, Addma St., Box Bg, Kewa of-tioa.WOULD 9«m9 -lotM lady like to Join ma tn

four or five reomaf 38 Ninth

HIGH BT.. 442, few doors Brom courthouee-- Nlccly furnished room, all impts.; aliy and

light; uiephope; strictly private; Il26.______HIGM BT.. 455—Large and samll. cool, alngie

and connecting Ugnt houeekeeping or aleap- Ing rooms; improvemeftts; rw onatie._______HILL BT.. SB^Two nicely fumlahid rooms;

lafire and email, on bath fiOM; oonvanient for busloew man; one minuu city hall. Mlu- RATjIa ________MILL IT.. 12, near Broad ft.—'Neatly fumUhad

todm for geoueman; ail Improvements; H per WMk.Mt.'raOSPBCrr AVE.. 43U-Pleaeant room,

for reipsetable working girl, with private torolly: convealancea; terma very maonablaCM‘. _________________ ___UTnUDCRRT ST., SO-Ntody tunUahM teoet

roam for llibc tauHkaipra*. t t ber n e b ; ql«o front ootiitectlng rooose; wooptiii roaa, II.H O nt PI.., e—Iicrto elry roome; bot and cold

weter; jun tlu plaos ter tha lailsaor; optisaali north Broad cox, to Htrvgy it.

A n u m c E i n s . r o o m s A3n> f l a t sTO L E T n O tT O P TO W N

MAKIHAU. IT.. I. MiT d ty bell-tteatly tur- nlehod l>n« froBt room for bniMkeeploi

eU Inpieveinente; algo hen rooia.

paU ktm ppt, neeltty looeMaii: itee n!oa,------------------' bate; Mowd floor: IB n i l -

lUHs etoen boat; hot «oter inr reeMooblo to («od tea- weteoe gve,. Weot Orema-

BCUdETUMD.'Four room*: ^ Improraaeote: aeooiid Hem*; rent 418. 2M •BeUovlUa Stiphue *b)

NSW IT., 41-FilJmtlbed loomi, aladle. nr dtiublo, Itmt l td olrrs I ailautee Cram HM'

no tenelo^; for oenUonm; roaaooablt; n f .troBoii, ■ - ________

M Stt ST.. M.-l.ar(*. front oleote (Mm; tear wtadowi; ntcoly fumUhtd: nltable two er

thrieyfUet<8lan hour*; w ar tuba,V()ttP<DLK..lt.. W noer iteole-I*t||a laem*,'

honeohottlAI; I t lo ups cennoctlnt raenu elio;B: ebo boUrcom. 11; Impfovemeate.

B B U X V IU C ^fley e let: new hasiee; all im- prevoiMnle: rant ttO. W Brash et.; noor Vlt.

tl* it. ,betb: ee* or two

teehth et.. BOet i

, Jlsly 1 ; eeven.

QdIDKSXl-Saet Ortnie. # FrlaMon ei..

BAIT C O A N M ^ JM. elecn t n M o Apart- m*ot Ur-uoit dtolimMt twa-evertaiint dwtiu.

blsiuiH from Brlok _ etetlOM and two trelU', joaliy. UlHly to beeoaee . prMiabty be u td t to oolt. M4 Vein et.. Beet ornni*.

BelabWhoMf hut .»e»«n Owreh end I W CM nn dUyis. to m u l , drateobit »ee pennAinnt Uns* eon

Addteil .Owtwr,

SaMt OBAKatt-Beiutltut deoonud. niart' Ideates only oMnelaiod when racn; a and ft .... „. “ * — ; hrat, not -......................rmnie: betb:

eirvlcra. M ]w«*.> see,. water; Jenilor n .a u ; very lo .inet,, Mtwk depot, i ra v n lu r . trauty end lu i

iioKTa blBtb n th i t "! ils^Nle*enoteite; prnilere poreelAbl betb: __

pereoee: rate* rateoagble; boerd neetby. jnB'lM n ' p l ,. I S - T n bvrtg nomi. tulUhie

ter Itiht bouiekraiilair: ill tmpraraingnu: g|go on* other lort* lifOt room,OBCHAXB 45, near city hatt-Krally fur-

nltbid room for >l(ht bougkgeulu, wRh lorre k ittens, edlolnlnc hull; aU Impravt- monte.OWnUBD n . . Il-I.g r*g gioeitt fls»r; froat:

both, (gg; cM a. rageonable:. two t«tlgmgn ' I t 10*1 *0- flUOUKD IT.; U -nU rite PMeihat te ie ttM

teM oTtl h w ^ i w t e : p rtv^^U nitr.wWcOlf aioelyw id ter .etwpig, er etetlemeB; eiio

iller rooitt: benegke^uf If deeued: preeintnte: I I up. _____n n n f ilw rf lN s t . . ^»*-ceM4ctint neM ,

fiiTOlsIiei fer Hqlit heeM keep^; am hspreve- very Feed .nalgh,Mrheed; mawfaleet to

* f ^ergtor.■UtloB.

r gnd ite tloii. ________«S a*., Tl-Two iiteeiy-fliniirlii t ’ iwew hcnUNhephits nil Impraittiaeaus retrlt-

r; laundry gatvHegaa; egtr Leiditweemi

S55S -' ^TL. t t - w a a

YOUNG M.\N (itslri* two rooma or ona rtiom With p^l 'ate famlh' In pleasant vertlon'. no

hoarding hout«* Address D . Box 25. News

YOUNG LADY wants a couple of rooms, fur­nished Or unfurnished- Vallsburth. state par­

ticulars Addreta Couple. Box 7. News of' flee _____


lABT ORAaVGE. Hollywocid ave, laO—Clean.airy rooms, near boarding-house, trolley and

Grove Bt. Station, also tsrgs room tor light housekeapiiig: rent rcsaonableEAST ORANGE, Main st . 8e7-FurniihH

room, larga and airy, all Impronemanta; 3 bloeka from D-. L and W. R. R surlon; prl- vati family. w jl lSOn .EABT ORANGE. Hollywood ave . 55—Rooms

to let In private family; furnished or un­furnished; with ail impro^'aments, near stS' tlon and trolley.EuUiT ORANGE, Hollywood ave . IT6-C<im-

foriably fumlihed room: prh'Sfe family:near Central a\a- PaxUculars. Inquire flrat spartmast ^EAST ORANGE. 83 Fourth av*.-Two rooms.

furniahed or unfurnlabed; Hteam heat; hoi v,a(.ar: Irefit. private family; near Ampere Btation.EAST GRANGE. Mala a t. 828—Nlceig fur-

nlthed front poem; private fawiliy; near Lackawanna and trolley; reasonable.EABT ORANGE. South Arlington ave..

Dealrable large airy rooma to rent, con­venient to trolley and train.ORANGE. Bcoiiand ft.. 15-Small and a large

room, furnished; bath-


W.ANTED—Furnished room wUh use of kitchen on farm near railroad station. Addraaa

Commutar. Box 62. News office_____________


ABBUBT PARK—FuraiibeO roomi; block from <K*gs: gultra for hourahraplna' B*n« Vl*w

Houh. Lgkg gvg.. It. Jgmgi pi. Hr*. BB*rarft-OCEAN GROVE. Ktygront cottec*. eft-TO H «k

gvc.-.LI(at. gliy roorag; houagkMpIni prlv- 11*0*: by wrak or ggegOn. Mtg. li. Van Dtvi iittr.TO LET-^Eurnlih*d roomj for light houi«-

krapml: p'tvllag** et kltchto gnft Alnlng- ruem: n « r lain .k u eogga, gt Tb* Tblttla, 6S Clark gv«.. Ocagq Owt'a ,*C. 1.


. IT.. 10. 'otef olty. hiUTdeuding: _ | g ; OBI ftoulug raigi; fliot-dgw ti Ivgte family.

i S 5W , t o i lFLAW* BT.. irr-N iarty ;

ooubig TOom*. wills g* tebig; ill IteprorroiDgatt; tubaR O |tV nX «-«outb W *M «tte t.._ jli-i.A if»

tvniMga reora f « <»* er two o m M '**e-tlmueSi prirafg fgjaiiy^j«»rtmt«t t i loraviiittteWB enft tr»il»y«i It OeUNM.lUnCVltLT. loucb

tttfSigbei ftont teomi ___buoHi; ’oaar«B]gnt te t«H*ye WWtiW: tft-

teble b e g m s '^ oB* eeag. •oeX H Q E IN di I v D .

WYOMING. I'or WiUhurn and Myrila av. nogj-deri^ slsf ro«>Tns for housekeeping.

BO.\KD IN G— SEA SH O REA8BURT PARK. The Marble Cetuge. 1103

Heck jt-Furnished room#: board optional E MARBLE, formerly Park Houe«. Newark-bEAGH VILLA. Grand View ava.. ntar board­

walk: mod house Impts.. home cooklac^ rales 48-410. MRS- N WESCMAN. KtanibuTyN. JOCEAN GROVE, Pilgrim pathway, IS-Large.

airy rooms, rorner house, good home cooking: 3 min .Auditorium and beach. Mrs G Hiller.ocean g r o v e . N J-. 52 Embury ave-

Larg#. alrv rooma; naar ocean: boinallke; iTifis" rwtae .lun*- MlfiH KCNyffePT.

COUNTRY h o a r d

A PLEA8A.NT home for the city pec;ile who warn rest, with plenty of Ttcetablas. agst

and milk. URS. A E. gNOVER. Balevllle,Sussei Ct/umy.PRIVaTE family In counify detirai f«*

guesLs; delightful, quiet surroundings: gn<*d Uble. MRei S BR(V>ME Gletidola S J 5iu- uoi^aat^P_O^He1rt]ar^r»rmionao£M ca^^


manta, w ith the axceptlone enum aratad below. Is one cant a word Imlnlmum 30 cente).

The average la eeven abort words tothe Una.I These stT«p eftrti~rep^rtittt~4B~igate line. '|

No reduction In ra te unless advertise­ment is fun for one month or every o ther day for one month. Then the ra te Is; One month, dally, 11.35 per line; every o ther day. 50o. per line, minimum, three lines.

One year, dally. tlB per line: one year, every o ther day. 13 psr Una; minimum, three Unas.

W here blank linei or capitals a re used e ither a t lop or bottom of an advartleem ent. w ith eolld agate In cen­tre, the ra te Is ten cents (Ihe.) par count line. (Capitals four words to a line.)

EXrEPTIGNI.CbrUlenicgfAnciv^riSTr NoticeAuDuliuft at r>t UsiclageConflnoatlofisBirthsEngtgediUrnagesDlroroedAoDlTtrsary Hiss Mc atb's Ulod MemorliL Service AucUoe, tisls EmplayiaeDt Age&clss Meellcgs Person j|l<4 Bids tVinted Baokruptey gels DtssQlullQQ of Psrtnersbli Porsatieu of Partnershiplo Memortam Card of TbsQki L<^ie NntIrsR Society Kollcrs


Rellgloui Notices Ikl words or isw

BzfiPlojoieot Wsnted Male «r gefflale

8 • V • a Lines, 5 0 rests, s^ery tev*a ■ddltloDSl words, or frectloTial part, 10 rests: 50 ceatt Is the iDialLDUDi.

10 <‘esti per ] is e. MiiUmtim t h r e e lto«t.

10 ceats per M a e. M I q 1 w u D tre lipei.

60 cesta tot 3 llaea. E ▼ eiT sddiiiotial Use, 10 cestk-

i to evQts, sddltloBal f ' words. 1 ceot each> 1 reet word. Mini* j* muu ten words-

When sending repilea to advertise- mencs addressed to News boxes be su re to w rite full addrest. AU such ad v e r­tisem ents have a word and box num ber or a le tte r and box number, such as •■Owner.’' Box 60, News office* or “A. B.," Box 60, News otRce.

T ransien t advertising In the N ew ark E vening News m ust ba prepaid. No ac ­counts w ill be opened for such.

BREINTNAIL FU* M; Nelson p i , 13-F1ve minutes from Broad end Market, near court-

houee: elegant targe front room: connecting rooma: shower bath; exoslleat table; also two or three room apertmenle. Call Nelson pi.BBSINTNALL FL* 18^ near counhouee;

three minutes to Broad and Market ate.— Fine room for gaptlgniaD and wife; also alagle voom: excelierit tgkle; private family.


BROAD BT-. 84. oomar Orlantat^lArge front rooia, with alcove; suitable ftx- couple or two

gMcleman; up "to date la every particular; flrvt-cleae table board.broad st.. 1101-*Chea^l front room: neatly

furnished; all coavenlleooes; excenent ubt«: good homn-rnade pastry and tarvice; refined •urroundiagB.BROAD BT., I011«4lagle Of double front

room; exceilaat table; good aarvloti also ta- hill board.BROAD ST . IIW—Two front rooma: all Im-

provemenia__________BLBECKER 8T., 47. pear Hahn«'e—Large and

email roome; modem Improvamenta; first- class table home cooking: table board 44- Tel. 4MU_Jiarl«t^CLINTON HILI/-*Hvats boardlag*houae;

large, elegant all improvements;ecreen porch; Mautmil grounds; mroellent table- Thone Wawrfr.COLUMBIA 87., 4Bft->lia; and aoiall roams;

modern' convaalaaoH; or gentlemen;two blooke from a t r Hkil. TM. 788# W. MkL^B E X BT. ll^^TWo Croat rooms, with or

without board; alee two connectinf roome; well furnished tor light bowaekaeping; tipprove* mama.EAST PARK BT.. SB-DoutoM and alngie

room: ell improvemetiU; f|rat-elas# board; near Hudeon tubas* etatton* twileye, ato.PlgTH 8T-. 31. naar Oautrsi ava,^xwo

rooms togetbsr I4-5B oBOhi' also single rooms: lUry* very b^t home eoe^lngj private.HUiL i t . . 31--Urt* T90tm jm Bulta er MBila;

running water; large olesaU; suitable tor family t gort bosrd; leM^bweae_____________


LARGE, airy, handsoriit RmlsheA l^ m , with flret^elase board in tomlly la

RaeWtUei alio email room, Addraw Home CeoBlb^i. Bo* 30, Nowj egtoe.CiKiathXD ST..^ »)«waist trant

H W ! oratbr furatcbol; MUteUa foi■tTmail

~But1; 'fu r a ll^ nUtehS* for two: a)n itMl* raoiE*: *9 moihm lunovomesiu. with hw(4.OBANde 8T.. raomt

for lallM or **otl*in»: ttD ra . 14 wrah with bogrt: ■*titl*m*n. >8: tool OM* hogrt.


f I* godfbsaa#gr

; iU Unl(ra*wM|f»;raun-i Md LjSiawaBsuU^Two lt(h t girr roooo*. wtth or

wiS«if*M ard: (^'g m hilM istgelon an* ' tn llcrt trivatg fgiallhi 'chOM UlU

iKjgili^'tJLgritTWth i'-*., nltglyfstr-tt*h*4 *0*te- OB 100001 fiBO*. wUh food

>lalo Office,2IS-2IT M arket Street.Local BraDrii Offloeg, openfrom S A, M. untU U;J0 A. M.. and from i P. M. until 6:S0 P M dally at the follow ing addreoeeg;Belleville avenue, 104.Bruee etreti, J#9.Clinton avenue. 211.Blm elreet, 1S6U.Ham burg place, 14.Myrtle avenue. CO iRogevllle). South Sixth street. 2CC. U 'allace place. IT.llraiise Branch Office, 19SMain street, oppoglt* C leve­land efreet. Telephones; O r­ange 3000, -Market 18(4. P r i ­vate branch exchange con­necting all department*.New Jersey Seaebon Off lee- 400 Main street, north«*»t corner Bangs avenue (Ogorg* W. Plttenger'* rggl eatgta office!, opposite new p o it- otftce Telephone TT4 A i- bury Park.Trentan Bureau.IT West State Itroat, Tren­ton. N J Toiaphone 8 Cl Trenton.Atlantic CUT Branch Office.The Dorland M v*rtlslng Agency. Walter E. Edge. Dover Breach.9 Losey street. Tolepbona 211. H orrlalctTa Braiieh Office,11 South BtrecL Telephone 1(3.Uosslclalr Braaish Offlcg,221 $lenrldge avrnue. Tate- phone T13Ifewton Branch Office,121 Spring gtreeb Talaphone94.S n ttra lt Branch Office.Roosn 1. Fostotfloe Building. Telephone 60M. HUIbara-lpringBeU Branch.Otflee.1 CampbeU’l Drue Store. Bank B ulldlnr burn avenue Talepni MlUburn.Mew York Otttee,Roomi 321-3(3 Brunswlek Building. 22* FllJh avenue. Telephone 93*9-9311 Madlioa. F. c . Taylor, New Tork rep- regenlative.w neU ngton ID. 0 .) Offlec.Room 994 Colorado Sutlding. Chicago ortlee. Room 1103, Tribune Building,Anthorlscd Ageata la Bow - a ilt i your druggilt or itewi* dealer may be on*.A«thurlg«d A n n ta tn the Or­anges and suburbo and aea- shore town* In N*nr J^riev Look (or th jr K *W A B k SV E ^ N G NEWS llfti.PlasM where an hdvartiae- roent can start eg t t i Jour-

^ gey Into ,

7 7 , 0 0 0 H O U S E H O L D Swhera It wjll arrive___

a m t a b o u t S U N S B f

TaleiMton* lO

9 7

tio tf Cercwpesdncr.T IU N t ON, June *.—The regular set-

Mona of the June term of the iupr*nie Court, which optned laai Turaday. came to a conclusion today when argum ent waa heard before the mein court In the proceeding* attecklng Ih* attem pt of the cliy of Trenton to condernn for harbor purpoeoa land owned by tha Delaware Rivet Traagportetlon Company. Both of the braiwh oourte concluded the ir work In the afterneon.

The tend lought by tbe city le an old w harf m e, the aondoninatlon of which w i i eought under the act o t 1111. aulhor- lilB f municipalities fronting un thlal w aters to eetebllsh hsrbors. During the grguraant Chlet Justice dum m ere asked former Supreme Court Justice Gilbert Colllne. who represented th* lran*porig- llon company, whether h* regarded me act a* applicable to munlclpalliie*, ut which but hglf front on tidewater. Thli 1* the situation In Trenton. Mr. Collin* did not directly answer the gueetlon.

In defending (he properly of tbe tran*. portatlon comp*ay again eetsure. Mr Col­lin* contended that th* company had In no wgy gbindoned lla property, g fuel which he geld wgi dem onitraced by th* large amount It expended * few yesrs ego In dredging the river channel. He alto stiacked th* conitltutlonallly of the get under which the proegedinga war* brought.

AVatcr D lveriloa .Appeal Aritued. Another case. Involving the claims of

Ih* Wgidmsn Bilk Dyeing Cornpany of Patereon for danigge* regultlng from the diversion of water from the Pgsislo R l'e r. wgg argued before Ihe main court Th* c*»e we* ihst In which th* dyeing compnny obtained g verdict of I22.2M against the East Jersey W ater Company,

I t w ai contended by former Oovarnnr .John tv Orlgga representing the silk company, tlrat the verdict ghould be lus- tained In accordance with th# two opin­ions handed down by the court last Tussday. affirming sim ilar verdict! agalas t Newark and th* Jersey City w a te r Supply Company Mr. Collins ap- poared for th* E a it Jo n e y company.

Bevtewg lla leg Hill A uto D am agea.A verdict of (3.100 dam ages, obtained

In behalf of Ethel Grossman, a young girl of Union Hilt, against Edward T. Mitchell and Frank Mitchell, w as Involved In another case reviewed by the main court. While crossing a stree t to buy a bag of candy, th* girl w*g run Into by an automobile owned by Edw ard Mitchell and driven by F rin k Mitchell. She wgg seriously Injured snd her Ilfs wgg only saved by psrforming a dpllcat* surglctl operation. The defendant* claimed that the verdict was excessive and against th* weight of svidenec.

Caradeu Freeholder ElectloD.Th* main court siso reviewed the ac­

tion of the Camden City Council In elect­ing Morris G. B oiiett to rapre ient the new Thirteenth Ward o t th a t city In th* Board of F re t holders of Camden County. Boasstt'g right to sit In the board was rhallenged by Samuel Wood and other membera.

Th* Camden Council passed an ardh nanc* lest January dividing the Seventh W ard and creating from a part of It the new Thirteenth Ward. B oisett was then chosen to represent the new ward, th* question e t laiue being whether he was entitled to e seat or whether there ehould be a vacancy until th* nex t eleotlon.

H odige* Jadgnseat !■ A ato Ceee.In accordance with au thority contained

In th* new practice act, th* court gave an Im m sdlite dediton modifying g Judg­ment obtained by E ilssbeih C. Norton, of H lghtiiow n, against Michael Colilni, of the same place. The suit was to rscover the price of an automobile which the complainant clalrrted had been Illegally taken by Collins 'T he Jury found the de- fendam guilty, end In addition to ordering th* return ot the automobile aaetised darrteges for (3(3 against Colling.

The Buprem* Court held th a t th* as- segsment of damages was Improper, and i« t th a t portion of tbe verdict aside.

Deoles W rit Id C hathain CoBtenlloB. Tbe eeeond branch Of th* court denied

the application of Frederick L. W alters for t writ of certiorari to review th* ordinance of th* borough of Chathain providing lor th* abolition ot e number of grade crossings of the Lackawanna Railroad. The ordinance was attacked irpon various grounds, oh* of which wa* th a t It was In violation of th* provision* of the Fielder grade crossing law of last winter, which requires th a t the railroads shell bear all the expense ot eiimmsiing such crossings.

The prlnctptl point urged against th* ordinance before th* court, however, wa* th a t therft was no authority under which the borough could legally borrow 119.000 from the railroad toward paying Us share of the cost of elimination, and that no method was provided for the return of th is money.

In answer to th li point Relph E. Lum. who appeared for the borough, pointed out that the money would not be required to be returned for two years, and In the meantime the borough could raise the amount necessary by taxation or other­wise as might be determined

Justice Bwayxe and Justice Bergen, who beard th* argument, agreed th a t no prima facie case had been preaented which would Justify th* granting of a writ end th* consequent tying up of the work. Pending other kgel proceeding*, there­fore, the rallrotd la a t liberty to pro­ceed with the work of changing the cross­ings In accordance with th* suthorlty given In the ordinance.

A ttack- South .AaiboT U ceB ie Law. Tha ordinance of South Amboy Impos-

Ing a license fee upon builneae wagons. Junk dealers, vendors and o ther classes of business was attacked before the sac- ond branch In an appeal ot th* Great A tlantic and Pacific Tea Company from It* conviction before Justlc* of th« Peace William Birmingham for violating the ordinance, Th* company wee fm td (25, th e ordinanc* permitting th* IrapoUtlon of anv fin* not exceeding ((0.

Some ot the points urged eg sin tt the ordinance were thut It la discriminatory. Inasmuch as it except* flrora th* license pfovlslon the wagons of local dealers pay­ing taxes In Bouin Amboy; th a t It le un­authorised by statute, since It attempt* to require a license for vahjelea privately uetd by owners In Ihetr own business, and 'ha t In providing a sliding scale for violation* It constitutes an unauthorised delegation of power to the police magls- traiaa or other officer* before whom con­viction* may be bad.

tay * Shelter Is T rolley g tado ii. Another cage before the second branch

was that instituted by Thoma* H. Gard­ner. of Jersey City, attacking the reaolu- tlon of the Jersey City Shade Tree Com­mission awarding a contract to r th* erec- Hon of a shelter a t th* Junction o f Mont­gomery street, Bergen avenue and Foye place. Th* contract w as awarded to Henry Hahn for 14.155.

I t wa* pointed out by counsel fo r Gard­ner th a t th* only possible ue* of the chelter 1* for e trolley wgltlng-room. The plot on which it Is to be erected i* en­tirely lurrottoded. Uk* an taland. by u-ol- ley tracks.

F lg k ts Rival W ater CerapBay.Argument was heard by the main

branch In the ault brought by the Belrl- der* W ater Company to se t aside a neso- luUeoi of th* Belvider* Council Impairing an did contract under which th* Belvi- dsre company wg* au tho rtw d to luppiy w ater for fire hydrants. T he rceotutlon under attack gave part of th e work to the Buckborn W ater Company, a rival of the Eelvldere company.

Call Roller Chair F ee B a o o a lv s. Two cases before the m ain branch In-

voli-ed th* validity of the ordinance of A tlantic City for the lioeoethg of -oH«r chair establlghmenta The ordinance was attacked by the Sblll KolUng Chair Com­pany and Thomas tA salter. It war claimed th a t- th e license fee exacted by th* city la ■'Practically profflbltivA aad •qulvalegt to coBflscatlon.

I ATLANTIC CITY. Jun* S.-Th* pledgg which President Georg* C. U chty mad* yeeterdtv In hie annual a d d rsa a t the National Whcieaal* Grecere' Association convention, th a t th* association would aid th* government III th* campaign for pur* food, honest weight* and full tn*a*> ur*. was pleasant new* to Dr. Carl L> Alaberg. chief ot the bureau of chomla- try. who addressed th* steoclatlon to­day.

I ' There has been and win be no stag backward lu tbe enforcement of th* pur* food lew under the new admlnlatretion," Dr Alsberg declared. He added, how- rvor, th a t • the edmlntetratian of the law will gain In effeetlvenst* It coupled

' wtth a policy of education and Ineiruo- Uon."

I Dr Alaberg said he hoped to make th* chemifttry bureau as valuable to the con- euraer us th* Department of Agrieultura as a Whol* had been to th* fannar.

1 "On* of the g reat needa of the tlniel."I he continued. "1* more iclenc* In tha

manufacture ot foods. Her* In th*I Unltsd Btstes the buiinets of food ftiail- I tifacttire has advanced with ex trao r^ - I nary rapidity. We no longer Tlk* af , home.' a t they eay in th* Boulh. Our

isble Is dapendeo: on ths distant grower, the distant m anufacturer. Th* food problem Is not a problem of th* homo,

i or even ot th* locelliy. I t I* a problem nation wide.

The tranaformeUan o( the food Indue- I try has been so rapid that abuses could

not fall to creep into 11. Th* old housw- ' hold methods are often bad when tppUed on s targe seal*. N*w method* h td tn he devised. Under pressure of cotnpetl-

' tion these have not *lw*y* bean thor­oughly leated Thus trade practlc** hav* become eetebllehed (hat are hard to iiradl- cate. It m ust be one of th* -lull** ot th* Department of Agrlculturo to eum lR * into all ot these processes, to luprov* good ones, and discover substitutes lor Ihe bad. It m ust also he Its fuootlon th develop methods of iiuilclng br-pr*duotg snd of using e s food many thing! wUeh are not now utIlUad

"Much work of (Mi type already hhh been done In the Department of Agricul­ture, but It le hoped to make thi* work tue dom lntnl not* of ths bnreau'e policy."

In hi* annuel address President U chty. referring to the pur* food campaign, eald,

"This astociatlon le positively end with­out equivocation committed to thI* poltcit of Ih* Federal Government, and every one of Us merabar* will sHveye Stand ready to aid the offlclols In their coia- mendeblo work along these line*.'’

Mr U chty said the young men of today should receive attention. “I t ds th* of­fice boy of today who I* heed of th* «oa- cern tom orrow ,'' he said. "Wg must a t- sitt in developing th* Chamber ^ Cogs- meroe of America: we must Inform oui>- sslvas as to th* commerce of th* coun­try end be active In dlffuelng the saiBw; we must be active In the promotion Of AmerloSn trade throughout the world, and In the idvancemeDt of tbe cause of carry ­ing commerce lo American ehtps.''

Bert N Fernald , of Maine, prstldent of the National C anners' Association, In a n eddress. declared th a t eo-operatton hte tween th* two associations, which praa- tieelly control th* tood supply of the na­tion, was absolutely tfisn tta l. if ths beat results for all concerned w trs to be oh- talned '


STA TE P E D U n i C S E S S l O K

Special Servfce of fft* H SW t.BERING l a k e . June ( .-T h e fourth

etmual meeting of tbe New Je ritv B tiia red latrlc Society will be held la tips Hotel New Monmouth her* Monday morning, afternoon and n igh t Vgrbiue phase* of child Ufa will be diicuaied -Jr. Frank W. Pmneo, of Newark, will ta lk on "Tubereuloila In Children”

The tnOrnlng ecsalon will be taken iiR with a meetfrA of the society council Ih the afternoon th* address of welooma will be delivered by Or. ^ex an d er H c- Atlcter president of the loclety. Then will follow routine conalsting of the report a t the council on nomination* end ih« *IM- tlon ot offtcore.

Dr. Llghtnor Wltmer. director of • th e PeycholOftcal loaboratory ond Cttgle a t tbe University Of Penneylvinla, will speak on ‘'Children W ith Mental Defects." Dr. Richard D Freem an, of Boutb Oraag*, wilt discuss "M anagement of Chlldiliti Between One and Two Year* of A g*.'

Dr. Henry L, Colt, of Newark, and D r. Martin J synno tt. of Montclair, will t a among the epeaker* a l th* night saealaa. Th# form er's topic will be "A Byslein df Scoring the Blablllty of Infants." The latter will talk* on "Observation! e t Ign . culation T herapy." At the close’ e t th e meeting there will be a reception to the members ami their guest* by th* retiring president a n d the president-elect

S U F F R A G l S K O F l U i m


Special gerclce of tfte .V IITg.MADISON, June 5,-The Equal But-

frege League will give a garden party on the lawn* of Mri. William Ludlow and M ra Spencer M arsh, in Alldwood terrae*. tomorrow afterneon from 4 until 7 o'clock. Th* f-ieeta of honor will he Mrs. Everett Colby, of West Orange, end Mrs. Edward F e lc k tr t of Plelgfltld. president o t the Now Jersey State Wom­en's Bulfrage Aesoclatlon

There will b* music, and refreshments will be served by the committee, a f te r which Mrs. Colby and Mra Feickert will make short addreste*. Mr*. George W ar­ren Case, president of th* league, will introduce the tpeakera and will also gtv* a luncheon a t her heme in Greene avenue. In case of rain the party will be held a t the home of Mrs. Harsh.


Ttcff Cfli-responde-ics.TRENTON. Ju n e 6-—In setting aside a

liquor license granted to C harltl J. Col- 1,ns. at Somer'a Point, the Supreme Court t'jday aeserted th a t the public has a right to know by w hat rule excise m atters are governed

The granting of the license was refused In certiorari proceedings brought by V, B. SculU prim arily upon tha ground th a t the Common Council had not requlrad th# customary fifteen days’ notics ot the ap­plication lo be given. The giving of such notice w et In aocordtnce with a policy adopted by the commllslon In UU. th a rule requiring i t not hiving been re­voked.

In dlfposlng of the queetton thus pre­sented th* court said:

"W hether tbe resolution was binding g» an act of the Legislature or not, It w aa a formal declaration of policy on which the public had a right to rely. I t was unreasonable to adopt a different policy without notice, and grant the license a t the same m eeting without even wattlgg lor the Mayor to approve .the raM utlon. a* the charter requires. Tbe public have the right to know by what rule m a tte n of this kind ghall be governed."


EOMERVELLB. H ast-, June Rm IIs- lug that eb* could got save heriMt, Ml** Annie Cullen, eighteen years old. who came to ■ thla country from Ireland two weeks ago. tossed to safety * baby tbo wras carrying In her arm s an Inatant be­fore shejwac crushed to death by a pas­senger tra in a t the North SosiervlUt S ta­tion laat night. The ohUd was uglnjurad.

Mlfta Cullen, tn an attem pt to avoid being struck by a freight train,Jlreotly Into the pgtb of a rapidly a p ­proaching paxMiiger train. , Th* aed d m t wa* wltnesaad. by many, parsana Rbo were powerleaa' to hatp th e ; glA

ro S T O m C E ROBBERY NETS $ 1 ,0 3 0 GAS X1L15 D E S m E N T IA N

gjMrtai Serrlra Of Ibe V BV t.BobsNTOWN, Juga A-Thievra en-

te ra d ’ih* poiMotflca a t C olum hua a tpw mUdg prom h ire , early th la morning, and secured M.dH worth of gtam pa and U9 in moasy. . ‘

T h ! thlevea blew open Ah* eat* with nitrwAycerln*. They w ent to a mill, near­by and secured tiegft.to deaden the sound of Cte exploftioa. NeIgbhdMI lit th a vleln- tty hM gd tha sound, but the tw h t tt w«a, a f l lh th a t k M hMR <l»*hh|B *d.

(gXTONNE, Ju n e i —Abreham Jiokaen. aged u x ty year!, , of ica W est Tweaty- louTth atreei. wa* found deed In bed this tnomlng from ga*- K I* thought he com­m uted Bulcidt.'. W hen h it eon went to cull him this morning he found th e door of bl* fat her'* room Jorked. H w *!* apUgsd

. 10 breek open the, door befora be co'jld

^ • e h s o n bad. bean tn IU health .d^ jom * Ima and ttte ly v a c digR inijeiit evgr |H


Odds & Ends of RibbonsFtncy stripe#, moire, s itin

and tiffet# ; regular Iftc. to 2Bc. yard; •pecial, lOc 'H E

N M E T S tW e w a n t t o c a ll t h e a t t e n t io i i o f o u r u iM y

th * w e a r e do liiK th ii lE a th e a e d a y a . I n p o in t o f f a c t ,! I? n u k r t h e N w y S t C i^

■»“« -X “"«»w ’".,1s: '"jcSf s" s T L * Snow the New York Trade Journal,

isBUca, in rep o rtin g K E S N E R C O . ST O C Kn report the sale of the

Sixth Avenue and Twenty-third S treet, New York, aaya:

I-'N*w Tfc* J. 1» K « .w

m rlm e a t ptore. S lith »»enu» »nd 2ld r t r i iL —^Th. proceadP of th« • • 001)4 #^^ of th# w lo of 'h® » » * t» 0/ *5® K «n® r Co. beB»n on Monday by rh& rlei Shoftfood, AUCtlon««r, *t tn« six th nronuo »nd J>d u rtbortod , fo r tho f ” ®'*®'*' P rtc f 'n n d Abrnhxm S ‘’V ^ '.V 'o f^en rfy •d to III .IS J . m x k ln s » to ta l of nearly ISO,000 fo r the two day i.

The h e a r le a t b u y o rl yextarday w « a lorbapa E. W. E d w a rd i A Bon. of Byra- •gae and Eoeheater. N. T.; the Q oarke

Co., of N ew ark, N. J.. and Bloomlna- dalo Bro*,, of Now TorV.

B. W. B dw arda * Bon, of Byraeuaa and R ocheater, N. T., and Uie Ooorke Co.,

■ ‘ N. J.. contl.nued to beof N ew ark. N J.. p rom lnan t am o n s th e b id d en

The whole stock am ounts to c k ^ to half ^ting our choice of it a l l Watch ou t when we adveitlae the aale of it

And W e Are Buying H eavily in Other Lines Too, These D ays

W e bought today thousands o f yards o f b eau tifu l silk s w hich w ill go on sa le n ex t M onday.

We bought a magnificent lo t of men’# shoe# yesterday and will put them

on sale Saturday.The W aist Sale to.day is creating i t . own sensation.

Watch Out These Days for Ooerke Sales


We are buying by thousands and tens of thousands, and we have » million people right in and around Newark who know how to appreciate the good things we Bell. _______

d e v d a n d ’iiey Co

a i u o N s

protciiptloi Il'itCKkodI

Any^drufffflat can ordar o t w h^aaaU r

”Bp«kk«r'' wrll*i

We Bought the Choice of this Shoe Stockand Will SeD I t Saturday

a t the Most Sensational Sacrifice of Value This below is ■ copy of the notice of the stl* tn the New York America:

(The W hole Town is W ild Over T his W a i s t Sale]

Bankrupt stock, p tr i^ y blBb-prlcod. up-to -th«-m lnut*



We started today with 3,120 of these waists and tomorrow well add another lot almost as big.

S o m e a r e w o r t h $ 1 .2 5 , o t h e r s $ 1 .5 0 , s o m e $ 1 .7 9 , o t h e r s $ 2 .0 0 . E v e r y o n e i s a r e a l l y g r a n d b a r g a i n . T h e y a r e a l l s o p r e t t y t h a t t h e w o m e n h a t e t o l e a v e a n y a t a l l . r e a l l y a n d t r u l y b e l i e v e i t ’s t h e b e s t s a l e i n p o i n t o f v a l u e , p r i c e , w o r t h a n d b e a u t y o f a n y w a i s t s a l e e v e r h e l d .

r a n g in g fro m M u p t o $12 p e r PAIR^b .l„ . th .

4 nnn n .i« R.nniatcr Shoei 800 P»lr§ Slttter & Morrell Shoei, 1,200 Pilre

1.200 P rin Leonard Shew A Deen Shoes, oW noye weii fihose 400 Pslrt Men'* Rubbers of the best grsde, $2j600 Worth of Find-

s l h Suioorto^ silk Shoe Uces. Pollsters, Dressin*. etc.;such u Arch Supporters, SilkKB ’Psirs btsnd-new Shoe Trees. „ . „

, v . * :ihiur. suKik .o?^»s%:.SfL.? >“ ««

wTn Otchsrd 143S.


Men’s and B oys’ S H I R T S for$

so damn m®n'* end boys' ii®«Ul*® ih lrts, SI lln . s lo t u ■wsi ®T«r pot <m s s l . under l ie . T h o e sWr*» S'® tnsdo o f^ « so » ^ •1lt q o slltr p .re* l., T srl.ty o f stnsl® end cluster itrlpee,

1 in bisek. blue end h»Ho on white bmokSTound, coat out fronte. cuff, a t­tached, bodlee extra wtde and roomy, aniahed an d laundered In first-claei

I manner, s t s e i 11 to n , oholoe tomor­row only, eoek •# ..

troubled w ith e tleXUDi M niellon e f iw epeetlne . wblcli !• e®" compsB|e4 w ith e e llfh t oousb end hoereeneia r i n I art

Anewer: Tou will nnt only be relieve*, but you will b* curtd by uithK th* foliow1tt||. Art youp fjrotflit for 4 2V4-ofi. tiottl* of eaiono* me&tho>|«A«n«. ThU c«n t4k«n pupo or t* mad* Into a full pini of coufb aynip. Tvn dlrocUona ar* (|lv*n on th* botil* fof maklnf. Thl* ]i v*ry *Mlly mad* *l horn* and TJ*’’

Mft. at It doe* not lnir*dl«ni* " ""cur«f.

"A, U U.**—1 adrl*t ydtt to i«t iht (oHow- Lnr infTtdlrata and mix •( horn* tn our* your ohlld o( b^w *tltt^ ; Tlnetur* cobebp, | di^no; eoap. dqM b t l n w l 1 oi.. u d tlncttiih rkM-- -............ -n*. ............................-»ioptHe» 2 d r a a k * .____ _______to IB drop* on* hour b«for« meal*.

"KIn Anna" itrlUa: iuff«r with v«rr•tr«r* haadioh*!, whioh aI*o affect* my eye*. Uy throat *nd nottrtl* ar« aff«ot*d by catarrh and my breath U vary had. Could you pn»> acrlb* a curat"

do nM*t of th* ■o-callad oough

"Ida" writ**: "I haw* ■offered with alomaoh trotkbla and oonitipatlon for about two yean, and I fear It wlH c*u*« appendlcltl* If I caa*andact ^el Rome r«ll«f.

AiM«*r: I racooimead Uuu yoa f*t tablat*trlopeptltae and take a pink tablet after breafc- faet. a wh»* tablet after dinner and a blue tablet after «uiH>er* Thl* I* a ’very «xoellent irwetment and I* widely preecribed for it* araduai curallv* action. Ctoatlnu* thfc treats mont for ecvefal week* and X am eur* you ^tll be cured.

Aaawer; 1 har* »ur*4 hundred* who tufferai you do by preacrtblny the foUowIn* anJ blT# received ma^y iatur* from grateful p**> pi* which indlcat*! that It U •p**41It cur*' tire: Purobai* a S oi. ortftnal piekige dfb tlau powder; to a pint of warm water add OD*®haif taaffM ful and fouff th* water frotn th* palm of th* hand tbroivh th* nottrlia two or tbr«*‘ tlmta t day or until tlMy ar« tbor- cujrhly ol*aaa*d; then apply w«U up Into th# noatrtlt twice dally th* foHowlnf catarrh balm: To ofi* l*w«l teaeponafal of vllaii* pow­der add on* ounce of lard vaatllaa If need aceordlnf to the aheva preiorlptlon year qh* tarrh ebould aooa vanlah. Tbi* ehould b* uaad oooaetoaaJly to prevent ita raturm.

"Mildred K." aaya: "Fleaaa adviaa what Ioaa UM for a food hair tonle. Hy hair and •oalp ar* tn a very bad oondltlon a ^ notUaf •eem* to help."

Poetor: d*v«ral y«ara aao I took a tonlo which yotKpreicfibed for me. but tt haa been ao loitf thrt 1 here forfotten the Infredlenta It w*e the beet nerr* and eyatem tonlo that

Will you Uudly pubileh (heI ever took, lofredlente ar*lnf

Anfwer: Th* tonic I alway* preecrlb* forpeople in your condition le: Syrup of hypo-ph4>ephUei comp., B o*e.; tlnetur* cadomen* coTOP.. 1 0*. Shake well and Uke a teaepoon- ful b*for* meal*. Thl* le the beet nerv* end •yetrm tonlo that 1 know of.

■'Ovorwelfht" art* *T »l*h Tou would pm- ■crib* eomeihitif to reduce my weight that I oould eafely lake. I deepiee liquid medlctne. Can yoo |1t« me e pill or teUetT"

Anewer; I find many ere like you, and ad­vise that you obtain In eeiled tub* ft-iralD arbllBna tablet*. Any acconunodalin* dealer can obtain from wholeeal* drufClete. Full di­rect lone accompany each tube.

Anwwer: The beat batr loeiki on the market'1* eotd In 4 OB. jar* and la oalM plain y*ltov mlnyoU Any up-to-date drunlet will haw* It, Thl* le euper^ to anythins known for the treatment of the die***** of the hair and Bcalp Two *r thr*« application* haw* been known to our*, while It make* th* batr noft, fluffy and make* It keep He natural eelor.

"Jane" wrtue: "Ky nam n ar* tn a diaad*ful condition my appetite la wary poor and 1 am extremely thin. Hy faee la a* thin that It make* me tmhappy, 1 ehould Uka you to tell me a true remedy."

Anvwer: If you wlili to baeome ■twuiar ir >ve your appetite and yovp Mivou*

tMartlly roeosunend the Urt e< thr**-gratahym-noclafM tablets, whleb yva will find !■ any w^l-«tbrted drug etor*, Ih laalod oartena with full dlreotlone for taking, Hypo-nuolaiie Ubleta ImvtTe tbe BUtrlHoa. aM red eofpoeelea

the blood, itrength*a th* n*prmm ayateib

R egular 121c to 19c W ash Goods for 9c Yard

2400 Pairs 35c Silk

'"tbrn" wrIW*: "I US'® « IT I»®r ®«elUi o®Account of long ■itndlni conitlpetlon. I tsx® medlcln, all tbe time, but would Ilk® i® i®' tome thing tbit would cur® m®."

Thoueefldg o f. y srd e W chooee trom , from recen t le rge pu rcheie . All now, (re ih , deelrsb le w eeh fab- rios. A m ons them e re Bul- s e r le n p rin ted voilee. crepe tiscues, p rin ted batletee, Bhadow it r lp e cream eers*s. w hite m ercerised poplin, linen finlih . eh runk eult- Ins*. w oven e trlped vollea w oven m adm e, w ide wale cotton corduroy and foul- a td a ; r e s u la r l ! H o to JSo valuee, epedal, y a rd ............

E xtraord in ary Pnrehase and Salej 2,000 Girls’ Pretty Summer Dresses]

Hose for 2ic a Pair1,200 pairs of women’s silk hose,

1,200 pairs of men’s silk half hose, every one standard 35c, value, on sale here tomorrow at, a pair, 2!c., a sav­ing of 14c. on a pair; that ought to be suRSdent reason for every man and woman in Newark to come here to­morrow and get their season’s supply. The women’s stockings are in black only; some of them appear streaky in spots where the weave isn’t quite even, otherwise they’re strictly perfect; the men’s are in black and colors, subjectto slight mill hurts that are hardly no­ticeable; tbe best hosierybargain of the year, 35c. silk hose for men and women at, a pair............. 2lc

Aniwer: Uore Jllneei Is caueed bjr conetlpa- lioft than by any other ailment. Tou can get plenty of ijiidlclnee lhai will relieve, but If you Want eomethlng that will cur* you 1 wouJil id vie# the ute of three-grain BUlpherb tablet* (not aulphur tablet*). They can be bought at eny drug atore tn eealed tubes with full dlreo- tlona for uilng. I h*ve found theni the raoel reliable an4l grediially curative.

l id lioprov* tbe general health. Uaay report that they have gained from 10 to 80 pound* In tw* montb*.

e * e‘'B am " writ**: *'Botb my wlf* and my*«lf

eager ^ t h rbeumatlem. W* wontd appreciate a reply lelll&g «• what to take."

Anewer; Mix th* following at home or lave the drogglei ml* foT you; Two dram* of lodld* of potaeelum; eodlura eallcylate, 4 dm ni; win* of colcblcum, on*-b*lf o*.; comp. «*e*oc* car- dlol 1 comp, fluid; balmwort, 1 oi-. and syrup eareaparUla corap.® 5 o»a Tak* a tea* ipooftful at rae«l tlmee and b*dtlme. Alwaya ihake well before mtng.

B«nd 11.00 for Dr, and B«autv,

Bekcr** book on Heatik

This advertlMment U publlitied for the Pteecriptiw Product* Oo.

, ’ r.

1.50 and 2.00 Values1 A New York maker of high class girls’ dresses closed out his entire surplus^ ^tock at a great V rifice, hence th e ^ h a rg a ln ^ fifteen distinct clever styles to select

frODlaA moat comprehensive assortment of

little frocks that will more than please the natty school miss. The variety ofi styles Inclndes every correct and amartl style of the season. The materials em-P brace fine quality ginghams, llnensJ percales, Scotch madras, etc., that wllll launder just like new. Sizes 6 to 14.1 MOTHKRSl Don’t fail to attend Uiia

sale. Bring tbe girls along.None Sent C O. D. None Exchanged.

NO Mail Orders.

On S a le in th e Infant*t W ear D e p t N ex t to the C orse t Dept.

