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Yazon, Edwin (CC)

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1 Yazon, Edwin (CC) From: Samoiloff, Clifton <[email protected]> Sent: October 22, 2021 3:13 PM To: Yazon, Edwin (CC) Subject: RE: File 1628.00 - Snowlake Waste Disposal Ground Attachments: SPEC - 31 32 33 - Geomembrane .pdf; Leachate Pond.pdf CAUTION: This email originated from an External Sender. Please do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the source. ATTENTION: ce courriel provient d’un expéditeur externe. Ne cliquez sur aucun lien et n’ouvrez pas de pièce jointe, excepté si vous connaissez l’expéditeur. Hi Edwin, After reviewing your questions with our design team I can provide you with the following additional information: 1. In the EAP, groundwater measurements obtained in 2012 and 2020 indicated that the groundwater surface is seasonal, the highest being 299+m. The proposed cell design will be located at 297+m. There are proposed mitigation measures to maintain the one metre high seasonal water table separation in the cell. If approved, the licence conditions would include that the one metre high seasonal water table separation will be maintained at all times. Understood, and we will address this with the mitigation measures proposed. Thank you for the notification. 2. Given the proposed height of the cell and the proposed 4:1 slope upon closure, please confirm that the buffer zone between the toe of the final cap elevation and the proposed property line will be met. Buffer will be met. The top closure slope is designed at 4:1, but will tie-in to the top of the clay berm that is constructed at a 3:1 exterior slope. Closure slope will not extend pass the initially constructed berms in Stage 1. 3. Regarding leachate pond, please demonstrate that the seasonal high groundwater table is at least one metre below the lowest point of the cell. Peat thickness is much lower in this area compared to the location of the cells, however monitoring wells were not constructed in this area so exact water table is unknown. Mitigation of seasonal high groundwater table could include installation of an underdrain layer or increase in berm heights . 4. The leachate pond will be lined with a bituminous geomembrane liner above a recompacted subgrade. Does this mean that the leachate pond will be constructed with two layers of liners – one metre CCL and synthetic liner. Please submit an engineering drawing for this design. What do you mean by bituminous geomembrane liner? Is this the same as the HDPE liner? Please provide more information of the synthetic liner, e.g. construction, QA QC reporting, etc. Attached BGM specification. A fully waterproof, durable bituminous geomembrane suitable for use on any terrain (coletanche.com). A drawing of the leachate pond drawing has been provided with the EAP application, but an additional copy is provide in the attached. 5. Regarding leachate pond, there is a statement that once it reaches its maximum operating level the contained leachate will be pumped from the pond and sent to a licensed wastewater treatment facility in the region for


Yazon, Edwin (CC)

From: Samoiloff, Clifton <[email protected]>Sent: October 22, 2021 3:13 PMTo: Yazon, Edwin (CC)Subject: RE: File 1628.00 - Snowlake Waste Disposal Ground Attachments: SPEC - 31 32 33 - Geomembrane .pdf; Leachate Pond.pdf

CAUTION: This email originated from an External Sender. Please do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the source. ATTENTION: ce courriel provient d’un expéditeur externe. Ne cliquez sur aucun lien et n’ouvrez pas de pièce jointe, excepté si vous connaissez l’expéditeur.

Hi Edwin, After reviewing your questions with our design team I can provide you with the following additional information:

1. In the EAP, groundwater measurements obtained in 2012 and 2020 indicated that the groundwater surface is seasonal, the highest being 299+m. The proposed cell design will be located at 297+m. There are proposed mitigation measures to maintain the one metre high seasonal water table separation in the cell. If approved, the licence conditions would include that the one metre high seasonal water table separation will be maintained at all times.

Understood, and we will address this with the mitigation measures proposed. Thank you for the notification.

2. Given the proposed height of the cell and the proposed 4:1 slope upon closure, please confirm that the buffer

zone between the toe of the final cap elevation and the proposed property line will be met. Buffer will be met. The top closure slope is designed at 4:1, but will tie-in to the top of the clay berm that is constructed at a 3:1 exterior slope. Closure slope will not extend pass the initially constructed berms in Stage 1.