Children’s DressesSsveral hundred nobby little dresses, blahoi

style, for tots to four years; French dresses ,f on chi dren to six years, made of extra good quality ginghams and percales, neat checked, figured and striped effects, all effectively trimmed and well finished, tomorrow, each


29c2.Mand 2.59 Sample Coats 1.99

ill wool


S h o r e S p o r t s S h o r e D e l i g h t s S h o r e P a s t i m e s

Only 24 coats in the lot, made of all serge, blue, navy, red and tan; sizes 2 to 5; while these last take them for ..................... . — ................................


2-Day Sale Toilet fioods and Dfng SondriesA «BUA mnn«v ftn WOUT" VACktlon AflCl ll0tJS®tloW H*


A e h a n o * to s a v e tn o n e y o n y o u r v a c a t io n AH I te m * o n * a la w h i le q u a n t i t y la s t* , T»*..«iiriitlA na. r

b « iu V .r ‘toTt?‘l lS X f tS S ,tnV."r?Se ?luh*^«eh purcha.^


On ix l* Sftturdsy only, TOc Bair** H a ir H ea ltk . » ff. 60c

On «ale Krlday only l l l rreiwxlde of HTdro«ea, rer, 1»«

PoMpebw Maa«a«* Cream. 50C .r«C. 66c, apeclal...........................

Harplalde Hatr Toalr. reg. J 2 c60c. a t , . . ....................................... _ -

W ataatta H air Btala. reg. ^ 2 c6tte. a t .............................................

C aatkrox H a ir Shampoo. ^ 2 c

*^*&laJa * Honey jtlm oad ^ 2 c

25cCr**M« 60o all*, a t .................* •

Aft Taiifilah Beantffl«rpiDoiig* froot a t ...........................

D aggatt * Ramadell’a Cold IOieaa®. rag. iS c .......... .. ........... -

CaatUe Soap, pure oUvo oil, l l l r1 lb. hare, reg- He, a f . -------- -

ToUat Soap, MStlle olive oil, IQ r perfumed, etc., reg. ISo b ox ..

KII-VF, klllB vermin on the I g r bninxn pead. reg. S6c, a t ..

SHdllta PowdoiN 13 doiea | 3 gIn tin box, reg, 3 6 ® . * * . ' < » T ralllac Artmtaa Talc. 1 lb. |box, reg. iSe, a t ..................... ....

Kolyaaa Tooth Paato. reg.

**’p e b « o '’ Tool'll Paate, reg.

PoBBtalo SyriBgea 2-qt, size, suaranl^ad not to leak. reg.SSo, apecial................... ‘ .

LaxatlTo Bromo HulnlaoTablete. reg. 3Bc. a t ..................

Caeearet®, candy cathartic,rag. 10c, a t .....................................

Reg. 26c, a t ...........................Oaotorla, Fietohor'x. reg. 2 2 c

»8a a t .............................................Sal Hepatica fW rheutna-

Ham, reg. 29c. a t .......................t^nlBbae Fllla, S grain, reg.

^*Bortwle' ‘A r t i ’ 'li"-'lb. box, r*ff. 19c, a t ...................................

! 7 c

lO c

1.00 P. N. Corsets at 79c

Coriete ol good Qual­ity couttl. now model, long blp and back, meaitim buat, four boo®

aupportera and draw Btring; rex. 1.60 valuH , F ri­day at

7 9 c50c Brassieres

a t 29cBraaileret of good

quality muilln, w ell boned, perfeot fitting, hook In the front and lao# trimmed, reg. 60c brta ilere a t

2 9 c

39c. Washable Petticoats, 29c.■ For tomorrow'! ipeclal lelllng , 600 washable pettlcoste of nice quality gingham, neat striped et- fQcU on ligh t or dark blue and tan grounda deep fiounee, o A — extra w ell finished, reg. i y C SOo petticoats for. . . . . . . . .

Woneo’t $1 Pdticoits, 79c.white cambric petticoats,

flounce of fin*, deep embroidery^ extra under ruffle, variety of pretty etyUe to choose i y C from, roff. 1.90 petticoats

lien’s and Youths' $3 Trousers

Hade ef plele bto* serf* and k Dio* ABsortment of neat etrlpe effect*. All btve belt loop*, tide blp etrepn and bnektee; eleet rrom 8D to 46 wat*t.

Boys’ 39cK h a k iBlouses

Made of splendid Qualltr khaki w ith col­lars attached, all elxes for boya from I to IE yeara_________________

Boys’ 50c S traw H atv' ,

Made of sp lit etraw,'.; Jack T ar shape w ithblue silk band and binding, suitable for boya from T to IS years.

Mosqmsto Net CanopiesWe ctn furnish these can­

opies ail complete with frame, ready to put up solid comfort, a t . . . . . .


1.49Dpholstery Velour

Heavy quality upholstery velvet velour for re-covering chairs; good colors;85c. value; yard . . . . 50c

Rug Border Fillerr;wr-'*

0® M SWVfcJ*

;■ V ' ■

An Bxaot reproduction of a hard­wood fioor, w ears better than wood; tnUl ends, s ligh t Imperfec- I Q - ttons, while Ht laeti, 66c f O C value, yard

S tair CarpetsAssorted lo t of oarpste w ith her­

ders, anttahle for stairs, halls or ruacion. to cover over 'your/uv*. opeciaL yard

Fine Bed PillowsLarge else, extra w ell filled with

strlotly sanltary__feathers. coveredw ith th e best quality dhm ask tloklng. very ' a b la E1.B0 value

: $ 1 . 0 0

50c Tussah Silks ForThe greatest silk value ottered this year! 6,000

vards of yard-wide Bunny Tussah Bilk—a very nraotl- . . .. . ... . Good lub'cal a n d s t y l i s h s i l k f o r s u m m e r d re s s e s . B ta n U a l q u a l i t y , n t c e . c h a r m e u s s f in ish , I n s h a d e s o f o ld b lu e , c a d e t , C o p e n h a g e n , N tle , g r e e n , m a la , h e l lo , a p r lo o t , s a lm o n , rO sa

« _ ® X. . _ m a IJIabb V.a®AHBB® BsmA A#, 4&mak.^meky, leather, golden brown, peaoh, jaipsr, Ivory, white, navy blue and black. The beet BOO ellk ever offereA Special to ­m o r ro w

r® 75c Storm Serge, 59cl,B0ir yards of &6-ln9h storm serge, nice auminer

w eight. In navy blue and black: good crispy, woolen quElltr;. w ill give excellent wear for ooatg, f f fk _ su its or dresdba; regular TEc values; special S y C tomorrow, yard -

Swept by Bre«ze8 o f ' ____

OCEAN, BAY and RIVERRefined cottage and bungalow colony or the East Jersey coast,

where boating, bathing, crabbing add social life on the w ite r and cot­tage life in the pines are unsurpassed. ' , . .

Present advantages in addition'to the toregom g are Yacht Club, Water Mains, Board Walk, Railroad Station, Post Office, Counties# Cottages and Bungalows, and other distinctive features.

A water scene never becomes tiresome;^ the restless waves, the passing yachts, the beach sports and the splashing waters on the shore make a picture of eternal interest.

Notwithstanding Ocean Gate surpasses all other shore places^-We offer most desirably located sites a t prices as amazingly low as

ONE HUNDRED D O L L A RShore Fronts, Business and Special Site# tdghi^. Convement MontUy


Special E xcursion'N ext^StindayWriteTCaU or-’Phone for FREE Tickets. Th«n« 2103 Market

G r e a t E a s t e r n B u i l d i n g C o r p o r a t i o n 671 BR O A D S T R E E T

O pen » A. M. to 6 P . M. an d W ^ n e « |g T m d S a t a n i c B re r in g # Watt! • C e lo e k .

Make the kitchen sanitaryl U T I C L E


p r o p o i a m .vH 4t no otbir tltn* r t pwoo< . ^

A Mrtlflea cheek in the amoimt of five e®nl. (6%) of t&T te ta l .a ip w t ^.®aeh

Th® total wM l ta ‘'l>e. nlo( gkiaev loolo® lend ••s s » . s s s : s i ^ i z . i T tloonier i®e 00 b-

„ makes a white, clean-looking kitchen that is clean, and easily kept clean.

Can ha applied by anyone to wood or metal—cracklen, durable,PCeORA PAlirr OO^ Mfow. PtxItaartpWa.

muel aodibmiiaay proportl*- ViAIndomd on ih* ouiwtl* wlf btdd*r, and rnuxt b« faitMr

with luuB* oC th* lAdOTW with tha

lPl«po#«a to do. Tb* ofo- ter aacb of tb*■ork th* bidder traator wiu bid abov* epecifltd itoasaa®

AddraM bide fo 8«fWOW of the Commute* CT j^ l* iy L £ !y ^ wTh* comTOltlM rertTVrt th* rlffht to r*J*ct any«■ an Wda A, BUHBR.

CoMty EDfln**r.

4 0 0 S P R I N Q F i e L D A V E .FIVE-PIECE * U P COVERS

Q arm an Linen # 6 . S e lg lan LIbbh * 3

F a.F arSaU br

1 .1 . BM km Joa Cn®“ --------- ffc. K, J.UP Brood St., Ntwork, ]

WE*l*D my^TKMU®■iiiia m od el .


P K O P O S ^®® Moelend by Uia

' Bilddiai 'win

P B O P O # A l«

Uie tiorrlo Ceaal a t iueio* avtoua^eoraik." ifh i pl.no end w ^ may M o®M olA^Rdmar, oounty onglnim '. oourthouof. Now--■*- "■ A. . . oattarodky, yuM

at tho reOBio of the poioijirato krt #p®*d- lirarh, N, J.. and at




na «li®r Uie® .» u . „ i .Addreti oil Wdo to JFi JJama^

r iu u end ppealtteaUiiqo of Ikir atm * woA

S -g a ^ r e r s a .’asav ^&rsuTiSS5f*,.* l aidSri

____ __Brldff**. Ea^by * o*irtJti*d check W the ®dnt, itn) flf.th* total *JgQ_upt i£rtw2'al mu»i h*J

and«ntbI &*m* of th* V ' ' [ of tha I


Inf* th® fsllowlhf ouentlWM ef oeah 1,100 l e u buckwhtot ooql el tho CoDtnl

huUng ptxnt; ^to tans (urnae® coal *t Ui® Uch eolKiel gym-

Ba«lum:40 i*ni furnace coal .*« th* Ot^C*dar Are* :

tm» School t110 Ui0« mlx«4] pea and nut at th* K««^

Cedar Avanu* Bchool; \60 tone tfto*d Fca and Nut at the lUpie

AvpAu* School;lio ton* nU«d pea and nut at tb* Chwt^ut

75tre« Stbocl; . ,•«105 tort p«a and nut at Um WatchuoiAvenue S^ool;216 ton* mixed p*a and aut i t tb* H«« Ht.ebron Ssuhiwii ? ”Rebron School:

lt«Rl*et parlor^ — ^ “we* ponri

L lapiitryfiMWii ta 9 ■m fimpi ^tne* porta&ad u ^ mw®STAR UPHOI^STI^Y CO.

4M SFRIM O rntU D A T*.'Pknae UO W », Oyea aiVMUagarureaU'r«EFBv wicp 'WK'r.

Coll. ®«1t* or 'ptaoe. ko ii,® rtireaU j^ •sinplH


oomaiUt** partfTiTOWN o r HOMTCZAnL m oraU M FOR OOAU

T k f BaaiQ of H H oeU ea of the

s i i H i s r ' u i r b S f o r i i

aO t«o (urnu* ot tb e ^ l th U Bofeoel;‘ »BO t«B® bucliwlieet eeel » the ardvo Street

pie etal the BtldwlB #tr®ei■ehool.

-Wo te n Sobooli. . . .;peilvertU tn ta MM|* S®!

Prloie et® a®®lri< fat Mt!amnae tnoee,Coal to 6® of th® eogt quality, and ;r*-*-*--*


a n b o r 1, lO lt ti(Ml IrtQk

w®lal»d uador , tka ouMnOotoe of I 'i M®ni, pallvaAo to b® Butd® b®t

July 1 isd 16, 1611, kLoopaoltr of tiua.a u e from NovomlMnL &U>, ax ..... 'The right 1® HBlrVod to n}t^bide.

wall Of th® batwfvii Bal

rtaulrod.njtcl any or allTba bolldiha and (rounda oammlttaa

0 ^ JUB# 6, Ml*, a tX /t , . M., t ^ r y t v a '. 1* . a t # A . ,o e a ®iKh ptupoaoM at 0 Valley------,^ J g ^ ^ e r .o l the ta M a c fm m da aoni

■■ J.


M. r;,

tperfdl g m ln fLEVElM

ton D. Baht IR which he a (Irat-claM e®nt far®, eald. All tl about the C xBved the p® wnnuutly. wi iw every elr Lbe n ay Me: # 1® etatemni

"On the n w ith Tom I the fleet thr b rgan oper From thel tranchlee rl a flo r anothr placed on i Ih® first of rto d oetiJer g rant, eeni fi*re of thr® for a iranal line*, Klft® I. 1611. thin rrotliabi® tl fla t three-K

"Even thl! to b» In ex operating ® and na a r® od with till Improving t and-a-hnlf-c r 'tua ilon In epitomized I

Berv '*Throe-r#n

unrivaled Qf hour lervlc heated and

,aa good a rc ' oily in the

captlnno, ar paid, b e it 't i iltateo. la a m anent real boura a day with a popt nf three-qua

*Tl would a complete i Ilona of CIn Sufficient I o thar Amnr fundaw orta tlem ent w* and the coi are the mu The beat re conalatent i e rty ; the 1 In the Inlet fa ir, fixed i the Inveetm

"The ear- rang tm ent excellent ze: atandpolnt th e sltuetloi a dividend tereat paym dlapenaabla th a t stock cent, and ra ta of five

"Since th effective, tt Its full vatt fo r tax-dof curad Ita p: the S tate | th it to the paid, while of city lupo operation ( tharea, five m alntalhlni Commlitloo

Wa "Tba con

T ba rata of duotoro 1« ■even eenti a v e ra g e , lo nine ogata i th ao tba Btataa,'w)ii n o t Tba 111 eratlng' am th e compel both aalarli

"In cone Clevelend'i three-cent gurfacoi an fo r the eU' •nterprlalni

" P lra t tl three-cent per cent, ■treat ear In Clevetar mDeg for th e Bggrei '■hort-heul mondouo • able builm A e loooee

'•Soeondl; yagt of tl tb e Clev* been aqua probably i pubtto util aaaertlon ' value of Wore tqu® Cleveland, lowanae t •pod will Amertoan oara for ■arviee, ai real lee to laai degrw land la re fkroa, n * n

S n tk MW tL M Ih

tng at thl at Front H lchasl V Otbbitowi n a # ^ t p b 0 Trat evtad by kigb-tengl tbe pole ground, t r io lty bi W e’eka at he wka ai but diad


In Very en w Any (Olfltii

Wkea t

Itry Midi ba ID til

l a i n i e y e r

, couch Ml•gain I w

"IllT ttwo Weal Wed tba

. waa BOrli : tba Outl sefiy.” I .» U . "'AaNl i lM of I

■; th r.'; ':,


are I «rwU\

• f0tl9W> lur* jruur i dn|tn; tin rbiW'

E 10

n h 'fw r my »ye«- r C*t«TTll y o u p ro -

bo « u f f « r *lQg anu

la m a rk a A Lte y^tov I h f tv o l ua f o r t l ia h a j r

sfto* b a wbAir 9oft a o lo r .

A 4m l'loor a n d 1 LlR t t lA t t t Ika y o u to

n u ta r ^ im- u i r a t a B , Itm-mlB U flB 4 IB ad c B i t w i po -D u o la B a e a r fo e e la e

urn t y a t a tb tB y p a o ^ a

10 to W

tBd nyMlt• p p r a c l a t a

oa or I t r aa of lodida r«mai wint Manet car- ] o r . and aka a t«a-> It. Alwaya

OD HtaiLb

f f

>ey coast,‘ and cot-

cht Club, Countless

fsves, the the shore

places, we isI ■>'t HontUy



G e v d u d ’i H ijor T ^ t How Trol- Ie]T Coiditioiu in His G tj

C u Be Duplicated.


W e G iv e a n d R e d e e m S u r e ty C o u p o n a

fffaridf B tn iit of rh< V E ^ S ,f'ljiEVEljiAND. O., June Mayor

ton D. Baker taaiied a Btatrment tt>day,IR which he declared It wae eaay tr» s iv t B nrat-oUaa etrect car aarvlca on a thr^e- Ce-nt fare. Cleveland had proved It. iie Bald. All tlial a a i neceaaary to briivK about the dealrable resiiU, which baa aeved the people of hla city aomw KttlD.'Mt wn/iualky. waa to tfjueeie the w ater o it r*t Bvery aireel railway property. Here's 4he way Mayor Haker telta all about it inIllB atatement:

*'On the mornliuf of November 1. llkHl, w ith Tom L. Johnton a | the conirolt»T. the flrat ihree-cent car line In Cleveland began opemilon on DenlBon avenue From that day until March 1. !91(i. franchiB* rluhls expired on one aiit-ei a f te r another, new Ihipii were arndually placed on a Ihree-ceni fare Imela on the flrat of March. 19in, ihe ntreHt-ra;l rend BaUlemtJit. known hr the 'J 'a 'lcr grant, aenl Inlo effect, nnd an lnii-nl fi»re of three centa, with n penny i h.’irpre

' for a tranafer, wan biRialled on all .-iiy! 'J * llnea. Fifteen montha later, or on Jutv

f 1, 19ll. thiB rate of fare had proved eoV r^f*Htable that the rate was reduced ;orj fla t (hree-cent fare, with free transfer*.J "Evan this rate of fare has been four d/ l« be Ih excels of the actual needs for operating expenses and fixed I'hartea,

j ■ and aa a reauli the city la now confront-•d with the alternative of atlll further improving the serilce or going lo two- Bnd-A*hftlf'Ce)it fares. The street car i^luailon in Cleveland may, therefore, b# epitomised aa rollowa:

Ben-lee ( 'heap and Good.Throe-rent fare, with free irHnefera

unrivaled day lervlcc and excellent rush hour lervlce. In weli-ventilatnd. well, 'heaiod and weU-iiahted cars, running or.

,BB good a roadbed as can be found In an y city in the country, with few or no ex- eaptloni, and operated by the highest- paid, beat-lsgated trainmen In the Unlteu fttatev. Is an actual, persistent and per­m anent reality on exhibition tw enty.four hours a day in the eixth city In America, with a population, Including Its environs, of three-quarters of a million Inhabllanta

’T t would he going far afield to gire a complete account of the many ramJfh ,*. tlona of Cleveland stre^ -ra llroad hlsiot v Suffletent It Ib, for tna Information <ii e th ar Amertcan HMea, to atate the three ‘fundam ental principles upon which a aei tlem ent wa.a effected between the cit)•nd the company, whereby both partien are the mutual beneficiaries. They are The beat railroad tranaportatlon at. roai. conalatent with the security of the prop­erty ; the largest powers of regulation In the Interest of public service, and a fair, fixsd and certain rate of return on the Investment.

"T hs ear-rider's gains under ihia a r ­rangem ent have already been Indicated - excellent Bervice a t three cents. From the atandpolnl of the Btock and bonrlhold^^r. the situation has been equally happy. Nni a dividend has been passed, not an in­terest payment suspended. In fact, an In- dtBpenaable element of the ordinance K> th a t stock shall reguiariy yield six per ceht. and bonds the stipulated Interest ra te of flva per cent.

"Since the Tayler settlem ent becam*' effective, the company has paid taxes on its full valaatloB—there Is pn tnducemem for taa-dodfing as the company Ib se­cured Its profits. A liberal excise tax to the State government and a corporation taa- to the Federal Government are also paid, while the company bears the cost of city supervision of lie m anagem ent and j | operation (about 146,000 per annum ), and* aharee. five per cent, of the burden of m aintaining the Biate tdtbllc Utllltieb Commlssloa.

W age lUttffe «( Bnipleyeis.*Tbe company Is a generous employer

T be rate of wages for motormen and con- >^ductora Is thirty cents an hour (twenty-

■eyefi eapta for the first year), and the average for the eyatenir about twenty- Dtne eapta an hour, la considerably higher th an the average rate In the United etateo .'w hether for unlonlied system s ot n o t The liberality of compensation to op­erating' employee Is charaoterlstlc also of the compensation to all other employes, both salaried and wage-earning.

'Tn conclusion, what Is the secret of Clevelend’s pronounced succeis with threo>cent fare? The answer Uea a t the •urfacsi and la th e same as may be given for the aueceas of any othar sound and entorpHslng bualneH.

**Flrst, the reduction from fiv e^en t *o three-oent fare has reaulted In a twenty per oent. stimulation In the num ber of s tree t esr riders. While It la posslblr tn Cleveland to ride a distance of fifteen mSes for three cents, -the Increase tn the aggregate number rides and In ‘iho rt-h au r traffic hai. been so tre ­mendous as to compensate for unprofit­able busineas and to m aterially cut down Cle toeaea due to fare reduction.

**8eeondly, and this accounts for the rest of the explanation, the w ater In the Cleveland traotlon valuadlon hae been squeased out to a g te a tf r degree prdtwbly than In the case • o t any other pubtto utility In America. I vanture the asserUon th a t If the water In the book vatue of every street railway property Ware squeesed out as It has been in Ctevsland, even though a gafieroua al- htwanoe be made for franchise value, fpod wilt and overhead chargM, every American cttlsen should ride on city oars for three cents, and enloy #ood Mrviee, and ev y y American cHy could

r r ^ la e to a pfbportlonateiy f re a te f or ' less degree the handsome saving Cleve-

• : land, to realising this year In stree t car f a M pAnely» the sum of

• r a t h J m o y LIbcbmb B lee treen ted .WILHINOTON, Del., June 6,—W ork­

in g at the top of a forty-flve foot pole ; a t Front and K ing streets yesterday.

Mtchasi Weeks, aged tw enty years, of : Olbbstown, N. J .1 employed as a line-) man to the Wilmington and Phlladel-

ctlon Company, v a a electro- .r" Dttitad t»T eoRitnB tn contaot w ith Borne

t,igl,.tenaIon wtr*». Two men w ent np th« pole, an^ lowered him to the croulid. Although t.BOO volte o t elec-

t'.’r ' had paaeod threuth hie hodyebowed al^nc" o t Ufa and

T&a aant to the Delatthra Hoinittal, t io n r^ la te r^

J u n e B r id e sWill Find It Easy toBuy onOur ClubPlan


P i d t u r e sFor W eddings Gifts

Pictures have become increasingly popular for wedding gifts, and it is little to be wondered at be­cause pictures add so much to the beauty and cheerfulness of the home, and, as they are always in evidence to remind the recipient of the giver, what better wedding gift could you bestow?

Here are studies to colors, in antiqnr frames; one sub­ject ‘T o Lx>v« an d tp C herish” parlicularly good for a wedding gift; regularly sold ai 9 2 ; ^ j g g


priced.The same subject in while bisque frames with hand-

painlcd flowers- very choice; regularly 9S ; A n O Q offered at........................................................... 5»O .W O

“W hen th e H eart Is Y oung” is another good subject for a wedding gilt; hand-colored and in an- a j - tique burnished frame; regularly $0.SO , special al »*>»

“D ream o f L ove” in antique frame; regularly * — 9 0 .5 0 ; at.................................................................


Old M asters in fancy frames with bow knol ions, pictures colored by hand, Including 'S'rawberry Girl.'*

aA 1 m n ...aof Innocence,” “Penelope,” “ Baby o i l etc.—pictures worth 9 St special at J p O .lJ O

T h ousand s o f p ictures here to choose from of every kind from simple prints lo oil paintings.

Couch Hammocks

u $ 7 , 0 0 0 W o r t h o f H o s i e r y a n d U n d e r w e a r

O ffered at Belittled Prices In This 2*Day SaleMen, women and children will find profit in picking from these big lots of dependable, satisfying

stockings and undergarments combined in a Friday and Saturday sale.

StockingsW o m e n ’A S a m p le S tockings; lisics

and colions; black and lancy colors; regu- x l y c lar 2 5 c . a n d 2 9 c . grade for ...........•

W o m e n ’* S a m p le Stockings; lisles and cotton, black and colors; also silk boot, o CSC black only; reg. 3Bc. to 5 0 c . for only“ *-^

W o m en ’s P u re T h r e a d S i l k S tock ings; black and colors; regular O C C 3 1 to a 1 .6 0 grades; slightly irregular

In fa n ts ’ a n d C h ild re n ’s Socks—Plain and lancy tup lisles and cottons O g C

6 pairs for 3 1 .2 5 .C h ild re n ’s R ib b e d S to ck in g s^

Black, tans and white; regular I 9 c to | e c2 9 c , for....................................................

M en’s S am p le Socks; title and cotton; black and colors; regular 25c. grades ^ CSClo r......................................... ..................

M en’s S am p le Socks; lisle and cotton; black and colors; rc,'ular 35c. to 50c. O C S Ctor .......................................................

M en ’s P u re T h re a d Silk Socks; blacks and colors; reinforced sole, heel ^ C S C and toe; regularly $1.00 to .$1.50 for....... # O

UimderwearW o m en ’s S ilk Lisle U n io n S u its,

low neck, sleeveless, cuff or lace trim Q C S C knee; regular * 1 .5 0 grade for............. v C S

W o m en ’% Mvlo U nion S u its, va-

These hammocks are made specially for us of very strong canvas in white, green and khaki and red and brown leather, equipped with mattress, chains and ropes ready to put up on your porch or in the bungalow; every part guaranteed; here at

$ 5 to $21

M o to r B o a tsWe are agents for the famous

M ullin’s S tee l B oats.These are M otor B oats

in the most approved patterns, beautifully modeled; built of steel, and strengthened in every part so as to give the best of service; fitted with engines with reverse gear and equipped, with

[. cushions; at prices ranging ill the way from

$ 1 8 0 ^ 0 $ 6 0 0F re ig h t charge* e x tre .

Row Boat* of splendid con­struction—

$ 3 6 a n d $ 3 7F re ig h t charge* e x tra .

C a n o e* —the sleekest models you ever saw—

$ 3 5 a n d $ 3 9Doubtless lovers of boatjnc

will be delighted to know that they can buy these boats on terms of payment that make it easy for any responsible person to own one of them.

W indow Shades4 , 0 0 0 W in d o w S h a d e * of good qual­

ity; standard size; at a price that will make them go like wildfire; regular 25c. shades; FrI- a |3 C day and Saturday a t................................ X O

S u n fa s t H o llan d S h ad es — Allgood colors; strictly perfect; on substantial spring rollers; regularly 65c. to 75c,; Friday y f g c and Saturday a t.......................................

rious styles: plain «nd fancy yoke; regu- C O C la r $ l grade for....... , '.............................

W o m en ’s S a m p le V ests, P a n ts a n d U n io n S u ite -V ario u s styles. QC2CRegular 3 9 c to 0 5 c , for ................

Three for 31M en’s Shirt* a n d D raw er* Blue

and flesh color, fine gauge; shirts silk faced; one- quarler sleeves; drawers with bicycle C 2 ^ c seat; ankle length; reg. 3 1 grade, for,.

M en ’s W h ite C o tto n M esh S h irt* a n d D raw ers, short sleeve shirts, ankle length drawers; regular 3 5 c . grade f o r 3 9 . 2 52 5 c .; six pieces tor .......................... , “*■

I » O’eloek

prA.i,. ■


iT H mmfnV«ryWtrttOimdltiott. PImptet

‘ % on whole Bodjf. (Jould Hot wetr ■ Any CIcthM. Cutkiun Swp tnd \ OIntmint Certainly Cured.

M ' U » •». Aai% A m , Bw ni, R ."r .SiA MM*» a 4b*'mT 'WanW««i tut tt all gttptaa Mm os mr wboU boAr a*8a*t w Am*.,

t h i * . a n d u O r 9l -wam i^l’lNld tt-i* that 1 f'CMM'liei w M .w tf d M

I watkad lb* Soev Str < .aWMAnr » waak *iiA at

' ■aaa Ua I* bad tt laittad m ' an. leoaMBatattag. 1 ttU r imt 1 hat* I* think oflt, tt ■mauahaaDSiitBS. IwoQld

Folding Go-CarteW a g n e r-m sd e F o ld ing G o-Cart*, built on strong

frames, with best grade leatherette body and hood; equipped with easy riding springs; fitted with rubber- tired wheels; an excellent easy-running go-cart that can^ be folded into small space for traveling; indispensable to the family that likes to go on one-day excuraions; reg­ularly sold at the low price of $5,25; of- S 0 . 9 5 fered Friday at only........... ......................... S J

9 * •

Garden Hose50 feet best quality black Garden Hose, complete on

hardwood reel with combination spray noztle, and brass coupling ready to attach to faucet; regularly S B 5 . 9 8 $6.28; special a t.............................................

Garden SpadesSolid polished steel; D handle; regularly O C X ®

69c.; special at .......................................... ........

FormaconeFormacone Sweeping Compound—the best disinfect. >

ing house sweeping compouna on the market, both for carpets and hardwood floors; priced lO c . and 2S & the package.

See demonstration in Basement. |

M e n ’ s S o i t s f o r $ 1 2 , 5 0T h e y A re $ 1 8 a n d $ 2 0 V a lu e s

We believe we are giving the best suit values in the country- —our knowledge of clothing justifies us in this belief.

We are selling suits of excellent all-wool fabrics, fast color, Blue Serges, attractive Gray Serges, Gray Cassimeres, Gray Chev­iots, some of them with coats silk lined; some with two pairs of trousers, doubling the life of the suits, and included with them All- Wool Tuxedo Suits, silk lined and silk faced, for 3 * O . 5 0 those at the shore and in the mountains, for only.. * *

Boys*'Blue S e rg e Suits—Norfolk and double breasted styles; 7 to 18-year sizes; equaling any $7 suit sold, for only $4 .95

^ y s ’ 9 8 c W a sh Suita—Sailor and Russian styles; 75c.

Boys’ $ 1 .5 0 W ash Suita—Sailor and Russian styles; 9 8 c .

Boys’ W skshable N orfo lk Suita—8 to 14-ye^r sizes; in crash, linen and khaki; with extra pants at only $ 2 . r '*

Choice Is Wide In This 3 Days*

S a l e o f W a s h F a b r i c sAnd Prices Are Incomparably Low

W h ite G o o d s C o lo re d D r e s s G o o d s BeBt of Linens

Y o u d e a d ly L iv e I n y

K e n y o n H o u s e s

' 3 9 c English V oiles—-40 in. wide; black snd white stripe.................... 2 9 c

1 8 c P lis te C re p e s—New jouy de­sig n s................................................... 12JC

l 8 c W hite L a w n —40 in, wide;' fine sheer quality......... ................... ........ 1 2^c

1 8 c V oile S u itin g —In all the wanted plain shades....................... 9 c

C te p e P o p lin —Plain Poplin, with Crept effects........................... 1 2 ic

12f^c C h a m b r a y—Beautiful plain Shtdea* Big Bargain................... . . 7 ic

$ B c W hite R a m ie L in en —45 inches wider"............................................ S O c

1 SIkc P r in te d B a tis te—White grounds, with colored figures................. 9 c

Like Getting Divi­dends—Buying $ 2 & $ 3 Oxfords $ 1 .20

S a le N o w In P r o g r e M

Grand Rally in theU p h o l s t e r y S t o r e

Big lots of regular goods and a number of special purchases will have a grand rally on the Third Floor, Friday and Saturday. Price standards will be lowered for the occasion.

1 ,0 0 0 P a irs S c rim a n d E ta m in e C u rta in s ot fine grade, well made; regularly 3 1 .2 6 , 3 1 -7 5 and 3 2 .5 0 the pair—

Special priced 8 5 c , $ 1 .1 5 , a n d $ 1 . 6 5 .3 ,2 0 0 Y a rd s F a n c y a n d F ig u red S w isses—all perfect goods; 40 inches 1

wide; regularly priced 2 S c a yard; priced for Friday and Saturday......................................._ 1 ,6 0 0 Y a rd s C re to n n e s—all this Spring’s goods; latest and best Q C S C

paftemi and colors; reg, 3 6 c and SOc the yard; special priced a t . . .............. O t v s s - sC re to n n e s in another grade, regularly 2 0 c a yard, priced Friday and Saturday at 1 2 ic

'm -


tn mA St dew* te a tew rnttntaa. 1 would ke S> tired, but J/VrSuld Mv* t« aat wp

Tba* I muM n*,oa ib* ttaUttr euueb tad whan tta IWrer wenid Sat b*t Hate I would bm to walk.

■' iTivfd DU » leUd dttt alt tba tbaa Iks . two traaki: l oould not eat. But wbaa t -

SMd tta iCMSema Boap and Olatanentl via eaitalalr «u»d and I eaa t«oaouB«ad

. tba CiMoaia Boap and OttMant to aar- •adr.'’' <tettd} Mill Stt* BqMtila, U u. ju a ii. /’ A SwBi aiha ar OaSoua Boap »e. W . So* «r Oudaoea Otttmeai SOo. ara.MMs

: W ssM sit wbiu 91 iM kai ttSid. Cutleaia, ?totp and Otatmai an aoM bp droisM ■ M daals* a' - >'"haw, Ubaial aawptt of . _ —iihixwttAi

If you WArtt to htve * rtally enjoythfe Sum­mer in the woods or near the shore, you ought to have one of the Kenyon Portable Houses. These little browii bungalows have doors and windows and rooms, just like any other house; but the whole outfit can be taken down, packed in email space and shipped or carted almost anywhere.

I Yoti wilt Increiue the joys of Summer a hundredfold by living In one of these "take-down" houses, gettita the benefit ot outdoors without the usual Ineonveniencpi of orcHMfy camp Hfe. *" - !'■You had. better place your order'for one of these

fhonsee right away if you contemplare attting one, as [the supply is limited.

PrfoM dwUvwracI w low a s tfiO SJte. W a-eeJl ICttnyon Heeieew eni caur B m t f - p t f f -

■AGMb M sii. . ; .. .

W mdow FramesKh« V Down Wslnut Stained Window Frames, 36

inches.wlds, 42 inches high; can be made to St tny win­dow smaUer; complete with hardware; with-, Q E 5 C out wire; regularly 29c.; special a t........... t f s O

X1>* W liw rd M op; triangle abape; gets .la the , eoniera; Indestructible; picks up all dust and dirt; cleana ■nd poltihei hardwood floors; specially —aprleed'it’,... ............ ........... ........... ........... l^ l ,O v /

Sea ddmonstration in our Basement


■ '^P o irch* ij S e a t e '^ ’ " 'Ibiah -' P o rc h

.........r - * 'round 5 c

F u r n i t u r e O n t h e , Q u b P l a ^

T h i s Is th e T im e to

K o d a kEvery desirable camera here, from the one

dollar Brownie toThe splendid $20 Kodak, To stimulate interest at the opening of Summer wea- j ther, we offer Eastman films and photo supplies at 11 prices that must please you. Sale lasts one week.

B row n ie C am eras, 91 ■ 9 2 , 9 3 , S 4 .F o ld ln* B row nies, 9 8 , 9 7 , 9 0 , 9 1 0 .K odaks, latest models, trom the tiny Vest Pocket al

9 0 to the 9 2 0 Postcard Kodak.P rem o*, the hill line, 9 1 .8 0 up. Ten per cent, dis­

count on all Premm.E a s tm a n Film* I'or this week's talc these East-

man Hankeye Films for all Brownies tnd Kodaks will be sold at their cost lo us. Gel acquiinied with our photo department. Free instruction.

For No. 2 Brownie, regular 20c-. sate price.......... 14 cFor No. JA Brownie, regular 35c., sale p rice .... 1 8 cFor No, ,t Brownie, regular ,l.Sc., sale price....... 2 7 cFor No, JA Brownie, regular 40c., sale price... 3 1 o

L a V id a C o rs e tsLa Vidas are sold in Newark exclualvely In thla

establishment. They are the acme of artistic excellence.La Vidas are made of substantial French imported coutil and batiste, and are beautifully trimmed with embroldet- ies, laces and ribbons; boned Ihruoui with Excelon, and, of course, are here in a wide variety of superb Summer models', all La Vidas are equipped with ample hose sup porters.

Price* 9 3 to 9 8 'Mr*. D ew ey is giving expert demonstrations and

tree litlinfjS.

W hite ApronsA great collection nf White Aprons, large and

small sizes; with and without bibs; for maids, wait­resses and nurses; here at , .. 5 9 c t o $ 3 H

Klosfit PetticoatsHandsome Petticoats, with all the celebrated j

Klosfit features, here in rich messaline, with silk” iersey tops, in all fashionable colors, at the e g g moderate price of ....................................... O

H a ir G o o d s S h o p D e L u x e

A C o m p le te Succ^essThe completeness of ouf

slocks in hair goods, and the charm of real personal service, both have contrib­uted largely to the succesB of the Hahne Hair Goods Shop De Luxe during* tho past week, '

It is I source of gratifica­tion to a woman that we can furnish i t tL.miquU'B noticeevery:accessory to tfie cqjffure,

and that the attendants in' charge are qualified to

speak authoritatively on hair styles and to confer intelligently with patrons. In short the Hahne Hair Goods Shop De Luxe offers you superior mer­chandise at the lowest prices, and thC'benefit of a service that is unique,

Muslm UnderwearD ra w ers — Of NaiiisOok and Muslin;

prettily trimmed with embroidery and lace; some with ribbon bows; regularly 65,c.; special at 4 7 c

G ow ns of Muslin—slipover styfes; neatly trimmed with embroidery and ribbon; special at............................................................. 5 9 c

C o m b in a tio n s — Roth styles; embroid­ery or lace trimmed; embroidered ruffle on bottom of skirt; special at ...................................... 75c

Infants’ WeeurInfants' Dresses of Lawn, with yoke of emb-Oidery

and cluster of lucks and embroidered ruffle on n e bntioni of dress; special a t................................ # O C

Infants' Dresses of Lawn, wjth yoke of cluster tuck­ing and lace edge on neck and sleeves; special g 0 ^ 1

Children’s Coals of White Pique; spe clfli in the June Sale at................................ 1$ 1 .9 8

C o u ch H A m m ock S tan d s—CoiiBtrucIcd of best

?oJ 'w fsh ;"aL ."^ .“ ’‘‘' l “ ‘' : “‘ $ 2 . 5 0 a n d $ 3 . 6 0 jWovesn H am m o ck * as carefully selected by us

as we would citoose dress goods, and in a variety that has 2 given us a great reputation, surpassing the collection aeenl III almost any other store you know ^ . a m 1“ *% of, at prices ranging Irom................ ip 1 10 Sp / .0 4 J

B apy H am m o ck * lierc in pleas- a S tAing variety, at Irom.............................. .. OwTC TO i p o

2 0 c . T an C ra sh —36-inch; makes beau­tiful cool summer d resses ................... 1 5 c

IS c . Z e p h y r C ^ngham *—32 in. wide; stripes, checks, plaids and plain colors. ■ lO c

16c. R am ie S u itin g —in all the wantedplain shades ............. lO c

2 5 c . W hite V oile—40 in. wide; extraquality, superfine finiih...,................... 1 9 c

3 0 c . Sem i S ilk s—White grounds, withhtirline stripes__.......... 2 5 c

15& R a tin e V oile—Blue, tan, pinkand gray................... O c

1 5 c . Voile S u itin g —Nub effects 7 Jc 3 9 c R am ie L in en —Beautiful plain

shades; 96 inches wide, yard................. 2 9 c2 S c Plisse Creper-Atl the wanted

plain colors.............. ............................

Lawn MowersThe Surety Lawn Mower, with 4-blade cutter; easy

ninnlne; guaranteed to cut the graaa evenly; ’’erade infour size*—12, 14, 16 an d \l8 in.; regularly $3.08; y o u r choice at each

$ 3 - 2 6

Screen "Dcx>rs' 'iFatnut Stained Screen Doora, made of well-aea- " *med woo#; covered with beat quality Idtjaeih w ir^a ll

Stock aizea on hand; regidariy 98e.; yonr J 2 0 C choice, special at a .a *■ a ;! 1 * a ■ a a *'*'■* *■V NaturatFlniah StnNin Doora—all liiot; reg^rly $ 1.49; your choice, special at:.......... . • • 9 1 . 2 8

Y o u S h o u ld S e e T h e s e

Fold-Away BedsA metal bed folding flat and upright, de­

signed for comfort, economy of space and durability, sanitary in every detail. The frame,,., has graceful-lines, is in aluminum finish with heavy canvas duck of a brown shade; there are polished ntetal eyelets inserted along all borders, through which are attached short bellcal Japanned coil springs, joining duck to fram^the general combination or make-up has a pleasing finished ef- feet; when open size is 29x74, welghC40 tos; easy rolling casters are provided, and'with one motion from side it can be folded or opened; when not in use can be placed in closet or eny unused corner or space.

No home complete without one.Price ..............................Or with head and toot.......

Porch , Rockers

Cross panel back,. nicely shaped arms, woven flat reed Beat, base strongly put to*

gether; finished in nttUral «heUac color and green,



W h a t W o m e n A r e T h m M n g , S a y i n g a n d D o i n g


T h e A ll Y e a r S ch o o l

Juat about a year aco Newark narania w ara much- Int.raataO to the Innovattan of aatabllahint In th li cUy aH-year •choola, 8t all-yaac achool. la meant achoola which cnnilHue iturlng an addi­tional a lfb t week* In the aummar, and which rrovlde, tnetead of ten weeka' vaea- Uon. but two noeki of lummar rereai.

• The purpnae and uie nf auch achnnla can he batter underatood a t the prenent time than laat aeaion. ilnce a year a work haa been dona under the e*psrl- Dient. and the repnrta at the prlmlpala a u p e ^ a ln a the achoola la In tha handa Of tha t>wlc-

In Itao f)rtt plaee, the new plan muH not be cflAfuied either with the aumnier achool, which doea not do the work I't th e re su ltr educational currleulum, <•< with the achool which followa 'lie uaual ptno. To better ekplalli the ta lle r e u te - mentt a achool ortianlied aa an all-year achoet doea nut return to the old nr- randam ent of term* In tha fall, a* muny m lttakanly bolleved. II contlnuea Ita puplla from the point whlcli they have aluilned by the addlllonal aumnier labor. *fhm» Ih® pupil who hII^tuJb tiu'•chool rasul&rly ni*y — uiA — (t«ln tw o rea ra of the eight which he would uaually apend In the primary and aram - m ar p id e a . And he will have eovered a n c t ly aa much work aa hla brother of tha long autnmer vacation haa duiio In a lfh t Veara.

Much dltcuaalon waa given, laat year, to the poailblllly of harm to the health Of the teacher* and puplla, becauae ol atudy during the hot weather. Tlie two achoola In which th . e iperlm enl waa m ade-B elm ont avenue and Beventh Ave- nue—are both In congealed dletrlcta, where many of the children ham lujeii In the habit of attending the eumnicr achoola. anyway.

:e;- la theae dlairicl*. It mual he rciijem- bared, houeing condltlopa are fa r fmm tdaal. and the alreeia of Iheae crowded aectlona can acarcely he reemnmetided a« aummer play placea (or young people The eanltkllon ot properly conducted, wed ventilated, cool and fairly quiet achool rooma U certainly more to he dealretl than tJtat of the lun-baked. duaty thor- aughfarea of July and Auguat

The reporta of the prlncipata of the achoola ahowa that every precaution waa taken to cover the point of dnnger <o health. Nervoue or weak puplla were ad- wtaed not to continue. Doctor* and nur -ca m aintained rigid Inapacllon. And 'he raaulta were not only gratifying, hut r«- m arhable. not only among the pupils, hot am ong the teacher*, aa well. .Mi.ltn-;r group 'had luffered at all when Seplemher

Th® d*tn»nd for th® irhool wun dt?im>n- itim U d by I ti rpffptton. Karh r>f >h«* iM ttd ichooU .enroll roRuJarly Bhoui ;:,000

pupJla Of a i 1arg«* a iiumbrr aaaevi*rjiy p r c en t tn ie rrd the alj*year rjaeare, faH^d to leave tham —aa acmia ha4 prt'Jlrl^hd h«tnua# of tha opon-Ing of ili« uaual aiimmer aohnnla or th« pfoalmltv of aiJul-lng pUyirrotmri atiM - Me*. Alttndam’e tvnB In no way made i-ompulaory

Howi.'i'fr. t'fli'HMia of theai* chlinrtiii.nuilnlv forflanrra. aro, for the moal part. analoiiB 1o »(•»* riH*1r offapring flnii'h the ra^pilrefl nduradon aa atKm aa p->aalble. Thf child N parnlnir power li nerdfi ut hume, or Na halp la rtht|ulre<l In ih^ houar' i hold. TtiH aas’lnit of two >>»na inHilf u vary dffi ldfd appeal. Alau, th<i'' la uo I doiih! Ihrtt huay nirithera of amall rhl-- fliTii lt»r opportunity of know­ing that Ih^lr little oiiea wpre propeily and anfply taken In thargo for thr da)

A Iclllhg fi-Hlure of ih*- rinillnaoua whfKil la tlie f a n thrit much tinif* la taxed , til the pupU thf-re. whirh le alw aja waaiert ; [>)' the puplla (if the long rw eas We refer III th« Piidlnga and h«*KlunlnRa nf term** ! We lire told (hat a good part of June li diaalpate.l In Retlln* leady to rloae arhool. | and lhai a valuahlr jH,irl1on of HeptPintior _ la oroijpled hi KetUna hack Into tune. This ; Inefflrlenoy dnea not enter the fipeHence j of lhi‘ all-yoiir pupil and help* him in do in 2M weeka the uaual work of 3‘JO n 'ha i !a, he reqoirea tiveniy-four ronilnuoua iwelve-'x<'ek teniia, Inatead of alxieen twenty-week terms.

Those who raperi to take advaniage of tliH iJiduaUirlKl iraltilriR which Newark offera, eapet'lally In ha new Central oin- merrlBl iinU Manuiil Training High j Hchotrl, Hiul wfm are In haalr in finish , prt'puratloi) for artua l work In I'ualneae. i laniMil fall to uppnclHte the poaslblllty of all-y.-ar a< liouie. *

The fuTvenlagf^ of Hltmilanre. given hV njH- Ilf ihe prlmdpttla, le llt an Interi-jitIrig atoiy In Ihia reapefl. The largnal nurnhi'r of l■lllld^ell I'nii'lled were In the lilgheal and lowoel rlasana Tkla ir;ay I'*’ Inler- preh'd HP follows. ‘I'he wpr* eneH. oC uo aervlre «t home, were glailly sent l>y Ibe purenlp. The aomewhHl larger ctiUdren of thi' middle grade*, able to run errands and h»lp. wen* Ihfluenreil to slay awaj. Hut the nidei rhUdren. who rould reallio the actual henefUa for themaelvea, were Hhli- to make the aliuaimn d ea r lu their fatherh ami nmlhera, with a rsaiilianl high avf'iaK*’ of atlendanct* In I he upper daasea

niii> filher point In fftxor of the all-year school mual not be forgoUen. I'hf long summer vacation, all loo often, has ghen

l O W A t t i

\U N C L E W I G G I L Y A T T H E S W I M M I N G H O L E

fUnpyrlght. lfl!3 hy Howard H- narlsl

Jackie Bow Wow. the liitU* puppy dog ho). loi.ikid over the lop of hla geojiraphy ijiKik. Hint tie was atudlng In the hnllon atuinp whaul. and Ulnked both ryea at h!a brother I'eelb*. Then he held Up ont pi4W HJid wiggled It three tlmea. aa fnal aa m^iinniH inakee the eg^ bcnier ko when aha la going to have company lor ■upper

And IhotiEh Jackie didn I bnrk a flin- gle hark. Jo* said to hin brotlier. lU' plnlnlx an ajiythlng

"tVUl .voii I'fhiiie pwlhiiriiria lUia allcr- noon. when ecliool la out?"

Vo'i MTe he gakWl him that in 'i h>mI of deiif and (luii)h language, Jiiei h* x<iu chlidieit ran make le tteri and xyuhIb on your fljigers. t'y wiggling and iwleiiii^ Iheni dtffereiil ways.

And F'eello, a* imtjii a# hr "•‘•w I'la hroilier waving hla paw oxer Ihr top of hie book. Juet raised up hta left enr iwl'-a and Ills right t-ar once, and sniffed with hli nose.

And 111 th a t wgy. without loen whlS' perlng one t>grk. he had answered Jackie In this way.

"Hura J'll cojne awlmmlng; and well have some fun."

^ ^Ay. ami 1 don thlante^he doggie boys for waiulhw l" gu down lKi Ihe awlmmlng hole Hr llio> i'ulle(| l(. This wan In a nice lUlb* bj-nok, under ahady trees, and theiw aanridy bea'li, and a place xxhrr* thru* were whlii- pebbles, that eho\M*d hs clearly und*’i water as the tllHmond In matnnia'a ring

And wlif ri Saimnlo Litlletaii. thv boy rabbit, and Johimlc and HlHIr* Hll^h>1nll, the squirrel buys, and Jltiunle WHiMi-- wubble. the duck buy. flow Ja tk i'' Hiid Petlie Itow Wow making signs in cHch other In s< bool, about going svilioinInK. Uiey till mttde .'ilgnw also, and s'ooii a whole fwloimlug parly wwa made up, and no one hud even wlilsprted once,

Of coiinsf. thlM was.In h way. talking in ei-hooL but the nice owl laoy tea-m i did

I nut mind that. Hb*' Hinkni hei

t..<ok Tile olluT end eth'ks out, reele:* iihrt ijiuters up Hiid down, and >on Jonip• If the end of It und turn sfiUiereR ills|r iM iMe wul»T. like the ii In I lie• ■O'Uh toon m u oil the rnd uf h let-i.'-y tirijiiri and tfiipM roer forlv- been rl *- phhiitM Hi om'e. and phi-t nr*« inm*'!.

Well ili»- animal hovs were h..'lraf u RMiid [iiiif ul the HwliiirnUig lioh, wlu'ii :ilntK '.iMo I'ncle Wigglly. the old geii- Ih limn I • bbit.

I 'mni on in MWiiiUDing' ' eaiicd Hnin- fi o- lo liln-

■ N'<i I i iin l~ ttiy rliMimallsTii Ih loo liAij' jinew>re<1 the inldiK genllcouiii,

IH MHith uriil hf sal down nearme hi ling board.

Wp!I. Ihe boys Hplrtshed hboijt Hint Mw.ini H< roMs the brook, find Ihen PeHlIe\\ny, U 'ow la l le d m il:

"Mn, for h race! I.i'r> ►ier who run flTHi f*w im down to the "li! water hioI back again.

At rluh l’ i-v I'l yUofl) > ried .And off they <iturled It was quite s diHtnm'e lo llv- old log In the water* hui (be tioy arilmiilA muld swim l(, and r^urse, this iffi r n e k Wigglly Hll alone sitting b) (|i« fpilng hoard «1 th*’ j-wloGoliig hole

It WHS Warm, and the flowrrN smelled saei-il\‘, nnii the bees IniEsad, HTid prHty S'Tin I'nelf Vt'lgglly felt faal hi!*! a.Nlet r Tlul. .'ill »f a sudden, h' and he lieanl u voii r I'hlliJig 1

A h. ill' ' rt H Is |t'i' MlTO- > " ilWRv fi"m me' Now I Imxe

■ Mt lp ’ Help' ' rleil I'nele'W lfglly "H a ' Thi-re is n-' oue here to help )uu."

growhni Ihe Iu*hi rtgain. “ A w ay w»' go, and off lie Minried for hit den, taking th*- jabbtt liionn with him.

Then I'ni-lr Wlgglly thought of amne- thing

“ W'lll you (111 lie one fHVnr l>«loi'e you lBk< me awH) he linked the Hear, most polllel.X

is ll"‘ Hsked ihn shagKj rfeaturc • Wiilk o'll oil the etui of that btiard

WHO me. iiMii let nil* lo"k kn lb" whPo-. ’ srtM the lulil'il iuh* lost look Ml Ihe idtl Hwimnilog h"l' In ull I w'snl. PleaAo'

\'tr> well." ■‘Hi’ ilie Immi. "I will do ihH( To look III the water cannot harm me ■■ Hut you err lhai beai' illd ntJl know about Uie spimgboard

I (lot on the end of It he WHiked, letting i L'ncle \ ’iggll> wiilk along ulso. but hfl

hy hlH carH, that hsHfrncle WIgglly

on Hie eml uf lUe hoard than he began bounelng up ami dowu like a reoler- lauier. Faster ntul faster he went.

'Htop It " rrleil the bear. “ I urn gel­ling dUiy. HlnT> H

’ .Nil’" cried I’nch* \A’lggily hoiI ha would not Faster iind faHter he leeler- ei| iip Hiid down. iiULlI, all ol a sudden, he houined that bear up In the air Bo hard Mini when the bear canie down he

wan awakened. | fell off Into (Im water, but I nrle W|g- l,[,n j gll) mmftged to on the tioard

k'ow” ’ I I i‘sl th e h ea r, ap lrtuhbig l)iiub |» w ow ' l 'u f f '] i i r f - p a f f Oh.


The print of taultar mgy be cut more u&risfactorily If a piece of paraffin paper -the piece that comeg nround the print

xxiil Hiiawer—la wrapped about the kidfu, This w’lll cut the butter, without ioaving i1jiv parilclea clinging tu tnr blade of the knife Uaelf.

t( one wislLca Hn keep atraw barrles lot i I lew days, hull them and pul thciti, tvllli* out being rinsed. Into a fruit Jar. avid- *ind 6et on the lee ui In u xery cool pUce. In this xvay they will keep remaikckblf fresh and snlld.

If linen or cotton materlfll. before being ixi*shed. Is Hoaked In a solution of a cup­ful uf turpentine to (wo gallons of water the coloi will be pernianenlly s tl. !>ry the fahrtc Ih the house, a fter bring fosked III tills mixt'ire. If the gHrment l.s insde up. the proceRB will lie qutle hb effl- fftrioua. If employed before the gown bc- cqrnen aoUtd or la washed.

When whli^ed (.ream Is added to th | cup of houllkm or crctun soup, salt lb Vbsn garnish with a little m lncil iiaisky or puprlka. This .tdrls to llu* r.*nor. Ml xxelt us Ibe uppeaianc* of (he ditli

When nsxt finui'lilbg eggs. HprInkiS u Utlli’ tAngy cticese uxer like lup;The flax or will he enhanced.

If boiling wnl j la poured over tlio par- iifffn Hrovil from tho Jellies and Jams |i"l up iHEl xetir. the paraffin komu xxUl ii plt Tlio sctiliri'-iil. If Ih-'T'e Is kux. xvlll sink to (he tintliim. while ibu paiMfrin will

le lo Ihe surfaC'-. and RS H I'Onls he*

In serving Jellied snu]). It la w.-U (d hrsak ihr Jr*Uy Hll^hllv It. the CUps b | Ublr.g H fork ita the eoup Is pouied Inld the bouillon cupg.

come flim, Then it may be used ugalii.

Soft htcHd crumlis wilt he fmiio: HslIsfikiUory for Ihl- keiilng h purr-*-.

A nsh eouffli* vxiJI be InimUcly murf drllcHtr If the fish I*} .‘ihisddrci iind then pl'es-sed (hrnijgli u i nar>c mIcX'- This rjonui (lie fish hli'iid" more psifectl) with t)i# Ollier lnBied1t*nrH.

Kf^ii H pulr "f hhn khnard *rascrk at hand. i>iu' fo usr « pullalOT Cor (he stosf- niiri the rdhsr (o enrxe as a duaUfr for ih-" treads of the stiilra.

"K In the I kept hold of Mmdid. htut no somier

Hefnrr putting new • overs on the pSTili'y siielvea, sprinkle h o 'ra a rn u m l Hijerally Nulnlng Is belter for Keeping away nnls.


n I i:<-t j ‘’OhHur- i al'fiul

lioys and glrlit nnn-educallonsl, blind- | spectacle ejea, and looked around tin-alley Jobs, from whlrh they never again return to the schoolrnom With a corillnu- nus school, nr»l nearly an many ftie lured BWR>\ and s iJcHdeill)' larger wuiuhcr are likley to remain and finlali the course.

T H K C b l ’H W OM AN.


T b * t l n l l leisoB in p * r il i i in e n t» ry law l o r th e c l a « com posed o f tnvn iljv r* of th * C o n te m p o ra ry of N e w a rk w a a giver. T M to rd a y In th e ^ r e a P u b lic U b r a r v by K ra i C o ra W elles T row , o f N ew York, t k a c la a a Ine lru c tp r. T h e le aao n w aa • p a n to th e public, Xnd m a n y tn e n ib e ra of • t h a r c lu b a av a iled th e m ae lv ea o f th e o i -• o r t u n l t y to le a rn e o m e tw n * a b o u t th e f r lD o lp l a i o l '* * •

\ pill] waa on 'C o n a tl tu tlo n a n d B y la w s . ': a n d M m , T r tw e a p la ln e d th e a r t ic le s

t h a t s o lo m ake u p th e c o n a t l tu l lo n b f a n p tta n ik k tic in . Bhe alao to ld t h e n ie a n - t a t o f b y u tw t In th e ir r e la t io n to th* o a M titV ilo n . I t If p ro h a b le t h a t a la rg e

i n ia a a w ill be fo rm ed a m o n g th e c lu b • r o a t n a t th e b eg in n in g o f th e c lu b eea- M a , t i n d e r th e In e tru c tlo n ol M rf . T ro w .

AtMnA. lU fV e e tf a t te n d e d th e a n n u a l M M p tlo li la p d le a o f Ih e F o r e a t HHI • n w e b - o t th e N a tio n a l P la n t , F lo w e r a n d F r i l l t Q utld, held y e a te rd a y In th e r a r a a t H ill P re ib y te r la n C h u rc h . M ra. C liartaa^ G. H ill g a v e a b r ie f a d d r e s a on

5^1 ‘‘ii e t t le ia e n t W o rk ," a n d M ra. .John L. C a u r r U r g av e |« y o ra l *0010100 ao toa d u r ­in g U i t ' a fterhoo if. Ml** E m ily P le r» o n w a a th d acco m p an la l. T h e r e p o r t o f th e a a e r e ta r y . Mr*. E m ile K a f k e ih r in g , s ta te d t h a t &« g lasaea o f Jelly a n d m o re th a n |,4W b o u q u e t i o f flow er* h a d been d o n a te d b y th e g u ild d u rin g th e p a* t y e a r , an d a e v e n arlndow b o ie e h a v e b ee n a r r a n g e d lo r " ih u H n * ." T h e d e o o ra t io n a w ere m a a f e t o f flow er*, w h ich w e re s e n t lo th e S o p h ia R lcord S e tt le m e n t a n d th e

Illary flullrt nf the llnmeopatblc Hospllal waa held ye*tenlay ufterrunui In Wallace Hnll. Ii uae decided th a t the regular an­nual fair of the guild will be, omitted thia seat and aeveral other affair* nlll be given In It* place, A benefit moving plrlure show will be Ihe flrsl of these enterlainineni*. to hr given June IH tn a llieaire at North Sixth and Orange streela


In h o n o r o f M iss A lice A. M urray , w hose m i r r l a g e to E re d E. H o rn s w ill ta k e p la ce J u n e S3, a sh o w e r w as r iv e n la a t n ig h t In h e r home* 'JIS ^o u th Elev* en th ■ tree t. M iss A n n a D arlon end M iss Iren e M u rra y w e re In c h a rg e o f th e a r - r f tn g e in en ts . T w e lv e g u e s ts w ere p resen t.

room. Then abe called nut “Hvliool IS nPHi'ly axcr fur llm rtK.x, no

If Susie LUIleiiill will r«Mite lhai llltl" porfo Ihen you rnny all pul awny >"ur bmiks and go home."

(Jl»* how glad Ihe children were at hearing (hi**, and Ihn bu> fliflmnU e.‘-pp'■ Ifllly, us tney warned ti> Jump In (lie i on! water and splsali shout.

So Buele rei'llud IhiH.Once upon a time There was h Hi he boy His he.iri waa full of hai’pmci«a His fare ll Rhone wllli Jov He. found a crooked penny Anri bought «n Ire cream cmu\And then he went off by himself And sto it'-BlI alone'

r-r-i'-r ami there rlfilii besl'lf* The nib- • |)|1 (fenilemixn alunri IhHl n.lmp bed olri i fiistis lirnr wrm luui mad'* R" rnui h troul'lr fr r him luflny tJinee hefnre

I " r n iT i k ' a l i i H K w ' l i b t u p ' ■ i T l n d ( h e b e a r ' K c a h h l n g I’u-li* VA’Igghy Iti hh p a x x a . I "I'm R'dlHR 111 tttke y(ju off In ITJX' ‘leO I and m.ikn vnu .Mhaipeii my paw-n-il!» for

e x e r x Hr x . >.m | 1^11 a e r n t ' h t h e i t a r kuff (rees I H never In ,v'ou go. cIllTi't*. unen ] gef ytnj in m> den"

" f i h . p l e H R e d n j u d b e t" ' i T i u l ' ' H c g S f d t ‘m*lf W]RsHy. hui tlie (.ffir only arowled aud tiK'ked I fie rabbit giMilleman mure tU hn’t' uiidnt' I11H IihIi \ paw

’ Please In UK* u'l" Ijeggi-d r n 'le \A'Ik- g il '

' Sn ' N"' ' giixwleii the hear, wrinkling• ifi hlH luiMe

M iss E ls ie W . O ertle . d a u g h te r of M rs. v ic o b O erlle , o f C a m d e n s tre e t, an d W ill­iam G. K o sh m w ill be m a rr ie d neirt W e d ­nesday a f te rn o o n by R ev, O scar E. B raune , p a n tn r o f th e F ir s t G erm an - E n g lish L u th e r a n C h u rch .

n ijii J i tw g r k K elfh b o rh o o d H o u se a f t e r th e T sce p tio n . T w o la rg e a u to m o b lle a w e ref ll la d w ith th e flow ers, on© fo r e a c h of Vm • s t t l s m e n ta T b s o f f ic e r s o f th e F o r- •S t HUI In 'a n c h a r s i P res id en t* A Irt. iiiey- n o u r T u o k s r i f i r s t v lo e -p rsa ld e n t, M rs. A . O* H s l le r : second v ic e -p re s id en t* M rs. X giuts T fU er; th i rd v ic e -p re s id en t* M rs. C a v id M eeker; t e r r e U r y . M rs. K a fk e a -

flDanClal e e c re ta ry , M rs . J o se p h B a rd i le y . an d tre a s u re r . M rs. O tto R u c k - i l a h a u t .

e • •T h a f in a l m on th ly m e e tin g o f th e A ux-

H crm an A. K en n in g , o f 389 H u n te rd o n s tre e t, w h o se m a r r ia g e to M iss E rn e s tin e P , L lndem an* d a u g h te r o f Mr. und M rs. P au l L. L In d e m a n .o f U2 H u n te rd o n streetp will be s o le m n ise d M nm lay evening , J u n e P. w ill be g iv e n a fa re w e ll b ac h e lo r d in ­ner to n ig h t In th e C ity A th le tic C lub, W est F i f ty - f o u r th e t r e e t . New Y ork C ity , by a n u m b e r o f h la fr ie n d s. A th e a tr e p a r ty a t th e Y VInter G a rd e n w ill follow th e d in n e r . B e n ja m in H a rr is . W illiam H arrln . R Ichorri K o h n an d M onroe r>. H ess a r e m a k in g th e a r ra n g e m e n ts fo r th e a f f a i r

Mr. Slid M rs. C h a r le s P . L usch , of F o r­es t H ilts. L o n g I s la n d , h a v e been s p e n d ­ing a few d a y s ae th e g u e s ts of Mr. an d M rs. P h ilip W a g e n h a ls , o f S um m er a v e ­nue.





H e h a d a l i t t le s is te r .A b o u t J u s t so h igh.A n d w h e n sh e s tu b b e d h e r f in g e r B he n e v e r u sed to cry .O n ce s h e fo u n d a pen n y .A nd b o u g h t a c a n d y -a tic k .8 b e g a v e h e r H tlle b ro th e r hnlf.F o r f e a r ‘tw o u ld m a k e h e r sick.

"V e ry good*. B usle ." ea ld ih e sehno] te a c h e r . “Now you m a y a l l go hom e "

'H u h ! “ e x c la im e d BllUe PuahytaM . “ th a t p ie ce Buale spoke d o e u n 'l m a k e It k o k v e ry good fo r ue boye. W e‘re n o t a ll a s s e lf ish aa t h a l fe llow In th e v e rse ."

“ O h : % d id n 't m e an a n y of you h e re ," SBld B usle. “T h e U tile boy 1 rec1l*td ■ b o u t liv ed a t th e N o rth P n k ,"

" T h a t 's a l l r ig h t th itn ." Huld P ee ile Bow WoW'. “ ( ’om e on now , fe llow s, o ff to th e s w im m in g bo le !"

Anri w h a t a good lim e (he an lm nl buya b ud th e r e a t th e b ro o k ! T h e re w as a . s p r in g b o a rd fro m w h ich 10 Jum p, t : su p p o se y o u k n o w w h a t th a t Is. hu t hi | u s se y ou d o n 't I 'l l te ll you . D 's a long s p r in g y p la n k , a n d one end is fa s t on the

D a i l u T l B n aa a e f - r ^ ^ O o i ? e c l p e ^ s

hnm*> i-akcR am t nniH iard p u ls " ' und then hiK m nuilt W' jil ui\d€i w a(M umi he i lO itU ln l auy a t i ) lh iu g m xue (liaL |iHHf hiKl fl liHrri iliiu ' i,mUiTig (o bhore. 1 iKH It Rt'fxcii Mill rl);li1. J th in k Huil (hen |h i' h:i(l til g i !'■> tiu* ( ’hlrw sp lu um lr) ' lo j

hlfi fur l uilf' i jK'er aKuln. aiiH r*n Im j ilulii t liothfT rncl*’ WiKsIly ai^v mme , that <lHy

I hi'ii r ;n ic \\ iggll.x walked over (he RUriaKi>iiarrt hai k to shore, and he was ahiii bp had thnuKlit of that trick. And H'Min Ibe iiiilm.il hovfi t-anie swlmmiuic hack. HM'l .latkic How ^ ’ow had won (he rncf ’riiP\' were mut’li aurpriaeil ftl whal I ’nrh- WlKKlly ii'lil them, but they were till Kind In- hH'l ?wil been hurt by Ihn lif-rtr 'I'ht-ri (lie olri genth-man rahhil iiniqrbt (hem eHcli an Ire c re a m ronr, and tliHi ip iill tluTP IP (o Iblp Hiorv

P u l tom orrow nlKhl, In r a s p th e ifd liHlliion tin* li ttle (tlri ae ro sp Ihe nlrt-et Is plft.x'tm? w ith dof-Mii ( fly op on inii of tl\*' hiirch ^itoppic and lock like rtii apple on ihe end nf a M ick o i candv. I'M tell yuu about I hcle WIgglly and Hit rubber hall.

make (he dish of j>eas a i dinner pi^rve ft doutde piirpoee, aave ihe pods and wash them Well. Tui them nn I" irmk in cold w aler enough lo (ii\pr. Wtu-n lhr> hH\e Htinincred lo the "fHillnK ' point, drain, sav ing the liquor, N"xv co"k the peas lu thl.s xx'ntcr, The pea? will have a richer flavor

Shx'- (he KU|Kinii(>UP liquor from tin* fll?h In whii-h ihe peap wen- cooked and u«i* It a I'KbIh f'>r hhu)i T" niHki* thi? »«iU|>. add an i-qual quan tlly nf milk, ihickcji It allulitly \xirb a riMJX of bulter and flour, and reason tu iHfUi' xxlth sa lt »nd pepper. i»erve wUh ci'outuna

STRAWBERRY ICEA nlniplj’ made ?trawben.v km is ihla

Whip up Ihe while? of three cfruR and Miiee iH hlpspoonfm ls u t auKii^ t 'n js 'h Iwu Imxes of berries wlih a pound of graii- iilatfd RUgfti. ond let them slund fr*r hm bimr. Strain and flavor to taste with lemon Juke. Soak a tableBpooiifui of Ktlaiin in cold xxpler and then dles<>ke It with II llu lr holIlTig writer. Cool i:i<l add 10 the fruit ?yrup. Place In the freex<»T' and. when partly froren, beat In Ibe wbllefx of the eggs and freese stiff.

AHpurttKoa llpH, r e h e a te d In H cream ffluo*-, m-p pyt-ell.-ni p e n .-d In crouaia(l»-l m ane of am all i-olls* ho llow ed u u i, b ru s h ' ciJ w ith e ;i{ m id frie d in deep fa t or brnw’iied In th e oxen , P ea* m a y 1*9 b erv fd In the nam e w h \ . ___

The Bride’s Pattern

In Sterling Silver Is

The FairfaxIt Is Rich and Elegant

in Its Simplicity


A t H O L T SDistributor in Newirk


G ra p e fru it


M enu No, >J.liRlCAKKAST.

O m eletr e r e i i l .


Tom alJ nnd Klee [hah. Bread. Jam Tt-a.


Aaparagua Soup. Hmterflah.

Washed I’(*lAlueH CauMflu’ver. TomatiJ Salad,

ypunlah Prenm.


G n u , Grain and Apples About the Only Ones to Escape Without


l^uggeetloB H f o r M em i No, 4.F e r (he lu n c h e o n dl?h- uae the r e m iJ r -

d e r nf th e c a n of lo m a lo e s opened fo r to m a to s a u c e e a r l k r in (he week Befiann w ell, an ti a lew till they a re ih ic k . I ’ao equa l q u a n l l t l e s o f sitxxed Inm aluLh a n d cold cooked rice . A ria iik e in la y e r s 1r a bak in g d is h a n d sp rin k le each la y e r n f rice w tib g r n ie d cheese befo re a d d in g th e to m atoen . L’loiaK w ith rice a n d cht-ese. 1-jcftl In th e o \e n long en n u g h l3 r th e vheeBii to m e l t

h 'or th e so u p fo r d inne r, us* (be a ? rm a- Kua xvatKr a n d en d s eaxed frun i diiiiii-r tw o d a y s befo re .

D redge ih« bu tiev tien w ith c o rn m c a l fliid a a u tc , rtei’ve garnlH hed xx'Cth an d q u a r te r e d lenior.

(■’ook th e c a u lif lo w e r w hole, head d o w n , till fe n d e r; s e rv e w lib a c rea n i Bfiuce,

H erve th e sliced toinatocH w ith bo iled drftHBlng o r m a y o m ia ise on « bed o f g re '-n .

F o r (he d in n e r de«He'’[, oiseolx'p h a lf a box o f g e la t in In moiigti w a te r lo co v e r. P u t a q i ia r l o f m ilk in a d o u b le Iw lle r. B ea t u p th e y o lk s uf fo u r e g g s w ith th r e e -q u a r te r s of a cupful of e u g a r, .itir tn (o th e m ilk an d cook like a cu s tiG d . P o u r th e c u s ta r d over th e d isso lv ed g e la ­tin , s t i r r i n g urrtil in c o rp o /a ted . F la v o r w’Sth v a n i l la o r alm ond, an d tn e n fo ld In th e w h ile s o f th e eggs, b ea ten v e ry s t i f f . P o u r In to g la s s e s i>r mold.?. If aervnri w ith m a ra s c h in o c h e rr ie s a n d Home j f th e liq u o r ll w ilt b e found eg o ced tng ly ta a ty .

S ta f f C crr ftp o n d fn tf.T R E N T O N , J u n e S.—B p ring han n o t been

f a v o ra b le to c ro p s in N ew J e rs e y , a c ­c o rd in g to a bullelSn issu ed by S e c re ta ry F ra n k lin Dye* o f th«? S ta l e B o a rd o f A grl- c u l tu re . G ra s s , g ra in a n d ap p le s , th e b u l­le tin in d ic a te s , w e re a b o u t th e on ly c ro p s w h ich e s c a p e d in ju ry . !

E a r ly p o ta to e s wei-o to ta l ly d e s tro y e d !n I som e a e c t lo n i a n d b a d ly d a m a g e d In ! o th e r* . T h e p e a c h c ro p a lso s u ffe re d ee- j merely, b e in g p ra c t ic a l ly d e s tro y e d In . i(ome sec tio n * . T h e b u lle tin o f M r. L>ye ! fo llo w s:

“ T h e s p r in g w e a th e r w as d isa p p o in tin g (n th e f a rm e r* o f N ew J e rs e y . F av o r- 1 fll-le f a rm in g w e a th e r s e t In e a rly , an d p o ta to g ro w e r s a n d tr u c k f a rm e rs b egan p la n tin g e a r ly v a r ie tie s . L a te r co ld nml w e t w e a th e r s e t In. c u lm in a tin g Jn f ro s t I a n d h-e M ay 11 a n d 12. \

" T h e Ice fo rm e d In so m e lo calllle* to n ' th ic k n e s s o f a b o u t one a n d a h a lf Inches.

' A b o u t th i s lln i* p e a c h e s a n d c h e rr ie s w'ercI jn b loom , a n d m a n y a c re s o f e a rly p o ta - ;

Ines w e re p la n te d P e a c h e s w ere nil k ill- f eri In m a n y loen lU les a n d In ju re d to som e | e x te n t th e S ta l e o v e r, »o th a t th e c ro p ; of thifl f n i l t w'lll be v e ry lig h t. |

“ P ro fe s s o r M. A. B la k e , th e S la te h o rtt- , c u l iu r la t. re p o r t* t h a t th e c ro p of peach©? | in th e eK ti'cm e sou lb© ro sec tio n o f th e P la ic w ill b e very l ig h t. T h is is e sp ec ia lly 1 t r u e o f s u c h v a r ie t i e s a s E lb e r ta . E a r ly , r i-a w to n J , M o u n ta in B o a s a n d o th e r e a r ly b lo o m in g s o i ls . S o m e w h a t b e t te r s e ta o f ' f r u i t o c c u r In th e s o u th e rn c e n tra l p a r t | «vf th e S la te , a n d th e p ro s p e c t Im prove* In j th e c e n tra ! a n d n o r th e r n r iis l r lo ti . j

“ In th e u o r th e m h a l f o f th e S ta te , v a rle - | tie s like C a rm a n , H lle y A nd Bell of G eo r­g ia . p ro m ise a f a i r c ro p In *onne o rc h a rd ? ,, u n le s s th e r e is f u r th e r d a m a g e by In sects. T h e c ro p o f K d f f e r p e» r? w ill b e lig h t, ex c ep t, poae ib ly , In th e n o r th e rn ^oun ttes . S om e o th e r v a r ie tie s o f p e a rs h a v e a good le i . h o w ev e r . C h e r r ie s w ill a lso p ro v e to be a v e ry lig h t crop . T h e ap p le c ro p prom lB es to be a good o ne ; In fac t, m u c h b e l te r th a n la * l y e a r. ‘

“ T h e d l r e r to r s o f th e S la te B o a rd of A « ri,;U ltu rn r e p o r t « g -riP ra l In ju ry to .ill crop* e s c o p t g ra s* , g ra in gnd applfl*. E a r ly p la n te d p o ta to # * ro tte d In m a n y lo c a li tie s to su ch a n e x te n t t h a t In to m e _ c a se s th e g ro u n d w a s p low ed an d p la n led to co rn . P o ta to a a t h a t w ere u p w eru fro s e n .

“ T h e p e r c e n ta g e ro t t e d and k illed by f r o s t w a a fro m tw e n ty p e r ce n t. In G lou- c a s te r C o u n ty t o t h i r ty p e r ce n t, in I nm n C o u n ty . T h e a c re a g e p la n te d to w h ite p o ta to e s I t b u t l i t t le . If a n y , Irr excess o f 1912. T h e d e o re a e e a n d in ju ry fro m w e t w e a th e r a n d f ro s t w ill no d o u b t g ive a la rg e ly re d u c e d to ta l y ie ld fo.- th e S ta t e f o r 191>. u n le s s u n u s u a lly la v o i- a h le w e a th e r eh o u ld p re v a i l th ro u g h o u t th e r e m a in d e r o f t h e g ro w in g season .

" A l tb o u r h It la too e a r ly to g iv e e x a c t e s tim a te * a s lo W h ea t, ry e . o a t* a n d hay , p re s e n t a p p e a ra n c e a o l th e se crop*, w ould aeem tt . in d ic a te h a y a t '« p e r ce n t, o f a fu ll J’te td , w h e a t a t M P*r ce a t, a n d rye a t M p e r c e n t."

W h y h a v e any b u t th e b e s t b u tte r?

W h y s h o u ld y o u p u t u p w i th t h e c o i t im o n p la c o . th e h o d g e -p o d ifc , t h e in f e r io r , w h e n

Gude’s Royal Print Butter

is B v a i ta b le a t a ll good g r o c e r y a n d d e l ic a t e a s e n s to re * ?

T h is b u U e r ^ a l w a y * p u r e a n d g o o d — a l w a y s u n ifo rm — is u n d o u b t ­e d ly t h e b e s t y ou can b u y .

Gude Bros.,Kieffer Co.,

1 0 2 M u l b e r r y S t r e e t

From the I F / S S Store

B r i d e s K n o w That the Choice Gifts Come From the Wiss Store

(Our A r r a y of W e d d in g G i f t s W as N e v e r F in e r .)

We’re Busy People

One reason why Wiss’ is a popular Wedding Gift store is due to the wide and extensive selections shown.

The quality of every article the highest, The very latest patterns and newest designs are usually first to be seen at Wiss', and our competent store service and moderate prices easily attract the thoughtful buyer.

The Bride’s JewelryRich gold and platinum gem set Pendants, Brooches, Rings, Bar Pina,

etc.; Pearl and Diamond cluster iewelry. A wide line of popular designs in inexpensive gold jewelry.

Appropriate gifts for Attendants, Groomsmen and Ushers.Rich Designs in Sterling and Heavy Plated Ware

Most attractive designs either in single pieces or entire sets. The expert workmanship and perfect finish of these pieces add to their valuefor gifts.

CutleryWiss made cutlery—

(he standard for gen­erations. Wiss Carvers and Table Cutlery will prove acceptable gifts.

J. WISS & SONS Bi^dttLt

here in Newark—that’s why we use so much “bakers’ bread.” Folks haven’t time to bake at home even if they were so inclined. So they are much interested in any­thing that leads bakers to make better brehd or to im­prove on the method of handling it.

By delivering our famous


C u t G l a s sMany fine piecea in

Cut and Engrave^ Glaas. Very handsome designs.

ClocksLarge line of high

grade French and A m e r ic a n Mantel Clacks. English Hall Clocks,

Silverware & Cut GlassMake Ideal Wedding Gifts

O u r S ty le s a n d Q u a l i t ie s a r e U n s u rp a e s e d .“ . .9 ^ L o " 'Our P rices a re E ic ep tlpna lly Low.

Wft are iway from thi blsh Mat iectlftti aod (bat economy wt ihan witb you.

SPECIAL FOR V a s t* . C a n d le S tfe k s ,

T H IS WEEK 10* OffSilverware


Cut Glassinger Bros.1 6 H a

U i416 Ralsey Street

N e a r W . K t a n e r St.

M annfacturen’■ ad


niiiiimuahiJiiiimitmil j—

in waxed paper wrappers wa met with and merited the ap-' proval of all who desire and seek cleanly foodstuffs.

SNOWFLAKE is the roost talked of and best liked braid in this section of the country.


S p r l n g f i o l d A v * . , H o l l a n d a n d B l u m S O ra e U ,

N a w a r i g , N . J .


A w a rd in g t a u t M g a U t in t o t th a p ^ n t t n g a 00 m l a o t lo n to bo •TO K o d u lla in g t

■ \tn a n o t f o r t to ^raoko n u laance ,

L A u n a c in c th « i w a r # th e p r in r i i I h a J o in t b rid e * A t F ro a h n ld e r s feo u n U ea y e a te r

In th e Hll f o n e y CUy.

S ev en p ro p o sa Cbe b ridge

la o n u n l t t e e . T he p ric e lu b m lt te dl e r i

1 4 a r* e y C ity , tob e a w a rd e d If ih a c o m m itte e ii t o M .Iti b id by i t J e r a e y C ity .

That th e Chet i n th e am olie en p la n t w e re serlo a r ty , a a w ell as ty , w a* d e c la r B la a b e rg , o f tlx M k e d th a t th ( g a n la a tlu ii Id b a a n c e d lscon tln .;

F re e h o ld e r Mi t h e a ta te m e n t* t h a t t t h ad be*i b r id g e a t a co i e a u e e o t th e ■ aw ioke. M e e u i r e tv r ra d to th t a n d t h a t a rem B o a rd o f H eah th e co m p a n y el

T h e w ork o f t i le N e w a rk en In c been corns g iv e n th e conti J e r s e y C ity , to o f th i s sec tio n , e n a b le t r i f f l c 1 p le n k e d surf&c< ro a d a n d ellrnli

o r re p la n k ln g .

FOREST HMra- C h a rle s

n e n t W o rk " y a n n u a l recep ii B ra n c h o f th«

id F r u i t Quiif ry te rlan C h u rc tu d e d vocal sc

I 'ie r . accoznpan iKD* A m o n s 1 In rece iv in g wi M rs. A rn o u d U. le r, M rs D avid K e sb rin i, M r? , O tto Riichfflahf

D r. E d?a ll R • t r e e l , w ill ?pi L a k e

A m o v in g pic g iv e s In 8um n tOlD drrow n igh te a m .

Amofl Bell SI w ill cloB? th e li g o to Budd 1*0

W oodtildfi Cox m e e t to m o rro w to riA rc a n u m D ay

M r. a n d M rs. a v e n u e , a re no? m a k e a n ey ten i u la r ly lnt<»re?t« c o n d u c t th e v I ta l ia n S ^ ttie rr

D av id M. Mei l i g m a PhE Hi !

T h e w edd ing fo rm e rly of tl a n d M rs. Jo h n M a u . . to j*eo] a n d M ra. F . , p e c t av e n u e , w o f th e brldp-eii

M r. an d a v e n u e , le f t to t i g e a t L ong ■pend th e sum

M l. a n d M rs. m * - av e n u e , i th 4 l r c o t ta g e r

C o llin s L o g s a v e n u e , will le w ood L a k e , a a u m m e r a t thel

R ev . a n d Mr tUeltu rn e d to

d a y a f t e r a ah B te tlon . L a s t i ed a t th e w e t I ^ o a d e s , dal R h o a d e s , o f V H leh o k .

H r . a n d M r e r e c t in g a eum T T eedsport, N th e i r fa rn ih o u u n ti l th e ir CO M p e c t to renu fa l l.

M isses B rm a a t r s e t . w ill *pi H a is a c h u s e t ts .

M r. a n d Mn a n d D e O ra l

gu ro p e . T hey te In O ctohi E l l io t t R . DU

a id e av e n u e , t l i f i m o n th In w ill b e th e gu

C h a r le s A. C a v a tiu e . w ill i

- w ith M r*. C a i o f ' J e f fe ra o n I

H la a E th e l I Will apand n e t

T h e C h o ra lP M a b y te r la n ( f l t a ti r a t m u iic a te fa a a g r R . L. l a s t n ig h t a n t : W . E . TOppl a v a n u e , w ill ij O raen w o o d Lt

A la w n fa te t t . M a rg a re t StplBeopal C h t


■nV-Vt*"'I t I* a p u is ia a o m e tlm s i h o w to m a k e T h e s u rp lic e b loua* h a* a bo rd ered fro n t.

edged w ith a to ld o f d e lft b lue sa tin .^*@up bordered good* In the moat becoming t^ i? nuMiPer. and alao to utUIxe all the beydar._r .U ... .U ____...A Ab. a t^A 'ah o rt woman ahouM never, nu t the Ctg-

n re In h a lf by p la c in g th e b o r d e r m ldw *y o f tb * a k l t t a a a n a M a r t tu n ic . A n d to ra u c h a en * th la d e t ig a w iu bo w atcom a.

A s y b a rd a r td m a ia r la l m a y b * aa lae tad , , . b u t th* p a r t lo u la r good* u a a d b a r* 1* ■.•UwhUa oraiip. . W ith a b o rd e r t n th e new

m M ftua* eM b M d ary , d a l f t b lu a b a tn g ih * .. . o n lo r o f tp « a m b ra ld tn 'i w ith p lp ln g i

,t"Wlj UPfPUl

F u e l loc* la u sed fo r th e v e* t an d hand, w h ich a g to n d t o v e r th e a h o u ld n a an d to p o t th e aleeve*. T h e p la ite d ru ffle* t l in l f in ish th * elbow le n g th , k im ono ileeve* a r e o f n e t,

O ver a fo u n d a tio n s k i r t o t th* m a te r ia l

DRESSING TABLE ARTICLESE v e ry l l t t l t w h lla a t ^ s o f th a shops

m a k e a *[ieelal d in p lay , a t o u t p rices , o f a r t ic le s f o r th e d raaa ln g tab l* . T h e n Is t h * o p p o r tu n ity f o r th e w o m an w h o h a s a lo n g C h r ls tm a a o r U r th d a y Hat to keep h e r e y e s open. In o ellu lo id a m o a t a a tls - f a c to ry ch o ice o f aUCh a rtic le* a a cu tic le k n iv e s , b u tto n h o o k * , m a n ic u re o u tfit*

o u t In tw o a a c tio n r; la a long tu n ic edgM s h a e rlto rn * . n a li-b ru a h c s . p o w d ar « r aa lv a w ith th * b o rd e r , Vihleb la d raw n u p d i a l - onaU y atrroa* th h f r o n t to (h« JMft a ! ? ^

d tp In fro n Lthan the liaM] coat, In too, ofttaU lf allghtly drauad from uP.to lhla ..........................................................

VUXABBTM ; ^ fMUne III*' aam t b argalna '^ rs •» b | had.

h M a * , f ra m M , a tM k i . m irro r* a n d tr ip s Jail, t n w a . h ^ V r:.jh | b a d to r m u c h J tM

a s- '- i .



b u f fa l o

0 p p c k h e t m . 6 i i i n s x 6Broad' and WllHam Sts,, Newark

Will Close Out on Friday

W om en’s Coats and W rapsD ressy a n d T a ilo r e d C o a ts , Jtfofor,T ra ve l, S t r e e t a n d S te a m e r C oa ts

Of eptjuffe, Bedford cord, serge, mannish fabrics, Scotch tweed and English cloths.


D ressy Sil/^k W ra p s ^Smart arajfied models of moire, charmeuse, silk poplin and brocade silk, in black and all colon, lined with rich silks.





Save Money by Taking Adyan- taga of Our

Remodeling SaleA laTg* k to e k o l SatilPh^ S how er* .

D e n e s e n d C h a a d e l le r * n w s t lie ■neved a n l e k ly r e g a r d l a e * e f V ela**.

FINE LOT OF SHOWERSw ith apladte or C hain FeailBBta, te r Gas. Ulevfrlr o r C ew hlaattont a t

S3.15,44.75. $6


C a a d

♦ 1 1 . 0 0

&H a a y ex rln* ivp

i i t ^ i r M m

i i i u r e n em


T ake '* aaaapl* e f PIAIDA T M B P .w t tk p e n . . * 1 • • ■ • » »w h y . .rod. . M t h n p t t f i i . :

" g h dM g a r . r d

mt iA k

| h « • h d . ' t f O B A X O S tlB M tr .

*,? ■

' i ' .

m -j i r ^ > s £ |

- ITOhED is o r ld M



' roIHliTLsn lew cost.

St ,■ v e n l-4-vi

I K s i t I a n i s H l r t l . l a a f sUTstef hl.lW , OM Gold aaU BUtit.

bnegbe. PraaiBl scto u*Tl toleallMI



OjjXkW AST MFd COT 11 Vlv


hU*M,.J(aw, ‘rxM* ;m i

. 8 n s* .

r ia tk is i*»■Bnud


ax;a n t



8 why nkerg’ t time if they > they n any- ere to to im- od of


era we the a]>- re and

e moat liked

of the



rUjt lut i sill, wlllt* 'j4r; HKiJ' Ii»i>! plut; niai'Kalilf

•cl to tin >. KUJI It. 1 littialrjP •4iXoi. hiA,

Hprlnkl#I thf) toPL

I n i.-U Id cupa bf

tiled Into

•i> muri iind thfQrhle iJotttii

«lth th«

H creaiq riHiaUdt-l il, hruih" p fat Of TUtis' m

A v v tf tn f tinU tlvdiy « « o n tn o t for th« MpftUtJnf of the C lhf etrool bridvoi end

ft eommltto* to devlie a line ftp ftotlon to be Uken ftcftlait the Eaat- •Tft H odulliinf Work!, on the Plank road, In fth effort to obtain abatem ent of a

iBOkt nu|aance» which. It la aaaerted, li [ftBftClnC the Hftf^enikack River bridge, rare the principal ni4t(ere tranaacted by

..|ha joint bridge committee of the Hoard /»f Freeholder# of Kaaex and Hudson aOtinUee yeeterday. The meeting was

In the Hudson County courthouie, ertey CUy.Seven proposali for the work of palnt-

the bridge were eubmttted to .the •onm lttee. ThcBn ranged from }l,64D/the5 rice aubmltted by J. I. H aia & Co., of

araey CUy, to whom tke contract will Ne awarded If the recommendation of ifaa eommlttee is approved by the boardi. to Miltj bid by M atthew A. Cuttley, also ftf Jeraey City.

m ia t the chemical propertlea contained In the amohe emitted from the nodullalng plftot were serlovkly dam aging the ir prop* artlTp aa well ae that owned by the coun* tyi waa declared by Commodore Maa Blasberg. of the Eureka Yacht Club. He ftaked tha t the committee Join his or* laftlsatlun In a move, to have the nui­sance discontinued.

Freeholder Mattla eubatantlated in part th e atatemente of Mr Hiaebcrgi and said th a t it had been neceaeary to repaint the bridge a t a coat approxim ating be>CgUie of the ledlm ent deposited hy the ftmoke. He euigeated th a t the m atter be ra£«fred to the counsel of each county and tha t a request be made to the Btate Board of Health to take Stepn to have the company eliminate the emoKe.

The work of filling the south aide of ttaa Newark end of the Plank road hav­ing been completed, directions will bn given the contractor. tVlIllam Baker, of Jarsay City, to proceed wUh the paving of this flection. This, It was stated, will enable traffic to move from ihs prsaent planked lurface on the north of (Up road and eliminate the constant expenat- Sor replanklng.

l ^ l k a t tl]e price o /apounj

important to Juno BridosTH E YOUNG BRIDE w ho has economical problems to solve w ill do w ell to remember that while Butter Tru s t butter ranges in price from 35c. to 45c. per pound,Wisconsin Creamery

C o sts OnlyS S o . 11b .

She will show her good judgment and good taste by order­ing Wisconsin Creamery at once, and not wait till other wives tell her about it.

The delightful flavor of Wisconsin Creamery is uniform. That is because it,is always fresh.

Brookside Farm s Poultry Yard EGGS 2 5 cG axranteed Rtrlebly Fr«sb. In ee.rtoiks of t flat, eaoli IkOZr.

Some o f Our Nearby Stores:fli Bank Street

83 ^lleville Avenue 133 Union Street 427 Orange Street

10 Cone St.. Orange 377 Bloomfield Ave., Montclair

360 South Orange Avenue 3.33 Central Avenue 96 Seymour Avenue

63 Washington Ave., Belleville 278 (ilenwood Ave., Bloomfleld

498 Main St., East Orange


75 Stores in New Jersey Atone

W isc o n s in C r e a i q e r j ’Butterinc "A Food W'ilh a .Mission"

Mrs. Charles E, Hill ^ o k e on "SetUe- | ■ ■ .Im en t Work ' yesterday afternoon at the 'lan n u a l reception of the Koreet m u i D"' rhurch The com m iuee In charge iB ranch of the National Flower, P lant lorludes Mrs C. P Jnhnes, Mrs. Perry


Saleahowers. ■mat he

of valess.

W ER Siladle or i*e.aBat«.

C w cirir na ttoa . a t




udwaedDA H.tN-

^ .:5 0 cDBUHEia. at .fi:osbbcmis

r niL0>

gad Fruit Guild the Fnr^at Hill P res­byterian Church. The program xIbo In- elufled vocal xolos by Mre, John 1*. Cur- gler. accompftktled by Mlsu Emily Pter- ftOD. Among the offlcern who asAlnled tn receiving were Mtb- Beymour Tucker. M n . Arnoud (3. Heller. Mre, Loul^ P. Tei- Ur. Mm Devid Meeker. Mrfl. lilmllft H tf- Keebrlng, Mrs. Joeeph Beardsley and Mra. Otto FlucheishBUB.

Dr. Ed^all Riley end family, of Ridge ftree t, will spend the sum m er at Rudd Lake.

A moving picture eatAbllshment will h« given In fiummerflHd Meihodlst ( 'hurrh tomorrow night by the church baseball team.