3. Regarding leachate pond, please demonstrate that the seasonal high groundwater table is at least one metre

below the lowest point of the cell. Peat thickness is much lower in this area compared to the location of the cells, however monitoring wells were not constructed in this area so exact water table is unknown. Mitigation of seasonal high groundwater table could include installation of an underdrain layer or increase in berm heights.

4. The leachate pond will be lined with a bituminous geomembrane liner above a recompacted subgrade. Does

this mean that the leachate pond will be constructed with two layers of liners – one metre CCL and synthetic liner. Please submit an engineering drawing for this design. What do you mean by bituminous geomembrane liner? Is this the same as the HDPE liner? Please provide more information of the synthetic liner, e.g. construction, QA QC reporting, etc.

Attached BGM specification. A fully waterproof, durable bituminous geomembrane suitable for use on any terrain (coletanche.com). A drawing of the leachate pond drawing has been provided with the EAP application, but an additional copy is provide in the attached.

5. Regarding leachate pond, there is a statement that once it reaches its maximum operating level the contained

leachate will be pumped from the pond and sent to a licensed wastewater treatment facility in the region for


treatment. Please indicate which wastewater treatment facility. There should be an agreement in place between the treatment facility and Hudbay if this will occur in the future. Leachate cannot be sent into a domestic wastewater treatment lagoon. Leachate must not be removed or discharged from the facility, except with the written approval from the Director. Otherwise, please revise the statement and propose mitigation measures to avoid maximum operating level.

The primary option is leachate treatment at the Chisel North Wastewater Treatment Plant (licensed Hudbay facility). As for avoiding maximum operating level, the leachate pond has been sized for the entire footprint of the landfill. With initial operation we would not expect to reach maximum operating level when seasonal evaporation is considered. Mitigation measure that will be included in the operations plan included regular (daily) water level monitoring and pumping as required. Water level alarms can also be installed if required.

6. All engineering drawings, including landfill cells and leachate pond, must be stamped by a professional engineer.

Yes, stamped drawings will be provided. 7. Re burn pits, please submit a burn pit design. Does the burning area meet the burning requirements (Sec 17 of

the WMF regulation)? Burn pit is currently designed as a 3-sided berm, 1.8 m high as per the standards. No compost area is onsite, no offsite buildings withing 400 m, closest active face in Stage 2 will be just within 50 m of the berm area. If shifting the location of the burn area further east (away from landfill) is required this could be accommodated based on site plan.

Thanks Edwin, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require any addition information. Regards, Cliff

From: Yazon, Edwin (CC) <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2021 10:22 AM To: Samoiloff, Clifton <[email protected]> Subject: [EXTERNAL] File 1628.00 - Snowlake Waste Disposal Ground Good morning Cliff, Regarding the Environment Act Proposal (EAP) for Snowlake Class 1 Waste Disposal Ground, please provide comments or additional information for the following:

In the EAP, groundwater measurements obtained in 2012 and 2020 indicated that the groundwater surface is

seasonal, the highest being 299+m. The proposed cell design will be located at 297+m. There are proposed mitigation measures to maintain the one metre high seasonal water table separation in the cell. If approved, the licence conditions would include that the one metre high seasonal water table separation will be maintained at all times.

Given the proposed height of the cell and the proposed 4:1 slope upon closure, please confirm that the buffer

zone between the toe of the final cap elevation and the proposed property line will be met.

Regarding leachate pond, please demonstrate that the seasonal high groundwater table is at least one metre below the lowest point of the cell.


The leachate pond will be lined with a bituminous geomembrane liner above a recompacted subgrade. Does

this mean that the leachate pond will be constructed with two layers of liners – one metre CCL and synthetic liner. Please submit an engineering drawing for this design. What do you mean by bituminous geomembrane liner? Is this the same as the HDPE liner? Please provide more information of the synthetic liner, e.g. construction, QA QC reporting, etc.

Regarding leachate pond, there is a statement that once it reaches its maximum operating level the contained leachate will be pumped from the pond and sent to a licensed wastewater treatment facility in the region for treatment. Please indicate which wastewater treatment facility. There should be an agreement in place between the treatment facility and Hudbay if this will occur in the future. Leachate cannot be sent into a domestic wastewater treatment lagoon. Leachate must not be removed or discharged from the facility, except with the written approval from the Director. Otherwise, please revise the statement and propose mitigation measures to avoid maximum operating level.

All engineering drawings, including landfill cells and leachate pond, must be stamped by a professional engineer.

Re burn pits, please submit a burn pit design. Does the burning area meet the burning requirements (Sec 17 of the WMF regulation)?

Sincerely, Edwin Yazon, P. Eng. Environmental Engineer, Environmental Approvals Manitoba Conservation and Climate [email protected] / Cel: 431-335-2554 1007 Century St., Winnipeg, MB R3H 0W4 Facts are key in the fight against COVID-19, visit Manitoba.ca/covid-19 To report an Environmental Emergency please call our 24/7 Environmental Emergency Response Line (204) 944-4888 Toll Free in Manitoba 1-855-944-4888

Snow Lake Waste Disposal Ground Section 31 32 21 Development GEOMEMBRANE Page 1 of 10


1.1 Related Sections

.1 Section 01 33 00 – Submittal Procedures.

.2 Section 01 45 00 – Quality Control.

.3 Section 01 78 00 – Closeout Submittals.

.4 Section 31 37 00 – Riprap.

1.2 Work Activities

.1 Work Included:

.1 Survey requirements including but not limited to staking, layout, construction, and measurement will be provided by the Contractor.

.2 This item includes supply of all labour, materials and equipment to install the Bituminous Geomembrane (Geomembrane) liner as specified and detailed on the Drawings.

.3 Supply, transportation and installation of all required materials and equipment, including seaming, destructive and non-destructive testing for all field seams, and all materials, labour, inspection, equipment and documentation necessary to complete the Work specified.

.4 Installation of Geomembrane in the Leachate Pond.

.5 Excavation and backfill of the anchor trenches.

.6 Dewatering as required, before and during construction.

.7 Quality Control testing and reporting as specified.

.8 All incidental work for which payment is not specified elsewhere.

1.3 Definitions

.1 Installation Contractor: The Manufacturer or Manufacturer’s approved Contractor trained and licensed to install Geomembrane liner.

.1 Installation Supervisor: Individual who has installed or supervised the installation and seaming of a minimum of 500,000 m2 of Geomembrane liner.

.2 Installation Quality Control (IQC): Submittals, installation, Quality Control Testing and record management completed by the Installation Contractor to determine compliance with the requirements for installation and workmanship in certification documents and contract specifications.

.3 Master Seamer: Individual who has seamed a minimum of 100,000 m2 of Geomembrane liner.

.4 Manufacturing Quality Control (MQC): Measures completed by the manufacturer to determine compliance with the requirements for materials and workmanship in certification documents and contract specifications.

.5 Quality Control Inspector: Individual directing all of the Manufacturing Quality Control during production of the Geomembrane liner.

.6 Quality Assurance Inspector: Individual paid for by the Owner overseeing the Contractor’s installation and Quality Control testing.

.7 Quality Control Manager: Individual directing all of the Quality Control Testing during installation and responsible for compiling and approving all testing completed for installation of the Geomembrane liner. Has completed Quality Control Testing for a minimum of 500,000 m2 of Geomembrane liner.

.8 Quality Control Testing: All destructive and non-destructive testing for installation of the Geomembrane liner as specified.

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1.4 Submittals

.1 The following items must be submitted prior to the commencement of liner installation:

.1 Certification by the manufacturer that all materials used in the manufacture of the Geomembrane liner for this project meet or exceed the Specifications.

.2 Copy of quality control certificates for all Geomembrane liner rolls to be used.

.3 Installation and Quality Control Plan.

.4 Proposed installation panel layout identifying seams and details. The working drawings shall be in the form of an overlay to the construction drawings and shall indicate roll number, sizes, and positioning of rolls.

.5 Resumes stating the experience and qualifications of the Installation Supervisor and Master Seamer to be assigned to the proposed project.

.6 A written Warranty from the Manufacturer for material and the Installation Contractor for workmanship. These documents shall warrant both the quality of the material for a minimum of five (5) years and workmanship for a minimum of two (2) years.

.7 Subgrade surface acceptance certificates, signed by Contractor, for each area that will be covered by Geomembrane. Submit prior to Geomembrane installation. Installation of Geomembrane will be considered as acceptance of subgrade if certificate is not submitted.