Amos Bell and family, of Leke street, will cloae their city home this week and go to Biidd l^ake for ihc Hummpr

Woodaide Council, Royal Arcanum, will i meat tomorrow night In North Knd liall i to com^^Ae final arranR em enIt for the Arcanum Day celebration. June 21

Mr. and Mrs I.ouSfl Btolber. of He Graw ; ftvenue, are now in lla ly , where they wii] m ake an extensive tour. They are partic­ularly Intereflted in this country, aa they

■ conduct the work «?f the Silver Lake Italian Settlement Society.

David M. Meeker entertained the Alpha •Igm a PhE Hi his home laat night.

The w'eddlng of Miss Elsie M. Rahm, formerly of this city, daughter of Mr. ftnd Mrs. John C. Rahm. of Lenmlnnter. Uaea.. to Leonard Terhune, aon of Mr ftnd Mre. F. A. Terhune, of M t Pro*- pect avenue, will take place at the home of the bride-elect. June U .

Mr. and M. F. Smith, of Blwood gvenue. left today for thielr summer cot­tage a t Long Branch, where they will •pend the lummer.

Mx. and Mrs- Robert Gllhlnson, of Sum- ma* avenue, will spend the summer at th ^ r cottage near A tlantic Highlands.

Collins Logan and family, of Clifton avenue, tvill leave this month for Green­wood Lake, where they tvlll spend the aiimmer at their new cottage.

Rev. and Mrs. George H. Donovan re­turned to tlS lr home In Rocky Hill to­day after a short stay In the Forest Hill •eetlon. Ijta t night Mr, Donovan officiat­ed a t the wedding of Mies Florence A. nlioadefl. daughter of Mrs. Barsh l^o ad es, of Woodtldo avenue, to H. F. Hlckok.

Hr. and Mre. Charlea A. Chase are •rectlrig a summer home a t their farm at T^oedsport, N. T. They are now at Iheir farmhouse, where they will s^tey until their cottage Is completed. They gipect to remain away until late In the fa i t

MUsee Frm a and Jean Lute, of Ridge , •treet, will spend part of next month In M aiiachueette.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hohl. of Grafton and De Qraw avenues, are now Ine urope. They will rem ain abroad until

te In October.Elliott B. Dlsbrow and family, of Wood-

aide avffnus. expvct to spend part of Urii month In Cairo, N. Y,, ivhero they will b« th* guests ot Edward Freese.

Charles A. Case and family, of Bummer ayanue, will spend part of the summer

_ w ith Mrs. Case s father, Edward Praasr, 'p - o t’ Jefferson Heights, Catskill, N. T.

Hies Ethel Bross, of Woodslde svenue, will epend neat month In the Catskflls,

^ e Choral Club o t the Forest Hill llMBbyterlen Church, which will give It* tlPSt muilcale under Its new director, Pro- fegigr R. L. Smith, Sunday night, met iM t night and held Its final rehearaal.

W . E. Topping and fam ily, of De Graw avenue, will epend p a rt of the summer at Greenwood Lake.

A lawn fete will be given tomorrow by f t . Blargaret’B Guild of 8t. Mark’s SWieopa) Chureh on the lawn adjoining

- >1. f

rai'ps, Mrs John Boyd and Mrs. Georgia H. Blmonds.

CLINTON D IS T R iaMrs. r'avld Jayn#* and son. Fdmund

Jayne, of Badger avenue, have rsuirned home from Poughk^epslsi, wh«*re they

ere the gueflts of Mrs Richards.Mr. and Mrs Kdson B. Gould and sons.

EdsOfE Jr. and Kenneth Oonid, of Wfe- quahh' avenue, hav« returned home from Asl*ury Park.

Mrs William H Corey, of W aisnn ave- mi»‘. entertained memhers of the Anniversary t'luh ai a dinner p#.rty lest evening In hnnor of her twents'-slxth weilding annlversart'. rovers were laid for Mrs. J. Ost ar Young Hr , Mrs. I ’. O. Brandt, Mrs Robert Chap­man. Mrs. £ d son B. Gould. Mrs. George Johnson. Mrs. Henry Iselman. Mrs. Will­iam J. Wfjrsley. Mrs. David Jayne, Mrs. Rufiii V Wood, MIsh Mary L. I>anser, Miss Gladys Corey, Viola W orsley and Kvelyn Wood. Mrs Gould and Mrs. Wood entertained with vocal and piano selections.

Miss Margaret Dwyer, nf Shepard ave­nue. will entertain the Mite Box Society at her home tomorrow evening.

Hlrip for th# t ’ongrc.ia and Alfred <3nrk nnd npjiJajTiiii H I’nx will tjike the iif- flnnultve. An cn(f-rtaInmfuii will be heUt after the dr hat# Tim Junior Endensiir Borleiy of rhe churclt will hold a si»eilal meeting and suclal tomorrow afternoon In lilt* rhurch. »

Tile Kpworlh League of Ihr Vallehurgh Methodist f h u n i i Ij* jdsnning to hold a straw l»en-y and Ice crcanfi fesllvnJ in the church June 23

Mrs. Albert ‘1‘homrpon, of Ho\jlh ('range HSeJiue. who wae fiperaterl im f'’ir aiipt-n- dicllls Monday, is reported h* hr- recover­ing

Joseph irvera, id Al'ingri plaf-p la apendlng a I’acaiion tn Norfolk, Va

ROSEVILLE SECTIONMr. and Mrs. Alexander Aleiop. of Or­

ange street, gave a b irthday parly In honor of their son Kdward last night.

The Good Will Sowing Society of the Roseville Preahytevlan €:hureh. wlH hold Its annual picnic at the home of Mrs. Fetham in Caldwell next W ednesday.

Mrs. Alpha Owens, of South Tenth efreet, has returned afte r a two months' ■lay In Wolfaboro, N. H.

Mr. and Mrs. r . R, Debovolse, of Rose­ville avenue, will spend the summer in the Adirondacks.

The Junior Rp'Worth League of the Roseville Methodist Church will meet In the parish house tomorrow afternoon.

John J, Scott, of Boulh Nlnlh street, has returned from a trip to Buffalo,

YJULSBURGH SECHONA debate will be held tomorrow evening

in the Kliburn Memorial Presbyterian Church on the woman suffrage question. The debaters will be from the Christian Kndeavor Boclety and (he Congress of Newark. Aescmblymian H ubert J. Rowe and William Jones wll! take the negative

PIANO STUDENTS’ RECITALApelfltf'd by Mre. Kdllli Si John WriJl-

ing. sonrftiui. of B#llesllli* the pupils Kodylng ihe planofnriR with Min*- K. Hoharl gn \ e a ic n ia i In the lairer » Btudli Tm-sda.v evcnUig. The stuh-Dt!' taking pan wer# Kllen Waiiera, H hel Wood, \m ift Blehold. Margaret Bailc.^. Anna tTaiicis Maiian Ahhej. Uhnda !>Ofld, Juliette Bourgeois. Kathleen. Bi-len F. and Lucille Trurnbauer, Kllz.ut^’ili Morgan, ICllse ft ebei’, ,\my 'rurner, lli> Hill. Marjory Lee, Mildred HHinpimi, Mildred Mowtr, Kilo, Dickinson, Marjnrlp Chapman, KIkL* Harseflcld, Gladys Thurs­ton. Ldiia Rabat. Kvelyn HhttvWalters. Frederick Pixlee, Dwight Btreeler. Brower Woodward, Krneai Horsefleld, Kugene Murray and llarr> Conpei'- The program was pleasantly varied with a violin solo by .Mllmn TTum- bauer and a banjo solo by Richard Ho­bart.


WABIHNQTO.V, Juft< ^ i-P led a for the flubmaHna tender BuihnvIL made public by th e Navy Departmsnt tpday. dlscloxe the feet that rlie 3esiel Is to be an en­tirely new type In the navy. Her cost will be r]ns4< «i tl.'HIO.OOO. Bhe will 1m< built at Sealllc

The Buflhnell i» df-signed as a "m other flhip" for a eguadnni of luhm arlnea. end m any roomy siatemoms will \iv provided for the officers an j crews of the sub­m arines when they arc nut actually cruising.

Powerful hnlstltig apparatus will be In­stalled where with a ituhinarlne damagetl or sunk can speedily he lifted to the sur­face of the eea iinrl ii (i*'WlTig machine win enable the ''moiiifr lo (ow fiveof her brood «i one time.

The little fleet win i.f independent of a home etatkiM, for n well-equipped machine shop aboard the H ishnell will permit of ><peedy repairs, whik capeciom ta n k t are to be Inatalled tn i^rry sutflrlenl oil and gasoline in svjp|d> ihe siihmurlnes for many weeks

The Bushiiell lierielf will he dr1\’eo by a single flrreYi. turned hv itirhlne en­gines. Her dlf I'lacemeni will he ?,600 Idhs. and wJih a lifl(|er> or four flve-lnch rapid-fire guns end a U>rpodn lube, she will bu able 10 protect her rhargea from lort'edo boats and destmv^rs

' L E H I G H C O A L

Y. W. C. A. GIRLS IN OPERnTATbi- annual enlertalnmenr nf the Choral

r iu b of the Young Women's Chrlstinn .Vssoi'iHlIon waa given It'ii night In^Wal- Ure Hall, when tlu* yming w n tn e iF r 'c - srnted t h e ’ opereti;i, The Ilress Rv- hoBiKal." for iJu- h'-nefll «>r Ihc Rllvnr i-ti.v lurid.

Th# nicmhers m1 i Iip weie Mrs. Ida Allerlon. Miss L lIlHn (Jrav Miss Frle.la GlfieKer. Miss I l iNi F"*'-' Miss Elhi-1 lMisenl>err>'. Mi«-< F.lliaheth WilM’n, Miss Klsle Rotll'-h#: Ml*s Glaiiy.i I.,eacbmai'n,Mias H nnlel ■ piulli MHs N atatle Wal Efrs. Mlfla lliiltle K Saul. Miss Aaa Bnhrs. Mies Ldua Haliri . Mism Mary Rtf- iiTigiaji. Miss Karml hiHun Miss ‘'l-Ji- en<.«3 t'raweliinv Mis (ira-.** Hrowa. M~s .V A luiHri'ilt Mif? r.ena p:ichelbeTK- Miss .MHiwiii'i't (-'tiirk, Mlsa F Ixjraine J( nrs. Ml.'*.'* M iilulene Lang. Mias Gth- e Mumlon, MNs Dnhel M arl^an , M;ss Hlarifhe KivieiD. .M;ss Fi'anvCft 8in il. Mls.e .Mhv Sponi-iu'. Miss AmiR Kmt'h. M1.1S h)dna 'riieliiTi Mls-s \Vils<’Ti,-Mm Mngdrlenii \^■u[lenhHup1 nnd Mls> M>i I llda U nllFr^ha iipl.

The whs cliie-ied hi Mrs Alhr-iW H lh(im|iso!i. rtO'l Miss l.irm e * i ji 1*u- WAS aci'i»nipnnlst Between Ihe S"!^ (fw're wiis duTu’Ing liv griuips of norm il nr.d Ipgh schiinl girls Miss (iertni'l*j H ''yn'’)lds diieri-il tue danr^rs of loe no,‘- mnl Mi’lmolglrls aiirl Miss KHieh Morri-s rhHt uf Ihe high Hrlmol group


e FOR BEST LARGE NO. 2 NUT All Sizes it Lowest i’rires for Best LEHIGH COAL

S. TRIMMER & CO.135 Lafayette Street, Newark

THO.>11(11—;t&4 AND ^^a MARKFTX. U ttr#. IkSIh f t . mar H irlem HIvet. .X. Y, SlBH M*lmae

Coffee Lorert- PORTO RICO CO\

lOOit SumDelidoui flavor and mild.

coSee in the world, grown Sutes tenilorj. Now on eelc large deeler*.

FREE SAMPLECall, DC aand 4e gtitacfl tor Prat Sample,

Oovarnenant of Port* Rloo Bureau of Infortnatlon. SW Fifth Avenue, New Torh.

P I M O H U l


P ia n o B a rg a in “S n a p s” From BaltimoreNOW IS THE T I H E - A a OUICKLY-CRASP THIS O P PO R IU N IIY


heavyweight champion. yoBterday w-hs sentenced to on* yeai and ruie da>‘ In th* Stale penitentiary at Joll»>i. and fin^d 11,000 for vlolHilon '»r the Mann 'vh ile jsIhvp” art. John^rm wan allowed two Tveeka In which tn prepare a writ of error, and I? a t liberty until thal time under ISO.OtXi bond.

Judge Carpenter In paaeing eentehce said:

■'The circum slancca in this case have been aggrawiUng. Th«* llfp of the de­fendant, by hla own admisalont^, not been a tnnral one. The defendant la one of the hPBt-knnwn men of hia rn»’e unii hlfl example has been far-reaching. "

Johnson was convicted uf lia\lng paid for the transportation of Helle Hchrciber from rittsb u rg h lo Chicago.

In warm weather glasses are more or less annoying. They slip off and irritate the nose. Not so with the “Reiss Clip." Solid comfort for a small price, with a money-back guarantee.

Can be attached while you wait for 5(lc., 7Sc. and $1.60, aceord- to material.

837 BROADjfi NEWARK. N.J.,

H ad Serious LungTrouble—Now Well

It |9 Hurpnrlni; tliit Ih ri - tipls murh flki'pnriaot 81 In iliF p<'>«#lhl.l|i;, nf «i

fviim FrvFfF Ijunn TrnuhlF ftrf 8<i maii\ I' pi'rll f>r mmjilFiF ff-

■ hroughi about Ihrnuxh ih* um ofh I kman ■ Alierain*' Thla Is h rfmrily fnr !h* throDi »nd lurg*. tthlfh phouM bt* Inv^i- i:flaiod by eifry auffwrfr Rfld r,f ihln rta*

ISIB SuP'jurhnnn* .Ave , I'hila , P« "My J'^«r Fi' K'l n»c »4*Br* i wan af-

fiicif'l n-llli hfiiiorrlmiFi <'f ih* lutiRP, and in Fi-bmarj nf !m»2 I wea tah,'*n wph a

aMack nf rnnuni'nia \>h^n 1 n-tfllrlatitlj- lo walk fthoui rio' hrtiiai* | v. as Ipfl with a friRhlful ha-:kintt l ouxh, whL h r >' mnllt'lni' I had itk^n rf'tilt! Hllrxlatr It V na Hi thu ilm'’, Mari h, lfl02, lhat 1 aluriFil isktoR Eclcman ? Aliprnri\f In a ihoii iimE* ti:> cOUlth wit Ron and I protiuun'^duall Slnuf ihn tini#- I ha^a ha* lwr» alljchi ailaoka of pnfutnonlH. and 1 ha'* rotortad in rn iiilifT rnefllcln* in affaci a reroi 1 canniU !«p*ak loO highly for tba gwid It ban ilrmF "

HSiKiiatlj HOWABU L KU>TZ.lAhnva abbfavial^rt. nn.>T< reqii*at 1 Kckmtn'H AlleralPF baa hf'4*n pnAi'n

riany y#ar»' inai in be nioal #fMi-ar'luua In ^^aes fif icv*r* Ihrriii anil Luiir .Affertlnna, Bronchitli. Brnnohlal Aalhma. Slubiwjrn Cold* atifl In upbullfltnx (hr ajtlem Itnoa nor con lain ntrcoilra, jmlbunr ot habil-foTminK dTUflt*- Pi.f aflk by Hiker Htur Si-tm rharli’a M. Meiik. anrl niher Irailioft dniggisila ^vrlu• ib»» Eokman yAlrnratorj’. rhlladelphla. Pa. for

U'lUng iitr raenverks anti aodlUonal es idcnrf -’AdveTdaeniem

A Every man in rny office is a spe­cialist. Each specialist knows

C T R C ir one branch of dentistry O l n r r in all its details, and n C C iy profits by co-operation W r OIA ,vith experts in other n c y T A I branches. These spe- U L n i n L ciatisis have constant

S P EC IA LISTScongenial work, unhampered by details with which they have no sympathy. This method insures highest excellence of work, easy and quick operations, absolute painlessness and reduction of cost.

Bra« 6et of T rclk , *10.00.Gold Crown* (XSk), tO.OO.Gold F llltnaa F ront 11.00.

Aer 0Onn8cf«f wi'tJi any othtr effiea

Edm unds. Nine, D .D .S.Prnprietoip Wlilt* Derntml Pmrlvra

fi71 Xr»J St h*• l i Drill JL Jfftoisgnrffl,,. .F o u rtk F loor WUe B uild ing

- V.i;

-'4.'tsV h£“. ' f t l ■ f

VS t i l l a t th e < T o p

t For ten years the sales o f


4 } "rw.f'


ED te orltlo^«n . el vrriet. '

Did u j Rlivtf n FrawDI t( I (• wall 0*

t AM aro7> Vlatkmi

finnk. '


h « v e n ev er (a iled to eh ow an in crea se o v er th e sa les of th e p rev io u s year,' an d tl^ s w ith ou t an y “ free d ea ls” for grocers o r “prem ium s'* for consum ers. T h e su p rem a cy o f S h red d ed W h eat am ong cerea l food s is u n ch allen ged . A fte r y o u h a v e tr ied a ll’ih e n e w o n es you w ill co m e back to S h red d ed W heat, th e o n e u n iversa l cerea l b rea k fa st food , a lw a y s fresh , a lw ays c lea n , alw ays

.y^£vtnupe'g^^treys th e ta m e. C o n ta in s nr^re rea l n u trim en t th an m ea t or eggs, m o r e la im y d igested and o o sts m u ch less . ^

For breakfast, he^ thc^Biseidt Jiii the oven a few mometita to restore . crispBtos; then pour milk wW ii, aiddlng a little cream; salt or sweeten to suit the taste. It la detteloudy nouirisliiiig and wholesome for any meal with stewed tRune* hittied bananas, preserved peaches, pine-

othw flndtt. At your srocere.

i"i - i t

3 , .t i '

■ if

HADB ONLY BY TOE SHREDDED WHEAf COMPANY AT MAGARA FALLS, N. Y.■. . . . . . . . . ,. ..t» -r. , ‘ S*>i . : ■■'’ -tfi

f e . ; } k f k ^ ■■■

wKINDT & CO. - $65 SCHILLING - $165


$ 0 ^ 0 NOW . .. <D3 'JC LHLM.^N

NOW ..

IlFFANY - - - $90 $350 S '™

This IS without doubt the grandest array of piano values ever offered 41 any stage of this sale. The Baltimore agency was known ihroughout the eountry for its high-class patronage, and these INSTRUMENTS that we now offer at such astound­ing price reductions were the very eream of this eKCCUcnt stock. Look down the partial list of pianos we offer for TOMORROW, livery one of them is a name that stands high in the piano world- and any piano you buy HERB will be an ornament to vour home, a credit to your piano knowledge and a testimonial U) your good judgment.


STEINWAY $40 STIIDEBAKER $135$120 $240

$500 $135 $90 $95

$100 $105

CABLE - -$100 $350^oT '‘ $H0lA D L t ;m u u $ 3 7 5 m o k u a n ^ < 0 .3 , 3 0

$375 ';iV/l'’""" $155

$400;^oT*^".......$500 K™'""..

HAI.L & SONSJfuOO NOW .............4 2 S C STANLEY & $ O O p SON, NOW

$425 NOW ............M-A.'ESTICIp41Hl NOW ...........

tT '7 C SCHMIDT & 0 0 4 3 SON, NOW .. d; J ^ r ARION 0 4 4 i7 NOW ...........




T E R M S J U S T T O S U IT Y O U P a y m e n ts a s L o w a s $1.00 P e r W ee k T a k e n


Spm eia/ - $500 MAHOGANY PLAYER-PIANOS, NOW $ 2 7 S S p ec ia l ^ $ 6 0 0 MAHOGANY PUYER-PIANOS, NOW $ 3 6 0

$ 1 0 . 0 0

FREESpecial for Tomorrow Only

Evory purrhaflet-, up 1*cIdho of niir storo trmuirrow I P’rl- ■1ay> nUhl h( S h i Ini k. who brings Ihlfl rniipnn will rpcfivfi h tlfi t'HSli f1lsrrtij!il fr4>ni thrt flbnv*- 11 lit rip, Mk ft fnr out-

Steger & Sons Piano Mfg. Co.are the world's greatest Manufacturers, Whole- ■salers. Retailers and Distributors of Fine Pianos and Player Pianos. Capital and sur­plus more lhao ^7,000,Qt)0.

Never Before—Never Again ]yik You Have a Chance to Bav Such High-Grade Instruments at Such Ridiculously LOW PRICES and on Such E ASY TERMS

Steger & Sons Piano Mfg. Co.' r i i i s w o K i w O » » o M i r '

741-743 Broad Street,Salesrooms Open Every Evening Until 9 O'clock During This Sale.

O M I S A 'I 'K W 'r I * I A lV O H O l I « I 5

i«Ji Newark, N. J.

r ' J

r Another Ine of Those FAMOUS FISH SALES Scheuer's Popularizoil lor So Many Years!

EH'I°'SALE OF P IS H s ...Only the powerful Scheuer Chain of Stores (once more under Scheuer control) couW postubly put such temptingly low prices on the finest and freshest seafood—the biggest direct contracts with fish­eries ever known allow us lo spring this sensation for Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday,



lOc lbCod to Boil,

lOc l b

FreshCodflsh Steaks,

lOc l b F r e s h P o r g i e s I j d l )

F r e s h F l o u n d e r s )

FreshHalibut Slcakn,

I6c l bI'nl .'salt Mackerel,

Fresh Sea Bass,

6 for 25c Cleaned 2c a Pound Extra 12c l b

FancyPink Salmon,

8c canLargeShad,

43c eaJew Grass Sytter

■ m ..

ronilnx ifi ll» illrrt‘t from thr Ijirftral CrranaerlpN.

Nniif bi’ttf'r, |»ounit 30c Sugar Best Granulated 3 * 4 lbs. for

FineDrinking Teas,

26c lbi Iba. $1.00Van Camp's

Pork and Beans,

7c can

Fr.iTico-Amerifan Asst. Soups,

Large qt. cans

25cCondensed Milk*

121c can

Pride of Farm Catsup,

8c botFoirhank's Cold Dust, 4-lh. pkg.

17cFine flnlden

Santos Coffee,

22c lb.3 Ihs. $1.00

20 Stamps Free Blueing,

lOc qt hot.N ahisco Wafers,

7c box3lorgan'sSapolia,

62C cake


8c pkg* IIFresh

Ring Cakes, Saturday Only

71c1 0 S ta m p s Freewith any of th r rolluwlri)?; i.'orn Ktarcti. Ih iiktf - • kc A-mmonla, . H»cBluliiK, laryte b o tt le -■ I*'*’Macaroni, Ih. pkK..........fipaghettl, lb p k« ....... !«<•Z rkp. Bcourhiw ^nap. ea .6r SrhfUpr'H L-mimlry Sfiap. 8

for ................................... 21$AsBortfd Splcpfl............ 10<‘Soheuar's wsHh Powder,

package ......................Baby Oatfl, p k g ...............Hk*Vinegar, bottle............ lOc

O u r W ine Dept,49cCholos Cal. P o rt.....T

Oboloo Cal, Hlierry. LChois, etar.t......... f tarml-htChois. Blaskbori? . J OSr r.1-

OUR M EAT D EPT.Sweet Pickled domed Tongue, 40c. doz; each 31«cRib Lamb Chops,

pound ...............fresh Sliced Calves’

Liver, pound —Fresh Sliced Beef

Liver, pound —

Lean Corned Beef,

Legs of Young |A | / . ^ Lamb, pound., IU /* G

Fresh Made Bologna and Frankfurters, pound .......... 13'/2C


A i)v 'A neck.............. i O vSweet Juicy Or­

anges, 15 for. . . . New Bermuda

Onions, quart....... 5c

Fsscy Butteriiie Prints, pV.E,**b!f* 24cU * .aTA H P* FRIOK WITH 1 lb. CEI,BBH.4TBU rBA», H l l GA V U F Ii.iV O H ..........................U « UTAUPS FHBM WITH J g 1 lb. HAKIIXM Y O L 'POWDER ............................10 STAIIIPS FR E E W ITH ‘j m1 lb. PRBMUm u l K iCOFEE ......................................WO CTAMIPt FR E E WITH GOLD MEDAL COCOA. A rU CM 'lb . .. ............................. ...........................

Fresh Strawberries at low­est market prices.

Other BargalnaAnMorlvd I Sc CrackerB,

AsBortf‘rt INmnd Cake, YC-1 ibt*............................

P arlo r Brnoma. ettfli. . . .aSU* UalBlnM, J Ibfl-a. 3B«

Cal. P«aehe0. d IhB.. , : . .;tfk Prc'Sh UakPd Sfiapa, lb ..B eBalmon, c a n ........ .. iSoLemon CaK<*ii, lb - ........ .. .5«FrpBh Baked 6c Bread. 3

for - .................... I . . . . . IftcTcillet Papers DBuftar Corn, ca n ...............6cLarfce Cai. Prun«fl, S-lbixJWk* Tomatoes, R-lb cane. . ..B e Root Beer Bxtfaet» 3 bot-

tlefl . 4,. .4 - . 4 4 .B5cLanr** % eiiD Btmoked

Btfrdlnes . . . o b . , * .. .16#

Strictly Fresh Eggs, Sdoz. in box, overy

70cI lb. O lH BEST TEAS, AXVFLAVOR . . . .....................an STAJII'S F R E E W ITH ' J C n r^ O T T l.E BEST .ASSORTEDEXTRACT .......................]0 STAMPS F R E E W ITH 1 DOTTLE REST .a s s o r t e d EXTRACT .......................




SHERRY ......................................BEST F A k c y XXXX MI.NN. _ FLOCR. MAb-lh. U V eBAG ........................................ALL KINDS BEER. -ALB OB A f i / . PORTER, 7 U Va DOKEW IW C A S E . , . , . . . . .

FRESH STATE EGGS. - DOZEN ............ 6 « V

^WilsonW l i s - '

fetlierj b v)i{[ S. Scheuer a SonsM A 'T O J f tK to

9 2 PA R K PLA CE, O p p r C o n tra Agarkat ”. T«h

iN«*aA.T»______ All 1*1TB* GKEAT'"b&u Swl w tS iiiiR p o w p ap

S a t i n G lo s s & S d t e i r a r ’s S c ;

SOAPS3 l ^ c

'•A - .•





. . 'S i ; .

■■ i.*h-



pDtn Are Choieii for Newlj:or- /giDized Moanted Uoit-BrjiBl

AttimM CoBunid.

n»T HOOP NOW called troop a

Th* •l*rt •» th* foHo<rlnf mornlnff wtU bw nui4* • tt'cjftck Th* flrrt ctm p w»l b« at Pompton. after th« i;»vtlrywill mov€ to th t vlclnlti oT tha Nawark vaUr*h»da and pitch camp far t*jo day# nrar Oanlatcar rfiervotr. Afiar that tha command will move farther

«RA L KhTATK THA \'lK R H i.,TK# fonnwJof de^da wera filed In (h# ct»ur5ly reflater'v offlra yeaterday:

NEWARK,Frederick Wiabke et u* to Alfred

With tha formal elaollon of commlaalon- •d officara foe tha new troop to bo known aa Troop C. the cavalry aquudron of New Jaratp came Into official l^elnf: tait nlaht At Ih# Roaavtlte av«nue armory. All (he ptama aa U.W out anma tJmo aaa ware for* mally approved and tha offlcen who war* Informally picked awveral-weoka arc wart alactad.

VVlth tha formal nrK:#i>i#atlun of the new aquadron. William A. llryant a#- ■iimta hi# rank ne mwjor and cummumlcr of lha cavalry aquadron, iiivlna been In­formally elected without id'lw^hUm from the troop. In lieu of fonoal ekrtlon he will h«)Jd tha commisalon a# for thepreaent, by virtue of 'appolntnu'iii by <»uv- emor FleWtr Major Rryani will a ti #a commander or lh« aquadron when M atarta on It* hike through N'oriii Jer#ey June l i

Tha officer! elected to lK»th the new troop and the Klrat Troop, wlikli here- aft#r will be Troop A. may go to He.t ciln tomorrow to takii Ibelr pjcamliinilon# be­fore the dlvlnion psMhlnlng boiinl. the mambera of which, are at that sUUon at- tanainj th« officer#' achooi.

Tha officer# a^Wcied for the new troop ware Flrai U eut#nant Wllboiir K>le, of the r ira i Tr<top. to be <'aptaln. Hergeani Hobart Hrown to be flrat neuictiant. and Bargaanf l-ewi# F. Hallanlyn** m he #ec- ond hauierant. In tho F lrti Troop. Her. ond U autenant Htiiaol P. Kreeman filled tba vacancy left by K yh-■ prinnollon. and Sergeant W aiter Boyd became aetond Ubutaaant.

FIral Sarsaani Albert Q. llotdeii. who was named a# the aquadroru idjutunt. wa# appointed to th a t poaltlun wUh the rank of firat Uautenant hy Mn>or Hryaiit. ami Bargaant V. Parker WllkJniori bemine quadren auarterm aaltr with tha ##100rank.

Tha plan ot the ium tner irianewver cim- palgn of the new equadron lirovtdaa ihnt tha old Sacond Troop, of Red Rank, now daiifBated «a Troop H. will arrive at the RoMvtile Armory on the night of June 13.

H#r#ey w M Waihinglon av \<» ftn fr Carteret at. 0<l2ft..................

Jerftido Maloran et tia v» Michel* PeluBo et ua. e 1 N Hlh It >0 ftN fr Deiavan av :l5i]D0................

Dor# Segal and hue to Morris liar- Inberg et ux. a a Hroome at » l ftn IT Waverly pi. S is ltd .............. .

tVni Schmidt el ul to I ajuI# IvOhri, n e ■ Kerry #t 91 ft i e fr JeffersonSt. Ms71!. and other tracia .............

Richard E. KoUn el ux to Hyman Rrakln, w I S, lltb at IM ft n fr ttlib av. 50x100, and other tract . ..

Same to Jetmlr Euckno, w a fl. Ifth•t 400 ft n fr icth av. OOslOO ..........

Dora Sexal end hus to Samuel C. damuelH, w 1 Someraet at s s lendKaterina tilade. iSxSP ....................

Alice M Tn'sied and hue to ArneMa T- Klirihal', H # C'edar pi n w curli>t Jiuolmp. 30*17J.............................

Clirleilan ('lelssner at u# to Abra- liHiu l^-vy. e e cor Mari* pi snd UIdgHwoud AV. H&xlOO . . . .

Tnietees Third PiTabyteiian C!ongr*- gailon In Newark lo Margar«lha KaufhoM ct aIa, h e William et 111ft w fr Hulsey st, 50x157 .............

Annie (Jltlen and hue to David S. Pupik. w n .lohnNim av 9>t ft • frTllgelow Ht, 1*4x133 .............................

Fi'unket-Kohn Realty Co. to Annie(Rlien. aainc projierty ....................

Amj« Koch el ul to W alter Isett#, ri m Mh *v ill ft w fr Spring *1.14x74 ......................................................

Mrrafelder Construction <Jo to Re­gina Hyman, w B SAoijIh 13lh ul M


Prom pt OeUverios from Stock

White Pine, Cypress, Hardwoods, Spruce,

Hemlock, Mouldings, North Carolina Pine

ahn F^^ini«h«ii, to iolniH. Ooaevsf. JCaat Orange. Iota tA 9 . tt, II. K. map E. H. Bavpail l«and anij Inip. t.Q............... 1.29

A. B. AYERSS « w a n d P l a n i n g M ill

358 Ogden St., near ClayTal. 3 7 9 7 B ranch B rook

ChariviBE. Hr)um at u% to William Af. Oatraoder Jr., Qlen Ridga. e HIdgewotKl av Iw ft ■ fr Bellevilleav. i0i)xl»s ...................................... *

Catharine l>elehanty *t ala to Henne Hhapiru. Mi>nt<'talr, n ■ William at s r cur Isiul David 8hva. 40x121 1

Kredprk'k Berg #t ala to Helen H Rage *t si. H eal Orange, w a Mnunlalh av .W ft fi atake 17.IKxlR .................................................

John It. Frsnk* «t u* to Andrew IM Skerrv et ux. Irvlngiim, 11 s 1‘oUHge it e ■ landa Charles 1MoiHlniff, 4ixW .............................. I

tjus^niiah SA iMenpIn #1 a ll to huld Muhr. IrvlniRoii. n a MeMlla t>l ft « fr Norwood av, aAxlJS .. I

SUmu post Co. to same, Irvington.same property ......................... ... . I

May B. Connetl and hueband to Jlfleti J. belli. South Orange, s w (ur l^'Otland rd and Comstock pi.47xi:S ............................... I

Kugphe V. I’onnett Jr. et t l i to Ar­thur HeltE, South Orange, s w s t ’omatock pi 76 ft a fr Vo#e av,76x125 .................................................. 1

Marla Oormley to Gusa Gwamipy. rirange, w s M. A £■ R- R. dlvUiip land Q. Freaman, 125x140 ..... 1

Enzahelh Taylnr and husband m Ajjnps R. Aiken. Rloomflpld, s a I Bt 26C ft e fr an angle In ssld Bt, 3:xJ« ............. .......................................


Of Truthful Quality

i . S O l)PEngraviog It Free


B u t OrtM *. • ( OnuH(« at • cor C hirlw a row n 'i iX tli,coo.

M u k a Clark tn Ucor«« A. D ovk'n *t ai., lri(M«aa. Irvl^jiiHi. ■ * Ball at tta W‘^ i a n at. troM.

ii|v« Km :Co-ouraTlva KMlly Campaay to kran- fra- W. Cojitrell. UiooinfIcTd. n • IJ»w-allra av kii (t n t r Ulaawead av. IMA

Bama to John P, C ontnll,

Broad and Academy Sts.JVKVV’AWIC

Plooitifleld,a e cor Mor»e and Llewellyn ava.

Same to same. Bloomfield, n « s Llrw- cilytt av M5 ft n w fr Ulenwood av, tilK).

Frederick tX Schtnke et u i tu Clisrk# Fianka. Glen Ridge, e • Forest av 56 ft \i fr Oaborne #1. D.500.

Herbert Rumrlll et ux to Fourteenth Ward Buildkog and Loan Aasoclailon, Enat Orange. # e cor Founb av and North Elgkieemb at. SJLUiAi.

E llia J. W eatheihead et ux to #amr. KuHl Orange, n » Main at a « cor Martin

My Corns Don'tHurt a Bit!

T lru l . SMuUjr, S w M ty F * # t. C « e » C a ll« t« a u d Bim Iomm C tiu B k y T lX

la nd at Oere fer Free Trial FaakM*

' \

Van l.<ear‘a Id, Hr>.tsA. fiouise K Zimmer and hunband lt> East

i Ely Ml

ginft H y m ^ . w b Swulh J fl h fr M a 'au n #0x 100.

Bum# to Kvangrlln^' Perrlnr, w s Houth 13th el 3<k ft n fr MadisonRV, *Rxl0* ........................................

aamusl Krlfgpr ft ux to ChHrlr* U#h #i MX, w >. Rroome st 200 ft M fr Roe# Ml, 26xtu0

Hrniirh Mmok Rpalty t.o. to Rf>- inoJo Hoiieill, a * Ridge i t W ft M fr Park «v. Txinr*. and other irari •

David D iejfuae al lo Nathan F Levy el al. a * Hunler st 223 ft n fr Hherman av. aiul olheft r a d # ............... .......... ....................

Jndpph R uPoH #r to Northern Im ­provement Cf)., 6 ■ Hlnadnle pi 17R fl a fr Chester av, 13x«. andother trafrt . ......................................


River cor land Jarre* HulniP* ea- latv, 4i>xie6

Henry Noiaon ci al to Mnry l.arMen. Montclair, w s t'lii# st ft t fr W alnut at, fjOalJu

VladUlawa Novlnnkl Hrir] ImklitiiiiJ to Phlltlppo Hozlo et ux. W9Ml Or ange. n a .loyc'a el ‘112 Ci n w frl>ean t l . 25xlOU ..................

Dnra t^^ga] and hu«buiid lu .Iomi'IiU .Megel r l al. Irvington. ** n Grove Ht 193 ft H fr 17th av. l29x2iKi

>'hlllp J Bowers.A Co. tn VItu M RetteducaH. Kaet OrsnRv h e ( or 1 remotil uv JiHiJ Redforil el, .■ifxbM)

1,/nilM Hokoioff e t UX et <tl in l»lib>re Hhspiro. South nrauge, w e <’lln ton Ml 175 ft n fi Ablnger pi.

Isidore rthaplnr to LtUia Frls'diriRo.Hoiith Orange, same property

Heldlf Riyalo ami t^itiiii'ii'iion ("umpaiu- to \V I*'.. Ttirlon, Irving- Ion. ri A CoKsge et 96 ft e fr Mitrle #1. 30x100. artel other tract

Darwin Land Company to William K. Connolly, Qlen Ridge, n w corAppleton pi and Hlllilde av. ll4x?iVi

Fred Helnemeyer et ux to Amelia r , Hauer, Irvington, a * Ellaahsth

I Beymour C iany et ux to Frnnli T. i’hlte. MonlHalr. mid Fulkrt'jnav exlenalon 227 ft n fr Clarem-'iirav. wUriSJ .........................

B reikenndge A Tlvhenor. fn«-. to Patrick J Connollv et u i. Irvnx loq. V A lAnde'n av 15fi ft s fr Mr-'v* ter. 25x94 ,. ,

Catherinfl K, L,aiidiay to ('harlf* Bockelmnn. Hellevlll#. lot 4. hlk 'nikp <’haries Kamlah .......

WII1lan> .lacoba et uX to Ampere Hufldlni t'ompsoy, East nrun^r e s N, l«th st HI ft n fr I'd n ■'33xl«b ....................................

Montclair Ttealty Company to Kaile D Vlckfie. Monlolalr. w n \V,it-‘r- bury pi 6a ft ■ fr hind G. J. Lfllgb-

MORTflAGER'T’ 'P following morigage# were filed in

the louniy register s nffl*-« yesterday: NEWARK

.tti.p’lR H, Galbraith to Robert A. flniall. e s ‘ iifton av 175 ft n fr FJwoort av. 55.'^

Haa# and hustianO to Bernard11 . ,1 .■Miineld, n a Llh av W ft e fr 8 4tii H

J ii.rt.fi’H E Kroeger el al to Prld# of N'vAHik Building und Loan, s # Bank st 9V fWv fr Fhjine at, lA.OOiK

H^rrv Wflnitelh et ux to Pa'.ijtne Aron- o v l-.i.'e a Peihlne av 30 ft li fr Husa #t.

Ihf'iwn lleskin to I..eOnnre Kohn. w a S .'III -I IVj ft n fr I6tb st al tract,12 nx-Jennie Lucknu *nd husband to same, w B S l!'th si fl n fr Hiii a \ . H.SiiO.

Par.'- 10 Pellegrino F e lle c h a . #am« prnp 11 \ tl.'NW

Su.' e.ii Resilv Co. to Henry Bsmber- u lUilgew'OOd av 31i ft a e fr Rlgi- W,1!;;

Miunle Sale Jtnd liufband 10 Milford I'APii ibiiMtng and l/ian. n e s Wrtghi st l5<i ri II " fr Freltrighuyaen av. I40X

Model) et ux lo GufltH-. e Sehwari- hH'.i'f w s Peshine av 22.7 fl n Runyon at Alter I'lltYlemaTi et ux lo Hhnreral Hoch- man. a s Bmonis *l 1*1 ft n / r iClnney #t,

I n.fM.I FiTfiliiflnil Maiill et ux to .Security &av- I Inge Banls. s e Springfield av 130 ft e fr I pbeht- Aber s land, kvsno.I Oustftv M Junker et ux to Sarah A.

Clerr;orii. • s N 5th « $(i9 ft n fr Clb a n |3.jOU.

Mary A. MacLagan and husband to Jonnle K I’arkes. • a Clifton av 4&1 ft n fr Grafton av, tl.iOi. ,

Michael O'Malloran et ux to Frederick F'lellnghu.vMTi, e s H ig h la n d ^ 263 ft # fr Stephen Baldwin eafate, ♦LwX

Jullii# A. Ilubcr et u# lo Mary U Rtinbler at al. exx. w s Uoasvino av lOU fl a fr Orange st. Pi.OOM.

Aaron P. Palev^ky ct ux to Congras# HullilInK and l.n«fi A»soc latlon. a a ^Bel­mont as 75 ft a fr Montgomery si. ll.itW.

Meyer 0«ller to LIroy lleadlay. irua, n w cor Bummer and Sylvan nva, P -l*- ,

John Hemflieki r\ ux to Jay fen Lyck e( al. ear. w « Wlnan# av wt*i fl * fr klpp st Il'.brK). . ,

M argarclha Kauffndd et al to T b ^d o re A KhMlper. s * Wllllain al HI ft f*' lialsey s t ll.Fih

Ol-'TSIDE *‘>F NKWARK Annn E. Yawver to Henrietta Da Vore,

Rloomfleld. « % Berkeley av 287 ft a w fr Fjanklln at. I:,.’*).

Eduardo Verdes pl ux lo Lrneat *-o- naiii, .North CuStlwell. Mountain avw cur Thou Stager's Id. 15.uM

John R Hallailav et ux to Ksaex Coun- t\ TruHl t.’ompuRy. K bH OiHnge. e s South Ailingiun av 118 ft s w' fr Main sr. 516.60C. ,, , .

Same tu MUlff A Bon# l o.. bam Or­ange. *“ s North Arllngiun *v 2*Xi it n fr Sprlngrtile av. J2,7»Hi.

Armen E Marqurndt et ux to ' hrisllne Khmunn. Nulley. n w cor Pr05peci and [►ally st*.

IUppnit. W

„ ^ fr Dean Ht. Jl.125.Tnserh I. Felblt-man et *! Mnnufftc-

turera^ Rulldlng end l^ an Asaoclation,

Orange IMitk. ICast Or»nga,Uxi ft e fr Prosp**<‘t st. I3.6tw.

Charles II W alker to Georgs A. Dorer et el. Eaat Grange, ■ s cor Buaasi av and Steuben at, M.OOa

t'atherirv* W uerth to Esarx T. O. and Tj'- Co., Montclair, w s North Willow at 2UI) ft a fr Claremont av. 54.001).

Benne Shapiro et ux to Caiiiarlne Dele- hnnty el al. Montcladr, n s si a scor [>HVld Bbea'a Id. ^ , 1114,

William H O strander Jr. lo Eauex T G. and Tr. Co., Glen Ridge, w' s Ridgewood av 100 fl ! fr UellevlBe av, I4.000.

Catherine W uerth to Katherine A d a rk . Montclair, w a North Willow st 200 ft a fr (Taremoni av, 11,:w

Andrew W tikerry el ux to Lehigh Building and Loan. IrvlnginrY. n *< Cot­tage at e n Charle# S. Woodruff'a id. IU « .

Same lo John R. Franke. Irvington. Haine property. I270.

Reinrold Mohr to Saving! Building atid l.»an. Irvington, n s Melville pl 22# ftfr Norwood av. tl.flOO-

Josephlne Lewis to K atherine M. Hnr- rtKiin. Montclair, ri e cor New Turk and Grrviiwood I.ake Railroad and Valley rd.larn

G ixs Gwaltney to Marla <j<irttiley. Or’ niigr, w R Morris and Eaxex Railroad 12s ft u fr Tremom ll.fWO.

New .lorsev Construelion Co. to Rugene A. Kellv. I*ta#t iJiaiiK#. n * Lenux av lOn fl e fr Walnut st. WJ6.

Faaex Real Katate and ConatniottOfi Co. to Annie .1 .lohnsoii. Hast Grange, n • cor Edgar and Emerson flls, 13.Ow).

fiay gHiuJ bj* 10 youi

.Titlllppo Sualfj et ux to Vladlxlawa No- vlnaki. W#"l Joy st 112 ft


Dorothy and Hervey t^’lnants to Jamea Johnetou ux. 11 DhvIs at lOQ ft « fr rou rlh at. IWIxIOn II.

Anlnnlo VautrollB lo .1 \'lctor P Akda. n !• Reynoid# a i 250 ft e fr F*a#salc av. a0x'’i.\ 11

FAST NEWARK CONVEYANCE.. Robert F’alvraon io Maitliew Duffy ef

UK. t tt Second a( 20U ft n fr Central av. 26x100. II

EAST NEW ARK MORTGAGE Mat'hew [)vtffv ux to Harrison and

Kearny Building and Loan Aasoclatlnn, e !i Srrond dt LW) ft n ft Cemral av

, 2?ixinn. 13,20

roms ih* very flraiDm. yci U.3 TIJ! Vou will vou have « corn, bunion or caiitta ar •w.itir. llr.d. ."Oil.", .chin* U*t WT moTn. U . JB.1 «»od*rtul Ih* ***pain ,.nlih«* Rub th* corn—h»mmM » wlih rnur till It you wUh-no Biiir* p»1» ,f ( .r Tlit. lJo**n'l 111*' bound food ,011 r Do.*n’t It! Then f.»d IbU;

“Tho corn* •" Hlhrr of my loot w*w •» lorpo w iho fobltl* yon mdlio to « » » • » Today thorn lo no *lio of » r m o« o i tw fool nod «o iOt«™>. It'o an o p - la ^ U liodioRll."—Sam. A. Hooco., I ro»f*oi, K. v.

JU.I u«. TIil. If* not Ilho •oyfhlOf *l« tor Ilio Burpooo you .vet lioord of- only fool r«m.ily *v.r m id . whIcB aeii ow lb . prlnrlpl. of drowlnf out *11 tho ooo em dallon. which c*,... toro foot. FOW' d.rn ond othor i .m .d l.. m .r.ly do# ud lb . p o r .i TIZ cl.oTt. th.m out ond koopl Ih.m clean. H work, tlfh l off. Tou reel boticr Ih. very (Ir.l llmo tt i tiooi r . r tt a week atlfl you can forf.l you OV.r hod .ore fe.t. There ar. a yood many ccuntarf.lt. of TIZ now bcini mada by maniifaeturera »ho Ihlnk lb*y can make a nnl# iTi'''n'*y fooling people c-nre Uoft^ UU a vkilm. Tou ll ha'« lu |a l TI2 k.«r.lv » r<4 tksi' know U. aad a# well t'.M H ihe firs' Hme irn! sav# IM

OQ «)unierfelia Tl2 Is for sal# ai and fSDtra)money

all drug Btorea Jepartmwni ■(pr«a Bl cerua per box. or dlract It JO\t

Money back If TIZ do#an't do all w« For * free trial packaga writ* lodiy

.... Wfthtr Luttiar Lodge A C*.. Chlc#gW 111.— AdverAsement.