.8 Certification report indicating proper installation of Geomembrane.


2.1 Prefabricated Bituminous Geomembrane Liner

.1 The geomembrane shall be a reinforced Geomembrane liner with a nominal thickness of 4.0 mm.

.2 The Geomembrane liner shall consist of the following components:

.1 250 g/m2 long fibre, non-woven, polyester geotextile.

.2 50 g/m2 glass fibre fleece impregnated with elastomeric bitumen.

.3 Fillerised elastomeric bitumen coating to geotextile and glass fleece.

.4 Sand surface texture.

.5 Polyethylene anti-root film on the underside of the sheet.

.3 The Geomembrane liner shall be used for horizontal surfaces and on side slopes.

.4 The Geomembrane liner shall be manufactured of new, first quality materials and shall be compounded and manufactured specifically for the intended purpose. The Manufacturer shall acquire enough materials of the same quality to produce the required amount of Geomembrane to ensure uniform composition.

.5 The surface of the Geomembrane liner shall not have pinholes or bubbles and shall be free of holes, blisters, undispersed raw materials or any contamination by foreign matter; except that if, in the opinion of the Inspector, the blemish will not adversely affect properties and use of the Geomembrane. The Inspector may accept the Geomembrane after sufficient laboratory test data are provided to support such acceptance and provided that all such testing is done at the expense of the Installer.

.6 The Geomembrane shall be supplied in rolls. Labels on each roll shall identify the thickness of the material, the length and width of the roll, batch and roll numbers and name of manufacturer.

2.2 Finished Product - On-Line During Production

.1 Coverage

.1 A minimum of one person from the quality control department independent of the production department shall be present for inspection of every roll.

.2 Manufacturer Inspection

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.1 Thickness

.1 A full width sample shall be cut from the end of each roll and thickness shall be checked across the entire sample.

.2 Appearance .1 Constant monitoring of the following:

.1 Sheet surface appearance.

.2 Knife-cut edge.

.3 Folds, holes, creases, abrasions or other damage.

.3 Roll Identification .1 The Quality Control Inspector shall control all paperwork including roll tags.

Four tags per roll shall be used as follows: .1 On the roll sleeve. .2 Inside the core. .3 On the production roll sample. .4 On the roll surface.

.4 Non-Compliant Material .1 Rolls not compliant with the Specification for any of the above inspections

shall be placed on hold for further evaluation.

2.3 Finished Product - Laboratory Testing During Production

.1 Sampling

.1 Manufacturer’s Representative shall take samples every 4,000 square metres of produced material, as well as any other samples required to perform the manufacturer testing stated below.

.2 Manufacturer Testing

.1 One each sample: .1 Thickness: ASTM D5199 - minimum 4.0 mm. .2 Mass per Unit Area: ASTM D5261 – minimum 4850 g/m2. .3 Density: ASTM D1505 – 1.1 g/cm3.

.4 Tensile Properties: ASTM D4595. .1 Stress at Break

.1 Longitudinal direction 25 kN/m.

.2 Transverse direction 21 kN/m.

.2 Elongation at Break .1 Longitudinal direction 80 %. .2 Transverse direction 80 %.

.5 Tear Resistance: ASTM D 4073 .1 Longitudinal direction 825 N. .2 Transverse direction 700 N.

.6 Static Puncture Resistance: ASTM D4833 530 N.

.7 Flexibility at Low Temperature: ASTM D5147 -20˚C. .3 Reporting

.1 All test results shall be logged into the batch file. Any testing that indicates non-compliant results shall be brought to the immediate attention of the Quality Control Manager. All material produced after the last sample meeting all specifications shall be retrieved and placed on hold for further evaluation.


3.1 General

.1 The Installation Contractor shall be the Manufacturer, or a Manufacturer approved Contractor trained and licensed to install the Manufacturer's Geomembrane. Installation

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shall be performed under the constant direction of a single field Installation Supervisor supplied by the Installation Contractor who shall remain on site and be in responsible charge, throughout the liner installation, for liner activities by the installer. All seaming shall be performed under the direction of a Master Seamer using the seaming equipment and accessories specified in Section 3.4 below. The Master Seamer, who may also be the Installation Supervisor, shall be present whenever seaming is performed.