Rubber Goods and SickroomElastic Hosiery

Rfcer-mads Elsitic Garments insosB comlort, fit snd duribil- ity. Expert Titters will call at your home to meuure lady or gdntleman.

We keep your measurements.When you wish a new stock­

ing or.belt just give your name by 'phono or mail, and it will be ready for you itj forty-eight hours.Thread AnWet—

E a c h ...................»1.S8, pa ir » .1 8Thread Knoaeap—

E a c h ................ .$ l.S 8 , p4ir $3.15Thread Garter Hose—

Rubber deteriorates or becomes dead if kept in stock for any lenfth of time. That is one of the reasons why Rubber goods last you longer if bought at a Riker Drug Store. We buy direct from the manufacturers, our complete stock is turned over every montli- Bach article is guaranteed satisfactory or your money cheerfully re­funded.

Abdominal Belts

You’re Safe When You Buy a t

.$1.80, pair $3.60

silk Anklets •E tc h ; ...................$2.25, pair $4JO

Silk Kneecap*—E a c h .....................$2.25, pair $4JO

G arte r HfMe— .E ach .................... $3.15. pa ir $5.40

Made in our own fac­tory, of the best material, to measure at sale prices.

Fit GuaranteedLinen Mesh, light and

cool ........................S2.38Thread Elastic Belt. . . $3.19Silk Elastic Belt............$4.19Coutil Maternity Belt,

special ...................... $2.19

Folding Baby Bath Tub

Overhead ? Shower Bath

H e a v y nickel well fixture and overhead r i n g , complete with can- vae curtain. These ehewera ere sold by other dealers el $7.50; Hiker’s price

Household Rubber GlovesE v e r y glove

feet or money re­funded; a regular 50e. value; ape- citl price

2 STORES INWaslmigtoo& Market

N EW A RK:: Broad& Qiiiti)ii

This Folding Bath Tub ia actually sold by other dealers as high as S7.50. It is full 17x30 inches. Best quality heavy while rubber; a strong j -JQ frame with safety latch; speciarfor this sale........

Guaranteed Ice Bags


3$c J

Table—Highly finished with metal adiustable

support that can be raised or tilted to any angle. Sold by o t h e r dealers stss.oo.


75c. block metal pan.S1.25 gray enamel.$1.50 while enamel.................$1.14


12-isch cloth, rubber lined, with

kmetal cap; best r quality,


Eye Cups, blue or white g lass...............................4c l-inch Gauze Bandage............................Nipples— Anti-colic, Davidson’s, Seamless, Mil- 1-ounce Absorbent C otton.....................................4cNipples— Anti

ler’s and other leading makes—each........ 4c Bottle Brushes ........................................................^Medicine Droppers ............. ............................... -*<: Cleanwell Nursing Bottles each. ,4cBaby Pacifiers—various designs........................ 4c Oakum 1-ounce packets....................................... 4c

-- ............................4cMedicine Tubes ................................................. Bone Teething Rings


Porcelain IrrigatorsMuch more ser­

viceable than the . rubber fountain sy- fringes; 2-quart size, only ....................71c

Infants’ Rectal Syringe

R u b b e r b u l b w i t hs a n i t a r y h a r d 19c

75c. Collapsible Aluminum Cans.39c


Sale Price

3.79^ Back Rests

for the invalid; adjustable back,

White porcelain .........................85cLenox white porcelain...........$1.00Extra quality gray enamel., .$ 1 .^ Extra quality white enamel. .$1^68

Bottle B rush................................................Aluminum Sanitary Drinking Cups............................... 8cRubber Finger Cots, half dozen.......................... 8cLeather Finger C o ts .................................................8cGraduated Glass Measures, l-ounce....................8c

LenoxMedicine Tubes, glass Throat Brushes, wood or wire

made of heavy canvas on light, strong frame; now being used extensively at summer resorts for reclining beach.

Crutch Tips

Feeding Cups'W'hite por­

celain, deco- r a t e d of t plain,

29cIdeal Drinkiiig Glass.................25c

Vaccination Shields, M ulford’s or J. & J ......... 8c i yard Absorbent Gauze........................................ 8c

Thermos BottlesWill keep liquids cold 48 hours. Pint size, in m etal c a s e .. . . 1.00 Quart size, in metal ca se .. .2.00

r u b b e r t i pClinical

ThermometersEnclosed in hard rub­

ber and metal cases; every one guaranteed.2-minute ...................... 48cI-minute ...................... 98c

Fountain Syringe Tubing, red or white, foot. .8c Adhesive Rubber Plaster, 1-inch; 1 yard ...........8c N’^kel. pint size' ® iViir*ieAl miitfap t n

;;5„ l/i-m iBut. ................... ! . «

THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES 1 4 cNickel, quart s ize ................ 3.00

Glass Nasal Douche............................................... 14cBlack Fountain Syringe Tubing, very best

4-ounce Glass G raduate........................................14cGlass Ear Syringe, bent or straigh t................... 14c

Either slip on or strew in. These tips are also used to advan­tage on the legs of furniture to. pre­vent scratchingfloors, each

polished lOc

Baby ScalesD i l l register

•showing weight in pounds and ounces, complete wi t h convenient

''‘■‘” 2.75

aualitv per foo t............................................14c Metal Fountain Syringe and Hot Water Bot-T_ .> • .* . ___ IJ... .at. . .Silk Eye Patch, for either eye...........................14c

Aluminum Funnels for nursing bottles..........14ctie Converter ...............................................14c

Lamb’s Wool, in l-ounce packets..................... -I4e

Baby Food Warmer

Indorsed by Prof, Lingerfeld; sold else­where at $1.25,Hiker’s price. . . 93c



BK!*’ ■ -

AtomizersFor nose and

throat, continuous with hard rub­ber fittings, 39c

Aseptic All Metal Atomizer; may be used for oil . or water; spec, at . . . .

Nebulizer — Throws69c

Medical Batteries$4.00 Battery,

c o m p l e t e with hand, foot andb»4y 7 4 0electrodes « * “ 7

8.00 Household Battery .........4.3$

Child’s Rectal Bulb Syringe................................22cEar and Ulcer Bulb S yringe................................22c3-in-l Teething Rings.............................................22c2-inch Bender’s Ideal B andage........................... 22c

Glass Breast Shields, per p a i r . . . ..................1.22cRubber Bulbs for atomizers................................ 22cPaper Diapers, 25 fo r ...........................................22cBreast Pumps ........................................... 22c1-pound Cotton Waste Absorbent......................22c

StopperedOf extra qual­

ity clear flint glass, with g ilt i edge^ glass lab e l4-oz. size.......34c8-or. sfte .4 3 c '



Hypodermic SyringesAll glass with asbestos packing

on glass plunger; can be easily sterilized, with two 4 0 ^needles ...............................

All metal, graduated piston with 2 vials and two needles, in OXf* leather case ...................... “ X v

Hot Water BottlesNo. 2 size Priscllta

bottles; every one guaranteed perfect or m o n e y re-funded .........

Riker special, red r u b b e r guarantied bottle, 2-quart afae; these bottles are of the best quality gumrubber ................ 1X8

Cloth inserted bot- j tie, guaranteed mo





Foraer Si Hobokei


PUDGE BMtatf rbrrfip

TnB:^To^ butlnt!# orplfdfe# Jp n public food, tlce Gilbert Uck yif#t#nr#fulatlnf iAnd #4>-caHei

Initead of by th# that # iTif n^fluld be " Lotti* cn P m*nU of fl ■toted that llrens* re« < In tbff biiil: the Fedprel well contrar

The renifti durlrif the proreedlnft# Dunn Ui 04* by Hoboke IkenslRK of poae# a mil cltte# of ih< of the $ecQ

tn bin #tt1n#ieted th# ttined an t ponnectlon liquor dellli which *re there to not In taking i chattel mor arlek or wh

" I f PKperi C'^'lln#. ■ ih tlcular rla#! law# aanliiH regulation# tlnn. Hi ',, n a large #u under buibh Hon, not rej iuch purpo however, n permit* Intf of twelvp p

ITareann After enm

ed a# #ome of the law,

"Furthern operate# to Of a lawful fovernlng t an ordlnanc hualneeB. nr all in the Ri rminlc1pa1H:i nance reuul

"WhvTe n the husInpBt cutting off therein frnr perfei’ily cl effect to Ul prlve# a m;i proresa of I

Commenil of the tow,

'W hy she lee have tli Of loaning t ment of pal or corporal eejit on pa.v act i# furl allowe null make loan# customers, make loan# tomere.

'T t dlBcrli la dealrlnue manufactur property ai other man tomer to g* atatute doe iball be n tranaaciifm the mercha are tes out namely, thi liigs ot thli eluding the

“Ii aaenif equal proti irho do no the manuf tafonlstlc I

people i fore It.

A H 'T h e act

tfCtlon of to borrow i property tr owns a obtain a lo fo to a Hit llceneed ur from one o( owns a lf*.< opened to I person in t

'T h e mai compelled authorized legal rate all oaaea h a rate of t routed und who haa r< la allowed large and body In ea rate of Ihi la to Impoi people wh< to pledge «

'T h is caj the act li tng wedge thw arting i and will i H oneit mei decline to withdraw iDevitably duet It aui


1.Iw ll ' »



School hei the colors team on t) •core of 1 pttehed toi men In th bslle. Ph For Sumir ond Al(.ebi teoaJ nine lag ahv oi playtai wi there we; •erlous.


.■w: WJHO Bnet Newl terdsy at



liquid Is lorm of a vapor; designedfor use in extremely sensitive ^ i » throat ................................. • »V

Wrist Bands'Finished blick or tan leather;

tU sizes ............................... 21c

Wheel Chairs\Felt made Block

chair, adjustable, up­right or reclining; sold by other dealers

" , 2 3 . 7 5

Riker'a'Sterilized Ahaorbent Cotton—If unsatis­factory, money cheerfully refunded. Put up in damp- proof, germ-proof cartons with parchment paper cover-

1 lb. S4e, 8 oz. 24c, 4 oz. 13e, 2 or. 8c, ! oi . . .5cing.

special priced

Fotintain Syringes

Riker’a Sterilized Absorbent Gauie—Quality guar­anteed. t yd. 10c, 5 yds, 33c, 25 yds.................$1.50

Riker'a Sterilized Gauze Bandages—10 yards long, ranging in width 1 in., IH in . 2 2H in, 3 in. and 4 in., each In separate sealed packets, assorted or ailone siiel Per pound...............................................75c

Arch Supporters—Made of German silver; are non- corrosive; leather covered; for men or women Perpair $2.50

Aleobot Stovee—Made of aluminum; provided with aluminum pan; a neat, compact, traveler's outfit . .98c

Oxygen—We have always an emergency oxygen tank, with inhaler, ready for immediate dispatch. 5- gallon tank .............................................................$6.50

Baby’s Commode—This Is an especially light con- atructed article, portable and hygienically made. .$1.50

Vapor Bath Cabinet—Strong frame, covered with best grade rubberized cloth; complete with stove.$4.98

Device to prevent projecting ears; does not incon­venience baby during day or night............... ......... SOc. Baby Plataa—Made of solid porcelain; benutiful floral and figure designs, in rich colors........... .. -24c

Wire Sterilizing Racks—To hold 4 bottles, 35c; 8 bottles ......... 45c


BathSprays50c 2X-inch

a l u m i n u m li sprinkler, 4- l i ft. rubber i


I n v i J M R in g :#

Newburg firs t game •aeond ga

HswburgNo. 7, gtt|^

anteed, red m \ rubber, ® '

ond game, tba game- nucatkm ti

will t

’ tub- VTRAVQIOther eian as lew as

The Leader Spray, 3-in. sprinkler, with S-ft. best quality rubber tub­ing and rubber buffer. Weguarantee this spray.

Combination Bath Spray, withrubbar fiesb brush, com- 1 . 4 9plete

Bath Tub Seatsin nftural ok

67cWhite enamel with metal

haufjcr and rubber protectors., 8 9 c

PtiAnTi ommc^i'oi

M - a le rt of 1 bo bald hi la nxpaeti

vdtiagaiaa. ..tneroing iBril, wh<

uv ' tbs evanh

49ePriscilln white rubber, with reinforced edges of

red rubber; 2 hard rubber fittings, with 4 feet rubber tubing and metal shut-off.........

Alt red rubbef seamless bag, with five-foot rapid flow tubing, complete with dll attach- A O /v

4 ' Red rabber, two-qairt size, guiniiteed for one yOtf, Extru quality rubber, complete | iO

i^witb three irrig tto rs................... ............ . I a 4 0Seamless rad rubber, guaranteed for one year;

usually lasts three or four years; complete with three irrifttorg.............

35c. Bath Thermometer#

y E p ] fi] r s r ’ [k [ ] L . J -

G u a r a n t e s d a c c u r a t e " , p r o t e c t e d b y w o o d 2 A rc a s i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 0 c . H o u s e h o l d T e m p e r ­a t u r e T h e r m o m e - * 2 | c t e r s . . . . . . . .


Crutch*#S p l i t m a p l e , w e l l f i n ­

i s h e d w i t h ^ r u b - 1 h e r t i p s , iM i i r /T *


' o . I . % '


for first

R o s e w o o d , w i t h ^ p a d d e d l e a t h e r

with every necessity aid at home or sea- ,

•bsra; a l l ' neady peak­ed in tnetal b o x wEt b handle,

t o p , " p a i rm i f

Scrotsl truss, k*ther covorad, (*11 siz«

, Elsstic single truss, with wnter ptd ......................1 ...I143

Elastic double truss.., .$LS8:_ H * r d ru b b q r t i n g le .

Hard rubber double.,French leather covered ghi-

gle Vfc* *,.*..J.. Horn's Cross body trussjSJS


F-.va.*-** i a m i

»s>\ Th* ei riiv ' Flalnfltid

WMd, CtKlfeh


vrara spill , •'v*”' Motordmi ■' " iii*ts w« .',55:4.. ,Th* .ttaok

HaaiM* « ■ twanty-fh

Bagaa.atarnI' /- ‘i T i i i r t i n

Bit!:«n itn i .

N E W A R K E V E N I S G - ir a : ^ . T H U H eP A Y . JU K E 5, 1913. 23


Qf « 1Mira



Foraer Supreme Court Justice, in \ . Nobokeo Case, Calls Licettse ‘ \ Scheme of Regulation Evil.

!; PLEDGE BORROWING NOT ILLEGALM to f f C o r r f tp o n U c m 'f .

T R E N T O N , Juiifl 6. - " Amsrrt inj that tlie butlntuu t>f lendftiig money on perionml pledfe* not ^uuentl&Jly Inlti^lctil to the publlo food, former Supreme Oom*l Jus­tice Gilbert t'ulllni made a viforoao at* ticlt yeuterday afternoon upon the law refulatlng ih© buslneea of pawnbrukeru and eo-called loan uharki

Inatoad of the title telected for the eot hy the l^eflilature of iRl;’ Mr. Oolliite said that a more a|i]iroprtate deulgnatloji would be An Act to LIcenee t ‘eiirj' In Loatte on P*rnonul Property and Aaslgn- mente of Ralarlee or % V a f U H e in* ■luted that the aol reqnlrlrta " high IJcenae fee to he paid hy those engaged In the Inialnese waa ol-noaloue to both the Kederal ar\d Siuie ronetitiiituna and waa contrary puhilr policy

Th e rerrmrku of Mr r'ulllnu were mady during the arKimru-m In Ktjprenu* I ’oMri proreodlnfte brought b\ W'llharu A Dunn to Bet aelile the oniinuioe pHi^ei-il by Hoboken for the reguiailoii and licensing of monry lendete. Th e Hot liu- poaeu a minimum annua! fee of in Cltlea of the flrei daud Hud In ri(k<» Of the Second rlaee.

In hie attack upon the hoi Mr. irolllne Inuieted that the ytaiute lannoi i‘e sus­tained as a polli'e renulatloh In thin connection he remarked ttihl. inllkt liquor iellJn* nr some other > alllnit«. whtch are lawful only when permitted, there le nothing eeaentlnUy ohlertlonnhl.- In taking plcdgei of persona] pi'Operl>. chattel mortgagee nr asNljjfnrnenle nf kaI- arlek or WHgeS fle ee«'untv for limne

■ If experlenc'* has ehown.' eald Mr Cn’’ :ne. " ihai ilHUget' lurks in this par­ticular r'Uite nf loan huelneae lie< nuee the laws niinlMMi ueoii) may be evaded, linen regulations of report puhM*;lly ln>pe - tlon, et ' . mipln he j'roper, imi to i xati a large sum every year foi fewnue. UTlrteT fiuiBp of a drenee fee. le miifinrA- fion, not regulation T h u i the a-'i hns no iuch purpose as pre\entln^f uaui>' In, howa^’er, n’.axilfeet from sc'd iTi Ti. whl'o permltn Interest lo be taken nt the rat< of twelve p< r cent, per annum

[Tareannnahle mmil DlmeerlnitDatlBa.After commenllrig uptui what he regard-

ad au some of ll)e unreasonohlt! fearures of the law, Mr. I'olMna eflid

"Furthermore i l v act it. tmd in that It Oparatea to dhaoliitelv v*i'"hthli tin doing Of a lawful huairtraH m munlrlpHlItiee, (ht governing bod> of whleh liae nut PHseed an ordimince tn llrenat- the doing "f thin bualnese. nniJ prohihlta thi

H r « i B a u a ^to*4 Ww— %wR a g l i i t ra RO^lo»atrtm<,



In I Z$ r«no».« r t i ta rK v .l i lB C ..


C O M ) ‘ L K T H R >* u« 4 I .

L < c k t e » t i K l t t t l i o c l i BX V o IS.. AHH FITTBto W i m HrillCHlOAl. I.KSMBS


Bloodless Combat Fought with Alien Foe at Officers’ Camp of Instruc­

tion, Sea Girt.


' A /

’.381.19 (.192.19

all In the State of New Jeraey until some mtiniclpallu ehall liH\e pnased the nrill- nance required ht th f act

"Where no ordinsixre nas been paseeti the hiisInfHe is prohibited ahsoluleh. llins eiilttng off the right of people engaged therein from purHiilng It It to meparfei'ily clear that an act with such nn affect Is iinronatlrutJcuiRl In that K de­prives a marv of his prupjy iy V'ltlnuit due proeesB rtf law ”

Commenting further upon the provisions of the law, Mr CoIrllnB Bald:

' 'W h y should hankers Or iruai vurnpaii- lofl have the rlghl to ronduct a i)u«lni!s>a Of loaning on chHitel rntmiguge or assln'ii* merit of salaiy while ollimr money lenders cr carrorations are denied that right w* eept or payment of an nneruiis tau Hia iPt ia further discriminating In that H allows manufafiurers or meichnnlH to make loans on chattel mortgages to their CUfltomera, hut does not allow them Ki make loans to people whu are not cits* tomers.

dlBcrimlnaies against a person who li dealrinus of securing a loan from a mgnnfat'lurer or merchant nn pernonaf property as Becurit>\ W'hlle It allows an­other man who happenB to be Ms cus­tomer to get a loan on such security Ti iv aUtule doeii not provide that su ch loans •hall be m a d e in connection w-llh tho tranwiclion between the manufacturer ot the merchant and hia cuB tom er* . but sep- grates out a particular class of pe<iple, namely, the customers, and allowB dtul- lugs fit this kind between them while r x - ctudlng the remaifuisv of tlie public.

" I t iaema to me that this denies the tqual protection of the laws tn people who do not happen to be customers or the manufacturers, and Is clearly an- tssonlstlc to the theory of our law that t i l people shall stand on an equality be­fore U

A Hmrdiihip to Borrew e rs,•The act alAo denies the equal pro­

tection of the laws ir> tboae who wiBh to borrow money and have only personal property to offer as security. If a man owna a U . W automohll^. and wishes to obtain a loan upon it he is compelled to go to ft limited cls«* of perfions who ere licensed under the act and get his loaii from one of them, while his neighbor, who owns a If’.OOO piece of real estate, has U opened to him fo obtain a loan from any jierson In the State of N e w Jersej.

•The man wljh the personal prupcriy,la compelled to deal with a class who are • uthoiized to charge double the ordlnai y legal r u e of Interest, and doubtless in all cases ho would be compelled to take & rale of twelve per cent., which is per­mitted under this statute, while the mftti who has real estate-to pledge as security la allowed to deal With the public at large and cannot be charged hy any­body In excess of six per coni., the legal rate of Ihtereet. T h e result of the act Is to Impose a penalty of six per cent, on

Stnfi t'ftrrtMjiofnieiwf.SK.\ f l l H T , June n Frmn Aibury Park,

diinn 1 he coum to Point PlcttStnl, there in n Injgi' furclgn army ItUfni on ftrlklng ilu‘ xltnl potiits of the Slate, and an- 4Ulu-r Hnii>. » njimjrtndetl by the officers i>f the NalJoiiiil Guard of New Jersey and Ih*lH«nre. lins\ with horse, foot Hud Hiliilery h* In - k ihnn and drive them t'ftf'k into 1 sea all <jf this liieoretlcaliy

Hack ami rth Rrro!-9 iiu< war mapn, tht? offircrn who Hre In aitemJance at the tfrfh'»TK sclionl here an* hur ling (heir 'trn(i]hs " niid rhe (-omnslwsary snd quar-

ternut/»(cr s depnrtmrnis ar»* bringing up then ' Hnununihun htuI ' supplier," •vAhUe (h»- flurijpntip, with tli*-!: (liHorelkal drv.'is- iriR Miriiion« Hud fli-ld hAstiitais eststi- ll'hf'd. Iiavf h II U.elr pinna figured nut fur ih*- vs R''.jHiiori nf the wnunded ehoijM ll\e " m s a d ris luiM tin' nailvi- fur i-a ba>'k. making retreat neceesHrs

ThlH Ip itte first day ot the iheor#*tjcal irHliiirifci nf tht' 'iffb-ers and many cf Ihi'iii ssiin I III- skin -iff ibrh no.«vw and Ihflr i 'aihs '•nrc from Hu- (hr*-- d»ya td ri'HvTli iil fu-ld uulnliui ssith ih.- hitiu and pqidpnu'nt of tijc rnllsted nu-n hip hcurl* |ly girid that in*- hardesi I'rirl nf ih« ph\ slfKl Ss <ifk 'a <i\ rT

PrlRailier-rrenerHl Kdwtn lime, ofihe First Hrlgarle, Is n>*w m vummand of ibe 1'flmp He and tin- riUiianiilei »d :he KfUeral orrivers bea:^ri the day with a iHrLical walk ihrough ManHaquan. Brlelle and other adjuceni towns, while the of- flcern ot th.- Hpconil and third cbi.-sea

doing of n at | worked oui pfriblenip I'ud ssere hik«*duruimd ft bit l>\ the Inslrurlnra to keep f rom feeling Uiat the work was getting too CRflS'

Ttie i|Urtrlermaaters. vs^mmis»afles and BUigeons wei'S bury taking care of imag- Inurs wounded, Hiid whai is esen more Imp'^rtant, in 'llscuHalng Hie presenrlon amt check of dlarase in field and ramp.

(luns “ H n a r " o d i I Muskeirj " O a r k a . "Ttic ofrifers handled "regimenla with

flitarhed trooj-s battalions with sttached iroims. nrid so on down the v'arlou.s grnde.s of Command. They Btudled their problems until the great army of de­fense ' v-fls mobillited on paper, the guna mnutiied. casnlry serc'^n iliros«n out. and the Hinmunllitm supply an<l hospllHla In pift' e

It ssHs then th;it tlu' Iheoreilcul point of •■nnluct wHfi made with the ImftgiiiHi'S enemy among thf- sund dunes near ISilver, and stonn the 'THltle of musketry ’ ' and ttie 'shaip detonation" of the field plpH es were supplcTTiehled by Ihe "sullen ronr" of the llieoreflrnl turret guns of |the enemv K assumed riect —while a "de- I bichmenl" of the L'nlted Stales navy was I racing rti.wn with h "torpedo boat flo- MIIr" to engage the enr-my htuI to prex’cnt the return of the hypoihellca! Invading finny tn Its ships In case It was defeated.

Before the "l>aille’ hart progressed far the theoretical field hoepltala and drcaa- Ing stations w’ere busy and the anxious doctors had to change their stlillons from plave to place. As the ’iroops" were Bhlfterl the site of » ''hospital" was often brought into the "fire zone."

As the school continues U Is easy to xee that the Itieiructlng officers are more and more satisfied! with the knowledge and Interest of the officers of the New Jerflsy guard. Sickness has been a jtrangcr at the camp ho fnr as the N a ­tional Guard Hdulcnls are concerned, the only iltnens being that of Lieutenant Mc- rielkin. of the rnguJar army, who was stricken with i htcken-pox.

Tomorrow there will be more theorelleal problema. with tactical walks and the handling of iheoreilcHl bodies of Iroopp Bftlurday there will be hii attack by a reinforced brigade, ambulance drill and the camp will end in a blaze of shot and shell and the hurrying thunder of myriad feet, carrying soldlerH Into the decisive engagement of the war— theoretli'ally-


Captures Nay Cop by Tum bg Links in 77—All Are Square at

Two Holes to Play.

ENDS MATCH WTTH THREE THREESJ B Garfield, who recently won the

Mav t,'up fti the Fore.^t Mill Field «'lub. rteteaUrig A H- Guseman 1 up In the float In order U> win the match w-aa ‘ umpelled ti> turn the course in H Th ^ y were »|| square with only iwo hole* lo play, hut Garfield broughi off h twenty- fo.il put for a 3 at thf se\crueemh. which mart® him dormle, so that a halve 111 3 at the home hole left tilni a winner. Oarficld. by the way, firilshcd with three •’is.

In parsing. It may be a» well not to forgei that (TiiHsman Ih getting quite a collecllnii of iroplile*' ihiM spilng even if he did lupc 10 Garfield In iht- May T u p final. Quismaii has alreartv won two j>rli.‘*a and now ban worked lUh way tn (he final Binge of iha eotnpsiKinn fei (he Holler .\|t'Tnuflal i ‘up V\'ll)i niuiui!!! nil till' XX H fmtn TN [ft VL tho falher uf the tnimer Ka.’xi Jernej champion puta up a tjrund nf coriBl^loni g'^lf tliHi I 'or- esi fllli memhprs arc finding hard to hcai Ihe.*r* dftyn

PEDESTRIAN CLUB WANTS MEMBERSTh»* I*ig liking i’'liib of ,N*wark.

which |R under mo direction uf lu. T W F. Lauterhorii, Is very .inxinua to heaj from eo^eral x^alking enihuMssis who nrc dcslrouii of JrHluK such .in r>r- l;anizHtl< n

Gn Iiccuraiion Hay ihi- ' - . .b tn nibeis took a walk, surliJiK ai llihh s t i r - I . N w York rit> to Garrison. \ . Y.. cox-riiijc n dlsfanc-e of fifty dpve nmJlee In the a -lua] walking time of lei; and «iue-ha'f Th ey went hj wtt\ ,>f Ail-onv ruatmad ihrougu Yonkers. Dobbs Fnerv, T .t rrMown. Hroton. TSf-kskl!! Garrison .Anv one Intereiired in Hifp club ,-,i^ sh- cure further Informaiinr* from R W Mac- culibln, of anO .SHxenih avenue

NOTES OF THE ANGLERSmr.H W a t e r t o m o r r o w

•Sindj' Unnk, Shpppallrad Rav Morgan Btunon. Poulh Amliov SfiwareiiCanar,«le. Hiimnieri Kllsaiiethport. Wreck t^adRaunl. tjnosc l.'re^k .................Newark Fin.v T^lght ........I'enlM street, N e w ark........

A it. s 4R 49, > an . !' :s . 9 nf. . y i: . 9 J4 . 9:4-.

9 03 9 Iki > ;5 !' 45

■1 r.3 ]a v:


RepHirlP of Ifiolfiteil catchrs of »iripei| bft.'iR along (he Jersey ph'uc have aenl several Ioc hI nnglers a f i n ihem EJiily f u«rth and sev'eral other NeFarkers are having B trv for ihetn al Honton a Inlet^ Jack Whatton and Billy Bennett left this morning for Point Pleaaani. where they Will try for both bass and klngflsh.

Th e striped bass Is a roving fish that appears alrtng .^horr middenly and then dloappears again It has i h « most variable appetite and moods, ho that even if the fisherman Is lucky enough lo Btrike a place when the Mali are there, all arts may' fa!! to lead them to tha hook. Thle Is true of striped base everywhere, from 4’ape Cod tf> the I ’hesapeake. He Sa, how­ever. the mnfti templing of fish, hei-auie he Is not only very game, but reaches ptirli enormous slap dia l the sportsman may alwa.vs expect m hook « "hull baas" weighing half a hundred pounda, or even more, and In the most unltkely places, a« the great basa wdJI often wmrk tbelr fray into Bmall creeks.

Their habits vary x-ery min h. Genrcally they are bottom feeders, poking along the Band Of among the rorke for wonusi. rraba nad other similar food Rut in our enclosed ba\ s and In quiet creeks or small rivers thf.v will often feed on the surface, hunting apearing. sbrimp and klllles, lik® Hnappers.


American Quartet Picked as L. E. Stoddard, Devereui Milburn, F.

P. Keene and M. Stevenson.

WATERBURYS AND WHITNEY DROPPEDK K W Y o r k , June 5. - A cbRtplei%-

shftke-up in the Amsriean polo tsam. or I w hat was txpect«>(| to t*e ihe Arnsrlvan polo lefttn. Utts given >viterday by tbs Bnnoujicemem that the five who a rs to oppose the LCrigliflb idayera for the inter- notional ('up wmi] he.

No. 1. Louts K Slodilard, No. S, Dever- sux il ll im rn No, 3. I'uxhall P. Ka«pe, b«ek. M h ) colm bteveriKun

T h e Waterbury hn-tliers and H a r r y Payne Whitney, nwniiiers of ths team which recplvi-d the inuvliv In 1K » anti da* tended it on. ■ essfuiL in 1911. w lU not be on the team this v cu'

in pJftx'c "f " i 4i r i i A\'rtterhury at for- w'Bfd. Loiiin E. HtuOiiani will play. "Monte ' Wfuerbuis ull! he replaced by DvvereiiX Milburn jH No FoxhSll P. Keem* will lake N" I the posltlnn occu­pied tiy M r \\ hltioM I'nibably the big- gent nurprlee of mjI uuxs (he seleolluri uf

to pla> l<iii kMillnicn tn con-ui. i-d one of the best

pla.verb Ih il>e W' i . l It* m rated ai nine goals, nliethvr I, | 'd>s at No. 3, No 3 or back. He lh» uily veteran who ]vlav(<l on the irqi (cam

bioddard. Mllliuiii, Kpene and fllevon- nnn. whose tnial liHicll'ap Is t lm ly -o nc . pla)pd yesterday rtgiiltisi k team of tweii. lx -four gosiH handicap and nhirtn-etl snap­py work

Reyoiu! th* litre announcement of rhe Ti^n- jiclertinri ixf cup defendsra no slate- mrrua w-re furthcorning from the i>olo committee.


SA.N F l i A \ i *1SI I t.yJunf 5. — Vnltss un- expc Mi'ii . "I ' r ail' made bv H'lieBide nr the n(iier fn.Jay (he twenty-i mind tviMpg "iii'-tii bruseui U gh tw ^-gh tx'hampioii WillU- Hijuhi*’ and Joe R:'**is,schrduit^l r -' ,L.l) I, li off. and nn ►(Uer fighter vv i'. li. *. |f»i fed In oppose liUi !i|e In U u e r v s [ ,1. . Tl'*’ mflrisg' i> '*f theiwhi nil n Mimvu .igitv <'U i h, u.^lgit,HJve|.^ i!5BJs*tinK i.|iiui ].{i puund.** migeld'' and RJtchi.i he,ding ruji for 134 pounds a t 9 i' Cju- k III Lh»- mni iimg.

Ad M'l'lgnPt. Kre-ltiU Welsh and Leachhfl\e (eiegraiihed |•eqlleBlfi ih.U they

be buE'b! |i ut«d for Rlvein, and uuleisH the Ijos AncvIrR hov \ im the w>lghtquestifi t uiH’. II H likely rhsr r.ne of the erln will he gPen llic match

---------------------- ----------—

IjOng Mreneli ^cheol CrratltiatrH.fr:pecifji f*(MUh »i,r fA/

Ij i lN U ttR.4kN'('H, Jun*» 5 r 'limmenoe• ment exeri f.ii ilu na k h u r i l ilniTii-m sr Si'hfiiil were held la t night. Ri-n-tessor A M m -k . asBlsiani cnmiTilei*ioM- *T of pd'icHtlor spoke The elew n grad- iiatcfl ii!*‘ Marpirle Atiarn^. l-idliti RaH- Ivi Lemi Ru^vn*’ . l>eiinard Havis. Elmer Rrowu, Alpha Herbort, HlHTichc Ireland,Rrairlcc Jai kson, Hfirrj K ’ dght. F lo r ­ence Alevei Fveretl Rudhiff LeonBow ne wa>- \ aledlctorian

Itnk^vny Health OlUe-lat Itealirna.rt.MlW.W June Q^Kdward .1 (jlioguii,

tenedtmed tils n'slgnatlon aa im-mbor < f tlic tlOHid oi Health at ils mcelliig held la.- l iilgld Ttie rcslgnutlop wns accepnd U'lie « ,js mairuc(e(t tu lequeat111*’ Gfuritiinn ('bundl to fill the vacniKy In the board

Smartest Straw Hatst

at Stoutenburgh’sW HICH will you duxise

straw that will mt et its Watviioo in its first shower I

Or a substantial, well-made hat will spend the Symmer with you ^

Be inoney"Wise ! Get a G O O D strawhat.

Stoutenburgh Straw Hats are (K )O D liats. They come in all the good, new .styles— not a beak in the hundreds of new stA’les now here.

Sennits and split straws in high and medium erown blocks, with sideor French bows.English boater shapes in lightweight straws, soft AMilans and easy-go­ing Mackinaws, $2 and $.'i.

Thoroly good Pana­mas at $o,and $fi.

Genuine Bangkoks, feat he rweight s, $6 1o $ 10




Stoulendurghs797-80S BROAD .STREET

Along th^ Jersey coaal, from Sandy Hook lo (-’ape Mfty, the vpry larg** bass are fished for almost entirely by caaOng from the shore The same In true in tlia Hudson River, all the way to Croton Point, but large bass are rarely taken In the latter place nowadays. Along the

A crp.8 cQunlry run' 'for bny. h «t «n e n j " fth« of twelvr «nd s l T t « n will he Haven, the ftahln*held ‘ n Saturday morning. T h e run, 1 L* which Is being conducted by Ixiuls B.PniaBs'of W Fourth avenue. East Omnge.

peopR chn have only personal property



,','W In wa>- $1.43 t X M


.$3,49 J3.9S 1498 71

to pledge an eecurlty for their loans.'T h le eae* I* extremely Important. I t

the act In sunialned It will be the enter- tne wedge for leglnlatlon hampering or thwarting any and every kind of huelnonn. and will lead to Intolerable condition!. Honnnt men. ehargiiir law ful Interest, will decline to pey an e ace e lv e tax. and will withdraw from a buatneet which will Ipnvltably drift to uaurere willing to con­duct It lurreplitlouely.


Jdwe fi.-T he Summit High School bftieball nine yeeterday lowered ttls colbrs of ths Soutli Orangs Ftlgil team on the Tulip atree t grounds by the neore of 19 to s. M arry Oarrlson, who pitched tor the visitor!, atruck out three men In the third Inning on nine pitched baUi Philip Garry did the catching. For Btmnmlt. Boavey was on the mound gnd Alfasbury was bghtnii the bat. Tns

nln« ihowftd tnors form than t u any other period th is seaeon. Their vl&yttic wag o* * i*iappy order, and while there were a few errors, none was MTtoua. _


mat Newbilrg In a double-header y ts- terday a t haeeball park and broke evw . Hewburg batted qut a v io to ^ In the firs t game by a score of D-8, while tn the Sleond game. Long Branch abut out It*

: opponents the ecore being 7^. LuquI, thocSibah twiner, of Long Branch, held Nawburg down to three hit* iti the aac Oitd game. Hie pitching waa a featwe of

. ' th i game Long Branch atill leads in the '' nutation today it la likely that one of the (A) rrill ba *Uen the fngteh.

> T R A M G MEN TO HOLD COUNCILf pLA IN nELiD . Jimo S-—The Grand ? couttoll of the united Commerclel. T ravi

einrn of Now I v n e y and Delaware will bn bald here tomorrow and Saturday. It le aggeeted that th e re will be about 500 g ,|,g g le a Besatuua will be held In the inernlBg and afternoon In Odd Fellowa' HgU when otflcera will be elected- j In tbg gvenlng there will be a banquet aud a danee There win alao be tetaiotie 8al- Ut4ay todrnltig and afternoon, with auto- mobile tripa.

Th* entettelnm ent oomnilttee from Plainfield Council campiisea Frank W. ICead- Charlea A. S turtevant. Fredertdh A. K tn h and Alfred S. Olnlttead.^-

UGBTS FiUL, RIDERS ARE THROWN'iJiSfi H a w TOMC. Jb » a i.-BU»y6|e iM w

m n aptUed abw it » t th * DHgtitwi la g a ( Ib toM iim ia laat n t t l i t , lA a a the f la sM l

> l Ui t o went nut bvaiuga of a ilM tt n lm d t l E i traok waa in piMr coiadttln* tadrw ii. becauie of the h «avr g tllt. Ih lriitf the twenty-flva-ralto BrtlMOB 4M % Mlty H agan and H artley Tkegnaa « « the «hly rldern to go the full

I te rtln Xwgl«r. tha fawottt*, wa* theK h fall, during tha A rtt

Win be ovfir n courae starting at F raass 's place and continuing to Eighteenth street, then north tn F irst avenue: thence tn fJrnvB street- m Park avenue and through Sixteenth istreel to tlie startlnR point.

Ho far th e following entries have been received: C. Under, A, Nelson, R. Arm- Btrong. R. Ellcrv, J. /iwack. F hlorimont, F- Smaro. F. Van Peeman. J. l*aird. R. Stryker. L*. fcaalee. L. Hheltlnn, P. Curtis. E. Miller. R. Graham. T. Keeten, H. Oil- luS' J. Kline. W'. Bugglen, E. Gezell. C. McDermott. W, Llpkens, C. Hen mg, *3. Wilson. W. Srott. A. Porter.

The Judges are lo be F. Holzme. K. Bro- die- M. Murphy and E. Scott, "the tim e­keeper and ntarter will he LouisB. Fraasa. while J. Higlev will act as scorer A gold medal will he awrded to the winner. s l |. ver me(Yal to second man. and a bronze medal to thd third. Those deulrlng to enter should nddrese Louie B, Fraass. 43 Fourth avenue. East Orange,

This Sanitary Flat Top Desk (fnlyii^ie.sd5

You Would ron- sider It a Splen­did Buy at $20.

Wc are bound 10 attract the at- lertion of every olfice man in

Newark and vicinity by offering suct^ unusually good values in guaranteed desks and other office furniture. We propose to make it worth your while In actual dollars and cents to buy from us.

The desk illustrated is of plain nak, golden oak finish, SO inches long, JO inches deep, 30 inches high. Three- ply built up wriling bed.

We Build Home and Office Furniture from Your Own Plans

Unique Furniture 12-14 Branlord Place, Newark

Short Block from Broad and Market

The Test of Superiority Is in ComparisonIt is easy enough to make claims—but comparison is the great convincer. We know that our goodj are

ot superior quality—our prices are the lowest at which reliable goods can be .sold—our store servlde la un­excelled. But It’s only by coraparison that we can convince you of our superiority in all things pertaining lo furnishing the home. To this end, we invite you to visit our store and compare.

Charge Accounts Cheerfully OpenedAll Goods Marked In Plain Figures,/ "" ..... '

‘‘Idle Hour” Couch Ham m ock

J.IKR ( ! ’

M ttt t re»B <•rl ff r- fh| In khahi. has a'lJUBlahlu wind nhii'lil, nBi lono Ipprltig BfAT. rii - Ifit with friMInx [rKt*. perrnlKtnR

HH a (11X n n « hrn ( n k e n do« n,lift Ml llfttn-inork. .'4pffc Ini(mnorrnw only

8 . 7 5$3 Simsul{-iVU'clFll tlllll'T row onlv

2 . 7 5



NOTES ABOUT THE FIGHTERSToung Jo« Shugrua. of Jersey City. a.nd

Ram Robldeau. lightweight ehamptan of the navy, finished their training yester* day and are Bald to be In ahape for their bout tonight at Madlaon Riuare Garden, New York. The men are to weigh in at 133 poundB. ringside. Tn the fteml-flnal Dave Kurts, of this dtyx 1i slated to box ten rounds with Gus PlattB. the Bngllah lightweight

Johnny Coulon. the bantamweight champion, yeeterday agreed to fight Kid Wllliamitf. of 3altlmore. July 4. In the Monumental City. 11 Is to be a twenty- round affair. The temm agreed upon are said to be a guarantee for Coulon of $5,000 and forty per cent, of the receipts.

The Htchmond Athletic Club of Staten Island oompUlned to the State Athletic CommUglua ot New York at Its meeting yesterday againbt Young Qradwell, of this city, alleging that the boxer tailed to appear Monday to go on agalnat BUly Banaett. The case waa laid over 'for a week. The Irvin Athletic Hub ot Brooklyn complained to the commission about Aba Attell. aoertlng that he rafuaed to go on laat Thursday night against Phil Bloom unleM he wae anured the better of the argument. Declalgn waa reserved for a week.

T^rrhiriont w Newbout that la

i rowed slowly fllong th * rocks. Tn the creeks and haya of both thr north ani south 8hor<»H of Long Taland. and along the Jersey coast, the general mpthmi is Btlll riahlng. with a line that has no sinker or nnlv n small ons. on that rhp halt <-An drift many hundred feet with the tide.

Atnona the catches of sea Hrhs end blflckflsn marta veslerday bv Pave Dun­ham. off the Taurus, were two humpback see bass that wenr ov'er four pounds apiece.

In ord^r to stlnliilate surf fishing nl Ocean City. George B. Smitheman. a wealthy Philadelphia angler, haa donated a ellver cup. which la to be presented an­nually to the fisherman taking the lai-gest rhfuinet bass at the former place. Smlthe- mail aaya that five vrara ago there were only five regular surf fishermen at Ocean 4 tty, while todav there are nearh’ a bun­dled. He adds that, he belleven there nre more large fish taken at that place from the surf than there are at Corson a Inlet, which le farther this way up the coast. Local angler* who go out for the Mg channa! baas that coma later on In the aeaiion will no dnuht have a try for the cup.

In addition to the hlusflah mentioned in these ciilumnt na having been taken In the neta at Morgan Station last Sunday, word eonsifl from Seaaide Park that they are alEO getting them at that point In the nets. We haven't had much bluefishing up this way for the laat few years, ahd (he salt water flahermen are hoping thla year will be an exception.

Charley UmJng. of Ferry atreet. li one who thinka the weakflah are due to bite almost Any day now. Cliff Um lng and Frank Millington wera down at Morgan Station yesterday fixing up the lautich Jersey, in which the "Old Man" wtll have a try (or weaka In Raritan Bay nexl Sun­day.

The ftihlng fame of th^ local park lakes has spread well outside of thU elty Every iuitiitier anglers come from outside points for a try at the btaelc baas. One regular cornea from Trenton and another from Baaton almost every week during the season. Then there le an elderly gentle- man, who halle from Platnfleld. whose specialty Sa catflahlng. He apparently hsa a catfish hole somewhere tn Weectuanlc Lake, for he generally manages to get twelve nloa big fellows for hie d ay s sport.

iHprclal fnr 1 tnnorron O n ly lCOK'H H.V.'.IMOCK. .i regular '' .OO

article, specially priced for tnmnrroi* at only ..........................................................


Wood BodyAn attractive,

built, comfortable carl, with spring seat and re­clining back; strong steel wheels and heavy rubber tires; body finished in fine enamel, .peciat,



\Af ?i liircr -1MPfiorl nirtnf of i n-d vartf? h i h I I'ullrnMiiM In wlilt<*. « r a v 111 nnnAf t l flnlHlvY'si, l .o n r a l f'rlvvH.


Women Who Suffer Reed Pullm an Sleeper

Do You Want A Good Compicixlon?'

NAVBSI Moi* iAk *U FOB. BUtawwlMw IB Hat Wffll «l*f n « V Sk«wtte ta a whAm Sf ma*«l tk* ■>!*• M m a i aMMiIMF W » MMin to.UmM tan* • ot*M iN

M tV M tM ( n f i M u IwiMf* ttw* wQII y w u kM* F«ur ■W— m « B i U m i H n ttoM , l

■iwlfinliT -ml rn~n if iTiw|‘ir n l rtHir r . « •! « MU* of s n n r a M u m m W A n a »■ .


from nervQUBnesa, hysteria . melan< choHa, Indigestion, bad brea th , conatl- patlon and ita reauUlng evils, palna the back and Bides, dark c lrd e s under the eyes. sleepleaBneeB, a con tinual fe e l­ing of tiredness and exhauHtion* and tho g enera l functional and co nstitu - tlonnl d iseases peculiar to th e ir aex, will find re lief from th e ir troub les and w orries by tha use, as directed, of

R E J U V E N I N ETHE FAME0 FRENCH REMEDY RECOMMENDED BY PHYSICIANSr iff te a n t (o take. A scan t teasp o o n ­

ful on tho tongue, washtjd down by cool wfiier. taken regularly a f te r each meal,

ill vs'ork w onders In your h ealth and general appearance.

H. B. E. CHEMICAL COMPANYH7 A an S treet, New York City.

By Mell tn Sealed Pecicaere, or a t Tour DrugslBt. II- Sand (or Ina truo tlva BnokleC entitled "W om an'e H ealth , Beauty and Bfllcleney—How A cquired and I reaerved." It'a Free.

FOR SaLB BYTn Newark by Anchor Pharmacy. SIO

Beraen St. Burkherdt'i Reliable Phar­macy. Orange, oor. Norfolk St, E. Bellman. itO Market S t; Bruno'* Phar­macy. t66 W. Kinney St.; David Berq- Rian. liB Bllxabetb Ave.: Central Phar­macy. cor. Central Ave and Norfolk S t.; Colonial Pharmacy,! ITt Elkhth Ave.;P. F. Chrtet, Oliver and Pacinc S ta .; Dult*. T w elfth Ave. and Sixth St.: E b e re Pharm acy, E leven th Ave. and N inth SI.; J. H. Ferlel, P h .a .. 631 F e r­ry St.. Flrem en'e Pharm acy, B road and M arket Sta.; Fried'a Pbarm acy , Mt. P ro ipect and Bloomfield A vea.; Felnd & H atn. 103 Broome Bt.; O retaenbeck 'a Bowery Fnarm acy, 38 Bow ery; Qroae- m a n » In te rn a tio n tl Pbarm acy, 198 M arket bt.; Charlea H olahauer, Broad and M arket Sta.; H enry A, H o la ,'3 8 t South O range Ave.; H ain D rug Store, Clltiton PI. and T lilln B h u t S t ; K aa t- ner'a Pharm acy, 110 P a rk Ave.; L ln- a iP a Prea. Pharm acy, cor. B rill and Bowery Sta.; Ctaarle* J, Lapp, C heatnut and Orchard St*.; R. U. L aird, 191 C linton Ave ; Qaorge L Innett & Bro., U neoln P a rk -tnd Clinton Ave., and Sherm an and T retln tthuyeen A val.;J. D. McCreary, ISO Elm 8L; Menk'a Pharmacy, 109 Market 8t.; MayeP* Pharmacy. Orang* and Neabltt Sts.; Itoorea Prea. Pharmacy, 699 Clinton Ave.: A. B. Nurenburg. 190 Bank Bt.; Purity Pharmacy. Central Ave. end fUxth St.; Reloh’e Pharmacy, 9* New at.: Braith'e Ty**f Hnd Pharmacy, 916 South Orange Ate.; BlDger'a Cut Hate Pharmacy. T7 Ferry Bt.; H. J. Bteln- leln. 899 Orange St.; Boutta Sid* Phar­macy. Clinton and B adctr Ave*.; Tri­angle Pharmacy, 671 ffprlngfleld Ave,; Vernon'* Pharmacy, 979 Broad Bt,; 1 B. A. 'Whlta 46 Wrtgfat B t In Oraage, by Beegle'a Drug Store, t Freeman S t; K eeleya Highland Fharmacy, 98 Free­man St.; Maae'i Pbarmacy, T1 Cone S t In Beat Oraauto, by Aefalaad n iarm aoy, 991 Park Ave,; Clinton Pharmacy, Central Ave. and B(k Clinton Si.; H elne- man Pharmacy, III Uatn Sk; Joaeph A. Ward, Fourth A va aiU_JBtohteeBth i t , in Wo**»9«Bfc_ky ifflu aro W. Keyler. 991 BloomSetd Ave, in Om ni jartb t>y Thum S Hoff, ;'W Unut Avei,

Vntobung and North 361 1. In vragtscM* hy Jama* '■ - -and Froepaot flti

Similar to illLrtratioii. roil on hood and body, dash, tubular pushers patent f o n t brake, large w h e e l s with heavy rubber tires, loose cushion uphol­stery; regular price $18.50; special.


We Handle Only ilie Most Keliffble


R efrigeratorsOur fltor-k Gf Refrlgerrutora

offEra I he Rreui4»at ftfisort- mnnl. fTnbrartng kIJi Ies and etJZf ps 111 iiit*pt fVprv !ef|UlP«-

'rhn> lu v iill pHFtV-i tly In* sulfitF-d. « liL-h hiHun** aan- 1tAUr>n; mtM.U- s lth N wfttla,ftlldd with riHtciiL Hiplioi*. r8*mtivfthle ilielvea Hurt ruund vcirnriM.

LiA andUpward

Side leer, | /j.%lyrlrort

**Refused Substitute’*" T H E G E N U I N E , D U F F Y ’S , A B L E S S I M Q ”

Mis.s M. Stroud, 67 years old, re­fused to be fool^ by substi- tutor. She knew the value of Duffy’s from personal experi­ence, as well as having it highly recommended by her family physician.

,"A short time ago 1 went into a store and a*ked tor Duffy’s Pure Mall Whiskey. The clerk did his utmost to »ell me another malt whiskey which he represented was better or at least 'just as good’ as Duffy's. I became very angry, (or I knew’ his reason of trying to sell me a substitute for an article that was so well known and popular, and used and recommended by physicians and hospitals alt over the world.

"Thi? store is one like some others that sell a well advertised and popu­lar article at cost, and sometimes less than cost, using it as a bait. Then they try to sell the customer their own unknown article at the game price as

jTiico iTi.i a ,i. i J______ <lt« advertised article. But ontheir substitute they are making an extra profit, and often when it is an article of food or drink, thia extra profit is made at tne expense of the customer shealth. , , .

“ I aip now over fi7 years old, and for many years I have used


Fri. and Sat.RIC-CO-PO BLEND O O C

Coffee. The biggest 25e. value in America. This is » most popular coffee because of itf strength, flavor, purity and low price. Limit 5 lbs, to a oustomer,


This coffee has many friends al our regular price of 23c. Limjl 5 lbs. to a customer.

c' m



c. tt>.l b s ..00

miss Margaret btroud, 07 years old.

tn inlil^aaL, Vy‘ Tlmton Ava,

■ ■■

Duffy’s Pure Malt WhiskeyI was advistu oy my family doctor to take it three times a day before meals as I had a hacking cough. After ten days I noticed that my appetite increased wonderfully and it also helped my digestion, and 1 have not been troubled with a cough or indigestion since. ^

“My doctor says Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey is a pure, unadulterated and excellent remedy. He eayi that taken as a medicine and as directed hy a phyaiclan it is a blessing to.mankind." Mar­garet Stroud, 1042 E. Allegheny Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.

I |k sure to gM IhiSy’e—It’a Reliable ’ Wriie our doctora for advice. They will give it abso-

Intelv free and in confidence. You will glao receive a valu- tW 'medicat booklet. Soid in SEALED BOTTLES ONLY by awit druiglats, grooenisild.dMlerg, ati|).00 ahottlta •. ri:,.

QualUtea 3 5 i'T h e B O ff t A l l K i n d * '

VAN DYK3 1 41 0 2

1M..1NB STHESiTOne door from M arket

A tl «.' A U K (645 Browd St.)

m jL H is itn v sT R isB 'r, Near Market .Street "

Centre MarketIIS nrogS. Hi., tCUaakaia, N, 9. y

llarrlava''*t>e».llarrlao>, It. g.Sf941

Van Dyk at a Van Dyl Look for the name- where.

gdotir onlyb* bought ^ Store or Selling AgencYi

Bianchci everpr

B s s i e s s t e i s d l , :

Bsageda TM**


N E W A R K E V E N IN G N EW c?, T H U B 6 D A Y . J U N E 5. 1913.

S k ^ l o r e a n d c o m m e n t

to Do Best n Title Ralf-w le Event, as Goal-

9A let W u Onl.

lACDOUGALL TOUCHES RECORD MARKftnd ftUffstlihlp tiliht woti ft I

rtO« for F rtu li L. Ktom^r. thr wnrid'ftfp lln t otuiinploti. ftt the Velrsdromy trnf'U to ttt* opontnc h lfh t meet nf ih«'

Th# rhwnpion w m oble lo flmth fternw tbo fimoh Hn» f ln t In ih« half*mll^ nn- tfOBtl flhfcmplonnhlp event. Hi* WftJ* not. liBWfvtf, compelled to unr nil the •pt'^d th&t ho la known to tioiBefft. n» Alf dovU at the Little lad from the Antipodes, ht* freateat rlvel, wah not tn the final, helpf ih u t out In the firet »cml>final h ea t

The final of the race brouehl Kram«*r. jaa rU Clark, FrediJy Hill «nd Alf liienda to the atartlrif point, aa Kramer nrirl HHarti* hy clever t'ork, had «llinlitated OouUet and "Knock 'Em Down " .Too l\>tf. lar In the flrat heat of the aeml'rimil.

In the final a new piceedent wae net at the track, aa "Ferocloua Freddy" IIUI. who gave Jackie ClarU a roufth ride, vria glaguallfled, and the dlequalifi^atlon nl-

Jaekle to get aecond place,tHoufh he finlihed third, and tirenda, who Allifahed fourth, wae placed third. It wmi

The American eagle will In all prob- abilliy have an opportunity to acreech to hlw heart e cr^ntent tomorrow, aa on the eve of th»* opening matcbe* .n the Davla Cup tennis praUmlnarles between the American and Australian repreaentatlvaa, which will he the first of lUe Iniernatlonal compeiltlnns for this month. Ithcle 0 ftm'a bo>a spiieftr to be on a high road to vlcfory. The Vankee players, whoa# chances a t first appeared rather dubtout. have Apparemly rounded into fine form, and, while always considered aa having an rdge on the AustralUma. seem, through the fortunes of war, to have a atm greater advantage ovar the vlaltort because one of the party. A. B- Jonet. reckoned aa their heat player, haa been incapadlated by lILnMS and Is not fig-* ured upon to show at hla best, even If he competes a t oil.

— 4 * —

It will not bs aurprialng to eee the Americana nfake a clenn sweep of the aeries, although there may be an upset In the douhUa. in whhii the Auetralians ap- (>ear tt) he a t their beil. From tndtca* thins, tUanley N. Dousi and Hmucc Rice Vltl play In both singles and dovihlea for the vialtora. In the singles Maurice K. Mcl.K)ughlln, niir natlonu] champion, and R. Norrta Williams, the young Harvard student, should prove vlrtorloua. Tl'^y , iqipeftr lo o u trla is the A i^trallsns, dla- playing inoro si>eed. dash and genem l agility and being masters of the forcing

H q i ’a c a R i c e .

A u r i r i l i a


A nerkan Cyclist Furishes R iird to Seres and Guigoard m Paced

Race at Paris.


//V , .

\ \


t'lttri'ii'O I’aiman. the A m nlcnn rycllat, made Ins (‘orcign dehut In a n’loFdr'paced

I- oil the i*nrc yWi i'rinc-rs track. Pari#, Mii> ■-'•V In a four-i'ornered match* with {.rt'on Set'fS. E'aul Guigiiftr<l atul Bobby W'altimur 'I'he I'Rce a s s ruii In heatl, and In tJie fioAl t'am iaii flnlahcd third. The iHCr was won by Sores, with Gulg* nard serond and WaJlhour fuuj'th.

<.'artnaii won his heat aKsInsl GulgiyI'd,"* riding ten kllomeiera In s m inutes 13 sec­onds. WalditHji' IohI his heat against H^res. the laticr covering ten kilnm eteii In • miiiules ai 1-5 sevorids- W'atihour vav-

I luied Ihe Ihhrt henl from Oulgnard In i minutes 13 seouinls. und Berea won ins heat from (‘aiiiiaii lii S minutes d3 3-5 sve- uiids. The final heal, fifty kllometerb. vir ihlrt> -one nml oiii''Uuarler miles, was won

• Sere*. In mliiulea 40 1*5 seconds: ituipnard was aei ruid with one lap behind; 1‘urnian look ihlul place and W althour fourth.


th . flrit Um, .In c . Clark had hern riding Bara tha t a rM*r had h n n dtaqnalirind for g M n f him a rough ridr.

At th« a tari a t th« final Granda had ] tha pola. whila Clark, Kram er and Hill

up in tha order nomed. U renda: '• Amerlcooat to Ih t front a t the alnrl. A change I .ty le of t>lnr, McUmghllii, berauac of

\ D o u / t '

A u / t h a l i a

la Bdaltlon oi..t.urred aareral time. I.rfora tha l in t lap wag over. Hill mude a bid for Xram ar'a rear wheel and held li • f t a r . f a t t l u It an the hai:k alrclcli. (in- |0( down tha back airBich for the n c n d I tn t , Clark waa leading, fnlh.wcd by S rm da and K ram er and Hill, who were • s ' the outalde,

Tha ehamplon Jumped and Hill hung on. Clark atarled and waa r.n Ihe j.i.le. OMalnt around <>.a Munn avenue Him ■ M n er went Int-. tha lead and ram . down cloie to ^ e pole. Jai-kle ma<je a Bid (or h li re a rg h a e l . hul Hill gave, him Iba aibcw cominc down the home ilre l. h and rode Jackie to the flab The l i 'ic r alMead up, while K ram er and Hill ke|.| a t K, with n renda In third pla.-e. Hill otatantad hlmaelf with alelgli riding on Sraimer'a rear wheat. C lark, gol Ruing OBdlo. and by a good ride down Ihe ba.'k •irateh and Into tha home alretrh man- a«ad to b«gt Or«ri<lA to tb^ Upe.

At tbs finish K rom sr hft>i the leogih -A irhs«1 on Hill, who In tut;| whs

AlK>ut thfi ggms dlntgncs fihen<l of ris rk And two lengths ahesd of Grenda. Tha AoUon or Hill WAS so plain that Referee ItpSi tmmedifttely disquaUfled the Jios- tPAltn for his work.

AoHsl-^tlBBl Best of Alt.'T he H rtt iemi-flnAl was one of ihe lu'si

his speetl, has esmed ih r cogno­men of ihp ■ (‘sUfornla Comet," wnri Iasi season he weni through his entire list uf conipelUlons wllfnmt a defeat being chftraetl aaainni him. \\ llUumc, iirHcil- Cftlly a newcomer In the game, has show-p svirh nhtHty that he Is easily the second d ioke to McloOUghllTi.

W aller Rult and Thorwald Ellcgaord drew ft big crowd at Antwerp. Holland* May Flult won one heat oul of threa, and (ht Haue won ihc other iwo by Ini'hSH. Toulain won ft m atch from V'an Rfv<-r. who rode at lha local \>lodrom o during the week of the world eliamploii- shlp last year.

Hull won the handicap, lidlng from , scratch, from EllegAArdp ac|fftttri. and JantiftL-hs, 170 yards. Rutt. with Vanhon- wpurt iia tvani-mate. ^ p lu re d ihe flff>’- kil'imoier tac«- fioni Kllegaard and Laplss ami TouUin and Verllnden.


^ 6b i i n .

of the night. The reaull wa. plcae- to Clark and Kram er, aa they ellml-

Bated their rivala to a nicety. The cun< i u t yeally developed into a team rare w ith a K ram ar.C lark combination |tav- tikf.aU the beat 0( It. From the etsrt the men Muck to th e ir rrepectlve partner, •n d watched each other like hewke. At tha bell lap Clark w ai Icadlnt, followed Bv Kramer, Fogler nnd Ooullet. ra ilin g tha tape for the final lap. Jackie wae B^ng a t (top apecd, and tt wae not until tha back atratclj th a t Ooullet and Fogler m ale their bide. Aa they did. Kramer

'.-gave them a alight awHch. Juet enough . ..(D^grav‘«nt them from getting up. In the , gHon time, Clark waa riding el top .peed

god took no chancee by looking around t t aaa whara the olhera were.

V At (he tw elfth pole Onullrt made an ■ dflwr bid and paiaed Fogler. hut wae ; tmable to g e t by Kram er. Coming around

IttO tha b o n e atretch the ciianiplon, by :< g Httle (tailing, pu l both "GoulMe" and I; Tiagltr out of their atrlde, Fogler drop-

gad to the pole and tried to come on the Intlda, but K ram er eaw the trick and iMqtiedlalels' put on more epeed and led bdth men to th e tape, finl.hing a half length behind Clark.

Qoullat got rovenge foi- hla defeat In the title race by winning the five-mile dllen. The pace waa faat throughout, due

: to JompB of Jokua, Hanaen and Colllni.Stars h id to do s lot af paving in

A l^ r not to allow sni^ one to strsl away distance. With two laps lo

In (Jouliles th**n? Is snme apprehen­sion. Thr AuBtrallani havs shown hi their licit when playing logcihcr on the (‘ourt. while the Yankees have been a t their poorest. There was niurh rritlnihin when Raymond T>- Little was tentatively chosen with Hamid H Hackett for ihe doubles, but-now that the selections have been finally made nnd Mclj>ughtln mkes LlUlfl'R place, there Is more confidence The American team, with three members. Is to oppose the Auslrallan pair, Conse- cpienlfy. the pairings for tomorrow will be McLoughlin vs. Rice and Williams vs. Douet in slnglea, while on Saturday In the doubles McLoughlin and Hacketi will meet Doust and Rice. Even If McLdOugh- lln and H ackett meet defeat In the doubles, America can depend upon Mc- LougMIn and WTIllamslo come back with another victory In the singles on Monday to clinch the aeries. This was the order of the American victories over th r Eng­lish team here two years ago McLough-

and XV, A, Lamed won in slnh'lcs a t

M B U V 1 c » £ . n ‘ L o v yA m e M c. 3 ■

N o F r i f VO l l i a - m c A h T C F i c a


the opening of the competition, then L it­tle and .Vrthur Dabney auetalned defeat In the doublet. Winding up In the dnglea, McLoughlin and Lamed were again vlc- lorloua. The aerlea 1( decided In the t» a t (lirec oul of five malchee. one alMloa matdh counting Juat aa much a i a tli


etrength of tini- i-nmlunaiIon lo rruali oul It, rh a l. The nhnie affair- iB In violation of th r tnoet .acred rule, iif Ih" National I’ycllng A»aoi.-lailon, the E ''\- rm lng body of the aporf, under ubh h the \ ’elodrofne hold, ft nanctlon, and the moat poaltl\-p de-'lftrfliloo of John M Chapman, lire Velmlrome matiHger. (’hBp- man hu. declared time and again that there would tre no ■ teomlng ' at hla place, and Ihe N, C. A. haa even paaae-l iped a l rulea lo punlah those who prac­tice BUCh tftctk-a. Both .Manager Chap­man and I'halrm an B- F- Kelaey. of the N- C. A. board of control, were at the track liBl nlgln, but up to the lime of going 10 prcaa tbia afternoon there bad been no announceinefll frbm either that any action had been taken against the men who leat pdght .0 openly violated all the r u t e a t r a c k and governing body. ‘c ;


go. CtillhiB glarled to (print. Going downI back atratch while coming Into the hell

tap Grehda. who waa In fifth place, aud- denly alarted a t the tw elfth imle to. ou- vHnd. At tha time Ooullet waa in aecond place, followed by Clarke. Fogler and Jframer. Tha o ther Augtiallana auw him etnulng and were on ihelr way, Ooullet w u moving ao f u t th a t Clerko waa un­able to overhaul him, although he marie a game e ffo rt He had to It* eontented with aacbntLj|toce, while Kram er mAnaged to land Fogler w u fourth. Orendaw aa not Pekced.

v M acB aagall .Rguala Keeord.DongW MacOoiigall, ehamplon of the

glmon-pngea. aoilWrd the world's amateur rgeord. when h |^ o n the half-mile liandl- pgp from- 'Bcratsh. The champion nego- ttatad the dietanoc In S4f-S aeconda, which aquelB th e mArk o au ^ lrb ed by E. L. Toung. of Balt L a k e S S tt. a t Halt I.ake oij Augdlit ^ lU & ^ M S ta rare, bad Mar., PougBHe.llOt •WBBPBm tbe back•Itatoh 'fo r tB ti9 |B H |H would im vebroken the.m W riSpSnK cigaaed ibe field a'nd had no trouble -9 r 'F in n ing. i-lddle

-MtAlden. of thle city, geUIng (ecomi place..The ebamedon, however, met hla Water-

Tpo Ip ^ a td S M '’hlle open and finlahed ' . B y 'Wllllatn Hanl

-WW aleo won the

Of courie. t|ie 'cam which wtpa wlH atlll have to go to England to compete In the rinela. England holds thtulTAv** Cup. originally an American troBly, ae Ihe EogUahmen won It from AuMHUa by defeating ijte Auairallana on i j ^ ^ k t te r 'g heath laai wliUer, There le/ j P li hope that the Americana will n o ^ j8 & defeat the Antlpiideana In the p re « K malchee. bul will regain the Iruphy bujli victory In Great Hritaln. u n liap er th^V ankees ap ­pear like the beet of the ehtlro In terna­tional teama. Should America finally pre­vail. il will be the flrel time the Davie Cup has l>een on TTankee ioll for twelve years. The Doherty brothera won ll tor England In 1902, and although the Ameri­cana have played In tingland and Aua- Iralla since, they have never been able to regain the trophy.

E laborate arrangementa have Imen inarta for the m alchea at the West Side Tennla Club on Us enurac a t 258lh (tree t. New York. Enlarged scaling ac.com m odatippi

-. * , a LI. . _ _aa jfe _

It in li' laretl. and th « adjudlt^uiion \Mll lake I'lA'i' M'-M Sf|itemb#T. Thi? en- m e finluiM- m lo lo> dlwdpfi bftw -en J'lfirk'i* motiKi hihI Iii.n Mrn-Jc* and Jackie rxp’" wliiL'h may inftUe him iimilhon&lrr'. 'Tins ip onf casp where: Iwill fltlmll ! »m iiiamlnK.” smd (’lark, "rnr I hftve Rlrtady dpclaicd mysflf in onlilf

- + -Pru AUilrlc+i IMhii Hlff Tl*ni*

iH WOfi bet^e^n l^ lN o n ; qf Sweden,

f t ikPP*K.rdfioe Utt . sd tri for theHd thS'/ji^atch \nthfc'j

iM i t l i i bPBtK w lnp ln i * » c h ^ coming ■o|n'|Hch|ndTfrHBp-t*lt W yardg. Law

have been SWvMed for the bl* a tten d -, ancB expebted. Mayor Ga.vnor will open, the competition by presenting a Imx of balls to the players. The first m atch to- morrow Is set for 2 o'clock, and the oth<n malohea will s ta r t at 2 o'clock on day and Monday. Many Newarkera alg^ other residents of New Jersey will attend, the competltton*. ae there Is keen Inleraal Id the aerlerf In this city and vlclnfty. f

The -'frlendihtp'" between Goullet, Fog- ler and Hill has been noticeable ever tlrro the season opened, and It Is even assert­ed there has been a gerulfinen's ' under­standing ' between four men, the lad member of the Quarlet being Alfred Grenda, that they should work together. Kramer charged that Grenrta and (.imillet "teamed" when they heal him In the riiial pf the "Newark Thousand'' a couple of weeks ago. Clark la paid to have been

.pbject of aitsck by the "romblnatlon" since he left the “Btnlile" conducted

by Floyd MacFarlanil, and Ooullet took * his place. M acFsrtand haa declared that Gnullet will be the mcceeaor of Kramer BP the American champion, and Kramer thinks Ihe "train " haa been formed with that enu In view. He stood ll as long as he could, he asafrls, and na Clark needs "iirotertlen," why the ronaumma- tlnn of the K ram er-dark Limited, formed a week ago, was easily brought about-

_ + _

That Kramer and Clark will prove pastmaaters a t the game was indicated by their work last night. Their triumph over Ooullet and Fogler took place In the spnil;llhal heat of the champlonsiilp. and Id the dyp<i-ln-the-wool fan who llybs Jockeying aa' litetl M p, display of epeeit, tha srace. wag a_ tre ii^ -^Tha. d ip t i^ a -■was threa laps, aacoitd lap, '>Crkmer Ih a»l#W'; ''tjitrii 3 nd ajmi'lal-’H |» ^ |AWttrallan' Ait^

The I’ruflpTitiftl Aftsof'lati'»n In-teitrib to outdo all pre\lous efforts in tli.' {^lUlelic line al Its finmiHl irnok ai.d fhhl ff-irncfi. In he ii^kl ft Uffk f u m toniorrim' ftt Olympic Park. That In ftaylutf a « hole let. too, H.8 lh<* fruJen tlal A, A . hu* Lcnn nnibltiouft in thf> [laeit. nnd It luti rlotve ftonie m>tl\Wc tUlnisa in alhlellca. Lik^ oth^r ftood thliiKn. thoiiMb, the Frudentlftl A A. impro\e» with HRf, and Chairman Cathcftrl. of the puhlicily mmmlUee, and Nell McManui. w’lm horn tharKo of the enlrlcw, H«y« thf Improvement la of a ver^- heriJthy vftihty, There are all sorts of e\enta. something like fifteen In num*

men and the rid nnrp. Tlie eubi'ittijll'in nf F'oxhali Kpt»n'* aa raplaUi, for Hiury F’ftyne \\h iirn V whs iTMdr, it i* auld. ai Wliltney'B own suBieaHon, hr- r. \ifc«e Ihp latter regarded himself In ppnr Jiofilth and oul of form. 'The ^Vnterbury lirnther*. ll U frftld, iiifto SKreed that they were In pool form Htnl the anslfftimenl cf L. E. Siuddt.nl and Malcolm Plevensun Ir. their pli*<vH wtiii made without Lim- hrage belnjr taken, ll la declared- 1 mtke-up of tlip new' iesm by ilie ret'^n* tjon of Deverpiix Mllbiirn Is h mixture of uld and yount{ blood, Stoddard lit-en playinR it«'Io only A few yenrs. hri lie has heen showing excellent form, Sie- vf-TiBon 1« iinother younK player, who has shown great work at back. Keene la a VL-teran. having played on the four thai lost the cup to England In 1E86, but he la Pthl a top-notcher, Milburn, as a hack. Is a veteran, and isjUMArded as one of the beat backs - 111

Mftln'fi Injury Hard


#rd Ito Buffalo

Kranior-Ctafrit “Trahi" A ll-i)ow eT ful' —

wak an ita liliM jM'vh he appeared tor the rh-li hegt,-\:Fltaliafr.*ith Orgnda as a

wv partitev'MAcnTo hrd'tm^ l" wtniilng the tandalh, with Trwtdy Hill and

..PlBitir Collins aecond. fSrncst Jokus, with g .hood sprint, won lha two-mlle Invita- tUta'In a close finish from Collins. Ths

- ^ B U r y ; ,v .; ^ ].niftcmHe Apaateus .nhfficap--W on by

DlW M 'KtaicDougatt,' tn ia E k . scratch: -Xddle H aM en. Newark. I ^ r d s . second; 3ohn J. Brennan. N ew ark .V i^ rd s , third: (H4fB* Fault, New Tfork. 3S ysyda, fourth;

Bsyerman, Mohawk A. C., U ItaMPt, (tflB; time. My-B aeconds. cTwo-ialla; -bvltaetlon, Prateaslunal—tvon

Srneat JMit{Uk Newark: Elmar L. Col- ;.Lynn, ftokaa . |s e n d ; Norman Han- DAm arkr C. Cameron,

[«r Yorti, fdurU i;' ilififrT W Provt. icHk^Iih; time, h m lM tm U aeeonda.

i-mlle M atch. IMkm. Profes* iltlili'. I > wsTiii Salt Lake CUy, vt,:!/ aX Brooklyn. First heat

" ’ py Fogler; time, 1 minute h% sec* ^ Second heat won by Fogler; time,

;^ n u te s aeconds.OneoBiiM Invitation, AmBteur~>Won by

W UIam Hanley, San Francisco; William CftUt, BockvlUo Centre, L<oni iBland, g^ B d ; Albert Krushel. Buffalo, third;

innant prospects of the Buffalo cl^^Bpiave been given a severe Jolt b y '^ K e Injury to Mylr* Main, the Rlsons' s ta r twirler. Main wae a con- fiiten t winner for Billy Clymer. and was going along In KWat style until hit in the head by a off Art Griggs'sbai in M optreHl'oi^l^rBday. The physi* d an s a t tb« MoQMAl hospital where

I j'rali}ibl>. hnnp^ci. ll ^ fh pI i l l ’ll hI ' Kfirt Sianwjx, .\uguei I'r. )777 Tin prcs- I f*nl n.j,llnnal flag »if KuRlaiid, whlrli l.*> a

ciiniblnHl loii uf rrOMkeft of lit'iune Si Ainlrnw Bud Pi Pniriik. wnn inTirii'd In lh<ii

si- -Y y.Is It in if ihftl Ihe Priideiitial innuienre

<-'oinpan> in ?’oin* to buiki u fony-livr- ftlory hijihling kl Ike nu'tiei nf Mark'Tt ttnd Rroftd hlrrelft. alPO whut will b* Ihe height of F'ruclar s iiew IkeftMc. hthJ viiiat l!d the railroad fare frnm NeWHrk to the Highlands of NftseslnkV K (J, B.

It wftrt slated at iho office of Ihe Piu- dentlal Inauiunoc ('uTripany today that there no truth in the report of sucha building to l>e huiU hy that i-ompany. The height of ikn new prorlor Theatre from the curb le el In lUe highest pirint of roof beam Is lo be iOO feel. The fare on« way Ih Hi round trip Jl.rih,

— + ^V Z-:

Give me the address of the Swedish Consul-General in New York, altto the day and hour when he can be seen.

A. M.M. Claibolm Ih the Swedish (‘onsiul and

Anderberg in Ihe Vice-Consul, a T u fll ||y have their office at 17 State s tt1 lH »«ew York. rite to either of Iherit find aak for an appointment,

“ ■P —Y. Z .:

W hat is the diatanre and fare, one way and reiurti, from Newark to New Egypt?

The distance Is about alxty-three mile*. The fare on© way is 11.48; found trip DS I.

- 4 —\

W ASI n .Vt JTOV. Juiir fi.—.‘ tiirtirg ofl lire second hip of a fift.lttO-niitr jiutunu'hllft tour of roHfl hii-iioflinii, L 'Wfptguftrd,\ k'o-prcftliiftit Ilf the .VKtional Higliway AsHurlfUlori, tr ft hr i i‘ vuHcrUay Cor Get- tNKburg and IMUahu^yli.

Arcompank d 1-y Mrs Wi timu.ird, he airlst-d from Ntw York luftl nluhl. and before rfluinlCK to lliai city purpoHcs lo Lhopfc-t tie IhrOMgli limbw/ivH of the coL.rttrx both \o i lh and Smith hs fur as th f Cucifir i nabt-

Tlu* tmii in hoing Iftken for thf* EalUfT- inir of riiM-tuinil lnfi>niialUin Icn the hlgliwuy OE gaiilZHiniij Tlic norlhcrii r<oj(e will be followt'd on [hf* wcatwarrl trip,w ith tide i xt'urshTiF !•» thr rsinadtuli hor*di‘T. Rflurriliik. Mr ^Vcstgiiard will fol­low the Kouthern cmirsc. liiHpecUi.t; (h® roads of the Smjiliein tier of StalLS.


Hevenih annual lav\n lonnlH tuiirrmnicnt for the chanipltjn.sblji of the iTnited States In wuineii'h aliiglee and doubles and the Iwenly-Hccond annual in mixed doubles, will lie ln;ld under the auapiuis of Ihe I'nileij States National loiiwn Ti n- liiH AfcSocTuilon _ hy the i^hlladelpklw Cricket Club at s't. .Martin » next .Munduy and following days.

SEMI-PROFESSIONAL NOTESErnli! Wolf, the Wataesalng hoy, is back

Trom Waterbury. Masd.. where lie had been pitching in the New Eiigland Locague. f, WoK. U iB said, has Jumped the club. Manager Caaey GJusHiiji last night con­ferred with llio twirler and Hecured Ids promise (0 pitch fur the ironaldrfi ugaiiiit the Lincoln Gianta Sunday morning at the Parkview Oval.

y. z.Main «as taken noslt'fear that the twlrler ' When will the flrat hand runt-erl t

a . hima nmhahiv Orange Park and (he E»i


hF (Sl^vehilwJ 'i in i ■ktll attd fid':'.Ba/tta lIiiMi

I'eh, Imtludlng fat men's-race,, potato race, wlieeltiarrow race and sack race, and the commlttaa declared there wilt be Mill dtlier naipbera. If eight cante<nanta, .ap-

; ^ r - f o r . a n i / (vent. With aom elli^^ Jltti> luamtlfrg in.. tti.e assodktlb ll.' " "

'■ ''r- iKli.^' At-e'^tJIIetically rncjl'n*d^''r wfiewi’-'.llie athletjd

’- 'v tS'tamea haa 'fo aa ,


Will be tem porarily ; blind, and probaWy permanently deaf av .a result of the hard blow he received. An X-ray examina­tion yesterday showed that both of the tw lrler's car drum s were aerioualy In­jured and th a t the optic nerve waa a f­fected. The physicians have advised Main to remain cfuiet for a month or so.

Gloom haa been cast over the camp of the Herd because of the acci­dent. The losB of the pitcher’s services will leave a big gap In the twirling department. Clymer Is quick to aeft that he Is In a bad way, and has already begun negotiations for a sea­soned pitcher. Duffaio is soob to begin a long ftwing about the International League circuitr and if the Blflons wont to atay up in the race, which Is becom> lug hotter as Ihu days go by, the Herd krill' have to be strong In the pitching j(«p»rtn**Bt ■/

ing Uje jianjiai

side Dark ? L, ,\,The flrat concert a t Orange Fark Is

acheduled tor July t, while the first a t E aat Bide Park ia achedulerl for ^ n e 17.

iifh.for the


tkM t m lnutn 2( 1-6 k^onda^' i.Twae-i " ■ ■ ^_ mile T»nd»m, Q^MwFfkfeaslpnal

eLyruji by Alfred Qrenda.anV iI.de Fogler; ColHns and Fred Hilt, aecond;:. C. Cameron -abd Ernest Jokus,

tlilrd: "Marman Anderson and Norman A akieli, fourth ; Floyd Kreba and A]vm li|in « a fifth : time, 7 minutes 3>-5 alKDfidji.'iV k^-gaU a Open, Amateur—Won by

Hanley, San Fraoctaeo; At Kru-

th s Velodrome track lakt night, and Tor appointment and spied It had all the" other "tralnB’' which have appeared there this leaenn outclasaed." t t was the E a#t Orange-Australla Limited, and lU crew were rondiietor Frank K ram er and En- flnekr Jackie Clark, It made Us maiden trip in the half-mile national ehamplon- ahlp, pnd arrived at its deatlnttlojl on lime and with only a illglil Jar. TTiere waa another "train" there al.sO, but,ithla second one waa wrecked. I t wasd’t ’ be- cauae i t was not living' up to the " fu ll crew" taw that It met with Ita mlghtip, for tt waa inore fully equipped than (ha flrat "trallt." I t had "Knock 'em Down Joe" Fogler aa englltaer. Alfred Ooullet ae eohductor. and ■ **Fa^loue Freddjf" Hill aa brakeman. ■ The Staat Orange-Aua- tra lla Um lted dropped a bdttlder on th e track of the second "special" nia»ne()'.by Ooullet and Fogler In tha ■eml-ftna! l(«bt of the champlonehip, shutting, .^t^em-rmt. Clark and Kramer (Inlrtied, oiia arid two, while Hill waa sent to th« roundhouge In the (Inal. "Ferocious FrelJdy'L cam e to grief when he tried some of "K nock ’em Down Joe's" tactics tn bumping Clark oft the track a t the Start Of the lost lap of the final champlohship heat, (or which h* waa dlsqualtfled by ‘T ra ld - maeter" Hose, who didn't tike the aampln of "ratlroadlng'' Which “ Ferocloua Freddy" displayed. ’’

rush thtponllbi;di

'dhanee'jr^bo, . r v a c w e iT T n - . t-v .-?-. r.-be. sumL « id - eijirfc M » d ;9 ia p if* W HtnTn W - 'f l n a ! . , i B ^ ^ ilia fight from - I t^ lW d t w l ^ t Clark'..on. 'Ogeiida wag'diifRti4 . '^ '« « t I < w .« n d the

b U f iO lO ic ii ; was in


J t- .

the F rttf“■('(isiwt.. b ^ d e n J r ' ’

- ‘“' ' ' lUW dhrei .'wirii-h

'■ 'ilto ing

onFy' Ckan^' ?Hlll runnlog black off 'toe t*'ack:f.dnd be falled Ihare, as hs W s 'd laquallhad for tha act--' As Clark flnighod ahead ^ Gronda he grK aedond piuW <^-the dei

- + V....... Aik

There waa furthar'AVldsboo'.At TPdjjJ.- .ing" in the ftv»-mUs open tdfia >*Jaw ^i

t f le n d V '

sbal. .BdffAlo. aecond; Donald HacDou gall. NattaiMr, tb ird : Wtmahi Fetd t. Kock- vUta CWRhmi lo n g Island ,'fourth ; tlms.g jMtaulas lit 1-6 seconds: .iNv«-aaU* Ogan, Frofesslonsl—Wob by AUrod OobUst. Awtralto: a , J. Cfark, Abetyalta, second; Frarik L. Kramer, East (hapge, third; Joseph A, Fogtar, Brook- tykir-fourth; JfTad HUL S ^ o n , fifth; tiM , 16 ntinutag « aecontfi.


The preceding paragraph haa to d p With bicycle racing as we see It ilow « t tb s Velodrome. Instead of a (air d l^ f t i r of prowese between individuals'whdcii should provide heen sport, racing there g|bW haa developed Into a light betwaen:; cotn- blnailone, which dependa nSoa the

and Clark were ap p a r^ Iy .ESrla.^y but a comblngUon cl(itnigi4»ll6*6rather InterfereA ivKiy* fact, Qoullet Been);* Iff dft|(lay the su p ^ ' 'tor getieralahlp ««d b* «iOn the racle Uiem*' by, 'Changing puce ^ u j^ b t copitderahle hard tiding for ClarK, a«d. aluiough h» tried' to fofpe- Qotlllat: to th* front during the last mil*,’ "Ocutlte." (trailing him, waaii’t to be forced, and whan the final sprint came tje bad tha benefit., of a pull from Clafh. »hom he trailed to the mid­dle of^lhe back etratal^„He then Jumped Into th* lead and won isy aeveral lepgllis- Clark led home Fogler, .Kramer and HIIL who; finished IB the order named, the ohamploh not Uiowlng much of a dla- posltloh to "rush" matlera. Ho was sat­isfied to see plartt win, It the latter could,

.^ad he w asn't‘averse to allowing Fog- ler to get a Utile ‘‘Interest" for the mort­gage on his newest Brooklyn tenemenU

a - * - .

(Tbu-k H ay Be H lU lo m tre

IttlS not to tae won outrigbyl, b\^t ift held LiY a conteftiant for a yoarV >^ only be­comes hift perTTianeni proi»erl'5(. Ih cane h© wins it at ihrcp diffvrom ThisfnBures compeiKiim for the^ trdpby fur ihi‘«c ycfira at l©ast. and thi»' la the flrct year ll has b««n offered. FresM ant Drjr-; dsn hasn 't stopped with the ivup. elthtri.

^ h&hai also offered » g<Hd medal, which the pei manenl property cit

winning .the highest num­ber' of polittIi.,AT the p re d e ^ meet. Still further, H r.T ^ y d en wilt hon­orary refsrM of the gamM .-kfut-*f(Mf wards will make the presei& tloiysM tita; gold, silver and bronze m eita^. which "kill ito be awarded first, aocond and third m en In each event.

1 td have ' rSrtvr the vwjth the

N of but "tile fti^t Nlump at

$Ae uf the second

Y, t , :W hal ’Will remove fresh water fapols

from a charmeuae dreae? G. E.The BpotB can sometinies be removed

by ^teaming. You'd better consult a 'p ru- feaelonal cleaner.

y. Z.: • •In what county In New York State la

Haines Falla? P. J.Greene County.

— 4' —Y. Z.:

Is yt neceaaary to have a permit to put canoe on the canal? Also can A person

not having a rack at Branch Brook Fark have the privilege of using the lake with­out a periNit? H, L. M.

A permit Is necessary and it can be ob­tained a t the ptanehoufte. on High s tree t A monthly permit will coal you $2. Only those having canoes at Branch Brook Fork l^ake are allowed to uac the lake, except by hiring a rowboat. The canoe, rental there la |3 a month.

- 4 ' -"T. Z .:

lOt me know Ifv Sleeplechaso Park, '}tey Island, will be open on Sunday,

A. A, K.Yes, sir.

Mamiger George IJrach, tif the Ailing* ton A. A., has a fliuil word to say tn Die controversy'p^er an unplayed game with the 8t. BenW iife]^ B. C, Replying lo

0 lUtHirjBj»S8ertloh lhat (he gaxne Woa.'tiOt pJllyV|p|[K^ the crowd wrai'.(00 ■mail, . Ph yskell the St, Bienedict lekdop a team thatever faiiei! lo got a,jnjli4intee Hgrce'J upon from (he AningtonA^lBi'jls iJcach; .

“The gamp Hi ll:Tri o'clock,We g e n e r a i i y t o play before' <1 o'clock, a r td g 'i |l9 ^ flfr( ' G lut­ting hnd no o f W B w toe Htu-nci-once would he^>Yhea U to coi*le d the 'tiacon.'^ * •

Arclile Dailey's AVaUessings and the Rrtghtons of East (>rango will engage in the first game of their annual Heriea Sat­urday afternoon a t the N orth Park and

^podd street groui.da.

- Swift & Co. niho. wlilch is ds- be a fast team, will tackle the

if e y e y ./A p e lle s Saturday afternuun on tlie Rlv4r j |k O v 'a l, Kearny. Lawless, for tbe and Aymur. for the Speedbpyid opfioalj]^ ritchers.

Alah|U|i^AH.hur Q. Bak^orn. of the Nrw P jo v iS w p baseball team, has secured the Aroertcan j\. A. of E ast Orange, to m«et hhl team on the Paeaalo Oval. Mut- .r^y Hill, Saturday aUera

,i‘ i.’-

P o lo BolcctJons (.-aitso S tir

T. ■£.. f A( w hat hoi

Railroad (Kit It day (our to Was] know whan ihe^ will there be any of the Prudential A. A. meet a1 Park? W hat kind of ammonia Is used ’With peroxide isplrlts of ammonia or hovisehold ammonlai to be put on the face: How can 1 get rid of blg-blach anta In the pantry? A. 8. J.

The F ran i^ lv an ia uses three'claases of t5 accommodate its passengers dur.


I * . ■S O U f H .O f tS .N O t A V t., V * | | tO H

a t u f d s y f b l u n t 7 i (Cahwta oxg

a a w a a a S t M aekan „T Diwtoch Hgg H atatag

aal«i*Bl>c A M t* * " A: B. 0- t . -Ofeiwi.lnsfelg.

IffaJtlt* F M lag t a — I « * « Mff lUc*, — tU H scs-

J P O ttM ta ftse M w M f r n m -u.-.

P t M i d j i f I d u n t 8 , 3 P . M .’T'filljihtfaad Anatrallwa P a n a l t K aes,

1 f i l7 va, Amastcai’f ta r l* V u « a l , f t t t r Itaw rcare ,

^ •N U * F » ( . A. R. C. V. G M autagH hlf. (■real Fmf..g«BUJ« H aag ltap

M atth *aaa , ' -:Off«t T9 (MaM, INMI’T arisit^lfc

th ilM Trgilii VBiMi t M l i


Jackie Dlark was. happy h a t night far more reasons than 'on* . H* secured a place In the diam planshlp point table, was stennd In the ftve-mlie open, he got a good reception frora^'lh* fans with whom be was always popular, and for the first lime tn several yeai-a of riding here he saw an opponent diaquallflrd for an of­feree agalnat him. F u rtbar than that, and something which Uie tana .didn't know, he waa carrying a le ttar of glad tidings re­ceived only yesterday from hla dW home In tir-o ff Australia. I t was a missive /rdra his mother which told of ih* im- pendtni settlement of Ms grandfatbkr's aotal* comprising entailed property and ether wealth, said to . run in to nUlUanw I « « |ta r t h td Iw w Wftt-tff Bngl^Bd op th*

V.; ■ ‘

To say Ihal the announcement regard­ing the seleetinn of the American polo

team , which will play the English (our next week, caused a ncnsatlon Is putting It mildly. It would hardly have caused a grea ter furore had the m atches been called off. Harry Payne 'Whitney, cap­tain of the team which won back the cup In England In 19C9 and 'Which auocesafuUy defended It In 1611. was considered tha best polo player In the country . It not In the world, and passing hlih up can hardly be figured. Larry W a'terhijry was ala* looked upon aa a fixture, b u t ,of Monty W aterbury there was sam e ioudit. That th * ^ ia some other angle to the change thadi; III* ability of the m en many will believe. There Is said lo haue heen a lack of harmony an-.ong Ihe old fpur, which haa been hvlghloned by the failure of the players to practice mueii together. Whit, ney has been away from praotica prac tlcally since the team moved over from Lakewood to Long laland. an d ' thla fact haa been commented^ upon. T e t I t was the ooneenauB th a t th e old (our would be chosen. The new selectiona bavo further heightened tbe alarm ^agtordlng the pos­sible defeat of th* American* *nd the odds prtvailing In betting ctrolcvtoday are Id to 7: on the Englishmen.

‘Tha ptayer* tbemeplvaw c la im . to ha

ho tela!luy the stay in Washington, and the use of any one In either class Is contingent upon the rat*, p t . far* charged for the tour. 'The Hot determinedupon the date nor .the r i w f p r its next excutslon, and loj oann'bt tdiTWhal hotel or hotels will be 'uaed. . .Dtludhg'WUl be In order after the jprudjpttoi gafttas.' A combination of a m m o n tg ^ ^ 'j j^ x ld e hydrogen as a. fhee Was))bJ|R ' startling. Do hot use d a y ' as that without the advlpe and ijl _ _dlrecllon of *; physlclah. Inquire ^ thi drug store fo t'an ant exterminator, hi

T. Z,:Tell me the eiawt number of people who

saw the game between the Phillies and the Oiants on Baturday afternoon at the Polo Orounds. 1. L. F.

Aa the management of the New York Club does not make public the attendance figures. It is Impossible to give you tbe deiji'cd Information. L’nofflctal figures place the Crowd a t 30.000, approximated.

■-* —T. 'S r 'S '" '

nacasiary lo have a llcenge aritilqa In this city?

t ' f :.-.b ,


(Jf i(;jtot» peddle, ,lh«*i

rJ51|la tlmWj th a t offers

a. R.a free eoura. In chem lsirj ?Chemlst''y Is taught ai the Central, East

Bide snd ijnrringer High Bcliools and also In the Central Evening High School. T l^ tatter, however. Is closed for the season.

pit^ISfiig' Agdtha) Vosalcr toat tiKo Glaisen waa fa i^ l work on the ihcO ‘ replace W atertl#| credited wUh hilH B. S. of EllzabctlJ Ing for the Lai the hill tor AtidyJ, ler beat the Irvlnntgi fourteen batters,

Jim Ddrsch. managet^ ton tn«i^, says he ha* ' Colored Q'lantg to ptaj on tl>c Roseville Ovj'“ worker*. Wild Ulll ' p itched. for Jt^iv^Aigancag 0. r i l l t men.. ::tlor*

■-fpepiwy '■

■ T H 'Ia giimli'^pr;!, a cancelation anxious to


Pasaalc Oval. Mur- ItI.m, A MJ *\«De-kmesllMlA ^Tile Bronx Suburffaqs arid ih? Roseville A. A, nines are slated to editio together Saturday afiernoon a t E ast Orange Oval. /

nf th« Ironside F. C., Ho^ ^ u k s VoBsIer, of Dllzabeth.VoasSi^3^(li|s%iEitoP:ea ranee In th s Iron-

jjl|(lay a t Paterson, S tnart *Set.