.2 Data sheets indicating the receiving and storing the Geomembrane liner, the suitability of the base, laying the Geomembrane liner, thickness checks, weather conditions, anchoring the Geomembrane liner, installer’s personnel, welding the Geomembrane liner, weld mechanical resistance test, CAC 94 automated weld test, weld repair details, “dry point” manual weld test, vacuum dome weld test, welding the Geomembrane to structures/pipe surrounds, pipe work penetrations, and the consignment note, and certificate of analysis checklist are to be completed as per manufacturer’s details.

.3 The Contractor shall communicate to the Design Professional any discrepancies found between these specifications and the Manufacturer’s recommendations. In cases where these specifications differ from the Manufacturer’s recommendations, the Manufacturer’s recommendations shall govern.

3.2 On-Site Storage

.1 The Geomembrane liner shall be stored to be protected from puncture, dirt, grease, mud, mechanical abrasions, excessive heat or other damage.

.2 The Geomembrane liner shall be handled with equipment which does not contact the liner itself or with clean fabric.

.3 Rolls shall be off-loaded in a single step at a location such that only one more handling step is required to move the roll to the location of installation.

.4 The rolls shall be stored on a prepared surface and not wooden pallets. Rolls shall be suspended by their mandrels on blocks that would keep the rolls from resting on the ground. Stacks should not be more than one roll high.

.5 Data sheets are to be completed as per manufacturer’s instructions

3.3 Earthwork

.1 General

.1 The subgrade shall be excavated to line and grade as shown on the Drawings prior to liner system placement.

.2 The Contractor, in conjunction with the Design Professional, shall, on a daily basis, inspect the subgrade preparation and the Contractor shall satisfy himself as to the adequacy of the subgrade for purposes of the warranty. Weak or compressible areas which cannot be satisfactorily compacted shall be removed and replaced with properly compacted fill. All surfaces to be lined shall be smooth, free of all foreign and organic material, sharp objects, or debris of any kind. These surfaces shall provide a firm, unyielding foundation with no sharp changes or abrupt breaks in grade. Standing water or excessive moisture shall not be allowed.

.3 The Installer, on a daily basis, shall inspect and certify that the surface on which the Geomembrane liner will be installed is acceptable. After the supporting soil surface has been accepted, it shall be the Installer's responsibility to indicate to the Design Professional any change to its condition due to natural causes or occurrences that may require repair work. Proceeding with the installation of the liner shall be deemed to be acceptance of the subgrade and soil surface for purposes of the warranty.

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.4 Subgrade acceptance forms shall be completed and submitted by the Installation

Contractor to the Design Professional as each section of subgrade is prepared for Geomembrane liner installation.

.5 Data sheets are to be completed as per manufacturer’s instructions.

.2 Anchor Trench

.1 The anchor trench shall be excavated to the lines, grade and width shown on the Drawings, prior to liner system placement.

.2 Slightly rounded corners shall be provided in the trench where the Geomembrane adjoins the trench to avoid sharp bends in the Geomembrane.

.3 Data sheets are to be completed as per manufacturer’s instructions.

.3 Subgrade Preparation

.1 Prior to commencing installation of the Geomembrane, completely dewater the area as required and expose the side slopes and base to dry.

.2 The Contractor shall use a smooth-drum roller over all subgrade areas where Geomembrane liner is to be installed. There shall be no more than 50 mm deviation from design grade over a 3 m length.

.3 Contractor shall remove any saturated or deleterious material from the subgrade, at the discretion of the Design Professional, prior to scarifying and recompacting.

.4 Compact the subgrade to the specified density.

.5 Moisture condition as required to achieve the specified density.

.6 The finished subgrade surface must be inspected, certified and accepted by the Installer prior to commencing installation of the Geomembrane.

3.4 Method of Placement

.1 Contractor Responsibilities

.1 Equipment or tools shall not damage the Geomembrane liner by handling, trafficking or other means.

.2 Personnel working on the Geomembrane liner shall not wear damaging shoes or engage in other activities that could damage the liner.

.3 The method used to unroll the panels shall not cause scratches or crimps in the Geomembrane liner and shall not damage the supporting soil.