Manager used by his red him to

Hh boy Is the T. A, fie pltch- anth, on ffei, ‘YoSs-

|k lng out*

W orthing- :hs fit. Louis

y morning s t the-pump* who formerly jlirea of Chi- ‘or the colored

lias »e\-ured a itrfsr, but decllnss to 1 th^ iimpti'e calls the

Club Is without rnoon, owing to

itiager Cofhlait ia conteat for th a t

date. Managers of scml-pro tsome may. communkate with him on th s tstephons a t to Msndhatn betwesit 7:30 and 8 o'clock tonight.


St Patrick O’Connor

malic ol




Foui' nrw re (wo prevlnijft j day fiflernonTi' n Thf? ainrjj^' Pftrorhlal

l lx hundreii^^ than a wrorv dloot^M of 0'ConnoT‘ft |i*1champlonnh11]\ repreaentaupf'Bllsahstli. wT ^ during tbA

Elmer S / thift rll.’Jj George's/ , for the each.Ihe

SK-H ^R c h

prlic Thf*points. I rloliisuitlocal (Q%t ,dlfflcult.vto(''^">


turns Vt er JonTabuJat show

Orhools ff In traolf^^ boys nine i r

'S ight and sefi ■whirl'

ttOM n

/inlshptly d

pracllrflli'.inoj,hs's Junior Tneef. WC*' whileWASotherwithfrom elg^riftl]

ihaash - f eveThf eiiij

the f lr s lP4 H n * '•yard ‘

nlngthe f lg r? * ™ In 7 t-5• 2-6 sece V\

Wlchnel Hequalf>d ^negotlatl I andIn the 2l r 27 i<con< ^

One otFi rscords . .

’ Kuhnsn,the VallifP*^

the m ld s^ P ' ■y sr ty 's ^

year,ancs, G f Inches, mark.Inches, b|t,

cl' ' rs(

ilflrec of

*vary seV,^^' p*r(orme<f-"“ eiack of fegs beloij scampered first eveni

' Mayor haJ everything I


goon frnn John A. tandent o f t ark DloceW Joseph’s t r


goered HhA. L.U lo r M o # " Rav. JuBfr „ Church: B** : Church; if™ Oraca C h f ® Mahonay, i . , City; Rav.l>^ Churoh, B> Nicholas's Butcher. t? ,h rch : Bj* inAiba'a c l “ ' Quirk. o f R " chairm an itT ffchoolbbys' X

In tha May, lay Jr., John Rex. .Dr. Eds W aldron. Dr. Ollroy, Joaep g h e iitt Mona end J. Leona

If thift tirecity playgrou

p lo ta tta w

-■ fr- ■ «-Y. Z.; TKindly tell me where I can secure an

Iron erib (or a baby's grave In the ceme­tery. ^ ' K. D.

Copeult tlje 'advertlelhg.jcolumna of the N,owf. nr any of tha v a rlo u cemetery aa- eoclatlons. '

T. Z.;H ow many States fera there In th*

Dnlon? AMERICUB.There are forty-eight Stats* In the

Onion, *

Y. Z-;Clive me the ages of the American and

British nags. WEE MAC,On January 2, ITM; a flag wa* rilw d

* t Cambridge, wber* the American army waa then etalloned. Thle flag retained the Union Je rk to Indicate th a t th e cot- onlate still recognised their allagtance to G reat Britain, an d lo. addition had a t a

PUNCTURESb e f o r eO U T

‘0 e < vgive yol

'M l

s';W -

K--' ■ ■ ' 41

flajd thirteen strip**, alternately red and wfililt«, to rcpieeant the ihirteen coienlea Finally, on June ia lt77. the Contltieotel C0hgr«e* adopted a Dag. htvtng, a r b e - for*, a tlelo of thirteen etrlpe*. but with n union of thirteen star* pn a blue givund. rrpreeemlng a now constellation. Ae*ordtnK to. tm dltlim the firs t (tag after Uie new design wae made by-Beley Bo**, of PhlladslpAlg. T h M Is much .unceiv ta in tr both




There wa* iJunior relay,

. r g tra^h tened a klok eg all whieh. It w ii

'lqS:'Si'.jr on* of the rt [ 'T # ' * ' ' Werr* HaJ I. V . .ohampien. w,

Uff-yard dasl , d a ^ (peciai : •tghth-m tta e ' ****. Th* ;P

iS; . th* eommarc "Si le p h 'i BcHOOl

the half-mU*, ;■ tohla. 4o« O

eh*th, Won tl ' i lz "oomnin

i te ik irita ' Th* srewd,

' perMmlh^Miit ai>ojh*r on i e ta u ^ ik a t’ nothing o*mi

•,hoF* w*r* pi gnmmertae:

iw-Tard '-eB*Uly, TitrtW d H ugh £

St tNiS ‘

■ g t,, ^ W A I N. g . '

guet D«*ch ntrleh**; J< «Wth, and 3 ■Cre*a>—TVon Bek**, third, oad*.

IJO-Tard P WeJaeh, « . Kleta

i r t '



!U(y nt'hC nlled iblea tiXL'd plc< a Till*lpl>i«ndisy

back Imd

cigue. * club, con-

J hia alntt S at

ciliiK* n the

with 11$ IQ

the •rowd (1 the

that u|Tun

t.'loi'k. leforn ‘ Glut- ttcnd-(f cui-

1 the Lite in i Bat* [( and

a do­te the an on IS, for Speed

« New ycured ge. to




:eraon, Bet.

m aser by hiB i lm to boy la T. A, pitch-

tb. on VoiB-

ng ouV

■thiiig- . Lootk orning purnp- rmer)y t C h t- ^olored I red a nea to Its the

Hthoufc ring to dan IB r th a t B may ephona o'clock

E U Z A B F rH E ,L A N D PA R O C jfflA L

\ SCHOOL H P O R S^ StPatrick Im

O W Trop'--®’'’ “ '*•

HAVE ^- „ 1 Records Are EstablishedFour oiy

^ I t t t r k s Are Equaled.Mjput----------

aE R G Y A l f ! "



S C E N E S A T A N N U A L P A R O C H U L S C H O O L T R A C K A N D F I E L D G A M E S m T E R D A Y


E L f ^ e n S h e p t s k ., ivinntn^ 7S

M«ard dash. niM aet. rs*R I'T H arry O dd, Be.

areoadai BrhDol, Pfr^TlouaA a t a v l n u ^ 'l n r e f t a d n . made bf rrrfird . ft^D oi. Ht, H1rliarl'« BrhAol. John lir^ 'l l* (n RHadlejr. at, Fat> and Wlf^^kool. la ID12. rtch 'a Jump, m tdart, 14 f r r t ,

Rroad^^ Hlckanl K ubnan. starred made lallahurK h. Trpv-H ra rl Ml fr^t | lar-h. inadrloo» rrr'^Bk IlftUiihrrtjr, St. ( nluvD-h r In MHI.bn'a Jump, n U r t * Inrhna,

H Ish Ji hy Mlrharl L.ron. iBRd«» ^rhaol. I'aMaalr. 1 'm ‘loiiaAtlrfaari • J f rr t 7 ‘4 lurbr* . tnadr hy rrro rd j^ " **h*lTnf, at. JoarpU'a F r a u r P . IWW.Brbooof^ht-pnuDd Hhnf put, 40 t r r t .

F la acy iv i r r Mark, St. l*atr1oh'a p iadr l''ll*alirih. Frrvloua r rr -BrhADl, nt iUfhru. miHlr byord ns H inloa, St. Jam ra 'a

Ui’ordn were estaWlshc'd niid Four new rriTTiflrKji w<>rf crjnalpil: ,\»strr-

two rre\-ioii^ ^ kl HiUpIdfl 1‘wrk, Rf*lles|lle. day flftrrnOim’J'il flllilt'M. mrel of ih« ■ n Itir nT\ rjiP t'hoolljo.Vi' Alhirtli- I^a^ur.

1*arorhial 1 vnunysleiR ri?prefteriiiiiR more SU hundrei!^!*’ parluh flChnolH In the than a ‘oTniirled Hlsiiopdloi'ese of /allvrr nip, embleniAlic of iltr 0'C(mnoT-|! Rl'l’' '"'■'■rind «»nj' hs I heehamplonetillJ' '" PnirU k > H, honl.r e p r e a e n t a l l k f ^ to \» ) of pulntp Ellubelh .during th« t>r yt. Columba s Schon].

Elrner SF’ f'oglelln, of Sithla rl l.y Pflleraoii, who wrre tlnrlGrorgr'aa It^dlvhluRl lionors with in poIntM for the prulmhly wondeniiK howeach meet, will awtird (hethe athletfi poorlng the moatnrlie fA "trophy" liafipeiia To be apointa t rlotlipfl and unleaa the rlonor, suit ofVrii^^ - eonie wny out ofIrti'nl iniat’ they will taked l f ? l e u U * " ' ’K '*"■ 'turns polnta scored by The

TabulatT*^*^^*** St. Patrick n to be etrong arhools r f flvenli. The Kllinbeih arhool- In traolc^^ points In all but two of the boys numbers, fliilshlng f t ' takingnine irsij'^^'® ahotput 'n i t Junior

•'Sight Patrick's relay teame.and eecond In ijje relay ra<’es,which If clinched the cup St Poluni-

t he

rroweli. Bl Peier s, DelleviMe eerond. Charles Hairy. 8t PatrJrka. EUsabeth. Ihlrtl. Time. i»S MACondii I new event i

Hroarl Jump. MUlgei—Won b) Ulchsrd Kiihnan. Barred ll^’4rt. VsilHluirgh; Fl»n- cia Kennedy, Rl Alary * Mayoniie. eec-

.^»nd. John HnjIMi, Sacred lleail , Valle- burgh. iliJrd lilbtanip, 11 feel tnew rec- ordi.

ft^Ynrd I>a«h Midget- \K n n h v Harry Conn. Bt Amonlnpia t . Jo)iri Walsh, St Nicholas, Neroinl. la-y|le F'rlee. St. Ml- ihftrlH, i IiImI Time. 7 1-fi 5e<unds <,n» w rm ird t.

7 Yard Unsli Junior W'on by Kltner Hhefter Si. Cot init*i! u. Francis Pet^^re Hi iui;bk'!*. Kll(-dli<lli, erii,iiM), ilogh() hoiir:»n, Si rih|iimha n tli;r<l Tlmr. h 1-5 Hec|.|iil^ Mpcoril enuali’Ji

piu^ ari'i I isFh. .''t nloi Hn by l/eiiI'osteil'. St liporRHH Mii-hiifl irftluppn.St I'atrIrK'e, J-;i|?abri h. eetoinl th-Tila liiin St .\lnrj ?i, KIlKaln’th. ihlTilTime, 11 Ff-omle

L'jn-Viinl .hirlnr W o n by FlniPfShefier. Si |^■]l.nlf^a■ , Klorian retri>, St Prttrli k .t. Kllrabetli, er< i>nd , Hugh u tb.n hfii, Ki •"uiUinbii e Ihlib. Iltne, /7 ae-omJs ircrunl l•lllmb•lll

i^jmyHir] Kpeelhl M'ioiivd |o John liougb- eily Pu-rre (iageii, JoHopi, p.irteil an.I I’Karlcii Heill) nil of St Jueepn fu on Iby Hageti, lieilly aeoripd Hod Fnirell |third, tlriiY, ly* 0-5 ser'onde

High Jump, ftenlnr-\5’un b>- Mb Mae!l.\oll. Bl Nlrhotflu's, I’nsaau I ’unie! Ma- hon«v, Ht .Marys, Hayonne, .■<einnd. .bifiles Miltraili, (mi l.ady of tlraro, tlilid, hrlght. o fpv( H tm lies iru*wrei'iirvl)

Elglil pound SImi J'uh Senmr Won h\ peter Mark, Si, Ibiirirks, Elizabeth. Charles Hairy. Si PiilrU k », KllxuheJi. eBiond. William Keboher. St. Jame.-a s, third, dletuMCH, H* m-l inew rernrrli,

xMldgei Hehty—Won by fti Aptontnhis> Pohool. with Matthew (Jaynor. l larrv Conn, nonlfa-^e .\lcJiermoit anil Vnaej Rnmh. St .JoHPtJi'a Si-hfiol, f^eonnd. Si N'K.'huiaH'R Scboiil. tJiird; lime, 1 mlriule 3r 11-5 aHcyndv

Junior Heldv-Won by Pi Colnmbn'a 8<’hool. with l‘'ri*ij Mari«er. liiigh O Dnn- nell, Kdwai'd Morgcntlieln and John Sohrtber. S( Patrick s School. KUxabclb. aecond. St. Alary's SrlKml, Hayonne. Ihlrd; lime. 3 nilnuli'B ^4^-5 eec<.>H(lfl

Senior Helay-\1iui by St. P a tr icks H* houl, with Paul Mulcahy, Artliur O Neill AuRug! nesch and John flllrny; St. Patric'k Si’honl. Klizabeih, eecond,81 Mar.v'e Sclionl. Bavoime, ihlrd. time,3 mlnulea 34 3-3 fcoonda.

w i T K y/ A c

■limi.H, Sirm k

'•uuus lr<‘lni Ilk IhighcTi J, VI l a.-(Juinn I I'll

7, off I .iiFli 4 I >onldi' |ihi> l(v tlraliMiTi 7.11111 (<• Jii'klltHCb

FInt'ci an a i,rl cjiilnb-\HK‘ 'ONI« r, \Af K

and I'rieeiI'.v Lush fi. by la- Off M iighes

Flia to Hnliy rmplre*

T t ' / i i S A o . 6 0 69jA


S t. Louis T u rn s o n N ew Y ork an d

an d D riv e s P e e r l e s s M atty

f ro m th e M o u n d .


l» St

practlrft' jiooj. of* ilila city, by winning theba'a second place In theJvinlor ^ tnlAl of tweniy-four noirits.meet' wKi- Nicholas'* School, of Passnlc, while Rpi^ twenty-one talllea. Twelve was broke Into ihe point table,o th fr n rP i'’* r a r t |W 'J i t fray 'flown witli (ni.fl''**''' •" I'*" ro'n(»- from elgj^rBah! Four He<iarda Ga,

le a s h in g of recordit began with The erS p rog ram -tbe 60

the flrBir^^ nildgel*- Harry Conn, run- yard dar Antoninus's, low+^rcdtjlng nainlng the final li^*atthe The prevlaiis mark wasIn 7 4-S niarlc last year, avid held9 2-6 sec!?U '•YllllaTn Rrliidly. of Bl. Pat- lolntlv and John l^nrmx, of Si.nek 's Re, School, both Uica! buys. Shefter M ichawii '>>» ^E-yard /- .co rfl hyaqualed the disiance in 8 T5 seconds, negotlatl *" previous m^rkgnd latei‘1®'^^*'^ Junior run by roglsterlng


Athletes of Suburban School to Com­pete Against Morristown Satur­

day in Field Games.


In the in the rare.27 aeroni ’"I'ls®* record end two senior

otiSwent iiy Ihe hoard. Richard records f Sacred H eart BohooS. InKuhnan »l’h'‘Sh section, cleared U feet In the V ail.(St Jump. F rank Dough-the mida™P 13 feet J inch, made last

, . I Tia the best previous perform-year **** ** t®«t -» ' ^'Michael Lyon established a new

I S e old record was t feet 714 Francis Shalvoy. in 180S. Peter

jt. Palrlc lt'i shotputter, heavedInches, mark. Inches, b,*J

,}_mas Hanlon's record, made In

and city officialsthe welgiithan Tho’I ..jjj,

r a th o i ir l represented. Mayor Haussling, —.iiJflred the starting gun a t nearly '

I S - K .! i t of games held by the league, JH his duties with ekill, and a t Ihe

•*3.hla official pistol, twenty little «7eck runners,oraok of f t h e ^ v a r d dash, the

to. get unoW way. A fter the gteen the meet Its Impetus,

^weh't along In rapid order.ijii'Kill'bose Preeent.

|his' happenings of the after- j th e guest boxes were Eev. Jftlloh,' president end superln- fparochlal eohools In the New- le; Rm'.‘ G. W, Corrigan, Bt. ^huTch; Rev, H. O. Coyne, art Church, Vallsburgh; Rev,

i-k, 8t, Joseph's Church; Rev. Laugblln, St. Joseph’s Church;

t M - T * 1 h Corrigan, St. , Mtcha(l|y| tT.Si'I- ■f- P ' Dooley. 6t. A n t o n i n ^ '

eu..,wh- « e y - Joseph Kelly, Our Lady of enuron . tie . t j . . . u . - . . . nChurch Grace Ch< Uahonay, City; R*v Church. Bl Hlehotas’s Butcher,

rch, Hoboken; Rev. Henry G. Bt, Patrick 's Church, Jersey

John A. Holton, St. M ary's iyonnei;flev. Hynry Conroy. Bt. Churohi Passaic; Rsv. John

r Lady of Good Counsel Everard A. IJegcn, 8t. Co­

ry lirch ■ ■ Eilward F.liikha'M r*®f- Joseph's Church, who Is Dulrk of *■”1* dIrBOtor of the Parochial ?h S ™ a n Leagfiie,"TnT.“St"y "«— K-'J r John K™* *■ W sason, Samuel P. K y n r msou*oi>*r* J . DonnsUy, John J.W ? ia « n n r ^ S " ’'**’' Carroll,w atoron, ur. i i | . R ichard P, UeOuInneaB

ison, superintendent of

% i

J ' r

Oilroy, Joseph Ih e ii tf Monahai

., and J. .Leonard elty playgrounds^

I w ts f ta ware There w sj a lltl junior m a y , but ttra lghtened out

'fje a klok against f which, It was sal

1 if one of ths rslayt . Plgrro H aten,

lehamplon, was lii D hyard dash

. * , iw h gpMlal, H e t wwcii he won w ith* slfh tb-m its *'1

ease. The rM s w ®?,*?” ****.,* th s commenelal it “«*»sr th a t race nor

leph’s .BchoSl,

eopaptouously absent, ^(e wranfUng o^er the ijisferee Bsrnle W efers

attsrs* by disallowing i s Bt. Cdlumba team,

missed a toueboff on

ilsB l ysaFa all-aroundnited to two events, a oHl a n d a n 880-yard

cp'&competsd only In tits ^ which he won w ith

al counted in fbd point. the half-mils apecU of KI'*;X r taWa Joe Orslno «»•«*• I" *>«(■»»

'absth, B ob the bal • gig ’‘commercial"

R 4I^ Threat.> T h s crowd, wUe]

' B*rs«n%.kept ana,«,ane)l)«^7ha a (lookj

indents started, hag T h a t’s All.

BKtnhersd shout BOO on iiw iRhletes' and of ohUndus looking

the borigon, hu toIsJdB that’ darkenvi* rtOiids, while the

' nothing hgJiia from *•****' t*>*s,MTg war* plsaisd wi,.ImnnM ilek; , .olossd to Ch^rlas

W-Tiard litoaclai ' b JF '*?!'*,..*’®*'?”* T, T ltrS r Hagsl • **' JW P h Si Aue H iikK S M ou g bl«««■lek's; Jolj Oggtiii ^ f** .« « • »f »»>•

vnd Joseph

S i S - S l S . ' U .onda.

- . Thiah'*, ' sseoml i BstilUtSS SI lA sml-

U t-Tsrd'W tlsek, Bt. XioMlBai Nlehhlas, sseond;

s, Bay on ns, thl

hy John BmtUi, B t

Kantsdy, Bt. 1*. U fA •*«-

Laa Ona-'

OrKm?!' High Bf'bnoi rtt.i1 MorriRtown Rohool will engage in ,i dual trac'k and fl«*ld meet Raltirday aflefrioon a t Mir- risfowu. It will he the flrat meeting of thd schftols on thA track.

Morrlwlown School haJi held its ow'n fM-ld Kanips and ha* defeati='d MorriRtown High School in a dual meet. Nine evenis for scnlore, five for Juniors and a relay race have been provided for. The en­tries are as follows:

lOO’Yard Daflh, Senlor-'Orange, Mosler, Sanders, Bavale; Morristown, Austin, Clernona, Day.

22b>TArd Dash. Senlor-^Orange, Moalcr, R itter and Shorter; Morristown. Austin, Devltalls and Day.

440-Yard Dash, Senior—Orangey Altken. R itter and Lalng; MorrlstowTi, Grey and Pcvftalls.

8W-Yarrt Run, Senior—Orange, R. Barrie, Shorter and Eastman; Morristown. John- aon, H arris and t^^orcesler.

One-mlle Run, Senior—Orange. Ritter, S tanton and Crane; M orristow n, H arris , A ltken and Jjh n so n .

H igh Jump, Senior—Orange. Bandera, Eastm an and Savale; Morristown, De- vllalle, Thorne and Grey.

Broad Jump, Peiilor—Orange, Mo»ler. R, Barrie and Savale; Morristown. Austin, Thistle H r^ W. Devllalls.

Bhotput, Senior—Orange, Savale, S tan­ton and Kynorj Morristown, Uphani, Raupchenplat and Hueghlt.

Pole Vault, Senior—Orange. Trabold and Von I-sengerke; Morristown, Heyborn, Keck and Clemens.

lOft-Yard Dash, Junior—Orange, K. Bar* rle. Aliken and Mtddlestorf; Morristown, Clemens, Keck and MacDougal.

Broad Jump, Junlor--Orange. K. Barrie, Suiry and Mlddleatorf; Morristown, HUH yer. Soocker and lia rte r.

High Jump, Juttlor—Orart$«, K , , Sarria, Altken and Bury; Morflitown, Boookar. Keck aud Heyhora.

Shotput, Junior-O range, Middleilorf^ Bury and Dudley;.M orristown. Heybom, W« DevtlfaUa ahd HlHyer

H illf-nille B eU y--O raiIge,A ltken, D ud­ley, Mtddleetort and K- Barrie; M orris­town, Hlllyer, Heyhom, Robertaon and Clemens..

bufA lo TWIRLER IN BAD .WAY'HONTREAIj. June 5,-MoBplt*l phyll-

cl.DU feared today that Mylea Main, the Buffalo pllchar who was hit on the head Tueaday by a batted ball in a game with the Montreal club, will be tem porarily blind and probably permanently deaf. An X -ray examination of h li iku ll ahowed th a t both hto ear drUma ware aarloualy Injured and the optic nerve waa affected. At the beat, he will be out of the game for weeki.

french-german TENNIS PLAY EVENWIBBBADEH* -jrone 8—In the

gf th e iaiifiBuUloVk triftii hers jlYanca apd GerWeNty for th* Dd' todUis cup edoH oouQtry W08 ond yeirterdky In the ilnglei,

>Ali1T\.4[r LKAOI K.Ilrftnlfn «f VrNferilay'fi lasruT*.

IjVjuI H. Npw York 4.CliicInnaM Biooklyvi 3

L'hlcagn 5 HustonPhllsdi-iphla 4, PiliahuriKli 0.

^iDDclIiig ol t j i r Tf'Bua,w \v L .i'-’

Thila . ,'J4 11 Pitislujr ifli II 31 Npw Vfirk.,33 17 lanuli* ...3<i 24 4WHrooklvn .,31 IX 3.':s, {'iTu-liinatl ..17l'7.:^G Chlctigo .. 33 30 ,.;i Huston . . M 33 37s

UsiDf^s Today.New York st Ht Ixujis

Hruokh'ii at ('InrluiiiMi Boatoii a i L'hlcARo

FhllailPiphia al F’lltfilnirgh

Afl(*r winning SHven gamf-s In a tow, th»> .New York Glanla were ■ h^ckd'i! ypsierilH y by the Rt. IajuIs (^ari'linal’i. 'rh< sewrp of the liadlf was G to 4. !n order to stnp thr (iiants tho Mound f’lfy aggrcgiillon had to lifst Christy Mathewaon, and thiM job thyv did in Jig time.

Malty wtTH bftmmerr-'l out of Ihr- Lmx hj, the Cardinals, and WHitse ftnlahed Ihf game after M'Cormlck had halted for Maily In th<* fl*'\*‘nth. GHner iwlrloil for Rt l/Oi;ift ICililie Gnvnt, who was pur­chased from Ihe Cincinnati Reds. wa« o ji In New Y'ork imtform. Ho hatted fur ^VlltHo In the ninth.

Philadelphia ma '.le a. gain in the rare by having one big Inning against the iMrates, which gave the DhilHes ihe game. The scfire was 4 In 0.

Broflklyn was again defeated by Cln- rlnnatl hy the score of 4 to 3, and Chb engo pulled up close to the Ruperbas by taking the measure of the Boston Braves.

Michael Lyon. St.Elicholzs,/rtvAmf n»»t A ifA ju m p

f < iC o f > 6


M o n tre a l S u c c e e d s in T ak in g M eas­

u re o f B u ffa lo by B unch ing Five

H its in S ix th In n in g .



L a fa y e tte G e ts S ix R u n s Off R a ls to n

an d D e fe a ts S e to n H all,

7 to 5 , a t E a s to n .


A lilt: ^Rln v»Hji miuj»- »fKii'rdu.i' in ltn.< friti-! initKuuil l.f iigue p»-tinnnl fltihr 1> Du- Ni'vxjii’k Indlnnf* Tfi*’ KpiUUInn inp- tu n d a flftL'en-iiLnlng iiuiii-e'l from Pi-fsU. d* ru --, uhMi; ilufffllo wiip ngairi defeated

M'ltiiifril The \^'Hr^lu^s are now ni- iiM>el two M-iim-N In frunl of tho lierd Di-t hcett*! mcvf.i up |i> within a Knim- of iJuriMlu l.\ r*[ilimnK u tlDUlile liJli wilti ■|■llfHllll, a hill- Hiilthnuie i lijiic to Die Ihlsilrrfi' hiM'ls Liy l.'iklriK lh«' 'ow]v Jer- Ni-y City Skee-leiK Into r-atiip.

Hraiiil* of V ratrrU ay’e 4*nmea. ,\>W!irk T*i m tiifoiio- t (lli |rining;u,

Mmit roHl Buffalo ],Tfirunio 4, Hucht'HtLT 3 (Jj t Mrimev

Ruchfstn’r U. Tunmlu 3 ijd game) Ihiltlmora 7. Jersey CHy 3.

}<fnD(llnK of tk r Te»niM.Tf They

nrirlM-Ht.-r It It.A i'oionlo H,H K Prie-el. er . L 4 i> M'ronnCl '>h \i t) 0lAiMix k ir 1 1 n (I l ima. If 1 1 <*Hmlt li. i.t. \ 3 t> H niili.’j . ;ili tl \ ]Rlnuuniiw. "h I 1 .Inr-lBii, pj n 'L uKrtiinidl. Il» 0 n \ortlieii. rf 0 n (i' ‘ntiru* if 1 H I D'tl' , HK. II Ij u

' Iri‘l,ui. Ill (I Ki II 'niiur. I r 1 1 1I W|1||'iim;» •' ! '■ (liHimm, i 3 <i

I ‘ .M.irtln, f " I' Mi‘nni i- 0 1 o, 111 oS W |< . 1) 1) III TuihIa .<114 0 h'lifA f.i tl <1I : I'H.tfDK : » ?I *lt)illi‘i| for Itinril ifi Dir M'vi-tilh

Ii-i- iu*Ni4*i . .. J II II u I J u II ; HI roi’iiMiii 11 I I (I It it II 0 It-3I Itiuui' f ill p.i'jiloi k [ li rrr t<ni,r tut

l ‘rlr.'t Vw iv-lirt.-i' liii.li .l.inlrtii I'lli’HtftfitS Smith l■■ltsl l»H«i on Grille < iff Hinni 1 off Hioi4|i I, off SfpiDi Sirui-K oin lij liriinl J. I'\ SmtiM i Siulon tiHen’S-- ShniU'iMa rnnifiv imd Wlllhinie r iiiplris

i, iiigU'.\ nui) Klrmrniri



N hi W VitFlK, Juhn fi -'I'Ih' Iwet l»'wni Imf-liiiK <i"t nunDtiMl Julnlm; Du- HiDl I'Ih.v- i-t ■< rntuii liHH i-iiiHuliiU'd. an-l Ihe Airirri-Hii htmI NttlluiuD li‘U*4ui‘!i lodKi' ail' ihi>iLiiiHhlY uiilunl/i'il Slipping Iniu Dim dll ling room of (lietr luHi-l hf*rr vee- ipiilay. every meniluT of Du- i ’h‘\iliind team. Willi Du- fxvfptlon ol .lui- Jark- Hull and Manfigif .Ine ltlrfnlHMli.jin. ini-4 Pavtd S KuJia i rrslilenl of Do- |4uf*el'Kl riayore ' Fratelfnlly Clevilatnl WdS thi only leu m It illlirr Ir.igue iloD hail »u(

[ loiimil thi< milnn, tiiiiU Ihe fm t Dutl (he I Naps had ulgiiMj did md hen.me known j uiilU tiidjy1 NegoDaDonH liave licen on ftji iome

lime in gri flf\ri:44Ul inltj tin t ra t vi till). bul from ofiM rttiiHf’ or tirudlii'i Imd fHlIi-n Ihlfmgh A'I DriggH waa u ' lK t In vll- ilvhvorliig lO unlui|j/c' the t«'um Inel yvRr. hill a f ln Ms imIi-hhv lu MoidM-al lu-go- lluUohs hIoI'IumI fur it Dm»- I'nrreeponrl- I'tii-f wuM rfs'imcd at the t'fivtdng t>f the pif-Hont epflHon, howevn, and arrange' rm Ills were made f<ir I'uHi'i ^o mei-t the learn here. II wua txi.ecD'il lhat Jiuk- son. wiiU dill not appiMii with ihv oUicr players ycBlerday, would algn tudny.

L v .r . win, 1.luaoNovtiirk ........... :jA lJi • fill .mHurriiifi ........... J4 IN '>:i ,liKl •ivSKi'i liphi i*r .,. 114 Mb .nfiH .Js’ttHaltimnrv' ...... :1 •,S12 ..'i2X r>iRilTo\ iii4»hi'i' ...... ;'i J) • 4S7 -TiO) ,4711MnnlrPul . 17 A) .4Fi!l -174 4(7Jnii.iiifi r, 12 4 « 47kI .4.fft K(‘V 1 ’ll \ . 14 % ,T)0 see .341

*I»ini>uD‘d gmn<* nol; T'Oiirileil.(afimrii I'odHy,

IrKlIiWl.'* iD JVrjVlOilsni'KuriHlu ai 1 urunlu

Jfiravi I’li.vrtt FTaltirnnrp.


HocheNfer al Montreal, ( ian ira J'limorrisw.

fiidiaii#' m Jersey (iilti.Huffulu lU T'OmrilM

ProvldiMi'e 111 HalllmoTeHoflie.'^ter Hi Mont real

&. — HuJu-hl ng alKth Inning

MONTFIK.M,. Juna five hllH In the yviterdey the Montreal Royal rnanaged to arvoure two UlHu-h, which gave tho CaruLdiana a Mi lory over- Buffalo hy ihe acore of 8 Lo I It was the th ni v icto ry nut of four giimpH w ith Ihe H erd for the Royals Uuffalo

S pfH ef S m dee of .VJeff’S.EASTON, June 6 'I^fii i 'e tte won. 7 to

6, yesterday from Seton Hall In a perj- liar gainiv Bart of iho roniesl was marked by free hlliitig and pari by a rlli-hing duel betwecji (,'apialn J’eploBkl, of Si'ton Hall, and Caplalii KaguJ. of l^fayMite.

Ralston siartcd ihc- game Tor Seton HaJi, blit Lafayette rapped him hard and In the first thrue Innings sroied Big inns,two in eavh seision. Scion Ifnll was .........................blanked In thn first tlirio' seaKlons. [n i PHbhpiI up a fine rharK-e to score In the ithe fourih reploski took the mound and l^afayelte fnlled trt score until pO(jr sup­port paved the way for a run In the eighth.

Ill the mean time tfie South Orange players scored five runs In two innings off Hammer and he was benched. Ca*M (nin Tagpr finished! the game, holding the vlpitora off, The score:

A me Mean A aaortalloo.Ixoulsvjlle ‘I'oledo 1.Dolumbus 3. Indianapolis 1.Mllw'aukee 13, St. Paul 6.Mlnneapolia B, Kaneaa City 6.

E aste rn A esorlatloa.New Haven 7 Springfield ].Hartford 9, Pilterieltl 4.Bridgeport 4, Wnterbury 3.New- Lrfindon D, Holyoke S.

Texan Leaigae,Dallas 4, Waco 2.Fort W’orth S, Austin 0.Deaumont 7, Houston 8.San Antonio 8, GalV'eston 1,

CottfH Sicat««Columbue 17. Meridian-^- -Belnia 1, Jarkson 0. -Cjarksdalb Peunncol* _1.’^ F4r_,t Tnlal* .......6 Tola|*

flj (jrlag.1, Ih., .7 0| Madden, c,...

Clarksd&le 8, Pensacola S. Second gama, ,WesterD L e f tn a .

Denver 8, Topeka 2.Lincoln B. 'Wichita 2. ‘ t*iDes Moines 2, St. Joe 1. - -g8loux City S, Omaha 4.

TrJ-Sta4e Leajraa^Atlantic City 7, Trenton i.Allentown 12, W ilmington #, Harrisburg 4. Yoyk 0.

ioDtli A tlaa tic Ijaagn*, Jacksonville 5, Macon 8. !Savannah 8, Albany 0, F ltef

. Albany 4. f Charleston Columbus '

' H c ... 0 9 OiHkmnaer.? l b - ' - 0 ^ OlFagcr, p

* 7 4 Total,. . ',# 0 0 * 3 0 9 0 OiS ■ «fU f^, , . 3 * 2 0 0 0 0 1 I S * " 's


.. n m e .Savonjiuh 3 Alhiny 4. Bueojll «am«, ChflriRRton l.,ColumbuB 0 .. , ln r r t iColumbuB ..8, .CharlexUm ). S(cbnd goma.

M AMOolatlaa.'Mobile Lrifem-phlu 4. .ChotUnoogs tS; Blrm lnirhiln T. Uontcamery A tliuita S. Durknet*:’ JlMhTtlle i , 4,tl»nt« 0, ^ r f e l l * d .D '.r . ' ' •

, . K«w E bkIu * L n s n e .liowajl 4, F*il Blvor L X,».*n;*o«t *, H’oreustor 9 (called).Lynn 3 New Bedford 1.Portland 10, Brockton 9.

H tw York S ta te Leocao.ftyracuee 1, Elmira 0.Scranton lo, Troy 0,Albany J, W llkea-Barre J,Utica !, Blpithatnlon 9.

V litrla la liOkyit*.Horfolk-Newport Newi, poatponed, rain. Portatnoulh-Blohmond, poatjitmed, ralri Peterabur# 1, Roanoke 0.

Car, Ilea Aaaoelatlek.Chafloue 6, NaahViUa 0. . Darkneas. Gr*MM»ro.i(^ Halatgh 3'" W ln O li . t iW tl ta n i . 0,, -

nea 3lOalh'O,

'O' S. ■ ■'Srriabunr T.

Hew York aaO llaiw J e ra e r L a a g n ,Middletown 8, Danbury 3 Potlf hkeepale 7. KIngaton t.Newburgh 9. l.ong Branch I. ' Flrat

game.Branch S, Newburgh 0, Seconli

Hofki!' HenOi


T A B U L A T IO N O F. P O IN T ?» rTTTTffi l i r i - n i i i i i i i

I. Bllaaheth..-. 1 "«a w’tv - -- ^ " V ., ; •aW O r-.i', ;'V, .. 14'a ; . . . . . • • •• I .* « > ; 1 ■■ 1 t tiityOMrt,.,..-, .. I 9 .. -g, , 4 i I . •;» Jlea '..111.,'.,L. ' a ,, u e f r — *#■- .-’..-■'Ev. r . ; .-‘‘ta

at,a t.

. 'S i :1 '8 L

patrtck 'aS Mumba'i

l e h o I a Y a . . . i .u d J

M v N ^ i a s : : : *41 H earthaeph't, N aw gtk ....St.


. ? lu r ' L a iy ' M ' iSfaoa.V,’. .. Bt. Patrick'*, Joraojr CMty St, Hlehaari

m iry '^ Bfltialbeth,7l! J g m tf 'l ...M’xaa

pur L«dy Of Q n

" .■• 1

'wa a> f'aB *v ; t.* 2 . . . . 1 » a a ' 1 e • a * b a ' f b a

1 •f . .. .**■ . . . 1 . . , .bb-'.Vd 4* . , ... • "V. t 1.• f . i 'V ■■ b*

' i li', V . ' *"»i. 7 ! , 1! ■H, , t.; . ' 4* '.'m •• «*' 41..'

d a S S i

sixth when Jlmmj- Murray, ilrsl man up, rapped ou t a three-bagger, but was leTt a t third. Thu aenre.

Buffalo. ■R.H.E.r Montreal. R.H.S;Truesdalc. 2b 0 l 01 All'n, rf,,,Delnlnger, rf. ft 1 0 Gllhooly, cf,Jackson, It*. 0 i 0 Veftirerr 3b Murray, c f .. 0 “ " 'HueSj 3b........ ftGowAy, c ...... 0Beck, lb ........ 0Bench, 0Bi-obe, V ...... I^ h r . . . . . . . 0

tiA Innings•/•«ftapp|. Thl‘} - ATtiMTsi-

KlmbaJl, rfL.e Lir t'f-- "■pafctrn' r 3b

0 I Delnlnger. Double I'lHys-'Knach to BecKJ cf.^ I AUen to Madden. Siohifi. bfiM--yea»^*c iiftg d & f lb!

. . . ,i 7 9 3 fecrifice hltA—Bum , JlAnfurd, AlTub Hall.......... ■, f l o o a a ' o b o 0-^5 ■ WrucU out—By McljfBynor fi. by

Beton Hall, R.H.E,O'Ccinnell. 3b 1 1 0MortiflS, as... 1 1 1 ____________Gilmore, rf... 1-2 0 Hslfrlche 3b.. T epl’skl, c f .p l 3 0 Myers, lb .,..Nugent, '2b ... 1 0 8 Alehuler, cf.Keegan, cf... 0 0 D Brown. aa..r. 2 ZHalston. p .,, 0 1 w D an’hower, ?b 0 1Wtmd, If....... 0 it OiMnitier, e.. ... 1 '

p... 10 0

lAnfftyette R H .E Edwards, If.., i j BJackb'rn, rf. 1 i' - J

fl 11 1

1 2

0 IlAnford, If.0 Gun'jfhani. 3

, ....... ________ , . 0 Pu^H l, sa__00 I0 i0 iS i ■ Total* 1 7 0 “ 1 “BaMed for. Beck In ninth Inning1 Biiffaln .................0 n o o I 0 0 0 o-eJ” •■■Montreal .............. 0..0 0 0 0 2 0 0 ■ •^ i0 I Thret-beee h l^ -M u rra j. 'two-hiiaa hli

Toialfl Prlncelon'e acora;■

ll.|j:Skj ' rrtaeehin,

fieldt-ftK w»H

mlnutee. L^nilreB—Olulien 'fnit i ,Rh|;'hoo

leton .ate:T

Hni , ___Hammer C, by Fa*er 9, Iw Pi Basea on ballaM Jff Balaton 1. oi mar J, off F agar f ~ 'Milohey *■ Htolen ntnhhwer, Wood. ,Baton 8, I^ fa y a tt* a. Dmibi* p l tW . Mej-ors, Helfrlch and Brown. Tima Mi game—Two hour* a id ten mlnutaa. Uia-“ '

. M e l i r a , , balla—0 (f . .McGraynor

' f -gn . ,unnkren-Mullen

■ Stretban.

r ji . j 1 3

r . . . 1 1 1..-0 2 aa. a, i 2h. ' i 0

1 1 ir.'O 0

Oj Laird, rf... i)| W'ton. a*... o| Pelon, c f ... 0| Reed. 31|.. ..

Rhoads, lb. o' (Ireeti, r f ....11 Gill, 21)........«l C arier.^n .,„ Ot Haniee, p.,..

Huge 10, p ...


u -L - E x p g j js E OF s K E i m s


plre-M iller.


First Divisiin T rasu b Johason Or- gao izatiuD Take OM-tuied Games

from SKomi Qimrtel.


R ranll* of Y*a4eTgay% Ganiea.Cleveland. 9; New Vork. 6.

Wuahlngton, S; Bt. J .0UI*, 2. Philadelphia. » ; Detroit, t.

Clilcago, 4: Boston, 1. B taad lag a t th e T en aa .


BAI.TIMORBi Ju n e t,-B y lakiiig .fiiit .advantage of the breaks yeeterdgy. (h*

^'[Baltimore Orloleo auiicceded In wltiniil-ths thlFd gam# ha a row fropi th9*jarssv ga''n” « t l t y SkMter«, The a« nre was 7 Ib^. peats Olithlt th« Rlrrls. hu t IT .-H ltSIf the Flock were more tlmeiy.'' .Tfcfe i-fwn innl

If Tufafs 0 T 3 :X 0 'D 0 tj ft I iu-6r 'f 0 1) ft 0 0 0 0 u 0—0Rliuad^, bli—

cd/lGc hUr^QiH.£4iolvii If!’ 2, Vl'orlhli^lp,n 2, Ufft'b

/•rKl^bali, 'Faricpheirner.

U4 ,Httvsfk 1. by Ri

ee*S«n 7. pwpftrii gs (non


Maisel, c-f • Downey, 3h . 2 Corcorftp, rf. 3 Houser, lb .,. 0 Parent, s s .,.. 1 TwotnWey, 2b 0 Cooper, i f . , . , fEgan, e...... . DMcTlgue, p ., I

R ,H .e Jer. City..0 ft ft, Vaughn, ss

1 ftj Knlghl, 2b.,ft' Kelly, If.....ft' T'erry, cf.,., ftl McCabe. r(, ft FuitHI, 3b!»j Harry* Jb... ft] Wellp, c*.*,,0 Dr\ Is, p..,e,

--------Blair, c....,,7 11 ft|

Tfltalgr'........ 8 14 3Baltimore .............. 0 2 1 O .ft 0 2 2 *-7Je rs ty City ........... 2 ft ft. 1 ft ft 0 0 Ow t

Two-btise bits — Vaughn, Corcoron. Three-base hits—Knlght, MeCsbe. Oorcor

la aeiven jiminap. Iterft.1 £. ' Prlnuetmitt*rg and Conahan


lo ftft.wll (jiti to Pitch-Barnfts. H a lk -

Dut—By - IbiblbFrlri < ogern 3. 'Boses ou bsiTs

Horhea 1, orfHOgcin ■d-Of^ Barmv^ 3 in lit In third), Aogeih,

Left on basoiv-—Am* 1 , rmpiri-rt—Htcrii-Tlme—Oju* horn* oiul

Totals. 1 2

l>2 0

l i u '

19 81 .3110 I B 32 .830

P h lle ......... 32 10.76:Cleveland.. 82 13 .711 W ssh’toD.. 24 IB .BG9 C hicago,.,, 25 21 .30

Gan'M ToSar,Clavalijid at New York, ■

Chicago at BoatOn,*' tDetroit a t Phlladelpiilft,

Bt, lajul* a t Waehington.

All of the flrat dlvlaloii tvama were re­turned winner* yeaterday In tho Ameri­can Laague- The pennant puraulng ClevalBjid Naps took the meaaure of th* New Yoi* Yankee* by the aoora of ■ to i. Chance aent In (our pltcbera, but all were treated alike by the Napa, Joe Jackaon and Graney, of the Nap*, and Sweeney, cf the Yankee*, rapped out hnrao run*. Jacltaon'a rap waa eald to b* the longeat hit made on th* Polo Grounda The bell wan a m t Into the upper aland. »•

Conale Mack'* Athlettca kept righ t on w InnW In Detroit. T bf Uacfcnien chalk­ed up their tenth win In a row by trounc­ing the Tlgtlra. 14 to 1 The Athlidlca got aeven rune in the flrat Inning and flwa In th e third, and didn't tw thar much afterthat. < ....... .-rW aablngten retained third sJana in th* rga* by beating the St, L ou li'w o w n a , WtUle the W hite Sox tdoje the.ipeaaur* of the BoatOti Red SOE

R.H .B .'


r - -1 iiAl.Kfl FKHHY. Cimh., Ju n o 6.4-'h’nere [ wee n ahifl (n.tlie Yatr varsity elghi-laet

riglii. when ‘fc'rwAjjit*. who bijS been row­ing In ih e tiut-6*feff leJul, .wa* eent Into

I No. s In iho'Tarahy «lie!l, replacing .Done- ' gre. who gb*a^|iSck hito Freeniatl'fl real

an, Downey. Sacrifice hite—Twomhley 7, I in the fonr-nar.) The \nrsitv rowed iwn Stolen base Downev Double play— i ,o)]es in U mlniilrk, llio avernge atfoke* Hniglit and Harry- Bnree on ^ l la - B v '.-h,i , ,„ . u-.ntv.elam

, DavTe, 6; by McTigue. e tn»eh%ut-By bring I " , ' ' ' " ' '»>«“; • ............I MrTlguF. 3: by PftvlH. 4. I’ass^d .b a lls- Tb^ fresbrnan piflii. wiikh lo ho

W«Hs. Egau- Wild pllob-'HenguiA, ■' <jomlna. along mart# a half ^ i le birm bi*##f—'BaltliTXir^ . D; Cttyi mlBuC#?* find 2ft seooruts. Tb<* frcjihmauFlrat base m ' L n l l S ^ and

n -- ana lynrj^minutM,. I Sunwdon said efterword that Itprobably be used In ihe mco In

xirr n n I UuIUmur^, L ■RtMtAH Vfl « ' aVi ' of ta m ^ T w o hours and fvbei'wInutwik J®'*^'. f f i f e ; ; : ; : H i U m S lre .-M e,* ,w _ H ^ .a_ .n d , , C^ama

N*i^Ti*rk' ............... .............■Jii.'l' ! nrefer

3H0RT BILLS TEAM WMjIh a r tJ i i l j* K tr t fchool'|.,b*eghii( tatHi

leorad V H J o T>l«tory hvar the U n l^

NFW HAVKN, June Sf—Tale lengthei.rd‘ lie already long etrlng of victorje* y ja tcr. day defeating Holy Croat hy the score ol


'TO^tONTO. June ! |.- th e Rocheeter Header* and Toronto Maple Leaf* yeater- dhy dividad a double-header, tho I«afa taking the firs t game by the store of 4 . 6 to 5, after ten Innlnga of pipy, fhe to 9, end Rochester winning the aecond, ! winning run wae gained on a wild thri,ii( 9 to t. Three double* ana a Mngle. with a i . „ r ..,,.h e - O'Dwver baae on ball*, gave the i.eafa all of their ’ rune In the flrat comeet. Roehaater ham- | tpered Brant and Brown In the eecond | gam*, the etlckwork of .1. Martin nnd FrJaet, of the HuHtlera. being of th* aeu- aatlonal ami. Th* acoreaf



[udiau Capture Fifteefl-iraing Cm - test from Grajra When “Swali*’

Drives Dalton Over Plate.

BARGER PITCHES STERLING BALL,I’lioviivKN'rE. Junrt rk-The rnaMil

Harry Hwai iim, fintt b<i«e>{naii uf the In-* flltm*, la cailFtI "Swal«" arouad the c4f«>ij rviH wus ftl■lnuu^<tr leLl yesterday tiL rrnviijg.in'A* tuna iti the fifteenth InnlBf*. All i)h‘ blK bililal aarkt-f did In thJi' rotiml nnf* ti> juai hImvut knock lh« cover off ihi* ball, wiiii Javk Dalton reellnn on-'...... .. .iTiii iivt. .1 r riiur rap orttlfd mat*'lerM kn far an Di.- virHya were vancemod,' aiiil ,\i-v,ink I'limtiril away with th# Rflim- iv itir* Ilf 6 to 4. Thera wa$pI(M', f-H’ AiiJUiM' .intj inatr alike.

Tbp |■.l'■*•makers won bacapM^thi’> tmft ihi' atrijuK«r punch and sreatOT aimiftim. iftiilit rmiinta nf acorfleia w ortf I'pldii by a fierce aeahuU, inHhU'h * KH|' wrtB made In Ih# Provldtno# dffHu-P'i and the run rammed hnm# t h t t wnund up Ihn etfuirme.

Hoih (‘y tivllar for the RedakItIV(iii'l Jim r iiiif, ihti Ornyn' moumtam*f^. ui-ri< herHlhia iindr'r the atrafn when th# flfin-nih i)p«-nert. fUalton, fIrM Up for Dihvvp ah4>t a aloKle (o centre and th# ' ii'M m«mu iit uaa flyinir fnr second on V aH'-tiriifs bunt laid down by Eddtie Uagiilvr

Hhne floldv-d the halt, and It look#4* from ibe atanda dm If hs could hhvfi hi-tulrd off Dalton, hut he elected to

sraniF- aafrr and toespd to Kddte OSiia1hi'


b'w fnr the i» it Rlijy Tilmmermaa, MiC if Dll' rrioMt iluiiKcroua stlckerg on th#* '■ii‘ ill fai-'-il Siinc, lull the molftt af'cinllftl liiui hla number and lunH him back on HTrlkcp

Tli'-ii ttu- i'i'|r(AriHirihy in win fam t j're--ftni-i1 111 Hwaci^a hit■'J'll “11 Dir- tmde-nnAik utid the ephW#i pIioI p.i^t Kri<t at Itiliil, with th* fip##A’ "f « tiNlh’i .\b liilyrr atopped It. bul IO<ll 7h'.' In Ijcii'1 eff Ihc ruahijvg .lack DaltoQ^ \shii lure ucniN-S Ibn plaie with Ih* m i | iiuii \«iiii Dlc coriiesii. .%r.vnn lifted a n r 1'- t '‘nA ill ii.r Ihe I hlnl oul

Mftiic-'i KJi^e ;e exhibition 60tihc fhiriK hiif. hi.-i piii-himi iti the intiliiKH in luuDiuiRr being Pf unuBu#ll: lilMli > iAilt>4''r At Tiu slUKC of Hie Jourb#i I '■ il'l Sllne In* rlHaa*“rt with him, til# Mj( J‘i'i'\Mcru’c hcKvi'i' liiMiiK carried alonK on Du sii-ilhi|( iiiiii, fwi times, Henaatlonar iAiu«)n!ri Hicnnlid him hy hla teummatr^*

Tim<’ and analn the Indians atarterfwtiHt Innk'-il like wliuilng rallies, but In \Hihibly the Frovbicnoe fielder* cut oCt Dip ruha on Taat t>i(H uf rirlding. Paddf liaumiiti vM't Ihe fisce with eighteali^ vliHii'CEA, all Ai'ccpieil In short field. '

Tint hninl t>f the defence was born b / ; Mu.- Infli-hicrH, Hliuwing that (be nedekltm wore the Ivall on the ground*Only Huht jaitoutK went to the butficlderp," althi.'UKh Mieny tlrlvca fUterod Into tbu ^aniens, (he visitors straightening Blln*'# ulioolM for rilxiccii hit*.

Hill hliic hingle.s ware gathered fr«m HiMKPT's delivery and he also had #1^ ilKht support, except on one drive that (7ajiiikr fooxled. Thu error gave tb^,.

A chance to He the icore Inicvt-n( h

I'hu Newark hlorlatop. however. mOf# iltin niKi-lc up for thn error by playing

hinij halt GHZ, at second, also pu* ui4k hrlHIarU game jind saved (tie day foj Newark U) Diu IahI of the fifteenth wbiBn., vslifi I WIN riJiiucrH on the patht and oftly one oul, hi! leaped In Uie alf and apearoa s hajd line drive hy Kochar, who IjfliiiriH fur filluf, and doubled OnaltiW a t fiisl The score;




Coach G ark Uses Substitute Pitch­e rs and Massachusetts Players

Get Five Runs.


A.B. K. H P.Os Ae BlPMaDe', r 1 __ 7 ft 1 11 8 1J't'W. 11. « . 1 . . H 0- 0 1 ft «HiiParj. 21'.. ___ & 1 1 B ftMi-IilIm-'-, 1 r 1 1 4 (1 iJl4Umuii. * » . ...... U 1 J » .8 #F, (ImhIi.w, Ill ...... ft ft 4J IS 1 rl-liip, 2li . ...... 5 1 ft 4N ft iJ Dnrl'iv^ £!- . . ...... r. ft 3 5 3 t;4l)ifp. ji ..., ....... 4 41 1 0 3 ! 1♦Koi’hai *..r. 1 ft U 0 I)

Totals ... . ... Bl 4 9 & ■aNR W ARK. '•t'

AH . U. H. P.O . SWB.*Jiiill'Mi, r. r , . .. h 1 4 3 a‘lagiiUr, s f- . ...... fi u 1 4 ft I ,SV. Ziimmfi'i Ilelli , 1. r. ft 1 •j 1 ft 4K/-HwMflnn. Ill ,. ft ' 1 i| IN 1 N

r .. . . 7 1 t h ft 017 y.linr»i4‘rnmfi,, HJ). ft ft I 1 1 V.livlX, J!l,. . , ... ft ft 1 4 «lIlKlilna, ...... ft 1 ■t 7 1 11 la rni.r i,.. ...... ft ft 2 1 1 r

TuIuIh . . . 62 R [8 45 IS t*I1at1nfl ffU' Sllnit In the flfleenth Inningi ^ITovldcru'e ft ft ft 2 C•ft 2 ft Ufi 0 ft 0 « (t-4!N'-wti rk ft ft 12 r i 0 0 Oi1 ft 0 0 « I1—F

F’RIN^TTPON, June &. • Prfnrcion was shut '>11 e t' t" ft fcoif here yeeterUay

i arteriifon by Anihcrfi Juht bevaUH#’ ehe ' ihoughi her fUliBtiluin piiiDicra were «iif- I flri^nlly siroriB lo ^''pe wllTi the vinltiiifi ’ t«am. TIk«»' pinvcfH Wf!rc hDowvcI

third and s«»r-ond Hmr but Hohlu-son. the vislDns rlt'-Ter, had no diffi­culty in letlrliiK Ihe Blije each ijine.

CoRf’h Clark would iu>i risk either uf , hla ririil string pllchf-re, who will face

1 1 ft Saturday, anil hfs Btaiicd Fanier.ft 2 ft ! The lalter waa ahiv In Jaai iwo «iid om*-

5 2"^b«ir mnltuis. He I>luw up and let In g I ^ jtbnee runs-on 'wn paHSA's. a wiM pilch ft 0 0 > an d iwu MU. Ro«era Teplace<i but

k# F, ► ^ 5 'Jie allowed two more rutia In that inning.McQrynor. J J ibaL'bc held them U» one tally >n

3 e tki't*

I''liNl bLiitr on error*—providence NA,‘W'Hik I TwO‘bR*« tilts—Burger, Myera, liHLimau. 'Ihi'fto-bdse hite—Haumun. K/Zhnnii'iU01 n Sacrifice h its—Barger* OOg-* ril4-r Kt'Ucri bdsitiH Myere. ^n i . ^ tO i la'fi lUi hjieseB—T'rovidcncc 6, Newark i r Double plays-Pth tte and J. Onslow Getz, iJaKnlei' and ^ w ad n a : Bauman K. Orifllow; Gagnier and Swocltiu:K. Diiiilf.w and Ptiuinftn; 'G^U a'vd E'inii HtrucU o u t-B y mine 4, by* Bfti *1. Umpire*-M eaera Carpenter ' OwcriK. Time of game—Two houra iwuiily mlnules.

K H .K. . 0 0 0 . 0 1 1 . 0 I ft . ft t ft . tf :f ft . ft ft 0 . ^ 0 0

.. 0. 0 ’0 u, 0 2 f t


wertl G, Harrow, of the Int*rnatl|lnai Haeaball {.eague, hae been ill a t Imm. for the paat three daya from a aevere atiaek of rCumutne polaoning. Ha wnt ri'porled better toddy, and it waa aipet'l- eil lhat he would be able to ratum to kll duties In a flay or two.

BASEBALL NOTESA great victory!

"BwalM'a" awat did the Rrlck.

jAmgest garna th* yeaP .for th« !» .I fllane. ^

Chh'f Hnrry Birilth Hgumi dji *e€^ln|rAl Sluivk l'i tin* mnund today, whll# the, Irudcr of thR Redskins will dun the reaafi; (ind pruuu-tur, HU] Balh^y la slate# tft*twirl fur the Grays.

.Muirttln Ik alipping. The Blaons aetiinnd pliXM* by an advantage of but Nlnglc gHim' uvi:>r tho liua tlera ;.t ‘

___ -.'i;.NfniiM-cuil liaa boon a valuable ally tb JLN'

U'liirhjr.Ha TJiv Hoyols have taken fflrefl''- mil uf [uhr from Hie Herd.

Tlir ituluiiia will start Blny Hi lioiiiK on Sunday.

a three weeke-

Ciiir ( ifU Hiartpfl a flouble pluy In the flftoenili InnlOB lhat Sftved trouble fo^; the Itedaklns.

frloci' CiHSkell. a rormer member of- the lofllans' i>lloliing eorpa, twirled y**^ tei'tlay lor Sornoton. tie ahul nut Troy,W u> 0 anil airoweci hut four hits. Peter%^ sen. formerly of Providence, was h i e ' tjulierv niaU'. Fappalau anil FUagerald, holh former Intorniitlonal I.eaguora. were In Ihe points lor the Trojan*.

Etllott Dent la pltehlng good ball (or Atlanta, Dent has won thrhe games *ti(l_ lost pni- si no* being sent to tlw Bouthem^,' Assorlalloo liy Waehington,_________

Toronto. R-H.b;Itattloli. cf.. . 0 tl (IFltapatr'U, cf 0 tt 0Trout, cl- . , . . 1 0 0O 'H ars. If --. 1 3 " ___ ____ _____Bradley, 31>--. d l ul Schmidt, lb ... lJordan, lb . . . . # 0 U| Conroy, rf .. . . oSorthen. r ( .. fl. 1 a Ire lw , 8h ,.;„ o

Jacklltech, o. I Hughes, p ..... 0

Rocheeter, H.H.K Martin. 84..,., 1 4 ‘ Haddock, jf ... o ]ZInn, cf......... 0 1RImmone, Sb.. 0

g aily, e*...... 0 0eCohnell, lb 1 I

Orabam. c. lauib, p,.

Totals .

1 1 « 1

Huff, w .. . , . . . ; 0•Smith........0Quinn, p .. . i ; , 0

( KI n William*. Oi;J,e ••Prlaat...... i*. o

•Ran for Jack] • • a t tu d for XI

Total*...V'i; Itach Id elghtb.


812 4

linn In nlnOTor<«t«,i.. . . . . . . . . . . 0 « 4 A f l i 0 4fBMtKaM4f,. . . . . . . . . « » « 4 1 l.U. «

Riddell had eeouned a haae on balls. Ak staDefl to steal and O'Dwyer threw iSm<f the second baeemnn’a head. The ;,l*all w ent ihrotigh Centra Fielder O'Brloii. Riddell coming homa Th* adorat Holy Cro**..... i « 4 ti-2 d : 0 0 gy-bY ede....................... 0 1 1 t O ' 1 0 o ^ M

Katterles—R, .Murray anH O'Dwym'; Brown and Gllc and Huqjer.


POVtJHKEKPSlE, Jirnas,—When Coac(i Courtney Rent hia three Cornell cnewa up tb* river late yesterday nfu'rndon for their first row elnce their .arrival hcra, Codoh Conlhaar and hla twelve oau-ameit from Waildnfton Cnlverwiy ran alutui on Ifte rallriwd Iracira for a quaaf4if,'Of bi milti watching the Ithacan* wtnir. Ij w a a lb * "f’' ehanc* tb* Wastemara bad ta alRf the Cornell oanfaati in oparatidn, ami Uiay tver* not backward Its pralafng tha Werk uf CoriielL Courtnay'a crawa bad jpAtavn-gUlb aaby t*W. ■ ’

'Jr *

■nd # to g IP* M-

B w h S ? "

eyvAFoWimA R R O V G O L L A

■'.<;!f.'.'' h.!. ......... ),.' I.IJ!!


M4 Brnad st.. Ntwark. K. J., dpaO; ■lie Riubert Thaatr* a«d Mat Oanlmla n . On* (llab* o*- -?____ .

Twhaty yurs’ aaMHabac a* a e P ^ FIII ah alt (tiroalo awaei j *f M W a*fwom>k 7 • ; . • ■ .

catarrh, aiirvau* CHseean, pnasaeaatoioaeb. u » w ■*

- 7 ? t

'v ^

.. . . . .•'h* . '< •' •'■ ^

y ^ A H K E M S y T X G N E W S . T H U R S D A Y , J U N E 5 . 1 913 .



M A M orr M U M fre w ASM O Kroff in .

"Good Drewing li Ready The July number of “Good Dref»ini,"

the fwhion micuinc illuitritini the Ladles' Home Journsl PAiierns, It reedy. Free for the Atkina; ptitern depirtment.___________ MAMKMT, M A LU rC WAA/UftOTW STS.

1.00 GtUon Btanketa, 87bFirmly woven cotton fleeced blenketa, of

full site ind proper welaht for summer use; gray or white with neat borders; $t.0(} vtl- uee, special, per p a ir................................ 8Te MAMOtT. M U lir C HTAS^/mrOff m .

Unexpected Clearance ^ ^ Silk DressesH e r e i t i s , e a r l y in J u n e — a n d t h e B a m b e r g e r e n t i r e s t o c k o f w o m e n ’s s i l k d r e s s e s r e d u c e d ! V a l u e s o f

s u r p a s s i n g m e r i t b i d f a i r t o m a k e i t o n e o f t h e g r e a t e s t s i l k d r e s s s a l e s i n t h e h i s t o r y o f t h e s t o r e , f o r h e r e a r e n e w a n d b e a u t i f u l f r o c k s a t p r i c e s t h a t w o u l d b e w e l c o m e d tw o m o n t h s f r o m n o w . T h e r e a r e n e w a n d s t y l i s h d r e s s e s o f c r e p e d c c h i n e , c r e p e m e t e o r , c h i f f o n , f i g u r e d f o u l a r d s , c h a r m e u s e s a t i n a n d s i l k e o l i a n . C e r t a i n l y t h e w o m a n w h o n e e d s a n o t h e r s i l k f r o c k o r tw o w i l l p a r t a k e o f t h e s e r e m a r k a b l e v a l u e s :

3 7 .9 8 t o 5 7 .9 8 S i l k D r e s s e s , 2 5 .0 0 1 8 .7 5 t o 2 0 .0 0 S i l k D r e s s e s , 1 1 .7 5Afternoon dresoes of rich charmeuse, satin, crepe Pleasing styles in combination dresses in new coat

de chine. Canton crepe and crepe m ^ o r; colors include cafe alait, new tans and gold; beautifully draped models in the most fashionable effects; $37.98 to $.^7.98 dresses at ............................. .................................. 25.00

2 7 .9 8 t o 3 2 .9 8 S i l k D r e s s e s , 1 9 .9 8Afternoon and street dresses in the season's most

favored shades; crepe de chines, rich crepe meteors, fig­ured foulards, chiffon combination Russian blouse models, Bulgarian embroidered and new vestee styles draped skirts: formerly $27.98 to $32.98, special. .19.98

2 2 .9 8 t o 2 7 .9 8 S i l k D r e s s e s , 1 4 .9 8Included are rich striped chiffons with lovely silk

combinations, pompadour foulards and crepe meteors; charming styles; some with pretty vests, others with

effects; crepe meteor gowns with Bulgarian embroid­ered hatiste; some with pretty drapings; many embel­lished with tiny buttons; also charmeuse satin gowns with lace waists; formerly $18.75 to $20.00......... 11.75

1 5 ,0 0 t o 1 7 .9 8 S i l k D r e s s e s , 8 .9 8Smart styles for afternoon or street wear; foulards,

crepe de chines, rich bordered foulards, crepe meteors, striped silk serges; some with pretty lace collars in filet effects, others with dainty vests—the season's best shades; $1,8.00 to $17.98 dresses a t..........................8.98

W o m e n ’s 1 0 .0 0 S i l k D r e s s e s , 5 .0 0Lovely silk frocks in the newest summer shades;

both light and dark effects; foulards, spot proof silks and striped or checked summer silks; trimmed in

Men Will ProfitUnderwear FridaV


We have arranged a special one day's selling oMtuen’s Sunf^ mer underwear that should bring many men to the Bahr^berger store Friday. The offerings consist of balbriggan and al^hletic shirts, drawers and union suits.

M e n ’s B a l b r i g g a n U n d e r w e a r , 3 5 cMade of combed Egyptian yarn, nice smooth finish. Slfiirts

have long or short sleeves—drawers made with double sVeats and strap backs—regular or knee length—neatly finished [gar­ments. sold regularly for 50c., but owing to slight impeafec- tions the price is......................................................................|.35c

M e n ’s P o r o u s U n d e r w e a r , 2 5 cCool and comfortable garments for summer days. S^hirts

and drawers to match. The shirts are made with short slrevas and sateen facings. Ankle length drawers with double se^ts_ all well made, perfect goods—exceptionally good values at.,,25c

M e n ’s A t h l e t i c U n d e r w e a r , 4 5 c 1Shirts and drawers, made of good nainsook, in small C'heck

effects. Coat style, sleeveless shirts, well reinforced ar/i)und the neck. Knee length, loose fitting drawers, with doubts and reinforced backs; regularly 50c. each, special.................... L ■'15c

M e n ’s B a l b r i g g a n U n d e r w e a r , 4 5 c"Otis” balbriggan underwear, made of good quality con ibed

Egyptian yarn. Shirts and drawers to match. The shirts mavc ribbed bottoms and the drawers have double seats and strap backs, worth 50c. e«ch, special ..........................................

M e n ’s U n i o n S u i t s , S p e c i a l a t 9 0 cW Carters, Made Vl'cll, Superior and White Cat union i^its, made of good quality white cotton or balbriggan yarns. Smort sleeves or sleeveless—ankle or knee length. These comlj^t- able summer garments are worth $1.00, special price.........V9u(

M e n ’s A t h l e t i c U n i o n S u i t s , 6 5 c iLoose fitting, cool and comfortable union suits, made jof

good quality nainsook in large plaid effects. Sleeveless ^ d knee length. Proper fitting garments, neatly finished throiggh- out. Special price............................................................... ...

yokes; new gray, navy blue, black and white, taupe and various ways with combination colorings—some with tan shades; $22.98 to $27,98 dresses a t.................14.98 I lace vests, others finished with buttons—$10 special ,5.00

Women’s Silk Gowns, Copies of Imported Models^ at HalfIn this clearance sale we shall offer our entire line of women's high-class silk dresses and gowns at

one-half former prices. These costumes are cleve r copies of imported models from Pacquin, Drecoll, Doical, Lucile. Agness and Callort, Former prices ranged from $72,98 to $200.00; clearance sale prices ........... .......................................................................... .................... .......................... 51.69 to 100.00


OurselvesThe New York alrt who blew out

the gaa In a Wheeling, W. Va., hotel tuccetafully refutet the theory that all treenhorns emanate from (he wheat belt.

There is nothing in all the world ao verdant ai ■ CITY GREEN­HORN and there are thouaandt, yea, mlUioni of them.

City folki are TOO SELF SATIS- FIEP—New York City folks partic­ularly—they are extremely narrow, laiular, alow to (rasp outside ideas.

The peyctaolofy or the city treeti- horn Is yet to be (olved. He ta anenleniA and a puaale to thoae whom Nature haa ,ehdowad with broader parspeetlvea.'

Don't be a city »reenhorn. Study the waya of othera. Qraap the DIG IDEA quickly. Learn! Learn! ILSARN!!

Ona doaa not have to travel to (aln breadth, althoukb travel la aatoqd thlnx. Broad mlndedneaa la (rail taat ona can nultivate. Narrow

theMlndedneaa ta a diaeaae like meaalat—and it la hard to cure.

Get out of TOttBSELr once In a while and try to te t the other fel- low'f point of view.


Men*9 2,00S traw H ats

at 1,50(SMMxi Floor, Waahinfton SL)

Without a doubt, this is the beat straw hat offer of the year—at Bamberger’s or elsewhere. Included are^ rough and fine sennit^v-splUT •fraws in soft wmf yacht shapes and Quulfi curls taken from our MKiULAR STOCK

,of $2 h a » While a limited number J B t Friday and Sat- tirdgYt^Rse $2 hats....... 1,M


. s p e c ia l Items

in Notions

be intFirst Floor, Rear)

The following prices will force Friday only:

8aiiiUry Drew Protectors—Made of light weight rubber sheeting; full size; regularly 25c. each, spe­cial ..................................... 15e

Rubber Sheeting—5-4 best grade Goodyear sheeting; warranted im­pervious; regulir SI ,00 per yard,ipecljl ...................................... 75c

,MMing Cape-Dutch style capst/ade of fancy colored percale; all x tors; regularly 10c. each,':iil i t •.

spe- . .6c

12k Striped

Voiles, 10c



®K*:%r-R p A

(P int Floor, Washington St.) These sheer and itrisp voltes are

27 inches wide. The patterns are neat stripes of pink, blue, brown or black on white grounds. Made of fine yarn; 12J.'ic. value, special, peryard ............................................ lOc

Unbleached Muslin, 51/ic—Mill lengths of good quality muslin; 38 inches wide; nice, clean weave; sella regularly for 7c. per yard; apodal at ................................. s ^ c

- 3 '

5,00 Go-Cartsfor 3,95

(Sixth Floor.)These folding style go-

carts have the best quality steel frames, finished in black enamel. Leatherette body and hood, spring seat, reclin­ing back and adjustable dash. Rubber-tired steel wheels. Closes, with one motion— simple'to operate. Special for Friday only............... 3.95

■ 25.00 Reed PullmanSleeper, 15.95

The number of these white enameled baby carriages* is very limited. Choose early. Cfirriage has fine quality reed body and hood, upholstered in white corduroy. Reclin­ing back, tabular geitr, easy riding springs, fancy enam­eled cross handle, rubber-^

- tired steel wheels. $25 PuU- fw ii " sleepers, while thej


Get a Royad Wilton Rug for 27.49(Ruga. Fourth Floor, Washington Street.)

For one day—Friday only—you may choose from our entire line of $32.50 and $35 royal wilton rugs in size 8.3 by 10.6, for $27.49. The collection comprises an immense stock of rugs in seventy-five new and handsome designs. Both seamed and seamless rugs are included, ’phone orders will be filled at the special price of

No 27.49

39.50 Royal Wilton Rugs, 28.75—These beautiful rugs are seamless (woven in one piece) and are 9 by 12 feet in size. In the col­lection are fifty designs of Oriental reproduc­tions. Fine quality, handsome rugs, worth$39,50, for ................................................... 28.75

22.00 Axminster Rugs, 16.25—These rugs are of fine texture and are strictly perfect. Soft and beautiful colorings. Sizes, 9 by 12 feet. We have taken only a limited number of our regular $22 axminster rugs and shall offer them Friday at ..................................................... 16-25

20.00 Tapestry Brus-sels Rugs, 15.95—Youwill make no mistake in buying one of these rugs for the dining room, as a tapestry brussets rug is easily kept^dean. Friday we shall offer strictly first grade 9 by 12 foot seamless rugs, regular $20.00, for....................................... 15.95

12.00 Reversible Ruga. 10.7S--These 9x12 foolrugs are suitable for dining-rooms and bedrooms. Thirty new and desirable patterns are included at this special price. Regular 512 reversible rugs, Fri­day only.....................................................

Settle^ the PianoQuestion Here


Dinner Sets at Substantial Savings(Bamberger Daylight Basement)

This sale is planned chiefly for ihe benefit of those who have wedding gifts to select and for women who need table china for summer homes. The savings are so out of the ordinary that many homes should be furnished with new dinner ware during the next two days.

8.98 Dinner Seta, 5.98—American dinner Sets. 9.98-Americanporcelain acts, 100 pieces, with sugar u P / porcelain sets of 100 pieces, includ-bowl and cream jug; floral decora- tiona, gold traced; worth $8.98 set, special..........................................5.**

9.98 Dinner Sets, 7.98—100 pieces of American porcelain, soup tureen included; a number of ptetw decora­tions; regularly worth $9,98 per set, special ___....................................

10.82 IJHiher Sets, 9.25—American porcelsdn, 100 pieces, including soup tur*(h; very pretty floral decora-

•rttms: regularly worth $10.82 sej special ..........................................

ing soup tureen; new plain shape; prettily decorated; worth $11.98 set, special ......................................... 9.98

15.98 Dinner Sets, 11.73—Ameri­can porcelain, 103 pieces, soup tureen and 3 meat platters included; also sugar bowl and cream pitcher; worth $13.98, at ..................................11.75

14.98 Dinner Sets, 12.98—Austrian china, serviceable quality, 100 pieces; neatly decorated in pink floral de­sign; worth $14.98 per set, spec.12.98

You KNOW that you are safe in buying a piano at Bamber­ger’s. The instruments we sell •re NOT unknown quantities, but pianos and player pianos of na­tional reputation, guaranteed by the manufacturers and by L. Bamberger & Co. And since you may secure any of these re­liable instruments at the lowest, price for which it may be sold at a legitimate profit—and on lib­eral terms, why not settle the piano question for all time, at Bamberger's?

For 6.00 a month you may pos­sess a $190 to $250 absolutely re­liable piano In genuine mahogany *' oak case; ivory keys; full/


Sale of Women’s Silk Globes(Gloves, Mrst Floor. Market SI.)

glove sale has treated a furore.The silk glove sale has treated a turore. The valuc^ are so far superior to the ordinary that women are buying a ^um- ' mer's supply. Here are the four unparalleled offerings; '

Women’i Pure Silk Gloves, 69c-Extra heavy silk i" black white- full 16-butlon length. Full cut arms; perfect flmng d< fingertips. Sizes 51-■ to 8 ' , ; embroidered backs; price ■

Women’s Pure Milanese Silk “Perfect fitting, with double finger tips; 16-button length, enbacks. Sizes from St-i to 8t i ; priced at ............................

Women’s Silk Gloves, 35e-Two-clasp pure sd''. '" black white- tricot extra heavy silk: neat embroidered backs, allfrom 5?. to 8 ', . Double finger tips; price .......................

Women's Silk Gloves, 50c-Mousquetaire style, m black and whild extra fine quality tricot silk; double finger tips; all sizes from 8 ' i ; priced at


Sale of Enameled Ware, 39ci(Bamberger Daylight Basement) ^

Friday we shall offer for sale, while the special lot lasts, reguli rriuay . . ------,, utCnSlI 5inside

orstool and

payment of

11.98 Dinner Seta, 17.98—English porcelain, 100 pieces; handsome border designs in green and pinkgold edges and tracings; worth $19.98 set, at.

19.98 Dinner Seta, 16.98—"Old Abbey” Limoges china; fine floral decorations; gold stippled handles; 101 pieces; regularly worth $19,98, special a t . .16.98

29.98 Dinner Sets, 24.98—“Old Abbey” Limogei china, 100 pieces, including sugar and creamer; new square shape; gold stippled handles; worth $29.98,


17.9834.98 Dinner Sets. 29.98—Havlland & Co. china,

101 pieces, beautifully decorated; best quality china; gold traced handles; worth $34.98 set, special.. .29.98

n.98 Dinner Sets, 8.98—Initial dinner sets of 100 pieces, including soup tureen and three meat platters; gilt letters; floral design; regular $11.98, special ........* ...........................................................

Men’s 1.00 & 1.50 Shirts, 88c

guaranteed. Plano cover free. Initial only $10 required.

For 19.00 a month you may possess a 5390 to $495 88-noie player piano with all the latest attachments, in selected walnut, mahogany or oak case. Bench, cover and music rolls free. Ini­tial paymefi' of only $15 re­quired.

The wonderful Behning Player Plano, "with Ihe ton£ you can't forget,” may be had for $750 to $900, on proportionately low terms as those listed above. Truly, there is a piano for every purse at Bamberger’s.

Our Exchange Department of­fers many fine used pianos at very attractive prices. Instru­ments as low as $85, Terms as low as $5 a month. Several used player pianos at $295. Send for catalog.

49c to 09c. enameled cooking utensils for 39c. each are mottled blue on Ihe outside, and are white enameled Seven different kinds of articles in the lot in various sizes. Take yoifr choice of these 49c. to 69c, cooking utensils for 39c. eacht-q u a rt Berlin lov-

vred pnlH6-quert Berlin covered

pol«8 -quart Berlin covered

pole4 - ^ a r t BerMiv covered

k e ttle t

6-quart Berlin covered kettles

A-quart Berlin covered kettlea

4>qu&n Berlin aauce pane

6-quarl Berlin eauce pana

',^-quiHii coffee pots 3-quari coffee pota • I ' i - q u a r pots / No. 7 9l*e lea k e t t l^ l0-quari dleh pans [ 12-quart dish pans » I'/y-quarL rice holler/ 2 'q uar l rice boiler k

/tegu iM f 4Vc to 69c E o tm e to d W a n W hite the L o t L*Mt$r 39c I

Fifty 35.00 Machines, 24.50Join the June Clujh Now \

Friday we start the June Sewing Machine Club of which the attraction for membership is a $35 well-known machine

(Men’s Shirtn, First Floor, Market Street)Luck! The thermometer threatening to linger around the 90 s—and here are $1.00 and

$1.50 soft and cool negligee shirts down to 88c.I It should not require any special inducement to sell every one of the 1,784 shirts in two days’ time. The cloths are not only cool and the pat­terns inviting, but are woven to stand many rough voyages to the laundry. The making- toes the mark of the Bamberger standard of perfection. Every shirt is neatly finished. All have soft double cuffs; some neck band, some soft collar attached and other styles with soft collars ^detached) of same material. Sizes 14 to 17. Regular $1 and $1.50 shirts......... ...................... 88c

Musical Hour*

Three Prizes in the Linen Store(Linens, First Floor, Washington Street)

3 9 c T a b l e D a m a s k , 2 9 cGood heavy quality snow

white mercerized damask, in neat patterns—64 inches wide —regularly 39c, per yard, spe­cial Friday.......................... 29c

29c White Linen, 19cMade of genuine pure flax—

36 inches wide—an exception­ally fine quality—suitable for women’s and children's dresses —29c. value........................ 19c

1 9 c N a t u r a l L i n e n , 1 5 eNatural color blouse linen,

of Itlte. firm quality, 36 inches wide—guaranteed all linen— usually sold for 19c. yard, ,15c

Bamberfer Auditorium, Juse 9tb,8:30 to l;30 V,. M.

PreaentlDif. ^Mill fJrjcfl! E. CRrap. ftnpranfj.Mr. Sianler nriillef

ffl Bchnini I'lojerptonn.Mr. D, j rtf’dinon

It Victor Vii'trolff.Mr. Georff Udwardi Smilb» acroaipanlBl.

PBOGBAH.1. Dane* Uonffttl.....................Robeiia

Piorer-'pltoo.2. rhlltl’e Hnoff,.............Moorff-Mtrahall

John Mci'onuock, ViutoT' H'lctrolt.a. Vlfzl t Mail tlie HintthMIfr t'aiB|i, Oi'a-oaipanled by Mr. Hmtllcy.4. Sone nf SpctJi

Wtltrril (ilcDQ, Victor Vtctrola.5, Cupid, Jr................... WJldfr

Player pUao.6 M.t Pretty Jane........ ........... rUxbop

Kv*n Wllllami, Victor Victnila.7. Urmeina ...........................JohrianDIflaa Camp, aocdEapanli by Mr. Ueurife 'R. NmlTh.I, [treaniff of I/mf Ayo.............Carroll

Enrico Caruio, Victor VlcMi.

for $24.50. Owing to agreement wit matiufacturer, we are not permitted to advertise the name of the machine in connection with the price of $24.50.However, the machine is a new model, guaranteed by the m aker for 10 years and warranted by Bamberger's to give entire satisfaction. If you need a sew­ing machine, investigate this club offering at once. There is no fell­ing how soon fifty inembers may be secured, and we positively have only that many machines to sell for 24.50. 1,

CLUB TERMS—$2 cash; $1 a week; nO-extras; free instruction.^

3.98 Lawn Swings, 2.98(Lawn Swings, Sixth Floor) JFriday we shall offer two-passepger lawn swings, whichj sell

regular for $3.98, at a saving of one dollar. This swing is solidly constructed of hardwood stock, well-braced and ifein- forced throughout. Natural finish; red painted hangers. Very strong and durable—and comfortable. Regular selling wice $3.98, special'for Friday only...............................................,2.98

Everything the Children Need for “June Sunday *


New Ribbpns(First Floor. Market Street)

Sash and Hair Bow Ribbon— Taffeta ground with moire edges — 5 and 7 inche-s wide—while, pink and light blue—yd. 25c & 39c

Satin Taffeta Itihljon—Good quality satin taffeta ribbon, 6;.4 inches wide, in white, pink and ‘ blue. Rich luster—value 35c.yard, a t . .............................. . .29c

Taffeta Ribbon—Extra heavy iure silk ribbon, six inches wide,

white, pink, blue and other staple colors—rcg. 35t. per yard at .............................................28e

Children’s Shoes .(Second Floor, Market SL)

Children’s 1.75 and 2.50 Shoes, 1.35—White nu-buqk high cut but­ton shoes In sizes 4 to 8. White canvas high cut button shoes in sires 4 to 8, White Nu-buck Ro­man- sandals In sixes 4 to 8. Reg­ular SI.75 and $2 shoes.. . . . .1.35

Children’s Rid Button Shoes, spring heels, sizes 4 to 8; 75c.values ......... ............................59c

Children’s Kid Button Shoes, no heels, sizes 2 to 414; 60c. val. .49c

ChfldTen’s Button and Lace Shoes,'sizes 3 to 8. Regular SIand $1.15.................. ,79e

Babies* 75c to 1.25 Low Shoes—Sizes 3 and 4 . ......................... 69e

Children’s 1.25 to 1.50 Low Shoes—Spring heels; size 7 . . .89c

Misses* 1.60 to 2.50 Low Shoes '-Low heels; sizes t3 & I3;4-1.25

Growing Girls* 2.00 and 2,50 Low Shoes—Low heels; sizes 3 to4 ....................................... . . . .U O

IJM Robson Calf Lace Shoea—Sizes 9 to I3K . . . . t.35

Bojrs* 1,50 Sstlii Calf LocoShoesr-Sizea.3 to S H ,......... .liO

Bofs* 1,50 Calf Lace BboeW-L : j ixes 0 to,13l4.<. ••■....1,35

Boys* Wash Suits, 1,25These are sample suits and the

surplus stock of a big maker. Made of madras, galatea and per­cale. Russian blouse suits in 3 to 7 year sizes; sailor blouse suits, in sizes 6 to to years. Regular $1.50 to 2.50 values, while they last.1.23

Bt^s’ 5.00 Serge Suits, 3.98— Strictly all wool, fast color blue serge — Norfolk and double breasted—cut on stylish models— good linings and trimmings—sizes 6 to 17 years—$5.00 values, .3.98

Boys* Wash Suits, 2.98—Nor­folk suits, made of good quality white duck, linen or linen crash; also gray and blue linen. Sizes 7to 15’years. Peg top knickers.2.98

■'nle' " ~Boys* 75c Knickers, 15c—Cassi- mere and cheviot knickers and bloomers of good quality. Full cut—patent bands and reinforced seams. Sizes 6 to 16 years— 4Bc

Boys* 3.98 SuiU, 2.75—Norfolk and double-breasted suits of all- wool materials in neat stripes and plaids. Gray and brown shades. Sizes 8 to 16 years...............2.75

Boya^ anU Yowtha' Shtrto—('lain white and colored neallgee sh irta —coat tro n ls—laundered outte a t ­tached—exceU ent dealsna nod col-ore—aliea I* (o H; at. ............ rse

■ora’ Soft fo aX ee SWtta— Plain colora and p re tty alrlpe eltecta— n eck b an d * 'tn d aoft collara a t ta c h ­es; stao laundered cuff atylee— aiioa (rom 1# to D : a t ............... i-oo

Girls* Dresses, 1.50(Third Floor, Blarket St.)

The clever

Child’s White Dresses(Seeand B s«, Haliay Straet)Fine lawn, i»t. mull and pretty

novelty malerfgls, mads in Ihe very newest dltecM. Sizes I m 5 years. Beautifully ftjmmed wfth lace, em­broidery, ribbon and fldwera. High or low necks—long or short sleeves—bottoms plaiiier trimmed. Prices tango from... to I6v0o

little w a s h- able f r ock pictured here is A new Rus­sian model wi t h low belt of self. Fancy em­broidered col- l|r and cuffs of b a t i s t e e m b rsiidery and is finish­ed at neck with lacing. May be had In all white, c a d et and l i gh t blue, tan, pink, rose and leather. Sizes 6 to 12 years. Splen- did va l uea t .........1.50

Girls’ 1.00 Dreases,.T9c—Pleasing models made of percales, English prints and linona. Light and dark colors—neat designs. Sizet 6 to ,14 years. $1.00 dresses for.. . . . . ,'T9e

Misses' and Juniors’ Drenses— Embroidered voiles, ratines and batiste,prettilytrimmed with shadow Or torchon lace, embroidery and io- sertions. Sizea 13 to Iff years. ,

, 7.1$ to 12.98Girls’ White DpessoUH-New low

.waisted modela, of fine. Jbwn, bat- lale or voile—dOlQlUy tritemed with lace, embrolde^, mOdglnotu and tplbhons, SIzaa'ff to 14 yaars.

JUisses* Silk Gloves(First Floor, Market Street) Long Gloves—Kayser 12-button

length tricot silk gloves In white, sky and pink. Sizes 2 to 7—dou­ble finger tips. Pair........ ...75c

Elbow Gloves — Moinque^re silk gloves in white only—efbow lengjh—full cut—sizes 2 to 7—good quality—pair................. 50c

Two-Closp Gloves—Kayser two- clasp silk gloves, In while, tan and gray. Sizes 0 to Trouble finger lips—perfect fitting. Pair....60c

Children’! Lisle Gloves—White, tan and gray—good quality lisle;— one or two clasps. Embroidered backs—sizes 0 to 7—psir.......2Sc

Boys* Furnishings(Pint Floor, Market Street)Boys’ Collars—A complete as­

sortment of Butter Brown gnd Etpn collars; also styles like men wear, both, soft and laundered— sizes 12 to H, a f . . . 1 2 H e

* 9.M

Boya’ Windtar Tlaa—Solid col­ors in all shadesi also the newest j^aida, jtripes, Bulgarian and

iddy effects, priced at.25c ft 50c Boya’ Belta—Black, brown and

gray belts, in sizes from 26 to 32 ill.^11 well made. Good belta at 15cBaya’ BanuN* Suspeudai*—

With or withotif gaiter attach- mahta. Tbe best flbtpeiidira made, ^sea 6 to 14, at,/.,...,,,i50e to T5c

Boys' Four-fti-Baiidai'rReversi-! Ma Ecarfi in tHe neweat patieriiaia ^ plain colopav ...2i«

Boys* Straw Hats(2d Flow, Wash! ngton St.)Boys’ Straw Hats, 1,00—Jack

Tar, Tyrolean and Rah Rah styles. White, blue and black. Some have bound edges and fancy col­ored bands—all sizes.............. 1.00

Boys’ 2.60 Straw Hats, 1.93— Of line Milan or Leghorn. Tyro­lean, Jack Tar and other shapes, in all colors—plain or bound edges— regular S2.S0, special..............L95

Boys’ Straw Hata, 2.95 to 4,75 —Genuine Milans and Panamas, hand made. Tyrolean, Jack Tar, Middy and Rah Rah atylea. Latest colors and lriminings..2.95 to 4.75

Children’s Hosiery(FM Floor, Rear)

Cbitdren'a aitd Infants’ Silk Socks—Black, white, tan, pink and sky; atao plain silk lislet and fancy aocks with roll tops. Pair 25c ft 50c

ChiIdzen’V Silk Uate Hose- Finely ribbed silk lisle hose with double heels and toes and garter tops. Black, while, Ian, sky and pink. Pair ........ ,25e

Infanta* Stoeldngi—Of ailk lisle and cotton, in all ^zes. -Tan, iky, pink, black and while—a large aa- sortment at prices from-t" - '-

- lZ\i€Ut 60cMiaaea’ Hoae-^Silk, allk lisle

and plain lisle, ribbed or fan- ioned. Black, white, plski tan and •ky. Prices, per p a i r / *-

25c, J5e, tffe ft LOO i;;;CUI^ren’a Socks—A -Marge as-

sortmant of children’! aocks in nll'% sizeai ..Fancy topa in almott every conceivable, color jnd design. Per

tpair -12»c


P i l l o w ^ h a m ^

and ScarfsFor Less

I(Second Floor, Halsey Street) We have secured .several.;'lots

of dainty lace trimmed sedrfs and shams at a substantial reduction In the regular prices and have marked them al equally!attrac­tive figurei. Xhese d^rative pieces are particularly Aproprl- ate for summer use, aavhey are easily laundered and a n very serviceable. At the fnlowing prices and values are very pro­nounced ! I

German Clnny ^carf»t^ Bureau or buffet obarfs of heavy material with ^ne roiir of Clutiy lace insert^aR/and lace" edges; reguMly 50c.

. / ': 'niL.each, special.,,...V'K.<u. German Ciuny St aifs, pil-

low^hams and cent re pieces ' union linen centrea^one row of drawn work, litian lace in* lerriona and edgeaj; Tegular' 69c. and 7Se., a t.,Sue and 69e and nUo

WitB‘ 4llaborate ft et eafftriw and wide .lace elgea. Full size, color undi^iieath; suit­able for summer II m, each Tik

WettHi clou d y «

\ . N U J i


Katzenbach“ Dopesteri

d a t 's S i


A9 lIUiBtratti w ilt* ftmonfIftfUtBri with tl S tate the acoo a t the White outlook are rc atoiT la being p ro n laen t In party Bince Mi •rnor.

U Ja retatei placed before promlaea betwi

Mayor H City, for the 1 caee of one of folt th a t he a way. whether tbe race or no

Thla choice i iaf M- Oarrl brought tboui ■ u ded aa un The Preaideni aa a more in, net poll, la would place r tbe advaocem Interviewers g buigeetlon wg trouble with tl has dleoialme^ bhd haa mad ira jit the Oov<

The eecond Praeldentp acc tha t of Chanei t to ry haa II 1 'Walker did no Hobert A. Sib Board of Edu ffeetlon. Mr. neace when bi County In iwc the abolition tu re of 1911 p

- office. Aceoril ^ there wae no

whether he lU s o t

Katai tto rlee have

from Waihlni belnff told th< I. Katsenbach natlqn, l i no Everybody kn fa r from hevi K atienbaeh ir

The Katzenk have under w ■yatematic ca;

'a. In the count Monmouth an quiet work In these cour larae Democn Oort of K ttser Tlie Trenton i County, too.

There la a a opportune me In B isex Co Vielder camp I t ii recalled ta tlo b to the a rk ahoutfnp Governor and On arrlv in r a tbe Unrtine \ bach emblemi afreet rootinf Noimlnatlen. a Ukhfninf direct prlmarj t l expected b:

I t la fifuret inent Kataenl o f all who ca p a r t of the i tollowlnf.

MMany Demo

eobach a p e e the Katxenba the central c N upent eupp

Qaims Vioi 88 Foarl




TOKIO, Ja af Japan to tl subject of thi •rshtp leglats bill poasod b Violates the i ass tn sty I frlaodly powi U the Queatlt tors the doi (Ions snS th gueitlon.

Thv note SI laalflatlon -vti •sa-Amerlcsn taea subjects l llf psrttee tc Are Inseparal

tt also dec latap the foi

Sfnlted Btstei to


(Atei to gra lawa to all tlon.

Intareat in Mnserahip cor and continue of eon-reroatl oral msBiime arrsnied. .Tataue Y»i

‘'® titro and Con dedarea tha tl daalrous oj Pseltlo Expo ewltigiapop land quoattm «rd«r twdeti ard tlH ei tartfcar with

TbsJapane Its reply to propel bU tUm. which, (svorabty coi

WA.BKIND J a ^ ' i Istei Toklo diipati luaton with ffclals and mad to the I M today s bvpartiBont,

... Moore, th* >'is4hority on li

SJplomattal^^■‘ rtfeinred to b

<- M opoolns t - atuht nsantl . ttou that tht

ra,.......Ota'-' .aatutton. Tl -- "ttUs .attar ; ' kaatvrtay ai '#«ini*raB0e,

i AmbasaadorAi.fo tha dsu ^ atkto shall.

Ul>*rty or p law, nor

Ua jurlsdtotj % taws." f be oontai

I ■)

parts atie, DUbut wit Ing at tbe th* Fourteei

Oeoretary ! burfb to a Qoerge W. t Ambesaadw new pbasoe Preatdant w CounSoJOr U tt(sS,.'lt.ma;