.4 The method used to place the panels shall minimize wrinkles including differential wrinkles between adjacent panels. The locations of wrinkles shall be identified on the Contractor's and Inspector's drawings.

.5 All defects or abnormalities that affect the physical properties of the Geomembrane liner material shall be marked and documented for repairs. The total number of defects shall not exceed ten (10) per 500 m2. If greater than ten defects per 500 m2 the panel shall be rejected.

.6 Adequate loading, including sandbags or similar items that will not damage the Geomembrane liner shall be placed to prevent uplift by wind. Continuous loading is recommended along edges of panels to minimize risk of wind uplift under the panels in high wind conditions.

.7 Direct traffic contact with the Geomembrane liner shall be minimized and the Geomembrane liner in traffic areas shall be protected by geotextiles, extra Geomembrane liner or other suitable materials.

.8 Data sheets are to be completed as per manufacturer’s instructions.

.2 Material Deployment

.1 Deployment is to be completed by unrolling while suspended from a spreader bar and pulling into position on the prepared subgrade.

.2 The liner shall be deployed completely down the side of the anchor trench with no sharp projections along the edge of the trench.

.3 The liner will be positioned in accordance with an approved deployment plan, rolls extending downside slopes and a minimum 200 mm overlap will be made between adjacent sheets. When side slope material is deployed from welding on

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horizontal surfaces, care must be taken when it is moved to the side slope that the underside is not excessively scratched or gouged and that loose flaps adjacent to seams are not penetrated by dirt, sand or gravel.

.4 The liner is to be laid in intimate contact with the soil to prevent bridging.

.5 The Geomembrane liner must be checked for damage as it is deployed. If damage is detected it shall be marked and suitable remedial measures or replacement shall be implemented.

.6 Data sheets are to be completed as per manufacturer’s instructions.

.3 Weather Conditions

.1 Geomembrane liner deployment shall proceed between ambient temperatures of 0 degrees Celsius (C) to 35 degrees C. Placement can proceed below 0 degrees C only after it has been verified by the Installer and the Design Professional that the material can be seamed according to the Specification.

.2 Liner seaming shall not be done during any precipitation, in the presence of excessive moisture such as fog, rain and dew or in the presence of excessive winds as determined by the Installation Supervisor.

.3 Liner shall not be laid in windy conditions exceeding 30 km/h.

.4 Weather information shall be recorded during all installation operations.

.5 Data sheets are to be completed as per manufacturer’s instructions.

3.5 Field Seaming

.1 General

.1 Seams shall be oriented parallel to the line of maximum slope typically oriented down, not across the slope. In corners and odd-shaped geometric locations, the number of field seams shall be minimized and located outside the corners if possible. Certain conditions may require the seams to be oriented across the slope.

.2 Base T-seam shall not be closer than 2 (two) metres from the toe of the slope. Seams shall be aligned with the least possible number of wrinkles and fishmouths. If fishmouths or wrinkles are present, in a size that could reasonably fold over and create pinch points on the geomembrane, the wrinkles or fish mouths shall be sliced and reseamed with a minimum 200mm overlap.

.3 Prior to field seaming, the seam location is to be swept clean of any foreign debris. The upper sheet is to be lifted and the overlapping areas heated. Immediately after heating, the upper sheet will be pressed against the lower sheet and the area rolled. The edge of the joint is to be smoothed after rolling. No person shall walk over newly welded joints.

.4 Data sheets are to be completed as per manufacturer’s instructions.

.2 Seam Overlap

.1 Panels of Geomembrane liner shall have a finished overlap of a minimum of 200 mm for welding and sufficient overlap shall be provided to allow seam testing to be performed on the weld. A minimum welded width of 130 mm is required.

.2 The procedure used to bond adjacent panels together shall not damage the liner and the temperature of hot air at the nozzle of any spot-welding apparatus shall be controlled such that the liner is not damaged.

.3 Seaming Equipment and Accessories

.1 Approved equipment for field seaming are the following: .1 Gas torch: propane operated twin action control valve and ignition button,

50 mm burner shroud, 10 m gas hose or approved alternate by the Design Professional.

.2 Hot air gun: 1400W, 110V, 315˚C continuously variable temperature control, or an approved alternate by the Design Professional.

.3 Minimum 6.5 kW generator to produce single-phase power with 110/220 volt outputs.

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.4 Power cord #10 CSA approved electrical cord with CSA approved twist-

type plugs and connections. .5 Seam vacuum tester for non-destructive seam and patch testing. .6 Manual ultrasonic weld tester or CAC 94 automatic ultrasonic tester for

non-destructive seam and patch testing. .7 Sweeping brush, trowel, roller, heat resistant gloves.

.4 Test Seams

.1 Field test seams shall be completed on the Geomembrane liner to verify that seaming conditions are satisfactory. Test seams shall be completed at the beginning of each seaming period, if welding has ceased for a period of 2 (two) hours or more, and after dramatic change in weather conditions, for each seaming apparatus used that day.

.2 All test seams shall be made at a location selected by the Design Professional in the area of the seaming and in contact with the subgrade. The test seam sample is to be 1 (one) metre long with the seam centred lengthwise. This full 1 (one) metre length of seam is to be tested with a manual ultrasonic tester under the direct scrutiny of the Inspector. If a test seam fails to meet field seam specifications, the seam shall not be accepted until the deficiencies are corrected and the first test seam and an additional test seam successfully meets the Specifications when retested.

3.6 Non-Destructive Testing

.1 The Installer shall non-destructively test all field seams over the full length. All test equipment shall be furnished by the Installer. The following tests shall be completed:

.1 Vacuum Bell Testing.

.2 The Installer shall non-destructively test all welds and bonds at all locations where Vacuum Bell Testing is not feasible (i.e.. penetrations or sharp grade changes) via Air Lance Testing.

3.7 Destructive Seam Testing

.1 The Installer shall provide the Design Professional with destructive test samples as specified in the table in this Section. The Design Professional shall approve the test location. The Installer shall not be informed in advance of the sample location. If, during the project, samples are consistently good then the frequency of sample collection can be decreased to an amount agreeable to the Installer and the Inspector. The area selected for destructive seam testing shall be repaired by welding a strip of Geomembrane liner as per manufacturer’s instructions.

3.8 Quality Control Testing

.1 The Manufacturer’s Quality Control Testing for the Geomembrane liner shall be undertaken as follows:

Manufacturer’s Testing ASTM Test Methods

Minimum Frequency

Inspection for uniformity, damage, imperfections, holes, cracks, thin spots or foreign material

Observation Continuous during manufacture

Chemical Resistance: Manufacturer certificate

Resistance to chemical waste mixtures 9090 (US EPA)

Resistance to pure chemical reagents D543

Thickness D5199 Manufacturer certificate

Mass per Unit Area D3776 Manufacturer certificate

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Tensile Properties ASTM D4595 Manufacturer certificate

Tensile strength at yield

Tensile strength at break

Elongation at yield

Elongation at break

Tear Resistance D4073 Manufacturer certificate

Cold Bending ASTM D746 Manufacturer certificate

Puncture Resistance ASTM D4833 Manufacturer certificate

Material sampling during construction for future testing and analysis

One sample for each Geomembrane liner lot number – stored in room temperature in a light-free environment

.2 The Installer’s Quality Control non-destructive testing for the Geomembrane liner shall be undertaken as follows:

Installer’s Non-Destructive

Testing of Field Seams ASTM Test Methods

Minimum Frequency

Uniformity, Damage, Imperfections Visual inspections All sheets or panels prior to installation and documentation of repairs

Tears, Punctures, folding, blisters Visual inspections all sheets or panels prior to installation and documentation of repairs

Test Seams Visual observations and inspections (see Section 3.5.4)

At start of work by each seaming crew; after every 4 hours of seaming; with every change in seaming equipment; and with significant changes in sheet temperature

Non-Destructive testing of field seams Visual observations of tests (see Section 3.6)

All field seams record test location, date, time, test results and documentation of repairs and re-testing

Inspection of patching and overlay seams that cannot be non-destructively tested

Visual observations of seam quality

All patches and overlays record inspection and document repairs

Vacuum Chamber testing D5641 - 94 1 test along entire length of every weld.

.3 The Installer’s Quality Control destructive testing for the Geomembrane liner shall be undertaken as follows:

Installer’s Destructive Testing of Field Seams

ASTM Test Methods

Minimum Frequency

Bonded Seam Strength D7056 Sampling every 150 m of

Geomembrane seaming completed to meet a minimum of 19 kN/m

.4 The Contractor’s/Installer’s Quality Control materials conformance testing and seam strength conformance testing for the Geomembrane liner, to be completed by an independent third party laboratory, shall be undertaken as follows:

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Materials Conformance Testing ASTM Test

Methods Minimum Frequency

Thickness D5199 Sampling every 2000 m2 of material accepted at site

Mass Per Unit Area D3776

Tensile properties D4595

Tear Resistance D4073

Static Puncture Resistance D4833

Flexibility D5147

Seam Strength Conformance Testing ASTM Test Methods

Minimum Frequency

Bonded Seam Strength D7056 Sampling every 750 m of

Geomembrane seaming completed to meet a minimum of 19 kN/m

3.9 Lined Riprap Protection Chutes

.1 Contractor shall install Geomembrane liner below riprap protection chutes as detailed on the Drawings. Follow all installation procedures as specified in this section and as recommended by the Manufacturer.

.2 Prepare each riprap chute to the lines, grades and as detailed on the Drawings.

.3 Contractor shall coordinate for Design Professional to inspect all Geomembrane liner installation in the erosion protection areas prior to riprap placement.

3.10 Defects and Repairs

.1 General

.1 All seams and non-seam areas of the Geomembrane liner shall be inspected for defects, holes, blisters, undispersed raw materials and any sign of contamination by foreign matter. Because light reflected by the Geomembrane liner helps to detect defects, the surface of the liner shall be clean at the time of inspection. The liner surface shall be brushed, blown or washed by the Installer if the amount of dust or mud inhibits inspection. The Design Professional shall decide if cleaning of the liner is needed to facilitate inspection. This inspection should be done immediately after placement of the liner panel.

.2 Evaluation

.1 Each suspect location in seam and non-seam areas shall be non-destructively tested as appropriate in the presence of the Design Professional. Each location that fails non-destructive testing shall be removed, replaced and re-tested in the presence of the Design Professional.

.3 Repair Procedures

.1 The following procedures shall be followed in completion of Geomembrane liner repairs: .1 Defective seams shall be restarted/reseamed as described in these

Specifications. .2 Holes shall be repaired by patching. .3 Tears shall be repaired by patching. Where the tear is on a slope or an

area of stress and has a sharp end, it must be rounded prior to patching. .4 Blisters, large holes, undispersed raw materials, and contamination by

foreign matter shall be repaired by patches. .5 Surfaces of the liner which are to be patched shall be abraded and

cleaned no more than 15 minutes prior to the repair.

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.2 Patches shall be round or oval in shape, made of the same Geomembrane liner,

and extend a minimum of 200 mm beyond the edge of the defects. All patches shall be of the same compound and thickness as the Geomembrane liner specified. Patches shall be applied using approved methods only.

.4 Restart/Reseaming Procedures

.1 The full area of the patch is to be heated and welded to the BGM liner over the defective area. The patch is then to be rolled and smoothed.

.5 Verification of Repairs

.1 Each repair shall be non-destructively tested, except when the Design Professional requires a destructive seam sample obtained from a repaired seam. Repairs that pass the non-destructive test shall be taken as an indication of an adequate repair. Failed tests indicate that the repair shall be repeated and retested until passing test results are achieved.

.6 Recording of Results

.1 Daily documentation of all non-destructive and destructive testing shall be provided to the Design Professional by the Installer. This documentation shall identify all seams that initially failed the test and include evidence that these seams were repaired and successively retested.

3.11 Backfilling of Anchor Trench

.1 The Contractor shall construct the complete anchor trench prior to installation of the Geomembrane liner.

.2 The anchor trench shall be backfilled and compacted by the Installer. Trench backfill material shall be placed in 150 mm thick lifts and compacted by light compaction equipment.

.3 Care shall be taken during backfilling of the trenches to prevent any damage to the Geomembrane liner. At no time shall construction equipment come into direct contact with the Geomembrane liner. If damage occurs, it shall be repaired by the Installer prior to the completion of backfilling.

